NOAA TR NMFS CIRC 382 NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC 382 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Fishery Publications, Calendar Year 1966: Lists and Indexes ELLEN ENGETT and LEE C. THORSON SEATTLE, WA JULY 1973 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quan- tity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyses, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publica- tions that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS CIRC are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the ma- rine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rock- ville, Md. 20852. Recent Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Rich- ard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp., 15 figs., 51 tables. 319. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. March 1970, 8 pp., 7 figs. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vols. 4, 2. Catalog No. 1 49.4:330/ (vol.) 11 vols. ($4.75 each). Avail- able from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. 331. Guidelines for the processing of hot-smoked chub. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. 332. Pacific hake. (12 articles by 20 authors.) March 1970, iii + 152 pp., 72 figs., 47 tables. 333. Recommended practices for vessel sanitation and fish handling. By Edgar W. Bowman and Alfred Larsen. March 1970, iv + 27 pp., 6 figs. 335. Progress report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, Fla., fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. 336. The northern fur seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + 19 pp., 13 figs. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, Bureau of Commerecial Fisheries, fiscal year 1969. By Division of Economic Research. April 1970, iii + 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Lab- oratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. By Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 6 figs. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley J. Ebel. April 1970, 6 pp., 4 figs. 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Massachusetts. By Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 8 figs. 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. By the Lab- oratory staff. August 1970, iii -f- 24 pp., 11 figs., 16 tables. 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 22 pp., 20 figs., 8 tables. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 39 pp., 28 figs., 9 tables. 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlan- tic Biological Laboratory progress in research 1965-69, Miami, Florida. By Ann Weeks. Oc- tober 1970, iv + 65 pp., 53 figs. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and pre- serving Great Lakes coho salmon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. 347. Synopsis of biological data on Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii + 38 pp., 31 figs., 11 tables. Continued on inside back cover. ^MOSP '4^ NT Of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE t NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-382 Fishery Publications, Calendar Year 1966: Lists and Indexes MARY ELLEN ENGETT and LEE C. THORSON to D SEATTLE, WA JULY 1973 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 35 cents The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 LISTS 1 Circular 1 Data Report 3 Fishery Industrial Research 4 Fishery Leaflet 5 Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 6 AUTHOR INDEX 10 SUBJECT INDEX 11 INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES 18 in IV FISHERY PUBLICATIONS, CALENDAR YEAR 1966: LISTS AND INDEXES By MARY ELLEN ENGETT and LEE C. THORSON ABSTRACT The following series of fishery publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (until October, 1970 the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) in calendar year 1966 are listed numerically (with abstracts) and indexed by author, subject, and geographic area: Circular, Data Report, Fishery Industrial Research, Fishery Leaflet, and Special Scientific Report- — Fisheries. INTRODUCTION This document provides for calendar year 1966 numerical lists (with abstracts) and indexes by author, subject, and geographical area, the fol- lowing series of publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which until Octo- ber 1970 was the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Circular Data Report Fishery Industrial Research Fishery Leaflet Special Scientific Report — Fisheries The document is divided into four principal sections: Numerical listing of series (with abstracts) Author index Subject index Index by Marsden squares The last section has been included to afford easy access to the publications for those persons interested in specific geographical areas. Fig- ure 1 shows the Marsden squares treated in the several publications. The series abbreviations used in the indexes are: Circular C Data Report D Fishery Industrial Research FIR Fishery Leaflet FL Special Scientific Report- -Fisher ies S LISTS Circular 236. Annual report exploratory fishing and gear research Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Region 2 for fiscal year 1964. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. January 1966, iv + 57 pp., 35 figs., 13 tables, 1 app. (No abstract.) 237. Commercial clams of the North American Pacific coast. By Murray H. Amos. April 1966, iii i 18 pp., 10 figs. (No abstract.) 238. Shark fishing gear: A historical review. By Mary Hayes Wagner. January 1966, iii + 14 pp., 9 figs., 1 table. (No abstract.) 239. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Biological Station, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida fiscal years 1962-64. By James E. Sykes. April 1966, 26 pp., 21 figs. (No abstract.) 240. Annual report of the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Beaufort, N.C. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. By Kenneth A. Henry. March 1966, iv + 39 pp., 22 figs., 10 tables. (No abstract.) 241. Annual report of the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Mass. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. By Joseph W. Slavin. May 1966, iii + 31 pp., 16 figs., 10 tables. (No abstract.) 242. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Biological Station, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida fiscal year 1965. By James E. Sykes. April 1966, iv + 30 pp., 18 figs., 7 tables. (No abstract.) 243. Progress in 1964-65 at the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Hon- olulu. By Thomas A. Manar. February 1966, 42 pp., 27 figs. ABSTRACT This report deals with research results achieved by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory in Honolulu from January 1, 1964, to June 30, 1965. Described are developments in the following fields: the sensory capacities of tunas; tuna behavior; subpopulations research using genet- ic techniques; studies of the ecology of the skip- jack tuna and the albacore tuna; biological surveys of the Indian Ocean; investigations of the ocean- ography of the Hawaiian Islands area and of the entire Pacific; and studies devoted to the evalua- tion of the use of a submarine for research in fish- eries and oceanography. Publications issued or in press during the period are listed. 244. Annual report of the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Radiobiological Laboratory Beaufort, N.C. for the fiscal year ending June - 30, 1965. By T. R. Rice. July 1966, iii + 50 pp., 24 figs., 21 tables. (No abstract.) 245. Field guide to the Synodontidae (Lizard- fishes) of the western Atlantic Ocean. By William W. Anderson, Jack W. Gehringer, and Frederick H. Berry. May 1966, 12 pp., 25 figs. ABSTRACT Illustrated keys, designed primarily for use in the field, are presented for the 3 genera and 10 species of lizardfishes, family Synodontidae, occur- ring in the western Atlantic Ocean. 246. Annual report of the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galves- ton, Texas fiscal year 1965. By Milton J. Lindner and Joseph H. Kutkuhn. June 1966, iv + 51 pp., 46 figs., 11 tables. ABSTRACT The program of the laboratory in Galveston in- volves fisheries biology and oceanography research of the commercial fishery resources in the Gulf of Mexico. Particular emphasis is on shrimp research. 247. Annual report of the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. By Philip A. Butler. May 1966, iii + 15 pp., 6 figs., 2 tables. (No abstract.) 248. An economic study of the Boston large- trawler labor force. By Virgil J. Norton and Morton M. Miller. May 1966, iii + 54 pp., 6 figs., 11 tables, 49 app tables. (No abstract.) 