Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System 1974 ggig U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Law Enforcement Assistance Administration National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service SD-EE No. 7 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census GSS No. 77 Other National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service Reports *Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System, 1972-73 (annual) *Historical Statistics on Expenditure and Employment for the Criminal Justice System, 1971 to 1973 *Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1974 (2nd ed.) *Criminal Justice Agencies in Regions 1-10(10 volumes) *National Survey of Court Organization, 1971 •National Survey of Court Organization: 1975 Supplement to State Judicial Systems Children in Custody: *Advance Report on the Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census of 1972-73 ♦A Report on the Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census of 1971 National Prisoner Statistics: ♦Capital Punishment 1974 ♦Capital Punishment 1973 "■•Capital Punishment 1971-72 ♦Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions on December 31, 1971, 1 972, and 1 973 ♦Census of State Correctional Facilities 1974, Advance Report Victimization Surveys: ♦Criminal Victimization in the U.S.: 1973 Advance Report ♦Criminal Victimization Surveys in 13 American Cities: National Crime Panel Surveys in Boston, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Houston, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Oakland, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. ♦Criminal Victimization Surveys in the Nation's Five Largest Cities: National Crime Panel Surveys in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia ♦♦Crime in Eight American Cities: National Crime Panel Surveys of Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, Dallas. Denver, Newark, Portland, and St. Louis-Advance Report ♦♦Crimes and Victims: A Report on the Dayton-San Jose Pilot Survey of Victimization ♦Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ♦♦Available from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Washington, D.C. 20531 CORRECTION NOTICE Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System 1974 U.S. Department of Justice - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service SD-EE No. 7 U.S. Department of Commerce - Bureau of the Census GSS No. 77 As issued, certain figures in table 9 are incorrect. Published and corrected figures are shown below. Table 9. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time equivalent employees by State and type of government , October 1974 State and type of government Total full-time equivalent employees Total criminal justice system Number of employees Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent Percent of total full-time equivalent employees AS PUBLISHED: 21 22 United States, total States. , Kentucky, State. . 36 West Virginia. 37 State. AS CORRECTED: 21 22 36 37 United States. States , total Kentucky . State. . West Virginia, State 6,458,562 2,968,020 79,240 51,454 374,493 361,705 6,129,318 2,638,776 79,455 51,659 45,044 32,256 14.2 8.5 12.4 6.3 1.3 0.5 15.0 9.6 12.3 6.3 10.8 5.7 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/expenditureemploOOunit Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System 1974 Issued February 1976 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Edward H. Levi, Attorney General Law Enforcement Assistance Administration National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service SD-EE No. 7 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elliot L. Richardson Secretary Bureau of the Census State and Local Government Special Studies, No. 77 LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ADMINISTRATION Vincent P. Barabba «• . .,..%# i-i Director Richard W. Velde Administrator Robert L. Hagan, Deputy Director Harry Bratt, Assistant Administrator Shirley Kallek National Criminal Justice Information Associate Director for and Statistics Service Economic Fields Benjamin H. Renshaw, Director Sherman Landau, Chief Statistics Division Governments Division ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared jointly by the Bureau of the Census and the Law Enforce- ment Assistance Administration. In the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, general supervision was supplied by Charles R. Kindermann, assisted by Sue A. Lindgren and Marilyn Marbrook, all of the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service. In the Bureau of the Census, Governments Division, general supervision was provided by Alan R. Jones. Carolyn Y. Thompson directed the project. Significant contribu- tions were made by Victoria E. Campbell, Purnell E. Johnson, Helen M. Kneeland, Edward C. Malloy Jr., Joan B. Taylor; Operations units under the supervision of Howard S. Sales and Richard Neach; the Publication unit under the supervision of Helen D. Files including Corrine Davis; and the Data Preparation Division. Library of Congress Card No. 71-609542 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data United States. National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service. Expenditure and employment data for the criminal justice system, 1974 (State and local government special studies; no. 77) "SD-EE no. 7" Suptof Docs. No: J1.37: 7 1. Criminal justice, Administration of-United States-Finance- Statistics. 2. Criminal justice. Administration of-United States-Statistics. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Bureau of the Census. State and locai government special studies; no. 77 JK2403.A35 no. 77 HV8138 338.4'7 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, and U.S. Department of Commerce district offices. Price $3.90 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Table A. Total criminal justice expenditure and percent change by level of government, fiscal years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 2 Table B. Total full-time equivalent criminal justice employees and percent change, by level of government, October 1971, October 1972, October 1973, and October 1974 2 Table C. Percent distribution of total direct expenditure for the criminal justice system by activity and level of government, fiscal year 1974 3 Table D. Percent of full-time equivalent employment in the criminal justice system by activity and level of government, October 1 974 3 Figure 1. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure by level of government, fiscal year 1 974 4 Figure 2. Percent distribution of criminal justice system full-time equivalent employment by level of government, October 1 974 4 Figure 3. Total Federal Government expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 5 Figure 4. Federal Government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 5 Table E. Percent distribution of Federal full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity 6 Table F. Average monthly salaries for Federal full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 6 Table G. Percent distribution of State full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity 7 Figure 5. Total State government expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 8 Figure 6. State government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 8 Table H. Average monthly salaries for State full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 , 9 Table I. Percent distribution of county full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity 10 Table J. Percent distribution of municipal full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity ' 10 Figure 7. Total local government expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 11 Figure 8. Local government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 11 Figure 9. County direct expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 12 Figure 10. County full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 12 Table K. Average monthly salaries for county full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 13 Table L. Average monthly salaries for municipal full-time employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1 974 13 Figure 1 1. Municipal direct expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 14 Figure 12. Municipal full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 14 Table M. Total Criminal justice direct expenditure of all local governments and local governments in the 1 7 largest SMSA's, fiscal year 1 974 15 CONTENTS— Continued Section I. VARIABLE PASS-THROUGH DATA Table Page 1 . Percent distribution of total criminal justice expenditure from own sources of State and local governments, by State, fiscal year 1974 19 Section II. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM SUMMARY DATA 2. Percent distribution of expenditure for the criminal justice system, by level of government, fiscal year 1974 21 3. Percent distribution of employment and payrolls for the criminal justice system, by level of government, October 1974 21 4. Criminal justice system expenditure of the Federal Government, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 22 5. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of the Federal Government, October 1974 24 6. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) by State and type of government, fiscal year 1 974 26 7. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 34 8. Total criminal justice system expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 42 9. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time equivalent employees by State and type of government, October 1974 46 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 54 1 1. Criminal justice system direct expenditure of local governments in the 17 largest SMSA's by county area, fiscal year 1974 62 12. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of local governments in the 17 largest SMSA's, by county area, October 1974 66 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 70 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 82 15. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 94 16. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 384 large city governments, October 1 974 1 00 17. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 384 large city governments, October 1974 112 18 Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 124 19. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 134 20. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 312 large county governments, October 1974 144 2 1 . Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 3 1 2 large county governments, October 1974 154 22. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 3 1 2 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 1 64 Section HI. POLICE PROTECTION 23. Police protection expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 170 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 '. 175 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 181 CONTENTS— Continued Section IV. JUDICIAL Table Page 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 189 27. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of State governments, fiscal year 1974 194 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 195 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 3 1 2 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 201 30. Judicial expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 207 31. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974 214 32. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of 312 large county governments, October 1974 216 Section V. LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION 33. Legal services and prosecution expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 227 34. Legal services and prosecution expenditure of 3 1 2 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1 974 232 35. Legal services and prosecution expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 238 Section VI. INDIGENT DEFENSE 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 246 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 3 1 2 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 251 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 257 Section VII. CORRECTIONS 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 .... 265 40. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of State governments, fiscal year 1974 270 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 .... 271 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 3 1 2 large county governments, fiscal year 1 974 277 43. Corrections expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 283 44. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 290 45. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974 293 46. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 312 large county governments, October 1974 296 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974 306 Section VIII. OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 321 Appendix 1 : Exhibit Tables A and B 327 Appendix 2: Definitions of Terms 337 Appendix 3 : Survey Forms 343 TABLE FINDING GUIDE Subjects by Type of Government and Table Designation This guide lists all subjects covered in this report, but does not indicate all the detail shown in some tables, e.g. percent distributions, capital outlay, employment by full-time and full-time equivalent, etc. Unless otherwise noted, expenditure data are for FY 1974 and employment and payroll data for October 1974. Symbols appear with some table designations to indicate that only U.S. summary data are shown. A guide to the symbols appears at the end of the matrix. Total U.S. Federal govern- ment State govern- ments Local governments Subject Total, county, municipal 17 large SMSA's 312 large counties 384 large cities CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Total expenditure: FY '71, '72, '73, '74 A A A* A* Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*, 6 ,8 2*,6,8 18,22 13,15 Total expenditure from own sources (variable pass-through) 1 1 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7 C*,M*,7 M**,ll 19 14 Number of employees: FY '71 , '72, '73, '74 B B B* B* Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 D,*G*,3*, 9 D*,lf,Jt 3*,9 12 20 16 Payroll E,3 E,3,5 G*,3*,10 lt,Jt,3*, 10 12 21 17 POLICE PROTECTION 1 Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*,6,23 2*,6,23 18,24 13,25 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7 C*,M*,7 M**,ll 19 14 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 D*,G*,3*, 9 D*,lt,Jt 3*,9 12 20 16 Payroll 3 E,3,5 G*,3*,10 lt,Jj,3*,10 12 21 17 Average monthly salaries F H* Kt.Lt JUDICIAL Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*,6,26 2*,6,26 18,28 13,30 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7,27 C*,M*,7 M**,U 19,29 14 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 D*,G*,3*, 9,31 D*,lt,Jt. 3*,9 12 20,32 16 Payroll 3 E,3,5 G*,3*, 10,31 lt>J$,3*, 10 12 21,32 17 Average monthly salaries F H* Kt,l4 Direct expenditure, employment and payroll, by type of court and miscellaneous 27,31 29,32 Total U.S. Federal govern- ment State govern- ments Local governments Subject Total, county, municipal 17 large SMSA's 312 large counties 384 large cities LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION Total expenditure: direct and intergovernmental 2 2,4 2*,6,33 2,6,33 18,34 13,35 Direct expenditure only C c C*,7 C*,M*,7 M**,ll 19 14 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, ! 5 D*,G*, 3*,9 DMt,Jt 3*,9 12 20 16 Payroll 3 E,3,5 G*, 3*, 10 lf,Jt3*,10 ; 12 21 17 Average monthly salaries F H* Kf,I$ INDIGENT DEFENSE Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*,6,36 2*,6,36 18,37 13,38 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7 C*,M*,7 M**,ll 19 14 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 D*,G*, 3*, 9 D*,lf,Jt 3*,9 12 20 16 Payroll 3 E,3,5 G*, 3*, 10 lf,J$,3*10 12 21 17 Average monthly salaries F H* Kt,L$ CORRECTIONS Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*,6,39 2*,6,39 18,41 13,43 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7,40 C*,M*,7 M**,ll 19,42 14,44 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 D*,G*,3*, 9,45 D*,lf,J$, 3*,9 12 20,46 16,47 Payroll 3 E,3,5 G*,3*, 10,45 lt,J$.3*. 10 12 21,46 17,47 Average monthly salaries F H* Kf,Lj Direct expenditure, employment and payroll for correctional institutions, by type, and for administration, pro- bation/parole/pardon, and miscel- laneous 40,45 42,46 44,47 OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE Total expenditure: direct and inter- governmental 2 2,4 2*,6,48 2*,6,48 18 13 Direct expenditure only C C C*,7 C*JvI*,7 M**,ll 19 14 Number of employees D,3 D,E,3, 5 : D*,G*, 3*,9 D*,ltJt 3*,9 12 20 16 Payroll E,3 E,3,5 G*, 3*, 10 lt,J$,3*,10 12 21 17 Average monthly salaries F H* Kf,Lj 1 Exhibit Tables A and B in Appendix 1 present expenditure and employment data for large special police forces which are part of independent school districts or special districts. These data are not included in other police protection data in this report. *Table shows total data for combined state or local governments only; it does not give data for individual state or local governments. tTable shows data for combined county governments only; it does not give data for individual counties. t Table shows data for combined municipal governments only; it does not give data for individual municipalities. **Table shows data for 17 SMSA's combined; it does not give data for individual SMSA's. IMPORTANT We have provided a User Evaluation Questionnaire at the end of this publication. It will assist us in improving future reports if you will complete and return it at your earliest convenience. The questionnaire is a self-mailing form and requires no postage. INTRODUCTION This publication is the eighth in a series of annual reports that present public expenditure and employ- ment data on criminal justice activities in the United States. In this report, expenditure data cover the fiscal year 1974, and employment data refer to the month of October 1974. 1 As in previous years, specific data are supplied for the Federal Government, each of the 50 State governments, and the aggregate local level of government within each State. Survey coverage was designed to produce reliable estimates for each State of the percent of State and local law enforcement expenditure funded and ex- pended by units of general local government. These estimates, shown in table 1, are necessary for com- pliance with the provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended by the Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1970 (further discussion with table 1). For the fourth year, data are published separately for the aggregate county governments and the aggregate municipal governments (cities and townships) within each State, and for each of 312 counties with a 1970 population of 100,000 or more, as well as 384 cities with a 1970 population of 50,000 or more. Also, data are shown for the 17 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). Reports for fiscal year 1970 through fiscal year 1972 displayed data for the 15 larg- est SMSA's. Definitions for concepts, categories and terms used in this report are contained in appendix 2. Historical overview Although this annual series of reports began in fiscal year 1967, caution should be exercised in comparing data in the FY 1971 and later volumes with data-in earlier volumes. Beginning with FY 1971, the survey was greatly expanded: The survey sample of govern- mental units was increased by a third, and the number of units for which data are compiled in the field by specially trained agents was more than doubled. Data collection further benefited from a growing familiarity with the criminal justice systems of the various States and of the individual units within the States. Data from the FY 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 volumes are essentially comparable; these data were collected in each year from the same sample of govern- ments and were edited and processed in a uniform fashion. (See the section on Survey Methodology for more detail.) Table A shows the steady rise in expendi- ture for criminal justice activities at all levels of govern- ment over the 4 years. The presentation of the tables is organized into two major parts-the summary "Criminal Justice System" section showing the interrelationship of the various sectors of the system, and the six "Sector" sections providing, where possible, a further breakdown of data on a particular criminal justice activity. The six sectors of criminal justice activity covered in this report are: police protection, judicial, legal services and prosecution, indigent defense, corrections, and "other criminal justice." In addition, appendix 1 presents two tables that show expenditure and employment data for special police force activities in selected school districts and special districts not included in the summary totals. 1 This series of reports is based on an annual fiscal period that ends June 30 for most governments. In the first seven volumes, the designation for this fiscal period used in the title and tables included the two calendar years involved; e.g., Fiscal Year 1971-72. In this volume and subsequent volumes, the designation will refer only to the year in which the fiscal period ended; e.g., Fiscal Year 1974 instead of Fiscal Year 1973-74. The number of full-time equivalent criminal justice employees also increased at all levels of government but at a much slower rate than expenditure (see table B). A report entitled Historical Statistics on Expendi- ture and Employment for the Criminal Justice System 1971 to 1973 , which summarizes data from the annual publications, is available. A second historical report, covering fiscal years 1971 to 1974, is being prepared. General, fiscal year 1974 Local governments continued to spend more than the Federal and State governments combined for all crimi- nal justice activities. Figure 1 shows that local govern- ments accounted for 60.8 percent of all direct criminal justice expenditure, while State governments contributed 26.1 percent and the Federal government 13.1 percent. However, when each activity is examined separately, the proportion accounted for by the different levels of government varied throughout the criminal justice system. i INTRODUCTION Table A. Total criminal justice expenditure and percent change by level of government, fiscal years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 government Amount (millions of doll ars ) Percent increase Level of 1974 1973 1972 1971 1973 to 1974 1972 to 1973 1971 to 1972 $2,603 4,543 9,130 $2,261 3,855 8,094 $1,910 3,342 7,373 2 $1,449 2,921 6,653 15.1 17.9 12.8 18.4 15.4 9.8 2 31.8 State 14.4 10.6 1 Federal Government data for fiscal years 1971, 1972, and 1973 have been revised upward to reflect expenditures of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration inadvertently ex- cluded. See table 4, footnote 5. 2 The Federal expenditure amount shown for 1971 does not include data for the Office of Building Security Services for the Federal Reserve System, the Judicial, Prevention and En- forcement Services Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency at the National Institute of Mental Health, as these agencies were not canvassed in the 1971 survey. These agencies were canvassed in the 1972, 1973, and 1974 surveys and their expenditure is reflected in the data. The 31.8 percent increase from 1971 to 1972 is, therefore, overstated to the extent that these agencies, which expended 31.3 million in 1972, were not included in the 1971 base year. Table B. Total full-time equivalent criminal justice employees and percent change, by level of government, October 1971, October 1972, October 1973, and October 1974 Number of employees Percent increase Level of government Oct. 1974 Oct. 1973 Oct. 1972 Oct. 1971 Oct. 1973 to Oct. 1974 Oct. 1972 to Oct. 1973 Oct. 1971 to Oct. 1972 State 93,755 252,588 664,862 87,139 232,299 625,871 85,222 215,603 596,480 *77,523 205,859 578,394 7.5 8.7 6.2 2.2 7.2 4.9 *9.9 5.2 3.1 ■"^The Federal employment figure shown for October 1971 does not include employees of the Office of Building Security Services for the Federal Reserve System, the Judicial, Preven- tion and Enforcement Services Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency at the National Institute of Mental Health, as these agencies were not canvassed in the 1971 survey. These agencies were canvassed in the 1972, 1973, and 1974 surveys and their employees are reflected in the data. The 9.9 percent in- crease from October 1971 to October 1972 is, therefore, overstated to the extent that these agencies, which had 2,005 full-time equivalent employees in October 1972 were not included in the October 1971 base. As seen in table C, three of the activities-police protection, judicial, and legal services and prosecution- were supported mainly by local governments. For the first time in 1974, local governments also expended the largest amount for indigent defense; in previous years, the Federal government had been the principal supporter in this sector. State governments contributed the largest amounts for corrections ana those activities included in the "other criminal justice" sector. Relationships similar to those found for expenditure among the levels of government also apply to the employment situation. Figure 2 shows that almost two-thirds of the total full-time equivalent criminal justice employees of all governments were employed by local governments. As seen in table D, the proportion of workers employed by the three levels of government in each sector generally approximated the proportion of expenditures made in the sector. An exception to this INTRODUCTION pattern is seen in the indigent defense sector, where the Federal government accounted for 37.5 percent of the total expenditure, but only 2.5 percent of the employees. This is because the Federal government makes more extensive use of court-appointed counsel systems whereby fees are paid to private counsel to defend indigent clients accused of crimes than do State and local governments, which more frequently hire employees directly to provide indigent defense services. Federal Government (tables 4 and 5) General expenditure by the Federal government totaled $223,483 million in fiscal year 1974. Of this amount, $2,603 million, or 1.2 percent, was expended on criminal justice activities. The $2,603 million rep- resents an increase of $342 million, or 15.1 percent, of the $2,261 million expended in FY 1973. This is somewhat less than the 1 8.4 percent increase from 1972 to 1973. The police protection sector accounted for the largest portion of the $342 million overall increase: $135 million or 39.4 percent. Substantial expenditure increases occurred in the U.S. Capitol Police unit, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service Intelligence Division, and the Postal Inspection Service. The Hospital Protective Services Staff in the various Veterans Administration hospitals more than doubled its expenditure, from $7.1 million in FY 1973 to $15.0 million in FY 1974, a 109.3 percent increase. Expenditure in the "other criminal justice" sector increased by $145.9 million, 42.6 percent of the total Federal expenditure increase. The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration accounted for virtually all of the increase, representing increased grants to State and local governments and contractual services with other Federal agencies and private organizations. While the police protection and "other criminal justice" sectors showed the largest increases in absolute dollars expended, the fastest growing sector was cor- rections: expenditure rose from $189 million in FY 1973 to $237 million in FY 1974, a 25.5 percent increase. Only the legal services and prosecution sector showed a decrease; $5.7 million less, a 4.8 percent decrease. The decrease reflected a widespread reorgani- zation in the Department of Justice offices and divisions that comprise this sector. Percent increases in expendi- ture in the other sectors were: police protection, 12.4 percent; judicial, 15.0 percent; indigent defense, 1.3 percent; and "other criminal justice," 12.5 percent. Figure 3 shows that as in previous years, the largest share of Federal criminal justice money was expended for police protection activities, including those agencies that enforce Federal law and those that provide security and police services to Federal property and buildings. Of the $2,603 million in total Federal criminal justice expenditure, nearly half, $1,225 million, was for agencies in the police protection sector, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ($372 million), the Bureau of Customs ($232 million), the Postal Inspection Service ($98.1 million), and the Drug Enforcement Administration ($92.9 million). As noted earlier, Table C. Percent distribution of total direct expenditure for the criminal justice system by activity and level of government, fiscal year 1974 Level of government Total Police protection activities Judicial activities Prose- cution activities Indigent defense activities Cor- rections activities Other activities Total. State 100.0 13.1 26.1 60.8 100.0 14.3 15.4 70.3 100.0 7.3 24.4 68.0 100.0 15.3 23.1 61.6 100.0 37.5 21.1 41.4 100.0 6.6 55.9 37.5 100.0 46.3 28.2 25.5 Table D. Percent of full-time equivalent employment in the criminal justice system by activity and level of government, October 1974 Level of government Total Police protection activities Judicial activities Prose- cution activities Indigent defense activities Cor- rections activities Other activities Total. 100.0 9.3 25.0 65.7 100.0 11.3 14.8 73.9 100.0 5.4 19.1 75.5 100.0 13.1 22. S 64.3 100.0 2.5 42.9 54.6 100.0 4.7 56.8 38.5 100.0 23.4 49.3 27.3 INTRODUCTION FIGURE 1. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure by level of government, fiscal year 1974 $14,954 I million Federal ($1,961 million) 1 3. 1 % Local _ ($9,092 million) 60.8% State '($3,900 million) 26.1% Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 2. Percent distribution of criminal justice system full-time equivalent employment by level of government, October 1974 1,011,205 Local employees (664,862) 65.7% Federal employees '(93,755) 9.3% State employees (252,588) 25.0% US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census INTRODUCTION FIGURE 3. rotal Federal government expenditure for criminal justice. fiscal year 1974 $2,603 million 1 Other criminal justice ($796 million) \ j^fl 30.6% Police protection Corrections ($1,225 million) ($237 million) 47.0% 9.1% Indigent defense ($92 million) 3.5% ^"^i/^ / 't'i"\ -*^^ Legal services ($118 million) 4.5% Judicial ($136 million) 5.2% 1 Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 4. Federal Government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 93,755 Corrections (9,967) 10.6% Indigent defense (154 0.2% Legal services (6,845 7.3% Judicial (6,734 7.2% Other criminal justice (1,551) 1 .6% Police protection (68,504) 73.1% INTRODUCTION the second largest block of Federal criminal justice expenditure was reported by agencies in the "other criminal justice" sector, $796 million or 30.6 percent, primarily LEAA with FY 1974 expenditure of $770 million. The other four sectors accounted for the remaining 22.4 percent of Federal criminal justice expenditure. If Federal grants to State and local governments are not included, the increase in Federal criminal justice direct expenditure (current operating expenses and capital outlay) was 15.7 percent. The number of full-time equivalent Federal employ- ees in criminal justice activities increased 7.5 percent from October 1973 to October 1974. There were 93,755 full-time equivalent employees in October 1974, including 68,504 (73.1 percent) in the police protection sector; 9,967 (10.6 percent) in the corrections sector; 6,845 (7.3 percent) in the legal services and prosecution sector and 6,734 (7.2 percent) in the judicial sector (see figure 4). Indigent defense and "other criminal justice" together accounted for only 1,705 full-time equivalent employees (1.8 percent) although these two sectors accounted for more than 34 percent of the total Federal criminal justice expenditure. As previously mentioned, the greatest portion of the indigent defense money was paid to court-appointed counsel who are not considered regular public employees, and the greatest portion of the "other criminal justice" expenditure was in the form of intergovernmental grants. The 93,755 Federal employees drew an October 1974 payroll of $130.8 million; each sector's percentage of the total payroll was generally proportionate to its percentage of total employees (see table E). There is a slight disparity in some sectors because of a concentra- tion of higher paid employees. For example, the judicial sector with only 7.2 percent of the employees, received 8.0 percent of the payroll; similarly, the legal services sector drew 8.0 percent of the payroll with only 7.3 percent of the employees. Average monthly salaries by sector are shown in table F. Table F. Average monthly salaries for Federal full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 Activity October 1974 $1,382 1,562 1,523 1,442 1,293 1,322 State governments (tables 6-10) The total general expenditure of State governments in FY 1974 was $120 billion. Of this amount $4.5 billion, or 3.8 percent, was expended on criminal justice activities. This represents an increase of $691 million, or 17.9 percent, in criminal justice expenditure from the previous fiscal year, slightly more than the 15.4 percent increase from 1972 to 1973. From FY 1971 to FY 1973, the indigent defense and "other criminal justice" sectors each year made substantially larger proportionate increases than the other four sectors. In the case of indigent defense, the increases reflected the expansion of existing programs and the initiation of new programs to provide counsel for the poor. In some States, also, expanded efforts are underway to provide counsel not only to those accused of crime but also to those convicted persons still in need of an attorney's services, either in the appellate process or in disputed situations within the penal insti- tutions. The indigent defense sector at the State level continued to expand in FY 1974, showing a 38.8 percent increase; but this increase was considerably less than the 63.6 percent increase in FY 1973 and the 48.1 percent increase in FY 1972. Table E. Percent distribution of Federal full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity Activity Total Police protection Judicial Legal services Indigent defense Corrections Other criminal justice Full-time equivalent employees 93,755 68,504 6,734 6,845 154 9,937 1,551 October 1974 payroll $130,802 94,705 10,517 10,422 222 , 12,885 2,051 Percent distribution Full-time equivalent employment 100.0 73.1 7.2 7.3 0.2 10.6 1 .5 October 1974 payroll 100.0 72.4 8.0 8.0 0.2 9.8 1.6 INTRODUCTION In the case of the "other criminal justice" sector, the large proportionate increases in previous years reflected expanding intergovernmental payments to local govern- ments for criminal justice purposes. Again, as with indigent defense, the "other criminal justice" sector continued to expand, but at a much slower rate, a 23.3 percent increase in FY 1974 compared to a 48.6 percent increase in FY 1973 and a 104.3 percent increase in FY 1972. The rate of expansion over the 4 years, in this sector more than any other, reflects the growth pattern of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration: several years of rapid growth followed by a gradual leveling off as the program matured. Intergovernmental grants to local governments continued to increase, $94.6 million more in FY 1974 than in FY 1973 for all criminal justice sectors, but at a less spectacular rate. Two other sectors, legal services and corrections, showed fast growing rates of expansion. Legal services expenditure increased by 24.5 percent in FY 1974 compared to a 14.0 percent increase in FY 1973. Cor- rections increased by 17.5 percent in FY 1974 com- pared to a 9.9 percent increase in FY 1973. The 16.5 percent increase in police protection and the 13.5 per- cent increase in judicial were more typical of increases in previous years. While indigent defense, legal services, and "other criminal justice" were the fastest growing areas of State criminal justice expenditure, the correction sector, as in past years, accounted for the largest portion of State criminal justice expenditure ($1,895 million or 41.7 percent); these expenditures included the operation of State prison systems and, in many States, the operation of the probation and parole systems as well. The balance of State criminal justice expenditure was distributed as follows: police protection, $1,383 million, or 30.4 percent; judicial, $476 million, or 10.5 percent; legal services and prosecution, $182 million, or 4.0 percent; indigent defense, $58 million or 1.3 percent; and "other criminal justice," $552 million or 12.1 percent (see figure 5). Increases in expenditure were accompanied by in- creases in criminal justice employment and payroll in all sectors. The number of full-time equivalent employ- ees in State criminal justice agencies increased 8.7 percent, and the payroll increased 15.4 percent, be- tween October 1973 and October 1974. The 252,588 employees (8.5 percent of the total 2,968,020 full-time equivalent employees on State payrolls) received $252 million in salaries, wages, fees, and commissions in the month of October 1974. The percentage of total em- ployees in each sector was generally proportionate to the percentage of total expenditure in each sector (see figures 5 and 6). Indigent defense, which showed the greatest increase in expenditure, also showed the greatest proportionate increase in full-time equivalent employees, from 2,102 employees in October 1973 to 2,625 employees in October 1974, a 24.9 percent increase. The other sectors experienced considerably more modest increases in employment, ranging from a 4.2 percent increase in judicial employees to a 12.3 percent increase in legal services and prosecution employees. The October 1974 payroll of $252 million was divided among the six criminal justice sectors roughly in proportion to the number of employees in the sector (see table G). For those sectors characterized by higher- paid employees (see table H), namely judicial, legal ser- vices, and indigent defense, the sector's share of payroll, of course, exceeded the sector's share of employees. Table G. Percent distribution of State full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity Dollar amounts in thousands ) Activity Full-time equivalent employees Oc tober 1974 payroll Percent distribution Full- time equivalent employment October 1974 payroll Total Police protection Judicial Legal services , Indigent defense Corrections Other criminal justice. 252.588 89,822 23,939 11,773 2,325 121,180 3,236 $252,214 88,423 33,220 13,579 2,950 110,710 3.329 100.0 35.5 9.5 4.7 1.0 48.0 1 .3 100.0 35.0 13.2 5.4 1.2 43.9 1.3 INTRODUCTION FIGURE 5. Total State government expenditure fiscal year 1974 $4,546 million 1 for criminal justice, Other criminal justice Police protection ($552 million) 12.1% /'"^B ($1,383 million) 30.4% nnrrprtinrr; : ($1,895 million) 41.7% Judicial ($476 million) ^HH Bfi A. x 10.5% Legal services Indigent defense ($182 million) ($58 million) 4.0% 1 .3% Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 6. State government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 252,588 Other criminal justice. (3,266) 1 .3% Corrections (121,160) 48.0% Indigent defense (2,625) 1 .0% Police protection (89,822) 35.5% Judicial (23,939) 9.5% Legal services (11,776) 4.7% INTRODUCTION Table H. Average monthly salaries for State full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 Activity October 1974 $ 984 1,388 1,153 1,124 914 1,019 Local governments: counties and municipalities (tables 6-10 and 13-22) Total expenditure for criminal justice by local govern- ments in fiscal year 1974 was $9,130 million, a $1,036 million or 12.8 percent increase from FY 1973, slightly higher than the 9.8 percent increase from 1972 to 1973. As in past years, approximately two-thirds of this ex- penditure occurred in the police protection sector ($5,984 million or 65.6 percent). The judicial sector and the corrections sector each accounted for slightly more than 13 percent of expenditure, while the other three sectors accounted for relatively smaller percents (see figure 7). Direct criminal justice expenditure by local governments (i.e., all expenditure except inter- governmental payments) amounted to $9,092 million in fiscal year 1974, a 12.9 percent increase from FY 1973. Direct expenditure of local governments was distributed among the six criminal justice sectors in virtually the same proportions as total expenditure. Total local full-time equivalent employment was also distributed among the six sectors roughly in the same proportions as total expenditures (see figures 7 and 8). Two slight exceptions to this generalization are the indigent defense sector, where payments are fre- quently made to private court-appointed counsel who are not direct employees of the government, and the "other criminal justice" sector, where expenditures are frequently grant funds used to assist with operations of private agencies connected with criminal justice activities or used for construction of criminal justice facilities. In both instances, large expenditures may be made without the governments involved directly employing the workers. Analyzing local criminal justice expenditure in total, however, tends to obscure important differences between the county level of government and the muni- cipal level. Municipal governments (cities and townships) outspent county governments on criminal justice by almost 2 to 1 overall ($5,867 million to $3,226 million), but the difference can be attributed almost exclusively to the police sector, where the municipal governments outspent the county governments by better than a 4 to 1 margin. Municipal governments spent $4,885 million (or 83.3 percent of all their criminal justice expenditure) on police protection, more than county governments spent on all six sectors altogether. On a sector-by-sector basis, however, county governments spent substantially more than municipal governments for judicial activities, indigent defense, and corrections. No one sector domi- nates county criminal justice expenditure as police pro- tection does municipal expenditure (see figures 9 and 11). County criminal justice expenditure increased for all activities over FY 1973. Proportionately the greatest increase occurred in the "other criminal justice" sector, $16.9 million or 63.0 percent. As last year, counties received and expended increasing amounts of grant funds. Additionally, for the past few years, expenditure in the "other criminal justice" sector have reflected significant capital outlay for the construction of multi- functional criminal justice buildings, e.g., a police-jail facility or a police-court facility. In FY 1974, $19.4 million of the $43.8 million spent in the "other criminal justice" sector, by counties, was for construction of such buildings. Expenditure increases were smaller for the other five sectors, ranging from 1 1.2 percent in the police protection sector to 28.8 percent in the indigent defense sector. At the municipal level, also, the largest proportionate increase year to year was in the "other criminal justice" sector, 56.1 percent. Construction played a less signifi- cant role than at the county level. Only $4.4 million of the total $55.1 million spent for "other criminal justice" at the municipal level was for construction purposes. The increase generally reflected new programs and grants being administered by the cities. Municipal ex- penditure for the other sectors ranged from a 10.6 percent increase in police protection to a 24.6 percent increase in the indigent defense area. However, indigent defense represented only a small portion of municipal criminal justice expenditure, 0.4 percent, and the in- crease reflected expansion of programs in a limited num- ber of large cities having significant judicial responsibili- ties (primarily consolidated city-county governments) rather than a general trend. At both the county and municipal levels, employ- ment and payrolls were distributed throughout the vari- ous sectors in nearly the same percentages as expendi- ture (see tables I and J). There were 239,171 full-time equivalent county criminal justice employees in October 1974 drawing a monthly payroll of $216 million. As at the State level, in those sectors with a concentration of higher-paid employees, such as legal services and in- digent defense (see table K), the percentage of total 10 INTRODUCTION payroll exceeded the percentage of total employees. There were 425,691 full-time equivalent municipal crim- inal justice employees in October 1974 with a monthly payroll of $444 million. At the municipal level, the "other criminal justice" employees received the highest average monthly salaries (see table L) but their numbers were limited— only 1,190 employees. Among the sectors with a significant number of employees, the legal ser- vices and police sectors paid the highest average salaries. Overall, the number of county full-time equivalent employees in October 1974 increased by 19,277 or 8.8 percent over October 1973; the judicial sector added the greatest number of employees, 6,913 (an 11.2 percent increase) and the "other criminal justice" sector showed the greatest proportionate increase, 24.9 percent (124 employees). The number of municipal full-time equiva- lent employees increased by 4.9 percent compared with October 1973. The police sector added the greatest number of employees, 15,956 (a 4.6 percent increase) and the legal services sector showed the greatest pro- portionate increase, 8.5 percent (974 employees) among the sectors with significant numbers of employ- ees. Indigent defense employees increased by 23.4 percent, but their numbers were very small- 145 employ- ees in October 1973, 179 employees in October 1974. Table I. Percent distribution of county full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity (Dollar amounts in thousands) Activity Full-time equivalent employees October 1974 payroll Percent distribution Full-time equivalent employment October 1974 payroll Total Police protection Judicial Legal services Indigent defense Corrections , Other criminal justice 239,171 83,038 68,727 21,112 3.161 52,482 321 $213,430 78,380 56,425 22,198 3,849 55,027 551 100.0 34.7 28.8 8.8 1 .3 25.1 0.3 100.0 36, 26, 10, 1, 25, 0, Table J. Percent distribution of municipal full-time equivalent employment and payroll, October 1974, by activity Dollar amounts in thousands) Full-time equivalent employees October 1974 payroll Percent di stribution Activity Full- time equivalent employment October 1974 payroll Total 425, 591 355,519 25,729 12,486 179 19, 588 1,190 $443,559 384,101 24,555 13,386 180 19,840 1,497 100.0 86.1 6.0 2.9 0.04 4.3 0.3 100 .0 85 .3 5. 6 3.0 04 4 .5 0.3 INTRODUCTION 1 1 FIGURE 7. Total local government expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 $9,130 million 1 Other criminal justice ($99 million) Corrections ($1,241 million 13.6% Indigent defense ($101 million) 1.1% Legal services ($477 million) 5.2% Judicia ($1,227 million 13.4% 1.1% Police protection ($5,984 million) 65.6% 1 Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 8. Local government full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 664,862 Corrections (82,070) 12.3% Indigent defense (3,340) 0.5% Legal services (33,598) 5.1% Judicia (94,456) 14.2% Other criminal justice (1,811) 0.3% Police protection (449,587) 67.6% 12 INTRODUCTION FIGURE 9. County direct expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 $3,226 million 1 Corrections . ($882 million) 27.3% Indigent defense ($79 million) 2.5% Legal services. ($269 million) 8.3% Other criminal justice ($44 million) 1 .4% Police protection ($1,096 million) 34.0% Judicial ($856 million) 26.5% Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 10. County full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 239,171 Corrections. (62,482) 26.1% Indigent defense (3,161) 1 .3% V Legal services. (21,112) 8.8% Other criminal justice (621) 0.3% Police protection (83,068) 34.7% . Judicial (68,727) 28.8% INTRODUCTION 13 Separate data are presented in tables 18-22 for the 312 county governments with a 1970 population of 100,000 or more and in tables 13-17 for the 384 city governments with a 1970 population of 50,000 or more. Only 57.1 percent of the total United States population lives in the 312 largest counties, but these counties accounted for more than three-fourths ($2,494 million) of the total direct expenditure for criminal justice activities at the county level. These counties employed 71.9 percent of all county level full-time equivalent criminal justice employees (171,965), and paid these employees 78.9 percent of the total county criminal justice payroll for October 1974. These figures, of course, reflect the greater need for criminal justice services and the larger salaries in densely populated areas. third (35.6 percent) of the total United States popula- tion, but accounted for more than two-thirds of the municipal criminal justice expenditure, 68.6 percent. These same 384 cities employed 64.2 percent of all municipal full-time equivalent employees working in the criminal justice system and paid them 69.7 percent of the total municipal criminal justice payroll. Again, as with the large counties, the proportion of payroll exceeded the proportion of employees reflecting the generally larger salaries in the large metropolitan areas. The distribution of expenditure and employment throughout the various criminal justice sectors in the 312 counties and the 384 cities reflects the distribution for all county governments and for all city governments respectively. Table K. Average monthly salaries for county full-time equivalent employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 Activity October 1974 $ 944 821 1 051 1 218 881 887 It should be noted that in the individual city tables, certain cities are either independent, being wholly out- side any county area, or operate wholly or in part as a consolidated city-county. In general, these cities are more similar to large counties than to other large cities in the scope of their criminal justice responsibilities; that is, in addition to police protection which is the primary criminal justice function in most cities, these cities also operate extensive court and corrections systems and may have significant indigent defense expenditures. The independent cities are: Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Md.; St. Louis, Mo.; and all displayed cities in Virginia. The consolidated city-county govern- ments are: San Francisco, Calif.; Denver, Colo.; Jackson- ville, Fla.; Columbus, Ga.; Honolulu, Hawaii; Indi- anapolis, Ind.; Baton Rouge, La.; New Orleans, La.; Boston, Mass.; New York City, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; and Nashville-Davidson, Tenn. Table L. Average monthly salaries for municipal full-time employees in the criminal justice system, by activity, October 1974 Activity October 1974 $1,048 958 1 072 1 005 1,013 1,258 Direct criminal justice expenditure by the 384 large city governments amounted to $4,026 million, and full-time equivalent criminal justice employees num- bered 273,401. These 384 cities have slightly over one- Local governments in the 17 largest SMSA's (tables 11 and 12) Data are presented on criminal justice expenditure and employment of all governments in the 17 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) and within the individual SMSA for each of its component county areas. The county area data include aggregate figures for the county government and for all muni- cipalities within that county. In a few instances, data for individual cities are listed separately in the SMSA tables because the city is either the only government within a county area, e.g., consolidated city-county governments such as Philadelphia or New York City, or the city is organizationally independent and within no recognized county boundary, e.g., St. Louis, Mo. or Washington, D.C. The State Economic Area (SEA) rather than the SMSA is shown for Boston because the SMSA's in New England are made up of the towns rather than the counties, a deviation from the general SMSA concept. The SEA, on the other hand, is made up of counties. 14 INTRODUCTION FIGURE 1 1. Municipal direct expenditure for criminal justice, fiscal year 1974 $5,867 million 1 Indigent defense ($22 million) 0.4% Legal services ($206 million) 3.5% Judicial ($367 million) 6.4% Corrections ($332 million) 5.7% Other criminal justice ($55 million) 0.9% Police protection ($4,885 million) 83.3% Because of rounding, detail may not add precisely to total shown. FIGURE 12. Municipal full-time equivalent employment, October 1974 425,691 Indigent defense (179) 0.04% Legal services (12,486) 2.9% Judicial (25,729) 6.0% Corrections (19,588) 4.6% Other criminal justice (1,190) 0.3% Police protection (366,519) 86.1% INTRODUCTION 15 As seen in table I, the 17 largest SMSA's expended $4,454 million for criminal justice activities in FY 1974. Almost half (49.0 percent) of the Nation's total local criminal justice direct expenditure was made by govern- ments in these areas where 30.3 percent of the United States population resides. On a sector-by-sector basis, governments in these SMSA's accounted for 49.0 percent of all local government direct expenditure for police protection; 48.1 percent of local expenditure for judicial activities; 44.1 percent of local expenditure for legal services and prosecution activities; 50.1 per- cent of local expenditure for indigent defense activities; 51.3 percent of all local expenditure for corrections activities; and 53.7 percent of local expenditure for "other criminal justice" activities (see table M). The local governments in the 17 largest SMSA's employed 286,897 full-time equivalent personnel in criminal justice, or 43.2 percent of the total number of local government employees working in criminal justice. The percentage of all local government employees working in each criminal justice sector in these SMSA's was: police protection, 43.3 percent; judicial, 41.2 percent; legal services and prosecution, 40.2 percent; indigent defense, 42.5 percent; corrections, 45.7 percent; and "other criminal justice," 58.6 percent. SURVEY METHODOLOGY-SOURCES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE DATA General Survey coverage and collection methods are described in detail later in the text, and the definitions applied in the collection of data are presented in appendix 2. As in previous editions of this annual series, several tables show comparisons of criminal justice expenditure and full-time equivalent employment with the total general expenditure and full-time equivalent employ- ment for all functions of the particular government or level of government. Prior to the FY 1971 report, these figures, total expenditure and full-time equivalent employment, included data for independent school districts and special districts. The "variable pass-through" provisions of the Omni- bus Crime Control Act of 1970, however, required that the concept of "local" government be confined to units of general local government only, i.e., counties, cities, and townships, in determining the ratio of State-to-local government criminal justice expenditure. Beginning with the FY 1971 report, therefore, the same concept was applied consistently throughout the publication to re- flect the intent of the law, and the total general ex- penditure and total full-time equivalent employment figures shown for the "local" level of government in these comparisons include data for units of general local government only and do not include data for inde- pendent school districts or special districts. This change may result in significant differences from the per- centages shown in years prior to FY 1971 in those States where education is largely the responsibility of independent school districts, or where there are large special districts. Criminal justice expenditure and em- ployment data in this series, however, have always been for units of general local government only, i.e., no data on the criminal justice activities of independent school districts or special districts have ever been included. (As in previous reports, however, appendix 1 provides sup- plementary data for those independent school districts and special districts having significant special police ex- penditure and employment.) Table M. Total criminal justice direct expenditure of all local governments and local governments in the 17 largest SMSA's, fiscal year 1974 ^Millions of dollars ) Local government Total Police protection activities Judicial activities Prose- cution activities Indigent defense activities Cor- rections activities Other activities All local governments . Local governments in 17 largest SMSA's $9,092 4,454 49.0 $5,982 2,931 49.0 $1,223 588 48.1 $475 209 44.1 $101 51 50.1 $1,213 322 51 .3 $99 53 Percent of all local govern- 53.7 Percentages based on unrounded figures shown in tables 7 and 11 16 INTRODUCTION Survey coverage The survey through which basic figures for this report were collected covered the Federal government, all State governments, and a representative sample of local governments within each State. Data were collected for all county governments (regardless of size), for all municipalities (including townships in the New England and Middle Atlantic States) having a 1970 population of 10,000 or more, and for a sample of the remaining cities and townships with less than 10,000 population, selected according to the relative size of their annual expenditures as reported in the 1967 Census of Governments. The survey panel therefore included the Federal government, the 50 State govern- ments, and 9,036 local governments (the 3,044 county governments, and 5,992 municipalities, including 1,706 townships). The survey period Federal Government data are shown for FY 1974, which ended June 30, 1974. The State expenditure data presented in this report cover the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, for all States except three whose fiscal years end as follows: New York, March 31, 1974; Texas, August 31, 1974; and Alabama, September 30, 1974. However, there are some State agencies that operate on a different fiscal year basis from the rest of the State government. In such instances, figures shown are for the agency's fiscal year that ended within the State's r-^ular fiscal year. For local governments, the 1974 fiscal years reported are those that closed between July 1 , 1 973, and June 30, 1974. Most municipalities and counties ended their fiscal years on December 31, 1973, or June 30, 1974. Employment data shown for Federal, State, and local ->vernments are for October 1974. Data collection The survey was accomplished using two methods of data collection: field compilation and mail canvass. Trained field representatives compiled expenditure and employment data from the governments' own records for the 50 States, 3 1 2 largest counties, 384 largest cities, and selected smaller units. The compilation work was done between July 1974 and June 1975 in accordance with the definitions presented in appendix 2. All other units in the sample were canvassed by mail for expendi- ture and employment data, over a 5-month period beginning in January 1975 and ending in May 1975. Response for field-compiled units was 100 percent. The response from mail canvass units was 92.4 percent. The mail canvass questionnaires are included as appendix 3. The field survey efforts and mail canvass were supple- mented by reference to a variety of published govern- ment documents such as budgets, financial statements, and audit reports. In some cases, such sources were the basis for breakdowns of totals into more detailed employment and expenditure figures. The expenditure and employment data for the Federal Government were collected through a special mail survey, with telephone followup, of Federal criminal justice agencies, in accordance with definitions used for State and local governments (see appendix 2). For reports prior to 1971, expenditure data were derived from the Budget of the United States Govern- ment, and employment figures were obtained from the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Data limitations The sample selected to develop local government figures is one of all possible samples of the same size that could have been chosen using the same sampling design. Estimates derived from these different samples would differ from each other and also from a complete census using the same data collection procedures. This variation among all possible estimates is sampling error. Since all State and county governments were included in the survey, State and county figures are not subject to sampling error. The local government sample was designed to produce an estimate for each State of the ratio of State-to-local government criminal justice expenditure with a sampling error of less than one-half of 1 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. The relative sampling error of the State-by-State estimates of local government criminal justice expendi- ture has also been calculated at the 95 percent confi- dence level. All States had a relative error of less than 1 percent except Wyoming (with 2.5 percent). The implication of this calculation is that there is a 19 out of 20 probability that the estimated State-by-State criminal justice total for the local level of government (except in Wyoming) is within 1 percent of the total that would result from a complete enumeration of local governments. The estimated data are also subject to the inaccura- cies in classification, response, and processing that would occur if a complete census had been conducted under the same conditions as the sample. Every effort was made to keep such errors to a minimum through care in examining, editing, and tabulating the data submitted by government officials. Followup proce- dures were used extensively to clarify inadequate and inconsistent survey returns. INTRODUCTION 17 Readers should be generally cautious in comparing governments, since other differences in functional responsibilities from State to State and government to government can also affect the comparability of ex- penditure and employment data. For example, some State governments directly administer certain activities that elsewhere are undertaken by local governments, with or without fiscal aid, and the same variation in the division of responsibilities exists for counties and cities. The available source documents did not consistently provide full itemization of expenditure or employment for the sector subcategories presented in this report. As a result, sector breakdowns may be incomplete for particular governmental units. Because of rounding, the detail data in some tables may not add precisely to the totals shown. Changes in survey methodology As discussed earlier, this series of annual reports dates back to FY 1967. The survey originated in the Bureau of the Census as a special in-house study in which police protection, judicial, and corrections data were extracted for selected large governments from data compiled in the Bureau's regular annual finance and employment sample surveys. In the FY 1969 survey, prosecution and indigent defense were added to the original three criminal justice categories, coverage was extended to the entire regular annual survey sample of counties and municipalities, and a mail canvass questionnaire de- signed specifically to elicit criminal justice data was used for all but the largest governments, which were canvassed by field agents. These changes must be taken into account in making year-to-year comparisons from FY 1967 through FY 1970. In the FY 1970 report, individual unit data were published for 128 large counties (as compared to 55 counties in earlier reports) and for 158 large cities (compared to 48 cities in earlier reports). The Federal expenditure data presented in all reports through FY 1970 were extracted from the Budget of the United States Government , and the employment data was provided by the U.S. Civil Service Commission. For the FY 1971 survey, a new and enlarged sample of local governments was drawn specifically for the criminal justice expenditure and employment survey, to produce more reliable estimates for use by LEAA in the allocation of block grant funds between State and local governments. The data presented in reports since FY 1971 are therefore essentially comparable, because they are derived from the same sample using the same methods of data collection and processing. The only significant variations occurred in classification of certain expenditure items discussed in detail in the following section. In each year since 1971, as noted earlier, all States had a relative error for local criminal justice expenditure estimates of less than 1 percent except Wyoming (with 2.5 percent). Since FY 1971, Federal data have been collected by a special mail canvass. Changes in classification In the FY 1971 report, police protection expendi- ture included amounts expended for traffic safety and related traffic engineering. Beginning with the FY 1972 report, these expenditures were excluded from the police protection Figures. Also, data for special police forces administered by general purpose governments (such as airport police, park police, housing police, etc.) were included in the police protection figures if the force employed 10 or more full-time sworn officers with general arrest powers. Beginning with the FY 1972 report, data for these forces were included regardless of size. In the FY 1971 report, corrections expenditure figures covered a number of drug and alcohol abuse facilities and programs administered by assorted agencies, departments, and private organizations re- ceiving public funding. Beginning with the FY 1972 report, these institutions and programs were included only if administered by a corrections agency of the criminal justice system. In many States, statutes either require or permit local governments to supplement the salary of State-paid judges of major trial courts. In the FY 1971 report, an attempt was made to count these judges and their total payroll only at the State level. However, this effort was not uniformly successful. Therefore, begin- ning with the FY 1972 report, judges actually receiving a check from both the State and local governments were counted as part-time employees at both levels. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Bureau of the Census is indebted to the many Federal. State, and local government officials who provided the information and gave other assistance for the preparation of this report. Section I. VARIABLE PASS-THROUGH DATA The data in this table were developed to comply with the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended, which requires that the block grants made by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration to each State be allocated between the State and local governments according to the ratio of State-to-local law enforcement expenditure from their own revenue sources . The concept of "expenditure from own sources" specified in the law and used in the data collection means that the expenditure figures from which the State-to-local ratio was developed do not include amounts expended from revenue received from other governments. For example, State or local government expenditure from sales or property tax revenue are included but not amounts expended from intergovernmental revenue, such as Federal grant monies. (It should be noted that this is the only table in this publication based on this concept. All other expenditure tables reflect expenditure from all sources.) Specifically for local government, any expenditure from revenue received from another local government, or received directly from the Federal Government or from the State government must be excluded. Likewise for State governments, expenditure from revenue received from local governments or from the Federal Government must be excluded. The following items were deducted from total criminal justice expenditure of local governments to arrive at local government expenditure from own revenue sources: Revenue received directly from the Federal Government for criminal justice purposes, State payments to local governments for criminal justice purposes, and payments from local government(s) to other local government(s) for criminal justice purposes. The same procedure was followed to arrive at State government expenditure from own revenue sources. Criminal justice revenue received directly from the Federal Government and local criminal justice payments to the State government were deducted from the total State expenditure for criminal justice. This procedure assumes that all intergovernmental payments received by a govern- ment will be expended during the same fiscal year they were received. While this may not be the case in a particular year, any discrepancy will cancel out over time. VARIABLE PASS-THROUGH DATA 19 Table 1. Percent distribution of total criminal justice expenditure from own sources of State and local governments, by State, fiscal year 1974 (Amounts in thousands of dollars) Expenditures from own sources Total State-local 11 900 140 107 500 45 149 135 615 43 981 1 826 838 130 100 167 527 33 706 171 601 480 707 211 825 52 753 29 133 669 479 179 599 95 339 92 211 100 963 176 375 37 202 280 901 355 088 546 413 159 920 64 708 210 607 28 431 55 426 54 349 27 170 493 284 47 528 1 786 995 221 599 17 722 450 540 85 936 122 579 597 843 42 939 95 510 20 556 157 831 442 588 39 750 22 817 220 358 188 794 46 929 212 194 15 232 Percent distribution UNITED STATES i TOTAL . . . ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS . . . CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS . . INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 3 725 706 37 586 37 406 43 444 19 988 485 081 52 451 83 113 24 293 168 848 78 839 16 270 13 106 176 005 63 129 33 310 41 212 43 885 63 902 19 827 153 076 104 073 129 609 45 119 29 508 53 273 11 873 20 126 14 454 9 907 134 948 22 702 370 995 125 991 6 085 147 193 34 395 47 135 192 271 23 951 45 023 8 896 51 348 124 272 19 002 17 065 104 844 70 654 22 246 76 934 7 043 8 174 434 69 914 7 743 92 171 23 993 1 341 757 77 649 84 414 9 413 171 601 311 859 132 986 36 483 16 027 493 474 116 470 62 029 50 999 57 078 112 47 3 17 37 5 127 825 251 015 416 804 114 801 35 200 157 334 16 558 35 300 39 895 17 263 358 336 24 826 1 416 000 95 608 11 637 303 347 51 541 75 444 405 572 18 988 50 487 11 660 106 483 318 316 20 748 5 752 115 514 118 140 24 683 135 260 8 189 31.3 35.0 82.9 32.0 45.4 26.6 40.3 49.6 72.1 35. 1 37.2 30.8 45.0 26.3 35. 1 34.9 44.7 43.5 36.2 53.3 54.5 29.3 23.7 28.2 45.6 25.3 41.8 36.3 26.6 36.5 27.4 47.8 20.8 56.9 34.3 32.7 40.0 38.5 32.2 55.8 47.1 43.3 32.5 28. 1 47.8 74.8 47.6 37.4 47.4 36.3 46.2 65. 17. 68. 54. 73. 59.7 50.4 27.9 100.0 64.9 62.8 69.2 55.0 73.7 64.9 65.1 55.3 56.5 63.8 46.7 45.5 70.7 76.3 71.8 54.4 74.7 58.2 63.7 73.4 63.5 72.6 52.2 79.2 43.1 65.7 67.3 60.0 61.5 67.8 44.2 52.9 56.7 67.5 71.9 52.2 25.2 52.4 62.6 52.6 63.7 53.8 Section II. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM SUMMARY DATA CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 2. Percent distribution of expenditure for the criminal justice system, by level of government, fiscal year 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) 21 All governments TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 2 . DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE POLICE PROTECTION 2 DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE JUDICIAL 2 DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION 2 DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE INDIGENT DEFENSE 2 DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE CORRECTIONS DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2 .... DIRECT EXPENDITURE INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE 11 953 661 11 953 661 ( 2 ) 8 511 676 8 511 676 (') 1 798 153 1 798 153 ( 2 ) 770 762 770 762 ( 2 ) 211 593 2114 593 ( 2 ) 3 210 396 3 210 396 < 2 ) 388 081 388 081 ( 2 ) 2 602 958 1 961 333 611 625 1 221 586 1 221 510 3 076 91 629 91 629 237 300 211 529 22 771 795 510 179 732 615 778 1 516 315 3 899 958 616 387 1 382 931 1 308 155 71 176 175 992 139 156 36 536 181 537 178 355 3 182 58 055 51 683 6 372 1 895 131 1 812 529 82 905 552 396 109 180 112 916 9 129 861 9 092 370 115 395 5 981 077 5 981 711 52 985 1 227 391 1 222 562 11 729 176 793 171 609 2 627 101 415 101 281 522 1 210 815 1 213 338 16 156 99 313 98 869 1 076 (X) 13. 1 (x) (x) 11.3 (X) (X) (X) 15.3 (X) (X) 57 . 5 (X) (X) 6.6 (X) (X) ■16.3 (X) (X) 26. 1 (X) (x) l r ..1 (x) (x) 21.4 (X) (X) 23. 1 (X) (X) 21.1 (X) (X) 55.9 (X) (X) (x) 60.8 (X) (X) (X) 68.0 (X) (X) 61.6 (X) (X) 11.1 (x) (x) 37.5 (X) (x) 25.5 (X) - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. 'All governments data for criminal justice and direct expenditure for fiscal years 1971, 1972, and 1973 are revised a $160,546; and 1973— $13,050,545 and $236,187. Federal Government data for total criminal j and direct expenditure for fiscal years 1971, 1972, and 1973 are revised as follows: 1971- 1,495,501 and $400,857/33,673; and 1973--$2, 260, 891/1, 694, 705 and $649,633/102,708. Dollar direct expenditure should be revised accordingly. 2 For each State, and the United State line and the combined State-local total line (the data shown opposit amounts. This was done to avoid the artificial inflation which woul the ated old the eciplen total criminal justice system and direct expenditure and other follows: 1971--$10, 513,854 and $79,708; 1972— $11, 724, 840 and stlce system and direct expenditure and other criminal justice $1,448,729/1,211,628 and $239,094/13,364; 1972— $1,876, 863/ amounts are shown in thousands. Percent distributions for summary, the expenditure figures shown on the "Local, total" names of the individual States) exclude duplicative intergovernmental expenditure It if an intergovernmental expenditure amount for one government is tabulated and t(s) ulti Ely Xpi'll'l tha Table 3. Percent distribution of employment and payrolls for the criminal justice system, by level of government, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: TOTAL EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES OCTOBER PAYROLL . POLICE PROTECTION: TOTAL EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES OCTOBER PAYROLL JUDICIAL: TOTAL EMPLOYEES ........ FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES. OCTOBER PAYROLL , LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION: TOTAL EMPLOYEES , FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES . FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES. OCTOBER PAYROLL , INDIGENT DEFENSE: TOTAL EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES , FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES OCTOBER PAYROLL CORRECTIONS: TOTAL EMPLOYEES , FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES , FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES, OCTOBER PAYROLL , OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE: TOTAL EMPLOYEES , FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES . FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES. OCTOBER PAYROLL . , 1 093 609 980 230 1 011 205 1 013 101 653 580 591 209 607 913 645 612 141 091 116 597 125 129 124 817 58 582 47 374 52 219 59 585 6 687 5 655 6 119 7 201 226 794 209 906 213 197 198 462 489 628 '12 7 93 234 93 755 130 802 69 420 68 257 68 504 91 705 6 801 6 700 6 734 10 517 7 091 6 749 6 815 10 122 151 154 154 222 9 967 12 885 1 657 1 481 1 551 2 051 262 735 217 356 2 52 588 252 211 97 221 87 026 89 822 88 126 21 56 22 582 23 939 33 220 12 381 11 108 11 776 13 579 2 710 2 575 2 625 2 950 122 560 120 519 121 160 110 710 3 300 3 246 3 266 3 329 735 622 639 640 661 862 660 088 186 936 138 926 149 587 462 481 109 730 87 315 94 156 81 080 39 110 29 217 33 598 35 581 3 823 2 926 3 310 4 029 94 108 79 494 82 070 74 867 1 915 1 762 1 811 2 047 25.2 25. 