f<°>* ^ITES 0< *■ ^ '« V .*' 5? United States Fisheries Systems and Social Science: A Bibliography of Work and Directory of Researchers Washington, D.C August 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Photo Credit: (Far left) Courtesy Amos Burg, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game. United States Fisheries Systems and Social Science A Bibliography of Work and Directory of Researchers Editors: Michael K. Orbach Valerie R. Harper Office of Resource Conservation and Management Washington, D.C. August 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Terry L. Leitzell, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 003-017-00469-4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/unitedstatesfishOOorba TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction , Map of U.S. Regional Fishery Management Council Boundaries, BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction Bibliography of Written Work and Current Research , Geographical Indices Index of Written Work , Index of Current Research , DIRECTORY Introduction , Directory of Researchers Geographical Indices Index of Researchers by Stated Geographical Area of Interest , Index of Researchers by Present Location , APPENDICES Appendix A - Bibliography Research: A List of Major Sources Searched , Appendix B - Additional Bibliographies Addressing Fisheries and Social Science , Appendix C - Supplemental Pages , Appendix D - Additional Response Forms , GENERAL INTRODUCTION This volume consists of two documents, a bibliography of published, unpublished, and current research work among fishermen and in fishing communities in the United States, its territories and possessions, and a directory of the researchers who have performed this work or who are interested in these subjects. Along with four appendices, the entries in the bibliography and directory were obtained through a variety of approaches: a response form mail-out; literature and data bank searches; and a more general, network-based search performed by the editors. A list of the sources and data banks which we used appears in the appendices, as well as a list of other bibliographical works on this general subject. The remaining appendices provide materials for updating and improving the bibliography and directory. Our particular concern in this volume was to identify those works and individuals in the social sciences which had not heretofore been brought together in one place. Since there is at present a fairly well developed and indexed body of information on marine and fisheries economics, we have excluded economics from this volume except for those works or individuals which have a strong orientation to other social scientific studies. A second concern was to produce a volume which would be of use to the Regional Fishery Management Councils in the incorporation of the social sciences into their management activity. This bias is reflected in the indexing structure, as set out below. Because of this Regional Council orientation, we concentrated on what we felt were the more fishery management-related social science disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, and political science. With this orientation we have necessarily underemphasized history, archaeology, and other areas of study. We hope to more fully address these areas in subsequent works. We have included in the bibliography works from popular literature and works of a general social scientific or maritime nature even if they make no direct or specific reference to fishermen or fishing communities. We felt that these works would provide a broader perspective and aid in the grounding of fishery-related research within more comprehensive marine and social scientific contexts. These works are noted in the text. Because of limitations of time and resources, we have not indexed the entries by subject or discipline; nor have we made any attempt to annotate the entries in the bibliography. We hope to accomplish these tasks in future editions. The present listings are indexed by Fishery Management Council regions and then by each state within these regions. In addition, each index includes a "Miscellaneous" category to aid in 11 1 locating works dealing with non-Council areas and states. In part due to these same limitations, we have not separated works dealing with commercial fishing from those dealing with recreational fishing. The focus of the works on the following pages is on the people themselves who are involved in fishing systems, many of whose activities and motivations are difficult or impossible to categorize. We may make some attempt in future editions to add more specific interest-related indices. These documents constitute only an initial foray into the subject of fishery-related social science in the U.S., its territories and possessions. They will require continual updating, expansion, and refinement. We have included specific materials for these purposes in the appendices. The most up-to-date information may be obtained by corresponding directly with the researchers themselves. We would greatly appreciate any additional references, information, or suggestions which might make future editions of the bibliography and directory more complete and more useful. Michael K. Orbach Valerie R. Harper Washington, DC Summer, 1979 iv BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITTEN WORK AND CURRENT RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION The bibliography portion of this volume includes published and unpublished work, and current research projects. These are listed alphabetically by author/researcher and, in the case of anonymous works or popular literature with no by-line, under the name of the publication in which the work appeared. There are two indices accompanying the bibliography. One lists the entries according to the geographical area with which they are concerned, divided first by Regional Council area and then broken down by state. Because of the general nature of some of the works, not all of the entries are listed under this system. The reader may benefit from a general perousal of the bibliography. Alternatively, the bibliography may be entered by first consulting the indices in the companion directory — which list the authors/researchers by present location and area of interest — and then entering the bibliography through the name of the author/researcher. Also, a work whose title refers broadly to "New England", for example, will be included only in the "New England - General" index category and will not be listed under each individual state. Therefore, readers interested in works concerning a particular state should also check that region's general index listing. This is generally true for the indexing in both the bibliography and the directory. The second index following the bibliography lists current research projects by Council regions and then by state. Where possible, the research project entries list the anticipated completion date of the project, and whether project reports are available. In addition, both the written work index and the current research index include a "Miscellaneous" category to aid in locating works dealing with non- Council areas and states. ACHESON, JAMES M. Written ; "The Dilema of Fisheries Management Under Extended Jurisdiction." Human Organization , forthcoming. "Social and Cultural Aspects of the South Atlantic Shrimp Industry." Pilot Study prepared at the request of the South Atlantic Shrimp Management Committee. Orono: University of Maine, Department of Anthropology, n.d. Riparian Rights in Traditional Maine Lobstering Communities. M.S. thesis, Orono: University of Maine, 1971. "Territories of the Lobstermen." Natural History Magazine , v. 81, n. 4, April, 1972: 60-69. "Variations in Inshore Fishing Rights in Maine Lobstering Communities." To be published in the Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences , Chicago, 1973. "Fisheries Management and Social Context: The Case of the Maine Lobster Fishery." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society , v. 104, n. 4, 1975: 653-668. "The Lobster Fiefs: Economic and Ecological Effects of Territoriality in the Maine Lobster Industry." Human Ecology , v. 3, n. 3, 1975: 183- 207. "Social and Cultural Aspects of the South Atlantic Shrimp Industry." Technical Paper Series, South Carolina Marine Resources Department, 1976. In press. "Technical Skill and Fishing Success in the Maine Lobster Industry." In Organization and Dynamics of Technology , Edited by R. Merrill and H. Lechtman. Washington, DC: American Ethnological Society, 1976. "Technical Skill and Fishing Success in the Maine Lobster Industry." In Material Culture; Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society , Edited by H. Lechtman and R. Merrill. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company* 1977. "Working Paper no. 2: The Role of the Social Sciences in Fisheries Management under Extended Jurisdiction." In Working Papers; Establishing a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone . Washington, DC: Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "The Acceptance of a Technological Innovation in the Maine Lobster Industry." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. "Variations in Inshore Fishing Rights in Maine Lobstering Communities." In Northern Maritime Europeans , Edited by Raoul Andersen. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1978. Current Research : "The University of Rhode Island - University of Maine Study of Social and Cultural Factors in Fisheries Management in New England;" a three year National Marine Fisheries Service sponsored study; completion of field work planned for October 1978; limited number of project reports available. ADDIS, JAMES T. and JACK ERICKSON. The Ohio Fisherman . Publication 140. Columbus: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, 1964. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AND DATA CENTER. Current Research Profile for Alaska . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1973. Current Research Profile for Alaska . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1974. Current Research Profile for Alaska . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1976. Profiles of the Physical Biological and Human Resources of the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf Lease Areas . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1976. Current Research Profile for Alaska . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1977. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AND DATA CENTER and INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH. The Bristol Bay Environment: A Background Study of Available Knowledge. Report for United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1974. The Western Gulf of Alaska: A Summary of Available Knowledge . Report for United States Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1974. ALEXANDER, TOM. "American Fishermen Are Missing the Boat." Fortune , v. 88, September 1973: 192+. ALKIRE, WILLIAM H. Habitat, economy and residence in the Caroline Islands. M.A. thesis, University of Hawaii, 1959. "Cultural adaptation in the Caroline Islands." Journal of the Polynesian Society , v. 69, 1960: 123-150. Lamotrek Atoll and Inter-Island Socioeconomic Ties . Illinois Studies in Anthropology No. 5. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. "An atoll environment and ethnography." University of Malaya Geographical Society , v. 4, 1968: 54-59. "Porpoises and taro." Ethnology , v. 7, n. 3, 1968: 280-289. ALLEN, D.W.; R.B. ALLEN; R.E. BLACK; J.M. FRIEDMAN; L.G. MALLON; R.W. MORSE; S.B. PETERSON; L.J. SMITH. Effects of Petroleum Development off the Northeastern United States. A Report from the Marine Policy and Ocean Management Program. WHOI Reference No. 76-66, Technical Report. Woods Hole: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976. ALTSCHULER, MILTON. Current Research: Preliminary work in Wanchese, North Carolina; plan to submit proposal to National Science Foundation for continuing, intensive work on social and economic change in the community; project reports not currently available. AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE. Uncommon Controversy; Fishing Rights of the Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and Nisqually Indians . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1970. ARBUCKLE, JOHN D. The skipper and his role: a study of an individual and his social behavior. M.A. thesis, Providence: Brown University, 1971. ARONOFF, JOEL. The Inter-Relationship of Psychological and Cultural Systems: a case study of a rural West Indian village . Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965. BAMFORD, EDWIN. Social Aspects of the Fishing Industry at Los Angeles Harbor . Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Southern California Sociological Society, 1921. BARNETT, H.G. Being A Palauan . New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. BARON, DORIS. Editor. Monterey Bay Bibliography. Technical Publication 71-1. Fresno, Hayward, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose: California State Colleges, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 1971. BASSETT, JOHN R. ; BEVERLY L. DRIVER; and RICHARD M. SCHREYER. User Study: Characteristics and Attitudes, Michigan's Au Sable River . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources, 1972. BATES, MARSTON and DONALD ABBOTT. Coral Island: Portrait of an Atoll . New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958. BELL, FREDERICK W. "The New England Fishing Industry: Part I... a new technology." New England Business Review , August 1965: 2-8. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Economics of the New England Fishing Industry: The Role of Techno- logical Change and Government Aid . No. 31-1966. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank, 1966. "Technological Externalities and Common Property Resources: An Empirical Study of the U.S. Northern Lobster Fishery." Journal of Political Economy , v. 80, 1972: 148-170. BERNARD, H. RUSSELL. "Greek Sponge Boats in Florida." Anthropological Quarterly , v. 38, n. 2, April 1965: 41-54. "The Last of the Sponge Fishermen." Skin Diver Magazine , v. 17, n. 6, 1968: 42-43, 68. "Marine Social Science - Do we need a New Discipline?" Marine Man; A Newsletter for Students of Man in Maritime Settings , v. 1, n. 4, June 1972: 1-3. "On the Social Structure of an Ocean-Going Research Vessel and Other Important Things." Social Science Research , v. 2, n. 2, August 1973: 145-184. "Restrictions on Oceanic Work: An Anthropologist's View." Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute , Kingston, RI , 26-29 June 1972. University of Rhode Island, February 1973: 206-210. **General Anthropological Work** "Scientists and Crew: A Case Study in Communication at Sea." Maritime Studies and Management , v. 2, n. 2, 1974: 112-125. "Scientists and Mariners at Sea." Marine Technology Society Journal , v. 10, n. 3, 1976: 21-30. ~" ~ BERREMAN, GERALD D. "Inquiry into community integration in an Aleutian Village." American Anthropologist , v. 57, n. 1, February 1955: 49-59. BERTRAND, ALVIN L. ; STEPHEN E. DOEREN; and YUI HUEN KWAN. Restudy of Toledo Bend Reservoir User Characteristics . Bulletin 693. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, June 1976. BEVINS, M.I.; R.S. BOND; T.J. CORCORAN; K.D. MC INTOSH; and R.J. MC NEIL. Characteristics of hunters and fishermen in six Northeastern States. Bulletin 656. Burlington: University of Vermont, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968. BEYERS, WILLIAM B. "Social Science Perspectives on the Management of Puget Sound." In The Use, Study, and Mangement of Puget Sound; Symposium Proceedings. WSG-WO-77-1. Seattle: Washington Sea Grant, n.d. BISHOP, R.C. Wisconsin's Great Lakes Commercial Fisheries - Current Economic Issues . Sponsored by United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant Office. Madison: University of Wisconsin, School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 1976. Regulation of Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Commercial Fisheries: An Economic Assessment of the Alternatives . Madison: University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Economics, 1977. BOCKSTOCE, JOHN. "Contacts Between American Whalemen and the Copper Eskimos." Arctic , v. 28, n. 4, 1975. "Eskimo Whaling in Alaska." Alaska Magazine , September 1977. "An Issue of Survival: Bowhead vs. Tradition." Audubon , September 1977. BOERI, DAVID and JAMES GIBSON. Tell It Good-Bye, Kiddo — the Decline of the New England Offshore 7 Fishery. Camden, ME: International Marine Publishing Company, 1976. BORT, JOHN R. "The Introduction of Pair-Trawling in New England's Fishing Industry." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. BOWLES, FRANCIS P. Written : Development of Fishing Territories by Lobstermen: Theoretical Implications and Practical Resource Management Consequences. Unpublished, in progress for publication. "A Theoretical Model of Lobster Fishing Territories." Submitted to Human Ecology , n . d . Natural Regulation of An Island Fishing Community. Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge: Harvard University, 1973. Current Research : "Application of predator-prey models to predicting fishing strategies of near-shore New England fishermen;" area: Northeast United States; completion planned for September 1979; project reports not currently available. "Long-term study of adaptation and social change in an island fishing community;" study includes evaluation of the fishermen as part of the marine biota; area: Maine; continuing study begun with doctoral research, written results to be available after data-restudy in summer 1979. BRADEN, P.L. Socioeconomic Data Book - An Index of Data on Michigan's Grand Traverse Bay Area . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Bureau of Business Research, 1971. With J.D. Ludlow. Socioeconomic Development in the Grand Traverse Bay Area . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Bureau of Business Research, 1971. BRANDT, JOHN H. "By dunung and bouj: water movements, stick charts, and magic helps natives stay on course." Natural History , v. 72, n. 7, 1963: 26-29. BRIGHAM, ROBERT. "Crisis at Sea: The Threat of No More Fish." Life , December 3, 1971. BRITTON, GEORGE M. Written : "Cultural Factors Related to the Development of a Domestic Eel Market." Unpublished Paper as part of Sea Grant Research scheduled for January - September 1979. (see also "Current Research") "$154.50 per Pound: A Case Study of an Eastern North Carolina Big-game Fisherman." Submitted to Field and Stream , n.d. Current Research : Extension of research on "Cultural Factors Related to the Development of a Domestic Eel Market in Eastern North Carolina;" awaiting finalization of Sea Grant Award through University of North Carolina; research to be conducted January - September 1979. (see also "Written" work) BRYANT, CLIFTON D. and DONALD J. SHOEMAKER. "'Briney Crime 1 : An Overview of Marine and Maritime Law and Deviancy. " Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Washington, DC, April 1975. BUCK, E.H. Alaska and the Law of the Sea: National Patterns and Trends of Fishery Development in the North Pacific . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1973. Kadyak: A Background for Living . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1975. BURCH, WILLIAM R. , Jr. "The Play World of Camping: Research into the Social Meaning of Outdoor Recreation." American Journal of Sociology , v. 70, n. 12, 1965: 604- 612. BUXBAUM, EDWIN C. "Greek Island Chauvinism in the United States." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New York, November 1971. "Invitational Migration: Greek Sponge Fishermen in Florida." Paper Presented at the Northeastern Anthropological Association Meetings, Albany, NY, April 1971. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT. Manpower Survey of the Central Coast Counties: Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz, 1965-1970 . Prepared by the California Department of Employment in cooperation with Central Coast Counties Industry-Education Council, April 1966. CARON, MICHAEL B. Written : Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations in Geography Relating to Fisheries and Maritime Peoples. Unpublished, n.d. A Synthetic Sketch and Subsistence Classification of North Pacific Rimland Peoples. Unpublished, n.d. Current Research : "The Cajun Shrimp Festival as a Feast of Merit;" area: Louisiana bayous; estimated date of completion: December 1978. "An Historical Geography of Acadian Shrimping in Louisiana;" dissertation research, Louisiana State University. "Recent Winter Weather and the Influx of Carolina Shrimpers to the Gulf of Mexico;" area: North and South Carolina, Western Florida, and Gulf Coast in general; estimated time of completion: spring 1979. CARPENTER, E.S. "Hunters of Savoonga, Eskimo economy is based on the walrus herds." Natural History , v. 71, n. 10, 1962: 17-26. CARPENTER, M. RALPH and DONALD R. BOWLUS. "Attitude Toward Fishing and Fisheries Management of Users in Desolation Wilderness, California." California Fish and Game , v. 62, n. 3, 1976: 168-178. CARRANCO, LYNWOOD. "A Miscellany of Folk Beliefs from the Redwood Country." Western Folklore , v. 26, n. 3, 1967: 169-176. CASADAY, LOREN W. Labor unrest and labor movement in the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast. Ph.D. dissertation, Berkeley: University of California, 1968. CASTEEL, RICHARD W. and GEORGE I. QUIMBY. Editors. Maritime Adaptations of the Pacific . The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. CATO, JAMES C. ; HAROLD L. NIX; MICHAEL K. ORBACH; and KENNETH ROBERTS. 10 Editors. Workshop Summary: Economic and Social Aspects of Fisheries Management . South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Technical Report Number 1. Charleston, SC : South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, February 1978. CHASE, M.E. The fishing fleets of New England . Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1961. CICIN-SAIN, B.; J.E. MOORE and A.J. WYNER. Management Approaches for Marine Fisheries: The Case of the California Abalone . Sea Grant Publication 54, IMR Reference 77-101. University of California, Institute of Marine Resources, 1977. CLARK, JOHN R. Fish and Man: the Atlantic Estuaries . Highlands, N J : American Littoral Society, 1967. CLIFFORD, HAROLD. Charlie York, Maine Coastal Fisherman . Camden, ME: International Maine Publishing Company, 1974. CLINGAN, T.A. The Coastal Fisheries of Louisisna: Their Characteristics, Attitudes, Practices and Responsiveness to Change . Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Cooperative Extension Service, n.d. COHN, MICHAEL. Written : "The Black Fishermen, The Visual Evidence." In We, Too . Staten Island, NY: Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1976. "Menhaden Men." Sea History (National Maritime Historical Society), n. 7, Spring 1977: 78-79. "Oil and Fishermen," Sea History (National Maritime Historical Society), n. 9, Spring 1978. With Michael Platzer. Black Men of the Sea . New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., June 1978. Current Research : Relation of fishermen to new industries of the sea, i.e. oil drilling, mining, sand dredging, etc.; area: special emphasis on United States East Coast; tentative publication date in book form: 1981; project reports not currently available. 11 COMEAUX, MALCOLM L. "Atchafalaya Swamp Life: Settlement and Folk Occupations." Geoscience and Man Series (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, School of Geoscience), v. 2, 1972. Current Research: Commercial Inland fishing along the Mississippi River and tributaries; completion date unknown. CONNOLLY, JAMES B. The Book of Gloucester Fishermen . New York: The John Day Company, 1927. COOK, W.R. and C. KING Annotated Bibliography of Socio-economic Information: Sea Grant Program . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Bureau of Business Research, July 1971. COON, JOHN HENRY. "A Hawaiian Fisherman; A Graceful art supplies the islanders with mullets." Natural History , v. 62, 1948: 429. CRUMRINE, JANICE G. Written : With Harold L. Nix. "Cultural Systems and Lifestyles: The Impact of the Occupation of Shrimping on Family Life." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, 4 September 1978. Current Research : A monograph for Sea Grant on the complete study of "Family Life Among Commercial Shrimpers on the Georgia Coast;" estimated date of completion: January 1, 1979. CRUTCHFIELD, JAMES A. "Economic, Political, and Social Barriers to Efficiency in Selected Pacific Coast Fisheries." In Ocean Fishery Management: Discussions and Research , pp. 28-38. NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-371. Edited by Adam A. Sokoloski. Seattle: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1973. With Giulio Pontecorvo. The Pacific Salmon Fisheries; A Study of Irrational Conservation . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. 12 CURTIS, ELWOOD. A Wet Butt and a Hungry Gut . Winston-Salem, NC : J.R. Blair, 1974. DAVIS, NANCY YAW. Written : Steps Toward Rapid Culture Change in Native Rural Alaska . Commission Study 16. Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1976. Current Research : Comparative Analysis of Selected Alaskan Case Studies; a subcontract with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company for the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf socioeconomic studies program with the OCS/BLM office; estimated time of completion: June 1978 with project reports available three to six months later. DE GAST, ROBERT. The Oystermen of the Chesapeake . Camden, ME: International Publishing Company, 1970. DEGELMAN, JOHN. "The tuna harvest of the sea; a little-known epic of the ocean is the story of southern California's far-ranging tuna fleet." The National Geographic Magazine , v. 78, n. 3, 1940: 393-408. DE GEORGES, NICOLAS J. Communication, Its Possible Role in Marine Commercial Fisheries Management: A Pilot Observation and Interview Study of the Marine Commercial Fisheries of Texas. M.A. thesis, Texas A&M University, 1976. DETRO, RANDALL A. Written : "Louisiana Coastal Marsh Settlement Recession; Systematic Examination of Abandoned Marsh Settlements." Paper Presented before the Southwestern Association of Social Scientists, 1965. Generic Terms in the Place Names of Louisiana, An Index to the Cultural Landscape. Ph.D. thesis, Louisiana State University, 1970. With Donald A. Davis. "Louisiana's Coastal Marsh, A Recreational Resource." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, GA, 1973. With Donald W. Davis. "Louisiana Marsh Settlement Succession, A Preliminary Report." Paper 13 Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA, 1974. "Relict Louisiana Marsh Settlements: Three Examples." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, Biloxi, MI, 1974. With Donald W. Davis. Louisiana's Coastal Marsh, A Recreational Resource . Louisiana State University, Geoscience and Man Series, 1975. With Meredith Burill and Wilbur Zelinsky. "Terms for Landscape Features." Questionnaire devised for use by the Society for the North American Cultural Survey Data Collection Network. Initiated at the Smithsonian Institution Folklife Festival, Washington, DC, July 1976. "Glimpse of Isolated Settlements in the Louisiana Marsh Country." Paper with slide presentation Presented at the Meeting of the Lafourche Heritage Association, 5 March 1977. "Coastal Zone Management." Paper Presented for the Bayou Lafourche Humanities Committee at the Meeting of the Raceland Junior Chamber of Commerce, Raceland, LA, 8 February 1978. "Coastal Zone Management." Paper Presented for the Bayou Lafourche Humanities Committee at the Meeting of the Thibodaux Lions Club, Thibodaux, LA, 9 February 1978. "Coastal Zone Management." Paper Presented for the Bayou Lafourche Humanities Committee at the Meeting of the Lafourche Coastal Zone Management Committee, Thibodaux, LA, 15 March 1978. "Coastal Zone Management." Paper Presented for the Bayou Lafourche Humanities Committee at the Meeting of the Lake Fields Improvement Association, Thibodaux, LA, 2 May 1978. "Louisiana Toponyms; Louisiana Culture Areas." Paper Presented at the Special Session on Place Names and Man, National Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, April 1978. Current Research : "From Aloha to Waterproof, Those Colorful Louisiana Names;" to be included in Louisiana Potpourri , Edited by H.J. Walker. