C H ^ . ^L \ |\ /wx >, / <\ t) | A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION V SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON AMERICAN FIRMS FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ;* ct o°' H^ «** <* v)H\ t& i 1&S&. 10^ -,*' ** co 5** ot tftfE »t* *** o* ,»»' c» *» l *c* 0< V ,»*i .»<*. .1*1. u.s. !J5^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of International Commerce 1 SOURCES of INFORMATION on AMERICAN FIRMS for INTERNATIONAL BUYERS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maurice H. Stans, Secretary James T. Lynn, Under Secretary Robert McLellan, Assistant Secretary for Domestic and International Business BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Harold B. Scott, Deputy Assistant Secretary, and Director Prepared by the Commercial Intelligence Division, Office of International Trade Promotion, Bureau of Inter- national Commerce. Revised May 1971 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price 30 cents Stock Number 0309-0197 >* $ o a, o Q CONTENTS Page LOCAL SOURCES 2 Public Libraries 2 Chambers of Commerce 3 City Directories 3 Telephone Directories 4 Banks and Credit Reporting Agencies 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORIES 5 Manufacturers 6 Manufacturers' Agents 9 Exporters and Importers 10 Retailers and Wholesalers 13 Advertisers, Advertising and Marketing Research Agencies 15 Investment Reference Services 17 Firms Selected by Size 18 U.S. Firms in Foreign Countries 20 Directors and Executives 21 MAILING LIST HOUSES 22 TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS 24 TRADE JOURNALS 25 REFERENCE BOOKS 27 SOURCES FOR NONCONTIGUOUS AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES 28 Directories and Guides 28 Information Agencies 31 DIRECTORIES OF DIRECTORIES 33 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD OFFICES 35 SOURCESof INFORMATION on AMERICAN FIRMS for INTERNATIONAL BUYERS For today's businessmen seeking commercial information on firms in the United States, a variety of sources are available through li- braries and private organizations. As the U.S. Department of Commerce does not compile for distribution lists of firms in the United States or data on their individual operations, this pamphlet has been prepared by the Commercial Intelligence Division to serve as a guide in obtaining such information. Identified here are some of the many sources from which names, addresses, and commercial information on business firms in the United States and in its noncontiguous areas are available. Handbooks giving more detailed references also are described. The directories included are, in the main, limited to those which are revised periodically or kept up to date with supplements. Current prices are shown in most cases, but are subject to change as new editions are published. The Department of Commerce maintains a series of Trade Lists entitled, American Firms, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, covering approxi- mately 80 individual foreign countries (see Business Directories section of this pamphlet). The Department also provides World Trade Directory (WTD) reports, at $2 each, furn- ishing business information on specific foreign firms. LOCAL SOURCES Public Libraries A basic method of finding business informa- tion is through use of the facilities of the pub- lic library system. Public libraries have stand- ard reference guides, commercial and industrial directories, financial reference manuals such as those named on the following pages, and other data of value to the businessman. Many of the larger libraries have estab- lished specialized and comprehensive business reference collections which includes guides to business research, trade journals, government publications (federal, state, and municipal), and lists of books, booklets, and articles on business subjects. Described below is an example of the gen- eral reference publications which provide guid- ance to those interested in business research. BASIC LIBRARY REFERENCE SOURCES FOR BUSINESS USE. Small Business Bibliography No. 18. A pamphlet designed to simplify library research by listing and describing briefly select- ed catalogs, manuals, and guides to sources of business information. Single copies available on request from U.S. Small Business Adminis- tration, Washington, D.C. 20416, and its Field Offices. AMERICAN LIBRARY DIRECTORY, R. R. Bowker Co., 1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. Pub- lished biennially. $27.50. Lists, by state and city, libraries in the United States and Canada. Covers libraries in U.S. noncontiguous areas — Canal Zone, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Lists government libraries, libraries operat- ed by private organizations, college and uni- versity libraries, and special libraries. Indi- cates U.S. document depository libraries. Chambers of Commerce The local chamber of commerce is often one of the best sources of information concerning trade and industry in the area. Larger orga- nizations will generally have city directories, general directories, or other specialized refer- ences, as well as trade journals covering in- dustries of importance in the region. In many large communities, chambers of commerce publish classified buyers' guides, manufactur- ers' guides, or lists of international traders in their localities. Chamber of commerce execu- tives and staff members are well informed on business in the area and are in a position to give sound advice and make helpful recom- mendations to the inquirer. Listings of chambers of commerce are in- cluded in some of the directories and guides described elsewhere in this pamphlet: City Directories In many communities city directories are published annually or biennially by commer- cial firms, although such directories are no longer published for some of the largest cities because publication costs exceed revenue from sales and advertising. A standard city direc- tory includes a classified listing of business firms. Because of widespread demand, collec- tions of city directories have been established in. many cities of the United States; such col- lections may be found in public libraries, chambers of commerce, or the offices of local directory publishers. Telephone Directories The "buyers' guide" nearest at hand is the classified section of the telephone directory which lists firms and individuals by line of business or service. Out-of-town directories frequently are avail- able for reference in public libraries or in the office of the local telephone company, or they may be purchased through the local telephone company. In cities of some size, copies of out- of-town directories often are found at large hotels, as well as at railway and bus terminals and airports. Banks and Credit Reporting Agencies Reports on the financial or credit standing of U.S. firms are