74.5 73.9 77.8 71.9 22 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 4. Criminal justice system expenditure of the Federal Government, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) ct expenditure Capital FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL EXPENDITURE, ALL FUNCTIONS . . . TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM . . . POLICE PROTECTION, TOTAL THE CONGRESS: U.S. CAPITOL POLICE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS POLICE FORCE. . . FEDERAL JUDICIARY: SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES POLICE FORCE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, U.S. FOREST SERVICE: COOPERATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: U.S. PARK POLICE U.S. PARK RANGERS' DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: ORUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION . . . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . . . IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE U.S. BORDER PATROL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: AIRPORT POLICE U.S. COAST GUARD' DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY: 8UREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS CONSOLIDATED FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE: INTELLIGENCE DIVISION INTERNAL SECURITY DIVISION OFFICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE U.S. SECRET SERVICE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION: OFFICE OF FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK POLICE . . . SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION POLICE FORCE. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE: POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION: HOSPITAL PROTECTIVE SERVICES STAFF. . JUDICIAL, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 FEDERAL JUDIC IARY: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE U.S. COURTS FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. . U.S. COURT OF CLAIMS U.S. COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS U.S. COURTS OF APPEALS U.S. CUSTOMS COURT U.S. DISTRICT COURTS U.S. TAX COURT LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION, TOTAL . . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ANTITRUST DIVISION BOARD OF IMMIGRATION APPEALS CIVIL DIVISION CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION CRIMINAL DIVISION See footnotes at ond of table. 223 483 000 2 602 958 1 224 586 9 9? = 13 856 92 869 37 1 565 10 316 20 907 13 512 2 586 15 ota 2 465 79 910 10 215 a 01 231 608 66 398 15 030 136 135 4 128 1 493 4 824 1 873 606 15 287 2 115 82 120 12 959 117 798 8 146 12 007 546 8 972 7 192 12 716 180 621 000 1 961 333 1 221 510 9 925 13 856 92 869 371 565 DO 316 20 997 13 512 2 586 15 064 2 465 79 910 10 215 404 231 608 66 398 15 030 136 135 1 128 1 493 4 821 1 .17 1 606 15 287 2 115 8? 120 12 959 117 798 8 146 12 00' 546 8 972 7 192 12 716 166 784 000 1 860 839 1 181 191 89 310 355 820 37 898 20 906 13 331 1 866 74 874 10 113 404 229 089 64 032 14 843 124 238 II 097 1 466 4 223 1 861 t 0? 15 005 2 101 SO 4 1 1 3 883 1 111 278 7 594 11 961 546 8 969 7 188 12 715 13 837 000 100 494 40 319 275 2 448 91 1B1 654 599 187 11 897 42 862 000 641 625 3 076 1 084 30 708 000 609 535 12 154 000 32 090 3 076 1 084 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 23 Table 4. Criminal justice system expenditure of the Federal Government, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Capital outlay LEGAL SERVICES AND PROS ECUT ION--CONT INUED DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE — CONTINUED LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION . . OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL 3 . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF U.S. ATTORNEYS 3 . OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 3 OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL . . . . OFFICE OF WATERGATE SPECIAL PROSECUTION FORCE TAX DIVISION INDIGENT DEFENSE, TOTAL FEDERAL JUDICIARY: COMMUNITY DEFENDER ORGANIZATIONS. . . FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTATION BY COURT-APPOINTED COUNSEL CORRECTIONS, TOTAL. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE: ADDICTION RESEARCH CENTER (LEXINGTON, KY.) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: BOARD OF PAROLE BUREAU OF PRISONS OFFICE OF THE PARDON ATTORNEY U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 . . . . OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH CENTER FOR STUDIES OF CRIME AND DELINQUENCY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS: DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: COMMUNITY RELATIONS SERVICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION 6 U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 . . . TEMPORARY STUDY COMMISSIONS 5 558 5 558 738 738 414 414 1 059 1 059 564 564 47 271 47 271 235 235 1 331 1 334 2 119 2 mo 8 627 8 627 91 629 91 629 1 352 1 352 2 392 2 302 13 965 13 965 73 920 73 920 237 300 214 529 1 858 196 006 155 10 730 25 496 795 510 770 428 4 769 1 858 173 235 155 10 730 25 496 179 732 5 555 738 409 071 544 44 621 213 1 333 2 294 8 624 73 920 170 133 1 660 130 6 08 153 10 586 24 761 179 470 155 290 4 705 735 262 - Represents zero or rounds to zero . 'Estimated criminal justice activities only. 2 Total expenditures allocated to police protectio Service. 3 Total expenditures for all three lines combined since 1970-71 . Effective January 4, 1975 the Legal Servl and other infor nparable to total for Off criminal Ju: f the Deputy Attorney General in previ< ly created Community Servi< upplled by the U.S. Marshals reports of this agency to OBO . Program transferred to newly created Community Services Administration, "Law Enforcement Assistance Administration data presented in the fifth (FY 1971), sixth (FY 1972), and seventh (FY 1973) reports in this seri total expenditure, total direct expenditure and direct current expenditure are revised as follows: 1971— $233, 332, $7,602, and $7,554; 1972 — $379,748, $12,886, and $12,839; 1973— $624, 006, $77,426, and $77,375. Dollar amounts are shown in thousands. Data for Other criminal Justice, total and Total criminal Justice system should be revised accordingly. 24 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 5. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of the Federal Government, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Number of employe Full-tin only Full-ti equival Total October payroll FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT, ALL FUNCTIONS TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTFM POLICE PROTECTION, TOTAL THE CONGRESS: U.S. CAPITOL POLICE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS POLICE FORCE FEDERAL JUDICIARY: SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITEO STATES POLICE FORCE . . , DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, U.S. FOREST service: COOPERATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: U.S. PARK POLICE U.S. PARK RANGERS 1 , DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE: U.S. BORDER PATROL , INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: AIRPORT POLICE , U.S. COAST GUARD 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY: BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS CONSOLIDATED FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE: INTELLIGENCE DIVISION INTERNAL SECURITY DIVISION OFFICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE U.S. SECRET SERVICE , GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION: OFFICE OF FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE MANAGEMENT . . , SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK POLICE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION POLICE FORCE , U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE , VETERANS ADMINISTRATION: HOSPITAL PROTECTIVE SERVICES STAFF , JUDICIAL, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 FEDERAL JUDICIARY: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE U.S. COURTS FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES , U.S. COURT OF CLAIMS U.S. COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS U.S. COURTS OF APPEALS U.S. CUSTOMS COURT U.S. DISTRICT COURTS , U.S. TAX COURT , See footnotes at end of table. 2 874 408 95 252 69 420 Q83 627 1 574 4 022 19 858 1 982 1 216 713 2 08 1 410 3 970 548 17 14 029 2 935 1 684 6 804 92 31 779 110 4 391 195 2 639 971 93 231 68 257 616 1 527 3 999 19 854 1 919 1 182 6 58 2 08 1 410 3 8 5 4 548 17 3 30? 2 935 1 684 6 700 >. 31 779 110 4 391 187 2 742 654 93 755 68 504 988 623 1 574 4 019 19 854 1 "30 1 187 683 208 i 410 3 881 548 17 13 387 2 935 1 684 6 734 ■\ 31 779 110 4 3Q1 190 3 294 271 130 802 9a 705 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 5. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of the Federal Government, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 25 Number of employe Full-time equivalent Total October payroll LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ANTITRUST DIVISION BOARD OF IMMIGRATION APPEALS. . . . CIVIL DIVISION CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION CRIMINAL DIVISION LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL 3 . . . . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF U.S. ATTORNEYS 3 .... OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 3 OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL OFFICE OF WATERGATE SPECIAL PROSECUTION FORCE TAX DIVISION. ... INDIGENT DEFENSE, TOTAL FEDERAL JUDICIARY: COMMUNITY DEFENDER ORGANIZATIONS. .... FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER ORGANIZATIONS . . REPRESENTATION BY COURT-APPOINTED COUNSEL OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: 4 LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM CORRECTIONS, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE: ADDICTION RESEARCH CENTER (LEXINGTON, KY.). DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: BOARD OF PAROLE BUREAU OF PRISONS OFFICE OF THE PARDON ATTORNEY U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 . . . . FEDERAL JUDICIARY: FEDERAL PROBATION SERVICE OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, ANO WELFARE, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH: CENTER FOR STUDIES OF CRIME AND DELINQUENCY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS: DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. . . . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: COMMUNITY RELATIONS SERVICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 2 TEMPORARY STUDY COMMISSIONS 757 661 28 494 378 670 248 33 23 35 36 3 123 20 '(I 89 455 (X) 154 (X) (X) 10 126 139 7 384 1 895 1 657 109 762 262 705 613 28 463 374 656 232 33 2 989 20 (X) 154 (X) (X) 136 7 229 1 895 1 481 107 662 232 728 620 28 467 374 658 2 36 33 23 35 36 3 032 (X) (X) (X) 9 967 13° 7 277 1 895 1 551 107 676 241 1 066 46 740 547 1 118 379 36 55 59 34 79 136 692 222 (X) 222 (X) (X) 190 9 423 17° 1 126 283 X Not applicable. 'Estimated criminal justice activities only. 2 Total employment and payrolls allocated to police protection, judicial, co supplied by the U.S. Marshals Service. 3 Total employment and payrolls for all three lines combined are comparable reports of this series since 1970-71. ^Effective January 4, 1975 the Legal Services Program transferred to newly OEO. total for Office of the Deputy Attorney Gener sated Community Services Administration, succe 26 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 6. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general expenditure 1 Total criminal j Police pre tection Judicial State and type of government Amount 2 Percent of total general expenditure Amount 2 Percent of total criminal justice system Amount 2 Percent of total criminal Justice system 147 302 752 119 691 358 74 211 112 28 878 814 47 135 024 1 890 454 1 808 667 642 499 214 383 469 975 842 897 665 521 323 999 185 511 139 799 1 287 204 1 160 845 599 130 262 032 351 947 885 888 946 459 254 686 113 313 142 326 16 026 294 13 702 881 9 411 427 5 980 014 3 543 503 1 561 170 1 328 270 715 935 253 028 471 409 2 866 001 1 697 745 1 599 178 1 620 462 439 194 465 736 109 420 32 318 76 664 1 240 625 1 240 625 1 297 857 4 088 400 3 904 324 1 752 318 849 347 913 820 2 512 905 2 500 496 830 801 465 728 458 541 1 142 264 921 144 247 581 63 036 184 545 442 127 457 680 120 670 62 457 57 385 12 992 327 4 546 345 9 129 866 3 276 735 5 931 029 128 041 55 123 81 794 30 127 52 258 48 551 39 964 9 981 1 784 9 271 154 930 52 506 107 962 49 742 58 386 54 319 27 915 31 669 11 979 19 953 1 950 509 561 017 1 464 575 850 940 632 952 146 739 65 324 88 589 19 613 69 247 182 629 94 023 93 738 93 919 38 496 27 553 12 275 3 986 8 289 178 246 178 246 178 246 508 125 192 911 324 864 152 204 172 968 242 509 106 360 152 393 60 388 73 883 55 829 18 395 38 720 9 823 28 897 34 273 17 975 19 236 9 798 9 678 8.8 3.8 12.3 11.3 12.6 6.8 3.0 12.7 14.1 11.1 5.8 6.0 3.1 1.0 6.6 12.0 4.5 18.0 19.0 16.6 6.1 2.9 12.4 10.6 14.0 12.2 4.1 15.6 14.2 17.9 9.4 4.9 12.4 7.8 14.7 6.4 5.5 5.9 5.8 6.8 5.9 11.3 12.3 10.8 14.4 14.4 13.7 12.4 4.9 18.5 17.9 18.9 9.7 4.3 18.3 17.3 16.1 4.9 2.0 15.6 15.6 15.7 7.8 3.9 15.9 11.9 16.9 7 290 166 1 382 931 5 984 077 1 102 695 4 932 001 76 054 19 419 56 671 9 989 46 689 19 329 11 728 7 608 1 105 7 576 92 497 25 704 66 793 14 463 52 375 31 273 8 890 22 568 4 852 17 748 1 007 459 210 219 807 913 240 747 585 245 79 027 13 122 65 912 9 308 56 680 109 064 19 617 90 163 90 342 18 591 8 469 10 448 2 922 7 526 88 002 86 002 88 002 262 388 37 538 224 881 73 649 151 350 117 455 23 609 93 886 29 272 66 251 34 072 195 33 877 8 788 25 069 16 949 3 987 12 996 4 085 9 014 56.1 30.4 65.6 33.7 83.2 59.4 35.2 69.3 33.2 89.3 39.8 29.3 76.2 62.0 81.7 59.7 49.0 61.9 29.1 89.7 57.6 31.8 71.3 40.5 88.9 51.7 37.5 55.2 28.3 92.5 53.9 20.1 74.4 47.5 81.9 59.7 20.9 96.2 96.2 48.3 30.7 85.1 73.3 90.8 49.4 49.4 49.4 51.6 19.5 69.2 48.4 87.5 48.4 22.2 61.6 36.4 89.7 61.0 1.1 87.5 89.5 86.8 49.5 22.2 67.6 41.7 93.1 1 662 018 175 992 1 227 391 861 244 373 046 18 745 5 377 13 381 11 631 2 133 9 483 9 229 355 68 287 18 590 2 374 16 278 13 621 2 671 6 132 1 996 4 158 3 323 1 036 224 943 25 168 199 836 190 331 9 669 22 092 16 293 5 806 1 232 4 574 23 324 23 288 264 265 7 502 6 569 1 394 932 462 17 734 17 734 17 734 75 159 25 265 49 909 42 660 7 275 31 507 5 904 25 604 22 828 2 795 7 813 7 813 4 940 2 723 2 217 2 157 166 12.6 COUNTIES 13.4 26.3 6.3 STATE 9.8 16.4 COUNTIES 38.6 4.1 19.5 STATE 23.1 3.6 3.6 3.1 12.0 4.5 15.1 27.4 4.6 11.3 7.2 13.1 27.7 MUNICIPALITIES 5.2 11.5 4.5 13.6 COUNTIES 22.4 MUNICIPALITIES 1.5 15.1 STATE 24.9 LOCAL, TOTAL 6.6 6.3 MUNICIPALITIES 6.6 CONNECTICUT 12.6 24.8 0.3 MUNICIPALITIES 0.3 19.5 23.6 11.4 COUNTIES 23.4 5.6 9.9 LOCAL, TOTAL 9.9 9.9 FLORIDA 14.8 STATE 13.1 LOCAL, TOTAL 15.4 COUNTIES 28.0 4.2 SEORGIA 13.0 5.6 LOCAL, TOTAL 16.8 COUNTIES 28.4 MUNICIPALITIES 3.8 14.0 42.5 LOCAL, TOTAL _ MUNICIPALITIES _ IDAHO 14.4 15.1 LOCAL, TOTAL 11.5 COUNTIES 22.0 1.7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 6. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 27 Legal se cTtlon ^ Indigent defense Cor -ections Other crim State and type of government Amount 2 Percent of total criminal justice system Amount 2 Percent of total criminal justice system Amount 2 Percent of total criminal justice system Amount 2 Percent of total criminal justice system STATES 652 96.l 13.8 6.7 2.9 9.4 7.7 11.1 7.8 4.6 10.4 7.8 10.5 7.1 3.5 16.5 20.5 It. 2 9.0 3.5 19.2 18.9 18.4 5.5 t.l 6.6 47.6 4.2 7.3 6.4 6.4 4,7 9,6 6.6 3.3 8.9 47.5 7.3 9.4 3.0 16.2 14.6 16.4 6.5 2.3 B.6 6.9 10.5 5.9 2.8 9.4 6.5 13.2 10.8 4.0 20.3 18.9 20.1 7.0 3.6 12.4 7.0 13.3 468 340 60 283 410 697 35 137 375 944 117 932 29 405 88 554 12 801 75 797 57 697 13 229 44 656 7 839 37 351 4B 781 9 501 39 308 6 769 32 792 74 207 25 252 54 141 13 359 41 422 120 637 31 050 89 656 34 056 55 636 22 292 7 329 14 963 1 733 13 241 162 994 60 372 127 398 60 861 66 784 235 084 30 454 204 679 933 203 788 353 714 65 710 290 948 34 590 258 653 98 175 21 140 80 930 17 995 64 319 45 372 16 587 28 806 6 527 22 323 146 147 21 038 125 171 17 481 108 100 16 364 4 109 12 312 4 538 7 810 65.3 28.6 76.6 23.3 96.2 60.3 37.2 68.5 32.2 84.5 53.6 30.3 64.5 26.4 91.1 48.4 19.8 66.9 31.1 87.9 59.3 42.3 68.6 38.4 91.8 62.3 39.3 70.0 62.8 75.2 54.2 31.4 78.1 31.0 96.8 54.1 36.1 76.2 73.2 79.2 59.4 24.3 72.3 1.8 88.1 58.9 37.9 63.9 20.9 87.1 55.3 34.6 62.9 30.3 69.1 61.8 45.5 72.7 41."' 92.6 61.3 27.4 70.3 36.9 82.4 51.5 27.9 66.5 45.5 91.0 62 115 28 629 53 4e6 53 100 404 20 761 4 560 16 431 11 394 5 180 15 969 5 467 10 493 9 931 1 167 12 761 3 738 9 071 7 762 1 297 14 499 4 402 10 143 8 971 1 173 26 186 6 108 20 078 11 006 9 079 5 376 3 338 2 170 2 138 60 32 743 18 293 14 450 9 228 5 225 49 178 10 804 38 919 27 624 11 771 85 702 14 914 72 232 55 333 18 770 24 034 4 310 19 739 18 847 1 373 9 083 2 413 6 673 6 227 449 30 987 10 997 20 632 13 317 7 354 3 735 907 2 837 2 544 293 11.5 13.6 COUNTIES 35.1 MUNICIPALITIES 0.1 10.6 5.B LOCAL, TOTAL 12.7 COUNTIES 26.7 5.8 14.8 12.6 15.1 COUNTIES 33.4 MUNICIPALITIES 2.9 12.7 7.8 LOCAL, TOTAL 15.4 COUNTIES 35.6 MUNICIPALITIES 3.5 11.6 7.4 12.9 25.8 MUNICIPALITIES 2.6 13.5 7.7 15.7 20.3 MUNICIPALITIES 12.3 13.1 14.3 11.3 COUNTIES 38.3 0.6 MARYLAND 10.9 STATE 11. U 8.6 COUNTIES 11.1 6.2 12.4 8.6 13.8 COUNTIES 52.9 MUNICIPALITIES 5.1 14.3 8.6 15.9 33.5 6.3 13.5 7.1 LOCAL, TOTAL 15.3 31.7 1.9 12.4 6.6 16.8 COUNTIES 39.8 MUNICIPALITIES 1.9 MISSOURI 13.0 STATE 14.3 11.6 26.1 MUNICIPALITIES 5.6 11.7 STATE 6.2 LOCAL, TOTAL 15.3 COUNTIES 25.5 MUNICIPALITIES 3.4 at end of CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 6. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 29 Legal s pros edition Indige nt defense Cor ■actions Other cri ninal justice State and type of government ^ Percent of total criminal justice system *~* Percent of total criminal justice system *- * Percent of total criminal justice system .mount* Percent of total criminal justice system 31 "460 8 956 23 963 15 849 8 139 9 353 3 769 5 613 2 960 2 653 5 707 1 410 4 297 2 811 1 513 6 417 2 327 4 093 2 699 1 395 5 525 1 607 3 919 2 332 1 587 9 499 4 820 4 679 2 474 2 205 1 657 1 180 477 187 290 10 985 1 502 9 483 5 178 4 305 13 373 5 292 8 081 2 083 6 028 29 466 6 505 22 961 14 153 8 828 9 728 1 696 8 032 4 518 3 515 2 910 1 596 1 314 691 623 9 606 1 042 8 564 4 357 4 200 2 040 638 1 402 1 068 334 4,4 4.3 4.5 10.5 2.1 4.6 4.8 4.3 7.4 3.0 5.3 3.2 6.2 9.5 3.7 6.4 4.8 7.0 12.4 3.7 4.4 2.7 5.0 6.7 3.5 4.9 6.1 3.7 4.6 3.0 4.0 5.1 2.5 3.4 2.1 3.6 0.9 5.7 6.2 5.1 3.4 4.2 2.9 4.0 2,b 4.9 3.8 5.0 8.6 3.0 5.5 2.8 6.2 7.6 4.9 4.0 4.4 3.3 4.4 2.6 4.0 1.4 4.8 9.2 3.2 6.4 4.3 7.6 10.7 3.9 5 695 1 373 4 322 4 322 5 2 270 205 2 065 1 099 966 1 184 1 164 1 237 20 1 294 1 049 245 233 14 960 1 512 490 487 6 1 115 1 115 609 506 376 145 233 233 4 972 4 936 36 36 2 615 2 061 554 549 7 6 101 5 010 7 569 5 766 1 805 1 457 210 1 247 1 306 55 599 599 562 37 1 741 1 645 96 51 45 278 276 269 9 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.9 (2) 1.2 0.3 1.6 2.8 1.1 1.1 1.7 4.2 (Z) 1.3 2.2 0.4 1.1 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.9 2.2 (Z) 0.8 1.4 3.4 0.1 2.1 2.8 (Z) 1.3 2.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.1 0.2 1.6 3.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.3 1.1 2.8 (Z) 0.9 1.7 3.8 (2) 5 049 3 928 1 121 1 110 90 46 232 30 978 18 022 14 557 4 102 88 399 49 852 38 548 34 290 4 899 11 350 8 897 2 904 2 852 86 7 833 7 818 15 15 2 63 345 51 548 17 730 7 277 10 900 58 502 42 253 17 583 15 825 2 252 14 488 9 963 4 527 4 569 173 53 965 41 114 13 586 13 616 56 4 047 3 384 664 458 223 21.0 33.0 8.0 16.4 1.2 27.2 50.1 15.3 34.6 5.3 18.0 30.3 10.9 24.7 2.3 24.7 37.5 10.8 25.9 0.5 31.3 40.7 0.3 6.2 (Z) 26.8 42.2 13.3 15.1 12.7 28.8 52.8 13.6 25.2 3.3 27.0 36.8 15.3 29.1 1.2 22.3 45.1 8.1 20.2 0.1 23.8 39.0 7.3 11.7 4.2 337 2 300 6 1 832 7 454 990 840 150 19 180 37 379 5 759 3 2P.1 2 448 699 4 212 334 594 2 325 11 111 240 233 12 1 707 6 107 826 628 198 564 3 004 9 9 4 859 7 022 187 113 74 220 1 018 30 3 27 STATE 19.3 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 0.1 1.1 STATE 12.1 0.8 COUNTIES 2.0 MUNICIPALITIES 0.2 3.9 STATE 22.7 COUNTIES 2.4 UTAH 1.1 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES 1.3 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITIES (Z) 0.3 COUNTIES 0.1 1.3 11.7 LOCAL, TOTAL 0.3 MUNICIPALITIES 0.5 34 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 7. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct Total criminal justice system Police pre ,..„.,„„ Judi cial State and type of government Amount Percent of total direct expenditure Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system STATES 147 302 752 73 950 247 73 352 505 27 083 120 46 269 377 1 890 454 1 253 654 636 800 181 175 455 624 842 897 518 898 323 999 184 381 139 618 1 287 204 690 140 597 064 245 756 351 308 885 888 631 816 254 072 112 235 141 838 16 026 294 6 801 073 9 225 221 5 734 709 3 490 512 1 561 170 845 535 715 635 246 153 469 482 2 866 001 1 268 734 1 597 267 1 597 267 439 194 330 868 108 326 32 193 76 132 1 240 625 1 240 625 1 240 625 4 088 400 2 344 019 1 744 381 332 958 911 422 2 512 905 1 683 358 829 547 380 50? 449 044 1 142 264 899 403 242 861 62 917 179 944 442 127 321 836 120 291 62 994 57 29fe 12 992 327 3 899 958 9 092 369 3 225 727 5 866 642 128 041 46 315 81 727 30 110 51 616 48 551 38 738 9 813 631 9 182 154 930 47 031 107 899 49 660 58 239 54 319 22 747 31 572 11 923 19 649 1 950 509 486 842 1 463 667 849 200 614 468 146 739 58 174 88 565 19 426 69 139 182 629 89 599 93 029 93 029 38 496 26 222 12 275 3 986 8 289 178 246 178 246 178 246 508 125 183 309 324 816 152 155 172 662 242 509 90 155 152 354 78 656 73 698 55 829 17 109 38 720 9 823 28 897 34 273 15 073 19 200 9 759 9 441 8.8 5.3 12. t 11.9 12. V 6.8 3.7 12.8 16.6 11.3 5.8 7.5 3.0 0.3 6.6 12.0 6.8 18.1 20.2 16.6 6.1 3.6 12.4 10.6 13.9 12.2 7.2 15.9 14.8 17.6 9.4 6.9 12. 1 7.9 H.7 6.4 7.1 5.8 5.8 8.8 7.9 11.3 12. 1 10.9 14.4 14.4 14.4 12. t 7.8 18.6 18.3 18.9 9.7 5.4 18.4 20.7 16.4 4.9 1.9 15.9 15.6 16.1 7.8 4.7 16.0 15.5 16.5 7 290 166 1 308 455 5 981 711 1 096 451 4 385 260 76 054 19 419 56 635 9 989 46 645 19 329 11 724 7 605 32 7 574 92 497 25 704 66 793 14 447 52 346 31 273 8 773 22 500 4 835 17 665 1 007 459 199 607 807 852 240 684 567 168 79 027 13 118 65 909 9 308 56 602 109 064 19 605 89 459 89 459 16 591 8 143 10 448 2 922 7 526 88 002 88 002 88 002 262 388 37 538 224 850 73 649 151 201 117 455 23 609 93 846 27 623 66 224 34 072 195 33 877 8 788 25 089 16 949 3 955 12 994 4 082 8 912 56.1 33.6 65.8 34.0 63.3 59.4 41.9 69.3 33.2 90.4 39.8 30.3 77.5 5.0 82.5 59.7 54.7 61.9 29.1 89.9 57.6 38.6 71.3 40.6 89.9 51.7 41.0 55.2 28.3 92.3 53.9 22.5 74.4 47.9 81.9 59.7 21.9 96.2 96.2 48.3 31.1 85.1 73.3 90.8 49.4 49.4 49.4 51.6 20.5 69.2 48.4 87.6 48.4 26.2 61.6 35.1 89.9 61.0 1.1 87.5 89.5 86.8 49.5 26.2 67.7 41.8 94.4 1 662 018 439 456 1 222 562 855 750 366 811 18 745 5 377 13 368 11 631 1 737 9 483 9 229 254 254 18 590 2 374 16 216 13 558 2 658 6 132 1 996 4 136 3 286 850 224 943 25 168 199 775 190 107 9 669 22 092 16 293 5 799 1 225 4 574 23 324 23 063 261 261 7 502 6 108 1 394 932 462 17 734 17 734 17 734 75 15° 25 265 49 894 42 619 7 275 31 507 5 9C4 25 603 22 808 2 795 7 813 7 813 4 940 2 723 2 217 2 157 60 12.6 11.3 COUNTIES 13.4 26.5 MUNICIPALITIES 6.4 14.6 LOCAL, TOTAL 16.4 COUNTIES 36.6 3.4 19.5 23.8 2.6 BOROUGHS MUNICIPALITIES 2.8 12.0 5.0 15.0 27.3 MUNICIPALITIES 4.6 11.3 8.8 13.1 27.6 4.3 11.5 STATE 5.2 13.6 22.4 1.6 15.1 28.0 LOCAL, TOTAL 6.5 6.3 MUNICIPALITIES 6.6 12.8 25.7 0.3 0.3 19.5 23.3 11.4 23.4 MUNICIPALITIES 5.6 9.9 9.9 MUNICIPALITIES 9.9 14.6 13.8 15.4 COUNTIES 28.0 MUNICIPALITIES 4.2 13.0 6.5 16.8 COUNTIES 29.0 MUNICIPALITIES 3.8 HAWAII 14.0 45.7 . LOCAL, TOTAL _ COUNTIES _ MUNICIPALITIES _ 14.4 18.1 LOCAL, TOTAL 11.5 COUNTIES 22.1 MUNICIPALITIES 0.6 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 7. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 35 Legal services and prosecution Indigent defense Cor rections Other cri minal justice State and type of government Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system 652 964 178 355 474 609 269 088 205 521 5 205 2 467 2 738 1 544 1 194 4 352 3 187 1 165 599 566 7 765 1 249 6 516 4 343 2 173 2 457 799 1 658 1 067 591 118 099 18 389 99 710 76 375 23 334 8 380 716 7 664 4 067 3 597 7 559 4 448 3 111 3 111 1 529 1 096 433 132 301 11 328 11 328 11 328 28 982 17 451 11 531 5 641 5 890 9 251 3 146 6 105 4 412 1 603 5 133 1 481 3 652 784 2 668 1 961 446 1 515 1 081 434 5.0 4.6 5.2 8.3 3.5 4.1 5.3 3.4 5.1 2.3 9.0 8.2 11.9 95.0 6.2 5.0 2.7 6.0 8.7 3.7 4.5 3.5 5.3 8.9 3.0 6.1 3.8 6.8 9.0 3.8 5.7 1.2 8.7 20.9 5.2 4.1 5.0 3.3 3.3 4.0 4.2 3.5 3.3 3.6 6.4 6.4 6.4 5.7 9.5 3.6 3.7 3.4 3.8 3.5 4.0 5.6 2.3 9.2 8.7 9.4 8.0 9.9 5.7 3.0 7.9 11.1 4.6 152 964 51 683 101 261 78 951 22 329 1 161 1 067 94 67 27 1 026 1 000 26 26 2 337 2 337 2 131 206 301 27 274 270 4 33 090 33 090 31 979 1 111 2 650 2 148 502 502 1 621 1 585 36 36 430 430 1 902 1 902 1 902 8 606 7 501 1 107 899 209 1 964 844 1 120 1 062 58 750 750 598 598 598 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.4 0.4 0.9 2.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.1 2.6 0.3 0.3 1.5 2.2 4.3 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.9 2.3 (2) 1.7 2.3 3.8 0.2 1.8 3.7 0.6 (Z) 0.7 0.9 1.8 (21 (2) 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 4.1 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.7 1.4 0.1 1.3 4.4 1.7 3.1 6.1 3 025 867 1 812 529 1 213 338 881 726 331 612 25 573 16 901 8 672 6 776 1 897 13 827 13 086 741 741 32 766 16 893 15 873 15 180 692 13 730 10 729 3 001 2 465 535 550 947 233 788 317 159 304 933 12 226 33 639 25 217 8 422 4 713 3 709 39 775 39 731 44 44 9 662 9 662 57 730 57 730 57 730 125 058 93 252 31 806 24 940 6 866 80 421 55 171 25 250 22 365 2 885 7 520 6 353 1 167 227 940 9 617 7 751 1 866 1 838 27 23.3 46.5 13.3 27.3 5.7 20.0 36.5 10.6 22.5 3.7 26.5 33.8 7.6 6.1 21.1 35.9 14.7 30.6 1.2 25.3 47.2 9.5 20.7 2.7 28.2 48.0 21.7 35.9 2.0 22.9 43.3 9.5 24.3 5.4 21.8 44.3 (2) 1.2 0.3 1.6 2.9 1.1 1.1 1.7 4.2 1.3 2.5 0.4 1.1 (Z) 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.4 (Z) 0.6 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.7 1.2 4.2 1.7 3.7 (Z) (Z) 0.7 1.8 0.2 1.0 (Z) 1.3 0.4 1.7 3.6 0.6 0.8 0.4 1.0 2.1 0.1 0.8 1.5 3.6 0.2 0.7 2.7 0.1 0.1 (Z) 0.9 1.5 2.7 0.1 115 008 73 346 41 662 36 b 223 220 220 6.3 40 40 40 1.2 456 452 453 13.1 16 16 16 0.5 59 93 93 93 9.0 40 40 40 3.9 372 372 372 36.1 12 12 12 1.2 60 130 127 127 5.2 - _ - - 84 80 81 i.^ 4 4 4 0.2 bl 38 38 38 6.3 - - - - 20 16 17 2.8 4 4 4 0.7 bd 92 89 89 4.9 " - - - 64 64 64 3.5 " " " - b3 224 168 191 6.7 38 17 23 0.8 495 459 469 16.5 31 31 31 1.1 b4 33 32 32 3.6 - - - - 370 362 364 41.4 31 31 31 3.5 bb 191 136 159 8.1 38 17 23 1.2 125 97 105 5.4 - - - - bo 135 lit 121 12.0 38 17 23 2.3 122 94 102 10.1 - - - - 67 56 22 38 4.0 - - - - 3 3 3 0.3 - - - - bb 48 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 9. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time Total Total criminal j ,,, , yst » Police protection Judi cial Numbe r of employees Percent Number of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Percent n State and type of full-time equivalent employees 1 total full- total total | 3 Total Full- only Full-time lent lent employ - Total Full- time only Full-time lent system employ- Total Full- only Full-time lent justice system employ- l 233 883 51 886 47 100 49 311 21.1 34 444 31 073 32 602 66.1 6 683 6 030 6 336 12.6 ? 113 485 10 603 10 428 10 470 9.2 3 608 3 493 3 513 33.6 1 338 1 325 1 328 12.7 5 120 398 41 283 36 672 38 841 32.3 30 836 27 580 29 089 74.9 5 345 4 705 5 008 12.9 4 37 729 12 733 11 379 11 941 31.6 2 917 2 628 2 699 22.6 5 331 4 696 4 995 41.8 5 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 82 669 28 550 25 293 26 900 32.5 27 919 24 952 26 390 98.1 14 9 13 (Z) 6 117 616 18 367 15 974 16 908 14.4 10 904 10 018 10 182 60.2 2 471 1 803 2 223 13.1 7 54 304 4 629 4 391 4 582 6.4 1 975 1 915 1 928 42.1 305 127 305 6.7 6 63 312 13 738 11 563 12 326 19.5 8 929 6 103 8 254 67.0 2 166 1 676 1 918 15.6 9 30 218 4 246 3 366 3 782 12.5 1 374 1 189 1 228 32.5 1 276 1 044 1 180 31.2 10 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 33 094 9 492 8 197 8 544 25.8 7 555 6 914 7 026 62.2 888 632 736 8.6 68 791 35 691 9 866 2 640 7 748 2 411 8 228 2 461 12.0 6.9 5 900 864 4 622 849 4 862 850 59.1 34.5 1 385 370 946 161 1 047 225 12.7 9.1 \? 13 33 100 7 226 5 337 5 767 17.4 5 036 3 773 4 012 69.6 1 015 765 822 14.3 14 17 973 2 990 2 243 2 426 13.5 955 753 779 32.1 1 004 758 812 33.5 15 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 15 127 4 236 3 094 3 341 22.1 4 081 3 020 3 233 96.8 11 7 10 0.3 63 467 35 094 10 337 3 332 8 684 3 216 9 032 3 230 14.2 9.2 5 295 819 4 454 738 4 603 751 51.0 23.3 1 583 202 1 131 179 1 217 18C 13.5 5.6 17 IB 28 373 7 005 5 468 5 802 20.4 4 476 3 716 3 852 66.4 1 381 952 1 037 17.9 19 13 127 2 781 2 196 2 359 18.0 905 697 756 32.0 1 038 84<; 893 37.9 20 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 15 246 4 224 3 272 3 443 22.6 3 571 3 019 3 096 89.9 343 103 144 4.2 21 79 240 11 274 9 337 9 B08 12.4 6 547 5 833 5 951 60.7 1 825 1 121 1 263 12.9 22 51 454 3 369 3 245 3 266 6.3 1 565 1 499 1 513 46.3 141 141 141 4.3 23 27 786 7 905 6 092 6 542 23.5 4 982 4 334 4 438 67.8 1 684 980 1 122 17.2 24 11 586 3 579 2 592 2 877 24.8 1 3-3 1 050 1 105 38.4 1 345 88] 999 34.7 25 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 16 200 4 326 3 500 3 665 22.6 3 679 3 284 3 333 90.9 339 97 123 3.4 26 99 261 22 911 15 383 17 491 17.6 15 218 9 241 10 740 61.4 3 194 2 208 2 572 14.7 27 61 774 8 919 4 405 5 275 8.5 5 968 1 543 2 391 45.3 355 3C5 323 6.1 28 37 487 13 992 10 978 12 216 32.6 9 230 7 698 8 349 68.3 2 639 i 9o: 2 249 18.4 29 12 605 6 220 4 368 5 043 40.0 3 405 2 784 3 011 59.7 1 755 975 1 231 24.4 30 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 24 882 7 772 6 610 7 173 28.8 5 825 4 914 5 338 74.4 1 064 927 1 018 14.2 M 36 687 17 066 4 242 1 615 3 160 1 571 3 338 1 583 9.1 9.3 2 757 589 1 907 572 1 987 576 59.5 36.4 423 206 328 198 366 200 11.0 12.6 32 33 19 621 2 627 1 609 1 755 8.9 2 168 1 335 1 411 80.4 217 130 166 9.5 34 762 725 401 482 63.3 295 138 158 32.8 215 129 164 34.0 35 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 18 859 1 902 1 208 1 273 6.8 1 873 1 197 1 253 98.4 2 1 2 0.2 36 191 874 20 954 20 428 20 502 10.7 11 953 11 750 11 713 57.1 2 209 2 048 2 lib 10.3 37 61 117 8 723 8 605 8 636 14.1 2 414 2 406 2 409 27.9 1 098 1 044 1 059 12.3 38 130 757 12 231 11 823 11 864 9.1 9 539 9 344 9 304 78.4 1 111 1 00« 1 057 8.9 39 89 357 5 694 5 470 5 556 6.2 4 163 4 110 4 120 74.2 719 612 665 12.0 "40 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 41 400 6 537 6 353 6 308 15.2 5 376 5 234 5 184 82.2 392 392 392 6.2 41 243 425 27 495 24 993 25 686 10.6 17 424 15 490 15 938 62.0 3 469 3 148 3 253 12.7 12 69 725 6 845 6 769 6 793 9.7 2 479 2 412 2 435 35.8 581 57: 574 8.4 43 173 700 20 650 18 224 18 893 10.9 14 945 13 078 13 503 71.5 2 868 2 575 2 679 14.2 44 6 293 3 987 3 560 3 695 58.7 49 33 36 1.0 2 055 1 742 1 846 50.0 45 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 167 407 16 663 14 664 15 198 9.1 14 896 13 045 13 467 88.6 833 633 833 5.5 46 215 491 37 955 34 800 35 604 16.5 23 245 21 361 21 571 60.6 5 690 5 344 5 608 15.8 47 106 398 7 792 7 498 7 557 7.1 3 483 3 291 3 325 44.0 525 525 525 6.9 48 109 093 30 163 27 302 28 047 25.7 19 762 18 070 18 246 65.1 5 365 4 819 5 063 18.1 49 41 061 11 071 10 060 10 396 25.3 2 818 2 596 2 616 25.2 4 056 3 662 3 824 36.8 so MUNICIPALITIES. . . 68 032 19 092 17 242 17 651 25.9 16 944 15 474 15 630 88.6 1 309 1 157 1 259 7.1 51 96 815 14 172 11 872 12 364 12.8 8 545 7 103 7 266 58.9 1 711 1 466 1 547 12.5 V 48 100 2 929 2 809 2 846 5.9 1 127 1 091 1 102 38.7 128 127 127 4.5 bj LOCAL, TOTAL 48 715 11 243 9 063 9 518 19.5 7 418 6 012 6 184 65.0 1 583 1 33? 1 420 14.9 54 24 493 4 838 4 101 4 349 17.8 1 547 1 345 1 385 31.8 1 509 1 276 1 348 31.0 5b MUNICIPALITIES. . . 24 222 6 405 4 962 5 169 21.3 5 87l 4 667 4 799 92.8 74 63 72 1.4 56 62 975 7 203 5 924 6 316 10.0 4 716 4 111 4 243 67.2 912 458 627 9.9 5/ 33 181 2 361 2 310 2 317 7.0 1 151 1 127 1 131 48.8 115 106 107 4.6 5B 29 794 4 842 3 614 3 999 13.4 3 565 2 984 3 112 77.8 797 352 520 13.0 5J 16 849 1 837 1 125 1 371 8.1 822 623 653 47.6 715 315 469 34.2 60 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 12 945 3 005 2 469 2 628 20.3 2 743 2 361 2 459 93.6 82 37 51 1.° 61 104 955 21 796 19 012 19 711 18.8 13 158 11 860 12 182 61.8 3 458 2 724 2 877 14.6 6 2 55 926 4 926 4 713 4 763 8.5 1 818 1 731 1 744 36.6 659 84: 845 17.7 6J LOCAL, TOTAL 49 029 16 870 14 ?99 14 948 30.5 11 340 10 129 10 438 69.8 2 599 1 861 2 032 13.6 64 COUNTIES 15 685 4 962 4 089 4 401 28.1 1 768 1 554 1 633 37.1 1 526 1 249 1 357 3C.8 6 5 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 33 344 11 908 10 210 10 547 31.6 9 572 8 575 8 805 83.5 1 073 632 675 6.4 66 22 364 3 350 2 598 2 827 12.6 1 737 1 497 1 546 54.7 564 311 362 12.8 67 14 137 1 060 927 1 006 7.1 380 345 350 34.8 48 47 47 4.7 6a LOCAL, TOTAL 8 227 2 290 1 671 1 821 22.1 1 357 1 152 1 196 65.7 516 264 315 17.3 69 COUNTIES 5 032 1 326 947 1 055 21.0 553 465 488 46.3 426 243 287 27.2 70 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 3 195 964 724 766 24.0 804 687 708 92.4 90 21 28 3.7 end of table CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 49 equivalent employees by State and type of government, October 1974— Continued Legal s ervices and prosecution Indigent defense Oorr actions Other crir inal justl ce Numbe r of employees Percent of Number of employees Percent of Numbe Percent of Number of employees Percent of 1 crimi- crimi- crimi- crimi- Total Full- only Full-time lent nal justice employ - Total Full- only Full-time equiva- lent nal justice employ- Total Full- only Full-time equiva- lent nal justice system employ- Total Full- only Full-time lent nal justice employ - .1 2 536 2 105 2 339 4.7 507 413 474 1.0 7 592 7 356 7 437 15.1 124 123 123 C.2 1 685 638 657 6.3 93 93 93 0.9 4 767 4 767 4 767 45.5 112 112 112 1.1 2 1 851 1 467 1 682 4.3 414 320 381 1.0 2 825 2 589 2 670 6.9 12 11 11 (Z) 3 1 256 1 153 1 205 10.1 414 320 381 3.2 2 807 2 575 2 654 22.2 8 7 7 0.1 4 595 314 477 1.8 " - - " 13 14 16 0.1 4 4 4 (Z) 5 1 340 779 989 5.8 161 59 135 0.8 3 386 3 222 3 284 19.4 105 93 95 0.6 6 303 303 303 6.6 19 19 19 0.4 1 969 1 969 1 969 43.0 58 58 58 1.3 7 1 037 476 686 5.6 142 40 116 0.9 1 417 1 253 1 315 10.7 47 3b 37 0.3 8 497 262 396 10.5 108 40 84 2.2 967 838 880 23.3 22 13 14 0.4 9 540 214 290 3.4 34 - 32 0.4 450 415 435 5.1 25 22 23 0.3 10 560 384 446 5.4 27 11 20 0.2 1 946 1 739 1 806 21.9 48 46 47 0.6 11 101 84 87 3.5 - - - - 1 277 1 269 1 271 51.6 28 28 28 1.1 12 459 300 359 6.2 27 11 20 0.3 669 470 535 9.3 20 Id 19 0.3 13 332 250 278 11.5 27 11 20 0.8 661 462 527 21.7 11 9 10 0.4 14 127 50 81 2.4 - - - - 8 8 8 0.2 9 9 9 0.3 15 716 496 577 6.4 26 18 18 0.2 2 670 2 538 2 570 28.5 47 47 47 0.5 16 146 146 146 4.5 15 15 15 0.5 2 126 2 114 2 114 65.4 24 24 24 0.7 17 570 350 431 7.4 11 3 3 0.1 544 424 456 7.9 23 23 23 0.4 18 342 275 303 12.8 11 3 3 0.1 481 368 400 17.0 4 4 4 0.2 IV 228 75 128 3.7 - - - - 63 56 56 1.6 19 19 19 0.6 20 612 304 443 4.5 74 46 61 0.6 2 156 1 975 2 032 20.7 58 58 58 0.6 21 120 65 71 2.2 37 34 35 1.1 1 448 1 448 1 448 44.3 58 58 58 1.8 22 492 239 372 5.7 37 12 26 0.4 710 527 584 8.9 _ - _ • 23 275 174 230 8.0 37 12 26 0.9 619 473 517 18.0 - - - - 24 217 65 142 3.9 - - - - 91 54 67 1.8 - - - - 25 1 096 740 919 5.3 72 35 46 0.3 3 263 3 091 3 146 18.0 68 66 68 0.4 26 376 357 361 6.8 - - - - 2 139 2 139 2 139 40.5 61 61 61 1.2 27 720 383 558 4.6 72 35 46 0.4 1 124 952 1 007 8.2 7 7 7 0.1 28 422 155 296 5.9 39 6 15 0.3 599 447 490 9.7 - - _ . ?9 298 228 262 3.7 33 29 31 0.4 525 505 517 7.2 7 7 7 0.1 30 151 129 141 4.2 6 . 2 0.1 667 781 806 24.1 38 35 36 1.1 31 103 103 103 6.5 - - - - 679 663 668 42.2 36 35 36 2.3 32 48 26 38 2.2 6 - 2 0.1 188 118 138 7.9 - - _ _ 33 21 16 20 4.1 6 . 2 0.4 188 118 138 28.6 - - _ - 34 27 10 18 1.4 35 819 725 749 3.7 268 242 249 1.2 5 551 5 512 5 522 26.9 154 151 153 0.7 36 105 82 87 1.0 268 242 249 2.9 4 687 4 682 4 683 54.2 151 149 151 1.7 37 714 643 662 5.6 - - - - 864 830 839 7.1 3 2 2 (Z) 38 384 355 369 6.6 - - - - 425 391 400 7.2 3 2 2 (Z) 39 330 288 293 4.6 " - " - 439 439 439 7.0 - - - - 40 941 784 899 3.5 158 158 158 0.6 5 334 5 249 5 273 20.5 169 164 165 0.6 41 352 352 352 5.2 148 148 148 2.2 3 188 3 187 3 187 46.9 97 97 97 1.4 42 589 432 547 2.9 10 10 10 0.1 2 146 2 062 2 086 11.0 72 67 68 0.4 43 177 156 163 4.4 10 10 10 0.3 1 696 1 619 1 640 44.4 - - - - 44 412 276 384 2.5 - - - - 450 443 446 2.9 72 67 68 0.4 45 1 651 1 432 1 589 4.5 13« 122 129 0.4 6 933 6 447 6 613 18.6 97 94 94 0.3 46 260 260 260 3.4 83 83 83 1.1 3 389 3 287 3 312 43.8 52 52 52 0.7 4 7 1 391 1 172 1 329 4.7 56 39 46 0.2 3 544 3 160 3 301 11.8 45 42 42 0.1 48 945 893 918 8.8 55 38 45 0.4 3 173 2 848 2 970 28.6 24 23 23 0.2 49 446 279 411 2.3 1 1 1 371 312 331 1.9 21 19 19 0.1 50 882 541 670 5.4 152 72 104 0.8 2 754 2 576 2 635 21.3 128 114 122 1.0 51 104 87 96 3.4 11 10 10 0.4 1 489 1 426 1 442 50.7 70 68 69 2.4 52 778 454 574 6.0 141 62 94 1.0 1 265 1 150 1 193 12.5 56 46 53 0.6 S3 425 329 383 B.8 141 62 94 2.2 1 190 1 075 1 118 25.7 26 14 21 0.5 b4 353 125 191 3.7 - - " - 75 75 75 1.5 32 32 32 0.6 b5 332 186 250 4.0 26 9 20 0.3 1 163 1 106 1 122 17.8 54 54 54 0.9 56 101 101 101 4.4 - - - - 940 922 924 39.9 54 54 54 2.3 57 231 85 149 3.7 26 9 20 0.5 223 184 196 5.0 - - - - 58 120 52 95 6.9 17 5 12 0.9 163 130 142 10.4 - - _ . 59 111 33 54 2.1 9 u 8 0.3 60 54 56 2.1 - - - - 60 1 094 749 851 4.3 104 100 102 0.5 3 952 3 549 3 669 18.6 30 30 30 0.2 61 76 73 74 1.6 101 100 100 2.1 2 044 1 938 1 972 41.4 28 28 26 0.6 62 1 018 676 777 5.2 3 - 2 (Z) 1 908 1 611 1 697 11.4 2 2 2 (2) 63 511 426 466 10.6 2 - 1 (Z> 1 155 860 944 21.4 _ - - . 64 507 250 311 2.9 1 - 1 (Z) 753 751 753 7.1 2 2 2 (Z) 65 309 163 251 8.9 26 17 22 o.s 673 575 609 21.5 41 35 37 1.3 66 63 23 82 8.2 - - 508 477 490 48.7 41 35 37 3.7 67 226 140 169 9.3 26 17 22 1.2 165 98 119 6.5 . - _ _ 68 161 128 144 13.6 25 17 21 2.0 161 94 115 10.9 _ . _ _ 69 65 12 25 3.3 1 - 1 0.1 4 4 4 0.5 " " - - 70 50 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 9. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time State and type of government Total full-time equivalent employees 1 Total criminal justice syst. Police p -otection Judi cial s Numbe r of employees Percent of total full- Numb€ r of employees Percent of total Nu, be r of employees of total = a Total Full- Full-time equiva- equiva- Total Full- Full-time justice Total Full- Full-time justice only lent employ- only lent employ- only lent employ - i 2 3 4 5 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 46 722 26 313 20 409 11 096 9 313 5 912 1 910 4 002 1 430 2 572 4 978 1 846 3 132 1 100 2 032 5 244 1 862 3 382 1 197 2 185 11.2 7.1 16.6 10.8 23.5 3 283 574 2 709 512 2 1*7 2 778 558 2 220 431 1 789 2 940 560 2 360 455 1 925 56.1 30.1 70.4 38.0 68.1 677 477 400 296 104 782 451 331 235 96 804 459 345 248 97 15.3 24.7 10.2 20.7 4.4 19 754 8 786 10 968 7 446 3 522 3 915 845 3 070 2 178 892 3 752 819 2 933 2 092 841 3 809 824 2 985 2 126 859 19.3 9.4 27.2 28.6 24.4 2 150 218 1 932 1 231 701 2 097 207 1 890 1 218 672 2 105 209 1 896 1 222 674 55.3 25.4 63.5 57.5 76.5 397 62 335 253 82 332 54 278 207 71 361 56 305 225 80 9.5 6.8 10.2 10.6 9.3 7 8 9 10 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 11 12 13 It 15 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 24 535 11 882 12 653 2 32° 10 324 3 563 754 2 809 368 2 441 2 310 747 1 563 311 1 252 2 528 752 1 776 338 1 438 10.3 6.3 14.0 14.5 13.9 2 642 313 2 329 123 2 206 1 574 306 1 268 106 1 162 1 724 311 1 413 111 1 302 68.2 41.4 79.6 32.8 90.5 329 73 256 89 167 215 73 142 76 66 258 73 18b 83 102 10.2 9.7 10.4 24.6 7.1 16 17 16 19 20 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 211 035 69 813 141 222 44 308 96 914 42 233 8 767 33 466 10 694 22 772 38 520 8 415 30 105 10 263 19 842 39 649 8 557 31 092 10 391 20 701 18.8 12.3 22.0 23.5 21.4 25 097 3 353 21 744 1 283 20 461 22 976 3 132 19 844 1 233 18 611 23 353 3 218 20 135 1 251 18 884 58.9 37.6 64.6 12.0 91.2 5 643 602 4 641 3 245 1 596 4 648 799 4 049 3 082 967 5 198 799 4 399 3 121 1 278 13.1 9.3 14.1 30.0 6.2 21 22 23 24 25 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 36 225 23 873 12 352 4 637 7 715 4 715 2 092 2 623 634 1 989 4 533 2 027 2 506 597 1 909 4 575 2 035 2 540 606 1 934 12.6 8.5 20.6 13.1 25.1 2 951 783 2 168 461 1 687 2 854 722 2 132 463 1 669 2 871 729 2 142 468 1 674 62.8 35.8 84.3 77.2 86.6 577 417 160 39 121 523 415 ice 28 80 537 415 122 29 93 11.7 20.4 4.6 4.8 4.6 26 27 ?8 29 3 PARISHES MUNICIPALITIES. . . 734 200 188 416 545 784 97 320 448 464 128 489 22 563 105 926 29 303 76 623 113 390 22 383 91 007 19 996 71 Oil 115 438 22 432 93 006 20 447 72 559 15.7 11.9 17.0 21.0 16.2 74 537 6 692 67 845 10 235 57 610 71 312 6 656 64 656 9 886 54 770 72 024 6 665 65 359 9 981 55 378 62.4 29.7 70.3 48.8 76.3 16 265 1 823 14 442 5 640 6 802 11 901 1 814 10 067 3 449 6 638 12 678 1 815 10 863 3 496 7 367 11.0 6.1 11.7 17.1 10.2 31 32 33 J 4 35 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES. . . 220 049 77 047 143 002 115 660 27 34? 20 393 10 256 10 137 3 406 6 731 19 350 10 195 9 155 3 076 6 079 19 595 10 203 9 392 3 168 6 224 8.9 13.2 6.6 2.7 22.8 11 302 2 497 8 805 2 159 6 646 10 490 2 436 8 054 2 018 6 036 10 657 2 444 8 213 2 049 6 164 54.4 24.0 87.4 64.7 99.0 2 516 2 122 394 394 2 478 2 122 356 356 2 486 2 122 364 364 12.7 20.8 3.9 11.5 <6 37 58 39 40 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 16 513 10 338 6 175 3 213 2 96? 2 529 523 2 006 923 1 083 1 632 504 1 128 515 613 1 819 506 1 311 629 682 11.0 4.9 21.2 19.6 23.0 1 367 163 1 204 328 876 962 156 806 210 596 1 032 157 875 232 643 56.7 30.9 66.7 36.9 94.3 571 55 516 386 130 254 54 200 169 11 320 54 266 246 20 17.6 10.6 20.3 39.1 2.9 41 230 384 94 399 135 985 57 137 78 848 48 952 10 729 38 223 11 952 26 271 39 025 9 962 29 063 10 140 18 923 41 847 10 404 31 443 10 974 20 469 18.2 11.0 23.1 19.2 26.0 28 430 3 046 25 384 2 97l 22 413 21 680 2 948 18 732 2 612 16 120 22 854 2 971 19 883 2 715 17 168 54.6 28.6 63.2 24.7 83.9 7 963 435 7 54b 5 270 2 278 6 244 121 6 123 4 389 1 734 7 256 400 6 856 4 920 1 936 17.3 3.8 21.8 44.8 9.5 42 ■43 44 4 5 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 46 47 48 49 50 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . 77 359 44 950 32 409 12 269 20 140 10 370 3 913 6 457 1 654 4 803 9 324 3 870 5 454 1 438 4 016 9 669 3 883 5 786 1 536 4 250 12.5 8.6 17.9 12.5 21.1 6 123 1 470 4 653 625 4 028 5 682 1 427 4 255 581 3 674 5 849 1 440 4 400 596 3 813 60.5 37.1 76.2 38.8 89.7 1 427 405 1 022 650 372 1 068 405 663 544 119 1 161 405 756 605 151 12.0 10.4 13.1 39.4 3.6 ■51 60 897 36 755 24 142 13 080 11 062 10 100 3 332 6 768 3 500 3 268 9 032 3 149 5 883 3 059 2 824 9 304 3 194 6 110 3 172 2 938 15.3 8.7 25.3 24.3 26.6 5 525 1 303 4 222 1 272 2 950 5 108 1 258 3 850 1 142 2 708 5 153 1 262 3 891 1 164 2 727 55.4 39.5 63.7 36.7 92.8 1 325 249 1 076 692 184 1 021 163 838 766 52 1 119 196 923 818 105 12.0 6.1 15.1 25.8 3.6 52 53 54 55 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . 56 57 58 59 60 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . 241 702 126 426 115 276 36 592 78 684 51 489 11 350 40 139 10 031 30 108 46 391 11 022 35 369 8 633 26 736 47 728 11 066 36 662 9 120 27 542 19.7 6.8 31.8 24.9 35.0 30 834 5 820 25 014 032 24 o»2 27 347 5 508 21 839 809 21 030 28 041 5 538 22 503 841 21 662 5B. 8 50.0 61.4 9.2 78.7 8 774 1 072 7 702 4 492 i 210 8 081 1 056 7 025 3 819 3 206 8 339 1 070 7 269 4 063 3 206 1 7 .5 9.7 19.8 44.6 11.6 61 62 63 04 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES. . . 39 973 17 535 22 438 22 438 3 789 1 605 2 184 2 184 3 567 1 582 1 985 1 985 3 624 1 585 2 039 2 039 9.1 9.0 9.1 9.1 2 36l 301 2 060 2 060 2 204 288 1 916 1 916 2 231 289 1 942 1 942 61.6 18.2 95.2 95.2 49b 449 47 47 475 446 29 29 481 447 34 34 13.3 28.2 1.7 1.7 65 66 ^7 66 69 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . 73 394 48 403 24 991 14 798 10 193 9 964 3 577 6 387 3 301 3 086 8 931 3 563 5 368 2 735 2 633 9 227 3 566 5 661 2 932 2 729 12.6 7.4 22.7 19.8 26.8 5 460 1 276 4 164 1 377 2 807 5 066 1 267 3 799 1 281 2 518 5 154 1 268 3 886 1 310 2 576 55.9 35.6 68.6 44.7 94.4 1 469 86 1 381 1 206 173 1 032 68 944 860 64 1 159 88 1 071 988 83 12.6 2.5 18.9 33.7 3.0 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 51 equivalent employees by State and type of government, October 1974— Continued Legal s ervices and prosecution Indigen Corre ctxons Other crim xnal justice Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total Numb Percent total Number of employees Percent of total » | crimi- crimi- crimi- crimi- Total Full- only Pull-time equiva- lent nal justice system employ- Total Full- time only Full-time lent nal justice system employ- Total Full- time only Full-time nal justice employ- Total Full- time only Full-time nal justice system employ- a 193 313 359 6.8 91 40 49 0.9 1 093 996 1 022 19.5 75 69 70 1.3 i 33 33 33 1.8 - - - - 794 775 780 41.9 32 29 30 1.6 2 160 280 326 9.6 91 40 49 1.4 299 221 242 7.2 43 40 40 1.2 3 256 199 229 19.1 91 40 49 4.1 272 195 216 18.0 3 - - - 4 201 81 97 4.4 - - " - 27 26 26 1.2 40 40 40 1.8 5 305 290 296 7.8 64 60 62 1.6 970 947 956 25.2 29 26 27 0.7 6 51 52 52 6.3 6 5 5 0.6 478 477 477 57.9 27 24 25 3.0 7 251 238 214 8.2 58 55 57 1.9 192 470 481 16.1 2 2 2 0.1 8 181 179 180 8.5 58 55 57 2.7 150 431 440 20.7 2 2 2 0.1 9 67 59 64 7.5 " - - - 12 39 41 4.8 - - - - 10 105 56 72 2.8 _ _ - _ 470 448 457 18.1 17 17 17 0.7 11 10 10 40 5.3 - - - - 311 311 311 41.4 17 17 17 2.3 li 65 16 32 1.8 - - - - 159 137 146 8.2 - - - - 13 19 10 18 5.3 - - - - 137 119 126 37.3 - - - - 14 16 6 14 1.0 " - - - 22 IB 20 1.4 - - - - 15 2 750 2 276 2 546 6.4 695 610 641 1.6 7 823 7 603 7 700 19.4 225 207 211 0.5 16 397 393 393 4.6 686 608 637 7.4 3 417 3 371 3 398 39.7 112 112 112 1.3 17 2 353 1 883 2 153 6.9 9 2 4 (Z) 4 106 4 232 4 302 13.8 113 95 99 0.3 18 1 691 1 616 1 660 16.0 - - - - 1 391 4 232 4 287 41.3 81 70 72 0.7 19 659 237 493 2.4 9 2 4 (Z) 15 - 15 0.1 32 25 27 0.1 20 259 238 246 5.4 42 42 42 0.9 812 832 835 18.3 44 44 44 1.0 21 196 196 196 9.6 40 40 10 2.0 618 616 617 30.3 38 3b 38 1.9 2 2 63 12 50 2.0 2 2 2 0.1 224 216 218 8.6 6 6 6 0.2 ?} 7 5 6 1.0 - - - - 101 95 97 16.0 6 6 b 1.0 24 56 37 44 2.3 2 2 2 0.1 123 121 121 6.3 - - - - 2b 5 911 5 198 5 492 4.8 195 133 175 0.2 30 024 23 331 23 550 20.4 1 524 1 515 1 519 1.3 26 1 190 1 190 1 190 5.3 - - - - 12 054 11 920 11 959 53.3 804 803 803 3.6 27 1 751 1 008 4 302 1.6 195 133 175 0.2 17 970 11 411 11 591 12.5 720 712 716 0.8 28 1 613 1 166 1 551 7.6 191 133 174 0.9 11 591 5 033 5 213 25.5 30 29 29 0.1 29 3 HI 2 512 2 718 3.8 1 - 1 (Z) 6 379 6 378 6 378 8.8 690 683 687 0.9 30 138 313 383 2.0 103 103 103 0.5 5 971 5 877 5 905 30.1 63 59 61 0.3 31 287 287 287 2.8 103 103 103 1.0 5 196 5 196 5 196 50.9 51 51 51 0.5 32 151 56 96 1.0 - - - - 775 681 709 7.5 12 8 10 0.1 ii 73 20 13 1.4 - - - - 768 674 702 22.2 12 B 10 0.3 ^4 78 36 53 0.9 - - - - 7 7 7 0.1 - " - - 3b 232 120 152 8.4 5 3 4 0.2 338 278 296 16.3 16 15 15 0.8 36 35 35 35 6.9 - - - - 254 244 247 48.6 16 15 15 3.0 37 197 85 117 8.9 5 3 4 0.3 84 34 49 3.7 - - - - >,b 125 82 101 16.1 5 3 4 0.6 79 31 46 7.3 - - - - 39 72 3 16 2.3 - - - - 5 3 3 0,4 " - - - 40 2 181 1 762 2 145 5.1 51 23 38 0.1 9 892 9 211 9 447 22.6 112 105 107 0.3 Ml 595 527 554 5.3 5 5 5 (Z) 6 561 6 277 6 389 61.4 87 84 85 0.8 42 1 889 1 235 1 591 5.1 16 18 33 0.1 3 331 2 934 3 058 9.7 25 21 22 0.1 43 936 763 836 7.6 32 12 22 0.2 2 736 2 360 2 476 22.6 7 4 5 (Z) " 4 953 172 755 3.7 11 6 11 0.1 595 574 582 2.8 18 17 17 0.1 ub 639 165 524 5.4 50 25 36 0.4 2 036 1 989 2 004 20.7 95 95 95 1.0 46 103 103 103 10.4 - - - - 1 603 1 603 1 603 41.3 32 32 32 0.8 47 236 62 121 2.1 50 25 36 0.6 433 386 401 6.9 63 63 63 1.1 4 b 1 2 3 0.2 18 23 34 2.2 327 288 298 19.4 - - - - <)9 232 60 118 2.8 2 2 2 (Z) 106 96 103 2.4 63 63 63 1.5 50 780 661 719 7.7 21 15 16 0.2 2 39B 2 180 2 248 24.2 51 47 49 0.5 51 280 261 267 8.4 12 9 10 0.3 1 456 1 403 1 427 44.7 32 32 32 1.0 V 500 397 152 7.1 9 6 6 0.1 942 777 821 13.4 19 13 17 0.3 b3 391 357 371 11.7 8 6 6 0.2 933 768 812 25.6 1 - 1 (Z) 54 106 10 81 2.8 1 - " - 9 9 9 0.3 18 15 16 0.5 55 2 377 1 833 2 081 4.4 387 323 355 0.7 8 944 B 634 8 739 18.3 173 173 173 0.4 56 277 277 277 2.5 - - - - 4 008 4 008 4 008 36.2 173 173 173 1.6 57 2 100 1 556 1 801 4.9 387 323 355 1.0 4 936 4 626 4 731 12.9 - - _ - 58 1 218 990 1 061 11.7 387 323 355 3.9 3 002 2 692 2 797 30.7 - - _ - 59 882 566 740 2.7 - - - - 1 934 1 934 1 934 7.0 - - - - 60 137 100 123 3.4 27 27 27 0.7 745 738 739 20.4 23 23 23 0.6 61 69 69 69 4.4 27 27 27 1.7 745 738 739 46.6 11 14 14 0.9 62 68 31 54 2.6 - _ - - - - - _ 9 9 9 0.4 63 68 31 54 2.6 9 9 9 0.4 64 275 161 208 2.3 13 9 11 0.1 2 665 2 583 2 616 26.4 62 77 79 0.9 65 89 89 89 2.5 - - - - 2 048 2 048 2 046 57.4 76 71 73 2.0 6 186 75 119 2.1 13 9 11 0.2 617 535 568 10.0 6 b 6 0.1 67 126 63 92 3.1 12 9 11 0.4 576 502 531 18.1 _ - _ . 68 60 12 27 1.0 1 " - - 39 33 37 1.4 6 6 6 0.2 64 52 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 9. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time full-ti. equivalent employe Number of employe Full-ti Number of employe Full-time lent SOUTH DAKOTA 18 293 2 351 1 763 STATE 11 321 541 501 LOCAL/ TOTAL 6 972 1 810 1 282 COUNTIES 3 526 765 539 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 3 446 1 045 743 TENNESSEE 179 307 15 894 14 274 STATE 55 221 4 271 4 178 LOCAL/ TOTAL 124 086 11 623 10 096 COUNTIES 63 602 3 882 3 245 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 60 484 7 741 6 851 TEXAS 271 581 45 306 41 883 STATE 135 707 10 535 10 336 LOCAL/ TOTAL 135 874 34 771 31 547 COUNTIES 50 273 14 344 12 488 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 85 601 20 427 19 059 UTAH 35 644 4 367 3 702 STATE 24 991 1 512 1 381 LOCAL, TOTAL 10 653 2 855 2 321 COUNTIES 5 584 1 164 983 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 5 069 1 691 1 338 VERMONT 13 234 1 983 1 590 STATE 9 841 1 145 1 084 LOCAL/ TOTAL 3 393 838 506 COUNTIES 28 34 17 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 3 365 804 489 VIRGINIA 231 089 22 252 16 270 STATE 78 324 10 779 7 351 LOCAL, TOTAL 152 765 11 473 8 919 PARISHES 79 670 4 376 2 761 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 73 095 7 097 6 158 WASHINGTON 91 562 15 537 13 492 STATE 56 636 4 485 4 344 LOCAL, TOTAL 34 926 11 052 9 148 COUNTIES 15 277 5 353 4 571 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 19 649 5 699 4 577 WEST VIRGINIA 374 493 5 224 4 654 STATE 361 705 1 891 1 836 LOCAL/ TOTAL 12 788 3 333 2 818 COUNTIES 5 145 1 720 1 453 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 7 643 1 613 1 365 WISCONSIN 142 811 18 717 16 211 STATE 50 438 4 768 4 500 LOCAL, TOTAL 92 373 13 949 11 711 COUNTIES 33 421 5 127 4 353 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 58 952 8 822 7 358 WYOMING 12 541 1 782 1 440 STATE 7 417 610 549 LOCAL, TOTAL ^124 1 172 891 COUNTIES 3 240 531 381 MUNICIPALITIES. . . 1 884 641 510 1 918 508 1 410 601 14 707 4 205 10 502 3 434 7 066 42 966 10 392 32 574 13 116 19 458 3 907 1 419 2 488 1 071 1 417 1 095 550 24 5?6 18 780 8 859 9 921 3 456 6 465 13 949 4 378 9 571 4 805 4 766 4 845 1 850 2 995 1 549 1 446 16 908 4 570 12 338 4 612 7 726 1 535 561 974 43? 542 19.2 28.0 27.4 31. 24.3 13.8 13.1 7.6 19.0 13. 1 362 187 1 175 262 913 9 134 1 274 7 860 1 347 6 513 27 530 5 438 22 092 3 877 18 215 2 562 560 2 002 607 1 395 1 209 413 796 8 788 12 920 5 030 7 890 2 708 5 182 8 199 1 570 6 629 1 879 4 750 2 954 940 2 014 517 1 497 12 018 1 437 10 581 2 239 8 342 95i IB? 76Q 223 546 1 109 184 925 212 713 8 232 1 199 7 033 1 172 5 861 3 583 17 525 2 271 535 1 736 556 1 180 886 490 4 486 8 886 2 034 6 852 1 871 4 981 7 374 1 491 5 883 1 721 4 162 2 736 914 1 822 483 1 339 10 447 1 265 9 182 1 961 7 221 839 161 678 189 489 1 151 184 967 216 751 8 438 1 217 7 221 1 215 6 006 26 687 5 329 21 358 3 671 17 687 2 341 540 1 801 590 1 211 922 397 525 5 520 10 696 3 396 7 300 2 245 5 055 7 483 1 502 5 981 1 747 4 234 2 809 918 1 891 495 1 396 10 737 1 303 9 434 2 016 7 418 853 167 686 195 491 60. 36.2 68. 35. 92. 57. 85.0 62.1 51. 65.6 28.0 90.9 59.9 38.1 72. 55.1 85.5 56. 36. 95.5 20.8 98. 57.0 38. 73. 65.0 78. 53. 34. 58.0 49.6 96.0 55.6 29.8 70.4 45.1 90. 291 221 70 2 429 313 2 116 1 456 656 7 144 450 6 694 5 468 1 226 H69 129 340 144 196 213 lev 2 161 1 033 1 148 613 535 2 160 229 1 931 1 437 494 810 95 715 658 57 1 991 419 1 572 1 369 203 244 46 196 149 17? 150 22 2 054 311 1 743 1 232 511 5 703 447 5 261 4 456 805 319 108 211 189 177 :? 1 760 1 031 749 38 7 36? 1 537 223 1 314 1 066 228 626 9? 534 518 16 1 571 398 1 173 1 164 208 177 31 153 312 841 291 550 200 447 753 931 372 113 259 109 150 197 180 1 920 1 031 889 473 416 1 703 224 1 479 1 217 262 676 93 565 561 1 729 413 1 316 1 262 54 14.8 29.5 36.6 4.B 12.0 16.4 5.1 15.5 25.3 10.2 9.0 136 115 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Z Less than half the unit of measurement shown. 'The relation of criminal Justice full-time equivalent employe nly and does not include data for locally operated utility syste total fun-time equivalent employees is based on dat for independent school districts and special distrlc for general purpose gover CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 53 equivalent employees by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued Legal s erv.ces and prosecut ion Indigen defense Corre ctions Other crim inal justi ce Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent total Number of employees Percent of total s crimi- crimi- crimi- crimi- a Full- Full-time nal justice employ- Full- Full-time nal Full- Full-time nal Full- Full-time nal justice system employ- a Total only equiva- lent Total only eq ient" employ- Total time only lent system employ- Total only equiva- lent 3 ees ees ees ees 258 149 184 9.6 24 3 9 0.5 359 296 312 16.3 12 11 11 0.6 1 65 54 56 11.0 - _ - - 232 209 214 42.1 12 11 11 2.2 2 193 95 126 9.1 24 3 9 0.6 127 87 98 7.0 - - - - 3 135 87 103 17.1 24 3 9 1.5 123 87 96 16.0 - - - - 4 58 8 25 3.1 - - " - 4 " 2 0.2 " " " - 5 575 369 437 3.0 59 56 58 0.4 3 646 3 512 3 570 24.3 51 51 51 0.3 6 257 257 257 6.1 11 9 10 0.2 2 386 2 372 2 379 56.6 30 30 30 0.7 7 318 112 ISO 1.7 48 47 48 0.5 1 260 1 140 1 191 11.3 21 21 21 0.2 8 148 27 64 1.9 31 30 31 0.9 888 774 823 24.0 10 10 10 0.3 9 170 85 116 1.6 17 17 17 0.2 372 366 368 5.2 11 11 11 0.2 10 2 566 2 170 2 323 5.4 50 7 17 (2) 7 733 7 327 7 460 17.4 283 277 279 0.6 11 415 414 414 4.0 - . - - 4 154 4 111 4 124 39.7 78 78 78 0.8 12 2 151 1 756 1 909 5.o 50 7 17 0.1 3 579 3 216 3 336 10.2 205 199 201 0.6 13 1 500 1 350 1 397 10.7 50 7 17 0.1 3 255 2 904 3 019 23.0 194 188 190 1.4 14 651 406 512 2.6 - - - - 324 312 317 1.6 11 11 11 0.1 15 316 222 255 6.5 9 _ 3 0.1 975 656 901 23.1 36 34 35 0.9 16 92 70 78 5.5 - - - - 695 634 653 46.0 36 34 35 2.5 17 224 152 177 7.1 9 _ 3 0.1 280 222 248 10.0 - - - - 18 127 116 123 11.5 9 - 3 0.3 277 221 246 23.0 - - - - 19 97 36 54 3.8 - - - - 3 1 2 0.1 " - - - 20 92 76 80 4.9 4 4 4 0.2 443 413 420 25.5 22 22 22 1.3 21 76 73 74 6.8 4 4 4 0.4 441 412 418 38.2 22 22 22 2.0 22 16 3 6 1.1 - - - - 2 1 2 0.4 - - - - 23 _ - - . - . - - 2 1 2 8.3 - - - - 24 16 3 6 1.1 25 1 052 363 647 3.4 11 11 11 0.1 6 007 5 158 5 430 28.9 81 72 76 0.4 26 466 62 201 2.3 11 11 11 0.1 4 178 4 152 4 159 46.9 61 61 61 0.7 27 586 301 446 4.5 - - - - 1 629 1 006 1 271 12.8 20 11 15 0.2 2 8 287 141 235 6.8 - - - - 748 351 488 14.1 20 11 15 0.4 29 299 160 211 3.3 " - - - 1 081 655 783 12.1 - - - " 30 1 048 727 830 6.0 42 36 39 0.3 4 041 3 776 3 851 27.6 47 40 43 0.3 31 234 215 220 5.0 - - - - 2 426 2 392 2 408 55.0 26 23 24 0.5 32 814 512 610 6.4 42 38 39 0.4 1 015 1 384 1 443 15.1 21 17 19 0.2 33 451 399 421 8.8 42 38 39 0.8 1 523 1 310 1 362 28.3 21 17 19 0.4 34 363 113 189 4.0 - - - - 92 74 81 1.7 - - " - 3b 323 258 283 5.8 - _ . . 1 102 999 1 040 21.5 35 35 35 0.7 36 61 60 60 3.2 - - - - 760 735 744 40.2 35 35 35 1.9 37 262 198 223 7.4 - - - - 342 264 296 9.9 - - - - 3 b 204 188 198 12.8 - - - - 341 264 295 19.0 - - - - 39 58 10 25 1.7 - - - - 1 - 1 0.1 " - - " 40 893 629 815 4.8 29 15 19 0.1 3 747 3 515 3 571 21.1 39 34 37 0.2 4 1 179 141 148 3.2 14 14 14 0.3 2 682 2 648 2 657 58.1 37 34 35 0.8 42 714 488 667 5.4 15 1 5 (Z) 1 065 867 914 7.4 2 - 2 (Z) 43 437 360 413 9.0 15 1 5 0.1 1 065 667 914 19.8 2 - 2 (Z) 44 277 128 254 3.3 45 169 109 141 9.2 8 2 3 0.2 397 325 342 22.3 13 13 13 0.8 46 48 45 46 8.2 - - - - 319 283 288 51.3 13 13 13 2.3 47 121 64 95 9.8 8 2 3 0.3 78 42 54 5.5 - - - - 46 78 56 69 16.0 8 2 3 0.7 73 38 50 11.6 - - - - 4 9 43 8 26 4.8 - - - - 5 4 4 0.7 - - - - ^0 54 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll 1 Total criminal justice system Police protection Judi ;ial State and type of government October payroll Percent of total October payroll October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system STATES 5 434 658 2 397 376 3 037 282 1 051 271 1 936 Oil 65 606 40 741 24 865 8 116 16 749 30 459 15 965 14 494 8 680 5 814 53 107 29 042 24 066 9 701 14 365 30 606 21 244 9 562 4 584 4 978 609 677 242 287 367 390 206 595 160 795 64 134 37 943 26 191 7 897 18 294 118 002 36 216 81 786 81 786 16 229 11 580 4 648 1 363 3 286 51 629 51 629 51 629 169 555 81 630 87 926 40 489 47 437 89 566 56 403 33 162 13 446 19 716 39 570 30 475 9 094 2 272 6 623 16 526 11 320 5 206 2 594 2 612 912 303 252 214 660 088 216 430 443 659 8 433 2 456 5 977 2 074 3 903 3 033 2 091 942 35 907 9 882 2 675 7 207 3 280 3 927 3 225 1 171 2 054 680 1 374 136 606 31 494 105 113 57 484 47 629 10 570 3 900 6 670 1 197 5 473 11 861 5 389 6 472 6 472 2 621 1 778 844 304 540 12 513 12 513 12 513 38 050 13 901 24 149 10 608 13 541 15 108 4 807 10 302 4 847 5 454 3 867 1 141 2 725 713 2 013 2 120 839 1 281 578 703 16.8 10.5 21.7 20.6 22.3 12.9 6.0 24.0 25.6 23.3 10.0 13.1 6.5 0.4 15.6 18.6 9.2 29,9 33.8 27.3 10.5 5.5 21.5 14.8 27.6 22.4 13.0 28.6 27. a 29.6 16.5 10.3 25.5 15.2 29.9 10.1 14.9 7.9 7.9 16.2 15.4 18,1 22.3 16.4 24.2 24.2 24.2 22.4 17.0 27.5 26.2 28.5 16.9 8.5 31.1 36.0 27.7 9.8 3.7 30.0 31.4 29.5 12.8 7.4 2t.6 22.3 26.9 550 907 88 426 462 481 78 380 384 101 5 366 1 041 4 325 760 3 565 1 546 750 796 3 793 6 042 1 399 4 643 1 077 3 566 2 050 524 1 526 296 1 229 74 002 13 218 60 784 16 671 44 113 6 153 965 5 186 625 4 563 7 577 1 270 6 307 6 307 1 307 613 693 229 464 7 547 7 547 7 547 20 852 2 529 18 323 5 951 12 371 8 454 1 456 6 998 1 997 5 001 2 467 9 2 458 637 1 821 1 235 273 961 296 665 60.4 35.1 70.1 36.2 86.6 63.6 42.4 72.4 36.6 91.3 51.0 35.9 84.5 9.1 87.5 61.1 52.3 64.4 32.8 90.8 63.6 44.6 74.3 43.5 89.5 54.2 42.0 57.8 29,0 92.6 58.2 24.7 77.8 52.2 83.4 63.9 23.6 97,4 97,4 49.8 34.5 82.2 75.6 85.9 60,3 60.3 60.3 54.6 18.2 75.9 56.1 91.4 56.0 30.3 67.9 41.2 91.7 63. e 0.8 90.2 89.4 90.5 58.2 32.6 75.0 51.3 94.6 114 300 33 220 81 080 56 425 24 655 1 251 341 910 791 119 502 463 20 20 1 160 18° 971 807 163 398 139 259 190 68 14 429 1 940 12 468 11 804 664 1 686 1 249 437 63 374 1 057 1 054 4 4 502 395 107 64 43 1 178 1 178 1 178 5 170 1 978 3 192 2 77? 420 2 016 48? 1 535 1 335 200 528 526 359 227 13? 128 4 12.5 COUNTIES 12.3 5.6 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES POROUGHS MUNICIPALITIES STATE MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITIES STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES STATE 9.4 LOCAL, TOTAL 9.4 MUNICIPALITIES 9.4 13.6 LOCAL, TOTAL 13.2 COUNTIES 26.1 MUNICIPALITIES 3.1 13.3 STATE LOCAL, TOTAL 14,9 COUNTIES 27.5 MUNICIPALITIES 3.7 13.7 46.3 MUNICIPALITIES 17.0 STATE 27.1 LOCAL, TOTAL 10.3 COUNTIES 22.2 MUNICIPALITIES 0.6 See footnotes at end of table. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 55 Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal services and prosecution Indiger t defense Corr ections Other criminal justice State and type of government October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system 49 163 13 579 35 584 22 193 13 366 362 186 194 110 64 333 245 88 32 56 683 106 577 393 164 168 61 107 65 42 9 746 1 188 8 558 6 752 1 806 641 47 594 322 272 523 373 150 150 126 85 43 10 33 261 261 261 2 101 1 604 497 177 319 675 264 411 312 99 312 129 183 60 123 145 32 112 80 32 5.4 5.4 5,4 10.3 3.0 4.5 7.7 3.2 5.3 2.1 11.0 11.7 9.3 90.9 6.2 6.9 4.0 8.0 12.0 4.7 5.2 5.2 5.2 9.6 3.1 7.1 3.8 8.1 11.7 3.8 6.1 1.2 8.0 26.9 5.0 4.4 6.9 2.3 2.3 4.9 4.8 5.1 3.4 6.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 5.5 11.5 2.1 1.7 2.4 4.5 5.5 4.0 6.4 1.8 8.1 11.3 6.7 8.5 6.1 6.6 3.9 8.F 13.9 4.5 6 979 2 950 4 029 3 849 180 5 3 2 2 1 62 62 147 147 147 1 22 1 21 21 2 279 2 279 2 193 86 159 159 116 114 2 2 27 27 705 680 25 19 6 60 3 57 52 5 45 45 14 14 14 0.8 1.2 0.6 1.8 (2) 0.1 0.1 (Z) 0.1 (Z) 2.1 3.0 1.5 2.0 4.5 (Z) 0.7 0.1 1.0 3.1 1.7 2.2 3.8 0.2 1.5 4.1 1.0 2.1 (Z) (Z) 1.0 1.5 1.9 4.9 0.1 0.2 (Z) 0.4 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.1 1.2 4.0 0.7 1.1 2.5 185 577 110 710 74 867 55 027 19 840 1 393 850 544 411 132 571 534 37 37 1 611 943 868 856 13 561 420 141 107 34 35 768 14 913 20 655 19 963 892 1 884 1 443 441 184 258 2 542 2 539 3 3 637 637 3 486 3 486 3 486 9 058 7 035 2 024 1 615 409 3 867 2 566 1 301 1 151 150 494 412 82 12 69 337 276 61 59 2 20.3 43.9 11.3 25.4 4.5 16.5 34.6 9.1 19.8 3.4 18.8 25.5 3.9 4.1 18.3 35.2 12.1 26.1 0.3 17.4 35.8 6.9 15.7 2.5 26.2 47.4 19.8 34.7 1.9 17.8 37.0 6.6 15.3 4.7 21.4 47.1 (Z) (Z) 24.3 35.8 27.9 27.9 27.9 23.8 50.6 8.4 15.2 3.0 25.6 53.4 12.6 23.7 2.7 12.8 36.1 3.0 1.8 3.4 15.9 32.9 4.8 10.2 0.3 5 376 3 329 2 047 551 1 497 36 34 2 2 16 17 1 1 38 38 25 25 382 234 148 100 48 47 37 1.0 4 6 47 40 7 7 20 20 42 42 42 164 76 88 73 15 37 36 1 1 21 16 3 3 30 30 0.6 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES , 0.3 0.3 0.4 (Z) MUNICIPALITIES 0.1 0.6 0.8 0.1 LOCAL, TOTAL , . BOROUGHS MUNICIPALITIES 0.1 0.4 1.4 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES ARKANSAS 0.8 2.2 COUNTIES 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.8 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. ....... COUNTIES. ........... MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES - MUNICIPALITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . 0.3 LOCAL, TOTAL 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.8 (Z) (Z) MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . GEORGIA ... LOCAL, TOTAL , COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 0.5 1.6 0.1 0.4 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 1.4 3.5 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES end of table. 56 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) - Total October Total criminal justice system Police protection Jud cial State and type of government October payroll Percent of total October October Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system 222 002 110 962 in om 29 511 61 530 84 277 44 673 39 604 16 395 23 209 56 163 33 608 22 556 11 308 11 248 45 342 28 111 17 231 6 711 10 520 54 909 37 690 17 219 6 388 10 831 68 540 45 770 22 770 7 325 15 445 27 090 13 353 13 737 414 13 323 178 243 54 949 123 294 88 693 34 600 223 174 61 040 162 133 4 704 157 429 219 350 111 361 107 990 36 744 71 245 89 832 49 034 40 798 18 926 21 b7? 39 006 23 503 15 503 8 256 7 247 82 121 45 180 36 941 9 927 27 014 17 741 12 421 5 320 2 957 2 363 52 038 11 596 40 443 10 169 30 273 13 030 4 101 8 930 2 412 6 517 6 873 2 475 4 399 1 716 2 683 6 445 2 472 3 973 1 404 2 569 7 632 2 649 4 983 2 004 2 980 12 543 4 078 8 464 3 365 5 099 2 600 1 335 1 265 279 986 21 169 9 215 11 954 6 115 5 840 26 342 6 670 19 672 3 465 16 207 40 171 8 940 31 231 10 293 20 938 12 422 3 037 9 385 4 052 5 333 4 387 1 900 2 488 853 1 635 16 373 3 991 12 382 3 130 9 252 2 163 868 1 295 698 598 23.4 10.5 36.4 34.5 37.1 15.5 9.2 22.5 14.7 28. 1 12.2 7.4 19.5 15.2 23.8 14.2 8.8 23.1 20.9 24.4 13.9 7.0 28.9 31.4 27.5 18.3 8.9 37.2 45.9 33.0 9.6 10.0 9.2 67.4 7.4 11.9 16.8 9.7 6.9 16.9 11.8 10.9 12.1 73.7 10.3 18.3 8.0 28.9 28.0 29.4 13.8 6.2 23.0 21.4 24.4 11.2 8.1 16.0 10.3 22.6 19.9 8.8 33.5 31.5 34.3 12.2 7.0 24.3 23.6 25.3 36 069 3 878 32 190 2 396 29 795 a U6 1 747 6 369 829 5 541 4 Oil 871 3 140 555 2 586 3 382 629 2 753 445 2 307 4 805 1 221 3 584 862 2 722 7 630 1 728 5 902 2 071 3 831 1 539 469 1 070 101 969 12 070 2 608 9 461 4 714 4 748 16 944 2 480 14 463 32 14 432 25 345 3 894 21 451 2 601 18 850 7 413 1 254 6 159 1 234 4 925 2 905 960 1 944 419 1 526 10 670 1 581 9 089 1 268 7 622 1 175 289 886 334 551 69.3 33.4 79.6 23.6 98.4 62.3 42.6 71.3 34.4 85.0 58.4 35.2 71.4 32.3 96,4 52.5 25.5 69.3 31.7 89.8 63.0 46.1 71.9 43.0 91.3 60.8 42.4 69.7 61.5 75.1 59.2 35.1 84.6 36.3 98.3 57.0 28.3 79.1 77.1 81.3 64.3 37.2 73.5 0.9 89.0 63.1 43.6 68.7 25.3 90.0 59.7 41.3 65.6 30.5 92.3 66.2 50.5 78.2 49.1 93.3 65.2 39.6 73.4 40.5 84.5 54.3 33.4 68.4 47.9 92.3 6 127 2 276 3 851 3 843 8 1 530 377 1 153 710 443 967 403 564 559 5 871 254 617 521 97 978 257 721 621 100 1 943 462 1 462 806 676 276 191 85 83 1 2 174 1 232 942 614 329 3 308 720 2 587 1 702 865 5 799 958 4 641 3 636 1 205 1 569 261 1 308 1 229 80 522 197 325 294 31 2 257 9C0 1 357 863 495 266 82 204 163 21 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES 12.6 31.0 MUNICIPALITIES 15.5 STATE MUNICIPALITIES 10.6 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES MASSACHUSETTS LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES COUNTIES 34.5 MUNICIPALITIES 1.9 COUNTIES 27.6 MUNICIPALITIES 5.3 13.2 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 57 Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) State and type of gov Indigent defe total justic ILLINOIS STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES INDIANA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES IOWA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES KANSAS STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES KENTUCKY STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES LOUISIANA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL PARISHES MUNICIPALITIES. . . . . MAINE STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MARYLAND STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MASSACHUSETTS STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MICHIGAN STATE LOCAL, TOTAL „ COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MINNESOTA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL, COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . . . MISSISSIPPI STATE LOCAL, TOTAL. ...... COUNTIES . MUNICIPALITIES MISSOURI . . . STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES MONTANA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table 322 522 800 344 456 742 310 433 232 201 417 no 306 231 445 134 310 201 110 284 171 113 731 358 373 177 190 877 116 761 417 344 811 321 490 136 352 on 377 635 137 498 738 122 616 396 220 212 117 4.5 4.5 4.5 13.2 1.5 5.7 4.7 3.0 5.7 e.a 4.4 672 5.4 354 11.3 318 3.4 1B4 8.5 7b 8.7 109 8.4 B8 12.7 510 106 404 404 1.0 0.9 165 156 148 109 0.4 0.3 0.4 o.i 1.5 3.4 2.4 !Z) (Z) (Z) 6 855 4 668 2 186 2 175 12 2 461 1 598 863 56b 298 1 417 1 061 356 349 1 694 1 422 272 2 33 39 1 389 1 Oil 377 332 45 2 155 1 486 669 303 3«>0 5 559 4 773 786 367 419 4 937 2 885 2 052 1 583 469 6 754 3 538 3 217 2 853 363 2 500 1 329 1 171 1 089 82 688 581 107 372 312 259 645 615 463 382 13.2 40.3 5.4 21.4 (Z) 18.9 39.0 9.7 23.5 4.6 20.6 42.9 1,5 18.2 38.2 7.6 16.6 1.5 17.2 36.4 7.9 6.6 29.8 7.2 18.7 43.3 10." 45.7 2.9 16.8 39.6 10.3 27.7 1.7 20.1 43.8 12.5 26.9 1.5 15.7 30.6 10.2 20.6 11.1 0.7 177 106 58 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll' Total criminal justice system Police protection Judi cial State and type of government October Percent of total October payroll October Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system 34 525 21 050 13 175 6 255 7 219 19 211 8 652 10 559 6 936 3 623 18 853 9 809 9 Oil 1 165 7 879 199 793 71 743 128 050 36 781 91 269 26 116 18 241 8 174 2 814 5 360 762 956 194 925 568 034 84 469 483 565 170 079 62 866 107 214 88 475 18 739 12 546 8 482 4 064 1 907 2 157 198 148 87 524 110 624 40 113 70 511 52 415 32 868 19 546 6 064 13 483 55 514 34 233 21 282 10 763 10 519 213 468 119 188 94 280 22 671 71 609 35 808 14 882 20 926 20 926 50 792 36 280 14 512 8 615 5 896 4 281 1 600 2 681 851 1 830 4 061 895 3 186 2 272 914 2 119 731 1 388 236 1 152 40 474 9 380 31 094 9 719 21 376 3 601 1 551 2 049 422 1 627 145 393 27 623 117 770 22 253 95 517 15 925 8 726 7 199 2 240 4 959 1 387 428 959 401 558 38 331 10 149 28 181 8 194 19 987 6 898 2 881 4 017 892 3 125 9 084 3 223 5 861 2 921 2 940 46 227 13 122 33 106 6 465 26 641 3 426 1 663 1 763 1 763 6 728 2 765 3 963 ? 032 1 931 12.4 7.6 19.9 13.6 25.4 21.2 10.3 30.2 32.8 25.2 11.2 7.5 15.3 20.3 14.6 20.3 13.1 24.3 26.4 23.4 13.6 8.5 25.1 15.0 30.4 19.1 14.2 20.7 26.3 19.8 9.4 13.9 6.7 2.5 26.5 11.1 5.1 23.6 21.0 25.9 19.3 11.6 25.5 20.4 28.3 13.2 8.8 20.6 14.7 23.2 16.4 9.4 27.5 27.1 27.9 21.7 11.0 35.1 28,5 37.2 9.6 11.2 6.4 8.4 13.2 7.6 27.3 23.6 32.7 2 391 502 1 889 297 1 592 2 311 229 2 081 1 355 726 1 415 293 1 122 79 1 043 24 706 3 445 21 262 1 131 20 130 2 302 537 1 765 331 1 434 93 947 7 754 86 194 11 765 74 429 8 690 2 304 6 386 1 494 4 892 796 124 672 148 524 22 098 2 825 19 273 2 164 17 109 4 186 1 075 3 111 344 2 767 5 152 1 218 3 934 1 165 2 768 28 238 6 597 21 640 683 20 957 2 013 323 1 o90 1 690 3 793 1 039 2 754 936 1 819 55.9 31.4 70.4 34.9 87.0 56.6 25.6 65.3 59.6 79.5 66.8 40.1 80.8 33.4 90.6 61.0 36.7 68.4 11.6 94.2 63.9 34.6 86.1 78.5 88.1 64.6 28.1 73.2 ^2.9 77.9 54.6 26.4 88.7 66.7 98.7 57.4 28.9 70.1 36.8 93.9 57.7 27.8 68.4 26.4 85.6 60.7 37.3 77.4 38.5 88.5 56.7 37.8 67.1 39.9 94.2 61.1 50.3 65.4 10.6 78.7 58.8 19.4 95.9 95.9 56.4 37.6 69.5 46.0 94.2 691 439 251 175 76 349 90 260 190 70 246 104 143 b3 80 4 931 1 145 3 766 2 961 825 424 340 84 24 59 16 795 3 766 13 029 3 633 9 196 1 951 1 686 265 265 249 80 170 151 19 5 733 714 5 020 3 439 1 580 938 501 437 331 106 1 089 369 720 654 66 7 663 1 887 5 775 2 690 3 086 463 44? 21 21 869 127 763 702 60 27.5 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES STATE LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITIES 9.6 NORTH CAROLINA 3.7 MUNICIPALITIES 17.8 MUNICIPALITIES 7.9 OKLAHOMA. .... 17.4 LOCAL, TOTAL 37.1 MUNICIPALITIES 3.4 12.0 11.5 LOCAL, TOTAL 12.3 COUNTIES 22.4 MUNICIPALITIES 2.2 LOCAL, TOTAL 17.4 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 13.5 LOCAL, TOTAL 1 .2 MUNICIPALITIES 1.2 13.2 LOCAL, TOTAL 19.2 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 3.1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 59 Table 10. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll, by State and type of government, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) State and type of g Legal services and October payroll Percent of total crlmln NEBRASKA , STATE , LOCAL, TOTAL , COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . . , NEVADA STATE .... LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NEW JERSEY STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NEW MEXICO STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NEW YORK STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NORTH CAROLINA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES NORTH DAKOTA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES OHIO STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES OKLAHOMA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES OREGON STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES. . . . . PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES RHODE ISLAND. . . STATE LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES SOUTH CAROLINA. , STATE . . . . LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table 263 161 102 281 206 16 2 781 559 2 222 1 835 387 206 157 42 6 654 1 668 4 986 1 638 3 148 486 386 100 034 562 472 75b 717 443 335 108 734 306 428 350 76 1 886 303 1 583 842 741 106 9.2 3.6 2.3 4.8 13.0 762 760 159 159 120 120 773 590 182 160 23 963 488 446 363 271 1.9 7 076 B.l 3 340 12) 3 737 - 3 731 (Z> 7 1.1 593 2.4 445 1 697 3.6 - - CAMDEN COUNTY* N.J. AREA. . . . 1 700 10.2 1 2 382 5.1 269 14.5 CHESTER COUNTY* PA. AREA. . . . 954 5.7 216 4.7 2 523 5.4 3 0.2 DELAWARE COUNTY, PA. AREA . . . 1 797 10.7 410 8.9 3 465 7.4 - - GLOUCESTER COUNTY* N.J. AREA. . 804 4.8 1 (Z> 1 619 3.4 - - MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. AREA . . 1 116 6.7 341 7.4 2 632 5.6 - - 8 151 48.7 3 457 74.6 30 439 64.7 1 582 85.3 4 388 100.0 878 100.0 12 362 100.0 17 100.0 3 418 77.9 688 78.4 11 021 89.2 17 100.0 BEAVER COUNTY AREA 318 7.2 92 10.5 549 4.4 - - 208 4.7 32 3.6 309 2.5 - - WESTMORELAND COUNTY AREA. . . . 444 10.1 66 7.5 483 3.9 - - 4 725 100.0 315 100.0 13 925 100.0 1 385 100.0 CLINTON COUNTY* ILL. AREA . . . 58 1.2 10 3.2 no 0.8 - - FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO. AREA . . . 73 1.5 - _ 40 0.3 25 1.8 JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO. AREA. . . 101 2.1 - _ 109 0.6 4 0.3 MADISON COUNTY, ILL. AREA . . . 421 8.9 105 33.3 772 5.5 10 0.7 MONROE COUNTY, ILL. AREA. . . . 18 0.4 2 0.6 - - - - ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO. AREA. . 301 6.4 - _ 206 1.5 - - ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILL. AREA . . 533 11.3 154 48.9 908 6.5 - - ST. LOUIS CITY, MO 1 685 35.7 12 3.8 8 002 57.5 67 4.8 ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO. AREA. . . 1 535 32.5 32 10.2 3 778 27.1 1 279 92.3 SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND SMSA. . . . 15 432 100.0 5 916 100.0 58 415 100.0 1 513 100.0 5 426 35.2 2 581 43.6 22 600 38.7 56 3.7 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AREA. . . . 3 421 22.2 1 036 17.5 11 669 20.0 - - MARIN COUNTY AREA 1 160 7.5 549 9.3 4 563 7.8 468 30.9 SAN FRANCISCO CITY 3 369 21.8 912 15.4 8 856 15.2 225 14.9 SAN MATEO COUNTY AREA 2 056 13.3 838 14.2 10 727 18.4 764 50.5 WASHINGTON, D.C.-MD.-VA. SMSA . . 15 143 100.0 2 001 100.0 64 560 100.0 3 287 100.0 311 2.1 21 1.0 663 1.0 - - ARLINGTON COUNTY, VA 187 1.2 - - 1 542 2.4 91 2.8 CHARLES COUNTY, MD. AREA. . . . 81 0.5 - - 77 0.1 - - FAIRFAX CITY, VA 33 0.2 - _ - _ - - FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA. AREA. . . . 550 3.6 73 3.6 1 227 1.9 122 3.7 53 0.3 1 (Z) 49 0.1 - - LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA. AREA. . . . 58 0.4 - - 139 0.2 - - MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. AREA . . 1 040 6.9 3 0.1 1 579 2.4 1 544 47.0 PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY, MD. AREA 1 327 8.8 1 (Z) 1 176 1.8 14 0.4 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VA. AREA 175 1.2 - _ 378 0.6 - - 11 328 74.8 1 902 95.1 57 730 89.4 1 516 46.1 66 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 12. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of local governments (Dollar amounts Total criminal justic 3 sys em Police protect ion Judic ial 1 Full-time equiva- Octo aer payroll Full-time equiva- October a roll Full-tim equlva- October roll Area lent employees lent employees llent employees s Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent j Number of SMSA total Amo int of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amc of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total 1 TOTAL, 17 LARGEST SMSA'S . 286 897 (X) 334 115 (X ) 194 467 (XI 235 405 (XI 38 905 ( X 1 40 079 (X) 2 BALTIMORE SMSA 8 139 100.0 7 808 loo.o 6 338 100.0 6 086 loo.o 657 100.0 566 100.0 3 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY AREA. 679 8.3 686 8.5 533 8.4 539 8.9 71 10.8 52 9.2 4 BALTIMORE CITY 5 339 65.6 5 005 64.1 4 227 66.7 3 930 64.6 391 59.5 327 57.6 5 BALTIMORE COUNTY AREA 1 546 19.0 1 6 32 20.9 1 280 20.2 1 358 22.3 89 13.5 89 15.7 6 CARROLL COUNTY AREA . 162 2.0 131 1.7 35 0.6 23 0.4 40 6.1 39 6.9 7 HARFORD COUNTY AREA . 209 2.6 188 2.4 106 1.7 9u 1.5 47 7.2 43 7.6 8 HOWARD COUNTY AREA. . 204 2.5 186 2.4 155 2.4 142 2.3 19 2.9 16 2.6 9 BOSTON SEA 11 704 100.0 12 75b 100.0 8 195 100.0 9 2 99 100.0 1 875 100.0 1 832 100.0 10 ESSEX COUNTY AREA . . 1 699 14.5 1 743 13.7 1 270 15.5 1 342 14.4 180 9.6 168 9.2 11 MIDDLESEX COUNTY AREA 4 176 35.7 4 428 34.7 2 896 35.3 3 252 35.0 680 36.3 603 32.9 12 NORFOLK COUNTY AREA . 1 682 14.4 1 784 14.0 1 304 15.9 1 426 15.3 193 10.3 178 9.7 13 SUFFOLK COUNTY AREA . 4 147 35.4 4 601 37.6 2 725 33.3 3 279 35.3 822 43.8 683 48.2 14 CHICAGO SMSA 30 091 100.0 33 261 100.0 22 940 100.0 26 885 ioo.o 3 990 100.0 3 248 100.0 15 COOK COUNTY AREA. . . 26 285 87.4 29 510 88.7 20 187 88.0 23 95^ 89,1 3 561 89.2 2 966 91.3 16 DU PAGE COUNTY AREA . 1 340 4.5 1 387 4.2 928 4.0 1 037 3.9 172 4.3 132 4.1 17 KANE COUNTY AREA. . . 714 2.4 706 2.1 515 2.2 568 2.1 76 1.9 40 1.2 18 LAKE COUNTY AREA. . . 918 3.1 675 2.6 657 2.9 679 2.5 94 2.4 57 1.6 19 MCHENRY COUNTY AREA , 294 1.0 248 0.7 232 1.0 203 0.8 26 0.7 14 0.4 20 WILL COUNTY AREA. . . 