249. Annual report exploratory fishing and gear research Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Region 2 for fiscal year 1965. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. October 1966, iii + 33 pp., 44 figs. (No abstract.) 250. North American fishery potential. By P. A. Larkin. September 1966, pp. 1-4, 2 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) Are our fishery resources being proper- ly developed and managed? By J. L. Kask. September 1966, pp. 5-7, 1 fig. (No abstract.) (250.) Politics and the marine fisheries. By Wilbert McLeod Chapman. September 1966, pp. 8-16, 4 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) Oceanography and the marine fisheries. By Milner B. Schaefer. September 1966, pp. 17-27, 19 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) The future of fish harvesting. By Basil A. Parkes. September 1966, pp. 28-33, 6 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) Processing — Tomorrow. By E. Robert Kinney. September 1966, pp. 34-36, 2 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) A panel considers: "Sell up to higher profits". By Arthur H. Frohman, John Mehos, Eric Turnill, and Dr. Wendell Eaiie. Septem- ber 1966, pp. 37-44, 6 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) All the world's a market. By Hon. Mitchell Sharp. September 1966, pp. 45-48, 3 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) World demand complicates conserva- tion. By Hon. H. J. Robichaud. September 1966, pp. 49-51, 3 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) Mexico's fishing industry. By Lie. . Jorge Echaniz R. September 1966, pp. 52-55, 3 figs. (No abstract.) (250.) World markets and demands. By Stew- art L. Udall. September 1966, pp. 56-58. (No abstract.) (250.) The role of FAO in world fisheries. By Roy I. Jackson. September 1966, pp. 59-62, 1 fig. (No abstract.) (250.) The future of North American fisher- ies. By Donald L. McKernan. September 1966, pp. 63-72, 5 figs. (No abstract.) 251. Annual report, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Pasca- goula, Mississippi fiscal year 1965. By Travis D. Love and Mary H. Thompson. November 1966, iv + 25 pp., 21 figs., 7 tables. (No abstract.) 252. Published in 1967. 253. Ornamental use of starfishes. By Haskell S. Tubiash. December 1966, 3 pp., 2 figs. (No abstract.) Data Report 10. Oceanographic observations, 1963, east coast of the United States. By Joseph Chase. March 1966, 173 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT Daily water temperature and salinity observations for 1963 from 15 locations along the Atlantic sea- board are tabulated, plotted, and discussed. 11. Releases and recoveries of marked pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in south Florida waters. 1958-64. By Donald M. Allen and T. J. Costello. March 1966, 77 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT In 17 experiments in south Florida waters, pink shrimp were captured, stain-marked, released, and recaptured during the period 1958-64. This report contains data concerning place and date of release and recapture of shrimp, number, size, and sex of shrimp, and the stains used. 12. Oceanographic observations south of Adak Island, summer 1963. By Craig Van Dyke. May 1966, 56 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Temperature and salinity data to a depth of 1,050 m. were obtained at 44 stations between Adak Island and lat. 50° N., from July to September 11, 1963, aboard the RV George B. Kelez. Tabulations of observed and interpolated data, as well as values of sigma-T and dynamic height anomaly, are presented. 13. Oceanographic observations of Tampa Bay. Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound. Florida. and adjacent waters of the Gulf of Mexico. February 1964 through February 1965. By A. Dragovich, J. A. Kelly, Jr.. and J. H. Finu- cane. August 1966. 73 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT Oceanographic data are presented, and the meth- ods of collection and analysis of samples are de- scribed. Determinations of water temperature, sa- linity, inorganic phosphate-phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, iron, chlorophyll A, light transmission, ultraviolet absorption, cloud cover, cloud type, wind velocity, sea state, and sea direction are recorded. These data were collected as a part of continuing studies on the ecology of estuaries and the Florida red-tide organism (Gymnodinium breve). 14. Hydrographic observations in Tampa Bay, Florida, and the adjacent Gulf of Mexico — 1963. By John H. Finucane and Alexander Dragovich. September 1966, 83 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT Hydrographic and primary-productivity data are presented for Tampa Bay, Fla., and the adjacent Gulf of Mexico for 1963. Observations include tide stage, water temperature, salinity, total and inor- ganic phosphate-phosphorus, total soluble nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, pH, light transmission, water color, cloud cover, cloud type, visibility, wind velocity, wind direction, and sea state. Values for chloro- phyll, ultraviolet absorption, and primary produc- tion also are given. These data were collected dur- ing field operations in estuarine studies of the east- ern Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Industrial Research Vol. 3, No. 2. Proximate composition of Lake Michigan alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) . By Donald R. Travis. July 1966, pp. 1-4, 4 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT The concentration of nitrogen, oil, ash, and moisture in alewives caught in Lake Michigan was determined on 6 bimonthly samples. The proximate composition and physical measurements are reported for the whole fish. Vol. 3, No. 2. Accumulation of organic acids during cold storage of shucked soft clams, Mya arenaria (L.), in relation to quality. By Baruch Rosen. July 1966, pp. 5-11, 7 figs. ABSTRACT During the cold storage of soft clams in plug-top metal cans, the content of glycogen decreased; that of glucose at first increased and then stabilized ; that of lactic acid increased continuously; and that of acetic, propionic, and pyruvic acids increased at di- minishing rates. The bacterial count increased at an exponential rate. Except in the cases of extreme freshness and extreme spoilage, organoleptic quality was related neither to the chemical changes nor to the bacterial count. Vol. 3, No. 2. Value of menhaden fish meal as a protein supplement to cottonseed meal-corn diets fed to rats. By Robert R. Kifer, Edgar P. Young, and Kam C. Leong. July 1966, pp. 13-15, 3 tables. ABSTRACT Menhaden fish meal was evaluated as a protein supplement to cottonseed meal-corn diets by means of a rat-feeding study. Rats were randomly allotted to 9 treatment groups and fed diets containing cot- tonseed meal-corn with 0-, 2-, or 4-percent levels of fish-meal protein, at 16-, 15-, or 14-percent levels of total protein. A significant improvement in rates of gain and utilization of feed resulted from sup- plementation by the menhaden fish meal. These dif- ferences in growth response and utilization of feed were not significantly related to the 16-, 15-, or 14- percent dietary levels of protein. Vol. 3, No. 2. Value of menhaden fish meal as a protein supplement to meat-and-bone meal- corn diets fed to rats. By Robert R. Kifer, Edgar P. Young, and Kam C. Leong. July 1966, pp. 17-24, 9 figs., 6 tables. ABSTRACT To evaluate menhaden fish meal as a protein sup- plement to meat-and-bone meal-corn diets, we allot- ted rats randomly to 9 treatment groups and fed them diets containing meat-and-bone meal-corn, with 0, 2, and 4 percent fish meal protein, at 16-, 15-, and 14-percent levels of total protein. Rates of gain and utilization of feed were significantly improved by adding fish meal. The rates of gain and utilization of feed decreased, however, as the dietary levels of protein were lowered, whether fish meal was used as a supplement or not. Vol. 3, No. 2. Value of menhaden fish meal as a protein supplement in soybean meal-corn diets fed to rats. By Robert R. Kifer, Edgar P. Young, and Kam C. Leong. July 1966, pp. 25-28, 8 tab'es. ABSTRACT 2 consecutive rat-feeding studies were conducted so that menhaden fish meal could be evaluated as a protein supplement in soybean meal-corn diets. Animals weighing 50 ± 5 grams were randomly allotted to 5 treatment groups in Experiment I and to 9 treatment groups in Experiment II and fed diets containing soybean meal-corn, with and with- out fish meal, at various levels of total protein (16 and 14 percent in Experiment I and 16, 15, and 14 percent in Experiment II). In both experiments, response to fish-meal sup- plementation varied somewhat, as indicated