C 59.2:F 76/4/ 997/PRELIM Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Preliminary Results From the 1997 Benchmark Survey Pennsylvansa State University Libraries DEC 9 1999 Documents OMIection V.S. Depository Copy U.S. Department of Commerce / Economics and Statistics Administration Bureau of Economic Analysis 5^ ^>, .< % ■f *- O ^,■1. f M^- -^^ 5 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Preliminary Results From the 1997 Benchmark Survey »t*"°'^o^ U.S. Department of Commerce / ¥ \ William M. Daley, Secretary \ Economics and Statistics Administration Robert J. Shapiro, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Bureau of Economic Analysis J. Steven Landefeld, Director Rosemary D. Marcuss, Deputy Director September 1999 ■''■"is <^ "" • • ♦ • JSSa ADNtlNtTTRATION 1 ?(')i_-Tui\- ,v Crin*lftC( -'1 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Preliminary Results From the 1997 Benchmark Survey This publication presents preliminary data on the financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors from the 1997 Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. A U.S. affiliate is a busi- ness enterprise in which there is foreign direct investment — that is, in which a single foreign person owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of the voting securities or an equivalent interest.' Summary data from the benchmark survey, along with an analysis of U.S. affiliate operations in 1997, were published in the August 1999 issue of the Survey OF Current Business, the monthly journal of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).^ Benchmark surveys are the most comprehensive surveys of foreign direct investment conducted by BEA in terms of both coverage of companies and subject matter. The 1 997 survey covered all U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors that had assets, sales, or net income of more than $3 million. It collected detailed information on the financial structure and operations of U.S. affiliates and on the transactions and positions between the U.S. affiliates and their foreign parents. For the financial and operating data, the data from the benchmark survey extend estimates that begin with the year 1977 and that are derived from both annual and benchmark surveys. In addition, the data will be used in preparing annual estimates in subsequent nonbenchmark years; these estimates are derived by extrapolating forward the benchmark survey data by the data reported in BEA's annual cut-off sample surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States. Except for a change in the system used for classifying affiliates by industry and a related change in the definitions used for sales of goods and services (discussed in the next two sections), the concepts and definitions underlying the 1 997 data are essentially the same as those used for BEA's 1992 bench- mark survey. These concepts and definitions are described in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Bench- mark Survey, Final Results, which was published in September 1995.^ The methodology of the 1997 survey will be published with the final survey results next year. U.S. affiliates with total assets, sales, or net income of more than $3 million were required to complete a benchmark survey report for 1997. Affiliates that did not meet these criteria were exempt from reporting, but they had to file an exemption form with information on the affiliates' total assets, sales, and net income. Because only very small affiliates were exempt from reporting, the exclusion of their data from the preliminary results has virtually no effect in terms of value. Estimates for these affiliates will be included in the final benchmark survey results. In order to reduce the reporting burden of small enterprises, the exemption level for the 1997 benchmark survey was raised to $3 million; it was $1 million for the 1992 survey. This change has virtually no effect on the published totals, because the amounts involved are negligible.'* In addition, affiliates with assets, sales, or net income of more than $100 million filed a more detailed long form, while smaller affiliates filed a less detailed short form. For these smaller affiliates, BEA estimated the items that are only on the long form, so that the published results are presented in the same detail for all affiliates. The preliminary results from the benchmark survey include estimates of data for reports that could not be fully processed in time for publication. The final results will incorporate data from the reports received and processed after publication of these preliminary results. Revisions are expected to be small, but they could be sizable for some countries, industries. States, or items. Because of time and resource constraints, this publication — like the annual publications for earlier years — covers only data on the overall financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates. Data collected in the benchmark survey on banks and on transactions and positions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parents are not included. The final results will be considerably more detailed than the data in this publication, will cover both bank and nonbank affiliates, and will include data on transactions and positions between affiliates and parents as well as on the U.S. affiliates' overall operations. New industry classification The 1997 benchmark survey marks the introduction of a new International Survey Industry (ISI) classification system for classifying data on U.S. affiliates by industry. The new ISI clas- sification system is based on the 1 997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), the new industry classification system of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.-'' In the United States, the 1997 NAICS supplants the 1987 Standard 1 . The financial and operating data of U.S. affiliates cover the entire operations of the U.S. affiliate, irrespective of the percentage of foreign ownership. 2. See "Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Preliminary Results From the 1 997 Benchmark Survey," SURVEY 79 (August 1 999): 21-54. 3. The methodology section of the 1992 benchmarksurveypublicalionis available on BEA's Web site at . 4, For example, the total assets of affiliates with assets, sales or net income between $1 million and $3 million amounted to less thanO.l percent of the total assets of affiliates that were required to complete a benchmark survey report for 1 997. 5. Office of Management and Budget, North American Industry Classification System: United States, / 997 (Washington, DC, 1998). Information on NAICS can be accessed on the Internet at . M-1 Industrial Classification (SIC), which was the basis for the old ISI classification system.^ In the NAICS, classification is based on a production-oriented economic concept; that is, economic units with similar production processes are classified in the same industry. In the SIC, classification is based on the pro- duction process for some industries and on the type of product produced for others. In addition, the NAICS better reflects new and emerging industries, industries involved in the production of advanced technologies, and the growth and diversification of service industries. In the new NAICS-based ISI classification system, there are 197 industries, compared with 137 industries in the old SIC- based ISI system. For the most part, the new ISI classifications are equivalent to NAICS four-digit industries. (At its most detailed level, NAICS classifies industries at a six-digit level.) Many of the NAICS industries correspond directly to SIC industries; similarly, many of the NAICS-based ISI industries correspond directly to SIC-based ISI industries. However, many of these industries have been rearranged among the higher level groups in which they appear. In addition, NAICS includes several new, higher level groups. At the highest level of ag- gregation, the 20 industry groups — termed "sectors" — in the NAICS replace the 10 industry divisions in the SIC. Several of the NAICS (and NAICS-based ISI) sectors do not correspond directly to these SIC (and SIC-based ISI) industry divisions. For example, the new "information" sector consists of industry groups from several SIC industry divisions.' Another change introduced with the 1997 benchmark sur- vey concerns the presentation of data for petroleum-related industries. In contrast to previous publications on U.S.-affiliate operations, the various petroleum subindustries are no longer grouped in the major industry group "petroleum." Instead, these subindustries are spread among the NAICS-based ISI sectors; for example, oil and gas extraction is now included in mining, petroleum refining is in manufacturing, and gasoline stations are in retail trade. For earlier years, petroleum is shown as a separate major industry group because petroleum-related activities accounted for a major portion of all direct investment 6. See Office of Management of Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual, ;9S7 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987). 7. Specifically, the information sector includes publishing, which is included in the SIC manufacturing industry division; "motion picture and sound recording industries" and "information and data processing services," which are included in the SIC services divi- sion; and broadcasting and communications, which are included in the SIC transportation, communication, and public utilities division. For additional information on the differences between the NAICS and the SIC classifications (and therefore between the new NAICS-based, and old SIC-based, ISI clas- sifications), see NAICS: United States, 1997 and U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census, Core Business Statistics Series, Advance Report (Wasldngton.DC: March 1999), which can be accessed on the Internet at . For a description of NAICS-based ISI classifications (and their relationship to the NAICS), see Bureau of Economic Analysis, Guide to Industry and Foreign Trade Classifications for International Surveys, which can be accessed at . A concordance between the new NAICS-based ISI codes and the old SIC-based ISI codes will be available at . activity; however, their relative importance has declined signif- icantly in recent years, reducing the need for a separate group. Accordingly, the industry presentation of the data for U.S. af- filiates has been changed to bring it into conformity with that used for most other data on the U.S. economy. This publication presents data classified both on the new basis and on the old basis, to help assess the impact of these changes in industry classification and to provide a bridge between the two types of data. In table groups A- J, data by industry are presented on the new basis; in table groups O and P, selected data by industry are presented on the old basis. Definition of goods and services As a result of the adoption of the NAICS-based industry clas- sification system, the definition of goods and services that is used to disaggregate U.S. affiliate sales into these categories has changed. Respondents to the 1997 benchmark survey reported as sales of goods all sales that were characteristic of any of the following six NAICS sectors: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (except support activities for agriculture and forestry); mining (except support activities); construction; manufactur- ing; wholesale trade; and retail trade. Respondents reported as sales of services all sales that were characteristic of the 1 4 other NAICS sectors (all of which are service-producing sectors) or of support activities for agriculture and forestry and for mining. Previously, sales of goods and sales of services were defined as the sales that were characteristic of establishments in specified groups of SIC-based industries. For the most part, the distinction between sales of goods and sales of services under the NAICS-based definition is similar to that under the SIC-based definition. However, the NAICS- based definition classifies as sales of services some sales — in particular, sales characteristic of newspaper, periodical, book, and record publishers and of restaurants — that the SIC-based definition classifies as sales of goods. In addition, the NAICS- based definition classifies as sales of goods some sales — in particular, sales characteristic of land subdividers, of firms that reproduce software and video, and of dental laboratories — that the SIC-based definition classifies as sales of services. The net effect of these differences in classification is that sales of services is slightly higher, and sales of goods is slightly lower, on the new basis than on the old basis. Relation to previous publications The data for 1997 in this publication update universe esti- mates for 1 977-96 contained in other BEA publications (see the section "Availability of Data"). For similar items, the bench- mark survey data in this publication are comparable to the universe totals for earlier years, which were either reported in BEA's 1980, 1987, and 1992 benchmark surveys or estimated from data reported in BEA's annual cut-off sample surveys of M-2 foreign direct investment in the United States. Some of the data presented in this pubhcation — such as employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, U.S. trade in goods by prod- uct and by country of destination and origin, and expenditures on research and development performed by affiliates broken down by source of funding — were collected in previous bench- mark surveys but are not collected in the annual surveys for nonbenchmark years. Other data — namely, expanded detail for majority-owned affiliates — were collected previously but are included in this publication for the first time; they will be included in future annual and benchmark survey publications on a regular basis. Table 1 indicates those tables in this publication that are also available in earlier publications. Some items presented in the publications for 1992-97 are not included in the publications for the earlier years; examples include U.S. affiliate gross prod- uct, employees engaged in research and development, and key items disaggregated by detailed manufacturing industry of the ultimate beneficial owner of the U.S. affiliate. Other items presented in the 1992-97 publications appeared in the publi- cations for 1987-91 but not in the publications for 1977-86; examples include the disaggregation of U.S. affiliates' sales into goods and services, data on manufacturing employment by State, sales and employment by industry of sales, and gross property, plant, and equipment by State cross-classified by use. In a few instances, the benchmark survey collected separately two or more data items that the annual survey had collected as an aggregate. In these cases, tables in this publication show these items separately, whereas tables in the annual survey publications showed them combined. The table numbering scheme in this publication, as in the publications for 1993-96, follows that in the 1992 benchmark survey publication; for tables that are included for the first time in this publication, new table numbers are introduced. The table numbering scheme used in this publication and in the publications covering 1992-96 differs from that used in the publications covering 1987-91 (which follows the number- ing scheme used for the 1987 benchmark survey), as well as from that used in the publications covering 1977-86 (which follows the numbering scheme used for the 1980 benchmark survey). To aid in making comparisons among years, table 1 provides cross-references between the table numbers used in the publications for various years. The estimates for all years are available on computer diskettes and on BEA's Web site; see the section "Availability of Data." The data in this publication are based on data collected at the enterprise — or company — level. Data collected on the establishment — or plant — level are also available as a result of a project to link BEA's enterprise data on foreign direct invest- ment in the United States with more detailed Census Bureau establishment data for all U.S. companies. Publications pre- senting the establishment data are available for 1987-92; see the section "Availability of Data." Questions concerning the estimates presented in this publication can be directed to William Zeile (analysis) at 202-606-9893 (or William.Zeile@bea.doc.gov) or Joseph Cherry (data) at 202-606-98 17 (or Joseph.Cherry@bea.doc.gov) or write to International Investment Division, BE-50, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Table 1. — Comparison of Tables in the 1997 Preliminary Benchmark Survey Publication With Those for Nonbank Affiliates in the 1992 and 1987 Benchmark Survey Publications and in the Publications for 1993-96,1988-91, and 1977-86 Table in 1997 preliminary benchmark survey publication Comparable table in 1992 final benchmark survey publication ' Comparable table in the 1993-96 publications Comparable table in 1987 benchmark survey publication Comparable table in 1988-91 publications Comparable table in 1977-86 publications Group A. Selected Data A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 5 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 8 A-6 A-6 A-6 n.a A-6— A-8 n.a A-6— A-8 B-1— B-4 B-5 n.a. A-7— A-9 A-7— A-9 A-7— A-9 n.a. Group B. Balance Sheet B-1— B-4 B-1— B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7— B-8 B-9 External Financial Posit C-1 B-1— B-4 B-1— B-4 B-5 B-1— B-4 B-5 B-5 B-6 n.a n.a Ion C-1 n.a n.a D-i— D-2 B-7 B-6 B-6 B-6 n.a. n.a B-7— B-8 n.a n.a C-1 n.a n.a D-1— D-2 D-3 n.a. n.a B-10 n.a. Group C. Composition ol C-1 C-1 C-2— C-7 ... C-1 n.a C-2— C-7 n a. n.a Group D. Property, Plant D-1— D-2 C-8 and Equipment D-1— D-2 C-9 D-1— D-2 n.a. D-1— D-2 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-4 n.a D-4— D-5 n.a D-6— D-7 D-5— D-6 n.a D-8— D-9 n.a. D-6— D-7 D-6— D-7 D-8— D-9 D-7— D-8 M-3 Table 1. — Comparison of Tables In the 1997 Preliminary Benchmark Survey Publication With Those for Nonbank Affiliates in the 1992 and 1987 Benchmark Survey Publications and in the Publications for 1993-96,1988-91, and 1977-86— Continued Table in 1997 preliminary Comparable table in benchmark survey 1 992 final benchmark publication survey publication ' Comparable table in the 1993-96 publications Comparable table In 1 987 benchmark survey publication Comparable table in 1988-91 publications Comparable table in 1 977-86 publications n.a D-8 n.a D-9— D-11 D-7 n.a D-10— D-12 n.a. D-9— D-11 D-9— D-11 D-10— D-12 n.a. D-12— D-13 D-12— D-13 D-12— D-13 D-13— D-14 D-13— D-14 D-13— D-14 n.a D-14— D-15 n.a n.a D-18— D-19 D-15— D-16 n.a n.a D-20— D-21 n.a na. . . . ... D-16 — D-17 D-18— D-19 n a Q-IS— D-19 . D-18 — D-19 D-20— D-21 n a D-20 D-20 D-20 D-22 D-22 D-23 D-21 D-21 D-21 D-24 D-24 n.a. D-22— D-23 D-22— D-23 D-22— D-23 D-25— D-26 D-25— D-26 D-29— D-30 D-24— D-27 D-24 — D-27 D-24 — D-27 D-27— D-30 D-27— D-30n.a.. E-i— E-2 Group E. Income Statement E.1_E.2 E-1— E-2 E-1— E-2 E-i- E-2 E-1— E-2 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-5 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 n.a. n.a E-5— E-6 n.a E-7— E-8 E-5— E-6 n.a E-7— E-8 n.a. £-7— E-8 E-7— E-8 E-7— E-8 n.a. n a E-9 n.a E-10 E-9 n.a E-10 n.a. E-10 E-10 E-10 E-9 E-11 E-11 E-11 E-11 E-11 E-10 E-12— E-15 E-12— E-15 E-12— E-15 E-12— E-15 E-12— E-15 n.a. n.a E-16 — E-17 n.a F-i_F-3 E-16— E-17 E-16— E-17 n.a. Group F. Gross Product F-l—F-S F.i_F-3 n.a n.a n.a F-i_F-2 n.a n.a n.a n.a. n.a F-4 n.a. F-5_F-6 F-5— F-6 F-5— F-6 n.a. Group G. Employment and Compensation of Employees G-1— G-2 G-1— G-2 G-1— G-2 , F-1— F-2 G-3 G-3 G-3 F-3 F-3 , F-4 G^ G-4 n.a G-5 G-4 n.a G-6 F-4 F-5 F-4 n.a n.a F-7— F-8 , n.a. n.a. G-6 G-6 F-6 n.a. G-7— G-8 G-7— G-8 G-7— G-8 F.7_F-8 , F-7— F-8 n a G-9 . . . n.a G-10— G-11 . F-9 n.a F-10— F-11 n.a. G-IO — G-11 G-10 — G-11 . F-10— F-11 n.a. n.a G-12 n.a n.a G-15 F-12 n.a n.a n.a F-ie— F-17 n.a. n.a G-14 F15 n.a. G-15 G-15 n.a F-ie— F-17 n.a. G-6— G-17 G-16— G-17 G-16— G-17 , F-1 3— F-1 4 G-18 G-18 G-18 F-19 F-19 , F-10 Group H. U.S. Trade In Goods H-1— H-2 H-1— H-2 H-1— H-2 G-1— G-2 G-1— G-2 . G-3— G-4 H-3 H-3 H-3 G-3 G-3 . G-6 H-4 H-4 n.a H-5 H-4 n.a H-6 H-7 G-4 G-5 n.a n.a G-6 n.a. n.a. H-6 H-6 G-6 G-7 , G-9 H-7 H-7 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Itures H-1 n.a. n.a H-8 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a H-37 G-8 n.a. H-9— H-11 H-9— H-11 G-9— G-11 n.a. n.a H-12— H15 G.12— G-15 n.a. H-16— H-17 H-16— H-17 G-16— G-17 n.a. n.a H-18— H-21 G-18— G-21 n.a. H-22— H-24 H-22— H-24 G-22— G-24 n.a. n.a H-25— H-28 G-25— G-28 n.a. H-29— H-30 H-29— H-30 G-29— G-30 n.a. n.a H-31— H-34 G-31— G-34 n.a. H-36 H-36 G-36 n.a. H-37 H-37 n.a and Development Expend H-1 n.a. Group 1. Interest, Dividends, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes,and Research 1-1 1-1 1-1 . H-3 1-2 . . .. 1-2 1-2 n.a n.a 1-6 n.a tes j-l— j-S H-2 H-2 . H-6 n.a 1-3 H-3 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a .a n.a n.a. 1-4—1-5 1-4 — 1-5 n.a H-4 n.a. n.a 1-6 n.a. 1-7 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a d Industry n.a n.a. Group J. Selected Data for Majority-Owned Affllla j.1_j.3 J-1— J-3 n.a. J-3A n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a J-5 n.a. J-4 J-4 J^A n.a J-4B n.a j-5 J-5 . n.a. . n.a. . n.a. n.a. j-6 — J-10 n.a n.a / Sic-Based Industry n.a tes Classified by SIC-Base , n.a . n.a. Group 0. Selected Data for Affiliates Classified b; 0-1 — 0-5 .... na n.a. Group P. Selected Data for Majority-Owned Affllla P-1 n.a n.a. 1 . The benchmark survey final publications also contain tables on the direct investment po- tion, \Nh\ch covers only financial and operating data of U.S. affiliates, sition and balance of payments data (Groups K, L, M, and N in the 1992 benchmark survey n.a. Not applicable, publication). These tables are not listed above because they are not included in this publica- M-4 Availability of Data The data on the operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies are available both at the enterprise (company) level and at the establishment (plant) level. The enterprise data, which include the estimates presented in this publication, are derived from the results of BEA's benchmark and annual surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States (FDIUS). The establishment-level data are available as a result of a project to link BEA's enterprise data on FDIUS with more detailed Census Bureau data for all U.S. companies. Enterprise-level data The data on the operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies for 1977-97 are available in publications and on diskettes and BEA's Web site. The publications are available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), or the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) as indicated below. The diskettes are available from BEA, and compressed files corresponding to the diskettes are available in the Catalog of Products at BEA's Web site at . To order a publication from GPO, call 202-512-1800. To order from NTIS, call 703-487-4650. To order fi-om BEA, call the Order Desk at 1-800-704-0415 (outside the United States, call 202-606-9666). Publication Title Source Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of U.S. Affiliates: 1977-80 NTIS Annual Survey Results, Revised 1981 Estimates NTIS Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Revised 1982 Estimates NTIS Revised 1983 Estimates NTIS Revised 1984 Estimates NTIS Revised 1985 Estimates NTIS Revised 1986 Estimates NTIS 1987 Bencfimark Survey, Final Results NTIS Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Revised 1 988 Estimates NTIS Revised 1989 Estimates NTIS Revised 1990 Estimates NTIS Revised 1991 Estimates BEA 1992 Benchmark Survey, Final Results GPO Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Revised 1993 Estimates BEA Revised 1994 Estimates BEA Revised 1995 Estimates GPO Revised 1996 Estimates GPO 1997 Benchmark Survey, Preliminary Results GPO Diskette ' Product or stock number Domestic price Foreign price BEA product number Price PB85-240604 PB96-1 70386 PB86-1 61908 PB87-125019 PB88-1 00565 PB89-121768 PB90-1 14083 PB91-108316 PB92-1 1 3844 PB93-1 08934 PB93-216224 IPN-0063 003-010-00259-0 IPN-0202 IPN-0234 003-010-00274-3 003-010-00279-4 $51.00 $103.00 $27.00 $54.00 $31.50 $31.50 $31.50 $31.50 $31.50 $64.00 $64.00 $64.00 $64.00 $64.00 $67.50 $135.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $6.00 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $6.00 $20.00 $25.00 $8.50 $8.50 $9.50 $8.50 $10.63 $10.63 $11.88 $10.63 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 IDN-0043 IDN-0044 IDN-0045 IDN-0046 IDN-0047 IDN-0048 IDN-0049 IDN-0050 IDN-0051 IDN-0052 IDN-0053 IDN-O054 IDN-0055 IDN-0056 IDN-0057 IDN-0058 IDN-0059 IDN-0061 IDN-0200 IDN-0233 IDN-0244 $20.00 $20.00 S20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 520.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 320.00 $20.00 $20.00 S20.00 S20.00 S20.00 $20.00 $20.00 S20.00 $20.00 1. All flies are copied onto high density 3 1/2-Inch diskettes. Documentation Is Included. 2. Call GPO for the price and availability. M-5 In some cases, BEA may make special tabulations or perform regressions or other statistical analyses on the company-specific data, at cost, within the limits of available resources and subject to the legal requirements to avoid disclosure of data of individual companies. However, because of the high degree of detail in which the data are published and because of concerns about confidentiality, data quality, and consistency of presentation, tabulations generally are limited to those regularly published. Data users requiring special tabulations should submit their requests in writing, including a justification of need, and BEA will consider each request on a case-by-case basis. Requests for, or questions about, special tabulations should be directed to the International Investment Division, BE-50, Data Retrieval and Analysis Branch, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Establishment-level data Data for foreign-owned U.S. companies on an establishment, or plant, level for 1987-92 are available both in publications and on diskettes and BEA's Web site. The diskettes are available from BEA. In addition, compressed files corresponding to the diskettes are available in the Catalog of Products at BEA's Web site at . To order a publication from GPO, call 202-512-1800. To order from BEA, call the Order Desk at 1-800-704-0415 (outside the United States, call 202-606-9666). Publication Diskette ' Title Source Product ID or stocl< number Price BEA product ID number Price Foreign Direct Investment Establishment Data for Establishment Data for Establishment Data for Establishment Data for Establishment Data for Establishment Data for in the United States: 1987 Manufacturing, 1988 Manufacturing, 1989 Manufacturing, 1990 Manufacturing, 1991 1992 BEA BEA BEA BEA BEA GPO IPN-0068 IPN-0069 IPN-0070 IPN-0071 IPN-0190 03-010-265-4 $36.00 $13.00 $13.00 $14.00 $14.00 $32.00 IDN-0072 IDN-0073 IDN-0074 IDN-0075 IDN-0076 IDN-0077 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $40.00 1. All files are copied onto high-density 3 1/2-inch diskettes. Documentation is included. In addition, the Census Bureau may prepare special tabulations or perform regressions or other statistical analyses of the data at cost, within the limits of available resources and subject to the legal requirements to avoid the disclosure of the data of individual companies. A request for a cost estimate and the specifications of the type of tabulations or analyses wanted should be directed to Chief, Manufacturing and Construction Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233. M-6 List of Tables U.S. Affiliate Financial and Operating Data — Nonbank U.S. Affiliates Group A. Selected Data A-1 . Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate A-2. Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by Country of UBO A-6. Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by Industry of UBO A-7. Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by Country of UBO and Country of Foreign Parent A-8. Sales and Employment of Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate and Industry of Sales A-9. Number of Affiliates With Property, Plant, and Equipment or Employment, State by Country of UBO Group B, Balance Sheet B-1 . Balance Sheet of Affiliates — Assets, Industry of Affiliate by Account B-2. Balance Sheet of Affiliates — Liabilities and Owners' Equity, Industry of Affiliate by Account B-3. Balance Sheet of Affiliates — Assets, Country of UBO by Account B-4. Balance Sheet of Affiliates — Liabilities and Owners' Equity, Country of UBO by Account B-5. Total Assets of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO B-6. Total Assets of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate Group Co Composition of External Financial Position C-1. External Financial Position of Affiliates, Selected Industry of Affiliate and Transactor by Account Group D. Property, Plant, and Equipment D-1 . Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Type and Where Carried in the Balance Sheet D-2. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by l^pe and Where Carried in the Balance Sheet D-3. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO D-6. Opening and Closing Balances, and Change by Account, in Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate D-7. Opening and Closing Balances, and Change by Account, in Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, by Country of UBO D-9. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Use D-10. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Use D-1 1 . Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Use D-1 2. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate D-1 3. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO D-1 8. Commercial Property of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate D-19. Commercial Property of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO D-20. Number of Affiliates with Property, Plant, and Equipment, State by Property, Plant, and Equipment Size Class D-21. Number of Affiliates with Property, Plant, and Equipment, State by Use D-22. Property, Plant, and Equipment Expenditures by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Type of Expenditure D-23. Property, Plant, and Equipment Expenditures by Affiliates, Country of UBO by Type of Expenditure M-7 D-24. Property, Plant, and Equipment Expenditures by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO I>-25. Expenditures for New Plant and Equipment by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO D-26. Land Owned and Mineral Rights Owned or Leased by Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate D-27. Land Owned and Mineral Rights Owned or Leased by Affiliates, by Country of UBO Group E. Income Statement E-1 . Income Statement of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Account E-2. Income Statement of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Account E-3. Sales by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO E-4. Sales by Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate E-7. Sales by Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Industry of Affiliate E-8. Sales by Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Country of UBO E-10. U.S. Income Taxes of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO E-1 1 . Net Income of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO E-1 2. Sales of Goods and Services by Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate E-1 3. Sales of Goods and Services by Affiliates, by Country of UBO E-1 4. Sales of Goods by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO E-1 5. Sales of Services by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO Group E Gross Product F-1 . Gross Product of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Component F-2. Gross Product of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO F-3. Gross Product of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate F-5. Gross Product of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of UBO F-6, Profit-Type Return of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO Group G. Employment and Compensation of Employees G-1 . Employment and Compensation of Employees of Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate G-2. Employment and Compensation of Employees of Affiliates, by Country of UBO G-3. Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO G-4. Employment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate G-6. Employment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of UBO G-7. Employment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate G-8. Employment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO G-10. Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Industry of Affiliate G-11 . Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Country of UBO G-1 3. Manufacturing Employment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO G-1 5. Research and Development Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO G-1 6. Compensation of Employees of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO G-1 7. Wages and Salaries of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO G-1 8. Number of Affiliates With Employment, State by Employment Size Class M-8 Group H. U.S. Trade in Goods H-1 . U.S. Trade in Goods of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Transactor H-2. U.S. Trade in Goods of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Transactor H-3. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO H-4. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates to the Foreign Parent Group, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO H-6. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO H-7. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates by the Foreign Parent Group, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO H-9. U.S. Trade in Goods of Affiliates, Product by Transactor H-10. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Product H-11. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates, Country of UBO by Product H-16. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Product H-1 7. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Country of UBO by Product H-22. U.S. Trade in Goods of Affiliates, Country of Destination or Origin by Transactor H-23. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates, Country of Destination by Industry of Affiliate H-24. U.S. Exports of Goods Shipped by Affiliates, Country of Destination by Country of UBO H-29. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Country of Origin by Industry of Affiliate H-30. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Country of Origin by Country of UBO H-35. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Transactor and Intended Use H-36. U.S. Imports of Goods Shipped to Affiliates, Country of UBO by Transactor and Intended Use H-37. U.S. Imports Shipped to Affiliates — Goods for Further Manufacture, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO Group I. Interest, Dividends, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes, and Research and Development Expenditures I-l . Interest, Dividends or Remitted Profits, and Taxes Other Than Income and Payroll Taxes, by Industry of Affiliate 1-2. Interest, Dividends or Remitted Profits, and Taxes Other Than Income and Payroll Taxes, by Country of UBO 1-4. Research and Development Funded by and Performed by Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate 1-5. Research and Development Funded by and Performed by Affiliates, by Country of UBO 1-7. Research and Development Performed by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO Group J. Selected Data for Majority-Ovv'ned Affiliates J-1 . Selected Financial and Operating Data of Majority-Owned and Other Affiliates J-2. Selected Financial and Operating Data of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate J-3. Selected Financial and Operating Data of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by Country of UBO J-3A. Sales and Employment of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate and Industry of Sales J-4. Total Assets of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO J-4A. Sales of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO J-4B. Gross Product of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO J-5. Employment of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO J-6. Employment and Manufacturing Employment of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by State J-7. U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Transactor J-8. U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Country of UBO by Transactor J-9. U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Country of Destination or Origin by Transactor J-10. Research and Development Performed by Majority-Owned Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO M-9 Group O. Selected Data for Affiliates Classified by SIC-Based Industry O-l . Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate 0-2. Total Assets of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO 0-3. Sales of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO 0-4. Gross Product of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO 0-5. Employment of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO Group P. Selected Data for Majority-Owned Affiliates Classified by SIC-Based Industry P-1 . Selected Financial and Operating Data of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate UBO Ultimate Beneficial Owner NOTE. — The following tables contain data disaggregated by State: A-9. Number of Affiliates With Property, Plant, and Equipment or Employment, State by Country of UBO D-1 1 . Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Use D-12. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate D-13. Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO D-1 8. Commercial Property of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate D-1 9. Commercial Property of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO D-20. Number of Affiliates with Property, Plant, and Equipment, State by Property, Plant, and Equipment Size Class D-21 . Number of Affiliates with Property, Plant, and Equipment, State by Use G-7 Employment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate G-8 Employment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO G-13. Manufacturing Employment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO G-18. Number of Affiliates With Employment, State by Employment Size Class J-6. Employment and Manufacturing Employment of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by State M-10 TABLES Notes to the Tables A "U.S. affiliate" is a U.S. business enterprise in which a single foreign person owns or controls, directly or indi- rectly, 10 percent or more of the voting securities if the enterprise is incorporated or an equivalent interest if the enterprise is unincorporated. "Person" is broadly defined to include any individual, corporation, branch, partnership, associated group, association, estate, trust, or other organ- ization and any government (including any corporation, institution, or other entity or instrumentality of govern- ment). A "foreign" person is any person resident outside the United States — that is, outside the 50 States, the Dis- trict of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and all U.S. territories and possessions. A "majority-owned U.S. affiliate" is a U.S. affiliate which is owned more than 50 percent by foreign direct investors. A "foreign parent" is the first person outside the United States in a U.S. affiliate's ownership chain that has a direct investment interest in the affiliate. An "ultimate beneficial owner" (UBO) is that person, pro- ceeding up a U.S. affiliate's ownership chain, beginning with and including the foreign parent, that is not owned more than 50 percent by another person. A "foreign parent group" consists of ( 1 ) the foreign parent, (2) any foreign person, proceeding up the foreign parent's ownership chain, that owns more than 50 percent of the person below it, up to and including the UBO, and (3) any foreign person, proceeding down the ownership chain(s) of each of these members, that is owned more than 50 percent by the person above it. The tables cover only nonbank U.S. affiliates. Non- bank affiliates exclude affiliates classified in depository credit intermediation, which comprises commercial banks, savings institutions, credit unions, and bank holding companies. The estimates are on a fiscal year basis. The fiscal year of an affiliate is defined as the financial-reporting year that ended in the calendar year. Unless otherwise specified, all balances are as of the close of fiscal year 1997. The industry "management of nonbank companies and enterprises" includes holding companies. To ascertain the subindustries in an industry grouping, see table A-1. To ascertain the countries in a geographical area, see table A-2. The European Union (15) comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun- tries. Its members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. In the tables in which the data are disaggregated by State, "other U.S. areas" consists of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. offshore oil and gas sites, and all other outlying U.S. areas. For employment, the "foreign" category consists of the employees of U.S. af- filiates working abroad; for assets, it consists primarily of movable fixed assets temporarily located outside the United States and all foreign assets. In the tables in which the data are disaggregated by the industry of the ultimate beneficial owner, "gov- ernment and government-related entities" consists of foreign governments, government-owned or government- sponsored agencies, quasi-govemment organizations, and government-run pension funds. An asterisk "(*)" indicates a value between —$500,000 and $500,000, less than 500 hectares of land, or fewer than 50 employees. Detail may not add to the total, because of rounding. A "(D)" indicates that the data have been suppressed to avoid the disclosure of data of individual companies. For employment cells that have been suppressed, the letter in the data cell indicates an employment size range; the ranges are indicated at the bottom of the tables. See the footnotes following the last table. Table A-1 .-Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate ISI code ilL Number of affiliates J21_ Number of comp- anies conso^ Idated ' JIL Minions of dollars Total assets (4) Gross property, plant, and equip- ment (5) Expendi- tures for property, plant, and equip- ment (6) JZL Net income JflL Gross product (9) Compery sation of err^oy- ees (10) Thousands of employ- ees (11) Millions of doflar) US expofts of goo Japan _U1I. United States _i1SL TotlU' New England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode Island Vermont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYor* Pennsylvania Great Lakes: Illinois Indiana ....... Michigan Ohio Wisconsin .. Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Souttiwest: Arizona New Mexico . Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Montana LJtah Wyoming Far West: Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico other US. areas . Foreign Unspecified ' 8,784 777 323 1,046 475 317 232 385 356 771 1.357 2,200 1,149 1,550 826 1,095 1,129 672 407 565 755 746 353 174 188 626 424 1.533 1.428 677 587 405 1.064 723 802 913 338 765 356 503 1.879 831 261 202 464 180 181 3,049 551 459 679 1,028 183 98 94 32 46 22 75 90 202 105 131 80 130 98 66 61 42 148 117 61 55 30 91 63 65 67 28 32 241 29 69 79 133 12 3.812 490 203 633 301 204 145 229 213 464 794 1,129 713 833 457 583 626 422 255 344 454 448 216 107 127 375 261 825 826 381 369 256 653 451 461 571 223 413 215 301 930 461 158 125 275 111 92 1,131 161 253 350 509 131 46 49 28 29 70 122 199 97 103 55 72 80 53 53 33 108 92 43 52 31 63 52 53 71 32 58 30 45 126 11 167 25 32 44 70 15 8 9 102 41 130 69 43 28 44 37 92 1 209 159 202 101 151 144 95 49 91 101 94 39 22 22 81 49 170 206 85 66 48 150 113 101 122 53 81 40 60 195 18 228 27 49 72 109 30 5 13 21 22 46 74 129 71 11 120 20 31 37 52 17 130 56 183 84 55 37 80 69 124 191 268 198 213 134 158 164 111 72 84 123 121 64 28 41 101 75 205 207 114 105 71 173 112 137 151 56 113 59 85 248 126 46 30 74 38 29 328 48 74 100 134 35 10 9 14 11 23 37 114 30 23 15 154 39 22 26 17 23 22 26 27 11 4 146 14 17 13 24 3,111 181 59 249 105 59 83 81 181 392 638 267 511 248 322 344 145 83 132 170 184 69 28 32 141 90 327 396 191 112 79 259 161 224 210 65 212 77 119 523 216 54 35 109 30 47 1,420 331 103 214 333 27 39 32 ISO 51 208 91 52 40 69 71 143 292 500 212 421 214 288 292 124 69 115 143 144 58 26 29 111 73 244 315 167 87 65 202 127 187 170 55 164 61 97 387 162 47 32 83 22 38 1,052 300 79 173 272 23 28 28 9 4 13 9 5 2 4 3 7 18 21 12 14 10 12 12 8 S 9 10 10 5 3 2 9 5 23 13 e 9 8 12 6 10 9 4 12 S 7 16 15 2 2 3 34 9 6 10 13 S 2 1 Table B-1 .-Balance Sheet of Affiliates-Assets, Industry of Affiliate by Account fMlllions of dollarsl (1) Current assets J2L Cash Items (3) Current receivables JiL Inventories JSL other J6L Net property, plant. and equipment JZL Equity Investment JflL other noncurrent assets JgL All industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Phannaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and njbber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Pnmary and fabncated metals . Primary metals Fabncated metal products ... MacNnery Agnculture, constnjction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, arid other ihstruments ..... Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components , Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing WholesaJe trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electncal goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Infonnalion Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networifs, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing sen/ices Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance earners and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services .. ArcNtectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related services ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing , Management of nonbanl< companies and enterprises . Administratiori, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/ices Accommodation Food sen.nces and drinking places Miscellaneous sendees 3,034.404 680,260 43,894 27,202 8,739 1,645 19,154 7,938 71,235 190,326 40,525 23,129 76,997 20,759 28,915 21,596 34,327 67,516 33,853 33,683 47,246 14,098 4,831 28,317 53,182 9,573 16,150 3,047 15.888 6,995 1,529 22,574 49,211 43,040 6,170 1,469 13,007 293,144 92,007 20,702 42,617 48,176 31,061 58,581 49,802 28,694 21.108 144,497 35,384 26,945 79,899 24,175 55,725 2,269 1,534,492 830,670 703,822 116,679 103,890 12,789 17,299 2,939 5,140 1,332 7,887 198,229 4,779 49,123 10,821 13,941 34,484 14,112 12,918 12,529 33,761 28,290 5,471 11,761 1,562,257 243,743 15,998 4,684 3,657 756 4,532 2,189 13,129 56,685 10,971 7,718 23,043 6,887 8,065 7,828 9,000 21,995 12,836 9,160 24,580 7,996 2,928 13,656 31,409 6,578 11,948 1,969 7,072 3,259 582 11,471 28,780 25,186 3,594 781 6,271 163,323 39,763 13,195 26,481 33,149 16,260 34,475 18,809 8,394 10,415 33,778 7,012 8,118 17,602 6,245 11,358 1,047 1,030,753 733,765 296,988 19,206 16,366 2,840 7,594 1,736 2,141 336 3,380 45,050 1,714 9,627 2,299 8,252 9,128 642 4,250 2.886 4,656 3,416 1,240 1,597 75,868 21,852 2,325 592 301 167 545 515 359 4,343 564 893 1,022 1,440 423 442 951 2,436 1,615 821 2,129 844 230 1,054 3,173 634 624 137 1,111 556 110 696 1,939 1,601 338 77 862 11,995 2,550 1,140 1,927 2,598 474 3,306 2,045 968 1,077 8,218 726 522 4,638 2.862 1,776 332 16,840 11,455 5,384 8,368 5,726 641 1,551 287 451 72 741 9,000 301 2,391 470 1,254 1,918 200 755 131 1,149 989 161 430 800,683 6,445 1,454 1,462 225 1,826 977 7,842 25,457 5,002 4,174 9,920 2,607 3,753 3,202 3,567 8,457 4,355 4,102 12,284 3,906 1,568 6,810 16,676 3,091 7,770 781 3,329 1,430 275 5,696 14,755 13,387 1,368 338 2,278 84,575 23,889 6,063 11,476 16,256 9,340 17,550 3,553 946 2,607 17,030 4,373 2.955 9,192 1,994 7,199 511 549,021 466,653 82,368 5,745 4,138 1,607 4,388 933 1,284 212 1,958 23,428 715 4,243 1.224 4,594 4,767 272 2,723 2,049 2,067 1,427 640 775 80,987 4,604 2,148 1,674 297 1,694 552 4.062 18.423 4,458 2,253 6,812 1.775 3.125 3,557 3,475 9,118 5.721 3,397 8,253 2,586 946 4,720 9,016 2,345 2,498 918 2.150 948 158 4,396 7,287 5,896 1,391 286 2,146 50,232 9,650 5,018 10,886 10,723 3,926 10,029 10,726 5,170 5,557 5,213 934 2,997 1,272 841 431 11 6 316 77 239 351 173 104 13 60 4,770 397 2,011 111 367 882 3 221 356 273 127 146 148 27,961 2,624 490 219 67 466 144 866 8,463 948 397 5,289 1,065 764 626 1,007 1,984 1.145 839 1,915 659 183 1,072 2,543 508 1,058 133 481 325 39 683 4,798 4,301 497 79 985 16,521 3,674 974 2,192 3,571 2,519 3.589 2,484 1,311 1,174 5,317 979 1,645 2,500 548 1,952 193 464.887 255,652 209,235 8,777 6,424 353 1,306 343 302 39 621 7,851 301 981 494 2,037 1,561 167 550 349 1,167 873 294 244 535.077 219,408 1 1 ,097 3,201 2,990 664 11,066 2,354 41,861 54,986 19,013 8,675 14,514 4,075 8,709 8,667 16,939 23,758 16,067 7,691 8,765 1,684 1,054 6,027 12,287 1,099 2,473 801 5,887 1,291 736 5,190 12,709 11,698 1,010 328 2,546 68,275 35,519 4.086 6,775 6,099 6,907 8,889 20,478 14,620 5,858 38,651 2,538 3,628 31 ,888 2,361 29,527 597 24,761 2,563 22,198 74,218 69,502 4,716 1,915 331 693 56 835 87,372 1,853 25,992 6,171 2,946 18,682 182 3,443 2,415 21,237 19,371 1,367 4,451 62,432 1,485 10,288 330 17 995 28 9,653 22,203 3,944 2,346 13,112 1,022 1,778 1,( 2,623 5,938 1,601 4,337 1,867 372 228 1,267 2,062 693 185 117 745 322 858 1,595 1,399 196 11 1,011 11,862 506 223 2,139 1,954 3,991 3,049 740 577 164 9,210 2,260 2,689 4,246 1,825 2,421 15 21,391 5,966 15,425 3,375 2,795 580 716 80 531 -9 114 17,542 168 2,476 405 416 584 10,994 658 50 1,483 1,129 354 307 809,803 154,677 15,314 9,028 1,782 209 2,562 3,367 6,592 56,452 6,597 4,389 26,328 8,774 10,363 3,433 5,765 15.825 3,350 12,475 12,034 4.045 621 7,367 7.425 1.203 1.544 159 2.185 2.124 210 5,254 6,127 4,757 1,370 349 3,180 49,685 16,219 3,197 7,222 6,974 3,904 12,169 9,775 5,104 4,672 62,857 23,575 12,510 26,163 13,744 12,419 610 457,587 88,378 369,212 19,880 15,227 4,653 7,074 793 1,775 948 3,558 48,288 1,044 11,029 1.946 2,327 6,090 2,294 4,567 7,179 6,384 4.375 2,009 5,406 Table B-2.-Balance Sheet of Afflllates-Llabllltles and Owners' Equity, Industry of Affiliate by Account [Millions of dollars] AIL Liabilities _(2L Current liabilities and long-term debt J3L Other noncunent Uabllilies W Total (5) Owners' equity Capital stock' (6) By type Retained earnings (7) (B) By form of OfgantntJon Incor- porated affiiates (8) ijnncor- porated afniiates (10) All Induslrlea Manufacturing Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and fliaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution. Telecommunications information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and Insurance Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professional, scientific, and lectinical services Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/lces Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 3,034,404 880,260 43,694 27,202 8,739 1,645 19,154 7,938 71,235 190,328 40,525 23,129 76,907 20,759 28,915 21,598 34,327 67,516 33,853 33,663 47,248 14,098 4,831 28,317 53,182 9,573 18,150 3.047 15,888 6,995 1,529 22,574 49,211 43,040 6,170 1,469 13,007 293,144 92,007 20,702 42,617 48,176 31,061 58,581 49,802 28,694 21.108 144,497 35,384 26,945 79,899 24.175 55.725 2,269 1,534,492 830.670 703.822 116,679 103.890 12.789 17,299 2.939 5.140 1.332 7.887 198,229 4.779 49.123 10.821 13.941 34.464 14.112 12.918 12.529 33.761 28.290 5.471 11.761 2,432,368 451,013 32.820 18.428 5.842 886 14.332 6.467 41.242 122.862 26.752 14.442 48,386 12,167 21,113 15,069 22,296 43,664 22,248 21,416 33,217 10,836 3,369 19,013 35,616 8,508 9,374 2,565 9,630 4,486 1,053 15,463 34,313 29,588 4,726 796 7,699 226,564 77,194 17,070 29.586 36.359 23,228 43,128 34,661 19,861 14.800 89,106 26.329 14,153 47.379 19.348 28.031 1.245 1,409,216 790,827 618,390 79,268 69.312 9,956 11,421 2,024 3,241 570 5,585 131,118 2.599 27,520 8,260 11,103 25,551 4.072 9.527 8.902 25,071 21.612 3,459 8,513 1,871.379 380,510 27,851 13,280 5,434 869 12,252 5,521 27,059 106,254 22,198 12,050 43,089 10,315 18,603 12,460 18,971 36,395 18,707 17,689 29,047 9,992 3,146 15,909 32,807 7,913 8,699 2,339 8,582 4,277 997 13,417 31,208 26,789 4,419 537 7.147 212,260 71,858 16,709 28,259 34,711 21,096 39,628 32,642 18.657 13.986 78,711 23.903 11.548 40.167 18.878 23.291 1.094 973,820 779.109 194.711 74,877 65.631 9.246 10,664 1.850 3.101 544 5.168 109,895 2,146 18,935 7,059 10,083 21,317 3,287 8,762 8,324 23,470 20,430 3,040 6,512 560,989 70,503 4,970 5,148 408 17 2,080 947 14,184 16,608 4,554 2,393 5,299 1,852 2,510 2,609 3,325 7.269 3,541 3,727 4.170 843 223 3,104 2.809 595 675 226 1.048 209 56 2,048 3,105 2,799 306 259 552 14,304 5,338 361 1,326 1,647 2,132 3,500 2,019 1,205 814 12.395 2,426 2,607 7,212 2,471 4,741 151 435,397 11,717 423,679 4,391 3,681 709 757 174 139 27 417 21,223 453 8.585 1,202 1.020 4,234 785 768 577 1,601 1,181 420 2,001 229,247 11,074 8,774 2,897 759 4,822 1,471 29,892 67,464 13,773 8,887 28,609 8,592 7.802 6,527 12.031 23,852 11.605 12,247 14,029 3,262 1,482 9,304 17,566 1,064 6.777 481 6.258 2.510 476 7.111 14.897 13,453 1,445 673 5,309 66,580 14,813 3,631 13,031 11,817 7,834 15,453 15,141 8,833 6,308 55,391 9,055 12,792 32,520 4,827 27,693 1,024 125,276 39,843 85,432 37,411 34,578 2,833 5,879 915 1,900 762 2,302 67,111 2.180 21.603 2.560 2.838 8.933 10.040 3.391 3.628 8,690 6,679 2,011 3,248 210,189 11,719 3,067 3,010 301 7,490 1,070 15.797 57,251 15,987 9,143 19,371 5,614 7,138 9,852 12,917 21,234 9,481 11,753 16,014 3,747 1,332 10,034 24,105 6,526 5,733 1,401 8,291 3,684 468 9,242 12,008 9,913 2,095 262 4.851 82,641 8,630 5.553 16.890 12,532 6,250 12,787 11,443 4,122 7,321 43,957 9,591 14,512 18,531 4,872 13,858 1,324 77,750 41,063 36.687 45,363 42,127 3.238 9,705 2,212 3,061 783 3,650 72.683 2,000 18.076 2.465 5.845 8.237 8,377 5,124 4.085 14.055 12.798 1.257 4,418 37,881 12,838 -604 5,772 -121 -42 -2,961 401 10,400 10,104 -2,535 -458 9,582 3,046 469 -3,393 -1,447 2,005 1,149 855 -2,068 -471 161 -1,758 -6,882 -5.462 1,050 -912 -424 -1,139 5 -2,108 2,824 3,518 ■694 408 549 2,759 6,303 -1,997 -4,579 -800 1,382 2,451 3.539 4,769 -1,230 8,954 -622 -1,769 11,647 -1,618 13,268 ■302 43,094 -3,029 46,123 -16,505 -15,974 ■531 -3,790 -1,301 -1,176 -26 -1.287 ■13,009 -138 -385 -271 -3,387 -150 291 ■1,808 -438 -5,125 -5,896 771 ■1,597 6,218 -41 -85 8 499 293 O 3,795 108 321 2 •344 -68 197 68 560 614 975 -361 83 -14 ■31 127 343 O -7 -8 392 ■38 3 ■23 65 22 43 4 -91 1,179 -121 75 721 86 202 218 159 -59 218 2,479 87 49 2,342 1,573 769 1 4,432 1,809 2,623 8,553 8,424 129 •36 4 15 5 -60 7,438 317 3.913 367 380 847 1,372 74 -20 -241 -224 -17 427 581,653 218,864 11.021 8.634 2.876 (D) 4,509 1.472 26,204 66,063 13.371 8,315 28.287 (C3) (D) 6,340 11,330 21,706 9,978 11,728 13,677 3,261 1,470 8,945 17,135 1,064 6,777 514 5.824 2.483 473 (D) 14.609 13,170 1.440 870 5.318 64.773 14.809 (D) (D) 1 1 ,706 7,443 15,071 14,910 8.833 6,078 52,327 8,481 12.804 30.220 (D) (0) 1.022 117,784 37.711 80,073 28,852 26,121 2.531 5.913 913 1.894 757 2,348 SS.430 1,871 17,653 2,157 2.451 7.203 8.578 3.301 3.625 8.786 6.780 2.006 2,808 40,383 10,383 52 140 21 (0) 313 •1 3,788 1,400 402 372 323 (D) (D) 188 701 2.146 1,627 520 352 1 -a 359 431 1 -32 434 26 3 (0) 288 283 5 3 ■9 1.807 4 (D) (D) 112 391 382 231 231 3.064 574 188 2.301 (D) (D) 1 7.491 2,132 5.359 8,759 8,457 302 ■34 2 6 4 -46 8,881 309 3.950 403 388 1.731 1,462 90 3 -96 -101 5 442 Table B-3.-Balance Sheet of Affiliates-Assets, Country of UBO by Account rMillions of dollars] (1) Current assets (2) Cash items (3) Current receivables (4) JSL J§L Net property. plant, and equipment JZL Equity investment jaL other noncurrent assets J9L All countries ., Canada .. Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxemtx>urg ... Netherlands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Braai Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia CNna Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 3,034,404 309,080 1,809,319 5,400 18,452 4,414 6,947 322,270 302,740 11.187 20,002 648 5,973 260,034 7,572 4,422 43,501 339,896 454,081 1,782 59,833 38,098 10,217 8,678 3,770 12,204 3,229 21,735 1,398 12,403 3.946 3.923 66 11,969 8,185 3,783 28,841 3,094 6,633 965 11,811 2,092 4,245 687,245 55,514 1.152 7,658 1,045 582,570 15,153 2,023 1,172 206 6,403 12,837 1,514 128,117 1,459,846 37,168 1,562,257 133,519 940,721 1,605 8,882 2,699 3,840 156,449 183,183 2,952 10,486 317 3,399 95,332 3,404 2,842 15,812 261,097 187,224 1,198 26,621 16,748 8,441 3,272 1,408 3,057 571 9,873 312 6,295 2,083 1,163 20 3,500 2,821 679 8,338 1,436 1,780 218 3,098 276 1,532 390,424 18,901 663 2,158 471 351,043 9,705 748 536 62 1,227 4,470 440 59,134 674,896 9.259 7,091 34,008 95 323 101 413 4.368 5,132 365 544 25 192 4,815 557 139 574 4,998 11,276 92 3,015 1,710 726 477 161 255 91 1,306 125 597 390 189 5 463 434 29 2,339 200 1,366 73 361 159 180 28,479 3,651 30 388 27 22,011 950 124 26 10 237 948 75 473 28,368 2,181 800,883 66,326 487,476 1,196 5,984 1,987 1,999 82,706 91.008 1.483 6,425 138 1,285 34,573 1,497 2,158 8,657 161,376 84,477 528 10,157 7,210 3,721 1,180 1,017 994 298 2,947 120 1,407 962 450 7 1,084 515 569 2.122 545 126 78 1,132 46 194 215,901 9,784 515 772 195 196,443 5,139 240 301 24 528 1,779 182 17,617 324,051 3.031 152,602 10,374 79,855 227 2,207 509 1,073 11,740 20,393 831 2,073 107 529 7,644 943 208 3,498 8,094 19,574 205 4,743 2,842 269 1,006 94 1,358 115 1,901 35 1,170 520 174 2 1,767 1,716 51 2,906 515 25 33 1,357 25 952 52,189 4,216 96 726 223 42,767 2,234 119 162 18 134 1,360 135 768 70,532 3,001 533,104 49,727 339,381 87 367 103 355 57,636 66.649 273 1,444 48 1,393 48,300 406 337 3,083 86,630 71,899 374 8,705 4.986 3,725 609 136 449 67 3,719 31 3,121 212 350 6 186 156 30 971 176 262 33 248 44 206 93,856 1,251 21 272 26 89,822 1,382 265 48 11 328 382 48 40,277 251,945 1,045 535,077 54,326 273,591 285 7,459 1,225 1,319 44,303 54,153 3,822 3,501 233 1,497 45,610 2,083 858 5,301 16,890 84,493 358 18,907 10,746 752 1,575 533 6,955 932 6,161 592 3,808 1.067 665 28 5,712 3,148 2,564 14,746 561 4,104 619 6,053 1,618 1,792 150,542 14,024 337 4.103 366 115,369 4,122 569 493 101 4,072 6,103 881 19,253 254,215 21,444 127,267 17,566 65,098 4 610 35 541 14,518 8,491 -104 532 13 351 10,518 259 6 927 8,746 19,640 10 5,830 4,545 753 1,533 184 905 1,170 1,285 85 585 17 599 684 592 92 2,302 561 57 16 1,619 31 19 22,118 4,624 36 63 4 16.019 256 82 5 119 903 6 13,668 56.072 2,644 809,803 103,668 529,911 3,505 1,501 455 1,247 107,000 56,913 4,517 5.483 86 726 108,374 1,826 715 21,461 53,162 162,725 216 10,474 6,058 272 2,297 1,645 1,287 557 4,416 409 1,715 779 1,496 18 2,073 1,625 448 3,454 537 693 113 1,041 167 903 124,161 17,965 116 1,331 203 100,138 1,069 623 138 43 985 1,361 187 36,062 474,664 3,819 Table B-4.-Balance Sheet of Affiliates-Liabilities and Owners' Equity, Country of UBO by Account [Millions of dollarsi Total Jll. Liabilities Total J2L. Current liabilities and lono-term debt J5L Other noncurrent liabilities J*l. J5L Owners' equity Capital stock ^ (8) B» 'yp« Retained earnings JZI_ (8) By form of organrntion Incor- porated affibates JSL Unncor- porated afniiatefl _110I_ All countries . Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein .. Luxembourg .... Netherlands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . aher Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brail Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bennuda Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 3,034,404 309,080 1,800,319 5,400 18,452 4,414 6,947 322,270 302,740 11,187 20,002 648 5,973 280,034 7,572 4,422 43,501 339,898 454,081 1,782 59,833 38,098 10,217 8,678 3,770 12,204 3,229 21,735 1,398 12,403 3,946 3,923 11,989 8,185 3,783 28,841 3,094 6,633 965 11,811 2,092 4,245 687,245 55,514 1,152 7,656 1,045 582,570 15,153 2,023 1,172 206 6,403 12,837 1,514 128,117 1,459,846 37,166 2,432,368 232,725 1,473,138 4,848 12,849 3,431 5,239 287,098 242,536 10,869 15,946 392 4,871 212,285 8,111 3,264 36,424 307,295 338,442 1,441 41,332 26,378 8,148 4,312 3,364 7,829 2,725 14,954 898 9,774 1,649 2,582 54 8,095 5,732 2,363 16,718 2,022 2,471 627 6,602 1,376 3,619 558,304 37,517 908 5,852 906 480,760 15,754 1,270 978 118 4.528 8.854 860 102,057 1,158,305 21,006 1,871,379 149,886 1,075,190 4,759 11,894 3,220 4.777 174,972 199.418 7,871 13,298 378 4,381 106,021 5,674 3,126 17,373 256,989 259,830 1,408 35,473 22,231 8,050 3,540 1,933 6,321 2,387 13,242 750 9,004 1,235 2,202 51 6,343 4,607 1,736 15,090 1,903 2,298 574 5,752 1,305 3,256 529,646 33,024 867 5,538 856 458,781 15,492 1,045 871 108 4,115 8,124 825 59,772 811,142 17,738 580,989 82,859 397,948 87 1,154 211 482 92,128 43,118 2,998 2,647 15 290 106,264 437 139 19,050 50,306 78,612 33 5,859 4,146 98 772 1,431 1,508 338 1,712 145 770 414 380 3 1,752 1,125 627 1,628 119 172 53 850 70 363 28,658 4,493 41 313 49 21,979 262 225 107 10 412 731 35 42,285 347,183 3,268 602,036 78,355 338,181 553 5,603 983 1,707 55,172 60,203 318 4,058 258 1,302 47,749 1,461 1,157 7,077 32,601 115,640 341 18,501 11,720 2,089 4,365 408 4,375 504 6,781 502 2,629 2,296 1,342 12 3,874 2,454 1,420 12,124 1,072 4,163 338 5,209 718 628 128,940 17,997 244 1,804 139 101,810 -801 753 194 88 1,875 3,982 655 26,060 301,541 16,180 533,732 53,145 290,834 587 2,598 917 2,101 52,589 50,099 2,801 4,861 318 1,223 34,587 2,299 1,203 8,184 30,199 95,718 551 19,856 1 1 ,083 1,915 4,891 1,577 1.875 805 8,793 438 4,087 2,877 1,561 29 3,350 2,523 828 12,319 1,355 3,721 1,009 2,981 1,359 1,894 150,017 19,854 217 3,243 496 113,264 3,266 668 316 74 2,451 5,058 1.111 4,212 257,635 11,088 37,881 17,482 32,258 -110 2,938 65 -523 805 7,957 -2,521 -919 -140 -294 9.370 -876 -82 -1,122 570 17,440 -302 -2,649 -714 158 -611 -1,183 1,258 -354 -1,938 60 -1,410 -360 -208 -18 569 -11 580 -3,078 -308 579 -681 -521 -763 -1,384 -29.541 -3,411 33 -1,509 -360 -17,653 -4,166 52 -127 -1 -818 -1,109 -473 22,840 32,778 1,079 30,422 5,728 13,090 76 67 O 129 1,778 2,148 38 114 77 373 3,792 38 37 15 1,832 2,482 82 1,295 1,371 -2 85 -7 1,242 54 -78 4 -48 -21 -11 -45 -58 12 2,882 26 -138 9 2,748 121 117 8,465 1,553 -5 70 4 8,200 298 32 5 16 243 33 17 -992 11,130 3.994 561,653 88,320 318,693 477 5,537 977 (D) 52.256 57,158 280 3,846 178 (D) 43.479 1,328 1,120 (D) 30.669 111,594 250 17,025 10,277 2,039 4,266 391 3.133 448 6,749 484 2,624 2,318 1.312 12 3,860 (D) (D) 9,168 (D) 4,303 329 (D) 596 502 118.730 16,298 249 1,734 134 94,181 -898 (D) 189 74 1,464 3,950 (D) 25,857 286.208 12.132 40,383 8,035 17,488 77 66 6 (D) 2.916 3.045 38 210 77 (D) 4.271 133 37 (D) 1,932 4,045 91 1.478 1,443 30 99 16 1.242 56 33 19 5 -21 30 14 (D) (0) 2,955 (D) -140 9 (D) 120 124 10,210 1.699 -5 70 6 7,829 297 (D) 5 14 411 32 (D) 203 15.333 4,028 Table B-5.-Total Assets of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO rMillions of dollarsi All countries -til. J2L. J2L Europe France JIL Germany JSL Nether- lands (61 Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere (9) (10) Middle East (11) Asia and Pacific J^2l_ All industries . Manufacturing .. Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coat products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic njbber. fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetailic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... fvlachinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipmerit Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networtts, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services ... Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related sen/ices ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 680,260 43,894 27,202 8,739 1,645 19,154 7,938 71,235 190,326 40,525 23,129 76,997 20,759 28,915 21,596 34,327 87,516 33,853 33,663 47,246 14,098 4,831 28,317 53,182 9,573 16,150 3,047 15,888 6,995 1,529 22,574 49,211 43,040 6,170 1,469 13,007 293,144 92,007 20,702 42,617 48,176 31,061 58,581 49,802 28,694 21,108 144,497 35,384 26,945 79,899 24,175 55,725 2,269 1,534,492 830,670 703,822 116,679 103.890 12.789 17,299 2,939 5,140 1,332 7,887 198,229 4,779 49,123 10,821 13,941 34,484 14,112 12,918 12,529 33,761 28,290 5,471 11,761 54,402 2.600 (D) 1,244 960 3,178 3.860 71 4.931 33 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 10,119 4,261 5,858 (D) 17 (D) (D) (D) 589 (D) (D) 80 3 (D) 1,179 1,028 1,028 46 250 13,672 (D) (D) (D) 3,606 2,477 3.739 3,358 (D) (D) 28,172 (D) (D) 4,803 3,097 1,706 (0) 152,732 74.084 78.648 18,918 18,602 317 1,086 (D) 700 (D) (D) 36,740 201 9,399 1,416 581 12,632 (0) (D) 2,268 (D) (D) (D) 4,875 453,758 36,556 10,246 4,388 407 8,811 3,628 54,697 162,205 31,087 17,995 73,688 18,157 21,279 11,223 24,398 30,657 9,i 20,788 34,739 10,793 2,989 20,957 24,353 1.595 5.223 (D) 8,464 6,300 (0) 17,515 19,283 13,319 5,964 758 9.897 99,240 28.404 3,887 8.238 20.349 10.727 27.836 34,978 23.116 11,861 79,360 16,437 12,474 (D) (D) (D) 996,950 495,122 501,827 37,770 29,434 8,336 11,871 2,584 1,626 1,010 6,651 95,393 2,123 27,475 8.532 7,383 15.730 5,334 6,494 10,039 10,058 8,217 1,841 2,226 64,060 1,685 794 826 (D) 21 (D) (D) 20,654 9.244 (D) 8,029 (D) 328 4,661 7,779 13,144 (D) (D) 214 6 208 6,016 1,112 (D) (D) 577 218 3,619 2,248 (D) (D) 2,005 12,102 (D) 9 (D) 2.273 (D) 5.958 1,445 39 1,406 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 41 205,953 55,517 150,436 3,326 2,417 909 3,032 322 307 574 1,830 (D) (D) 97 6,051 734 102 776 845 3,655 (D) (D) 26 82,492 169 (D) 698 60 286 (D) 158 43,098 8.073 (D) 18.892 5,360 (D) 2,139 2,024 4.068 2,213 1,845 7.088 (D) 1.058 (D) 1,208 70 (•) 655 483 (D) 8,439 7,767 672 (D) 2,284 39,224 28,827 1,634 459 4.557 (D) (D) 11,511 8,687 2,824 3,185 556 (D) (D) (D) (*) 145,065 (D) (D) 7,348 7,199 149 1,425 605 (D) 35 (D) 12,490 571 (D) (D) 1,203 379 451 32 (D) 459 (D) (D) (D) 260,034 61,237 1,114 (D) 388 (D) (D) 16,835 3,270 (D) 415 (0) 483 387 187 (D) (D) 425 2 (D) (D) (D) 94 (D) (D) (D) (D) 132 (0) (D) (D) (D) 6,223 (D) (D) 1,211 1.442 104 (D) (D| (D) 1,614 2,919 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 155,097 39,786 115.311 9,115 (D) (D) 359 203 (D) (D) 64 (D) 10 (D) (D) 198 10.119 419 1,444 619 (D) (D) (D) 338,896 (D) 105 373 203 (D) (D) 29,804 (D) (D) 26.507 (D) 162 1,857 1,009 844 165 6,349 1,492 474 4,384 2,415 293 (D) 101 (D) 139 (D) (D) 6 63 1,517 5,757 215 50 2,060 1,543 1,888 325 (D) (0) (D) (D) 270,399 196.372 74,027 1,542 1,542 217 (D) (*) (D) (0) 332 141 1.007 203 172 (D) (D) 329 329 55 454,081 (D) 8,561 2,010 (D) 3,428 666 (D) 45,123 7,575 (D) 18,319 (D) 14,669 2,779 8,582 7,250 2,605 4,645 11,971 (D) 358 (D) 6,291 (D) (D) 81 2,117 2,721 (D) 402 8,079 4,069 4,011 24 3,008 21,670 211 879 (0) 6,342 (D) 5,014 6,214 3,149 3,065 47,677 8,924 8,162 (D) (D) (D) 174,369 94,869 79,500 12,008 6,523 5.484 5,420 (D) 226 (D) 4.442 39,298 551 18.593 1.689 2.684 3.220 2,748 2.984 4,795 (D) (D) 2,036 58,833 11,143 565 20 (D) 43 (D) (*) 2,701 315 (D) (D) 4 (D) (D) 321 (D) (D) 626 (D) 91 (D) 5 (D) 60 (D) 23 (D) 1 (D) (D) (D) (D) 13,407 126 (D) 403 1,330 8,478 (D) 834 91 743 339 (D) (0) 86 (D) (D) 13,573 12.352 1,221 4,042 (D) (D) 146 146 16,349 1.634 5.893 (D) 1.056 1,552 2,088 2,908 (D) (D) (D) (D) 51 11,969 4,993 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,732 (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 253 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) 1 28,841 7,945 (D) 883 (D) (D) 708 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 378 378 (D) 677 (D) (D) 8 384 138 2,806 13 21 157 (D) (D) 3,231 (D) (D) (D) 21 (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 11,232 11.147 85 100 (D) (D) (D) 3,122 488 6 248 (0) 688 (D) 1.401 1,247 154 139 687,245 142,908 3,908 1,624 1,792 235 2,923 451 8.071 21,363 9.269 4,851 2,618 1.219 3,406 8,528 8.780 20,762 16.350 4.412 10.938 3.054 1.764 6.119 20.429 6.590 4.258 877 7,299 676 729 3,880 28,139 27.933 206 281 806 160,065 61.323 16,516 32,370 22,011 6,345 21.499 7,397 3,521 3,876 35,466 (D) (D) 25.697 (D) (D) 80 251,279 247,880 3.399 43,963 40.032 3.931 3,844 218 2.571 80 975 42,323 275 2,636 (D) 4.466 4.289 5,565 1.297 (D) 18,620 18.029 591 4,471 Table B-6.-Total Assets of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate [Millions of dollafs] All Industries _ill. J2L Manufacturing J5L Chomi- cais _yi_ Primary and fabri- cated metals _i5I. MacNrv ery jei_ Computer and elec- tronic products JZ)_ Electrical equipment, appliances, and compo- nents je]_ Transpor- tation equip- ment _(9)_ Whofe- sale trade jiOL Retail trade JUL Infor- mation 02) Finance, (except deposi- tory Institutions) and Insur- j:i3l Real estate ar>d rental ar>d leasir^g (1<) Profes- sional, scientific, and tech- nical sendees (15) Other induv tnes ('8j All countries .. Canada . Europe Austria Belgium ... Denniartc . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Nettieriands .... Norway Spain Sweden Swlt2eriand United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Bra^l Mexico Panama Venezuela Other other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other UnHed States .. Addendm: European Union (15) . OPEC 308,080 1,809,318 5,400 18,452 4,414 6,947 322,270 302,740 11,187 20,002 648 5,973 260,034 7,572 4,422 43,501 339,896 454,081 1,782 59,833 38,098 10,217 8,678 3,770 12,204 3,228 21,735 1,398 12,403 3,946 3,923 66 11,869 8,185 3,783 28,841 3,094 6,633 965 11,811 2,092 4,245 687,245 55,514 1,152 7,656 1,045 582,570 15,153 2,023 1,172 208 6,403 12,837 1,514 128,117 1,459,846 37,166 54,402 453,758 476 8,825 1,412 3,026 64,060 82,492 5,727 7,148 78 552 81,237 2,998 1,243 15,032 51,691 147,427 336 11,143 8,894 600 3,206 (D) (D) 45 2,248 113 1,899 156 81 4,983 4,754 239 7,945 1,664 82 (D) (D) 46 (D) 142,908 18,197 363 620 795 110,198 2,384 807 (D) 89 215 8,061 (D) 5,111 398,744 8,670 2,600 36,556 (D) (D) 193 (D) 1,685 169 807 1,716 (D) 142 1,114 205 (0) (D) (D) 115 (D) 534 (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) 3,908 416 (D) 307 2.554 (D) 1 (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) 28,681 316 180,328 4,831 182,205 (D) (D) 88 571 20,654 43.098 (D) 405 16,835 1,628 110 1,066 29,804 45,123 315 (0) (0) 5 (D) 38 (D) (D) (D) (D) 708 (D) (D) 21,363 (D) (D) 13,842 289 (0) (•) 5,653 38 ID) 130,774 (D) 10,119 30,857 168 (D) (13) (D) 13,144 4,058 (13) 230 279 187 951 482 1,568 1,009 7.250 (D) (0) (D) 101 (D) 4 101 101 ID) (D) 221 (D) (D) (D) 20,762 2,051 328 (D) 16,967 1,260 (D) (D) 28,697 (D) 47,248 (D) 34,739 (D) 40 547 530 214 7,086 (D) 2,004 (D) 425 (D) 3 5,159 6.349 11,971 (D) 81 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 378 (D) 6 (D) 10,938 583 9,555 (D) (D) (D) 4 134 28,319 (D) 24,353 (D) (D) 107 (D) 6,016 1,208 1 722 (D) (0) (D) 2,415 6,291 60 (D) (D) 24 5 (D) (D) 4 (D) 793 (D) 20,429 63 (D) 38 18,676 (0) 63 176 887 (D) 177 21,026 (D) 22,574 1,179 17,515 39 3,619 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 139 402 3 3,880 (D) 1 2,144 (D) (D) 309 17,363 48,211 1,028 18,283 (D) (D) 2,248 8,439 (D) (D) 132 (D) 129 (D) 8,079 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 28,138 34 (D) 27,879 3 63 (D) (D) 19,160 (D) 283,144 89,240 368 201 708 1,933 12,102 39,224 907 2,220 317 958 6,223 2,500 155 3,715 5.757 21,870 286 13.407 9.830 (D) 1,366 75 (D) 274 3,577 1,981 52 1,542 2 2,732 (0) (D) 2,806 192 (D) (D) (D) 1 160,085 173 (D) 775 (D) 144,175 1 1 ,903 148 217 1,864 95 1,223 90.438 (D) 48,802 3,358 34,878 49 4,140 45 182 1,445 11,511 (D) 3 (D) 138 1 325 6,214 834 97 15 (D) (D) (D) 737 (D) (D) 3 3,231 (D) (D) 2,901 7,397 28 (D) (D) 6,278 32 7 5 34,653 (D) 28,172 78,360 (D) (D) (D) 3,185 (D) 2.919 (D) (D) (D) 47,677 539 339 (0) 2 262 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 35,488 24,671 4 (D) 10,235 (D) (D) (0) 386 121 (D) (D) 73.830 (D) 1,534,482 152,732 886,950 (D) (13) (D) (D) 205.953 145.065 3.739 7,377 (D) 155.097 3 2.450 19.438 270.399 174.369 (0) 13,573 (D) (D) 466 (D) 408 (D) 2 3,317 (D) 1,029 5 (D) (D) (D) 140 20 (D) (0) 251,279 5,552 (D) 217 244.496 329 (D) 305 (D) (D) 119,278 726,519 (D) 118,878 18,918 37,770 57 274 55 (D) 3,326 7,348 409 233 1.038 9,115 305 106 782 1,542 12,006 (D) 4,042 1.235 219 429 222 189 176 2.807 140 1,644 (D) 741 (D) 253 82 171 11,232 188 6.337 425 2.556 1.479 247 43,983 4,619 4 2,043 115 33.165 184 589 (D) 104 2.737 327 (D) 502 35.490 10,760 11,871 54 22 2 3.032 1,425 2 250 359 (0) 1 158 217 5.420 (0) 148 92 (D) (D) 54 (D) C (D) 100 (D) (0) 3,844 (D) 21 4 3,665 23 5 28 42 (D) 252 10,725 45 188,228 38,740 85,393 43 (D) (D) (D) (D) 12.490 (D) 660 19 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 39.298 124 18,349 (D) 319 2,851 917 2.101 (D) (D) 1,143 (D) (D) 376 n (D) (D) (D) 3,122 745 (D) (D) 1.476 226 198 42,323 (D) (D) (D) (D) 30,361 (D) (D) 382 (D) 2.517 (D) 694 (D) 89.447 6,843 Table C-1 .-External Financial Position of Affiliates, Selected Industry of Affiliate and Transactor by Account [Millions of dollars] External sources of funds (1) Current tiabtlities and long-term debt (2) Owners' equity, excluding retained earnings ' J2L Cun-ent and non- current receiv- ables JIL Balance al close FY 1997 All industries^ Foreign parent group ... Otiier foreign persons . U.S. persons Manufacturing ^ Foreign parent group ... Ottier foreign persons .. U.S. persons Wholesale trade ' Foreign parent group ... Other foreign persons . U.S. persons Retail trade ^ Foreign parent group ... Other foreign persons . U.S. persons Information ^ Foreign parent group ... Other foreign persons . U.S. persons Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance ^ .. Foreign parent group Other foreign persons U.S. persons Real estate and rental and leasing ' Foreign parent group Other foreign persons U.S. persons Professional, scientific, and techinical services ^.. Foreign parent group Other foreign persons U.S. persons Other industries ^ Foreign parent group ... Other foreign persons . US. persons 2,445,481 828,504 91,446 1,525,532 598,802 291 ,286 22,983 284,333 276,286 99,001 16,084 161,202 44,317 16,274 1.211 26,832 124,715 41,606 1,896 81,213 1,059,276 221,524 38.607 801,145 129,218 61 ,266 3,670 64.282 20,462 11,029 848 8,584 192,606 86.517 8,147 97.942 1,871,379 358,454 89,099 1,423,827 380,510 103,806 22,776 253,927 212,260 40,389 15,973 155.898 32,642 6,705 1,182 24,755 78,711 17,995 665 58.052 973,820 146,319 36,395 791,106 74,877 16,759 3,432 54,687 10,684 2.249 847 7.569 109,895 24.233 7.829 77.833 574,102 470,050 2,347 101,705 218,092 187,480 206 30,405 64,026 58,61 1 111 5,304 11,874 9,569 29 2,077 48,004 23,612 1,231 23,161 85,457 75.206 212 10,039 54,340 44,507 238 9.595 9,798 8,781 1 1.016 82,711 62,284 318 20.108 912,944 99,087 31,114 782,744 127,128 22,157 7,706 97,265 97,701 14,259 4,613 78,628 3,802 260 108 3,433 21,301 2,286 357 18.658 614,375 53,535 15,335 545,505 12,181 1.045 195 10.942 4,960 541 166 4,252 31,496 5,004 2,633 23,860 Table D-1 .