540 1.8 537 1.6 421 1.8 443 1.6 61 1.5 39 1.2 21 CLEVELAND SMSA 7 482 100.0 7 479 100.0 4 965 100.0 5 377 ioo.o 1 496 100.0 1 224 100.0 22 CUYAHOGA COUNTY AREA. 6 567 87.8 6 741 90.1 4 434 89.3 4 905 91.2 1 234 82.5 1 054 86.1 23 GEAUGA COUNTY AREA. . 138 1.8 97 1.3 62 1.2 47 0.9 58 3.9 36 2.9 24 LAKE COUNTY AREA. . . 539 7.2 437 5.8 329 6,6 287 5.3 133 8.9 87 7.1 25 MEDINA COUNTY AREA. . 238 3.2 204 2.7 140 2.8 138 2.6 71 4.7 47 3.8 26 DALLAS-FORT WORTH SMSA. 8 304 100.0 7 285 100.0 5 967 100.0 5 236 100.0 1 145 100.0 982 100.0 27 COLLIN COUNTY AREA. . 175 2.1 107 1.5 153 2.6 90 1.7 12 1.0 10 1.0 28 DALLAS COUNTY AREA. . 5 195 62.6 4 906 67.3 i 844 64.4 3 615 69.0 689 60.2 644 65.6 29 DENTON COUNTY AREA. . 207 2.5 147 2.0 116 1.9 60 1.5 37 3.2 27 2.7 30 ELLIS COUNTY AREA . . 94 1.1 58 0.8 81 1.4 50 1.0 - - - - 31 HOOD COUNTY AREA. . . 20 0.2 8 0.1 9 0.2 4 0.1 8 0.7 3 0.3 32 JOHNSON COUNTY AREA . 86 1.0 55 0.8 52 0.9 36 0.7 20 1.7 11 1.1 3 3 KAUFMAN COUNTY AREA . 71 0.9 37 0.5 49 0.8 23 0.4 11 1.0 8 0.6 34 PARKER COUNTY AREA. . 63 0.8 38 0.5 36 0.6 d' 0.4 15 1.3 8 0.8 35 ROCKWALL COUNTY AREA. 48 0.6 25 0.3 16 0.3 11 0.2 24 2.1 10 1.0 36 TARRANT COUNTY AREA . 2 290 27.6 1 879 25.8 1 581 26.5 1 291 24.7 315 27.5 255 26.0 37 WISE COUNTY AREA. . . 55 0.7 25 0.3 30 0.5 13 0.2 14 1.2 6 0.6 38 DETROIT SMSA 16 771 100.0 20 511 100.0 11 535 100.0 14 588 100.0 2 838 100.0 3 067 100.0 39 LAPEER COUNTY AREA, . 123 0.7 97 0.5 70 0.6 55 0.4 21 0.7 16 0.5 40 LIVINGSTON COUNTY AREA 200 1.2 167 0.8 62 0.5 D r - 0.4 75 2.6 55 1.8 41 MACOMB COUNTY AREA. . 1 928 11.5 2 115 10.3 1 205 10.4 1 449 9.9 450 15.9 387 12.6 42 OAKLAND COUNTY AREA . 2 698 16.1 3 105 15.1 1 683 14.6 2 063 lt.l 550 19.4 538 17.5 43 ST. CLAIR COUNTY AREA 237 1.4 254 1.2 133 1.2 156 1.1 49 1.7 44 1.4 44 WAYNE COUNTY AREA . . 11 585 69.1 14 773 72.0 8 382 72.7 10 810 74,1 1 693 59.7 2 027 66.1 45 HOUSTON SMSA 6 553 100.0 5 942 100.0 4 154 100.0 3 882 100.0 1 152 100.0 967 100.0 46 BRAZORIA COUNTY AREA. 272 4.2 187 3.1 180 4.3 123 3.2 57 4.9 39 4.0 47 FORT BEND COUNTY AREA 123 1.9 92 1.5 99 2.4 77 2.0 15 1.3 10 1.0 4ft HARRIS COUNTY AREA. . 5 936 90.6 5 517 92.6 3 758 90.5 3 60V 92,9 1 013 67.9 875 90.5 49 LIBERTY COUNTY AREA . 84 1.3 56 0.9 47 1.1 29 0.7 24 2.1 17 1.8 50 MONTGOMERY COUNTY AREA 111 1.7 73 1.2 62 1.5 41 1.1 28 2.4 IS 1.9 51 WALLER COUNTY AREA. . 27 0.4 17 0.3 8 0.2 5 0.1 15 1.3 8 0.8 5? LOS ANGELES-LONG BEACH SMSA 34 105 100.0 44 3o9 100.0 20 182 100.0 2 7 217 100.0 4 394 100.0 5 336 100.0 53 LOS ANGELES COUNTY AREA . 34 105 100.0 44 369 100.0 20 182 100.0 27 217 100.0 4 394 100.0 5 336 100.0 54 MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL SMSA . 5 486 100.0 6 052 100.0 3 575 100.0 4 000 100.0 689 100.0 681 100.0 55 ANOKA COUNTY AREA . . , , 344 6.3 375 6.2 232 b.5 253 6.3 53 7.7 58 8.5 56 CARVER COUNTY AREA. . 55 1.0 55 0.9 42 1.2 43 1.1 7 1.0 7 1.0 5 7 CHISAGO COUNTY AREA . 35 0.6 10 0.5 25 0.7 22 0.5 7 1.0 6 0.9 58 DAKOTA COUNTY AREA. . 266 4.8 287 4.7 194 5.4 219 6.5 45 6.5 44 6.5 59 HENNEPIN COUNTY AREA. 2 697 49.2 3 098 51.2 1 784 49.9 2 086 52.1 287 41.7 286 42.0 60 RAMSEY COUNTY AREA. . 1 636 29.8 1 7(^3 29.1 1 041 29.1 1 ill 27.8 186 27.0 189 27.8 61 ST. CROIX COUNTY AREA 87 1.6 90 1.5 45 1.3 55 1.4 27 3.9 19 2.8 6? SCOTT COUNTY AREA . . 109 2.0 114 1.9 52 1.5 58 1.4 26 3.8 28 4.1 63 WASHINGTON COUNTY AHEA 188 3.4 181 3.0 123 3,4 122 3.0 32 4.6 28 4.1 64 WRIGHT COUNTY AREA. . 69 1.3 5v 1.0 37 1.0 31 0.8 19 2.8 16 2.3 65 NASSAU-SUFFOLK SMSA . . 12 661 100.0 15 822 100.0 8 661 100.0 10 980 100.0 1 699 100.0 2 032 100.0 66 NASSAU COUNTY AREA. . 7 741 61.1 9 876 63.2 5 291 61.1 6 904 62.9 1 067 62.8 1 354 66.6 67 SUFFOLK COUNTY AREA . 4 920 38,9 5 740 36.8 3 370 38.9 4 076 37.1 632 37.2 678 33.4 68 NEWARK SMSA 10 188 100.0 11 036 100.0 6 312 100,0 i 075 100.0 1 440 100.0 1 437 100.0 69 ESSEX COUNTY AREA . . 5 874 57.7 6 uiv 58.3 3 585 56.8 3 641 55.7 824 57.2 895 62.3 70 MORRIS COUNTY AREA. . 1 331 13.1 1 mil 12.7 911 14.4 1 04 8 14.8 157 10.9 126 8.6 7 1 SOMERSET COUNTY AREA. 634 6.2 617 5.6 384 6.1 409 5.8 92 6.4 70 4.9 72 UNION COUNTY AREA . . 2 349 23.1 2 57v 23.4 1 432 22.7 1 675 23.7 367 25.5 346 24.1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM in the 17 largest SMSA's, by county area, October 1974 in thousands) 67 Leg a L services and protection Indigent defense Corre :tlons Other crimin al justice Full-tim e equiva- Full-tim e equiva- Full-time eauiva- Full-tiir e equiva- s October October October October J lent employees lent employees lent employees lent employees Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent a Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total J 13 508 (X) 16 379 (X ) 1 121 (X) 2 004 (X) 37 535 l 2 307 100.0 3 296 100.0 549 100.0 997 100.0 6 673 100.0 7 523 100.0 - - - - 53 278 100.0 379 100.0 60 100.0 65 100.0 848 loo.o 895 100.0 36 100.0 32 100.0 = 4 26 9.4 31 8.2 6 10.0 5 7.7 27 3.2 28 3.1 _ _ - _ bb 1 0.4 2 0.5 2 3.3 1 1.5 3 0.1 2 0.2 _ _ _ _ 56 2 0.7 1 0.3 - - - - 1 0.1 1 0.1 _ _ _ _ 57 14 5.0 13 3.4 - - - - 13 1.5 11 1.2 _ . - - 58 126 45.3 191 50.1 43 71.7 51 76.5 153 53.1 479 53.5 4 n.i 5 15.6 b9 76 27.3 101 27.4 7 11.7 6 9.2 294 34.7 326 36.4 32 68.9 27 84.4 r0 5 1.8 9 2.4 - - - - 10 1.2 7 0.8 _ - • _ 61 13 4.7 15 1.0 - - - - lb 2.1 13 1.5 _ - - _ 52 11 1.0 9 2.4 2 3.3 2 3.1 20 2.1 20 2.2 _ - - . hi 4 1.1 1 1.1 - - - - 9 1.1 6 0.9 - - - - 64 644 100.0 849 100,0 . 100.0 _ 100.0 1 649 100.0 1 751 100.0 8 ioo.o 10 100.0 65 359 55.7 194 58.2 - - - - 1 019 61.8 1 118 63.6 5 62.5 6 60.0 66 285 44.3 355 41.8 - - - - 630 38.2 633 36.2 3 37. 5 4 40.0 67 745 100.0 868 100.0 1 100.0 _ 100.0 1 652 100.0 1 bl8 100.0 38 100.0 36 ioo.o 68 360 48.3 158 52.8 - - - - 1 077 65.2 1 117 69.0 28 73.7 26 66,4 69 89 11.9 86 9.9 1 100.0 - - 173 10.5 141 6.7 _ - _ _ 70 44 5.9 46 5.3 - - - - 114 6.9 92 5.7 _ - _ . H 252 33.8 278 32.0 - - - - 288 17.1 266 16.6 10 26.3 12 31.6 72 68 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 12. Criminal justice system employment and payrolls of local governments (Dollar amounts Area Total criminal justice sys tern Police protection Judic lal Full-time equiva- lent employees October payroll Full-time equiva- lent employees October payroll Full-time equiva- lent employees October payroll I Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent -1 Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total 1 NEW YORK, N.Y. -N.J. SMSA. . 65 599 100.0 88 811 loo.o 48 252 100.0 67 190 100.0 6 765 100.0 8 946 100.0 2 BERGEN COUNTY, N.J. AREA. 3 329 5.1 3 584 4.0 2 286 4.7 2 609 3.9 509 7.5 478 5.3 3 57 386 87.5 79 467 89.5 42 707 88.5 60 588 90.2 5 696 84.2 7 889 68.2 t| PUTNAM COUNTY, N.Y. AREA. 141 0.2 145 0.2 67 0.1 79 0.1 21 0.3 16 0.2 5 ROCKLAND COUNTY, N.Y. AREA 809 1.2 986 1.1 510 1.1 667 1.0 112 1.7 117 1.3 6 WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. AREA 3 934 6.0 4 629 5.2 2 682 5.6 3 247 4.8 427 6.3 446 5.0 7 PHILADELPHIA, PA.^N.J. AREA 24 492 100.0 23 717 100.0 14 999 100.0 15 232 100.0 4 909 100.0 4 297 100.0 8 BUCKS COUNTY, PA. AREA. . 1 001 4.1 874 3.7 577 3.8 548 3.6 225 4.6 145 3.4 9 BURLINGTON COUNTY, N.J. AREA 946 3.9 836 3.5 483 3.2 477 3.1 182 3.7 134 3.1 10 CAMDEN COUNTY, N.J. AREA. 1 788 7.3 1 515 6.4 1 208 8.1 1 049 6.9 211 4.3 150 3.5 11 CHESTER COUNTY, PA. AREA. 800 3.3 685 2.9 322 2.1 269 1.8 187 3.8 131 3.0 12 DELAWARE COUNTY, PA. AREA 1 839 7.5 1 493 6.3 b96 6.0 875 5.7 441 9.0 286 6.7 13 GLOUCESTER COUNTY, 710 2.9 593 2.5 362 2.4 329 2.2 HI 2.3 86 2.0 14 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. AREA 1 864 7.6 1 724 7.3 1 055 7.0 1 058 6.9 444 9.0 364 8.5 15 PHILADELPHIA CITY, PA.. . 15 544 63.5 15 997 67.4 10 096 67.3 10 627 69.8 3 108 63.3 3 001 69.8 16 PITTSBURGH SMSA 6 493 100.0 5 678 100.0 4 227 100.0 3 938 100.0 1 193 100.0 E72 100.0 17 ALLEGHENY COUNTY AREA 5 130 79,0 4 698 82.7 3 433 81.2 3 322 84.4 883 74.0 686 78.7 18 BEAVER COUNTY AREA. . . . 496 7.6 367 6.5 270 6.4 219 5.6 125 10.5 79 9.1 19 WASHINGTON COUNTY AREA. . 311 4.8 221 3.9 204 4,8 155 3.9 52 4.4 30 3.4 20 WESTMORELAND COUNTY AREA. 556 8.6 392 6.9 320 7.6 242 6.1 133 11.1 77 8.B 21 ST. LOUIS, MO. -ILL. SMSA. . 9 066 100.0 7 872 100.0 6 356 100.0 5 793 100,0 1 219 100.0 b54 100.0 22 CLINTON COUNTY, ILL. AREA 32 0.4 20 0.3 8 0.1 5 0.1 6 0.5 4 0.5 23 FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO. AREA 98 1.1 58 0.7 58 0.9 37 0.6 24 2.0 13 1.5 2t JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO. AREA 143 1.6 86 1.1 74 1.2 48 0.8 45 3.7 24 2.8 25 MADISON COUNTY, ILL. AREA 602 6.6 527 6.7 365 5.7 350 6.0 101 8.3 69 8.1 2 6 MONROE COUNTY, ILL. AREA. 20 0.2 9 0.1 17 0.3 7 0.1 2 0.2 1 0.1 27 ST. CHARLES COUNTY, 494 5.4 235 3.0 429 6.7 193 3.3 30 2.5 20 2.3 28 ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILL. AREA 606 6.7 507 6.4 363 5.7 338 5.8 107 8.8 67 7.8 29 ST. LOUIS CITY, MO. . . . 4 135 45.6 3 888 49.4 2 944 46.3 2 927 50.5 456 37.4 326 38.2 30 ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO. AREA 2 936 32.4 2 542 32.3 2 098 33.0 1 888 32.6 448 36.8 330 38.6 31 SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND SMSA. 13 637 100.0 17 169 100.0 7 769 100.0 10 202 100,0 1 754 100.0 1 930 100.0 3? ALAMEDA COUNTY AREA . . . 4 594 33.2 5 666 33.0 2 623 33.8 3 424 33.6 440 25.1 486 25.2 33 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AREA. 2 250 16.3 2 653 15.5 1 060 13.6 1 287 12.6 287 16.4 308 16.0 sn MARIN COUNTY AREA .... 905 6.5 1 070 6.2 371 4.8 443 4.3 174 9.9 184 9.5 55 SAN FRANCISCO CITY. . . . 4 010 29.0 5 326 31.0 2 583 33.2 3 667 35.9 587 33.5 675 35.0 36 SAN MATEO COUNTY AREA . , 2 078 15.0 2 452 It. 3 1 132 14.6 1 381 13.5 266 15.2 277 14.4 37 WASHINGTON, D.C.- 15 924 100.0 18 747 100.0 10 040 100.0 12 425 100.0 1 690 100.0 1 808 100.0 3fl ALEXANDRIA CITY, VA.. . . 366 2.3 402 2.1 256 2.5 301 2.4 49 2.9 38 2.1 59 ARLINGTON COUNTY, VA. . . 488 3.1 603 3.2 355 3.5 468 3.8 40 2.4 39 2.2 UU CHARLES COUNTY, MD. AREA. 91 0.6 79 0.4 69 0.7 61 0.5 9 0.5 8 0.4 Ul 55 0.3 68 0.4 51 0.5 66 0.5 4 0.2 2 0.1 1»2 FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA. AREA. 1 004 6.3 1 278 6.8 698 7.0 978 7.9 177 10.5 149 8.2 14 3 FALLS CHURCH CITY, VA.. . 42 0.3 45 0.2 34 0.3 40 0.3 3 0.2 1 0.1 a a LOUDOUN COUNTYi VA. AREA. 77 0.5 61 0.3 47 0.5 38 0.3 13 0.8 10 0.6 a 1 . MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. AREA 1 219 7.7 1 623 8.7 961 9.6 1 332 10.7 110 6.5 98 5.4 1*6 PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY, 1 647 10.3 1 837 9.8 1 284 12.8 1 444 11.6 232 13.7 245 13.6 47 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VA. AREA 254 1.6 241 1.3 153 1.5 151 1.2 49 2.9 41 2.3 48 WASHINGTON, D.C. CITY . . 10 681 67.1 12 510 66.7 6 132 61.1 7 546 60.7 1 004 59.4 1 177 6b. 1 X Not applicable. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM in the 17 largest SMSA's, by county area, October 1974— Continued in thousands) 69 Legal services tion Indigent defense Corrc ctions Other crimi aal justi '• Full-time equiva- Octobei Full-tiir e equiva- October a roll Full-tim e equiva- October payroll Full-time October payroll | lent employees lent employees lent employees lent employees Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 1 Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total Number of SMSA total Amount of SMSA total a 2 713 100,0 3 190 100.0 16 100.0 18 100.0 7 18b 100.0 8 484 100.0 666 100.0 983 100.0 i 207 7.6 206 6.5 - - - - 327 4.6 291 3.4 _ - - - 2 2 106 77.6 2 474 77.6 - - - - 6 221 86.6 7 541 88.9 656 98.2 975 99.2 3 It 0.5 15 0.5 - - - m 39 0.5 35 0.4 . - - - u 83 3.1 111 3.5 16 100.0 18 100.0 88 1.2 73 0.9 - " " " 5 303 11.2 384 12.0 - - - - 510 7.1 544 6.4 12 1.8 6 0.8 6 1 101 100.0 1 '161 100.0 116 100.0 92 100.0 3 362 100.0 2 931 100.0 5 100.0 4 100.0 7 59 5.1 -59 5.1 22 19.0 22 23.9 118 3.5 100 3.4 - - - - 8 85 7.7 fl2 7.1 . . _ _ 196 5.8 143 4.9 _ _ _ . 9 119 10.8 115 9.9 - - - - 245 7.3 197 6.7 5 100.0 4 loo.o 10 63 5.7 108 9.3 29 25.0 23 25.0 199 5.9 154 5.3 - - - - 11 166 15.1 107 9.2 28 24.1 20 21.7 308 9.2 205 7.0 - - - - 12 71 6.7 62 5.3 - - - - 163 4.8 116 4.0 - - - - 13 97 8.8 85 7.3 37 31.9 27 29.3 231 6.9 190 6.5 _ . . _ 14 t38 39.8 543 46.8 - - - - 1 902 56.6 1 826 62.3 - - " - 15 391 100.0 310 100.0 SI 100.0 69 100.0 601 100.0 469 100,0 _ loo.o _ 100.0 16 306 78.3 247 79.7 59 72.8 55 79.7 449 74.7 388 79.3 _ - - - 17 28 7.2 21 6.8 10 12.3 6 8.7 63 10.5 42 8.6 . - - - 18 19 4.9 13 4.2 3 3.7 2 2.9 33 5.5 21 4.3 - - • - 19 38 9.7 29 9.4 9 11.1 6 8.7 56 9.3 38 7.8 - - - - ?0 392 100.0 373 100.0 26 100.0 22 100.0 1 073 100.0 828 100.0 2 100.0 2 loo.o 21 4 1.0 4 1,1 - - - - 14 1.3 7 0.8 - - - . 22 10 2.6 6 -1.6 - - - - 6 0.6 2 0.2 _ - - - 2 3 13 ^.i 9 2.4 - - - - 11 1.0 5 0.6 _ - - . 24 46 1 11.7 0.3 39 1 10.5 0.3 10 38.5 9 40.9 80 7.5 60 7.2 - " " " 29 26 14 3.6 11 2.9 - - - - 21 2.0 11 1.3 - - - - 27 42 10.7 36 9.7 16 61.5 13 59.1 80 7.5 53 6.4 _ . . _ 28 ill 36.0 151 »0.5 - - - - 592 55.2 482 58.2 2 100.0 2 100.0 29 121 30.9 116 31.1 - - - - 269 25.1 208 25.1 - - - - 30 862 100.0 1 222 100.0 302 100.0 423 100.0 3 119 100.0 3 360 100.0 31 100.0 32 loo.o 31 277 32.1 400 32.7 151 50.0 205 48.5 1 100 35.3 1 148 34.2 3 9,7 3 9.4 32 222 25.8 280 22.9 67 22.2 91 21.5 614 19.7 687 20.4 - - - . 33 56 6.5 87 7.1 31 10.3 43 10.2 248 8.0 289 8.6 25 60.6 24 75.0 31! 176 20.4 288 23.6 53 17.5 84 19.9 611 19.6 614 18.3 _ - - . 39 131 15.2 167 13.7 - - * " 546 17.5 622 18.5 3 9.7 5 15.6 36 111 100.0 592 100.0 _ 100.0 _ 100.0 3 703 100.0 3 865 100.0 50 100.0 57 100.0 37 19 4.3 25 4.2 - - - - 42 1.1 38 1.0 _ - - - 38 18 4.1 23 3.9 - - - - 63 1.7 62 1.6 12 24.0 11 19.3 39 7 1.6 6 1.0 " " " - 6 0.2 4 0.1 - " " - 40 41 35 7.9 46 7.8 - - - - 91 2.5 104 2.7 3 6.0 1 1.8 42 2 0.5 2 0.3 - - - - 3 0.1 2 0.1 - - - - 4 3 6 1.4 5 0.8 - - - - 11 0.3 8 0.2 - - - " 44 67 15.2 93 15.7 - - - - 79 2.1 97 2.5 2 4.0 3 5.3 19 91 20.6 115 19.4 - - - - 40 1.1 33 0.9 - - - - 46 17 3.9 17 2.9 - . _ _ 35 0.9 32 0.8 _ _ _ _ 17 179 40.6 260 43.9 - - - - 3 333 90.0 3 485 90.2 33 66.0 42 73.7 18 70 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) TOTAL .... ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM. . . . GADSDEN HUNTSVILLE. . . . MOBILE MONTGOMERY. . . . TUSCALOOSA. . . . ARIZONA: MESA PHOENIX SCOTTSDALE. . . . TEMPE TUCSON ARKANSAS: FORT SMITH. . . . LITTLE ROCK . . . NORTH LITTLE ROCK PINE BLUFF. . . . CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA ALHAMBRA ANAHEIM BAKERSFIELD . . , BELLFLOWER. . . . BERKELEY BUENA PARK. . . . BURBANK CARSON CHULA VISTA . . . COMPTON CONCORD COSTA MESA. . . . DALY CITY .... DOWNEY EL CAJON EL MONTE FREMONT FRESNO FULLERTON .... GARDEN GROVE. . . GLENDALE HAWTHORNE .... HAYWARD HUNTINGTON BEACH. INGLEWOOD .... LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH. . . . LOS ANGELES . . . MODESTO MOUNTAIN VIEW . . NORWALK OAKLAND ONTARIO ORANGE OXNARD PALO ALTO .... PASADENA PICO RIVERA . . , POMONA REDONDO BEACH . . REDWOOD CITY. . . RICHMOND RIVERSIDE . . . . SACRAMENTO. . . . SALINAS SAN BERNARDINO. . SAN BUENAVENTURA. SAN DIEGO . . . . SAN FRANCISCO . . SAN JOSE SAN LEANDRO . . . SAN MATEO .... SANTA ANA .... SANTA BARBARA . . SANTA CLARA . . . SANTA MONICA. . , SANTA ROSA. . . . SIMI VALLEY . . . SOUTH GATE. . . . STOCKTON Sop footnotes at end 32 229 023 37 243 36 33? ?3 ota IV 263 13 95? 162 60? 17 080 16 308 89 626 7 674 22 717 1 i 123 6 482 9 110 13 161 36 116 lb 091 3 023 27 663 9 677 21 897 8 09 3 8 811 17 191 13 315 11 255 8 716 10 554 9 121 7 613 lb 97l 53 136 13 844 11 579 30 70S 7 454 19 HI? 25 956 28 POO 7 260 108 197 702 020 12 770 1? 193 6 138 109 282 9 716 13 10? 11 661 18 991 43 044 3 711 17 127 1? 8P6 1 ! ?B« 3? ?ao 2fl 787 oi 36(1 13 5 37 29 316 1 5 413 Ib2 487 524 335 98 561 13 972 1 I 668 24 761 16 736 20 6/8 17 43B 14 33? 8 900 6 837 36 10' ? Bo9 5 "69 3 773 1 732 2 161 30 826 1 736 2 151 10 334 1 79 3 774 1 446 1 136 1 93? 1 766 7 ?3b 3 ??P 661 i 131 1 639 4 253 1 19 = 1 781 3 9/1 2 611 3 06 b 1 803 ? 110 1 ?69 1 668 2 611 7 334 3 501 2 863 3 689 1 397 3 333 1 767 4 993 1 108 16 !69 17" 736 2 Oil 1 518 1 394 1? 117 2 037 2 16-. 2 ?67 2 116 6 336 1 083 3 ?73 1 413 1 6 38 1 058 4 901 11 19U 1 746 1 691 1 776 21 3 30 6a 501 16 697 1 91m 2 ?04 b 31? 2 767 ? 455 3 603 1 241 1 07 3 1 710 i 930 15.1 16.8 19,0 10.? 13.? 11.5 li.l 16.6 12.7 17.0 20.5 13,1 19.9 21.4 29.1 16.0 16.6 19.'. 11.? 20.2 22. a 20.7 23.1 15.9 13.6 23.9 24.7 1 ? . 16.7 lo.o 18.4 17.7 15.3 lb.l 16.7 15.6 ? 9 . 19.1 17.0 \T." 13.! 16.0 1 3 . ? 11.0 13.0 lo.o 13.9 16.5 21.6 16.5 1 .0 21.0 8.7 12.1 ?6.6 13.6 3 220 928 8 575 752 2 560 4 604 3 186 1 550 ? 3i6 27 476 1 569 i 935 8 457 970 3 J65 1 206 994 1 867 1 711 68? 3 36 Bb? 4 306 1 597 5 9bB 1 107 1 /13 3 BOO 2 592 2 906 1 767 2 401 1 234 1 616 2 166 7 117 3 231 2 803 3 522 1 285 3 199 1 552 i 770 1 067 14 526 165 012 1 918 1 10 1 1 351 16 237 2 018 ? 107 2 213 2 ?06 2 983 1 062 3 JJ ) 1 320 ', 0^8 3 900 4 rsi 11 30? 1 b'.'o 1 0^5 l "1 1 18 905 16 599 lo 017 1 835 ? 190 6 096 2 0?1 ? 375 3 11 1 1 174 1 010 1 624 1 815 92.6 96.2 98. m 98.0 98. e 96.0 9" .1 8?./ 97.5 96.9 97.0 93.2 99.1 9 .' . e 94.0 9 8.1 93.0 93.4 93.3 97.7 97.8 9B.3 90.3 97.5 we .3 8».6 66,5 95.9 9H.I( 97.2 95.4 95.2 96.7 93.3 94.6 94.1 95,0 97.7 ?8 7 270 108 255 351 171 13C CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 71 Legal services and Indiger t defense Cor ections Other criminal justice City Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system 133 570 250 7 60 «9 4b 36 5b 1 029 10b 93 491 38 86 to 35 65 55 280 190 29 125 41 206 86 68 64 52 67 36 39 35 42 67 217 73 60 167 112 89 21b 223 29 1 200 5 4o3 66 57 43 318 19 78 74 151 274 21 69 54 110 92 123 197 68 118 66 1 284 3 369 680 109 64 245 133 80 246 67 63 3b 115 3.3 2.5 0.7 2.1 1.6 1.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 6.0 4.3 4.8 3.5 2.3 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.1 3.9 5.9 3.3 2.8 2.5 4.8 7.4 3.8 1.6 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.6 2.8 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.2 2.1 4.5 8.0 2.7 4.5 4.5 2.6 7.3 3.2 3.3 3.8 3.1 1.8 0.0 3.6 3.2 6.3 4.3 1.9 2.1 3.8 6.7 2.3 2.5 1.7 3.9 2.5 3.7 6.0 4.9 1.1 5.6 2.8 4.6 4.B 3.3 6.7 5.4 5.9 2.0 2.3 21 283 15 9 6 177 11 182 912 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.9 1.3 323 859 673 17 165 450 191 98 7 532 71 41 152 70 44 113 1 89 92 12 623 253 862 109 161 39 886 8 856 1 51 8.0 6.8 1.6 5.7 8.2 5.1 5.7 0.3 1.7 0.7 3.8 4.0 4.8 3.9 1.6 0.1 2.1 3.0 1.1 3.8 0.1 4.9 1.7 4.9 2.8 4.2 13.0 (Z) 3.0 39 876 37 71 30 39 11 45 20 8 102 73 225 ALABAMA: HUNTSVILLE MOPILE ARIZONA: ARKANSAS: NORTH LITTLE ROCK " CALIFORNIA: ANAHEIM BAKERSFIELD BELLFLOWER BERKELEY. ..... - CARSON DALY CITY - 0.4 GARDEN GROVE HAWTHORNE HAYHARD HUNTINGTON BEACH , LAKEWOOD 0.1 (Z) MODESTO ..... MOUNTAIN VIEW OAKLAND ONTARIO . ORANGE PASADENA PICO RIVERA POMONA REDONUO BEACH REDWOOD CITY RICHMOND SACRAMENTO 5.8 SAN BERNARDINO SAN BUENAVENTURA SAN DIEGO 0.3 0.3 SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SAN LEANDRO SAN MATEO - SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA MONICA SANTA ROSA SIMI VALLEY - SOUTH GATE STOCKTON - 72 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general expenditure Total criminal . ustlce system Police pi ■otectlon Judic ial City Amount Percent of total general expenditure Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system CALIFORNIA— CONTINUED 18 515 24 737 11 934 12 316 5 861 8 215 15 267 14 866 37 869 261 997 13 384 24 943 76 245 29 321 26 918 154 025 26 509 30 553 36 014 81 752 46 045 8 J 302 56 713 22 194 62 257 1 297 857 1° 209 35 115 16 468 13 367 19 746 144 722 71 673 31 893 34 213 13 060 35 182 23 918 66 235 11 028 14 617 171 264 10 946 49 018 18 524 19 556 184 545 12 950 7 453 9 754 '3 745 13 363 948 612 6 472 14 122 8 347 18 95? '5 482 14 190 9 970 9 038 15 131 20 081 23 ?72 12 323 '9 0V4 14 965 10 419 2 004 5 181 2 185 1 635 1 590 1 886 2 206 1 662 4 382 33 154 2 512 2 508 8 419 1 420 1 731 8 655 1 527 1 678 2 414 7 069 ? 881 5 859 3 435 1 520 5 140 178 212 1 912 6 838 2 571 3 250 4 592 22 210 16 923 6 121 6 704 1 791 7 259 2 466 9 019 2 437 1 984 22 980 1 857 6 464 3 125 3 345 28 897 1 829 1 467 2 227 873 1 315 236 327 1 391 1 749 1 572 2 838 1 643 2 617 2 527 1 749 2 318 4 254 3 987 1 409 2 246 2 810 2 095 10.8 20.9 18.3 13.3 27.1 23.0 14.4 11.3 11.6 12.7 18.8 10.1 11.0 4.8 6.4 5.6 5.8 5.5 6.7 8.6 6.3 7.0 6.1 6.8 8.3 13.7 10.0 19.5 15.6 24.3 23.3 15.3 22.7 19.2 19.6 13.7 20.6 8.5 13.6 22.1 13.6 13.4 17.0 13.2 16.9 17.1 15.7 14.1 19.7 22.8 '23.3 9.8 24.9 21.5 12.4 18.8 15.0 '30.0 18.4 25.3 19.4 15.3 21.2 17.1 11.4 '24.7 18.8 20.1 1 898 4 841 2 127 1 616 1 551 1 860 1 966 1 437 3 940 24 954 2 195 2 254 8 215 1 355 1 687 8 231 1 458 1 630 2 279 6 925 2 785 5 433 3 290 1 434 4 580 68 002 1 722 5 967 2 383 3 085 4 239 13 338 16 139 5 365 5 855 1 611 6 716 2 345 8 508 2 211 1 930 19 966 1 680 4 124 2 888 2 988 25 089 1 628 1 407 2 160 838 1 255 227 411 1 334 1 699 1 495 2 728 1 581 2 538 2 443 1 695 2 263 4 063 3 719 1 375 2 150 2 565 2 051 94.7 93.4 97.3 98.8 97.5 98.6 89.1 85.4 89.9 75.3 87.4 89.9 97.6 95.4 97.5 95.1 95.5 97.1 94.4 98.0 96.7 92.7 95.8 94.3 89.1 49.4 90.1 87.3 92.7 94.9 92.3 60.1 95.4 87.6 87,3 89.9 92.5 95.1 94.3 90.7 97.3 86.9 90.5 63.8 92.4 89.3 86,8 89.0 95.9 97.0 96.0 95.4 96,2 95.9 97.1 95.1 96.1 96.2 97.0 96,7 96.9 97,6 95.5 93.3 97.6 95.7 91.3 97.9 107 133 222 2 725 128 70 60 1 4 1 1 5 13 4 30 13 2 330 17 734 71 371 57 4 139 3 889 191 153 125 8 144 27 13 886 49 1 203 107 113 84 1 8 245 10 2 12 6 16 _ - . _ . COLORADO: 4.9 7.9 COLORADO SPRINGS 5.1 8.2 5.1 2.8 CONNECTICUT: 0.7 0.1 0.2 _ MERIDEN 0.1 MILFORD 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 O.S 0.4 0.1 DELAWARE : 6.4 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 10.0 FLORIDA: 3.7 5.4 GAINESVILLE 2.2 HIALEAH 0.1 HOLLYWOOD 3.0 JACKSONVILLE 17.5 MIAMI - 3.1 2.3 PENSACOLA ST. PETERSBURG. 1.7 TALLAHASSEE 0.3 1.6 "EST PALM BEACH 1.1 GEORGIA: 0.7 3.9 AUGUSTA 2.6 COLUMBUS 18.6 MACON 3.4 SAVANNAH 3.4 HAWAII: IDAHO: BOISE CITY 4.6 ILLINOIS: (Z) BEPnYN 0.9 CHAMPAIGN _ CHICAGO 0.1 CICERO . DES PLAINE* m EAST ST. LOUIS. . _ ELGIN 0.6 _ JOLIET 0.1 OAK LAWN 0.7 - ROCKFORO 0.2 ROCK ISLAND 1.1 SKOKIE . SPRINGFIELD - WAUKEGAN . CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 73 Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Percent of justice system Indigent defens Percent of total criminal justice system justice syste CALIFORNIA— CONTINUED SUNNYVALE ........ TORRANCE VALLEJO WEST COVINA WESTMINSTER ....... WHITTIER COLORADO: AURORA BOULDER COLORADO SPRINGS DENVER LAKEWOOD PUEBLO . . . . CONNECTICUT: BRIDGEPORT BRISTOL . . DANBURY .... HARTFORD MERIDEN , . MILFORD ......... NEW BRITAIN NEW HAVEN NORWALK STAMFORD WATERBURY WEST HAVEN DELAWARE: WILMINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON FLORIDA: CLEARWATER , . FORT LAUDERDALE GAINESVILLE HIALEAH HOLLYWOOD JACKSONVILLE. . MIAMI MIAMI BEACH ORLANDO . . . PENSACOLA ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE TAMPA , WEST PALM BEACH GEORGIA: ALBANY ATLANTA AUGUSTA COLUMBUS . MACON SAVANNAH , HAWAII: honolulI IDAHO: BOISE CITY. . . ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS . . . . AURORA. ......... BERWYN CHAMPAIGN CHICAGO CICERO DECATUR DES PLAINES EAST ST. LOUIS ELGIN EVANSTON JOLIET OAK LAWN OAK PARK PEORIA . ROCKFORD ROCK ISLAND SKOKIE SPRINGFIELD WAUKEGAN See footnotes at end of table 133 112 119 BOB 179 376 132 129 08i 36 3 17t 107 279 1.3 0.4 0.5 tl 0.2 3Ht - 61 - 130 - 85 O.t 3 552 " 421 0.2 71 0.2 442 - 103 - 214 1 333 lOt 791 2.1 0.1 16.0 2.5 c > ., a 5,6 12.2 0.3 1.3 74 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general Total criminal J ustice system Police protection Jud cial City _ Percent of total general expenditure ta ount Percent of total criminal justice system .mount Percent o£ total criminal Justice system INDIANA: 9 651 2b 821 27 "89 43 356 '20 115 227 797 9 237 26 851 9 742 26 420 17 536 16 863 51 879 10 692 22 450 23 657 30 980 5 13S 24 91a 120 408 12 285 '22 846 139 858 17 502 63 478 8 419 10 206 10 686 170 095 31 225 35 266 787 785 530 501 52 126 66 582 25 918 43 096 24 078 28 283 35 450 46 618 30 678 27 678 52 498 59 618 28 316 69 089 33 150 84 114 27 367 103 401 25 184 28 945 10 421 548 314 79 571 46 639 15 319 40 229 6 698 24 125 42 208 10 206 '8 565 28 895 11 291 19 456 12 b58 13 328 1 768 3 259 4 372 6 075 2 857 27 736 1 677 3 402 1 356 2 293 1 247 1 879 7 314 1 648 1 946 1 847 5 566 1 806 3 595 7 362 1 846 7 430 15 415 1 242 14 030 1 302 991 1 469 34 020 5 104 2 257 71 448 67 163 3 250 4 010 1 657 4 316 1 869 2 293 2 940 4 059 2 158 2 130 4 296 4 191 1 247 4 369 2 356 5 076 2 152 7 071 3 880 4 261 2 669 118 357 8 586 8 421 3 245 5 631 1 459 3 174 4 568 2 042 2 514 4 008 2 555 3 228 2 714 1 960 18.3 12.2 15.9 14.0 '14.2 12.2 18.2 12.7 13.9 8.7 7.1 11.1 I'M 15.4 8.7 7.8 18.0 35.1 14.4 6.1 15.0 '32.5 11.0 7.1 22.1 15.5 9.7 13.7 20.0 16.3 6.4 9.1 12.7 6.2 6.0 6.4 10.0 7.8 8.1 8.3 8.7 7.0 7.7 8.2 7.0 4.4 6.3 7.1 6.0 7.9 6.8 15.4 It. 7 25.6 21.6 10.8 18.1 21.2 14.0 21.8 13.2 10.8 20.0 '29. a 13.9 22. o 16.6 21.4 It. 7 1 641 2 899 4 008 5 252 2 625 18 920 1 561 3 338 1 259 1 972 1 035 1 697 6 397 1 399 1 504 1 710 4 965 1 297 3 241 5 927 1 711 7 008 14 399 1 145 8 060 1 116 885 1 224 23 918 4 598 2 177 54 771 45 820 3 190 3 832 1 607 4 030 1 807 2 206 2 807 3 888 2 HI 2 081 4 160 4 066 1 194 4 287 2 074 4 704 2 077 6 817 3 287 3 747 2 351 102 545 7 509 6 315 2 706 4 589 1 322 2 788 3 888 1 796 2 221 3 825 2 408 2 541 2 518 1 811 92.8 89.0 91.7 86.5 91.9 68.2 93.1 98.1 92.7 86.0 83.0 90.3 87.5 84.9 77.3 92.6 89.2 71.8 90.2 80.5 92.7 94.3 93.4 92.2 57.4 85.7 89.3 83.3 70.3 90.1 96.5 76.7 68.2 98.2 95.6 97.0 93.4 96.7 96.2 95.5 95.8 97.8 97.7 96.8 97.0 95.7 98.1 88.0 92.7 96.5 96.4 84.5 87.9 88.1 86.6 87.5 75.0 83.4 81.5 90.6 87.8 85.1 88.0 88.3 95.4 94.2 78.7 92.8 92.4 61 100 320 143 3 024 87 46 152 109 72 385 93 14 86 104 77 78 229 29 76 369 33 3 460 96 42 90 4 631 297 5 208 10 818 2 396 170 262 7 500 487 981 342 488 75 192 365 154 192 91 481 146 112 GARY SOUTH BEND TERRE HAUTE IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS WATERLOO KANSAS: OVERLAND PARK KENTUCKY: LEXINGTON OWENSflORO LOUISIANA: LAKE CHARLES MONROE NEW ORLEANS SHREVEPORT MAINE: MARYLAND! BALTIMORE MASSACHUSETTS: BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE CHICOPEE FALL RIVER HOLYOKE LAWRENCE NEW BEDFORD NEWTON SPRINGFIELD WALTHAM WORCESTER (Z) MICHIGAN: ANN ARBOR 10.2 DEARBORN DEARBORN HEIGHTS DETROIT 5.7 GRAND RAPIDS 11.6 KALAMAZOO 5.1 LIVONIA 6.0 PONTIAC ROSEVILLE 7.5 ROYAL OAK 7.6 SAGINAW ST. CLAIR SHORES STERLING HEIGHTS TAYLOR 5.7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 75 Percent of total criminal Justice system Indigent defens Percent of total criminal justice system Percent of otal crlmlna Other criminal justic INDIANA! ANDERSON EVANSVILLE FORT WAYNE GARY HAMMOND INDIANAPOLIS MUNCIE SOUTH BEND TERRE HAUTE IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS COUNCIL BLUFFS DAVENPORT DES MOINES DUBUQUE SIOUX CITY WATERLOO KANSAS: KANSAS CITY OVERLAND PARK TOPEKA WICHITA KENTUCKY! COVINGTON LEXINGTON LOUISVILLE 0WENSB0R0 LOUISIANA: BATON ROUGE LAFAYETTE LAKE CHARLES MONROE NEW ORLEANS , SHREVEPORT MAINE: PORTLAND MARYLAND: BALTIMORE MASSACHUSETTS: BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE CHICOPEE FALL RIVER HOLYOKE LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD NEW BEDFORD NEWTON PITTSFIELD QUINCY SOMERVILLE SPRINGFIELD WALTHAM WORCESTER MICHIGAN! ANN ARBOR DEARBORN DEARBORN HEIGHTS. . . . DETROIT FLINT GRAND RAPIOS KALAMAZOO LANSING LINCOLN PARK LIVONIA PONTIAC ROSEVILLE ROYAL OAK SAGINAW ST. CLAIR SHORES. . . . SOUTHFIELO STERLING HEIGHTS. . . . TAYLOR See footnotes at end of tabli 110 5.9 265 3.6 33 2.0 120 6.2 51 2.6 172 3.1 117 6.5 101 2.8 2 IB 3.2 71 3.8 101 1.1 510 3.3 784 2.7 60 1.8 141 3.5 50 3.0 78 1.8 62 3.3 42 1.8 133 4.5 9b 2.4 47 2.2 49 2.3 80 1.9 125 3.0 53 4.3 82 1.9 68 2.9 251 4.9 7b 3.5 213 3.0 116 3.0 228 5.4 46 1.7 558 1.3 256 3.0 262 3.1 197 6.1 157 2.8 20 1.4 112 3.5 20b 4.5 92 4.5 56 2.2 183 4.6 56 2.2 111 3.4 48 1.8 29 1.5 240 120 4 247 161 6 764 6 687 151 411 331 321 0.9 1.0 13.5 0.3 3.0 6.4 2.3 10.0 2.9 1.7 6,3 12.5 3.2 1.3 0.6 2.3 2.7 0.3 3.7 3.9 3.8 5.9 2.8 2.4 2.0 - 12 9.5 666 10.0 2 054 - 37 3.5 57 0.4 36 0.2 67 0.1 53 3.7 6.0 H.B 0.4 1.1 13.6 1.6 17.4 1.6 7.9 0.5 0.9 3.1 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.2 0.4 o.3 76 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general expenditure Total criminal justice system Police pr section Judic ial City Amount Percent of total general Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system MICHIGAN— CONTINUED 36 466 11 988 9 518 14 432 27 720 129 050 10 667 96 575 50 362 8 140 3 334 13 151 167 826 8 630 207 561 18 112 16 863 12 335 37 542 84 445 30 301 23 015 38 972 27 617 14 554 "16 291 24 838 23 229 41 542 45 922 13 712 153 555 264 156 10 119 74 788 30 842 20 495 73 132 38 503 39 732 275 573 18 520 20 988 10 563 116 32 222 '184 954 '13 «06 25 883 96 676 20 304 24 266 36 130 126 726 14 537 74 555 27 665 14 645 45 074 19 741 31 400 44 099 11 802 5 619 2 154 1 506 2 207 2 566 15 893 1 356 11 143 5 554 1 019 1 051 4 820 25 848 1 337 53 489 2 261 1 459 1 448 14.6 18.0 15.3 15.3 9.3 12.3 12.7 11.5 11.0 12.5 27.4 36.7 15.4 15.5 25.8 12.5 8.7 11.7 4 683 1 720 1 284 2 076 2 044 13 149 1 306 9 167 4 957 935 1 013 4 642 22 537 1 248 38 907 2 113 1 336 1 317 2 942 9 241 9 213 3 754 1 917 1 664 2 775 1 980 5 931 2 287 3 669 4 490 2 205 13 573 25 988 1 991 6 581 6 321 2 224 6 850 5 099 1 906 21 146 2 783 3 111 648 026 3 072 11 982 673 2 611 6 880 1 338 2 101 3 320 7 396 1 696 9 079 3 363 1 828 6 475 1 899 4 097 5 431 1 292 83.3 79.9 35.3 94.1 79.7 82.7 96.2 62.3 89.3 91.8 96,4 96.3 87.2 93.3 72.7 93.5 91.6 91,0 68,9 86.9 91.5 86,7 87.4 86. "3 93.7 94.4 89.6 94.3 87.9 94.5 88.1 95.3 95.4 93.9 93.0 95.2 93.0 62.9 92.6 88.1 85.4 86.7 89.4 67.1 90.4 87.1 90.5 93.0 90.0 85.9 87.7 86.9 85.3 99.1 98.1 90.7 97,1 98.5 96.2 97.6 97.1 94.6 769 247 99 17 317 716 146 33 22 76 1 118 34 4 616 73 52 44 303 645 275 167 139 107 87 64 200 65 315 124 91 416 808 84 207 130 94 331 23b 139 2 739 217 219 136 180 184 683 54 101 532 112 214 232 646 39 MINNESOTA: 8LO0MINGT0N MINNEAPOLIS MISSISSIPPI: MISSOURI : COLUMBIA. INDEPENDENCE KANSAS CITY ST. JOSEPH SPRINGFIELD MONTANA: BILLINGS GREAT FALLS NEBRASKA: 10 630 12.6 10 068 33.2 NEVADA: LAS VEGAS . , RENO NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER 2 193 1 885 2 963 2 098 6 620 2 424 4 176 4 750 2 503 14 244 27 227 2 120 7 079 6 642 2 391 10 672 5 496 2 163 24 761 3 209 3 479 965 576 3 399 13 756 744 2 607 7 645 1 557 2 396 3 819 3 666 1 711 9 259 3 478 1 882 6 572 1 973 4 199 5 591 1 366 5.6 6.8 20,4 '12.9 26.7 10.4 10.1 10.3 18.3 9.3 9.6 21.0 9.5 21.5 11.7 It. 6 1«.3 5.4 9.0 17.3 16,6 9.1 10.5 '7.4 '5.4 10.8 7.7 7.7 9,9 10.6 6.8 11.8 12.4 12.6 12.9 It. 6 10.0 13.4 12,7 11.6 NASHUA NEW JERSFY: BLOOMFIELD CAMDEN CLIFTON EAST ORANGE ELIZABETH IRVINGTON PASSAIC PATERSON TRENTON UNION CITY NEW MEXICO: NEW YORK: 8INGHAMT0N BUFFALO MOUNT VERNON NEW ROCHELLE ROCHESTER ROME 7.3 SCHENECTADY 3.6 UTICA WHITE PLAINS 6.1 YONKERS NORTH CAROLINA! ASHEVILLE CHARLOTTE FAYETTEVILLE GREENSBORO HIGH POINT WINSTON-SALEM NORTH DAKOTA! FARGO ond of tnblo. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 77 Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Indigent defense total erim MICHIGAN—CONTINUE;) WARREN WESTLAND WYOMING MINNESOTA: BLOOMINGTON DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS ROCHESTER ST. PAUL MISSISSIPPI! JACKSON MISSOURI: COLUMBIA FLORISSANT INDEPENDENCE KANSAS CITY ST. JOSEPH ST. LOUIS SPRINGFIELD MONTANA: BILLINGS GREAT FALLS NEBRASKA: LINCOLN OMAHA NEVADA: LAS VEGAS RENO NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER NASHUA NEW JERSEY: BAYONNE BLOOMFIELD CAMDEN CLIFTON EAST ORANGE ELIZABETH IRVINGTON JERSEY CITY NEWARK PASSAIC PATERSON TRENTON UNION CITY NEW MEXICO: ALBUQUERQUE NEW YORK: ALBANY. .... BINGHAMTON BUFFALO MOUNT VERNON NEW ROCHELLE NEW YORK CITY NIAGARA FALLS ROCHESTER ROME SCHENECTADY SYRACUSE TROY UTICA WHITE PLAINS YONKERS NORTH CAROLINA: ASHEVILLE CHARLOTTE DURHAM FAYETTEVILLE GREENSBORO HIGH POINT RALEIGH WINSTON-SALEM NORTH DAKOTA: FARGO See footnotes at end of table. 102 7«7 440 161 133 100 185 241 "431 821 3.3 130 4.1 149 4.3 28 330 2.9 143 4.2 360 2.6 17 2.3 95 3.4 233 3.0 107 6.9 81 3.4 267 7.0 330 3.8 15 0.9 138 1.5 115 3.3 54 2.9 97 1.5 74 3.8 100 2.4 101 1.8 0.5 0.9 e.o o.i 0.7 0.1 5.4 0.2 15.0 0.4 1.1 0.1 722 651 17 012 731 4.5 5.8 1.4 0.1 0.9 2.4 0.8 1.6 0.5 2.5 1.8 5.3 78 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general Total criminal Justice system Police protection Judlc lal City Amount Percent of total general Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system OHIO: 70 018 22 674 303 554 ?2o 063 7 366 127 937 64 897 13 190 15 945 10 794 7 206 22 143 7 708 20 933 11 982 9 126 10 514 92 570 11 760 29 176 18 274 15 131 81 148 79 088 19 697 95 625 23 663 24 677 6 "75 12 960 11 92U 25 329 15 339 12 149 845 819 117 335 21 223 19 304 35 441 8 193 27 800 33 333 75 945 34 659 12 134 20 367 9 461 14 183 67 697 73 282 251 168 216 b36 9 761 16 966 23 561 76 804 16 074 10 866 32 708 216 997 42 340 62 510 15 126 14 155 11 290 222 164 13 235 11 106 3C 931 7 374 8 712 3 751 25 995 33 812 1 473 2? 849 9 997 I 040 1 694 1 930 1 436 1 358 1 519 1 329 1 911 1 866 2 359 14 073 3 966 4 472 1 657 1 480 10 723 7 766 2 704 16 331 2 355 2 803 952 1 759 2 289 3 294 2 902 1 701 219 029 21 250 2 235 1 902 1 27" 1 299 1 831 2 059 5 963 2 145 2 508 3 919 1 889 1 438 6 398 5 232 21 599 18 798 1 317 2 570 2 328 8 904 2 768 906 4 408 36 769 6 831 11 556 1 318 1 723 1 064 40 426 1 650 628 3 138 1 157 12.4 16.5 6.6 15.0 19.9 17.9 15.4 7.9 10.6 17.9 19.9 6.1 19.7 6.3 15.9 20.4 22.4 15.2 33.9 15.3 9.1 9.8 13.2 9.8 13.7 17.1 10.0 11.4 14.7 13.6 19.2 13.0 18.9 14.0 25.9 18.1 10.5 9.9 3.6 15.9 6.6 6.2 7.9 6.2 20.7 19.2 20.0 10.1 9.5 7.1 8.6 8.7 13.5 15.1 9,9 11.6 17.2 6.3 13.5 17.0 16.1 18.5 8.7 12.2 1.H 18.2 12.5 5.7 10.1 15.7 7 352 3 179 20 306 26 060 1 302 18 912 7 681 768 1 404 1 735 1 162 1 172 1 044 1 055 1 607 1 475 1 891 12 087 1 222 3 506 1 486 1 334 8 698 6 773 2 456 14 758 2 191 2 742 917 1 716 2 217 3 117 2 796 1 683 136 168 20 398 2 161 1 843 1 246 1 272 1 683 1 985 5 677 2 088 2 442 2 902 1 717 1 321 6 019 4 738 18 446 12 735 1 162 2 216 1 980 7 341 2 400 633 3 827 34 163 6 371 10 546 1 121 1 534 914 35 749 1 428 534 2 792 1 100 84.4 84.8 78.1 83.0 88.4 82.8 76.8 73.8 82.9 89.9 80.9 86.3 68.7 79.4 84.1 79.0 80.2 85.9 30.7 78.4 69.7 90.1 81.1 87.2 9C.8 90.4 93.0 97.8 96.3 97.6 96.9 94.6 96.3 98.9 62.2 96.0 96.7 96.9 97.8 97.9 91.9 96.4 95.2 97.3 97.4 74.0 90.9 91.9 94.1 90.6 85.4 67.7 88.2 86,2 85.1 82.4 86.7 91.9 66.8 92.9 93.3 91.3 85.1 89.0 85.9 88.4 86.5 85.0 89.0 95.1 715 313 2 176 2 661 77 1 981 806 172 117 113 109 123 252 135 236 249 287 942 290 444 49 55 366 190 109 58 1 82 34 793 356 8 18 170 4 39 728 65 66 180 71 1 000 3 492 53 132 161 334 77 29 180 1 273 249 378 67 44 29 1 199 81 42 171 23 8.3 CLEVELAND 8.5 5.2 8.7 8.1 16.5 EUCLID 6.9 5.9 7.6 LAKEWOOD . . 16.6 12.3 13.3 SPRINGFIELD 12.2 6.7 7.3 9.9 OKLAHOMA: 3.0 NORMAN 3.7 OKLAHOMA CITY 3.4 TULSA OREGON: Eugene 4.0 PORTLAND 2.5 PENNSYLVANIA: ALLENTOWN ALTOONA 0.1 CHESTER ERIE 2.5 HARRISBURG _ 15.9 1.7 READING SCRANTON WILKES-BARRE _ _ RHODE ISLAND: 0.4 0.9 PROVIDENCE 2.9 WARWICK 0.2 SOUTH CAROLINA: 1.6 COLUMBIA 18.6 GREENVILLE 3.4 SOUTH DAKOTA: 4.6 TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA 2.8 1.4 MEMPHIS 4.6 TEXAS! 18.6 4.P 5.1 ARLINGTON 6.9 3.8 BEAUMONT 2.8 3.2 CORPUS CHRISTI 4.1 3.5 EL PASO 3.6 3.3 5.1 GARLAND 2.6 GRAND PRAIRIE 2.7 3.C IRVING 4.9 LAREDO 6.7 LUBBOCK 5.4 2.0 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 79 Percent of otal crimina OHIO! AKRON CANTON. . CINCINNATI CLEVELAND CLEVELAND HEIGHTS . . . . COLUMBUS DAYTON ELYRIA EUCLID HAMILTON KETTERING LAKEWOOD LIMA LORAIN MANSFIELD PARMA SPRINGFIELD ....... TOLEDO WARREN YOUNGSTOWN OKLAHOMA: LAWTON NORMAN OKLAHOMA CITY TULSA OREGON: EUGENE PORTLAND SALEM PENNSYLVANIA: ALLENTOWN . ALTOONA BETHLEHEM CHESTER ERIE HARRISRURG LANCASTER PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH READING SCRANTON WILKES-BARRE YORK RHODE ISLAND: CRANSTON PAWTUCKET . . PROVIDENCE WARWICK SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON COLUMBIA GREENVILLE SOUTH DAKOTA: SIOUX FALLS TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA KNOXVILLE MEMPHIS NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. , . . TEXAS: ABILENE AMARILLO ARLINGTON AUSTIN BEAUMONT BKOWNSVILLE CORPUS CHRISTI DALLAS EL PASO FORT WORTH GALVESTON GARLAND GRAND PRAIRIE HOUSTON IRVING LAREDO LUBBOCK MEStiUITE See footnotes at end of table 210 150 850 70"* 128 106 2b2 119 321 106 199 3.1 173 3.3 302 1.1 t36 2.3 56 t.3 119 1.6 131 5.6 279 2.7 97 3.5 22 2.1 216 H.9 9d6 2.7 0.2 1.2 0.5 1.2 396 109 162 167 250 909 1.5 2.9 10.3 u.8 5.1 2.8 2.9 10.3 t.l 0.7 1.5 0.7 15.9 6.9 10.2 0.1 1.9 5.5 0.3 1.9 0.9 80 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general Total criminal ustice system Police pre tection Judic ial City Amount Percent of total general Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system TEXAS— CONTINUED MIDLAND 6 567 6 441 13 924 9 608 7 712 104 048 7 437 24 420 11 82? 8 999 6 039 37 580 62 009 47 957 71 083 24 246 73 464 181 723 59 871 206 757 51 445 83 033 13 914 '12 049 182 283 34 378 54 002 22 345 14 422 25 305 46 216 16 034 20 867 87 739 198 el6 33 536 16 792 29 390 3b 184 1 512 1 660 2 509 1 123 1 275 16 046 1 218 2 536 1 594 2 005 791 5 862 6 420 4 045 3 864 2 289 5 378 10 888 3 773 14 333 4 947 5 787 1 842 1 787 25 143 5 289 6 004 2 187 1 908 1 256 2 131 2 233 1 357 5 211 34 882 1 229 2 942 1 621 2 190 23.0 25.8 18.0 11.7 16.5 17.3 16.4 10.4 13.5 22.3 13.1 15.6 10.4 8.4 5.4 9.4 7.3 6.0 6.3 6.9 9.6 7.0 13.2 "14.8 13.8 15.4 11.1 9.8 13.2 5.0 ^.6 13.9 6.5 5.9 17.5 3.7 17.5 5.5 6.2 1 402 1 487 2 212 972 1 170 16 531 1 111 2 336 1 314 1 717 683 5 055 4 651 2 383 2 750 1 465 3 170 7 417 2 711 10 089 2 504 4 096 1 632 1 649 21 642 4 718 4 947 1 978 1 808 1 223 2 048 2 143 1 303 4 941 33 299 1 179 2 828 1 563 2 078 92.7 89.6 88.2 86.6 91.8 91.6 91.2 92.1 82.4 85.6 86.3 86.2 72.4 58.9 71.2 64.0 58.9 68.1 71.9 70.4 50.6 70.8 88.6 92.3 86.1 89.2 82.4 90.4 94.8 97.4 96.1 96.0 96.0 94.8 95.5 95.9 96.1 96,4 94.9 59 85 112 19 51 729 43 43 93 226 71 558 767 628 581 294 1 009 1 387 625 2 010 1 358 805 62 1 407 185 282 29 21 25 32 12 355 14 16 ODESSA PASADENA PORT ARTHUR 4.0 SAN ANTONIO 3.5 1.7 WACO UTAH: OGDEN 11.3 PROVO SALT LAKE CITY VIRGINIA: 11.9 15.5 15.0 12.8 18.8 12.7 CHESAPEAKE HAMPTON LYNCHBURG NEWPORT NEWS NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH RICHMOND 14.0 27.5 ROANOKE VIRGINIA BEACH WASHINGTON: SEATTLE SPOKANE WEST VIRGINIA: HUNTINGTON WISCONSIN: GREEN BAY KENOSHA LA CROSSE MADISON MILWAUKEE OSHKOSH RACINE WAUWATOSA WEST ALUS 0.7 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 2 Less than half the unit of measurement shown. 'The total general expenditure data, shown in tt r by total criminal justice expenditure, shown ir 1973; ther the third CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 81 Table 13. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal se prose ZIZ and Indlger t defense Cor ections Other crin inal justice City Amount Percent of justice system — Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system TEXAS—CONTINUED 51 45 98 90 18 475 56 71 96 62 37 209 311 129 204 207 100 422 170 604 177 267 103 99 795 201 305 96 54 33 55 57 4U 260 1 196 45 112 44 94 3.4 2.7 3.9 8.0 1.4 2.6 4.6 2.8 6.0 3.1 4.7 3.6 4.8 3.2 5.3 9.0 3.0 3.9 4.5 4.2 3.6 4.6 5.6 5.5 3.2 3.8 5.1 4.4 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.9 5.0 3.4 3.7 3.8 2.7 4.3 21 16 3 74 65 6 10 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.1 (Z) 43 87 42 36 311 8 86 91 40 670 905 329 307 1 036 1 588 266 1 630 908 619 45 39 1 234 185 287 84 25 3 1 2 10 22 2 2 2 2.6 3.5 3.7 2.8 1.7 0.7 3.4 5.7 0.7 10.4 22.4 8.5 13.4 19.3 14.6 7.1 11.4 18.4 10.7 2.4 2.2 4.9 3.5 4.8 3.8 1.3 0.1 (Z) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 1 177 3 PORT ARTHUR SAN ANGELO WACO UTAH: OGDEN PROVO VIRGINIA: CHESAPEAKE HAMPTON LYNCHBURG NEWPORT NEWS NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH „ . (Z) RICHMOND ROANOKF VIRGINIA BEACH WASHINGTON: SPOKANE TACOMA WEST VIRGINIA: HUNTINGTON WISCONSIN! GREEN RAY MADISON MILWAUKEE OSHKOSH 0.2 RACINE WAUWATOSA WEST ALLIS 82 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct expenditure Total criminal justice system Police pr otection Judicial City Amount Percent of total direct expenditure .mount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent oi total criminal justice system 31 739 736 86 C17 7 206 35 336 36 332 22 544 18 989 13 952 162 438 17 080 16 230 89 554 7 674 22 638 11 423 6 432 9 410 13 464 36 255 15 091 3 023 27 653 9 877 21 897 4 839 8 396 17 194 13 315 14 255 8 511 10 554 9 424 7 626 15 949 53 136 13 844 11 579 30 708 7 454 19 197 25 955 28 200 6 310 108 197 701 462 12 568 12 493 3 410 108 660 9 716 12 993 14 661 18 991 43 044 2 592 17 127 12 528 11 240 31 975 2ft 770 64 360 13 337 29 346 13 228 146 737 499 943 98 549 13 972 13 688 24 764 16 736 20 525 17 435 14 332 900 6 437 36 388 4 026 793 9 837 1 046 2 796 5 279 3 560 1 723 2 481 30 808 1 736 2 151 10 263 1 079 3 688 1 391 1 108 1 932 1 766 7 232 3 228 72 4 431 1 633 4 253 84 1 781 3 863 2 644 3 030 1 801 2 431 1 269 1 651 2 544 7 334 3 304 2 849 3 669 1 397 3 333 4 760 4 993 407 16 369 170 503 ? 014 1 518 43 17 417 2 019 2 181 2 287 2 416 6 336 22 3 270 1 413 1 638 4 056 4 904 11 499 1 706 4 656 1 770 21 330 68 304 16 697 1 944 2 254 5 331 2 757 ? 455 3 663 1 241 1 073 1 700 4 914 12.7 11.4 14.5 7.9 14.5 15,8 9.1 IT. 8 19.0 10.2 13.3 11.5 14.1 16.3 12.2 17.1 20.5 13.1 19.9 21.4 2.4 16.0 16.5 19.4 1.7 21.2 22.5 19.9 21.3 21.2 23.0 13.5 21.7 16.0 13.8 23.9 24.6 12.0 18.7 17.4 16.3 17.7 6.5 15.1 24.3 16.0 12.2 1.3 16,0 20.8 16.8 15.6 12.7 14.7 0.8 19.1 11.3 It. 6 12.7 17.0 17.9 12.8 15.9 13.4 14.5 13.7 16.9 13.9 16.5 21.5 16.5 12.0 21.0 8.7 12.1 26.4 13.5 3 206 099 8 575 752 2 560 4 604 3 186 1 550 2 348 27 476 1 569 1 935 9 457 970 3 365 1 206 982 1 867 1 711 6 839 3 038 43 4 306 1 596 3 958 1 713 3 799 2 592 2 905 1 765 2 392 1 234 1 609 2 466 7 117 3 231 2 789 3 522 1 285 3 199 4 545 4 770 367 14 526 165 012 1 948 1 461 16 237 2 000 2 103 2 213 2 265 5 953 1 3 043 1 320 1 528 3 966 4 781 11 302 1 536 4 538 1 704 18 905 45 399 16 017 1 835 2 190 5 086 2 624 2 375 3 417 1 174 1 010 1 616 4 799 79.6 87.2 71.9 91.6 87.2 89.5 90.0 94.6 89.2 90.4 90.0 92.1 89,9 91.2 86.7 88.6 96.6 96.9 94,6 94,1 59,7 97.2 97.7 93.1 96.2 98.3 98.0 95.9 98.0 98.4 97,2 97,5 96.9 97.0 97.8 97.9 95.5 92.0 96.0 95.5 95.5 90.2 88,7 96.8 96.7 96.2 93.2 99.1 96.4 96.8 93.8 94.0 4.5 93.1 93.4 93.3 97.7 97.5 98.3 90.0 97.5 96.3 88.6 66.5 95.9 94.4 97.2 95.4 95.2 96.7 93.3 94.6 94.1 95.1 97.7 311 128 287 270 64 153 138 37 65 1 582 62 84 304 30 85 75 53 9 543 ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM ARIZONA: SCOTTSDALE 3.9 TUCSON ARKANSAS: 5.4 CALIFORNIA: ALHAMBRA ANAHEIM BUENA PARK BURBANK CARSON CHULA VISTA COSTA MESA EL CAJON GARDEN GROVE GLENDALE HAHTHORNE HUNTINGTON BEACH INGLF.WOOD NORWALK OAKLAND ORANGE PICO RIVERA POMONA REDONDO BEACH RICHMOND RIVERSIDE SACRAMENTO SAN BUENAVENTURA SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO 14.0 SAN JOSE SAN LEANDRO SAN MATEO SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLAKA SANTA MONICA SANTA ROSA SIMI VALLEY SOUTH GATE STOCKTON - CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 83 Legal services and prosecution Indigen t defense Corr ections Other crim inal justice City Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent ol total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system TOTAL 133 477 250 7 60 89 45 38 55 1 029 105 93 491 38 86 40 29 65 55 280 190 29 125 37 206 84 68 64 52 67 36 39 35 42 67 217 73 60 167 112 89 215 223 28 1 200 5 463 66 57 43 318 19 78 74 151 274 21 66 54 110 92 123 197 68 118 66 1 284 3 369 680 109 64 245 133 80 246 67 A3 33 115 3.3 2.5 0.7 2.1 1.7 1.3 2.2 2.2 3.3 6.0 4.3 4.8 3.5 2.3 2.9 2.6 3.4 3.1 3.9 5.9 40.3 2.6 2.3 4.8 100.0 3.8 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.6 2.8 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.2 2.1 4.5 8.0 2.7 4.5 4.5 6.9 7.3 3.2 3.3 3.8 100.0 1.8 0.9 3.6 3.2 6.3 4.3 95.5 2.0 3.8 6.7 2.3 2.5 1.7 4.0 2.5 3.7 6.0 4.9 4.1 5.6 2.P 4.6 4.P 3.3 6.7 5.4 5.9 1.9 2.3 21 173 15 6 177 11 162 912 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.9 1.3 315 140 673 17 112 362 191 98 7 529 41 152 70 44 113 89 58 12 623 862 109 161 39 B86 8 856 51 7.8 6.8 1.6 4.0 6.9 5.4 5.7 0.3 1.7 3.8 4.1 5.0 4.0 1.6 2.1 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.9 1.7 4.9 2.8 4,2 13.0 3.0 39 776 37 71 15 39 11 45 20 8 102 73 225 1.0 ALABAMA! 0.4 _ 1.3 _ ARIZONA! 1.8 ARKANSAS: . - CALIFORNIA! ANAHEIM _ COSTA MESA . _ EL CAJON GLENDALE HAWTHORNE HUNTINGTON BEACH INGLEWOOD LAKEWOOD MOUNTAIN VIEW NORWALK OAKLAND ONTARIO PICO RIVERA POMONA RICHMOND SAN BERNARDINO SAN BUENAVENTURA SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SAN LEANDRO SAN MATEO SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA MONICA - SANTA ROSA SOUTH GATE STOCKTON - 34 Table 14. CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct Justice system Police pr otection Judi cial City Amount Percent of total direct Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system CALIFORNIA — CONTINUED 16 545 24 737 11 934 1? ?86 5 851 8 215 15 267 14 37° 37 469 261 997 13 384 24 579 76 245 29 101 26 918 154 02* 26 bus 30 553 35 08? 81 752 46 045 83 229 56 508 21 979 62 139 1 240 625 19 209 35 115 16 468 13 367 19 746 142 7d3 74 63? 31 M93 34 213 13 021 35 182 28 918 66 235 11 028 14 477 166 «00 10 °46 49 018 16 524 19 556 179 944 12 95o 7 453 9 754 "3 745 13 363 930 460 6 47? 13 947 8 347 18 952 '5 46? 14 190 9 673 9 03» 15 131 20 (,'dl 23 129 12 323 .o 094 14 59* 10 419 ? 004 5 151 2 105 1 629 1 579 1 881 2 206 1 662 4 362 33 154 2 512 2 506 8 419 1 420 1 731 6 655 1 526 1 678 2 414 7 050 2 881 5 859 3 435 1 520 5 140 176 212 1 912 6 83e 2 571 3 250 4 592 22 210 16 923 6 121 6 688 1 791 7 259 2 460 8 931 2 437 1 984 22 919 1 857 6 464 3 125 3 345 28 897 1 757 1 467 2 227 873 1 289 236 327 1 391 1 749 1 572 2 838 1 643 2 617 ? 526 1 749 2 318 4 223 3 987 1 409 2 246 2 810 2 085 10.8 20.8 18.3 13.3 27,0 22.9 14.4 11.5 11.7 12.7 18.8 10.2 11.0 4.9 6.4 5.6 5.8 5.5 6.9 6.6 6.3 7.0 6.1 6.9 6.3 14.4 10.0 19.5 15.6 24.3 23.3 15.6 22.7 19.2 19.5 13.8 20.6 8.5 13.5 22.1 13.7 13.7 17.0 13.2 16.9 17.1 16.1 13.6 19.7 22.6 '23.3 9.6 25.4 21.5 12.5 18.8 15.0 '30.0 18,4 26.1 19.4 15.3 21.0 17.2 U.I '24.7 19.2 20.0 1 898 4 824 2 127 1 610 1 541 1 855 1 966 1 437 3 940 24 954 2 195 2 254 8 215 1 355 1 687 8 231 1 457 1 630 2 279 6 906 2 785 5 433 3 290 1 434 4 580 88 002 1 722 5 967 2 383 3 085 4 239 13 338 16 139 5 365 5 855 1 611 6 716 2 345 8 508 2 211 1 930 19 966 1 680 4 124 2 888 2 988 25 089 1 628 1 407 2 160 638 1 242 227 411 1 334 1 699 1 495 2 728 1 581 2 536 2 443 1 695 2 263 4 063 3 719 1 375 2 150 2 565 2 041 94.7 93.7 97.3 98.8 97.6 98.6 89.1 85.4 89.9 75.3 87.4 69.9 97.6 95.4 97.5 95.1 95.5 97.1 94.4 98.0 96.7 92.7 95.6 94.3 69.1 49,4 90.1 87.3 92.7 94.9 92.3 60.1 95.4 87.6 87.5 89.9 92.5 95.3 95.3 90.7 97.3 87.1 90.5 63.8 92.4 89.3 86.8 92.7 95.9 97.0 96.0 96.4 96.2 95.9 97.1 95.1 96.1 96.2 97.0 96.7 96.9 97.6 96.2 93.3 97.6 95.7 91.3 97.9 107 133 222 2 725 128 70 60 1 4 1 1 5 13 4 30 13 2 330 17 734 71 371 57 4 139 3 889 191 153 125 8 144 27 13 886 49 1 203 107 113 12 1 8 245 10 1 12 6 16 WESTMINSTER _ _ COLORADO: 4.9 7.9 5.1 DENVER 8.2 5.1 PUEBLO 2.8 CONNECTICUT : 0.7 0.1 0.2 MEPIDEN 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 NORnALK 0.1 0.5 WATERBURY 0.4 0.1 DELAWARE: 6.4 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON 1C.0 FLORIDA: CLEAPHATER 3.7 FORT LAUDERDALE 5.4 GAINESVILLE 2.2 HIALEAri , 0.1 HOLLYWOOD 3.0 JACKSONVILLE 17.5 MIAMI 3.1 2.3 ST. PETERSBURG 1.7 TALLAHASSEE 0.3 1.6 WEST PALM BEACH 1.1 GEORGIA! 0.7 3.9 2.6 18.6 MACON 3.4 3.4 HAWAII: IDAHO: BOISE CITY 0.7 ILLINOIS: AUfORA (Z) 0.9 CHAMPAIGN _ CHICAGO 0.1 CICERO DECATUR _ EAST ST. LOUIS _ 0.6 EVANSTON _ JOLItT U) OAK LAWN 0.7 • ROCKFOPD 0.2 ROCK ISLAND 1.1 SKOKIt SPRINGFIELD . - Soo footnote CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 85 Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal £ pros ecution a " d Indigen t defense Con ections Other crin inal justice City — Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system CALIFORNIA— COM I NJtn 106 231 ■58 19 38 26 133 112 149 1 006 179 85 136 42 40 424 64 47 130 96 92 376 132 64 230 11 326 68 139 70 31 129 1 081 363 431 99 77 174 107 279 66 "1 795 24 275 80 42 2 863 93 60 66 27 47 3 162 57 50 77 108 52 79 82 42 55 160 103 16 96 157 44 5.3 4.5 2.7 1.2 2.4 1.4 6.0 6.7 3.4 5.5 7.1 3.4 1.6 3.0 2.3 4.9 4.2 2.8 5.4 1.4 3.2 6.4 3.8 4.2 4.5 6.4 3.6 2.0 2.7 1.0 2.8 4.9 2.1 7.9 1.5 4.3 2.4 4.3 3.1 2.7 2.1 3.5 1.3 4.3 2.6 1.3 9.9 5.3 4.1 3.0 3.1 3.6 1.3 4.1 2.9 4.9 3.8 3.2 3.0 3.2 2.4 2.4 3.6 2.7 1.3 4.3 5.6 2.1 444 10 33 1 902 10 17 95 13 55 4 1.3 0.4 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.9 0.1 96 30 3 160 99 57 730 41 344 61 130 85 3 552 421 71 442 103 244 133 1 272 104 791 50 202 940 24 5 006 2 97 88 1.9 0.7 9.5 3.9 32.4 2.1 5.0 2.4 4.0 1.9 16.0 2.5 1.2 6.6 5.8 3.4 5.5 5.5 5.6 12.2 1.6 6.0 3.3 1.4 2.1 0.1 2.4 3.1 41 63 6 22 4 20 20 1 516 255 139 16 503 51 - COLORADO: COLORADO SPRINGS CONNECTICUT : HARTFORD MERIDEN NEW HAVEN NORWALK STAMFORD. ... WATERBURY DELAWARE: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON FLORIDA: FORT LAUDERDALE HIALEAH HOLLYWOOD JACKSONVILLE PENSACOLA ST. PETERSBURG TALLAHASSEF WEST PALM PEACH . . GEORGIA: COLUMBUS MACON HAWAII : IDAHO: SOISE CITY ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS . . AURORA - EAST ST. LOUIS ELGIN ROCKFORD ROCK ISLAND SPRINGFIELD WAUKEGAN . See footnote end of table. 86 Table 14. CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct expenditure Total criminal Justice system Police protection Judicial City Amount Percent of total direct expenditure Ajnount Percent of total criminal Justice system Amount Percent of total criminal INDIANA! 9 651 26 821 27 489 43 356 '20 IIS 223 976 9 237 26 851 9 74? 26 420 17 536 lb 844 49 349 10 692 22 414 23 657 30 650 4 797 24 894 120 408 12 285 '23 149 133 379 17 502 63 449 8 354 10 206 10 666 168 639 31 144 35 266 787 785 478 997 51 074 60 220 25 726 42 214 23 893 26 678 34 531 45 273 27 830 24 263 52 498 55 774 28 037 65 350 30 763 83 603 25 354 102 796 24 646 27 685 10 219 536 114 79 200 46 218 15 319 40 229 6 659 20 525 41 820 9 57i '9 295 28 279 10 56? 17 765 11 282 12 816 1 768 3 259 4 372 6 075 2 857 27 300 1 677 3 402 1 358 2 242 1 195 1 879 7 280 1 517 1 866 1 847 5 566 1 806 3 595 7 332 1 846 7 376 15 285 1 217 14 004 1 264 972 1 469 34 020 5 104 2 257 71 448 67 155 3 248 4 010 1 657 4 316 1 869 2 293 2 937 4 059 2 158 2 130 4 296 4 178 1 247 4 369 2 356 5 076 2 152 7 071 3 869 4 231 2 665 117 194 8 586 8 367 3 245 5 616 1 428 3 149 4 488 2 042 2 514 3 995 2 555 3 224 2 714 1 958 16.3 12.2 15.9 14.0 '14.2 12.2 18.2 12.7 13.9 8.5 6.6 11.2 14.8 It. 2 6.3 7.8 18.2 37.7 14.4 6.1 15.0 '31.9 11.5 7.0 22.1 15.1 9.5 13.7 20.1 16.4 6.4 9.1 14.0 6.4 6.7 6.4 10.2 7.8 8.6 8.5 9.0 7.8 8.8 6.2 7.5 4.4 6.7 7.7 6.1 6.5 6.9 15.8 15.3 26.1 21.9 10.8 18.1 21.2 14.0 21.4 15.3 10.7 21.3 '27.0 IH.X 24.2 18.1 24.1 15.3 1 641 2 899 4 008 5 252 2 625 18 920 1 561 3 338 1 259 1 966 1 035 1 697 6 397 1 399 1 465 1 710 4 965 1 297 3 241 5 901 1 711 7 008 14 389 1 145 8 036 1 116 883 1 224 23 918 4 598 2 177 54 771 45 820 3 188 3 832 1 607 4 030 1 807 2 206 2 804 3 888 2 111 2 081 4 160 4 053 1 191 4 287 2 074 4 704 2 077 6 817 3 287 3 747 2 348 102 545 7 509 6 315 2 706 4 589 1 301 2 788 3 888 1 796 2 221 3 812 2 408 2 541 2 518 1 611 92.6 89.0 91.7 86.5 91.9 69.3 93.1 98.1 92.7 87.7 86.6 90.3 67.9 92.2 78.5 92.6 89.2 71.8 90.2 80.5 92.7 95.0 94.1 94.1 57.4 88.3 90.8 83.3 70.3 90.1 96,5 76.7 68.2 98.2 95.6 97.0 93.4 96.7 96.2 95.5 95.8 97.8 97.7 96.8 97.0 95.7 98.1 88.0 92.7 96.5 96.4 84.5 88.6 88.1 87.5 87.5 75.5 83.4 81.7 91.1 88.5 86.6 88.0 86.3 95.4 94.2 76.8 92.8 92.5 61 100 320 143 3 024 87 46 152 57 72 385 67 86 104 77 78 229 29 76 369 33 3 460 96 42 90 4 631 297 5 208 10 816 2 396 170 262 6 959 487 981 342 473 75 192 365 154 192 91 481 146 112 GARY HAMMOND INDIANAPOLIS IOWA: 6.8 DES MOINES 5.3 WATERLOO KANSAS: TOPEKA WICHITA KENTUCKY: LOUISVILLE 2.4 0WENSB0R0 2.7 LOUISIANA: LAFAYETTE 7.6 LAKE CHARLES 4.3 MONROE NEW ORLEANS 13.6 SHREVEPORT 5.8 MAINE: MARYLAND: BALTIMORE 7.3 MASSACHUSETTS: 16.1 NEW BEDFORD _ NEWTON _ SPRINGFIELD WALTHAM WORCESTER (Z) MICHIGAN: DEARBORN 4.0 DEARBORN HEIGHTS 9.8 DETROIT 5.9 FLINT 5.7 GRAND RAPIDS 11.7 KALAMAZOO 10.5 8.4 5.3 6.1 POMTIAC 8.1 ROSEVILLE 7.5 ROYAL OAK 7.6 SAGINAW „ 3.6 14.9 5.4 TAYLOR 5.7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 87 Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Indigent defens Percent of total crimina justice syste INDIANA: ANDERSON EVANSVILLE FORT WAYNE GARY HAMMOND INDIANAPOLIS MUNCIE SOUTH BEND TERRE HAUTE IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS COUNCIL BLUFFS DAVENPORT DES MOINES DUbUOUE SIOUX CITY WATERLOO KANSAS: KANSAS CITY OVERLAND PARK TOPEKA WICHITA KENTUCKY: COVINGTON LEXINGTON . LOUISVILLE. ....... 0WENSB0R0 LOUISIANA: BATON ROUGE LAFAYETTE ... LAKE CHARLES MONROE NEW ORLEANS SHREVEPORT MAINE: PORTLAND MARYLAND: BALTIMORE MASSACHUSETTS: BOSTON BROCKTON. ... CAMBRIDGE CHICOPEE FALL RIVER HOLYOKE LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD NEW BEDFORD NEWTON PITTSFIELD QUINCY SOMERVILLE , SPRINbFIELD WALTHAM WORCESTER MICHIGAN: ANN ARBOR DEARBORN DEARBOFN HEIGHTS DETROIT ......... FLINT . GRAND PAPIOS KALAMAZOO LANSING LINCOLN PAr!K. ...... LIVONIA . . PONT I AC ROSEVILLE ROYAL OAK SAGINAW ST. CLAIR SHORES SOUTHFIELD STERLING HEIGHTS TAYLOR See footnotes at end of table. 130 101 1S7 110 265 172 117 101 235 101 510 251 75 213 llo 228 46 1 558 256 262 112 205 3 , 3 3.2 3.5 3.0 4,5 2.4 228 3 1.7 3 1.3 1 457 3.0 3 3.1 9 6.) - 2. is 62 1.4 1 3.6 6 1.6 0.2 0.1 1.2 tZ) 55 28 3 306 117 384 4 247 161 6 764 6 679 161 4 189 331 267 335 31 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.0 12.1 0.3 2.0 2.8 2.4 3.3 5.2 1.9 2.5 6.3 12.5 3.2 2.3 2.0 0.2 3.6 3.9 3.2 6.0 2.2 1.6 0.3 122 263 291 26 18 264 - 12 9.5 666 9.9 2 054 - 37 3.5 57 0.4 36 0.2 67 0.1 53 486 533 3.7 6.0 4.8 0.4 1.2 14.1 1,6 17.4 1.6 8.0 3.1 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.2 9.1 1.1 0.4 6.4 8 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total dire MICHIGAN — CONTINUED WARREN WESTLAND WYOMING MINNESOTA: BLO0MINGT0N . . . DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS . . . ROCHESTER .... ST. PAUL MISSISSIPPI: JACKSON MISSOURI : COLUMBIA FLORISSANT. . . . INDEPENDENCE. . . KANSAS CITY . . . ST. JOSEPH. . . . ST. LOUIS .... SPRINGFIELD . . . MONTANA: 8ILLINGS GREAT FALLS , . . NEBRASKA: LINCOLN OMAHA NEVADA: LAS VEGAS .... RENO NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER. . . . NASHUA NEW JERSEY: BAYONNE BLOOMFIELD. . . . CAMDEN CLIFTON EAST ORANGE . . . ELIZABETH .... IRVINGTON .... JERSEY CITY . . . NEWARK PASSAIC PATERSON TRENTON UNION CITY. . . . NEW MEXICO: ALBUQUERQUE , . . NEW YORK: ALBANY BINGHAMTON. . , . BUFFALO MOUNT VERNON. . . NEW ROCHELLE. . . NEW YORK CITY . . NIAGARA FALLS . . ROCHESTER .... ROME SCHENECTADY . . . SYRACUSE TROY UTICA WHITE PLAINS. . . YONKERS NORTH CAROLINA: ASHEVILLE .... CHARLOTTE .... DURHAM FAYETTEVILLt. . . GREENSBORO. . . . HIGH POINT. . . . RALEIGH WINSTON-SALEM . . NORTH DAKOTA: FARGO Soo footnui , 35 980 10 54] 8 b85 13 74,. 27 710 121 017 10 623 7 7 863 7 9 3n 5 834 13 151 159 116 8 630 206 01 s 18 112 16 P63 12 274 36 729 82 lot; 21 1*12 23 015 38 97? 27 489 1" 553 l 16 10 - 24 638 23 229 41 090 1*5 704 712 149 724 278 24? 9 935 72 95 ■< JO 84? 20 301 36 314 39 56 i 275 lb ! HI 520 20 988 509 610 32 ?2? l 184 954 '13 308 25 883 •ir 676 20 3u4 22 948 36 130 12 n 72( 14 537 73 511 .'-' 527 14 585 44 7 Iv L9 30 967 42 LS7 619 137 490 ? 195 2 556 15 893 1 357 11 143 1 019 1 051 4 816 25 rf4P 1 3 >4 53 4B9 2 251 1 459 1 448 4 26] 10 530 314 4 331 ? 193 1 879 2 963 2 098 6 620 2 421 4 176 4 750 2 503 14 244 27 in 2 120 7 079 6 6h".' 2 391 5 4 46 2 116 24 761 3 209 3 i)79 965 298 3 199 13 756 741 2 p.j? 7 545 1 557 ? 396 3 319 8 668 1 70] 9 23" 3 478 1 B82 6 5 : \ 1 973 15.6 20.7 16.8 L5.9 9.2 13.1 12.8 14.3 12.8 27.4 8. 7 u. a U.6 12.8 3.0 18.8 13.0 26.7 10.4 9.7 21.5 11.8 15.1 5.3 9.0 17.3 16.6 ; o . 5 '7.4 '5.4 10.8 7.7 7.7 11.7 12.6 12.6 12. V 14,7 10.1 13. b 4 683 1 715 1 284 2 076 2 )H4 1J 149 1 306 9 167 935 1 1 i 4 642 22 =.37 1 248 38 907 2 113 1 336 1 317 2 942 9 241 1 917 1 663 ?. 775 1 9«0 5 931 2 287 3 669 4 H90 2 205 U 573 25 988 1 49 1 6 581 6 321 2 224 5 :j90 1 906 21 146 ri /"J 3 11! 648 026 3 072 ,1 .'8 2 673 2 611 6 880 1 3 se 2 101 J 320 7 S96 1 686 9 179 3 16 1 1 828 6 475 1 899 4 089 5 4 SI 80.0 82.7 91.8 ) 6 . 4 96.4 87.2 93.6 72.7 93.9 12.2 86.7 87.4 88.5 9'. 7 94.4 89.6 94.3 87.9 94.5 68.1 95.3 95.4 93.9 93.0 95.2 93.0 99.1 98.1 96.7 97.1 98.5 96.2 97.6 97.1 769 ^7 17 317 275 167 313 124 416 o 08 ^07 13( 92.6 236 90.1 139 85.4 2 739 86.7 217 89.4 219 67.1 136 160 90.4 184 87.1 683 90.5 54 93.0 101 90.0 85.9 112 87.7 214 86.9 232 85.3 646 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) 89 Legal s pros ervices and ecutlon .„ dlg e„ Cor ections Other crim inal justice City ~ Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal MICHIGAN— CONTINUED 164 64 88 102 172 747 51 489 122 51 16 98 775 52 1 665 65 53 ?.o 283 510 440 1*1 34 40 101 54 212 72 133 100 185 241 431 45 121 138 34 297 133 66 621 130 149 28 330 143 360 17 95 233 107 81 267 330 15 138 115 c 4 97 74 100 101 32 2.9 3.0 5.9 4.6 6.7 4.7 3.8 4.4 2.2 5.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.9 3.2 2.9 3.6 1.4 6.6 4.8 54.1 3.7 1.6 2.1 3.4 2.6 3.2 3.0 3.2 2.1 7.4 1.7 1.6 2.1 1.7 2.1 1.4 2.8 2.4 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.3 2.9 4.2 2.6 2.3 3.4 3.0 6.9 3.4 7.0 3.« 0.9 1.5 3.3 2.9 1.5 3.6 2.4. 1.8 2.3 3 19 2 9 45 30 12 6 1 3 55 10 107 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 (Z) 0.4 0.1 (Z) 0.2 1.0 18 17 14 1 275 75 329 1 388 8 002 12 55 301 80 249 103 57 1 194 3 125 643 296 59 0.8 1.1 0.5 8.0 0.7 5.9 5.4 15.0 0.8 3.8 7.1 0.8 5.7 4.7 3.0 11.2 0.1 13.0 3.4 1.1 74 722 651 67 11 433 54 12 277 59 36 22 14 170 50 39 28 79 17 012 731 42 MINNESOTA: BLOOMINGTON MINNEAPOLIS ROCHESTER ST. PAUL MISSISSIPPI: MISSOURI : COLUMaiA INDEPENDENCE ST. JOSEPH SPRINGFIELD MONTANA: GREAT FALLS NEBRASKA: OMAHA NEVADA: NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER NEW JERSEY: BLOOMFIELD CAMDEN CLIFTON „ . EAST ORANGE IRVINGTON PASSAIC PATERSON TRENTON NEW MEXICO: NEW YORK: 0.5 BINGHAMTON MOUNT VERNON NEW ROCHELLE NIAGARA FALLS . ROCHESTER SCHENECTADY - UTICA , WHITE PLAINS YONKERS NORTH CAROLINA: CHARLOTTE 5 DURHAM FAYETTEVILLE GREENSBORO HIGH POINT WINSTON-SALEM NORTH DAKOTA: 90 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct Total criminal justice system Police pr Dtection Jud Lcial City Amount Percent of total direct expenditure Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system OHIO: 69 812 22 67a 298 348 218 069 7 373 127 800 63 100 13 190 15 860 10 743 7 206 22 090 7 481 20 912 11 982 9 126 10 338 91 100 11 600 29 176 18 274 15 131 81 148 78 525 19 697 93 309 23 657 23 666 5 932 11 578 11 924 22 436 13 913 9 936 834 667 116 008 21 162 16 787 35 189 8 193 27 800 32 523 75 942 34 659 12 134 20 367 9 461 14 183 65 003 72 739 243 375 215 934 9 761 16 075 23 233 76 632 16 074 10 791 32 708 213 164 42 289 62 510 14 760 14 155 11 007 216 546 13 235 11 106 30 651 7 374 8 597 3 740 25 776 33 812 1 451 22 849 9 997 1 032 1 677 1 865 1 394 1 358 1 51b 1 325 1 898 1 862 2 335 14 050 3 966 4 467 1 657 1 475 10 723 7 766 2 704 16 331 2 355 2 803 952 1 759 2 289 3 294 2 844 1 701 214 590 21 250 2 235 1 902 1 274 1 299 1 831 2 059 5 963 2 145 2 508 3 919 1 889 1 426 6 379 5 232 20 613 18 798 1 317 2 570 2 328 B 904 2 767 861 4 408 36 789 780 11 556 1 318 1 723 1 064 40 426 1 650 608 3 138 1 157 12.3 16.5 8.6 15.5 19.7 17.9 15.3 7.8 10.6 17.5 19.3 6.1 20.3 6.3 15.8 20.4 22.6 15.4 34,4 15.3 9.1 9.7 13.2 9.9 13.7 17.5 10.0 11.6 16.0 15.2 19.2 14.7 20.4 17.1 25.7 16.3 10.6 11.3 3.6 15.9 6.6 6.3 7.9 6.2 20.7 19.2 21.0 10.1 9.8 7.2 8.5 8,7 13.5 16.0 10.0 11.6 17.2 6.2 13.5 17.3 16.0 16.5 8.9 12.2 9.7 18.7 12.= 5.5 10.2 15.7 7 352 3 179 20 306 28 060 1 302 18 912 7 681 768 1 404 1 735 1 162 1 172 1 044 1 055 1 607 1 475 1 891 12 064 1 222 3 501 1 486 1 334 8 698 6 773 2 456 14 758 2 191 2 742 917 1 716 2 217 3 117 2 796 1 683 136 168 20 398 2 161 1 843 1 246 1 272 1 683 1 985 5 677 2 088 2 442 2 902 1 717 1 321 6 000 4 738 18 446 12 735 1 162 2 216 1 980 7 341 2 400 830 3 827 34 163 6 371 10 346 1 121 % 1 534 914 35 749 1 428 334 2 792 1 100 85.5 85,0 78.8 83.0 89.7 82.8 76.8 74.4 83.7 92.0 83.4 86.3 68.8 79.6 84.7 79.2 81.0 85.9 30.7 78.4 89.7 90.4 81.1 87.2 90.8 90.4 93,0 97,8 96.3 97,6 96.9 94.6 98.3 98.9 63.5 96.0 96.7 96,9 97.8 97.9 91.9 96.4 95.2 97.3 97.4 74.0 90.9 92.6 94.1 90.6 89.5 67.7 86.2 86.2 85.1 82.4 86.7 94.2 86.8 92.9 94,0 91.3 85.1 69.0 85.9 88.4 86.5 87.8 89.0 95.1 715 313 1 957 2 881 77 1 981 806 172 117 113 109 123 252 135 236 249 287 942 290 444 49 55 366 190 109 58 1 82 34 793 356 8 16 170 4 39 728 65 6b 180 71 508 3 492 53 132 161 334 77 29 180 1 273 249 37e 67 44 29 1 199 81 32 171 23 8.3 7.6 CLEVELAND 8.5 COLUMBUS 5.3 8.7 EUCLID KETTEhING 7.8 SPRINGFIELD 12.3 6.7 7.3 YOUNGSTOWN 9,9 OKLAHOMA: NORMAN 3,7 OKLAHOMA CITY 3,4 2.4 OREGON! 4.0 PORTLAND 2.5 PENNSYLVANIA: ALLENTOWN ALTOONA 0.1 BETHLEHEM CHESTER 2.5 LANCASTER PHILADELPHIA 1.7 READING SCRANTON WILKES-BARRE YORK RHODE ISLAND: 0.4 0.9 PROVIDENCE 2.9 WARWICK 0.2 SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON 1.6 18.6 GREENVILLE 3.4 SOUTH DAKOTA: 4.6 TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA 2.8 1.4 MEMPHIS 2.5 NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON TEXAS: 18.6 4.0 5.1 ARLINGTON 6.9 AUSTIN 3.8 BEAUMONT 2.6 BROWNSVILLE 3.3 CORPUS CHRISTI 4.1 DALLAS 3.5 EL PASO 3.7 3.3 5.1 GARLAND 2.6 GRAND PRAIRIE 2.7 HOUSTON 3.0 IRVING 4.9 LAREDO 5.3 LURB0CK 5.4 MESQUITE 2.0 Soo footnote CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 91 Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) OHIO: AKRON CANTON CINCINNATI CLEVELAND CLEVELAND HEIGHTS . . . , COLUMBUS DAYTON ELYRIA EUCLID , HAMILTON KETTERING LAKEWOOD LIMA , LORAIN MANSFIELD PARMA SPRINGFIELD TOLEDO WARREN YOUNGSTOWN OKLAhOMA: LAWTON NORMAN OKLAHOMA CITY ...... TULSA OREGON: EUGENE PORTLAND SALEM PENNSYLVANIA: ALLENTOWN ALTOONA BETHLEHEM CHESTER ERIE HARRISBURG LANCASTER PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH READING SCRANTON . WILKES-6ARRE YORK RHODE ISLAND: CRANSTON PAwTUCKET PROVIDENCE WARWICK SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON COLUMBIA GREENVILLE SOUTH DAKOTA: SIOUX FALLS TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA KNOXVILLE MEMPHIS NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . . . TEXAS: ABILENE AMARILLO ARLINGTON AUSTIN BEAUMONT BROWNSVILLE CORPUS CHRISTI DALLAS EL PASO FORT WORTH GALVESTON GARLAND GRAND PRAIRIE HOUSTON IRVING LAREDO LUPBOCK MESQUITE , See footnotes at end of table aio 2.1 1*>0 4.0 eso 3.3 704 2.1 66 4.7 906 4.0 382 3.E 128 106 262 294 305 119 321 106 199 3.1 173 3.3 302 1.5 436 2.3 56 4.3 U« 4.6 131 5.6 239 2.7 97 3.5 22 2.5 216 4.9 9*6 2.7 146 2.2 162 167 961 02e 0.5 156 0.4 51 0.2 . - 10 1.2 23 - 7A2 - 49 0.5 242 1.2 41 - 28 - 451 - 417 250 1 000 1 909 120 185 51 401 4.9 10.2 S.5 3.5 2.4 4.3 4.2 3.4 ! .8 2.4 4.8 5.9 3.9 12 990 0.4 1. - B.5 1.0 . I 0.7 5 ,5 0. I 1.7 0.4 11.1 1.0 0.2 J .9 0.9 92 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total direct expenditure justice system Police protection judical Amount Percent of total direct expenditure Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system TEXAS— CONTINUED MIDLAND 6 467 6 421 13 °24 9 606 7 712 103 287 7 414 24 400 11 622 8 315 6 015 37 323 62 009 47 957 70 415 23 904 73 319 179 079 59 582 206 757 51 445 83 033 13 590 '12 049 171 188 34 378 52 150 21 885 14 364 25 305 46 216 16 034 20 710 87 739 192 894 32 675 16 792 29 088 34 781 1 512 1 660 2 509 1 123 1 275 17 735 1 210 2 509 1 594 2 005 789 5 862 6 336 3 904 3 685 2 194 5 378 10 888 3 760 14 333 4 609 5 787 1 838 1 748 25 078 4 990 6 004 2 103 1 883 1 256 2 128 2 232 1 355 5 201 34 511 1 227 2 940 1 621 2 188 23.4 25.8 18.0 11.7 16.= 17.2 16.3 10.3 13.5 24.1 13.1 15.7 10.2 8.1 5.2 9.2 7.3 6.1 6.3 6.9 9.0 7.0 13.5 '14.5 14.6 14.5 11.5 9.6 13.1 5.0 4.6 13.9 6.5 5.9 17.9 3.8 17.5 5.6 6.-' 1 402 1 487 2 212 972 1 170 16 531 1 111 2 336 1 314 1 717 681 5 055 4 651 2 383 2 750 1 465 3 170 7 417 2 711 10 089 2 504 4 096 1 632 1 649 21 642 4 604 4 947 1 976 1 808 1 223 2 048 2 143 1 303 4 941 33 299 1 179 2 828 1 563 2 078 92.7 89.6 88.2 86.6 91.8 93.2 91.8 93.1 82.4 85.6 86.3 66.2 73.4 61.0 74.6 66.8 58.9 68.1 72.1 70.4 54.3 70.8 88.8 94.3 86.3 92.3 82.4 94.1 96.0 97.4 96.2 96.0 96.2 95.0 96.5 96.1 96.2 96.4 95.0 59 85 112 19 51 729 43 43 93 226 71 558 690 487 445 199 1 009 1 387 625 2 010 1 020 805 62 1 407 185 282 29 21 25 32 12 6 14 16 PORT ARTHUR SAN ANSELO SAN ANTONIO TYLER .... WACO 3.6 WICHITA FALLS UTAH: PROVO SALT LAKE CITY VIRGINIA: CHESAPEAKE HAMPTON LYNCHBURG PORTSMOUTH. . 12.7 VIRGINIA BEACH WASHINGTON! SPOKANE TACOMA WEST VIRGINIA: HUNTINGTON WISCONSIN: MADISON (2) OSHKOSH RACINE WAUWATOSA - Represents zero or rounds Z Less than half the unit of 'The total direct expenditur r by total criminal justice d ement shown. shown in the first column, are xpenditure, shown in the third ore, the perc CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 93 Table 14. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal s pros ecution Indigen t deiense Con ect.ons Other crim inal justice City Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system TEXAS—CONTINUED MIDLAND 51 45 9o 90 18 47b 56 71 96 52 37 209 311 129 161 207 160 422 170 60H 177 267 103 99 79b 201 305 96 54 33 55 57 40 260 1 196 4b 112 44 94 3.4 2,7 3.9 8.0 1.4 2.7 4.6 2.6 6,0 3.1 4.7 3.6 4.9 3.3 4.4 9.4 3.0 3.9 4.5 4.2 3.? 4.6 5.6 5.7 3.2 4.0 5.1 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.0 b.C 3.5 3.7 3.8 2.7 4.3 21 16 3 74 6 10 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 (Z) 43 87 42 36 59 91 40 663 905 329 307 1 036 1 588 253 1 630 90S 619 41 1 234 287 2.6 3.5 3.7 2.8 2.4 5.7 0.7 10.5 23.2 8.9 14.0 19.3 14.6 6.7 11.1 19.7 10.7 2.2 4.9 4.8 1 177 3 PASADENA PORT ARTHUR ..... SAM ANKELU. ... - SAN ANTONIO WICHITA FALLS UTAH! PROVO SALT LAKE CITY " VIRGINIA: CHESAPFAKE HAMPTON NEWPORT NEWS " NORFOLK 3 2 Oil 214 213 213 10.6 200 200 200 93.9 - - - - ^4 *Z 723 208 208 208 J 7.6 199 199 199 95.7 - - - - 55 1 357 156 120 125 9.2 152 116 121 96.8 - - - - 56 1 596 134 134 134 8.4 131 131 131 97.8 - - - - 57 NEW BEDFORD. . . . 2 2 756 331 324 328 a 11.9 318 317 317 96.6 - - - - 56 3 365 224 224 224 6.7 215 215 215 96.0 - " - " 59 PITTSFIELD . . . . "1 738 114 111 113 J 6.5 111 110 110 97.3 - - - - 60 3 625 256 256 256 7.1 251 251 251 98.0 - - - - 61 SOMERVILLE . . . . 1 846 182 179 180 9.8 158 158 158 87.8 - - - - 62 SPRINGFIELD. . . . 5 048 507 491 496 9.8 488 475 479 96.6 - - - - 6 3 1 640 151 149 150 9.1 147 145 146 97.3 - - - - 6 4 WORCESTER 'b 278 512 512 512 J 8.2 493 493 493 96.3 - - " " CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 384 large city October 1974— Continued 105 Leg a 1 service ^ and pros ecution Indigent defense Corre :tions Other crii inal jus tice Number of employees Numbe r of employees Numbe r of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Percent a justice Total time time system time time system time em- JJ only equiva- lent employees only equiva- lent employees only equiva- ployees only lent ployees 5 3 4 2.9 1 ? 3 2 3 2.8 3 4 4 4 2.3 4 6 5 5 2.9 5 6 2 2 2 1.2 7 9 9 9 3.1 8 13 10 10 3.3 - - - - 5 5 5 1.7 4 4 4 1.3 9 2 - 2 2.0 10 9 1 7 4.3 11 10 10 10 4.6 - - - - 10 8 9 4.2 - - - - L2 3 ~ 3 2.5 13 9 _ 7 4.1 1 . 1 0.6 _ _ _ . . 14 12 3 12 3.9 - - - - 1 1 1 0.3 3 - 1 0.3 15 9 1 9 2.3 16 15 15 15 2.7 - - - - 6 6 6 1.1 16 16 16 2.9 17 4 4 4 1.5 - - - - 3 3 3 1.2 - - . _ 18 its 147 147 5.7 29 - 29 1.1 394 368 383 14.8 - - - - 19 2 - 2 1.3 - - - - 1 - 1 0.7 - - . . ?0 8 8 8 2.5 ?1 a 2 4 3.0 22 7 4 6 3.3 ?3 3 3 3 2.4 - - - - 3 3 3 2.4 - - - - -'4 7 5 7 4.5 ,"-: H 13 14 3.5 26 4 2 3 3.4 27 5 5 5 3.0 - . - - 5 5 5 3.0 9 9 9 5.4 Jfi 5 1 5 3.2 29 11 11 11 2.4 _ _ _ 22 22 22 4.7 5 5 5 1.1 30 5 4 4 3.7 SI 13 11 12 3.7 - - - - 6 6 6 1.8 6 6 6 1.8 3? 24 21 23 3.7 - " - - 17 17 17 2.8 8 8 8 1.3 33 4 4 4 3.8 VJ 30 17 25 5.3 - . - - 48 32 41 8.7 . - - - SB 23 18 20 1.8 36 4 2 2 1.8 3 7 79 1 75 77 1 6.2 0.7 1 " 1 0.7 99 96 97 7,8 - - - - SB 39 5 1 5 3.8 40 10 5 9 5.5 - - - - 8 2 7 4.2 _ - „ . 41 143 133 137 4.9 31 29 30 1.1 366 365 366 13.0 7 7 7 0.2 4? 8 2 8 1.5 ' - ■ - 20 19 20 3.7 - - " - ■li 6 6 6 2.9 44 283 283 283 5.3 • - - - 438 i*38 438 8.2 - - - " 45 134 134 134 3.4 _ _ _ _ 409 409 409 10.5 32 32 32 0.8 46 3 1 3 1.4 - - - - - - - ^ _ • _ _ 47 6 6 6 2.0 4H 5 4 4 3.1 49 7 3 7 2.1 - - - - 23 16 19 5.6 5 5 5 1.5 50 5 5 5 3.7 51 3 3 3 1.8 - - " - 1 1 1 0.6 4 4 4 2.5 52 14 13 13 6.1 53 6 6 6 2.9 - _ - - - _ _ _ 3 3 3 1.4 54 4 4 4 3.2 55 3 3 3 2.2 5fi 8 4 8 2.4 - - - - - - - _ 5 3 3 0.9 57 9 9 9 4.0 58 3 1 3 2.7 >59 5 5 5 2.0 60 5 5 5 2.8 - - - - - - - _ 19 16 17 9.4 hi 16 13 14 2.8 - - - - - - - _ 3 3 3 0.6 6? 4 4 4 2.7 19 19 19 . 3.7 64 106 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 16. Criminal justice system employment and percent governments, Total criminal ^ ustice sys tern Police pr otection Judic al * Numbe r of emplo; Percent Number of employees Percent Numbe - of employees Percent 1 City Total full-time of total full- of total criminal of total criminal 01 equivalent Full- Full- justice Full- justice employees 1 Full- Full- Full- 3 Total time time equiva- Total time time system Total time time system only equiva- lent em- ployees only lent ployees only equiva- lent ployees MICHIGAN: 1 864 242 223 230 26.6 193 189 189 82.2 36 21 28 12.2 2 DEARBORN 1 191 267 247 254 21.3 239 222 227 89.4 15 13 15 5.9 3 DEARBORN HEIGHTS . 305 132 112 124 40.7 117 105 110 88.7 13 7 13 10.5 4 22 307 6 978 6 955 6 968 31.2 6 103 6 103 6 103 37.6 524 521 523 7.5 5 3 721 457 443 452 12.1 393 388 390 86.3 40 32 38 8.4 6 GRAND RAPIDS . . , 1 894 499 441 455 24.0 403 364 371 81.5 55 50 55 12.1 7 854 236 236 236 27.6 192 192 192 81.4 35 35 35 14.8 8 1 356 389 375 382 28.2 318 309 311 81.4 40 35 40 10.5 9 LINCOLN PARK . . . 240 79 73 78 32.5 67 67 67 85.9 8 4 7 9,0 10 596 196 185 188 31.5 169 163 165 87.8 15 13 13 6.9 11 2 558 291 289 289 11.3 247 246 246 85.1 32 32 32 11.1 12 290 111 108 111 38.3 96 96 96 86.5 15 12 15 13.5 13 491 153 135 140 28.5 118 117 117 83.6 16 14 16 11.4 It 865 256 254 254 29.4 245 243 243 95.7 - - - " 15 ST. CLAIR SHORES . 430 115 ill 115 26.7 105 105 105 91.3 8 6 8 7.0 16 SOUTHFIELD . . . . 536 210 195 199 37.1 162 154 155 77.9 33 29 32 16.1 17 STERCINS HEIGHTS . 432 165 158 162 37.5 148 145 146 90.1 17 13 16 9.9 18 371 116 111 114 30.7 106 106 106 93.0 9 5 7 6.1 19 WARREN 984 303 295 301 30.6 267 267 267 88,7 29 21 27 9.0 20 WESTLAND 329 122 116 118 35.9 103 101 101 85.6 17 13 15 12.7 ?1 WYOMING MINNESOTA: 281 93 93 93 33.1 85 85 85 91.4 7 7 7 7.5 22 BLOOMINGTON. . . . 372 99 99 99 26.6 93 93 93 93.9 - - - - 23 DULUTH 1 091 170 169 169 15.5 159 158 158 93.5 - - - - 21 MINNEAPOLIS. . . . 5 042 1 063 1 063 1 063 21.1 946 946 946 89.0 - - - - 25 ROCHESTER 436 105 105 105 24.1 101 101 101 96.2 - - - - 26 MISSISSIPPI: 2 898 875 865 868 30.0 761 751 754 86.9 52 52 52 6.0 27 MISSOURI : 2 298 485 458 476 20.7 411 388 404 84.9 17 17 17 3.6 28 462 104 91 98 21.2 95 62 89 90.8 4 4 4 4.1 29 FLORISSANT . . . . 181 85 80 83 45.9 78 78 78 94.0 5 2 3 3.6 30 INDEPENDENCE , . . 708 191 190 190 26.8 174 174 174 91.6 10 9 9 4.7 31 KANSAS CITY. . . . 5 707 1 922 1 913 1 916 33.6 1 688 1 682 1 684 87.9 75 72 73 3.8 32 ST. JOSEPH . . . . 636 172 169 170 26.7 160 158 159 93.5 6 5 5 2.9 33 ST. LOUIS 12 994 4 135 4 135 4 135 31.8 2 944 2 944 2 944 71.2 456 456 456 11.0 34 SPRINGFIELD. . , . MONTANA: 1 026 208 206 207 20.2 196 196 196 94.7 8 8 8 3.9 35 596 128 127 128 21.5 122 122 122 95.3 5 5 5 3.9 36 GREAT FALLS. . . . NEBRASKA: 447 93 90 93 20.8 83 83 83 89.2 4 3 4 4.3 37 2 041 369 366 367 18.0 244 244 244 66.5 43 43 43 11.7 7 8 OMAHA NEVADA: 2 976 803 771 775 26.0 701 678 681 87.9 61 53 54 7.0 39 LAS VEGAS 1 075 51 48 49 4.6 - - - - 23 23 23 46.9 HO NEW HAMPSHIRE: 885 312 312 312 35.3 275 275 275 88.1 12 12 12 3.8 ^1 MANCHESTER . . . . 2 418 208 193 196 8.1 185 172 173 88.3 14 14 14 7.1 42 NASHUA NEW JERSEY: 1 442 154 151 152 10.5 133 133 133 87.5 13 11 11 7.2 43 a l 582 254 252 252 '15.9 238 236 236 93.7 9 9 9 3.6 44 BLOOMFIELD . . . . 440 145 144 144 32.7 137 136 136 94.4 4 4 4 2.8 45 CAMDEN 1 765 532 526 529 30.0 486 484 485 91.7 26 24 25 4.7 46 CLIFTON 1 371 212 212 212 15.5 200 200 200 94.3 8 8 8 3.8 47 EAST ORANGE. . . . "2 340 371 370 370 2 15.8 320 320 320 86.5 37 37 37 10.0 4 8 ELIZABETH 2 814 349 349 349 12.4 327 327 327 93.7 10 10 10 2.9 49 IRVINGTON 641 201 197 198 30.9 174 174 174 87.9 11 11 11 5.6 50 JERSEY CITY. . . . *8 154 1 136 1 115 1 128 2 13.8 1 065 1 049 1 060 94.0 48 46 46 4.1 51 14 559 1 889 1 889 1 889 13.0 1 783 1 783 1 783 94.4 81 81 81 4.3 5 2 PASSAIC 451 195 195 195 43.2 185 185 185 94.9 5 5 5 2.6 53 3 892 487 486 486 12.5 454 454 454 93.4 24 23 23 4.7 54 TRENTON a 4 186 488 486 487 "11.6 464 462 463 95.1 15 15 15 3.1 55 UNION CITY . . . . NEW MEXICO: 721 200 192 194 26.9 181 173 175 90.2 13 13 13 6.7 56 ALBUQUERQUE. . . . NEW YORK: 3 004 838 832 833 27.7 663 662 662 79,5 49 44 45 5.4 57 ALBANY 3 239 507 480 481 14.9 434 434 434 90.2 53 26 27 5.6 58 BINGHAMTON . . . . 1 801 177 177 177 9.8 153 153 153 86.4 18 18 18 10.2 59 BUFFALO 12 983 1 633 1 632 1 632 12.6 1 521 1 521 1 521 93.2 67 67 67 4.1 50 MOUNT VERNON . . . J 852 222 218 220 J 25.8 187 183 185 84.1 16 16 16 7.3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 384 large city October 1974— Continued 107 Legal services and prosecution Indigent defense Corrections Other criminal justice Number of employees Percent of total criminal justice system employees Number of employees Percent of total criminal justice system employees Number of employees Percent of total criminal justice system ployees Number of employees of total criminal justice ployees S Total Full- only Full- equiva- lent Total Full- time only Full- time lent Total Full- only Full- lent Total Full- only Full- equiva- lent a 3 7 8 135 6 18 9 10 2 7 10 3 11 2 6 7 6 11 43 4 30 16 5 2 7 52 6 141 4 2 26 33 28 10 2 7 4 20 4 11 10 13 20 25 5 9 8 4 23 17 6 45 9 7 7 123 6 18 9 10 6 10 3 11 5 7 6 11 43 4 30 16 5 7 52 6 141 2 24 32 25 10 7 4 18 4 10 10 11 17 25 5 9 8 4 23 17 6 44 9 7 7 130 6 18 9 10 2 6 10 3 11 2 5 7 6 11 43 4 30 16 5 2 7 52 6 141 3 2 25 32 26 10 2 7 4 19 4 10 10 11 19 25 5 9 8 4 23 17 6 44 9 3.0 2.8 1.9 1.3 4.0 3.8 2.6 2.6 3.2 3.5 2.1 4.3 1.7 2.5 2.3 6.1 6.5 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.4 5.1 2.4 3.7 2.7 3.5 3.4 1.4 2.2 6.8 4.1 53.1 3.2 1.0 2.8 2.8 3.6 1.9 2.7 2.9 5.6 1.7 1.3 2.6 1.9 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.5 3.4 2.7 4.1 1 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.2 6 5 2 211 18 19 21 2 5 2 16 9 1 2 1 74 41 107 592 4 22 2 15 7 8 103 6 5 203 17 5 21 2 3 1 1 7 2 1 74 37 107 592 4 21 2 15 7 7 103 6 5 1 207 18 7 21 2 4 1 4 7 1 2 1 74 39 107 592 4 21 2 15 7 8 103 2.6 2.0 0.8 3.0 4.0 1.5 5.5 2.6 2.1 0.3 2.9 3.5 0.9 1.7 1.1 7.0 8.2 5.6 14.3 4.3 5.7 0.3 4.8 3.6 5.3 12.4 5 4 32 2 34 6 3 2 3 3 2 3 • 10 5 4 32 2 34 6 3 2 1 3 2 3 10 5 4 32 2 34 6 3 2 2 3 2 3 10 0.1 0.9 3.7 (Z) 9.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.6 4.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 52 33 54 35 36 37 38 39 '4 tl HZ 4 3 44 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 a 49 40 51 52 53 54 4b 56 57 5d 49 rtO 108 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 16. Criminal justice system employment and percent governments, Total Tota criminal justice sys tern Police protection Judic ial u 1 Number of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Percent full-time ° Ctty equivalent full- criminal criminal c. employees' Full- Full- time Full- Full- justice Full- Full- justice a Total time time equiva- Total time system Total time system only equiva- lent em- only equiva- only lent ployees lent ployees lent ployees NEW YORK — CONTINUED i NEW ROCHELLE . . . 1 004 270 259 262 26.1 244 234 237 90.5 18 17 17 6.5 2 NEW YORK CITY. . . 350 400 57 936 57 078 57 386 16.4 43 254 42 403 42 707 74.4 5 696 5 696 5 696 9.9 3 NIAGARA FALLS. . . 1 269 283 278 279 22.0 255 253 254 91.0 19 16 16 5.7 4 9 093 794 794 794 8.7 723 723 723 91.1 49 49 49 6.2 5 790 77 75 75 9.5 67 66 66 88,0 7 7 7 9.3 6 SCHENECTADY. . . . 847 196 179 188 22.2 175 16b 168 89.4 11 10 10 5.3 7 6 048 709 583 624 10.3 639 514 555 88.9 51 51 51 8.2 6 642 174 150 163 25.4 155 133 146 89.6 12 10 10 6.1 9 928 234 225 231 24.9 202 200 200 86.6 24 23 23 10.0 10 WHITE PLAINS . . . 