by rates of gain and utilization of feed. It was indicated, however, that fish-meal supplementations in general did not improve the amino acid balance of the soy- bean meal-corn diets. Vol. 3, No. 2. Proximate composition of Gulf of Mexico industrial fish. By Mary H. Thompson. July 1966, pp. 29-67, 5 figs., 7 tables, 17 app figs., 21 app tables, 2 illus. ABSTRACT Variations in physical measurements and proxi- mate composition of 17 Gulf of Mexico industrial fish over several years are delineated on a monthly basis. Scattered data for several other species are also presented. Analysis of variation in proximate composition and the influence of (1) geographic lo- cation of catch, (2) yearly variation, (3) reproduc- tive cycle, (4) sex, (5) food, (6) size, (7) activity, and (8) species are discussed. The fishery is de- scribed, and data are given on fluctuations in bottom temperature and types of bottom encountered. Changes in moisture and oil content are shown, and an equation for estimating the oil content of a lot, composed of mixed species, from its known moisture content is presented. The equation (Y = 65.3 — 0.8X) can be used to predict the oil content with a statistically estimated error of ±0.6 percent oil. A series of actual samples showed the average devi- ation to be —0.1 percent. Vol. 3, No. 3. Proximate composition of the Pa- cific Coast Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) . By Robert N. Farragut and Mary H. Thomp- son December 1966, pp. 1-4, 4 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT The proximate composition of Pacific Coast Dun- geness crab is given. Data from 4 samples each of frozen body meat, claw meat, and offal of the Dun- . geness crab are reported, as is the composition of 2 types of cooked packs from the same lots. Changes in proximate composition resulting from processing are noted. Vol. 3, No. 3. Microbial analyses of frozen raw breaded shrimp. By Bobby J. Carroll, Travis D. Love, Benjamin Q. Ward, and Melvin E. Waters. December 1966, pp. 5-11, 2 tables. ABSTRACT 164 commercially packed samples of frozen raw breaded shrimp from 14 processing plants were tested for total plate counts, coliforms, Escherichia coli, fecal streptococci, and coagulase-positive sta- phylococci. The aim of the study was to supply background data on which realistic future bacterio- logical standards can be based. Vol. 3, No. 3. Recent technological studies of Dungeness crab processing. Part 4 — Prelim- inary report on salt uptake and heat penetra- tion in whole-cooked crab. By Harold Barnett and Richard W. Nelson. December 1966, pp. 13-16, 3 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT A study undertaken to show the effect on whole Dungeness crab of varying the concentration of brine in the cook water indicated that salt is ab- sorbed at a faster rate in leg meat than in body meat and that cooking crab in brine causes a slight weight loss. An evaluation of the rate of penetration of heat in whole crab during brine cooking showed that whole crabs may sometimes be undercooked at the end of 23 minutes, which is the time normally used in commercial cooking. Vol. 3, No. 3. Commercial fisheries of the Co- lumbia River and adjacent ocean waters. By A. T. Pruter. December 1966, pp. 17-68, 42 figs., 22 tables. ABSTRACT Fisheries in the Columbia River and the adjacent ocean waters constitute a large and valuable in- dustry with important economic and recreational benefits to people of the Pacific Northwest. Rapidly developing agricultural and manufacturing indus- tries in the Columbia River Basin, however, are placing increasing demands upon the fresh-water environment of resident and anadromous species. The advent of the nuclear age raises the possibility that man may adversely affect the ocean environ- ment also. This report examines the commercial fisheries in the river and ocean, stressing their importance in the overall development plans for the Columbia Riv- er Basin. The fisheries are classified into 3 groups: those for species resident in the Columbia, those for anadromous species, and those for marine species. The fisheries then are described on the basis of in- dividual fish species within each of these groups. The descriptions include information on areas of capture, references to types of harvesting gear, and historical reviews of landings. Fishery Leaflet 581. List of fishermen's and fish shore workers' unions in the United States. By Economic Service Section Branch of Foreign Trade and Economic Services. June 1966, 4 pp. (No abstract.) 582. The bait shrimp industry of the Gulf of Mexico. By Anthony Inglis and Edward Chin. May 1966, iii + 10 pp., 6 figs. (No abstract.) 583. Plankton. By Louella E. Cable. July 1966, iii + 13 pp., 4 figs. (No abstract.) 584. Marine protein concentrate. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Lab- oratory, College Park. Maryland. April 1966. v + 27 pp., 3 figs., 12 tables. ABSTRACT General information is given on a method to con- vert red hake into a high-quality marine protein concentrate for human consumption. Plans, as well as estimates of processing and product costs, are shown for a proposed commercial process. Data are presented on the physical, chemical, nutritional, bac- teriological, and toxicological studies on marine pro- tein concentrate, produced by a method closely ap- proximating the proposed commercial process. 585. Published in 1967. 586. Commercial flounder gigging. By Hilton M. Floyd. February 1966, iii + 5 pp., 6 figs. ABSTRACT The leaflet describes a commercial method of spearing southern flounder (Paralichthys letho- stigma) , and the gear used. The essential equip- ment is a spear and a light. 587-588. Published in 1965. 589. The shrimp and the shrimp fishery of the southern United States. By William W. An- derson. Revised January 1966, 8 pp., 9 figs. (No abstract.) 590. List of fishery associations in the United States. By Leslie D. McMullin. Revised May 1966, iv + 6 pp. (No abstract.) 591. Fishery motion pictures. (No author, no abstract, no date.) 592. The striped bass. By Paul R. Nichols. October 1966, iii + 6 pp., 5 figs. (No abstract.) 593. Graduate educational grants, academic year 1967-1968. Anonymous. 5 pp., 5 figs. (No abstract.) 594. Published in 1967. 595. List of Fishery Leaflets of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Anonymous. Decem- ber 1966, 29 pp. (No abstract.) 596. List of Circulars of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Anonymous. December 1966, 13 pp. (No abstract.) 597. List of Fishery Bulletins of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Anonymous. Decem- ber 1966, 15 pp. (No abstract.) 598. List of fishery associations in the United States. By Leslie D. McMullin. Revised De- cember 1966, iii + 4 pp. (No abstract.) 599. List of fishery cooperatives in the United States, 1966-67. By Leslie D. McMullin. Re- vised October 1966, v + 14 pp. (No abstract.) Special Scientific Report— Fisheries 525. Comparative study of juvenile American shad populations by fin ray and scute counts. By Paul R. Nichols. February 1966, iii + 10 pp., 14 tables. ABSTRACT Forty-five juvenile American shad, Alosa sapidis- sima (Wilson), collections, from 10 major shad pro- ducing rivers along the Atlantic coast of North America, were examined to see if differences in meristic counts suggested evidence of discrete river populations. Four meristic characters — pectoral, dorsal, and anal fin rays and scutes — were used. The difference in the counts between locations and between years within rivers was small compared to that between rivers. The differences in counts be- tween rivers indicated that discrete populations of juvenile shad occurred in rivers. 526. Synopsis on the biology of the jack mack- erel (Trachurus symmetricus) By John S. MacGregor. April 1966, iii + 16 pp., 6 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT This synopsis brings together all extant knowl- edge of the jack mackerel. This knowledge covers nomenclature, taxonomy, morphology, distribution, ecology and life history, population, exploitation, and protection and management. 527. Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic coast of the United States, 1962 with a brief review of the com- mercial fishery. By William R. Nicholson and Joseph R. Higham, Jr. February 1966, iv-f- 24 pp., 6 figs., 8 tables, 15 app. tables. ABSTRACT The 1962 purse seine catch of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, was 600,000 tons in the sum- mer fishery and 29,000 tons in the North Carolina fall fishery. The mean catch per purse seine set, based on an estimated number of 26,176 sets, was 24 tons. The 1958 year class (age 4) dominated the fishery in the Middle and North Atlantic Areas for the fourth consecutive year and provided 5 per- cent of the catch in the Chesapeake Bay Area and 36 percent of the catch in the North Carolina fall fishery. On the basis of its contribution to the fish- ery in the Chesapeake Bay and Middle Atlantic Areas, the incoming year class (1961) appeared to be less than average in abundance. Except for age-0 fish, the mean lengths and weights in the South At- lantic Area in 1962 were less than the means for the previous 7-year period. The means for age-4 fish were less than the 7-year means in the Middle and North Atlantic Areas, but slightly greater in the Chesapeake Bay Area. With few exceptions, the mean lengths and weights of other age groups in the Chesapeake Bay, Middle Atlantic, and North Atlantic Areas were greater than the 7-year means. 528. U.S. Federal research on fisheries and lim- nology in the Great Lakes through 1964; An annotated bibliography. By Ralph Hile. March 1966, iii + 53 pp., 2 tables. ABSTRACT The annotated bibliography is preceded by a brief account of the Federal research program in fisheries and limnology in the Great Lakes in 1957-64. The bibliography covers 314 papers by staff members of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Mich., and 35 by asso- ciated scientists with whom the Laboratory had contractual or other cooperative arrangements; in- cluded also are patents issued to Laboratory person- nel. A roster of Laboratory scientists as of Decem- ber 31, 1964, is appended. The effectiveness of a shocker is often reduced by environmental factors, but in most situa' little can be done to compensate for this. The effi of water resistivity, variations in fish size or species, temperature, and fish mortality factors are discussed in relation to the success of electrofishing operations. 530. Seasonal and area] distribution of zoo- plankton in coastal waters of the Culf of Maine, 1964. By Kenneth Sherman. May 1966, 11 i)i)., 10 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT A description is given of the composition and sea- sonal variations of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine during 1964, and comparisons are made between 1963 and 1964. Twelve zooplank- ton groups (major taxa) were represented in the samples. Five occurred as holoplanktonic forms and seven were meroplanktonic. Copepods were the dom- inant zooplankters during all seasons. Zooplankton volumes for both years followed similar areal trends. Mean annual volumes were highest in the western area (Cape Ann, Mass., to Cape Elizabeth, Maine) ; moderate in the central area (Cape Elizabeth to Mt. Desert Island, Maine) ; and low in the eastern sector (Mt. Desert Island to Machias Bay, Maine). Zoo- plankton volumes were generally lower in 1964 than in 1963. Seasonal and annual variations in abun- dance of zooplankters are discussed in relation to hy- drography. Local hydrography appears to influence the abundance and distribution of coastal zooplank- ters more directly than does the cyclonic-eddv system of the Gulf proper. 529. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Type IV electrofishing shocker — Its characteristics and operation. By Benjamin G. Patten and Charles C. Gillaspie. April 1966, iii + 15 pp., 10 figs. ABSTRACT A fish shocker which is effective, dependable, light weight, and economical to purchase and operate is described. The output energy of this shocker is 450 volts direct current at 150 milliamperes, pulsed into square waves at frequencies controllable from 20 to 100 per second with a fixed duration of 6 millisec- onds. This output energy produces a good galvanotaxis reaction in fish in the field. Our experimentation and information from the literature indicates the output energy of the described shocker to be of a favorable range. Methods of operation of electric shockers are given. The recommended sizes of the electrodes are about 40 cm. square for the anode and 2.3 m. square for the cathode. The electrodes should be operated close together, especially in resistive waters. In suitable waters a wading technique is used, but a floating electrofishing operation is necessary if waters are deep or swift. 531. Length-weight relation of the summer flounder Paralickthys dentatus (Linnaeus). By Fred E. Lux and L. R. Porter, Jr. June 1966, iii + 5 pp., 1 fig., 3 tables, 1 app. table. ABSTRACT Length-weight equations of the form W = c L l> in which W is weight, L is length, and c and b are constants are given for summer flounder for each calendar quarter. Weight for a given length varied seasonally. Males were slightly heavier than fe- males of the same length. 532. Growth and survival of sockeye salmon in- troduced into Ruth Lake after removal of resident fish populations. By William R. Meehan. July 1966, iii 4- 18 pp.. 12 figs.. 11 tables. ABSTRACT Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in throe lakes on Afognak Island, Alaska, were studied. Ruth Lake was treated with rotenone to remove resident fish. Midarm Lake, which had no salmon, and Little Kitoi Lake, which has a small run of sockeye, were used as controls to compare survival and growth of introduced fry and natural fry with survival and growth of introduced fry in Ruth Lake. Other fact- ors that might influence sockeye production, such as plankton and bottom fauna, were also considered. In general, growth and survival of fry and bi- ological productivity were greater in the treated lake. Growth and survival decreased as fry den- sities increased. 533. Annual fish passage report — Rock Island Dam Columbia River, Washington, 1965. By Paul D. Zimmer and John H. Broughton. Oc- tober 1966, iii + 24 pp., 3 figs., 21 tables. ABSTRACT Fish were again counted through the fishways at Rock Island Dam, thus providing counts at this location of the 33d consecutive year. Chinook and sockeye counts were down, and coho and steelhead counts were up from 1964. The counts of chinook, coho, and steelhead were larger, and the count of sockeye smaller than their respective averages for 1933-64. The count of salmon and steelhead was ex- ceeded by the count of other species. Four and one-half percent of the salmon and steel- head passing through the counting gates had in- juries. Daily maximum and minimum water tempera- tures and daily average rate of stream flow were recorded. 534. Distribution and abundance of sardine and anchovy larvae in the California current re- gion off California and Baja California, 1951- 64: A summary. By Elbert H. Ahlstrom. August 1966, iii + 71 pn., 6 figs., 66 tables. ABSTRACT Data summarized in this report document the nine-fold increase in the anchovy population (based on numbers of larvae) between 1951 and 1964, as well as the marked decline in the distribution and abundance of sardine larvae. Data for the years 1958-64 are treated in more detail than those for earlier years. Information was obtained on coop- erative hydrographic-biological cruises of the Cal- ifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investiga- tions. 535. Red-tide research summarized to 1964 in- cluding an annotated bibliography. By George A. Rounsefell and Walter R. Nelson. Decem- ber 1966, iii + 85 pp., 8 figs., 4 tables, 1 app table. ABSTRACT This paper summarizes from published and un- published data and reports the status of research on the Florida red tide up to 1964. It contains 292 references, mostly annotated, on red tide and closely related subjects. The relation of oceanographic con- ditions to red-tide blooms, the seasonal and coast- wise distribution of the Florida red tide, and prog- ress in various aspects of research are discussed. 