obtainable through local banks, mercantile reporting agencies, credit bureaus, and similar organizations, names of which are included in classified telephone directories. Specialized banking directories, giving detailed information on banks through- out the country, are also listed in some of the guides named in the Directories of Directories section of this pamphlet. POLK'S WORLD BANK DIRECTORY. R. L. Polk & Co., P.O. Box 3731, Airport Station, Nashville, Tenn. 37217. Semian- nual. Single issue $52.50, five year sub- scription, $35 a copy. U.S. bank information includes complete corporate title, address, transit number with routing symbol, kind of bank, date established, trust powers, membership, par value of com- mon stock, dividend rate, officers and direc- tors, addresses of city branches and location of out-of-town branches, correspondents, and balance sheet statement. Gives similar data for banks in other countries. The source described below is primarily a credit-rating service but is often used by sub- scribers as a directory because of its current and comprehensive listing of American enter- prises. Financial ratings and information on the reliability of individual concerns also may be found in some of the other publications cited in this pamphlet. REFERENCE BOOK OF DUN & BRAD- STREET, INC. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church Street, New York, N.Y. 10007. Revised bimonthly. Loaned under yearly subscription contract agreement. Lists names and financial and credit ratings of manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in the United States, arranged by states and cities or towns, and keyed to indicate line of busi- ness according to Standard Industrial Classifi- cation code. Also shows age of business. Lists banks in each locality with amount of capital and principal officers. Detailed business reports on individual firms available to subscribers. BUSINESS DIRECTORIES Business directories published in the United States number in the thousands and vary mark- edly in size and character. They range from comprehensive general national directories of industrial firms, classified and cross-indexed in several volumes, to pocketsize local restau- rant guides. There are many special directories of par- ticular industries, commodities, and profes- sions, as well as general directories covering individual states, regions, and cities. It is not the purpose of this pamphlet to list these more specialized directories but rather to provide examples of standard general directories which cover a major portion of all industries and trade, which are generally countrywide in scope, and which are usually available for reference in libraries, local chambers of com- merce, and similar business organizations. The following have been selected as rep- resentative of directories of this type. Many additional national and regional directories are to be found in the handbooks listed in the Directories of Directories section of this pamphlet. Manufacturers Examples of national directories of manu- facturers are described below: THOMAS' REGISTER OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS. Thomas Publishing Co., 461 Eighth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10001. Annual. $44.75. Comprehensive directory in eleven volumes with separately bound finding guide to con- tents. Lists manufacturers, arranged geographi- cally under product classifications, with street addresses and capital ratings; listed alphabeti- cally with home office address, rating, indica- tion of nature of products and of interest in export business, directing officials, branches, and subsidiaries; alphabetical trade name sec- tion. Separate volumes of manufacturers' cata- logs are a new feature titled THOMCAT . . . Thomas Register Catalog File. DIRECTORY OF KEY PLANTS. Sales Man- agement, 630 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $50. Contains listings of approximately 13,000 industrial plants with more than 250 employ- ees, geographically arranged, noting Standard Industrial Classification numbers, employment figures. MIDWEST MANUFACTURERS AND IN- DUSTRIAL DIRECTORY. Industrial Di- rectory Publishers, Park Avenue Bldg., De- troit, Mich. 48226. Revised and published annually. Subscription price obtainable from publisher. Publication presents a grouping of listings providing a roster of approximately 25,000 Midwest manufacturers and industrial firms listed by Standard Industrial Classification codes. MACRAE'S BLUE BOOK. MacRae's Blue Book Co., 100 Shore Drive, Hinfale, 111. 60521. Annual. $37.50. Purchasing reference directory in four volumes, giving sources of supply in the United States of industrial equipment, products, and materials. Classified materials section, three volumes, is alphabetical arrangement of prod- uct classifications with manufacturers listed for each product. Separately bound address section lists manufacturers alphabetically with home office address, principal products, and invested capital ratings. CONOVER-MAST PURCHASING DIREC- TORY, 95 E. Putnam, Greenwich, Conn. 7 06830. Semiannual (spring and fall). Sub- scription price $30 (free to executives in charge of purchasing activities). Covers sources for plant equipment, sup- plies, and services used by industry. Designed to meet needs of production, purchasing, and engineering executives. Contains three sections: A product classifi- cation section listing industrial products manu- factured by U.S. companies with firm names and addresses; a trade-name section; and an address/telephone section. SWEET'S CATALOG FILES. Sweet's Cata- log Service, division of F. W. Dodge Corp., 330 W. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036. Annual. Distribution begins in February. Rates obtainable from publisher. Six classified bound files of manufacturers catalogs: Architectural Catalog File, Light Construction Catalog File, Industrial Con- struction Catalog File, Plant Engineering Catalog File, Metalworking Equipment Catalog File, and Product Design Catalog File. Files provided for selected architectural firms without charge. Copies are available for reference in major public, and appropriate school libraries. Firm names, products, and trade names indexed alphabetically. Data on markets, and information on catalog design, production, and distribution services available. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS' GUIDE. Manufacturers' Agent Publishing Co., 663 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10022. Bien- nial. $20. Lists more than 11,500 manufacturers who distribute their products through manufac- turers' agents and representatives. 