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1977; estimated time of completion: January 1980; no project reports available. A Gazetteer of Louisiana Place Names; estimated time of completion: 1982 to 1983; no project reports available. With Donald W. Davis. Louisiana Coastal Settlement Succession: A Study of Community Occupancy Patterns ; Nicholls State University Foundation has granted 14 stipend for the summer of 1973 to assist in field work; study in progress with three hundred fifty relict communities located and identified. A Selected List of Louisiana Geographic Terms; to be published in 1980 as an issue of Malange , Louisiana State University School of Geoscience; no project reports available. DEWAR, MARGARET E. Current Research: "The Difficulties of the New England Offshore Groundfish Industry and Public Efforts to Deal with the Problems, 1950-1976;" area: New England, mainly offshore ports including Boston, Gloucester , New Bedford, Rockland, and Portland; estimated time of completion: spring 1979; informal progress reports available. "Socioeconomic Importance of Fishing and Fishing-Related Industries to Chatham, Massachusetts;" estimated time of completion: May 1978. DITTON, ROBERT B. The Social and Economic Significance of Recreation Activities in the Marine Environment . Technical Report No. 11, WIS-SG-72-211. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Sea Grant Program, 1972. DIXON, RICHARD D. Written : Wrightsville Beach Recreational Fishing: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviors . Technical Report. Wilmington: University of North Carolina, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; funded by North Carolina Sea Grant, North Carolina Unversity, Raleigh, n.d. Current Research : "The Sociocultural Organization of Fishing in a North Carolina Coastal Communtiy — Perspectives for Economic Development;" funded by North Carolina Sea Grant and directed by Dr. James Sabella in association with Dr. Roger Lowry and Dr. Richard Dixon; research recently started. DOANE, ASHLEY W. , Jr. "Fisherfolk and Government: The Problems of a Relationship in Transition." Paper Submitted to the Northeast Anthropological Association, Quebec, Laval University, 17-18 March 1978. DOLIBER, EARL L. Written : Lobstering: Inshore and Offshore . Camden, ME: International Marine 15 Publishing Company, 1973. Current Research : Work for possible re-issuance and update on the offshore section of Lobstering: Inshore and Offshore , (see also "Written" work) DOUMENGE, F. The social and economic effects of tuna fishing in the South Pacific . Noumea: South Pacific Commission, 1966. DURHAM, F.E. Ancient and Current Methods of Taking the Bowhead Whale . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1974. ELLANNA, LINDA J. Written : With Maureen Roche. Bering Strait Census, 1975. Nome, AK: Kawerak, Inc., n.d. Current Research : "The Impact of Changing Subsistence Patterns on the Demographic Structure of the Insular Eskimo of Bering Strait;" Ph.D. dissertation research, University of Connecticut, Laboratory of Biological Anthropology; estimated time of completion: August 1979. ELLIOT, ROBERT PAUL. Employment possibilities in the Alaska fishing industry. Fishery Leaflet 298, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 1948. ELLIS, LEONORA B. "Harvest of the sea-floor; Each January impressive ceremonies commemorate sponge gathering in Florida water." Natural History , v. 41, n. 1, 1938: 62-66. ELLSWORTH, LYMAN R. Halibut schonner . New York: D. McKay, 1953. ELSTOB, WINSTON. Chinatown, A Legend of Old Cannery Row . Orinda, CA: Condor S Sky Press, 1965. EPPLE, GEORGE M. 16 Current Research ; Tentative plans to initiate study on Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts dealing with local fishery and maintenence of a traditional community: research possibly to be conducted during sabbatical leave, 1979-1980. EPSTEIN, LAWRENCE. Current Research: Plans to study social impact of limited entry policy and gear reduction programs; estimated time of completion: November 1979, pending funding. Socioeconomic survey of Washington State Salmon fishermen; first project reports available as of May 1978 with others to follow. EVAN, CD., et al. The Cook Inlet Environment: A Background Study of Available Knowledge . Report for United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, n.d. EVERMANN, B.W. "The native fishermen of Hawaii." Outing , March 1904: 660-666. FINN, WILLIAM. Fishermen on George's Bank . Boston: Little, Brown, 1972. FISH BOAT. "Who gets the halibut?" Fish Boat , v. 6, n. 4, April 1961: 25-27. FISHER, HOWARD S. "The Watermen: People of Gwynn's Island, Mathews County, Virginia." Unpublished, n.d. FOOTE, DON CHARLES. The economic base and seasonal activities of some northwest Alaskan villages; a preliminary study. United States Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. AT (04-3)-315. 1959. With A. Cooke. The Eskimo hunter at Noatak, Alaska; winter 1960; summer 1960. United States Atomic Energy Commission, Modification no. 2, supplemental agreement to contract No. AT (04-3)-315. 1960. "American whalemen in northwestern arctic Alaska." Arctic Anthropology , v. 2, n. 2, 1964: 16-20. 17 With H.A. Williamson. "A Human Geographical Study." In Environment of the Cape Thompson Region, Alaska , pp. 1041-1107. Edited by Norman J. Wilimovsky and John N. Wolfe. Washington, DC: United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, 1966. FORMAN, S. "Cognition and the Catch." Ethnology 1967. FOX, JAMES EDWARD. Socio-Economic Characteristics, Use Patterns and Expenditures of Michigan Salmon and Trout Anglers in 1967. M.S. thesis, Michigan State University, Department of Resource Development, 1970. FRANCIS, JOE D. and LAWRENCE BUSCH. "New York State's Commercial Fisheries: Industry and Manpower Projections." In New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin No. 28, June 1973: Social Sciences; Rural Sociology No. 2. Ithaca: Cornell University, Agricultural Experiment Station. FRICKE, PETER H. Written : Editor. Index of Current Maritime Research. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, 1971, 1973 and 1975 editions. With Leif Landberg, Editors. Index of Recent Maritime Research . Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Maritime Studies, June 1973. Current Research: With Tim Britton. The North Carolina Eel Fishery; project started Janurary 1978; estimated date of completion: May 1978. With Franky Lee Turner. The North Carolina Menhaden Fishery; project started Janurary 1978; estimated date of completion: May 1978. With John Maiolo and Susan Whalen. Public Perceptions of the Argo Merchant Oil Spill; study funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/MESA involving survey of communities of Cape Code, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket; research carried out in October - November 1977; estimated time of completion: March 1978; to be published by NOAA. GAFFNEY, MICHAEL E. 18 Written ; "Wheeling and Dealing: Transactional Socialization Aboard Great Lakes Bulk Carriers." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Industrial Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Cardiff, Wales, 26-28 June 1974. "Boxing the Gyro Compass: Technological Change and Cultural Continuity." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam, 19-21 March 1975. Current Research : Fishermen/Seamen: Occupational Pluralism on the Coast of Maine; area: Penobscot Bay Region; research continuing with no completion date projected; no projects reports available. GATEWOOD, JOHN B. Written : Experiencing a Culture Complex: Work on Southeast Alaskan Salmon Purse Seiners. Ph.D. thesis, Champa ign-Urbana : University of Illinois, 1978. Current Research: The organization of work on salmon purse seiners; area: Ketchikan, Alaska during seining seasons 1975, 1976, and 1977; research for dissertation; estimated time of completion: summer 1978. GERSUNY, CARL. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "Danger and Fishermen's Taboos." Mar i times (University of Rhode Island), v. 16, n. 1, 1972: 3-4. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith." Rhode Island History , v. 32, n. 1, 1973: 22-32. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "The Uncertain Future of Fishing Families." The Family Coordinator , April 1973: 241-244. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "A Fishermen's Cooperative: Open System Theory Applied." Maritime Study Management , April 1974: 215-222. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "Luddites and Fishermen: A Note on Response to Technological Change." Maritime Studies and Management , v. 2, 1974: 38-47. With John J. Poggie, Jr. and Robert J. Marshall, Jr. Some Effects of Technological Change on New England Fishermen . Marine 19 Technical Report 42. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1975. With John J. Poggie, Jr. and Robert J. Marshall, Jr. "The New England Fishing Cultures." In Northern Atlantic Maritime Europeans , Edited by Raoul Andersen. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1977. GIBSON, GORDON D. "A bibliography of anthropological bibliographies: The Americas." Current Anthropology , v. 1, n. 1, January 1960: 61-75. GILLMAN, C. DANIEL. "Shrimp cities, U.S.A.: Brownsville and Port Isabel, Texas." Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society , v. 11, n. 1, 1968: 24- 33. GLADWIN, THOMAS and SEYMOUR R. SARASON. "Truk: Man in Paradise." Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology , No. 20, 1953. "Canoe travel in the Truk area: Technology and its psychological correlates." American Anthropologist , v. 60, 1958: 893-899. East is a Big Bird: Navigation and Logic on Puluwat Atoll . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. G00DEN0UGH, WARD H. "Property, Kin, and Community on Truk." Yale University Publications in Anthropology , No. 46, 1961. Reprinted by Archon Books (The Shoe String Press), Hamden, CN, 1967. Cooperation in Change: An Anthropological Approach to Community Development . New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1963. Paperback edition printed by Science Editions, John Wiley, New York, 1966. **General Anthropological Work** GRAEFE, ALAN R. and ROBERT B. DITTON. "Recreational Shark Fishing on the Texas Gulf Coast: An Exploratory Study of Behavior and Attitudes." Marine Fisheries Review , v. 38, n. 2, February 1976: 10-20. GREEN, BERNAL L. and H.A. WADSWORTH. Boaters, Fishermen, Hunters: What Affects Participation and What Do They Want? Research Bulletin 829, Agricultural Experiment Station. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University, 1967. GROSSINGER, RICHARD. 20 Book of the Cranberry Islands . New York: Harper and Row, 1974. (fictional work) The Provinces. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, distributed by Book People, 1975. (fictional work) The Strategy and Ideology of Lobsterf ishing on the Back Side of Mount Desert Island, Hancock Country, Maine . Ph.D. thesis, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1975. GROTH, PHILIP. Current Research : With Lisandro Perez. Developing statement on the current state of anthropological knowledge on Gulf Shrimp fisheries; simultaneously conducitng field work to outline specific areas in need of research and to develop conjectures on the social impacts of various proposals for managing Gulf shrimp fisheries; final report planned for mid-October 1978, with tentative reports available as research is conducted. GUNTHER, E. "An analysis of the first salmon ceremony." American Anthropologist , v. 28, 1926. "A further analysis of the first salmon ceremony." University of Washington Publications in Anthropology , v. 2, 1928. HAGE, KARL PER. On Some Formal and Substantive Properties of a Maritime Communication System. Ph.D. thesis, Seattle: University of Washington, 1971. HAINLINE, L. JANE. Human ecology in Micronesia: Determinants of population size, structure and dynamics. Ph.D. thesis, Los Angeles: University of California, 1964. HALL, EDWARD T. and KARL J. PELZER. The Economy of the Truk Islands: An Anthropological and Economic Survey. United States Commercial Company, Economic Survey, 1946. Re- issued by Human Relations Area Files, 1964. HARRIS, JENNIE E. "Sponge fishermen of Tarpon Springs." The National Geographic Magazine , v. 91, n. 1, January 1947: 119-136. HARUMI, BEFU. 21 "An Ethnographic Sketch of Old Harbor, Kodiak: An Eskimo Village." Arctic Anthropology , v. 6, n. 2, 1970: 29-42. HAWKINS, JAMES E. and ELIZABETH A. DAUGHERTY. Compilers. The silver fleece; an economic study of the Bristol Bay region . Alaska Rural Development Board, 1958. HENSLEY, WILLIAM L. "Alaska Eskimo and Resources - Ownership, Land Claims, Economic Participation of Eskimos in Economic Development." Paper Presented at the Fourth International Congress, Foundation Francaise d 'Etudes Nordiques: Arctic Development and the Future of the Eskimo Societies, Le Havre and Rouen, France, 24-27 November 1969. HEPBURN, MARCUS J. Written : "The Effects of Crab-Trap Innovation in a Gulf Coastal Fishing Community." A Report Prepared for Human Factors in the Economic Development of a Northwest Florida Gulf Coast Fishing Community , J. Anthony Parades. Tallahassee: Florida State University, Department of Anthropology, n.d. "The Effects of Crab-Trap Innovation in a Gulf Coastal Fishing Community." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory, Gainesville, FL, November 1975. With J. Anthony Paredes and James C. Sabella. "Applied anthropology and the Florida Sea Grant Program." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society, Miami, FL, March 1977. With James C. Sabella and J. Anthony Paredes. "Human Factors in the Economic Development of a Small Florida Gulf Coastal Fishing Community." Final Report to the Florida Sea Grant Program, 1977. "Technology, ecology, and social change: The emergence of agnatic kin groups as an adaptive response." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, TX, November 1977. The Cedar Key Oyster Relocation and Demonstration Project - 1977. Tallahassee: Florida State University, Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center, February 1978. With James C. Sabella. "Kinship and economic activity in a North Carolina Outer Banks fishing community." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Association, Lexington, KY, March 1978. 22 Current Research : Research Associate and James C. Sabella, Principal Investigator. The Sociocultural Organization of Fishing in a North Carolina Coastal Fishing Community - Perspectives for Economic Development; Sea Grant funding started January 1978, paper on preliminary research to be available early spring 1978, final report to be available early 1979. HEWES, GORDON W. Aboriginal Use of Fishing Resources in Northwestern North America. Ph.D. thesis, Berkeley: University of California, 1947. "The Rubric of Fishing and Fisheries." American Anthropologist , v. 50, n. 2, April-June 1948: 238-246. "Aboriginal use of fishery resources in northwestern North American." Kroeber Anthropological Society Paper , n. 14, 1956: 98-99. HIGMAN, JAMES B. Editor. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Session of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Labor Symposium , Miami, FL, November 1968. Coral Gables: University of Miami, Institute of Marine Sciences, June 1969. HIPPLER, ARTHUR E. Written : "The Alaska Athabascans: Sociological and Anthropological Studies." Centre' d'Etudes Arcticques. In press. With John R. Wood. "Aslaska Native Village Populations: A Selected Demographic Analysis." In Internord . In press. "Mythology and Reality: Some Rational Perspectives Concerning Alaska Eskimo Social and Economic Change in the Artie." Proceedings of XLII Congress of Americainistes, Paris. In press. Barrow and Kotzebue : An Exploratory Comparison of Acculturation and Education in Two Large Northwestern Alaska Villages . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Training Center for Community Programs, 1969. "Patterns of Migration, Urbanization, and Acculturation of Alaskan Natives." Paper Presented at the Fourth International Congress, Foundation Francaise d'Etudes Nordiques: Arctic Development and the Future of the Eskimo Societies, Le Havre and Rouen, France, 24-27 November 1969. Editor and Contributor. A Social Economic Study of Northwest Alaska. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1969. 23 Eskimo Acculturation: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Alaskan and Other Eskimo Acculturation Studies* No. 28. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1970. "Some Observations on Persistence of Alaska Native Village Populations." Research Note , A-l. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1970. "Additional Perspectives on Eskimo Female Infanticide." American Anthropologist , v. 74, n. 5, 1972: 1318-1319. With Stephen Conn. "Northern Eskimo Law Ways and Their Relationships to Contemporary Problems of Bush Justice." ISEGR Occasional Paper , No. 10. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1973. With Stephen Conn. "The Changing Legal Culture of the North Alaska Eskimos." Ethos , v. 2, n. 2, 1974: 171-188. "Ecology, Socialization, and Personality Development Among Athabascans." Journal of Comparative Family Studies , v. 5, n. 1, 1974: 61-73. "The North Alaska Eskimos: a Culture and Personality Perspective." American Ethnologist , v. 1, n. 3, 1974: 449-470. With John R. Wood. The Subarctic Athabascans: An Annotated Bibliography. Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, Report Series No. 39. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1974. With L.B. Boyer and Ruth Boyer. "The Subarctic Athabascans of Alaska: The Ecological Grounding of Certain Cultural Personality Characteristics." The Psychoanalytic Study of Society , v. 7, 1976: 293-329. With John R. Wood. "Alaska Eskimo and Indian Populations - The Social Meaning of Demographic Change." Etudes/lnuit /Studies , v. 1, n.l, 1977: 65-92. With John R. Wood. The Alaska Eskimos; A Selected Annotated Bibliography . ISER Report Series No. 45. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Insitute of Social and Economic Research, 1977. "Conciliation and Arbitration in the Native Village and the Urban Ghetto." In Alaska Natives and the Law; Teachers Handbook , pp. 84-97. Edited by Frank Barthel, Stephen Conn, and Pat McDearraon. Anchorage: Alaska Legal Services, 1977. With Stephen Conn. "The Village Council and Its Offspring: A Reform for Bush Justice." 24 (revised) In Alaska Natives and the Law; Teachers Handbook , pp. 12-18. Edited by Frank Barthel, Stephen Conn and Pat McDearmon. Anchorage: Alaska Legal Services, 1977. Current Research : Field work in progress concerning the following areas: Culture Change at Barrow, Alaska Psychocultural study of Yupik Eskimo villages Psychosocial study of Alaska Native students at the University of Alaska Study of forensic psychiatry and Alaska Natives School Lunch Program in Alaska HOAGLAND, JOHN F. and JAMES J. KENNEDY. "Wilderness Fishing: a study in recreational land use." Utah Science , v. 35, n. 3, September 1974: 99-101. HOFFMAN, LYNN F. The Myth of the Maritime Culture. Ph.D. thesis, Syracuse University, 1973. HOFFMAN, ROBERT G. and HIROSHI YAMAUCHI. Impact of Recreational Fishing Expenditures on the State and Local Economies of Hawaii . Departmental Paper 3; Sea Grant Advisory Report no. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-AR-72-02. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972. HOOVER, JAMES G. and ALVIN L. BERTRAND. Toledo Bend Reservoir: A Study of User Characteristics, Patterns, Preferences . Bulletin No. 675. Louisiana State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, August 1973. HUGHES, CHARLES CAMPBELL. Eskimo village in the modern world . Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1960. HUQ, A.M. "A Study of the Socioeconomic Impact of Changes in the Harvesting Labor Force in the Maine Lobster Industry." In Ocean Fishery Management: Discussions and Research , pp. 159-173. NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC- 371. Edited by Adam A. Sokoloski. Seattle: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1973. INDIAN AFFAIRS. 25 "Inu piat paitot (Eskimo rights and heritage)." Point Barrow Conference on Native Rights, Barrow, Alaska, November 1961. Indian Affairs , v. 44, December 1961: 1-2. INDIANS AT WORK. "The Silver horde: the salmon industry and Indians in the Northwest." Indians at Work , v. 6, n. 7, 1939: 4-10. INGEBRIGTSEN, HAROLD R. Roaming with Reta; trolling for salmon and keeping up with commercial fishermen working the Northwest waters . New York: William-Frederick Press, 1954. JAMSEN, G.C.; J.R. RYCKMAN; and J.E. FOX. Participation and Socioeconomics of Salmon and Trout Fishermen in Michigan . Research and Development Report No. 158. Lansing: Michigan Department of Natural Resources, 1969. JARESH, ELISSA. "Fish sniffers." Western Folklore , v. 26, n. 3, 1967: 188. JEDLICKA, DAVOR. Written : "Employment Trends in Fishing Occupations for South Atlantic States, 1880-1970." Paper Presented at the Workshop of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Charlotsville, SC, February 1978. Current Research : Research on the Coastal Peoples of the Southeastern Coast; areas: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; grant awarded in summer 1978. JENSEN, WILLIAM S. Current Research : A Socio-Economic Evaluation of the Washington State Commercial Salmon Fishery; sampling, interviewing, and data transfer to computer are complete; preliminary report available from Washington State Department of Fisheries as of May 1, 1978. JESSON, JOHN M. Written : "The Fishermen of Chatham." Unpublished Manuscript, 1978. 26 "A Fisherman Out of Water: A Network Analysis of the Participatory Behavior of New England Fishermen." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. "The sample that wouldn't: problems in sampling a highly mobile population." Unpublished Manuscript, 1978. "Sketches of a Fishing Community; Port of New Bedford." Unpublished Manuscript completed under a National Science Foundation Grant, 1978. Current Research : "University of Rhode Island - University of Maine Study of Social and Cultural Aspects of Fisheries Management in New England Under Extended Jurisdiction; National Science Foundation $- RANN; first phase to be completed by October 1, 1978. JOHANNES, R.E. Written : "Reef and lagoon tenure systems in the Pacific Islands." Submitted to South Pacific Bulletin. Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Western Caroline Islands. First draft of book completed, n.d. "Traditional law of the sea in Micronesia." Micronesia , v. 13, 1977: 121-127. Current Research : Research focusing mainly on Palau and Tobi (with some work on Yap, Truk, and Ponape) concerning fishing and marine knowledge among artisanal fishermen; emphasis on that which fishermen know about the sea that marine biologists do not know and on management of marine resources through the understanding of fishing customs and fishermen's problems. JOHNSON, ELAINE D. Sociological Study of the Monterey Area . Prepared for the City Planning Commission, Monterey, California, 1968. JONES, C.P. "Cod bangers to Alaska." Alaska Sportsman , v. 32, n. 3, 1966: 8-14. JONES, DOROTHY With John R. Wood. An Aleut Bibliography. Report No. 44. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, n.d. 27 "Contemporary Aleuts." Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. In press. "Child Welfare Problems in an Alaskan Native Village." Social Service Review , v. 43, n. 3, 1969: 297, 309. A Study of Social and Economic Problems in Unalaska, an Aleut Village. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1969. "Changes in Population Structure in the Aleutian Islands." Research Note , A-2. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1970. "Contemporary Aleut Material Culture." In Modern Alaska Native Material Culture , pp. 7-19. Edited by Wendell Oswalt. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Museum, 1971. "Adaptations of Whites in an Alaska Native Village." Anthropologica , v. 14, n. 2, December 1972. "Patterns of Village Growth and Decline in the Aleutians." Occasional Paper . Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, December 1973. "Race Relations in an Alaska Native Village." Anthropologica , v. 15, n, 2, December 1973: 167-190. Aleuts in Transition: A Comparison of Two Villages . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976. JORDAN, D. The fish and fisherman of Hawaii . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1902. JOSEPH SON, KARLA. Alaska and the Law of the Sea: Use of the Sea by Alaska Natives — An Historical Perspective . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1974. KEELER, W.W. ; H.J. WADE; and J.E. OFFICER. United States Task Force on Alaska Native Affairs. Report to the Secretary of the Interior . Washington, DC, 28 December 1962. KEENE, DONALD F. Tactics of Pacific Northwest Albacore Fishermen - 1968, 1969, 1970. Ph.D. thesis, Oregon State University. Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms, 1974. KENYON, KARL WALTON. 28 "Last of the Tlingit sealers." Natural History , v. 64, n. 6, June 1955: 294-298. KETCHUM, BOSTWICK H. The Water's Edge . Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, n.d. KNIPE, ED. "Is a maritime sociology necessary? Some reflections on the Summer of 1974." Paper Presented at the AKD Sociological Symposium, February, 1975. **General Anthropological Work** KNOPF, RICHARD C. ; B.L. DRIVER; and JOHN R. BASSETT. "Motivations for Fishing." Paper Presented at the Thirty-Eighth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Washington, DC, 19 March 1973. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources. **General Anthropological Work** KROEBER, A.L. and S.A. BARRETT. "Fishing among the Indians of Northwestern California." Anthropological Records (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press), v. 21, n. 1, 1960. KUNKEL, JOHN H. "Opportunity, Economics and Behavior: A Comment on Acheson and Foster." American Anthropologist , v. 78, n. 2, June 1976: 327-331. **General Anthropological Work** LAIRD, BERVERLY L. Sources of work satisfaction among commercial watermen of Gloucester County, Virginia. Honors Thesis. Williamsburg: College of William and Mary, Department of Scoiology, 1973. LA MONTE, EDWARD. A Preliminary Annotated Bibliography of Socio-Cultural Research on Fishermen, Fishing Communities and Fisheries Social Systems . Seattle: University of Washington, Institute for Marine Studies, n.d. LANDBERG, LEIF C.W. "The Chumash Indians of Southern California." Southwest Museum Paper (Los Angeles), No. 19, 1965. A Bibliography for the Anthropological Study of Fishing Industries and Maritime Communities . Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resources Development, 1973. Revised version in press, 1978. 29 With Peter H. Fricke. Index of Recent Maritime Research . Cardiff: University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Maritime Studies, 1973. "Fishing Effort in the Aboriginal Fisheries of the Santa Barbara Region, California: An Ethno-historical Appraisal." In Maritime Adaptations of the Pacific , pp. 145-170. Edited by Richard W. Casteel and George I. Quimby. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. LANGDON, STEVE. Written : "A Social and Educational History of Craig, Alaska." In Rural America , Edited by S. Fitzsimmons and P. Woolf. Cambridge: Abt Associates, 1975. "Technology and Ecological Knowledge: Perspectives from Two Fishing Technologies in Southeastern Alaska." Paper Presented at the American At hropo logical Association Meetings, Washington, DC, 17-21 November 1976. Anchorage: University of Alaska. "Differential Ecological Knowledge as a Cause of Conflicts in fisheries Management Schemes in Alaska." Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Diego, CA, 7 April 1977. Technology, Ecology, and Economy: Fishing Systems in Southeast Alaska. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1977. "Formal Economic Appraisals of the Pacific Salmon Fisheries." Paper Presented at the Symposium on Modernization in Fisheries and Fishing Communities, Greenville, NC, April 1978. Current Research : "A Statistical Analysis of Factors Contributing to Differential Catch by Purse Seine Vessels in Southeast Alaska;" in progress, to be reported at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, November 1978. LANTIS, MARGARET. "The Alaskan whale cult and its affinities." American Anthropologist , New series, v. 40, 1938: 438-464. LARSSEN, A.K. and SIG JAEGER. "Some ABC's of Fo'c'sle Living." Marine Fisheries Review , v. 36, n. 6, June 1974: 1-38. LAUGHLIN, WILLIAM S. "The Aleut-Eskimo Community." Anthropological Papers of the University 30 of Alaska , v. 1, n. 1, 1952: 25-46. "The Purpose of Studying Eskimos and Their Population Systems." Arctic , v. 23, n. 1, 1970: 3-13. "Ecology and Population Structure in the Arctic." The Structure of Human Populations , pp. 379-392. Edited by G.A. Harrison and A.J. Boyce. 1972. LEAP, WILLIAM L. "Maritime Subsistence in Anthropological Perspective: A Statement of Priorities." In Those Who Live From The Sea , Edited by M. Estellie Smith. New York: West Publishing Co., 1977. **General Anthropological Work** LE BAR, FRANK. "The material culture of Truk. " Yale University Publications in Anthropology (New Haven), No. 68, 1964. "Trukese Material Culture." Yale University Publications in Anthropology (New Haven), No. 68, 1964. LEE, FRANKY STOKES. Current Research : Social Changes Resulting from Yearly Fluctuations in Abundance of Crab and Oyster at Morattico, Virginia; area: Chesapeake Bay, Morattico, Virginia; estimated time of completion: late 1979; project reports available. LESSA, WILLIAM A. The ethnography of Ulithi Atoll. Co-ordinated Investigation of Micronesian Anthropology (Los Angeles), v. 28, 1950. With G.C. Meyers. "Depopulation on Ulithi." Human Biology , v. 27, 1955: 161-183. "The social effects of typhoon Ophelia (1960) on Ulithi." Micronesia , v. 1, n. 1/2, 1964: 1-47. With G.C. Meyers. "Population dynamics of an atoll community." Population Studies , v. 15, 1962: 244-257. Ulithi: A Micronesian Design for Living . New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. LEY, R. "Why anglers really angle." Field & Stream, v. 71, n. 63, 1967: 109- 31 110. LIAO, DAVID S. and JOE B. STEVENS. Oregon's Commercial Fishermen: Characteristics, Profits and Incomes in 1972 . Publication No. ORESU-T1-001. Corvallis: Oregon State University, 1975. LIGUORI, VICTOR A. With Charles Quitmeyer. A Report on the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries of Maryland. Easton Publishing Company, 1966. Easton, MD: Stability and Change in the Social Structure of Atlantic Coast Commercial Fisheries. Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, 1968. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms. **General Anthropological Work** "Understanding Commitment Among commercial fishermen." In Northern Atlantic Maritime Europeans , Edited by Raoul Andersen. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1977. "Come Ahead if You Dare." In Fieldwork: The Human Experience , Edited by Vimson Sutlive and Mario Zamora. New York: Holmes and Meier, In press for publication by December 1978. LINDSAY, GEORGE E. "The Eskimo whalers of Point Barrow." Pacific Discovery , v. 21, n. 2, 1968: 11-15. LOWERY, ROGER C. ; JAMES C. SABELLA; AND RICHARD D. DIXON. Current Research : "The Sociocultural Organization of Fishing in a North Carolina Coastal Community - Perspectives for Economic Development; area: Harkers Island, North Carolina; two-year Sea Grant project no. R/LS-11 beginning January 1978; project proposal published in volume two of "University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program: Proposal for 1978 Sea Grant College Support." LUND, JENS. Written : "Studying to Become a Fisherman in the Rivers of the Midwest." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Folkore Society, Detroit, MI, November 1977. Current Research : "Fishing as a 'Folk Occupation' in the Lower Ohio Valley;" doctoral thesis in folklore and American studies, Indiana University; area: Ohio 32 River from Leavenworth, IN to Cairo, IL, Wabash River below Grayville, IL and selected smaller streams tributary to the Ohio and Wabash; available upon request: "Dissertation Proposal" as accepted by Indiana University graduate school, and informal answers to specific inquiries; currently conducting field interviews until September 1978, with dissertation completion planned for early 1979. LUND, MARLENE A. Editor. Proceedings; Vocational Fisheries Education Workshop. Portland, OR, 18-19 April 1973. Published for Pacific Sea Grant Advisory Program by Oregon State University Extension Service, Marine Advisory Program, Corvallis. MC CARTHY, F.D. "Primitive fishermen of the Pacific and their methods; a summary." Mankind , v. 2, 1937: 93. MC CARTNEY, ALLEN P. "Maritime Adaptations on the North Pacific Rim." Arctic Anthropology , v. 11, Supplement: 153-162, n.d. "Maritime Adaptations on the North Pacific Rim." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Mexico City, 1974. MC FADDEN, J.; J.R. RYCKMAN; and G.P. COOPER. "A Survey of Some Opinions of Michigan Sport Fishermen." Transactions , American Fisheries Society , v. 93, n. 2, 1964: 183-193. MC GOODWIN, JAMES R. With Ira R. Buchler. "Economic Anthropology and Mathematical Programming." Initial Technical Report of the Comparative Econometrics Project, Ira R. Buchler, Director. Government Documents microfische, 1968. MAC GREGOR, PAUL. Written : Analysis of "Conditional Fisheries" Restrictions on Participation in Capital Construction Fund and Fishing Vessel Obligation Guarantee Programs Administered by National Marine Fisheries Service. Unpublished, analysis contained in letter to Secretary of Commerce dated July 14, 1978. Current Research : Analysis of preliminary management plans and fishery management plans promulgated under FCMA by North Pacific Fishery Management Council and 33 impact of those plans on the various fishing interest groups. Ongoing analysis of conditional fisheries restrictions on participation in certain programs administered by National Marine Fisheries Service; major areas of concern: Alaskan King Crab, Salmon Fishermen of West Coast, Tuna fishermen of California and Gulf Coast, Lobstermen of Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; summaries available on request. MAC LEAN, ARTHUR R. and WILLIAM AYRES. Current Research : Archeological Cultural Resource Survey of Ponape, Caroline Islands, Micronesia; survey is an attempt to set up a sampling system for the Awak Valley, including settlement and subsistence patterns; National Science Foundation annual report of completed work is in final stages of completion. MAINS, E.M. Effects of Power Plant Peaking on Commercial, Sport, and Indian Fisheries . Portland, OR: United States Army, North Pacific Engineering Division, Fisheries Engineering Research Program. Sponsored by United States Department of Defense, Army Corps of Engineers, 1974. MAIOLO, JOHN R. Current Research : "An Assessment of Probable Social and Economic Impacts of Ocean Outfall Sewerage Systems in North Carolina Coastal Communities;" funding pending; estimated date of completion: January 1979; research proposal available. MARCUS, HEPBURN S. Using Cooperatives to Aid the New England Fishing Industry. Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Ocean Engineering. Sponsored by United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant Office, 1975. MARSHALL, ROBERT J., Jr. Written : Emotive Commitment to Fishing: A Sociological Exploration of three New England Fishing Communities. M.A. thesis, Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1973. With John J. Poggie, Jr. and Carl Gersuny. "A Further Look at Risk and Ritual: Fishermen's Taboos in Three New England Ports." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 1973. 34 With John J. Poggie, Jr. and Carl Gersuny. "Technological Lead, Occupational Subcultures and Mobility Potential in Two New England Fisheries." Paper Presented at the Maritime Session of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam, Holland, March 1975. Current Research ; Paper in preparation summarizing results of Master's thesis, "Emotive Commitment to Fishing..." (see also "Written work). MARTIN, FREDERIC KA I. "Pribilof sealers - serfs of the North." News Letter (Institute of Ethnic Affairs, Inc.), v. 3, n. 4, May-June 1948: 1-4. MARUYAMA, M. "The Changing Alaskan Eskimo — from seals to electronics." Alaska Sportsman , v. 32, n. 8, 1966: 23-25. MARYLAND. UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH. "Employment and earnings in Maryland fisheries." Studies in business and economics (College Park, MD), v. 14, n. 3, 1960. MASON, LYNN DOUGLAS. Disabled fishermen: disease and livelihood among the Kuskowagamiut Eskimos of Lower Kalskag, Alaska. Ph.D. thesis, Los Angeles: University of California, 1972. MICHIGAN. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. FISHERIES DIVISION. Michigan's Great Lakes Trout and Salmon Fishery (1969-1972) . Fisheries Management Report No. 5. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division, 1973. MILES EDWARD; GEORGE ROGERS; and DON COLLINGSWORTH. Procedures and Socioeconomic Data Needs for Determination of Optimum Yields in Fishery Management Plans. Memorandum Prepared for the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Scientific and Statistical Committee, 1977. **General Anthropological Work** MILLER, K. MAX; PAULA DRESSEL; and LEE SHEARER. "Chatham County-Savannah Leadership Survey: A Community Social Analysis." Community Social Analysis Series , No. 10, June 1975. Published by the Institute of Community and Area Development, University of Georgia, Department of Sociology and the Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission. MILLER, MARC. 35 Written : "Ethnicity and Occupational Socialization: Italian Fishermen in New England." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. "Responses to the 200-mile Fishing Limit Legislation; the Port of Gloucester." National Science Foundation Interim Report, 1978. Current Research : "University of Rhode Island, University of Maine Study of Social and Cultural Aspects of Fisheries Management in New England Under Extended Jurisdiction;" National Science Foundation: RANN 1977-1978; areas: Gloucester, MA; Pt. Judith, RI; New Bedford, MA; Pemaquid Harbor, ME; project reports not currently available. MILLER, MORTON M. and VIRGIL J. NORTON. "The Fishing Labor Force." In Recent Developments and Research in Fisheries Economy , Edited by Frederick W. Bell and J.C. Hazleton. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Ocean Publications Inc., 1967. MISSISSIPPI. UNIVERSITY. LAW CENTER. A Basic Guide to Rights of Commercial Fishermen Under the National Labor Relations Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Jones Act, and State Workmen's Compensation Laws . Mississippi-Alabama Sea-Grant Consortium MASGP-77-012. Sponsored by United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant under Grant No. 04-6-158-44060. 1976. MOELLER, GOERGE H. "What Fishermen Look for in a Fishing Experience." The Journal of Wildlife Management , v. 36, n. 4, October 1972: 1253-1257. MOORE, RILEY DUNNING. "Social life of the Eskimo of St. Lawrence Island." American Anthropologist , New Series, v. 25, 1923: 339-375. MOORE, ROBERT CA. Written : Socio-economics of the Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California Coho and Chinook Salmon Industry. In press. Current Research : Trust development among salmon users, the Pacific Fisheries Management 36 Council and others. MOREHOUSE, THOMAS A. and GEORGE W. ROGERS. Current Research ; An Economic, Social and Administrative Assessment of the Alaska Limited Entry Program; estimated date of completion: October 1978; no project reports available until project completion. MORRILL, DAVID L. Current Research : Currently collecting data for a basic descriptive ethnography of the San Pedro, California, wet-fishing fleet; research is being conducted under grant from the University of California Sea Grant Program. MORRILL, W.T. and B. DYKE. "A French Community of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands." Caribbean Studies , v. 5, n. 4, 1966: 3-11. MOYER, DAVID S. "The Social Context of Economic Change: A Study of Eskimo Boat Management." Human Organization , v. 30. n. 1, 1971: 11-24. MULLEN, PATRICK B. The Function of Magic Folk Belief among Texas Coastal Fishermen. Ph.D. thesis, University of Texas, 1968. "The Function of Magic Folk Belief among Texas Coastal Fishermen." Journal of American Folklore , v. 82, n. 325, July-September 1969: 214- 225. MURDOCK, GEORGE PETER, et al . "Outline of Cultural Materials." Yale Anthropological Studies (New Haven: Yale University Press), v. 2, 1945. **General Anthropological Work** "Ethnographic bibliography of North America, Third Edition." New Haven: Human Relation Area Files, Inc., 1960. **General Anthropological Work** With D.O. Morrow. "Subsistence Economy and Supportive Practices: Cross-Cultural Codes I. Ethnology , v. 9, 1970: 302-330. **General Anthropological Work** Outline of World Cultures . New Haven: Human Relation Area Files, Inc., 1963. **General Anthropological Work** MURDOCH, JOHN. 37 "Seal catching at Point Barrow." Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington , v. 3, 1884: 102-108. NASON, JAMES D. Ecological aspects of cultural stability and change in Micronesia. M.A. thesis, Seattle: University of Washington, 1967. NELSON, EDWARD WILLIAM. "The Eskimo about Bering Strait." United States Bureau of American Ethnology; Eighteenth Annual Report 1896-1897 , Part I, 1899: 3-518. NELSON, RICHARD K. Hunters of the Northern Ice . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. Hunters of the Northern Forest; designs for survival among the Alaskan Kutchin . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973. "Marine mammals in the culture and economy of the North Alaskan Eskimos." Paper Presented at the National Whale Symposium, Bloomington, IN, 1975. NIX, HAROLD L. Written : With Steve Glenn and James N. Whitted. Locational Inventory of Docks and Shrimp Trawlers on the Coast of Georgia . Unpublished Manuscript, Technical Report Series No. 75-8. Savannah: University of Georgia, 1975. Current: "Occupational Analysis of Shrimp Fishermen;" Sea Grant Study; field data already collected and largely analyzed, only writing remains; estimated time of completion: 1978; no reports currently available. "The Shrimp Fisher Family;" Sea Grant project; field data and most analysis finished; currently developing reports and articles; no project reports currently available. NORDQUIST, L.E. and J.W. MC ALHANY. A Comparison of Usable Income Potential: Public Assistance Payments vs. Employment in Fisheries Related Industries in South Carolina . South Carolina Sea Grant Program, 1974. NORR, JAMES L. and KATHLEEN L. NORR. "Work Organization in Modern Fishing." Human Organization , v. 37, n. 2, Summer 1978: 163-171. 38 "Societal Complexity or Production Techniques: Another Look at Udy's Data on the Structure of Work Organizations." American Journal of Sociology , v. 82, n. 4, January 1977: 845-853. **General Anthropological Work** NORR, KATHLEEN L. and JAMES L. NORR. "Environmental and Technical Factors Influencing Power in Work Organizations: Ocean Fishing in Peasant Societies." Sociology of Work and Occupations , v. 1, May 1974: 219-251. "Increasing Capital Costs, Environmental and Technical Constraints, and Work Patterns in Modern Ocean Fishing." Chicago Circle: University of Illinois, Sociology Department, 1975. (Mimeographed.) "Societal Complexity or Production Techniques: Another Look at Udy's Data on the Structure of Work Organizations." American Journal of Sociology , v. 82, n. 4, January 1977: 845-853. **General Anthropological Work** NORTON, VIRGIL J. and MORTON M. MILLER. An Economic Study of the Boston Large-Trawler Labor Force . Circular 248. Washington, DC: United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 1966. OLSON, CYNTHIA R. "Master Skipper, signs and the weather." Micronesian Reporter (Saipan), v. 7, n. 2, 1959: 10-12. OLSEN, DAVID A. Current Research : Socio-Economic impact of the U.S. Virgin Islands commercial-recreational fishery; in progress. ORBACH, MICHAEL K. Written : "Anthropology in the Administrative Process." In Anthropology and Environmental Planning . Edited by Millsap, et al. In preparation. "Fishery Cooperatives on The Chesapeake Bay: Advantage or Anachronism?" Anthropological Quarterly , forthcoming winter, 1980. "The Human Dimension." In Fisheries Management . Edited by Lackey and Nelson. London: Blackwell's Ltd., forthcoming spring 1980. With John Maiolo. Editors. Modernization and Marine Fisheries Policy. In preparation. 39 Editor. Risk and Uncertainty; Examples from Maritime Communities. Assen: Van Gorcum, submitted for publication, June, 1979. "A Proposal for Research into the Cultural Systems of the Tuna Seine Fishermen of San Diego, California and Ensenada, Baja California." Submitted to the University of California at San Diego, Department of Anthropology, October 2, 1973. (Typewritten.) "Learning, Sanctioning and Confrontation." Paper Presented at the Conference on Socialization to Maritime Occupations, Cardiff, South Wales, University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, May 1974. **General Anthropological Work** The Cultural System of the Tuna Seinermen of San Diego. Ph.D. thesis, San Diego: University of California, 1975. "Social and Economic Efficiency in the San Diego High Seas Tuna Fleet." Paper Presented at the Symposium on Technological Change in Maritime Communities, Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam, March 1975. "Making Extraordinary Decisions in Ordinary Ways." Paper Presented at the Symposium on Ethnoscience, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC November 1976. "The Perception of 'Rights' to Fishery Resources." In Report of the Workshop on Extended Jurisdiction, May 10-11, 1976. Edited by Susan B. Peterson. Technical Report WHOI-76-73, supported with funds from the Pew Memorial Trust and by the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant under Grant #04-5- 158-8. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976. "Suggested Outline for Fisheries Profiles: Need for Socio-economic and Socio-Political Data." Fall 1976. (Typewritten.) **General Anthropological Work** Environmental Impact Statement for the International Whaling Commission's Deletion of the Native Exemption for the Subsistence Harvest of Bowhead Whales . Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1977. Hunters, Seamen, and Entrepreneurs; the Tuna Seinermen of San Diego . Berkeley: University of California Press, Ltd. 1977. Editor. Report of the National Workshop on the Concept of Optimum Yield in Fisheries Management, Part I and Part II . Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "The Role of Myth and Perception in Fisheries Management." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Diego, CA, April 1977. 40 Sections concerning the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery. In The Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico, U.S.: A Regional Management Plan. Edited by J.Y. Christmas and David Etzold. Ocean Springs: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, 1977. "Social Science and Fishery Systems." Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Virginia Academy of Sciences, Richmond, VA, May 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "Social Science and Fishery Systems." Paper Presented at the National Workshop on the Concept of Optimum Yield in Fisheries Management, Houston, TX, 6-10 June 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "Social Science Research and Marine Resources." La Jolla, CA: Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Institute for Marine Resources, April 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "Social Science Research in Gulf Fisheries." Tampa, FL: Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, August 1977. "Bureaucracy and Marine Resources: Participant Observation in a Federal Agency." Paper Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Maritime Anthropology Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, November 1978. "Making Extraordinary Decisions in Ordinary Ways: Decision-making as a Natural Process." Unpublished paper, July 1978. (Typewritten.) "Modernization and Fisheries Management: Following the White Rabbit." Review Paper for the International Symposium on Economic Development in Fishing Communities, co-sponsored by East Carolina University, the University of North Carolina Sea Grant Program, and the Society for Applied Anthropology, August 1978. To be published in Proceedings by East Carolina University. **General Anthropological Work** "Social and Cultural Effects of Limited Entry." Paper Presented at the Workshop and Conference on Limitation of Entry into Fisheries, Institute for Marine Studies, Seattle, WA, University of Washington, May-June 1978. To be published by the University of Washington Press, Seattle. **General Anthropological Work** "Social Profile of the Atlantic Menhaden Industry." In A Management Plan for Atlantic Menhaden . Northeast Marine Fisheries Board, Menhaden Sub-board, Atlantic Menhaden Scientific and Statistical Committee, 1978. "Society, Culture and Natural Resources: The Reluctant Mermaid." Paper Presented to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Western Section of the American Fisheries Society, San Diego, CA, July 1978. **General Anthropological Work** "The Sociology of Limited Access to Marine Resources." Solicited Paper for the National Workshop and Conference on Limited Entry, co-sponsored by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of 41 Washington, May and July 1978. To be published by the University of Washington Press. **General Anthropological Work** With Valerie R. Harper. United States Fisheries Systems and Social Science: A Bibliography of Work and Directory of Researchers . Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Resource Conservation and Management, summer 1979. "Island Ecology and Culture in Modern Industry." Paper to be presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Symposium on Ecological Problems in Modern Society: Anthropological Approaches, Cincinnati, OH, December, 1979. Current Research : Associate Investigator with Roy D'Andrade and Frederick Bailey (University of California at San Diego, Department of Anthropology); "Comparative Analysis of the Social and Political Systems of the Tuna Fleets of San Diego and Ensenada;" funded by the University of California Sea Grant Program, 1976 to present. PACIFIC FISHERMAN. "Eskimo gillnetters, a new element in Alaska industrial fishing." Pacific Fisherman , v. 59, n. 12, November 1961: 23. PANKO, THOMAS R. Current Research : Currently involved in study of the Sociocultural influences on Groundfish personnel in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. PAREDES, J. ANTHONY. With Marcus J. Hepburn and James C. Sabella. "Applied Maritime Research on the Gulf Coast of Florida." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society, Miami, FL, 9-12 March. With E.J. Baker; J.C. Brigham; and D.D. Smith. "The Social Impact of Hurricane Eloise on Panama City, Florida." Technical Paper of the State University System of Florida Sea Grant College Program. Gainesville: University of Florida, n.d. (Mimeographed. ) "An Example of Social Data Collection from a Fishing Community on the Gulf Coast of Florida." In Report of the Workshop on Extended Jurisdiction , pp. 15-20. Edited by Susan B. Peterson. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report. Woods Hole: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976. (Mimeographed.) 42 Human Factors In the Economic Development of a Northwest Florida Gulf Coast Fishing Community . Sea Grant Program of the State University System of Florida Project No. R/AS-1; Final Report. Tallahassee: Florida State University, 1977. PATERSON, KAREN W. ; JOEL L. LINDSEY; and ALVIN L. BERTRAND. The Human Dimension of Coastal Zone Development . Bulletin No. 679. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, June 1974. PAYNE, JAMES. Written : Alternatives for Cordova; The Final Report . Alaska Humanities Forum, 1978. Current Research: Plans to undertake questionnaire survey of the Cordova fishermen similar to the Alternatives for Cordova survey, (see also "Written" work) Research in Cordova, Alaska on the adpative strategies of fishermen to a changing environmental, social and legal world; work for Ph.D. thesis; estimated time of completion: January 1979. PESSON, L.L. The Coastal Fishermen of Louisisana: Their Characteristics, Attitudes, Practices and Responsiveness to Change . Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, 1973. Also cited as: A Report of a research project, Office of Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Grant #04-3- 1518-19, Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, November 1974. PETERSON, SUSAN B. "The Aquaculture Market in Hawaii." In Environmental Conferences on Public Understanding of Science in Hawaii: Aquaculture . Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1972. Decisions in a Market: A Study of the Honolulu Fish Auction. Ph.D. thesis, University of Hawaii, Department of Anthropology, 1973. With Leah J. Smith. "Fisheries Regulation: Research and Reality." Paper Presented at the National Science Foundation/International Decade on Ocean Exploration Workshop on Living Resources, Washington, DC, 30 April 1975. With Leah J. Smith. Fisheries Regulation: Variations on a Theme. Manuscript, 1975. 43 "The View from New Bedford." Oceanus , v. 18, n. 2, 1975. "General Discussion." In Report of the Workshop on Extended Jurisdiction, May 10-11, 1976 , Edited by Susan B. Peterson. Technical Report WHOI-76-73, supported with funds from the Pew Memorial Trust and by the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant under Grant #04-5-158-8. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, August 1976. With James M. Friedman. "The Massachusetts Lobster Fishery: Model Legislation and Management Plans." Technical Report. Woods Hole: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976. Unpublished Manuscript. Editor. Report of the Workshop on Extended Jurisdiction, May 10- 11, 1976. Technical Report WHOI-76-73, supported with funds from the Pew Memorial Trust and by the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant under Grant #04-5- 158-8. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, August 1976. "Cape Cod's Fishery Cooperatives." The Cape Naturalist , v. 6, n. 3, Winter 1977. With Leah J. Smith. The New England Fishing Industry: A Basis for Management . Technical Report WHOI-77-5 7, funded by the Pew Memorial Trust and the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant under Grant #04-5-158-8. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, August 1977. "An Analysis of Data Collection Methods for the New England Fishery." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia II: Studies of Complex and Bureaucratic Systems, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. PIERCE, JANICE. Current Research : "Occupational Mobility and Seasonality in Grand Bayou in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana; research for M.A. thesis; first draft not expected before December 1978, with graduation by May 1979; no project reports currently available. PIERCE, WESLEY G. Goin' Fishin'; The Story of Deep-Sea Fishermen of New England . Salem: Marine Research Society, 1934. PILCHER, WILLIAM W. Written: 44 Industrial Ethnology: A Bibliography of Sources for the Study of Occupational Groups . Council of Planning Librarians, Exchange Bibliography No. 613, n.d. "Sailors, Longshoremen and Fishermen: Some problems in the Definition of Maritime Groups." Paper Presented at the the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 1973. "Some Comitants of Maritime Employment." Maritime Studies and Management , v. 2, n. 2, April 1975. Current Research : Technology and Social Change on the Portland Waterfront; area: Portland, OR; estimated time of completion: 1978. POE, EDGAR ALLAN, Jr. "Potential Competition and Conflict in a Traditional Commercial Fishery- -Skipjack "Aku" pole-and-line fishing versus modern methods of purse- seining." Unpublished M.A. thesis proposal, 1971. "The Development of a Special Ocean Regime for the Archipelagoes." Unpublished Master's Research Paper in Geography, University of Hawaii, 1977. "An Environmental Impact Evaluation Methodology for Port Pacific." Unpublished Master's Research Paper in Geography, University of Hawaii, 1977. "Micronesian Position on the Law of the Sea." Unpublished Master's Research Paper in Geography, University of Hawaii, 1977. POGGIE, JOHN J., Jr. Written : With Richard B. Pollnac. "Economic Gratification Orientations among Small-scale Fishermen in Panama and Puerto Rico." Human Organization , forthcoming. With Carl Gersuny. "The Instrumental Functioning of Kinship in a New England Yankee Fishery." In The Fishing Culture of the World , Edited by Bela Gunda. Debrecen, Hungary: Ethnological Institute of the University, forthcoming. With Carl Gersuny., "Shoreville: A Comparison of Social-Psychological Characteristics of Fishermen and Factory Workers in a New England Port." Kingston: University of Rhode Island, n.d. "Small-scale Fishermen's Beliefs about Success and Development: a Puerto Rican Case." Human Organization , forthcoming. 