905 250 231 239 26.4 213 207 211 88.3 25 12 16 6.7 11 YONKERS NORTH CAROLINA: 5 345 548 546 546 10.2 468 467 467 85.5 41 41 41 7.5 12 1 099 148 147 148 13.5 147 147 147 99.3 - - - - 13 3 342 657 650 652 19.5 649 643 644 98.8 - - - - 11 DURHAM 1 114 258 258 258 23.2 252 252 252 97.7 - - - - 15 FAYETTEVILLE . . . 695 160 158 158 22.7 159 157 157 99,4 - - - - 16 GREENSBORO . . . . 1 929 455 454 454 23.5 450 449 449 98.9 - - - - 17 HIGH POINT . . . . 1 027 169 169 169 16.5 164 164 164 97.0 - - - - IB 1 623 329 329 329 20.3 326 326 326 99.1 - - - - 19 WINSTON-SALEM. , . NORTH DAKOTA! 1 800 406 406 406 22.6 404 404 404 99.5 20 415 111 105 111 26.7 103 102 103 92.8 4 3 4. 3.6 OHIO! 21 2 439 633 633 633 26.0 5l5 515 515 81.4 82 82 82 13.0 '2 1 181 301 299 300 25.4 247 247 247 62.3 37 37 37 12.3 23 CINCINNATI . . . . 13 612 1 858 1 737 1 787 13.1 1 407 1 303 1 338 74.9 185 172 185 10.4 24 CLEVELAND 9 869 3 066 3 013 3 035 30.7 2 651 2 615 2 622 86.4 231 216 231 7.6 25 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS. 372 111 104 109 29.3 94 92 93 85.3 11 9 11 10.1 26 COLUMBUS 5 734 1 756 1 730 1 746 30.4 1 414 1 400 1 404 80.4 213 201 213 12.2 27 DAYTON 2 617 686 676 684 26.1 508 506 507 74.1 73 66 73 10.7 28 427 loo 94 98 23.0 66 66 66 67.3 24 22 23 23.5 29 544 130 126 127 23.3 109 109 109 85.8 13 12 12 9.4 JO HAMILTON 587 147 142 147 25.0 126 126 126 85.7 16 11 16 10.9 31 KETTERING 294 107 100 106 36.1 81 80 80 75.5 19 14 19 17.9 32 LAKEWOOD 1 349 110 98 103 7.6 91 82 85 82.5 14 12 13 12.6 33 356 143 131 141 39.6 102 102 102 72.3 24 20 24 17.0 31 LORAIN 637 122 119 120 18.8 90 88 89 74.2 19 18 18 15.0 35 522 141 136 138 26.4 101 101 101 73.2 32 27 29 21.0 36 538 159 147 148 27.5 114 112 112 75.7 32 27 27 18.2 37 SPRINGFIELD. . . . 653 167 176 180 27.6 140 139 139 77.2 21 20 21 11.7 38 TOLEDO 3 595 1 028 1 019 1 021 28.4 835 834 834 81.7 110 108 106 10.6 39 WARREN 491 153 149 150 30.5 107 106 107 71.3 33 32 32 21.3 40 YOUNGSTOWN . . . . OKLAHOMA! 1 465 388 379 386 26.3 296 295 295 76.4 53 46 53 13.7 41 650 174 166 167 25.7 155 148 149 89.2 7 6 6 3.6 42 NORMAN 1 062 138 132 134 12.6 122 121 121 90.3 10 8 9 6.7 43 OKLAHOMA CITY. . . 3 760 839 839 839 22.3 695 695 695 82.8 37 37 37 4.4 44 2 901 714 710 713 24.6 622 622 622 87.2 25 22 25 3.5 OREGON! 45 885 219 218 219 24.7 205 205 205 93.6 14 13 14 6.4 46 PORTLAND 4 134 980 960 966 23.4 945 928 933 96.6 - - - - 47 SALEM 962 192 183 184 19.1 178 171 171 92.9 7 5 6 3.3 PENNSYLVANIA! "8 913 200 199 199 21.8 194 194 194 97.5 - - - - 49 ALTOONA 451 119 117 117 25.9 116 114 114 97.4 - - - - c '0 BETHLEHEM 673 166 166 166 24.7 162 162 162 97.6 - - - - 51 CHESTER 583 176 175 175 30.0 169 169 169 96.6 - - - - 52 ERIE 1 074 256 256 256 23.8 238 238 238 93.0 10 10 10 3.9 53 HARRISBURG . . . . 807 208 207 207 25.7 206 205 205 99.0 - - - - 54 553 184 147 157 28.4 184 147 157 100.0 - - " " 55 PHILADELPHIA . . . 36 128 15 544 15 544 15 544 43.0 10 096 10 096 10 096 65.0 3 108 3 108 3 108 20.0 56 PITTSBURGH . . . . 5 1(75 1 587 1 587 1 587 29.0 1 520 1 520 1 520 95.8 35 35 35 2.2 57 READING 728 200 200 200 27.5 192 192 192 96.0 - - - - 58 SCRANTON 760 193 193 193 25.4 185 185 185 95.9 - - - - 59 WILKES-BARRE , . . 534 110 110 110 20.6 107 107 107 97.3 - - - - 60 YORK RHODE ISLAND! 407 117 117 117 28.7 114 114 114 97.4 61 1 875 130 125 130 6.9 116 116 116 89.2 1 - 1 0.8 6 2 PAWTUCKET 1 691 187 185 186 11.0 180 180 180 96.8 3 1 2 1.1 6 3 PROVIDENCE . . . . 4 087 481 480 480 11.7 450 449 449 93.5 21 21 21 4.4 ',4 WARWICK 2 405 173 168 173 7.2 167 167 167 96.5 1 " 1 0.6 end of table CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 384 large city October 1974— Continued 109 Legal services and prosecution Indigent defense Corrections Other criminal justice Number of employees Percent of total employees Number of employees Percent of total criminal employees Number of employees Percent of total criminal justice system ployees Number of employees Percent of total criminal justice ployees | Total Full- only Full- equiva- lent Total Full- only Full- time equiva- lent Total Full- time only Full- lent Total Full- only Full- lent 8 2 106 9 18 3 10 19 7 8 12 18 1 8 6 1 5 5 3 2 4 15 17 94 46 5 60 22 7 8 4 7 5 8 9 8 12 15 28 8 18 5 3 20 25 17 7 6 3 4 7 8 2 1*38 32 a 8 3 3 4 4 10 5 8 2 106 9 18 2 4 18 7 2 12 18 7 6 1 5 5 3 2 15 15 94 45 3 60 22 3 5 4 6 4 2 9 8 7 10 22 7 17 5 2 20 24 17 7 5 3 4 6 8 2 438 32 8 8 3 3 4 10 1 8 2 106 9 18 2 10 18 7 8 12 18 1 8 6 1 5 5 3 2 4 15 16 94 45 5 60 22 6 6 4 7 5 7 9 8 8 12 24 7 17 5 2 20 24 17 7 5 3 4 6 8 2 438 32 8 8 3 3 4 4 10 5 3.1 3.7 3.2 2.3 2.7 5.3 2.9 4.3 3.5 5.0 3.3 0.7 1.2 2.3 0.6 1.1 3.0 0.9 0.5 3.6 2.4 5.3 5.3 1.5 4.6 3.4 3.2 6.1 4.7 2.7 6.6 4.9 5.0 7.5 5.8 5.4 6.7 2.4 4.7 4.4 3.0 1.5 2.4 3.4 1.8 3.8 2.5 2.6 2.4 3.4 3.1 1.0 2.8 2.0 4.0 4.1 2.7 2.6 3.1 2.2 2.1 2.9 3 7 2 1 4 2 2 5 2 1.4 2.8 1.2 6 221 21 21 154 138 1 69 83 3 1 6 4 1 4 55 5 21 5 3 30 42 1 902 6 221 20 21 151 137 69 82 3 1 6 4 1 3 55 4 21 5 1 30 42 1 902 6 221 20 21 153 137 69 82 3 1 6 4 1 3 55 4 21 5 2 30 42 1 902 10.8 3.7 3.3 8.6 4.5 (z) 4.0 12.0 3.1 0.7 4.3 3.3 0.7 1.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 3.0 1.5 3.6 5.9 12.2 659 4 18 ,57 18 9 652 4 17 57 15 9 656 4 17 57 16 9 1.1 0.5 1.0 6.8 1.7 6.9 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb lb 17 Its 19 20 21 2d ?i ?4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ^^ 35 36 37 )b 39 40 41 42 43 4 '4 4 b 46 47 48 49 50 51 bl 53 54 55 5b 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 110 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 16. Criminal justice system employment and percent governments, Tota criminal justice sys ten, Police protection Judl :ial ^ Numb* r of employees Percent Number of employees Percent Number of employees Percent City full-time equivalent employees' of total full- lent em- of total criminal justice system of total criminal justice system Total Full- only Full- time equiva- Total Full- only Full- time equiva- Total Full- only Full- lent ployees lent ployees lent ployees SOUTH CAROLINA: i CHARLESTON . , . . 905 213 210 213 23.5 205 205 205 96.2 5 5 5 2.3 2 1 352 288 287 287 21.2 245 245 245 85,4 20 20 20 7.0 3 GREENVILLE . . . . SOUTH DAKOTA! 730 177 176 176 24.1 167 167 167 94.9 4 4 4 2.3 4 SIOUX FALLS. . . . TENNESSEE: 605 137 131 135 22.3 128 127 127 94.1 6 4 5 3.7 5 CHATTANOOGA. . . . 4 443 501 441 458 10.3 479 419 436 95.2 20 20 20 4.4 6 5 021 504 504 504 10.0 445 445 445 88.3 11 11 11 2.2 7 MEMPHIS 18 860 1 797 1 749 1 763 9.3 1 602 1 555 1 569 89.0 73 72 72 4.1 8 NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON TEXAS: 14 767 1 687 1 656 1 663 11.3 1 094 1 094 1 094 65,8 324 320 321 19.3 9 793 158 148 152 19.2 137 130 132 86.8 7 7 7 4.6 10 1 245 268 268 268 21.5 236 236 236 88.1 13 13 13 4.9 11 ARLINGTON 807 246 246 246 30.5 218 218 218 88.6 14 14 14 5.7 12 4 947 717 702 708 14.3 649 649 649 91.7 48 33 39 5.5 13 BEAUMONT 1 036 247 247 247 23.8 221 221 221 89.5 11 11 11 4.5 11 BROWNSVILLE. . . . 526 105 105 105 20.0 99 99 99 94.3 5 5 5 4.6 15 CORPUS CHRISTI . . 2 147 454 454 454 21.1 389 389 389 85.7 27 27 27 5.9 16 10 557 2 858 2 839 2 847 27.0 2 631 2 618 2 623 92,1 148 143 146 5.1 17 EL PASO 2 837 703 684 690 24.3 659 643 648 93,9 36 33 34 4.9 18 FORT WORTH .... 3 975 943 907 917 23.1 846 813 822 89.6 42 40 41 4.5 19 871 141 141 141 16.2 120 120 120 85.1 12 12 12 6.5 20 GARLAND 752 193 193 193 25.7 180 180 180 93.3 4 4 4 2.1 21 GRAND PRAIRIE, . . 370 87 86 87 23.5 76 76 76 87.4 4 3 4 4.6 22 HOUSTON 10 842 3 220 3 206 3 215 29.7 2 870 2 870 2 870 89.3 153 139 148 4.6 23 IRVING 743 155 154 154 20.7 133 133 133 86.4 10 9 9 5.8 24 LAREDO 669 80 80 80 12.0 73 73 73 91.2 5 5 5 6.3 25 LUBBOCK 1 307 311 311 311 23.8 278 278 278 89,4 18 16 18 5.8 26 MESOUITE 512 99 97 98 19.1 93 93 93 94.9 3 2 3 3.1 27 539 155 155 155 28.8 144 144 144 92.9 7 7 7 4.5 26 501 150 150 150 29.9 131 131 131 87.3 11 11 11 7.3 2') PASADENA 577 186 186 186 32.2 160 160 160 86.0 12 12 12 6.5 30 PORT ARTHUR. . . . 562 103 103 103 18.3 94 94 94 91.3 2 2 2 1.9 31 SAN ANGELO .... 544 136 136 136 25.0 117 117 117 66.0 10 10 10 7.4 32 SAN ANTONIO. . . . 6 237 1 488 1 475 1 479 23.7 1 384 1 378 1 379 93.2 65 58 61 4.1 >3 547 120 120 120 21.9 109 109 109 90.8 6 6 6 5.0 34 1 099 212 211 212 19.3 192 192 192 90.6 7 6 7 3.3 35 WICHITA FALLS. . . UTAH: 962 181 181 181 18.8 157 157 157 86.7 12 12 12 6.6 3 b OGDEN 540 178 168 172 31.9 136 138 138 80.2 34 24 28 16.3 37 PROVO 325 85 72 74 22.8 73 62 64 86.5 7 7 7 9.5 --a SALT LAKE CITY . . VIRGINIA: 2 055 528 528 528 25.7 459 459 459 86.9 51 51 51 9.7 39 ALEXANDRIA .... 3 071 366 366 366 11.9 256 256 256 69.9 49 49 49 13.4 4 CHESAPEAKE .... 3 846 341 334 335 8.7 206 206 206 61.5 27 25 25 7.5 41 HAMPTON 4 460 285 247 258 5.8 206 206 206 79.8 13 12 12 4.7 42 LYNCHBURG 1 666 193 159 172 10.3 131 131 131 76.2 1 1 1 0.6 43 NEWPORT NEWS , . . 5 040 472 399 433 8.6 285 285 285 65.8 48 35 43 9.9 44 NORFOLK 10 329 844 744 776 7.5 635 634 634 81.7 31 31 31 4.0 45 PORTSMOUTH .... 4 007 335 275 297 7.4 241 241 241 81.1 27 25 26 8.8 4 6 RICHMOND .... 10 367 940 749 812 7.8 665 654 662 81.5 85 55 66 8.1 47 ROANOKE 3 529 358 358 358 10.1 213 213 213 59.5 43 43 43 12.0 48 VIRGINIA BEACH . . WASHINGTON: 6 507 502 500 500 7.7 367 367 367 73.4 57 55 55 11.0 49 545 135 116 120 22.0 107 103 105 67.5 13 3 3 2.5 50 509 124 119 120 23.6 117 113 114 95.0 - - - - 51 SEATTLE 6 925 1 709 1 573 1 600 23.1 1 461 1 361 1 381 86.3 154 131 134 8.4 52 SPOKANE 1 684 399 392 393 23.3 363 357 358 91.1 20 20 20 5.1 5 3 TACOMA WEST VIRGINIA: 2 041 374 357 362 17.7 317 304 307 84.8 26 25 25 6.9 5 4 CHARLESTON .... 1 031 190 190 190 18.4 183 183 183 96.3 5 5 5 2.6 55 HUNTINGTON .... WISCONSIN: 672 174 172 173 25.7 167 167 167 96.5 3 2 3 1.7 56 APPLETON 1 411 100 98 98 6.9 97 96 96 98.0 - „ . - 57 GREEN BAY 2 445 174 172 174 7.1 167 167 167 96.0 3 3 3 1.7 58 KENOSHA 656 173 172 173 26.4 166 166 166 96.0 3 2 3 1.7 5 9 LA CROSSE 1 096 95 91 95 8.7 91 91 91 95,8 1 . 1 1.1 6 MADISON 4 993 369 369 369 7.4 355 355 355 96.2 - - . - 61 MILWAUKEE 9 226 2 384 2 384 2 384 25.8 2 324 2 324 2 324 97.5 . _ _ - 62 OSHKOSH 1 328 100 96 98 7.4 96 94 95 96.9 . _ . _ 63 RACINE 1 024 247 247 247 24.1 240 240 240 97.2 - - . - 6 4 WAUWATOSA 1 310 109 106 109 8.3 104 104 104 95.4 2 _ 2 1.6 6b WEST ALLIS .... J l 676 157 155 157 = 9.4 152 . 152 152 96.8 1 - ! 0.6 - Roprosents zero or rounds to zer atal full-time equivalent employment 3tal employees working in criminal j Z Lees than half the unit of measurement sh for oil general government functions, shown functions, shown In tho fifth column. Is ov CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM distribution of full-time equivalent employees of 384 large city October 1974— Continued in Leg a 1 service and pros ecuUon Indigent defense Corrections Other criminal jus tice Number of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Numbe r of employees Percent Number of employees Percent js N Total time time Total Total time system time system ,1 only lent employees only lent employees only lent ployees only equiva- lent ployees 3 3 1.4 1 5 4 4 1.4 - - - - 18 18 18 6.3 - - - - 2 3 3 3 1.7 " " " " 3 2 2 1.1 " _ " " i 3 - 3 2.2 4 2 2 2 0.4 5 15 15 15 3.0 - . - - 33 33 33 6.5 . - - - 6 29 29 29 1.6 - - - - 93 93 93 5.3 - - . - 7 50 23 29 1.7 16 16 16 1.0 199 199 199 12.0 4 4 4 0.2 a 8 7 7 4.6 _ . _ _ 6 4 6 3.9 „ _ . . 9 9 9 9 3.4 - - - - 10 10 10 3.7 . - - - 10 10 10 10 4.1 - - - - 4 4 4 1.6 - - - . 1 1 20 20 20 2.8 \? 7 1 7 1 7 1 2.8 1.0 - - " - 8 8 8 3.2 - - - - 13 14 17 17 17 3.7 - - - - 21 21 21 4.6 - - - - 15 68 67 67 2.4 11 11 11 0.4 16 8 8 8 1.2 17 21 21 21 2.3 . _ _ _ 34 33 33 3.6 _ . . _ 16 4 4 4 2.8 - - - - 5 5 5 3.5 - - - - 19 5 5 5 2.6 - - - - 4 4 4 2.1 - - • - ?0 3 3 3 3.4 - - - - 4 4 4 4.6 - - - . ?1 64 64 64 2.0 - - - - 133 133 133 4.1 - - - . ?? 6 6 6 3.9 - - - - 6 6 6 3.9 - - - - ?3 2 2 2 2.5 24 11 11 11 3.5 - - - - 4 4 4 1.3 - - - - ?5 3 2 2 2.0 26 4 4 4 2.6 ?7 3 3 3 2.0 - - - - 5 5 5 3.3 - - . - ?8 7 7 7 3.8 - - - - 7 7 7 3.8 - - . . ?9 4 4 4 3.9 - - - - 3 3 3 2.9 - - - - 30 4 4 4 2.9 - - - - 5 5 5 3.7 - - . _ "51 39 39 39 2.6 V 5 5 5 4.2 33 7 7 7 3.3 - - - - 6 6 6 2.8 - - - . 34 6 6 6 3.3 - - " - 6 6 6 3.3 - - - " 35 6 6 6 3.5 36 5 3 3 4.1 37 18 18 18 3.4 36 19 19 19 5.2 _ . _ _ 42 42 42 11.5 . 39 11 11 11 3.3 - - - - 97 92 93 27.8 - - - - 40 15 7 11 4.3 - - - - 51 22 29 11.2 - - - - 41 8 4 6 3.5 - - - - 53 23 34 19.8 - - - - 42 16 8 13 3.0 - - - - 123 71 92 21.2 - - _ . 43 40 24 31 4.0 - - - - 138 55 80 10.3 - - . _ 44 15 6 10 3.4 - - - - 52 3 20 6.7 - m - _ 4S 35 17 23 2.8 - - - - 155 23 61 7.5 . - _ _ 46 15 15 15 4.2 - - - - 87 87 87 24.3 . - - . 47 20 20 20 4.0 - - " - 58 58 58 11.6 - " - " 48 9 7 8 6.7 _ m . 6 3 4 3.3 49 7 6 6 5.0 SO 44 42 43 2.7 - - - - 50 39 42 2.6 . - _ - 51 16 15 15 3.8 5? 18 17 17 4.7 - - " - 13 11 13 3.6 - " - " 53 2 2 2 1.1 b4 4 3 3 1.7 Sb 3 2 2 2.0 56 4 2 4 2.3 S7 4 4 4 2.3 392 907 44 980 2 533 6 685 9 879 9 2 2 8 4 460 3o 45n 11 946 7 374 1" 13 ! 1 564 Sr 512 5 046 2 823 3 927 1 025 1 712 1 237 ; 47' 2 796 2 266 1 763 3 162 1 943 993 2 66 7 3 179 4 027 1 290 1 632 6 015 1 114 1 203 2 369 851 1 946 1 662 1 662 ) a 2 q 6 05? 1 599 1 257 2 4 1? 3 840 1 768 1 725 3 6 67 14 ? i 6 1 009 3 270 3 226 10 571 1 844 1 899 1 976 1 010 6 38 470 6 '14 21 489 1 606 20 743 20 868 722 1 ?98 3 997 b 095 b 47? 1 299 15 4 866 4 445 7 434 19.4 18. J I 3 . 4 23.0 15.5 18.4 23.3 17.7 26.0 26.7 25.8 20.0 14.3 27.7 20.5 22.0 20.0 15.9 14.8 lb. 3 11.1 13.4 10.1 15.7 1 J. 9 15.7 11.0 18.6 14.2 13.? 9.4 12.7 '80.2 20.2 31.8 19.0 12. i 31.6 33. C 19.3 56.5 44.1 56.4 51.2 59.8 51.6 64.7 29.1 41.3 40.7 60.3 52.6 -.63 11 561 1 585 838 1 694 <°3 817 4,6 076 o75 986 634 817 '/4 7 394 1 161 1 310 1 2 35 337 527 2 J 03 iJc 248 553 J66 551 3 09 29? 043 676 554 166 687 05 4 285 321 2 270 7 l-'l 430 1 ,'5 ? 077 7 0?5 1 108 ,'66 1 279 266 137 BO 6 001 18 167 518 14 817 16 084 18? 11 52 49 70 36.0 13.1 31.4 29.7 43.1 38.3 47.7 34.4 39.0 31.3 43.5 36.0 25. B 38.4 39.7 43.6 41.2 3 0.7 26.1 32.3 35.0 27.1 20.6 23.3 43.0 28.3 18.6 17.6 17.8 11.2 22.5 13.4 28.5 22.2 If .1 18.6 61.9 51.2 42.6 53.5 64.4 66.5 58.8 40.3 64.7 78.0 84.5 32.3 326 38 612 1 399 632 898 280 2ol 407 378 910 4C3 311 703 354 ?78 748 65 9 92 3 334 523 1 727 325 449 P94 182 500 547 537 673 1 637 496 498 4,3 504 664 744 24 = 952 92 443 438 2 316 307 521 ?37 344 32? 259 784 1 126 450 1 929 2 335 171 591 2 314 2 618 3 349 574 8 561 2 857 2 331 3 326 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 127 Table 18. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal services and Indlgen Con ectlons Other criminal justice County ^ Percent of iotal criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system IDAHO: ILLINOIS: 171 224 7 6b2 633 264 47V 144 175 138 21o 259 273 208 256 281 157 32o 350 247 68 64 579 81 68 180 51 185 100 132 141 360 128 177 30b 439 172 232 135 536 136 125 211 457 73 250 108 36 34 20 580 918 246 939 1 273 90 40 96 173 234 39 488 525 166 168 10.8 14.3 8.7 12.5 10.1 12.? 14. & 10.2 11.2 14.6 9.3 12.0 11.8 8.1 14.5 15.8 12.3 11.0 6.1 5.3 3.9 9.6 7.3 5.7 7.6 6.0 9.5 6.0 7.9 7.3 5.9 8.0 14.1 12.8 11.4 9.7 13.4 3.7 3.6 13.5 3.6 6.5 4.3 3.9 13.2 5.5 3.0 5.3 4.3 6.7 4.3 15.3 4.5 6.1 12.5 3.1 2.4 3.4 3.9 3.0 3.2 10.8 3.7 2.3 79 77 2 255 245 51 87 34 47 50 62 89 67 27 114 44 26 98 118 150 46 31 51 21 40 ?5 19 e2 32 HI 114 194 82 80 14 8 83 45 53 10 7 60 26 25 51 50 10 32 3 1 97 152 8 272 5.0 4.9 2.5 4.9 1.6 2.2 3.3 2.7 4.0 4.2 3.2 3.0 1.5 3.6 2.3 2.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 1.9 0.8 1.9 3.3 1.1 2.2 4.2 1.9 6.7 5.9 3.2 5.1 6.4 0.6 0.5 2.2 4.5 1.6 0.3 0.1 4.2 1.5 1.3 5.0 7.8 2.1 2.0 (2) (2) 2.4 2.5 0.6 1.8 353 366 26 933 1 166 966 692 174 392 216 244 654 534 549 1 272 516 138 328 742 1 472 486 487 1 197 385 398 652 233 618 624 590 658 3 132 527 334 458 1 015 583 370 934 2 837 306 899 490 764 316 335 270 292 95 101 549 1 278 360 1 570 1 161 309 636 1 438 2 255 2 167 662 5 586 1 438 1 842 3 891 22.2 23.4 30.4 23.5 34.2 17.6 17.0 22.9 17.5 16.5 23.4 23.6 31.1 40.2 26.6 13.9 12.3 23.3 36,6 37.7 29.8 19.9 34.6 33.1 27.5 27.4 31.8 37.5 35.5 34.1 51.8 33.0 26.6 19.0 26.4 33.0 21.4 25.5 20.0 30.3 27.5 15.2 7.2 16.8 17.6 13.7 28.9 14,9 21.5 6.3 5.9 22.4 7.6 5.6 42.8 49.0 36.0 44.3 36.3 51.0 37.1 29.6 41.4 52.3 8 1 489 52 77 9 3 34 1 19 358 65 10 53 7 22 28 44 2 609 57 21 1 535 14 0.5 COOK 1.7 1.8 LAKE _ 0.3 0.1 1.9 SANGAMON 0.1 TAZEWELL WILL INDIANA: ALLEN . 1.5 MADISON ST. JOSEPH 2.7 VANDERBURGH IOWA: 0.9 KANSAS: SEDGWICK 0.7 SHAWNEE WYANDOTTE KENTUCKY! JEFFERSON LOUISIANA! CALCASIEU „ JEFFERSON , , RAPIDES MAINE: CUMBERLAND PENOBSCOT MARYLAND: BALTIMORE HARFORD MONTGOMERY PRINCE GEORGES 7.4 MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE ESSEX HAMPSHIRE NORFOLK WORCESTER _ See footnotes at end of table. 128 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 18. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total general expenditure Total criminal justice system Police pre tection Judic ial County Amount Percent of — Percent total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system MICHIGAN! 15 364 26 951 12 081 66 867 27 113 21 313 16 777 57 490 54 780 12 905 29 142 124 567 12 973 25 358 18 525 24 108 321 188 20 621 19 223 257 373 122 819 60 868 15 585 17 112 3 763 5 016 39 358 3 116 88 464 53 115 15 332 102 491 38 070 9 464 4 323 27 75? 101 578 37 Oil 105 971 21 969 251 012 19 647 107 558 57 265 84 317 73 555 45 147 38 019 70 465 30 62?. 62 161 28 37e 231 550 64 009 38 099 27 309 40 663 379 309 237 087 609 427 1 953 5 015 2 893 9 162 4 898 2 847 5 080 6 296 9 942 ?. 402 2 814 16 867 1 931 3 495 2 554 5 751 49 355 2 366 1 612 17 089 8 033 4 085 1 456 1 327 1 334 1 423 11 040 862 18 583 4 453 1 749 20 946 4 747 1 161 739 4 009 11 583 2 725 6 901 1 723 30 912 2 306 12 278 6 401 9 186 4 870 4 070 3 368 8 595 2 326 9 372 2 795 4 706 2 540 2 034 1 875 3 423 20 426 16 001 110 852 12.7 18.6 23.9 13.7 18.1 13.4 30.3 11.0 18.1 18.6 9.7 13.5 14.9 13.6 13.8 23.9 15.4 11.5 8.4 6.6 6.5 6.7 9.3 7.8 35.4 26.4 28.1 27.7 21.0 6.4 11.4 ?0.4 12.5 12.3 17.1 14,4 11.4 7.4 6.5 7.8 12.3 11.7 11.4 11.2 10.9 6.6 9.0 8.9 12.2 7.6 15.1 9.6 2.0 4.0 5.3 6.9 8.4 5.4 6.7 18.2 536 878 526 1 970 1 099 627 1 022 1 490 3 181 896 488 2 747 764 662 594 1 197 4 223 857 496 3 852 1 746 653 446 324 365 572 971 366 9 173 767 347 13 777 1 756 167 302 390 2 157 183 555 165 4 370 490 2 195 672 1 329 602 796 709 756 255 983 1 539 870 774 578 559 947 3 297 5 600 76 151 27.4 17.5 18.2 21.5 22.4 22.0 20.1 23.7 32.0 37.3 17.3 16.3 39.6 25.2 23.3 20.8 8.6 36.2 30.8 22.5 21.8 20.9 30.6 24.4 27.4 40.2 8.8 42.5 49.4 17.2 19.8 65.8 37.0 14.4 40.9 9.7 18.6 6.7 8.0 9.6 14.1 21.2 17.9 10.5 14.5 12.4 19.6 20.9 6.8 11.0 10.5 55.1 18.5 30. 5 28.4 29.8 27.7 16.1 35.0 68.7 606 1 273 1 003 2 975 1 802 810 1 222 1 279 3 615 804 992 6 038 560 1 208 876 1 895 18 014 913 780 5 204 1 506 813 736 638 264 488 3 852 305 4 495 1 522 671 1 743 951 491 265 836 4 271 871 2 008 596 8 583 542 4 597 1 512 2 695 1 639 1 093 1 05° 2 819 604 3 128 65 962 540 429 283 947 4 017 2 862 14 764 31.0 BERRIEN 25.4 CALHOUN 34.7 32.4 36.8 JACKSON 28.5 24.1 20.3 36.4 33.5 MUSKEGON 35.3 35.8 29.0 SAGINAW 34.6 ST. CLAIR 34.3 33.0 36.5 MINNESOTA: 38.6 48.4 30.5 18.7 ST. LOUIS 19.9 MISSISSIPPI: HARRISON 50.5 HINDS 48.1 MISSOURI: 19.8 GREENE 34.3 JACKSON 34.9 JEFFERSON 35.4 24.2 NEBRASKA: 34.2 36.4 NEVADA! 8.3 20.0 NEW HAMPSHIRE: 42.3 ROCKINGHAM 35.9 NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC 20.9 36.9 BURLINGTON 32.0 CAMDEN 29.1 34.6 ESSEX 27.8 GLOUCESTER 23.5 37.4 23.6 29.3 MONMOUTH 33.7 MORRIS 26.9 31.3 32.8 SOMERSET 25.0 UNION 33.4 NEW MEXICO: 2.3 NEW YORK: ALBANY 20.4 21.3 CHAUTAUQUA 21.1 CHEMUNG 15.1 27.7 ERIE 19.7 MONROE 18.0 13.3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 129 Table 18. Percent distribution of criminal justice system total expenditure (direct and intergovernmental) of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal se pros ecu^on"" Indige it defense Corr ections Other cri minal justice County Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system MICHIGAN: 190 242 182 1 519 472 257 "67 til 1 133 211 221 1 315 66 25b 198 16.7 19.9 16.3 31 340 9.7 155 10.8 106 9.r 114 7.6 43 10.2 lo3 11.5 693 8.1 445 u .l 1 202 2.3 1.0 2,6 2.1 5.7 0.3 0.1 7.6 4.9 463 ?. 282 1 057 2 117 1 283 875 2 181 2 701 1 695 343 904 6 473 4 07 883 691 1 M8o 17 862 325 188 6 097 4 37 1 503 210 241 561 ?08 4 074 - 4 39 " 148 _ 1 858 - 3 397 - 1 J55 - 2 808 - 727 0.2 13 84 7 - 890 - 3 558 _ 3 009 0.3 3 365 0.1 1 823 - 1 402 - 946 - 3 4S6 0.2 908 - 2 787 24.5 47.4 36.9 23.9 26.4 32.5 43.1 4 3,6 17.1 14.7 33.4 38.5 21.6 25.8 28.3 33.0 38,5 14.6 11. v 36.4 50.3 42.6 14.4 1 8 . ? 42.2 14.6 37.1 11.3 19,4 30.1 21.2 18.3 21.6 37.8 20.1 46.3 28.5 42.4 41.6 42.2 44.1 38.6 29.0 47.0 36,6 37.6 34.4 27.9 40.? 34. 393 113 990 1 056 7 456 2 284 1 233 1 75? 2 410 2 267 1 251 3 786 3 177 4 317 1 962 5 604 2 416 15 165 933 1 337 6 799 1 407 1 3 70 21 158 3 940 1 846 26 1 71 1 379 2 59 3 1 485 1 816 3 2 40 7 103 4 238 9 3" 6 195 019 1 00? 9 163 15 207 3 939 2 209 2 9?;, 20 517 2 4 q J 6 225 6 246 4 62 P. 2 205 1 356 1 906 2 037 5 240 1 noi iO lo, 1 234 2 3/1 2 63 * 2 609 1 2 59 15.4 16.3 19, 23.6 lt.l ie. ; , 17.2 15.4 26.0 26.0 17.6 17.5 14.3 7.3 7.7 5,3 13.7 4.5 26.3 21.2 15.6 27.7 18.5 18.0 10.2 23.6 19.0 30.1 36.4 33.9 16.6 12.7 13.0 9.5 4.9 •7.4 26.9 22.6 7 4.. 24.2 5.7 11.5 10.5 6.0 9.7 9. J U.6 L 1 . 2 7.2 ?i 659 69 25 82 141 210 356 1 449 1 472 ] 328 0P9 1 131 725 2 436 D03 194 1 627 661 2 9 3 5 6 45 691 14 9 4 821 231 ooi 306 410 633 1 357 794 269 2 543 224 3 00 6 620 LO 780 2 737 1 376 1 22? 7 502 734 2 315 1 304 1 862 004 376 244 1 162 ?. 123 821 • 4 34 001 1 014 937 1 170 073 28.5 52.5 46.3 30.8 3 fc .l 20.2 30.0 16.1 53.9 18.7 16.0 47.0 20.7 27.7 17.5 26.5 18.4 16.8 23.2 20.7 2 2.6 19.5 18.4 18.7 26.1 41.0 4 3.2 28.8 42.0 76 .0 30.0 37.2 34, 4 40.2 27.4 27.7 17.6 57.0 40.5 44.3 17.0 53.6 42.8 35.6 45.1 53.5 1 079 453 507 3 778 933 654 907 1 389 1 092 390 1 089 754 1 390 821 1 408 1 279 3 515 286 328 1 988 429 455 7 200 743 744 9 480 486 1 021 436 418 1 074 2 716 1 093 274 vol 71 . 68 723 2 577 595 469 882 5 414 436 1 509 1 325 1 067 663 435 5c a 432 1 309 565 7 805 321 701 5 .' 3 77- 304 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 143 Table 19. Percent distribution of criminal justice system direct expenditure of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal s pros ervices and ecution Indiger t defense Cor ections Other cri minal justice County Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system Amount Percent of total criminal justice system PENNSYLVANIA— CONTINUED 243 90 108 705 175 1«2 245 333 107 30 78 96 174 54 124 115 319 20 179 1 173 131 185 1 669 767 185 2 941 192 408 311 133 273 1 155 401 71 654 102 124 187 523 177 128 204 1 616 174 579 481 393 244 173 208 101 629 152 1 646 113 220 174 194 124 11.7 9.1 10.2 9.5 7.7 11.5 14.0 13. P 4.7 2.4 2.1 3.0 4.0 2.d 2.2 4.6 2.1 2.1 17.3 13.3 9.3 13.5 7.9 19.5 10.0 11.2 13.9 15.7 20.9 7.3 8.4 15.7 9.5 7.4 10.6 19.7 11.7 2.0 3.4 4.5 5.8 7.0 7.9 7.1 9.3 9.2 8.5 11.1 12.8 10.9 5.0 12.0 8.2 8.2 9.6 9.3 6.6 7.4 9.8 83 30 46 266 85 46 49 66 36 25 33 73 43 286 1 21 285 14 33 543 35 769 34 43 lb 22 67 150 118 21 184 24 60 73 56 841 41 155 152 155 83 6 6 47 124 78 756 18 182 74 70 45 3.9 3.0 4.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 2.8 2.7 1.6 0.7 1.0 1.7 2.2 1.9 0.1 2.0 3.2 1.0 2.4 2.6 1.9 2.9 2.5 1.9 1.2 1.2 2.1 2.0 2.8 2.2 3.0 4.6 5.6 0.5 1.9 4.1 1.7 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.8 0.4 0.3 2.3 2.4 4.2 3.8 1.5 7.7 2.8 2.7 3.6 596 397 356 2 048 1 022 366 469 481 816 475 607 822 1 352 355 2 941 299 8 100 123 257 3 238 172 414 5 783 1 286 370 6 751 436 515 369 833 748 1 886 1 832 308 1 863 98 304 1 542 1 213 430 276 553 5 010 1 037 1 594 1 438 1 140 611 366 880 295 1 055 237 6 441 116 252 875 434 113 28.2 40.1 33.7 27.5 44.7 29.7 26.8 20.0 36.0 38.0 16.0 25.9 31.3 18.1 52.5 12.4 53.4 13.2 24.8 36.8 12.2 30.2 27.3 32.6 20.0 25.8 31.6 19.9 24.8 45.9 23.1 25.6 43.2 32.2 30.1 18.9 28.6 16.8 7.9 10.9 12.5 18.9 24.4 42.4 25.6 27.4 24.6 27.7 27.0 46.2 14.5 20.1 12.8 31.9 9.4 10.6 33.2 16.6 9.0 14 509 58 488 108 453 23 1 409 43 445 99 14 91 121 134 21 73 46 11 98 2 LYCOMING MONTGOMERY NORTHAMPTON WESTMORELAND SOUTH CAROLINA: SPARTANBUhG ; TENNESSEE: SHELBY TEXAS: 11.5 MCLENNAN NUECES WICHITA UTAH: WEBER VIRGINIA: 0.8 HENRICO WASHINGTON: KING PIERCE , . 1.2 SNOHOMISH WEST VIRGINIA: KANAWHA WISCONSIN: BROWN MILWAUKEE OUTAGAMIE , 0.1 ROCK „ WAUKESHA WINNEBAGO - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Z Less than half the unit of measurement shown. "The total direct expenditure data, shown in the first column, are fo by total criminal Justice direct expenditure, shown in the third column, nt of total di 144 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 20. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time County Total full-time Tota 1 orlmina 1 justice system Police protection juc icial 1 Numbe r of employees Percent Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total 1 employees Total Full- time Full-time equiva- full-time Total Full- time Full-time criminal justice Total Full- Full-time criminal justice only lent employees only lent employees only lent employees 1 809 609 179 478 167 238 171 965 21.2 55 270 53 194 53 839 31.3 51 917 46 889 49 193 28.6 ALABAMA: ? 251 74 67 70 27.9 20 18 18 25.7 36 32 34 48.6 3 3 874 669 661 662 17.1 201 201 201 30.4 254 249 250 37.8 4 598 163 155 158 26.4 43 42 42 26.6 66 60 62 39.2 5 1 083 401 348 367 33.9 149 116 128 34.9 160 157 158 43.1 6 "*99 183 169 177 35.5 54 53 54 30.5 65 57 62 35.0 7 ALASKA: <»26 159 145 149 35.0 55 53 53 35.6 56 47 49 32.9 6 GREATER ANCHORAGE . . ARIZONA: 4 117 17 14 15 0.4 9 5 321 1 583 1 499 1 562 29.4 364 362 362 23.2 486 423 481 30.6 3 325 1 120 1 079 1 094 32.9 372 365 367 33.5 240 232 235 21.5 ARKANSAS: 11 CALIFORNIA: 629 205 200 202 32.1 63 61 62 30.7 64 62 63 31.2 1? 9 030 2 506 2 460 2 465 27.3 659 659 659 26.7 437 436 436 17.7 17 1 265 226 201 209 16.5 68 61 64 30.6 53 46 48 23.0 lit 6 136 1 481 1 293 1 355 22.1 307 284 293 21.6 283 245 260 19.2 15 4 926 1 142 982 1 029 20.9 284 279 282 27.4 225 189 196 19.0 L6 4 766 973 879 922 19.3 311 286 297 32.2 169 149 159 17.2 17 75 315 18 515 17 666 17 916 23.8 4 912 4 839 4 852 27.1 4 601 4 166 4 346 24.3 18 1 707 513 491 501 29.3 107 104 105 21.0 130 125 129 25.7 19 1 430 253 227 234 16.4 66 50 52 22.2 59 53 57 24.4 ?0 2 281 579 564 571 25.0 180 177 178 31.2 109 100 105 18.4 /I 11 013 3 163 3 044 3 090 28.1 628 605 610 19.7 863 822 849 27.5 ?2 5 334 1 474 1 408 1 435 26.9 447 437 441 30.7 276 253 267 18.6 23 6 619 1 959 1 835 1 879 28.4 669 653 657 35.0 293 264 279 14.8 ^4 SAN BERNARDINO. . . . 7 182 2 285 1 990 2 065 28.8 717 57e 599 29.0 492 426 455 22.0 2 5 SAN DIEGO •10 345 3 448 3 253 3 303 '31.9 684 631 643 19.5 847 812 822 24.9 ^6 3 654 839 756 794 21.7 232 230 230 29.0 162 140 153 19.3 27 SAN LUIS OBISPO . . . 1 652 278 238 256 15.5 103 95 97 37.9 54 34 43 16.8 ?8 4 446 1 279 1 169 1 205 27.1 271 258 262 21.7 288 257 271 22.5 29 SANTA BARBARA .... 2 933 927 770 794 27.1 296 255 256 32.2 156 117 129 16.2 30 9 280 2 257 2 007 2 086 22.5 491 419 435 20.9 469 388 422 20.2 31 SANTA CRUZ 1 468 365 330 347 23.6 111 ioe 109 31.4 75 68 75 21.6 !2 1 387 402 392 399 28.8 69 66 68 17.0 106 106 106 26.6 73 2 631 578 473 505 19.2 167 146 152 30.1 102 89 96 19.0 34 STANISLAUS 1 939 555 483 504 26.0 143 128 131 26.0 126 102 111 22.0 35 1 972 570 487 518 26.3 195 173 177 34.2 110 79 94 18.1 36 COLORADO: 4 458 1 081 1 038 1 052 23.6 335 }}} 333 31.7 219 202 209 19.9 7 7 980 158 158 156 16.1 99 99 99 62.7 6 6 6 3.8 38 499 142 142 142 28.5 94 94 94 66.2 5 5 5 3.5 19 639 128 117 121 18.9 55 54 55 45.5 15 14 14 11.6 10 1 091 184 183 184 16.9 8C 80 80 43.5 4 4 4 2.2 "1 JEFFERSON 1 173 220 218 219 18.7 U3 113 113 51.6 3C 30 30 13.7 ■42 DELAWARE: 589 88 74 81 13.8 26 23 25 30.9 1 1 1.2 4 3 FLORIDA: 1 454 258 256 258 17.7 182 182 182 70.5 67 65 67 26.0 '14 904 260 250 252 27.9 148 140 141 56.0 46 46 47 18.7 45 1 517 349 349 349 23.0 177 177 177 50.7 15C 150 150 43.0 46 2 479 825 771 787 31.7 332 306 311 39.5 281 269 274 34.8 17 200 1 031 3 662 369 3 659 354 3 660 358 21.3 34.7 2 048 210 2 048 206 2 048 207 56.0 57.8 972 99 970 88 971 91 26.5 25.4 4 a 49 HILLSBOROUGH 5 118 1 039 1 017 1 028 20.1 242 242 242 23.5 503 496 499 48.5 LEE 930 551 2 402 274 210 708 268 202 700 271 204 704 29.1 37.0 29.3 170 89 367 164 89 361 167 89 364 61.6 43.6 51.7 83 90 236 83 82 234 83 84 235 30.6 41.2 33.4 *v c >3 2 510 620 612 614 24.5 369 369 369 60.1 106 99 101 16.4 b>1 2 040 601 585 590 28.9 339 326 332 56.3 207 202 203 34.4 c .s 1 663 544 398 275 391 252 392 257 23.6 47.2 225 184 225 169 225 171 57.4 66.5 109 70 103 63 104 65 26.5 25.3 56 57 GEORGIA: 1 071 306 292 299 27.9 129 126 128 42.8 97 88 92 30.8 499 1 152 227 299 186 294 197 299 39.5 26.0 58 105 58 104 58 105 29.4 35.1 103 107 67 104 76 107 38.6 35.8 59 CHATHAM 1 602 3 612 523 844 485 835 501 841 31.3 23.3 304 475 296 475 301 475 60.1 56.5 126 159 101 151 111 156 22.2 18.5 6] DE KALB t,? 2 371 997 964 982 41.4 23 23 23 2.3 505 483 498 50.7 63 855 325 317 319 37.3 135 134 134 42.0 89 87 88 27.6 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM equivalent employees of 312 large county governments, October 1974 145 Leg a 1 services ion Indigen t defense Corrections Other criminal justice Number of employees Percent Number oi employees Percent Number of employees Percent Numbt r of employees Percent ~ criminal criminal Full- Full-time justice Full- Full-time Full- Full-time Full- Full-time Total time equiva- Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- Justice a only lent only only only lent system employees employees employees employees 15 768 14 681 15 121 8.8 2 669 2 510 2 615 1.5 53 276 49 460 50 671 29.5 578 504 526 0.3 i 3 2 3 4.3 _ _ . _ 15 15 15 21.4 . _ _ _ 2 44 42 42 6.3 - - - - 170 169 169 25.5 - - - - 3 17 16 17 10.8 - - - - 37 37 37 23.4 - - - - 4 16 1 6 1.6 - - - - 76 74 75 20.4 - - - - 5 7 7 7 4.0 - - - - 57 52 54 30.5 - - - - 6 9 7 8 5.4 " " _ " 39 36 39 26.2 _ " - " 7 17 14 15 100.0 8 148 148 148 9.5 71 70 70 4.5 514 496 501 32.1 . _ . 9 124 109 114 10.4 46 46 46 4.2 338 327 332 30.3 " " " _ 10 26 26 26 12.9 9 9 9 4.5 43 42 42 20.8 " - - " 11 223 219 220 8.9 150 150 150 6.1 1 037 996 1 000 40.6 _ . . _ 12 26 25 25 12.0 - - - - 79 69 72 34.4 - - - - 13 198 183 186 13.7 69 59 61 4.5 624 522 555 41.0 .- - _ - 14 93 86 90 8.7 42 36 38 3.7 498 392 423 41.1 - - - - 15 103 95 97 10.5 24 24 24 2.6 366 325 345 37.4 - - . . 16 1 729 1 681 1 686 9.4 544 543 543 3.0 6 729 6 437 6 487 36.2 - . _ . 17 41 41 41 8.2 23 23 23 4.6 184 184 184 36.7 28 14 19 3.8 IS 31 31 31 13.2 4 4 4 1.7 93 69 90 38.5 - " - - 19 74 74 74 13.0 24 23 23 4.0 192 190 191 33.5 . _ _ . 20 317 311 312 10.1 85 84 84 2.7 1 256 1 210 1 223 39.6 14 12 12 0.4 21 148 147 147 10.2 35 34 34 2.4 568 537 546 38.0 - _ - - 22 273 256 264 14.1 63 60 61 3.2 659 598 616 32.8 2 2 2 0.1 23 196 187 189 9.2 59 58 58 2.8 818 738 761 36.9 3 3 3 0.1 24 353 339 342 10.4 - _ - - 1 549 1 457 1 482 44.9 15 14 14 0.4 25 88 85 86 10.8 42 41 41 5.2 303 260 283 35.6 12 . 1 0.1 26 37 36 36 14.1 - - " - 84 73 80 31.3 - - - - 27 115 112 113 9.4 . _ . . 601 538 555 46.1 4 4 u 0.3 28 84 80 81 10.2 24 24 24 3.0 367 294 304 38.3 - - - - ? ( ' 1 ( 3 > ( ' 1 ( " I ( 3 1 < 3 1 ( ' 1 ( 3 1 59 JEFFERSON 3 770 981 966 974 25.6 509 509 509 52.3 119 115 117 12.0 to LOUISIANA: 308 67 63 65 21.1 25 24 25 38.5 10 10 10 15,4 41 691 278 249 259 37.5 116 116 116 44.8 57 37 38 14.7 4? 814 350 248 301 37.0 224 171 199 66.1 66 32 46 15.3 •l-J JEFFERSON 3 845 1 149 1 028 1 101 26.6 622 612 619 56.2 372 280 333 30.2 14 447 203 141 177 39.6 81 71 78 44.1 70 27 53 29.9 45 422 184 41 172 40.8 85 - 85 49.4 41 8 32 18.6 46 MAINE: 470 206 144 182 38.7 137 105 121 66.5 29 14 26 14.3 47 107 80 69 74 69.2 21 20 20 27.0 31 23 27 36.5 <» 65 52 42 47 72.3 11 11 11 23.4 26 18 22 46.8 77 82 33 46 59.7 26 6 8 17.4 17 13 16 34.6 MARYLAND: 50 8 500 569 563 565 6.6 421 421 421 74.5 74 70 71 12.6 51 16 979 1 557 1 543 1 546 9.1 1 280 1 280 1 280 82.8 90 89 69 5.6 5? 2 978 134 130 131 4.4 47 45 45 34.4 41 39 40 30.5 53 20 050 1 168 1 136 1 162 5.8 910 910 910 78.3 114 85 110 9.5 54 PRINCE GEORGES. . . . 18 251 1 479 1 460 1 470 8.1 1 H5 1 110 1 111 75.6 233 220 229 15.6 55 MASSACHUSETTS: 2 384 43 42 43 1.8 12 12 12 27.9 10 9 10 23.3 56 129 106 81 90 69.8 - - - - 42 34 38 42.2 57 '309 328 273 294 '95.1 - - - - 196 149 169 57.5 SB 666 407 365 377 56.4 - - - - 200 167 177 46.9 59 530 387 352 362 68.3 - - - - 180 151 160 44.2 60 253 113 94 98 38.7 - - - - 37 33 34 34.7 61 'l 468 1 143 1 089 1 102 '75.1 - - - - 663 617 628 57.0 62 842 348 342 343 40.7 - - - - 185 182 182 53.1 63 '564 308 264 290 '51.4 a 6 6 2.1 145 108 132 45.5 64 927 532 494 500 53.9 - - - - 263 238 242 48.4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM equivalent employees of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued 147 Legal services and prosec tion Indigent defense Corrections Other crin lnal justi ce Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total Num ber of employees Percent of total Num be r of employees Percent of total ; 2 Full- Full-time criminal Full- Full-time criminal Full- Full-time criminal Full- Full-time criminal Q Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- justice a only lent system only lent system only lent system only lent system employees employees employees employees 17 17 17 10.8 - - - - 32 28 29 18.4 - - - - i 16 17 17 12.1 6 4 5 3.6 57 39 43 30.7 _ _ . . 2 559 536 542 8.6 206 203 204 3.2 1 422 1 422 1 422 22.7 - - - - 3 56 54 55 11.5 28 24 25 5.2 124 106 114 23.7 2 2 2 0.1 H 27 24 24 8.4 4 4 4 1.4 95 62 66 30.2 2 1 1 0.4 5 t7 47 47 13.6 6 5 5 1.4 89 84 86 24.9 3 3 3 0.Q 6 7 3 5 5.6 2 - 2 2.2 25 19 22 24.7 - - - - 7 13 13 13 9.2 4 - 4 2.8 26 26 26 18.3 - - - - 8 13 12 12 11.0 5 - 5 4.6 18 18 18 16.5 - - - - 9 17 14 14 10.7 5 . 5 3.8 26 22 24 ie.3 . _ „ . 10 28 8 28 10.7 9 9 9 3.4 74 66 68 26.0 - - _ - 11 23 23 23 11.7 5 _ 5 2.6 54 53 53 27.0 - - - 12 17 17 17 10.2 2 2 2 1.2 40 39 39 23.5 - - - - 13 25 25 25 11.2 12 12 12 5.4 62 58 59 26.3 - - - - 11 26 25 26 14.3 4 4 4 2.2 48 43 45 24.7 - - - - 15 13 6 13 11.8 4 2 4 3.6 19 15 17 15.5 - - . - 16 31 27 29 12.6 8 - 8 3.5 29 29 29 12.6 - _ _ - 1 ' 28 28 28 10.0 9 8 8 2.9 86 74 77 27.6 " " " " 18 28 8 21 6.4 14 3 12 3.7 127 109 116 35.6 _ 19 10 - 10 9.5 3 - 3 2.9 30 30 30 28.6 - - - - , 10 - 10 6.5 4 - 3 2.0 38 32 34 22.2 • - _ - 21 69 60 83 14.9 11 11 11 2.0 98 95 97 17.4 12 U 11 2.0 Ic 11 9 10 9.6 - - - - 43 28 33 31.7 - - - - 23 11 8 10 9.6 4 - 4 3.6 37 31 33 31.7 - - - - 2 4 19 16 18 7.3 4 - 4 1.6 7? 72 72 29.0 - _ _ _ 2'-> 10 - 9 10.5 2 - 2 2.3 26 20 23 26.7 - _ _ _ , 23 16 21 12.4 6 6 6 3.6 49 45 46 27.2 1 - 1 0.6 27 11 2 14 9.7 4 4 4 2.8 45 44 44 30.6 " " " " 28 13 13 13 11.5 . . . 32 31 31 27.4 2 9 15 15 15 10.1 - - - - 62 51 54 36.2 - . - - 30 43 29 • 31 7.2 9 9 9 2.1 204 181 190 44.4 6 6 6 1.4 SI 16 16 16 13.2 - - - - 21 21 21 17.4 - - - - 32 16 14 15 16.0 " " " " 22 11 13 13.6 " " " " 33 39 39 39 15.1 . _ _ _ 52 43 46 17.8 2 2 2 0,8 34 24 24 24 7.6 - - - - 101 73 80 25.4 - - - - 35 21 12 15 7.6 - - - - 79 75 77 39.1 - - - - 36 23 ( 3 1 21 ( 3 1 22 ( ' 1 10.8 ( 3 ) ( 3 1 (' 1 ( 3 ) ( 3 1 45 ( 3 ) 41 ( 3 1 42 ( 3 ) 20.7 ( 3 ) ( 3 1 ( 3 1 ( 3 ) ( 3 ) 37 38 64 63 63 6.5 - - - - 289 279 285 29.3 - - - - 39 12 11 11 16.9 " " " " 20 18 19 29.2 - ~ " " 40 14 5 14 5.4 _ . . _ 91 91 91 35.1 _ 41 22 13 22 7.3 - - - - 36 32 34 11.3 - - - - 12 75 61 73 6.6 1 1 1 0.1 79 74 75 6.8 - - - _ a; 12 6 10 5.6 2 2 2 1.1 38 32 34 19.2 - _ _ _ 4 4 17 9 17 9.9 1 - - (Z 1 40 24 38 22.1 - - - _ 15 14 6 14 7.7 " " " - 26 19 21 U.5 - " " - 46 2 2 2 2.7 _ . . _ 26 24 25 33.8 . 47 3 2 3 6.4 - - - - 12 11 11 23.4 - - - - 48 1 1 1 2.2 " " " " 38 13 21 45.7 " " * " 19 36 34 35 6.2 _ . _ _ 38 38 38 6.7 . 50 85 81 82 5.3 - - - - 102 93 95 6.1 - _ _ _ 51 19 19 19 14.5 - - - - 27 27 27 20.6 - - _ _ 5 2 61 61 61 5.2 - - - - 60 78 79 6.8 3 2 2 0.2 53 91 90 90 6.1 - - - - 40 40 40 2.7 - . . - b4 8 a 8 18.6 " " " - 13 13 13 30.2 ~ * " " 55 13 . 4 4.4 . . . . 51 47 48 53.3 _ _ 56 5 5 5 1.7 - - - - 125 119 120 40.8 - _ _ - 57 16 15 15 4.0 - - - - 191 183 185 49.1 - _ _ . 58 27 23 24 6.6 - - - - 180 178 178 49.2 - - - . 6 V 6 5 5 5.1 2 2 2 2.0 68 54 57 58.2 - - _ _ 60 26 26 26 2.4 8 8 8 0,7 446 438 440 39.9 - _ _ - 61 40 40 40 11.7 - - - - 123 120 121 35.3 - _ - _ 62 •■ 6 6 2.1 - - - - 149 144 146 50.3 - _ ™ _ 63 17 17 17 3.4 - - - - 252 239 241 48.2 - - - - 61 148 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 20. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time Total tot. 1 criminal justice s (■stem Police protection Jud icial 1 Numbe r of employees Percent Number of employees Number of employees Percent of total ■ County equivalent employees Full- Full-time lull-time Full- Full-time criminal Full- Full-time criminal 1 Total time equiva- equivalent Total time equiva- Total time equiva- system employees only lent employees only lent employees only lent MICHIGAN: 70° '858 144 321 142 307 142 316 20.1 '36.6 40 61 40 59 40 60 28.2 19.0 54 114 54 110 54 112 38.0 35.4 ? 3 612 207 201 203 33.2 41 41 41 20.2 73 72 72 35.5 M 1 763 694 622 655 37.2 215 190 196 29.9 197 188 191 29.2 5 i en 374 358 364 20.1 86 86 86 23.6 133 131 131 36.0 '» 808 197 174 186 23.3 46 43 45 23.9 63 54 63 33.5 7 '661 338 323 326 •49.3 87 76 78 23.9 95 93 93 28.5 '1 756 2 112 470 639 402 637 423 639 '24.1 30.3 165 150 138 148 143 150 33.8 23.5 105 273 97 273 101 273 23.9 42.7 9 10 626 200 174 188 30.0 65 60 61 32.4 75 65 73 38.8 1 818 208 200 203 24.6 40 40 40 19.7 89 89 89 43.8 IS 3 032 897 841 857 28.3 203 200 201 23.5 330 303 310 36.2 : 3 585 148 135 141 24.1 55 55 55 39.0 53 47 50 35.5 in 1 150 312 275 289 25.1 75 74 74 25.6 109 104 107 37.0 is 664 193 155 139 20.9 27 26 1 0.7 72 64 66 47.5 16 995 436 390 406 40.8 93 80 84 20.7 141 129 133 32.8 17 MINNESOTA: 8 523 2 342 2 304 2 316 27.2 311 310 310 13.4 976 943 954 41.2 16 540 162 155 157 29.1 62 58 59 37.6 49 47 48 30.6 : i 412 126 93 106 25.7 27 27 27 25.5 70 39 51 46.1 20 6 118 1 116 1 049 1 065 17.4 277 255 261 24.5 320 294 297 27.9 21 3 815 593 566 573 15.0 130 122 123 21.5 115 111 113 19.7 22 MISSISSIPPI: 2 029 331 310 318 15.7 80 73 75 23.6 119 111 113 35.5 ?3 607 134 116 122 20.1 51 51 51 41.6 53 36 41 33.6 21 MISSOURI : 1 040 91 87 88 8.5 31 28 29 33.0 41 41 41 46.6 321 349 149 139 125 129 132 130 41.1 37.2 41 46 40 44 40 44 30.3 33.8 34 55 29 54 31 54 23.5 41.5 ?6 27 2 176 986 957 963 44.3 87 87 87 9.0 366 364 365 37.9 ?8 220 102 91 96 44.5 37 35 36 36.7 40 40 40 40.8 29 NEBRASKA: 3 999 1 568 1 389 1 485 37.1 745 702 745 50.2 422 385 407 27.4 30 3 438 317 299 302 8.8 51 51 51 16.9 94 8C 82 27.2 31 NEVADA: 880 137 120 123 14.0 25 25 25 20.3 60 52 53 43.1 3? 4 014 1 356 1 342 1 351 33.7 846 845 846 62.6 100 95 97 7.2 33 NEW HAMPSHIRE: 2 141 342 330 333 15.6 119 119 119 35.7 77 68 69 20.7 34 659 105 82 95 14.4 12 11 11 11.6 36 26 33 34.7 35 NEW JERSEY: 428 61 55 57 13.3 28 24 26 45.6 18 17 17 29.8 36 1 778 355 334 338 19.0 32 30 31 9.2 82 60 80 23.7 37 4 770 091 949 957 20.1 160 152 154 16.1 367 346 349 36.5 38 1 577 301 281 286 18.1 12 10 11 3.8 97 90 92 32.2 39 3 507 666 616 631 18.0 73 61 65 10.3 159 146 149 23.6 41; 898 199 170 179 19.9 17 15 16 8.9 60 40 46 25.7 tl 8 094 2 284 2 256 2 260 27.9 290 285 286 12.7 632 630 630 27.9 4? 692 223 185 198 28.6 31 25 27 13.6 58 41 46 23.2 13 3 661 1 012 1 010 1 010 27.6 150 150 150 14.9 383 381 381 37.7 44 2 187 426 426 426 19.5 34 34 34 8.0 75 75 75 17.6 45 3 686 838 801 810 22.0 88 88 88 10.9 270 264 265 32.7 46 2 184 470 470 470 21.5 55 55 55 11.7 164 164 164 34.9 47 2 232 381 347 354 15.9 79 76 77 21.8 92 72 74 20.9 40 1 506 330 322 325 21.6 64 64 64 19.7 97 95 96 29.5 49 2 200 690 669 680 30.9 52 52 52 7.6 227 226 227 33.4 50 1 147 234 207 219 19.1 26 25 25 11.4 64 4E 54 24.7 ' 1 NEW MEXICO: 2 018 606 798 800 39.6 69 69 69 8.6 274 268 269 33.6 52 NEW YORK: 1 581 195 195 195 12.3 156 156 158 81.0 5 5 5 2.6 53 2 768 358 342 352 12.7 81 81 81 23.0 92 87 69 25.3 54 1 950 243 204 220 11.3 63 59 62 28.2 61 47 51 23.2 55 CHAUTAUQUA 1 154 147 122 137 11.9 54 54 54 39.4 31 3C 30 21.9 56 989 150 136 144 14.6 43 42 42 29.2 17 17 17 11.8 57 1 464 323 279 292 19.9 90 86 90 30.8 61 60 61 20.9 ERIE 9 971 5 248 1 454 985 1 314 925 1 361 946 13.6 18.0 288 324 272 276 275 294 20.2 31.1 293 226 284 226 286 226 21.0 23.9 59 60 NASSAU 19 253 6 653 6 597 6 612 34.3 4 464 4 434 4 441 67.2 931 920 923 14.0 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM equivalent employees of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued 149 Lei al service . and prosecu tion Indigent defens Corrections >ther cri. inal justi e Nl imber of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total Numb r of employees Percent of total N urn be - of employees Percent of total -^ Total Full- time only Full-time equiva- lent criminal justice system employees Total Full- time only Full-time criminal justice system employees Total Full- only Full-time criminal justice system Total Full- time only Full-time equiva- lent criminal justice system employees I 13 13 13 9.2 6 6 6 1.2 31 29 29 20.1 1 26 28 28 8.9 - . - - 118 110 116 36.7 - - - - 2 13 13 13 6.1 - . - - 80 75 77 37.9 - - - - 3 91 91 93 11.2 - - - - 183 119 171 26.1 5 4 4 0.6 1 36 36 36 9.9 - - - - 119 105 111 30.5 - - - - 5 23 22 23 12.2 - - - - 65 55 57 30.3 - - - - 6 30 30 30 9.2 - - - - 126 121 125 38.3 - - - - 7 28 25 26 6.1 " " " " 172 112 153 36.2 ' - " " 8 72 72 72 11.3 - _ . _ 136 136 136 21.3 6 8 8 1.3 9 12 11 12 6.1 - - - - 18 38 12 22.3 - - - - 10 12 11 11 5.1 - - - - 67 60 63 31.0 - - - - 11 80 77 77 9.0 - - - - 261 258 266 31.0 3 3 3 0.1 12 6 6 6 1.3 2 2 2 1.1 32 25 28 19.9 - - - - 13 28 28 28 9.7 - - - - 100 69 60 27.7 - - - - 11 16 13 11 10.1 - - - - 78 52 56 11.7 - - - - It, 25 21 21 5.9 15 11 11 3.1 158 139 117 36.2 4 4 4 1.0 16 203 201 201 8.7 3 3 3 0.1 815 813 811 36.1 4 4 4 0.2 17 19 19 19 12.1 6 6 6 3.8 26 25 25 15.9 _ . lb 11 12 13 12.3 - - - - 15 15 15 H.2 - - - - 19 67 61 63 5.9 15 15 15 1.2 102 389 391 37.0 5 5 5 0.5 20 tl 10 10 7.0 7 7 7 1.2 300 286 290 50.6 - - - - 21 22 23 23 7.2 1 1 1 0.3 108 102 106 33.3 " " ~ " Id 10 9 10 8.2 _ . . . 20 20 20 16.1 _ _ _ _ 2 2 3 3 3 3.1 " " " " 16 15 15 17.0 " " " " 21 16 16 16 12.1 _ . . _ 58 10 15 31.1 _ . . . 25 15 15 15 11.5 - . - - 23 16 17 13.1 - - - - 26 108 98 101 10.5 - - - - 125 108 110 12.6 - - - - 27 15 12 12 12.2 - - - - 10 1 10 10.2 - - - - 28 79 71 77 5.2 " " " " 322 228 256 17.2 " - - " 29 35 35 35 11.6 21 21 21 7.9 113 109 110 36.1 . 30 25 21 22 17.9 10 10 10 8.1 17 12 13 10.6 " - - " 31 80 80 80 5.9 35 32 31 2.5 295 290 291 21.8 _ . . 32 te 17 18 11.1 20 20 20 6.0 76 71 75 22.5 2 2 2 0.6 33 5 1 5 5.3 _ . _ _ 52 11 16 18.1 _ . . . 31 2 2 2 3.5 " " ■ " 13 12 12 21.1 " " " " 35 70 69 69 20.1 _ . . . 155 150 151 11.7 16 5 7 2.1 36 156 156 156 16.3 - - - - 308 295 296 31.1 - - - - 37 19 19 19 17.1 - - - - H3 132 131 16.9 - - - - 3o 122 111 115 16.2 - - - - 305 291 295 16.8 7 7 7 1.1 39 26 27 27 15.1 - - - - 91 88 90 50.3 - - - - 10 292 277 279 12.3 - _ - _ 1 058 1 052 1 053 16.6 12 12 12 0.5 11 35 35 35 17.7 - - - - 99 61 90 15.5 - - - - 12 153 153 153 15.1 " - - - 326 326 326 32.3 - - - - 13 81 81 81 19.7 . _ . . 231 231 231 51.2 2 2 2 0.5 11 lie 113 111 17.8 - - - - 319 293 300 37.0 13 13 13 1.6 It) 55 55 55 11.7 - - - - 196 196 196 11.7 - - . - 16 66 61 62 17.5 - - - - 111 138 HI 39.8 - _ . - 17 56 56 56 17.2 - - - - 113 107 109 33.5 - - - - IB 95 95 95 11.0 - - - - 306 286 296 13.5 10 10 10 1.5 19 36 36 36 16.1 - - - - 108 98 101 17.5 - - - - 50 193 193 193 21.1 " " " " 261 262 263 32.9 6 6 6 0.7 51 2 2 2 1.0 - - - " 30 30 30 15.1 " - ' - " 52 11 31 39 11.1 21 20 20 5.7 123 123 123 31.9 . . 53 19 19 19 8.6 7 7 7 3.2 90 69 78 35.5 3 3 3 1.1 51 17 6 13 9.5 9 2 9 6.6 36 30 31 22.6 - . - - to 13 7 12 8.3 5 3 1 2.8 72 67 69 17.9 - - • - 56 30 28 29 9.9 16 16 16 5.5 126 89 96 32.9 . - . . 57 161 158 161 11.8 - - - . 695 586 625 15.9 11 14 11 1.0 58 88 88 88 9.3 33 33 33 3.5 311 302 305 32.2 - _ - . 59 280 279 279 1.2 - - - - 973 959 961 H.6 5 5 5 0.1 60 150 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 20. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time Total full-time Tbta 1 crlmlna Justice system Police protection Judicial 1 Numbe r of employees Percent Number of employees Percent of total Number of employees Percent of total i equivalent employees Full- Full-time full-time Full- Full-time Full- Full-time - Total time equiva- equivalent Total time equiva- Total time equiva- just ce only lent employees only lent employees only lent employees NEW YORK— CONTINUED 1 1 681 297 211 263 15.6 89 89 89 33.8 98 63 68 25.9 2 1 768 21? 229 235 13.3 19 17 19 20.9 71 70 70 29.8 3 2 t 982 B53 771 805 2 16.2 206 199 201 25.0 125 122 122 15.2 1 1 9t2 215 190 203 10.5 36 31 35 17.2 57 55 56 27.6 b 7t5 115 111 112 15.0 33 32 32 28.6 29 29 29 25.9 6 1 721 191 139 159 9.2 33 27 29 18.2 59 35 t3 27.0 7 2 301 306 290 292 12.7 98 91 92 31.5 65 61 61 21.9 8 675 119 106 111 16.1 33 32 33 29.7 27 20 22 19.6 9 790 119 89 103 13.0 28 21 26 25.2 35 28 29 28.2 10 1 270 111 97 lit 9.0 9 5 7 6.1 11 30 37 32.5 11 10 737 1 521 1 501 1 509 12.0 3 019 3 019 3 019 67.0 609 60S 609 13.5 12 1 352 171 138 118 10.9 11 31 35 23.6 28 27 27 18.2 13 NORTH CAROLINA: 7 Oil 1 216 1 192 1 199 17.0 383 359 366 30.5 199 199 199 16.6 It 2 935 108 107 108 3.7 61 61 61 59.3 12 12 12 11.1 lb t 835 112 135 137 2.8 98 91 93 67.9 19 19 19 13.9 16 3 115 68 61 65 2.1 18 18 18 73.8 1 - 1 1.5 17 5 533 115 131 131 2.1 56 19 50 37.3 17 17 17 35.1 18 3 386 lit 111 111 3.3 72 71 71 61.0 13 13 13 11.7 IV 6 772 218 202 207 3.1 110 106 107 51.7 35 31 32 15.5 20 9 171 317 306 310 3.1 153 153 153 19.1 67 61 62 20.0 21 1 675 71 69 70 ".2 tl 10 10 57.1 13 13 13 18.6 5 156 92 75 82 1.6 57 55 56 66.3 7 " 3 3.7 OHIOl 23 570 137 116 128 22.5 37 36 36 28.1 53 11 53 11.1 -"\ 860 215 178 199 23.1 11 12 13 21.6 92 72 88 11.2 ?b 699 116 99 121 17.3 15 to 12 31.7 15 i: 15 37.2 ?6 '158 112 92 102 '22.3 21 21 22 21.6 58 17 52 51.0 2 / 10 518 1 808 1 602 1 696 16.1 265 258 260 15.3 899 75« 832 19.1 28 3 107 753 666 711 21.0 131 129 129 18.1 361 3oe 315 18.3 ?9 555 152 117 131 23.6 57 13 16 35.1 58 3<; 19 37.1 3 1 139 1 070 970 1 031 21.9 271 250 257 21.9 113 395 111 12.8 LAKE '1 588 390 212 100 198 81 210 91 '13.2 21.1 15 30 32 27 35 28 16.7 29.8 119 18 101 31 108 16 51.1 18.9 ^2 33 1 039 313 292 307 29.5 101 81 89 29.0 129 113 117 38.1 51 2 555 601 531 581 22.7 82 78 79 13.6 289 218 285 19.1 35 1 133 290 212 258 18.0 66 53 56 21.7 138 121 127 19.2 rd 3 515 763 688 710 21.1 165 161 163 22.0 310 255 299 10.1 37 1 181 181 113 151 13.0 39 36 37 21.0 91 72 76 50.6 38 531 112 113 121 23.1 11 31 38 30.6 56 50 52 11.9 39 '1 595 371 299 339 '21.3 95 83 81 21.8 136 105 131 39.5 to 2 680 568 527 536 20.0 130 126 127 23.7 252 235 239 11.6 tl OKLAHOMA: 1 027 227 185 207 20.2 67 60 61 30.9 121 95 110 53.1 t2 611 37 35 37 6.1 11 11 11 29.7 11 12 11 37.8 13 1 090 287 277 281 25.8 52 52 52 18.5 132 121 127 15.2 '4 4 OREGON: 1 311 322 301 320 23.9 68 68 66 21.2 111 121 110 13.8 U5 703 200 171 177 25.2 85 75 77 13.5 16 10 12 23.7 1 315 621 381 211 313 192 352 206 26,8 33.2 130 69 113 52 115 55 32.7 26.7 111 59 131 51 131 51 38.1 26.2 17 4P MULTNOMAH 3 179 1 019 973 987 31.0 326 313 316 32.0 271 26c 269 27.3 19 PENNSYLVANIA: 737 261 211 216 33.1 HI HI 111 15.1 12 11 11 16.7 50 8 110 1 985 1 901 1 915 22.7 101 101 101 21.1 807 805 806 12.1 51 969 281 211 236 21.1 62 30 38 16.1 121 101 110 16.6 5? 979 215 230 231 23.9 2 2 2 0.9 123 117 lie 50.1 *3 155 111 86 101 22.9 3 3 3 2.9 58 13 50 18.1 bt 1 273 162 128 110 31.6 62 56 58 13.2 211 195 203 16.1 55 132 102 86 89 20.6 10 9 9 10.1 15 11 t2 17.2 56 •565 128 116 120 '21.2 3 3 3 2.5 59 57 58 18.3 c 7 1 012 330 326 326 31.3 38 38 38 11.7 113 113 113 31.7 5 b 585 150 103 122 20.9 8 5 6 1.9 68 36 52 12.6 59 930 301 213 258 27.7 1 1 1 0.1 132 95 103 39.9 to 2 561 813 813 813 31.7 63 63 63 7.7 357 357 357 13.9 966 135 261 122 211 107 218 109 25.7 25.1 6 2 5 2 5 2 2.0 1.8 no 58 97 52 102 53 11.1 18.6 62 63 290 102 69 83 28.6 1 1 1 1.2 39 21 29 31.9 61 831 196 171 187 22.5 3 1 2 1.1 101 92 96 51.3 65 78B 261 227 217 31.3 1 3 1 1.6 127 87 103 11.7 6 b 261 98 71 78 29.5 5 2 2 2.6 18 39 12 53.8 f.l 1 056 260 229 211 22.8 1 1 1 0.1 115 98 106 11.0 end of tnble CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM equivalent employees of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued 151 Legal services and prosecution Indigent defense Corrections inal justi e Number of employees Percent of total criminal Number of employees Percent Nun )er of employees Percent Numbe r of employees Percent | criminal criminal criminal Full- Full-time Full- Full-time Full- Full-time Full- Full-time Total time equiva- justice Total time equiva- justice Total Justice Total time equiva- justice a only lent system employees only system employees only lent system employees only lent system employees 25 19 25 9.5 12 3 11 1.2 73 70 70 26.6 i 27 27 27 11.5 6 6 6 2.6 69 79 63 35.3 - - - _ 2 62 57 58 7.2 - - - - 158 395 123 52.5 2 1 1 0.1 3 26 28 28 13.8 - - - - 91 73 81 11.1 - - - - 4 9 9 9 8.0 1 - - CZ) 13 11 12 37.5 - - - - 5 20 19 19 11.9 8 7 7 1.1 71 51 61 38,1 - _ - _ 6 50 IB 18 16.1 16 11 H 1.8 77 73 71 25.3 - _ _ . 7 11 9 10 9.0 2 2 2 1.8 16 13 11 39.6 - " - - 8 16 7 11 10.7 6 . 6 5.8 32 30 31 30.1 _ _ _ _ 9 15 15 15 13.2 1 - 1 0.9 72 17 51 17.1 - _ - - 10 2*8 236 211 5.3 - - - - 611 633 636 H.l 1 4 4 0.1 11 21 18 19 12.8 1 - 1 0.7 77 62 66 11.6 - - . _ 12 169 169 169 11.1 " " " " 163 163 163 38.6 2 2 2 0.2 13 1 1 1 0.9 _ . _ . 31 30 31 28.7 . 14 - - - - - - - - 25 25 25 18.2 - - - - lb 1 1 1 1.5 - - - - 15 15 15 23.1 - - - - 16 5 5 5 3.7 - - - - 37 30 32 23.9 - - - - 17 2 2 2 1.8 - - - - 27 25 25 22.5 - - - . 18 1 3 3 1.1 - - - - 69 62 65 31.1 - - - - 19 - - - - - - - - 93 88 91 29.1 4 4 4 1.3 - C 1 - 1 1.1 - - - - 16 16 16 22.9 - - - - 21 H 3 3 3.7 " " " " 21 17 20 21.1 " " " " 22 18 12 11 10.9 _ . . „ 29 21 25 19.5 . 23 15 12 13 6.5 - - - - 61 52 55 27.6 - • m - 24 11 5 9 7.1 - - - - 15 21 25 20.7 - - - - 25 11 11 11 10.8 5 1 5 4.9 11 12 12 11.8 - - - _ 2 6 lit 113 113 6.7 - - - - 530 173 191 29.0 - _ _ _ 27 66 57 60 8.1 - - - - 195 172 180 25.2 - - . - 26 17 15 16 12.2 - - - - 20 20 20 15.3 - - - . 29 16 11 15 1.1 - - - - 307 281 28B 27.9 - - - . 30 20 16 18 8.6 - - - - 58 16 19 23.3 - _ _ - 31 11 9 9 9.6 " * " " 11 11 11 11.7 " - * - 32 30 26 26 8.5 . _ . _ 75 69 71 23.1 5 3 4 1.3 53 28 28 28 1.8 - - - - 205 180 189 32.5 - _ „ _ 34 25 19 22 8.5 - - - - 61 19 53 20.5 - _ _ _ 35 59 58 58 7.8 - . - - 229 211 220 29.7 - . . . 36 15 11 11 9.1 2 2 2 1.3 31 19 23 11.9 - - . . 37 13 10 11 8.9 - - - - 32 19 23 18.5 „ . . . 38 35 26 28 8.3 6 5 5 1.5 99 80 88 26.0 - - _ _ 39 32 32 32 6.0 - - - - 151 131 138 25.7 - . - . 40 11 8 11 5.3 _ * " " 22 22 22 10.6 * " " " 41 . . . . _ . . _ 12 12 12 32.1 42 - - - - 13 13 13 4.6 90 88 89 31.7 - _ . . 43 " " " " 10 9 9 2.8 103 103 103 32.2 " " " " 44 20 19 19 10.7 . . _ m 19 37 39 22.0 . 45 16 11 12 11.9 - - - - 67 58 61 17.3 - _ _ - 46 28 25 26 12.6 - . - - 88 61 71 31.5 _ . _ _ 47 125 123 121 12.6 - - - - 296 269 277 28.1 1 _ 1 0.1 46 28 26 27 11.0 " - " - 77 66 67 27.2 " " * " 49 220 220 220 11.5 57 57 57 3.0 197 115 128 22.3 50 29 22 23 9.7 9 9 9 3.8 60 19 56 23.7 - _ - _ 51 31 21 27 11.5 6 6 6 2.6 83 81 61 31.6 - . _ - 52 8 8 8 7.7 5 - 5 1.8 10 32 38 36.5 - . _ - 53 58 50 52 11.8 20 20 20 1.5 108 107 107 21.3 - . . _ 54 15 8 9 10.1 3 3 3 3.1 29 25 26 29.2 - - . - 55 22 15 17 11.2 9 9 9 7.5 35 32 33 27.5 - - - - bb 11 37 37 11.3 18 IB 18 5.5 120 120 120 36.8 _ _ _ _ 57 16 9 10 8.2 5 1 1 3.3 53 19 50 11.0 - _ _ _ 5b 56 38 12 16.3 13 13 13 5.0 102 96 99 38.1 - _ _ _ 59 120 120 120 11.8 23 23 23 2.8 250 250 250 30.8 - _ . . 60 32 21 26 10.5 13 13 13 5.2 103 102 102 11.1 • . _ - 61 18 11 12 11.0 6 6 6 5.5 38 36 36 33.0 _ _ _ _ 62 8 6 7 8.1 1 3 1 1.8 50 35 12 50.6 - . - . 63 29 21 28 15.0 9 9 9 1.8 51 51 52 27.8 . _ _ _ 64 28 20 21 8.5 8 8 8 3.2 117 109 111 11.9 - - - - 65 16 10 11 11.1 5 1 1 5.1 21 16 19 21.1 - - _ _ 66 29 23 21 10.0 8 8 8 3.3 107 99 102 12.3 - - - - 67 152 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 20. Criminal justice system employment and percent distribution of full-time Total Tot 1 c rt ,» 1 justice s ystem Police protection Judicial 1 Number of employees Percent Number of employees Percent Number of employees Percent Full-time -■ Total only lent equivalent Total time only lent system employees Total only lent employees PENNSYLVANIA— CONTINUED 1 1 231 217 208 213 17.3 5 3 5 2.3 106 106 106 19.8 ? 108 115 87 96 23.5 3 1 3 3.1 19 38 11 12.7 3 321 119 90 96 29.9 9 1 2 2.1 62 15 50 52.1 1 1 585 756 591 670 12.3 16 12 13 6.1 105 295 316 51.6 S 730 205 187 193 26.1 5 1 1 2.1 91 81 87 15.1 6 867 115 131 137 15.8 1 1 2 1.5 66 65 66 19.6 7 559 175 163 165 29.5 9 8 8 1.8 81 78 79 17.9 8 870 268 233 211 28.0 18 15 15 6.1 113 128 133 51.5 672 266 200 218 32.1 23 22 22 10. 1 138 87 100 15.9 SOUTH CAROLINA: 10 215 121 105 115 53.5 36 35 35 30.1 12 30 37 32.2 1 1 1 389 361 305 326 23.5 170 168 168 51.5 112 69 85 26.1 1? 816 292 252 259 31.7 111 137 137 52.9 106 72 78 30.1 1 3 2 213 315 299 301 13.7 1H 111 111 37.5 138 128 130 12.8 It TENNESSEE: 1 867 192 166 172 9.2 66 56 58 33.7 97 83 86 50.0 : c - 1 831 370 321 332 6.9 155 122 126 38.0 111 111 111 31.3 2 789 *7 881 300 1 075 219 1 023 279 1 035 10.0 '13.1 93 202 79 193 81 196 30.1 18.9 113 330 131 330 111 330 50.5 31.9 17 18 TEXAS: 2 030 91 88 88 1.3 53 53 53 60.2 27 26 26 29.5 259 3 835 135 782 118 721 126 717 18.6 19.5 28 187 28 185 26 186 22.2 21.9 39 189 32 168 35 181 27.8 21.6 20 21 129 166 138 118 31.5 76 68 70 17.3 53 12 16 31.1 ?? ■157 169 151 160 '35.0 30 30 30 18.8 57 13 19 30.6 23 5 520 1 505 1 110 1 111 26.1 111 380 388 26.9 531 199 508 35.3 21 1 355 335 335 335 21.7 75 75 75 22.1 71 71 71 22.1 25 1 275 212 202 201 16.0 51 51 51 26.5 101 91 96 17.1 26 7 519 2 282 2 185 2 233 29,6 138 135 136 19.5 879 798 812 37.7 27 513 151 HI 113 26.3 27 27 27 18.9 55 15 17 32.9 ?a 666 218 237 217 37.1 66 66 66 26.7 89 78 88 35.6 29 308 115 137 HI 15.8 31 31 31 21.1 19 11 15 31.9 5 100 185 159 169 12.2 36 35 35 20.7 51 31 13 25.1 M 2 017 282 271 276 13.7 59 59 59 21.1 125 120 121 13.8 V 3 157 675 610 653 20.7 139 137 138 21.1 231 216 221 31.3 3 3 818 131 111 122 19.8 85 85 85 20.1 101 91 91 22.3 3U 201 101 92 98 18.8 22 22 22 22.1 31 27 29 29.6 35 UTAH: 2 863 631 579 628 21.9 382 350 380 60.5 12 37 11 6.5 256 658 70 115 61 91 65 98 25.1 11.9 23 31 23 32 23 32 35.1 32.7 16 21 7 19 11 20 16.9 20.1 3 7 VIRGINIA: 36 1 191 511 171 188 10.9 363 351 355 72.7 12 35 10 8.2 39 16 903 967 961 961 5.7 663 663 663 68.8 175 175 175 18.2 10 1 669 359 355 359 7.7 266 266 266 71.1 36 31 36 10.0 11 PRINCE WILLIAM. . . . WASHINGTON: 3 716 188 186 187 5.0 U2 112 112 59.9 36 36 36 19.3 1? 591 217 222 226 38.0 98 92 93 11.2 63 51 55 21.3 3 829 561 1 655 176 1 189 117 1 530 153 10.0 27.1 191 56 183 57 185 57 31.7 37.3 171 10 106 28 123 31 27.6 20.3 ■Ml 15 1 181 193 126 170 31.7 181 177 178 37.9 no 72 108 23.0 16 1 135 167 117 127 37.6 155 155 155 36.3 157 117 120 28.1 17 1 005 118 389 101 39.9 150 HI 115 36.2 100 86 91 22.7 3 WEST VIRGINIA: 612 192 180 183 29.9 59 58 58 31.7 62 55 57 31.1 4 1 3a 9 9 5 6 23 181 135 24 313 30 229 126 130 2 404 61 31 88 450 187 336 234 480 117 49 142 115 3"3 62 45 63 76 65 160 38 23 25 43 54 26 9 4 19 49 4 16 5 4 19 14 a 1 d 19 20 19 34 122 11 10.4 3.0 7.0 8.7 3.4 3.5 5.8 100.0 12.1 13.2 18.2 10.9 14.8 14.7 11.2 12.0 10.6 10.8 14.9 14.5 12.2 11.9 14.9 10.3 12.2 13.1 18.1 10.3 12.6 12.7 17.1 10.3 12.1 15.9 13.3 13.2 26.5 18.8 25.3 32.0 30.3 45.9 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.7 2.2 3.3 2.7 2.4 0.5 3.6 12.6 1.9 4.8 4.8 13.2 5.1 3 440 90 55 10 204 82 51 39 986 32 5 35 136 53 91 87 54 38 117 25 21 13 19 49 13 1 6 1 10 23 2.0 6.0 5.4 7.5 7.1 5.3 4.6 3.6 4.3 5.5 2.6 5.7 3.7 3.4 4.0 3.8 6.0 4.2 4.3 5.6 4.0 2.8 3.8 4.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 1.4 2.5 47 398 10 144 21 49 37 21 450 282 24 1 052 67 621 411 381 7 312 214 78 197 1 368 578 697 788 1 687 293 84 632 323 1 099 112 179 183 157 152 375 15 20 17 35 23 13 54 16 140 505 46 222 11 19 86 111 33 43 14 51 30 42 47 119 305 48 27.7 21.6 26.4 20.3 19.3 28.6 22.2 30.1 27.5 17.8 36.8 32.8 39.8 36.6 35.4 32.2 36.3 37.9 32.4 37.2 36.7 30.9 34.7 42.9 32.7 31.0 45.8 35.5 40.7 30.6 41.1 34.9 32.9 30.9 30.9 10.4 16.0 17.4 26.7 13.0 22.3 24.6 6.8 22.4 15.3 15.0 23.0 6.4 11.9 13.9 19.0 6.7 13.1 6.5 22.2 19.3 ie.9 12.2 17.0 33.0 23.1 484 18 15 4 5 18 1 5 10 6 6 4 9 51 6 6 ALABAMA! JEFFERSON ALASKA: ARIZONA: - ARKANSAS: CALIFORNIA: CONTRA COSTA " MARIN MERCED SACRAMENTO SAN BERNARDINO SAN DIEQO SAN JOAQUIN SAN LUIS OBISPO SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ SOLANO SONOMA STANISLAUS TULARE COLORADO: ARAPAHOE BOULDER EL PASO JEFFERSON PUEBLO DELAWARE: FLORIDA: HILLSBOROUGH 1.5 0.7 PALM BEACH SARASOTA GEORGIA: 1.1 CHATHAM , COob Dt KALB RICHMOND : See footnotes at end of table 156 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll Total criminal j Police pi otection Judic lal County October Percent of total October October Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system IDAHO: 213 290 18 728 1 198 408 1 043 191 264 206 262 511 toi 366 2 266 26= 244 511 552 971 244 305 1 653 202 202 566 184 388 356 390 606 1 128 416 318 522 758 299 354 ( 3 I 2 639 194 407 473 2 430 227 246 272 63 33 41 8 190 16 375 2 503 22 909 20 482 2 225 110 •235 614 460 191 '832 '520 454 836 105 104 5 841 432 218 278 62 125 76 98 206 157 125 158 139 72 184 233 258 65 101 442 70 64 172 54 117 83 87 118 344 99 78 197 195 126 129 ( 3 ) 791 50 178 185 796 99 113 105 46 27 25 557 1 634 125 1 559 1 686 30 79 275 357 352 92 1 013 325 271 503 49.6 35.7 31.2 36.0 53.5 26.5 32.3 47.4 37.0 37.3 40.4 39.3 34.2 2 59.4 52.7 29.3 35.9 42.1 26.6 26.7 33.0 26.7 34.4 31.8 30.3 29.4 30.3 23.5 22.4 19.5 30.5 23.7 24.6 37.8 25.7 42.0 36.5 (' 1 30.0 26.0 43.8 39.1 32.8 43.7 45.5 38.4 72.7 81.4 60.5 6.8 10.0 5.0 6.8 8.2 1.4 72.1 '117.0 58.1 76.5 48.4 '121. e '62.5 59.8 60.1 40 37 709 143 81 110 26 73 27 40 64 70 58 39 56 29 79 94 75 20 37 157 21 14 44 22 37 21 26 32 56 31 12 55 47 25 17 ( ' ) 486 21 86 119 463 52 66 65 14 7 5 431 1 358 45 1 276 1 297 9 6 38.3 35.4 12.1 33.0 37.1 39.6 41.3 58.2 35.9 41.1 31.0 44.6 46.7 24.5 40.2 41.1 43.2 40.5 28.9 31.1 37.1 35.5 29.6 21.8 25.6 41.6 31.3 25.0 29.6 27.3 16.3 31.8 15.4 27.8 24.3 19.6 13.5 ( 3 I 61.5 41.0 48.5 64.4 58.1 52.6 58.9 62.3 30.8 26.4 19.8 77.4 83.1 36.4 81.8 77.0 30.0 2.2 31 18 2 901 112 43 50 14 17 22 23 58 25 21 50 26 15 46 43 61 20 33 130 20 2U 60 12 25 30 31 34 100 36 44 74 79 42 68 (' ) 73 7 28 33 229 24 15 17 15 12 8 52 89 36 98 242 6 32 150 165 159 12 557 160 123 241 ILLINOIS: 17.1 49.7 OU PAGE 19.9 18.1 13.6 28.2 23.6 15.9 16,6 31.4 18.7 20.5 25.1 18.4 INDIANA: 23.5 30.3 32.8 29.4 37.1 34.8 21.8 VANDERBURGH 36.4 IOWA: 35.4 LINN 29.1 POLK 28.9 36.1 WOODBURY 55.7 KANSAS: 37.4 40.7 33.1 52.5 KENTUCKY: ( s 1 9.2 14.0 LOUISIANA: 15.4 17.6 JEFFERSON 28.8 23.9 OUACHITA 13.4 RAPIDES . , 16.2 MAINE: 32.2 PENOBSCOT 43.1 30.7 MARYLAND: 9.4 BALTIMORE 5.5 HARFORD 29.0 MONTGOMERY 6.3 PRINCE GEORGES 14.4 19.8 MASSACHUSETTS: 40.6 54.7 ESSEX 46.2 HAMPDEN 45.2 HAMPSHIRE 35.2 54.9 NORFOLK 51.9 PLYMOUTH 45.4 WORCESTER 47.8 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 157 Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Percent of total criminal Justice system Indigent defense October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll IDAHO: ADA ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN COOK DU PAGE ... KANE LAKE LA SALLE MCHENRY . MCLEAN MACON MADISON , PEORIA , ROCK ISLAND , ST. CLAIR , SANGAMON , TAZEWELL WILL WINNEBAGO , INDIANA: ALLEN DELAWARE ELKHART , LAKE LA PORTE MADISON , ST. JOSEPH , TIPPECANOE VANDERBURGH VIGO , . , IOWA: BLACK HAWK , LINN , POLK , SCOTT , WOODBURY , KANSAS: JOHNSON , . , SEDGWICK SHAWNEE , WYANDOTTE KENTUCKY! FAYETTE JEFFERSON KENTON LOUISIANA: CADDO CALCASIEU JEFFERSON LAFAYETTE OUACHITA RAPIDES MAINE: CUMBERLAND PENOBSCOT YORK MARYLAND: ANNE ARUNDEL. ...... BALTIMORE HAPFORD MONTGOMERY PRINCE GEORGES WASHINGTON MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE BRISTOL . , ESSEX HAMPDEN HAMPSHIRE MIDDLESEX NORFOLK PLYMOUTH WORCESTER See footnotes at end of tabic 12.3 10. & 15.1 16.2 12.0 14.5 13.1 12.9 18,3 21.9 16.2 13.0 13.1 9.6 10.0 17.0 16.7 11.1 15.3 ( 3 ) 6.3 18.2 2.1 5.4 5.4 2.9 2.2 12.1 1.7 3.? 1.4 0.2 ?6 25.0 .520 22.6 93 21.6 64 29.3 62 22.2 13 21.5 IV 15.3 13 16.7 14 14.6 51 24.8 3b 22.4 28 22.2 39 24.7 ?8 20.0 9 12.2 ?3 12.7 58 25.0 92 35.8 18 27.8 24 24.0 76 17.2 ?3 33.1 18 28.3 52 30.0 13 24.8 36 30.5 21 25.4 ?0 22.7 39 33.1 139 40.3 15 15.1 10 12.2 ( 3 ) 182 33 101 ( J 1 23.0 26.9 30.7 1 . 1 7.2 15.9 19.3 12.6 35.0 25.0 47.4 20.5 6.2 1.9 121 44.0 178 49.8 174 49.4 55 59.9 426 42.0 117 36.1 137 50.6 244 48.6 0.7 0.7 1.2 158 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll Total criminal iustice system Police protection Judi< ial County October payroll Percent of total October payroll October payroll Percent of total criminal Justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system MICHIGAN: 525 '372 560 1 842 1 429 602 *530 •1 356 1 727 513 652 3 111 496 955 672 1 064 10 593 472 367 5 528 3 165 1 566 316 704 169 205 1 501 136 3 262 2 162 569 4 071 1 908 359 213 1 252 4 301 1 199 2 364 657 8 005 546 2 690 1 318 3 277 1 590 1 850 1 245 1 804 902 1 666 1 117 1 941 1 342 617 636 1 288 8 331 4 853 20 873 124 253 183 706 332 165 318 397 620 162 176 907 112 248 129 406 3 075 169 104 1 132 642 301 89 65 88 86 686 59 1 282 278 106 1 543 3 71 67 40 246 944 229 531 139 2 501 154 916 381 726 363 322 267 649 189 810 149 244 138 132 114 254 1 312 1 001 8 436 23.6 '66.0 32.7 38.3 23.3 ?7.4 '60.0 '29.3 35.9 31.6 27.1 26.6 22.6 26.0 19.2 38.1 29.0 35.8 28.3 20.5 20.3 19.2 28.0 9.2 51.9 41.9 45.7 43.3 39.3 12.8 18.6 37.9 19.4 18. 8 18.7 19.7 22.0 19.1 22.5 21.1 31.2 28.2 34.1 50.9 22.1 22.9 17.4 21.4 36.0 21.0 48.6 13.3 12.6 14.0 16.2 17.9 19.7 15.8 20.6 40.4 38 55 39 203 87 39 92 146 165 60 35 225 48 69 1 34 463 63 28 259 147 75 34 22 30 30 72 25 697 51 22 1 005 138 10 17 22 153 10 47 11 279 20 133 30 81 43 71 56 51 19 71 122 50 57 57 34 68 253 314 5 759 30.3 21.8 21.1 28.7 26.2 23.7 26.9 36.9 26.7 37.2 20.0 24.8 43.1 28.0 0.5 20.8 15.0 37.4 26.9 22.9 22.9 24.9 38„4 34.0 34.5 35.0 10.4 41.6 54.4 18.4 20.6 65.1 37.2 14.1 43.4 9.0 16.2 4.2 8.9 7.8 U.2 13.0 14,5 7.8 11.2 11.8 22.1 21.0 7.9 10.2 8.7 82.1 20.6 30.1 42.8 29.7 26.7 19.3 31.4 68.3 40 85 66 197 111 52 84 61 239 57 71 317 35 87 59 133 1 244 53 50 296 111 107 3B 30 19 33 229 22 3C0 66 43 81 69 22 12 51 357 72 127 41 739 40 342 74 228 117 70 74 217 46 206 4 56 43 27 16 60 305 235 1 219 32.1 BERRIEN 33.6 36.1 GENESEE 28.0 33.5 JACKSON 31.8 '6,4 20.5 38.5 35.2 40.3 34.9 31.6 SAGINAW 35.3 ST. CLAIR 45.9 32.9 40.5 MINNESOTA: 31.4 48.0 26.1 17.3 35.5 MISSISSIPPI: 43.4 HINDS 46.3 MISSOURI: 21.6 GREENE 38.2 33.4 JEFFERSON 36.6 ST. LOUIS 23.4 NEBRASKA: 23.8 40.8 NEVADA! 5.2 WASHOE 18.5 NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH 33.2 ROCKINGHAM 29.7 NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC 20.6 BERGEN 37.8 BURLINGTON 31.3 CAMDEN 24.0 CUMBERLAND 29.6 ESSEX 29.6 25.6 HUDSON 37.3 19.4 31.5 32.3 MORRIS 21.7 27.6 PASSAIC 33.5 SOMERSET 24.3 32.9 NEW MEXICO: BERNALILLO 2.4 NEW YORK: ALBANY 23.1 22.7 CHAUTAUQUA 20.5 CHEMUNG 14.5 DUTCHESS 23.8 23.3 MONROE 23.5 NASSAU 14.5 See footnotes at end of table. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 159 Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal services and Indige nt defense Cor rections Other criminal justice County October Percent of total criminal justice system October Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system MICHIGAN: BAY 16 2o 11 111 42 23 33 32 92 14 12 105 30 18 30 337 22 13 104 57 26 5 3 10 11 90 a 66 36 21 105 5B 4 2 68 169 50 114 20 378 30 162 87 155 60 66 54 115 40 221 2 39 21 16 13 34 1°3 108 394 13.0 10.4 5.9 15.7 12.5 14.2 10.5 8.0 14, B 6.7 7.0 11.5 5.3 12.0 14.3 7.4 11.0 12.8 12.5 9.2 8.8 8,6 5.6 4.2 11.6 13.3 13.1 14.3 6.7 13.1 20.0 6,8 15.7 0.3 4.6 27.7 17.9 21.9 21.5 14.7 15.1 19.8 17.7 22.9 21.3 16.6 20.5 20.1 17.7 21.0 27.2 1.4 16.1 11.3 11.7 11.5 13.4 14.7 10. U 4.7 7 1 17 4 5 53 6 1 29 8 44 25 14 3 8 4 17 40 5.5 1.2 4.3 0.1 3.1 4.7 1.0 0.4 10,5 7.9 2.8 6.6 5.6 4.5 6.1 3.6 6.8 4.0 24 87 67 190 92 50 109 137 117 31 58 257 21 61 51 137 1 021 26 13 413 321 92 11 10 28 12 295 4 198 95 11 309 80 31 9 99 265 98 237 66 1 092 64 280 188 249 143 115 83 257 64 245 21 64 57 25 46 75 549 304 1 057 19.2 34.3 36.8 26.9 27.8 30.3 34.2 3t.6 18.9 18.9 32.8 28.3 18.8 24.8 39.3 33.8 33.2 15.2 12.6 36.5 50.0 30.6 12.4 15.5 32.2 13.5 43.1 7.5 15.5 34.2 10.7 20.0 21.5 46.4 22.3 40.2 28.1 42.6 44.7 47.8 43.7 41.6 30.5 49.4 34.3 39.3 35.8 31.3 39.6 44.5 30.2 14.2 34.6 30.1 18.8 40.8 29.4 41.8 30.4 12.5 5 7 4 4 7 6 2 6 5 12 2 12 8 7 2 12 6 _ GENESEE 0.7 KALAMAZOO 1.2 MONROE MUSKEGON SAGINAW MINNESOTA: HENNEPIN RAMSEY ST. LOUIS MISSISSIPPI: MISSOURI: JACKSON ST. LOUIS NEBRASKA: LANCASTER NEVADA: NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH ROCKINGHAM NEW JERSEY: BERGEN BURLINGTON CAMDEN CUMBERLAND ESSEX GLOUCESTER MONMOUTH MORRIS OCEAN PASSAIC SOMERSET UNION MEW MEXICO: NEW YORK: ALBANY BROOME CHAUTAUQUA CHEMUNG MONROE 0.9 NASSAU 0.1 160 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll Percent of total October payroll Police protecti October payroll Percent of NEW YORK — CONTINUED NIAGARA ONEIDA ONONDAGA ORANGE OSWEGO. . RENSSELAER ROCKLAND ST. LAWRENCE SARATOGA SCHENECTADY SUFFOLK ULSTER WESTCHESTER NORTH CAROLINA: BUNCOMBE , CUMBERLAND DURHAM FORSYTH GASTON GUILFORD MECKLENBURG ONSLOW WAKE OHIO: ALLEN BUTLER CLARK COLUMBIANA CUYAHOGA FRANKLIN GREENE HAMILTON LAKE LICKING LORAIN LUCAS . MAHONING MONTGOMERY PORTAGE RICHLAND STARK SUMMIT TRUMBULL OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE OKLAHOMA TULSA OREGON: CLACKAMAS LANE MARION MULTNOMAH WASHINGTON PENNSYLVANIA: ALLEGHENY BEAVER BERKS BLAIR BUCKS BUTLER CAMBRIA CHESTER CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN DELAWARE ERIE FAYETTE FRANKLIN LACKAWANNA LANCASTER LAWRENCE LEHIGH See footnotes ot end of tnbl< 1 425 1 366 *3 657 1 757 563 1 287 1 98] 466 516 92? U 266 954 6 796 ? 796 3 90? 2 518 4 393 2 72 9 5 608 8 141 1 313 3 965 372 66? 438 '304 8 330 2 56? 406 3 238 '666 ?76 734 1 b7b 1 024 2 691 915 39M '1 ouz 2 010 781 332 681 833 70S 1 168 504 2 965 672 6 ?on 540 b56 ?3a 945 198 '268 716 315 hO? 1 688 640 ?U 169 52S as; 145 5SM 240 102 710 206 92 lis ,?9 153 273 146 b4 71 1 396 574 102 897 15? 66 224 4h9 186 bid 114 95 257 428 155 185 211 169 319 167 126 226 610 156 158 184 528 Id? 16.9 13.3 ! 19.4 11.8 16.3 9.2 14.7 19.4 15.5 10.4 47.2 11.3 20.6 2,0 2.6 2.7 3.4 23.9 25.9 19.3 '23.5 16.8 22.4 25.1 27.7 '17.1 23.8 30,5 23.9 16.1 23. 12.5 ?3.9 24.7 21.3 19.9 6.7 27.1 25.3 24.0 27.3 13.1 38.0 33.7 26,0 28.9 28.5 28.9 '27.9 37.9 26,0 30, b 31.3 28.4 28.4 32.2 22.8 32.7 33.3 27.1 Id 210 110 412 109 33.1 64 16,8 60 28.2 HI lb. 6 b5 ?7.9 27 16.6 34 28.5 68 27.4 23 21.6 28 5.6 40 69.7 661 20.0 27 30.7 244 59.2 71.1 75.6 37.7 64.4 52.9 56.2 64.2 71,3 30.0 25.7 36.1 25.6 15.0 19.2 37.1 28.7 23.0 32.1 32.3 14.7 22.7 26.5 28.8 30.0 28.6 25.6 32.9 29.0 22.9 43.6 34.3 29,1 23.9 16.5 1.2 33 6d4 261 21"< 53 118 37 250 31 626 70 71 27 131 23 79 3: f< 231 64 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 161 Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) October payroll total justlc t system Indigent defense October Percent of total criminal justice system Percent of total criminal justice system rlminal justi October payroll Percent of total crimina justice syste NEW YORK — CONTINUED NIAGARA ONEIDA ONONDAGA ORANGE OSWEGO RENSSELAER ROCKLAND ST. LAWRENCE SARATOGA SCHENECTADY SUFFOLK ULSTER WESTCHESTER NORTH CAROLINA: BUNCOMBE CUMBERLAND DURHAM FORSYTH GASTON GUILFORD MECKLENBURG ONSLOW WAKE OHIO: ALLEN BUTLER CLARK COLUMBIANA CUYAHOGA FRANKLIN GREENE HAMILTON LAKE LICKING LORAIN LUCAS . . , MAHONING MONTGOMERY PORTAGE RICHLAND STARK SUMMIT TRUMBULL OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE OKLAHOMA TULSA OREGON: CLACKAMAS LANE MARION MULTNOMAH WASHINGTON PENNSYLVANIA: ALLEGHENY BEAVER BERKS „ BLAIR BUCKS BUTLER CAMBRIA CHESTER CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN ........ DELAWARE ERIE FAYETTE FRANKLIN LACKAWANNA LANCASTER LAWRENCE LEHIGH See footnotes at end of tabl* 9. ft 18.0 15. 5 21.5 10.8 5.1 2.3 8.2 11.5 9.8 9.8 10.7 17b 10.9 17 10.9 21 13.3 6 10.1 52 15.4 7 12.4 12 16.5 64 23.5 7 9.0 53 3?9 370 137 370 38 26.6 29.3 46.14 35.0 31.2 34.1 21.2 34.6 23.1 37.4 12.0 37.5 34.8 28.0 15.0 20.5 22.0 22.6 29.2 24.5 19.1 20.3 17.9 26.4 20.8 12.2 26.5 23.9 15.0 26.4 23.7 10.8 22.1 31.8 21.1 29.3 14.1 18.5 24.5 27.0 10.7 32.0 32.0 33.5 23.3 15.8 35.7 29.2 26.0 23.0 24.2 37.8 34.5 26.7 31.9 29.7 0.1 0.3 162 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total October payroll Total criminal justice system Police protection Judicial County October Percent of total October October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system PENNSYLVANIA— CONTINUED 760 ?52 161 1 17fl 515 119 311 526 316 125 930 538 1 538 1 213 3 101 1 887 '5 180 1 113 153 2 211 291 '222 1 173 766 628 6 011 223 192 185 25b 1 211 1 970 603 157 2 353 159 121 1 821 16 972 1 078 3 257 523 3 725 132 1 231 926 877 167 21? 2 ?87 633 1 211 510 « 150 55b 795 570 8b7 535 118 69 61 550 131 87 101 157 115 77 211 197 231 130 232 163 858 63 78 550 103 93 1 358 226 161 1 978 85 199 92 113 196 530 329 71 186 13 72 605 1 226 300 178 201 1 508 130 130 328 355 139 82 128 111 365 128 1 201 83 180 169 196 77 19.0 27.2 39.9 16.7 21.6 19.3 30.1 29.9 is. a 62.1 26.0 36.6 15.0 10,5 6.8 6.6 '16.6 1.5 51.0 21.9 31.9 '11.9 30.3 29.5 26.2 32.7 38.2 10,1 19.8 11.3 15.8 26.9 51.5 17.1 20.7 27.1 16.9 12.5 7.2 7.1 5.5 39.0 10.5 30.2 31.9 35.1 10.5 29.7 38.5 '11.5 22.2 29.1 25.2 It. 2 11.9 22.6 29.7 22.6 11.3 1 2 1 31 3 2 6 11 11 21 126 105 89 13 90 57 185 37 16 131 16 18 338 51 16 378 17 53 21 26 17 100 69 16 281 18 21 169 930 223 111 88 512 18 182 128 113 15 20 18 95 111 57 212 17 98 58 91 12 2.5 2.7 2.0 6.2 2.5 1.9 5.7 6.8 9.7 30.9 52.2 53.6 38.1 32.7 38.9 35.3 21.6 57.9 20.6 21.1 15.1 19.9 21.9 22.6 28.0 19.1 20.3 26.5 26.2 22.7 21.2 18.9 20.9 22.2 58.5 10.9 31.0 77.5 75.8 71.2 62.1 12.8 35.9 36.8 12.2 38.9 10.2 32.3 21.6 13.9 67.7 39.5 11.3 20.1 56.3 51.7 31.5 16.6 55.0 70 29 31 281 51 13 16 77 61 26 70 62 95 68 85 71 278 20 21 137 33 30 509 53 77 769 29 72 27 27 78 186 71 22 39 7 13 10 118 27 31 18 396 21 81 86 75 13 31 52 19 97 37 135 17 13 31 51 20 17.2 11.5 MERCER 18.6 51.6 10.5 19.6 WASHINGTON 11.2 18.7 11.2 SOUTH CAROLINA: 33.8 29.2 31.7 RICHLAND 11.0 51.9 TENNESSEE: 36.8 15.7 SHELBY 32.1 SULLIVAN 31.0 TEXAS: 27.5 21.9 31.9 31.9 37.5 23.1 16.9 38.9 31.1 36.1 29.1 MCLENNAN 23.8 NUECES 10.0 35.2 21.7 30.0 UTAH: 8.0 16.0 18.6 VIRGINIA: 6.5 12.1 9.1 PRINCE WILLIAM 17.2 washington: Clark 23.1 KING 26.2 KITSAP 18.5 18.7 SNOHOMISH 26.3 21.2 YAKIMA 31.3 WEST VIRGINIA: 37.8 10.6 WISCONSIN: 13.6 26.7 KENOSHA 28.7 36.1 OUTAGAMIE 19.9 23.9 ROCK 16.3 WAUKESHA 26.2 WINNEBAGO 25.8 See footnotea ot end of table CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 163 Table 21. Percent distribution of criminal justice system payroll of 312 large county governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Legal s £!££ ™ d Indigent defense Coi rectlons Other criminal justice County October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system October payroll Percent of total criminal justice system PENNSYLVANIA — CONTINUED 22 8 7 62 15 15 15 £b 12 3 6 a 21 4 8 6 24 2 19 102 12 15 146 27 17 267 It 33 20 11 21 102 3b b 64 10 10 23 44 16 13 JO 123 13 52 31 32 It) 14 17 10 41 15 134 11 18 12 19 9 14.6 11.3 10.2 11.3 H.O 16.0 14,8 16.2 8.0 3.3 2.6 4.2 ".1 3.1 3.6 3.9 2. ft 2.7 23.9 18.5 11.6 15.9 10.7 12.2 10.5 13.5 16.2 16.7 21.2 9.3 12.0 19.3 11.7 10.5 13.1 23.0 14.4 3.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.9 8.2 10.2 12.2 9.3 9.0 12.7 16.9 13.3 6.8 11.1 11.7 11.2 12.8 10.2 7.4 9.8 12.3 8 3 5 22 4 4 4 3 3 27 5 3 8 4 4 5 18 5.3 4.8 7.6 4.0 3.0 4.4 3.7 4.1 2.3 2.6 3.1 0.9 1.0 3.8 0.3 3.1 1.1 5.2 45 27 20 148 58 24 33 38 52 25 39 21 26 13 48 25 334 5 17 172 12 30 362 73 21 476 25 41 21 50 47 133 147 28 99 9 24 63 103 34 23 41 437 41 107 81 84 33 17 41 17 83 20 393 9 18 67 34 5 30.5 39.8 31.6 26.9 42.9 27.2 31.6 24.2 35.8 32.0 16.1 10.6 11.4 9.7 20.7 15.2 39.0 8.4 22.2 31.3 11.4 32.3 26.7 32.3 12.8 24.1 29.1 20.7 23.1 44.1 23.8 25.0 44.8 37.3 20.4 20.2 33.0 10.4 8.4 11.2 13.2 20.0 29,0 31.4 24,9 24.6 23.7 23.7 20.7 32.1 11.9 22.7 15.2 32.6 10.9 10. 1 39.9 17.4 7.0 9 5 5 3 22 3 88 4 11 1 6 4 3 3 2 _ _ MONTGOMERY _ NORTHAMPTON _ SCHUYLKILL _ _ _ _ SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON _ _ _ SPARTANBURG _ TENNESSEE: _ 1.0 TEXAS: 5.6 0.9 BRAZORIA CAMERON _ DALLAS 0.2 EL PASO 9.6 GALVESTON 1.8 4.4 JEFFERSON _ LUBBOCK - _ TARRANT 0.7 _ UTAH: _ _ VIRGINIA: 1.8 0.1 PRINCE WILLIAM _ WASHINGTON! KING 0.4 PIERCE 0.9 SNOHOMISH 0.8 0.7 YAKIMA WEST VIRGINIA: WISCONSIN: BROWN ....... DANE OUTAGAMIE 1.1 WINNEBAGO - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Z Less than half the unit of measurement shown. The total October payroll data for all general governmental functions, shown in the first colui payroll used for criminal justice functions, shown in the third column, is overstated. 2 The total October payroll data for all general governmental functions, shown in the first colui payroll used for criminal justice functions, shown in the third column, is overstated. 3 Ab of January 1, 1974, the governments of Fayette County, Kentucky and Lexington city, Kentucky merged to form the Lexington-Fayette Urban County gov- ernment. All employees of this joint government are now shown as employees of Lexington city, Kentucky in the city' tables presented elsewhere in this report . for October 1973; therefor for October 1972; the ent of total 164 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 22. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct Capital HMl ,J Total To State Total Equipment Construc- l*nd governments 2 536 842 829 7 034 1 545 3 995 1 642 1 171 1 633 24 841 13 155 2 468 45 770 3 238 24 905 15 163 14 703 325 188 9 270 2 880 8 762 52 385 23 903 35 295 31 674 59 848 13 594 4 352 24 058 12 860 38 698 5 473 6 080 9 490 7 411 7 640 18 231 2 057 1 901 1 440 4 101 2 122 797 3 743 3 086 4 153 10 430 46 279 4 081 11 034 2 239 2 776 7 450 9 033 6 623 4 491 2 829 3 312 2 875 3 225 4 395 9 576 15 476 3 445 2 494 646 R29 7 034 1 533 3 995 1 642 1 168 480 24 841 13 094 2 468 45 665 3 229 24 873 14 862 14 703 324 912 9 265 2 875 e 754 52 357 23 741 35 295 31 641 50 848 13 566 4 346 24 058 12 859 38 698 5 462 6 080 9 490 7 286 7 631 18 000 2 044 1 758 1 440 4 101 2 122 797 3 743 3 086 4 153 10 430 46 279 4 081 11 034 2 239 2 776 7 450 9 n33 6 623 4 491 2 829 3 312 2 875 3 206 4 395 9 576 13 954 3 444 2 333 680 717 6 719 1 495 3 006 1 626 1 092 476 18 437 12 320 2 141 44 582 3 036 24 449 14 o72 14 364 304 996 9 209 2 799 8 538 49 611 21 881 32 905 30 604 56 ?50 13 268 4 086 23 456 12 006 37 358 5 428 6 006 7 816 7 097 7 464 17 704 1 994 1 726 1 380 2 009 2 065 706 3 571 2 780 3 972 9 834 44 747 3 946 10 563 2 067 2 631 6 894 8 509 6 115 4 058 2 619 3 181 2 457 3 052 3 903 9 201 12 737 3 188 160 966 112 315 38 989 16 76 4 6 404 774 327 1 083 193 424 190 339 19 916 56 76 216 2 746 1 860 2 390 1 037 3 598 298 260 602 853 1 340 34 74 1 674 189 167 296 50 32 60 2 092 57 91 172 306 181 596 1 532 135 471 172 145 556 524 508 433 210 131 418 154 492 375 1 217 256 54 235 12 315 38 73 16 76 4 379 774 102 587 55 165 89 153 3 035 32 75 216 1 880 387 339 635 1 369 213 237 195 211 205 34 72 164 34 63 175 50 32 60 113 57 91 172 289 181 395 1 141 135 471 172 145 556 352 355 199 210 128 418 154 492 195 1 187 239 100 347 100 916 5 849 225 496 138 259 92 186 14 886 24 1 866 1 246 2 051 402 379 85 23 407 642 1 135 2 1 510 155 42 121 1 979 17 201 391 172 153 231 3 180 30 6 384 176 9 1 995 227 1 850 62 3 17 42 196 12 3 1 153 61 105 9 32 301 276 5 5 8 28 162 33 28 6 1 11 125 9 231 13 143 19 1 522 1 23 394 3 79 43 105 9 32 16 276 5 5 8 28 33 28 6 1 11 125 9 28 13 ALABAMA: 12 ALASKA! ARIZONA: 1 074 16 ARKANSAS: CALIFORNIA! FRESNO 285 KERN - MERCED _ _ 162 SAN DIEGO : : _ - 203 COLORADO: 143 _ - - DELAWARE: FLORIDA: - - _ . - LEE - _ - - - - GEORGIA: 19 - • 1 522 1 See footnote at end of tabic. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 165 Table 22. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure inters ernjnental expenditure County Total Direct Capital outlay Total governments Total Equipment Construc- Land governments IDAHO: 1 587 1 564 8b 512 5 048 2 823 3 927 1 025 1 712 1 237 1 476 2 796 2 266 1 763 3 162 1 943 993 2 663 3 179 4 027 1 290 1 632 6 015 1 114 1 203 2 369 851 1 946 1 662 1 662 1 929 6 052 1 599 1 257 2 412 3 840 1 768 1 725 1 982 14 216 1 009 3 270 3 226 10 571 1 884 1 899 1 976 1 010 636 470 8 714 21 489 1 606 20 793 20 868 722 1 298 3 997 5 095 5 972 1 299 15 070 4 866 4 445 7 434 1 572 1 564 64 312 5 048 2 923 3 927 1 125 1 701 1 237 1 U76 2 793 2 233 1 763 2 557 1 943 993 2 663 3 163 3 750 1 199 1 558 5 662 1 077 1 141 2 363 846 1 897 1 629 1 647 1 478 5 736 1 359 1 155 2 410 3 840 1 768 1 725 1 764 13 843 1 009 3 264 3 226 10 571 1 884 1 899 1 976 1 010 638 470 8 714 21 469 1 603 20 737 20 868 720 1 298 3 949 5 095 5 972 1 299 15 070 4 862 4 444 7 434 1 395 1 525 76 294 4 890 2 631 3 628 988 1 614 1 211 1 435 2 602 2 215 1 675 2 477 1 826 980 2 575 3 084 3 557 1 066 1 501 5 584 1 047 1 082 2 327 797 1 672 1 516 1 617 1 459 5 619 1 211 1 132 2 366 3 575 1 704 1 676 816 10 830 671 3 089 3 162 10 218 1 773 1 447 1 673 960 573 460 8 330 21 134 1 520 19 012 19 949 707 1 287 3 823 5 085 5 064 1 289 14 775 4 845 3 957 5 699 177 39 8 018 158 192 299 37 67 26 41 191 18 88 80 117 13 68 79 193 133 57 78 30 59 36 49 25 113 30 19 117 148 23 44 265 64 49 94F 3 013 138 175 64 353 111 452 103 50 65 10 384 355 83 1 725 919 13 11 126 10 908 10 295 17 487 1 735 48 38 2 084 137 49 299 37 87 26 41 166 18 73 80 117 13 88 79 184 60 57 78 30 59 36 46 25 36 30 19 56 121 15 44 265 64 18 390 423 90 175 61 353 111 54 46 41 49 8 384 267 83 253 890 13 11 63 8 10 48 12 164 34 129 1 5 934 21 143 25 15 73 3 77 50 27 8 - 31 558 1 971 48 398 57 9 16 2 88 1 472 29 63 2 908 247 5 204 1 701 9 11 I 619 119 15 4 200 11 3 33 605 16 277 91 74 353 37 62 6 5 49 33 15 451 316 240 102 2 216 373 6 3 56 2 48 4 1 15 1 265 84 74 323 35 38 5 47 15 235 157 223 102 6 1 ILLINOIS: _ _ 33 INDIANA: 16 6 2 33 IOWA: 159 KANSAS: KENTUCKY: LOUISIANA: CADDO CALCASIEU MAINE: PENOBSCOT - MARYLAND: - PRINCE GEORGES MASSACHUSETTS: 56 2 ESSEX HAMPSHIRE - See footnote at end of table. 166 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 22. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct exper diture Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct Capital outlay Total To State governments Total Equipment Construc- tion ^ governments MICHIGAN: 1 953 5 015 2 893 9 182 4 898 2 847 5 080 6 298 9 942 2 402 2 814 16 867 1 931 3 495 2 554 5 751 49 355 2 366 1 612 17 089 8 033 4 085 1 456 1 327 1 334 1 423 11 040 862 18 583 4 453 1 749 20 946 4 747 1 161 739 4 009 11 583 2 725 6 901 1 723 30 912 2 306 12 278 6 401 9 186 4 870 4 070 3 388 8 595 2 326 9 372 2 795 4 706 2 540 2 034 1 875 3 423 20 426 16 001 110 852 1 889 4 818 2 862 8 846 4 861 2 693 5 057 6 202 9 904 2 330 2 710 16 800 1 882 3 428 2 446 5 716 46 346 2 222 1 578 16 749 8 033 3 528 1 456 1 327 1 330 1 421 10 970 860 18 583 4 453 1 693 20 946 4 747 1 161 737 4 009 11 583 2 725 6 894 1 723 30 912 2 306 12 278 6 401 9 186 4 853 4 070 3 388 8 595 2 326 9 372 2 795 4 541 2 539 1 944 1 669 3 271 19 401 15 129 109 186 1 847 3 595 2 795 8 740 4 788 2 518 4 548 5 120 9 840 2 258 2 514 15 277 1 656 3 373 2 184 5 607 45 914 2 130 1 503 16 525 7 956 3 290 1 399 1 281 1 206 1 214 10 600 779 17 215 4 357 1 622 20 652 4 509 1 147 673 3 414 11 282 2 725 6 607 1 687 29 719 2 306 12 209 6 150 3 653 4 852 4 070 3 339 8 485 2 326 9 322 2 651 4 446 2 495 1 879 1 613 3 208 19 197 13 228 106 332 42 1 223 67 106 73 175 509 1 082 64 72 196 1 523 226 55 262 109 432 92 75 224 77 238 57 46 124 207 370 81 1 368 96 71 294 238 14 64 595 301 287 36 1 193 69 251 533 1 49 110 50 144 95 44 65 56 63 204 1 901 2 854 42 1 201 67 66 69 171 391 93 64 72 51 44 202 55 137 105 159 47 75 224 77 48 57 11 37 73 242 64 709 96 39 271 238 11 64 4 49 69 46 34 8 54 1 129 95 44 65 56 63 203 1 806 2 263 22 40 4 118 989 145 1 479 6 125 4 273 45 190 35 70 20 128 17 659 32 22 3 566 301 287 36 1 144 205 499 1 41 56 49 15 1 95 591 4 18 17 114 1 25 64 197 31 336 37 154 23 96 38 72 104 67 49 67 108 35 3 009 144 34 340 557 4 2 70 2 56 2 7 17 165 1 90 206 152 1 025 872 1 666 63 192 31 277 11 154 23 85 38 55 104 67 45 67 108 35 1 007 4 2 7C 2 7 17 165 90 206 150 1 025 872 1 666 1 5 - 59 26 11 17 - 4 ST. CLAIR " _ 2 002 MINNESOTA: 144 34 340 557 MISSISSIPPI: . MISSOURI: - - . • NEBRASKA: 56 NEVADA: - NEW HAMPSHIRE: NEW JERSEY! 2 - - - - _ - - - - - - - NEW MEXICO: NEW YORK: - 1 - 2 - - - CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Table 22. Total criminal justice system expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) 167 Direct expenditur Capital outlay NEW YORK-- CONTINUED NIAGARA ONEIDA 0N0NDA5A ORANGE OSWEGO ...... RENSSELAER . . . . ROCKLAND ST. LAWRENCE . . . SARATOGA . . SCHENECTADY. SUFFOLK. . . ULSTER . . . WESTCHESTER. NORTH CAROLINA: BUNCOMBE . . CUMBERLAND . DURHAM . . . FORSYTH. . . GASTON . . . GUILFORD . . MECKLENBURG. ONSLOW . . . *AKE .... OHIO: ALLEN. . . BUTLER . . CLARK. . . COLUMBIANA CUYAHOGA . FRANKLIN . GREENE . . HAMILTON . LAKE . . . LICKING. . LORAIN . . LUCAS. . . MAHONING . MONTGOMERY PORTAGE. . RICHLAND . STARK. . . SUMMIT . . TRUMBULL . OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE OKLAHOMA TULSA. . OREGON: CLACKAMAS. LANE . . . MARION . . MULTNOMAH WASHINGTON PENNSYLVANIA ALLEGHENY. BEAVER . . BERKS. . . BLAIR. . . BUCKS. . . BUTLER . . CAMBRIA. . CHESTER. . CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN. . DELAWARE . ERIE . . . FAYETTE. . FRANKLIN . LACKAWANNA LANCASTER. LAWRENCE . LEHIGH . . 3 IPO 2 665 11 116 3 tat 1 275 2 170 3 925 1 17t 1 lib 1 785 76 853 2 t9t 26 81b 1 086 2 049 765 3 128 1 226 2 885 222 67t 057 1 186 1 929 1 215 1 078 2t 935 12 t51 1 327 12 662 2 037 1 142 2 777 6 080 2 683 8 211 1 573 1 625 3 tt3 6 310 2 275 69-? 591 540 808 6t3 579 30 334 2 346 2 967 1 027 6 Oil 988 1 368 3 944 1 343 3 555 8 519 3 129 1 074 978 2 087 2 666 809 2 619 3 345 2 516 10 318 3 2t0 1 2tO 2 070 3 911 1 163 1 038 1 525 76 706 ? 360 26 816 1 086 1 990 765 3 128 1 226 2 885 5 169 664 972 1 179 1 929 1 21t 1 078 21 810 12 294 1 327 11 097 2 037 1 138 2 777 6 023 2 683 7 921 1 526 1 545 3 430 6 282 2 275 519 118 2 808 4 643 2 579 lb 074 3 055 2e 273 2 187 2 563 916 5 616 862 1 300 3 732 1 231 3 043 7 740 2 839 950 902 1 805 2 263 757 2 320 3 228 2 502 9 E7b 3 210 1 191 1 690 3 841 1 131 1 oio 1 509 1 042 1 430 761 1 633 1 179 2 316 5 141 661 44H 1 161 1 841 1 123 1 054 19 159 7 049 1 263 10 863 1 992 1 025 2 764 5 814 2 653 7 900 1 381 1 299 3 197 6 059 2 172 601 115 789 2 382 4 565 2 523 16 429 2 975 22 096 2 123 1 277 3 689 1 102 3 C21 7 594 2 602 947 797 1 805 2 258 743 2 230 8 062 1 036 9 351 651 245 145 143 246 134 2J3 233 223 223 103 13 6 350 1 001 9 156 1 373 382 2h penditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land 796 827 791 548 744 672 46 876 32 317 12 448 2 111 5 279 447 4 832 ALABAMA: CALHOUN . r 205 2 219 205 2 219 202 1 937 3 282 3 282 - : : - _ JEFFERSON • • • • • - MADISON . 456 1 077 535 456 1 077 535 428 1 034 532 28 43 3 28 43 3 ™ - " ~ _ MOBILE. . MONTGOMERY • t • • • _ TUSCALOOSA 370 370 318 52 52 - - - - - ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE . . 1 074 - - - - - - 1 074 - 1 074 ARIZONA: MARICOPA 5 490 4 384 5 490 4 369 4 830 3 803 660 566 247 566 413 - 15 - _ 15 ARKANSAS: PULASKI 576 576 510 66 66 " m " " CALIFORNIA: 6 986 957 5 720 6 986 957 5 720 6 763 914 5 643 223 43 77 223 43 54 23 - - - BUTTE CONTRA COSTA _ FRESNO 4 310 5 008 102 768 4 310 5 008 102 768 4 262 4 891 97 541 48 117 5 227 48 75 1 817 42 1 415 1 995 " ~ LOS ANGELES - 1 819 752 2 661 9 564 7 103 1 819 752 2 661 9 564 7 103 1 816 706 2 522 9 517 6 706 3 46 139 47 397 3 46 139 47 282 115 - - - MERCEU MONTEREY ORANGE _ SACRAMENTO. SAN BERNARC 12 104 9 388 12 104 9 388 11 740 8 393 364 495 239 493 125 2 - - - INO. , . . _ SAN DIEGO , SAN JOAQUIN 11 936 4 124 11 936 4 124 10 800 4 035 1 136 89 775 89 361 - - - _ SAN LUIS OBISPO . . . 1 716 1 716 1 488 228 222 6 - - - - SAN MATEO 5 256 5 256 5 178 78 78 _ _ _ _ SANTA BARBARA .... 4 240 4 240 4 048 192 130 62 - - _ - SANTA CLARA 9 569 9 569 9 483 86 86 _ _ _ _ SANTA CRUZ 1 738 1 738 1 730 8 8 _ - - _ _ SOLANO. ....... 1 069 1 069 1 059 10 10 - - - _ - SONOMA 2 522 2 522 2 424 98 98 _ - _ _ _ STANISLAUS. 1 736 2 637 6 275 1 736 2 637 6 257 1 732 2 612 6 158 4 25 99 4 25 99 - - 18 - _ VENTURA 16 COLORADO: ADAMS 1 273 1 047 719 938 1 072 1 273 1 047 719 938 1 072 1 229 1 019 661 857 1 024 44 28 58 81 48 44 28 58 81 48 - _ - - ARAPAHOE BOULDER JEFFERSON _ 217 217 214 3 3 ™ " " " DELAWARE: NEW CASTLE 2 922 2 922 2 754 168 168 - - - - - FLORIDA: ALACHUA 1 809 1 809 1 550 259 2 59 _ _ - _ _ BREVARD 1 791 3 908 22 758 2 016 2 179 1 791 3 908 22 758 2 016 2 179 1 637 3 640 21 951 1 904 1 929 154 268 807 112 250 154 268 803 112 250 4 - - - BROWARD DADE ESCAMBIA HILLSBOROUGH _ LEE 1 264 1 471 4 068 5 082 3 737 1 264 1 471 4 068 5 082 3 737 1 204 1 386 3 629 4 745 3 415 60 85 439 337 322 60 85 439 337 181 141 - - - ORANGE PALM BEACH. PINELLAS. . - See footnote at end of table. 176 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Direct Capital outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments FLORIDA—CONTINUED POLK 2 179 1 507 2 179 1 507 2 023 1 353 156 154 156 154 - - - - SARASOTA _ 1 083 1 083 997 86 86 - - " - - GEORGIA! BIBB 615 1 093 815 1 093 752 970 63 123 63 123 - - - - CHATHAM _ C0*B 2 502 5 586 2 502 5 586 2 108 5 346 394 240 394 136 104 - - - _ 1 858 336 316 20 20 - 1 522 _ 1 522 1 441 1 440 1 274 166 166 - - 1 - 1 IDAHO: ADA 565 565 534 31 31 - - - - - ILLINOIS: CHAhPAIGN 563 563 529 34 34 _ _ - _ _ 11 561 1 585 11 561 1 585 9 228 1 478 2 333 107 514 107 1 819 - - - DU PAGE _ 838 838 P04 34 34 _ - - _ - LAKE 1 694 393 1 694 393 1 463 363 231 30 231 30 - - - - LA SALLE _ MCHENRY ....... 817 617 745 72 72 _ - - _ . 426 426 406 20 20 - - - - - 576 576 538 33 38 _ _ _ 875 874 762 112 112 - - 1 1 - PEORIA 986 953 948 5 5 _ _ 33 33 ROCK ISLAND 634 634 601 33 33 _ - - _ _ ST. CLAIR 817 817 756 61 61 _ _ - _ _ SANG ANON 747 747 637 110 110 _ - - _ _ 394 394 392 2 2 _ - _ _ . 1 161 1 310 1 161 1 310 1 073 1 255 88 55 88 55 - " " - - \JDIANA: 1 235 1 235 1 086 149 149 _ - _ _ - DELAWARE 337 337 280 57 57 _ _ - _ _ ELKhART 527 527 490 37 37 _ - - _ _ LAKE 2 103 302 2 103 283 2 048 257 55 26 55 26 - - 19 19 - 248 248 203 45 45 _ _ _ _ 553 547 511 36 36 _ - 6 _ 6 TIPPECANOE. ..... 366 364 334 30 30 _ _ 2 2 _ VANDERBURGH 551 551 537 14 14 _ _ - _ 309 309 284 25 25 ~ " " _ OWA: RLACK HAWK 292 292 263 29 29 _ _ - _ - LINN 343 676 359 343 676 359 335 676 344 8 15 8 15 - - - - _ SCOTT _ WOODBURY 168 168 154 14 14 - - - - - KANSAS: 687 685 671 14 14 _ - 2 _ 2 SEDGWICK 854 854 708 146 146 _ _ _ _ _ SHAWNEE 285 285 270 15 15 _ _ - _ _ 321 321 309 12 12 - - - - - KENTUCKY: 2 270 2 052 1 687 365 365 _ _ 218 _ 218 JEFFERSON 7 282 6 952 6 586 366 366 _ _ 330 _ 330 KENTON 430 430 293 137 89 48 - - - - LOUISIANA: CADDO 1 750 1 744 1 585 159 159, _ - 6 6 _ 2 077 2 077 2 019 58 58 _ - _ _ _ JEFFERSON 7 025 7 025 6 679 346 346 _ - - _ _ LAFAYETTE 1 108 1 108 1 000 106 108 _ - - _ _ OUACHITA 765 765 711 54 54 _ - - _ - RAPIDES 1 279 1 279 1 233 46 46 - - - - - See footnote at end of tabic POLICE PROTECTION 177 Table 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovernmental e? penditure Capital outlay To To County Total Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments PAINE) CUMBERLAND 266 266 240 26 26 _ _ _ _ _ 137 137 97 40 34 6 _ - _ _ YORK 80 80 76 u 4 ~ ~ MARYLAND: ANNE ARUNDEL 6 801 6 801 6 439 362 362 _ - - _ _ 18 167 18 167 17 e46 321 233 88 - - _ _ HARFORD 518 518 473 45 45 _ _ - _ _ MONTGOMERY 14 817 14 761 13 848 913 64 849 - 56 _ 5o PRINCE GEORGES. . . . 16 084 16 084 15 233 851 851 _ _ _ _ WASHINGTON 152 152 152 - - - - - - - MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE 31 31 31 - _ _ _ _ _ _ BRISTOL 52 52 52 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 49 49 49 - - _ _ _ _ _ HAMPDEN 70 70 70 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAMPSHIRE 16 16 16 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 163 163 163 . _ _ _ _ _ „ NORFOLK 46 46 46 - _ _ _ _ m _ PLYMOUTH 106 106 105 1 1 _ _ _ m _ WORCESTER 49 49 49 - - - - - - - MICHIGAN: BAY 536 878 536 878 503 804 33 74 33 74 - - - - BEh n .IEN I CALHOUN 526 526 472 54 54 _ _ _ _ _ GENESEE 1 970 1 970 1 954 16 16 _ _ - _ _ INGHAM 1 099 1 099 1 057 42 42 _ _ _ _ _ JACKSON 627 627 469 138 138 _ - _ _ _ KALAMAZOO 1 022 1 022 950 72 72 _ - _ _ _ 1 490 3 181 1 490 3 181 1 433 3 135 57 46 57 46 " ; ~ 896 696 842 54 54 _ _ _ _ _ 488 483 453 35 35 _ _ _ _ _ OAKLAND 2 747 2 747 2 639 108 24 84 . ■_ _ _ 764 "764 572 192 186 6 _ _ _ _ SAGINAW 682 681 841 40 40 _ i 1 _ ST. CLAIR 594 594 515 79 79 _ _ _ WASHTENAW 1 197 1 197 1 155 42 42 _ _ _ _ _ WAYNE 4 223 4 223 4 177 46 46 - - - - - MINNESOTA: 857 857 761 76 31 45 _ _ _ _ DAKOTA 496 496 421 75 75 _ _ _ _ _ HENNEPIN 3 852 3 852 3 737 115 115 _ _ _ _ _ RAMSEY 1 748 1 7"8 1 703 45 45 _ _ _ _ _ ST. LOUIS 853 853 786 67 44 23 - - - - MISSISSIPPI: 446 446 409 37 37 _ _ _ _ _ HINDS 324 324 317 7 7 - - - - - MISSOURI: 365 572 365 572 351 419 14 153 14 39 - 114 - - GREENE _ JACKSON ....... 971 971 958 13 13 _ _ _ _ JEFFERSON 366 366 317 49 49 _ „ _ _ _ ST. LOUIS 9 173 9 173 8 604 569 569 - - - - - NEBRASKA: 767 767 711 56 56 _ _ _ _ _ LANCASTER 347 347 308 39 39 - - - - - NEVADA: 13 777 13 777 13 628 149 141 8 _ _ _ _ 1 756 1 756 1 583 173 173 - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH 167 167 162 5 5 _ _ _ _ ROCKINGHAM 302 302 257 45 45 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 178 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex aenditure County Direct Capital outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC 390 390 390 - - _ - - _ - BERGEN. . 2 157 2 157 2 033 124 - 124 - - _ - BURLINGTON 183 183 183 - - - - - _ - CAMDEN. . 555 555 555 - - - - - _ - CUMBERLAND 165 165 165 - - - - - _ - ESSEX . . 4 370 4 370 3 248 1 122 43 1 079 - - _ _ GLOUCESTER 490 490 490 - - _ - - _ _ HUDSON. . 2 195 2 195 ? 157 38 38 - - - - - METCER. . 672 672 657 15 15 m _ _ _ MIDDLESEX 1 329 1 329 1 093 236 34 2 02 - - _ - MONMOUTH. 60? 602 601 1 - 1 - - _ - M0«RIS. . 796 796 796 - - - - - _ - OCEAN . . 709 709 709 - - _ - - _ _ PASSAIC . 756 756 722 34 34 - - - _ _ SOMERSET. 255 255 255 - - _ - - _ - UNION . . 983 963 983 - - - - - - NEW MEXICO: 1 539 1 539 1 439 IOC 100 - - - - - NEW YORK: 870 870 825 45 45 - - - _ - BROOME 774 774 738 36 36 _ - - _ - CHAUTAUQUA 578 576 543 35 35 _ - - _ - CHEMUNG 559 5^9 528 31 31 _ _ - _ - 947 947 908 39 39 - - - _ - 3 297 3 297 3 166 131 131 - - - _ - MONROE 5 600 5 600 3 841 1 759 1 759 - - - _ - NASSAU 76 151 76 151 74 019 2 132 1 903 229 - - _ - NIAGARA 963 963 887 76 76 - - _ - 507 507 501 6 6 - - - - - 2 831 2 611 ? 432 379 359 20 _ 20 _ 20 432 432 420 12 12 - - - _ - 357 357 326 31 31 _ - - _ - 259 259 232 27 27 _ . - _ - 938 938 895 43 43 - - - _ - 324 3?4 300 24 24 _ - - _ - SARATOGA 228 228 204 24 24 _ - - _ - SCHENECTADY 91 91 86 5 5 - - - - - 51 276 51 276 48 178 3 096 1 367 1 731 - - _ - ULSTER 268 268 ?47 21 21 - - - _ - WESTCHESTER 4 579 4 579 4 401 178 123 55 - - - - NORTH CAROLINA: BUNCOMBE 585 585 555 30 30 - - - _ - CUMBERLAND 1 124 1 065 918 147 147 - - 59 _ 59 DURHAM 504 504 501 3 3 _ - - _ - 655 655 603 52 52 _ - - _ - GASTON 687 687 653 34 34 _ - - _ - GUILFORD 1 056 1 056 943 113 113 _ - - _ - MECKLENBURG 2 375 2 322 ? 305 17 17 _ - 53 _ 53 ONSLOW 369 389 386 3 3 _ - - _ - 724 656 644 12 12 - - 68 - 68 OHIO: 377 377 368 9 9 . - - _ - 534 534 489 45 45 _ - . _ - CLARK 490 489 441 48 48 _ - 1 1 - COLUMBIANA 273 273 257 16 16 - - - - - 2 891 2 891 2 801 90 90 _ - - _ - FRANKLIN 3 257 3 257 1 259 1 998 180 1 818 - - - - GREENE 507 507 453 54 54 _ _ _ _ _ 4 208 2 934 2 787 147 147 - - 1 274 _ 1 274 473 473 446 27 27 - - - - - LICKING 302 302 287 15 15 _ . - _ - LORAIN 903 903 903 - - - - - - - LUCAS 768 768 728 40 40 - - - _ - MAHONING. 52? 522 495 27 27 - - - - - See footnote at end of tabic POLICE PROTECTION 179 Table 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Dj rect expenditure Intergoverr mental expenditure Capital outlay To To County Total Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments OHIO— CONTINUED MONTGOMERY 2 060 2 060 2 039 21 21 „, - _ _ - 436 436 355 81 81 _ - - _ _ 492 476 357 119 119 _ _ 16 _ 16 STARK 1 080 1 080 977 103 103 _ - _ _ - SUMMIT 1 667 1 667 1 639 28 28 _ _ _ _ _ 556 556 556 - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA: 109 108 107 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ 645 645 645 - - _ _ _ _ „ 558 558 526 32 32 - - - - - OREGON! CLACKAMAS 1 097 1 097 984 113 113 _ _ _ _ _ LANE 1 431 782 1 431 782 1 423 740 6 42 8 42 - - - - MARION „ MULTNOMAH 5 907 5 907 5 376 531 37 494 _ ■ _ _ WASHINGTON 1 351 1 351 1 303 48 48 - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: 4 936 4 936 4 803 133 133 _ _ _ _ _ BEAVER 316 316 307 9 9 _ _ _ _ _ 52 52 52 - _ _ _ ~ _ _ BLAIR 21 21 21 - _ _ „ _ _ _ 614 614 471 143 143 _ _ _ „ _ BUTLER 63 63 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 28 28 - _ _ _ _ _ _ CHESTER 376 376 376 - _ _ _ _ _ _ CUMBERLAND 67 67 67 - - - - - - - 34 34 34 _ _ _ „ _ . 408 408 398 10 10 _ _ _ _ _ 77 25 77 25 65 25 12 12 - - - - _ 12 12 12 - _ _ _ _ _ _ LACKAWANNA 43 43 43 _ _ _ „ _ _ _ LANCASTER 70 79 79 _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 23 23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 26 26 - - - - - - - 107 107 106 1 1 _ m _ 20 20 20 - _ - _ _ _ MERCER. . , 23 23 23 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 659 659 537 122 122 _ _ „ _ _ 69 69 50 19 19 _ _ _ _ _ 25 25 25 _ _ _ . _ _ WASHINGTON 82 82 81 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ WESTMORELAND 141 141 140 1 1 „ _ _ _ _ 216 216 197 19 19 " ~ ~ - SOUTH CAROLINA: 357 356 320 36 36 _ _ 1 1 _ CHARLESTON 1 989 1 989 1 887 102 99 3 _ „ GREENVILLE.. 1 472 1 472 1 190 282 282 _ _ _ _ RICHLAND 1 439 1 328 1 164 164 164 _ _ 111 111 _ SPARTANBURG 757 689 624 65 65 - - 68 33 35 TENNESSEE: 1 131 1 131 1 131 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 725 2 589 725 2 436 694 2 050 31 386 31 386 - - 153 153 SHELBY I 503 503 472 31 31 - - - TEXAS: BELL 194 1 627 194 1 627 166 1 529 2e 98 28 98 - - - - _ BRAZORIA. ...... 661 661 518 143 113 _ _ _ _ _ CAMERON 283 283 253 30 30 _ _ _ . _ DALLAS 5 855 5 855 5 437 418 418 _ . _ _ _ 691 691 651 40 40 _ _ _ _ _ GALVESTON | 489 489 465 24 24 - - - - See footnote at end of table. 180 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 24. Police protection expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govera- To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land local govern- ments TEXA. c --CONTIiviUED 4 821 4 021 4 551 270 268 - 2 - _ - HIDALGO 231 231 203 28 28 - - - _ - 601 601 486 115 115 - - - _ - LURBOCK 308 308 262 46 46 - - - _ - 410 410 341 69 68 1 - - - - NUECES 633 633 615 18 18 - - - _ - 1 357 1 357 1 308 49 49 _ - - _ _ 794 794 707 87 87 _ - . _ - 269 269 242 27 27 - - - - - UTAH: SALT LAKE 2 543 2 543 2 509 34 34 - - - _ - 224 224 197 27 27 - - - _ - WEBER 306 306 289 17 17 - - - - - VIRGINIA: 6 620 6 620 5 846 774 6 768 - - _ - 10 780 10 780 10 613 167 167 _ - - _ - HENRICO 2 737 2 737 2 686 51 51 - - - _ - PKINCE WILLIAM. . . , 1 336 1 336 1 322 14 14 - - - - - WASHINGTON: CLARK 1 22^ 1 225 1 177 48 48 _ - - _ - KING 7 502 734 7 502 734 7 168 501 334 233 276 233 58 : : - _ 2 315 2 315 2 131 164 108 76 _ - _ - SNOHOMISH 1 804 1 60H 1 727 77 77 _ - - _ - SPOKANE 1 862 1 862 1 609 253 253 - _ - _ - YAKIMA 604 604 539 65 65 - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: 376 376 334 42 42 - - - _ - 244 244 211 33 33 - - - - - WISCONSIN: BROWN 1 166 1 162 1 118 44 44 - - 4 4 - DAME 2 169 828 2 123 621 1 965 742 156 79 158 79 - _ 46 7 46 7 KENOSHA - 3 454 3 434 3 412 22 22 _ - 20 20 - OUTAGAMIE 695 661 612 49 49 - - 34 2 32 1 022 1 014 967 47 47 - _ 8 8 - ROCK 945 1 197 937 1 176 879 1 119 56 57 58 57 - - 8 21 8 21 WAUKESHA - WINNEBAGO 676 673 624 49 49 - - 3 3 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. POLICE PROTECTION 181 Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex pendi ture City Direct Capita L outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments 3 220 928 3 206 099 3 063 665 142 434 86 738 52 897 2 799 14 82V 89 14 740 ALABAMA: 8 575 8 575 8 148 427 427 - - _ _ - 752 752 692 60 60 - - - _ - 2 560 2 560 2 521 39 35 4 - - _ _ M03ILE « 604 4 604 4 441 163 163 - _ - _ _ MONTGOMERY 3 186 3 186 2 875 311 311 _ - - _ _ TUSCALOOSA 1 550 1 550 1 470 80 76 4 - - - - ARIZONA: 2 348 27 476 2 348 27 476 1 453 22 256 895 5 220 60 513 342 U 491 493 216 - - _ _ SUOTTSDALE 1 569 1 569 1 523 46 46 _ - _ _ - 1 935 1 935 1 814 121 121 - _ _ _ _ 9 457 9 457 9 256 201 201 - - - - - ARKANSAS: 970 970 879 91 91 - - _ _ _ LITTLE ROCK 3 365 3 365 2 632 733 730 3 _ _ _ _ NORTH LITTLE ROCK . . 1 206 1 206 1 052 154 149 5 _ _ _ _ PINE BLUFF 994 982 857 125 125 - - 12 12 - CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA 1 867 1 867 1 825 42 42 _ _ _ _ _ ALHAMBRA 1 711 1 711 1 695 16 16 _ _ _ _ _ ANAHEIM 6 84? 6 839 6 748 91 91 _ _ 3 _ 3 BAKERSFIELD 3 03P 3 038 2 806 232 132 100 _ - _ _ 852 43 38 5 5 _ _ 809 _ 009 BERKELEY 4 306 4 306 4 262 44 44 _ _ _ _ _ BUENA PARK 1 597 1 596 1 582 14 8 6 _ 1 _ 1 BURBANK 3 958 3 958 3 894 64 64 _ _ _ _ 1 107 - _ - - _ _ 1 107 _ 1 107 CHULA VISTA 1 713 1 713 1 654 59 59 - - - - - 3 860 3 799 3 722 77 77 _ 61 61 2 592 2 592 2 483 109 109 . _ _ _ COSTA MESA 2 906 2 905 2 880 25 25 - - 1 _ 1 1 767 1 765 1 662 103 71 32 _ 2 _ 2 DOWNEY 2 401 2 392 2 386 6 6 - _ 9 _ 9 EL CAJON 1 234 1 234 1 206 26 28 - _ _ _ _ EL MONTE 1 616 1 b09 1 586 23 23 _ - 7 _ 7 FREMONT 2 466 2 466 2 435 31 31 - - - - - 7 117 7 117 7 032 85 85 _ _ _ _ FULLERTON 3 231 3 231 2 553 678 75 603 - _ _ _ GARDEN GROVE 2 803 2 789 2 732 57 57 _ _ It _ 14 GLENDALE 3 522 3 522 3 511 11 11 _ _ ™ _ HAWTHORNE 1 285 1 285 1 277 8 8 - _ _ _ _ HAYWARD 3 199 3 199 2 441 756 76 682 _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON BEACH. . . 4 552 4 545 4 455 90 90 - _ 7 _ 7 4 770 4 770 4 732 38 38 . _ _ _ LAKEWOOD 1 067 367 365 ? 2 - - 700 - 700 14 526 14 526 13 947 579 254 325 _ _ m 165 012 165 012 158 375 6 637 2 710 3 863 64 _ _ _ MODESTO 1 946 1 948 1 940 8 7 _ 1 _ _ _ MOUNTAIN VIEW .... 1 461 1 461 1 380 81 81 _ _ _ _ NORWALK 1 351 - - - - - - 1 351 _ 1 351 OAKLAND 16 237 16 237 16 114 123 120 3 _ _ _ _ 2 018 2 000 1 991 9 9 - . 18 _ 18 2 107 2 103 2 101 2 2 _ _ 4 _ 4 2 213 2 213 2 042 171 17 154 - - - - 2 265 2 265 2 199 66 66 _ _ ,. . 5 953 5 953 5 897 56 56 - _ _ _ _ PICO RIVERA 1 062 1 _ 1 1 _ - 1 061 _ 1 061 POMONA 3 043 3 043 3 035 R 8 . _ _ _ REOONDO BEACH .... 1 320 1 320 1 260 60 57 3 _ _ _ _ REDWOOD CITY 1 528 1 528 1 455 73 73 - _ _ _ _ RICHMOND 3 966 3 9b6 3 672 294 98 196 _ _ _ _ RIVERSIDE 4 781 4 731 4 514 267 267 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 182 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental e> penditure City Total Direct current Capita] outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments CALIFORNIA— CONTINUED 11 302 11 302 11 171 131 131 - - - - - 1 576 1 536 1 456 80 80 - - 40 - 40 SAN BERNARDINO. , . , 4 573 4 538 4 421 117 102 15 - 35 - 35 SAN BUENAVENTURA. . , 1 710 1 704 1 666 36 35 3 - 6 _ 6 SAM DIEGO 18 905 18 905 18 434 471 467 4 - - - - SAN FRANCISCO .... 45 399 45 399 44 537 862 823 39 - - - - SAN JOSE. ...... 16 017 16 017 15 422 595 587 8 - - - - SAN LEANDKO 1 835 1 835 1 797 3o 38 - - - - - 2 190 2 190 2 124 66 66 _ _ _ _ _ 5 096 5 086 4 917 169 144 25 - 10 - 10 SANTA BARBARA .... 2 624 2 62.4 2 564 60 59 1 - - _ - SANTA CLARA 2 375 2 375 2 263 112 112 - - - _ - SANTA MONICA 3 417 3 417 3 312 105 105 - - - _ - SANTA POSA 1 174 1 174 1 120 54 54 - - - - - 1 010 1 010 984 26 26 - - - - - 1 624 1 616 ) 555 61 59 2 - 8 - 6 4 815 4 799 4 636 163 117 31 15 16 _ lo 1 898 1 898 1 870 26 28 - - - - - 4 841 4 824 4 795 29 29 - - 17 - 17 2 127 2 127 2 115 12 12 - - - - - 1 616 1 610 1 605 5 5 - - 6 - 6 WESTMINSTER 1 551 1 541 1 508 33 33 - - 10 - 10 1 860 1 855 1 850 5 5 - - 5 - 5 COLORADO: 1 966 1 966 1 922 44 44 - - - - - 80ULDER . 1 437 1 437 1 422 15 15 - - - - - COLORADO SPRINGS. . . 3 940 3 940 3 733 207 197 10 - - - - DENVER 24 954 24 954 22 612 2 342 594 553 1 195 - - - LAKEiVOOD 2 195 2 195 2 088 107 107 - - - - - 2 254 2 254 2 115 139 139 - - - - - CONNECTICUT: 8 215 8 215 8 199 16 16 - - - - - 1 355 1 355 1 284 71 70 1 - - - - DANBURY 1 687 1 687 1 627 60 60 - - - - - 8 231 8 231 8 037 194 194 - - - - - 1 "58 1 457 1 416 41 41 - - 1 1 - 1 630 1 630 1 573 57 57 - - - - - 2 279 2 279 2 245 34 34 _ - - _ _ NEW HAVEN 6 925 6 906 6 825 81 81 - - 19 19 - NORWALK 2 785 2 785 2 634 151 151 - - - - - STAMFORD 5 433 5 433 5 108 325 287 38 - - - - 3 290 3 290 3 216 74 74 - - - - - WEST HAVEN 1 434 1 434 1 414 20 20 - - - - - DELAWARE: 4 580 4 5eo 4 577 3 3 - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON 88 002 88 002 83 766 4 236 182 3 798 256 - - - FLORIDA: 1 722 1 722 1 666 56 56 - - - - - FORT LAUDERDALE . . . 5 967 5 967 5 929 38 38 _ - - - - GAINESVILLE 2 383 2 383 2 042 341 328 13 - - - - 3 085 3 085 2 573 512 512 - - - - - HOLLYWOOD 4 239 4 239 4 217 22 22 - - - - - JACKSONVILLE 13 338 13 338 12 580 758 465 160 133 - - - 16 139 16 139 13 845 2 294 38 2 256 - - - - MIAMI BEACH 5 365 5 365 5 365 - - _ - _ _ - 5 855 5 855 5 578 277 277 - - - - - 1 611 1 611 1 523 88 88 - - - - - ST. PETERSBURG. . . . 6 716 6 716 6 284 432 432 - - - - - TALLAHASSEE 2 345 2 345 2 047 29b 63 235 - - - - 8 508 8 508 8 470 JO a 30 - - - - WEST PALM BEACH . . . 2 211 2 211 2 133 78 78 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. POLICE PROTECTION 183 Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex penditure City Direct Capita 1 outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments GEOKGIA! ALBANY 1 930 1 930 1 752 178 178 - - _ _ _ ATLANTA 19 966 19 966 17 930 2 036 2 034 2 _ - _ - AUCUSTA 1 680 1 680 1 553 127 127 - - . _ - 4 124 4 124 3 752 372 369 3 - _ _ - MACON 2 888 2 888 2 520 368 368 - - _ _ _ 2 988 2 988 2 948 40 ao - - - - - HAWAII: HONOLULU 25 089 25 089 24 531 558 550 8 - - - - IDAHO: BOISE CITY 1 628 1 628 1 549 79 79 - - - - - ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS . . 1 407 1 407 1 362 45 45 _ - _ _ _ AURORA 2 160 2 160 2 042 118 95 23 - _ _ _ 838 838 802 36 36 _ - - _ _ CHAMPAIGN 1 255 1 242 1 181 61 61 _ - 13 _ 13 CHICAGO 227 411 227 411 221 355 6 056 5 732 324 _ - _ _ CICERO 1 334 1 334 1 334 - - - - - - - 1 699 1 699 1 628 71 71 _ _ _ _ DES PLAINES ..... 1 49* 1 495 1 416 79 79 - _ - _ _ EAST ST. LOUIS. . . , 2 728 2 728 2 431 297 276 21 _ _ _ _ 1 581 1 581 1 504 77 77 - _ _ _ _ EVANSTON ? 538 2 538 2 518 20 16 4 _ _ _ _ 2 443 2 443 2 373 70 66 4 - - - - 1 695 1 695 1 602 93 93 _ _ _ _ OAK PARK „ . 2 263 2 263 1 914 349 101 248 _ _ _ _ 4 063 4 063 4 048 15 15 _ _ _ _ _ ROCKFORD. ...... 3 719 3 719 3 625 94 94 _ _ _ _ _ ROCK ISLAND 1 375 1 375 1 058 317 - 317 - _ _ _ 2 150 2 150 2 117 33 33 _ - _ _ _ SPRINGFIELD 2 565 2 565 1 992 573 256 317 _ - _ _ WAUKEGAN 2 051 2 041 1 837 204 166 38 " 10 - 10 INDIANA: 1 641 1 641 1 570 71 71 _ _ _ _ _ EvANSvILLE. ..... 2 899 2 899 2 697 202 202 - - - _ _ FORT WAYNE. ..... 4 008 4 008 3 831 177 177 - _ _ _ _ 5 252 2 625 5 252 2 625 4 971 2 580 281 45 281 45 - - - - HAMMOND _ INDIANAPOLIS. .... 18 920 18 920 18 163 757 757 - _ _ _ _ 1 561 1 561 1 490 71 71 - - _ _ _ SOUTH BEND 3 338 3 338 3 220 118 118 _ _ _ _ _ TERRE HAUTE 1 259 1 259 1 158 101 101 - - - - - IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS 1 972 1 966 1 844 122 119 3 _ 6 6 COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . 1 035 1 035 985 50 50 _ _ _ _ DAVtNPORT 1 697 1 697 1 624 73 73 _ _ _ _ _ 6 397 6 397 5 976 421 315 106 _ _ _ _ DUBUQUE 1 399 1 399 1 193 206 28 178 _ _ _ _ SIOUX CITY. ..... 1 504 1 465 1 424 41 41 _ _ 39 _ 39 WATERLOO 1 710 1 710 1 647 63 63 - - - - - KANSAS: KANSAS CITY 4 965 4 965 4 691 274 274 _ _ _ _ _ OVERLAND PARK .... 1 297 1 297 1 218 79 79 _ _ _ _ _ TOPEKA 3 241 3 241 3 004 237 237 _ _ _ _ _ WICHITA 5 927 5 901 5 788 113 113 - ~ 26 26 - KENTUCKY: COVINGTON 1 711 1 711 1 552 159 158 1 _ _ _ _ LEXINGTON 7 008 7 008 5 300 l ''os 1 424 261 23 _ _ _ LOUISVILLE 14 399 14 389 12 660 1 729 318 1 411 _ 10 10 _ OWENSBORO | 1 145 1 145 1 004 141 141 - - - See footnote at end of table. 184 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex penditure City Total Direct current Capita 1 outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments LOUISIANA! BATON ROUGE 8 ObO 8 036 6 304 1 232 1 050 182 - 24 _ 24 LAFAYETTE 1 116 1 116 938 178 178 - - - _ - LAKE CHARLES 885 883 799 84 84 - - 2 - 2 MONROE 1 224 1 224 1 162 62 62 - - - _ - NEW ORLEANS 23 916 23 918 22 387 1 531 1 370 161 - - _ - 4 598 4 5°8 4 519 79 79 - - - - - MAINE: PORTLAND 2 177 2 177 2 140 37 - 37 - - - - MARYLAND: BALTIMORE 54 771 54 771 53 880 891 431 459 1 - - - MASSACHUSETTS: 45 820 45 820 43 601 2 219 2 197 22 - - _ - 3 190 3 188 3 145 43 43 - - 2 2 - 3 832 3 832 3 803 29 29 - - - _ - CHICnPEE 1 607 1 607 1 553 54 54 - - - _ - 4 030 4 030 3 973 57 57 - - - _ - 1 807 1 607 1 787 20 20 - - - _ - 2 206 2 206 2 159 47 47 - - - - - 2 807 2 804 2 735 69 69 . _ 3 _ 3 3 888 2 111 3 888 2 111 3 888 2 065 46 46 ~ - : - _ _ MEOFORD 2 061 2 081 2 022 59 59 - - _ _ - NEW BEDFORD 4 160 4 160 3 736 424 424 - - - _ - 4 066 4 053 3 859 194 194 - - 13 - 13 1 194 1 194 1 190 4 4 - _ _ _ _ 4 287 4 287 4 160 127 127 - - - . - 2 074 2 074 2 006 68 68 - - - _ - SPRINGFIELD 4 704 4 704 4 689 15 15 - - - _ - WALTHAM 2 077 2 077 2 065 12 12 - - - _ - WORCESTER 6 817 6 817 6 405 412 412 - - - - - MICHIGAN: 3 287 3 287 3 253 34 34 - - - _ - DEARBORN 3 747 3 747 3 556 191 191 - - - _ - DEARBORN HEIGHTS. . . 2 351 2 348 1 867 481 188 293 - 3 - 3 DETROIT 102 545 102 545 98 360 4 185 3 529 656 - - _ - 7 509 7 509 7 452 57 51 6 - - _ - GRAND RAPIDS 6 315 6 315 5 721 594 248 346 - - _ - KALAMAZOO 2 706 2 706 2 529 177 177 - - - - - 4 589 4 589 4 211 378 378 - _ _ _ _ 1 322 1 301 1 253 48 48 - - 21 _ 21 2 788 2 788 2 739 49 49 - - - - - PONTIAC 3 888 3 888 3 769 119 119 - - - _ - ROSEVILLE 1 796 1 796 1 665 131 130 1 - - _ - ROYAL OAK 2 221 2 221 2 193 28 27 1 - - . - SAGINAW 3 825 3 812 3 746 66 66 - - 13 13 - ST. CLAIR SHORES. . . 2 408 2 408 2 272 136 131 5 - - _ - SOUTHFIELD 2 541 2 541 2 459 82 82 - - - - - STFRLING HEIGHTS. . . 2 518 2 518 2 082 436 436 _ - - - - TAYLOR 1 811 1 811 1 770 41 41 _ - - - - WARREN 4 683 4 683 4 512 171 165 6 - - - - WESTLAND 1 720 1 715 1 643 72 72 _ - 5 - 5 1 284 1 284 1 138 146 134 12 - - - - MINNESOTA: 2 076 2 076 2 005 71 7 64 - - - - 2 044 2 044 1 987 57 57 - - - - - MINNEAPOLIS 13 149 13 149 13 124 25 25 - - - - - ROCHESTER 1 306 1 306 1 259 47 47 - - - - - ST. PAUL 9 167 9 167 9 094 73 62 11 - - - - MISSISSIPPI: 4 957 4 957 4 550 407 407 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. POLICE PROTECTION 185 Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct current Capit al outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land local govern- ments MISSOURI : 935 935 902 ^ 33 _ - - _ - 1 013 1 013 939 74 64 10 - - _ _ INDEPENDENCE 4 642 4 642 2 096 2 546 62 2 484 - - _ - 22 537 22 537 22 475 62 57 5 - - _ - ST. JOSEPH 1 248 1 248 1 102 146 146 _ - - _ - 38 907 38 907 37 508 1 399 1 233 166 - - _ _ SPRINGFIELD 2 113 2 113 2 084 29 29 - - - - MONTANA: 1 336 1 336 1 295 41 41 - - _ _ - GREAT FALLS ..... 1 317 1 317 1 007 310 65 195 50 - - - NEBRASKA: LINCOLN 2 94? 2 942 2 789 153 153 - - - _ - OMAHA . . 9 241 9 241 8 936 305 305 - - ~ - - NEVADA: LAS VEGAS 9 213 99 1 98 98 - - 9 114 _ 9 114 RENO 3 754 3 754 3 582 172 172 ~ _ NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER 1 917 1 917 1 868 49 49 - - - _ _ 1 664 1 663 1 595 68 67 1 - 1 1 - NEW JERSEY: BAYONNE ....... 2 775 2 775 2 750 25 25 - - _ _ _ BLOOMFIELD. ..... 1 980 1 980 1 980 - - _ _ - _ _ CAMDEN, ....... 5 931 5 931 5 921 10 10 _ „ - _ - CLIFTON ....... 2 287 2 287 2 287 - _ - _ _ _ - EAST ORANGE 3 669 3 669 3 666 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ ELIZABETH 4 490 4 490 4 490 - _ _ _ - _ - IRVINGTON , 2 205 2 205 2 205 - - - - - - - JERSEY CITY ..... 13 573 13 573 13 573 _ _ _ _ „ _ NEWARK. ....... 25 988 25 988 25 221 767 767 - _ _ _ _ PASSAIC 1 991 1 991 1 991 - - - _ _ _ - PATERSON. ...... 6 581 6 581 6 581 - _ _ _ - _ - TRENTON ....... 6 321 6 321 6 208 113 _ 113 - - _ - UNION CITY. ..... 2 224 2 224 2 193 31 6 25 - - - - NEW MEXICO: ALBUQUERQUE ..... 8 850 8 850 8 200 650 650 - - - - - NEW YORK: 5 099 5 099 4 930 169 47 105 17 _ _ _ BIMGHAMTON 1 906 1 906 1 859 47 47 - .. . _ - BUFFALO ....... 21 146 21 146 21 086 60 19 41 _ _ _ _ MOUNT VERNON 2 783 2 783 2 761 22 22 - _ _ _ _ NE'V ROCHELLc 3 111 3 HI 3 039 72 72 - _ _ _ - NEW YORK CITY .... 648 026 648 026 620 847 27 179 9 147 18 032 _ _ _ _ NIAGARA FALLS .... 3 072 3 072 2 924 148 148 - - - - - 11 982 11 982 11 735 247 247 _ _ _ _ ROME 673 673 647 26 26 - - - _ _ SCHENECTADY 2 611 2 611 1 959 652 41 611 _ - _ _ SYRACUSE 6 880 6 880 6 609 271 271 - _ „ _ _ TROY 1 338 1 338 1 301 37 24 13 _ _ _ _ UTICA , 2 101 2 101 2 034 67 67 - _ _ _ _ WHITE PLAINS 3 320 3 320 3 273 47 47 - _ _ _ _ YONKERS ....... 7 396 7 396 7 217 179 151 28 - - - - NORTH CAROLINA: 1 696 1 686 1 594 92 87 5 _ 10 _ 10 CHARLOTTE 9 079 9 079 7 941 1 138 484 654 • _ _ DURHAM „ . 3 363 3 363 3 019 344 344 - _ _ _ _ FAYETTEVILLE 1 826 1 828 1 690 136 138 . _ - _ _ GREENSBORO 6 475 6 475 6 192 283 283 - _ _ _ _ HIGH POINT 1 899 1 899 1 762 137 137 - _ _ _ _ 4 097 4 oe9 3 991 98 98 - _ 8 _ 8 WINSTON-SALEM .... 5 431 5 431 5 179 252 252 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 186 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Capita . outlay To To City Total State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments NORTH DAKOTA: FARGO 1 292 1 292 1 251 41 41 - - - - - OHIO: AKRON 7 352 7 352 7 160 192 192 - _ _ _ _ CANTON 3 179 3 179 2 765 414 414 - _ . _ _ CINCINNATI 20 306 20 306 19 597 709 602 107 _ _ _ _ CLEVELAND 28 060 28 060 26 321 1 739 1 739 - _ _ _ _ CLEVELAND HEIGHTS . . 1 302 1 302 1 298 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ COLUMBUS 18 912 18 912 17 720 1 192 1 192 - _ _ _ _ DAYTON 7 661 7 681 7 243 43b 431 7 _ _ _ _ 768 768 763 5 5 _ - _ _ _ 1 404 1 404 1 404 - . _ _ _ _ _ HAMILTON 1 735 1 735 1 618 117 112 5 - - - - KETTERING 1 162 1 162 1 103 59 53 6 _ _ . LAKEWOOD 1 172 1 172 1 121 51 51 - - - _ _ LIMA 1 044 1 055 1 044 1 055 1 009 1 015 3b 40 35 40 : - - - LORAIN _ MANSFIELD 1 607 1 607 1 260 347 347 - _ - _ _ PARMA 1 475 1 475 1 465 10 10 - _ _ _ _ SPRINGFIELD 1 891 1 891 1 758 133 133 - _ - _ _ 12 087 12 064 11 562 502 349 153 _ 23 _ 23 1 222 1 222 1 172 50 50 - _ . _ _ YOMNGSTOWN 3 506 3 501 3 307 194 194 - - 5 5 - OKLAHOMA: 1 486 1 486 1 298 188 179 9 - - _ _ NORMAN 1 334 1 334 1 182 152 116 36 - . _ _ OKLAHOMA CITY .... 8 698 8 o98 8 459 239 239 - _ - _ _ 6 773 6 773 6 311 462 462 - - - - - OREGON: 2 456 2 456 2 420 36 36 - _ _ _ _ 14 758 14 758 14 636 122 122 - _ _ _ _ SALEM 2 191 2 191 2 151 40 40 - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: 2 742 2 742 2 567 175 175 - - - _ _ ALTOONA 917 917 917 - - - - _ _ - 1 716 1 716 1 680 36 36 - - - _ - CHESTER , 2 217 2 217 2 217 - - - - - _ _ ERIE 3 117 2 796 3 117 2 796 2 778 2 636 339 160 339 160 : - - - _ HARRISBURG _ 1 683 1 683 1 553 130 62 68 - - - - 136 168 136 168 132 499 3 669 3 288 102 279 _ _ PITTSBURGH 20 398 20 398 20 293 105 54 51 _ - _ _ READING 2 161 2 161 2 142 19 19 - _ _ _ _ SCRANTON 1 843 1 843 1 843 _ - - _ _ _ - WILKES-BARRE 1 246 1 246 1 187 59 59 - _ - _ _ 1 272 1 272 1 267 5 5 ~ _ RHODE ISLAND: 1 683 1 683 1 602 81 53 28 - _ _ - PAWTUCKET 1 985 1 985 1 921 64 64 - - - _ - PROVIDENCE 5 677 5 677 5 576 101 101 - _ - _ - 2 088 2 088 2 053 35 35 - - - - - SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON 2 442 2 442 1 606 836 140 696 - - _ . COLUMBIA 2 902 2 902 2 783 119 119 - _ - _ _ GREENVILLE 1 717 1 717 1 661 56 56 - - - - - SOUTH DAKOTA: 1 321 1 321 1 197 124 124 - - - - - TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA 6 019 6 000 4 202 1 798 977 821 _ 19 _ 19 KNOXVILLE 4 738 4 738 4 737 1 1 - - - . _ MEMPHIS 18 446 18 446 16 846 1 600 623 - 977 _ - _ _ NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . 12 735 12 735 11 369 1 366 1 045 321 - - - - See footnote at end of table. POLICE PROTECTION 187 Table 25. Police protection expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Capita 1 outlay To To City Total Di rect State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments ments TEXAS: ABILENE 1 162 1 162 1 092 70 70 - _ _ _ _ 4MARILL0. . ?. 216 2 216 2 137 7^ 79 - - _ _ _ ARLINGTON . 1 980 1 960 1 797 183 183 - _ - _ _ AUSTIN. . . 7 341 7 341 7 072 269 269 - _ _ _ _ 8EAUM0NT. . 2 400 2 400 2 152 248 28 220 _ _ _ _ BROWNSVILLE 833 830 822 8 8 - _ 3 „ 3 CORPUS CHRIS ■J t 3 827 3 827 3 416 411 411 - _ _ _ _ DALLAS. . . 34 163 34 163 33 408 755 525 230 _ _ _ _ EL PASO . . 6 371 6 371 6 007 364 279 85 - - - - FORT WORTH. 10 546 10 5"6 10 507 39 39 _ m m . SALVESTON . 1 121 1 121 1 042 79 79 - - _ _ _ GARLAND , . 1 534 1 534 1 412 122 122 - - . _ _ GRAND PRAIRI 914 914 706 206 89 119 _ _ _ _ HOUSTON . . 35 749 35 749 32 671 3 076 2 000 1 024 54 _ _ _ IRVING. . . 1 428 1 428 1 353 75 75 - _ _ _ LAREDO. . . 534 534 532 2 2 - _ _ _ _ LUBBOCK . . 2 792 2 792 2 655 137 137 - _ _ _ _ MESOUITE. . 1 100 1 100 986 114 98 16 - - - - MIDLAND . . 1 402 1 402 1 247 155 5 150 _ _ ODESSA. . . 1 487 1 487 1 454 33 33 - _ _ _ _ PASADENA. . 2 212 2 212 1 866 346 100 246 _ _ _ _ PORT ARTHUR 972 972 929 43 43 - _ _ _ _ SAM ANGELO. 1 170 1 170 1 120 50 50 - . _ m _ SAM ANTONIO 16 531 16 531 14 976 1 555 736 819 _ _ _ _ TYLER . . . 1 111 1 111 1 043 66 66 - 2 _ _ _ WACO. . . . 2 336 2 336 2 252 84 84 - _ _ _ _ WICHITA FALLS . 1 314 1 314 1 252 62 62 - - - - - UTAH: OGDEN . . 1 717 1 717 1 708 9 9 - _ _ _ _ PROVO 683 681 632 49 49 - _ 2 _ 2 SALT LAKE CITY. . . . 5 055 5 055 4 589 466 365 101 - - VIRGINIA: ALEXANDRIA 4 651 4 651 4 579 72 72 _ _ _ _ CHESAPEAKE. 2 363 2 383 2 229 154 154 - _ _ _ _ HAMPTON . . 2 750 2 750 2 690 60 57 3 _ _ _ _ LYNCHBURG . 1 465 1 465 1 398 67 67 - _ _ _ NEWPORT NEWS 3 170 3 170 3 088 82 82 - _ _ _ NORFOLK . . 7 417 7 417 7 110 307 307 - _ _ _ _ PORTSMOUTH. , 2 711 2 711 2 700 11 11 - _ _ _ _ RICHMOND. . . 10 089 10 089 9 938 151 151 _ _ _ _ ROANOKE . . . 2 504 2 504 2 136 368 40 328 _ _ _ _ VIRGINIA 3EACH. . 4 096 4 096 4 026 70 70 - - - - - WASHINGTON: bellEvue 1 632 1 632 1 555 77 77 _ _ _ _ Everett . . . • ■ 1 649 1 649 1 648 1 1 - _ _ _ SEATTLE , . , 21 642 21 642 21 400 242 215 27 _ _ _ _ SPOKANE . . . 4 718 4 604 4 575 29 29 - _ 114 _ 114 TACOMA. . . . 4 947 4 9"7 4 552 395 394 1 - - WEST VIRGINIA: CHARLESTON. ..... 1 978 1 976 1 910 68 68 _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON 1 808 1 6u8 1 =S98 210 210 - - - - - WISCONSIN: 1 223 1 223 1 189 34 33 1 _ _ _ GREEN BAY 2 048 2 048 1 067 81 81 - _ _ _ KENOSHA 2 143 2 143 2 007 136 136 - _ _ _ LA CROSSE 1 303 1 303 1 252 51 51 - _ _ _ MAUISON 4 941 4 941 4 765 176 176 - _ _ _ MILWAUKEE 33 299 33 299 32 642 657 575 82 _ _ _ OSHKOSH 1 179 1 179 1 147 32 32 _ _ _ _ RACINE 2 828 2 828 2 736 92 92 - _ _ _ WAUWATOSA ...... 1 563 1 563 1 527 36 36 - _ _ _ WEST ALLIS 2 078 2 078 2 048 30 29 1 - - - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Section IV. JUDICIAL JUDICIAL 189 Table 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergov ernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State To local governments UNITED STATES, TOTAL . . LOCAL, TOTAL ..... COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES . . . 1 662 018 475 992 1 227 391 861 244 373 046 18 745 5 377 13 381 11 631 2 133 9 483 9 229 355 68 287 18 590 2 374 16 278 13 621 2 671 6 132 1 996 4 158 3 323 1 036 224 943 25 168 199 836 190 331 9 669 22 092 16 293 5 806 1 232 4 574 23 324 23 288 264 265 7 502 .6 569 1 394 932 462 17 734 17 734 17 734 75 159 25 265 49 909 42 660 7 275 31 507 5 904 25 604 22 828 2 795 1 662 018 439 456 1 222 562 855 750 366 811 18 745 5 377 13 368 11 631 1 737 9 483 9 229 254 254 13 590 2 374 16 216 13 558 2 658 6 132 1 996 4 136 3 286 850 224 943 25 168 199 775 190 107 9 669 22 092 16 293 5 799 1 225 4 574 23 324 23 063 261 261 7 502 6 108 1 394 932 462 17 734 17 734 17 734 75 159 25 265 49 894 42 619 7 275 31 507 5 904 25 603 22 808 2 795 1 594 286 429 919 1 164 367 827 867 336 500 18 27 5 316 12 960 11 495 1 465 8 618 8 366 252 252 16 823 2 302 14 521 11 913 2 608 6 042 1 937 4 055 3 214 842 217 186 25 103 192 083 182 524 9 559 21 756 16 09b 5 660 1 220 4 440 18 589 18 333 256 256 7 418 6 030 1 386 929 459 17 734 17 734 17 734 73 763 25 158 48 605 41 347 7 258 30 373 5 809 24 564 21 797 2 767 67 731 9 537 5P 194 27 863 30 311 468 61 407 136 271 865 863 2 2 1 766 72 1 694 1 645 49 90 9 61 72 9 7 757 65 7 692 7 583 109 336 197 139 4 134 4 735 4 730 5 5 85 78 7 3 4 1 396 107 1 289 1 272 17 1 134 95 1 039 1 Oil 28 48 265 36 536 11 729 5 494 6 235 396 396 396 102 102 68 33 7b 76 63 13 223 223 37 186 225 225 225 7 7 7 229 225 4 4 461 461 40 40 40 20 20 20 4 831 (X) 4 831 3 012 1 819 13 (X) 13 13 102 (X) 102 68 33 (X) 62 62 22 (X) 22 4 18 61 (X) 61 61 7 (X) 7 7 2 (X) 2 2 (X) (X) 15 (X) 15 15 (X) 43 43h 36 536 b 89b 2 482 4 416 383 383 MUNICIPALITIES ...... 383 14 14 1 13 201 201 33 MUNICIPALITIES ...... 168 163 163 163 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES ...... 227 STATE MUNICIPALITIES 225 2 2 461 MUNICIPALITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL ... 25 25 25 MUNICIPALITIES ...... LOCAL, TOTAL ... MUNICIPALITIES 20 20 See footnotes at end of table. 190 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 7 813 7 813 7 813 7 813 7 591 7 591 222 222 - (X) _ LOCAL, TOTAL - - - - - - - - - 4 940 2 723 2 217 4 940 2 723 2 217 4 722 2 668 2 054 218 55 163 106 106 (X) 106 _ 106 2 157 166 ? 157 60 1 994 60 163 106 - - 106 82 115 ?8 629 53 486 82 115 28 629 53 486 01 565 28 521 53 044 5ug 108 441 19 19 (X) 19 _ 19 COUNTIES 53 100 404 53 08? 403 52 642 402 440 1 18 1 - lb 1 20 781 4 560 16 431 20 781 4 399 16 38? 20 421 4 310 16 111 360 89 271 352 161 191 49 (X) 49 303 161 142 11 394 5 180 11 202 5 180 10 974 5 137 228 43 191 49 142 - 15 969 5 487 10 493 15 969 5 487 10 482 15 714 5 472 10 242 255 15 ?40 636 636 11 (X) 11 624 _ 624 COUNTIES 9 931 1 187 9 391 1 090 9 157 1 085 235 5 540 96 6 4 532 93 12 761 3 738 9 071 12 761 3 733 9 023 12 254 3 730 8 524 507 8 499 56 56 46 (X) 48 7 _ 7 COUNTIES 7 782 1 297 7 727 1 296 7 337 1 187 390 109 55 1 48 6 1 14 499 4 402 10 143 14 499 4 356 10 143 14 161 4 347 9 814 337 9 328 47 46 1 (X) 47 46 1 8 971 8 971 8 647 324 - - - 1 173 1 172 1 167 5 1 - 1 26 186 6 108 20 078 26 186 6 108 20 078 25 456 6 108 19 348 730 730 8 8 (X) 6 _ 8 PARISHES 11 006 9 079 10 999 9 079 10 600 6 746 399 332 6 - e, - 5 376 3 338 2 170 5 376 3 208 2 168 5 117 2 993 2 124 259 215 44 181 130 51 2 (X) 2 179 130 49 COUNTIES 2 138 80 2 136 3? d 092 32 44 2 49 2 - 49 32 743 18 293 14 450 32 743 1« 293 14 450 31 039 17 795 13 244 1 705 498 1 207 2 2 (X) 2 _ 2 COUNTIES 9 228 5 2?5 9 225 K 225 3 023 5 221 1 203 4 2 - 2 - 49 178 10 804 38 919 49 171 10 260 38 918 47 452 10 243 37 209 1 726 17 1 709 1 020 544 476 1 (X) 1 1 019 544 475 COUNTIES 27 624 11 771 27 619 11 299 25 965 11 224 1 634 75 5 471 1 4 471 85 702 14 914 72 232 85 70? 13 768 71 934 84 412 13 768 70 644 1 290 1 290 3 314 1 146 2 160 296 (X) 298 3 017 1 146 1 e7i COUNTIEb 55 333 18 770 54 81^> 17 118 b4 230 16 406 578 712 517 1 652 296 510 1 35" Sec footnotes at end of table. JUDICIAL 191 Table 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Di '-ect expenditure Intergove rnmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments MINNESOTA 24 034 4 310 19 739 18 647 1 373 9 083 2 413 6 673 6 227 449 30 987 10 997 20 632 13 317 7 354 3 735 907 2 837 2 544 293 9 576 4 999 4 586 3 633 955 5 477 1 167 4 310 3 432 879 3 826 1 336 2 513 1 507 1 016 63 551 15 904 49 001 38 325 10 676 5 437 4 442 996 311 685 247 661 50 010 206 964 51 165 156 064 ?9 822 24 407 5 415 5 415 3 430 1 029 2 401 2 143 260 2u 034 4 310 19 724 18 369 1 355 9 083 2 413 6 670 6 227 443 30 987 10 395 20 59? 13 238 7 354 3 735 907 2 828 2 543 285 9 576 4 999 4 577 3 623 954 5 477 1 167 4 310 3 431 879 3 826 1 336 2 490 1 507 983 63 551 14 550 49 001 38 325 10 676 5 437 4 442 995 311 685 247 661 41 273 206 388 50 900 155 488 29 822 24 407 5 415 5 415 3 430 1 029 2 401 2 142 260 23 426 4 283 19 143 17 796 1 347 8 846 2 198 6 650 6 207 443 30 359 10 346 20 013 12 674 7 139 3 683 907 2 77b 2 495 281 9 420 4 984 4 436 3 507 929 5 337 1 149 4 188 3 338 849 3 812 1 336 2 476 1 496 980 63 204 14 362 48 842 38 194 10 648 5 189 4 209 980 310 670 220 341 41 047 179 294 49 713 129 581 28 883 24 163 4 720 4 720 3 413 1 026 2 387 2 131 256 603 27 581 573 8 235 215 20 20 628 49 579 364 215 53 53 48 4 155 15 140 115 25 141 18 123 93 30 14 14 11 2 347 188 159 131 28 248 233 15 1 14 27 320 226 27 094 1 187 25 907 939 244 695 695 18 3 15 11 4 496 496 478 18 6 6 6 681 602 79 79 8 8 8 12 12 11 1 34 34 34 1 354 1 354 1 1 1 1 9 578 8 737 841 265 576 1 1 1 15 (X) 15 15 3 (X) 3 3 40 (X) 40 40 8 (X) e e 10 (X) 10 10 (X) 24 (X) 24 24 (X) 1 (X) 1 1 576 (X) 576 247 330 (X) (X) STATE COUNTIES 481 16 4 COUNTIES 4 4 39 39 MUNICIPALITIES - STATE 2 2 MUNICIPALITIES 1 - MUNICIPALITIES 10 10 10 1 354 1 354 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES 1 LOCAL, TOTAL 1 1 9 002 8 737 265 19 246 MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES - MUNICIPALITIES 1 COUNTIES „ MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table. 1 1 192 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditu re Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 73 799 11 155 64 495 73 799 9 307 6u 49? 70 933 9 204 61 729 2 86b 103 2 763 2 325 1 848 477 3 (X) 3 2 321 STATE 1 d4d 473 45 622 19 147 45 738 18 734 43 187 18 542 2 551 212 83 393 3 83 390 12 479 5 418 7 560 12 479 5 418 7 061 12 325 5 372 6 953 154 46 108 548 548 500 (X) 500 48 46 6 303 1 305 5 756 1 30* 5 657 1 29b 99 9 548 500 40 16 407 4 653 11 969 16 407 4 499 11 908 15 855 4 499 11 356 552 552 313 154 159 61 (X) 61 253 154 99 COUNTIES 11 067 1 000 10 935 973 10 392 964 543 9 132 28 33 28 99 102 833 41 567 78 266 102 833 24 567 78 266 101 678 24 567 77 111 1 154 1 154 17 000 17 000 (X) 17 000 STATE 17 000 COUNTIES 42 437 35 829 42 437 35 829 41 629 35 482 808 347 ~ : - 7 362 7 070 292 7 362 7 070 29? 7 240 6 949 291 122 121 1 - (X) - 292 292 291 1 - - - 13 246 13 246 12 066 1 180 8 5 3 STATE 1 506 11 745 1 506 11 740 1 493 10 573 13 1 167 8 (X) 5 i COUNTIES 10 414 1 334 10 406 1 334 9 858 715 548 619 8 5 3 3 231 818 2 413 3 231 818 2 413 3 177 800 2 377 53 18 35 175 175 IX) 175 175 COUNTIES . . 2 326 262 2 157 25* 2 126 252 31 4 169 b - 169 MUNICIPALITIES 6 23 244 4 217 19 028 23 244 4 217 19 027 22 957 4 147 18 610 287 70 217 527 527 (X) 527 527 COUNTIES 13 650 5 905 13 650 5 377 13 469 5 341 181 36 527 - _ MUNICIPALITIES 527 TEXAS 64 173 10 937 54 569 64 173 9 732 54 441 62 951 9 708 5i 243 1 222 24 1 198 1 340 1 205 135 128 (X) 128 1 212 1 205 7 46 505 8 071 46 395 8 046 45 272 7 971 1 123 75 110 25 106 22 4 MUNICIPALITIES 3 5 197 2 176 3 127 5 197 ? 070 3 127 5 107 2 010 3 097 90 60 30 110 106 4 (X) 110 STATE 106 4 COUNTIES 1 666 1 466 1 662 1 466 1 650 1 447 12 18 4 : 4 3 272 3 101 171 3 272 3 101 171 3 148 3 026 120 124 73 51 13 13 (X) 13 STATE 13 COUNTIES 165 19 165 6 114 6 51 13 - _ 13 28 784 11 717 18 843 28 784 11 715 17 069 27 195 11 686 15 509 1 589 29 1 560 1 635 2 1 833 1 774 (X) 1 774 61 2 LOCAL, TOTAL 59 COUNTIES 7 954 10 949 7 196 9 873 6 44b 9 063 750 cUl 758 1 076 741 1 033 16 43 See footnotes at end of table. JUDICIAL 193 Table 26. Judicial expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditu re Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 22 596 4 376 18 246 15 440 2 9?4 6 738 2 325 4 916 4 724 192 26 609 9 789 20 094 19 573 975 2 155 974 1 182 1 042 140 22 596 4 350 18 246 15 436 2 810 6 738 1 827 4 911 4 719 192 26 609 7 498 19 111 13 535 576 2 155 974 1 181 1 041 140 22 121 4 280 17 041 15 048 2 793 6 553 1 667 4 886 4 694 192 26 442 7 479 18 963 18 389 574 2 140 974 1 166 1 027 139 475 70 405 388 17 186 160 26 25 167 19 148 146 2 15 15 14 1 144 26 118 4 114 503 498 5 5 3 728 2 291 1 437 1 038 399 1 1 1 (X) 5 (X) 5 5 983 (X) 983 983 1 (X) 1 1 144 2b lit 4 114 49b 49o MUNICIPALITIES 2 745 2 291 454 55 399 - MUNICIPALITIES - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. For each State, and the United States summary, the expenditure figures shown on the "Local, total" line and the combined State- local total line (the data shown opposite the names of the individual States) exclude duplicative intergovernmental expend- iture amounts. This was done to avoid the artificial inflation which would result if an intergovernmental expenditure amount for one government is tabulated and then counted again when the recipient government {s ) ultimately expend(s) that amount. 194 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 27. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of State governments, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) ntermediate appellate Other courts Miscellaneous TOTAL. . ALABAMA. . . . ALASKA .... ARIZONA. . . . ARKANSAS . . . CALIFORNIA . . COLORADO . . . CONNECTICUT. . DELAWARE . . . FLORIDA. . . . GEORGIA. . . . HAWAII .... IDAHO ILLINOIS . . . INDIANA. . . . IOWA KANSAS .... KENTUCKY . . . LOUISIANA. . . MAINE MARYLAND . . . MASSACHUSETTS. MICHIGAN . . . MINNESOTA. . . MISSISSIPPI. . MISSOURI . . . MONTANA. . . . NEBRASKA . . . NEVADA .... NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW JERSEY . . NEW MEXICO . . NEW YORK . . . NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA . OHIO OKLAHOMA . . . OREGON .... PENNSYLVANIA . RHODE ISLAND . SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA . TENNESSEE. . . TEXAS UTAH VERMONT. . . . VIRGINIA . . . WASHINGTON . . WEST VIRGINIA. WISCONSIN. . . WYOMING. . . . 429 919 5 316 8 366 2 302 1 987 25 103 16 09 6 18 333 6 30 25 158 5 8 09 7 59 1 2 668 28 521 4 310 5 47 2 3 730 a 347 6 108 2 99 3 17 795 10 243 13 768 a 28 3 2 198 10 346 907 4 984 1 149 1 336 14 362 4 209 41 047 24 1 6 3 1 026 9 2 04 5 372 4 499 24 567 6 949 1 49 3 800 4 147 9 7 08 2 010 3 028 11 636 4 280 1 667 7 479 974 42 088 796 804 557 408 2 042 628 551 206 1 568 696 1 021 587 1 628 483 969 831 879 9b7 4 39 687 1 079 2 448 1 314 566 1 549 243 464 446 311 897 339 1 802 701 37 1 868 1 072 934 2 435 763 412 282 596 1 488 259 227 796 934 436 1 022 287 474 (X ) 692 (X) 7 094 362 (X) (X) 1 783 779 ( x ) (X) 4 135 615 ( x I ( X) (X) 1 831 (X) 726 718 2 938 (X) (X) 1 101 (X) (X) ( XI (X) 1 652 271 10 105 659 (X) 1 665 232 407 1 906 (X) (X) ( XI 536 2 215 (X) ( x ) ( X I 982 ( X I ( X) ( X) 216 715 1 944 3 7 09 860 1 419 13 523 12 7 78 6 898 1 646 15 163 3 906 2 661 2 000 20 895 2 944 4 111 2 649 2 266 2 825 6 32 2 824 2 140 3 415 2 330 1 422 2 784 622 1 351 6 37 7 08 5 826 2 275 18 492 14 645 581 5 893 4 068 3 029 12 802 2 427 97 3 518 2 312 5 699 930 698 4 728 1 480 1 024 6 082 67 1 76 877 1 749 1 172 9 141 3 838 2 418 (X) ( X I 384 1 559 12 444 4 810 3 732 2 510 255 925 4 195 6 281 108 7 209 2 110 817 1 413 - Represents zero NA Not available. X Not applicable. rounds to JUDICIAL 195 Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex penditure County Capita L outlay To To Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments 656 227 653 133 632 487 20 646 6 929 11 336 1 381 3 094 1 571 1 523 ALABAMA: CALHOUN 347 347 347 - - - - - _ - JEFFERSON 2 35° 2 359 2 332 27 27 _ - - _ _ 633 633 626 7 7 _ - _ _ - 1 314 1 314 1 264 30 30 . - - _ _ 615 615 604 11 11 - - - _ _ TUSCALOOSA 486 486 463 23 23 - - - - - ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE . . 68 - - - - - - 68 68 - ARIZONA: 6 950 6 950 5 433 1 517 53 1 288 176 - _ - PIMA 2 817 2 774 ? 701 73 73 " 43 43 _ ARKANSAS: 791 791 748 43 33 10 - - - - CALIFORNIA: 10 269 10 210 9 976 234 139 95 - 59 59 - 685 685 640 45 3 42 - - _ - 4 923 4 923 4 848 75 40 35 _ _ _ - 3 143 3 143 3 133 10 7 3 - - _ - KERN 2 416 2 416 2 402 14 12 2 - - _ - LOS ANGELES 78 447 78 447 77 351 1 096 318 778 - _ _ - MARIN 2 523 2 523 2 517 6 6 _ - _ _ _ 656 656 651 5 5 - - - - - 1 644 1 644 1 629 15 15 _ _ _ _ 13 724 13 724 12 875 849 51 798 - - _ - RIVERSIDE 4 336 4 174 4 035 139 23 116 - 162 _ 162 SACRAMENTO 6 639 6 639 5 725 914 6 908 - _ _ - SAN BERNARDINO. , . . 6 803 6 803 6 739 64 64 - _ _ _ - SAN DIE30 16 010 16 010 13 995 2 015 147 18 1 850 - _ _ SAN JOAQUIN ..... 2 483 2 483 2 460 23 8 15 _ _ _ _ SAN' LUIS OBISPO , . . 840 840 833 7 4 3 - - - - 4 715 4 715 4 657 58 29 29 _ _ _ SANTA BARBARA .... 1 863 1 863 1 848 15 14 1 - - _ - SANTA CLARA 8 506 8 506 7 315 1 191 56 1 135 _ _ _ - SANTA CRUZ 1 023 1 023 1 016 7 7 - - - _ _ 1 603 1 603 1 596 7 7 - - - _ - SONOMA . 1 474 1 474 1 360 114 8 106 _ - _ _ STANISLAUS 1 619 1 619 1 557 62 2 60 _ - _ _ 1 335 1 335 1 308 27 25 2 _ - _ _ VENTURA 3 882 3 882 3 773 109 59 50 - - - - lOLORAOC: ADAMS 92 92 92 - - _ - _ _ _ ARAPAHOE 153 153 153 - _ _ _ _ _ _ BOULDER 14° 149 149 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 125 125 121 4 _ 4 _ _ _ _ JEFFERSON 317 317 317 - . _ _ - _ - PUEBLO 10 10 10 - - - - - - - DELAWARE: 723 723 720 3 3 - - - - - FLORIDA: ALACHUA 533 533 512 21 21 „ _ _ _ _ BREVARD 1 492 1 492 1 465 27 27 _ . _ _ _ BROWARD 3 427 3 427 3 325 102 90 12 _ _ _ - DADE 12 105 12 105 11 820 28b 247 38 _ _ _ _ ESCAMBIA 1 053 1 053 1 038 15 15 _ _ _ _ _ HILLSBOROUGH 5 33? 5 332 5 320 12 12 _ _ _ _ _ LEE 57R 902 1 842 578 902 1 842 468 368 1 736 110 34 106 110 34 106 - - = " ORANGE _ PALM BEACH 1 665 1 665 1 665 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 599 1 599 1 480 119 107 12 - - - - See footnote at end of table. 196 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct Capita 1 outlay Total To State To local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments FLORIDA— CONTINUED 1 133 911 1 133 941 902 886 231 55 55 231 - - - _ _ VOLUSIA 1 162 1 162 1 152 10 10 - - - - - GEORGIA: 850 1 219 850 1 200 636 1 172 14 28 14 28 - : 19 - m 19 COBB. ........ 929 2 020 929 2 020 382 1 982 47 36 47 38 - : - - _ DE KALB _ 6 123 6 123 5 986 137 137 . _ - _ - 88? 885 849 36 36 - - - - - IDAHO: ADA 419 419 404 15 15 ™ ~ _ ILLINOIS: 326 326 323 3 3 _ _ - _ . COOK 38 612 1 399 38 612 1 399 3b 421 1 379 191 20 191 20 - - _ - _ - KANE 632 898 280 632 898 280 629 837 280 3 61 3 61 J - - : _ LAKE _ LA SALLE - MCHENRY 281 281 268 13 13 _ - - _ - MCLEAN 407 407 401 6 6 - - - - - 378 378 376 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ 910 910 859 51 41 10 - - _ - PEORIA 403 403 403 - - - - - _ - ROCK ISLAND 311 311 306 5 5 _ - - _ - ST. CLAIR 703 703 685 18 18 - - - _ - SANGAMON 354 354 353 1 1 - - - _ - 278 278 271 7 7 - - - _ - WILL 748 748 748 - - - - - _ - WINNEBAGO 659 643 639 4 4 - - 16 - 10 INDIANA: 923 911 889 22 22 _ - 12 _ 12 334 327 327 - - . - 7 _ 7 523 523 508 15 15 - - - _ - LAKE 1 727 325 1 697 307 1 680 306 17 1 17 1 - - 30 18 16 3u 2 449 425 414 11 11 _ _ 24 _ 24 894 894 894 - - . - - _ - TIPPECANCE 182 182 178 4 4 _ - - _ - VANDERBURGH 500 498 487 11 11 _ - 2 _ 2 597 564 557 7 7 - - 33 - 33 IOWA: 537 537 537 - - _ - - _ - 673 1 637 496 493 1 478 496 491 1 428 392 2 50 104 2 104 50 - 180 159 [ 180 159 SCOTT WOODBURY 498 498 498 - - - - - - - KANSAS: 923 923 912 11 11 _ - - _ - SEDGWICK 1 504 1 504 1 470 34 34 _ - - _ - SHAWNEE 684 684 646 38 38 _ - - _ - WYANDOTTE 794 794 764 30 - 30 - - - - KENTUCKY: 245 245 234 11 11 _ - - _ - JEFFERSON 952 952 940 12 12 _ . - _ - KENTON 92 92 92 - - - - - - - LOUISIANA: CADDO 443 443 441 2 2 _ . - _ - CALCASIEU 438 436 434 4 4 _ - - _ - JEFFERSON 2 318 2 318 2 318 _ _ _ _ - _ - LAFAYETTE 307 307 307 - - _ . - _ - OUACHITA 521 521 221 300 _ 300 _ - _ - RAPIDES 237 237 237 - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. JUDICIAL 197 Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex oenditure County Direct Capita] outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments MAINE: CUMBERLAND 344 344 339 5 5 - - - _ - PENOBSCOT 322 322 302 20 10 10 - - _ - 259 259 259 " m MARYLAND! 78" 784 774 10 10 . - - _ - 1 12^ 1 126 1 126 - - - - - _ - 450 450 424 26 26 _ - - _ - MONTGOMERY 1 929 1 929 1 742 187 8 179 - - _ - PRINCE GEORGES. . . . 2 335 2 335 2 322 13 13 _ - - _ - 171 169 158 11 11 - - 2 - 2 MASSACHUSETTS: 591 591 586 5 5 - - - _ - 2 314 2 310 2 207 103 40 63 - 4 _ 4 2 618 2 618 2 612 6 6 _ - - _ - HAMPDtN 3 349 3 349 2 441 908 - 908 - - _ - HAMPSHIRE 574 574 568 6 6 _ - - _ _ 8 561 8 561 8 343 218 9 209 - - _ - 2 857 2 657 2 852 5 5 _ - - _ _ PLYMOUTH 2 331 2 330 1 978 352 30 203 119 1 1 _ WORCESTER 3 326 3 326 3 305 21 21 - - - - MICHIGAN: BAY 606 1 273 606 1 273 602 1 239 4 34 4 34 - - - - m _ 1 003 1 003 994 9 9 _ - - _ - GENESEE 2 975 2 916 2 891 25 25 _ - 59 _ 59 1 902 1 802 1 775 27 23 _ 4 - _ _ 810 810 810 - _ _ _ - _ - KALAMAZOO 1 222 1 222 1 222 - _ _ - - _ _ 1 279 3 615 1 268 3 615 1 252 3 599 16 16 13 16 3 11 " 11 804 787 772 15 15 _ - 17 _ 17 992 992 976 16 12 4 - _ _ OAKLAND ....... 6 038 6 038 6 023 lb 6 9 - - _ - OTTAWA 560 560 551 9 9 _ - _ _ - SAGINAW 1 208 1 208 1 198 10 10 _ - - _ - ST. CLAIR 876 876 716 160 42 118 - _ _ _ 1 895 1 895 1 858 37 37 _ - - _ _ WAYNE 18 014 17 606 17 532 74 74 - - 408 - 408 MINNESOTA! 913 769 755 14 14 _ _ 144 _ 144 780 769 769 - - _ - 11 _ 11 HENNEPIN 5 204 5 127 5 061 66 66 _ . 77 _ 77 RAMSEY 1 506 1 506 1 498 8 8 _ _ . _ _ ST. LOUIS 813 800 798 2 2 - - 13 - 13 MISSISSIPPI: HARRISON 736 736 736 - _ _ _ _ _ _ HINDS 638 638 634 4 4 - - - - - MISSOURI: 264 488 264 4R8 255 448 9 40 9 20 20 - - - GREENE _ JACKSON 3 852 3 852 3 665 187 187 _ _ _ _ _ JEFFERSON 305 305 281 24 11 13 _ _ _ _ ST. LOUIS 4 495 4 495 4 454 41 32 9 - - - - NEBRASKA: DOUGLAS 1 522 1 522 1 491 31 31 _ _ _ _ _ LANCASTER 671 671 655 16 - 16 - - - - NEVADA: 1 743 1 743 1 695 4b 48 _ _ _ _ _ 951 951 923 28 28 - - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH 491 491 486 5 5 _ _ _ _ _ ROCKINGHAM 265 265 264 1 1 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 198 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental ex )endi ture County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- To Equip- Construc- govern- ment tion ments ments MEW JERSEY: 836 836 786 50 - 25 25 - - - 4 271 4 271 4 271 - - - - - - - BURLINGTON 871 871 871 - - - - - _ - 2 008 2 008 2 008 - - - - - _ - 596 596 596 - - _ - - _ - 8 583 8 563 8 583 - - - - - _ - 542 542 542 - - . - - _ - 4 597 4 597 4 597 - - - - - - - 1 512 1 512 1 508 4 4 _ - - _ _ 2 695 2 095 2 695 - - - - - - - MONMOUTH 1 639 1 639 1 639 - - - - - - - 1 093 1 093 1 093 - - - - - - - 1 059 1 059 1 018 41 - 41 - - - - 2 819 2 819 2 819 - - - - - - - SOMERSET 604 604 604 - - - - - - - 3 128 3 128 3 127 1 1 - - - - - NEW MEXICO: BERNALILLO 65 65 65 - - - - - - - NEW YORK: 962 962 935 27 27 - - - - - 540 540 538 2 2 - - - - - 429 429 417 12 12 - - - - - CHEMUNG 283 283 279 4 4 - - - - - 947 945 938 7 7 - - 2 - 2 ERIE 4 017 2 88? 4 017 2 882 3 986 2 355 31 27 31 27 - _ - - _ MONROE. ... - 14 784 14 784 14 304 480 200 280 - - - - 1 029 1 027 1 007 20 20 - - 2 _ 2 804 804 804 - - - - - - - 1 552 1 552 1 541 11 11 _ _ - _ - 951 947 941 6 6 - - 4 4 - 364 364 358 6 6 - - - - - RENSSELAER 647 647 517 130 3 127 - - - - 94? 928 922 6 6 _ - 14 _ 14 ST. LAWRENCE 288 288 281 7 7 - - - - - SARATOGA 353 353 349 4 4 - - - - - SCHENECTADY 555 555 546 9 6 3 - - - - SUFFOLK . . 8 016 8 016 7 818 198 198 - - - - - 326 326 323 3 3 - - - - - WESTCHESTER 3 525 3 525 3 515 10 10 - - - - - ^JORTH CAROLINA: 159 159 155 4 4 - - - - - CUMBERLAND 401 401 266 135 12 - - - - - 64 64 64 - - 38 85 - - - 569 569 563 6 - 6 - - - - GASTON 213 213 206 7 7 6 - - - - GUILFORD 596 596 548 48 48 - - - - - 628 828 825 3 3 - - - - - ONSLOW 102 102 102 - - - - - - - WAKE 33 33 22 11 11 _ OHIO: 490 490 484 6 6 - - - - - 733 733 727 6 6 - - - - - CLARK 367 367 360 7 7 - - - - - 430 430 425 5 5 - - - - - CUYAHOGA 7 947 7 947 7 872 75 75 _ - - - - FRANKLIN 4 606 4 606 2 736 1 870 52 1 818 - - - - 476 476 469 7 7 _ _ - _ - 4 351 4 351 4 306 45 45 - - - - - LAKE 883 406 883 402 871 401 12 1 12 1 - " 4 _ - LICKING 4 937 937 °31 6 6 - - - - - LUCAS 2 714 2 714 2 697 17 17 - - - - - MAHONING 1 111 1 111 1 109 ? 2 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. JUDICIAL 199 Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current CapitE 1 outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land OHIO— CONTINUED MONTGOMERY 2 947 2 947 2 947 - - - - - _ - 744 744 680 64 62 2 - - - - 534 502 502 - - - - 32 - 32 STARK 1 152 1 152 1 123 29 29 - - - - - 2 323 2 3?3 2 225 98 98 - - - _ - TRUMBULL. ...... 1 076 1 076 1 075 1 1 - - - - - OKLAHOMA: Comanche 304 304 287 17 17 _ - - _ - OKLAHOMA 1 447 1 4"7 1 447 - - - - - _ - 1 443 1 153 1 115 38 20 18 - 290 288 2 OREGON! 805 805 494 311 10 301 - - _ - LANE 1 779 635 1 779 635 1 746 631 33 4 33 4 - : : - „ MARION _ MULTNOMAH 3 881 3 774 3 656 lib 32 86 - 107 32 75 519 519 505 14 14 - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: 10 077 10 077 9 814 263 115 148 - - - - BEAVER 1 081 1 081 1 043 3b 38 - _ - _ - BERKS 1 196 1 196 1 186 10 10 _ _ - _ - 340 340 327 13 13 _ _ - _ - BUCKS 2 115 2 115 2 071 44 44 - - - - - BUTLER. ....... 359 359 359 - - _ _ - _ - CAMBRIA 660 660 644 lb 16 - - - _ - CHFSTER 1 194 1 194 1 176 18 18 _ _ - _ - CUMBFRLAND 373 373 373 - - - - - - - DAUPHIN 1 079 1 079 1 064 15 15 _ _ _ _ _ 3 205 3 205 3 171 34 34 - - - _ - ERIE 1 136 1 136 1 123 13 13 _ - - _ - FAYETTE 504 504 502 2 2 _ - - _ - FRANKLIN 299 299 297 2 2 _ _ - _ - LACKAWANNA. ..... 891 891 891 - - - - - _ - LANCASTER 944 944 943 1 1 _ _ - _ - LAWRENCE 425 425 415 10 10 - _ - _ - 962 962 952 10 10 - - - - - LUZERNE 1 079 1 079 1 075 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ LYCOMING 453 453 438 15 15 - - - _ - 507 507 485 22 21 1 _ - _ - MONTGOMERY 3 778 3 778 3 712 66 49 17 _ - _ - NORTHAMPTON 933 933 925 6 8 _ _ - _ - 654 654 654 - - _ _ _ _ - WASHINGTON 907 907 901 6 6 _ _ - _ - WESTMORELAND 1 389 1 389 1 328 61 61 - - - - - YORK 1 092 1 092 1 080 12 12 " ~ _ SOUTH CAROLINA: ANDERSON 390 390 390 - _ _ _ - _ - CHARLESTON 1 089 1 089 1 079 10 9 1 _ _ _ - GRFENVILLE 754 754 750 4 4 - _ - _ - RICHLAND 1 390 1 390 3 339 51 33 18 _ - _ - SPARTANBURG 821 821 790 31 30 1 - - - - TENNESSEE: HAMILTON 1 408 1 408 1 389 19 19 . _ - _ - KNOX. . . 1 279 1 279 1 153 126 7 119 - - _ - SHELBY 3 515 3 515 3 509 6 6 _ _ - _ - 286 286 283 3 3 - - - - - TEXAS: BELL 328 1 988 328 1 988 320 1 834 6 154 8 30 124 - - - _ - BRAZORIA 429 429 415 14 14 _ _ _ _ - CAMERON 455 455 446 q 9 _ - _ _ - 7 200 7 200 6 960 240 183 57 _ - _ - 743 743 739 4 4 _ _ - _ - GALVESTON 744 744 738 6 4 2 - - - - See footnote at end of table. 200 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 28. Judicial expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Total Direct current Capita 1 outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments TEXAS--CONTINJED 9 480 9 480 9 232 246 248 - - - - - 486 486 478 8 8 - - - - - 1 021 1 021 1 021 - - - - - - - 136 436 399 37 37 - - - - - 418 418 410 8 8 - - - - - NUECES 1 075 1 074 1 052 22 22 - - 1 1 - 2 716 2 716 2 668 48 46 2 - - - - 1 093 1 093 1 093 - - - - - - - 274 274 271 3 3 - - - - - UTAH: 951 951 951 - - - - - - - 71 71 69 2 2 - - - - - 268 268 266 2 2 - - - - - VIRGINIA: 1 133 723 567 136 7 129 - 410 410 - 2 577 2 577 2 438 139 17 - 122 - - - 595 595 595 - - - - - - - PKINCE WILLIAM. . . . 593 469 462 7 7 - - 124 124 - WASHINGTON: 882 882 871 11 11 - - - - - KING 5 414 436 5 414 436 5 348 418 66 18 66 18 - ~ " - — - PIERCE 1 509 "1 509 1 497 12 12 - - - - - 1 325 1 325 1 307 18 18 - - - - - 1 067 1 067 1 044 23 23 - - - - - 663 bS3 632 31 31 - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: 435 435 435 - - - - - - - 568 568 568 - - - - - - - WISCONSIN: BROWN 503 432 429 3 3 - - 71 71 - DANE 1 413 616 1 309 565 1 284 562 25 3 25 3 - _ 104 51 104 51 - KENOSHA . - MILWAUKEE 7 805 7 805 7 784 21 21 - - - - - OUTAGAMIE 393 321 320 1 1 - - 72 72 - 774 701 699 2 2 - - 73 73 - ROCK 615 793 573 735 555 704 18 31 18 4 27 ~ 42 58 42 58 - WAUKESHA - WINNEBAGO 358 304 304 - - - - 54 54 - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. JUDICIAL Table 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) 201 Total direct current Majt tria Courts of limited jurisdictio Juvenile court Miscellaneous TOTAL. . . . , ALABAMA: CALHOUN JEFFERSON. . . . MADISON MOBILE MONTGOMERY . . . TUSCALOOSA . . . ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE ARIZONA: MARICOPA .... PIMA ARKANSAS: PULASKI CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA , BUTTE CONTRA COSTA . . FRESNO KERN LOS ANGELES. . . . MARIN MERCED MONTEREY .... ORANGE RIVERSIDE. ... SACRAMENTO . . . , SAN BERNARDINO . , SAN DIEGO SAN JOAQUIN. . . . SAN LUIS OBISPO. . SAN MATEO SANTA BARBARA. . . SANTA CLARA. . . . SANTA CRUZ . . . . SOLANO SONOMA STANISLAUS . . . . TULARE VENTURA COLORADO: ADAMS ARAPAHOE BOULDER EL PASO JEFFERSON PUEBLO DELAWARE: NEW CASTLE . . . . FLORIDA: ALACHUA BREVARD BROWARD DADE ESCAMBIA HILLSBOROUGH . . . LEE LEON ORANGE PALM BEACH .... PINELLAS POLK SARASOTA VOLUSIA 347 2 332 626 1 284 604 463 5 433 2 701 9 976 640 4 848 3 133 2 402 77 351 2 517 651 1 629 12 87 5 4 035 5 725 6 739 13 995 2 460 833 4 657 1 848 7 315 1 016 1 596 1 360 1 557 1 308 3 773 92 153 149 121 317 10 512 1 465 3 325 11 820 1 036 5 320 466 666 1 736 1 665 1 480 902 886 1 152 195 7 97 335 545 228 256 (X) 4 237 1 912 2 171 160 1 037 1 154 608 40 972 387 102 7 02 2 646 97 1 849 1 946 2 709 399 293 1 092 629 2 032 378 220 313 279 288 977 37 67 316 1 Oil 1 302 3 873 698 2 937 254 426 491 1 097 696 719 691 757 145 1 483 221 720 361 193 (x) 1 196 349 5 194 262 2 223 1 465 1 06 5 34 569 862 358 863 8 367 1 859 2 411 2 7 06 6 084 1 385 372 1 918 1 117 3 415 491 676 624 636 625 1 418 68 119 587 276 185 574 51 317 637 63 633 18 56 100 17 519 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 62 (x) (x) 9 (x) (x) (x) (x) 147 (x) X (x) 80 385 107 348 253 94 (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) tx) (x) 579 114 372 108 (x) 1 196 349 5 194 262 2 223 1 46 r 1 065 34 569 862 358 863 8 367 1 859 2 411 2 706 6 084 1 385 372 1 918 1 117 3 415 491 676 624 636 625 1 418 32 3 (X) 68 126 U) 119 33S 365 160 1 436 (xj 3 276 4 67 1 lx) 185 15', (X) 565 1 80Q lx) 51 163 f x l 317 123 lx) 637 6oa (x) 63 505 22 464 151 (x) 16 165 (XJ 56 139 (X) 100 205 611 218 [ )88 514 729 810 2 68 191 64 1 862 1 206 1 465 2 087 5 202 676 166 1 647 102 1 868 147 7 00 423 642 395 1 182 55 54 149 44 317 10 See footnote it end of table. 202 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Probate court GEORGIA: BIBB. . . . CHATHAM . . COBB. . . . OE KALB . . FULTON. . . RICHMOND. . IDAHO: ADA ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN . COOK. . . . DU PAGE . . KANE. . . . LAKE. . . . LASALLE . . MCHENRY . . MCLEAN. . . MACON . . . MADISON . . PEORIA. . . ROCK ISLAND ST. CLAIR . SANGAMON. . TAZEWELL. . WILL. . . . WINNEBAGO . INDIANA: ALLEN . . . DELAWARE. . ELKHART . . LAKE. . . . LA PORTE. . MADISON . . ST. JOSEPH. TIPPECANOE. VANDERBURGH VIGO. . . . IOWA: BLACK HAWK. LINN. . . . POLK. . . . SCOTT . . . WOODBURY. . KANSAS: JOHNSON . . SEDGWICK. . SHAWNEE . . WYANDOTTE . KENTUCKY: FAYETTE . . JEFFERSON . KENTON. . . LOUISIANA: CADDO . . . CALCASIEU . JEFFERSON . LAFAYETTE . OUACHITA. . RAPIDES . . MAINE: CUMBERLAND. PENOBSCOT . YORK. . . . Pit, 172 882 08^ 086 810 3 36 37 6 82 1 867 203 323 268 38 421 37 776 1 379 1 189 629 621 837 823 280 274 268 265 401 345 376 335 859 701 403 319 306 223 685 685 353 331 271 239 748 7 48 639 613 889 876 327 322 508 508 1 680 1 402 306 282 414 405 894 302 178 170 487 477 557 548 537 439 491 481 1 428 1 277 392 339 498 396 912 289 1 470 622 646 229 764 296 234 86 940 294 92 38 441 181 434 2 32 2 318 247 307 153 221 121 237 150 339 273 70, 244 . ',0 165 431 489 352 1 059 2 735 361 (X) (x) (x) (x) fx) (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) 'x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) 36 7 02 322 42 7 148 588 144 62 440 ' (x) 35 278 052 72 (X) (x (X (X 205 (x (x (X (X (x (x (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) 1(14 120 140 157 (X) (x) (x) 132 (x) 110 (x) (X) [X fx) (x) (x) 70 66 8 b 107 33 03 fx) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (>) (x) fx) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) i': (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) 62 ISO 6 (x) (>) (X) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) 302 423 2 32 674 3=3 196 (X) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (x) fx) (X) 114 414 122 101 148 • 88 See footn end of table JUDICIAL 203 Table 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Major trial Courts of limited jurisdiction MiscellaiH-ou.-. MARYLAND : ANNE ARUNDEL BALTIMORE HARFORD MONTGOMERY PRINCE GEORGES WASHINGTON MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE BRISTOL ESSEX HAMPOEN HAMPSHIRE MIDDLESEX . NORFOLK PLYMOUTH WORCESTER MICHIGAN: BAY BERRIEN CALHOUN GENESEE INGHAM JACKSON KALAMAZOO KENT MACOMB MONROE MUSKEGON OAKLAND OTTAWA SAGINAW ST. CLAIR WASHTENAW WAYNE MINNESOTA: ANOKA DAKOTA HENNEPIN RAMSEY ST. LOUIS MISSISSIPPI: HARRISON HINDS MISSOURI: CLAY GREENE JACKSON JEFFERSON ST. LOUIS NEBRASKA: DOUGLAS LANCASTER NEVADA: CLARK WASHOE NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH ROCKINGHAM NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC BERGEN BURLINGTON CAMDEN CUMBERLAND ESSEX GLOUCESTER HUDSON See footnotes at end of tabl< 774 1 126 121 1 742 2 322 158 586 2 207 2 612 2 442 568 8 34 5 2 85? 1 ■578 3 305 6 02 1 2 39 994 2 891 1 775 810 1 222 1 2 52 3 599 772 976 6 02 3 551 1 198 716 1 858 17 532 755 769 5 061 1 498 798 7 36 634 255 448 3 665 281 4 454 1 491 655 1 695 923 486 264 786 4 271 871 2 003 596 8 583 542 4 597 556 715 158 989 880 72 2 04 047 097 995 245 215 283 703 87 3 2 57 462 314 635 862 392 "36 562 913 287 431 2 55 165 499 271 607 186 660 172 2 493 1 176 134 2 78 299 155 314 052 129 657 979 307 958 320 4 02 2 36 306 992 360 931 286 960 247 67 3 344 1 071 1 438 1 383 298 4 998 1 530 1 040 1 959 305 721 647 1 994 871 344 496 5 39 1 505 428 522 2 666 289 6 57 391 511 7 440 410 2 568 280 187 348 290 99 134 611 121 971 281 66 480 198 219 1 389 187 395 124 2 061 112 1 244 (X) } (x} (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) 267 58 (X) (X) (X) (x) 179 162 114 32 110 2 02 377 777 o '-! -', 172 36 4 381 300 155 191 2 04 115 181 195 2 06 231 (X) (X) 581 255 187 (x) (x) 6 4 387 (X) (X) (X) (X) 326 974 1 364 1 133 273 4 819 1 368 926 1 766 1 o 5 5 1 o 270 ?n 228 172 132 158 205 27 3 331 37 ? 174 476 196 305 209 410 1 987 2 OH 21f, 480 108 133 614 71 185 28 347 47 560 207 5i8 263 710 1 418 80 ft 3 25 1 30 3o 2 35 47 3 4 50 33 262 12 74 21 151 740 06 231 2 82 257 405 261 890 32 4 682 186 4 562 183 1 680 204 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Courts of limited jurisdicti Miscellaneous NEW JERSEY — CONTINUED MERCER MIDDLESEX MONMOUTH MORRIS OCEAN PASSAIC SOMERSET UNION new Mexico: bernalillo NEW YORK: ALBANY BROOME CHAUTAUQUA CHEMUNG DUTCHESS ERIE MONROE NASSAU NIAGARA ONEIDA ONONDAGA ORANGE OSWEGO RENSSELAER. . . . . ROCKLAND ST. LAWRENCE. . . . SARATOGA SCHENECTAOY . . . . SUFFOLK ULSTER WESTCHESTER . . . . NORTH CAROLINA: BUNCOMBE CUMBERLAND DURHAM FORSYTH GASTON GUILFORD MECKLENBURG . . . . ONSLOW WAKE OHIO: ALLEN BUTLER CLARK COLUMBIANA CUYAHOGA FRANKLIN GREENE HAMILTON LAKE LICKING LORAIN LUCAS MAHONING MONTGOMERY PORTAGE RICHLAND STARK SUMMIT TRUMBULL OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE OKLAHOMA TULSA 1 508 2 695 1 639 1 093 1 018 2 819 604 3 127 93-5 538 117 279 038 5 986 2 855 14 304 1 007 SO" 1 511 941 358 517 9 2 2 281 349 545 7 file 323 3 515 155 ^'66 6 a 563 2 06 548 82=i 102 22 4e4 727 360 425 7 872 2 7 36 46 9 4 306 871 401 931 2 597 1 100 2 947 r.80 502 1 123 2 225 1 07 5 287 1 447 1 115 593 6 OP. 307 528 367 578 317 1 963 769 682 66 392 566 291 328 421 549 3 32 00 1 . 652 32 4 500 940 512 018 233 46 835 034 7 30 213 1 391 885 185 6 35 4 74 357 169 856 128 1 079 422 352 297 213 506 1 706 1 625 9 144 606 32 6 914 48? 203 :^96 578 167 211 354 5 291 294 1 728 34 107 36 92 723 214 85 160 78 32 65 148 109 294 278 1 loe 124 (X (X) (X) 119 92 134 26 1 37 4 189 172 88 66 2 09 754 844 1 940 247 139 458 2 37 68 136 251 160 816 (x) (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (X) x! X (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) 101 115 162 125 75 154 70 164 75 9 4 31 112 414 2 09 7 39 2 02 79 161 88 59 81 130 401 180 151 105 115 116 185 538 572 46 5 157 108 2 9'' 158 76 57 73 118 4 004 149 5 35 107 36 9 2 723 214 85 160 7 8 32 65 148 189 294 278 1 108 I! 8 124 (X) (X (x) end of table. JUDICIAL Table 29. Detail of direct current expenditure for judicial activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) 205 Oregon: clackamas . LANE MARION. ........ multnomah , washington Pennsylvania: allegheny , BEAVER. , BERKS BLAIR , BUCKS BUTLER , CAMBRIA , CHESTER . , CUMBERLAND , DAUPHIN , DELAWARE. ........ ERIE , FAYETTE . FRANKLIN LACKAWANNA LANCASTER , LAWRENCE . . , LEHIGH , LUZERNE LYCOMING MERCER MONTGOMERY , NORTHAMPTON ...... SCHUYLKILL . WASHINGTON WESTMORELAND YORK SOUTH CAROLINA: ANDERSON CHARLESTON GREENVILLE RICHLAND SPARTANBURG TENNESSEE: HAMILTON KNOX SHELBY. . SULLIVAN T EXAS : BELL BEXAR BRAZORIA CAMERON DALLAS EL PASO ... GALVESTON HARRIS HIDALGO JEFFERSON LUBBOCK MCLENNAN NUECES TARRANT TRAVIS. ... WICHITA UTAH: SALT LAKE UTAH WEBER See footnotes at end of tabli 494 1 746 631 3 656 505 9 814 1 043 1 186 327 2 071 359 644 1 176 37 3 1 064 3 171 1 123 502 297 891 943 415 952 1 075 438 485 3 712 925 65'4 901 1 328 1 080 390 1 079 750 1 339 790 1 389 1 153 3 509 283 320 1 834 415 446 6 960 7 39 7 38 9 232 478 1 021 399 410 1 052 2 668 1 093 271 951 69 266 196 1 228 268 1 508 194 7 696 577 725 194 1 186 208 398 7 39 244 631 2 230 654 327 169 651 545 288 588 791 305 336 2 449 683 489 606 1 033 656 175 69 171 643 307 900 117 127 894 166 212 2 596 289 302 2 686 215 452 183 89 242 395 42 5 120 136 43 174 Courts of limited jurisdicti 103 102 129 853 159 1 260 139 2 39 144 288 76 240 545 2 35 159 267 70 93 697 148 82 180 265 211 181 594 5 37 969 441 341 444 1 330 28 138 402 153 85 016 260 259 685 142 518 119 153 635 832 47 5 109 (XI (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) ( X I (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X I (X) (X I (X) (XI (X) (X I ;endi ture City Direct Capital outlay To To State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments TEXAS: ABILENE 53 53 53 - - - - - _ - AMARILLO. . . 132 132 131 1 1 - - - _ - ARLINGTON . . 161 161 157 4 4 - - - _ - AUSTIN. . . . 334 334 325 9 9 - — - _ - BEAUMONT. . . 77 77 77 - - - - - - BROWNSVILLE . 29 29 29 - - - - - _ - CORPUS CHRISTI 180 180 178 2 2 - - - _ - DALLAS. . . . 1 273 1 273 1 266 7 7 - - - - - EL PASO . . . 249 249 247 2 2 - - - - - FORT WORTH. . 378 378 378 _ - - _ _ _ _ GALVESTON . . 67 67 65 2 2 - - - _ - GARLAND . . . 44 44 43 1 1 - - - _ - GRAND PRAIRIE 29 29 29 - - - - - _ - HOUSTON . . . 1 199 1 199 1 177 22 5 17 - - _ - IRVING. . . . 81 81 81 - - - - - _ - LAREDO. . . . 42 32 32 - - - - 10 10 - LUBBOCK . . . 171 171 167 4 4 - - - _ - MESQUITE. . . 23 23 23 - - - - - - - MIDLAND . . . 59 59 59 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ODESSA. . . . 85 85 84 1 1 - - - _ - PASADENA. . . 112 112 109 3 3 - - - _ - PORT ARTHUR . 19 19 19 - - - - - _ - SAN ANGELO. . 51 51 50 1 1 - - - _ - SAN ANTONIO . 729 729 728 1 1 - - - _ - TYLER .... 43 43 42 1 1 - - - _ - WACO 43 43 43 - - - - - _ - WICHITA FALLS 93 93 92 1 1 - - - - - UTAH: OGDEN 226 226 223 3 2 1 - - _ - PROVO 71 71 70 1 1 _ - - _ - SALT LAKE CITY. . . . 558 558 548 10 - 10 - - - - VIRGINIA: ALEXANDRIA 767 690 684 6 6 - - 77 77 - CHESAPEAKE 628 487 482 5 5 - - 141 141 - HAMPTON 581 294 445 199 438 198 7 1 7 " 1 136 95 136 95 _ LYNCHBURG - NEWPORT NEWS 1 009 1 009 753 256 7 249 - - _ _ NORFOLK 1 387 625 1 387 625 1 331 618 56 7 56 7 - - - — PORTSMOUTH _ 2 010 1 358 805 2 010 1 020 805 2 010 729 793 291 12 73 12 218 - 338 338 _ ROANOKE _ VIRGINIA BEACH. . . - WASHINGTON: 62 62 62 - - - - - - EVERETT _ SEATTLE 1 407 185 282 1 407 185 282 1 402 184 281 5 1 1 5 1 1 - - - - _ SPOKANE WEST VIRGINIA: CHARLESTON 29 29 29 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON 21 21 21 - - - - - - - WISCONSIN: APPLETON _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GREEN BAY . . 25 25 25 - _ _ - - _ - KENOSHA . . . 32 32 31 1 1 - _ - _ _ LA CROSSE . . 12 12 12 . - - - - _ - MADISON . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MILWAUKEE . . 355 6 6 - _ - _ 349 _ 349 OSHKOSH . . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RACINE. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAUWATOSA . . 14 14 14 _ _ - _ _ _ _ WEST ALLIS. . 16 16 16 " - - - - - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 214 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 31. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Number 01 employees Full-ti lent 1 Number of employee Full-ti lent Full-time Full-time TOTAL ALABAMA . . ALASKA. . . ARIZONA . . ARKANSAS. . CALIFORNIA. COLORADO. . CONNECTICUT DELAWARE. . FLORIDA . . GEORGIA . . HAWAII. IDAHO . ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA. . KANSAS. . KENTUCKY. LOUISIANA MAINE . . MARYLAND. MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN. . . MINNESOTA . . MISSISSIPPI . MISSOURI. . . MONTANA . . . NEBRASKA. . . NEVADA. . . . NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY. . NEW MEXICO. . . NEW YORK. . . . NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH DAKOTA. . OHIO OKLAHOMA. . . . OREGON PENNSYLVANIA. . RHODE ISLAND. . SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH DAKOTA. TENNESSEE . . TEXAS .... UTAH VERMONT . . . VIRGINIA. . . WASHINGTON. . WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN . . WYOMING . . . :-;•■■ [ ... .I n.a.'-. 317 572 147 16° 042 454 501 110 SO 3 173 338 305 37 2 02 1'41 355 2 06 58 i 52 5 I IB 1 l 3 yso 417 B23 122 ■'05 249 07 2 4 40 313 'ISO 129 189 1 033 229 lO.i 37 1 048 1 026 454 1 301 410 503 162 1 325 127 181 179 14! 305 198 1 044 573 525 127 106 843 415 814 122 4 05 183 056 4 46 31 i 447 108 177 031 223 2 6 371 132 85 8 35 1 067 1 031 454 1 301 410 503 166 1 328 305 225 180 141 32 3 200 1 059 574 525 (27 107 B45 415 1 815 2 122 4 05 106 070 447 312 44 7 11? 180 34 1 483 180 139 1 940 1 249 1 054 395 1 978 482 52 8 227 2 276 377 40 3 2 54 257 462 101 1 232 720 058 261 107 ooo 340 3 766 1 686 80 7 14 501 369 1 887 442 127 77 471 786 135 186 189 281 128 o32 3 003 2 221 (x) (X) (x) (X) (X) 228 226 22 22 (X) (x) (X) (x) 104 104 42 42 (X) (x) (xi (X) 215 214 51 51 (X) (X) fx) (X) (xl (X) 102 102 (X) (X) 48 48 31 31 132 132 (X) (x) (X) (X) 101 95 (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) 100 100 X) (xj (X) (x) (X) (X) 38 38 117 115 (X) (X) (X) (X) fx) (X) 50 50 (xl (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) (x) 226 fx) (X) 104 (x) (X) 214 51 (X) (X) (X) 102 (x) 132 (X) (x) fx) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) 416 (x) (x) 153 (x) (X) 330 (x) (X) 140 (xl 2 02 (x) (X) 118 (X) (x) (x) (x) 111 18 23 520 858 34 47 (X) (X) 63 139 12 15 25 33 100 151 (X) (X) (x) (X) (x) (X) 38 64 116 182 (X) (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) 5 69 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) JUDICIAL 215 Table 31. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Number of employe Full-ti lent Number of employee Full-time TOTAL .... ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS ..... CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT .... DELAWARE. FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS . . . MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI .... MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA. ...... NEW HAMPSHIRE . . . NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA. . . NORTH DAKOTA. . . . OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA. . . . RHODE ISLAND. . . . SOUTH CAROLINA. . . SOUTH DAKOTA. . . . TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA . . . WISCONSIN WYOMING - Represents zero or rounds to X Not applicable. Z Less than half the unit of m *Because of rounding, the deta 916 298 242 118 989 178 301 22"4 703 261 306 164 293 182 226 eon 292 242 111 989 224 703 261 306 106 277 242 114 989 178 119 224 703 261 306 115 284 100 296 986 357 112 033 330 285 173 787 25b 33b 190 190 22 5 179 285 166 144 36 4 3QH ?65 951 116 50 4 322 210 (X) (x) (xj 116 2 4? 669 112 872 21 o (x) (x) 132 851 116 247 669 100 872 210 (X) (x) 131! 869 116 247 669 103 87? 17Q (X) (x) (x) 5 1 1 546 26 3 123 I 12 120 113 121 (Z) 296 111 216 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 32. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of 312 (Dollar amounts County Tot al judicl al actlvlti es Major tr lal courts Court 5 of limited Jurisdiction ."> Number of employees October payroll 1 Number of employees October payroll Total ; Total Full- Full-time equiva- Total Full- time Full-time equiva- Number of employees October payroll Full- Full-time only lent 1 only lent Total time equiva- only lent i 51 917 46 889 49 193 44 039 24 378 22 069 23 382 2 058 17 167 15 594 16 175 15 738 ALABAMA: ? 36 3: 1 31 21 20 16 18 10 16 16 16 11 3 254 249 250 187 106 106 106 72 138 136 137 109 4 66 60 62 43 50 29 29 20 27 27 27 20 5 160 157 158 105 69 69 69 45 86 86 86 58 6 65 57 62 46 23 17 21 16 41 39 40 29 7 ALASKA: 56 <47 40 31 28 27 27 17 19 18 18 12 s GREATER ANCHORAGE . . ARIZONA: (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 9 486 UP 3 481 39 38 3 329 383 315 103 94 97 75 240 232 235 182 176 170 173 131 43 41 41 29 ARKANSAS: 11 CALIFORNIA: 64 62 63 37 62 60 61 36 2 2 2 1 12 4 37 436 436 482 49 49 49 66 256 256 256 297 13 53 46 48 46 9 6 8 8 22 20 20 22 11 283 245 260 279 36 16 25 36 139 128 130 139 15 225 189 196 196 6 6 6? 64 68 118 91 94 04 169 4 601 149 4 166 159 4 346 156 5 277 26 2 212 18 1 998 23 2 123 26 2 586 91 2 289 85 2 106 86 2 149 82 2 622 17 IS 130 125 129 136 17 12 15 18 56 56 56 61 10 59 53 57 43 8 5 8 5 34 31 32 25 20 109 100 105 95 44 39 43 34 63 61 62 60 21 863 822 849 933 135 103 123 167 562 560 560 618 22 276 253 267 258 40 28 36 42 132 124 127 121 ?3 293 264 279 309 79 59 71 88 116 113 114 124 24 SAN BERNARDINO. . . . 492 426 455 430 74 57 70 77 217 188 196 195 25 847 812 822 936 104 86 90 124 380 372 37 5 415 26 162 140 153 157 15 5 11 12 98 86 93 93 27 SAN LUIS OBISPO . . , 54 34 43 33 11 8 10 9 40 24 31 23 28 288 257 271 282 47 34 43 51 117 110 112 116 29 SANTA BARBARA .... 156 117 129 129 42 25 32 35 107 90 94 01 30 469 388 422 479 96 69 85 105 215 188 196 227 31 75 68 75 71 28 23 32 28 38 37 37 36 3,' 106 106 106 111 12 12 12 18 63 63 63 56 ■53 102 89 96 92 18 13 16 19 49 43 45 42 54 126 102 111 93 13 8 12 10 60 45 49 41 ■55 110 79 94 64 10 6 10 6 59 41 48 32 36 COLORADO: 219 202 209 226 45 37 42 49 81 78 79 85 57 6 6 6 5 1 1 1 1 - - - - 58 5 5 5 4 - - - - - - - - 39 15 14 14 11 - - - - - - - - '10 4 4 4 3 - - - - - - - - 41 30 30 30 18 - - - - - - - - 42 DELAWARE: 1 1 1 43 FLORIDA: 67 65 67 50 44 48 46 47 32 44 43 43 29 - - - - 45 150 150 150 80 136 136 136 71 - - - - 4 6 281 269 274 173 2 05 193 198 126 - - - - 972 99 970 88 971 91 774 61 427 99 427 88 427 91 303 61 317 317 317 2 37 H8 '4'. HILLSBOROUGH 503 498 499 460 252 247 248 211 53 53 53 34 83 90 236 83 82 234 83 84 235 52 59 168 70 48 158 70 41 157 70 43 157 41 28 96 3 32 3 31 3 31 2 24 52 53 106 99 101 84 67 61 63 46 - - - - 54 2 07 2 02 203 146 131 131 131 94 70 70 ■>0 51 109 70 103 63 104 65 70 54 97 60 92 54 93 56 62 48 " . : . 56 57 GEORGIA: 97 88 92 66 74 74 74 55 103 107 67 104 76 107 54 78 30 61 24 58 27 61 16 41 ■ 45 46 42 46 43 46 34 37 v. 126 159 101 151 111 156 80 119 39 62 39 54 39 60 24 42 50 82 50 82 50 82 40 69 61 62 505 493 498 452 261 240 255 227 239 2 38 238 221 63 IDAHO: 89 87 88 55 10 10 10 7 40 40 40 27 54 A 52 31 48 45 46 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) JUDICIAL large county governments, October 1974 217 in thOL sands Courts of limited jurisdiction — Continued Miscellaneous Juvenile court Probate court Other courts Numbe r of employees S Number of employees Number of employees Number of employees ! October payroll Full- Full-time a Full- Full-time October Full- Full-time October Full- Full-time October Total time equiva- j Total time equiva- payroll Total time equiva- payroll Total time equiva- payroll only lent only lent only lent only lent 1 605 1 559 1 570 1 484 2 075 2 002 2 025 2 030 13 487 12 033 12 580 12 224 10 372 9 226 9 591 8 248 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 4 2 30 30 30 27 44 44 44 32 64 62 63 50 10 7 7 6 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) 13 13 13 9 14 14 14 11 9 4 6 3 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) to 40 40 26 46 46 46 32 5 2 3 2 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) 25 25 25 18 16 14 15 11 1 1 1 1 6 (X) (X) (X) (X) 8 8 8 5 11 10 10 7 9 2 3 2 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) " - " " 8 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 103 94 97 75 . 9 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 41 41 29 21 21 21 22 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 2 2 1 - " " " 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 256 256 256 297 132 131 131 119 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 22 20 20 22 22 20 20 16 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 139 128 130 139 108 101 102 104 14 (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 118 91 94 94 41 36 38 34 15 X (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 91 85 86 82 52 46 49 48 16 (X) (x) X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 289 2 106 2 149 2 622 100 62 78 69 17 (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 56 56 56 61 57 57 57 57 18 (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) 34 31 32 25 17 17 17 13 19 (X) (x) (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) 63 61 62 60 p _ 2 1 20 (X) (x) (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) 562 560 560 618 166 159 161 148 21 * (x) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) 13? 124 127 121 104 101 102 95 22 (x) (x) (X) fx) (X) (X) (X) (X) 116 113 114 124 98 92 94 97 23 (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) 217 188 196 195 201 181 188 167 24 (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) 380 372 375 415 363 354 356 397 25 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) 'X) (X) (X) 98 86 93 93 49 49 49 52 26 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) 40 24 31 23 3 2 2 1 27 (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (X) 117 110 112 116 124 113 115 115 28 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (X) (x) 107 90 94 91 7 2 3 3 29 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) 215 188 196 227 158 131 140 147 30 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) 38 37 37 36 9 8 8 7 31 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) 63 63 63 56 31 31 31 37 32 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 49 43 45 42 35 33 34 31 33 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (x) 60 45 49 41 53 49 50 42 54 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (X) 59 41 48 32 41 32 35 26 35 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) 81 78 79 85 93 87 88 92 36 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) . 5 5 5 4 37 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) - - - - 5 5 5 4 38 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) - - - - 15 14 14 11 39 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) - - - - 4 4 4 3 40 (x) (x) x X J (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 30 30 30 18 41 (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) 1 67 65 68 1 50 42 43 (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) _ . . . 4 3 3 3 44 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) " - " " 14 76 14 76 14 76 9 47 45 46 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) 317 317 317 2 3^ 228 226 227 2 34 m (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) - - - - - - - _ 48 - - - - (x) (x) (X) fx) 53 53 53 34 198 198 198 215 49 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) 3 3 3 2 10 10 10 9 50 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) 32 31 31 24 10 10 10 7 51 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) - - - - 78 77 77 72 52 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) Cx) (x) - - - - 39 38 38 38 53 10 10 10 7 28 28 28 21 32 32 32 23 6 1 2 1 54 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) - - - - 12 11 11 8 55 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 10 9 9 6 56 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) " " " - 23 14 19 11 57 8 7 7 5 10 9 9 6 27 26 26 23 28 1 10 4 58 (x) (x) (x) (x) 9 9 9 6 37 37 37 31 - _ - - 59 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 5 34 34 34 28 37 12 21 16 60 27 27 27 23 12 12 12 8 43 43 43 38 15 15 15 8 61 107 107 107 87 28 28 28 26 104 103 103 108 5 5 5 4 62 8 8 8 5 10 10 10 6 22 22 22 16 39 37 38 21 63 (X) (x) (X) (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 6 6 6 4 64 218 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 32. Detail of judicial employment and payrolls of 312 (Dollar amounts Total judicial activitie Number of employe Full- on!* Full-ti equiva lent 1 October payroll 1 Number of employe Full- on l v Full-time equiva- lent Octobe payrol of limited jurisdiction Number of employe Full-time lent ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN . . COOK DU PAGE . . . KANE LAKE LA SALLE. . . MCHENRY . . . MCLEAN. . . . MACON .... MADISON . . . PEORIA. ... ROCK ISLAND . ST. CLAIR . . SANGAMON. . . TAZEWELL. . . WILL WINNEBAGO . . INDIANA: ALLEN .... DELAWARE. . . ELKHART . . . , LAKE , LA PORTE. . . . MADISON . . . , ST. JOSEPH. . , TIPPECANOE. . , VANDERBURGH . . VIGO IOWA: BLACK HAWK. . . LINN POLK SCOTT WOODBURY. . . . KANSAS: JOHNSON . . . . SEDGWICK. . . . SHAWNEE . . . . WYANDOTTE . . . KENTUCKY: FAYETTE . . . . JEFFERSON . . . KENTON LOUISIANA: CADDO CALCASIEU . . . JEFFERSON . . . LAFAYETTE . . . OUACHITA. . . . RAPIDES . . . . MAINE: CUMBERLAND. . . PENOBSCOT . . . YORK MARYLAND: ANNE ARUNDEL. . BALTIMORE . . . HARFORD . . . . MONTGOMERY. . . PRINCE GEORGES. WASHINGTON. . . MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE . . . BRISTOL . . . . ESSEX HAMPDEN . . . . HAMPSHIRE . . . MIDDLESEX . . . NORFOLK . . . . PLYMOUTH. . . . WORCESTER . . . 121 1110 198 200 180 37 663 L85 14! 26 ! 100 121 115 1 49 167 1 .1 33 617 182 108 . >M 1 06 127 i v, 1 . I '• 150 165 159 32 557 169 123 241 244 113 121 93 1 50 128 L40 111 30 26 482 1141 ] : 9 126 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 101 133 1. JUDICIAL large county governments, October 1974— Continued in thousands) 219 Courts of limited ju 'isdlction — Continued Miscellaneous Juvenile court Probate court Other courts Number of employees October s Numb* r of employees Number of employees Number of employees 1 Full- Full-time October Full- Full-time October Full- Full-time October Total Full- Full-time payroll s Total time equiva- payroll Total time equiva- payroll Total time equiva- payroll only equiva- lent 3 only lent only lent only lent (X) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 13 2 5 4 1 (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 48 33 37 38 2 (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) 15 15 15 15 3 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) 1 1 1 (z) 4 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (x) 2 1 1 (z) 5 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) 1 1 1 1 6 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (X) - - - - 7 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) 11 4 5 4 8 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) (x) 4 _ 2 1 9 (x) x ! (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) 14 14 14 13 30 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (X) 20 10 13 7 11 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) 11 7 7 6 12 *l *} (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 13 xj X (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) 4 2 2 2 14 (x) (x) (x) x) x) (X) (x) (X) (x) (x) (X) (X) 16 - 5 3 15 X (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 16 (xj (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 3 ~ 2 2 17 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) _ _ _ . . . . . 18 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - - - - - 10 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - - - - - 20 22 21 22 16 (X) (x) (x) (X) - - - - - - - - 21 (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 2 2 2 1 22 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 1 1 1 (z) 23 (x) (x) (x) (x) 4 5 3 - - - - 65 64 65 40 24 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - - - - - 25 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 1 1 1 1 26 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) " " - - 1 1 1 1 27 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) _ _ _ _ . . . 28 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) - - - - - - - - 29 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) - - - - 13 5 9 5 30 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - - - - 5 4 4 2 31 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) 12 9 11 7 - " - " _>.? 25 20 21 15 e 7 e 5 19 18 18 13 33 32 33 27 33 17 17 17 11 12 12 12 10 47 47 47 29 13 13 13 6 34 12 12 12 7 6 6 6 5 17 17 17 11 9 9 9 5 35 22 ( 2 ) 22 (* 1 22 < 2 ) 12 ( 2 1 11 ( 2 1 11 < 2 1 11 ( 2 1 7 ( 2 ) 26 ( 2 ) 26 ( 2 1 26 ( 2 1 18 ( 2 1 14 ( 2 1 14 ( 2 ) 14 ( 2 ) 9 ( 2 ) 36 37 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 83 83 83 51 4 - 2 1 38 (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (X) 6 6 6 4 - " " " 39 12 12 12 7 (x) (x) (x) (x) 20 _ 2 1 10 10 10 8 40 (X) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) 29 - 9 5 19 17 18 13 41 11 9 11 12 (x) (x) (X) (X) 31 31 31 26 310 229 261 170 42 (xj (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) 30 - 10 6 15 14 15 7 '4 J (x) (x) (X) (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) 21 - 4 2 8 - 8 6 44 (x) (x) (x) (X) (x) (x) (x) (x) 10 - 5 3 5 5 5 3 45 '> 134 110 1 10 103 357 102 684 261 128 1 1 ' 1 2 1 loo (X) (x) (x) (>} [X] (X) (> ) (X) . n0 360 353 7 7 _ . _ _ _ ROME 17 95 17 95 17 95 " - " " _ - - - 233 233 229 4 4 - - - - - TROY 107 81 107 81 103 81 4 1 3 _ _ : - - 267 267 267 - - - - - - - YONKERS 330 330 330 - - - - - - - NORTH CAROLINA: 15 15 15 - - - - - - - 138 138 138 - - - - - - - 115 115 114 1 1 - - - - - 54 54 54 - - - - - - - GREENSBORO 97 97 97 - - - - - _ - 74 74 72 2 2 - - - - - 100 100 99 1 . 1 - - - - - WINSTON-SALEM .... 101 101 101 - - - - - - - end of tabic LEGAL SERVICES AND PROSECUTION 243 Table 35. Legal services and prosecution expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct current Capita L outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govera- Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land NORTh DAKOTA: 32 32 32 - - - - - - - OHIO: 21F 218 213 5 5 - - - - - 150 150 148 2 2 - - - - - 850 850 850 - - - - - - - 704 704 704 - - - - - - - CLEVELAND HEIGHTS . . 6? 6b 68 - - - - - - - 906 906 696 10 10 - - - - - 38? 382 382 - - - - - - - 50 50 50 - - - - - - - 86 86 85 1 1 - - - - - HAMILTON 21 21 21 - - - - - - - 123 123 122 1 1 - - - _ - 63 63 63 - - - - - - - LIMA 56 79 58 79 57 79 1 1 : _ _ - - - 52 52 52 - - - - - - - 128 128 128 - - - - - - - 106 106 104 2 2 - - - - - 262 262 262 - - - - - - - 71 71 70 1 1 - - - - - 256 256 256 - - - - - - " OKLAHOMA! 61 61 58 3 3 - - - - - 58 56 58 - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA CITY .... 294 294 268 6 6 - - - - - 305 305 288 17 17 - - - - - OREGON: 119 119 119 - - - - - - - 321 321 317 4 4 - - - - - 106 106 105 1 1 - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: 61 61 61 - - - - - - - 20 20 20 - - - - - - - 43 43 43 - - - - - - - 72 72 72 - - - - - - - ERIE 95 45 95 45 95 45 " : _ _ ™ : - - 18 18 18 - - - - - - - 8 151 8 151 8 110 41 41 _ - - _ - 496 496 482 14 14 - - - - - READING 74 74 74 - - - - - - - SCRANTON 59 59 59 - - ~ - - - - WILKES-BARRE 28 28 28 - - _ - - - - YORK 27 27 27 - RHODE ISLAND: 40 40 40 - - - - - - - 56 56 55 1 1 - - - - - PROVIDENCE 116 116 113 3 3 - - - - - WARWICK 47 47 47 - - - - - - - SOUTH CAROLINA: 27 27 27 - - - - - - - 72 72 72 - - - - - - - 71 71 68 3 3 - - - - - SOUTH DAKOTA: 39 39 39 - - - - - - - TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA 199 199 199 - - ~ - - - - 173 173 164 9 9 - - - - - 302 302 300 2 2 - - - ~ - NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . 436 436 432 4 4 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 244 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 35. Legal services and prosecution expenditure of 384 large city governments, by charactrer and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct current Capita] outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments TEXAS; 56 56 52 4 4 - - - - - 11° 119 115 4 4 - - - - - 131 131 128 3 3 - - - - - 239 239 237 2 2 - - - - - 97 °7 97 - - - - - - - 22 22 22 - - - - - - - CORPUS CHRISTI. . . . 216 216 ?12 4 4 - - - - - 986 986 975 11 11 - - - - - 146 146 144 2 2 - - - - - 239 239 232 7 7 _ - _ _ _ 53 53 51 2 2 - - - - - 103 1C3 96 7 7 - - - - - GRAND PRAIRIE .... 50 50 50 - - - - - - - 696 696 681 15 15 - - - - - 76 76 75 1 1 - - - - - 42 42 42 - - - - - - - LUBBOCK 126 126 126 - - - - - - - MESGUITE 34 34 33 1 1 - - - - - 51 51 49 2 2 _ - - _ - 45 45 45 - - - - - - - 9fi 98 93 5 5 - - - - - PORT ARTHUR 90 90 87 3 3 - - - - - IP 18 16 2 2 - - - - - SAN ANTONIO 475 475 468 7 7 - - - - - 56 56 50 6 6 - - - - - WACO 71 71 68 3 3 - - - - - WICHITA FALLS .... 96 96 96 - - - - - - - UTAH: 62 62 62 - - - - - - - 37 37 37 - - - - - - - SALT LAKE CITY. . . . 209 209 209 - - - - - - - VIRGINIA: 311 311 311 - - - - - - - 129 129 129 - - - - - - - HAMPTON 204 161 158 3 3 - - 43 43 - 207 207 207 - - - - - - - 160 160 158 2 2 - - - - - NORFOLK 42? 422 402 20 20 - - - - - 170 170 170 - - - - - - - 604 604 517 87 - - 87 - - - ROANOKE 177 177 176 1 1 - - - - - VIRGINIA BEACH. . . . 267 267 266 1 1 - - - - - WASHINGTON: 103 103 102 1 1 - - - - - 99 99 99 - - - - - - - 795 795 788 7 7 - - - - - SPOKANE 201 201 195 6 6 - - - - - 305 305 304 1 1 - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: CHARLESTON 96 "6 96 - - - - - - - 54 54 53 1 1 - - - - - WISCONSIN: 33 33 33 - - - - - - - GREEN BAY 55 55 55 - - - - - - - KENOSHA 57 57 56 1 1 - - - - - 40 40 40 - - - - - - - 260 260 259 1 1 - - - - - 1 196 1 196 1 184 12 12 - - - - - 45 45 44 1 1 - - - - - 11? 112 112 - - - - - - - 44 44 44 - - - - - - - 94 94 94 - - - - " " - - Represents zero or rounds to zer Section VI. INDIGENT DEFENSE 246 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments UNITED STATES, TOTAL . , 152 964 152 964 152 163 801 6 894 164 6 730 58 055 51 683 51 166 517 6 372 (X) 6 372 101 445 101 281 100 997 284 522 164 35b 79 296 78 951 78 695 257 345 148 19o MUNICIPALITIES . . . 22 507 22 329 22 302 27 177 16 161 1 161 1 067 102 1 161 1 067 94 1 161 1 067 94 - 17 17 6 (X) 8 10 LOCAL, TOTAL 10 70 41 67 27 67 27 ™ 3 14 3 4 lo 1 026 1 000 28 1 026 1 000 26 1 024 998 26 2 2 2 2 2 (X) 2 _ 28 26 26 - 2 2 - 2 337 2 337 2 316 20 2 (X) 2 2 337 2 337 2 316 20 2 - 2 2 132 206 2 131 206 2 110 206 20 2 ~ MUNICIPALITIES ARKANSAS 301 27 274 301 27 274 299 25 274 2 2 - (X) _ 270 4 270 4 270 4 - " - - 33 090 775 33 094 33 090 33 090 33 013 33 013 77 77 780 775 5 5 (X) 5 775 775 31 983 1 111 31 979 1 111 31 904 1 109 75 2 5 5 MUNICIPALITIES - 2 650 2 148 502 2 650 2 148 502 2 623 2 122 501 27 26 1 - (X) _ 502 502 501 1 - - - 1 621 1 585 36 1 621 1 585 36 1 621 1 585 36 - - (X) - 36 36 36 - - - - 430 430 430 430 425 425 5 5 - (X) LOCAL, TOTAL - COUNTIES - _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1 902 1 902 1 902 _ _ _ _ 1 902 1 902 1 902 - - (X) _ 1 902 1 902 1 902 - - - - 8 608 7 501 1 108 8 608 7 501 1 107 8 305 7 217 1 088 304 284 20 21 21 1 (X) 1 20 20 902 226 899 209 888 200 11 9 4 18 1 3 16 1 964 924 1 120 1 964 844 1 120 1 953 844 1 109 11 11 80 80 (X) 8U 80 1 063 58 1 062 58 1 054 55 8 3 - - MUNICIPALITIES - See footnotes at end of table. INDIGENT DEFENSE 247 Table 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 750 750 598 598 598 5 695 1 373 4 322 4 322 5 2 270 205 2 065 1 099 966 1 184 1 184 1 237 20 1 294 1 049 245 233 14 960 1 512 490 487 6 1 115 1 115 609 506 378 145 233 233 4 972 4 936 36 36 2 615 2 061 554 549 7 8 101 5 010 7 569 5 766 1 805 750 750 598 598 598 5 695 1 373 4 322 4 317 5 2 270 205 2 065 1 099 966 1 184 1 184 1 184 1 294 1 049 245 231 14 960 472 488 482 6 1 115 1 115 609 506 378 145 233 233 4 972 4 936 36 36 2 615 2 061 554 547 7 8 101 533 7 568 5 765 1 803 750 750 598 598 598 5 666 1 359 4 307 4 302 5 2 262 205 2 057 1 091 966 1 183 1 183 1 183 1 286 1 047 239 225 14 911 429 462 482 1 114 1 114 608 506 378 145 233 233 4 948 4 912 36 36 2 571 2 017 554 547 7 8 096 533 7 563 5 760 1 803 29 14 15 15 8 8 8 1 1 1 8 2 6 6 49 43 6 6 1 1 1 24 24 44 44 5 5 5 5 5 5 73 73 53 20 1 1 1 1 045 1 040 5 5 2 2 2 4 480 4 477 3 1 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 (X) 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) ' 1 (X) 1 1 - - - COUNTIES . . 5 5 MUNICIPALITIES COUNTIES - 73 73 53 MUNICIPALITIES 20 1 STATE 1 1 1 043 1 040 3 MUNICIPALITIES STATE - - - - LOCAL, TOTAL - MUNICIPALITIES ...... 2 MUNICIPALITIES 2 2 4 479 4 477 2 2 See footnotes at end of table 248 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Dir ect expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 1 457 210 1 247 1 457 210 1 247 1 454 209 1 245 3 1 2 115 115 (X) 115 115 1 306 55 1 192 55 1 190 55 2 115 " 115 599 599 599 599 598 598 1 1 - (X) _ 562 37 562 37 561 37 1 - " - 1 741 1 645 96 1 741 1 645 96 1 740 1 645 95 1 1 - (X) _ 51 ,45 51 45 49 45 1 - - - 276 278 278 278 278 278 - - (X) - 269 9 269 9 269 9 - - ~ - 669 689 689 689 688 688 1 1 - (X) _ COUNTIES 669 689 688 1 ~ - - 899 142 793 899 142 757 881 139 742 18 3 15 37 37 37 (X) 37 . 784 10 757 742 15 27 10 27 10 MUNICIPALITIES - 213 209 4 213 209 4 213 209 4 - - (X) _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 - " - MUNICIPALITIES - 8 992 8 820 278 8 992 8 820 172 8 962 8 790 172 30 30 106 106 106 (X) 106 - COUNTIES 191 87 85 87 85 87 " 106 106 _ MUNICIPALITIES - 1 318 1 300 18 1 316 1 300 16 1 296 1 278 18 22 22 - (X) _ 18 18 18 - - - - 20 021 2 939 17 082 20 021 2 939 17 082 20 012 2 939 17 073 9 9 - (X) - COUNTIES 6 699 10 383 6 699 10 383 6 690 10 383 9 " : _ MUNICIPALITIES - 4 766 4 786 4 786 _ _ . _ 4 786 4 786 4 786 - : (X) „ - COUNTIES ™ - - - ~ - _ - 161 161 161 161 161 161 - - (X) „ - 161 161 161 - . - _ - INDIGENT DEFENSE 249 Table 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 3 245 55 3 190 2 870 325 651 651 618 33 1 826 155 1 674 1 634 41 6 852 6 852 3 337 3 515 399 399 697 401 296 291 5 292 292 297 1 136 638 498 344 153 2 999 2 999 3 002 15 378 378 377 10 536 536 3 191 2 924 267 122 145 3 245 55 3 190 2 870 320 651 651 618 33 1 826 155 1 671 1 632 39 6 852 6 852 3 337 3 515 399 399 697 401 296 291 5 292 292 292 1 136 638 498 344 153 2 999 2 999 2 999 378 378 377 1 536 536 3 191 2 924 267 122 145 3 225 55 3 170 2 854 316 650 650 617 33 1 822 155 1 667 1 628 39 6 843 6 843 3 328 3 515 399 399 697 401 296 291 5 263 283 282 1 134 638 496 344 151 2 999 2 999 2 999 366 366 365 1 524 524 3 191 2 924 267 122 145 20 20 15 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 10 10 10 2 2 2 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 18 18 3 15 9 9 9 (X) (X) 2 (X) 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) is 5 5 - 2 2 - MUNICIPALITIES SOUTH CAROLINA - - MUNICIPALITIES 5 5 5 MUNICIPALITIES - MUNICIPALITIES 18 LOCAL, TOTAL 18 3 15 9 MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL, TOTAL 9 9 MUNICIPALITIES - STATE LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES . . MUNICIPALITIES - See footnotes at end of table. 250 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 36. Indigent defense expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 2 2 1 2 1 1 186 129 057 980 160 72 72 72 177 269 909 899 11 152 152 150 2 2 186 129 2 057 1 977 80 72 72 72 2 177 269 1 908 1 898 11 152 152 150 2 2 159 129 2 030 1 950 80 72 72 72 2 174 266 1 908 1 896 11 152 152 150 2 27 27 27 3 3 83 83 3 80 1 1 1 (X) (X) 1 (X) 1 1 (X) 83 83 3 80 - - COUNTIES - - - MUNICIPALITIES - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. *For each State, and the United States summary, the expenditure figures shown on the "Local, total" line and the combined State- local total line (the data shown opposite the names of the individual States) exclude duplicative intergovernmental expend- iture amounts. This was done to avoid the artificial inflation which would result if an intergovernmental expenditure amount for one government is tabulated and then counted again when the recipient government (s ) ultimately expend(s) that amount. INDIGENT DEFENSE 251 Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Capital outlay To To County Total D" pf State Total Total local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments 64 989 64 909 64 726 183 182 1 - 80 5 75 ALABAMA: CALHOUN - - _ - - _ - - _ - JEFFERSON _ - _ - - - - - _ - MADISON - - - - - - - - _ - MOBILE _ - - - - _ - - _ - MONTGOMERY _ - - - - - - - _ - TUSCALOOSA 3 - - - - - - 3 3 - ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE . . - - - - - - - - - - ARIZONA: 1 20R 1 208 1 205 3 3 - - - . - PIMA 621 621 604 17 17 m ™ _ ARKANSAS: PULASKI 109 109 109 - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA: 2 556 2 556 2 544 12 12 _ - - _ - 166 166 166 - _ _ - - _ - CONTRA COSTA 936 936 927 9 9 _ - - _ _ 486 486 485 1 1 _ - - _ - 457 457 457 - _ _ _ - _ - LOS ANGELES 11 712 11 712 11 694 18 18 _ - - _ - 407 407 407 - - _ - - _ _ MERCED 83 83 83 - - - - - - - MONTEREY 429 429 427 2 2 _ _ _ . _ 1 766 1 766 1 762 4 4 _ - - _ _ RIVERSIDE 789 789 789 - _ _ _ _ _ _ SACRAMENTO 1 149 1 149 1 148 1 1 _ _ - _ _ SAN BERNARDINO. . . . 868 868 865 3 3 _ - _ _ - SAN DIEGO 3 192 3 192 3 192 - _ _ - - _ _ SAN JOAQUIN 765 7b5 753 12 12 _ - _ _ _ SAN LUIS OBISPO . . . 119 119 119 - - - - - - - 851 851 951 _ _ _ _ m _ SANTA BARBARA .... 453 453 451 2 2 _ - - _ _ 1 435 1 435 1 433 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ SANTA CRUZ 196 196 196 - - _ - - _ _ SOLANO 354 354 351 3 3 _ - _ _ _ SONOMA . 307 307 306 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ STANISLAUS 211 211 211 - - _ _ - _ _ 328 328 327 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ VENTURA 634 634 634 - - - - - - - COLORADO: ADAMS _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ARAPAHOE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EL PASO _ _ m _ _ m _ _ _ JEFFERSON _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PUEBLO - - - - - - - - - - DELAWARE: NEW CASTLE - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA: ALACHUA 16 16 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BREVARD 27 27 27 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BROWARD 11 11 11 - _ _ - . _ - DADE 239 239 239 _ _ _ - _ _ _ ESCAMBIA 63 63 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HILLSBOROUGH 57 57 57 - _ _ _ _ _ _ LEE 18 6 12 18 6 12 17 6 12 1 1 - " ™ - _ PALM BEACH 50 50 48 2 2 _ _ - _ _ 39 39 32 7 7 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 252 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land FLORIDA — CONTINUED 16 16 16 - - - - - _ - 3 3 3 - - - - - _ - VOLUSIA ....... 39 39 39 - - - - - - - PEORGIA: BIBB . . . 45 45 45 - - - - - - - 66 66 66 - - - - - - - COBB 92 Ill 92 111 90 109 2 2 2 2 - - : - _ _ FULTON 312 312 312 - - - - - _ - RICHMOND - - - - - - - - - - IDAHO: ADA 79 79 79 - - - - - - - ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN 77 77 77 - - - - - _ - COOK 2 255 245 2 255 245 2 244 244 11 1 11 1 - : : - _ _ KANE. . . 51 51 51 - - - - - - - LAKE 87 87 87 - - _ _ _ - - LA SALLE 34 34 34 - - - - - - - MCHENRY 47 47 47 - - _ - - _ - 50 50 50 - - - - - - - MACON 62 62 62 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 89 89 88 1 - 1 - - - - PEORIA 67 67 67 - - - - _ _ - ROCK ISLAND 27 27 27 - - - - - _ - ST. CLAIR 114 114 114 - - - - - _ - SANGAMON 44 44 44 - - - - - - - TAZEWELL 26 26 26 - - _ . _ I - WILL 98 118 98 118 98 118 : ~ " *■ : : _ WINNEBAGO - INDIANA: ALLEN ........ 150 150 150 - - _ - - _ - 46 46 46 - - - - ~ _ - ELKHART ....... 31 31 31 _ - - - ~ _ - LAKE 51 21 51 21 50 21 i 1 " : : - _ LA PORTE - MADISON 40 40 40 _ _ _ _ _ _ . 25 25 25 _ - - . _ - - TIPPECANOE 19 19 19 - - - - - - - VANDERBURGH 82 82 82 - - - - - - - 32 32 32 " IOWA: BLACK HAWK 111 111 111 - - - - - - - LINN 114 78 78 - - - - 36 - 3b POLK 194 82 194 65 194 65 : - - : 17 - _ SCOTT 17 WOODBURY 80 80 80 - - - - - - - KANSAS: JOHNSON 14 14 14 - - _ - - - - SEDGWICK _ - _ - - _ - - - - SHAWNEE _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - WYANDOTTE 8 8 8 - - - - - - - KENTUCKY: 83 83 83 - - - - - - - JEFFERSON _ - - - - - - - - - 45 45 45 - - - - - - - LOUISIANA: CADDO 53 53 53 - - - - - - - CALCASIEU 10 10 10 - ' - - - - - - JEFFERSON 7 7 7 - - _ - - - - LAFAYETTE 80 80 79 i 1 - - - - - 28 28 28 - - . - - - - RAPIDES 25 25 25 - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. INDIGENT DEFENSE 253 Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments MAINE: 51 51 51 - - _ - - - - PENOBSCOT 50 50 50 - - - - - - - 10 10 10 - - - - - - - MARYLAND: _ - - - - - - - - - BALTIMORE - - - - - - - - - - 32 32 32 - - - - - - - 3 3 3 - - - - - - - PRINCE GEORGES. , . . 1 1 1 - - - - - - - WASHINGTON. ..... - - - - - - - - - - MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE . - - - - - - - - - 97 97 97 - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - 15? 152 152 - - - - - - - HAMPSHIRE S 8 8 - - - - - - _ MIDDLESEX ...... 272 272 272 - - . - - - - _ - - - - . - - - - PLYMOUTH _ - _ - - - - - - - WORCESTER - - - - - - - - - - MICHIGAN: 94 94 92 2 2 - - - - - 143 143 143 - - - - - - - 94 94 94 - - - - - - - GENESEE ....... 257 257 257 - - - - - - - 205 205 205 - - - - - - - JACKSON 124 124 124 - - . - - - - KALAMAZOO 165 165 165 - - - - - - - KENT 161 161 161 - - - - - - - 232 232 532 _ _ _ - _ _ - MONROE 94 93 93 - - - - 1 1 - MUSKEGON 105 105 105 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45 45 45 - - - - - - - 198 198 198 - - - - - - - ST. CLAIR 87 87 87 - - - - - - - WASHTENAW . 234 234 231 3 3 - - - - - 2 621 2 621 2 621 - - - - - - ~ MINNESOTA: 43 43 43 - - - - - - - 22 - - _ - - - 22 _ 22 HENNEPIN 391 391 389 2 2 - - - - - RAMSEY 84 84 84 - - . - - - - ST. LOUIS 93 93 93 - - - - - - - MISSISSIPPI: 31 31 31 - - - - - - - HINDS 75 75 75 - - - - - - - MISSOURI: 4 4 4 - . - - - - - 2 2 2 - - _ - - - - JACKSON _ - _ - _ _ - - _ - JEFFERSON _ - _ - - _ - - _ - ST. LOUIS ...... 31 31 30 1 1 - - - - - NEBRASKA: DOUGLAS ....... 340 340 340 - - - - - _ - LANCASTER 83 83 83 - - - - - - - NEVADA: 421 421 409 12 12 - - - - - 255 255 253 2 2 ™ - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH _ m _ - _ _ _ - _ - ROCKINGHAM - ~ - - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 254 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Capital outlay To To County Total Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ BERGEN. . . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ BURLINGTON. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAMDEN. . . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ CUMBERLAND. _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ ESSEX . . . 53 53 53 - - _ _ - _ _ GLOUCESTER. _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ HUDSON. . . - - - - - - - - - - MERCER. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . MIDDLESEX . 25 25 25 - - _ _ - _ _ MONMOUTH. . 3 3 3 - - _ - - _ . MORRIS. . . _ - - - _ _ _ - _ _ OCEAN . . . _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ PASSAIC . . _ - _ - . _ _ - _ _ SOMERSET. . 4 4 4 - - _ _ - _ - UNION . . . - - - - - - - - - - NEW MEXICO: BERNALILLO - ~ - - - - - - - - NEW YORK: ALBANY 155 155 153 2 2 _ - - _ _ BROOME. . . 106 106 106 - - _ - - _ - CHAUTAUQUA. 114 114 113 1 1 _ - - _ _ CHEMUNG . . 43 43 42 1 1 _ - - _ _ DUTCHESS. . 163 163 162 1 1 - - - _ - ERIE. . . . 693 693 693 - _ - - - _ - MONROE. . . 445 445 443 2 2 _ _ - _ _ NASSAU. . . 1 202 1 202 1 202 - - - - - _ - NIAGARA . . 117 117 117 - - _ - - _ _ ONEIDA. . . 123 123 123 - - - - - - - ONONDAGA. . 415 415 415 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ORANGE. . . 180 180 180 - - _ - - _ _ OSKEGO. . . 19 19 19 - _ _ _ _ _ _ RENSSELAER. 76 76 76 - _ _ - _ _ _ ROCKLAND. . 222 222 220 2 2 _ - _ _ _ ST. LAWRENCE 36 38 38 - _ _ _ - _ - SARATOGA. . 35 35 35 _ - _ _ _ _ _ SCHENECTADY 40 40 40 - - _ - - _ - SUFFOLK . . 1 043 1 043 1 043 - - _ _ _ _ - ULSTER. . . 49 49 49 - . _ - - _ - WESTCHESTER 695 695 695 - - - - - - - NORTH CAROLINA BUNCOMBE. . _ - _ - _ _ - - _ - CUMBERLAND. _ - _ - _ _ - - _ - DURHAM. . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ FORSYTH . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - GASTON. . . _ - _ - - _ - - _ - GUILFORD. . _ - _ - _ _ - - _ - MECKLENBURG _ - _ - - _ - - _ _ ONSLOW. . . _ - _ - - _ - - . - WAKE. . . . - - - - - - - - - - OHIO: ALLEN 21 21 21 - - . - - - - BUTLER. . . 52 52 52 - - _ - - _ - CLARK . . . 15 15 15 - - _ - - . - COLUMBIANA. 36 36 36 - - _ - - _ - CUYAHOGA. . 1 258 1 258 1 258 - - _ - - _ - FRANKLIN. . 186 186 186 - - - - - - - GREENE. . . 26 26 26 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAMILTON. . 306 306 306 - - _ - - _ - LAKE. . . . 23 23 23 - - _ - - - - LICKING . . 17 17 17 - - _ - - _ - LORAIN. . . 35 35 35 - , - _ - - - - LUCAS . . . 117 117 117 - - _ - - _ - MAHONING. . 3? 32 32 - - - - - - - Sec footnote at end of table INDIGENT DEFENSE 255 Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Direct expenditure Intergovern mental expenditure Capital outlay To To County Total Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments OHIO— CONTINUED MONTGOMERY 80 80 80 - - - - - _ - PORTAGE 60 60 60 - - _ - - _ - RICHLAND 36 36 36 - - _ - - _ _ STARK iOl 101 101 - - _ - - _ - SUMMIT _ - _ - - _ - - _ _ TRUMBULL 61 61 61 - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE 66 66 66 - - _ _ - _ _ OKLAHOMA 146 146 145 1 1 - - - _ - TULSA 199 199 199 - - - - - - - OREGON: CLACKAMAS 72 72 72 - _ _ - _ _ _ LANE 155 155 155 - - _ - - „ - MARION. 91 91 91 - - _ - - _ _ MULTNOMAH ...... 753 753 753 - - _ - _ _ _ WASHINGTON 100 100 100 - - - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: ALLEGHENY ...... 656 656 654 2 2 _ - - _ _ BEAVER. ....... 81 81 81 - - _ _ - _ _ BERKS ... 58 58 57 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ BLAIR 36 36 36 - - _ _ _ _ _ BUCKS 184 184 183 1 1 _ - _ _ _ BUTLER 30 30 30 - - _ _ _ _ _ CAMBRIA 49 49 48 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ CHFSTER 130 130 130 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CUMBERLAND 28 28 28 - - - - - - - DAUPHIN 95 95 95 _ _ _ _ DELAWARE 332 332 332 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ERIE 114 114 114 - _ _ _ _ _ _ FAYETTE 37 37 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FRANKLIN 35 35 35 - _ _ _ _ _ _ LACKAWANNA. ..... 64 64 64 - _ _ _ _ _ _ LANCASTER 62 62 62 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LAWRENCE 30 30 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LEHIGH 6 2 62 62 - - " - - - - LUZERNE 83 83 83 _ . _ LYCOMING 30 30 30 _ _ m _ _ _ _ MERCER. . . 48 48 48 _ _ m _ _ _ _ MONTGOMERY 266 266 266 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NORTHAMPTON ..... 85 85 85 _ _ m _ _ _ _ SCHUYLKILL 46 lib 46 _ _ _ _ _ _ „ WASHINGTON. 49 49 49 _ _ _ _ _ _ WESTMORELAND 66 66 66 _ _ m «. _ _ YORK 36 36 36 - - " - - - - SOUTH CAROLINA: ANDERSON _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHARLESTON 25 25 25 _ _ _ _ _ _ GREENVILLE 33 33 33 _ _ m _ _ _ _ RICHLAND 73 73 73 «, _ _ _ _ «. SPARTANBURG ..... 43 43 43 - - - - - - - TENNESSEE: HAMILTON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KNOX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHELBY. . 286 266 286 . _ _ _ _ _ _ SULLIVAN. ...... 1 1 1 - - - - - - - TEXAS: BELL 21 21 21 _ _ „ _ _ _ _ BEXAR . 285 285 285 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BRAZORIA. . 14 14 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAMERON 33 33 33 _ _ _ _ _ _ DALLAS 543 543 543 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EL PASO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GALVESTON 35 35 35 - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table . 256 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 37. Indigent defense expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land TEXAS— CONTINUED 769 769 769 - - - - - _ - HIDALGO 34 34 34 - - - - - _ - JEFFERSON 48 48 48 - - - - - _ - LUBBOCK 18 18 18 - - - - - _ - MCLENNAN 22 22 22 - - - - - _ - NUECES 67 67 67 - - _ - - _ - 150 150 150 - - - - - - - 118 118 118 - - - - - - - 21 21 21 - - - - - - - UTAH: SALT LAKE 184 184 184 - - - - - - - 24 24 24 - - - - - _ - WEBER 60 60 60 - - - - - - - VIRGINIA: ARLINGTON _ - - - - - - - - - FAIRFAX 73 73 73 - - _ - - _ - HENRICO _ - - - - - - - . - PRINCE WILLIAM. . . . - - - - - - - - - - WASHINGTON: CLARK 56 56 55 1 1 - - - _ - KING 841 41 841 41 816 41 25 25 - _ _ - _ - 155 155 155 - - - - - _ - SNOHOMISH 15? 152 152 - - . - - - - SPOKANE 155 155 155 - - - - - - - YAKIMA. ....... 83 63 83 - - - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: 6 6 6 - - - - - - - 6 6 6 - - - - - - - WISCONSIN: 48 47 47 - - - - 1 1 - DANE 124 78 124 78 124 78 - - - - " - _ KENOSHA - MILWAUKEE 758 758 758 - - - - - - - 18 18 18 - - - - - - - RACINE 182 182 182 - - . - - - - ROCK 74 70 74 70 74 70 : - - - - - .. - WINNEBAGO 45 45 45 - - - - - - " Represents zero or rounds to zero. INDIGENT DEFENSE 257 Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Capital outlay To To Total Direct Total State local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments TOTAL 21 283 21 173 21 151 2? 22 - - 110 - 11U ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM 15 15 15 - - - - - _ - GADSDEN . - - - - - - - _ - HUNTSVILLt. . . . _ - - - - - - - _ - MOBILE _ - _ - - - - - _ - MONTGOMERY. . . , _ - _ - - - - - _ _ TUSCALOOSA. . . . 9 - - - - - - 9 - 9 ARIZONA: MESA 6 6 6 - - - - - _ - PHOENIX 177 177 177 - - - - - _ - SCOTTSDALE. . . . _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ TEMPE _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ TUCSON. ..... 11 11 11 - - - - - - - ARKANSAS: FORT SMITH _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ LITTLE ROCK _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ NORTH LITTLE ROCK . . _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ PINE BLUFF - - - - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA _ - - - - - - - _ _ ALHAMBRA _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ ANAHEIM _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ BAKERSFIELD . . . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ BELLFLOWER. . . . _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ BERKELEY _ - _ - - - _ - _ _ BUENA PARK. . . . _ - _ - - - . _ _ _ BURBANK _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - CARSON _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ ChULA VISTA . . . - - - - - - - - - - COMPTON . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONCORD _ . _ - _ . - _ _ _ COSTA MESA. . . . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ DALY CITY .... _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ DOWNEY _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ EL CAJON _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EL MONTE _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FREMONT - - - - - - - - - - FRESNO _ _ _ _ . _ FULLERTON .... _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ GARDEN GROVE. . . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ GLENDALE _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ HAWTHORNE .... _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ HAYWARD _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON BEACH. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ INGLEWOOD .... _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ LAKEWOOD - - - - - - - - - - LONG BEACH. . . . _ _ _ m _ . _ LOS ANGELES . . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ MODESTO _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ MOUNTAIN VIEW . . _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ NORWALK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OAKLAND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONTARIO _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ORANGE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OXNARD - - - - - - - - - - PALO ALTO .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PASADENA _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ m _ PICO RIVERA . . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ POMONA _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ REDONDO BEACH . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ REDWOOD CITY. . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RICHMOND _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ RIVERSIDE .... - - - - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 258 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land local govern- ments CALIFORNIA—CONTINUED SACRAMENTO _ - - - - - - - - - SALINAS _ - - - - - - - - - SAN BERNARDINO. . . . _ - - - - - - - - - SAM BUENAVENTURA. . . _ - - - - - - - - - SAN DIEGO 182 182 182 - - - - - - - SAN FRANCISCO .... 912 912 910 2 2 - - - - - SAN JOSE _ - _ - - - - - - - SAN LEANDRO - - - - - - - - - -■ SAN MATEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - SANTA ANA _ - - - - - - - - - SANTA BARBARA .... _ - - - - - - - - - SANTA CLARA ..... _ - - - - - - - - - SANTA MONICA _ - _ - - - - - - - SANTA ROSA _ - _ - - - - - _ - SIMI VALLEY _ - - - - - - - - - SOUTH GATE - - - - - - - - - - STOCKTON _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ SUNNYVALE - - - - - - - - - - TORRANCE _ - - - - - - - _ - VALLEJO _ - - - - - - - - - WEST COVINA _ - - - - - - - _ - WESTMINSTER _ - - - - - - - - - WHITTIER - - - - - - - - - - COLORADO: AURORA _ - - - - - - - - - BOULDER _ - _ - - - - - - - COLORADO SPRINGS. . . _ - - - - - - - - - DErlVER 444 444 443 1 1 - - - - - LAKEWOOD 10 10 10 - - - - - _ - PUEBLO - - - - - - - - - - CONNECTICUT: BRIDGEPORT - - - - - - - - - - BRISTOL _ - _ - - - - - - - DANBURY _ - - - - - - - - - HARTFORD _ - - - - - - - _ - MERIDEN _ - - - - - - - - - MILFORD - - - - - - - - - - NEW BRITAIN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW HAVEN 33 33 33 - - - - - - - NORWALK _ - _ - - - - - - - STAMFORD _ - _ - - - - - - - WATERBURY _ - _ - - - - - - - WEST HAVEN - - - - - - - - - - DELAWARE: WILMINGTON - - - - - - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON 1 902 1 902 1 902 - - - - - - - FLORIDA: 10 10 10 - - - - - - - FORT LAUDERDALE . . . 17 17 17 - - - - - - - GAINESVILLE _ - _ - - - - - - - HIALEAH _ - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - JACKSONVILLE 95 95 87 b 8 - - - - - MIAMI - - - - - - - - - - 13 13 13 _ _ - - - _ _ 16 - - - - - - 16 - 16 PENSACOLA _ - _ - - - - - - - ST. PETERSBURG. . . . _ - _ - - - - - - - TALLAHASSEE _ - - - - - - - - - TAMPA _ - _ - - - - - - - WEST PALM BEACH . . . - - - - - - - - - - at end of table. INDIGENT DEFENSE 259 Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure Capital outlay To To City Total Total Direct Total State local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments GEORGIA: ALBANY - - - - - - - - - - ATLANTA - _ - - : - - _ - _ AUGUSTA - COLUMBUS 55 55 52 3 3 - - - - _ MACON ........ _ " " _ HAWAII: HONOLULU - - - - - _ - - - - IDAHO: BOISE CITY - - - - - - - - - - ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS . . _ - - - - - - - _ - AURORA , . . _ - - - - - - - _ - 8ERWYN _ - _ - _ - - - _ - CHAMPAIGN _ - _ - _ - - - _ - CHICAGO _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - CICERO. ....... - - - - - - - - - - DECATUR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ DES PLAINES - - _ - - - - - _ - EAST ST. LOUIS. . . . _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ ELGIN ........ _ - _ - - - - _ _ - EVANSTON. ...... _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ JOLIET - - - - - - - - - - OAK LAWN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OAK PARK _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ PEORIA _ - _ - - - _ - _ - ROCKFORD 4 4 4 - _ - - - _ _ ROCK ISLAND _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - SKOKIE _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ SPRINGFIELD _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - WAUKEGAN - - - - - - - - - - INDIANA: ANDERSON 5 5 5 - _ _ _ _ _ _ EVANSVILLE _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ FORT WAYNE _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ GARY _ - _ - _ - - _ _ - HAMMOND _ - _ - _ _ . _ _ _ INDIANAPOLIS P82 882 882 - _ - _ - _ _ MUNCIE _ - _ - _ - - - _ - SOUTH BEND _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ TERRE HAUTE - - - - - - - - - - IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ DAVENPORT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DES MOINES ..... 20 - _ - _ _ _ 20 _ 20 DUBUQUE . • • * . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIOUX CITY ..... _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WATERLOO. - - - - - - - - - - KANSAS: KANSAS CITY _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OVERLAND PARK .... _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOPEKA _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ WICHITA - - - - - - - - - - KENTUCKY: COVINGTON _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ LEXINGTON 5 5 _ 5 5 - _ _ _ _ LOUISVILLE _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ OWRNSBORO - - - - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 260 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure intergovernmental expenditure City Direct Capital outlay To State To local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments LOUISIANA: BATON ROUtjE 22b 226 22R - - - - - - - 3 3 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - 263 263 263 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAINE: - - - - - - - - - - MARYLAND: BALTIMORE - - - - - - - - - - MASSACHUSETTS: BOSTON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAMBRIDGE _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - LAWRENCE - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - _ - _ " : ™ _ " - - MEDFORD _ - - - - - - - - - NEW BEDFORD _ - - -• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MICHIGAN: - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - DEARBORN HEIGHTS. . . 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 1 457 1 457 1 457 - - - - - - - 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 9 9 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6? 62 62 - - - - - _ - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - 6 6 6 - - - - - - - 18 IB 13 - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - 7 7 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - " U 4 4 - - - - - - - ST. CLAIR SHORES. . . - - - - - - - - - - STERLING HEIGHTS. . . ? 2 2 - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 19 19 19 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - ~ MINNFSOTA: - - - - - - - - - - DULUTh 9 9 9 - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - ROCHESTER . - - - - - - - - - 45 45 45 - - ~ - - - " MISSISSIPPI : - ' - - - - - - - See footnote at end of ta ale. INDIGENT DEFENSE 261 Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct Capital outlay Total To State To current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments MISSOURI: COLUMBIA. . > . • ■ • - - - - - _ - - _ - FLORISSANT. i . t . . - - - - - _ - - _ - INDEPENDENCE i • • • • - - - - - - - _ - KANSAS CITY 30 30 - _ - - - _ - ST. JOSEPH. . . . . . - „ - - - _ _ _ - ST. LOUIS . .... 1? 12 12 - . - - - _ - SPRINGFIELD .... - - - - - - " - - MONTANA: 6 6 - - - - - _ - GREAT FALLS .... 1 1 1 - - - - - - - NEBRASKA: LINCOLN . . .... - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - NEVADA: LAS VEGAS . .... - _ - - - - - _ - RENO. . . . .... - - - - - - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: MANCHESTER. .... - _ - - - - - _ - NASHUA. . . .... - - - - - - - - - NEW JERSEY: BAYONNE . . .... - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ BLOOMFIELD. .... - _ - _ - _ . _ - CAMDEN. . . .... - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ CLIFTON . . .... - - _ - _ - _ _ _ . EAST ORANGE .... - - _ - _ - _ - _ _ ELIZABETH . .... - _ - _ - _ - _ - IRVINGTON . .... - - - - - - - - - JERSEY CITY - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEWARK. . . .... - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .... - _ - _ - - - _ _ PATERSON. . .... - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ TRENTON . . .... 3 3 3 - _ - _ - _ _ UNION CITY. .... - - - - - - - - - NEW MEXICO: ALBUQUERQUE .... - - - - - - - - - NEW YORK: ALBANY. . . .... — - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ BINGHAMTON. .... — - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ BUFFALO . . .... 55 55 55 _ _ - - _ _ _ MOUNT VERNON .... - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ NEW ROCHELLE .... - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ NEW YORK C IT> ' . . . . 10 107 10 107 10 107 - _ - _ _ _ _ NIAGARA FALL! - - - - - - - - - ROCHESTER . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROME. . . . .... - _ _ _ - - _ _ . SCHENECTADY .... _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ SYRACUSE. . .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TROY. . . . .... - _ _ _ - _ _ m _ UTICA . . . .... - _ _ _ - _ _ m _ WHITE PLAINS • • ■ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YONKERS . . .... - - - - - - - - - NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE . .... - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ CHARLOTTE . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ DURHAM. . . „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FAYETTEVILLE .... - _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ GREENSBORO. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ HIGH POINT. .... _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ RALEIGH . . .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WINSTON-SALEf 1 . . . . - - - - - - - _ - See footnote at end of table. 262 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land NORTH DAKOTA: FAPGO - - - - - - - - - - OHIO: AKRON _ - - - - - - - - - CANTON - - - - - - - - - - CINCINNATI _ - - - - - - - - - CLEVELAND _ - - - - - - - - - CLEVELAND HEIGHTS . . - - - - - - - - - - 6° 89 89 - - - - - - - DAYTON 102 102 102 - - - - - - - F.LYRIA _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - HAMILTON 7 7 7 - - - - - ' " - KETTERING _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - LAKEWOOD - - - - - - - - - - LIMA 8 5 8 5 7 5 1 1 - - - - _ - MANSFIELD 3 3 3 - - - - - - - PARMA _ - - - - - - - - - SPRINGFIELD 28 28 28 - - - - - - - TOLEDO - - - - - - - - - - WARREN _ - - - - - - - - - YOUNGSTOWN 24 24 24 - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA: 20 20 20 - - - - - - - NORMAN - - - - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA CITY .... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - OREGON: 19 19 19 - - - - - - - PORTLAND - - - - - - - - - - SALEM . - - - - - - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: - - - - - - - - - - ALTOONA _ - - - - - - - - - BETHLEHEM _ - _ - - - - - - - CHESTER _ - - - - - - - - - ERIE - - - - - ~ _ _ - • - LANCASTER - - - - - - - - - - 3 457 3 457 3 457 _ . - _ _ _ - PITTSBURGH _ - - - - - - - - - READING _ - - - - - - - - - SCRANTON _ - - - - - - - - - WILKES-BARRE _ - - - - - - - - - YORK " - RHODE ISLAND: CRANSTON _ - - - - - - - - - PAWTUCKET _ - - - - - - - - - PROVIDENCE _ - - - - - - - - - WARWICK - - - - - - - - - - SOUTH CAROLINA: CHARLESTON _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOUTH DAKOTA: SIOUX FALLS - - - - - - - - - - TENNESSEE: CHATTANOOGA _ - _ - - - - - - - KNOXVILLE _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . 144 144 142 2 2 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. INDIGENT DEFENSE 263 Table 38. Indigent defense expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Capital outlay To To Direct State local Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments TEXAS: ABILENE _ - - - - - - - - - AMARILLO. . , _ - - - - - - - - - ARLINGTON . . _ - - - - - - - - - AUSTIN. . . . _ - - - - - - - _ - REAUMONT. . . _ - - - - - - - _ - BROWNSVILLE . _ - - - - - - - _ - CORPUS CHRISTI _ - - - - - - - _ - DALLAS. . . . _ - - - - - - - _ - EL PASO . . . - - - - - - - - - - FORT WORTH. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GALVESTON . . - - - - - - - - _ - GARLAND . . . - - - - - - - - _ - GRAND PRAIRIE _ - _ - - - - - _ - HOUSTON . . . _ - - - - - - - _ - IRVING. . . . _ - - - - - - - _ - LAREDO. . . . _ - _ - - - - - _ - LUBBOCK . . . - - _ - - - . - _ - MESQUITE. . . - - " - - - - - - - MIDLAND . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ODESSA. . . . _ - _ - - - - - _ - PASADENA. . . _ - - - _ - - - _ _ PORT ARTHUR . _ - _ - - - - - _ _ SAN ANGELO. . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ SAN ANTONIO . _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ TYLER .... _ - _ - - - - - _ . WACO _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ WICHITA FALLS - - - - - - - - - - UTAH: OGDEN _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ PROVO _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ SALT LAKE CITY. . . . - - - - - - - - - - VIRGINIA: ALEXANDRIA 21 21 21 - - - _ - _ _ CHESAPEAKE. . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAMPTON . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LYNCHBURG . . 16 16 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEWPORT NEWS. 3 3 3 - _ _ _ _ _ _ NORFOLK . . . 71 74 in _ _ - _ _ _ _ PORTSMOUTH. . _ - _ - _ - _ _ m _ RICHMOND. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROANOKE , . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIRGINIA BEACH - - - - - - - - - - WASHINGTON: bellevue _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Everett . . . ■ « • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SEATTLE . . . • • ■ 65 _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 _ 65 SPOKANE . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TACOMA. . . . . . . 6 6 6 - - - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: CHARLESTON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON - - - - - - - - - - WISCONSIN: APPLETON _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ GREEN BAY . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KENOSHA . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LA CROSSE . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MADISON . . , _ _ „ _ _ - _ _ _ MILWAUKEE . . 10 10 10 _ _ - _ _ _ _ OSHKOSH . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RACINE. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAUWAJOSA . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WEST ALLIS. . - - - - - - - - - - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Section VII. CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS 265 Table 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expe nditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments UNITED STATES, TOTAL . . MUNICIPALITIES . . . 3 025 867 1 895 434 1 240 815 917 427 342 367 25 573 18 302 8 672 6 789 2 074 13 827 13 680 804 11 793 32 766 16 893 15 874 15 183 780 13 730 12 348 3 001 2 467 564 550 947 260 371 317 932 306 373 12 539 33 639 25 652 8 437 4 728 3 739 39 775 39 731 44 44 9 662 9 062 57 730 57 730 57 730 125 058 93 252 31 806 24 941 7 006 80 421 55 771 25 250 22 428 3 042 3 025 867 1 812 529 1 213 338 881 726 331 612 25 573 16 901 8 672 6 776 1 897 13 827 13 086 741 741 32 766 16 893 15 873 15 180 692 13 730 10 729 3 001 2 465 535 550 947 233 788 317 159 304 933 12 226 33 639 25 217 8 422 4 713 3 709 39 775 39 731 44 44 9 66? 9 662 57 730 57 730 57 730 125 058 93 252 31 806 24 940 6 866 80 421 55 171 25 250 22 365 2 885 2 779 498 1 688 071 1 091 427 789 613 301 814 22 172 14 762 7 410 5 556 1 d55 10 601 9 890 711 711 25 840 14 553 11 287 10 600 687 10 250 7 902 2 348 1 870 477 522 015 230 462 291 553 279 407 12 146 30 290 24 773 5 517 2 450 3 067 35 070 35 02b 44 44 6 851 8 851 50 026 50 026 50 026 115 737 85 041 30 696 23 905 6 791 64 590 43 034 21 556 18 786 2 770 246 369 124 458 121 911 92 112 29 800 3 401 2 139 1 262 1 220 42 3 226 3 196 30 30 6 926 2 340 4 586 4 580 5 3 480 2 827 653 595 58 28 932 3 326 25 606 25 526 60 3 350 444 2 906 2 263 642 4 705 4 705 811 811 7 704 7 704 7 704 9 320 8 211 1 109 1 035 75 15 830 12 137 3 693 3 579 115 129 82 46 35 10 1 1 1 1 28 26 1 1 361 905 456 702 755 592 401 191 14 178 657 594 63 11 52 91 91 3 88 649 619 30 2 28 336 583 753 440 313 479 435 44 15 30 141 141 1 140 820 600 220 63 157 27 477 (X) 27 477 22 007 5 469 (X) 63 (X) 63 11 52 1 (X) 1 1 (X) 773 (X) 773 739 34 14 (X) 14 14 (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) 1 1 (X) 101 885 82 905 18 980 13 694 5 285 1 592 1 401 191 14 17a 594 594 90 90 3 MUNICIPALITIES 87 1 649 1 619 30 STATE COUNTIES 28 27 563 26 583 980 701 STATE COUNTIES 279 465 435 LOCAL, TOTAL 30 MUNICIPALITIES 30 - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - MUNICIPALITIES 140 140 1 139 820 MUNICIPALITIES 220 63 MUNICIPALITIES 157 See footnotes at end of table 266 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Di rect expendit ire Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 7 520 6 353 1 167 227 940 9 617 7 751 1 900 1 873 44 115 008 75 389 41 662 40 932 5 435 42 421 28 638 15 235 10 977 4 258 25 818 19 216 7 894 7 682 405 29 925 ?4 994 4 932 4 034 928 25 966 18 462 7 506 7 032 895 35 138 22 937 12 201 6 039 6 311 10 677 9 422 1 255 1 265 15 82 532 69 604 13 081 6 297 6 786 86 753 56 624 28 152 20 984 7 207 117 698 62 285 59 162 54 638 6 912 7 520 6 353 1 167 227 940 9 617 7 751 1 866 1 838 27 115 008 73 346 41 662 36 280 5 382 42 421 28 638 13 763 9 998 3 785 25 818 18 734 7 084 6 809 275 29 925 24 994 4 931 4 025 906 25 966 18 462 7 504 6 987 517 35 138 22 937 12 201 5 993 6 208 10 677 9 422 1 255 1 255 82 532 69 451 13 061 6 294 6 766 86 753 58 609 28 144 20 965 7 179 117 698 61 173 56 525 50 266 6 259 7 472 6 314 1 158 226 932 5 506 4 650 856 829 27 102 431 71 623 30 808 30 536 272 38 761 26 491 12 270 8 939 3 331 24 512 17 740 6 772 6 498 274 27 767 23 339 4 428 3 541 887 23 990 17 406 6 584 6 070 514 32 701 21 992 10 709 5 682 5 026 9 689 6 505 1 184 1 184 78 932 66 303 12 129 5 725 6 404 81 289 55 300 25 989 18 967 7 022 106 546 54 926 51 620 "5 457 6 163 48 39 9 1 8 4 110 3 101 1 009 1 009 12 576 1 723 10 853 5 744 5 110 3 660 2 147 1 513 1 058 455 1 306 994 312 311 1 2 159 1 655 504 484 19 1 977 1 056 921 917 3 2 437 945 1 492 312 1 180 988 917 71 71 3 599 2 648 951 569 382 5 463 3 309 2 154 1 998 157 11 152 6 247 4 905 4 609 96 51 51 35 16 6 748 2 043 4 705 4 653 53 1 451 1 451 979 472 1 484 482 1 002 873 130 31 31 9 22 423 423 45 378 150 150 46 104 25 25 11 15 156 153 3 3 62 15 47 19 28 6 137 1 112 5 025 4 372 653 (X) 34 (X) 34 34 (X) 1 451 (X) 1 451 979 472 810 (X) 810 810 1 (X) 1 1 2 (XI 2 2 (X) (X) (X) 6 (XI 8 8 2 637 (X) 2 637 2 637 17 17 1 16 6 748 2 043 4 705 4 653 53 - 674 STATE 482 MUNICIPALITIES 192 63 130 30 30 9 21 421 421 43 MUNICIPALITIES 378 150 PARISHES 150 46 MUNICIPALITIES MAINE 104 25 STATE COUNTIES 25 11 MUNICIPALITIES 15 156 STATE 153 3 3 MUNICIPALITIES MASSACHUSETTS 54 15 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES 39 19 MUNICIPALITIES MICHIGAN 19 3 500 1 112 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES 2 38b 1 734 MUNICIPALITIES 653 See footnotes at end oi table. CORRECTIONS Table 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) 267 Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 41 554 25 089 16 994 16 492 1 525 13 855 11 706 2 149 1 645 561 46 179 25 410 20 853 10 773 10 129 8 663 7 090 1 573 1 468 109 12 700 9 133 3 580 3 246 515 14 910 9 144 6 277 5 653 772 5 655 4 087 1 587 1 371 230 HO 659 62 747 47 936 47 853 167 10 454 7 319 3 135 1 734 1 487 373 619 206 798 203 430 74 405 129 040 71 131 60 852 10 293 10 231 126 4 097 3 638 459 424 56 41 554 24 651 16 903 15 446 1 458 13 855 11 706 2 149 1 645 504 46 179 25 410 20 769 10 662 10 107 8 663 7 090 1 573 1 468 105 12 700 9 133 3 567 3 167 401 14 910 8 633 6 277 5 652 625 5 655 4 087 1 568 1 360 208 110 659 62 747 47 912 47 829 63 10 454 7 319 3 135 1 700 1 435 373 619 177 331 196 288 67 579 128 708 71 131 60 852 10 279 10 154 126 4 097 3 638 459 422 37 40 422 23 938 16 484 15 192 1 292 11 918 9 876 2 042 1 545 497 42 538 23 738 18 800 9 311 9 488 7 786 6 487 1 299 1 193 105 11 539 b 458 3 081 2 680 401 13 804 7 648 6 156 5 540 616 5 530 4 023 1 507 1 305 202 99 467 53 616 45 851 45 768 83 9 922 7 226 2 696 1 268 1 429 352 299 168 279 184 020 64 699 119 321 64 197 56 022 8 175 8 054 121 3 597 3 138 459 421 37 1 132 713 419 254 165 1 937 1 830 107 100 7 3 642 1 672 1 970 1 351 618 877 603 274 274 1 162 675 467 487 1 106 985 121 112 9 125 64 61 54 7 11 192 9 131 2 061 2 061 531 93 438 432 6 21 320 9 052 12 268 2 680 9 388 6 934 4 830 2 104 2 099 5 500 500 1 551 438 1 113 1 046 67 57 57 57 132 132 110 22 4 4 3 194 194 80 114 659 511 148 1 147 32 32 11 21 108 108 24 84 86 86 34 52 36 625 29 467 7 158 6 826 332 77 77 77 21 21 2 19 90 (X) 90 90 (X) 84 (X) 84 84 (X) 12 (X) 12 6 6 (X) 19 (X) 19 2 17 24 (X) 24 24 (X) 7 143 (X) 7 143 6 811 332 13 (X) 13 13 (X) 1 461 438 STATE 1 023 956 67 57 57 57 48 STATE COUNTIES 4a 22 3 3 3 181 181 73 MUNICIPALITIES 106 659 148 1 147 MUNICIPALITIES 14 MUNICIPALITIES 5 84 84 84 86 LOCAL, TOTAL 86 MUNICIPALITIES 52 29 482 29 467 15 MUNICIPALITIES NORTH CAROLINA 64 LOCAL, TOTAL 64 MUNICIPALITIES 21 STATE 21 2 19 MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table. 268 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fisca! year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Di rect expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 135 338 98 847 37 303 32 822 8 956 20 693 16 424 4 270 3 096 1 185 34 662 23 263 11 413 11 172 296 146 698 84 261 81 948 46 818 35 503 10 343 10 343 39 247 30 211 9 218 8 756 482 5 049 3 928 1 121 1 110 90 46 232 30 978 18 022 14 557 4 102 88 399 49 852 38 548 34 290 4 899 11 350 8 897 2 904 2 852 86 7 833 7 818 15 15 2 63 345 51 548 17 730 7 277 10 900 135 338 98 091 37 247 28 735 8 512 20 693 16 423 4 270 3 096 1 175 34 662 23 263 11 399 11 140 259 146 698 78 033 68 665 37 698 30 967 10 343 10 343 39 247 30 211 9 036 8 573 462 5 049 3 923 1 121 1 086 34 46 232 28 223 18 009 14 478 3 531 88 399 49 852 38 547 34 137 4 410 11 350 8 446 2 904 2 838 66 7 833 7 818 15 15 63 345 45 640 17 705 7 042 10 663 129 799 96 193 33 606 25 519 6 087 19 501 15 476 4 025 2 889 1 136 33 574 .12 814 iO 760 10 595 165 136 169 77 047 59 122 30 007 29 115 9 839 9 839 29 461 21 661 7 800 7 391 409 3 620 2 771 849 815 34 40 234 25 430 14 804 11 302 3 502 80 573 45 845 34 728 30 341 4 387 10 255 7 813 2 442 2 385 5tt 6 024 6 010 14 14 59 324 44 178 15 146 5 259 9 887 5 539 1 898 3 641 3 216 426 1 192 947 245 207 38 1 089 449 640 545 95 10 529 986 9 543 7 691 1 852 504 504 9 786 8 550 1 236 1 183 53 1 429 1 157 272 272 5 998 2 793 3 205 3 176 29 7 825 4 007 3 818 3 796 22 1 094 633 461 453 8 1 809 1 808 1 1 4 021 1 462 2 559 1 783 776 5 287 756 4 531 4 087 444 11 1 10 10 69 69 32 36 19 884 6 228 13 656 9 119 4 536 202 202 183 20 79 79 24 56 3 405 2 755 650 79 571 642 642 153 490 486 451 35 15 20 2 2 2 6 380 5 908 472 235 236 56 (X) 56 56 (X) 14 (X) 14 13 1 13 283 (X) 13 283 8 769 4 514 (X) 183 (X) 183 183 (X) 13 (X) 13 11 3 1 (X) 1 1 (X) (X) 25 (X) 2b 25 5 231 756 4 475 4 031 444 11 1 10 10 55 55 19 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES ...... STATE 35 6 601 6 22a 373 350 23 20 COUNTIES 20 20 79 MUNICIPALITIES 79 24 56 3 392 2 755 COUNTIES 637 69 TEXAS 568 641 LOCAL, TOTAL 641 152 UTAH 490 486 451 35 14 VERMONT 20 2 2 MUNICIPALITIES VIRGINIA 2 6 354 STATE 5 908 446 235 MUNICIPALITIES 211 See footnotes at end of table CORRECTIONS Table 39. Corrections expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) 269 State and type of government Total 1 Direct expenditure Direct current Capital outlay Intergovernmental expenditure To State governments To local gover WASHINGTON .... STATE LOCAL, TOTAL . . COUNTIES . . . MUNICIPALITIES WEST VIRGINIA. . . STATE LOCAL, TOTAL . . COUNTIES . . . MUNICIPALITIES WISCONSIN STATE LOCAL, TOTAL . . COUNTIES . . . MUNICIPALITIES WYOMING STATE LOCAL, TOTAL . . COUNTIES . . . MUNICIPALITIES 58 502 42 253 17 583 15 825 2 252 14 488 9 963 4 527 4 569 173 53 965 41 114 13 5P6 13 616 56 4 047 3 384 664 458 223 58 502 40 920 17 582 15 650 1 932 14 48R 9 963 4 525 4 518 8 53 965 41 09U 12 871 12 871 4 047 3 384 663 457 2 06 56 196 40 517 15 679 13 756 1 923 11 018 7 859 3 159 3 152 51 931 39 402 12 529 12 529 3 922 3 384 538 457 81 2 306 403 1 903 1 894 8 470 104 366 366 034 692 342 342 125 125 125 1 628 1 333 495 175 320 217 217 51 165 822 20 802 745 56 16 18 1 17 1 (X) 1 2 (X) 2 2 715 (X) 715 715 1 (X) 1 1 827 333 494 175 320 215 215 50 165 106 20 8b 30 56 17 17 1 16 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. 'For each State, and the United States summary, the expenditure figures shown on the "local, total" line and the combined State- local total line (the data shown opposite the names of the individual States) exclude duplicative intergovernmental expend- iture amounts. This was done to avoid the artificial inflation which would result if an intergovernmental expenditure amount for one government is tabulated and then counted again when the recipient government (s ) ultimately expend(s) that amount. 270 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 40. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of State governments, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Institutions Corrections adminis- tration Probation, parole, and pardon State Total direct current expenditure Total For men for women For juveniles Other and combined Miscel- laneous 1 688 071 1 316 804 822 970 37 593 375 351 80 890 116 662 228 905 25 700 14 762 12 569 9 352 677 2 540 _ (NA ) 2 058 135 9 890 7 615 2 180 - 3 165 2 270 362 1 490 423 1U 553 11 121 2 505 - 2 357 6 259 1 180 1 908 344 7 902 7 199 4 564 105 2 530 - 22 599 82 230 1462 181 495 135 062 5 546 40 887 - 13 669 33 870 1 428 24 773 19 243 13 169 (NA ) 6 074 _ (NA ) 5 483 47 35 026 24 648 17 734 1 851 3 589 1 474 4 710 5 325 343 8 851 6 832 4 203 197 2 432 - 1 345 636 38 85 041 54 884 35 049 170 16 748 2 917 3 977 26 180 - 43 034 28 657 19 133 529 8 995 - 5 877 8 500 - 6 314 4 903 (NA ) _ 1 335 3 568 275 1 134 2 4 650 71 623 4 038 53 029 2 892 32 034 83 1 430 1 063 19 565 - (NA ) 9 971 612 8 623 _ 26 491 21 390 16 435 771 4 184 - 1 647 1 400 2 054 17 740 23 339 15 881 22 518 10 627 10 804 547 592 4 7 07 3 660 7 462 408 204 956 617 17 406 13 444 9 072 468 3 904 _ 582 2 560 820 21 992 15 868 9 244 584 6 040 - 1 287 4 760 77 8 505 66 803 7 302 49 246 3 518 28 947 392 1 300 3 392 15 232 3 767 47 3 780 833 13 603 323 174 55 300 45 975 28 332 2 006 15 637 _ 5 359 3 915 51 54 926 47 242 26 133 - 21 109 - 2 970 4 714 - 23 938 18 174 10 963 652 559 - 4 617 162 985 9 876 8 556 - - 1 907 6 649 102 1 218 - 23 738 17 702 13 487 326 3 889 - 2 215 3 600 221 6 487 5 276 3 542 16 1 718 _ 37 6 835 _ 8 458 7 062 4 908 328 1 826 - 177 1 219 - 7 648 6 049 3 796 - 2 253 - (NA ) 1 599 - 4 023 3 175 1 510 - 1 665 - (NA) 848 - 53 616 43 705 19 766 2 869 11 619 9 451 5 092 4 595 224 7 226 5 384 3 196 48 2 140 _ 158 1 684 _ 168 279 130 987 87 834 1 975 19 934 21 244 9 312 19 551 8 429 NORTH CAROLINA .... 56 022 42 213 31 153 1 524 10 536 - 2 993 7 159 2 657 3 138 2 848 1 371 50 1 427 - (NA) 290 - 96 193 15 476 73 527 12 653 40 490 9 446 2 313 263 23 375 2 944 7 349 15 736 932 6 443 1 891 487 22 814 17 988 10 756 325 6 907 - 1 291 3 535 - 77 047 64 270 36 922 2 253 25 095 - 2 167 9 048 1 562 9 839 7 149 5 657 (NA ) 1 492 - 787 1 903 - SOUTH CAROLINA .... 21 661 13 903 8 773 457 4 673 - 2 433 2 044 3 281 2 77 1 2 286 _ . 722 1 564 141 317 27 25 430 21 056 13 235 723 7 098 - 818 3 556 - 45 845 39 830 27 067 1 216 11 547 - 2 605 3 410 - 7 813 6 010 5 274 4 895 2 325 - 1 747 2 122 3 527 448 118 199 2 366 799 117 44 178 37 640 27 356 1 876 8 408 _ 2 197 3 502 839 40 517 30 474 17 571 1 309 11 094 - 187 9 856 - 7 859 6 781 4 378 180 2 223 - (NA) 1 078 - 39 402 28 795 15 068 1 111 9 675 2 941 4 251 6 356 - 3 384 3 053 1 411 31 1 611 - 86 245 - - Represents zero (NA) Not available rounds to CORRECTIONS 271 Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct ex Denditure Intergovernmental ex penditure County Capital outlay To To Total Direct Total State local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments 770 553 738 520 669 479 69 041 11 733 56 498 810 32 033 20 265 11 768 ALABAMA: 254 254 148 106 6 100 - - - - 1 968 1 968 1 964 it 4 _ - - _ - 292 280 278 ? 2 _ - 12 - 12 1 500 1 500 584 916 _ 916 - - - - MONTGOMERY 444 444 442 2 2 _ - - . - 254 254 253 1 1 - - - - - ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE . . 11 - - - - - - 11 11 - ARIZONA: MARICOPA 9 294 9 294 5 114 4 180 32 4 148 - - - - 3 875 3 872 3 809 63 63 - - 3 - i ARKANSAS: PULASKI 653 653 436 217 2 215 - - - - CALIFORNIA: 21 524 21 478 20 882 596 195 401 - 46 46 - 1 044 1 035 938 97 1 96 - 9 9 - CONTRA COSTA. .... 10 569 10 537 10 298 239 38 201 - 32 32 - FRESNO 5 896 5 595 5 477 118 27 82 9 301 16 285 KERN 5 451 5 451 5 249 202 60 142 - - _ - LOS ANGELES 107 049 106 773 93 304 13 469 776 12 693 - 276 276 - 3 386 3 331 3 344 37 13 24 - 5 5 - MERCED 1 053 1 048 1 024 24 23 1 - 5 5 - 3 001 2 993 2 962 31 31 _ _ 8 8 _ 21 424 21 396 19 619 1 777 1 710 67 - 28 28 - RIVERSIDE 9 442 9 442 8 128 1 314 72 1 015 227 - _ - SACRAMENTO 11 212 11 212 10 179 1 033 65 968 - - _ - SAN BERNARDINO. . . . 11 093 11 060 10 604 456 56 400 - 33 33 - SAN DIEGO 22 841 22 841 22 560 281 281 _ - - _ - 4 829 4 801 4 636 165 95 70 - 28 28 - SAN LUIS OBISPO . . . 1 046 1 040 1 018 22 9 13 - 6 6 - 10 890 10 890 10 482 408 30 378 _ _ _ _ SANTA BARBARA .... 4 968 4 967 4 339 628 49 579 - 1 1 - SANTA CLARA 14 876 14 876 14 829 47 47 - - _ - SANTA CRUZ 1 693 1 682 1 677 5 5 _ - 11 11 - SOLANO 2 546 2 546 2 495 51 49 2 - - _ - SONOMA 4 404 4 404 2 953 1 451 47 1 404 - - _ - STANISLAUS 3 013 2 888 2 773 115 20 95 - 125 125 - TULARE 2 494 2 485 2 375 110 8 40 62 9 9 - VENTURA 5 255 5 042 4 960 82 11 71 - 213 28 185 COLORADO: 232 219 217 2 2 ! - 13 13 - ARAPAHOE 249 249 249 - _ _ - _ - BOULDER 239 239 238 1 1 _ - - _ - EL PASO 2 393 2 393 418 1 975 - 1 975 - _ _ - JEFFERSON 265 265 265 - _ _ - - _ - PUEBLO 19? 192 192 - - - - - - - DELAWARE: NEW CASTLE - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA: 558 558 537 21 4 17 - _ _ - BREVARD ....... 594 594 594 - _ _ - - _ _ BROWARD . . 2 684 2 684 2 472 212 23 189 - - _ - DADE 6 857 6 857 6 519 338 59 279 - - _ - ESCAMBIA 794 794 788 6 6 _ - - _ - HILLSBOROUGH 2 869 2 869 2 664 205 205 _ - - _ _ LEE 331 308 1 171 331 308 1 171 330 307 1 160 1 1 11 1 1 11 *" - " ~ _ LEON ORANGE _ PALM BEACH 1 585 1 585 1 579 6 5 1 - - _ - 862 862 829 33 33 - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 272 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land local govern- ments FLORIDA—CONTINUED POLK 834 267 834 287 812 286 22 1 19 1 - 3 - - _ - 856 856 827 29 26 3 - - - - GEORGIA: BIBB 571 571 564 7 7 - - - - - CHATHAM 603 603 603 - - - - - - - COBB 690 1 378 690 1 378 651 1 296 39 82 39 6 76 _ - - _ - 5 500 5 500 4 471 1 029 999 30 - - - - 937 937 867 50 33 - 17 - - - IDAHO: ADA 353 338 209 129 129 15 15 _ ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN 366 366 365 1 - 1 - - - - COOK 26 933 1 186 23 107 1 186 18 209 1 162 4 898 24 1 273 3 3 625 21 _ 3 826 - 3 826 KANE 966 692 174 966 692 174 823 687 168 143 5 6 5 6 143 - - _ LAKE _ - 392 381 380 1 1 - - 11 - 11 MCLEAN 216 216 216 - - - - - - - MACON 244 244 243 1 1 _ . - _ - 654 652 633 19 9 10 - 2 - 2 534 534 521 13 13 - - - - - ROCK ISLAND 549 549 534 15 7 8 - - _ - ST. CLAIR 1 272 667 666 1 1 - - 605 - 605 SANGAMON 516 516 510 6 6 - - - - - TAZEWELL 138 138 137 1 1 - - - - - WILL 328 742 328 742 328 724 lb 18 ™ - : - _ WINNEBAGO - INDIANA: 1 472 1 207 1 193 14 5 - 9 265 265 - 486 402 326 76 3 73 - 84 84 - 487 413 408 5 5 - - 74 74 - LAKE 1 197 385 874 385 870 382 4 3 4 3 - - 323 323 _ LA PORTE. ...... - 398 360 357 3 3 - - 38 38 - ST. JOSEPH 652 652 652 - - - - - - - TIPPECANOE 233 230 215 15 12 3 - 3 3 - 618 571 571 - - - - 47 47 - VIGO 624 624 544 80 3 77 - IOWA: 590 575 574 1 1 - - 15 15 - LINN 658 3 132 527 423 2 975 304 414 2 908 275 9 67 29 9 56 2 27 11 235 157 223 235 157 223 - _ - WOODBURY 334 232 223 9 1 8 - 102 102 - KANSAS: 458 458 444 14 14 - - - - - 1 015 1 015 936 79 79 - - - - - SHAWNEE 583 583 572 11 11 - - - - - WYANDOTTE 370 370 363 7 6 1 - - - - KENTUCKY: 934 934 362 572 14 558 - - - - JEFFERSON 2 837 2 796 2 752 44 44 - - 41 - 41 306 306 305 1 1 - - - - - LOUISIANA: 899 899 885 14 14 - - - - - 490 490 490 - - - - - - - JEFFERSON 764 764 762 2 2 - - - - - 316 316 314 2 2 _ - - - - OUACHITA 335 335 335 - - - - - - - 270 270 270 - - - - - - - CORRECTIONS 273 Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Direct Capital outlay To To Total Total State local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments MAINE: 292 292 273 19 10 9 - - - - 95 95 90 5 5 _ - - _ - YORK 101 101 96 5 3 2 _ MARYLAND: ANNE ARUNDEL 549 549 549 - - - - - _ - 1 278 1 273 1 245 33 33 _ - . _ - 360 357 351 6 6 - - 3 _ 3 MONTGOMERY 1 570 1 570 1 125 445 1 444 - - _ - PRINCE GEORGES. , . . 