-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Type and Where Carried In the Balance Sheet fMillions of dollarsl (1) By typo J2L Plant and equipment ' (3) By whore carried in the iMlarKe sheet In property, plant, and equipment account JIL. J5)_ All Industiias Manufacturing Food , Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products MacNnery Agriculture, construction, and mining macNnery Industrial machinery aher Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except deposHory Institutions) and Insurance Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professional, scientific, and technical services Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 866,197 394,813 19,645 5,652 5,995 1,130 16,155 4,092 83,718 93,245 33,768 13,995 24,758 7,366 13,358 16,833 26,669 39,857 26,619 13,237 17,874 3,785 1,975 12,114 23,654 2,411 6,031 1,737 9,975 2,346 1,154 9,851 24,902 22.912 1,990 560 4,782 104,670 50,810 7,000 12,122 11,051 9,144 14,743 32,067 23,078 8,989 64,471 4,804 5,548 52,958 3,501 49,457 1,161 37,435 7,187 30,248 94,233 88,064 6.169 4,323 929 1.840 106 1.848 134,387 3.009 42.367 8.133 8,426 29.225 321 5.701 3,571 29,173 26,207 2,967 6,460 12,852 909 321 137 44 844 138 1,556 2,272 756 215 598 193 511 404 3,451 901 585 316 499 97 77 325 515 75 134 26 150 277 593 493 100 20 172 3,487 80S 204 843 944 267 624 3,018 2,165 853 974 113 516 334 111 223 11 1,365 392 973 16,416 16,310 106 362 202 44 20 96 15,838 638 3,871 186 1,626 2,300 105 676 142 4.654 4.236 419 1.639 381,761 18,738 5.330 5,858 1,086 15,511 3,954 82,162 90.973 33.012 13.779 24.162 7.173 12.846 16.429 23,218 38.955 26.034 12.921 17,375 3.688 1.89S 11.789 23.140 2.336 5.897 1,711 9.825 2,258 1.112 9.573 24.309 22.418 1.891 540 4.811 101,182 49.805 6.798 11.479 10.107 8.877 14,118 29,048 20,913 8.135 63,497 4,691 5,032 52,623 3.390 49.233 1,150 38,070 6,795 29,274 77,817 71,754 6.063 3,961 727 1.596 86 1.552 118,549 2.371 38.496 7.947 4,800 26,925 216 5,025 3,429 24.519 21.971 2.548 4.821 393,985 19.824 5.592 5,984 1,103 18,155 4,092 83,583 93,052 33,722 13,988 24,651 7,366 13,325 16,832 26,662 39,831 26,605 13,227 17.863 3.775 1,975 12,114 23,585 2.404 6.004 1,737 9.955 2,339 1,147 9.851 24.833 22,846 1.987 580 4.782 104,203 50.610 7.000 12,063 10.991 9.080 14.459 32,054 23,078 8,976 64,470 4,803 5,548 52,958 3,501 49,457 1,161 33,201 4,521 28,680 91,540 85,434 6,106 4,149 755 1.640 106 1.848 130,704 2.982 42.202 8.029 4.986 28.674 255 5.478 3,550 28,291 25.330 2,961 6,258 21 60 31 27 1 (•) 134 193 48 7 107 1 32 1 6 25 14 11 11 10 (•) (•) 69 8 27 1 20 7 7 (*) 69 65 3 O 467 (■) n 59 60 64 264 12 12 1 1 (•) (•) (•) 4,233 2.666 1.567 2,693 2.630 63 174 174 (•) 3.882 27 165 105 1.440 551 66 223 21 882 876 8 202 Table D-2.-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Type and Where Carried in the Balance Sheet fMillions of dollarsi Total ' (1) By type (2) Plant and equipment ' (3) By when carried in the Isalance sheet In property, plant, and equipment account JIL J5L. All countries ., Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark. Rnland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liectitenstein . Luxembourg ... Netheriands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzeriand United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Braal Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . aher Asia and Pacific Australia CNna Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 866,197 82,306 469,590 712 12,439 2,0S2 2,397 77.324 90,168 5,528 5.828 411 1.847 76,824 3,440 1,184 10,179 30,247 148,335 646 26,662 15,768 1,134 2,358 1,221 9,916 1,139 10,893 (D) 6,206 2,585 1,108 (D) (D) (D) 20,266 883 5,383 936 8,369 2,266 2,430 234,502 19,429 501 5,703 539 165,085 5,520 1,077 850 144 5,638 8,868 1,150 23,382 435,185 30,751 54,312 25,285 29 483 62 30 3,017 4,094 605 250 36 343 3,140 359 101 399 1,553 10,681 102 2,174 1,052 94 335 81 476 1,122 (D) 444 79 203 (D) 167 (D) (0) 2,796 38 608 130 1,261 325 434 17,962 1,284 36 834 52 13,828 341 362 14 50 513 547 102 271 23,260 2,738 811,885 76,649 444,306 683 11,956 2,020 2,368 74,307 86,074 4,921 5,578 375 1,504 73,684 3,081 1,082 9,781 28,695 137,655 545 24,488 14,717 1,040 2,023 1,140 9,440 1,073 9,771 (D) 5,762 2,505 905 (D) 9,322 (D) (D) 17,470 845 4,775 805 7,108 1,940 1,996 216,540 18,145 465 4,869 487 171,257 5,178 715 836 94 5,125 8,321 1,048 23,110 411,925 28,013 854,286 79,703 465,627 712 12,435 2,082 2,358 77,073 89,887 5,526 5,818 411 1,844 76,382 3,266 1,184 10,169 29,397 146,483 599 26,145 15,768 1,134 2,356 1,221 9,916 1.139 10,377 (D) 5,947 2,585 1,006 (D) 9,489 (D) (D) 20,106 883 5,383 926 8,353 2,131 2,430 229,834 19,266 499 5,640 539 181,153 5,520 758 850 144 5,479 8,836 1,150 23,381 432,293 30,600 2,603 3,963 4 39 251 281 10 3 442 174 O 10 850 1,852 47 517 n n (*) 517 155 259 102 159 8 17 135 4,668 163 1 62 3,932 O 318 160 31 2,892 152 Table D-3.-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO [Millions of dollars] Ail countries All. J2i. J3L Europe JiL Germany J5L Nether- lands J8L Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere (B) (10) Mddto East _UJi. Asia and Pacific Total (12) Austraia Japan A121. V*l United SUtei (15) All Industries . Manufacturing . Food , Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Phannaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networi- lated depletion and depre- ciation ' (2) Net property, plant, and equipment ' (3) Total ' (4) Expendi- tures ^ (5) Change Depletion and depreciation Total Oeple- Depre- tion elation <6) (7) (S) Net sales and retire- ments" (9) Restate- ment ^ (10) Balance at close py 1997 Net property, plant, and equip- ment JUI. Accumu- lated depletion and depre- ciation (12) Gross property, plant, and equipment ' (13) All Industries . 825,695 522,600 22,741 Manufacturing .. Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Ctiemicats Basic ctiemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Phamiaceuticats and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products .... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networiu, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance earners and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services ... Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related services ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises , Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sep/ices Accommodation Food services and drinking places , Miscellaneous services 109,158 40,012 1,546 622 462 9S 980 392 5,476 10,045 3,769 1,294 2,726 767 1,489 1,634 3,103 4,715 3,447 1,269 1.928 386 208 1.336 4,145 307 958 249 2,047 245 338 1,082 3,158 2,941 218 91 533 28,144 17,910 2,040 2,044 1,377 733 2,040 4,176 2.900 1.276 9,703 692 441 8.417 619 7.798 154 6,977 2.079 4.898 7,583 6,763 820 558 81 288 8 182 14,004 405 4.756 447 1.349 3.074 27 1.071 458 1.787 1.331 456 629 52,021 22,973 1,135 308 406 82 (D) 283 3,545 (D) (D) 894 1.526 573 743 1.134 1.497 2.163 1.314 849 1,175 245 152 777 2.069 230 584 (D) 822 188 (0) 651 1.607 1.472 135 33 337 9,498 5.424 705 (D) (D) 740 1.021 2,041 1.375 666 5,257 539 (0) 4.292 (D) (D) (D) 2,463 652 1,811 2,895 2,482 413 350 58 160 10 122 8,545 154 2,511 280 272 1,200 10 435 297 1,144 933 212 242 312 (D) 235 (D) (D) 1 81 1 1 (•) (•) 91 (D) (D) 2 (*) (*) 563 561 1 (•) 51,055 22,681 1,135 308 406 82 804 283 3,310 5,726 1,991 893 1,526 573 743 1,134 1,437 2,161 1,312 849 1,175 245 152 777 2,069 230 584 (D) 822 188 (D) 651 1,607 1,472 135 33 337 9,407 5,424 705 (D) 705 (D) 1,019 2,041 1,375 666 5,257 539 (D) 4,292 (D) (D) (D) 2,463 652 1,811 2,895 2,482 413 350 58 180 10 122 5,982 154 1,950 280 270 1,200 10 435 297 1,144 933 212 242 30.544 8,507 799 193 59 6 222 10 1,480 2,665 1,509 338 225 238 353 168 484 711 511 200 175 37 20 118 473 59 206 55 109 35 10 387 666 635 30 (•) 10 11,248 9,317 93 303 239 943 353 660 437 223 363 113 48 202 13 189 (•) 3,327 544 2,783 3,040 2,825 215 31 57 (•) 19 3,292 15 875 22 670 719 1 290 89 446 262 185 165 -3,853 545,341 219,922 11,116 3,261 3,021 691 11,066 2,354 41,995 55,100 19,050 8,682 14,562 4,076 8,730 8,668 16,944 23,782 16,080 7,702 8,766 1,685 1,054 6,027 12,317 1,106 2,478 802 5,892 1,296 744 5,190 12,775 11,761 1,014 328 2,546 68,588 35,519 4,086 6,795 6,160 6,925 9,103 20,488 14.620 5.868 38,652 2.539 3,628 31,888 2,361 29,527 597 28,553 4,927 23,626 76,432 71,652 4,779 56 835 90,618 1,867 26,157 6,256 4,399 18,946 182 3,664 2,436 22,069 20,197 1.872 4.643 320,856 174,691 8,529 2,390 2,974 439 5,089 1,738 41,723 38,144 14,718 5,312 10,196 3,290 4,627 8.165 9.724 16,075 10.539 5.536 9.108 2,100 921 6,086 11,337 1,305 3,553 935 4,083 1,050 410 4,660 12,127 11,151 977 232 2,237 36,082 15,092 2,914 5,327 4,891 2,218 5,640 11,579 8,458 3,121 25,819 2,265 1,920 21,069 1,140 19,929 564 8,882 2,261 6,621 17,801 16,411 1,390 2,235 424 947 50 813 43,769 1,142 16,210 1,878 2,027 10,279 139 2,038 1,135 7,104 6,010 1,094 1,816 394,613 19,645 5,652 5,995 1,130 16,155 4,092 83,718 93,245 33,768 13,995 24,758 7,366 13,358 16,833 26,669 39.857 26.619 13,237 17,874 3,785 1.975 12.114 23,654 2.411 6.031 1.737 9.975 2.346 1.154 9.851 24.902 22.912 1.990 560 4.782 104,670 50,610 7,000 12,122 11,051 9,144 14,743 32,087 23,078 8,989 64,471 4,804 5,548 52,958 3,501 49,457 1,161 37,435 7,187 30,248 94,233 86,064 6,169 4,323 929 1,640 106 1,648 134,387 3,009 42,367 8,133 6,426 29,225 321 5,701 3,571 29,173 26,207 2,967 6,460 Table D-7.-Opening and Closing Balances, and Change by Account, In Property. Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, by Country of UBO fMillions of doitars] Balance at close FY 1fi Gross property, plant, and equipment jn- Accumu- lated depletion and depre- ciation _^L Net property, plant, and equipment _(31_ JIL Expendi- tures * _15J_ Chanj e Total Depletion and depreciation _l§i_ Oeple- Uon (7) Depre- ciation (fl) ^4et sales and retire- ments • (9) Restate- ment ' (10) Balance at ctose FY 1&97 Net property. plant, and equipment * (11) Accumu- Gross lated property, depletion | ptani, ar>d and dcpro- j equpr^ent '' ciation ('2) (13) All countries . Canada Europ* Austria .... Belgium ... Denmari( . Finland .... France .... Qennany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein , Luxembourg ... Netheriands .... Nonvay Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other AlMca South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia CWna Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea. Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other UnKed Slates . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 76,344 455,930 5S3 11.548 2.002 2.559 78.880 84.870 5,311 5,812 529 2,484 74,610 2,712 2.039 8.668 30,702 143,905 726 27,323 16.554 1,012 3,524 1,575 9,313 1,130 10,789 934 5,466 2,580 1.656 133 8,932 (D) (0) 21,947 897 6,805 984 8,798 2,180 2.282 214,540 17,292 556 5,964 423 171,936 5,170 889 267 175 2,712 7,955 1,199 20,689 421,624 31,381 24,088 185,334 249 4,565 897 1,067 31,535 33,984 1.489 2,136 187 422 32,035 1,010 618 3,814 12,774 58,330 220 9,417 5,369 341 1,141 777 2,918 193 4,047 156 1.918 1,363 577 33 3,268 (D) (0) 5,873 407 1.828 321 2,213 567 536 72,056 5.094 162 1,590 133 60,067 1,876 193 122 43 485 2,041 249 3,080 171,272 9.413 522,800 52,278 270,805 333 6,983 1,105 1,492 45,345 50,886 3,823 3,676 341 2,062 42,575 1,702 1,421 4,852 17,928 85,575 506 17,906 11,185 671 2,384 797 6,396 937 6,722 778 3,548 1,217 1,079 100 5,664 3,296 2,369 16,074 490 4,977 662 6,585 1,613 1,748 142,484 12,198 394 4,374 290 111,869 3,294 698 145 132 2,227 5,914 950 17,589 250,352 21,988 22,741 4,154 6,464 -48 480 120 -143 -915 3,525 (•) -166 -109 -563 3,584 555 -562 450 •228 585 -100 ■673 -438 81 -808 -265 559 -5 -235 (0) 430 -150 -413 (D) 48 (D) (D) -1,210 71 -873 -36 -517 99 46 12,289 1,988 -57 -211 77 6.904 828 168 348 -31 1,991 354 -69 1,668 6,311 -415 109,158 8,434 54,750 84 1,612 315 308 7,581 14,529 439 649 36 151 7,764 381 206 1,578 3,836 15,254 46 2,446 1,172 214 291 72 480 113 1,274 (D) 667 (D) 163 2 (0) 435 (D) 1,551 120 159 42 517 393 321 38,692 1,871 94 459 52 30.483 1,568 184 56 10 757 1,258 100 (D) 50,476 2,066 52,021 4,158 29,580 50 758 114 184 5,124 8,475 310 466 18 71 4,307 195 59 741 1,953 8,729 27 1,328 701 55 147 60 369 70 626 (D) 309 (D) 62 1 519 (D) (D) 830 64 144 43 379 56 144 14,525 842 48 219 29 12,154 296 39 39 6 233 567 53 1,081 27,404 1,178 966 206 561 (D) (D) (D) 7 (•) (D) 9 (•) (D) 1 150 68 (D) (0) 51 1 1 (•) (D) (D) o (*) (•) (D| 60 (•) (D) (*) (*) (•) 551 (*) 51,055 3,952 29,020 50 (D) 114 184 (D) (D) 303 466 IS 71 (D) 186 59 (D) 1,952 8,579 27 1,258 633 (0) (D) 60 369 19 626 (D) 308 (D) 82 1 (D) (D) (D) 830 64 144 43 379 56 144 (D) 782 48 219 29 (D) 296 39 39 6 233 567 53 1,081 26,852 1,177 30,544 2,935 12,831 16 297 10 37 1,381 3,094 61 32 5 10 1,761 66 4 141 729 5,181 4 321 233 1 116 73 30 13 88 (•) 33 16 38 228 (D) (D) 145 9 17 2 54 31 32 11,710 419 12 128 (•) 10,559 158 37 1 93 297 5 2,375 12,027 149 -3,853 2,813 -5,874 -66 -77 -70 -230 -1,970 -1.435 -69 -317 -121 -633 1.887 435 -705 -245 -1.383 -758 -115 •1,470 -675 -77 -836 -204 477 -35 •795 (D) 105 -282 -478 (D) (D) (D) (D) -1,788 24 -870 -32 -601 -207 -99 1,833 1,577 -91 -322 53 •866 •286 60 333 -35 1.559 -40 -111 ID) -4,734 -1,154 56,432 277,089 285 7.483 1.225 1.350 44.430 54.411 3.822 3.510 233 1.499 46.159 2.257 858 5.301 17.700 86.160 405 17,234 10.747 752 1.578 533 6.955 932 6.487 (D) 3.978 1.067 686 (D) 5,712 (0) (D) 14,864 561 4,104 627 8,068 1.712 1.792 154,773 14.187 337 4.164 366 118.773 4.122 863 493 101 4,218 6.268 881 19,257 256,662 21.554 192,521 427 4.976 857 1.047 32.893 35.758 1.704 2.318 178 348 30.685 1.183 325 4,878 12.548 62.175 241 0,428 5.022 382 782 689 2.962 207 4.406 (D) 2.228 1.517 442 (D) 3,777 (D) (D) 5,402 322 1,279 309 2.301 554 638 79,720 5.242 164 1.539 173 66.312 1,397 213 357 42 1,420 2,599 269 4,125 178,522 9.198 4eg,5»o 712 12,439 2.082 2,397 77.324 90.168 5.528 5.828 411 1.847 76.824 3,440 1.184 10.179 30.247 148.335 646 26.662 15.788 1,134 2.358 1.221 9.918 1.139 10.893 (0) 6.206 2.585 1.108 (D) 9,480 (D) (0) 20,266 683 5,383 938 8.369 2.268 2.430 234,502 19,429 501 5.703 539 185.085 5.520 1.077 850 144 5,638 6.868 1.150 23,382 435,185 30,751 Table D-9.-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Use fMillions of dollars _iD_ Commercial property ' J2L other = J2L All industries ., Manufacturing ., Food , Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and njbber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores .. Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information sen/ices and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate emd rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Managemer^ of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 866,197 394.613 172.177 16,975 377,638 19,645 1,615 18.030 5,652 311 5.341 5,995 452 5.543 1,130 31 1,099 16,155 (D) (D) 4,092 92 4,001 83,718 4,829 78,889 93,245 5,415 87,829 33.768 (D) (D) 13,995 52 13,942 24,758 1,383 23,375 7,366 (D) (D) 13,358 620 12,738 16,833 859 18,173 26,669 801 26,067 39,857 544 39.313 26,619 335 28.284 13,237 209 13.028 17,874 389 17,485 3,785 83 3.702 1,975 87 1.889 12,114 220 11.894 23,654 585 23.089 2.411 127 2.285 6,031 80 5.951 1.737 2 1.735 9.975 156 9.819 2.346 130 2,216 1.154 69 1,085 9.851 164 9,687 24,902 945 23,957 22.912 866 22,046 1,990 79 1,911 560 33 527 4.782 (D) (D) 104,670 8,798 95,872 50.610 3,281 47.330 7.000 327 6.672 12.122 1.671 10.451 11.051 1.564 9.486 9.144 409 8.735 14.743 1.545 13.198 32,067 17,191 14,875 23.078 13.249 9.829 8.989 3.942 5.046 64,471 3,045 61,426 4,804 299 4.505 5,548 1,836 3.712 52,958 832 52.126 3,501 743 2,757 49.457 88 49,369 1.161 78 1,083 37.435 10,560 26.874 7.187 1,449 5.739 30.248 9.112 21.136 94,233 80,903 13,329 88.064 80.504 7.560 6.169 400 5.769 4,323 771 3,SS2 929 380 548 1.640 230 1.410 108 11 95 1.648 150 1.498 134,387 33,933 100,453 3.009 143 2,866 42.367 408 41,959 8.133 (D) (D) 6.426 2.565 3,862 29.225 1.483 27,743 321 134 187 5,701 874 4,827 3,571 (D) (D) 29,173 22.442 6,732 26,207 21.222 4.984 2.967 1.219 1.747 8.460 3.629 2.831 Table D-10.— Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Use [Millions ol dollars] -ili_ Commercial property ^ (2) (3) All countries . Canada Europe Austria Bslglum ... Dervnark. Finland .... Franca .... Germany IrelarKj Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Netherlands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom .. Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela other other Western htemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . other Asia and PacHIc Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other Untted States . Addenda: European Union (15) .. OPEC 866,197 82,308 469,500 712 12,439 2.082 2.397 77,324 90.168 5.526 5,628 411 1,847 76,824 3,440 1,184 10,179 30,247 148,335 646 26,662 15,788 1,134 2.358 1,221 9,916 1,139 10,893 (D) 6,208 2,585 1,108 (D) 9,489 (D) (0) 20,266 883 5,383 936 8,369 2,266 2,430 234,502 19.429 501 5,703 539 185,085 5,520 1,077 850 144 5,638 8,868 1,150 23,382 435,185 30,751 172,177 22,028 68,808 103 2,202 111 67 15,607 15,114 227 516 237 946 11,539 494 255 1,269 3,775 15,982 457 4,947 1,143 212 464 130 223 113 3,804 608 2,169 (D) 620 (D) 181 91 90 13,386 279 5,205 505 3,982 1,894 1,522 61,483 4,169 13 3.950 108 48.152 495 517 8 60 2.416 852 742 1,252 64.204 11,477 604,020 60,278 400,692 610 10,237 1,972 2,330 61,716 75,055 5,299 5,312 175 901 65,265 2,946 929 8.911 26.472 132.353 189 21,714 14,625 921 1,894 1,091 9,693 1,026 7,089 (D) 4,037 (D) 488 3 9,308 (D) (0) 6,879 604 178 431 4.387 372 908 173,019 15.259 488 1.752 431 136,933 5,025 560 842 83 3,222 8,015 408 22,129 370,981 19,274 Table D-11 .-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Use rMillions of dollarsl Total All. Commarcial property ^ _i2i_ Other ^ (3) Total. New England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode Island Vermont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia. Maryland I^ew Jersey New York Pennsylvania Great Lakes: IDinois indiana Michigan .... Ohio Wisconsin . Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Arkansas Ftorida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi fJorth Carolina .. South Carolina . Terviessee Virginia West Virginia ..., Southwest: Arizona New Mexico .. Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Cotofado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming FvWest: Alaska CaDfomia Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico Other U.S. areas . Foreign Unspecified' 172,177 694,020 8,703 2,182 6.521 3.960 792 3.168 15.473 5,159 10.314 2.548 479 2.087 2.S28 197 2.431 1,031 182 849 3,323 (D> (D) 4.339 3,320 1.020 10.578 3.464 7.115 30.488 5.539 24.949 53.711 24.204 29.506 25.671 3,257 22.414 37.649 11,601 26.048 18.367 1.122 17.245 20.914 2.143 18,771 35.095 4.262 30,833 8.003 963 7,040 5.444 338 5,106 5.696 461 5,235 9.972 1.889 8.283 10.945 1.050 9.895 2.027 135 1,891 1.166 15 1.152 986 38 948 13.006 489 12,517 3.934 261 3,673 29.598 9.133 20,465 25.403 6.784 18,619 16.909 1,129 15,779 25.151 1.251 23,899 2.967 280 2,678 24.019 2.522 21,497 16.847 1.348 15,499 17.123 1.707 15,416 20.158 3.927 16,231 6.714 263 6.452 9.797 1.646 8,151 4.945 328 4,617 5,723 417 5,306 77.906 12.222 65,684 9,833 2.498 7,335 1,407 349 1.057 2,041 118 1,923 7,719 585 7,134 4,956 190 4,767 25,922 (D) (D) 91.788 34.783 57,005 15.157 10.488 4,669 8.784 1,147 7,638 7.269 1.019 6.249 12.275 2.597 9,678 1,686 228 1,458 22,952 654 22,298 1,986 O 1,986 33,505 33,505 \ Table D-12.-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate ' [Millions of dollarsl industries JIL. Manufac- turing J2L Whole- sale trade Retail trade (3) (*) Inform- aUon (5) Finance (except depository institu- tions) and Insurance (8) Real estate and rental and leasing (7) Profes- sional, sdeftlflc. arKJ lechnlcai services (6) Other Indus- tries (10) Total 8ee,1S7 New EnQland: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts ., New Hampstiira . Rhode island Vermoflt Mideast: Delaware District of Cohimlili . Maryland New Jersey New York PenhsyKfanla Oraal Lake*: Illinois Indiana Mlchlgin Ohio Wisconsin .. Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Southeast: Alabama Arkansas Fkwida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico . OMahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Cokirado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming Far West: Alaska CaHomia Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico Other U.S. areas . Foreign Unspecified ' 8.703 3.960 15.473 2.548 2,62S 1.031 3,323 4.33S 10,578 30.486 53,711 25.871 37.849 18.367 20.914 35.095 8.003 5.444 5.896 9.972 10.945 2.027 1.166 968 13.008 3.934 29.598 25.403 16.909 25.151 2.967 24.019 16.847 17.123 20.158 6.714 9,797 4.945 5.723 77.906 9.833 1.407 2.041 7.719 4.956 25.922 91.788 15.157 8.784 7.268 12.275 1.686 22.952 1.986 33,505 394,813 3.706 2.615 5.368 1.497 1.295 543 2.490 288 3.857 14,000 9.565 14.076 15.919 14.000 12,769 24.441 4,812 3.511 1.883 3.581 5.885 823 152 386 8.394 2,803 7,595 12,871 8.643 18.204 1.708 14.382 11.848 10.455 8.478 3.528 4,900 1.928 2,377 44.398 2.408 501 773 1.243 2.032 (D) 26,109 1.008 1,036 3.154 6.431 1.161 15.121 1.128 (D) 104,870 1.475 187 1.902 368 355 186 107 133 1.258 6.608 6.897 2.654 4.280 1.575 2.417 2.810 619 550 773 591 1.778 283 43 54 3.218 423 3.785 2,416 5,753 3,314 565 2,428 1.£ 3.625 1.707 539 1.186 483 1.847 8.627 1.133 283 78 321 150 62 17.149 203 377 2,574 1,825 310 (D) 435 (0) 32.087 787 789 2.087 421 272 98 120 46 1,782 1,209 3.584 1,008 880 303 495 864 225 100 179 96 200 58 5 (D) 87 28 1,762 476 108 239 25 1.438 (D) 328 1.625 97 355 108 199 2,385 464 (0) 41 (D) (D) 11 2.701 898 300 323 871 82 (D) (D) 84,471 220 (D) 884 31 (D) 24 29 647 1.388 1.652 4.784 1.681 2,058 968 568 3.158 218 (D) (D) 1.172 (D) (D) (D) 29 281 82 4.908 1,329 265 217 62 (D) 534 1.000 5.318 115 620 303 (D) 4,635 (D) (D) (D) 162 (D) 1 7,527 142 (D) 385 861 (D) (D) (D) (D) 37,435 314 78 1,387 117 95 84 84 658 311 1.004 5.187 540 1.322 163 197 482 243 (D) (D) 200 254 26 20 5 154 (D) 471 942 57 109 32 (D) 45 (D) 1 10 (D) 42 (D) 845 (D) 11 15 (D) 14 31 2,388 215 (D) 64 181 44 7 283 (D) 94,233 1.515 31 2.311 8 (D) 6 220 1.879 1.208 2.805 18,085 1,485 9.389 188 682 1,387 578 106 31 1,009 360 3 (D) 6 150 (D) 4.528 4.477 128 230 77 888 (D) 523 1,788 12 975 (D) 54 5,878 (D) 167 112 6 21,325 4,285 738 400 1.199 (D) (D) 4 2.944 4,323 81 (D) 128 2 2 8 3 8 145 213 765 126 149 8 150 140 40 O 6 100 37 (D) 1 1 2 1 66 62 4 29 1 31 24 (D) 247 O (D) (D) 4 258 O 1,104 2 14 10 76 n (D) n 134,3(7 804 204 1.407 100 553 82 281 588 818 2.988 6,853 4,088 3,873 1,150 3,617 1.802 1.2S8 874 1,122 3.222 (D) 272 808 (D) 741 430 8.485 3.030 1.748 2.807 498 1.256 888 858 2.787 2.413 1.285 2.007 1,224 10,799 2.068 326 1.041 5.472 2.464 (D) 13,474 8,595 4,833 358 1.421 16 6.918 (D) (D) Table D-13.-Gross Property, Plant, and Equipment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO [Millions of dollars] AD countries (1) Canada _I2L (3) Europe JIL Of which: Gennany J5L Nether- lands J8L Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom JSL Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere (9) (10) Middle East (111 Asia and Pacific (12) Of which: (13) Japan -UiL Total. Now England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode Island Vermont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYor* Pennsylvania Groat Lakes: Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin .. Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebrasica North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Artiansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico . Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming Far Wast: Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico Other US. areas . Foreign Unspecified i 8.703 3,960 15,473 2,546 2,626 1,031 3,323 4.339 10,578 30.488 53.711 25.671 37.649 18.367 20.914 35,095 8,003 5,444 5,696 9,972 10,945 2,027 1,166 986 13,006 3.934 29,598 25,403 16,909 25.151 2.967 24.019 16.847 17.123 20,158 6,714 9,797 4,945 5,723 77,906 9,833 1,407 2,041 7,719 4,956 25,922 91,788 15.157 8,784 7.269 12,275 1.686 22.952 1.986 33,505 82,306 722 1.352 1,193 371 631 214 208 (D) 1.227 940 5.769 1.606 6.802 1.120 3.847 1.592 1.511 1.250 454 3.335 1,257 396 863 463 2.461 211 3,217 2.102 1.954 1.323 347 2.963 416 1.557 2.317 632 623 394 222 3.116 1,209 444 788 511 (D) 725 8,515 104 4,197 370 1,901 (D) (D) 469.590 5,937 1,434 9,880 1,455 1,165 586 1,572 1,834 6,939 20,665 25,528 16.604 18,027 9,646 8.641 19,057 5,221 2,688 3,828 4,640 7,859 1,320 190 314 7,872 2,031 17,647 14,730 6,260 15.695 1.484 16.839 12.702 7.773 12.311 5.412 3.381 2,380 2,693 44,784 5,524 839 812 5,986 3,633 (D) 35,995 871 (D) 2,824 4,688 1.284 17.848 1,255 10,080 77,324 651 65 1,881 109 59 95 177 340 1,185 2,982 5,830 4.584 2.570 2,017 789 3.S48 805 714 1.499 800 2.154 329 69 31 1.647 400 5,539 2,413 969 1,611 280 3.911 2.748 1.596 2.107 521 428 215 1.068 6.537 397 215 101 230 702 (D) 5.551 171 1,291 528 710 103 1.398 (D) (D) 90,168 2,040 161 1,426 458 155 (D) 241 288 1,012 4,867 5,369 4.558 3,892 2.294 3.310 4.010 1.259 446 467 978 2.426 142 20 43 2.209 355 2.984 2,470 1,800 2,483 313 4,005 4,008 1,296 2,776 2,454 713 232 418 8,700 512 (D) 56 567 65 9 8.049 226 445 1.267 1,047 150 18 380 76,824 1.015 127 1.832 81 254 2 116 584 787 2.750 3.412 975 3.325 715 1.147 1.873 232 175 284 993 647 52 41 18 728 88 1.775 2.083 248 (D) 311 1.041 1,336 491 683 742 540 815 146 11.829 656 7 (D) 60 19 (D) 5.526 (D) 77 119 555 (D) (D) (D) (D) 30,247 576 (D) 858 114 88 363 (D) 8 328 5.183 2.739 762 1.480 378 416 991 437 245 91 276 686 (D) 1 6 333 92 424 519 314 615 74 798 1,494 462 561 557 252 (D) 96 2.133 (D) (D) 414 (*) 5 3,349 63 105 89 423 130 1 6 (D) 148,335 1,020 461 3,128 546 537 65 841 577 2,961 3,425 5,359 5,786 5,487 3,149 2,230 7,317 1,632 614 1,169 1,207 1.274 583 51 204 2.146 588 4.237 5.908 1.973 2,889 356 4,558 1,887 2,777 4,678 908 1,207 1,021 651 9,061 3,161 100 285 (D) 2.196 (D) 10.726 343 859 328 947 564 (D) 254 (D) 26,662 108 24 (D) (0) (D) 2 (0) 240 1.063 957 273 1.408 491 (D) 420 216 (D) 69 167 (D) 49 (0) (") 288 89 1,912 (D) 124 3,821 250 346 277 204 516 (D) 174 (D) 500 6,817 (D) (D) 2 36 (D) (D) 2.230 222 (D) 31 142 33 (D) (D) (D) (D) 5 68 19 (•) 6 (D) (D) 198 295 137 (D) (D) (D) 39 9 (D) (D) 7 (D) (D) 37 (D) (D) (D) 57 23 101 23 24 (*) (D) (D) (D) (D) (*) (D) 72 (D) (D) 68 2 (D) 1 (D) (D) 20,266 199 8 1.113 12 (D) 1 (D) 383 153 603 3.792 384 535 52 300 233 7 (D) 117 99 7 (•) 38 13 1,003 1.165 438 941 38 303 86 102 286 (D) 185 1 18 3.825 429 (*) (D) 1 100 o 1.702 (D) 36 152 (D) (•) 12 (D) 234,502 1.626 (D) 2.602 535 769 (D) 387 1.541 2.008 6.384 16.526 4.711 10.800 6.852 7.243 13.496 1.027 1,052 693 1,648 1.465 240 40 203 2.096 1.430 5.627 4.920 8,081 2,362 711 3,455 3,253 7,431 4,691 583 5,417 1.950 786 17,953 1,908 (D) 400 1,110 892 842 42,773 13,836 1,226 3,879 5,444 144 1,493 699 8,772 561 (D) 45 5 1 3 6 (D) (D) (D) 1,299 594 205 168 139 823 190 (D) (D) 41 347 2 (D) 129 294 942 496 25 122 147 146 67 393 203 21 2,839 714 74 2,312 2 2,027 853 422 55 198 5 311 1 (D) 185,085 1,032 172 2,377 518 768 171 226 1.302 1.321 5.592 13,476 3.809 9,664 6,553 6,889 12,403 783 724 539 924 1,065 229 40 192 1.869 1.087 3.781 4,122 7.758 728 555 3.041 2,400 6,753 4,244 556 2,292 1,193 662 9,833 1,262 (D) 400 871 (D) 739 33,827 12,557 701 2,660 4,774 135 1,099 667 2,992 Table D-18.-Commercial Property of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate ^ [Millions ofdollarsl All Industries (1) Manufac- turing (2) Whole- sale trade (3) Retail trade (4) Inform- ation (5) Finance (except depository Institu- tions) and Insurance (6) Real estate and rental and leasing (7) Protev slonal. scientific. and technical sen/ices Otfief indus- tnes (B) (10) Total .. New England: Connecticut Maine Massact^usetts ,. New Hampst^re .. Rtiode Island Vermont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYort( Pennsylvania Great Lakas: Illinois Indiana Mlctilgan .... ONo Wisconsin . Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Aritansas Ftorida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico . Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming Far Wast: Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico Other U.S. areas . Foreign 2,182 792 5.159 479 197 182 (D) 3,320 3,484 5,539 24,204 3,257 11,601 1,122 2,143 4.262 963 338 461 1,689 1,050 135 15 38 489 261 9.133 6,784 1,129 1,251 289 2,522 1,348 1,707 3,927 263 1,646 328 417 12,222 2,498 349 118 585 190 (D) 34,783 10,488 1,147 1,019 2,597 228 654 (•) 401 63 309 90 45 1 391 (D) 275 744 422 662 566 512 532 1,729 47 37 87 61 316 23 2 1 127 47 747 683 201 466 47 541 454 316 321 (D) 54 29 102 2,542 132 28 3 62 (D) (D) 1,818 29 (D) 135 136 2 (•) (•) 40 25 (D) 30 2 14 7 (D) 140 943 742 324 493 115 252 120 24 (D) 1 30 63 5 6 32 (D) 313 265 (D) 29 43 (D) 174 473 76 (D) 20 24 373 17 26 (D) 3 (•) 3 1,987 66 6 116 170 152 116 597 734 306 (D) 81 62 (D) 1,427 385 1,307 231 292 75 143 242 SO 47 65 (D) 109 (D) 1 (D) (D) 13 1,238 192 (D) 141 (D) (D) (D) 171 1,165 46 258 (D) 166 2.015 372 (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 1.852 363 (D) (D) 490 35 (D) 3,045 (D) 14 7 35 30 101 894 27 121 1 7 3 2 2 73 14 2 4 (•) (D) 1.336 4 (*) (D) 52 3 102 (D) (D) 42 58 (D) (D) 627 177 319 1,985 413 651 87 380 150 101 65 74 58 1 3 2 131 (•) 274 686 29 (D) (D) 142 (D) 59 90 145 (D) 29 435 195 6 2 (D) 1 2 1,326 131 (D) 35 92 (0) 1,425 (D) 2,236 3 (D) 3 191 1,946 1,113 2,171 14,983 1,124 8,588 171 641 1,290 542 (D) 20 961 331 (•) (D) (D) (D) 3,355 4,162 115 170 70 820 358 485 1.675 (D) 796 50 39 4,985 1,062 (D) 9 137 103 (•) 19,298 3,060 658 355 1,108 (D) (D) (D) 41 1 1 71 61 73 10 (■) 42 (•) 3 (D) (D) (•) 2 5 (D) 2 (D) (D) 82 150 (•) 3 15 33,933 68 44 601 9 (D) (D) 28 431 230 814 3,798 466 901 161 440 493 147 36 220 389 170 45 8 IS 59 179 3,132 777 111 351 108 143 191 203 480 53 272 127 56 1,734 693 S2 72 102 38 305 7,018 6,835 138 109 535 (•) 551 Table D-19.-Comtnercial Property of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO < fMillions of dollarsi All countries (1) Canada (2) Total J2L Europe Of which: France (4) Germany (5) Nether- lands (6) Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (B) Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere JSL (10) Middle East JUI. Asia and Pacific J12L J13L Japan JliL United States Total . New England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New HampsNre . Rhode Island Vemiont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYort< , Pennsylvania Great Lakes: Illinois Indiana Michigan .... Ohio Wisconsin . Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama ArVansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico . Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Mor CapitaUea Ejoeisec Total 3 Land Uneral ngrts Piat a-»c eojprie-^' petro*./- TotM New Uti gat KKfcr*- t,o>- »-* 1 i^iri M^i .III (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 'S; T; '8, LM irvlitcrri^f 109,933 40,681 1.548 622 462 99 980 392 6.104 10.075 3.792 1,301 2,728 767 1.489 1.634 3.109 4.717 3.448 1.269 1.931 386 209 1.336 4.145 307 958 249 2.047 245 338 1,082 3,158 2,941 218 91 533 26,151 17,910 2.040 2.044 1.379 737 2,040 4,176 2,900 1.276 9,703 692 441 8,417 619 7,798 154 6.988 2089 4.8S8 7,583 6,763 820 558 81 288 S 182 14.094 405 4846 447 1 349 3.074 27 1.071 458 1.787 1,331 456 629 109,158 40.012 1,546 622 462 99 980 392 5.476 10.045 3.769 1.294 2,726 767 1.489 1.634 3.103 4.715 3.447 1.269 1.928 388 206 1,338 4.145 307 958 249 2,047 245 338 1,082 3.158 Z941 218 91 533 26,144 17,910 2.040 2.044 1,377 733 2,040 4,176 2.900 1.276 9,703 692 441 8,417 619 7,798 154 6,977 2,079 4,898 7,583 6.763 820 558 81 288 8 182 14,004 405 4.756 447 1.349 3.074 27 1.071 458 1.787 1.331 456 629 3,026 543 32 55 6 1 10 1 42 187 26 11 67 3 80 2 80 34 27 7 20 13 1 6 46 4 3 O 20 6 15 6 12 12 3 3 213 45 13 31 63 2 59 291 223 67 ss 1 10 47 23 24 227 170 58 888 868 30 X n 796 23 173 49 243 82 n 64 17 132 88 44 13 1,162 388 16 271 38 24 14 16 26 26 91 7 65 6 6 897 696 1 1 104.970 39,101 1,514 566 456 96 953 381 5.163 9.820 3,720 1.2S8 2.658 764 1.409 1.631 3006 4655 3,393 1.262 1.906 373 205 1.330 4.096 303 955 249 2,027 239 323 1,077 3,146 2.928 218 89 530 25,840 17,866 2.027 2013 1.307 647 1.980 3,888 2,677 1.208 9,645 e3^ 431 8.370 595 7.774 154 6,750 1,910 4,840 6,709 5889 820 521 81 2S8 8 182 12.511 382 3.887 398 1.106 ^992 27 1.007 441 1.655 1,243 412 617 100.758 3M17 1.422 506 455 96 941 385 5163 9.719 3,717 1.224 2.646 743 1.388 1.532 2905 4622 3.388 1234 1.842 367 200 1275 3.960 274 654 248 2025 239 321 1.073 3,137 2.924 213 85 511 25,410 17,721 2.025 1.942 1.163 643 1.917 3.861 2.677 1.184 9,623 688 431 8.350 595 7.754 154 5779 1.270 4,509 5057 4.282 775 521 80 2S0 8 162 12.068 374 3832 398 1.069 2.856 27 1.001 412 1.495 1,090 405 805 4.215 6M 92 O 1 13 6 101 3 44 12 21 21 100 102 33 5 28 66 6 5 55 136 29 101 n 2 O 3 3 9 4 4 3 20 430 145 2 72 144 4 63 25 25 22 2 20 20 n 971 640 332 1,652 1,608 44 • o 7 o 423 8 55 O 16 136 6 29 160 154 7 12 775 Manufacturing Food _ Bevefiges and tobacco „ _ _ Textiles, apparel, and leather product* _ __ Wood products Petiuieun and coal products 628 Chemicals Basic chemicals X 23 Pharmaceubcats arxJ metfdnes 7 Soap, cleaning compounds and toilet preparabons Other Plastcs and ruboer products _ ..... 6 2 Pnmary metals „„ Fatxicat^ mfftat products 2 3 Agncuture corrstruction and miring imiiiiieiy Industrial machinery . Ohtv 3 CompUers and electronic products .... Computer ar>d penpheral equpmeni „ , Audo and video equpmen Navigational, measijing. and other instrumerts .._ Becthcal equpment, apptarwes. and componerts „ Other „ FunituTR and rptat^ products Mscelaneous manufacturing „ „ WholMale trade .... Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supples 7 ProfessiomI and commeroat equpment and si4)ptes DectncaJ goods „ Other duabte goods „ „ 3 Other rwndurable goods R>f>a rrarU Other PubSshir^g ir^dustries Motion pictixes and sotjyj recording industries Broadcasting, cable networla. and program dstribiiiori. Fnartc*. (aieepl depository ir^titubons) arxl insiraice — 9 9 Rani •^fltA f^nd r*r^^ v>d leasing Real estate „ „ Rental and leasing (except real estate) „ Professiorut. scientific, and technical services Architectvxal. en^neenng, and related services Compiler systems design and related services Managemert, $cienb*c. and techracal consuting __ Other „ • Oth^r iiiOuStiif 90 Wnir^g UBIbes _ _ Construcbon Transportation and warehousing w n Management of nonbank companies and enterpnses Af^nistration si^port and waste management Heath care and soaal assistance „. „ Accommodation and food services Accomnodation . „ Food services and dnnlbng places ._ Mscelaneous services „... Table D-23.-Property, Plant, and Equipment Expenditures by Affiliates, Country of UBO by Type of Expenditure * fMillions of dollarsi Total ^ Capitalized Expensed Total 5 Land Mineral rights Plant and equipment ^ petroleum Total New Used and natural gas expiora* tion and development expenditures (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 109,933 8,493 55,325 84 1.653 315 308 7,604 14,531 439 649 36 151 8,097 381 206 1,578 3.837 15.410 46 2,446 1,172 214 291 72 480 113 1.274 (D) 887 (D) 163 2 (D) 447 (D) 1,551 120 159 42 517 393 321 36,820 1,798 94 459 52 30,486 1.568 184 56 10 757 1.258 100 (D) 51.050 2.066 109,158 8,434 54,750 84 1,812 315 308 7,581 14,529 439 649 36 151 7,764 381 206 1,578 3,836 15,254 46 2,448 1,172 214 291 72 480 113 1,274 (D) 687 (D) 163 2 (D) 435 (D) 1,551 120 159 42 517 393 321 38,892 1.671 94 459 52 30.483 1,568 184 56 10 757 1.258 100 (D) 50.476 2.066 3,028 282 1,778 47 1 O 122 425 5 9 (*) (*) 199 O 8 61 238 663 84 42 (•) 28 13 O 22 10 10 2 (0) (D) 85 O 13 1 11 38 20 798 130 2 105 373 6 39 3 77 56 O (D) 1.540 76 1,162 94 919 30 26 17 16 379 322 4 125 88 88 85 3 17 (D) (D) 43 16 26 1 1 916 IS 104.970 8,058 52,052 84 1,535 314 308 7,413 14,087 418 840 36 151 7,187 381 198 1,194 3,595 14,466 46 2,294 1,042 130 263 72 467 110 1,252 (D) 857 (D) 161 2 (D) 417 (D) 1,467 119 145 41 506 354 300 35,851 1,517 66 354 52 30,109 1,562 145 53 10 681 1,202 100 (B) 48,020 1,975 100,756 7,763 50,225 84 1,428 313 303 7,376 13,571 410 623 36 142 7,083 374 198 1,159 3,031 14,049 46 2,281 1,033 130 256 72 466 110 1,227 (D) 637 (D) 155 2 (B) 373 (D) 1,379 119 87 41 478 354 299 34,223 1,515 66 294 51 29,032 1,555 145 48 10 213 1,194 100 (B) 46,763 1,856 4,215 295 1,827 110 1 5 37 516 8 17 9 104 7 35 563 417 34 8 O 7 2 25 20 6 (D) 44 (D) 88 o 59 O 27 2 1,627 2 80 1 1,077 7 5 468 7 (0) 1,257 120 775 Canada 60 Europe 575 Austria 41 Denmark Finland France 43 Qennany 1 Ireland Italy Liechtenstein , Luxemt}ourg Netheriands 333 Norway Spain Sweden 1 United Kingdom 157 Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere South and Central America O o Braal Mexico Panama Other o Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas htetheriands Antilles Other Africa 12 South Africa 12 Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Other Asia and Pacific 128 125 China Hong Kong 3 Korea Republic of Malaysia New Zealand O Taiwan Other United States Addenda: European Union (15) 574 OPEC Table D-24.