8 The guide is classified by industry and pro- vides a comprehensive list of manufacturers, including data on their principal products, estimated credit rating, and the name and title of the sales executive. As an additional aid to manufacturers' agents and representatives, the guide details the functions of an agent, steps to follow to obtain new lines, indicates prevailing commission scales and features two suggested and ap- proved manufacturer-manufacturers' represen- tative contract forms. Manufacturers' Agents Directories of manufacturers' agents serving particular industries are published by many trade papers and journals. Below are some general sources of information of this kind. A related publication is the Manufacturers' Agents' Guide, just listed. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY OF MEM- BERS. Annual July issue of the magazine, The Agent and Representative Co. Manu- facturers' Agents National Association, 626 N. Garfield Ave., Alhambra, Calif. 91801. $20. Lists names and addresses of members of the association, by state and city, showing general lines handled by each member and ter- ritory covered. VERIFIED DIRECTORY OF MAN- UFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVES (AGENTS). Manufacturers' Agent Publish- ing Co., 663 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. Biennial. $30. The directory lists more than 15,000 manu- facturers' domestic and export representatives 9 in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Listings are arranged geographically and in- clude the principal products each "rep" carries and the trading area covered. Indicates prevailing commission scales for various products, and includes suggested man- ufacturer-manufacturer's representative con- tract forms. Exporters and Importers As the number of national directories of exporters and importers is limited, references to a representative local directory are included here. Trade journals published in the United States often contain information on firms in specialized fields which engage in international trade. An example of a general listing com- piled by a trade publication is also included in the following group. The classified sections of most large city telephone directories list im- porters and exporters in the locality. Over 100 local chambers of commerce in the United States maintain departments, bu- reaus, or committees of foreign trade and many have compiled lists of importers and ex- porters in their areas. These chambers will gladly reply to inquiries; in some instances, the lists are available without charge. Cham- bers which maintain foreign trade facilities are identified in the Foreign Commerce Handbook, published by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1615 H Street NW., Wash- ington, D.C. 20006. $2. EXPORT'S ANNUAL BUYERS GUIDE TO EXPORT PRODUCTS. Included in Janu- ary issue of Export magazine. Johnston In- ternational Publishing Corporation, 386 10 Park Ave. S., New York, N.Y. 10016. Controlled subscription. No charge. A directory of products sold in international markets by manufacturers who advertise in Johnston International publications. AMERICAN REGISTER OF EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS. American Register of Exporters and Importers Corp., 90 W. Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007. An- nual. $20. U.S. firms numbering 25,000, actively in- terested in international trade, listed under product classifications. Gives firm name and address with indication of products exported or imported. Includes section listing combination export managers with code indicating lines handled; foreign buying agencies in the United States, steamship and air lines, firms financing foreign trade, world-trade banks, money exchanges, export packers, and freight forwarders. Product indexes in English, Spanish, French and German. AMERICAN IMPORT DIRECTORY. Cos- ta's Directories Co., 210 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10019. $10. Publication presents a listing of approxi- mately 12,000 American importers (with indi- cation of products imported, and notes leading foreign exporters interested in the American market, arranged by country, with products offered. THE DIRECTORY OF UNITED STATES IMPORTERS. The Journal of Commerce, 99 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. 10005. Biannual. $59. 11 Contains detailed information on some 30,000 business prospects such as manufactur- ers, agents, brokers, wholesalers, retailers, chains, and others engaged in the importation of products from abroad. Data reported in- cludes: company name, address, and telephone; names of officers and department heads; place of origin of imported goods; number of em- ployees; types of merchandise imported; an- nual tonnage and dollar value; bank references; cable, telex, and TWX addresses; and custom house brokers. Includes a commodity index showing what companies import which commodities. Prod- ucts are listed by 14 main categories and sub- divided into over 400 specific articles. Also includes a trade association section and inter- national bank section. DIRECTORY OF NEW YORK IMPORT- ERS. Commerce and Industry Association of New York, Inc., 99 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007. $15. plus applicable sales tax. Lists over 1,800 firms, alphabetically. Gives date of establishment, bank reference, princi- pal products imported, special brands han- dled, and principal countries from which prod- ucts are imported. Commodity section catalogs products imported under 180 classifications with cross references. Includes brand-name index of over 1,400 foreign products. LIST OF COMBINATION EXPORT MAN- AGEMENT ASSOCIATIONS. Export Bus- iness Relations Division, BIC 930, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. This division maintains a list of Combina- tion Export Management Associations. It also 12 has responsibility for the "Piggyback" export program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Retailers and Wholesalers Directories of retailers, buyers, and dis- tributors in almost every line are published annually by trade journals, trade associations, and private firms. Following are examples of such directories published by private firms: FAIRCHILD'S FINANCIAL MANUAL OF RETAIL STORES. Fairchild Publications, Inc., 7 E. 12th St., New York, N.Y. 10003. Annual. $25. Contains financial information on major publicly owned retail organizations in the fol- lowing categories: department stores, specialty stores, home furnishings stores, variety stores, mail order concerns, drugstores, jewelry stores, shoe chains, closed-membership discount de- partment stores, and food chains. Shows address, officers, directors, branches; gives data on capital, surplus, income before taxes, earnings, 2-year comparison of assets and liabilities; 10-year comparisons of net sales and profits. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. B. Klein Publications, Inc., 11 Third Street, Rye, N.Y. 10580. $20. A business source book which contains the names of the 4,000 most active mail order houses, many of which distribute catalogs. Each company is listed geographically, show- ing buyers and lines of merchandise carried. Mail order firms which rank among the 500 largest are indicated. 