45 With Carl Gersuny. "The Cultural Ecology of Maritime Occupations." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, 1970. **General Anthropological Work** With Carl Gersuny. "Haul-Seines of Pettaquamscutt : A Fishing Technology of Yesteryear." Maritimes (Kingston: University of Rhode Island), April 1971. With Carl Gersuny. "Danger and Fishermen Taboos." Maritimes (Kingston: University of Rhode Island), February 1972. With Carl Gersuny. "Harbor Improvements and Fishing at Point Judith." Rhode Island History , 1972. With Carl Gersuny. "Risk and Ritual; An Interpretation of Fishermen's Folklore in a New England Community." Journal of American Folklore , v. 85, n. 335, January-March 1972: 66-72. With Carl Gersuny. "The Uncertain Future of Fishing Families." Family Coordinator , April 1973: 241-244. With Carl Gersuny. Fishermen of Galilee; the human ecology of a New England coastal community. Marine Bulletin Series No. 17. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1974. With Carl Gersuny. "A Fishermen's Cooperative: Open System Theory Applied." Maritime Studies and Management , April 1974. With Carl Gersuny. "Luddites and Fishermen: A Note on Response to Technological Change." Maritime Studies and Management , v. 2, 1974: 38-47. With Richard B. Pollnac and Carl Gersuny. "Economic Gratification Patterns Revisited: An Example from Fishermen and Millworkers in Southern New England." Human Organization , Spring 1975. With Carl Gersuny. Socio-Economic Study of Fishing Occupations . Sponsored by the United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant Office. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1975. With Carl Gersuny and Robert J. Marshall, Jr. Some Effects of Technological Change on New England Fishermen . Marine Technical Report No. 42. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1975. 46 With J.G. Bartee and Richard B. Pollnac. "Psychological Correlates of Success Among Small scale Fishermen in Western Puerto Rico." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Anthropological Association, Middletown, CN, 1976. With Richard B. Pollnac and Carl Gersuny. "Risk as a Basis for Taboos among Fishermen in Southern New England." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion , v. 15, n. 3, September 1976: 257-262. "Intracultural Patterns of Perceived Benefits of Work in the Adaptation of Southern New England Fishermen." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA 14-19 November 1978. Current Research : University of Rhode Island - University of Maine study of social and cultural aspects of New England fisheries under extended jurisdiction; estimated date of completion: July 1, 1979; project reports not currently available. POLLNAC, RICHARD B. Written : With John J. Poggie, Jr. and Carl Gersuny. "A Multivariate Analysis of Ritual Behavior among Fishermen in Southern New England." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion , forthcoming. "Sociocultural Barriers to the Transfer of Technology." Proceedings of the Central American Seminar Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries , forthcoming. The Sociocultural Correlates of Fishing as a Subsistence Strategy. Anthropology Working Paper No., 4. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resource Development, n.d. With John J. Poggie, Jr. "The 200 Mile Limit: Potential and Perceived Effects." Kingston: University of Rhode Island, n.d. (Mimeographed.) ♦ "Continuity and Change in Marine Fishing Communities." Anthropology Working Paper No. 10. State of Art Paper Prepared for USAID. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resource Development, 1976. (Mimeographed.) "Psychocultural Adaptation to Alternative Fishing Types in Southern New England." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology Symposia I: Social Organization of New England Fishing Communities, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. 47 Current Research ; Sociocultural Aspects of Extended Jurisdiction Among Fishermen in the Gulf of Maine; estimated time of completion: 1979. POSPISIL, L. and WILLIAM S. LAUGHLIN. "Kinship Terminology and Kindred Among the Nunamiut Eskimo." Ethnology, v. 11, n. 2, 1963: 180-189. POWELL, BILLY. Alabama Boat Directory. Sea Grant Advisory Service No. MASGP-74-028. Auburn: Auburn University, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, Sea Grant Advisory Service, 1974. PRATSON, FREDERICK J. The Sea in their Blood . Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1972. PRESCOTT, JOHN R.V. The Political Geography of the Oceans . New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1975. **General Introductory Work** PROCHASKA, F.J. and J.C. CATO. Current Research : Florida Commercial Fishermen - Economics of Production Enterprises and Employment; Performing Organization: State University of Florida, School of Agriculture, Gainesville, FL; Supporting Organization: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant Office; a two phase research project beginning in 1974, with 1978 as estimated time of completion. QUIMBY, GEORGE Chapter 1 1 in Indian Culture and European Trade Goods. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966. RAMKE, RONALD G. Current Research: A Survey of Socio-Cultural Characteristics and Employment Patterns in the Groundfish Industry and Communities on the Gulf Coast; area: Gulf Coast, Alabama to Louisiana; under grant with the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; estimated date of completion: August 1, 1978; project reports available. RANDAL, JUDITH S. Portuguese Fishing People of Provincetown, Massachusetts. Ph.D. thesis, 48 Columbia University, June 1978. RANDALL, PETER. "All Weather Fisherman. . .His Catch is Shrimp." New Hampshire Profiles (Portsmouth), v. 18, n. 1, January 1969: 50-56. RATHBURN, ROBERT R. Written : "Koniag Inc. and the Native Corporation of Alaska." Paper Presented at the Conference of Louisiana Anthropologists, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, 8 October 1977. Current Research : Alternative Occupations and Economic Opportunities among Shrimp Fishermen in Plaqemines Parish; presently completing project; project report should be available by January 1979. Current research on Cajun and French-Speaking Shrimp Fishermen of Louisiana. RAY, PATRICK HENRY and JOHN MURDOCH. "Ethnographic sketch of the natives of Point Barrow; International Polar Expedition, 1882-1883." In Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, 1885 , pp. 35-87. 1885. RAY, VERNE F. "Lower Chinook ethnographic notes." University of Washington Publications in Anthropology , v. 7, n. 2, 1938: 29-165. REAGAN, A.B. "Whaling of the Olympic Peninsula Indians of Washington." Natural History , v. 25, 1925: 24-32. RHODE ISLAND. UNIVERSITY. INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MARINE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Socio-Economic Research Issues in Fisheries Development; A report on a Workshop held jointly by the International Center for Marine Resource Development and the Agriculture Development Council at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, October 25-27, 1972. Marine Technical Report Series No. 14. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1973. RHODES, ALBERT L. "Social and community organization of Franklin County and its oyster industry." In A Management Program for the Oyster Resource in Apalachicola Bay, Florida , Charles Rockwood, et al. Final report to the 49 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Contract No. N-042-44- 72. Tallahassee: Florida State University, Department of Economics, 1973. RITTGERS, JOHN. "Diversification Means Progress in the Gloucester Fishing Industry." Marine Fisheries Review (Washington, DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), v. 36, n. 3, 1974: 14-17. ROCKWOD, CHARLES E. and JAMES A. WILSON. "Management for Optimum Yield of the Apalachicola Bay Oyster Industry." In Economic State and Problems of Small-Scale Fisheries , pp. 134-142. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation, 1976. ROGERS, GEORGE W. Written : With Don C. Foote and Victor Fischer. St. Paul Community Study; An Economic and Social Analysis of St. Paul Pribilof Islands, Alaska . SEG Report No. 18. Prepared for United States Department of the Interior. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, March 1968. "Native Pauperization and Social Segregation in Alaska." Paper Presented at the Fourth International Congress, Foundation Francaise d 'Etudes Nordiques: Arctic Development and the Future of the Eskimo Societies, Le Havre and Rouen, France, 24-27 November 1969. "Economic Impact of Changes in Harvesting Labor Force in the Alaska Salmon Industry." Contract No. 1-36079. Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1972. (Unpublished.) "A Study of the Socio-Economic Impact of Chagnes in the Harvesting Labor Force in the Alaska Salmon Fishery." File Manuscript No. 162-3. Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Economic Research Division, 1972. A Study of the Socio-Economic Impact of Changes in the Harvesting Labor Force in the Alaska Salmon Fishery; v. II, Statistical Appendix . Anchorage: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1972. "The Alaskan Fishing Community and the Socio-Economic History of the Alaska Salmon Fishery." Paper Presented at the Conference on Salmon Aquaculture and the Alaska Fishing Community, Cordova, AK, 1976, 9 January 1976. In Proceedings of the Conference on Salmon Aquaculture and the Alaska Fishing Community , Edited by Donald H. Rosenberg. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant Program. 50 "Salmon and Community in Southeast Alaska: Regional and Humanistic Perspectives for Aquaculture Planning." In Proceedings of the Second Alaska Aquaculture Conference , pp. 15-31. Sea Grant Report 77-7. Sponsored by Alaska Humanities Forum, Alaska Aquaculture Foundation, July 1977. With Terence Armstrong. The Circumpolar North . London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., June 1978. Measurement of Socio-economic Impacts of Fisheries Harvesting Management Policy, 1965-1976. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant Program and Institute of Social and Economic Research, March 1978. Current Research: "An Economic, Social and Administrative Assessment of Alaska's Limited Entry Program;" includes comparisons with the British Columbia program; under contract with National Marine Fisheries Service; estimated date of completion: September 1978. With Dorothy Jones and Richard Pierce. The Pribilof Islands - Seals and People ; funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities; estimated time of completion: late 1978 with publication in spring 1979. RONCO, WILLIAM and PETER M. BATEMAN. A Study and Survey of U.S. Fishing Cooperatives. Cambridge, MA: Center for Community Economic Development, forthcoming August 1978. ROOS, A.J. "Scuttlebutt afloat; a study in group psychology." Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (Chicago), v. 50, 1943: 472-474. ROSENGREN, W.R. "Division of Labor as a Perspective on Sociology and the Ocean." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, 1970. (Mimeographed.) ROSTLUND, ERHARD. "Fishing among primitive peoples: a theme in cultural geography." Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers , v. 10, 1948: 26-32. RYAN, BILL. "U.S. Fishermen: Red Tape is Our Real Enemy." Parade; the Sunday Newspaper Magazine (New York: Parade Publications, Inc.), Washington Post, 9 July 1978, pp. 4+. New York: Parade Publications, Inc. RYAN, JOHN JOESPH. 51 The "Maggie Murphy". New York: Norton, 1951. SAARIO, DORIS J. and BRINA KESSEL. "Human Ecological Investigations at Kivalina." In Environment of the Cape Thompson Region, Alaska , pp. 969-1039. Edited by Norman J. Wilimovsky and John N. Wolfe. Washington, DC: United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, 1966. SABELLA, JAMES C. Written : "The Decline of Traditional Fishermen." Wilmington Morning Star , 18 January 1976. With J. Anthony Paredes. Human Factors in the Economic Development of a Northwest Florida Gulf Coast Fishing Community . Tallahassee: Florida Sea Grant Project, September 1, 1976. Principal Investigator. Site Selection Survey Related to a Sea Grant Proposal: The Sociocultural Organization of Fishing in a North Carolina Coastal Community — Perspectives for Economic Development . Conducted under a North Carolina Marine Science Grant, September 1976. With Marcus Hepburn and J. Anthony Paredes. "Applied Maritime Research on the Florida Gulf Coast." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society, Spring 1977. Current Research: Future research proposal: several researchers at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington (Sabella, Dixon and Lowery) are presently engaged in drawing up a regional maritime social science research project to be submitted to the National Science Foundation within one year; this is a multi-university project coordinated by Milton Altschuler (East Carolina University) which may ultimately involve four to five universities. Participant. "Man and the Seacoast: Past and Future Perspectives;" A Sea Grant program for Marine Education for middle school teachers; funded Spring 1977. Principal Investigator. "The Sociocultural Organization of Fishing in i North Carolina Coastal Community - Perspectives for Economic Development;" Sea Grant Project; funded January 1, 1978. Study of the role of kinship among fishermen and boatbuilders on Harker's Island, North Carolina; funded under a University of North Carolina at Wilmington Marine Sciences Grant received June 1, 1977. SCHLEGEL, STUART A. 52 Current Research : Planning anthropological research on "Counter-Culture Commercial fisherpeople on the coast of California;" work to begin summer 1978 with completion planned for end of summer 1979. SCHWIND, PHIL. Cape Code Fisherman . Camden, ME: International Marine Publishing Co., 1975. SCOBIE, R.A. The technology and economics of fishing in relation to Hawaiian culture. M.A. thesis, University of London, 1946. SELKREGG, L.L. Editor. Northwest Alaska Community Profiles; A Background for Planning. Anchorage: University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1977. (Folios.) SEVERANCE, CRAIG J. Current Research: Literature survey of Micronesian and Polynesian Fisheries for planned monograph. Ponapean Fishing: Reconstruction of pre- and post-contact methods and role of exhange of prestige species in political stratification; research conducted jointly with Ponape Archeological Survey under William S. Ayres, University of Oregon; fieldwork to commence June 1978. SHERAR, Mariam G. Written : "Boxed-In; Man's behaviour as affected by his social environment." Unpublished Paper, n.d. "Channel Fever; Games that Sailors Play." Unpublished Paper, n.d. "The Seafarer's Family." Unpublished Paper, n.d. "We Only Eat Macintosh Apples; an ethnography of Cherryfield, Maine." Unpublished Paper, n.d. "The Worker grows old - retirement and the American Seaman." Unpublished Paper, n.d. Shipping Out . Cambridge, MD: Cornell Maritime Press, 1970. Current Research : 53 The Brooklyn Waterfront; estimated time of completion: Spring 1978; project reports are available. SHOEMAKER, DONALD J. With Clifton D. Bryant. The Seafood Police: An Occupational Analysis of and Ecological Regulating Agency. Forthcoming. With Orville Cunningham. "Maritime Deviance: New Directions for research." Paper Presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of Alpha Kappa Delta, Richmond, VA, February 1975. In Sociological Research Symposim: V , Editied by J.S. Williams, et al. Richmond, VA: Virginia Commonwealth University, 1975. SIMMONS, ANN BUCHANAN. "Ask the Fish; A Collection of Fishing Tales and Lore Found in East Texas and Southwest Louisiana." Attakapas Gazette (St. Martinville, LA: Attakapas Historical Association), v. 5, n. 3, September-December 1970: 34-46. SMITH, COURTLAND L. Written: "Evolution of the Pacific Canned Salmon Fishery." In Fishing Cultures of the World , Edited by Bela Guna. Debrecen, Hungary: Ethnological Institute of Hungary, forthcoming. Salmon Fishers of the Columbia . Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, forthcoming. "Self-Interest Groups and Human Emotion as Adaptive Mechanisms." In Water and the Community , pp. 151-168. Edited by Donald R. Field, James C. Baron, and Burl F. Long. Ann Arbor: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. , n.d. With Thomas C. Hogg and Wilbur A. Davis. Man in the Marine Environment . Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, July 1970 - June 1971. Corvallis: Oregon State University, Marine Anthropological Research Unit, Report 1. "Man and the Sea." The Portland Magazine , v. 56, n. 5, February 1972: 32-34+. The Salt River Project: A Case Study of Cultural Adaptation to an Urbanizing Community . Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1972. "The Impacts of Limited Entry." Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 1972 - July 1973. "Fishermen's Organizations and Communications Patterns." Washington, 54 DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 1973 - June 1974. "Fishing Success in a Regulated Commons." Ocean Development and International Law Journal (New York), v. 1, n. 4, 1974: 369-381. Oregon Fish Fights . Oregon State University Sea Grant Publications No. ORESU-T-74-004. 1974. Reprinted February 1975. "Observed and Perceived Impacts of Distant Water Fishing: Oregon Otter Trawl Case." Marine Fisheries Review , v. 37, n. 4, April 1975: 13-15. "Social Weil-Being Distributions in Allocation of Marine Resources." Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 1974 - June 1975. "Intracultural Variation: Decline and Diversity In North Pacific Fisheries." Human Organization , v. 35, n. 1, 1976: 55-64. "Some Comments on P.L. 94-265." In Report of the Workshop on Extended Jurisdiction, May 10-11, 1976. Technical Report WHOI-76-73. Edited by Susan B. Peterson. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, August 1976. "The Failure of Success in Fisheries Management." Environmental Management , v. 1, n. 3, 1977: 239-247. "Fisheries as Subsistence Resources: Growth and Decline of the Columbia River Salmon Fishery." In Those Who Live From the Sea , pp. 215-234. Edited by M. Estellie Smith. American Ethnological Society Monograph (Washington, DC). Minneapolis, MN: West Publishers, 1977. "Optimum Yield, Models, and Politics." Paper Presented at the National Workshop on Optimum Yield in Fisheries Management, Houston, TX, 6-10 June 1977. In Report of the National Concept of Optimum Yield in Fisheries Management; Part II , pp. 117-146. Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1977. "NETS, An Educational Fishery Simulation Model." Paper to be Presented at the Maritime Anthropology II Symposium: Studies of Complex and Bureaucratic Systems, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 14-19 November 1978. Current Research : With Jeffrey M. Stander and Albert V. Tyler. "A Model of the Interactions Between the Oregon Ground Fishery and the Coastal Community;" United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; research commenced July 1, 1977 with June 30, 1977 as the estimated date of completion. SMITH, FREDERICK J. 55 Some characteristics of Oregon fishermen . Oregon State University Marine Advisory Program Commercial Fishing Publication No. 12. Corvallis: Oregon State University, 1972. SMITH, KENNETH E. Written : "Down East Welfare: Clamming As A Low Status Occupation." Unpublished Paper, May 1977. "Fisherfolk and Schooling." Unpublished Paper, May 1977. "North Atlantic Fishing Communities: A Comparative Review of the Literature." Unpublished Paper, May 1977. "Innovation and Social Conflict: Aquaculture and Traditional Fishing Communities." Unpublished Paper, December 1977. "Brokers and Buffers and Breakers: Relations Between Government and Fishermen in Small Communities. Unpublished Paper, January, 1978. Current Research : Intermediate Adaptations in Industrial Society: Commercial Fishermen in Maine; estimated time of completion: March 1978. Outsiders and Natives; focuses on conflict and change in Maine fishing communities; major work with estimated completion during summer 1978. SMITH, M. ESTELLIE. "Tourism and fishing fleets." Paper Presented at the XLI International Congress of Americanists, Mexico City, n.d. "A Review of Maritime anthropology and technological change." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Amersterdam, The Netherlands, 1975. **General Anthropological Work** "Don't call my boat a ship!" Anthropological Quarterly , v. 50, n. 1, January 1977: 9-17. "The heuristic utility of maritime anthropology." Maritime Newsletter (Greenville, NC : East Carolina University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology), n. 1, 1977: 2-8. **General Anthropological Work** "Industrialization and the fishing industry." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, TX, 1977. "A New England fishing community." Unpublished Lecture at the University of New Brunswick, 1977. Editor. Those who live from the Sea. American Ethnological Society 56 Monograph (Washington, DC). Minneapolis, MN: West Publishers, 1977. "The utility of the Total Institution Model for Maritime studies." In Exploring Total Institutions , pp. 151-163. Edited by Gordon and Williams. Champaign, IL: Stipe Publishers, 1977. **General Anthropological Work** "What you wants is results; what you gits is consequences." Paper Presented at the Conference on Modernization in Fishing Industries and Communities, Greenville, NC, East Carolina University, 27-28 April 1978. Current Research : Ethnicity, especially Portuguese, and fishery stylistics; area: Azores and Massachusetts. Technological change, sociocultural patterns, and regulation of the fisheries; area: New England. Tourism and its dependency on fishing fleets as a tourist attraction; area: New England. Scientific models and folk models: Cognitive conflicts and credibility; area: New England. Working on an analysis of a New England fishermen's cooperative and its potential for continued viability. SMITH, N. LEIGHTON. "Eskimos hunt whales ceremoniously." Alaska Sportsman , v. 3, n. 10, 1937: 16-18. SMITH, VERNON L. "On models of commercial fishing." Journal of Political Economy , v. 77, n. 2, March-April 1969: 181-198. **General Anthropological Work** SNYDER, ALICE IVEY. "Maritime Marriage: A Form of Episodic Monogamy." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, TX, November 1977. **General Maritime Work** "Periodic Marital Separations and Physical Illness." Paper Presented at the VI World Conference of Psychiatry, Honolulu, HA, August 1977. Sea and Shore Rotation: The Family and Separation: A Bibliography of Relevant Material . Technical Report No. 1 under Contract Numbers N0001A7TWRTO158, N0001477WR70058, NR 170-835 for Organizational Effectiveness Research Program. Arlington, VA: Office of Naval Research (Code 452), 1977. **General Maritime Work** "Mid-Life Crises Among Submariners' Wives." Paper Presented at the 57 Military Family Research conference, San Diego, CA, September 1977. **General Maritime Work** Current Research : Sea and Shore Rotation: The Family and Separation; continuing analysis of data collected during 1976-1977 in Hawaii concerning the wives and families of U.S. Navy submariners; currently being processed under a contract from Office of Naval Research; technical reports, three or more, will be issued prior to 31 September 1978 and will be available on a limited basis by request. SONNENFELD, JOSEPH. Changes in subsistence among the Barrow Eskimo. Ph.D. thesis, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, Department of Geography, 1957. S PAULDING, IRVING A. Written : Occupation, Recreation and Phasic Commutation: Selected Rhode Island Sport Fishermen . Bulletin No. 405. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971. Factors Related to Beach Use . University of Rhode Island Sea Grant Program. Narragansett : University of Rhode Island Marine Advisory Service Publications Unit, Order No. MAS Order P318, 1973. "Occupational Identity and Socio-Cultural Change in an Artisan Fishing Tradition." (Study Steming from the Puerto Rico Fisheries-mariculture Development Project and NF-127, A Research and Development Mariculture- Fisheries Project in Puerto Rico.) AES Contribution No. 1685. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resource Development and the Agricultural Experiment Station, 1974. "Technological Change and Space-Time Use in an Artisan Fishing Occupation." (Study Sponsored by University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resource Development and the Agricultural Experiment Station under respective projects: the Puerto Rico Marine Fisheries-Mariculture Development Project and NF-127, A Research and Development Mariculture-Fisheries Project in Puerto Rico.) AES Contribution No. 1986. 1974. "Socio-cultural Values of Marine Recreational Fishing." In Marine Recreational Fisheries , Edited by Henry Clepper. Washington, DC: Sport Fishing Institute, 1976. Communication and Technology Transfer; Final Report, 1977. Kingston, RI: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resource Development, 1977. "Social Factors Relevant to Marine Recreational Fishing and Optimum Yield." In Report of the National Workshop on the Concept of 58 Optimum Yield in Fisheries Management, June 6-10, 1977 , Edited by Michael K. Orbach. Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1978. **General Anthropological Work** SPENCER, ROBERT FRANCIS. The North Alaska Eskimo; a study in ecology and society . Bulletin 171. Washington, DC: United States Bureau of American Ethnology, 1959. "Social Composition of the North Alaska Whaling Crew." In Aliance in Eskimo Society; Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society . Seattle: University of Washington, Supplement, 1971. SPORT FISHING INSTITUTE. "Most fishing is for fun — what else?" SFI Bulletin , v. 150, 1964: 1-2. STARR, PAUL D. Current Research : Exploratory research on the social organization of a fishing community on the Alabama Gulf Coast; estimated time of completion: unknown; project reports not available. STEELE, RALPH H. Written : "Some Thoughts on Coastal Economics and the Human Spirit (or Swamp Ghosts, Marine Resorcery, and Canoodling." Greenville, NC : East Carolina University, Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, 1977. (Unpublished Mimeograph.) Current Research : "The Etymology and Historical Origins and Christened Sailcraft as an Indicator of Transformations in the Core-Bogue Sound Area;" study completed by Viki Morrow presently being edited for final duplication and possible distribution. " 'Non-sensical ' Mainifestations of Philosophical Principles Related to Growth/ Adaptation of the Ocean World;" based on the hypothesis that music, art, poetry and other "non-scientific trivia" related to cultures of the coasts are related to socio-economic growth and adaptations of such cultures, and such relationships can be roughly plotted in configurations homologous to a double helix in which the historical past and the projected future would complement each other. "Trivia, Thinkers, and tinkers of the Sea;" based on the same hypothesis described above for "'Non-sensical' Manifestations of Philosophical Principles..." 59 STEVENS, JOE B. "Angler Success as a Quality Determinant of Sport Fishery Recreational Values." Transactions, American Fisheries Society XCV , October, 1966: 357-362. STILL, WILLIAM N. , Jr. Man and the Sea Coast; North Carolina's Marine Education Manual in the Social Sciences and Humanities . Raliegh: North Carolina Sea Grant Publication, forthcoming. **General Maritime Work** STUSTER, JACK WILLIAM. Written : "Some Social Correlates of Technology Among Commercial Fishermen." Natural History Magazine , forthcoming, November 1978. "The California Grizzly and the Origin of a Maritime Economy." The Masterkey: Journal of the Southwest Museum , v. 44, 1970: 144-154. The Material Conditions of Choice: An Anthropological Study of a California Fishing Community, Ph.D. thesis, Santa Barbara: University of California, June 1976. "Lifestyles and Social Organization of the Northern California Salmon Fishermen." Subcontract with Gruen Gruen + Associates, San Francisco, CA. Submitted to Oregon State University, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Corvallis, May 1978. C urrent Research : "Limited Entry as the Basis of Fisheries Management: A View From California;" in progress, 1977. SUGIURA, KENICHI. "Fishing in Yap." Jinruigaki zassi , v. 54, 1939: 54-65. SULLIVAN, J. KEVIN. Written : The Development and Current Status of the Upper Mississippi River Commercial Fishery. Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, 1971. Current Research : Entry and Exit in the Upper Mississippi River Commercial Fishery, 1968- 1978; work commenced October 1978, with August 1979 as estimated time of completion. SUTTOR, RICHARD E. and ROBERT H. WUHRMAN. 60 Employment in the Maryland-Virginia Seafood Processing Industry. Contribution No. 4087. College Park: University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968. SWINTON, JOHN R. "The Big One That Got Away: An Old Angling Chestnut Viewed as a Staple of Local Oral Tradition." Keystone Folklore Quarterly , Winter Issue, 1969: 269-274. TABER, RICHARD D. "Eskimo hunters: whales; the bird shooters; big game on the Chukchi." Pacific Discovery , v. 11, n. 3, May-October 1958: 18-21; no. 4: 7-10; no. 5: 10-13. TAX, S. Symposium on American Indian Fishing and Hunting Rights. In Northwest Anthropological Research Notes , No. 2, 1968. TAYLOR, K.I. "A demographic study of Karluk, Kodiak Island, Alaska." Arctic Anthropology , v. 3, n. 2, 1966: 211-240. THOMPSON, WILLIAM FRANCIS. "The Alaskan fisherman and the oceanographer. " Alaskan Science Conference... 1951 Proceedings , 1953: 288-295. THYGESEN, BENT. Written : "Maritime Ethnology: A Review and Some Prospects." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Mexico City, 1974. **General Anthropological Work** "The Cultural Crisis in the Columbia River Gillnet Fishery." Unpublished Paper, summer 1978. Current Research: Continuing interest in the Euro-American gillnet fishery of the Columbia River; result of this research reflected also in "The Cultural Crisis in the Columbia River Gillnet Fishery." (see "Written" Work) An ethnography of Puget Island in the Columbia River; estimated time of completion: Summer 1980. UDY, STANLEY H. , Jr. Organization of Work: A Comparative Analysis of Production Among Non- 61 industrial Peoples , New Haven, CT: Human Relation Area Files Press, 1959. **General Anthropological Work** Work in Traditional and Modern Societies . Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall, 1970. **General Anthropological Work** UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. National Survey of Fishing and Hunting, 1970. Resource Publication No. 95. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. VAN STONE, JAMES W. "The Autobiography of an Alaskan Eskimo." Arctic (Ottawa), v. 10, n. 4, 1958: 195-210. "Commerical Whaling in the Arctic Ocean." Pacific Northwest Quarterly (Seattle), v. 49, n. 1, 1958. "An Eskimo Community and the Outside World." Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska , v. 7, n. 1, 1958. "Notes on the Economy and Population Shifts of the Eskimos of South Hampton Island." Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska , v. 8, n. 2, 1960. With W.H. Oswalt. "The School at Eskimo Point." North (Ottawa), v. 7, n. 6, 1960. "A successful combination of subsistence and wage economies on the village level." Economic Development and Cultural Change , v. 8, n. 2, January 1960: 174-191. With W.H. Oswalt. "Three Eskimo Communities." Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska , v. 9, n. 1, 1960. Point Hope; American Eskimo Village in Transition . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1962. Point Hope, an Eskimo Community in Transition . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1962. With W.H. Oswalt. "Partially Acculturated Communities: Canadian Athapaskans and West Alaskan Eskimos." Anthropologica (Ottawa), New Series, v. 5, n. 1, 1963. "Some Aspects of Religious Change among Native Inhabitants of West Alaska and the Northwest Territories." Arctic Anthropology (Madison), v. 2, n. 2, 1964. "Influence of European Man on the Eskimos." In People of Light and 62 Dark , Edited by M. Van Steensel. Ottawa, 1966. Eskimos of the Nushagak River; An Ethnographic History. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967. "Eskimo Whaling Charms." Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin (Chicago), v. 38, n. 11, 1967. "An Annotated Ethnohistorical Bibliography of the Nushagak River Region, Alaska." Fieldiana: Anthropology (Chicago), v. 54, n. 2, 1968. "Masks of the Point Hope Eskimo." Anthropos , vs. 63/64, nos. 5/6, 1969: 828-840. "Baron F.P. Von Wrangell's Observations on the Eskimos and Indians of Alaska." Arctic Anthropology (Madison), v. 6, n. 2, 1970: 1-20. "Nushagak." The Alaska Journal , v. 2, n. 3, 1972: 49-53. "New Evidence Concerning Polar Eskimo Isolation." American Anthropologist , v. 74, n. 5, 1972: 1062-1065. "The Records of the Russian- American Company as a Source for the Ethnohisotry of the Nushagak River Region, Alaska." Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska , v. 15, n. 2, 1972: 53-78. "The Commercial Fishing Industry." In Eskimos of the Nushagak River , chapter 4. University of Washington Publications in Anthropology No. 15. Seattle: University of Washington, 1976. VAYDA, ANDREW and RAY A. RAPPAPORT. "Island Cultures." In Man's Place in the Island Ecosystem , pp. 133-142. Edited by F.R. Fosberg. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1963. WALKER, DEWARD E. , Jr. "Mutual Cross-Utilization of Economic Resources in the Plateau: An Example from Aboriginial Nez Perce Fishing Practices." Washington State University, Laboratory of Anthropology Report of Investigations (Pullman), No. 41, 1967. "Indian Fishermen and Columbia River Dams." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Diego, CA, November 1970. WALLACE, WILLIAM J. Current Research : Continuing research on Klamath River Yurok fishing, particularly salmon catching; no project reports available. WARNER, WILLIAM W. 63 Beautiful Swimmers; Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay * Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1976. WHALEN, M. SUSAN. Written : "Fisheries and the 200-mile limit; social impacts." Unpublished paper, n.d. Current Research : Current work on paper concerning Constructed Typology of Maritime Communities. **General Anthropological Work** WHITE, DAVID R.M. "Environment, Technology and Time-Use Patterns in the Gulf Coast Shrimp Fishery." In Those Who Live From the Sea , Edited by M. Estellie Smith. New York: West Publishing Company, 1977. WHITE, DONALD J. The New England Fishing Industry . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. WILKINS, B.T. and T.L. BROWN. Impact of Coho Salmon Upon New York Fishermen and Communities . Ithaca: Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Natural Resources, 1976. WILSON, JAMES A. Project Director. Economic Aspects of Fisheries Management — The Northern Lobster Fishery . Submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service, Region 3, Gloucester, MA, Contract No. N-043-30-72, n.d. "Social and Economic Aspects of Exotic Salmonid Introduction Programs." Paper Presented at the Conference on Biological and Economic Assessments of Pacific Salmonids in the Northeast, Durham, NC, March 11-12. "Uncertainty in the Management of the Lobster Fishery." Paper Presented to the Federal-State Lobster Technical Committee, Boston, MA, 21 August 1973. "Limited Entry and National Fisheries Policy." Paper Presented to the Marine Affairs Advisory Committee, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, 26 April 1976. With Charles Rockwood. "Management for Optimum Yield in the Apalachicola Bay (Florida) Oyster Fishery." In Problems and Economics of Small Scale Fisheries . Paris: 64 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1976. With John Gates. "The Pros and Cons of Limited Entry: A Synoptic Discussion Paper." Office of Policy Development and Long Range Planning, National Marine Fisheries Service, Discussion Paper Number 1, October 1976. "The Tragedy of the Commons - A Test." In Managing the Commons , Edited by Garret Hardin and John Baden. Freeman Press, 1976. "Limited Entry as an Approach to Fisheries Management." Ocean Management , December 1977. WYNER, ALAN J. Written : Management Approaches for Marine Fisheries: The Case of the California Abalone Fishery . La Jolla, CA: University of California, Institute for Marine Resources, 1977. "The Politics and Management of the California Abalone Fishery." Marine Policy , October 1977. Current Research : "Coordinated Management of the Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries and the Implications of Extended Jurisdiction;" estimated date of completion: October 1, 1978. YETLEY, MERVIN J. Current Research : Current efforts in social and social psychological factors influencing fishing effort and effectiveness directed toward project development and funding; social and social psychological concepts will be integrated into a Bio-Socio-Economic model of Gulf Coast fisheries; area: initial efforts to focus on the shrimp industry of the Texas Gulf Coast; assuming funding during 1978, preliminary data should be available in 1980 or 1981. YNGVESSON, BARBARA. "Responses to Grievance Behavior: Extended Cases in a Fishing Community." American Ethnologist, v. 3, n. 2, 1976: 353-371. 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF WRITTEN WORK ACCORDING TO GEOGRAPHICAL AREA STUDIED CARIBBEAN COUNCIL REGION Caribbean Region - General Higman, James B. Caribbean Region - Puerto Rico Poggie, John J., Jr. Spaulding, Irving A. Caribbean Region - Virgin Islands Aronoff, Joel Morrill, W.T. Olsen, David A. GULF OF MEXICO COUNCIL REGION Gulf Region - General Buxbaum, Edwin C. Caron, Michael B. Groth, Philip Higman, James B. MacGregor, Paul Mississippi, University of Orbach, Michael K. Panko, Thomas R. Ramke , Ronald G. White, David R.M. Yetley, Mervin J. Gulf Region - Alabama Panko, Thomas R. Powell, Billy Ramke, Ronald G. Starr, Paul D. Gulf Region - Florida Bernard, H. Russell Buxbaum, Edwin C. Caron, Michael B. 67 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Ellis, Leonora B. Harris, Jennie E. Hepburn, Marcus J. Paredes, J. Anthony Prochaska, F.J. Rhodes, Albert L. Rockwood, Charles E. Sabella, James C. Wilson, James A. Gulf Region - Louisiana Bertrand, Alvin L. Caron, Michael B. Clingan, T.A. Comeaux, Malcolm L. Detro, Randall A. Hoover, James G. Panko, Thomas R. Paterson, Karen W. Pesson, L.L. Pierce, Janice Ramke , Ronald G. Rathburn, Robert R. Simmons, Ann B. Gulf Region - Mississippi Comeaux, Malcolm L. Mississippi, University of Panko, Thomas R. Ramke, Ronald G. Steele, Ralph H. Gulf Region - Texas DeGeorges, Nicolas J. Gillman, C. Daniel Graefe, Alan R. Mullen, Patrick B. Simmons, Ann B. Yetley, Mervin J. MID-ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION Mid-Atlantic Region - General Allen, D.W. Clark, John R. Orbach, Michael K. 68 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Mid-Atlantic Region - Maryland DeGast, Robert Liguori, Victor A. Maryland, University of Suttor, Richard E. Warner, William W. Mid-Atlantic - New Jersey Liguori, Victor A. Mid-Atlantic - New York Francis, Joe D. Moeller, George W. Sherar, Mariam G. Wilkins, B.T. Mid-Atlantic - Pennsylvania Swinton, John R. Mid-Atlantic - Virginia DeGast, Robert Fisher, Howard S. Laird, Beverly L. Liguori, Victor A. Lee, Franky Stokes Shoemaker, Donald J. Steele, Ralph H. Suttor, Richard E. NEW ENGLAND COUNCIL REGION New England Region - General Acheson, James M. Alexander, Tom Allen, D.W. Bell, Frederik W. Bevins, M.I. Boeri, David Bort, John R. Bowles, Francis P. Chase, M.E. Clark, John R. Dewar, Margaret E. Doliber, Earl L. 69 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Gersuny, Carl Hepburn, Marcus J. Jessen, John M. Liguori, Victor A. Marshall, Robert J. Miller, Marc Norr, James L. Peterson, Susan B. Pierce, Wesley G. Poggie, John J., Jr, Pollnac, Richard B. Randall, Peter Ryan, Bill Smith, M. Estellie White, Donald J. Wilson, James A. Jr. New England Region - Maine Acheson, James M. Bowles, Francis P. Clifford, Harold Dewar, Margaret E. Doane, Ashley W. , Jr. Gaffney, Michael E. Grossinger, Richard Huq, A.M. MacGregor, Paul Pollnac, Richard B. Pratson, Frederick J. Sherar, Mariam G. Smith, Kenneth E. Wilson, James A. New England Region - Massachusetts Ar buckle, John D. Connolly, J.B. Dewar, Margaret E. Doliber, Earl L. Epple, George M. Finn, William Fricke, Peter H. Jesson, John M. MacGregor, Paul Miller, Marc Norton, Virgil J. Peterson, Susan B. Pierce, Wesley G. Randal, Judith S. 70 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Rittgers, John Schwind, Phil Smith, M. Estellie New England Region - New Hampshire MacGregor, Paul New England Region - Rhode Island Gersuny, Carl Poggie, John J., Jr. Spaulding, Irving A. NORTH PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION North Pacific Region - General Brown, Judith K. Caron, Michael B. Crutchfield, James A. Fish Boat Gunthur, E. Hewes, Gordon W. Ingebrigtsen, Harold R. Larssen, A.K. McCartney, Allen P. MacGregor, Paul Ray, Verne F. Rostlund, Erhard Smith, Courtland L. Tax, S. North Pacific Region - Alaska Alaska, University of Berreman, Gerald D. Bocks to ce, John Buck, E.H. Carpenter, E.S. Crutchfield, James A. Davis, Nancy Yaw Durham, F.E. Ellanna, Linda J. Elliott, Robert P. Ellsworth, Lyman R. Evans, CD. Foote, D.C. Gatewood, John B. Hage, Karl Per 71 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Harumi, Befu Hawkins, James E. Hensley, William L. Hippler, Arthur E. Hughes, Charles C. Indian Affairs Jones, C.P. Jones, Dorothy Josephson, Karla Keeler, W.W. Kenyon, Karl W. Langdon, Steve Lantis, Margaret Laughlin, William S. Lindsay, George E. MacGregor, Paul Martin, Fredericka I. Maruyama, M. Mason, Lynn D. Moore, Riley D. Morehouse, Thomas A. Moyer, David S. Murdoch, John Nelson, Edward W. Nelson, Richard K. Orbach, Michael K. Pacific Fisherman Payne, James Point Barrrow Conference on Native Rights Pospisil, L. Rathburn, Robert R. Ray, Patrick H. Rogers, George W. Ryan, John J. Saario, Doris J. Selkregg, L.L. Smith, Courtland L. Smith, N. Leighton Sonnenfeld, Joseph Spencer, Robert F. Taber, Richard D. Taylor, K.I. Thompson, William F. Van Stone, James W. PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION Pacific Region - General Bernard, H. Russell 72 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Casaday, Loren W. Crutchfield, James A. Gunthur, E. Hewes, Gordon W. Ingebrigtsen, Harold R. Keene, Donald F. MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. Quimby, George I. Ray, Verne F. Rostlund, Erhard Wyner, Alan J. Pacific Region - California Bamford, Edwin F. Baron, Doris Bernard, H. Russell California Department of Employment Carpenter, M. Ralph Carranco, Lynwood Cicin-Sain, Biliana Crutchfield, James A. Degelman, John Elstob, Winston Jaresh, Elissa Johnson, Elaine D. Kroeber, A.L. Landberg, Leif C.W. MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. Morrill, David L. Orbach, Michael K. Schlegel, Stuart A. Smith, Courtland L. Stuster, Jack W. Walker, Deward E. , Jr. Wallace, William J. Wyner, Alan J. Pacific Region - Idaho Moore, Robert C.A. Walker, Deward E. , Jr. Pacific Region - Oregon Burch, William R. , Jr. Crutchfield, James A. Liao, David S. 73 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Lund, Marlene A. Mains, E.M. Moore, Robert C.A. Pilcher, William W. Smith, Courtland L. Smith, Frederick J. Stevens, Joe B. Pacific Region - Washington American Friends Service Committee Beyers, William B. Casaday, Loren W. Crutchfield, James A. Epstein, Lawrence Hage, Karl Per Hewes, Gordon W. Indians at Work Jensen, William S. MacGregor, Paul Mains, E.M. Moore, Robert C.A. Reagan, A. B. Smith, Courtland L. Thygesen, Bent SOUTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION South Atlantic Region - General Acheson, James M. Clark, John R. Jedlicka, Davor Orbach, Michael K. Steele, Ralph H. South Atlantic Region - Florida Hepburn, Marcus J. Jedlicka, Davor Prochaska, F.J. South Atlantic Region - Georgia Crumrine, Janice G. Dixon, Richard D. Jedlicka, Davor Miller, H. Max Nix, Harold L. Steele, Ralph H. 74 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. South Atlantic Region - North Carolina Altschuler, Milton Britton, George M. Caron, Michael B. Dixon, Richard D. Fricke, Peter Hepburn, Marcus J. Jedlicka, Davor Lowery, Roger C. Maiolo, John R. Nordquist, L.E. Sabella, James C. Steele, Ralph A. Still, William N. , Jr. Whalen, M. Susan South Atlantic Region - South Carolina Caron, Michael B. Jedlicka, Davor Steele, Ralph H. WESTERN PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION (Note: This index is organized according to major geographic island clusters of the Western Pacific rather than according to the legal or political status of the various territories. ) Western Pacific Region - General Bates, Marston Doumenge, F. Goodenough, Ward H. Ha inline, L. Jane Hall, Edward T. Johannes, R. E. Lessa, William A. McCarthy, F.D. MacLean, Arthur R. Nason, James D. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Severance, Craig J. Sugiura, Kenichi Vayda, Andrew Western Pacific Region - Caroline Islands (including Palau, Ponape, Truk, and Yap) Alkire, William H. Barnett, H.G. 75 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Gladwin, Thomas Johannes, R. E. LeBar, Frank Lessa, William A. MacLean, Arthur R. Severance, Craig J. Western Pacific Region - Hawaii Coon, John H. Evermann, B.W. Hoffman, Robert G. Jordan, D. Peterson, Susan B. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Scobie, R.A. Snyder, Alice Ivey Western Pacific Region - Northern Mariana Islands (including Guam, and Saipan) Olson, Cynthia R. MISCELLANEOUS NON-COUNCIL AREAS AND STATES Misc. - Arizona Smith, Courtland L. Misc. - Great Lakes Bishop, R.C. Francis, Joe D. Gaffney, Michael E. Michigan Department of Natural Resources Quimby, George I. Smith, M. Estellie Misc. - Illinois Lund, Jens Sullivan, J. Kevin Misc. - Indiana Lund, Jens Misc. - Iowa Sullivan, J. Kevin 76 Bibliography Index of Written Work - Con. Misc. - Kentucky Lund, Jens Misc. - Michigan Bassett, John R. Braden, P.L. Fox, James E. Jamsen, G.C. McFadden, J. Michigan Department of Natural Resources Misc. - Minnesota Sullivan, J. Kevin Misc. - Missouri Sullivan, J. Kevin Misc. - Ohio Addis, James T. Lund, Jens Misc. - United States United States Department of the Interior Misc. - Utah Ho ag land, John F. Misc. - Wisconsin Bishop, R. C. Ditton, Robert B. Sullivan, J. Kevin 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF CURRENT RESEARCH ACCORDING TO GEOGRAPHICAL AREA STUDIED CARIBBEAN COUNCIL REGION Caribbean Region - Virgin Islands Olsen, David A. GULF OF MEXICO COUNCIL REGION Gulf Region - General Groth, Philip MacGregor, Paul Ramke , Ronald G. Yetley, Mervin J. Gulf Region - Alabama Panko, Thomas R. Ramke , Ronald G. Starr, Paul D. Gulf Region - Florida Jedlicka, Davor Gulf Region - Louisiana Caron, Michael B. Panko, Thomas R. Pierce, Janice Ramke, Ronald G. Rathburn, Robert R. Gulf Region - Mississippi Comeaux, Malcolm L. Panko, Thomas R. Ramke, Ronald G. Sullivan, J. Kevin Gulf Region - Texas Yetley, Mervin J. 79 Bibliography Index of Current Research - Con. MID-ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION Mid-Atlantic Region - General Cohn, Michael Mid-Atlantic Region - New York Sherar, Mariam G. Mid-Atlantic Region - Virginia Lee, Franky Stokes NEW ENGLAND COUNCIL REGION New England Region - General Ache son, James M. Bowles, Francis P. Cohn, Michael Dewar, Margaret E. Doliber, Earl L. Jesson, John M. Marshall, Robert J., Jr. Miller, Marc Poggie, John J., Jr. Smith, M. Estellie New England Region - Maine Bowles, Francis P. Doliber, Earl L. Gaffney, Michael E. MacGregor, Paul Miller, Marc Pollnac, Richard B. Smith, Kenneth E. New England Region - Massachusetts Epple, George M. Fricke, Peter H. MacGregor, Paul Miller, Marc Smith, M. Estellie New England Region - New Hampshire MacGregor, Paul 80 Bibliography Index of Current Research - Con. New England Region - Rhode Island Miller, Marc NORTH PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION North Pacific Region - General Epstein, Lawrence Jensen, William S. MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. North Pacific Region - Alaska Davis, Nancy Yaw Ellanna, Linda J. Gatewood, John B. Hippler, Arthur E. Langdon, Steve MacGregor, Paul Morehouse, Thomas A. Payne, James Rogers, George W. PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION Pacific Region - General Epstein, Lawrence Jensen, William S. MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. Snyder, Alice Ivey Wyner, Alan J. Pacific Region - California MacGregor, Paul Morrill, David L. Schlegel, Stuart A. Stuster, Jack William Wallace, William J. Pacific Region - Oregon Pilcher, William W. Thygesen, Bent Pacific Region - Washington 81 Bibliography Index of Current Research - Con. West Pacific - Caroline Islands (including Palau, Ponape, Truk, and Yap) Johannes, Robert E. MacLean, Arthur R. Severance, Craig J. MISCELLANEOUS NON-COUNCIL AREAS AND STATES Misc. - Ohio River Lund, Jens 82 Bibliography Index of Current Research - Con, Epstein, Lawrence Jensen, William S. Thygesen, Bent SOUTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION South Atlantic Region - General Cohn, Michael Jedlicka, Davor Nix, Harold L. Sabella , James C. Steele, Ralph H. South Atlantic Region - Florida Jedlicka, Davor South Atlantic Region - Georgia Crumrine, Janice G. Jedlicka, Davor Nix, Harold L. South Atlantic Region - North Carolina Altschuler, Milton Britton, George M. Caron, Michael B. Dixon, Richard D. Fricke, Peter H. Hepburn, Marcus J. Jedlicka, Davor Lowery, Roger C. Maiolo, John R. Sabella, James C. South Atlantic Region - South Carolina Caron, Michael B. Jedlicka, Davor WEST PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION West Pacific - General MacLean, Arthur R. Severance, Craig J, 83 DIRECTORY OF RESEARCHERS 85 DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION The directory portion of this volume is intended for use by the Regional Fishery Management Councils, resource managers, researchers, and others in locating those who may serve as sources of expertise, assistance, information, or common interest. The primary set of individuals in the directory consists of those who are both presently located in the United States and who have performed research among fishing or coastal populations in the United States and its territories and possessions. Also included are those who are presently at a U.S. institution and have expressed an interest in appearing in the directory regardless of the geographical location of their marine-related research; certain individuals who could provide information or expertise even if they are not located or have not worked in the United States; and those who did not respond to the questionnaire but who have relevant interests or research experience of which we were aware. The directory is arranged in alphabetical order. Each entry includes present affiliation, address, and phone numbers to the extent that they were made available to us. Also listed are the subject and geographical interests of the researcher. This information was obtained from the response forms, in which case it was quoted directly, from summaries in professional directories, and from other material. There are two indices accompanying the directory. One indexes the entrants by their stated geographical area of interest, divided first by Regional Fishery Management Council areas and then broken down by state. This listing includes a "Miscellaneous" category to aid in identifying researches who are concerned with non-Council areas and states. The other lists the entrants state by state according to their own present location, including a final category for researchers located in foreign countries. For references to research and publications by those listed in the directory, the reader should refer to the bibliography, which is arranged alphabetically by author/researcher. 86 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST JAMES M. ACHE SON Department of Anthropology University of Maine Orono, ME 04473 (207) 581-7102 Subject (s): fisheries management; social and economic factors affecting management; economics of fisheries. Geographical Area(s): Maine; Latin America. JOHN E. ADAMS Associate Professor Geography Department University of Minnesota #305 Social. Sciences Building Duluth, MN 55812 (218) 726-8273 Subject (s): fishing lore and tech- nology; fishfood and fish markets; whaling. Geographical Area(s): tropical regions, mainly the Caribbean. MILTON ALTSCHULER Department of Sociology and Anthropology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 (919) 757-6883 Subject(s): fishing communities; the fishing industry as a complex social organization. Geographical Area(s): North America, especially the southeast coast; Latin America. RAOUL ANDERSEN, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Memorial University of Newfoundland St . John ' s , Canada Subject (s): contemporary fisheries (inshore and deep sea) organiza- tion, modernization, and manage- ment-development; resource manage- ment. Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic, especially eastern North America, Newfoundland and Canada; Caribbean and other small-scale fisheries, e.g. Bermuda. EUGENE N. ANDERSON, Jr. Department of Anthropology University of California Riverside, CA 92 52 1 787-5523 Subject(s): fisheries development; cultural ecology of fishing com- munities; general ethnography of specialized fishermen and communi- ties; ethnoichyology. Geographical Area(s): China; Southeast Asia. ELLEN PILDES ANTLER Department of Anthropology U-158 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268 Subject(s): changes in traditional division of labor; capitalization of small scale fishery efforts; patterns of ownership. 37 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic; Canadian Maritimes. JOHN D. ARBUCKLE P.O. Box 305 Mendon, MA 01756 (617) 478-2740 Subject(s): social organization of fishing crews; social organization of fishing communities; fishing as an occupation and a way of life. Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic, especially the northeast coast of the U.S. and the coastal and island areas of Scandinavia, particularly the Faroe Islands. JANEEN ARNOLD-COSTA Department of Anthropolgy Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 (415) 326-6361 Subject(s): "peasant" fishermen; social organization of fishing communities; social implications of modernization. Geographical Area(s): Greece; Mediterranean . WILLIAM S. AYRES Department of Anthropology University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 (503) 686-5119, 5102 Subject(s): traditional fishing techology and methods; general exploitation of marine food re- sources; classification of marine zones and organisms by indigenous peoples of Oceania; identification of marine faunal remains in archaeological collections. Geographical Area(s): Pacific islands; Northwest coast of North America; Chilean Archipelagoes. PETER M. BATEMAN Room 7-3 38 Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-2024 Subject(s): fishing cooperatives; fishermen organizations; lobbying; regulation. Geographical Area(s): National; International . HARUMI BEFU Department of Anthropology Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Subject(s): social and cultural ramifications of fishery. Geographical Area(s): Japan; Pacific coast U.S. RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST (415) 497-2971 H. RUSSELL BERNARD Department of Sociology and Anthropology West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 (304) 293-5801 Subject(s): sociology of science (oceanography); shipboard social structure; land-sea communica- tions; maritime communities. Geographical Area(s): Mexico; Greece. ALVIN L. BERTRAND, Ph.D. Boyd Professor and Coordinator of Rural Sociology Research Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 (504) 388-5101 Subject(s): social impact of fish- eries related projects; socio- demographic characteristics of residents of fishing communities; behavior and attitudes of fisher- men and consumers of fisheries resources. Geographical Area(s): Louisiana; Gulf Coast region; United States. LYDIA T. BLACK, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology Providence College Providence, RI 2918 865-2232 Subject(s): social system adapta- tion to the environment of con- temporary Aleut; communities and ethnohistory and culture change of the Aleut people. Geographical Area(s): Aleutian archipelago and Pribilof Islands (includes Alaskan Peninsula and Shumagin Islands); Circumpolar Sakhalin, USSR. JOHN BOCKSTOCE, D.Phil. Curator of Ethnology New Bedford Whaling Museum 18 Johnny Cake Hill New Bedford, MA 02740 (617) 997-0046 Subject(s): bowhead whales; walrus. Geographical Area(s): Bering, Chukchi, Beaufort Seas. FRANCIS P. BOWLES, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory and Marine Policy and Ocean Management Program W. H.O.I. Woods Hole, MA 02 543 (617) 548-3705 Subject (s): ecology and cultural regulation of fishing communities; the biotic role of fishermen as predators in marine ecosystems. Geographical Area(s): United States, especially Northeast region. 89 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST YVAN D. BRETON Associate Professor Anthropology Laval University Quebec , Canada Subject (s): economic anthropology. Geographical Area(s): Lower North Coast of the St. Lawrence; Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico); Oriente, Estado Sucre (Venezuela). JEAN L. BRIGGS, Ph.D. Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF A1C 5S7 Canada Subject(s): culture and personali- ty; language and culture. Geographical Area(s): Canadian Arctic . GERALD M. BRITAN Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Urban Affairs Department of Anthropology Northwestern University Evanston, IL (312) 492-5402 Subject (s): social change; economic and ecological systems; bureau- cracy and administration; organi- zational behavior; evaluation; quantitative methods. Geographical Area(s): North America; Europe; Caribbean. GEORGE M. BRITTON, Ph.D. Department of Sociology Lenoir Community College Kinston, NC 28 501 (919) 527-6223, ext . 237 Subject(s): social role of the salt water "big-game" fisherman (sport); development of an eel market in eastern North Carolina. Geographical Area(s): Carolinas; Virginia; Georgia. JUDITH K. BROWN Associate Professor of Anthropology Department of Sociology and Anthropology Oakland University Rochester, MI 48063 (313) 377-2420 Subject (s): cross-cultural research concerning subsistence activities and the division of labor by sex. Geographical Area(s): Northwest Coast of North America. TOMMY L. BROWN Research Associate Department of Natural Resources Fernow Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 256-7695 Subject (s): coastal recreation and tourism; recreational fishing and boating. Geographical Area(s): Long Island; New York Great Lakes - Saint Lawrence Seaway area. 90 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST MICHAEL B. CARON Department of Geography- Anthropology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70802 LSU: (504) 388-5942, 5943 Home: (504) 344-7447 Subject(s): territoriality and dis- putes among fishermen; impact of offshore drilling upon fisheries; innovation, diffusion, and adapta- tion of fishing technology; ethno- geography of traditional fisheries and ethnographic atlas of contem- porary American fishing communi- ties. Geographical Area(s): Maine-Mari- time Canada coasts; Alaskan Panhandle (S.E. Alaska); general: North Atlantic-North Pacific Rimlands; Gulf of Mexico. ROBERT CECIL, Ph.D. Department of Geography University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada (519) 679-3423 Subject(s): socio-economic changes due to innovations . Geographical Area(s): Caribbean and South Pacific. LOUIS CHIARAMONTE, Ph.D. Subject(s): social organization; Memorial University of Newfoundland community studies. St. John's Newfoundland Geographical Area(s): North Canada A1C 5S7 Atlantic. JAMES B. CHRISTENSEN Department of Anthropology Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 Subject (s): ethnology, accultura- tion and culture change. Geographical Area(s): sub-Saharan Africa. MICHAEL COHN Brooklyn Children's Museum 145 Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11213 (212) 735-4400 Subject(s): fishermen (trawling, party boat operators, menhaden); relationhip of fishermen to new industrial uses of the sea. Geographical Area(s): primarily East cast of US; Secondary Shetlands, Scotland. MALCOLM L. COMEAUX Associate Professor Department of Geography Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85281 Subject(s): folk fishing techni- ques; inland fishing techniques; history and evolution of inland fishing; crawfish industry. Geographical Area(s): Mississippi 91 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST 602) 965-6514 River and other inland waters (as the Mississippi and its tri- butaries and distributaries: the Ohio, Tennessee, Atchafalaya, and Illinois Rivers, etc.); Louisiana Gulf Coast. JOHN CORDELL Research Associate Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center Stanford, CA 94305 (415) 497-5805 Subject(s): marine ethnobiology; nutrition; fishery conservation. Geographical Area(s): Latin America; Caribbean. JOHN C. COVE Department of Sociology and Anthropology Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6 Subject(s): short term exploitation strategies of commercial fisher- men. Geographical Area(s): British Columbian coast (North Pacific); Maritime Provinces (North Atlantic ) . JANICE GAUS CRUMRINE Assistant Professor Sociology Department University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (404) 542-8457 Subject(s): impact of occupation of commercial shrimping on fami- ly life. Geographical Area(s): Georgia coastal counties of Glynn and Mcintosh. ARMANDO M. DA SILVA Assistant Professor Geography Department Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis 92 5 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 462 02 (317) 264-2383, 4756 Subject(s): coastal zone manage- ment, especially of estuarine and deltaic environments; aquacul- ture from a cultural viewpoint; human adaptation to coastal en- vironments. Geographical Area(s): South China; Southeast Asia; Hawaii; Pacific Coast of USA. WILLIAM V. DAVIDSON Department of Geography - Anthropology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 Subject(s): cultural geography of coastal populations, specifically the Garifuna or Black Caribs of Central America. Geographical Area(s): east coast of 92 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST (504) 388-5942 Central America, particularly the littoral of the Bay of Honduras. DONALD W. DAVIS, Ph.D. Department of Earth Sciences Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA 70301 Office: (504) 446-81 11 Home: (504) 446-8697 Subject(s): cultural aspects of coastal geography; remote sensing in the coastal zone; changing land use patterns in the coastal zone; changing economic and cultural as- pects of coastal communities; canalization in Louisiana's coast- al wetlands. Geographical Area(s): Louisiana's alluvial wetlands. NANCY YAW DAVIS Cultural Dynamics 1090 5 Ft. Washington Road Suite 209 Ft. Washington, MD 2 00 22 (301) 292-5242 Subject(s): fishing villages; canneries; Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas developments , Geographical Area(s): Alaska. BARBARA DEMORY Department of Anthropology Wilkes College Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703 Home: (717) 824-8315 Subject(s): relation of fishery activities to women's roles; diet; child health. Geographical Area(s): Coastal U.S.; Micronesia (U.S. Trust Territory). RANDALL A. DETRO, Ph.D. Nicholls State University Director of Libraries Professor of Geography- Anthropology Thibodaux, LA 70 301 Office: (504) 446-8111 Home: (504) 446-1726 Subject (s): Louisiana coastal technological inventions; material culture of Louisiana's coastal zone; coastal zone management; coastal toponymy; coastal geo- graphy, physical and cultural; settlement geography; Louisiana coastal zone living museums. Geographical Area(s): Louisiana; North America; Europe. PHILIP R. DEVITA Department of Anthropology SUNY Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518) 564-3003 Subject(s): socioeconomic change in fishing areas (Canadian Maritimes and Micronesia); oceanic systems of fishing subsistence and navi- gation (Polynesia and Micronesia). Geographical Area(s): Canadian Maritimes; Micronesia; Polynesia. 93 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST MARGARET E. DEWAR Ph.D. Candidate Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Center for Urban Studies 53 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-2968 Subject(s): problems of the New England offshore industry; prob- lems of planning for the manage- ment of fisheries; labor market segmentation in fisheries; poli- tics of government efforts to aid the fisheries. Geographical Area(s): New England, especially Massachusetts. RICHARD D. DIXON, Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28401 Office: (919) 791-4330 Home: (919) 256-4693 Subject(s): recreational and com- mercial salt water fishing; rec- reational boating. Geographical Area(s): Southeastern U.S. Coast. ASHLEY W. DOANE, P.O. Box 85 East Candia, NH (603) 623-0454 03040 Subject(s): fishermen; social change in coastal communities; marine policy and the fishing industry; f i she rf oik- government relations. Geographical Area(s): Maine. EARL L. DOLIBER Vice-President Joe Greene Insurance Agency, Inc. 121 Pleasant Street, P.O. Box 12 Marblehead, MA 09145 Office: (617) 631-5000 Home Address: 170 Maple Street Danvers, MA 09123 Subject(s): lobster fishing; lob- stermen. Geographical Area(s): coastal New England, primarily Massachusetts north of Boston. PAUL L. DOUGHTY, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Subject(s): ethnology; applied an- thropology; culture change and technology; research methods. Geographical Area(s): Latin America, Andean countries. JEAN -PAUL DUMONT Department of Anthropology Subject(s): cultural and social an- thropology; symbolism; structual- 94 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST University of Washington Seattle. WA 98195 ism; economic anthropology. Geographical Area(s): South America; France. LINDA PERRY DWIGHT, Supervisor Information Services Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center University of Alaska 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 995 01 (907) 279-4523 Subject(s): anthropology-archae- ology; Native affairs. Geographical Area(s): all Alaska LINDA J. ELLANNA, M.A. Anthropology Anchorage Community College 2 533 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99504 Office: (907) 279-6602 Home: (907) 688-3392 Subject (s): subsistence fishing and hunting of traditional and contem- porary Alaskan Eskimos, Aleuts and Athabascans — the impact of chang- ing subsistence patterns on demo- graphic structure of these popu- lations. Geographical Area(s): all of the Arctic inhabited by Eskimos with an emphasis on coastal and river- ine Alaska; Aleutian Islands; sub- Arctic interior Alaska and Canada. GEORGE M. EPPLE, Ph.D. Anthropology/Geography Department Gaige Hall 1 1 0E Rhode Island College Providence, RI 290 8 (401) 456-8005 Subject (s): anthropology; maritime anthropology; socio-economic as- pects of fisheries, fishermen, and coastal communities; fishermen's cooperatives, particularly their socio-economic organization and development. LAWRENCE EPSTEIN Department of Anthropology University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Home Address: 600 1/2 Phinney Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 783-3156 Subject(s): social impact; ethni- city; adaptive strategies. Geographical Area(s): Puget Sound; Northwestern U.S. JAMES C. FARIS, Professor Ph.D, Subject(s): social organization; economics; capitalist penetration. 95 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Anthropology University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268 (203) 486-4517 Geographical Area(s): maritime provinces. Canadian MELVIN M. FIRESTONE Department of Anthropology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85281 (602) 965-5807, 62 13 Subject(s): social organization of fishing communities; family in fishing communities; ritual in fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): Newfoundland; England, particularly Devon. HOWARD STEPHEN FISHER, Ph.D. Coordinator of Instruction Community College of Vermont 18 Langdon Street Montpelier, VT 05602 (804) 828-2801 Subject (s): people of Gwynn's Island, Mathews County, Virginia. Geographical Area(s): Mathews - Gloucester Counties, Virginia - Chesapeake Bay. SHEPARD FORMAN The Ford Foundation C.P. 49 — ZC00 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Subject(s): social organization of production in maritime communites; relationship to agriculture, craft production, forms of distribution. Geographical Area(s): Latin America; Brazil. CHARLES 0. FRAKE Professor of Anthropology Department of Anthropology Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 (415) 497-3911, 328-1856 Subject (s): resource use, alloca- tion, and management in tradition- al fisheries; sources, nature, and use of local systems of oceano- graphic knowledge ; maritime orien- tation. Geographical Area(s): Insular Southeast Asia and the Pacific (research experience in the south- ern Philippines, Eastern Indonesia, Micronesia); Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles); Caribbean (Virgin Islands, Dominica); Northern California coast. THOMAS M. FRASER, Jr., Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Massachusetts Subject(s): culture change; applied anthropology; ethnology. Geographical Area(s): Southeast 96 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Amherst, MA 01002 Asia; Caribbean. PETER FRICKE Senior Scientist Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, and Visiting Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 (919) 757-6779, 6883 Subject(s): ships' crews; maritime communities; marine policy; law of the sea; industrial fisheries; re- creational fisheries; marine pol- lution. Geographical Area(s): for the first four subjects above, U.S., Canada, Western Europe and West Africa; for the last 3 subjects, North Carolina, and the East Coast of the U.S. MICHAEL E. GAFFNEY Maine Maritime Academy Castine, ME 04421 (207) 326-4311, ext. 206, 244 Subject(s): shipboard social struc- ture; fishing adaptations; cultur- al ecology; navigation systems. Geographical Area(s): Northern North Atlantic (Canadian Maritimes, New England); Oceania (Micronesia, Polynesia). ALBENO P. GARBIN Department of Sociology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (404) 542-7883 Subject (s): fishing as an occupa- tion; the fishing industry. Geographical Area(s): United States, primarily. DON L. GARY Associate Professor of Geography Department of Earth Science Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA 70301 (504) 446-8111, ext. 416 Subject (s): finfish and cursta- cean fisheries. Geographical Area(s): Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana. JOHN B. GATEWOOD University of Illinois, Urbana Department of Anthropology 109 Davenport Hall Urbana, IL 61801 Office: (217) 333-3616 Home: (217) 344-8894 Subject(s): salmon purse seining; work organization; place of the fisheries in the regional economy of Southeast Alaska; governmental regulations on the salmon fisher- ies. Geographical Area(s): Southeast Alaska and the Northwest general- ly. 97 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST GEORGE A, GENZ, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Ball State University Muncie, IN 4 73 06 (317) 285-1416 Subject(s): peasant fishing tech- niques; socio-economic organiza- tion of peasant fishing; fishing cooperatives. Geographical Area(s): Gulf Coastal Mexico. CARL GERSUNY, Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 2881 (401 ) 792-2587 Subject(s): kinship; social psy- chology; cultural studies; taboos and risk; folklore; economic gratification patterns; socio- economics. Geographical Area(s): New England. WILLIAM GOEGHEGAN, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94 72 Subject(s): cognitive processes; decision making; analytic methods. Geographical Area(s): Insular Southeast Asia. GLEN E. GOLTERMANN, Ph.D. Department of Social Work University of West Florida Pensacola, FL 32504 (904) 476-9500, ext. 468 Subject(s): history of ethnic fishing groups; communication pat- terns between ethnic groups and larger fishing communities; special concern about advocacy for local fishermen in development of policy. Geographical Area(s): Gulf region. RICHARD GROSSINGER 456 Hudson Street Oakland, CA 94618 Also, affiliated with; Goddard College Plainfield, VT 05667 Subject (s): Maine Lobsterf ishermen. Geographical Area(s): Maine, pri- marily Mount Desert Island. PHILIP GROTH Department of Sociology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (504) 388-1645 Subject(s): institutional structure of fisheries marketing; tenure rights and relations with the fisheries common; adjustment of conflict among competing maritime interests. Geographical Area(s): Gulf Coast in terms of research. 98 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST CLAUDE E. GRUEN, Ph.D. Principal Economist Gruen Gruen & Associates 564 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94 105 (415) 433-7598 Subject(s): coastal land use analy- sis; cost-benefit fishing industry analysis; recreational demand. Geographical Area(s): West Coast USA, particularly California. NINA J. GRUEN Principal Sociologist Gruen Gruen & Associates 564 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 433-7598 Subject(s): behavior of recreation- al fishermen; life style/motiva- tional behavior of commercial fishermen; consumer responses to fish products. Geographical Area(s): USA — Western Region. MARCUS J. HEPBURN Star Rt. Box 247 Harker's Island, NC (919) 728-5987 28531 Subject(s): social organization of maritime communities; technologi- cal innovation in a maritime set- ting; fisheries management policy, Geographcial Area(s): South Atlantic coast; Gulf coast; Caribbean. GORDON HEWES, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Colorado Hellems 88 Boulder, CO 80 3 09 Subject(s): archaeology; culture history; ethnology; history of anthropology; language origins. Geographical Area(s): Old World. ARTHUR E. HIPPLER I.S.E.R. University of Alaska 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 349-1270 Subject (s): Alaska Eskimos. Geographical Area(s): coastal areas of Alaska. ELIZABETH R. HOLBROOK Ph.D. Candidate Department of Anthropology University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Office: (805) 961-2257 Home Address: Subject(s): economic development in rural marine fishing communities; socio-cultural effects of commer- cialization in the fishing indus- try on marine fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): South America; Ecuador. 99 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST 293 Foothill Road Santa Barbara, CA 93 105 Home: (805) 682-2700 EUGENE HUNN, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Subject(s): folk science (zoology) formal methods; human ecology. Geographical Area(s): Mesoamerica. EDNA J. HUNTER, Ph.D. Head, Family Studies Naval Health Research Center San Diego, CA 92 152 (714) 225-7393 Subject(s): Navy, Marine Corps and Submariner families (adjustment to family separation and reunion; family stresses). Geographical Area(s): worldwide. DAVOR JEDLICKA Department of Sociology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (404) 542-7882, 2422 Sub j ect ( s ) : sociodemographic characteristics; family; interest in cross-cultural com- parisons. Geographical Area(s): Southeastern U.S. WILLIAM S. JENSEN, Ph.D. Professor of Economics and Business Lewis and Clark College Box 153 Portland, OR 97219 Office: (503) 244-6161 Home: (503) 635-2674 Subject(s): fishing industry mar- ket structure; social impact assessment of fishery management decisions, including socio-econo- mic analysis of the participants; integrated, multidisciplinary decision-making for resource man- agement. Geographical Area(s): Pacific Coast region including ocean and river resources. JOHN M. JESSEN Department of Sociology/ Anthropology University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 2881 Also: Department of Social Sciences U.C. Irvine Irvine, CA 92717 Home: (617) 992-6218 Subject(s): commercial fishermen: general social-cultural variance; network structural conditions for innovative behavior; family sup- port systems; impact of displace- ment. Geographical Area(s): N.E. Coast and N.W. Coast. 100 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST ROBERT E. JOHANNES Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology P.O. Box 1346 Kaneohe, HI 96744 (808) 247-6631 Subject(s): marine ethnobiology; reef and lagoon fisheries manage- ment and marine resource conserva- tion. Geographical Area(s): concentration to date in Caroline Islands but interested in expanding to Melanesia. W. TWIG JOHNSON, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology University of Maine Orono. ME 04473 Subject(s): cultural anthropology; cultural ecology; maritime eth- nology. Geographical Area(s): Portugal; Latin America. DOROTHY M. JONES Associate Professor of Sociology University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 278-4621 Subject (s): social and economic problems; child welfare; demogra- phy; material culture; race rela- tions and adaptation. Geographical Area(s): Alaska, par- ticularly the Aleutian Islands. KARLA JOSEPHSON 1526 F. Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 277-4419 Subject(s): history; anthropology, Geographical Area(s): coastal waters of Alaska . ALICE B. KASAKOFF Department of Anthropology University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 290 29 Subject(s): social organization; demography; endogamy. Geographical Area(s): North America. JOHN E. KELLY, Ph.D. Marine Policy Fellow Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02 543 (617) 548-1400, ext. 324 Subject(s): fishery management; communication of scientific and technical information in the policy making process; organiza- tion; organizational communication in marine affairs; optimization of resource utilization, e.g. under- utilized species. Geographical Area(s): national and international with focus on New 101 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST England, GEORGE KENT Professor Department of Science and Planning University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI 9682 2 (808) 948-8743, 377-9422 Subject(s): ocean politics general- ly; fisheries management; equity and environmental problems. Geographical Area(s): the Pacific, especially the South Pacific. ED KNIPE, Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 23284 (804) 257-1027 Subject(s): community; kinship; industrial anthropology. Geographical Area(s): Baltic-North Sea. DAVID B. KRONENFELD Department of Anthropology University of California Riverside, CA 92 52 1 (714) 787-4340 Subject(s): social organization of Fanti fishermen. Geographical Area(s): Ghana Coast, West Africa. M.F. LA BRECQUE Professor Department of Anthropology Laval University Cite U Quebec 10, PQ, G1K 7PH , Canada Subject(s): social anthropology; peasants. Geographical Area(s): Mesoamerica. BEVERLY L. LAIRD Virginia Institute of Marine Science Gloucester Point, VA 23062 (804) 642-2111 Subject(s): work satisfaction among watermen; recruitment to the fish- ing industry. Geographical Area(s): Virginia, Che sape ake Bay . LEIF C.W. LANDBERG, Ph.D. Division of Social Sciences Marymount Manhattan College 221 E. 71st Street New York, NY 10021 Office: (212) 472-3800 Home Address : 215 Sackett Street, Apt. 4 Subject(s): social anthropology; maritime anthropology and fisher- ies, generally; ethnohistory (ab- original maritime adaptation in southern California, and of hun- ters and gatherers in other, se- lected parts of the world). Geographical Area(s): East Africa, 102 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Brooklyn, NY 11231 Home: (212) 875-0845 Swahili coast, Tanzania (economic development and fisheries); U.S., contemporary fishing industries; Third World countries (economic development) . STEVE LANGDON, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Anthropology Department of Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences University of Alaska, Anchorage 3221 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99504 Office: (907) 272-5522 Home: (907) 349-5407 Subject(s): fishing systems, in- cluding ecological, ethnoecologi- cal , technological, historical and economic aspects. Geographical Area(s): North Pacific Rim, especially Alaska. WILLIAM S. LAUGHLIN, Ph.D. Chairman Laboratory of Biological Anthropology Professor of Biobehavioral Sciences Box U-154 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 062 68 (203) 486-2556 Subject(s): demographic trends and correspondence through time of hu- man populations and their resource base; ecosystem studies with the human communities included in the ecosystem. Geographical Area(s): Aleutian Islands; Pribilof Islands; Kodiak Island; Seward Peninsula; Wainwright; Commander Islands, Kamchatka and Chuckchi Peninsula of the USSR. NOLAN P. LE COMPTE Dean, College of Liberal Arts P.O. Box 2020 Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA 703 01 446-81 11, ext. 323 Subject(s): folklore of the fisher- men of south Louisiana. Geographical Area(s): South Louisiana and Gulf Coast regions. FRANKY STOKES LEE Box 156 Hamilton, NC 2784 (919) 798-3651 Subject(s): social and economic effects of technological change and catch fluctuations. Geographical Area(s): coastal North Carolina; Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia; Roanoke River areas. VECTOR A. LIGUORI, Ph.D. Subject (s): fisheries anthropology 103 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Sociology College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 2318 5 (804) 253-4448 and sociology. Geographical Area(s): Mid-Atlantic States; New Jersey; Virginia gene- rally. ROGER C. LOWERY, Ph.D. Department of Political Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403 (919) 791-4330, ext . 336 Subject(s): public opinion on pub- lic policy issues relevant to coastal communities and maritime industries. Geographical Area(s): coastal North Carolina; middle Atlantic coast; eastern U.S. coast. JENS LUND Doctoral Student in Folklore and American Studies Indiana University 520 West 6th Street Bloomington, IN 47401 (812) 339-8476 Subject(s): traditional fishing methods used for commercial and subsistence fishing and how they are used. Geographical Area(s): Midwestern rivers. ROBERT S. McCARL Folklore Department Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Newfoundland Canada Home Address: 179 Gower Street St. John's, Newfoundland (709) 753-9768 Subject(s): general occupational culture studies with particular emphasis on expressive behavior in work groups; occupational folklore and relationship to technique ; ac- cident narratives; the passage of work techniques verbally and non- verbally. Geographical Area(s): Pacific northwest and Newfoundland. ALLEN P. MCCARTNEY, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72 701 (501 ) 575-2508 Subject(s): archaeology of arctic regions, specifically Eskimo-Aleut coastal areas where maritime adap- tations were required for survi- val. Geographic Area(s): Alaska, Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska; Arctic Canada, particular- ly the central and eastern Arctic . BONNIE J. McCAY, Ph.D. Department of Human Ecology and Subject(s): fisheries development and technological change; adaptive 104 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Social Sciences Cook College, Rutgers University P.O. Box 231 New Brunswick, NJ 0890 3 (201 ) 932-9167 strategies of fishermen; social impacts of extended jurisdiction. Geographical Area(s): Newfoundland, Canada; Mid-Atlantic States. JAMES R. McGOODWIN, Ph.D. Marine Policy Ocean Management Crowell House Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 (303) 492-6744 Subject(s): maritime cultural eco- logy; social and economic rela- tionships and organization in fishing communities; boat-crew recruitment; maritime political economy; technology, including knowledge employed by fishermen; effects of modern fishing industry on rural fishermen and their subsistence economies. Geographical Area(s): Pacific Mexico; Gulf coastal Mexico; Gulf coastal U.S. ; Caribbean; Southeast Asia; Japan. PAUL MacGREGOR Mundt, MacGregor, Happel, Falconer and Zulauf 1230 Bank of California Center Seattle, WA 98164 (206) 624-5950 Subject (s): legal aspects of fish- ing vessel investment and financ- ing programs; fishery management regulations; Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976; legal aspects of fishing-related busi- nesses and activities. Geographical Area(s): coastal U.S., particularly Pacific Northwest and Alaskan regions and international. THOMAS R. McGUIRE Department of Anthropology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 8572 1 Office: (602) 884-2846 Home: (602) 791-9097 Subject(s): socio-political organi- zation of fishing cooperatives; role of fisheries in regional political economy. Geographical Area(s): Northwest Mexico. MORGAN D . MACLACHLAN , Ph . D . Department of Anthropology University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 292 08 (803) 777-6500, 2169 Subject (s): managerial strategies of trawler captains; skipper/ fisheries management relations; ecology of dock organization; ter- ritorial management of crabbers. Geographical Area(s): Southern U.S. ; South Asia. 105 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS INTEREST ARTHUR R. Mac LEAN Department of Anthropology University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 (503) 686-5102 Subject(s): prehistoric marine ex- ploitation and subsistence in the Pacific . Geographical Area(s): Micronesia; Melanesia; Polynesia. EDWARD L. McLEAN Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Barre Hall, Clemson University Clemson, SC 2963 1 (803) 656-3091 Subject (s): social impact assess- ment of development in coastal zone (salt and fresh water) areas. Geographical Area(s): entire U.S. CHARLES H. McNUTT, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Memphis State University Memphis, TN 38152 Subject(s): prehistoric riverine orientation; archaeology. Geographical Area(s): Tennessee River. JOHN R. MAIOLO Professor and Chairman Department of Sociology and Anthropology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 (919) 757-6883 Subject(s): socioeconomic develop- ment of coastal zones and related policy formation as a general area; specific areas of policy concern include port development, occupational change, commercial fishing (technology and moderniza- tion), recreational development, environmental impacts. Geographical Area(s): South Atlantic Region of the United States. ROBERT J. MARSHALL, Jr. Research Associate Box G, Bio-Med Brown University Section on Community Health Providence, RI 12012 Also: Project Evaluator Rhode Island Cancer Control Project (401 ) 863-3172, 3173 Subject(s): sociology of fishing as an occupation; technological change and environmental impacts on the occupation and "culture" of fishing. Geographical Area(s): New England; Maritime Canada; Middle Atlantic- Great Britain; Scandinavia. H. MAX MILLER Department of Sociology and Subject(s): community studies re- lated to fishing communities; 106 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Agricultural Economics University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (404) 542-3962, 2421 social organization of fishing communities; occupational studies of shrimping and fisheries in coastal Georgia. Geographical Area(s): coastal Georgia. MARC MILLER P.O. Box 622 Gloucester, MA (617) 281-0098 01930 Subject(s): maritime anthropology; fisheries management (policy, pro- cess, impact); ethno-oceanography . Geographical Area(s): New England; Latin America; Southern California. ROBERT C.A. MOORE P.O. Box 77 Otter Rock, OR 97369 (503) 765-2453 Subject(s): general fisheries; fishermen personalities; social structure; power relationships; decision-making; conflict reso- lution. Geographical Area(s): Oregon coast; northwest coast. THOMAS A. MOREHOUSE Professor of Political Science Institute of Social and Economic Research 707 A Street, Suite 206 Anchorage, AK 99501 Subject(s): fisheries management policy analysis. Geographical Area(s): Alaska; North Pacific . DAVID L. MORRILL UC-Sea Grant Trainee Department of Anthropology University of California Los Angeles, CA 90 024 Office: (213) 825-2055 Home: (213) 391-9592 Subject(s): procurement strategies among fishermen; social organiza- tion as a response to environ- mental factors; fisheries devel- opment among underdeveloped peoples; marine and freshwater development. Geographical Area(s): Latin America; U.S. West coast; Western Pacific . STEVEN WESTLEY MOSHER Department of Anthropology Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Home address: Subject(s): traditional fishing communities in ecological per- spective; response of fishermen to modernizing change. Geographical Area(s): Far East, 107 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Apt. 93 F Escondido Village Stanford, CA 94 305 Home: (415) 324-8271 specifically China and including Taiwan, mainland China, and Hong Kong. PATRICK B. MULLEN Department of English Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 422-4212 Subject(s): folklore of fishermen and coastal regions: tall tales, buried treasure legends, super- natural legends of the sea, folk belief and custom; Texas Gulf coast. Geographical Area(s): Texas Gulf coast. J. CARL MUNDT Mundt, MacGregor, Happel, Falconer and Zulauf 1230 Bank of California Center Seattle, WA 98164 (206) 624-5950 Subject(s): fisheries in general; fisheries legislation; limited entry. Geographical Area(s): North Pacific; Worldwide. JANE M. MURPHY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology Harvard School of Public Health 677 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 (617) 732-1135 Subject(s): mental health; social change; economic indicators. Geographical Area(s): Atlantic Provinces Canada. JANE HURWITZ NADEL Ph.D. Program, Anthropology City University of New York 3 3 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 Home: (212) 866-2288 Subject(s): onshore impact of off- shore oil development, from an an- thropological perspective, parti- cularly political and economic ef- fects on local communities. Geographical Area(s): New England; Scotland. RICHARD K. NELSON Department of Anthropology University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 99701 479-7370 Subject (s): utilization of marine resources by Eskimos; ecological aspects of commercial fishing, es- pecially fishermen's knowledge of marine environment. Geographical Area(s): Arctic and Subarctic Alaska; Pacific Northwest and Alaska coast. 108 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST BERNARD NIETSCHMANN Associate Professor Department of Geography University of California Berkeley, CA 9472 (415) 642-3987, 3903 Subject(s): cultural adaptation; resource use; exploitation pres- sure on marine species; bio- geography and ecology of tropical marine species, especially sea turtles and dugongs. Geographical Area(s): Western Caribbean; eastern Nicaragua and Costa Rica; South Pacific; north- ern Australia, especially Cape York and Torres Strait. HAROLD L. NIX Professor of Sociology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 Office: (404) 542-2797 Home: (404) 549-0357 Subject (s): fishing occupations; fishing communities; fisher fami- lies; fishing industry; fisheries management. Geographical Area(s): South Atlantic coast, especially the Georgia coast. JAMES L. NORR Department of Sociology University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Box 4 348 Chicago, IL 60680 (312) 328-7915 (312) 996-3297 Subject(s): social organization; social change; technology; work organization. Geographical Area(s): South and Southeast Asia; North Atlantic. DAVID A. OLSEN, Ph.D. Island Resources Foundation Box 4 187 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00801 (809) 775-3225 Subject(s): artisanal fishery de- velopment; marine fishery popu- lation dynamics; marine techno- logy application; tropical com- munity ecology. Geographical Area(s): Caribbean (lesser Antilles, Panama); South Pacific (Hawaii, Eniwetok); California. MICHAEL K. ORBACH, Ph.D. U.S. Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Resource Conservation and Management (F3) Washington, DC 20235 Subject(s): social science and fishery systems in general; mari- time anthropology; economic an- thropology; anthropology of in- dustrial and bureaucratic systems; decision-making; cognitive anthro- 109 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST (202) 634-7454, 7455 pology; social and cultural change; economic development; peasant studies; formal systems, Geographical Area(s): Pacific coast, specifically California; Alaska; Gulf coast; Mid- and South Atlantic coasts. BENJAMIN S. ORLOVE Anthropology and Environmental Studies University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-3026 Subject(s): decision-making among fishermen; coordination of fish- ing and other forms of economic production; human ecology of fishermen. Geographical Area(s): Lake Titicaca: Peru-Bolivia. SIMON OTTENBERG, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Subject(s): social change; poli- tical organization; aesthetics. Geographical Area(s): Africa. THOMAS R. PANKO, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Sociology Southern Station Box 74 University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 266-7211 Subject(s): groundfish and shrimp personnel . Geographical Area(s): Mississippi- Louisiana Gulf coast. J. ANTHONY PAREDES Associate Professor Department of Anthropology Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306 (904) 644-5766, 4281 Subject(s): social organization of fishing communities; cognitive as- pects of fishing as an occupation; social impact of hurricanes. Geographical Area(s): Gulf coast of Florida. JAMES J. PARSON Department of Geography University of California Berkeley, CA 9472 (415) 642-3902 Subject (s): marine turtles. Geographical Area(s): Caribbean and other tropical waters. STEPHEN PASTNER Associate Professor Subject ( s) : Pakistan; Baluch fishermen of cultural ecology; inter- 110 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Anthropology Department University of Vermont Burlington, VT 5401 (802) 656-3884 play with other regional adapta- tions (Pastoral Nomads). Geographical Area(s): Pakistan specifically, Arid-zone generally (i.e. North Africa, Middle East). JIM PAYNE Graduate Student Washington State University Department of Anthropology Also: P.O. Box 685 General Delivery Cardova, AK 99574 Parents' Address: 1592 5 Quail Hill Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 Parents' Phone: (408) 356-3624 Subject(s): maritime adaptation; history of fisheries; maritime communities. Geographical Area(s): Circum-polar; Alaska; Pacific Rim. LISA PEATTIE Professor Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Subject(s): public policy; anthro- pological economics. Geographical Area(s): Latin America. LYNN L. PESSON Vice Cancellor (Adm. ) and Professor Extension and International Education Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 (504) 388-8607 Subject(s): extension work. Geographical Area(s): U.S.; Asia; Latin America; Africa. SUSAN PETERSON Research Associate Marine Policy and Ocean Management Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02 543 (617) 548-1400, ext. 300 Subject(s): coastal communities; coastal fisheries; offshore fish- eries; fish processing and dis- tributing: social systems of decision-making. Geographical Area(s): New England; Mid-Atlantic; Hawaii. DAVID S. PHELPS, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology Subject(s): coastal prehistory and early history; processes of cul- 111 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Sociology and Anthropology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 (919) 757-6883 ture change; cross-cultural (Native American-Modern American) continuity of land-use, subsis- tence and community patterns in the coastal zone, particularly North Carolina prehistoric- historic continuity of adaptation to particular species of fish and other marine food resources. Geographical Area(s): Middle and South Atlantic and Gulf Coast; particular current interst in the North Carolina and Northwest Florida coast areas. JANICE PIERCE Graduate Student Department of Geography and Anthropology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70893 (504) 766-8468, 388-5 942 Subject(s): anthropological inter- est in fishermen and fishing com- munities. Geographical Area(s): Gulf Coast, with particular emphasis on the Louisiana fisheries. WILLIAM W. PILCHER, Ph.D. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union - Local 8 Home Address: 3722 N.E. 67th Street Portland, OR 972 13 Home: (503) 288-1421 Subject(s): longshoremen. Geographical Area(s): United States, Canada, Europe, and any other place where there are long- shoremen. ORIOL PI-SUNYER Department of Anthropology University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 (413) 545-2880 Subject (s): maritime communities; economic and social change; tour- ism in maritime regions; social organization of economic units. Geographical Area(s): Mediterranean, especially Spain; U.S. Atlantic coast, especially New England. MICHAEL PLATZER United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation New York, NY 10017 (212) 754-8374 Subject(s): Cape Verde Packet Trade; African fishermen and coastal trade; San Bias Indians (Panama); Cape Verdean whalers. Geographical Area(s): New England; Chesapeake; Africa; Panama. 112 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST EDGAR ALLAN POE, Jr. Navy Environmental Support Office Navy Environmental Information and Services Division Naval Construction Ballahon Center Port Hueneme, CA 93 043 (805) 982-4821 Subject(s): biological resources (fisheries, mariculture) ; mineral resources; marine pollution; ma- rine environmental issues of oil and gas extraction and transporta- tion; deep-sea mining; artificial islands and deepwater superports; ocean thermal enery systems. Geographical Area(s): Pacific Islands in general; special inter- est in the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - Micronesia (traditional natural resource man- agement versus advanced technolo- gies) . JOHN J. POGGIE, Jr. Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 (401 ) 792-2587 Subject(s): psycho-cultural adapta- tions, human ecology of maritime communities; ritual adaptations to maritime environments; innovation. Geographical Area(s): New England; Caribbean (Puerto Rico); Central- Middle America. RICHARD B. POLLNAC Department of Sociology and Anthropology International Center for Marine Resource Development University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 (401 ) 792-2587 Subject(s): psychocultural adapta- tion to the marine environment; modernization and change within fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): New England coast; Central America; Azores. NICHOLAS POUSHINSKY Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of Victoria Victoria, B.C. , Canada V8W 242 (604) 477-6911, ext. 4506 Subject(s): sociology; anthropolo- gy; folklore. Geographical Area(s): Northwest Atlantic, Canada; Northeast Pacific, Canada. JANNI POUSHINSKY Subject(s): fishing communities; Department of Sociology and Social state involvement in fisheries; Anthropology class divisions/interests in fish- Dalhousie University eries; inshore fishermen as a mar- 113 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada ginal or reserve labour force. Geographical Area(s): Canadian Atlantic provinces; British Columbia; New England. J.I. PRATTIS Professor Department of Sociology Carleton University Ottawa , Canada (613) 231-6635 Subject(s): modernization; techno- logical adaptation; government development policy; occupational pluralism; status structures. Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic . GEORGE I. QUIMBY Professor of Anthropology and Director Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-5590 Subject(s): maritime anthropology. Geographical Area(s): Upper Great Region of North America and Pacific Ocean. NAOMI QUINN, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Subject(s): cognitive anthropology; mathematical anthropology. Geographical Area(s): West Africa. RONALD G. RAMKE University of Southern Mississippi Box 4 56 Southern Station Hattiesburg, MS 394 01 Office: (601 ) 266-7256 Home: (601 ) 583-6705 Subject (s): social and cultural characteristics of fishermen and fishing communities; interrela- tionships between fishing activi- ties and those involved in fishing with environment and marine re- sources and ecology. Geographical Area(s): Gulf coast. JUDITH S. RANDAL Ph.D. Candidate Columbia University c/o Dr. C. Arensberger Home Address: 1080 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 (212) TE1-0523 Subject(s): Portuguese fishing folk. Geographical Area(s): Provincetown, Mass.; Azores; Portugal. 114 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST ROBERT A. RANDALL, Ph.D. Visiting Lecturer Department of Anthropology University of California Riverside, CA 92 521 (714) 787-5519 Subject(s): peasant fishermen; ex- plosives fishing; small scale (low capital fishing); Carangidae fami- ly of fishes; human marine ecolo- gy; decision theory and fishing; how fishermen figure out how to make a living; inflation and fish- ermen; squid fishing and market- ing; change in technology. Geographical Area(s): Southeast Asia (Philippines). ROBERT R. RATHBURN Assitant Professor Department of Geography and Anthropology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 (504) 388-5942 Subject(s): ethnic nature of fish- ing activities. Geographical Area(s): Louisiana Gulf Coast; Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. ALBERT LEWIS RHODES Department of Sociology Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306 (904) 644-6765 Subject(s): human ecology of fish- eries; effects of community struc- ture on over-exploitation of fish- eries; community structure and ecosystem problems (pollution, etc . ) . Geographical Area(s): Florida Gulf coast. RICHARD ROBBINS, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology SUNY Plattsburgh Plattshburgh, NY 12901 Subject(s): identity; interpersonal relations; economic change; primi- tive religion. Geographical Area(s): Canadian Cree; Canadian Maritimes. GEORGE W. ROGERS Adjunct Professor Institute of Social and Economic Research University of Alaska 1790 Evergreen Avenue Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 586-1202 Subject(s): fisheries employment and fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): North Pacific; Bering Sea. RONALD P. ROHNER Subject(s): ethnography of maritime 115 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Anthropology U-158 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 062 68 peoples. Geographical Area(s): mainly North- west coast of North America, etc.; also Turkish maritime. JAMES C. SABELLA, Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology U.N.C. - Wilmington Wilmington, NC 284 01 Office: (919) 791-4330, ext. 259 Home: (919) 763-6380 Subject(s): social organization of fishermen; technological moderni- zation and social change; socio- economic aspects of production, distribution and consumption among fishermen. Geographical Area(s): Latin America, Peru in particular; Florida Gulf Coast; Mid-Atlantic coast. STUART A. SCHLEGEL Professor of Anthropology University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (408) 429-4445 Subject(s): social and cultural studies of fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): California, USA; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines. SANDRA L. SCHULTZ, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (404) 542-3923 Subject(s): ethnography of coastal (fishing) communities. Geographical Area(s): current in- terest in the Southeast, but also generally interested in the Pacific coast. CRAIG J. SEVERANCE Department of Anthropology University of Hawaii Hilo College Hilo, HI 96720 Office: (808) 961-9371 Home: (808) 959-6381 Subject(s): subsistence, sport and commercial fisheries with emphasis on Tropical Pacific; repercussions on social organization and ex- change of introd.; technolgy (social impact assessment); ethno- archaeological reconstruction of technologies and conservation. Geographical Area(s): Micronesia, especially Truk and Ponape and surrounding atolls; Hawaii. MARIAM GHOSE SHERAR Assitant Professor, Sociology Long Island University Flatbush Avenue Ext. Subject(s): American Merchant Marine; waterfront communities. Geographical Area(s): United States, but more specifically the 116 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Brooklyn, NY 11201 (212) 834-6280 Metropolitan New York area, DONALD J. SHOEMAKER Department of Sociology V.P.I, and S.U. Blacksburg, VA 24061 (703) 961-6495 Subject(s): marine crime and social control; fishing communities; oc- cupational careers and contingen- cies of watermen. Geographical Area(s): Chesapeake. GERALD M. SIDER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology College of Staten Island, C.U.N.Y. St. George Campus 130 Stuyvesant Place State Island, NY 10301 (212) 720-3100 Subject(s): political, economic and cultural aspects of village-based fisheries; fisheries moderniza- tion. Geographical Area(s): Atlantic Canada, particularly Newfoundland. COURTLAND SMITH, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Anthropology Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Subject(s): computer simulation; social, cultural, and interaction- al aspects of fisheries; limited entry. Geographical Area(s): Oregon; Arizona. DEREK G. SMITH, Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (613) 231-7423 Subject(s): sustainable yields of main fish species in Western Canadian Arctic; social impact of commercial fishing on Native groups. Geographical Area(s): Western Canadian Arctic. KENNETH E. SMITH Assistant Professor of Sociology New England College Henniker, NH 03242 Office: (603) 428-2356 Home: (603) 938-2370 Subject(s): community studies; con- flict and change; dependency theory as related to fishing com- munities; aquaculture; government and fishermen. Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic with emphasis on Maine and New Hampshire; comparative approach with other communities around the world used when appro- ' priate. 117 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST M. ESTELLIE SMITH, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology SUNY - Oswego Oswego, NY (315) 341-4190 Subject(s): technological change and economic vectors in subsis- tence patterns among fishermen; New England fishing communities; sociocultural interrelations be- twen fishing and non- fishing sec- tors of a single community; ethni- city as a variable in fishing pat- terns; cooperatives in fishing sectors; Merchant seamen. Geographical Area(s): primarily New England but, in terms of theoreti- cal concerns, world-wide; Merchant seamen, especially in Great Lakes of North America. WILLIAM E. SNIZEK, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Sociology Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, VA 24060 (703) 951-5651 Subject(s): social and cultural im- pact of U.S. fishing laws and policies (e.g. impact of new fede- ral ceiling on harvesting of fish in New England area); sociological dimensions of maritime resource utilization. Geographical Area(s): entire U.S. with emphasis on Eastern and Southern U.S. ALICE IVEY SNYDER Anthropological Inquiry Services 1749 Navaja Lane El Cajon, CA 92020 (714) 579-8847 Subject (s): wives and families of U.S. Navy sailors, primarily sub- mariners. Geographical Area(s): United States, primarily West Coast and Hawaii. IRVING A. SPAULDING Department of Resource Economics University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 (401) 792-2472 Subject (s): recreational fishing and fishermen; technology trans- fer in fisheries development. Geographical Area(s): Northeastern USA; Caribbean; Central America; Southeast Asia. ROBERT F. SPENCER, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Department of Anthropology 2 15 Ford Hall Subject(s): whaling and sea mammal hunting in the American Arctic, especially done by Eskimos; fish- ing communities in Korea. 118 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Minneapolis, MN (612) 373-4614 55455 Geographical Area(s): Alaska, adja- cent Northwest Canada; Korean Peninsula . PAUL D. STARR, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology Auburn University Auburn, AL 3683 Office: (205) 826-5050 Home: (205) 821-8209 Subject (s): fishing communities; social organization of fishing industry. Geographical Area(s): Republic of Lebanon; Alabama Gulf Coast. MARY LEE STEARNS Department of Anthropology and Sociology Simon Fraser University Burnaby 2, B.C. Canada Subject(s): ethnographies of fish- ing communities; cross-cultural analysis of structural features of fishing communities; the effects of political and economic change on subsistence and commercial fishermen; the mapping of fishing cultures of the world; social pro- files of fishermen anywhere. Geographical Area(s): Pacific Northwest coast, native Indian fishing villages; ethnic enclaves such as the Finnish community of Sointula on Vancouver Island; urban enclaves and suburbs such as Steveston near Vancouver; Mediterranean, especially the Aegean area; all others. RALPH H. STEELE, Ph.D. PRC/ICMR East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 PRC: (919) 757-6484 ICMR: (919) 757-6779 Subject(s): common processes ( geo- bio-anthro-psycho- socio-economic ) and systems of growth and adapta- tion of marine-oriented resources; philosophical and humanistic as- pects of the sea; understanding oceanic arts as an integral phase in social and scientific develop- ment of marine resources. Geographical Area(s): global pers- pective utilizing the swamps and backwaters of the southeasthern U.S. coast as a point of focus and reference. 119 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST GEOFFREY STILES, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF A1C 5S7, Canada Subject(s): modernization and de- velopment; complex societies. Geographical Area(s): North Atlantic . WILLIAM N. STILL, Jr., Ph.D. Department of History East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27834 (919) 757-6155 Subject(s): shipbuilding, fishing, and shipping history. Geographical Area(s): North Carolina. DAVID A. STOREY, Ph.D. Department of Food and Resource Economics 3 27 Draper Hall University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 (413) 545-2494 Subject(s): marine resource econo- mics. Geographical Area(s): New England generally, states north of Maryland . JACK W. STUSTER, Ph.D. 1516 Marquard Terrace Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 965-6676 Subject (s): fishing communities; maritime anthropology; marketing; social organization and life- styles of fishermen; limited en- try; maritime economics; techno- logy. Geographical Area(s! California. Portland, OR; J. KEVIN SULLIVAN Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies Smithsonian Institution Edgewater, MD 21037 (301) 261-4190 Subject(s): social and economic aspects of fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): Chesapeake Bay; Great Lakes; Mississippi. TIM SULLIVAN Gloucester Daily Times Gloucester, MA 01930 (617) 282-7000 Subject(s): New England fishery management. Geographical Area(s): New England; Maritime Canada. DAVID L. SZ ANTON Subject (s): social, economic and 120 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Staff Associate Social Science Research Council 5 05 Third Avenue New York, NY 10016 Office: (212) 557-9527 Home Address : 52 04 Delafield Avenue Bronx, NY 10471 Home: (212) 548-4170 political organization of com- mercial fishing outfits and fish- ing communities; distinctive cul- tural orientations of fishermen and fishing communities. Geographical Area(s): Southeast Asia in general , and the Philippines in particular. M. CRISTINA B. SZ ANTON Columbia University, NY Home Address : 52 04 Delafield Avenue New York, NY 10471 Subject(s): trade and marketing in coastal fishing communities; social mobility. Geographical Area(s): Southeast Asia (Philippines, Thailand). PAUL MICHAEL TAYLOR Ph.D. Candidate Department of Anthropology Yale University New Haven, CT 0652 Home: Los Angeles, (213) 93 1-6439 Subject (s): subsitence strategies in technologically simple fishing communities and their relationship to maritime ecology. Geographical Area(s): Southeast Asia; Oceania. BENT THYGESEN 182 2 East Fulton Street Newburg, OR 97132 (503) 538-5889 Subject(s): commercial fishing; life of seamen aboard and ashore; seamen's churches and other meet- ing places on land; longshoring; boatbuilding and, in a more gene- ral sense, any occupation and as- pect of culture which even tangen- tial ly relate to maritime adapta- tions; fisheries management and international agreements governing fishing and shipping. Geographical Area(s): Europe (Norway, Sweden); Northwestern United States (Columbia River). JOAN B. TOWNS END, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, Canada Subject(s): ethnology; archaeology. Geographical Area(s): Arctic Athapascans. CHARLES F. UNDERWOOD Subject(s): medical anthropology; 121 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Medical Anthropology Program Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94 701 Home Address: 2 540 Chilton Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 549-2644 nutritional studies; cultural ecology of fishing communities or populations. Geographical Area(s): Scotland, northeast coast; USA, Pacific coast communities. JAMES W. VANSTONE Department of Anthropology Field Museum of Natural History Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 922-9410, ext. 305 Subject(s): ethnology; tory; archaeology. Geographical Area(s): southwest Alaska. ethnohis- northwest and CARLOS VELEZ, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology University of California Los Angeles, CA 90024 Subject(s): political, urban an- thropology; culture and education; anthropology of literature; fish- eries and maritime anthropology. Geographical Area(s): Southern California. KAREN WALBY, Ph.D. Florida Resource and Environmental Analysis Center 320 Bellamy Building Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306 (904) 644-2008 Subject(s): socioeconomic impact of fishing on local communities. Geographical Area(s): Gulf coast of Florida. H.J. WALKER Department of Geography and Anthropology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 (504) 388-5942 Subject(s): coastal morphology; coastal ecology; coastal re- sources. Geographical Area(s): Arctic (Alaska and non-U. S. coasts) ; Japan. WILLIAM J. WALLACE Professor emeritus California State University Long Beach, CA 161 Via Pasqual Redondo Beach, CA 90 277 (213) 375-9508 Subject(s): aboriginal and early historic salmon fishing. Geographical Area(s): Northwestern California. 122 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST M. SUSAN WHALEN Graduate Student in Sociology/ Anthropology c/o Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783 4 (919) 757-6779 Subject(s): fisheries (Pompano and general); coastal zone management; recreational fishing; maritime communities; law of the sea. Geographical Area(s): North Carolina; South Atlantic; Atlantic coast; Japan. IAN WHITAKER, D. Phil. Department of Sociology and Anthropology Simon Frazer University Burnaby 2, B.C. Canada Subject(s): marginal subsistence areas; family. Geographical Area(s): Circumpolar Subarctic . DAPHNE WHITE Department of Commerce NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Resource Conservation and Management (F3) Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-4224 Subject(s): fisheries management, especially public affairs aspects. Geographical Area(s): New England. Alaska . FRANCES A. WHITE Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 Subject (s): socio-economic effects of emigration on fishing and agri- cultural communities in the Azores. Geographical Area(s): Azores, Portugal . KAREN M. WICKER Student Louisiana State University Department of Geography Baton Rouge, LA 7080 3 (504) 388-5942 Also: Environmental Consultant Coastal Environments 1260 Main Street Baton Rouge, LA 7080 2 (504) 383-7451 Subject(s): historical development and present problems regarding harvesting of seafood; protection of wetlands and nursery areas. Geographical Area(s): Gulf coast, especially Louisiana. 123 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST HUGH WILDE Professor Lenoir Community College Kinston, NC 28501 Subject(s): commercial fishing; sport fishing; shrimping; clam- ming; scuba diving; charterboat captain. Geographical Area(s): Cape Lookout- New River Inlet 25 miles offshore; also, inland waters Morehead City- Adams Creek-Swansboro. FINN WILHELMSEN, Ph.D. c/o Wayne County Community College 4612 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 482 01 Home: (313) 832-6245 Subject( s) munities. Geographical Area(s) fishermen; coastal corn- Mediterranean. BRUCE WILKINS Fernow Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 256-2162 Subject (s): information needs of fishermen and community decision- makers. Geographical Area(s): Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. JAMES A. WILSON, Ph.D. Department of Economics University of Maine Orono, ME 04473 (207) 581-2242 Subject(s): economics of commercial fisheries. Geographical Area(s): New England. WILLIAM B. WORKMAN Associate Professor of Anthropology University of Alaska - Anchorage 3221 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 272-5522, ext. 117 Subject(s): origin(s) and develop- ment of traditional (non-Western) maritime hunting and fishing cul- tures about the North Pacific; maritime resources fluctuations over time; relationships between maritime resource productivity and paleoenvironmental factors (i.e. coastal geomorphology, small-scale climate fluctuations, etc.) Geographical Area(s): North Pacific, especially Gulf of Alaska ; previous research on Kodiak Island and in Kachemak Bay. ALAN J. WYNER Professor Subject(s): fisheries management. Geographical Area(s): West Coast. 124 RESEARCHER MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Department of Political Science University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93 106 (805) 961-3115, 3309 MERVIN J. YETLEY Subject(s): social and social psy- Department of Rural Sociology chological factors influencing Texas A&M University fishing effort and effectiveness. College Station, TX 77843 Geographical Area(s): Gulf Coast, Texas. 125 DIRECTORY INDEX OF RESEARCHERS BY STATED GEOGRAPHCIAL AREA OF INTEREST CARIBBEAN COUNCIL REGION Caribbean Region - General Adams, John E. Andersen, Raoul Britan, Gerald M. Fraser, Thomas M. , Jr. Hepburn, Marcus J. McGoodwin, James R. Parsons, James J. Spaulding, Irving A. Caribbean Region - Puerto Rico Poggie, John J., Jr. Pollnac, Richard B. Caribbean Region - Virgin Islands Frake, Charles 0. GULF OF MEXICO COUNCIL REGION Gulf Region - General Bertrand, Alvin L. Caron, Michael B. Gary, Don L. Goltermann, Glen E. Groth, Philip Hepburn, Marcus J. LeCompte, Nolan P. McGoodwin, James R. MacGregor, Paul Maclachlan, Morgan D. Nietschmann, Bernard Orbach, Michael K. Pierce, Janice Ramke, Ronald G. Wicker, Karen M. Yetley, Mervin J. Gulf Region - Alabama 127 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. McNutt, Charles H. Panko, Thomas R. Ramke, Ronald G. Sabella, James C. Starr, Paul D. Gulf Region - Florida Bernard, H. Russell Hepburn, Marcus J. Paredes, J. Anthony Rhodes, Robert L. Walby, Karen Gulf Region - Louisiana Bert rand, Alvin L. Caron, Michael B. Comeaux, Malcolm L. Davis, Donald W. Detro, Randall A. Gary, Don L. LeCompte, Nolan P. Panko, Thomas R. Pierce, Janice Pesson, Lynn L. Ramke, Ronald G. Rathburn, Robert R. Wicker, Karen M. Gulf Region - Mississippi Comeaux, Malcolm L. Panko, Thomas R. Ramke, Ronald G. Gulf Region - Texas Mullen, Patrick B. Yetley, Mervin J. MID-ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION Mid-Atlantic Region - General Cohn, Michael Liguori, Victor A. Lowery, Roger C. McCay, Bonnie J. Or bach, Michael K. 128 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. Peterson, Susan B. Phelps, David S. Sabella, James C. Storey, David A. Wilkins , Bruce Mid-Atlantic Region - Maryland Laird, Beverly L. Platzer, Michael Mid-Atlantic - New Jersey Liguori, Victor A. Mid-Atlantic - New York Brown, Tommy L. Sherar, Mariam G. Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Britton, George M. Fisher, Howard S. Laird, Beverly L. Lee, Franky Stokes Liguori, Victor A. Platzer, Michael Shoemaker, Donald J. NEW ENGLAND COUNCIL REGION New England Region - General Ar buckle , John D. Bowles, Francis P. Cohn, Michael Doliber, Earl L. Epple, George M. Fricke, Peter H. Gersuny, Carl Jessen, John M. Kelly, John E. Lowery, Roger C. Marshall, Robert J. , Jr. Miller, Marc Nadel, Jane H. Peterson, Susan B. Pl-Sunyer, Oriol Platzer, Michael 129 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. Poggie, John J., Jr. Pollnac, Richard B. Poushinsky, Janni Smith, M. Estellie Snizek, William E. Spaulding, Irving A. Storey, David A. Sullivan, Tim White, Daphne Wilkins, Bruce New England Region - Maine Acheson, James M. Bowles, Francis P. Doane, Ashley W. , Jr. Gr os singer, Richard MacGregor, Paul Sherar, Mariam G. Smith, Kenneth E. New England Region - Massachusetts Arbuckle , John D. Doliber, Earl L. Epple, George M. Fricke, Peter H. MacGregor, Paul Maiolo, John R. Miller, Marc Peterson, Susan B. Randal, Judith S. Smith, M. Estellie Sullivan, Tim New England Region - New Hampshire MacGregor, Paul Smith, Kenneth E. New England Region - Rhode Island Poggie, John J., Jr. NORTH PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION North Pacific Region - General Ayres, William S. Epstein, Lawrence 130 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con, Gatewood, John B. Jensen, William S. Jesson, John M. Langdon, Steve MacGregor, Paul Morehouse, Thomas A. Mundt, J. Carl Nelson, Richard K. North Pacific Region - Alaska Black, Lydia T. Bocks toce, John Caron, Michael B. Davis, Nancy Yaw Dwight, Linda P. Ellanna, Linda J. Gatewood, John B. Hippler, Arthur E. Jones, Dorothy Josephson, Karla Langdon, Steve Laughlin, William S. McCartney, Allen P. MacGregor, Paul Morehouse, Thomas A. Mundt, J. Carl Nelson, Richard JC. Orbach, Michael K. Payne, Jim Rathburn, Robert R. Rogers, George W. Spencer, Robert F. Van Stone, James W. Walker, H.J. White, Daphne Workman, William B. PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION Pacific Region - General Ayres, William S. Befu, Harumi da Silva, Armando M. Epstein, Lawrence Gatewood, John B. Gruen, Claude E. Gruen, Nina J. Jensen, William S. 131 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con, Jesson, John M. Kent, George Langdon, Steve MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. Morrill, David L. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Quimby, George I. Schultz, Sandra L. Snyder, Alice Ivey Underwood, Charles F. Wyner, Alan J. Pacific Region - California Gruen, Claude E. Frake, Charles 0. Landberg, Eeif C.W. MacGregor, Paul Miller, Marc Moore, Robert C.A. Olsen, David A. Orbach, Michael K. Schlegel, Stuart A. Stuster, Jack W. Velez, Charles Wallace, William J. Wyner, Alan J. Pacific Region - Idaho Moore, Robert C.A. Pacific Region - Oregon Moore, Robert C.A. Mundt, J. Carl Pilcher, William W. Smith, Courtland L. Stuster, Jack W. Thygesen, Bent Pacific Region - Washington Epstein, Lawrence Jensen, William S. MacGregor, Paul Moore, Robert C.A. Mundt, J. Carl Thygesen, Bent 132 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con, SOUTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL REGION South Atlantic Region - General Altschuler, Milton Cohn, Michael Dixon, Richard D. Fricke, Peter H. Hepburn, Marcus J. Jedlicka, Davor Maclachlan, Morgan D. Maiolo, John R. Nix, Harold L. Orbach, Michael K. Phelps, David S. Schultz, Sandra L. Snizek, William E. Steele, Ralph H. Whalen, M. Susan South Atlantic Region - Florida Jedlicka, Davor Phelps, David S. South Atlantic Region - Georgia Britton, George M. Crumrine, Janice G. Jedlicka, Davor Miller, H. Max Nix, Harold L. Schultz, Sandra L. South Atlantic Region - North Carolina Britton, George M. Caron, Michael B. Dixon, Richard D. Fricke, Peter H. Hepburn, Marcus J. Jedlicka, Davor Lee, Franky Stokes Lowery, Roger C. Maiolo, John R. Phelps, David S. Sabella, James C. Steele, Ralph H. Still, William N. , Jr. Stuster, Jack W. 133 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. Whalen, M. Susan Wilde, Hugh South Atlantic Region - South Carolina Britton, George M. Caron, Michael B. Jedlicka, Davor McLean, Edward WESTERN PACIFIC COUNCIL REGION (Note: This index is organized according to major geographic island clusters of the Western Pacific rather than according to the legal or political status of the various territories. ) Western Pacific Region - General Ayres, William S. Cecil, Robert Demory, Barbara DeVita, Philip R. Frake, Charles 0. Gaffney, Michael E. Johannes, Robert E. Kent, George MacLean, Arthur R. Morrill, David L. Olsen, David A. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Severance, Craig J. Taylor, Paul M. Western Pacific Region - Caroline Islands (including Palau, Ponape , Truk, and Yap) Ayres, William S. Demory, Barbara DeVita, Philip R. Johannes, Robert E. MacLean, Arthur R. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Western Pacific Region - Hawaii Olsen, David A. Peterson, Susan B. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Severance, Craig J. Snyder, Alice Ivey Western Pacific Region - Marshall Islands (including Eniwetok) 134 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. Olsen, David A. MISCELLANEOUS NON-COUNCIL AREAS AND STATES Misc. - Arizona Smith, Courtland L. Misc. - Great Lakes Quimby, George I. Smith, M. Estellie Misc. - Illinois Comeaux, Malcolm L. Lund , Jens Misc. - Indiana Lund, Jens Misc. - Kentucky Lund, Jens Misc. - Ohio Comeaux, Malcolm L. Lund, Jens Misc. - Tennessee Comeaux, Malcolm L. McNutt, Charles H. Misc. - United States Bateman, Peter M. Bertrand, Alvin L. Bowles, Francis P. Demory, Barbara Fricke, Peter H. Garbin, Albeno P. Hunter, Edna J. Kasakoff, Alice B. Kelly, John E. Land berg, Leif C.W. MacGregor, Paul McLean, Edward L. 135 Directory Index by Area of Interest - Con. Pilcher, William W. Snizek, William E. Snyder, Alice Ivey 136 ALABAMA Adams, John E. Starr, Paul D. ALASKA DIRECTORY INDEX OF RESEARCHERS BY PRESENT LOCATION Dwight, Linda P. Ellanna, Linda J. Hippler, Arthur E. Jones, Dorothy M. Josephson, Karla Langdon, Steve Morehouse, Thomas A. Nelson, Richard K. Payne, Jim Rogers, George W. Workman, William B. ARIZONA Comeaux, Malcolm L. Firestone, Melvin M. McGuire, Thomas R. ARKANSAS McCartney, Allen P. CALIFORNIA Anderson, Eugene N. , Jr. Arnold-Costa, Janeen Befu, Harumi Cordell, John Frake, Charles 0. Goeghegan, William Grossinger, Richard Gruen, Claude E. Gruen, Nina J. Holbrook, Elizabeth R. Hunter, Edna J. Jessen, John M. Kronenfeld, David B. 137 Directory Index by Present Location - Con. Morrill, David L. Mosher, Steven W. Nietschmann, Bernard Orlove, Benjamin S. Parsons, James J. Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Randall, Robert A. Schlegel, Stuart A. Snyder, Alice Ivey Stuster, Jack W. Underwood, Charles F. Velez, Carlos Wallace, William J. Wyner, Alan J. COLORADO Hewes , Gordon CONNECTICUT Antler, Ellen P. Faris, James C. Laughlin, William S. Rohner, Ronald P. Taylor, Paul M. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Orbach, Michael K. White, Daphne FLORIDA Doughty, Paul L. Goltermann, Glen E. Paredes, J. Anthony Rhodes, Albert L. Walby, Karen GEORGIA Crumrine, Janice G. Garbin, Albeno P. Jedlicka, Davor Miller, H. Max Nix, Harold L. Schultz, Sandra L. HAWAII 138 Johannes, R.E. Jones, Dorothy M. Josephson, Karla Kent, George Poe, Edgar A. , Jr. Severance, Craig J. ILLINOIS Britan, Gerald M. Gatewood, John B. Norr, James L. VanStone, James W, INDIANA da Silva, Armando M. Genz, George A. Lund , Jens LOUISIANA Bertrand, Alvin L. Caron, Michael B. Davidson, William Davis, Donald W. Detro, Randall A. Gary, Don L. Groth, Philip LeCompte, Nolan P. Pierce, Janice Pesson, Lynn L. Rathburn, Robert F Walker, H.J. Wicker, Karen M. MAINE Aches on, James M. Gaffney, Michael E. Johnson, W. Twig Wilson, James A. MARYLAND Davis, Nancy Yaw Sullivan, J. Kevin MASSACHUSETTS Directory Index by Present Location - Con. 139 Directory Index by Present Location - Con. Arbuckle , John D. Bateman, Peter M. Bocks toce, John Bowles, Francis P Dewar, Margaret E Doliber, Earl L. Fraser, Thomas M. Kelly, John E. McGoodwin, James Miller, Marc Murphy, Jane M. Peattie, Lisa Peterson, Susan B Pl-Sunyer, Oriol Storey, David A. Sullivan, Tim Jr, R. MICHIGAN Brown, Judith K. Christensen, James Wilhelmsen, Finn MINNESOTA Adams, John E. Spencer, Robert F. MISSISSIPPI Panko, Thomas R. Ramke , Ronald G. NEW HAMPSHIRE Doane, Ashley W. , Jr. Smith, Kenneth E. NEW JERSEY McCay, Bonnie J. NEW YORK Brown, Tommy L. Cohn, Michael DeVita, Philip R. Landberg, Leif C.W. Nadel, Jane H. Platzer, Michael 140 Directory Index by Present Location - Con. Randal, Judith S. Robbins, Richard Sherar, Mariam G. Sider, Gerald M. Smith, M. Estellie Szanton, David L. Szanton, M. Cristina : Wilkins, Bruce NORTH CAROLINA Altschuler, Milton Britton, George M. Dixon, Richard D. Fricke, Peter H. Hepburn, Marcus J. Lee, Franky Stokes Lowery, Roger C. Maiolo, John R. Phelps, David S. Quinn, Naomi Sabella, James C. Steele, Ralph H. Still, William N. , Jr. Whalen, M. Susan Wilde, Hugh OHIO Mullen, Patrick B. OREGON Ayres, William S. Jensen, William S. MacLean, Arthur R. Moore, Robert C.A. Pilcher, William W. Smith, Courtland L. Thygesen, Bent PENNSYLVANIA Demory, Barbara RHODE ISLAND Black, Lydia T. Epple, George M. Gersuny, Carl 141 Directory Index by Present Location - Con. Jessen, John M. Marshall, Robert J. , Poggie, John J., Jr. Pollnac, Richard B. Spaulding, Irving A. SOUTH CAROLINA Kasakoff, Alice B. Maclachlan, Morgan D, McLean, Edward L. TENNESSEE McNutt, Charles H. TEXAS Yetley, Mervin J. VERMONT Grossinger, Richard Fisher, Howard S. Pastner, Stephen Jr. VIRGINIA Knipe, Ed Laird, Beverly L. Liguori, Victor A. Shoemaker, Donald J. Snizek, William E. VIRGIN ISLANDS Cordell, John Olsen, David A. Quimby, George I. WASHINGTON Dumont, Jean-Paul Epstein, Lawrence Hunn, Eugene MacGregor, Paul Mundt, J. Carl Ottenberg, Simon Payne, Jim Quimby, George I. 142 Directory Index by Present Location - Con. WEST VIRGINIA Bernard, H. Russell WISCONSIN White, Frances A. FOREIGN COUNTRIES Brazil Forman, Shepard Canada Andersen, Raoul Breton, Yvan D. Briggs, Jean L. Cecil, Robert Chiaramonte, Louis Cove, John J. Faris, James C. La Brecque, M.F. McCarl, Robert S. Poushinsky, Janni Poushinsky, Nicholas Prattis, J.I. Smith, Derek G. Stearns, Mary L. Stiles, Geoffrey Townsend, Joan B. Whitaker, Ian 143 APPENDICES 145 Appendix A BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCH: A LIST OF MAJOR SOURCES SEARCHED Bibliographies Each of the following bibliographies has been reviewed and relevant entries have been incorporated in the present document. Acheson, James M. "Working Paper no. 2: The Role of the Social Sciences in Fisheries Management under Extended Jurisdiction." In Working Papers; Establishing a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone . Washington, DC: Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 1977. Fricke, Peter H. , ed. Index of Current Maritime Research . Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, 1971, 1973 and 1975 editions. Hippler, Arthur E. and John R. Wood. The Alaska Eskimos; A Selected Annotated Bibliography . ISER Report Series No. 45. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1977. Jones, Dorothy and John R. Wood. An Aleut Bibliograhy. Report No. 44. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, n.d. LaMonte, Edward. A Preliminary Annotated Bibliography of Socio-Cultural Research on Fishermen, Fishing Communities and Fisheries Social Systems . Seattle: University of Washington, Institute for Marine Studies, n.d. Landberg, Leif C.W. A Bibliography for the Anthropological Study of Fishing Industries and Maritime Communities . Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resources Development, 1973. Revised version in press, 1978. Snyder, Alice Ivey. Sea and Shore Rotation: A Bibliography of Relevant Material . Technical Report No. 1 under Contract Numbers N000147TWRT0158, N0001477WR70058, NR 170-835 for Organizational Effectiveness Research Program. Arlington, VA: Office of Naval Research (Code 452), 1977. Computer Data Banks Automatic Subject Citation Alert (ASCA). Palo Alto, CA: Lockheed 147 Appendix A Information Systems, for 1966-1977. Government Reports Announcements (GRA). Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service, for 1964-1977. Psychological Abstracts. Palo Alto, CA: Lockheed Information Systems, for 1967-1977. Smithsonian Science Information Exchange. Santa Monica, CA: Systems Development Corporation, through August, 1977. Social Scisearch. Palo Alto, CA: Lockheed Information Systems, for 1972-1977. Sociological Abstracts. Palo Alto, CA: Lockheed Information Systems, for 1963-1977. Libraries Catholic University. Anthropology Library. Card catalogue. Washington, DC, summer 1977. Georgetown University. Lauinger Library. Card catalogue and vertical files. Washington, DC, summer 1977. Harvard University. Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Library. Catalogue: subjects. Boston: G.K. Hall Publishers, 1963-1975. Smithsonian Institution. Museum of Natural History. Department of Anthropology Branch. Card catalogue, summer 1977. Smithsonian Institution. Museum of Natural History. National Anthropological Archives. Card catalogue. Washington, DC, summer 1977. United States Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service. Library, Georgetown Branch. Card catalogue. Washington, DC, summer 1977. United States Library of Congress. Main Reading Room. Card catalogue. Washington, DC, summer 1977. Reference Books Abstracts in Anthropology . Westport, CT : Greenwood Periodicals, for 1970-1977. 148 Appendix A Abstracts of Folklore Studies . Austin, etc.: American Folklore Society, for 1963-1977. Comprehensive Dissertation Index . Ann Arbor, MI: Xerox Corporation, Xerox University Microfilms, for 1861-1973. Sea Grant Publications Index . Narragansett , RI: University of Rhode Island, National Sea Grant Depository, for 1968-1976. 149 Appendix B ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES ADDRESSING FISHERIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Acheson, James M. "Working Paper no. 2: The Role of the Social Sciences in Fisheries Management under Extended Jurisdiction." In Working Papers; Establishing a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone. Washington, DC: Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 1977. Caron, Michael B. Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations in Geography Relating to Fisheries and Maritime Peoples. Unpublished, n.d. Cook, W.R. and C. King. Annotated Bibliography of Socio-economic Information: Sea Grant Program. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Bureau of Business Research, July 19 71. Fricke, Peter H. , ed. Index of Current Maritime Research. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, 1971, 1973 and 1975 editions. Gibson, Gordon D. "A bibliography of anthropological bibliographies: The Americas." Current Anthropology , v. 1, n.l, January 1960: 61- 75. Hippler, Arthur E. Eskimo Acculturation: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Alaskan and Other Eskimo Acculturation Studies. No. 28. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 19 70. Hippler, Arthur E. and John R. Wood. The Alaska Eskimos; A Selected Annotated Bibliography. ISER Report Series No. 45. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1977. Jones, Dorothy and John R. Wood. An Aleut Bibliography. Report No. 44. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, n.d. LaMonte, Edward. A Preliminary Annotated Bibliography of Socio-Cultural Research on Fishermen, Fishing Communities and Fisheries Social Systems. Seattle: University of Washington, Institute for Marine Studies, n.d. Landberg, Leif C.W. A Bibliography for the Anthropological Study of Fishing Industries and Maritime Communities. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, International Center for Marine Resources 151 Development, 19 73. Revised version in press, 19 78. Landberg, Leif C.W. and Peter H. Fricke. Index of Recent Maritime Research. Cardiff: University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Maritime Studies, 1973. Murdock, George P., et al. "Ethnographic bibliography of North America, Third Edition." New Haven: Human Relation Area Files, Inc., 1960. Pilcher, William W. Industrial Ethnology: A Bibliography of Sources for the Study of Occupational Groups. Council of Planning Librarians, Exchange Bibliography No. 613, n.d. Snyder, Alice Ivey. Sea and Shore Rotation: The Family and Separation: A Bibliography of Relevant Material. Technical Report No. 1 under Contract Numbers N000147TWRT0158, N 0001 47 7WR7 0058, NR 170-835 for Organizational Effectiveness Research Program. Arlington, VA: Office of Naval Research (Code 452), 1977. 152 Appendix C SUPPLEMENTAL PAGES These pages are provided for updates to the document and to accommodate supplemental publications. 153 154 155 156 Appendix D PUBLICATIONS AND CURRENT RESEARCH ON FISHERMEN AND FISHING COMMUNITIES Please type or print. Questions are continued on reverse side. Additional room is also provided on the reverse side. NAME, CURRENT AFFILIATION, AND ADDRESS The following Response Forms are provided for oommunioation of recent publications and new developments and so that copies may be dis- tributed to colleagues. Mail to: Dr. Orbach, U.S. DOC-NOAA, NMFS (FZ)> Office of Resource Conservation and Management 3 VI ash. 3 DC 20225 TELEPHONE MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Subiect(s) : Geographical Area(s) : WRITTEN WORK (Please include complete bibliographic citations.) Published: Unpublished: OVER 157 CURRENT RESEARCH WORK (For each entry, please include title, geographical area concerned, and estimated date of completion. Are project reports currently available?) COLLEAGUES (Please list names of colleagues who are interested in marine social science research. Include affiliation, address, and, if possible, phone number.) CONTINUATION SPACE 158 PUBLICATIONS AND CURRENT RESEARCH Appendix D FISHERMEN AND FISHING COMMUNITIES Please type or print. Questions are continued on reverse side. Additional room is also provided on the reverse side. NAME, CURRENT AFFILIATION, AND ADDRESS *The following Response Forms are provided for communication of recent publications and new developments and so that copies may be dis- tributed to colleagues. Mail to: Dr. Orbach U.S. DOC-NOAA 3 NMFS (F3) 3 Office of Resource Conservation & Management s Wash. } DC 20235 TELEPHONE MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Subject(s) ; Geographical Area(s) : WRITTEN WORK (Please include complete bibliographic citations.) Published: Unpublished : OVER 159 CURRENT RESEARCH WORK (For each entry, please include title, geographical area concerned and estimated date of completion. Are project reports currently available?) COLLEAGUES (Please list names of colleagues who are interested in marine social science research. Include affiliation, address, and, if possible, phone number.) CONTINUATION SPACE 160 Appendix D Appengi-x i PUBLICATIONS AND CURRENT RESEARCH ON FISHERMEN AND FISHING COMMUNITIES Please type or print. Questions are continued on reverse side. Additional room is also provided on the reverse side. *This Response Form is provided for communi- cation of recent publications and new develop- ments and so that copies may be distributed to colleagues. Please mail to: Dr. Orbach 3 U.S. DOC-NOAA, NMFS (F3) 3 Office of Resource Conservation and Management 3 Wash., DC 20235 NAME, CURRENT AFFILIATION, AND ADDRESS TELEPHONE MARITIME AREAS OF INTEREST Subiect(s) : Geographical Area(s) : WRITTEN WORK (Please include complete bibliographic citations.) Published: Unpublished: OVER 161 CURRENT RESEARCH WORK (For each entry, please include title, geographical area concerned and estimated date of completion. Are project reports currently available?) COLLEAGUES (Please list names of colleagues who are interested in marine social science research. Include affiliation, address, and, if possible, phone number.) CONTINUATION SPACE 162 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES A00DD7tnm21fa