-Property, Plant, and Equipment Expenditures by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO ' [Millions of dollafs] All countries (1) Canada (2) Total (3) Europe (4) Germany J5I. Nether- lands Switzer- land J2L JZL United Kingdom JBL Latin Amenca and Other Western Hemi- sphere (9) (10) Asia ar>d Paafic Middle East (11) (12) (13) Japan (1«) United States (IS) All industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Pnnting and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Phmary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabncated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining macNnery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wtiolesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motiori pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networi(s, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and tectinlcal services .. Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related services ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Other Industries , AgricuKure, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining UillHes Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places , Miscellaneous services 109,933 40,681 1,548 622 462 99 980 392 6,104 10,075 3,792 1,301 2,726 767 1,489 1,834 3,109 4,717 3,448 1,269 1,931 386 209 1,336 4,145 307 958 249 2,047 245 338 1,082 3,158 2,941 218 91 533 26,151 17,910 2,040 2,044 1,379 737 2,040 4,176 2,900 1,276 9,703 692 441 8,417 619 7,798 154 6,986 2,089 4,898 7.583 6,763 820 558 81 288 8 182 14,094 405 4,846 447 1,349 3,074 27 1,071 458 1,787 1,331 456 629 8,493 2,164 71 (D) 70 69 108 (D) 181 (•) (D) 3 (D) (D) 149 (D) 408 248 160 65 (•) 5 60 (D) 5 (D) (D) 4 (•) (D) 35 (D) (D) 9 9 342 (D) 4 (D) 85 4 192 283 (D) (D) 1,261 (D) 206 (D) (0) 412 (•) 340 (D) (D) 844 O (•) 165 78 86 601 (D) (D) 21 (D) 3 (•) (D) (D) 1 (D) (D) 7 1,000 (•) 61 52 SO 2 2 3,031 2,105 422 6 21 17 4 (•) 1,109 (D) (D) 859 (D) 5 187 87 75 12 165 28 21 116 95 6 (D) 7 (D) 8 4 3 (*) 6 59 182 7 (•) 69 1 105 3 (*) 2 (0) (D) 336 (D) (D) 71 71 14 (*) 14 (D) 26 9 10 4 1 31 (D) 14,049 6.281 309 204 85 1 152 31 (D) 1,498 454 (D) 277 (D) 674 131 688 492 254 238 424 (D) 17 (D) 280 (*) (D) 3 170 84 (D) 42 425 305 121 (*) (D) 503 3 51 12 121 (D) (D) 358 269 (D) 140 49 (D) (D) (D) 334 119 215 562 311 251 56 4 6 (•) 46 (0) 16 1,136 16 273 199 (D) 259 109 (D) (D) 40 475 35 (•) 26 1 (D) (D) (D) (D) O O 1 (D) 13 (D) 85 55 30 3 (D) (*) (D) (D) 1 (D) (*) (•) n (D) (D) (D) 479 7 (D) 18 (D) (D) 30 6 24 (0) (•) (D) 5 O 5 (0) (D) 20 279 279 O n o 950 37 (D) 1 47 113 3 (D) (D) 58 57 1 2 (D) 246 (D) (•) (D) (D) (D) 154 154 (D) (D) 95 (*) (D) (•) (D) 15 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,379 429 (D) 28 (D) (D) 39 (0) 15 (D) (•) 1 1 (•) 1 (D) (D) (D) 32 (D) (*) (*) 16 6 69 1 (■) (0) (D) 4 285 (D) (D) 1 n (•) 1 1 (D) (D) 403 403 O 4 (*) 3 (•) (D) 96 (•) 11 (D) 1 (*) (D) (D) 6 6 34,223 207 94 103 6 178 (D) 96 1,653 892 (D) 124 87 (D) 690 805 2,337 2,062 275 571 112 85 374 2,195 192 280 (D) 1,372 39 (D) 195 1,881 1,856 26 14 (D) 17,184 12,531 1,875 1,761 437 5 573 441 295 146 1,346 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 803 798 5 1,275 1,001 273 154 12 82 1 60 1,957 14 162 (•) 539 409 7 74 2 813 522 91 138 Table D-26.-Land Owned and Mineral Rights Owned or Leased by Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate < [Thousands of hectares] Land Mineral owned rights owned or leased from others (1) (2) 3,SS1 17,851 1,825 5,203 30 (•) 10 5 4 1,194 1 101 4,486 134 300 49 183 13 (D) 14 2 56 (D) 32 O 228 (D) 46 (D) 41 (D) 7 IS 4 2 1 4 11 o 4 o 1 o 2 1 o 4 11 o 10 o o 1 2 173 165 6 1 (D) 99 (D) (D) (D) 41 2 10 7 3 3 O 1 2 o 2 o (D) (D) 30 297 4 205 4 2 (D) 1 O 4,627 10,725 7ii>,la 586 Other 21 566 Bahamas (D) 150 Netherlands Artitcs (D) Urated Kingdom Islands, Caribbean , 83 Other -3 Africa „ SoUh Africa 326 262 Other 64 Middle East „. Israel 1,151 -1 Ku»«it 577 12 Saudi AratMa 655 United Arab Enirates , , , 1 Other -93 Asia and Pacific Australia 918 -101 China 36 -32 Indonesia 3 2,701 Korea RepubSc of -1.130 54 New Zealand -70 50 Singapore -281 -222 Other -91 United States „ Addenda: European Union (15) 2,829 28,073 OPEC 1,934 Table E-3.-Sales by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fMlllions of dollars! All countries JIL. J2L J2L Europe France JIL Of which: Germany (S) Nether- lands (8) Sw)t2er- land (7) United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Hem- sphere (9) (10) East (11) Asia ar^ Pacific (12) (13) (1<) Japan United States _U5L All Industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals , Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery , Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment , Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instnjments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores .. Other Informallon Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networtts. and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and tecfinlcal services ... Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related services .... Management, scientific, and technical consulting ,. Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fisNng and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 667,576 47.082 13.258 9.802 2.059 18.607 6,580 67,117 141,744 33,259 17,829 49,416 19,992 21,248 24,372 28,795 85,075 39,429 25,646 58,680 16,677 5,697 34,306 73,413 16,490 24,601 6,538 17,668 6,471 1,645 26,203 72,807 65,706 6,901 2,858 13,525 530,141 117,195 31,133 65,714 92,363 86,745 134,992 96,624 67.720 28,905 80,845 18,866 14,207 45,013 9,869 35,144 2,759 175,822 73,654 102.188 20,813 16,408 4,404 15,972 4,142 4,815 574 6,441 129,448 2,358 19.563 8,081 23,882 31,676 110 15,562 7,872 15,711 8,755 6,956 4,632 47,509 (D) (D) 1,487 1,355 2,583 4,085 141 3,231 9 (0) (D) (D) 2,172 2,360 163 9,181 5,986 3,195 1,288 24 56 1,207 (D) 472 (D) (D) 124 (D) (D) 914 1,926 1,926 87 340 32,175 (D) 274 (D) 6,288 10,563 10,885 6,538 (D) (D) 12,167 (D) 4,524 (D) (D) 415 9 18,782 5,522 13,260 2,950 2,757 193 1,018 (D) 671 (D) (D) 18,273 296 3,965 (0) 850 5.172 (D) (D) 1.957 (D) 79 (D) 1,493 940,672 422,550 34,962 8,098 4,757 460 9,136 (D) 50,274 119,412 25,651 14,184 48,464 17,530 15,582 12,535 21,429 29,025 12.560 16,465 42,404 13.045 4.024 25.334 31.486 1.235 6.799 (D) 12,337 5,718 (D) (D) 24.554 17.889 6.686 1.357 10.116 177,383 30.008 5.912 7.494 38.373 42,059 53,537 72,771 57,295 15,475 54,971 9,865 8,334 34,187 34,187 2,585 117.501 44,177 73.324 8,740 5.338 3.403 11,665 3.431 2.479 333 5.421 75,091 939 9.895 7.116 15.647 18.524 28 10.366 5.680 5,583 2,155 3,429 1,311 53,661 2,403 435 988 (0) 34 (D) (D) 12,032 8,023 (D) 2,417 (D) 282 4,909 6,075 8,023 (D) (D) 310 (D) (D) 8,313 559 (0) (D) 313 245 3.016 4.561 (D) (D) 2.226 33,630 5 (D) 1.884 5.324 (D) (D) 2,109 59 2.050 (D) 646 (0) (D) (D) 18 18,365 (D) (D) 1,149 389 759 3,637 384 606 249 2.398 (D) 157 (D) 2.181 1.219 364 925 1.831 (D) (D) 32 194,492 258 (D) 850 85 457 79 252 34,080 8,293 (D) 13,302 4,587 (D) 3,318 2,080 5,295 2,914 2,381 11,331 (D) 1,489 (D) 1,294 130 (■) 625 539 (D) 10,927 10,326 601 (D) 1,705 45,013 25,456 2,750 979 9,265 (D) (D) 29,752 25,362 4,390 4,493 497 (D) (D) (D) 1 19,063 9,618 9,446 1,261 1,131 131 1,771 463 (D) 9 (D) 9.623 285 (D) (•) 2.715 662 19 177 (D) 97 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 602 (D) (D) 15.478 (0) (D) 368 (D) 439 387 283 (D) (D) 544 5 245 294 (D) 221 (•) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 10,310 (0) (D) 483 3.861 323 4.599 (0) (D) 2,470 1.597 (D) (0) (D) (D) (•) 14,636 2.993 1 1 .643 1,625 (D) (D) 494 349 (D) (D) 74 (D) 9 (D) (D) 531 (D) 2.558 576 (D) (0) (D) 110,077 (0) 49 358 204 (D) (D) 18.543 (D) (D) 15.238 (D) 200 1.508 1.505 1.337 169 8,685 2,103 678 5.885 1.918 265 (D) (D) 1.199 187 (D) (D) (D) 118 1.212 20,717 414 126 3.600 13.707 2.869 415 (D) (D) (0) (D) 30,892 15.606 15.286 328 328 213 (•) (•) 213 (D) 156 (D) 3.821 567 4 4.018 (D) 130 130 185 25.246 523,479 124,233 12,321 7,150 2,024 (D) 3,006 787 (D) 33,138 5.735 (D) 13.714 (D) 10.430 2.633 6.994 7.256 2.504 4.752 12.334 (D) 416 (D) 6,708 (D) (D) 253 2.566 2.585 (D) 582 8.102 3.932 4.170 31 (D) 36,861 330 1,211 1,033 9,262 (D) (D) 10,130 7,095 3,035 29,759 5,353 3,299 (D) (D) (D) 30,185 10,786 19,400 3,456 1,342 2,114 3,292 319 219 59 2,695 20,928 284 5,530 514 4,018 4,333 (•) 2,363 2,892 (D) (D) 992 (0) 45 (D) 126 102 (•) (D) 241 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 680 2,418 (D) (0) 112 (D) (0) 28 68 (D) 32 (D) (•) (D) (D) (D) (0) 28,922 287 (D) 752 3,166 (D) (D) 1,310 348 962 317 (D) (D) 80 (D) (D) (D) 1,078 (D) (D) (0) (D) 79 79 9,677 630 (D) (0) 889 1,253 (D) 2,529 (D) 480 (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) c (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 3,911 (D) 1,310 (D) (D) 2 2 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 725 (D) 537 (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 669 (D) (D) 5 804 155 5,293 30 34 (D) (D) (D) 4,143 (D) (D) 150 (0) (D) (D) (D) 40 40 1,636 1,808 28 89 (D) (D) (0) 1,478 70 5 250 241 (D) (D)i (D) 271 (0) 26,132 446,422 _l_ 162,741 7.300 1,341 1,674 lie 2.397 (D) 3.353 17.406 7.484 3.469 2.142 1.258 3.053 9.086 6,522 19,960 15,504 4.456 11,801 3,362 1,589 6,850 29,499 13,894 7,202 1.738 5.126 720 620 (D) 45.374 45.159 215 609 1.062 279.671 85.015 24.672 54.965 42,723 14,505 57,593 11.881 (D) (D) 12,820 3,111 (0) (0) (D) 90 (D) 23.664 22,599 1.066 6,611 5,920 691 2.850 471 1.473 (D) (D) 23.261 371 1.191 (D) 5.812 (D) 14 1,163 201 6.396 5,671 725 1,663 12.887 400 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2695 1.331 (D) (0) 789 83 (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 4 4 5 488 (D) (D) (D) 89 3 182 101 101 9.624 (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 433 (D) (0) 806 (D) (D) (D) (D) n (0) (D) (D) 862 33 (0) 129 (D) 137.108 5,714 953 1,205 lie 920 476 2 11.479 2.515 2.850 2,130 1,231 2.753 8,815 3.628 16 863 12,530 4.334 10.272 3.254 1.500 5,518 27,383 12,504 7,113 1,526 4,757 683 779 2.882 44.964 44.761 202 609 1.044 251,845 82.398 17,659 49.277 36.270 13.137 53,102 9,480 (D) (D) 2.953 (D) 211 46 (0) (D) (0) 22.992 22,114 878 4.845 4.475 369 2.612 471 1.300 (D) (D) 14.5S8 341 629 73 3.483 3.088 11 874 72 4.424 3.781 643 1.392 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) n (D) (D) o 43 (0) (D) 166 (0) (0) 348 (D) 15 81 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2.786 (D) (D) (0) (D) 766 3 3 420 (D) n (D) (D) (D) (D) 236 (D) (D) (D) 2 274 n (D) (D) o (D) 52 O 434 (D) (D) (D) 3 3 Table E-4.-Sales by Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate rMillions of dollarsl All industries Jll. Total J21_ Manufacturing Food ja. Chemi- cals J*l. Otwh'Kh- Primary and fabri- cated metals (5) Machin- ery (6) Computer and elec- tronic products (7) Electrical equipment, appliances, and compo- nents J8I. Transpor- tation equip- ment J8I. Whole- sale trade (10) Retail trade (11) Infor- mation (12) Finance, (except deposi- tory institutions) and insur- ance (13) Real estate and rental and leasing (1^) Profes- sional, scientific, and tectv nical services (15) Other indus- tries (16) AU countries 1.717.240 Canada .. Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmarit . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Netherlands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzeriand United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Bra2l Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Nethertands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . aher Africa South Africa . aher Middle East Israel , Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of .. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United Stales . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 139,409 940.672 2,378 23,298 4,513 9,674 135,414 194.492 9,585 15.995 743 4,229 124.109 11,873 1.800 31.401 110,077 258,845 2,246 53,469 33.856 3.999 8.145 2.284 17,879 1,549 19,613 (D) 12,631 (D) 2,448 64 11,222 10,278 944 25,246 2,509 1,299 508 14,771 404 5,755 523,479 26,132 1,868 6,265 1,362 446,422 21,755 1,425 2,040 105 4,381 10,755 969 23,742 816.350 36,399 667,576 47,509 422,550 695 (D) 1,957 3,175 53,661 83,516 7,357 8,774 98 895 58,895 (D) 771 18,635 44,439 124,233 597 11,071 8,807 924 3,450 I«- sale trade (10) Retail trade (11) Infor- mation (12) Finance, (except depos- it ofy Insti- tutions) and insur- ance (13) Real estate and rental and leasing (1^) Protes- sJonaJ. saeft- Ullc and lectv nical serv- ices J15L OOier ifyluv tnes (18) AJI Industries Manufacturing Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Ctiemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, constmction. and mining machinery Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equlpmerit. appliances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Othernondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution... Telecommunications Information services and data processing ser^ces Finance (except depository insthuttons) and insurance. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professlonat, scientific, and technical services Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Constmction , Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management. Health care and social assistance , Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food sen/ices and drinking places Miscellaneous services Unspecified ^ , 1,717,240 e67,S7B 47,082 141,744 65,075 56,680 73,413 26,203 72,607 530,141 »6,624 656,810 50.256 13.447 11.012 2.523 15.482 10.010 59.092 125.926 33.193 16.023 36.084 15.490 25.136 28.670 24.252 63.007 36.666 26.341 49.126 12.874 7.549 28.704 80.838 16.487 21.391 14.540 16.424 9.579 2.417 23.143 81.523 75.299 6.225 2.775 15.735 503,350 98.175 35.943 56.187 114.969 87.151 130.933 103,498 65.981 37.517 72,604 14.710 12.149 40.127 5.717 34.410 5.618 179,787 86.829 92.958 30,868 17.565 13.302 23,893 6.116 6.750 1.378 9.648 141,285 5.676 20.737 10.514 23.165 32.496 319 15.944 7.482 17,297 9.130 8.167 7,656 5,128 584,727 48.393 (D) 9,631 2,334 14.785 6.687 54.753 121.817 32,548 15.470 35.904 15.457 22.437 28.121 24.151 60.192 35.441 24.751 46,455 11,993 (D) (D) 80,881 12,471 20.182 6,818 11,610 6,435 1,345 21,949 56.962 51,574 5,387 2,722 (D) 56,042 13,631 7,168 7,477 13,246 1,055 13.465 6,063 (D) (D) 448 143 29 29 277 1,037 (D) (D) 1,088 224 844 4,054 1.191 355 (D) (D) 8,309 178 3,136 203 2,090 1.157 59 286 446 (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,329 41,646 39.798 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (*) 4 3,244 (•) 1 3,243 43 (D) (D) 84 84 5 5 21 (D) (D) n (•) 2,040 59 (D) 586 (•) (D) (D) (D) (•) 127,895 6.276 41 304 505 (D) 943 111.368 25.827 14.723 35.386 15.213 20.218 3.182 448 525 (D) (D) 595 455 139 1.092 (D) 1,078 (D) 508 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,689 9,120 (D) 875 (D) 6,863 185 185 (D) (D) 358 (D) (D) 1,818 281 (D) (D) 1.524 1,595 (D) 793 (D) (D) 7 (D) (D) 356 (0) (D) 80,200 (D) 111 (D) (D) (D) 1.081 676 (D) (D) 228 2.317 641 52.703 33.555 19,140 1,126 (D) 259 (D) 513 266 (D) (D) 175 943 773 169 115 3,610 (D) 38 135 2,474 9 (D) 4 4 3 3 (D) (D) 22 (•) 22 431 337 (D) (D) 688 (D) 1 516 48 (D) 46 (D| 48,381 (D) 139 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,153 (D) 3,387 402 2,985 38,855 9,994 5,553 23,308 2,447 28 224 2,195 1,123 711 (D) (D) 287 4,847 (D) 8 4,474 (D) (D) 7 7 (D) (D) 106 106 (D) (D) 685 (D) 1 (D) 2 771 (D) 270 (D) 1 377 60,433 (D) (D) 919 (D) (D) (D) 445 275 (D) 649 96 553 547 3 (D) (D) 53.129 12.355 18.712 6.782 9.564 4.372 1.344 337 (D) (D) 274 10,964 (D) 4.734 5.338 654 (D) (D) 708 708 2 2 (0) (•) (D) 623 (D) 340 (D) 308 (D) (D) 113 119 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 (D) 2.698 (D) (D) 961 (D) 15.928 (D) (D) (D) 2,595 (D) 1.695 (D) (D) (D) 28 29 29 (D) (D) 36 3 33 248 226 23 222 (D) 2 (D) (•) (D) 379 1.069 (D) (D) 1.438 (D) (D) 278 4 18 234 23 (0) 53.949 49.466 4.483 (D) 13,318 11.138 (D) 2.019 (D) (D) Q (D) (D) (D) 23 4 19 177 (D) 1 (D) 182 (D) 28 (D) (D) 61,548 3,796 (D) 357 189 697 (D) 3,643 609 553 (0) (D) 2,299 548 (D) 2,436 (D) (D) 1,870 310 625 935 16.925 3.899 1.118 7.720 (D) 301 (D) (D) 24.448 (D) (D) 53 1.048 443,182 84.281 28.160 48.669 99.689 65.924 116.490 2,275 (D) (D) 551 (D) 4 (D) (D) (D) 5,572 (D) (D) 5,837 96 5.841 1,678 254 744 94 585 8,770 3,164 391 (D) 158 479 95 868 1 1 (D) 619 (D) (D) 10 10 15 15 (D) 1,162 141 (D) 350 (D) 393 83,784 65,923 27,871 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) 251 145 106 6 1 5 213 (D) 4 32 73 51 22 (D) 80,145 (D) 4 4 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 5 (D) (D) 18 725 725 71,378 14.129 12.136 39.861 5.717 34.144 5.252 (D) (D) 820 (D) (0) 838 604 128 204 881 196 (D) (D) (0) (D) 175,822 2 2 3 3 (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) 1 172,385 79,811 92.554 2,355 (0) (0) 788 (D) 6 (D) 167 2 (D) (•) (D) 7 (D) (D) (D) 3 20,813 15,872 128,448 (D) (D) (D) o n 1 141 (D) n 73 (D) 45 O 45 (D) (D) 384 389 5 18,805 15.516 3.289 133 86 47 1 1,223 2 9 11 28 (D) (•) 4 966 (D)l (0) (D) n (D) 26 (D) 79 (0) (D) (D) (D) 2 523 (D) (D) (D) 128 17 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 4 (D) (D) 1 14,813 3,300 4,302 687 6.324 (D) 2 (0) (D) 1 (D) (D) (D) (0} (D) (D) (D) O (D) 400 1 (D) (D) (D) (D) 704 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 113 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 (D) (D) (D) 538 6 532 32 (D) 1 n (•) (D) (D) (D) 5 (D) 991 (0) 1.974 1,371 (0) (D) 57 (0) 2.329 (D) (D) (D) 30.801 115 14,749 (0) 14,840 8.370 6.470 (D) (D) Table E-8.— Sales by Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Country of UBO * [Millions of dollarsi All countries JIL. Canada JiL J2L Europe France JiL Gennany (S) Nether- lands (6) Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Heml- sphere JSL jm. Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific jm. J13L Japan JliL United States JiSL All Industries.. Manufacturing... Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components... Transportation equipment , Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Irrformalion. Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networi(s, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing sen,^ces Finance (except depositoiy Institutions) and insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services.. Architectural, engineering, and related sen/ices Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting... Other , Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/ices Accommodation Food sen/ices and drinking places Miscellaneous services Unspecified ' .. 1.717.240 656.819 50,256 13,447 11,012 2,523 15,482 10,010 59,092 125.926 33,193 16,023 36,084 15,490 25,136 28,670 24,252 63,007 36,666 26,341 49,126 12,874 7,549 28,704 80,838 16,487 21,391 14,540 16,424 9,579 2,417 23,143 81,523 75,299 6,225 2,775 15,735 503.359 98,175 35,943 56,187 114,969 67,151 130,933 103,498 6S.9S1 37.517 72.604 14,710 12,149 40,127 5,717 34,410 5,618 179.787 86,829 92,958 30,868 17,565 13,302 23.893 6,116 8,750 1,378 9,648 141.285 5,676 20,737 10,514 23,165 32,496 319 15,944 7,482 17,297 9,130 8,167 7,656 5,128 139.40S 48.535 3,477 (0) 1,469 1,453 2,930 4,944 177 3,465 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,572 1,796 307 8,220 5,543 2,677 1,646 47 261 1,338 11,400 333 (D) (D) 176 77 (D) 916 3,364 (D) (D) 87 (D) 32,614 1.162 370 2.946 5,809 10,714 11,614 8.439 (D) (D) 0.063 3,114 2,631 1,921 (D) (D) 1,397 18,985 6,222 12,762 3.209 2,933 276 1.624 197 1,085 68 274 18.918 317 3,836 784 1,034 5,047 (D) (D) 1.846 2,890 90 2,800 (0) 24 940.672 394.584 35,873 9,459 5,279 641 7,982 4,435 44,285 103,210 26,081 12.069 33.783 13,100 18,198 17,875 17,728 29,446 12,632 16,814 34,934 9,243 5,504 20,186 30,328 (D) 7,892 5,432 7,552 7,904 (D) 15,038 24,619 19,521 5,099 1,458 11,995 182.222 23,583 9,398 10,119 48,868 28,458 61,796 75.494 56,981 18,513 51.141 8,549 5,595 33.352 (D) (D) 3,645 118.698 51,499 67,197 12.695 6,126 6,570 16.921 4,975 3.121 963 7.862 84.566 3,993 10,765 9,341 15,575 19,100 154 10,747 5,404 6,737 2,509 4,228 2,748 4.353 135.414 50.651 2,607 398 1,039 (D) 66 (D) 538 10,516 3,315 914 2,464 (D) (D) 5.895 4.213 6,756 2,382 4,373 700 183 517 7,689 410 (D) (D) 787 294 2,990 4,268 (D) (D) 2,384 31,861 (D) 33 1,886 5,853 (D) 18,979 2.366 59 2,307 (D) 949 (D) (D) (D) 43 18.501 8,139 10,362 (D) 445 (D) 4.564 820 920 292 2,533 10,568 (D) 1,056 2,049 1,107 (D) 1,036 1,785 (D) (D) 97 299 194,492 80,839 525 70 921 131 439 (D) 592 29,718 8,012 5,580 7,863 4,220 4,043 3,738 2,020 6,071 3,213 2,858 10,344 930 2,031 7,383 5,010 (D) (D) (•) 1.800 1,894 4,356 12,133 11,574 559 (D) 2,354 44.855 17,413 4,645 2,453 13,054 (D) (D) 29.751 25,362 4,389 2.281 493 (D) (D) (D) 4 19.979 10,548 9,431 3.676 1,122 2,554 2,861 1,110 (D) 342 (D) 8.901 273 (D) (*) 2,102 751 (D) 351 2,842 97 (D) (D) (D) 1.349 124.109 53.991 5,869 (D) 301 418 (D) (D) 15,112 6,241 1,718 728 (D) (D) 579 525 (D) (D) 424 5 226 193 3,894 221 (D) (D) (D) 77 1,614 201 (D) (D) (D) 326 13.910 (D) (D) (D) 3,791 305 5,346 (D) (D) 2,558 (D) (D) 951 (0) (D) (D) 14.662 3,282 11,380 1.916 1,617 299 70S 377 60 (D) (D) 20,136 (D) (D) (D) 567 (D) 3 2,852 573 (D) (D) 211 284 110,077 41,188 10,114 (D) 379 204 (D) (D) 13,856 (D) (D) 9,601 (D) 2,334 491 1,621 2,405 1,324 1,081 6,305 1,821 872 3,812 2,257 370 217 (D) 141 1,509 (D) 176 (D) (D) (D) 116 1,735 21,680 (D) 515 168 7,388 9,501 (D) 760 102 658 (D) (D) (D) 2 30.719 16,598 14,121 722 335 387 745 225 (D) 2 (D) 10.654 180 (D) 4 3,677 572 4 4,018 (0) 130 130 (•) 383 (D) 258.845 112,836 9,648 7,648 2,215 108 2,567 1,287 (D) 27,273 6,116 1,714 11,222 (D) (D) 5,560 5,783 7,837 2,352 5,485 7,934 983 1,377 5,574 6,291 61 687 (D) 2,183 2,999 (D) 1,798 6,757 4,123 2,633 31 (D) 37,486 641 985 1,221 9,742 (D) (D) 12.114 (D) (D) 28.632 3,946 2,839 (D) (D) (D) (D) 30.376 10,977 19,399 3.645 1,615 2,030 5,903 952 500 276 4,174 26.285 437 5.495 2,880 4,679 4,528 (D) 2,156 356 4,074 1,151 2,923 (D) 1.568 53.469 16.784 3,314 45 (D) (D) 101 (D) 5,809 417 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 349 503 2,004 974 1,030 661 (D) (D) 89 943 (D) 56 (D) (•) (D) (D) 523 (D) (D) (D) 24.555 (D) (D) (D) 3,432 (D) 7,505 (D) 277 (D) 296 52 (D) (D) (D) 44 1.428 1,089 339 (D) 611 (D) 350 (D) (D) (D) (D) 7.960 672 2,279 (0) 655 1,343 67 2,147 (D) (D) (D) 129 130 13 6.993 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,056 (D) (D) (D) 121 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3.070 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 (D) (D) 1.002 (D) 926 (D) (*) (D) 58 10,569 (D) 1,153 (D) (D) (D) 744 (D) 537 84 (D) 54 (D) (D) 53 (D) (D) (D) 741 432 (0) (D) 82 5 (D) 604 115 4,923 30 34 (D) 346 (0) (D) 5.731 (D) (D) 112 (D) (D) (D) (D) 75 75 1.678 1,586 92 (D) (D) (D) 2.051 70 87 146 266 (D) (D) (D) 825 553 272 (D) 8 523.479 175.526 7,370 1,252 2,458 263 2,101 (D) 1,297 16,049 5,709 3,451 1,512 1,231 4.147 8,597 5,232 19,806 14,390 5,416 11,272 2,933 1,756 6,583 37,078 14,088 3,390 9,047 8,534 742 1,277 7,018 52,763 52,411 352 626 (D) 253.054 72,902 25,971 42,185 54.989 9.894 47,112 13.444 (D) (D) 11.572 2,863 3,743 (D) (D) 304 (D) 28.060 (D) (D) 10,530 6,172 4.358 4.630 831 2,281 132 1,386 25.990 (D) 2,844 (D) 5,346 6,608 79 1,099 201 6,265 5,531 734 2,718 674 26.132 9.467 397 835 1,294 1,723 (D) (D) (D) 625 1,817 1,209 981 227 635 202 (D) (D) 85 (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 4 (D) 2.121 (D) (D) (D) 863 744 301 101 101 9.298 (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 433 (D) (D) 903 (D) (D) 65 8 (D) (D) 3.625 (D) 1.843 93 876 104 (D) 129 (D) 119 446,422 5,680 961 1,450 184 925 559 3 10,928 1,922 3,036 1,500 864 3,607 7,056 3,245 16,934 11,846 5,088 9,970 2,706 1,696 5,567 34,159 12,621 3,301 8,797 7,512 693 1,236 5,592 52,334 52,013 321 600 1,710 224.807 70,053 19,392 36,445 48,507 7,788 42,623 11.563 (D) (D) 1.833 1,004 211 60 (D) (D) 558 27.313 26,195 1,118 8,507 4,617 3,890 4.195 811 1.966 123 1,294 15.362 497 935 82 3,005 3,260 69 958 72 4,401 3,752 649 2,082 554 23.742 3.827 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) (D) (D) (•) 43 (D) (D) (D) (0) 348 210 15 81 (D) (D) (D) (D) 337 2,920 (D) 185 (D) (0) 863 (B) (D) 420 (0) O (D) (D) (D) 12,542 (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) 271 (*) (D) (D) (*) 798 52 O 408 (D) (D) (•) (D) (D) 3 (D) Table E-10.-U.S. Income Taxes of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fMlllions of dollars] All countries (1) (21 (3) Europe W Qefmany (5) Nether- lands (8) Swilzer- lind (7) Ur^led Kingdom (8) Latin A/nerIca and Other Western Heml- sphere (9) (10) Middle East (11) Asia and Pacific (12) (13) Japan (1<) Unted Slates (15) All Industries .. Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetalllc mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery , Industrial machinery other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale tr^de Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products , Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beveiage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networi (D) n 43 (0) (D) 188 (D) (0) 348 (0) 15 81 (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) 2,786 (D) (D) (D) (D) 786 3 3 (0) (0) 486 52 n 434 Table E-15.— Sales of Services by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO ^ fMillions of dollarsi AU countries Jll. Canada J2L Total J3L Europe J*L. or which: Germany J5L Nether- lands JSL Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom J8L Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere JSL. _iiOL Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific _il2L All Industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment , Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications , Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance earners and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services .. Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related sen/ices ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . aher Other industries , Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbanlt companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 306,062 12,075 2,027 221 25 59 (D) 716 3,216 683 3 2,150 123 258 51 106 620 343 277 2.277 1,005 SO 1.222 1,028 288 435 44 108 153 (0) 372 1 173 2 226 14,602 5,364 1,818 978 1.032 3,257 2,153 550 84 467 68.970 11,363 (D) (D) 9,847 (D) 2,743 90,356 16,111 74,245 19,692 15,599 4.093 14.867 3,572 4,307 572 6,417 84,950 171 2,431 8.029 2,444 30,873 110 14,827 6,963 14,650 8,678 5,972 4,452 38,658 755 (D) 1 227 4 4 2 (•) 4 (•) 4 33 1 33 (D) (D) 16 108 47 8 41 12 105 24 82 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 9 11,266 1,442 9,824 (D) (D) 125 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (B) 79 (D) (D) (D) 5,064 (D) (D) (D) (D) 79 (D) 1,482 192,038 9,235 (D) 191 5 37 (D) (D) 2,862 555 2,012 123 172 39 31 320 147 173 1,835 680 49 1,105 618 219 165 44 107 83 (D) 326 152 173 152 7.821 (D) 530 (D) 581 (D) 1,517 212 212 46,828 4,707 (D) (D) (D) 2,574 60.067 8,666 51 ,400 8,397 (D) (D) 11,140 2,908 2,479 333 5,419 48,338 65 329 7,064 1,743 17,829 28 (0) (D) (D) 2,150 (D) 1,309 34,075 671 (•) 237 237 38 37 37 303 212 87 4 29 27 27 755 71 67 (D) (D) 1 1 (D| 646 (D) (D) (D) 1 7,212 659 6,553 1,054 389 665 3,637 384 608 249 2,398 (0) 68 2,169 (D) 364 925 1,831 (D) (D) 32 22.765 1.696 294 163 123 9 51 27 24 527 (D) 4 (0) 16 7 8 (D) 125 125 (D) 2.508 (D) 43 96 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 9,073 1,184 7,888 1.230 1.121 109 1.627 319 (D) 9 (D) (D) 16 24 (•) (D) 644 19 177 (D) 97 (D) (D) (D) 31,488 396 2 5 4 194 50 19 19 12 12 110 107 3 422 207 53 18 145 60 60 1,597 (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) 8,437 838 7.599 1.614 (D) (D) 494 349 (D) (D) 74 18.467 9 2 (D) 84 (D) 2.558 572 (D) (D) (D) 22.989 1,458 O (■) (D) (D) 4 (D) 1 5 (D) 63 40 23 35 36 211 47 164 1 1 (D) (D) 14.262 2.316 11.946 328 328 213 O (•) 213 (D) 14 (•) 567 4 4.018 (D) 130 130 185 70.432 4.050 (D) 191 1 31 (D) (D) 101 (D) 155 23 209 120 89 36 (") 36 107 19 39 48 173 27 146 15 3.253 47 268 (D) (0) 175 78 78 27,482 3.243 3.183 (D) (D) (0) 18.543 3.095 15.447 3,263 1,181 2,082 3.290 319 219 59 2,692 10.473 25 37 477 (D) (D) (•) (0) (D) (D) (D) 991 220 1 19 62 62 101 5 97 10 10 27 168 (•) 13 116 38 106 (•) 106 309 (D) (D) 80 (D) (D) (D) 239 (D) (D) (D) (D) 77 77 6.053 9 (D) (D) 73 1,253 (D) (D) (D) 398 (D) (0) (D) 266 92 92 92 (D) so (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 106 (D) (D) 55 (D) 35 (D) 53 (D) 37 37 109 (D) (D) (D) (D) 25 25 1.632 1,608 24 (D) (D) (D) (D) (*) 5 (D) 241 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,644 (D) 30 20 8 (D) (D) 287 128 3 134 23 10 75 195 191 4 317 233 84 (D) 14 (D) 1 70 9 36 36 2 5.875 (D) 1,279 (D) 294 6 (D) 60 29 (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 90 (D) 6,422 5,540 882 6.216 5,570 646 (D) 454 (D) (D) (D) 16,087 17 30 (D) 515 (D) 14 1,150 201 6,214 5,599 615 1,496 Table F-1 .-Gross Product of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Component [Millions of dollars' Jli- Compensation of employees (2) Proflt-type return ' J3L Net interest paid ^ H) Indirect business taxes ^ (5) Capital consumption aHowances J5i_ All Industrios Manufacturing Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and nibber products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripherat equipment Communications equipment , Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts aher Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods , Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution... Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance (except depository institutions) and insurance. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing. Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professional, scientific, and technical services Architectural, engineering, and related sen/ices.... Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management l-iealth care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 188,477 10,953 5.907 3,479 580 5,04S 2,803 23,421 40.906 9,285 5,008 16,094 4,735 5.784 7,991 12,044 16,510 8,600 7,910 18,607 4.186 1,665 10,776 15,658 1,022 5,889 1,054 4,512 2,542 639 7,537 13,554 11,372 2,182 654 4,824 51,858 11,879 4,245 8,126 8,843 6,082 12,681 25,008 17,720 7,290 27,120 7,348 2,542 16,153 1,421 14,733 1,076 28.331 9,703 16,628 9,084 7,290 1,795 5,981 1,358 1,756 411 2,456 51,025 730 8,826 1,445 4,358 11,999 -364 8,993 3,714 8,577 4,961 3,616 1,746 230,337 6,438 1.849 2,435 374 3,353 1,993 4,282 25,114 5,023 2.908 10,608 3,172 3,405 5,522 6,516 10,805 5,441 5,364 12,115 3,006 1,259 7,850 12,126 1,707 4,013 810 3,288 1,905 403 5,776 8,942 7,349 1,593 446 3,307 26,918 4,780 3,351 5,575 5,602 1,061 6,549 14,405 9,851 4,555 14,836 5,012 2,119 7,027 948 6,080 678 21,174 10,111 11,064 1,887 1,134 734 5.783 1,249 1,934 284 2,316 33,979 432 4,002 487 3.998 7.580 74 7.655 2,885 5.495 2.533 2.963 1.390 28,027 1,231 1,284 315 97 73 301 4.859 5.443 1.007 777 2.229 881 769 584 2,835 1,951 1,140 812 2,373 610 153 1,610 331 -1,131 924 -103 194 300 147 710 2,709 2.409 300 152 818 8,147 2.605 -410 416 1,023 672 3.841 2.039 1.784 255 4,041 310 -359 3.850 -48 3,898 240 12,077 4.176 7,901 481 295 186 -265 22 -373 112 -26 5.302 120 2,634 302 -85 2,233 -457 536 11 225 141 84 -217 10,449 1,143 841 228 9 681 168 743 3,348 813 260 1.356 219 700 333 776 1.084 419 645 561 168 62 332 437 116 25 (D) 113 92 (D) 241 -323 -418 95 15 185 -814 -2,300 280 551 257 320 79 1,132 777 355 1,951 1,310 280 421 (D) (D) -61 -11,305 -5,396 -5,909 2.487 2,096 390 -72 -4 -52 -6 -11 2,766 -22 322 270 25 602 4 177 432 779 690 89 178 17,987 1.008 1.645 96 17 138 57 10.247 1.275 451 170 376 111 167 437 480 529 288 240 382 136 39 208 694 100 343 89 95 56 11 159 819 560 60 8 177 8,197 1.370 319 (D) 1.256 (D) 1,192 5,383 3.933 1.480 1,035 177 (D) 564 22 542 (D) 1.922 161 1,761 1,355 1,282 72 185 33 87 10 55 2,995 47 920 107 149 404 5 190 88 933 665 268 153 51,055 22.881 1,135 308 406 82 804 263 3.310 5,726 1.991 893 1.526 573 743 1.134 1.437 2.161 1,312 849 1,175 245 152 777 2.089 230 584 (D) 822 188 (D) 651 1.607 1.472 135 33 337 9,407 5,424 705 (D) 705 (D) 1,019 2,041 1,375 666 5,257 539 (D) 4,292 (D) (D) (D) 2,463 652 1.811 2,895 2.462 413 350 58 160 10 122 5,982 154 1.950 280 270 1.200 10 435 297 1.144 933 212 242 Table F-2.-Gross Product of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO rMillions of dollarsi An countries (1) Canada (2) Total (3) Europe J*l. Germany J5L Nether- lands J8L Switzer- land JIL United Kingdom (B) Latin America and Other Westem Hemi- sphere (91 Africa (10) Middle East (11) Asia and Pacific (12) (13) Japan JliL All industries Manufacturing Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leattwr products Wood products , Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compourKls, and toilet preparations Other , Plastics and rubber products ftonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products Mactiinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and penpheral equipment CoriKnunications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigatior^l. measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appDances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and suppBes Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electncal goods , Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products , Other nondurabie goods Retail ti^de Food and beverage stores Other Iriforrrtation Publishing industries Motion pictures and sour>d recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution.... Telecommunications Information sen/ices and data processing sendees Fnanco, (except depository institutions) and insurance .... Finance, except depository institutions , Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Pivfessional, scientific, and techrvcal services „., Architectural, engineering, and related services , Computer systems design and related services Managemert, scientific, and technical consuUng Other Othtar industries „ Agnculture, forestry, fistiing and tunting Mning UUities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nor^banic companies ar>d enterprises Administration, support, and waste management Heath care and social assistarKe Accommodation and food services Accorrvnodation Food services and drinking places , Mscellar>eous services 384,883 188,477 10,953 5.907 3.479 580 5.048 2,803 23,421 40,908 9,285 5,008 16,094 4,735 5,784 7,991 12,044 18,510 8,600 7,910 16,607 4,166 1,665 10,776 15,658 1,022 5,889 1,054 4,512 2,542 639 7,537 13,554 11,372 2,182 654 4,824 51,856 11.879 4,245 8,126 8,843 6,082 12.681 25,009 17,720 7.290 27,120 7.348 2,542 16,153 1,421 14,733 1,076 26,331 9,703 16,628 9,084 7,290 1,795 5,981 1,358 1,756 411 2,456 51,025 730 9.826 1.445 4,358 11,999 -364 8.993 3,714 8,577 4,961 3,616 1,746 34,464 13,599 1,048 (D) 455 414 747 1,768 16 856 -1 63 15 (0) (D) 552 75 1,917 1,034 883 376 10 17 349 2,922 62 (D) 4 41 2 (D) 432 496 496 35 (D) 2,621 (D) 156 (D) 684 36 875 1,645 (D) (D) 4,334 (D) 678 481 (D) (D) (D) 2,077 812 1,266 1,434 1,355 79 278 125 138 5 10 8,475 54 1,854 159 182 2,953 -36 (D) 854 (D) 33 (D) 726 245,919 130,885 8,437 3,802 1,721 137 2,838 940 17,853 35,406 7,268 4,283 15,440 4,202 4,213 3,952 9.284 7,860 2,428 5.432 13.095 3,545 1,164 8.386 8,485 295 (D) 837 2,956 2.354 (D) 5.929 6.973 4.835 2.138 440 3,715 21,107 4,459 1,205 1,273 5,265 1,333 7,573 18,577 14,664 3,913 21,411 3,599 1.709 (D) (D) (D) 16,302 5.211 11.091 4,021 2.654 1.387 4,457 1.091 1.071 216 2.079 29,179 324 5.080 1,238 2,869 6.990 -173 6.341 2.760 3.303 1.435 1.868 447 35,883 15,725 412 160 327 15 11 101 24 3.338 1.379 (D) 962 (D) 74 1.565 2.739 2.150 410 1.740 45 4 40 2.008 67 (D) (D) 150 108 1.038 950 (D) (D) 844 2,837 -1 7 (D) 431 (D) i.e 493 -2 495 (D) 154 -5 (D) (D) -21 4,479 (D) (D) 462 217 245 1,421 117 366 170 767 (D) 39 15 (D) 461 66 -16 420 1.222 (D) (D) 6 46.171 25,266 80 27 290 17 -32 38 77 10.704 2.450 (D) 4.103 1,801 (D) 1,133 860 1,422 583 839 2,983 (D) 445 (D) 454 41 (•) 193 219 (D) 3,173 2,966 207 (D) 582 7,088 4,146 415 191 1,182 -10 1.165 7,028 (D) (0) 833 (D) (D) 9 9 2 614 (D) (D) 727 653 74 734 157 (D) 5 (D) 3,883 98 (D) (•) 775 132 -23 14 (D) 101 92 8 6 33,750 17,812 (D) 50 204 (D) (D) 3,218 (D) (D) 76 (D) 112 -27 51 2 49 60 1 12 48 (D) 69 3 (D) 15 48 (D) (D) 34 (D) 14 1,488 14 (D) 75 450 22 (D) (D) (D) 702 521 (D) (D) -8 -8 -5 2,117 433 1,684 1,048 924 124 247 197 9 6 35 (D) n 628 26 49 (D) 3 931 (D) 55 (D) 14 25,637 14,492 2,458 14 (D) 56 (D) 10 6,482 (D) (D) 5,529 (D) 60 615 389 312 77 2.679 695 224 1,761 877 114 (D) (D) 627 50 (D) (D) 1 40 517 1,450 86 16 466 178 703 63 -1 64 (D) (D) 3,263 2,157 1,105 138 138 114 13 (•) 101 (D) 79 67 271 137 -1 3,570 (D) 50 50 18 78,550 42,717 3,447 3,416 754 7 1,042 304 (D) 9,817 1,794 (D) 4,285 (D) 2,602 906 3,437 2,076 386 1,690 4,952 (D) 148 (0) 2,272 -1 (D) 57 722 1,030 (D) 186 2,564 1,018 1,547 8 (D) 4,490 73 334 358 1,803 (D) (D) 4,134 3,129 1,005 11,464 1,698 739 (D) (D) (D) 5,120 1.706 3,414 1,367 (D) (D) 1,417 147 66 36 1,168 7,840 94 2.511 (D) 583 1,280 -43 1,270 1,598 (D) (0) (D) 13,545 2,866 210 9 (0) 23 21 2 (D) 33 5 2 2 1 22 132 132 653 (D) (D) 25 (D) 3 (D) 10 -7 10 1 4 2 (D) (D) (D) 5,243 (D) -7 (D) 249 (D) (D) 288 65 223 77 26 45 5 7 -2 149 25 124 250 257 -7 41 41 4,830 231 (D) 53 223 744 -6 1.757 (D) 191 (D) (D) (D) 2,843 1,264 33 3 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 803 3 185 (D) (D) 28 28 (D) -17 (D) (D) (D) n o 7,295 4,172 8 (D) (D) (D) 202 37 135 (D) (D) 8 (D) 3 (D) (D) (D) 121 89 29 3 -1 77 39 317 S 3 24 272 12 1,052 (D) (0) 22 -4 5 21 21 7 7 1,119 1,116 3 3 2 -1 2 603 38 -10 103 (D) -79 -2 446 320 126 (D) 73.687 33,538 1,212 430 606 6 561 93 677 4,218 1,976 659 497 259 826 3,347 2,553 5,487 4,388 1,099 2,793 522 478 1,793 4,059 535 1.330 206 1,495 190 303 1,176 5,954 5,910 44 102 265 21,501 7,006 2,681 6,260 2,412 145 2,798 3,448 (D) (D) (D) (D) 106 628 (D) (D) 51 (B) 3,457 (D) (0) 1,874 (D) 1,080 140 556 17 367 7,019 74 533 -4 917 1,222 -68 402 (D) (D) (D) 279 519 5,207 3,520 (D) (D) 680 436 (D) 17 (D) (D) 1,062 338 321 17 169 20 (D) (D) 22 6 17 (D) 21 21 2 30 10 1 2 6 O 11 17 17 904 (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) 29 23 6 314 205 109 17 12 5 376 4 58 (D) 3 -1 (D) 71 (D) 62,345 27,307 768 328 442 6 231 88 -3 2.493 554 472 497 242 728 3,489 1,424 4,739 3,671 1,068 2,421 493 468 1,460 3,911 584 1,312 165 1,382 181 287 715 5,890 5,809 81 102 263 20,752 6,908 2,930 6,155 2,173 124 2,462 3,013 (D) (D) 388 (D) 33 -244 4 -248 (D) 3,589 3,512 57 1,532 1,313 219 976 140 471 16 349 4,809 70 465 -4 502 688 -41 283 37 2,367 2,093 273 443 Table F-3.-Gross Product of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate fMIHions of dollars] AJI Industrie (1) Total (2) Manufacturing Food (3) Chemi- cals (4) Primary and fabri- cated metals _i5)_ Machirv ery JBL. Computer and elec- tronic products JIi_ Electrical equipment, appliances, and compo- nents _tai_ Transpor- tation equip- ment (9) Whole- sale trade (10) Retail trade JIM. Infor- mation (12) Finance. (except deposi- tory institutions) and insur- ance (13) Real estate and rental and leasing (1<) Profes- sional, scientific. and tech- nical services (15) Other indus- tnes (18) All countries .. Canada .. Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark .. Finland .... France .... Gemiany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Netherlands .... Nonvay Spain Sweden Switzerland United KJngdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Westem Hemisphere Bahamas Bemiuda Netheriands Arttilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other , Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China , Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of .. Malaysia , New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United Stales . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 34,464 245,919 399 5,598 1,194 1,917 35,863 46,171 2,544 3,167 201 617 33,750 1.858 338 7,896 25,637 78,550 219 13,545 7,896 312 1,347 696 5,247 294 5,649 301 3,295 (0) (0) 16 2,843 2,208 835 7,295 417 868 193 4.263 156 1,398 73,667 5,207 238 1,474 (D) 62,345 655 420 (0) 95 696 1,717 217 7,151 218,084 11,477 188,477 13,599 130,885 213 (D) 530 895 15,725 25,268 2,248 1,903 29 230 17,812 927 (D) 4,783 14.492 42,717 125 2,666 1,962 171 836 (D) (0) 12 704 11 595 76 23 1,264 1,259 6 4,172 342 35 (D) 3,515 20 (D) 33,538 3,520 128 139 286 27,307 364 247 (D) 90 88 1,208 (D) 2,373 115,328 4,327 10,953 1,048 8,437 4 (D) 66 75 412 80 254 219 (■) 75 (D) 92 (D) 2,458 3,447 49 210 203 203 (•) 7 7 33 33 8 1.212 (D) (*) 89 768 7 (•) 4 77 6 (D) -13 5,838 89 856 35,406 20 758 40 74 3,338 10,704 4 80 3,218 491 35 346 6,482 9,817 33 31 23 1 (•) 7 1 1 (D) (0) 202 (0) (D) 4,218 436 7 2.493 81 3 (•) 1,193 4 (D) 28,434 18 18,510 1,917 7,860 80 (D) (D) (0) 2,150 1,422 9 92 (D) 51 279 59 687 389 2.078 653 (D) (D) 24 (D) 2 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3 (D) (D) 3 5,487 338 113 1 4,739 272 23 7,192 11 376 13,095 (D) 17 183 288 45 2,983 21 557 9 60 11 (•) 1,195 2,679 4,952 (D) 25 6 6 19 10 S (0) (D) (0) 1 2 (D) 2,793 169 2,421 (D) (D) (D) (D) 110 10,391 2 15,858 2,922 8,485 11 5 31 12 2.006 454 1 179 (D) 2 (D) 877 2,272 10 13 2 10 1 -2 -9 6 121 118 3 4,059 22 13 2 3,911 -75 23 71 62 29 61 7,607 3 7,537 432 5,929 15 1,038 (0) (D) 4 48 (D) 50 186 1 1,178 (D) (•) 715 12 6 (D) 5,873 13,554 6,973 4 3 950 3,173 (D) 14 (D) 4 38 (D) 2,564 13 (D) (D) 5 (D) 5,854 21 (D) 5.890 3 (D) -2 (0) 6.884 (D) 51,856 25,009 2,621 1,645 21,107 126 60 233 (D) 2,637 7,088 168 464 162 114 1.488 (D) 34 1,636 1,450 4,490 56 5,243 4,617 104 289 19 (D) (D) 626 390 13 223 1 803 787 16 317 39 2 272 2 1 21,501 30 82 196 11 20.752 158 25 (D) 165 (0) 264 19.127 (D) 18,577 29 (0) 21 37 493 7,026 (D) 1 (D) 26 10 63 4,134 288 44 9 (D) 3 (D) 243 169 (D) (D) 1,052 10 28 1,015 3,448 17 (D) (D) 3.013 (D) -2 C (0) (•) 18,514 40 27,120 4,334 21,411 3 11 (D) 833 -4 521 16 9 (D) 11,464 2 77 68 3 67 -2 9 1 8 22 17 5 (D) 904 (D) 1 388 (•) (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) 20,283 6 2,077 18,302 -10 25 (•) 71 4,479 614 103 67 61 2,117 3 80 326 3,283 5.120 4 140 -6 -9 3 3 -3 154 -2 89 4 63 1 28 28 7 -13 (•) 1 18 (B) 29 (D) (D) 3.569 (D) (D) (D) -6 (0) (D) 1 3.032 3 15 2 3 482 727 14 7 10 142 1,048 20 7 26 138 1.367 25 250 58 4 31 11 5 7 193 6 151 18 14 4 (D) (D) (D) 1,119 13 (D) 32 149 97 (D) (B) 314 (■) (D) (D) 1,532 5 (D) n (D) (D) (D) -3 52 3.843 1.082 5,081 278 4,457 20 -1 3 1,421 734 4 22 247 (D) (•) 71 114 1.417 (D) 41 35 38 -1 6 1 5 3 (•) 2 1,080 17 4 1 976 27 -2 19 16 22 121 3,939 3 51,025 8,475 29,178 9 191 396 (D) (D) 3,883 7 (D) 1 69 (D) 155 (0) 1,034 (D) 7,840 (D) 4,830 1,116 30 (D) (D) 630 (0) 3.714 286 1,901 (D) (D) (D) (B) (D) (D) 803 19 (D) (D) 308 9 128 7.019 376 (D) (0) 11 4,809 113 147 (D) n (D) 299 (B) 24.038 (D) Table F-5.-Gross Product of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of UBO fMillions of dollarsi All industries (1) Govern- ment and govern- ment related entities (2) Individuals, estates. and trusts (3) Total (4) Manufacturing (5) Chemi- cals (6) Of which: Machirv- ery (7) Computer and elec- tronic products (B) Trans- portation equip- ment (9) Wholesale and retail trade (10) Infor- mation (11) Deposi- tory Institu- tions (12) Other finance and insurance (13) Real estate (14) Profes- sional. scientific, and tech- nical services _U5L All countries . Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmari< . Finland .... France .... Gemiany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Netheriands .... Nonvay , Spain Sweden Switzeriand United Kingdom . Otiier Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and.Central America . Braal Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China , Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea. Republic of .. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other UnKed States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 384,883 34,464 245.919 399 5.698 1,194 1,917 35,863 48,171 2,544 3,167 201 617 33,750 1,858 338 7,896 25,637 78,550 219 13,545 7,896 312 1.347 698 5,247 294 5,649 301 3,295 (D) (D) 16 2,843 2,208 635 7,295 417 863 193 4,263 156 1,398 73,667 5,207 238 1,474 (D) 62,345 655 420 eneftt plans JSL All countries . Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmarif . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Neliieriands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brajii Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Westem Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of .. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States .. Addenda: European Union (15) . 5,1M.3 601.6 3,213.9 59 121 2 18.7 25.3 411.2 8576 30.4 4S.S 2.7 134 391.4 33.0 B.I 976 352 1 9832 35 168.1 57.6 4.5 26.7 12.0 0.8 3.7 110.6 7.0 77.0 J I .5 22.4 20.3 2.1 92.7 0.3 4.4 3.1 25.0 1.6 48.4 1,012,6 80.1 1.6 34.5 I 612.4 18.4 0.4 I .7 0.2 25.5 5.0 52.9 2,822.3 52.5 519.6 8 85 15 53 51 143.0 16.4 2.7 1 23 132 6 1.2 6 189 266 107,7 .4 34,5 10.4 .3 4.7 Q H .2 24.1 2.4 21.3 .1 .3 O 5,4 5.3 .1 13.8 1.0 .3 .0 0.1 .1 25 125.3 16.7 .2 3.0 1.6 950 1.7 .8 1.7 .1 .0 3.1 .4 4,7 491.4 13.9 78.8 (*) .6 .7 11 104 174 3 10 (•) o 7.5 .4 .1 4.1 15.4 19.6 2 3.2 230.337 21,730 149,288 289 2,992 866 1.310 21.785 30.510 1.688 2.078 180 529 17.217 1,335 298 4,546 20,729 42.788 1 62.8 .1 3,048 126,918 2,158 17.587 121,377 234 2,371 702 1,017 17,562 24,188 1,388 1,678 131 433 14,025 1,121 242 3.596 17,018 35,563 133 5,079 6 2.839 2.199 (•) 285 202 5 984 768 2 717 561 (*) 732 572 (•) 120 07 25 3,618 2,880 228 198 F 2.231 1,795 G (D) (0) (•) (D) (0) 18 14 ,5 1,328 1,056 .5 1,172 928 155 126 ,8 2.543 2,088 .7 425 348 n 112 90 n 111 97 (•) 898 697 (•) 47 40 .1 952 798 20,8 45,987 36,686 6 3.423 2.499 (•) 109 87 (•) 879 725 (•) (D) (D) 167 37,938 30.488 2.1 945 776 .2 327 298 2 (D) (D) 18 IS .1 540 388 .6 1,092 856 .1 188 150 2.576 103.008 1,695 43,907 4,143 27,891 55 622 184 293 4.223 8.344 302 400 29 98 3.192 214 58 950 3.712 7.205 33 1,378 840 83 218 158 160 23 739 30 436 (D) (0) 3 272 244 27 475 79 22 13 200 7 154 9,280 924 22 155 (D) 7.452 169 29 (D) 3 152 236 39 470 23.910 461 NOTE.-Slze ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499: F-500 to 999: G~1.000 to 2.499: H-2,500 to 4.999: 1-5,000 to 9,999: J-10,000 to 24.999 K-25.000 to 49.999, L-50,000 to 99,999, M-100.000 or more Table G-3.-Employnient of Affiliates, industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fMillions of dollars] An countries (1) Canada (2) Total (3) Europe W Germany (5) Nether- lands (6) Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Heml- sphere JSL jm. Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific Total .1121. _(13L Japan (14) All industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals , Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations .. Other Plastics and rubber products .... Nonmetallic mineral products .... Primary and fabricated metals ., Primary metals Fabricated metal products .... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining macNnery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies... Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution... Telecommunications information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions Insurance earners and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and technical services ... Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related services ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinidng places Miscellaneous sen/ices 5,164.3 152.7 31.2 78.1 10.8 61.8 42.8 5S.S 388.4 74.3 48.6 143 5 56.8 85.3 124.3 132.8 218.4 95.6 123.8 260.8 81.7 23.8 175.2 239.8 35.7 75.7 16.3 64.8 35.8 11.2 129.5 207.9 170.0 37.9 18.4 70.2 S38.S 880 70.1 102.8 111.3 160 150.3 688.7 475.0 213.7 293.4 85.7 43.8 142.7 22.2 120.5 11.2 219.8 548 185.0 47.0 25.1 21.8 82.6 23.2 24.5 3.3 31.7 1,067.3 13.8 85.2 8.7 78.8 185.5 1.2 279.1 104.2 270.4 113.4 157.0 82.4 601.6 197.0 18.1 I 9.4 7.1 7.7 29.2 .2 9.7 (*) .5 .6 H H 8.5 .7 32.6 130 18.7 6.5 .1 .4 8.1 38.3 1.5 K .1 .8 .1 7.3 10.1 10.1 .7 G 44.2 I .7 11.8 .5 14.4 53.1 J K 67.5 K 18.8 6.2 H G A 19.4 5.5 13.8 5.5 5.4 .1 8.2 2.1 4.1 .2 1.8 206.6 1,5 11.8 .2 3.8 68.4 .2 J 34.5 L .7 L 20.0 3,213.9 105.3 18.2 36.9 2.7 38.7 12.3 38.4 329.1 61.9 43.8 129.8 45.4 48.3 60.0 88.1 111.4 32.5 78.8 203.7 53.5 16.5 133.7 118.8 5.4 J 11.3 41.0 31.7 I 102.7 108.3 70.3 38.0 11.3 54.8 233.1 24.8 21.4 17.2 66.2 7.8 95.8 533.9 411.3 122.6 191.4 42.7 23.1 M M J 159.3 32.0 127.4 25.5 4.9 20.6 57.3 18.7 10.4 1.8 26.5 564.8 5.1 31.2 8.5 43.7 93.7 .3 196.0 64.8 103.3 34.6 88.7 183 411.2 5.8 1.2 6.1 .2 .3 1.0 .3 37.5 15.4 H 9.8 I .6 21.3 28.5 23.8 4.7 19.2 1.1 (*) 1.1 24.5 1.8 I J 2.0 1.2 18.2 12.9 I I 11.2 34.1 (•) .1 H 5.5 Q 22.8 8.8 8.8 L 2.6 L L .2 25.4 H J 4.6 .1 4.5 17.3 2.1 4.2 1.4 9.6 L .8 .2 I 8.2 2.4 (•) 20.5 33.0 J J .2 657.6 .9 .2 5.4 .5 1.3 .3 .7 91.5 17.3 J 38.0 18.7 I 18.2 11.9 18.1 88 12.2 39.6 I 5.6 J 6.3 .5 2.8 3.2 L 42.6 39.4 3.2 I 12.1 56.9 21.7 8.8 2.6 11.6 .1 14.2 193.2 M K 1Z5 G J (*) (*) O 16.2 H J 1.8 .8 5.4 2.1 H (*) A 62.3 1.4 I 12.0 4.1 .1 .3 K 1.3 .0 .3 .2 I .8 2.4 H J 38.4 i H 2.3 J .8 2.0 .8 n 2.3 (•) 1.0 1.3 J 1.1 .1 J .2 .7 G F .7 H (•) 20.9 .3 H 1.8 5.7 .1 1 M M 22.9 6.6 H O (*) (*) .1 26.3 3.3 23.0 .4 .3 .1 3.8 2.8 .4 .1 .7 L (•) L 21.2 I .5 I .7 158.9 25.8 .2 H 1.3 F .2 55.2 H H 40.4 I .8 4 5.4 4.0 1.4 40.7 10.1 2.8 27.8 11.3 2.0 G F 6.7 .8 G G (*) .8 6.0 14.7 1.2 .2 4.9 .2 8.2 1.6 .1 1.5 39.3 7.4 31.8 .8 1.6 .3 1.3 M .8 .5 3.4 2.0 O 99.7 J 1.2 1.2 .8 472.0 40.9 12.3 18.2 .1 11.4 6.1 J 92.1 12.2 J 36.3 G 30.0 15.0 32.3 36.7 8.4 28.3 84.9 J 2.0 L 38.1 .1 H .9 12.3 14.8 I 3.2 45.4 19.8 25.8 .1 J 61.5 .8 8.4 4.4 28.5 H J 81.3 51.6 29.7 109.2 26.6 10.0 L L I 45.8 11.2 34.8 16.6 G J 19.5 3.5 1.3 .3 14.4 177.3 1.6 18.2 G 7.8 26.6 .1 48.2 57.1 J K J 5.0 .2 I .3 .5 (•) G 1.0 n .1 .1 o 2.0 2.7 10.6 G I A O A .4 .1 .2 (•) (•) .1 Q G H 19.3 F (•) F 4.4 I I 10.5 4.1 6.4 3.2 1.3 1.9 .6 .6 (•) 97.0 4.1 J 4.8 4.1 .3 59.5 F 8.8 I G A 12.1 H F F I I F F 7.6 (•) 2.9 A H 34.2 .4 J F H 3.8 .3 2.5 F A H H 3.4 3.0 .3 O 2.6 .7 1.5 .1 .1 .8 .6 .1 33.0 I J .2 .2 (*) (•) (*) (*) (*) 2.7 2.8 .1 .4 .1 .2 .1 20.8 .4 .1 1.6 G o 15.6 7.3 8.3 G 1,012.6 482.2 23.2 8.1 12.8 .5 8.7 1.0 7.8 43.2 12.0 5.2 10.7 4.3 11.1 53.7 31.3 58.3 42.8 157 440 8.7 7.0 304 75.8 25.2 14.8 4.8 22.8 3.9 4.1 18.5 902 88.3 1.9 1.8 62 231.8 53.8 47.7 78.7 25.3 1.4 27.0 58.1 K K K J 1.8 18.5 J G .7 J 15.2 G J 11.5 A 14.9 2.3 9.2 .1 3.2 165.3 2.0 3.3 .1 18.5 18.1 .4 8.8 H L L 23.5 229 G H 7.8 2.8 G F 14.8 3.1 3.0 .1 4.4 .5 A H .1 .1 (*) .2 (•) .1 .4 20.7 G G J J (*) .1 (*) .1 1.8 1.8 (*) .1 .2 G .1 G 3.0 G 812.4 389.3 14.0 4.2 8.1 .5 1.9 .9 32.9 4.4 3.9 10.6 4.2 10.0 50.1 15.4 50.9 35.7 15.1 34.1 8.0 8.7 21.4 69.2 23.3 14.4 3.7 20.3 37 3.8 11.8 87.5 68.3 1.2 1.8 5.9 212.9 52.5 39.0 74.2 22.4 1.2 23.8 45.3 K J 8.5 I .2 .7 ,1 .6 F 16.3 15.0 1.3 8.8 8.4 .4 13.3 2.3 8.0 .1 2.9 118.0 1.8 2.6 .1 9.6 13.2 .3 6.6 1,2 62,9 42,0 20.8 19.7 NOTE.-Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499: F-500 to 999: G-1 ,000 to 2,499: H-2,S00 to 4,999: 1-5,000 to 9,999: J-10,000 to 24,999: K-25.000 to 49.999, L-50,000 to 99,998; M-100,000 Of more. Table G-4.-Employment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of Affiliate prhousands of employeesi An Industries (1) (2) Manufacturing (3) Chenv cals (4) Primary and fabri- cated metals (5) MacNn- ery (6) Computer and elec- tronic products JZL Electrical equipment, appliances, and compo- nents J8L Transpor- tation equip- ment J0L Whole- sate trade (10) Retail trade (11) Infor- mation _il2L Finance, (except deposi- tory Institutions) and Insur- ance jm. Real estate and rental and leasJng (14) Profes- sional, scientjflc, and tech- nical services (15) Other induft- thes (16) All countries . Canada . Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg ... Netherlands .... Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela aher Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of .. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan , Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 5,164.3 601.6 3,213.9 58 121 2 18.7 253 411 2 6576 394 468 27 13 4 391 4 339 8.1 976 352.1 9S3.2 3.5 168.1 576 4.5 26.7 12.9 9.6 3.7 110.8 7.9 77.9 J I .5 22.4 20.3 2.1 92.7 93 4.4 3.1 25.9 1.6 46.4 1,012.6 80 1 16 345 I 812.4 18.4 9.4 I 7 9.2 255 5.0 52.9 2,822.3 52.5 2,227.0 197.0 1,448.5 35 K 82 134 194.0 309.2 35.1 233 7 37 1099 10.8 H 743 158 9 472.0 2.3 36.S 29.0 1,5 172 I G .2 7.6 .8 5.3 1.3 .4 12.1 11.7 .4 34.2 7.2 1.1 F 17.0 .( I 482.2 468 8 2.8 90 3893 6.3 5.7 Q .7 2.0 14.8 H 16.5 1,276.0 293 18.1 105.3 1 I .7 .6 5.9 4.0 3.2 .1 1.1 I 1.6 F 259 409 9 5.0 50 5.0 (■) o (•) .5 .5 23.2 G (•) 3.3 14.0 .2 (•) (•) 3 (*) H ,1 767 33 9.7 329.1 4 52 .4 5 375 91 5 .1 .8 364 4. .6 38 552 92.1 1.0 1.0 .1 o (•) 1 (•) (*) F F 3.8 H F 43.2 2.6 .2 329 .5 (•) (•) 6.7 .2 269.0 8 32.8 111.4 12 O F H 238 19.1 .1 1.3 G 3.6 .3 9.2 54 367 F A 1 58.3 3,1 7 .1 50.9 33 3 102.3 .5 B.S 203.7 G .3 3 1 38 11 396 5 6 1 .1 23 .2 O 195 40.7 84.9 A .8 F F H (-) (•) H 44.0 4.4 34.1 A I A A 1828 (•) 39.3 119.8 .1 .2 ,5 1 245 63 (•) 36 J .1 J 11 3 38.1 ,4 .2 4 (■) 1 .1 3.4 34 (*) 75.8 8 .1 2 692 12 .5 17 16 108.4 (*) 7.3 102.7 3 182 L G J i 32 (•) 19.5 I (•) 11,8 2 ,1 F 101.8 108.3 1 .1 129 426 F 2 G 2 7 G 454 .4 G 90.2 .1 6 875 .1 F (•) 1045 G 44.2 233.1 1,3 7 37 I 34,1 589 32 56 20 22 209 J .4 5.1 14,7 61 5 ,5 19.3 12.4 ,6 5,1 2 I G 69 4,5 3 22 (•) 7.6 7,1 ,5 1.5 .7 2 .8 (•) (•) 231.8 .5 ,4 30 2 2129 95 3 F 4,0 A 1.0 2023 I 533. S 3 L 3 ,4 88 193,2 J (•) M 1,1 2 16 81 3 10.5 2.0 .1 A (*) G 8.5 7.3 G A 33.0 2 3 324 58.1 .4 J A 45.3 A A (•) 5323 ,8 1S1.4 .1 ,1 L 12,5 ,3 6,6 109,2 (•) 5 (•) ,4 ,1 ,1 o ,1 .2 ,2 (*) K 20,7 A 85 A A F F A 1840 (•) 19.4 159.3 ,1 ,1 o ,4 25,4 162 ,8 2,0 ,9 26,3 (•) 1,0 1,0 393 45.8 ,1 3.2 6 .1 (") ,1 2,4 ,1 1,0 1,2 ,1 n (•) J ,1 A F 183 A A A ,1 A 120,0 5.5 25.5 o (•) 4.6 1.1 o 1 o .7 .4 .4 o ,1 8 168 (•) ,4 ,1 ,2 ,1 (*) n ,2 (*) ,1 o ,1 (*) F F A 2.7 (•) G (•) 2 ,2 A J 1,8 (•) A A 88 (•) A A A A O (*) 243 28 8.2 57.3 3 ,2 n 173 5,4 ,1 A 3,8 I 10 1 8 195 A .3 .1 (•) o .4 ,3 ,1 14.9 2 2 (•) 133 ,1 o 2 3 5 1.5 480 ,1 1,067.3 208.6 564.8 .4 2.7 6.4 H 623 .1 G 59 L 13 G 157 M 1773 A 87.0 12,4 15 H H 2,9 F 848 7,2 59,5 J G A a F G 20.8 9 G G 78 3 84 165.3 98 A J 3 1180 23 3.5 H O H 58 1,4 4354 J NOTE,-Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are; , K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99.999; M-100.000 or more. -1 to 499; F-SOO to 999; G-1 ,000 to 2,499; H-2,500 to 4.999; 1-5.000 to 9,999; J-10,000 to 24.999; Table G-6.-Employment of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Industry of UBO IThousands of employeesl An industries (1) Govern- ment and govern- ment related entities (2) individuals, estates, and trusts (3) (4) Manufacturing (S) Chemi- cals JSL Machin- ery JZL Computer and electronic products J8L Trans- portation equip- ment J?L Wholesale and retail trade (10) Infor- mation (11) Deposi- tory institu- tions (12) Other finance ar>d InsurarKe _t13L Real estate JliL Profes- sional, scientific, and tectv rtical services JiSL other indus- tries J18L All countries . Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark . Rniand .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liectitenstein .. Luxembourg .... Netherlands .... Nonway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brail Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netherlands AntlDes United Kingdom lslaT>ds, Caribtiean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait , Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific AustraRa China Hong Kong , Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand PhiBppines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addendm: European Union (15) . OPEC 5,164.3 601.6 3,213.9 5.9 121.2 18,7 25 3 411.2 657.6 39.4 48.8 2.7 13.4 391.4 33.9 8.1 97.8 352.1 983.2 35 168.1 57.6 4.5 26.7 12.9 9.8 3.7 110.6 79 77.9 J I .5 22.4 20.3 2.1 92.7 9.3 4.4 3.1 25.9 1.6 48.4 1,012.6 80.1 1.6 34.5 I 812.4 18.4 9.4 I .7 9.2 25.5 SO 52.9 2.822.3 52.5, 82.9 .1 4.3 71.3 .3 4.7 .1 .4 G .6 .1 (•) A 7.8 .1 .2 7.5 G G 7.6 F 2.8 H .2 (•) 3.2 (•) 1.4 .1 o 1.0 o .7 (*) 82.5 15.7 826. B 119.9 468.0 2.0 J G .3 22.2 258.2 F J 2.3 2.7 33.7 .1 1.8 4.5 83.4 26.9 1.0 70.9 19.9 1.5 13.3 A G G 51.0 G 43.4 .4 H .2 H 2.4 F 54.2 A .4 G 19.6 1.4 K 75.3 73 (•) 20.3 8.3 238 .1 1.5 .8 .7 11.6 1.1 381.1 31.9 2,322.0 180.0 1,422.8 3.0 16.3 8.2 13.4 166.6 2952 36.0 21.8 O 1.8 100.8 20.8 1.0 84.3 130.0 522.9 .7 47.8 20.7 G 7.3 J .2 27.1 25.7 1.3 .1 6.1 6.1 8.0 7.4 .3 .1 n .2 647.5 393 .1 .7 F 566.8 14.6 I 1.6 .1 3.7 11.2 3.1 9.9 1,271.5 1.4 133.2 10.2 100.9 .1 .3 .7 1.1 6.2 .9 4.0 1.3 O .1 I J n 33.6 30.8 3.9 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.4 (*) .3 3 17.5 G F 11.4 .2 (•) H (*) 54.3 F 337.6 9.9 291.0 .4 5.2 1.7 O 265 88.6 .7 2.9 34.2 4.4 5.6 32.9 87.7 .2 n o o n F F 3.0 3.0 (*) 32.6 .7 .2 30.6 .7 O O .2 .2 253.7 O 160.1 13.2 88.8 G .4 2.8 2.1 1.3 25.4 .9 (•) 1,3 .2 o 12.3 11.8 29.1 A J o J (■) (*) F F n (*) 44.6 F o 42.3 .5 .7 A 76.8 O 191.1 K .2 .7 1.2 L (•) 4.6 G .2 .4 86 3 3 O .7 .7 87.0 .2 .1 2 81.1 .3 1.4 3.3 .5 63.6 254.3 17.8 101.9 .1 .1 3.9 51.4 60 O .2 2.6 .1 37.1 .4 .3 .3 133.7 .2 o 130.4 1.0 .7 F F 101.4 585.7 81.6 419.4 .8 L 1.0 G 37.3 11.4 G 1.! .3 .1 M 1.9 1.6 .4 3.5 131.2 1.2 6.3 2.7 (•) G A n A 3.6 G (•) G .1 e G .2 .1 (*) 96.3 .4 (*) 5.3 .1 88.6 1.3 .1 .1 O .1 .1 412.6 .3 196.3 61.9 104.8 O .1 .1 19.2 29.7 .3 n .3 .5 .3 .8 1.3 52.2 o 1.8 O .7 .1 1.0 1.0 .3 .3 27.4 23.2 .5 3.2 .2 .2 (•) 103.0 69.0 3.8 40.9 (*) O 9.4 8.5 A .3 .5 3.3 O .3 G 11.7 5.1 .1 (•) O O O .5 .5 (*) 8.3 .1 8.3 15.3 n o 15.3 n o (*) 29.1 208.8 J 159.2 .3 .4 31.3 J .4 H 1.1 23.8 (*) .7 .9 44.8 40.1 4.4 .5 O .5 O 3.8 (*) 3.7 O ,1 12.6 G G I 11.5 .3 .1 F 8.8 O .1 G n n H 114.4 1.9 28.1 4.9 4.8 O .5 .1 .1 O n (•) .7 .3 .4 (•) O 1.9 .9 n .1 n n .1 n o .2 o o o .2 o n (*) 1.1 .2 .7 .3 (•) 16.8 1.1 1.0 A 13.2 .1 O G o o n 2.5 1.2 41.0 4.9 31.9 .1 .1 11.7 .1 .1 .2 3.7 F O I 9.5 (•) o 3.2 .1 o 2.9 .2 25.4 O 783.2 146.3 479.1 (•) 1.8 I H 42.1 K .1 Q 5.7 L I G H L 194.4 F 28.1 5.0 G G .1 A F 23.1 I Q J .6 .2 J J (•) .4 .4 n o o 116.1 8.5 O I 89.7 2.1 G H H 2.4 .1 H 400.1 .1 NOTE.-Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999: G-1 ,000 to 2,499; H-2,SO0 to 4,999: 1-5,000 to 9,999: J— 10,000 to 24,999; K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-1 00,000 or more. Table G-7.— Employment of Affiliates, State by Industry of Affiliate ^ IThousands of employees] Ail industries _m_ Manufac- turing J2)_ Whola- sala trade (3) Retail trade (4) Inform- ation (5) Finance, (except depository institu- tions) and insurance (6) Real estate and rental and leasing (7) Profes- sional, scientific. and technical services (8) aher indus- tries (10) Total . New England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode lslar 4 Midsast: G O 3 Maryland 36 NewYori< 9.0 Pennsylvania 1 2 Great Lakas: jBnois 1.5 3 G ONo 1 1 Wisconsin .1 Plains: .1 Kansas .6 Minnesota .4 .7 Nebraska .1 North Dakota (•) Soutlieast: .2 .5 Ftorida 1.6 G Kentucky .1 2.3 .4 .8 1 .2 1.1 West Virginia .1 Souttiwest: Arizona .4 .1 Oklahoma 1.4 Texas 2.7 Rocky Mountains: Colorado 3.3 Idaho O Montana Utah .1 Wyoming .1 Far West: Alaska .9 California 3.8 Hawaii 1.0 Nevada . . .1 Oregon .6 Washington 1.8 Puerto Rico .9 Other US areas Foreign O NOTE -Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. Tlie size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; G-1,000 to 2.499; H-2,500 to 4,999; 1-5.000 to 9.999; J-10,000 to 24,999; K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-100,000 or more. Table G-IO.-Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Industry of Affiliate^ [Thousands of employees] For the distribution by Industry of sales, read the column For the distribution by industry of affiliate, read the row All Industries (1) Manufactunng (2) Ofwhkh- Food (3) Chem- icals (4) Primary and fabri- cated metals (S) Machin- ery (6) Com- puter and elec- tronic prod- ucts (7) Elec- tncal equip- ment, appli- ances. and compo- nents (8) Trans- por- tation equip- ment (9) Wf)ole- sale trade (10) Retail trade (11) Infof- mation (12) Finance, (except depos- itory insti- tutions) and insur- ance (13) Real estate and rental and leasing Profes- sional, scierv tifc, and tech- nical serv- ices (1<) (15) Other indus- tries (16) All industries.. Manufacturing.. Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic njbber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and rubber products.... Nonmetallic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components-. Navigational, measuring, and other instnjments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.. Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods ... Petroleum and petroleum products I Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networits. and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing sen/ices Finance (except depository institutions) and insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services.. Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting... Other Other industries , Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining unities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places , Miscellaneous services Auxiliaries ' .... Unspecified ' „ 5,164.3 2,101.5 139 31 2 84.6 11.6 57.5 60.0 333 307.4 65.7 352 98.6 41 8 662 1439 107.9 211.9 925 119,4 207.9 44.6 32.4 130.9 281.4 34.2 62.9 359 693 49,5 96 120,3 225,2 191,6 33.6 16.9 81.4 390.4 37.7 539 66.5 111.1 55 115,7 725.8 4583 267.5 250.3 66.9 25.5 128.8 11.5 117.3 29 1 217.0 74,1 1429 58.3 24.8 335 135.6 33.9 31.0 7,1 636 1,123.3 25.7 694 SO 74.0 187.6 3.3 272.1 99.9 287.0 117.2 169.8 96.2 118.6 43.5 1334 K 785 100 545 43.0 K 298 6 64 1 343 979 41 7 608 1408 1072 2003 870 113,4 196,9 41.0 29.5 126.4 205.1 27.1 58 1 166 51 8 446 69 1135 176,1 1509 253 16.8 70.2 S4.2 9.4 10.6 13,9 27 1 ,4 228 33.7 8 328 5.1 .9 .4 .4 39 1.4 1,2 2 4.5 .3 4.2 33.4 4.9 1.4 .9 263 58.8 9 12,4 5 13,3 2.5 .9 28 3,0 J .1 J I 70.2 33.1 120.3 117.7 23 (•) 3 2 (•) n 7.7 o (•) 7,7 .9 8 ,1 .3 3 (•» (•) .1 o .1 n (•) J ,1 (•) .8 (•) J ,1 J 333.7 14,6 2 1,1 31 F 1,6 2770 542 323 95,1 40,5 549 13,2 36 20 F G 2,1 1.9 2 3,8 (•) 38 (•) 2.3 .6 .8 (*) .1 I 16.3 H 22 (•) J O G I 7 1,2 (•) .4 .1 .1 G 29 A 14.4 2.7 203.0 ,1 3 3 H (•) 49 3 5 ,1 F F 11,6 3,0 162,3 787 836 5,8 .8 .9 41 3,4 2,0 ,1 13 16 5.7 H G G 3.6 ,1 ,1 2 28 {•) 3 (•) (•) (*) (•) (•) (•) .1 (•) .1 2.2 1.3 2 ,7 4.4 5 ,1 3.3 .2 .1 2 4.9 1.2 ,1 1,5 4 3 .2 9.1 G 183 20 163 161,1 333 233 1045 15,5 ,1 20 13.4 90 49 G H G 9.2 F (*) I (•) (•) (•) (•) .3 ,3 .1 .1 H H 2.2 1.7 (*) ,5 (•) 5.4 5 2.0 .5 (•) 24 6.5 J 20S.8 F 37 2 G (•) G 1,1 G 3,8 7 30 2,5 (•) 4 2,1 173,1 265 553 164 428 252 69 16,1 1,1 ,6 ,5 1,6 15.9 (•) 50 96 1.2 (•) ,1 .8 6 10.4 2 G 3.2 ,5 (•) 12 1,5 3,1 F (•) 17 F 832 G G 1 4.2 .6 34 2 (*) (•) .2 (•) 2 1.0 ,8 2 1,9 F ,1 .1 (•) 32 66 3,0 36 86 .3 8.3 2.4 (•) .2 2.0 .2 9 161,1 141 5 19.6 G 10.1 7,5 2 2,1 2 .1 (•) ,1 2.5 F o G G 5 ,1 G 4.6 F 50 G G 16 3,0 H 9 6 (•) H 3 1 4 101 49 52 72 1,3 G H 47.9 8,1 3,8 19,2 167 G F 479 K I ,1 289.0 27.4 41.4 52 5 79 1 4.9 837 14.2 o 14.1 1.8 G (•) .4 4 A 5.8 5.4 3 14.3 ,2 14.1 8.7 .7 2.1 .5 3.4 32.8 11,4 14 2 G 25 ,4 9 ,1 ,1 J 14.2 e.e ,5 33 3.3 8 3 5 2 1.5 859.9 457,4 202 5 .3 .3 (*) .2 2 (•) 1.4 A G (•) (•) (•) 4.0 2 (•) ,1 19 1,4 ,5 18 14.9 .1 20.6 166 (■) o 4,0 F 8 A G G (•) (•) G A 8.4 8.4 241.8 643 255 127.9 11.5 116,5 24,1 n (•) 2.4 1,7 8 6.1 38 .8 1,6 10.0 F .2 2 I 1.7 F .1 (•) (•) (•) 209.0 666 1424 .8 .1 7 4.2 F (•) H 2.2 (•) 1 (•) .7 (•) G A A n (•) .2 (•) .2 n .4 .4 F F .3 3 (•) 30.4 19.3 11.1 .7 6 ,1 (•) 13.1 (•) (•) (•) .1 .1 A 11,2 I H G F F O 1.3 ,1 G (•) A n G G A A n A n c: .5 .5 n 74.0 19,6 21,1 45 28 8 .7 o 7 o o n z» A 1.067.3 18.7 o 3 1.2 .5 7 32 22 F A H A A H G 1-2 A F H J n F o H o I n o o o n n .3 .3 O 4.0 H G 10.4 8.7 G 2 A 1,001.6 133 55.5 7.3 L 182.4 1.3 267.2 L M M M L 10.S 2.3 NOTE.-Slze ranges are given In employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50.000 to 99.999; M- 100.000 or more -1 to 499. F-500 to 999; G-1.000 to 2.499. H-2.500 to 4.999. 1-5,000 to 9.999: J-10. 000 to 24.999: Table G-1 1 .-Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Sales by Country of UBO ' [Thousands of employeesi All countries _tli. J2L J31_ Europe France JIL Germany J5L Nether- lands J8L Switzer- land JZL. United Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere (9) (10) Middle East (11) Asia and Pacific jm. _Q3L Japan J1*L United States JiSL All industries.. 5,164.3 Manufacturing 2,101.5 Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals... Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and njbber products.... Nonmetaliic mineral products .. Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Compute!^ and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products (Dther nondurable goods Retail ti^de Food and beverage stores.. other Informalion Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Infomiation services and data processing services Finance (except depository institutions) aind Insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and teclinical services.. Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting... Other Otiier industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbanif companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and v^ste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services Auxiliaries ' Unspecified ^.. 139.0 31.2 84.6 11.6 57.5 600 333 3074 65.7 35.2 98.6 41 8 66.2 1439 107,9 211 9 925 119.4 207.9 446 32.4 130.9 261 4 342 62.9 35.9 69.3 49,5 9.6 120.3 2252 191.6 336 16.9 81.4 390.4 37.7 539 665 111.1 5.5 115.7 725.8 4583 267.5 250.3 6S9 255 128.8 11.5 117.3 29.1 217.0 74.1 142.9 58.3 24.8 33.5 135.6 339 31.0 7 1 63.6 1,123.3 25.7 69.4 80 740 1876 33 272.1 99.9 2870 117 2 169.8 962 118.6 43.5 601.6 205.6 16.6 I 9.4 6.0 9.9 36.5 .2 8.5 G .8 .5 H 2.6 6.4 1.7 285 12.7 15,9 8.0 .3 1.4 6.4 34.3 1.1 K .1 1.1 F H I 22.9 J I .7 G 31.6 22 1,2 I 7 1 .7 J 55.2 J K 44.1 22.6 6.5 6.1 H G 8.9 18.4 I J 6.2 55 .8 18.9 1.8 60 ,5 10.6 209.8 16 11.4 .2 5.4 66.4 .2 J 32 3 L 10 L 23.5 9.9 3,213.9 920 17,6 399 46 32,7 21,4 235 2507 525 293 88.3 325 48.0 94.1 75,9 113,0 36.0 77.1 152.8 33.3 23.3 96.3 1227 I 237 11,6 373 41 8 G 84,7 90,1 L J 11,7 65,8 200.8 108 24.2 J 722 H 71.8 547.7 4022 145.5 178.9 344 14.6 M .1 M J 155.9 46.5 1093 30.0 5.6 24.3 92.3 28.2 13.5 4.5 46 1 603.1 15.5 33.7 7.3 42.0 94.6 1.9 197.3 62.7 118,3 39.0 79,3 298 78.5 35.3 6.7 1.0 5.9 .1 .4 16 1.8 333 10-1 24 9.8 I H 294 18.5 17.8 6.1 11.7 2.0 .6 1.4 19.3 1,2 I I 1.5 1.4 19.6 11.2 6.2 5,0 11 8 23.2 G .1 4.4 5.5 .5 J 9.7 97 L 38 L L .4 26.6 J J 4.4 2 42 20.5 4.0 53 1.7 95 82.6 I 3.1 5.9 6,5 2.4 .1 23.3 30,9 J J F 6.0 H 1.0 .3 5.9 1.0 1,3 I 1.4 785 19,4 11,4 23,5 13,5 10,7 167 11,3 21 2 8,3 12,9 382 32 7,3 277 175 A F 95 68 242 38,5 358 27 I 162 44.7 6.6 96 5.3 13,6 ,6 9,0 194.1 M K 4.6 G H (•) (•) (*) 16.9 I J 2.5 9 1.6 12.5 7.8 H 6 F 57.5 1,4 I 69 5.0 .6 1.7 K 1.3 ,9 3 2,6 24.2 16.6 391.4 93.1 11.5 .3 1,6 18 H J 272 7,6 3.3 3.7 I H 28 1,6 (•) 1,6 1,8 (•) ,9 ,8 12,7 11 G F 7,8 1,4 ,8 6 H 17 24.7 ,3 H 3,4 45 ,1 J M M 22,9 8.8 H G (•) (*) H K H 223 .6 .4 .3 5.0 2.6 .5 .1 1.8 86.1 (•) ,9 ,3 1,9 L (•) 21.0 I ,5 I 2,1 6.9 .7 352.1 146.6 29.7 25 38 1.3 G .2 360 G H 25.1 .5 4.2 3.4 63 10.0 39 6.1 28.8 89 3.1 168 12.8 2.4 G (*) F 8.3 (•) .8 G G (*) 8 7.2 14.4 (*) 1.7 .2 58 .1 6.5 3.4 ,6 2,8 I I (•) (•) 34.7 11.1 236 1.6 .8 .8 5.4 1.4 .1 (*) 3.9 131.3 1.2 .5 (•) 3.9 2.0 .6 99.5 J 1.2 1.2 (•) G 4.2 983.2 394.5 21.8 11,3 19,7 13 92 100 63 60,6 96 6.6 19.9 32 21.3 33.9 235 40.0 8.6 31.3 48.3 5.6 7.5 35.2 41.7 A 5.0 .8 15.8 18.6 G 14.1 32.7 20.4 12.4 .1 20.1 56.2 1.1 6.5 3.6 24.7 1,0 19,3 95.3 K K 102.5 18.4 9.5 L .1 L J 45.4 11.1 34.3 9.4 1.5 7.9 39.3 6.1 3.0 1.9 28.2 205.8 26 187 1.1 12.4 26.1 .3 45.8 2.9 73.8 187 55.1 22.2 23.3 168.1 7.1 .2 H 3 .5 A H 28 G .1 .2 (•) F 1.9 26 7.3 2.1 5.2 28 2.4 (•) .4 H 3 .2 (•) (•) H G 1.2 .9 2 2.8 17.4 .6 8 ,5 3,5 I H 52 2.9 1,5 1,4 .9 ,7 2 2.5 .6 .3 .6 1,0 86.4 45 101 ,1 39 4.9 .4 52.8 .6 75 5.5 2,1 1,6 3.1 .5 22.4 H H F F G G 1.1 .7 .4 .5 .5 .4 .4 (•) 5.5 (•) G .1 H (*) (•) .4 ,1 4 3.3 .2 22 A (•) F 1.1 .8 92.7 31.7 .3 J .1 ,8 H 38 ,3 25 ,8 .2 .2 G 2.5 .3 2.1 G G A .1 .3 (•) (*) 26 F 1.0 .1 .1 (■) .5 .1 .2 32.8 I J .2 .2 (*) O (•) .2 .2 2.8 24 .4 .4 .1 .2 .1 22.0 .4 ,7 .6 2.1 .1 .4 15,7 I I 1.8 1.9 (•) 1,012.6 504.4 22,5 5,8 18,3 ,6 6.7 1.6 1.1 36.5 8.5 5.0 69 32 12.8 41.3 25.1 59.2 407 18,4 426 8,1 77 26,7 972 238 J 240 303 38 H 26,8 110,6 107,5 3,1 18 86 132.9 23.9 274 38,8 258 ,7 16,3 75.6 222 53.4 24.0 9.3 H 8.1 I G G 19.2 16.7 25 17.7 10.5 7.2 20.0 3,2 10,4 ,6 5,7 188.2 2.8 112 ,5 15,7 18.3 .8 7.7 4.2 88.2 63,4 24,8 38,8 24.6 G 3.5 1,1 2,2 G ,4 A 4.6 10.2 3.0 2.3 .7 H 1.2 .1 G 1.2 .1 .1 (•) .7 .1 .2 14.9 H H I I (*) .1 (•) .1 2.5 1.8 .7 .5 (•) .2 3 23.3 .1 8.0 3 2,6 G .6 30 I 1.2 13,4 4,3 9,0 ,6 2.1 1.5 (•) 28.2 3.0 4.0 6.8 2.8 11.5 32.5 14.0 520 34.6 17.4 34.7 6.8 7.6 20.4 873 21.9 9.9 22.8 24.9 3.4 4,4 21.7 107.6 105.6 2.0 1.8 8.5 118.6 22.7 22,9 36.8 22.7 .5 13,0 66.7 222 44,5 7.2 39 .2 .7 ,1 ,6 2,5 17.9 162 1.7 12.4 6.1 6.3 17.5 3,1 8,7 ,6 5,1 128.5 2.6 2.7 ,1 9,0 12.1 .6 7.0 1.2 64,2 42,2 22.1 28.8 18.8 5.7 10.2 G (*) G (•) .3 (•) 3 ,5 (•) ,5 1,0 .5 .1 .3 (•) .1 .1 .1 1.7 1.2 .1 .1 A A F H .3 (*) G G (*) 19.5 G J .2 (•) .2 1.5 (*) ,7 .8 (•) 10.5 .7 6.4 G G (*) G F ,2 A 1.5 (*) NOTE -Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are; A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; G-1 ,000 to 2.499; H-2.500 to 4,999; l-S.OOO to 9,999; J-10.000 to 24,999; K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-100.000 or more. Table G-13.-Manufacturlng Employment of Affiliates, State by Country of UBO ' [Thousands of employees] All countries Jll. _(2L J3L Europe France JIL Oermany JSL Nether- lands JSL. Swllier- land JD- Unlled Kingdom (8) Latin America and Other Western Hemt- sphere (9) Africa (10) Middle East (11) Asia and Pacific _t12L jm. Japan -OIL United SUte« Jl^ Total . New England: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode Island Vermont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYor* Pennsylvania Great Lakes: IWnols Indlina Michigan .... Ohio Wisconsin . Plains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Arttansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico . Oktahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming Far West: Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico . Other U.S. areas . Foreign 2.081.7 253 128 437 152 67 36 77 8 22.S 80 1 793 1047 104,4 864 85.0 138.8 453 21.5 17 1 323 420 90 1.5 36 420 235 475 83.1 840 21 3 11 5 1177 66 8 872 45.7 138 17.1 4.0 158 131 7 198 37 6 11.1 1.3 16 192,7 1.3 5 1 21 6 306 95 27 1.3 2.6 2,0 ,7 10 (•) 3.6 32 127 7,7 74 65 72 58 55 3,3 56 38 63 23 ,2 1.4 72 18 8.5 87 56 1,1 20 186 20 157 40 3.1 26 .2 .4 11.4 1.7 1,4 (•) 1,4 (•) 11 3 (■) .5 1,8 31 (•) 1 21 6 83 338 107 49 1,7 44 6 168 646 479 809 870 51,2 539 757 38,7 138 92 250 28.7 52 .8 19 209 15,1 30,1 43,5 24.1 12.4 55 805 506 409 308 SO 9,9 28 92 80.3 12.3 1.9 .4 68 .7 3 957 ,7 24 10 9 160 74 24 (•) 4,1 ,8 4 ,2 3 (■) 2.9 92 59 14.9 60 10.7 39 90 33 23 1,2 23 39 1.1 .1 (•) 6.7 33 59 40 35 1.4 9 103 13.1 43 3.0 1.3 2.3 .2 3 1 138 .1 9.5 2 3 9 20 ,4 5 1 1,1 55 50 9 3 8 (•) 1,4 117 87 18,3 15,1 13,1 198 163 97 27 1.4 4,1 7,0 .7 (•) .3 4.7 2.0 4,1 82 9 1 1,7 11 295 173 5,9 7,6 1,7 1,5 .3 1,1 11,9 8 (•) (•) 1,3 (*) (•) 14.8 (■) 3 5.2 2.0 18 25 1.0 1.7 .1 2 (•) .5 33 48 47 26 84 23 1,9 34 20 ,1 1,2 G 1.7 .1 (■) 1,3 3 1 12 35 6 33 8 1,3 G 1,3 11 G 2 65 8,9 O .5 .5 7 145.5 28 .4 3,1 8 2 .9 3 .3 1.3 167 60 51 67 32 42 98 36 27 42 ,7 (*) (•) 6 1.0 25 40 ,7 1,1 .2 57 30 32 35 30 1,4 4 7 105 2.1 ,4 .1 1.5 (•) 1 18.0 .1 .3 7 34 27 406.0 5,1 26 138 36 26 ,1 2.1 .2 4.7 167 144 268 235 17.8 17 3 273 99 38 2.2 11,1 85 15 ,4 1.3 4.4 3.4 99 173 62 38 1.4 244 89 20 1 10.7 ,9 27 ,4 25 23 1 43 ,5 .2 1.8 ,1 .1 34.4 .3 .7 1,3 38 17 .1 10.5 27 1,9 (•) 4,1 2 .9 .2 11 7 14 28 ,1 G 15 F 20 (•) ,7 2 9 78 8,2 (•) 2 ,4 (') 2 G ,4 7 1 1.2 32 12 G ,4 5 36 G F F G (•) G 2 .3 ,1 ,1 36 1.3 .1 O .1 3 20 G 82 G 18 (•) 19 94 142 139 257 257 21 2 490 28 45 2.0 3,1 52 14 .3 107 62 70 242 31 5 28 22 182 11,9 28,8 90 1,3 3.8 .8 48 282 4.9 ,4 2 3,0 6 1,3 77,1 5 2,1 85 10.5 1,0 24 1,0 7 2 1,4 ,1 1,1 9 2,9 29 2 5 ,7 22 3 1,5 .3 o 1.0 .2 .1 60 (•) 47 .1 .9 .3 .4 O 1.9 .5 8.1 2.1 .8 .6 1,0 n 1.1 66 12,1 124 229 240 21 468 27 29 1.5 1.2 46 1,3 3 7.4 40 36 194 294 11 1.4 13,1 105 250 7,5 1.3 26 ,6 40 181 2,1 ,1 .1 1.7 O 1.0 869 .3 1.1 7.4 9.7 (•) ,2 5 O n n F 7 .1 o 2 O o .1 3 F G A n 1 o o n 2 .2 8 .1 n .1 .2 NOTE.-SIze ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; G-1 .000 to 2.499; H-2,500 to 4.999; 1-5.000 to 9.999; J-10.000 to 24.999; K-2S,000 to 49.999; L-SO.OOO to 99.999; 1^100.000 or more. Table G-1 5.-Research and Development Employment of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO * IThousands of employeesl All countries (1) (2) (3) Europe (4) Germany J51_ Nether- lands _i§L Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom JBL Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere (8) (10) Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific Total _t12L Ali industries Manufacturing Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals ,,... Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products fwlachinery , Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing WholesaJe trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores , aher Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution. Telecommunications Information sen/ices and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professional, scientific, and technicaJ services Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinkirig places Miscellaneous services 1.7 .4 .6 (•) .7 .3 1.7 34.4 4.5 2.4 21.1 2.5 4.0 2.5 .7 2.3 .9 1.4 8.0 1.4 .9 5.7 24.8 2.0 14.4 1.0 4.5 2.7 .2 4.9 8.1 4.6 1.5 .2 3.0 10.1 1.5 2.1 2.9 .9 .3 2.4 (*) (•) 5.3 4.2 (•) .4 (*) .4 .7 .1 .1 o (•) 4.2 .1 2.0 (•) 2.1 3.7 .7 2.2 .1 O .2 .2 .2 (*) (*) (•) 1.6 .3 .3 (•) .6 (•) 1.7 31.9 4.3 2.1 20.1 2.3 3.1 1.4 .6 1.0 .2 .8 6.2 1.2 .6 4.4 12.0 .7 4.8 .9 3.1 2.4 .1 4.3 3.6 2.4 1.2 .2 2.2 4.1 .1 .2 1,2 .4 .3 1.9 H H A A .1 .2 O .6 G .4 A ,1 (■) .1 .2 .2 .1 (•) (•) o 28 .8 .2 1.6 2 (*) .8 .3 .3 (*) 3 (•) (•) 3.7 .6 G .8 A .1 1.1 .5 .4 .1 3 .2 (•) .1 .1 o ,2 (*) .1 .1 D (*) o .1 .1 O .1 .1 (•) O (•) .1 (•) .1 (•) (•) 7.9 1.3 .9 4.5 .3 .1 .2 (*) .2 1.7 .3 .3 1.2 .2 (*) (•) .2 H 1.7 1.6 .1 (*) F 1.2 .1 .1 .1 (•) (•> .1 c G 2.7 G .4 .1 G (•) (*) o (*) .1 .1 (■) G (*) G (•) .1 .1 .1 .2 .5 (•) .5 O (*> .3 .3 n o n .2 .2 15.4 11.8 .3 .1 (*) (•) 8.7 .2 .1 8.3 .1 (•) (*) (*) O O 1.1 .3 .1 1.1 .1 .3 O .8 .3 .1 .3 O .3 8.7 .6 .3 I .2 G .2 .1 .3 .1 .3 2.4 .2 .1 2.1 2.1 .2 .1 .8 .8 .1 .1 1.2 3 1.0 .6 .2 (*) .1 .1 .1 .8 (*) c .1 .1 .7 n (•) .1 (•) (*) (*) (•) (•) (*) .5 .1 (*) .1 A A A G .3 G (•) (*) .5 .4 (*) (•) (•) (•) (•) (*) (*) n (*) (*) o .1 .2 (*) o .1 2.2 .2 .2 .9 .1 .1 .3 .2 .2 1.5 .1 .3 1.1 H .7 G .1 1.3 3 .1 A 2.4 2.1 .3 (•) .2 5.4 1.0 1.9 1.7 .4 .3 (•) (*) .1 (*) o .1 .1 (•) o (*) 2.5 (*) 1.1 (*) 1.4 (*) (•) (*) (*) (*) NOTE.