13 SHELDON'S RETAIL TRADE. Phelon, Shel- don & Marsar, Inc., 32 Union Square East, New York, N.Y. 10003. Annual. $34. Gives major executives and buying head- quarters addresses of large independent de- partment stores, junior department store chains, independent women's specialty stores, women's specialty store chains, independent and chain home-furnishing stores. Shows, for each firm, location of branches, general and divisional merchandise managers, and depart- ment buyers. DIRECTORY OF SHOPPING CENTERS IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA. National Research Bureau, Inc., 424 North Third Street, Burlington, Iowa 52601. $70. Includes 4 quarterly supplements. By states and cities, gives data on shopping centers, including name of center, address, owner/developer, manager, leasing agent, size and cost of physical plant, date opened, avail- ability of rental space, and names of tenant stores. Lists centers planned, under construction, and for which complete information is avail- able; key personnel connected with shopping centers, leading national chain store tenants, by merchandising field; and shopping centers by largest Standard Metropolitan Areas. PHELON'S SELF-SERVICE & DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES. Phelon, Shel- don & Marsar, Inc., 32 Union Square, New York, N.Y. 10003. Biannual. $34. Contains information on discount stores and discount chains, most of which handle complete line of department store merchan- dise, soft and hard. Shows buying headquar- ters and, in many instances, executives, lines 14 of merchandise bought, buyers, leased depart- ments, lessees, number of stores, and price range. PHELON'S RESIDENT BUYERS AND MERCHANDISE BROKERS OF DE- PARTMENT STORE MERCPIANDISE, READY TO WEAR, MILLINERY. Phe- lon, Sheldon & Marsar, Inc., 32 Union Square, New York, N.Y. 10003. Annual. $16. Lists New York City buying offices, resi- dent buyers, merchandise brokers, and offices in Chicago and Los Angeles. Includes phone numbers, type of goods purchased, and firms for which each office buys. Contains alphabetical list of out-of-town firms and location of their New York, Chi- cago, and Los Angeles offices. SHELDON'S JOBBING AND WHOLESALE TRADE, Phelon, Sheldon & Marsar, Inc., 32 Union Square, New York, N.Y. 10003. Biennial. $30. Lists jobbing firms, including rack jobbers, dealing in piece goods, notions, knit goods, men's furnishings, stationery, underwear, women's-children's infants' wear, toys, and housewares. Shows class of merchandise bought by each firm, buyers' names, and ad- dress of New York office. Advertisers, Advertising and Marketing Research Agencies The first directory included in the following group identifies business firms in various fields as well as advertising agencies. 15 Directories of advertising media are de- scribed in the Trade Journals section of this pamphlet. STANDARD DIRECTORY OF ADVERTIS- ERS. National Register Publishing Co., Inc., 5201 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, 111. 60076. Classified and geographical editions pub- lished annually with monthly revision sup- plements. $80 a year for either service; $120 a year including 3 issues of the Agen- cy List described in the next entry. Lists national advertisers grouped according to product classifications. Includes name and address of company, executive personnel, products, advertising agency handling the account, and the media used. STANDARD DIRECTORY OF ADVERTIS- ING AGENCIES. National Register Pub- lishing Co., Inc., 5201 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, 111. 60076. Published in February, June, and October. $52. Lists advertising agencies with their person- nel and accounts. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ADVER- TISING AGENCIES— A.A.A.A. ROSTER AND ORGANIZATION. American Asso- ciation of Advertising Agencies, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Annual. Alphabetical listing of member agencies, operating offices in the United States and abroad; gives home office address, location of branches. Listed geographically, by state and city; also by foreign country. Includes com- mittees and regional councils. Single copies available to firms and organizations by request on letterhead. 16 BRADFORD'S DIRECTORY OF MARKET- ING RESEARCH AGENCIES AND MAN- AGEMENT CONSULTANTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD. Bradford's Directory, P.O. Box 276, Dept. C2, Fairfax, Va. 22030. Enlarged 13th edition 1971-72, biennial, 288 pages. $21.50 postpaid, check with order; $23.50 for bill- ing. Geographic-alphabetic arrangement of mar- keting research and management firms in the United States and the world. Information for each organization includes: description of services, date established, name, address, branch office location, telephone, key princi- pals, size of staff, and other data. Also in- cludes alphabetical index of agencies and in- dex of personnel with associated agencies, and contains a classified service-guide index for quick reference. Investment Reference Services Investment reference manuals, intended as sources of financial data for buyers and sellers of securities, may also be used as directories since they provide information on type of business and product, subsidiaries, plant loca- tions, and officials of companies which they list. MOODY'S INDUSTRIAL MANUAL. Moody's Investors Service, 99 Church St., New York, N.Y., 10007. Annual (July) volume with twice-weekly looseleaf bulle- tins. $200. One of five manuals published yearly by this service. Contains detailed descriptions of industrial companies in the United States and 17 major foreign countries. Listings include sum- mary of firm's interests and operation, prin- cipal plants and subsidiaries, officers and di- rectors, comparative income accounts, long- term record of earnings, and other financial and operating data. Other Moody manuals cover the fields of banks and finance, public utilities, govern- ment and municipals, and transportation. Available on lease basis. Subscription rates obtainable from publisher. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION RECORDS SERVICE. Standard & Poor's Corporation, 345 Hudson St., New York, N.Y. 10014. Annual. Six loose-leaf volumes arranged alphabetically according to com- pany, and fully indexed; kept up to date by monthly revisions and daily supplements. Subscription rates obtainable from pub- lisher. Provides factual information on major American and Canadian corporations and important developments affecting smaller con- cerns. Firms Selected by Size Following are examples of directories featur- ing data on the larger American firms. Some directories of this type rank the firms accord- ing to such factors as sales, assets, profits, and employment. DUN & BRADSTREET MILLION DOLLAR DIRECTORY. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007. An- nual; supplements issued twice yearly. Avail- able on lease basis only. $108.50 a year. 18 Lists business enterprises in the United States with an indicated worth of a million dollars and over. Section I names firms alpha- betically, state where incorporated, address, telephone number, principal products or serv- ice, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code number, annual sales, number of em- ployees, names and titles of directing person- nel. Section II is a geographical arrangement of firms by state and city. Section III indexes firms by SIC product classification. Section IV lists officers, directors, and other principals alphabetically with their titles and names and addresses of companies with which affiliated. DUN & BRADSTREET MIDDLE MARKET DIRECTORY. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007. An- nual. Available on lease basis only. $108.50 a year. Covers business enterprises in the United States with an indicated worth of $500,000 to $999,999. Contains three sections listing busi- nesses alphabetically, geographically, and by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) prod- uct codes. The alphabetical section includes for each firm the state of incorporation, headquarters address, line of business, telephone number, SIC codes, annual sales, number of employees, and names and titles of principal officers. FORTUNE DIRECTORY. Fortune Maga- zine, 541 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago, 111. 60611. Provides a guide to the 500 largest Ameri- can industrial concerns, ranked according to sales, assets, and net profits. Contains similar 19 listings of 200 largest industrials and largest banks, transportation companies, life insur- ance companies, and utilities in foreign coun- tries. Addresses listed geographically by city and state. Revised and published annually. $2. U.S. Firms in Foreign Countries Financial reference manuals and other guides supply information on foreign subsidiaries and affiliates of U.S. firms. An additional source is the Trade List series. AMERICAN FIRMS, SUBSIDIARIES, AND AFFILIATES IN— (foreign country). U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 20230. $1 each. A series of Trade Lists, available for ap- proximately 80 individual countries, compiled by the U.S. Foreign Service. Entries show name and address of local firm, description of its business activity, and name and address of affiliated or parent organization in the United States. The list includes only those concerns in which American firms or individuals have a substantial direct capital investment in the form of stock, as the sole owner, or as a part- ner in the enterprise. Available from the Commerce Department's Commercial Intelligence Division, Bureau of International Commerce, or from any of the Department's Field Offices. Requests should specify country. DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN FIRMS OPERATING IN FOREIGN COUN- TRIES. Distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc., Technical and Reference Book Divi- 20 sion, One West 39th Street, New York, N.Y. 10018. Biennial. $35. Arranged in three parts. First section con- tains alphabetical index of firms with U.S. ad- dresses, names of executives in charge of in- ternational operations, names of products or services, and foreign countries operated in. Second section indicates international geo- graphic distribution of each U.S. firm operat- ing overseas, corporate name of each foreign firm or subsidiary and its address in the for- eign country. Last section classifies the firms by products or services rendered. Directors and Executives Among the primary sources of biographic information on American businessmen are the two specialized directories cited below. Also, many business and professional men are listed in Who's Who in America and other biographi- cal dictionaries. Many biographical publications covering more limited geographic areas or fields of oper- ation are listed in some of the guides named in the Directories of Directories section of this pamphlet. POOR'S REGISTER OF CORPORATIONS, DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVES. Stand- ard & Poor's Corp., 345 Hudson St., New York, N.Y. 10014. Annual: January. Cu- mulative supplements issued April, July, and November. $135 for outright pur- chases; available on lease basis at $115 a year. Arranged in two principal parts. First is alphabetical list of leading American and Canadian corporations giving home office, 21 management personnel by name and title, num- ber of employees, approximate annual sales, principal products with Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) numbers for these prod- ucts, and directors. Classified index lists these companies according to industry classifications, arranged by SIC numbers. Second major section gives brief descrip- tions of individual officers of listed and un- listed corporations. WORLD WHO'S WHO IN FINANCE AND INDUSTRY, Marquis-Who's Who, Inc., Marquis Publications Building, 200 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. 60611. Biennial. $44.50 cash order, $46 billing price. Contains alphabetically arranged summaries of background and affiliations of ranking busi- ness executives and others in finance and in- dustry in the United States and other countries of the free world. Includes alphabetical index of selected prin- cipal firms in the countries covered. Provides business-to-executive reference by index keys that link these companies to biographical data on their chief executives. MAILING LIST HOUSES The names and addresses of companies which prepare and sell mailing lists may be found in the classified sections of telephone directories under such headings as Lists, Mail- ing Lists, or Addressing and Letter Services. Some mailing list houses offer direct mail serv- ice, including such operations as addressing, folding, inserting, stamping, and mailing; also duplicating services, sales letters, circulars, and other promotional material. 