1 161 1 161 1 111 50 21 29 - - _ - WASHINGTON 309 309 308 1 1 - - - - - MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE 636 636 630 6 6 - - - _ - 1 438 1 424 1 404 20 20 - - 14 _ 14 2 255 2 255 2 251 4 2 2 - - _ - 2 167 2 167 2 167 - _ _ - - _ - 662 662 658 4 4 - - - _ - MIDDLESEX 5 586 5 586 5 509 77 39 38 - - _ - NORFOLK 1 438 1 434 1 424 10 5 5 - 4 _ 4 1 842 1 842 1 711 131 130 1 - - _ - WORCESTER 3 891 3 891 2 177 1 714 13 1 701 - - - - MICHIGAN: BAY 526 2 479 463 2 282 462 1 169 1 1 113 1 1 091 22 - 63 197 63 192 _ 5 1 088 1 057 1 054 3 3 _ - 31 31 - GENESEE 2 394 2 117 2 073 44 13 31 - 277 277 - 1 320 1 283 1 283 - - - - 37 11 26 1 029 875 844 31 27 4 - 154 154 - 2 204 2 181 1 780 401 284 117 - 23 23 - KENT 2 786 1 733 2 701 1 695 1 698 1 694 1 003 1 17 1 986 85 38 85 38 _ 397 343 342 1 1 - - 54 54 - MUSKEGON 1 008 904 762 142 1 141 - 104 104 - 6 540 6 473 5 081 1 392 6 1 386 - 67 67 - 454 407 405 2 2 _ - 47 45 2 SAGINAW 949 883 879 4 4 _ - 66 66 - ST. CLAIR 799 691 669 22 15 7 - 108 108 - 1 921 1 886 1 860 26 22 4 - 35 35 - WAYNE 20 463 17 862 17 562 300 27 273 - 2 601 1 007 1 594 MINNESOTA! ANOKA 325 325 324 1 1 - - - _ - DAKOTA 188 188 188 - _ - - - _ - HENNEPIN 6 360 6 097 6 058 39 39 _ - 263 _ 263 RAMSEY 4 037 4 037 4 016 21 21 _ - - _ - ST. LOUIS 2 047 1 503 1 334 169 2 167 - 544 - 544 MISSISSIPPI: 210 210 190 20 20 - - - _ - 241 241 206 35 - 35 - - - - MISSOURI: 565 210 561 208 470 208 91 4 70 17 4 2 4 2 _ GREENE _ JACKSON 4 144 4 074 3 904 170 42 128 - 70 70 - JEFFERSON 99 97 94 3 3 _ - 2 2 - ST. LOUIS 3 600 3 600 2 858 742 92 650 - - - - NEBRASKA: 1 339 1 339 1 337 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ LANCASTER 415 359 343 16 - 16 - 56 - 56 NEVADA: CLARK 3 824 3 824 3 754 70 56 14 - - _ - 1 025 1 025 1 on 14 14 - - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH 439 4 39 435 4 1 3 - - _ - 150 148 130 18 18 - 2 - 2 See footnote at end of table. 274 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To local govern- ments Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC 1 855 1 855 1 310 545 4 541 - - - - BERGEN. . 3 297 3 297 3 120 177 - 177 - - _ - BURLINGTON 1 15? 1 155 1 155 - - - - - - - Camden. . 2 875 2 868 2 581 287 - 287 - 7 7 - CUMBERLAND 727 727 691 36 - 36 - - - - ESSEX . . 13 617 13 647 13 576 71 6 65 - - - - GLOUCESTER 890 890 890 - - - - - - - HUDSON. . 3 555 3 555 3 546 9 9 - - - - - MERCER. . 3 009 3 009 2 783 226 21 205 _ _ _ _ MIDDLESEX 3 365 3 365 3 068 297 - 297 - - _ - MONMOUTH. 1 840 1 823 1 823 - - - - 17 17 - MORRIS. . 1 402 1 402 1 402 - - - - - - - OCEAN . . 946 946 938 8 8 - - - _ - PASSAIC . 3 458 3 4 C .8 3 392 66 10 56 - - _ - SOMERSET. 905 905 905 - - - - - - - UNION . . 2 787 2 787 2 738 49 - 49 - - - - NEW MEXICO: 767 767 747 20 5 15 - - - - NEW YORK: 2 279 2 114 2 100 14 14 - - 165 165 - BROOME 822 821 818 3 3 - - 1 - 1 CHAUTAUQUA 722 632 616 16 16 - - 90 90 - CHEMUNG 863 657 637 20 20 - - 20b 206 - DUTCHESS 1 031 881 868 13 13 _ - 150 150 - ERIE 10 024 8 999 8 980 19 18 1 - 1 025 1 025 - MONROE 5 850 4 978 4 871 107 12 95 - 872 872 - NASSAU 14 157 12 491 12 287 204 122 82 - 1 666 1 666 - NIAGARA 1 095 952 934 IB 13 5 - 143 143 - ONEIDA 924 775 770 5 4 1 - 149 149 - 5 624 4 544 4 493 51 45 6 _ 1 080 1 080 _ 1 429 1 189 1 182 7 7 - - 240 240 - 406 371 360 11 11 - - 35 35 - RENSSELAER 973 873 R56 17 12 5 - 100 100 - ROCKLAND 1 204 1 204 1 203 1 1 - - - - - 422 411 411 - - - - 11 U - SARATOGA 353 273 273 - - - - 80 80 - SCHENECTADY 914 654 652 2 2 - - 260 260 - SUFFOLK 8 352 8 205 8 103 102 43 59 - 147 147 - ULSTER 1 639 1 505 498 1 007 6 1 001 - 134 134 - WESTCHESTER 7 675 7 675 6 578 1 097 38 1 059 - - - - NORTH CAROLINA: 316 316 306 10 1 1 - - - - CUMBERLAND 502 502 224 278 278 - - - - - 184 184 183 1 1 - - - . - 386 386 372 14 8 6 - - - - 305 305 299 6 6 _ - - . - 797 797 771 26 26 _ - - - - 1 725 1 725 1 718 7 1 6 - - _ - 168 158 158 - - - - 10 10 - WAKE 230 230 229 1 1 - - - - - OHIO: 187 180 180 - - - - 7 - 7 483 483 446 37 2 35 - - - - CLARK 216 216 180 36 3 33 - - - - 248 248 248 - - - - - - - 9 207 6 082 5 878 204 75 129 - 3 125 - 3 125 FRANKLIN 3 644 3 487 2 110 1 377 4 1 373 - 157 - 157 205 205 204 1 1 _ _ _ _ - 3 204 2 964 2 934 30 27 3 - 240 - 240 467 467 466 1 1 - - - - - 330 330 234 96 - 96 - - - - 597 597 590 7 7 - - - - - 2 162 2 105 1 954 151 14 115 22 57 - 57 MAHONING. 753 753 752 1 1 - - - - - >te at end of table CORRECTIONS 275 Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure County Direct Capital outlay To To Total Total State local current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments OHIO— CONTINUED MONTGOMERY 2 479 2 189 2 189 - - - - 290 _ 29(j PORTAGE 205 164 164 - - - - 41 41 - 410 378 251 127 15 32 80 32 32 844 831 737 94 94 _ - 13 13 - 1 894 1 866 1 776 90 90 - - 28 _ 28 372 372 270 102 12 90 - - - - OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE 128 128 128 - - _ - . _ - OKLAHOMA 878 878 677 1 1 _ - - _ - 948 948 941 7 7 - - - - - OREGON: 558 558 556 2 2 _ _ - _ _ LANE 662 778 662 778 651 772 11 6 11 6 - - - - _ 5 335 5 335 4 895 440 17 423 - - _ _ WASHINGTON 789 769 776 13 13 - - - - - PENNSYLVANIA: 12 556 10 495 4 754 5 741 28 5 713 - 2 061 2 061 - BEAVER 642 483 467 16 16 _ - 159 159 - BERKS 1 408 1 004 1 003 1 1 _ - 404 404 - BLAIR 564 453 392 61 2 59 - 111 111 - BUCKS 2 486 2 091 1 617 474 57 417 - 395 395 - BUTLER 450 324 324 - _ . - 126 126 - CAMBRIA 471 403 398 5 5 _ - 68 68 - CHESTER 1 731 1 519 1 494 25 25 _ - 212 212 - CUMBERLAND 776 664 535 129 - - 129 112 112 - 1 975 1 463 1 460 3 3 _ 512 512 _ DELAWARE 3 583 2 804 2 726 78 22 56 - 779 779 _ ERIE 1 493 1 203 1 196 7 7 - 290 290 _ FAYETTE 402 276 ?77 1 1 _ - 124 124 FRANKLIN 560 484 381 103 - 103 - 76 76 _ LACKAWANNA. 880 598 598 - _ _ _ 282 282 _ LANCASTER 1 428 1 025 1 022 3 _ 3 _ 403 403 _ LAWRENCE 224 172 171 1 1 _ - 52 52 _ LEHIGH 1 350 1 051 972 79 79 - - 299 299 - LUZERNE ....... 766 596 582 14 14 _ _ 170 170 _ 485 397 335 62 1 36 25 88 88 - 453 356 290 66 23 43 - 97 97 - MONTGOMERY 2 379 2 048 1 899 149 18 131 _ 331 331 _ NORTHAMPTON 1 218 1 022 857 165 165 _ _ 196 196 _ SCHUYLKILL 538 366 366 - _ _ _ 172 172 _ WASHINGTON 701 469 466 3 3 _ - 232 232 _ WESTMORELAND 709 481 480 1 1 _ - 228 163 65 1 134 816 811 5 4 1 318 315 3 SOUTH CAROLINA: 475 475 475 - _ _ _ _ _ _ CHARLESTON 607 607 595 12 4 8 _ _ _ _ GREENVILLE 822 822 821 1 1 _ - _ _ RICHLAND. 1 352 1 352 1 334 18 _ 18 _ - _ _ SPARTANBURG 520 355 354 1 1 - 165 165 - TENNESSEE: 2 941 2 941 923 2 018 84 1 934 _ - _ _ 299 8 165 299 8 100 283 7 222 16 878 78 16 800 - 65 4 SHELBY 61 SULLIVAN , , 123 123 120 3 3 - - - - TEXAS: BELL 257 3 238 257 3 238 ?54 2 563 3 675 3 33 642 - - - _ BRAZORIA 172 172 167 5 5 _ _ _ _ CAMERON 415 414 384 30 _ 30 _ 1 _ 1 5 783 5 783 5 520 263 50 213 _ - _ _ 1 286 1 286 1 266 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ GALVESTON ...... 370 370 366 4 - 4 - - - - See footnote at end of table. 276 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 41. Corrections expenditure of 312 large county governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergoven unental expenditure County Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments TEXAS— CONTINUED 6 751 6 751 6 316 435 182 253 _ _ _ _ 436 436 432 4 4 _ - _ _ JEFFERSON 515 515 482 33 20 13 - _ _ _ 369 369 335 34 3 31 _ _ _ _ 833 833 819 14 1 13 _ - _ _ NUECES 749 748 624 124 2 _ 122 1 _ 1 TAhRANT 1 886 1 886 1 823 63 20 43 - _ _ 1 832 1 832 1 761 71 4 63 4 - _ _ 308 308 303 5 5 - - - - - UTAH: 1 863 1 863 1 674 189 189 _ _ - _ _ 98 98 95 3 3 _ - _ _ _ ■VEBER 304 304 296 8 3 5 - - - - VIRGINIA: ARLINGTON 1 542 1 542 768 774 6 768 . _ _ 1 279 1 213 1 212 1 1 _ - 66 _ 66 447 430 422 8 8 _ _ 17 _ 17 PRINCE WILLIAM. . . . 285 276 273 3 3 - - 9 - 9 WASHINGTON: 553 553 547 6 6 _ _ - _ _ KING 5 010 1 037 5 010 1 037 4 875 413 135 624 46 7 89 617 - - - _ PIERCE 1 594 1 594 1 412 182 99 83 _ . _ _ SNOHOMISH 1 438 1 438 1 423 15 15 _ _ _ _ _ SPOKANE 1 140 1 140 1 096 44 44 _ - - _ _ YAKIMA 611 611 598 13 13 - - - - - WEST VIRGINIA: 366 366 348 18 _ 18 _ _ _ _ KANAWHA 880 880 807 73 - 73 - - - WISCONSIN: BROWN , 318 295 292 3 3 _ - 23 23 _ DANE 1 083 291 1 055 237 1 053 237 2 2 - - 28 54 28 53 KENOSHA 1 MILWAUKEE 6 799 6 441 6 260 181 32 149 - 358 358 OUTAGAMIE 142 116 116 - _ _ - 26 26 _ RACINE 297 252 ?48 4 4 _ - 45 45 _ ROCK 912 467 375 4 34 836 415 39 19 4 35 19 - 37 33 37 33 WAUKESHA _ WINNEBAGO 151 113 113 - - - 38 38 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. CORRECTIONS 277 Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total direct current TOTAL ALABAMA: CALHOUN ......... JEFFERSON MADISON MOBILE MONTGOMERY. ....... TUSCALOOSA ALASKA: GREATER ANCHORAGE . . . . ARIZONA: MARICOPA PIMA ARKANSAS: PULASKI CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA ......... BUTTE CONTRA COSTA FRESNO KERN LOS ANGELES ....... MARIN MERCED MONTEREY ORANGE RIVERSIDE SACRAMENTO. ....... SAN BERNARDINO SAN DIEGO SAN JOAQUIN SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN MATEO SANTA BARBARA ...... SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ SOLANO SONOMA STANISLAUS TULARE . . . VENTURA COLORADO: ADAMS ARAPAHOE BOULDER . EL PASO JEFFERSON PUEBLO DELAWARE: NEW CASTLE FLORIDA: ALACHUA BREVARD BROWARD DAOE ESCAMBIA HILLSBOROUGH LEE LEON . . ORANGE PALM BEACH PINELLAS See footnotes at end of table. 669 479 436 902 148 61 1 964 1 165 278 189 584 489 442 442 253 157 5 114 3 809 20 m? 938 10 298 5 477 5 249 93 304 3 344 1 024 2 062 19 619 8 128 10 179 10 604 22 560 4 6 36 1 018 10 482 4 3 59 14 82« 1 677 2 495 2 953 2 7 7 3 2 375 n 960 217 249 2 38 418 265 192 537 594 2 472 6 519 788 2 664 330 307 1 160 1 579 829 361 O'l? 10 38? 676 6 427 3 37? 3 245 54 951 1 572 585 1 712 9 6 09 4 016 6 175 5 894 11 6 45 2 782 571 5 Oil 2 966 11 981 1 000 1 37 2 045 1 6 08 I 506 3 o- 4 217 249 2 38 '118 260 19? 463 594 2 435 6 519 788 2 471 330 307 1 160 1 579 782 171 3 00 001 770 205 4 526 1 278 1 418 21 178 878 113 575 5 154 1 801 2 597 2 548 4 568 816 105 2 289 1 025 6 893 337 728 745 314 552 7 07 3'". 123 906 1 659 144 640 115 60 566 542 61 872 110 318 142 157 1 460 1 272 6 756 471 1 901 2 00 4 1 82 7 33 773 694 4 7 2 1 137 4 455 2 215 3 578 5 346 7 07 7 1 966 466 2 722 1 04 1 5 088 66 3 642 1 300 1 2 Q4 954 2 36 7 207 249 2 38 418 238 L92 428 471 1 529 4 860 644 1 831 215 247 1 160 1 013 240 753 02 6 9 450 262 3 87 i 2 105 2 004 S8 353 1 669 4 30 1 250 8 906 4 112 4 004 4 710 000 1 824 447' 5 471. 1 37 3 2 815 677 911 08 I 068 869 1 822 915 30 278 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total direct Other and combined nbati and FLORIDA — CONT INUED POLK SARASOTA VOLUSIA GEORGIA: BIBB CHATHAM COBB OE KALB FULTON RICHMOND IDAHO: ADA ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN . . . , COOK DU PAGE KANE LAKE . LA SALLE MCHENRY . . . . . MCLEAN MACON , MADISON PEORIA ROCK ISLAND . . , ST. CLAIR . . . . SANGAMON. . . . , TAZEWELL WILL , WINNEBAGO . . . , INDIANA: ALLEN DELAWARE. . . . ELKHART . . . . , LAKE , LA PORTE. ... MADISON . . . . , ST. JOSEPH. . . , TIPPECANOE. . . , VANDERBURGH . . VIGO IOWA: BLACK HAWK. . . LINN POLK SCOTT WOODBURY. . . . KANSAS: JOHNSON .... SEDGWICK. . . . SHAWNEE .... WYANDOTTE . . . KENTUCKY: FAYETTE .... JEFFERSON . . . KENTON 812 286 827 564 603 651 296 471 365 18 209 1 162 823 687 168 380 216 243 633 521 5 34 666 510 137 328 724 193 326 4 08 870 382 357 652 215 571 54fl 574 414 908 275 223 444 936 572 363 362 752 305 812 286 794 341 521 523 804 943 857 313 15 597 726 486 392 130 108 90 131 470 383 176 515 373 80 277 52 1 873 243 240 4 02 7b 191 449 184 378 468 171 153 1 656 331 540 4 42 28'. 269 2 349 170 140 122 151 123 224 274 671 213 193 352 2 08 109 4 17 207 132 14 149 222 328 122 31 190 72 277 215 107 663 164 643 218 297 424 530 272 857 100 12 404 374 278 283 81 108 90 117 263 251 162 366 151 80 277 292 545 121 2 09 212 76 119 384 55 378 106 153 334 172 74 2 38 263 227 176 183 1 120 158 223 82 128 492 528 30 52 2 371 4 36 243 295 38 202 126 109 163 133 358 151 137 57 51 146 32 83 168 468 122 125 2 03 31 10 3 403 261 1 215 32 1 108 93 255 135 See lu it end of table CORRECTIONS 279 Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total direct current Institutions Probation and parole County Total For juveniles Other and combined Miscellaneous LOUISIANA: 885 490 762 314 335 270 273 90 96 549 1 245 351 1 125 1 111 308 630 1 404 2 251 2 167 6 58 5 509 1 424 1 711 2 177 462 1 169 1 054 2 073 1 283 844 1 780 1 698 1 694 342 762 5 081 405 879 669 1 860 17 562 324 188 6 058 4 016 1 334 190 2 06 470 2 08 3 904 94 2 858 819 490 718 314 295 201 259 90 96 549 764 328 1 125 957 300 394 839 1 298 1 108 458 2 792 621 905 1 056 271 831 750 1 572 912 610 1 052 1 517 1 275 218 681 4 622 298 620 603 1 239 13 443 159 75 2 741 2 385 1 001 190 156 386 2 08 3 524 49 2 301 56 123 295 158 81 121 27 227 330 1 168 451 518 939 370 495 543 499 975 96 329 2 583 193 269 415 604 8 090 1 919 841 213 93 218 24 2 206 19 990 763 367 423 156 214 80 259 90 96 549 737 328 1 125 957 300 394 839 1 071 1 101 458 2 462 621 9 04 1 056 103 380 232 633 542 115 509 1 018 300 122 352 2 039 105 351 188 635 5 353 159 75 822 1 544 788 97 156 168 184 1 318 30 1 311 66 44 40 69 14 481 23 76 8 236 56 5 953 1 059 126 2 717 746 806 1 121 191 229 296 501 371 229 728 181 419 124 81 459 107 222 66 621 4 119 165 113 2 836 1 224 333 50 84 380 45 188 MAINE: MARYLAND: 78 MASSACHUSETTS: 74 MICHIGAN: MINNESOTA: Mississippi: MISSOURI: See footnote 280 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total direct current Institutions Probation and parole County Total For juveniles Other and combined Miscellaneous NEBRASKA: 1 337 343 3 7 54 1 Oil 435 130 1 310 3 120 1 155 2 581 691 13 576 890 3 546 2 783 3 068 1 823 1 402 938 3 392 905 2 738 747 2 100 818 616 637 868 8 980 4 871 12 287 934 770 4 493 1 182 360 856 1 203 411 273 6 52 8 103 498 6 578 306 224 183 372 299 771 1 718 158 229 1 102 13 2 935 659 435 130 973 1 990 750 1 720 498 9 692 529 2 347 2 087 1 734 1 289 7 38 647 1 879 350 1 358 724 1 890 352 304 204 591 5 320 3 452 6 417 549 382 3 465 818 205 600 807 181 157 465 4 541 331 4 502 306 224 183 372 299 771 988 158 229 69 13 1 712 318 262 600 139 2 58 1 663 116 617 356 448 176 164 165 444 449 328 752 76 104 4 768 1 290 769 52 748 284 10 37 517 11 1 221 1 421 9 297 41 27 76 30 163 194 45 1 033 1 223 341 435 130 711 1 390 611 1 462 498 8 029 413 1 730 1 731 1 286 1 113 574 482 1 435 350 909 396 1 138 276 200 204 587 4 552 2 162 5 648 497 382 2 717 534 195 230 290 170 156 244 3 120 352 4 205 265 224 156 296 269 6 08 794 158 184 172 146 819 352 337 1 130 405 861 193 3 834 361 1 199 639 1 138 534 664 291 1 513 504 1 380 210 466 312 34 3 277 1 726 1 419 5 870 385 285 1 028 364 155 256 396 230 116 187 3 562 137 2 076 133 63 184 NEVADA: NEW HAMPSHIRE: NEW JERSEY: _ 57 196 _ _ _ 51 NEW MEXICO: 23 NEW YORK: _ _ 90 1 934 _ _ 103 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ NORTH CAROLINA: _ _ _ _ _ 597 _ Sfo footnotes at end of table CORRECTIONS Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) 281 Other and combined obati and OHIO: ALLEN . . . . BUTLER. . . . CLARK . . . . COLUMBIANA. . CUYAHOGA. . . FRANKLIN. . . GREENE. . . . HAMILTON. . . LAKE LICKING . . . LORAIN. . . . LUCAS . . . . MAHONING. . . MONTGOMERY. . PORTAGE . . . RICHLAND. . . STARK . . . . SUMMIT. . . . TRUMBULL. . . OKLAHOMA: COMANCHE. . . OKLAHOMA. . . TULSA . . . . OREGON: CLACKAMAS . . LANE MARION. . . . MULTNOMAH . . WASHINGTON. . PENNSYLVANIA: ALLEGHENY . . BEAVER. . . . BERKS . . . . BLAIR . . . . BUCKS . . . . BUTLER. . . . CAMBRIA . . . CHESTER . . . CUMBERLAND. . DAUPHIN . . . DELAWARE. . . ERIE FAYETTE . . . FRANKLIN. . . LACKAWANNA. . LANCASTER . . LAWRENCE. . . LEHIGH. . . . LUZERNE . . . LYCOMING. . . MERCER. . . . MONTGOMERY. . NORTHAMPTON . SCHUYLKILL. . WASHINGTON. . WESTMORELAND. YORK SOUTH CAROLINA: ANDERSON. . . CHARLESTON. . GREENVILLE. . RICHLAND. . . SPARTANBURG . 180 446 180 248 5 878 2 110 2 04 2 934 466 234 590 1 954 752 2 189 164 251 7 37 1 776 270 128 877 941 556 651 772 895 776 4 754 467 1 003 392 1 617 324 398 1 494 535 1 460 2 726 1 196 277 381 598 1 022 171 972 582 335 290 1 899 857 366 466 480 811 475 595 821 1 334 354 127 273 109 193 3 611 1 172 141 1 620 341 162 257 1 260 551 1 210 79 146 541 1 121 201 95 459 599 262 651 423 4 078 279 4 083 309 825 288 1 315 160 248 1 201 301 1 275 2 224 868 157 283 454 819 127 796 441 231 197 1 32 3 737 264 302 149 648 474 590 818 1 334 306 113 407 427 989 188 112 2 02 728 120 816 223 514 1Q 145 212 264 196 2 253 374 80 133 462 85 354 410 725 465 123 64 260 106 51 60 149 247 127 175 91 80 1 204 745 141 631 153 50 55 532 431 394 79 146 318 607 159 314 387 262 38? 227 1 825 279 1 7 09 229 752 155 853 116 163 847 249 865 1 499 403 149 233 355 744 95 706 441 108 133 1 063 631 213 242 401 424 492 818 3 34 306 53 173 69 55 267 938 63 314 104 72 333 694 201 979 85 105 196 655 69 19 418 342 349 817 497 671 157 178 104 285 106 150 293 234 185 502 328 116 97 144 203 44 176 141 104 03 576 120 102 164 331 163 See footnotes at end of table 282 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 42. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 312 large county governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total direct Institutions Probation and parole County Total For juveniles Other and combined Miscellaneous TENNESSEE: 923 283 7 222 120 254 2 563 167 384 5 520 1 266 366 6 316 432 482 335 819 624 1 823 1 761 303 1 674 95 296 768 1 212 422 273 547 4 875 413 1 412 1 423 1 096 598 348 807 292 1 053 237 6 260 116 248 836 415 113 814 275 6 771 112 84 1 574 54 208 3 219 538 264 3 709 238 425 117 331 333 929 538 79 1 674 95 296 314 781 2 00 191 332 3 056 298 1 349 757 930 426 306 626 292 802 237 4 821 116 120 7 34 403 113 142 224 10 173 21 9 36 157 942 23 136 75 84 283 164 420 45 133 217 87 1 662 124 1 007 235 435 224 114 133 107 245 13 1 516 52 409 672 275 6 547 102 84 1 401 54 187 2 283 381 264 2 767 215 289 117 256 249 646 374 79 1 254 50 163 314 564 200 191 245 1 394 174 342 522 495 202 192 493 185 557 224 3 305 116 68 325 403 113 90 8 451 8 170 989 113 176 2 301 728 102 2 598 194 57 218 488 291 879 1 184 224 454 431 222 82 215 1 819 115 63 666 166 172 42 181 251 787 128 102 12 19 TEXAS: _ _ _ _ _ 9 _ _ _ _ 15 39 UTAH: . _ VIRGINIA: _ _ _ WASHINGTON: _ _ _ _ _ _ WEST VIRGINIA: _ Wisconsin: _ _ 652 _ _ _ _ - CORRECTIONS 283 Table 43. Corrections expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure City Capita . outlay To To Direct State local Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land Total govern- ments govern- ments 323 859 315 140 266 S73 28 267 1 518 25 831 918 a 719 5 255 3 464 ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM 673 673 672 1 1 - - _ _ - GADSDEN .... 17 17 17 - - - _ ™ _ _ HUNTSVILLE. . . 165 112 112 - - - - 53 _ 5_> MOBILE 450 362 362 - - - - 88 _ 88 MONTGOMERY. . . 191 191 191 - - - - - _ _ TUSCALOOSA. . . 98 98 70 26 1 27 - - - - ARIZONA: MESA 7 7 7 - - - - _ _ - PHOENIX .... 532 529 524 5 5 - _ 3 _ 3 SCOTTSDALE. . . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ TEmPE _ - _ - _ _ • _ _ „ TUCSON 71 - - - - - - 71 - 71 ARKANSAS: FOPT SMITH 41 41 41 - _ _ _ _ _ _ LITTLE ROCK 152 152 145 7 7 _ _ . _ - NORTH LITTLE SOCK . . 70 70 70 - _ _ - » _ . PINE 3LUFF 44 44 44 - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ ALHAM6RA. . . . , _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ANAHEIM .... 113 113 112 1 1 - _ . _ _ BAKERSFIELD . . _ - _ - - . . _ _ BELLFLOWER. . . _ - _ _ _ - _ . _ _ BERKELEY. . . . _ . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ BUENA PARK. . . 1 - _ _ _ - _ 1 _ 1 BURBANK .... 89 89 89 _ _ - _ _ CARSON _ - _ _ _ - _ = _ _ CHULA VISTA . . - - - - - - - - - - COMPTON .... _ _ _ CONCORD .... _ - _ _ _ - _ _ „ _ COSTA MESA. . . 92 58 58 _ _ - _ 34 34 „ DALY CITY . . . _ - _ - _ - _ _ DOWNEY _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ » EL CAJON. . . . _ - _ - _ _ _ . _ „ EL MONTE. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ FREMONT .... - - - - - - - - - - FRFSNO _ _ FULLERTON . . . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GARDEN GROVE. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GLENDALE. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAWTHORNE . . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAYWARD .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HUNTINGTON BEACH _ - _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ INGLEWOOD . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,. LAKEWOOD. . . . 12 12 12 - - - - - - - LONG BEACH. . . 623 623 607 16 1 15 _ _ . LOS ANGELES . . 253 - _ _ _ - _ 253 _ 253 MODESTO .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MOUNTAIN VIEW . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ NORWALK .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OAKLAND .... 862 862 860 2 2 _ _ _ _ ONTARIO .... _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ™ ORANGE _ _ _ _ m _ „ _ OXNARD - - - - - - - - - - PALO ALTO . . . m . PASADENA. . . . 109 109 107 2 2 _ _ _ PICO RIVERA . . _ _ _ _ _ _ POMONA. .... 161 161 161 _ _ _ _ _ _ REDONDO BEACH . 39 39 39 _ _ _ _ _ REDWOOD CITY. . _ _ _ _ _ _ RICHMOND. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ RIVERSIDE . . . - - - - - - - - - - See footnote at end of table. 284 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 43. Corrections expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct ex penditure Intergoven unental expenditure City Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State govern- ments To Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments CALIFORNIA—CONTINUED SACRAMENTO _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - SALINAS ....... _ - _ - _ - _ . _ - SAN BERNARDINO. . . . _ - _ - . _ _ - _ _ SAN BUENAVENTURA. . . _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ SAN DIEGO 886 886 885 1 1 - - - _ _ SAN FRANCISCO .... 8 856 8 856 e 799 57 30 8 19 - _ - SAN JOSE _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ SAN LEANDRO - - - - - - - - - - SAM MATEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SANTA ANA 1 - _ - - - - 1 _ 1 SANTA BARBARA .... _ - - - _ - - - _ - SANTA CLARA _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ . SANTA MONICA _ - _ - - - - - _ - SAMTA ROSA _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ SIMI VALLEY _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ SOUTH GATE. ..... 51 51 51 - - - - - - - STOCKTON. ...... _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ SUNNYVALE _ - _ - - - - - _ - TORRANCE 109 96 96 - _ - - 13 _ 13 VALLEJO _ - _ - . - - - _ _ WEST COVINA _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ WESTMINSTER 1 - _ _ _ - _ 1 _ 1 WhITTIER - - - - - - - - - COLORADO: AURORA _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ BOULDER _ - - - _ - - - _ . COLORADO SPRINGS. . . 30 30 30 - _ - - - _ - DENVER 3 160 3 160 2 578 582 6 576 - - _ - LAKEWOOD _ - _ - _ _ - - _ _ PUEBLO 99 99 99 - - - ' - - - CONNECTICUT: BRIDGEPORT _ - _ - - _ - - _ - BRISTOL _ - _ - - _ - - _ - DANBURY _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - HARTFORD _ - _ - _ - - - _ - MERIDEN _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ MILFORD ....... - - - - - - - - - - NEW BRITAIN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW HAVEN _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ NORwALK _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - STAMFORD _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . WATEKBURY _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ . WEST HAVEN - - - - - - - - - - DELAWARE: WILMINGTON - - - - - - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: WASHINGTON 57 730 57 730 50 026 7 704 243 7 461 - - - - FLORIDA: CLEARWATER 41 41 41 - - _ - - _ - FORT LAUDERDALE . . . 344 344 344 - - _ - - _ - GAINESVILLE 61 61 61 - - _ - - _ - HIALEAH 130 130 130 - _ _ - - - - 85 85 85 - - _ - - _ - JACKSONVILLE 3 552 3 552 3 499 53 16 34 3 - _ - MIAMI 421 421 421 - - - - - - - MIAMI BEACH 71 71 71 _ _ _ _ _ _ ORLANDO 44? 442 439 J 3 _ - - _ - PENSACOLA 103 103 103 - - _ - - - - ST. PtTERS3URG. , . . 244 244 243 1 , 1 _ - - _ - TALLAHASSEE 6 - - - - - 6 - 6 TAMPA 88 - - - . - - 88 - 88 WEST PALM BEACH . . . 133 133 133 - - - - - - - Sec footnote CORRECTIONS 285 Table 43. Corrections expenditure of 384 large city governments, by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Intergover nmental ex penditure City Direct Capit il outlay To State To Total Total current Total Equip- ment Construc- tion Land govern- ments govern- ments GEORGIA: ALBANY _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 333 104 791 1 272 104 791 1 237 98 770 35 6 21 35 6 8 13 - 61 - 61 AU 71 71 - - 607 607 - 439 4 39 - - - - 103 103 - - - - - - ST. PETERSBURG .... 243 211 - 32 - - - - - - - - 860 860 - - WEST PALM BEACH. . . . 133 133 " " _ _ _ . GEORGIA: - - - - _ - - - 1 237 1 237 - - _ - . - 98 98 - - 107 107 - - 770 712 58 - 50 161 143 18 . 201 201 - - 39 39 - - - _ - - HAWAI I: - - - - 932 932 - " RIVERSIDE - " " - IDAHO: - - - - 24 24 - - - - - - SAN BERNARDINO .... - - - ~ ILLINOIS: SAN BUENAVENTURA . . . - - - - ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. . . - - - - 885 726 - 159 - - " " 8 799 5 105 3 694 - - ~ " ~ _ - - - - - - ~ - - - - 71 - - - - - - - - " " - - . - - - - " - " " " " * See footnote end of table. CORRECTIONS 291 Table 44. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Total City current Institu- Probation Miscel- City direct Institu- Probation Miscel- ture parole expendi- parole ILLINOIS — CONTINUED MICHIGAN: EAST ST. LOUIS .... 2 - 2 - 90 - 90 - _ _ ~ " DEARBORN HEIGHTS . . . 86 6 86 6 - - - - - 4 103 4 103 - - _ . . - 330 267 280 50 267 . - - - - - - - - 333 2 00 133 - 97 97 - - 31 31 - - - - - - 51 - 51 - - - - - 82 82 - - 12 - 12 - - - - - - - - - 38 5 33 - INDIANA: - - - - 4 - 4 - ST. CLAIR SHORES . . , - - - - 8 - 8 - 87 - 87 - - - - - STERLING HEIGHTS . . . - - - - 55 28 - 55 28 : 5 " 5 _ 2 886 2 262 624 - 18 - 18 - 5 - 5 - 17 - 17 - - - - - - - - - MINNESOTA: - - - - IOWA: 14 - 14 - - - - - 1 224 1 224 - - COUNCIL BLUFFS .... 24 24 - - - - - - - - - - 40 40 - - 207 - - 207 - - - - MISSISSIPPI: 43 43 - - 327 327 - - - (NA) ' ~ MISSOURI: KANSAS: - - - - 237 227 10 - - - - - - - - - - . - - 116 65 51 - 1 369 850 519 - 367 364 3 - - - - - 7 444 4 512 2 831 101 KENTUCKY: - - - - 35 35 - - 183 183 - - MONTANA: - - - - 12 12 - - " " - " 55 55 " " LOUISIANA: NEBRASKA: 1 1814 1 102 82 - 301 208 93 - " " - " 80 " 23 LAKE CHARLES 92 92 - - NEVADA: 3 291 2 912 379 - - - - - 161 161 248 248 MAINE: NEW HAMPSHIRE: - - - - 103 - 103 - 51 - 51 - MARYLAND: 6 383 6 338 41 4 NEW JERSEY: - - - - MASSACHUSETTS: - - - - 6 559 3 950 2 609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - 118 - - 118 - - - - - - - - 9 - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - 8 " " " " _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 3 - NEWTON - - - - NEW MEXICO: - - - - 1 188 1 027 161 - - - - - - - - - NEW YORK: 64 64 - - - - - - - - - - 3 _ _ 3 39 " " 39 " " " - end of table. 292 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 44. Detail of direct current expenditure for corrections activities of 384 large city governments, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Total City direct current ture Institu- tions Probation parole Miscel- laneous City direct ture Institu- tions Probation parole Miscel- NEW YORK--CONTINUED SOUTH CAROLINA: - - - - _ - _ _ - - - - 179 179 _ _ 116 453 88 584 20 007 7 862 36 36 _ _ - - - - - - - - SOUTH DAKOTA: - _ _ _ _ _ " _ TENNESSEE: - - - - - - _ _ 248 996 1 888 248 973 1 888 NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON . . 23 - - - - „ 296 296 " " TEXAS: NORTH CAROLINA: 38 32 6 _ - - - - 91 91 _ _ - - - - 56 56 _ _ DURHAM - - - - AUSTIN _ _ _ _ - - - - 120 120 _ _ - - - - - _ , _ - - - - CORPUS CHRISTI .... 185 185 _ _ - - - - _ _ . _ 59 " " 59 - - - - NORTH DAKOTA: 393 393 _ _ 42 42 . . Ohio: 51 51 _ - 2 399 65 1 581 65 818 98 98 - _ 1 857 1 189 516 152 _ _ _ _ 2 167 1 908 259 - 49 49 _ _ CLEVELAND HEIGHTS. . . 4 - 4 - _ _ - _ 960 807 153 - 986 952 34 - - - - _ 43 43 - - 42 42 - - 87 87 - - - - - - 42 42 - _ 9 - 9 - 36 36 _ _ - - - - - - _ _ 156 51 71 51 : 85 59 91 59 91 1 - - _ - _ UTAH: 10 23 779 658 10 23 121 \ 40 40 1 SALT LAKE CITY .... _ 49 49 - - 242 222 20 - VIRGINIA: 6 07 490 117 _ OKLAHOMA: 894 892 2 - 41 41 - - 285 142 143 _ 28 - 28 - 296 253 43 _ 441 415 26 - 1 012 787 210 15 1 498 2 53 1 04 3 207 427 28 46 OREGON: 1 630 1 112 518 _ 1 1 - - 809 435 374 - - - - - VIRGINIA BEACH .... 604 318 286 - ~ " * ■ WASHINGTON: PENNSYLVANIA: 40 - 40 _ - - - - - _ - _ 14 - - 14 1 230 952 278 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 286 245 41 - " " " _ WEST VIRGINIA: - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 618 16 223 8 895 3 500 - - - - WISCONS IN: - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - _ - - - - RHODE ISLAND: - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " - " " - - CORRECTIONS 293 Table 45. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Number of employe Number of employe Full-tim qufva- lent Number of employe TOTAL .... ALABAMA . ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA. .... COLORADO CONNECTICUT .... DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII. ...... IDAHO ILLINOIS. ..... INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS . . . MICHIGAN. ..... MINNESOTA ..... MISSISSIPPI .... MISSOURI. ..... MONTANA NEBRASKA. ..... NEVADA. NEW HAMPSHIRE . . . NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK. ..... NORTH CAROLINA. . . NORTH DAKOTA. . . . OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA. . . . RHODE ISLAND. . . . SOUTH CAROLINA. . . SOUTH DAKOTA. . . . TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA. ..... WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA . . . WISCONSIN WYOMING . See footnotes at end 122 560 1 246 118 1 084 613 | 13 257 1 51". 2 742 683 8 308 3 427 37? 370 4 767 1 969 1 277 2 126 1 448 2 139 679 4 687 3 389 1 489 940 2 044 508 794 478 311 3 417 618 12 054 5 196 254 6 561 1 603 1 456 4 008 745 2 048 232 2 386 4 154 695 441 4 178 2 426 760 2 682 319 120 519 1 240 405 1 063 643 12 613 1 533 2 686 683 8 269 3 427 372 362 4 767 1 969 1 269 2 114 1 448 2 139 663 4 682 3 187 3 287 1 426 922 1 938 477 775 477 311 3 371 616 11 920 5 196 244 6 277 1 603 1 403 4 008 7 38 2 048 209 2 372 4 111 634 412 4 152 2 392 735 2 648 283 121 160 1 243 412 1 070 643 12 807 1 535 2 701 683 8 274 3 427 372 364 4 767 1 969 1 271 2 114 1 448 2 139 668 4 683 3 187 3 312 1 442 924 1 972 490 780 477 311 3 398 617 11 959 5 196 247 6 389 1 603 1 427 4 008 7 39 2 048 214 2 379 4 124 653 418 4 159 2 408 744 2 657 288 850 j 34 943 420 14 913 1 443 2 539 637 7 035 2 566 412 276 4 668 1 598 1 061 1 422 1 Oil 1 486 548 4 773 2 885 3 538 1 329 581 1 312 382 590 475 271 3 340 445 13 664 4 180 942 1 283 4 143 790 1 445 170 1 562 2 890 549 349 2 932 2 112 459 2 640 187 96 277 1 006 309 916 591 10 871 1 125 2 036 564 5 336 2 258 282 281 3 891 1 831 1 141 2 035 1 110 1 564 609 3 237 2 544 2 996 1 168 768 1 605 432 624 379 232 2 961 414 10 Oil 3 959 227 5 523 1 239 1 094 3 280 520 1 365 187 1 938 3 621 423 361 2 708 1 899 633 1 887 286 94 684 1 000 304 896 591 10 359 1 125 2 009 564 5 335 2 258 282 278 3 891 1 831 1 133 2 035 1 110 1 564 593 3 232 2 544 2 909 1 132 750 1 525 403 614 378 232 2 915 412 9 890 3 959 219 5 256 1 239 1 051 3 280 518 1 365 178 1 924 3 585 395 332 2 682 1 865 609 1 880 251 003 306 Q03 1 125 2 015 564 5 335 2 258 282 279 3 891 1 831 1 135 2 035 1 110 1 564 597 3 232 2 544 2 929 1 143 752 1 548 415 616 378 232 2 941 412 9 923 3 959 220 5 358 1 2 39 1 071 3 280 518 1 365 180 1 932 3 596 403 338 2 688 1 880 618 1 880 256 86 864 646 39 6 770 383 12 035 1 041 1 873 536 4 476 1 668 320 210 3 757 1 459 938 1 354 762 1 021 486 3 458 2 233 3 071 1 182 464 1 030 323 464 377 199 2 873 299 11 291 3 092 156 4 969 694 972 3 369 6 02 878 143 1 234 2 485 340 275 2 158 1 683 372 1 884 163 57 035 628 107 177 292 6 868 699 1 455 294 3 088 1 321 (NA) 176 2 338 1 363 710 850 72 3 826 288 2 031 1 845 1 720 633 215 6 780 3 074 106 2 810 885 7 04 1 880 384 7 34 330 970 '105 875 622 105 164 292 802 1 321 (NA) 173 2 338 1 363 7 07 850 723 826 288 2 031 1 845 1 682 622 205 396 241 124 222 215 780 074 683 1 880 384 Tin 163 1 822 966 390 87 3 625 106 169 292 6 822 699 1 442 294 3 088 1 321 (NA) 174 2 338 1 363 7 08 850 723 826 288 2 031 1 845 1 690 625 ,'OH 397 241 215 6 780 3 074 100 2 770 885 694 1 880 384 734 53 315 412 I 50 150 194 7 829 673 1 394 317 2 747 1 070 (na) 133 2 242 1 102 618 594 539 5 54 1 743 1 739 686 657 177 317 .■■4" 113 1 211 162 7 713 496 634 970 478 466 82 5 967 396 873 541 890 245 929 294 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 45. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) d Other and combined Number of Full-time Number of employee Full-tim equiva- lent October payroll TOTAL . . ALAoAMA . . . . ALASKA ARIZONA . . . . ARKANSAS. . . . CALIFORNIA. . . COLORADO. . . . CONNECTICUT . . DELAWARE. . . . FLORIDA . . . . GEORGIA . . . . HAWA II IDAHO . . . . . ILLINOIS. . . . INDIANA . . . . IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY. . . . LOUISIANA . . . MAINE MARYLAND. . . . MASSACHUSETTS . MICHIGAN. . . . MINNESOTA . . . MISSISSIPPI . . MISSOURI. . . . MONTANA . . . . NEBRASKA. . . . NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE . NEW JERSEY. . . NEW MEXICO. . . NEW YORK. . . . NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH DAKOTA. . OHIO OKLAHOMA. . . . OREGON PENNSYLVANIA. . RHODE ISLAND. . SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH DAKOTA. • TENNESSEE . . . TEXAS UTAH VERMONT . . . . VIRGINIA. . . . WASHINGTON. . . WEST VIRGINIA . WISCONSIN . . . WYOMING . . . . 10 J 132 (X) 138 I NA I (IMA | I 38 I 01 1 52 1 '-8 (NA) (NA ) 139 101 I" (x) 138 (NA) ( NA I 127 106 111 (X) 1 " (NA) 332 106 257 289 672 426 296 256 9 5 1 95 105 1 141 390 391 74 'in'-, 660 321 Bll 567 1 276 478 .-6 1 526 219 183 i 58 108 816 192 1 395 765 121 1 924 309 365 1 262 136 582 68 745 1 224 143 162 759 824 212 716 19 4 332 10t 253 289 256 426 288 256 950 Qb 105 1 441 390 387 340 345 680 305 8 66 567 1 227 458 261 489 106 180 137 108 795 190 1 274 765 120 1 762 309 343 1 262 134 582 65 736 1 188 124 ISO 741 794 204 711 163 332 106 255 289 360 426 290 256 950 105 441 390 388 340 345 ^80 509 807 567 237 464 261 b02 137 108 BO 5 191 1 310 765 120 1 817 134 582 74 1 . oo 130 153 745 8 08 207 712 166 2 01 120 '.10 1 '-' 3 812 368 2 33 203 468 561 408 305 291 224 J 'J 7 429 255 7',1 379 3 32 449 138 355 146 120 1 3 5 133 1 369 577 172 316 259 124 472 7-7 102 113 526 t 87 110 666 100 14b 271 I u-. 274 145 274 110 . 8 641 1 626 577 113 271 645 1 626 589 115 274 119 245 end of table. CORRECTIONS 295 Table 45. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of State governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) n, parole, and pardo Number of employees Full-t only Full-time TOTAL . . ALABAMA .... ALASKA ARIZONA .... ARKANSAS. . . . CALIFORNIA. . . COLORADO. . . . CONNECTICUT . . DELAWARE. . . . FLORIDA .... GEORGIA .... HAWA II IDAHO ILLINOIS. . . . INDIANA . . . . IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY. . . . LOUISIANA . . . MAINE MARYLAND. . . . MASSACHUSETTS . MICHIGAN. . . . MINNESOTA . . . MISSISSIPPI . . MISSOURI. . . . MONTANA .... NEBRASKA. . . . NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE . NEW JERSEY. . . NEW MEXICO. . . NEW YORK. . . . NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH DAKOTA. . OHIO OKLAHOMA. . . . OREGON PENNSYLVANIA. . RHODE ISLAND. . SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH DAKOTA. . TENNESSEE . . . TEXAS UTAH VERMONT .... VIRGINIA. . . . WASHINGTON. . . WEST VIRGINIA . WISCONSIN . . . WYOMING .... (NA) 270 (NA) 377 (NA) (NA) 21 (NA) (NA) 127 771 227 (NA) 572 104 104 100 13 165 (NA) (NA) 246 (NA) 256 250 304 (NA) 377 (NA) (NA) 20 (NA) (NA) 127 766 227 (NA) 562 104 101 100 13 165 (NA) (NA) 219 (NA) 260 251 304 (NA) 377 (NA) (NA) 20 (NA) (NA) 127 767 227 (NA) 566 104 102 100 13 165 (NA) (NA) 225 (NA) 243 242 2o6 (NA) 416 32 4 113 132 9 (NA) (NA) 20 (NA) (NA) 152 838 226 (NA) 579 72 132 (NA) (NA) 499 117 276 457 314 300 163 439 195 1 115 869 260 2 58 628 155 246 370 309 260 ',00 527 127 540 499 117 276 457 313 285 163 413 195 112 260 251 628 150 246 >70 303 ?30 300 1)2 7 126 549 2 688 865 499 117 276 457 163 424 195 114 86 o 260 254 628 151 246 37 304 2 39 67 1 300 527 126 549 154 111 317 63i U95 109 108 282 137 347 749 176 22<5 650 125 180 266 247 107 6 38 4 30 24 undlng, the detail figur Dt add precisely 296 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 46. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of (Dollar amounts Number of employees TOTAL . ALABAMA: CALHOUN . . JEFFERSON . MADISON . . MOBILE. . . MONTGOMERY. TUSCALOOSA. ARIZONA: MARICOPA. . . . PIMA ARKANSAS: PULASKI .... CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA .... BUTTE CONTRA COSTA. . FRESNO KERN LOS ANGELES . . MARIN MERCED MONTEREY. . . . ORANGE RIVERSIOE . . . SACRAMENTO. . . SAN BERNARDINO. SAN 1 EGO . . . SAN JOAQUIN . . SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN WATEO . . . SANTA BARBARA . SANTA CLARA . . SANTA CRUZ. . . SOLANO SONOMA STANISLAUS. . . TULARE VENTURA .... COLORADO: ADAMS ARAPAHOE. . . . BOULDER .... EL PASO .... JEFFERSON . . . PUEBLO FLORIDA: ALACHUA . . . BREVARD . . . BROWARD . . . DADE ESCAMBIA. . . HILLSBOROUGH. LEE LEON ORANGE. . . . PALM BEACH. . PINELLAS. . . POLK SARASOTA. . . VOLUSIA . . . GEORGIA: BIBB CHATHAM . . . COBB DE KALB . . . FULTON. . . . RICHMOND. . . IDAHO: ADA >ee footnotes at em 338 624 498 366 6 729 184 93 192 1 256 568 659 818 1 549 303 84 601 36 7 961 122 175 2 39 190 184 379 Full-ti 522 392 325 6 437 184 89 190 1 210 537 598 738 1 457 260 73 538 294 878 102 169 175 159 16.? 358 555 423 345 6 487 184 90 191 1 223 546 616 761 1 482 283 80 555 304 9 03 110 174 192 167 171 364 105 128 621 411 381 312 214 78 197 368 c i78 697 788 687 293 84 6 32 323 09 9 112 179 183 157 152 375 140 505 Number of employees 350 320 216 7 06 106 655 284 387 459 7 36 176 12 267 242 795 159 105 111 225 105 129 Full-ti 198 216 42 5 43 275 229 178 3 624 77 51 104 634 256 336 393 668 144 35 233 178 713 157 540 199 221 299 254 197 640 106 640 265 351 412 685 161 40 245 188 7 38 for juveniles 182 171 318 230 223 017 107 688 269 39 435 759 166 39 277 194 915 Number of employees 264 18 2 58 114 116 1 686 51 10 4 06 146 181 257 296 145 112 5 36 Full-ti equivalent 248 13 185 102 390 126 138 200 268 249 15 208 105 100 1 622 51 395 134 149 215 275 CORRECTIONS 312 large county governments, October 1974 in thousands) 297 Institutio ns — Continued Probation and parole Miscellaneous Other and combined institutions Number of emplo; October Number of employees October - - - - . _ _ _ 38 25 25 25 17 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 39 58 57 58 35 - - _ . _ _ _ _ 40 27 27 27 22 . • - _ _ _ _ „ 41 23 21 22 13 " - " - - - " " 42 - - - - - - - - - - " - 43 50 50 50 45 . 11 11 11 9 44 22 22 22 16 - - _ _ - _ _ 45 101 101 101 89 - - _ _ 9 8 8 6 46 408 407 407 392 _ _ _ _ 47 57 57 57 46 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 174 174 174 147 - - - - 28 28 28 25 49 17 17 17 11 - - - - _ _ _ _ 50 27 27 27 19 - - _ _ _ _ _ . 51 105 105 105 86 - _ _ - _ _ _ _ 52 91 91 91 85 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 53 23 23 23 21 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 58 58 58 43 - - _ - . . . _ 55 20 20 20 14 - _ _ _ „ _ _ _ 56 73 71 72 51 " " " " - " " " 57 21 21 21 14 20 20 20 16 58 30 30 30 19 8 8 8 9 . . _ _ 59 38 37 37 25 28 28 28 22 _ _ _ _ 60 57 57 57 46 54 54 54 45 _ . _ _ 61 140 137 138 118 148 147 147 148 _ _ _ _ 62 78 78 78 46 4 3 3 2 - - " " 63 6 6 6 4 10 10 10 8 " - " - 64 298 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 46. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of (Dollar amounts Number of employees FuU-t i Number of employees Full-time Full-t •nly equivalent Number of employe Full-t equivalent ILLINOIS: CHAMPAIGN . . . COOK DU PAGE . . . . KANE LAKE LA SALLE. . . . MCHENRY . . . . MCLEAN MACON MADISON . . . . PEORIA ROCK ISLAND . . ST. CLAIR . . . SANGAMON. . . . TAZEWELL. . . . WILL WINNEBAGO . . . INDIANA: ALLEN DELAWARE. . . . ELKHART . . . . LAKE LA PORTE. . . . MADISON . . . . ST. JOSEPH. . . TIPPECANOE. . . VANDERBURGH . . VIGO IOWA: BLACK HAWK. . . LINN POLK SCOTT WOODBURY. . . . KANSAS: JOHNSON . . . . SEDGWICK. . . . SHAWNEE . . . . WYANDOTTE . . . KENTUCKY: FAYETTE . . . . JEFFERSON . . . KENTON LOUISIANA: CADDO CALCASIEU . . . JEFFERSON . . . LAFAYETTE . . . OUACHITA. . . . RAPIDES . . . . MAINE: CUMBERLAND. . . PENOBSCOT . . . YORK MARYLAND: ANNE ARUNDEL. . BALTIMORE . . . HARFORD . . . . MONTGOMERY. . . PRINCE GEORGES. WASHINGTON. . . MASSACHUSETTS: BERKSHIRE . . . BRISTOL . . . . ESSEX HAMPDEN . . . . HAMPSHIRE . . . MIDDLESEX . . . NORFOLK . . . . PLYMOUTH. . . . WORCESTER . . . 1 422 124 ( z ) 289 125 191 180 1.8 446 1 2 3 lis 252 1 422 106 119 183 1 :ii 54 ioa 120 l'l'l 239 1 422 114 l.'O 185 178 57 '14 121 146 ZH\ 121 178 174 '. 426 1 17 1 57 244 (* I 240 231 ( z I 2^7 C ) 133 < 2 ) 129 ( 2 I 13?. I ....I n..t end of table CORRECTIONS 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued in thousands) 299 Institutions — Continued Probation and parole Miscellaneous Other and combined institutions Number of employees October Number of emplo; October « Number of emploj ees 1 Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll Total Full-time only Full-time payroll Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent a 16 3 5 4 11 11 11 5 i 879 879 879 849 262 262 262 225 - - - _ 2 37 35 35 27 49 48 49 42 - - - - 3 29 28 28 21 35 30 32 25 6 6 6 5 4 34 33 33 28 35 33 34 24 - - - - 5 10 5 7 5 7 7 7 5 - - - - 6 8 8 8 7 18 18 18 12 - - - - 7 10 10 10 6 8 8 8 7 - " - " 8 10 6 8 4 12 12 12 8 . . _ . 9 24 21 22 17 27 26 26 22 - - - - 10 20 20 20 11 19 19 19 14 - - - - 11 6 6 6 3 34 33 33 25 - - - _ 12 32 28 29 21 21 21 21 14 - - _ _ 13 12 12 12 7 26 23 24 16 - - . _ 14 11 7 9 5 8 8 8 4 - - - - 15 22 22 22 19 7 7 7 4 - . _ _ 16 25 25 25 21 26 24 25 18 7 6 7 4 17 36 36 36 37 39 39 39 29 . 18 8 8 8 5 10 10 10 7 - - - _ 19 13 13 13 10 17 13 15 11 - _ _ - 20 15 15 15 13 61 59 61 49 - - - - 21 7 3 4 3 18 14 16 11 18 11 13 9 22 7 7 7 5 14 10 11 7 - . _ _ 23 38 38 38 29 23 23 23 18 - - - - 24 5 4 4 3 5 3 4 3 - - - - 25 30 30 30 24 19 15 17 12 - - - - 26 7 6 6 3 8 8 8 6 " - - - 27 It 14 14 8 18 17 17 12 . 28 19 16 17 11 43 35 37 28 - - - - 29 18 14 15 13 126 113 118 91 3 3 3 3 30 11 11 11 8 10 10 10 7 - - - - 31 3 2 2 1 10 9 9 8 - " - " 32 23 22 23 20 16 9 11 10 33 13 13 13 6 55 37 42 25 - - - - 34 29 25 26 17 8 8 e 6 _ - _ _ 35 17 < 2 ) 16 ( 2 ) 16 < 2 ) 11 ( 2 ) 13 ( 2 ) 11 ( 2 ) 12 ( 2 1 6 ( 2 ) ( 2 1 ( 2 I ( 2 ) ( 2 1 36 37 102 102 102 70 28 27 27 18 21 21 21 14 38 9 8 8 7 10 9 9 6 " " " " 39 70 70 70 44 9 9 9 6 40 16 12 13 10 - - - - _ _ - „ 41 13 38 39 28 10 10 10 7 _ _ _ _ 42 12 11 12 6 - - - - - - . - 43 21 8 17 14 5 5 5 3 - - - - 44 5 4 5 3 7 6 6 4 " " " - 45 26 24 25 16 46 12 11 11 7 - - _ _ - _ - _ ■'17 38 13 21 12 " " - - " - " " 48 38 38 38 33 . . . U9 50 49 49 56 44 44 44 43 - - _ - 50 27 27 27 26 - - - - - _ _ - 51 80 78 79 97 - - - - _ _ _ - 52 32 32 32 27 8 8 8 6 - - - - 53 12 12 12 9 1 1 1 1 " " " " 54 28 26 27 26 23 21 22 19 55 56 50 51 54 69 69 69 67 - - - - 56 86 79 80 76 95 94 94 94 - - - - 57 70 69 69 70 110 109 109 104 - - _ _ '18 44 32 34 34 17 16 16 16 7 6 7 5 59 183 176 178 169 253 252 252 249 - - - - 60 43 40 41 39 79 79 79 77 1 1 1 1 61 65 61 63 62 84 83 83 75 _ _ _ _ 62 120 115 116 116 132 124 125 128 " " " " 6 3 300 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 46. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of (Dollar amounts Number of employees Number of employee Full-ti MICHIGAN: BAY BERRIEN . . . CALHOUN . . . GENESEE . . . INGHAM. . . . JACKSON . . . KALAMAZOO . . KENT MACOMB. . . . MONROE. . . . MUSKEGON. . . OAKLAND . . . OTTAWA. . . . SAGINAW . . . ST. CLAIR . . WASHTENAW . . WAYNE . . . . MINNESOTA: ANOKA . . . . DAKOTA. . . . HENNEPIN. . . RAMSEY. . . . ST. LOUIS . . MISSISSIPPI: HARRISON. . . HINDS . . . . MISSOURI: CLAY GREENE. . . . JACKSON . . . JEFFERSON . . ST. LOUIS . . NEBRASKA: DOUGLAS . . . LANCASTER . . NEVADA: CLARK . . . . WASHOE. . . . NEW HAMPSHIRE: HILLSBOROUGH. ROCKINGHAM. . NEW JERSEY: ATLANTIC. . . BERGEN. . . . BURLINGTON. . CAMDEN. . . . CUMBERLAND. . ESSEX . . . . GLOUCESTER. . HUDSON. . . . MERCER. . . . MIDDLESEX . . MONMOUTH. . . MORRIS. . . . OCEAN . . . . PASSAIC . . . SOMERSET. . . UNION . . . . NEW MEXICO: BERNALILLO. . NEW YORK: ALBANY. . . . BROOME. . . . CHAUTAUQUA. . CHEMUNG . . . DUTCHESS. . . ERIE MONROE. . . . NASSAU. . . . NIAGARA . . . ONEIDA. . . . 183 119 126 172 402 300 106 155 308 113 30b 231 SI 9 196 111 113 306 108 26i( 126 695 311 9 7 ! 149 105 139 813 389 102 150 295 1 52 291 2 51 293 196 138 107 286 586 302 9 59 171 111 147 811 391 290 106 151 2 9 8 131 295 2 31 500 196 111 109 .9b 104 2 6 3 62 5 305 061 109 137 413 S21 l8» 219 113 115 549 304 1 057 113 168 157 172 111 517 202 132 157 116 111 409 190 418 157 153 111 451 I 03 121 178 168 132 1 35 101 372 179 484 252 160 titutions for juveniles 1 Number of employees Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent 1 October payroll October payroll a Total Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time only equivalent only equivalent PENNSYLVANIA — CONTINUED i 63 61 62 45 146 44 45 33 - - - - ? 16 35 38 2 7 30 19 22 15 12 8 9 6 3 31 31 31 20 23 23 23 13 8 8 8 4 4 192 172 180 148 131 115 121 101 42 35 39 25 5 NORTHAMPTON .... 76 76 76 58 60 60 60 44 13 13 13 6 6 13 43 43 21 34 34 34 18 4 4 4 2 7 53 51 51 33 34 32 32 21 5 3 4 2 8 WESTMORELAND. . . . 60 51 56 38 13 7 9 5 13 7 9 5 9 SOUTH CAROLINA: 78 69 73 52 59 50 55 38 20 11 16 e 10 12 37 39 25 41 37 39 25 8 6 7 4 11 72 63 66 39 72 63 66 39 20 11 14 8 12 31 31 31 21 314 34 34 21 - - - - 13 12 39 41 26 142 39 41 26 - - - - l«l SPARTANBURG .... TENNESSEE: 20 18 19 13 13 13 13 9 15 82 81 81 18 69 68 68 39 22 22 22 9 16 52 35 48 25 51 34 47 24 - - - - 17 152 152 152 331 407 407 407 295 30 30 30 17 18 TEXAS: 8 8 8 5 7 7 7 4 19 36 28 32 17 7 7 7 3 - - - - 20 292 262 269 172 200 171 178 102 32 32 32 16 21 23 16 19 12 6 6 6 4 - - - - 22 65 61 61 30 31 31 31 13 - - - - 23 138 409 423 362 246 220 235 184 100 75 90 63 24 118 118 118 73 71 71 71 42 25 25 25 16 25 31 34 31 21 23 23 23 13 - - - - 26 628 615 618 176 350 339 342 249 119 113 114 71 27 51 51 51 25 31 31 31 13 12 12 12 = 28 57 57 57 11 50 50 50 36 25 25 25 16 29 37 37 37 21 10 10 10 6 - - - 30 81 78 79 50 31 30 31 17 7 7 7 3 31 72 69 70 17 39 36 37 22 15 12 13 7 32 177 161 167 133 105 92 96 68 35 30 32 24 33 205 196 201 147 62 62 62 43 19 19 19 12 3U UTAH: 39 31 38 28 7 7 7 4 35 156 111 156 99 156 141 156 99 56 56 56 35 36 21 21 21 9 21 21 21 9 16 16 16 6 3? VIRGINIA: 18 32 31 21 48 32 34 24 29 14 16 11 38 77 58 63 63 31 24 26 28 - - - - 39 90 90 90 103 52 52 52 58 13 13 13 15 10 43 41 43 34 20 18 20 14 - - - - 11 PRINCE WILLIAM. . . WASHINGTON: 27 25 26 23 15 15 15 14 (4? 56 50 51 41 36 31 32 24 8 6 7 5 U3 553 478 496 437 372 303 321 285 181 131 144 111 1414 60 46 19 41 44 30 34 27 21 14 17 11 145 116 127 133 107 135 119 124 99 110 94 99 76 146 117 111 115 81 60 55 59 10 17 13 16 10 47 112 111 111 84 96 95 95 69 52 51 51 38 "48 WEST VIRGINIA: 51 47 18 33 25 21 22 18 11 10 11 9 149 26 26 26 17 22 22 22 13 10 10 10 5 50 WISCONSIN: 65 55 58 41 48 38 41 26 22 14 16 9 51 29 21 22 17 29 21 23 17 18 10 12 7 5 2 97 73 80 83 81 57 65 64 34 18 24 21 5 3 21 21 21 20 21 21 21 20 2 2 2 1 5<4 382 382 382 393 306 306 306 309 84 84 84 81 5 5 13 10 11 9 13 10 11 9 - - - - 56 33 18 22 18 23 8 12 8 14 6 9 5 57 79 71 71 67 70 62 65 60 52 45 48 43 .8 35 35 35 34 35 35 35 34 - - - - 59 11 9 9 5 14 9 9 5 " " " " - Represents zero or rounds to zero. Z Less than half the unit of measurement shown. 'Because of rounding, the detail figures may not add precisely to the totals shown. a As of January 1, 1974, the governments of Kayetto County, Kentucky and Lexington city, Kentucky merged to form the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Gov- ment. All employees of the Joint government are „ow shown as employees of Lexington city A Kentucky in the city tables presented elsewhere in this re- CORRECTIONS 312 large county governments, October 1974— Continued in thousands) 305 Institutions — Continued Probation and parole Miscellaneous Other and combined Institutions Number of employees October Number of employees October 5 Number oi employees 1 October Total Full-time Full-time payroll Total Full-time Full-time payroll ^ Total Full-time Full-time payroll only only 3 only equivalent 46 44 45 33 17 17 17 12 l 18 11 13 9 16 16 16 12 _ _ _ _ :■ 15 15 15 9 8 8 8 7 _ _ _ _ 3 89 80 82 76 61 57 59 47 . _ _ _ a 47 47 47 38 16 16 16 14 _ _ _ _ 5 30 30 30 16 9 9 9 6 - _ _ . 6 29 29 29 19 19 19 19 12 _ . _ _ 7 - - - 47 47 47 33 _ - _ _ 8 39 39 39 30 19 19 19 14 " " " " 33 31 32 21 1 . (z) 10 52 52 52 31 - - - . _ _ _ 11 34 34 34 21 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 42 39 41 26 - - - _ _ _ _ _ 13 13 13 13 9 7 5 6 4 " " - " It 47 46 46 30 11 11 11 7 2 2 2 2 15 51 34 47 24 1 1 1 1 . _ - _ 16 377 377 377 278 45 45 45 39 . _ _ _ 17 7 7 7 4 1 1 1 1 - - " " 18 7 7 7 3 29 21 25 14 19 168 139 146 86 92 91 91 70 - _ _ _ 20 6 6 6 4 17 10 13 8 - _ _ _ 21 31 31 31 13 34 30 33 17 _ _ „ _ 22 146 145 145 121 192 189 191 178 - _ _ _ 23 46 46 46 26 47 47 47 31 _ _ _ _ 2 a 23 23 23 13 11 11 11 8 , _ _ _ 25 231 226 228 178 273 271 272 222 5 5 5 5 26 19 19 19 8 20 20 20 12 _ _ 27 25 25 25 20 7 7 7 5 _ _ _ _ 28 10 10 10 6 27 27 27 15 _ _ _ _ 29 24 23 24 14 50 48 48 33 _ _ _ _ 30 24 24 24 15 33 33 33 25 _ - _ _ 31 70 62 64 44 71 71 71 64 1 1 1 1 32 43 43 43 31 139 130 135 101 - 33 7 7 7 4 32 27 31 24 4 4 4 3 34 100 85 100 64 _ 3 r ' 5 5 5 3 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 19 18 18 13 - " - - " - " - 37 31 24 26 28 46 34 37 35 38 39 39 39 43 38 38 38 45 _ _ _ _ 30 20 18 20 14 23 23 23 20 _ _ _ _ 40 15 15 15 14 12 10 11 9 - - - - 41 28 25 25 19 ■So 19 19 17 42 191 172 177 174 181 175 177 152 _ _ _ _ 43 20 16 17 16 16 16 16 14 _ _ _ _ 44 25 25 25 23 11 8 9 8 _ _ _ _ 45 43 42 43 30 57 56 56 41 _ _ _ _ 46 44 44 44 31 16 16 16 15 _ _ _ _ 47 11 11 11 9 26 26 26 15 - - " " 48 12 12 12 8 4 4 4 4 49 26 24 25 17 17 17 17 15 " - " " 50 11 11 11 10 . 51 47 39 41 43 16 16 16 19 _ _ _ _ 52 19 19 19 19 - - _ _ _ „ _ _ 53 222 222 222 228 23 23 23 30 53 53 53 54 54 13 10 11 9 - - - _ _ . _ _ 55 9 2 3 3 10 10 10 10 _ _ _ _ 56 18 17 17 17 9 9 9 7 _ _ „ _ 57 35 35 35 34 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 58 14 9 9 5 - " - - - - - - so 306 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) TOTAL ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM GADSDEN HUNTSVILLE MOBILE MONTGOMERY TUSCALOOSA ARIZONA! MESA PHOENIX SCOTTSDALE TEMPE TUCSON ARKANSAS: FORT SMITH LITTLE ROCK NORTH LITTLE ROCK . . . . PINE BLUFF CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA ALHAMBRA ANAHEIM BAKERSFIELD BELLFLOWER BERKELEY BUENA PARK BURBANK CARSON CHULA VISTA COMPTON CONCORD COSTA MESA DALY CITY DOWNEY EL CAJON EL MONTE FREMONT FRESNO FULLERTON GARDEN GROVE GLENDALE HAWTHORNE HAYWARD HUNTINGTON BEACH INGLEWOOD LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ANGELES MODESTO MOUNTAIN VIEW NORWALK OAKLAND ONTARIO ORANGE OXNARD PALO ALTO PASADENA PICO RIVERA POMONA REDONDO BEACH REDWOOD CITY RICHMOND RIVERSIDE See footnotes at end of table, Total corrections Number of employees 5 lb 33 21 H 17 7 17 3 Full-time only 57 5 lb 33 21 Full-time equivalent 1 18 419 n 17 7 4 5 61 13 3 October payroll 1 Institutions in 3 Number of employees 46 5 15 33 21 4 13 5 4 9 61 Full-time only 46 5 15 33 21 4 13 5 61 I 3 Full-time equivalent CORRECTIONS 307 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Probation and parole Mi see 1 laneous City Number of employees Number of employees October payroll October payroll Total Full-time Full-time Total Full-time Full-time only equivalent only equivalent 4 048 3 960 3 996 3 973 362 355 358 358 ALABAMA: BIRMINGHAM 11 11 11 7 - - - - GADSDEN .... - - - - - - - - HUNTSVILLE. . . - - - - - - - - MOBILE - - - - - - - - MONTGOMERY. . . - - - - - - - - TUSCALOOSA. . . - - - - - - - - ARIZONA: 4 4 4 3 _ ~ ~ - SCOTTSDALE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARKANSAS: - - - - - - - - 4 4 4 3 - - - - NORTH LITTLE ROCK .... 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA: ALAMEDA - - - - - - - - ALHAMBRA. . . . - - - - - - - - ANAHEIM .... - - - - - - - - BAKERSFIELD . . - - - - - - - - BELLFLOWER. . . - - - - - - - - BERKELEY. . . . - - - - - - - - BUENA PARK. . . - - - - - - - - BURBANK .... - - - - - - - - CARSON - - - - - - - - CHULA VISTA . . - - - - - - - - COMPTON .... - - - - - - - - CONCORD .... _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ COSTA MESA. . . - - - - - - - - DALY CITY . . . - - - - - - - - DOWNEY - - - - - - - EL CAJON. . . . - - - - - - - - EL MONTE. . . . - - - - - - - - FREMONT .... - - - - - - - - FRESNO - - - - - - - - FULLERTON . . . - - - - - - - - GARDEN GROVE. . - - - - - - - - GLENDALE. . . . - - - - - - - - HAWTHORNE . . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ HAYWARD .... - - - - - - - - HUNTINGTON BEACH - - - - - - - - INGLEWOOD . . . - - - - - - - - LAKEWOOD. . . . - - - - - - - - LONG BEACH. . . - - - - - - - - LOS ANGELES . . - - - - - - - - MODESTO .... - - - - - - - - MOUNTAIN VIEW . - - - - - - - - NORWALK .... - - - - - - - - OAKLAND .... - - - - - - - - ONTARIO .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ORANGE - - - - - - - - OXNARD - - - - - - - - PALO ALTO . . . - - - - - - - - PASADENA. . . . - - - - - - - - PICO RIVERA . . - - - - - - - - POMONA 3 3 3 4 - - - - REDONDO BEACH . - - - - - - - - REDWOOD CITY. . - - - - - - - - RICHMOND. . . . - - _ _ - - - - RIVERSIDE . . . - - - - - - - - See footnotes at end of table. 308 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total corrections Institutions City Number of employees Number of employees October October Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent 1 payroll 1 Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll CALIFORNIA — CONTINUED SACRAMENTO - - - - - - - - SALINAS .... - - - - - - - - SAN BERNARDINO. - - - - - - - - SAN BUENAVENTURA - - - - - - - - SAN DIEGO . . . 35 35 35 44 35 35 35 44 SAN FRANCISCO . 635 605 611 614 329 300 306 301 SAN JOSE. . . . - - - - - - - - SAN LEANDRO . . - - - - - - - - SAN MATEO . . . - - - - - - - - SANTA ANA . . . - - - - - - - - SANTA BARBARA . - - - - - - - - SANTA CLARA . . - - - - - - - - SANTA MONICA. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SANTA ROSA. . . - - - - - - - - SIMI VALLEY . . - - - - - - - - SOUTH GATE. . . 7 7 7 4 7 7 7 4 STOCKTON. . . . - - - - - - - - SUNNYVALE . . . - - - - - - - - TORRANCE. . . . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 VALLEJO .... - - - - - - - - WEST COVINA . . - - - - - - - - WESTMINSTER . . - - - - - - - - WHITTIER. . . . - - - - - - - - COLORADO: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COLORADO SPRINGS - - - - - - - - 209 201 204 224 2 05 197 200 221 - - - - - - - - 9 8 8 7 9 8 8 7 CONNECTICUT: BRIDGEPORT - - - - - - - - BRISTOL .... - - - - - - - - DANBURY .... - - - - - - - - HARTFORD. . . . - - - - - - - - MERIDEN .... - - - - - - - - MILFORD .... - - - - - - - - NEW BRITAIN . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW HAVEN . . . - - - - - - - - NORWALK .... - - - - - - - - STAMFORD. . . . - - - - - - - - WATERBURY . . . - - - - - - - - WEST HAVEN. . . - - - - - - - - DELAWARE: - - - - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 3 333 3 333 3 333 3 486 2 674 2 674 2 674 2 713 FLORIDA: 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 35 35 35 33 35 35 35 33 - - - - - - - - 13 13 13 10 13 13 13 10 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 286 2 58 269 200 275 247 2 58 193 - - - - - - - - 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 57 56 57 36 57 56 57 36 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 11 24 24 24 18 24 24 24 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WEST PALM BEACH 11 11 11 9 11 11 11 9 CORRECTIONS 309 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Probation and parole Miscellaneous City Number of employees October Number of employees October Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll CALIFORNIA — CONTINUED SACRAMENTO . - - - - - - - - SALINAS .... - - - - - - - - SAN BERNARDINO. - - - - - - - - SAN BUENAVENTURA - - - - - - - - SAN DIEGO . . . - - - - - - - - SAN FRANCISCO . 306 305 305 313 - - - - SAN JOSE. . . . - - - - - - - - SAN LEANDRO . . - - - - - - - - SAN MATEO . . . - - - - - - - - SANTA ANA . . . - - - - - - - - SANTA BARBARA . - - - - - - - - SANTA CLARA . . - - - - - - - - SANTA MONICA. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SANTA ROSA. . . - - - - - - - - SIM I VALLEY . . - - - - - - - - SOUTH GATE. . . - - - - - - - - STOCKTON. . . . - - - - - - - - SUNNYVALE . . . - - - - - - - - TORRANCE. . . . - - - - - - - - VALLEJO .... - - - - - - - - WEST COVINA . . - - - - - - - - WESTMINSTER . . - - - - - - - - WHITTIER. . . . - - - - - - - - COLORADO: - - - - - - - - BOULDER - - - - - - - - COLORADO SPRINGS - - - - - - - - 4 4 4 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONNECTICUT: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WEST HAVEN - - - - - - - - DELAWARE: WILMINGTON - - - - - - - - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 322 322 322 429 337 337 337 341 FLORIDA: CLEARWATER. ....... - - - - - - - - FORT LAUDERDALE - - - - - - _ - GAINESVILLE . - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - 11 11 11 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - WEST PALM BEACH - - - - - - - - See footnotes at end of table. 310 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) GEORGIA! ALBANY ATLANTA AUGUSTA COLUMBUS MACON SAVANNAH HAWAII! HONOLULU IDAHO: BOISE CITY ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS . . . . AURORA BERWYN CHAMPAIGN CHICAGO CICERO. '. DECATUR DES PLAINES EAST ST. LOUIS ELGIN EVANSTON JOLIET OAK LAWN OAK PARK PEORIA ROCKFORD ROCK ISLAND SKOKIE SPRINGFIELD WAUKEGAN INDIANA: ANDERSON EVANSVILLE FORT WAYNE GARY HAMMONO INDIANAPOLIS MUNCIE SOUTH BEND TERRE HAUTE IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS COUNCIL BLUFFS DAVENPORT DES MOINES DUBUQUE . . . SIOUX CITY WATERLOO KANSAS: KANSAS CITY OVERLAND PARK TOPEKA WICHITA KENTUCKY: COVINGTON LEXINGTON LOUISVILLE OWENSBORO See footnotes at end of table Total correctic Number of employees 100 13 52 9 1'4 6 3 394 1 Full-time only 100 12 52 9 14 Full-time equivalent 3 100 12 52 9 11 6 3 368 6 3 38? 1 October payroll 1 5 3 26 (Z) Institutions Number of employees 100 13 48 9 14 64 3 10 5 (NA) o 1? Full-time only 100 12 48 9 14 Full-time squivalent 100 12 48 9 14 5 (NA) 5 (NA) CORRECTIONS 311 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Probation and parole Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent October pay ro 1 1 Miscellaneous Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent October payroll GEORGIA: ALBANY. ATLANTA AUGUSTA COLUMBUS MACON . SAVANNAH HAWA I I : HONOLULU. IDAHO: BOISE CITY. ILLINOIS: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS AURORA BERWYN CHAMPAIGN . . . . CHICAGO CICERO DECATUR DES PLAINES . . . EAST ST. LOUIS. . ELGIN EVANSTON JOLIET OAK LAWN OAK PARK PEORIA ROCKFORD ROCK ISLAND . . . SKOKIE SPRINGFIELD . . . WAUKEGAN INDIANA: ANDERSON. . . EVANSVILLE. . FORT WAYNE. . GARY HAMMOND . . . INDIANAPOLIS. MUNCIE. . . . SOUTH BEND. . TERRE HAUTE . IOWA: CEDAR RAPIDS. COUNCIL BLUFFS DAVENPORT . . DES MOINES. . DUBUQUE . . . SIOUX CITY. . WATERLOO. . . KANSAS: KANSAS CITY . OVERLAND PARK TOPEKA. . . . WICHITA . . . KENTUCKY: COVINGTON . . LEXINGTON . . LOUISVILLE. . OWENSBORO . . 6 3 10t 1 6 3 100 1 See footnotes at end of table. 312 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) LOUISIANA: BATON ROUGE . . . LAFAYETTE . . . • LAKE CHARLES. . . MONROE NEW ORLEANS . . . SHREVEPORT. . . . MAINE: PORTLAND MARYLAND: BALTIMORE . . . . MASSACHUSETTS: BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE . . . . CHICOPEE FALL RIVER. . . . HOLYOKE LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN MALDEN. ..'... MEDFORD NEW BEDFORD . . . NEWTON PITTSFIELD. . . . QUINCY SOMERVILLE. . . . SPRINGFIELD . . . WALT HAM WORCESTER . . . . MICHIGAN: ANN ARBOR . . . . DEARBORN DEARBORN HEIGHTS. DETROIT FLINT GRAND RAPIDS... . KALAMAZOO . . . . LANSING LINCOLN PARK. . . LIVONIA PONTIAC ROSEVILLE . . . . ROYAL OAK . . . . SAGINAW ST. CLAIR SHORES. SOUTHFIELD. . . . STERLING HEIGHTS. TAYLOR WARREN WESTLAND WYOMING MINNESOTA: BLOOMINGTON . . . DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS . . . ROCHESTER . . . . ST. PAUL Mississippi: JACKSON . . . . . Total corrections Number of employees 8 366 20 438 a oq 2 2 i 1 18 19 21 2 5 2 16 9 1 2 1 Full-time only 2 365 19 Full-time equivalent 1 7 2 6 r > 2 03 17 5 21 2 3 1 1 1 2 07 18 7 21 2 I* 1 October payroll 1 2 275 11 1 2 3 7 21 7 23 2 5 2 3 7 1 Institutions Number of employees 8 333 2 211 15 Full-time only 2 3 32 19 203 Full-time equivalent 7 3 33 2 ; 0" 15 October payroll See footnotes at end of table. CORRECTIONS 313 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Probation and parole Miscellaneous City Number of employees Number of employees October October Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll LOUISIANA: BATON ROUGE . 8 8 8 6 - - - - LAFAYETTE . . . - - - - - - - - LAKE CHARLES. . - - - - - - - - MONROE - - - - - - - - NEW ORLEANS . . 33 33 33 21 - - - - SHREVEPORT. . . - - - - - - - - MAINE: PORTLAND - - - - - - - - MARYLAND: MASSACHUSETTS: BOSTON. ......... 178 178 178 206 - - - - BROCKTON. . . . - - - - - - - - CAMBRIDGE . . . - - - - - - - - CHICOPEE. . . . - - - - - - - - FALL RIVER. . . - - - - 23 16 19 13 HOLYOKE .... - - - - - - - - LAWRENCE. . . . 1 1 1 1 - - - - LOWELL - - - - - - - - LYNN - - - - - - - - MALDEN. .... . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MEDFORD .... - - - - - - - - NEW BEDFORD . . - - - - - - - - NEWTON - - - - - - - PITTSFIELD. . . - - - - - - - - QUINCY - - - - - - - - SOMERVILLE. . . - - - - - - - - SPRINGFIELD . . - - - - - - - - WALTHAM .... - - - - - - - - WORCESTER . . . - - - - - - - - MICHIGAN: 6 2 3 6 3 6 1 3 6 1 3 - - - DEARBORN HEIGHTS DETROIT .... _ 19 5 7 7 - - - KALAMAZOO . _ 6 5 2 6 3 1 6 u 1 6 5 2 - - - LINCOLN PARK . ROSEVILLE _ _ _ _ ROYAL OAK 16 1 n 3 - - _ - - - - - - - - ST. CLAIR SHORES _ SOUTHFIELD. ....... 9 7 7 7 - - _ _ STERLING HEIGHTS - - - - _ - _ _ 1 - 1 1 _ _ _ _ 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 _ - : WYOMING - MINNESOTA: BLOOMINGTON . . - - - _ _ _ _ _ DULUTH . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ MINNEAPOLIS . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ ROCHESTER . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ ST. PAUL. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - MISSISSIPPI: - - - - - - - - See footnotes at end of table. 314 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total corrections Institutions City Number of employees Number of employees October payroll 1 October payroll Total Full-time Full-time Total Full-time Full-time only equivalent 1 only equivalent MISSOURI: COLUMBIA - - - - - - - - FLORISSANT. . - - - - - - - - INDEPENDENCE. - - - - - - - - KANSAS CITY . 107 107 107 88 61 61 61 53 ST. JOSEPH. . - - - - - - - - ST. LOUIS . . 592 592 592 483 382 382 382 291 SPRINGFIELD . - - - - - - - - MONTANA: 4 4 4 4 n 4 4 4 NEBRASKA: 22 2 21 2 21 2 20 2 14 14 14 13 NEVADA: 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 16 NEW HAMPSHIRE: 7 8 7 7 7 8 6 4 - - - NEW jersey: BAYONNE - - - - - - - - BLOOMFIELD. . - - - - - - - - CAMDEN. . . . - - - - - - - - CLIFTON . . . - - - - - - - - EAST ORANGE . - - - - - - - - ELIZABETH . . - - - - - - - - IRVINGTON . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JERSEY CITY . - - - - - - - - NEWARK. . . . - - - - - - - - PASSAIC . . . - - - - - - - - PATERSON. . . - - - - - - - - TRENTON . . . - - - - - - - - UNION CITY. . - - - - - - - - NEW MEXICO: 103 103 103 81 87 87 87 67 NEW YORK: ALBANY - - - - - - - - BINGHAMTON. . - - - - - - - - BUFFALO . . . - - - - - - - - MOUNT VERNON. - - - - - - - - NEW ROCHELLE. - - - - - - - - NEW YORK C ITY 6 221 6 221 6 221 7 542 4 679 4 679 4 679 6 034 NIAGARA FALLS - - - - - - - - ROCHESTER . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - ROME - - - - - - - - SCHENECTADY . - - - - - - - - SYRACUSE. . . - - - - - - - - TROY - - -" - - - - - UTICA .... - - - - - - - - WHITE PLAINS. - - - - - - - - YONKERS . . . 21 20 20 28 21 20 20 28 NORTH CAROLINA: ASHEVILLE - - - - - - - - CHARLOTTE . . - - - - - - - - DURHAM. . . . - - - - - - - - FAYETTEVILLE. - - - - - - - - GREENSBORO. . - - - - - - - HIGH POINT. . - - - - - - - - RALEIGH . . . - - - - - - - - WINSTON-SALEM - - - - - - - - See footnotes at .■1 d of table. CORRECTIONS 315 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) City Probation and parole Miscellaneous Num 3er of employees Number of employees October payroll October payroll Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent MISSOURI: COLUMBIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ 46 46 46 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - 210 210 210 192 - - - - - - - - - - - - MONTANA: - - - - - - - - GREAT FALLS - - - - - - - - NEBRASKA: 8 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 - - - NEVADA: LAS VEGAS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEW HAMPSHIRE: 7 7 7 6 - _ _ _ 8 7 8 4 NEW JERSEY: BAYONNE .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ CAMDEN - ' ^ - : ^ CLIFTON EAST ORANGE _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JERSEY CITY - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - PATERSON. _ : ~ ™ ~ - ~ - - NEW MEXICO: 16 16 16 14 - - - - NEW YORK: ALBANY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - _ NEW ROCHELLE. ...... - - - - _ _ _ _ NEW YORK CITY 1 542 1 542 1 542 1 508 _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROME . - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ YONKERS , . . . - - - - - - - - NORTH CAROLINA: - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - FAYETTEVILLE _ - - - - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - See footnotes at end of table. 316 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total corrections Insti :utions City Number of employees October payroll 1 Number of employees October payroll Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent 1 Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent NORTH DAKOTA: 21 154 138 1 69 83 3 1 6 4 1 4 55 5 21 5 3 30 42 1 9 02 18 3 33 93 199 21 151 137 69 82 3 1 6 4 1 3 55 4 21 5 1 30 42 1 902 18 2 33 93 199 21 153 137 69 82 3 1 6 4 1 3 55 4 21 5 2 30 42 1 902 18 2 33 93 199 20 138 133 (z) 72 76 3 1 5 4 1 3 59 4 19 3 2 28 36 1 827 13 1 20 74 145 17 105 91 58 80 3 5 4 44 5 18 5 30 34 1 105 18 3 33 93 199 17 103 90 58 80 3 5 4 44 4 18 5 30 34 1 105 18 2 33 93 199 17 104 90 58 80 3 5 4 44 4 18 5 30 34 1 105 18 2 33 93 199 OHIO: 15 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS .... 90 82 59 73 3 HAMILTON. ... - 4 4 44 4 OKLAHOMA: 16 3 28 31 OREGON: PENNSYLVANIA: ALLENTOWN - BETHLEHEM CHESTER - 1 042 _ W1LKES-BARRE - RHODE ISLAND: - SOUTH CAROLINA: 13 SOUTH DAKOTA: TENNESSEE: 1 20 74 NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . . . 145 See footnotes at end of table CORRECTIONS 317 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Probation and parole Miscellaneous City Num ner of employees October payroll Number of employees Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent pay ro 1 1 NORTH DAKOTA: 4 49 47 1 11 3 1 1 1 4 11 3 3 8 797 4 48 47 11 2 1 1 1 3 11 3 1 8 797 4 48 47 11 2 1 1 1 3 11 3 2 8 797 5 48 51 (Z) 13 3 1 1 1 3 15 3 2 5 785 - - - OHIO: CLEVELAND HEIGHTS .... _ _ _ EUCLID - KETTERING - - - OKLAHOMA: - OREGON: EUGENE - PENNSYLVANIA: - CHESTER - PHILADELPHIA READING - RHODE ISLAND: - SOUTH CAROLINA: - GREENVILLE SOUTH DAKOTA: SIOUX FALLS TENNESSEE: MEMPHIS - NASHVILLE-DAVIDSON. . . . - 318 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Total corrections Insti tutions City Number of employees October Num ber of employees October Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent 1 payroll 1 Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent payroll TEXAS.: ABILENE ft '4 ft 3 5 4 5 2 AMAFILLO. . . 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 8 ARLINGTON . . a 4 a 3 4 4 4 3 AUSTIN. . . . - - - - - - - - BEAUMONT. . . 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 8RO'.VNSVILLE . - - - - - - - - CORPUS CHRIST I 21 21 21 11 21 21 21 11 DALLAS. . . . - - - - - - - - El PASO . . . - - - - - - - - FORT WORTH. . . 31 33 33 26 34 33 33 26 GALVESTON . . . 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 GARLAND . . . 4 4 4 3 4 4 U 3 GRAND PRAIRIE IX 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 HOUSTON . . . 133 133 133 127 133 133 133 127 IRVING. . . . ft 6 ft ft 6 6 6 6 LAREDO. . . . - - - - - - - - LUBBOCK . . . 4 14 4 2 4 4 u 2 MFSQUITE. . . - " - - - ~ - - MiriLAND . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ODESSA. . . . 5 5 s 3 5 5 5 3 PASADENA. . . 7 7 7 7 7 7 -7 7 PORT ARTHUR . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SAN ANGELO. . 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 SAN ANTONIO . - - - - - - - - TYLER .... - - - - - - - - WACO 6 ft 6 3 6 6 6 3 WICHITA FALLS 6 6 ft 5 ft ft ft 5 itah: OGDEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ VIRGINIA: a? 42 42 38 34 34 34 30 07 02 •13 58 07 02 03 58 51 22 20 26 29 - 11 6 S3 23 34 22 43 15 26 17 1?3 71 02 63 104 52 75 48 138 55 80 53 134 51 75 51 52 3 20 14 52 3 20 14 155 23 61 57 155 23 ftl 57 87 87 87 62 51 51 51 33 VIRGINIA BEACH 58 58 58 42 P. ft 26 2ft 15 VASHINGTON: BELLTVIjr 6 3 4 4 - - - - EVERETT . . . - - - - - - - - SEATTLE . . . 50 39 42 U7 28 22 24 30 SPOKANE . . . - - - - - - - - TACOMA. . . . 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 WEST VIRGINIA: - - - - - - - - - - - " - - " - WISCONSIN: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LACROSSE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - " - - - - See footnotes at end ol i. 1.1. CORRECTIONS 319 Table 47. Detail of corrections employment and payrolls of 384 large city governments, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) City Probation and parole Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent Octobei payroll Misce llaneous Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent October payroll TEXAS: AHILEN 1 - . . . . AMAK1LIO . . . ARLINGTON . . . AUSTIN. . . . , BEAUMONT. . . . r.lROWNSVILLE . . CORPUS CHRIST I. DALLAS EL PASO . . . . FORT WORTH. , RALVF.STON . . . GARLAND . . . . GRAND PRAIRIE . HOUSTON . . . . IRVING LAREDO LUBBOCK . . . . MFSQUITE, , . . MIDI AND . . . . ODESSA PASADENA. . . . PORT ARTHUR . , SAN AW',ELO. . . SAN ANTONIO . . TVLEF WACO WICHITA FALLS . UTAH: 000 FN PROVO salt lake c ity. virginia: Alexandria. , . chfsapeake. . . HAMPTON . . . . LYNCHBURG . . , NEWPORT NF'VS, . NORFOLK . . . . PORTSMOUTH. . . RICHMOND. . . . ROAN'>KE . . . . VIRGINIA BEACH. WASHINGTON: BELLEVUE. . . . EVERETT . . . . SEATTLE . . . . SPOKANE . . . . TACOMA WFST VIRGINIA: CHARLESTON. . . HUNTINGTON. . . WISCONSIN: APPLETON. GREEN BAY KENOSHA . LACROSSE. MADISON . MILWAUKFE OSHKOSH . RACINE. . WAUWATOSA WEST ALL IS - Represents zero or rounds to zero. NA Not available. Z Les rounding, the detail figures may not add precisely to the totals shown. than half the unit of measurement shown. 'Because of Section VIII. OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE 321 Table 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergov ernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments UNITED STATES, TOTAL . . MUNICIPALITIES . . . 208 350 552 396 99 343 44 542 55 402 1 304 8 491 220 104 116 534 953 22 22 976 6 286 165 181 426 3 855 3 3 15 972 46 095 6 090 5 130 1 033 950 7 393 268 114 154 1 285 5 354 120 120 783 1 327 1 550 1 550 1 550 7 930 11 904 5 628 4 407 1 221 1 911 17 006 430 386 44 208 350 109 480 98 869 43 760 55 109 1 304 1 084 220 104 116 534 512 22 22 976 811 165 165 426 423 3 3 15 972 9 890 6 082 5 122 960 950 682 268 114 154 1 285 1 167 118 118 783 783 1 550 1 550 1 550 7 930 2 302 5 628 4 407 1 221 1 911 1 481 430 386 44 176 562 108 105 68 457 20 415 48 042 1 304 1 084 220 104 116 530 508 22 22 965 801 164 164 417 414 3 3 15 822 9 818 6 004 5 053 951 849 675 174 20 154 1 278 1 160 118 118 782 782 1 531 1 531 1 531 6 720 2 283 4 438 3 222 1 216 1 557 1 478 80 39 41 31 787 1 375 30 412 23 345 7 067 4 4 11 10 1 1 9 9 150 72 78 69 9 101 7 94 94 7 7 1 1 19 19 19 1 210 19 1 191 1 185 6 353 3 350 347 3 443 992 442 916 1 076 782 7 407 7 407 441 441 5 491 5 475 16 16 3 432 3 432 36 287 36 205 82 8 73 6 711 6 711 4 189 4 187 2 2 544 544 9 602 9 602 15 525 15 525 474 (X) 474 369 105 (X) (X) (X) (X) 8 (X) a 8 (X) 2 (X) 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) 443 518 442 916 602 413 18b 7 407 441 441 BOROUGHS 5 491 5 475 16 16 3 432 3 432 LOCAL, TOTAL 36 276 36 205 73 MUNICIPALITIES 73 6 711 6 711 MUNICIPALITIES 4 187 4 187 544 544 LOCAL, TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES ...... DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA : MUNICIPALITIES 9 602 9 602 15 525 15 525 LOCAL, TOTAL - See footnotes at end of table. 322 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergov ^rnmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 541 1 803 24 541 517 24 540 517 23 1 1 1 286 1 286 (X) 1 286 1 286 24 24 23 1 - - - 209 3 068 11 209 198 11 207 196 11 2 2 2 870 2 670 (X) 2 870 2 870 4 8 4 8 4 8 " - : ^ - 14 395 35 964 2 337 14 395 12 058 2 336 13 777 11 984 1 792 618 74 544 24 325 23 906 419 i (X) 1 ?4 324 23 906 418 COUNTIES 1 776 979 1 388 948 844 948 544 388 31 1 387 31 2 735 12 439 1 403 2 735 1 336 1 399 2 715 1 329 1 387 20 7 13 11 106 11 103 3 3 (X) 3 11 103 11 103 COUNTIES 532 870 529 870 521 866 8 5 3 3 - 1 189 4 307 751 1 189 484 705 1 067 483 584 122 1 121 3 875 3 823 52 45 (X) 45 3 830 3 823 7 225 533 215 491 122 463 93 28 10 42 9 36 1 o 1 640 6 398 1 095 1 640 546 1 095 1 634 545 1 089 6 1 5 5 859 5 852 7 (X) 5 859 STATE 5 852 7 225 876 219 876 213 8-76 5 7 - 7 3 936 8 399 2 678 3 936 1 258 2 678 1 302 1 251 52 2 634 7 2 627 7 144 7 141 3 (X) 7 144 7 141 3 COUNTIES 2 647 34 2 644 34 17 34 2 627 3 : 3 1 066 13 996 294 1 066 775 291 984 766 218 83 9 74 13 223 13 221 2 2 (X) 2 13 221 13 221 PARISHES 59 235 59 233 218 59 15 2 2 _ - 727 1 931 52 727 675 52 723 671 52 4 4 1 285 1 256 29 (X) 1 285 STATE 1 256 29 COUNTIES 29 52 2Q 22 29 22 " 29 - _ 29 7 112 12 306 2 759 7 112 4 353 2 759 6 555 3 979 2 577 557 374 183 7 953 7 953 (X) 7 953 STATE 7 953 COUNTIES . . 1 563 1 196 1 563 1 196 1 389 1 187 173 9 - - _ - 8 635 17 921 2 639 8 635 5 996 2 639 8 589 5 950 2 639 46 46 11 925 11 925 (X) 11 925 11 925 COUNTIES 2 639 2 639 2 639 " - - m ~ 5 457 18 743 2 578 5 457 2 879 2 578 5 331 2 878 2 452 126 126 15 868 15 865 3 (X) 15 868 STATE 15 865 3 752 1 830 749 1 830 724 1 729 25 101 3 " 3 MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table. OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE 323 Table 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 2 726 8 675 1 653 275 1 380 1 546 4 146 60 1 59 3 592 16 696 2 794 1 425 1 369 715 1 992 106 77 29 1 211 3 388 494 5 489 683 2 023 12 12 1 475 1 010 466 466 6 659 18 363 4 415 1 028 3 387 1 190 3 794 404 404 19 50 166 50 647 35 830 13 070 22 761 3 442 9 844 2 525 2 329 201 423 1 731 8 8 2 726 1 072 1 653 273 1 380 1 546 1 486 60 1 59 3 592 802 2 790 1 425 1 365 715 609 106 77 29 1 211 717 494 5 489 683 671 12 12 1 475 1 010 466 466 6 659 2 244 4 415 1 028 3 387 1 190 786 404 404 50 166 14 336 35 830 13 070 22 761 3 442 945 2 497 2 298 199 423 415 7 7 2 717 1 070 1 646 272 1 374 1 533 1 479 54 1 53 2 486 796 1 691 1 397 294 710 604 106 77 29 1 195 704 491 5 486 672 660 12 12 1 472 1 007 466 466 6 640 2 225 4 415 1 028 3 387 1 124 775 349 349 35 420 14 309 21 112 383 20 729 1 435 928 506 308 199 421 413 7 7 9 2 7 1 6 13 7 6 6 1 105 6 1 099 28 1 071 5 5 16 13 3 3 11 11 3 3 19 19 66 11 55 55 14 746 27 14 719 12 687 2 032 2 007 17 1 990 1 990 2 2 7 605 7 603 2 2 2 660 2 660 15 898 15 894 4 4 1 383 1 383 2 671 2 671 1 352 1 352 16 119 16 119 3 027 3 008 19 19 36 311 36 311 8 932 8 899 33 31 2 1 317 1 316 1 1 (X) (X) 4 (X) 4 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 28 (X) 28 26 2 1 (X) 1 1 7 605 7 603 2 2 2 660 15 694 15 B94 1 363 1 383 COUNTIES 2 671 2 671 1 352 1 352 MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITIES - MUNICIPALITIES 16 119 16 119 MUNICIPALITIES ...... 3 027 3 008 19 LOCAL, TOTAL . . MUNICIPALITIES 19 36 311 36 311 MUNICIPALITIES 8 905 8 899 6 MUNICIPALITIES 1 316 1 316 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES See footnotes at end of table. 