-SlM ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; 6-1,000 to 2,499; H-2,500 to 4,999; 1-5,000 to 9,999: J-10,000 to 24,999; K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-100,000 or more. Table G-16.-Compensatlon of Employees of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fMlllions of dollarsl All countries -ill. J2L J2L Europe JIL Germany (5) Nether- lands (6) Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom (6) Latin America and Other Western Heml- sphere (6) (10) Middle East (11) Asta and Pacific (12) _i13L Japan J1*L United SUln JUL All Industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco TeKtIles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetalllc mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products , other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores .. other Information Publishing industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications , Broadcasting, cable networifs, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository Institutions) and Insurance , Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, selantilic, and technical services .. Architectural, engineering, and related sen/ices ... Computer systems design and related services ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . aher Other industries , Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 111,373 6,«8 1,849 2,435 374 3,353 1,993 4,292 25,114 5,023 2,90S 10,608 3,172 3,405 5,522 8,516 10,805 5,441 5,384 12,115 3.006 1,259 7,850 12,126 1.707 4,013 810 3,288 1,905 403 5,776 8.942 7,349 1,593 446 3,307 26,918 4,780 3,351 5,575 5,602 1,061 9,549 14,405 9,851 4.555 14,836 5.012 2.119 7,027 948 6,080 678 21,174 10,111 11,064 1,887 1.134 734 5,783 1,249 1,934 284 2,316 33,979 432 4,002 487 3,998 7,560 74 7,655 2,885 5,495 2,533 2,963 1,390 8,718 793 (D) 348 261 450 1,303 10 477 2 33 24 (D) (0) 334 32 1,282 722 560 267 4 12 251 1,706 57 (D) 3 31 3 (D) 329 392 392 21 (0) 1,9 (D) 97 (D) 543 27 641 983 (D) (D) 3,023 (D) 624 302 (D) (D) (D) 1,548 702 846 193 182 11 368 114 199 3 52 4,933 35 712 16 161 1.545 13 (D) 697 (D) 16 (D) 566 76,517 4,680 927 1.171 89 1,979 632 3,091 22,161 4,281 2,587 10,017 2,682 2,594 2,666 5,038 5,286 1,663 3,923 9,988 2,847 907 6,133 8,639 334 (D) 660 2,210 1,745 (D) 4,639 4,982 3,494 1,498 319 2,551 10,900 1,397 983 735 3,391 390 4,003 11,155 8,928 2,527 10,021 2,344 1,346 (D) (D) (D) 15,556 6.812 8,744 213 673 3,998 1,009 883 136 1,967 20,238 170 2,079 468 2.486 4.646 20 5.721 2.059 2.233 589 1.945 356 21,785 11,093 269 70 196 10 8 50 15 2,713 1.064 (D) 1.063 (D) 41 1,155 1,593 1,458 295 1,162 41 1 40 1,567 149 (D) (D) 95 92 791 696 (0) (D) 491 1,377 2 6 (D) 285 (D) 764 248 248 (D) 108 (D) (D) 7 2,755 (D) (D) 180 5 175 1,290 109 339 102 739 (D) 28 12 (D) 374 52 5 336 755 (D) (D) 8 30,510 44 12 185 12 73 17 38 6,772 1,393 (D) 2,798 1,009 (D) 978 544 849 314 536 2,153 (D) 289 (D) 301 26 112 193 (D) 2,279 2,102 177 (D) 522 3,233 1,233 415 129 687 15 774 4,404 (D) (D) 626 (D) (D) 7 7 2 1,739 (D) (D) 44 44 500 118 (0) 1 (D) 2,568 43 (D) 699 91 4 13 (D) 24 16 8 17,217 (0) 33 138 (D) (D) 2,242 (D) (D) 69 (D) 49 106 30 1 29 94 1 59 35 (D) 74 3 (D) 8 29 (D) (D) 27 (D) 1 1,180 11 (D) 75 370 6 (D) (0) (D) 404 495 (D) (D) 3 3 4 609 999 35 25 11 197 148 17 6 27 (0) (•) 67 21 26 (D) 614 (D) 9 (D) 8 20,729 9,545 1,387 7 (D) 41 (D) 8 3,772 (D) (D) 3,148 (D) 43 250 313 251 92 2.386 919 198 1.901 745 78 (D) (D) 529 41 (D) (D) 3 30 325 885 56 5 296 45 463 42 2 41 (D| (D) 4,943 2,599 2,345 28 28 122 16 106 (D) 22 41 262 94 2 3,540 (D) 25 25 15 42,788 21,826 1.588 779 542 5 640 295 (D) 5.669 870 (0) 2.634 (0) 1,677 495 1,756 1,441 350 1,091 3,340 (D) 96 (D) 1,600 1 (D) 49 467 666 (D) 118 1,778 752 1,026 4 (D) 2,378 43 207 138 1,141 (D) (0) 2,096 1,444 653 5,436 1,349 575 (D) (D) (D) 3,999 1.960 2.039 502 (D) (D) 1,308 146 73 27 1.062 5,226 68 1.197 (D) 456 868 5 1.096 1.176 (D) (D) (D) 8,455 156 6 (0) 9 24 (•) (0) 30 2 1 2 1 25 94 106 621 (D) (D) 27 (D) 2 (D) 18 6 8 1 1 2 (D) (D) (D) 1,065 (D) 1 (D) 176 (D) (D) 172 59 113 48 19 21 8 4 4 285 170 115 25 25 1 10 10 3,018 159 (D) 219 305 25 1,341 (D) 141 (D) (D) (D) 1,328 18 5 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 341 2 136 (D) (D) (D) 3 (D) (D) (0) (•) 2,543 14 (D) (D) (0) 148 20 100 (D) (D) 3 (D) 3 (D) (D) (D) 177 153 21 3 1 40 28 78 4 5 21 40 5 660 (D) (D) 13 10 1 2 2 11 11 74 71 3 18 4 11 3 453 14 10 68 (D) 2 276 185 91 (D) 3,423 37,938 2,049 17,370 771 227 380 16 370 57 307 2.159 718 288 464 225 495 2.425 1.339 3.260 2.940 920 1.826 279 338 1.212 3.534 1.123 933 139 1.039 154 150 809 3.512 3,417 95 66 208 12,499 3,005 2.259 4,488 1,327 130 1,290 1,436 (D) (D) (0) (D) 127 901 (D) (D) 44 (D) 2,291 (D) (0) 639 (D) 1,208 122 782 12 293 4,875 40 194 3 894 988 15 299 (D) (D) (D) 247 436 (0) (D) 307 195 (0) 8 (D) (D) 557 181 179 2 143 10 (D) (D) 19 fi 12 (D) 7 7 1 21 3 2 1 9 O 5 14 14 934 (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) 11 7 4 41 40 1 11 11 341 2 32 (0) 9 (D) 74 (D) 4sa 171 270 16 108 51 1.550 220 235 462 217 416 2,323 730 2,833 2,234 599 1,494 262 324 908 3,231 1,017 908 93 930 145 138 448 3.414 (D) (D) 66 199 11,553 2.933 1.903 4,31B 1.185 100 1.115 1,118 (D) (D) 588 (D) 18 145 7 138 (D) 2,352 2.268 84 583 556 28 1,120 122 716 12 270 3,253 37 148 3 486 548 8 221 43 1,375 1.156 219 384 3,048 5 (D) (D) (D) (D) n (D) (•) 7 96 2 95 52 35 6 10 1 1 (D) (D) (D) 72 6 11 8 7 41 n (•) (D) 24 (•) (0) (D) (D) 125 (D) 1 1 (•) 184 (•) 60 123 1 (D) 15 170 (D) (15) (•) 1 1 Table G-17.-Wages and Salaries of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO [Millions of dollarsl All countries Jli. Canada J2L Total J2L Europe J^ Of which: Germany _^L Nettier- lands _t9L Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom J8i_ Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere J9L (101 Middle East (11) Asia and PaclBc (12) All industries ., Manufacturing .. Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and ieattier products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Ctiemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic mbber. fibers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetallic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery . Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components .. Transportation equipment , Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores . Other Information PubiisNng industries Motion pictures and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networi 2 25 2 (D) 261 303 303 16 (D) 1,617 (D) 91 (0) 409 24 521 832 (D) (D) 2,560 (D) 511 257 (D) (D) (D) 1,274 549 725 169 160 10 311 96 168 3 44 3,921 28 564 13 133 1,144 11 (13) 572 (D) 13 (D) 479 121,377 60,904 3,706 704 954 75 1,574 547 2,512 17,761 3,329 2,004 8,186 2,155 2,088 2,069 3,916 4,265 1,330 2,935 7,649 2,040 715 4,893 5,209 273 (D) 472 1,749 1,398 (D) 3,678 3,932 2,705 1,228 277 2,074 8,928 1,091 830 623 2,786 319 3,279 8,792 6,641 2,151 8,717 2,012 1,165 (D) (D) (D) 13,414 6,098 7.316 701 179 522 3,364 850 771 118 1,625 16,SS6 142 1.555 404 1,907 3,816 17 4,825 1,736 1.849 479 1,371 306 17,562 217 58 161 40 12 2,171 816 (D) 898 (D) 33 904 1,170 1,142 220 922 35 1 34 1,195 122 (0) (D) 75 50 580 494 (D) (D) 417 1,109 2 5 (D) 234 (D) 608 203 203 (D) 95 (D) (D) 6 2,425 (D) (D) 149 4 145 1,105 85 295 89 635 (B) 23 10 (D) 281 42 4 286 601 (D) (D) 5 24,166 36 9 153 10 60 14 32 5,259 1,029 (D) 2,193 790 (D) 490 420 685 262 423 1,702 (D) 231 (D) 240 21 90 129 (D) 1.812 1,672 140 (D) 432 2,594 956 356 114 538 13 616 3,346 (D) (D) 526 (D) (D) 6 6 1 1,465 (0) (0) 72 37 35 434 97 (D) 1 (D) 2,070 34 (D) 520 73 3 11 (D) 20 13 7 5 14,025 5.683 (D) 26 102 (0) (D) 1,843 (D) (D) 62 (D) 42 74 25 1 24 77 (•) 47 29 (D) 81 2 (D) 7 23 (D) (D) 21 (D) 1 943 g (D) 56 292 5 (D) (D) (D) 344 406 (D) (D) 2 2 4 1,332 547 785 31 22 10 167 126 14 S 22 (D) (•> 40 18 20 (D) 516 (D) 8 (D) 7 17,018 7,526 997 6 (D) 36 (D) 8 3,084 (D) (D) 2,582 (D) 34 198 218 168 51 1,883 447 130 1,307 597 63 (D) (D) 414 33 (D) (D) 2 25 253 703 47 4 239 39 376 36 1 35 (D) (D) 4,387 2,399 1,988 25 25 103 13 (D) 20 30 204 81 2 2.926 (D) 22 22 13 35,563 17,786 1,368 592 437 4 521 248 (D) 4,613 687 (D) 2,197 (D) 1,347 414 1,373 1,217 313 904 2,665 (D) 82 (D) 1,319 (*) (D) 40 400 547 (D) 103 1,458 591 867 3 (0) 2,026 35 179 125 971 (D) (D) 1,591 1,037 554 4.945 1,191 533 (D) (0) (D) 3.384 1,726 1,658 383 (D) (D) 1,062 126 63 23 851 4,386 59 900 (D) 387 746 4 984 995 (D) (D) (D) 5,079 1,429 120 5 (D) 7 19 (•) (D) 27 1 1 1 1 22 71 85 482 (D) (D) 21 (D) 2 (D) 15 5 7 (•) 1 2 (D) (D) (D) 843 (0) 1 (D) 148 (D) (D) 145 48 96 36 16 13 6 3 3 214 110 104 21 21 (•) 8 8 2,384 127 (D) 182 232 21 1,083 (D) 119 (D) (D) (D) 1,056 13 4 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) 272 1 109 (D) (D) (B) 3 (0) (B) (D) n 2,088 11 (D) (D) (D) 117 18 78 (D) (D) 2 (D) 3 (D) (D) (D) 146 127 17 2 n 35 23 3 4 IB 30 4 555 (D) (D) 11 8 1 2 2 60 58 3 15 3 9 3 373 12 6 57 (D) 1 226 144 82 (D) 36,686 16,798 620 184 306 13 313 47 234 1,728 549 232 377 185 385 1,844 1,040 2,423 1,919 504 1,505 230 279 2,909 924 766 109 865 125 120 639 2,769 2,695 74 51 172 10,159 2,260 1,906 3,617 1,120 114 1,143 1.158 (0) (0) (D) (D) 112 516 (D) (D) 37 (B) 1,888 (D) (B) 586 (D) 1.013 103 655 10 245 3,863 33 148 3 713 765 13 264 (D) (D) (D) 205 376 Table G-18.-Number of Affiliates With Employment, State by Employment Size Class fNumberl JUL. 1 -9 employees J2)_ 10- 18 employees J2L 20-99 employees H) 100-249 employees (5) 250 • 899 employees (6) 1000-2499 employees (7) 2500 employees and over (B) Total' New England; Connecticut Maine Massachusetts .. New Hampshire . Rhode Island Vemiont Mideast: Delaware District of Columbia . Maryland New Jersey NewYorV Pennsylvania Great Lakes: Illinois Indiana Michigan .... Ohio Wisconsin . Pfains: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota .. South Dakota . Southeast: Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina .. South Carolina . Tennessee Virginia West Virginia ... Southwest: Arizona New Mexico .. Oklahoma Texas Rocky Mountains: Colorado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming Far West: Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington . Puerto Rico Other US areas . Foreign 7,315 711 263 879 417 262 173 315 248 706 1,281 1,968 1,078 1.433 758 1,021 1,060 608 336 487 692 680 289 114 133 564 359 1,307 1,265 596 527 334 895 644 726 817 274 677 281 427 1,852 751 209 145 400 123 126 2,607 410 383 612 843 163 S3 40 1,303 320 143 385 273 166 110 188 141 314 389 857 373 504 295 390 368 284 158 248 347 336 158 70 78 265 178 504 459 251 247 170 424 257 285 330 131 317 157 217 570 368 123 86 212 71 71 732 167 180 296 431 61 13 21 73 26 100 28 24 13 33 34 69 184 257 lis 178 62 113 87 47 48 33 146 144 51 48 31 86 52 75 75 35 87 41 43 181 13 303 52 SO 62 102 2,141 180 55 252 65 38 28 51 43 161 382 535 228 368 173 264 234 141 73 112 142 142 52 28 24 121 71 323 338 125 127 71 200 148 138 193 SO 154 93 423 167 28 21 86 26 22 743 100 86 156 228 46 16 10 1,189 73 13 131 21 16 14 22 IS 86 192 239 160 160 98 121 150 62 61 40 160 151 77 50 34 133 90 87 111 31 67 24 38 218 7 371 41 35 55 105 18 12 64 134 224 1S5 175 102 101 182 SB 57 30 133 136 76 43 28 100 74 85 81 21 42 11 34 186 13 341 40 18 33 62 18 8 1 1 3 16 19 11 10 6 11 13 3 2 15 8 1 4 13 6 8 7 1 2 1 26 33 1 1 2 2 Table H-1 .-U.S. Trade in Goods of Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Transactor fMillions of dollarsl (1) Exports shipped by affiliates To the foreign parent group J2L To other foreigners Total _i3)_ To foreign affiliates * JIL To unaffil- iated foreigners J5L J6L Imports shipped to affiliates By the foreign parent group JZL St J8L other foreigners By foreign affiliates * _(?L By unaffil- iated foreigners jipi_ All industries... Manufacturing... Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and rubber products.... Nonmetallic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, constnjction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instiuments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts aher Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information. Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networifs, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing sen/ices Finance (except depository institutions) and Insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing. Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate),. Professional, scientific, and technical services... Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting.... Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous sen/ices 140,924 70,053 2,620 1,604 S3S 216 1,746 163 3,044 15,259 4,815 2,S06 4,056 S90 2,691 2,518 942 5,133 3,410 1,723 10,357 2,438 1,351 6,568 13,092 1,615 4,506 (D) 2,737 1,518 (D) 3,430 7,631 6,508 1,123 105 1,659 63,231 4,714 2,096 6,089 14,003 6,405 29,924 1,951 13 1,938 888 (0) (D) 1 1 4 (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 361 146 181 1 32 4,332 263 3,602 (D) 201 152 3 (D) O O 21 62,815 25,861 854 564 178 42 648 71 847 6,784 1,574 S41 2,935 346 1,088 744 290 1,488 1,138 350 2,408 793 278 1,337 5,932 881 2,739 (D) 1,448 543 (D) 1,656 2,534 2,249 284 49 572 35,950 2,885 835 4,724 7,728 3,469 18,310 61 6 55 185 (D) (D) 4 (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 159 62 73 1 23 788 41 674 (D) 32 15 3 (*) (•) (D) 78,108 44,393 1,766 1,040 357 174 1,096 93 2,197 8,475 3,241 1,966 1,122 544 1,603 1,774 652 3,645 2,272 1,373 7,948 1,645 1,073 5,230 7,160 734 1,767 (D) 1,288 975 (D) 1,775 5,098 4,258 839 55 1,087 27,281 1,829 1,261 1,366 6,276 2,936 13,814 1,1 7 1,883 703 (D) (D) 1 1 (D) (D) (0) (D) 201 84 109 3,584 222 2,929 (0) 1 137 (D) (0) 13,391 10,046 217 162 9 52 207 1 9 2,354 1.038 486 427 250 153 909 98 239 57 183 1,203 259 41 902 2,080 (D) 149 (0) 262 231 273 1,970 1,970 266 2,581 655 402 254 318 1 952 201 201 60 (D) (D) (*) (*) 117 32 85 386 56 234 (D) 7 (D) 3 64,718 34,346 1,549 879 349 122 891 92 2,188 6,122 2,203 1,480 695 294 1,450 865 554 3,406 2,215 1,191 6,745 1,386 1,032 4,328 5,080 (D) 1,618 (D) 1,027 744 (D) 1,502 3,128 2,289 839 55 821 24,700 1,174 859 1.112 5,958 2,935 12,662 1,689 7 1,683 643 (D) (D) 1 1 (B) (D) (0) (D) 85 52 24 9 3,178 167 2,695 (D) 162 137 (D) 261,482 99,304 2,675 1,138 776 253 1,062 419 11,576 16,019 3,647 1,732 7,725 495 2,419 3,622 1,612 8,329 6,553 1,776 8,267 4,214 871 3,183 20,612 2,884 6,548 4.201 6,361 513 105 3,421 18,203 17,507 697 66 1,252 155,716 49,491 14,338 32,041 27,695 8,436 23,716 3,973 364 3,609 374 256 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (*) (D) 567 (D) 410 (•) (D) 1,2SS 102 458 133 40 401 5 (D) 5 5 (D) 195,495 70,042 1,455 282 329 168 795 271 5,420 13,206 2,956 913 7,020 317 2,000 2,346 1,058 5,915 4,619 1,295 5,713 2,793 646 2.274 14,314 1,718 6,344 630 5,133 393 95 3,076 14,837 14,191 647 57 800 122,979 40,271 14.051 28,170 20,681 5,870 13,936 1,138 24 1,114 (B) 91 (•) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (•) (D) 561 (D) 408 (•) (D) 557 48 294 24 38 46 1 (D) 1 1 (D) 65,987 29,262 1,220 857 447 85 266 148 6,156 2,813 691 820 705 178 419 1,276 554 2,414 1,933 481 2,554 1,421 225 908 6,299 1,166 204 3,571 1,228 120 10 345 3,366 3,316 50 9 452 32,737 9,219 287 3,871 7,014 2,566 9,780 2,835 340 2,495 (D) 164 (D) (D) (D) (B) (D) (D) (D) 5 3 2 54 164 109 2 355 4 (D) 3 3 (D) 13,244 8,012 90 364 29 46 29 (*) 19 1,423 220 529 334 110 230 967 1 457 265 192 433 206 77 149 1,956 30 104 1,499 293 30 141 1,834 1,833 1 53 5,108 811 8 2,578 744 966 (•) (•) (B) (D) (B) (D) 86 1 52,743 21,250 1,130 492 417 39 237 148 6,137 1,389 471 291 371 68 189 310 385 1,957 1,668 289 2,121 1,215 148 759 4,342 1,135 100 2,072 935 90 10 203 1,532 1,483 49 9 399 27,629 8,408 279 1,293 6.269 2,586 8,814 2,835 340 2,495 241 164 (D) (D) (D) (B) (D) (D) (D) 5 3 2 (B) (0) 78 109 2 355 4 (D) 3 3 (D) Table H-2.-U.S. Trade In Goods of Affiliates, Country of UBO by Transactor fMillions of dollars] JIL Exports shipped by affiliates To the foreign parent group _12L To other foreigners (3) To foreign afRHates * J^ To unafTik lated foreigners J5L JSL Imports shipped to affiiiales By the foreign parent group JD- By other foreigners _18I_ By fordBn iffiliates * (9) By unaffil- iated foreigners (10) AH countries . Canada Europe Austria .... Belgium ... Denmark . Finland .... France .... Germany Ireland Italy Liectitensteln .. Luxembourg ... Netherlands .... Nonvay Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . other Latin America and Ottiar Western Hemlsptioro . South and Central America Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela Other other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . Other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Other Asia and PacHIc Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea. Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . 140,824 7,787 62,392 451 520 642 1,083 14,032 13.973 337 1,381 62 183 4,592 805 66 3,449 6.233 14,543 52 5,308 (D) 941 701 (D) 308 73 (D) 3 (D) (D) 29 1 855 (D) (D) 814 467 (D) 25 (D) 65 19 62,709 1,410 1,391 81 (D) 52,883 5,077 182 (D) 4 182 1,049 200 1,058 55.241 806 82,815 2,913 18,306 45 71 164 458 2.549 5,024 104 840 51 9 2,143 297 39 1,867 2,442 3,362 21 1,787 (D) 869 358 (D) 19 27 (D) 1 (D) (D) 157 (D) (D) 371 154 (D) (•) (D) 33 1 38,081 265 1,052 22 (D) 32,533 3,733 54 (D) 1 IS 276 122 188 18,497 237 78,108 4,874 43,085 408 455 458 628 11,483 8,949 233 520 12 173 2,449 508 28 1,782 3,792 11.181 31 3,511 (D) 72 345 (0) 289 47 (D) 2 (D) (D) 21 1 698 (D) (D) 443 313 (0) 25 (D) 31 18 24,828 1.145 340 59 (D) 20.350 1,344 128 (D) 3 184 773 78 869 38,744 569 13,381 367 8,203 9 39 98 3.299 2.097 40 5 470 48 3 278 419 1,398 1 51 (D) 38 (D) (D) (D) 22 22 4,551 235 5 (D) 4.063 87 (D) 196 7,735 154 84,718 4,507 34,882 406 448 419 528 8,184 8.853 233 480 12 168 1,979 481 25 1,504 3.372 9,782 30 3,460 (D) 72 307 (D) 289 47 (D) 2 (D) (0) 21 1 676 (D) (D) 443 313 (D) 25 (D) 31 18 20,078 910 340 55 (D) 16,288 1,257 128 (D) 3 164 (D) 78 673 31,009 415 261,482 14,356 94,512 475 1,825 868 1,879 12,936 32.032 336 3,354 202 683 10,191 1,305 383 5,294 7,127 15,363 659 9,622 8,284 1,211 2,579 270 (D) (0) 1,339 5 898 281 373 4 634 559 75 5,534 (D) 17 (•) (D) 44 112 135,738 1,501 128 1,345 30 120,357 9,156 (D) 652 (0) 352 2,108 84 1,084 85,261 8.389 185,485 12,068 65,448 387 541 578 1,021 6,350 26,099 313 2,823 137 130 5,594 1,073 298 4,974 5,303 9,250 579 6.823 5,883 994 1.795 26 (D) (D) 940 4 880 253 20 3 351 350 1 4,534 (D) 13 (0) 32 (D) 105,480 840 104 605 12 93,158 7,693 (D) 637 (D) 341 2,000 64 790 58,388 8,573 65,887 2,288 28,064 87 1,084 112 858 6.586 5.933 23 531 85 553 4,597 232 87 320 1,823 8,113 60 2.788 2.400 217 783 244 (0) (D) 399 1 36 8 353 1 283 209 74 1,000 38 4 (•) (0) 12 (0) 30,259 681 21 740 18 27,199 1,482 (D) 15 (D) 11 106 20 284 26,874 1,816 13,244 603 6,467 6 1 73 2,795 1.820 36 436 417 24 70 115 874 1 87 97 33 84 O (•) 87 97 (0) (D) 5,868 317 7 5,643 (•) 1 (D) 6,327 11 52,743 1,685 22,587 87 1,078 111 785 3,791 4,313 23 495 65 118 4.180 208 87 250 1,708 5,239 79 2,702 2,304 217 751 180 (0) (0) 396 1 35 8 353 1 186 112 74 (D) 38 4 o (D) 12 (D) 24,291 344 21 733 18 21,558 1.462 (D) 15 (D) 11 105 20 (D) 20.547 1.805 Table H-3.-U.S. Exports Shipped by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fMillions of dollarsi Al countries (1) Canada (2) Total (3) Europe 14) Of which: Gemiany (5) ^4et^lef- lands (6) Switzer- land (7) United Kingdom JSL Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere JSL JiOL Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific -tiii- AH industries Manufacturing , Food Beverages and tobacco , Textiles, apparel, and leattier products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic ctiemicals Resins and synthetic rut>ber, fit}ers and filaments Phannaceuticals and medcines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Rastics and njbtjer products Nonmetallic mineral products Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery , Agriculture, construction, and mining mactinefy Industrial mactiinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equpment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic comportents Navigational, measuring, and ottwr instruments Magnetic and optical media Bectrical equipment, appOances, and componerts Transportation equipment Motor vetiicles, bodies and trailers, and parts aher Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade » Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supples Bectrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores aher Irrformation - _ PublisNng industries Motion pictures and sour^ recordng industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networia, and program distribution. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing ». „,».»..„„..... Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) Professior^ scientific, and techntcai services Architectural, engineering, and related sendees Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and tectmical consuUng Other Other industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and waretwusing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services AccomrTK>dation Food services and drinking places MisceBaneous sen/ices 140,924 70,053 2,620 1,604 536 216 1,746 163 3.0+4 15,25S 4,815 2,806 4,056 890 2.691 2,518 942 5,133 3,410 1.723 10.357 2.438 1.351 S,568 13.092 1.615 4,506 (D) 2,737 1,518 (D) 3.430 7,631 6,508 1,123 105 1,659 63,231 4.714 2.096 6.089 14,003 6,405 29,924 1,951 13 1.938 888 (D) (D) 1 1 4 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) 361 146 181 1 32 4,332 263 3.602 (D) 201 152 3 (D) O n 21 7,787 82 (D) 48 60 254 43 (D) 389 n (D) (D) 9 (D) 188 (D) 941 (D) (D) 109 4 7 98 (0) (D) (D) (D) 22 2 9 110 142 142 2 23 1,513 (D) 5 (D) 424 (D) 284 4 4 130 (D) (D) (D) (D) 40 40 (D) 19 (D) 11 62,392 45,342 1,622 (D) 313 119 854 95 2,566 12,090 3,384 2,293 3,832 686 1,895 1,364 521 1,816 870 946 8.352 1,750 1,012 5.590 6,948 102 1,384 (D) 1.778 1.355 (D) 2,908 3,130 2,033 1,097 55 (D) 13,194 772 305 534 2.954 2,548 6,081 1,649 13 1,636 302 (0) (D) 1 1 4 4 (D) (D) 142 (D) (D) (D) (D) 120 1,364 (D) 47 (D) (D) 14,032 68 39 71 (D) 1 4 1,339 805 (D> 278 (D) 57 (D) 280 401 (D) (D) 48 2 46 2.762 20 (D) (D) 45 58 (D) 761 (D) (D) 164 (D) 1 4 (D) 320 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 1 1 4 4 n n 1 1 22 (D) (D) O 13,973 1 2 100 14 113 (D) 18 4.570 1,113 (D) (D) 185 281 204 107 364 202 162 1,732 223 293 1,217 175 (D) 36 (D) (D) 1.096 (D) (D) (D) 229 2,338 721 162 44 762 O 647 531 531 (D) 14 (D) 26 26 (D) (D) (D) (D) 2 4,592 43 2 12 (D) 1,317 (D) (D) (D) (D) 72 29 24 (D) (D) 104 1 54 50 (D) 12 n (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 9 (D) 2 317 1 (D) 13 155 (D) 1 1 IB 16 6,233 (D) 4 (D) 83 (D) (D) 1.479 198 (D) 1.149 (D) 12 61 167 153 14 1,745 (D) 102 (D) 533 18 (D) 5 (D) 17 (D) (D) 2 5 200 1,382 33 4 156 1,001 188 (D» (D) (D) (D) (D) 63 (D) (D) 1 14,543 679 (D) 101 2 (D) 41 (D) 2,630 607 (D) 571 (D) 1.105 211 (D) 386 68 318 2,762 (D) 96 (D) 1,022 4 (D) 16 468 386 (D) 37 1,140 430 709 O 508 1,053 25 14 61 443 (D) (D) 25 (D) (0) 192 (D) (D) (B) (D) 6 2 4 (D) (D) 901 (D) O (D) 5,308 17 5 69 2 4 (*) (D) 7 2 2 1 2 1 4 (D) (D) (D) (D) 15 (D) 2 (D) 11 2 5 3 1 21 21 (0) 3,789 (D) 2 (D) 196 1,080 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 692 (D) (D) (D) 4 2 (*) n 855 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4 1 (D) (D) ID) (D) c o 10 (D) (D) 7 (D) (D) (D) 1 1 1 40 40 (D) (D) (D) 2 1 3 (D) (0) 2 (0) (D) 8 3 3 (D) (D) (0) (D) 18 17,833 871 39 95 15 320 25 409 2,696 1,422 (D) 212 (D) 444 961 353 1,620 1,348 272 1,665 660 327 678 3.792 1.136 1.202 (D) 931 158 (D) 412 4.334 4.308 26 45 182 43,796 3.344 1.780 5.057 10,018 (D) (D) 295 n 295 (D) (D) 4 (D) (D) 2 2 (D) (D) 112 1 (D) 128 (D) (D) (D) 1 21 Table H-4.-U.S. Exports Shipped by Affiliates to the Foreign Parent Group, Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO [Millions of dollars! Ail countries (1) (2) (3) Europe FnrKe H) Germany J5L Nether- lands J8L Swltzef- land JZI. United Kingdom J8L Litin A/nerto and Other Western Hemi- sphere JiL. Am. Middle East -OIL Asia and Paafic A12L Ot which il3j_ Japan illL United States 115) All Industries . Manufacturing . Food Beverages and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather products . Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities ... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, libers and filaments .... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations . Other Plastics and rubber products ... Nonmetaiiic mineral products ... Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metals Fabricated metal products ... Mactiinery Agriculture, construction, and mining macNnery . Industrial machinery other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components . Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components . Transportation equipment , Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies .... Professional and commercial equipment and supples.. Electrical goods other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores .. Other Irrfonnation Publishing Industries Motion pictures and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunications Broadcasting, cable networifs, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance, (except depository institutions) and insurance . Finance, except depository institutions InsurarKS carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate) . Professional, scientific, and tectinlcal services .. Architectural, engineering, and related services ... Computer systems design and related sen/ices ... Management, scientific, and technical consulting . Other Otiier Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbani< companies and enterprises . Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/ices Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 62,815 854 5S4 178 42 648 71 847 6,784 1,574 841 2,935 346 1,088 744 290 1,488 1,138 350 2,408 793 278 1,337 5,932 881 2,739 (D) 1,448 543 (D) 1,656 2,534 2,249 284 49 572 35,950 2,885 835 4,724 7,728 3,469 16,310 61 6 55 185 (D) (D) 4 (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) ISO 62 73 1 23 768 41 674 (D) 32 15 3 O n (D) 2,013 1,080 41 1 9 17 (D) 26 (D) 45 (•) (D) 3 (D) (D) 2 825 (D) (D) (D) 1 2 d equipment, and other electrical machinery Road veNcles and parts other transport equipment other 140,924 21,006 10,237 6,318 20,070 17,162 3,414 20,039 9,676 3,717 29,285 62,815 12,085 2,578 2,642 9,666 6,583 1,273 10,637 4,761 1,733 10,857 78,108 8,921 7,659 3,675 10,404 10,579 2,141 9,402 4,915 1,984 18,428 261,482 12,193 5,575 18,278 20.877 21,087 13,940 49,380 62,479 3,697 53,976 185,495 6,319 2,878 10,580 16,657 15,669 12,420 39,722 49,899 2.795 38.555 65,987 5.874 2.696 7.698 4.220 5.418 1.520 9.658 12.580 902 15.421 Table H-1 0.-U.S. Exports Shipped by Affiliates, Industry of Affiliate by Product (Millions of dollars) (1) Food. beverages. and tobacco (2) Crude materials. Inedible. except fuels (3) Mineral fuels and lubricants W Ctieml- cals (S) Industrial macNnery and equipment Byproduct (6) Office machines and automatic date processing machines m Teleconv munl ca- tions, sound equipment, and other electrical machlnefy (8) Road vehicles and parts (9) Other transport equipment (10) Other (t1) All Industries.. Manufacturing.. Food.. Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper.. Printing and related support activities.. Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Jj Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments Phannaceutlcals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetalllc mineral products... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trad* Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Informatloa Publishing Industries Motion picture and sound recording Industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networid syrthetic rubber, fibers, and fibments.... Pharmaceuticals arxJ medicines , Soap, cleaning compourtds. and toilet preparations.. Other Rastics arKJ rubber products.... NonmetaSc mineral products.... Primary arid btnicated metals.. Primary metals FatKicated metal products MactiJr>ery Agriculture, construction, and mintng machiriery.. Industrial machirwry Other , Computers ar>d electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipmert Audio and video equipment Semiconductors ar>d other electronic comporients.. Navigational, measuing, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media , Electrical equipment, appiances, and components... Trarwportation equipfnent Motor vehicles, bodes and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Mi sceOaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles arxl motor veNde parts and supples.... Professional and commercial equipmert and supples.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other noTKkjrable goods Retail trade , Food and beverage stores.. Other Information. Put}tisNng industries Motion picti^e and soutkI recording industries Broadcastir>g and telecommincation Broadcasting, cat>fe networks, arwl program distribution.. Telecommurv cations Information services and data processir>g services Finance (except depository institutions) and insiMWKe.., Finance, except depository instituborts Insurance carriers arKl related activities Real estate ar>d rertf al and leasirtg. Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services... Architectural, engineering. ar>d related services Computer systems design ar>d related services Management, scientific. ar>d technical consiAng.... Other Other ir>dustries „ Agricultire, forestry, fishing, and hunting Minir>g Utilities Construction Transportation arxJ warehousir>g Management of nonbank compaNes and enterprises.. Administration, support. arxJ waste management Health care and social assistar>ce Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services ar>d drinking places Miscellaneous services 97.210 94,318 16.973 33a 1.590 81 948 25 271 7 30 49 771 36 249 332 1.129 1,287 5.087 97 969 158 511 729 2.191 77 445 226 971 96 456 253 1.110 377 1.650 259 823 118 828 320 1.035 110 338 34 112 178 584 387 1.076 95 257 109 180 (D) 110 88 277 57 218 (D) 37 190 479 905 892 807 460 98 232 8 30 89 359 7,999 8,039 4.998 2,880 88 448 303 992 850 1.292 445 798 1.314 1.628 394 1,695 117 975 277 721 983 3,883 144 1,519 349 676 425 1,475 (D) (D) (D) (D) 44 14 9,969 54,317 4.540 49.256 5.428 5.061 1,063 3,892 846 3,231 215 662 345 415 28 51 50 39 11 12 256 313 1.899 5,303 43 50 421 983 41 370 145 285 285 1,042 132 155 177 422 33 477 225 1,109 179 961 46 148 194 412 20,861 39,050 40 1.006 311 1.645 62 96 17 312 138 (D) 57 2,969 10,247 2,725 1,275 334 451 194 170 1.635 376 263 111 299 167 124 437 583 480 891 529 472 288 419 240 477 382 78 138 25 39 374 208 252 894 4 100 (D) 343 7 89 24 95 (D) 56 3 11 243 159 463 619 388 580 75 60 (D) a 478 177 2,597 8,197 211 1,370 16 319 160 (D) 557 1.256 112 (D) 1.540 1.192 433 5,393 331 3,933 101 1,480 1,208 1,035 (D) 177 (D) (D) 1.000 564 (D) 22 (D) 542 (•) (D) 2,897 1,922 1.440 161 1.257 1,761 882 1,355 862 1.282 20 72 189 185 (D) 33 1 87 (D) 10 143 55 2,902 2,995 19 47 1.545 920 150 107 55 149 423 404 478 5 (D) 190 1 88 141 933 92 665 49 268 (0) 153 Table l-2.-lnterest, Dividends or Remitted Profits, and Taxes Other Than Income and Payroll Taxes, of Affiliates by Country of UBO fMillions of dollarsi Receipts ' ML. Payments ' J2I. Dividends or remitted profits ' J3L Taxes other than income and payroll taxes JiL All countries Canada Europe Austria Belgium Deninaric Finland France Gennany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere South and Central America Braal Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean other Africa South Africa Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States Addenda: European Union (15) OPEC 8,251 60,441 (D) 203 131 69 10,236 11,997 258 621 4 97 6,178 (0) 185 286 15,892 13,927 14 1,171 94,318 7,718 55,619 (D) 468 161 241 6,743 12.165 497 643 9 166 4,968 227 164 623 13,518 14,738 (D) 1,6S4 928 1,184 (D) (D) 108 183 13 68 (D) 333 44 (D) 243 510 8 36 139 360 20 9 75 103 1 1 (D) 368 63 298 (D) 70 (D) 633 27 35 83 135 5 24 45 178 8 59 (D) 202 24,911 26,152 881 1,843 13 39 70 276 3 31 23,391 22,770 348 565 15 42 7 34 2 2 59 208 113 300 9 42 (D) 44,473 258 41,846 786 20,861 1,338 14,937 23 258 13 54 2,466 1.765 16 81 1 (D) 2.649 76 843 1.424 5,137 (D) 758 (D) (D) 69 (D) (D) 4 (D) (D) 1 121 (D) (D) 330 4 (0) (D) 15 3,050 245 7 1 2.573 (D) 2 (D) 31 6 (•) 326 13.436 763 39,050 2,441 21,243 28 632 64 51 1,565 2,714 61 213 18 57 6.047 74 37 330 962 8.374 17 3,694 (D) 31 103 10 (D) 67 (D) 17 149 (D) 100 2 131 (0) (D) 2,765 38 128 14 (D) 27 (D) 7,461 322 6 246 26 6.413 174 22 28 2 79 111 33 1,315 20.176 5.768 Table l-4."Research and Development Funded by and Performed by Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate IMIIIIons of dollart] Funded by affiliates (1) Performed by afTilletes Ihemsetves (= col. 5) _t?L Performed by others (3) Total ' A*L Performed by affiliates For affiliates thcmsetves (= col 2) (5) For Federal Government (6) For others JZL All Industries.. Manufacturing.. Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic mbber, fibers, and filaments Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery... Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instnjments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networt(s. and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance (except depository Institutions) and Insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related adlvilies Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services... Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services... Management, scientific, and technical consulting.. Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Constmction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/ices Accommodation Food services and drinking places Miscellaneous services 19,690 15,655 253 66 54 5 95 27 285 7.287 62S 386 5.685 306 282 316 217 (D) 159 (D) 991 161 116 715 3,743 250 1,989 233 633 614 24 810 (D) 572 (D) 11 467 1,589 325 375 217 90 27 555 3 (■) 3 1,454 421 7 (D) 2 (D) (D) 5 5 1 (*) 1 620 20 250 1 349 3E3 58 210 10 17 24 1 (D) (D) (•) (•) (•) 17,881 14,906 253 64 54 5 85 27 277 6,694 628 371 5,111 306 279 315 214 (D) 144 (D) 973 158 115 700 3.719 250 1.977 233 627 608 24 807 (D) 511 (D) 11 455 1,544 325 372 215 87 27 519 3 (•) 3 588 (D) (D) (D) 2 (D) (D) 5 5 1 (•) 1 475 20 250 1 204 360 58 208 10 17 23 1 (D) (D) (•) (•) (•) 1,810 (■) 3 (•) (•) 11 8 593 15 575 (•) 3 1 2 14 14 (•) 18 3 1 14 23 12 6 6 (*) 3 61 61 12 46 (•) 4 2 3 (•) 36 867 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 145 145 3 2 1 1 (•) 19,260 15,627 253 64 54 5 115 28 278 7,009 644 371 5,398 305 291 318 214 316 144 172 960 159 119 702 4,012 250 2,252 233 633 619 24 809 707 514 193 11 455 1,895 325 403 373 134 27 634 3 (*) 3 588 417 5 (D) 2 (D) (D) 9 9 1 (*) 1 762 20 250 1 491 375 71 210 10 17 23 1 (D) (D) (•) (*) (•) 17,881 14,906 253 64 54 5 85 27 277 6.694 628 371 5,111 306 279 315 214 (D) 144 (D) 973 158 115 700 3,719 250 1,977 233 627 508 24 807 (D) 511 (D) 11 455 1,544 325 372 215 87 27 519 3 (•) 3 588 417 5 (D) 2 (D) (D) 5 5 1 (•) 1 475 20 250 1 204 360 58 208 10 17 23 1 (D) (D) (•) (•) (•) 84 1,295 30 o 1 315 16 287 12 2 (D) 3 (D) 3 1 5 (*) 1 n 4 (•) 1 14 279 275 6 8 4 1 n (D) 3 3 (D) (•) 352 32 158 47 (*) 115 4 4 287 287 1 14 13 1 1 Table l-5.-Research and Development Funded by and Performed by Affiliates, by Country of UBO [Millions of dollarsl Funded by affiliates Total ' (1) Perfomied by affiliates themselves (= col. 5) (2) Performed by ottiers (3) Total ' (4) Perfomied by affiliates For affiliates ttiemselves (= col. 2) JSL For Federal Government JSL For Cillers JZL All countries . Canada . Europe Austria .... Belgluni ... Oennaric. Rnland .... France .... Gennany Ireland Kaly Uectitenstein . Luxembourg ... Nettwrlands .... Nonvay Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Otiier Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Braal Menco Panama Venezuela Other Other Western Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . other Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel ; Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of.. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 19,690 1,685 13,542 (D) 93 82 70 1,918 3,282 42 154 4 1 1,002 61 9 418 3,282 3,102 (D) 3B4 63 1 46 (D) (D) (•) 301 (D) (D) 4 84 84 129 118 (*) 1 3 O 7 3,803 95 9 5 7 3,195 (D) 21 16 22 (D) (D) S3 10,178 14 17,881 1,878 12,860 (D) 93 60 70 1,886 3,030 42 151 4 1 999 61 9 406 2,959 3,066 (D) 363 62 1 46 (D) (D) (*) 301 (D) (D) 4 81 81 127 118 n 1 1 o 7 2,688 89 9 5 7 2,088 (D) 21 16 22 (D) (D) 83 9,817 12 1,810 682 (•) 22 (') 32 252 O 3 3 11 322 36 1 1 (•) (*) (*) 2 2 2 2 1,115 6 (•) 1,107 2 360 2 1,679 13,718 (D) 93 98 161 1,886 3,223 61 152 4 1 1,016 61 9 683 3,114 3,132 (D) 400 99 1 49 (0) (D) (•) 301 (D) (D) 4 81 81 127 118 (•) 1 1 o 7 3,173 92 9 5 7 2,490 (D) 21 16 22 79 (D) 83 10,518 12 1,678 12,860 (D) 93 60 70 1,886 3,030 42 151 4 1 999 61 9 406 2,959 3,066 (D) 383 62 1 46 d equipment <4) (5) Net Income (Q) Gross product JZL Compery sation of employees J8L Thousar>dt of employees (0) Milons of dolars US exports of ooods shipped by affiliates jipi. U S imports of goods shipped to affiiates Am. Research aryj deveiop- men* performed by afTihates _iiii- All Industries.. Manufacturing... Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leattier products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations.. Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetaiiic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment. Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products , Other nondurable goods. Rstail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information PublisNng industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networits, and program distribution.. Telecommunications information services and data processing services Finance {except depository instrtutlons) and Insurance.. Finance, except depository Institutions insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing. Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services.. Architectural, engineering, and related sen.ices Computer systems design and related services Managemerit, scientific, and technical consulting... Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Utilities Construction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places , Miscellaneous services 2,394 1 42 104 24 56 35 19 2BS 59 3S 68 26 77 180 106 304 131 173 320 40 76 204 276 57 39 20 ee 65 7 92 223 187 36 22 155 1,S49 109 115 177 665 45 438 176 25 151 176 72 35 40 7 33 29 508 389 119 1,873 1,614 59 243 58 85 27 75 1,352 181 124 18 131 158 215 86 14 289 240 49 136 2,627.290 808,364 41,632 26,890 7,126 (D) 14,219 (D) 64,339 178,850 36,377 21,688 75,478 (D) (D) 19,771 33,309 44,815 20,652 24,164 43,773 13,505 3,541 26,726 46,354 7,472 15,835 2,684 14,127 (D) (D) 21,428 45.043 (D) (0) 1,407 10,727 278,527 91 ,952 19.808 (D) 46,037 (D) 48,949 38,218 21,242 14,978 78,612 (D) (D) 22,831 (D) (D) 2.211 1.387,672 812,552 555,121 97,903 87,718 10,185 14,790 2,755 4,747 1,286 6,002 145,201 3.736 35,695 4.168 11,986 19,170 11,600 10,509 10,071 27,124 (D) (D) 11,142 345,343 18,296 5,445 5,136 (D) 10,736 (D) 76,527 86.394 30,300 13,254 24.219 (D) (D) 15,339 25,555 25,145 16,207 8,938 16,664 3,650 1,485 11,529 20,726 2,063 5,936 1,611 8.699 (D) (D) 9,202 21,108 (D) (0) 532 4,072 102,482 50,594 (D) (D) 10,659 (D) 13.375 21,888 15,503 6,385 14.181 3,970 5,426 3,633 (D) (D) 1,153 (D) 6,928 (D) 78.110 71,586 4,523 3,876 890 1,562 101 1,324 (D) (D) 26,787 2,514 6,004 13.588 (D) 4.923 2.759 22,639 (D) (D) 6,110 85.720 35.192 1,426 599 417 (D) 746 388 (D) 9,407 3,455 1,226 2,672 (D) (0) 1,512 2,915 2,811 1,827 984 1,780 (D) (D) 1,270 3,276 252 931 200 1,573 (D) (D) 970 2,623 2,409 214 90 446 25,840 17,909 2,031 (D) 1,351 732 (0) 2.751 1,915 837 2.442 642 420 1,218 (D) (D) 154 (0) (D) (D) 8,586 6,071 515 476 74 282 7 133 (D) 376 3,114 75 1,276 1,516 (D) 752 (D) 1.301 (D) (0) 580 1.489.984 587.915 42,853 13,037 7,788 1,168 12,253 (D) (D) 131,375 29.390 16,515 48,400 (D) (D) 22,317 27,542 45,019 25,046 19,974 52,036 15,836 4,466 31,734 66,556 12,337 24,308 6,125 17,085 (D) (D) 24.587 64,487 (D) (D) 2,349 11,841 498.903 117,067 29,576 (0) 89,724 (0) 112,811 87.387 46,832 20,535 41,210 15,732 13,084 9,662 (D) (D) 2,733 155.132 71,853 83.279 16.803 13,246 3.557 14.202 3,898 4,817 542 5,146 88,431 1,905 13,559 1,551 17,987 18,197 110 12,595 5.727 12.496 (D) (D) 4,303 28.546 16.802 102 583 184 -8 7 (D) 12,351 (D) 2,063 64 (D) (D) (D) 12,783 2,328 681 508 (D) (D) 3.078 478,207 20,601 1,784 4,622 836 411,588 (D) (D) 2,034 (D) 3,992 10,081 876 (D) 691.453 21,661 28,546 3,051 22,254 40 (D) 96 136 1.284 3.616 (D) 152 (D) -64 4.188 103 -38 561 2.346 9.060 6 1,917 1,311 (D) 1,277 -195 (D) 21 606 (D) 180 (D) 93 -3 (D) (D) (D) 538 37 290 12 (D) (D) -91 1,132 19 32 51 -5 2,554 (D) (D) -37 (D) -105 -230 -94 (D) 19,799 797 309,628 29,476 197,413 357 (D) 1,183 1,666 23,886 36,851 (D) 3,187 188 411 27,446 (D) 267 6.176 21.719 66,313 183 11,873 6,493 (D) 1,153 (D) (D) 281 5,380 (D) 3,203 (D) 383 16 (D) (D) (D) 2,426 397 (D) 192 626 149 (D) 83,879 4,397 217 1,139 167 54,312 432 318 307 86 716 1,615 173 (D) 174,041 5,571 192,611 19,124 124,530 257 (D) 856 1,223 16.371 25.258 (D) 2.050 154 419 13.784 (D) 248 4.254 17.392 37.770 129 5,688 2,283 (D) 855 (D) (D) 114 3,405 (D) 2,123 (D) 253 16 (D) (D) (D) 1,371 374 (D) 111 255 47 (D) 39,358 2,875 97 599 128 32.675 826 244 266 12 457 1.019 160 (D) 105,868 956 4,231.3 489.1 2,630.1 5.0 M 18.6 23.8 2934 511.8 J 48.4 24 11.4 3356 J 6.9 937 274 7 850.8 3.0 154.0 48.0 H 23.1 J I 35 106 I 76.6 J 5.3 .5 J J F 54.0 8.4 H 3 1 9.8 16 K 858.4 64.7 1.4 22.1 3.4 6996 170 8.2 5.9 .4 7.4 23.7 45 2.331 6 23.0 7.574 54.235 448 517 641 1,047 (D) 1 1 ,906 (D) 1.354 62 176 (D) 515 63 (D) 5,473 14.093 34 5,198 (D) 928 688 513 (D) 69 (D) 3 (D) (D) 29 1 (D) (D) (D) 792 451 (D) 25 (D) 65 18 58,614 811 1,386 54 (D) 49,704 5,070 (D) (D) 4 (D) 876 (D) (D) 48,152 729 244.155 14.069 90,693 471 (D) 686 1,819 11,590 31,145 329 3.335 (D) 683 9.814 1.204 339 (D) 6.941 14.759 582 7,954 6,619 (D) 2,501 270 (D) 543 1,336 5 694 261 372 4 (D) (D) 75 (D) 671 17 (*) (D) 44 (D) 128.666 (D) 119 700 20 114.722 (D) 12 652 3 347 1.957 79 863 81.848 (D) 17,106 1,651 12.279 3 (D) 97 136 1,799 2,872 (D) 151 4 (*) 991 (D) 9 660 2,368 3,002 (*) 370 (D) (•) (D) (D) 3 (•) (D) (D) (D) 1 (D) (D) 108 99 (*) 1 1 (•) 7 2,620 (D) (D) 3 5 2,018 (D) 10 (D) 19 78 1 (D) 9,862 10 NOTE.-Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; G-1 ,000 to 2,499; H-2,500 to 4,999; 1-5,000 to 9,999; J-10.000 to 24.999; K-25.000 to 49.999; L-50.000 to 99.999; M-100.000 or more. Table J-3A.-Sales and Employment of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by Industry of Affiliate and Industry of Sales ^ All industries.. Manufacturing... Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Basic chemicals , Resins and synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments.... Pharmaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations... aher Plastics and mbber products..... Nonmetallic mineral products.... Primary and fabricated metals.. Primary metals Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components- Navigational, measuring, and other Instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance (except depository institutions) and insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. ProfessioneU, scientific, and technical services.. Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting... Other Sales (millions of dollars) By Industry of afniiate _m- other industnas Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Mining Ulllitles Constnjction Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food sen/ices Accommodation Food services and drinldng places Miscellaneous services Auxiliaries ' .... Unspecified ^ . 1,468,SB4 587,815 42,S53 13,037 7,768 1,168 12,253 (D) (D) 131,375 29,380 16,515 48,400 (D) (D) 22,317 27,542 45,019 25,046 19,974 52,036 15,836 4.466 31.734 66.556 12.337 24.308 6.125 17.085 (D) (D) 24.567 64.487 (D) (D) 2.349 11.841 498,803 117.067 29.576 (D) 89.724 (D) 112.611 67,387 46.832 20.535 41,210 15.732 13.084 9.662 (D) (D) 2.733 155,132 71.853 83.279 16,803 13.246 3.557 14,202 3.898 4,617 542 5.146 88,431 1.905 13.559 1,551 17.987 18.197 110 12.595 5.727 12.496 (D) 46 778 (D) 3,655 (D) (D) 21 282,454 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 38,529 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) l.t 1,817 2,792 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 655 (D) (D) 7.924 7.252 672 (D) (D> 38,413 26.808 (D) 459 4,405 (D) 5.487 (D) (D) 2,374 3,181 553 (D) (D) (D) (*) (D) (D) (D) 7,029 (D) (D) 1,392 605 (D) (D) O (D) (D) 368 (D) 259 (D) 32 (D) 434 (D) (D) (D) 241,502 60,591 1,114 135 368 (0) (D) 16,264 (D) (D) 415 (D) (D) 387 187 (D) (D) 425 2 (D) (D) (D) 94 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 6,185 (D) (D) 1,211 (D) 104 2.618 (0) (D) 1.543 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 7,149 7,149 (D) 203 (D) 63 1,047 10 (D) 88 (D) (D) (D) 116 (D) (D) (D) 302,758 (D) 105 (D) 203 (D) (D) 28,851 5,580 215 50 1,957 1,543 1,815 322 (D) (D) 211 211 (D) 196,372 (D) 1,159 1,159 87 o 87 (D) 329 141 55 169 172 (D) 329 329 (D) 405,529 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 44,315 7,021 (D) 18,082 (D) (D) 2,296 (D) (D) (D) 4.611 11,971 (D) 358 (D) 6.049 (D> (D) 81 1,997 2,598 (D) 229 (D) (D) 4,011 24 3,003 19,848 211 874 (D) 5,069 (D) 4,687 (D) (D) 3.020 (D) (D) 8,161 703 703 2,106 168,081 (D) (D) 10,617 (D) (D) 5,248 (D) 217 (D) 4,279 33,180 551 17.933 (D) 2,557 2,930 (D) 2,633 (D) (D) (D) 2,036 44,753 7,637 565 (D) 368 43 (D) (*) (D) (D) 5 (D) 4 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 91 (D) 5 (D) (0) O 23 (D) 3 (D) (D) (D) 13,328 122 (D) 403 (D) 8,477 3,015 (D) 87 (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,868 (D) (D) (D) (D) 13,801 (D) 5,579 (D) (D) 458 2,049 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 51 (D) m (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D> (D) (D) 2,728 (D) 610 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (B) (D) (D) 1 17,163 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 378 378 (D) (D) (D) (D) 8 384 138 2,805 13 21 157 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) 21 (D) (D) 295 295 7,371 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,470 484 6 248 148 688 756 602 154 139 631,999 117,392 3,542 (D) (D) (D) (D) 451 8,071 18.574 7.141 4,410 2,618 (D) (D) 8,165 8,180 11,182 8,187 2,994 8,733 2,497 (D) (D) 16,187 4,928 4,078 (D) 5,761 548 ymenl cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499: F-SOO to 999; G-1 ,000 to 2,499: H-2,500 to 4,999: 1-5,000 to 9,999: J-10,000 to 24,999: K-25,000 to 49,999: L-50,000 to 99,999: M-100,000ormore. Table J-7.— U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority-Owned Affiliates, industry of Affiliate by Transactor IMIIIIona of donaral T _11I. Exports ship ped b y affillales To the foreign parent group J2L. To other foreigners (3) To foreign afnilates (4) To unaffil- iated foreigners (5) (6) Imports shipped to afftliates By the foreign parent group JZL By other foreigners J§L By foreign affiliates * JSL By unafTik laled foreigners J10L All industries.. Manufacturing- Food Beverages and tobacco products Textiles, apparel, and leather products.. Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities.... Petroleum and coal products Cliemicals Basic ctiemicals , Resins and synttietic njbber, fibers, and fllamants.... Phamiaceuticals and medicines Soap, cleaning compounds, and toilet preparations... Other Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products.... Pnmar> and fabricated metals.. Primary metats Fabricated metal products Machinery Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery.. Industrial machinery Other Computers and electronic products Computer and peripheral equipment. Communications equipment , Audio and video equipment Semiconductors and other electronic components.. Navigational, measuring, and other instruments Magnetic and optical media Electrical equipment, appliances, and components.. Transportation equipment Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts Other Furniture and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts and supplies.... Professional and commercial equipment and supplies.. Electrical goods Other durable goods Petroleum and petroleum products , Other nondurable goods Retail trade Food and beverage stores.. Other Information Publishing industries Motion picture and sound recording industries Broadcasting and telecommunication Broadcasting, cable networks, and program distribution.. Telecommunications Information services and data processing services Finance (except depository institutions) and Insurance.. Finance, except depository institutions Insurance carriers and related activities. Real estate and rental and leasing. Real estate Rental and leasing (except real estate).. Professional, scientific, and technical services... Architectural, engineering, and related services Computer systems design and related services Management, scientific, and technical consulting.... Other Other Industries Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting , Mining Utilities Construction.... Transportation and warehousing Management of nonbank companies and enterprises.. Administration, support, and waste management Health care and social assistance Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food sen/ices and drinking places , Miscellaneous services 127,845 82,904 2,516 1,588 493 145 1,228 159 (D) 14,162 4,203 2,718 (D) 793 (D) 2,331 908 3,759 2,333 1,425 9,482 2,359 (D) (D) 1 1 ,869 1,401 4.383 (D) 2.589 (D) (D) 3,179 6,614 (D) (D) 103 (D) 58,597 4,710 2,070 (D) 13.553 6.395 (D) 1,179 (D) (D) 864 (D) (D) 4 4 4 42 (D) (D) 340 146 161 1 32 3,914 283 3,185 (D) 201 152 3 (D) O (*) 21 61,272 828 559 176 36 387 69 (D) 6,570 1,551 838 (D) 298 (D) 738 286 1,439 1,099 340 2,368 783 (D) (D) 5,651 819 2.703 (D) 1,413 (0) (D) 1,631 2,314 (D) (D) 49 (D) 35,689 2,883 822 (D) 7,522 3,465 (D) 81 (D) (D) 162 (D) (D) 4 4 4 (D) (D) (D) (D) 62 (D) 1 23 698 41 604 (D) 32 15 3 (•) (•) (D) 88,573 38,418 1,688 1,029 317 109 841 90 (D) 7,593 2,652 1,880 (D) 495 (D) 1,593 622 2,320 1,235 1,086 7,113 1,578 (D) (D) 6,218 S82 1,679 (D) 1,176 (D) 42 1,548 4,300 (0) (D) 54 (D) 22,908 1,827 1,248 (D) 6.031 2.930 (D) 1,118 (D) (D) 702 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 84 (D) 9 3,216 222 2,581 (D) 169 137 (D) (D) 10,795 8,299 217 162 9 5 207 1 9 1,951 710 440 (D) 238 (0) 865 98 60 6 55 779 212 (D) (D) 1,782 129 144 (D) 255 (D) 269 1,770 1,770 118 1,932 655 402 (D) 316 1 (D) 1 80 (D) (D) 117 32 85 385 56 233 (D> 7 (D) 3 55,778 30,119 1,471 868 308 104 634 89 (0) 5,642 1,942 1,440 (D) 257 (D) 728 524 2,260 1,229 1.031 6,335 1,364 (D) (D) 4,436 453 1,535 (D) 921 (D) 42 1.279 2.530 (D) (D) 54 (D) 20,976 1,172 847 (D) 5,716 2.929 (D) 1,116 (D) (D) 641 (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 52 (D) 9 2,831 167 2,347 (0) 162 137 (0) 244,155 86,538 2,612 1,131 658 170 1,014 418 (D) 15,559 3,493 1,685 7,628 (D) (D) 3,570 1,552 6,632 5,094 1,538 6,963 3,350 802 2.811 19,346 (D) (D) 4,198 6,167 498 105 3,340 15,993 15,299 694 64 (D) 152,733 (D) 14,215 31,890 27,242 (D) 21,594 3,084 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 99 (•) 99 (D) 137 (D) (*) (D) 838 102 447 (D) 40 (0) 2 (D) 5 5 53 1.439 276 306 141 787 270 (D) 13.101 2,946 898 7,010 (D) (D) 2,307 1,017 5,342 4,102 1,239 5,497 2,716 628 2,153 14,182 (D) (D) 627 5.116 380 95 3.012 13,447 12,802 645 56 (D) 120,870 (D) 13,936 28.038 20.338 (0) 12.498 1,130 (D) (D) (D) (D) (•) (D) (0) (0) (D) 82 (•) 82 (D) 135 (D) (•) (D) 538 48 294 (D) 38 46 1 (D) 1 1 48 57,847 23.522 1,172 854 349 29 227 148 (D) 2.459 547 787 618 (D) (D) 1.263 535 1.290 992 298 1.467 635 174 658 5.164 (D) (D) 3.571 1.051 118 10 328 2.547 2,497 49 9 (D) 31.883 (D) 278 3,854 6.904 (D) 9.099 1,934 (D) (D) 206 (D) (0) 17 17 5 3 2 300 54 153 (D) 2 (D) 1 3 3 4 12,011 7,009 90 364 29 29 O 19 1,235 145 503 310 (D) (D) 959 155 85 85 389 206 34 149 1.936 11 104 1.499 293 30 141 1.534 1.533 1 41 4,886 811 8 2,572 741 754 (•) (•) (D) (D) (D) (D) 77 1 45,838 18,513 1,082 490 320 29 198 148 (D) 1,223 403 284 308 (D) (D) 304 380 1,205 992 213 1.077 428 140 509 3.227 (D) (D) 2.072 758 89 10 188 1.013 964 49 9 (D) 28,976 (D) 270 1,282 8.163 (D) 8,345 1,934 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 17 17 5 3 2 (D) (D) 76 (D) 2 (D) 1 3 3 3 Table J-8.-U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority-Owned Affiliates, Country of UBO by Transactor IMIIIions of dollars] Total (1) Exports shipped by affiliates To the foreign parent group (2) To other foreigners (3) To foreign affiliates ' (4) To unaffil- iated foreigners (5) Total (6) Imports shipped to affiliates By the foreign parent group (7) By other foreigners Total (8) By foreign affiliates ' (9) By unaffil- iated foreigners (10) All countries .. Canada „ Europe Austria Belgium ... Denmark . Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Liechtenstein . Luxembourg .. Netheriands... Norway Spain Sweden Switzeriand United Kingdom . Other Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere . South and Central America . Brazil Mexico Panama Venezuela Other Other Weslem Hemisphere Bahamas Bermuda Netheriands Antilles United Kingdom Islands, Caribbean . aher Africa South Africa . Other Middle East Israel Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates . Other Asia and Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea, Republic of . Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other United States . Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 7,574 54,235 448 517 641 1,047 (D) 11,906 (D) 1,354 62 176 (D) 515 63 (D) 5,473 14,093 34 5,198 (D) 928 688 513 (D) 69 (D) 3 (D) (D) 29 1 (D) (D) (D) 792 451 (D) 25 (D) 65 18 58,614 811 1,386 54 (D) 49,704 5,070 (D) (D) 4 (D) 876 (D) (D) 48,152 729 61,272 2,847 18,749 44 70 184 457 (D) 4,877 (D) 838 51 7 (D) 169 37 (D) 2,298 3,305 14 1,776 (D) 867 352 34 (D) 25 (0) 1 (D) (D) 8 1 (D) (D) (D) 358 142 (D) (•) (D) 33 (") 37,252 263 1,050 15 (D) 31,882 3,732 (D) (D) 1 (D) 143 (D) (D) 16,219 225 66,573 4,727 35,486 404 447 457 589 (D) 7,030 (D) 516 12 169 (D) 347 26 (D) 3,175 10,788 21 3,422 (D) 60 336 479 (D) (D) 2 (D) (D) 21 1 (D) (D) (D) 434 309 (D) 25 (D) 31 17 21,362 548 337 39 (D) 17,822 1,338 (D) (D) 3 (D) 732 (D) (D) 31,934 504 10,795 329 6,581 9 39 79 (D) 1,643 40 5 (D) 31 3 (D) 197 1,380 1 46 46 37 9 (D) (D) 3,686 1 (D) (D) 3,415 87 (D) (D) 6,353 154 55,778 4,398 28,905 404 438 418 510 (D) 5,386 (D) 476 12 163 (D) 316 23 (D) 2,978 9,408 20 3,376 (D) 60 299 470 (D) 44 (D) 2 (D) (D) 21 1 (D) 310 (D) 434 309 (D) 25 (D) 31 17 17,696 547 337 (D) (D) 14,407 1,251 (D) (D) 3 (D) (D) (D) (D) 25,581 350 244,155 14,069 90,693 471 (D) 686 1,819 11,590 31,145 329 3,335 (D) 683 9,814 1,204 339 (D) 6,941 14,759 582 7,954 6,619 (D) 2,501 270 (D) 543 1,336 5 694 261 372 4 (D) (D) 75 (D) 671 17 (*) (D) 44 (D) 128,666 (D) 119 700 20 114,722 (D) 12 652 3 347 1,957 79 863 81,848 (D) 186,308 11,987 63,906 385 (D) 574 1,021 5,411 25,956 307 2,808 (D) 129 5,564 1,013 276 (D) 5,251 9,068 515 5,516 4,578 (D) 1,740 26 (D) 386 938 4 658 253 20 3 (D) (D) 1 (D) 634 13 (D) 32 (D) 102,609 (D) 98 495 12 90,817 (D) 11 637 2 338 1,872 61 737 57,007 (D) 57,847 2,082 26,787 87 (D) 112 798 6,179 5,189 22 527 (D) 553 4,251 191 63 (D) 1,690 5.691 67 2,439 2,041 (D) 760 244 (D) 157 398 1 35 8 353 1 (D) (D) 74 (D) 37 4 (*) (D) 12 (D) 26,056 (D) 20 205 8 23,905 (D) 1 15 (*) 9 85 19 126 24,840 (D) 12,011 570 5,956 6 1 50 2,476 1,512 36 436 417 70 83 871 1 88 24 64 (■) (*) (D) (D) (D) (D) 5,304 (D) (D) 5,280 (*) (*) (D) 5,873 (D) 45,836 1,512 20,831 87 (D) 111 748 3,704 3,677 22 491 (D) 118 3.834 191 63 (D) 1,607 4,820 66 2,350 1,953 (D) 736 180 (D) 157 397 1 35 8 353 1 (D» (D) 74 (D» 37 4 (*) (D) 12 (D) 20,752 (D) 20 (D) 8 18,625 (D) 1 15 O 9 85 19 (D) 18,967 (D) Table J-9.-U.S. Trade in Goods of Majority Owned Affiliates, Country of Destination or Origin by Transactor g , Indonesia Japan Korea, Reputillc of .. Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Other India Thailand Other Unallocafed ^ Addenda: European Union (15) . OPEC 127.845 18,720 25,415 117 1,598 368 (D) 2,581 5,239 (D) 2,228 3,033 182 BOO 1,416 1,681 5,096 SIS 114 294 411 13,463 12,795 3,173 5,863 368 554 2,836 584 660 490 139 139 49 775 666 30 (D) (D) 27 311 109 74 129 1,054 267 787 (D) (D) 227 1,179 387 42 (D) 535 77 (D) 52.577 1,325 2,964 1,610 663 32,390 7,052 340 89 360 1,764 2,457 1,563 705 724 134 15,436 22,838 2,098 To the for- eign par- ent group J21. 81,272 7.342 13.548 52 536 254 168 1,607 3,284 (D) 1,087 945 121 177 924 1.288 2,767 (D) 36 67 (D) 4.762 4,509 1,852 1,671 269 146 771 141 220 88 9 77 11 226 253 5 183 8 57 29 15 12 254 123 130 (D) (D) 71 427 153 8 (0) 171 33 (D) 34.399 743 1,338 702 179 25,281 3,639 106 27 148 940 722 575 145 405 25 540 11,939 552 To other for- eigners J21. 88,573 11.378 11.867 85 1,081 115 (D) 973 1,955 (D) 1,141 2,089 62 423 493 393 2,330 (D) 78 227 (D) 8.701 8,285 1,521 4,192 98 408 2,066 444 439 402 130 63 39 549 415 24 (D) (D) 19 255 80 59 117 800 144 858 (D) (D) 158 752 233 35 (D) 384 44 (D) 18.177 582 1,628 908 485 7,109 3,413 234 82 212 824 1,735 98S 559 320 110 14,896 10,897 1,544 Imports shipped to aftlBales Total (4) 244,155 22,080 63,247 554 2,373 921 930 5,885 23,381 523 3,922 3,158 1,192 707 3,928 4,967 9,913 1,095 (D) (D) 524 18,003 16,662 1,906 10,217 (D) 2,197 (D) 290 257 914 301 153 8 (D) 1,341 2 (D) (D) (D) (D) 827 11 (D) (D) 569 (D) (D) (D) 1,240 (D) 532 (D) (D) 25 (D) 125.432 947 2,233 4,210 (D) 94,695 (D) 1,661 432 (0) (D) 3,946 1,542 157 (D) (D) 11,431 58,170 5,064 By the for- eign par- eri< group (5) 15,671 56.408 526 2,245 585 795 5,016 21,901 408 3,143 2,925 1,064 618 3,681 4,418 8,454 652 (D) (0) 241 9,110 8.904 1,171 5,021 (D) 1,641 (D) 82 87 390 217 80 1 (D) 205 (D) (D) (D) 57 O (D) (D) 351 (D) 12 (D) 41 (D) 489 (D) (D) 25 (D) 102,760 778 745 2,536 609 83,378 (D) 622 419 (D) (D) 2,898 656 18 585 53 682 50,323 2,907 By other for- eigr>ers (6) 57,847 8,389 8,838 28 128 358 135 669 1,480 115 779 233 12S 91 245 549 1,459 443 (D) (D) 283 8,803 7,758 735 5,197 (D) 556 (D) 208 170 524 84 73 7 (D) 1,135 2 (D) (D) (D) (D) 771 10 (D) (0) 219 (D) (D) 5 (*) 334 29 24 217 13 51 100 4 44 27 17 70 15 (D) (D) 347 (D) (D) 1 127 32 4 (D) 55 54 O 2 (D) (D) (D) 18 153 59 (*) (D) 3 (*) 3 1 1 (*) 1 1 (*) (*) (D) 2 (D) (*) 380 (*) o (*) (•) Table 0-1 .-Selected Financial and Operating Data of Affiliates, by SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate Number of afnilates jii- Number of comp- anJas consol- idated ■ J2L Millions of dollars Total assets J2i_ Gross properly, plant, and equip- ment (4) Expendi- tures for property, plant, and equip- ment (5) (6) Net Income (7) Gross product (8) Comperv- sation of employees (8) Thousands of employ- ees (10) MiBions of dofars US exports of goods shipped by afltKates (11) US, imports of goods shipped to affilales (12) All Industries ., Petroleum Petroleum and coal products manufacturing . aher Manufacturing . Food and kindred products . Beverages Other Chemicals and allied products Industrial chemicals Drugs Soap, cleaners, and toiletries . Other Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metal Industries Ferrous Nonfenous Fabricated metal products ,„ Machinery Industrial machinery and equipment Computer and office equipment Other Electronic and other electric equipment Audio, video, & commur^lcations equipment . Electronic components Other Other manufacturing Textile products and apparel Lumber and furniture Paper and allied products Printing and publlsNng Newspapers Other Rubber products , Miscellaneous plastics products ... Stone, clay, and glass products ... Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and equipment .. Other Instruments and related products . Other Wholesale trade ., Motor vehicles and equipment Professional and commercial equipment . Metals and minerals Electrical goods Machinery and equipment Other durable goods Groceries and related products Farm product raw materials Other nondurable goods General merchandise stores .... Food stores Apparel and accessory stores . Other Finance, except depository Institutions Insurance Real estate Services .. Hotels and other lodging places Business services Computer and data processing services Other business services Motion pictures, incl. TV tape and film Engineering and architectural sen/ices Accounting, research, & management services .. Health services Other services Other industries . Agriculture, forestry, and fishing .... Honing Coal Other Construction Transportation Communication and public utlHties . 9,474 196 29 187 2,877 25S 48 208 338 131 80 32 95 385 185 115 70 200 722 430 74 356 292 64 111 117 1,176 114 60 67 99 12 87 51 143 139 231 190 41 150 122 113 128 121 190 342 264 109 37 352 2S5 7 32 55 161 1,87S 1.017 286 327 164 163 43 57 106 21 177 7BS 203 91 23 68 156 225 120 33,330 973 419 554 9,932 795 197 598 1,878 739 381 195 383 1,232 581 345 236 851 2,254 1,214 111 1,103 1,040 287 324 449 3,973 350 106 254 736 107 829 138 319 824 524 402 122 522 200 4,777 385 297 345 1,045 588 885 381 198 895 1,219 43 311 263 802 1,983 4,705 4,412 861 963 317 846 361 179 224 510 1.314 3,535 314 461 166 295 917 903 940 3,034,404 123,753 71,444 52,309 648,584 86,600 23.440 43.159 191.541 65,798 78,859 20,759 28,025 70,431 35,578 22,895 12,683 34,852 122.759 53,347 8,583 44,764 69,412 21,507 19,446 28,459 197,233 8,806 2,786 19,085 41,903 (D) (D) 12,573 9,383 34,369 43,027 38,827 8,199 17,888 7,604 266,063 91,878 20,728 18,004 43.061 17.072 18.589 15.092 10.879 32,961 54,723 805 28,733 6,025 18,358 847.626 104,334 113,797 28,207 33,080 13,188 19,872 18,561 2,608 5,408 12,531 12,424 171,411 4,785 31,427 9,651 21,778 11,787 30,197 93,235 866,197 118,095 83,983 34.132 317,297 23.273 4,069 19,204 94,052 49,164 24,788 7,388 12.755 40.370 27,828 18,914 8,914 12,543 51,273 20,049 2,080 17,989 31,224 7,189 11,942 12,083 108,330 5,988 1,582 18,134 9,598 417 9,181 10,394 6,802 26,686 22,034 20,123 1,911 6,055 3,297 95,565 50,604 7,023 3,495 12,121 2,846 4,815 3,346 2,434 8,882 34,558 318 23,118 3,750 7,373 7,923 88,473 56,367 28,171 13,078 4,011 9,064 3,759 840 2,111 3,586 6,843 117,671 2,990 28,698 10,762 16,136 4,842 20,838 81,903 109,933 10,470 8,107 4,363 35,376 2,023 503 1,520 10,186 5,275 2,722 787 1,401 4,775 3,556 2,374 1,182 1,219 7,047 2,218 259 1,958 4,830 1,117 2,251 1,481 11,365 483 161 972 1.180 (D) (D) 906 784 3.111 2,822 2,805 217 887 298 25,418 17,908 2.042 438 2.047 468 458 469 326 1,281 4,551 (D) 2,945 (D) 1,035 2,226 4,898 5,178 1,329 1,839 697 1,142 384 76 460 457 833 14,782 402 2,208 587 1,821 SB6 2,297 8,989 1,717,240 157,770 87,323 90,447 623,313 54,985 8,820 46,085 143,238 53,234 49,425 19,992 20,585 88,527 41,990 22,903 19,087 27,536 154,085 68,289 15,885 53,834 84,786 28,557 24,188 32,080 201,480 9,674 4,290 16,600 26,836 781 28.055 15.455 9.436 28.876 63.864 58.814 7,149 17,588 8,783 449,847 117,028 31,219 37,709 88.871 23,653 38.208 43.931 34.087 57.162 102,531 807 67,952 8,848 24,928 74,409 102,180 66,435 8,750 27,895 10,048 17,647 8,324 3,985 4,606 7,875 5,199 123,898 2,381 12,634 5,229 7,405 21,167 33,095 54,841 42,547 6,527 4,464 2,083 14,288 675 536 140 4,359 1,290 1,311 1,128 832 2,074 938 475 483 1,136 1,465 157 -1,332 1,489 1,308 517 264 526 5,695 227 148 131 183 88 85 288 -26 2,228 1.690 1,510 180 643 185 3,439 1,549 -824 343 238 182 -461 78 244 1,888 1.213 ■15 1,176 8 44 4,124 9,071 159 478 -222 -351 129 107 38 140 -258 -125 3,712 165 508 279 229 -341 1,301 2,079 384,883 35,220 23,448 11,772 172,409 14.168 3,377 10,788 41,197 14,867 18,110 4,735 5,485 17,751 9,255 5,422 3,833 8,488 38,233 16.815 860 15,855 21,318 6,392 5,537 9,388 61.061 3,483 1,010 5,106 8,753 382 8,371 5,576 2,547 12,087 11,273 8,054 2,219 6,483 3,763 45,776 11,841 4,288 1,848 8,216 3,205 3,713 2,882 1,517 8,287 28.313 178 17,778 2,468 7,890 9.669 16,629 7,318 29,278 4,982 14.123 4,038 10.084 1.671 1.296 1.548 3.718 1.985 40,270 732 5.952 2.474 3.473 3.955 11.499 18,132 230,337 6,730 4,270 2,480 112,578 7,700 1,334 6,386 25,277 8,308 10,608 3,172 3,189 11,622 5,701 3,384 2,317 5,921 28,878 12,944 1,853 11,291 15,832 4,491 4,021 7,420 39,103 2,417 881 3,350 7,004 277 6,727 4,008 1,614 8,535 7,421 5,808 1,813 4,698 1,374 25,829 4,785 3.367 984 5,538 2,018 2.638 1.882 738 3.921 17,281 131 9,878 1,487 5,805 10,317 11,065 1,141 22.610 2.536 1 1 .965 3.227 8.738 1.261 1.166 1.260 2.885 1.537 22,786 435 2.787 1.280 1,507 3.704 8.047 7.814 5,164.3 140,924 105.0 589 46,1 172,4 222 1502 393 1 1324 1435 568 604 2385 101 7 588 45 1 134,8 8065 283 2 335 2498 3234 858 768 161,0 8824 782 22.8 61 3 141.0 97 131.3 847 428 133 2 1780 1390 390 903 303 522.5 88 1 704 184 103,2 377 585 53 5 21 2 755 839.2 70 478,7 793 276 1 60.3 165.0 24.7 682.9 1135 312 1 41 7 2705 39,5 209 279 104,1 64.8 493.7 13,8 431 185 246 71,8 199 4 1655 7,797 3,045 4,752 87,719 2.985 394 2,581 15.492 7.994 4,056 890 2.551 5.162 3.415 1.047 2.367 1.747 28.038 10.822 1.525 9.297 15.216 6.082 4.121 5,013 18,042 525 288 1,719 918 918 1.677 892 950 8.463 5.211 1.252 2.904 1.698 59.050 4,708 2,112 8.135 8.058 5.963 4.083 9.210 13.868 6.817 1.952 14 38 23 1.878 (D) (D) 622 (•) (0) 216 (D) 104 148 33 (D) 26 3.702 283 3.075 667 2.408 201 154 9 261,482 19,547 11.579 7.968 sa,o«s 3,482 959 2,523 18.348 5,739 7,725 495 2.387 8,814 8,594 3.418 3.178 2.220 32.954 11.486 2.760 8.726 21.487 8.387 9.522 3.578 28.490 742 306 1,082 501 (D) (D) 2,696 952 1,619 18.140 15.449 892 1.589 883 148.214 49.479 14,392 8.908 31.919 7.541 12.223 7.470 2.831 13,450 3.679 (D) (D) 1,191 2,022 (D) (D) 5 507 428 80 (D) 137 (D) (D) 53 934 102 205 2 203 40 377 209 Table 0-2.-Total Assets of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO [Millions of dollars! AJ1 countries (1) (2) (3) Europe France JIL Germany (5) Nether- lands (6) Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom JSL Latin America and Other Western Hemi- sphere JS)_ J10L Middle East AnL (12) Asia and Pacific Ofwhhh: J13L Japan Al*l. United States J1SL All industries . Petroleum Petroleum and coal products manufacturing . Other Manufacturing . Food and kindred products . Beverages Other Chemicals and aied products industnai chemicals Dr^jgs Soap, cleaners, and toiletries . Other Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metal industries Ferrous Nonferrous Fabricated metal products .... Machinery industrial macNnery and equipment Computer and office equipment Other Bectronic and other electric equipment Audio, video, & communications equipment . Electronic components - Other Other manufacturing Textile products and apparel Lumber and furniture Paper and allied products H Printing and publishing Newspapers Other Rubber products Miscellaneous plastics products Stone, clay, and glass products Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Other Instruments and related products Other Wholesale trade . Motor veNcles and equipment Professional and commercial equipment . Metals and minerals Bectrical goods Machinery and equipment Other durable goods Groceries and related products Farm product raw materials Other nondurable goods Retail trade . General merchandise stores .... Food stores Apparel and accessory stores . Other Rnance, except depository institutions . Insurwice Real estate . Services Hotels and other lodging places Business services Computer and data processing services Other business services Motion pictures, Incl. TV tape and film Engineering and architectural services Accounting, research, & management services .... Health services Other services Other industries ,. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing .... tAnnQ Coal Other Construction Transportation Communication and pubBc utilities . 3,034,404 123,753 71,444 52,309 648,564 66,600 23,440 43,159 191,541 65,798 76,959 20,759 26,025 70,431 35.578 22,695 12,883 34,852 122,759 53,347 8,583 44,764 69,412 21,507 19,446 28,459 197.233 8,606 2,788 19,095 41,903 (0) (D) 12,573 9,383 34,369 43,027 36,827 6,199 17,888 7,604 266,063 91 ,878 20,728 18,004 43,081 17,072 16,589 15,092 10,679 32,961 54,723 605 28,733 6,025 19,359 847,626 704,133 104,334 113,797 28,207 33,060 13,188 19,872 19,561 2,606 5,408 12,531 12,424 171,411 4,765 31,427 9,651 21,776 11,787 30,197 93,235 9,238 71 9,167 66,422 (D) (D) 2.598 4,922 303 (D) (0) (D) 10,070 4,261 (D) (D) 5,809 (D) (D) (D) 839 8,505 (D) 158 (D) 24,328 1,221 1,006 3,178 15,948 (D) (D) 49 1,493 (D) 931 (D) (D) (D) (D) 11,213 (D) (D) 1,788 (0) 352 1,473 1,551 (D) 2,159 5,881 (D) (D) 4,195 74,216 78,959 18,526 20,263 (D) 1,483 1,372 111 (D) (D) 257 2,268 (D) 24,362 204 7,783 (D) (D) 394 7,790 8,192 73,119 54,697 18,421 420,216 42.476 6.449 36,027 162,593 50.216 73,651 18.157 20,570 33,718 10.936 6,137 4.799 22.782 76.383 34.100 1.821 32.279 42.283 12.248 8.183 21.853 105.046 4.284 (D) 8.754 19.113 46 19.066 (D) 4.190 24.423 15.168 9,331 5,838 14,562 6,402 88,212 28,248 3,887 4,312 8,659 8.446 6,971 4,343 6.365 16.981 36,633 565 23.132 2.183 10.753 503,395 501,827 29,745 53,557 8.217 21.557 8.102 13.455 4.899 2.270 4.005 10.038 2.571 102,615 2.105 21.330 6.868 12.462 5,592 16,656 56,932 (D) (D) (D) 64,931 2,473 936 1,537 20,641 10,568 8,029 (D) (D) 13,151 (D) 1.445 (D) (D) 9.471 1.296 1.106 190 8.175 (D) 327 (D) 19.195 842 (D) 39 1.016 1.016 (0) 561 7,779 2,233 (D) (D) 1,735 (D) 9,075 (D) 9 1.234 (D) 385 678 668 (D) 1.504 1,717 39 415 1,263 56,324 150,438 2,417 8,141 (D) 3,075 350 2,725 (D) 322 1.318 (0) (D) (D) 734 181 (D) 639 158 481 283 1 117 43,098 (D) 18,892 5,360 (D) 7,926 2,911 1,340 1,571 5,015 18,141 7,566 299 7,267 10,575 (•) (D) (D) 16,049 670 334 174 3,253 3,253 1,225 941 2,052 4.369 (D) (D) 2.605 427 39,000 26.827 1.634 1.221 1.119 2.208 457 79 96 5,358 11,590 8,687 (D) (D) 90,242 (0) 7,201 7,639 (D) 922 (D) (D) (D) 605 59 (D) 19 (B) 571 (D) (D) 71 1,184 247 (D) (0) (D) 3,669 30,639 760 760 17,189 6,761 415 (D) (D) 599 (D) (D) (D) 5,611 (D) 94 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 6,479 (D) 388 5,295 3 5,292 363 52 132 (D) (D) (D) 9 6,115 (D) (D) (D) 1,211 (D) 1,003 126 1 2,491 (D) (D) (D) 614 40,205 115,311 (0) 2,271 (D) 1.291 (D) (D) 196 (D) (D) 11,295 10 178 (D) (D) 339,896 1,644 1.644 51,949 (D) 103 (D) 29.8S1 3.085 26.469 297 (D) 911 220 691 (D) 7.006 (D) 293 (D) (D) (D) 54 (D) 6.285 373 225 (D) 243 243 109 66 1,857 (D) (0) 5 3,162 145 4,214 215 469 50 930 641 681 354 852 242 2 (D) (D) 196,535 74,027 1,537 8,078 329 (D) (D) 1,141 (D) (D) (D) 55 1,670 332 141 (D) (D) 1,003 193 454,081 24,836 (D) (D) 143,610 26,479 (D) (D) 45,123 10,146 18,319 (D) (D) 6,930 2.605 (D) (D) 4,325 21,321 12,017 (D) (D) 9,304 (D) 2,125 (D) 43,758 1,948 42 3,428 9,264 (D) (D) 1,348 (13) (D) (13) 25 15 7 1,268 (D) 23 21 20 20 132 133 (D) (D) 4 (D) -1 1,038 (D) -7 36 (D) (D) 163 161 (D) (D) 65 106 98 124 256 (D) (D) 8 (D) 45 69 (D) (D) 230 33 33 223 287 58 2,843 (D) (D) 1,264 33 33 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3 (D) 3 108 (D) 4 16 (D) -17 (D) (D) (D) (•) (D) (D) (D) 7,295 3,343 (D) (D) 1,096 202 6 135 (D) (D) 14 3 3 11 260 228 (D) (D) 33 29 4 612 (D) 77 (D) 8 38 (D) 5 3 (D) 1 1 11 1,168 (D) 664 (D) -70 1,117 364 320 (D) -5 (D) 5 2 (D) (D) 38 103 (D) 21 73,887 (0) 704 (D) 33,326 1,590 441 1,148 4,435 2,871 497 259 808 5,587 4,524 3,933 591 1,063 8,150 3,226 373 2,854 4.923 (D) 2,530 (D) 13,564 626 157 574 554 (D) (0) 2,905 421 2,553 5,237 5,112 125 287 251 21,430 7,006 2,904 527 6,236 1,183 758 975 243 1,598 3,755 5 (D) (D) (D) 3,388 (D) 1.1 5,352 (D) (D) 719 (D) 123 129 335 (D) 489 3,561 76 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,410 729 5,207 723 680 43 2,772 (D) (D) 657 (D) 17 (D) 197 (D) 42 (D) (D) 505 (D) (D) (D) 15 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,062 21 21 2 30 10 1 (*) 2 5 1 1 10 (0) 9 (D) 205 (D) 128 14 115 (D) 71 2 1,137 4 13 13 (D) 11 (D) 128 24 104 27,802 1,045 340 705 2,489 1,045 497 242 705 4,996 4,024 3,550 474 972 7.243 2,969 421 2,547 4,274 742 2.423 1,108 12,030 463 157 244 576 5 571 2,905 562 1,424 5,173 5,092 81 279 247 20,704 6,908 2,952 470 6,131 1,098 665 648 238 1,394 3,308 5 (D) (D) (D) 3,470 57 1,308 3,960 2,092 892 623 270 32 129 335 37 1,611 72 405 (D) (D) 512 868 -247 (0) (0) 75 (D) (D) 6 (D) 1 4 (D) 9 2 2 7 (D) (D) (D) 110 15 2 13 (D) (D) 26 26 1 (D) (D) (D) 6 (D) 6 (D) 22 2 1 136 n (•) (*) 164 (D) 51 (D) (D) -49 (D) -1 o 47 (*) -3 10 64 (D) (D) Table 0-5.-Employment of Affiliates, SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate by Country of UBO fThousands of emplovecsl All countries (1) (2) (3) Europe Of which Franco (4) Gofmany J51_ Nether- lands JBL Switzer- land JZL United Kingdom J8L Latin America and aher Western HenH- sptiere (9) Am. Middle East JUL Asia and Pacific (12) (13) Japan _tm. Ur^led Slates (15) All Industries . Petroleum Petroleum and coal products manufacturing . Other Manufacturing . Food and kindred products . Beverages Other Chemicals and allied products Industrial chemicals Drugs Soap, cleaners, and toiletries . Other Primary and fabricated metals . Primary metal industries Ferrous Nonferrous Fabricated metal products .... Machinery , Industrial machinery and equipment Computer and office equipment Other Electronic and other electric equipment Audio, video, & communications equipment . Electronic components Cither Other manufacturing Textile products and apparel Lumber and furniture Paper and allied products Printing and publishing Newspapers Cither Rubber products Miscellaneous plastics products .. Stone, clay, and glass products ... Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and equipment . Other instruments and related products . Other Wholesale trade . Motor vehicles and equipment Professional and commercial equipment . Metals and minerals Electrical goods Machinery and equipment Other durable goods , Groceries and related products Farm product raw materials Other nondurable goods Retail trade . General merchandise stores .... Food stores Apparel and accessory stores . Other Finance, except depository institutions Insurance Real estate . Hotels and other lodging places Business services Computer and data processing services Other business services Motion pictures, incl. TV tape and film Engineering and architectural services Accounting, research, & management services . Health services Other services Ottier Industries . Agriculture, forestry, and fishing .... Mining Coal Other Construction Transportation Communication and public utilities . 