536. Fur seal investigations, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1965. By Alton Y. Roppel, Ancel M. Johnson, Raymond E. Anas, and Douglas G. Chapman, v + 45 pp., 14 figs., 21 taWes, 23 app tables. ABSTRACT The age classification of 40,367 male fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) killed on the Pribilof Islands in 1965 was: age 2, 4 percent; age 3, 56 percent; age 4, 36 percent; and age 5, 4 percent. The ages of 901 male seals were not determined. The peak of the kill occurred 27-31 July. Predicted kills of 3- and 4-year-old males on St. Paul Island were 33,000 and 16,000; actual kills to 9 August were 19,009 and 12,046. All 2-year-old males available 22-26 July on St. Paul Island were killed to deter- mine if abundance on land at age 2 is related to return of the year class at age 3. To test the com- mercial value of their skins, 854 males larger and older in appearance than those normally taken were killed. Harem and idle bulls counted on the Prib- ilof Islands were 10,470 and 6,729. Of 10,432 fe- males killed, St. Paul Island contributed 7,530, and St. George Island, 2,902. Selective killing for young females on St. Paul Island 23-27 August produced 88 percent in ages 2-5; nonselective killing on St. George Island 16-27 August produced 64 percent in ages 2-5. Sixty-five 3-year-old females examined were nulliparous; 1 of 51 4-year-old females was primiparous and recently post partum. Recoveries of marked seals included 4,947 with tags or checkmarks applied in the year of birth, 238 selected and tagged as yearlings in previous years, and 36 seals tagged by the U.S.S.R. Ten thousand pups were single- tagged and checkmarked, and 20,087 were check- marked onlv; 922 seals were double-tagged as year- lings. Pup mortality on land was 46,308. On the basis of tag recoveries from males and counts of dead pups, about 560,000 pups were born on the Pribilof Islands in 1961 and 500,000 in 1962. On the basis of tag recoveries from females, 344,107 pups were born in 1960, 527,482 in 1961, and 337,012 in 1962. Marked-to-unmarked ratios yielded an esti- mate of 347,000 pups born on the Pribilof Islands in 1965. From tags recovered in 1965 from seals tagged as yearlings in previous years, we estimated that there were 78,000 yearling males in 1961 and 85,000 in 1962. The average weight of untagged and unmarked seal pups exceeded that of tagged and marked seal pups by 1.14 kg. (males) and 1.04 kg. (females). The predicted kill of male seals on St. Paul Island in 1966 includes 3,000 of ages 2 and 5, 26,000 of age 3, and 14,000 of age 4. Fe- male seals will not be purposely killed in 1966. 537. Published in 1967. 538. Distribution of spawning pink salmon in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, and sur- vival of their progeny. By William J. McNeil. September 1966, iii + 12 p\)„ 1 fig., 13 tables. ABSTRACT The escapement of pink salmon (Oncorhynchua gorbuacha) to Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, in 1963 was 16,757 fish, and fresh-water survival calculated from potential egg deposition and num- ber of outmigrant fry was 20 percent. The spawn- ing ground was divided into three areas — upper, middle, and lower — for the study of density of spawners and survival of progeny. The density of spawners was highest in the middle area. Survival during spawning was low in each area; survival between the end of spawning and the beginning of fry emergence was variable among the three areas; and survival during fry emergence was high in each area. From egg deposition to fry emergence, sur- vival was estimated to be 31 percent in the upper area, 16 percent in the middle area, and 15 percent in the lower area. Although the upper area was highly productive of pink salmon fry, it has had intensive spawning only in years when the density of spawners was high. When the density was low, spawners tended to concentrate in the lower area. The validity of the supposition that only highly productive spawn- ing beds are used when escapements are small is questioned. The observations at Sashin Creek indi- cate that relatively large escapements help ensure complete use of productive spawning beds. 539. Tagging summary of American shad, Alosa sapidissima (Wi'son) and striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., 1950-65. By Paul R. Nichols and Randall P. Cheek. July 1966, 8 pp., 1 fig., 6 tables. ABSTRACT Number and type of tags applied on American shad, Alosa sapidissima (Wilson), and striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), in 1950-65, are sum- marized in tables. A detailed description is given of each type of tag and how it was affixed to the fish. The report also gives the purpose of each tagging study and the status of reports on the findings. 540. Biological oceanography of the eastern tronical Pacific: Summary of existing infor- mation. By Maurice Blackburn. November 1966, iii + 18 pp., 6 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Investigations of the biological oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific are reviewed. Published papers, papers in press, and completed manuscripts, are briefly summarized. On most of the 29 biologi- cal-oceanographic expeditions made since 1952, sim- ilar properties were measured by similar methods. Numbers of available comparable measurements are: standing crop of surface chlorophyll a, 1,153; surface primary productivity, 603; standing crop of small zooplankton in the upper 300 m., 875; standing crops of chlorophyll a and micronekton in the upper 100 m., about 100 each; other types of measurements, small numbers. The measurements of surface chlorophyll a, sur- face productivity, and zooplankton are analyzed by 14 areas which are distinguished on the basis of the physical structure of the upper 200 m. and by half- yearly periods irrespective of year. The analysis by areas shows that all three measurements are highest in upwelling areas (coastal and equatorial) and areas with thin mixed layers, lowest in areas with thick mixed layers (in the subtropical anticyclonic current gyrals), and intermediate elsewhere. The analysis by periods is partly inconclusive because of the uneven distribution of observations through the year. The most interesting result is the unex- pected lack of statistically significant differences be- tween property means for the 2 half-years in some of the areas which are believed (on physical-ocean- ographic grounds) to be seasonally eutrophic. The paper also summarizes findings reported else- where on changes in biological properties with depth and time of day and on successive davs. Past studies on statistical relationships between differ- ent properties measured at the same times and places and on the ecology of special groups of or- ganisms (especially chaetognaths, considered as pos- sible "indicators" of water masses or property-dis- tributions) are also summarized briefly. Numerous deficiencies of knowledge are evident; increased re- search could contribute fundamentally to the much neglected study of biological oceanography in the tropical oceans of the world. 541. Distribution and occurrence of Gymnndin- iwm breve, on the west coast of Florida, 1964- 65. By Alexander Dragovich and John A. Kelly, Jr. December 1966, iii - 15pp.,7figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT The distribution and monthly occurrence of G\nn- nodinium breve, the Florida rod-tide organism, were determined over a period of 13 months (in 1964-65) in the coastal waters of west Florida. Counts of G. breve varied from to 53,800 cells per liter of water; no fish kills were observed. The organism was present at all stations from 9.3 km. (5 miles) to 37.1 km. (20 miles) offshore. It was not present in samples from Tampa Bay, and it was found only twice in samples from Charlotte Harbor. The high- est occurrence of G. breve was in samples taken 27.8 km. (15 miles) offshore. Vertical distribution of the species was greatest at the surface and at 5 m. and lowest at 20 m. The largest concentrations of G. breve occurred in September during a period of reduced salinity and temperature. Because these two factors are important to the ecology of the or- ganism, their relation to the presence or absence of G. breve is discussed. G. breve were found with- in the temperature range 13.8° to 30.6° C. It was absent or rare at both the low and high temper- atures; cell densities greater than 1,000 per liter were observed from 26.0° to 27.9° C. The organism occurred at salinities ranging from 33.68 to 37.07 p.p.t. The highest concentration of cells and inci- dence was noted within the salinity range 35.00 to 36.90 p.p.t. 542. Some effects of DDT on the ecology of salmon streams in southeastern Alaska. By- Roger J. Reed. November 1966, iii + 15 pp., 7 figs., 9 tables. ABSTRACT The effects on stream-dwelling fish and insects of an aerial application of DDT (0.28 kg. (kilogram) per hectare or one-fourth pound per acre) to control blackheaded budworm were studied in four streams in southeastern Alaska. Prespray and postspray sampling was done to determine the food eaten by rainbow and cutthroat trout, the coefficient of condition of trout, the abun- dance of insects on stones in the stream, the numbers of drifting insects, and the concentrations of DDT in the water, fish, clams, and plankton. The effects of the DDT were an immediate marked increase in the number of aquatic insects drifting in the stream the day of spraying and the annihila- tion of aquatic insects within 3 days . No fish were observed to be harmed, although the concentrations of DDT and DDE (biological derivative of DDT) in their bodies increased. The concentrations of DDT also increased in stream waters, plankton, and clams. The one known long-term