324 CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Direct expenditu re Intergo\ emmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments OHIO 8 263 35 531 8 263 1 834 2 949 1 834 5 315 ^ 705 33 697 6 (X) 33 699 33 697 6 435 6 429 1 114 5 315 8 b 2 2 733 3 704 2 727 3 702 131 984 2 597 2 718 6 2 b 2 1 821 6 874 1 105 1 821 716 1 105 1 799 713 1 085 23 3 20 6 158 6 158 (X) 6 158 6 15a COUNTIES 2 1 103 2 1 103 1 1 084 1 19 - " - 2 436 7 115 1 530 2 436 906 1 530 2 436 906 1 530 - 6 209 6 209 (X) 6 209 6 209 COUNTIES 61 1 469 61 1 469 61 1 469 - - " - 5 790 42 441 2 169 5 790 3 659 2 131 5 785 3 659 2 126 5 5 38 821 38 782 39 38 (X) 38 38 784 STATE 38 782 2 COUNTIES 32 2 138 32 2 099 27 2 099 5 39 38 2 660 1 981 106 660 554 106 660 554 106 - 1 432 1 427 5 (X) 1 432 1 427 5 111 106 106 - 5 - 5 2 235 2 235 1 762 472 7 276 11 7 265 9 407 103 2 142 92 1 670 92 472 7 265 11 (X) 11 7 265 4 99 4 89 4 88 - 11 11 MUNICIPALITIES - 337 2 300 337 337 335 335 2 2 1 969 1 963 6 (X) 1 969 1 963 6 COUNTIES 6 - - - 6 - 6 1 832 7 454 990 1 832 848 983 1 488 845 643 343 3 340 6 613 6 606 7 7 (X) 7 6 606 STATE COUNTIES 840 150 833 150 497 146 336 4 7 7 MUNICIPALITIES - 19 180 37 379 5 729 19 180 13 758 5 422 18 029 13 731 4 298 1 151 27 1 124 23 928 23 621 307 307 (X) 307 23 621 23 621 LOCAL, TOTAL COUNTIES 3 281 2 448 2 975 2 447 2 862 1 437 113 1 on 306 1 306 1 - 699 4 212 699 699 695 695 4 4 3 513 3 513 (X) 3 513 3 513 COUNTIES - - ~ - - " - 334 594 334 334 334 334 - 260 260 (X) 260 STATE 260 " - " - - - - 2 325 11 111 240 2 325 2 085 240 2 265 2 037 226 60 48 12 9 032 9 026 6 (X) 9 032 9 026 6 COUNTIES 233 12 228 12 216 12 12 6 - 6 See footnotes at end of table. OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE 325 Table 48. Other criminal justice expenditure, by character and object, by State and type of government, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total 1 Dii ect expenditure Intergovernmental expenditure State and type of government Total Direct current Capital outlay Total To State governments To local governments 1 707 6 107 826 628 198 564 3 004 9 9 4 859 7 622 167 113 74 220 1 018 30 3 27 1 707 888 819 628 190 564 555 9 9 4 859 4 675 164 110 74 220 190 30 3 27 1 416 887 529 340 189 551 542 9 9 4 835 4 653 182 108 74 220 190 30 3 27 290 1 289 288 1 13 13 24 22 2 2 5 226 5 219 7 7 2 449 2 449 2 950 2 947 3 3 828 628 7 (X) 7 7 (X) 3 (X) 3 3 (X) 5 219 5 219 2 44v 2 449 COUNTIES MUNICIPALITIES 2 947 2 947 STATE - - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. 'For each State, and the United States summary, the expenditure figures shown on the "Local, total" line and the combined State- local total line (the data shown opposite the names of the individual States) exclude duplicative intergovernmental expend- iture amounts. This was done to avoid the artificial inflation which would result if an intergovernmental expenditure amount for one government is tabulated and then counted again when the recipient government (s ) ultimately expend(s) that amount. APPENDIX 1: EXHIBIT TABLES A AND B Table A. Special police force expenditure of selected special districts and school districts by character and object, fiscal year 1974 (Thousands of dollars) Unit of government 1 Direct expenditure Direct current Capital outlay Inter- governmental expenditure Total CALIFORNIA Special districts: Los Angeles City Housing Authority East Bay Regional Park District (Oakland) Oakland Housing Authority San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (Oakland) San Diego Unified Port Authority San Francisco City-County Housing Authority Stockton Port District Sacramento Yolo Port District (West Sacramento) Independent school districts: Kern Joint Union High School District (Bakersf ield ) . . Compton Unified School District State Center Community College District (Fresno) Grant Union High School District (Sacramento) Foothill Community College District (Los Altos Hills) Los Angeles Community Colleges Los Angeles Unified School District Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District Oakland Unified School District Peralta Community College District (Oakland) Richmond Unified School District Los Rios Junior College (Sacramento ) Sacramento City Unified School District San Diego Unified School District San Francisco Community College District..... Santa Ana College Santa Ana Unified School District COLORADO Independent school districts: Denver Public School District No . 1 Jefferson County School District ( Lakewood ) CONNECTICUT Special districts: Housing Authority — City of Bridgeport Hartford Metro District Housing Authority — City of New Haven DELAWARE Special districts: Delaware River Bay Authority (New Castle) Housing Authority of Wilmington DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Special districts: Washington Metro Area Transit Authority FLORIDA Special districts: South Broward Hospital District (Hollywood) Independent school districts: Pinellas County School District (Clearwater) Broward County School District (Fort Lauderdale) Duval County School Board (Jacksonville) Florida Junior College (Jacksonville) Dade County School (Miami) Miami Dade Junior College Pensacola Junior College Hillsborough County School District (Tampa) See footnotes at end of table. 817 415 411 563 563 538 75 75 75 476 1,476 1,476 890 890 846 223 223 223 200 200 200 122 122 122 226 226 226 599 599 599 115 115 113 97 97 93 143 143 143 203 1,203 1,203 800 4,800 4,800 134 134 134 264 264 239 615 615 392 256 256 244 119 119 119 140 140 140 311 311 308 106 104 ■169 145 321 106 ]04 469 145 321 106 104 •1 69 134 321 232 232 232 276 276 276 296 221 212 196 196 182 411 1,411 1,317 194 162 157 126 126 124 241 241 241 327 328 APPENDIX 1— Continued Table A. Special police force expenditure of selected special districts and school districts by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Unit of government 1 Direct expenditure Capital outlay Inter- governmental expenditure GEORGIA Special districts: Fulton-De Kalb Hospital Authority (Atlanta) Richmond County Hospital Authority (Augusta) Macon-Bibb County Hospital Authority Independent school districts: Atlanta Independent School District Muscogee County School District (Columbus) Bibb County School District (Macon) Cobb County School District (Marietta ) Savannah-Chatham County School District (Savannah) ILLINOIS Special districts: Chicago City Board of Education Chicago Housing Authority Chicago Transit Authority Metro Fair Exposition Authority ( Chicago ) Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago Independent school districts: Chicago City College Peoria Public School District 150 INDIANA Special districts: Indianapolis-Marion County Building Authority Independent school districts: Gary Commission School Corporation Indianapolis Public Schools imvA Independent school districts: Waterloo Community School District KANSAS Independent school districts: Kansas City School District Unified School District 501 (Topeka) Wichita Unified School District 259 KENTUCKY Independent school districts: Fayette County School District (Lexington) Jefferson County School District (Louisville) Louisville Public Schools LOUISIANA Special districts: Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District Orleans Levee District (New Orleans ) Independent school districts: East Baton Rouge Parish School District (Baton Rouge).. Orleans Parish School District (New Orleans) MARYLAND Special districts: Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (Riverdale) 309 183 f)9S 698 1 L2 103 in j 239 125 173 11,0 .1(1 101 261 309 183 .VIM 698 112 103 ■1(1-1 239 1 'J 5 I ?;: K. ■) 594 101 ■.'iU .-id I L83 268 2,268 2,268 770 - - 984 984 984 471 471 471 830 830 830 626 626 626 169 169 169 >98 698 112 103 398 232 1 17 173 163 199 101 254 See footnotes at end of table. APPENDIX 1— Continued 329 Table A. Special police force expenditure of selected special districts and school districts by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Unit of government 1 Direct expenditure Capital outlay Inter- governmental expenditure MASSACHUSETTS Special districts: Boston Housing Authority Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (Jamaica Plain) MICHIGAN Special districts: Huron-Clinton Metro Authority (Detroit) Tri-City Airport Commission ( Freeland ) Peoples Community Hospital Authority (Wayne) Independent school districts: Oakland Community College (Bloomfield Hills) Detroit City School District Flint City School District Grand Rapids Public Schools Lansing City School District Pontiac City School District Mroomb County Community College (Warren) MINNESOTA Special districts: Hennepin County Park Reserve (Maple Plain) Minneapolis-St . Paul Metro Airports Commission (St. Paul) MISSOURI Special districts: Housing Authority of Kansas City St . Louis Housing Authority Independent school districts: Kansas City School District Junior College District of St . Louis St . Louis City School District Springfield School District NEBRASKA Independent school districts: Omaha City School District No. 1 NEVADA Independent school districts: Clark County School District (Las Vegas) NEW JERSEY Special districts: Delaware River Port Authority (Camden) Burlington County Bridge Commission (Palmyra) Paterson Housing Authority Housing Authority of the City of Trenton NEW MEXICO Independent school districts: Albuquerque School District NEW YORK Special districts: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (New York) Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor Independent school districts: Farmingdale Public Schools See footnotes at end of table. 284 1,003 532 171 118 177 680 156 199 251 107 621 273 476 659 ,217 326 20,099 1,176 :>H4 ,003 1 7 7 I-.SU 199 251 107 621 476 fiSH 273 176 659 1,217 326 20,099 1,176 281 .003 175 liXO LOO 621 457 liSO 273 473 659 1,217 326 20,099 1,176 330 APPENDIX 1— Continued Table A. Special police force expenditure of selected special districts and school districts by character and object, fiscal year 1974— Continued (Thousands of dollars) Unit of government 1 Direct expenditur Direct current Capita] outlay Inter- governmental expenditure OHIO Special districts: Akron Metropolitan Park District Hamilton County Park District (Cincinnati) Cleveland Metro Housing Authority Cleveland Metropolitan Park District Lorain County Metro Park District (Elyria) Metro Park District of the Toledo Area (Toledo) Youngstown Township Park District Independent school districts: Cincinnati City School District Cuyahoga County Community College District (Cleveland)... Dayton City School District OKLAHOMA Independent school districts: Oklahoma City School District OREGON Special districts: The Port of Portland District Independent school districts: Portland School District PENNSYLVANIA Special districts: Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (Morrisville ) Philadelphia Housing Authority Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia) Pittsburgh Housing Authority Port Authority of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) Independent school districts : Penn Hills Township School District (Pittsburgh) Pittsburgh City School District SOUTH CAROLINA Special districts: Columbia Metro Airport TENNESSEE Special districts: Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority TEXAS Special districts: North Central Texas Airport Authority (Arlington) Brownsvi lie Navigation District Nueces County Navigation District (Corpus Christi ) Dallas County Hospital District Housing Authority — City of Houston Port of Houston Authority Bexar County Hospital District (San Antonio) Independent school districts: Dallas County Community College District (Dallas) El Paso Independent School District Ysleta Independent School District (El Paso) Tarrant County Junior College District (Fort Worth) Houston Independent School District See footnotes at end of table. 155 155 155 244 244 220 530 530 525 892 892 812 416 416 316 22 8 228 199 127 127 127 222 222 222 327 327 326 189 189 187 2,171 2,604 372 633 166 ,.:'s 345 ,212 175 ...... 165 170 679 2,171 2,604 372 633 528 345 1,212 175 ■'(,., 232 165 170 679 ,171 ,364 372 633 528 336 1 ,212 169 257 232 169 679 APPENDIX 1— Continued 331 Table A. Special police force expenditure of selected special districts and school districts by character and object, fiscal year 1974 — Continued (Thousands of dollars) Total Direct expenditure Inter- Unit of government 1 Total Direct current Capital outlay governmental expenditure TEXAS — Continued Independent school districts — Continued 50 40 124 124 512 534 1,124 422 50 40 124 124 512 534 1,124 422 50 40 124 102 512 528 1,090 413 22 6 34 9 San Antonio-St. Phillips College District (San Antonio) UTAH Independent school districts: VIRGINIA Special districts: Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel District (Cape Charles) - WASHINGTON Special districts: Independent school districts: - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 1 Where the name of the unit of government does not reflect the city where the unit's administrative headquarters are located, this information appears in parentheses after the unit name. 332 APPENDIX 1— Continued Table 8. Special police force employment and payroll of selected special districts and school districts, October 1974 (Dollar amounts in thousands) Unit of government 1 Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent October pay ro 1 1 Total CALIFORNIA Special districts: Los Angeles City Housing Authority East Bay Regional Park District (Oakland) Oakland Housing Authority San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (Oakland) San Diego Unified Port Authority San Francisco City-County Housing Authority Stockton Port District Sacramento -Yolo Port District (West Sacramento) Independent school districts: Kern Joint Union High School District (Bakersf ield ) . Compton Unified School District State Center Community College District (Fresno).... Grant Union High School District (Sacramento) Foothill Community College District (Los Altos Hills Los Angeles Community Colleges Los Angeles Unified School District Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District Oakland Unified School District Peralta Community College District (Oakland) Richmond Unified School District Los Rios Junior College ( Sacramento ) Sacramento City Unified School District San Diego Unified School District San Francisco Community College District Santa Ana College Santa Ana Unified School District COLORADO Independent school districts: Denver Public School District No . 1 Jefferson County School District ( Lakewood ) CONNECTICUT Special districts: Housing Authority City of Bridgeport Hartford Metro District Housing Authority City of New Haven DELAWARE Special districts: Delaware River Bay Authority (New Castle) Housing Authority of Wi lmington DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Special districts: Washington Metro Area Transit Authority FLORIDA Special districts: South Broward Hospital District (Hollywood) Independent school districts: Pinellas County School District (Clearwater) Broward County School District (Fort Lauderdale).... Duval County School Board (Jacksonville) Florida Junior College (Jacksonville) Dade County School District (Miami ) Miumi-Dado Junior College Pensacola Junior College Hillsborough County School District (Tampa) See footnotes at end of table. ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) APPENDIX 1— Continued 333 Table B. Special police force employment and payroll of selected special districts and school districts, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Unit of government 1 Number of Full-time only Full-time equivalent October payroll GEORGIA Special districts: Fulton-De Kalb Hospital Authority (Atlanta) Richmond County Hospital Authority (Augusta) Macon-Bibb County Hospital Authority (Macon) Independent school districts: Atlanta Independent School District Muscogee County School District (Columbus) Bibb County School District (Macon) Cobb County School District (Marietta) Savannah-Chatham County School District ILLINOIS Special districts: Chicago City Board of Education Chicago Housing Authority Chicago Transit Authority Metro Fair Exposition Authority (Chicago) Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago Independent school districts: Chicago City College Peoria Public School District 150 INDIANA Special districts: Indianapolis-Marion County Building Authority (Indianapol Independent school districts: Gary Commission School Corporation Indianapolis Public Schools IOWA Independent school districts: Waterloo Community School District KANSAS Independent school districts: Kansas City School District Unified School District 501 (Topeka) Wichita Unified School District 259 KENTUCKY Independent school districts: Fayette County School District (Lexington) Jefferson County School District (Louisville) Louisville Public Schools LOUISIANA Special districts: Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District Orleans Levee District (New Orleans ) Independent school districts: East Baton Rouge Parish School District (Baton Rouge).... Orleans Parish School District (New Orleans) MARYLAND Special districts: Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission ( Riverdale ) 536 ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) 155 ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) 17 ' ( 2 ) 65 C 2 ) ( 2 ) See footnotes at end of table. 334 APPENDIX 1— Continued Table B. Special police force employment and payroll of selected special districts and school districts, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Unit of government 1 Number of employees Full-time only Full-time equivalent October payroll MASSACHUSETTS Special districts: Boston Housing Authority Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (Jamaica Plain) MICHIGAN Special districts: Huron-Clinton Metro Authority (Detroit) Tri City Airport Commission (Freeland ) Peoples Community Hospital Authority (Wayne) Independent school districts: Oakland Community College (Bloomfield Hills) Detroit City School District Flint City School District Grand Rapids Public Schools Lansing City School District Pontiac City School District Macomb County Community College (Warren) MINNESOTA Special districts: Hennepin County Park Reserve (Maple Plain) Minneapolis-St . Paul Metro Airports Commission (St. Paul MISSOURI Special districts: Housing Authority of Kansas City St. Louis Housing Authority Independent school districts: Kansas City School District Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis City School District Springfield School District NEBRASKA Independent school districts: Omaha City School District No. 1 NEVADA Independent school districts: Clark County School District (Las Vegas) NEW JERSEY Special districts: Delaware River Port Authority (Camden) Burlington County Bridge Commission (Palmyra) Paterson Housing Authority Housing Authority of the City of Trenton NEW MEXICO Independent school districts: Albuquerque School District NEW YORK Special districts : Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (New York).... Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor Independent school districts: Farmingdnle Public Schools See footnotes at end of table. ( 2 ) ( 2 ) 119 29 3d 107 119 22 C) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) ( 2 ) APPENDIX 1— Continued 335 Table B. Special police force employment and payroll of selected special districts and school districts, October 1974— Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Unit of government 1 Number of employees Full-tin only Full-time equivalent October payroll OHIO Special districts: Akron Metropolitan Park District (Akron) Hamilton County Park District (Cincinnati) Cleveland Metro Housing Authority Cleveland Metropolitan Park District Lorain County Metro Park District (Elyria) Metro Park District of the Toledo Area (Toledo) Youngstown Township Park District Independent school districts: Cincinnati City School District Cuyahoga County Community College District (Cleveland)... Dayton City School District OKLAHOMA Independent school districts: Oklahoma City School District OREGON Special districts: The Port of Portland District Independent school districts : Portland School District PENNSYLVANIA Special districts: Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (Morrisville ) Philadelphia Housing Authority Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia) Pittsburgh Housing Authority Port Authority of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) Independent school districts: Penn Hills Township School District (Pittsburgh) Pittsburgh City School District SOUTH CAROLINA Special districts: Columbia Metro Airport TENNESSEE Special districts: Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority (Memphis) Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority TEXAS Special districts: North Central Texas Airport Authority (Arlington) Brownsville Navigation District Nueces County Navigation District (Corpus Christi) Dallas County Hospital District (Dallas) Housing Authority — City of Houston Port of Houston Authority Bexar County Hospital District (San Antonio) Independent school districts: Dallas County Community College District (Dallas) El Paso Independent School District Ysleta Independent School District (El Paso) Tarrant County Junior College District (Fort Worth) Houston Independent School District See footnotes at end of table. L09 ■.!.'«> 28 60 9 ( 2 ) L84 109 230 ( 2 ) 1 f>0 109 230 ( 2 ) 165 111 233 ( 2 ) 336 APPENDIX 1— Continued Table 8. Special police force employment and payroll of selected special districts and school districts, October 1974 — Continued (Dollar amounts in thousands) Number of employees October payroll Unit of government 1 Total Full-time only Full-time equivalent TEXAS — Continued Independent school districts—Continued 10 14 35 15 64 58 81 32 10 11 26 11 64 58 81 32 10 13 27 14 64 58 81 32 UTAH Independent school districts: VIRGINIA Special districts: 44 WASHINGTON Special districts: 90 Independent school districts: 33 - Represents zero or rounds to zero. 1 Where the name of the unit of government does not reflect the city where the unit*s administrative headquarters are located, this information appears in parentheses after the unit name. 2 Unit of government does not directly employ police personnel. Police services are provided by contract with another govern- ment or with a private security firm. APPENDIX 2: DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Following is a glossary of terms, concepts, and categories used in this report and comments concerning their limitations. The definitions are those applied in the field compi- lation of data for the 50 States, 312 largest counties, and 384 largest cities. These definitions were necessarily summarized for inclusion in the survey questionnaires (see appendix 3) sent to governments in the mail portion of the survey. neither the amount nor the quality of the data reported would permit any attempt to estimate total contri- butions for all similar governments in a given State. Given the problems involved, no estimation procedure seems feasible. Such data as were reported separately were therefore excluded from total criminal justice expenditures to provide a consistent data base for administering the variable pass-through requirement. Expenditure is divided into two major categories by character: Government expenditure Expenditure is all amounts of money paid out (net of any correcting transactions) other than for retirement of debt, investment in securities, extensions of loans, or agency transactions. It includes only external cash payments and excludes any intragovernmental transfers and noncash transactions, such as the provision of meals or housing of employees. It also includes any payments financed from borrowing, fund balances, intergovern- mental revenue, and other current revenue. In several instances, two or more governments share the expense of maintaining a court or other criminal justice agency. In these cases, the allocable direct expenditure amount is reported for each government in the appropriate category. When a government pays pensions directly to retired employees from appropriated funds, such pay- ments are included as expenditure of the government concerned. However, State and local government contri- butions to retirement systems and various other employee benefits are not included in expenditure data, since the majority of governments make lump-sum contributions to plans covering all government em- ployees and cannot report for criminal justice em- ployees separately. Neither in government's basic accounting records (from which criminal justice expend- iture figures are drawn) nor in the records of their general-coverage employee benefit systems is there usually any breakdown of amounts contributed in terms of the various agencies or functions involved. Nor has an adequate procedure for calculating the proportion of such contributions allocable to criminal justice em- ployees been developed because of the wide variation in the coverage of various plans, employee status require- ments, benefit rates, etc. For those governments whose records reflect contri- butions of criminal justice employees separately, separate data were obtained. However, these data are subject to the same variation referred to above, and 1. Direct expenditure is all expenditure except that classed as intergovernmental and is further divided into two principal object categories: a. Current operation, which includes salaries, wages, fees, and commissions, purchase of supplies, materials, and contractual services. b. Capital outlay , which includes expenditure for the three subcategories below: Construction: Production of fixed works and structures, and additions, replacements and major alterations thereto undertaken either on a contract basis by private contractors or through force account construction by the employees of the government. Included are the planning and designing of specific projects, the grading, land- scaping, and other site improvement, and the provision of equipment and facilities that are integral parts of the structure. Equipment : Purchase and installation of appara- tus, furnishings, office equipment, motor vehi- cles and the like having an expected life of more than 5 years. This includes both additional equipment and replacements. Rentals for equip- ment, including rental payments that may be credited on the purchase price if purchase options are exercised, are classified as current operation expenditure. Equipment and facilities that are integral parts of constructed or pur- chased structures are classified respectively under construction or purchase of land and existing structures. Purchase of land and existing structures: Pur- chase of these assets as such, purchase of rights-of-way, and title search and similar acti- vities associated with purchase transactions. 337 538 APPENDIX 2-Continued The other object categories— interest on general debt, assistance and subsidies, and insurance benefits— are not applied to specific functions. 2. Intergovernmental expenditure is payments from one government to another, including grants-in- aid, shared revenues, payments in lieu of taxes, and amounts for services performed by one government for another on a reimbursable or cost-sharing basis (for example, payments by one government to another for boarding prisoners). Total expenditure is direct and intergovernmental expenditure of a government or level of government for criminal justice activities. Total general expenditure is all expenditure of a government or level of government for all government functions, including criminal justice activities, but ex- cluding utility system expenditure, liquor store expend- iture, and insurance trust expenditure. Total general expenditure shown for the local level of government includes expenditure only of general purpose govern- ments, and excludes expenditure of special districts and school districts. Government employment Employees includes all persons paid for personal services performed, including all paid officials and persons in paid leave status, and excludes unpaid officials, persons on unpaid leave, pensioners and contractors. Under this definition are two classes: 1. Full-time employees, who are all persons employed during the pay period including October 15, 1974, on a full-time basis, including all full-time temporary or seasonal workers employed during this pay period, as well as persons having permanent status. 2. Part-time employees, who are persons employed during the pay period including October 15, 1974, on a basis other than full-time, and persons paid by more than one government. Derived from these two classes is: Full-time equivalent employees , which means the total number of employes, discounted by applying average full-time earning rates. This is calculated by dividing the total payroll (full-time plus part-time) by the full-time payroll and multiplying this by the number of full-time employees. Payroll is the gross payroll before deductions and includes salaries, wages, fees and commissions paid to employees as defined above for the month of October 1974. Governmental functions Police protection is the function of enforcing the law, preserving order, and apprehending those who violate the law, whether these activities are performed by a police department, a sheriffs department, or a special police force maintained by an agency whose prime responsibility is outside the criminal justice system, but which has a police force to perform these activities in its specialized area (geographic or functional). Included in this activity are regular police services, the maintenance of buildings used for police purposes, and such specialized police forces (including public and private contract forces) as airport police, free and toll highway police, free and toll bridge arid tunnel police, housing police, maritime police, park police, transit and other utility system police, college and university campus police, and alcoholic beverage control agents. Coroners and medical examiners are also included. Excluded are vehicular inspection and licensing, traffic safety and engineering, fish and game wardens, fire marshals, and the like. The special police forces included in the data are only those which are part of general purpose governments. Security forces and building guards without the power to make a police arrest were excluded. Those special police forces that are part of independent school districts or special districts are not included in the data, inasmuch as these districts are not general purpose governments. However, data for selected larger special police forces of these districts are displayed in appendix 1, tables A and B. In many States, sheriffs' departments are multifunc- tional agencies providing police protection, judicial, and/or correctional services. In past years, the lack of needed information has prevented the consistent pro- ration of expenditure or employment of sheriffs' depart- ments among the appropriate functions. This year's report reflects a more accurate proration made possible by a special survey of sheriffs' departments conducted in the summer of 1973. This one-time survey asked the sheriffs themselves to prorate their employees and expenditures among the functions performed in their individual departments. The proration factors developed in this special survey were then applied in the collection of data for the 1973-74 annual survey. Short-term custody and detention have traditionally been considered part of the police protection function; and in editions prior to the 1969-70 report, were treated as such. However, beginning with the 1969-70 report, the concept was modified on the basis of information obtained from the 1970 National Jail Census. Data for institutions with authority to hold prisoners 48 hours or more are included in the "corrections" sector. Data for lockups or "tanks" holding prisoners less than 48 hours are included in the "police protection" sector. APPENDIX 2-Continued 339 Judicial activities encompass all courts and activities associated with courts such as law libraries, grand juries, petit juries, and the like. Since the names of courts with similar functions and legal jurisdiction vary from State to State and even within States, data have been categorized by types of court rather than by court name. 1. Appellate courts include courts of last resort and intermediate appellate courts. These are courts having jurisdiction of appeal and review, with original jurisdiction conferred only in special cases. a. Court of last resort is the court of final appeal within the judicial structure of each State. It is called the "Court of Appeals" in the District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, and New York; the "Supreme Court of Appeals" in West Virginia; the "Supreme Judicial Court" in Maine and Massachusetts. In Texas and Okla- homa two courts of last resort are authorized- the "Court of Criminal Appeals" for criminal cases and a "Supreme Court" for civil cases. In every other State the court of last resort is titled the "Supreme Court." b. Intermediate appellate courts are those that are limited in their appellate jurisdiction by State law or at the discretion of the court of last resort. In 1 5 of the 24 States with a court of this type operating in fiscal year 1973-74 the name "court of appeals" is used. These States are: Missouri New Mexico North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Washington Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia Indiana Louisiana Michigan In Illinois the title is "Appellate Court"; in Maryland, "Court of Special Appeals"; in Massachusetts, "Appeals Court"; in New Jersey, "Appellate Division of the Superior Court"; in New York 1 , "Appellate Division of the Su- preme Court"; and in Texas, "Court of Civil Appeals." In Alabama the civil and criminal cases are heard on appeal by separate courts— a "Court of Civil Appeals" and a "Court of Criminal Appeals." In Tennessee the "Court of Appeals" hears only civil appeals; a separate "Court of Criminal Appeals" reviews criminal cases before review by the court of last resort. 'There are also three appellate terms of the Supreme Court that have jurisdiction in specific cases that would otherwise be heard by the appellate division. In Pennsylvania the "Commonwealth Court" reviews all cases brought by or against the State government or its agencies; the "Superior Court" reviews all other appeals except those within the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of last resort. 2. Major trial courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction having unlimited original jurisdiction in civil and/or criminal cases, the names of which vary considerably. The list below shows the title of the courts of general jurisdiction in each State. Several States are listed more than once because local situations led to the development of separate courts, either to hear cases involving different types of pleadings or to hear cases in particular local juris- dictions. In many States, statutes either require or permit local governments to supplement the salary of State- paid judges of major trial courts. These judges were counted as part-time employees at both the State and local levels when actually receiving a check from both governments. Circuit courts Alabama Arkansas Florida Hawaii Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maryland Michigan 2 Mississippi Missouri Oregon South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee 2 Virginia West Virginia 2 Wisconsin District courts Colorado Idaho Iowa Kansas Louisiana Minnesota Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Texas Utah Wyoming Superior courts Alaska Arizona California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Indiana 2 Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina Rhode Island Washington 2 In these States, the above-named courts are supplemented in some counties and cities by major trial courts with varying names. $40 APPENDIX 2-Continued Chancery courts Arkansas Delaware Mississippi Tennessee County courts New Jersey Vermont New York Wisconsin Common pleas courts Missouri Ohio Pennsylvania Supreme court New York 3. Courts of limited jurisdiction are courts whose legal jurisdiction covers only a particular class of cases or cases where the amount in controversy is below a prescribed sum or is subject to specific exceptions. These courts are tabulated under three subcategories: juvenile, probate, and other. Juvenile court and probate court data are reported in separate subcate- gories when such jurisdiction is exercised by an independent court having only juvenile or probate jurisdiction. a. Probate courts are also called orphans courts, surrogate's courts, or courts of ordinary. The subject jurisdiction varies from place to place, but generally includes estate settlement; pro- bate and contest of wills; adoption; commit- ment of the insane; administration of the affairs of orphans, mental defectives and incom- petents; guardianship of minors; apprenticeship; receivership; change of name proceedings; and the administration of trusts. Data were tabu- lated separately only for independent probate courts. Where probate matters are part of the jurisdiction of another court, either generally or in a separate division or branch, the data are not tabulated separately but are included with the court exercising jurisdiction. b. Juvenile courts are those that deal primarily with delinquent and neglected children regard- less of the name of the court. In various places such courts are called juvenile courts, family courts, juvenile and domestic relations courts, domestic relations courts, or other similar names. The jurisdiction of these courts can include crimes committed by persons under legal age; juvenile status offenses; offenses against children; probation of minor delin- quents; adoption, custody, or disposition of minor and mentally incompetent children; child neglect or abandonment; child and wife support; and paternity. Data were tabulated separately only for independent juvenile courts. Where juvenile cases are handled by another court, either generally or in a separate division or branch, the data are not tabulated separately but are included with the court exercising jurisdiction. c. Other courts includes various other State and local courts with limited jurisdiction such as justices of the peace, district magistrates, justice courts, county courts of limited jurisdiction, municipal courts, city courts, etc. Also included in this category are data on specialized courts such as tax courts, courts of claims, and courts having jurisdiction over more than one type of case (e.g., a court that handles both juvenile and probate cases). 4. Miscellaneous judicial includes data on judicial activities that could not be reported under any of the above court categories, such as judicial councils and conferences, court administration offices (where identifiable), law libraries, jury commissions, and grand juries. Legal services and prosecution includes the civil and criminal justice activities of the attorneys general, district attorneys, State's attorneys, and their variously named equivalents; corporation counsels, solicitors, and legal departments with various names. It includes providing legal advice to the chief executives and subordinate departmental officers, representation of the government in lawsuits, and the prosecution of accused violators of criminal law. These activities are included whether performed by one office or several, because in some jurisdictions a single officer provides all legal services, whereas in others a prosecutor's office handles only criminal matters, and a separate attorney's office performs all civil legal services. The operations of various investigative agencies having full arrest powers and attached to offices of attorneys general district attorneys, or their variously named equivalents are also included. Indigent defense includes activities associated with the right of persons to have legal counsel and representa- tion, office of the public defender, and other govern- ment programs that pay the fees of court-appointed counsel. These include court-paid fees to individually retained counsel, fees paid by the court to court- appointed counsel, government contributions to private legal aid societies and bar association-sponsored pro- grams, and the activities of an established public defender office or program. Employment data are included only for public defender offices, because fee-paid counselors are not considered government employees, nor are counselors working for bar associa- tions or legal aid societies. APPENDIX 2-Continued 341 Corrections is that function of government involving the confinement and rehabilitation of adults and juve- niles convicted of offenses against the law and the confinement of persons suspected of a crime and awaiting adjudication. Data for institutions with authority to hold prisoners 48 hours or more are included in this sector. Data for lockups or "tanks" holding prisoners less than 48 hours are included in "Police Protection." Correction includes the operation of prisons, reformatories, jails, houses of correction, and other institutions. It also includes institutions, facilities and programs exclusively for the confinement of the criminally insane or for the examination, evaluation, classification, and assignment of inmates and institu- tions and programs for the confinement, treatment, and rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics if the institution or program is administered by a correction agency of the criminal justice system. Pardon boards and parole and probation agencies, including resettle- ment or halfway houses for those not in need of institutionalization, are included in the correction sector as a separate subcategory. 1. Correctional institutions are prisons, reforma- tories, jails, houses of correction, penitentiaries, correctional farms, workhouses, reception centers, diagnostic centers, industrial schools, training schools, detention centers, and a variety of other types of institutions for the confinement and correction of convicted adults and juveniles and for the incarcera- tion of those accused of a crime and awaiting adjudication. When an institution maintains a prison industry or agricultural program, data on the cost of production or the value of prison labor used by agencies of the same government, if identifiable, are excluded (and classed as expenditure for the function using the products or services). Expenditure for the manufacture, production, sale, and distribution of goods produced for sale or use outside the govern- ment are included under this heading. a. Institutions for men includes identifiable expenditure and employment data for institu- tions exclusively for adult male offenders. This category also includes institutions for young adult offenders, described as "youthful offend- ers." (All such institutions presently known hold males only.) b. Institutions for women includes identifiable expenditure and employment data for institu- tions exclusively for adult female offenders. Where there is no separate women's prison, women offenders are either maintained in a prison complex that also houses other offenders or are boarded in private facilities or institu- tions in another State. No attempt was made to prorate data on institutions housing more than one type of inmate, but where females are boarded in private institutions or in another State, available expenditure data was tabulated. Employment data were not tabulated because the personnel were employees of another government. New Hampshire boards its female offenders in the Massachusetts Correctional Institution (for Women). Montana operates a split system, housing some females at the Warm Springs State Hospital and contracting with Nebraska for the rest. Vermont also operates a split system, housing some females and contracting with Massachusetts for the rest. North Dakota and Wyoming house all of their female offenders in the Nebraska Reformatory for Women and Idaho contracts with the State of Oregon for boarding its female offenders in the Oregon Women's Correctional Center. c. Institutions for juveniles are those institu- tions identified by the 1973 Juvenile Detention and Correction Facility Census as housing pri- marily juveniles. These institutions include those under the control of a juvenile court, a probation department, or a youth authority or other similarly designated administrative body, as well as independently administered institu- tions. Also included are government payments to private agencies for the detention or treat- ment of delinquent juveniles. There is considerable variation from State to State in the legal definition of a juvenile, particularly in regard to the age at which a person is no longer considered a juvenile. Institutions for juveniles have been classified individually in accordance with the laws and age designations of their respective States. Institu- tions housing youths treated as adults by the courts or other authority were included in the institutions for men category. d. Other and combined institutions are those institutions holding a combination of inmates. Where expenditure or employment data for physically separate institutions for juveniles, adult females, and adult males were not sep- arable by institution or type of institution, the entire amounts were included under this cate- gory. 2. Correctional administration consists of data for the administration of the correctional system, including data on the central administrative office (for example, the department of corrections or a youth authority) and available data on the admini- stration of individual correctional institutions. For some individual institutions, administration data were not segregable from data on the operation of the institution. $42 APPENDIX 2-Continued 3. Probation, parole, and pardon includes data on probation agencies, boards of parole, boards of pardon, and their variously named equivalents. Al- though probation agencies frequently function under the administration of the major trial court, the data are presented here after having been deducted from the judicial data, because of the correctional nature of the probation function. If the probation, parole, and pardon activities, or any of them individually, were part of the correctional administrative office, data were deducted and shown separately here, and the balance was shown under the correctional admini- stration category. The overlapping character of the probation, parole, and pardon activities prevented the separate presentation of these data. 4. Miscellaneous correction includes expenditure and employment data that could not be classified under one of the other subcategories. Other criminal justice activities , shown in some tables, includes expenditure or employment data that are not elsewhere classified, that cut across more than one category, or that are not allocable to separate categories; e.g.. expenditure on a general curriculum in educational institutions, the operation of State criminal justice agencies, crime commissions, etc. Such data are included in the totals, where they are not shown separately. APPENDIX 3: SURVEY FORMS Form CJ-6 Survey of Expenditure and Employment for Civil and Criminal Justice Activities of Local Governments This form was mailed to the chief financial officer of the counties and municipalities surveyed. Form CJ-6D Survey of Expenditure and Employment for Civil and Criminal Justice Activities of Local Governments (Fee-Supported Offices) This form was mailed to the fee-supported offices of Sheriff and/or Clerk of Court in the States of Florida, Kentucky and Louisiana. Data for these fee-supported offices were incorporated in the appropriate criminal justice function data for the county where located. Form CJ-23 Survey of Expenditure and Employment for Selected Special Police Forces This form was mailed to special police forces serving colleges and universities, special districts, and independent school districts. Data for college and university forces were incorporated in the police protection data for the parent government. Data for special police forces serving independent school districts or special districts were not included in the regular police protection data, inasmuch as these districts are not general purpose governments. However, data for selected large police forces serving such districts are displayed in appendix 1, tables A and B. Form CJ-25 Survey of Expenditure and Employment for Civil and Criminal Justice Activities of the Federal Govern- ment This form was mailed to the chief financial or administrative officer of the individual Federal agencies, bureaus, and offices identified as part of the criminal justice system. A list of the units canvassed in the survey for this year is presented in tables 4 and 5. 343 344 APPENDIX 3— Continued t IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART II, PAGE 2 • If your government's fiscal year ends on December 31, enter annual expenditures for calendar year 1973 (even though calendar year 1974 data may be available). • If your government's fiscal year ends on June 30, enter annual expenditures for the period July 1, 1973 - June 30, 1974. • If your government's fiscal year ends on a date other that December 31 or June 30, enter annual expenditures for your govern- ment's fiscal year which ended between July 1, 1973 and June 30, 1974. Form Approved: O.M.B. No. 41-R2630 RETURN TO . Bureau of the Census m ATTN: Governments Division T Washington, D.C. 20233 FORM CJ-6 18-28-74) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMIN. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS SURVEY OF EXPENDITURES AND EMPLOYMENT FOR CIVIL AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS In correspondence pertaining to this report, please refer to the Census File Number above your address (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP code) Name Dato Supplied Official address (Number and street, State, ZIP code) by Title Area code Number Telephone Extension Dear Friend: On behalf of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Census annually collects public expenditure and employment data for six criminal justice functions: police protection, judicial, legal services and prosecution, indigent defense, corrections, and other criminal justice. Your cooperation in completing this year's questionnaire will be appreciated. The data collected in this voluntary survey are utilized by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in implementing and administering the planning and action grant programs of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended. The data are published annually in a report entitled Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System. Please complete and return the questionnaire in the preaddressed envelope. If you have any problems in filling out this questionnaire, you may call collect for assistance on area code (301) 763-7825 or (301) 763-2843. Sincerely, VINCENT P. BARABBA Director Bureau of the Census Enclosures Please check here if you would like to receive a free copy of the current report i — i Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System. ► I I APPENDIX 3— Continued 345 •w-g CD > E SP-f=i> u. £*• g. c F -5 -o o D CO a m S-, C 0) ts (8 l—5 -d ■5 3 > O > Q. ta 7! C 3 3 t- >> V C C On to u P >,H 0£O I > > ^.-^ — "p _ we « ' S J) 1) i- '»- K v a t » 2 « ■2 5 "" a *^ a. e o >. « (n a> _c o 5 > SHU DDD DD -e •£ a. « JK* 0) — & O = DDnnn U_ — (M ro >* in o (- LU O JH.2 o-^S a o a, i.-c 2 -."o" "-o"°c°«i It gE^S ^ s > 2 « d 09 °"M>£> E« oi,i ^S — £ i •* 2 "° — u «_ 0-5 i ^ in „ g 2 o a I x I- E wo S « — >-, «i o« '•■- > >, ** « 8 ttO-^ ° 3 UJ "°a: e o.y w 'S ^^ a > c Eu _ uj . « - . ^"2 Q O Id l_ co m o „ — u *j -O Z in O S a. e ™ 2 b a o. K " S i 5T -*" OS - e |-2 " i B E a> e 15 UJ S" i- ■- J >- I- > c £ u » c ZOO K.J5.2 o — &o o inUJ z o > C 1 <- o 2 no , o— 1 in £-o '£ — <" '« a C-o §«§?! u 5 S S EJd °^ o H o JT a > s ^ " 5 o -a •- i "*" 3 j'J o E S, "3 "a. o ^ "rail v2 5 o -a B. 2 E Eg o 1- S o. Cu^O^.y - o a. E o-ac 2' „ c . o 1 o 2 ° " = »" uj — ID • c l ' 00*2. o o c '"■S g-a 2 S -C >, 1 !^oi§aS UJ - in— in — Z - ►> - o"° UJ >•<" g- 12 l c n > a n-e ™ i o !^ UJ o g 5 i f OYE ■ by retir comp for h ^ment . *o 111 V o «7> i >•> ■ J? o - Q. 60 o -Oi"0 5-3 °^ " 5 U "° Jz. _ 1 lO ^ j= >- Jo o-o c "~" i fc ~Z &% E 2 E = S c -^ 2 6£l S P a. ,„ c c » o S ,_ i i- .— •- Z 5 c ° > r: g i < o . UJ £ 6C «1 * "— -• 2 Z o o i_ 'o KO _■- a a m fl O h II UJ_ ol/J 1 S) _o *j — ■ _o *-» — tuj , I— o i r rn"2 a C t. — — 3 ■CI c .ft) O 11 t: w c ^ c e 2c E i^-o g z'ei-'C E o | s"3.2 s|H- 5 -it. -ii i 2 CJ "* £<■££ ui"£ .. m B a in i E i- a FE from oner rpos fro depa ra 1 -a UJ " 3 in ™ >v- a. 2 2 £ «- o. i S — c 1 ROM dir dera just am any T3 1 _ — it. is a g H.>^.5 a o i o p o 2 in = z UJ J) 6D u. 2 a ■- c o i^i UJ C 1. Z l c UJ bo ca . wr; = Z IJ o "J o_ S~^ to .-a oc . — -o gill. g^"2 E-o E o UJ — > i !-5.g-_ c O c W (0 O r-) flj C CC ui - bci "PL, E CO 10 — — a. 3 1 „" w J Q.1 C O > 19 C >-° C ■-■ (0 _Q ■- in O.™ E c ■ ° a 2"o-o .2 c i i -> o a fe" 3 E ™ x E „ T3 ^ flj >M 1 T3 _e i S-o. ^2 3 '"•— .S, — 1 o - 2 ElvH S.8 ES IS 1 ITT O £r- i o ' P — o » =5- o - M B o m c 3 TJ ^— i O O u ■- « c « ojf E O a u 3 - C — m-o in — . o i u i . QJ — J= T= y, jg o * .2 _.2a.. % u 2 §-5 » w ^ Xin H 5 i o, ™ - 0*5 E ^o P3 --S =- i -5.3 =• in E C 3 E"5 E in — i „ c 2 41 c ■n _ ° et.5 — a. e i w SijS* * § 2 zf-g jf-2 % S O m U oj _q o "^ •_ "S c tax/) Ql "J M i in IS i uj „_ "—- £ CL S" 2 >s>-Sji O u 3 1 CO ° ° o c— .1 I-— co £ 3 « i z"o|3og^ uj d m .- — 5 ■ g j g & U E ^ u* o i) 2 o au 0. ?"o 346 APPENDIX 3— Continued «£ uj 5 22"- a: w ^ . ° _ ~ ° o o Z g (.-^ C LU «J gj"> ~ i c © 2 1 3 §**■* -t O - CO lilts Z ZuJ »UjZ x °"S U-l_ >H O o ?D g- z z < O _J 0. F B o 2 a. 1 £* \~ O ,_ iB e'- z er* o o 0_ ai o O g\5-_2 SO c ' — u en S n — m -S "1 £ ->" 4) h * *■ o c> >- -c -c c CI <1> c t o o ci r D u a OJ x aj rc , — i — i o-- O Si O; ** ui ui w ui bo J o « ,,2 . a u> ti fflUJ e: o 71/1-0 a; ° ^ a3'H » 2 ■- 0SEC ent, .1 111 ment es ih rol lud Ser 0£ E Ul a O-EoS ; 1 ° 11J "Si2'™ <-> " m > z~~ d: a . m a * J: ated £ cour ation ction ed co [ense der " LEGAL SERVICE Legal advice to th prosecution of law representation of t 2 and court-rel fees, clerk Exclude prob under "Corre court-appoint "Indigent De and report un S X > a oj o a 0J £ CO CO w- t! qj ^ 2 O 3 > k. .h o O O P ^3 o £7= o *rt 41 ,.. a 2 »j_r-5 o UJ **" QJ •- O "• !r? S S -o Ul tl M 01 .2 tl = ui o oi ■" _d -- ai "^ ul tj — 'w - eS =^ >.£ a .2 — -^ ° ** X ¥ ti E O \.5 1 ^o 111 aj— c ui c — : „ Z. . o * o « — ui< j S'3"". g *; a— >. u i 3 . °G-„ E — — ;-2£-5^1iSS 1 ™ 3"^ ™_ jrf .oxT'o " J J : 2 „ f — ° a ,_ !^-£ S. - "is wg o o o o o ^— - I E US-SESii 5 ^Q. o APPENDIX 3— Continued 347 1. 2 - 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Comments OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACTIVITIES List activities included on Page 2, Parts I and II, line 6. r ORM CJ-6 18-28-74) Page 3 348 APPENDIX 3— Continued Form Approved: O.M.B. No. A I -R2768 E> IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART II, PAGE 2 • If your office's fiscal year ends on December 31, enter annual expenditures for calendar year 1973 (even though calendar year 1974 data may be available). • If your office's fiscal year ends on June 30, enter annual expenditures for the period July I, 1973 - June 30, 1974. • If your office's fiscal year ends on a date other than December 31 or June 30, enter annual expenditures for your office's fiscal year which ended between July 1, 1973 and June 30, 1974. RETURN TO Bureau of the Census ATTN: Governments Divisi Washington, D.C. 20233 CJ-6D U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMIN. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS SURVEY OF EXPENDITURES AND EMPLOYMENT FOR CIVIL AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (FEE-SUPPORTED OFFICES) In correspondence pertaining to this report, please refer to the Census File Number above your address (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP code) Data supplied by \am< Official address (Number and street, State, ZIP code) Title Telephone Area code Number Dear Friend: On behalf of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Census annually collects public expenditure and employment data for various criminal justice activities. Since the fee-supported offices of Sheriff and Clerk of Court are included as part of the civil and criminal justice system, we will appreciate your cooperation in again providing information for three of these activities as they apply to your office: police protection, judicial, and corrections. If your office has converted from a fee-supported to a county or State-supported office, please follow the instructions at the top of Page 2 of this questionnaire. I he data collected in this voluntary survey are utilized by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in implementing and administering ihe planning and action grant programs of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended. The data are pub- lished annually in a report entitled Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System. Please complete and return the questionnaire in the preaddressed envelope. If you have any problems in filling out this questionnaire, you may call collect for assistance on (301) 763-7825 or (301) 763-2843. Sincerely, [/msf P 3ufi$>- VINCENT P. LSARALSBA Director Bureau of the ( iensus ase (heck here if you would like t<> receive >i free copy of the current irl Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System - a APPENDIX 3— Continued 349 't -. ^ UJ /. r^ ^Oj:^ - "= o 3|%1 III - V -a CO o "* u"- 01 a> 1* _l r. ii c *^" <*5 - CB C to 13 "> N. < c o ■o ■a m LUCt l|l S a3 3 er c UJ c UI <0 ** "» ^ • « ^ IS 23 P £ ^ 3j "ra '/: a i £• Is -of o c 3 (B «> -~ 0) "° <0 •c "o s> « » a - «> o =5 * ° ■» S o 12 UJ UJ E a) c 'w: 4) 4J ■ 1> £ D- 5 2 O J o O u TJ 41 O a a. CO ISJ Z Z tS ° o 2 GO >• z an 4> 0.1- <2 C " (L C 3 E ra c E- 5 s IB 11 UJ z > 5.^ 3 fi- — -a ai CQ 2! ~U cu c _c °-o Ei 2 S "*■ a. «■ a. »- 3 u > o- c u O u 5 a. 3 £ g^ « n- < s ■ U"> S o£ gi - -*- u t fa O _J 01 V- HI UJ >- o _l 3^:^ On «■ §.2 =-■£ T3 CM ^ s<-> 3 O, _J u 0. p ^-C Jj 'c s o>>S o a. >. 3 O £ S a o *■ UJ n CO «j fa C 3 3 3—1 ° ° «. "TJ T =5 2 >- < 11 = ^ O UJ X.- r ^"5- x o 2 = 5 a. 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E _2 *> ■cif E "c So O a, ^. si ° O > Q. !2 x «- u .t M Q. > 41 oC ? _ u o c o~- 3 a, &£ J£ S " ffl oi t:— „ £ Ji u ii - 3 O jj-D — _-,, 5. oc_£ e 3 •- l. 3 • -c cj^-i S 2— 2 z'i-lr 11 '-- 1 " s i- : c ; i i „ ; c o S a£jj '0. o - 5 u-»*To = = 2« Paoo„5Jd« Q- O D- O .- •— , E 3 CO '£-:•- Si ffl uj ° ■Z g > j5_i, " ^ 1! s 2 '3 ° c B -2 o ex w co -r _ ra o co - — It c c t: — 'C>ia2°S • oi ■- •- ';u3e o"j _ g J -o " °'Z -I < "2 'T, 5_-a *" " < 1 co S » S S « — Z -* T— <- cu Q 3 n MjU O 0_ 1 "1 sill ^.s 'T -=^:co u c "O I 1 ^ - u - CX C 5~ 3 ^ c Jj< 4) -a "" - £ u a. °r— 5 c ,; ° 2 K o. ji^ljsliig uj a.. 2 ° .2— e ■- -i; Qi -r ^ j!" 2 ^ ° - tt OriiD~£.2oab2i~B u->-o raj= .2 "5 a.S.2 o CO 350 APPENDIX 3— Continued r Z 5 N II) 61 % . 0. CTIO — I 3 (0 ~a On ""T -1 t/3 „ o ..fa /: *- l_ ' > 3-^ ^- u — c 1 C 3 o 5 > '- *- c Q-H ° u a a o >>-x: >* (/) s 5 E co £ D tfi CU * 0. C O H -~- ' It -; c E - a 5 o u u U-o to a a .- g cc o-o c - = IS— I* !- _ a> 00 >- W i- >: o ° -i >~ Q. M B a 2 ». " ». 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S CU " c MJ — G£ E /: c i- c .; ° E ;-oj-»« a .2 "O B •— l. cu 3 to in ° CU - — OB -j CO U — q — CO > X .._ 2 E'CUJ g S i: 10 J3 CO JJ CU O CU -O . - "'5I-S..2 < tO-B E V Q. to S 0) Q. • a o P"o.2 o *W8 8 n o) - s a rt-app nt, se and Ei; a | | J/- N(Col 5 and indiv s to c retire sactio mn "j' WO UJ o RATIO ployee s from rs, fee w), deb nt tran in colu z UJ Q. X LLI T OPE and em service retaine ee belo vernme report 1 UJ tr — > • f « D£ cu 3 a >-B- — CUR offic tract attor outla with bene o APPENDIX 3— Continued 351 COMMENTS FORM CJ-6D (8-28-741 Page 3 352 APPENDIX 3— Continued O.M.LS. No. 4I-R2629; Approval Expires November 30, 1976 Data supplied by Title Official address (Number and street, city, State, ZIP code) Telephone ormCJ-23 7-12-74) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMIN. SURVEY OF EXPENDITURES AND EMPLOYMENT FOR CENSUS SELECTED SPECIAL POLICE FORCES In correspondence pertaining to this report, please refer to the Census File Number above your address r any error in name and address including ZIP code) Extension RETURN TO Bureau of the Census ATTN: Governments Division Washington, D.C. 20233 Dear Friend: On behalf of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Census annually collects expenditure and employment data for Special Police Forces serving colleges, universities, independent school districts, and special districts. Your cooperation in completing this year's questionnaire will be appreciated. The data collected in this voluntary survey are used by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in implementing and administering the planning and action grant programs of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended. They are published annually in a report entitled Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System. Please complete and return the questionnaire in the preaddressed envelope. If you have any problems in filling out this questionnaire, you may call collect for assistance on area code (301) 763-7825 or (301) 763-2843. Sincerely, VINCENT P. BARABBA Director Bureau of the Census Enclosures NOTE: Please mark (X) the box if you would like to receive a free copy of the current report | ■ Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice iystem — *■ I APPENDIX 3— Continued 353 Part I - SWORN POLICE OFFICERS Does your unit (as described in the address box on the front of the questionnaire) employ either directly or by contract a special police force, i.e., a group of sworn law enforcement officers with the power to arrest? | | Yes — Please complete the questions below ~J No — Please disregard the remainder of this questionnaire and RETURN the questionnaire to the Bureau of the Census Enter here the number of full-time and part-time sworn police officers (i.e. having the power to arrest) in your special police force unit 1. Officers employed directly by your unit 2. Contract officers FULL-TIME (a) PART-TIME (b) If applicable, enter here the name of the firm or police agency with whom you contract for police services . . . If vou contract exclusively for police services and have no officers of your own, fill out only parts III and IV below. If you employ sworn police officers directly, fill out parts II, III, and IV below. Part II - EMPLOYMENT AND PAYROLL ►A. For your special police force unit, enter employment and payroll for the one pay period which included October IS, 1974. Include sworn police officers, security patrols, guards, clerical and communi- cations personnel and other support personnel who are employees of the special police force. Do NOT report annual payroll data. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES Number of employees (a) Payroll amount (one pay period which included October 15, 1974) (Omit cents) (b) PART-TIME EMPLOYEES Number of employees (c) Payroll amount (one pay period which included October 15, 1974) (Omit cents) (d) ►B. Mark the pay period interval which applies to the payrolls reported above. 1. FULL-TIME ("X" one box only) 1 □ Monthly 2 [~~J Twice a month (24 pay periods per year) 3 [~~J Every two weeks (26 pay periods per year) 4 [~~J Weekly sQ Other - Specify f.r-n:tr. u ,e 2. PART-TIME ("X" one box only) 1 □ Monthly 2 [~~~j Twice a month (24 pay periods per year) 3 [~~J Every two weeks (26 pay periods per year) 4 Q~J Weekly 5[] Other -Specify Part III - EXPENDITURES Enter the annual expenditures for your special police force unit for the fiscal year ending between July 1, 1973, and June 30, 1974 Please specify your fiscal year ending date here. CURRENT OPERATION Exclude employer contri- butions to employee benefits and report in column (e) (a) CAPITAL OUTLAY Construction, equipment and land (b) INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE Payments to local governments (c) Payments to the State government (d) GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Exclude employee contributions (e) Part IV - REVENUE DIRECT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT r Enter all revenue your unit received for police activities direct from the Federal Government (not passed through any State agency) in your fiscal year ending between July 1, 1973 and June 30, 1974 ■— — — — FORM CJ-23 (7-12-74) Page 2 354 APPENDIX 3— Continued DEFINITIONS ^ Part I - SWORN POLICE OFFICERS SPECIAL POLICE FORCE — A group of law enforcement officers other than the regular police which services a special area or jurisdiction, e.g., campus police, park police, transit police, harbor police, airport police. Though a special police force usually cooperates fully with the regular local police force, it is administratively independent. ► Part II - EMPLOYMENT AND PAYROLL A. EMPLOYEES — All persons in your special police force unit (officers and employees) paid for personal services performed, including all officials, salary workers and other persons in paid leave status in your unit. Exclude unpaid officials, persons on unpaid leave, pensioners, contractors, and their employees and persons paid entirely by another government for services performed for your unit. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES (Part II, column a) — Persons employed during the one pay period which included October 15, 1974, on a full-time basis. Include all full-time temporary or seasonal workers employed during this pay period. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES (Part II, column c) — Persons employed during the one pay period which included October 15, 1974, on a part-time basis. PAYROLL (Part II, columns b and d) — Gross payroll before deductions including salaries, wages, fees, or commissions earned during the one pay period which included October 15, 1974, by employees as defined above. If some employees are paid on some basis different from the predominant pay period, please include amounts for them on an adjusted basis. B. Report the pay period interval for which all or most of the full-time (or part-time) employees are paid. ^Part III - EXPENDITURES CURRENT OPERATION (Part III, column a) — Salaries and payroll of your unit's officers and employees and the purchase of supplies, materials, and contractual services with individuals and firms in the private sector. Exclude all capital outlay (see below), debt retirement, securities investment, loan extension, within-government transactions and employer contributions to employee benefits (see below). CAPITAL OUTLAY (Part III, column b) — Direct expenditure for contract or force account construction of buildings and other improvements, and for the purchase of equipment, land, and existing structures. INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURE - All money paid to other governments as fiscal aid, or payment for services rendered, or for contracts or compacts with another government (e.g., purchase of police services). PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Part IIP column c) - Payments to a county, city, town, special or school district or any of their departments or agencies. PAYMENTS TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT (Part III, column d) - Payments to the State government or any of its departments or agencies. Exclude money paid to a government for the purchase of commodities, property, utility services, any taxes imposed and paid as such, and contributions for social insurance. GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (Part III, column e) - Any employer contributions, separable for your unit, to the Federal Social Security system, State and local retirement systems, commercial or mutual insurance plans, workmen's compensation funds, and insurance premiums paid by your parent government for health, hospital, disability, and life insurance programs. Exclude payments made directly to individuals and contributions made bv employees to anv of the above programs. ^ Part IV - REVENUE DIRECT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Knter only the revenue received directly from the Federal Government. Do not enter amounts passed from the Federal Government through the state or its departments or agencies to your unit. Page 3 APPENDIX 3— Continued 355 Form Approved: O.M. B. No. 4 I -R2702 This report has been cleared in accordance with FPMR 101-11.11 and assigned interagency report control number 1078-DOC-AN. ^ORM CJ-25 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCF. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMIN. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Data supplied by Name Title Official address (Number and street, city. State. ZIP code) Telephone Area code Number SURVEY OF EXPENDITURES AND EMPLOYMENT FOR CIVIL AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (Please correct any error in name and addr including ZIP code) RETURN TO > Bureau of the Census ATTN: Governments Div Washington, D.C. 20233 Dear Sir: On behalf of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, the Bureau of the Census annually collects public expenditure and employment data for civil and criminal justice activities from agencies of the Federal Government and from State and local governments. Your cooperation in completing this year's questionnaire will be appreciated. The data collected in this voluntary survey are used by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in implementing and administering the provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended. Federal data are used particularly for intergovernmental comparisons and to meet the needs of criminal justice planners at all levels of government. The data are published annually in a report entitled Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System. Please complete and return the questionnaire in the preaddressed envelope. The informa- tion you enter should be only for the bureau, agency, or office capitalized in the address block above. If you have any problems in filling out this questionnaire, please call for assistance on 763-7825 or 763-2843. Sincerely, 1/ tWwT /^4^ VINCENT P. BARABBA Director Bureau of the Census Enclosure 356 APPENDIX 3— Continued ► Part 1 - EXPENDITURES < (FOR FISCAL YEAR 1974; JULY 1, 1973 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1974) •NOTE - If unable to show actual cash disbursement, please show total obligations incurred minus the sum of unpaid accounts payable and undelivered orders. 1. What was your total CASH disbursement for CURRENT OPERATIONS; i.e., salaries, wages, and expenses of officers and employees, purchase of supplies and materials, and contractual services with other Federal agencies or private organizations? (Do not include government contributions to employee benefits — see item 5 below for further details.) $ 2. What was your total CASH disbursement for CAPITAL OUTLAY; i.e., direct expenditure FROM YOUR OWN BUDGET for acquisition of land, construction, renovation and repairs of buildings and facilities, and purchase of equipment? $ 3. What was yout total INTERGOVERNMENTAL CASH disbursement to STATE GOVERNMENTS for fiscal aid (e.g., grants, including amounts which were "passed through" State governments to local governments) or for services rendered? S 4. What was your total INTERGOVERNMENTAL CASH disbursement to LOCAL GOVERNMENTS for fiscal aid (e.g., grants) or for services rendered, made DIRECTLY to local governments and NOT "passed through" State governments or their departments or agencies? $ 5. What was your total CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS; i.e., payments made to the Federal Social Security program, Federal retirement systems, commercial or mutual insurance plans, or premiums paid for accident and health, hospital and other insurance programs? (Do not include payments made directly to and contributions made by employees for any of the above programs.) $ ► Part II - EMPLOYMENT AND PAYROLLS (FOR THE ONE PAY PERIOD WHICH INCLUDED OCTOBER 15, 1974 - NOT ANNUAL DATA) • NOTE - Please report all employees; executives, managers, operatives, and support personnel. Temporary employees should be reported as full-or part-time on the basis of number of hours worked. 1. How many FULL-TIME (40 hours or more a week) employees, did you have on your payroll during the ONE PAY PERIOD WHICH INCLUDED OCTOBER 15, 1974? Full-time employees 2. What was the total payroll amount for all FULL-TIME employees noted in item 1 for the ONE PAY PERIOD WHICH INCLUDED OCTOBER 15, 1974? $ 3. What is the pay period interval which applies to the payroll reported in item 2? 1 [ | Monthly 2 Q Twice a month 3 QJ Every 2 weeks 4 [_~~\ Weekly 5 Q Other - Specify CENSUS USE ONLY 4. How many PART-TIME (less than 40 hours a week) employees did you have on your payroll during the ONE PAY PERIOD WHICH INCLUDED OCTOBER 15, 1974? Part-time employees 5. What was the total payroll amount for all PART-TIME employees noted in item 4 for the ONE PAY PERIOD WHICH INCLUDED OCTOBER 15, 1974? $ 6. What is the pay period interval which applies to the payroll reported in item 5? 1 Q Monthly 2 Q] Twice a month 3 Q Every 2 weeks 4 | (Weekly 5 □ Other - Specify CENSUS USE ONLY Remarks Page 2 ■HJ.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1076 210-802/1080 1-3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION USER EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System, 1974 Dear Reader: We have provided an evaluation form below for whatever opinions you wish to express about this report. Please cut out both pages, staple them together on one corner, and fold so that the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration address appears on the outside. After folding, use tape to seal closed. No postage stamp is necessary. Thank you for your help. 1. For what purpose did you use this report on Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System, 1974? 2. For that purpose, the report - □ Met most of my needs f~1 Met some of my needs [~J Met none of my needs lat particular types of data in the report did you use: 4. If the report did not meet your needs, what changes would increase its usefulness to you' 5. What additional types of data, if any, would you like to see collected regarding public employment and expenditure for criminal justice purposes? 6. Which parts of the report, if any, were difficult to understand or use? How could they be improved 7 7. Would a different format have been more useful to you 7 If yes, please suggest a more useful organization of the material 8. Can you point out specific parts of the text or table notes that are not clear or additional terms that need to be defined 7 9. In what capacity did you use this report? □ Researcher □ Educator □ Student |~| Criminal justice agency employee f~l Government employee other than criminal justice - Specify. .Other - Specify Page 2 10 If you used this report as a governmental employee, please indicate the level of government. □ Federal □ City □ State □ Other - Specify^ □ County 11 If you used this report as a criminal justice agency employee, please indicate the sector in which you work. □ Law enforcement (police) □ Corrections | | Legal services and prosecution Q Parole | | Public or private defense services Q Criminal justice planning agency □ Courts or court administration □ Other criminal justice agency - Specify type^ □ Probation 12. If you used this report as a criminal justice employee, please indicate the type of position you hold. Mark all that apply | | Agency or institution administrator Q Program or project manager □ General program planner /evaluator 'analyst □ Statistician | | Operations or management planner 'evaluator analyst Q Other - Specify-? | | Budget planner 'evaluator analyst 13. Additional comments If your comments require an answer, please enter your name and mailing address. Number and street City State ZIP code Page 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Low Enforcement Assistance Administration Washington, D.C. 20531 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JUS-436 Director, Statistics Division National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service Law Enforcement Assistance Administration U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20531 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, O.C. 20530 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 AOOODTCHblbO? POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JUS-436 SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS RATE BOOK Ooi SSS77 GCRF F6I 05^5X9 Pennsylvania state university t-lBRARY documents section university park pa 16802 OWEN'S. *h>«,3*«