105.0 58.9 46,1 2,271.0 172.4 222 150.2 393 1 1324 1435 568 60.4 2365 101.7 566 45.1 134.8 606.5 2632 33.5 2496 323.4 858 76.6 161.0 862.4 78.2 228 81,3 141.0 9.7 131 3 84.7 42.8 133.2 178.0 139.0 39.0 90.3 303 522.5 88.1 70.4 16.4 103.2 37.7 56.5 535 21 2 755 839.2 70 476.7 79.3 278.1 60.3 682.9 113.5 312.1 41.7 2705 395 209 279 104 1 648 493.7 13.8 43.1 18.5 246 71.9 1994 1655 6.7 .2 65 K I 184 97 6 6 H H K 13.0 G J J 532 69 5 6.4 462 K 13 I 118.7 9.2 7.9 77 703 I L .6 83 .8 9.9 97 3 8 1.3 43.9 I .7 49 I 1.3 5.7 7.8 (•) 6.1 103.2 J I 748 5.7 85.7 9 78 6.8 10 186 2 1 1,8 345 20 1 99.7 15 10.5 A J H 65 8 J 3,213.8 51.4 394 12 1,460.7 110.0 7.0 103.1 331 112.5 129.6 45.4 43.4 124.4 380 162 21 7 86.4 4048 199.9 89 192.9 205.0 36.6 41.3 127 1 4904 382 86 383 59.8 8 590 41 9 21.4 983 85.8 509 350 76.7 235 224.7 243 21.4 5.2 179 223 374 329 J K 801.7 70 412.4 339 1484 38.7 405.2 346 2297 234 2063 17.0 166 22.1 64.8 204 300.7 5.1 285 173 112 387 1042 124.2 7.0 1.4 5.6 374 202 98 I F 239 4.7 38 9 19.2 42.1 26 18 10 395 J 22 J 868 62 2 4 36 36 J 36 285 128 I I 9.8 H 31.8 (•) 1 7 H 16 32 I J 42 58.8 J 255 44 21 1 (•) 2.1 139 O 82 20 L 1.0 .7 2 1.1 .5 .6 91.5 32.7 360 167 6 1 347 105 33 72 24.1 1007 K G K L 2.6 L 928 5.2 5.9 .8 127 127 11.8 4.8 121 225 204 21 14.0 32 56.9 21 7 6.8 24 40 60 1.7 .1 .1 14.1 193.8 M H K 4.8 J .« 41.9 9 H H F n 2 1 2 K 2 1.4 I I 1 12.0 42 O J J 1.5 383 129 23 J H I .1 .1 K H 1.1 G J .1 J 1.3 J 8 2.4 108 1 107 1.8 .3 G F 7 2 (•) 20.7 .3 H .1 19 1.1 4.5 .5 (•) I 148.4 M J 148 3.3 23.0 .3 17.0 .5 124 8 11.6 26 1.1 1.1 159.8 26 1 .2 259 554 13 8 404 1.2 65 45 8 3.7 2.0 44.9 23.7 2.0 21.7 21 1 G .4 J 270 H 1.6 F 1.0 1.0 7 4 46 G G (•) 12.1 G 14.5 1.2 .1 .2 33 1.4 H 7 H (•) 2 5 7.4 31.8 .8 129.2 12 M I M 3 5 J 6 .5 5 .1 34 20 983.2 18.8 J H 485.5 456 4.7 40.9 92 1 24.1 363 G K 346 84 H H 282 114.5 846 .1 84.8 299 85 123 91 1987 17.7 .3 11.4 31 5 6 30.9 9.0 8.9 323 454 196 258 324 97 4 84 8 4.4 55 20.1 6.8 G J 124.2 H 51 6 6.5 L 15.7 34.6 G 130.0 J 74.0 7.0 670 16.9 G 64 17.0 113.7 16 176 83 93 30 K L 168.1 25.5 G J 35.2 52 .1 5 1 10 .1 .1 (•) 173 I 3 .5 1 1 2.0 27 G G .1 H (•) 13.7 F (•) .2 F A 36 32 H G 4,1 46 23 1.2 1.9 .7 66.5 H L 4.1 6 6 48 28 2 G G 12.1 o 1.7 G .1 5 H 4.4 H F 38 1 25 F A 5 .1 .1 5 76 72 H H 4 3 .1 18.4 J 26 F 1 .7 15.3 J 7.3 A .4 A (•) .1 G 1,012.6 I 78 G 483.9 289 64 22.5 450 19 1 107 43 10.9 82 7 432 360 72 19.5 137 4 663 225 438 71 1 J 338 K 2099 128 35 68 10.6 G I 422 11.0 31 3 808 77 1 38 56 53 231.1 538 48 1 43 76 3 11 9 96 9.1 26 15.4 81.9 .1 K J K 15.8 G 11.3 114.6 L J 10.4 I 36 22 29 H 169 62.8 20 H G G J 21 2 204 7.8 78 .1 G G 44 H 2 F 4.1 G 6 F H 90 G G I J H G G F 14.8 .1 .1 1 A n .1 1.8 I .2 2 (•) H 30 1 178 44 13.3 33.0 8.6 106 42 97 54.5 37.9 32.4 5.5 186 1159 570 20.7 383 59.0 10.0 31.2 17.8 174.7 8.1 3.5 1.9 7.5 2 74 422 7.5 15.4 78 1 769 1 2 54 5 1 212.4 525 39.4 3.8 73.8 10.9 8.2 72 26 139 66.4 1 K I K 15.3 1.3 8.2 81.4 42.1 152 89 63 2 22 27 1 2 178 31.0 1 9 25 G G 98 181 7 G O n G 3 (•) o 2 G F A 5 5 .2 .2 .1 A .1 .1 o 5 (•) .2 .9 J n c F .5 A o o 5 (•) (•) 13.0 7 65 H G NOTE. -Size ranges are given In employment cells thai are suppressed The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999; G-1 ,000 to 2,499, H-2,500 to 4,999; 1-5,000 to 9,999; J-10,000 to 24,999: K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-100,000 or more. Table P-1 .—Selected Financial and Operating Data of Majority-Owned Affiliates, by SIC-Based Industry of Affiliate Number of affiliates _LU_ Millions of dollars Total assets (2) Gross property, plant, and equipment _i2L Expendi- tures tor property plant and equipment (4) J5L Net income JSL Gross product JZL Compen- sation of employees JSL Thousands of employees JgL Millions of dollars U.S. exports of goods shipped by affiliates (10) U.S. imports of goods shipped to affiliates Jill. Research and develop- ment perfonned by affiliates (12) All Industries Petroleum Petroleum and coal products manufacturing Other Manufacturing Food and kindred products Beverages Cither Chemicals and allied products Industrial chemicals Drugs Soap, cleaners, and toiletries Other Primary and fabricated metals Primary metal industries Ferrous Nonferrous Fabricated metal products Machinery Industrial machiriery and equipment Computer and office equipment Other Electronic and other electric equipment Audio, video. & communications equipment Electronic components Other Other manufacturing Textile products and apparel Lumber and furniture Paper and allied products Printing and publishing , Newspapers Other Rubber products Miscellaneous plastics products Stone, clay, and glass products Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and equipment Other Instruments and related products Other Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and equipment Professional and commercial equipment Metals and minerals Electrical goods Machinery and equipment Other durable goods , Groceries and related products Farm product raw materials Other nondurable goods Retail trade General merchandise stores Food stores Apparel and accessory stores Other Finance, except depository institutions Insurance Real estate Services Hotels and other lodging places Business sen/ices Computer and data processing services Other business services Motion pictures, incl. TV tape and film Engineering and architectural services Accounting, research. & management services .. Health services Other services Other industries Agriculture, forestry, and fisNng Mining Coal Other Construction , Transportation Communication and public utilities 8,071 136 20 116 2,416 221 39 182 265 99 68 26 72 315 141 90 51 174 625 372 56 318 253 53 93 107 990 95 47 55 81 10 71 47 120 112 203 165 38 125 105 1,507 109 115 109 178 319 236 98 33 310 217 5 28 49 137 600 120 1,630 843 237 270 134 136 35 50 84 14 153 602 180 65 11 54 113 179 65 2,627,290 103,873 64,547 39,326 582,672 64,047 23,150 40,897 178,982 59,271 75,478 (D) (D) 47,814 (D) 12,965 (0) (D) 112,945 47,512 6,480 41,033 65,432 20,936 16,796 27,700 178,885 8,961 1.867 14.141 41.014 (D) (D) 12.539 7.603 33.345 40.262 (D) (D) 13.980 7.172 252,360 91.824 19.834 17.702 (D) 15.751 18.133 (D) (D) 28.799 39,128 598 21.227 3.462 13.841 826,893 555,431 88,133 92,097 (D) 23,493 7.097 16.396 (D) 2,422 4.182 10,077 11,759 86,702 3,720 24,694 (0) (D) 9,866 18,908 29,514 670,901 94,930 76.773 18.157 275,003 21.732 3.876 17,856 86,361 44,207 24,219 (D) (D) 25,969 16,762 10,474 6,287 9,207 47,296 18,233 1.730 16.503 29.063 6.988 10.468 11.607 93.644 5.085 793 10.713 9,363 (D) (D) 10.375 5.127 25.568 18.793 (D) (D) 4,694 3.133 93,596 50,588 (D) 3,487 (D) (0) 4,499 (D) (D) 8,642 22,792 318 15,495 2,222 4,757 (0) (0) 71,984 47,034 (D) 10,346 2,973 7,373 3,644 801 1,755 2.758 (D) 45,899 (D) (D) (D) 14,133 4,546 12,649 6,958 85,720 8,008 (D) (D) 30,253 1,882 481 1,401 9,392 4,804 2,672 (D) (D) 2,889 1,866 1,003 863 1,023 6,021 1,980 204 1,778 4,042 1,047 1,751 1,243 10,069 416 115 738 1,172 (0) (D) 904 644 2,916 (0) 2,137 (D) (D) 283 25,213 17,908 2,033 439 (D) 452 447 (D) (D) 1,211 2,842 (D) 1,913 350 (D) (D) (0) 6,331 4,141 (D) 1,378 534 844 (D) 70 (D) (0) 583 5,844 373 1,794 292 1,502 825 1,434 1,418 1,469,964 139,561 (D) (0) 554,123 50,580 8,738 41,842 131,880 47,163 48.400 (D) (D) 49,027 26,375 14,196 12,178 22,652 141,286 60,230 11,509 48,721 81,056 27,882 21.892 31.282 181.351 7.572 2.990 12.208 26.386 718 25.668 (0) 7,454 27,611 58,319 (D) (D) 15,217 (D) 421,917 116,900 29,662 37,136 (0) 22.327 37.531 39.755 (D) 51.051 71,918 (D) 46.895 5.026 (D) 72,550 83,291 13,708 54,289 (D) 21.797 8.937 14.860 7.315 3.742 3.840 5.731 (D) 58,608 1.905 8,588 2.202 6,386 15.256 20.099 12.760 28,548 5,168 (D) (D) 12,527 573 518 57 3.764 1.049 1.373 (D) (D) 1.104 341 47 294 762 2.023 740 -588 1,328 1,282 548 289 446 5,064 177 55 77 163 97 65 (D) -181 2,091 1,582 (D) (D) 616 (D) 2,106 1,563 -663 313 (D) 166 -443 171 (D) 665 407 (D) 536 29 (D) 3,367 5,347 ■250 300 (13) -417 -518 101 219 34 147 -40 (D) •426 122 193 39 154 -387 470 -823 309,628 28,614 (D) (D) 154,033 12,907 3,312 9.596 37,862 13,544 15,818 (D) (D) 12,406 5,519 3,039 2,480 6,887 36.169 15,772 1,122 14,650 20,396 6,270 5,041 9,086 54,689 2,726 633 (D) 9,604 (D) (D) 5,569 1,800 11,594 10,092 7,935 2,157 5,468 (D) 41,326 11,830 4,018 1,796 (D) 2,998 3,645 (D) (D) 5,863 18,403 175 10,955 1,404 5,869 9,404 12,520 5,691 23,624 (D) 11,248 2,903 8,345 (D) 1,181 (D) 2,671 1,829 16,012 520 3.932 867 3.065 3.302 6.087 2.171 5,863 (D) (D) 100,617 6.812 1.316 5.496 23,479 7,649 10,361 (D) (D) 8,667 3,729 2,229 1,500 4.933 26,931 1 1 ,597 1,233 10,384 15,334 4,370 3,693 7,271 34,727 1,839 453 (D) 6,910 (D) (D) 4,005 1,228 6,282 8,493 4,931 1,561 3,846 (D) 24,147 4,744 3,216 953 (D) 1,884 2,577 (D) (D) 3,434 11.843 130 6,400 802 4,511 9,924 9,346 896 18,420 (D) 9,845 2,587 7,259 (D) 1,059 (0) 1,983 1,437 11,455 319 1,815 528 1,287 3,151 4,556 1,614 4,231.3 92.9 L K 2,028.9 152.8 21.7 131.0 364 6 122.5 138 9 K L 185.8 69.8 39.4 30.4 1159 560.9 251.7 20.2 231.4 309.3 81.7 70.7 156.9 764.8 56.8 171 K 137.7 I M 84.6 33.4 127.7 161.7 123.5 38.1 772 K 474.4 87.4 67.6 162 L 348 54.3 K I 688 595.0 7.0 3380 47.4 202.6 57.8 137.5 20.1 549.5 L 250.9 32.2 218.7 K 18.9 J 75.6 61.7 275.2 11.0 29.1 8.3 20.8 60.4 139.2 355 127,845 7,710 (0) (D) 60,638 2.870 382 2.488 14.097 6.996 (D) 793 (D) 3.872 2,377 745 1,632 1,495 23.730 9.665 1.310 8.355 14.065 5.956 3.381 4.728 16.069 482 224 1.200 905 905 1.674 710 915 6,118 (D) (D) 2,255 1,586 54,427 4,705 2,086 6,051 (D) 5,635 4,041 9,056 (D) 6,836 1,178 14 (0) (D) 1,118 (D) (D) 587 (•) (D) 181 (D) 104 146 33 (D) (D) 3,284 263 (D) (D) 2,371 201 154 (0) (0) (0) 7,861 80,570 3,415 955 2,460 15,620 5,271 7,628 (D) (D) 7,333 5,312 2,301 3,011 2,021 29,585 9,136 1,721 7,416 20,449 (D) 8,560 (D) 24,617 621 221 1,027 (D) (D) (D) 2,693 910 1,559 14,717 14,029 689 1,548 (D) 145,330 (D) 14,269 8,859 31,769 7,394 1 1 ,963 7,338 (13) 11,984 (D) (D) (D) 579 1,731 17 2 806 (0) 277 (0) 13,961 (D) (D) 226 6,688 935 5,257 (D) (D) (D) (D) 27 (D) 156 4.767 858 197 661 3,909 2,344 648 919 2,017 (D) 5 107 81 81 258 40 213 611 422 189 589 (D) (0) 325 404 4 363 57 70 20 7 (D) (•) 3 10 P) 5 (D) 352 (D) 352 80 (•) (D) 5 137 19 (D) 403 (D) (D) 53 (D) 102 70 203 (D) (*) 203 (D) 40 (0) (D) (D) (D) IB NOTE -Size ranges are given in employment cells that are suppressed. The size ranges are: A-1 to 499; F-500 to 999: G-1 ,000 to 2,499: H-2,500 to 4,999: 1-5,000 to 9,999: J-10,000 to 24,999: K-25,000 to 49,999; L-50,000 to 99,999; M-100,000 or more. Footnotes to Tables Tables A-1, A-2, and A-6 1 . This column shows the number of companies consol idated on affiliate reports. At the aggregate level, and for most in- dustries and countries, this number is substantially higher than the number of affiliates because the report for a single affiliate may represent the consolidation of many companies. Table A-8 1 . For industry classification, each U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its sales by four-digit International Surveys Industry Classification code; the affiliate was classified in the industry in which its sales were largest. When sales and employment are disaggregated by industry of affiliate, total sales and employment of a given affiliate are shovra in the industry in which the affiliate was clas- sified. When sales and employment are disaggregated by industry of sales, they are distributed among all the indus- tries in which the affiliate reported sales; that is, the sales and employment associated with each industry of sales are shown in that industry regardless of the affiliate's industry of classification. 2. Employees on the payrolls of administrative offices and other auxiliary units. Excludes administrative or auxiliary employees that are located at an operating unit and serve only that operating unit; these employees are classified in the industry of sales of the operating unit that they serve. 3. In the breakdown of sales and employment by industry of sales, U.S. affiliates that filed the long form in the benchmark survey had to specify their ten largest sales categories, and U.S. affiliates that filed the short form had to specify their four largest sales categories. In addi- tion, affiliates were required to report their employment in auxiliaries. This line shows sales and employment in all unspecified industries combined. Table A-9 1. A given affiliate is counted once in the all-U.S. total. It is also counted once in each State in which it has property, plant, and equipment or employment. Because an affiliate may have property, plant, and equipment or employment in more than one State, the sum across States exceeds the all-U.S. total. 2. Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Tables B-2 and B^ 1. Includes common and preferred stock and additional paid-in capital, less treasury stock. 2. Includes cumulative translation adjustments for all affil- iates and total owners' equity of those unincorporated affiliates that could not provide detail on equity by type. For all nonbank affiliates combined, cumulative translation adjustments as of yearend 1997 were -$4.8 billion. Table C-1 1. Excludes translation adjustments. For unincorporated affiliates that could not provide detail on equity by type, includes total owners' equity. Because these affiliates' cu- mulative retained earnings — ^which are an internal, not an external, source of funds — ^were not reported separately, they could not be excluded. 2. For all industries combined and for each of the selected industries shown, column 2 equals column 3 in table B— 2. Table D-1 1 . Equals column 13 in table D—6 and column 1 in table E>-9. 2. Includes mineral rights and minor amounts of property other than land. Table D-2 1. Equals column 13 in table D-7 and column 1 in table D-10. 2. Includes mineral rights and minor amounts of property other than land. Table D-6 1. Because the data for affiliate operations in 1996 were collected by SIC-based industry only, the industry-level data for this column cannot be shown. 2. Industry-level amounts are not shown for this column because industry-level amounts for column 10 are not available (see footnote 5). 3. Includes the net book value of transfers of property, plant, and equipment to the affiliate from related companies. Equals column 2 in table D-22. 4. Includes transfers of property, plant, and equipment from the affiliate to related companies. 5. Consists of the following: ( 1 ) Restatements resulting from a change in the entity, and revaluations of property, plant, and equipment to a fair market or appraised value; and (2) the property, plant, and equipment balance on the date of 15 acquisition of affiliates that were acquired during the year, less the closing FY 1996 balance of affiliates that left the universe in 1997 because they were liquidated or because the foreign parents' interest was otherwise reduced below 10 percent. The amounts for (2) are computed using data in columns 3 and 1 1 . Because the industry-level data for column 3 are not available (see footnote 1), industry-level data for column 10 cannot be computed. 6. Net property, plant, and equipment in this column differs from that in column 7 of table B-1. Net property, plant, and equipment in this colirnm covers all property, plant, and equipment wherever carried in the balance sheet. In contrast, net property, plant, and equipment in coliamn 7 of table B-1 covers only property, plant, and equipment carried in the "property, plant, and equipment" account of the balance sheet. For example, the value of commercial buildings held by insurance companies for investment pur- poses is included in this column but excluded from column 7 of table B— 1 because such property is normally carried in the "other noncurrent asset" account of the balance sheet, not in the "property, plant, and equipment" account. 7. Equals column 1 of tables D-1, D-3, and D-9. Table D-7 1 . Includes the net book value of transfers of property, plant, and equipment to the affiliate from related companies. Equals column 2 in table D— 23. 2. Includes transfers of property, plant, and equipment from the affiliate to related companies. 3. Represents the following: Restatements resulting from a change in the entity; revaluations of property, plant, and equipment to a fair market or appraised value; and the property, plant, and equipment balance on the date of acquisition of affiliates that were acquired during the year, less the closing FY 1996 balance of affiliates that left the universe in 1997 because they were liquidated or because the foreign parents' interest was otherwise reduced below 10 percent. For a given country, restatement may also reflect the net book value of property, plant, and equipment of affiliates whose country of UBO changed in 1997. A positive value would be recorded in the country of the new UBO, and a negative value of the same amount would be recorded in the country of the previous UBO. Because such changes are offsetting among countries, they do not affect the all- countries total. 4. Net property, plant, and equipment in this column differs from that in column 7 of table B— 3. Net property, plant, and equipment in this column covers all property, plant, and equipment wherever carried in the balance sheet. In contrast, net property, plant, and equipment in column 7 of table B— 3 covers only property, plant, and equipment carried in the "property, plant, and equipment" account of the balance sheet. For example, the value of commercial buildings held by insurance companies for investment pur- poses is included in this column but excluded from column 7 of table B— 3 because such property is normally carried in the "other noncurrent asset" account of the balance sheet, not in the "property, plant, and equipment" account. 5. Equals column 1 of tables D-2 and D-IO. Table D-9 1 . Equals column 1 in table D-1 and column 1 3 in table D-6. 2. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. 3. Includes the gross book value of property, plant, and equipment used for agriculture and forestry, mining, man- ufacturing, or other industrial purposes. Also includes the gross book value of equipment used in commercial buildings. Table D-10 1 . Equals column 1 in table D-2 and column 1 3 in table D-7. 2. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. 3 . Includes the gross book value of property, plant, and equip- ment used for agriculture, mining, manufacturing, or other industrial purposes. Also includes the gross book value of equipment used in commercial buildings. Table D-1 1 1. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades. 116 such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. 2. Includes the gross book value of property, plant, and equip- ment used for agriculture, mining, manufacturing, or other industrial purposes. Also includes the gross book value of equipment used in commercial buildings. 3. Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Table D-12 1. All data for a given U.S. affiliate are shown in the sin- gle industry in which the affiliate was classified on the basis of its total U.S. operations. The affiliate's activity in a particular State may differ from that of its total U.S. operations. 2. Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Table D-13 1 . Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Table D-18 1. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. All data for a given U.S. affiliate are shown in the sin- gle industry in which the affiliate was classified on the basis of its total U.S. operations. The affiliate's activity in a particular State may differ from that of its total U.S. operations. Table D-19 1. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. Table D-20 1. A given affiliate is counted once in the all-U.S. total; it is also counted once in each State in which it has property, plant, and equipment. Because an affiliate may have prop- erty, plant, and equipment in more than one State, the sum across States exceeds the all-U.S. total. 2. Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Table I>-21 1. A given affiliate is counted once in the total for all use categories combined; it is also counted once in each use category in which it has property, plant, and equipment. Because an affiliate may have property, plant, and equip- ment in more than one use category, the sum across use categories exceeds the total for all use categories combined. 2. Consists of affiliates with commercial property. Com- mercial property comprises all commercial buildings and associated land owned by the affiliate that is either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to oth- ers. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, department stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. 3. Consists of affiliates with property, plant, and equip- ment used for agriculture, mining, manufacturing, or other industrial purposes. 4. A given affiliate is counted once in the all-U.S. total; it is also counted once in each State in which it has property, plant, and equipment. Because an affiliate may have prop- erty, plant, and equipment in more than one State, the sum across States exceeds the all-U.S. total. 5. Includes aircraft, railroad rolling stock, satellites, undersea cable, and trucks engaged in interstate transportation. Tables D-22 and D-23 1 . Includes the net book value of transfers of property, plant, and equipment to the affiliate from related companies. 2. Equals column 2 plus column 8. 3. In table D-22, equals column 5 in table D-6; in table E)-23, equals column 5 in table D-l. 4. Includes a minor amount of expenditures for property other than land and mineral rights. Table D-24 1 . Includes the net book value of transfers of property, plant, and equipment to the affiliate from related companies. 117 Table I>-25 1 . Includes the net book value of transfers of plant and equip- ment to the affiliate from related companies, and a minor amount of expenditures for property other than land and mineral rights. Tables D-26 and D-27 1. One hectare equals 2.471 acres. Tables E-1 and E-2 1 . Consists of gains or losses resulting from the sale or other disposition of assets, changes in the dollar value of the affiliates' foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabil- ities that are caused by changes in exchange rates, and all other recognized capital gains or losses, including those resulting from the revaluation of assets, whether realized or not. ' Tables E-7 and E-8 1 . For industry classification, each U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its sales by four-digit International Surveys Industry Classification code; the affiliate was classified in the industry in which its sales were largest. When sales are disaggregated by industry of affiliate, total sales of a given affiliate are shown in the industry in which the affiliate was classified. When sales are disaggregated by industry of sales, they are distributed among all the industries in which the affiliate reported sales; that is, sales associated with each industry of sales are shown in that industry regardless of the affiliate's industry of classification. 2. In the breakdown of sales by industry of sales, U.S. af- filiates that filed the long form in the benchmark survey had to specify their ten largest sales categories, and U.S. affiliates that filed the short form had to specify their four largest sales categories. Sales in all unspecified industries combined are shown on this line. Tables E-12 and E-13 1 . Sales of goods are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Agriculture and forestry, except support activities; mining, except support activities; construction; manufacturing; and wholesale and retail trade. Because of the change in the industry classification system for affiliates (from an SIC -based system to a NAICS-based system) introduced in the 1997 benchmark survey, the definition of sales of goods in this publication differs somewhat from that in earlier publications (see the section, "New definition of goods and services," in the text). 2. Sales of services are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Information; finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing; professional, technical, and scientific serv- ices; support activities for agriculture and forestry; support activities for mining; utilities; transportation and ware- housing; management of companies and enterprises; administration, support, and waste management; health care and social assistance; accommodation and food serv- ices; and miscellaneous services. Because of the change in the industry classification system for affiliates (from an SIC-based system to a NAICS-based system) introduced in the 1997 benchmark survey, the definition of sales of services in this publication differs somewhat from that in earlier publications (see the section, "New definition of goods and services," in the text). 3. Consists of investment income that is included in "sales or gross operating revenues" in the income statement. In fi- nance and insurance, affiliates include investment income in sales because it is generated by a primary activity of the company. In most other industries, affiliates consider in- vestment income an incidental revenue source; this income is included in the income statement in a separate "other income" category, but it is not included in the affiliates' sales or in this column. 4. Consists of any sales to foreign business enterprises in which the U.S. affiliate has a 10-percent-or-more ownership interest. Table E^14 1 . Sales of goods are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Agriculture and forestry, except support activities; mining, except support activities; construction; manufacturing; and wholesale and retail trade. Table E-1 5 1 . Sales of services are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Information; finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing; professional, technical, and scientific serv- ices; support activities for agriculture and forestry; support activities for mining; utilities; transportation and ware- housing; management of companies and enterprises; administration, support, and waste management; health care and social assistance; accommodation and food services; and miscellaneous services. 118 Table F-1 1 . Profit-type return is an economic accounting measure of profits ft"om current production. Unlike net income (col- umn 10 in table E-1), it is gross of U.S. income taxes, excludes capital gains and losses and income from equity investments, and reflects certain other adjustments needed to convert profits from a financial accounting basis to an economic accounting basis. 2. Equals interest payments (column 2 in table I— 1), plus imputed interest paid, minus interest receipts (column 1 in table I— 1), minus imputed interest received. Imputed interest paid and received, which correspond to measures of the value of services provided by life insurance carriers and financial intermediaries without explicit charge, are estimated. 3. Equals column 4 in table I— 1 . Table ¥-6 1 . Profit-type return is an economic accounting measure of profits from current production. Unlike net income (col- umn 10 in table E— 1), it is gross of U.S. income taxes, excludes capital gains and losses and income from equity investments, and reflects certain other adjustments needed to convert profits from a financial accounting basis to an economic accounting basis. Tables G-1 and G-2 1 . Consists of all employees engaged in research and de- velopment, including managers, scientists, engineers, and other professional and technical employees. Table G-7 1. All data for a given U.S. affiliate are shown in the sin- gle industry in which the affiliate was classified on the basis of its total U.S. operations. The affiliate's activity in a particular State may differ from that of its total U.S. operations. Table G— 13 provides a better indication of af- filiates' manufacturing employment by State; in that table, manufacturing employment covers only employees on the payrolls of manufacturing plants located in the State. Tables G-10 and G-1 1 1 . For industry classification, each U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its sales by four-digit International Surveys Industry Classification code; the affiliate was classified in the industry in which its sales were largest. When employment is disaggregated by industry of affil- iate, total employment of a given affiliate is shown in the industry in which the affiliate was classified; when employment is disaggregated by industry of sales, it is distributed among all the industries in which the affiliate reported sales; that is, the number of employees associ- ated with each industry of sales is shown in that industry regardless of the affiliate's industry of classification. 2. Employees on the payrolls of administrative offices and other auxiliary units. Excludes administrative or auxiliary employees that are located at an operating unit and serve only that operating unit; these employees are classified in the industry of sales of the operating unit that they serve. 3. In the breakdown of sales and employment by industry of sales, U.S. affiliates that filed the long form in the benchmark survey had to specify their ten largest sales categories, and U.S. affiliates that filed the short form had to specify their four largest sales categories. In addi- tion, affiliates were required to report their employment in auxiliaries. Employment in all unspecified industries combined is shown on this line. Table G-13 1. Manufacturing employees are employees on the payroll of manufacturing plants located in the State. Manufactur- ing employment includes administrative office and other auxiliary employees located at a manufacturing plant that serve only that plant, but excludes all other employees on the payrolls of administrative offices or other auxiliary units. Table G-1 5 1 . Consists of all employees engaged in research and de- velopment, including managers, scientists, engineers, and other professional and technical employees. Table G-1 8 1. A given affiliate is counted once in the all-U.S. total; it is also counted once in each State in which it has employ- ment. Because an affiliate may have employment in more than one State, the sum across States exceeds the all-U.S. total. Tables H-1 and H-2 1 . Consists of exports to, or imports from, foreign business enterprises in which the U.S. affiliate has a 10-percent-or- more ownership interest. Tables H-22— H-24, H-29, and H-30 1. A U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its U.S. ex- ports and imports by country of destination or origin only for those countries to which its exports, or from which its imports, were $500,000 or more. Its exports to. or imports from, all other countries were reported as a smgle item 19 and are classified in "unallocated." For estimated reports, this category includes most exports to, and imports from, unaffiliated foreigners. Tables H-35 and H-36 1 . Consists of imports of capital equipment and other goods that are intended for use by the affiliate itself and that are charged to the affiliate's fixed asset account (rather than expensed or added to inventories). 2. Includes $3 1 .6 million of imports of fiiels, spare parts, and supplies used by affiliates. 3. Includes $25.8 million of imports of fiaels, spare parts, and supplies used by affiliates. 4. Includes $5.9 million of imports of fuels, spare parts, and supplies used by affiliates. Tables I-l and 1-2 1. Interest receipts exclude, but interest payments and dividends or remitted profits include, withholding taxes. Tables I-^ and 1-5 1. In table 1—4, comparable with column 5 in table I— 1, and in table 1-5, comparable with column 5 in table 1—2, in the annual survey publications for 1993—96. 2. Amounts shown in this column are on the same basis as research and development expenditures totals for all U.S. businesses shown in National Science Foundation publications. Table J-1 1. Consists of the gross book value of all commercial build- ings and associated land that are owned by the affiliate and that are either used or operated by the affiliate or leased or rented to others. Commercial buildings include apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels, motels, and buildings used for wholesale, retail, and services trades, such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, depart- ment stores, bank buildings, restaurants, public garages, and automobile service stations. 2. Expenditures include the net book value of transfers of property, plant, and equipment to the affiliate from related companies. 3 . Includes a minor amount of expenditures for property other than land and mineral rights. 4. One hectare equals 2.471 acres. 5. Sales of goods are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Agriculture and forestry, except support activities; mining. except support activities; construction; manufacturing; and wholesale and retail trade. 6. Sales of services are defined as sales generated by activ- ities characteristic of the following group of industries: Information; finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing; professional, technical, and scientific serv- ices; support activities for agriculture and forestry; support activities for mining; utilities; transportation and ware- housing; management of companies and enterprises; administration, support, and waste management; health care and social assistance; accommodation and food services; and miscellaneous services. 7. Consists of investment income that is included in "sales or gross operating revenues" in the income statement. In fi- nance and insurance, affiliates include investment income in sales because it is generated by a primary activity of the company. In most other industries, affiliates consider in- vestment income an incidental revenue source; this income is included in the income statement in a separate "other income" category, but it is not included in the affiliates' sales or in this line. 8. Manufacturing employees are employees on the payroll of manufacturing plants. Manufacturing employment includes administrative office and other auxiliary employ- ees located at a manufacturing plant that serve only that plant, but excludes all other employees on the payrolls of administrative offices or other auxiliary units. 9. Consists of all employees engaged in research and de- velopment, including managers, scientists, engineers, and other professional and technical employees. Table J-3A 1 . For industry classification, each U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its sales by four-digit International Surveys Industry Classification code; the affiliate was classified in the industry in which its sales were largest. When sales and employment are disaggregated by industry of affiliate, total sales and employment of a given affiliate are shown in the industry in which the affiliate was clas- sified; when sales and employment are disaggregated by industry of sales, they are distributed among all the indus- tries in which the affiliate reported sales; that is, the sales and employment associated with each industry of sales are shown in that industry regardless of the affiliate's industry of classification. 2. Employees on the payrolls of administrative offices and other auxiliary units. Excludes administrative or auxiliary employees that are located at an operating unit and serve only that operating unit; these employees are classified in the industry of sales of the operating unit that they serve. 120 3. In the breakdown of sales and employment by industry of sales, U.S. affiliates that filed the long form in the annual survey had to specify their ten largest sales categories, and U.S. affiliates that filed the short form had to specify their four largest sales categories. In addition, affiliates were required to report their employment in auxiliaries. This line shows sales and employment in all unspecified industries combined. Table J-6 1. Manufacturing employees are employees on the payroll of manufacturing plants located in the State. Manufactur- ing employment includes administrative office and other auxiliary employees located at a manufacturing plant that serve only that plant, but excludes all other employees on the payrolls of administrative offices or other auxiliary units. Tables J-7 and J-8 1 . Consists of exports to, or imports from, foreign business enterprises in which the U.S. affiliate has a 10-percent-or- more ownership interest. Table J-9 1. A U.S. affiliate was required to disaggregate its U.S. ex- ports and imports by country of destination or origin only for those countries to which its exports, or from which its imports, were $500,000 or more. Its exports to, or imports from, all other countries were reported as a single item and are classified in "unallocated." For estimated reports, this category includes most exports to, and imports from, unaffiliated foreigners. Table 0-1 1. This column shows the number of companies consoli- dated on affiliate reports. At the aggregate level, and for most industries and countries, this number is substantially higher than the number of affiliates because the report for a single affiliate may represent the consolidation of many companies. 121 Now available^ studies on direct investment in one hook! 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