effect of the DDT on trout was a decline in their condition factor, ap- parently due to the reduction in their food supply. The stream insects slowly began to reappear a few weeks after the spraying but did not approach normal numbers until the following summer. AUTHOR INDEX Ahlstrom, Elbert H., S 534 Allen, Donald M., and T. J. Costello, D 11 Amos, Murray H., C 237 Anas, Raymond E. — see Roppel et al. Anderson, William W., FL 589 Anderson, William W., Jack W. Gehringer, and Frederick H. Berry, C 245 Anonymous, C 250, FL 581, FL 584, FL 591, FL 593, FL 595, FL 596, FL 597 Barnett, Harold, and Richard W. Nelson, FIR v. 3, p. 13 Berry, Frederick H. — see Anderson et al. Blackburn, Maurice, S 540 Broughton, John H. — see Zimmer and Broughton Bullis, Harvey R., Jr., and John R. Thompson, C 236, C 249 Butler, Philip A., C 247 Cable, Louella E., FL 583 Carroll, Bobby J., Travis D. Love, Benjamin Q. Ward, and Melvin E. Waters, FIR v. 3, p. 5 Chapman, Douglas G. — see Roppel et al. Chapman, Wilbert McLeod, C 250 Chase, Joseph, D 10 Cheek, Randall P. — see Nichols and Cheek Chin, Edward — see Inglis and Chin Costello, T. J. — see Allen and Costello Dragovich, Alexander — see Finucane and Dragovich Dragovich, Alexander, and John A. Kelly, Jr., S 541 Dragovich, A., J. A. Kelly, Jr., and J. H. Finucane, D 13 Earle, Wendell — see Frohman et al. Echaniz, R., Jorge, C 250 Farragut, Robert N., and Mary N. Thompson, FIR v. 3, p. 1 Finucane, J. H. — see Dragovich et al. Finucane, John H., and Alexander Dragovich, D 14 Floyd, Hilton M., FL 586 Frohman, Arthur H., John Mehos, Eric Turnill, and Dr. Wendell Earle, C 250 Gehringer, Jack W. — see Anderson et al. Gillaspie, Charles C. — see Patten and Gillaspie Henry, Kenneth A., C 240 Higham, Joseph R., Jr. — see Nicholson and Higham Hile, Ralph, S 528 Inglis, Anthony, and Edward Chin, FL 582 10 Jackson, Roy I., C 250 Johnson, Ancel M. — see Roppel et al. Kask, J. L., C 250 Kelly, J. A., Jr. — see Dragovich et al. Kelly, John A., Jr. — see Dragovich and Kelly Kifer, Robert R., Edgar P. Young, and Kam C. Leong, FIR v. 3, p. 13, p. 17, p. 25 Kinney, E. Robert, C 250 Kutkuhn, Joseph H. — see Lindner and Kutkuhn Larkin, P. A., C 250 Leong, Kam C. — see Kifer et al. Lindner, Milton J., and Joseph H. Kutkuhn, C 246 Love, Travis D. — see Carroll et al. Love, Travis D., and Mary H. Thompson, C 251 Lux, Fred E., and L. R. Porter, Jr., S 531 MacGregor, John S., S 526 Manar, Thomas A., C 243 McKernan, Donald L., C 250 McMullin, Leslie D., FL 590, FL 598, FL 599 McNeil, William J., S 538 Meehan, William R., S 532 Mehos, John — see Frohman et al. Miller, Morton M. — see Norton and Miller Nelson, Richard W. — see Barnett and Nelson Nelson, Walter R. — see Rounsefell and Nelson Nichols, Paul R., FL 592, S 525 Nichols, Paul R., and Randall P. Cheek, S 539 Nicholson, William R., and Joseph R. Higham, Jr., S 527 Norton, Virgil J., and Morton M. Miller, C 248 Parkes, Basil A., C 250 Patten, Benjamin G., and Charles C. Gillaspie, S 529 Porter, L. R., Jr. — see Lux and Porter Pruter, A. T., FIR v. 3, p. 17 Reed, Roger J., S 542 Rice, T. R., C 244 Robichaud, H. J., C 250 Roppel, Alton Y., Ancel M. Johnson, Raymond E. Anas, and Douglas G. Chapman, S 536 Rosen, Baruch, FIR v. 3, p. 5 Rounsefell, George A., and Walter R. Nelson, S 535 Schaefer, Milner B., C 250 Sharp, Mitchell, C 250 Sherman, Kenneth, S 530 Slavin, Joseph W., C 241 Sykes, James E., C 239, C 242 Thompson, John R. — see Bullis and Thompson Thompson, Mary H., FIR v. 3, p. 29 see Farragut and Thompson see Love and Thompson Travis, Donald R., FIR v. 3, p. 1 Tubiash, Haskell S., C 253 Turnill, Eric — see Frohman et al. Udall, Stewart L., C 250 Van Dyke, Craig, D 12 Wagner, Mary Hayes, C 238 Ward, Benjamin Q. — see Carroll et al. Waters, Melvin E.— see Carroll et al. Young, Edgar P. — see Kifer et al. Zimmer, Paul D., and John H. Broughton, S 533 SUBJECT INDEX Adak Island oceanographic observations south of, summer 1963 determination of properties, 1) 12 interpolated and computed values, I) 12 observed values, D 12 procedures and methods, I) 12 11 Afognak Island, Alaska, S 532 Alexander Agassiz — see Vessels Alaska — see Vessels Alaska Adak Island, D 12 Afognak Island, S 532 Little Kitoi Lake, S 532 Midarm Lake, S 532 Pribilof Islands, S 536 Ruth Lake, S 532 Sashin Creek, S 538 Albatross IV — see Vessels Alewife proximate composition of Lake Michigan ash, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 2 moisture, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 2 nitrogen, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 2 oil, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 2 possible causes of seasonal variations, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 3 Alosa sapidissima — see American shad Aluminaut — see Vessels Alvin — see Vessels American shad comparative study of juveniles by fin ray and scute counts, S 525 tagging summary, 1950-65 Beaufort, North Carolina, S 539 Asherah — see Vessels Atlantic coast rivers comparative study of juvenile American shad populations by fin ray and scute counts, S 525 Atlantic menhaden age and composition age, S 527 length, S 527 mean lengths and weights, S 527 weight, S 527 commercial fishery, 1962 Chesapeake Bay, S 527 distribution of purse seine sets, S 527 Middle Atlantic, S 527 North Atlantic, S 527 North Carolina fall fishery, S 527 South Atlantic, S 527 Baird — see Vessels Bass — see Striped bass Beaufort, North Carolina, C 240, C 244, S 539 Black Douglas — see Vessels Boston, Massachusetts, C 248 Boston Phantom — see Vessels Boston Wayfarer — see Vessels George M. Bowers — see Vessels Brevoortia tyrannus — see Menhaden Anton Bruun — see Vessels Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, N.C. Biological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, C 240 tagging summary of American shad and striped bass, 1950-65, S 539 Beaufort, N.C. Radiobiological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, C 244 fishery motion pictures, FL 590 Galveston, Texas Biological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year 1965, C 246 Gloucester, Mass. Technological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, C 241 graduate educational grants, academic year 1967-68, FL 593 Gulf Breeze, Florida Biological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, C 247 Honolulu Biological Laboratory progress in 1964-65, C 243 list of Circulars of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FL 596 list of fishermen's and fish shore workers' unions in the United States, FL 581 list of Fishery Bulletins of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FL 597 list of Fishery Leaflets of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FL 595 marine protein concentrate general considerations, FL 584 plans for commercial production units, FL 584 preparation of test sample, FL 584 processing costs, FL 584 properties of test sample, FL 584 Pascagoula, Mississippi Technological Laboratory annual report for fiscal year 1965, C 251 Region 2 exploratory fishing and gear research annual report for fiscal year 1964, C 236 annual report for fiscal year 1965, C 249 St. Petersburg Beach, Florida Biological Station report for fiscal years 1962-64, C 239 report for fiscal year 1965, C 242 the first North American fisheries conference, C 250 12 Type IV electrofishing shocker characteristics and effectiveness of energy output, S 529 considerations for electrofishing, S 529 description, S 529 method of operation, S 529 Callorhinus ursinus — see Fur seal Cancer magister — see Dungeness crab Carmen — see Vessels Charlotte Harbor, Florida, D 13, S 541 Chinook salmon passage over Rock Island Dam-1965, S 533 Cisco — see Vessels Clams — see Soft clams Clams commercial, North American Pacific coast anatomic features, C 237 fishery regulations, C 237 habitat, C 237 harvesting, C 237 principal species, C 237 reproduction, C 237 sanitary control, C 237 John N. Cobb — see Vessels Coho salmon passage over Rock Island Dam-1965, S 533 Columbia River, Washington, S 533 Columbia River commercial fisheries in, and adjacent ocean anadromous species, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 22 bony fishes, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 37 elasmobranchs, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 51 fresh-water species, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 21 mammals, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 62 shellfish, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 54 Combat — see Vessels Hernan Cortex — see Vessels Crab — see Dungeness crab Townsend Cromwell — see Vessels DDT effect on salmon streams in southeastern Alaska collection of samples, S 542 evaluation of effects of spraying, S 542 insecticide analyses, S 542 insecticide application, S 542 observations on dates of spraying, S 542 postspray observations, S 542 prespray observations, S 542 Deepster — see Vessels Dolphin — see Vessels Dungeness crab proximate composition ash, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 2 moisture, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 2 nitrogen, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 2 oil, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 2 sampling method, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 1 salt uptake and heat penetration in whole-cooked effect of salt absorption on palatability, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 15 rate of heat penetration into whole crab during brine cooking, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 15 salt absorption as affected by brine concentration, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 14 Esmeralda — see Vessels FAO — see Food and Agricultural Organization D. B. Finn — see Vessels Fish conservation world demand complicates conservation, C 250 Fish exporting Canada "All the world's a market", C 250 Fish harvesting the future, C 250 Fish passage report Rock Island Dam-1965 chinook jacks, S 533 chinook salmon, S 533 coho salmon, S 533 counting procedures, S 533 sockeye salmon, S 533 steelhead trout, S 533 weather and river discharge data, S 533 Fish processing tomorrow, C 250 Fish products "Sell up to higher profits", C 250 Fisheries — see Marine fisheries Fishery associations Great Lakes and Inland Area States, FL 590, FL 598 Middle Atlantic States, FL 590, FL 598 New England States, FL 590, FL 598 13 Pacific Area States, FL 590, FL 598 South Atlantic and Gulf States, FL 590, FL 598 Fishery cooperatives 1966-67 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, FL 599 Great Lakes and Inland areas, FL 599 Middle Atlantic coast, FL 599 North Atlantic coast, FL 599 Pacific coast, FL 599 South Atlantic and Gulf coasts, FL 599 Fishery products "World markets and demands", C 250 Fishery resources are they being properly developed and managed?, C 250 Fishing industry Mexico, C 250 Florida Charlotte Harbor, D 13, S 541 Gulf Breeze, C 247 Pine Island Sound, D 13 St. Petersburg Beach, C 239, C 242 Tampa Bay, D 13, D 14, S 541 Flounder — see Southern flounder; Summer flounder Food and Agricultural Organization role in world fisheries, C 250 Fulmar — see Vessels Fur seal Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1965 behavior, S 536 experimental skins, S 536 female population, S 536 male population, S 536 population estimates, S 536 predictions of 1966 kill of males, S 536 pup mortality pup weights, S 536 radionuclides in seal teeth, S 536 reproduction, S 536 rookery charts, S 536 tag recoveries and tagging, S 536 Galathea — see Vessels Galveston, Texas, C 246, FL 582 George L. — see Vessels Geronimo — see Vessels Charles H. Gilbert — see Vessels Gloucester, Massachusetts, C 241 Great Lakes fisheries and limnology research patents and patent applications, S 528 publications by scientists associated with Great Lakes Fishery Investigations, S 528 publications by staff members, S 528 research program, 1957-64, S 528 Gulf Breeze, Florida, C 247 Gulf of Mexico proximate composition of industrial fish industrial fishery, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 30 predictability, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 43 procedure, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 35 variations in the environment, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 35 variations in the fish, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 39 variations in the season, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 40 Gus III — see Vessels Gymnodinium breve west coast of Florida, 1964-65 comparison of distribution in 1964-65 with previously reported, S 541 environmental factors, S 541 geographic distribution, S 541 monthly occurrence, S 541 relation of salinity to occurrence, S 541 relation of temperature to occurrence, S 541 role of land nutrients and precipitation in distribution of, S 541 vertical distribution, S 541 Haselbech — see Vessels Hawaii Honolulu, C 243 Honolulu, Hawaii, C 243 Horizon — see Vessels Hydrographic observations west coast of Florida, 1963 chlorophyll, D 14 cloud cover, D 14 cloud type, D 14 dissolved oxygen, D 14 light transmission, D 14 pH, D 14 primary production, D 14 salinity, D 14 sea state, D 14 tide stage, D 14 total and inorganic phosphate-phosphorus, D 14 total soluble nitrogen, D 14 ultraviolet absorption, D 14 visibility, D 14 water color, D 14 water temperature, D 14 wind direction, D 14 wind velocity, D 14 14 Jack mackerel bionomics and life history, S 526 distribution, S 526 exploitation, S 526 identity, S 526 population, S 526 protection and management, S 526 David Starr Jordan — see Vessels location of new productive fishing areas, C 2",(i and politics academic fisheries institutions, C 250 competition with other foods, C 250 inefficient and efficient fishermen, C 250 organization of ocean research, C 250 sportsmen versus commercials, C 250 state fishery research, C 250 state laws, C 250 Julia B. — see Vessels Massachusetts — see Vessels George B. Kelcz — see Vessels Kingfish — see Vessels Large-trawler labor force Boston auction sale and the lay system, C 248 characteristics of offshore fishermen, C 248 employment and earnings of offshore fishermen in 1964, C 248 sample survey procedure, C 248 social welfare for fishermen, C 248 Larvae (sardine and anchovy) distribution and abundance in California Current, 1951-64 anchovy, S 534 CalCOFI survey cruises 1951-60, S 534 increase in anchovy larvae abundance since 1951, S 534 laboratory procedures, S 534 quarterly survey cruises of 1961-64, S 534 sardine eggs and larvae, S 534 sardine larvae abundance 1951-64, S 534 size composition, S 534 Little Kitoi Lake, Alaska, S 532 Lizardfishes field guide to, of western Atlantic Ocean Saurida brasiliensis, C 245 Saurida caribbaca, C 245 Saurida normani, C 245 Saurida suspicio, C 245 Synodus foetens, C 245 Synodus intermedins, C 245 Synodus poeyi, C 245 Syywdus saurus, C 245 Synodus synodus, C 245 Trachinocephalus my ops, C 245 Mackerel — see Jack Mackerel Marine fisheries and oceanography fish behaviour in relation to catching operations, C 250 forecasting space and time variations, C 250 identification and location of unused resources, C 250 Massachusetts Boston, C 248 (Jloucester, C 241 Menhaden — see Atlantic menhaden Menhaden fish meal as protein supplement in rat soybean meal-corn diets chemical analyses, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 26, 28 diets, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 26, 27 effect on growth and utilization of feed, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 26, 28 rats, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 26, 27 samples, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 26, 27 fish meal as protein supplement to rat cottonseed meal-corn diets diets, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 13 effect on growth and utilization of feed, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 14 rats, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 14 samples, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 13 fish meal as protein supplement to rat meat-and- bone meal-corn diets analyses, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 18 chemical analysis, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 19 effect on rate of gain and utilization of feed, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 19 rats, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 18 samples, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 17 Mexico fishing industry, C 250 Midarm Lake, Alaska, S 532 Mississippi Pascagoula, C 249, C 251 Musky — see Vessels Musky II — see Vessels Mya arenaria — see Soft clams Nautilus — see Vessels Xcnuc — see Vessels 15 North America fishery potential, C 250 future of its fisheries, C 250 North Carolina Beaufort, C 240, C 244, S 539 Oceanographic observations east coast of U.S., 1963 Ambrose Channel Lightship, D 10 Barnegat Lightship, D 10 Boston Lightship, D 10 bottom temperature, D 10 Buzzards Bay Entrance Light Station, D 10 Chesapeake Lightship, D 10 Delaware Lightship, D 10 Diamond Shoal Lightship, D 10 Five Fathom Banks Lightship, D 10 Frying Pan Shoals Lightship, D 10 Mt. Desert Rock Light Station, D 10 Nantucket Shoals Lightship, D 10 Portland Lightship, D 10 Saunderstown, R.I., D 10 Savannah Lightship, D 10 surface temperature, D 10 Woods Hole, Massachusetts, D 10 west coast of Florida, 1964-65 chlorophyll A, D 13 cloud cover, D 13 cloud type, D 13 dissolved oxygen, D 13 inorganic phosphate-phosphorus, D 13 iron, D 13 light transmission, D 13 pH, D 13 salinity, D 13 sea direction, D 13 sea state, D 13 ultraviolet absorption, D 13 water temperature, D 13 wind velocity, D 13 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha — see Pink salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch — see Coho salmon Oncorhynchus nerka — see Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha — see Chinook salmon Oregon — see Vessels Pacific Ocean biological oceanography of eastern tropical ecology of special groups of organisms, S 540 horizontal distribution of biological properties, S 540 relationships within and between trophic levels, S 540 seasonal (half-yearly) distribution of bio- logical properties, S 540 special areas, S 540 taxonomic composition of standing crops, S 540 variation in biological properties by times of day, S 540 variation in biological properties on succes- sive days, S 540 vertical distribution of biological properties, S540 Paralichthys dentatus — see Summer flounder Paralichthys lethostigma — see Southern flounder Pascagoula, Mississippi, C 249, C 251 Pelican — see Vessels Penaeus duorarum — see Pink shrimp Pine Island Sound, Florida, D 13 Pink salmon releases and recoveries of marked, in south Florida waters, 1958-64 number, D 11 place and date of recapture, D 11 place and date of release, D 11 procedure, D 11 sex, D 11 size, D 11 strains used, D 11 Sashin Creek, Alaska density and distribution of deposited eggs, S 538 distribution of early- and late-spawning females, S 538 distribution of large and small females, S 538 number and density of spawners, S 538 patterns of fresh-water mortality, S 538 survival of embryos and alevins, S 538 Plankton classification, FL 583 distribution, FL 583 harmful effects, FL 583 luminescence, FL 583 reproduction, FL 583 survival, FL 583 swarms and blooms, FL 583 uses, FL 583 yield, FL 583 Pompano — see Vessels Pribilof Islands, Alaska, S 536 Red tide control of, S 535 field observations on Florida red tide, S 535 general conditions during outbreaks, S 535 historical, S 535 life forms of Gymnodinium breve, S 535 references pertaining to, and related subjects, S 535 subject index to selected topics, S 535 suggestions for future research, S 535 Roccus saxatilis — see Striped bass 16 Rorqual — see Vessels Ruth Lake, Alaska, S 532 St. Michael — see Vessels St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, C 239, C 242 Salmo gairdneri — see Steelhead trout Salmon — see Chinook salmon; Coho salmon; Pink salmon; Sockeye salmon Sashin Creek, Alaska, S 538 Wi Ilium Seoreoby — see Vessels E. W. Scripps — see Vessels Sealab II — see Vessels Seals — see Fur seal Shad — see American shad Shark fishing gear anchored bottom lines, C 238 benthic line for deepwater fishing, C 238 floating longlines, C 238 gill nets, C 238 hook and line, C 238 Shoyo Maru — see Vessels Shrimp — see Pink shrimp Shrimp fishery of southern U.S. iodine shrimp, FL 589 life history of white shrimp, FL 589 methods of capture, FL 589 nutritive value, FL 589 Gulf of Mexico bait industry Florida, FL 582 Galveston, Texas area, FL 582 general life history, FL 582 kinds of shrimp used, FL 582 publications on shrimp and the bait shrimp industry, FL 582 suggestions for holding live bait shrimp, FL 582 microbial analyses of frozen raw breaded coagulase-positive staphylococci, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 califorms, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 dilutions, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 Escherichia coli, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 fecal streptococci, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 samples, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 5 total plate counts, FIR v. 3 total plate counts, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 6 Silver Bay — see Vessels Svicowet — see Vessels Skanderborg — see Vessels Skipjack — see Vessels Hugh M. Smith — see Vessels Sockeye salmon growth and survival in Ruth Lake condition, S 532 growth, S 532 migration of smolts, S 532 relation of population density to survival, S 532 survival, S 532 trophic conditions, S 532 passage over Rock Island Dam-1965, S 533 Soft clams organic acid accumulation during cold storage acquisition, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 6 bacteriological study, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 8 chemical study, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 6 cold storage, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 6 organoleptic study, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 9 sampling, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 6 Southern flounder commercial gigging electric light, FL 586 gasoline lantern, FL 586 gig, FL 586 methods, FL 586 oil light, FL 586 wood fire, FL 586 Starfishes ornamental use of, C 253 Steelhead trout passage over Rock Island Dam-1965, S 533 Striped bass description, FL 592 economic importance, FL 592 geographic distribution, FL 592 natural history, FL 592 research and management, FL 592 tagging summary, 1950-65 Beaufort, North Carolina, S 539 Summer flounder length-weight relation seasonal variations and sex differences, S 531 Swau Isla7id — see Vessels Tampa Bay, Florida, D 13, D 14, S 541 Texas Galveston, C 246 Galveston Bay, FL 582 17 Tom and Al — see Vessels Trachwrus symmetricus — see Jack mackerel Vessel "X" — see Vessels Vessels Alexander Agassiz, S 534 Alaska, S 535 Albatross IV, C 250, FL 593 Aluminaut, C 250, FL 583 Alvin, FL 583 Asherah, C 250 Baird, S 540 Black Douglas, S 534 Boston Phantom, C 250 Boston Wayfarer, C 250 George M. Bowers, C 236, C 240, C 249 Anton Bruun, C 243 Carmen, C 249 Cisco, S 528 John N. Cobb, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 39 Combat, C 236 Hernan Cortez, C 249 Townsend Cromwell, C 243 Deepster, FL 583 Dolphin, C 247 Esmeralda, S 540 D. B. Finn, C 250 Fulmar, S 528 Galathea, S 540 George L., S 528 Geronimo, C 236 Charles H. Gilbert, C 243, S 540 Gus III, C 246 Hazelbech, C 250 Horizon, S 534, S 540 David Starr Jordan, FL 593 Julia B., S 540 George B. Kelez, D 12 Kingfish, C 239, D 13, S 535 Massachusetts, C 248 Musky, S 528 Musky II, S 528 Nautilus, C 243 Nenue, C 243 Oregon, C 236, C 249, C 251, FIR v. 3 no. 2, p. 32, S 535 Pelican, C 236 Pompano, S 535 Rorqual, S 530 Si. Michael, C 250 William Scoresby, S 540 £". W. Scripps, S 534 SeaJafc 77, C 250 S/ioi/o Maru, S 540 S'lVver fiaj/, C 236, C 249, C 251, FL 589 Siscowet, S 528 Skanderborg, C 250 Skipjack, C 243 Hugh M. Smith, S 540 Swan Island, C 249 Tom and Al, FIR v. 3 no. 3, p. 63 Vessel "X", C 236 Vityaz, S 540 George Washington, C 243 Yaquina, C 250 Vityaz — see Vessels George Washington — see Vessels Washington Columbia River, S 533 Yaquina — see Vessels Zooplankton Gulf of Maine, 1964 abundance, composition, and distribution, S 530 between year comparisons, 1963 and 1964, S 530 zooplankton and hydrography, S 530 INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES (see figure 1) C 242 C 246 C 249 D 11 D 13 D 14 FIR v. 3, p. 32 S 527 S 535 540 008 c 236 s 540 009 s 540 010 s 540 011 s 540 012 s 540 013 s 540 043 C 236 044 C 236 045 C 236 S 540 046 S 540 047 S 540 048 S 540 049 S 540 051 C 243 052 C 243 080 C 236 081 C 236 C 239 s 082 C C 236 246 FIR v. 3, p. 32 FL 582 083 S 534 540 S 084 S S S 085 S 526 S 534 526 534 540 S 087 C 088 C 115 S 116 C C c 540 243 243 531 236 240 244 D 10 18 s 527 s 531 s 539 117 c 236 c 247 c 249 c 251 D 10 FIR v S 527 120 S 526 s 534 s 540 121 s 526 s 534 s 540 151 C 248 D 10 S 527 s 530 s 531 152 c c 3, p. 32, p. 5 241 248 D 10 S 527 528 530 531 S S S 153 FIR v. S 528 154 S 528 156 S 533 157 FIR v. S 526 3, p. 1 3, p. 1, p. 13, S 194 S S 196 S 197 S 198 534 538 542 532 536 I) 12 s 536 307 S 540 308 S 540 309 S 540 310 S 540 311 S 540 312 S 540 343 17 S 540 344 S 540 345 S 540 346 S 540 347 S 540 348 S 540 379 S 380 S 381 S 382 S 383 S 384 S 415 S 416 S 417 S 418 S 419 S 420 S 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 19 987-216 349. Use of abstracts and summaries as communica- tion devices in technical articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 pp., 1 fig. 350. Research in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. By the Laboratory staff. No- vember 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv -f 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. 352. Upstream passage of anadromous fish through navigation locks and use of the stream for spawn- ing and nursery habitat, Cape Fear River, \'.C 1962-66. By 1'aul R. Nichols and Darrell e! Louder. October 1970, iv + 12 pp.,