22 Names and addresses of many companies compiling mailing lists, and descriptions of the lists which they offer, are given in the follow- ing national guides: DIRECTORY OF MAILING LIST HOUSES, B. Klein Publications, Inc., 11 Third St., Rye, N.Y. 10580. $20. Guide to mailing list houses in the United States, arranged geographically. Shows name, address, name of manager, year organized (when information is available), types of lists handled, and mailing services offered. NATIONAL MAILING LIST HOUSES. Small Business Bibliography No. 29. Directory of compilers and brokers of mail- ing lists of national scope. Designed for dis- tributors of goods and services, letter shops, and others who want to buy or sell mailing lists. Catalogs general-line houses, with indica- tion as to nature of each firm's business, and number of lists offered. Alphabetical arrangement of limited-line houses with indication of principal types of lists in which they specialize. Single copies available free from the U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C., 20416, and its Field Offices. LITERARY MARKET PLACE— BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN BOOK PUBLISHING. R. R. Bowker Co., 1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. Annual. Postpaid price: $14.95 net in U.S. and Canada; $16.45 elsewhere. Directory provides facts on over 22,000 firms and individuals in U.S. publishing, telling 23 who's where among publishers, reviewers, agents, or book clubs. Divided into 88 differ- ent categories, this book gives names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, and facts reflecting recent mergers, realignments, and personnel changes. R. L. POLK & CO., 431 Howard St., Detroit, Mich., 48231. Compilers of all types of business lists. A catalog of mailing and prospect lists, by kinds and numbers of firms and showing the price of each such list, available free on request. TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Directories are not available for some trades or industries; in these instances membership lists of trade associations, both national and local, are often useful. Business and professional organizations are identified in the following directory. Names of commercial organizations also are found in the classified sections of telephone directories and are frequently included in general and spe- cialized business directories. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS. Gale Research Co., 1400 Book Tower, De- troit, Mich., 48226. Vol I, $32.50, Vol. II, $20; Vol. Ill, $25. Three-volume guide to nonprofit associations and similar organizations, primarily of national scope, in various fields. Vol. I, National Organizations of the United States, lists organizations according to basic 24 types such as trade, business, and commerce groups; chambers of commerce; public affairs organizations; and scientific, engineering, and technical associations. Gives name, headquar- ters address, year founded, name and title of managing official, number of members and staff, official publication. Alphabetical and key word index. Vol. II, Geographic and Executive. Index presents organizations by state and city, with address and managing official of each. Vol. Ill, New Associations, is a periodic supplement to Vol. I. Gives information on newest associations and other groups being formed throughout the country in all subject fields. Subscription covers complete service un- til next edition of Vol. I is published. NATIONAL TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. Columbia Books, 917 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Annual. $12.50. A comprehensive listing of approximately 4,400 professional and trade associations in- cluding complete address, membership size, and staff. Also contains listing of publications prepared by the associations, convention sched- ules, and annual meeting calendar. The list- ings are cross referenced by subject and asso- ciation name. TRADE JOURNALS A number of companies which publish trade magazines also publish directories of concerns in the industry. These directories sometimes are contained in special issues of the maga- 25 zines and are included in the subscription prices; in other instances they may be pur- chased separately. The following sources contain the names and addresses of trade journals and their pub- lishers. Most public libraries or offices of news- paper publishers have one or more of these volumes. N. W. AYER & SON'S DIRECTORY OF NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICALS. N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106. Annual. $40. Comprehensive roster of newspapers and periodicals of all kinds published in the United States and its noncontiguous areas, also Cana- da, Panama, Bermuda, and the Philippines. Main section arranged by state and city. Each entry includes data on size, circulation, adver- tising rates, frequency, and subscription price. Index to trade journals is contained in the classified section. STANDARD RATE AND DATA SERVICE: BUSINESS PUBLICATION RATES AND DATA. Standard Rate & Data Service, Inc., 5201 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, 111. 60078. Monthly. $48.50 a year. One section covers a periodical advertising rate service. Other sections cover newspapers, consumer magazines and farm publications, spot radio, spot television, films for television, network, and Canadian media (monthly); and transit advertising (quarterly). Business Publication Rates and Data lists publications grouped under market classifica- tions, including all regularly issued trade jour- nals published in the United States. Each list- 26 ing shows circulation, advertising rates, sub- scription price. Includes information on direc- tory and buyers' guides issues of some of the periodicals listed and alphabetical indexes to publications and market classifications. ULRICH'S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY. R. R. Bowker, 1180 Avenue of the Ameri- cas, New York, N.Y. 10036. Postpaid price per set: $34.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $37.95 elsewhere. Directory is alphabetically arranged under 223 subject headings and provides in-depth coverage of over 40,000 periodicals. U.S. and foreign publications that have changed their names since the last edition are listed under both old and new names. There is also a list of periodicals that have ceased publication. Each entry provides these details when avail- able: editor's name, circulation, subscription price, frequency of issue, year first published, name and address of publisher, languages used in text, whether advertisements are accepted, whether abstracted or indexed in cumulative services, nature of contents if not indicated by title, whether reviews, bibliographies, illus- trations, charts, etc., are carried. A biennial supplement is prepared and is- sued in years between new editions of the above. $8.95 U.S. and Canada; $9.85 else- where. REFERENCE BOOKS CUSTOM HOUSE GUIDE. Budd Publica- tions, Inc., 26 Beaver Street, New York, N.Y. 10004. $35. Directory presents a grouping of listings of approximately 10,000 firms serving foreign 27 trade in each American port; railroad, steam- ship and airline, custom brokers, foreign freight forwarders, banks, warehousemen, truckmen, etc. SOURCES FOR NONCONTIGUOUS AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES Data on firms and individuals in the non- contiguous areas of the United States are avail- able from a number of sources already listed. This section identifies directories and informa- tion agencies which provide special coverage of these areas. Directories and Guides GUAM BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Depart- ment of Commerce, Government of Guam, Agana, Guam 96910. Annual. Lists names and addresses of Guam retail- ers, wholesalers, service establishments, and professional people, classified by type of busi- ness or service. DIRECTORY OF EDA MANUFACTURING PLANTS. Economic Development Admin- istration, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 2672, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903. Supplements quarterly. Free. A list of the names, addresses, products, employment, size, and names and addresses of mainland or foreign affiliates of Puerto Rican manufacturing enterprises which have been given various types of assistance by the Eco- nomic Development Administration or the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Com- pany. 28 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS IN PUERTO RICO. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 414 Barbosa Ave., Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919. Free. A list by municipalities and, within each municipality, by major industry group, of manufacturing establishments as revealed in annual October canvass. Listed are names of establishment, name of owner or manager, and address. OFFICIAL INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE GUIDE TO PUERTO RICO. Publishers Group, 406 Ponce de Leon Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 5151, Puerta de Ti- erra Station 00906. Annual. $8.95. Companies are listed in industrial groups by product or service according to the Stand- ard Industrial Classification System. There are two indexes by product. One is an alphabetical index to companies manufacturing in Puerto Rico and the other is an index to companies distributing products. Companies offering serv- ice are also included. PUERTO RICO TELEPHONE DIREC- TORY. Puerto Rico Telephone Co., G.P.O. Box 998, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936. Lists firms and individuals in metropolitan area of San Juan and the Island of Puerto Rico (two volumes). RYUKYU TRADE DIRECTORY. The De- partment of Economics, U.S. Civil Adminis- tration of Ryukyus, APO 96248, San Fran- cisco, Calif. BUYERS' GUIDE OF OKINAWA. Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Naha, Okinawa. 29 Contains a classified section of Okinawan products and business information providing names of organizations, representatives, ad- dresses, and telephone numbers. Native prod- ucts are listed and described. DIRECTORY— VIRGIN ISLANDS TELE- PHONE CORPORATION, Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00801. Telephone directory with alphabetical list- ing of names of firms and individuals. Also contains classified business section, indexed by kinds of business. THE LATIN AMERICAN MARKET GUIDE. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007. Annual. In two volumes, arranged by countries. Section I, Central Americas; Section II, South America. $290 for both sections. Available to subscribers only on loan. Central America includes sections for Puer- to Rico and for the Virgin Islands of the United States. Individual section for each country, arranged geographically by cities and towns, contains names and addresses of manufactur- ers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, commis- sion agents, distributors and service organiza- tions, with addresses, indication of kind of business, and capital and credit ratings. For each locality, shows population, banks, nearest port. Map, general information, and detailed marketing data for each country. Individual reports available on firms in these and all other noncontiguous areas of the United States. PACIFIC ISLANDS BUSINESS DIREC- TORY. Universal Business Directories, Ltd., 30 P.O. Box 793, Kingston Street, Auckland, C.I., New Zealand. Biennial. Price informa- tion available from publisher. Geographical arrangement, by island groups. Includes section for Eastern (American) Samoa giving general information (geography, history, population, trade) and list of firms in Pago Pago, Island of Tutuila, classified by kind of business. THE WEST INDIES AND CARIBBEAN YEAR BOOK. ILIFFE/NTP Inc., 300 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Annual. $14. Contents arranged geographically, by coun- tries. Includes individual sections for Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. Section for each area contains map, general information, and trade data, and a listing of manufacturers, wholesal- ers, retailers, and service organizations, clas- sified by products and services. Directory also contains list of banks, oil companies, steam- ship agents, and communication companies with offices in the Panama Canal Zone. Information Agencies COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO Economic Development Administration, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, GPO Box 2350, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936. Offices also at 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019; 11 E. Adams, Chicago, 111. 60603; 5455 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. 90036; 607 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 02116; 1700 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Office of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 2210 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008. 31 Puerto Rico Planning Board, Common- wealth of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9447, San- turce, Puerto Rico 00908. Chamber of Commerce of Puerto Rico (Camara de Comercia de Puerto Rico), 100 Tetuan St., San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901. PACIFIC ISLANDS American Samoa: The Governor of Ameri- can Samoa. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa 96920. Guam: Director, Department of Commerce, Government of Guam, Agana, Guam 96910. Ryukyu Islands: Economic Development Department, Offices of the High Commission- er of the Ryukyu Islands, APO, San Francisco 96248. Trade and Industry Department, Gov- ernment of the Ryukyu Islands, Naha, Okina- wa, Ryukyu Islands. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (em- bracing the Marshall Islands, the Caroline Islands, and the Mariana Islands, with the exceptions of Guam); High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950. THE VIRQIN ISLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES Department of Commerce, Government of the Virgin Islands, P.O. Box 36, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Office also at Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. St. Croix Chamber of Commerce, Christian- sted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce, Box 324, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. 