S. DEPARTMENT OF Technical Report INSTITUTES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH lER 55-IAS 2 Atmospheric Infrared Radiation Over the Antarctic OCTOBER 1967 Boulder, Colorado THE INSTITUTES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH The mission of the Institutes is to study the oceans, and in- land waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, the space en- vironment, and the earth, seeking the understanding needed to provide nnore useful services. These research Institutes are: , The Institute for Earth Sciences conducts exploratory and applied research in geomagnetisnn, seismology, geodesy, and related earth sciences. • The Institute for Oceanography works to increase knowledge and improve understanding of the ocean and its inter- action with the total physical environment of the globe. • The Institute for Atmospheric Sciences seeks the understanding of atmospheric processes and phenomena that is required to improve weather forecasts and related services and to modify aind control the weather. • The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences and Aeronomy supports the Nation's telecommunications by conducting research and providing services related to radio, infrared, and optical waves as they travel from a trans- mitter to a receiver. The Institute is also active in the study and prediction of periods of solar activity and ionospheric disturbance. Environmental Science Services Administration Boulder, Colo. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Alexander B. Trowbridge, Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator INSTITUTES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH George S. Benton, Director ESSA TECHNICAL REPORT lER 55-IAS 2 Atmospheric Infrared Radiation Over tlie Antarctic p. M. KUHN L. P. STEARNS J. R.STREMIKIS INSTITUTE FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND AERONOMY BOULDER, COLORADO October 1967 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402 Price 50 cents. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/atmosphericinfraOOkuhn CONTENTS Contents i Symbols and Definitions ii 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Physical Description of Radiometersonde 2 2.1 Construction 3 2.2 Thermistor Calibration Ij. 2.3 The Radiometer as Part of the Radiosonde System .... ^ 3.0 Radiometersonde Equations 3.1 The Power Balance of the Radiometer Surface for .... 6 Infrared Radiation 3.2 The Power Losses, L(t) and L(b) 7 U.O Precision of the Radiometric Measurements 8 5.0 Sounding Stations 12 6.0 Data Presentation 13 7.0 References l5 8.0 Appendices l6 ni SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS R = resistance of thermistor R(0) = "calibration" thermistor resistance T = ambient temperature T(0) = "calibration" temperature /3^ s = thermistor materials constants f • = frequency, bi-cps F(ref) = reference frequency, bi-cps (95.0) R(ref) = reference resistance of radiosonde blocking oscillator (U3,700 ohms) P~, P = irradiance directed toward and away from top radiative surface (langleys/min) L(t), L(b) = heat loss per unit area of the top and bottom radiative surfaces respectively, due to conduction, convection and heat storage (langleys/min) r = reflectivity of polyethylene film to infrared radiation T = transmissivity of polyethylene film to infrared radiation a = absorptivity of the blackened radiative sensor surface for infrared radiation c = absorptivity of the polyethylene film for infrared radiation B(st), B(sb) = black body function, x for top and bottom radiative sensor surfaces, respectively (langleys/min) R~, R = infrared irradiance directed downward and upward in the atmosphere (langleys/min) B(p) = black body function, for polyethylene film R(N) = net atmospheric infrared irradiance (langleys/min) k(t), k(b), k(i) = thermal conductivity of top air, interior, bottom air cell, respectively IV SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) T(t), T(a), T(b) = temperature of top surface, air, bottom surface, respectively (°C) j^(c)) = product of effective specific heat and effective mass/cm^ of the thermistor- aluminimi- air- styrafoam combination, experimentally found from speed of response to be 7 x 10"-^ cal/cm^ deg. X = finite time interval V ABSTRACT The total thermal radiative power exchange at the atmos- phere-earth interface and within the atmosphere is a direct measure of energy (power) available to drive the "heat engine" that circulates the atmosphere. In view of this, its implica- tion in meteorological analysis is vital for the approach to a full solution of atmospheric circulation. The lack of a sufficient number of surface and upper air thermal radiation soundings prompted the development of the radiometersonde, a low-cost balloon-borne radiometer. This instrument, flown as part of a standard radiosonde ascent, separately measures upward, downward, and net thermal radiation. A summary and analysis of UOO out of ^000 Antarctic radiometer sonde ascents gives 1|0,000 individual measurements of net, upward, and downward thermal radiation. The average stratospheric net outward radiation for Pole Station in the dark season is 0.1U5 ly/min, and that for Byrd Station is 0.210 ly/min. The standard deviation about the average for Pole Station is 0.039, and for Byrd Station 0.005 ly/min. radiation thermal radiation radiometersonde balloon-borne radiometer net radiation heat budget radiosonde VI ATMOSPHERIC INPRAHED RADIATION OVER THE ANTARCTIC (including a physical description of the radiometersonde, its equations and precision) P. M. Kuhn^ L. P. Stearns^ and J. R. Stremlkls 1.0 INTRODUCTION Net radiation is important to many meteorological pro"blems because it is a measure of the energy availalDle at the earth-atmosphere inter- face. The net radiation normal to the earth's surface is the difference "between the total upward radiation flux and the total downward radiation flux. This energy exchange at the earth's surface represents the major input to the giant heat engine which circulates the atmosphere (Suomi and Kuhn, 19 5^). A number of instruments which measure net radiation are available (Albrecht, 1933 j Gier and Dunkle_, 1951 J Suoml^ Fi*ansilla^ and Islitzer, 195^). Most of them are fairly expensive. As a result, net radiation observations are made at a few world locations, and it is not possible to study the effects of a variable heat input on weather frcan these Isolated measurements. They are far too few to give anything approaching a representative sample. We describe a balloon-borne radiometer of moderate accuracy, but very low in cost, and present the results of 400 radiometric balloon ascents over Antarctica. Reference to the text portion of this report will be made in subse- q.uent issuances of more than 2,000 radiometric soundings over widely separated global regions. The low cost and simple construction of the radicaneter described here make it possible to obtain many observations of radiation over land and ocean both at the surface and in the atmosphere. When thermistors are used to measure the temperature of the upper and lower blackened surfaces of such a radiometer, it is possible to teleme- ter this infonnatlon in a manner similar to that used to transmit air temperatures in the ordinary radiosonde. With light-weight material for insulation and framework, the net radiometer can be made light enough to be carried aloft by a radiosonde balloon. Figure 1 shows an instrument that weights only 90 grams. To telemeter air temperature, humidity, and upper and lower surface temperatures, a sequencing switch or a solid- state multiplexer is added. Details of the instrument are given by Suomi and Kuhn (1958). 2.0 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MDIOMETERSONDE Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the radiometer in vertical cross section. Briefly, it is a double-faced, hemispheric bolometer with broad-response, blackened sensing surfaces shielded from ventilation by thin membranes of polyethylene film. Flux evaluations are made for 0.5-M spectral intervals, taking into account the "non-flatness" of the black surfaces or for a "flat" spectral interval of approxiinately I1..O to 100,0m (2280 cm" to 100 cm" ), The mean absolute error for the obser- vations does not exceed .02 langleys/min. (The precision of the instru- ment is considered in section I4.. ) ■ The blocking oscillator modulates the carrier frequency through a pulsing circuit, and changes in the resistance of the thermistor vary the grid input to the blocking oscillator. Audio intelligence in the range to 200 cps is recovered at the ground stations; the sequencer provides observations every 100 ms. The radiometer is attached to the side (covered with aluminum foil) of a U.S. Weather Bureau type radiosonde or held a short distance out from it. The original design of the radiometersonde was altered in I963 to improve the quality of the measurements. The modified instrument is superior in performance compared with that of its predecessor and has been verified by flight tests (Kuhn and Johnson, I966). A basic improve- ment lies in better horizontal isolation of the sensors from the environ- ment through which they are ascending. The new radiometer unit, shown in figure 1 with a modified radio- sonde and switching device, is circular in design and is symmetrical about a bead or rod thermistor on each sensing surface. Construction details of the radiometer are in figure 2, which shows (a) the radiometer body composed of back-to-back identical "trays" made of expanded poly- styrene; (b) details of how the sensing surface and bead thermistor are attached to the upper and lower surfaces of the radiometer; and, (c) the complete radiometer with double polyethylene windows on the top and bottom of the sensor, 2.1 Construction No changes have been made in any vertical dimensions of the original radiometer design, as these dimensions are optimum for suppressing con- vection (De Graff and Van der Held, 1953). The air cavity in the center of the radiometer body is also the same as in the earlier model and is divided by a thin, rigid, aluminum radiation shield. To reduce lateral conduction, low conductivity, UO-gauge wire leads ■weie used for the thermistors. As shown in figure 2(b), the beads are cemented with a high thermal conductivity epoxy resin to a thin, .001- in. alinninum sensing surface. The sensor outer surface is painted with a flat-black paint having an average absorptivity of 90 percent. The time constant (l/e) is approximately 1.0 min. As a result, the instrument can detect multllayered cloud structure. Lateral conduction seems to be negligible on the present model because the measured downward irradiance approaches zero, on the average, as ascents reach 3 to 6 mb. 2.2 Thermistor Calibration The overall measurement accuracy is enhanced by individual calibra- tion of the thermistors used on the sensors. When a set of resistance and temperature values is obtained for each thermistor by this method, the data are used to determine the best thermistor constants, (3 and s, for each thermistor by a Gauss-Jordan, least-squares regression from the expression for thermistor resistance, R, R _ e^^^ T-^ RToT e^/^(°)T(0r^ * The j3 and s values are used to compute a table of resistance, R, vs. temperature, T, at 0,1°0 intervals for each thermistor. The tables are also converted to values of radiosonde frequency, f, vs. temperature, T. The expression for conversion from resistance to frequency values, based on the expression for the frequency vs. resistance of the radiosonde modulator circuit, is: f ^ F(ref ) X R(ref ) . R + R(.ref ; Frequencies and resistances are those of the standard U.S. l680-'^Mc radiosonde. The thermistor calibration results in an accuracy for the radiometer temperature data of +_ 0.2°G at the 2-o- level. The rms error in the irradiance measured by the radiometer sonde results in a relative preci- sion of less than .01 langleys/min. 2.3 The Radiometer as Fart of the Radiosonde System The radiometer sonde for the Antarctic program consisted of a basic Weather Bureau 168OM3 radiosonde modified to include the radiometer. A sequencer within the radiosonde controlled the parameters telemetered. It was divided into six segments that sampled top radiometer temperature, bottom radiometer temperature, and meteorological data. The dwell times for the various segments are 3 sec, 3 sec, 2lj. sec, 3 sec, etc. When the sequencer samples meteorological data for 2[|.,0 sec, the radiosonde baro- switch controls the meteorological elements to be reported (pressure, air temperature, and humidity), as on a conventional radiosonde, but when the sequencer interrogates top or bottom radiometer temperature, these parameters interrupt the normal sequence of the baroswitch. At times this will result in interrupted reference contacts or the masking of the start or end of a reference contact. Particular care has been exer- cised in evaluating the records to insure proper identification of the reference contacts because of this interruption. 3.0 RA.DI(METERSONDE EQUATIONS 3.1 The Power Balance of the Radiometer Surface for Infrared Radiation To determine what the surfaces of the radiometer are measuring, one must consider their power budget, a subject discussed by Tanner, Businger, and Kuhn (196O) and by Suomi and Kuhn (19^8), Their studies are summa- rized below. Under steady-state conditions we may express the power balance for the top radiation surface of the radiometer as p- + p+ = L(t) (3.1) p- = rP^ + j^- + ,B(p) (3.2) P"" = aB(s) + (l-a)P' . (3.3) The power loss term, L(t), will be elaborated on below. Equations (3.l)j (3.2), and (3.3) ifiay be solved as a system to eliminate P"*" and P", We then obtain, as shown graphically in figure 3' R- = B(st) -H ^:|^^ L(t) -^ T^ (R- - B(p)). (3.1;) a(l-r; 1-r Since « « (l-r), the last term of the right side of (3.U) may be eliminated. Similarly, the expression for R , measured by the underside of the radiometer, is found to be R-^ = B(sb) + ^-y.i^"t^ L(b) . (3.5) a(.l-r; Net radiation is given by R(N) = R"^ - R~ . (3.6) 3.2 The Power Losses, L(t) and L(b) Three-dimensional heat transfer has to be considered in evaluating the conduction and convection phenomena from the radiation surfaces through the air cells and insulating material (low density expanded polystyrene). A heat-storage term is also required for an exact solu- tion, and the design of the instrument must be maintained with such vertical dimensions that convection is prevented (De Graaf and "Van der Held, 19^3). By keeping the ratio of the radius of the circular radio- meter to one-half its thickness at least I|. : 1, lateral heat conduction can be shown to be less than 3 percent of the total measured irradiance for either side of the instrument (Beckmann, I966). Then, we have L(t) = ((k(t))(T(t) - T(a)))/l.ii + ((k(i))(T(t) - T(b)))/2.8 + (x)(AT(t)/A^) (3.7) and L(b) = ((k(b))(T(b) - T(a)))/l,i| + ((k^(i))(T(b) - T(t)))/2.8 + (x)(AT(b)/A^), (3.8) where l.li and 2.8 represent vertical dimensions in the radiometer in centimeters. Paraphrasing Tanner, Businger, and Kuhn (196O): "The approximation of linear heat flow is best when the air temperature is between the top and bottom temperatures. In this case the error in L will not exceed 2 or 3 percent. The error is somewhat larger when the air temperature is colder or warmer than both T(t) and T(b). For instance, when T(a) > T(t) > T(b), both L(t) and L(b) will be tinderestiinated by about the same amount. The result is that in all cases the expressions for net radiation are very nearly correct, because only the difference of the losses L(t) and L(b) appear." ll.O PRECISION OF THE RA.DICMETRIC MEASUREMENTS In the absence of a universally accepted and accessible secondary standard for measurements in the infrared portion of the spectrum, one can only cite radiative transfer theory and isolated experiments when assessing the precision of any broad spectral response, flat-plate radiometer. One immediate objection to transfer theory to validate observation arises when one asks if there is ever a time when the earth's atmosphere consists of only water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone as infrared radiators. For experiments, on the other hand, one has to face the question of interpretation of the results and the skill of the experimenter. It is only in total, rather than by part, that the pre- cision or absolute accuracy of the radiometersonde in this instance can be estimated. Then, too, there is the problem of absolute or relative accuracy. For many research studies relative accuracy, where known, is completely satisfactory. Evidence for the precision and relative accuracy of the radiometer- sonde is contained in the reports of Tanner, Businger, and Kuhn (i960), Kuhn and Johnson (1966), and Bashnell and Suomi (1961). Rather than make a coDiplete study of any one of these, or other reports, we will refer briefly to additional pertinent investigations, a. The second radiometer sonde intercomparisons held in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Miami, Florida, provided an opportunity to compare, at the same instant in real time, radiometric profiles determined by German and American instruments. These radiometers operate on basically different principles. The rms difference for 2i|0 observa- tions was _+ .015 langley/min. One might conclude from this that both instruments are correct or both wrong. In the light of trans- fer theory, however, one can see that both are "reasonably" correct. A reference to these results, as yet unpublished, is given in a recent study. b. Transfer approximation calculations (Kuhn and Cox, I966), mainly for the upward irradiance and in the absence of any "clouds," are in good agreement with simultaneous radiometersonde observations through 350 mb. The rms difference between the observations and calculations is ^ .015 langley/min. There is, however, a systematic departure of observed upward irradiance from calculated upward irradiance in 90 percent of all ascents with the observed irradiance above approximately 350 mb becoming less than the calculated. This may be explained on the basis of the calculated water vapor emission cutoff above the 350-mb level caused by the absence of hygristor moisture data. By saturating the "calculation" atmosphere with respect to water vapor above the hygristor cutoff level, we can continue agreement of upward calculated and observed irradiance to 10-l5 inb in 30 percent of the ascents. The "cloud" factor obviously cannot be ignored, but at present there is no satisfactory method of incorporating cloud or aerosol radiators into the transfer approximations. The discrepancy between calculation and observa- tion is clearly caused by additional radiators such as high thin cirrus. The average difference between calculated and observed irradiances above the hygristor cutoff is + .0^0 langley/min. The observed downward irradiance from approximately 10 mb down to 1^0 mb averages .020 langley/min less than the calculated, with the maximum difference occurring at the higher pressures. The results above were obtained from a sample of 25 of the I4OO ascents to be presented, c. Perhaps the two most important single considerations affecting the precision of the r adiometersonde calculations are the storage term and the ventilation of the polyethylene windows. Storage term — This term is represented by ((x)(aT/A0)) in (3.7) and (3.8). In the present equations for the evaluation of the observed radiation, the heat storage in the instrument is treated by the last term on the right side of (3.8), This is an empirical relationship, outlined by Kuhn and Johnson (1966). The storage term has about the same effect on the upward and downward evaluated irradiance measurements. Thus, the vertical divergence of the net radiation and resulting infrared radiative cooling would not change. Similarly, 10 calculations involving the relative change of either the upward or the downward irradiance would not be appreciably affected. There does appear to be uniform agreement on our evaluation of the observed irradiances in the middle and lower troposphere, the region for which there are satisfactory moisture measurements and for which ventilation is definitely adequate. Ventilation — A recent test indicates that the ventilation of the upper and lower polyethylene surfaces of the radiometer are equal during balloon ascent or parachute descent. However, prelimi- nary indications favor a correction function to account for insuffi- cient ventilation above approximately 100 mb through 10 mb during ascent. An empirical correction of the form, F = -1.^1 X 10"^ p^ + 1.6 X 10"^ (ii.l) appears to provide a reasonable correction. This results in a power addition to the upward and downward irradiance of .015 langley/min at 10 mb, reducing to zero at 100 mb. These small adjustments are not included in the tabulated data; further experi- ments are necessary before they can be incorporated. d. The time constant of the radiometer, of the last term on the right in (3.7) and (3.8), has been experimentally determined to be 1 min. Staley (1966) recently verified this fact. e. In some instances radiometers were not allowed to reach a steady state at the surface before release of the balloon train. As a result, from 2 to 1; min were required before the irradiation observed was representative of the total irradiance field 11 illuminating the instrument. This occurs most frequently when mov- ing from a warm conditioning room to extremely cold ambient surface conditions and immediate release. This situation is readily dis- cernible in the data. 5.0 SOUNDING STATIONS Monthly averages, dark season averages, and midwinter averages are listed for the four following stations: Byrd , located at latitude 80° 01' S., longitude 119° 30' W. on a relatively flat snow plain elevated 5030 ft above mean sea level (l533 m), Hallett , located at latitude 77° iiU' S., longitude i;l° 07' W. on the Felchmer Ice Shelf about 1 mi from the Weddell Sea and 80 mi from the nearest land. It is surrounded by water to the west, north, and east at an elevation of lliO ft above mean sea level (li3 i^)» Amundsen-Scott , located within a few yards of the geographical South Pole on a snow plain about 300 ml from the Beardmore Glacier at an eleva- tion of 9186 ft above mean sea level (2800 m), Wilkes , located at latitude 66° I6' S,, 110° 31' E, on the westerly tip of Clark Peninsula jutting into the Vincennes Bay. It is surrounded on the south, west, and north by water and slopes upward to the east to the edge of the continental ice shelf. The elevation of Wilkes station is 31 ft above mean sea level (9m), 12 6.0 DATA PRESENTATION The tabular data presented in this report were obtained on the following scheduled radiometer sonde flights during I963: BYRD HAILETT AMUNDSEN- SCOTT WILKES March 1-31 O3OOZ 1200Z OOOOZ 2100Z April 1-10 O3OOZ 0600Z OOOOZ 2100Z April 11- May 11 OOOOZ 0600Z OOOOZ 2100Z May 11-21 OOOOZ OOOOZ OOOOZ 2100Z May 22- July 22 OOOOZ OOOOZ OOOOZ OOOOZ July 2 2- Aug 1 OOOOZ OOOOZ OOOOZ 2100Z Aug 2- Sept 1 OOOOZ 0600Z OOOOZ 2100Z Sept 2-10 0300Z 0600Z OOOOZ 2100Z Sept 11- Oct 15 0300Z 1200Z OOOOZ 2100Z The data and analyses of data are presented in Appendices A through F. A description of the contents of each Appendix follows; A: Monthly radiometersonde data averages by stations (Vertical coordinate in pressure increments). B: Three-month (June, July, August) radiometersonde data averages by stations (Vertical coordinate in pressure increments). C: Dark season radiometersonde data averages by stations (Vertical coordinates in pressure increments). D: Monthly radiometersonde data averages by stations (Vertical coordinate in 2 km increments). 13 E: Computer plots of monthly radiometersonde data averages by stations. F: Computer plots of June, July, August radiometersonde data averages by stations. In view of the large amount of data involved in presenting daily radiometersonde balloon ascent data, this material has been consolidated. It will appear in a Technical Memorandum available upon request to the Scientific Documentation Division, ESSA, Boulder, Colorado » Each daily radiometersonde data tabulation includes sky condition.. The times for the daily ascents are within 1 hour of the times listed above . Ih T.O REFERENCES Albrecht, F. (1933)> Ein StrahliingslDilanzmesser zur Messung des Strahlusshaushalten von Oberflachen. Meteor. Z,, 50, No. 5, 62-65. Be chmann, W, H. (I966), Engineering Experiment Station, Univ. of Wis,, Madison, Wis,, personal coramiinicatlon, Bushnell, R. H., and V. E. Suoml (196I), Experimental flight verification of the economical net radiometer, J. Geophys, Res., 66, No. 9^ 2al]-3-28H8. De Graaf, J. G. A., and E. F. M. Van der Held (1953), The relation "between the heat transfer and the convection phenomena in enclosed plane air layers, Appl. Scl. Res,, 3A, No. 16, 393-^09. Gier, J. T., and R. V. Dunkle (I95I), Total hemispherical radiometers, Proc. Am. Insi;. Elect, Engrs., TO, No. T, 339-3^3. Kuhn, P, M., and D. R. Johnson (I966), Improved radiometer sonde observa- tions of atmospheric infrared irradiance, J, Geophys, Res., 71, No. 2, 367-3T3. ~ Staley, D. 0. (I966), The lapse rate of temperature folloving an air parcel. Quart. J, Roy, Meteorol. Soc, ^2_, No, 391, 1^7-150. Suomi, V. E,, M. Fransilla, and N. Islltzer (l95^)> An improved net radiometer, J. Meteor., 11, No. \y 2.^b-2Si2., Suomi, V. E., and P. M. Kuhn (I958), An economical net radiometer, Tellus, 10, No. 1, I6O-I65. Tanner, C, B., J. A. Businger, and P, M. Kuhn (I960), The economical net radiometer, J. Geophys, Res., 65, Wo, 11, 3657-3667. 15 APPENDIX A Monthly Radiometersonde Data Averages by Stations (vertical coordinate in pressure increments) A-1 \ PRES-" BYRD 1963 MARCH AVERAGE j-iip3 TEMP' R-UP-" S-RU"* R-DN' S-RD" R-NET COOL° S-CL' ,10 SH3 11 112 600« 750. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. -35.6 -27.5 -27.4 -29.2 -31.9 -34.6 -38.4 -43.1 -48.0 -53.4 -52.9 -47.4 -46.6 -47.6 -50.1 -51.3 -53.1 -54.8 -55.6 -56.0 -52.9 -54.3 .2579 .2615 .2672 .2721 ,2745 ,2701 ,2649 ,2587 ,2498 ,2398 ,2254 ,2156 ,2186 ,2207 ,2207 ,2183 ,2199 ,2201 ,2196 ,2167 ,2219 ,2264 0.000 .027 .023 .018 .016 .016 .012 .013 .011 .013 .015 .006 .007 .008 .008 .008 .009 .004 .007 .008 0.000 0,000 .2531 ,2264 ,2089 ,2020 ,1936 ,1822 ,1714 ,1574 ,1396 ,1216 ■ 1034 ,0911 ,0928 ,0872 .0767 ,0706 ,0660 ,0642 ,0580 ,0520 ,0518 .0132 .016 ,029 ,019 ,017 ,016 ,016 ,015 ,012 ,010 ,008 ,011 ,015 ,019 ,018 ,015 .013 .013 .010 ,014 ,008 ,000 ,000 .0048 .0350 .0583 .0702 .0809 .0880 ,0935 ,1013 .1102 .1182 .1219 .1245 .1258 .1335 .1440 .1476 .1540 .1559 .1617 .1647 .1701 .2132 .32 .99 2,74 1.40 1.27 ,83 ,65 .91 1.04 .95 .44 .30 .15 .91 1.23 .79 .83 1.12 3.55 1.70 5.42 53.20 .447 1,828 1,980 1,133 ,152 .396 .529 .625 .610 .881 .851 .777 ,286 .546 .274 1.619 2.403 .727 5.460 2.915 0.000 0,000 .1771 .3743 ,3964 ,3120 .2490 .2197 .1303 .0059 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 .120 .123 .090 .129 .117 .093 .114 .012 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1. 1. BYRD 1963 APRIL AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-0 800. -23.4 .3196 .035 .3050 .050 .0145 0,00 O.OOO .7223 ,598 5. 750. -23.3 .2935 .051 .2628 .058 ,0307 1.69 1.751 .7577 587 8. 700. -23.8 .3009 .050 ,2510 .057 ,0500 2,26 1.308 .7189 ,659 8. 650. -26,8 .3075 .045 .2399 .053 .0676 2.08 1.130 .5920 485 8. 600. -30,6 .3058 .042 .2240 .047 .0818 1.67 .842 .4485 382 8. 550. -34.4 .2989 .038 .2022 .041 .0967 1.75 1.323 .3089 299 8. 500, -38.6 .2909 .034 .1819 .043 .1090 1,45 1.321 .1732 241 8. 450, -43.0 ,2796 .030 .1586 .034 .1209 1,41 .616 .0637 152 8. 400, -47.5 ,2667 .027 .1365 .026 .1302 1.09 .589 .0323 091 8. 350, -52.3 ,2564 .024 .1194 .021 .1370 .81 .654 0.0000 ,000 8. 300, -55.4 ,2447 .020 .1008 .016 .1439 .80 .569 0.0000 .000 8. 250. -53.0 .2316 .015 .0855 .012 .1461 .26 .670 0.0000 .000 8. 200, -51.6 .2308 .015 .0814 .009 .1494 .39 .546 0.0000 .000 8. 150, -52.8 .2324 .015 .0775 .009 .1548 .64 .480 0.0000 .000 8. 100, -56.1 .2313 .017 .0704 .007 .1609 .71 .863 0.0000 .000 8. 80, -57.8 .2314 .017 .0664 .006 .1650 .47 2.367 0.0000 .000 7. 60. -61.6 .2266 .017 .0591 .007 .1676 2,12 2.968 0.0000 .000 5. 50, -62.8 .2265 .016 .0554 .005 .1710 2.02 2.961 0.0000 .000 5. 40, -64.2 .2267 .018 .0493 .007 .1773 4.74 5.849 0.0000 .000 5. 30, -65.6 .2255 .016 .0445 .007 .1811 2.55 6.546 0,0000 .000 5. 20, -65.1 .2421 .012 .0441 .004 .1980 2.41 .387 0.0000 .000 2. 10. -65.6 .2516 .020 .0222 .008 ,2293 15.0025.377 0.0000 .000 2. Pressure in millibars 2 Air temperature in degrees Centigrade "^Upward irradiance in langleys per minute '^Standard deviation, cr , of upward irradiance in langleys per minute 5 Downward deviation, cT, of upward irradiance in langleys per minute. Standard deviation, cr , of downward irradiance in langleys per minute 'Net irradiance in langleys per minute Q Monthly average of the radiative cooling in degrees Centigrade per day. Unsigned quantities designate cooling. Negative signs designate warming "standard deviation, cr , of yU- radiative cooling fixing ratio in grams per kilogram of water 11. 12 Standard deviation, (T , of the mixing ratio Number of observations at a particular pressure height A- 2 BYRD 1963 MAY AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q s-a N 800. -30.1 .294a .020 .2901 .029 .0047 0.00 0.000 .3167 .188 3 750. -25.4 .2691 .023 .2394 .040 .0297 .64 1.356 .5141 .212 9 700. -25.6 .2774 .023 .2359 .045 .0416 1.39 .966 .5292 .214 9 650. -28.0 .2852 .020 .2292 .046 .0560 1.70 .822 .4259 .206 9 600. -30.9 .2863 .019 .2160 .04 5 .0703 1.68 .580 .3324 .162 9 550. -34.8 .2827 .018 .2008 .046 .0819 1.37 .68 .2385 .121 9 500. -39.5 .2750 .017 .1805 .044 .0945 1.48 .696 .1088 .125 9 ^60. -44.8 .2668 .015 .1600 .039 .1068 1.44 .813 0.0000 0.000 9 'tOO. -50.4 .2554 .014 .1391 .032 .1164 1.13 .557 0.0000 0.000 9 360. -56.6 .2431 .014 .1144 .024 .1287 1.45 1.289 0.0000 0.000 9 300. -62.0 .2294 .012 .0924 .014 .1369 .97 1.219 0.0000 0.000 9 250. -62.6 .2122 .010 .0771 .007 .1352 -.21 .778 0.0000 0.000 9 200. -60.9 .2043 .014 .0698 .006 .1345 -.08 .636 0.0000 0.000 9 150. -63.3 .2071 .016 .0659 .008 .1412 .79 ,873 0.0000 0.000 9 100. -67.2 .2067 .014 .0558 .008 .1508 1.14 .716 0.0000 0.000 9 80. -69.8 .2070 .014 .0498 .007 .1572 2.90 1.334 0.0000 0.000 8 60. -73.3 .2099 .016 .0417 .007 .1682 3.63 2.699 0.0000 0.000 7 50. -74.5 .2109 .014 .0380 .009 .1729 2.78 3.172 0.0000 0.000 7 ^0. -75.9 .2158 .011 .0 365 .012 .1792 3.86 3.361 0.0000 0.000 5 30. -76.6 .2169 .014 .0275 .015 .1893 7.97 4.587 0.0000 0.000 5 20. -78.3 .2245 .013 .0358 .019 .1887 3.61 .248 0.0000 0.000 2 10. -78.0 .2266 0.000 .0042 0.000 .2224 12.72 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1 BYRD 1963 JUNE AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 800. -22.8 .3112 .028 .2676 .029 .0435 0.00 0.000 .6422 234 5 750. -20.5 .3064 .027 .2421 .025 .0643 1.93 2.193 .7213 216 10 700. -22.1 .3140 .024 .2300 .024 .0840 2.33 .694 .5799 294 10 650. -24.9 .3164 .022 .2202 .025 .0962 1.44 .386 .4692 .263 10 600. -28.0 .3123 .022 .2065 .027 .1058 1.13 .447 .3222 209 10 550. -32.2 .3073 .021 .1930 .023 ill43 1.00 .520 .1923 .161 iO 500. -37.1 .3007 .020 .1764 .022 .1243 1.17 .757 .1187 .101 10 450. -42.7 .2898 .020 .1587 .024 .1311 .81 1.206 .0174 042 10 400. -48.9 .2781 .017 .1403 .024 .1378 .79 .966 0.0000 0. 000 10 350. -56.5 .2634 .017 .1186 .022 .1448 .83 .749 0.0000 000 10 300. -62.4 .2502 .017 .0986 .017 .1516 .80 .728 0.0000 0. 000 10 250. -67.7 .2360 .013 .0781 .009 .1579 .74 1.331 0.0000 000 10 200. -69.0 .2232 .014 .0651 .008 .1582 .03 .423 0.0000 .000 10 150. -70.2 .2182 .015 .0578 .010 .1603 .26 .675 0.0000 000 10 100. -74.5 .2178 .015 .0515 .007 .1663 .70 1.516 0.0000 000 10 80. -77.2 .2172 .019 .0495 .010 .1677 .57 2.609 0.0000 .000 9 60. -80.0 .2184 .023 .0441 .013 .1742 1.75 3.708 0.0000 .000 8 50. -81.2 .2196 .022 .0390 .014 .1805 3.71 2.462 0.0000 .000 8 40. -82.3 .2231 .021 .0361 .010 .1870 6.79 6.598 0.0000 .000 8 30. -83.7 .2247 .012 .0297 .007 .1950 10.06 4.354 0.0000 .000 7 20. -83.6 .2317 .007 .0 304 .008 .2013 2.84 2.121 0.0000 .000 5 10. -80.2 .2281 .016 .0179 .009 .2102 -14.2625.099 0.0000 000 4 BYRD 1963 JULY AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-0 N 800. -37.9 .2550 .024 .2362 .032 .0198 0.00 0.000 .1079 .110 4 750. -32.2 .2417 .028 .1972 .032 .0445 1.37 1.92 .2503 .148 10 700. -32.6 .2506 .028 .1896 .034 .0610 1.96 1.054 .2577 .162 10 650. -34.2 .2551 .027 .1809 .033 .0742 1.66 1.367 .2291 .145 10 600. -36.6 .2556 .028 .1715 .031 .0841 1.17 .668 .1722 .109 10 550. -39.6 .2637 .026 .1601 .028 .0936 1.12 .347 .0805 .103 10 500. -43.6 .2488 .023 .1451 .025 .1036 1.18 .422 .0194 .061 10 450. -47.9 .2441 .021 .1299 .020 .1142 1.25 .666 0.0000 0.000 10 400. -52.8 .2371 .021 .1140 .016 .1231 1.04 .671 0.0000 O.OOQ 10 350. -57.4 .2281 .017 .1005 .013 .1276 .53 .663 O.OOOO 0.000 10 300. -63.0 .2203 .015 .0879 .008 .1324 .67 .412 0.0000 0.000 10 250. -67.7 .2094 .011 .0 785 .007 .1309 -.18 .724 0.0000 0.000 10 200. -70.7 .1989 .010 .0688 .010 .1302 -.08 .578 0.0000 0.000 10 150. -73.3 .1925 .011 .0631 .011 .1294 -.09 .723 0.0000 0.000 10 100. -78.9 .1881 .012 .0 569 .010 .1312 .21 1.637 0.0000 0.000 10 80. -80.7 .1880 .012 .0492 .011 .1388 3.12 2.482 0.0000 0.000 9 60. -83.3 .1892 .012 .0460 .012 .1432 2.66 4.842 0.0000 0.000 7 50. -84.4 .1919 .013 .0403 .012 .1516 4.90 4.825 0.0000 0.000 7 40. -85.1 .1995 .00 8 .0336 .016 .1659 5.12 4.537 0.0000 0.000 6 30. -86.6 .1902 .008 .0286 .012 .1617 -2.4710.850 0.0000 0.000 3 A-3 PRES BYRD 1963 AUGUST AVERAGE TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-Q 800' 750. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. *50. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. -31.0 -26.2 -27.8 -29.7 -33.2 -37.3 -41.9 -46.7 -51.7 -57.3 -63.5 -69.7 -75.1 -79.2 -83.5 -85.9 -88.3 -89.4 -89.7 -89.7 -87.7 .2667 .2639 .2714 .2740 .2749 .2703 .2650 .2575 .2488 .2395 .2285 .2171 .2062 .1977 .1927 .1920 .2015 .2008 .2026 .2099 .2070 .048 .053 .046 .041 .034 .030 .028 .025 .023 .022 .024 .025 .024 .023 .020 .022 .021 .023 .025 .018 .010 .2561 .2363 .2309 .2128 .1966 .1723 .1505 .1343 .1172 .1000 .0850 .0722 .0613 .0479 .0 394 .0354 .0321 .0307 .0269 .0257 .0275 .052 .063 .060 .053 .052 .036 .028 .024 .021 .015 .009 .007 .006 .007 .008 .006 .006 .008 .011 .007 .003 .0107 .0275 .0405 .0612 .0783 .0980 .1146 .1233 .1315 .1396 .1435 .1449 .1450 .1498 .1532 .1566 .1694 .1701 .1758 .1842 .1795 0.00 1.98 1.52 2.44 2.02 2.32 1.94 1.03 . .97 . .94 , .46 . .17 . 0.00 . .58 . .40 1. .31 2. -.76 4. .41 3. 8.4814. 17.4916. 5.56 5. 000 209 783 773 740 022 575 533 596 584 601 384 530 440 507 103 113 549 62 3 178 597 .4015 .4434 .3879 .2892 .2035 .1422 .0502 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 .345 .335 .259 .209 .156 .135 .081 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HALLETT 1963 MARCH AVERAGE PRES 1000. 950. 900. 850. 800. 750. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL -13.4 -14.0 -15.3 -16.5 -17.8 -18.2 -19.8 -22.2 -25.1 -28.7 -32.2 -36.8 -42.5 -48.9 -53.3 -48.5 -46.5 -48.6 -50.6 -51.2 -52.9 -54.3 -54.6 -54.7 -56.0 -57.7 .4493 .4218 .4123 .3992 .3865 ,374^6 .3688 .3626 .3540 .3475 .3390 .3301 .3160 .3000 .2787 .2659 .2714 .2767 .2732 .2786 .2716 .2748 .2714 .2692 .2867 .2908 0.000 .019 .016 .019 .027 .025 .021 .018 .019 .018 .018 .019 .020 .022 .024 .019 .018 .017 .010 .007 .014 .017 .018 .021 .001 0.000 .4422 .3925 .3646 .3481 .3 296 .2970 .2751 .2607 .2472 .2298 .2125 .1904 .1640 .1333 .1051 .0885 .0846 .0827 .0758 .0818 .0640 .0595 .0547 .0470 .0465 .0286 ,000 .010 .018 .027 .025 .024 .025 .026 ,027 ,027 ,025 ,026 ,016 ,010 ,005 ,007 ,004 ,006 ,008 .015 .008 .005 .006 .009 .006 .000 .0071 .0293 .0477 .0510 .0569 .0776 .0937 .1019 .1068 .1177 .1265 .1397 .1520 .1667 .1736 .1774 .1868 .1940 .1976 .1968 .2076 .2153 .2166 .2221 .2402 .2622 0.00 .25 2.16 .39 .69 2.44 1.89 .97 .58 28 03 1.55 1.45 1.73 .95 .45 1.11 .86 .40 -3.31 5.52 4.54 .80 4.81 19.1510 .59 .000 ,494 ,894 ,791 .959 ,571 ,48 3 ,673 ,359 ,645 ,601 ,299 ,978 ,675 .208 ,379 ,154 ,689 ,465 ,433 ,274 ,257 ,677 ,191 ,063 ,000 Q .0363 .9116 .8908 .7824 .7344 .6245 .4382 .4302 .3432 .2612 .2034 .1761 .0557 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 S-Q .000 .341 .290 .249 .196 .316 .328 .290 .240 .189 .116 .138 .111 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 1. HALLETT 1963 APRIL AVERAGE PRES 950. 900. 850. 800. 750. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL -18.5 -19.2 -19.5 -20.4 -21.6 -23.9 -26.4 -29.9 -34.2 -38.5 -43.2 -48.3 -53.4 -56.5 -50.8 -50.7 -50.6 -53.5 -54.2 -56.3 -56.2 -56.8 -58.1 -58.9 -59.4 .3672 .3622 .3565 .3541 .3508 .3474 .3430 .3390 .3310 .3214 .3137 .3045 .2919 .2757 .2633 .2680 .2655 .2683 .2689 .2707 .2815 .2840 .2909 .2864 .3318 .035 .033 .032 .029 .027 .027 .026 .024 .024 .022 .019 .019 .020 .023 .026 .026 .028 .027 .026 .024 .017 .019 .024 .029 0.000 .3242 .2998 .2830 .2697 .2 567 .2462 .2307 .2137 .1948 .1754 .1566 .1407 .1242 .1047 .0873 .0880 .0821 .0737 .0704 .0626 .0613 .0 567 .0517 .0526 .0272 .035 .030 .032 .033 .036 .039 .035 .029 .025 .023 .022 .021 .018 .007 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006' .007 .005 .006 .006 .Oil 0.000 .0430 .0624 .0735 .0844 .0941 .1012 .1123 .1253 .1362 .1460 .1571 .1637 .1677 .1710 .1760 .1800 .1834 .1946 .1985 .2081 .2202 .2272 .2392 .2338 .3046 0.00 2.29 1.30 1.28 1.15 .84 1.30 1.53 1.28 1.16 1.31 .77 .47 .39 .59 .47 .45 1.32 .80 3.23 2.38 6.07 4.35 4.21 24.38 0.000 .686 .792 1.073 .835 .330 .857 1.592 .607 .565 .456 .349 .597 .691 .347 .686 .489 .584 1.181 3.445 3.355 12.253 6.143 11.890 0.000 .6059 .5555 .5696 .5361 .5374 .4103 .2704 .1989 .1566 .0604 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 S-Q .206 .228 .222 .260 .307 .295 .292 .228 .137 .096 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 8. 8. 8. 8. 6. 5. 3. 3. 1. A-li HALLETT 1963 MAY AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET CCX)L S-CL Q S-Q N 1000. -18.9 .3676 .009 .3626 .019 .0050 0.00 0.000 .5812 .155 2. 950. -22.7 .3409 .023 .2997 .04 3 .0412 .12 .273 .4129 .186 10. 900. -22.9 .3381 .021 .2801 .044 .058 1.57 1.082 .4150 .202 850. -23.4 .3372 .021 .2682 .047 .0689 1.29 1.381 .3826 .225 800. -23.4 .3355 .022 .2588 .049 .0767 .91 .947 .3764 .253 750. -23.2 .3334 .024 .2483 .048 .0851 .99 .741 .4391 .420 700. -25.0 .3350 .028 .2394 .049 .^957 1.24 .974 .4375 .450 650. -27.5 .3335 .030 .2290 .051 .1045 1.03 .590 .4166 .420 600. -30.5 .3308 .030 .2179 .054 .1130 1.00 .592 .3000 .356 550. -34.5 .3251 .030 .2039 .056 .1212 .97 .425 .1773 .235 500. -39.6 .3171 .027 .1844 .050 .1328 1.36 1.204 .0787 .176 ^60. -44.6 .3081 .025 .1636 .046 .14A5 1.38 1.429 .0589 .110 400. -51.3 .2902 .019 .1408 .039 .1494 .65 .615 0.0000 0.000 10. 350. -56.9 .2760 .021 .1189 .032 .1571 .91 .366 0.0000 0.000 10. 300. -62.3 .2626 .024 .0938 .010 .1688 .43 .472 0.0000 0.000 9. 250. -61.0 .2407 .022 .0763 .008 .1645 0.00 .626 0.0000 0.000 8. 200. -59.5 .2380 .019 .0705 .005 .1675 .36 .624 0.0000 0.000 8. 150. -60.2 .2427 .019 .0655 .007 .1773 1.15 .551 0.0000 0.000 8. 100. -62.6 .2427 .022 .0587 .006 .1840 1.05 .420 0.0000 0.000 7. 80. -64.7 .2422 .026 .0555 .005 .1867 .98 1.537 0.0000 0.000 6. 60. -67.3 .2557 .014 .0471 .005 .2086 2.62 3.319 0.0000 0.000 3. 50. -66.3 .2527 .018 .0495 0.000 .2032 -.21 .435 0.0000 0.000 2. 40. -68.8 .2582 .020 .0474 .002 .2108 7.52 .146 0.0000 0.000 2. 30. -71.7 .2689 0.000 .0430 0.000 .2258 1.89 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. HALLETT 1963 JUNE AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-Q 950. -23.5 .3282 .027 .2882 .043 .0400 .10 .305 .3709 183 10. 900. -24.2 .3269 .025 .2699 .040 .0570 1.99 1.050 . 3646 196 10. 850. -25.7 .3260 .025 .2547 .038 .0712 1.68 1.138 .3312 252 10. 800. -26.5 .3226 .027 .2404 .037 .0821 1.28 1.176 .3233 247 10. 750. -27.4 .3196 .028 .2308 .038 .0888 .78 .511 .2900 219 10. 700. -28.4 .3162 .028 .2198 .038 .0964 .89 .388 .2562 177 10. 650. -30.5 .3140 .025 .2053 .032 .1087 1.45 1.075 .1817 182 10. 600. -33.5 .3107 .023 .1893 .027 .1213 1.48 1.146 .1247 ,143 10. 550. -36.8 .3066 .021 .1741 .025 .1325 1.32 .331 .0582 98 10. 500. -41.0 .3010 .018 .1571 .019 .1439 1.35 .438 .0256 ,054 10. 450. -45.3 .2 944 .016 .1384 .015 .1560 1.42 .612 0.0000 ,000 10. 400. -50.0 .2866 .013 .1239 .012 .1627 .79 .298 0.0000 000 10. 350. -54.7 .2778 .014 .1093 .008 .1685 .69 .513 0.0000 .000 10. 300. -58.8 .2682 .012 .0962 .005 .1720 .41 .534 0.0000 .000 10. 250. -61.7 .2562 .015 .0858 .005 .1705 -.13 .657 0.0000 .000 9. 200. -62.0 .2480 .018 .0751 .007 .1729 .28 .662 0.0000 .000 9. 150. -64.2 .2457 .019 .0695 .007 ,1762 .40 .330 0.0000 .000 9. 100. -69.0 .2436 .019 .0610 .007 .1826 .70 .194 0.0000 .000 8. 80. -71.3 .2448 .015 .0551 .007 .1897 1.91 2.663 0.0000 .000 6. 60. -73.9 .2390 .014 .0499 .010 .1891 -.28 6.889 0.0000 .000 4. 50. -71.9 .2 556 .005 .0480 .013 .2076 4.73 2.697 0.0000 .000 2. 40. -73.4 .2482 .017 .0488 .015 .1994 -3.58 9.474 o.oooo .000 2. 30. -74.2 .2542 .010 .0396 .013 .2147 7.18 4.500 0.0000 .000 2. RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-Q N 950. -22.9 .3318 .031 .2838 .034 .048 0.00 0.000 .3129 .100 9 900. -23.9 .3314 .030 .2654 .039 .0660 2.12 1.572 .2756 .134 9 850. -24.5 .3283 .028 .2535 .039 .0748 1.03 .713 .2756 .117 9 800. -23.2 .3233 .026 .2386 .030 .0847 1.16 1.244 .3010 .220 9 750. -24.7 .3251 .019 .2315 .034 .0936 1.06 .968 .2683 .183 9 700. -26.0 .3224 .016 .2227 .037 .0998 .72 .271 .2622 .223 9 650. -28.7 .3211 .015 .2137 .039 .1074 .90 .362 .1965 .203 9 600. -32.0 .3173 .015 .2015 .040 .1158 1.00 .633 .1343 .151 9 550. -35.4 .3109 .015 .1876 .039 .1233 .88 .571 .0847 .113 9 500. -39.9 .3042 .016 .1694 .035 .13-48 1.35 .818 .0357 .068 9 450. -45.0 .2960 .016 .1499 .031 .1460 1.32 .944 .0000 .000 9 400. -50.8 .2855 .018 .1293 .023 .1562 1.19 1.046 .0000 .000 9 350. -56.8 .2711 .025 .1040 .007 .1671 1.28 1.089 .ooo'o .000 9 300. -62.6 .2622 .025 .0906 .00 8 .1716 .53 .427 .0000 .000 9 250. -67.7 .2554 .022 .0826 .009 .1728 -.11 .591 .0000 .000 8 200. -68.9 .2459 .020 .0724 .008 .1735 .09 .778 .0000 .000 8 150. -70.8 .2405 .020 .0709 .009 .1696 -.07 .728 .0000 .000 7 100. -75.2 .2445 .018 .0621 .012 .1824 1.52 1.008 .0000 .000 7 80. -77.4 .2461 .018 .0 564 .012 .1877 .42 3.060 .0000 .000 7 60. -79.8 .2439 .017 .0559 .014 .1880 3.34 2.974 .0000 .000 4 50. -80.5 .2456 .018 .0544 .012 .1912 1.91 2.130 .0000 .000 4 40. -82.1 .2509 .019 .0646 .024 .1863 -1.79 .309 .0000 .000 2 30. -83.4 .2557 .027 v0640 .021 .1917 4.92 6.884 .0000 .000 2 20. -82.0 .2580 .015 .0 3^9 .003 .2191 4.60 6.359 .0000 .000 2 A-5 HALLETT 1963 AUGUST AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-<3 N 1000. -19.5 .3684 .035 .3491 .052 .0193 0.00 0.000 .4741 ,169 6 950. -20.5 .3426 .039 .3058 .063 .0367 .75 1.160 .3664 137 9 900. -21.9 .3405 .032 .2948 .059 .0457 1.06 .781 .3474 120 9 850. -22.9 .3380 .028 .2859 .055 .0521 .75 .439 .2976 193 9 800. -23.3 .3341 .027 .2769 .058 .0572 .59 .647 .2751 259 9 750. -24.0 .3298 .019 .2679 .058 .0619 .56 .952 .3420 257 9 700. -24.8 .3261 .018 .2569 .061 .0692 .86 .846 .4181 304 9 650. -26.9 .3238 .019 .2427 .059 .0810 1.39 .579 .3947 332 9 600. -30.1 .3210 .019 .2252 .054 .0958 1.74 .869 .3309 287 9 550. -34.1 .3161 .019 .2068 .050 .1093 1.59 .701 .2223 248 9 500. -38.5 .3070 .018 .1861 .049 .1188 1.12 .670 .1379 174 9 450. -44.1 .2962 .019 .1682 .043 .1280 1.08 .549 .0562 094 9 400. -50.5 .2836 .019 .1459 .035 .1377 1.14 .977 .0000 .000 9 350. -56.6 .2681 .020 .1204 .030 .1478 1.18 1.485 .0000 000 9 300. -62.3 .2517 .017 .0998 .022 .1518 .48 .457 .0000 0. 000 9 250. -68.0 .2348 .019 .0821 .013 .1528 .11 .679 .0000 000 9 200. -71.3 .2176 .025 .0673 .006 .1502 -.19 .372 .0000 .000 8 150. -73.6 .2161 .020 .0621 .005 .1540 -.27 .959 .0000 000 7 100. -78.0 .2061 .022 .0537 .003 .1524 .20 .868 .0000 000 6 80. -79.3 .2037 .026 .0480 .003 .1557 1.42 2.671 .0000 000 6 60. -81.0 .2048 .030 .0418 .002 .1630 2.18 4.177 .0000 0. 000 5 50. -82.3 .2033 .034 .0382 .005 .1652 1.30 3.851 .0000 .000 5 40. -82.0 .2229 .021 .0381 .003 .1648 .46 7.577 .0000 000 3 30. -80.7 .2 254 .024 .0362 .001 .1892 8.72 5.560 .0000 000 2 20. -79.7 .2561 0.000 .0307 0.000 .2253 22.18 0.000 .0000 000 1 10. -81.1 .2680 0.000 .0278 0.000 .2402 9.41 0.000 .0000 0. 000 1 HALLETT 1963 SEPTEMBER AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-Q N 1000. -20.8 .3500 .027 .3213 .004 .0286 0.00 0.000 .1910 .270 2 950. -22.0 .3312 .024 .2848 .012 .0464 .91 1.632 .3913 .224 7 900. -22.5 .3315 .023 .2628 .010 .0686 2.62 .736 .3492 .103 7 350. -23.8 .3308 .021 .2477 .011 .0831 1.70 1.167 .2359 .112 7 800. -24.9 .3277 .019 .2355 .013 .0922 1.08 .635 .1751 .127 7 750. -25.1 .3230 .021 .2236 .015 .0995 .85 .523 .1661 .122 7 700. -26.3 .3204 .025 .2123 .017 .1080 1.01 .649 .1188 .163 7 650. -29.2 .3194 .023 .2014 .016 .1180 1.18 .601 .1137 .159 7 600. -32.5 .3155 .023 .1894 .016 .1261 .95 .621 .0871 .121 7 550. -36.2 .3112 .023 .1760 .017 .1352 1.07 .864 .0528 082 7 500. -40.3 .3039 .024 .1602 .018 .1437 .99 .508 .0062 .016 7 450. -45.0 .2937 .029 .1405 .012 .1533 1.13 .523 .0000 .000 7 400. -49.8 .2835 .030 .1224 .012 .1611 .92 .366 .0000 .000 7 350. -55.8 .2764 .030 .1088 .012 .1677 .78 .314 .0000 .000 7 300. -61.5 .2664 .030 .0952 .011 .1712 .42 .536 .0000 .000 7 250. -67.6 .2585 .031 .0848 .009 .1738 .31 .360 .0000 .000 7 200. -69.8 .2461 .029 .0722 .008 .1739 0.00 .534 .0000 .000 7 150. -71.9 .2269 .025 .0712 .007 .1557 .27 .313 .0000 .000 4 100. -74.6 .2339 .002 .0592 .006 .1747 .64 .190 .0000 .000 2 80. -80.3 .2368 0.000 .0537 0.000 .1832 .49 0.000 .0000 .000 1 60. -82.3 .2392 0.000 .0462 0.000 .1910 .34 0.000 .0000 .000 1 50. -82.2 .2392 0.000 .0379 0.000 .2014 6.09 0.000 .0000 .000 1 40. -82.7 .2511 0.000 .0434 0.000 .2077 1.53 0.000 .0000 .000 1 30. -82.9 .2447 0.000 .0454 0.000 .1992 -3.92 0.000 .0000 .000 1 20. -80.1 .2624 0.000 .0391 0.000 .2233 25.79 0.000 .0000 .000 1 10. -70.2 .2846 0.000 .0303 0.000 .2543 -10.00 0.000 .0000 .000 1 HALLETT 1963 OCTOBER AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL S-0 950. -19.8 .3575 .033 .3080 .040 .0495 0.00 0.000 .3543 .134 8. 900. -21.1 .3503 .029 .2885 .038 .0618 1.45 .809 .3492 .122 8. 850. -23.8 .3417 .028 .2730 .032 .0687 .81 1.174 .3021 .105 8. 800. -25.8 .3318 • 029 .2520 .024 .0798 1.30 1.349 ,2689 .104 8. 750. -27.5 .3235 .027 .2312 .020 .0923 1.47 1.871 .2376 .094 8. 700. -29.3 .3170 .025 .2155 .020 .1015 1.09 .699 .2245 .077 8. 650. -31.8 .3107 .024 .2021 .022 .1085 .82 .256 .1802 .064 8. 600. -35.0 .3033 .024 .1879 .023 .1154 .81 .362 .10.70 .063 8. 550. -38.5 .2949 .022 .1723 .026 .1226 .85 .537 .0208 .043 6. 500. -42.8 .2864 .020 .1543 .024 .1320 1.10 .547 0.0000 0.000 8. 450. -47.3 .2771 .019 .1341 .012 .1430 1.29 .949 0.0000 0.000 8. 400. -52.0 .2672 .018 .1188 .008 .1484 .64 .755 O.OOOO 0.000 8. 350. -57.0 .2561 .016 .1070 .008 .1492 .09 .285 0.0000 0.000 8. 300. -62.0 .2425 .010 .0968 .009 .1457 .16 .344 0.0000 0.000 7. 250. -64.9 .2341 .009 .0887 .008 .1453 -.08 .511 0.0000 0.000 6. 200. -68.4 .2247 .006 .0817 .006 .1430 -.46 .613 0.0000 0.000 5. 150. -70.5 .2228 .007 .0735 .009 .1493 .41 .565 0.0000 0.000 3. 100. -70.5 .2235 .007 .0696 .008 .1539 .54 .235 0.0000 0.000 3. 80. -70.0 .2239 .010 .0667 .008 .1572 2.41 2.075 0.0000 0.000 3. 60. -69.7 .2271 .013 .0656 .010 .1614 .91 2.275 0.0000 0.000 3. 50. -69.0 .2283 .011 .0638 .007 .1645 1.79 3.553 0.0000 0.000 3. 40. -68.0 .2291 .013 .0646 .007 .1645 -1.85 4.189 0.0000 0.000 3. 30. -64.7 .2272 0.000 .0632 0.000 .1639 13.06 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. A-6 AMUNDSEN-SCOTT 1963 MARCH AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 650. -45.6 .1629 .009 .1473 .0 36 .0156 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.000 2 600. -38.3 .1749 .005 .1464 .023 .0285 .86 .802 .0977 .025 3 550. -39.9 .1957 .004 .1526 .018 .0431 1.72 .772 .0571 .090 3 500. -42.6 .2115 .010 .1500 .017 .0615 2.16 1.052 .0335 .058 3 450. -45.9 .2140 .012 .1417 .016 .0723 1.27 .834 0.0000 0.000 3 400. -50.0 .2142 .012 .1296 .010 .0846 1.45 .617 0.0000 0.000 3 350. -53.8 .2121 .007 .1200 .006 .0921 .88 .142 0.0000 0.000 3 300. -54.3 .2036 .003 .1086 .006 .0950 .34 .420 0.0000 0.000 3 250. -49.2 .1982 .003 .0971 .004 .1011 .72 .292 0.0000 0.000 3 200. -48.5 .2037 .004 .0975 .004 .1063 .61 .591 0.0000 0.000 3 150. -49.4 .2103 .004 .0948 .006 .1155 1.09 .658 0.0000 0.000 3 100. -51.5 .2176 .006 .0884 .011 .1292 1.62 .184 0.0000 0.000 3 80. -52.7 .2206 .015 .0852 .008 .1354 3.29 3.230 0.0000 0.000 3 60. -54.6 .2215 .011 .0831 .014 .1384 1.28 3.022 0.0000 0.000 3 50. -55.7 .2268 .010 .0783 .012 .1465 5.94 .929 0.0000 0.000 3 40. -57.1 .2350 .008 .0815 .013 .1535 -.90 5.033 0.0000 0.000 3 30. -57.5 .2383 .019 .0816 .017 .1566 -.40 5.676 0.0000 0.000 2 20. -56.5 .2610 .014 .0842 .021 .1768 20.75 1.049 0.0000 0.000 2 AMUNDSEN-SCOTT 1963 APRIL AVERAGE PRES 650. 6U0« 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 43.1 .2017 .055 .1748 .061 .0268 0.00 0.000 .0455 .064 9 39.5 .1973 .037 .1587 .042 .0386 1.39 1.182 .0646 .078 9 41.6 .2044 .026 .1539 .031 .0505 1.39 .481 .0372 .062 9 44.6 .2096 .025 .1453 .028 .0643 1.63 .850 0.0000 0.000 9 48.1 .2077 .020 .1351 .024 .0726 .97 .435 0.0000 0.000 9 52.9 .2040 .017 .1227 .017 .0814 1.03 .831 0.0000 0.000 9 57.7 .1964 .016 .1078 .016 .0886 .85 .809 0.0000 0.000 9 59.9 .1874 .014 .0933 .018 .0940 .64 .497 0.0000 0.000 9 57.1 .1782 .011 .0830 .020 .0952 .13 .595 0.0000 0.000 9 54.8 .1797 .008 .0770 .022 .1027 .89 .358 0.0000 0.000 9 56.3 .1829 .009 .0726 .022 .1103 .89 .440 0.0000 0.000 9 59.4 .1827 .009 .0657 .022 .1170 .79 .38 0.0000 0.000 9 61.3 .1825 .010 .0609 .024 .1216 1.26 3.011 0.0000 0.000 9 63.9 .1823 .009 .0 548 .023 .1275 1.08 2.438 o.oooo 0.000 9 65.2 .1816 .010 .0518 .023 .1298 1.33 3.184 0.0000 0.000 9 66.4 .1821 .010 .0476 .023 .1345 1.69 4.214 o.oooo 0.000 9 66.2 .1791 .009 .0461 .028 .1330 1.20 3.081 0.0000 0.000 7 66.4 .1717 .008 .0552 .028 .1166 -5.4721.615 0.0000 0.000 4 SEN-SCOTT 1963 MAY AVERAGE PRES 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL U s-o N 40.0 .2540 .068 .2443 .063 .0097 0.00 0,000 .0888 .088 10 37.0 .2361 .036 .2005 .0 36 .0356 3.05 2,507 .1506 .076 10 39.7 .2399 .025 .1815 .029 .0584 2.68 1.152 .0927 .091 10 43.2 .2393 .022 .1637 .023 .0756 2.02 .706 .0244 .047 10 47.9 .2366 .020 .1438 .022 .0928 2.02 .550 0.0000 0.000 10 53.3 .2295 .020 .1240 .021 .1055 1.49 .958 0.0000 0.000 10 58.9 .2184 .018 .1057 .016 .1127 .85 .502 0.0000 0.000 10 64.1 .2057 .017 .0847 .010 .1210 .98 .619 0.0000 0.000 10 67.0 .1933 .017 .0681 .008 .1252 .49 ,592 0.0000 0.000 10 65.2 .1848 .015 .0571 .008 .1277 .30 .467 0.0000 0.000 10 67.1 .1851 .014 .0529 .008 .1321 .52 .424 0.0000 0.000 10 71.3 .1860 .013 .0447 .007 .1413 1.08 .676 0,0000 0.000 10 74.1 .1850 .015 .0417 .007 .1433 1.23 2.840 0.0000 0.000 10 77.0 .1824 .014 .0369 .005 .1455 1.65 4.345 0.0000 0.000 8 78.8 .1822 .014 .0321 .008 .1501 2.69 2.705 0.0000 0.000 8 80.0 .1810 .017 .0271 .007 .1539 4.23 7.809 0.0000 0.000 7 79.9 .1825 .019 .0204 .010 .1621 2.65 5.476 0.0000 0.000 5 79.3 .1902 .022 .0067 .015 .1835 -.66 3.080 0.0000 0.000 3 \ A-7 RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 65 0. -40.3 .2452 .039 .2116 .045 .0336 0.00 0.000 .1139 .170 9. 600. -35.2 .2294 .036 .1814 .044 .0480 1.70 1.676 .2064 .129 9. 550. -37.3 .2356 .029 .1660 .040 .0697 2.55 2.151 .1550 .126 9. 500. -41.2 .2345 .026 .1540 .035 .0805 1.28 .954 .0725 .112 9. *50. -45.8 .2311 .025 .1367 .033 .0944 1.64 .637 .0250 .075 9. 400. -51.3 .2257 .026 .1220 .034 .1036 1.08 .641 0.0000 0.000 9. 350. -57.8 .2170 .022 .1062 .033 .1108 .85 .554 0.0000 0.000 9. 300. -64.0 .2051 .017 .0915 .029 .1136 .32 .466 O.OOOO 0.000 9. 250. -70.1 .1903 .011 .0767 .020 .1136 0.00 .628 0.0000 0.000 9. 2U0. -72.4 .1782 .016 .0605 .010 .1178 .49 .585 0.0000 0.000 9. 150. -73.3 .1730 .018 .0496 .008 .1234 .66 ■ .875 0.0000 0.000 9. 100. -77.6 .1721 .018 .0 434 .004 .1286 .61 .861 0.0000 0.000 9. 80. -80.0 .1712 .019 .0375 .006 .1336 1.79 2.489 0.0000 0.000 9. 60. -83.5 .1721 .018 .0320 .009 .1401 1.96 3.933 0.0000 0.000 9. 50. -85.1 .1761 .011 .0280 .009 .1480 2.47 5.122 0.0000 0.000 8. 40. -85.4 .1798 .016 .0190 .009 .1609 8.45 4.566 0.0000 0.000 5. 30. -86.7 .1736 .017 .0170 .019 .1566 -1.89 1.484 0.0000 0.000 2. 20. -81.1 .1898 0.000 .0276 0.000 .1621 15.13 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. AMUNDSEN-SCOTT 1963 JULY AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RO R-NET COOL S-CL S-Q N 650. -46.6 .2762 .044 .2309 .040 .0452 0.00 0.000 .0483 .090 8. 600. -39.4 .2225 .052 .1677 .028 .0547 1.12 .900 .0889 .102 8. 550. -41.6 .2192 .045 .1495 .022 .0697 1.76 .786 .0547 .085 8. 500. -44.5 .2134 .040 .1369 .019 .0765 .80 .476 .0157 .044 8. 450. -48.7 .2087 .041 .1237 .016 .0850 1.00 .444 0.0000 0.000 8. 400. -53.9 .2039 .038 .1100 .016 .0939 1.04 .809 0.0000 0.000 8. 350. -59.3 .1951 .037 .0980 .015 .0971 .37 .881 0.0000 0.000 8. 300. -64.9 .1874 .035 .0871 .015 .1003 .38 .276 0.0000 0.000 8. 250. -69.5 .1754 .033 .0739 .017 .1015 .22 .538 0.0000 0.000 8. 200. -72.7 .1654 .029 .0659 .015 ,.0995 -.24 .818 0.0000 0.000 8. 150. -75.7 .1628 .027 .0580 .018 .1049 .63 .938 0.0000 0.000 8. 100. -80.9 .1589 .027 .0498 .018 .1091 .50 1.092 0.0000 0.000 8. 80. -83.4 .1589 .032 .0429 .021 .1160 3.46 4.343 0.0000 0.000 7. 60. -86.4 .1600 .039 .0334 .028 .1267 4.38 6.700 0.0000 0.000 6. 50. -87.4 .1606 .045 .0315 .037 .1291 2.86 .699 0.0000 0.000 4. 40. -88.4 .1577 .043 .0305 .035 .1273 .36 .997 0.0000 0.000 4. AMUNDSEN-SCOTT 1963 A UGUST AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-ON S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 650. -37.3 .2118 .066 .1863 .069 , 0255 0.00 0.000 .1283 .116 10. 600. -36.3 .2141 .047 .1746 .054 . 0395 1.65 2.274 .1674 .108 10. 550. -39.7 .2210 .038 .1652 .043 0558 1.91 1.132 .0796 .105 10. 500. -44.1 .2220 .032 .1507 .036 .0713 1.83 1.073 .0244 .052 10. 450. -48.8 .2197 .027 .1321 .030 .0876 1.92 .733 0.0000 0.000 10. 400. -54.0 .2131 .025 .1135 .027 .0996 1.41 .529 0.0000 0.000 10. 350. -60.0 .2039 .021 .0959 .019 .1080 .99 .891 0.0000 0.000 10. 300. -66.7 .1938 .018 .0810 .012 .1129 .57 .667 O.OOOO 0.000 10. 250. -72.6 .1813 .013 .0666 .009 1147 .22 .635 O.OOOO 0.000 10. 200. -76.6 .1707 .010 .0589 .007 1118 -.35 .696 0.0000 0.000 10. 150. -80.0 .1644 .009 .0514 .007 1131 .15 .746 0.0000 0.000 10. 100. -84.6 .1582 .012 .0402 .007 1180 .58 .737 0.0000 0.000 10. 80. -86.7 .1583 .011 .0402 .008 1181 .89 3.936 0.0000 0.000 8. 60. -88.1 .1573 .009 .0289 .006 1284 1.39 2.850 0.0000 0.000 5. 50. -89.6 .1533 .004 .0280 .010 1253 -2.53 5.050 0.0000 0.000 3. A- 8 AMUNDSEN-SCOTT 1963 SEPTEMBER AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 650. -40.8 .2707 .037 .2302 .039 .0404 0.00 0.000 .0611 .067 4. 600. -38.6 .2394 .019 .1801 .025 .0594 2.23 1.407 .1061 .078 4. 550. -41.0 .2330 .013 .1562 .020 .0768 2.05 .471 .0434 .057 4. 500. -44.9 .2262 .011 .1391 .015 .0871 1.22 .594 0.0000 0.000 4. 450. -50.3 .2207 .012 .1215 .016 .0992 1.42 .305 0.0000 0.000 4. 400. -55.8 .2133 .012 .1057 .012 .1076 .99 .486 0.0000 0.000 4. 350. -62.2 .2044 .009 .0 894 .005 .1151 .88 .485 0.0000 0.000 4. 300. -67.5 .1923 .009 .0768 .003 .1155 .05 .229 0.0000 0.000 4. 250. -71.8 .1839 .005 .0670 .002 .1169 .17 .355 0.0000 0.000 4. 2U0. -75.9 .1783 .006 .0584 .002 .1199 .34 .390 0.0000 0.000 4. 150. -78.5 .1695 .006 .0530 .004 .1165 -.39 .484 0.0000 0.000 4. 100. -82.3 .1664 .005 .0429 .002 .1235 .82 1.153 0.0000 0.000 4. 80. -84.6 .1604 .002 .0399 .001 .1205 -.50 3.536 o.oooo 0.000 3. 60. -86.5 .1597 • 007 .0374 .005 .1223 1.84 5.42 5 0.0000 0.000 3. 50. -82.9 .1654 0.000 .0283 0.000 .1372 7.08 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. 40. -85.2 .1664 0.000 .0297 0.000 .1367 .84 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. 30. -83.8 .1721 0.000 .0174 0.000 .1548 10.64 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. WILKES 1963 MARCH AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-<3 N 950. -6.1 .5100 .026 .4294 .077 .0806 0.00 0.000 1.1670 .613 3. 900. -10.3 .4630 .013 .3793 .040 .0837 .37 3.672 .9930 425 3. 850. -14.1 .4356 .015 .3495 .037 .0860 .28 1.016 .8828 308 3. 800. -16.9 .4106 .021 .3198 .028 .0908 .56 .469 .8387 248 3. 750. -19.1 .3932 .024 .2833 .009 .1099 2.25 2.896 .8140 213 3. 700. -22.2 .3816 .019 .2501 .005 .1315 2.54 1.165 .6327 171 3. 650. -25.8 .3641 .012 .2289 .031 .1352 .45 3.769 .4449 090 3. 600. -30.2 .3487 .012 .2261 .067 .1227 -1.48 4.739 .1657 166 3. 550. -34.5 .3391 .014 .2141 .074 .1251 .28 .853 .0938 162 3. 5u0. -38.6 .3309 .014 .1917 .06 7 .1392 1.66 .793 .0767 133 3. 45 0. -42.7 .3212 .009 .1704 .062 .1508 1.36 1.125 .0329 057 3. 400. -47.8 .3074 .010 .1505 .055 .1568 .71 .778 0.0000 000 3. 350. -52.5 .2941 .006 .1347 .049 .1595 .31 1.237 0.0000 0. 000 3. 300. -53.4 .2800 .006 .1185 .056 .1615 .23 .415 0.0000 000 3. 250. -51.3 .2796 .006 .1434 .107 .1362 -2.97 5.914 0.0000 000 3. 200. -50.3 .2829 .006 .1404 .107 .1426 .75 .192 0.0000 0, 000 3. 150. -51.7 .2867 .009 .1358 .107 .1509 .99 .700 0.0000 0. 000 3. 100. -65.1 .2817 0.000 .2582 0.000 .0236 .43 0.000 0.0000 0. 000 1. 80. -61.8 .3105 0.000 .2228 0.000 .0877 15.41 0.000 0.0000 0. 000 1. 60. -56.7 .3454 0.000 .2019 0.000 .1435 16.51 0.000 0.0000 000 1. 50. -52.9 .3716 0.000 .1718 0.000 .1999 33.20 0.000 0.0000 0. 000 1. WILKES 1963 APRIL AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 950. -16.1 .4401 .038 .4006 .062 .0395 0.00 0.000 .4641 .230 8. 900. -15.5 .4153 .039 .3502 .062 .0651 3.01 1.308 .4183 ,226 8. 850. -15.7 .3980 .041 .3202 .056 .0778 1.49 .767 .2777 ,298 8. 800. -17.4 .3881 .042 .2943 .049 .0938 1.88 1.405 .3504 ,317 8. 750. -19.1 .3795 .045 .2658 .046 .1137 2.34 2.550 .3211 ,450 8. 700. -22.0 .3717 .047 .2456 .044 .1261 1.46 .858 .2704 ,383 8. 650. -25.2 .3613 .045 .2259 .046 .1354 1.09 1.044 .2947 .396 8. 600. -28.0 .3509 .043 .2087 .050 .1422 .80 .867 .2396 .394 8. 550. -31.7 .3429 .043 .1929 .045 .1500 .92 .440 .1709 .328 8. 500. -35.5 .3315 .040 .1742 .042 .1573 .86 .599 .1360 .213 8. 450. -40.3 .3208 .037 .1555 .036 .1653 .94 .360 .0743 .146 8. 400. -45.4 .3074 .035 .1354 .027 .1721 .80 .565 .0310 .088 8. 350. -51.2 .2955 .030 .1193 .021 .1762 .49 .595 0.0000 .000 8. 300. -54.7 .2804 .028 .1022 .017 .1781 .23 .554 0.0000 .000 8. 250. -53.7 .2674 .024 .0871 .017 .1802 .25 .485 0.0000 .000 8. 200. -50.5 .2631 .025 .0813 .016 .1818 .19 .334 0.0000 .000 8. 150. -51.0 .2642 .026 .0772 .014 .1870 .61 .539 0.0000 .000 8. lUO. -53.0 .2628 .025 .0723 .014 .1905 .41 1.219 0.0000 .000 8. 80. -54.3 .2654 .030 .0698 .013 .1956 1.79 1.867 0.0000 .000 8. 60. -55.1 .2729 .039 .0667 .013 .2061 3.29 3.614 0.0000 • 000 8. 50. -56.1 .2783 .049 .0686 .021 .2097 2.07 4.142 0.0000 .000 8. 40. -56.5 .2814 .059 .0699 .031 .2115 2.10 4.820 0.0000 .000 8. 30. -58.1 .2695 .046 .0614 .027 .2081 1.15 9.335 0.0000 .000 7. 20. -57.1 .2854 .060 .0631 .032 .2222 21.4512.001 0.0000 .000 5. A-9 WILKES 1963 MA> AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL s-o H 1000. -13.3 .4924 .036 .4814 .027 .0110 0.00 0.000 .9746 .407 4. 950. -16.0 .4152 .038 .3765 .058 .0386 .54 1.554 .5380 .342 9. 900. -16.1 .3914 .035 .3391 .065 .0523 1.61 1.212 .5773 ,392 9. 850. -16.7 .3781 .032 .3197 .066 .0584 .72 .880 .5515 .522 9. 800. -17.7 .3676 • 031 .3089 .067 .0587 .04 .727 .5658 .487 9. 750. -18.4 .3608 .028 .2964 .071 .0644 .66 1.199 .6003 .5^ 9. 700. -19.9 .3548 .023 .2891 .072 .0657 .15 .945 .6194 .633 9. 650. -22.4 .3475 .022 .2780 .072 .0695 .45 .727 .5879 .608 9. 600. -25.3 .3382 .023 .2608 .071 .0774 .93 .648 .5633 .521 9. 550. -28.9 .3286 .025 .2421 .068 .0865 1.07 .898 .4176 .390 9. 500. -33.4 .3169 .027 .2129 .060 .1040 2.06 1.861 .3042 .280 9. 450. -38.0 .3045 .027 .1795 .053 .1250 2.47 1.635 .1957 .200 9. 400. -43.4 .2924 .023 .1540 .043 .1384 1.58 1.237 .0857 .110 9. 350. -49.0 .2797 .021 .1277 .032 .1520 1.59 .837 .0000 .000 9. 300. -54.0 .2670 .017 .1057 .024 .1613 1.10 .793 .0000 .000 9. 250. -56.9 .2549 .012 .0892 .016 .1656 .51 .762 .0000 .000 9. 200. -57.6 .2447 .015 .0 796 .010 .1651 -.07 .635 .0000 .000 9. 150. -57.3 .2403 .020 .0730 .011 .1672 .26 .629 .0000 .000 9. 100. -59.1 .2469 .019 .0690 .009 .1778 .29 .785 .0000 .000 6. 80. -60.1 .2453 .022 .0604 .005 .1849 1.63 3.093 .0000 • 000 6. 60. -61.9 .2519 .018 .0607 .009 .1912 .11 2.863 .0000 .000 5. 50. -63.1 .2571 .021 .0563 .012 .2008 5.62 4.883 .0000 .000 5. 40. -64.7 .2655 .030 .0582 .012 .2072 6.93 1.980 .0000 .000 3. 30. -65.0 .2421 0.000 .0413 0.000 .2008 -1.98 0.000 .0000 .000 1. 20. -67.1 .2296 0.000 .0481 0.000 .1815 -15.97 0.000 .0000 .000 1. WILKES 1963 JUNE AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-0 N 950. -11.7 .4072 .027 .3200 .080 .0872 0.00 0.000 .9627 .933 7. 900. -14.7 .3914 .018 .3195 .055 .0718 .19 8.141 .6938 ,633 6. 850. -15.8 .3790 .026 .2974 .063 .0816 1.15 1.448 .7891 ,907 6. 800. -17.8 .3687 .029 .2797 .061 .0890 .87 .907 .7042 ,802 6. 750. -18.9 .3572 .030 .2629 .060 .0944 .63 .999 .6184 ,64-2 6. 700. -21.8 .3499 .027 .2570 .060 .0930 -.16 2.139 .4779 ,565 6. 650. -25.7 .3442 .025 .2448 .061 .0994 .75 1.343 .3223 ,361 6. 600. -29.0 .3313 .025 .2223 .051 .1090 1.13 1.534 .2731 ,319 6. 550. -33.1 .3190 .025 .2022 .045 .1169 .93 1.681 .1817 ,207 6. 500. -36.6 .3098 .024 .1781 .038 .1316 1.74 1.679 .1299 ,149 6. 450. -41.0 .2986 .024 .1590 .033 .1396 .94 .633 .0504 .094 6. 400. -46.5 .2873 .027 .1400 .028 .1473 .90 .662 .0000 .000 6. 350. -52.6 .2757 .027 .1214 .022 .1542 .82 .616 .0000 .000 6. 300. -58.9 .2607 .027 .0991 .016 .1616 .87 .749 .0000 .000 6. 250. -63.2 .2445 .027 .0830 .011 .1615 -.01 .598 .0000 .000 6. 200. -63.8 .2324 .032 .0722 .009 .1602 -.15 .801 .0000 ,000 6. 150. -64.9 .2262 .031 .0 661 .008 .1601 -.02 .754 .0000 ,000 6. 100. -68.5 .2207 .025 .0639 .006 .1568 -1.09 1.094 .0000 ,000 5. 80. -70.0 .2075 .014 .0622 .007 .1453 .69 2.969 .0000 .000 4. 60. -72.5 .2067 .018 .0585 .010 .1481 -.30 4.894 .0000 .000 4. 50. -72.4 .2201 .016 .0473 .014 .1728 2.14 5.197 .0000 .000 2. 40. -73.4 .2212 .009 .0518 .017 .1695 -4.87 5.987 .0000 .000 2. 30. -70.3 .2226 0.000 .0652 0.000 .1574 -.16 0.000 .0000 .000 1. WILKES 1963 JULY AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 950. -15.8 .4396 .037 .4066 .056 .0330 0.00 0.000 .6335 ,327 9. 900. -16.7 .4062 .027 .3508 .049 .0554 2.64 1.5«4 .6079 ,404 9. 850. -18.0 .3851 .025 .3180 .047 .0671 1.38 1.011 .5312 ,370 9. 800. -19.3 .3700 .026 .2924 .049 .0776 1.23 1.221 .4193 ,341 9. 750. -21.0 .3586 .023 .2680 .042 .0906 1.53 1.343 .38 76 ,297 9. 700. -23.5 .3514 .022 .248 2 .039 .1032 1.49 .641 .3059 255 9. 650. -26.5 .3430 .021 .2299 .039 .1131 1.16 .646 .2016 210 9. 600. -30.1 .3354 .021 .2152 .042 .1202 .84 .583 .1504 161 9. 550. -34.1 .3260 .021 .1991 .040 .1269 .79 .497 .1120 103 9. 500. -37.9 .3140 .021 .1795 .036 .1345 .89 .974 .0685 117 9. 450. -42.8 .3029 .021 .1572 .031 .1457 1.32 1.903 .0259 078 9. 400. -48.7 .2898 .023 .1336 .030 .1562 1.23 .919 .0000 0. 000 9. 350. -54.7 .2787 .022 .1150 .025 .1637 .88 .957 .0000 0. 000 9. 300. -60.9 .2660 .020 .0983 .017 .1677 .47 .695 .0000 0. 000 9. 250. -66.4 .2490 .022 .0857 .010 .1633 -.51 .601 .0000 000 9. 200. -68.2 .2333 .021 .0735 .007 .1598 -.41 .790 .0000 000 9. 150. -70.2 .2277 .024 .0640 .013 .1637 .45 1.679 .0000 ,000 9. 100. -73.5 .2195 .011 .0660 .011 .1535 -.45 1.600 .0000 0. 000 5. 80. -75.0 .2254 .013 .0531 .012 .1723 2.79 1.249 .0000 0< 000 3. 60. -77.8 .2365 .016 .0394 .002 .1971 7.08 .370 .0000 0. .000 2. 50. -78.6 .2494 .010 .0299 .005 .2195 13.20 5.492 .0000 000 2. 40. -76.5 .2736 0.000 .0265 0.000 .2471 25.06 0.000 .0000 0< 000 1. A-10 WILKES 1963 AUGUST AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-O 000. -17.7 .4580 .062 .4222 .084 .0358 0.00 0.000 .5817 .056 4. 950. -17.3 .4232 .037 .3711 .054 .0521 .88 1.858 .4312 .176 12. 900. -18.3 .3985 .035 .3260 .058 .0725 2.39 1.551 .3704 .263 12. 850. -20.1 .3839 .031 .3027 .060 .0812 1.03 1.288 .3509 .271 12. 800. -20.6 .3671 .031 .2793 .060 .0878 .78 1.095 .3630 .251 12. 750. -22.1 .3585 .035 .2607 .062 .0978 1.18 .916 .3563 .274 12. 700. -23.9 .3518 .036 .2412 .060 .1105 1.50 1.468 .3391 .322 12. 650. -26.6 .3458 .035 .2247 .060 .1210 1.24 .918 .3275 .314 12. 600. -30.2 • 3398 .036 .2055 .058 .1344 1.57 .411 .2291 .255 12. 550. -33.8 .3303 .0 34 .1853 .055 ,1451 1.26 .978 .1406 .194 12. 5U0. -38.2 .3237 .034 .1649 .053 .1588 1.00 .617 .0726 .147 11. 450. -43.0 .3139 .031 .1458 .046 .1681 1.09 .576 .0485 .108 11. itOO. -48.6 .3019 .030 .1254 .034 .1765 .99 1.000 .0000 0.000 11. 350. -53.8 .2892 .027 .1056 .026 .1836 .83 .753 .0000 0.000 11. 300. -60.2 .2773 .024 .0903 .019 .1870 .40 .616 .0000 0.000 11. 250. -66.1 .2655 .023 .0777 .015 .1878 .09 .619 .0000 0.000 11. 200. -70.8 .2503 .025 .0686 .013 .1817 -.71 1.117 .0000 0.000 11. 150. -73.0 .2398 .021 .0568 .011 .1830 .15 1.178 .0000 0.000 11. 100. -75.9 .2413 .023 .0471 .011 .1942 .42 .877 .0000 0.000 8. 80. -77.7 .2374 .028 .0453 .013 .1921 .92 2.793 .0000 0.000 7. 60. -77.9 .2380 .030 .0427 .011 .1962 2.39 1.362 .0000 0.000 5. 50. -77.7 .2464 .026 .0365 .007 .2099 .80 1.148 .0000 0.000 4. itO. -75.0 .2617 .027 .0327 .005 .2289 -2.27 1.436 .0000 0.000 2. 30. -74.6 .2720 .045 .0280 .005 .2439 6.0413.253 .0000 0.000 2. 20. -71.2 .2792 .050 .0199 .007 .2592 16.18 7.904 .0000 0.000 2. A-11 APPENDIX B Three-monthly (June, July, August) Radiometer sonde Ifeta Averages by Stations (vertical coordinate in pressure increments) B-1 BYRD JUN-AUG AVERAGES 1963 RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET CCX>L S-CL Q S-Q N 800. -30.3 .2765 .043 .2546 .042 .0216 0.00 0.000 .4031 .329 16 750. -26.3 .2709 .045 .2248 .046 .0460 1.75 1.797 .4726 ,307 29 700. -27.5 .2789 .042 .2163 .044 .0626 1.95 .893 .4092 272 29 650. -29.6 .2821 .040 .2044 .041 .0778 1.79 1.322 .3271 ,223 29 600. -32.6 .2812 .036 .1914 .039 .0898 1.42 1.114 .2337 ,171 29 550. -36.4 .2773 .034 .1752 .031 .1021 1.45 1.284 .1382 139 29 500. -40.8 .2717 .032 .1576 .028 .1141 1.41 1.040 .0632 090 29 '*50. -45.7 .2640 .029 .1412 .025 .1229 1.03 .349 .0060 025 29 AOO. -51.1 .2548 .027 .1241 .023 .1308 .93 .747 0.0000 ,000 29 350. -56.7 .2438 .024 .1066 .019 .1372 .76 .671 0.0000 ,000 29 300. -62.9 .2332 .022 .0907 .013 .1425 .62 .590 0.0000 000 29 250. -68.3 .2210 .020 .0764 .008 .1446 .24 .967 0.0000 .000 29 200. -71.5 .2096 .019 .0652 .009 .1444 -.02 .498 O.OOOO ,000 29 150. -74.0 .2030 .020 .0565 .011 .1464 .24 .667 0.0000 0. 000 29 100. -78.8 .1998 .020 .0496 .011 .1501 .44 1.514 0.0000 ,000 29 80. -ei.i .1993 .022 .0451 .011 .1543 1.37 2.660 0.0000 ,000 26 60. -83.5 .2038 .022 .0413 .012 .1625 1.34 4.251 0.0000 ,000 21 50. -84.6 .2050 .022 .0371 .012 .1679 3.16 3.963 0.0000 ,000 21 40. -85.2 .2103 .021 .0329 .012 .1774 6.71 8.478 0.0000 ,000 19 30. -85.8 .2133 .019 .0285 .008 .1848 8.8811.148 0.0000 ,000 13 20. -84.8 .2247 .014 .0296 .007 .1951 3.62 3.161 0.0000 ,000 7 10. -80.2 .2281 .016 .0179 .009 .2102 -14.2625.099 0.0000 ,000 4 HALLETT JUN-AUG AVERAGES 1963 PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 1000. -20.5 .3597 .039 .3 394 .054 .0203 0.00 0.000 .4354 ,185 7. 950. -22.4 .3340 .032 .2925 .047 .0415 .27 .736 .3508 143 28. 900. -23.3 .3327 .028 .2764 .047 .0563 1.73 1.228 .3305 155 28. 850. -24.4 .3306 .026 .2643 .045 .0662 1.17 .895 .3025 192 28. 800. -24.4 .3265 .026 .2516 .045 .0749 1.02 1.066 .3007 234 28. 750. -25.4 .3247 .022 .2429 .046 .0317 .80 .821 .2997 216 28. 700. -26.5 .3214 .021 .2327 .048 .0887 .83 .538 .3102 241 28. 650. -28.8 .3194 .020 .2200 .046 .0994 1.25 .766 .2549 256 28. 600. -31.9 .3161 .019 .2048 .043 .1114 1.41 .936 .1940 217 28. 550. -35.5 .3111 .018 .1890 .040 .1221 1.26 .603 .1195 .175 28. 500. -39.8 .3040 .017 .1710 .037 .1329 1.28 .638 .0649 .118 28. 450. -44.8 .2955 .016 .1517 .033 .1438 1.28 .706 .0181 .058 28. 400. -50.4 .2853 .016 .1327 .026 .1526 1.03 .819 .0000 ,000 28. 350. -56.0 .2725 .020 .1112 .019 .1614 1.04 1.079 .0000 .000 28. 300. -61.2 .2609 .019 .0956 .014 .1654 .47 .462 .0000 ,000 28. 250. -65.7 .2486 .021 .0835 .009 .1650 -.04 .629 .0000 .000 26. 200. -67.2 .2376 .025 .0718 .008 .1658 .07 .601 .0000 000 25. 150. -69.1 .2351 .023 .0677 .008 .1674 .05 .722 .0000 .000 23. 100. -73.6 .2332 .026 .0593 .009 .1739 .83 .893 .0000 .000 21. 80. -76.1 .2323 .028 .0541 .009 .1782 1.21 2.737 .0000 .000 19. 60. -78.4 .2273 .028 .0466 .011 .1787 1.78 4.710 .0000 .000 13. 50. -79.8 .2282 .034 .0459 .Oil .1824 2.14 3.120 .0000 .000 11. 40. -79.6 .2381 .021 .0487 .017 .1894 -1.33 6.124 .0000 .000 7. 30. -79.4 .2451 .023 .0466 .017 .1985 6.94 4.758 .0000 .000 6. 20. -81.2 .2574 .011 .0362 .005 .2212 10.4611.101 .0000 .000 3. 10. -81.1 .2680 0.000 .0278 0.000 .2402 9.41 0.000 .0000 .000 1. B-2 ADMUNSEN-SCOTT JUN-AUG AVERAGE 1963 RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-0 N 600. -36.9 .2217 .044 .1748 .043 .0469 1.51 1.714 ,1571 ,119 27. 550. -39.5 .2253 .037 .1608 .036 .0645 2.08 1,467 ,0974 ,112 27. 500. -43.2 .2236 .033 .1477 .031 ,0759 1.34 ,961 .0379 ,077 27. 450. -47.8 .2202 .031 .1311 .027 .0891 1.55 ,715 .0083 .043 27. 400. -53.1 .2145 .030 .1153 .027 .0992 1.19 ,655 0.0000 0.000 27. 350. -59.1 .2057 .027 .1000 .023 .1057 .76 ,805 0.0000 0.000 27. 300. -65.3 .1957 .024 .0863 .020 .1094 .43 ,503 0,0000 0.000 27. 250. -70.8 .1826 .021 .0721 .016 .1104 .15 ,591 0,0000 0.000 27. 200. -74.0 .1716 .019 .0615 .011 .1101 -.03 ,773 0,0000 0.000 27, 150. -76.5 .1668 .019 .0527 .012 .1141 .47 ,851 0.0000 0.000 27, 100. -81.2 .1630 .020 .0441 .011 .1189 .57 ,860 0.0000 0.000 27. 80. -83.2 .1633 .022 .0400 .012 .1233 1.98 3,590 0.0000 0.000 24. 60. -85.5 .1648 .025 .0316 .016 .1331 2.54 4,649 0.0000 0.000 20, 50. -86.6 . 1674 • 024 .0290 .019 .1384 1.57 4,625 0,0000 0.000 15. 40. -86.7 .1700 .031 .0241 .023 .1459 4.85 5,381 0,0000 0.000 9. 30. -86.7 .1736 .017 .0170 .019 .1566 -1.89 1,484 0.0000 0.000 2. 20. -81.1 .1898 0.000 .0276 0.000 .1622 15.13 0.000 0.0000 0.000 1. WILKES JUN-AUG AVERAGES 1963 RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-0 N 000. -17.7 .4580 .062 .4222 .084 .0359 0.00 0,000 .5817 .056 4. 950. -15.4 .4245 .036 .3697 .068 .0547 .38 1,266 .6291 ,633 28. 900. -17.0 .3995 .029 .3328 .054 .0666 1.99 3,937 .5214 .420 27. 850. -18.4 .3832 .027 .3 066 .055 .0766 1.17 1.202 .5084 .511 27. 800. -19.6 .3684 .028 .2837 .055 .0847 .95 1.080 .45 76 .453 27. 750. -21.0 .3582 .029 .2636 .054 .0946 1.17 1.102 ,4249 .387 27. 700. -23.3 .3512 .029 .2471 .052 .1042 1.12 1.553 .3589 .360 27. 650. -26.4 .3445 .028 .2309 .053 .1136 1,10 .932 ,2844 .290 27. 600. -29.9 .3365 .029 .2124 .050 .1240 1.23 ,858 .2127 .240 27. 550. -33.8 .3264 .028 .1936 .047 .1327 1.03 1,035 .1402 .168 27. 500. -37.7 .3171 .027 .1730 .043 .1441 1.13 1,066 .0845 .136 26. 450. -42.4 .3066 .026 .1528 .038 .1538 1.14 1,161 .0411 .092 26. 400. -48.1 .2943 .027 .1316 .031 .1627 1,05 .881 0.0000 0.000 26. 350. -53.8 .2824 .025 .1125 .025 .1699 .84 .772 0.0000 0.000 26. 300. -60.2 .2695 .024 .0951 .017 . 1745 .53 .674 0.0000 0.000 26. 250. -65.5 .2549 .024 .0817 .013 .1732 -.14 .646 0,0O0Q 0.000 26. 200. -68.3 .2403 .026 .0711 .010 .1692 -.46 .938 0,0000 0.000 26. 150. -70.2 .2325 .024 .0615 .012 .1710 .22 1.267 0,0000 0.000 26. 100. -73.2 .2295 .023 .0570 .013 .1725 -.24 1.279 0.0000 0.000 18. 80. -74.9 .2263 .025 .0518 .013 .1745 1.23 2,572 0.0000 0.000 14. 60. -75.9 .2263 .027 .0479 .012 .1784 2.49 3.916 0,0000 0.000 11. 50. -76.6 .2406 .022 .0376 .010 .2030 4,24 6,301 0.0000 0.000 8. 40. -74.7 .2479 .029 .0391 .015 .2088 2,1513,235 o.oooo 0.000 5. 30. -73.1 .2555 .043 .0404 .022 .2151 3.9810.032 0.0000 0.000 3. 20. -71.2 .2792 .050 .0199 .007 .2592 16.18 7e904 0.0000 0.000 2. APPENDIX C Dark Season Radiometersonde Data Averages by Stations (vertical coordinates in pressure increments) C-1 BYRD 1963 DARK SEASON AVERAGE PRES 800. 760. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20o IC. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL -29.4 -25.8 -26.5 -28.8 -31.9 -35.6 -40.0 -44.9 -50.2 -55.7 -60.8 -63.2 -64.4 -66.6 -70.8 -72.8 -75.3 -76.5 -77.0 -75.9 -77.8 -73.1 .2 848 .2 734 .2812 .2859 .2855 ,2812 .2748 .2666 .2565 ,2454 .2337 ,2207 .2127 .2098 .2077 ,2074 .2098 ,2106 .2147 .2167 .2273 ,2336 .042 .042 .040 .037 .034 .032 .029 .026 .024 .022 .020 .018 .019 .021 .021 .022 .021 .020 .019 .016 .014 .017 .2673 .2337 .2 246 .2143 .2012 .1847 .1667 .1466 .1300 .1112 .0936 .0 792 .0708 .0640 .0562 ,0515 ,0465 ,0427 ,0390 .0348 ,0 349 .0167 .045 .047 .046 .044 .042 .036 .034 .030 .025 .020 .014 .010 .013 .015 .014 .014 .014 .014 .015 .013 .Oil .009 .0175 .0398 .0 564 .0716 .0843 .0965 .1081 .1179 .1264 .1342 .1401 .1415 .1419 .1458 .1515 .1559 .1633 .1680 .1757 .1820 .1924 .2169 .02 1.48 1 1.96 1 1.79 1 1.49 1.43 1 1.37 1 1.15 1.00 .91 .70 .17 .05 .45 • 67 1 1.45 2 1.82 3 2.72 3 5,59 7 6.48 8 3.56 2 4.8630 .120 .729 ,103 ,182 ,941 ,150 ,005 ,799 ,670 ,840 ,746 ,875 ,529 ,709 ,266 .414 ,689 ,448 .125 ,830 ,454 ,707 .4347 .5178 .4793 .3861 .2870 .1901 .0944 .0141 .0052 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 S-Q .383 .352 .329 .282 .222 .176 .134 .064 .036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 45. 37. 37. 33. 27. 12. 8. HALLETT 1963 DARK SEASON AVERAGE PRES 1000. 950. 900. 850. 800. 750. 700. 650. 600. 550. 500. 450. 400. 350. 300. 250. 200. 150. 100. 80. 60. 50, 40. 30. 20. 10. TEMP R-UP S-RU R-ON S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL a S-Q N 19.7 .3668 .040 .3486 .051 .0180 0.00 0.000 .3857 232 12 21.0 .3474 .037 .3050 .046 .0424 .25 .747 .4337 240 66 21.9 .3443 .033 .2855 .044 .0588 1.86 1.125 .4122 221 67 23.0 .3406 .030 .2718 .044 .0688 1.17 1.038 .3732 232 67 23.5 .3360 .029 .2582 .043 .0778 1.06 1.019 .3537 252 67 24.3 .3323 .027 .2455 .042 .0868 1.06 1.146 .3525 ,284 67 25.8 .3293 .027 .2339 .042 .0954 1.01 .782 .3219 288 67 28.3 .3264 .026 .2213 .041 .1051 1.15 .684 .2703 281 67 31.4 .3223 .026 .2070 .040 .1152 1.19 .928 .1994 .233 67 35.2 .3163 .025 .1913 .039 .1250 1.15 .603 .1237 171 67 39.6 .3085 .024 .1732 .036 .1353 1.21 .711 .0610 .119 67 44.4 .2997 .023 .1533 .032 .1463 1.30 .819 .0277 077 67 49.9 .2881 .022 .1342 .026 .1540 .90 .714 .00 34 .027 66 55.5 .2758 .023 .1147 .020 .1611 .84 .860 .0000 .000 66 60.4 .2627 .022 .0972 .012 .1655 .43 .497 .0000 .000 63 62.0 .2503 .023 .0841 .009 .1663 .12 .580 .0000 .000 59 62.9 .2441 .026 .0758 .009 • 1684 .17 .662 .0000 ,000 57 63.7 .2424 .026 .0712 .009 .1712 .38 .723 .0000 ,000 49 66.5 .2432 .028 .0636 .010 .1796 .90 .790 .0000 ,000 44 67.8 • 2441 .030 .0606 .012 .1835 .83 3.22 3 .0000 ,000 40 68.4 .2459 .030 .0552 .011 .1907 2.47 4.127 .0000 .000 31 69.2 .2482 .034 .0530 .011 .1952 2.41 3.214 .0000 .000 26 68.1 .2550 .027 .0534 .012 .2017 1.64 7.601 .0000 000 21 69.0 .2594 .027 .0485 .012 .2109 5.34 5.174 .0000 .000 15 68.1 .2741 .021 .0443 .010 .2298 12.0111.791 .0000 000 9 67.1 .2938 .027 .0285 .001 .2653 6.0914.545 .0000 ,000 4 POLE 1963 DARK SEASON AVERAGE RES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RO R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-O N 650. -41.2 .2346 .060 ,2069 .060 .0277 0.00 0.000 .0805 ,106 54 600. -37.5 .2194 .041 ,1759 .041 .0435 1.86 1.847 .1334 ,103 54 550. -39.9 .2241 .033 ,1628 .033 .0613 2,10 1.269 .0815 ,097 54 500. -43.5 .2245 .029 ,1499 .028 .0745 1,55 .397 .0274 ,062 54 450. -47.9 .2217 .027 .1344 .024 .0874 1.51 .685 .0042 ,031 54 400. -53.0 .2164 .026 .1187 .023 .0977 1.21 .727 0.0000 ,000 54 350. -58.7 • 2078 .024 .1032 .020 .1046 .82 .692 0.0000 ,000 54 300. -63.6 • 1974 .021 .0883 .018 .1091 .53 .549 0.0000 ,000 54 250. -66.4 .1860 ,020 .0749 .017 .1111 .25 .573 0.0000 ,000 54 200. -67.4 .1792 ,020 .0659 .017 .1133 ,26 .704 0.0000 ,000 54 150. -69.5 .1774 ,023 .0596 .018 .1178 .53 .746 0.0000 ,000 54 100. -73.6 ,1759 ,025 .0513 .019 .1246 .80 .796 0.0000 ,000 54 80. -75.0 ,1767 ,028 ,0480 .020 .1287 1.60 3.247 0.0000 ,000 50 60. -76.7 ,1777 ,028 ,0425 .022 ,1352 1.95 3.988 0.0000 ,OO0 44 50. -76.2 ,1821 ,030 .0408 .024 .1412 2.28 3.777 0.0000 ,000 37 40. -74.9 ,1868 ,034 .0401 .027 ,1467 3,02 5.567 0.0000 ,000 30 30. -71.6 .1929 .037 .0412 .031 ,1517 1.44 4.489 o.oooo ,000 18 20. -68,3 .2096 ,055 .0496 .039 .1601 1.0217.568 0.0000 ,000 11 10. -48.5 .3558 0,000 .1308 0.000 .2250 -14.71 0,000 0.0000 000 ■ 1 C-2 WILKES 1963 DARK SEASON AVERAGE PRES TEMP R-UP S-RU R-DN S-RD R-NET COOL S-CL Q S-Q N 1000. -15.5 .4762 .050 .4618 .066 .0234 0.00 0.000 .7761 .341 8. 950. -15.1 .4307 .041 .3799 .066 .0508 .32 1.170 .6208 .479 46. 900. -16.2 .4047 .035 .3400 .056 .0647 1.98 3.201 .5447 .398 47. 860. -17.^ .3881 .033 .3142 .056 .0739 1.08 1.090 .5013 .481 47. 800. -18.7 .3743 .032 .2927 .055 .0816 .91 1.176 .4844 .434 47, 750. -20.1 .3646 .033 .2715 .055 .0931 1.34 1.620 .4657 .430 47, 700. -22.4 .3573 .032 .2651 .055 .1023 1.08 1.422 .4112 .428 47o 650. -25. A .3492 .030 .2390 .057 .1102 .94 1.204 .3645 .388 47c 600. -28.7 .3400 .030 .2219 .057 .1181 .93 1.419 .2814 .362 47o 550. -32.5 .3304 .030 .2041 .056 .1263 .97 .918 .1956 .268 47, 500. -36.6 .3205 .029 .1822 .049 .1382 1.30 1.227 .1369 .198 46. ^50. -^^1.2 .3096 .028 .1596 .042 .1500 1.38 1.277 .0766 .138 46 o ^00. -'>6.7 .2971 .027 .1379 .034 .1592 1.09 .926 .0222 .067 46. 350. -52.4 .2849 .026 .1181 .027 .1668 .39 .854 .0000 0.000 46. 300. -57.6 .2716 .023 .0999 .022 .1717 .67 .711 .0000 0.000 46. 250. -60.8 .2587 .022 .0881 .030 .1706 -.13 1.603 .0000 0.000 46. 200. -61.9 .2479 .026 .0791 .030 .1688 -.20 .845 .0000 0.000 46, 150. -63.1 .2430 .028 .0713 .031 .1717 .34 1.039 .0000 0.000 46. 100. -65.5 .2423 .027 .0690 .037 .1733 .03 1.177 .0000 0.000 33. 80. -65.7 .2439 .032 .0644 .033 .1795 1.96 3.523 .0000 0.000 29. 60. -65.6 .2511 .040 .0626 .032 .1885 2.83 4.586 .0000 0.000 25<. 50. -65.0 .2640 .044 .0592 .032 .2048 5.08 8.058 .0000 O.OQO 22. tiO. -63.7 .2679 .047 .0581 .027 .2098 3.02 7.864 .0000 0.000 16o 30. -62.8 .2632 .042 .0538 .025 .2093 1.63 8.691 .0000 0.000 11. 20. -61.9 .2769 .053 .0505 .031 .2264 15.4616.067 .0000 0.000 8. 10. -51.2 .3602 .003 .0917 .029 .2686 38.9539.085 .0000 0.000 2. C-3 APPENDIX D Monthly Radiometersonde Data Averages by Stations (vertical coordinate in 2-km increments) Dul STATION BYRO, MARCH 1963 ELEVATI0N=1.533U HM HEIGHT ""^^ TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT^^ MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO G/HM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SURFACE -29.27 .2641 .030 .2530 .047 .0111 4 .40 2 -27.52 .2631 .027 .2265 .028 .0367 -3.05 4.02 4 .36 ti -33.87 .2715 .016 .1846 .016 .0869 -1.61 .87 4 .23 6 -'*6.09 .2532 .011 .1464 .010 .1068 -.82 .16 4 8 -53.62 .2275 .014 .1065 .013 .1210 -.76 .60 4 10 -46.51 .2173 .00 6 .0914 .019 .1258 -.36 .61 4 12 -47.01 .2194 .007 .0914 .020 .1280 -.22 .30 4 1^ -48.64 .2219 .009 .0828 .017 .1391 -1.48 .28 4 16 -50.94 .2205 .007 .0747 .015 .1458 -1.20 .47 4 18 -52.76 .2202 .007 .0682 .016 .1520 -1.50 .85 4 20 -54.93 .2199 .004 .0640 .010 .1559 -1.27 1.51 4 22 -55.65 • 2178 .008 .0555 .014 .1623 -2.85 2.27 4 24 -56.57 .2168 .009 .0504 .010 .1664 -2.45 5.58 4 26 -52.85 .2217 .000 .0516 .000 .1702 -7.50 .00 1 28 -53.48 .2188 .000 .0475 .000 .1714 -1.37 .00 1 30 -51.33 .2197 .000 .0145 .000 .2052 • -50.45 .04 1 STATION BYRD. APRIL 1963 ELEVATION=1.5330 KX IGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO /K.M DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN IRFACE -27.05 .2963 .047 .2930 .061 .0033 8 .45 2 -22.80 .2939 .047 .2616 .062 .0324 -3.44 1.74 8 .78 4 -32.34 .3069 .042 .2180 .047 .0889 -1.93 .63 7 .49 6 -44.56 .2777 .033 .1534 .036 .1243 -1.45 .74 7 .43 8 -54.24 .2505 .025 .1081 .023 .1424 -.95 .61 7 10 -52.94 .2322 .017 .0847 .012 .1476 -.36 .48 7 12 -52.66 .2310 .017 .0811 .011 .1499 -.25 .59 7 14 -54.47 .2308 .017 .0760 .008 .1548 -.62 1.16 7 16 -57.22 .2329 .019 .0688 .008 .1641 -1.40 .58 6 18 -60.60 .2286 .017 .0622 .007 .1664 -1.67 1.14 5 20 -63.70 .2251 .019 .0528 .008 .1722 -1.99 1.49 4 22 -65.66 .2276 .019 .0472 .013 .1804 -3.83 3.79 4 24 -65.44 .2301 .018 .0446 .005 .1854 -2.28 6.48 3 26 -65.66 .2455 .013 .0428 .006 .2026 -9.01 .37 2 28 -65.32 .2512 .019 .0314 .003 .2199 • -19.88 4.96 2 30 -62.63 .2369 .000 .0271 .000 .2097 -9.63 .01 1 32 -62.43 .2385 .000 .0260 .000 .2125 -6.12 .01 1 34 -62.99 .2393 .000 .0277 .000 .2117 2.37 .00 1 STATION BYRD, MAY 1963 ELEVATION=1.533U KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN S I GMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SURFACE -31.66 .2786 .032 .2819 .034 -.0034 .26 2 -24.56 .2737 .023 .2402 .038 .0335 -4.30 3.24 .55 4 -32.57 .2890 .020 .2070 .044 .0820 -1.57 .51 .33 6 -47.12 .2651 .017 .1475 .034 .1176 -1.45 .77 8 -60.68 .2366 .016 .0960 .016 .1405 -1.19 1.00 10 -62.97 .2110 .016 .0715 .005 .1395 .07 .64 12 -63.57 .2084 .015 .0656 .010 .1429 -.32 .86 14 -66.46 .2075 .013 .0578 .008 .1497 -.90 1.16 16 -70.54 .2083 .013 .0508 .008 .1575 -1.38 .66 10 18 -74.63 .2116 .016 .0404 .007 .1712 -3.09 1.55 9 20 -76.52 .2137 .013 .0361 .009 .1776 -2.26 2.83 8 22 -77.99 .2188 .013 .0265 .013 .1923 -6.08 2.71 7 24 -79.48 .2282 .011 .0319 .015 .1963 -.92 4.58 3 26 -79.09 .2339 .014 .0148 .005 .2191 • -16.48 4.50 2 28 -78.02 .2282 .002 .0055 .001 .2226 -4.81 24.74 2 30 -77. J7 .2152 .001 .0028 .008 .2124 20.33 19.29 2 32 -76.61 .2105 .000 -.0065 .000 .2170 5.16 .00 1 34 -77.41 .2091 .000 -.0033 .000 .2124 18.00 .02 1 36 -78.50 .2084 .000 .0012 .000 .2072 29.35 .05 1 Height in geopotential kilometers, G/KM. Upward irradiance in langleys per minute. Number of observations at a particular height. D-2 STATION BYRDi JUNE 1963 ELEVATION=1.3330 KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -26.44 .3004 .032 .2890 .030 .0114 2 -20.02 .3062 .029 .2 398 .027 .0664 -6.52 2.40 't -30.66 .3098 .025 .1965 .024 .1133 -1.52 .20 6 -45.55 .2859 .022 .1540 .029 .1320 -.76 .55 8 -60.25 .2538 .019 .1084 .022 .1454 -.69 .66 10 -68.44 .2303 .016 .0734 .009 .1568 -.75 .85 12 -70.74 .2204 .016 .0589 .009 .1615 -.42 .76 Ih -73.57 .2195 .015 .0522 .008 .1673 -.76 1.59 16 -77.51 .2188 .021 .0505 .010 .1683 -.11 1.85 18 -80.40 .2181 .026 .0457 .015 .1724 -.33 2.26 20 -82.93 .2242 .026 .0376 .012 .1867 -4.80 4.50 22 -84.52 .2249 .011 .0309 .006 .1940 -7.02 8.66 24 -83.97 .2310 .008 .0316 .008 .1994 -3.02 3.48 26 -81.99 .2303 .013 .0230 .005 .2073 -1.23 8.39 28 -81.13 .2285 .021 .0229 .006 .2056 2.25 9.26 COUNT M I X I NG RATIO MEAN .39 .77 .28 .12 STATION BYRD. JULY 1963 ELEVATION = 1.5330 K.M HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUN UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -38.69 .2430 .033 .2389 .043 .0041 10 2 -31.95 .2424 .027 .1961 .033 .0463 -4.81 2.75 10 4 -38.98 .2546 .027 .1627 .029 .0919 -1.45 .72 10 6 -51.34 .2397 .022 .1183 .019 .1214 -1.20 .43 10 8 -62.57 .2209 .016 .0887 .009 .1322 -.57 .40 10 10 -70.02 .2033 .010 .0716 .009 .1318 .03 .50 10 12 -73.24 .1930 .011 .0635 .010 .1294 .21 1.11 10 14 -77.67 .1909 .015 .0561 .010 .1348 -.70 1.65 10 16 -81.36 .1935 .016 .0458 .011 ,1477 -2.08 1.65 9 18 -83.96 .1956 .018 .Oitl3 .012 .1543 -2.41 1.67 7 20 -84.80 .2033 .017 .0351 .017 .1683 -2.82 1.90 5 22 -85.31 .1912 .023 .0216 .004 .1696 -.98 14.96 2 MIXING RATIO MEAN .17 .26 .19 STATION BYRD. AUGUST 1963 ELEVATION=1.5330 KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SURFACE -32.84 .2607 .055 .2628 .057 -.0021 9 .35 2 -25.63 .2609 .052 .2369 .063 .0240 -2.95 2.71 9 .46 4 -34.90 .2736 .032 .1886 .048 .0850 -1.91 .86 9 .30 6 -48.65 .2543 .026 .1279 .025 .1264 -1.65 1.15 9 8 -61.37 .2318 .024 .0895 .012 .1422 -.80 .63 9 10 -72.12 .2113 .025 .0670 .005 .1443 -.14 .22 9 12 -78.36 .1989 .024 .0507 .006 .1482 -.34 .47 9 14 -82.81 .1939 .021 .0413 .007 .1525 -.55 1.06 9 16 -86.10 .1917 .022 .0340 .007 .1577 -.91 .89 8 18 -88.82 .2008 .022 .0315 .009 .1693 -.67 2.66 6 20 -89.22 .2052 .029 .0302 .003 .1749 -2.94 3.32 4 22 -88.44 .2056 .011 .0247 .007 .1809 -10.87 10.24 3 24 -86.93 .2084 .015 .0244 .005 .1839 -8.64 6.70 2 26 -82.38 .1969 .000 .0082 .000 .1887 -19.90 .05 1 D-3 STATION HALLETT» MARCH 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 ICM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -12.20 .4551 .025 .4728 .0^8 -.0176 2 -17.93 .3768 .026 .3045 .025 .0722 -2.30 1.14 4 -26.57 .3511 .019 .2397 .027 .1114 -1.26 .86 6 -38.04 .3267 .021 .1847 .027 .1420 -1.25 .28 8 -52.69 .2864 .026 .1151 .010 .1712 -1.50 .70 10 -48.01 .2669 .019 .0884 .00 7 .1785 -.50 .28 12 -46.59 .2737 .017 .0837 .003 .1900 -1.10 .32 lA -48.69 .2763 .016 .0787 .005 .1976 -.99 .95 16 -50.69 .2670 .020 .0670 .022 .2000 -.44 2.86 18 -52.19 .2691 .010 .0706 .009 .1985 .33 .73 20 -54.00 .2747 .017 .0599 .004 .2148 -5.06 5.53 22 -54.83 .2704 .019 .0543 .005 .2161 -.56 1.41 2A -54.78 .2748 .016 .0439 .013 .2309 -8.70 6.21 26 -56.01 .2860 .002 .0470 .005 .2390 -4.47 1.14 28 -55.53 .2905 .003 .0391 .006 .2514 ■ -13.24 5.92 30 -57.70 .2904 .000 .0283 .000 .2621 -6.18 .01 COUNT MIXING RATIO MEAN 4 1.13 4 .71 4 .41 4 .21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 STATION HALLETT. APRIL 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MlN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -18.48 .3905 .040 .3831 .056 .0074 2 -21.37 .3509 .027 .2576 .036 .0933 -2.17 .53 4 -32.22 .3349 .025 .2038 .028 .1312 -1.23 .66 6 -45.33 .3096 .021 .1492 .022 .1604 -1.19 .39 8 -56.16 .2801 .023 .1107 .010 .1694 -.47 .32 10 -50.21 .2645 .025 .0878 .00 5 .1767 -.51 .40 12 -50.72 .2676 .029 .0840 .006 .1835 -.66 .48 14 -52.56 .2672 .025 .0802 .008 .1870 -.46 .68 16 -53.22 .2680 .028 .0705 .008 .1975 -1.87 1.58 18 -55.48 .2700 .024 .0652 .008 .2048 -1.75 1.03 20 -56.43 .2814 .017 .0616 .006 .2197 -2.38 2.45 22 -57.36 .2869 .022 .0533 .009 .2336 -5.14 8.92 24 -58.00 .2893 .027 .0509 .009 .2385 -2.48 8.34 26 -59.05 .2874 .031 .0522 .011 .2353 2.61 5.07 28 -59.54 .3105 .020 .0400 .008 .2705 ■ -13.52 10.54 30 -59.48 .3319 .000 .0278 .000 .3042 ■ -21.13 .04 COUNT MIXING RATIO MEAN .69 .54 .29 STATION HALLETT. MAY 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUN UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -21.91 .3621 .022 .3356 .035 .0266 11 2 -23.49 .3333 .024 .2494 .050 .0839 -1.43 .82 11 4 -32.91 .3279 .031 .2095 .059 .1184 -1.11 .59 11 6 -47.34 .3032 .028 .1559 .048 .1473 -1.19 1.00 11 8 -60.93 .2658 .023 .1049 .030 .1608 -.74 .41 10 10 -59.64 .2383 .020 .0736 .008 .1648 .00 .52 8 12 -59.66 .2412 .019 .0666 .007 .1746 -.94 .34 8 14 -61.69 .2433 .020 .0610 .005 .1824 -1.03 .85 8 16 -64.18 .2428 .025 .0573 .005 .1855 -1.23 .92 6 18 -67.04 .2565 .015 .0493 • 003 .2072 -1.96 .90 3 20 -67.14 .2536 .020 .0488 .001 .2048 -.47 .42 2 22 -71.86 .2712 .000 .0453 • 000 .2259 -3.66 .00 1 MIXING RATIO MEAN .50 .43 .33 .20 D-U STATION HALLETTt JUNE 1963 ELEVATION^ .0005 K.M HEIGHT G/KM TEMP DEG C RADIATION UP LY/MIN RADIATION DOWN LY/MiN RADIATION NET LY/MiN WARMING DEG C/DAY COUNT MIXING RATIO MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SURFACE -23.59 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2^* -27.39 -35.79 -'t8.17 -58.34 -61.56 -63.60 -67.22 -70.80 -74.11 -72.18 -74.29 -71.12 .3413 .3190 ,3078 .2899 .2698 .2501 .2466 .2453 .2445 .2399 .2495 .2540 .2459 .029 .029 .022 .015 .012 .018 .019 .017 .015 .013 .013 .011 .000 .3310 .2299 .1783 .1293 .0979 .0787 .0706 .0639 .0561 .0475 .0483 .0401 .0418 .043 .0 38 .026 .014 .006 .005 .007 .007 .008 .013 .013 .014 .000 .0103 .0890 .1296 .1606 .1719 .1714 .1760 .1814 .1884 .1925 .2013 .2140 .2041 -1.97 -1.30 -1.27 -.60 .01 -.44 -.69 -.97 -1.22 -.30 -5.97 -4.85 .84 .70 .36 .22 .46 .33 .51 .81 5.59 1.49 .85 .00 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 6 4 2 2 1 .37 .32 .20 STATION HALLETT. JULY 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 KM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUN UP DOWN NET G/ICM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MiN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -22.71 .3499 .029 .3358 .027 .0141 10 2 -24.22 .3263 .019 .2393 .039 .0870 -1.82 .84 10 4 -34.10 .3133 .015 .1932 .040 .1201 -.85 .35 9 6 -48.01 .2914 .018 .1402 .028 .1511 -1.27 .81 9 8 -61.35 .2643 .026 .0930 .009 .1713 -1.04 .70 9 10 -69.06 .2502 .020 .0774 .009 .1728 .06 .52 8 12 -70.16 .2403 .021 .0713 .010 .1690 .02 .70 7 14 -74.12 .2435 .020 .0646 .011 .1789 -1.29 1.27 7 16 -77.43 .2461 .018 .0585 .012 .1876 -1.55 1.75 7 18 -79.63 .2431 .018 .0539 .012 .1893 -2.94 1.95 4 20 -82.03 .2515 .020 .0643 .024 .1872 -.25 3.25 2 22 -82.69 .2551 .025 .0595 .018 .1955 -4.29 5.52 2 24 -81.94 .2591 .016 .0390 .002 .2201 -17.94 8.98 2 26 -76.35 .2628 .0343 .2285 4.98 1 MIXING RATIO MEAN .37 .35 .23 STATION HALLETT, AUGUST 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 HM HE I GH T TEMP RADIATION RADIATION F RADIATION WARMING UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -20.63 .3624 .057 .3516 .063 .0107 2 -24.02 .3315 .020 .2710 .057 .0605 -1.22 .93 4 -31.75 .3191 .019 .2181 .054 .1010 -1.29 .44 6 -46.12 .2926 .021 .1616 .043 .1310 -1.21 .50 8 -59.96 .2586 .020 .1082 .030 .1504 -.98 1.12 10 -69.71 .2295 .022 .0765 .012 .1530 -.17 .40 12 -72.55 .2173 .018 .0649 .005 .1524 .57 .97 14 -76.62 .2092 .018 .0566 .005 .1526 -.40 .56 16 -79.35 .2040 .025 .0483 .003 .1557 -.58 2.15 18 -81.30 .2052 .032 .0408 .003 .1643 -2.76 1.20 20 -82.16 .2244 .019 .0385 .003 .1858 -1.12 3.15 22 -80.08 .2254 .025 .0354 .001 .1901 -7.11 5.37 24 -79.61 .2557 .0309 .2248 -11.26 .00 26 -80.86 .2636 .000 .0312 .2324 -7.45 28 -81.14 .2682 .0279 .2403 -10.98 30 -81.24 .2762 .0249 .2513 -21.78 32 -79.47 .2835 .0179 .2655 -40.26 34 -78.26 .2935 .000 .0112 .000 .2823 -68.73 36 -77.93 .2890 .0093 .2798 14.57 38 -77.80 .2819 .0089 .2731 55.30 40 -77.80 .2735 .0093 .000 .2642 10 3.88 COUNT MIXING RATIO MEAN .42 .41 .39 .20 D-$ STATION HALLETTi SEPTEMBER 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 ICM HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING UP DOWN NET G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA SURFACE -21.51 .3532 .032 .3527 .020 .0004 2 -25.25 .3238 .021 .2258 .013 .0980 -2.41 .52 A -34.43 .3130 .023 .1821 .016 .1308 -1.05 .48 6 -47.10 .2882 .032 .1308 .013 .1574 -1.07 .23 8 -59.99 .2692 .031 .0983 .012 .1709 -.70 .31 10 -69.24 .2521 .032 .0797 .009 .1723 -.09 .45 12 -71.68 .2278 .025 .0736 .007 .1542 -.12 .41 14 -73.99 .2346 .006 .0602 .001 .1744 -.87 .20 16 -80.09 .2369 .0525 .000 .1844 -.82 18 -83.37 .2416 .0454 .1962 -2.97 .00 20 -81.69 .2492 .0404 .000 .2087 -4.49 .00 22 -83.08 .2505 .0456 .000 .2049 1.95 .00 24 -79.14 .2685 .000 .0365 .000 .2321 • -20.16 .00 26 -72.85 .2819 .000 .0287 .000 .2533 ■ -22.90 .00 COUNT MIXING RATIO MEAN .39 .24 .16 STATION HALLETT. OCTOBER 1963 ELEVATION= .0005 K.M HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO G/KM DEG C LY/MIN LY/MIN LY/MIN DEG C/DAY MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SIGMA MEAN MEAN SIGMA MEAN SURFACE -19.90 .3720 .039 .3525 .039 .0196 8 .44 2 -27.49 .3231 .027 .2300 .020 .0931 -1.84 .37 8 .26 4 -37.63 .2972 .024 .1766 .025 .1207 -.88 .28 8 .11 6 -50.24 .2710 .020 .1238 .009 .1473 -1.08 .50 8 8 -61.59 .2432 .011 .0975 .009 .1457 -.14 .20 7 10 -66.63 .2298 .008 .0847 • 009 .1451 .04 .52 6 12 -70.41 .2230 .007 .0748 .010 .1482 .06 .37 3 14 -70.60 .2225 .008 .0692 .009 .1533 -.67 .13 3 16 -70.01 .2241 .010 .0667 .008 .1575 -.75 .49 3 18 -69.50 .2272 .013 .0650 .010 .1622 -1.21 1.46 3 20 -68.06 .2294 .012 .0649 .008 .1645 -.81 1.62 3 22 -64.70 .2300 .0627 .000 .1673 -4.47 .00 1 STATION AMUNDSEN- -SCOTT. MARCH 1963 ELEVATION = 2.800U K.M HEIGHT TEMP RADIATION RADIATION RADIATION WARMING COUNT MIXING UP DOWN NET RATIO G/- (X Q o Uj 2 ^ o O "^ r- fNJ 1 DEG C OR >- Q cr cc 10 o t— 10 o _A__. LlI o cr cc -^ — * " ' "^ • '"^"^ o 1 cr. a: u GC cr o 1 5; CD cn Q /J o to or >- GO ' \e a o ______^ r / 10 CM a N-* *•■*'* c 1 . A / ^^^.-^ rM 1 \ / O ^— . y^ ID 1 ' ^—^ ^^^~--_ -^-..^^^ O r« N. ' 1 i \ D o 03 1 in :: a 1 n o m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° X-2 E-3 o I LlI CO cr. U-l > cc J^„ B-U E-^ B-6 o ^ ro > cc (-) UJ z - o o (M o cc o (J CD LU o >- _J Q cr cc "^ s o cc- .^^^ - o — -^ r> v^ " LU O (X OC St LU > o I CE 1— CD ID • - 3* o 1 (X (O Q — o 3* n o to 1 OC CO / / '^ a o / — __^. — 3- 1 / ~~*~~~~-.,„.^ — - cr a ~^ <_) o 2 n uu 2 Q \ r^ O >- _j — Q d U CC in O ID ■jj _^ * Q 1— - ■ n - J5 UJ CO (X cc LU > n >- CE CC 2; A- CO 1— / - 3* n ■n t LlJ ^^-■ 7 / _l ^.-"^ / ^ 1 □ —1 /"^^ / 1 to cn y / / — n ^/ / y -N V ^^.^.^ a ^ k /^^'"^"^ □ \a ■^ rM V D n a / ^^^-^ - a a □ ~i i^ \_ Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1* E-10 o lO cr Q (_) o LlJ ■z. a D CE O (_J LJ LlJ C3 >- _J Q cr LD ID o O to o __--»'- — *^ *■ — "* -~« — * LO LO « UJ O CE OC LU >■ O in o T CE LU ^ LO 3- c CM 1 CD 07 ^ cr o :r LD to O CO 1 1— 1— IXJ ►_— CE 1 — -^ * — — _l O _l ^ — / ro (X -■-''^ / / X / ^ o / / 3- — -^ ^ ^ LO CM o CM c ' \ 1 ^^> - - X LO o / y ^^■^ T yi ^ / / -^ D n C3 o _>^/ *v & 1 / o o OD 1 o 1° o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '-^ 05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E-11 o CO > <-) bJ 2 2 - n □ a CJ \ f\j o (-) LU >- _l Q d a: o 1 — — a o — t -^^ ^ ^ , ^ _^ ^ /> — •^'^ /7 KJ UJ CD CT OC O LlJ , o 1 >- ; o CM 1 — ) CD cn cc — o in o 1 1— 1— LlJ _I _l cr ^/^ ^ . -r — o o y^ / y^ 3< 1 \ / ^^ — O o \ 1 .y^'^ — in 1 -s ~~ryi i2 o / y ^^"-v,.^^^ 1 r \ ■' J ^^^--. - o / V"-"^ \^ 1 -:/ / O o / a> 1 - V / - o t o o en 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o CD E-12 E-13 E-lU E-15 o o o o o o o o cc. CJ LU 2 2_ in r- o o O \ r- CM 1 DEG C OR > cr cc ID CI 1 — CC UJ CD CC CC LU > cr D tD o *-~»_^j^ ^^ ^^ - . — -*" m in o in >- o T cr to CD CD in CI o I 1 — I— O CJ CO 1 in ^n -z. E. o 1 LU CO O cr /\ o o /\- 1 in ^ ^"/ / o ^/■'"'^ y / f\j CI ^^^ / J ° in -- V ^^^-^ / / v_ / / in o ^^~~~''——~~^ / y / CO Z/^ X o m c; o 1 // \ z - o o J oo 1 — v/ - in c 1° o C-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --• en 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E-18 o - >- cr Q U 'J - IT) r- o Q CC O o JJ CD >- —J o d CC o i_lJ O cr en LU CC o o " ^ UJ - LO -r:' Q 3) o 1 —I to CD CJ) - o o CM 1 H— 1— D CJ CO 1 -z. 3^ LO o 1 LU CO CD -z. - a O 1 / A LD o o J^ / / LD v -^-"^^ / / / in o V ~~~-^ / y^ U3 1 ^~'~^^— -^^ / y^ -^ o yf^ "° yj '^•^ LD j<^ / \^ C o jmy'^ / \^ 6 r~ ~~-^ — V »- 1 ^ y^ \vZ \ / / O o CD 1 1 c 1 o O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ""■ (D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E-19 E-20 E-21 E-22 E-23 E-2ii E-2^ E-26 E-27 E-28 APPENDIX F Computer Plots of June, July, August Radiometer sonde Data Averages by Stations F-1 F-2 F-3 o ^^ >- o z o o Q ■V, r~ CM O C_) >- _J cc o UJ Q CO b t-; cc CD UJ o cc cc s o y^ UJ ■ i!> --. * a: o ID (X 1 /5 in s o 1 1 1 — 1— o n J" o 1 LJ CO 1 -Zi UJ CO □ T B n •o o to 1 2r Q CE a •0 o J / 3" 1 /- .^ ■M O ■M o K-^ 1 f in I V X ^ X^ in o \ ,'^ to 1 — *N ----.^^^ o 7>^-^. '>v s. s o \^ • 1 \ ^ Ne D o oo 1 1 1 J - S 1 o o 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 .— • a> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1- 1 F-i; F-5 GPO 839-297 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD7Efl SflblS