32 Virgin Islands Government Tourist Informa- tion Office, 16 W. 49th St., New York, N.Y. 10020. DIRECTORIES OF DIRECTORIES The reference sources described here are useful in locating directories of a particular industry or region, or of companies engaged in specific line of business. PUBLIC AFFAIRS INFORMATION SERV- ICE BULLETIN. Public Affairs Informa- tion Service, Inc., 11 W. 40th St., New York, N.Y. 10018. Weekly and cumulated bulletins, $100 a year; five cumulated bulle- tins, $50 a year; annual cumulated bulletins, $25 a year. A standard library service. Indexes, by sub- ject, current material, published in English. Contains extensive listing of directories of all kinds from all over the world. Entries give title, price, publisher, and description of contents. MARKETING INFORMATION GUIDE. Marketing and Consumer Affairs Division, Office of Domestic Business Policy, Bureau of Domestic Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Monthly. $4.50 a year ($1.25 additional for foreign mailing), single copies, 40<^ each. Contains listings, with annotations, of cur- rently available basic information, statistics, surveys, reports, and other published material, both government and nongovernment, of sig- nificance to those engaged in marketing and distribution. 33 Includes descriptions of new general and specialized trade directories, national and regional. Sold by Department of Commerce Field Offices and by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. TRADE DIRECTORIES OF THE WORLD. Croner , Publications, Inc., 211-03 Jamaica Ave., Queens Village, N.Y. 11428. $15, in- cluding 1 year's supplements. A looseleaf service, kept up to date by monthly amendments and supplements. Con- tains data on 2,000 business directories cover- ing trades in the United States and 174 foreign countries. GUIDE TO AMERICAN DIRECTORIES. B. Klein Publications, Inc., 1 1 Third Street, Rye, N.Y. 10580. $25. Describes, under 300 subject headings, 4,500 major general and specialized business directories of the United States. SOURCES OF STATE INFORMATION AND STATE INDUSTRIAL DIREC- TORIES. State Chamber of Commerce Service Department, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1615 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Pocketsize, 404. Contains the names and addresses of private and public agencies which furnish information about their states. Under each state are listed also industrial directories and directories of manufacturers published by state agencies or private organizations. Directory listings show title, latest date of issue, name of sponsoring organization, price, 34 and symbols indicating type and arrangement of data contained. Includes section for Puerto Rico. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD OFFICES ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX., 87101, U.S. Courthouse. Area Code 505,843-2386. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, 99501, 412 Hill Bldg., 632 Sixth Ave. Area Code 907, 272-6531. ATLANTA, GA., 30303, 4th Floor Home Savings Bldg., 75 Forsyth St., NW. Area Code 404, 526-6000. BALTIMORE, MD., 21202, 305 U.S. Cus- tomhouse, Gay and Lombard Sts. Area Code 301, 962-3560. BIRMINGHAM, ALA., 35205, Suite 200- 201\ 908 S. 20th St. Area Code 205, 325- 3327. BOSTON, MASS., 02203, Room 510, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Bldg. Area Code 617, 223-2312. BUFFALO, N.Y., 14203, 504 Federal Bldg., 117 Ellicott St. Area Code 716, 842-3208. CHARLESTON, S.C., 29403, Federal Bldg., Suite 631, 334 Meeting St. Area Code 803, 577-4171. CHARLESTON, W.VA., 25301, 3000 New Federal Office Bldg., 500 Quarrier St. Area Code 304, 343-6181 Ext. 375 and 376. CHEYENNE, WYO., 82001, 6022 Federal Bldg., 2120 Capitol Ave. Area Code 307, 778-2220. CHICAGO, ILL., 60604, 1486 New Fed- eral Bldg., 219 S. Dearborn St. Area Code 312, 353-4400. CINCINNATI, OHIO, 45202, 8028 Fed- eral Office Bldg., 550 Main St. Area Code 513, 684-2944. CLEVELAND, OHIO, 44114, Room 600, 666 Euclid Ave. Area Code 216, 522- 4750. DALLAS, TEX., 75202, Room 1200, 1114 Commerce St. Area Code 214, 749-3287. DENVER, COLO., 80202, Room 161 New Customhouse, 19th and Stout Sts. Area Code 303, 297-3246. DES MOINES, IOWA, 50309, 609 Federal Bldg., 210 Walnut St. Area Code 515, 284-4222. 35 DETROIT, MICH., 48226, 445 Federal Bldg. Area Code 313, 226-6088. GREENSBORO, N.C., 27402, 258 Federal Bldg., W. Market St. P.O. Box 1950. Area Code 919, 275-9111. HARTFORD, CONN., 06103, Room 610-B, Federal Office Bldg., 450 Main St. Area Code 203, 244-3530. HONOLULU, HAWAII, 96813, 286 Alex- ander Young Bldg., 1015 Bishop St. Area Code 808, 546-5977. HOUSTON, TEX., 77002, 5102 Federal Bldg., 515 Rusk Ave. Area Code 713, 226-4231. JACKSONVILLE, FLA., 32202, P.O. Box 35087, 400 W. Bay St. Area Code 904, 791-2796. KANSAS CITY, MO., 64106, Room 1840, 601 E. 12th St. Area Code 816, 374- 3141. LOS ANGELES, CALIF., 90024, 11th Floor, Federal Bldg., 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Area Code 213, 824-7591. MEMPHIS, TENN., 38103, 710 First American Bank Bldg., 147 Jefferson Ave. Area Code 901, 534-3214. MIAMI, FLA., 33130, Rm. 821, City Na- tional Bank Bldg., 25 W. Flagler St. Area Code 305, 350-5267. MILWAUKEE, WIS., 53203, Straus Bldg., 238 W. Wisconsin Ave. Area Code 414, 272-8600. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 55401, 306 Fed- eral Bldg., 110 S. Fourth St. Area Code 612, 725-2133. NEW ORLEANS, LA., 70130, 909 Fed- eral Office Bldg., S., 610 South St. Area Code 504, 527-6546. NEW YORK, N.Y., 10007, 41st Floor, Fed- eral Office Bldg., 26 Federal Plaza, Foley Sq. Area Code 212, 264-0634. PHILADELPHIA, PA., 19107, Jefferson Bldg., 1015 Chestnut St. Area Code 215, 597-2850. PHOENIX, ARIZ., 85025, 5413 New Fed- eral Bldg., 230 N. First Ave. Area Code 602, 261-3285. PITTSBURGH, PA., 15222, 2201 Federal Bldg., 1000 Liberty Ave. Area Code 412, 644-2850. PORTLAND, ORE., 97204, 217 Old U.S. Courthouse, 520 S.W. Morrison St. Area Code 503, 226-3361. RENO, NEV., 89502, 2028 Federal Bldg., 300 Booth St. Area Code 702, 784-5203. 36 RICHMOND, VA., 23240, 2105 Federal Bldg., 400 N. 8th St. Area Code 703, 649-3611. ST. LOUIS, MO., 63103, 2511 Federal Bldg., 1520 Market St. Area Code 314, 622-4243. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 84111, 1201 Federal Bldg., 125 S. State St. Area Code 801, 524-5116. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., 94102, Fed- eral Bldg., Box 36013, 450 Golden Gate Ave. Area Code 415, 556-5864. SAN JUAN, P.R., 00902, Room 100, Post Office Bldg. Phone 723-4640. SAVANNAH, GA., 31402, 235 U.S. Court- house and Post Office Bldg., 125-29 Bull St. Area Code 912, 232-4321. SEATTLE, WASH., 98104, 8021 Federal Office Bldg., 909 First Ave. Area Code 206, 442-5615. 37 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD71Eflfllbl UNITED STA TES DEPARTME NT OF CO MMERCE ■PVi k WM BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE