* * «J An Index of State Specifications And Standards Covering those Standards and Specifications Issued by State Purchasing Offices of the United States Linda L. Grossnickle, Editor Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 SP W ^A 4* ft (A / U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Frederick B. Dent, Secretary I NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Richard W. Roberts, Direcfor a. Issued September 1973 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-600338 National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 375 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 375, 394 pages (Sept. 1973) CODEN: XNBSAV For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. 03.10:375). Price: $3.70 Stock Number 0303-01084 Contents Page 1 . Introduction V 2. How to use the index VI 2.1. Index entries VI 2.2. Reading the index VII 3. List of state abbreviations VII 4. List of state purchasing offices VIII 5. Stop list XI 6: KWIC Index 1 III Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/indexofstatespecOOgros An Index of State Specifications and Standards Linda L. Grossnickle, Editor This computer-produced Index contains the permuted titles of more than 6,000 State purchasing specifications and standards issued by 37 State Purchasing Offices thru 1971. The title of each specifi- cation and standard can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. The date of publication or latest revision, the specification or standard number, and an abbreviation for each State appear as part of each entry. A list of these abbreviations and the names and addresses of the State Purchasing Officials are found at the beginning of the Index. Key words: Index of State specifications and standards; Key-Word-In-Context index of State specifica- tions and standards; purchase specifications and standards, State; specifications, State; standards, State; State specifications and standards. 1. Introduction At the 1969 Meeting of the National Association of State Purchasing Officials (NASPO) in Salt Lake City, Utah a resolution was passed which authorized the Committee on Standards to request the National Bureau of Standards "to cooperate and assist in developing a national collection and index of State specifications and standards." Mr. Herman Crystal, Chairman of the NASPO Committee on Standards, was the key figure in initiating NASPO's resolution. He considered the contribution of State specifica- tions and standards to NBS by the State Purchasing Offices one of the most important projects suggested by NASPO. This represented the first real start towards the coordination of State-prepared specifications. Dr. Lewis M. Branscomb, former Director of the National Bureau of Standards, subsequently re- sponded to that request by inviting the members of NASPO to join in a cooperative effort. He requested of each State Purchasing Office (1) a listing, if available, of its specifications and standards, (2) cross references to nationally recognized specifica- tions and standards such as Federal and ASTM, and (3) copies of each of the specifications and stand- ards, except those for foods and drugs. Thirty-seven states responded by sending the re- quested information. In addition, Alabama, Maine, and Mississippi indicated that they had no specifi- cations or standards programs, and Colorado and West Virginia said they were developing such programs. The permuted titles of the more than 6,000 specifications and standards received from the states are listed in this computer-produced Index. Excluded are bids, qualified products lists, and con- tracts. This Index will serve to update the Index of State Specifications on Commodities published by NASPO in 1963, 1964, and 1966. Copies of any of the specifications and standards listed should be ordered from the appropriate offices listed in section 4. Documents should be ordered by number and title. Reference copies of these docu- ments are included in a collection of more than 120,000 U.S. industry, government, foreign national and international specifications, standards, test methods, and recommended practices maintained by the Bureau's Standards Information Services Section (NBS _ SIS). The section, which is a com- ponent of the Engineering and Product Standards Division, NBS - SIS, is located at the NBS site in Gaithersburg, Maryland (about 20 miles northwest of Washington, D.C.), and is open to the public on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The staff answers inquiries made in person or by tele- phone or letter. Letters should be addressed to the Standards Information Services Section, National Bureau of Standards, Building 225, Room B159, Washington, D.C. 20234. All comments, suggestions, or questions on this Index are welcome and should be addressed to the Editor at the same address. 2. How to Use the Index 2.1. Index Entries An Index entry may contain as many as six items of information. The first item given is the title of the specification or standard. Generally, the key words found in the title are sufficient to identify the product or article covered; however, in some instances additional descriptive terms have been added to the title to aid in identifying the contents. Over 400 words, which are meaningless for searching pur- poses, do not appear as key words. Examples are: "and," "for," "characteristics," "general," and "method." A list of these words appears in section 5, "Stop List." The second item is the year of pub- lication or latest revision. When the year does not appear on the standard or specification, the current year is assigned followed by a question mark. When applicable, the third and fourth items of information designate Federal or industry standards or specifica- tions which form part of, or are similar or identical to, the State specifications. Because of space limita- tions, no more than three such cross references appear in an entry. These references consist of an acronym identifying the organization which pub- lished the standard (item 3) followed by the standard number (item 4). The organization acronyms are as follows: AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials AIA American Insurance Association AISI American Iron & Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials CE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CFR Code of Federal Regulations FED Federal Specifications and Stand- ards of the General Services Administration ICC Interstate Commerce Commission IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association MIL Department of Defense NACM National Association of Chain Manufacturers NASPO National Association of State Pur- chasing Officials NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NSF National Sanitation Foundation OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. USC U.S. Department of Commerce The last two items of information given are an abbreviation identifying the State issuing the specifi- cation or standard and the number assigned to the standard or specification by that State. This in- formation is always found in the right-hand columns of the Index. A list of the State abbreviations used appears in section 3. If a state has not assigned a number to a specification, there appears as asterisk (*) plus a number 1, 2, 3, etc. Numbers marked with asterisks serve as retrieval devices for the staff of the Information Center and should not be used when ordering specifications. Sample Entry: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Spec, for MOWERS: Lawn, Hand Operated (1968) FED OO-M-671 PAM-65 (1) Title (2) Year of publication or latest revision (3) Cross reference abbreviation for Federal Specification (4) Federal Specification number (5) Abbreviation for the State of Pennsylvania, which issued the specification (6) Specification number assigned by Pennsylvania VI 2.2. Reading the Index The title of each specification or standard can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alpha- betically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. Each title is assigned only one line in the Index; therefore, titles longer than one line have been cut by the computer. This truncation is indicated by a virgule (/) at the point where the title was cut (see entry 2 in sample listing below). Occasionally both ends of a title will be truncated. When this situation occurs, the virgule will be omitted (see entry 3). Missing portions of a title can be found by locating in the index one or more of the title's other key words. An entry line is read from left to right beginning after the longest blank space in the line. If the long- est blank space is not at the beginning of the line, the entry will be continued at the left hand margin of the same line, as shown in sample entries 1 and 2. Because of the variable width characters, when a line is truncated, the line does not print full left and right. Sample Entries (1) Heavy (1968) Spec, for Ice (2) Cutting Rose /Spec, for Industrial Oil (Ice (3) Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Machine, Starting Pistol and CA 681-91-52 IN *15-11 NY 30200-0587 The computer programs for the Index were prepared by the Office of Computer Information, Center for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards. The editor wishes to give special acknowledgement to Michael Kep- linger and Helen Hawes of that Office. 3. List of State Abbreviations Abbreviati on State AL ALABAMA AK ALASKA AZ ARIZONA AR ARKANSAS CA CALIFORNIA CO COLORADO CT CONNECTICUT DE DELAWARE FL FLORIDA GA GEORGIA HI HAWAII ID IDAHO IL ILLINOIS IN INDIANA IA IOWA KS KANSAS KY KENTUCKY LA LOUISIANA ME MAINE MD MARYLAND MA MASSACHUSETTS MI MICHIGAN MS MINNESOTA MP MISSISSIPPI MO MISSOURI MT MONTANA NE NEBRASKA NV NEVADA NH NEW HAMPSHIRE NJ NEW JERSEY NM NEW MEXICO NY NEW YORK NC NORTH CAROLINA ND NORTH DAKOTA OH OHIO OK OKLAHOMA OR OREGON PA PENNSYLVANIA RI RHODE ISLAND SC SOUTH CAROLINA SD SOUTH DAKOTA TN TENNESSEE TX TEXAS UT UTAH VT VERMONT VA VIRGINIA WA WASHINGTON WV WEST VIRGINIA WI WISCONSIN WY WYOMING VII 4. List of State Purchasing Offices ALABAMA Howard L. White, Jr. State Purchasing Agent Department of Finance Division of Purchases and Stores Capitol Building, Room 125 Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (205) 269-6291 ALASKA Richard C. Bradley, Director Division of Supply Department of Administration Pouch "C" Juneau, Alaska 99801 (209) 586-5217 ARIZONA R. Russell Leach, Director Purchasing Division Department of Finance Capitol Building, Room 110 17th Avenue and Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (692) 271-5511 ARKANSAS William Gaddy, Administrator Purchasing Division 130 State Capitol Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 371-2338 CALIFORNIA John S. Babich Purchasing Manager Office of Procurement Department of General Services 915 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California 95807 (916) 445-6942 COLORADO Louis S. Middlemist State Purchasing Director Division of Purchasing Suite 232, 1525 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80293 (303) 892-3267 CONNECTICUT William H. Finnegan Director of Purchases Purchasing Division Department of Finance and Control 460 Silver Street P.O. Box 1141 Middletown, Connecticut 06458 (203) 347-3361 DELAWARE Herbert Cornelius Acting Purchasing Director Division of Purchasing Department of Administrative Services P.O. Box 299 Delaware City, Delaware 19706 (302) 834-4512 FLORIDA John J. Hittinger, Jr., Director Division of Purchasing Department of General Services William D. Bloxham Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 224-8171 GEORGIA Hoyt E. Robinson Supervisor of Purchases State Purchasing Department Room 142, State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656-3240 HAWAII Miles A. Kinley, Chief Purchasing & Supply Division Department of Accounting & General Services P.O. Box 119 Honolulu, Hawaii 96810 (808) 548-4057 IDAHO Dan R. Pilkington State Purchasing Agent State House Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 384-2465 ILLINOIS Thomas B. Blanco, CPPO State Purchasing Agent Procurement Division Department of General Services Room 801, State Office Building 401 South Spring Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 (217) 525-4705 INDIANA E. Frank Burris, Director Supply Division Department of Administration 507 State Office Building 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 633-6542 IOWA James A. Gay Chief Purchasing Officer Department of Social Services Lucas State Office Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 281-5982 VIII 4. List of State Purchasing Offices — Continued KANSAS Henry H. Knouft Director of Purchases Purchasing Division Department of Administration State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 (913) 296-2376 KENTUCKY Clarence M. Tabor Director of Purchases Department of Finance Capitol Annex Building, Room 348 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 (502) 564-4510 LOUISIANA Sheffield C. Spring Director of Purchasing Division of Administration Purchasing & Property Control P.O. Box 44095 State Capitol Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 (504) 389-6692 MAINE Linwood F. Ross State Purchasing Agent Bureau of Purchases State Office Building Augusta, Maine 04330 (297) 289-3521 John R. Dyer, CPPO Deputy State Purchasing Agent MARYLAND Stanley J. Hanna Acting Chief Department of General Services Purchasing Bureau 610 Reisterstown Road Pikesville, Maryland 21208 (301) 486-0200 MASSACHUSETTS Alfred C. Holland State Purchasing Agent Commission of Administration & Finance Department of General Services Room 126, State House Boston, Massachusetts 01233 (617) 727-2882 MICHIGAN Frank J. Pennoni Chief of Purchasing Purchasing Division Department of Administration 2nd Floor, Mason Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 (517) 373-0300 MINNESOTA Alan O. Vessey Director of Procurement Department of Administration Division of Procurement 112 Administration Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 221-2600 Milton Christen, Standards Engineer Division of Procurement MISSISSIPPI H.R. Smith, Asst. Supervisor Purchase Division Commission of Budget & Accounting P.O. Box 267 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 MISSOURI Robert L. Norris State Purchasing Agent Office of State Purchasing Agent P.O. Box 539 Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 (314) 636-5201 MONTANA Harold F. Weggenman, Director Purchasing Division Department of Administration Room 109, State Capitol Building Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 449-2575 Ralph Kenyon, State Controller NEBRASKA Charles W. Neal Director of Purchasing Department of Administrative Services State Capitol Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 (402) 471-2401 NEVADA Terry Sullivan Purchasing Administrator Division of Purchasing Blasdel Building Carson City, Nevada 89701 (702) 882-7475 NEW HAMPSHIRE Richard N. Peale, Director Division of Purchase and Property Department of Administration Control State House Annex Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603)271-2700 NEW JERSEY Frank M. Papale, Jr. Division of Purchase and Property Department of the Treasury State House Trenton, New Jersey 08625 (609) 292-4886 Herman Crystal, CPPO Deputy Director NEW MEXICO C. R. Sebastian State Purchasing Agent Purchasing for State Agencies Lamy Building 425 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe New Mexico 87501 (505) 827-2626 IX 4. List of State Purchasing Offices — Continued NEW YORK John F. Spath Director of Purchasing Division of Purchasing Office of General Services 119 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 11225 (518) 474-3695 NORTH CAROLINA R. D. McMillan, Jr. State Purchasing Officer Division of Purchase and Contract Department of Administration 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 (919) 829-3581 Willis Holding, Jr. Assistant State Purchasing Officer (919)829-3286 NORTH DAKOTA Harold Nelson State Purchasing Agent Purchasing Division Capitol Building Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 (701) 224-2680 OHIO Robert W. Stuart, Chief Division of Purchases Department of Finance 400 South Front Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 469-3663 OKLAHOMA Ira M. Baker Purchasing Director State Board of Public Affairs Central Purchasing Division 306 State Capitol Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405) 521-2115 OREGON Tom P. Hill, Acting Administrator Procurement Division Department of General Services 1225 Ferry Street, S.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 (503) 378-4643 PENNSYLVANIA Frank C. Hilton Secretary of Property & Supplies Department of Property and Supplies Room 602, North Office Building Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17125 (717) 787-5996 Hugh M. Carleton, CPPO Deputy Secretary of Procurement (717) 787-5295 Joseph H. Cheshure Director of Purchase (717) 787-4718 RHODE ISLAND Leslie D. Lemieux State Purchasing Agent Division of Purchases 289 Promenade Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 (401) 277-2321 SOUTH CAROLINA James H. Barnes State Purchasing Officer Purchasing Office Division of General Services 300 Gervais Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (803) 758-2531 SOUTH DAKOTA Ambrose M. Schultz, Director Division of Purchasing & Printing State Capitol Building Pierre, South Dakota 57501 (605) 224-3405 TENNESSEE John T. Fisher, Jr. Deputy Commissioner Department of Standards & Purchases C2-202 Central Services Building Nashville, Tennessee 37219 TEXAS Homer A. Foerster Executive Director of State Purchasing State Board of Control P.O. Box 13047 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 475-2727 UTAH J. Douglas Christiansen State Purchasing Agent Finance Department 147 State Capitol Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 (801) 328-5721 VERMONT Richard C. Raymond Purchasing Director Purchasing Division Department of Administration State Administration Building Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (802) 223-2311, ext. 221 VIRGINIA Benjamin P. Alsop, Jr., Director Department of Purchases and Supply P.O. Box 1199 Richmond, Virginia 23209 (703) 770-3845 WASHINGTON Gerald G. Geer Acting Supervisory Division of Purchasing Department of General Administration 216 General Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98502 (206) 753-6461 WEST VIRGINIA Benjamin E. Rubrecht Director of Purchases Division of Purchases Department of Finance & Administration State Capitol Building Charleston, West Virginia 25305 (304) 348-2307 4. List of State Purchasing Offices — Continued WISCONSIN John E. Short, Director Bureau of Purchases and Services Department of Administration 1 West Wilson Street Room B-135 Madison, Wisconsin 53702 (608) 266-1558 WYOMING Elias S. Galeotos State Purchasing Agent Board of State Supplies Room 124, Capitol Building Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 (307) 777-7529 5. Stop List ABOVE ABSENCE ACCEPTING ACCOMMODATE ACCORDING COINCIDENT COMBINED COMMITTEE COMPARABLE COMPARING EXCEPT EXISTENT EXPENDABLE EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCES ACCUMULATE ACQUIRED ACT ADDENDA ADJUST COMPARISON COMPLIANCE COMPOUNDED CONFORMING CONJUNCTION EXPLANATION EXPOSED EXTANT EXTENDED EXTENDING AFFECTING AFTER AGAINST AGENCIES ALL CONSIDERED CONSISTING CONTENT CONTENTS COVERAGE ETERNALLY EXTRA EXTRACT ABLE EXTRACTED EXTRACTING ALPHA ALSO AMOUNT AND/OR ANSWER CUBIC DEFINITE DEGREE DEGREES DELAYED EXTREME FABRICATED FACED FALSE FINER ANSWER-BACK ANY APPLICABLE APPRAISE APPROXIMATE DEPLETED DERIVED DESIGNATE DESIGNATED DESIRABLE FLATWISE FOR FORKED FORMERLY FORWARD APPROXIMATELY APPROXIMATION ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENTS ASSOCIATED DESIRED DETAILED DETERMINE DIFFERENT DIFFICULT FULLY GALLON GENERAL GENERAL-PURPOSE GREAT ASSURE AVAILABLE BELOW BETWEEN BLENDED DILUTE DISCUSSION DISSIMILAR DIVIDED DUE GROUPING GROUPS GROWTH HALF HANDLED BODIED BROKEN BURNED CAPABILITIES CAPABILITY DUPLICATE DURING EDGED EDGEWISE EFFECT HARD HAVE HEAVILY HEAVY HEIGHT CAUSED CENTIGRADE CENTIMETER CENTIMETERS CENTRALLY CERTAIN CHANGED CHIEFLY CHOICE CLEANED EFFECTIVENESS EFFECTS EITHER ENTERING EQUIVALENT ESTABLISHMENT ESTABLISHMENTS EVACUATE EVIDENCE EXAMINE HEIGHTS HELD HIGHLY HOUR HOURS HOW IMMEDIATE IMPERMEABLE IMPERVIOUS IMPORTANCE XI IMPROVED IMPROVEMENT IMPROVING INCH INCLUDING INCLUSION INCLUSIONS INCORPORATE INCREASE INDIVIDUAL INFLUENCE INHIBITED INNER INSIDE INTRINSICALLY INTERIM INVOLVING KILOWATT KILOWATTS KILOCYCLE KILOCYCLES KILOVOLT KILOVOLTS LAID LARGE LARGER LAY LAYING LAY-IN LEASED LEAVE LESS LICENSED LIKE LOCATED LOWER MADE MAKE MAXIMUM MAY MEDIUM MEGAHERTZ METHOD METHODS MILLED MILLIAMPERE MILLIMETER MILS MINIMIZATION MINIMIZE MINIMIZING MODE MODERATE MOST NATURE NEAR NEEDED NOT NOTIFICATION OBSOLETE 5. Stop List- ■ Continued OBTAIN QUARTERING OBTAINED QUICK OBTAINING QUICKLY OF QUOTATION OFF REACH ONLY REBOUND OPTIONAL REBUTTED ORDERS RECEIVABLE ORGANIZED RECEIVE ORIGIN RECEIVED OTHER RECKONING OUNCE RECOMMENDED OWNERS RECOMMENDING PACIFIC REGARD PAR REGARDING PARTICULARLY RELATED PAST RELATING PAYABLE RELATION PENALTIES REMAINING PER REMOTELY PERCEIVED REMOVABILITY PERCENT REPEATED PERCENTAGE REPRESENTATION PERIOD RESIST PERMANENTLY RESPONSIBILITIES PERMIT RESPOISIBILITY PERTAINING RESTRAINED PLEASURE RESULTANT PLUS RESULTS POUND RETAINED POUNDS RPM PRACTICE SALE PRACTICES SAME PRECISE SEVERAL PREMIUM SHOWN PREPARED SIMILAR PRESENCE SINGLY PRESENT SMALL PRESENTING SMALLER PREVAILING SPECIALLY PRICE SPECIFIC PRIMARILY SPECIFICATION PRIMARY SPECIFICATIONS PRINCIPAL SPECIFIED PRIOR SPENT PROGRESS STANDARD PROMOTE STANDARDIZE PROPER STANDARDS PROPERLY STEPPED PROPOSAL STORY PROPOSALS STRENGTHENED PROPOSED STUDY PROVIDE STYLE PROVIDED STYLES PSI SUBJECTED PULL SUCH PURPOSE SUFFICIENTLY PURPOSES SUGGESTED QUADDED SUITABILITY QUADRUPLE SUITABLE XII 5. Stop List — Continued SUITABLE TONS USUAL TOTALLY VARIATION SUPPLEMENT TOWARD VARIATIONS TAKEN TRIPLE VARIOUS TAKING TWO VERY TENDENCIES TENTATIVE TYPE WATT TYPES WAY THEIR TYPICAL WHERE THEREAFTER UNATTENDED WHICH THEREFROM UNCERTAINTY WHO THESE THIS UNDER WHOLESALE UNDERSTANDING WITHIN THOSE UNIT WITHOUT THREE UPON WORKED THROUGH USA ZERO THRU TO XIII NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Truck, Van Type with 3,000 Watt Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type Spec, for Dresses, Spec, for Tablet Arm Folding Chair ( 1965) Fed 71 ) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 Spec, for Spec, for Emery and Crocus aratus, Belt Surfacer, Hydrauli/ Spec, for Machine Tools b-556B Spec, for Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, b-SSIB Spec, for Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Spec, for Cloth and Paper (Combination); Backed, 0?) Spec, for Hydraulic Powered d. 536 Spec, for Chlorinated Powdered Cleaner Spec, for Cleaner, Paste, Mild Spec, for Scouring Powder, Mild Spec, for Soap; Grit Scouring, Cake (Fine Spec, for Paper; 217 Spec, for Paper; 1, USC Ps8 Spec, for Paper; Sand) (1970) Spec, for dpaper), Silicon Carbide, Garnet (196/ Spec, for (Coated) n Carbide) and Application ( 1964) Spec, for Coated Spec, for Toweling; Std. Spec, for Towels and Toweling, Spec, for Sweeping Compound (Oil and Water) Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Water Spec, for Water Treatment System for Cooling Tower Spec, for Welder, eet Music and Record and Magazine Racks, Clothing Display, Spec, for Uniform Trousers; Dress (State Police Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Radiotherapy Linear Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Linear Spec, for Elevated Free Spec, for Elevated Free Spec, for Elevated Free Spec, for Elevated Free Spec, for Marine Mooring Floats, Dock ose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type, 4X2, Wheel Chair r X-Ray Machines; Radiographic and Fluoroscopic (Including ostic Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System and Related ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Mass Spectrometer and Spec, for Microscopes, Spec, for Radiographic Film Changer and Related asurements of Diffracted X-Ra/ Spec, for Film Cameras and ( 1968) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment and 968) Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and ridge Cases, Uniform and Detec/ Spec, for Leather Uniform Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Specimen Holder and Related Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Billiard, Carom, and Bumper Pool Tables and and Spec, for Mobile Diagnostic X-Ray Unit and Spec, for Mobile Radiographic X-Ray Unit and Spec, for Panoramic Dental X-Ray System and Related opic X-Ray System, Film Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous Spec, for Animal Cages and ruck) (1968) Spec, for Cages and Spec, for Animal Cages and Spec, for Animal Cages and der Blade and Bio/ Spec, for Garden and Lawn Tractors and Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Automatic High Vacuum Evaporator with Spec, for Portable Athletic Event Timer with Spec, for Centrifuges and Spec, for Shades, Cloth and (/ Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring, and Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled Environment and utlet Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Coated with Covers and Spec, for Beam Type Guide Railing and Spec, for Beds, Gatch Spring and Spec, for Cable Guide Rail Fittings, Posts and Spec, for X-Ray Films and Std. Spec, for Tape, Computer, Magnetic, Heavy Duty, and Spec, for Library Shelving and Spec, for Microscopes and Related Items and Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Washer with Spec, for Dorirutory Furniture with Spec, for Window Shades, Cloth, Rollers, Slats, Cords and Spec, for Draperies (Curtains) and Spec, for Reflectorized Letters, Digits and Alphabet Spec, for Sutures and Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Washer and Spec, for Radar Speed Units and Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and or Ladders (Wood and Aluminum) and Scaffolding and Related Spec, for Electric Periodic Kiln with Spec, for Athletic Event Timer with Spec, for Electric Heater Units and A.C. Generator (1968) A.E. (Stockpile - Stone) (1970?) A-Line Style (1971) AA-C-296, USC CS35 Abrasive Cloth (Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide) (19 Abrasive Cloth (1971) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing App Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ- Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (I960) FED ZZ- Abrasive Silicon Carbide ( 1971 ) Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Truck Body Type) (197 (Abrasive Type, Cleanser) (1970) ASTM D2022, E70, Std St Abrasive (1968) Abrasive (1968) Abrasive) (1953) FED P-S-536, RR-S-366 Abrasive, Garnet (1971) FED UU-P-31, USC Ps8 Abrasive, Garnet, Waterproof (1963) FED UU-P-31, USC CS Abrasive, Silicon Carbide, Waterproof (1971) FED UU-P-3 Abrasives for Ice Control (Cinders, Slag, Grits, Concrete Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (San Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silico Absorbent (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Absorbent (1956) Absorbent (1969) Absorbing, Battery Powered) (1971) Absorbtion Air Conditioning System (1969) AC-DC Portable with Power Plant ( 1968) Academic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, T Academy) (1969) FED CCC-T-191B Accelerator) (1965) Accelerator) (1966) Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Access Floor (Computer Area, College) (1968) Access Floor (Computer Laboratory) (College) (1967) Access Vertical Ladders, Ramp (College) ( 1971 ) Access) (1971) Spec, for Adult Bus (Special Purp Accessories and Dark Room Equipment) (1966) Spec. Fo Accessories and Equipment (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1971 Accessories and Gas Chromatograph (Scientific Equipment Accessories and Related Scientific Equipment ( 1970) Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories or Thoracic X-Ray Work (Hospital) (1970) or Use in Analytical Investigations and Me Addition to System) (Educational Purposes) Aluminum Construction - Materials Only) ( 1 Belts - State Police and General Use, Cart Educational Purposes) ( 1970) /C. for High Hats, Neckties and Sweaters) (1970) Heavy Duty, Institutional) (1970) Hospital) (1970) Hospital) (1970) Hospital) (1970) Medical Center) ( 1968) /Raphic - Fluorosc Metal) (Mouse, Rat) (College) (1968) Metal) (Small Animal, Laboratory Service T Metal) (University) (1968) Metal) (University) (1969) Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Gra Police Raincoats) (1971) Scientific Equipment) (1969) Swimming and Track) (6 and 8 Lane) (1971) Various) (1971) Window) (1970) Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) 1964) Std. Spec, for O 1965) 1966) 1966) 1968) ANSI Z38.3. 1-43 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) Spec. F 1971) 1971) 1971) NJ 4938-96 NJ 1304-02 NY 40040-0717 VA BF-4 PA C-28 PA C-144 NY 00432-00-0686 VA DS-6 VA DS-7 PA C-145 VA •15 TX 370-33-6A KY 7930-32 KY 7930-33 PA S-10 PA P-37 PA P-35 PA P-36 NJ 2330-02 NY 00319-0439 TX 002-31-1 PA T-25 CT 9150-T-49 PA C-177 PA M-50 NY 40802-1032 NJ 4950-02 NY 21802-0317 PA U-43 NY 00110-0288 NY 00110-0258 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 NY 31800-0225 NY 3 1 800-03 1 8 NY 49607-0022 AK *77 PA X-l NY 11000-0459 NY 38782-0200 NJ 5630 NY 11501-0582 NY 11002-0355 NY 11002-0745 NY 39600-0767 NY 39309-0539 NY 11002-0641 NY 39310-0571 NY 30208-0576 NY 11000-0704 NY 11000-0705 NY 11001-0559 NY 11000-0786 NY 12040-0713 NY 12040-0669 NY 12040-0678 NY 12040-0856 NY 08206-0442 NY 39304-0544 NY 38788-0994 NY 30200-0405 NY 12016 NY 24400-0060 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 OR 24-64-7A NY 00320-0128 NY 00203-00-0310 NY 00320-0376 NY 11500-0031 MS T-5A-68 NE *1 NY 12010-0791 NY 12070-0527 PA D-33 TX 705-37-1A NE •10 NJ 0760-01 NJ 5506-02 NY 12070-0639 NY 38207-0694 NY 39600-0627 NJ 4926-00 NY 23104-0794 NY 30200-0065 NY 34400-0380 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Rear Screen Study Carrels / with Audio Video Spec, for Cassette Duplicator and Spec, for Television Cameras and Spec, for Self Development Packaged Learning Centers and Spec, for Photographic Enlargers and Spec, for Farm Fencing, Posts and ils, Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Spec, for Tire Chains and Spec, for Stills (Distilling Apparatus and Pulmonary Function Analyzing System (Mobile, Medical with Std. Spec, for Shades, Window and Cloth Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image Intensifier System with ec. for Animal Cages and Racks (Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig) Spec, for Cages and Racks (Rat) Spec, for Office Machines (Addressing and ec. for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Cookie Dropper and for Scientific Equipment (Bench Top Fermentor System with equipment (School) (Therapy Recorder, Auditory Trainer and Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, Peg Hooks, um Coated) (196/ Std. Spec, for Fence, Chain Link, Steel ood Service Equipment (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Spec, for Spectrophotometers, Fluorescent Attachments and ol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sa/ Std. Spec, for Leather Std. Spec, for Electric Discharge Lamp lant (Various Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Units and Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment and Related Spec, for Sound Recording Tape and ch Welding and Cutting Outfit (1/ Spec, for Welder (Spot, 1 ) Std. Spec, for Files Spec, for Card, Tabulating, Stock, Electric Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Men's Bathrobes Spec, for Boys" Swim Trunks; Woven Cotton Spec, for Polyvinyl ady Mix (1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Polyvinyl Spec, for Girls" Slips (Rayon and Spec, for Women's and Girls" Panties (Rayon and ec. for Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Spec, for Grout Emulsion, Polyvinyl tape and Dispenser (Adding Machine, Strapping, Cellophane, Std. Spec, for Emulsion, Polyvinyl bleach) (1953) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Std. Spec, for Weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Std. Spec, for Brush Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Requirements for (1971) Spec, for Electric Welding Machine, ing) Technical or Industrial and Medical Oxyge/ Spec, for Spec, for Oxygen and Spec, for Oxygen and rous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid Oxygen, Outfit ( 1/ Spec, for Welder (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen (1953) Std. Spec, for Acetic Spec, for Tallow Coconut Fatty Spec, for 2, 4, 5- Trichlorophenoxyacetic 8) Spec, for (1966) Spec, for Sodium ) Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Tall Oil Fatty Spec, for Sulfamic room, Swimming Pool Deck,/ Spec, for Hard Surface Delimer Std. Spec, for Aluminum Brightener (Phosphoric Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Soda and Spec, for Storage Batteries, Automotive, Lead Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner; Liquid Spec, for Storage Batteries (Electrolyte and Lead Spec, for Spec, for 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic ec. for Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Spec, for Phosphoric Spec, for Amine Salt of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Spec, for Triple Pressed Stearic Spec, for Low Titer Oleic Spec, for Medium Titer Oleic Spec, for Acid Descaler of Steam Cleaners, Hydrochloric Spec, for Fire Extinguisher Charges; Soda Spec, for Electrolyte for Storage Batteries (Sulphuric herbicide, Liquid (Amine Salt of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic erbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic iquid, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic (1963) Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries, Lead Dairy Cleaning and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Std. Spec, for Weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) Accessories (1971) /for Beam Type Guide and Bridge Ra Accessories (1971) NACM 5170 Accessories) (Hospital and Laboratory) (1966) Accessories) (Tuberculosis Hospital Equipment) (1969) (Accessories) (1964) Accessories) (1968) (Accessories) (1970) (Accessories) (1971) Accessories) (1971) Accessories) (1971) Accessories) (1971) Accessories) (1971) Accessories) (1971) Sp Sp Spec. /Ec. for Group and Speech Hearing /Lands, Counters, Showcases, Swing (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Galvanized and Alumin Accessories, Hot Dog Grill) ( 1971 ) Spec, for F Accessories, Micro Cell Equipment (1969) Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pist Accessory Equipment (1964) Accessory Items for Laboratory Use) (Educational Purpos Accessory Items (Institutional) (1971) Accessory Items (1971) Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Tor (Accordion, Vertical, Box, Folders, Jacket, Pocket) (197 Accounting Machine (1969) (Accounting) (1966) (Accounting) (1967) (Accounting) (1967) (Acetate and Cotton Blanket Flannel) (1969) Acetate Elastic (1960) Acetate Emulsion Flat White Paint ( 1967) Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Metal or Masonry, Re Acetate Tricot) (1957) Acetate Tricot) (1969) Acetate (EDTA) in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners Acetate (1969) FED TT-P-5 5 Acetate, and Correction) (1971) Std. Spec, for Acetate, Mixing Liquid, Grout (1970) Acetic Acid - Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Sour Blueing, Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Acetic Acid, Low Volatile Ester) (1961) Acetic Acid, Low Volatile Ester) (1961) Acetylene and Oxygen Gas (1970) Acetylene Cutting and Heating Torch Outfit with Nozzles Acetylene (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and Weld Acetylene (1970) Acetylene (1970?) Acetylene) ( 1970) Spec, for Medical Gases (Nit Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch Welding and Cutting Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac (Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac d - Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Sour Blueing, Bleach) d Blend for Soap Manufacture (1971) d Brush Killer (Herbicide) (1967) d Descaler of Steam Cleaners, Hydrochloric Acid ( 196 d Fluoride (Bifluoride) for Laundry Sour Manufacture d Fluoride (Bifluoride) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953 d for Dishwashing Machines, Dry Granular (1969) d for Low Titer Soap and Products ( 1965) d in Formulation of Cleaners and Descalers (1968) d Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower d Type Cleaner) (1969) dType (1968) UL 7, 711 d Type (1970) dType) (1965) d Types) (1971) SAE J537F, MIL Std. 105 d Wash, Pretreatment, Metal (1969) d Weed Killer (Herbicide) (1967) d (EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Sp d (Food Grade, 85% Active) (1969) d (Herbicide) (1971) d (1966) d (1967) d (1967) d (1968) d (1970) d) (1964) d)(1970) Spec, for d)(1970) Spec, for H d) ( 1971) Spec, for Herbicides, L d, Automotive Type, Starting, Lighting and Ignition d, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Machines, d, Low Volatile Ester) (1961) NY 38209-0389 NY 38217-0229 NY 38221-0277 NY 38221-0890 NY 38802-0436 NY 39603-0264 NY 32000-0439 NY 30500-0889 NY 00105-02-0604 NY 12600-0796 MS S- 13-64 NY 11000-0633 NY 12040-0554 NY 12040-0209 NY 22901-0016 NY 31200-0603 NY 38760-0640 NY 38215-0388 NY 21802-0370 NC 5660-CLF-l NY 36200-0367 NY 38700-0885 OR 79-350-9010 OR 24-64-6A NY 12002-0475 NY 11002-0261 NY 38216 NY 43223-0932 IL *32DD CA 691-82-34 NY 00229-0648 NY 22906-0156 NY 22906-0815 RI 4210-M-001 RI 4215-M-003 TX 520-42-5A MS PE-8 RI 4287-F-018 RI 4280-F-005 CA 681-66-20 CA 691-80-12 IL *32EEE MS PE-8-1 MS S-2-53-18 TX 371-61-1A WA S-61-36 WA S-61-37 NE *79 NY 43223-0734 MA *12 NY 34200-0701 GA 6830-9-27 LA *13 NY 43223-0932 MS S-2-53-18 TX 180-48-7 NE *64 CA 681-66-18 TX 371-63-1 MS S-2-53-14 CA 691-77-21 TX 371-79-1 CA 681-66-23 MS D-20A-7 1 WA S-60-19 PA F-53 MI 5220-S2 SC 11-160B CA 711-23-30 CA 691-80-405 NE *65 TX 371-61-1A TX 371-92-2 LA *4 TX 371-77-1 TX 371-52-1A TX 371-52-2A CA 681-66-18 PA F-55 TX 035-35-3 MS H-1A-70 MS H-2A-70 MS H-3A-71 NC 6140-B-l MA *14 WA S-61-36 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Brush Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic orophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy acetic, Trichlorophenoxy Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Oxalic Spec, for Liquid Hydrochloric Spec, for Hydroxyacetic 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Spec, for Alphanumeric Electric al Operation) (1971) Spec, for al Operation) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for iles and Metal Pans with Mineral Pads ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Audiometric Carrel Spec, for Paint, Flat White, Spec, for Beige Enamel, Spec, for Charcoal Enamel, Spec, for Light Grey Enamel, Spec, for Olive Green Enamel, Spec, for Metallic Grey Enamel, Spec, for Metallic Green Enamel, Spec, for Metallic Tan Enamel, Spec, for Blue Enamel, Spec, for Coral Enamel, Spec, for Dark Brown Enamel, Spec, for White Enamel, Spec, for Light Green Enamel, Spec, for Grey Enamel, Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Vinyl modification (1971) Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Carpets and Rugs, Wool, Nylon, Spec, for Girls" and Women's Sweaters Spec, for Blankets Spec, for Air Compressor (Two Stage, Single nits; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Single Spec, for Septic Tank de) ( 1969) Spec, for Liquid 80% mical Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing Machine, 16% Anhydrous, Spec, for Hydroxyacetic Acid, 70% Spec, for Phosphoric Acid (Food Grade, 85% Spec, for Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (75% ec. for Air Compressor (Not Less Than 150 cu. Ft. Per Min. Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment, Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment (Semi hoe/ Spec, for Shovel (6X4 Carrier Mounted) (Attachment for. Garage Equipment (Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and ster, Flow and Pressure, with Mercury Batteries and Flange Spec, for Ballot Box Seal Spec, for Thin Wall Diamond Bits and ec. for Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint with Strontium Chromate Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent and Spec, for Paper c. for Office Supplies (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Spec, for Ribbons, Typewriter and rection) (1971) Std. Spec, for Tape and Dispenser Spec, for Electric Spec, for Electric Spec, for Electric Spec, for Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment and Accessories Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Engine Oil, High Spec, for Coating and Antistripping Spec, for Lubricants, Greases and Spec, for Portable PA System (Public Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Ribbons; Tent. Spec, for Filter, Air Conditioning Throw Away for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubricant Spec, for Masking Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Spec, for Mucilage Spec, for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, 960) Spec, for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, iquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip Sp/ Std. Spec, for ng Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) Spec, for blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Spec, for Lamps, Spec, for Patient Room Furniture (Hospital) (Office Furniture) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Duty, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty, Acid, Low Volatile Ester) ( 1961 ) Acid, Radapon, Amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth R Acid, Stable, Dry Granular (1968) Acid, Technical (Laundry, Radiator Rust Remover) (1953) Acid, 20 Deg. Baume (1969) Acid, 70% Active (1969) Acids) (Wanner Invert Emulsion Sprayer) ( 1971 ) /Rs of Acids) ( 1971 ) /De, Low Volatile (Ester of Combination Accounting Machines and Applied System (1970?) Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electric Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electric Acoustical Material (1960) Acoustical Screens, Office Landscape (Divider) (1971) Acoustical Shell (Choral) (1971) Acoustical Units; Prefabricated Cellulose and Mineral T (Acoustical) (College) (1971) Acryclic Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Acrylic Blankets (1967) Acrylic Emulsion, Exterior, White and Tints (1969) Acrylic Exterior Flat, Emulsion Type with Oleoresinous Acrylic Semi Gloss, Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Acrylic (1966) (Acrylic) (1969) (Acrylic, Wool and Utility) (1971) Acting, Three Cylinder) (1971) Action Gate) (1969) /Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display U Activator (1969) Active Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chlori Active (1964) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Che Active (1969) Active) (1969) Active) (1969) Actual Air at 100 Psi) (1971) Sp Actuated Controllers (1971) Actuated Controllers) (1970) Adaptable to 15 Ton Crane, Clamshell, Dragline and Back Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) Adapter (1970) Spec, for Te Adapter, Election Machine (1970) Adapters (Drilling) (1970) CE Wa-1, Wa-2 Added (1965) Sp Adding Chemicals) (1970?) / and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Adding Machine Tape (1963) FED UU-P-31 Adding Machine Tape) (1971) Std. Spe Adding Machine, Cotton and Nylon (1970) (Adding Machine, Strapping, Cellophane, Acetate, and Cor Adding Machines (Class I) (1964) Adding Machines (Class Ii) (1964) Adding Machines (Class Iii) (1964) Adding Machines, Electric (1970) (Adding) (1971) (Addition to System) (Educational Purposes) (1968) Additive Antifreeze for Automobile Fuel Systems (1970) Additive Type Series 3 (1968) Additive (1970?) Additives (1969) Address) (1971) (Addressing and Accessories) (1971) Addressograph (Model 2675) (1961) Adhesive Coated Type (1968) Adhesive (1970?) / Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals Adhesive (1971) (Adhesive, Office Use) (1969) FED MMM-M-792 Adhesive, Transparent ( 1971 ) FED Std. 147 Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film (Electrical Insulating) (1 Adhesives (Rubber and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Glue L Adhesive; Water Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Seali Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Adjustable Arm (1971) (Adjustable Beds, Cabinels, and Overbed Tables) (1970) Adjustable Chairs; Steel, Factory or Institutional Type Adjustable One Way (1961) Adjustable One Way (1965) WA S-61-37 NY 22100-0497 CA 681-76-14 MS S-2-53-16 TX 371-92-1 TX 371-92-3 MS H-9-71 MS H-8-71 HI *10 NY 33811-0091 NY 33811-0190 PA A-10 NY 21800-0384 NY 30202-0897 OR 64-400-9010 NY 38203-0853 NJ 7342-15A MI 5325-S21 MI 5325-S22 MI 5325-S23 MI 5325-S24 MI 5325-S25 MI 5325-S26 MI 5325-S27 MI 5325-S28 MI 5325-S29 MI 5325-S30 MI 5325-S31 MI 5325-S35 MI 5325-S36 RI 4710-006 CA 691-80-11 NJ 7342-25 NJ 7342-18 NC 7220-C-1A RI 4280-F-004 NY 20204-0879 NY 41400-0115 NY 21802-0993 CA 691-77-50 TX 371-90-1 MS D-5-64 TX 371-92-3 TX 371-92-2 TX 371-96-1 SC *9 NY 35814-0043 SC *22 NY 41100-0914 NY 35000-0647 NJ 4936-03 MI 5754-S1 NY 41200-0426 MD *23 VA *34 VA DM-16 FL *18 MI 4868-S1 IL ♦32EEE TX 495-32-1 TX 495-32-2 TX 495-32-3 CA 701-71-67 NY 22906-0007 NY 11002-0745 MS A-2A-70 CA 681-91-09 MS 3161 LA *5 NY 38201-0234 NY 22901-0016 PA R-14 KS 35-4 MS 3721 PA T-58 PA M-6 PA T-56 PA T-57 IL *32A PA A-18 NY 23000-0633 NY 35720-0639 NY 20302-0586 RI 1-016 NJ 4938-04 NJ 4938-76 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 2 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Duty, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Spec, for Pallet Racks, Spec, for Hospital Bed Springs (2 Crank Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Std. Spec, for Bed Spring, ghway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for ide) (Highway and Bri/ Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Spec, for Automotive Equipment (1971) Spec, for Automotive Equipment r Type, 4X2, Wheel Chair Access) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses - Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses - Std. Spec, for Bus; Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, 28 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, 23 d Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless Track Type - 2 putian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, atch and Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Spring, Controlled Environment and Accessories (Youth and Std. for Tooth Brushes Official Rules and Regulations for Printing, Binding, Spec, for Crack Filler Emulsion Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment an Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and 360 Deg. truck, 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Ladder, Spec, for Insecticides, Spec, for Tear Gas; Liquid Spec, for Deodorant, General Purpose, Spec, for Polish, Furniture, spec, for Germicide and Deodorant Concentrates, Liquid and erns, as a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and as a Carrying preventative, Water Sof/ Spec, for Inorganic Sequestering for Liquid, Solvent Type Concrete Seal and Membrane Curing of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequestering Spec, for Concrete Form Coating Materials (Treating ry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet/ Spec, for Antiseptic Bacterial nd in Compounding Detergents as Sanitizing and Deodorizing Spec, for Material for tion (1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Spec, for Fine d Stone) (1970?) Spec, for Graded Spec, for Fine Spec, for Fine Spec, for Coarse Spec, for Fine Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Coarse Spec, for Crusher Run Spec, for Lightweight Spec, for Rubble or Cyclopean Spec, for Mixer, Asphalt - plant Mix Base and Surface Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Spec, for Coarse Std. Spec, for Tabulated Sizes of Coarse nd Crushed Rock) (1970?) Spec, for ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Sand (Airport Ice Control) and pe Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Spec, for Cleaner, Pneumatically Spec, for Grout Pump Unit sting) and Burnt) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for en Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyan/ Spec, for Fertilizers urn) (1969) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Lime, cl41 Spec, for Lime (Hydrated, Hydraulic, Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Equipment; Tractors, Rubber Tired Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance (Health and Std. Spec, for Table, Std. Spec, for Fire Extinguishers (Hand, First Spec, for First Spec, for Box, First Std. Spec, for First Spec, for First Lights (Battery Operated, for Housing Within Navigational Bituminous Treatments (Highway Construct/ or Highway Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 onstruction) (1970) on) (1970) Adjustable One Way (1967) Adjustable One Way (1967) Adjustable One Way, Combination Lift and Push (1962) Adjustable (1969) Adjustable) (1960) FED AA-B-155 Adjustable) (1969) Adjustable) (1970) Adjustable, Two Crank (Hospital) (1961) Adjusting Catch Basins, Drop Inlets and Manholes for Hi Admixtures for Concrete (1970?) Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium Chlor (Adult - Carrier Bus) 36 Passenger ( 1971 ) (Adult - Carrier Bus) (41 Passenger, Metropolitan Type) Adult Bus (Special Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pushe Adult Carriers) (1967) Adult Carriers) (1968) Adult Passenger (School) (1969) Adult Passenger) (1970) Adult Passenger) (1970) Adult Passenger) ( 197 1 ) Adult Passengers) ( 1 97 1 ) /Snow Vehicles (Self Propelle Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (1969) / for Cribs, G Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (1970) /Egular (Link) (Adults" and Children's) (1968) Advertising and Reporting Services (1971) AEF(1970) (Aerial Ladder Truck) (1963) Aerial Ladder (1962) /C. for Truck, Medium Duty, Six M Aerial Ladder (1968) Spec, for Aerial Ladder (1970) Spec, for Aerial Ladder (1971) (Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Man Fiberglass Bucket) (1971) Aerial Type with Mount, 30 Ft., Steel (1970?) Aerosol Fly Spray (1961) (Aerosol Type) (1968) ICC 2P Aerosol (1966) Aerosol (1967) Aerosol (1971) Agent for Insecticide Sprays ( 197 1 ) /Type Stoves, Lant Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale Agent (1969) Std. Spec. Agent) ( 1969) Spec, for Tetra Sodium Salt Agent) (1970?) Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - Laund Agents ( 1968) Spec, for Quaternary Ammonium Compou Aggregate Base Course (Highway Construction) (1970) Aggregate Base Course (with Prime) for Highway Construe Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete (1970?) Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, Sand, Crushe Aggregate for Bituminous Seal Coat (1970?) Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete (1970?) Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete (1970?) Aggregate in Concrete, Mortar and Covering Materials in Aggregate Spreader (Self Contained Hopper Type) (1970) Aggregate Subbase (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) F Aggregate Underdrains for Highway Construction (1964) Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Highway C Aggregate (Highway Construction) (1970) Aggregate (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM C330 Aggregate (1 Man and Derrick Stone) (Highway Construe ti Aggregate ( 1964) Aggregate) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T96, A Aggregates for Asphaltic Concrete ( 1970?) Aggregates for Highway Construction ( 1964) Aggregates for Surface and Base Courses (Gravel, Sand A Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Slag or Natural Gravel Chips Aggregates) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T96 Agitated Electric Heated Unit ( 1969) (Agitator, Water Tank) (1968) Agricultural Lime (Limestone, Hydrated (Spraying and Du Agricultural Lime (1970?) (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chick Agricultural Minerals (Ground Limestone, Dolomite, Gyps Agricultural (1958) Agricultural) (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM C207, (Agricultural) (1969) (Agricultural, Utility and Industrial) (1961) Agriculture Building) (1970) Agriculture, Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) Aid Appliances) (1969) Aid Kit (1968) Aid Kit, Empty (1961) Aid Kits and Supplies ( 1970) Aid Kits (1969) Aid or Buoy) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Flashing NJ 4938-31 NJ 4938-65 NJ 4938-50 CA 691-39-04 TX 295-38-9 NY 39105-0911 NY 39105-0444 NC 6530-S-28 SC HD-118 MS 3113 VA DH-217 NY 40520-0650 NY 40520-0308 AK *77 NY 40500-0283 NY 40520-0389 OR 06-200-9030 NY 40520-0453 NY 40520-0566 NY 40520-0807 NY 42200-0362 NY 30211-0572 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 CT 1 1-1 ID NY *5 NJ 1308-04 WA S-63-63 NJ 4938-41 NJ 4938-115 NJ 4938-138 SC *36 NY 40533-0527 NJ 4926-01 MS 1-4 PA T-78 KY 6840-1 KY 7930-25 FL *1 NY 05601-0896 VA L-6 IA *3-7 TX 371-61-1A MS 3902 NY 21901-0964 CA 681-66-27 VA DH-210 SC HD-46 MS 3129 MS 3139 MS 3127 MS 3126 MS 3137 VA DH-202 SC 14-400-0451 SC HD-34 SC HD-103 VA DH-203 VA DH-206 VA DH-207 VA DH-204 NJ 4938-67 SC HD-43 MS 3141 SC HD-A MS 3138 AK *76 SC HD-37 NJ 6524-05 NY 42600-0763 PA L-36 MS 3879 NY 07700-0473 OR 84-100-9020 CT 4728-L-23A VA DH-251 NJ 4938-131 PA E-13 NJ *8 NC 7120-T-9 OR 25-110-9010 PA K-3 MS K-l-61 WA S-66-92-1 SC *12 NY 34502-0632 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Surgical Dressings, (Bandage) ic,/ Spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Therapy Teaching , Function / Spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Teaching Spec, for Navigational r Danger), and Spar Buoys) (1971) Spec, for Navigational Spec, for Plastic Navigational draulic Maintenanc/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Headlight Spec, for Hose (Braided Air Compressor (Not Less Than 150 cu. Ft. Per Min. Actual Spec, for Pressure Hose and Fittings (Hydraulic, Std. Spec, for Enclosed 1 Combustion Engines ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Carburetor spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with ent) ( 1 968 ) Spec, for Motor / 70) Spec, for al Air at 100 Psi) ( 1971 ) Spec, for pe, Turbine Driven) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for r) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Portable Diesel Driven Rotary Std. Spec, for Oil, Vane Type Spec, for Shop Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Hoist, Spec, for Garage Equipment (Lift, Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for ortable) (1969) Std 0) igerated Coil) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Window Unit, Room If Contained (1970) Spec, for multipurpose, High Temperature, Automotive and Industrial Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for ) Spec, for c. for Water Treatment System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Tent. Spec, for Filter, Spec, for Horizontal Self Contained Air Cooled essor and Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Air Cooled Std. Spec, for Filters, Air, for Window c, Motor Driven, Self Contained (1966) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Packaged w Mounted (1966) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Horizontal Self Contained stem (Compressor and Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Spec, for Water Coolers (Electric) (Bottle, Spec, for Spec, for Chain Saw, Gasoline Spec, for Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), White (Baking, Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Gloss (Baking, ynthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for Combination ynthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for Combination light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed 41 Spec, for Spec, for Enamels (Baking and Spec, for Cement; ec. for Portland Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, s (Boiler Instrumentation for the Measurement of Steam and Spec, for Braided Type vanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, Oil, and Spec, for Trailer, Mobile, Triple Axle, 40 Ft. - ter Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired 968) Spec, for cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted with Spec, for Fans (Electric, Free I ) Std. Spec, for Filters, Spec, for Lift, Automotive Twin Post, Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5 KW 1. Capacity with Diesel Engines) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Oven, Batch, Horizontal Spec, for Sprayer, Paint (Hot Spec, for Spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, g or Natural Gravel Chips) (1971) Spec, for Sand Spec, for Fire and Allied Insurance for Per Min., 16 Ft. Broom) (1971) Spec, for inet Containing Batteries and Charger) ( 1/ Spec, for Fire ts (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Spec, for A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (A A (A ds and Related Items ( 1970) ds (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Son ds (Monitors, Ventilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers ds (Plastic - Can and Spar Buoys) ( 1971 ) ds (Plastic - Can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction O ds (Spar Buoys) (1969) ming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hy r and Steam, Fire, Garden, Water, Suction) ( 1970) r at 100 Psi) (1971) Spec, for r Brake) (1971) r Break Switches ( 1964) r Cleaner Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Interna r Cleaner Filter Elements (Automobile, Truck) (1967) r Compressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Traff r Compressor Unit (Oil Free Plant for Bottling Equipm r Compressor Units; Tank Mounted, Industrial Type ( 19 r Compressor (Not Less Than 150 cu. Ft. Per Min. Actu r Compressor (Single Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Ty r Compressor (Two Stage, Single Acting, Three Cylinde r Compressor ( 1969) r Compressor ( 1970) r Compressor ( 1970) r Compressor ( 1970) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, r Compressor) (1969) r Compressor, Piston (1970) r Compressors (Reciprocating and Rotary) (1971) r Compressors (Two Stage, Electric Motor Driven and P r Compressors, Tank Mounted (1969) USC CS126 r Conditioner, Room, Window and Through the Wall (197 r Conditioners and Fans ( 1971 ) r Conditioners (Room Coolers) (1966) r Conditioners (Window Mounting), Dehumidifiers (Refr r Conditioners (1967) r Conditioners, Window, Room Type, Electric Motor, Se r Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Power House r Conditioning Central Systems (1969) r Conditioning Equipment (1970) r Conditioning System (Computer Room) (College) (1971 r Conditioning System (Computer Room) (College) (1971 r Conditioning System (1969) Spe r Conditioning Throw Away Adhesive Coated Type ( 1968) r Conditioning Unit (1964) r Conditioning Unit ( 1965) / for Split System (Compr r Conditioning Units (Cleanable) (1961) r Conditioning Units (Room and Space Coolers) Electri r Conditioning Units (1970?) r Conditioning Units, Electric, Self Contained, Windo Conditioning Units; Window or Wall Mounted ( 1970) r Cooled Air Conditioning Unit (1964) r Cooled Air Conditioning Unit ( 1965) / for Split Sy r Cooled and Bubble Style) (1971) FED OO-D-00566(3) r Cooled Ice Making Machines (1964) UL 563 r Cooled Motor Driven (1962) r Curtain Unit (Above Door) (1969) r Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 r Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 r Dry) ( 1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base S r Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base S r Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and r Drying Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint (1962) FED Std. 1 r Drying) (1969) r Entraining (1970) r Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and Bridge C Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill, Black) (1970) /Oil Spec, for Meter /Ipe (Black, Gal Flow and Water) (1970) Hose (1960) ASTM D380 Lines) (1969) ASTM A90, ANSI B2.1 Pollution Monitor (1969) r Replacement System ( 1967) / Spraying Equipment, Wa r System, Shop, Electric Motor Driven (Compressor) (1 r Tools ( 1969) Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 rType) (1970) r, for Window Air Conditioning Units (Cleanable) (196 r, Hydraulic (1968) r-Cooled) (1971) rcraft Crash Rescue Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Ga rflow Electric Heated, (1964) rless) (1961) rport Crash Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle (1971) rport Emergency Vehicle) (1971) rport Ice Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Sla rport (1970?) rport) Runway Sweeper (Self Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Alarm System (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cab Alcohol Breath Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Ki NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY SC NY OR NC MS NJ NY TX SC NY NY NE MS NE IN NY MS PA NY OR NJ SD PA NY KS MS MI NY NY NY NY NY KS KS KS NC NC HI KY TX KS KS NY TX NJ NY MS MS MS VA VA VA VA NY PA VA IN NY TX OR NJ NY NJ NJ NY NC NJ NY HI NJ NJ AK AK AK HI AK NY NY 5506-00 12200-0462 12200-0512 34501-0830 34501-0832 34501-0941 35000-0647 36000-0442 ♦9 36003-0136 24-64-8A 2940-AC-2 F-25-67 4938-22 41400-0577 010-34-1A ♦9 41400-0787 41400-0115 ♦24 L-5B-70-8 •41 •15-9 35000-0965 L-5B-70-7 C-51 41400-0272 26-100-9010 8708-00 •14 A-19 30000-0845 35-1C A-3-70 5255-S12 30001-0095 30001-0548 30001-0132 30001-0335 40802-1032 35-4 35-2A 35-3A 4120-F-16 4120-A-1A ♦8 4120-6 015-32-1B 35-2A 35-3A 26500-0635 590-41-1 3938-11 21301-0961 3571 3572 3573 DK-25A DK-26A DK-28A DK-27A 38030-0102 C-23 DH-217 ♦15-11 40703-0619 340-3 1-1 A 56-100-9020 6542-07 43221-0771 6524-04 6524-03 21300-0639 4120-F-16 3960-00 35902-0510 •12 4920-00 4938-39 ♦78 ♦33 ♦76 •4 *4 34400-0777 38787-0709 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Portable Breath Analyzer Spec, for Surfactant; Linear Spec, for Isopropyl e203,D1209 Spec, for Amino Spec, for Anhydrous Isopropyl t (Detergent and Defoamer) (Modified Polyethoxylated Chain 6) ASTM Dl 172,/ Spec, for Surfactant (Ethoxylated Primary Spec, for Antifreeze, Radiator, Spec, for Extracts, Flavoring and Flavors Std. Spec, for Baled Spec, for Inspection, Testing, and Certification of Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dehydrated Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hay, Std. Spec, for Field Seeds (Legume Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hay, plant Growth Chamber (Controlled Temperature Environment) rrier for Laundry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant, Spec, for Liquid Dust Mop Dressing Compound n/ Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, y) (1969) Spec, for 69) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate,/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Std. Spec, for High Ph Spec, for Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Scrubbing, Spec, for Cleaner, Oven, Spec, for Laundry Soap Builder, General Duty, g and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, pec. for White and Yellow Traffic Line Paints (Combination Spec, for Grey Metal Flash Primer, Spec, for Clear Enamel, Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Spec, for Spec, for White Std. Spec, for Thinner, Odorless, Spec, for High Gloss -381 Std. Spec, for Flat Interior Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Flat (1962) FED TT-P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed (Paint), Linseed Oil (1969) Spec, for paint (1962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. 14/ Spec, for Ready Mixed Std. Spec, for Paint d Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified nt, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White And/ Std. Spec, for Oil Spec, for Primer Sealer, spec, for Primer, Sealer, Interior, Plaster and Wallboard, Std. Spec, for Stain; Opaque, and Tints, Wood, Exterior, and Plywood) (1965) Std. Spec, for Oil Std. Spec, for Paint, Flat Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Undercoat, Std. Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Low Odor, Std. Spec, for Enamel, High Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Spec, for Enamel, Flat, Spec, for Spec, for Surfactant; Linear Spec, for Liquid 80% Active Germicide Spec, for Fire and Spec, for Aluminum Std. Spec, for Coiled Aluminum bolt. Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting/ Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Spec, for High Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered , BI00 Spec, for Cast Bronze and Copper Std. Spec, for Tubing, Irrigation, Hand Movable; Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum License Plate Stock I, Spec, for Reflectorized Letters, Digits and ystem (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Shoes 1 Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Compression, Generator and Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, ners (1968) 1, AASHO M-181 (Alcohol Detection) (1971) Alcohol Ethoxylate (1968) Alcohol in Solvent and Cleaner (1968) ASTM D770 Alcohol Surfactant (Triethanolamine) (1966) ASTM D941, Alcohol (1966) Alcohol) (1965) Spec, for Straight Liquid Surfactan Alcohol, Flakes) for Laundry Detergent Manufacture (196 Alcohol, Methanol ( 1 96 1 ) (Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic) for Food (1971) Alfalfa Hay (1970) Alfalfa Hay (1971) Alfalfa Meal (1963) Alfalfa, Clover Mixed (1963) (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, Oats, Corn) (1969) Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Gra Alfalfa, Light Grass Mixed (1963) (Algae, Seeds, Protozoa) (1968) Spec, for Algaecide, Etc.) ( 1966) FED O-C-l 14a /Ite (Chlorine Ca (Aliphatic) (1965) FED P-D-800B Alkali Builder, Water Softening, and Boiler Scale Preve Alkali Neutralizing Sour (Dry Wheel Application, Laundr Alkali Soluble Resin (for Manufacture of Floor Wax) ( 19 Alkali, Laundry, Carboxymethyl Cellulose (1966) Alkali, Sodium Metasilicate, Anhydrous (1969) Alkali, Sodium Orthosilicate, Anhydrous, Strong (1969) Alkali, Sodium Sesquisilicate, Moderate (1969) Alkalies and Soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing Alkalies and Sours (1969) FED P-S-683 Alkaline Laundry Builder (1969) Alkaline Laundry Detergent (1953) Alkaline Powder (Chlorinated, Nonfoaming) ( 197 1 > Alkaline Soap Builder (Laundry) (1953) Alkaline Soap Powder (General Purpose Cleaner) (1953) Alkaline Soap Powder (1970) Alkaline (1966) Alkaline (1968) Alkaline (1969) Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Machines, Equipment, Inf Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - Fast Dry Type) (1969) Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Alkyd Base Flat White Wall Paint (1967) Alkyd Base Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Alkyd Base Semi Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Alkyd Enamel (Paint) (1970) Alkyd Enamel (School Bus Chrome) (Paint) (1971) Alkyd Paint (Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. 141, TT-P Alkyd Paint (White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Shades) Alkyd Resin Solution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior (Alkyd Resin, Exterior) (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application (Highway and Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Resista Alkyd (Paint) (1969) Alkyd (Paint) (1970) Std. Alkyd (1969. FED Std. 595 (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber Alkyd, Exterior (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Alkyd, Flat, One Coat, Interior, Odorless Light (1970) Alkyd, Interior, Flat (1964) (Alkyd, Interior, Flat) (1969) Alkyd, Interior, Tintable White (1963) Alkyd, Interior, (Paint) (1970) Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and Metal (Paint) (1970) Alkyd, White (Paint) (1969) Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate in Compounding Detergents and Clea Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate (1967) (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride) (1969) Allied Insurance for Airport (1970?) Alloy Fence Posts, Rails and Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-24 Alloy Sheet for License Plate Stock (1969) MIL C-5541 Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Alloy Steel Castings (1970?) ASTM A-486 Alloy Steel Plate (4 In. or Less) (1970?) ASTM A-514 Alloy (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM B22 Alloy, and Fittings (1969) Alloy, Coiled Sheets (License Plate Stock) (1969) Alodized (1970) Alphabet Accessories (1970) Alphanumeric Electric Accounting Machines and Applied S (Alpine or Tyrollean Style) (1968) Alternator Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Ou Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Ho FL *29 TX 371-78-1B CA 681-66-02 TX 371-78-5 TX 371-85-1 TX 371-78-3 TX 371-78-7 MI 5205-0010 PA E-5 WA S-62-48-3 CA 711-87-13 MI 4340-0019 MI 4340-0034 WI 3748 NY 07900-0584 MI 4340-0033 NY 12026-0012 TX 395-35-1B VA K-40A TX 153-33-1 VA L-ll NY 25408-1002 KY 7930-14 CA 691-77-18 CA 691-77-20 CA 691-77-17 NY 20100-0289 OR 76-401-9080 VA L-7 MS S-2-53-11 MS T-D-23C-71 MS S-2-53-10 MS S-2-53-35 LA * 1 1 — 1 KY 7930-18 KY 7930-20 CA 691-77-16 MA *14 NM M-TPC-69 MI 5325-S20 MI 5325-S34 TX 520-42-6A TX 520-42-3A TX 520-42-7 MS PM-15 TX 520-42-8 WA S-64-79-A VA DK-32A VA DK-35 CA 691-80-430 VA DK-37 OR 77-100-9030 VA DH-239 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A WA S-70-108 MI 5325-S17 MS PI-2 OR 77-100-9080 WA S-65-90 OR 77-100-9040 MS PI- 12 KY 32A OR 77-100-9250 IA *l-5 MS PI-3 MS PI-7 MI 5325-S18 CA 681-66-10 TX 371-78-2A TX 371-90-1 HI *4 MS 3408 WI 6130 VA DH-236 MS 3323 MS 3318 VA DH-237 OR 56-100-9010 PA A-ll NJ 0730-03 NJ 0760-01 HI *10 RI 4268-M-002 NY 35000-0938 NY 35000-0647 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Engineering Instruments (Stereo Image (Ed/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Volt Ampere, Generator / ) Spec, for Aluminum Sulfate (of astm B-24 1 , A ASHO M- 1 8 1 Spec, for C-5541 Std. Spec, for Coiled , Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tubing, Irrigation, Hand Movable; 69) Spec, for Spec, for iture) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Plate, Shapes, Shim ( 197/ Spec, for Wrought and Extruded Spec, for Precoated 9) Std. Spec, for r Bakery Equipment (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Std. Spec, for Spec, for ?) A ASHO M-196 Spec, for Corrugated Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link - Steel, k, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Galvanized and Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and Accessories Spec, for Vinyl Paint, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Prefabricated Spec, for Precoated Spec, for , USC Ps8 Spec, for Abrasive Cloth net (196/ Spec, for (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Spec, for Coated Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed . Spec, for Air Drying Ready Mixed Spec, for Heat Resisting Spec, for Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (800 Deg. F.) Spec, for Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Heatproof Spec, for Varnish; Mixing (Vehicle for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Corrugated Spec, for Corrugated Metal or Spec, for -320 Std. Spec, for Asphalt Base tm B-209 Spec, for Spec, for General Requirements and Spec, for . for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Spec, for atment Purposes (1955) Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Beads) and Furniture) (1969) Spec, for re) (1969) Spec, for 1 Spec, for c Base (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Greenhouses, Spec, for Metal Office Chairs, Spec, for Greenhouses, Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Spec, for Interior Paint, Ready Mixed Spec, for Plates, Presentized ) Spec, for Ladders (Wood and Std. Spec, for Handrailing (Concrete, Steel, concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fiber, r Portable Ladders (Straight, Extension and Step; Wood and Spec, for Lottery Signs (Plastic and Enameled Spec, for Flagpoles (25 Ft., Spec, for Flagpoles lbow, Ben/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, ) Spec, for Culvert Pipe (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint, Silicone, Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Is and Stepladders (1971) ANSI A 14.1-/ Spec, for Ladders lay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Std. Spec, for Alternator) (1971) NY Alternator, Distributor and Electronic Engine Testers) NY Alumina), for Water and Sewage Treatment Purposes ( 1955 PA Aluminum Alloy Fence Posts, Rails and Fittings ( 1970?) MS Aluminum Alloy Sheet for License Plate Stock (1969) Mil WI Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe VA Aluminum Alloy, and Fittings ( 1969) OR Aluminum Alloy, Coiled Sheets (License Plate Stock) (19 PA Aluminum Arm Chair Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) RI Aluminum Armless Reception Room Side Chair (Office Furn RI Aluminum Armless Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) RI Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, MS Aluminum Blanks for License Plates (1970?) CT Aluminum Brightener (Phosphoric Acid Type Cleaner) ( 196 WA Aluminum Bun Pans) (1971) Spec. Fo NY Aluminum Chip Mixture (Drain Cleaner) (1953) MS Aluminum Chip Mixture (Drain, Pipe Cleaner) (1970) LA Aluminum Circular Pipe, Aprons and Coupling Bands (1970 MS Aluminum Coated (1960) NJ Aluminum Coated) (1969) /D. Spec, for Fence, Chain Lin NC Aluminum Coating (1962) FED TT-A-468 VA (Aluminum Construction - Materials Only) ( 1968) NY Aluminum Finish Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone (1969) CA Aluminum Fly Screens (1960) MD Aluminum General Office Posture Chairs ( 1969) RI Aluminum Greenhouses ( 1968) NY Aluminum License Plate Stock 1(1968?) NJ Aluminum License Plate Stock 1, Alodized ( 1970) NJ (Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide) ( 1971 ) FED Std. 191 PA Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Gar NY Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) and Application (1964) TX Aluminum Paint and Paste ( 1964) SC Aluminum Paint with Strontium Chromate Added (1965) MD Aluminum Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 VA Aluminum Paint ( 1963) IA Aluminum Paint (1964) FED Std. 141 TX Aluminum Paint ( 1964) FED TT-P-28C, Std. 141 TX Aluminum Paint (1964) FED TT-P-320A. TT-V-81D TX Aluminum Paint (1969) MI Aluminum Paint) (1962) PA Aluminum Paint, Finish Coat, Underwater, Steel (1969) CA Aluminum Paint, Pigment Paste, Mixing Varnish ( 1970?) NM Aluminum Paint, Ready Mixed, Quick Drying (1969) CA Aluminum Pigment for Paint (Paste Form) ( 1969) PA Aluminum Pigment for Paint (Powder) ( 1969) PA Aluminum Pipe for Underdrains (1970?) AASHO M-197 MS Aluminum Pipe (1969) NJ Aluminum Ready Mix Paint (1969) MI Aluminum Roof Coating, Asbestos Fibered (1970) FED TT-T RI Aluminum Route Marker Shield Blanks (Highway) (1971) As NY Aluminum Sign Blanks and Sheet (1970) ASTM B209 SD Aluminum Sign Blanks and Sheets (1969) NJ Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) ( 1971) NY Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) Spec. NY Aluminum Soap Lubricant ( 1970?) VA Aluminum Sulfate (of Alumina), for Water and Sewage Tre PA Aluminum Sulfate (1971) FED 0-S-635C(l), 0-A-429B NY Aluminum Swivel Armchair (Executive Type Chair) (Office RI Aluminum Swivel Armless Clerical Chairs (Office Furnitu RI Aluminum Tube for Pipe Bridge Railing (1970?) ASTM B-22 MS Aluminum Vehicle Clear Varnish, General Purpose Phenoli CA Aluminum (1967) NY Aluminum (1968) CA Aluminum (1968) NY Aluminum (1969) CA Aluminum (1970?) MS Aluminum (1971) NJ Aluminum) and Scaffolding and Related Accessories (1970 NJ Aluminum) for Highway Construction (1964) SC Aluminum) for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Ins (Tile, SC Aluminum) (1969) Std. Spec. Fo OR Aluminum) (1971) NY Aluminum) (1971) NY (Aluminum), 25 Ft. (1970) NY Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, E SC Aluminum, Clay) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970 VA Aluminum, Dull (Intermediate Coat) (1970?) MS Aluminum, General Purpose ( 1963) IA Aluminum, General Purpose ( 1970) MS Aluminum, Heat Resisting, Metal (1970) MS Aluminum, Precoated for License Plates ( 1965) MI Aluminum, Ready Mixed (1967) FED Std. 141a PA (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Safety Stoo NY Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway VA Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Sign Posts ( 1970?) MS Aluminumware (Bakeshop and Kitchen) (1965) IL 31601-0468 35000-0738 A-8 3408 6130 DH-236 56-100-9010 A-ll 2-004 2-006 2-005 3336 *1 S-60-19 31200-0304 S-2-53-46 * 1 1-2 3225 4530-00 5660-CLF-l DK-33A 39600-0767 691-80-49 *25 2-001 31800-0009 0730-01 0730-03 C— 28 00319-0439 002-31-1 HD-80B11 *23 DK-27A ♦1-14 520-41-2 520-41-3 520-41-1 5325-S14 V-l 691-80-80 *19 691-80-33 A-7 A-6 3285 1360-00 5325-S13 5061-01 37817-0166 *3 0770-01 42300-0254 42300-0483 032 A-8 40800-0194 2-002 2-003 3363 691-80-404 31800-0286 681-67-21 31800-0844 691-80-408 3543 7790-00 4926-00 HD-74 HD-104 33-400-9010 38600-0431 39601-0507 39601-0517 HD-90 DH-240 3527 ♦1-3 PE-14 PE-16 4906-0010 P-135 39010-0418 DH-241 3528 *37 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards std 141, MCA SD-13 Std. rs and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Di/ Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Sedan Spec, for Automotive Equipment e)(1971) Spec, for Spec, for Herbicide, Liquid le, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble d941,E203, D1209 Spec, for c, Trichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Hydraulic, G/ Spec, for Oil, Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Std. Spec, for Household Aqua Spec, for Household Aqua Spec, for Anhydrous Spec, for Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Spec, for Remover, Floor Wax and Finish Spec, for Spec, for of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of D1426, E203, FED P-D-00223a Spec, for Spec, for Remover, Floor Finish, fied Gas) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for II Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly / Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Sour; Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, Quaternary ure ( 1969) Spec, for Di (Hydrogenated Tallow) Dimethyl ormulation (1971) Spec, for Dialkyl Dimethyl ec. for Liquid 80% Active Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl ng and Deodorizing Agents ( 1968) Spec, for Quaternary 0) Spec, for Laundry Sour; t Manufacture (1966) FED Std. 141, MCA SD-13 Spec, for t Manufacture (1968) Spec, for Surfactant tural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Spec, for Laundry Sour Spec, for D2077 Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary or Detergent Deodorizer Sanitizer Powder, Mild, Quaternary Spec, for Germicidal Detergent (Phenolic, Quaternary Spec, for nic Engine Testers) (Ed/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Volt Spec, for Sound Spec, for Sound Spec, for Sound Spec, for Electronic Piano Teaching System / Dual Musical Spec, for Flue Gas Spec, for Ultrasonic Tissue of Reflections by Counter Methods with a Film Instrument stal Structu/ Spec, for Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer System d X-Ra/ Spec, for Film Cameras and Accessories for Use in Spec, for Chemical onizer System for Diagnostic Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen ) (1969) Spec, for Residual Gas Std. Spec, for Portable Breath Spec, for Multichannel Pulse Spec, for Audio Spectrum Spec, for Automatic Blood Gas fie Equipment)/ Spec, for Combination Electron Microprobe Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Teaching Console, Modular Lung ckers, G/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Battery Charger and ) Spec, for Combustion berculosis Hospital Equipme/ Spec, for Pulmonary Function Hied Toilet Soap) ( 1968) Spec, for Titanium Dioxide Spec, for light Standards (Complete Pole Including Mast Arm and Base Spec, for Bolt asher, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Spec, for Suction, Ether, Irrigation and s; Percent Oxygen Detector; Respirators; Minute Volume and Spec, for Front End Loader (Snow Bucket, Spec, for Frame, Bed, Metal and Vacuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spectroscopy, Low and Flanged, for Land Use) ( 1970) Spec, for Bronze Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Overhead Spec, for Heavy Crawler Tractor with Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Spec, for Medium Crawler Tractor with Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Attachments Spec, for Rolled Steel Fence Posts and Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate Spec, for Std. Spec, for Caustic Soda Std. Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502,/ Spec, for Sodium Sulfate Spec, for Aluminumware: Bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colande Ambulance) (1968) (Ambulance, Station Wagon Type) (1971) Amine Salt of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (Herbicid (Amine Salt of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1970) Amine, Bromacil Weed Killer) (1971) /Pon, Amino Triazo Amino Alcohol Surfactant (Triethanolamine) (1966) ASTM Amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Ammonia (General Cleaner and Deodorizor) (19S3) Ammonia (1969) Ammonia (1971) Ammonia) for Janitorial Product Manufacture (1966) FED (Ammonia) (Cleaner) (1970) Ammonia, Aqua, Household ( 1966) Ammonia, Household, Aqua, Cleaner, Liquid (1970) Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage (Nitrogenous), Urea, O Ammoniated Liquid Window and Mirror Cleaner (1970) ASTM Ammoniated (1966) Ammonia; Anhydrous (for Refrigeration) (Purified, Liqui Ammonia; Aqua (Cleaning) (1971) Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wa Ammonium Bifluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 791B Ammonium Chloride Type (1969) Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Softener Manufact Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in Fabric Softener F Ammonium Chloride) (1969) Sp Ammonium Compound in Compounding Detergents as Sanitizi Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Iron Bearing Water ( 1 97 Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia) for Janitorial Produc Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether Sulfate for Cleaner Detergen Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriate of Pot Ammonium Silico Fluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 791B Ammonium Type Laundry Sour (Silicofluoride) (1966) Ammonium Type, Non Germicidal) ( 1971 ) Aocs DA9-48, ASTM TX Ammonium Type, Nongermicidal) (1970) Aocs DA9-48 Ammonium (1969) Spec. F Ammonium) (1971) Ammunition and Targets (1970) Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Distributor and Electro Amplification Systems (College) (1970) Amplification Systems (University) (1969) Amplification Systems (University) (1969) Amplifier (College) (1971) Analysis and Recording System (1967) Analysis Unit (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Analytical Determination of Emission Spectra) (Educatio (Analytical Diffraction Systems for Investigation of Cry Analytical Investigations and Measurements of Diffracte Analyzer Computer System (Institutional Use) (1969) Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Samplin Analyzer System (Quadrupole Type) (Scientific Equipment Analyzer (Alcohol Detection) (1971) Analyzer (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Analyzer (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Analyzer (1970) Analyzer / Scanning Electron Microscope System (Scienti Analyzer) (1971) /Or, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body Analyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Pa Analyzing System (C02, Thermal Conductivity Type) (1966 Analyzing System (Mobile, Medical with Accessories) (Tu (Anatase) (White Pigment for Whitener and Opacifier in M Anchor Rods, Steel (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-307, A-153 Anchorage) (1970?) Spec, for Anchorages, Lead (1970?) Anchors, Threaded Rod, Nails) ( 1970) /S, Lockwasher, W Anesthesia Apparatus (1969) Anesthesia Ventilators) (1971) /D Electronic Nebulizer Angle Broom, Hydraulic Grader) (1969) (Angle Iron Type) (1962) Angle Scattering and Texture of Materials) (Transferabl Angle, Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Table Extension) (1968) Angledozer and Power Control Unit ( 1970?) Angledozer (1970) Angledozer (1970?) (Angledozer, Bucket) (1971?) Angles (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123, MIL E-10687 Anhydrous Ammonia ( 197 1 ) (Anhydrous and Hydrated) (1964) FED P-S-651C, ICC 37a (Anhydrous and Pentahydrate) (1959) ASTM D501 Anhydrous Caustic Soda (Lye) (Sodium Hydroxide) (1959) (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and Washing Compound Anhydrous Isopropyl Alcohol ( 1966) PA A-4 NY 40403-0764 NY 40302-0485 LA *4 MS H-1A-70 NY 22100-0497 TX 371-78-5 NY 22100-0497 MA *9 MS S-2-53-45 VA K-29A NY 30100-0484 TX 371-32-1 MS R-2B-69 KY 7930-22 LA *ll-7 NY 07700-0473 TX 3 70-3 8-1 A KY 7930-36 PA A-2 PA A-3 IL *39 PA S-63 NC 6840-DQ-4B TX 371-32-2 TX 180- 12-2 A TX 371-90-1 CA 681-66-27 PA S-67 TX 371-32-1 TX 371-78-6A NY 07700-0473 PA S-61 TX 395-46-2 TX 505-47-1 A TX 395-35-7 CA 691-77-36 NY 22003-0052 NY 35201-0684 NY 35000-0738 NY 38201-0349 NY 38201-0177 NY 38201-0843 NY 38209-0781 NY 40706-0360 NY 38789-0814 NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0355 NY 38716-0251 NY 12600-0912 NY 38701-0449 FL ♦29 NY 38701-0808 NY 38781-0319 NY 12600-0522 NY 38782-0782 NY 12200-0512 NY 35000-0866 NY 00407-0565 NY 12600-0796 TX 371-83-1A MS 3385 MS 3811 MS 3387 NJ 5108-00 NY 12200-0099 NY 12200-0462 NY 40603-0205 NJ 3718-01 NY 11002-0563 TX 540-73-2A NY 36200-0735 VA *16 SC 14-300 VA *17 SC 14-300-0451 MS 3403 NY 30100-0484 TX 395-41-1 TX 395-35-3 TX 395_35_4 MS S-2-53-12 MS S-2-53-9 TX 371-75-1A TX 371-85-1 8 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Ammonia; 1 ) Spec, for Sodium Tripolyphosphate for Detergent and Chemical Cleaner, Synthetic, 40 and 1/2% Spec, for Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash), Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Sodium Metasilicate, ) Spec, for Lanolin Spec, for Tetrasodium Spec, for Disodium Phosphate Spec, for Monosodium Phosphate Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate ripolyphosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners odium Hydroxide in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners odium Carbonate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners um Metasilicate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners m Pyrophosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners Std. Spec, for Caustic Soda Spec, for Integral (Fused) Sodium Orthosilicate ergent, Chemical Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing Machine, 16% Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Sodium Orthosilicate, Std. Spec, for Laundry Bluing Spec, for Feed spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole ege)(1968) Spec, for ) Spec, for ) Spec, for ssories) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Resea/ Spec, for .) (1969/ Std. Spec, for Woven Wire Netting, (Poultry and Spec, for Livestock Feed, Tankage (Dried Spec, for Pens (Cages) (Dog, Farm or Environmental Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Control) (Live Spec, for Test Response System (Human and Small Spec, for Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Small ound, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spring Manufacture (1969) Spec, fox Surfactant on, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Spec, for Women's and Girls' ) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Electric Glass ) Spec, for tomotive) (1969) Std. Spec, for radio Repeater / Base Station and Equipment (Mobile Units, Spec, for Vehicular Gain Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Coal, Spec, for Coal; of Road Machinery/ Spec, for Hydraulic Oil for Use as An Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow Exempt, Std. Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Std. Spec, for Swine (Hog) Spec, for Additive Spec, for Spec, for Permanent Spec, for Windshield Washer Spec, for Windshield Washer Spec, for Fire Extinguisher Charges; Spec, for Permanent Type Spec, for Permanent Type Spec, for Spec, for Gas Line Spec, for Permanent Type Spec, for ure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Deodorant, ized (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, nium Chloride - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Milled Toilet Soap; Spec, for Coating and es, Chlordane Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Std. Spec, for Oil, Diesel Engine, Severe, Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire 966) Spec, for Stills (Distilling Anhydrous Sodium Tripolyphosphate ( 1 967 ) Anhydrous Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP) (1966) Anhydrous (for Refrigeration) (Purified, Liquified Gas) Anhydrous (Soap Manufacture and Detergent Builder) (197 Anhydrous (1964) Std. Spec. Anhydrous (1965) ASTM D501 Anhydrous (1969) (Anhydrous) for Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufacture (1966 (Anhydrous) (1952) FED P-S-536, RR-S-366 (Anhydrous) (1965) (Anhydrous) (1966) ASTM D501, D1172, D502 (Anhydrous) (1967) (Anhydrous) (1967) ASTM D501, D502, D1172 (Anhydrous) (1968) Spec, for Sodium T (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D456 Spec, for S (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D458 Spec, for S (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D537 Spec, for Sodi (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D595 Spec, for Tetrasodiu (Anhydrous) (1969) (Anhydrous) (1969) FED P-S-651D, ICC 37a Anhydrous, Active (1964) Std. Spec, for Det Anhydrous, Strong ( 1969) (Aniline Dye) (1953) (Animal and Fowl) (1970) Animal and Special Freeze Drying Chambers) (1970) Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Mouse, Rat) (Coll Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) (University) (1968 Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) (University) (1969 Animal Cages and Racks (Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig) (Acce Animal Cages (Dog) (Medical Center) (1969) Animal Cages (Dog) (University) (1969) Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) Animal Fencing, Tennis Court, Stucco Reinforcement, Etc Animal Residues) (1963) Animal) (Medical Center) (1969) Animal) (University) (1971) Spec. F Animal) (1970) Animal, Laboratory Service Truck) (1968) Animals) (1970) /Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-R (Anionic Organic Phosphate Ester) for Janitorial Product Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Anklet Socks (Stockings) (1969) Anklets and Knee Socks (Women's, Misses' and Children's Annealing Oven (1970) Annual Food Cutting, Canned Fruits and Vegetables (1970 Annular Ball and Roller Bearing (General Purpose and Au Antenna) (1967?) Spec, for Antennas (State Police) (1971) Anthracite Coal (1960) Anthracite Coal (1968) Anthracite (1954) Anthracite (1969) ' Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Systems Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Antibacterial (Cake) (1970) Antibiotic Vitamin Premix (1970) Antifreeze for Automobile Fuel Systems (1970) Antifreeze for Automotive Engines (1970) Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol, Automotive) (1970?) Antifreeze (Solvent) (State Police) (1970) Antifreeze (Solvent) (1971) Antifreeze (1957) FED O-S-588 Antifreeze (1966) Antifreeze (1969) SAE J814 Antifreeze ( 1970) FED O-A-00548C( 1 ) Antifreeze (1971) Antifreeze (1971) Antifreeze ( 1971 ) FED O-A-00548C( 1 ) Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Univ Antifreeze, Permanent, Ethylene Glycol (1968) Antifreeze, Radiator, Alcohol, Methanol (1961) Antifreeze, Radiator, Permanent (1961) Antifreeze; Ethylene Glycol (1970) Antioxidant, Ortho Tolyl Biguanide (1967) Antiperspirant (Hospital Use) (1967) Antiseepage Diaphragms, Erosion Dams, Cribbing) (1970?) Antiseptic Bacterial Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzetho Antiseptic Type (1969) Antistripping Additive (1970?) Ants, Spiders, Carpet Beetles) ( 1961 ) /for Insecticid API-DS (1970) Apparatus - Pickup Truck) (1970) Apparatus - Pickup, Parkway Patrol) ( 1970) Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) (Pickup Truck Mounted) (1971) Apparatus and Accessories) (Hospital and Laboratory) (1 TX 371-76-1A TX 371-82-1 PA A-2 NY 25523-0327 MS D-2B-64 TX 371-65-1 CA 691-77-18 TX 371-48-1 PA P-lll TX 371-42-1 TX 371-42-2 IN C-5 TX 371-70-2A CA 681-66-09 CA 681-66-04 CA 681-66-03 CA 681-66-06 CA 681-66-08 OR 76-401-9060 TX 371-71-1 MS D-5-64 CA 691-77-20 MS S-2-53-24 NY 07600-0270 NY 24204-0654 NY 12040-0713 NY 12040-0678 NY 12040-0856 NY 12040-0554 NY 12040-0904 NY 12040-0789 NY 12040-0557 OR 60-500-9030 MI 4340-0022 NY 12040-0862 NY 12026-0746 NY 38209-0631 NY 12040-0669 NY 30211-0572 TX 371-78-10 NY 30200-0587 RI 4250-F-006 NY 40020-0126 NY 42800-0386 NE ♦84 OR 53-100-9010 NE *87 NY 38211-0048 NJ 3512-00 NY 05100-0818 CT 3512-C-38 PA C-80 SC 34-040 CA 691-80-420 CA 691-80-421 MS S-7C-70 WA S-60-11-2 MS A-2A-70 LA *7 VA •36 NY 30900-0595 NY 30900-0481 PA F-54 TX 035-32-1A NH *3 NY 30900-0065 NY 30900-0184 SC 13-010-0451 NY 30900-0087 NY 35000-0938 CA 681-66-12 MI 5205-0010 MI 5205-0015 PA A-9 TX 371-33-1A MS D-9-67 MS 3351 NY 21901-0964 OR 76-450-9060 MS 3161 MS 1-7 MS L-5B-70-4 NY 40501-0086 NY 40501-0252 NY 40501-0502 NY 00105-02-0604 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Timing Equipment (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Diagnostic Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire 970) Spec, for Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Spec, for Suction, Ether, Irrigation and Anesthesia 70?) Spec, for Aircraft Crash Rescue Fire Fighting Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Engine Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Engine tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Spec. ?) va/ Spec. for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Spec, for Elastic, Woven, Std. Spec, for Wearing Spec, for Uniform Std. Spec, for Wearing Std. Spec, for Wearing for Material Handling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Spec, for Domestic Std. Spec, for Fire Extinguishers (Hand, First Aid fed SS-R-/ Spec, for Asphalt Asbestos Roof Coating (Brush ing of Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar,/ Std. Spec, for the TT-P-14/ Spec, for Silicone Water Repellent Solution for line Marking Paint ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Glass Beads for spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for spec, for Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for . and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Decalcomania for (1953) Std. Spec, for Notions (Reed, Snaps and for Special White Traffic Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for urpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; and traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) and for Road (Highway) and Bridge Construction, Equipment, and In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Cold Spec, for Nylon Floor Maintenance Pads (Machine ompressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Traffic Paint Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener (Dry Wheel for Dry Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Wheel Spec, for Alkali Neutralizing Sour (Dry Wheel uid in Power Control Systems of Road Machinery and Similar Spec, for Imitation Shearling for Wax shearling Pads ( 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Cotton ners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) (Highway and Pavement and Surgical Supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Spec, for Concrete Joint Sealer (Cold 964) Spec, for Water Spec, for Alphanumeric Electric Accounting Machines and ho M-140-64, M-81-62, M-82-62 Spec, for Furnishing and Std. for Calendar Pads and Stands, and Automatic Transmission Fluid, General Motors Type, Dexron ous Including Utility Connections, Septic Tanks, and Other Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Circular Pipe, Spec, for Bib Style Cotton Duck , Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Spec, for Std. Spec, for Household Spec, for Household FED Std. 141, MCA SD-13 Spec, for Ammonium Hydroxide Spec, for Ammonia; Spec, for Ammonia, Household, Spec, for Ammonia, Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for der (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Spec, for Welding Electrodes for Manual way Cons/ Std. Spec, for Structural Plate Pipe, Arch, and ds;/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Spec, for File Board, e and Highway Cons/ Std. Spec, for Structural Plate Pipe, ts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) Spec, for Metal Culvert Pipe, Pipe eld, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for Athletic Equipment Spec, for Structural Plate for Pipe and Pipe ite, on 2 1/2 MIL Polyester Base) (1971) ANSI / Spec, for Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance (Library - ford (1/ Std. Spec, for Rubber and Canvas Footware (Shoe) . for Shoes (Saddle Oxfords, Canvas, Overshoes, Boots, and Spec, for Rubber Footwear Spec, for Overshoes, mer Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Contamination Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Spec, for Fusee Flares (Warning Device for Hazardous cord and Magazine Racks, Clothing Display, Academic Impact Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Apparatus and Digital Stop Clock) ( 1971 ) Apparatus for Neurosurgery) (1970) Apparatus Vehicle) (1970) Apparatus (Balance Beam, Trampoline, Horizontal Bar) (1 Apparatus (1969) Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity with Diesel Engines) (19 Apparatus) (1969) Apparatus) (1970) Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Ha Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968 Apparel Manufacture (1970) Apparel (Clothing) ( 197 1 ) (Apparel, Clothing) for Registry of Motor Vehicles ( 1970 Apparel, Hospital (Clothing) (1968) Apparel, Incontinent Patient (Company) (1963) Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock. Utility, Can Appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers and Ranges) (1971) Appliances) (1969) Application for Waterproofing and Dampproofing) (1964) Application of Materials for Waterproofing or Dampproof Application on Structural Masonry (1967) ASTM CI 09, Fed Application on White and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Application to Nonpassenger Vehicle Windshields (1964) Application to Passenger Automobile Windshields (1964) Application to School Bus Windshields ( 1964) Application to Wood or Metal Surfaces of Trailers (Deca Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestry, Water Colors) Application with Glass Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-266 Application (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /Ec. Std. Spec, for White Std. Spec, for Yellow for Coated Abrasives Mineral Spec. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 Spec. /Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air C Spec. Application (1964) Application (1964) Application (1964) Application (1970) Application (1970) /, Application) (1964) Application) (1967) Application) (1969) Application) (1969) Application, Laundry) (1969) Applications ( 1 969 ) MIL L-2 1 04a or MIL L-2 1 04B /Lie Fl Applicator Pad Manufacture (1969) Applicators (Wax, Floor Finish) for Use with Imitation Applicators (Wax, Floor Finish) (1970) Applicators) ( 1971 ) /Lens Elements, Film, Colors, Thin Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, Splint, Faci Applied Elastic Type) (Pavement, Bridge) (1970?) Applied Solvent Removable Type Decalcomanias (Decal) (1 Applied System (1970?) Applying Asphaltic Oil and Emulsion in Bulk (1970?) Aas Appointment Books (1969) Approved ( 1968) Spec, for Appurtenances; Providing New Wells; Transplant of Trees Aprons and Coupling Bands (1970?) AASHO M-196 Aprons (1969) Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, Erosion Dams, Cribbing) Aprons; Rubber, Surgeons and Chemists (1969) Aqua Ammonia (General Cleaner and Deodorizor) (1953) Aqua Ammonia ( 1969) (Aqua Ammonia) for Janitorial Product Manufacture (1966) Aqua (Cleaning) (1971) Aqua, Cleaner, Liquid ( 1970) Aqua, Household (1966) (Arboretum) (1971) Arc Furnace (Laboratory, Melting) (1968) Arc Torch Welding and Cutting Outfit (1969) /. for Wei Arc Welding (Wire, Flux) (1970?) Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and High Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Car Arch Type (1970) Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridg (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Joints) (1964) /Ipe Culver Arch, Underdrain and Fittings (1970) (Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track and Fi Arches (Culvert) (1970?) AASHO M-167 Archival Quality Microfilm and Processing (Black and Wh Archives Building, State Museum) (1970) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Ox Arctics) (1971) Spec (Arctics, Boots, Pacs, Sneakers) (1970) Arctics, Galoshes (Rubber) (1967) Area (1969) Spec, for Pri Area) (1968) Area) (1968) Area) (1971) Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Binning G Area, College) (1968) NY 30200-0417 NY 1 1000-0638 NY 40501-0275 NY 30204-0098 NY 12200-0099 HI *12 NY 40501-0816 NY 40501-0301 NY 00432-00-0686 NY 40501-0079 CA 702-83-25 IL *21 MA *16 IL *22 IL *23 NY 39100-0562 NY 25200-0614 OR 25-110-9010 TX 605-38-1 SC HD-112 TX 520-32-1 SC HD-80B15 NJ 0734-01 NJ 0734-00 NJ 0734-03 NJ 0734-05 IL *33GG SC 20-010 VA DH-239 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 TX 002-31-1 VA DH-1 MS R-5-64-12 VA K-41A NJ 4938-22 VA L-8 VA L-l VA L-ll SC 34-040 TX 685-35-1 TX 370-66-1 TX 370-66-2 NY 38601-0752 NY 10134-0339 MS 3725 TX 194-35-2 HI *10 NJ 1308-02 CT 69-75C CA 681-91-30 SC HD-125 MS 3225 RI 4260-M-001 MS 3351 PA A-l MS S-2-53-45 VA K-29A TX 371-32-1 PA A-3 LA *ll-7 KY 7930-22 NY 38211-0795 NY 12023-0084 NY 43223-0932 MS 3339 SC HD-91 FL *19 CA 701-75-62 SC HD-91 SC HD-90 NH *7 NY 30200-0589 MS 3231 TX 575-70-2 NJ *7 IL ♦27 TN *6 NY 34800-0708 PA O-40 CA 691-80-53 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 PA F-85 NY 21802-0317 NY 31800-0225 10 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ng Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Spec, for Sand; Beach Std. Spec, for Chair, Tablet Spec, for Light Standards (Complete Pole Including Mast Spec, for Aluminum (1969) Spec, for Steel Swivel Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Metal Folding Tablet Std. Spec, for Ward Day Room Spec, for Tablet . for Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with Telescoping Long . Spec, for Detector Mast Spec, for Wood or 3 cu. Yd. Dump Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double j. Yd. Dump Truck Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Spec, for Tractor, with Hydraulic Extension Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chair (Tablet Spec, for Brief Case, Leather, Under Spec, for Lamps, Adjustable Spec, for Wood Chairs (Executive Swivel Spec, for Machine Tools (Radial Drill - 3 Ft. Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chairs (Side Spec, for Men's Winter Work Trousers Spec, for Men's Work Jackets (Cotton Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive Swivel ) Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Spec, for Steel Swivel Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Spec, for Aluminum Swivel •69) Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Wood Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive Spec, for Steel Swivel Chairs; Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Spec, for Asphalt Concrete - Type 1AC 1970?) IPCEA S- 19-81 Spec, for ;hting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-81, S-61-402, S-66-5/ Spec, for Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Chair with Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Chair Without r Steel Office Executive Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, with steel Office Clerical Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, Without teel Utility Type Chair (Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without cutive Chair' (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, with ial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without room or Institutional Steel Chairs (Stacking Type, Without glass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet Spec, for Executive Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with pec. for Junior Executive Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Spec, for Male Posture Chair (Without Spec, for Metal Secretarial Chair (Swivel Posture, No Spec, for Metal Side Chair (General Office, with Spec, for Metal Side Chair (General Office, Without la Spec, for Upholstered Folding Chairs with Spec, for Canvas; Cotton Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Spec, for Men's Winter Cotton Trousers (Slacks) Spec, for Men's Work Trousers (Slacks) Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Permanent Press ) Spec, for Cotton Duck, Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck, Numbered and Spec, for Cardiac Spec, for Panels, Spec, for Panels, idolas, Sheet Music and Record/ Spec, for Store Fixtures s), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Stic/ Spec, for School and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, 1971) Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, :onverter Type) / Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium Duty Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium Duty Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for ng Tables) (1971) Spec, for ng Tables) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture and Graphic Spec, for Film, Still, Motion Picture and Graphic 1968) Spec, for Alkyl Spec, for Surfactant; Linear Alkyl 590a Std. Spec, for Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement System (1967) / Sprayi Areas (1968) Arm - Wood (Conventional Design) (1960) Arm and Base Anchorage) (1970?) Arm Chair Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Office Furniture Arm Chairs (Furniture) (1963) Arm Chairs (Furniture) (1963) Arm Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Arm Chairs (1963) FED CCC-A-700B Arm Folding Chair (1965) FED AA-C-296, USC CS35 Arm Mower (1970) Spec Arm Poles (Overhead Traffic Control Mounting) (1970) Arm Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Arm Type Hydraulic Hoist (1971) Spec. F Arm Type Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 C Arm Type Rotary Mower, Mounted (1970) Arm Type) (1970) Arm with Disappearing Handles ( 1969) Arm (1971) Arm) (Office Furniture) (1962) Arm) (1968) Arm) (1970) (Armada Twill) (Slacks) (1970) Armada Twill) (1969) Armchair (Chairs) (Office Furniture) (1969) Armchair (Executive Type Chair) (Office Furniture) (196 Armchair (Office Furniture) (1969) Armchair, Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) Armless Clerical Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Armless Reception Room Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1 Armless Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Armless Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Armless Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Armless, Clerical, Male (Office Furniture) (1969) Armless, Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) (Armor Coat) (Mixing Armored Underground Cable (Butyl) for Highway Lighting Armored Underground Cable (Polyethylene) for Highway Li Arms (1968) Arms (1968) Arms) (1968) Arms) (1968) Arms) (1968) Arms) (1968) Arms) (1968) Arms) (1970) Arms) (1970) Arms) (1970?) Arms) (1970?) Arms) (1970?) Arms) (1970?) Arms) (1970?) Arms) (1970?) Arms; Metal Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-29 (Army and Numbered Duck) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Textile) (1961) (Army Twill) (1957) (Army Twill) (1962) Army Twill) (1967) Army (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ASTM D230-44, FED CCC-C-41 Army (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Arrest System (Mobile) (Hospital Equipment) (1970) Art Gallery (1969) Art Gallery (1970) (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Go Art Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointe Articulated All Wheel Drive Loader (1970) Articulated All Wheel Drive Loader (1970) Articulated Wheel, 2 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Articulated Wheel, 3 Yd. Rated with 3 1/2 Yd. Bucket) Articulated Wheel, 3 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Articulated) with Backhoe Attachment (Planetary Torque Articulated, Planetary Torque Converter Type) (1970) Artificial Leather, Upholstery (Vinyl) (1968) Artificial Turf (Grass) (1970) Artists (1971) Artmobile (Vehicle) (1970?) Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafti Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafti Arts and Crafts Furniture (1969) Arts (1970) Spec, for Film, Black and White Arts (1971) Aryl Sulfonate in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners Aryl Sulfonate (1967) Asbestos Base Sheet (Built Up Roofing) (1970) FED HH-R- Spec. Fo Spec, for \ Spec, for S Spec, for Steel Office Exe Spec, for Steel Office Secretar Spec, for Class /Chool Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiber NY 43221-0771 PA S-121 NC 7120-C-l MS 3811 RI 2-004 RI 1-011 RI 3-004 RI 3-005 RI 1-034 IL *38 VA BF-4 SC 14-260B NY 35815-0427 RI 3-009 SC ♦10 SC 22-600 NJ 4938-135 TX 295-52-4 CA 691-84-39 NY 35720-0639 RI 3-007 NY 43201-0266 TX 295-52-3 RI 4284-M-005 RI 4225-M-009 RI 4-011 RI 2-002 RI 1-011 RI 1-012 RI 2-003 RI 2-006 RI 2-005 RI 3-008 RI 4-013 RI 1-015 RI 1-013 NY ITEM 51AC-F MS 3805 MS 3804 TX 300-33-6 TX 300-33-7 TX 300-33-1B TX 300-33-3B TX 300-33-5 TX 300-3 3-2B TX 300-33-4A TX 295-52-1A NY 27002-0728 NV 7110-1 NV 7110-2 NV 7110-3 NV 7110-4 NV 7110-5 NV 7110-6 RI 1-0 18A PA C-9 RI 4910-030 RI 4284-M-004 RI 4284-M-006 RI 4265-M-002A RI 4910-012 OR 79-100-9160 NY 12600-0375 NY 21802-1011 NY 21802-0541 NY 21802-0317 NY 23100-0855 NE *25 NE *54 AK *14 AK *15 AK *16 VA *9 VA *10 PA A-21 NE *7 PA B-52 HI *23 NY 31605-0146 NY 31605-0241 NY 31600-0158 NY 38800-0231 NY 38800-0183 CA 681-66-10 TX 371-78-2A OR 64-500-0120 11 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for -189 Spec, for . Spec, for Pipe Underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, 68) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphalt Base Aluminum Roof Coating, ing and Dampproofing) ( 1964) FED SS-R-/ Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Gloves and Mittens Including Work, Welding and Spec, for Floor Tile; Vinyl pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical / Spec, for Nonmetallic Spec, for Sodium Carbonate (Soda Spec, for Mixer, Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Materials uilding) (1971) Spec, or Roofing Materials terproofing and Dampproofing) (1964) FED SS-R-/ Spec, for 970) FED TT-T-320 Std. Spec, for liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing n Patching and Repair Work (Highway,/ Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix d. Spec, for Bituminous Plant Mix Base and Surface Courses Std. Spec, for Roof Insulation Board, oiler (Vibrating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for wo Course) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for n (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Sheet n (1964) Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Sheet ic Concrete Binder and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Spec, for 1 1 5 Spec, for (1970?) Spec, for sonry) (1970?) Spec, for -1227, Mil-R-3472 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Self Propelled Bituminous g. F. M.P. (1964) CE 220.01 Std. Spec, for g. M.P. (1964) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for eg. M.P. (1964) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Pavement Repair Equipment Spec, for an Oil Burning Spec, for Spec, for Saturated Fabric for Waterproofing Spec, for Premolded Spec, for Premolded ?) AASHO M-l 16 Spec, for 694C, TT-P-320C Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ss-R-620a Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cap Sheet; Mineral Surfaced Std. Spec, for Waterproofing Fabric, Std. Spec, for Asbestos Felt, plication (19/ Std. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 In., nd Coatings, Caulking, Ins/ Spec, for Building Materials Std. Spec, for Spec, for 2000 Gal. Semi Trailer Type Std. Spec, for Spec, for Floor Tile; c. for Joint Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Hot Poured Rubber Spec, for Emulsified Spec, for Cationic Emulsified Spec, for Roofing; Shingles, Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Cut Back Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Emulsified Spec, for Bituminous Booster (for Heating and Pumping Spec, for Roof Coating, 5 1 Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Spec, for Roof Coating, s Surfacing (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, ) Spec, for Bituminous Materials 970) Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, 970) FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, se with Mounted 800 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, proofing or Dampproofing of Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, 1970/ Spec, for Dampproofing and Waterproofing Materials Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, for Varnish, Spec, for Kettle (Melting), Rubberized ings) (1968) Spec, for Roofing; Felt and s Surfacing (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, urfacing (Triple Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cement, ge, 220-230 Lb. (1970) Fed/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asbestos Bonded Corrugated Metal Pipe ( 1970?) Asbestos Cement Drain Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum ) for Highw Asbestos Covers, Padding, and Binders (for Ironers) (19 Asbestos Felt, Asphalt Saturated (1964) FED HH-F-185 Asbestos Fibered (1970) FED TT-T-320 Asbestos Roof Coating (Brush Application for Waterproof Asbestos (Men's and Women's) (1971) Asbestos (1962) FED L-T-00345 (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit Ash), Anhydrous (1965) ASTM D501 Asphalt - Aggregate (1964) Asphalt Aluminum Coating (1962) FED TT-A-468 (Asphalt and Tar Liquids) (1971) (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Sealants, and Insulation (B Asphalt Asbestos Roof Coating (Brush Application for Wa Asphalt Base Aluminum Roof Coating, Asbestos Fibered ( 1 Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent and Adding Chemicals Asphalt Cement Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use I Asphalt Cement for Use as Crack Filler (1969) Asphalt Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway Construe Asphalt Coated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 Asphalt Compaction for Patching Operations ( 1971 ) /E R Asphalt Concrete - Type la (Mixing Method - Hot Mix - T Asphalt Concrete - Type 1AC (Armor Coat) (Mixing Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway Constructio Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway Constructio Asphalt Concrete Surface Course (1971?) / Laid Asphalt Asphalt Concrete (Mixing Method - Two Course) ( 1970?) Asphalt Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO M- Asphalt Emulsion for Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) Asphalt Emulsion Primer for Waterproofing (Concrete, Ma Asphalt Emulsion, Fibered (Waterproofing) (1970) ASTM D Asphalt Finisher or Paver (1971) Asphalt Finisher (1971) Asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Grade I, 135 Deg. to 148 De Asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Type Ii, 140 Deg. to 175 De Asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Type Iii, 180 Deg. to 200 D (Asphalt Heater and Storage Unit) (1971) Asphalt Heating Kettle (1968) Asphalt Material (1970) (Asphalt or Coal Tar Pitch) (1970?) AASHO M-l 17 Asphalt Plank (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO M46 Asphalt Plank ( 1970?) AASHO M-46 Asphalt Primer for Dampproofing and Waterproofing ( 1970 Asphalt Roof Coating (Waterproofing) (1970) FED SS-A-00 Asphalt Roof Primer (1970) FED SS-A-70 1 , ASTM D-41 Asphalt Roofing, Mineral Surfaced ( 1970) FED SS-R-630D Asphalt Roofing; Smooth Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-501D, Asphalt Saturated Felt 1 5 ( 1 964 ) FED HH-F- 191a Asphalt Saturated Felt 30 (1964) FED HH-F-191a (Asphalt Saturated Prepared Roofing) (1970) UL 55B Asphalt Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a Asphalt Saturated (1964) FED HH-F-185 Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Cold Ap (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement A Asphalt Shingles; Square Tab (1970) UL 55B Asphalt Supply Tank (1969) Asphalt (Plastic Roof Cement) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Asphalt (1962) FED SS-T-307 Asphalt (1964) Std. Spe Asphalt (1966) Asphalt (1966) ASTM D244, E70 Asphalt (1968) Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1964) Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1964) Asphalt) (1970) Asphalt, Aluminum (1969) Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Fibred (1964) FED SS-R-4 Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Nonfibred (1964) Asphalt, Brushing (1969) Asphalt, Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO (Asphalt, Cement, Emulsion) (Highway Construction) (1970 Asphalt, Class a Fire, Mineral Surfaced, 300-325 Lb. (1 Asphalt, Design Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mineral Surfaced (1 Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Maintenance Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway Construction (1964) /Ater (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Sealer) (Highway Construction) Asphalt, for Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1969) Asphalt, Moist Conditions (1969) Asphalt, Oil Jacketed Type ( 1967) Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing Built Up Roof Cover Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) /Minou Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Ous S Asphalt, Self Lock Type, Mineral Surface, Double Covera MS 3228 MS 3290 SC HD-104 PA C-124 MS R-5-64-23 RI 5061-01 TX 605-38-1 MS G-1A-71 PA T-66 MS 3803 TX 371-65-1 NJ 4938-67 VA DK-33A NY 31501-0554 NY 31827-0534 TX 605-38-1 RI 5061-01 VA *34 MD •24 NE *68 SC HD-42 SC HD-43 MS R-5-64-14 AK ♦52 NY ITEM 51-F NY ITEM 51AC-F SC HD-53 SC HD-57 SC *39 NY ITEM 51M-F MS 3166 MS 3172 MS 3171 OR 64-500-0010 SC 14-040-0451 A SC 14-340-0451 MS R-5-64-3 1 MS R-5-64-30 MS R_5_64-29 NY 41306-0900 SC 14-110 NE ♦26 MS 3201 VA DH-215 MS 3204 MS 3165 OR 64-500-0020 OR 64-500-0030 OR 64-500-0040 OR 64-500-0050 MS R-5-64-16 MS R_5_64-17 OR 64-500-0090 MS R-5-64-20 MS R-5-64-23 MS R-5-64-12 NY 31827-0529 OR 64-500-0070 SC 14-270-0451 MS R-5-64-27 PA T-62 NJ 1308-006 SC 18-010-1002 SC 18-030 PA R-17 SC HD-40 SC HD-41 SC 14-090-0451 CA 691-80-408 MS R-5-64-25 MS R-5-64-26 CA 691-80-407 SC HD-61 VA DH-211 MS R-5-64-5 MS R-5-64-13 NJ 4938-28 SC HD-112 VA DH-214 CA 691-80-402 CA 691-80-406 NJ 4938-95 PA R-l SC HD-62 SC HD-63 MS R-5-64-6 12 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards t, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1/ 5-300 Lb. (1970) FED SS-S-/ 71-58, FED SS-R-630 in., 235 Lb. Std(1964) (1970) ASTM D-225-62 ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface / on (1964) highway Construction (1964) ghway Construction (1964) r Highway Construction (1964) asho M- 140-64 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Spec, for Spreader, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Spec, for Cold Laid Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Spec, for Coarse Aggregates for Spec, for Std. Spec, for c-70, RC-800, MC-250, RC-3000, MC-800, Rsl or / Spec, for 64, M-81-62, M-82-62 Spec, for Furnishing and Applying Spec, for Spec, for Cement, Crack Filler, Liquid Emulsified Spec, for Device for Sampling of Liquid Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, ruction / Std. Spec, for Slope Drains and Spillway Intake Spec, for Table Top and Furniture Spec, for Tractor Roller Grease, Positive Seal Spec, for Traffic Marking Line Removal Machine with Spec, for Laboratory Furniture achment) (1970) Spec, for Snow Plow Wing w. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgate Spreader, Snow Plow Spec, for Shop Furniture (Benches and . for Laboratory Furniture (Work Tables and Stations, Sink res (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola ingle Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head r Snow Plow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing ingle Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head 1 ) Spec, for Split for Store Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Counters, Spec, for Water Filtration Spec, for Engraved Stationery (General (Walk-in Freezers and Refrigerators) (Classroom Study and ets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Spec, for Cardiac Spec, for Cashier and Taxpayer Spec, for Spec, for Telescope and Dome Spec, for Telescope and Dome weatshirts) (1971) Spec, for tennis, Track and Field, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for y, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross C/ Spec, for die and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, B/ Spec, for ck) (6 and 8 Lane) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Portable Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Men's and Boys' mming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Su/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, ray Diffraction Equipment (Expansion of System) (Earth and r ( 1 8 Ton Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with ne and Backhoe/ Spec, for Shovel (6X4 Carrier Mounted) Spec, for Sloper Spec, for Heavy Duty Brush Cutter Spec, for Sloper Std. Spec, for c. for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer p Truck with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Trucks (1970) Spec, for Snow Plow or Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with Sickle Bar Spec, for Hydrostatic Rotary Snow Plow Spec, for Tractor and Rotary Mower Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with Flail Type Mower Spec, for Rotary Rear Mounted Sweeper ec. for Vacuum Street and Catch Basin Cleaner with Flusher ec. for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Reversible, for Dump Truck w Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for Grader for Special Guardrail Mower (Industrial Wheel Type Tractor ) Spec, for Spectrophotometers, Fluorescent Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Spec, for Portable Gasoline Driven Generator with ower and 26 In. Rotary Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Cultivator Spec, for Hydraulic Maintenance Tool Sets and drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel Engine and Backhoe space Science Observatory)/ Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square But MS Asphalt, Smooth (1970) ASTM D-224-58, FED SS-R-501a MS Asphalt, Square Butt, Extra Heavy, Mineral Surfaced, 27 MS Asphalt, Wide Selvage, Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-3 MS Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 12 X 36 MS Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 250 L.B. MS Asphalt, 3 Ton Capacity (1966) NJ Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage (1970) MS Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage (1970) MS Asphaltic Concrete Binder and Surface Courses and Cold SC Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course for Highway Constructi SC Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for SC Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Type 1 and 2) for Hi SC Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Types 1, 2 and 3) Fo SC Asphaltic Concrete ( 1970?) MS Asphaltic Concrete ( 1970?) MS Asphaltic Emulsion - Grades RS-1, AES-1, AES-3 ( 1970) A NJ Asphaltic Material Elastomer Modifier (Latex) (1965) NM Asphaltic Oil - Grades RC-70, MC-30, MC-3000, RC-250, M NJ Asphaltic Oil and Emulsion in Bulk ( 1970?) AASHO M-140- NJ Asphaltic Primer for Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1964) TX Asphalts and Liquid Tar (1970) MD Asphalts From Distributors ( 1970?) NJ Asphalts (1970?) GA Asphalt Primer (1964) FED SS-A-701 MS Aspirator), Portable (1969) NY Aspirator, Lightweight Automatic) (1971) NY Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote Timber for Highway Const SC Assemblies Using Plastic Thermosetting Laminates ( 1968) PA Assemblies (Company) (1968) CA Assemblies ( Paint ) ( 1 970 ) N J Assemblies (Research Institute) (1970) NY Assemblies ( 12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for Grader Att NY Assemblies (1968) Spec, for Truck, 62,000 G.V. NJ Assemblies) (1968) NY Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Hood, Stool) (1971) Spec NY Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Counters, Wire Divid NY Assembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) ( 1971 ) /C. for S NY Assembly and Hydraulic Systems) (1971) Spec. Fo NY Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Me NY Assembly Dental X-Ray Unit (Psychiatric Institute) (197 NY Assembly Gate) (1968) Spec. NY Assembly (Portable) (1969) NY Assembly) (1966) NJ Assembly) (1971) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment NY Assembly, Tables, Portable Mixer) (1970) /Pment (Cabin NY Assist Control System (Medical Center) ( 1971 ) NY Assistance Counters ( 1970) NY Astronomical Spectrograph (Scientific Equipment) (1970) NY (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer Operated) (Earth and NY (Astronomical) (University) (1970) NY Athletic Clothing (Gym Pants and Shirts, Sweat Socks, S NY Athletic Equipment (Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, NY Athletic Equipment (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hocke NY Athletic Equipment (General) (Basketball, Table and Pad NY Athletic Event Timer with Accessories (Swimming and Tra NY Athletic Event Timer with Accessories ( 197 1 ) NY Athletic Lockers and Benches (College) ( 197 1 ) NY Athletic Shirts (1960) RI Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swi OR Atmospheric Sciences) (1968) Spec, for X- NY Attached Loading Ramps) (1969) Spec, for Traile NY (Attachment Adaptable to 15 Ton Crane, Clamshell, Dragli NY Attachment for Grader Mounting ( 1969) SC Attachment for Motor Grader (1970) SC Attachment for Motor Grader (1970) SC Attachment Plugs and Receptacles ( 1964) OR Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice Contr AK Attachment (Belly Blade), and Snow Leveling Wing, (Heav AK Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Ton (16,000 G.V.W.) SC Attachment (Planetary Torque Converter Type) (1970) /F VA Attachment (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Mower) (1970) SC Attachment (1400 Ton) (1971) AK Attachment ( 1 967 ) N J Attachment (1970) SC Attachment (1970) SC Attachment (1970?) Sp VA Attachment) (1970) Sp NY Attachment) (1970) Spec, for Snow Plo NY Attachment) (1971) Spec. SC Attachments and Accessories, Micro Cell Equipment (1969 NY Attachments (Angledozer, Bucket) (1971?) SC Attachments ( 1 965 ) N J Attachments (1965) / Tractor, with 42 In. Sickle Bar M NJ Attachments ( 1 968 ) NY Attachments (1969) /C. for Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel NJ R-5-64-2 R_5_64-9 R_5_64-4 R-5-64-11 R-5-64-1 R_5_64-3 4938-66 R-5-64-10 R-5-64-1 0A ♦39 HD-56 HD-52 HD-58 HD-54 3129 3141 1308-00 *17 1308-05 1308-02 605-39-1 *26 *15 5610-6-23 R-5-64-28 12100-0501 12100-320 HD-105 T-65 681-91-113 4934-02 12006-0696 40900-0488 4938-08 35100-0195 12009-0629 21802-0181 11000-0710 40900-0764 11000-0818 11001-0867 21802-0733 32500-0936 8320-00 24204-0747 38810-0650 12600-0433 21700-0678 38781-0623 12010-0518 12010-0700 40015-0317 30200-0589 30200-0073 30200-0587 30200-0405 30200-0065 27500-0492 4287-M-003 82-700-9010 11002-0461 42300-0194 41100-0914 14-450 *13 *14 24-64-4A *61 *63 14-410-0451 *9 14-260C ♦6 4938-100 14-260D 14-350 *6 40900-0497 40900-0488 1 4-220-045 1C 38700-0885 14-300-0451 7924-01 4938-32 43200-0625 4938-09A 13 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Snow Plow Shoes and 4 Yd. Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth Auger or Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with and Without Special ndustrial Wheel Type Tractor (Front End Loader and Backhoe Std. Spec, for Tractors, Suburban (Lawn and Garden) 970) Spec, for Ultrasonic ition Listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, language Program) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Intrusion Protection System Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rear Screen Study Carrels / with Spec, for Metal Std. Spec, for Pens, Fine Line Markers (Regular and 0) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Two Channel Clinical and Research ool)(1971) Spec, for spital) (1971) Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for New Press Box Seating p and Speech Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Recorder, Spec, for Wireless Solid State ith 3/4 Yd. Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth ing) (Hospital) (1971) Spec, for Material Spreader Spec, for Truck with 1 ) Spec, for Rotary Spec, for Rotary Snow Plows Spec, for Post Hole Digger Spec, for Earth tools (General Maintenance, Carpenters and Miscellaneous) for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Industrial, Weather Resistant, for Transporting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Parts and Spec, for Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Folding Partition Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and sing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for ilt Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for rgent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, 69) Spec, for Dual Channel ntific Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Scientific Equipment Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Self Contained nit (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for Office Machines ) Spec, for Platemaking Machines and Supplies Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (2 Tank, Spec, for Portable and Semiportable Type (1968) Spec, for 97 1 ) Spec, for 4) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Chemical Cleaner, 1965) UL 73, USC CS/ Spec, for Floor Maintenance Machine ational Purposes) (1968) Spec, for gration with Computer and Teletype) (Education/ Spec, for d an Incident Beam Monochromator (Integration / Spec, for es, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Spec, for refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, General Purpose, Motor, General Requirements for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Garage Equipment Powered Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W., Std. Spec, for Fluid, Std. Spec, for Fluid, ricant and Rust Proofi/ Wholesale Requirements for Motor, ol) (1971) hiatric Hospital) (1971) 971) on Approved (1968) nd Light Duty Trucks) (1967) nd Light Duty Trucks) (1967) 9) Attachments (1971) NY Attachments ( 1971 ) Spec, for Crawler Tractor with 3/ AK Attachments (3 Point Hitch) (1970) Spec. F SC Attachments) (1970) Spec, for I SC (Attachments) (1971) MS Attenuation Comparator System (Scientific Equipment) (1 NY Audio Headset) (1971) /Group Learning Systems (Six Pos NY Audio Laboratory Equipment (College Student, Classroom NE (Audio or Motion Detector) ( 1971 ) NY Audio Spectrum Analyzer (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY Audio System (Broadcasting Studio) (College) (1970) NY Audio Video Accessories ( 197 1 ) NY Audio Visual Venetian Blinds (1964) TX Audio Visual) (1971) MS Audio / Visual Observation System (Communications) (197 NY Audiometer Research Rooms ( 1 97 1 ) NY Audiometer (Speech and Hearing Testing - School) ( 1971 ) NY Audiometer (1970) NY Audiometers (Research and Diagnostic and Portable) (Sch NY Audiometric and Evoked Response Systems (Psychiatric Ho NY Audiornetric Carrel (Acoustical) (College) (1971) NY Audiometric Research Room (1971) NY Audiometric Research Suite (School) (1970) NY Audiometric Research Suite ( 1971 ) NY Audiometric System (School) ( 1971 ) NY Audiometric Testing Room (College) ( 1970) NY Auditorium Seating (NYS Std.) (1970) NY (Auditorium, Stadium) (1967) NE Auditory Trainer and Accessories) (1971) /Ec. for Grou NY Auditory Training System (School) ( 197 1 ) NY Auger Attachments ( 1971) Spec, for Crawler Tractor W AK (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck Mount NY Auger Type Rotary Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Auger Type Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) and Truck (197 AK (Auger Type) (1971) NY (Auger Type, 4 Wheel Drive Chassis) ( 1970) NY Auger (Portable) (1971) AK (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sh NY Auto Finishing (1969) Spec. CA Auto Mechanic's Service Tools (1970) / Body (3/4 Ton) SC Auto Steam Cleaner ( 1961 ) NJ Automated Tire Retreading Machine (1968) TX Automated Tire Retreading Machine (1970) TX Automatic Audiometer (Speech and Hearing Testing - Scho NY Automatic Audiometric and Evoked Response Systems (Psyc NY Automatic Blood Gas Analyzer ( 1970) NY Automatic Dental Film Processor (X-Ray) (University) (1 NY (Automatic Electric Operation) (University) (1970) NY Automatic Electrical Operation) (1971) NY Automatic Electrical Operation) (1971) NY Automatic Fabric Washing Machines (1968) /Uilt Low Sud TX Automatic Fabric Washing Machines) (1967) FED P-D-245A, TX Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Collector, Powder or Ha NY Automatic Gamma Radioassay System (X-Ray Equipment) (19 NY Automatic High Vacuum Evaporator with Accessories (Scie NY (Automatic Humidity Control System) (University) (1971) NY Automatic Ice Machines, Refrigeration (1962) KS Automatic Ice Makers ( 1961 ) UL 563 VA Automatic Line Transfer Control, Two Engine Generator U CA Automatic Load Transfer Controls (1969) CA Automatic Machine Dishwashing Compound (1970?) UT (Automatic Photocopying) (1971) NY (Automatic Photographic Process for Offset Plates) ( 1971 NY Automatic Rack Conveyor) (1969) WA Automatic Recording Traffic Counter ( 1970) NJ Automatic Roll Film Processor (X-Ray) (Medical Center) NY Automatic Screw Making Machine (College Instruction) (1 NY Automatic Scrubbing Machine, 16% Anhydrous, Active (196 MS (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Wet or Dry Vacuum) VA Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Educ NY Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Inte NY Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer System An NY Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Cro NY Automatic Transfer Switch ( 1970) NY Automatic Transmission and Gear, Outboard Motor), and G MA Automatic Transmission Fluid (Dexron) (1968) NE Automatic Transmission Fluid, Ford Type M-2C33-F (1968) CA Automatic Transmission Fluid, General Motors Type, Dexr CA Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars A MI Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars A MI Automatic Transmission Fluid; Automotive (1970) PA (Automatic Transmission Testing Machine and System) (196 NY Automatic Transmission) (1971) Spec, for Diesel AK Automatic Transmission, Dextron (Light Duty) (1970) MS Automatic Transmission, Ford, Light Duty ( 1970) MS Automatic Transmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lub NH 40902-0412 *71 14-260-045 IB 14-260-0451 A T-6A-71 38760-0675 38209-0401 *2 38201-0147 38781-0319 38201-0600 38209-0389 705-34-2 P-9B-71 38221-0692 38203-0846 38215-0771 38215-0507 38215-0451 38215-0836 38203-0853 38203-0181 38203-0706 38203-0394 38215-0792 38203-0693 20910-0571 *80 38215-0388 38215-0783 *71 41000-0243 *80 *5 40901-0460 44500-0686 *51 39000-0482 691-80-81 22-600-0300A 5760-00 035-82-1A 060-75-1 38215-0771 38215-0836 12600-0522 11001-0716 33811-0640 33811-0091 33811-0190 395-36-2 395-36-1A 36502-0211 11000-0304 38788-0994 38789-0515 35-10 DA-9 691-59-04 691-59-03 *4 22900-0055 38811-0940 S-69-107 3920-00 11000-0829 43201-0287 D-5-64 Y-9 11002-0332 11002-0825 11002-0512 30200-0587 35904-0671 *9 *73 681-91-33 681-91-30 5255-S8 5255-S9 F-78 35000-0797 ♦70 L-5B-70-15A L-5B-70-16 *6 14 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Driven, Twin Engine, gent, Laundry, Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder (Home Type Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rotary Calculators (Class Iv), Spec, for Rotary Calculators (Class V), Fully Spec, for Washing Control; Semi and Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processor Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Aspirator, Lightweight Spec, for Combination Washer Extractor (Laundry, Spec, for Floor Machine, 970) Spec, for Bead Dispenser, )(1969) Spec, for Center) (1969) Spec, for 969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec, for Urn; Coffee Maker, 964) USC CS142-58 Spec, for General Spec, for Spec, for Recapping Tires Std. Spec, for Spec, for Additive Antifreeze for r Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Passenger g Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Combustion Gasoline Engines, Spec, for 4 Door Sedan Spec, for 4 Door Sedan Minimum Spec, for Minimum Spec, for ) (1968) Spec, for Car Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Passenger Cars 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle; Passenger Cars Spec, for Passenger Cars Spec, for Std. Equipment for Passenger Cars Spec, for Conservation Officer Cars, 4 Door Sedan General Spec, for Passenger Cars Spec, for Cars and Trucks Spec, for Law Enforcement Vehicles (Police, Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Cruiser Spec, for Sedans, Four Door, Standard Vehicle Spec, for State Police Cruiser, Pursuit Vehicles pec. for Sedan, Four Door, Standard Vehicle, Official Use Std. Spec, for Oil, Mineral Gear Std. Spec, for Station Wagons, 4 Door Spec, for 4 Door Sedan Spec, for 4 Door, 2 Seat Station Wagon Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Door, 6 Passenger Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Door, 4X4 Spec, for Station Wagon, 4X4 1/4 Ton Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police inimum Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Vehicle (1971 Model r Station Wagon, Four Door, 6 Passenger, Standard Vehicle r Station Wagon, Four Door, 9 Passenger, Standard Vehicle Spec, for 4 Door 6 Passenger Sedans Spec, for 6 and 9 Passenger Station Wagon Spec, for Std. Size 4 Door Sedan Spec, for Police Patrol Vehicles (4 Door Sedan Std. Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Vehicles (4 Door Std. Spec, for 2 and 4 Door Sedans Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle, Police Type (Standard Size Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Spec, for 4 Door Sedan . Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Passenger Cars (Intermediate) for State Police (120 In. Mimimum Wheelbase) Patrol Cars Spec, for Car Spec, for Passenger Car Spec, for Police Cars Spec, for Station Wagons Spec, for Passenger Car 0?) Spec, for Sedans Spec, for Weighmaster Cars Spec, for Station Wagon Spec, for Station Wagon Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Special Service Vehicle r, 6 Passenger) (1970) Spec, for Station Wagon r, 6 Passenger) (1971) Spec, for Station Wagon Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door Sedan imum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door, 9 Passenger Station Wagon for Passenger Vehicles (4 Door, 6 Passenger Station Wagon ual) (196/ Uniform Meth. for Requisitions Preparation for Std. Spec, for Carburetor Air Cleaner Filter Elements es ( 1967) FED ZZ-T/ Spec, for Retreading and Repairing of Spec, for Station Wagon 971 ) Spec, for Station Wagon 971 ) Spec, for Station Wagon Spec, for Sedan Spec, for Sedan Automatic Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity ( 1967) Automatic Washer) (1969) Std. Spec, for Deter Automatic X-Ray Film Processor (Hospital) (1967) Automatic X-Ray Film Processor (1967) Automatic ( 1964) Automatic (1964) Automatic (1966) (Automatic) (Medical Center) (1971) Automatic) (1968) Automatic) (1970?) Automatic) (1971) Spec, for Automatic) (300 Lb. Dry Capacity) (1959) Automatic, Battery (1966) Automatic, Glasjs, Spheres (License Plate Reflection) (1 Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Hospital Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Processing Units (Medical Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, Steam, and Gas) (1 Automobile and Truck Lifts (2 Post, Fully Hydraulic) ( 1 Automobile and Truck (1970) (Automobile and Truck) (1965) Automobile Decals (Stickers) (1969) Automobile Fuel Systems (1970) Automobile Windshields (1964) /Ec. for Requirements Fo Automobile Automobile Automobile Automobile Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile Automobile Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile Automobile Automobile (Automobile Automobile Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile Automobile Automobile Automobile Automobile (Automobile Automobile (Automobile (Automobile (Automobile Automobile Automobile 1968) Spec, for Lubricatin 1970) 1970?) 4 Door Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) 4 Door Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) Wash Compound (Granular Detergent, Hand Use Mini Compact Size) (1971) Standard Size) (Station Wagon and Sedan) 1967) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1970 Model) (1969) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) Spec. Fo 1970) Spec. Fo 1970?) 1970?) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) Std 1971) Spec. , Detective, 2 Door Sedan or Hard Top (1969) , Heavy, 4 Door Sedan, V-8, 3 Speed (1969) , Patrol, 4 Door Sedan, V-8 (1969) , Pickup and Dump Trucks ( 1970?) , Regular 4 Door Sedan (1969) , Station Wagons, Pickup and Van Trucks ( 197 , 4 Door Sedan (1969) , 6 Passenger (1969) , 8 Passenger (1969) Class A) (1971) Minimum 1 16 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Doo Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Doo Std. Size) (1969) Std. Size) (1969) Std. Size) (1969) Minimum Spec. Truck and Special Automotive Equipment (Man Truck) (1967) Truck, Grader and Other Off the Highway Tir 1/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 4 Passenger) (1971) 200 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large Size) ( 1 240 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large Size) ( 1 4 Door, Group A, Standard, Light (1970) 4 Door, Group B, Intermediate, Light (1970) Min NJ MS NY NY TX TX PA NY WA WA NY NJ KY MI NY NY PA TX IN SC OR MS NJ LA SC VA WY WY TX OR OR NJ MI MI NH NJ NJ TN KY KY KY MS MS NH NH NM NM NM SC UT KY KY NV VA AK AK MS MS OR SC SC OR NE MI MI MI HI MI HI MI MI MI CA AK AK TN TN TN IL MS TX AK AK AK CA CA 4938-09 D-7A-69 11000-0457 11000-0610 495-37-4 495-37-5 C— 78 11000-0883 S-68-104 S-66-96 12100-320 89-400 7910-2 2800-S1 11000-0409 11000-0386 U-47 045-45-1 *13 27-100-0451 75-400-9010 A-2A-70 0734-00 *8-2 *29 *1 *1 *13 045-37-1 06-100-1052 06-100-1020 6554-00 *1 3905-0014 *1 6542-09 6542-50 *i 2310-1 2310-10 2310-4 L-5B-70-18 TV-2-71 6554-005 6554-010 *11 *12 *13 14-280 *1 2310-2 2310-3 *7 *3 *21 *22 HP-5 10-42 TV-1-71 06-100-1031 *11 14-280-0451 06-100-1010 *63 3905-0009 3905-0002 3905-0010 *19 3905-0008 ♦18 3905-0012 3905-0016 3905-0017 711-23-06 •26 •25 TS 2310-1 TS 2310-3 TS 2310-2 ♦25 F-25-67 035-79-1A ♦27 ♦24 ♦23 702-23-01 702-23-03 15 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Sedan 970?) Minimum Spec, for Station Wagon Spec, for Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Door, Group A, Standard laquer Finish) (1/ Spec, for Oil Soap Paste (for Cleaning Spec, for Wrecker for Towing and Recovery of Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 4 Door Sedan Compact Spec, for Storage Batteries for Spec, for Predelivery Service and Inspection for Spec, for Receiving Procedure for ting, / Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, trie Motor Bearings) (Ba/ Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, Extreme Pressure, Spec, for Multipurpose Grease, Std. Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Antifreeze for (1971) r, Metropolitan Type) ( 1971 ) rglass Bucket) (1971) 971) evision Studio) (1969) ws) (1971) ws) (Departmental) (1971) 4 with Front Snow Plow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970/ 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing PI/ 4 with Front Snow Plow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971/ (1971) -Door) (1971) plows, 58,000 Lb. G.V.W. Minimum) (1971) and Hoist) (1970) kup Truck Mounted) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for uck) (1970) arkway Patrol) (1970) Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968) aboratory - Motor Home) (1971) requisitions Preparation for Automobile, Truck and Special Spec, for oading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloadi/ oading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloadi/ yd. Mobile or Stationary) (1970) ,000 G.V.W., Front Snow Plow) (1970) s) (1971) , 25 cu. Yd. Hopper) (1970) for for for for 8,000 Lb.) (1970) nger, School) (1968) body) (G.V.W. 53,000 Lb.) (1968) ional Cab and 5Th Wheel) (1970) abs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump/ Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for eral Service Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous general Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for 71) FED F-F-351CO) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Grease, Spec, for Spec, for Lift, Spec, for Gasoline; Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries, Lead Acid, Spec, for Radar Equipment, Portable, Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for Siren Spec, for Multipurpose Gear Lubricants; Spec, for Oils; Motor, Spec, for Petroleum Products, Spec, for Wheel Bearing Grease, Std. Spec, for Gasoline, Spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid; Spec, for Storage Batteries, ial Gear Oil and Fluid; Mu/ Automobile, 4 Door, Group C, Compact, Light ( 1970) (Automobile, 4 Door, Intermediate Model, 6 Passenger) (1 Automobile, 4 Passenger, Group D, Economy, Light (1970) Automobile, 6 Passenger (1970) Automobiles and Other Metal Surfaces Having Varnish or Automobiles and Trucks (1969) Automobiles and Trucks (1971) Automobiles (Sedans and Station Wagons) (1967) Automobiles (1970?) Automobiles, Marine and Heavy Equipment (1970) Automobiles, Police Vehicles and Trucks (1969) Automobiles, Police Vehicles and Trucks (1969) Automotive and Industrial (Air Conditioning and Ventila Automotive and Industrial (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Elec Automotive and Industrial (1967) Spec, for Automotive and Industrial (1968) Automotive and Industrial (1970) Automotive Batteries (1971) ASTM B29, D639 Automotive Diesel Fuel (1970) Automotive Engines (1970) Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier Bus) 36 Passenger Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier Bus) (41 Passenge Automotive Equipment (Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Man Fibe Automotive Equipment (Ambulance, Station Wagon Type) ( 1 Automotive Equipment (Buses - Adult Carriers) ( 1967) Automotive Equipment (Buses - Adult Carriers) (1968) Automotive Equipment (Buses, Adult Passenger) (1970) Automotive Equipment (Buses, 23 Adult Passenger) (1971) Automotive Equipment (Buses, 28 Adult Passenger) (1970) Automotive Equipment (Custom T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Tel Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plo Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plo Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks - G.V.W. 43,000 Lb.) Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks -- Heavy Duty, 6-Man 4 Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (with Snow and Wing Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Capacity Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) (Pic Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus Vehicle) (1970) Automotive Equipment (Fire Engine Apparatus) (1969) Automotive Equipment (Fire Engine Apparatus) (1970) Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup Tr Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, P Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Automotive Equipment (Forward Control Mobile Research L Automotive Equipment (Manual) (1966) /Iform Meth. for Automotive Equipment (Passenger Cars) (1971) Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side L Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side L Automotive Equipment (Refuse Compactor Trailer, 31 cu. Automotive Equipment (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4 X 4, 36 Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Truck Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Truck Automotive Equipment (Rescue Vehicle) (1969) Automotive Equipment (School Buses) (1971) Automotive Equipment (Sedan Ambulance) (1968) Automotive Equipment (Service / Utility Trucks - G.V.W. Automotive Equipment (Suburban Coach Bus, 45 - 56 Passe Automotive Equipment (Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van Automotive Equipment (Truck Tractors with Short Convent Automotive Equipment (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man C Automotive Glass (1970) ANSI Z26.1-50 Automotive Grease (1970) Automotive Motor Oils, High Detergent (1967) Automotive Repair Parts and Auto Mechanic's Service Too Automotive Repair Parts and Mechanic's Tools (1971) Automotive Replacement Parts (Filters and Elements) (19 Automotive Replacement Parts (1970) Automotive Sealed Bearing, Long Interval (1970) Automotive Seat Covers (1970?) FED DDD-S-751 Automotive Twin Post, Air, Hydraulic (1968) Automotive Type (1971) (Automotive Type) (1970?) Automotive Type, Starting, Lighting and Ignition (1963) Automotive Use (1963) Automotive Warning Lights (Revolving, Flashing) (1967) Automotive (Concealed, DC Motor Driven Rotor Type) (197 Automotive (Extreme Pressure Hypoid Type) (1970) Automotive (Gasoline and Diesel Engine) (1971) Nfpa 70 Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Different Automotive (1968) Automotive (1970) Automotive (1970) Automotive (1971) CA 701-23-07 WY *6 CA 701-23-08 CA 702-23-02 PA S-18 SC 23-060 TX 070-06-1 KS 10-1E VA *2 LA •14 MI *3 MI *4 MI 5255-S12 MI 5255-S11 MI 5255-S13 CA 681-91-104 MS L-5B-70-23 FL *28 PA F-75 LA *7 NY 40520-0650 NY 40520-0308 NY 40533-0527 NY 40302-0485 NY 40500-0283 NY 40520-0389 NY 40520-0453 NY 40520-0807 NY 40520-0566 NY 40504-0884 NY 40500-0119 NY 40500-0206 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0148 NY 40502-0407 NY 40500-0786 NY 40500-0470 NY 40500-0530 NY 40500-0174 NY 40501-0502 NY 40501-0275 NY 40501-0816 NY 40501-0301 NY 40501-0086 NY 40501-0252 NY 40501-0079 NY 40500-0763 IL *25 NY 40400-0363 NY 40534-0448 NY 40534-0452 NY 40534-0720 NY 40502-0467 NY 40534-0392 NY 40534-0703 NY 40500-0835 NY 40520-0473 NY 40403-0764 NY 40500-0655 NY 40521-0598 NY 40500-0714 NY 40500-0479 NY 40500-0397 UT *8 IN *15-8 KY 9150-1 SC 22-600-0300A SC *7 NY 30305-0849 NY 30306-0115 MS L-5B-70-25 VA *42 NJ 3960-00 PA G-16 NV ♦5 NC 6140-B-l KS 53-3 NY 30304-0716 NY 30302-0089 PA L-41 PA 0-38 NJ 3566-00 CA 681-91-107 CT 3566-G-6D PA F-78 NY 30300-0536 16 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Multi Purpose Gear Lubricant . for Annular Ball and Roller Bearing (General Purpose and Spec, for Permanent Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol, Spec, for Storage Batteries, Std. Spec, for Filter Elements, Oil Spec, for Grease; Spec, for 68) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Steel) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Plaques Spec, for Cloth; and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, 69) Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Spec, for Tandem Spec, for Road Roller (Three Spec, for Tandem Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Office, Triple Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Spec, for Truck Chassis with Two Speed Rear Spec, for Truck Chassis with Single Speed Rear Spec, for Truck Chassis with Tilt Cab and 2 Speed Rear Spec, for Dump Truck with 2 Speed Rear Spec, for Tandem Trailer Dolly, Single for 1 14 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton) Positraction for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, Positraction machine Unit (Tr/ Spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab Over Spec, for Vibratory Power Roller (2 Spec, for Trailer, Mobile, Triple Spec, for Trailer, Mobile, Triple lubricant, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear pers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Cut ator, Sta/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Stand 209) Spec, for Truck, Forward Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Television Recording and Play Spec, for Textile, Fleeced Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Water (Metal Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Spec. foT 20 Ft. Roll Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, Center ir Work (Highway,*/ Spec, for Petroleum Asphalt Cement Cut Spec, for Steel Side Chairs; Slat udent Study, Dining and Library, with Upholstered Seat and Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Form Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Padded Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Ladder chairs - Type I (Linear Polyethylene Resin Molded Seat and Spec, for Cloth and Paper (Combination); le Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Spec, for Stone for Masonry, Riprap, and Porous Spec, for Machine Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, lates (1970) (1970) FED TT-P-1416 (Paint) Spec, for Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel Engine and c. for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor (Front End Loader and Spec, for Tractor Shovel (Cab, achment Adaptable to IS Ton Crane, Clamshell, Dragline and Spec, for Tractor Shovel Spec, for Crawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Front End Loader, Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Spec, for for Cafeteria Furniture (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and ture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Spec, for Chain Link eaning (1958) Spec, for Compound (Enzyme ides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating de - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet/ Spec, for Antiseptic m Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Dairy Spec, for Fabric Softener; 46085, Fed. Std. 151 Spec, for 970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Radiation Film basketball, Table and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Spec, for (1957) Spec, for Coffee Spec, for Paperweights, Shot Filled, Leather Spec, for Sack Spec, for Spec, for (Automotive) (1965) Automotive) (1969) Std. Spec Automotive) (1970?) Automotive, Lead Acid Type (1970) (Automotive, Marine and Industrial) (1969) FED F-F-351C Automotive, Multi Purpose (1970) Autopsy Table (1971) (Auxiliary and Center Tables, Wall Cases) (Hospital) (19 Auxiliary Lights, Wet Cell Operated ( 1971 ) Aviation Gasoline, Grade 80-87 (1968) ASTM D910-64T (Awards) (1969) Awning (1958) Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Be Axle for Housing Water Quality Monitoring Equipment ( 1 9 Axle Low Bed Semitrailer (Trailer) (1970) Axle Tandom, Pneumatic Tired, Patching) ( 1970) Axle Truck with 7 to 9 cu. Yd. Dump Body (1970) Axle 12 X 64 Ft. (1969) Axle (with Environmental Room) (1968) Axle (1970) Axle (1970) Axle (1970) Axle (1970) Axle (1970) Axle (1970?) Minimum Spec. Axle) (1970?) Minimum Spec. Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and Pavement Marking Axle, Tandem, 2 Ton Category) (1971) Axle, 40 -60 Ft. (1968) Axle, 40 Ft. - Air Pollution Monitor (1969) Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Transmissions, Baby Blankets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Slip Baby Chicks (Chicken) (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Back Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1964) (Back Bar, Serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refriger Back Body, 10,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Back Carried (1970) Back Instrument) (1968) Back Khaki Cloth (1970?) Back Pack) (1968) Back Pack, Dry (1967) Back Ramp Body and Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) Back Support (1968) Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Repa Back (Institutional Use) (1969) Back (1967) Spec, for Chairs; Wood, St Back (1968) Back (1968) Back (1968) Back) (1965) Spec, for Backed, Abrasive Silicon Carbide (1971) Backfill Tamper, Paving Breaker) (1970) /Chipper, Sing Backfill (Highway Construction) (1970) Backgeared, 12 In.) (1968) Background and Numeral Enamel(Paint) for 1972 License P Backhoe and Loader) (1970) Backhoe Attachment (Planetary Torque Converter Type) (1 Backhoe Attachments (1969) /C. for Loader, Front End, Backhoe Attachments) (1970) Spe Backhoe) (1969) Backhoe) (1969) /R Shovel (6X4 Carrier Mounted) (Att (Backhoe) (1971) Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth Auger Attachments (1971) Backhoe, Loader, Flail Mower) (College) (1970) Backhoe, Winch) (1971) Backhoe, Winch, Scarifier) (1970) Backpack Forestry Pumping Units (Fire Fighting) (1969) Backs for Terrazzo Benches) (1970) Spec. Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet Arms) (1970) /Chool Furni Backstops (Baseball, Softball) (1971) Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Trap and Drain CI Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other PI Bacterial Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Chlori Bactericide, Disinfectant, Algaecide, Etc.) (1966) FED Bacteriostat (1971) Badge and Shield; Identification (Police) (1967) MIL R- Badges (Long and Faithful Service Medals and Clasps) ( 1 Badges (Medals and Clasps) ( 1965) Badges (1971) Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank C Bag Cement (1970) Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Shipment) Bag (1969) (Bag), Cotton Duck, Small (Soil Sample) (1971) Bag, Paper, Grocers (1970) Bag, Polyethylene Plastic, Liners (1967) SC OR VA MI OR PA NY NY NY CA NY PA NY NJ NE NY NE NJ NJ NE NE NE NE NY WY WY NJ NY NJ NJ MI MA NY MI PA NY MA PA KY MI CA MD RI PA CA CA CA NJ PA NY VA NY WY NY VA NJ SC NY NY NY AK NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PA VA NY TX PA PA NY NY NY NY NJ PA CA CA CA KY 34-030 53-100-9010 ♦36 5220-S2 10-400-9010 G-17 11802-0284 12008-0635 35703-0145 681-91-155 31001-0267 C-43 39000-0482 6542-06 ♦45 41300-0101 -M8 6542-04 6542-01 *16 •17 *28 *29 42300-0581 *2 *1 4938-22 41300-0825 6542-03 6542-07 5255-S14 *39 WA S-62-50 SC HD-40 36200-0768 3958-0150 C-178 11000-0517 ♦35-80 E-17 7910-7 3958-0151 681-67-3 *24 1-020 C-165 681-67-5 681-67-6 681-67-7 3718-03 C-145 43203-0185 DH-205 43201-0182 ♦10 40601-0593 *9 4938-09A 14-260-0451 A 40603-0137 41100-0914 40603-0753 ♦71 40601-0680 40600-0378 40600-0178 46000-0931 24800-0443 27002-0728 30200-0199 C-101 DH-257 21901-0964 395-35-1B F-84 B-140 31000-0279 00310-0115 11502-0242 30200-0587 1320-01 L-37 691-75-30 711-81-30 701-82-47 8105-1 17 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training addle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Bread Slicing, s; Electric Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for Bread, Bun, Muffin and test Meth. Std. 406 Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Paper Spec, for Paper Grocery Spec, for Polyethylene Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Nylon Laundry Nets Spec, for Nylon Laundry Net Spec, for Cotton Laundry Nets Spec, for Spec, for Milk Spec, for Litter Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paper; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Litter Spec, for Insecticide, Spec, for Granulated Insecticide Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Dipping, White, Spec, for Material Handline Equipment and Tying Machines) (1971) Spec, for ssones) ( 1971 ) Spec, for ower Sifters) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for d Aluminum Bun Pans) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for (1971) Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Spec, for rial Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose rs, Containers, Covers, Cups, Di/ Spec, for Aluminumware: Std. Spec, for Aluminumware Spec, for Enamels Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Spec, for Grey Metal Flash Primer, Alkyd Spec, for Beige Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Charcoal Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Light Grey Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Olive Green Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Metallic Grey Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Metallic Green Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Metallic Tan Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Blue Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Coral Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Dark Brown Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for White Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Clear Enamel, Alkyd Spec, for Light Green Enamel, Acrylic Spec, for Grey Enamel, Acrylic ers (1969) Spec, for White Sign Enamel, ers ( 1969) Spec, for Yellow Sign Enamel, Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Spec, for Enamels, Spec, for Metal Sign Enamel (Paint), Interstate Green ing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), White Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Yellow Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Gloss for Thermometers; Self Indicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type Spec, for Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Apparatus erial Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cordage Spec, for ng Forage Wagon and Harves/ Spec, for Farm Equipment (Hay ) (1969) Std. Spec, for Annular or Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Industrial (Wheel, Spec, for Trailer Hitches, Passenger Car, Std. Spec, for Cotton Chenille ance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Spec, for Spec, for Pen, Desk, (Paint) for Ferrou/ (Paint) for Ferrou/ Bag, Records and Supply Racks (Dollies, Skids, Jack) (1 Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing M Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Bagging and Tying Machines) (1971) Bagles) (1969) ANSI C33.1, C73.1, UL 197 /for Toaster Bags (Bread, Buns) (Polyethylene) (1971) FED L-P-378C, Bags (Grocers, Waxed, Wrapping, Tape (Gummed)) (1971) Bags ( 1960) FED UU-P-31 Bags (1971) Bags (1971) (Bags) (Institutional Use) (1963) (Bags) (1969) FED CCC-T-191, FED Std. 751 (Bags) (1969) FED V-T-276F, CCC-T-191, FED Std. 751 Bags, Burlap (Laminated) (1968) Bags, Packaging, Plastic ( 1970) Bags, Paper (Disposable) (1961) Bags, Paper, Grocers (1961) Bags, Paper, Grocery (1965) Bags, Paper, Waxed, Sandwich (1965) Bags, Wrapping, Gummed Tape and Wax (1965) Bags; Ice, Helmet Shaped (1956) Bags; Ice, Rubber (1956) Bags; Laundry, Nylon (1971) Bags; Paper (Kraft) (1963) Bags; Reusable ( 1961 ) FED UU-P-31 Bait Spray, Malathion Concentrate (1969) Bait (1970) Baked (1969) (Bakery Conveyor System) ( 1971 ) Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Bread Slicing, Bagging Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Cookie Dropper and Acce Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Portable, Commercial, P Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Proof Box) (1971) Bakery Equipment (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll An Bakery Equipment (Cookie Dropper, Dough Divider) (1971) Bakery Equipment (Oblong Foil Cake and Round Pie Pans) Bakery Equipment (Stainless Steel Conveyor Catch Pans) Bakery Ovens (Revolving Tray) (1971) Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill, Black) (197 Bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Straine (Bakeshop and Kitchen) (1965) (Baking and Air Drying) (1969) Baking Equipment (Bread Pans) (1967) Baking Equipment (Bread Proofer) (1967) Baking Equipment (Dough Mixer) (1967) Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture ( 1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969) Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and Mark Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and Mark Baking (1962) Baking (1970) (Baking) (1970?) FED TT-E-489 Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palett (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 (Baking, Cooking and Oven) ( 1966) Spec. (Balance Beam, Trampoline, Horizontal Bar) (1970) Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Baled Alfalfa Hay (1970) Baled Cotton (1969) (Baler and Binder Twine) (1971) ASTM D738, D739 Baler Twine; Synthetic (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloadi Ball and Roller Bearing (General Purpose and Automotive Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunni Ball and Socket Type (1969) SAE J684D Ball Fringe for Draperies ( 1953) Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Ball Point Pens, Nonrefillable ( 1970) Ball Point (1970) NY 39100-0562 NY 30200-0587 NY 30200-0587 NY 31200-0611 PA T-75 NY 19902-0348 NY 23811-0519 VA DM-5 NY 19901-0415 NY 39106-0723 TX 4 10-3 7-2 A PA N-5 PA N-3 NY 32703-0682 CA 701-81-20 PA B-133 CT 7508-B-34A KY 7805-1 KY 7805-5 NY 00238-0421 PA B-21 PA B-19 PA B-123 PA B-112 PA B-132 CA 691-76-27 LA *3 CA 691-80-427 NY 39108-0578 NY 31200-0611 NY 31200-0603 NY 31200-0352 NY 31200-0338 NY 31200-0304 NY 31200-0905 NY 31200-0601 NY 31200-0533 NY 31201 IN * 15—1 1 PA A-4 IL *37 NY 38030-0102 NY 31200-0738 NY 31200-0864 NY 3 1 200-0405 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A MI 5325-S20 MI 5325-S21 MI 5325-S22 MI 5325-S23 MI 5325-S24 MI 5325-S25 MI 5325-S26 MI 5325-S27 MI 5325-S28 MI 5325-S29 MI 5325-S30 MI 5325-S31 MI 5325-S34 MI 5325-S35 MI 5325-S36 MI 5325-S32 MI 5325-S33 PA E-16 NY 38030-0053 MS 3574 NY 23100-0855 MS 3571 MS 3572 MS 3573 PA T-72 NY 30204-0098 NY 39101-0409 WA S-62-48-3 NY 31100-0237 PA C-139 PA T-74 NY 08200 OR 53-100-9010 MI 5255-S11 CA 691-23-25 IL *33A NY 35000-0647 NJ 6950-00 CA 701-75-31 18 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 105 Std. Spec, for Pen, Spec, for Pen, whistles, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser,* Automatic Tennis Spec, for Casters ral) (Basketball, Table and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Spec, for Pens, ustrial (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Table and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, tware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Spec, for High Spec, for Low -155 Spec, for Bed Springs Spec, for Women's Spec, for Portable Stage Units or ling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Spec, for Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Spec, for Dating Stamps, Spec, for mmunications Equipment (2 Way Radios, Land Mobile, TUdfi ations Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, Personal, VHF Low Spec, for Surgical Dressings, ose, Diapers, D/ Spec, for Medical and Surgical Supplies Spec, for Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Edge s; Mattress and Pillow Covers An/ Std. Spec, for Notions Spec, for Poultry Leg and Wing Spec, for Rubber for Corrugated Aluminum Circular Pipe, Aprons and Coupling Std. Spec, for Rubber r Clamps; Type An/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Rubber Std. Spec, for Pins, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Shears, nches) (1970) Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture ) Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with Sickle Spec, for 1 Man Portable Straight Spec, for Cake or Spec, for Fabricated Steel Itivator Attachmen/ Spec, for Tractor, with 42 In. Sickle Spec, for Tractor with Sickle r, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for A- 107, A-322, A-276 Spec, for Hot Rolled A- 108, A-331, A-276 Spec, for Cold Finished spec, for Metal Delineator and Sign Posts, Flanged Channel Spec, for Soap; Laundry Std. Spec, for Floating White Toilet Soap Spec, for Mechanic's Grit Hand Soap (Cake or Spec, for White Floating Toilet Soap (Cake or al Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam, Trampoline, Horizontal Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Spec. For Toilet Soap (Cake or Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Snack Sta/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Stand 209) (Back d Alternator Regulat/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Trammel Spec, for Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons ) for Hig/ Std. Spec, for Reinforcing Steel for Concrete highway Construction) ( 19/ Spec, for Fencing (Chain Link, Spec, for Zinc Coated Galvanized Steel tion) F/ Std. Spec, for Fence Posts and Braces (Woven and Std. Spec, for wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-l 16, B-/ Spec, for Fence Wire Spec, for Beauty Parlor and perated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides An/ Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, ghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, / Spec, for Seeds Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Dimity, White Std. Spec, for Horizontal Dough Mixer (2 Spec, for Structural Steel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, pec. for Std. Carbon Structural Steel ( 18,000 Psi) Plates, , M-42, M-53 Spec, for Dowel Spec, for Reinforcement 6. A617 Spec, for Steel Spec, for Galvanized Structural Shapes, Plates and Spec, for Wrought Iron Plates, Rolled Shapes and High Strength Manganese Vanadium Steel Shapes, Plates and . Washer, Casting/ ■vail Mounted Dis/ Ball Point (1970) Ball Point, Pocket Type, Nonretractable ( 1971 ) MIL Std. Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrim (Ball Type) (1971) Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and B Ball, Stainless Steel Point, Nonrefillable (1970) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fitti Ballasts, Fluorescent Lamp ( 1964) Ballast; Fluorescent Lamp (1970) ANSI C82.1, UL 935 Ballot Box Seal Adapter, Election Machine (1970) Ballot Card Containers (Steel Box) ( 1970?) Ballpoint Pens, Cartridges and Holders ( 1960) Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Balls, Oxford ( 1962) / Spec, for Rubber and Canvas Foo Band Base Station Radio Equipment (1969) Band Base Station Radio Equipment ( 1969) (Band Fabric, Dormitory or Hospital Use) (1960) FED AA-B Band Leg Panties (Jersey Knit) (1970) Band Risers (1971) Band Saw, Line Tracing, Electrical Discharge) (1970) Band Saw, 20 In. Wood Cutting (1966) Band Saws, 20 In. Drill Presses and Vacuum Cleaners (19 Band Type (1969) Band Uniforms (University of Nebraska) ( 1970) Band ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Co Band ) (1971) Std. Spec, for Communic (Bandage) Aids and Related Items (1970) (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellul Bandana Handkerchiefs ( 1957) Bander (1969) (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Button Bands (Marking) (1971) Bands (1968) Bands (1970?) AASHO M-196 Spec. Bands (1971) FEDZZ-B-111B Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Pape Bank, Straight and T-Head or Mallet ( 1971 ) Bankers Shears ( 1971 ) Bankers (1969) (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and Backs for Terrazzo Be Bar Attachment (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Mower) (1970 Bar Chain Saw (1970?) Bar Laundry Soap ( 1968) Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) AASHO M-54 Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Cu Bar Mower (1970) Bar Sections) (Machinery) ( 1971 ) /Conditioner, Spreade Bar Soap (Brown Laundry) (1953) Bar Soap (Brown Laundry) (1969) Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats ( 1970?) ASTM Bar (1967) Bar (1969) ASTM D460 (Bar) (1967) Bar) (1968) ASTM D460, D502 Bar) (1968) ASTM D499 Bar) ( 1970) Spec, for Gymnastics and Physic Bar, Brown Laundry (1970) Bar, Brown (1969) Bar, Milled) (1968) ASTM D455 Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Bar, Serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Compression, Generator An (Bar, Wire) Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates Barbed Wire (1968) ASTM B6, A121, A90 Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (Material, Erection and Reerec Barbed Wire, Galvanized (1969) ASTM A121-66 (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Tension Barber Shop Equipment (1971) Barflight Tailgate Material Spreader (Hydraulically - O Barley (1963) (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sor Barn Equipment (Cleaner) ( 1969) Barred Fabric (Cloth) (1970?) Barrel Capacity) (1963) Bars and Rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow Tube ( 1970?) AST Bars and Shapes, Tubular, Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A-7 Bars (Concrete Pavements, Sidewalks) (1970?) AASHO M-31 Bars (Concrete Structures or Precast Units) (1970?) Bars (for Concrete Reinforcement) (1971) ASTM A615, A61 Bars (1970?) ASTM A- 123 Bars (1970?) ASTM A-42, A-207 Bars (1970?) ASTM A-441, A-375 Spec, for MS P-14B-70 CA 711-75-26 NY 30200-0587 NY 39107-0597 NY 30200-0587 NJ 6950-02 MI 5255-S11 OR 24-64-5A PA B-144 MI 5754-S1 HI *14 CT 69-139 NY 30200-0587 IL *27 SC 38-100 SC 38-100A TX 295-38-8 RI 4287-F-001 NY 30202-0730 NY 43201-0500 NJ 4930-10 NY 43200-0075 CA 691-75-52 NE *5 FL *27 FL *26 NJ 5506-00 NY 10134-0339 RI 4240-M-006 NY 43200-0377 FL *25 NY 08701-0638 PA B-59 MS 3225 IL *32B FL *21 IL *32SS IL *32YY CA 691-75-29 NY 24800-0443 SC 14-260C VA *21 TX 395-45-2B MS 3304 NJ 4938-32 NE *34 NY 08200 MS S-2-53-38 OR 76-401-9010 MS 3313 MS 3314 MD *12 PA S-2 WI 5730-0232 TX 3 70-5 9-4 A TX 370-59-3A NY 30204-0098 LA •11-3 CA 691-77-30 TX 370-59-2A VA DH-236 NY 36200-0787 NY 36200-0768 NY 35000-0938 VA DH-228 SC HD-72 VA DH-253 TX 230-35-1B SC HD-123 OR 64-600-9020 MS 3376 NY 30700-0474 NY 41000-0325 MI 4340-0038 NY 07900-0584 NY 08208-0335 MA *35-58 WA S-63-62 MS 3306 MS 3305 MS 3302 MS 3301 PA S-47 MS 3394 MS 3311 MS 3310 19 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 3 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards nganese Copper Bearing Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and (Heavy Industrial Type, Left and Right Side Mounted Cutter Spec, for Stainless Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip, Spec, for Food Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table ers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, hapes, Shim (197/ Spec, for Wrought and Extruded Aluminum or Corrosion Resistant High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, TT-T-320 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Light Standards (Complete Pole Including Mast Arm and Spec, for Radio Communications ate) for Highway Con/ Std. Spec, for Bituminous Plant Mix Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Bituminous Stabilized Macadam (1964) on (1964) construction (1964) (1964) AASHOT134 ) AASHO T96 ) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Spec, for Material for Aggregate Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Std. Spec, for Macadam Std. Spec, for Stabilized Aggregate Spec, for Aggregates for Surface and Aggregates) for Highway Const/ Std. Spec, for Earth Type Spec, for Resin Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Spec, for Floor Paint, Rubber Spec, for Alkyd td. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Spec, for Latex 141 Spec, for Varnish and Light Tints) (1966) Std. Spec, for Latex Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Wall Latex (White and Tints) (1968) Spec, for Latex rs) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Latex , Light Tints and Other Colors) (1970) Spec, for Latex ) Spec, for Latex Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheel .141 Std. Spec, for Oil fed TT-P-442B Spec, for Latex Spec, for White Alkyd Std. Spec, for Asbestos 7?) Spec, for Radio Repeater / Spec, for High Band Spec, for Low Band Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Spec, for Radio Spec, for Tone Controlled Spec, for Tone Controlled mbination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish m bin at ion Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Spec, for Short Wheel Std. Spec, for Plastic Roof Cement, Pitch pec. for Food Service Equipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated rack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asphalt Spec, for Latex Spec, for Dining Tables; Metal Spec, for Pinion Grease, Heavy Equipment, Soap r Aluminum Vehicle Clear Varnish, General Purpose Phenolic Floor Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Carnauba Spec, for Frame, Bed, Metal (Spring Jm and Processing (Black and White, on 2 1/2 MIL Polyester Spec, for Paint, Varnish Std. Spec, for Floor Paint, Rubber Spec, for Spray SB, Std. 141a 0) 69) Spec, for Paint; Latex Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Spec, for Paint, Latex Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Spec, for Paint; Latex Std. Spec, for Paint; Latex Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Spec, for Paint, Latex Spec, for Paint, Latex Std. Spec, for Primer Coating, Latex Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape (Plastic Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex at Slicer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender osse) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Athletic Equipment (Archery, Spec, for Chain Link Backstops tribution System (Cable Television) (12 VHF Channel CATV - Spec, for Brush, Scrub, Corner, Spec, for Scrub Brush (Corner and Std. Spec, for Desk Calendars, Refills, Spec, for Office Supplies (Calendar Pads, 484, FED Std. 601 Spec, for Spec, for Table 29, Std. 141, ASTM D2486-66T td. 1/ (1970) Bars ( 1970?) ASTM A-6, A-375 /Intermediate Strength Ma Bars) (1970?) Spec, for Tractor Mower Bars, Bolt Stock (1970?) ASTM A- 167, A-276 Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, S Bars, Sheet and Strip ( 1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec. F Base Aluminum Roof Coating, Asbestos Fibered (1970) Fed Base Anchorage ) ( 1 970? ) Spec . Base and Mobile Stations ( 1968) Base and Surface Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggreg Base Cabinets and Sink) (Pantry) (1969) Base Course for Highway Construction (1964) Base Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for Highway Construction Base Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway Construed Base Course (Highway Construction) (1970) Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway Base Course (Portland Cement) for Highway Construction Base Course (with Prime) for Highway Construction (1964 Base Course (with Prime) for Highway Construction (1964 Base Courses (Gravel, Sand and Crushed Rock) (1970?) Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Base Emulsion Interior Paste Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Base Hat White Wall Paint (1967) Base for Concrete Floors (1963) Base Gloss Enamel (Paint) ( 1967) Base House Paint (Medium Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-81C, S Base Interior Flat Paint (White and Tints) (1969) Base Paint for Concrete and Wood Floors (1962) FED Std. Base Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (White Base Paint (White and Tints) (1968) FED Std. 141 Base Paint, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semigloss) Base Paint, Exterior (White, Light Tints and Other Colo Base Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White Base Paint, Interior, Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (1971 Base Pickup Truck ( 1/2 Ton, 4X4) (1970?) Base Pigmented Primer and Sealer (Paint) (1966) FED Std Base Primer Sealer (White, Tints, and Pastels) (1970?) Base Semi Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Base Sheet (Built Up Roofing) (1970) FED HH-R-590a Base Station and Equipment (Mobile Units, Antenna) (196 Base Station Radio Equipment (1969) Base Station Radio Equipment (1969) Base Station (Park) (1971) Base Station (Radio) (1970?) Base Station (State Police) (1971) Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Woo Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Woo Base Truck Chassis with All Wheel Drive (1970) Base Type (1964) FED SS-C-188 Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ic Base with Volatile Solvent and Adding Chemicals) (1970? Base (Paint), Semigloss Interior Enamel, Scrubbable (19 Base (with Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 Base (1968) Base (1969) Spec. Fo Base (1969) Std. Spec, for Base) (1962) Base) ( 1971 ) ANSI Phl.28, Ph5.4 /Hival Quality Microti Base, Concrete and Wood Floors ( 1964) Base, Concrete (1970) Base, Deodorizer, Insecticidal (1969) Base, Exterior (for Masonry Surfaces) (1968) FED TT-P-5 Base, Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling ( 197 Base, Interior (1969) Base, Interior, Flat Light, One Coat (1970) Base, Interior, Flat (White and Tints) ( 1969) FED TT-P- Base, Interior, Flat (1969) Base, Interior, Semigloss (1969) Base, Interior, Wall, Ready Mix (1969) Base, Interior, White Tintable ( 1963) Base, Interior, White (Paint), Fast Dry (1970) Base, Magnetic Oxide Coated) (1971) FED W-T-0051, MIL S Base, Semigloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling Base, Vertical Cutter Mixers) ( 1966) /D), Toasters, Me Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Lacr (Baseball, Softball) (1971) Baseband Video) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Campus Signal Dis Baseboard (1966) Baseboard) (1963) Bases and Complete Unit ( 1971 ) Bases and Diaries for 1972) (1971) Bases for Half Heels, Men's (Shoe) (1966) ASTM D676, Dl Bases (1971) MS 3317 VA •18 MS 3312 PA F-80 NY 39000-0482 MS 3336 MS 3309 RI 5061-01 MS 3811 TX 580-39-1A SC HD-43 NY 36200-0225 SC HD-44 SC HD-40 SC HD-41 VA DH-210 SC HD-42 SC HD-39 SC HD-45 SC HD-46 MS 3138 SC HD-37 VA DK-18A TX 520-42-6A IA *1-10 TX 520-42-3A VA DK-35 WA S-62-56-B VA DK-13A WA S-66-93 VA DK-31B NY 38000-0387 NY 38010-0188 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0386 WY *5 WA S-63-66-A UT *2 TX 520-42-7 OR 64-500-0120 NE *87 SC 38-100 SC 3 8- 100 A NY 38211-0466 VA *23 NY 38211-0134 NY 38211-0123 NY 38211-0314 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A NE *50 MS R_5_64-27A NY 36200-0124 VA *34 CA 691-80-226 PA T-69 CA 681-91-111 CA 691-80-404 IA ♦3-1 NJ 3718-02 TX 575-70-2 KY 13A MS PI- 10 CA 691-80-416 PA P-157 MS PI- 14 MI 5325-0075 MS PI-1 PA P-129 OR 77-100-9260 OR 77-100-9270 KY 31A IA *l-4 MS PI-11 CA 711-71-25 MS PI- 13 NY 00361-0541 NY 30200-0589 NY 30200-0199 NY 38221-0321 KY 7920-5 VA C-5 IL •321 NY 23014-0028 TX 420-39-2 NY 24800-0312 20 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards seed Oil, Varnish (1970?) Std. Spec, for White Lead in Oil, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Catch Spec, for Manhole and Catch Spec, for Vacuum Street and Catch Spec, for Catch ator, Etc./ Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, Catch ncrete Masonry Units (Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Catch Spec, for Sewer Brick (Concrete) for Catch on (1964) Std. Spec, for Adjusting Catch ruction of Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Spec, for Covers; Plastic, Clothes ne Markers) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Pool Equipment (Water Spec, for Scoreboards Cross C/ Spec, for Athletic Equipment (Fall and Winter) II, Badminton, B/ Spec, for Athletic Equipment (General) nt)(1964) Std. Spec, for d. 105 Spec, for Plastic Waste Spec, for Metal Waste Paper Spec, for Wire Std. Spec, for Wire Tote, Tray, and Waste Spec, for Laundry or Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Spec, for Spec, for Concrete Mixer (6 cu. Ft. . for Soap and Detergent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Spec, for Oven, Spec, for Towels, Case/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Suspenders, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Terry Spec, for Bed Sheets, Hand and Std. Spec, for 5 1 E Spec, for Namewoven Towels, Spec, for Sauna Std. Spec, for Milled Toilet Soap (Cold Water) Std. Spec, for White Floating Soap (1971) Spec, for Spec for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's ) Spec, for ng (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containing Spec, for Tester, Flow and Pressure, with Mercury 1970) Spec, for Storage ( '964) Spec, for Wet Storage g (1964) Spec, for Dry Charge Storage J537F, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Storage Spec, for Electrolyte for Storage 1970?) K Spec, for (1966) Std. Spec, for Storage Spec, for Dry Cell Unit Flashlight and Lantern Spec, for Dry Charged Storage Std. Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Dry Charge Type Electric Storage Spec, for Storage Spec, for Storage Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Storage Std. Spec, for Storage Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for ting (1969) Std. Spec, for mg Unit, Bearing Packers, G/ Spec, for Garage Equipment andhng Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Spec, for Radio (FM - Am) Receivers (Table and Portable - r Buoy ) ( 1971) Spec, for Flashing Lights c. for Material Handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck - erial Handling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, i u a i Spec ' for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - * Spec< for Material Handling Equipment (Lift Truck, for Materials Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck ng and Ignition (1963) 969) Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Paint and Putty) (1970) Basic Lead Silico Chromate Paint (1964) Basic Lead Silico Chromate, Semiquick Drying (1969) Basic Requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Lin Basin and Manhole Block and Brick ( 1970) Basin Castings (1970) Basin Cleaner with Flusher Attachment (1970?) Basin Cleaner (1971) Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separ Basins and Manholes (1970?) Spec, for Co Basins and Manholes (1970?) ASTM C-139 Basins, Drop Inlets and Manholes for Highway Construed Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxe Basket Lift ( 1970) Spec, for Basket Weave, Tear Resistant (Textile) (1971) Basket (1957) Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Racing La (Basketball) (1971) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, (Basketball, Table and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ba Baskets and Racks; Gymnasium Type (Wire, Locker Equipme Baskets for General Office Use (1971) ASTM D635, MIL St Baskets (Office and Lobby) (Furniture) (1969) Baskets (Waste Receptacles) (1970) Baskets (1971) Baskets, Carts and Liners (1968) Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleane Baskets; Waste Paper, Metal (Office and Lobby) ( 1971 ) Batch Capacity) (Tow Type) ( 1 97 1 ) Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Coll Batch, Horizontal Airflow Electric Heated, (1964) Bath and Hand, Terry Cloth (1970) Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Bath Mats (Terry Cloth) (1969) Bath Mats; Terry Cloth, Bleached ( 1971 ) Bath Towel (Cloth) (1970?) Bath Towelling, Medium Weight, Terry Cloth (1970?) Bath Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Bath Towels, and Washcloths (1970) Bath Towels, Terry Cloth (Institutional) (1969) Bath (Monogram) (Institutional Use) (1970?) FED DDD-T-5 Bath (7X8 Ft.) (1971) (Bath) (1953) (Bath, Toilet) (1953) Bathing Suits and Trunks (Pool, Racing and Boxer Style) Bathing Suits (Women's and Girls') (1957) Bathrobes (Acetate and Cotton Blanket Flannel) (1969) Bathrobes (Misses', Girls', Women's) (1969) Bathrobes (Seersucker or Crinkle Crepe) (1958) Bathrobes (Terry Cloth) (1960) Bathrobes, Terry Cloth (Misses', Girls', Women's) ( 1969 (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, C Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffe Batteries and Charger) (1968) /. for Fire Alarm System Batteries and Flange Adapter (1970) Batteries for Automobiles, Marine and Heavy Equipment Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighting and Starting Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighting, and Startin Batteries (Electrolyte and Lead Acid Types) (1971) SAE Batteries (Sulphuric Acid) ( 1964) Batteries (Vehicular Ignition, Lighting and Starting) Batteries (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting and Starting) Batteries (1960) FED W-B-101 Batteries (1963) Batteries (1971) ASTM B29, D639 Batteries (6 and 12 Volt) (1966) Batteries, Automotive ( 1971 ) Batteries, Automotive, Lead Acid Type (1970) Batteries, Dry (1970) Batteries, Dry (1971) FED W-B-00101G Batteries, Industrial (1970) Batteries, Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Starting, Lighti Batteries, Storage (1969) Batteries, Storage, Vehicular, Ignition and Lighting ( 1 Batteries; Dry Cells, General Purpose (1968) Batteries; Storage, Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting, Star (Battery Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricat Battery Chargers; Order Picker Highlift) ( 197 1 ) /Ial H Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench Battery Models) (1971) (Battery Operated, for Housing Within Navigational Aid O Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) (1971) Battery Powered Stand-Up Rider) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Mat Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manua (Battery Powered Walkie) ( 197 1 ) Spec. MS PM-10 SC HD-80B12 CA 691-80-83 MS 3501 NJ 6110-01 NJ 6110-00 VA ♦6 NY 44000-0721 VA DH-226 MS 3621 MS 3616 SC HD-118 SC HD-117 NJ 4938-134 PA C-132 PA C-103 NY 30201-0283 NY 30210-0822 NY 30200-0073 NY 30200-0587 OR 19-64-12A CA 711-75-67 RI 1-006 NY 35501-0564 IL *32C PA B-94 FL *21 PA B-120 AK ♦50 NY 36502-0211 NJ 4920-00 CA 701-83-14 FL ♦23 OR 72-150-9040 PA M-20 MA *35-76 MA ♦35-89 VA FB-7A TN 7210-010 OR 72-150-9140 MA *37 NY 30200-0153 MS S-2-53-29 MS S-2-53-28 NY 40018-0637 RI 4215-F-001 RI 4210-M-001 RI 4210-F-002 RI 4210-M-002 RI 4210-M-003 RI 4210-F-003 NY 32600-0622 PA F-80 NY 34400-0777 NJ 4936-03 LA *14 TX 035-35-1 TX 035-35-2 CA 711-23-30 TX 035-35-3 GA 6140-2-14 IL ♦36 VA Y-2 KS 51-1 FL ♦28 SC 28-000-045 1 NY 30300-0536 MI 5220-S2 IN *2 NY 34401-0404 NY 30301-0449 NC 6140-B-l NJ 6518-00 MS B-5A-69 PA B-137 OR 07-330-9011 NY 35000-0866 NY 39101-0393 NY 35000-0938 NY 38218-0450 NY 34502-0632 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0774 NY 39101-0680 NY 39101-0471 NY 39101-0279 21 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards r Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Water Absorbing, Spec, for Telescoping Mobile Work Platform, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - ling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, Spec, for Power Floor Sweeper, Electric Spec, for Floor Machine, Automatic, Std. Spec, for Machine, Floor Scrubbing, Electric Spec, for Cotton ackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Uniform Spec, for Office Machines (4800 Spec, for Liquid Hydrochloric Acid, 20 Deg. Spec, for Sand; Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment (Heads, hite Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass How Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass e Reflection) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Hand Use Cleaning and Washing Compound e Highway Line Marking Paint (1964) Std. Spec, for Glass 1 ) Spec, for Glass Spec, for Glass Std. Spec, for Wooden and Ceramic Tile Spec, for Traffic Line Marking Paint and Reflective Glass fie Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for Application with Glass -429B Spec, for Sodium Hexametaphosphate eres, Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint, Moistureproof ighway Traffic Sign and Marker, Reflection and Refraction Spec, for Guard Rail, Steel Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Structural Plate spec, for Preservative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Spec, for Steel single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer System and an Incident er, Heavy Duty Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, Portable ment) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ion (/ Spec, for Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and uide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Accessories (/ Spec, for Spec, for ec. for Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Apparatus (Balance (Manufacture, Handli/ Std. Spec, for Prestressed Concrete Spec, for Structural Timber for Joists, Planks, and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Spec, for Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted hum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Spec, for Flag, California, Std. Spec, for Wheel Spec, for Wheel y Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, eel Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Spec. For Bedding Materials for Masonry Plates and Spec, for Elastomeric Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on Steel ruction) (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint for Steel , B-147 Spec, for Lubricated Bronze ) ASTM / Spec, for Intermediate Strength Manganese Copper Spec, for Copper ec. for Laundry Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Iron Std. Spec, for Annular Ball and Roller Std. Spec, for Grease, Wheel ctor) (Highwa/ Spec, for Structural Steel, Rivets, Copper Std. Spec, for Grease, Automotive Sealed sion and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel . for Waterproof Grease Suitable for Lubricating Waterpump ive and Industrial (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Spec, for Spec, for Trailer (18 Ton Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Spec, for Spec, for Institutional Std. Spec, for Brick Masonry (Full Std. Spec, for onal Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Use) (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital al Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Pull Out al (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Spec, for Urethane Foam Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Mist Sprayer (300 Gal.) Truck Spec, for Std. Spec, for Disposable Spec, for Brushes; Sanitary, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dacron Spec, for Latex Foam Filled Battery Powered) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec. Fo Battery Powered, Self Propelled (1969) Battery Powered, Stand-Up Riders) ( 1971 ) Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Capacity) ( 1971 ) /Erial Hand Battery Powered, 36 In.) (1971) Battery (1966) (Battery), Cabinet Style (1965) Batting (1963) Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police M Baud Modem / Multiplexer Equipment) (1971) Baume (1969) Beach Areas (1968) Beach Cleaner (Tractor Drawn) (Sifter) (1969) Beacons, Etc.) (1971) Bead Application (1964) Std. Spec, for W Bead Application ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Ye Bead Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, Spheres (License Plat (Bead or Granular) (1967) Beads for Application on White and Yellow Traffic Strip Beads for Reflectorized Pavement Marking (Highway) (197 Beads for Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint (1970) Beads (1953) Beads (1970) Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-266 /Ec. for Special White Traf (Beads) and Aluminum Sulfate (1971) FED 0-S-635C(l), O-A (Beads) (1969) Spec, for Glass Sph (Beads) (1969) Spec, for Glass Spheres, H Beam - Galvanized (1969) Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for Beam Guard Rail and Fittings ( 1970?) Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Brid Beam Guard Rail (Highway Railing) (1970) AASHO Ml 80 Beam Monochromator (Integration with Computer and Telet Beam Scale (1970) Spec, for Test Beam Source / Pulser / Buncher System (Scientific Equip Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Accessories Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type G Beam Type Guide Railing and Accessories ( 1965) Beam, Trampoline, Horizontal Bar) (1970) Sp Beams, Slabs, Channels and Other Members in Structures Beams, Stringers, Posts (1970?) Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle W Bean Shipment) (1957) Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timothy, Lawn) (1971) /Lets, Sorg Bear, Cotton, Unmounted (1969) Bearing Grease (1958) Bearing Grease, Automotive (1968) Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Installation and Extrac Bearing Pads (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Bearing Pads (Neoprene) (1970?) Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Const Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Const Bearing Plates and Bushings (1970?) ASTM B-148 or B-169 Bearing Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970? Bearing Structural Steel (1970?) Bearing Water (1970) Sp Bearing (General Purpose and Automotive) (1969) Bearing (1970) Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Conne Bearing, Long Interval (1970) Bearing, Track Roller, High Temperature, Graphite) (197 Bearings (1968) Std. Spec Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Ch Beauty Parlor and Barber Shop Equipment ( 1971 ) Beavertail Type with Attached Loading Ramps) (1969) Bed and Chest Combination (1969) Bed Blankets (1964) FED DDD-B-421E Bed Cement Mortar) for Highway Construction (1964) Bed End, Head and Foot (Hospital) (1961) Bed Ends (Open Filler, Stationary Height) for Instituti Bed Ends (Panel Type, Stationary Height) (Institutional Bed Ends (Solid Panel, Multiple Height) for Institution Bed Lounger, Free Standing Design (1968) Bed Machine, Service) (1970?) /KS (Pedestal, Secretari Bed Mattresses and Removable Cover ( 1964) Bed Mattresses (1964) Bed Mounting (1971) Bed Padding, Quilted Cotton (1957) Bed Pads (1970) Bed Pan and Toilet ( 1971 ) Bed Pillows (Curled Hen and Duck Feathers) (1962) Bed Pillows (Duck Feathers) (1964) Bed Pillows (Goose Feathers) (1961) Bed Pillows (1961) Bed Pillows (1961) PA M-50 NY 39006-0329 NY 39101-0719 NY 39101-0409 NY 41600-0202 KY 7910-2 MS M-4A-65 RI 4720-009 SC 03-110-150 NY 22900-0828 TX 371-92-1 PA S-121 NY 41600-0468 NY 35813-0072 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 MI 2800-S1 TX 370-4 1-1 A SC HD-80B15 NY 38602-0486 VA DH-242 IL *33W AK * 1 SC 20-010 NY 40800-0194 MD *11 IN *5 NJ 4530-06 SC HD-121 MS 3382 SC HD-77 VA DH-224 NY 11002-0512 NJ 6524-07 NY 38760-0309 NY 32000-0439 NY 32000-0439 NY 00320-0128 NY 30204-0098 SC HD-73 MS 3426 NY 30200-0587 PA L-37 NY 07900-0584 CA 691-86-03 KY 46-106 CA 681-91-107 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 VA DH-247 MS 3741 SC HD-80B13 SC HD-80B14 MS 3329 MS 3317 MS 3308 PA S-67 OR 53-100-9010 MS L-5B-70-24 VA DH-232 MS L-5B-70-25 MA *9 CA 681-91-109 MI 5255-S11 NY 30700-0474 NY 42300-0194 PA B-141 TX 685-33-1 SC HD-95 NC 6530-B-25 TX 295-38-2 TX 295-38-1 TX 295-38-3 CA 681-67-12 NV 7110-D TX 295-47-3 TX 295-47-1 NY 46800-0776 RI 4752-001 WA S-68- 105-1 PA B-15 RI 4325-004 RI 4325-005 RI 4325-001 RI 4325-002 RI 4325-003 22 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards edCCC-T-191 (1956) -84, B-108 (1956) 960) FED AA-B-155 ype A, Class I) (1956) Spec, for Washable Feather Spec, for Tandem Axle Low Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spiral Spec, for Spiral Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Box Type Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sheets and Pillow Cases, Std. Spec, for Pillows, Spec, for Spring Bottom Psychiatric Spec, for Rails, Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 15 Ton Capacity Tilt Spec, for Jointer, 8 In. Long Spec, for Blankets; Spec, for Double Deck Bunk Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton Capacity Drop Deck, Low Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Adult) Controlled Environment and Accessories (Youth and Adult) Std. Spec, for Concrete Block Masonry (Laid in Full CCC-T-191 Spec, for Spreads, Spec, for Sheets, Std. Spec, for Blanket, Spec, for Bed Sheets; Cotton, Bleached Spec, for Sheets; Cotton, Unbleached Spec, for Spreads; Spec, for Mattresses, Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Low Spec, for Low Spec, for Frame, Spec, for Frame, highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec. For Spec, for Inspection, Test, and Certification of Spec, for Textile, Strong Suiting al 19.1 Spec, for Relocatable 3 Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Dormitory Chest Spec, for Box Springs for le Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Stone Laid in Full Spec, for Patient Room Furniture (Hospital) (Adjustable hold Furniture (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, olstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Spec, for 969) Spec, for Spec, for Furniture; Hospital Room and Dormitory Spec, for Household Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Spec, for Table Tops (Porcelain) (Hospital Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Textile, Quilting Material, Ripplette Spec, for Textile, Poplin oth) (1970?) Tent. Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Crinkle Cotton for Cotton Dobby Weavy Spec, for Crinkle Cotton Std. Spec, for Riplette Std. Spec, for Corded Clothing, Hats, GloVes, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Spec, for eets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases An/ Std. Spec, for Textiles Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Std. Spec, for Tailor's Spec, for Household Supplies Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec. uid Metal Polish, Paraffin/ 1956) for for for for Bed Pillows (1964) Bed Semitrailer (Trailer) (1970) Bed Sheets (1969) Bed Sheets, Hand and Bath Towels, and Washcloths (1970) Bed Sheets; Cotton, Bleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) F Bed Sides, Safety Rails (1970) Bed Spreads, Piping Rock Cotton (1962) Bed Spring Bottom (B-61, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class Ii) Bed Spring Bottom (Type B, Class Hi) for Spec. B-61, B Bed Spring Materials (1968) FED QQ-W-428 Bed Spring, Adjustable, Two Crank (Hospital) (1961) Bed Springs (Band Fabric, Dormitory or Hospital Use) (1 Bed Springs (1964) FED CCC-C-436 Bed Springs (2 Crank Adjustable) ( 1960) FED AA-B-155 Bed Springs, Box Type (1963) Bed Spring; Wire Fabric (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, T Bed (Cotton) (1963) Bed (Feather) (1967) Bed (Institutional Use) (1956) Bed (Safety Side) Telescoping (1969) Bed (1962) Bed (1966) Bed (1967) Bed (1968) Bed (1970) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (1969) / for Cribs, Gatch and (Bed) (Institutional Use) (1970) /Egular (Link) Spring, Bed) (1964) ASTM C90 Bed, Bleached (Striped Dimity Without Crest) (1969) Fed Bed, Cotton (1970) Bed, Cotton, Thermal (1966) (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Bed, Crinkle (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Bed, Felted Cotton (1970?) Bed, Innerspring (1964) Bed, Innerspring (1970?) Bed, Level Deck, Semi Trailer (Carryall) (1970) Bed, Level Deck, Semi Trailer ( 1971 ) Bed, Metal (Angle Iron Type) (1962) Bed, Metal (Spring Base) (1962) Bedding Materials for Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads Bedding Supplies (1968) (Bedford) (Cloth) (1970?) Bedroom Living Quarters (Portable Housing) (1971) ANSI Beds (Manually Operated) (1964) Beds (1970) Beds (39 X 74 In., 54 X 74 In.) (1955) Beds) (1964) Std. Spec, for Cement Rubb Beds, Cabinets, and Overbed Tables) (1970) Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, Upholstery Fabri Beds, Dining Tables) (1970) /Wood) (Contemporary) (Uph Beds, Gatch Spring and Accessories (1966) Beds, Gatch Spring, Electrically Operated (Hospital) (1 (Beds, Tables, Cabinets, Dressers) (1969) Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sof Bedside) (1971) Bedspread Material (Textile) (1971) Bedspread (Cloth) (1970?) (Bedspread) (Cloth) (1970?) Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Satin Finish (Jacquard) (CI Bedspreads (Hospital Spread) (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Bedspreads (1956) Bedspreads (1957) Bedspreads (1960) Bedspreads (1969) Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Cases, Sheets, and Wa Bedspreads, Dimity ( 1971 ) (Bedspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sh Bedspring, Box Type (1967) Bedspring, Box Type (1969) Bedsprings, Box Type (Mattress) (1969) Beds; Cot, Metal (1956) Beds; Metal, Cot, Folding (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Beds; Metal, Double Deck (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Beds; Metal, Hospital (with Spiral Springs) (1956) Beds; Metal, Hospital, Variable Height (1960) Beds; Metal, Institutional Ward (Wire Fabric Springs) Beds; Metal, Psychiatric (Security) (1960) Beds; Metal, Sanatorium (1956) Beds; Metal, Ward, Hospital (1956) Beds; Wood (for Staff Use) (1955) Bed; Electric (1971) Beeswax (1953) (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Liq Beet Pulp, Dried (1963) TX 295-50-1 NE ♦45 OR 72-150-9100 TN 7210-010 PA S-30 NY 20303-0587 MS B-2-62 PA SSB-108 PA SS-108 NY 22704-0479 NC 6530-S-28 TX 295-38-8 TX 295-47-2 TX 295-38-9 KS 71-2 PA SWF- 108 MS S- 10-63 CT 3748-P-348A PA S-101 NJ 3712-02 NJ 4938-47 NJ 4944-01 PA B-85 CA 681-67-11 NJ 4938-136 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 SC HD-97 PA S-36 CA 701-83-12 CT 9104-B-345A PA S-30 PA S-43 PA S-31 KY 7210-3 NC 7210-M-1A KY 7210-1 SC 14-270 SC 14-270-0451 A NJ 3718-01 NJ 3718-02 VA DH-247 CA 681-83-01 MA *35-50 AK ♦20 RI *8 NY 21512-0310 PA S-96 SC HD-96 NY 20302-0586 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 NY 00203-00-0310 NY 20302-0222 PA F-81A NY 21601-0227 NY 24800-0355 PA C-148 MA *35-71 MA ♦35-53 MA *35-84 VA FB-19 RI 4705-002 RI 4705-001 OR 72-150-9060 OR 72-150-9050 FL ♦23 NY 32620-0532 WI 9100 KY 7210-2 CT 3748-B-349 MI 2613-S1 PA B-65 PA B-28 PA B-64 PA B-61 PA B-129 PA B-60 PA B-121 PA B-62 PA B-63 PA B-115 PA B-147 IL *33B NY 22000-0462 MI 4340-0037 23 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carpet ads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Checking or re (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for I Powered Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer Attachment Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment Spec, for Sam Browne Police Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film Viewers Spec, for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link sive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Spec, for Self Propelled, Force Feed, Spec, for Portable Trough Conveyor Spec, for Leather Police plete ( 1 968 ) FED KK-L-3 1 1 a Spec, for Sam Browne d Sa/ Std. Spec, for Leather Accessories; Police Uniform Spec, for Leather Spec, for Conveyor ss and Pillow Covers An/ Std. Spec, for Notions (Banding; uniform and Detec/ Spec, for Leather Uniform Accessories Std. Spec, for Sanitary Spec, for Boys" and Men's Leather Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, How Covers An/ Std. Spec, for Notions (Banding; Belting; Spec, for Spec, for Picnic Table and 0?) Spec, for Precast Concrete Monuments for Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine (Vertical Type, 20 Qt. lling, Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Engine, IS and 13 In.) Spec, for Scientific Equipment Std. Spec, for Meat Chopper (Counter or Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine (Vertical Spec, for Paint, Green, Exterior Park Spec, for Brushes; Dust, Counter and Spec, for Open Shelter and Park Spec, for Shop Furniture Spec, for Lounge Furniture (Seating Units, Side Chairs, Spec, for Steel Athletic Lockers and Spec, for Lockers (Steel) and Spec, for Lockers (Steel) and ture (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and Backs for Terrazzo 9) Spec, for Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work (1970) Spec, for Shop Furniture (Work uminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Spec, for Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Coiling, pec. for Electrical Conduits, Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, s (1968) Spec, for Packaging of Spec, for Antiseptic Bacterial Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Spec, for Liquid 80% Active Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Spec, for Textile, tials, Tr/ Spec, for Lubricant, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Spec, for Spec, for Glassware , San/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Counter, Stools, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Milk, Cream and Coffee and Spec, for Machines; Glass Washing, ills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Spec, for Textile, Black Spec, for Binding; s; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Std. Spec, for Tape (English, White, Spec, for Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Spec, for Children's Spec, for Children's Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Laundry Sour; Ammonium Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride Std. Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride 963) Spec, for 963) Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Antioxidant, Ortho Tolyl ASTM A- 107, A- 123 Spec, for Flanged Channel Sign Posts ries (Heavy Duty, Institutional) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Thermometers; Self Indicating, or Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Detergent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage concrete Surface / Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete ) Spec, for Brief (Upright) and Ring Std. Spec, for Paper and Spec, for Colored Synthetic Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete n (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Beetles) ( 1961 ) /for Insecticides, Chlordane Residual Beginners, Carpenters, /Urt Reporter Notebooks; Ink; P Beige Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Belfast Cord (1953) (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice Control (Heavy Du (Belly Blade), and Snow Leveling Wing, (Heavy Duty, 41,0 Belt and Shoulder Strap ( 1 968 ) Belt Components, Buckle, Clip and Webbing (1970) Belt Conveyors (1968) (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (Medical Center) (1969) Belt Extensible Boom (1970) Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Hand Grinder) Belt Type Material Loader (1970) (Belt Type) (1971) Belt (1964) FED KK-L-271D, KK-L-3 1 1 Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster (Police), Com (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, An Belting (1969) Belting (30 In.) (1969) Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattre (Belts - State Police and General Use, Cartridge Cases, Belts (1953) Belts (1957) Belts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Baby Blankets (1970) Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pi Belts; Waist, Leather (1970) Bench Combinations (1962) Bench Marks, Right-Of-Way Markers, Section Corners (197 Bench Model) (1963) (Bench Shaper) (1969) Spec, for Machine Tools (Mi (Bench Top Fermentor System with Accessories) (1971) Bench Type) (1963) Bench Type, 12 Qt.) (1962) Bench (1969) Bench (1969) Bench (1970) (Benches and Assemblies) (1968) Benches and Tables) (1970) Benches (College) (1971) Benches (1968) Benches (1971) Benches) (1970) Spec, for Cafeteria Furni Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving and Storage) (196 Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon Hole Units) Bend Joints) ( 1964) /Ipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Al Bending and Flanging) (1962) Bends, Nipples), and Boxes (Highway and Bridge Construe Benzathine Penicillin-G Disposable Syringes with Needle Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet, Benzyl Ammonium Chloride) (1969) Best Black Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differen Beverage Bottle Crowns (Top) ( 1 97 1 ) (Beverage Bottles and Containers) (1971) Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer Beverage Dispensers and Cans) (1971) Beverage (1955) Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans Bias Binding (Cloth) (1970?) Bias Cut (Clothing) (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Fastener; Thread; Bias, Seambinding, Measuring) (1953) Bib Style Cotton Duck Aprons (1969) Bib Style Overall Pants (High Visibility Orange) (1964) Bib Style Overall Pants (1969) Bib Style Overalls (Corduroy) (1956) Bib Style Overalls (Denim) (1957) Bicarbonate (for Cleaning) (1953) ASTM D501 Bicarbonate (1966) Bifluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 79 IB (Bifluoride) for Laundry Sour Manufacture (1966) (Bifluoride) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953) Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1 Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) ( 1 Biguanide (1967) (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Guide Post) (1970?) Billiard, Carom, and Bumper Pool Tables and and Accesso Bimetallic, Dial Type (Baking, Cooking and Oven) (1966) Bin Shelving and Storage) (1969) Spec. F Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Collector, Powder Binder and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl Coated Fabric (1971 Binder Clamps (1971) Binder Concrete (1970?) Binder Course for Highway Construction ( 1964) Binder Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Constructio MS 1-7 NY 23000-0633 MI 5325-S21 IL ♦33AA AK *61 AK *63 TX 550-41-1A PA B-125 NY 41500-0681 NY 11501-0930 NJ 4938-148 NY 00432-00-0686 SC 14-200-0451 NY 41500-0511 TX 550-42-1 PA B-142 OR 79-350-9010 PA L-25 SC 21-210 FL *25 NY 39309-0539 IL *33C RI 4240-M-001 MA *39 FL *25 PA B-138 MD •22 MS 3667 WA S-63-68 NY 43201-0805 NY 38760-0640 WA S-63-60 WA S-62-46 MI 5325-S15 PA B-ll NY 30200-0415 NY 35100-0195 PA F-69 NY 27500-0492 NY 27500-0128 NY 27500-0290 NY 24800-0443 NY 35100-0775 NY 35100-0684 SC HD-90 PA P-54 VA DH-248 MI 4776-S1 NY 21901-0964 TX 371-90-1 MA ♦35-28 MI 5255-S14 NY 25101-0888 NY 25102-0894 NY 32610-0801 NY 36104-0195 PA M-35 NY 39000-0482 MA ♦35-46 PA B-134 FL ♦25 IL ♦33S RI 4260-M-001 TX 160-44-2 TX 160-44-1 RI 4284-M-012 RI 4284-M-015 PA S-68 TX 371-64-1 PA S-63 TX 371-63-1 MS S-2-53-14 TX 415-37-4 TX 415-36-3 TX 371-33-1A MS 3401 NY 30208-0576 PA T-72 NY 35100-0775 NY 36502-0211 SC ♦39 PA C-149 IL ♦32P NY ITEM 51SX SC HD-56 SC HD-52 24 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Spec, for Spec, for Cordage (Baler and Spec, for Sheet Lifters, Ring essboard ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Level Style Load Spec, for Asbestos Covers, Padding, and 1 Ring Hardware and Hinges for Use in Ring Type Loose Leaf Spec, for Flexible Black Leatherette Ring Spec, for Metal Ring Hardware and Hinges for Looseleaf Spec, for Office Supplies Std. Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for onic Data Processing and Cleaners ( 1 968 ) ASTM / Std Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. for for for for Spec, for Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; General Conditions and Spec, for Library Spec, for Textile, Black Bias Std. Spec, for Blanket Std. Spec, for Rug Official Rules and Regulations for Printing, Spec, for demic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Commercial) Spec, for X-Ray Deep Therapy Unit (Irradiation of spec, for Laboratory Furniture Installed (Wood and Steel) Spec, for Game Spec, for Game Spec, for Feed (Game Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Sodium Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Thin Wall Diamond Spec, for Diamond Core Drilling Spec, for Thin Wall (Non Resettable) Diamond Spec, for Magnetic Computer Tape of 556 Spec, for Magnetic Computer Tape of 800 Spec, for Diamond Spec, for Diamond Drill Spec, for Diamond eneral Maintenance, Carpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, uid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixture of 70?) AASHO M-158, M-177 Spec, for underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, pipe and Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, ellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, for Electrical / Spec, for Nonmetallic (Asbestos, Cement, Spec, for Filler Joint, Spec, for Spec, for Self Propelled 970) Spec. for FEDSS-C-153 Spec, for Black Plastic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 0?) Spec, for ushed Gravel) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for k Cab and Chassis, 151 In. Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. ruck, 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Mounted 1500 Gal. Spec, for Coal (5 X 2 In. Spec, for Paver, Heavy Duty Self Propelled Spec, for Spec, for ay Construction) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for 500 Gal. Heating Kettle (for ?) Spec, for Graded Aggregate for Spec, for Grooving Machine for Concrete and concrete Joint and Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Type) Spec, for ement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway Con/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Patching - Material Spec, for Fine Aggregate for onstruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Binder Filler Sheets ( 1969) Binder Filler Sheets, Reinforced (1969) Binder Label Holders, Slip on (1969) Binder Labels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographer Binder Soil (1970?) Binder Twine) (1971) ASTM D738, D739 Binder (1970) Binders and Sheets (Post, Three Ring, Blue and Green Pr Binders for Use with Various Size Chain ( 1966) Binders (for Ironers) (1968) Binders (1970) Spec, for Meta Binders (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Binders (1971) MIL Std. 105 (Binders) (1971) (Binders, Books, Clipboards, Indexes, and Pads) ( 1971 ) Binders, Pressboard (1969) Binders, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electr Binders, Ring, Canvas (1970) Binders, Ring, Supported Vinyl (1970) Binders, Screw Post ( 1970) Binders, Three Ring, Plastic (1970) Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, An Binding (Book) (1969) Binding (Cloth) (1970?) Binding (1953) Binding (1953) Binding, Advertising and Reporting Services (1971) Binding; Bias Cut (Clothing) (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Binning Glass) ( 1970) /NE Racks, Clothing Display, Aca (Bins, Carts, Racks, Dispensers, Dolly) (1971) (Biological Refrigerators) ( 1 97 1 ) Biological Samples) (1968) (Biology) (1968) Bird Rations (Feed) (1970) Bird Vitamin Mineral Mix (Feed) (1970) Birds) (1967) Bisulfate (1970) Bisulfate, Toilet Bowl Cleaner (1953) Bits and Adapters (Drilling) (1970) CE Wa-1, Wa-2 Bits and Reaming Shells (1965) Bits for Core Drilling (1964) Bits Per In. Packing Density (1966) Bits Per In. Packing Density (1966) Bits (AX Size, AA Grade) (1970?) Bits (Departmental) (1970) Bits (Drilling) ( 1971 ) CE Wa-2 Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, B Bitumen, Solvents, Chemicals and Water) (1970?) /R Liq Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe and Fittings ( 1 9 Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) for Highway Construction Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) (1964) /Spec, for Sewer Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) Bituminous - Grade R.A. ( 1969) Bituminous Asphalt Finisher or Paver ( 1971 ) Bituminous Asphalt Finisher (1971) Bituminous Booster (for Heating and Pumping Asphalt) ( 1 Bituminous Cement (for Roof Flashing and Repair) (1964) Bituminous Coal ( 1 969 ) Bituminous Coal (1970) Bituminous Coated Metal Pipe for Underdrains ( 1970?) Bituminous Coated Metal Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-190 Bituminous Concrete - Type R.K. (Winter Mix) ( 1970) Bituminous Concrete (Highway and Bridge Construction) Bituminous Concrete (Plant Mixed) (Delivered) (1968) Bituminous Concrete (Plant) (1968) Bituminous Concrete 2 & 5 - Pick Up (1970) Bituminous Concrete, Type A.E. (Stockpile - Stone) (197 Bituminous Concrete, Type R.R. (Stockpile - Stone or Cr Bituminous Distributor for Truck Mounting ( 1969) Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oi Bituminous Distributor (1970) Spec, for T Bituminous Egg, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 1969) Bituminous Finisher, with Vibratory Screen ( 1968) Bituminous Material (Pavements, Sidewalk) (1970?) Bituminous Materials (Asphalt and Tar Liquids) ( 1971 ) Bituminous Materials (Asphalt, Cement, Emulsion) (Highw Bituminous Materials) (1970?) Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, Sand, Crushed Stone) (1970 Bituminous Pavement (1969) (Bituminous Pavement) (1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for Bituminous Pavers (1968) Bituminous Plant Mix Base and Surface Courses Asphalt C (Bituminous Premix) (Road Construction) (1969) Bituminous Seal Coat ( 1970?) Bituminous Stabilized Macadam Base Course for Highway C CA 691-75-55 CA 691-75-56 CA 692-75-54 NY 23000-0633 MS 3146 PA C-139 CA 701-75-37 IL *32D TX 3 25-5 9-1 A PA C-124 CA 701-75-36 CA 721-75-34 CA 721-75-36 NY 23002-0609 FL ♦20 CA 691-75-43 CA 712-75-05 CA 701-75-38 CA 701-75-39 OR 74-100-0010 CA 702-75-40 FL •21 NJ 8310-00 MA •35-46 IL *33D IL *33E NY *5 PA B-134 NY 21802-0317 NY 36106-0207 NY 24200-0755 NY 11000-0630 NY 12006-0862 WA S-61-33 WA S-61-33-1 NY 07602-0852 LA ♦11-11 MS S-2-53-43 NY 41200-0426 NJ 4121-01 TX 595-56-1 KY 7440-1 KY 7440-2 VA ♦37 NY 43231-0391 NY 41200-0841 NY 39000-0482 VA *33 MS 3293 sc HD-104 sc HD-92 VA DH-241 MS 3803 NJ 1304-05 sc 14-040-0451 A sc 14-340-0451 SC 14-090-0451 TX 605-37-1 NY 05200-0817 PA C-106 MS 3288 MS 3227 NJ 1 304-04 VA DH-212 NY 31502-0687 NY 31502-0686 NJ 1 304-06 NJ 1304-02 NJ 1304-03 SC 14-120 NJ 4938-28 NJ 4938-132 MI 4210-S3 NJ 4938-104 MS 3151 NY 31501-0554 VA DH-211 VA ♦8 MS 3139 NY 44200-0229 MS 3723 NY 41302-0184 SC HD-43 NM •18 MS 3127 SC HD-44 25 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 0?) Spec, for 10,000 Gal. and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Cement) for Highway/ Std. Spec, for 3) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway / Std. Spec, for and 4) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highw/ Std. Spec, for ne Aggregate in Concrete, Mortar and Covering Materials in Spec, for Preformed Joint Filler Spec, for Pipe; Wrought Iron, Welded, picture and Graphic Arts ( 1970) Spec, for Film, Spec, for Photographic Microfilm si / Spec, for Archival Quality Microfilm and Processing ing and Furnishing Negative and Pos/ Spec, for Microfilm Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Best Spec, for Textile, 9) Spec, for Spec, for Shoe, Men's Std. Spec, for Spec, for -00542B Spec, for Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Spec, for Flexible tal Surfaces / Spec, for Ready Mixed Exterior Linseed Oil repair) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Bridge and Guard Rail Paint, Spec, for Paint, Numeral Coating ) Spec, for Socks; Spec, for Cutting Oil, Thread Machines, Spec, for Carbon Paper; Typewriter, Spec, for Typewriter Ribbon, Polyethylene, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Lusterless Spec, for Traffic Line Paints, Spec, for Duster; Ostrich Feathers, Spec, for General Purpose Enamel (Paint) Spec, for Rubber Raincoats , Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill, Spec, for Filling Yarn 12/1S earn, Oil, and Air Lines) ( 196/ Std. Spec, for Steel Pipe , FED Std. 595 Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, Std. Spec, for ayons, Charcoal (Stic/ Spec, for School and Art Supplies; Std. Spec, for Erasers, Pen, Pencil, Typewriter and accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Spec, for Crawler Tractor with U Dozer Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Spec, for Tungsten Carbide Tipped Snow Plow ndustrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Plow red Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly . for Food Slicing Machine (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Knife Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, 3-Point Hitch, Rear Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Spec, for Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Spec, for Flat Stock Maintenance Spec, for Snow Plow Spec, for Snow Plow Blades and Grader Spec, for Grader Spec, for Grader Spec, for Cutting Edges for Grader, Drag and Snow Plow Spec, for Sectional Carbide Tipped Snow Plow and Grader Spec, for Hacksaw Spec, for Hacksaw Hey Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Acetate and Cotton set Press, Flammable ( 1968) Spec, for Spec, for Riprap Materials (Stone and Filter Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for sho M-182 Spec, for Burlap Curing Spec, for Indestructible Spec, for Wool Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-171 Spec, for Plastic Curing Spec, for Crib Spec, for Ether Bituminous Storage Tank with 15 KW Electric Heater (197 Bituminous Surfacing (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 Bituminous Surfacing (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and Bituminous Surfacing (Triple Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 Bituminous Treatments (Highway Construction) ( 1970) /I (Bituminous) (1970?) AASHO M-33 Black and Galvanized (1966) FED GGG-P-351, GG-M-151 Black and White and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion (Black and White Film) (1964) (Black and White, on 2 1/2 MIL Polyester Base) (1971) An (Black and White, Silver Type, 16mm and 35mm and Process Black Bias Binding (Cloth) (1970?) Black Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Calf Oxford for Highway Patrol Police (Shoe) (196 Black Dress, Work Oxford (1969) Black Enamel (Paint) (1964) FED TT-E-489C Black Equipment Enamel (Paint) (1962) FED TT-E-489B Black Indelible Marking Ink for Fabrics (1962) FED TT-I Black Leatherette Ring Binders (1971) FED Std. 191, Mil Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Me Black Plastic Bituminous Cement (for Roof Flashing and Black Silesia (Cotton Lining) (Cloth) (1970?) Black Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Stencil (1970?) Black Typewriter Carbon Paper (1962) FED UU-P-158D Black Wigan for Stiffening (Cloth) (1970?) Black (Finish Coat) (1970?) Black (License Plate) (1967) Black (Stretch Type), Nylon and Cotton (Stocking) (1968 Black (1968) Black (1968) Black (1969) Black (1969) Black (1969) Black (1969) Black (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 (Black) (1960) Black) (1970) /Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine (Black) (1971) (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, St Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-529 Black, Wood or Metal (1969) Blackboard Chalk (1971) Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Cr Blackboard (1971) Blade and Blower, Dump Cart) (1971) /Awn Tractors and Blade and Towing Winch ( 1971 ) Blade and 12 Ft. Snow Wing) (1971) Blade Snow Plow (1970) Blade Snow Plow (1970) Blade (1969) Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Loader, Wheeled, I Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice Control (Heavy Duty, 4 Blade) (1968) Std. Spec Blade) (1971) Blade) (1971) Blade), and Snow Leveling Wing, (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. Blade, Rubber Snow Plow (1969) Blade, Table Mounted Router (1968) Blades and Cutting Edges (1970) Blades and Grader Blades (1962) Blades (1962) Blades (1964) Blades (1964) Blades (1970?) AASHO T70 Blades (1970?) ASTM B294-64 Blades, Hand (1964) FED GGG-B-451C Blades, Power (1968) FED GGG-B-451C Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Blanket Binding (1953) Blanket Flannel) (1969) Blanket Wash and Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Off Blanket) (Foundation, Wall Support) (1970?) Blanket, Bed, Cotton, Thermal (1966) Blanket, Cotton, Thermal (1968) Blanket, Part Wool, Nylon and Rayon Fibers (1968) Blankets (Acrylic, Wool and Utility) (1971) Blankets (Cotton) (1971) Blankets (Cotton, Thermal) ( 1971 ) Blankets (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) Aa Blankets (Extra Heavy) (1957) Blankets (State Police) (1960) Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Cement Blankets (1959) Blankets (1960) VA *43 SC HD-61 SC HD-62 SC HD-63 VA DH-202 MS 3701 PA P-53 NY 38800-0231 TX 470-36-1 TX 575-70-2 NY 26000-0448 MA * 35-46 MA *35-28 MA *35-9 SC 03-040 CA 691-84-02 SC HD-80B9 SC 20-030 TX 395-33-2 CA 721-75-34 VA DK-36 TX 605-37-1 MA *35-17 MA *35-26 MS 3583 VA DM-10A MA *35-19 MS 3526 NJ 7342-09 PA S-109 CA 681-91-23 PA P-110 CA 691-75-16 CA 691-80-16 CA 691-80-96 PA D-24 MS 3551 RI 4295-M-005 IN * 15—1 1 NY 39400-0080 OR 56-100-9020 MS 3573 CA 691-80-09 IL *32M NY 23100-0855 IL *32AA NY 08206-0442 AK *19 AK *11 NE *56 NE *59 NH *4 NY 40601-0298 AK *61 WA S-63-61-1 AK *10 NY 40601-0754 AK *63 NJ 4938-120 NY 43200-0243 SD *2 MD *14 MD *14 SC *8 SC 32-070 VA *39 VA ♦40 TX 325-33-1 TX 325-33-2A NY 30200-0587 IL *33D RI 4210-M-001 CA 681-66-17 MS 3601 CT 9104-B-345A CA 681-83-5 CA 681-83-04 NY 20204-0879 NY 20200-0725 NY 20202-0718 MS 3751 RI 4710-001 RI 4710-005 MS 3756 RI 4710-003 RI 4710-002 26 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Wool Spec, for 95% Wool and 5% Nylon Spec, for 75% Wool and 25% Nylon Spec, for Insulaire Spec, for 90% Wool and 10% Cotton Spec, for Institutional Bed Spec, for Acrylic Spec, for Offset Std. Spec, for Single (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Baby Spec, for Thermal Std. Spec, for ats, Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Spec, for -46 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Sign General Requirements and Spec, for Aluminum Sign Spec, for Precoated Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Route Marker Shield and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Tabs and inting; Continuous and Snapout Forms (Books and Pamphlets, ng Equipment (Portable, Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Truck, d O-S-00602C Spec, for Household Liquid Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid o 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for Dry Laundry 53) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Lime - Grade a Spec, for Dry Non Damaging Laundry (1967) Std. Spec, for Dry Laundry Spec, for Organic Chlorine Dry Laundry orate Tetrahydrate in Compounding Cleaners, Detergents and rogen Peroxide (Electrolytic 100 Volume for Use as Laundry Std. Spec, for Laundry Neutralizer, Fluoride Type (Sour, spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) (Laundry Sour, c. for Sodium Silicofluoride (Fluosilicate) (Laundry Sour, for Acetic Acid - Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Sour Blueing, Spec, for Laundry Sour, Brightener Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Dye or soak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Removal) Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Dye or Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Spec, for Scouring Powder, chnical Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid, ion (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for odium Hypochlorite Solution, 5% Available Chlorine (Liquid Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for isinfect/ Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Spec, for Chlorine, Liquid Spec, for Cotton Jean Cloth (Textile, FED CCC-T- 191, DDD-S-75 1 Spec, for l.DDD-S-751 Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Quilted Spec, for Bed Sheets; Cotton, Spec, for Textile, White Duck, Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Table Damask; Cotton, Spec, for Cloth; t-191 Spec, for Spreads, Bed, Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Diaper Cloth; Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth; Cotton, Std. Spec, for Pillow Tubing; Spec, for Cloths; Wash, Turkish, Spec, for Terrycloth Towels; Spec, for Textile, Cover Cloth, Muslin, Spec, for Bath Mats; Terry Cloth, Spec, for Toweling and Towels; Huck, Spec, for Toweling; Absorbent Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Cotton, Glass Spec, for Textile, White Jean (Muslin), Spec, for Textile, White Twill, Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Crash (Cotton, Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Blankets (1960) ANSI L24.2.9-55 Blankets (1961) Blankets (1961) Blankets (1961) Blankets (1961) Blankets (1964) FED DDD-B-421E Blankets (1967) Blankets (1970) Blankets (1970) Blankets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Slippers Blankets (1970?) Blankets, Cotton Sheet (1969) Blankets, Pillows and Cases, Sheets, and Washcloths ( 1 9 Blankets; Bed (1967) Blankets; Wool and Part (1969) FED CCC-T-191B USC CS136 Blanks and Sheet (1970) ASTM B209 Blanks and Sheets ( 1969) Blanks for License Plates ( 1970?) Blanks (Highway) (1971) ASTM B-209 Blanks) ( 1971 ) /S; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides Blanks, Circulars) (1970) Spec, for Pr Blast Cleaning Machine (1969) Spec, for Sandblasti Blast Sand (1962) Blazer, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) Bleach and Disinfectant (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1967) Fe (Bleach and Disinfectant) (1953) Bleach Manufacture) (1967) /Ine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichlor (Bleach Powder, Water Purification and Disinfectant) (19 Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Wheel Application) (1969) Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Flowing, Dustless) Bleach (1968) Bleach (1968) Spec, for Sodium Perb Bleach) ( 1942) Spec, for Hyd Bleach) (1953) Bleach) (1953) Std. Bleach) (1953) Std. Spe Bleach) (1953) Std. Spec. (Bleach) (1961) Bleach) (1965) (Bleach) (1969) Tent. Spec, for Laundry Pre Bleach) (1971) Bleach, Calcium Hypochlorite (1953) Bleach, Chlorine, for Plastic Tableware (1969) Bleach, Cleaner (1969) Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant, Algaecide, Etc Bleach, Disinfectant and Deodorant (1953) Bleach, Disinfectant, Etc.) (1966) FED O-S-00602C /Lut Bleach, Dry (1969) Bleach, Dry, Concentrated (1968) Bleach, Household Type) ( 197 1 ) FED O-S-602D /Ec. for S Bleach, Household, Liquid (1966) Bleach, Laundry, Dry (1966) Bleach, Laundry, Dry (1969) Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, D (Bleach, Sanitation and Disinfectant) (1969) FED BB-C-12 Bleached and Dyed) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Bleached Cotton Pillow Cases (Institutional Use) (1963) Bleached Cotton Sheeting and Sheets (1954) FED CCC-T- 19 Bleached Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached Drilling (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached Jean (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Bleached Muslin, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached Padding (1970) Bleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Bleached (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Bleached (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Bleached (Piece Goods and Diapers) (1971) Bleached (Striped Dimity Without Crest) (1969) FED CCC- Bleached (Textile) (1960) Bleached (Textile) (1969) Bleached (Textile, Cloth) (1969) Bleached (1969) Bleached (1970) Bleached (1970) FED Std. 191 Bleached (1970?) Bleached (1971) Bleached (1971) FED Std. 191, Std. 751 (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Bleached, Plain (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Bleached; Cotton and Linen Mixed, Unbleached) (1958) Bleachers (Mobile) (1971) Bleaching Sour, Fluoride Type, Dry (1969) RI 4710-004 RI 4710-007 RI 4710-008 RI 4710-009 RI 4710-010 TX 685-33-1 RI 4710-006 NJ 8956-00 WI 9104 MA *39 MA ♦17 OR 72-150-9010 FL •23 PA B-85 OR 72-150-9020 SD *3 NJ 0770-01 CT *1 NY 37817-0166 FL ♦19 NY 00500-0333 NY 47100-0396 MD ♦27 MI 3958-0080 VA K-24E MS S-2-53-20 TX 371-87-1 MS S-2-53-21 VA L-l WI 5720-0143 TX 395-35-6 CA 681-66-22 PA P-108 MS S-2-53-15 MS S-2-53-14 MS S-2-53-17 MS S-2-53-18 MS S-6-61 TX 371-36-1 MS TL-7-69 NY 25524-0353 MS S-2-53-19 CA 691-77-08 MI 4681-S3 TX 395-35-1B MS S-2-53-22 TX 395-35-2A MS LB-1C-69 CA 681-66-21 TX 395-35-9 KY 6850-3 KY 6850-4 CA 691-77-09 TX 395-35-2A PA C-8 TX 685-34-9 VA FB-14 VA FB-5 MA ♦35-39 MA ♦35-49 NJ 9110-02 MA *35-22 NY 32801-0335 PA S-30 MA ♦35-64 MS T-1A-60-19-A OR 79-100-9090 PA C-18 PA S-36 MS T-1A-60-3 OR 79-100-9120 OR 79-100-9060 OR 79-100-9540 PA C-52 PA T-29 MA ♦35-21 PA M-20 PA T-23 PA T-25 PA T-26 MA ♦35-20 MA ♦35-55 OR 79-100-9340 PA T-7 NY 30203-0869 CA 691-77-19 27 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Sour, Laundry Spec, for vailable Chlorine) (1969) Spec, for rs; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly / Std. Spec, for Ammonia; nanc/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Headlight Aiming, Brake ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Spec, for Tallow Coconut Fatty Acid Spec, for Jackets, Cotton Spec, for Sheeting, ters, Meat Slicer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 1 8 In. du/ Spec, for Soap and Detergent Making Equipment (Ribbon er. Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Venetian Std. Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Venetian Std. Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Metal Venetian Spec, for Metal Audio Visual Venetian Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Metal Venetian Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Venetian Spec, for Spec, for Catch Basin and Manhole Spec, for Sodium Chloride Salt e). Cardboard Bo/ Spec, for Plastic Containers (Styrofoam Std. Spec, for Concrete n and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Iodized Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Floor Wood Spec, for Brush; Cleaning, Butcher Spec, for Spec, for Deodorant, Spec, for Brushes; Calcimine or Std. Spec, for Deodorant, Spec, for Deodorant, Cakes and Wired Spec, for Radiation Shielding eat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambering Spec, for Automatic Tent. Spec, for Laundry Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, at Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Dried Std. Spec, for Desk ( 1 970 ) Spec, for Stationery, uid Adhesive; W/ Spec, for Office Supplies: Hand and Desk Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Spec, for Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Spec, for Women's and Misses' Spec, for Clothing, Women's Spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Plow (7 1/2 Ft. Power Reversible) and Spec, for Rotary Snow Fans, Industrial (Welding Shop Exhaust System) (Hoods and s (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Spec, for Men's Dress Shoes Spec, for Men's and Boys' Dress Shoes Spec, for Shoes; Ladies, Oxford, Std. Spec, for Binders and Sheets (Post, Three Ring, Std. Spec, for Fabric, Uniform, Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Shirts (Dark Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, e(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Denim; Spec, for Imitation Suede, Spec, for ShirtsO Work (Chambray, Spec, for Warp Yarn 1 1/1S d. Spec, for Acetic Acid - Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Sour General Conditions and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for ) and Pinking Shear/ Std. Spec, for Scissors (Buttonhole, primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Wall 6 Spec, for Ironing Bleaching Sour, High Soluble (1969) Bleaching Sour, Whitener (1966) Bleaching, Fluoride (1966) Bleach; Laundry, Liquid (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1969) Bleach; Laundry, Powder (Calcium Hypochlorite; 65-70% A Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleane Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Mainte Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and Mea Blend for Soap Manufacture ( 1971 ) Blend Poplin (1971) Blend, Polyester / Cotton ( 1971 ) Blender Base, Vertical Cutter Mixers) (1966) /D), Toas Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Blender, Vertical Cutter / Mixers) ( 1 97 1 ) /Peeler, Mix (Blind Stand) (1969) Blinds (Building) (1968) Blinds (Building) (1971) Blinds (Building) (1971) Blinds (Custom Made Conventional) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Blinds (NYS Std.) (1967) Blinds (1964) Blinds (1964) Blinds (1964) Blinds (1969) Blinds (1969) Blinds (1969) FED AA-V-200a Blinds, Window, Shade (1970?) Blinds; Venetian (Custom Made) (1968) Block and Brick (1970) (Block and Rock) (1967) FED RR-S-366, ASTM D632 Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sample Test Tub Block Masonry (Laid in Full Bed) (1964) ASTM C90 Block Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, C Block Salt (1963) Block Salt, Mineralized (1963) Block Salt, Plain (1963) Block Squeegee (1968) Block (Flat Wire) (1971) Block (Wood), Frame and Handle for Dust Mop (1968) Block (1966) Block (1971) Block, Paradichlorobenzene (1953) Blocks (1970) Blocks (1971) ASTM C 1 40, C 1 45 Blocks, Spring Animals) (1970) Blood Gas Analyzer ( 1970) Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Removal) (Bleach) (1969) Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone Blotter (1971) Blotters, Scratch Pads, Filing Supplies (Institutional) Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liq Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holder Blotting Paper (1971) TAPPI T410, T431, MIL Std. 105 Blouses and Breeches (State Police) (1970) Blouses (1969) (Blouses, Skirts, and Dusters) (1971) (Blouses, Trousers, Police Storm Hats) (Park) (1970) Blower (Walk Behind) (1971) Blower (6 Ft.) (1971) Blower (6 1/2 Ft.) (1971) Blower) (1970) Blower, Dump Cart) ( 1971 ) (Blucher Oxford Style) Institutional Use) (1957) (Blucher Oxford Style) (1957) Blucher (1970) FED KK-L-165, Std. 191, Std. 311 Blue and Green Pressboard) (1971) Blue and Green (1969) Blue Chambray) (1970) Blue Denim, Lightweight, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Denim, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitur Blue Otis Check (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Pencil Carbon Paper (1962) Blue Serge, Wool (Cloth) (1970?) Blue (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Blue (1970) Blue) (1969) FED CCC-T-191, V-B-871a (Blue) (1971) Blueing, Bleach) (1953) Blueprints (1970) Bluing (Aniline Dye) (1953) Bluing (Liquid and Powder) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Bluing; Laundry (Nonsour, Sour) (1969) Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming Board and Plaster (1969) Spec, for Board Padding, Stitched Cotton Roving (1968) FED V-T-27 /Nursery Swing, Adult S Spec, for /Awn Tractors and Accessorie St CA 691-77-27 KY 7930-12 KY 7930-13 PA B-89 PA B-90 IL *39 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0938 TX 180-48-7 NY 40003-0316 NY 32902-0566 NY 00361-0541 NY 36502-0211 NY 36100-0122 NY 21802-0101 NY 24401-0542 NY 24401-0263 NY 24401-0270 OR 72-300-9010 NY 24401-0586 NC 7230- V-l TX 705-34-1 TX 705-34-2 CA 691-68-58 VA DG-2B RI 4310-006 MD •15 PA B-73 NJ 6110-01 PA S-38 NY 19903-0524 SC HD-97 NY 23100-0855 MI 5751-0027 MI 5751-0029 MI 5751-0028 TX 370-60-1 PA B-80 TX 370-53-3 KY 6840-2 PA B-113 MS D-l CA 701-76-64 NY 33703-0420 NY 30211-0572 NY 12600-0522 MS TL-7-69 NY 07700-0473 IL *32E NJ 693 6-00 A NY 23000-0633 FL •21 CA 711-75-53 MA *27 RI 4265-F-003 NY 40042-0038 NY 39300-0527 NY 37002-0458 NY 40900-0160 NY 40901-0810 NY 21301-0546 NY 08206-0442 RI 4268-M-011 RI 4268-M-010 PA S-103 IL ♦32D CT 9152-F-344B RI 4265-M-003 MA •35-82 MA *35-l MI 5325-S28 MA •35-8 VA DM-11A MA •35-47 OR 79-100-9110 NY 37200-0648 PA S-88 NY 39400-0343 MS S-2-53-18 NJ 8300-01 MS S-2-53-24 TX 395-33-1A PA B-91 IL ♦33P CA 691-80-201 CA 681-83-49 28 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Insulation Spec, for File Std. Spec, for Roof Insulation Spec, for Book Cover ic Laboratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Spec, for Book Cover Spec, for Primer (Paint), Latex, Interior, White, Wall Std. Spec, for Roof Insulation Spec, for Drafting Supplies, Tracing Tables and Spec, for Reversible Framed Chalkboards and Bulletin Spec, for Clip Std. Spec, for Index Bristols and Std. Spec, for Clip Spec, for Textile, Flannel, Double Faced (Ironing Spec, for Drafting Supplies (Tracing Tables and Spec, for Chalkboards, Bulletin deling, Carving, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Spec, for Marine Patrol apacity) (1970) Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Card, Plastic Laminated Spec, for Patrol Std. Spec, for Trailer; ist (Line Handling and Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitation of Spec, for Outboard Motors Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Spec, for Mosquito Netting (Unbleached Spec, for Prison Bus Spec, for School Bus Gasoline Tanker / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Platform, Van aterial Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper c. for Material Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper . for Material Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Material Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper pec. for Truck, 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility pec. for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility pec. for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Spec, for School Bus Spec, for School Bus ec. for Truck, 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Van Type self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform Dump Spec, for 20 Ft. Roll Back Ramp Spec, for 8 Ft. Stake Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Dump Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for 9 Ft. Stake 1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis with Dump Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Utility spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Closed Top Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 5,800 Lb. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 13,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 10,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 14,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 14,000 Lb. k, Cab and Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. ec. for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Platform medium Duty, Six Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Spec, for Refrigerator, Mortuary, One ulic Hoist ( 1971 ) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump lie Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck spec, for Material Spreader (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Spec, for 14 Ft. Stake Spec, for 14 Ft. Stake Spec, for 20 Ft. Van Type ck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Van epair P/ Spec, for 6 1/2 Ft. Utility Type General Service Spec, for Utility Type General Service Spec, for Textile, Best Black Spec, for Textile, Black Spec, for Hydraulically Operated Hopper Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Hopper Type, Dump irometers, Function Indicator, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walker, Hydraulic Power Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Hydraulic Powered Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Truck Spec, for Bronze and Iron truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist and for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake Board (Polystyrene) for Highway Insulation (1970?) Board, Arch Type (1970) Board, Asphalt Coated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 Board, Clay Coated, Flexible (1970) Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables, Portabl Board, Hard Bound ( 1970) Board, Plaster, Wood ( 1969) Board, Uncoated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 Boards (1967) Boards (1968) Boards (1969) Boards (1970) Boards (1971) Boards) (Cloth) (1970?) Boards) (1966) Boards, and Directories ( 1971 ) Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Colors, C Boat and Trailer (1970?) Boat Crane (Straddle Type, Self Propelled, 30,000 Lb. C (Boat Registration Certificate and Plain) (1971) Boat (Inboard) (36 Ft.) ( 1969) Boat (Up to 24 Ft.) (1969) Boat) (1970) /or Vertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Ho (Boat) (1971) Boat, Wood and Metal, Fresh Water (1970) Boats, Canoes, Oars and Paddles ( 1971 ) Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Disp Bobbinet) (1958) Bodies for Inmate Transport (1969) Bodies (1969) Bodies) ( 1971 ) / 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Body and Aerial Ladder (1968) Body and Aerial Ladder (1970) Body and Basket Lift (1970) Body and Chassis ( 16, 20, and 24 Passenger) (1970) Body and Chassis (1971) Body and Core Drill ( 1970) Sp Body and Heavy Duty Winch) ( 1968) / for Snow Vehicle Body and Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist, for Mounting on Truck (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,000 Lb. Payload (1969) Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift (1969) Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift (1969) Body and Hydraulic Tailgate (1968) Body and Hydraulic Tailgate ( 1 969 ) Body and Payload (1969) Body and Payload (1969) Body and Payload (1969) Body and Payload (1969) Body and Payload (1969) Body and Payload (1969) Spec, for True Body and Roadside Sprayer (1970) Sp Body and 360 Deg. Aerial Ladder (1962) /C. for Truck, Body Capacity (1970?) Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hydra Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hyrau Body for Dump Truck Mounting) (1970) Body for Mounting on Truck (1969) Body for Mounting on Truck (1969) Body for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Body for Personnel (1970) Spec, for Tru Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive R Body for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (1969) Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Body Material Spreader (Dump Truck Mounting) (1968) Body Mounting ( 1965) Body Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Teaching Console, Modul Body Support) ( 1970) /Ng, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Body Truck with 14 Ft. Platform ( 1970) Spec, for Body Type) (1970?) Spec, for Body Valves (1969) Body with Drop Sides ( 1967) Spec, for Body with Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) Spec. MS 3760 CA 701-75-62 MS R_5_64-14 CA 701-82-10 NY 38810-0650 CA 701-82-11 CA 691-80-202 MS R-5-64-15 NY 31600-0380 NY 23100-0411 CA 691-75-42 OR 74-300-0090 IL ♦32L MA •35-73 NY 00316-0114 NY 23103-0029 NY 23100-0855 HI *3 NY 43100-0649 NY 23017-0296 NY 49602-0400 OR 06-200-9010 NY 43100-0490 AK *74 MS PE-17 NY 49600-0630 NY 36200-0787 PA N-l SC 14-050A SC 22-600-0300 NY 40500-0397 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0801 NJ 4938-115 NJ 4938-138 NJ 4938-134 TX 040-35-2 TX 040-35-11 NJ 4938-140 NY 42200-0574 MI 3958-0151 MI 3958-0061 MI 3958-0139 MI 3958-0143 MI 3958-0147 MI 3958-0078 MI 3958-0118 MI 3958-0079 MI 3958-0142 MI 3958-0146 MI 3958-0138 NJ 4938-24 NJ 4946-00 NJ 4938-113 NJ 4938-51 MI 3958-0072 MI 3958-0096 MI 3958-0102 MI 3958-0130 MI 3958-0132 MI 3958-0136 NJ 4938-99 NJ 4938-41 NJ 8788-00 SC •10 SC 22-600 NY 41000-0665 MI 3958-0123 MI 3958-0161 MI 3958-0165 NJ 4938-141 SC *7 SC 22-600-045 1 MA ♦35-28 MA •35-9 NY 41000-0071 NJ 4938-78 NY 12200-0512 NY 11613-0292 NJ 4938-15 VA •15 KS 37-7 NJ 4938-102 NJ 4938-106 29 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ruck, 32,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with Platform 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Spec, for Truck, 12,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass c. for Material Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Std. Spec, for Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck aterial Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Std. Spec, for Van Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W., with Utility Spec, for Truck, 9 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 9 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 14 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Van Type r Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 25 Ton Wrecker , 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Water Tank Spec, for 1/2 Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Pickup Spec, for 3/4 Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Pickup Spec, for Tandem Axle Truck with 7 to 9 cu. Yd. Dump 4,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab and Platform Stake Spec, for 4X4 Truck with 4 Ton Wrecker Spec, for School Bus e Repair Parts An/ Spec, for Utility Type General Service for Automotive Equipment (Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van ec. for Material Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper less Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Platform -Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake or Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 14 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, 62,000 G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump 69) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Milk Tank spec, for Truck, Forward Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Back Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Spec, for School Bus, Chassis and Spec, for School Bus, Spec, for Truck, Heavy Duty, with Dump Spec, for School Bus, Spec, for Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil; Spec, for Linseed Oil, ting, Reagents and Equipment (1971) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Extract Quebracho Tannin, Solid for ) Spec, for Spec, for Air Flow and Water) (1970) Spec, for Meters anular) for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Water Softening, and Spec, for Heavy Chemicals Std. Spec, for Spec, for od Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Spec, for ains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Spec, for Wrought and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Spec, for Stainless Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip, Bars, num Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, ) (1967) Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Clip and uctural Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, std. Spec, for Hardware (Metal Used in Timber Structures) ook, Expansion Shields, Molly Ancho/ Spec, for Fasteners ghwa/ Spec, for Structural Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, steners (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Carbonless Paper Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Mimeograph Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Adhesive; Water Resistant, High Initial Std. Spec, for Paper, rd (1970) Spec, for Printing Papers, Envelopes, Std. Spec, for Cut offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, M/ Spec, for Fine Papers ger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) (/ Spec, for Fine Paper Spec, for Asbestos USC CS236-66 Spec, for Plastic Laminate Spec, for Plastic Laminate, Flakeboard and Spec, for Livestock Feed, Steamed Body with Stake Pockets (1968) Spec, for T NJ Body (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec, for SC Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) (1968) NJ Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) ( 1969) NJ Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride), NY Body (Tar and Petroleum Removal) (1963) MS Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calc NY Body (Truck) (1969) OR Body (1968) NJ Body (1969) MI Body (1969) MI Body (1969) MI Body (1969) MI Body (1969) MI Body (1969) MI Body (1969) Spec. Fo NJ Body (1969) Spec, for Truck NJ Body (1970) CA Body (1970) CA Body (1970) NE Body (1970) Spec, for Conventional 1 SC Body (1971) AK Body (1971) SC Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous Automotiv SC Body) (G.V.W. 53,000 Lb.) (1968) Spec. NY Body) (Sand and Salt for Ice Control) ( 1971 ) Sp NY Body) (1969) Spec, for Snow Vehicle (End NY Body) (34,000 G.V.W.) (1971) /El Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V NY Body, and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Body, Electric Powered Crane (1968) Spec. F NJ Body, Hydraulic Hoist (1969) MI Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969) NJ Body, Special (1969) MI Body, Tailgate Spreader, Snow Plow Assemblies ( 1968) NJ Body, Van Type (Motor Vehicle) Noninsulated, 12 Ft. (19 MI Body, Van Type, Noninsulated, 16 Ft. (1969) MI Body, 1 ,500 Gal. (Truck Mounting) ( 1 97 1 ) NY Body, 10,500 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Body, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) MI Body, 13,000 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Body, 20 Passenger (1969) MI Body, 24 Passenger ( 1969) MI Body, 31,000 Lb. Capacity (1966) NJ Body, 40 Passenger (1969) MI Bogie Wheels and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Passenger NY Boiled Linseed Oil (1970?) NM Boiled (for Paint, Varnish, Enamel) (1970) MS Boiled (Organic Coatings) (1969) OR Boiled (1963) IA Boiler Compound and Water Treating Chemicals, Water Tes IL Boiler Feed Water Conditioning (1970) MA Boiler Feedwater and Combustion Control Simulator ( 1970 NY Boiler Food Water Pump (Institutional) (1970) NY (Boiler Instrumentation for the Measurement of Steam and NY Boiler Scale Preventative (1964) /Sodium Phosphate (Gr TX (Boiler Water Treatment) ( 1961 ) FED Std. 536 PA Boiler ( Furnace ) Grates (1969) OR Boilers (Steam, Oil Fired) (1971) NY Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, C PA Bolt Anchorages, Lead (1970?) MS Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, F NY Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (1970? MS Bolt Stock (1970?) ASTM A-167, A-276 MS Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Met VA Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor Systems (NYS Std. NY Bolts) for Bridge and Highway Construction (1964) AASHO SC (Bolts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckle SC (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, H NJ Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Hi VA Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Spec, for Fa MS Bond and Ledger (Company) Paper (1970) OR (Bond and Ledger) (1970) OR Bond Paper (1970) OR Bond Paper (1970) OR Bond Paper, Chemical ( 1 97 1 ) CA Bond Paper, Sulphite, Roll Stock ( 1971 ) CA Bond (for Sealing Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) PA Bond (1955) CT Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, Onion Skin, Chipboa LA Bond, Mimeo, Duplicator, and Xerocopy Paper (1971) FL (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, NY (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Led NY Bonded Corrugated Metal Pipe (1970?) MS Bonded Panels (Decorative Trimmed) (1971) NEMA LD-1-64, NY Bonded Panels (1970) NEMA LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 NY Bone Meal (1963) MI 4938-38A •17 6542-02 6542-02A 41000-0531 C-37 41000-0182 07-100-9010 4938-112 3958-0074 3958-0076 3958-0104 3958-0106 3958-0122 3958-0164 4938-127 4938-23 702-23-04 702-23-05 *18 14-010-0451 *55 *35 22-600-0300A 40500-0714 41000-0464 42200-0285 40502-0148 3958-0119 4938-73 3958-0060 4938-00 3958-0160 4938-08 3915-0210 3958-0212 40500-0647 3958-0150 3958-0136 3958-0134 3915-0200 3915-0185 4938-91 3915-0189 42200-0362 *23 PM-12 77-100-9600 * 1-15 *1 *10 40706-0624 46000-0076 40703-0619 153-33-1 H-15 27-100-9010 37600-0219 F-80 3387 39000-0482 3336 3312 DH-236 27500-0391 HD-91 HD-78 5108-00 DH-232 3391 74-300-0130 74-300-0140 74-300-0030 74-300-0120 711-75-02 711-75-07 A-18 7564-P-18 ♦12 ♦30 00502-00-0476 50200-0551 3228 31808-0332 31808-0114 4340-0032 30 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards , Dried Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Spec, for Livestock Feed, Meat and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Electronic , Wall Cases, Showcas/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall and othing Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Std. Spec, for Books and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies (Reinforced Ring Spec, for Spec, for Office (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Tables, General Conditions and Spec, for Library Binding wcases, Swing Gates, Dividers,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures , Showcases, Panels,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Pegboard, offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated ils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Furniture, Office (Custom Built) (Desk, be Cabinets; Chairs; Costume/ Spec, for Office Furniture ks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Typing and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Offset Reproduced Bound Spec, for Printing; Continuous and Snapout Forms Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Publications; Prebound Paperback) (1970) Spec, for Std. for Calendar Pads and Stands, and Appointment Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Binders, Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (Student Desks with and Record/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, spec, for Sprayer with Broadcast Nozzles and Contour-Ma'tic uck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Removable Extensible k Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link Belt Extensible nd Excavators (Self Propelled Mobile Yard, with Telescopic Spec, for High Pressure Tent. Spec, for Gas Fired Water Storage on Spec, for Bituminous ice Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Dishwasher with Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Spec, for Foundry Safety Shoes Spec, for spec, for Rubber and Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture (Pedestal, Leg and men/ Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray ned) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Spec, for Rubber Knee ned) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Spec, for Rubber Hip Spec, for Men's Industrial Tempered Rubber Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Spec, for Men's and Boys" All Purpose Rubber Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Spec, for Women's and Misses" Rubber Spec, for Dehner Std. Spec, for Shoes, Slippers, and Spec, for Police Spec, for Shoes (Saddle Oxfords, Canvas, Overshoes, Spec, for Rubber Footwear (Arctics, 70?) Spec, for Sneakers, Spec, for Textile, Hand Towelling, Cotton Std. Spec, for Soap Spec, for Soap, Std. Spec, for Soap Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Powdered, Plain or Spec, for Technical Decahydrate Sodium Tetraborate Ik Screen and Process Letters and Numerals and Symbols and Spec, for Timber Preservatives (Creosote, Water and Oil plastic Containers (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Spec, for Spec, for Tube and die with Stand, Steam / Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Beverage oratory Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Spec, for Cage and Feeder Spec, for Cage and Feeder Spec, for Plastic Container Caps 566(3) Spec, for Water Coolers (Electric) crub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) (1/ Spec, for Household Brushes Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage Bone Scraps (1963) Book Cover Board, Clay Coated, Flexible (1970) Book Cover Board, Hard Bound (1970) Book Detection System (1971) Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies Book Drop, Tables, Binning Glass) (1970) /NE Racks, CI Book Ends (1971) Book Paper (1970) Book Sheets and Indexes) (1971) Book Shelves, Wood (1971) Book Truck (Wood Library Funiture) (1969) Book Truck) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Furniture, (Book) (1969) (Book, Display and Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Sho Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables Book, Manila Tag) ( 1966) /R, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing P Book, Stenographic (Notebook, Pad) (1970) Bookcase Without Doors (Office Furniture), Steel (1969) Bookcase, Conference Tables, Book Truck) ( 1971 ) (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardro Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop Step Ladd Bookcase; Sliding Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Bookcase; Sliding Glass Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Bookkeeping Tables; Steel (Office Furniture) (1969) Bookmobile (Vehicle) (1970?) Books and Book Ends ( 197 1 ) Books and Pamphlets From Camera Ready Copy ( 1970) (Books and Pamphlets, Blanks, Circulars) (1970) Books for School and Public Libraries (1970?) Books (Library, Processed and Catalogued) (1970) Books (Paperback) (1969) Books (Trade, Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Books (1969) Books, Clipboards, Indexes, and Pads) (1971) Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Dresser Chests) ( 1971 ) Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music Boom (1000 Gal.) (1963) Boom (1968) Spec, for Fork Lift Tr Boom (1970) Spec, for for Boom) (1970) Spec, for Cranes A Booster Fire Hose ( 197 1 ) Booster Heaters (1970) Booster (for Heating and Pumping Asphalt) ( 1970) Booster) (1969) Spec, for Food Serv Booster, Soiled Dish Table with Sink) (1969) (Boot), Oil Resistant, Steel Toe (1970?) Boot, Leather, 8 In., Oil Treated, Men's (1969) Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (1962) / Booth Tables) (1970) Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replace Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Li Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Li Boots (Hip) (1962) Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short), Steel Toe ( 1961 ) Boots (Pull Over Type) (1969) Boots (State Police) (1970) Boots (1971) Boots (1971) Boots, and Arctics) (1971) Boots, Pacs, Sneakers) (1970) Boots, Rubbers (Shoes) (Men's, Women's, Children's) (19 Boott Type (Cloth) (1970?) Borax Powder for Dispensers (1969) Borax Powder, Dispenser (1970) (Borax Powder, Dispenser, Hand) (1953) Borax (Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate) Technical (1971) Borax (Sodium Tetraborate) (Cleaner) (1953) Borax (1966) (Borax) (1966) Borders) ( 1967) /Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Si Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and Bridge Construct Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Venerea Bottle Brush (1968) Bottle Brush (1968) (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Grid Bottle Crowns (Top) (1971) Bottle Filler) (1969) Spec, for Lab Bottle Washer (1968) Bottle Washer (1968) (Bottle) (1971) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Bubble Style) (1971) FED OO-D-00 (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), S NY 07700-0473 MI 4340-0023 CA 701-82-10 CA 701-82-11 NY 38201-0732 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0317 IL *32F OR 74-300-0010 NY 23009-0607 NY 27501-0299 RI 4348-005 NY 21802-0174 NJ 8310-00 NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0993 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 23100-0855 CA 701-75-41 RI 1-039 NY 21802-0174 AK *53 HI *7 RI 1-004 RI 1-004 A RI 1-033 HI *13 IL *32F NY 50020-0333 NY 00500-0333 HI *6 NY 20000-0350 NY 20000-0814 NY 20000-0655 CT 69-75C FL *20 NY 21606-0789 NY 21802-0317 NJ 4938-61 NJ 4938-55 NJ 4938-148 NY 41100-0463 CA 711-42-21 KS 37-8 SC 14-090-0451 NY 36200-0972 NY 36200-0907 MA •18 CA 691-84-01 IL *27 NY 24800-0184 NY 43221-0771 VA DS-6 VA DS-7 RI 4268-M-078 RI 4268-M-075 RI 4268-M-076 RI 4268-M-077 RI 4268-F-073 MA *32 FL ♦24 NY 34900-0045 TN *6 NY 34800-0708 MA ♦38 MA *35-81 OR 76-450-9010 LA ♦11-10 MS S-2-53-32 PA B-93 MS S-2-53-5 KY 8520-4 TX 371-86-1 NY 38601-0173 VA DH-246 NY 19903-0524 TX 370-31-12 TX 370-31-14 NY 36200-0420 NY 25101-0888 NY 12070-0401 NY 12070-0860 NY 12070-0866 NY 12002-0371 NY 26500-0635 VA C-4 31 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ( 1 966) Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Spec, for Glassware (Beverage Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Motor / Air Compressor Unit (Oil Free Plant for Spec, for Seismic Profiling System (Shipborne, Sea Spec, for Spring Spec, for Spiral Bed Spring ( 1 956) Spec, for Spiral Bed Spring Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Tweed, Check, Spec, for Offset Reproduced Spec, for Leather Spec, for Book Cover Board, Hard Spec, for Brushes; Paint, Metal Spec, for Brushes, Paint, Metal H-B-141C Spec, for Wall Paint Brushes (Metal Spec, for rvice Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Std. Spec, for Sodium Bisulfate, Toilet Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Std. Spec, for Toilet Std. Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet itchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Household Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Spec, for Cleaner, Toilet Spec, for Polypropylene Plastic Products (Cup, e Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, er for Small Media Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Spec, for Castings (Pull li/ Spec, for Machine Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Requirements for Transmission and Gear Spec, for Ballot Spec, for New Press Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bedsprings, Spec, for Bed Springs, Spec, for Bedspring, Std. Spec, for Bedspring, Spec, for Spec, for Pickup Truck, 6 Ft. Spec, for Pickup Truck, 8 Ft. Spec, for Pickup Truck, Special, 8 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Pickup, 8 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Pickup, 9 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Pickup, Special, 6 and 1/2 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Pickup, 8 Ft. Spec, for Ballot Card Containers (Steel Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Proof for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab and Utility 3/4 Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck (6 Passenger Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Transfer (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Files (Accordion, Vertical, Spec, for Truck, Pickup, 8 Ft. Spec, for Industrial Truck (Gasoline Powered, Wide Cargo for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow ( 1 Ft. for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6 X 4, 13 Ft. sel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. el Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. sel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Bathing Suits and Trunks (Pool, Racing and y Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring onduits, Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Delivery Points and Quantities for Candy and water Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Sealing Fiberboard ie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote cessories ( 1 964 ) Std. Spec, for Outlet ( 1957) Spec, for Men's and 58 ) Spec, for 32 Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Floor, Street, and Garage Bottled Drinking Water (1969) Bottles and Containers) (1971) Bottles; Hot Water, Rubber or Synthetic ( 1956) Bottles; Hot Water, Rubber (Cloth Inserted) (1956) Bottle; Screw Cap, Polyethylene (Sample Mailing) (1970) Bottling Equipment) (1968) Bottom and Subbottom Mapping) (1969) Bottom Psychiatric Bed (Institutional Use) (1956) Bottom (B-61, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class li) (1956) Bottom (Type B, Class Iii) for Spec. B-61, B-84, B-108 Boucle Patterns) (1957) Bound Books and Pamphlets From Camera Ready Copy (1970) Bound Stucco Brushes (1964) Bound (1970) Bound, Flat (1965) Bound, Flat (1969) Bound, Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 In.) ( 1966) FED H-B-420D, Bow Type Portable Power Chain Saw (1970) Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /E Bowl Cleaner (Globular) ( 1964) FED P-C-447 Bowl Cleaner (Liquid) (1970) Bowl Cleaner (1953) Bowl Cleaner (1969) Bowl Cleaner, Acid, Stable, Dry Granular (1968) Bowl Cleaner, Granular (1969) Bowl Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Bowl Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Bowl Cleaner, Liquid, Low Caustic (1968) Bowl Cleaner, Sodium Bisulfate ( 1970) Bowl Cleaner; Liquid (Acid Type) (1965) Bowl Stand, Mess Tray) ( 197 1 ) NSF 2 /Ty Pails, Pans, P Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) ( 1960) /. for Bowl (1955) Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers Box for Venereal Disease Program ( 1971 ) /Am Block Mail Box Frame and Cover) (1971) Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydrau Box Lubricant (Nondetergent Oil) (1970) Box Seal Adapter, Election Machine (1970) Box Seating (Auditorium, Stadium) (1967) Box Springs for Beds (39 X 74 In., 54 X 74 In.) (1955) Box Type Bed Springs ( 1964) FED CCC-C-436 Box Type (Mattress) (1969) Box Type (1963) Box Type (1967) Box Type (1969) Box (File, Corrugated) (1970) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box (1969) Box) (1970?) Box) (1971) Box) (1971) spec. Box) (1971) Spec, for Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 G.V.W.) ( 1971 ) /El Drive, Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated for Record Storage and File Box, First Aid Kit, Empty ( 1961 ) Box, Folders, Jacket, Pocket) ( 1971 ) Box, Special (1969) Box, 1500 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W. )( 1 97 1 ) Spec G.V.W.) (1971) Spec' G.V.W.) (1971) Spec. G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) Spec, for Die G.V.W.) (1971) Spec, for Dies J.V.W.. Automatic Transmission) (1971) Manual Transmission) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Die Box, 32,000 Lb Box, 37,000 Lb Box, 45,000 Lb. Box, 45,000 Lb. Box, 45,000 Lb. Box, 50,000 Lb. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W Box, 6 X 4) (1971) Spec. Box, 6X4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Boxer Style Shorts (1960) Boxer Style) (1971) Boxes for Highway Construction (1964) /or Brick Masonr Boxes (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /leal C Boxes (1971) Boxes) (1965) Spec, for Adhesive; Boxes, Paddle) (1970) /R, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, P Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Coated with Covers and Ac Boys' All Purpose Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Shor Boys' and Men's Dress Shoes (Loafer, Moccasin Type) (19 KY NJ NY PA PA PA NY NY PA PA PA RI NY TX CA PA MI VA SC NY TX TX MS IA CA MI MI MS MS LA SC PA VA PA NY PA NY NY NY NE MI NE PA TX MI KS KY CT NY MI MI MI MI MI MI MI HI NY AK AK NY MI MS IL MI NY AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK RI NY SC VA NY PA PA OR RI RI 7920-2 2908-00 25102-0894 B-18 B-20 B-139 41400-0577 12099-0903 S-101 SSB-108 SS-108 4225-F-002 50020-0333 11 0-3 2-2 A 701-82-11 B-43 5310-S2 C-1A 19-140 36200-0605 370-37-1 3 70-3 7-2 A S-2-53-43 *3-4 681-76-14 4681-S2 4681-S1 C-25B-69 C-3A-68 * 1 1—1 1 11-160B F-80 C-4 C-91 21102-0036 F-80 19903-0524 37901-0743 00432-00-0686 *76 5754-S1 *80 S-96 295-47-2 2613-S1 71-2 7210-2 3748-B-349 21700-0533 3958-0020 3958-0024 3958-0026 3958-0046 3958-0052 3958-0090 3958-0092 ♦14 31200-0338 *46 *54 40502-0148 4811-0100 K-l-61 *32DD 3958-0048 45001-0808 *59 ♦60 *58 *66 ♦67 *68 *70 ♦69 *65 •64 4287-M-005 40018-0637 HD-117 DH-248 00300 A-18 A-4 24-64-7A 4268-M-076 42S3-M-014 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 7) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Spec, for Men's and Std. Spec, for Shoes, Dress, Oxford, Men's and Spec, for Shorts (Briefs) (Men's and Spec, for Knit Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Spec, for Knit Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Spec, for Socks, Dress (Men's and Spec, for Swim Trunks; Cotton Gabardine (Men's and Spec, for Flannel Shirts (Men's and Spec, for Cotton Knit Shirts (Men's and Spec, for Raincoats (Men's and Spec, for Suburban Coats (Men's and Spec, for Twill Shirts and Walk Shorts (Men's and Spec, for Twill Shirts and Trousers (Men's and Spec, for Slacks, Casual (Men's and Spec, for Dress Jackets (Men's and Spec, for Dress Shirts (Men's and Spec, for Cotton Knit Shirts (Crew Neck) (Men's and Spec, for Knit and Sport Shirts (School) (Men's and Spec, for Socks (Men's and Spec, for Shorts (Briefs) (Men's and Denims (Western Jeans, Dungarees, Chore Coats) (Men's and Spec, for Canvas Footwear (Sneakers) (Men's, Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Maintenance, Carpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway t) for Use as a Prime Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway rection and Reerection) F/ Std. Spec, for Fence Posts and Boys' and Men's Dungarees (Denim) (Jeans) (1970) Boys' and Men's Handkerchiefs (Dress) (1957) Boys' and Men's Ivy Model Slacks (Sateen) (1964) Boys* and Men's Leather Belts ( 1957) Boys' and Men's Shorts (Twill) (1970) Boys' and Men's Sport Coat (1956) Boys' and Men's Surcoat Jackets ( 1957) Boys' and Men's Vinyl Dress Gloves (1970) Boys' and Young Men's Dress Trousers ( 1957) Boys' and Young Men's Worsted Suits ( 1957) Boys' Athletic Shirts (1960) Boys' Boxer Style Shorts (1960) Boys' Briefs (Jockey Style) (1960) Boys' Casuals (Oxford Style, Crepe Outsole Shoes) (1960 Boys' Coat Style Pajamas (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) Boys' Coat Style Pajamas (Cotton Flannel) (1960) Boys' Coat Style Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (19 Boys' Coat Style Wool Sweaters (1957) Boys' Cotton Flannel Shirts ( 1957) Boys' Cotton Twill Shirts ( 1962) Boys' Dress Rubbers (Sandal Style) (1957) Boys' Dress Rubbers (Storm Style) (1957) Boys' Dress Shirts (Permanent Press) (1969) Boys' Dress Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) (1957) Boys' Dungarees (Western Style, Denim) (Jeans) (1965) Boys' Gripper Style Shorts ( 1960) Boys' Gym Trucks ( 1960) Boys' Knit Shirts (Jersey) (1957) Boys' Leather Palm Knit Gloves ( 1970) Boys' Long Sleeve Polo Shirts (1957) Boys' Middy Style Pajamas (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960 Boys' Middy Style Pajamas (Flannel) (1960) Boys' Overalls (Denim) (1957) Boys' Overshoes (4 Buckle, Dress Type) (1957) Boys' Pajamas (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Boys' Permanent Press Sport Shirts ( 1970) Boys' Permanent Press Trousers (Slacks) ( 1970) Boys' Polo Shirts ( 1970) Boys' Service and Dress Shoes ( 197 1 ) Boys' Short Sleeve Polo Shirts ( 1960) Boys' Shorts (Denim and Twill) ( 1957) Boys' Shorts (Twill) ( 1962) Boys' Ski Type Caps (Hat) ( 1956) Boys' Surburban Style Coats (1957) Boys' Surcoat Style Coats (1970) Boys' Sweatshirts with Crew Knit Collarette (1957) Boys' Swim Trunks; Woven Cotton Acetate Elastic (1960) Boys' Tee Shirts (1962) Boys' Tee Shirts (1970) Boys' Trousers (Twill) (Check and Plaid) (1962) Boys' Trousers (Twill) (Solid Color) (1962) Boys' Unionsuits (Underwear) ( 1960) Boys' Winter Jackets (1957) Boys' Work Jackets ( 1961 ) Boys' Work Shirts (Dark Blue Chambray) (1970) Boys' Work Shirts (Permanent Press Army Twill) (1967) Boys' Work Shirts (Permanent Press) (1969) Boys' Work Shirts (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) (1960) Boys' Work Shoes (Alpine or Tyrollean Style) (1968) Boys' Work Socks (1957) Boys' (1968) Boys') (Departmental) (1971) Boys') (School) (1971) Boys') (School) (1971) Boys') (Stockings) (1965) Boys') (1960) Boys') (1969) Boys') (1969) Boys') (1970) Boys') (1970) Boys') (1970) Boys') (1970) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Boys') (1971) Spec, for Boys', Youths') (1965) Braces and Gates (Highway Construction) (1970) /C. for Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, N Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) ( 1964) /Spec. Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) /(Pain Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (Material, E RI 4284-M-009 RI 4240-M-004 RI 4284-M-022 RI 4240-M-001 RI 4284-M-013 RI 4225-M-013 RI 4225-M-006 RI 4235-M-010 RI 4284-M-016 RI 4275-M-002 RI 4287-M-003 RI 4287-M-005 RI 4287-M-006 RI 4268-M-057 RI 4270-M-001 RI 4270-M-002 RI 4270-M-003 RI 4280-M-003 RI 4265-M-005 RI 4265-M-013 RI 4268-M-070 RI 4268-M-071 RI 4265-M-001 RI 4268-M-010 RI 4284-M-009A RI 4287-M-004 RI 4215-M-001 RI 4265-M-006 RI 4235-M-011 RI 4265-M-008 RI 4270-M-005 RI 4270-M-004 RI 4284-M-011 RI 4268-M-073 RI 4270-M-006 RI 4265-M-011 RI 4284-M-008 RI 4265-M-014 TN *5 RI 4260-M-009 RI 4284-M-014 RI 4287-M-013 RI 4245-M-005 RI 4225-M-015 RI 4225-M-001 RI 4265-M-007 RI 4215-M-003 RI 4287-M-014 RI 4287-M-001 RI 4284-M-020 RI 4284-M-019 RI 4287-M-009 RI 4225-M-005 RI 4225-M-008A RI 4265-M-003 RI 4265-M-002A RI 4265-M-002 RI 4265-M-004 RI 4268-M-002 RI 4250-M-001 CT 3370-S-54C NY 40031-0561 NY 40009-0494 NY 40009-0568 NY 00400-0403 RI 4215-M-002 NY 40008-0083 NY 40009-0457 NY 40004-0677 NY 40006-0046 NY 40010-0477 NY 40010-0673 NY 40002-0143 NY 40003-0224 NY 40007-03 1 8 NY 40009-0035 NY 40009-0081 NY 40021-0127 NY 40031-0472 NY 40030-0621 RI 4268-M-056 VA DH-253 NY 39000-0482 SC HD-80B14 SC HD-80B13 SC HD-123 33 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Spec, for Electric Fans; Desk and Spec, for Shelving, Library, Steel Spec, for Shelving, Library, Steel Tent. Spec, for Fans, Electric, 16 In. Desk Spec, for Wood Shelving and Spec, for Wood Shelving, and Std. Spec, for Rick Rack Spec, for Whita Calendered Elastic Textile 970) Spec, for Hose Spec, for Cord; Sash, Spec, for Spec, for Elastic, .601.L-H-520 Spec, for Hose; Water, squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, maintenanc/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Headlight Aiming, t and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic 3) Spec, for Spec, for Pressure Hose and Fittings (Hydraulic, Air Spec, for Livestock Feed, Wheat Std. Spec, for Plumbing Valves Spec, for Sheet Spec, for Pipe; Red Spec, for Fittings; Spec, for Women's Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Baking Equipment Spec, for Baking Equipment Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery , U/ Spec, for Toasters; Electric Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for eth. Std. 406 Spec, for Plastic Bags s) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Bakery Equipment Spec, for Timber Posts for Std. Spec, for Enclosed Air ible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfill Tamper, Paving r, Reversible Drill, N/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Paving Std. Spec, for Portable ntific Equipment) (1970) Spec, for Alcohol Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Summer, Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Blouses and Spec, for Livestock Feed, std. Spec, for Construction of Portland Cement Concrete or truction (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Building astm C-139 Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Building 5 Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Building Spec, for Catch Basin and Manhole Block and Spec, for Paving Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) Detergent Compound Highway/ Std. Spec, for Removal and Disposal of Existing ) Spec, for , Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for te Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Std. Spec, for Timber Piling (for Use in vy Coal Tar Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces se as a Prime Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces Std. Spec, for Road and Spec, for Road and Spec, for Bituminous Concrete (Highway and Spec, for Steel Pile Shells (Highway and ings (Malleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) (Highway and materials for Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads (Highway and forcement and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire) Highway and (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (Highway and couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes (Highway and sote, Water and Oil Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and ng, Rolled and Extruded Structural Shapes (for Highway and heeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) (Highway and Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway and t Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) (Highway and luminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and s; Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application (Highway and Spec, for Timber Piles and Shoes (Highway and al Timber, Lumber, and Preservative Treatment (Highway and Spec, for Portland Cement (Highway and Spec, for Steel Forgings and Shafting (Highway and Spec, for Steel for Timber Connectors (Highway and el Grid Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Highway and Bracket Type Library Shelving (1970) Bracket Type (1952) (Bracket Type) (1970) (Bracket Type) (1970) Bracket (1961) Brackets (1970?) Brackets (1971) Braid (1953) Braid (1968) (Braided Air and Steam, Fire, Garden, Water, Suction) (1 Braided Cotton and Nylon (1970) FED Std. 191 Braided Type Air Hose (1960) ASTM D380 Braided, for Women's Cotton Knit Undergarment (1970) Braided, Knitted or Spiralled (1971) ASTM D380, FED Std Brake and Folder, Buffer Polisher) (1969) /Ller, Foot Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill A Brake Fluid (Heavy Duty) (1969) Brake Fluid (1970?) Brake Fluid, Heavy Duty, Nonmineral Oil (1968) SAE 70r Brake) (1971) Bran (1963) (Brass and Bronze) (1969) Brass (1970?) ASTM B-36 Brass, Seamless (Iron Pipe Size) (1969) Brass, Soldered (for Copper Tubing) (1969) Brassiere (1969) Brassieres (1970) Brass; (Coiled Strip) for Dog License Tag (1960) (Bread Pans) (1967) (Bread Proofer) (1967) Bread Slicing Machine (1963) (Bread Slicing, Bagging and Tying Machines) (1971) Bread, Bun, Muffin and Bagles) (1969) ANSI C33.1, C73.1 (Bread, Buns) (Polyethylene) (1971) FED L-P-378C, Test M (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Aluminum Bun Pan Break Away Road Sign Installations (1970) Break Switches (1964) Breaker) (1970) /Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Revers Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buste Breath Analyzer (Alcohol Detection) (1971) Breath Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Kits (Scie Breeches and Slacks (State Police) (1970?) Breeches (State Police) (1970) Brewers Dried Grains (1963) Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, June Brick Masonry (Full Bed Cement Mortar) for Highway Cons Brick (Clay or Shale) (1970?) AASHO M-l 14 Brick (Concrete) for Catch Basins and Manholes (1970?) Brick (Concrete) (1970?) ASTM C-55 Brick (Concrete, Clay, Shale) (1970) AASHO M91, ASTM C5 Brick (Drainage) (Clay, Shale) (1970?) Brick (Sand Lime) (1970?) ASTM C-73 Brick (1970) Brick (1970?) AASHO M-40 (Brick 2) (1953) Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Bridge and Guard Rail Paint, Black (Finish Coat) (1970? Bridge and Highway Construction (1964) /Timber, Lumber Bridge and Highway Construction (1964) AASHO Ml 57 /Pla Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) (Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) /Spec, for Hea (Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) /(Paint) for U Bridge Construction ( 1961 ) Bridge Construction (1963) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Cast Spec. For Bedding Spec, for Steel Rein Spec, for Culvert Pipe /leal Conduits, Fittings /Imber Preservatives (Creo /M, Miller Metal for Weldi /Oof Paper, Polyethylene S /S, Copper Bearing, Bolts, /T Concrete Admixtures (Se /Teh Basin, Manhole, Drop /Uminized Fiber, Cement, A /Urpentine; Mineral Spirit Bridge Construction) (1970) Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO Ml 68 Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO M168 /. for Structur Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO M85 Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM A235, A237, A 108 Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM A273, AISI 1015 Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM A36, A123 /C. for Ste OR PA NY NY MS NY NY IL TX NY PA TX CA PA NY NY NY TX VA CA NY MI OR MS PA PA RI NY PA NY NY PA NY NY MD OR NY NY FL NY MA MA MI SC SC MS MS MS VA MS MS NJ MS MS SC MS SC SC SC SC SC NJ NJ VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 43-400-0030 F-4 27500-0658 27504-0160 TF-16 27501-0082 27501-0054 *33F 480-34-3 36000-0442 C-26 340-3 1-1 A 701-83-26 H-5 43201-0487 35000-0647 35000-0938 035-38-1A *27 681-66-11 36003-0136 4340-0016 57-200-9010 3331 P-60 F-32 4220-F-001 40014-0087 B-127 31200-0738 31200-0864 WA S-63-59-1 NY 31200-0611 T-75 19902-0348 31200-0304 *8 24-64-8A 43203-0185 43203-0748 ♦29 38787-0709 *26 *27 4340-0018 HD-117 HD-95 3613 3616 3615 DH-227 3612 3614 6110-01 3611 S-2-53-50 HD-116 3526 HD-77 HD-91 HD-100 HD-80B14 HD-80B13 1308-01 1304-00 DH-212 DH-234 DH-230 DH-247 DH-228 DH-240 DH-248 DH-246 DH-236 DH-223 DH-232 DH-217 DH-226 DH-241 DH-239 DH-245 DH-244 DH-216 DH-231 DH-229 DH-233 34 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cast Bronze and Copper Alloy (Highway and Spec, for Copper Sheet and Strip (Highway and nizing Repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Highway and eel and Other Metals Used in Steel Structures (Highway and Mineral Spec, for Road (Highway) and Spec, for Intermediate rete) (1964) Std. Spec, for Riprap for ) Spec, for Spec, for 970?) Spec, for Spec, for ?) Spec, for (1970?) Spec, for coat) (1970?) Spec, for posts (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Tube for Pipe type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type Guide and s, Posts and Accessories (/ Spec, for Beam Type Guide and ompression Joint Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, ncrete Joint Sealer (Cold Applied Elastic Type) (Pavement, Spec, for Mixed Paints Spec, for Playground Equipment (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Spec, for Vinyl Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Spec, for Plank for Wearing Course on Spec, for Prestressed Concrete spec, for Removal and Relocation of Structures (Other Than s(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Manuscript and Spec, for vinyl Coated Fabric (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Shorts Spec, for Shorts cine/ Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray System (Conventional and Spec, for Laundry Sour, Spec, for Fluorescent Spec, for Fluorescent Std. Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds, Cleaner, Granulated or Spec, for Brush, Commode, Toilet, Polypropylene , Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Colors, Cardboard Std. Spec, for Index Spec, for Fm 963) Spec, for Sprayer with Spec, for Fm Spec, for Audio System Spec, for Girls" and Women's Pajamas Spec, for Men's and Boys" Coat Style Pajamas Spec, for Men's and Boys" Middy Style Pajamas c 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton -19 IB Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Women's House Dresses (Cotton Percale or ique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Dress Std. Spec, for Spec, for Poultry Feed, Spec, for Poultry Feed, 1 Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Amine, Spec, for Truck, Ford Spec, for Cast Spec, for Std. Spec, for Valves, screwed and Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Spec, for rB-169, B-147 Spec, for Lubricated 145 Spec, for -147orB-148 Spec, for d, for Land Use) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Wrought Std. Spec, for Plumbing Valves (Brass and Spec, for Gold Spec, for Brushes; Radiator Std. Spec, for Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Spec, for Spec, for Brush and y Sweeper (Self Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Per Min., 16 Ft. Spec, for Handles; Wood, Threaded and Tapered Ends Spec, for Spec, for Front End Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Spec, for Parlor and Warehouse Floor Brooms Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Squares, n) (1970) ASTM B22, B100 Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM B22, B100 Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM B370 Bridge Construction) (1970) FED TT-P-641 /C. for Galva Bridge Construction), Painting, and Cleaning (1964) /T Bridge Construction, Equipment, and Application (1970) Bridge Flooring (1970?) Bridge Foundation and Highway Construction (Stone, Cone Bridge Paint (Ready Mixed) (Highway and Waterway) (1970 Bridge Paint, Brown (Intermediate Field Coat) (1970?) Bridge Paint, Buff (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) ( 1 Bridge Paint, Dark Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Bridge Paint, Foliage Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970 Bridge Paint, Maroon (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, Dull (Intermediate Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Sign Bridge Railing (1970?) ASTM B-221 Bridge Rails, Posts and Accessories ( 197 1 ) / for Beam Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rail Bridge) and Lubricant Adhesive ( 1970?) / Elastomeric C Bridge) (1970?) Spec, for Co (Bridge, Highway, Waterway) (1970) Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Bridges in Coastal Zone (1969) Bridges (Lumber) (1970?) Bridges (1969) Bridges) And/or Miscellaneous Including Utility Connect Brief Case, Leather, Under Arm with Disappearing Handle BriefCase, Leather, 3 Pocket (1969) Brief Case, Leather, 4 Pocket ( 1969) BriefCase, Zippered Plastic Envelope (1969) Brief Covers (1971) Brief Covers, Leatherette Grain, Notebook, File (1969) Brief (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Briefs (Jockey Style) (1960) (Briefs) (Men's and Boys') (Departmental) (1971) (Briefs) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Bright Image Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and Brightener (Bleach) (1961) Brightener (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1965) Brightener (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1971) Brightener (Phosphoric Acid Type Cleaner) (1969) Briquette, Institutional (1970?) Bristle (1966) (Bristol, /, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards Bristols and Boards (1970) Broadcast Equipment (College) (1971) Broadcast Nozzles and Contour-Matic Boom (1000 Gal.) (1 Broadcasting Equipment (University) (1971) (Broadcasting Studio) (College) (1970) (Broadcloth and Plisse) (1969) (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) (Wash and Wear) (1965) Aatc Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Broadcloth (Mercerized Cloth, Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T Broadcloth) (1969) Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Cheviot, Terry, Twill) Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Broadcloth, Printed Fancy (Cloth) (1970?) Broadcloth; Cotton (Textile, Cloth) (1969) Broiler Finisher (1963) Broiler Starter (1963) Bromacil Weed Killer) ( 1971 ) /Pon, Amino Triazole, Soi Bronco (Pickup) (1969) Bronze and Copper Alloy (Highway and Bridge Constructio Bronze and Iron Body Valves (1969) Bronze and Iron ( 1969) Bronze Angle, Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Bronze Bearing Plates and Bushings (1970?) ASTM B-148 O Bronze Castings - Type 1 (Low Strength) (1970?) ASTM B- Bronze Castings - Type 2 (High Strength) (1970?) ASTM B Bronze Gate Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flange Bronze Plates (1970?) ASTM B-100 or A- 169 Bronze) (1969) Bronze, Powdered (for Paint) (1969) Bronzing (1970) Broom Grass, Oats, Corn) (1969) Broom Handle, Wood, Uncoated (1969) Broom Handles (1967) Broom) (1971) Spec, for (Airport) Runwa (Broom, Brush, Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Broom, Corn (1968) Broom, Hydraulic Grader) (1969) (Broomcorn Fiber) (1968) Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels An VA DH-237 VA DH-238 VA DH-258 SC HD-79 VA DH-1 MS 3461 SC HD-108 NY 38009-0082 MS 3521 MS 3517 MS 3524 MS 3525 MS 3515 MS 3527 MS 3528 MS 3363 NY 32000-0439 NY 32000-0439 MS 3721 MS 3725 NY 38009-0039 NY 30211-0572 CA 691-80-75 MS 3462 SC ♦38 SC HD-125 CA 691-84-39 CA 691-84-37 CA 691-84-38 CA 691-75-35 IL *32U CA 691-75-61 PA C-149 RI 4287-M-006 NY 40031-0561 NY 40031-0472 NY 11000-0341 MS S-6-61 TX 371-36-1 NY 25524-0353 WA S-60-19 MA *15 KY 7920-3 NY 23100-0855 OR 74-300-0090 NY 38201-0454 NJ 4938-61 NY 38201-0644 NY 38201-0600 RI 4270-F-006 RI 4270-M-001 RI 4270-M-005 TX 685-34-2 RI 4910-001 TX 685-34-3 RI 4230-F-002 NY 32600-0622 MS T-1A-60-1 PA B-103 MA ♦35-57 OR 79-100-9040 MI 4340-0132 MI 4340-0130 NY 22100-0497 MI 3958-0086 VA DH-237 KS 37-7 IL ♦19 TX 540-73-2A MS 3329 MS 3327 MS 3328 TX 520-73-1B MS 3325 OR 57-200-9010 PA B-27 PA B-46 WI 3748 CA 691-76-55 TX 370-31-8 AK ♦4 PA H-23 KY 7920-1 NY 40603-0205 TX 370-31-1B NY 39000-0482 35 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 4 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Parlor and Warehouse Floor Spec, for Outdoor Push Spec, for Ceiling Spec, for Whisk Spec, for Fire Fighting Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, re ( 1969) Spec, for Dark Spec, for Spec, for Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Red or nthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Spec, for Soap, Bar, Std. Spec, for Bar Soap Std. Spec, for Bar Soap Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Equipment Primer, Spec, for Paint, Iron Oxide, Ready Mix, Red and Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Bar, ec. for Linseed Oil Iron Oxide Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Std. Spec, for Primer, Ferrous Metal, Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Bungalow or Walnut e), Complete (1968) FED KK-L-31 la Spec, for Sam Spec, for Sam Spec, for 1964) FED SS-R-/ Spec, for Asphalt Asbestos Roof Coating Spec, for Wood and Spec, for Wood and Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Spec, for Chipper Spec, for 2, 4, 5- Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid latile Ester) (1961) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Herbicide; Weed and eed and Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Liquid, Spec, for Scrub Spec, for Radiator Spec, for Radiator Spec, for Multi Purpose Light Duty Sweeping Spec, for Bottle Spec, for Tube and Bottle Spec, for Percolator Spec, for Hair Spec, for Spec, for . for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Spec, for en and Lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, spec, for Handles; Wood, Threaded and Tapered Ends (Broom, an/ Std. Spec, for Notions (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair ng Utensils, Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1/ Spec, for Pipe Std. for Tooth oilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) (1/ Spec, for Household 66) FED H-B-695C Spec, for Varnish ) FED H-B-420D, H-B-141C Spec, for Wall Paint stencil) (1953) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Flat Sash H-B-491D Spec, for Paint Spec, for Rotary Floor Machine Spec, for Commode ars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Spec, for Wall Type Paint Spec, for Leather Bound Stucco Spec, for Flat Varnish Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Hand Scrub Spec, for Gong Pot Spec, for Deck Floor Spec, for Sweeping Floor Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Tooth Std. Spec, for Type Cleaning and Dusting Spec, for Paint Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for /Varnish Base Sy Brooms (Broomcorn Fiber) (1968) Brooms (1967) Brooms (1968) Brooms (1968) Brooms (1971) Brooms; Floor, Janitor and Warehouse (Corn) (1970) Brooms; Push, Fiber (for Hard Surface) (1970) Brooms; Upright, Corn Fiber (Floor) (1970) Brooms; Wisk ( 1970) Brown Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Check Denim, Heavy, (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Check, Dress Material (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Coat Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Brown Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Brown Iron Oxide ( 1964) Brown Iron Oxide) (1962) FED Std. 141 Brown Laundry (1970) (Brown Laundry) (1953) (Brown Laundry) (1969) Brown Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Brown (Intermediate Field Coat) (1970?) Brown (Metal, Paint) (1970?) Brown (1964) Brown (1969) Brown) (1962) FED Std. 141 Brown, Enamel (Paint) (1970) Brown, Wood (1970) Browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster (Polic Browne Police Belt and Shoulder Strap ( 1968) Brush and Broom Handles (1967) (Brush Application for Waterproofing and Dampproofing) Brush Chipping Machine ( 1 2 and 1 5 In. ) ( 1 97 1 ) Brush Chipping Machine (1970) Brush Cutter Attachment for Motor Grader (1970) Brush Cutter, Portable (1969) (Brush Grinder), Trailer Mounted ( 1969) Brush Killer (Herbicide) (1967) Brush Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Vo Brush Killer, Salts and Esters (1969) Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, I Brush on (1961) Brush (Corner and Baseboard) (1963) Brush (Wire Model) (1968) Brush (Wood Model) (1968) Brush (1967) Brush (1968) Brush (1968) Brush (1968) Brush (1970) Brush, Commode, Toilet, Natural Fiber (1966) Brush, Commode, Toilet, Polypropylene Bristle (1966) Brush, Concentrated Weight, Household or Light Duty Typ Brush, Scrub, Corner, Baseboard (1966) Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Dump Cart) Brush, Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooki Brushes (Adults" and Children's) (1968) Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (T Brushes (Flat, —1 to —3 Size, Synthetic Filament) ( 19 Brushes (Metal Bound, Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 In.) (1966 Brushes (Oil Paint, Pottery, Varnish, Water Color, and Brushes (Paint and Varnish) (1971) Brushes (Paint) (1964) Brushes (Sash Tool and Trim, Nylon Filament) (1964) Fed Brushes (Scrubbing and Polishing) (1968) Brushes (Toilet) (1967) Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Brushes (1964) Brushes (1964) Brushes (1964) Brushes (1965) Brushes (1967) Brushes (1967) Brushes (1967) Brushes (1967) Brushes (1968) Brushes (1970) Brushes (1971) Brushes (1971) Brushes, Paint, Metal Bound, Flat (1969) Brushes, Rotary Floor Machine (1968) Brushes, Shower Feed for Rotary Floor Machine ( 1968) Brushes, Varnish, Flat, Paint (1969) Brushes; Artists (1971) Sp TX TX TX TX NY SC PA PA PA MA MA MA MA MI CA KY VA LA MS OR MA MS MS KY CA VA MS MS PA TX TX TX NY NY SC NY NJ NE WA PA MS MS VA TX TX TX TX TX TX CA KY KY TX KY NY PA FL TX CT VA VA VA IL MS TX VA TX TX NY TX TX TX OR TX TX TX TX IL CA IL TN MI KY KY MI PA 370-3 1-1 B 370-31-5 370-31-17 370-31-18 39008-0880 11-110-1002 B-3 B-l B-2 *35-34 •35-13 ♦35-70 ♦35-31 5325-S30 691-80-87 25A DK-25A ♦11-3 S-2-53-38 76-401-9010 ♦35-25 3521 3511 12B 691-77-30 DK-12B PE-9 PE-5 B-l 42 550-41-1A 370-31-8 605-38-1 42900-0302 42900-0578 ♦13 37010-0342 4938-36 ♦64 S-61-37 H-16 C-40A-7 1 TC-32 C-5 370-31-11 370-31-10 370-31-4 370-31-12 370-31-14 370-31-15 702-85-27 7920-4 7920-3 265-32-2B 7920-5 08206-0442 H-23 ♦25 370-31-13 1 1-1 ID C-4 C-2A C-1A ♦33X B-3C-71 11 0-3 2-4 A C-6 265-31-1 370-31-9 39000-0482 110-32-1A 11 0-3 2-2 A 11 0-3 2-3 A 41-65-1A 370-31-2 370-31-3 370-31-6 370-31-7 ♦8 702-85-03 ♦32G ♦2 5310-S2 7910-8 7910-9 5310-S1 B-52 36 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards i Garage (1966) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Spec, for Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Spec, for Spec, for spec, for Water Coolers (Electric) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Spec, for Coolers, Drinking Water, Electric, Pressure Std. Spec, for Electric Spec, for Front End Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type, Diesel and Front Spec, for Sewer Cleaner, Flexible Power Spec, for Chairs - Type III (Fiber Glass Spec, for Furniture, Office Chairs (Metal) Spec, for Cleaner, Sewer, Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine (Power, Drag Spec, for Traxcavator, with 2 cu. Yd. Spec, for Concrete Handling Spec, for General Purpose Clamshell , Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Multipurpose el Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Loader omotive Equipment (Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Man Fiberglass der (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Yd. Rated with 3 1/2 Yd. Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Attachments (Angledozer, Spec, for Front End Loader (Snow c. for Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Spec, for Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Front End Loader for Double Mopping Outfits, Trucks or Tanks, Wringers and Spec, for Belt Components, Spec, for Men's and Boys" Overshoes (4 Spec, for Men's Overshoes (4 Std. Spec, for Overall Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, / Spec, for Seeds (Barley, Spec, for Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Floor Finish, Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion, s-598, P-W-155a Spec, for Floor Wax nation Notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Folder, Spec, for Floor Maintenance Pads (Stripping, Scrubbing, Spec, for Yellow Fast Dry High Std. Spec, for Alkaline Soap Spec, for Heavy Duty Stain and Soil Removing Laundry Spec, for Alkaline Laundry tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (Soap Manufacture and Detergent Spec, for Laundry Soap c. for Trisodium Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for paper, Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Ins/ Spec, for Spec, for Lumber, Plywood and Other Std. Spec, for Laminated Spec, for Re - Roofing of Men's Physical Education Spec, for Equipment Storage Spec, for Venetian Blinds Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance (Health and Agriculture Spec, for Yard Lumber (General Spec, for Venetian Blinds Spec, for Venetian Blinds Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Floor, Street, An Brushes; Calcimine or Block ( 1 97 1 ) Brushes; Cleaning, Steel Wire (1970) Brushes; Dust, Counter and Bench (1969) Brushes; Dust, Painters (1971) Brushes; Dust, Radiator (1969) Brushes; Dust, Wall and Ceiling (1969) Brushes; Floor Sweep ( 1970) Brushes; Hand, Floor, Scrub (1969) Brushes; Paint and Varnish (1970) Brushes; Paint, Metal Bound, Flat (1965) Brushes; Paint, Sash and Trim ( 1970) Brushes; Pot and Sink ( 1969) Brushes; Radiator Bronzing (1970) Brushes; Roof, Knotted Style, Three Knots (1969) Brushes; Sanitary, Bed Pan and Toilet ( 1971 ) Brushes; Scrub, Dry (1957) Brushes; Scrub, Floor, Hand (Narrow Waist) (1969) Brushes; Scrubbing, Floor (1956) Brushes; Shaving (1957) Brushes; Shoe Polishing and Dauber (1956) Brushes; Stencil (1955) Brushes; Stippling, Wall (1954) Brushes; Tooth (1965) Brushes; Varnish and Paint, Oval (1970) Brushes; Varnish, Flat (1965) Brushing Consistency, Fibred (1964) FED SS-R-451 Brushing Consistency, Nonfibred (1964) Brushing Oil (Creosote) (1970?) AASHO M-133 Brushing (1969) Brush; Cleaning, Butcher Block (Flat Wire) (1971) Brush; Window (1969) Bubble Style) (1971) FED OO-D-00566(3) Bubbler Type (1968) Bubbler Water Coolers (1969) Bucket Loader (1970) Bucket Loader (1971) Bucket Machine (1962) Bucket Stack Chair) (1965) (Bucket Style, Upholstered) (1970) Bucket Type (1968) Bucket Type) (1968) Bucket (Front End Loader) (1968) Bucket (Lightweight, Laydown Type) (1970) Bucket (1 cu. Yd. Capacity, Square Nose Type) (1970) Bucket (1966) Spec, for Loader Bucket) (1970) Spec, for Ste Bucket) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Aut Bucket) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Front End Loa Bucket) (1971?) Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic Grader) (1969) Bucket, Diesel Engine and Backhoe Attachments (1969) Bucket, Mop, Metal with or Without Chassis ( 1966) Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) Buckets (1971) Spec. Buckle, Clip and Webbing (1970) Buckle, Dress Type) (1957) Buckle, Heavy Duty Type) (1957) Buckles (1953) Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Buff Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Buff (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Buffable (1970) (Buffable, Water Emulsion, Slip Resistant) (1964) FED P- Buffer Polisher) (1969) /Ller, Foot Squaring and Combi Buffing, Polishing) (1971) Build Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces (Paint) (1971) Builder (Laundry) (1953) Builder (Powder) (1968) Builder (1969) Builder) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Sodium Builder, General Duty, Alkaline (1969) Builder, Water Softening, and Boiler Scale Preventative Building Brick (Clay or Shale) (1970?) AASHO M-l 14 Building Brick (Concrete) (1970?) ASTM C-55 Building Brick (Sand Lime) (1970?) ASTM C-73 Building Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Building Materials ( 1 965 ) Building Paper; Waterproofed (1970) FED UU-B-790a Building (1970) Building (1971) (Building) (1968) Building) (1970) Building) (1970?) (Building) (1971) (Building) (1971) KY 7920-2 PA B-113 PA B-78 PA B-ll PA B-47 PA B-10 PA B-6 PA B-4 PA B-9 NJ 1120-00 PA B-43 PA B-45 PA B-106 PA B-46 PA B-114 PA B-15 PA B-122 PA B-75 PA B-17 PA B-31 PA B-29 PA B-50 PA B-40 PA B-26 PA B-25 PA B-38 MS R-5-64-25 MS R-5-64-26 MS 3176 CA 691-80-407 PA B-80 PA B-5 NY 26500-0635 KY 4110-1 KS 37-1B SC 14-200-0451 A NY 40601-0422 NJ 4938-46 NJ 3718-05 NY 21705-0647 NJ 6356-02 NY 44000-0572 NJ 4938-107 NY 41101-0566 NY 41101-0605 NJ 4932-00 NY 40903-0431 NY 40533-0527 AK *15 SC 14-300-0451 NY 40603-0205 NJ 4938-09A KY 7920-18 AK ♦72 NY 22800-0424 PA B-125 RI 4268-M-073 RI 4268-M-074 IL ♦33G NY 07900-0584 CA 691-80-85 MS 3517 MI 4642-S2 VA K-6E NY 43201-0487 NY 31901-0523 TX 630-63-9 MS S-2-53-10 VA L-5A VA L-7 NY 25523-0327 CA 691-77-16 TX 153-33-1 MS 3613 MS 3615 MS 3614 NY 31827-0529 KY ♦1 OR 64-500-0080 NE *83 NY 33800-0373 NY 24401-0542 NJ •8 MS 3457 NY 24401-0263 NY 24401-0270 37 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards or Granules) (1968) s) (1968) nules) (1968) or Powder) (1968) als (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Sealants, and Insulation Std. Spec, for Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance (Library - Archives Spec, for Radio Towers and Transmitter Spec, for Radio Towers and Transmitter Spec, for Exterior Paint, Light Stone Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mower, 32 In., Rotary, with Spec, for Heavy Duty or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Mach/ Spec, for ) for Automatic Fabric Washing Machines) (1967/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for nd Woolen Fabrics in Power Laundry (19/ Spec, for Organic Std. Spec, for for Roofing; Felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing Std. Spec, for Asbestos Base Sheet Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Pitch for 1964) CE 220.01 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for 4) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for 64) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for Asphalt for ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Furniture, Office (Custom Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Spec, for Liquid Cleaner Detergent Spec, for Low Sudsing Liquid Detergent Cleaner Spec, for Ice Making Machines, Cubers (Also with nces; Providing New Wells; Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Spec, for Spec, for . 175 A, NSF20, UL 471 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ming) (1971) Spec, for Dairy Pipeline and for Furnishing and Applying Asphaltic Oil and Emulsion in railer) (Division and Temperature Con/ Spec, for Portable Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Spec, for Reversible Framed Chalkboards and Spec, for Chalkboards, titutional) (1970) Spec, for Billiard, Carom, and equipment (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Aluminum pec. for Toasters; Electric Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for Bread, Spec, for Ion Beam Source / Pulser / Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Spec, for Double Deck d- 406 Spec, for Plastic Bags (Bread, Spec, for Nylon Cloth Spec, for Cotton, Nylon and Wool Spec, for Cotton (Battery Operated, for Housing Within Navigational Aid or Spec, for Life Vests, Spec, for Plastic Navigational Aids (Spar Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can and Spar can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and Spar Std. Spec, for Natural te) (1970?) AASHO M-182 Spec, for Spec, for Bags, aper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Spec, for Textile, Crown Canvas Spec, for als for Concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fuel Oil, Std. Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for an Oil Spec, for ) Spec, for tural Lime (Limestone, Hydrated (Spraying and Dusting) and ec. for Heavy Duty Hydraulic Transmission Fluid for Truck, Std. Spec, for Yellow Spec, for Prison Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for Rear End Pusher Type Spec, for School Spec, for High Gloss Alkyd Enamel (School Spec, for School for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to School ,4X2, Wheel Chair Access) (1971) Spec, for Adult Spec, for 32 Passenger Conventional Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier 38 Spec, or Roofing Materi (Building) (1971) Building, Metal, Prefabricated (1961) Building, State Museum) (1970) Buildings (State Police) (1971) Buildings (State Police) (1971) (Buildings) (1970?) FED TT-P-102 Built High Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder Built High Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granule Built High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Gra Built High, Medium and Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular Built in Sulky (1964) Built Laundry Detergent (Institutional Use) (1969) Built Low Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder Built Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules Built Soap (1953) Built Soap, Granulated (Laundry) (1969) Built Synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, Colored A Built Synthetic Organic Detergent (1954) Built Up Roof Coverings ) (1968) Spec (Built Up Roofing) (1970) FED HH-R-590a Built Up Roofs (1964) FED RP-381 Built Up Roofs, Grade I, 135 Deg. to 148 Deg. F. M.P. Built Up Roofs, Type Ii, 140 Deg. to 175 Deg. M.P. (196 Built Up Roofs, Type Iii, 180 Deg. to 200 Deg. M.P. (19 Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Tables, Book Truck) Built, Powder (1966) (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) Built-in Crusher) (Institutional Use) (1966) Bulbs, Etc. for Highway Construction (1964) /Appurtena Bulk Gas - Oxygen, Nitrogen (Liquid) (1971) Bulk Liquid Nitrogen (1970) Bulk Milk Dispenser, Mechanically Cooled (1970) MIL Std Bulk Oxygen, Liquid (1969) Bulk Oxygen, Liquid (1970) Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder (Chlorinated, Nonfoa Bulk (1970?) AASHO M-l 40-64, M-81-62, M-82-62 Spec. Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van T Bulldozer; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Bulldozer; with Winch, Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Bulletin Boards (1968) Bulletin Boards, and Directories (1971) Bumper Pool Tables and and Accessories (Heavy Duty, Ins Bun Pans) (1971) Spec, for Bakery Bun, Muffin and Bagles) (1969) ANSI C33.1, C73.1, UL 19 Buncher System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Bungalow or Walnut Brown, Wood (1970) Bunk Bed (1968) Buns) (Polyethylene) (1971) FED L-P-378C, Test Meth. St (Bunting for Flags) (Textile) (1957) Bunting for United States Flag (1968) Bunting (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Buoy) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Flashing Lights Buoyant (1964) Buoys) (1969) Buoys) (1971) Buoys) (1971) Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Burlap and Canvas (1953) Burlap Curing Blankets (Cover on Portland Cement Concre Burlap (Laminated) (1968) Burlap) for Highway Construction (1964) / Waterproof P (Burlap) (Cloth) (1970?) Burlap, Jute (1969) Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) (Highway and Bridg Burner Fuel Oil, Kerosene, and Stoddard Solvent (1968) Burner (1969) Burner (1970) Burning Asphalt Heating Kettle (1968) Burnt Sienna Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Burnt Umber Finish Coat (Paint), Structural Steel (1969 Burnt) (1971) S pec. for Agricul Bus and Earth Moving Equipment (1970?) Sp Bus and Equipment Enamel (Paint) (1964) FED TT-E-489C Bus Bodies for Inmate Transport (1969) Bus Body and Chassis (16, 20, and 24 Passenger) (1970) Bus Body and Chassis (1971) Bus Body (1971) Bus Chassis (1969) Bus Chassis (1971) Bus Chrome) (Paint) (1971) Bus Gasoline Tanker Bodies (1969) Bus Windshields (1964) Spec, and Requirements Bus (Special Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type Bus (1970?) Bus) 36 Passenger (1971) Bus) (41 Passenger, Metropolitan Type) (1971) NY NC NJ NY NY MS TX TX TX TX NJ VA TX TX MS OR VA MS PA OR MS MS MS MS NY KY TX TX PA SC NY NE PA NY NY MS NJ NY SC SC NY NY NY NY PA NY MS CA NY RI NY RI NY KY NY NY NY IL MS NY SC MA PA VA WI OR CT SC CA CA PA VA SC SC TX TX SC SC SC TX SC NJ AK HI NY NY 31827-0534 5410-B-l *7 38211-0178 38211-0904 3534 395-36-4 395-36-3 395-45-5 395-45-1B 4938-20 L-20 395-36-2 395-36-1A S-2-53-3 76-401-9020 L-2 S-4-54 R-l 64-500-0120 R-5-64-32 R-5-64-3 1 R-5-64-30 R-5-64-29 21802-0174 7930-15 370-33-3C 370-33-5A 1-17 HD-125 34200-0359 *6 D-29 34200-0263 34200-0345 T-D-23C-71 1308-02 42300-0630 14-300-035 IB 14-300-035 1C 23100-0411 23103-0029 30208-0576 31200-0304 T-75 38760-0309 PE-5 681-67-11 19902-0348 4935-001 39800-0847 4910-002 34502-0632 2030-6A 34501-0941 34501-0830 34501-0832 *33Y 3751 32703-0682 HD-59B9 *35-23 B-32 DH-223 3548 87-400-9010 3548-F-5B 14-110 691-80-88 691-80-76 L-36 *26 HD-80B8 14-050 A 040-35-2 040-35-11 *35 14-050 *34 520-42-8 22-600-0300 0734-03 *77 *22 40520-0650 40520-0308 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Std. Spec, for Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Suburban Coach Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Pickups, Light Trucks, Station Minimum Spec, for School Spec, for School Spec, for Automotive Equipment (School Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Spec, for Lubricated Bronze Bearing Plates and Spec, for Thermography - (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Std. Spec, for Spec, for Brush; Cleaning, FED SS-S-/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Square Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square neles Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square 6 K Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dried Std. Spec, for Elastic, Embroidery Floss, and rug Trimming) and Pinking Shear/ Std. Spec, for Scissors 6 Std. Spec, for Notions (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Spec, for Armored Underground Cable ers and Filter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Spec, for Paper Towels Spec, for Paper Towel Dockets (1968) Spec, for Truck, 32,000 G.V.W. for Cleaner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. Tilt Spec, for Truck (Tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. 000 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for Truck, terial Spreader (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Std Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Spec, for Truck, 18,200 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 20,500 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck (Tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck Spec, for Conventional 20,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Spec, for 30,000 G.V.W. Truck Tilt Spec, for 50,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck Aerial Ladder (19/ Spec, for Truck, Medium Duty, Six Man ibutor (1970) (1970) ane (1968) 68) 70) ) ) ailgate (1969) nnel (1970) (1969) Body and Payload (1969) 1969) 1969) 969) 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) (1969) Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asph/ Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck Bus, Body, 24 Passenger (1969) Bus, Body, 40 Passenger (1969) Bus, Chassis and Body, 20 Passenger (1969) Bus, Compact, 12 Passenger (1970) Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 24 Passenger (1969) Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 40 Passenger (1969) Bus, 11 Passenger (1969) Bus, 36 Passenger (1969) Bus, 45 - 56 Passenger, School) (1968) Bus, 48 Passenger (1969) Bus, 54 Passenger (1969) Bus, 60 Passenger (1969) Bus, 66 Passenger (1969) Bus, 73 Passenger (.1969) Bus, 79 Passenger (1969) Bus, 91 Passenger (1969) (Buses - Adult Carriers) (1967) (Buses - Adult Carriers) (1968) Buses and Vans (1971) Buses (1970) Buses (66, 15, and 12 Passenger) (1970) Buses) (1971) (Buses, Adult Passenger) (1970) (Buses, 23 Adult Passenger) (1971) (Buses, 28 Adult Passenger) (1970) Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pump Bushings (1970?) ASTM B-148 or B-169, B-147 Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes (1971) Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler, Impact Wrenche Bus; Adult Passenger (School) (1969) Butcher Block ( Flat Wire ) ( 1 97 1 ) Butt Extra Heavy, Mineral Surfaced, 275-300 Lb. (1970) Butt' Mineral Surfaced, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. Std (1964) Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 250 L.B. (1970) ASTM D-225-62 Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1970) / Spec, for Roof Shi Butterchips, Paper (1965) Buttermilk (1963) Button Hole Gimp (1953) (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor s, Buttons, Tailor's Chalk and Crayon (1953) Buttons- Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; (Butyl) for Highway Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-81 Bypass and Full Flow (1967) Std. Spec, for Filt (C-Fold Type - High Quality) (1969) (C-Fold Type) (1970) Cab and Chassis Equipped with Platform Body with Stake Cab and Chassis Mounted (1967) Spec. Cab and Chassis with Crane and 5Th Weel (1969) Cab and Chassis with Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12, Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and Ma Cab and Chassis with Mounted 1500 Gal. Bituminous Distr Cab and Chassis with Platform Body and Roadside Sprayer Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Electric Powered Cr Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Ladder (19 Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Ladder (19 Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Basket Lift ( 1970 Cab and Chassis with Van Type Body and Core Drill (1970 Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Water Tank Body (1969) Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake Body with Hydraulic T Cab and Chassis with 25 Ton Wrecker Body (1969) Cab and Chassis with 5Th Wheel and Winch (1969) Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Van Body for Perso Cab and Chassis (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. G.V.W. Cab and Chassis ( 10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Cab and Chassis (1970) Cab and Chassis (1970) Cab and Chassis (1970) Cab and Chassis (1970) Cab and Chassis (1971) Cab and Chassis (22,000 G.V.W.) (1970) Cab and Chassis (25,500 G.V.W.) (1970) Cab and Chassis (32,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and 360 Deg. Cab and Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Cab and Chassis, Special, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload Cab and Chassis, Special, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload Cab and Chassis, Special, 19,500 Lb. (1969) Cab and Chassis, Special, 25,000 Lb. ( 1969) Cab and Chassis, Special, 5,800 Lb. Body and Payload ( 1 Cab and Chassis, 10,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Payload Cab and Chassis, 14 Ft. Stake Body, Special (1969) Cab and Chassis, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Cab and Chassis, 151 In. Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal MI MI MI MS MI MI CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY NY OR KY NV NY NY NY NY MI MS NY NY OR PA MS MS MS MS KY MI IL IL IL FL MS NC NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ MI NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ MI NH SC SC SC SC SC NH NH NH NJ MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI NJ 3915-0185 3915-0189 3915-0200 TV-4-7 1 3915-0184 3915-0188 691-23-31 691-23-32 40521-0598 691-23-33 691-23-34 691-23-35 691-23-36 691-23-37 691-23-38 691-23-39 40500-0283 40520-0389 06-200-1040 *2 *6 40520-0473 40520-0453 40520-0807 40520-0566 5255-S11 3329 50048 43203-0748 06-200-9030 B-80 r_5_64-4 R-5-64-1 r_5_64-3 R-5-64-2 7850-3 4340-0008 *33J *33P *33H *25 3805 2940-OF-l 7572-03 7572-02 4938-38A 4938-80 4938-128 3958-0146 4938-00 4938-132 4938-99 4938-73 4938-115 4938-138 4938-134 4938-140 4938-23 4938-106 4938-127 4938-44 4938-141 3958-0168 6536-030 *21 *23 ♦24 *25 14-020-2616 6536-033 6536-035 6536-038 4938-41 3958-0136 3958-0096 3958-0132 3958-0128 3958-0156 3958-0072 3958-0102 3958-0138 3958-0142 3958-0134 3958-0160 3958-0130 4938-28 39 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ide Sprayer) (1961) 9) 1969) oad ( 1969) Spec, for Truck, Forward Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for 1/2 Ton Truck Chassis, Spec, for 3/4 Ton Truck Chassis, pec. for Conventional 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Spec, for Truck Chassis with Tilt tomotive Equipment (Truck Tractors with Short Conventional Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Spec, for 7,300 Lb. G.V.W. Truck, Chassis and Marking Machine Unit (Tr/ Spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Spec, for 6 Man Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Body Complete with Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck Body Complete with Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck with Closed Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Spec, for Conventional Dump Truck Chassis with Spec, for Truck Chassis with Spec, for Truck Chassis with Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with 4 Door Crew Spec, for 10,000 Lb. (Minimum) G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Spec, for 24,000 G.V.W. Truck, Chassis and Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis (Tilt Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type Spec, for Tractor Shovel Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type Spec, for Conventional Truck Chassis with Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck (6 Passenger Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man 967) Spec, for Truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Tilt Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type tian Canals, Picnic Tabl/ Spec, for Playground Equipment r Fire Alarm System (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted d. Spec, for Machine, Floor Scrubbing, Electric (Battery), Spec, for Laundry Presses; Commercial Shirts, Trousers Std. Spec, for Laundry Presses, Commercial (General) Spec, for Steel Storage Spec, for Variable Temperature Spec, for Humidity Std. Spec, for Steel Claims steel Storage Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Furniture) Spec, for Filing, Lateral Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Spec, for Files, Shelf, spec, for Food Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream r Truck with Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Work k, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Spec, for Drafting Supplies (Plan and Map File Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Base Spec, for Spec, for Steel Filing Spec, for Lateral Steel Filing Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Spec, for Specimen Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Spec, for Metal Wardrobe Spec, for Combination All Metal Dresser and Wardrobe Tent. Spec, for Rigid Front Steel Filing Spec, for Filing Std. Spec, for Card Spec, for Classroom for Metal Office Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Desks, Filing Spec, for Drafting Furniture (Tables and Plan File c. for Patient Room Furniture (Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Spec, for Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work Benches, for Furniture; Hospital Room and Dormitory (Beds, Tables, Spec, for er, Sink As/ Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Racks, Spec, for Shop Furniture (Work Benches, Storage Spec, for Mobile Food Service Equipment; 59 Spec, for Filing teel Office Furniture (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Tent. Std. Spec, for Filing Spec, for Filing Spec, for Library Card Catalog Spec, for (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Spec, for Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Back Body, 10,500 Lb. Payl Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Van Type Body (1969) Cab and Chassis, 25,500 Lb. G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. Roads Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Body, Hydraulic Hoist (196 Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist Cab and Pickup Body ( 1970) Cab and Pickup Body (1970) Cab and Platform Stake Body (1970) Cab and Utility Box) (1971) Cab and 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970) Cab and 5Th Wheel) (1970) Spec, for Au Cab Chassis) (1970) Cab Only (1970) Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and Pavement Cab Pick Up Truck ( 1970) Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hydraulic Hoist (1971) Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Cab with Front Plow) (1971) Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1969) Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1970) Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 Lb.) (1970) Cab (10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Cab (10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Cab (1969) Cab (1969) Cab (1970?) Cab) (1971) Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. G.V.W. (1969) (Cab, Backhoe and Loader) (1970) (Cab, Backhoe) (1969) (Cab, Backhoe, Loader, Flail Mower) (College) (1970) Cab, G.V.W. 21,000 Lb. (1969) Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. Box) (1971) Cab, Utility Body and Hydraulic Tailgate (1968) Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist and Body with Drop Sides ( 1 (Cab, 3-Point Hitch, Rear Blade) ( 1971 ) (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Mar Cabinet Containing Batteries and Charger) (1968) /. Fo Cabinet Style (1965) St (Cabinet Type) (1968) (Cabinet Type) (1969) Cabinet (Office Furniture) (1969) Cabinet (1968) Cabinet (1968) Cabinet (20 Drawer, 5 X 8 In. Cards) (1970) (Cabinet) (1969) Spec, for (Cabinet) (1970) Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Cabinet, Lateral, Steel ( 1970) Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Tab Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Panel and Slide) ( 1971 ) Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile Laboratory Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, C Cabinets and Roll Film Units) (1967) Cabinets and Sink) (Pantry) (1969) Cabinets for Continuous Traffic Counter Stations (1970) Cabinets (Card Size) (Office Equipment) (1969) Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1968) Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1969) Cabinets (Geology Paleontology, Trays) (1968) Cabinets (Letter and Legal) (1968) Cabinets (Office Furniture) (1969) Cabinets (1958) Cabinets (1968) Cabinets (1970?) Cabinets (1971) Cabinets (1971) Cabinets) (1970) Spec. Cabinets) (1971) Cabinets, and Overbed Tables) (1970) Spe Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving and Storage) (1969) Cabinets, Dressers) (1969) Spec. Cabinets, Filing, Vertical, Metal, Office (1970) (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dry Cabinets, Mobile) (1970) Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon Hole Units) (1970) Cabinets, Racks and Dollies (1971) Cabinets, Steel, Vertical, 5 Drawer (1969) FED AA-F-003 Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Cabinets, Vertical, Steel (1964) Cabinets, Vertical, Steel (1969) Cabinets, Wood (1970) Cabinets; Card Catalog (1966) Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Cabinets; Filing, Steel (Letter and Legal) (1954) MI 3958-0150 MI 3958-0164 NJ 4938-25 MI 3958-0060 MI 3958-0078 CA 702-23-04 CA 702-23-05 SC 14-010-0451 AK *46 NE *28 NY 40500-0479 NY 41600-0620 SC *20 NJ 4938-22 SC •16 SC *10 SC 22-600 AK ♦47 SC *17 SC 14-310 SC ♦19 SC •18 SC 14-020-0451 SC 14-020-0702 NE *22 SC 14-020 VA *4 AK *45 MI 3958-0168 NY 40601-0593 NY 40603-0137 NY 40601-0680 SC 14-020-0451 A AK *54 NJ 4938-113 NJ 4938-102 NY 40601-0754 NY 30211-0572 NY 34400-0777 MS M-4A-65 PA P-159 NC 3510-LP-4 RI 1-009 NY 12023-0852 NY 12026-0011 OR 43-230-9010 RI 1-002 NJ 7148-09 NY 35000-0647 MI 3744-S1 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0124 NJ 4938-48 NY 36200-0768 NY 31600-0031 NY 36200-0225 NY 35812-0169 RI 1-035 RI 1-003 A RI 1-003 NY 12004-0091 TX 300-45-3A RI 1-008 NJ 3712-00 KS 70-2D NV 7110-FC IL *32H NY 27001 NM *5 NY 31600-0084 NY 20302-0586 NY 35100-0775 PA F-81A NJ 7148-01 NY 38810-0650 NY 36114-0355 NY 35100-0684 PA M-52 CA 691-67-25 HI ♦7 MS TF-22-64 MI 3742-S1 CA 701-67-15 PA C-171 AK ♦53 PA C-93 40 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards )(1970) Restraining Table) (Testing and Resea/ ASTM B-8 Spec, for Highway Traffic Signal essure, Fixture Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Electric Spec, for Wire Rope and Fittings for Spec, for Spec, for Twine; i (1971 ) Spec, for Campus Signal Distribution System Spec, for VHF - CATV Distribution System Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine ! Spec, for Armored Underground Spec, for Pile S- 19-81, S-6 1-402, S-66-5/ Spec, for Armored Underground Spec, for Computer Control Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Lead-in Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Head in Spec, for Trailer Connectors, Electrical, Truck Jumper astic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical Wires and Spec, for All Weather for Automotive Equipment (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man 4) Std. Spec, for Outlet Boxes: Steel, backs for Terrazzo Benches) (1970) Spec, for 970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood Spec, for Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Spec, for Laboratory Washers 968) Spec, for Animal Service Truck) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Animal Spec, for Animal Spec, for Spec, for Animal Spec, for Animal Spec, for Animal Spec, for Animal Spec, for Spec, for Pens Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Oblong Foil Spec, for Soap, Scouring, Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Deodorant Type, Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Spec, for Soap, White Floating, Spec, for Spec, for Mechanic's Grit Hand Soap Spec, for White Floating Toilet Soap Spec. For Toilet Soap Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Grit Scouring, Spec, for Germicidal Spec, for Soap; Hand, Spec, for Soap, Surgical, Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Std. Spec, for Hand Soap, Pumice Type, Spec, for Floating Toilet Soap, White, Spec, for Hand Soap, Pumice, Spec, for Milled Toilet Soap, Std. Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Antibacterial Spec, for Soap, Grit, Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Std. Spec, for Hand Soap, Pumice, Spec, for Soap; Toilet, Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Spec, for Deodorant, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Livestock Feed, 970?) AASHO M-144 Spec, for Spec, for abilization, Ice Removal, Concrete Setting And/ Spec, for 44 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rock and Water Softener Salt and Std. Spec, for ruck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, 1/2-6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Sand, Ships, Cinders and truck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and ruck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and ruck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and ch, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant,/ Spec, for Technical Cable and Electrical Conductors (1970?) IPCEA S-6 1-402, Cable and Wire) (1964) Std. Spec, for Connectors; Pr Cable Guard Rail ( 1970?) AASHO M-30 Cable Guide Rail Fittings, Posts and Accessories (1966) Cable Laid, Cotton, Hard Finish (1969) FED CCC-T-191 (Cable Television) (12 VHF Channel CATV - Baseband Video ( Cable Television ) ( 1 969 ) (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1968) (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1969) Cable (Butyl) for Highway Lighting ( 1970?) IPCEA S-19-8 Cable (High Voltage) (1969) Cable (Polyethylene) for Highway Lighting (1970?) IPCEA Cable (1970) Cable (1971) Spec, for Traffic Cable (1971) Spec, for Traffic Cables ( 1969) SAE J560a Cables (1970?) FED W-C-571, W-C-581, L-C-740 /Iber, PI Cabs (Loader) (1970) Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoi Cadmium or Zinc Coated with Covers and Accessories ( 1 96 Cafeteria Furniture (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and Cafeteria Furniture (Pedestal, Leg and Booth Tables) (1 Cafeteria Tables (1968) Cafeteria Tables (1970) (Cafeteria) (Conventional Design) (1961) Cage and Feeder Bottle Washer (1968) Cage and Feeder Bottle Washer (1968) (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Bottle Filler) Cage Unit (Four Compartment Dog) ( 1971 ) (Cage, Rack, Glassware) (1968) Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Mouse, Rat) (College) (1 Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Small Animal, Laboratory Cages and Accessories (Metal) (University) (1968) Cages and Accessories (Metal) (University) (1969) Cages and Racks (Rat) (Accessories) (1971) Cages and Racks (Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig) (Accessories Cages (Dog) (Medical Center) ( 1969) Cages (Dog) (University) (1969) Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks Cages (Plastic) (University) (1969) (Cages) (Dog, Farm Animal) (Medical Center) (1969) Cake and Round Pie Pans) (1971) Cake Form (1966) Cake Form (1971) FED P-S-00619, MIL Std. 105 Cake Form (1971) FED P-S-00621, MIL Std. 105 Cake Form, General Institutional (1969) Cake or Bar Laundry Soap ( 1968) (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D460, D502 (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D499 (Cake or Bar, Milled) (1968) ASTM D455 Cake Shaving Soap (Dispenser Use) (1969) FED Std. 536 Cake Toilet Soap (1969) FED P-S-620B Cake (Fine Abrasive) (1953) FED P-S-536, RR-S-366 Cake (Milled) Soap (1967) Cake (Pumice or Grit Type) (1969) FED Std. 536 Cake (1966) Cake (1966) Cake (1969) Cake (1970) Cake (1970) Cake (1970) (Cake) (1970) Cake, Fine Work (1970) Cake, Fine (Glass and Enamelware Cleanser) (1953) Cake, Mechanics" (1953) Cake, (Non Floating) (1966) FED P-S-536 Cake, (Pot and Pan Cleanser) (1953) Cakes and Wired Blocks ( 1970) Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc Calc mine or Block (1971) um Carbonate (1963) um Chloride (Drying, Dehumidifying, Dust Layer) (1 um Chloride (Flake) (1971) ASTM D-98-56T um Chloride (for Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, St um Chloride (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO Ml um Chloride (1969) AASHO M- 144-5 7 um Chloride (1970) ASTM D632-58, D98-56T um Chloride (1970?) AASHO M-144-57, ASTM D-98-56 TNJ um Chloride) Dump Truck Mounting) (1971) / Yd. St um Chloride) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (19 um Chloride) (Park) (1971) /. Yd. Struck Capacity um Chloride) ( 1971 ) /C. for Material Spreaders (5 um Chloride), Truck Mounting) ( 1970) /6 cu. Yd. S um Chloride, Truck Mounting) (1969) /Um 5 1/2 cu. um Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 197 1 ) /5 cu. Yd. St um Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) /5 cu. Yd. St um Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Blea MS 3806 OR 24-64- 10A MS 3381 NY 00320-0376 PA T-2 NY 38221-0321 NY 38221-0497 NY 44000-0674 NY 44000-0440 MS 3805 NE ♦3 MS 3804 NY 34409-0306 NY 35816-0213 NY 35816-0215* CA 691-23-26 MS 3803 NE ♦ 49 NY 40500-0397 OR 24-64-7A NY 24800-0443 NY 24800-0184 NY 24800-0739 NY 24800-0348 NC 7 1 20-C-2 NY 12070-0860 NY 12070-0866 NY 12070-0401 NY 12040-0540 NY 12070-0694 NY 12040-0713 NY 12040-0669 NY 12040-0678 NY 12040-0856 NY 12040-0209 NY 12040-0554 NY 12040-0904 NY 12040-0789 NY 12040-0557 NY 12041-0895 NY 12040-0862 NY 31200-0601 KY 7930-17 CA 711-77-10 CA 711-77-24 CA 691-77-25 TX 395-45-2B TX 370-59-4A TX 370-59-3A TX 370-59-2A TX 065-31-1 RI 6645-001 PA S-10 TX 310-36-1 PA S-8 KY 6505-1 KY 8520-2 OR 76-450-9020 LA * 1 1 — 15 LA * 1 1-6 LA ♦11-9 MS S-7C-70 LA * 1 1-5 MS S-2-53-41 MS S-2-53-31 PA S-13 MS S-2-53-42 CA 701-76-64 PA B-113 MI 4340-003 1 MS 3753 NY 32100-0265 PA C-7 VA DH-249 NE ♦86 SD ♦1 NJ 2330-00 NY 41000-0870 VA DH-217 NY 41000-0182 NY 41000-0509 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0801 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 TX 395-35-1B 41 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards aminant (1964) Fed/ Std. Spec, for Laundry Bleach, Spec, for Technical Chlorinated Lime Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Powder Spec, for Office Supplies (Paper for Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, mmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ mmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ mmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. spec. Spec, for Electronic Spec, for Electronic Spec, for Electronic for Printing Electric for Printing Electric for Printing Electric Spec, for Rotary Spec, for Rotary for Office Machines Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Spec, for Office Supplies Std. Spec, for Desk Spec, for White Spec, for Black Std. Spec, for for Offset Reproduced Bound Books and Pamphlets From Spec, for Over/Under Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Scintillation tions and Measurements of Diffracted X-Ra/ Spec, for Film Spec, for Television Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Straw Hats (State Police) Spec, for Extension of 2 VHF Channel CATV - Baseband Video) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - ) FED RR-S-30D Spec, for Safety Spec, for Polyethylene Spec, for Powder, Machine, Dish and Spec, for Powder, Machine, Dish and Spec, for Powder, Cleansing, Scouring Type, Shaker Top ty ( 1966) Spec, for par Buoys) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - abin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Delivery Points and Quantities for Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, orage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post with Signs and Spec, for Annual Food Cutting, Spec, for Boats, Spec, for Oxygen Tents and Spec, for Crawler Tractor Dozer, Winch, Logging Ironer, Flatwork, Commercial, Chest Type (and Ventilating 1970) Spec, for Ash and Garbage ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Ash and Garbage Spec, for Tinned Steel Milk Spec, for Metal Food Std. Spec, for Spray Paint in Pressurized ipment (Milk, Cream and Coffee and Beverage Dispensers and 105 Spec, for Refuse (Garbage) Pails, eder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring ullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil ess Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Flannel, Spec, for Gloves; Work, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Doubling Cloth (Stiffened Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Flannel, Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, a, CCC-T- 1 9 1 B Spec, for Numbered aiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (1/ Std. Spec, for Rubber and Spec, for 5) Spec, for Spec, for White Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Crown s,/ Calcium Hypochlorite (1953) (Calcium Hypochlorite) for Use as Disinfectant or Decont (Calcium Hypochlorite; 65-70% Available Chlorine) (1969) Calcomp Plotter) (1971) Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machine, Service) (1970? Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Progra Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Progra Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Progra Calculators ( Class I )( 1 964 ) Calculators (Class Ii) (1964) Calculators (Class Iii) (1964) Calculators (Class Iv), Automatic (1964) Calculators (Class V), Fully Automatic (1964) (Calculators) (1971) Calculators, Electric Printing (1970) Calculators, Electronic (1970?) Calendar Pads and Stands, and Appointment Books (1969) (Calendar Pads, Bases and Diaries for 1972) ( 1971 ) Calendars, Refills, Bases and Complete Unit ( 1971 ) Calendered Elastic Textile Braid (1968) Calf Oxford for Highway Patrol Police (Shoe) (1969) Calf Starter and Dairy Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Camera Ready Copy (1970) Camera Stand (1970) Camera System) (1971) Cameras and Accessories for Use in Analytical Investiga Cameras and Accessories ( 1971 ) Cameras, Self Developing (Commercial and I.D.) (1971) Cameras, Self Developing (Hand Held) (1971) Campaign Style (1970?) Campus RF - Television Distribution System (1970) Campus Signal Distribution System (Cable Television) (1 Can and Spar Buoys) (1971) Can for Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids ( 1970 Can Liners (1971) ASTM D1505, D 1 709, D 1894 Can Washing (1969) Can Washing, Nonfoaming (1969) Can (1969) Can, Ash and Garbage, Corrugated, Zinc Coated, Heavy Du Can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and S Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry- Candy and Boxes (1971) Candy and Cookie) (1969) /Ixtures (Display and Storage Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panel Canister, Cornice Letters) (1969) / Counters, Paper St Canned Fruits and Vegetables ( 1970) Canoes, Oars and Paddles ( 1971 ) Canopies (1969) Canopy (1969) Canopy) (1966) Std. Spec, for Cans and Covers (Corrugated, Taper Side, Zinc Coated) Cans and Covers; Galvanized (Ash, Trash, Garbage) ( 1965 Cans or Tins (Commercial) (1970) Cans (Corrugated, Zinc Coated) (1960) Cans (1964) Cans (1968) Cans (1969) Cans) (1971) Spec, for Kitchen Equ Cans, and Covers (24 Gal.) (1971) FED RR-C-82, MIL Std. Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Te Cans, Utility (Tinned and Galvanized) ( 1971 ) Cans; Coal Sample (Shipping) (1970) FED 00-S-775D Canton Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Canton Flannel and Leather Palm (1971) Canton Flannel (Medium) (Cloth) (1970?) Canton Flannel) (1970?) Canton Flannel, Heavy, Cotton (Glove) (1970?) Canton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks (Dollies, Skids, J Canvas Cotton Duck Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-C-419 Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, G Canvas Footwear (Sneakers) Women's and Misses" (1969) Canvas Footwear (Sneakers) (Men's, Boys', Youths') (196 Canvas Gloves (1969) Canvas Shoes (1970) Canvas (Burlap) (Cloth) (1970?) MS S-2-53-19 TX 370-44-1 PA B-90 NY 23000-0593 NV 7110-D TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-16A TX 495-35-1 TX 495-35-2 495-35-3 TX TX 495-37-4 TX 495-37-5 NY 22906-0610 CA 701-71-03 CA *2 CT 69-75C NY 23014-0028 IL *32I TX 480-34-3 SC 03-040 WA S8QQ460664 NY 50020-0333 NY 38814-0604 NY 38789-0643 NY 11002-0355 NY 38221-0277 NY 38800-0364 NY 38800-0076 MA *30 NY 38221-0518 NY 38221-0321 NY 34501-0830 TX 325-38-1A SC *2 CA 691-77-22 CA 691-77-26 CA 691-77-34 KY 7240-2 NY 34501-0832 NY 30211-0572 NY 00300 NY 21802-0128 NY 21802-0993 NY 21802-0347 NE *84 NY 49600-0630 NY 12300-0047 NY 40602-0153 NC 3510-FI-l TX 325-47-1A PA C-14 NY 32200-0501 VA DG-7 TX 190-37-1 CA 681-81-01 OR 77-100-9510 NY 36104-0195 CA 711-76-04 NY 35000-0938 NY 39000-0482 PA F-80 NY 32300-0555 PA C-102 MS T-1A-60-14 PA G-15 MA *35-62 MA * 3 5-44 MA *35-61 OR 79-100-9170 NY 39100-0562 TX 685-38-1 IL ♦27 RI 4268-F-055 RI 4268-M-056 RI 4235-M-001 CA 701-84-10 MA *35-23 42 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Textile, Brown Coat Spec, for Textile, Brown Std. Spec, for Natural Burlap and Spec, for Shoes; Spec, for Binders, Ring, y, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding Spec, for Rubber Coated Gloves Spec, for Shoes (Saddle Oxfords, Spec, for Shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Spec, for Textile, Rubber Sheeting, t— 191 Spec, for 8) Spec, for ace, Hot or Cold Application ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roofing) (1970) UL 55B Std. Spec, for g) (1971) Eei API, FED Std. 595, MIL St/ Spec, for Safety Spec, for Summer Uniform tress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Spec, for Bottle; Screw ter)(1969) Spec, for 70) Spec, for ide) (19/ Spec, for Material Spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton 68) Spec, for Crane, 4000 Lb. Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (High alcium Chi/ Spec, for Material Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck alcium Ch/ Spec, for Material Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck alci/ Spec, for Material Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. all Spec, for Material Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Icium Chlo/ Spec, for Material Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck s,/ Spec, for Material Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 15 Ton Aircraft Crash Rescue Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Spec, for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Spec, for Sweeper - 3 Wheel Motor Driven, 4 1/2 cu. Yd. pick Up Street, Four Wheeled, Engine Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Yd. Spec, for 4 Wheel Rubber Tired Crane, 8,500 Lb. Spec, for Spreader, Asphalt, 3 Ton Spec, for Truck, Heavy Duty, with Dump Body, 31,000 Lb. tor Driven, Twin Engine, Automatic Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Spec, for Street Sweeper, 4 Wheel Driven, 4 cu. Yd. Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 25 Ton Spec, for Water Tank, Trailer Mounted, 600 Gal. Spec, for Refrigerator, Mortuary, One Body ment (Manual), Platform Truck Metal), End Rack, 18,000 Lb. Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment (Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Spec, for Concrete Mixer (6 cu. Ft. Batch ination Washer Extractor (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Lb. Dry Std. Spec, for Horizontal Dough Mixer (2 Barrel Spec, for Crane, (Truck Mounted) (20 Ton Spec, for Platform Sliding Tandem Semi Trailer (30 Ton bile Boat Crane (Straddle Type, Self Propelled, 30,000 Lb. Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Spec, for Tilt Top Trailer ( 10 Ton Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washers and Dryers) (14 Lb. for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 2 1/2 Yd. for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 1/2 Yd. dustrial Truck (Gasoline Powered, Wide Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. (Self Loading, Elevating, Pneumatic Tired, Minimum 21 Yd. ) (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. spec, for Crane, Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton ed Loading Ramps) (1969) Spec, for Trailer (18 Ton Spec, for Hoist, 1 Ton Spec, for General Purpose Clamshell Bucket ( 1 cu. Yd. Spec, for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Spec, for Uniform Shirts; Spec, for Uniform Overcoats; Spec, for Police Uniforms; Spec, for Plastic Container cc-T-191 Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Fur Spec, for Boys" Ski Type Spec, for Men's Cotton Spec, for Men's Lightweight Dress Spec, for Men's Heavyweight Dress Spec, for Service (I960) Spec, for Uniform 91 Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Snow Fence, Posts and Driving Std. Spec, for Steel H-Bearing Piling, gear for Rehabilitation of Boat)/ Spec, for Vertical Drum Spec, for New Cobalt 60 Source Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Cobalt 60 Source Spec, for Vehicles; Passenger Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Canvas (1953) Canvas (1967) Canvas (1970) (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Canvas, Knit Wrists) (1960) Canvas, Overshoes, Boots, and Arctics) ( 1971 ) Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Plastic, and Hooks (1971) Canvas, (Cloth) (1970?) Canvas; Cotton (Army and Numbered Duck) (1968) FED CCC- Canvas; Cotton (Fire, Water and Weather Resistant) ( 196 Cap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surf Cap Sheet; Mineral Surfaced (Asphalt Saturated Prepared Cap Style Helmets (High Temperature Forest Fire Fightin Cap (Hat) and Chin Straps (1968) Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Str Cap, Polyethylene (Sample Mailing) (1970) Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit (Medical Cen Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit (School) ( 19 Capacity - Salt, Sand, Ships, Cinders and Calcium Chlor Capacity and Hoist) (1970) Capacity Drop Deck, Low Bed (1970) Capacity Electric Powered (for Mounting on Vehicle) (19 Capacity Generator) (1970) Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and C Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and C Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and C Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and C Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Ca Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chip Capacity Tilt Bed (1962) Capacity with Diesel Engines) (1970?) Spec, for Capacity with Link Belt Extensible Boom ( 1970) Capacity (Street) (1961) Capacity ( 1964) Spec, for Sweeper, Capacity (1965) Capacity (1966) Capacity (1966) Capacity ( 1967) Spec, for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Mo Capacity (1969) Capacity (1969) Capacity (1970) Capacity (1970?) Capacity (1971) Spec, for Material Handling Equip Capacity) (Departmental) (1967) Capacity) (Tow Type) (1971) Capacity) (1959) Capacity) (1963) Capacity) (1967) Capacity) (1970) Capacity) (1970) Capacity) (1970) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Capacity) (1971) Spec, for Comb Spec, for Mo /Tronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Spec. Spec. Spec, for in Spec, for Motor Scraper /Erial Handling Equipment (Mechanical Capacity, Chain Operated) (1970) Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with Attach Capacity, Electric, Roller Chain, Hook Type (1966) Capacity, Square Nose Type) ( 1970) Capacity, with Quickly Removable Extensible Boom (1968) Capacity, with 1 Memory Register) (1970) /Al Tube Type Capacity, with 2 Memory Registers) (1970) /L Tube Type Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Capitol (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Caps (Bottle) (1971) Caps (Hat) for Enlisted Men (State Police) (1969) FED C Caps (Hat) (State Police, Etc.) (1970) Caps (Hat) (1956) Caps (Hat) (1957) Caps (Hat) (1965) Caps (Hat) (1970) Caps (Hat), Uniform (State Police) (1970?) Caps (Hat); Fur, Winter (State Police, Game Commission) Caps (Hat); Officer's (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-1 Caps (1969) Caps, and Splices (1964) ASTM A7, A36 Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and Hoisting Capsule (X-Ray Equipment) (1968) Capsule) (1971) Car and Station Wagon ( 197 1 ) MA MA IL PA CA NY RI TN PA MA PA PA MS OR CA SC FL PA NY NY NY NY NJ NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ HI NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NY NJ NY NY AK NJ WA NJ SC NY TX AK NY AK AK NY AK NY NY NY NJ NY NJ TX TX PA PA PA NY PA MA RI RI RI RI MA PA PA MD SC NY NY NY PA ♦35-31 *35-34 ♦33Y S-120 701-75-38 32600-0622 4235-M-003 ♦6 C-155 ♦35-63 C-9 C-66 R-5-64-12 64-500-0090 711-42-07 03-100-0211 ♦25 B-139 11000-0806 11000-0603 41000-0509 40500-0174 4938-136 4938-121 11000-0699 41000-0390 41000-0768 41000-0801 41000-0870 41000-0531 41000-0182 4938-47 ♦12 4938-148 4938-38 4938-17 4938-82 4938-66 4938-91 4938-09 4938-133 4938-45 42400-0181 8788-00 39100-0398 43221-0781 ♦50 89-400 S-63-62 4938-93 ♦28 43100-0649 495-37-12 ♦49 36503-0403 ♦14 ♦16 45001-0808 ♦12 39101-0409 43100-0653 42300-0194 4938-93A 41101-0605 4938-55 495-37-14 495-37-16A U-20 U-32 U-3 12002-0371 U-16 ♦19 4245-M-005 4245-M-003 4245-M-002 4245-M-004 ♦21 U-38 U-40 ♦13 HD-102 43100-0490 11000-0784 11000-0649 V-16 43 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards d Use) (1968) 1969) 69) B294-64 Std. Spec, for Cleaner, Liquid, Spec, for Detergent, Std. Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Passenger Spec, for Passenger Spec, for Trailer Hitches, Passenger Std. Spec, for Multipurpose Grease (Passenger Spec, for Sectional Spec, for Tungsten or Cloth and Paper (Combination); Backed, Abrasive Silicon d Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Spec, for Abrasive Cloth (Aluminum Oxide and Silicon oth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, Silicon Tent. Spec, for Laundry Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, for Welder (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Std. Spec, for Second Sheets Paper (Typewriter Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Spec, for Fire Extinguishing System 1970) Spec, for Line General Requirements for Typewriter 8D, UU-P-1532 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Blue Pencil Spec, for Black Typewriter Spec, for Typewriter and Pencil Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies (Master and ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. for Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies ASTM A-27 Spec, for hapes, Tubular, Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A/ Spec, for Std. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ribbons, hydrous) (1968) ASTM D458 Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for White Lead in Oil, Basic Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Livestock Feed, Calcium Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Alkali, Laundry, Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Library Spec, for Cabinets; Spec, for Ballot Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders and Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders and r Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray ve; W/ Spec, for Office Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Spec, for Guides, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel Filing Cabinets Spec, for Library Catalog Spec, for Office Supplies (Library Std. Spec, for Paint Color Spec, for Office Supplies (Magnetic Tape Cartridge and Spec, for Folding Tables (Square Leg, Pedestal, torage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Spec, for and Plain) (1971) Spec, for 969) Spec, for block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sample Test Tube), wing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Colors, 70) Spec, for Spec, for 0) Spec, for Spec, for ter)(1971) Spec, for Spec, for Mobile Spec, for License Plate Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Therapy Teaching Aids Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray System Std. Spec, for Card and File Guides, Index Tent. Spec, for Tabulating cleaners (1968) re (1966) ck) (1967) Car and Truck Body (Tar and Petroleum Removal) (1963) Car Wash (1969) Car Wash, Powder or Crystalline ( 1969) Car (Automobile) Wash Compound (Granular Detergent, Han Car (Automobile), Detective, 2 Door Sedan or Hard Top Car (Automobile), Heavy, 4 Door Sedan, V-8, 3 Speed (19 Car (Automobile), Regular 4 Door Sedan (1969) Car, Ball and Socket Type (1969) SAE J684D Car, Truck, and Tractor Lubrication) ( 1961 ) Carbide Tipped Snow Plow and Grader Blades ( 1970?) ASTM Carbide Tipped Snow Plow Blade (1969) Carbide (1971) Spec. F Carbide) and Application ( 1964) Spec, for Coate Carbide) (1971) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 Carbide, Garnet ( 1966) /Ec. for (Coated) Abrasives (CI Carbide, Waterproof (1971) FED UU-P-31, USC Ps8 Carbohydrate Stain Removal) (Bleach) (1969) Carbon Arc Torch Welding and Cutting Outfit ( 1969) /. Carbon Copies) (1970) Carbon Dioxide (1968) Carbon Dioxide (1968) (Carbon Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 Carbon Master Sets, Spirit Type Duplicating Equipment Carbon Paper and Ribbons (1970) Carbon Paper (Pencil and Typewriter) (1970) FED UU-P-15 Carbon Paper (1962) Carbon Paper (1962) FED UU-P-158D Carbon Paper (1969) Carbon Paper (1971) Carbon Paper) (1971) (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machine, Inked Ribbons Carbon Paper, Typewriter and Pencil ( 1970) Carbon Paper, Typewriter (1960) Carbon Paper, Typewriter (1963) Carbon Paper; Typewriter, Black (1968) (Carbon Sets - Copysettes) ( 1971 ) Carbon Steel Castings (Mild to Medium Strength) (1970?) Carbon Structural Steel (18,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and S Carbon Tetrachloride - Technical (Dry Cleaning) (1953) Carbon, Magnetic Tape and Selectric Typewriters (1971) Carbonate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (An Carbonate (Pigment in Paint and Putty) (1970) Carbonate (Soda Ash), Anhydrous (1965) ASTM D501 Carbonate (1963) Carbonless Paper Stock ( 1971 ) MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Carbonless Paper (Bond and Ledger) (1970) Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in Compounding Detergents and Carboxymethyl Cellulose (1966) Carboxymethylcellulose for Soap and Detergent Manufactu Carboxymethylcellulose (1971) ASTM D1439, Dl 172, D502 Carburetor Air Cleaner Filter Elements (Automobile, Tru Card and File Guides, Index Cards and Tabs ( 1971 ) Card Cabinets (1971) Card Catalog Cabinets, Wood ( 1970) Card Catalog (1966) Card Containers (Steel Box) (1970?) Card Guides and Vertical Filing) ( 1971 ) Card Guides) (Fund) (1971) Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesi Card Index (1970) Card Pockets and Guides ( 1971 ) (Card Size) (Office Equipment) (1969) Card Stock (1968) Card Stock) (1969) Card (Chip) (1970?) Card) (Company) (1971) Card) (1971) Card, Candy and Cookie) (1969) /Ixtures (Display and S Card, Index (1969) Card, Plastic Laminated (Boat Registration Certificate Card, Tabulating, Stock, Electric Accounting Machine ( 1 Cardboard Box for Venereal Disease Program (1971) /Am Cardboard (Bristol, /, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Dra Cardiac Arrest System (Mobile) (Hospital Equipment) (19 Cardiac Assist Control System (Medical Center) (1971) Cardiac Intensive Care System (Hospital Equipment) (197 Cardiac Monitor System (Intensive Care) (1969) Cardiac Monitor System (Modular Telemetry) (Medical Cen Cardiac Resuscitation Unit (University) (1971) Cardinal Red (1967) Cardinal Red, for License Plates (1967) (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, Te (Cardiovascular) (Medical Center) (1971) Cards and Tabs (1971) Cards (1964) MS C-37 CA 691-77-73 MS D-3A-69 TX 045-37-1 MI 3905-0009 MI 3905-0002 MI 3905-0008 CA 691-23-25 NC 9150-G-14 VA *40 NH *4 PA C-145 TX 002-31-1 PA C-28 NY 00319-0439 PA P-36 MS TL-7-69 NY 43223-0932 OR 74-300-0160 KY 4210-100 PA F-51 NY 34700-0207 CA 701-75-33 RI *3 RI 5560-01 VA DM-11A VA DM-10A MI 4808-S1 NJ 6910-00 NY 23003-0477 NY 23003-0238 CA 701-75-15 MS P-2A CT 69-58C PA P-110 NY 23004-0847 MS 3322 MS 3305 MS S-2-53-25 NJ 6952-04 CA 681-66-03 MS PM-10 TX 371-65-1 MI 4340-003 1 CA 711-75-10 OR 74-300-0140 CA 681-66-19 KY 7930-14 TX 371-66-1A NY 25525-0356 MS F-25-67 IL *32FF IL *32H CA 701-67-15 PA C-171 HI ♦14 NY 23005-0500 NY 23005-0154 PA F-80 NY 23000-0633 CA 701-75-46 IL *32J RI 1-035 MI 4852-S1 NY 23005-0314 WA S-65-89 NY 23003-0208 NY 20902-0435 NY 21802-0128 CA 691-75-28 NY 23017-0296 CA 691-82-34 NY 19903-0524 NY 23100-0855 NY 12600-0375 NY 12600-0433 NY 12600-0476 NY 12600-0977 NY 12600-0818 NY 12600-0545 MI 5325-S1 MI 4978-S1 NY 12200-0462 NY 11000-0861 IL •32FF KS 76-5 44 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Tabulating Std. Spec, for Tabulating Spec, for Index Std. Spec, for Steel Tub Files (5 X 8 In. Std. Spec, for Steel Claims Cabinet (20 Drawer, 5 X 8 In. Spec, for Plastic Credit Spec, for Thermography - Business Spec, for Gasoline Credit Spec, for Data Processing (Key Punch) t, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Spec, for Janitorial Service (Day nt, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for Floor cleaner) (1966) Spec, for Floor p Treatment Compound, Gymnasium) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Floor Spec, for Cardiac Intensive Spec, for Pediatric Intensive Spec, for Cardiac Monitor System (Intensive Spec, for Industrial Truck (Gasoline Powered, Wide Spec, for Truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton spec, for Floor Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Spec, for Refined Std. Spec, for Wax, Spec, for Floor Wax, Spec, for Water Emulsion Type Floor Wax e70 Spec, for Floor Wax y Duty, Institutional) (1970) Spec, for Billiard, Hand Drills/ Spec, for Small Tools (General Maintenance, s (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Checking or Beginners, er(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Sponge Rubber; Cushion, Spec, for Cushion; esidual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Std. Spec, for Electric Std. Spec, for Machine, Std. Spec, for Cotton and Std. Spec, for Underlay (Padding) Std. Spec, for Shampoo, Dry Foam, Rug and Spec, for Spec, for Tufted Std. Spec, for Pile Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Audiometric Spec, for Study Spec, for Library Spec, for Study Spec, for Rear Projection Spec, for Rear Screen Study Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Back Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - tant,/ Spec, for Technical Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorine m Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Clamshell, Dragline and Backhoe/ Spec, for Shovel (6X4 Spec, for Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (Organic Chlorine er, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses - Adult Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses - Adult Spec, for Suburban Std. Spec, for Spec, for 6 Passenger 71) Spec, for 71) Spec, for Spec, for 4 X 4 Spec, for 2 Seat Spec, for Low Bed, Level Deck, Semi Trailer ves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and as A spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Passenger dan) ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle; Passenger Spec, for Passenger Spec, for Std. Equipment for Passenger General Spec, for Passenger Spec, for State Police (120 In. Mimimum Wheelbase) Patrol Spec, for Police Spec, for Weighmaster Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Passenger Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Cards (1969) FED G-C-l 16A( 1 ) Cards (1970?) Cards (1971) Cards) (1969) Cards) (1970) Cards, CR-80 Type (1963) Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes (1971) Cards, Plastic (1966) Cards, 80 and 90 Column (1965) Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Tabs and B Care Centers) (1970) Care Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Deterge Care Products (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mo Care System (Hospital Equipment) (1970) Care Unit (Hospital Equipment) (1970) Care) (1969) Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Cargo Hoist and Body with Drop Sides (1967) Carnauba Base (1969) Std. Carnauba Floor Wax (Flake) (1966) FED JJJ-W-141B Carnauba (1967) Carnauba (1967) (Carnauba) (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM E70 (Carnauba); Water Emulsion Type (1970) ASTM E28, D1288, Carom, and Bumper Pool Tables and and Accessories (Heav Carpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Carpenters, /Urt Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencil Carpet and Rug Cushion Underlay Rubberized Hair and Fib Carpet and Rug Underlay (1969) Carpet and Rug (Hair, Felt) (1969) Carpet Beetles) ( 1961 ) /for Insecticides, Chlordane R Carpet Shampoo Machine (1971) Carpet Shampoo, Electric (1970) Carpet Warp, Webbing, Yarn (1953) Carpet (1965) Carpet (1969) Carpet, Padding and Installation (Dormitory) ( 1970) Carpeting and Pad (1971) FED Std. 191 Carpeting and Rugs, Velvet and Wilton ( 1 965 ) Carpeting (Institutional) (1971) Carpeting (NYS Std.) (1969) FED DDD-C-95 Carpets and Rugs (1970) Carpets and Rugs, Wool, Nylon, Acrylic (1966) Carpets and Rugs; Modified Velvet (1964) Carpets Rugs and Cushions (1970) Carpets, Rugs and Cushions (1969) Carpets; Indoor and Outdoor (1969) Carrel (Acoustical) (College) (1971) Carrel (1971) Carrels (1966) Carrels (1969) Carrels (1971) Carrels / with Audio Video Accessories ( 1971 ) Carried (1970) Carrier Bus) 36 Passenger ( 1971 ) Carrier Bus) (41 Passenger, Metropolitan Type) (1971) Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfec Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Disinfectant, Etc.) ( 1966) Carrier Mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to 15 Ton Crane, Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triaz Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Bar Sections) (Machinery Carriers) (1967) Carriers) (1968) Carryall or Town Wagon, 1/2 Ton (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Carryall Type Truck (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Carryall Type Truck (1969) Carryall Type Vehicle ( 1/2 Ton, 4 X 2, 6 Passenger) (19 Carryall Type Vehicle (3/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 6 Passenger) (19 Carryall Type Vehicle (6 Passenger) (1971) Carryall (Motor Vehicle) (1969) (Carryall) (1970) Carrying Agent for Insecticide Sprays ( 1971 ) /Type Sto Cars and Light Duty Trucks) (1967) Cars and Light Duty Trucks) (1967) Cars and Trucks (Automobile) ( 1969) Cars (Automobile) (Mini Compact Size) (1971) Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) (Station Wagon and Se Cars (Automobile) (1967) Cars (Automobile) (1969) Cars (Automobile) (1969) Cars (Automobile) (1971) Cars (Automobile), Patrol, 4 Door Sedan, V-8 (1969) Cars (Automobile), 4 Door Sedan (1969) Cars (Intermediate) (Automobile) (1971) Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (1970) NJ 6900-03 UT •6 CA 711-75-28 OR 43-230-9020 OR 43-230-9010 MS C- 11-63 NY 50048 MI 4828-3000 KY 7550 FL ♦19 NJ •9 NY 22002-0537 NY 00220-02-0684 NY 22004-0529 NY 12600-0476 NY 12600-0411 NY 12600-0977 NY 45001-0808 NJ 4938-102 IA ♦3-1 TX 371-38-1 IL ♦20 KY 7930-9 TX 485-54-1A TX 3 70-6 3-1 A NY 30208-0576 NY 39000-0482 NY 23000-0633 PA C-131 PA C-130 PA C-59 MS 1-7 MS M-2-71 MS TM-4-70 IL *33U MS U-1A-65 MS S- 15-69 NE *9 CA 711-68-50 MS C-5C-65 NY 20600-A NY 20600-0183 PA C-140 NC 7220-C-1A PA C-156 NY 20600-0561 NY 20600-0353 PA C-137 NY 38203-0853 NY 38209-0071 PA C-172 RI 1-036 NY 38209-0395 NY 38209-0389 PA C-178 NY 40520-0650 NY 40520-0308 TX 395-35-1B TX 395-35-2A NY 41100-0914 TX 371-87-1 NY 08200 NY 40500-0283 NY 40520-0389 NM ♦14 MS TV-5-71 NE •23 AK ♦ 29 AK ♦28 AK •3 NH 6554-012 SC 14-270 NY 05601-0896 MI 5255-S8 MI 5255-S9 NJ 6542-09 OR 06-100-1052 OR 06-100-1020 NJ 6554-00 MI *1 NH *1 NE *63 MI 3905-0010 MI 3905-0012 OR 06-100-1010 SC 14-280 45 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Passenger Spec, for Conservation Officer thopedic) (/ Spec, for Hospital Equipment (Wheeled Only) Spec, for Manually Operated Weight tary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Dump ix Position Listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile er and / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Tray and Silverware am Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility orage) (1969) Spec, for Shop Furniture (Lab ous and Snap Out Forms (Printed) (1963) Spec, for license Plates (1956) Plates (1956) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec. for Spec, for Office Supplies (Magnetic Tape Spec, for Electrical Supplies (Renewable Spec, for Electrical Supplies Spec, for Fuse; uniform Accessories (Belts - State Police and General Use, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Water Type, Std. for Ballpoint Pens, all, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Spec, for Laundry Baskets, e / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting hen Equipment (Counters, Work Table, Tray Dispensers, Dish Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Bins, i/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dish ers, Block Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Shelves, Display ce Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff hick Shake Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector ndwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display quipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector urniture (Work Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor 9) Spec, for Brief Spec, for Brief Spec, for Brief Spec, for Brief t Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Spec, for Flashlight oof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow 51 Spec, for Bleached Cotton Pillow Spec, for Display Spec, for Pillow Spec, for Sheets and Pillow Spec, for Muslin, Sheets, Pillow Std. Spec, for Pillow Std. Spec, for Transfer d, Candy A/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Display and Storage ture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center Tables, Wall Spec, for Furniture, Office (Steel) (Transfer File Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Display Std. Spec, for Sheets and Pillow r Household Furniture (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, y) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, rs, Sof/ Spec, for Household Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Exhibit s, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Spec, for Store Fixtures k Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall spec, for Store Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall cessories (Belts - State Police and General Use, Cartridge Spec, for Brief (Upright) and Ring Binder r Office Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post Labels; Memo 70) Spec, for Fiber nd Magazine Racks, Clothing Display, Academic Impact Area, Spec, for Spec, for er and Cup and Tray Di/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment nd Serving Coun/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Mobile Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Counters, / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Tray and Silverware Cart, 9) Std. Spec, for Well Drilling, Spec, for High Speed Spec, for High Speed Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1971) Spec, for uction) (1970) ASTM B22, B100 Spec, for Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (1971) Cars) (1971) Cars, 4 Door Sedan (Automobile) (1969) (Cart - Chart and Medical Utility, Dressing, Service, or Cart (Lift, Vehicle) (1969?) Cart) ( 1971 ) /Awn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Ro Cart, Audio Headset) (1971) /Group Learning Systems (S Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Count Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving and St Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Continu Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Double Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping License Cartons, Records Storage (1970) Cartridge and Card) (Company) (1971) Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1970) FED W-F-805, W-F-803a (Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1971) FED W-F-791D, UL 198 Cartridge and Plug (1964) UL 198, NEMA FU-1-63 Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detective Holsters, Keeper Cartridge Operated ( 1 968 ) Cartridges and Holders (1960) Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer Carts and Liners ( 1 968 ) Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and Ic Carts (1961) Carts) (Conveyor) (1969) Carts) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Kite Carts, Racks, Dispensers, Dolly) (1971) Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray D Carving, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boar Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Pane Case) (1971) Case, and Sap) (1969) /. for Leather Accessories; Poli Case, Coffee Urns) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Soft Ice Cream and T Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Case, Fume Hood, Stool) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Laboratory F Case, Leather, Under Arm with Disappearing Handles (196 Case, Leather, 3 Pocket (1969) Case, Leather, 4 Pocket (1969) Case, Zippered Plastic Envelope (1969) Cased, Writing, Checking or Beginners, Carpenters, /Ur Cases and Hand Lantern ( 1971 ) Cases and Tubing, Towels and Toweling, Etc.) (1970) /R Cases (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191, DDD-S-7 Cases (Wall Hung) (1970) Cases (1967) Cases (1968) Cases (1969) Cases (1969) Cases (1971) Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Car Cases) (Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Furni Cases) (1964) Cases) (1970) Cases, Bed (Cotton) (1963) Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, Upholster Cases, Beds, Dining Tables) (1970) /Wood) (Contemporar Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chai Cases, Half Island Unit) (1971) Cases, Sheets, and Washcloths (1971) /Loves, Suspender (Cases, Shelves, Counter) (1970) Cases, Showcases, Counters, Wire Dividers) (1969) /Boo Cases, Swing Gate) (1971) Cases, Uniform and Detective Holsters, Keeper Loops) ( 1 Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl Coated Fabric ( 1971 ) Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Past Case; Shipping or Mailing, 16mm Motion Picture Film (19 Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Binning Glass) Cash Registers (1971) Cashier and Taxpayer Assistance Counters (1970) (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Sauc Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, Work Table A Cashiers Stand, Work Table) (1971) Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Counter and Casing, Finishing, Developing and Testing of Water ( 196 Cassette Duplicating System ( 1970) Cassette Duplicating System ( 1970) Cassette Duplicator and Accessories (1971) Cassette Duplicator and Rewinder (High Speed) (1971) Cassette Duplicator Slave Units (1971) Cassette Duplicator Slave Units (1971) Cassette Duplicator (Monaural, High Speed) (1971) Cassette Tape Duplicator (High Speed, Two Track Reel) Cast Bronze and Copper Alloy (Highway and Bridge Constr sc *11 NY 40400-0363 MI 3905-0014 NY 11613-0292 NJ *l-2 08206-0442 NY NY 38209-0401 NY 36100-0413 PA F-80 NY 35100-0775 MI 4811-0067 MI 417-10 MI 417-11 OR 78-100-0010 NY 23003-0208 NY 34405-0513 NY 34405-0548 PA F-25 NY 39309-0539 FL *14 CT 69-139 NY 30200-0587 PA B-94 NY 36114-0572 PA C-109 NY 36114-0345 NY 36114-0262 NY 36106-0207 NY 36200-0605 NY 23100-0855 NY 36200-0787 NY 21802-0077 OR 79-350-9010 NY 36200-0504 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0124 NY 12009-0629 CA 691-84-39 CA 691-84-37 CA 691-84-38 CA 691-75-35 NY 23000-0633 NY 34402-0778 WI 9100 VA FB-14 NY 21802-0577 RI 4760-001 KS 71-1 NJ 9144-00 OR 72-150-9090 IL *32K NY 21802-0128 NY 12008-0635 NY 00217-0405 NY 21802-0605 MS S- 10-6 3 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 NY 21601-0227 NY 21802-0161A FL *23 NY 21802-0459 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0225 NY 39309-0539 PA C-149 FL ♦19 FL •21 PA C-113 NY 21802-0317 NY 22921-0090 NY 21700-0678 NY 36200-0605 NY 36200-0356 NY 36114-0267 NY 36100-0413 NC 3820-W-1C NY 38217-0430 NY 38217-0596 NY 38217-0229 NY 38217-0305 NY 38217-0131 NY 38217-0278 NY 38217-0369 NY 38217-0838 VA DH-237 46 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ( 1970?) ASTM A-74, ANSI A-40. 1 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pipe; Culvert, on (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Spec, for Castings, Quoin Plates onstruction) ( 1970) Spec, for Culvert Pipe (Concrete, Spec, for Pipe and Fittings; Std. Spec, for Pipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Spec, for Spec, for od, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Spec, for Bronze B-148 Spec, for Bronze asho M-105 Spec, for Gray Iron way and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Carbon Steel Spec, for Spec, for Dredge Spec, for Manhole and Catch Basin Spec, for Malleable Iron Spec, for Alloy Steel Spec, for Spec, for Slacks, Spec, for Men's and Boys' d Resea/ Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Spec, for Library Card Spec, for Library Spec, for Cabinets; Card Spec, for Books (Library, Processed and General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Spec, for Printing of College General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Spec, for Printing of College Spec, for Spec, for Manhole and Spec, for Vacuum Street and Spec, for Separator, Etc./ Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, for Concrete Masonry Units (Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Spec, for Sewer Brick (Concrete) for truction (1964) Std. Spec, for Adjusting Construction of Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Stainless Steel Conveyor Spec, for Vibratory Power Roller (2 Axle, Tandem, 2 Ton Spec, for Remote Spec, for , Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Std. Spec, for Calf Starter and Dairy Rations Spec, or Roofing Materials (Asphalt and Tar), Spec, for Potassium Hydroxide Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Anhydrous Spec, for Liquid Sodium Hydroxide Std. Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid, Low Spec, for Chairs; Molded Plywood, Upholstered (1969) Fed Std. Spec, for Ward Day Room Arm Chairs (1963) Fed ision) (Medical Center) (1969) Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for (1962) FED Std/ Spec, for One Coat Flat Interior Wall and -Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Spec, for Brushes; Dust, Wall and or Paint, Latex Base, Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and aint, Latex Base, Semigloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and hotometers, Fluorescent Attachments and Accessories, Micro Spec, for Auxiliary Lights, Wet -B-101 Spec, for Dry . Spec, for Tape and Dispenser (Adding Machine, Strapping, Spec, for Batteries; Dry Spec, for Urethane, Shredded lders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (Hub and Spigot Style) Cast Iron Water Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-377 Cast Iron (1960) ASTM T33 Cast Iron) ( 1964) /Spec, for Sewer Pipe and Constructi (Cast Iron) (1970) Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (Highway and Bridge C Cast Iron, Soil (1969) Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Casters (Ball Type) (1971) Casters, Wheels and Glides (1956) Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled and Ext Castings - Type 1 (Low Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-145 Castings - Type 2 (High Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-147 or Castings (Drainage, Structural or Ornamental) (1970?) A Castings (Malleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) (High Castings (Mild to Medium Strength) (1970?) ASTM A-27 Castings (Pull Box Frame and Cover) (1971) Castings (Pump) (1971) Castings (1970) Castings (1970?) ASTM A-47, A-153 Castings (1970?) ASTM A-486 Castings, Quoin Plates (Cast Iron) (1970) Casual (Men's and Boys') (1971) Casuals (Oxford Style, Crepe Outsole Shoes) (1960) Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing An Catalog Cabinets, Wood (1970) Catalog Card Stock (1968) Catalog (1966) Catalogued) (1970) Catalogues (Glassboro) (1968) Catalogues (Jersey City) (1970) Catalogues (Montclair) (1968) Catalogues (Neward) (1966) Catalogues (Paterson) (1968) Catalogues (Trenton) (1970) Catch Basin and Manhole Block and Brick (1970) Catch Basin Castings (1970) Catch Basin Cleaner with Flusher Attachment (1970?) Catch Basin Cleaner (1971) Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Catch Basins and Manholes ( 1970?) Spec. Catch Basins and Manholes (1970?) ASTM C-139 Catch Basins, Drop Inlets and Manholes for Highway Cons Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Sprin Catch Pans) (1971) Category) (1971) Cathode Ray Tube Terminals (1970?) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt (1966) ASTM D244, E70 Cats Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spring Animals) (1970) (Cattle Feed) (1970) Caulking, Sealants, and Insulation (Building) (1971) (Caustic Potash) Solution (1965) FED O-P-566, Std. 141 Caustic Soda (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) Caustic Soda (Anhydrous) (1969) Caustic Soda (Liquid, 50%) (1971) Caustic Soda (Lye) (Sodium Hydroxide) (1959) (Caustic Soda) (1966) ASTM D501 Caustic (1968) CCC-A-680, MIL P-26514 CCC-A-700B CCTV Security Surveillance System (Closed Circuit Telev CCTV System (Closed Circuit Television) (Hospital) (197 Ceiling Brooms (1968) Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish) Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Facilities) (1969) Ceiling (1969) Ceiling (1970) Std. Spec. F Ceiling (1970) Std. Spec, for P Cell Equipment (1969) Spec, for Spectrop Cell Operated (1971) Cell Unit Flashlight and Lantern Batteries (1960) FED W Cellophane, Acetate, and Correction) (1971) Std Cells, General Purpose (1968) Cellular Foam (1969) Celluloid Tabs and Blanks) ( 1971 ) /S; Filing Cases; Fo MS 3252 MS 3365 PA P-12 SC HD-92 NY 37901-0628 VA DH-240 PA P-55 SC HD-90 NY 39107-0597 PA C-69 VA DH-236 MS 3327 MS 3328 MS 3321 VA DH-230 MS 3322 NY 37901-0743 NY 37922-0137 NJ 6110-00 MS 3324 MS 3323 NY 37901-0628 NY 40002-0143 RI 4268-M-057 NY 12040-0557 CA 701-67-15 MI 4852-S1 PA C-171 NY 20000-0350 NJ 8340-04 NJ 7580-00A NJ 8340-06 NJ 8340-03 NJ 8340-02 NJ 8340-01 NJ 6110-01 NJ 6110-00 VA *6 NY 44000-0721 VA DH-226 MS 3621 MS 3616 SC HD-118 SC HD-117 NY 31200-0533 NY 41300-0825 NE *82 SC 18-030 NY 30211-0572 WA S-60-6Caulking NY 31827-0534 TX 371-58-1 MS S-2-53-12 OR 76-401-9060 NY 25507-0543 TX 395-35-4 TX 371-69-1A MS C-3A-68 PA C-157 IL *38 NY 38221-0920 NY 38221-0785 TX 370-31-17 VA DK-29A NY 11000-0818 PA B-6 MS PI- 14 MS PI- 13 NY 38700-0885 NY 35703-0145 VA Y-2 IL ♦32EEE PA B-137 CA 691-83-30 FL *19 47 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards hoT26 e Laid in Full Beds) (1964) 53 85 Pads (19/ Std. Spec, for Acoustical Units; Prefabricated e, Mucilage Grip Sp/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives (Rubber and Spec, for Sodium Carboxy Methyl Std. Spec, for Thinner; Dope and Lacquer Spec, for Thinner, Lacquer, Spec, for Mops; Wet, Spec, for Alkali, Laundry, Carboxymethyl Spec, for Sponges, supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof g, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and Bri/ Spec, for Portland Spec, for Water for Portland n ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Portland waterproof Paper, White Polyethy/ Std. Spec, for Portland (1964) Std. Spec, for Portland (1970) AASHO Ml 34 Spec, for Portland ets, Manholes, J/ Std. Spec, for Construction of Portland ) Std. Spec, for Portland Std. Spec, for Right of Way Markers (Portland construction) (1964) Std. Spec, for Portland lication of Materials for Waterproofing or Dampproofing of Spec, for Portland Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Portland Spec, for Coarse Aggregate for Portland Spec, for Waterproof Curing Paper (Cover on Portland ic Curing Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Spec, for Burlap Curing Blankets (Cover on Portland y/ Std. Spec, for Removal and Disposal of Existing Brick, 70?) ASTM C/ Spec, for Membrane Curing Compound (Portland ng and Repair Work (Highway,/ Spec, for Petroleum Asphalt Spec, for Asbestos Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Brick Masonry (Full Bed Spec, for Water for Use with Std. Spec, for Spec, for Black Plastic Bituminous Spec, for Portland Spec, for Bag Spec, for Portland c. for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Portland ng (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Std. Spec, for Asphalt (Plastic Roof crete, Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, ituminous Surfacing (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) minous Surfacing (Triple Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) or Pipe Underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos , Tile) for Electrical / Spec, for Nonmetallic (Asbestos, quid Tar (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Materials (Asphalt, for Bituminous Plant Mix Base and Surface Courses Asphalt Std. Spec, for Plastic Roof e Grip Sp/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives (Rubber and Cellulose Spec, for 1970) FED SS-C-153 Std. Spec, for Plastic Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, Spec, for Student Desk, with Spec, for Student Desk, Without Spec, for Wheel Tractor with Spec, for Light Tractor with Spec, for Light Tractor with Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Low er) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Low Spec, for Metal Smoker's Stand; Circular Style, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials Laboratory - Std. Spec, for Mobile Language Teaching Spec, for Choral Shells, Chorus Risers, Percussion Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Medical Spec, for Automatic Roll Film Processor (X-Ray) (Medical tra and Intra Oral Full Mouth Dental X-Ray System (Medical Im Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous Accessories (Medical Spec, for Pens (Cages) (Dog, Farm Animal) (Medical Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog) (Medical c. for Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit (Medical c. for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film Viewer (Medical or Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Processing Units (Medical y Surveillance System (Closed Circuit Television) (Medical s X-Ray Film Viewers (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (Medical spec, for Environment Walk-in Chambers (Portable) (Medical Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Washer (Medical spec, for Mammography X-Ray System and Equipment (Medical) pec. for Diagnostic X-Ray System (Cardiovascular) (Medical pec. for Medical X-Ray Film Processor (Automatic) (Medical Cellulose and Mineral Tiles and Metal Pans with Mineral Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose Whit Cellulose in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners (1968) ( Cellulose Nitrate ) ( 1 969 ) Cellulose Nitrate, Spray (1969) Cellulose Sponge Yarn (1970) Cellulose (1966) Cellulose (1970) Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, Splint, Facial Tissue) (1 Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Insulation) ( 1970) /Ing Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entrainin Cement Concrete and Mortar ( 1970?) AASHO T-26 Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter for Highway Constructio Cement Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Cement Concrete for Structures for Highway Construction Cement Concrete Mortar and Grout (Highway Construction) Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inl Cement Concrete Pavement for Highway Construction (1964 Cement Concrete Posts) for Highway Construction (1964) Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Median (Highway Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Hig Cement Concrete (Highway Construction) ( 1970) Cement Concrete (1970?) Cement Concrete ( 1970?) Cement Concrete) ( 1970?) AASHO M-139 Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-171 Spec, for Plast Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-182 Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highwa Cement Concrete, Water Retardation) (Liquid, Spray) ( 19 Cement Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patchi Cement Drain Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-189 Cement for Use as Crack Filler (1969) Cement Mortar) for Highway Construction ( 1964) Cement or Lime Mortar (Highway Construction) (1970) Aas Cement Rubble Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Ston Cement (for Roof Flashing and Repair) (1964) FED SS-C-1 Cement (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO M Cement (1970) Cement ( 1970?) AASHO M-85 or M-134 Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spe Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T134 Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T96 /Aci Cement) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) for Highway Constr Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube Cement, Crack Filler, Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Li Cement, Emulsion) (Highway Construction) (1970) Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway Construction (19 Cement, Pitch Base Type (1964) FED SS-C-1 88 Cement, Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilag Cement; Air Entraining ( 1970) Cement; Fibered (Roof Patching and Flashing Compound) Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; E Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Rings; Rulers; She Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Cente Back Support (1968) Drawer (1968) Drawer (1968) Mount Rotary Mower ( 1971 ) Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower (1970) Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower ( 1970) of Gravity Design, Utility, Farm) (1971) of Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Loader and Doz Swivel Ash Tray (Office Furniture) ( 1969) Tables, Wall Cases) (Hospital) (1968) Spec. Truck, Motor Vehicle) (1969) /S and Floor Plan 1964) 1970) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1968) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1971) (1971) (1971) Spec, for Stationary Ex /Raphic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Fi Spe Spe Spec. F Spec, for CCTV Securit for Multiviewing Mobile Mas Spec OR IL CA OR CA PA KY CA NY NY VA MS SC SC SC VA SC SC SC SC SC VA MS MS MS MS MS SC MS MD MS NE SC VA SC TX VA NJ MS SC SC SC MS VA SC SC SC MS MD VA SC MS IL PA OR NY FL CA CA CA SC NE NE NY AK RI NY NJ NC NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 64-400-9010 *32A 681-66-19 77-100-9530 691-80-414 M-30 7930-14 701-76-62 10134-0339 31827-0529 DH-217 3906 HD-114 HD-59B9 HD-70 DH-220 HD-117 HD-59 HD-126 HD-113 HD-112 DH-219 3126 3137 3752 3756 3751 HD-116 3754 *24 3290 *68 HD-95 DH-218 HD-96 605-37-1 DH-216 1320-01 3101 HD-42 HD-39 HD-61 R-5-64-27 DH-241 HD-62 HD-63 HD-104 3803 ♦26 DH-211 HD-43 R-5-64-27A *32A C-23 64-500-0100 23000-0633 *21 681-67-3 681-67-1 681-67-2 *5 *32 ♦35 40601-0434 *17 1-023 12008-0635 *2 5895-LTC-l 30202-0657 11000-0531 11000-0829 11001-0865 11000-0786 12040-0862 12040-0904 11000-0806 11501-0365 11000-0386 38221-0920 11501-0930 12026-0552 12070-0553 11000-0558 11000-0861 11000-0883 48 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards spec, for Fluoroscopic, Radiographic X-Ray System (Medical spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Medical Spec, for Vacuum Regulators (Medical Spec, for Cardiac Assist Control System (Medical Spec, for Music Listening System (Medical c. for Cardiac Monitor System (Modular Telemetry) (Medical Spec, for Self Propelled Spec, for Self Development Packaged Learning Spec, for Janitorial Service (Day Care Spec, for Air Conditioning Spec, for Self Priming Openings for Intake and Discharge) ( 1969) Spec, for Openings for Intake and Discharge) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for 3 In., Self Priming Spec, for Pump, Self Priming, Spec, for Water Pumping System (Multistage Vertical Spec, for Pump, 4 In. Self Priming Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wooden and Spec, for Furnace, High Temperature, Graphite Tube Spec, for Card, Plastic Laminated (Boat Registration ehicle) Stickers (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Form MV-1082 and MV- 1082.1 Vehicle Spec, for Inspection Spec, for Inspection, Testing, and Spec, for Inspection, Test, and Spec, for Form PS-550 - Nys Spec, for Inspection, Grading, Testing, and Spec, for Diesel Fuel Oil, SO Spec, for Citronella Oil, ith Air Tools (1969) Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 factant (Detergent and Defoamer) (Modified Polyethoxylated Spec, for Iron; Nodular, for Stoker, Keys, Spec, for Lubricant, Open Gear, Spec, for Fencing, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fencing; . Spec, for Tent. Spec, for . Spec, for Fence Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, tm A-121, A-l 16, B-/ Spec, for Fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, and Gates (Highway Construction) ( 19/ Spec, for Fencing n - Materials Only) (1968) Spec, for Fencing, Spec, for Fencing, lvanized and Aluminum Coated) (196/ Std. Spec, for Fence, crane, Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Spec, for Outboard Motor, Spec, for Portable Power Spec, for 18 In. Engine Driven Spec, for Bow Type Portable Power Spec, for 1 Man Portable Straight Bar Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for ec. for Level Style Load Binders for Use with Various Size Spec, for Color Television Film Camera Spec, for Image Orthicon Television Camera Spec, for Hoist, 1 Ton Capacity, Electric, Roller Spec, for Tire , Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Std. Spec, for Desk, I Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type, 4X2, Wheel Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for School Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Arm eled (Special Purpose Chairs) (Shower, Multipurpose Mobile Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Spec, for Metal Side Spec, for Metal Side Spec, for Aluminum Arm Chair Side Spec, for Aluminum Armless Side Spec, for Aluminum Armless Reception Room Side «) (1968) Spec, for Steel Office Executive arms) (1968) Spec, for Steel Office Secretarial Spec, for Executive Swivel Spec, for Junior Executive Swivel Spec, for Steel Utility Type Spec, for Folding Spec, for Metal Secretarial Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Spec, for Steel Office Executive Center) (1971) Center) (1971) Center) (1971) Center) (1971) Center) (1971) Center) (1971) Spe Centerline Striping Machine (Highway Marking) (1969) Centers and Accessories ( 1971 ) Centers) (1970) Central Systems (1969) Centrifugal Electric Pump (1970) Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Centrifugal Water Pump (1970) Centrifugal (1970) Centrifugal) (1968) Centrifugal, Trailer Mounted (1969) Centrifuges and Accessories (Various) (1971) Ceramic and Pottery Equipment (Pug Mill, Potters Wheel) Ceramic Tile Beads (1953) (Ceramics) (1971) Certificate and Plain) ( 1971 ) Certificate of Inspection and 10 Day Extension (Motor V Certificate Stickers ( 1970) Certificates (Motor Vehicle) (Sticker) (1967) Certification of Alfalfa Hay ( 197 1 ) Certification of Bedding Supplies ( 1 968 ) Certification of Health Insurance Eligibility (1970?) Certification of Poultry and Eggs (1971) Cetane(1970) Ceylon Type (Soap Fragrance) (1965) Cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted W Chain Alcohol) ( 1965) Spec, for Straight Liquid Sur Chain and Travelling Grates (1961) Chain and Wire Rope (1967) Chain Link - Steel, Aluminum Coated ( 1960) Chain Link Backstops (Baseball, Softball) (1971) Chain Link Fabric (1969) ASTM A392-68 Chain Link Fencing (1968) ASTM A392, A123-59, A491-63T Chain Link Residential Fencing (1964) Chain Link) (Material, Erection and Reerection) for Hig Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Tension Wire ( 1970?) As (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces Chain Link, Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Constructio Chain Link, Posts and Accessories (1970) Chain Link, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Ga Chain Operated) (1970) Spec, for Chain Saw and Lawn Mower Oil (1967) Chain Saw (1969) Chain Saw (1970) Chain Saw (1970) Chain Saw (1970?) Chain Saw, Gasoline Air Cooled Motor Driven ( 1962) Chain Saws (Gasoline Engine Driven) (1971) Chain Saws, Gasoline (1969) Chain Saw; Gasoline Powered ( 1967) Chain (1966) Sp Chain (1971) Chain (3 In.) (1970) Chain, Hook Type (1966) Chains and Accessories ( 1971 ) NACM 5 170 Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Chair - Wood (Conventional Design) (1960) Chair Access) (1971) Spec, for Adult Bus (Specia Chair Desk (1970) Chair Desks (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet Ar Chair Shirts (Restrainers) (1971) Chair Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair Table) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Hospital Equipment, Whe Chair with Arms (1968) Chair Without Arms (1968) Chair (General Office, with Arms) (1970?) Chair (General Office, Without Arms) (1970?) Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, with Arm Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) Chair (Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Chair (Steel) (1969) Chair (Swivel Posture, No Arms) (1970?) Chair (Tablet Arm Type) (1970) Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, with Arms) ( 1968) NY 11000-0909 NY 12008-0185 NY 12200-0559 NY 12600-0433 NY 38201-0047 NY 12600-0818 SC 14-320 NY 38221-0890 NJ •9 NY 30001-0095 NY 46000-0574 SC 21-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 NE ♦46 NJ 4936-00 NY 46000-0792 NJ 4936-01 NY 12016 NY 23105-0112 IL ♦33W NY 42800-0024 NY 23017-0296 NY 50045-0453 NY 50045-0264 NY 00500-00-0392 CA 711-87-13 CA 681-83-01 NY •1 CA 711-89-13 MA ♦6 TX 371-39-1 NJ 6524-03 TX 371-78-3 PA 1-19 KY 9150-5 NJ 4530-00 NY 30200-0199 OR 64-650-9010 SC 16-030 KS 43-2 SC HD-123 MS 3376 VA DH-253 NY 39600-0767 NY 39600-0627 NC 5660-CLF-l NY 43100-0653 MI 5255-S6 SC 19-140A NE ♦30 SC 19-140 VA •21 NJ 3938-11 NY 43229-0193 OR 19-600-9010 PA S-107 TX 325-59-1A SC 24-050-0305 NY 38221-0664 NJ 4938-93A NY 30500-0889 NY 39000-0482 NC 7120-D-4 AK *77 TX 295-52-5 RI 1-030 NY 27002-0728 NY 40010-0898 RI 2-004 NY 11613-0331 TX 300-33-6 TX 300-33-7 NV 7110-5 NV 7110-6 RI 2-004 RI 2-005 RI 2-006 TX 300-3 3-2B TX 300-33-4A NV 7110-1 NV 7110-2 TX 300-33-5 PA C-169 NV 7110-4 TX 295-52-4 TX 300-33-1B 49 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Steel Office Clerical Spec, for Male Posture Spec, for Tablet Arm Folding Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armchair (Executive Type Spec, for Chairs - Type III (Fiber Glass Bucket Stack Spec, for Chairs - Type IV (Fibreglass Lounge Spec, for Student Metal Desk Spec, for Student Metal Desk Spec, for Student Wood Desk Spec, for Student Wood Desk Spec, for Student Wood Desk chart and Medical Utility, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Student Wood Desk Spec, for Folding Std. Spec, for (1961) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Mats, Spec, for Furniture, Metal (Stools and Spec, for Furniture, Metal (Office and Back) (1965) Spec, for 5) Spec, for Spec, for rs)(1965) Spec, for e (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining FED AA-C-291a Spec, for Upholstered Folding Std. Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Upholstered Sofas and Spec, for Wood 969) Spec, for Steel Swivel Arm Spec, for Posture Spec, for Arm Spec, for Arm Spec, for Steel Stacking Spec, for Steel Side Spec, for Furniture, Office Spec, for Furniture, Office Spec, for Wood Armless Side Spec, for Wood Arm Side Spec, for Wood Side Spec, for Wood Side Spec, for Metal Folding Tablet Arm Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armless Clerical Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive Armless Side Spec, for Steel Contemporary Swivel Posture Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Spec, for Furniture, Office Spec, for Steel Folding Spec, for Wood Windsor Std. Spec, for Ward Day Room Arm Spec, for Library Spec, for Library Spec, for Institutional Type Steel Spec, for Office Tent. Spec, for Traditional Office Spec, for Steel Fiberglass Shell Stacking Spec, for Aluminum General Office Posture Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive Swivel Armchair ) Spec, for Hospital Equipment, Wheeled (Special Purpose Spec, for Furniture Spec, for Metal Office Spec, for Lounge Furniture (Seating Units, Side ure (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, Spec, for Library Std. Spec, for School Classroom Furniture niture (Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Std. Spec, for Spec, for sehold Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Spec, for Steel Posture Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Institutional Furniture (Metal) chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Spec, for Metal Office Spec, for School Furniture Spec, for Metal Office Furniture Spec, for Office Furniture Std. Spec, for 9) Spec, for Steel Swivel and Steel Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Spec, for Wheel 20 Spec, for Wheel 291a Spec, for Folding Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, Without Arms) (1968) Chair (Without Arms) (1970?) Chair (1965) FED AA-C-296, USC CS35 Chair) (Office Furniture) (1969) Chair) (1965) Chair) (1965) Chair, Center Back Support (1968) Chair, Chrome Tube Frame ( 1968) Chair, Form Back (1968) Chair, Ladder Back (1968) Chair, Padded Back (1968) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invali Chair, Tablet Arm - Wood (Conventional Design) (1960) Chair, Tilt Swivel Type (1968) Chair, Various (1968) Chair, Wood (Cafeteria) (Conventional Design) (1961) Chair, Wood, for Unit Pupil Table (Conventional Design) Chair, (Plexiglass) ( 1971 ) Chairs - Drafting and Engineering) (1971) Chairs - Steel) (Conventional Style) (1968) Chairs - Type I (Linear Polyethylene Resin Molded Seat Chairs - Type III (Fiber Glass Bucket Stack Chair) (196 Chairs - Type IV (Fibreglass Lounge Chair) ( 1965) Chairs - Type IV-a (Fibreglass Rocker with Wooden Runne Chairs and Tables, Sofas, Upholstery Fabric) ( 1970) /R Chairs with Arms; Metal Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs (Commercial Design) (1967) Chairs (Executive Swivel Arm) (Office Furniture) (1962) Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Office Furniture) (1 Chairs (Furniture) (Institutional Use) (1969) Chairs (Furniture) (1963) Chairs (Furniture) (1963) Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Chairs (Metal) Contemporary Style (1966) Chairs (Metal) (Bucket Style, Upholstered) (1970) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1963) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs (Side Arm) (1970) Chairs (Stacking Type, Without Arms) (1970) Chairs (Steel - Contemporary Style) (1971) Chairs (1959) Chairs (1963) Chairs (1963) FED CCC-A-700B Chairs (1964) Chairs (1964) Chairs (1964) Chairs (1968) Chairs (1969) Chairs (1969) Chairs (1969) (Chairs) (Office Furniture) (1969) Chairs) (Shower, Multipurpose Mobile Chair Table) (1971 (Chairs) (1968) Chairs, Aluminum (1968) Chairs, Benches and Tables) (1970) Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop S Chairs, Contemporary Style (1970?) (Chairs, Desks, Tables) (1971) Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Tables) Chairs, Folding, Steel (1966) Chairs, Folding, Steel (1970) Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Fabric) (197 Chairs, General Office (Furniture) (1969) Chairs, Metal Folding (1966) Chairs, Office, Metal (1969) Chairs, Office, Metal (1970) Chairs, Office, Steel, Conventional (1969) (Chairs, Rockers) (Mental Ward) (1969) Chairs, Sofas, Fabric) (1970) /D Furniture (Dressers, Chairs, Steel (1968) (Chairs, Tables, Desks) ( 1 97 1 ) (Chairs, Tables, Desks, Filing Cabinets) (1970) (Chairs, Wood and Upholstered) (1971) Chairs, Wood, Office (Conventional Design) (1963) Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Male (Office Furniture) (196 Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office, F Chairs; Folding, Metal (1968) Chairs; Invalid, (Nonfolding) (1965) FED FF-C-77 00-C-3 Chairs; Metal Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C- TX 300-3 3-3 B NV 7110-3 VA BF-4 RI 2-002 NJ 3718-05 NJ 3718-06 CA 681-67-3 CA 681-67-4 CA 681-67-5 CA 681-67-7 CA 681-67-6 NY 11613-0292 NC 7120-C-l CA 681-67-8 NJ 3766-00 NC 7120-C-2 NC 7120-C-3 NJ 6936-03 NY 21705-0172 NY 21705-0214 NJ 3718-03 NJ 3718-05 NJ 3718-06 NJ 3718-07 NY 21604-0226 RI 1-018A NC 7195-FWU-l RI 3-007 RI 1-011 RI 1-037 RI 3-004 RI 3-005 RI 1-017 RI 1-019 NY 002 1 7-0008 NY 21705-0647 RI 3-008 RI 3-009 RI 3-010 RI 3-011 RI 1-034 RI 2-003 RI 4-013 RI 4-014 TX 295-52-3 TX 295-52-1A NY 21705-0925 VA BF-2 RI 3-012 IL *38 RI 3-013 RI 3-014 TX 295-52-1 PA C-92 KS 70-4 RI 1-027A RI 2-001 RI 4-011 NY 11613-0331 NY 20700-0810 CA 681-67-21 PA F-69 HI *7 CA *1 MS F-3A-71 NY 21605-0260 MS C-1C-66 NY 20900-0613 NY 21601-0227 RI 1-014 NC 7105-MFC-l MI 3716-S1 NJ 3718-00 MS C-41-69 NY 21502-0418 NY 21601-0227 CA 681-67-20 NY 27000-0005 NM *5 NY 21804-0060 NC 7110-C-2 RI 1-015 AK ♦53 PA C-167 PA C-166 RI 1-018 50 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 0, MIL P-26514 1969) 969) rniture) (1969) pholstered Seat and Back (1967) And/ eds, Protozoa) (1968) unit) (1969) (University) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Steel Side Spec, for Side Spec, for Side Spec, for Adjustable Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Buttons, Tailor's Std. Spec, for Oil Alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint Std. Spec, for Blackboard rt Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Spec, for Reversible Framed Spec, for Spec, for Plant Growth Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Spec, for Plant Growth Spec, for Environmental Spec, for Plant Growth Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Spec, for Environment Walk-in ) Spec, for Environmental Walk-in (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special Freeze Drying Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Cloth, Cotton, Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Dark Blue Spec, for ShirtsO Work ker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Polish, Paraffin/ Spec, for Household Supplies (Beeswax, (Hospital) (1970) Spec, for Radiographic Film spital) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Radiographic Film Spec, for Tire ent) (1969) Spec, for Dual Spec, for Metal Delineator and Sign Posts, Flanged mpus Signal Distribution System (Cable Television) (12 VHF Spec, for Two Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 Spec, for Flanged handli/ Std. Spec, for Prestressed Concrete Beams, Slabs, ethylene Typewriter Ribbons for Record, Offset and Optical iture(1969) Spec, for ckboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, ng, and Starting ( 1964) Spec, for Dry (1966) Spec, for Dry Spec, for Dry , Bearing Packers, G/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Battery wer Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containing Batteries and equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Spec, for Fire Extinguisher Spec, for Fire Extinguisher Spec, for Spec, for Library Desk; c) (/ Spec, for Hospital Equipment (Wheeled Only) (Cart - Spec, for School Bus, Spec, for 7,300 Lb. G.V.W. Truck, Spec, for 24,000 G.V.W. Truck, (1968) Spec, for Truck, 32,000 G.V.W. Cab and motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) Spec, for nts for Motor, Automatic Transmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; ner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39..000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and pec. for Sand Spreader (6 cu. yd (Struck) Fully Reversible r Sand Spreader (8 cu. Yd. (Struck) Truck Fully Reversible Spec, for Short Wheel Base Truck Spec, for Conventional 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Spec, for Conventional Dump Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for 10,000 Lb. (Minimum) G.V.W. Truck Spec, for Conventional Truck Spec, for Truck (Tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and payload (1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and preader (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and 1970) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and 8) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck, 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chairs; Molded Plywood, Upholstered (1969) FED CCC-A-68 Chairs; Slat Back (Institutional Use) (1969) Chairs; Steel, Armchair, Executive (Office Furniture) Chairs; Steel, Armless, Executive (Office Furniture) (1 Chairs; Steel, Factory or Institutional Type (Office Fu Chairs; Wood, Student Study, Dining and Library, with U Chair; Student (Metal and Plastic) (1967) Chalk and Clay (1953) Chalk and Crayon (1953) (Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White Chalk (1971) Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Pai Chalkboards and Bulletin Boards (1968) Chalkboards, Bulletin Boards, and Directories (1971) Chamber (College) (1971) Chamber (College) (1971) Chamber (Controlled Temperature Environment) (Algae, Se Chamber (Temperature Control) (Incubator - Egg Hatcher Chamber (1971) Chambers and Constant Temperature Rooms (Prefabricated) Chambers (Portable) (Medical Center) (1970) Chambers (Temperature Control) Rooms (University) (1969 Chambers) (1970) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Chambray Cloth (Textile) (1957) Chambray Cloth (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Chambray Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Chambray (Textile) (1960) Chambray) (1970) (Chambray, Blue) (1969) FED CCC-T-191, V-B-871a Chambray, Cheviot, Terry, Twill) (1970) /Teen, Seersuc Chambray; Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Chambray; (Cloth, Textile), Sanforized (1969) Chamois Skins (1970) Chamois Skins (1971) FED KK-L-311, MIL Std. 105 Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Changer and Related Accessories for Thoracic X-Ray Work Changer and Related Equipment (Thoracic X-Ray Work) (Ho Changer (1964) Channel Automatic Gamma Radioassay System (X-Ray Equipm Channel Bar (1967) Channel CATV - Baseband Video) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ca Channel Clinical and Research Audiometer (1970) Channel Drain, 5 V-Crimp (1964) ASTM A-361 Channel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Channels and Other Members in Structures (Manufacture, Character Recognition Use ( 1971 ) Spec, for Poly Charcoal Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furn Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Comp Charge Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighti Charge Type Electric Storage Batteries (6 and 12 Volt) Charged Storage Batteries (1963) Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit Charger) (1968) /. for Fire Alarm System (Emergency Po Chargers; Order Picker Highlift) ( 1971 ) /Ial Handling Charges; Antifreeze (1957) FED O-S-588 Charges; Soda Acid (1970) Charge; Fire Extinguisher (Various) (1969) Charging and Related Units (1966) Chart and Medical Utility, Dressing, Service, Orthopedi Chass Chass Chass Chass (Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass Chass s and Body, 20 Passenger (1969) s and Cab Only (1970) sand Cab (1970?) s Equipped with Platform Body with Stake Pockets s Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type s Grease, High Pressure (1968) s Lubricant and Rust Proofing Compound ( 1970) /E s Mounted ( 1967) Spec, for Clea Mounted) (1971) s Mounted) (1971) Spec. Fo s with All Wheel Drive (1970) s with Cab and Platform Stake Body (1970) s with Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 Lb.) (1970) s with Cab (10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) s with Cab (10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) s with Cab (1969) s with Cab, G.V.W. 2 1 ,000 Lb. ( 1 969 ) s with Crane and 5Th Weel (1969) s with Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,000 Lb. s with Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and Material S s with Mounted 1500 Gal. Bituminous Distributor s with Platform Body and Roadside Sprayer (1970) s with Platform Body, Electric Powered Crane (196 s with Single Speed Rear Axle (1970) s with Tilt Cab and 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970) s with Two Speed Rear Axle (1970) s with Utility Body and Aerial Ladder (1968) PA RI RI RI RI PA PA IL IL WA IL NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY RI TX RI MS RI PA NY OR PA CA CA NY NY NY NJ NY MD NY NY MS MS sc TX MI NY TX SC KS NY NY NY PA PA CA PA NY MI SC VA NJ MI CA NH NJ AK AK NE SC SC SC SC SC SC NJ MI NJ NJ NJ NJ NE NE NE NJ C-157 1-020 1-012 1-013 1-016 C-165 C-173 *33Z *33H S-70-108 *32M 23100-0855 23100-0411 23103-0029 12026-0456 12026-0877 12026-0012 12026-0048 12026-0324 12026-0757 12026-0552 12026-0786 24204-0654 4910-004 685-34-10 4910-005 T-1A-60-2 4265-M-003 S— 88 32600-0622 79-100-9050 C-83 701-76-61 711-76-61 22000-0462 11501-0582 11000-0788 6524-00 11000-0304 *12 38221-0321 38215-0507 R-5-64-39 3401 HD-73 610-84-1 5325-S22 23100-0855 035-35-2 28-000-0451 51-1 35000-0866 34400-0777 39101-0393 F-54 F-55 691-42-56 D-30 11613-0292 3915-0200 *20 *4 4938-38A 5255-S11 681-91-105 *6 4938-80 *7 *9 *50 14-010-0451 *18 14-020-0451 14-020-0702 14-020 14-020-0451 A 4938-128 3958-0146 4938-00 4938-132 4938-99 4938-73 ♦17 •28 ♦16 4938-115 51 491-458 n.T.T _ v* _ k NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (1969) 70) Spec. Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and for Truck (Tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck Cab and Spec, for School Bus Body and Spec, for Bucket, Mop, Metal with or Without Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Trucks and Spec, for Rear End Pusher Type Bus Spec, for Conventional 20,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Cab and Spec, for 30,000 G.V.W. Truck Tilt Cab and Spec, for 50,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Spec, for School Bus Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Spec, for School Bus Body and Spec, for Truck Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck Cab and Spec, for Post Hole Digger (Auger Type, 4 Wheel Drive c. for Pickup Street Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Cab Spec, for 1/2 Ton Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Truck or Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial ladder (19/ Spec, for Truck, Medium Duty, Six Man Cab and d Payload (1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and omatic Transmission and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease Spec, for Truck, Cab and , 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and nous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asph/ Spec, for Truck Cab and 9) Spec. yer) (1961) anged, for Land Use) (1970) Spec. for Truck, Forward Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for School Bus, Cowl and Spec, for Truck Cab and for School Bus, Cowl and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Spec, for Bronze Angle, Spec, for Boys" Trousers (Twill) Spec, for Textile, Brown Std. Spec, for Pajama xtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Spec, for Textile, Blue Otis Spec, for Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Tweed, Spec, for Textile, Brown ooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Wiping Cloths (Unbleached Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1969) Spec, for drous, Active (1964) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Tent. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 4) Std. Spec, for Detergent and Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry atory Use)/ Spec, for Glass Plant (Various Prefabricated, Spec, for Spec, for Grouting; Spec, for Mortar Plastic Grouting lasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Spec, for Self Contained Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Dry Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Dry Spec, for Bond Paper, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Dry Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Ladder (1970) Chassis with Utility Body and Basket Lift ( 1970) Chassis with Van Type Body and Core Drill ( 1970) Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Water Tank Body (1969) Chassis with 1 4 Ft. Stake Body with Hydraulic Tailgate Chassis with 25 Ton Wrecker Body (1969) Chassis with 5Th Wheel and Winch (1969) Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Van Body for Personnel (19 Chassis (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. G.V.W. (1969) Chassis ( 10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Chassis (16, 20, and 24 Passenger) (1970) Chassis (1966) Chassis (1969) Chassis (1969) Chassis (1970) Chassis (1970) Chassis (1970) Chassis (1970) Chassis (1971) Chassis (1971) Chassis (1971) Chassis (22,000 G.V.W.) (1970) Chassis (25,500 G.V.W.) (1970) Chassis (32,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Chassis) (1970) Chassis) (1970) Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body ( 1970) Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body (1970) Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968) Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and 360 Deg. Aerial Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Body An Chassis, Special, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Chassis, Special, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Chassis, Special, 19,500 Lb. (1969) Chassis, Special, 25,000 Lb. (1969) Chassis, Special, 5,800 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Roller, High Temperature, Chassis, 10,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Special Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,500 Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Payload (1969) Chassis, 14 Ft. Stake Body, Special (1969) Chassis, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Chassis, 151 In. Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. Bitumi Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Back Body, 10,500 Lb. Payload (196 Chassis, 20 Ft. Van Type Body (1969) Chassis, 24 Passenger (1969) Chassis, 25,500 Lb. G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. Roadside Spra Chassis, 40 Passenger ( 1 969 ) Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Body, Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Fl (Check and Plaid) (1962) Check Denim, Heavy, (Cloth) ( 1970?) Check Dimity (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubular Railing) Check (Cloth) (1970?) Check) Sanforized (Textile) (1960) Check, Boucle Patterns) (1957) Check, Dress Material (Cloth) (1970?) Checking or Beginners, Carpenters, Cheese and Dusting Cloth (1971) Cheesecloth (1956) Cheesecloth (1970) FED Std. 191 Cheesecloth) (1971) Cheesecloth, Cotton, Bleached (Textile) (1960) Cheesecloth; Cotton, Bleached (Textile, Cloth) (1969) Cheesecloth; Remnants (for Wiping Purposes) (1958) Cheesecloth; Unbleached (1962) Chemical Analyzer Computer System (Institutional Use) Chemical Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing Machine, 16% Anhy Chemical Cleaner, Liquid, All Purpose (1961) Chemical Cleaner, Synthetic Detergent ( 1964) Chemical Cleaner, Synthetic, 40 and 1/2% Anhydrous (196 Chemical Multipurpose (1968) Chemical Processing Units and Accessory Items for Labor Chemical Reagents ( 1971 ) Chemical Resistant (1964) (Chemical Resistant) (Repair) (1963) Chemical Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Detergent Sanit Chemical Toilet (1971) Chemical (1968) Chemical (1968) Chemical (1968) Chemical (1971) Chemical, Pressurized (1968) Spe Spec. F /Urt Reporter Noteb NJ 4938-138 NJ 4938-134 NJ 4938-140 NJ 4938-23 NJ 4938-106 NJ 4938-127 NJ 4938-44 NJ 4938-141 MI 3958-0168 NH 6536-030 TX 040-35-2 KY 7920-18 OR 06-200-9020 SC 14-050 SC ♦21 SC *23 SC *24 SC *25 CC ♦34 SC 14-020-2616 TX 040-35-11 NH 6536-033 NH 6536-035 NH 6536-038 NY 44500-0686 NY 41600-0620 CA 702-23-04 CA 702-23-05 NY 40501-0079 NJ 4938-41 MI 3958-0136 MI 3958-0096 MI 3958-0132 MI 3958-0128 MI 3958-0156 MI 3958-0072 MA ♦9 MI 3958-0102 MI 3958-0142 MI 3958-0138 MI 3958-0134 MI 3958-0160 MI 3958-0130 NJ 4938-28 MI 3958-0150 MI 3958-0164 MI 3915-0184 NJ 4938-25 MI 3915-0188 MI 3958-0060 MI 3958-0078 TX 540-73-2A RI 4284-M-020 MA ♦35-13 OR 79-100-9130 NY 21802-0333 MA *35-8 PA C-138 RI 4225-F-002 MA ♦35-70 NY 23000-0633 IL *32Q RI 4720-001 PA C-16 NY 33200-0619 MS T-1A-60-3 OR 79-100-9060 PA C-31 PA C-17 NY 38716-0251 MS D-5-64 MS TC-35 MS C-4A-64 MS D-2B-64 FL ♦10 NY 12002-0475 NY 34100-0857 PA G-16(P) PA M-45 NY 39012-0491 NY 37600-0351 FL ♦11 KY 4210-200 PA F-49 CA 711-75-02 KY 4210-300 52 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Sealer (Type 1 , Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, Solvents, 7 1 ) Std. Spec, for Professional Services and Spec, for Heavy d Photostat Machines (1971/ Spec, for Photocopy Paper and requirements and Spec, for Diazo Paper (Moist and Dry) and ed by Gluing Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent and Adding Spec, for Photographic Darkroom Supplies (Papers and Std. Spec, for Boiler Compound and Water Treating Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, / Spec, for Spec, for Aprons; Rubber, Surgeons and Std. Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Dormitory Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Bed and Std. Spec, for Ironer, Flatwork, Commercial, Spec, for Ironers; Flat Work, Spec, for Ironers; Flat Work, Laundry, Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Low Temperature) ec. for Refrigeration Equipment - Low Temperature Freezer Spec, for Tool Storage Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (3 Drawer Wardrobe Spec, for Inside Wardrobe Spec, for Clothing urniture (Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Dresser spec, for Household Furniture (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, temporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, red Chairs, Sof/ Spec, for Household Furniture (Dressers, ia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Spec, for Poultry Feed, Scratch spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell Spec, for Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit Spec, for Poultry Feed, Std. Spec, for Poultry Rations ilizers (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Spec, for Baby Chicks Std. Spec, for Poultry Vitamin Mineral Premix Spec, for Pullets Spec; for Baby Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ing Suits) (1971) * Spec, for Spec, for 5) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Tooth Brushes (Adults' and pec. for Sneakers, Boots, Rubbers (Shoes) (Men's, Women's, Spec, for Anklets and Knee Socks (Women's, Misses' and Spec, for Summer Uniform Cap (Hat) and Spec, for Pencils, Lead and Std. for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 971) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Twill Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Colors for Mixed Paints, Color Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Laundry, < Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Laundry Soap; Std. Spec, for Paint Color Card Spec, for Laundry Soap, envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, Onion Skin, Spec, for Mailing Tubes (New Paper and Spec, for Spec, for , Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux evices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Spec, for Wood and Brush Spec, for Wood and Brush rol) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Slag or Natural Gravel inimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, reader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, eader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, aders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Spec, for Truck Mounted Material Spreader (Sand, Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chemicals and Water) ( 1970?) /R Liquid Crack and Joint Chemicals for Water Treatment and Corrosion Control ( 1 9 Chemicals (Boiler Water Treatment) ( 1961 ) FED Std. 536 Chemicals (Darkroom and Semidarkroom) for Rectigraph An Chemicals ( 1 970 ) General Chemicals) ( 1970?) / and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produc Chemicals) (1971) Chemicals, Water Testing, Reagents and Equipment ( 1971 ) Chemicals, Weed and Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Chemists (1969) Chenille Ball Fringe for Draperies (19S3) (Chenille, Crochet, Pearl, Roving) (1953) Chest Beds (1970) (Chest Clinic) (1970) Chest Combination ( 1969) Chest Type (and Ventilating Canopy) ( 1966) Chest Type (Nonfloating Multiroll) (1966) Chest Type (Nonfloating, with Return Ribbons) (1967) (Chest Type) (1970) (Chest Type) (1971) Sp Chest (1970) Chest) (Hospital) (1970) Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Panels ( 1968) Chests) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Dormitory F Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, U Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Tables) (1970) /Wood) (Con Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholste Cheviot, Terry, Twill) ( 1970) /Teen, Seersucker, Siles (Chick Size) (1963) (Chick Size) (1963) (Chick Size) (1963) Chick Starter Nutrient (1963) (Chick,/Laying/Chicken Feed) and Pullet (1970) Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Dried Blood (Chicken) (Egg Production Stock) (1962) (Chicken) (1970) (Chicken), 20 Week Old (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Chicks (Chicken) (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Children's and Misses" Vests (1970) Children's Bib Style Overalls (Corduroy) (1956) Children's Bib Style Overalls (Denim) (1957) Children's Clothing (Undershirts, Training Pants, Sleep Children's Sleepers (Pajamas) (1957) Children's Sleepers (Pajamas), Two Piece, Rib Knit (196 Children's Suspenders (1957) Children's Training Pants (1970) Children's) (1968) Children's) (1970?) Children's) (1971) Chin Straps (1968) China Marking (1964) Chinaware (1967) Chinaware, Table, Vitrified (Institutional Use) (1965) Chinaware, Vitrified (1955) Chinaware; Vitreous (Institutional and Hospital Use) (1 Chino Cotton Twill Shirting and Suiting (1971) Chino (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Chip and Granulated (1966) Chip Mixture (Drain Cleaner) (1953) Chip Mixture (Drain, Pipe Cleaner) (1970) Chip Number (1969) Chip or Cube Ice Maker) ( 1971 ) Chip Soap (1969) Chip (Nonrosin Type) (1969) ASTM D460 Chip (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 Chip (Rosin Type) (1968) ASTM D460 (Chip) (1970?) Chip, Soft Water (1969) Chipboard (1970) Spec, for Printing Papers, Chipboard) (1970) Chipboard, Nonbending (1969) FED UU-C-282 Chipper (Brush Grinder), Trailer Mounted (1969) Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Co Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Deter Chipping Machine (12 and 15 In.) (1971) Chipping Machine (1970) Chips) (1971) Spec, for Sand (Airport Ice Cont Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Dump Truck Mountin Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride), Truck Mounting) Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1 Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1 Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1 Chips, Cinders and Road Salt) (1968) Chips, Cinders, Calcium Chloride) (Park) ( 197 1 ) /. Yd. VA •33 MS WT-2D-71 PA H-15 NY 38808-0259 NJ 7580-00 VA •34 NY 38802-0864 IL •1 MS C-40A-7 1 PA A-l IL •33A IL ♦331 NY 21512-0310 NY 11000-0687 PA B-141 NC 3510-FI-l PA 1-2 PA 1-4 NY 24208-0660 NY 24208-0557 NE ♦62 NY 21606-0054 CA 681-67-10 CA 681-67-9 NY 21606-0789 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 NY 21601-0227 NY 32600-0622 MI 4340-0101 MI 4340-0103 MI 4340-0105 MI 4340-0120 WA S-60-8 NY 07700-0473 WA S-62-50 WA S-60-8- 1 WA S-62-5 1 WA S-62-50 RI 4287-F-012 RI 4284-M-012 RI 4284-M-015 NY 40033-0138 RI 4270-F-014 RI 4270-M-008 RI 4240-M-003 RI 4287-F-006 CT 1 1-1 ID MA ♦38 NY 40020-0126 SC 03-100-0211 MI 4854-0010 CT 31-140E MS C-39A-65 CT 3108-C-31 PA C-2 NY 32601-0251 MS T-1A-60-37 KY 7930-16 MS S-2-53-46 LA * 1 1-2 CA 691-80-450 NY 36211-0798 OR 76-401-9030 PA S-4 PA S-112 PA S-74 WA S-65-89 CA 691-77-28 LA •12 PA T-73 CA 691-82-12 NJ 4938-36 NY 43203-0185 NY 39012-0491 NY 42900-0302 NY 42900-0578 AK •76 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0801 SC 14-400 NY 41000-0182 53 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Staples, and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Spec, for Insecticide, ants, Spiders, Carpet Beetles) (/ Spec, for Insecticides, ntiseptic Bacterial Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Std. Spec, for Paint Remover (Methylene tm C 1 36, D 1 293, FED SS-S-550 Spec, for Sodium paraffin/ m D632 sho M-144 Spec. Std. for Household Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Disinfectant, Quaternary Ammonium Spec, for Calcium Spec, for Calcium ion, Ice Removal, Concrete Setting And/ Spec, for Calcium Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Calcium ) Spec, for Di (Hydrogenated Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium n (1971) Spec, for Dialkyl Dimethyl Ammonium Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Matting, Vinyl Polyvinyl Spec, for Calcium Spec, for Rock Salt - Sodium Spec, for Rock and Water Softener Salt and Calcium Std. Spec, for Calcium and Deicing (1968) ASTM D632, CI 36 Spec, for Sodium cture (1962) ASTM D632-58, CI 36-6 IT, Dl/ Spec, for Sodium 964) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55T Spec, for Sodium (1962) ASTM C632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55/Spec. for Sodium acity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Spec, for Rock Salt (Sodium eets) (1970) Spec, for Crushed Rock Salt (Sodium concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calcium iquid 80% Active Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Spec, for Ice Control Salt (Rock, Solar) (Sodium cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Sand, Ships, Cinders and Calcium pacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium for Red Orange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones (Polyvinyl r, Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl 969) Spec, for Sodium acity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium acity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium acity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium reader (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, 0?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Technical Spec, for Std. Spec, for (1970) ASTM D2022, E70, Std Std. 536 Spec, for hite and Yellow Traffic Line Paints (Combination Alkyd and Spec, for White Fast Drying Traffic Paint Based on Spec, for Std. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate, for Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder Spec, for Spec, for Disinfectant,/ Spec, for Technical Calcium Hypochlorite for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) o S Triaz/ Spec, for Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (Organic Spec, for Organic -60/ Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, 5% Available Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Scouring Powder, Cleanser, Spec, for Liquid h; Laundry, Powder (Calcium Hypochlorite; 65-70% Available Spec, for Dairy Cleaning and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Spec, for Bleach, (1969) FED BB-C-120 Spec, for Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mixer, Meat Std. Spec, for Meat Std. Spec, for Meat Std. Spec, for Meat Spec, for Spec, for Acoustical Shell Spec, for Denims (Western Jeans, Dungarees, Spec, for Choral Shells, Spec, for Risers (Stairway, Sound Reflectors, Seated Spec, for Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint with Strontium Std. Spec, for Basic Lead Silico Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Spec, for Primer (Paint), Zinc Spec, for Primer (Paint), Basic Lead Silico Spec, for Mass Spectrometer and Accessories and Gas Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil cation and Disinfectant) (1953) nfectant or Decontaminant ( 1964) Fed/ 30-49, D1280-53T 4/ Chisel Point, Office, Standard Duty (1970) Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bo Chlordane Dust (Plant Inhabiting) ( 1961 ) Chlordane Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Chloride - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet, Ointment) (1 Chloride Based, Organic Solvent Type) (1968) Chloride Evaporated Salt for Soap Manufacture ( 1 965 ) As Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Chloride Salt (Block and Rock) (1967) FED RR-S-366, AST Chloride Type (1969) Chloride (Drying, Dehumidifying, Dust Layer) (1970?) Aa Chloride (Flake) (1971) ASTM D-98-56T Chloride (for Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilizat Chloride (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO M143 Chloride (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO Ml 44 Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Softener Manufacture (1969 Chloride (Powder) for Use in Fabric Softener Formulatio Chloride (Salt) for Snow Removal (1970) Chloride (1969) Chloride (1969) AASHO M-144-57 Chloride (1970) Chloride (1970) ASTM D632-58, D98-56T Chloride (1970?) AASHO M-144-57, ASTM D-98-56 T Chloride (95% Minimum) Rock Salt for Road Stabilization Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Ice Cream Manufa Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Stock Feeding (1 Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Water Softening Chloride) Dump Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) /Yd. Struck Cap Chloride) for Road Purposes (1970?) Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal on Highways and Str Chloride) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /T Chloride) (Park) ( 1971 ) /. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Chloride) (1969) Spec, for L Chloride) (1970) Chloride) ( 1971 ) /C. for Material Spreaders (5 1/2-6 Chloride), Truck Mounting) (1970) /6 cu. Yd. Struck Ca Chloride, Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Std. Spec. Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, S Chloride, Technical Grade, for Water Softening Units ( 1 Chloride, Truck Mounting) (1969) /Urn 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Cap Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) /5 cu. Yd. Struck Cap Chloride, Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) /5 cu. Yd. Struck Cap Chlorides and Stone, Dump Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) /L Sp Chlorinated Automatic Machine Dishwashing Compound (197 Chlorinated Dishwashing Compound (Machine Use) (1969) Chlorinated Dishwashing Compound (Machine Use) (1971) Chlorinated Lime - Grade a (Bleach Powder, Water Purifi Chlorinated Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite) for Use as Disi Chlorinated Machine Dishwashing Compound ( 1 965 ) ASTM D9 Chlorinated Machine Dishwashing Compound (1969) Chlorinated Powdered Cleaner (Abrasive Type, Cleanser) Chlorinated Rubber - Fast Dry Type) (1969) /Pec. for W Chlorinated Rubber (1971?) Chlorinated Trisodium Phosphate (1966) Chlorinated (Sanitizer, Cleaner) (1953) (Chlorinated, Nonfoaming) (1971) Spec. Chlorinator (1970) Chlorinators (1968) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Disinfectant, Etc. Chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydr Chlorine Dry Laundry Bleach (1968) Chlorine (Liquid Bleach, Household Type) ( 1971 ) FED O-S Chlorine (1965) Chlorine (1969) Chlorine (1971) Chlorine) (1969) Spec, for Bleac Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Chlorine, for Plastic Tableware (1969) Chlorine, Liquid (Bleach, Sanitation and Disinfectant) Chopper and Sheer) (1971) Chopper (Counter or Bench Type) ( 1963) Chopper (Counter Type, Fractional Hp) (1961) Chopper (Heavy Duty, 5 Hp) (1961) Choral Shells, Chorus Risers, Percussion Center (1970) (Choral) (1971) Chore Coats) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Chorus Risers, Percussion Center (1970) Chorus) (1971) Chromate Added (1965) Chromate Paint ( 1964) Chromate, Enamel, Metal (Paint) (1970) Chromate, Metal, Fast Drying (1969) Chromate, Semiquick Drying (1969) Chromatograph (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Chrome Green Exterior Paint (1962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. 1 CA 702-75-27 NY 39000-0482 MS 1-8 MS 1-7 NY 21901-0964 WA S-66-91-A TX 615-37-2 22000-0462 S— 38 6840-DQ-4B 3753 32100-0265 C-7 DH-250 DH-249 371-32-2 180- 12-2 A ♦17 M-4 *86 2330-01 *1 2330-00 6 15-34-1 A 615-32-1 615-36-1 615-37-1 41000-0870 3910 *13 DH-217 41000-0182 371-90-1 *8 41000-0509 41000-0531 WA S-71-110 VA DH-241 691-66-48 41000-0801 41000-0390 41000-0768 41000-0325 *4 3 70-4 1-3 A 485-38-3A S-2-53-21 370-44-1 TL-15 WA S-60-16-1 TX 370-33-6A NM M-TPC-69 20-0 10A 371-84-2 S-2-53-6A T-D-23C-71 32500-0543 32500-0705 395-35-1B 395-35-2A 371-87-1 395-35-6 395-35-9 00324-0061 C-8A-69 32400-0011 B-90 *14 691-77-08 C— 8 36100-0549 WA S-63-60 WA S-61-40 WA S-61-34 NY 30202-0657 NY 30202-0897 NY 40030-0621 NY 30202-0657 NY 30202-0114 MD *23 SC HD-80B12 MS PE-11 CA 691-80-51 CA 691-80-83 NY 38782-0200 VA DK-37 NY PA NC MS NY PA VA VA TX TX MD PA NE NJ SD NJ TX TX TX TX NY MS NE VA NY TX NH NY NY CA NY NY NY NY UT TX TX MS TX VA SC TX MS MS NY NY TX TX TX TX TX NY MS NY PA MA CA PA NY 54 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Leather; Calf, Full Grain Spec, for Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Spec, for Leather; Kid, Glazed Spec, for Leather; Sides for Leather; Sides, Oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, b, Std. 141 Spec, for Medium Spec, for High Gloss Alkyd Enamel (School Bus Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Loading Spec, for Store Fixtures (Utility Counters, A/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Display and Storage Cases) Spec, for Tobacco (Shredded, Spec, for ec. for Store Fixtures (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Spec, for Material Spreaders (Sand and 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Sand, Ships, (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, urn 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Spec, for Truck Mounted Material Spreader (Sand, Chips, Spec, for Processed Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Spec, for Abrasives for Ice Control and Bright Image Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and , Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring and r Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Spec, for Closed Spec, for Closed Spec, for Closed Spec, for Closed Spec, for Closed Spec, for Closed Spec, for CCTV System (Closed Spec, for CCTV Security Surveillance System (Closed Spec, for Closed m-196 Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Spec, for e) (1969) Spec, for Metal Smoker's Stand; continuous and Snapout Forms (Books and Pamphlets, Blanks, Spec, for Electric Spec, for Spec, for Fluoridation System for Municipal Water Supply Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues (Jersey Spec, for Spec, for Stainless Steel Std. Spec, for Steel ng, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Std. Spec, for Paper and Binder and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and r Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper (1970) Spec, for General Purpose 4 Carrier Mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to 15 Ton Crane, (1971) Spec, for Musical Instruments (Violin, Flute, Spec, for Badges (Medals and Spec, for Badges (Long and Faithful Service Medals and Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Spec, for Steel Executive Desks highway Patrol Police Special Service Vehicle (Automobile, 6) Spec, for Spec, for Bed Spring; Wire Fabric Spring; Wire Fabric (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, Type A, Spec, for Electric Adding Machines Spec, for Printing Electric Calculators 66) Spec, for . for Spiral Bed Spring Bottom (B-61, B-84, B-108, Type A, Spec, for Electric Adding Machines Spec, for Printing Electric Calculators (1963) Spec, for Spec, for Spiral Bed Spring Bottom (Type B, Spec, for Electric Adding Machines Spec, for Printing Electric Calculators 63) Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Rotary Calculators 1954) Spec, for Dry Cleaning Unit; 1963) Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Rotary Calculators Spec, for Lateral Steel Filing Cabinets Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Cabinets Spec, for Crawler Tractor; Diesel, 57 Hp Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; Diesel, 42 Hp Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Winch; Diesel, 42 Hp Spec, for Crawler Tractor; Diesel, 42 Hp for Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; with Winch, Diesel, 42 Hp (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Spec. Chrome Tube Frame ( 1968) Chrome Yellow Traffic Marking Paint (1964) FED TT-D-643 Chrome) (Paint) (1971) Chute) (1968) Cigar and Wall Cases, Swing Gate) ( 1971 ) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy Cigarette and Pipe) (1971) Cigarette Tax Stamp (Heat Fusion, Decal) ( 1963) Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy and Co Cinder) (1969) Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Dump Truck Mounting) ( 197 Cinders and Calcium Chloride) (1971) /C. for Material Cinders and Calcium Chloride), Truck Mounting) (1970) Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) (1969) Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) (1971) Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounting) (1971) Cinders and Road Salt) (1968) Cinders for Ice Control (1960) Cinders, Calcium Chloride) (Park) ( 1971 ) /. Yd. Struck (Cinders, Slag, Grits, Concrete Sand) ( 1 970) Cine Fluoroscopy) (1967) / X-Ray System (Conventional Circle Shears, Brake and Folder, Buffer Polisher) (1969 Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, SI Circuit T.V. System (Television) (School) (1971) Circuit Television Equipment (University) (1971) Circuit Television System (Institutional Use) (1969) Circuit Television System (Monochrome) (1971) Circuit Television System (Studio) (1971) Circuit Television System (University) (1971) Circuit Television) (Hospital) (1971) Circuit Television) (Medical Center) (1969) Circuit TV Equipment (Television) (1969) Circular Pipe, Aprons and Coupling Bands (1970?) AASHO Circular Saw, 14 In., 5 In. Depth (1966) Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Tray (Office Furnitur Circulars) (1970) Spec, for Printing; Circulating Propeller Fans (1968) Citronella Oil, Ceylon Type (Soap Fragrance) (1965) (City) (1969) City) (1970) Civil Service Emblems (Markings) (1969) Clad Plate (1970?) ASTM A-264 Claims Cabinet (20 Drawer, 5 X 8 In. Cards) (1970) Clambering Blocks, Spring Animals) (1970) /Nursery Swi Clamps (1971) Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fastener Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Pape Clamshell Bucket ( 1 cu. Yd. Capacity, Square Nose Type) Clamshell, Dragline and Backhoe) (1969) /R Shovel (6 X Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Snare Drum) Clasps) (1965) Clasps) (1970) Class a Fire, Mineral Surfaced, 300-325 Lb. (1970) (Class A) (Office Furniture) (1969) Class A) (1971) Spec, for Class I Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) ( 196 (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class I) (1956) Class I) ( 1956) Spec, for Bed (Class I) (1964) (Class I) (1964) Class II Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (19 Class Ii) (1956) Spec (Class Ii) (1964) (Class Ii) (1964) Class HI Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) Class Iii) for Spec. B-61, B-84, B-108 (1956) (Class Iii) (1964) (Class Iii) (1964) Class IV Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (19 (Class Iv), Automatic (1964) Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Solvent, Institutional Use Class V Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (Class V), Fully Automatic (1964) (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1968) (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1969) Class (1970) Class (1970) Class (1970) Class (1970) Class (1970) Spec. PA L-29 PA L-30 PA L-31 PA L-32 PA L-33 CA 681-67-4 TX 520-43-1 TX 520-42-8 NY 36501-0799 NY 21802-0225 NY 21802-0128 NY 02301-0421 PA S-144 NY 21802-0128 NY 41000-0799 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0509 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0801 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 SC 14-400 MD *Q NY 41000-0182 NJ 2330-02 NY 11000-0341 NY 43201-0487 NY 35000-0938 NY 38221-0498 NY 38221-0272 NY 38221-0970 NY 38221-0141 NY 38221-0021 NY 38221-0837 NY 38221-0785 NY 38221-0920 NE *4 MS 3225 NJ 4930-08 RI 1-023 NY 00500-0333 VA Y-10A TX 371-39-1 NY 32500-0108 NJ 7580-00A NJ 9130-00 MS 3340 OR 43-230-9010 NY 30211-0572 IL *32P NY 39000-0482 NY 23000-0633 FL *2I NY 41101-0605 NY 41100-0914 NY 38320-0503 NY 00310-0115 NY 31000-0279 MS R-5-64-5 RI 1-010 CA 711-23-06 TX 415-37-1B PA SWF- 108 PA SWF-108 TX 495-32-1 TX 495-35-1 TX 415-37-2B PA SSB-108 TX 495-32-2 TX 495-35-2 TX 415-37-3A PA SS-108 TX 495-32-3 TX 495-35-3 TX 415-36-1A TX 495-37-4 PA D-14 TX 415-36-2A TX 495-37-5 RI 1-003 A RI 1-003 SC 14-300-0351 SC 14-300-035 IB SC 14-300-035 ID SC 14-300-0351E SC 14-300-035 1C 55 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Tractor Shovel and Spec, for Tractor Shovel and Spec, for Spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture Spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture Std. Spec, for School Spec, for Audio Laboratory Equipment (College Student, Spec, for )(1970) Spec, for 0) Spec, for Without Arms) (1970) Spec, for rigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezers and Refrigerators) Spec, for Temporary st/ Std. Spec, for Earth Type Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Spec, for Book Cover Board, ools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Spec, for Building Brick Spec, for y, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Std. Spec, for Chalk and Spec, for Drain Tile, Concrete, Std. Spec, for Earth Type Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Sand Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified c. for Culvert Pipe (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, sewer Pipe and Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified urn) For/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Spec, for Sewer, Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Spec, for Sewer Brick (Concrete, Spec, for Sewer Brick (Drainage) Spec, for Pipe; Spec, for Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soiled and Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor, Spec, for Laminar Flow ec. for Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Spec, for Solvent, Light, ble (1968) Spec, for Blanket Wash and Spec, for Thinner, Special, spec, for Filters, Air, for Window Air Conditioning Units t, Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Counter and Std. Spec, for Household Aqua Ammonia (General Spec, for Quaternary Disinfectant pec. for Surfactant Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether Sulfate for 1970) Spec, for Liquid mbustion Engines (1969) Std. Spec, for Air Std. Spec, for Carburetor Air Spec, for Waste Pipe (Drainpipe) Spec, for Lanolin (Anhydrous) for Waterless Hand Silica Flour (200 Mesh) for Household Scouring Powder and Spec, for Deodorized Kerosene for Waterless Hand Std. Spec, for Synthetic Detergent Spec, for Vacuum Street and Catch Basin 0, Std Std. 536 Spec, for Chlorinated Powdered Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Low Sudsing Liquid Detergent spec, for Hard Surface Delimer Acid Nonphosphate Detergent Spec, for Toilet Bowl Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Toilet Bowl Spec, for Scouring Powder; Spec, for General Purpose Liquid Spec, for Beach Std. Spec, for Sodium Bisulfate, Toilet Bowl Spec, for Industrial Vacuum Spec, for Auto Steam Spec, for Waterless Cream Paste Hand for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W., Mounted with High Velocity Sewer Spec, for Isopropyl Alcohol in Solvent and Spec, for Grease Trap Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Bowl Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Glass and Window Spec, for Scouring Powder, Bleach, Spec, for Compound; Wall and Paint Spec, for Waterless Hand spec, for Cleaning Compound; Liquid, High Pressure (Steam) Spec, for Ammopiated Liquid Window and Mirror Spec, for Catch Basin Std. Spec, for Caustic Soda (Anhydrous Std. Spec, for Alkaline Soap Powder (General Purpose Std. Spec, for Aluminum Chip Mixture (Drain Std. Spec, for Soda Ash Std. Spec, for Borax (Sodium Tetraborate) Std. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate (Water Softener, td. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate, Chlorinated (Sanitizer, Std. Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate Std. Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate (Hydrated) Classifications (1971) Classifications (1971) Classroom Cabinets ( 1971 ) (Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables) ( 1971 ) (Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables) ( 1971 ) Classroom Furniture (Chairs, Desks, Tables) (1971) Classroom Language Program) (1969) Classroom or Institutional Steel Chair Desk (1970) Classroom or Institutional Steel Chair (Tablet Arm Type Classroom or Institutional Steel Chairs (Side Arm) (197 Classroom or Institutional Steel Chairs (Stacking Type, (Classroom Study and Assembly) (1971) Spec, for Ref Classroom (University) (1968) Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highway Con Clay Coated, Flexible (1970) Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, R (Clay or Shale) ( 1970?) AASHO M-l 14 Clay Pipe ( 1970?) AASHO M-65, ASTM C-200, C-425 Clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medi Clay (1953) Clay (1970?) AASHO M-l 78, M-l 79 Clay) for Highway Construction (1964) Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Joints) (1964) /Ipe Clay) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spe Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) (1964) /Spec, for Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Alumin Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cem Clay, Shale) (1970) AASHO M91, ASTM C55 (Clay, Shale) (1970?) Clay, Vitrified (1964) ASTM C301 Clay; Fire, Ground (1960) ASTM C24, C92 Clean Dish Table) (1971) Clean Dish Table, Dishwasher with Booster) (1969) Clean Room (Portable) (1971) FED Std. 209a Clean Tables) (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) ( 1971 ) Sp Clean Up Printing Equipment (1969) Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Offset Press, Flamma Clean Up Traffic Paint (1969) (Cleanable) (1961) Std. Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane Cleane (Cleane (Cleane Cleane Cleane (Cleane (Cleane - Sanitizer) (1971) / (Tray and Silverware Car and Deodorizor) (1953) and Synthetic Detergent (Janitorial) (1970) Detergent Manufacture (1968) Detergent (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Internal Co Filter Elements (Automobile, Truck) (1967) in Crystalline Form (1964) ASTM El 1-61 Manufacture (1966) Manufacture (1966) Spec, for Manufacturing (1966) Paste (General Purpose) (1953) with Flusher Attachment (1970?) (Abrasive Type, Cleanser) (1970) ASTM D2022, E7 (All Purpose) (1964) (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) (for Dairy, Shower Room, Swimming Pool Deck, Et (Globular) (1964) FED P-C-447 (Industrial) (1971) (Liquid) (1970) (Porcelain, Kitchen) (1969) (Soap with Synthetic Detergent) (1964) (Tractor Drawn) (Sifter) (1969) (1953) (1960) (1961) (1964) FED P-H-31A, Std. 791 (1967) Spec. (1968) ASTM D770 (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1970) ASTM D1426, E203, FED P-D-00223a (1971) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) ) (1953) NY NY NY NY NY MS NE TX TX TX TX NY NY SC CA NY MS MS NY IL MS SC SC VA SC SC VA VA MS PA PA NY NY NY NY CA CA CA NC NY MS PA TX TX NC MS TX TX TX TX MS VA TX SC TX MS TX NY TX PA TX NY MS NJ NJ TX NJ CA CA IA IA MI PA NY PA TX NY MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 40603-0129 40603-0382 27001 31605-0146 31605-0241 F-3A-71 *2 295-52-5 295-52-4 295-52-3 295-52-1A 24204-0747 31800-0655 HD-37 701-82-10 43203-0185 3613 3251 23100-0855 *33Z 3276 HD-33 HD-90 DH-240 HD-92 HD-104 DH-241 DH-227 3612 P-13 C-10 36200-0800 36200-0972 12030-0797 36200-0823 691-80-419 681-66-17 691-80-418 4120-F-16 36100-0413 S-2-53-45 D-26 371-78-6A 370-33-3C 2940-AC-2 F-25-67 370-34-1 371-48-1 371-62-1 285-42-1 S-2-53-44 *6 3 70-3 3-6 A 1 1-050C 370-33-5A D-20A-7 1 370-37-1 25000-0790 370-37-2A P-2 370-33-1 41600-0468 S-2-53-43 1190-00 5760-00 370-36-1 4938-103 681-66-02 691-77-51 ♦3-4 •3-8 4681-S3 C-74 20118-0243 C-164 3 70-3 8-1 A 44000-0721 S-2-53-12 S-2-53-35 S-2-53-46 S-2-53-47 S-2-53-5 S-2-53-6 S-2-53-6A S-2-53-7 S-2-53-8 56 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 969) 1) Std. Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous pec. for Detergent, Colloidal, Inorganic (Laundry Over-All Modified Laundry Soda (Sesquicarbonate) (Water Softener, Std. Spec, for Sweeping Compound nt. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Degreaser, Liquid, Heavy Duty Rec. Pract. for Removal of Stains oor Care Products (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent Spec, for Barn Equipment Std. Spec, for Aluminum Brightener (Phosphoric Acid Type Spec, for Aluminum Chip Mixture (Drain, Pipe Std. Spec, for Remover, Floor Wax and Finish (Ammonia) Spec, for Spec, for Toilet Bowl Spec, for Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Tank Std. S Std. Spec. Fo Te Spec, for Fl removal) (1963) tive (1964) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Chemical Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Germicidal Detergents Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Deodorizing Spec, for iquid ( 1969) Spec, for Germicidal Spec, for Spec, for Toilet Bowl Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds, Spec, for Steam 1963) Std. Spec, for Wall Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Steam c(1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Detergent Floor Std. Spec, for Glass Spec, for Toilet Bowl Std. Spec, for Spray on Spot Std. Spec, for Toilet Bowl Spec, for Ammonia, Household, Aqua, Tent. Std. Spec, for Chemical Std. Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Steam Std. Spec, for Toilet Bowl Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Spec, for Steam Spec, for Std. Spec, for Janitorial Detergent (General Purpose Spec, for Spec, for Detergent 969) Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Spec, for Sign Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Vacuum 400a Spec, for Pine Oil for Use in Household Spec, for Toilet Bowl Std. Spec, for Chemical Std. Spec, for Detergent and Chemical Spec, for Spec, for Vacuum cab and Chassis Mounted (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sulfamic Acid in Formulation of Spec, for Compounds; Dairy r Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Compounding of Detergents and pec. for Sodium Hydroxide in Compounding of Detergents and pec. for Sodium Carbonate in Compounding of Detergents and . for Sodium Metasilicate in Compounding of Detergents and tetrasodium Pyrophosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Std. Spec, for Pipe Spec, for Liquid Steam Tent. Spec, for Wet and Dry Vacuum ec. for Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate in Compounding Detergents and ium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in Compounding Detergents and condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and Steam diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in Compounding Detergents and or Sodium Sesquicarbonate in Compounding of Detergents and flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Data Processing and . for Trisodium Phosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Spec, for Pine Oil in Compounding Detergents and Spec, for Portable Oil Fired Steam Spec, for Steam Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Duty Vacuum Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner) (1953) Cleaner) (1953) Cleaner) (1953) (Cleaner) (1954) (Cleaner) (1963) (Cleaner) (1965) Cleaner) (1966) (Cleaner) (1969) Cleaner) (1969) Cleaner) (1970) (Cleaner) (1970) Cleaner, Acid for Dishwashing Machines, Dry Granular ( 1 Cleaner, Acid, Stable, Dry Granular (1968) Cleaner, Alkaline Powder (Chlorinated, Nonfoaming) (197 Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing Machine, 16% Anhydrous, Ac Cleaner, Back Carried ( 1970) Cleaner, Back Pack, Dry (1967) Cleaner, Commode, Toilet, Liquid (1966) Cleaner, Commode, Toilet, Powder (1967) Cleaner, Degreaser, Liquid ( 1 968 ) (Cleaner, Disinfectant) (1970) ASTM E70, FED P-D-00235 Cleaner, Drain, Liquid (1969) Cleaner, Flexible Power Bucket Machine (1962) Cleaner, General Purpose (1970?) Cleaner, General Purpose, Liquid (1969) Cleaner, General Purpose, Phenolic Type, Concentrated L Cleaner, Glass, Liquid (1968) Cleaner, Granular (1969) Cleaner, Granulated or Briquette, Institutional (1970?) Cleaner, Heavy Duty (1969) Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Low Foaming, Powder and Granular Cleaner, Large, Wet or Dry (1966) Cleaner, Light Duty (1969) Cleaner, Light Duty, Hand Dishwashing, Unbuilt Syntheti Cleaner, Liquid (Deodorizer) (Hand or Machine) ( 1969) Cleaner, Liquid (1953) Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Cleaner, Liquid (1970) Cleaner, Liquid, All Purpose ( 1961 ) Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck Body (Tar and Petroleum Cleaner, Liquid, Heavy Duty (1962) Cleaner, Liquid, Low Caustic ( 1968) Cleaner, Liquid, Medium Duty (1962) Cleaner, Medium Duty (1969) Cleaner, Oven, Alkaline (1968) Cleaner, Paintsafe) (1953) Cleaner, Paste, Mild Abrasive (1968) Cleaner, Paste, Synthetic, (Oil, Grease Removal) (1970) Cleaner, Pneumatically Agitated Electric Heated Unit ( 1 Cleaner, Powder Light and Moderate Duty ( 1961 ) Cleaner, Pressure Spray Type ( 1963) Cleaner, Sewer, Bucket Type (1968) Cleaner, Sewer, Power Rod Type (1968) Cleaner, Small, Wet or Dry (1966) Cleaner, Soap and Disinfectant (1966) ASTM D802, LLL-P- Cleaner, Sodium Bisulfate (1970) Cleaner, Synthetic Detergent (1964) Cleaner, Synthetic, 40 and 1/2% Anhydrous (1964) Cleaner, Toilet Bowl (1955) Cleaner, Upright (Industrial) (1970) Cleaner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cleaner, Waterless, Hand (1966) Cleaners and Descalers (1968) Cleaners and Sanitizers (1964) Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D456 Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D458 Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D537 Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D595 Cleaners (1953) Cleaners (1964) Cleaners ( 1966) Cleaners (1968) Cleaners (1968) Cleaners ( 1968) /Escaling Compound for Cooling Tower, Cleaners (1968) /Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 Spec. F Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 /. for Binders, Pressboard, Cleaners ( 1968) ASTM D538 Spec Cleaners (1968) FED LLL-O-358 Cleaners (1970) Cleaners (1970) Cleaners ( 1970) FED OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Spec, for Cleaners (1971) Spec. Fo Spec Spec, for Sp Spec, for Sod MS MS MS MS MS KS NY NY MS CA CA MS MS PA KY KY KY KY RI MS NJ MA CA CA KY MI MA CA MS KY CA CA MS MS MI MS MS LA MS MS MS MS MS CA KY MS KY LA NJ MS NJ NJ NJ KY TX LA MS MS PA PA NJ KY CA PA CA CA CA CA CA IL SC KS CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NE NY NJ NY S-2-53-9 S-2-53-13 S-2-53-4 S-5-54 TC-34B •1 00220-02-0684 08208-0335 WA S-60-19 LA * 1 1— 2 R-2B-69 691-77-21 681-76-14 T-D-23C-71 D-5-64 C-178 7910-7 7930-21 7930-10 7930-39 6620-05 TC-42-69 4938-46 *1 691-77-60 691-77-78 7930-28 4681-S2 •15 691-77-76 C- 12-63 7910-3 691-77-75 691-77-15 D-6A-69 C-2 4681-S1 C-14-69 C-25B-69 ♦11-7 TC-35 C-37 TC-28A C-3A-68 TC-27A 691-77-77 7930-20 S-2-53-36 7930-32 ♦11-12 6524-05 TC-29 4938-58 6356-02 6356-01 7910-4 371-56-1 * 1 1 — 1 1 C-4A-64 D-2B-64 C-91 C-179 4938-80 8520-8 681-66-23 C-76 681-66-09 681-66-04 681-66-03 681-66-06 681-66-08 •33EE 11-200 78-3A 681-66-10 681-66-19 681-66-13 681-66-20 681-66-05 712-75-05 681-66-07 681-66-24 •47 35002-0606 1140-00 25000-0648 57 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards . Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Drill Presses and Vacuum Spec, for Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate in Compounding Spec, for Acid Descaler of Steam Std. Spec, for Glass nsate/ Spec, for Nonionic Liquid Detergent in Compounding Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall ets(1971) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Vacuum tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Spec, for Toilet Bowl Std. Spec, for Type Spec, for Film on the Maintenance of Highway Structures (Structural Steel d, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milkin/ Spec, for Dairy Spec, for Janitorial d502,/ Spec, for Sodium Sulfate (Anhydrous for Detergent, Spec, for Hand Use d DDD-R-30 Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Rags, rnish or Laquer Finish) (1/ Spec, for Oil Soap Paste (for Std. Spec, for Paper Towels and ishing(1971) Spec, for Spec, for Ironer Waxing and Spec, for General Std. Spec, for Steam Spec, for Std. Spec, for Soaps and Related r(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Milkstone Remover (Liquid Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Floor metal Cross Link/ Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Sewer Spec, for Sewer ipment (Portable, Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Blast Spec, for Dry CCC-T- 1 9 1 Spec, for Wet Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1/ Spec, for Pipe Brushes for Spec, for Janitorial Spec, for Typewriter Std. Spec, for Dry nt, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (White and Yellow), and for Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) Technical (Dry itutional Use (1954) Spec, for Dry Spec, for Stoddard Solvent for Dry h, Liquid and Paste for Floors (Except Rubber) and General nzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Trap and Drain Spec, for Soap, Vegetable Oil, Liquid, General Spec, for Soap, Vegetable Oil, Paste, General tructures (Highway and Bridge Construction), Painting, and Spec, for Solvent, Stoddard, Dry Spec, for Scouring Powder, Glass fety), Face Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Dispenser for and Powder ( 1964) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Carbon Tetrachloride - Technical (Dry Spec, for Sodium Bicarbonate (for Spec, for Washer, High Pressure (Heavy Duty Industrial for Washer, High Pressure, Portable (Heavy Duty Industrial Spec, for Ammonia; Aqua cale Preven/ Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate (Granular) for Spec, for Sodium Sesquisilicate for Washing, Spec, for Brush; Std. Spec, for Detergent Highway Road Sign nt Marking Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Spec, for Brushes; ers) ( 1969) Spec, for Dust Control Supply Service td. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, Fine (Glass and Enamelware Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, (Pot and Pan Spec, for Chlorinated Powdered Cleaner (Abrasive Type, Std. Spec, for Scouring Powder, Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Powder, Spec, for Spec, for Powder, se Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Extractors; Open or Spec, for Aluminum Vehicle Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Std. Spec, for Lacquer, Std. Spec, for 68) Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armless Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Steel Swivel Chairs; Armless, Cleaners ( 1971 ) /. for Power Tools (Stationary), 20 in Cleaners, Detergents and Bleach (1968) Cleaners, Hydrochloric Acid (1968) Cleaners, Liquid (1969) Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Conde Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons Cleaners; Type (Liquid and Plastic), and Typewriter She Cleaner; Heavy Duty Commercial (1970) Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Flui Cleaner; Liquid (Acid Type) (1965) Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean (Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean (Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean (Clean ng and Dusting Brushes (1971) ng and Inspection Machines (1971) ng and Painting) (1970?) Manual ng and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Aci ng and Services (Departmental) (1971) ng and Washing Compound Manufacture) (1967) ASTM ng and Washing Compound (Bead or Granular) (1967) ng and Wiping Cloths (Domestic Service) (1964) Fe ng and Wiping, Cotton (1966) ng Automobiles and Other Metal Surfaces Having Va ng Cloths (1971) FED UU-P-3 1 B ng Cloth; Nonwoven Fabric for Dusting, Wiping Pol ng Compound (Water Emulsion, Laundry) (1969) ng Compound (1965) ng Compound (1969) ng Compound, General Purpose, Powder (1968) ng Compounds (1969) ng Compound; Liquid, High Pressure (Steam) Cleane ng Concentrate) (1969) ng Detergent (1969) ng Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including ng Machine (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1968) ng Machine (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1969) ng Machine (Power, Drag Bucket Type) ( 1968) ng Machine ( 1969) Spec, for Sandblasting Equ ng Machinery (1970) ng Mopheads (Cotton and Viscose Rayon) (1962) Fed ng of Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, ng Services (Department of Education) (1970) ng Solution, Nonflammable Trichloroethane (1970) ng Solvent II (1953) ng Solvent ( 1971 ) Spec, for Traffic Zone, Pai ng Solvent) (1953) Std. Spec. ng Unit; Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Solvent, Inst ng(1954) ng (1955) FED P-S-536, VV-L-791 /for Soap; Potas ng (1958) Spec, for Compound (E ng (1964) ng (1964) ng (1964) /Teel and Other Metals Used in Steel S ng (1969) ng (1969) FED Std. 536 ng ( 1971 ) /Elders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Sa ng) Compounds; Detergent, General Purpose, Liquid ng)(1953) ng) (1953) ASTM D501 ng) (1968) ng)(1969) Spec. ng)(1971) ng, Alkali Builder, Water Softening, and Boiler S and Scouring (1968) ASTM D594 Butcher Block (Flat Wire) (1971) Liquid, Spray (1964) Optical Glass Spheres) (1968) Steel Wire (1970) Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mop Heads and Hold /C. for Paveme ng. ng, ng, ng, ng, ng, Cleanser) (1953) Cleanser) (1953) Cleanser) (1970) ASTM D2022, E70, Std Std. 536 Cleanser, Chlorine (1969) Cleanser, Powder, Heavy Duty (1961) Cleanser, Scouring Type ( 1969) Cleansing and Scrubbing Powder (1967) FED P-S-536 Cleansing, Scouring Type, Shaker Top Can (1969) Clear Coating and Numeral Enamel) ( 1970) /Ls for Licen Clear Enamel, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture Clear Top (Institutional Use) (1950) Clear Varnish, General Purpose Phenolic Base (1969) Clear, Full Gloss (1970) Clear, General Purpose (1969) Clearing and Grubbing for Highway Construction ( 1964) Clerical Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, Without Arms) (19 Clerical Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Clerical Metal Single Pedestal Desk (1968) Clerical (Executive) Metal Double Pedestal Desk (1968) Clerical, Male (Office Furniture) (1969) NY CA CA MS CA IL IL PA FL SC IL NY NY MA NJ TX TX VA KY PA FL PA TX VA OR KY OR PA TX IA IA NY NY NY NY NY VA TX NJ CA MS NY MS PA NE PA PA MI MI SC CA PA NY PA MS PA NJ NJ PA TX CA PA MS NY PA NY MS MS TX MS MS CA PA CA NY MI PA CA MS OR SC TX RI TX TX RI 43200-0075 681-66-22 681-66-18 C- 13-69 681-66-14 *39 *32N C-158 *21 11-160B *32G 38812-0365 *2 *14 5730-04 371-75-1A 370-41-1A FB-6A 7920-6 S-18 *31 C-119 395-43-2 TL-13 76-300-9030 7930-24 76-000-9010 C-164 190-31-1A *3-10 *3-9 44000-0674 44000-0440 44000-0572 47100-0396 34000-0692 S-4A 370-31-13 *6 701-66-16 S-2-53-27 38001-0508 S-2-53-26 D-14 *69 S-85 C-101 4624-0500 4624-0510 HD-79 691-80-415 P-l 39012-0491 C-84 S-2-53-25 S-68 7964-01 7964-02 A-3 153-33-1 681-66-25 B-80 D-4-64 38001-0704 B-78 33202-832 S-2-53-41 S-2-53-42 370-33-6A C-8A-69 TC-9 691-77-12 P-l 54 691-77-34 38601-0282 5325-S34 E-3 691-80-404 PM-1A 77-100-9500 HD-11 300-33-3B 2-003 300-37-3B 300-37-1 B 1-015 58 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (NYS Std.) (1967) Std. Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Chest Spec, for Two Channel Spec, for Spec, for Lights; Surgical, Obstetrical, and Spec, for Thermometer, Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Spec, for Belt Components, Buckle, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Necktie; Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Spec, for Shelving, Steel Spec, for Shelving, Steel Spec, for Trays (Metal, Paste, Plastic, Wood, Pin, Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Binders, Books, index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Spec, for Paper Std. Spec, for Paper Gem hes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, r Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper stol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, t (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and Digital Stop (1970) Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck with Spec, for Spec, for 969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for CCTV System Spec, for CCTV Security Surveillance System Spec, for Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility s(1967) Spec, for Penetrating Oil, Std. Spec, for Penetrating Oil for ) Spec, for Water Spec, for Water Spec, for Roll Down Spec, for Brief (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Spec, for Shades, Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Damask (Table Carbide (1971) Spec, for Iicon Carbide, Garnet ( 196/ Spec, for (Coated) Abrasives Std. Spec, for Window Shade Spec, for Sheeting; Spec, for Laundry Press Spec, for Bottles; Hot Water, Rubber Spec, for Window Shades Std. Spec, for Reinforcements (Gummed Spec, for Linen Service, Continuous Spec, for Terry Spec, for Textile, Terry Std. Spec, for Terry Spec, for Terry Spec, for Terry Spec, for Terry Spec, for Terry Spec, for Std. Spec, for Dust Mop and Std. Spec, for Shades, Window and td. 191, USC Ps8 Spec, for Abrasive Spec, for Nylon Spec, for Knit Spec, for Knit Spec, for Knit Spec, for Knit Spec, for Polyester Cover Spec, for Star Std. Spec, for Bath Towels, Terry Spec, for Vinyl Spec, for Cotton Twill Spec, for Bathrobes, Terry Spec, for Cotton Denim 91 B Spec, for Cotton Denim Spec, for Textile, Khaki Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Textile, Doubling Spec, for Orion Laundry Press Spec, for Cotton Chambray Spec, for Cotton Gingham Std. Spec, for Diaper Std. Spec, for Monk's Std. Spec, for Oil Std. Spec, for Covert, Cotton, Spec, for Cotton Drill Spec, for Numbered Canvas Cotton Duck Clinic) (1970) Clinical and Research Audiometer (1970) Clinical Thermometers (1964) USC CS1-52 Clinical (1968) Clinical, Fever Type, Fahrenheit (1968) USC Ps39 Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor Systems Clip and Webbing (1970) Clip Boards (1969) Clip Boards (1971) Clip On, Four in Hand (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Clip Type and Steel Lockers (University) (1970) (Clip Type) (1968) (Clip Type) (1969). Clip, and Glass) (1971) Clipboards, Indexes, and Pads) (1971) Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads Clips (1971) Clips (1971) Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tub Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperas Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Clock) (1971) Spec, for Timing Equipmen Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) Closed Circuit T.V. System (Television) (School) (1971) Closed Circuit Television Equipment (University) (1971) Closed Circuit Television System (Institutional Use) (1 Closed Circuit Television System (Monochrome) (1971) Closed Circuit Television System (Studio) ( 1971 ) Closed Circuit Television System (University) (1971) (Closed Circuit Television) (Hospital) ( 1971 ) (Closed Circuit Television) (Medical Center) (1969) Closed Circuit TV Equipment (Television) (1969) Closed Top Body and Hydraulic Tailgate ( 1969) Closely Fitted Parts and Loosening Frozen Metallic Part Closely Fitted Parts and Rust (1970) Closet / Laboratory Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971 Closet / Lavatory Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971) Closure Grille (1968) Closure, Vinyl Coated Fabric (1971) Clo Clo Clo (Clo Clo Clo Clo (Clo (Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo h and Accessories (Window) ( 1970) h and Napkin) (1970) h and Paper (Combination); Backed, Abrasive Silicon h and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Si h and Rollers (1963) FED CCC-C-5 2 IB, DDD-S-251C h Coated and Plastic (1969) h Flannel (Textile) (1957) h Inserted) (1956) h or Vinyl) (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. 406, Std. 751 h Rings) (1971) h Towel Roll (1966) h Toweling (Textile) (1957) ANSI L24. 2.5-55 h Toweling (1970?) h Towels (Gym Service) (1969) h Towels, 17 X 27 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 h Towels, 18 X 36 In. (1964) ANSI L24.2.5-55 h Towels, 22 X 24 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 h Towels, 22 X 44 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 h Tracing (1957) h Treatment Compound, Liquid (1969) h (Accessories) (1964) h (Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide) (1971) FED S h (Bunting for Flags) (Textile) (1957) h (Fabric, Textile) (1968) h (Fabric, Textile) (1968) h (Fabric, Textile) U969) h (Fabric, Textile) (1969) h (Flatwork Ironer Roll Cover) (1965) h (for Flags) (Textile) (1957) h (Institutional) (1969) h (Lintex) for Table and Shelf Use (1971) h (Mercerized Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B h (Misses', Girls', Women's) (1969) h (Shrunk) (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B h (Shrunk, 11 1/4 Oz.) (Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T-1 h (Special) (1970?) h (State Police) (1968) h (Stiffened Canton Flannel) (1970?) h (Textile) (1954) h (Textile) (1957) h (Textile) (1957) h (Textile) (1960) h (Textile) (1960) h (Textile) (1960) h (Textile) (1960) h (Textile) (1961) h (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-C-419A, CCC-T-191B NY 11000-0687 NY 38215-0507 TX 360-60-1 NY 11800-0437 CA 681-62-100 NY 27500-0391 PA B-125 CA 691-75-42 IL *32L PA N-7 NY 27500-0482 NY 27500-0691 NY 27500-0877 IL ♦32GGG FL ♦20 NY 23000-0633 CA 711-75-45 IL *320 NY 39000-0482 FL ♦21 NY 30200-0587 NY 30200-0417 SC *17 NY 38221-0498 NY 38221-0272 NY 38221-0970 NY 38221-0141 NY 38221-0021 NY 38221-0837 NY 38221-0785 NY 38221-0920 NE *4 NJ 4938-51 MI 5255-S23 MS L-5B-70-11 NY 37600-0198 NY 37600-0499 NY 31800-0354 PA C-149 NY 24400-0060 PA C-117 PA C-145 NY 00319-0439 IL ♦29 PA S-20 RI 4920-001 PA B-20 PA S-28 IL ♦32WW KY 3513-1 RI 4915-004 MA ♦35-35 OR 72-150-9160 RI 4780-004 RI 4780-005A RI 4780-006 RI 4780-005 PA C-19 MS C-10A-69 MS S-13-64 PA C-28 RI 4935-001 NY 32612-0561 NY 32612-0893 NY 32612-0087 NY 32612-0821 TX 410-34-2 RI 4910-003 OR 72-150-9140 NY 24700-0471 TX 685-34-6 RI 4210-F-003 TX 685-34-7 TX 685-34-12 MA *35-43 NY 39200-0665 MA ♦35-44 RI 4920-002 RI 4910-004 RI 49 10-017 MS T-1A-60-10 MS T-1A-60-18 MS T-1A-60-22 MS T-1A-60-5 RI 4910-011 TX 685-38-1 59 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cotton Gingham Spec, for Cotton Chambray Spec, for Cotton Drill Spec, for Cotton Seersucker Spec, for Serge Spec, for Cotton Jean Std. Spec, for Emery Spec, for Nylon Laundry Pressing Spec, for Laundry Press and Flatwork Ironer Cotton Cover Spec, for Coated Window Shade Std. Spec, for Hardware Spec, for Towels, Bath and Hand, Terry Spec, for Washcloths, Cotton, Terry Spec, for Nylon Coated Spec, for Textile, Fleeced Back Khaki Tent. Spec, for Bath Towelling, Medium Weight, Terry Std. Spec, for Cheese and Dusting Spec, for Emery and Crocus Abrasive pec. for Insect Wire Screening and Hardware and Industrial Std. Spec, for Toweling Cotton, Huck (Textile, Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Terry Spec, for Cotton Ducks and Drill (Textile, Std. Spec, for Bath Mats (Terry Std. Spec, for Broadcloth; Cotton (Textile, Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth; Cotton, Bleached (Textile, Spec, for Women's and Girls' Slippers (Terry Spec, for Textile, Blue Denim, Preshrunk Spec, for Textile, Striped Sleeve Lining Spec, for Textile, Pearl Grey Sleeve Lining Spec, for Textile, Brown Check Denim, Heavy, Spec, for Textile, Tan Jean Spec, for Textile, Felt, Gray, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Reefer Lining (Flannel) Spec, for Textile, Black Silesia (Cotton Lining) Spec, for Textile, White Jean, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Black Wigan for Stiffening Spec, for Textile, Khaki Spec, for Textile, White Jean (Muslin), Bleached, Plain Spec, for Textile, Bleached Muslin, Heavy Spec, for Textile, Crown Canvas (Burlap) Spec, for Textile, White Duck, Preshrunk Spec, for Textile, Brown Lining Spec, for Textile, Black Sleeve Lining Spec, for Textile, Gray Coat Lining Spec, for Textile, Best Black Body Lining Spec, for Textile, Striped Duck, Preshrunk Spec, for Textile, Drilling, Unbleached, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Rayon Twill Lining Spec, for Textile, Brown Coat Canvas \ Spec, for Textile, White Tape, Narrow Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Jean (Twill) Spec, for Textile, Brown Canvas Spec, for Textile, Outing Flannel Spec, for Textile, Cotton Damask Spec, for Textile, Pillow Tubing, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Bleached Cotton Spec, for Textile, Khaki, Heavy Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Unbleached, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Pongee Spec, for Textile, Khaki Shirting Spec, for Textile, Black Bias Binding Spec, for Textile, Blue Serge, Wool Spec, for Textile, Scrim, Light, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Bleached Drilling Spec, for Textile, Striped Ticking Spec, for Textile, Strong Suiting (Bedford) Spec, for Textile, Printed Cretonne, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Striped Shirting, Preshrunk, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Poplin (Bedspread) Spec, for Textile, Drilling, Unbleached Spec, for Textile, Dress Broadcloth, Printed Fancy Spec, for Textile, Dimity, White Barred Fabric Spec, for Textile, White Duck, Unbleached Spec, for Textile, Canton Flannel (Medium) Spec, for Textile, Rubber Sheeting, Canvas, Spec, for Textile, White Duck, Bleached Spec, for Textile, Heavy Cotton Suiting Spec, for Textile, Percale, Cotton Printed Dress Spec, for Textile, Dish Toweling, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Glass Toweling, Linen Spec, for Textile, Hand Toweling, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Oxford Denim Spec, for Textile, Brown Check, Dress Material spec, for Textile, Quilting Material, Ripplette Bedspread spec, for Textile, Flannel, Double Faced (Ironing Boards) Spec, for Textile, Strong Dress Goods, Cotton Cloth ( Textile) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-1 Cloth ( Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-10 Cloth ( Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-8 Cloth ( Textile) (1966) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-11 Cloth ( Textile) (1971) PA C-114 Cloth ( Textile, Bleached and Dyed) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 TX 685-34-9 Cloth ( 1953) IL ♦33CC Cloth ( 1964) TX 410-34-1 Cloth ( 1964) FED CCC-C-435B, CCC-T-191B TX 410-34-3 Cloth ( 1969) FED CCC-T-191B, CCC-C-521D TX 705-38-1A Cloth ( 1969) USCCS 132-46 OR 60-500-9010 Cloth ( 1970) CA 701-83-14 Cloth ( 1970) CA 701-83-15 Cloth ( 1970) PA C-104 Cloth ( 1970?) MA *35-80 Cloth ( 1970?) MA •35-89 Cloth ( 1971) IL *32Q Cloth ( 1971) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 PA C-144 Cloth ( 1971) USC CS1 38-55, CS232-60, FED RR-W-370a NY 31810-0346 Cloth) (1960) MS T-1A-60-34 Cloth) (1960) RI 4210-M-003 Cloth) (1965) NY 00327-0760 Cloth) (1969) OR 72-150-9040 Cloth) (1969) OR 79-100-9040 Cloth) (1969) OR 79-100-9060 Cloth) (1969) RI 4268-F-036 (Cloth) (1970?) MA *35-l (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-10 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-12 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-13 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-14 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-15 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-16 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-17 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-18 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-19 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-2 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-20 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-22 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-23 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-24 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-25 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-26 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-27 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-28 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-29 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-3 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-30 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-31 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-32 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-33 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-34 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-36 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-37 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-38 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-39 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-4 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-40 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-41 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-45 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-46 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-47 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-48 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-49 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-5 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-50 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-51 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-52 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-53 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-54 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-57 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-58 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-6 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-62 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-63 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-64 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-65 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-66 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-67 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-68 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-69 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-7 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-70 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-71 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-73 (Cloth) (1970?) MA ♦35-74 60 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Textile, Gingham, Preshrunk, Print (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Bath Towel (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Linen Damask (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Cotton Damask (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Scrim, Heavy (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Blue Otis Check (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Hand Towelling, Cotton Boott Type (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Blue Denim, Lightweight, Preshrunk (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Terry Robecloth, Cotton (Cloth) Tent. Spec, for Textile, Domet Flannel, Cotton (Cloth) Tent. Spec, for Textile, White Oxford Shirting, Cotton (Cloth) Tent. Spec, for Textile, Wolverine Suiting, Cotton (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Black Body Lining (Cloth) Tent. Spec, for Striped Shirting (Special) (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Mattress Padding, 72 In. (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, White Oilcloth, 45 In. (Cloth) Spec, for Textile, Hercutex, 36 In. (Cloth) ec. for Textile, White Twill, Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) tile, Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Satin Finish (Jacquard) (Cloth) Spec, for Bath Mats; Terry Cloth Spec, for Uniform Cloth cale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth Tent. Spec, for Textile, Shade Cloth Std. Spec, for Cloth Spec, for Print Cloth Spec, for Window Shade Cloth Spec, for Textile, Robe Cloth Spec, for Textile, Mackinaw Cloth (Textile) (1959) Spec, for Cloth Spec, for Textile, White Lining Cloth Spec, for Textile, Long Cloth Spec, for Textile, Slip Cloth Spec, for Textile, Cover Cloth sor Supplies ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Drafting Cloth Std. Spec, for Window Shades; Cloth Spec, for Window Shades, Cloth ?) Spec, for Uniform Cloth Spec, for Table Damask (Cotton) (Cloth Spec, for Reefer Cloth Spec, for Material (Cloth Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth Spec, for Denim (Cloth edCCC-T-191B Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth Spec, for Pillow Tubing (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Denim (Cloth Spec, for Hospital Uniform Material (Cotton Duck) (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Marquisette (Cloth Spec, for Polished Cotton (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Sheeting (Cloth Spec, for Scrim (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Bunting (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Cham bray Shirting (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Table Damask (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Crash Toweling (Cloth Spec, for Cotton and Linen Glass Toweling (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Huck Toweling (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Duck, Army (Cloth Spec, for Covert (Cloth Spec, for Moleskin (Cloth Spec, for Cotton Sateen (Cloth Spec, for Crinkle Crepe (Plisse) (Cloth Spec, for Unbleached Muslin (Cloth Spec for Ticking (Cloth Std. Spec, for Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth Std. Spec, for Hickory (Cotton Denim) (Cloth Std. Spec, for Drill Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Flannel, Canton Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Flannel, Cotton Outing (Cloth Std. Spec, for Gingham (Cloth Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Bleached (Cloth Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth Std. Spec, for Nainsook (Cloth Std. Spec, for Percale, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Pique, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Pillow Tubing, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Plisse, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Sateen (Cloth Std. Spec, for Seersucker, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Strong Dress Material, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Ticking, Cotton (Cloth Std. Spec, for Toweling, Crash, Cotton and Linen Mixed (Cloth Std. Spec, for Toweling, Cotton, Glass (Cloth Sp Tent. Spec, for Tex (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) - (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) Bleached (1971) Blouses and Breeches (State Police) (1970) Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Cheviot, Terry, T Cotton (Textile) (1960) Cotton (Textile) (1969) Cotton (1970?) Cotton, Chambray (Textile) (1960) Dress, Cotton (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Flame Resistant (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Flannel (1970?) Heavy, Wool and Cotton (1970?) Melton, Wool (32 Oz.) (50% Reprocessed 50% New) Muslin (1970?) Muslin (1970?) Muslin (1970?) Muslin, Bleached (1970?) Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Proces Rollers, Slats and Cords (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Rollers, Slats, Cords and Accessories (1969) Summer, Breeches and Slacks (State Police) (1970 Textile) (1971) Textile (State Police Uniform) (1970?) Textile) for Salt Stockpile Covers) ( 1971 ) Textile) (Narrow Width) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Textile) (Shrunk) (1971) Textile) (Wash and Wear) (1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, F Textile) (1955) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 Textile) (1957) ASTM D230-44, FED CCC-C-419 Textile) (1958) Textile) (1958) Textile) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Textile) (1959) Textile) (1959) Textile) (1959) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) MA *35-75 MA *35-76 MA *35-77 MA *35-78 MA *35-79 MA *35-8 MA *35-81 MA *35-82 MA *35-83 MA *35-86 MA *35-87 MA *35-88 MA *35-9 MA *35-90 MA *35-92 MA *35-93 MA *35-94 MA *35-55 MA *35-84 PA M-20 MA *27 NY 32600-0622 MS T-1A-60-17 OR 79-100-9220 MA *35-85 MS T-1A-60-2 CA 681-83-56 CA 681-83-55 MA *35-56 MA *35-72 PA C-121 MA *35-42 MA *35-59 MA *35-60 MA *35-21 NY 31602-0581 OR 72-300-9020 TX 705-37-1A MA *26 NY 33000-0602 MA *20 NY 32708-0396 PA S-24 PA D-2 TX 685-34-2 RI 4910-021 RI 4910-001 RI 4910-008 RI 4910-014 RI 4910-018 RI 4910-022 RI 4910-024 RI 4925-001 RI 4910-002 RI 4910-005 RI 4910-007 RI 4915-001 RI 4915-002 RI 4915-003 RI 4910-012 PA C-82 PA M-21 PA S-46 RI 4910-006 RI 49 10-019 RI 4910-026 MS T-1A-60-1 MS T-1A-60-11 MS T-1A-60-12 MS T-1A-60-14 MS T-1A-60-15 MS T-1A-60-16 MS T-1A-60-19-A MS T-1A-60-20 MS T-1A-60-21 MS T-1A-60-23 MS T-1A-60-24 MS T-1A-60-25 MS T-1A-60-26 MS T-1A-60-27 MS T-1A-60-28 MS T-1A-60-29 MS T-1A-60-30 MS T-1A-60-31 MS T-1A-60-32 MS T-1A-60-33 61 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Toweling, Terry (Turkish) Std. Spec, for Twill Std. Spec, for Twill Chino Std. Spec, for Twill - Whipcord Std. Spec, for Suiting, Cotton, Muslin, Mercerized Std. Spec, for Curtain Material Std. Spec, for Damask, Cotton Table Std. Spec, for Denim, Cotton, Preshrunk Spec, for Percale Spec, for Flannelette Spec, for Bleached Jean Spec, for Cotton Linters Spec, for Plisse Crepe annel; Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk Spec, for Cotton Twill Dress Material Spec, for Colored Outing Flannel Spec, for White Outing Flannel Spec, for Cotton Poplin Shirting Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Green Spec, for Cotton Khaki Twill Spec, for Herringbone Twill Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Colored Spec for Cotton Muslin Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Mercerized Spec, for Cotton Percale Spec, for Outing Flannel Spec, for Flannelette, Cotton Std. Spec, for Dry Goods Std. Spec, for Chambray; Cotton Std. Spec, for Corduroy, Cotton, Preshrunk Std. Spec, for All Purpose Cotton; (Indianhead) Std. Spec, for Table Damask; Cotton, Bleached Std. Spec, for Denim; Blue Std. Spec, for Pajama Check Dimity Std. Spec, for Drill; Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck, Numbered and Army Std. Spec, for Flannel, Canton Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton Outing Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Heavy (for Table Felts) Std. Spec, for Flannel Shirting; Woven Plaid Std. Spec, for Gingham; Cotton Std. Spec, for Muslin; Cotton Std. Spec, for Muslin (Narrow Sheeting); Cotton Std. Spec, for Percale Std. Spec, for Percale and Prints Std. Spec, for Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) Std. Spec, for Seersucker Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Bleached, Wide Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached, Wide Std. Spec, for Twill; Herringbone Std. Spec, for Twill, Commercial Std. Spec, for Twill, Uniform Spec, for Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton (Wide Widths) Std. Spec, for Cotton Print Twill Spec, for Percale Spec, for White Drill (Shoe Lining) Spec, for Numbered Cotton Duck Std. Spec, for Dry Goods Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton Std. Spec, for Denim; Dress Weight Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Preshrunk Spec, for Gingham Spec, for Drill; Cotton Fabric Spec, for Chambray; Spec, for Covers; Plastic, Spec, for Spec, for Detergent, Low Sudsing for Spec, for nits, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Racks, g Spec, for Steel Spec, for Uniform ?) Spec, for Uniform, s) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Athletic Std. Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Foul Weather ting and Wool Trousers) (Departmental) (/ Spec, for Field Spec, for Rubber Coated Work Spec, for Hospital (1971) Spec, for Children's Spec, for Hospital and Laboratory Spec, for Rainwear, Spec, for Uniform (Apparel, Spec, for Safety Vests Spec, for Uniform Shirts, Wool (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-35 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-36 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-37 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-38 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-6 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-7 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-8 (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS T-1A-60-9 (Cloth Textile) (1960) NJ 9110-00 (Cloth Textile) (1960) NJ 9110-01 (Cloth Textile) (1960) NJ 9110-02 (Cloth Textile) (1960) NJ 9120-00 (Cloth Textile) (1960) NJ 9138-00 (Cloth Textile) (1960) Spec, for Fl PA F-63 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-010 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-015 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-016 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-023 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-027 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-028 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-029 (Cloth Textile) (1961) RI 4910-030 (Cloth Textile) (1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-5 Cloth Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-3 (Cloth Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-4 (Cloth Textile) (1966) PA F-39 (Cloth Textile) (1969) CA 691-83-19 (Cloth Textile) (1969) IL *2 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9050 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9070 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9080 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9090 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9110 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9130 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9140 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9150 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9160 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9170 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9180 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9190 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9200 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9210 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9250 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9260 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9280 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9290 (Cloth .Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9310 (Cloth , Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9330 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9340 (Cloth Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9350 (Cloth .Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9490 (Cloth .Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9500 (Cloth , Textile) (1969) OR 79-100-9520 (Cloth .Textile) (1969) PA B-103 (Cloth , Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 PA S-26 (Cloth .Textile) (1970) OR 79-100-0510 (Cloth .Textile) (1970) FED Std. 191 PA P-112 (Cloth .Textile) (1970?) MA ♦35-11 (Cloth , Textile) (1970?) ASTM D230-448 FED CCC-C-419 RI 4910-013 (Cloth .Textile) (1971) FL *22 (Cloth , Textile) (1971) NY 32900-0399 (Cloth .Textile) (1971) OR 79-050-1070 (Cloth .Textile) (1971) PA F-62 (Cloth , Textile) (1971) PA G-12 (Cloth .Textile) (1971) FED Std. 191, ASTM D2514 PA D-4 (Cloth , Textile), Sanforized (1969) PA C-83 Clothes Basket (1957) PA C-103 Clothes Tables (Laundry Equipment) (1969) PA T-5 Clothes, Synthetic (1969) CA 691-77-41 Clothing Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) CA 681-67-9 Clothing Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash Register S NY 21802-0317 Clothing Lockers (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-L-486 RI 1-007 Clothing (Departmental) (1968) NJ 1588-00 Clothing (District Police) Mounted and Motorcycle (1970 MA *28 Clothing (Gym Pants and Shirts, Sweat Socks, Sweatshirt NY 40015-0317 Clothing (Institutional) (1969) OR 82-000-9010 Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Hat Sets) (1960) RI 4295-M-006 Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hun NY 39307-0603 Clothing (Parka Jackets, Overalls) (1971) NY 40004-0775 Clothing (Patient Gowns) (1971) NY 40012-0602 Clothing (Undershirts, Training Pants, Sleeping Suits) NY 40033-0138 Clothing (1968) NY 40012-0730 Clothing (1971) CA 71 1-84-07 Clothing) for Registry of Motor Vehicles (1970?) MA ♦16 (Clothing) (Departmental) (1970?) MA ♦22 (Cloth ng) (State Police) (1970?) MA ♦31 62 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Short Sleeve Summer Shirt, Uniform Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel, Hospital Spec, for Binding; Bias Cut Spec, for Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt (Departmental) Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel hells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Su/ Std. Spec, for s, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Case/ Std. Spec, for dkerchiefs, Gloves, and Baby Blankets (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dust Control Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Spec, for Wiping Std. Spec, for Wiping Spec, for Cotton Cleaning and Wiping Std. Spec, for Wiping Std. Spec, for Wiping Spec, for White Wiping Spec, for Colored Wiping Spec, for Knitted Wiping Spec, for Colored Wiping Spec, for White Wiping Std. Spec, for Wash Spec, for Cotton Wiping Std. Spec, for Wiping Spec, for Terry Face Std. Spec, for Wiping DDD-W-80B Spec, for Cotton Terry Heavy Wash Spec, for Wiping Spec, for 1 White Wiping Spec, for Colored Wiping Spec, for Wiping Std. Spec, for Paper Towels and Cleaning Spec, for Shop Towels; Cotton Spec, for Turkish Toweling (Wiping Spec, for Wiping Spec, for Wiping Spec, for Washing Compound for Industrial Wiping Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Diaper Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cleaning Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tracing Spec, for Std. Spec, for Glass Spec, for (Reproduction) Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Std. Spec, for Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, eat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Suburban Spec, for Scale for Spec, for Cans; (Bridge and Highway Construction) (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Std. Spec, for ?) AASHO M-l 18 Spec, for Spec, for Saturated Fabric for Waterproofing (Asphalt or 4)FEDRP-381 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ned, Southern) (1969) Spec, for d, Southern) (1969) Spec, for fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for 1) 1971) Tear Resistant (Textile) (1971) ized (Textile) (1960) 1) 68) 971) de Walls) (1970) FED HH-C-466B (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) (Clothing) (1968) (Clothing) (1970) FED CCC-T-191 (Clothing) (1970?) (Clothing) (1971) Clothing, Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, S Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towel Clothing, Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Han Clothing, Notions, Linens and Textiles (1970) Clothing, Women's (Blouses, Skirts, and Dusters) (1971) Cloths and Tools, Mop Heads and Holders) ( 1969) Cloths for Laboratory Use, Cotton (1960) Cloths (Dark Colored) (1962) Cloths (Domestic Service) (1964) FED DDD-R-30 Cloths (Light Colored) (1962) Cloths (Near White) (1962) Cloths (New) (1959) Cloths (New) (1959) Cloths (New) (1960) Cloths (Reclaimed) (1959) Cloths (Reclaimed) (1961) Cloths (Terry) (1969) Cloths (Unbleached Cheesecloth) (1971) Cloths (White) (1962) Cloths (1957) Cloths (1968) Cloths (1968) FED CCC-T-191, Cloths (1968) FED DDD-R-30B Cloths (1970?) Cloths (1970?) Cloths (1971) Cloths (1971) FED UU-P-31B (Cloths) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Cloths) (1970?) Cloths, Cotton (1960) Cloths, Cotton (1965) Cloths, Shop Overalls, and Uniforms (1969) Cloths; Wash, Turkish, Bleached (1970) Cloth; Awning (1958) Cloth; Bleached (Piece Goods and Diapers) (1971) Cloth; Bleached (Textile) (1969) Cloth; Cotton Damask (Table Cloth and Napkin) (1970) Cloth; Cotton Silesia (Textile) (1968) Cloth; Cotton Suiting (Permanent Finish) (Textile) (197 Cloth; Cotton, Bedspread Material (Textile) (1971) Cloth; Cotton, Corduroy (Dyed and Shrunk) (1963) Cloth; Cotton, Crepe Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile) Cloth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Cloth; Cotton, Herringbone Twill (Textile) (1967) Cloth; Cotton, Poplin (Textile) (1970) Cloth; Cotton, Twill (Textile) (1970) Cloth; Cotton, Twill, Water Repellent (Textile) ( 1971 ) Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Check) Sanfor Cloth; Lining, Rayon Satin, Suit or Coat (Textile) (197 Cloth; Lining, Rayon Twill (Suit or Coat) (Textile) ( 19 Cloth; Melton (Textile) (1971) Cloth; Nonwoven Fabric for Dusting, Wiping Polishing ( 1 Cloth; Nylon and Wool (for Flags) (1952) Cloth; Polyester Cotton, Twill (Textile) (1970) Cloth; Poplin (Zelan Treated) (Textile) (1960) Cloth; Print and Solid (Textile) (1971) Cloth; Printed (1956) Cloth; Rayon (for Flags) (1952) Cloth; Resin Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Gra Cloth; Sensitized (1960) Cloth; Suiting (Textile), Dacron Wool (1971) Cloth; Suiting, (Textile) Wool, Worsted (1971) Cloth; Window Shade (1970) Cloth; 100% Wool, Elastique, Overcoat or Uniform ( 1971 ) Clover Mixed (1963) Clover), Broom Grass, Oats, Corn) (1969) Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timot Coach Bus, 45 - 56 Passenger, School) (1968) Coal Hopper (1971) Coal Sample (Shipping) (1970) FED 00-S-775D Coal Tar Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces Coal Tar Pitch for Built Up Roofs (1964) FED RP-381 Coal Tar Pitch for Dampproofing and Waterproofing ( 1970 Coal Tar Pitch) (1970?) AASHO M-l 17 Coal Tar Pitch, for Waterproofing and Dampproofing ( 196 Coal Tar, Refined (1964) MIL T- 15- 194a Coal (Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mi Coal (1 and 1/4 in X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, Deep Mine Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep MA ♦33 IL *22 PA B-134 MA *34 IL •21 OR 82-700-9010 FL ♦23 MA *39 NM *4 NY 40042-0038 NY 33202-832 MI 4445-0014 WA S-61-38-2 VA FB-6A WA S-61-38-1 WA S-61-38 RI 4720-003 RI 4720-004 RI 4720-006 RI 4720-005 RI 4720-007 OR 72-150-9180 NY 33200-0619 WA S-61-38-3 RI 4780-001 IL *34 VA FB-15A FL *6 UT *7A UT *7B SC *6 FL *31 PA T-59 UT *7C MI 4445-0002 NJ 5 1 60-00 VA L-4 PA C-52 PA C-43 PA C-18 OR 79-100-9120 PA C-117 PA C-116 PA C-123 PA C-148 PA C-53 PA C-134 PA C-132 PA C-151 PA C-97 PA C-150 PA C-152 PA C-138 PA C-122 PA C-120 PA C-lll PA C-119 PA C-86 PA C-153 PA C-125 PA C-143 PA C-20 PA C-85 OR 64-500-0110 PA C-40 PA C-110 PA C-108 PA C-112 PA C-115 MI 4340-0034 WI 3748 NY 07900-0584 NY 40521-0598 NY 38900-0868 PA C-102 SC HD-80B14 MS R-5-64-32 MS 3169 MS 3201 MS R-5-64-33 MS R-5-64-34 MI 4210-S1 MI 4210-S7 MI 4210-S5 MI 4210-S8 MI 4210-S2 63 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1969) ghway Construction) (1970) ker, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 1969) Spec, for )(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Anthracite Spec, for Spec, for Anthracite Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tabulated Sizes of Spec, for Vinyl Paint, Aluminum Finish Coat, Steel, Vinyl Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Spec, for Steel Costumers Spec, for Textile, Brown Sealer, Primer and Finish) (1962) FED Std/ Spec, for One 4) Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, One Spec, for Textile, Gray eady Mixed Exterior Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use as Top Spec, for Tar Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Spec, for Shop Spec, for Office Valet or Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Green Finish Spec, for Light Green Finish Spec, for Buff finish Spec, for Tan Finish Spec, for Brown Finish Spec, for Burnt Sienna Finish ne (1969) Spec, for Vinyl Finish Spec, for Burnt Umber Finish Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Satin, Suit or Spec, for Boys' and Men's sport nterior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish Spec, for Red Lead, Linseed Oil Paint, Second td. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Flat Light, One Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Seal Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Spec, for Bridge Paint, Maroon (Intermediate Field Spec, for Bridge Paint, Buff (Intermediate Field Spec, for Bridge Paint, Dark Green (Finish Spec, for Bridge Paint, Foliage Green (Finish Spec, for Asphalt Concrete - Type 1AC (Armor Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Twill (Suit or Spec, for Bridge Paint, Brown (Intermediate Field Spec, for Bridge and Guard Rail Paint, Black (Finish for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, Dull (Intermediate Spec, for Office Furniture, Spec, for Office Furniture, Std. Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Flat, One Spec, for Spec, for Shop Spec, for Vinyl Paint, Aluminum Finish Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Finish Spec, for Uniform, Reefer Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Finish Silicon Carbide) and Application (1964) Spec, for Spec, for Conduit; Steel, Rigid, Zinc Spec, for Sheeting; Cloth ifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Spec, for Nylon ief (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl 1.A90 Spec, for Zinc Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Men's Nylon Rubber nt. Spec, for Filter, Air Conditioning Throw Away Adhesive 52 ID Spec, for Std. Spec, for Outlet Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Spec, for Gloves; Spec, for Uniform Rain Coat; Nylon, Rubber Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link - Steel, Aluminum Std. Spec, for Roof Insulation Board, Asphalt int (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Garnet ( 196/ Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. X 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Sto Coal (1 X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern Coal (1960) Coal (1963) Coal (1968) Coal (1969) Coal (1970) Coal (1971) Coal (5 X 2 In. Bituminous Egg, Deep Mined, Southern) Coal, Anthracite (1954) Coal; Anthracite (1969) Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete ( 1970?) Coarse Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Hi Coarse Aggregates for Asphaltic Concrete ( 1970?) Coarse Aggregates for Highway Construction (1964) Coastal Zone (1969) Coastal Zone (1969) Spec, for (Coat and Hat) (1969) Coat Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Coat Flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish Coat ( 1 96 Coat Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (1962) FED TT- Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Coat Primer, Dull Orange (Metal, Paint) ( 1970?) Coat Rack (Furniture) (1969) Coat Racks, Office, Metal (1970) Coat Style Pajamas (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) Coat Style Pajamas (Cotton Flannel) (1960) Coat Style Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Coat Style Wool Sweaters (1957) Coat Style Wool Sweaters (1957) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint) (1969) Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Coastal Zo Coat (Paint), Structural Steel (1969) Coat (Textile) (1971) Coat (1956) Coat (1964) Spec, for Paint, Oil, I Coat (1969) Coat (1970) Coat (1970?) Coat) Sign Posts (1970?) Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Coat) (Mixing Coat) (Textile) (1968) Coat) (1970?) Coat) (1970?) Coat) (1970?) Spec. (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1970) (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1971) Coat, Interior, Odorless Light (1970) Coat, Men's Sport (1970) Coat, Red Lead (Metal Primer Paint) (1970?) Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone (1969) Coat, Underwater, Steel (1969) Coat, Waterproof (1970?) Coat, Wood, House, Tintable White (1963) Coated Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Coated and Fittings (1969) ANSI C80.1, C80.4, UL 6 Coated and Plastic (1969) Coated Book, Manila Tag) ( 1966) /R, Ledger, Index, Man Coated Cloth (1970) Coated Fabric ( 1971 ) Spec, for Br Coated Galvanized Steel Barbed Wire (1968) ASTM B6, A12 Coated Gloves (Canvas, Knit Wrists) (1960) Coated Metal Pipe for Underdrains (1970?) Coated Metal Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-190 Coated Raincoat (1971) Coated Type (1968) Te Coated Window Shade Cloth (1969) FED CCC-T-191B, CCC-C-TX Coated with Covers and Accessories (1964) Coated Work Clothing (Parka Jackets, Overalls) (1971) Coated (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 Coated (Neoprene and Vinyl) (1970) Coated (State Police) ( 1964) Coated (1960) Coated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Fl MI 4210-S6 MI 4210-S4 NJ 3512-00 KS 14-4 NY 05100-0818 NY 05200-0817 PA C-106 SD *6 MI 4210-S3 CT 3512-C-38 PA C-80 MS 3137 VA DH-203 MS 3141 SC HD-A CA 691-80-49 CA 691-80-75 RI 1-021 MA ♦35-31 VA DK-29A KY 29A MA *35-27 VA DK-36 SC HD-80B13 MS 3509 RI 1-022 NJ 9136-00 RI 4270-M-001 RI 4270-M-002 RI 4270-M-003 RI 4280-M-002 RI 4280-M-003 CA 691-80-82 CA 691-80-84 CA 691-80-85 CA 691-80-86 CA 691-80-87 CA 691-80-88 CA 691-80-75 CA 691-80-76 PA C-122 RI 4225-M-013 KY 29A CA 691-80-61 MS PI-1 MS 3127 MS 3528 MS 3515 MS 3517 MS 3524 MS 3525 NY ITEM 51AC-F PA C-120 MS 3521 MS 3526 MS 3527 NY 21702-0308 NY 21702-0517 MS PI- 12 CA 701-84-08 MS 3506 CA 691-80-49 CA 691-80-80 MA *23 IA ♦1-2 TX 002-31-1 PA C-34 PA S-20 NY 00502-00-0476 PA C-104 PA C-149 TX 230-35-1B RI 4235-M-003 MS 3288 MS 3227 TX 160-44-3 KS 35-4 TX 705-38-1A OR 24-64-7A NY 40004-0775 PA T-55 PA G-18 PA U-45 NJ 4530-00 MS R_5_64-14 NY 00319-0439 64 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans (Corrugated, Zinc pec. for Waterproofed Mattress and Pillow Ticking (Plastic Spec, for Sheet Steel Spec, for Sheet Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Galvanized and Aluminum and Garbage Cans and Covers (Corrugated, Taper Side, Zinc ctronic Data Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Oxide Spec, for Book Cover Board, Clay Spec, for Can, Ash and Garbage, Corrugated, Zinc Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape (Magnetic Oxide CCC-T- 1 9 1 Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Spec, for tes (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear Spec, for Paint, Numeral Spec, for Linseed Oil Protective Spec, for Concrete Form Std. Spec, for Roof ent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Linked oofing) (1964) FED SS-R-/ Spec, for Asphalt Asbestos Roof OC Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roof Spec, for Asphalt Aluminum Spec, for White Epoxy Enamel Concrete Std. Spec, for Asphalt Base Aluminum Roof Spec, for Roof ed SS-R-451 Std. Spec, for Roof ) Std. Spec, for Roof Spec, for Roof ne Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter (1970) Std. Spec, for Primer Std. Spec, for Water Emulsion Floor or Inspection, Test, and Other Requirements for Protective Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil; Boiled (Organic (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement and Spec, for Women's Winter Spec, for Dress Spec, for Dress Spec, for Suburban Spec, for Winter Spec, for Women's Winter Spec, for Men's Sheepskin Spec, for Boys" Surburban Style Spec, for Men's and Boys" Surcoat Style Spec, for Uniforms (Cossack Jackets, Trousers, Suit Spec, for Denims (Western Jeans, Dungarees, Chore Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Uniform Rain Spec, for New Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Coconut Oil, Spec, for Foam Stabilizer, Spec, for Mats, Door, Spec, for Tallow 966) Spec, for spec, for Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Safety e with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Milk, Cream and pment)(1957) Spec, for m, and Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec, for Urn; , Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment hake Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector Case, ream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Spec, for Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses (312 Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses (308 onditioners (Window Mounting), Dehumidifiers (Refrigerated ) Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, 69)MILC-5541 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Alloy, Spec, for Prepainted Spec, for Brass; Spec, for Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Std. Spec, for Rolling Doors, Steel Spec, for Wire (in Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fast Slow Spec, for Aluminumware: Bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, Pans, le Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Std. for Paper Cups, t, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Coated) (1960) Coated) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B (Coated) (1967) (Coated) (1969) Coated) ( 1969) /D. Spec, for Fence, Chain Link, Steel Coated) ( 1970) Spec, for Ash Coated) ( 1971 ) FED W-T-0051, MIL Std. 105 /Ec. for Ele Coated, Flexible (1970) Coated, Heavy Duty (1966) Coated, 1/2 In.) ( 1971 ) Std. Coated, (Light Weight) (Mattress and Pillow) (1960) Fed Coating and Antistripping Additive ( 1970?) Coating and Numeral Enamel) (1970) /Ls for License Pla Coating Black (License Plate) (1967) Coating for Concrete (1970?) Coating Materials (Treating Agent) (1970?) Coating Materials (1970) Coating Stripper (1969) /Thetic, Floor Cleaning Deterg Coating (Brush Application for Waterproofing and Damppr Coating (Waterproofing) (1970) FED SS-A-00694C, TT-P-32 Coating (1962) FED TT-A-468 Coating (1969) Coating, Asbestos Fibered (1970) FED TT-T-320 Coating, Asphalt, Aluminum (1969) Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Fibred (1964) F Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Nonfibred ( 1964 Coating, Asphalt, Brushing (1969) Coating, Crusher, Drill, Black) (1970) /Oil (Ice Machi Coating, Latex Base, Interior, White (Paint), Fast Dry Coating, Liquid, Synthetic (1969) Coatings (1969) Spec. F Coatings) (1969) Coatings, Caulking, Insulation) (1970) /Ing Materials Coats (Dark Colors and Weave Patterns) (1957) Coats (Girls" and Misses') (Winter Wear) (1957) Coats (Girls') (Spring Wear) (1957) Coats (Men's and Boys') (1970) Coats (Reprocessed Materials) (Small Girls') (1957) Coats (Tweed, Check, Boucle Patterns) (1957) Coats (1957) Coats (1957) Coats (1970) Coats) (Department) (1968) Coats) (Men's and Boys') ( 1971 ) Coat; All Weather Reefer (State Police) (1968) Coat; Nylon, Rubber Coated (State Police) (1964) Cobalt 60 Source Capsule (X-Ray Equipment) (1968) (Cobalt 60 Source Capsule) ( 1971 ) Cochin Type for Toilet Soap Manufacture ( 1966) Coco Diethanolamide (1966) Cocoa (1970) Coconut Fatty Acid Blend for Soap Manufacture (1971) Coconut Oil, Cochin Type for Toilet Soap Manufacture ( 1 Code Colors (1969) Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnsti Coffee and Beverage Dispensers and Cans) ( 1971 ) Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Shi Coffee Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, Stea Coffee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Fu (Coffee Urns and Stands) ( 1971 ) Coffee Urns) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick S Coffee Warmer) (1969) /An, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice C Coffee (1970?) NASPO NC-1-65, USC R231-48 Coil) (1964) Coil) (1968) Coil) (1971) Spec, for Air C Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Red, for License Plates (1967 Coil, Precoated, Gold, for License Plates (1968) Coiled Aluminum Alloy Sheet for License Plate Stock ( 1 9 Coiled Sheets (License Plate Stock) (1969) Coiled Steel Stock for License Plates (1963) (Coiled Strip) for Dog License Tag (1960) Coiling, Bending and Flanging) (1962) (Coiling, Interlocking Slat) (1971) ASTM A386, A525 Coils) for Snow Fencing (1971) Coin Operated Lockers (College) (1970) Coin Operated Lockers (College) (1971) Coin Operated Lockers (University) (1968) Coin Operated Lockers (University) (1968) Coin Operated Lockers (University) (1969) Coin Operated Lockers (University) (1971) Coincidence System (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipp Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Me Cold and Hot Food or Drink (1969) Cold Application (1970) /. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Shee VA DG-7 TX 685-46-1 NY 38708-0906 NY 37808-0059 NC 5660-CLF-l TX 325-47-1A CA 711-71-25 CA 701-82-10 KY 7240-2 IL ♦35 PA T-60 MS 3161 NY 38601-0282 NJ 7342-09 VA •38 MS 3902 OR 64-500-0000 IA ♦3-9 TX 605-38-1 OR 64-500-0020 VA DK-33A CA 691-80-70 RI 5061-01 CA 691-80-408 MS R-5-64-25 MS R-5-64-26 CA 691-80-407 IN •15-11 MS PI- 11 IA *3-12 CA 691-80-475 OR 77-100-9600 NY 31827-0529 RI 4225-F-001 RI 4225-F-005 RI 4225-F-006 NY 40006-0046 RI 4225-F-003 RI 4225-F-002 RI 4225-M-004 RI 4225-M-015 RI 4225-M-001 NY 39300-0624 NY 40030-0621 PA U-46 PA U-45 NY 11000-0784 NY 11000-0649 TX 371-40-1A TX 371-45-2 CA 701-68-65 TX 180-48-7 TX 371-40-1A CA 691-80-32 NY 36200-0420 NY 36104-0195 PA L-37 PA U-47 PA F-80 NY 36113-0105 NY 36200-0504 NY 36200-0768 NM ♦7 RI 4358-02A RI 4358-03 NY 30000-0845 MI 4978-S1 MI 4978-S2 WI 6130 PA A-ll PA S-58 PA B-127 PA P-54 OR 64-530-0010 NY 39606-0859 NY 27502-0451 NY 27502-0214 NY 27502-0539 NY 27502-0742 NY 27502-0020 NY 27502-0088 NY 38760-0300 PA A-4 PA F-80 CT 75-137B MS R_5_64-12 65 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Concrete Joint Sealer nd Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated s (1970?) ASTM A-108, A-331, A-276 Spec, for ing and Ice / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface / Spec, for construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for 2) for Highway Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for hway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for old Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder and Surface Courses and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Spec, and Estimated Requirements for ed Lacquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Spec, for Office Machines Std. Spec, for Milled Toilet Soap Spec, for Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Powdered Spec, for Field Jackets (Nylon, Spec, for Paper Cups, Spec, for Cups, Paper Drinking, Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Liquid, Diptank vel Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light Weight, Compact, Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Spec, for Police Cruiser Jacket, Detachable Liner and Spec, for Men's and Boys" Sweatshirts with Crew Knit Spec, for Office Machines r Ejection) (1970) Spec, for Mobile Waste Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Ejection Unloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Ejection Unloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Spec, for Dust Spec, for Dust Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Lint Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Lint lender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of Spec, for Printing of General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of General Conditions and Spec, for Printing of Spec, for Printing of Spec, for Automatic Screw Making Machine Spec, for Laundry Service - Martland Hospital, New Jersey Spec, for Audio Laboratory Equipment pec. for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Laboratory) Spec, for Library Furniture (Metal) Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Area, ec. for Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Mouse, Rat) Spec, for Particle Counter Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Lockers, Steel ture X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace (Diffraction Equipment) , Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubular Railing) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment Spec, for Shades (Window) Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Scoreboard (Indoor Swimming) Spec, for Sound Amplification Systems Spec, for Theatre Sound System Spec, for Music Listening System Spec, for Theater Sound and Communication System Spec, for Sound Reinforcement Systems Spec, for Audio System (Broadcasting Studio) Spec, for Audiometric Testing Room Spec, for Learning Laboratory System Spec, for Rear Projection Systems (Communications) r Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe, Loader, Flail Mower) Spec, for Plant Growth Chamber Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Chamber Spec, for Cubicle Curtains Spec, for Steel Athletic Lockers and Benches Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Air Conditioning System (Computer Room) Spec, for Air Conditioning System (Computer Room) Spec, for Sound Reinforcement System Spec, for Portable Sound Systems Spec, for FM Broadcast Equipment Spec, for Theater Sound and Communication System Spec, for Audiometric Carrel (Acoustical) Spec, for Two Way Radio Systems Spec, for Film Sound Editing Equipment electronic Piano Teaching System / Dual Musical Amplifier marine Mooring Floats, Dock Access Vertical Ladders, Ramp Std. Spec, for Detergent, and Tables, Sofas/ Spec, for Household Furniture (Wood) (Cold Applied Elastic Type) (Pavement, Bridge) (1970?) Cold Counter and Cleaner - Sanitizer) ( 1971 ) / (Tray A Cold Finished Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flat Cold Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serv Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder and Surface Courses Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course for Highway Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Type 1 and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Hig Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course (1971?) Cold Pan Counter, Self Leveling Cup Dispenser) ( 1971 ) Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Cold Rolled Steel (1970?) Cold Spray) (1969) Spec, for Precatalyz (Cold Type Composing) (1971) (Cold Water) (Bath) (1953) Cold Water) (1941) (Cold Water) (1970) ASTM D460, D502 Cold Weather) (1971) Cold (1965) Cold (1969) (Cold) (1962) Collapsible) (1964) Std. Spec, for High Le Collapsible, Highway Marker) (1963) Collar (1970?) Collarette (1957) (Collators) (1971) Collection Trailer (Front Loading, Compaction Type, Rea Collection Truck, 25 cu. Yd. Hopper) (1970) Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Collection Trucks) ( 1971 ) Collector and Filtering System (1968) Collector and Filtering System ( 1968) Collector) (1966) Collector) (1968) Collector, Powder or Hammer Mill) (1971) /Nt (Ribbon B College Catalogues (Glassboro) (1968) College Catalogues (Jersey City) (1970) College Catalogues (Montclair) (1968) College Catalogues (Neward) (1966) College Catalogues (Paterson) (1968) College Catalogues (Trenton) (1970) (College Instruction) (1971) College of Medicine and Dentistry ( 1968) College Student, Classroom Language Program) (1969) College) (1967) College) (1968) College) (1968) College) (1968) College) (1969) College) (1969) College) (1969) College) (1969) College) (1969) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) College) (1971) Sp Spec, for High Tempera /Gondolas, Island and Display Sections Spec. Fo Colloidal, Inorganic (Laundry Over-All Cleaner) (1953) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs Spec Spec for for MS NY MS NY SC SC SC SC SC NY NY NJ MI NY MS PA PA NY KY CA MS WA WA MA RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NY NJ NE NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY MS NY 3725 36100-0413 3314 36114-0572 *39 HD-56 HD-58 HD-57 *39 36118-0539 36200-0768 6140-00 5325-S19 22928-0014 S-2-53-29 C-54 S-60 39308-0334 7815-2 691-82-48 TC-31A S-63-67-1 S-64-73 *24 4265-M-007 22911-0018 40534-0667 40534-0703 40534-0448 40534-0452 40534-0392 43204-0002 43204-0874 00365-0369 36501-0554 36502-0211 8340-04 75 80-00 A 8340-06 8340-03 8340-02 8340-01 43201-0287 9932-02A *2 31800-0318 21715-0854 31800-0225 12040-0713 12050-0179 22700-0296 27500-0310 11002-0216 21802-0333 11002-0598 24400-0542 27502-0451 30210-0663 38201-0349 38201-0353 38201-0357A 38201-0542 38201-0544 38201-0600 38203-0693 38209-0485 38814-0377 40601-0680 12026-0456 12026-0877 21201-0210 27500-0492 27502-0214 30001-0132 30001-0335 38201-0285 38201-0357 38201-0454 38201-0751 38203-0853 38211-590 38217-0577 38209-0781 49607-0022 S-2-53-13 21604-0226 66 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Colors for Mixed Paints, Spec, for rts (1970) Spec, for Film, Black and White and Spec, for for Design, Fabrication, Test, and Delivery of a Complete Spec, for Boys" Trousers (Twill) (Solid std. Spec, for Brushes (Oil Paint, Pottery, Varnish, Water for Organic Built Synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, Spec, for Pencils; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Spec, for Denim, Cotton, Sports, 9 Ounce, Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths (Light Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths (Dark td. Spec, for Tinting Medium Concentrate (All Purpose) for pec. for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Dark Spec, for Std. Spec, for Universal Tinting Spec, for Universal Type Paint Tinting Std. for State Flag, for Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Safety Code Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestry, Water Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Light Tints and Other r Latex Base Paint, Exterior (White, Light Tints and Other ium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Std. Spec, for Paints, Varnishes, Spec, for Universal Tinting rs, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), ective Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Spec, for Data Processing (Key Punch) Cards, 80 and 90 Std. Spec, for Pads (Desk, Ruled, :nish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for nish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for ;) (1969/ Spec, for White and Yellow Traffic Line Paints 58) Spec, for cooler, Holding Freezer, Single or Multiple Compartment or :tron Microscope System (Scientific Equipment)/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Adjustable One Way, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Reversible, Spec, for Small Tools (Padlock, Regular and al Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid Detergent Disinfectant 2 Adult Passenge/ Spec, for Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Spec, for Laundry Machines; lb. Dry Capacity) (1959) Spec, for rophe/ Spec, for Liquid Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of ommercial / Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor ding) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor Spec, for Water Closet / Laboratory Spec, for Water Closet / Lavatory Spec, for Bed and Chest Spec, for Cloth and Paper Spec, for Picnic Table and Bench Spec, for Hair Spec, for Spec, for ec. for Notions (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and type) (1966) Spec, for Spec, for Boiler Feedwater and Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal 960) Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal r Air Cleaner Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Internal pec. for Lubricating Oils and Greases (Except for Internal Spec, for Oils, Lubricating, High Detergent (for Internal bricating Oil, Motor Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Internal Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Spec, for Lubricating Oil (Internal Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal e (1970) Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Spec, for Michigan State Police Mobile Spec, for Cameras, Self Developing Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus, . Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Upholstered Sofas and Chairs Spec, for Revolver; Caliber .38 Special Spec, for Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co or Card (Chip) (1970?) or Chip Number (1969) or Photo Laminated Driver License ( 1970) or Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture and Graphic or Television Film Camera Chain (1971) or Television Mobile Unit Including Vehicle and Spec or) (1962) or, and Stencil) (1953) ored and Woolen Fabrics in Power Laundry (1969) ored Lead (1967) ored Outing Flannel (Cloth, Textile) ( 1961 ) ored Synthetic Binder Concrete (1970?) ored Wiping Cloths (New) (1959) ored Wiping Cloths (Reclaimed) (1959) ored Wiping Cloths (1970?) ored (Cloth, Textile) (1961) ored (1968) FED CCC-C-421B ored) (1962) ored) (1962) oring Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Lacqu ors and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign F ors and Weave Patterns) ( 1957) ors for Mixed Paints, Color Chip Number ( 1969) ors (Paint) (1970) ors (Paste) (1964) ors (1957) ors (1969) ors) (1953) ors) (1970) ors) (1971) ors, Cardboard (Bristol, /C. Spec. Std. Spec, for Notions (Reed, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior Spec. Fo /, Baking), Sculpture Med lors, Oils, Lacquers and Thinners (1966) lors, Paint Mixing (1963) lors, Paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Bo lors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) (Highw lumn (1965) lumnar, Stamp, and Typewriter) (1971) Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Va Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Va (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - Fast Dry Typ Combination All Metal Dresser and Wardrobe Cabinets (19 Combination Cooler / Freezer Unit ( 1969) /for Walk-in Combination Electron Microprobe Analyzer / Scanning Ele Combination Hydraulic and Transmission (1970) Combination Lift and Push (1962) Combination Lift and Push (1966) Combination Master Keyed) (1971) Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Combination Padlocks (1970) Combination Product (1969) Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless Track Type - Combination Table and Seats (1970?) Combination Washer Extractor (Commercial) (1964) Combination Washer Extractor (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Combination 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlo Combination (Heavy Duty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for C Combination (Heavy Duty Side Loading) (1970) / End Loa Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971) Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971) Combination (1969) (Combination); Backed, Abrasive Silicon Carbide (1971) Combinations ( 1962) Combs (Plastic) (1967) FED L-C-566, Std. 406 Combs, Men's Pocket (1969) Combs, Women's Dressing ( 1969) Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; El Combustion Analyzing System (C02, Thermal Conductivity Combustion Control Simulator (1970) Combustion Engine, Heavy Duty (1960) Combustion Engine, Regular Duty (1969) Combustion Engine, (High Output Diesel), Severe Duty (1 Combustion Engines (1969) Std. Spec. Fo Combustion Engines) (1970) Combustion Engines) (1971) Combustion Gasoline Engines (1968) Spec, for Lu Combustion Gasoline Engines, Automobile (1968) Combustion) (1962) Combustion, 4 Cycle, Light and Medium ( 1970) Combustion, 4 Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Severe Servic Combustion, 4 Cycle, Severe Service (1970) Command Trailer (1970) (Commercial and I.D.) (1971) Commercial Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968) (Commercial Design) (1967) Std (Commercial Design) (1968) Commercial Fertilizer (1970?) WA S-65-89 CA 691-80-450 59-500-0451 38800-0231 24-050-0305 76-000-0305 4284-M-019 ♦33X L-2 P-145 4910-015 ITEM 51SX 4720-004 4720-005 *7B 4910-030 681-83-11 WA S-61-38-1 WA S-6 1-38-2 WA S-66-97 38601-0173 4225-F-001 691-80-450 PM-9 520-42-10 91-126 691-80-32 *33GG 38010-0509 38010-0188 23100-0855 *10 * 1-1 7 23100-0855 38601-0752 7550 ♦32PP DK-25A DK-26A M-TPC-69 3712-00 4110-CF-l 38782-0782 L-5B-70-17A 4938-50 4938-49 39004-0429 43201-0487 P-153 *3-3 42200-0362 ♦20 M-47 89-400 H-8-71 400-48-2A 400-48-2A 37600-0198 37600-0499 B-141 C-145 *22 C-174 691-85-25 691-85-26 ♦25 00407-0565 40706-0624 9150-L-3 9150-L-2A 9150-L-4 2940-AC-2 05701-0626 05700-0315 *8-6 ♦8-2 14-1 L-5B-70-5 L-5B-70-3 L-5B-70-2A 3978-S2 38800-0364 40501-0079 7195-FWU-l R-29 3881 SC NY SC SC RI IL VA PA RI NY RI RI UT RI CA NY RI CA MS TX CT CA IL NY NY NY IL IA NY NY KY IL VA VA NM NJ NC NY MS NJ NJ NY NY PA IA NY VA PA NJ MS TX TX NY NY PA PA MD PA CA CA FL NY NY NC NC NC NC NY NY LA LA KS MS MS MS MI NY NY NC PA MS 67 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 6 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Spec, for duty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial / Spec, for ctor Combination (Heavy Duty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for ding Type) (1970) . Diameter Cylinder) (1970) . Diameter Cylinder) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Presses; Spec, for Fluorescent Fixtures; Spec, for Refrigerators and Freezers (Electric) achine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Concentrated Weight, Spec, fcr Refrigerators and Freezers (Electric) ec. for Washing Machines (Washer Extractor, Front Loading, re) (1969) Spec, for re) (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Twill, Std. Spec, for Laundry Presses, Spec, for Dishwashers, ■> pec. for Cooking Equipment (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, b38 Spec, for Refrigeration; Spec, for Dishwashing Equipment, Std. Spec, for Washer - Extractors, Laundry, Std. Spec, for Folding Machines, Laundry Spec, for Ranges; (Stoves) Electric, Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner; Heavy Duty Spec, for Liquid Propane Gas, Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for Laundry Machines; Combination Washer Extractor Spec, for Cans or Tins Spec, for Metal Sign Primer (Paint, Std. Spec, for Ironer, Flatwork, Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Portable, Spec, for Sewage c. for Uniform Caps (Hat); Fur, Winter (State Police, Game Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Brush, Spec, for Brush, Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Flags, U. S. and Spec, for Theater Sound and Spec, for Theater Sound and Spec, for Radio al, VHF Low Band) (1971) Std. Spec, for f Low Band ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for nformation Network) (Computer System) / Spec, for Digital Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Microwave Special Conditions for Fixed and Mobile Spec, for Rear Projection Systems Spec, for Rear Projection Systems Spec, for Rear Projection Systems Spec, for Rear Projection Systems Spec, for Pocket Paging System Spec, for Audio / Visual Observation System Spec, for 4 Door Sedan pec. for Motor Vehicles; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Mini vehicle) (1971) Spec, for ng Special) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Panel, Delivery Van, r High Level Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light Weight, Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group C, Std. Spec, for Bus, ibrating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt motive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, motive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Spec, for Mobile Waste Collection Trailer (Front Loading, 70) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Spec, for Food Waste Handling Systems Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Tractor Roller, Std. Spec, for Bond and Ledger Spec, for Diapers Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel, Incontinent Patient spec, for Tractor Roller Grease, Positive Seal Assemblies Spec, for Office Supplies (Special) Spec, for Supplies for Processor or Fire Suppression Plows, Hitches, and Replacement Parts Spec, for Film, Self Developing c. for Office Supplies (Magnetic Tape Cartridge and Card) Spec, for Spec, for Ultrasonic Attenuation Spec, for Cage Unit (Four c. for Walk-in Cooler, Holding Freezer, Single or Multiple Spec, for Toilet ) Commercial Fertilizers (1969) Commercial Laundry Soap Tanks (1971) Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (End Loading) (1970) Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, Unloa Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 42 in Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 60 in Commercial Shirts, Trousers (Cabinet Type) ( 1968) Commercial Suspended and Surface Mounted (1957) Commercial Type ( 1967) Commercial Type) (1970) FED CC-M-636C, CC-M-641BNg M (Commercial Type) (1971) Commercial Type ) ( 1 97 1 ) Sp Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 4,200 Lb. or Mo Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb. or Mo Commercial (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Commercial (General) (Cabinet Type) (1969) Commercial (NYS Std. Type Ii) (1971) Commercial (Ovens, Ranges, Fryers) (1970) Commercial (Reach in and Pass Thru) (1969) NSF 7, ANSI Commercial (Silverware Washer - Drier) ( 1971 ) Commercial (1966) Commercial (1967) Commercial (1968) UL 197 Commercial (1970) Commercial (1970?) (Commercial) (Biological Refrigerators) (1971) (Commercial) (1964) (Commercial) (1970) Commercial) (1970?) MIL P-8585 Commercial, Chest Type (and Ventilating Canopy) (1966) Commercial, Power Sifters) (1971) Comminutor (1969) Commission) ( 1960) Spe Commode Brushes (Toilet) (1967) Commode, Toilet, Liquid (1966) Commode, Toilet, Natural Fiber (1966) Commode, Toilet, Polypropylene Bristle (1966) Commode, Toilet, Powder (1967) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ( 197 1 ) Communication System (College) (1970) Communication System (College) (1971) Communications Base and Mobile Stations (1968) Communications Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, Person Communications Equipment (2 Way Radios, Land Mobile, Vh Communications Link (Mobile Radio Terminal and Police I Communications System (Departmental) (1971) Communications System (Radio) (State Police) (1971) Communications Systems (Two Way Radio) (1970) (Communications) (College) (1970) (Communications) (University) (1970) (Communications) (University) (1970) (Communications) (University) (1970) (Communications) (1970) (Communications) (1970) Compact Automobiles (1970?) Compact Size) (1971) Std. S Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Airport Emergency Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Heating and Plumbi Compact Van (Truck) (4 X 2) (1971) Compact (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Compact, Collapsible) (1964) Std. Spec. Fo Compact, Light (1970) Compact, 12 Passenger (1970) Compaction for Patching Operations (1971) /E Roller (V Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) ( 1971 ) /Auto Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) (1971) /Auto Compaction Type, Rear Ejection) (1970) Compactor Trailer, 31 cu. Yd. Mobile or Stationary) (19 (Compactor) (1971) Company Postive Seal (1970) (Company) Paper (1970) (Company) (1961) (Company) (1963) (Company) (1968) (Company) (1970) (Company) (1970) (Company) (1970) Spec. F (Company) (1971) (Company) (1971) Spe Comparator Microphotometer (Scientific Equipment) (1971 Comparator System (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Compartment Dog) (1971) Compartment or Combination Cooler / Freezer Unit (1969) Compartments ( 1967) OR 84-200-9010 TX 500-65-1 TX 400-48-2A TX 400-48-2A TX 400-49-1 A TX 400-49-4A TX 400-49-2A TX 400-49-3A PA P-159 PA F-57 NY 00242-00-0684 TX 265-32-1B NY 24200-0501 NY 36501-0487 NE *20 NE *21 OR 79-100-9500 NC 3510-LP-4 NY 33500-0455 NY 24100-0697 PA R-27 NY 33500-0623 NC 3510-WE-2 NC 3510-FM-3 PA R-30 PA C-158 MA *13 NY 24200-0755 PA M-47 NY 32200-0501 MS 3514 NC 3510-FI-l NY 31200-0352 NY 44001-0392 PA U-38 TX 370-31-9 KY 7930-21 KY 7920-4 KY 7920-3 KY 7930-10 PA F-68 NY 38201-0542 NY 38201-0751 TX 5 80-3 9-1 A FL ♦26 FL ♦27 NY 38211-0441 NY 3821 1-0'929 NY 38211-0917 NE *8 NY 38814-0377 NY 38814-0376 NY 38814-0424 NY 38814-0457 NY 38211-0632 NY 38221-0692 VA *2 OR 06-100-1052 AK *33 AK *32 AK ♦31 MS TV-3-7 1 WA S-63-67-1 CA 701-23-07 MS TV-4-71 AK ♦52 NY 40534-0448 NY 40534-0452 NY 40534-0667 NY 40534-0720 NY 36125-0573 MS L-5B-70-22 OR 74-300-0130 RI 4720-008 IL ♦23 CA 681-91-113 NY 23000-0651 NY 31602-0396 LA ♦15 NY 38800-0542 NY 23003-0208 NY 38755-0750 NY 38760-0675 NY 12040-0540 NC 4110-CF-l NY 31828-0559 68 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Processing ' Spec, for Design, Fabrication, Test, and Delivery of A 70?) Spec, for Light Standards Std. Spec, for Desk Calendars, Refills, Bases and oist ( 1971 ) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Body ist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck Body browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster (Police), Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, Iodine Spec, for Spec, for Mattresses; Innerspring, troscopy, Low Angle Scatter/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Office Furniture, Spec, for Lighting Luminaires and Spec, for Belt Spec, for Office Machines (Magnetic Tape Spec, for Office Machines (Cold Type rayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Std. Spec, for Floor Seal and Undercoater agents and Equipment (1971) Std. Spec, for Boiler Spec, for Epoxy Grouting and Sealing eat Transfer Devices and Steam Clea/ Spec, for Descaling d Uniforms (1969) Spec, for Washing Spec, for Putty and Elastic dorizing Agents (1968) Spec, for Quaternary Ammonium ium Sulfate (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and Washing td. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) (Nonplastic) Detergent Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) (Plastic) Detergent Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Detergent Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Detergent Spec, for Liquid Dust Mop Dressing Spec, for Hand Use Cleaning and Washing Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) Detergent Std. Spec, for Sweeping Spec, for Spec, for Rinsing - Drying rap and Drain Cleaning (1958) Spec, for Spec, for Car (Automobile) Wash Std. Spec, for Synthetic Dishwashing Detergent Spec, for Sewer Joint. Sealing Spec Spec Liquid, Spray) (1970?) ASTM C/ truction) (1970) FED TT-P-/ Spec for Chlorinated Dishwashing for Chlorinated Dishwashing Spec, for Sweeping Spec, for Membrane Curing Spec, for Galvanizing Repair for Ironer Waxing and Cleaning Std. Spec, for Sweeping Spec, for Floor Sweeping Spec, for Machine Use Dishwashing Spec, for General Cleaning Spec, for Hand Dishwashing Spec, for Floor and Wall Washing Spec, for Chlorinated Machine Dishwashing Spec, for Sweeping Std. Spec, for Liquid Hand Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaning Std. Spec, for Mechanical Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Machine Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Hand Dishwashing n, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Proofing Spec, for Chlorinated Automatic Machine Dishwashing Spec, for Nonchlorinated Machine Dishwashing Spec, for Caulking xed Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer and Topping c. for Plastic Cement; Fibered (Roof Patching and Flashing terproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Spec, for Sweeping Std. Spec, for Sealing Spec, for Cleaning ducts (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Treatment Std. Spec, for Dust Mop and Cloth Treatment ■evention of Condensate / Spec, for Morpholine Feed Water Remover) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, Glazing Spec, for Microscopes, Std. Spec, for Sealing Spec, for Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate in Oxide Condensate/ Spec, for Nonionic Liquid Detergent in Spec, for Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate in Spec, for Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in te of Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in 8 Spec, for Pine Oil in ents (1968) Spec, for Quaternary Ammonium Compound in Spec, for Silica Powder in 8) ASTM D458 Spec, for Sodium Carbonate in 8) ASTM D456 Spec, for Sodium Hydroxide in 8) ASTM D537 Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate in Compartments (1968) Complement) (1971) Complete Color Television Mobile Unit Including Vehicle (Complete Pole Including Mast Arm and Base Anchorage) (1 Complete Unit (1971) Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hydraulic Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hyraulic H Complete (1968) FED KK-L-3 1 la Spec, for Sam Complex Type (1969) Component Parts for Movable Partitions ( 1 969 ) Component Type ( 1969) Components and Vacuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spe Components (Metal) Free Standing, Panels and Hung (1969 Components (1970?) Components, Buckle, Clip and Webbing (1970) Composing System) ( 1971 ) Composing) (1971) Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Lino Composition, Liquid, Water Emulsion (1969) Compound and Water Treating Chemicals, Water Testing, R Compound for Concrete Surfaces ( 1969) Compound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Compound for Industrial Wiping Cloths, Shop Overalls, A Compound for Metal Sash Glazing (1953) Compound in Compounding Detergents as Sanitizing and De Compound Manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502, Aocs DA28 /Sod Compound Type a (1953) Compound Type B ( 1953) Compound Type C (Hand) (1953) Compound Type D (Hand) (Pots and Pans) (1953) Compound (Aliphatic) (1965) FED P-D-800B Compound (Bead or Granular) (1967) Compound ( Brick 2 ) ( 1 95 3 ) Compound (Cleaner) (1954) Compound (Dishwashing Machine) (1970) Compound (Dishwashing Machines) (1970) Compound (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Compound (Granular Detergent, Hand Use) ( 1968) Compound (Hand, Hard Water) (1953) Compound (Hot Poured) (1970?) FED SS-S-169 Compound (Machine Use) (1969) Compound (Machine Use) (1971) Compound (Oil and Water) Absorbent (1969) Compound (Portland Cement Concrete, Water Retardation) Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Highway and Bridge Con Compound (Water Emulsion, Laundry) (1969) Compound (1954) Compound (1964) FED RR-S-366B, VV-L-791 Compound (1964) FED Std. 536 Compound (1965) Compound (1965) Compound (1965) Compound (1965) ASTM D930-49, D1280-53T Compound ( 1966) Compound (1966) Compound (1969) Compound (1969) Compound (1969) Compound (1969) Compound (1970) /Ents for Motor, Automatic Transmissio Compound (1970?) Compound (1970?) Compound (1970?) FED TT-C-598 Compound (1971) Spec, for Ready Mi Compound ) ( 1 970 ) FED SS-C- 153 Std . Spe Compound, Burlap) for Highway Construction (1964) / Wa Compound, Floor (1964) Compound, Floor, Polyacrylic, Water Based (1970) Compound, General Purpose, Powder ( 1968) Compound, Gymnasium) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Floor Care Pro Compound, Liquid (1969) Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating Plants (P Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative (Shellac, Varnish Compound, Stereo and Stereozoom (1969) Compound, Terrazzo and Concrete Floor (Liquid) ( 1970) Compounding Cleaners, Detergents and Bleach (1968) Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Compounding Detergents and Cleaners ( 1968) Compounding Detergents and Cleaners ( 1968) Compounding Detergents and Cleaners ( 1968) /Tetrahydra Compounding Detergents and Cleaners (1968) FED LLL-O-35 Compounding Detergents as Sanitizing and Deodorizing Ag Compounding Kitchen Scouring Powder (1968) Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) ( 196 Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) ( 196 Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (196 NY 33828-0802 NY 38810-0724 SC 76-000-0305 MS 3811 IL ♦321 SC •10 SC 22-600 PA B-142 NC 6840-DI-2B NY 33811-0030 PA M-41 NY 11002-0563 NY 21701-0150 MS 3810 PA B-125 NY 22900-0737 NY 22928-0014 NY 23100-0855 IA ♦3-11 IL *1 NE ♦72 CA 681-66-13 VA L-4 PA P-130 CA 681-66-27 TX 371-75-1A MS S-2-53-48 MS S-2-53-49 MS S-2-53-51 MS S-2-53-52 VA K-40A TX 370-41-1A MS S-2-53-50 MS S-5-54 PA C-58 NY 20101-0394 PA C-101 TX 045-37-1 MS S-2-53-54 MS 3724 TX 370-41-3A TX 485-38-3A PA C-177 MS 3754 VA DH-258 TX 395-43-2 CT 5740-S-24 TX 370-49-1 TX 370-41-2 VA TL-13 VA TL-14 VA TL-16 VA TL-15 KY 7930-19 WA S-66-95 OR 76-300-9030 OR 76-401-9100 WA S-60-16-1 WA S-60-17 NH *6 UT *4 UT •5 MS 3731 NY 38002-0282 OR 64-500-0100 SC HD-59B9 MI 4664-8000 MS S-14A-70 KY 7930-24 NY 22004-0529 MS C-10A-69 MA ♦11 NY 38000-0041 CA 691-63-01 MS S-8A-70 CA 681-66-22 CA 681-66-14 CA 681-66-10 CA 681-66-19 CA 681-66-20 CA 681-66-24 CA 681-66-27 CA 681-66-15 CA 681-66-03 CA 681-66-04 CA 681-66-06 69 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 8) ASTM D595 8) Spec, for Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate in Spec, for Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Spec, for Sodium Sesquicarbonate in Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate in Spec, for Dishwashing Spec, for Laundry Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Pipeline Milkin/ Spec, for Dairy Cleaning and Sanitizing 0425D, P-D-435D, ASTM D800, D820 Spec, for Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Sweeping Std. Spec, for Soaps and Related Cleaning nal(1970?) Spec, for Dishwashing Spec, for r(1964) Spec, for (Cleaning) Spec, for Spec, for Dust Mop Treating Spec, for Spec 969) FED TT-C-5986, Std. 141a Spec 31 for Cleaning for Caulking Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ir at 100 Psi) (1971) turbine Driven) (1971) 1971) 1) ) ing for Use on Ferrous Metal Surfaces (1956) F/ ent, Bridge) and Lubrica/ Spec, for Preformed Elastomeric or Garage Equipment (Trammel Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - crew Power Type) (Scienific Equipme/ Spec, for Universal r Cooled Air Conditioning Unit (/ Spec, for Split System . for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air , Grease/ Minimum Spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydraulic Hoist, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ( 1 968 ) Spec, for Motor / Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Spec, for Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Fasteners, Paper File, Metallic, Spec, for Portable Diesel Driven Rotary Air Std. Spec, for Oil, Vane Type Air Spec, for Shop Air Spec, for Portable Gasoline Driven Rotary pressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Hoist, Air Spec, for Air System, Shop, Electric Motor Driven Spec, for Garage Equipment (Lift, Air t, Air Compressor ( 1970) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, ic, G/ Spec, for Oil, Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Std. Spec, for Oil, Air table Trailer Mounted with Air Tools (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Air ble) (1969) Spec, for Air Std. Spec, for Air Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Integration with ystem and an Incident Beam Monochromator (Integration with Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor Spec, for ive)(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor )/ Spec, for Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) (Manual or Spec, for Air Conditioning System Spec, for Air Conditioning System Spec, for Chemical Analyzer Spec, for Time Sharing nk (Mobile Radio Terminal and Police Information Network) Spec, for ) Spec, for Magnetic ) Spec, for Magnetic Spec, for Magnetic Disk Packs and Tent. Spec, for Magnetic (Monitor, Process and Display Human Respiration) (Portable Std. Spec, for Tape, Spec, for Spec, for Paper Tape Spec, for Siren Automotive Spec, for General Purpose Liquid Enamel, Latex, Shellac, L/ Std. Spec, for Tinting Medium Spec, for Pine Odor Disinfectant Spec, for Wood Preservative, 10 to 1 Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, 3 to 1 Spec, for Pine Oil Disinfectant; Spec, for Disinfectant; Pine Odor, Phenol Type, Spec, for Pine Oil Disinfectant Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (196 Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (196 Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners ( 1968) ASTM D538 Compounds and Mechanical Dispensers (1968) Compounds for Iron Bearing Water (1970) Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Compounds (Mechanical) (Manual Liquid) (1971) FED P-D-0 Compounds (1967) Compounds (1969) Compounds, Cleaner, Granulated or Briquette, Institutio Compounds; Dairy Cleaners and Sanitizers (1964) Compounds; Detergent, General Purpose, Liquid and Powde Compounds; Sweeping (1968) Compound; Concentrate (1966) FED P-D-800D Compound; Dishwashing, Machine (for Plasticware) (1971) Compound; Liquid, High Pressure (Steam) Cleaner (1970) Compound; Plastic (for Masonry and Other Structures) (1 Compound; Stain Remover (for Tableware) (1960) ASTM D13 Compound; Wall and Paint Cleaner (1969) Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Cold Water) (194 Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Hot Water) (1941 Compound; (Primer) Rust Inhibiting and Corrosion Resist Compression Joint Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavem Compression, Generator and Alternator Regulator, Vacuum (Compression, Tension and Transverse) Testing Machine (S (Compressor and Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Ai Compressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Traffic P Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Solvent Compressor Oil, Piston Type, Heavy, Stationary (1968) Compressor Oil, Piston Type, Medium and Heavy (1967) Compressor Oil, Piston Type, Medium, Stationary (1968) Compressor Oil, Vane Type, Medium (1968) Compressor Unit (Oil Free Plant for Bottling Equipment) Compressor Units; Tank Mounted, Industrial Type ( 1970) Compressor (Not Less Than 150 cu. Ft. Per Min. Actual A Compressor (Rotary) Oil, Light and Medium (1970) Compressor (Single Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Type, Compressor (Two Stage, Single Acting, Three Cylinder) Compressor (1969) Compressor (1969) Compressor (1970) Compressor (1970) Compressor ( 1970) Compressor (1970) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Com (Compressor) (1968) Compressor) (1969) Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Hois Compressor, Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraul Compressor, Piston (1970) Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, Por Compressors (Reciprocating and Rotary) (1971) Compressors (Two Stage, Electric Motor Driven and Porta Compressors, Tank Mounted (1969) USC CS126 Computer and Teletype) (Educational Purposes) (1968) Computer and Teletypewriter) (Educational Purposes) (19 (Computer Area) (1968) (Computer Area) (1968) (Computer Area, College) (1968) Computer Control Cable (1970) Computer Equipment (Core Storage Unit, Magnetic Tape Dr (Computer Laboratory) (College) (1967) Computer Operated) (Earth and Space Science Observatory (Computer Room) (College) (1971) (Computer Room) (College) (1971) Computer System (Institutional Use) (1969) Computer System (Scientific Equipment) (1970) (Computer System) ( 1971 ) /for Digital Communications Li Computer Tape - Microfilm Conversion (1969) Computer Tape of 556 Bits Per In. Packing Density ( 1966 Computer Tape of 800 Bits Per In. Packing Density (1966 Computer Tape (1971) Computer Tapes ( 1969) Computer Unit) (1969) Spec, for Pulmonizer System Computer, Magnetic, Heavy Duty, and Accessories (1969) Computing and Recording Machine Ribbons (1963) (Computing Machine, Roll) (1971) (Concealed, DC Motor Driven Rotor Type) (1971) Concentrate Detergent (1969) FED P-D-220A, ASTM D460-58 Concentrate (All Purpose) for Coloring Finishes, Paint, Concentrate (Phenol Type) (1966) Concentrate (1961) Concentrate (1961) Concentrate (1964) Concentrate ( 1964) Concentrate (1966) CA 681-66-08 CA 681-66-09 CA 681-66-05 CA 681-66-07 RI 6600-001 PA S-67 MA *14 NY 20101-0156 WI 5740-4000 OR 76-000-9010 MA *15 PA C-76 PA C-84 PA C-l TX 370-63-6A PA C-96 PA C-l 64 PA C-88 PA C-87 PA C-74 PA C-54 PA C-55 PA C-98 MS 3721 NY 35000-0938 NY 38787-0813 KS 35-3A NJ 4938-22 NM *8 CA 681-91-59 MI 5255-S19 CA 681-91-58 CA 681-91-57 NY 41400-0577 TX 01 0-34-1 A SC *9 MI 5255-S26 NY 41400-0787 NY 41400-0115 CA 691-75-64 NE *24 MS L-5B-70-8 NE *41 NE *48 IN ♦15-9 NJ 6524-04 NY 35000-0965 IN *15-9 MA *9 MS L-5B-70-7 NJ 6524-03 PA C-51 NY 41400-0272 OR 26-100-9010 NY 11002-0825 NY 11002-0512 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 NY 31800-0225 NY 34409-0306 NY 22906-0325 NY 31800-0318 NY 12010-0518 NY 30001-0132 NY 30001-0335 NY 38716-0251 NY 38716-0702 NY 38211-0441 NY 38205-0265 KY 7440-1 KY 7440-2 NY 38205-0070 KS 75-1B NY 12600-0962 MS T-5A-68 PA R-4 CA 711-75-44 NY 30302-0089 VA K-32C WA S-66-97 TX 3 70-44-4 A MI 5325-0110 MI 5325-0115 SC 11-160 SC 11-160A TX 370-44-3A 70 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Dust Mop Treating Compound; Spec, for Insecticide, Bait Spray, Malathion Spec, for Soap; Toilet, (for Liquid Dispensers) Spec, for Milkstone Remover (Liquid Cleaning Spec, for Insecticide, Liquid, Malathion, Emulsifiable Spec, for Insecticides, Fly Spray, c. for Germicidal Cleaner, General Purpose, Phenolic Type, shing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, loor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Brush, Spec, for Bleach, Dry, Spec, for Deodorant Sanitizer, Spec, for Germicide and Deodorant Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for 6 cu. Ft. Spec, for Bituminous ) (1970?) Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Asphalt um Chloride) (Highway and Bri/ Spec, for Portland Cement Spec, for Grooving Machine for FED Spec, for Ready Mixed Flat Finish Std. Spec, for Paint, Oil, Spec, for Water for Portland Cement Spec, for Varnish Base Paint for Spec, for Paint, Varnish Base, uctures (Manufacture, Handli/ Std. Spec, for Prestressed Asphalt Concrete Surface / Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic istruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic )0 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Prestressed Spec, for White Epoxy Enamel Spec, for Reinforced Spec, for Reinforced ) Std. Spec, for Portland Cement oof Paper, White Polyethy/ Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Terrazzo and Spec, for Floor Paint, Rubber Base for c. for Concrete Structures Involving the Use of Structural Std. Spec, for Portland Cement ) Spec, for 970) Spec, for e) (Bituminous Pavement) (1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for ment, Bridge) (1970?) Spec, for 970?) AASHO M-199 Spec, for Sectional {catch Basins and Manholes (1970?) p Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc./ 971) Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Precast s, Section Corners (1970?) AASHO Ml 34 Spec, for Portland Cement nholes, J/ Std. Spec, for Construction of Portland Cement Std. Spec, for Portland Cement M-53 Spec. ho M-170, M-206, M-207 Std. for Dowel Bars Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel Shells for Spec, for Reinforced Spec, for Porous Spec, for Reinforced Spec, for Nonreinforced Spec, for Rubber Gaskets for Sealing Joints in Spec, for Right of Way Markers (Portland Cement Spec, for Fabricated Steel Bar Mats for Spec, for Steel Fabric for Spec, for Steel Bars (for 0) AASHO T 177 Spec, for Spec, for Surface Treatment Washed Spec, for Engine Driven Spec, for Portable, Power Driven tank (1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid, Solvent Type road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, ction) (1964) Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Spec, for Silo crete for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Reinforcement Bars Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt truction (1964) Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic ete Binder and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt n of Materials for Waterproofing or Dampproofing of Cement Spec, for Epoxy Grouting and Sealing Compound for Spec, for Precast Spec, for Concentrate (1966) FED P-D-800D Concentrate (1969) Concentrate (1969) ASTM D460 Concentrate) (1969) Concentrate, Premium (1971) Concentrate, Water Miscible (1961) Concentrated Liquid (1969) Spe Concentrated Weight, Commercial Type) (1970) FED CC-M-6 Concentrated Weight, Household or Light Duty Type) ( 197 Concentrated (1968) Concentrated, Quaternary ( 1969) Concentrates, Liquid and Aerosol (1971) (Concession Stand) (1971) (Concession Stand) (J 971) Concrete - Mortar Mixer (1970?) Concrete - Type R.K. (Winter Mix) (1970) Concrete - Type la (Mixing Method - Hot Mix - Two Cours Concrete - Type 1AC (Armor Coat) (Mixing Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Calc Concrete and Bituminous Pavement (1969) Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint (White and Tints) ( 1962) Concrete and Masonry, Exterior, Ready Mix, Light ( 1970) Concrete and Mortar (1970?) AASHO T-26 Concrete and Wood Floors (1962) FED Std. 141 Concrete and Wood Floors ( 1964) Concrete Beams, Slabs, Channels and Other Members in St Concrete Binder and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Concrete Binder Course for Highway Construction ( 1964) Concrete Binder Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Co Concrete Block Masonry (Laid in Full Bed) (1964) ASTM C Concrete Bridges (1969) Concrete Coating (1969) Concrete Combination Table and Seats (1970?) Concrete Cribbing for Cribwells ( 1970?) Concrete Curb and Gutter for Highway Construction (1964 Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterpr Concrete Floor (Liquid) (1970) Concrete Floors (1963) Concrete for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spe Concrete for Structures for Highway Construction ( 1964) Concrete Form Coating Materials (Treating Agent) (1970? Concrete Handling Bucket (Lightweight, Laydown Type) (1 Concrete Joint and Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Typ Concrete Joint Sealer (Cold Applied Elastic Type) (Pave Concrete Manhole Units for Storm and Sanitary Sewers ( 1 Concrete Masonry Units (Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Dro Concrete Mixer (6 cu. Ft. Batch Capacity) (Tow Type) (1 Concrete Mixer, 6 cu. Ft., Side Discharge (1966) Concrete Monuments for Bench Marks, Right-Of-Way Marker Concrete Mortar and Grout (Highway Construction) ( 1970) Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Ma Concrete Pavement for Highway Construction (1964) (Concrete Pavements, Sidewalks) (1970?) AASHO M-31, M-42 Concrete Piling for Highway Construction (1964) Concrete Piling (1970?) Concrete Pipe (Culvert, Sewer or Underpass) (1970?) Aas Concrete Pipe (1969) Concrete Pipe (1970) Concrete Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-86 Concrete Pipe (1970?) ASTM C-443 Concrete Posts) for Highway Construction (1964) Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) AASHO M-54 Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) ASTM A-185, A-497 Concrete Reinforcement) (1971) ASTM A615, A616, A617 Concrete Right of Way Monuments (Markers, Highway) ( 197 Concrete Sand (1969) Concrete Sand) (1970) Concrete Saw (1970) Concrete Saw (1970) Concrete Saw, with Tow Type Trailer and 400 Gal. Water Concrete Seal and Membrane Curing Agent ( 1969) Concrete Setting and Curing) (1969) ASTM D98, D345 /R Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Median (Highway Constru (Concrete Stave) (1967) Concrete Structures Involving the Use of Structural Con (Concrete Structures or Precast Units) (1970?) Concrete Surface Course for Highway Construction (1964) Concrete Surface Course for Highway Construction (1964) Concrete Surface Course (Type 1 and 2) for Highway Cons Concrete Surface Course (Types 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Concrete Surface Course (1971?) / Laid Asphaltic Concr Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway Co Concrete Surfaces (1969) Concrete Survey Marker Post (1969) Concrete Treating Oil (1970?) ASTM D-484, D-206, D-235 TX 370-63-6A CA 691-76-27 PA S-6 TX 190-31-1A MS I-9A-71 MS 1-6 CA 691-77-78 TX 265-32-1B TX 265-32-2B CA 681-66-21 CA 691-77-35 FL *1 NY 21802-0030 NY 21802-0151 NE ♦53 NJ 1 304-04 NY ITEM 51-F NY ITEM 51AC-F VA DH-217 NY 44200-0229 VA DK-30A MS PE-7 MS 3906 VA DK-13A KY 13A SC HD-73 SC *39 SC HD-56 SC HD-52 SC HD-97 SC ♦38 CA 691-80-70 VA ♦20 MS 3661 SC HD-114 SC HD-59B9 MS S-8A-70 IA * 1-10 SC HD-71 SC HD-70 MS 3902 NY 41101-0566 MS 3723 MS 3725 MS 3622 MS 3621 VA DH-226 AK *50 NJ 4938-54 MS 3667 VA DH-220 SC HD-117 SC HD-59 MS 3302 SC HD-101 MS 3371 MS 3236 NJ 1344-01 NJ 1344-00 MS 3253 MS 3726 SC HD-126 MS 3304 MS 3303 PA S-47 VA DH-221 NJ 1356-02 NJ 2330-02 NE *38 SC 14-070-0451 NJ 4938-137 IA ♦3-7 PA C-7 SC HD-113 NY 08210-0274 SC HD-71 MS 3301 SC HD-53 SC HD-57 SC HD-58 SC HD-54 SC ♦39 SC HD-112 NE ♦72 MD *2 MS 3917 71 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Engine Driven Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, ral Shapes) for Hig/ Std. Spec, for Reinforcing Steel for Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Portland Cement Spec, for Asphalt pec. for Preformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals for Std. Spec, for Enamel, Floor and Porch, Wood and Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Bituminous ap, Liquid Membrane Seal,/ Spec, for Curing Materials for Spec, for Pipe; Culvert, Nonreinforced Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Floor, Porch, Wood and Spec, for Precast Spec, for Transit Mix Std. Spec, for Floor Paint, Rubber Base, Spec, for Admixtures for Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Asphaltic Spec, for Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Spec, for Coarse Aggregates for Asphaltic Spec, for Colored Synthetic Binder Spec, for Linseed Oil Protective Coating for Spec, for Seven Wire Strand for Prestressed Spec, for Bituminous 139 Spec, for Sewer Brick rap for Bridge Foundation and Highway Construction (Stone, pec. for Waterproof Curing Paper (Cover on Portland Cement ng Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Cement spec, for Burlap Curing Blankets (Cover on Portland Cement Spec, for Building Brick d Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Culvert Pipe Spec, for Drain Tile, er, Aluminum) For/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Underdrains (Tile, fiber, Ce/ Spec, for Sewer, Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe Spec, for Sewer Brick Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion Primer for Waterproofing Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion for Waterproofing Spec, for Paint, Oil, arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Ben/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Culverts reatments (Highway Construct/ Spec, for Fine Aggregate in Spec, for Saw, . Spec, for Removal and Disposal of Existing Brick, Cement Spec, for Sealer, Terrazzo and 64) Std. Spec, for Handrailing n (1964) Std. Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Rail and Spec, for Guardrail Posts Spec, for Bituminous 1) (1970?) Spec, for Bituminous (/ Std. Spec, for Sewer Pipe and Construction (Highway) tm C/ Spec, for Membrane Curing Compound (Portland Cement Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating Plants (Prevention of pounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide nditioning Unit (/ Spec, for Split System (Compressor and earn Clea/ Spec, for Descaling Compound for Cooling Tower, Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Spec, for Air unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Spec, for Air Spec, for Air ated Coil ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Air Spec, for Window Unit, Room Air ontained (1970) Spec, for Air ipurpose, High Temperature, Automotive and Industrial (Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Air Spec, for Air or Water Treatment System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Tent. Spec, for Filter, Air Spec, for Horizontal Self Contained Air Cooled Air r and Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Air Cooled Air Std. Spec, for Filters, Air, for Window Air otor Driven, Self Contained (1966) Std. Spec, for Air Spec, for Packaged Air unted (1966) Spec, for Air Spec, for Air for Extract Quebracho Tannin, Solid for Boiler Feed Water oncrete Setting And/ Spec, for Calcium Chloride (for Road General rms(1969) General General ( Paterson ) ( 1 968 ) General ( Neward ) ( 1 966 ) General (Glassboro ) ( 1 968 ) General Concrete Vibrator (1970) Concrete Vibrator, Backfill Tamper, Paving Breaker) (19 Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Need Concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structu Concrete (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Concrete (Highway Construction) (1970) Concrete (Mixing Method - Two Course) ( 1970?) Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubricant A Concrete (Paint) (1970) Concrete (Plant Mixed) (Delivered) (1968) Concrete (Plant) (1968) Concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burl Concrete (1960) Concrete (1963) Concrete (1968) Concrete (1969) Concrete (1970) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) Concrete (1970?) ASTM A-416 Concrete 2 & 5 - Pick Up (1970) (Concrete) for Catch Basins and Manholes (1970?) ASTM C- Concrete) (1964) Std. Spec, for Rip Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-139 Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-171 Spec, for Plastic Curi Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-182 (Concrete) (1970?) ASTM C-55 (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (Highway An Concrete, Clay (1970?) AASHO M-178, M-179 Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fib (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized (Concrete, Clay, Shale) (1970) AASHO M91, ASTM C55 (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) Concrete, Masonry, Ready Mix Flat (1965) (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) Concrete, Mortar and Covering Materials in Bituminous T Concrete, Self Propelled (1963) Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highway Const Concrete, Solvent ( 1967) (Concrete, Steel, Aluminum) for Highway Construction (19 Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for Highway Constructio (Concrete, Steel, Wood) (Highway Railing) (1970) Concrete, Type A.E. (Stockpile - Stone) (1970?) Concrete, Type R.R. (Stockpile - Stone or Crushed Grave (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) Concrete, Water Retardation) (Liquid, Spray) (1970?) As Condensate Line Corrosion) (1970) /Eed Water Compound, Condensate, Ethyleneoxide (1968) /Uid Detergent in Com Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Air Cooled Air Co Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and St Condensing Engines (1968) Conditioner, Room, Window and Through the Wall (1970) Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier Conditioners and Fans ( 1971 ) Conditioners (Room Coolers) (1966) Conditioners (Window Mounting), Dehumidifiers (Refriger Conditioners (1967) Conditioners, Window, Room Type, Electric Motor, Self C Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Power House Equi Conditioning Central Systems (1969) Conditioning Equipment (1970) Conditioning System (Computer Room) (College) (1971) Conditioning System (Computer Room) (College) (1971) Conditioning System (1969) Spec. F Conditioning Throw Away Adhesive Coated Type (1968) Conditioning Unit (1964) Conditioning Unit (1965) / for Split System (Compresso Conditioning Units (Cleanable) (1961) Conditioning Units (Room and Space Coolers) Electric, M Conditioning Units (1970?) Conditioning Units, Electric, Self Contained, Window Mo Conditioning Units; Window or Wall Mounted (1970) Conditioning (1970) Spec. Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, C Conditions and Spec, for Blueprints ( 1970) Conditions and Spec, for Continuous Tabulating Stock Fo Conditions and Spec, for Library Binding (Book) (1969) Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues NE •52 NY 43203-0185 NY 43203-0748 SC HD-72 VA DH-212 VA DH-219 NY ITEM 51M-F MS 3721 MS PI-9 NY 31502-0687 NY 31502-0686 VA DH-223 PA P-14 IA •1-9 NY 31800-0872 NJ 1320-00 MS PI- 10 MS 3113 MS 3126 MS 3129 MS 3137 MS 3141 NY ITEM 51SX VA *38 MS 3348 NJ 1304-06 MS 3616 SC HD-108 MS 3752 MS 3756 MS 3751 MS 3615 VA DH-240 MS 3276 SC HD-104 VA DH-241 VA DH-227 MS 3171 MS 3172 KY 30B SC HD-90 VA DH-202 NJ 4938-57 SC HD-116 KY 7930-5 SC HD-74 SC HD-121 VA DH-225 NJ 1304-02 NJ 1304-03 SC HD-92 MS 3754 MA *11 CA 681-66-14 KS 35-3A CA 681-66-13 CA 681-91-55 NJ 8708-00 NY 08200 SD *14 PA A-19 NY 30000-0845 KS 35-1C MS A-3-70 MI 5255-S12 NY 30001-0095 NY 30001-0548 NY 30001-0132 NY 30001-0335 NY 40802-1032 KS 35-4 KS 35-2A KS 35-3A NC 4120 -F-l 6 NC 4120-A-1A HI *8 KY 4120-6 TX 015-32-1B MA *10 PA C-7 NJ 8300-01 NJ 8330-00 NJ 8310-00 NJ 8340-02 NJ 8340-03 NJ 8340-04 72 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (Montclair) (1968) (Two Way Radio) (1970) pec. (1965) General General Special Spec, for Varnish, Asphalt, Moist Spec, for Combustion Analyzing System (C02, Thermal Spec, for Electrical Spec, for Highway Traffic Signal Cable and Electrical Spec, for Rigid Steel Std. Spec, for Electrical nonmetallic (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) and Boxes (Highway and Bridge Cons/ Spec, for Electrical ansiC80.1,C80.4, UL 6 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paper Traffic Std. Spec, for Traffic Safety Std. Spec, for Red Orange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Spec, for Traffic Std. Spec, for Spec, for for Furniture, Office (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Spec, for Spec, for Steel Tables (General Office and e, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Spec, for State Police Std. for Fire Hose, Nozzles and other Than Bridges) And/or Miscellaneous Including Utility , Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear m A273, AISI 1015 Spec, for Steel for Timber Spec, for Solderless Terminal j560a Spec, for Trailer ugs (for Electric Cable and Wire) (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Printed Forms 969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing ic Equipment (Food Processing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Std. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Training Thorax, Body Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Teaching ce Medals (1971) Spec, for ( 1971 ) Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Chambers and Spec, for Controlled Environment and Spec, for Roofing; Felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for . for Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Tent. Spec, for Nonmechanical Water Coolers, Spigoted, ry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, J/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Unit of Measurement for Highway inized Fiber, Cast Iron) (/ Std. Spec, for Sewer Pipe and retaliation) (1964) Std. Spec, for Highway Std. Spec, for Riprap for Bridge Foundation and Highway Std. Spec, for Road and Bridge Spec, for Road and Bridge Std. Definition of Terms for Highway (Road) Std. Spec, for Concrete Piling for Highway Std. Spec, for Aggregate Underdrains for Highway Std. Spec, for Sprigging (Grass) for Highway Std. Spec, for Seeding (Grass) for Highway Std. Spec, for Clearing and Grubbing for Highway Std. Spec, for Tree Wells and Root Protection for Highway td. Spec, for Reset Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter for Highway std. Spec, for Roadway and Drainage Excavation for Highway Std. Spec, for Excavation for Structures for Highway Std. Spec, for Embankments for Highway std. Spec, for Hydraulic Embankment (Dredging) for Highway Std. Spec, for Overhaul for Highway Std. Spec, for Subgrade for Highway Std. Spec, for Shoulders and Slopes for Highway Std. Spec, for Structural Timber for Highway Std. Spec, for Relaid Pipe Culverts for Highway d. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement for Highway spec, for Tabulated Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for Highway ec. for Brick Masonry (Full Bed Cement Mortar) for Highway c. for Portland Cement Concrete for Structures for Highway c. for Handrailing (Concrete, Steel, Aluminum) for Highway . for Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter for Highway for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course for Highway Stabilized Aggregate Base Course (with Prime) for Highway hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway old Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway arth Type Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for Highway tabilized Earth Base Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for Highway justing Catch Basins, Drop Inlets and Manholes for Highway bilized Earth Base Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway laid Bituminous Stabilized Macadam Base Course for Highway f Way Markers (Portland Cement Concrete Posts) for Highway guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for Highway phaltic Concrete Surface Course (Type 1 and 2) for Highway altic Concrete Binder Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for Highway rth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues Conditions and Spec, for Tracing Reproductions (1970) Conditions for Fixed and Mobile Communications Systems Conditions (1969) Conductivity Type) (1966) Conductors (1970?) ANSI C-2 Conductors (1970?) IPCEA S-61-402, ASTM B-8 Conduit and Fittings (Pipe) (1970?) Conduit Fittings (1964) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical Wires and Cab Conduits, Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), Conduit; Steel, Rigid, Zinc Coated and Fittings (1969) Cone Covers (28 In.) (1961 ) Cones (Plastic and Rubber, Marker) (1962) Cones (Polyvinyl Chloride, Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Cones, Plastic (Signal Marker) (1970) Cones, Traffic Safety (Marker) ( 1969) Conference Folio, Plastic (1971) MIL Std. 105 Conference Tables, Book Truck) ( 1971 ) Conference Table; Two Section, with Plastic Laminate to Conference) (1970?) Conference, Drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Confidential Vehicles ( 197 1 ) Connections (1964) Connections, Septic Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Pro Connector) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /S Connectors (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) AST Connectors (1969) UL 486 Connectors, Electrical, Truck Jumper Cables (1969) SAE Connectors; Pressure, Fixture Splicing, and Soldering L (Consent to Transfer) (1970) Conservation Officer Cars, 4 Door Sedan (Automobile) (1 Consistency, Fibred (1964) FED SS-R-451 Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimeter) (Departmental) (1971 Consistency, Nonfibred (1964) Console, Modular Lung Analyzer) ( 1971 ) /Or, Volumeter, Conspicuous Service Crosses and Long and Faithful Servi Constant Temperature Rooms (Prefabricated) (University) Constant Temperature Rooms (University) (1969) Constructing Built Up Roof Coverings) (1968) Construction - Materials Only) (1968) Spec Construction and Maintenance Crew Use (1967) Construction of Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Mason Construction Terms, Materials, and Meth. (1964) Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bitum Construction (Materials, Machinery, Equipment, Meth., I Construction (Stone, Concrete) (1964) Construction (1961) Construction (1963) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction ( 1 964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) Construction (1964) St Std. Std. Sp Std. Spe Std. Spe Std. Spec Std. Spec. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for C Std. Spec, for E Std. Spec, for S Std. Spec, for Ad Std. Spec, for Sta Std. Spec, for Hot Std. Spec, for Right O Std. Spec, for Steel Beam Std. Spec, for Cold Laid As Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asph Std. Spec, for Stabilized Ea NJ NJ NE CA NY MS MS MS OR MS VA PA WA WA WA NJ OR CA NY PA NV AK IN CT SC VA VA CA CA OR NJ MI MS NY MS NY NY NY NY PA NY KS SC SC SC SC SC NJ NJ SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 8340-06 8300-00 ♦8 691-80-406 00407-0565 3807 3806 3801 24-64-9B 3803 DH-248 C-34 S-61-30 S-6 1-29-1 S-71-110 0750-00 98-140-9010 711-75-63 21802-0174 T-70 7110-T •53 *7 81-144A HD-125 DH-232 DH-229 691-23-16 691-23-26 24-64- 10A ♦11 3905-0014 R-5-64-25 38787-0579 R-5-64-26 12200-0512 31000-0553 12026-0757 12026-0403 R-l 39600-0767 79-1 A HD-117 HD-B HD-92 HD HD-108 1308-01 1304-00 HD-1 HD-101 HD-103 HD-107 HD-109 HD-11 HD-1 10 HD-1 15 HD-1 3 HD-14 HD-15 HD-1 6 HD-1 9 HD-20 HD-21 HD-76 HD-94 HD-59 HD-A HD-95 HD-70 HD-74 HD-1 14 HD-56 HD-46 HD-53 HD-57 HD-33 HD-40 HD-1 18 HD-41 HD-44 HD-126 HD-121 HD-58 HD-52 HD-42 73 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards tures Involving the Use of Structural Concrete for Highway tic Concrete Surface Course (Types 1, 2 and 3) for Highway hain Link) (Material, Erection and Reerection) for Highway ructures (Manufacture, Handling, Installation) for Highway lene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Burlap) for Highway mantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reerection) for Highway , Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highway s; Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Highway ement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) for Highway t) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for Highway op Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxes for Highway (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway y Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote Timber for Highway rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge and Highway arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway stabilized Earth Base Course (Portland Cement) for Highway td. Spec, for Macadam Base Course (with Prime) for Highway te Subbase (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway ) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Cement) for Highway , Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highway ace Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckles) for Highway Spec, for Retro Reflectors for Highway esh, Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway td. Spec, for Timber Piling (for Use in Bridge and Highway ing and Transplanting of Trees, Scrubs, and Vines (Highway and Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Median (Highway or Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway sphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Maintenance and on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Spec, for Patching - Material (Bituminous Premix) (Road Spec, for Crusher Run Aggregate (Highway Spec, for Material for Subbase Course (Highway Spec, for Material for Aggregate Base Course (Highway Spec, for Bituminous Concrete (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete (Highway Spec, for Steel Pile Shells (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Epoxy Resin Systems (Highway or Stone for Masonry, Riprap, and Porous Backfill (Highway Bituminous Materials (Asphalt, Cement, Emulsion) (Highway inseed Oil and Mineral Spirits Treatment Material (Highway arse Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Highway or Cyclopean Aggregate (1 Man and Derrick Stone) (Highway ler and Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gaskets (Highway alleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) (Highway and Bridge Is for Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads (Highway and Bridge nt and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire) Highway and Bridge ete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (Highway and Bridge ed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway gs, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes (Highway and Bridge ater and Oil Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and Bridge r and Covering Materials in Bituminous Treatments (Highway led and Extruded Structural Shapes (for Highway and Bridge , Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) (Highway and Bridge roofing Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Sealer) (Highway washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway and Bridge der, Air Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and Bridge cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) (Highway and Bridge , Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and Bridge d Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application (Highway and Bridge ec. for Portland Cement Concrete Mortar and Grout (Highway Spec, for Sodium Chloride (Highway Spec, for Calcium Chloride (Highway Spec, for Timber Piles and Shoes (Highway and Bridge er, Lumber, and Preservative Treatment (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Premolded Asphalt Plank (Highway Spec, for Portland Cement (Highway and Bridge pec. for Water for Use with Cement or Lime Mortar (Highway Spec, for Steel Forgings and Shafting (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Steel for Timber Connectors (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Steel Sheet Piling (Highway Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Highway and Bridge spec, for Cast Bronze and Copper Alloy (Highway and Bridge Spec, for Copper Sheet and Strip (Highway and Bridge pec. for Lime (Hydrated, Hydraulic, Agricultural) (Highway Spec, for Lightweight Aggregate (Highway Spec, for Fly Ash (Highway repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Highway and Bridge Naptha for Use in Patching and Repair Work (Highway, Road Other Metals Used in Steel Structures (Highway and Bridge Mineral Spec, for Road (Highway) and Bridge Spec, for Horizontal Self Spec, for Self Spec, for Self Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Concrete Struc SC HD-71 Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphal SC HD-54 Construction ( 1964) / Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, C SC HD-123 Construction ( 1964) / Channels and Other Members in St SC HD-73 Construction ( 1964) / Waterproof Paper, White Polyethy SC HD-59B9 Construction ( 1964) /. Spec, for Reset Guard Rail (Dis SC HD-122 Construction ( 1964) /Al and Disposal of Existing Brick SC HD-116 Construction ( 1964) /Appurtenances; Providing New Well SC HD-125 Construction ( 1964) /Aterproofing or Dampproofing of C SC HD-112 Construction ( 1964) /Ins (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, SC HD-104 Construction ( 1964) /Minous Surfacing (Single Treatmen SC HD-62 Construction ( 1964) /Ng Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, SC HD-72 Construction ( 1964) /or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Dr SC HD-117 Construction ( 1964) /Ous Surfacing (Triple Treatment) SC HD-63 Construction ( 1964) /Pec. for Slope Drains and Spillwa' SC HD-105 Construction ( 1964) /Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard SC HD-77 Construction ( 1964) AASHO Ml 57 /Plate Pipe, Arch, and SC HD-91 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T134 Std. Spec, for SC HD-39 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 SC HD-45 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 Std. Spec, for Aggrega SC HD-34 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 /Acing (Double Treatment SC HD-61 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 /E Base Courses (Topsoil SC HD-37 Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96, ASTM C6 / Base and Surf SC HD-43 Construction ( 1964) ASTM A123, A153 /Res) (Bolts, Lag SC HD-78 Construction ( 1970) VA DH-243 Construction ( 1970) /Wine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute M VA DH-257 Construction) (1964) SC HD-100 Construction ) (1964) Std. Spec, for Plant SC HD-111 Construction) (1964) Std. Spec, for Portl SC HD-113 Construction ) (1964) /Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint F SC HD-80B14 Construction) (1964) /Uminous Distributor Tank (Tar, A NJ 4938-28 Construction ) (1964) /(Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat SC HD-80B13 Construction) (1969) NM *18 Construction) (1970) VA DH-206 Construction) (1970) VA DH-209 Construction) (1970) VA DH-210 Construction ) (1970) VA DH-212 Construction ) (1970) VA DH-219 Construction) (1970) VA DH-234 Construction) (1970) VA DH-254 Construction) (1970) Spec. F VA DH-205 Construction) (1970; Spec, for VA DH-211 Construction ) (1970; Spec, for L VA DH-256 Construction ) (1970; ) Spec, for Co VA DH-203 Construction) (1970; 1 Spec, for Rubble VA DH-204 Construction) (1970; Spec, for Joint Sea VA DH-213 Construction) (1970) ( Spec, for Castings (M VA DH-230 Construction) (1970; 1 Spec. For Bedding Materia VA DH-247 Construction) (1970; 1 Spec, for Steel Reinforceme VA DH-228 Construction) (1970 1 Spec, for Culvert Pipe (Concr VA DH-240 Construction) (1970; 1 /C. for Fencing (Chain Link, Barb VA DH-253 Construction) (1970 ' /leal Conduits, Fittings (Couplin VA DH-248 Construction) (1970' 1 /Imber Preservatives (Creosote, W VA DH-246 Construction) (1970' 1 /Ine Aggregate in Concrete, Morta VA DH-202 Construction) (1970 ) /M, Miller Metal for Welding, Rol VA DH-236 Construction) (1970 1 /Oof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting VA DH-223 Construction) (1970 1 /Pec. for Dampproofing and Waterp VA DH-214 Construction) (1970 1 /S, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, VA DH-232 Construction) (1970 > /T Concrete Admixtures (Set Retar VA DH-217 Construction) (1970 1 /Teh Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, VA DH-226 Construction) (1970 1 /Uminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum VA DH-241 Construction ) (1970 1 /Urpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alky VA DH-239 Construction) (1970 (AASHO Ml 34 Sp VA DH-220 Construction) (1970 1 AASHO M143 VA DH-250 Construction) (1970 ) AASHO Ml 44 VA DH-249 Construction) (1970 1 AASHO Ml 68 VA DH-245 Construction) (1970 I AASHO Ml 68 /. for Structural Timb VA DH-244 Construction) (1970 I AASHO M46 VA DH-215 Construction) (1970 ) AASHO M85 VA DH-216 Construction) (1970 I AASHO T26 VA DH-218 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM A235, A237, A108 VA DH-231 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM A273, AISI 1015 VA DH-229 Construction) (1970 > ASTM A328 VA DH-235 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM A36, A 123 /C. for Steel Grid VA DH-233 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM B22, B100 VA DH-237 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM B370 VA DH-238 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM C207.C141 VA DH-251 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM C330 VA DH-207 Construction) (1970 ) ASTM C593 VA DH-252 Construction) (1970 ) FED TT-P-64 1 /C. for Galvanizing VA DH-258 Construction) (1970' } ) / Cement Cut Back with Petroleum MD ♦24 Construction) Painti ng, and Cleaning ( 1964) /Teel and SC HD-79 Construction, Equipn nent, and Application (1970) VA DH-1 Contained Air Coole d Air Conditioning Unit (1964) KS 35-2A Contained Au tomatic : Ice Makers (1961) UL 563 VA DA-9 Contained Ch emical Toilet (1971) NY 37600-0351 74 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Aggregate Spreader (Self Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, Self nits (Room and Space Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, Self Air Conditioners, Window, Room Type, Electric Motor, Self rators and Refrigerator Freezers (Domestic, Electric, Self ter Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self er Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self Spec, for Milk Packaging Machine ( 1 Man, Self Spec, for Air Conditioning Units, Electric, Self Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Ballot Card i le and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Bo/ Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Printed Plastic Spec, for Glassware (Beverage Bottles and uble Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Spec, for bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Strainers, 965) Spec, for Plastic larm System (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Spec, for Primer Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Std. Spec, for Desk, Teacher, Wood (Conventional and for Air Conditioning U Spec, for Spec, for Refrige Spec, for Drinking Wa Spec, for Drinking Wat iture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) 1969) ssers, Chests, Cas/ Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Furniture, Office Chairs (Metal) Spec, for Library Chairs, Spec, for Furniture, Office Chairs (Steel - Spec, for Steel Std. Spec, for Furniture, Office, Steel, Spec, for Household Furniture (Wood) Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping ks, Circulars) ( 1970) Spec, for Printing; Spec, for Spec, for Linen Service, d. Spec, for Dishwashing Machine (3 Tank, Peg Flight Type, treasury ( 1968) Spec, for Custom Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine 5) Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine Spec, for Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for Spec, for Cabinets for Spec, for Sprayer with Broadcast Nozzles and ) FED W-L-101E, W-L-l 16(4) ' Spec, for Lamp Spec, for Computer ondary) ( 1968) Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Forward Spec, for Detector Mast Arm Poles (Overhead Traffic Spec, for Ice Spec, for Pest Spec, for Boiler Feedwater and Combustion ools, Mop Heads and Holders) (1969) Spec, for Dust Spec, for Cardiac Assist Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Automatic Humidity Oil for Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power 971) Spec, for Multimedia Spec, for Heavy Crawler Tractor with Angledozer and Power counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Spec, for Abrasives for Ice ler, Soil Sterilant, / Spec, for Chemicals, Weed and Pest intainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice Spec, for Processed Cinders for Ice 1 Services and Chemicals for Water Treatment and Corrosion Spec, for Tear Gas; Mob and Riot Gravel Chips) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Sand (Airport Ice Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Chambers (Temperature Spec, for Ozone Producing Equipment (Odor Spec, for Environmental Chamber (Temperature Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Std. Spec, for Decals (Liquor use in Refrigerated Van Trailer) (Division and Temperature asoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Ice Spec, for Flap Gates (Drainage Spec, for Automatic Line Transfer Spec, for Tone Spec, for Tone ) / Spec, for Cribs, Gatch Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, university) (1969) Spec, for iversity) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Coal (Nut, Pea and Slack with Contained Hopper Type) ( 1970) Contained Traffic Line Marking) (1969) Contained (1966) Std. Spec. Contained (1970) Contained) (1965) Contained) (1970) Contained) (1970) Contained) (1971) Contained, Window Mounted (1966) Container Caps (Bottle) (1971) Containers for Dispensing Methadone ( 1971 ) Containers (Steel Box) (1970?) Containers (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Bott Containers (1971) Containers) (1971) Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Cup Containers, Corrugated Filing, Document Storage (1969) Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitc Containers; Food Storage, Waste and Refuse Handling) ( 1 Containing Batteries and Charger) ( 1968) /. for Fire A Contamination Area (1969) Contemporary Design) (1961) Contemporary Executive Armless Side Chairs (Office Furn Contemporary Executive Swivel Armchair (Chairs) (Office Contemporary Steel Desks ( 1969) Contemporary Style (1966) Contemporary Style (1970?) Contemporary Style) (1971) Contemporary Swivel Posture Chairs (Office Furniture) Contemporary (1969) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dre Continuous and Snap Out Forms (Printed) (1963) Continuous and Snapout Forms (Books and Pamphlets, Blan Continuous and Snapout Forms ( 1970) Continuous Cloth Towel Roll (1966) Continuous Conveyor) ( 1963) St Continuous Data Processing Forms for Department of the (Continuous Duty, 1 1 X 17 In.) ( 1969) Continuous Marginal Punched Stock Tabulating Forms (196 (Continuous or Intermittent Duty, 11 X 14 In.) (1969) Continuous Pinfeed Fanfold Forms (1971) Continuous Stock Forms ( 1971 ) Continuous Tabulating Stock Forms (1969) Continuous Traffic Counter Stations (1970) Contour-Matic Boom (1000 Gal.) (1963) Contract (Electric Incandescent and Fluorescent) (1970? Control Cable (1970) Control Equipment (Expansible, Pretimed Controller, Sec Control Equipment (Flashers) (1971) Control Equipment (Semi Actuated Controllers) (1970) Control Equipment (Signals) (1966) Control Mobile Research Laboratory - Motor Home) ( 1971 ) Control Mounting) (1970) Control Salt (Rock, Solar) (Sodium Chloride) (1970) Control Services (Insect) (1971) Control Simulator (1970) Control Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and T Control System (Medical Center) (1971) Control System (State Police) (1971) Control System) (University) (1971) Control Systems of Road Machinery and Similar Applicati Control Systems (Programming, Display, Presentation) (1 Control Unit (1970?) Control Units, Peg Hooks, Accessories) (1971) /Lands, Control (Cinders, Slag, Grits, Concrete sand) ( 1 970) Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Kil Control (Heavy Duty, 4 X 4, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Control (1960) Control (1971) Std. Spec, for Professiona Control (1971) ICC 2P Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Slag or Natural Control) Rooms (University) (1969) Control) (Hospital Deodorizer) (1968) Control) (Incubator - Egg Hatcher Unit) (1969) Control) (Live Animal) (University) (1971) Control) (Stickers) (1969) Control) (1970) /Rtable Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Control) (1971) Spec, for Material Spreaders (G Control, Culvert and Sewer Pipe) (1970) Control, Two Engine Generator Unit ( 1969) Controlled Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Controlled Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Controlled Environment and Accessories (Youth and Adult Controlled Environment and Constant Temperature Rooms Controlled Environment Room (Prefabricated Modular) (Un Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) sc 14-400-0451 NY 41303-0111 NC 4120-A-1A MS A-3-70 VA DA-3 TX 175-31-2A TX 175-31-1C NY 08302-0528 KY 4 1 20-6 NY 12002-0371 NY 12002-0095 HI *14 NY 19903-0524 NY 19902-0286 NY 25102-0894 PA F-80 CA 692-81-57 PA A-4 PA C-168 NY 34400-0777 CA 691-80-53 NC 7120-D-5 RI 4-013 RI 4-011 KS 70-5 B NY 00217-0008 CA *1 NY 21705-0925 RI 4-014 MS F-26C-69 NY 21605-0260 MI 4811-0067 NY 00500-0333 NY 60000 KY 3513-1 WA S-63-71 NJ 7130-01 TX 570-36-3 KS 76-7 TX 570-36-2 NJ 8330-02 SD *9 NJ 8330-00 NY 35812-0169 NJ 4938-61 NJ 2544-00 NY 34409-0306 sc 39-000 SC *37 sc *22 sc 39-200 NY 40500-0763 NY 35815-0427 NH *8 PA PSBS *1 NY 40706-0624 NY 33202-832 NY 12600-0433 NY 38211-0025 NY 38789-0515 sc 34-040 NY 38200-0580 VA *16 NY 21802-0370 NJ 2330-02 MS C-40A-71 AK ♦61 MD *9 MS WT-2D-71 PA T-82 AK *76 NY 12026-0786 NY 11609-0871 NY 12026-0048 NY 12026-0746 OR 75-400-9020 NY 42300-0630 NY 41000-0464 MS 3399 CA 691-59-04 NY 38211-0123 NY 38211-0314 NY 20301-0560 NY 12026-0403 NY 12026-0705 MI 4210-S1 75 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Lb.) (1970) 42,000 Lb.) (1970) 42,000 Lb.) (1969) Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with ozoa) (1968) Spec, for Plant Growth Chamber Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment (Expansible, Pretimed Spec, for Traffic and Pedestrian Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic and Pedestrian Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment, Actuated Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Solid State Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment (Semi Actuated Spec, for Traffic Signal aph) (1970) Spec, for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, aph) (1971) Spec, for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, aph) (1968) Spec, for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, 968) Spec, for Pump, Motor and ed Under Tailgate Type, Material with Hydraulic System and Spec, for Automatic Load Transfer Spec, for Washing r Television and Cine/ Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray System Std. Spec, for Desk, Teacher, Wood / Utility, Dump/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Trucks) Spec, for 32 Passenger Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Truck Tractors with Short Std. Spec, for Chair, Tablet Arm - Wood Std. Spec, for Desk, Chair - Wood Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood (Cafeteria) Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood, for Unit Pupil Table Std. Spec, for Table, Unit Pupil, Wood Std. Spec, for Table, Wood, Elementary and All Purpose Std. Spec, for Table, Wood, Typewriter Std. Spec, for Table, Agriculture, Wood Std. Spec, for Chairs, Wood, Office Interim Spec, for Desk, Wood, Office Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Pedestal Type Spec, for Furniture, Metal (Office Chairs - Steel) (1969) Spec, for ) (1970) Spec, for Heavy Duty nd Platform Stake Body (1970) Spec, for 970) Spec, for std. Spec, for Enamel, Gloss, Interior, Wall and Woodwork, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Office, Steel, Std. Spec, for Venetian Blinds (Custom Made nance Spectrometer System and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Spec, for Computer Tape - Microfilm Spec, for Marine Engine, Diesel (Steam Tug ec. for X-Ray Diffraction System (Fluorescent Spectrometer Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque ront End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Planetary Torque uty Articulated) with Backhoe Attachment (Planetary Torque . for Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Spec, for Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Stainless Steel Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Material Handline Equipment (Bakery ull Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Spec, for Portable Trough r Dishwashing Machine (3 Tank, Peg Flight Type, Continuous Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting Carts) Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (2 Tank, Automatic Rack Spec, for Food Transporting and Serving Units Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Finisher, Garment 969) Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Belt Spec, for Laundry Equipment for Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting and Serving Food Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Pressure Spec, for Laundry Starch ork Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Starch Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery Spec, for Bakery Equipment igar. Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy and rmometers; Self Indicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type (Baking, rcial (Ovens, Ranges, Fryers) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Outdoor for Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Valves and Pipes on Spec, for Cottonseed Oil (Vegetable, Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) (Controlled Temperature Environment) (Algae, Seeds, Prot Controller - Electromechanical (1964) Controller, Secondary) (1968) Controllers - Electronic or Electromechanical (1961) Controllers - Electronic (1964) Controllers (Dispatcher 1826 D-AR) (1964) Controllers (1022 Dispatcher) (1964) Controllers (1033 Dispatcher) (1964) Controllers (1961) Controllers (1971) Controllers (1971) Controllers) (1970) Controllers, Indications and Paint ( 1969) Controlling and Recording Equipment (Electroencephalogr Controlling and Recording Equipment (Electroencephalogr Controlling and Recording Equipment (Electroencephalogr Controls (Multistage Vertical Turbine Type, 550 GPM) ( 1 Controls ( 1967) Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Power Controls (1969) Control; Semi and Automatic (1966) (Conventional and Bright Image Fluoroscopy) (Equipped Fo (Conventional and Contemporary Design) ( 1961 ) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service Conventional Bus (1970?) Conventional Cab and 5Th Wheel) ( 1970) (Conventional Design) (1960) (Conventional Design) (I960) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1961) (Conventional Design) (1963) (Conventional Design) (1969) Conventional Dump Truck Chassis with Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. Conventional Steel Desks (1968) (Conventional Style) (1968) Conventional Truck Chassis with Cab, G.V.W. 21,000 Lb. Conventional Truck Tractor (G.C.W. Not Less Than 65,000 Conventional 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab A Conventional 20,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Cab and Chassis ( 1 Conventional (Paint) (1970) Conventional (1969) Conventional) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Conversion Kit (Scientific Equipment) (1969) /Tic Reso Conversion (1969) Conversion) (1969) Conversion) (1970) Sp Converter Fluid, Type C-2 ( 1968) Converter Fluid, Type 303 (1968) Converter Type) (1970) Spec, for F Converter Type) (1970) /for Front End Loader (Medium D Convenor or Power Shift) ( 1970?) Spec Conveyor Belting (30 In.) (1969) Conveyor Catch Pans) ( 197 1 ) (Conveyor System and Tray Stacker) (1969) Conveyor System ) ( 1 97 1 ) Conveyor Unit (Hospital) ( 1971 ) /C. for Single Phase F Conveyor ( Belt Type ) ( 1 97 1 ) Conveyor) (1963) Std. Spec. Fo (Conveyor) (1969) Conveyor) (1969) (Conveyor) (1971) Conveyor) (1971) (Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Dishwasher with Booster) ( 1 Conveyors (1968) (Conveyors) (Loader and Flatwork) (1969) Conveyors) (NYS Std.) (1969) Std. Spec. (Conveyors) (1970) Conveyors, Powered, Incline (1971) Cooker with Tilt Kettles) ( 1971 ) Cooker (1971) Cooker, Soap Tank) (1966) / Shirt Folding Units, Flatw (Cookie Dropper and Accessories) (1971) (Cookie Dropper, Dough Divider) (1971) Cookie) (1969) /Ixtures (Display and Storage Cases) (C Cooking and Oven) ( 1966) Spec, for the Cooking Equipment (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Comme Cooking Stoves (Grill) (1971) Cooking Utensils, Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1968) /. Cooking) (1968) MI 4210-S5 MI 4210-S8 NY 12026-0012 NJ 2548-01 SC 39-000 NJ 2548-02 NJ 2548-00 NJ 2548-05 NJ 2548-06 NJ 2548-07 NJ 2548-03 NY 35814-0043 NY 35817-0414 SC *22 NJ 2548-04 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 NY 12600-0299 NY 46000-0553 NJ 4938-74 CA 691-59-03 PA C-78 NY 11000-0341 NC 7120-D-5 NY 40500-0397 HI *22 NY 40500-0479 NC 7120-C-l NC 7120-D-4 NC 7120-C-2 NC 7120-C-3 NC 7120-T-6 NC 7120-T-7 NC 7120-T-8 NC 7120-T-9 NC 7110-C-2 NC 7110-D-1B SC *18 SC *19 SC 14-310 KS 70-3A NY 21705-0214 SC 14-020-0451 A SC 14-310A SC 14-010-0451 SC *21 MS PI-8 MS C-41-69 OR 72-300-9010 NY 38782-0824 NY 38205-0265 NY 42000-0819 NY 11002-0018 CA 681-91-31 CA 681-91-32 VA *10 VA *9 VA *7 SC 21-210 NY 31200-0533 NY 36200-0979 NY 39108-0578 NY 11000-0710 NY 41500-0511 WA S-63-71 NY 36114-0345 WA S-69-107 NY 36112-0204 NY 36501-0711 NY 36200-0972 NY 41500-0681 NY 36501-0804 NY 36112-0264 NY 36501-0535 NJ 4910-00 NY 36100-0914 TX 500-70-1 NY 00365-0200 NY 31200-0603 NY 31200-0905 NY 21802-0128 PA T-72 NY 24100-0697 NY 25201-0878 TX 370-31-13 PA 0-8 76 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Corn Oil (Maize) (Vegetable, 1967) Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble (1970) Std. Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble, Spec, for Horizontal Self Contained Air (Compressor and Condenser Outside; Evaporator Inside) Air Spec, for Water Coolers (Electric) (Bottle, Air Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Water and Liquid Helium Spec, for Air Spec, for Chain Saw, Gasoline Air Spec, for Water Coolers, Electrically Spec, for Bulk Milk Dispenser, Mechanically Spec, for Portable Water Proposal Spec, for Electric Water Spec, for Portable Insulated Heavy Duty Water Spec, for Portable Plastic Insulated Heavy Duty Water ing Freezer, Single or Multiple Compartment or Combination Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in or Combination Cooler / Freezer / Std. Spec, for Walk-in h Stand, Steam / Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Bottle pec. for Food Service Equipment (Counter, Stools, Beverage spec, for Food Transporting and Serving Units (Mobile Milk ) ( 1 97 1 ) FED OO-D-00566( 3 ) Spec, for Water Contained) ( 1970) Spec, for Drinking Water contained) (1970) Spec, for Drinking Water Std. Spec, for Electric Bubbler Water Std. Spec, for Air Conditioning Units (Room and Space Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Spec, for Air Conditioners (Room e(1968) Spec, for Spec, for Water e (1967) Tent. Spec, for Nonmechanical Water Spec, for Water Treatment System for Devices and Steam Clea/ Spec, for Descaling Compound for Spec, for Office Machines Std. Spec, for Second Sheets Paper (Typewriter Carbon stm B22, B100 Spec, for Cast Bronze and (1970?) ASTM / Spec, for Intermediate Strength Manganese Spec, for r Connector) (Highwa/ Spec, for Structural Steel, Rivets, ) (1970) ASTM B370 Spec, for Spec, for Fittings; Brass, Soldered (for Flared Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 or Use with Solder Joints or Flared Tube Fitti/ Spec. Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Sheet for Pipe; Spec, for Duplicating set Reproduced Bound Books and Pamphlets From CRnseia Std. Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Office Supplies (Carbon Sets - re (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Belfast ns, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps,- Clips, Wire Rope, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Window Shades, Cloth, Rollers, Slats, Std. Spec, for Window Shades; Cloth, Rollers, Slats and Spec, for Men's Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Children's Bib Style Overalls Spec, for Misses" and Women's Sport Jackets Spec, for Girls" and Women's Slacks Std. Spec, for c. for Cotton Dress Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon 1 Spec, for ruck, 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Van Type Body and Generator (Mobile/ Spec, for Truck with Electric Powered Spec, for Diamond Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Thin Wall (Non Resettable) Diamond Bits for Spec, for Computer Equipment Spec, for Mattresses, Rubberized Hair and Cotton Spec, for Mattresses, Polyurethane Spec, for Mattresses, Polyurethane Spec, for Mattress 968) Spec, for Urethane Foam for Mattress 968) FED L-P/ Spec, for Urethane Foam for Use as Mattress Std. Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Mattress and Spec, for Floor Tile; Spec, for Sealer, Surface, Varnish Type, Floor, Wood or Cooking) (1970) (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutting, Turning Machine) Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cutting and Turning Machine Cooled Air Conditioning Unit ( 1964) Cooled Air Conditioning Unit ( 1965) / for Split System Cooled and Bubble Style) ( 1971 ) FED OO-D-00566(3) Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet Systems (Scientific Cooled Ice Making Machines ( 1964) UL 563 Cooled Motor Driven ( 1962) Cooled (1970) Cooled (1970) MIL Std. 175A, NSF 20, UL 471 Cooler (Texas Pattern) (1964) Cooler (1959) Cooler (1964) Cooler (1967) Cooler / Freezer Unit (1969) /for Walk-in Cooler, Hold Cooler) (1968) Cooler, Holding Freezer, Single or Multiple Compartment Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle Wit Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, Sandwic Cooler, Utility Serving Table) ( 1971 ) Coolers (Electric) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Bubble Style Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self Coolers (1969) Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, Self Contained (1966) Coolers) (Food) (1969) Coolers) (Food) (1969) Coolers) (Food) (1970) Coolers) (1966) Coolers, Drinking Water, Electric, Pressure Bubbler Typ Coolers, Electrically Cooled ( 1970) Coolers, Spigoted, Construction and Maintenance Crew Us Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Conditioning System ( 1969) Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer (Coordinate Digitizer) (1970) Copies) (1970) Copper Alloy (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) A Copper Bearing Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars Copper Bearing Structural Steel (1970?) Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shea Copper Sheet and Strip (Highway and Bridge Construction Copper Tubing) ( 1969) Copper Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of Copper Tubing; Soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (F Copper Water Tube and Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-88 Copper (1970?) ASTM B-152 Copper, Seamless (Standard Sizes) (1969) Copy Paper, No. 4 Sulphite Liquid Process ( 1970) Copy (1970) Spec, for Off Copyholders (1971) (Copying Machine ) ( 1 97 1 ) (Copying) (1971) Copysettes) (1971) Coral Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Cord (1953) Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutt Cordage (Baler and Binder Twine) ( 1971 ) ASTM D738, D739 Corded Bedspreads ( 1969) Cords and Accessories ( 1969) Cords (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Corduroy Trousers (Slacks) (1958) Corduroy (Dyed and Shrunk) (1963) (Corduroy) (1956) (Corduroy) (1957) (Corduroy) (1969) Corduroy, Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham Cord; Sash, Braided Cotton and Nylon (1970) FED Std. 19 Core Drill (1970) Spec, for T Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Core Drilling Bits and Reaming Shells ( 1965) Core Drilling Equipment and Materials ( 1969) Core Drilling Machine (Skid Mounted with Trailer) ( 1969 Core Drilling (1964) (Core Storage Unit, Magnetic Tape Drive) (19691 Core with Cover (1969) Core with Cover (1971) Core with Sealed Cover ( 1971 ) Cores (Polyurethane - Polyether Foam) ( 1970) Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. ( 1 Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. ( 1 Cores, Polyether Urethane Foam, Fire Retardant ( 1969) Core; Foamed Plastic (1962) Cork (1962) FED LLL-T-431B Cork (1968) PA O-10 MI 5255-S21 MS L-5B-70-10 KS 35-2A KS 35-3A NY 26500-0635 NY 38750-0012 TX 590-41-1 NJ 3938-11 PA C-107 PA D-29 TX 325-74-1 NJ 8740 TX 325-74-2 TX 325-74-3A NC 4110-CF-l NY 24204-0750 NC 4110-CF-l NY 36200-0420 NY 32610-0801 NY 36112-0381 NY 26500-0635 TX 175-31-1C TX 175-31-2A KS 37- IB NC 4120-A-1A NY 24204-0098 NY 24204-0105 NY 24204-0423 PA A-19 KY 4110-1 PA C-107 KS 79-1 A NY 40802-1032 CA 681-66-13 NY 22900-0172 OR 74-300-0160 VA DH-237 MS 3317 MS 3308 VA DH-232 VA DH-238 PA F-32 PA T-38 PA T-67 MS 3366 MS 3332 PA P-58 CA 701-75-03 NY 50020-0333 IL *32R NY 23018-0437 NY 22924-0008 NY 23004-0847 Ml 5325-S29 IL *33AA NY 39000-0482 PA C-139 OR 72-150-9050 TX 705-37-1A OR 72-300-9020 RI 4284-M-001 PA C-53 RI 4284-M-012 RI 4225-F-010 RI 4284-F-001 OR 79-100-9070 NY 32600-0622 PA C-26 NJ 4938-140 NJ 4938-48 NJ 4121-01 NY 41200-A NY 41200-0476 TX 595-56-1 NY 22906-0325 FL *5 FL *3 FL *4 NJ 3748-00 TX 295-48-1A VA DS-8A IL ♦7 PA M-40 PA T-64 KY 7930-4 77 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Brooms; Upright, Spec, for r, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Broom, Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, Oats, Spec, for Brooms; Floor, Janitor and Warehouse , / Spec, for Seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Spec, for Scrub Brush Std. Spec, for Wood Fence Posts (Line si 84-51 Std. Spec, for Steel Fence Posts (Line, End, Spec, for Brush, Scrub, e Monuments for Bench Marks, Right-Of-Way Markers, Section Spec, for Musical Instruments (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, dolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post with Signs and Canister, ixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, Counter, Gondolas, stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Panel, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Std. Spec, for White, Opaque and Typewriter s; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; enser (Adding Machine, Strapping, Cellophane, Acetate, and Spec, for Medical Diagnostic Radiographic X-Ray System Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Separator rofessional Services and Chemicals for Water Treatment and Bars, Sheet and Strip (1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec, for 1956) F/ Spec, for Compound; (Primer) Rust Inhibiting and Spec, for Tableware, Std. for Table Flatware, Std. Spec, for Table Flatware, in Steam Generating Plants (Prevention of Condensate Line bands (1970?) AASHO M-196 Spec, for m-197 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Roofing Sheets, Metal Spec, for Containers, Spec, for Box, Fiberboard, Spec, for Flat and Spec, for asho M-36 Spec, for Spec, for Asbestos Bonded Spec, for Pipe; Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 1 1/4 In., Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 2 1/2 In., Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, Ridge Roll, ng, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Wall Flashing, Spec, for Box (File, nap Out Forms (Printed) ( 1963) Spec, for Cartons, lates (1956) Spec, for Cartons, 1956) Spec, for Cartons, Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans and Covers Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans Spec, for Can, Ash and Garbage, 68) Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Steel el Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Beds; Spec, for Boys" Swim Trunks; Woven Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Curing Materials Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toweling, Crash, Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Spec, for Ribbons, Typewriter and Adding Machine, Spec, for Cord; Sash, Braided Spec, for Wet Cleaning Mopheads Spec, for Footware Lace Spec, for Spec, for Men's Work Jackets Spec, for 1 Spec, for Crinkle Spec, for Crinkle Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Acetate and Spec, for 90% Wool and 10% Spec, for Jackets, Spec, for Textile, Hand Towelling, 5) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for dCCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Corn Fiber (Floor) (1970) Corn Oil (Maize) (Vegetable, Cooking) (1970) Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinde Corn (1963) Corn (1968) Corn) (1969) Std. Spec, for (Corn) (1970) Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover (Corner and Baseboard) (1963) Corner and Gate) and Preservatives (1970) USC CS-235 Corner and Gate) (1970) FED RR-F-183, ASTM B6-58, USC C Corner, Baseboard (1966) Corners ( 1970?) Spec, for Precast Concret Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Snare Drum) (1971) Cornice Letters) (1969) / Counters, Paper Storage, Gon Cornice) (1970) Spec, for Store F Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, U Cornice, Single Action Gate) (1969) /Book, Fine Goods, Correction Fluid (1971) Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Disp Correction) (1971) Std. Spec, for Tape and Disp (Correctional Institution) (1967) Correctional Officers Uniforms (1970) Correctional Officers Uniforms (1971) Correspondence (1971) Corrosion Control ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for P Corrosion Resistant High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Corrosion Resisting for Use on Ferrous Metal Surfaces Corrosion Resisting Steel (Institutional Use) (1970?) Corrosion Resisting Steel (1963) Corrosion Resisting Steel (1969) Corrosion) ( 1970) /Eed Water Compound, Liquid, for Use Corrugated Aluminum Circular Pipe, Aprons and Coupling Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Underdrains (1970?) AASHO (Corrugated and Ribbed Types) (1970) ASTM A90 Corrugated Filing, Document Storage (1969) Corrugated for Record Storage and File Transfer (1967) Corrugated Glass (for Glazing Purposes) (1971) Corrugated Metal or Aluminum Pipe (1969) Corrugated Metal Pipe (Culverts, Underdrains) (1970?) A Corrugated Metal Pipe (1970?) Corrugated Metal, Culvert (1960) FED Std. 151 Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Std. Spec, for Roofi Corrugated) (1970) Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Continuous and S Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Double License P Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping License Plates (Corrugated, Taper Side, Zinc Coated) (1970) (Corrugated, Zinc Coated) (1960) Corrugated, Zinc Coated, Heavy Duty (1966) (Cossack Jackets, Trousers, Suit Coats) (Department) (19 Costumers (Coat and Hat) (1969) Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office, Folding, Cot, Folding (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Cot, Metal (1956) Cotton Acetate Elastic (1960) Cotton and Carpet Warp, Webbing, Yarn (1953) Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethyl Cotton and Linen Glass Toweling (Cloth, Textile) ( 1957) Cotton and Linen Glass Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.3-55 Cotton and Linen Mixed (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton and Linen Mixed, Unbleached) (1958) Cotton and Nylon (1970) Cotton and Nylon (1970) FED Std. 191 (Cotton and Viscose Rayon) (1962) FED CCC-T-191 (Cotton And/or Synthetic) (Shoe String) (1971) Cotton Applicators (Wax, Floor Finish) (1970) (Cotton Armada Twill) (1969) Cotton Batting (1963) Cotton Bedspreads (Hospital Spread) (1963) FED CCC-T-19 Cotton Bedspreads (1957) Cotton Blanket Flannel) (1969) Cotton Blankets (1961) Cotton Blend Poplin (1971) Cotton Boott Type (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) (Wash and Wear) (196 Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Cotton Broadcloth (Mercerized Cloth, Textile) (1965) Fe Cotton Bunting (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Cotton Caps (Hat) (1957) Cotton Chambray Cloth (Textile) (1957) Cotton Chambray Cloth (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-19 IB Cotton Chambray Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1957) PA B-l PA O-10 NY 08200 MI 4340-0035 KY 7920-1 WI 3748 SC 11-110-1002 NY 07900-0584 VA C-5 OR 63-700-9020 OR 64-600-9030 KY 7920-5 MS 3667 NY 38320-0503 NY 21802-0347 NY 21802-0581 NY 36200-0787 NY 21802-0993 IL *32S FL *21 IL *32EEE NY 11000-0475 OR 82-155-0020 OR 82-050-1030 IL *32T MS WT-2D-7 1 MS 3309 PA C-98 MA *2 CT 31-17B CT 3108-T-330A MA *11 MS 3225 MS 3285 OR 64-550-0010 CA 692-81-57 MI 4811-0100 PA G-4 NJ 1360-00 MS 3226 MS 3228 PA P-10 MS R-5-64-35 MS R-5-64-36 MS R_5_64-37 MS R-5-64-38 NY 21700-0533 MI 4811-0067 MI 417-10 MI 417-11 TX 325-47-1A VA DG-7 KY 7240-2 NY 39300-0624 RI 1-021 AK *53 PA B-28 PA B-65 RI 4215-M-003 IL *33U SC HD-59B9 RI 4915-002 RI 4780-003 MS T-1A-60-32 PA T-7 MI 4868-S1 PA C-26 VA S-4A PA L-40 TX 370-66-2 RI 4225-M-009 RI 4720-009 VA FB-19 RI 4705-001 RI 4210-M-001 RI 4710-010 NY 40003-0316 MA •35-81 TX 685-34-2 RI 4910-001 TX 685-34-3 RI 4910-002 RI 4245-M-003 RI 4910-004 TX 685-34-10 RI 4910-005 78 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards t- 1 9 1 B duroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, G/ t- 1 9 1 B edCCC-C-419 ccc-C-419 Spec. Std. Spec, for 964) FED DDD-R-30 Spec, for Spec, for Mattresses, Rubberized Hair and Spec, for Laundry Press and Flatwork Ironer laundry Uses) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for Pillows, Foam Rubber, Latex, Zippered Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Cloth; Std. Spec, for Table Linen 191 B Spec, for ) FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hickory Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bib Style for Numbered Canvas Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Numbered Std. Spec, for Shower Curtains, Spec, for Hospital Uniform Material FED CCC-C-419 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sack (Bag), Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rectangular Shape (Dry) Spec, for Wire Type (Dry) cc-T- 1 9 1 B Spec, for White Woven pec. for Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, ec. for Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, mD2514 Spec, for Drill; Spec, for Mattresses; Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys" Coat Style Pajamas Spec, for Women's and Misses" Nightgowns Spec, for Women's and Girls" Pajamas Std. Spec, for Dish Towels Spec, for Swim Trunks; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dresses, .4-55 Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toweling; edCCC-T-191B Spec, for textile) (1961) Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Elastic, Braided, for Women's Spec, for 91, FED Std. 751 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toweling; Crash, Spec, for Textile, Black Silesia Spec, for Spec, for Laundered Spec, for .CCC-T-191B Spec, for dCCC-T-191B Spec for Spec, for Mop, Dust, Triangular, Spec, for Mop, Dust, Rectangular, Std. Spec, for Flannel, Std. Spec, for Flannel; Spec, for Women's House Dresses Spec, for 1-191.DDD-S-751 Spec, for Bleached Spec, for Girls' and Women's Pajamas Spec, for Women's and Girls' Nightgowns Spec, for Spec, for Girls" Jackets Std. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Percale, Spec, for Ironing Board Padding, Stitched 3,49 Spec, for Laundry Padding (Stitched Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Cotton Chenille Ball Fringe for Draperies (1953) Cotton Cleaning and Wiping Cloths (Domestic Service) (1 Cotton Core with Cover (1969) Cotton Cover Cloth (1964) FED CCC-C-435B, CCC-T-191B Cotton Cover Duck (for Flatwork Ironer Rolls and Other Cotton Cover (1968) Cotton Crash Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Cotton Damask (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Damask (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Damask (Table Cloth and Napkin) (1970) (Cotton Damask) (1969) Cotton Denim Cloth (Shrunk) (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T- Cotton Denim Cloth (Shrunk, 1 1 1/4 Oz.) (Textile) (1969 Cotton Denim (Cloth, Textile) (1956) (Cotton Denim) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton Dobby Weavy Bedspreads (1956) Cotton Double Napped Flannel (1964) FED CCC-C-460, CCC- Cotton Dress Goods (Denim) (1970) FED CCC-C-421B Cotton Dress Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Cor Cotton Drill Cloth (Textile) (1961) Cotton Drill Cloth (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Cotton Duck Aprons (1969) Cotton Duck Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-C-419A, CCC- Cotton Duck Sample Sacks and Quartering Sheets ( 1968) F Cotton Duck Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 Cotton Duck (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton Duck (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) ASTM D230-448 FED Cotton Duck (1969) (Cotton Duck) (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Cotton Duck, Army (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ASTM D230-44, Cotton Duck, Numbered and Army (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton Duck, Small (Soil Sample) ( 1971 ) Cotton Ducks and Drill (Fabric, Textile) (1970) Cotton Ducks and Drill (Textile, Cloth) (1965) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads (1971) Cotton Elastic Textile Webbing (1970) ASTM D2433, FED C Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Sp Cotton Fabric (Cloth, Textile) (1971) FED Std. 191, AST Cotton Felt (1959) Cotton Felted (1963) Cotton Flannel Shirts (1957) (Cotton Flannel) (1960) (Cotton Flannelette) (1969) (Cotton Flannelette) (1969) (Cotton Flour Sack) (1969) Cotton Gabardine (Men's and Boys') (1960) Cotton Gingham Cloth (Textile) (1957) Cotton Gingham Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Cotton Housewear (1971) Cotton Huck Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2 Cotton Huck Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Cotton Huck (1969) Cotton Jean Cloth (Textile, Bleached and Dyed) (1965) F Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Green (Cloth, Textile) (196 Cotton Khaki Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Cotton Knit Shirts (Crew Neck) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Cotton Knit Shirts (Men's and Boys') (1969) Cotton Knit Undergarment (1970) Cotton Knitting Yarn (1970) Cotton Laundry Nets (Bags) (1969) FED V-T-276F, CCC-T-1 Cotton Linen Mix (1969) (Cotton Lining) (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Linters (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton Machinery Wiping Towels (1964) Cotton Marquisette (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Cotton Mattress and Pillow Ticking (1964) FED CCC-C-436 Cotton Muslin (Cloth, Textile) (1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, Fe Cotton or Nylon (1966) Cotton or Nylon (1967) Cotton Outing (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton Outing (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cotton Percale or Broadcloth) (1969) Cotton Percale (Cloth, Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Cotton Pillow Cases (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC- (Cotton Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) (Cotton Plisse) (1970) Cotton Poplin Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1961) (Cotton Poplin, Water Repellent) (1957) Cotton Print Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1970) Cotton Printed Dress (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Roving (1968) FED V-T-276 Cotton Roving) (1964) FED CCC-P-86A, CCC-T-191B, MIL B-TX Cotton Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1969) IL *33A VA FB-6A FL ♦5 TX 410-34-3 TX 410-34-4 CA 681-83-10 RI 4915-001 MA ♦35-37 MA ♦35-78 PA C-117 OR 72-150-9130 TX 685-34-7 TX 685-34-12 RI 4910-008 MS T-1A-60-11 RI 4705-002 TX 410-39-1 NY 32608-0434 NY 32600-0622 RI 4910-011 TX 685-34-8 RI 4260-M-001 TX 685-38-1 CA 681-83-48 RI 4780-002 OR 79-100-9150 RI 4910-013 OR 72-150-9120 RI 4910-014 RI 4910-012 OR 79-100-9160 CA 711-81-30 NY 32700-0498 NY 00327-0760 TX 370-53-1A TX 370-53-2 TX 480-34-1A VA DS-7 VA DS-6 PA D-4 PA M-14 KS 71-5 RI 4265-M-005 RI 4270-M-002 RI 4270-F-002 RI 4270-F-003 OR 72-150-9150 RI 4215-M-002 RI 4910-017 TX 685-34-1 NY 40025-0740 RI 4915-003 VA FB-8A OR 79-100-9420 TX 685-34-9 RI 4910-030 RI 4910-027 RI 4910-028 NY 40009-0035 NY 40009-0457 CA 701-83-26 NY 39401-0676 PA N-3 OR 79-100-9430 MA ♦35-17 NJ 9120-00 TX 582-32-1 RI 4910-018 TX 685-45-1 TX 685-34-5 KY 7920-13 KY 7920-12 MS T-1A-60-15 OR 79-100-9180 RI 4230-F-002 TX 685-34-4 VA FB-14 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-F-001 RI 4910-023 RI 4225-F-007 OR 79-100-0510 MA *35-66 CA 681-83-49 TX 410-39-3 SC 21-280B 79 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards FEDCCC-T-191B 751 t- 1 9 1 B 191 Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Draw Sheets, Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Blankets, Cotton Spec, for Bleached Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Wide Unbleached Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Women's Cotton Spec, for Textile, Heavy Cotton Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Damask, Cotton DDD-W-80B Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Men's Winter Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Chino Cotton Spec, for Men's Cotton Spec, for Boys' Cotton Spec, for Women's and Girls" Dresses (Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Mop Yarn, Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Leather and Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Canvas; Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, Felt, Gray, Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Jean, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Drilling, Unbleached, Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Tape, Narrow Cotton Spec, for Textile, Pillow Tubing, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Bleached Cotton Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Unbleached, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Scrim, Light, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Printed Cretonne, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Striped Shirting, Preshrunk, Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Twill, Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Dish Toweling, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Hand Toweling, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Strong Dress Goods, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Terry Robecloth, Cotton Tent. Spec, for Textile, Domet Flannel, Cotton Tent. Spec, for Textile, White Oxford Shirting, Cotton Tent. Spec, for Textile, Wolverine Suiting, Cotton Spec, for Polished Cotton Std. Spec, for Drill Cotton Std. Spec, for Flannel, Canton Cotton Std. Spec, for Percale, Cotton Std. Spec, for Pique, Cotton Std. Spec, for Pillow Tubing, Cotton Std. Spec, for Plisse, Cotton Std. Spec, for Seersucker, Cotton Std. Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton Std. Spec, for Strong Dress Material, Cotton Std. Spec, for Ticking, Cotton Spec, for Flannelette, Cotton Std. Spec, for Chambray; Cotton Std. Spec, for Drill; Cotton Std. Spec, for Gingham; Cotton Std. Spec, for Muslin; Cotton Std. Spec, for Muslin (Narrow Sheeting); Cotton Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton Spec, for Shop Towels; Cotton Spec, for Canvas; Cotton Spec, for Yarn; Cotton Spec, for Textile, Canton Flannel, Heavy, Cotton Spec, for Thread, Cotton Spec, for Ticking; Cotton Spec, for Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton Spec, for Socks; Black (Stretch Type), Nylon and Cotton Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth, Cotton Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth, Cotton Std. Spec, for Broadcloth; Cotton Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton Spec, for Machine Thread, Cotton Spec, for Bed Padding, Quilted Cotton Spec, for Wiping Cloths, Cotton Sateen (Cloth, Textile) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Satinette (1969) Seersucker Cloth (Textile) (1966) Aatcc 88A-64T, Sheet (1969) Sheeting and Sheets (1954) FED CCC-T-191, DDD-S- Sheeting (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Sheeting (1961) FED CCC-T-191B Sheets (1957) Silesia (Textile) (1968) Stick Wet Mops (1969) FED CCC-T-191B Stockings (1960) Suiting (Cloth) (1970?) Suiting (Permanent Finish) (Textile) (1971) Table Damask (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Table (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Terry Heavy Wash Cloths (1968) FED CCC-T-191, Textile Materials (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Thread (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Trousers (Slacks) (Army Twill) (1957) Twill Cloth (Mercerized Textile) (1965) FED CCC- Twill Dress Material (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Twill Shirting and Suiting ( 1971 ) Twill Shirts (1962) Twill Shirts (1962) Twill) (1962) Waste (1956) Waste (1970) Wet Mops (1959) Wiping Cloths (Unbleached Cheesecloth) (1971) Wiping Rags (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Wire Wet Mop Heads (1964) Work Glove (1971) Wrapping Twine (1957) FED CCC-T-191 (Army and Numbered Duck) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 (Chenille, Crochet, Pearl, Roving) (1953) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth) (1970?) (Cloth, Textile) (1956) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cloth, Textile) (1971) (Cloths) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 (Fire, Water and Weather Resistant) (1968) (for Manufacturing Purposes) (1940) FED CCC-T-19 (Glove) (1970?) (Machine Finish) (1970) FED V-T-276F(2) (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 (Pin or Shark Check) Sanforized (Textile) (1960) (Stocking) (1968) (Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1969) (Textile, Cloth) (1969) (Wide Widths) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T- (1956) FED V-T-276B (1957) (1960) PA S-46 OR 72-150-9110 TX 685-34-1 1 OR 72-150-9010 VA FB-5 RI 4910-024 VA FB-18 RI 4765-001 PA C-116 TX 370-54-2 RI 4250-F-001 MA *35-65 PA C-123 RI 4910-007 MS T-1A-60-8 VA FB-15A OR 79-000-9010 PA T-20 RI 4284-M-004 TX 685-34-6 RI 4910-010 NY 32601-0251 RI 4265-M-012 RI 4265-M-013 RI 4230-F-011 RI 4720-002 NY 39405-0683 RI 4785-002 NY 33200-0619 OR 76-900-9010 TX 370-54-1 SC 03-020-1002 VA S-l PA C-9 IL ♦331 MA *35-15 MA ♦35-18 MA *35-3 MA ♦35-32 MA ♦35-38 MA ♦35-39 MA ♦35-40 MA ♦35-48 MA ♦35-51 MA ♦35-52 MA ♦35-55 MA ♦35-67 MA ♦35-69 MA ♦35-74 MA ♦35-83 MA ♦35-86 MA ♦35-87 MA ♦35-88 RI 4910-022 MS T-1A-60-12 MS T-1A-60-14 MS T-1A-60-23 MS T-1A-60-24 MS T-1A-60-25 MS T-1A-60-26 MS T-1A-60-28 MS T-1A-60-29 MS T-1A-60-30 MS T-1A-60-31 CA 691-83-19 OR 79-100-9050 OR 79-100-9140 OR 79-100-9210 OR 79-100-9250 OR 79-100-9260 NY 32900-0399 PA T-59 PA C-66 PA Y-2 MA ♦35-61 NY 33100-0461 PA T-ll PA C-138 PA S-l 09 MS T-1A-60-17 OR 79-100-9220 OR 79-100-9040 PA S-26 RI 4940-001 RI 4752-001 MI 4445-0002 80 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Wiping Cloths for Laboratory Use, Spec, for Diapers; Pinless, Spec, for Rags; Wiping, Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Felt, Std. Spec, for Yarn, Std. Spec, for Bed Spreads, Piping Rock Spec, for Wiping Cloths, Spec, for Mop Head, Wet, Spec, for Rags, Cleaning and Wiping, Std. Spec, for Rags, Wiping, Spec, for Print Cloth, Dress, Spec, for Rags, Wiping, Sterilized Spec, for Baled Std. Spec, for Ticking; Std. Spec, for Thread; Spec, for Sheets, Bed, Spec, for Pillowcases, Spec, for Hand Towels, Huck, Spec, for Stockings, Womens Spec, for Mops; Wet, Spec, for Mattresses, Bed, Felted Spec, for Textile, Mackinaw Cloth, Heavy, Wool and Tent. Spec, for Textile, Shade Cloth, Spec, for Sheeting, Blend, Polyester / Spec, for Linters; Spec, for Table Damask ec. for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Plain or Twill Finish Spec, for Men's Work Jackets (Plain or Twill Finish Std. Spec, for Sheets and Pillow Cases, Bed Spec, for Women's Sweaters Spec, for Blankets Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Bed Sheets; Std. Spec, for Muslin, Std. Spec, for Table Damask; Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth, Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth; Std. Spec, for Sheeting; 1958) Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Crash Std. Spec, for Cloth, Std. Spec, for Covert, Spec, for Organic Built Synthetic Detergent for Washing Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Cloth; esistant (Textile) (1971) Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Dry Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Std. Spec, for Toweling, Std. Spec, for Toweling; Spec, for Twine; Cable Laid, Std. Spec, for Flannel; Spec, for Cloth; Std. Spec, for Toweling Spec, for Hosiery, Stockings, Women's Spec, for Gloves, Spec, for Twine, Std. Spec, for Broadcloth, Spec, for Broadcloth, Std. Spec, for Suiting, 1968) Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Std. Spec, for Denim, Std. Spec, for Corduroy, -380 Std. Spec, for Fire Hose (1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Tent. Spec, for Textile, Bedspread, Crochet, rs, D/ Spec, for Medical and Surgical Supplies (Bandages, Spec, for Denim, Spec, for Girls" and Women's Panties Spec, for Washcloths, Std. Spec, for Blanket, Bed, Spec, for Blanket, Spec, for Blankets Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Cloth; Polyester Spec, for Flannel; Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Flannel; Spec, for Sheets; Spec, for Sheeting; Std. Spec, for Muslin, Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Spec, for Flag, California, Bear, Spec, for Flag, United States, Stars and Stripes, Std. for Mops, Spec, for Plisse Fabric, Spec, for Twine; Tubular, th, Textile) (1960) 91 8)FEDCCC-T-191 Cotton (1960) Cotton (1960) Cotton (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Cotton (1961) USC CS 55-35, USC R2-57 Cotton (1962) Cotton (1962) Cotton (1965) Cotton (1966) Cotton (1966) Cotton (1967) Cotton (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Cotton (1969) Cotton (1969) Cotton (1969) Cotton (1969) Cotton (1970) Cotton (1970) Cotton (1970) Cotton (1970) Cotton (1970) Cotton (1970?) Cotton (1970?) Cotton (1970?) Cotton (1971) Cotton (1971) USDA CN- 1 80 (Cotton) (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Cotton) (1960) Sp Cotton) (1961) (Cotton) (1963) (Cotton) (1969) (Cotton) (1971) Cotton, Bedspread Material (Textile) (1971) Cotton, Bleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Cotton, Bleached (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Bleached (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton, Bleached (Textile) (1960) Cotton, Bleached (Textile, Cloth) (1969) Cotton, Bleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton and Linen Mixed, Unbleached) Cotton, Chambray (Textile) (1960) Cotton, Cloth (Textile) (1960) Cotton, Colored and Woolen Fabrics in Power Laundry (19 Cotton, Corduroy (Dyed and Shrunk) (1963) Cotton, Crepe Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile) (1971) Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear R Cotton, Dry Wheel Application) (1969) Cotton, Glass (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Cotton, Glass (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Glass (1969) Cotton, Hard Finish (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Cotton, Heavy (for Table Felts) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton, Herringbone Twill (Textile) (1967) Cotton, Huck (Textile, Cloth) (1960) Cotton, Institutional Use (1971) Cotton, Light Duty (1970) Cotton, Light (1970) Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton, Muslin, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Nylon and Wool Bunting for United States Flag Cotton, Poplin (Textile) (1970) Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton, Rubber Lined) (1961) Nfpa 196, USDA-182, ASTM D Cotton, Satin Finish (Jacquard) (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diape Cotton, Sports, 9 Ounce, Colored (1968) FED CCC-C-421B (Cotton, Suede or Interlock Knit) (1965) Cotton, Terry Cloth (1970) Cotton, Thermal (1966) Cotton, Thermal (1968) (Cotton, Thermal) (1971) Cotton, Twill (Textile) (1970) Cotton, Twill (Textile) (1970) Cotton, Twill, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Cotton, Twill, Water Repellent (Textile) (1971) Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk (Clo Cotton, Unbleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-1 Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (Narrow Width) (195 Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cotton, Unbleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Cotton, Unmounted (1969) Cotton, Unmounted (1969) FED DDD-F-416 Cotton, Wet (1969) Cotton, White (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Cotton, White, Wrapping (1969) FED CCC-T-191 MI 4445-0014 PA D-19 PA R-21 NC 7210-M-12 IL ♦24 MS B-2-62 NJ 5160-00 KY 7920-14 KY 7920-6 CT 5160-R-336A CA 681-83-56 CA 691-83-50 NY 31100-0237 OR 79-100-9400 OR 79-150-9010 CA 701-83-12 CA 701-83-13 CA 701-83-16 NY 40023-0611 PA M-2 KY 7210-3 MA ♦35-72 MA ♦35-85 NY 32902-0566 PA L-21 NY 33000-0602 RI 4265-M-004 RI 4225-M-008 MS S- 10-63 RI 4280-F-002 NY 20200-0725 PA C-148 PA S-30 MS T-1A-60-19-A OR 79-100-9090 MS T-1A-60-3 OR 79-100-9060 OR 79-100-9340 PA T-7 MS T-1A-60-2 MS T-1A-60-5 VA L-2 PA C-53 PA C-134 PA C-132 VA L-l PA T-26 MS T-1A-60-33 OR 79-100-9410 PA T-2 OR 79-100-9190 PA C-151 MS T-1A-60-34 CA 711-84-20 CA 701-84-17 CA 701-40-01 MS T-1A-60-1 PA B-103 MS T-1A-60-6 NY 39800-0847 PA C-97 MS T-1A-60-9 OR 79-100-9070 OR 74-61-5 MA •35-84 NY 10134-0339 CA 681-83-11 RI 4287-F-004 CA 701-83-15 CT 9104-B-345A CA 681-83-5 NY 20202-0718 PA C-150 PA C-153 PA F-62 PA C-152 PA F-63 PA S-43 PA S-24 MS T-1A-60-20 OR 79-100-9350 CA 691-86-03 CA 691-86-01 CT 11-74B CA 681-83-20 PA T-l 81 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Laundry Detergent for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Std. Spec, for All Purpose Spec, for Electronic Traffic Spec, for Brushes; Dust, Iverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, f Diffracted Intensities and Measurement of Reflections by Std. Spec, for Meat Chopper Spec, for Cabinets for Continuous Traffic decorative Sheets; Laminated, Thermosetting (for Table and Std. Spec, for Meat Chopper Spec, for Particle portable and Semiportable Type Automatic Recording Traffic Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Table, Serving Spec, for Store Fixtures (Cases, Shelves, s and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, Work Table and Serving ator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, rvice Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan 11 Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Check Out s, Griddle, Fryer, San/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Cashier and Taxpayer Assistance Spec, for Store Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Spec, for Store Fixtures (Utility d/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, c Post Wi/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Store Fixtures (Book, Display and Divider Walls, Islands, fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; ck Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, 1 ) Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Particle keioal!, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Circular Pipe, Aprons and Spec, for and Bridge Cons/ Spec, for Electrical Conduits, Fittings std. Spec, for Hot Laid Bituminous Stabilized Macadam Base Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Std. Spec. forCold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Spec, for Plank for Wearing 4) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base 964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Spec, for Material for Subbase Spec, for Material for Aggregate Base ruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base ) AASHO T134 Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surface ) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder 4) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surface Std. Spec, for Stabilized Aggregate Base ho T96 Std. Spec, for Macadam Base rface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Method - Hot Mix - One Spec, for Asphalt Concrete (Mixing Method - Two Asphalt Concrete - Type la (Mixing Method - Hot Mix - Two Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder and Surface con/ Std. Spec, for Bituminous Plant Mix Base and Surface Spec, for Aggregates for Surface and Base egates) for Highway Const/ Std. Spec, for Earth Type Base 1964) Std. Spec, for Earth Type Subbase nder Labels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and or Woven Wire Netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Spec, for Book Spec, for Book Spec, for Polyester Spec, for Laundry Press and Flatwork Ironer Cotton Spec, for Textile, Uses) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Waterproof Curing Paper Spec, for Burlap Curing Blankets Std. Spec, for , Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Spec, for Urethane Foam Bed Mattresses and Removable Spec, for Pillows, Foam Rubber, Latex, Zippered Cotton spec, for Mattresses, Rubberized Hair and Cotton Core with Spec, for Gym Floor Spec, for Seeds (Grass, Legume) for Vegetative Spec, for Mattresses, Polyurethane Core with Spec, for Mattresses, Polyurethane Core with Sealed Spec, for Hospital Innerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Spec, for Polyester Cover Cloth (Flatwork Ironer Roll Cottons, Synthetic (1969) Cottonseed Meal ( 1 963 ) Cottonseed Oil (Vegetable, Cooking) (1968) Cotton; (Indianhead) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Count Equipment (1970) Counter and Bench (1969) Counter and Cleaner - Sanitizer) ( 1971 ) / (Tray and Si Counter Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Capacity) Counter Methods with a Film Instrument (Analytical Dete (Counter or Bench Type) (1963) Counter Stations (1970) Counter Tops, Etc.) ( 1959) NEMA LP-2-1957 / Spec, for (Counter Type, Fractional Hp) ( 1961 ) Counter (College) (1969) Counter ( 1970) Spec, for Counter) (Heated) (Mobile) (1971) Counter) (1970) Counter) (1970) /Ood Service Equipment (Mobile Cashier Counter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, Undercounter Work Counter, Gondolas, Cornice) (1970) Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer Counter, Self Leveling Cup Dispenser) ( 1971 ) Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubular Railing) (College) (Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stand Counters (1970) Counters, Assembly Gate) (1968) Counters, Cashiers Stand, Work Table) (1971) Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, Swing Gate) ( 1971 ) Counters, Island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Recor Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopi Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traf Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Single Ac Counters, Wire Dividers) (1969) /Book Drop and Paperba (Counters, Work Table, Tray Dispensers, Dish Carts) (197 Counting System (University) (1971) Country and Training Shoes) (1971) /L and Winter) (Bas Coupling Bands (1970?) AASHO M-196 Coupling, Fire Hose (1970) (Couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes (Highway Course for Highway Construction (1964) Course for Highway Construction (1964) Course for Highway Construction (1964) Course for Highway Construction (1964) Course on Bridges (Lumber) (1970?) Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for Highway Construction (196 Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1 Course (Highway Construction) (1970) Course (Highway Construction) (1970) Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway Const Course (Portland Cement) for Highway Construction (1964 Course (Type 1 and 2) for Highway Construction (1964) Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Construction (1964 Course (Types 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Construction ( 196 Course (with Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) Course (with Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) Aas Course (1971?) / Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder and Su Course) (1970?) Course) (1970?) Course) (1970?) Spec, for Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Co Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway Courses (Gravel, Sand and Crushed Rock) (1970?) Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggr Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for Highway Construction Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanica Court, Stucco Reinforcement, Etc.) (1969) USC CS133-46 Cover Board, Clay Coated, Flexible (1970) Cover Board, Hard Bound (1970) Cover Cloth (Flatwork Ironer Roll Cover) (1965) Cover Cloth (1964) FED CCC-C-435B, CCC-T-191B Cover Cloth, Muslin, Bleached (1970?) Cover Duck (for Flatwork Ironer Rolls and Other Laundry (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-139 (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-182 Cover Paper (1970) Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated Book Cover (1964) Cover (1968) Cover (1969) Cover (1970) Cover (1970?) Cover (1971) Cover (1971) Cover) (1963) FED DD-D-751 Cover) (1964) Cover) (1965) CA 691-77-38 MI 4340-0013 PA 0-8 OR 79-100-9080 NY 35812-0170 PA B-ll NY 36100-0413 NY 39101-0409 NY 11002-0377 WA S-63-60 NY 35812-0169 OR 50-59-2 WA S-61-40 NY 12050-0179 NJ 3920-00 NY 36200-0913 NY 21802-0459 NY 36200-0356 NY 36200-0787 NY 21802-0581 NY 36200-0420 NY 36118-0539 NY 21802-0333 NY 32610-0801 NY 21700-0678 NY 21802-0733 NY 36114-0267 NY 21802-0225 NY 21802-0317 NY 21802-0347 NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0993 NY 21802-0181 NY 36114-0262 NY 12050-0526 NY 30200-0073 MS 3225 CA 701-42-04 VA DH-248 SC HD-44 SC HD-53 SC HD-56 SC HD-57 MS 3462 SC HD-40 SC HD-41 VA DH-209 VA DH-210 SC HD-42 SC HD-39 SC HD-58 SC HD-52 SC HD-54 SC HD-46 SC HD-45 SC *39 NY ITEM NY ITEM 51M-F NY ITEM 51-F SC ♦39 SC HD-43 MS 3138 SC HD-37 SC HD-33 NY 23000-0633 OR 60-500-9030 CA 701-82-10 CA 701-82-11 TX 410-34-2 TX 410-34-3 MA *35-21 TX 410-34-4 MS 3752 MS 3751 OR 74-300-0050 NY 00502-00-0476 TX 295-47-3 CA 681-83-10 FL *5 NY 30212-0486 MS 3876 FL *3 FL *4 RI 4358-04 RI 4358-02 TX 410-34-2 82 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 375, FED V-F-106 ck and Field Equipment (Pole Vault and High Jump Pits with Spec, for Track and Field Equipment (High Jump Pit with Spec, for Castings (Pull Box Frame and ph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, srs (1968) ASTM / Spec, for Binders, Pressboard, Flexible 375, FED V-F-106 Spec, for Pillow Std. Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Men's Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Mattress nstruct/ Spec, for Fine Aggregate in Concrete, Mortar and felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing Built Up Roof spec, for Outlet Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Coated with elts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans and Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Plastic Mattress and Pillow Spec, for Paper Tray Std. Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Automotive Seat Std. Spec, for Manuscript and Brief Spec, for Flatwork Ironer Pads and Std. Spec, for Toilet Tissue (Roll and Sheet) and Seat Spec, for Refuse (Garbage) Pails, Cans, and Std. Spec, for Paper Traffic Cone Spec, for Material (Cloth, Textile) for Salt Stockpile Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Spec, for Brief Spec, for Asbestos Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Cans and Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for School Bus, Spec, for School Bus, Spec, for Livestock Feed, 12% Dairy Mixture Nutrient Spec, for Livestock Feed, 15% Dairy Mixture Nutrient halt Base with Volatile Solvent and Add/ Spec, for Liquid bitumen, Solvents, Chemicals and Water)/ Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Spec, for Asphalt Cement for Use As (1970) Spec, for Cement, ment) (1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete Joint and sery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Arts and ) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Arts and Spec, for Arts and c. for Truck (Tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with s(1960) Spec, for ty) (1970) Spec, for Mobile Boat Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Electric Powered Spec, for Trailer Mounted Hydraulic Spec, for Hoist (Electric Powered Telescoping el (6 X 4 Carrier Mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to 15 Ton ty, Chain Operated) ( 1970) Spec, for on Vehicle) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for 4 Wheel Rubber Tired Spec, for Telescopic Bcom) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Bed Springs (2 Std. Spec, for Bed Spring, Adjustable, Two Spec, for Motor Oil, Moderate, Spec, for Motor Oil, Severe, Spec, for Motor Oil, Severe, Multiviscosity, Spec, for Airport ty with Diesel Engines) (1970?) Spec, for Aircraft Spec, for Cotton ched) (1958) Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Std. Spec, for Towels and Toweling, Std. Spec, for Toweling, Std. Spec, for Toweling; Spec, for class (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Spec, for Medium •971?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 70) 71) Cover) (1970) Spec, for Tra NY Cover) (1971) NY Cover) (1971) NY Cover) ( 1971 ) /for Fine Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeogra NY Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Data Processing and Clean CA Cover, Plastic, Removable, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P- CA Cover, Plasticized, Fire Retardant (1970) CT Cover, Plasticized, Removable (1968) CA Cover, Removable, Plastic, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P- CA Coveralls ( Herringbone Twill ) ( 1 95 7 ) RI Covering Material ( 1 966) NY Covering Material (1970) NY Covering Materials in Bituminous Treatments (Highway Co VA Coverings) (1968) Spec, for Roofing; PA Covers and Accessories ( 1964) Std. OR Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Fra FL Covers (Corrugated, Taper Side, Zinc Coated) ( 1970) TX Covers (1960) IL Covers (1965) KY Covers (1969) OR Covers (1970) NY Covers ( 1 970?) FED DDD-S-75 1 VA Covers (1971) IL Covers (1971) NY Covers (1971) FED UU-P-3 1 B FL Covers (24 Gal.) (1971) FED RR-C-82, MIL Std. 105 CA Covers (28 In.) (1961) WA Covers) (1971) NY Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie PI PA Covers, Leatherette Grain, Notebook, File (1969) CA Covers, Padding, and Binders (for Ironers) ( 1968) PA Covers, Plastic (1964) RI Covers; Galvanized (Ash, Trash, Garbage) ( 1965) PA Covers; Plastic, Clothes Basket (1957) PA Covert (Cloth, Textile) (1958) PA Covert, Cotton, Cloth (Textile) ( 1960) MS Cowl and Chassis, 24 Passenger ( 1969) MI Cowl and Chassis, 40 Passenger ( 1969) MI (Cows) (1963) MI (Cows) (1963) MI Crack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asp VA Crack and Joint Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixture of VA Crack Filler Emulsion AEF (1970) NJ Crack Filler (1969) NE Crack Filler, Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Liquid Tar MD Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Type) (Bituminous Pave MS Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spring Animals) (1970) /Nur NY Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables NY Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables NY Crafts Furniture (1969) NY Crane and 5Th Weel (1969) Spe NJ Crane Truck, Warehouse, Gasoline, Pneumatic Rubber Tire NC Crane (Straddle Type, Self Propelled, 30,000 Lb. Capaci NY Crane (1968) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. NJ Crane (1970) NE Crane) (1970) NY Crane, Clamshell, Dragline and Backhoe) (1969) /R Shov NY Crane, Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capaci NY Crane, 4000 Lb. Capacity Electric Powered (for Mounting NJ Crane, 8,500 Lb. Capacity (1965) NJ Crane, (Truck Mounted) (20 Ton Capacity) (1967) NJ Cranes and Excavators (Self Propelled Mobile Yard, with NY Crank Adjustable) (1960) FED AA-B-155 TX Crank ( Hospital ) ( 1 96 1 ) NC Crankcase, 4 Cycle Engine ( 1967) MI Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969) MI Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969) MI Crash Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle (1971) AK Crash Rescue Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capaci HI Crash Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) RI Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton and Linen Mixed, Unblea PA Crash (1965) CT Crash, Cotton and Linen Mixed (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS Crash, Cotton Linen Mix (1969) OR Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) SC Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; with Winch, Diesel, 42 HP SC Crawler Tractor Dozer, Winch, Logging Canopy ( 1969) NY Crawler Tractor Loader (1969) NY Crawler Tractor with Angledozer and Power Control Unit VA Crawler Tractor with Angledozer ( 1970) SC Crawler Tractor with Angledozer (1970?) VA Crawler Tractor with Attachments (Angledozer, Bucket) SC Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic Dozer ( 197 1 ) AK Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic Semi U-Tilting Dozer (19 SC Crawler Tractor with U Dozer Blade and Towing Winch (19 AK Crawler Tractor with Winch; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) SC 30206-0550 30206-0173 37901-0743 50200-0551 712-75-05 681-83-52 3748-C-342A 681-83-70 681-83-51 4284-M-010 00227-0539 22706-0022 DH-202 R-l 24-64-7A ♦25 325-47-1A *31 7850-5 72-150-9070 22702-0056 ♦42 *32U 36500-0884 *33 711-76-04 S-61-30 32708-0396 A-4 691-75-61 C-124 *5 C-14 C-103 C-82 T-1A-60-5 3915-0184 3915-0188 4340-0070 4340-0072 ♦34 *33 1308-04 *68 *26 3723 30211-0572 31605-0146 31605-0241 31600-0158 4938-128 3950-C-9 43100-0649 4938-73 ♦39 43100-0588 41100-0914 43100-0653 4938-121 4938-82 4938-93 41100-0463 295-38-9 6530-S-28 5255-S1 5255-S3 5255-S5 *78 ♦12 4915-001 T-7 9150-T-53A T-1A-60-32 79-100-9430 14-300-035 IB 14-300-035 1C 40602-0153 40600-0330 *16 14-300 *17 14-300-0451 *73 *15 *19 14-300-035 ID 83 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 7 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards and Hydraulic Earth Auger Attachments (1971) Spec, for Spec, for er)(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Buttons, Tailor's Chalk and Std. Spec, for lies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, er, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, 1 ) Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Milk, d Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and Ice and, Protecto/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Ice am / Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice d Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice s, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice pec. for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Ice Spec, for Waterless Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Steel Sliding Door Spec, for Steel Unitized Furniture bookcas/ General Spec, for Steel Office Furniture (Desks, Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Gasoline , Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Materials) (1970) Spec, for Incinerator Spec, for Incinerator Spec, for Incinerator reservative Treatment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and Posts Spec, for Spec, for 0?) AASHO M-121 Spec, for for Slope Drains and Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Spec, for Brushing Oil way and Bridge Construct/ Spec, for Timber Preservatives Spec, for Men's and Boys" Casuals (Oxford Style, Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Plisse Spec, for Crinkle Std. Spec, for Plisse (Crinkle Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Crepe Plisse (Crinkle Spec, for Small Girls" Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Spec, for Boys" Coat Style Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle for Girls" and Women's Pajamas (Cotton Plisse and Crinkle Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Seersucker or Crinkle Spec, for Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Spec, for Spreads, Bed, Bleached (Striped Dimity Without Spec, for Textile, Printed Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Passenger Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with 4 Door Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Spec, for Men's and Boys" Sweatshirts with Spec, for Knit Shirts, Spec, for Knit Shirts, Spec, for Cotton Knit Shirts ical Water Coolers, Spigoted, Construction and Maintenance Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Spec, for Spec, for Bed Sheets; Cotton, Bleached (Bed, Spec, for Sheets; Cotton, Unbleached (Bed, Spec, for Reinforced Concrete headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, Erosion Dams, 970) Spec, for (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (/ Spec, for environment and Accessories (Youth and Adult) / Spec, for Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Cribbing for ccc-T-191 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Plisse Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Crepe Plisse Spec, for Small Girls" Pajamas (Plisse and Spec, for Girls" and Women's Pajamas (Cotton Plisse and Spec, for Boys" Coat Style Pajamas (Plisse and Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Seersucker or Spec, for Spreads; Bed, hoops (1953) Std. Spec, for ) Tent. Spec, for Textile, Bedspread, Crawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Front End Loader, Backhoe, Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch) (1971) Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch, Scarifi Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Winch) (1969) Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Winch) (1969) Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Winch) ( 1970) Crawler Tractor (Front End Loader Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) Crawler Tractor (Winch) (1969) Crawler Tractor; Diesel, 42 HP Class ( 1970) Crawler Tractor; Diesel, 57 HP Class (1970) Crayon (1953) Crayons (1953) Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Pa Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Ur Cream and Coffee and Beverage Dispensers and Cans) (197 Cream and Milk Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Le Hot and Cold Foo Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Electric Griddle and St Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Ste Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Panel and Slide) (1 Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain W Cream Machine) (1971) /C. for Food Service Equipment Cream Manufacture (1962) ASTM D632-58, CI 36-6 IT, D1293- Cream Paste Hand Cleaner (1964) FED P-H-31A, Std. 791 Cream Soap (Direct Process) (1968) Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Credenza (1969) (Credenza, Service, Modular, and L Units) (1970?) Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Credit Cards, CR-80 Type (1963) Credit Cards, Plastic (1966) Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tools, Stud Ext /Easuring Cans (Crematory Destructor) (Destruction of Pathogenic Type 4 (Crematory Destructor) (1969) (Crematory Destructor) (1971) (Creosote Oil or Pentachlorophenol) (1970?) AASHO M-133 Creosote Oil, Wood Preservative (1953) Creosote Preservative Oil (1970?) AASHO M-133 Creosote Primer for Dampproofing and Waterproofing ( 197 Creosote Timber for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Pec. (Creosote) (1970?) AASHO M-133 (Creosote, Water and Oil Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (High Crepe Outsole Shoes) (1960) Crepe Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile) (1971) Crepe (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Crepe (Plisse) (Cloth, Textile) (1959) Crepe) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Crepe) (Textile) (1971) Crepe) (1957) Crepe) (1957) Crepe) (1957) Spec. Crepe) (1958) Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Shipment) (1957) Crest) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Cretonne, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Crew Cab and Utility Box) ( 1971 ) Crew Cab with Front Plow) (1971) Crew Cab (1969) Crew Cab) (1971) Crew Knit Collarette (1957) Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971) Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971) (Crew Neck) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Crew Use (1967) Tent. Spec, for Nonmechan Crew) (Pickup Truck Mounted) (1971) Crib Blankets (1959) Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Cribbing for Cribwells (1970?) Cribbing) (1970?) /D (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring (29 X 54 In.) (1 Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories Cribs, Gatch Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled Cribwells (1970?) Crinkle Cotton Bedspreads (Hospital Spread) (1963) FED Crinkle Cotton Bedspreads (1957) Crinkle Crepe (Plisse) (Cloth, Textile) (1959) (Crinkle Crepe) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile) (1971) Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Crinkle Crepe) (1958) Crinkle (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Crochet and Drapery Hooks, and Quilting and Embroidery Crochet, Cotton, Satin Finish (Jacquard) (Cloth) (1970? AK ♦71 NY 40600-0378 NY 40600-0178 NY 40600-0156 NY 40600-0289 NY 40600-0656 AK •72 NY 40600-0458 SC 14-300-035 IE SC 14-300-0351 IL *33H IL *33BB NY 23100-0855 NY 36200-0420 NY 36104-0195 NY 36114-0572 NY 36200-0504 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0124 NY 36200-0768 NY 36211-0268 TX 615-32-1 TX 370-36-1 NJ 5730-OOA NJ 7342-08 NJ 7342-11 RI 1-038 NV 7110-UF HI *7 MS C-l 1-63 MI 4828-3000 NY 35000-0938 NY 40710-0341 NY 40709-0052 NY 40710-0360 MS 3491 PA 0-6 MS 3174 MS 3168 SC HD-105 MS 3176 VA DH-246 RI 4268-M-057 PA C-l 34 NJ 9138-00 RI 4910-006 OR 79-100-9310 PA C-134 RI 4270-F-010 RI 4270-M-003 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4210-M-002 PA L-37 PA S-36 MA *35-51 AK *46 AK *47 NE *22 AK *45 RI 4265-M-007 NY 40009-0494 NY 40009-0568 NY 40009-0035 KS 79-1 A NY 40501-0502 RI 4710-003 PA S-30 PA S-43 MS 3661 MS 3351 NY 20301-0138 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 MS 3661 VA FB-19 RI 4705-001 RI 4910-006 OR 79-100-9310 PA C-134 RI 4270-F-010 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-M-003 RI 4210-M-002 PA S-31 IL *33K MA ♦35-84 84 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Cotton (Chenille, Spec, for Emery and planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Spec, for Tractor, Wheel and Row ciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, ) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Spec, for eaning Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Spec, for Conspicuous Service ing Powder for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, spec, for Reflective Striping Powder for Pavement Marking Spec, for Women's and Girls" Dresses Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Beverage Bottle Spec, for Police Spec, for Police Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for State Police Std. Spec, for Poultry Feed; . for Bituminous Concrete, Type R.R. (Stockpile - Stone or Spec, for Mineral emoval on Highways and Streets) (1970) Spec, for Aggregates for Surface and Base Courses (Gravel, Sand and ) (1970) Spec, for Coarse Aggregate or Graded Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, Sand, tion (1964) AASHO T96 Std. Spec, for Aggregate Subbase Spec, for Sand (Airport Ice Control) and Aggregates Spec, for Stone Spec, for Spec, for Ice Making Machines, Cubers (Also with Built-in eration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Spec, for Ice Making and (1968) Spec, for ratory Therapy Teaching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Technology) / Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single / Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Spec, for Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System for Powder and Single nal Purposes) (1969) Spec, for X-Ray ystem (Analytical Diffraction Systems for Investigation of (1968) Spec, for Automatic Single uter and Teletype) (Education/ Spec, for Automatic Single m Monochromator (Integration / Spec, for Automatic Single Spec, for Waste Pipe (Drainpipe) Cleaner in Std. Spec, for Detergent, Car Wash, Powder or Spec, for X-Ray Std. Spec, for Paradichlorobenzene (Moth c. for Food Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Chip or (1966) Spec, for Ice Making Machines, Spec, for Display Pedestals Spec, for ickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Spec, for Flap Gates (Drainage Control, Sheet Metal Products, Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutters, y) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Metal Spec, for Pipe; Corrugated Metal, Spec, for Structural Plate for Pipe and Pipe Arches Spec, for Pipe; Spec, for Pipe; , M-207 Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Pipe Std. Spec, for Relaid Pipe ed Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Ben/ Std. Spec, for Pipe ons/ Std. Spec, for Structural Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Spec, for Corrugated Metal Pipe hier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and pment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter, Self Leveling Spec, for Spec, for Polypropylene Plastic Products Spec, for 1969) Spec, for Steel Storage Std. Spec, for Sponge Std. for Paper Spec, for Paper (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers, nders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Spec, for Paper carving, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paper g Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Underdriven Solid Std. Spec, for Reset Sidewalk, and Disposal of Existing Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Crochet, Pearl, Roving) (1953) Crocus Abrasive Cloth (1971) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Bar Sections) (Mach Crop Types (1969) Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Cross Country and Training Shoes) ( 1971 ) /L and Winter Cross Folder (1971) Cross Linked Coating Stripper (1969) /Thetic, Floor CI Crosses and Long and Faithful Service Medals ( 1971 ) Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc.) ( 1971 ) / Reflective Strip (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc.) (Crotch Pantie Style) (1962) Crown Canvas (Burlap) (Cloth) (1970?) Crowns (Top) (1971) Cruiser Jacket, Detachable Liner and Collar (1970?) Cruiser Jackets (1971) Cruiser (Automobile) (1970 Model) (1969) Cruiser, Pursuit Vehicles (Automobile) (1970) Crumble Form (1969) Crushed Gravel) (1970?) Spec Crushed Rock Salt (Ice and Snow Removal) (1971) Crushed Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice R Crushed Rock) (1970?) Spec, for (Crushed Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Highway Construction Crushed Stone) (1970?) Spec. F (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway Construe (Crushed Stone, Slag or Natural Gravel Chips) ( 1971 ) Crusher and Screening Plant ( 1967) Crusher Run Aggregate (Highway Construction) (1970) Crusher) (Institutional Use) (1966) Crusher, Drill, Black) ( 1970) /Oil (Ice Machine Refrig Crushing Machinery (1970) NSF 12 Cryogenic Equipment (Refrigeration, Thermometer System) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, Tepid Mist, Mainstream and Elec Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques Crystal Growing (Seed) System (1971) Crystal Investigations Using Film Techniques (Education Crystal Monochromator (Diffraction Equipment) (Educatio Crystal Structures and Investigations of Emission Spect Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Educational Purposes) Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Integration with Comp Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer System and an Incident Bea Crystalline Form (1964) ASTM El 1-61 Crystalline (1969) Crystallographic System (Educational Purposes) (1968) Crystals) (1953) Cube Ice Maker) ( 1 97 1 ) Spe Cubers (Also with Built-in Crusher) (Institutional Use) (Cubes and Hexahedrons) (Store Fixtures) (1971) Cubicle Curtains (College) ( 1971 ) Cultivator Attachments (1965) / Tractor, with 42 In. S Culvert and Sewer Pipe) ( 1970) Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, Er Culvert Pipe (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Cla Culvert Pipe, Pipe Arch, Underdrain and Fittings (1970) Culvert (1960) FED Std. 151 (Culvert) (1970?) AASHO M-167 Culvert, Cast Iron (1960) ASTM T33 Culvert, Nonreinforced Concrete (1960) (Culvert, Sewer or Underpass) (1970?) AASHO M-170, M-206 Culverts for Highway Construction (1964) Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrifi Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway C (Culverts, Underdrains) (1970?) AASHO M-36 Cup and Tray Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Ervice Equipment (Cas Cup Dispenser) (1971) Spec, for Kitchen Equi Cup Grease (1968) (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Cup, Portion Souffle (Paper) (1965) Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Furniture) (Cabinet) Cups (1971) Cups, Cold and Hot Food or Drink ( 1969) Cups, Cold (1965) Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Sco Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inser Cups, Hot (1970?) Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Colors, Cardboard Cups, Paper Drinking, Cold (1969) Cups, Paper (1970) Cups, Sputum (1965) Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Support Curb and Gutter for Highway Construction (1964) Curb (1954) Curb, and Gutter for Highway Construction (1964) Curb, or Pavement for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Al IL •331 PA C-144 NY 08200 NY 40601-0163 NY 30200-0587 NY 30200-0073 NY 36501-0410 IA ♦3-9 NY 31000-0553 NY 38601-0258 NY 38601-0258 RI 4230-F-012 MA •35-23 NY 25101-0888 ma' •24 NY 39308-0056 TN ♦1 KY 2310-10 OR 84-100-9010 NJ 1304-03 NY 01800-0235 NE *13 MS 3138 VA DH-203 MS 3139 sc HD-34 AK *76 NY 44300-0350 VA DH-206 PA 1-17 IN ♦15-11 NY 24201-0698 NY 12099-0699 NY 12200-0462 NY 11002-0373 NY 11002-0710 NY 38788-0034 NY 11002-0473 NY 11002-0848 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0332 NY 11002-0825 NY 11002-0512 TX 370-34-1 MS D-3A-69 NY 11002-0768 MS P-6 NY 36211-0798 PA 1-17 NY 21802-0833 NY 21201-0210 NJ 4938-32 MS 3399 MS 3351 VA DH-240 NH *7 PA P-10 MS 3231 PA P-12 PA P-14 MS 3236 SC HD-94 SC HD-90 SC HD-91 MS 3226 NY 36200-0605 NY 36118-0539 CA 681-91-108 NY 21102-0036 KY 7815-3 RI 1-002 IL *32V CT 75-137B KY 7815-2 PA A-4 PA F-80 KY 7815-1 NY 23100-0855 CA 691-82-48 NJ 7540-00 KY 7815-4 MI 5255-S11 SC HD-114 PA E-2 SC HD-115 SC HD-116 85 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ! Spec, for Liquid, Solvent Type Concrete Seal and Membrane 70?) AASHO M-182 Spec, for Burlap Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-171 Spec, for Plastic ation) (Liquid, Spray) (1970?) ASTM C/ Spec, for Membrane ats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid , White Polyethy/ Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete hylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal,/ Spec, for ) AASHO M- 139 Spec, for Waterproof stlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Concrete Setting and Spec, for Mattresses; Spec, for Bed Pillows ling) (1968) Spec, for Hair; Cattle Tail, Domestic, ry Filling) (1939) Spec, for Hair; Mixed, Domestic, 969) Spec, for Water and Liquid Helium Cooled Direct Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Std. Spec, for Spec, for Air spenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Spec, for Draperies Spec, for Drape Spec, for Drapery Material (Institutional) for Textiles (Bedspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Spec, for Cubicle Spec, for Stage Equipment, Spec, for Stage Equipment and Spec, for Stage Equipment Spec, for Draperies Spec, for Draperies, Window Std. Spec, for Shower stic, and Hooks ( 1971 ) Spec, for Shower Spec, for Misses" and Women's Stretch Sock with Spec, for Men's Stretch Work Sock's with Spec, for Carpet and Rug Spec, for Sponge Rubber; for Urethane Foam for Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose ethane Foam for Use as Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose fed Std. 191, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Seat Spec, for Carpets, Rugs and Spec, for Carpets Rugs and Spec, for oe, Floor Sweep) (1/ Spec, for Household Brushes (Bottle, ns, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and truck) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Furniture, Office of the Treasury ( 1968) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Venetian Blinds Spec, for Blinds; Venetian Spec, for Automotive Equipment Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course repair Work (Highway,/ elt Surfacer, Hydrauli/ and Reflectors (1971) Spec, for Petroleum Asphalt Cement Std. Spec, for Spec, for Machine Tools (Abrasive Spec, for Reflectorized Spec, for Reflective Materials Spec, for Fabric; Non Woven (Roll and Spec, for Binding; Bias Spec, for Women's and Misses" Rubbers (Sandal and Storm Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tableware, Stainless Steel, Flatware, Spec, for Heavy Duty Brush Mower (Heavy Industrial Type, Left and Right Side Mounted aw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender Base, Vertical Spec, for Universal Rotary Spec, for Stump ers, Meat Slicer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, Food Spec, for Brush jacketed), Toasters, Meat Slicer and Saw and Grinder, Food om position and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum e Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Spec, for Electric Welding Machine, Acetylene r Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough 1 Oxyge/ Spec, for Acetylene (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide) (for ners (1/ Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal 70?) AASHO T70 Spec, for Bucket) (1970) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Flat Stock Maintenance Blades and gh Cutting, Turning Machine) (1967) Spec, for h Cutting and Turning Machine (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Thread Spec, for Stump Std. Spec, for Oil, Thread Spec, for Stump Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for /An, Soft Drink Di Curing Agent ( 1 969 ) Std. Curing Blankets (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) (19 Curing Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Curing Compound (Portland Cement Concrete, Water Retard Curing Compound, Burlap) for Highway Construction (1964 Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper Curing Materials for Concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyet Curing Paper (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) ( 1970? Curing) (1969) ASTM D98, D345 /R Road Conditioning, Du Curled Hair (1953) (Curled Hen and Duck Feathers) (1962) Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, Upholstered Furniture Fil Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Mattress and Upholste Current Electromagnet Systems (Scientific Equipment) (1 Current, Salinity, Research) ( 197 1 ) /Ec. for Shellfish Curtain Material (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Curtain Unit (Above Door) (1969) Curtain Wall, Coffee Warmer) (1969) (Curtain) (NYS Std.) (1970) (Curtain) (1970) (Curtain) (1971) Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Tubing, Tow Curtains (College) (1971) Curtains (Draperies) (Riggings and Rods) (1971) Curtains (NYS Std.) (1968) Curtains (1971) (Curtains) and Accessories (1970) (Curtains) (1970?) Curtains, Cotton Duck ( 1969) Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Pla Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Cushion Underlay Rubberized Hair and Fiber ( 1969) Cushion, Carpet and Rug Underlay (1969) Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) Spec. Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) FED L-P-00386 /for Ur Cushions (Posture and Executive) for Office Use (1971) Cushions (1969) Cushions (1970) Cushion; Carpet and Rug (Hair, Felt) (1969) Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Sh Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card H (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Tables, Book Custom Continuous Data Processing Forms for Department (Custom Made Conventional) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 (Custom Made) (1968) (Custom T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Television Studio) (1969) (Cut Back Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1964) Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Cut Bond, Mimeo, Duplicator, and Xerocopy Paper (1971 ) Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, B Cut Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Digits and Symbols) (Cut Out Letters and Numbers) (1970) Cut Sheets) (Textile) (1961) Cut (Clothing) (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Cut) (1969) Cutback for Highway Maintenance and Construction) ( 1964 Cutlery (Galley, Meat Cutting, and Kitchen) (1962) Cutlery (1964) Cutter Attachment for Motor Grader ( 1970) Cutter Bars) (1970?) Spec, for Tractor Cutter Mixers) (1966) /D), Toasters, Meat Slicer and S Cutter (Mower) with 3 Point Tractor Hitch (1970?) Cutter (Remover) with Trailer (1968) Cutter / Mixers) ( 1 97 1 ) /Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toast Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical Cutter / Mixers) ( 1 Cutter, Portable (1969) Cutter, 18 In. Blender Base, Vertical Cutter Mixers) (1 Cutters, Block Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Mo Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, Cutting and Heating Torch Outfit with Nozzles (1971) Cutting and Turning Machine ( 1970) Std. Spec. Fo Cutting and Welding) Technical or Industrial and Medica Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Drill Presses and Vacuum Clea Cutting Edges for Grader, Drag and Snow Plow Blades ( 19 Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Loader Cutting Edges (1970) Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rou Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Roug Cutting Machine Oil (1967) Cutting Machine (1969) Cutting Machine (1970) Cutting Machine (1971) Cutting Oil, Machine, Soluble (1968) Cutting Oil, Machine, Transparent ( 1968) Cutting Oil, Thread Machines, Black (1968) IA MS MS MS SC SC VA MS PA PA RI PA PA NY NY MS NY NY NY NJ NY WI NY NY NY NY NE MD OR PA CA CA PA PA TX VA CA NY NY PA VA PA NY NJ OR PA NY SC MD FL NY NY NY PA PA RI NJ WA MS SC VA NY SC NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY MS MA NY VA NY SD MI MS MI NY MS NY CA CA CA *3-7 3751 3756 3754 HD-59B9 HD-59B9 DH-223 3752 -" C-7 M-10 4325-004 H-8 H-12 38750-0012 49602-0862 T-1A-60-7 21301-0961 36200-0768 21200-0747 9116-00 21200-0266 9100 21201-0210 38103 00381-03-0046 38101-0240 *10 *16 72-150-9120 C-155 711-84-30 711-84-31 C-131 C-130 295-48-1A DS-8A 711-67-26 20600-0353 20600-0561 C-59 C-4 F-80 21802-0174 7130-01 72-300-9010 B-73 40504-0884 HD-40 *24 *30 00432-00-0686 38606-0203 38601-0228 C-142 B-134 4268-F-071 4938-28 S-62-47 T-1A-64 *13 ♦18 00361-0541 14-220-045 IB 4938-70 36100-0122 36100-0122 37010-0342 00361-0541 23100-0855 39000-0482 43223-0734 L-5B-70-10 *12 43200-0075 *39 40903-0431 *2 5255-S21 L-5B-70-10 5255-S20 42901-0320 L-5B-70-9 42901-0372 681-91-22 681-91-21 681-91-23 86 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards et, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch Welding and c. for Industrial Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, for Mower, All Hydraulic Drive, Four Wheel Riding, 72 In. Spec, for Rotary Type Mowers (15 Ft. Spec, for Flail Type Mowers (84 In. Spec, for Band Saw, 20 In. Wood Spec, for Laminating Equipment for Drivers Licenses (Die Spec, for Rotary Profiler (Wood Std. Spec, for Cutlery (Galley, Meat Spec, for Annual Food Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough ydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Std. Spec, for Oil, Two Spec, for Motor Oil, Moderate, Crankcase, 4 Spec, for Motor Oil, Severe, Crankcase, 4 Spec, for Motor Oil, Severe, Multiviscosity, Crankcase, 4 Spec, for Outboard Motor Oil, 2 Spec, for Gasoline Engine Oil, Nonadditive, 2 Spec, for Gasoline Engine Oil, Severe Service Type, 4 Spec, for Gasoline and Diesel Engine Oil, 4 Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 construction) (1970) Spec, for Rubble or Spec, for Medical Gases (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, equipment (Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Spec, for Steam Spec, for Steam Spec, for Steam ng, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Spec, for Valve Oil, Upper or Reversible 2 Way 1 1 Ft. Snow Plow with a Frame and Lift ial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 42 In. Diameter ial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 60 In. Diameter Spec, for Air Compressor (Two Stage, Single Acting, Three Spec, for Marine Engines with Reduction Gear (6 , Turbine, Hydraulic, G/ Spec, for Oil, Lubricants (Steam ce Machi/ Spec, for Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Std. Spec, for Oil, Steam essor ( 1970) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Compressor, Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers (Dispatcher 1826 Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Short Sleeve Spec for Highway Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Pillows Spec, for Cloth; Suiting (Textile), calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Spec, for Compounds; e, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milkin/ Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, 12% Spec, for Livestock Feed, 15% chlorinated, Nonfoaming) (1971) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Calf Starter and Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Pitch, for Waterproofing and stos Roof Coating (Brush Application for Waterproofing and lvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, Erosion ess Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, 1 Aids (Plastic - Can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts rniture (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths Spec, for Women's Winter Coats Spec, for Porch and Floor Enamel, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Paint), for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Spec, for Radiographic and Fluoroscopic (Including Accessories and Spec. Cutting Outfit (1969) /. for Welder (Spot, Accessory S Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill Cutting Width (1965) Spec. Cutting Width) (1970) Cutting Width) (1970) Cutting (1966) Cutting) (1966) Cutting) (1971) Cutting, and Kitchen) (1962) Cutting, Canned Fruits and Vegetables ( 1970) Cutting, Turning Machine) (1967) Spec, for Cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of So Cycle Engine and Outboard Motors (1970) Cycle Engine (1967) Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969) Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969) Cycle (1968) Cycle (1968) Cycle (1968) Cycle (1968) MIL L-2104B Cycle, Light and Medium (1970) Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Severe Service (1970) Cycle, Severe Service (1970) Cyclopean Aggregate (1 Man and Derrick Stone) (Highway Cyclopropane, Liquid Oxygen, Acetylene) (1970) Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washi Cylinder Oil, Compounded, Noncondensing Engine (1967) Cylinder Oil, Condensing Engines (1968) Cylinder Oil, Noncondensing Engines (1968) Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walker, Body Support) (1970) Cylinder (1968) Cyliader (1970?) Spec. F Cylinder) (1970) Spec, for Commerc Cylinder) (1970) Spec, for Commerc Cylinder) (1971) Cylinder) (1971) Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine Refrigeration Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, I Cylinder, Noncondensing (1970) Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Hoist, Air Compr D-AR) (1964) Dacron and Wool Shirts (1969) ( Dacron and Wool ) ( 1 97 1 ) Dacron Bed Pillows (1961) (Dacron Filled) (1964) Dacron Wool (1971) Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant, Algaecide, Etc.) (1966 Dairy Cleaners and Sanitizers ( 1964) Dairy Cleaning and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorin Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) (1963) Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) (1963) Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder Dairy Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Dampproofing of Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Dampproofing (1964) FED RP-381 Dampproofing) (1964) FED SS-R-451 /C. for Asphalt Asbe Dams, Cribbing) (1970?) /D (Open Flumes or Gutters, Cu Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canva Danger), and Spar Buoys) (1971) Spec, for Navigationa (Dark Blue Chambray) (1970) Dark Brown Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Fu (Dark Colored) (1962) (Dark Colors and Weave Patterns) (1957) Dark Gray (Paint) (1969) Dark Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Dark Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Dark Olive Green (1969) Dark Pinion Grease (1968) Dark Room Equipment) (1966) Spec, for X-Ray Machines NY 43223-0932 IN * 1 5—1 1 NJ 4938-84 NE *31 NE ♦37 NJ 4930-10 MI 8199-1000 NY 43200-0288 WA S-62-47 NE *84 MI 5255-S21 NY 07700-0473 MS L-5B-70-1 MI 5255-S1 MI 5255-S3 MI 5255-S5 CA 681-91-05 CA 681-91-06 CS 681-91-07 CA 681-91-08 MS L-5B-70-5 MS L-5B-70-3 MS L-5B-70-2A VA DH-204 LA *13 NY 35000-0647 MI 5255-S18 CA 681-91-55 CA 681-91-54 NY 11613-0292 CA 681-91-01 VA *13 TX 400-49-2A TX 400-49-3A NY 41400-0115 NY 42000-0488 MA *g NJ 3578-01 MS L-5B-70-6 IN * 15-9 NJ 2548-05 SC 03-030 sc *4 RI 4325-002 KS 71-3 PA C-110 TX 395-35-1B PA C-76 MA *14 MI 4340-0070 MI 4340-0072 MS T-D-23C-71 WA S-60-6FING OR SC HD-112 MS R-5-64-33 TX 605-38-1 MS 3351 NY 32600-0622 NY 34501-0832 RI 4265-M-003 MI 5325-S30 WA S-6 1-38-2 RI 4225-F-001 MI 5325-S12 MS 3524 MS 3552 CA 691-80-17 CA 681-91-110 PA X-l 87 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Machines (1971/ Spec, for Photocopy Paper and Chemicals Spec, for Photographic ilting) (1953) Std. Spec, for Needles (Embroidery, Spec, for Spec, for Office Machines (Key to Tape inders, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Spec, for Tabulating, Spec, for Inked Ribbons for Electronic 968) Spec, for Custom Continuous 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Electronic ed) ( 197 1 ) FED W-T-005 1 , MIL Std. 1/ Spec, for Electronic 65) Spec, for linity, Research) (197/ Spec, for Shellfish Oceanographic c. for Office Machines (Graphic Remote Display Equipment) Std. Spec, for Line Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Shoe Polishing and Spec, for Janitorial Service Spec, for Certificate of Inspection and 10 Std. Spec, for Ward pital Innerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (1963) Fed Spec, for Glass Tableware (Institutional Use) (1971) Fed Spec, for Laundry Service - New Jersey School for the Spec, for Technical Spec, for Borax (Sodium Tetraborate Spec, for Elastomeric Pigmented Film pection Device, Exterior Use (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) Spec, for Cigarette Tax Stamp (Heat Fusion, c. for Water Applied Solvent Removable Type Decalcomanias or Vehicle Inspection Device (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) Spec, for Devices; Sticker ) Spec, for License Stickers nia for Application to Wood or Metal Surfaces of Trailers 35a Spec, for Elastomeric Film Device of Trailer/ Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Spec, for Elastomeric Pigmented Film (Decal) Spec, for Water Applied Solvent Removable Type Std. Spec. for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Automobile Spec, for 1971 Vehicle Validation Spec, for Double Spec, for Ramps) ( 1969) Spec, for Trailer (18 Ton Capacity, Spec, for Floor and etic Equipment (General) (Basketball, Table and Paddle and Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Std. Spec, for Enamel; Floor and Spec, for Beds; Metal, Double Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Floor and e Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Room, Swimming Pool Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton Capacity Drop Spec, for Low Bed, Level Spec, for Low Bed, Level Spec, for Tape ted Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite) for Use as Disinfectant or 968) NEMA Ldl-64 Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Sheet; Laminated, and Counter Tops, Etc.) (1959) NEMA LP-2-/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Laminate Bonded Panels andwich Unit, Hot Food/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Coal (Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, pec. for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Stoker, Spec, for Coal (5 X 2 In. Bituminous Egg, Spec, for Coal (1 X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 in X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, oal (1 and 1/4 In. X 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Stoker, 1 ( 1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, I ( 1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, 1968) Spec, for X-Ray 64) Std. 5) Spec, for Straight Liquid Surfactant (Detergent and Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Spec, for Cleaner, Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Air Conditioners (Window Mounting), Spec, for Calcium Chloride (Drying, Spec, for Livestock Feed, ared Tube Fitti/ Spec, for Copper Tubing; Soft, Seamless, hloride (95% Minimum) Rock Salt for Road Stabilization and Shower Room, Swimming Pool Deck,/ Spec, for Hard Surface Spec, for Metal c. for Flanged Channel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Darkroom and Semidarkroom) for Rectigraph and Photostat Darkroom Supplies (Papers and Chemicals) (1971) Darning, Hand Sewing, Knitting, Punch, Tapestry, and Qu Dataplotter (1971) Data Preparation System) (Police) (1971) Data Processing and Cleaners ( 1968) ASTM D457 /. for B Data Processing and Proof Machine Ribbons Data Processing Equipment Printers (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Data Processing Forms for Department of the Treasury ( 1 Data Processing Tape (Magnetic Oxide Coated, 1/2 In.) Data Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Oxide Coat Data Processing (Key Punch) Cards, 80 and 90 Column ( 19 Data Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Current, Sa (Data Transmitter, Receiver, Projector) ( 1971 ) Spe Daters (1971) (Daters, Numberers and Rubber Stamps) ( 1971 ) Dating Stamps, Band Type ( 1969) Dauber (1956) (Day Care Centers) ( 1970) Day Extension (Motor Vehicle) Stickers (1968) Day Room Arm Chairs (1963) FED CCC-A-700B DD-D-75 1 Spec, for Hos DD-T-101.QQ-S-766 Deaf (1968) Decahydrate Sodium Tetraborate (Borax) (1966) Decahydrate) Technical ( 1971 ) (Decal) Decalcomanias for Exterior Use (1964) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Trailer) (1969) Spec, for Ins Decal) (1963) (Decal) (1964) Spe (Decal) (1969) Spec. F (Decal), Validation (for License Plates) (1969) (Decal, Motor Vehicle Validation and Snow Machine) (1971 (Decal, Sticker) (1964) /R Pressure Sensitive Decalcoma (Decal, Sticker), for Motor Vehicle Use (1968) MIL F-227 Decalcomania for Application to Wood or Metal Surfaces Decalcomanias for Exterior Use ( 1964) Decalcomanias (Decal) (1964) Decals (Liquor Control) (Stickers) (1969) Decals (State Police) (Stickers) (1969) Decals (Stickers) (1969) Decals (1970?) FED L-S-300, MIL R13689A, ASTM D822-46T Deck Bunk Bed (1968) Deck Floor Brushes (1967) Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with Attached Loading Deck Porch Enamel (Paint) (1967) Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, S Deck Type, 2 Passenger) (Departmental) (1970) Deck (Paint) (1969) Deck (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Deck (1967) FED TT-E-487, Std. 141a Deck, Etc.) (1971) /D Surface Delimer Acid Nonphosphat Deck, Low Bed (1970) Deck, Semi Trailer (Carryall) (1970) Deck, Semi Trailer ( 1971 ) Decks (Playback Only) (1971) Decontaminant (1964) FED O-C-l 14a / Technical Chlorina Decorative and Nondecorative Laminated Plastic Sheet ( 1 Decorative and Nondecorative (1968) NEMA LD-1 Decorative Sheets; Laminated, Thermosetting (for Table (Decorative Trimmed) (1971) NEMA LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), S Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for C Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coa Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coa Deep Therapy Unit (Irradiation of Biological Samples) Definition of Terms for Highway (Road) Construction (19 Defoamer) (Modified Polyethoxylated Chain Alcohol) (196 Degreaser, Liquid Medium Duty ( 1962) Degreaser, Liquid (1968) Degreaser, Liquid, Heavy Duty (Cleaner) (1963) Degreaser, Motorcyle (1969) Dehner Boots (State Police) (1970) Dehumidifiers (Refrigerated Coil) (1971) Dehumidifying, Dust Layer) (1970?) AASHO M-144 Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal (1963) Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Solder Joints or Fl Deicing ( 1 968 ) ASTM D632, C 1 36 Spec, for Sodium C Delimer Acid Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Delineator and Sign Posts, Flanged Channel Bar ( 1967) (Delineator, Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 Spe NY NY IL NY NY CA NJ CA NJ IL CA KY NY NY IL NY CA PA NJ NY IL RI PA NJ TX PA TX PA PA TX PA PA AK NJ PA NJ TX TX OR OR OR HI CA TX NY TX NY NY OR PA PA MS NJ SC SC NY TX TX PA OR NY NY MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI NY SC TX MS KY MS CA MA NY MS MI PA TX MS MD MS 38808-0259 38802-0864 *33M 22900-0767 22900-0063 712-75-05 6952-01 681-75-06 7130-01 *35 711-71-25 7550 49602-0862 22900-0899 *32II 23011-0164 691-75-52 B-29 *9 50045-0453 *38 4358-04 T-35 9932-01 371-86-1 B-93 194-35-1 D-20 S-144 194-35-2 D-16 D-21 *83 0734-05 D-23 0734-05 194-35-1 194-35-2 75-400-9020 75-400-9030 75-400-9010 *2 681-67-11 370-31-6 42300-0194 5 20-4 2-4 A 30200-0587 42200-0368 77-100-9070 B-64 P-126 D-20A-7 1 4938-136 14-270 14-270-0451 A 38217-0273 370-44-1 435-39-1 P-138 50-59-2 31808-0332 36200-0074 4210-S1 4210-S2 4210-S3 4210-S4 4210-S7 4210-S6 4210-S5 4210-S8 11000-0630 HD-1 371-78-3 TC-33A 7930-39 TC-34B 691-23-50 ♦32 30000-0845 3753 4340-0019 T-67 6 15-34-1 A D-20A-7 1 •12 3401 88 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards C-421B extile) (1960) nd Boys') (1971) Spec, for Bituminous Concrete (Plant Mixed) luding Vehicle / Spec, for Design, Fabrication, Test, and 1) Spec, for Side Std. Spec, for Panel, Spec, for Men's and Boys' Shorts Spec, for Cotton cc-T- 1 9 1 B Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Oxford Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Hickory (Cotton Spec, for Boys' Dungarees (Western Style, Spec, for Boys' and Men's Dungarees Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Dungarees Spec, for Girls' and Women's Shorts (Twill and Spec, for Men's and Boys' Overalls Spec, for Children's Bib Style Overalls Spec, for Cotton Dress Goods Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Textile, Brown Check Spec, for Textile, Blue Spec, for Textile, Blue Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Process Camera and ec. for Magnetic Computer Tape of SS6 Bits Per In. Packing ec. for Magnetic Computer Tape of 800 Bits Per In. Packing Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Dentifrice (Therapeutic), for Spec, for Medical and (1970) Spec, for Panoramic Spec, for Stationary Extra and Intra Oral Full Mouth Spec, for Split Assembly Spec, for Wall Mounted Spec, for Mobile Ps50 Spec, for ce - Martland Hospital, New Jersey College of Medicine and Spec, for Germicide and Spec, for . 105 Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid, Bleach, Disinfectant and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap; uring(1966) Spec, for Spec, for Detergent (1969) Spec, for Detergent Std. Spec, for Detergent Floor Cleaner, Liquid ec. for Ozone Producing Equipment (Odor Control) (Hospital Spec, for Spray Base, onium Compound in Compounding Detergents as Sanitizing and Spec, for std. Spec, for Household Aqua Ammonia (General Cleaner and Spec, for Janitorial Cleaning Services Spec, for Custom Continuous Data Processing Forms for Spec, for Janitorial Service pec. for Uniforms (Cossack Jackets, Trousers, Suit Coats) Spec, for Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt Spec, for Uniforms; Park Superintendent paint Spraying Equipment (Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Capacity) Spec, for Uniform Clothing Spec, for Uniform Shirts Spec, for Uniforms (Trousers) Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Two Way Radio Equipment Spec, for Uniform Shirts Spec, for Insulated Jackets Spec, for Lifeguards Trunks Spec, for Diamond Drill Bits Spec, for Long Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 Passenger) Ion and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and Wool Trousers) Spec, for Uniforms; Security Officer Spec, for Safety Vests (Clothing) Spec, for Janitorial Cleaning and Services Spec, for Flagstands and Flags Spec, for Two Way Radio Communications System Spec, for Uniform Trousers (Delivered) (1968) Delivery of a Complete Color Television Mobile Unit Inc Delivery Points and Quantities for Candy and Boxes ( 197 Delivery Rake, Farm Equipment (1960) Delivery Van, Compact (Motor Vehicle) (1970) (Denim and Twill) (1957) Denim Cloth (Shrunk) (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Denim Cloth (Shrunk, 1 1 1/4 Oz.) (Textile) (1969) FED C Denim Work Jackets ( 1960) Denim (Cloth) (1970?) Denim (Cloth, Textile) (Shrunk) (1971) Denim (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Denim) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Denim) (Jeans) (1965) (Denim) (Jeans) (1970) (Denim) (Slacks, Jeans) (1969) Denim) (1957) (Denim) (1957) (Denim) (1957) (Denim) (1970) FED CCC-C-421B Denim, Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Denim, Cotton, Sports, 9 Ounce, Colored (1968) FED CCC- Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Check) Sanforized (T Denim, Heavy, (Cloth) (1970?) Denim, Lightweight, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Denim, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Denims (Western Jeans, Dungarees, Chore Coats) (Men's A Denim; Blue (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Denim; Dress Weight (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Densitometer (1970) Density (1966) Sp Density (1966) Sp Dental Film Processor (X-Ray) (University) (1971) Dental Hygiene (1971) USC Ps50 Dental X-Ray Film (X-26) (1969) Dental X-Ray System and Related Accessories (Hospital) Dental X-Ray System (Medical Center) (1968) Dental X-Ray Unit (Psychiatric Institute) (1971) Dental X-Ray Unit (1968) Dental X-Ray Unit (1969) Dentifrice (Therapeutic), for Dental Hygiene (1971) USC Dentistry (1968) Spec, for Laundry Servi Deodorant Concentrates, Liquid and Aerosol (1971) Deodorant Sanitizer, Concentrated, Quaternary ( 1969) Deodorant Type, Cake Form (1971) FED P-S-00619, MIL Std Deodorant (1953) Std. Spec. Deodorant, Antiperspirant (Hospital Use) (1967) Deodorant, Block (1966) Deodorant, Block, Paradichlorobenzene (1953) Deodorant, Cakes and Wired Blocks (1970) Deodorant, General Purpose, Aerosol (1966) Deodorant, Milled, Toilet (1953) FED P-S-536 Deodorized Kerosene for Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufact Deodorizer Sanitizer Liquid, Mild (1969) Deodorizer Sanitizer Powder, Mild, Quaternary Ammonium (Deodorizer) (Hand or Machine) (1969) Deodorizer) (1968) Sp Deodorizer, Insecticidal (1969) Deodorizing Agents (1968) Spec, for Quaternary Amm Deodorizing Cleaner, General Purpose (1970?) Deodorizor) (1953) (Department of Education) (1970) Department of the Treasury (1968) Department of Transportation) (1970) Department) (1968) Departmental) (Clothing) (1970?) Departmental) (1966) Departmental) (1967) Departmental) (1968) Departmental) (1968) Departmental) (1968) Departmental) (1969) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) Departmental) (1970) FED Std. Departmental) (1970?) Departmental ) ( 1 97 1 ) Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Snow Vehicle / for Field Clothing (Jackets, Ny 191 NY SC NY PA MS RI TX TX RI MA PA RI MS RI RI RI RI RI RI NY MS CA PA MA MA MA NY OR OR NY KY KY NY PA NJ NY NY NY NY NY PA NJ FL CA CA MS MS KY MS CA KY PA TX CA CA MS NY CA CA MA MS NJ NJ N) NY MA PA NY NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY SC NY NY PA MA NJ NY NY NY 31502-0687 76-000-0305 00300 E-14 TV-3-71 4284-M-014 685-34-7 685-34-12 4225-M-010 *35-7 D-2 4910-008 T-1A-60-11 4284-M-009A 4284-M-009 4284-F-002 4284-F-004 4284-M-011 4284-M-015 32608-0434 T-1A-60-9 681-83-11 C-138 •35-13 •35-82 *35-l 40030-0621 79-100-9110 79-050-1070 38809-0570 7440-1 7440-2 11001-0716 D-25 *13 11001-0559 11001-0865 11001-0867 11001-0886 11001-0851 D-25 9932-02A •1 691-77-35 711-77-10 S-2-53-22 D-9-67 6840-2 D-l 701-76-64 6840-1 S-81 285-42-1 691-77-32 691-77-36 D-6A-69 11609-0871 691-80-416 681-66-27 •1 S-2-53-45 *6 7130-01 *10 39300-0624 ♦34 U-44 43221-0781 1588-00 39302-0420 39307-0424 39300-0069 38211-0516 39302-0371 39308-0316 43018-0630 43231-0391 03-030-1152 42200-0368 39307-0603 U-41 •22 5730-04 35205-342 38211-0929 39300-0333 89 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Uniforms (Security Police) Spec, for Work Uniforms (Security Police) Spec, for Uniform Shirts Spec, for Embroidered Insignia Patches Spec, for Lifeguard Uniforms Spec, for Shorts (Briefs) (Men's and Boys') Spec, for Short Sleeve Poplin Shirts Std. Spec, for Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (Police and Std. Spec, for Summer Uniform Shirt (Police and Std. Spec, for Winter Trimmed Uniform Shirt (Police and Std. Spec, for Untrimmed Winter Unform Shirt Std. Spec, for Uniform Jacket (Eisenhower Style, Std. Spec, for Summer Uniform Shirt utomotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plows) dentification Seals (Self Locking Metal for Tagging Game) nstrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimeter) spec, for Engraved Stationery (Judiciary and Various State Spec, for Circular Saw, 14 In., 5 In. Spec, for Rubble or Cyclopean Aggregate ( 1 Man and Spec, for Acid Spec, for Sulfamic Acid in Formulation of Cleaners and , Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and Steam Clea/ Spec, for ss-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Spec, for Pull Out Bed Lounger, Free Standing Std. Spec, for Chair, Tablet Arm - Wood (Conventional Std. Spec, for Desk, Chair - Wood (Conventional Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood (Cafeteria) (Conventional Std. Spec, for Table, Unit Pupil, Wood (Conventional Std. Spec, for Table, Wood, Typewriter (Conventional Std. Spec, for Table, Agriculture, Wood (Conventional Spec, for Chair, Wood, for Unit Pupil Table (Conventional ec. for Desk, Teacher, Wood (Conventional and Contemporary for Table, Wood, Elementary and All Purpose (Conventional Std. Spec, for Chairs, Wood, Office (Conventional Furniture, Wood, Upholstered Sofas and Chairs (Commercial Spec, for Revolver; Caliber .38 Special (Commercial Interim Spec, for Desk, Wood, Office (Conventional Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal (Landscape Spec, for Picnic Tables (Wood, Rustic olor Television Mobile Unit Including Vehicle / Spec, for or Tractors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Spec, for Electric Fans; ec. for Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Std. Spec, for ; Liquid Adhesive; W/ Spec, for Office Supplies: Hand and Tent. Spec, for Fans, Electric, 16 In. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Student Metal Spec, for Student Metal Spec, for Student Wood Spec, for Student Wood Spec, for Student Wood Spec, for Student Wood drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for File ts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) Spec, for Dictating Equipment, Spec, for Metallograph Spec, for Student Spec, for Clerical (Executive) Metal Double Pedestal Spec, for Secretarial Metal Double Pedestal Spec, for Clerical Metal Single Pedestal Spec, for Lamps, Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chair Spec, for Pen, pec. for Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Spec, for Furniture, Office (Custom Built) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pads gn)(1961) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Student Spec, for Student Interim Spec, for Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (Student Spec, for Steel Executive ) Spec, for Wood Executive Spec, for Steel Chair r, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machin/ Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Dresser Spec, for Metal Office Tent. Spec, for Pedestal Type Conventional Steel Tent. Spec, for Contemporary Steel Spec, for School Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Spec, for A Spec, for I /Quipment (Food Processing Test I (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) ( 1971 ) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) (Departmental) (1971) Departments) (1966) Depth (1966) Derrick Stone) (Highway Construction) (1970) Descaler of Steam Cleaners, Hydrochloric Acid ( 1968) Descalers (1968) Descaling Compound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems Design Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mineral Surfaced (1970) FED Design (1968) Design) (1960) Design) (1960) Design) (1961) Design) (1961) Design) (1961) Design) (1961) Design) (1961) Std. Design) (1961) Std. Sp Design) (1961) Std. Spec. Design) (1963) Design) (1967) Std. Spec, for Design) (1968) Design) (1969) Design) (1970) Design) (1971) Design, Fabrication, Test, and Delivery of a Complete C Design, Utility, Farm) (1971) Spec. F Desk and Bracket Type (1952) Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen C Desk Blotter (1971) Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement Desk Bracket (1961) Desk Calendars, Refills, Bases and Complete Unit (1971) Desk Chair, Center Back Support (1968) Desk Chair, Chrome Tube Frame (1968) Desk Chair, Form Back (1968) Desk Chair, Ladder Back (1968) Desk Chair, Padded Back (1968) Desk Chair, Tilt Swivel Type (1968) Desk Lamp; File Stool) (1971) Desk Protectors (1971) Desk Sets (1971) Desk Slide Protector ( 1971 ) Desk Spindle (1971) (Desk Tops and Tablet Arms) (1970) Desk Type (1968) (Desk Type) (1969) Desk (Metal and Plastic) (1967) Desk (1968) Desk (1968) Desk (1968) Desk (1969) Desk (1970) Desk, Ball Point (1970) Desk, Bin Shelving and Storage) (1969) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Tables, Book Truck) (1971) Desk, Chair - Wood (Conventional Design) (1960) (Desk, Ruled, Columnar, Stamp, and Typewriter) (1971) Desk, Teacher, Wood (Conventional and Contemporary Desi Desk, with Center Drawer (1968) Desk, Without Center Drawer (1968) Desk, Wood, Office (Conventional Design) (1969) Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Dresser Chests) (1971) Desks (Class A) (Office Furniture) (1969) Desks (Kneehole or Typewriter) (Office Furniture) (1962 Desks (Office Furniture) (1969) Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevato Desks (Student) (1968) Desks (1968) Desks (1968) Desks (1969) Desks) (1971) /Mer; Desk; Conference, /Chool Furniture Par NY 39300-0843 NY 39300-0882 NY 39302-0297 NY 39305-0406 NY 40018-0876 NY 40031-0561 SC 03-030-1 152A WA S-64-75-E WA S-64-76-C WA S-64-77-C WA S-64-78-D WA S-64-80-E WA S-64-81-D NY 40500-0206 NY 08700-0622 NY 38787-0579 NJ 8320-02 NJ 4930-08 VA DH-204 CA 681-66-18 CA 681-66-23 CA 681-66-13 MS R-5-64-13 CA 681-67-12 NC 7120-C-l NC 7 1 20-D-4 NC 7120-C-2 NC 7 1 20-T-6 NC 7 1 20-T-8 NC 7 1 20-T-9 NC 7 1 20-C-3 NC 7120-D-5 NC 7120-T-7 NC 7110-C-2 NC 7195-FWU-l PA R-29 NC 7110-D-1B NY 21701-0258 NY 21602-0765 SC 76-000-0305 NY 40601-0434 PA F-4 FL *21 IL *32E NY 23000-0633 MS TF-16 IL *32I CA 681-67-3 CA 681-67-4 CA 681-67-5 CA 681-67-7 CA 681-67-6 CA 681-67-8 AK *53 IL *32W IL *32X IL *32TT IL *32Y NY 27002-0728 CA 681-71-04 NY 12010-1021 PA D-31 TX 300-37-1B TX 300-37-2B TX 300-37-3B NJ 2548-03A TX 295-52-5 CA 701-75-31 NY 35100-0775 NY 21802-0174 NC 7120-D-4 IL *32PP NC 7120-D-5 CA 681-67-1 CA 681-67-2 NC 7110-D-1B NY 21606-0789 RI 1-010 RI 3-001 RI 1-030 NV 7110-D RI *10 CA 681-67-22 KS 70-3A KS 70-5B NY 27000-0005 90 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards hairs, Bookcas/ General Spec, for Steel Office Furniture Spec, for Office Furniture (Wood) Spec, for Metal Office Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal Std. Spec, for School Classroom Furniture (Chairs, Spec, for Metal Office Spec, for Library g; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Spec, for Spec, for Incinerator (Crematory Destructor) ) (1970) Spec, for Incinerator (Crematory Spec, for Incinerator (Crematory Spec, for Incinerator (Crematory Spec, for Girdles (Panty Style with Spec, for Police Cruiser Jacket, science, University) (Educational Purpos/ Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Electronic Book Std. Spec, for Portable Breath Analyzer (Alcohol state Police and General Use, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Spec, for Car (Automobile), ing)(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Intrusion Protection System (Audio or Motion Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment mist, Mainstream and Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Oxygen anhydrous (1964) Std. Spec, for Alcohol) (1965) Spec, for Straight Liquid Surfactant or Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (Soap Manufacture and Std. Spec, for Synthetic 1970) Spec, for Low Sudsing Liquid 1 Deck,/ Spec, for Hard Surface Delimer Acid Nonphosphate ec. for Floor Care Products (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, al)(1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) (Nonplastic) Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) (Plastic) Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) Std. Spec, for Synthetic Dishwashing Spec, for Ammonium (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid al Germicidal (1970) Spec, for e)(1969) Spec, for achine) (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing s in Power Laundry (19/ Spec, for Organic Built Synthetic 64) Std. Spec, for enol Ethylene Oxide Condensate/ Spec, for Nonionic Liquid ge Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Du/ Spec, for Soap and Spec, for Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose for Soap and rfactant (Ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Flakes) for Laundry Surfactant Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether Sulfate for Cleaner Spec, for Liquid Self Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Requirements for Heavy Duty Spec, for Heavy Duty Motor Lubricating Oil Spec, for Liquid Cleaner Spec, for Oils, Lubricating, High Std. Spec, for Janitorial Spec, for Heavy Duty Built Laundry Spec, for Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner and Synthetic Spec, for All Purpose Laundry Spec, for Germicidal hing Machines) (1967/ Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Laundry hing Mach/ Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Spec, for Built High Sudsing Laundry Spec, for Built High Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Std. Spec, for Synthetic Organic Std. Spec, for High Ph Alkaline Laundry Std. Spec, for Built Synthetic Organic Spec, for Hand Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Chemical Cleaner, Synthetic Spec, for Automotive Motor Oils, High Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Std. Spec, for Synthetic Spec, for General Purpose Liquid Concentrate Spec, for Silicated Laundry Std. Spec, for Grit Scouring Powder c. for General Purpose Liquid Cleaner (Soap with Synthetic (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, C (Desks, Etc.) (1969) USC CS35-61, FED H-L-58 Desks, Filing Cabinets) (1970) Desks, Metal, Office (1969) Desks, Office, Steel (1964) Desks, Office, Steel (1969) (Desks, Tables and Related Items) (1966) (Desks, Tables and Related Items) (1971) Desks, Tables) (1971) Desks, 4 Leg Type (1968) Desk; Charging and Related Units (1966) Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter Desk; Steel, General Office, Furniture (1969) (Destruction of Pathogenic Type 4 Materials) (1970) Destructor) (Destruction of Pathogenic Type 4 Materials Destructor) (1969) Destructor) (1971) De De De De De De De De De (De De De (De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De (De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De (De De achable Garters) (1966) achable Liner and Collar (1970?) ection System for Use with Spectroscopy Goniometer ection System (1971) ection) (1971) ective Holsters, Keeper Loops) (1970) /Es (Belts - ective, 2 Door Sedan or Hard Top ( 1969) ector Mast Arm Poles (Overhead Traffic Control Mount ector) (1971) ectors) (1970) ector; Respirators; Minute Volume and Anesthesia Ven ergent and Chemical Cleaner, Synthetic, 40 and 1/2% ergent and Defoamer) (Modified Polyethoxylated Chain ergent Builder) (1971) Spec. F ergent Cleaner Paste (General Purpose) (1953) ergent Cleaner (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) ergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Room, Swimming Poo ergent Cleaner) (1966) Sp ergent Cleaner, Paste, Synthetic, (Oil, Grease Remov ergent Compound Type a (1953) ergent Compound Type B (1953) ergent Compound Type C (Hand) (1953) ergent Compound Type D (Hand) (Pots and Pans) (1953) ergent Compound (Brick 2) (1953) ergent Compound (Hand, Hard Water) (1953) ergent Deodorizer Sanitizer Liquid, Mild (1969) ergent Deodorizer Sanitizer Powder, Mild, Quaternary ergent Disinfectant Combination Product (1969) ergent Disinfectant; Phenol Tuberculocidal, Fungicid ergent Disinfectant; Phenol Type Liquid (Hospital Us ergent Floor Cleaner, Liquid (Deodorizer) (Hand or M ergent for Cottons, Synthetic (1969) ergent for Hard Water (1971) ergent for Institutional Use ( 1969) ergent for Soft to Moderately Hard Water ( 1971 ) ergent for Washing Cotton, Colored and Woolen Fabric ergent Highway Road Sign Cleaning, Liquid, Spray (19 ergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Ph ergent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Stora ergent Manufacture (1966) ergent Manufacture ( 1966) ASTM Dl 172, D2024, FED P-D ergent Manufacture (1968) Spec, for ergent Resistant Floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430, ergent Sanitizer and Dispenser for Cleaning ( 1971 ) ergent Type Lubricating Oil (1970) ergent Type) (1971) MIL L-2104B ergent (Built, Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) ergent (for Internal Combustion Engines) (1971) ergent (General Purpose Cleaner, Paintsafe) (1953) ergent (Institutional Use) (1969) ergent (Janitorial) (1970) ergent (Low Temperature) (1969) ergent (Phenolic, Quaternary Ammonium) (1971) ergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Was ergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Was ergent (Powder or Granules) ( 1968) ergent (Powder or Granules) (1968) ergent (Soapless) (1953) ergent (1953) ergent (1954) ergent (1961) ergent (1964) ergent (1967) ergent (1969) ergent (1969) ASTM D-800 ergent (1969) FED P-D-220A, ASTM D460-58 ergent (1971) ergent) (1953) ergent) (1964) Spe HI *7 NY 2 1 800-0407 NM *5 NJ 7148-00 MS TD-6-64 MI 3730-S1 NY 00217-0163 NY 21701-0157 MS F-3A-7 1 CA 681-67-23 PA D-30 AK *53 RI 1-001 NY 40710-0341 NY 40710-0341 NY 40709-0052 NY 40710-0360 RI 4220-F-002 MA ♦24 NY 11002-0715 NY 38201-0732 FL *29 NY 39309-0539 MI 3905-0009 NY 35815-0427 NY 38201-0147 NY 35814-0468 NY 12200-0462 MS D-2B-64 TX 371-78-3 NY 25523-0327 MS S-2-53-44 TX 370-33-5A MS D-20A-7 1 NY 00220-02-0684 LA * 1 1 — 1 2 MS S-2-53-48 MS S-2-53-49 MS S-2-53-51 MS S-2-53-52 MS S-2-53-50 MS S-2-53-54 CA 691-77-32 CA 691-77-36 IA *3-3 PA D-27 TX 310-33-1A MS D-6A-69 CA 691-77-38 MS D- 13-71 VA L-3 MS D- 12-71 VA L-2 MS D-4-64 CA 681-66-14 NY 36502-0211 TX 371-66-1A TX 371-78-7 TX 371-78-6A VA K-43 NY 39012-0491 NE *75 SC 34-010-1002 TX 370-33-3C NY 05700-0315 MS S-2-53-36 VA L-20 PA D-26 VA L-19 NY 22003-0052 TX 395-36-1A TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-3 TX 395-36-4 MS S-2-53-39 MS S-2-53-11 MS S-4-54 VA TL-12 MS C-4A-64 KY 9150-1 IA *3-10 OR 76-401-9090 VA K-32C NY 20107-0109 MS S-2-53-40 TX 370-33-1 91 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ate, Silicofluoride, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Softener - Spec, for Std. Spec, for e, 16% Anhydrous, Active (1964) Std. Spec, for 1967) ASTM D502,/ Spec, for Sodium Sulfate (Anhydrous for er)(1953) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (Cleaning) Compounds; Spec, for Spec, for Car (Automobile) Wash Compound (Granular ss Link/ Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Spec, for ome Type Automatic Washer) (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Synthetic Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Disinfectant, for Floor Care Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Spec, for for Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate in Compounding Cleaners, Spec, for Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Compounding of Spec, for Sodium Hydroxide in Compounding of Spec, for Sodium Carbonate in Compounding of Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate in Compounding of Spec, for Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate in Compounding of Spec, for Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate in Compounding Spec, for Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in Compounding odium Ethylene Diamine Tetra AcetaGDftfpBWrtdjrig Spec, for Sodium Sesquicarbonate in Compounding of Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate in Compounding of Spec, for Pine Oil in Compounding c. for Inspection, Test., Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Spec, for Quaternary Ammonium Compound in Compounding P-D-00235 Std. Spec, for Germicidal bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; ions by Counter Methods with a Film Instrument (Analytical Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient (Pullet Std. Spec, for Well Drilling, Casing, Finishing, Spec, for Cameras, Self Spec, for Film, Self Spec, for Cameras, Self Spec, for Roadside Spec, for Self for Fusee Flares (Warning Spec, for Spec, for Elastomeric Film Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Spec, for Vehicle Inspection I) (Motorcycle and Trailer) ( 1969) Spec, for Inspection or Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer ers, Chippers, Che/ Spec, for Small Tools (Eye Protective General Spec, for Electrical s) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Liquid Helium Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for ec. for Automatic Transmission Fluid, General Motors Type, General Requirements for Automatic Transmission Fluid Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Spec, for Audiometers (Research and Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Related Accessories and Equipment (Tuberculos/ Spec, for itution) (1967) Spec, for Medical (1971) Spec, for ammer, Oxygen Replenishe/ Spec, for Pulmonizer System for (Institutional) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for r) (1971) Spec, for fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and Cine/ Spec, for Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Thermometers; Self Indicating, Bimetallic, fabric Softener Formulation ( 1971 ) Spec, for r Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 42 In. r Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 60 In. and Clean/ Spec, for Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene 1969) Spec, for Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene -2 Spec, for Thin Wall Spec, for Thin Wall (Non Resettable) Spec, for ), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bact/ 1971) Spec. s (1970?) il F-22735a ble) (1964) Detergent); Powdered Soap Dispensers) ( 1971) /Etasilic NY Detergent, Car Wash (1969) CA Detergent, Car Wash, Powder or Crystalline (1969) MS Detergent, Chemical Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing Machin MS Detergent, Cleaning and Washing Compound Manufacture) TX Detergent, Colloidal, Inorganic (Laundry Over-All Clean MS Detergent, Disinfectant, Phenolic ( 1969) NC Detergent, General Duty, Nonabrasive Powder (1969) CA Detergent, General Purpose, Liquid and Powder (1964) PA Detergent, Grit, Scouring Powder ( 1970) LA Detergent, Hand Use) (1968) TX Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cro IA Detergent, Laboratory Glassware ( 1969) CA Detergent, Laundry, Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder (H MS Detergent, Liquid, General Purpose ( 1967) KY Detergent, Liquid, Light Duty (1969) CA Detergent, Low Sudsing for Clothes, Synthetic (1969) CA Detergent, Machine Dishwashing, Liquid (1970) MS Detergent, Organic, Synthetic, Flake or Granular ( 1970) LA Detergent, Phenolic ( 1966) KY Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop Treatme NY Detergent, Sign Washing (1969) CA Detergents and Bleach (1968) Spec. CA Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) CA Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D456 CA Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D458 CA Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D537 CA Detergents and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D595 CA Detergents and Cleaners ( 1 968 ) CA Detergents and Cleaners (1968) CA Detergents and Cleaners ( 1 968 ) /Tetrahydrate of Tetras C A Detergents and Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 CA Detergents and Cleaners (1968) ASTM D538 CA Detergents and Cleaners (1968) FED LLL-O-358 CA Detergents and Laundry Supplies ( 1969) Spe CA Detergents as Sanitizing and Deodorizing Agents ( 1968) CA Detergents (Cleaner, Disinfectant) ( 1970) ASTM E70, Fed RI Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety M IL Determination of Emission Spectra) (Educational Purpose NY Developer) (1963) MI Developing and Testing of Water ( 1969) NC Developing (Commercial and I.D.) (1971) NY Developing (Company) ( 1971 ) NY Developing ( Hand Held ) ( 1 97 1 ) NY Development Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass VA Development Packaged Learning Centers and Accessories NY Device for Hazardous Area) ( 1971 ) PA Device for Sampling of Liquid Asphalts From Distributor NJ Device (Decal, Sticker), for Motor Vehicle Use (1968) M PA Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Highway Marker) (1963) WA Device (Highway Marker, Light Weight, Compact, Collapsi WA Device (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (1969) PA Device, Exterior Use (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Deca PA Devices and Steam Cleaners ( 1968) /Escaling Compound F CA Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Weld NY Devices, Fittings, Switches and Related Products ( 1964) OR Devices; Sticker (Decal), Validation (for License Plate PA Dewar System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY Dewatering Pump and Pumping Unit (6 and 3 In.) ( 1969) NY Dewatering Pumps and Pumping Unit (6 and 4 In.) ( 1970) NY Dewatering Pumps and Pumping Units ( 10 and 6 In.) ( 1968 NY Dexron Approved (1968) Sp CA (Dexron) (1968) NE Dextron (Light Duty) (1970) MS Diagnostic and Portable) (School) ( 1971 ) NY (Diagnostic Apparatus for Neurosurgery) ( 1970) NY Diagnostic Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System and NY Diagnostic Radiographic X-Ray System (Correctional Inst NY Diagnostic Sounder / Electromyograph Unit (University) NY Diagnostic Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Progr NY Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment and Related Accessory Items NY Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment (Hospital) ( 1971 ) NY Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment (1970) NY Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment (1970) NY Diagnostic X-Ray System (Cardiovascular) (Medical Cente NY Diagnostic X-Ray System (Conventional and Bright Image NY Diagnostic X-Ray Unit and Accessories (Hospital) ( 1970) NY Dial Type (Baking, Cooking and Oven) ( 1966) PA Dialkyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in TX Diameter Cylinder) (1970) Spec. Fo TX Diameter Cylinder) ( 1970) Spec. Fo TX Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in Compounding Detergents CA Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) TX Diamond Bits and Adapters (Drilling) (1970) CE Wa-1, Wa NY Diamond Bits for Core Drilling ( 1964) TX Diamond Bits (AX Size, AA Grade) ( 1970?) VA 20100-0289 691-77-73 D-3A-69 D-5-64 371-75-1A S-2-53-13 6840-DDP-1B 691-77-13 C-84 * 1 1-4 045-37-1 *3-9 691-77-07 D-7A-69 7930-1 691-77-11 691-77-41 TD- 10-70 * 1 1—13 6840-3 22002-0537 691-77-74 681-66-22 681-66-09 681-66-04 681-66-03 681-66-06 681-66-08 681-66-10 681-66-19 681-66-20 681-66-05 681-66-07 681-66-24 691-77-85 681-66-27 6620-05 *39 11002-0377 4340-0124 3820-W-1C 38800-0364 38800-0542 38800-0076 DH-257 38221-0890 F-85 *15 D-23 S-64-73 S-63-67-1 D-16 D-20 681-66-13 39012-0491 24-64-2A D-21 38713-0733 46000-0193 46000-0495 46000-0746 681-91-30 *73 L-5B-70-15A 38215-0451 11000-0638 11000-0459 11000-0475 12600-0582 12600-0912 11002-0261 11000-0777 11000-0576 11000-0698 11000-0861 11000-0341 11000-0704 T-72 180- 12-2 A 400-49-2A 400-49-3A 681-66-20 371-61-1A 41200-0426 595-56-1 *37 92 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for s), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Bleached (Piece Goods and andages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Spec, for lumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Spec, for Office Supplies (Calendar Pads, Bases and General Requirements and Spec, for processing and Furnishing Negative and Positive Silver and Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food dium Dichloroisocyanurate (Organic Chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 ichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triaz/ Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for Weed Killer (2 4 7) Spec, for 2, 4- Spec. for Amine Salt of 2, 4 Spec, for Herbicide, Liquid (Amine Salt of 2,4 Spec, for Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4 r Liquid Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of Combination 2,4 herbicide, Invert Emulsions of Low Volatile (Esters of 2,4 ophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Tria/ Spec, for Herbicides Spec, for Dichloropropene (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for rection Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Spec, for Laminating Equipment for Drivers Licenses Spec, for Motorcycle License Plate Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type, Spec, for Fluid, Starting, Spec, for Portable oader, Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Spec, for Spec, for 70) Spec, for Spec, for 71) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Gasoline and Spec, for Oils; Motor, Automotive (Gasoline and Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Equipment; Front End Loaders, h Rescue Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity with raulic Hoist and Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Spec, for Gasoline, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for All Purpose Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Spec, for power Shift) (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Duty for for for for d 12 Ft. Snow Wing) (1971) 1971) Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade)/ uty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) box, 37,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) box, 6X 4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) achment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice/ 13 Ft. Box, 6X4) (1971) 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) •G.V.W.) (1971) . G.V.W., Manual Transmission) ( 1971 ) • G.V.W., Automatic Transmission) (1971) Spec, for Motor Oil, Heavy Duty, for Gasoline and Spec, for Marine Engine, Std. Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for 2 Fuel Oil (Heating and Spec, for Motor Oil, Severe, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for /C. for L Diamond Bits (Drilling) ( 1971 ) CE Wa-2 Diamond Core Drilling Bits and Reaming Shells ( 1 965 ) Diamond Drill Bits (Departmental) (1970) Diaper Cloth (Textile) (1960) Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Cheviot, T Diaper Cloth; Bleached (Textile) (1969) Diapers (Company) (1961) Diapers (1967) FED DDD-D-301 Diapers) (1971) Diapers, Dressing, Splint, Facial Tissue) (1971) /S (B Diapers; Pinless, Cotton (1960) Diaphragms, Erosion Dams, Cribbing) (1970?) /D (Open F Diaries for 1972) (1971) Diazo Paper (Moist and Dry) and Chemicals ( 1970) Diazo Type Prints) (Photographic) (1969) /Nd 35mm and Dibutyl Phthalate (1969) Dicalcium Phosphate ( 1 963 ) Dicer) (1971) Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for D Dichloroisocyanurate (Organic Chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 D Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile Ester) (1961) Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Weed Killer (Herbicide) (196 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (Herbicide) (1971) Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1970) Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1970) Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic (Dichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlor Dichloropropane Mixture (Soil Fumigant) (1971) Dichloropropene Dichloropropane Mixture (Soil Fumigant) (Dictating and Transcribing) (1971) Dictating Equipment, Desk Type ( 1968) Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post Labels; Memo Case; F (Die Cutting) (1966) Die Equipment (1969) Diesel and Front Bucket Loader ( 1971 ) Diesel and Gasoline Engine (1962) Diesel Driven Rotary Air Compressor ( 1969) Diesel Engine and Backhoe Attachments (1969) Diesel Engine Generator Set (25KW) (1969) Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5 KW Air-Cooled) (1971) Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5KW and 25KW Marine) (19 Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5KW and 50KW) (1970) Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5KW Marine and 25KW) (19 Diesel Engine Generator Units (1969) Diesel Engine Oil, High Additive Type Series 3 (1968) Diesel Engine Oil, Severe (1967) Diesel Engine Oil, 4 Cycle (1968) MIL L-2104B Diesel Engine) (1971) Nfpa 70 Diesel Engine, Severe, API-DS (1970) Diesel Engined, Rubber Tired ( 1967) Diesel Engines) (1970?) Diesel Fuel and Gasoline ( 1971 ) Diesel Fuel and Kerosene ( 1963) Diesel Fuel Oil (1965) Diesel Fuel Oil (1967) Diesel Fuel Oil (1970?) FED VV-L-791, ASTM D975-53T Diesel Fuel Oil, Type 1-D (1969) Diesel Fuel Oil, Type 2-D (1969) Diesel Fuel Oil, 50 Cetane (1970) Diesel Fuel (1969) Diesel Fuel (1970) Diesel Fuel (1970) Diesel Fuels, Motor Oil and Solvents (1970?) Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Convertor or Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade An Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade) Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (Heavy D Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (6X4, Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer Att Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Snow Plow Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6X4, Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb Diesel Powered Trucks and Tractors (1967) Diesel (Steam Tug Conversion) (1969) Diesel (1961) Diesel (1968) Diesel) (1961) Diesel) (1969) Spec, for Aircraft Cras Spec, for Motor, Hyd NY 41200-0841 NJ 4121-01 NY 43231-0391 MS T-1A-60-10 NY 32600-0622 OR 79-100-9120 RI 4720-008 RI *11 PA C-18 NY 10134-0339 PA D-19 MS 3351 NY 23014-0028 NJ 7580-00 NY 26000-0448 TX 371-91-2 MI 4340-0040 NY 36100-0604 TX 371-87-1 TX 371-87-1 WA S-61-36 NE *65 LA *4 MS H-1A-70 MS H-2A-70 MS H-8-71 MS H-9-71 NY 22100-0497 NY 22100-0066 NY 22100-0066 NY 22918-0017 CA 681-71-04 FL *21 MI 8199-1000 NY 43220-0338 NY 40601-0422 MS F- 18-62 NE ♦24 NJ 4938-09A NY 35907-0224 NY 35902-0510 NY 35902-0466 NY 35902-0590 NY 35902-0330 CA 691-59-02 CA 681-91-09 MI 5255-S7 CA 681-91-08 PA 0-38 MS L-5B-70-4 PA E-21 HI *12 SD *10 KS 14-3 MD *19 KY 9140-3 VA ♦41 CA 691-91-171 CA 691-91-172 MA *6 NE *14 IN *15-3 PA F-75 LA *8-5 VA *7 AK *11 AK *10 AK ♦63 AK ♦62 AK ♦58 AK *59 AK *60 AK *64 AK ♦67 AK *61 AK ♦65 AK •68 AK ♦66 AK *69 AK *70 LA ♦8-7 NY 42000-0819 NC 9140-F-15 MI 5245-S1 SC 30-020 MI 5255-S3 93 NBS Index of Sta+e Specifications and Standards Oil, Severe, Multiviscosity, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Spec, for Truck Tractor (54,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6 X 4, 318 Hp Spec, for Truck Tractor (45,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6X4, Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, (High Output Spec, for Front End Loader ucket) (1971) Spec, for Front End Loader Spec, for Front End Loader Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; with Winch, Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Winch; Spec, for Crawler Tractor; Spec, for Crawler Tractor; ry Mowers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping Rake) and Spec, for Foam Stabilizer, Laurie Spec, for Foam Stabilizer, Coco Spec, for um Products, Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Limited Slip or No Spin Spec, for Gear Lubricants for Transmissions and ose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type ec. for X-Ray Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of on Spectroscopy by Direct Measurement); for Measurement of s for Use in Analytical Investigations and Measurements of emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scatter/ Spec, for X-Ray em) (Educational Purposes) (1968) Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for X-Ray atmospheric Sciences) (1968) Spec, for X-Ray (1970) Spec, for X-Ray General Requirements for X-Ray Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace Spec, for X-Ray Crystal Monochromator ucational Purposes) (19/ Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray Intensities and Measurement of Reflecti/ Spec, for X-Ray s) ( 1971 ) Spec, for X-Ray Equipment igations Using Film Techniques (Educatio/ Spec, for X-Ray er Diffractometry Using Film Techniques / Spec, for X-Ray er Diffractometry Using Film Techniques / Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Spec, for X-Ray )(1970) Spec, for X-Ray ype) (Education/ Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray u/ Spec, for Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer System (Analytical ) (1969) Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray r (Integration / Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powder Spec, for Post Hole or Tractor Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay tor (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 tor (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 tor (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 police Information Network) (Computer System) / Spec, for ming Equipment (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and igit Minimum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator igit Minimum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator igit Minimum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator instruments (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uniplanar Scanning Spec, for Office Machines (Coordinate Spec, for Reflectorized Letters, pec. for Reflectorized Cut Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Spec, for Manufacture (1969) Spec, for Di (Hydrogenated Tallow) oftener Formulation (1971) Spec, for Dialkyl Spec, for Liquid 80% Active Germicide (Alkyl Spec, for Spreads, Bed, Bleached (Striped Std. Spec, for Pajama Check Spec, for Bedspreads, ic), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Spec, for Textile, 7) Spec, for Chairs; Wood, Student Study, urniture (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Spec, for Wood y Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, 1968) NEMA LD-1 Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Plastic Melamine Tableware pylene Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Frame) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide Titanium fier in Milled Toilet Soap) (1968) Spec, for Titanium Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Carbon Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Carbon Spec, for Fire Extinguishing System (Carbon , Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Yd. Rated with 3 1/2 Yd. B 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Diesel) (1969) Diesel) (1971) Diesel) (1971) Diesel), Severe Duty (1960) (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 2 (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Diesel, 57 HP Class (1970) Diesels ( 1969) /El Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rota Diethanolamide (1966) Diethanolamide (1966) Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (75% Active) (1969) Differential Gear Oil and Fluid; Multipurpose Grease) Differential (1970) Differentials (1970?) Differentials, Transmissions, Final Drives) Extreme Pre Diffracted Intensities and Measurement of Reflections B Diffracted Intensities with Film Instruments (Education Diffracted X-Ray Intensities (University) (1969) /Orie Diffraction Components and Vacuum Spectrometer System Diffraction Equipment and Accessories (Addition to Syst Diffraction Equipment (College) (1970) Diffraction Equipment (Expansion of System) (Earth and Diffraction Equipment (University Educational Purposes) Diffraction Equipment (1959) (Diffraction Equipment) (College) (1969) (Diffraction Equipment) (Educational Purposes) (1969) Diffraction Specimen Holder and Related Accessories (Ed Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Diffracted (Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Intensitie Diffraction System for Powder and Single Crystal Invest Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powd Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powd Diffraction System (Educational Purposes) (1968) Diffraction System (Educational Purposes) (1969) Diffraction System (Fluorescent Spectrometer Conversion Diffraction System (Integration with Computer and Telet Diffraction Systems for Investigation of Crystal Struct Diffractometer Furnace (Diffraction Equipment) (College Diffractometer System and an Incident Beam Monochromato Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research and Teac Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research and Teac Digger (Auger Type, 4 Wheel Drive Chassis) (1970) Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade ( 1969) Spec. F Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Revers Digit Minimum Display Capacity) (1970) /Tronic Calcula Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 1 Memory Register) Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 2 Memory Registers Digital Communications Link (Mobile Radio Terminal and Digital Stop Clock) (1971) Spec, for Ti (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 D (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 D (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 D Digitizer System) ( 1969) /R Surveying and Engineering Digitizer) (1970) Digits and Alphabet Accessories ( 1970) Digits and Symbols) and Reflectors (1971) Dimensions of Pallets, Lumber (Drawings Only) ( 1962) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Softener Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in Fabric S Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride) (1969) Dimity Without Crest) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Dimity (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Dimity (1971) Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pi Dimity, White Barred Fabric (Cloth) (1970?) Dining and Library, with Upholstered Seat and Back (196 Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, Upholstery Fabric) (19 Dining Room Tables (1969) Dining Tables) (1970) /Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholster Dining Tables; Metal Base (with Plastic Laminate Top) (Dinnerware) (1970) ( Dinnerware ) (1971) Spec, for Polypro Dinnerware, Plastic, Heavy Duty (1971) Dioxide Type (1969) Dioxide (Anatase) (White Pigment for Whitener and Opaci Dioxide (1968) Dioxide (1968) Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Po Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) MI AK AK NC AK AK AK SC SC SC SC SC NY TX TX TX NJ MS LA MI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY TX TX TX NY NY TX TX TX NY NY NJ NY MD TX TX TX PA OR NY NY MA PA NY RI NY PA NJ NY MS CA TX KY PA NY PA NJ NJ 5255-S5 *56 *57 9150-L-4 *14 *15 *16 14-300-035 IB 14-300-035 IC 14-300-035 ID 14-300-035 IE 14-300-0351 40601-0891 371-45-1A 371-45-2 371-96-1 3566-00 L-5B-70-20 *8-3 5255-S14 11002-0377 11002-0288 11002-0355 11002-0563 11002-0745 11002-0598 11002-0461 11002-0592 5396 11002-0216 11002-0848 11002-0641 11002-0377 11002-0518 11002-0473 11002-0373 11002-0710 11002-0332 11002-0013 11002-0018 11002-0825 11002-0288 11002-0216 11002-0512 11002-0373 11002-0710 44500-0686 40601-0298 43203-0185 495-37-12 495-37-14 495-37-16A 38211-0441 30200-0417 495-37-12 495-37-14 495-37-16A 31601-0380 22900-0172 0760-01 38606-0203 *28 371-32-2 180-12-2A 371-90-1 S-36 79-100-9130 32620-0532 32600-0622 ♦35-58 C-165 21604-0226 3-015 21605-0260 T-69 3164-00A 21102-0036 D-ll-71 691-80-41 371-83-1A 4210-100 F-51 34700-0207 A-4 7342-08 7342-11 94 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Liquid, ent) (1969) Spec, for Water and Liquid Helium Cooled Spec, for ement of Reflecti/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System for Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Diffraction System for Structures and Investigations of Emission Spectroscopy by Spec, for Sandblasting Equipment (Portable, Top Loading, Spec, for Spec, for Cream Soap Spec, for Liquid Soap Spec, for Chalkboards, Bulletin Boards, and Spec, for Brief Case, Leather, Under Arm with Spec, for pec. for Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Tent. Spec, for Floor Machines, Flat Spec, for Hydraulic Spinner r Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Electric, Rotary r Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary r Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Std. Spec, for Electric ) Spec, for Capacitor Spec, for Capacitor Spec, for Concrete Mixer, 6 cu. Ft., Side p (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Openings for Intake and p (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Openings for Intake and nal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, Electrical Spec, for Electrical Supplies Spec, for Plumbing and Heating Supplies Spec, for Radiator Traps and Valves a Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Venereal Spec, for Powder, Machine, Spec, for Powder, Machine, Kitchen Equipment (Counters, Work Table, Tray Dispensers, ray Di/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Cashier Stands, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Overhead Angled Spec, for Dishwashing Machines and od Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soiled and Clean Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Std. Spec, for Plastic Std. Spec, for Plastic c. for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Disposal Unit) (1971) Spec, for Food Service Equipment Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 70?) Std. Spec, for 68) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Rinse Injector, Std. Spec, for Rinse Injector Liquid, Std. Spec, for nk) (1969) Spec, for Food Service Equipment Std. Spec, for Mechanical Spec, for Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for Machine Use Spec, for Hand Spec, for Chlorinated Machine Std. Spec, for Liquid Hand Std. Spec, for Mechanical Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Machine Std. Spec, for Hand Spec, for Chlorinated Automatic Machine Spec, for Nonchlorinated Machine Spec, for 1) FED P-D-00425D, P-D-435D, ASTM D800, D820 Spec, for , Institutional (1970?) Spec, for Std. Spec, for pans) (1953) Std. Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Synthetic Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate Machine (1971) Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate Machine Spec, for Hand drier) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for s Conveyor) ( 1 963 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Compound Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Racks for Spec, for Rinsing - Drying Compound Dipping, White, Baked (1969) Diptank (Cold) (1962) Direct Current Electromagnet Systems (Scientific Equipm Direct Duplicating Masterset Units ( 1968) Direct Measurement of Diffracted Intensities and Measur Direct Measurement of Intensities) ( 1971 ) Direct Measurement); for Measurement of Diffracted Inte Direct Pressure Type) Blast Cleaning Machine (1969) Direct Process Duplicating Fluid (1968) (Direct Process) (1968) (Direct Process) (1968) Directories (1971) Disappearing Handles ( 1969) Disc Harrow with 3 Point Hitch (Heavy Duty) (1970) Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Disc Rotating (1968) Disc Spreader (Salt, Sand) (Tailgate) (1963) Disc) (1970) UL 73 Spec. Fo Disc, Concentrated Weight, Commercial Type) (1970) FED Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy Duty) (1959) /Loo Discharge Lamp Accessory Equipment (1964) Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit (Medical Center) (1969 Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit (School) (1970) Discharge ( 1966) Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pum Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pum /Ling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Inter /Am Block Mailer for Small Medi Discharge) (1969) Discharge) (1970) Discharge) (1970) (Discount) (1968) (Discount) (1970) (Discount) (1971) Disease Program (1971) Dish and Can Washing (1969) Dish and Can Washing, Nonfoaming (1969) Dish Carts) (1971) Spec, for Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and T Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Table Extension) (1968) Dish Racks (1965) Dish Table with Sink) (1969) Spec, for Fo Dish Table) (1971) Dish Table, Dishwasher with Booster) (1969) (Dish Tables) (1968) Dish Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Dish Towels (Cotton Flour Sack) (1969) Dishes, Heavy Duty (1970?) Dishstrainer (Stain Removal) (1953) Dishstrainer (Stain Removal) (1953) Dishwasher with Booster) (1969) Spe (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tables) (Exhaust Duct, Dishwasher (Electric, Single Tank, Door Type) (1968) Dishwasher (Roll Top, Hood Type) (1964) Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type) (1965) Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) (19 Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) ( 19 Dishwasher (1962) Dishwasher (1970) Dishwasher (2 Tank, Automatic Rack Conveyor) (1969) (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Dish Table with Si Dishwashers (1966) Dishwashers, Commercial (NYS Std. Type Ii) (1971) Dishwashing Compound (Machine Use) (1969) Dishwashing Compound (Machine Use) (1971) Dishwashing Compound (1964) FED Std. 536 Dishwashing Compound ( 1965) Dishwashing Compound (1965) ASTM D930-49, Dl 280-5 3T Dishwashing Compound (1966) Dishwashing Compound (1969) Dishwashing Compound ( 1969) Dishwashing Compound ( 1969) Dishwashing Compound ( 1970?) Dishwashing Compound ( 1970?) Dishwashing Compounds and Mechanical Dispensers (1968) Dishwashing Compounds (Mechanical) (Manual Liquid) (197 Dishwashing Compounds, Cleaner, Granulated or Briquette Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type C (Hand) (1953) Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type D (Hand) (Pots and Dishwashing Detergent Compound (Hand, Hard Water) (1953 Dishwashing Detergent for Hard Water ( 1971 ) Dishwashing Detergent for Soft to Moderately Hard Water Dishwashing Detergent ( 1 96 1 ) Dishwashing Equipment, Commercial (Silverware Washer - Dishwashing Machine ( 1969) Dishwashing Machine (3 Tank, Peg Flight Type, Continuou (Dishwashing Machine) (1970) Dishwashing Machines and Dish Racks ( 1965) Dishwashing Machines ( 1968) (Dishwashing Machines) (1970) CA 691-80-427 MS TC-31A NY 38750-0012 NJ 6962-02A NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0518 NY 11002-0288 NY 47100-0396 NJ 6962-02B NJ 5730-OOA NJ 5730-OOB NY 23103-0029 CA 691-84-39 SC 14-330 NY 08200 KS 78-2B NJ 4938-07 PA M-48 TX 265-32-1B TX 265-32-3 OR 24-64-6A NY 11000-0806 NY 11000-0603 NJ 4938-54 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 NY 43201-0500 NY 34418-0006 NY 37612-0625 NY 37612-0815 NY 19903-0524 CA 691-77-22 CA 691-77-26 NY 36114-0262 NY 36200-0605 NY 36200-0735 PA M-24 NY 36200-0907 NY 36200-0800 NY 36200-0972 NY 36200-0747 MA *35-67 OR 72-150-9150 MA *3 MS S-2-53-53 MS S-253-53 NY 36200-0972 NY 36200-0823 WA S-68-101 WA S-64-87 WA S-65-88 WA S-66-96 WA S-68-104 MS R-3A-62 MS R-4A-70 WA S-69-107 NY 36200-0907 NC 7320-DW-l NY 33500-0455 TX 370-41-3A TX 485-38-3A TX 370-41-2 VA TL-14 VA TL-15 WA S-66-95 OR 76-401-9100 WA S-60-16-1 WA S-60-17 UT *4 UT *5 RI 6600-001 NY 20101-0156 MA *15 MS S-2-53-51 MS S-2-53-52 MS S-2-53-54 MS D- 13-71 MS D- 12-71 VA TL-12 NY 33500-0623 NY 33500-0975 WA S-63-71 PA C-58 PA M-24 PA R-33 NY 20101-0394 95 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cleaner, Acid for e,/ Spec, for Alkalies and Soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, 53) Std. Spec, for ype a ( 1953) Std. Spec, for B(1953) Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Detergent, Machine Spec, for Compound; Spec, for Cleaner, Light Duty, Hand Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid, Bleach, 1) ( 1970) Spec, for Quaternary Std. Spec, for Liquid Detergent Spec, for Pine Odor Spec, for Pine Oil Spec, for chnical Chlorinated Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite) for Use As Spec, for Phenol Type c Spec, for Household Liquid Bleach and Spec, for Iodophor Type Spec, for Pine Oil for Use in Household Cleaner, Soap and Spec, for Pine Oil Spec, for Pine Odor Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid (Bleach and ated Lime - Grade a (Bleach Powder, Water Purification and Spec, for Chlorine, Liquid (Bleach, Sanitation and Std. Spec, for Germicidal Detergents (Cleaner, e (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Spec, for ndry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Std. Spec, for ernary, Iodophor ( 1967) Spec, for (1968) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Detergent, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pine Oil dal (1970) Spec, for Detergent Spec, for Detergent ) Spec, for ctors, Wheel Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Spec, for Magnetic ighway Construction ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Reset Guard Rail Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers ( 1022 Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers (1033 Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Refrigerated Dressing Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Drink cal Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Spec, for Paper Toweling (Interfold, Spec, for Cake Shaving Soap te, and Correction) (1971) Std. Spec, for Tape and Spec, for Metal Folded Paper Towel Spec, for Soap, Borax Powder, Std. Spec, for Powdered Toilet Soap (Hand, t (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter, Self Leveling Cup lection) (1970) Spec, for Bead Std. Spec, for Soap (Borax Powder, igerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink f 20, UL 47 1 Spec, for Bulk Milk Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Service Equipment (Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Spec, for for Kitchen Equipment (Milk, Cream and Coffee and Beverage ink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds and Mechanical Std. Spec, for Soap Borax Powder for Spec, for Soap; Toilet, (for Liquid encil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Removers, Tape and dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray sodium Pyrophosphate (Softener - Detergent); Powdered Soap ys, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and Ice Cream and Milk Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Counters, Work Table, Tray Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Bins, Carts, Racks, Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Std. Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Containers for Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Paper Towels t, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking) (Positive 96 Dishwashing Machines, Dry Granular (1969) Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonat Dishwashing (Machine) Detergent Compound (Brick 2) (19 Dishwashing (Machine) (Nonplastic) Detergent Compound T Dishwashing (Machine) (Plastic) Detergent Compound Type Dishwashing, Liquid (1970) Dishwashing, Machine (for Plasticware) (1971) Dishwashing, Unbuilt Synthetic (1969) Disinfectant and Deodorant (1953) Disinfectant Cleaner and Synthetic Detergent (Janitoria Disinfectant Combination Product (1969) Disinfectant Concentrate (Phenol Type) (1966) Disinfectant Concentrate ( 1966) Disinfectant Liquid (Iodophor) (Hospital) (1971) Disinfectant or Decontaminant (1964) FED O-C-l 14a / Te Disinfectant (Liquid) (1968) ASTM E70 Disinfectant (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1967) FED O-S-00602 Disinfectant (1964) Disinfectant (1966) ASTM D802, LLL-P-400a Disinfectant (1969) Disinfectant (1971) Disinfectant) (1953) Disinfectant) (1953) Std. Spec, for Chlorin Disinfectant) (1969) FED BB-C-120 Disinfectant) (1970) ASTM E70, FED P-D-00235 Disinfectant, Algaecide, Etc.) (1966) FED O-C-l 14a /It Disinfectant, Detergent, Phenolic (1966) Disinfectant, Etc.) (1966) FED O-S-00602C /Lution (Lau Disinfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Use) (1971) Disinfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Use), Phenolic, Quat Disinfectant, Hospital, General Purpose, Phenyl Phenol Disinfectant, Iodine Complex Type ( 1969) Disinfectant, Nondetergent (1969) Disinfectant, Phenolic (1969) Disinfectant, Phenolic (1969) Disinfectant, Pine Oil (1969) Disinfectant, Quaternary Ammonium Chloride Type (1969) Disinfectant, Tuberculocidal (1966) Disinfectants (1971) Disinfectant; Concentrate (1964) Disinfectant; Phenol Tuberculocidal, Fungicidal Germici Disinfectant; Phenol Type Liquid (Hospital Use) (1969) Disinfectant; Pine Odor, Phenol Type, Concentrate (1964 Disk Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping Rake) and Diesels Disk Packs and Computer Tape (1971) (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reerection) for H Disodium Phosphate (Anhydrous) (1965) (Dispatcher 1826 D-AR) (1964) Dispatcher) (1964) Dispatcher) (1964) Dispenser and Accessories, Hot Dog Grill) ( 1971 ) Dispenser and Chip or Cube Ice Maker) ( 1971 ) Dispenser for Cleaning ( 197 1 ) /Elders, Chippers, Chemi Dispenser Type) (1971) (Dispenser Use) (1969) FED Std. 536 Dispenser (Adding Machine, Strapping, Cellophane, Aceta Dispenser (1969) Dispenser (1970) Dispenser) (1953) Dispenser) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Kitchen Equipmen Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, Spheres (License Plate Ref Dispenser, Hand) (1953) Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, S Dispenser, Mechanically Cooled (1970) MIL Std. 175 A, Ns Dispenser, Paper Napkins (1966) Dispenser, Paper Towel ( 1966) Dispenser, Paper Towel, Metal, Flat Pack (1969) Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, Sandwich Unit) (Scho Dispenser, Toilet Tissue ( 1966) Dispensers and Cans) ( 1971 ) Spec. Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and Guide Rails) (1970) Dispensers ( 1968) Dispensers ( 1969) Dispensers) Concentrate (1969) ASTM D460 Dispensers) ( 1971 ) / Office Supplies (Paper Punches, P Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Ervice Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Etasilicate, Silicofluoride, Tetra Dispensers) ( 197 1 ) /Le Hot and Cold Food Carts and Tra Dispensers, Dish Carts) ( 1971 ) Dispensers, Dolly) (1971) Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post Labels; M Dispenser; Toilet Seat Paper ( 1969) Dispensing Methadone (1971) Dispensing Pumps (1971) (Dispensing) (1965) FED UU-T-591D Displacement Testliner) (1970) /or Spray Machine, Pain CA 691-77-21 NY 20100-0289 MS S-2-53-50 MS S-2-53-48 MS S-2-53-49 MS TD- 10-70 PA C-96 CA 691-77-15 MS S-2-53-22 PA D-26 IA *3-3 TX 3 70-44-4 A TX 3 70-44-3 A PA D-28 TX 370-44-1 TX 3.1 0-3 5- IB VA K-24E TX 310-34-1 TX 371-56-1 CA 691-76-03 CA 711-76-06 MS S-2-53-20 MS S-2-53-21 PA C-8 RI 6620-05 TX 395-35-1B KY 6840-3 TX 395-35-2A MS D-8B-71 MI 4627-1600 CA 681-76-02 NC 6840-DI-2B IA *3-2 NC 6840-DDP-1B NC 6840-DP-3B PA D-ll NC 6840-DQ-4B KY 6840-4 NY 20401-0626 SC 11-160 PA D-27 TX 3 10-33-1 A SC 11-160A NY 40601-0891 NY 38205-0070 SC HD-122 TX 371-42-1 NJ 2548-05 NJ 2548-06 NJ 2548-07 NY 36200-0367 NY 36211-0798 NY 39012-0491 CA 711-82-81 TX 065-31-1 IL ♦32EEE VA DQ-1A LA ♦11-10 MS S-2-53-30 NY 36118-0539 MI 2800-S1 MS S-2-53-32 NY 36200-0768 PA D-29 KY 7350-1 KY 4510-2 CA 692-76-63 NY 32610-0801 KY 4510-1 NY 36104-0195 NY 36200-0420 RI 6600-001 OR 76-450-9010 PA S-6 FL •17 NY 36200-0605 NY 20100-0289 NY 36114-0572 NY 36114-0262 NY 36106-0207 FL ♦21 OR 16-600-9010 NY 12002-0095 NY 35001-0596 RI 5565-C-004 NJ 4934-01 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ! Swing Gates, Dividers,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Book, izine and Paper, Card, Candy A/ Spec, for Store Fixtures nt (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, lube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum lube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum ube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum ing and Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Shelves, g and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Spec, for Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, or) (1971) Spec, for Office Machines (Graphic Remote 69) Spec, for Pulmonizer System (Monitor, Process and cs)(!971) Spec, for spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Spec, for Office Furniture, Pole Spec, for Information pec. for Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Spec, for Library Shelving, Steel (Periodical dolas, Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Racks, Clothing Spec, for Multimedia Control Systems (Programming, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Syringe; Fountain, Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Stainless Steel Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Spec, for Packaging of Benzathine Penicillin-G Spec, for Syringe and Hypodermic Needle, Spec, for Litter Bags, Paper curb, or Pavement for Highway/ Std. Spec, for Removal and t (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tables) (Exhaust DVict, Spec, for Compound (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Waste Spec, for Volatile Mineral Spirits (Petroleum le Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Solvent (Petroleum Std. Spec, for Turpentine, Gum Spirits or Steam oratory) (1966) Spec, for Stills catv - Baseband Video) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Campus Signal Spec, for VHF - CATV Spec, for Extension of Campus RF - Television Spec, for Television for Garage Equipment (Volt Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Spec, for Bituminous hassis, 151 In. Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. Bituminous G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Mounted 1500 Gal. Bituminous Spec, for Farm Equipment (Silo Unloader and Spec, for Device for Sampling of Liquid Asphalts From Spec, for Uniform, Clothing s, Dividers,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Book, Display and Spec, for Acoustical Screens, Office Landscape Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Cookie Dropper, Dough Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Counters, Wire Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Std. Spec, for ead (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van Trailer) Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Marine Mooring Floats, Spec, for Containers, Corrugated Filing, ment (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Accessories, Hot Spec, for Brass; (Coiled Strip) for Spec, for Animal Cages Spec, for Animal Cages Spec, for Cage Unit (Four Compartment Spec, for Pens (Cages) aining Table) (Testing and Resea/ Spec, for Animal Cages ec. for Mobile Food Service Equipment; Cabinets, Racks and and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks ne Engine, Electric Generator, and Electric Powered Weight ec. for Kitchen Equipment (Bins, Carts, Racks, Dispensers, Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, nt Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Spec, for Tandem Trailer it, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Std. Spec, for Agricultural Minerals (Ground Limestone, h and Space Science Observatory)/ Spec, for Telescope and Spec, for Telescope and )(1971) Spec, for Tent. Spec, for rs) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid/ Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Cleaning and Wiping Cloths Spec, for Feathers; Duck, White, Spec, for Feathers; Goose, niture Filling) (1968) Spec, for Hair; Cattle Tail, d Upholstery Filling) (1939) Spec, for Hair; Mixed, Spec, for Refrigerators and Refrigerator Freezers Display and Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Mag Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Sectio Display Capacity) ( 1970) /Tronic Calculator (Digital T Display Capacity, with 1 Memory Register) ( 1970) /Al T Display Capacity, with 2 Memory Registers) (1970) /L T Display Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclos Display Case) (1971) Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Display Cases (Wall Hung) (1970) Display Cases) (1970) Display Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Receiver, Project Display Human Respiration) (Portable Computer Unit) (19 Display Pedestals (Cubes and Hexahedrons) (Store Fixtur Display Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving Display System (Shelves, Panels and Lamps) (1971) Display System (1971) Display Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cor Display) (1968) Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Boo Display, Presentation) ( 197 1 ) Disposable Bed Pads (1970) Disposable Enema (Hospital) (1969) FED GG-S-001015 Disposable Hypodermic Needles (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Disposable Hypodermic Needles (1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Disposable Syringes with Needles ( 1968) Disposable (1971) (Disposable) (1961) Disposal of Existing Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Disposal Unit) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Food Service Equipmen Disposal, Grease Trap and Drain Cleaning (1958) Disposers) (1971) Distillate) Paint Thinner (1962) FED Std. 141 Distillate) (1962) Spec, for Odorless Volati Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Solvent) (1970) (Distilling Apparatus and Accessories) (Hospital and Lab Distribution System (Cable Television) (12 VHF Channel Distribution System (Cable Television) (1969) Distribution System (1970) Distribution System (1970) Distributor and Electronic Engine Testers) (Educational Distributor for Truck Mounting (1969) Distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback Distributor (1970) Spec, for Truck, 24,00 Distributor) (1968) Distributors (1970?) (District Police) Mounted and Motorcycle (1970?) Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gate (Divider) (1971) Divider) (1971) Dividers) (1969) /Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, Peg Hooks, Acce Division and Protector Sheets ( 1971 ) (Division and Temperature Control) (1970) /Rtable Bulkh Dobby Weavy Bedspreads (1956) Dock Access Vertical Ladders, Ramp (College) (1971) Document Storage (1969) Dog Grill) (1971) Spec, for Food Service Equip Dog License Tag ( 1960) (Dog) (Medical Center) (1969) (Dog) (University) (1969) Dog) (1971) (Dog, Farm Animal) (Medical Center) (1969) (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restr Dollies (1971) Sp (Dollies, Skids, Jack) ( 1971 ) /Ce, Drum, Platform, Tool Dolly for Testing Scales (1969?) /Truck, Motor, Gasoli Dolly) (1971) Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, La Dolly, Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit) (1970) Dolly, Single Axle (1970) Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Dolomite, Gypsum) (1969) Dome (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer Operated) (Eart Dome (Astronomical) (University) (1970) Domestic Appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers and Ranges Domestic Gas Fired Water Heaters (1970) Domestic Refrigeration Equipment (Refrigerators, Freeze (Domestic Service) (1964) FED DDD-R-30 Domestic (Filling Material) (1939) Domestic (Gray or White) for Pillows (1939) Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, Upholstered Fur Domestic, Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Mattress An (Domestic, Electric, Self Contained) (1965) Sp NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0128 NY 36200-0124 TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-1 6A NY 36200-0787 NY 21802-0077 NY 36200-0768 NY 21802-0577 NY 21802-0605 NY 22900-0899 NY 12600-0962 NY 21802-0833 NY 21802-0333 NY 21701-0053 NY 38221-0292 NY 21802-0993 NY 27500-0072 NY 21802-0317 NY 38200-0580 WA S-68- 105-1 PA S-125 TX 360-59-2 TX 360-59-4 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-59-3 MI 4776-S1 CA 711-62-95 PA B-133 SC HD-116 NY 36200-0823 PA C-101 NY 36100-0831 VA DK-16A VA DK-34A MS PM-16 NY 00105-02-0604 NY 38221-0321 NY 38221-0497 NY 38221-0518 NY 38221-0558 NY 35000-0738 SC 14-120 NJ 4938-28 NJ 4938-132 NY 08210-0547 NJ *15 MA *28 NY 21802-0370 NY 21800-0384 NY 31200-0905 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0370 IL *32ZZ NY 42300-0630 RI 4705-002 NY 49607-0022 CA 692-81-57 NY 36200-0367 PA B-127 NY 12040-0904 NY 12040-0789 NY 12040-0540 NY 12040-0862 NY 12040-0557 PA M-52 NY 39100-0562 NJ -*1-1 NY 36106-0207 PA F-80 NY 35000-0647 NY 42300-0581 NY 35000-0866 OR 84-100-9020 NY 12010-0518 NY 12010-0700 NY 25200-0614 KS 37-3A NY 25202-0158 VA FB-6A PA F-10 PA F-9 PA H-8 PA H-12 VA DA-3 97 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Down (Feathers); Duck, White, Spec, for Down (Feathers); Goose, Tent. Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Vehicles (4 Spec, for Steel Sliding Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with 4 (1971) Spec, for 4 (1970) Spec, for 4 Spec, for 4 Spec, for 4 Spec, for Police Patrol Vehicles (4 Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Spec, for 4 Spec, for Car (Automobile), Detective, 2 Std. Spec, for Four Spec, for Conservation Officer Cars, 4 Spec, for 4 Spec, for Std. Size 4 Spec, for 4 Spec, for Passenger Car (Automobile), Regular 4 Spec, for Weighmaster Cars (Automobile), 4 Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Spec, for Police Cars (Automobile), Patrol, 4 Spec, for Passenger Car (Automobile), Heavy, 4 Std. Spec, for 2 and 4 Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Electric, Single Tank, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Spec, for 4 Std. Spec, for Station Wagons, 4 Spec, for Air Curtain Unit (Above Spec, for Mats, Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Minimum Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 4 Spec, for Sedans, Four ) Spec, for Sedan, Four Spec, for 4 Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 (1969) Minimum Spec, for Passenger Vehicles (4 Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 wagon (Automobile, Minimum 116 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 wagon (Automobile, Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 240 Hp, 4 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 200 Hp, 4 Spec, for Station Wagon, Four (1969) Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Spec, for Station Wagon, Four Spec, for Steel Storage Cupboard; Receding Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Glass Spec, for Steel Bookcase Without A93, A386 Std. Spec, for Overhead Spec, for Suburban Vehicle, Panel 386, A525 Std. Spec, for Rolling alls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Std. Spec, for Thinner; Std. Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses (Twin Size) Spec, for Spec, for drawer Dresser Chests) (1971) Spec, for ) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Bed Springs (Band Fabric, Spec, for Furniture; Hospital Room and Spec, for Carpet, Padding and Installation Std. Spec, for Signal spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Body Complete with Cab Shield and for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck Body Complete with Cab Shield and for Food Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, r Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Lock Type, Mineral Surface, Spec, for Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Textile, Flannel, Spec, for Suction Fire Hose, Soft Spec, for Fire Hose, Spec, for 2 1/2 In. fire Hose (1965) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping uckets (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Domestic, for Pillows (1953) Domestic, for Pillows (1953) Domet Flannel, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Door Automobile) ( 1971 ) Door Credenza (1969) Door Crew Cab (1969) Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile ) Door Sedan Automobile (1970) Door Sedan Automobile (1970?) Door Sedan Automobile) (1971) Door Sedan Automobile, Std. Size) ( 1969) Door Sedan Compact Automobiles ( 1970?) Door Sedan or Hard Top ( 1969) Door Sedan Vehicles (1970) Door Sedan (Automobile) (1969) Door Sedan (Automobile) (1970) Door Sedan (Automobile) (1971) Door Sedan (Automobile) (1971) Door Sedan (1969) Door Sedan (1969) Door Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) Door Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) Door Sedan, V-8 (1969) Door Sedan, V-8, 3 Speed (1969) Door Sedans (Automobile) ( 1971 ) Door Type) (1965) Door Type) (1968) Door Type, Semi Automatic) (1968) Door Type, Semi Automatic) (1970?) Door 6 Passenger Sedans (Automobile) ( 1970?) Door (Automobile) (1970) Door) (1969) Door, Cocoa (1970) Door, Group A, Standard Automobile, 6 Passenger ( 1970) Door, Group A, Standard, Light (1970) Door, Group B, Intermediate, Light (1970) Door, Group C, Compact, Light (1970) Door, Intermediate Model, 6 Passenger) (1970?) Door, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) (1970) Door, Standard Vehicle, Official Use (Automobile) (1970 Door, 2 Seat Station Wagon (Automobile) (1970) Door, 4X4 (Automobile) (1970) Door, 6 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) Door, 6 Passenger (Automobile) (1970) Door, 6 Passenger) (1970) Spec, for Station Door, 6 Passenger) (1971) Spec, for Station Door, 6 Passenger, Large Size) (1971) Door, 6 Passenger, Large Size) (1971) Door, 6 Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) (1970) Door, 9 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) Door, 9 Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) ( 1970) Doors (Office Furniture) (Cabinet) (1969) Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Doors (Office Furniture), Steel (1969) Doors, Sectional (Steel and Wood) (Lift Up) (1962) ASTM Doors, Special, 6 Passenger (Motor) (1969) Doors, Steel (Coiling, Interlocking Slat) (1971) ASTM A Doors, Traffic Control Units, Peg Hooks, Accessories) Doors, 6 Passenger, Special (1969) Doors, 8 Passenger (1969) Dope and Lacquer (Cellulose Nitrate) (1969) (Dormitory and Institutional Use) (1971) Dormitory Chest Beds (1970) Dormitory Furniture with Accessories (1969) Dormitory Furniture (Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Dormitory Furniture (3 Drawer Wardrobe Chest) (Hospital Dormitory or Hospital Use) (1960) FED AA-B-155 Dormitory (Beds, Tables, Cabinets, Dressers) (1969) (Dormitory) (1970) Dots (1971) x Double Arm Type Hydraulic Hoist ( 1971 ) Double Arm Type Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Spec. Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Cart, Colan Double Coverage, 220-230 Lb. (1970) FED SS-R-630 /. Fo Double Deck Bunk Bed (1968) Double Deck (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Double Faced (Ironing Boards) (Cloth) (1970?) Double Jacket (1970) Double Jacket (1971) Double Jacketed Cotton Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1969) Double Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Double License Plates (1956) Double Mopping Outfits, Trucks or Tanks, Wringers and B Double Napped Flannel ( 1964) FED CCC-C-460, CCC-T-191B PA D-7 PA D-8 MA *35-86 MS HP-5 10-42 RI 1-038 NE *22 SC *11 sc 14-280 SC *29 VA *1 AK *22 TN TS 2310-1 VA *2 MI 3905-0009 IN *9 MI 3905-0014 NH 6554-005 AK ♦21 SC 14-280-0451 MI 3905-0008 MI 3905-0012 WY *1 WY *13 MI 3905-0010 MI 3905-0002 MS TV-1-71 WA S-65-88 WA S-68-101 WA S-68-104 WA S-66-96 NV *7 MS TV-2-7 1 NY 21301-0961 CA 701-68-65 CA 702-23-02 CA 702-23-01 CA 702-23-03 CA 701-23-07 WY *6 KY 2310-1 KY 2310-4 NH 6554-010 NM *12 TN TS 2310-2 NM *11 AK *26 AK *25 AK *23 AK *24 KY 2310-2 TN TS 2310-3 KY 2310-3 RI 1-002 RI 1-004 RI 1-004A RI 1-039 OR 19-62-27 MI 3905-0056 OR 64-530-0010 NY 21802-0370 MI 3905-0036 MI 3905-0034 OR 77-100-9530 OR 72-100-1030 NY 21512-0310 PA D-33 NY 21606-0789 NY 21606-0054 TX 295-38-8 PA F-81A NE *9 IL *32Z SC *10 SC 22-600 PA F-80 MS R-5-64-6 CA 681-67-11 PA B-64 MA ♦35-73 CA 701-42-12 CA 711-42-01 SC 21-280B SC 21-280A MI 417-10 NY 22800-0424 TX 410-39-1 98 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards cement) for Highway/ Spec, for Clerical (Executive) Metal Spec, for Secretarial Metal Std. Spec, for Bituminous Surfacing Spec, for Textile, ientific Equipment (Food Processing Test Instrumentation) Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Cookie Dropper, Std. Spec, for Horizontal Spec, for Baking Equipment USC Psl-66 Std. Spec, for Plywood; oM-31, M-42, M-53 Spec, for Spec, for Roll t (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit 53) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pillows (Feather and Spec, for Crawler Tractor with U Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic Semi U-Tilting Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic or Low Center of Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Loader and Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Furniture, Metal, Stools - Spec, for Furniture, Metal (Stools and Chairs - s, Processor Supplies ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for film Units) (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Spec, for Cutting Edges for Grader, Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine (Power, mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to 15 Ton Crane, Clamshell, Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Ce/ Spec, for Sewer, m-177 Spec, for Bituminized Fiber Std. Spec, for Aluminum Chip Mixture und (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Trap and lers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Spec, for Asbestos Cement ter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Spec, for Spec, for Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of Std. Spec, for Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Tent. Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Aluminum Chip Mixture Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Channel Spec, for Flap Gates Std. Spec, for Roadway and Spec, for Sewer Brick Spec, for Gray Iron Castings 61 Spec, for Waste Pipe te Timber for Highway Construction / Std. Spec, for Slope Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cotton Chenille Ball Fringe for Spec, for Stage Equipment, Curtains Spec, for Std. Spec, for Textiles (Bedspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Std. Spec, for Crochet and Spec, for Spec, for Fiberglass Yarn Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bed Sheets; Cotton, Bleached (Bed, Crib, Spec, for Sheets; Cotton, Unbleached (Bed, Crib, for Dormitory Furniture (Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (3 Spec, for Student Desk, with Center Spec, for Student Desk, Without Center Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Steel, Vertical, 5 Std. Spec, for Steel Claims Cabinet (20 Spec, for Men's Winter Underwear (Shirts and Spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Spec, for Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Spec, for Drafting Cloth, Paper, Film, Std. Spec, for Number Machine, nal Materials Laboratory - Center (Truck, Motor Vehicle)/ aboratory (Vehicle) (1970?) Spec, for ock Pots, Etc. (1/ oilet Soap; Fly / Double Pedestal Desk (1968) Double Pedestal Desk (1968) (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Doubling Cloth (Stiffened Canton Flannel) (1970?) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimeter) (Departmental) Dough Divider) (1971) Dough Mixer (2 Barrel Capacity) (1963) (Dough Mixer) (1967) Douglas Fir, Western Softwood and Southern Pine) (1969) Dowel Bars (Concrete Pavements, Sidewalks) (1970?) Aash Down Closure Grille (1968) Down Riders) ( 1971 ) /C. for Material Handling Equipmen Down (Feathers); Duck, White, Domestic, for Pillows ( 19 Down (Feathers); Goose, Domestic, for Pillows ( 1953) Down) (1935) FEDCCC-T-191 Dozer Blade and Towing Winch (1971) Dozer (1970) Dozer (1971) Dozer) (1971) Spec. F (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch) (1971) (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch, Scarifier) (1970) (Dozer, Winch) (1969) (Dozer, Winch) (1969) (Dozer, Winch) (1970) Dozer, Winch, Logging Canopy ( 1969) Drafting and Engineering ( 1971 ) Drafting and Engineering) ( 1971 ) Drafting Cloth, Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencie Drafting Furniture (Reference Tables) (1969) Drafting Furniture (Tables and Plan File Cabinets) (197 Drafting Supplies (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Roll Drafting Supplies (Tracing Tables and Boards) ( 1966) Drafting Supplies, Tracing Tables and Boards ( 1967) Drafting Tables) (1971) Drafting Tables) (1971) Drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tabl Drag and Snow Plow Blades (1970?) AASHO T70 Drag Bucket Type) (1968) Dragline and Backhoe) (1969) /R Shovel (6X4 Carrier Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl Drain and Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-158, (Drain Cleaner) (1953) Drain Cleaning ( 1958) Spec, for Compo Drain Pan, Tools, Stud Ext /Easuring Cans, Battery Fil Drain Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-189 Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Dr Drain Tile, Concrete, Clay (1970?) AASHO M-178, M-179 Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Vats and St Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; T Drain, Liquid (1969) (Drain, Pipe Cleaner) (1970) Drain, 5 V-Crimp (1964) ASTM A-361 (Drainage Control, Culvert and Sewer Pipe) (1970) Drainage Excavation for Highway Construction ( 1964) (Drainage) (Clay, Shale) (1970?) (Drainage, Structural or Ornamental) (1970?) AASHO M-105 (Drainpipe) Cleaner in Crystalline Form ( 1964) ASTM E 1 1 — Drains and Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Creoso Drape (Curtain) (1970) Draperies (Curtain) (NYS Std.) (1970) Draperies (Curtains) and Accessories (1970) Draperies (1953) (Draperies) (Riggings and Rods) (1971) Draperies, Window (Curtains) (1970?) Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Drapery Hooks, and Quilting and Embroidery Hoops (1953) Drapery Material (Institutional) (Curtain) (1971) Drapes (1961) Draw Sheets (1957) Draw Sheets, Cotton Satinette (1969) Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Drawer Dresser Chests) (1971) Spec. Drawer Wardrobe Chest) (Hospital) (1970) Drawer (1968) Drawer (1968) Drawer (1969) FED AA-F-00359 Drawer, 5 X 8 In. Cards) (1970) Drawers) (1965) Drawing and Drafting Tables) ( 1971 ) Drawing and Drafting Tables) ( 1971 ) Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water C Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Processor Supplies (1971) Drawing, Writing, Stamp Pad Ink and Eradicator ( 1971 ) Drawings and Floor Plan for Mobile Media snd Instructio Drawings for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials L TX 300-37-1 B TX 300-37-2B sc HD-61 MA * 3 5-44 NY 38787-0579 NY 31200-0905 WA S-63-62 NY 31200-0405 OR 63-300-9020 MS 3302 NY 31800-0354 NY 39101-0892 PA D-7 PA D-8 PA P-48 AK ♦19 SC ♦15 AK ♦73 AK *17 NY 40600-0378 NY 40600-0178 NY 40600-0156 NY 40600-0289 NY 40600-0656 NY 40602-0153 NY 21705-0612 NY 21705-0172 NY 31602-0581 NY 31600-0312 NY 31600-0084 NY 31600-0031 NY 00316-0114 NY 31600-0380 NY 31605-0146 NY 31605-0241 AK *53 VA *39 NY 44000-0572 NY 41100-0914 VA DH-241 MS 3293 MS S-2-53-46 PA C-101 NY 35000-0938 MS 3290 NY 35000-0938 MS 3276 TX 370-31-13 IL *39 MS TC-42-69 LA * 1 1—2 MS R-5-64-39 MS 3399 SC HD-13 MS 3612 MS 3321 TX 370-34-1 SC HD-105 NJ 9 1 1 6-00 NY 21200-0747 NE *10 IL *33A NY 38103 MD *16 WI 9100 IL *33K NY 21200-0266 RI 4735-001 RI 4765-002 OR 72-150-9110 PA S-30 PA S-43 NY 21606-0789 NY 21606-0054 CA 681-67-1 CA 681-67-2 CA 691-67-25 OR 43-230-9010 RI 4287-M-007 NY 31605-0146 NY 31605-0241 NY 23100-0855 NY 31602-0581 IL *32GG NJ *2 NJ •16 99 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 8 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (Textile) (1971) Spec, for Dimensions of Pallets, Lumber Spec, for Beach Cleaner (Tractor Spec, for Mowing Equipment (Tractor Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hydraulic Embankment Spec, for Gloves; Leather, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Men's Lightweight Spec, for Men's Heavyweight Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Boys" and Men's Vinyl Spec, for Cotton jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, G/ Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, Strong Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pins Spec, for Textile, Brown Check, Spec, for Cotton Twill Std. Spec, for Strong Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Women's and Misses' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for 1957) Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Women's Spec, for Men's High Laced Spec, for Men's and Boys" Service and ( 1971 ) FED JJ-H-601, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Men's Stretch Spec, for Boys" and Young Men's Spec, for Men's and Boys" Overshoes (4 Buckle, Std. Spec, for Denim; Spec, for Textile, Percale, Cotton Printed Spec, for Socks, Spec, for Slacks, Spec, for Uniform Trousers; Spec, for Boys" and Men's Handkerchiefs Spec, for Dusters Std. Spec, for Rubber and Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, (1960) Spec, for Cloth; Denim, Spec, for Print Cloth, Spec, for Shoe, Std. Spec, for Shoes, Spec, for Shoe, Men's Black Std. Spec, for Cement Rubble Masonry (Roughly Squared and Spec, for Combination All Metal mitory Furniture (Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Spec, for Steel ture; Hospital Room and Dormitory (Beds, Tables, Cabinets, , Sofas/ Spec, for Household Furniture (Wood) (Colonial) wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, , Upholstered Chairs, Sof/ Spec, for Household Furniture Spec, for Women's House Spec, for Women's and Girls' Spec, for Women's and Girls' Spec, for Young Girls' Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Girls" Sun Spec, for Girls" and Misses' Spec for Women's Indestructible Nylon Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Liquid Dust Mop 1) Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Refrigerated Spec, for Combs, Women's Std. Spec, for Dust Mop Spec, for Dust Mop quipment (Wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Medical Utility, cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Spec, for Dust Mop Spec, for Surgical Spec, for Livestock Feed, Tankage me, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, (Drawings Only) (1962) MD Drawn ) ( Sifter ) ( 1 969 ) NY Drawn) (1971) NY Dredge Castings (Pump) ( 197 1 ) NY Dredging Sleeves and Hose (1970) NY (Dredging) for Highway Construction (1964) SC Dress and Uniform ( 1 97 1 ) FED Std. 311 PA Dress Broadcloth, Printed Fancy (Cloth) ( 1970?) MA Dress Caps ( Hat ) ( 1 965 ) RI Dress Caps (Hat) ( 1970) RI Dress Coats (Girls" and Misses') (Winter Wear) ( 1957) RI Dress Coats (Girls') (Spring Wear) ( 1957) RI Dress Gloves ( 1 970 ) RI Dress Goods (Denim) (1970) FED CCC-C-42 IB NY Dress Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, NY Dress Goods, Cotton (Cloth) ( 1 970?) MA Dress Jackets (Men's and Boys') ( 197 1 ) NY ( Dress Marker and Safety ) ( 1 95 3 ) IL Dress Material (Cloth) ( 1 970?) MA Dress Material (Cloth, Textile) ( 1961 ) RI Dress Material, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear Resistant PA Dress Oxford Shoes (1969) RI Dress Rubbers (Sandal Style) (1957) RI Dress Rubbers (Storm Style) (1957) RI Dress Shirts (Men's and Boys') ( 1971 ) NY Dress Shirts (Permanent Press) ( 1969) RI Dress Shirts (1960) RI Dress Shoe Laces (1960) RI Dress Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) Institutional Use) RI Dress Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) (1957) RI Dress Shoes (Loafer, Moccasin Type) (1958) RI Dress Shoes (Nurse Type Oxford) (1969) RI Dress Shoes (1956) RI Dress Shoes (1971) TN Dress Socks (Lightweight Stocking) (Institutional Use) CA Dress Trousers (1957) RI Dress Type) (1957) RI Dress Weight (Cloth, Textile ) ( 1 97 1 ) OR Dress (Cloth) (1970?) MA Dress (Men's and Boys') (Stockings) (1965) NY Dress (Men's) (1971) NY Dress (State Police Academy) (1969) FED CCC-T-191B PA (Dress) (1957) RI (Dress) (1966) RI Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (19 IL Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Check) Sanforized (Textile) PA Dress, Cotton (1968) FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 B C A Dress, Men's Oxford (1969) CA Dress, Oxford, Men's and Boys" (1968) CT Dress, Work Oxford (1969) CA Dressed Stone Laid in Full Beds) (1964) SC Dresser and Wardrobe Cabinets (1958) NJ Dresser Chests) (1971) Spec, for Dor NY Dresser Desks (Student) (1968) RI Dressers) (1969) Spec, for Furni PA (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables NY Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Tables) ( 1970) NY (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames NY Dresses (Cotton Percale or Broadcloth) (1969) RI Dresses (Cotton Twill) ( 1 962) RI Dresses (Crotch Pantie Style) ( 1962) RI Dresses (Percale or Gingham) (1957) RI Dresses (Women's) (1957) RI Dresses (1960) RI Dresses (1969) RI Dresses (1970) RI Dresses, A-Line Style (1971) NY Dresses, Cotton Housewear ( 1971 ) NY Dresses, Housewear and Special Purpose ( 1971 ) NY Dresses, Shift and Swirl Types ( 1969) NY Dresses, Streetwear (1971) NY Dresses, Strong, Nylon (1970) NY Dressing Compound (Aliphatic) (1965) FED P-D-800B VA Dressing Dispenser and Accessories, Hot Dog Grill) (197 NY Dressing (1969) CA Dressing (1969) IA Dressing, Institutional Laundries (1966) KY Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pa NY Dressing, Splint, Facial Tissue) (1971) /S (Bandages, NY Dressing, Spray ( 1966) KY Dressings, (Bandage) Aids and Related Items (1970) NJ (Dried Animal Residues) (1963) MI Dried Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steame NY Dried Buttermilk ( 1963) MI Dried Fresh Whole Whey (Milk) (1963) MI ♦28 41600-0468 37000-0762 37922-0137 36000-0153 HD-16 G-14 ♦35-57 4245-M-002 4245-M-004 4225-F-005 4225-F-006 4235-M-010 32608-0434 32600-0622 * 35-74 40003-0224 ♦33N ♦35-70 4910-010 T-1A-60-30 C-132 4268-F-011 4268-M-070 4268-M-071 40007-0318 4265-M-001 4265-M-001A 4790-001 4268-M-011 4268-M-010 4268-M-014 4268-F-010 4268-M-012 ♦5 711-84-40 4284-M-016 4268-M-073 79-050-1070 ♦35-66 00400-0403 40002-0142 U-43 4240-M-004 4210-F-005 ♦27 C-138 681-83-56 691-84-04 3370-S-54C 691-84-02 HD-96 3712-00 21606-0789 ♦10 F-81A 21604-0226 21605-0260 21601-0227 4230-F-002 4230-F-011 4230-F-012 4230-F-008 4230-F-006 4230-F-004 4230-F-003 4230-F-009 40040-0717 40025-0740 40025-0505 40038-0258 40026-0306 40028-0526 K-40A 36200-0367 691-85-26 ♦3-5 6850-2 11613-0292 10134-0339 6850-1 5506-00 4340-0022 07700-0473 4340-0008 4340-0009 100 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Livestock Feed, Brewers Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Beet Pulp, for Dishwashing Equipment, Commercial (Silverware Washer - r Paint; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Spec, for Machine Tools (Radial Spec, for Diamond Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for drill, N/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand pper,/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Spec, for Floor Type tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Spec, for Cotton Ducks and Spec, for White Spec, for Cotton Ducks and 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Van Type Body and Core turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher, eld Flux Chipper,/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock and Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible rator (Mobile/ Spec, for Truck with Electric Powered Core Spec, for Diamond Core Spec, for Core Spec, for Core Spec, for Textile, Bleached spec, for Thin Wall (Non Resettable) Diamond Bits for Core Spec, for Thin Wall Diamond Bits and Adapters Spec, for Diamond Bits water (1969) Std. Spec, for Well Line Tracing, / Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Radial Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Small Tools (Files and Twist rpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand 91.ASTMD2514 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Food Service Equipment , Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Std. for Paper Cups, Cold and Hot Food or Spec, for Paper rigerated, Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for igerated, Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Bottled Spec, for Coolers, Spec, for Tumblers; Plastic Spec, for Cups, Paper Spec, for Front End Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Spec, for Post Hole Digger (Auger Type, 4 Wheel material Handling Equipment (Pallet Rack, Storage System - Spec, for Articulated All Wheel Spec, for Articulated All Wheel Spec, for Light Duty Tandem Spec, for Heavy Duty Tandem or 6 Wheel Std. Spec, for Four Wheel hoe Attachments (19/ Spec, for Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel Spec, for Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel Spec, for Truck, Blazer, 4 Wheel Spec, for Truck, Jeep Universal, 4 Wheel Spec, for Truck, Jeep Pickup, 4 Wheel Spec, for Short Wheel Base Truck Chassis with All Wheel . for Computer Equipment (Core Storage Unit, Magnetic Tape Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (All Wheel Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (All Wheel Spec, for Mower, All Hydraulic Spec, for Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem 1/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel 0/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel 1/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel pec. for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film Viewers (Belt Spec, for Air Compressors (Two Stage, Electric Motor Spec, for 18 In. Engine Spec, for Engine Spec, for Portable, Power Spec, for Engine ' Spec, for Power Take Off Spec, for Motor Spec, for Motor Spec, for Portable Gasoline Spec, for Engine Spec, for Portable Diesel Spec, for Portable Gasoline Dried Grains (1963) Dried Skim Milk (1963) Dried (1963) Drier) (1971) Spec. Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar V Drill -3 Ft. Arm) (1968) Drill Bits (Departmental) (1970) Drill Cloth (Textile) ( 1961 ) Drill Cloth (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Drill Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chi Drill Press (1970) Drill Presses and Vacuum Cleaners (1971) /. for Power Drill (Fabric, Textile) (1970) Drill (Shoe Lining) (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) Drill (Textile, Cloth) (1965) Drill ( 1970) Spec, for Truck, Drill, Black) (1970) /Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, W Drill, Needle Scaler, Impact Wrenches) (1968) /Aker, H Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Gene Drilling Bits and Reaming Shells (1965) Drilling Equipment and Materials ( 1969) Drilling Machine (Skid Mounted with Trailer) (1969) Drilling (Cloth) (1970?) Drilling (1964) (Drilling) (1970) CE Wa-1, Wa-2 (Drilling) (1971) CE Wa-2 Drilling, Casing, Finishing, Developing and Testing of Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Drilling, Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) Drilling, Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Drills) (1971) Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pul Drill; Cotton Fabric (Cloth, Textile) (1971) FED Std. 1 Drill; Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cube Ice Maker) (1971) Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Pa Drink (1969) Drinking Straws (1969) FED UU-T-770a Drinking Water Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Ref Drinking Water Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refr Drinking Water (1969) Drinking Water, Electric, Pressure Bubbler Type ( 1968) (Drinking) (1965) ASTM D1431 Drinking, Cold (1969) Drive Bucket Loader (1970) Drive Chassis) (1970) Drive In) (1971) Spec, for Drive Loader (1970) Drive Loader (1970) Drive Motor Grader (1970) Drive Motor Graders (1970) Drive Pickup Trucks (1970) Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel Engine and Back Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Multipurpose Bucket (1966) Drive (1969) Drive (1969) Drive (1969) Drive (1970) Drive) (1969) Spec Drive) (1970) Drive) (1970) Drive) (1970?) Drive) (1970?) Drive, Four Wheel Riding, 72 In. Cutting Width (1965) Drive, Torque Convertor or Power Shift) ( 1970?) Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade and 12 Ft. Snow Wing) (1971) Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade) ( 1971 ) Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (197 Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (197 Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing P Driven and Panel Type) (Medical Center) (1969) Driven and Portable) (1969) Driven Chain Saw (1970) Driven Concrete Saw (1970) Driven Concrete Saw (1970) Driven Concrete Vibrator (1970) Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Tractor Hitch (1968 Driven Gasoline Pump with Meter (1/3 Hp) (1964) Driven Gasoline Pump with Meter (1/4 Hp) (1969) Driven Generator with Attachments (1965) Driven Pull Type Sweeper (1970) Driven Rotary Air Compressor (1969) Driven Rotary Compressor (1970) MI 4340-0018 MI 4340-0024 MI 4340-0037 NY 33500-0623 VA DH-239 NY 43201-0266 NY 43231-0391 RI 4910-011 TX 685-34-8 MS T-1A-60-12 NY 43203-0748 NY 43203-0185 NE ♦60 NY 43200-0075 NY 32700-0498 MA ♦35-11 NY 00327-0760 NJ 4938-140 IN * 15—1 1 NY 43203-0185 NY 43203-0748 NJ 4938-48 NJ 4121-01 NY 41200-A NY 41200-0476 MA ♦35-49 TX 595-56-1 NY 41200-0426 NY 41200-0841 NC 3820-W-1C NY 43201-0500 MA ♦35-54 MA ♦35-3 NY 39005-0613 NY 39000-0482 PA D-4 OR 79-100-9140 NY 36211-0798 NY 36200-0768 CT 75-137B NY 23201-0373 TX 175-31-1C TX 175-31-2A NJ 2908-00 KY 4110-1 PA T-53 CA 691-82-48 SC 14-200-0451 A NY 44500-0686 NY 39105-0120 NE ♦25 NE ♦54 SC 14-140-0451 A SC 14-140-0451 IN ♦14 NJ 4938-09A NJ 4932-00 MI 3958-0080 MI 3958-0082 MI 3958-0084 NE ♦50 NY 22906-0325 NH 6536-011 NH 6536-013 NV ♦2 NV ♦4 NJ 4938-84 VA ♦7 AK ♦11 AK ♦10 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0148 NY 11501-0930 NY 41400-0272 NE ♦30 NE ♦38 SC 14-070-0451 NE ♦52 SC 14-220-0451 A NE ♦85 NE ♦70 NJ 7924-01 NE ♦43 NE ♦24 NE ♦48 101 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for 60 In., Pto Spec, for 90 In., Pto Spec, for 80 In., Pto Spec, for Siren Automotive (Concealed, DC Motor Spec, for Air System, Shop, Electric Motor Spec, for Chain Saw, Gasoline Air Cooled Motor Spec, for Water Transfer Pump (Electric Motor Spec, for Chain Saws (Gasoline Engine ressor (Single Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Type, Turbine 971) Spec, for Material Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Engine onditioning Units (Room and Space Coolers) Electric, Motor capacity ( 1967) Spec, for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Spec, for Street Sweeper, 4 Wheel Spec, for Sweeper - 3 Wheel Motor Spec, for Sweeper, Pick Up Street, Four Wheeled, Engine 191 Spec, for Uniform; ks) (1969) Spec, for Highway Spec, for Color Photo Laminated Spec, for Spec, for Laminating Equipment for les, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Transmissions, Final Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Spec, for Snow Fence, Posts and 1 Cases, Showcas/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall and Book Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton Capacity c. for Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, ) Std. Spec, for Adjusting Catch Basins, of Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, 000 G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist and Body with g Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Cookie Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Cookie ting Gear for Rehabilitation of Boat)/ Spec, for Vertical n, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Snare for Material Handling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, combination Washer Extractor (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Lb. ed W-B-101 Spec, for Spec, for Batteries; ghting, and Starting (1964) Spec, for It) (1966) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Spec, for Std. Spec, for ec. for Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) Technical institutional Use ( 1954) Spec, for Spec, for Stoddard Solvent for Spec, for Solvent, Stoddard, Std. Spec, for Carbon Tetrachloride - Technical Std. Spec, for Shampoo, type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, ype Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Acid, Stable, Spec, for Cleaner, Acid for Dishwashing Machines, 65)ASTMC136 Spec, for ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Yellow Fast 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for g, Dustless) (1967) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Organic Chlorine application) ( 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Paper, Stencil, Duplicating Machine, spec, for Office Supplies (Duplicating Machine, Stencil or ne Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - Fast 1969) Std. Spec, for Air Cleaner Elements, Tent. Spec, for Wet and tenance Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Wet or Spec, for Dry Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener Spec, for Alkali Neutralizing Sour Spec, for Brushes; Scrub, Spec, for Bleach, Laundry, Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Large, Wet or Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Small, Wet or Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Back Pack, Spec, for Bleach, Laundry, Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Sour, Fluoride Type, Std. Spec, for Laundry Bleach, Spec, for Batteries, Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) Driven Rotary Mower ( 1970) Driven Rotor Type) (1971) Driven (Compressor) (1968) Driven (1962) Driven) (1970) Driven) (1971) Driven) (1971) Spec, for Air Comp Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Ice Control) (1 Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted with Air Tools ( 1969) Driven, Self Contained ( 1966) Std. Spec, for Air C Driven, Twin Engine, Automatic Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Driven, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (1969) Driven, 4 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity (Street) (1961) Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Yd. Capacity (1964) Driver Examiner (Men's) (State Police) (1970) FED Std. Driver License Examiner's Summer Uniform Trousers (Slac Driver License (1970) Drivers License with Photograph (1964) Drivers Licenses (Die Cutting) (1966) Drives) Extreme Pressure (1967) /El and Hypoid Rear Ax Driveway and Median (Highway Construction) (1964) Driving Caps (1969) Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wal Drop Deck, Low Bed (1970) Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) (Hig Drop Inlets and Manholes for Highway Construction ( 1 964 Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxes for Hi Drop Sides (1967) Spec, for Truck, 27, Drop, Tables, Binning Glass) (1970) /NE Racks, Clothin Dropper and Accessories) (1971) Dropper, Dough Divider) (1971) Drum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and Hois Drum) (1971) Spec, for Musical Instruments (Violi Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Re Dry Capacity) (1959) Spec, for Dry Cell Unit Flashlight and Lantern Batteries (1960) F Dry Cells, General Purpose (1968) Dry Charge Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Li Dry Charge Type Electric Storage Batteries (6 and 12 Vo Dry Charged Storage Batteries (1963) Dry Chemical Multipurpose (1968) Dry Chemical (1968) Dry Chemical (1968) Dry Chemical (1968) Dry Chemical, Pressurized (1968) Dry Cleaning Machinery (1970) Dry Cleaning Solvent II (1953) (Dry Cleaning Solvent) (1953) Std. Sp Dry Cleaning Unit; Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Solvent, Dry Cleaning (1954) Dry Cleaning (1969) (Dry Cleaning) (1953) Dry Foam, Rug and Carpet (1969) Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) (1971) /for Semi Van Dry Freight) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Semi Van T Dry Goods (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Dry Goods (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Dry Granular (1968) Dry Granular (1969) Dry Ground Pumice for Grit and Mechanic's Hand Soap ( 19 Dry High Build Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces (Paint Dry Laundry Bleach Manufacture) (1967) /Ine Carrier), Dry Laundry Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Flowin Dry Laundry Bleach (1968) Dry Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Wheel Dry Photocopier, Infrared Machines and Supplies (1969) Dry Process (1969) Dry Process) (1971) Dry Type) (1969) /Pec. for White and Yellow Traffic Li Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Internal Combustion Engines Dry Vacuum Cleaners (1966) Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS225-59 /for Floor Main Dry Wheel Application) (1969) (Dry Wheel Application) (1969) (Dry Wheel Application, Laundry) (1969) Dry (1957) Dry (1966) Dry (1966) Dry (1966) Dry (1967) Dry (1969) Dry (1969) Dry (1969) Dry (1970) sc *31 sc *33 sc ♦32 NY 30302-0089 NJ 6524-04 NJ 3938-11 NY 46000-0591 NY 43229-0193 NY 41400-0787 NY 41000-0464 NJ 6524-03 NC 4120-A-1A NJ 4938-09 NJ 4938-133 NJ 4938-38 NJ 4938-17 PA U-50 SC 03-0 10A SC 59-500-0451 MI 8265-0100 MI 8199-1000 MI 5255-S14 SC HD-113 MD *13 NY 21802-0181 NJ 4938-136 VA DH-226 SC HD-118 SC HD-117 NJ 4938-102 NY 21802-0317 NY 31200-0603 NY 31200-0905 NY 43100-0490 NY 38320-0503 NY 39100-0562 NJ 89-400 VA Y-2 PA B-137 TX 035-35-2 SC 28-000-0451 KS 51-1 FL *10 FL *11 KY 4210-200 PA F-49 KY 4210-300 NY 34000-0692 MS S-2-53-27 MS S-2-53-26 PA D-14 NE *69 CA 691-80-415 MS S-2-53-25 MS S-15-69 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 IL *2 FL *22 CA 681-76-14 CA 691-77-21 TX 371-59-1 TX 630-63-9 TX 371-87-1 WI 5720-0143 TX 395-35-6 VA L-l NJ 7700-02 CT 69-59A NY 23012-0107 NM M-TPC-69 NC 2940-AC-2 KS 78-3A VA Y-9 VA L-l VA L-8 VA L-ll PA B-122 KY 6850-4 KY 7910-3 KY 7910-4 KY 7910-7 CA 691-77-09 CA 691-77-19 MS LB-1C-69 IN *2 102 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Primer Coating, Latex Base, Interior, White (Paint), Fast Spec, for Batteries, General Requirements and Spec, for Diazo Paper (Moist and Spec, for Rectangular Shape Spec, for Wire Type Spec, for White Traffic Paint (Fast ec. for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), White (Baking, Air c. for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Air ec. for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Spec, for Bleach, Spec, for Laboratory Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer, Extractor, pment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washers and stic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for Combination Air tic Primer (Paint) for Ferrou/ Spec, for Combination Air ng Solvent ( 1971 ) Spec, for Traffic Zone, Paint, Rapid uipment (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special Freeze Spec, for Rinsing - t Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Air Spec, for Air ) Spec, for White Fast Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer Extractor, 3, 547 Spec, for Laundry ipment (Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Spec, for Paint, Traffic, White, Fast Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Ready Mixed, Quick Spec, for Primer (Paint), Zinc Chromate, Metal, Fast Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Quick c. for Enamel, White, Exterior, Wood, Fume Resistant, Fast for Primer (Paint), Basic Lead Silico Chromate, Semiquick Spec, for Enamels (Baking and Air Spec, for Calcium Chloride Spec, for Primer Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick quipment) ( 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Electronic Piano Teaching System / Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spray, Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Spec, for Film Sound Spec, for Film Sound Spec, for Film Spec, for Film Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Spec, for Bib Style Cotton Spec, for Numbered Canvas Cotton Spec, for Bed Pillows (Curled Hen and Spec, for Bed Pillows . for Field Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, c-419 Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton 19 Spec, for Numbered Cotton (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Cotton Cover Std. Spec, for Shower Curtains, Cotton Spec, for Hospital Uniform Material (Cotton Spec, for Canvas; Cotton (Army and Numbered c-C-4 19 Spec . for Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Spec, for Textile, Striped Spec, for Sack (Bag), Cotton Spec, for Textile, White Spec, for Feathers; Spec, for Down (Feathers); Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton uipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tables) (Exhaust n) (1970) Spec, for Castings (Malleable, Gray Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Flat, Spec, for Shop Coat Primer, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, ional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, cle (Self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform 69) Spec, for ) Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis with hydraulic Hoist (1971) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Hopper Type, Spec, for Tandem Axle Truck with 7 to 9 cu. Yd. ) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with 8 ) Spec, for Truck, 62,000 G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Spec, for Truck, Heavy Duty, with s, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Std. Spec, for Truck 2 1/2 Ton with Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Reversible, for Type Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dry (1970) Std. Spec, for MS Dry (1971) FED W-B-00101G NY Dry) and Chemicals ( 1970) NJ (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) TX (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) TX Dry) (1969) MD Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Sp MS Dry) ( 1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Spe MS Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 Sp MS Dry, Concentrated (1968) CA Dryer (Feeder Bottle Filler) (1969) NY Dryer) (1968) NY Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables, Portable Mixer) (1970) NY Dryers) (14 Lb. Capacity) (1971) NY Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synth VA Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synth VA Drying and Quick Setting (White and Yellow), and Cleani NY Drying Chambers) (1970) Spec, for Refrigeration Eq NY Drying Compound (Dishwashing Machines) (1970) NY Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and Ligh VA Drying Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 VA Drying Traffic Paint Based on Chlorinated Rubber (1971? SC Drying Tumbler) (1971) NY Drying Tumblers (Small Size, Open End Type) ( 1971 ) UL 7 PA Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork NY Drying Type IV ( 1 970) NJ Drying (1969) CA Drying (1969) CA Drying (1969) CA Drying (1969) Spe CA Drying (1969) Spec. CA Drying) (1969) NY (Drying, Dehumidifying, Dust Layer) (1970?) AASHO M-144 MS Drying, Early Contamination Area ( 1969) CA Dual Channel Automatic Gamma Radioassay System (X-Ray E NY Dual Musical Amplifier (College) ( 1971 ) NY Dual Synergist (1969) CA Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1970) NY Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1971) NY Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1971) NY Dubbing System (Recording) (1971) NY Dubbing (Recording System) (1971) NY Dubbing (Recording) Equipment (1970) NY Duck Aprons (1969) RI Duck Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-C-419A, CCC-T-191B TX Duck Feathers) (1962) RI (Duck Feathers ) ( 1 964 ) RI Duck Hunting and Wool Trousers) (Departmental) (1970) NY Duck Sample Sacks and Quartering Sheets (1968) FED CCC- CA Duck Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 RI Duck (Cloth, Textile) (1969) OR Duck (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) ASTM D230-448 FED CCC-C-4 RI Duck (for Flatwork Ironer Rolls and Other Laundry Uses) TX Duck (1969) OR Duck) (Cloth, Textile) (1956) RI Duck ) ( 1 968 ) FED CCC-T- 191 PA Duck, Army (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ASTM D230-44, FED Cc RI Duck, Bleached (Cloth) (1970?) MA Duck, Numbered and Army (Cloth, Textile) (1969) OR Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) MA Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) MA Duck, Small (Soil Sample) (1971) CA Duck, Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) MA Duck, White, Domestic (Filling Material) (1939) PA Duck, White, Domestic, for Pillows (1953) PA Ducks and Drill (Fabric, Textile) (1970) NY Ducks and Drill (Textile, Cloth) (1965) NY Duct, Disposal Unit) (1971) Spec, for Food Service Eq NY Ductile Iron and Steel) (Highway and Bridge Constructio VA Dull Gloss (1970) MS Dull Orange (Metal, Paint) (1970?) MS Dull (Intermediate Coat) (1970?) MS Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Platform, Van Bodies) NY Dump Body and Heavy Duty Winch) (1968) / for Snow Vehi NY Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 19 MI Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,000 Lb. Payload (1969 MI Dump Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type SC Dump Body Mounting (1965) NJ Dump Body (1970) NE Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969 NJ Dump Body, Tailgate Spreader, Snow Plow Assemblies (196 NJ Dump Body, 31,000 Lb. Capacity (1966) NJ Dump Cart) ( 1971 ) /Awn Tractors and Accessories (Mower NY Dump Duty (1970) MS Dump Truck Attachment) ( 1970) NY Dump Truck Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm SC PI- 11 34401-0404 7580-00 3 70-5 3-1 A 370-53-2 *5 3571 3572 3573 681-66-21 12070-0401 36501-0087 38810-0650 36503-0403 DK-25A DK-26A 38001-0508 24204-0654 20101-0394 DK-28A DK-27A 20-0 10A 36501-0827 T-41 00365-0200 7342-17 691-80-33 691-80-51 691-80-54 691-80-06 691-80-83 38030-0102 3753 691-80-53 11000-0304 38209-0781 691-76-30 38217-0614 38217-0230 38217-0341 38217-0233 38217-0840 38217-0691 4260-M-001 685-38-1 4325-004 4325-005 39307-0603 681-83-48 4780-002 79-100-9150 4910-013 410-34-4 72-150-9120 4910-014 C-9 4910-012 *35-64 79-100-9160 *35-24 ♦35-29 711-81-30 *35-6 F-10 D-7 32700-0498 00327-0760 36200-0823 DH-230 PM-18 3509 3527 40500-0397 42200-0574 3958-0147 3958-0146 *10 4938-78 *18 4938-00 4938-08 4938-91 08206-0442 TV- 10-71 40900-0497 22-600 103 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Hydraulic Powered Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. Yd Spec, for Conventional g / Spec, for Tailgate Roller (Vibrating, Self Propelled, Material Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, for Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body Material Spreader Material Spreader (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body for er Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides and Stone, tainer Attachment (Belly Blade)/ Spec, for Diesel Powered G.V.W., 4X4) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) 000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) 000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) 71) blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice/ 4) (1971) ,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) ) atic Transmission) ( 197 1 ) 1 Transmission) (1971) w) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970/ w) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971/ plow, Right Hand Wing PI/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Diesel Powered Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Station Wagons (Automobile), Pickup and w. Minimum) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Sand Spreader (8 cu. yd (Struck) Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Girls" and Misses' Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Denims (Western Jeans, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment 1970) Spec, for Spec, for Line Carbon Master Sets, Spirit Type Spec, for Direct Process 9) Spec, for Offset Type 1 X 14 In.) ( 1969) Spec, for Offset Type ent Duty) (1969) Spec, for Offset Type Std. for Paper, Stencil, Spec, for Office Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Office Supplies (Offset Spec, for Direct Spec, for High Speed Cassette Spec, for High Speed Cassette Std. Spec, for Stencils, Std. Spec, for Fluid, Spec, for Cassette Spec, for Cassette Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cassette Spec, for Cassette Spec, for Cassette Tape Spec, for Cassette Std. Spec, for Cut Bond, Mimeo, k, Onionskin, M/ Spec, for Fine Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, c. for Fine Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Spec, for Procurement of Offset Printing Spec, for Office Machines (Stencil and Spirit Process Spec, for Office Machines (Offset Spec, for Spec, for bon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, and Tools, Mop Heads and Holders) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Calcium Chloride (Drying, Dehumidifying, Std. Spec, for 00B Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 800D Spec, for sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Spec, for Block (Wood), Frame and Handle for Spec, for Wire Frame and Handle for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 5% (by Weight) Nominal Malathion Spec, for Insecticide, Chlordane Spec, for Brushes; Dump Truck Body Type) ( 1970?) Dump Truck Chassis with Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 Lb.) (1970) Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt Compaction for Patchin Dump Truck Mounting) (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Spec, for (Dump Truck Mounting) (1968) Spec. Dump Truck Mounting) (1970) Spec, for Dump Truck Mounting) ( 197 1 ) / Yd. Struck Capacity Hopp Dump Truck Mounting) ( 197 1 ) /L Spreader (Hydraulically Dump Truck with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Main Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6X4, 45, Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45, (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plows) (Departmental) (19 (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plows) ( 1971 ) Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6 X Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45 Dump Truck with 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970) Dump Truck (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971 Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W., Autom Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G V.W., Manua (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plo (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plo (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow (Dump Trucks -G.V.W. 43,000 Lb.) (1971) (Dump Trucks - Heavy Duty, 6-Man 4-Door) ( 1971 ) Dump Trucks (1964) Dump Trucks (1970?) (Dump Trucks) (with Snow and Wing Plows, 58,000 Lb. G.V. (Dump Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Capacity and Hoist) (1970) Dump/Body Mounted) (1971) Dungarees (Denim) (Jeans) (1970) Dungarees (Denim) (Slacks, Jeans) (1969) Dungarees (Western Style, Denim) (Jeans) (1965) Dungarees, Chore Coats) (Men's and Boys') (1971) (Dunnage Rack - Mobile) (1971 ) Duplicating Copy Paper, No. 4 Sulphite Liquid Process Duplicating Equipment (1970) Duplicating Fluid (1968) Duplicating Machine (Continuous Duty, 11 X 17 In.) (196 Duplicating Machine (Continuous or Intermittent Duty, 1 Duplicating Machine (Small Size for Light and Intermitt Duplicating Machine, Dry Process (1969) Duplicating Machine, Inked Ribbons) (1971) (Duplicating Machine, Stencil or Dry Process) ( 1971 ) Duplicating Masters and Press) (1971) Duplicating Masterset Units (1968) Duplicating System (1970) Duplicating System (1970) Duplicating, Mimeograph (1967) Duplicating, Spirit (1971) Duplicator and Accessories ( 1971 ) Duplicator and Rewinder (High Speed) ( 1971 ) Duplicator Paper (1970) Duplicator Slave Units (1971) Duplicator Slave Units (1971 ) Duplicator (High Speed, Two Track Reel) ( 1971 ) Duplicator (Monaural, High Speed) (1971) Duplicator, and Xerocopy Paper (1971) Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stoc Duplicator, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) (1971) Duplicators (1971) Duplicators) (1971) Duplicators) (1971) Dust Collector and Filtering System ( 1968) Dust Collector and Filtering System ( 1968) Dust Collector, Powder or Hammer Mill) ( 1971 ) /Nt (Rib Dust Control Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths Dust Layer) (1970?) AASHO M-144 Dust Mop and Cloth Treatment Compound, Liquid (1969) Dust Mop Dressing Compound (Aliphatic) (1965) FED P-D-8 Dust Mop Dressing (1969) Dust Mop Dressing, Institutional Laundries (1966) Dust Mop Dressing, Spray (1966) Dust Mop Treating Compound; Concentrate (1966) FED P-D- Dust Mop Treatment) (1971) /Re Products (Finish, Wax, Dust Mop (1968) Dust Mop (1968) Dust Pan, Metal (1968) Dust Pan, Rubber (1966) Dust (Insecticide) (1970) Dust (Plant Inhabiting) (1961) Dust, Counter and Bench (1969) VA *15 SC •18 AK •52 NY 41000-0243 NY 41000-0071 NY 41000-0665 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0325 AK •63 AK •62 AK ♦59 AK ♦60 AK •58 AK *64 AK *67 NY 40500-0206 NY 40500-0119 AK ♦61 AK •65 AK *68 NE *29 AK ♦66 AK *70 AK *69 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0148 NY 40500-0786 NY 40500-0470 KS 10-20 HI *19 NY 40500-0530 NY 40500-0174 AK *8 RI 4284-M-009 RI 4284-F-002 RI 4284-M-009A NY 40030-0621 NY 39100-0564 CA 701-75-03 CA 701-75-33 NJ 6962-02B TX 570-36-3 TX 570-36-2 TX 570-36-1 CT 69-59A NY 23003-0238 NY 23012-0107 NY 23007-0004 NJ 6962-02A NY 38217-0430 NY 38217-0596 MS S-1B-67 MS F-20B-71 NY 38217-0229 NY 38217-0305 OR 74-300-0060 NY 38217-0131 NY 38217-0278 NY 38217-0838 NY 38217-0369 FL *30 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 50200-0551 PA 0-39 NY 22919-0012 NY 22927-0013 NY 43204-0002 NY 43204-0874 NY 36502-0211 NY 33202-832 MS 3753 MS C-10A-69 VA K-40A IA ♦3-5 KY 6850-2 KY 6850-1 TX 3 70-6 3-6 A NY 22002-0537 TX 370-53-3 TX 370-53-4 KY 7290-6 KY 7290-7 SC 13-040 MS 1-8 PA B-ll 104 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards weep) (1/ Spec, for Household Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Mop, Spec, for Mop, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Housecoats Spec, for Brushes; Bottle, Spec, for Spec, for Clothing, Women's (Blouses, Skirts, and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Type Cleaning and Std. Spec, for Cheese and Spec, for Rectangular Shape (Dry) Cotton Spec, for Wire Type (Dry) Cotton . for Agricultural Lime (Limestone, Hydrated (Spraying and Spec, for Cleaning Cloth; Nonwoven Fabric for ; And/ Spec, for Calcium Chloride (for Road Conditioning, Dry Laundry Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Flowing, 2) Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy rque Converter Type) / Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium 0) Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium d ) ( 1 963 ) Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy )(1963) Spec, for Heavy ed) (1963) Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner; Heavy 5,000) (1970) Spec, for Heavy Requirements for Heavy r or Power Shift) (1970?) Spec, for Heavy for Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy ed with Loader, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled, Heavy rth Moving Equipment (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Washer, High Pressure (Heavy Spec, for Washer, High Pressure, Portable (Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Medium Spec, for Medium 1-2104B Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Tractor with Sickle Bar Attachment (Self Propelled, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Grader, with Trip Edge Leveling and Heavy Std. Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Screen (1968) Spec, for Paver, Heavy for Commercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Spec, for Extra Heavy cale (1970) Spec, for Tester, Heavy 1968) Spec, for Heavy Std. Spec, for Staple Machine (Heavy Spec, for Multi Purpose Light Spec, for Light Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Conventional Heavy Spec, for Conventional Heavy Spec, for Garage Equipment (Heavy Spec, for Light and Heavy atic Transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars and Light atic Transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars and Light Spec, for Men's Overshoes (4 Buckle, Heavy ectric, Two Brush, Concentrated Weight, Household or Light Spec, for Raincoat (Yellow) for Heavy Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Spec, for Portable Insulated Heavy Spec, for Portable Plastic Insulated Heavy ec. for Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform Dump Body and Heavy d JJ-H-601 , MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Men's Heavy Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Degreaser, Liquid, Heavy 3.1, C73.1, U/ Spec, for Toasters; Electric Pop Up, Heavy Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Powder, Heavy Std. Spec, for Hose, Rubber, Water, Heavy Spec, for Platform Truck, Light Medium ec. for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Heavy , Internal Combustion Engine, (High Output Diesel), Severe Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Dust, Painters ( 1 97 1 ) Dust, Radiator (1969) Dust, Rectangular, Cotton or Nylon ( 1967) Dust, Triangular, Cotton or Nylon ( 1966) Dust, Wall and Ceiling ( 1969) (Duster Style) (1969) Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Floor, Street, and Garage (1966) Dusters (Dress) (1966) Dusters) (1971) Duster; Ostrich Feathers, Black (1969) Dusting Brushes (1971) Dusting Cloth (1971) Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) Dusting) and Burnt) (1971) Spec Dusting, Wiping Polishing ( 197 1 ) Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Concrete Settin Dustless) (1967) Std. Spec, for Duty Adjustable One Way, Combination Lift and Push ( 1 96 Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Attachment (Planetary to Duty Articulated, Planetary Torque Converter Type) (197 Duty Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelle Duty Brush Cutter Attachment for Motor Grader ( 1970) Duty Built Laundry Detergent (Institutional Use) (1969) Duty Class IV Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled Duty Class V Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propell Duty Commercial (1970) Duty Conventional Truck Tractor (G.C.W. Not Less Than 6 Duty Detergent Type Lubricating Oil ( 1970) Duty Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Converto Duty End Loading) ( 1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry W Duty Flail Safety Mower ( 1966) /Ec. for Tractor, Mount Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 Passenger) (Departmental) (1970) Duty Hydraulic Transmission Fluid for Truck, Bus and Ea Duty Industrial Cleaning) (1968) Duty Industrial Cleaning) (1969) Duty Industrial Trailers ( 1971 ) Duty Industrial Type Tractor ( 1970) Duty Industrial Type Tractor ( 1970) Duty Liquid Wax Stripper (1967) Duty Maintenance Motor Grader (1969) Duty Motor Grader ( 1970) Duty Motor Grader ( 1970) Duty Motor Lubricating Oil (Detergent Type) (1971) MIL Duty Motor Oil (1970?) Duty Mower) (1970) Spec, for Wheel Type Duty Offset V, Hydraulic ( 1961 ) Duty One Way Plow (1967) Duty Plastic Mattress and Pillow Covers (1960) Duty Plastic Melamine Tableware (Dinnerware) (1970) Duty Reversible Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Duty Reversible Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Duty Reversible (1964) Duty Reversible, Combination Lift and Push (1966) Duty Self Propelled Bituminous Finisher, with Vibratory Duty Side Loading) (1970) / End Loading) (1970) Spec. Duty Snow Fence (1965) Duty Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, Portable Beam S Duty Stain and Soil Removing Laundry Builder (Powder) Duty Stapler) (1971) Duty Sweeping Brush (1967) Duty Tandem Drive Motor Grader (1970) Duty Tandem or 6 Wheel Drive Motor Graders (1970) Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1969) Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1970) Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Full Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Duty Trucks (1969) Duty Trucks) (1967) Spec, for Autom Duty Trucks) (1967) Spec, for Autom Duty Type) (1957) Duty Type) ( 1970) FED CC-M-636C /Scrubbing Machine (El Duty Use by Road Maintenance Workers (1969) Duty Vacuum Cleaners (1970) FED OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Duty Water Cooler ( 1964) Duty Water Cooler (1967) Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Linked Coating Duty Winch) (1968) / for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Duty Work Socks (Stocking, Institutional Use) (1971) Fe Duty (Cleaner) (1963) Duty (for Bread, Bun, Muffin and Bagles) (1969) ANSI C3 Duty (Hot) (1962) Duty (Institutional) (1969) Duty (Materials Handling) (1968) FED FF-C-86, FF-C-88 Duty (1960) Std. Sp Duty (1960) Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil VA C-4 PA B-47 PA B-10 KY 7920-12 KY 7920-13 PA B-6 RI 4210-F-006 KY 7920-2 RI 4210-F-005 NY 40042-0038 PA D-24 IL *32G IL ♦32Q TX 3 70-5 3-1 A TX 370-53-2 PA L-36 PA C-119 PA C-7 WI 5720-0143 NJ 4938-50 VA *9 VA ♦10 TX 415-36-3 SC *13 VA L-20 TX 415-36-1A TX 415-36-2A PA C-158 SC 14-310A NE *75 VA *7 TX 400-48-2A NJ 4938-14 NY 42200-0368 VA •26 NJ 7964-01 NJ 7964-02 AK ♦82 NE ♦33 NE ♦36 VA K-38A NE *19 NE *40 SC 14-150 SC 34-010-1002 VA ♦28 SC 14-260C NJ 4938-27 NJ 4938-08A IL ♦31 NJ 3164-00A NE *56 NE *59 NJ 4938-68 NJ 4938-49 NJ 4938-104 TX 400-4 8-2 A RI *1 NJ 6524-07 VA L-5A IL ♦32CCC TX 370-31-4 SC 14- 140-0451 A SC 14-140-0451 SC 14-310 SC *19 NY 35000-0299 TN TS 2320-1 MI 5255-S8 MI 5255-S9 RI 4268-M-074 TX 265-32-2B SC 03-190-0451 NJ 1140-00 TX 325-74-2 TX 325-74-3A IA ♦3-9 NY 42200-0574 CA 711-84-42 MS TC-34B PA T-75 MS TC-30A MS H-5-69 PA T-77 NC 9150-L-3 NC 9150-L-4 105 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Tent. Spec, for Cleanser, Powder, Heavy t. Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Powder Light and Moderate Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Liquid, Medium Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Steam Cleaner, Liquid, Heavy Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Degreaser, Liquid Medium Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, Power, Rotary, Medium . for Can, Ash and Garbage, Corrugated, Zinc Coated, Heavy Spec, for Detergent, Liquid, Light Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Light Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Heavy Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Medium . for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Regular Spec, for Helmets, Vehicular Use and Hazardous Spec, for Gloves, Cotton, Light Spec, for Staples, Chisel Point, Office, Standard Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Ford, Light Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, Power, Rotary, Heavy Std. Spec, for Truck 2 1/2 Ton with Dump Spec, for Plastic Dishes, Heavy Std. Spec, for Dinnerware, Plastic, Heavy Std. Spec, for Vegetable Oil Soap (Heavy ectric, Single Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy Industrial Type Heat Treating Furnaces (Electrical, Heavy Spec, for Hydraulic Brake Fluid (Heavy duplicating Machine (Small Size for Light and Intermittent Spec, for Disc Harrow with 3 Point Hitch (Heavy d. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Dextron (Light Std. Spec, for Pneumatic Hose (Heavy and Light c. for Emulsion Type Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish (Heavy Spec, for Water Emulsion Type Floor Wax (Carnauba) (Heavy ed ZZ-B-556B Spec, for Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy ed ZZ-B-55 IB Spec, for Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Spec, for Laundry Soap Builder, General Std. Spec, for Tape, Computer, Magnetic, Heavy Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Device (Heavy Spec, for Cooking Equipment (Gas and Electric), Heavy rs ( 1 967 ) Spec, for Motor Oil, Heavy Std. Spec, for Air Cleaner Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Spec, for Cleaner, Light , Carom, and Bumper Pool Tables and and Accessories (Heavy Std. Spec, for Wall Cleaner, Heavy Spec, for Detergent, General Spec, for Brake Fluid, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy y and 360 Deg. Aerial Ladder (19/ Spec, for Truck, Medium Spec, for Penetrating Floor Sealer, Heavy Std. Spec, for Fluid, Hydraulic Transmission, Heavy Std. Spec, for Wax, Floor, Heavy Spec, for Truck, Heavy ffset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous or Intermittent Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Heavy ment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice Control (Heavy for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (Heavy r Attachment (Belly Blade), and Snow Leveling Wing, (Heavy Std. Spec, for Meat Chopper (Heavy Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks - Heavy Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Std. Spec, for Laundry Bluing (Aniline Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Corduroy Spec, for Cotton Jean Cloth (Textile, Bleached and Spec, for Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Spec, for Spec, for Primer Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, ec. for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (Expansion of System) ope and Dome (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer Operated) ctor with 3/4 Yd. Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Spec, for uction (1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized truction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized ghway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized ction ( 1 964 ) A ASHO T 1 34 Std. Spec, for Stabilized heavy Duty Hydraulic Transmission Fluid for Truck, Bus and Spec, for Jute Fabric (Stabilize Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty Duty /Loor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (El Spec, for Spec, for Offset Type St 1961) 1961) Ten 1962) 1962) 1962) 1965) 1966) Spec 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) Std. Spec 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970?) 1971) (1953) (1959) (1968) (1969) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1971) (1971) ASTM D1436, E70, ICC 17E Spe (1971) ASTM E70 Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) F Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (I960) F Adjustable One Way (1961) Adjustable One Way (1965) Adjustable One Way (1967) Adjustable One Way (1967) Alkaline (1969) and Accessories (1969) Collapsible, Highway Marker) (1963) Commercial (Ovens, Ranges, Fryers) (1970) for Gasoline and Diesel Powered Trucks and Tracto for Internal Combustion Engines (1969) Hand Dishwashing, Unbuilt Synthetic (1969) Institutional) (1970) Spec, for Billiard Low Foaming, Powder and Granular ( 1963) Nonabrasive Powder ( 1969) Nonmineral Oil (1968) SAE 70r(3) One Way (1969) Radiographic, Mobile X-Ray Unit (1971) Radiographic, Mobile X-Ray Unit (1971) Reversible (1963) Reversible (1967) Reversible (1968) Reversible, for Dump Truck Attachment) ( 1970) Safety Trip, Reversible Type) (1969) Six Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Bod Solvent (1964) TypeC-2 (1970) Water Based (1970) with Dump Body, 31,000 Lb. Capacity (1966) 11 X 14 In.) (1969) Spec, for O 11 X 17 In.) (1969) 4 Passenger) (1968) 4X4,41 ,000 Lb. G. V.W. ) ( 1 97 1 ) /Ntainer Attach 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) Spec. 4 ) ( 1 97 1 ) /Body Maintaine 4 X 41,000 Lb. G.V.W 5 Hp) (1961) 6-Man 4-Door) (1971) Dye or Bleach) (1965) Dye or Bleach) (1971) Dye) (1953) (Dyed and Shrunk) (1963) Dyed) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machine Ear Tags (Marker - Cattle, Sheep, Goat) ( 1971 ) Early Contamination Area ( 1969) (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) (1968) Sp (Earth and Space Science Observatory) (1969) /or Telesc Earth Auger Attachments ( 1971 ) Spec, for Crawler Tra Earth Auger (Portable) (1971) Earth Base Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for Highway Constr Earth Base Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway Cons Earth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Hi Earth Base Course (Portland Cement) for Highway Constru Earth Moving Equipment (1970?) Spec, for Earth Slopes) (1970?) MS MS MS MS MS MS KY CA CA CA CA NC CA CA CA MS MS MS MA MS MS TX NY TX TX SC MS OR TX TX VA VA NJ NJ NJ NJ CA MS WA NY LA NC CA NY MS CA CA NJ NY NY NJ NJ NJ NY NY NJ MI MS MS NJ TX TX NY AK AK AK TX NY MS PA TX NJ NY CA NY NY AK AK SC SC SC SC VA MS TC-9 TC-29 TC-27A TC-28A TC-33A M-5-65 7240-2 691-77-11 691-77-75 691-77-76 691-77-77 9150-L-2A 701-42-06 701-84-17 702-75-27 L-5B-70-16 M-6A-70 TV- 10-71 *3 D- 11-71 S-2-53-37 265-32-3 12023-0676 035-38-1A 570-36-1 14-330 L-5B-70-15A 74-61-3 485-54-3A 485-54-1A DS-6 DS-7 4938-04 4938-76 4938-31 4938-65 691-77-16 T-5A-68 S-64-73 24100-0697 *8-7 2940-AC-2 691-77-15 30208-0576 C- 12-63 691-77-13 681-66-11 4938-63 11000-0222 11000-0749 4938-64 4938-75 4938-77 40900-0497 40900-0881 4938-41 4642-0055 L-5B-70-17 W-3B-70 4938-91 570-36-2 570-36-3 42200-0645 *61 *62 *63 WA S-61-34 NY 40500-0470 371-36-1 25524-0353 S-2-53-24 C-53 685-34-9 3578-01 08701-0850 691-80-53 11002-0461 12010-0518 *71 *51 HD-40 HD-41 HD-42 HD-39 *26 3883 106 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ;tabilizer Aggregates) for Highway Const/ Std. Spec, for way Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Automobile, 4 Passenger, Group D, Std. Spec, for Rug Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Spec, for Grader, with Trip Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Design d T70 Spec, for Cutting 1970) Spec, for Steel Cutting Spec, for Flat Stock Maintenance Blades and Cutting Spec, for Film Sound Spec, for Film etrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate r Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid Spec, for Re - Roofing of Men's Physical Spec, for Janitorial Cleaning Services (Department of tering and Texture of Materials) (Transferable Functions) Spec, for X-Ray Crystallographic System ec. for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System iffraction Equipment and Accessories (Addition to System) ffraction System (Integration with Computer and Teletype) ochromator (Integration with Computer and Teletypewriter) asurement of Diffracted Intensities with Film Instruments r and Single Crystal Investigations Using Film Techniques instrument (Analytical Determination of Emission Spectra) or Use with Spectroscopy Goniometer (Science, University) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System . for X-Ray Crystal Monochromator (Diffraction Equipment) Processing Units and Accessory Items for Laboratory Use) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (University quipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Update Existing System) x-Ray Diffraction Specimen Holder and Related Accessories Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Wet Laboratory) / Alternator, Distributor and Electronic Engine Testers) Helican Scan) System (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Television Receivers and Stands Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Spec, for Repair Parts and Supplies for Graders, Loaders, s, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax) (1970) FED KK-C-300, r Environmental Chamber (Temperature Control) (Incubator - Spec, for Baby Chicks (Chicken) Spec, for Pullets (Chicken), 20 W«ek Old Std. Spec, for Spec, for Coal (5 X 2 In. Bituminous ection, Grading, Testing, and Certification of Poultry and Std. Spec, for Uniform Jacket se Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear se Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear e Collection Trailer (Front Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Spec, for Putty and Spec, for White Calendered Spec, for Woven IB Spec, for White Woven Cotton Spec, for Concrete Joint and Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Spec, for Concrete Joint Sealer (Cold Applied Spec, for Boys" Swim Trunks; Woven Cotton Acetate Spec, for White (1970) Spec. for Std. Spec, for Spec, for s and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Spec, for Cloth; 100% Wool, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphaltic Material Spec, for Spec, for cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubrica/ Spec, for Preformed icle Use (1968) MIL F-22735a Spec, for d, Prepared Si/ Spec, for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, terior Use (1964) Spec, for tal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, cons/ Spec, for Electrical Conduits, Fittings (Couplings, Spec, for Ballot Box Seal Adapter, Spec, for Card, Tabulating, Stock, Spec, for Alphanumeric Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Office Machines (Typewriters - Spec, for Power Floor Sweeper, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Std. Spec, for ctors; Pressure, Fixture Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Spec, for Printing Spec, for Printing Earth Type Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Earth Type Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for Hig Economy, Light (1970) Ecru (1953) Edge Bander (1969) Edge Leveling and Heavy Duty One Way Plow ( 1967) Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mineral Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-63 Edges for Grader, Drag and Snow Plow Blades ( 1970?) Aas Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Loader Bucket) Edges (1970) Editing Equipment (College) (1971) Editing Table (1971) EDTA) in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners (1968) /T Spec. Fo /Troscopy, Low Angle Scat Sp Spec, for X-Ray D / Single Crystal X-Ray Di /and an Incident Beam Mon /Ect Measurement); for Me /Raction System for Powde /Ter Methods with a Film /X-Ray Detection System F Spec / Prefabricated, Chemical /. for Industrial X-Ray E /C. for High Temperature Spec, for / (Volt Ampere, Generator EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Education Building (1970) Education) (1970) Educational Purposes) (1967) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1969) Educational Purposes) (1969) Educational Purposes) (1969) Educational Purposes) (1970) Educational Purposes) (1970) Educational Purposes) (1970) Educational Purposes) (1971) Educational Purposes) (1971) Educational Television Tape Recorder / Reproducer ( 1 in (Educational Television) (1970) Educational Testing Unit (1969) Eductors and Trucks (1968) EE-M-101C, P-P-556a /, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matche Egg Hatcher Unit) ( 1969) Spec. Fo (Egg Production Stock) (1962) (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Egg Shell Enamel (Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Egg, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Eggs (1971) Spec, for Insp (Eisenhower Style, Departmental) (1971) Ejection Unloading) (1971) /Automotive Equipment (Refu Ejection Unloading) (1971) /Automotive Equipment (Refu Ejection) (1970) Spec, for Mobile Wast Elastic Compound for Metal Sash Glazing (1953) Elastic Textile Braid (1968) Elastic Textile Webbing (Gripper Type) (1968) Elastic Textile Webbing (1970) ASTM D2433, FED CCC-T-19 Elastic Type) (Bituminous Pavement) (1970?) ASTM D-1190 Elastic Type) (Pavement, Bridge) (1970?) Elastic (1960) Elastic (1970) Elastic, Braided, for Women's Cotton Knit Undergarment Elastic, Embroidery Floss, and Button Hole Gimp (1953) Elastic, Woven, Apparel Manufacture (1970) Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchief Elastique, Overcoat or Uniform ( 1971 ) Elastomer Heels (Shoe) (1966) Elastomer Modifier (Latex) (1965) Elastomer Soles, Men's (Shoe) (1966) Elastomeric Bearing Pads (Neoprene) (1970?) Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals for Concrete (Open- Elastomeric Film Device (Decal, Sticker), for Motor Veh Elastomeric Film, Colors and Toners and Thinners, Liqui Elastomeric Pigmented Film (Decal) Decalcomanias for Ex Elbow, Bend Joints) ( 1964) /Ipe Culverts (Concrete, Me Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes (Highway and Bridge Election Machine (1970) Electric Accounting Machine (1969) Electric Accounting Machines and Applied System (1970?) Electric Adding Machines (Class I) (1964) Electric Adding Machines (Class Ii) (1964) Electric Adding Machines (Class Iii) (1964) Electric and Manual Typewriters (1965) Electric and Manual) (1971) Electric Battery Powered, 36 In.) (1971) Electric Booster, Soiled Dish Table with Sink) (1969) Electric Bubbler Water Coolers (1969) Electric Cable and Wire) (1964) Std. Spec, for Conne Electric Calculators (Class I) (1964) Electric Calculators (Class Ii) (1964) SC sc CA IL NY NJ MS VA NY SD NY NY CA TX NE NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY SC NJ NH NY NY WA WA OR MI CA WA NY NY NY PA TX TX TX MS MS RI NY CA IL CA FL PA TX NM TX MS MS PA NY TX SC VA MI CA HI TX TX TX PA NY NY NY KS OR TX TX HD-37 HD-33 701-23-08 *330 43200-0377 4938-08A R-5-64-13 ♦39 40903-0431 *2 38217-0577 38812-0163 681-66-20 371-61-1A ♦83 *6 11002-0563 11002-0768 11002-0332 11002-0745 11002-0825 11002-0512 11002-0288 11002-0473 11002-0377 11002-0715 11002-0013 11002-0848 12002-0475 11002-0592 11002-0608 11002-0641 12008-0819 35000-0738 38220-0438 24-050 6542-08 *9 22000-0462 12026-0048 S-62-50 S-62-51 77-100-9240 4210-S3 711-89-13 S-64-80-E 40534-0448 40534-0452 40534-0667 P-130 480-34-3 480-34-2 480-34-1A 3723 3725 4215-M-003 22200-0019 701-83-26 *33J 702-83-25 *25 C-115 420-39-1A *17 420-39-3A 3741 3721 D-23 38601-0173 194-35-1 HD-90 DH-248 5754-S1 691-82-34 *10 495-32-1 495-32-2 495-32-3 T-71 22914 41600-0202 36200-0907 37-1B 24-64- 10A 495-35-1 495-35-2 107 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Printing Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop Step Ladder, Spec, for Spec, for Pad, Steel Wool, Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Trailer Mounted or Testing Seal/ Spec, for Truck, Motor, Gasoline Engine, Spec, for ervice Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Spec, for Cleaner, Pneumatically Agitated Spec, for Oven, Batch, Horizontal Airflow Spec, for Spec, for 10,000 Gal. Bituminous Storage Tank with 15 KW Spec, for Laundry Equipment 10 IE, W-L-l 16(4) Spec, for Lamp Contract scent; Mercury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and / Spec, for Lamps, urpose, Automotive and Industrial (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Spec, for Air Compressors (Two Stage, Spec, for Air System, Shop, Spec, for Water Transfer Pump Spec, for Air Conditioners, Window, Room Type, Spec, for Folding Partition (Automatic Spec, for Spec, for Bagles) (1969) ANSI C33.1, C73.1, U/ Spec, for Toasters; sink and Portable Generator (Mobile/ Spec, for Truck with ck, 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Spec, for Hoist for Truck, Motor, Gasoline Engine, Electric Generator, and Spec, for Crane, 4000 Lb. Capacity Spec, for Calculators, Spec, for Self Priming Centrifugal Spec, for Spec, for Dry Charge Type Spec, for Spec, for Proposal Spec, for Spec, for for Machine, Floor Scrubbing, Spec, for Kilns, Spec, for Kiln, Spec, for Irons; Flat, Spec, for Adding Machines, Std. Spec, for Machine, Floor Polishing and Scrubbing, Std. Spec, for Machine, Carpet Shampoo, Spec, for Power Tools, Portable, Spec, for Hospital Bed; Spec, for Kilns, Spec, for Refrigerators and Freezers fed OO-D-00566(3) Spec, for Water Coolers Spec, for Refrigerators and Freezers c. for Floor Maintenance Machine (Scrubbing and Polishing, Spec, for Time Stamp s) (1970) Spec, for Cooking Equipment (Gas and Spec, for Ranges; (Stoves) Spec, for Fans Spec, for Air Conditioning Units (Room and Space Coolers) Spec, for Coolers, Drinking Water, Spec, for Hoist, 1 Ton Capacity, Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines ec. for Refrigerators and Refrigerator Freezers (Domestic, Spec, for Air Conditioning Units, Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine Std. Spec, for Dishwasher for Urn; Coffee Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine Tent. Spec, for Fans, Std. Spec, for Food Slicing Machine Spec, for Rubber Insulating Tape (Natural and Synthetic) Spec, for Friction Tape Spec, for Spec, for Highway Traffic Signal Cable and Std. Spec, for , Nipples), and Boxes (Highway and Bridge Cons/ Spec, for ucts(1964) General Spec, for athe, Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, or Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic ed W-F-791D, UL 198 Spec, for Spec, for Torch Outfit with Nozzles ( 1971 ) Std. Spec. ercial / heavy D/ light D/ Spec. Electric Calculators (Class lii) (1964) Electric Carpet Shampoo Machine ( 1 97 1 ) Electric Circulating Propeller Fans (1968) Electric Discharge Lamp Accessory Equipment (1964) Electric Fans (Floor and Pedestal Types) (1952) Electric Fans) (1970?) /Ing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Electric Fans; Desk and Bracket Type (1952) Electric Floor Machine (1966) Electric Generator and Motor ( 1970) Electric Generator Set (1969) Electric Generator, and Electric Powered Weight Dolly F Electric Glass Annealing Oven (1970) Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector Case, Coffee Urns Electric Heated Unit (1969) Electric Heated, ( 1964) Electric Heater Units and Accessories ( 1971 ) Electric Heater (1970?) (Electric Hoist and Trolley) ( 1966) (Electric Incandescent and Fluorescent) (1970?) FED W-L- Electric Incandescent (Large) Tungsten Filament; Fluore Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Univer Electric Motor Driven and Portable) (1969) Electric Motor Driven (Compressor) (1968) (Electric Motor Driven) (1970) Electric Motor, Self Contained (1970) Electric Operation) (University) (1970) Electric Organ (1971) Electric Periodic Kiln with Accessories (1971) Electric Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for Bread, Bun, Muffin and Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Electric Powered Crane (1968) Spec, for Tru (Electric Powered Telescoping Crane) (1970) Electric Powered Weight Dolly for Testing Scales ( 1 969? Electric Powered (for Mounting on Vehicle) (1968) Electric Printing (1970) Electric Pump (1970) Electric Scrubbing and Polishing Floor Machine ( 1 969 ) Electric Storage Batteries (6 and 12 Volt) (1966) Electric Typewriters (1964) Electric Typewriters (1969) Electric Water Cooler (1959) Electric Welding Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating Electric (Battery), Cabinet Style (1965) Electric (High Temperature, with Stand) (1971) Electric (10 cu. Ft. Floor Model) (1969) Electric (1966) UL 141, 498, NEMA DAI-58 Electric (1970) Electric (1970) Electric (1970) Electric (1971) Electric (1971) Electric (4 cu. Ft. Floor Model) (1968) (Electric) Commercial Type (1967) (Electric) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Bubble Style) (1971) (Electric) (Commercial Type) (1971) Electric) (1969) Std. Spe (Electric) (1971) Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial (Ovens, Ranges, Fryer Electric, Commercial (1968) UL 197 (Electric, Free Air Type) (1970) Electric, Motor Driven, Self Contained (1966) Std. Electric, Pressure Bubbler Type (1968) Electric, Roller Chain, Hook Type ( 1966) (Electric, Rotary Disc) (1970) UL 73 Electric, Self Contained) (1965) Sp Electric, Self Contained, Window Mounted (1966) (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Concentrated Weight, Comm (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Type HI (Electric, Single Tank, Door Type) ( 1968) (Electric, Steam, and Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 (Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated Weight, Household or Electric, 1 6 In. Desk Bracket ( 1 96 1 ) (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Knife Blade) (1968) (Electrical and Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM Dl 19-67, D29 (Electrical and Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM D69-67 Electrical Conductors (1970?) ANSI C-2 Electrical Conductors ( 1970?) IPCEA S-61-402, ASTM B-8 Electrical Conduit Fittings (1964) Electrical Conduits, Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, Bends Electrical Devices, Fittings, Switches and Related Prod Electrical Discharge) (1970) /Ling, Radial Drilling, L (Electrical Insulating) (1960) Spec. F Electrical Operation) ( 197 1 ) Electrical Operation) (1971) Electrical Supplies (Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1971) F Electrical Supplies (Discount) (1968) TX 495-35-3 MS M-2-71 VA Y-10A OR 24-64-6A PA F-43 HI *7 PA F-4 KY 7910-5 MS L-5B-70-14 SC 24-030 NJ *1-1 NY 42800-0386 NY 36200-0504 NJ 6524-05 NJ 4920-00 NY 34400-0380 VA *43 NY 00365-0391 NJ 2544-00 NY 05400-0176 MI 5255-S11 NY 41400-0272 NJ 6524-04 NY 46000-0591 MS A-3-70 NY 33811-0640 NY 38310-0449 NY 23104-0794 PA T-75 NJ 4938-48 NJ 4938-73 NY 43100-0588 NJ *1-1 NJ 4938-121 CA 701-71-03 NY 46000-0574 VA DA-4B SC 28-000-045 1 TX 495-61-1 CA 691-71-01 NJ 8740 NY 43223-0734 MS M-4A-65 NY 23104-0715 NY 23104-0430 PA 1-3 CA 701-71-67 MS M-3A-70 MS TM-4-70 NY 43200-0490 PA B-147 NY 23104-0549 NY 00242-00-0684 NY 26500-0635 NY 24200-0501 OR 76-100-9010 NY 23011-0083 NY 24100-0697 PA R-30 NY 21300-0639 NC 4120-A-1A KY 4110-1 NJ 4938-93A PA M-48 VA DA-3 KY 4120-6 TX 265-32-1 B TX 265-32-3 WA S-68-101 PA U-47 TX 265-32-2B MS TF-16 WA S-63-61-1 PA T-22 PA T-18 MS 3807 MS 3806 OR 24-64-9B VA DH-248 OR 24-64-2A NY 43201-0500 PA T-57 NY 33811-0091 NY 33811-0190 NY 34405-0548 NY 34418-0006 108 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (1970) FED W-F-805, W-F-803a C.D119 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (1971) ASTM D1000, FED HH-I-595, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Spec, for Industrial Type Heat Treating Furnaces Spec, for Trailer Connectors, Spec, for Water Coolers, Spec, for Beds, Gatch Spring, ir) (1971) Spec, for Scientific Equipment Spec, for Welding surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipment surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipment surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipment 105 Spec, for Storage Batteries Spec, for Spec, for Hydrogen Peroxide Spec, for Water and Liquid Helium Cooled Direct Current ec. for Traffic and Pedestrian Controllers - Electronic or Spec, for Traffic Signal Controller - Spec, for Diagnostic Sounder / ding) (Hospital) (1969) Spec, for ding) (Mental Hygiene) (1970) Spec, for ding) (Hospital) (1970) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment cope System (Scientific Equipment)/ Spec, for Combination c. for Combination Electron Microprobe Analyzer / Scanning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 GHz td. I) ientific Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Ca/ spec, for Binders, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Ion) (1968) Spec, for Inked Ribbons for 1/2 In.) (1971) Std. Spec, for Oxide Coated) (1971) FED W-T-0051, MIL Std. 1/ Spec, for ment (Volt Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Distributor and Spec, for ology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, Tepid Mist, Mainstream and Spec, for Traffic and Pedestrian Controllers - er (College) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ding Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1970) Spec, for ding Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1971) Spec, for ding Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers - Spec, for Calculators, Spec, for Spec, for Microfilm, Std. Spec, for Table, Wood, Std. Spec, for Carburetor Air Cleaner Filter Spec, for Automotive Replacement Parts (Filters and Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil Filter Engines (1969) Std. Spec, for Air Cleaner Spec, for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens full Flow (1967) )FED F-F-351C Std. Spec, for Filters and Filter Spec, for Filters and Filter Std. Spec, for Filter Spec, for Spec, for 68) Spec, for ge)(1967) Spec, for Spec, for Motor Scraper (Self Loading, 971) Spec, for Motor Scraper (Self Loading, General Requirements and Spec, for for Steel Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand c. for Form PS-550 - NYS Certification of Health Insurance 69) Spec, for Leather; Std. Spec, for Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Spec, for Civil Service Std. Spec, for Vinyl Spec, for Std. Spec, for Elastic, std. Spec, for Crochet and Drapery Hooks, and Quilting and stry, and Quilting) (1953) Std. Spec, for Needles Shear/ Std. Spec, for Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, g Batteries and Charger) ( 1/ Spec, for Fire Alarm System pec. for LP Gas / Gasoline or Gasoline Generator Units for Spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Airport Spec, for Fusees (Flare), Red, Truck, c Ps8 Spec, for Std. Spec, for "cation (1964) Spec, for Coated Abrasives (Flint, Electrical Supplies (Renewable Cartridge and Plug Fuses Electrical Supplies (Tape) (1971) ASTM D69-67, Tent. Sp Electrical Supplies (Transformer) (1970) Electrical Tape (Plastic Pressure Sensitive All Weather Electrical Wires and Cables ( 1970?) FED W-C-571, W-C-58 (Electrical, Heavy Duty) (1968) Electrical, Truck Jumper Cables (1969) SAE J560a Electrically Cooled (1970) Electrically Operated (Hospital) (1969) (Electrochemistry System and Liquid Helium Level Indicat Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding (Wire, Flux) (1970?) (Electroencephalograph) (1968) Spec, for Electronic (Electroencephalograph) (1970) Spec, for Electronic (Electroencephalograph) (1971) Spec, for Electronic (Electrolyte and Lead Acid Types) (1971) SAE J537F, MIL Electrolyte for Storage Batteries (Sulphuric Acid) (196 (Electrolytic 100 Volume for Use as Laundry Bleach) (194 Electromagnet Systems (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Electromechanical (1961) Sp Electromechanical (1964) Electromyograph Unit (University) (1971) Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recor Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recor Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recor (Electron Image Plate and Micrographic Film Processor) Electron Microprobe Analyzer / Scanning Electron Micros Electron Microscope System (Scientific Equipment) (1971 Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Kit (Scientific Equipm Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer System (Sc Electronic Book Detection System (1971) Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Electronic Data Processing and Cleaners ( 1 968 ) ASTM D45 Electronic Data Processing Equipment Printers (Silk, Ny Electronic Data Processing Tape (Magnetic Oxide Coated, Electronic Data Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Electronic Engine Testers) (Educational Purposes) (1971 Electronic Music Synthesizer (1971) Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Oxygen Detector; Respira Electronic or Electromechanical (1961) Electronic Piano Teaching System / Dual Musical Amplifi Electronic Traffic Count Equipment (1970) Electronic Tubes and Semiconductors ( 1971 ) Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recor Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recor Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recor Electronic (1964) Electronic (1970?) Electronicam System (16 Mm) (1970) Electrostatic Prints (1970) FED L-F-334a Elementary and All Purpose (Conventional Design) (1961) Elements (Automobile, Truck) (1967) Elements) (1971) FED F-F-351C(1) Elements, by Pass and Full Flow (1967) Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Internal Combustion Elements, Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Elements, Lubricating Oil ( 1971 ) Elements, Oil (Automotive, Marine and Industrial) (1969 Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Area, College) ( 19 Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Laboratory) (Colle Elevating, Minimum 11 cu. Yd., Pneumatic Tired) (1971) Elevating, Pneumatic Tired, Minimum 21 Yd. Capacity) (1 Elevator Protective Maintenance (1966) Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machine, Servi Eligibility (1970?) Spe Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (19 Embankment (Dredging) for Highway Construction (1964) Embankments for Highway Construction ( 1964) Emblems (Markings) (1969) Embossing Tape (1971) Embroidered Insignia Patches (Departmental) (1971) Embroidery Floss, and Button Hole Gimp (1953) Embroidery Hoops (1953) (Embroidery, Darning, Hand Sewing, Knitting, Punch, Tape Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Pinking (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containin Emergency Use (1969) Emergency Vehicle) (1971) Emergency (Without Spike) (1969) Emery and Crocus Abrasive Cloth ( 1971 ) FED Std. 191, Us Emery Cloth (1953) Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) and App NY 34405-0513 NY 34407-0217 NY 34415-0716 CA 711-59-05 MS 3803 NY 12023-0676 CA 691-23-26 PA C-107 NY 20302-0222 NY 38728 MS 3339 NY 12600-0299 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 CA 711-23-30 TX 035-35-3 PA P-108 NY 38750-0012 NJ 2548-02 NJ 2548-01 NY 12600-0582 NY 12600-0413 NY 12600-0496 NY 12600-0521 NY 38810-0368 NY 38782-0782 NY 38782-0782 NY 38782-0824 NY 38782-0416 NY 38201-0732 TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-16A CA 712-75-05 CA 681-75-06 IL *35 CA 711-71-25 NY 35000-0738 NY 38200-0446 NY 12200-0462 NJ 2548-02 NY 38209-0781 NY 35812-0170 NY 38206-0186 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 NY 12600-0299 NJ 2548-00 CA *2 NY 38221-0695 NY 26000-0043 NC 7 1 20-T-7 MS F-25-67 NY 30305-0849 MS F-24-67 NC 2940-AC-2 NY 38601-0752 NC 2940-OF-l CA 711-23-40 OR 10-400-9010 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 NY 31800-0225 NY 31800-0318 AK *13 AK *12 NJ 9950-00 NV 7110-D NY *1 PA L-30 SC HD-16 SC HD-15 NJ 9130-00 IL *32FFF NY 39305-0406 IL *33J IL *33K IL *33M IL *33P NY 34400-0777 CA 691-59-01 AK *33 CA 691-10-26 PA C-144 IL ♦33CC TX 002-31-1 109 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 62 1970?) ethods with a Film Instrument (Analytical Determination of Investigation of Crystal Structures and Investigations of ional Purposes) (1/ Spec, for Industrial X-Ray Equipment ray Diffraction Components and Vacuum Spectrometer System Spec, for Box, First Aid Kit, Spec, for Insecticide, Liquid, Malathion, Spec, for Spec, for Cationic Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course Spec, for Cement, Crack Filler, Liquid -64 Spec, for Asphaltic Spec, for Crack Filler (1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-201B, Std. 141 Spec, for Water Tent. Std. Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Polyvinyl Acetate Std. Spec, for Water Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Furnishing and Applying Asphaltic Oil and Spec, for Resin Base Spec, for Asphalt tic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) (Wanner Invert 69) FED P-F-00430,/ Spec, for Liquid Self Polishing Water Spec, for Water Spec, for Plasticized Water astm E70 Spec, for Water y) (1971) ASTM D1436, E70, ICC 17E Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Exterior Flat, Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish, Spec, for Floor Wax (Carnauba); Water Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish; Spec, for Paint, Flat White, Acryclic Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Semi Gloss, Std. Spec, for Self Polishing Water Spec, for Water Spec, for Floor Wax, Water Spec, for Sealer, Water Std. Spec, for Paint; Exterior Latex for Floor Seal and Undercoater Composition, Liquid, Water Spec, for Floor Wax, Slip Resistant, Water Spec, for Bituminous Materials (Asphalt, Cement, Spec, for Floor Finish, Slip Resistant, Water Std. Spec, for Floor Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Spec, for Paint, Vinyl Acrylic il-R-3472 Std. Spec, for Asphalt (1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Polyvinyl Acetate Spec, for Ironer Waxing and Cleaning Compound (Water Std. Spec, for Ink, ounted 800 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Spec, for Floor Finishes, Water Spec, for Grout ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Floor Wax (Buffable, Water yacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorop/ Spec, for Herbicide, Invert Spec, for Masonry and Porous Tile Floor Sealer; Water Spec, for White Epoxy Spec, for Std. 141 Spec, for Paint; Undercoat, Spec, for Paint, 141 Spec, for Interior Spec, for Spec, for 01 td 9) fed Std. 141 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Air Drying Interior Spec, for Odorless Std. Spec, for Spec, for Numeral Std. Spec, for Egg Shell Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss White Spec, for General Purpose Std. Spec, for Interior Gloss Spec, for Interior Gloss Spec, for Foliage Green Spec, for Black Equipment Std. Spec, for Yellow Bus and Equipment Std. Spec, for Black Spec, for Alkyd Base Gloss Spec, for Floor and Deck Porch Spec, for White Alkyd Base Semi Gloss Std. Spec, for Primer, Ferrous Metal, Brown, Std. Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Std. Spec, for Thinner, Odorless, Alkyd Spec, for Latex Semi Gloss Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Spec, for Sign Emission Spectra) (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Ter M Emission Spectroscopy by Direct Measurement); for Measu (Emission Spectroscopy) (Update Existing System) (Educat (Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Texture Empty (1961) Emulsifiable Concentrate, Premium (1971) Emulsified Asphalt (1966) Emulsified Asphalt (1966) ASTM D244, E70 (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway Construction (1964) Emulsified Asphalts and Liquid Tar (1970) Emulsion - Grades RS-1, AES-1, AES-3 (1970) AASHO M-140 Emulsion AEF (1970) Emulsion and Polymer Type Floor Wax and Polish Remover Emulsion Degreaser, Liquid Medium Duty (1962) Emulsion Degreaser, Liquid, Heavy Duty (Cleaner) (1963) Emulsion Flat White Paint (1967) Emulsion Floor Coating, Liquid, Synthetic ( 1969) Emulsion for Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) Emulsion in Bulk (1970?) AASHO M-140-64, M-81-62, M-82- Emulsion Interior Paste Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Emulsion Primer for Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) Emulsion Sprayer) (1971) /Rs of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyace Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resistant Floor Finish (19 Emulsion Synthetic Floor Finish (1967) FED P-F-00430 Emulsion Type Floor Seal (1965) FED P-W-155a Emulsion Type Floor Wax (Carnauba) (Heavy Duty) (1971) Emulsion Type Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish (Heavy Dut Emulsion Type with Oleoresinous Modification (1971) Emulsion Type ( 1964) Emulsion Type (1970) ASTM E28, D1288, E70 Emulsion Type (1971) Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Emulsion Wax (1970) Emulsion (Slip Resistant Floor Polish) (1963) Emulsion ( 1964) Emulsion ( 1966) Emulsion (1969) Emulsion (1969) Std. Spec. Emulsion (1970) Emulsion) (Highway Construction) (1970) Emulsion, Buffable (1970) Emulsion, Carnauba Base (1969) Emulsion, Exterior, White and Tints (1969) Emulsion, Fibered (Waterproofing) (1970) ASTM D-1227, M Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Metal or Masonry, Ready Mix Emulsion, Laundry) (1969) Emulsion, Mimeograph (1961) Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Maintenance and Cons Emulsion, Polymer and Wax Type, (1968) Emulsion, Polyvinyl Acetate (1969) FED TT-P-55 Emulsion, Polyvinyl Acetate, Mixing Liquid, Grout (1970 Emulsion, Slip Resistant) (1964) FED P-S-598, P-W-155a Emulsions of Low Volatile (Esters of 2,4 Dichlorophenox Emusion Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-563E Enamel Concrete Coating (1969) Enamel Gloss (Paint), Synthetic (1969) Enamel Interior Ready Mixed (1967) FED TT-E-543, UU-W-1 Enamel Primer and Supplies (1971) Enamel Undercoat (Paint) (Tints and White) (1966) FED S Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Light (1964) Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Wood, Odorless (196 Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1962) Enamel Undercoater (Paint) (1971) Enamel Undercoat; Interior (Paint) (1969) Enamel (Ink) (License Plate) (1969) Enamel (Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Enamel (Odorless Paint) (1971) Enamel (Paint) Black ( 1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Enamel (Paint) (Tints and White) (1966) Enamel (Paint) (White and Light Tints) (1968) FED Std. Enamel (Paint) (1959) Enamel (Paint) (1962) FED TT-E-489B Enamel (Paint) (1964) FED TT-E-489C Enamel (Paint) (1964) FED TT-E-489C Enamel (Paint) (1967) Enamel (Paint) (1967) Enamel (Paint) (1967) Enamel (Paint) (1970) Enamel (Paint) (1970) Enamel (Paint) (1970) Enamel (Paint) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Enamel (Paint), Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Enamel (Paint), Black Stencil ( 1970?) NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0608 NY 11002-0563 MS K-l-61 MS I-9A-71 SC 18-010-1002 SC 18-030 SC HD-41 MD *26 NJ 1308-00 NJ 1308-04 PA R-32 MS TC-33A MS TC-34B TX 520-42-5A IA *3-12 MS 3172 NJ 1308-02 VA DK-18A MS 3171 MS H-9-7 1 VA K-43 VA K-39C VA K-42 TX 485-54-1A TX 485-54-3A NJ 7342-25 SC 11-050 TX 370-63-1A TX 370-63-3A NJ 7342-15A NJ 7342-18 RI 6645-05 PA W-7 SC 1 1-050A KY 7930-8 OR 77-100-9090 IA *3-ll MI 4642-S1 VA DH-211 MI 4642-S2 IA *3-l CA 691-80-11 OR 64-500-00 10 MS PE-8 TX 395-43-2 MS 1-12-61 NJ 4938-28 CA 681-76-01 CA 691-80-12 MS PE-8-1 VA K-6E MS H-9-7 1 TX 370-63-7 CA 691-80-70 KY 24A PA P-74 SD *15 WA S-63-64-A KY 28A CA 691-80-205 VA DK-28A NJ 7342-04 OR 77-100-9200 PA E-18 OR 77-100-9240 NJ 7342-08 NJ 7342-11 NJ 7342-01 MS 3551 WA S-62-57-A VA DK-23B NJ *3 SC 20-030 SC HD-80B8 SC HD-80B9 TX 520-42-3A TX 5 20-4 2-4 A TX 520-42-7 MS PE-9 MS PM-14 MS PM-15 UT *3 CA 691-80-420 MS 3583 110 i?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards .595 to Finishing (1969) E-489 d. 595 >lors (1969) 1969) :-489, FED Std. 595 -E-489, FED Std. 595 42, Std. 141 Spec, for Sign Std. Spec, for Spec, for License Plate Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Metal Sign Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Equipment Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sign and Marker Spec, for Sign and Marker Spec, for Semigloss Interior Spec, for High Gloss Alkyd Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss Spec, for Paint Thinner (License Plate) Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Sash and Trim Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Primer, Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Boiled (for Paint, Varnish, d. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Raw (for Paint, Varnish, Sealer, Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and Numeral Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior, Flat and Semigloss Spec, for Beige Spec, for Charcoal Spec, for Light Grey Spec, for Olive Green Spec, for Metallic Grey Spec, for Metallic Green Spec, for Metallic Tan Spec, for Blue Spec, for Coral Spec, for Dark Brown Spec, for White Spec, for Light Green Spec, for Grey Spec, for Clear and Markers (1969) Spec, for White Sign and Markers (1969) Spec, for Yellow Sign Spec, for Porch and Floor Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint; Spec, for White Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Spec, for Paint, um Concentrate (All Purpose) for Coloring Finishes, Paint, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Chromate, Spec, for Latex Base (Paint), Semigloss Interior nt)(1970) Std. Spec, for 3) Spec, for Paint, 1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for for Turpentine, Gum Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, ing(1969) Spec, for FED TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a Spec, for Paint; Spec, for Lottery Signs (Plastic and Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Touch Up for Porcelain Spec, for Spec, for Alkyd Resin Solution for Formulating Synthetic Spec, for Spec, for Basic Requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) 69) ) 0) 1 (Paint) (1970) s) (1967) FED TT-E-489, Std. 141a oodwork and Metal (Paint) (1970) .Light (1970) 967) Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (197 Enamel (Paint), Boat, Wood and Metal, Fresh Water (1970 Enamel (Paint), Cardinal Red (1967) Enamel (Paint), Dark Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED St Enamel (Paint), Dipping, White, Baked (1969) Enamel (Paint), Exterior White, Metal (1969) Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Industrial, Weather Resistant, A Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Low Odor (1969) Enamel (Paint), Interior, Gloss, Light (1969) Enamel (Paint), Interior, Semigloss, Light (1969) Enamel (Paint), Interstate Green (Baking) (1970?) FED T Enamel (Paint), Light Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED S Enamel (Paint), Orange (1970?) FED TT-E-489 FED Std. 59 Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Low Odor (1969) Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Odorless, Interior (1970) Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, Black, Wood or Metal (1969) Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, Yellow, Wood or Metal (1969) Enamel (Paint), Slow Exempt, Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Enamel (Paint), Slow, High Solvency (1969) Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Safety Code C Enamel (Paint), Touch Up for Porcelain Enameled Signs Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Dark Olive Green (1969) Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Lusterless Black (1969) Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Yellow (1969) Enamel (Paint), White (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT- Enamel (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED Tt Enamel (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1968) FED TT-P-4 Enamel (School Bus Chrome) (Paint) (1971) Enamel (Semi Gloss, Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Enamel (Tints and White) (1966) Enamel (1961) ASTM D965-48T, D844-50 Enamel (1969) Enamel (1970) (Enamel) (White, Light Tints and Other Colors) (1970) Enamel) (1969) Enamel) (1970) Enamel) (1970) St Enamel) (1970) /Ls for License Plates (Nonexposed Lens (Enamel) (1971) Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (19 Enamel, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969 Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs Enamel, Dark Gray (Paint) (1969) Enamel, Farm Machinery and Equipment (1963) Enamel, Flat, Alkyd, White (Paint) (1969) Enamel, Floor and Deck (1967) FED TT-E-487, Std. 141a Enamel, Floor and Porch, Wood and Concrete (Paint) (197 Enamel, Floor, Porch, Wood and Concrete (1963) Enamel, Gloss, Interior, Wall and Woodwork, Conventiona Enamel, Gloss, Interior, White, Tintable (1963) Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Exterior and Interior Surface Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Paint) (1971) Enamel, High Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, W Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, Walls and Woodwork (Paint) Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White and Medium Shades ( 1 Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White, Tintable (1963) Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Lacquer and New Synthetics ( 196 Enamel, License Plate, Paint (1971) Enamel, Metal (Paint) (1970) Enamel, Scrubbable (1969) Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior, Gloss, Metal and Wood (Pai Enamel, Undercoat, Alkyd, Interior, Tintable White ( 196 Enamel, Undercoat, Low Odor, Alkyd, Interior, (Paint) Enamel, Undercoat, White (Paint) (1969) Enamel, Varnish, Solvent) (1970) Std. Spec. Enamel, White, Exterior, Wood, Fume Resistant, Fast Dry Enamel, White, High Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) (1967) Enameled Aluminum) (1971) Enameled Signs (1969) Enamels (Baking and Air Drying) ( 1969) Enamels (Paint), Linseed Oil (1969) Enamels, Baking (1970) Enamels, Linseed Oil, Varnish (1970?) MS 3573 MS PE-17 MI 5325-S1 MS 3552 CA 691-80-427 CA 691-80-10 CA 691-80-81 CA 691-80-221 KY 23A KY 22A MS 3574 MS 3553 MS 3561 CA 691-80-215 MS PI-5 CA 691-80-09 CA 691-80-08 CA 691-80-421 CA 691-80-417 CA 691-80-32 CA 691-80-90 CA 691-80-17 CA 691-80-16 CA 691-80-18 MS 3571 MS 3572 VA DK-22C TX 520-42-8 OR 77-100-9230 WA S-63-65-A NJ 7342-10 CA 691-80-413 MS PE-6 NY 38010-0509 NY 37301-0031 MS PM-12 MS PM-11 NY 38601-0282 NY 38010-0386 MI 5325-S21 MI 5325-S22 MI 5325-S23 MI 5325-S24 MI 5325-S25 MI 5325-S26 MI 5325-S27 MI 5325-S28 MI 5325-S29 MI 5325-S30 MI 5325-S31 MI 5325-S35 MI 5325-S36 MI 5325-S34 MI 5325-S32 MI 5325-S33 MI 5325-S12 IA ♦1-13 MI 5325-S18 PA P-126 MS PI-9 IA ♦1-9 MS PI-8 IA ♦1-8 PA P-124 NJ 7342-02 MS PI-7 MS PI-6 PA P-125 IA ♦1-7 WA S-66-97 CA 711-80-199 MS PE-11 CA 691-80-226 MS PE-13 IA •1-5 MS PI-3 MI 5325-S16 MS PM-16 CA 691-80-06 PA P-70 NY 38600-0431 CA 691-80-90 NY 38030-0102 CA 691-80-430 NY 38030-0053 MS 3501 111 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. TT-P-1416 (Paint) Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, Fine (Glass and Spec, for Background and Numeral Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Lubricants, Spec, for Flexible Reflective Sheeting 1 Mounted Display Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Spec, for Swimming Pool Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor (Front Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Front Spec, for Front ty) (1971) Spec, for Front 3 1/2 Yd. Bucket) (1971) Spec, for Front ty) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Front hment (Planetary Torque Converter Type) / Spec, for Front onverter Type) ( 1970) Spec, for Front (1969) Spec, for Front Spec, for Front Spec, for Front Spec, for Wheel Type Front r Self Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Front Spec, for Traxcavator, with 2 cu. Yd. Bucket (Front nts ( 1971 ) Spec, for Crawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Front Spec, for Equipment; Front Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine ommercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty Spec, for Shelving Tops and Spec, for Rear terial Handling Equipment (Manual), Platform Truck Metal), Spec, for Front Spec, for Laundry Drying Tumblers (Small Size, Open td. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and use CS 184-51 Std. Spec, for Steel Fence Posts (Line, Std. Spec, for Bed . for Shop Furniture (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack gine and Backhoe Attachments (19/ Spec, for Loader, Front et(1966) Spec, for Loader, Front vehicles (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and atform Body) (1969) Spec, for Snow Vehicle Spec, for Handles; Wood, Threaded and Tapered Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed ) (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed se (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Std. Spec, for Books and Book Spec, for Syringe; Fountain, Disposable Spec, for Poultry Feed, Laying Mash, High Spec, for Law front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel Std. Spec, for Oil, Two Cycle Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Spec, for 18 In. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Chain Saws (Gasoline rol) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Spreaders (Gasoline ( 1969) Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Spec, for Sweeper, Pick Up Street, Four Wheeled, Spec, for 50KW Gas Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Standby Gasoline Spec, for Automatic Line Transfer Control, Two Spec, for Diesel chers, Ri/ Spec, for Machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Gasoline Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Gasoline and Diesel Spec, for High Performance Spec, for Snow Throwers; Gasoline Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (LP Gas ampere, Generator / Alternator, Distributor and Electronic Spec, for Fluid, Starting, Diesel and Gasoline Fluid (1970?) MIL L-2104B Enamelware Cleanser) (1953) Enamel(Paint) for 1972 License Plates (1970) (1970) Fed Enamel; Floor and Deck (Paint) (1969) Enamel; Gloss, Baking (1962) Enamel; Gloss, Exterior, Wood Trim (Paint) (1969) Enamel; Gloss, Interior, Low Odor (Paint) ( 1969) Enclosed Air Break Switches (1964) Enclosed Gear Lubricants (Nonextreme Pressure) (1970) Enclosed Gear, Straight Mineral (1958) (Enclosed Lens) (1970?) Enclosure Panels with Gates, Undercounter Work board) (S Enclosure (1968) End Loader and Backhoe Attachments) (1970) End Loader Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) End Loader with Snow Plows (1970) End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 2 1/2 Yd. Capaci End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Yd. Rated with End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 1/2 Yd. Capaci End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Attac End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Planetary Torque C End Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic Grader) End Loader (University) (1971) End Loader (1969) End Loader (1970) End Loader (1970?) Spec. Fo End Loader) (1968) End Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth Auger Attachme End Loaders, Diesel Engined, Rubber Tired ( 1967) (End Loading) (1970) End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer End Panels (1971) End Pusher Type Bus Chassis ( 1969) End Rack, 18,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) Spec, for Ma End Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Bucket Loader (1970) End Type) (1971) UL 73, 547 End Wall Flashing, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 End, Corner and Gate) (1970) FED RR-F-183, ASTM B6-58, End, Head and Foot (Hospital) (1961) End, Pigeon Hole Units) (1970) Spec End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel En End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Multipurpose Buck Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Passengers) ( 1971 ) /Snow (Endless Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. PI Ends (Broom, Brush, Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Ends (Open Filler, Stationary Height) for Institutional Ends (Panel Type, Stationary Height) (Institutional Use Ends (Solid Panel, Multiple Height) for Institutional U Ends (1971) Enema (Hospital) (1969) FED GG-S-001015 Energy (1963) Enforcement Vehicles (Police, Automobile) (1969) Engine and Backhoe Attachments (1969) /C. for Loader, Engine and Outboard Motors (1970) Engine Apparatus) (1969) Engine Apparatus) (1970) Engine Driven Chain Saw (1970) Engine Driven Concrete Saw (1970) Engine Driven Concrete Vibrator ( 1970) Engine Driven Pull Type Sweeper (1970) Engine Driven) (1971) Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Ice Cont Engine Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted with Air Tools Engine Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Yd. Capacity (1964) Engine Generator Set (1969) Engine Generator Set (1969) Engine Generator Set (25KW) (1969) Engine Generator Set (7.5 KW Air-Cooled) (1971) Engine Generator Set (7.5KW and 25KW Marine) (1970) Engine Generator Set (7.5KW and 50KW) (1970) Engine Generator Set (7.5KW Marine and 25KW) (1971) Engine Generator Sets ( 1970) Engine Generator Unit (1969) Engine Generator Units (1969) Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Not Engine Oil, High Additive Type Series 3 (1968) Engine Oil, Multiviscosity Type (1968) Engine Oil, Multiviscosity, Low-40 (1969) Engine Oil, Nonadditive, 2 Cycle (1968) Engine Oil, Severe Service Type, 4 Cycle ( 1968) Engine Oil, Severe ( 1967) Engine Oil, 4 Cycle (1968) MIL L-2104B Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outboard and Hydraulic Engine Powered (1968) Engine Powered, Riding Type) (1971 ) Engine Testers) (Educational Purposes) (1971) / (Volt Engine (1962) MS S-2-53-41 WY •10 OR 77-100-9070 PA E-16 OR 77-100-9060 OR 77-100-9220 OR 24-64-8A PA L-48 KY 46-104 VA *35 NY 36200-0787 NY 31800-0352 SC 14-260-0451 A AK *72 NY 40603-0627 AK *14 AK *15 AK *16 VA *q VA *10 NY 40603-0205 NY 40603-0385 NY 40603-0390 NE *15 HI *20 NJ 4938-107 AK *71 PA E-21 TX 400-49-1 A TX 400-48-2A NY 27504-0636 SC 14-050 NY 39100-0398 SC 14-200-0451 A PA T-41 MS R-5-64-38 OR 64-600-9030 NC 6530-B-25 NY 35100-0684 NJ 493 8-09 A NJ 4932-00 NY 42200-0362 NY 42200-0285 PA H-23 TX 295-38-2 TX 295-38-1 TX 295-38-3 IL *32F S-125 PA MI 4340-0128 NJ 6542-50 NJ 4938-09A MS L-5B-70-1 NY 40501-0816 NY 40501-0301 NE *30 NE *38 NE *52 NE *43 NY 43229-0193 NY 41000-0464 NJ 6524-03 NJ 4938-17 NY 35901-0164 NY 35901-0184 NY 35907-0224 NY 35902-0510 NY 35902-0466 NY 35902-0590 NY 35902-0330 NY 35907-0283 CA 691-59-04 CA 691-59-02 NY 43201-0487 CA 681-91-09 CA 681-91-02 CA 691-91-10 CA 681-91-06 CS 681-91-07 MI 5255-S7 CA 681-91-08 GA 9150-1-15 PA S-123 NY 41600-0461 NY 35000-0738 MS F- 18-62 112 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Motor Oil, Moderate, Crankcase, 4 Cycle Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Compounded, Noncondensing High Pressure Fire Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoline Spec, for Oils; Motor, Automotive (Gasoline and Diesel i Spec, for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Driven, Twin Spec, for Marine folly for Testing Seal/ Spec, for Truck, Motor, Gasoline Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Std. Spec, for Oil, Diesel oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Spec, for Machine Tools (Lathe, c. for Machine Tools (Milling, Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Spec, for Equipment; Front End Loaders, Diesel anar Scanning Digitizer System/ Spec, for Surveying and Spec, for Spec, for Furniture, Metal, Stools - Drafting and ec. for Furniture, Metal (Stools and Chairs - Drafting and Spec, for Marine Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Noncondensing Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Condensing Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Internal Combustion Gasoline er Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Internal Combustion Spec, for Antifreeze for Automotive bricating Oils and Greases (Except for Internal Combustion e Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity with Diesel oils, Lubricating, High Detergent (for Internal Combustion ubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Combustion Gasoline Std. Spec, for Tape Spec, for ients)(1966) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Small Sign and Nameplate Material, Plastic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Uniform Overcoats for Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat) for d CCC-T- 1 9 1 Spec, for Uniforms; Spec, for Cement; Air for Portland Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Spec, for Brief Case, Zippered Plastic Std. Spec, for Manila Spec, for Spec, for Messenger Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Thermography - Business Cards, Letterheads, n, Chipboard (1970) Spec, for Printing Papers, Spec, for for Cribs, Gatch Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled (1969) Spec, for Controlled 1968) Spec, for Controlled ) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Plant Growth Chamber (Controlled Temperature - Egg Hatcher Unit) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle (with Spec, for Rooms (Prefabricated) (University) (1971) Spec, for oms (University) (1969) Spec, for Animal) (University) (1971) Spec, for rain Cleaning (1958) Spec, for Compound each) (1969) Tent. Spec, for Laundry Presoak, Spec, for White es(1969) Spec, for Spec, for zed Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Spec, for Refrigeration e ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Traffic Signal e ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for Traffic Signal onal Purposes) (1968) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Stage ng Machines) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Bakery ) (1971 ) Spec, for Bakery fters) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Core Drilling 1971) Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for Microfilm for Pavement Marking Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Spec, for Stage Spec, for Black Std. Spec, for Yellow Bus and ed Std. 595 Spec, for Spec, for Laminating Spec, for Radio Spec, for Std. Engine (1967) Engine (1967) Engine) (1968) Spec, for Engine) (1971) Nfpa 70 Engine, Automatic Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (196 Engine, Diesel (Steam Tug Conversion) (1969) Engine, Electric Generator, and Electric Powered Weight Engine, Heavy Duty (1960) Engine, Regular Duty (1969) Engine, Severe, API-DS (1970) Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machine) (1960) Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 In.) (1968) Engine, 15 and 13 In.) (Bench Shaper) (1969) Spe Engine, (High Output Diesel), Severe Duty (1960) Engined, Rubber Tired (1967) Engineering Instruments (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uni Engineering Instruments (Stereo Image Alternator) (1971 Engineering (1971) Engineering) ( 1971 ) Sp Engines with Reduction Gear (6 Cylinder) ( 1971 ) Engines (1968) Engines (1968) Engines (1968) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor Engines ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Air Clean Engines (1970) Engines) (1970) Spec, for Lu Engines) (1970?) Spec, for Aircraft Crash Rescu Engines) (1971) Spec, for Engines, Automobile (1968) Spec, for L (English, White, Bias, Seambinding, Measuring) (1953) Engraved Stationery (General Assembly) (1966) Engraved Stationery (Judiciary and Various State Depart Engraved Stationery (Office of the Governor) (1966) Engraving Stock (1970) Enlargers and Accessories (1971) Enlisted Men (State Police) (1957) FED CCC-T-191a Enlisted Men (State Police) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Enlisted Men's, Fall and Winter (State Police) (1968) F Entraining (1970) Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and Bridge Const Envelope (1969) Envelopes (X-Ray Filing and Mailing) (1971) Envelopes (1970) Envelopes (1970) Envelopes (1970?) Envelopes ( 1971 ) Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, Onion Sk Envelopes, Mailing (1971) MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Environment and Accessories (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (in Environment and Constant Temperature Rooms (University) Environment Room (Prefabricated Modular) (University) Environment Walk-in Chambers (Portable) (Medical Center Environment) (Algae, Seeds, Protozoa) (1968) Environmental Chamber (Temperature Control) (Incubator Environmental Room) (1968) Environmental Walk-in Chamber (College) ( 1971 ) Environmental Walk-in Chambers and Constant Temperature Environmental Walk-in Chambers (Temperature Control) Ro Environmental Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Control) (Live (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Trap and D Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Removal) (Bl Epoxy Enamel Concrete Coating (1969) Epoxy Grouting and Sealing Compound for Concrete Surfac Epoxy Resin Systems (Highway Construction) (1970) Epoxy) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /Umini Equipment - Low Temperature Freezer (Chest Type) ( 197 1 ) Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Head in Cabl Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Lead-in Cabl Equipment - Solid State Controllers (1971) Equipment and Accessories (Addition to System) (Educati Equipment and Curtains (NYS Std.) (1968) Equipment and Machinery (Bread Slicing, Bagging and Tyi Equipment and Machinery (Cookie Dropper and Accessories Equipment and Machinery (Portable, Commercial, Power Si Equipment and Machinery (Proof Box) ( 1971 ) Equipment and Materials ( 1969) Equipment and Related Accessory Items (Institutional) Equipment and Supplies ( 197 1 ) Equipment Cleaning, Optical Glass Spheres) (1968) /C. Equipment Curtains ( 197 1 ) Equipment Enamel (Paint) (1962) FED TT-E-489B Equipment Enamel (Paint) (1964) FED TT-E-489C Equipment Enamel (Paint), Orange (1970?) FED TT-E-489 F Equipment for Drivers Licenses (Die Cutting) (1966) Equipment for Highway Patrol Police ( 1 963 ) Equipment for Passenger Cars (Automobile) (1969) MI 5255-S1 MI 5255-S18 NY 46000-0641 PA 0-38 NJ 4938-09 NY 42000-0819 NJ •1-1 NC 9150-L-3 NC 9150-L-2A MS L-5B-70-4 NJ 3578-01 NY 43201-0182 NY 43201-0805 NC 9150-L-4 PA E-21 NY 31601-0380 NY 31601-0468 NY 21705-0612 NY 21705-0172 NY 42000-0488 CA 681-91-54 CA 681-91-55 LA ♦8-6 NC 2940-AC-2 LA *7 NY 05701-0626 HI *12 NY 05700-0315 LA *8-2 IL *33S NJ 8320-00 NJ 8320-02 NJ 8320-01 NY 38611-0685 NY 38802-0436 PA U-15 PA U-16 PA U-17 PA C-23 VA DH-217 CA 691-75-35 OR 74-100-1020 NM *2 NY 50030-0333 KS 76-2 NY 50048 LA *12 CA 711-75-21 NY 20301-0560 NY 12026-0403 NY 12026-0705 NY 12026-0552 NY 12026-0012 NY 12026-0048 NJ 6542-01 NY 12026-0877 NY 12026-0757 NY 12026-0786 NY 12026-0746 PA C-101 MS TL-7-69 CA 691-80-70 NE *72 VA DH-254 VA DH-241 NY 24208-0557 NY 35816-0215 NY 35816-0213 NY 35817-0414 NY 11002-0745 NY 00381-03-0046 NY 31200-0611 NY 31200-0603 NY 31200-0352 NY 31200-0338 NY 41200-A NY 11002-0261 NY 26002-0027 NY 38001-0704 NY 38101-0240 SC 20-030 SC HD-80B8 MS 3561 MI 8199-1000 KS 53-1 MI ♦1 113 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Inked Ribbons for Electronic Data Processing Spec, for Spec, for Automotive itan Type) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting et) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive rack and Field, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for Athletic Spec, for Pavement Repair ty) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Scientific ystem) (1969) Spec, for Garage Spec, for Material Handline le Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, G/ Spec, for Garage (1971) ) unter, Griddle with Stand, Steam / num Bun Pans) (1971) Spec, for Scientific Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Baking Spec, for Baking Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Tabl/ Spec, for Playground m Print Dryer, Sink As/ Spec, for Photographic Laboratory wl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Di/ Spec, for Food Service Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Barn Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Kitchen (1969) Spec, for Audio Laboratory Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for FM Broadcast Spec, for Film Sound Editing Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Computer Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Traffic Signal Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Baking Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Laundry vel Indicator) (1971) Spec, for Scientific lectronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording lectronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording lectronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording rocessor) (1971) Spec, for Photographic Laboratory em) (Educational Purposes) (1/ Spec, for Industrial X-Ray (1968) Spec, for Traffic Control sciences) (1968) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Laundry 11, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross C/ Spec, for Athletic Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Spec, for Laundry ounted) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive ) booster) (1969) 9) nser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, San/ carts) (1971) dio) (1969) through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food/ ) Intensities) (1971) haust Duct, Disposal Unit) (1971) ble with Sink) (1969) (1971) mental) (1971) nt Snow Plow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970/ nt Snow Plow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971/ -Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing PI/ 1) 00 Lb. G.V.W. (1970) Minimum) ( 1971 ) Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen for Trucks (1969) Primer, Brown (Metal, Paint) (1970?) Printers (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Storage Building (1971) Adult - Carrier Bus) 36 Passenger ( 1971 ) Adult - Carrier Bus) (41 Passenger, Metropol Aerial Ladder Truck) (1963) Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Man Fiberglass Buck Ambulance, Station Wagon Type) (1971) Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, T Asphalt Heater and Storage Unit) (1971) Automatic Humidity Control System) (Universi Automatic Transmission Testing Machine and S Bakery Conveyor System) (1971) Battery Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Portab Bench Top Fermentor System with Accessories) Bins, Carts, Racks, Dispensers, Dolly) (1971 Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Co Bread Pans) (1967) Bread Proofer) (1967) Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Alumi Buses - Adult Carriers) (1967) Buses - Adult Carriers) (1968) Buses, Adult Passenger) (1970) Buses, 23 Adult Passenger) (1971) Buses, 28 Adult Passenger) (1970) Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Fil Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bo Chest Clinic) (1970) Cleaner) (1969) Cobalt 60 Source Capsule) ( 1971 ) Coffee Urns and Stands) ( 1971 ) College Student, Classroom Language Program) College) (1970) College) (1971) College) (1971) Commercial) (Biological Refrigerators) (1971 Conveyor System and Tray Stacker) (1969) Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Dishwasher with Conveyors) (Loader and Flatwork) (1969) Conveyors) (1970) Cookie Dropper, Dough Divider) (1971) Core Storage Unit, Magnetic Tape Drive) (196 Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispe Counters, Work Table, Tray Dispensers, Dish Custom T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Television Stu Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Departmental) (1970) Detectors) (1970) Diagnostic Apparatus for Neurosurgery) (1970 Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Dish Tables) (1968) Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tables) (Ex Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Dish Ta Dough Mixer) (1967) Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cube Ice Maker) Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plows) (Depart Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Plows) (1971) Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Fro Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Fro Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V Dump Trucks - G.V.W. 43,000 Lb.) (1971) Dump Trucks - Heavy Duty, 6-Man 4-Door) ( 197 Dump Trucks) (with Snow and Wing Plows, 58,0 Dump Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Capacity and Hoist) Dunnage Rack - Mobile) (1971) Electric Hoist and Trolley) (1966) Electrochemistry System and Liquid Helium Le Electroencephalograph) (1968) Spec, for E Electroencephalograph) (1970) Spec, for E Electroencephalograph) (1971) Spec, for E Electron Image Plate and Micrographic Film P Emission Spectroscopy) (Update Existing Syst Expansible, Pretimed Controller, Secondary) Expansion of System) (Earth and Atmospheric Extractor) (1971) Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Footba Feeder) (1968) Film Processing) (1971) Film Processing) (1971) Film Processing) (1971) Finisher, Garment Conveyor) (1971) Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) (Pickup Truck M Fire Apparatus Vehicle) (1970) Fire Engine Apparatus) (1969) MI *2 MS 3511 CA 681-75-06 NY 33800-0373 NY 40520-0650 NY 40520-0308 WA S-63-63 NY 40533-0527 NY 40302-0485 NY 30200-0589 NY 41306-0900 NY 38789-0515 NY 35000-0797 NY 39108-0578 NY 35000-0866 NY 38760-0640 NY 36106-0207 NY 36200-0420 NY 31200-0738 NY 31200-0864 NY 31200-0304 NY 40500-0283 NY 40520-0389 NY 40520-0453 NY 40520-0807 NY 40520-0566 NY 30211-0572 NY 38810-0650 NY 36200-0605 NY 11000-0687 NY 08208-0335 NY 11000-0649 NY 36113-0105 NE *2 NY 11002-0598 NY 38201-0454 NY 38217-0577 NY 24200-0755 NY 36200-0979 NY 36200-0972 NY 36501-0804 NY 36501-0535 NY 31200-0905 NY 22906-0325 NY 32610-0801 NY 36114-0262 NY 40504-0884 NY 36200-0074 NY 38211-0516 NY 35814-0468 NY 11000-0638 NY 11002-0518 NY 36200-0747 36200-0823 NY NY 36200-0907 NY 31200-0405 NY 36211-0798 NY 40500-0206 NY 40500-0119 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0148 NY 40500-0786 NY 40500-0470 NY 40500-0530 NY 40500-0174 NY 39100-0564 NY 00365-0391 NY 38728 NY 12600-0299 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 NY 38810-0368 NY 11002-0608 SC 39-000 NY 11002-0461 NY 36501-0177 NY 30200-0073 NY 36501-0562 NY 38810-0110 NY 38810-0118 NY 38810-0275 NY 36501-0711 NY 40501-0502 NY 40501-0275 NY 40501-0816 114 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards I) (1970) ,'.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968) Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimeter)/ (NYSStd.) (1969) Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Traffic Control Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Scientific Std. Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Riders) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Material Handling Motor Home) (1971) Spec, for Automotive ens, Ranges, Fryers) ( 1970) Spec, for Cooking ck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, B/ Spec, for Athletic Spec, for Ward and Operating Room Hospital Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Mowing v, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harves/ ind Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenanc/ Spec ic Lift) (1969) -Up and Sit Down Riders) (19/ ctor Case, Display and Urn Stands/ 1968) (1971) ntry) (1969) 9) Up Rider, Skid) (Manual Hyd/ s, Garment Rack - Portable) / Spec, for Farm Spec, for Garage for Traffic Signal Spec, for Garage Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Track and Field Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for Food Service Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for X-Ray for Resuscitation for Resuscitation Spec Spec Spec, for Professional Motion Picture Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Scientific Spec, for Pressing Machine Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Garage Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Refrigeration ler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), / Spec, for Kitchen s Preparation for Automobile, Truck and Special Automotive ol and Stock, Utility, Canva/ ,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) attery Powered, 2000 Lb. Cap/ ery Chargers; Order Picker H/ ed) (1971) kie) (1971) Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Materials Handling rsand Cans) (1971) Spec, for Mammographic X-Ray System and Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen for Food Service Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen Spec unit, Work Table and Serving Coun/ (1971) rtable Tables, Heated Serving and Ice / eveling Cup Dispenser) (1971) Spec, for Radio Repeater / Base Station and loads in Trucks From Ground / Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Refrigeration 970) Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Ozone Producing e Extension) (1968) Spec, for Food Service or Finishing; Steel Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar 1) ydraulic, Skids - Semilive, / 970) Blast Cleaning Machine (1969) Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Automotive Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Track and Field Spec, for Fire Spec, for Sandblasting Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Spec, for Ceramic and Pottery Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ Equ pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen pmen Fire Engine Apparatus) (1970) Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup Truck) ( 1970) Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, Parkway Patr Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, G Flashers) (1971) Folders) (1968) Folding Machine) (1970) Food Dicer) (1971) Food Processing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Food Transporting and Serving Food Conveyors Food Transporting Carts) (Conveyor) (1969) Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) (1970) Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) ( 197 1 ) Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Stand-Up Forward Control Mobile Research Laboratory - Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial (O General) (Basketball, Table and Paddle and D General) (1966) Glassware Washer) (1968) Hand and Power) (1971) Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harro Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter Heads, Beacons, Etc.) (1971) Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Full Hydrau High Capacity Generator) (1970) High Jump Pit with Cover) ( 1971 ) High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand Hospital) (1971) Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units) (Prote Image Intensifier System with Accessories) Image Intensifier System) (Hospital) (1971) Inhalator, Aspirator), Portable (1969) Inhalator, Aspirator, Lightweight Automatic) Institutional Use) (1970) Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets and Sink) (Pa Laser System) (1971) Laundry) (1968) Lift Stacker with Rolled Paper Handler) (196 Lift Truck, Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Lift, Air Compressor) (1969) Lift, Platform and Pallet Trucks) (1968) Linear Accelerator) (1966) Linen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liner Lint Collector) (1966) Lint Collector) (1968) Loading Chute) (1968) Loading Hoppers) (1969) Low Temperature) (Chest Type) ( 1970) Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Pee Manual) (1966) /Iform Meth. for Requisition Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, to Manual), Platform Truck Metal), End Rack, 18 Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, B Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Batt Mechanical), Fork Lift Truck (Gasoline Power Mechanical), Lift Truck (Battery Powered Wal Medical Center) (1971) Milk, Cream and Coffee and Beverage Dispense Mixer, Meat Chopper and Slicer) ( 1971 ) Mixers - 60 - 80 Quart) ( 197 1 ) Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Mobile Counters, Cashiers Stand, Work Table) Mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Po Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter, Self L Mobile Units, Antenna) (1967?) Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Mobile) (Park) (1971) Mortuary Refrigerator) (1971) Multi Room Still Photo Processing System) (1 Oblong Foil Cake and Round Pie Pans) (1971) Odor Control) (Hospital Deodorizer) (1968) Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Tabl Paint System) (1969) FED Std. 141 / Spec. F Pallet Rack, Storage System - Drive In) (197 Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1969) Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1970) Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and H Passenger Cars) ( 1 97 1 ) Plumbicon Television System) (1968) Pole Vault and High Jump Pits with Cover) ( 1 Portable Pumper Units, Hose) (1971) Portable, Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Pressure Cooker with Tilt Kettles) (1971) Processing Complement) (1971) Pug Mill, Potters Wheel) (1971) Pumper) (1967) Nfpa 19 NY 40501-0301 NY 40501-0086 NY 40501-0252 NY 40501-0079 SC *37 NY 36501-0591 NY 36501-0536 NY 36100-0604 NY 38787-0579 NY 36112-0264 NY 36114-0345 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0594 NY 39101-0719 NY 40500-0763 NY 24100-0697 NY 30200-0587 NY 00116-00-0088 NY 12070-0680 NY 37000-0625 NY 08200 NY 35000-0647 NY 35813-0072 NY 35000-0299 NY 11000-0699 NY 30206-0173 NY 39101-0892 NY 11000-0777 NY 36200-0124 NY 11000-0633 NY 11000-0465 NY 12100-0501 NY 12100-320 NY 38100-0686 NY 36200-0225 NY 38746-0586 NY 36501-0601A NY 39101-0921 NY 39101-0471 NY 35000-0965 NY 39101-0623 NY 00110-0258 NY 39104-0565 NY 00365-0369 NY 36501-0554 NY 36501-0799 NY 36501-0800 NY 24208-0660 NY 00361-0541 IL *25 NY 39100-0562 NY 39100-0398 NY 39101-0409 NY 39101-0393 NY 39101-0350 NY 39101-0279 NY 11000-0558 NY 36104-0195 NY 36100-0549 NY 36100-0423 NY 36200-0356 NY 36114-0267 NY 36114-0572 NY 36118-0539 NE *87 NY 39102-0255 NY 38211-0469 NY 24212-0809 NY 38810-0097 NY 31200-0601 NY 11609-0871 NY 36200-0735 OR 77-100-9280 NY 39105-0120 NY 39105-0911 NY 39105-0444 NY 39101-0680 NY 40400-0363 NY 11000-0565 NY 30206-0550 AK *81 NY 47100-0396 NY 36100-0914 NY 38810-0724 NY 23105-0112 WA S-67-100 115 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 9 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for X-Ray igital Stop Clock) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Timing Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Dubbing Spec, for Film Sound Dubbing Spec, for Film Sound Dubbing ies, Hot Dog Grill) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Cryogenic Safe (Flammable Liquid/ Spec, for Domestic Refrigeration paction Type, Rear Ejection Unloadi/ paction Type, Rear Ejection Unloadi/ or Stationary) (1970) , Front Snow Plow) (1970) . Hopper) (1970) Filling Machine, Du/ and Accessories) (197/ (1970) 1) (1967) s, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Dis/ ake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) (19/ ctric Griddle and Stand, Protecto/ 1) erficial Therapy) (1967) units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Sta/ ered Stand-Up Rider) (1971) 1) (1968) t) (1968) Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Soap and Detergent Making Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Group and Speech Hearing Spec, for Professional Motion Picture Spec, for Group Speech and Hearing Spec, for Radiation Monitoring Spec, for Scientific Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Traffic Control Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Traffic Control Spec, for Farm Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Fire Fighting Spec, for Paint Spraying Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Bakery Spec, for Food Service . for Material Handling . for Material Handling Spec, for Automotive Spec, for X-Ray for Closed Circuit TV Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Radiographic Film Changer and Related Spec, for Mowing Spec, for Material Handling Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Garage Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive Spec, for X-Ray ic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System and Related Accessories and Spec, for Laundry Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for FM Broadcasting Spec, for Closed Circuit Television ssion, Generator and Alternator Regulat/ ortable Refrigerated Cold Counter and / w. 53,000 Lb.) (1968) nd 5Th Wheel) (1970) p, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump/ ties, Toasters, Meat Sheer, Food Cutt/ utor and Electronic Engine Testers) (Ed/ reeze Drying Chambers) (1970) om Study and Assembly) (1971) Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Tubs, Drying Tumbl/ Std andard, Racing Lane Markers) (1971) ity, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (/ e) (1971) Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for Garage for Refrigeration for Refrigeration for Refrigeration for Refrigeration Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Refrigeration Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Machinery and Spec, for Kitchen Spec, for Pool Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Food Service Spec, for Portable Two Way Radio Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Racks, Cabinets, Mobile) (1970) Radiotherapy Linear Accelerator) (1965) Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and D Recording) (1970) Recording) (1971) Recording) (1971) Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Accessor Refrigeration, Thermometer System) (1968) Refrigerators, Freezers) Explosion Proof and Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Com Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Com Refuse Compactor Trailer, 31 cu. Yd. Mobile Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W. Refuse (Garbage) Collection Truck, 25 cu. Yd Refuse (Garbage) Collection Trucks) (1971) Rescue Vehicle) (1969) Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Roll-in Refrigerator) ( 1 97 1 ) School Buses) (1971) School) (Therapy Recorder, Auditory Trainer School) (1970) School) (1971) Scientific) (1970) Scintillation Camera System) (1971) Sedan Ambulance) (1968) Semi Actuated Controllers) (1970) Service / Utility Trucks - G.V.W. 8,000 Lb.) Shirt Finishing Unit, Press) (1971) Signals) (1966) Silo Unloader and Distributor) (1968) Sinks) (NYS Std.) (1965) Sinks) (NYS Std.) (1969) Skid - High Pressure Fog) (1969) Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Capacity) (Departmenta Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stand Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Sh Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Ele Soft Server / Shake Maker and Machines) (197 Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Radiation) (Sup Soiled and Clean Dish Table) (1971) Stainless Steel Conveyor Catch Pans) ( 1971 ) Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and Sandwich Storage and Pallet Racks) (1968) Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Battery Pow Suburban Coach Bus, 45-56 Passenger, Schoo Television Recording and Play Back Instrumen Television) (1969) Thoracic X-Ray Work) (Hospital) (1971) Tractor Drawn) (1971) Tractor, LP Gas Powered) (1969) Trade-in) (1971) Trammel Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Compre Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, P Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van Body) (G.V. Truck Tractors with Short Conventional Cab A Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Picku Tuberculosis Hospital) (1970) Tuberculosis Hospital) (1971) /C Radiograph Tumbler) (1970) University Educational Purposes) (1970) University) (1971) University) (1971) Vegetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Ket Vidicon Television System) (1968) Volt Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Distrib Walk-in Cooler) (1968) Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1969) Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1969) Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1970) Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special F Walk-in Freezer) (1971) Walk-in Freezers and Refrigerators) (Classro Walk-in Refrigerator) (1969) Washer Extractor) (1969) Washer Extractor, Drying Tumbler) (1971) Washer, Extractor, Dryer) (1968) Washers and Dryers) (14 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Washing Machine) (1970) Washing Machine) (1971) Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Loading Waste Disposers) ( 197 1 ) Water Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable St Wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Medical Util Work Table, Serving Counter) (Heated) (Mobil Work Tables, NYS Std.) (1969) 150-174 MHZ) (State Police) (1970) NY 36114-0355 NY 00110-0288 NY 30200-0417 NY 38217-0614 NY 38217-0230 NY 38217-0341 NY 36200-0367 NY 12099-0699 NY 25202-0158 NY 40534-0448 NY 40534-0452 NY 40534-0720 NY 40502-0467 NY 40534-0703 NY 40534-0392 NY 40500-0835 NY 36502-0211 NY 24204-0571 NY 40520-0473 NY 38215-0388 NY 38100-0328 NY 38215-0189 NY 38760-0110 NY 38789-0643 NY 40403-0764 SC *22 NY 40500-0655 NY 36501-0885 SC 39-200 NY 08210-0547 NY 00361-15-0092 NY 36115-0203 NY 34703-0503 NY 43221-0781 NY 36200-0787 NY 36211-0268 NY 36200-0504 NY 36211-0205 NY 11000-0348 NY 36200-0800 NY 31200-0533 NY 36200-0768 NY 39105-0491 NY 39101-0774 NY 40521-0598 NY 11000-0517 NE *4 NY 11000-0788 NY 37000-0762 NY 39101-0318 NY 36501-0856 NY 35000-0938 NY 36100-0413 NY 40500-0714 NY 40500-0479 NY 40500-0397 NY 11000-0697 NY 11000-0459 NY 36501-0364 NY 1 1002-0592 NY 38201-0644 NY 38221-0272 NY 36100-0122 NY 11000-0372 NY 35000-0738 NY 24204-0750 NY 24204-0098 NY 24204-0105 NY 24204-0423 NY 24204-0654 NY 24204-0425 NY 24204-0747 NY 24204-1010 NY 36501-0471 NY 36501-0827 NY 36501-0087 NY 36503-0403 NY 36501-0601 NY 36501-0770 NY 00365-0200 NY 36100-0831 NY 30201-0283 NY 11613-0292 NY 36200-0913 NY 36200-0186 NY 38211-0690 116 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards General Requirements for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Side Delivery Rake, Farm Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Farm Machinery and Std. Spec, for Electric Discharge Lamp Accessory Std. for Mop Wringing Spec, for Laundry Machinery and Spec, for Laundry Presses and Finishing Spec, for Laundry Wax for Waxing Flatwork Ironers and Spec, for Solvent, Light, Clean Up Printing Spec, for Special Lubricants for Heavy Spec, for Shelf Filing Spec, for Shelf Filing Spec, for Motorcycle License Plate Die Spec, for High Band Base Station Radio Spec, for Low Band Base Station Radio eters, Fluorescent Attachments and Accessories, Micro Cell boratory, Tandem Axle for Housing Water Quality Monitoring spec, for Line Carbon Master Sets, Spirit Type Duplicating Spec, for Microscopes, Accessories and Related Scientific Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for Air Conditioning Spec, for Electronic Traffic Count Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Dubbing (Recording) c. for Storage Batteries for Automobiles, Marine and Heavy lor Television Mobile Unit Including Vehicle and Specified Spec, for Mobile Radio Spec, for Mechanical Filing Spec, for Mobile Radio draulic Transmission Fluid for Truck, Bus and Earth Moving Spec, for Beauty Parlor and Barber Shop Spec, for Photographic Laboratory and Water Treating Chemicals, Water Testing, Reagents and I) (1971) Std. Spec, for Communications 1 ) Std. Spec, for Communications al (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Power House high Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace (Diffraction I) Spec, for Office Machines (Graphic Remote Display Spec, for X-Ray Crystal Monochromator (Diffraction for Surveying and Engineering Instruments (Photogrammetry Spec, for Baskets and Racks; Gymnasium Type (Wire, Locker phic and Fluoroscopic (Including Accessories and Dark Room Spec, for New Cobalt 60 Source Capsule (X-Ray r Motor / Air Compressor Unit (Oil Free Plant for Bottling Spec, for Multichannel Pulse Analyzer (Scientific Spec, for Helium 3 Refrigeration System (Scientific Spec, for Fast Slow Coincidence System (Scientific Spec, for Clothes Tables (Laundry Spec, for Steel Filing Cabinets (Card Size) (Office for Dual Channel Automatic Gamma Radioassay System R^y for Variable Frequency Pulsed NMr Spectrometer (Scientific residual Gas Analyzer System (Quadrupole Type) (Scientific omatic High Vacuum Evaporator with Accessories (Scientific ron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer System (Scientific um Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet Systems (Scientific grammer, Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Sampling and Recording (Mobile, Medical with Accessories) (Tuberculosis Hospital nd 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Kit (Scientific Transverse) Testing Machine (Screw Power Type) (Scienific Spec, for Cardiac Arrest System (Mobile) (Hospital Spec, for Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Hospital Spec, for Cardiac Intensive Care System (Hospital Spec, for Time Sharing Computer System (Scientific Spec, for Astronomical Spectrograph (Scientific . for Ultrasonic Attenuation Comparator System (Scientific ath Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Kits (Scientific Spec, for Office Machines (4800 Baud Modem / Multiplexer Spec, for Liquid Helium Dewar System (Scientific Spec, for High Vacuum Evaporator System (Scientific Spec, for Ion Micro Milling Instrument (Scientific Spec, for Seismic R. F. Telemetry System (Scientific Spec, for Comparator Microphotometer (Scientific Spec, for 300KV Neutron Generator (Scientific Spec, for Photometer System (Scientific Spec, for Audio Spectrum Analyzer (Scientific Spec, for Recording Spectropolarimeter (Scientific Spec, for Mass Spectrometer (Scientific Spec, for Superconducting Solenoid System (Scientific Spec, for Seismographic Instruments (Scientific Spec, for Ultrasonic Tissue Analysis Unit (Scientific . for Monochromator Spectrograph Polychromator (Scientific for Ion Beam Source / Pulser / Buncher System (Scientific or Pupillometer System (Eye Pupil Measurement) (Scientific ace Portable Shallow Refraction Seismic System (Scientific trometer and Accessories and Gas Chromatograph (Scientific analyzer / Scanning Electron Microscope System (Scientific Equipment (1959) NJ 5396 Equipment (1960) PA E-14 Equipment (1963) IA •1-13 Equipment (1964) OR 24-64-6A Equipment (1965) CT 11-136A Equipment (1966) NY 36500-0200 Equipment (1968) PA P-9 Equipment (1968) TX 395-43-1 Equipment (1969) CA 691-80-419 Equipment (1969) LA *6 Equipment (1969) NY 27500-0332 Equipment (1969) NY 27500-0793 Equipment (1969) NY 43220-0338 Equipment (1969) SC 38-100 Equipment (1969) SC 38-100A Equipment (1969) Spec, for Spectrophotom NY 38700-0885 Equipment (1969) Spec, for Trailer, Mobile La NJ 6542-06 Equipment (1970) CA 701-75-33 Equipment (1970) NJ 5630 Equipment (1970) NY 11000-0576 Equipment (1970) NY 11000-0698 Equipment (1970) NY 30001-0548 Equipment (1970) NY 35812-0170 Equipment (1970) NY 38217-0691 Equipment (1970) Spe LA ♦14 Equipment (1970) / Test, and Delivery of a Complete Co SC 76-000-0305 Equipment (1970?) GA 5810-6-6 Equipment (1970?) HI *11 Equipment (1970?) NJ 1748-01 Equipment (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Duty Hy VA *26 Equipment (1971) NY 30700-0474 Equipment (1971) NY 38810-0541 Equipment (1971) Std. Spec, for Boiler Compound IL *1 Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, Personal, VHF Low Ban FL ♦26 Equipment (2 Way Radios, Land Mobile, VHF Low Band) (19 FL *27 Equipment) Water Resistant (1967) /Motive and Indus tri MI 5255-S12 Equipment) (College) (1969) Spec, for NY 11002-0216 Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Receiver, Projector) (197 NY 22900-0899 Equipment) (Educational Purposes) (1969) NY 11002-0848 Equipment) (Uniplanar Scanning Digitizer System) (1969) NY 31601-0380 Equipment) (1964) Std. OR 19-64-12A Equipment) (1966) Spec, for X-Ray Machines; Radiogra PA X-l Equipment] (1968) NY 11000-0784 Equipment) (1968) Spec. Fo NY 41400-0577 Equipment) (1969) NY 38701-0808 Equipment) (1969) NY 38719-1017 Equipment) (1969) NY 38760-0300 Equipment) (1969) PA T-5 Equipment) (1969) RI 1-035 Equipment) (1969) Spec. NY 11000-0304 Equipment) (1969) Spec. NY 38782-0823 Equipment) (1969) Spec, for NY 38701-0449 Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Aut NY 38788-0994 Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Elect NY 38782-0416 Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Water and Liquid Heli NY 38750-0012 Equipment) (1969) / (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Pro NY 12600-0912 Equipment) (1969) /Pulmonary Function Analyzing System NY 12600-0796 Equipment) (1969) /Tic Resonance Spectrometer System A NY 38782-0824 Equipment) (1969) /Universal (Compression, Tension and NY 38787-0813 Equipment) (1970) NY 12600-0375 Equipment) (1970) NY 12600-0411 Equipment) (1970) NY 12600-0476 Equipment) (1970) NY 38716-0702 Equipment) (1970) NY 38781-0623 Equipment) (1970) Spec NY 38760-0675 Equipment) (1970) Spec, for Alcohol Bre NY 38787-0709 Equipment) (1971) NY 22900-0828 Equipment) (1971) NY 38713-0733 Equipment) (1971) NY 38731-0067 Equipment) (1971) NY 38753-0400 Equipment) (1971) NY 38754-0866 Equipment) (1971) NY 38755-0750 Equipment) (1971) NY 38760-0023 Equipment) (1971) NY 38768-0281 Equipment] (1971) NY 38781-0319 Equipment) (1971) NY 38782-0722 Equipment) (1971) NY 38782-0820 Equipment] (1971) NY 38787-0744 Equipment) (1971) NY 38787-0759 Equipment) (1971) NY 38789-0814 Equipment) (1971) Spec NY 38781-0784 Equipment) (1971) Spec. NY 38760-0309 Equipment) (1971) Spec. F NY 38760-0322 Equipment) (1971) Spec, for 24 Tr NY 38787-0821 Equipment) (1971) Spec, for Mass Spec NY 38782-0200 Equipment) (1971) /or Combination Electron Microprobe NY 38782-0782 117 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Traffic Signal Mineral Spec, for Road (Highway) and Bridge Construction, ) Spec, for Dishwashing 71) Spec, for Stage Spec, for Dictating Spec, for X-Ray ne, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Machines, std. Spec, for Highway Construction (Materials, Machinery, Spec, for Radar Spec, for Pinion Grease, Heavy Area, Gas Fired Air Replacemen/ Spec, for Paint Spraying ltipurpose Mobile Chair Table) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Mobile Food Service red (1967) Spec, for y and Industrial) ( 1961 ) Spec, for c. for Number Machine, Drawing, Writing, Stamp Pad Ink and Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for oal (Stic/ Spec, for School and Art Supplies; Blackboard bber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; p and Numbering Machine / Std. Spec, for Office Supplies and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (Material, ters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, 5 Trichlorophe/ Spec, for Liquid Herbicide, Low Volatile Spec, for Herbicide, Low Volatile Spec, for Herbicides, Liquid, Low Volatile Spec, for Surfactant (Anionic Organic Phosphate weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile sh Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile p/ Spec, for Herbicide, Invert Emulsions of Low Volatile Spec, for Herbicide; Weed and Brush Killer, Salts and Spec, and Spec, for Octyl Phenoxy Polyethoxy Spec, for Surfactant (Nonylphenoxy Polyethoxy Spec, for Spec, for Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Spec, for Suction, Spec, for Surfactant; Linear Alcohol ent Manufacture (1966) ASTM Dl 172,/ Spec, for Surfactant tergents and Clean/ Spec, for Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Agent) (1969) Spec, for Tetra Sodium Salt of Spec, for Antifreeze, Permanent, Spec, for Antifreeze; Spec, for Permanent Antifreeze etergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol e) (1970) Spec, for Medical Gases (Nitrous Oxide, aners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate, dl293, FED SS-S-550 Spec, for Sodium Chloride Spec, for Split System (Compressor and Condenser Outside; Spec, for High Vacuum Spec, for High Vacuum 9) Spec, for Automatic High Vacuum d 8 Lane) (1971) Spec, for Portable Athletic Spec, for Athletic Spec, for Automatic Audiometric and Spec, for Shoes (Motor Vehicle Spec, for Uniform; Driver Spec, for Highway Driver License Std. Spec, for Roadway and Drainage 4) Std. Spec, for Boom) ( 1970) Spec, for Cranes and Spec, for Steel Contemporary Spec, for Steel Office ) Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Steel ure ) ( 1 962 ) Spec, for Wood Std. Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Spec, for Wood Chairs 1969) Spec, for Steel Contemporary ) Spec, for ) Spec, for Junior Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armchair Spec, for Steel Swivel Arm Chairs Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armchair, Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armless, 105 Spec, for Seat Cushions (Posture and Spec, for Clerical Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow rter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring rvice Equipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tables) pec. for Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, with Arms) (1968) Equipment, Actuated Controllers (1971) Equipment, and Application (1970) Equipment, Commercial (Silverware Washer - Drier) (1971 Equipment, Curtains (Draperies) (Riggings and Rods) (19 Equipment, Desk Type (1968) Equipment, Film Processor (Hospital) (1971) Equipment, Inflations, and Udder Wash (1970) /D Chlori Equipment, Meth., Installation) (1964) Equipment, Portable, Automotive Use (1963) Equipment, Soap Base (1968) Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Equipment, Wheeled (Special Purpose Chairs) (Shower, Mu Equipment; Cabinets, Racks and Dollies (1971) Equipment; Front End Loaders, Diesel Engined, Rubber Ti Equipment; Tractors, Rubber Tired (Agricultural, Utilit Eradicator (1971) Std. Spe Eraser Shields (1970) Erasers (1960) Erasers, Pen, Pencil, Typewriter and Blackboard (1971) (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Chare Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Fi (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stam Erection and Reerection) for Highway Construction (1964 Erosion Dams, Cribbing) (1970?) /D (Open Flumes or Gut (Ester of Combination 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4, (Ester of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1970) (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1971) Ester) for Janitorial Product Manufacture (1969) Ester) ( 1961 ) Std. Spec, for Ester) (1961) Std. Spec, for Bru (Esters of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichloro Esters (1969) Estimated Requirements for Cold Rolled Steel (1970?) Ethanol (1971) Ethanol) (1969) Ether Blankets (1960) Ether (75% Active) (1969) Ether, Irrigation and Anesthesia Apparatus ( 1969) Ethoxylate (1968) (Ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Flakes) for Laundry Deterg Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in Compounding De Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequestering Ethylene Glycol (1968) Ethylene Glycol (1970) (Ethylene Glycol, Automotive) (1970?) Ethylene Oxide Condensate, Ethyleneoxide (1968) /Uid D Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid Oxygen, Acetylen Ethyleneoxide ( 1968) /Uid Detergent in Compounding Cle Evaporated Salt for Soap Manufacture (1965) ASTM CI 36, Evaporator Inside) Air Cooled Air Conditioning Unit ( 19 Evaporator System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Evaporator System (University) (1971) Evaporator with Accessories (Scientific Equipment) (196 Event Timer with Accessories (Swimming and Track) (6 An Event Timer with Accessories (1971) Evoked Response Systems (Psychiatric Hospital) (1971) Examiner Safety Toe) (Uniform) (1968) Examiner (Men's) (State Police) (1970) FED Std. 191 Examiner's Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Excavation for Highway Construction (1964) Excavation for Structures for Highway Construction (196 Excavators (Self Propelled Mobile Yard, with Telescopic Executive Armless Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat Executive Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, with Arms) (1968 Executive Desks (Class A) (Office Furniture) (1969) Executive Desks (Kneehole or Typewriter) (Office Furnit Executive Office (1967) (Executive Swivel Arm) (Office Furniture) (1962) Executive Swivel Armchair (Chairs) (Office Furniture) Executive Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970? Executive Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970? (Executive Type Chair) (Office Furniture) (1969) (Executive Type), Armchair (Office Furniture) (1969) Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) Executive) for Office Use (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. (Executive) Metal Double Pedestal Desk (1968) Exempt, Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Hors (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Food Se Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement Sy NY 35814-0043 VA DH-1 NY 33500-0623 NY 38103 CA 681-71-04 NY 1 1000-0445 MA *14 SC HD KS 53-3 CA 681-91-111 NY 43221-0771 NY 11613-0331 PA M-52 PA E-21 PA E-13 IL *32GG IL *32BB PA E-12 IL *32AA NY 23100-0855 NY 23000-0633 FL *16 SC HD-123 MS 3351 MS H-8-71 MS H-2A-70 MS H-3A-71 TX 371-78-10 WA S-61-36 WA S-61-37 MS H-9-71 PA H-16 NJ 6140-00 NY 25526-0336 TX 371-78-9 RI 4710-002 TX 371-96-1 NY 12200-0099 TX 371-78-1B TX 371-78-7 CA 681-66-20 TX 371-61-1A CA 681-66-12 PA A-9 VA *36 CA 681-66-14 LA *13 CA 681-66-14 TX 615-37-2 KS 35-3A NY 38731-0067 NY 38788-0521 NY 38788-0994 NY 30200-0405 NY 30200-0065 NY 38215-0836 NJ 3370-00 PA U-50 SC 03-0 10A SC HD-13 SC HD-14 NY 41100-0463 RI 4-013 TX 300-3 3-2B TX 300-33-1B RI 1-010 RI 3-001 MS F-27-67 RI 3-007 RI 4-011 NV 7110-1 NV 7110-2 RI 2-002 RI 1-011 RI 1-012 RI 1-013 CA 711-67-26 TX 300-3 7- IB CA 691-80-421 NY 30200-0587 NY 36200-0823 NY 43221-0771 118 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Fans, Industrial (Welding Shop Spec, for Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Spec, for ment for Highway/ Std. Spec, for Removal and Disposal of industrial X-Ray Equipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Update for Reinforcing Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Spec, for File Pockets, Spec, for Wallets, Std. Spec, for Wallets (Tie, Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment 968) Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment olts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, domestic Refrigeration Equipment (Refrigerators, Freezers) ork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Removable ec. for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link Belt Std. Spec, for Portable Ladders (Straight, Spec, for Tractor, with Hydraulic Spec, for Portable Metal Trestle and (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Portable Trestle and Spec, for Certificate of Inspection and 10 Day Spec, for Wood Ladders (Straight and Spec, for Metal Rung Ladders (Straight and Spec, for Ladders; Wood or Metal (Single And/or Sectional e Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Table d. 141a Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic Std. Spec, for Spar Varnish, ints) (1968) Spec, for Latex Base Paint, 9, FED Std. 595 Spec, for 89, FED Std. 595 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paint, tion ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Std. Spec, for Weather Resistant Std. Spec, for Paint; Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces / Spec, for Ready Mixed nts)(1963) Std. Spec, for ady Mixed, White And/ Std. Spec, for Oil Alkyd (Modified) Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Green -103 Spec, for p-102 Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Green, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Mildew Resistant Ready Mixed White House Paint for Wooden rcycle and Trailer) ( 1969) Spec, for Inspection Device, td. Spec, for Linseed Oil White Paint Intended for General . for Elastomeric Pigmented Film (Decal) Decalcomanias for Spec, for Enamel (Paint), ) (1966) Std. Spec, for Latex Base Paint for ed Exterior Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on d. 141a Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Wood, Mildew Resistant, Spec, for Paint, Finish, Stucco, Flat, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Stucco, Std. Spec, for Paint, Flat Alkyd, Std. Spec, for Spar Varnish (Water Resisting, Std. Spec, for Paint (Alkyd Resin, Std. Spec, for Stain; Opaque, and Tints, Wood, Std. Spec, for Paint, 3) Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Enamel, Synthetic, Std. Spec, for Paint; Ready Mixed, metal or Masonry, Ready Mix (1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Std. Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete and Masonry, Std. Spec, for Primer Sealer; Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Vinyl Acrylic Emulsion, Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Spec, for Paint, Finish, Ltz, Spec, for Paint, Finish, Fumeproof, Spec, for Enamel, White, Std. Spec, for Paint; machine Tools (Milling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Charge; Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec. fo~ Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Exhaust System) (Hoods and Blower) ( 1970) Exhauster, Fume (1970) (Exhibit Cases, Half Island Unit) ( 1971 ) Exhibition Panels (1967) Exhibition Panels ( 1971 ) Existing Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pav Existing System) (Educational Purposes) (1970) /. for Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for Highway Construe Expanding (1969) Expanding, Letter and Legal Size Filing (1970) Expanding, Single Pocket) (1971) (Expansible, Pretimed Controller, Secondary) (1968) (Expansion of System) (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, Threaded Rod, Nails) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid and Volatile Extensible Boom (1968) Spec, for F Extensible Boom (1970) Sp Extension and Step; Wood and Aluminum) (1969) Extension Arm Type Rotary Mower, Mounted (1970) Extension Ladder (1960) ANSI A14.2-56 Extension of Campus RF - Television Distribution System Extension Wood Ladder (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Extension (Motor Vehicle) Stickers (1968) Extension) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Extension) (1960) ANSI A14.2-56 Extension) (1968) Extension) (1968) Spec, for Food Servic (Exterior and Interior Surfaces) (1967) FED TT-E-489, St Exterior and Interior (1970) Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semigloss) (White and T Exterior Enamel (Paint), Dark Green (1970?) FED TT-E-48 ( Exterior Enamel (Paint), Light Green (1970?) FED TT-E-4 Exterior Finish, Wood (House), Light (1970) Exterior Flat, Emulsion Type with Oleoresinous Modifica Exterior High Gloss White Paint ( 1971 ) Exterior Latex Emulsion (1969) Exterior Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Paint Primer (Undercoat for Wood, White and Ti Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Re Exterior Paint (1962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. 141 /Pec. for Exterior Paint, General Purpose, White (1970?) FED TT-P Exterior Paint, Light Stone (Buildings) (1970?) FED TT- Exterior Park Bench (1969) Exterior Primer for Wood (House Paint) (1970) Exterior Primer Paint, Wood, House, Ready Mix ( 1963) Exterior Surfaces ( 1967) Spec, for Exterior Use (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (Moto Exterior Use (1964) Exterior Use (1964) Spec Exterior White, Metal (1969) Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (White and Light Tints Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (1962) FED TT-P-61C, S Exterior (for Masonry Surfaces) (1968) FED TT-P-55B, St Exterior (White, Light Tints and Other Colors) ( 1971 ) Exterior (1969) Exterior (1969) Exterior (1969) Exterior (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Exterior) (1969) Exterior) (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Exterior, Alkyd (1969. FED Std. 595 Exterior, Bungalow or Walnut Brown, Wood (1970) Exterior, Finish Coat, Wood, House, Tintable White (196 Exterior, Gloss, Metal and Wood (Paint) (1970) Exterior, Medium Shades ( 1969) Exterior, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Exterior, Ready Mix (1969) FED TT-P-105a Exterior, Ready Mix, Light (1970) Exterior, Ready Mixed, Wood (1969) Exterior, Sash and Trim Enamel (1970) Exterior, White and Tints (1969) Exterior, Wood Trim (Paint) (1969) Exterior, Wood (1969) Exterior, Wood (1969) Exterior, Wood, Fume Resistant, Fast Drying (1969) Exterior, Wood, General Purpose (1969) External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, Electrical Di Extinguisher Charges; Antifreeze (1957) FED O-S-588 Extinguisher Charges; Soda Acid ( 1970) Extinguisher (Various) (1969) Extinguisher, Carbon Dioxide ( 1 968 ) Extinguisher, Dry Chemical ( 1968) Extinguisher, Dry Chemical, Pressurized (1968) Extinguisher, Foam (1968) Extinguisher, Water Type, Cartridge Operated (1968) Extinguisher, Water Type, Pressurized (1968) NY 21301-0546 NJ 4916-00 NY 21802-0161A NY 31800-0200 NY 21802-0430 SC HD-116 NY 11002-0608 SC HD-72 CA 691-75-60 CA 701-75-59 IL •32HHH SC 39-000 NY 11002-0461 NJ 5108-00 NY 25202-0158 NJ 4938-55 NJ 4938-148 OR 33-400-9010 NJ 4938-135 VA DG-11 NY 38221-0518 VA FN-3 NY 50045-0453 VA FN-1 VA DG-9 PA L-46 NY 36200-0735 PA P-124 MS PM-2 NY 38000-0387 MS 3552 MS 3553 MS PE-3 NJ 7342-25 WA S-6 1-26-2 OR 77-100-9090 VA DK-36 WA S-63-70 WA S-70-108 VA DK-37 MS 3531 MS 3534 MI 5325-S15 MS PE-1 IA *1-1 TX 520-42-1A PA D-20 SC HD-80B7 TX 194-35-1 CA 691-80-10 WA S-66-93 VA DK-36 PA P-157 NY 38010-0188 CA 691-80-01 CA 691-80-04 CA 691-80-05 OR 77-100-9040 OR 77-100-9420 OR 77-100-9030 OR 77-100-9080 MS PE-5 IA ♦1-2 MS PE-1 3 OR 77-100-9050 MS PE-8 KY 1 IB MS PE-7 OR 77-100-9010 MS PE-6 CA 691-80-11 OR 77-100-9060 CA 691-80-02 CA 691-80-03 CA 691-80-06 OR 77-100-9020 NY 43201-0500 PA F-54 PA F-55 CA 691-42-56 KY 4210-100 KY 4210-200 KY 4210-300 FL *13 FL ♦14 FL ♦12 119 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Std. for Portable Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire 968) Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire let 12 Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire onditioning (1970) Spec, for ing Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Installation and lation and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer and pec. for Commercial / Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer ty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer Spec, for Laundry Machines; Combination Washer 1959) Spec, for Combination Washer Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer, Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer Spec, for Washing Machines (Washer Spec, for Monorail and Hoist for Use with Unloading Type 4) Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Washer - Laundry Machinery and Equipment (Washing MdWarshsc Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry ) Spec, for Laundry olic) for Food (1971) Spec, for k, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (197/ Spec, for Wrought and asher, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled and or Metal Forming Machine Tools (Rotational Molding 15 In., , Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Che/ Spec, for Small Tools Spec, for Pupillometer System tural Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Spec, for Safety Eyewear, Fitted, Piano and Prescription Spec, for Safety Eyewear, Spec, for Prescription Eyewear (Spectacles, . 105 Spec, for Prescription Spec, for Safety spectacles ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Safety Spec, for Sterilizers (Special) (278 Deg. Std. Spec, for -497 Spec, for Steel Spec, for Cleaning Cloth; Nonwoven 970?) AASHO M-l 17 Spec, for Saturated r Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton for Dialkyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in drogenated Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Spec, for Powdered al) (1971 ) Aocs DA9-48, ASTM D2077 Spec, for Powdered 1) (1970) Aocs DA9-48 Spec, for Powdered Spec, for Spec, for Beds; Metal, Cot, Folding (Wire Spec, for Beds; Metal, Institutional Ward (Wire Spec, for Beds; Metal, Double Deck (Wire Std. Spec, for cidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic dsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic 1956) Spec, for Bed Spring; Wire Spec, for Textile, Dimity, White Barred Spec, for Drill; Cotton Spec, for Jute Spec, for Typewriter Ribbons, Spec, for Ribbons; Typewriter and Teletype, Std. Spec, for Fencing; Chain Link right) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl Coated or Dampproofing of Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Spec, for Typewriter Ribbons beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, , Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, Upholstery Std. Spec, for Typewriter Ribbons signal, Dimity, Flannel, G/ Spec, for Cotton Dress Goods Std. Spec, for Waterproofing Extinguisher, Water (2 1/2 Gal. Stored Pressure) (1970) Extinguishers and Refills (1965) Extinguishers and Refills ( 1971 ) Extinguishers (Hand, First Aid Appliances) (1969) Extinguishers (1969) Extinguishers (1969) Extinguishers (1969) Extinguishers (1970) Extinguishers, CO(2) (1968) Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry Chemical Multipurpose ( 1 Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry Chemical (1968) Extinguishers, Water Type, Pump ( 1968) Extinguisher; Dry Chemical (1968) Extinguisher; Hand, Carbon Dioxide (1968) Extinguisher; Hand, Foam Type (1968) Extinguisher; Hand, Soda and Acid Type ( 1968) UL 7, 71 1 Extinguisher; Water (Metal Back Pack) (1968) Extinguisher; Water, Hand Pump, Tank Type ( 1970) Extinguishing System (Carbon Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Pamph Extinguishing System (1969) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 Extract Quebracho Tannin, Solid for Boiler Feed Water C Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extract Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer Pump) (1969 Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty End Loading) (1970) S Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty Side Loading) (1970) Extractor (Commercial) (1964) Extractor (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Lb. Dry Capacity) Extractor) (1969) (Extractor) (1971) Extractor, Dryer) (1968) Extractor, Drying Tumbler) (1971) Extractor, Front Loading, Commercial Type) ( 1971 ) Extractors (1969) Extractors, Hydraulic Operated (Institutional Use) (195 Extractors, Laundry, Commercial (1966) Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shi Extractors, Underdriven Solid Curb (1954) Extractors, Unloading Type (Institutional Use) (1950) Extractors; Open or Clear Top (Institutional Use) (1950 Extracts, Flavoring and Flavors (Alcoholic and Nonalcoh Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stoc Extruded Structural Shapes (for Highway and Bridge Cons Extruder, Injector Molder) (1967) Spec. F (Eye Protective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors (Eye Pupil Measurement) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway and Bridge Const Eyeglasses and Spectacles (1971) Eyeglasses and Spectacles (1971) Eyeglasses) (1971) CFR 21, MIL Std. 105 Eyewear (Spectacles, Eyeglasses) (1971) CFR 21, MIL Std Eyewear, Eyeglasses and Spectacles (1971) Eyewear, Fitted, Piano and Prescription Eyeglasses and F.), High Speed (1969) F.M. Two Way Radio (1971) Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) ASTM A-185, A Fabric for Dusting, Wiping Polishing ( 1971 ) Fabric for Waterproofing (Asphalt or Coal Tar Pitch) ( 1 Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-55 IB Spec. Fo Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Spec, for Fabric Softener Formulation ( 1971 ) Spec. Fabric Softener Manufacture (1969) Spec, for Di (Hy Fabric Softener (Dry Wheel Application) (1969) Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Non Germicid Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Nongermicida Fabric Softener; Bacteriostat (1971) Fabric Springs) (1956) Fabric Springs) (1956) Fabric Springs) (1956) Fabric Tape, Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a Fabric Washing Machines (1968) /Uilt Low Sudsing Germi Fabric Washing Machines) (1967) FED P-D-245A, ASTM Dl 17 Fabric (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class I) Fabric (Cloth) (1970?) Fabric (Cloth, Textile) (1971) FED Std. 191, ASTM D2514 Fabric (Stabilize Earth Slopes) (1970?) Fabric (1962) Fabric (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Fabric (1969) ASTM A392-68 Fabric (1971) Spec, for Brief (Up Fabric) for Highway Construction (1964) /Aterproofing (Fabric) (1965) FED CCC-T-191a Fabric) (1970) /D Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Fabric) (1970) /Re (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests (Fabric) (1970) FED DDD-R-311D (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Fabric, Asphalt Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a PA F-48 NY 00347-0493 NY 34700-0585 OR 25-110-9010 CA 691-42-55 CT 81-143B SD •16 TN 4270-020 FL *9 FL *10 FL •11 FL *15 PA F-49 PA F-51 PA F-52 PA F-53 PA E-17 PA F-47 NY 34700-0207 NY 34700-0966 MA *10 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 TX 400-48-2A TX 400-48-2A PA M-47 NJ 89-400 NY 36501-0471 NY 36501-0177 NY 36501-0087 NY 36501-0827 NY 36501-0487 PA M-27 PA E-9 NC 3510-WE-2 NY 00365-0200 PA E-2 PA E-8 PA E-3 PA E-5 MS 3336 VA DH-236 NY 43202-0904 NY 39012-0491 NY 38760-0322 VA DH-232 CA 711-42-09 CA 711-42-10 CA 711-62-50 CA 711-62-50 CA 711-42-10 CA 711-42-09 NY 10500-0772 IL *30 MS 3303 PA C-119 MS 3201 VA DS-7 VA DS-6 TX 180- 12-2 A TX 371-32-2 VA L-8 TX 505-47-1A TX 395-35-7 PA F-84 PA B-28 PA B-60 PA B-64 MS R-5-64-22 TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-1A PA SWF- 108 MA *35-58 PA D-4 MS 3883 KS 76-1 PA R-13 OR 64-650-9010 PA C-149 SC HD-112 VA FB-3 NY 21601-0227 NY 21604-0226 RI 5420-15 NY 32600-0622 MS R_5_64-20 120 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Plisse Spec, for Bed Springs (Band ec. for Dampproofmg and Waterproofing Materials (Asphalt, Std. Spec, for Waterproofing for Household Furniture (Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Spec, for Knit Cloth Spec, for Knit Cloth Spec, for Knit Cloth 1 Spec, for Knit Cloth Spec, for Cotton Ducks and Drill Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for •vision Mobile Unit Including Vehicle / Spec, for Design, synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, Colored and Woolen Spec, for Black Indelible Marking Ink for :ases An/ Std. Spec, for Textiles (Bedspreads, Waterproof I Spec, for Spec, for Terry ors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), ilm, Colors and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign laster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, Splint, Spec, for and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Spec, for Spec, for Adjustable Chairs; Steel, Spec, for Thermometer, Clinical, Fever Type, Spec, for Ribbons and Rosettes (State Spec, for Badges (Long and Spec, for Conspicuous Service Crosses and Long and Spec, for Officer's Uniforms; Spec, for Uniforms; Enlisted Men's, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross C/ Spec, for Athletic Equipment - Men's) (1969) Spec, for Outerwear Spec, for Textile, Dress Broadcloth, Printed Spec, for Continuous Pinfeed Spec, for Spec, for Electric Spec, for Electric Circulating Propeller Spec, for Air Conditioners and , Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop Step Ladder, Electric Tent. Spec, for nd Blower) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Electric Spec, for Pens (Cages) (Dog, harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harves/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Side Delivery Rake, Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Std. Spec, for Fencing; Wire, 1 Type (Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Design, Utility, paint) (1971) Spec, for Yellow ic Line Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - . for Primer Coating, Latex Base, Interior, White (Paint), Spec, for White Traffic Paint 1971?) Spec, for White Spec, for Paint, Traffic, White, Spec, for Enamel, White, Exterior, Wood, Fume Resistant, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Zinc Chromate, Metal, 69) Spec, for Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Spec, for Tape , Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Ancho/ Spec, for , Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Snap Std. Spec, for Spec, for 16, B-/ Spec, for Fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), uttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap d, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; e Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; hoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Spec, for Staples, Paper ch Unit, Hot Food/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Deep Spec, for Tallow Spec, for Tallow Spec, for Steer Spec, for Tallow Coconut Spec, for Tall Oil ord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Spec, for Pillows Spec, for Washable Std. Spec, for Pillows, Bed Spec, for Bed Pillows (Goose Spec, for Bed Pillows (Curled Hen and Duck Spec, for Bed Pillows (Duck Fabric, Cotton, White (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Fabric, Dormitory or Hospital Use) ( 1960) FED AA-B-155 Fabric, Joint Sealer) (Highway Construction) ( 1970) /P Fabric, Pitch Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-591 Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds (Fabric, Textile) (1968) (Fabric, Textile) (1968) (Fabric, Textile) (1969) (Fabric, Textile) (1969) (Fabric, Textile) (1970) Fabric, Uniform Oxford Gray (1969) Fabric, Uniform, Blue and Green ( 1969) Fabrication, Test, and Delivery of a Complete Color Tel Fabrics in Power Laundry (1969) /C. for Organic Built Fabrics (1962) FED TT-I-00542B Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Fabric; Non Woven (Roll and Cut Sheets) (Textile) (1961 Face Cloths (1957) Face Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Dispenser for Cle Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Screen A Facial Tissue) ( 1971 ) /S (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, P Facial Tissue, Hospital ( 1965) Facilities) (1969) /Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly Facsimile Machines (Office) (1971) Factory or Institutional Type (Office Furniture) (1969) Fahrenheit (1968) USC Ps39 Fair) (1969) Faithful Service Medals and Clasps) (1970) Faithful Service Medals (1971) Fall and Winter (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Fall and Winter (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, (Fall and Winter) (Hooded Sweatshirts, Parkas, Trousers Fancy (Cloth) (1970?) Fanfold Forms (1971) Fans (Electric, Free Air Type) (1970) Fans (Floor and Pedestal Types) (1952) Fans (1968) Fans (1971) Fans) (1970?) /Ing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases Fans, Electric, 16 In. Desk Bracket (1961) Fans, Industrial (Welding Shop Exhaust System) (Hoods A Fans; Desk and Bracket Type (1952) Farm Animal) (Medical Center) (1969) Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Farm Equipment (Silo Unloader and Distributor) (1968) Farm Equipment (1960) Farm Fencing, Posts and Accessories (1971) Farm Machinery and Equipment (1963) Farm (1969) ASTM Al 16-66 Farm) (1971) Spec, for Tractors, Whee Fast Dry High Build Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces Fast Dry Type) ( 1969) /Pec. for White and Yellow Traff Fast Dry (1970) Std. Spec (Fast Dry) (1969) Fast Drying Traffic Paint Based on Chlorii ted Rubber Fast Drying Type IV ( 1970) Fast Drying (1969) Fast Drying (1969) Fast Slow Coincidence System (Scientific Equipment) (19 Fast, Low Solvency ( 1969) Fastener (1970) Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack Fasteners (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned Fasteners (1953) Fasteners (1971) Fasteners, Paper File, Metallic, Compressor (1969) Fasteners, Tie and Tension Wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-l Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders Fasteners; Parcel Post Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moi Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binde Fastener; Thread; and Zippers) ( 1971 ) / Safety Pins; S Fastening, Office ( 1971 ) Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwi (Fat) for Manufacture of Toilet and Laundry Soap ( 1966) (Fat) (1970) Fattening Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Fatty Acid Blend for Soap Manufacture (1971) Fatty Acid for Low Titer Soap and Products ( 1965) Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, Hoes and (Feather and Down) (1935) FED CCC-T-191 Feather Bed Pillows (1964) (Feather) (1967) Feathers) (1961) Feathers) (1962) Feathers) (1964) CA 681-83-20 TX 295-38-8 VA DH-214 MS R_5_64-21 NY 21605-0260 NY 32612-0561 NY 32612-0893 NY 32612-0087 NY 32612-0821 NY 32700-0498 CT 9152-F-332B CT 9152-F-344B SC 76-000-0305 VA L-2 TX 395-33-2 WI 9100 PA C-142 RI 4780-001 NY 39012-0491 NY 38601-0173 NY 10134-0339 KY 7850-4 NY 11000-0818 NY 22917-0015 RI 1-016 CA 681-62-100 NY 31002-0086 NY 31000-0279 NY 31000-0553 PA U-ll PA U-17 NY 30200-0073 NY 40011-0084 MA *35-57 NJ 8330-02 NY 21300-0639 PA F-43 VA Y-10A SD *14 HI *7 MS TF-16 NY 21301-0546 PA F-4 NY 12040-0862 NY 08200 NY 08210-0547 PA E-14 NY 39603-0264 IA * 1-1 3 OR 64-600-9010 NY 40601-0434 TX 630-63-9 NM M-TPC-69 MS PI- 11 MD *5 SC 20-0 10A NJ 7342-17 CA 691-80-06 CA 691-80-51 NY 38760-0300 CA 691-80-411 NY 22202-0448 NJ 5108-00 MS 3391 IL *33R IL ♦32CC CA 691-75-64 MS 3376 FL *25 FL ♦21 NY 23000-0633 FL ♦25 NJ 6942-00 NY 36200-0074 TX 371-80-1A NY 25503-0446 WA S-63-72 TX 180-48-7 TX 371-79-1 NY 39000-0482 PA P-48 TX 295-50-1 CT 3748-P-348A RI 4325-001 RI 4325-004 RI 4325-005 121 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 9) 1939) Spec, for Down Spec, for Down Spec, for Duster; Ostrich Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Brushes, Shower and Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Spec, for Livestock and Poultry g Plants (Prevention of Condensate / Spec, for Morpholine Spec, for Extract Quebracho Tannin, Solid for Boiler Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Poultry Rations (Chick,/Laying/Chicken Std. Spec, for Calf Starter and Dairy Rations (Cattle Dried (1963) Spec, for Self Propelled, Force Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Material Spreader (Auger Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Windrow Loader, Self Propelled, Force Spec, for Livestock Spec, for Livestock for Laboratory Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer Spec, for Cage and Spec, for Cage and Spec, for Laundry Equipment c. for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Stock Std. Spec, for Livestock and Poultry Spec, for Boiler Std. Spec, for Poultry Spec, for oof Coverings) (1968) Spec, for Roofing; Spec, for Men's Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Spec, for Pens, Spec, for Markers, Writing, Tube, Spec, for Men's Slippers 963) 3) hospital) (1971) (Feathers); Duck, White, Domestic, for Pillows (1953) (Feathers); Goose, Domestic, for Pillows (1953) Feathers, Black (1969) Feathers; Duck, White, Domestic (Filling Material) (193 Feathers; Goose, Domestic (Gray or White) for Pillows Feed for Rotary Floor Machine (1968) Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Feed Inspection, Packing and Shipping (1963) Feed Water Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam Generatin Feed Water Conditioning (1970) Feed (Animal and Fowl) (1970) Feed (Fish Hatcheries) (1967) Feed (Game Birds) (1967) Feed) and Pullet (1970) Feed) (1970) Feed, Belt Type Material Loader (1970) Feed, Block Salt, Mineralized (1963) Feed, Block Salt, Plain (1963) Feed, Brewers Dried Grains (1963) Feed, Broiler Finisher ( 1963) Feed, Broiler Starter (1963) Feed, Calcium Carbonate (1963) Feed, Calf Starter Pellets Nutrient (1963) Feed, Chick Starter Nutrient (1963) Feed, Corn (1963) Feed, Cottonseed Meal ( 1 963 ) Feed, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal (1963) Feed, Dicalcium Phosphate (1963) Feed, Dried Buttermilk (1963) Feed, Dried Fresh Whole Whey (Milk) (1963) Feed, Dried Skim Milk (1963) Feed, Fishmeal (Menhaden) (1963) Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient (Pullet Developer) (1963) Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient (1963) Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Clover Mixed (1963) Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Light Grass Mixed (1963) Feed, Hog Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Feed, Insoluble Grit (Chick Size) (1963) Feed, Insoluble Grit (Hen Size) (1963) Feed, Iodized Block Salt (1963) Feed, Iodized Salt (1963) Feed, Laying Mash (1963) Feed, Laying Mash, High Energy (1963) Feed, Linseed Meal ( 1963) Feed, Meat and Bone Scraps ( 1963) Feed, Mineralized Salt (Dairy) (1963) Feed, Oats (1963) Feed, Pig Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Feed, Pig Starter Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Feed, Scratch (Chick Size) (1963) Feed, Scratch (Hen Size) (1963) Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Chick Size) (1 Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Hen Size) ( 196 Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck Mounting) Feed, Sow Ration (Hog, Swine) Nutrient (1963) Feed, Soybean Meal (1963) Feed, Soybean Meal (1963) Feed, Steamed Bone Meal (1963) Feed, Tankage (Dried Animal Residues) (1963) Feed, Wheat Bran (1963) Feed, Wheat Middlings (1963) Feed, Wheat (1963) Feed, with Tapered, Gathering Moldboards) ( 1969) Feed, 12% Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) (1963) Feed, 15% Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) (1963) (Feeder Bottle Filler) (1969) Spec. Feeder Bottle Washer (1968) Feeder Bottle Washer (1968) (Feeder) (1968) Feeding (1964) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55T Spe Feeds (1970) Feedwater and Combustion Control Simulator ( 1970) Feed; Crumble Form (1969) Feldspar (1966) ASTM CI 69, C371 Felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing Built Up R Felt Hats (Headwear) ( 1957) Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pa Felt Tip (1969) Felt Tip (1971) (Felt Uppers) (1960) PA D-7 PA D-8 PA D-24 PA F-10 PA F-9 KY 7910-9 NY 08200 MI 4340 MA *11 MA *10 NY 07600-0270 NY 07601-0797 NY 07602-0852 WA S-60-8 WA S~60-6Beet Pulp MI 4340-0037 SC 14-200-0451 MI 5751-0029 MI 5751-0028 MI 4340-0018 MI 4340-0132 MI 4340-0130 MI 4340-003 1 MI 4340-0074 MI 4340-0120 MI 4340-0035 MI 4340-0013 MI 4340-0019 MI 4340-0040 MI 4340-0008 MI 4340-0009 MI 4340-0024 MI 4340-0021 MI 4340-0124 MI 4340-0122 MI 4340-0034 MI 4340-0033 MI 4340-0062 MI 4340-0105 MI 4340-0104 MI 5751-0027 MI 5751-0025 MI 4340-0126 MI 4340-0128 MI 4340-0015 MI 4340-0023 MI 5751-0026 MI 4340-0039 MI 4340-0061 MI 4340-0060 MI 4340-0101 MI 4340-0100 MI 4340-0103 MI 4340-0102 NY 41000-0243 MI 4340-0063 MI 4340-0010 MI 4340-0011 MI 4340-0032 MI 4340-0022 MI 4340-0016 MI 4340-0017 MI 4340-0036 NY 40603-0376 MI 4340-0070 MI 4340-0072 NY 12070-0401 NY 12070-0860 NY 12070-0866 NY 36501-0562 TX 615-36-1 IL ♦26 NY 40706-0624 OR 84-100-9010 TX 371-44-1 PA R-l RI 4245-M-006 FL •16 NJ 6950-01 CA 711-75-91 RI 4268-M-035 122 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Women's and Misses' Slippers Spec, for Women's Slippers Spec, for Mattresses; Cotton Std. Spec, for Asphalt Saturated Std. Spec, for Tarred Std. Spec, for Asphalt Saturated Std. Spec, for Tarred Spec, for Cushion; Carpet and Rug (Hair, Std. Spec, for Asbestos Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Mattresses, Bed, Spec, for Mattresses, Cotton Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Heavy (for Table Spec, for Steel I1970?) ASTM A-120, A-153, B-241 Spec, for 10687 Spec, for Rolled Steel nk) (Material, Erection and Reerection) F/ Std. Spec, for 970) USC CS-235 Std. Spec, for Wood f-183, ASTM B6-58, USC CS 184-51 Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Wood 1970) Spec, for Structural Steel Spec, for Steel Snow treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, ho M-181 Spec, for Aluminum Alloy and Tension Wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-l 16, B-/ Spec, for Spec, for Extra Heavy Duty Snow ts) (Galvanized and Aluminum Coated) (196/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Snow s, Braces and Gates (Highway Construction) ( 19/ Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Institutional Tent. Spec, for Chain Link Residential Spec, for Chain Link Spec, for Snow Spec, for Wire (in Coils) for Snow Spec, for nstruction - Materials Only) ( 1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Farm 9/ Std. Spec, for Woven Wire Netting, (Poultry and Animal Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Bench Top 1 Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for 1 Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for primer) Rust Inhibiting and Corrosion Resisting for Use on Std. Spec, for Primer, Spec, for Spec, for Towed Type Spec, for Maintenance Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Commercial Spec, for Development Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), t Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyan/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Commercial Std. Spec, for General Spec, for Thermometer, Clinical, lm(1970) Spec, for -158, M-177 Spec, for Bituminized Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. with Spec, for Truck, 12,000 G.V.W. with Spec, for Chairs - Type III , Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass oses) (1969) FED L-/ Std. Spec, for Plastic Panels; Glass Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Single Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Spec, for Pen Marker; Tube Type, Spec, for Brooms; Upright, Corn Spec, for Brooms; Push, Spec, for Brush, Commode, Toilet, Natural c. for Carpet and Rug Cushion Underlay Rubberized Hair and Spec, for Parlor and Warehouse Floor Brooms (Broomcorn (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminized struction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bituminized pe (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized a l / Spec, for Nonmetallic (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Adhesive; Water Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Sealing sfer(1967) Spec, for Box, d SS-C-153 Std. Spec, for Plastic Cement; Std. Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion, td. Spec, for Asphalt Base Aluminum Roof Coating, Asbestos ec. for Automotive Equipment (Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Man d Tablet A/ Spec, for School Furniture Parts (Plastic and J Spec, for (Felt Uppers) (1969) (Felt Uppers) (1969) Felt (1959) Felt 15 (1964) FED HH-F-191a Felt 1 5 ( 1 964 ) FED HH-F-20 1 Felt 30(1964) FED HH-F- 191a Felt 30 (1964) FED HH-F-20 1 Felt) (1969) Felt, Asphalt Saturated ( 1964) FED HH-F-185 Felt, Cotton (1961) USC CS 55-35, USC R2-57 Felt, Gray, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Felted Cotton (1970?) Felted (1963) Felts) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Fence and Sign Posts (1970) ASTM A 107, A499, A 123 Fence Gates (Vehicular and Pedestrian) with Pipe Frame Fence Posts and Angles (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-l 23, MIL E Fence Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Li Fence Posts (Line Corner and Gate) and Preservatives (1 Fence Posts (Line, End, Corner and Gate) (1970) FED RR- Fence Posts (Treated) (1970?) Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Line, Fittings Fence Posts (1967) ASTM A 15, A 16 Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge and Highway Construe Fence Posts, Rails and Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-241, Aas Fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie Fence (1965) Fence, Chain Link, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Pos Fence, Posts and Driving Caps ( 1969) Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Post Fencing ( 1964) Fencing ( 1964) Fencing (1968) ASTM A392, A 123-59, A491-63T Fencing (1970) Fencing (1971) Fencing, Chain Link - Steel, Aluminum Coated ( 1960) Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Co Fencing, Chain Link, Posts and Accessories ( 1970) Fencing, Posts and Accessories ( 1971 ) Fencing, Tennis Court, Stucco Reinforcement, Etc.) (196 Fencing; Chain Link Fabric (1969) ASTM A392-68 Fencing; Wire, Farm (1969) ASTM Al 16-66 Fermentor System with Accessories) (1971) Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Brown Iron Oxide) (1962 Ferrous Metal and Wood (White and Light Tints) (1962) F Ferrous Metal Surfaces (1956) FED TT-P-143, TT-P-141B, Ferrous Metal, Brown, Enamel (Paint) (1970) Fertilizer Spreader for 3 Point Hitch (1969) Fertilizer Spreader (1969) Fertilizer (1970) Fertilizer (1970) Fertilizer (1970?) Fertilizer (1970?) Fertilizer (1971) Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Tre Fertilizers (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Pea Fertilizers (1969) Fertilizers, Manure and Lime (for Lawn Turf) (1967) Fever Type, Fahrenheit (1968) USC Ps39 Fiber Case; Shipping or Mailing, 16mm Motion Picture Fi Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) (1968) Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) (1969) (Fiber Glass Bucket Stack Chair) (1965) Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and Bridge Constructio Fiber Reinforced Polyester (Structural and Glazing Purp Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1965) Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose ( 1971 ) Fiber Tip (1969) FED FF-M-001 130 Fiber (Floor) (1970) Fiber (for Hard Surface) (1970) Fiber (1966) Fiber (1969) Spe Fiber) (1968) Fiber, Aluminum) for Highway Construction (1964) /Ins Fiber, Cast Iron) (1964) /Spec, for Sewer Pipe and Con Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electric Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) Spec, for Fiberboard, Corrugated for Record Storage and File Tran Fibered (Roof Patching and Flashing Compound) ( 1970) Fe Fibered (Waterproofing) (1970) ASTM D-1227, Mil-R-3472 Fibered (1970) FED TT-T-320 Fiberglass Bucket) (1971) Sp Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops An Fiberglass Guinea Pig Tubs and Racks (Laboratory) ( 1970 RI 4268-F-035 RI 4268-F-037 PA M-14 MS R-5-64-16 MS R-5-64-18 MS R-5-64-17 MS R-5-64-19 PA C-59 MS R-5-64-23 NC 7210-M-12 MA *35-15 KY 7210-3 KS 71-5 OR 79-100-9190 SD *4 MS 3379 MS 3403 SC HD-123 OR 63-700-9020 OR 64-600-9030 MS 3413 MS 3406 RI *2 SC HD-77 MS 3408 MS 3376 RI *1 NC 5660-CLF-l MD *13 VA DH-253 KS 43-1 KS 43-2 SC 16-030 NY 39602-0441 NY 39606-0859 NJ 4530-00 NY 39600-0767 NY 39600-0627 NY 39603-0264 OR 60-500-9030 OR 64-650-9010 OR 64-600-9010 NY 38760-0640 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A PA C-98 MS PE-9 SC 15-000 SC 15-000-0451 NE *66 NE *67 GA 8720-1-1 MS 3881 SD *11 VA DH-257 NY 07700-0473 OR 84-200-9010 RI *9 CA 681-62-100 PA C-113 MS 3293 NJ 6542-02 NJ 6542-02A NJ 3718-05 VA DH-241 OR 64-575-9010 SC 21-280A SC 21-280 PA P-160 PA B-l PA B-3 KY 7920-4 PA C-131 TX 370-31-1B SC HD-104 SC HD-92 VA DH-241 MS 3803 PA A-l 8 MI 4811-0100 OR 64-500-0100 OR 64-500-0010 RI 5061-01 NY 40533-0527 NY 27002-0728 NY 12041-0714 123 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards er) (1970) s, Corn) (1969) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Spec, for Serving Trays; s (1971) ANSI A 14.1-/ Spec, for Ladders (Aluminum, Steel, Spec, for Blanket, Part Wool, Nylon and Rayon Spec, for Pad, Floor, Synthetic or Natural Std. Spec, for Food Service Trays, Spec, for Receptacles; Waste Paper, td. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Spec, for Chairs - Type IV Spec, for Chairs - Type IV-a Spec, for Rope, Manila and Synthetic ck Hunting and Wool Trousers) (Departmental) (/ Spec, for Spec, for Bridge Paint, Maroon (Intermediate Spec, for Bridge Paint, Buff (Intermediate Spec, for Bridge Paint, Brown (Intermediate Spec, for Track and Spec, for Track and Spec, for Std. Spec, for ment (Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track and ines) ( 1970?) Spec, for Aircraft Crash Rescue Fire Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Fire Spec, for Fire Spec, for 200 Gal. Slip-on Fire Spec, for High Pressure Fire Spec, for Airport Crash Rescue and Fire Spec, for Suction Hose, Hard, Water Pumping and Fire Spec, for Backpack Forestry Pumping Units (Fire for Safety Cap Style Helmets (High Temperature Forest Fire lectors ( 1971 ) Spec, for Reflectorized Cut Out Spec, for Paint Brushes (Sash Tool and Trim, Nylon pec. for Varnish Brushes (Flat, — 1 to — 3 Size, Synthetic Spec, for Wall Paint Brushes (Metal Bound, Nylon Spec, for Lamps, Electric Incandescent (Large) Tungsten Spec, for Spec, for Drafting Supplies (Plan and Map Spec, for Drafting Furniture (Tables and Plan Spec, for Furniture, Office (Steel) (Transfer Std. Spec, for ) Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Office Supplies (1971) Std. Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Pressboard Std. Spec, for Card and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Open Std. Spec, for ffice, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk Lamp; ec. for Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated for Record Storage and Spec, for Brief Covers, Leatherette Grain, Notebook, Spec, for Box Spec, for Fasteners, Paper Spec, for Folders, Spec, for Office Furniture (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; Spec, for Folder, Spec, for Small Tools t) (1971) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Steel Tub Spec, for Office Furniture (Metal Spec, for Office Machines (Mechanized Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Spec, for Shelf Std. Spec, for Manila Envelopes (X-Ray Spec, for Steel Spec, for Lateral Steel Spec, for Steel Vertical Spec, for Steel Vertical Tent. Spec, for Rigid Front Steel Spec, for Spec, for Metal Office Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Desks, a-F-00359 Spec, for . for Steel Office Furniture (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for pec. for Office Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Spec, for Shelf Spec, for Shelf Spec, for Mechanical Spec, for Stationery, Blotters, Scratch Pads, Spec, for Shelf Files; Open Fiberglass Shell Stacking Chairs (1969) Fiberglass Yarn Drapes (1961) Fiberglass (1971) FED Std. 406 Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Safety Stools and Stepladder Fibers (1968) Fibers, Machine (1968) Fibre Glass - Polyester Plastic (1966) Fibre (Office) (1956) Fibred (1964) FED SS-R-451 (Fibreglass Lounge Chair) (1965) (Fibreglass Rocker with Wooden Runners) (1965) Fibres (1971) Field Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Du Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Field Coat) (1970?) Field Equipment (High Jump Pit with Cover) ( 1971 ) Field Equipment (Pole Vault and High Jump Pits with Cov Field Jackets (Nylon, Cold Weather) (1971) Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, Oat Field, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for Athletic Equip Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity with Diesel Eng Fighting Brooms (1971) Fighting Equipment (Aerial Ladder Truck) (1963) Fighting Equipment (Pumper) (1967) Nfpa 19 Fighting Equipment (Skid - High Pressure Fogd (1969) Fighting Pumping Unit (Fog Gun) ( 1970) Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoline Engine) (1968) Fighting Vehicle ( 197 1 ) Fighting (1971) Fighting) (1969) Fighting) (1971) Eei API, FED Std. 595, MIL Std. 105 Figures and Signs (Letters, Digits and Symbols) and Ref Filament) (1964) FED H-B-491D Filament) (1966) FED H-B-695C Filament, 3 to 6 In.) (1966) FED H-B-420D, H-B-141C Filament; Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and File Board, Arch Type ( 1970) File Cabinets and Roll Film Units) (1967) File Cabinets) (1971) File Cases) (1964) File Desk Spindle (1971) (File Folders and Card Guides and Vertical Filing) (1971 (File Folders and Card Guides) (Fund) ( 1971 ) (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Machine Tape) File Guides (1971) MIL Std. 105 File Guides, Index Cards and Tabs (1971) File Pockets, Expanding (1969) File Shelving (Steel) (1970) File Signals (1971) File Stool) ( 1971 ) /Mer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, O File Transfer (1967) Sp File (1969) (File, Corrugated) ( 1970) File, Metallic, Compressor (1969) File, Open Shelf (1969) File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; File, Vertical (1970) (Files and Twist Drills) ( 1971 ) Files (Accordion, Vertical, Box, Folders, Jacket, Pocke Files (5X8 In. Cards) (1969) Files) (1971) Files) (1971) Files, Lateral Roll Out (1970) Files, Shelf, Cabinet, Lateral, Steel (1970) Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; L Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter Ope Files; Open Filing (1967) FED AA-F-00330 Filing and Mailing) (1971) Filing Cabinets (Card Size) (Office Equipment) (1969) Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1968) Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (1969) Filing Cabinets (Letter and Legal) ( 1968) Filing Cabinets (1968) Filing Cabinets (1970?) Filing Cabinets) (1970) Filing Cabinets, Steel, Vertical, 5 Drawer (1969) FED A Filing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Filing Cabinets, Vertical, Steel (1964) Filing Cabinets, Vertical, Steel (1969) Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Filing Equipment ( 1969) Filing Equipment (1969) Filing Equipment (1970?) Filing Supplies (Institutional) (1970) Filing (1967) FED AA-F-00330 RI 1-027A RI 4735-001 PA T-51 NY 39010-0418 CA 681-83-04 KY 7910-6 NC 7350-ST-l PA R-8 MS R-5-64-25 NJ 3718-06 NJ 3718-07 NY 38400-0606 NY 39307-0603 MS 3515 MS 3517 MS 3521 NY 30206-0173 NY 30206-0550 NY 39308-0334 WI 3748 NY 30200-0589 HI *12 NY 39008-0880 WA S-63-63 WA S-67-100 NY 34703-0503 NJ *4 NY 46000-0641 AK *78 CA 711-42-11 NY 46000-0931 CA 711-42-07 NY 38606-0203 VA C-6 VA C-2A VA C-1A NY 05400-0176 CA 701-75-62 NY 31600-0031 NY 31600-0084 NY 00217-0405 IL *32Y NY 23005-0500 NY 23005-0154 FL ♦18 CA 711-75-47 IL *32FF CA 691-75-60 OR 43-400-0020 IL *32AAA AK *53 MI 4811-0100 CA 691-75-61 NY 21700-0533 CA 691-75-64 CA 691-75-65 AK *53 CA 701-75-25 NY 39005-0613 IL *32DD OR 43-230-9020 NY 21716-0741 NY 22916-0167 MS F-28A-70 MI 3744-S1 FL *19 NY 23000-0633 PA F-74 OR 74-100-1020 RI 1-035 RI 1-003A RI 1-003 TX 300-45-3A KS 70-2D NV 7110-FC NM *5 CA 691-67-25 HI *7 MS TF-22-64 MI 3742-S1 FL *19 NY 27500-0332 NY 27500-0793 HI •11 NJ 6936-00A PA F-74 124 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Wallets, Expanding, Letter and Legal Size office Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides and Vertical Spec, for Containers, Corrugated Spec, for Spec, for Cabinets; Spec, for Cabinets, udge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Spec, for Polyester Spec, for Latex Foam Tent. Spec, for Pillows (Dacron Spec, for Paperweights, Shot Spec, for Crack Spec, for ruction) ( 1970) Spec, for Joint Sealer and Spec, for Binder Spec, for Binder Spec, for Preformed Joint Spec, for Preformed Joint Spec, for Asphalt Cement for Use as Crack Spec, for Mineral Spec, for Mineral Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Bottle ) Spec, for Cement, Crack FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends (Open Std. Spec, for 1 Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Std. Spec, for Joint Sealer and Spec, for Wood ng Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Spec, for Feathers; Duck, White, Domestic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Yarn, Warp and Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Mattress and Upholstery estic, Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, Upholstered Furniture Spec, for Radiation Spec, for Color Television stigations and Measurements of Diffracted X-Ra/ Spec, for Work (Hospital) ( 1970) Spec, for Radiographic ) (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Radiographic Spec, for 68) MIL F-22735a Spec, for Elastomeric Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for s and Measurement of Reflections by Counter Methods with A asurement); for Measurement of Diffracted Intensities with Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic General Requirements and Spec, for Prepared ratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Spec, for Medical X-Ray Spec, for Medical X-Ray Spec, for Medical X-Ray dica/ Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Spec, for Medical X-Ray Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment Spec, for Medical X-Ray Spec, for Automatic X-Ray Spec, for X-Ray Equipment, Spec, for Automatic Roll Spec, for Automatic Dental Spec, for Automatic X-Ray aboratory Equipment (Electron Image Plate and Micrographic and Super 8 Formats) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for System for Powder and Single Crystal Investigations Using uitable for Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using uitable for Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Spec, for Polyethylene for Drafting Supplies (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Roll Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray er) (1969) Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Spec, for Elastomeric Pigmented pec. for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Spec, for Medical and Dental X-Ray Spec, for Medical X-Ray . for Fiber Case; Shipping or Mailing, 16mm Motion Picture Spec, for Photographic Microfilm (Black and White otion Picture and Graphic Arts (1970) Spec, for Sl ' Spec, for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Filing (1970) Filing) (1971) Spec, for Filing, Document Storage (1969) Filing, Lateral (Cabinet) (1970) Filing, Steel (Letter and Legal) (1954) Filing, Vertical, Metal, Office (1970) Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Fill Sandwich Type Lining ( 1971 ) Filled Bed Pillows (1961) Filled) (1964) Filled, Leather Bag (1969) Filler Emulsion AEF (1970) Filler Joint, Bituminous - Grade R.A. (1969) Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gaskets (Highway Cons Filler Sheets (1969) Filler Sheets, Reinforced (1969) Filler (Bituminous) (1970?) AASHO M-33 Filler (Nonextruding and Resilient) ( 1970?) AASHO M-153 Filler (1969) Filler ( 1970) AASHO Ml 7, T37 Filler (1970?) Filler) ( 1969) Spec, for Laboratory Filler, Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Liquid Tar (1970 Filler, Stationary Height) for Institutional Use ( 1960) Filler, Wood, Paste (1970) Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creepe Fillers, Liquid, Hot Poured Rubber Asphalt (1964) Filler; Paste (1969) FED Std. 141 Filling Machine, Dust Collector, Powder or Hammer Mill) (Filling Material) (1939) Filling Yarn 1 2/ 1 S ( Black ) ( 1 97 1 ) Filling Yarn (White) 6/1 (1970) Filling (1968) Filling) (1939) Spec, for Hair; Mixed, Domestic, Filling) (1968) Spec, for Hair; Cattle Tail, Dom Film Badges (1971) Film Camera Chain (1971) Film Cameras and Accessories for Use in Analytical Inve Film Changer and Related Accessories for Thoracic X-Ray Film Changer and Related Equipment (Thoracic X-Ray Work Film Cleaning and Inspection Machines ( 1971 ) Film Device (Decal, Sticker), for Motor Vehicle Use ( 19 Film Dubbing System (Recording) (1971) Film Dubbing (Recording System) ( 1971 ) Film Editing Table (1971) Film Instrument (Analytical Determination of Emission S Film Instruments (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Ect Me Film Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Process Lett Film Negatives and Photo - Offset Plates ( 1969) Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables, Portable Mixer Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1969) Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) Film Processing Unit (Medical Center) ( 1968) Film Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous Accessories (Me Film Processing Units (Hospital) ( 1968) Film Processing Units (Medical Center) (1969) (Film Processing) (1971) (Film Processing) (1971) (Film Processing) (1971) Film Processor (Automatic) (Medical Center) (1971) Film Processor (Hospital) (1967) Film Processor (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Film Processor (X-Ray) (Medical Center) (1968) Film Processor (X-Ray) (University) (1971 ) Film Processor ( 1967) Film Processor) (1971) Spec, for Photographic L Film Productions (Exposed Motion Picture in 16 Mm, 8 Mm Film Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1971) Film Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) ( 1971) Film Sound Editing Equipment (College) ( 1971 ) Film Techniques (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Raction Film Techniques (Research and Teaching) (University) (1 Film Techniques (Research and Teaching) ( 1969) /Stem S Film Typewriter Ribbons (1969) ASTM D882 Film Units) (1967) Spec. Film Viewer (Medical Center) (1969) Film Viewers (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (Medical Cent Film (Decal) Decalcomanias for Exterior Use ( 1964) Film (Electrical Insulating) (1960) Film (X-26) (1969) Film (X-56) (1970) Film (1970) Spec Film) (1964) Film, Black and White and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and M Film, Colors and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared CA 701-75-59 NY 23005-0500 CA 692-81-57 NJ 7148-09 PA C-93 NJ 7148-01 NY 35000-0938 PA L-38 RI 4325-003 KS 71-3 CA 691-75-30 NJ 1308-04 NJ 1304-05 VA DH-213 CA 691-75-55 CA 691-75-56 MS 3701 MS 3702 NE ♦68 VA DH-201 MS 3145 NY 12070-0401 MD *26 TX 295-38-2 MS PM-7 NY 35000-0938 NJ 1308-006 PA F-28 NY 36502-0211 PA F-10 NY 39400-0080 NY 39400-0445 NY 39400-0738 PA H-12 PA H-8 NY 11502-0242 SC 24-050-0305 NY 11002-0355 NY 11501-0582 NY 11000-0788 NY 38812-0365 PA D-23 NY 38217-0233 NY 38217-0840 NY 38812-0163 NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0288 NY 38601-0173 NJ 7730-01 NY 38810-0650 NY 11000-0409 NY 11000-0530 NY 11000-0572 NY 11000-0531 NY 11000-0786 NY 11000-0650 NY 11000-0386 NY 38810-01 10 NY 38810-0118 NY 38810-0275 NY 11000-0883 NY 11000-0457 NY 11000-0445 NY 11000-0829 NY 11001-0716 NY 11000-0610 NY 38810-0368 NY 38801-0003 NY 38217-0230 NY 38217-0341 NY 38217-0577 NY 11002-0473 NY 11002-0373 NY 11002-0710 VA FT-3A NY 31600-0031 NY 11501-0365 NY 11501-0930 TX 194-35-1 PA T-57 NJ *13 NJ *14 PA C-113 TX 470-36-1 NY 38800-0231 NY 38601-0173 125 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ssand Full Flow (1967) ) (1969) FED F-F-351C e (1968) r Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements, 1971) Spec, for Drafting Cloth, Paper, Spec, for Shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Tent. Spec, for Processing Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for X-Ray Spec, for or Group Learning Systems (Six Position Listening Station, Spec, for Slide and eeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Spec, for Riprap Materials (Stone and e Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Std. Spec, for Carburetor Air Cleaner Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil Std. Spec, for Filters and Spec, for Filters and Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Dust Collector and Spec, for Dust Collector and Spec, for Automotive Replacement Parts ng Oil, Bypass and Full Flow ( 1967) Std. Spec, for Spec, for ble) (1961) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Water ear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Transmissions, Std. Spec, for List Spec, for Leather and Spec, for Soap; Grit Scouring, Cake Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Is in Bituminous Treatments (Highway Construct/ Spec, for Spec, for Replacement for Starch for cases, Panels,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Std. Spec, for Pens, Spec, for Markers, Writing, licator, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) (/ Spec, for Spec, for x, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, M/ Spec, for Tent. Spec, for General Spec, for Paper, Spec, for Soap, Grit, Cake, Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, Std. Spec, for Printing and Writing Paper, Spec, for Coal (Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Std. Spec, for nt; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; ser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post Labels; Memo Case; Spec, for Green Spec, for Light Green Spec, for Buff Spec, for Tan Spec, for Brown Spec, for Burnt Sienna stal Zone (1969) Spec, for Vinyl Spec, for Burnt Umber Oil, Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer and Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Dark Green Spec, for Bridge Paint, Foliage Green Spec, for Bridge and Guard Rail Paint, Black Spec, for Vinyl Paint, Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Spec, for Paint, Exterior, (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Flat Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Plain or Twill Spec, for Men's Work Jackets (Plain or Twill Spec, for Penetrating Seal and Spec, for Soft Std. Spec, for Remover, Floor Wax and Spec, for Emulsion Type Synthetic Polymer Floor tent. Spec, for Textile, Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Satin Spec, for Hammertone Spec, for Gym Floor Spec, for Water Emulsion Synthetic Floor Std. Spec, for Gym Floor Spec, for Twine; Cable Laid, Cotton, Hard lishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resistant Floor Spec, for Applicators (Wax, Floor Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Suiting (Permanent or Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Sealer, Primer and Spec, for Cotton Applicators (Wax, Floor Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Processor Supplies Film, Nylon, Plastic, and Hooks (1971) Film, Photographic (1970) Film, Self Developing (Company) (1971) Film, Still, Motion Picture and Graphic Arts (1971) Films and Accessories (1968) ANSI Z38.3.1-43 Filmstrip Projector (1970) Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Headset) (1971) Filmstrip Projectors (1971) Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fi Filter Blanket) (Foundation, Wall Support) (1970?) Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill, Black) (1970) /Oil (Ic Filter Elements (Automobile, Truck) (1967) Filter Elements, by Pass and Full Flow (1967) Filter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypa Filter Elements, Lubricating Oil (1971) Filter Elements, Oil (Automotive, Marine and Industrial Filter, Air Conditioning Throw Away Adhesive Coated Typ Filtering System (1968) Filtering System (1968) (Filters and Elements) (1971) FED F-F-351C(1) Filters and Filter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricati Filters and Filter Elements, Lubricating Oil (1971) Filters, Air, for Window Air Conditioning Units (Cleana Filtration Assembly (Portable) (1969) Final Drives) Extreme Pressure (1967) /El and Hypoid R Finders (1971) Findings (1969) (Fine Abrasive) (1953) FED P-S-536, RR-S-366 Fine Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete (1970?) Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Seal Coat ( 1970?) Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete (1970?) Fine Aggregate in Concrete, Mortar and Covering Materia Fine Finishing of Garments and Linen (1969) Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Show Fine Line Markers (Regular and Audio Visual) (1971) Fine Line (1970) Fine Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Dup Fine Paper (Various) ( 1968) Fine Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Inde Fine Printing Papers (1965) Fine Printing (1970) Fine Work (1970) Fine (Glass and Enamelware Cleanser) (1953) Fine, Unwatermarked, Number 4 Sulphite (1969) Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec. Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spec. Finger Pads (1971) Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Inde Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rub Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Coa Finish Coat (Paint), Structural Steel (1969) Finish Coat (1964) (Finish Coat) Sign Posts (1970?) (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) (Finish Coat) (1970?) Finish Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone (1969) Finish Coat, Underwater, Steel (1969) Finish Coat, Wood, House, Tintable White (1963) Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint (White and Tints) Finish Cotton) (1960) Finish Cotton) (1961) Finish for Wood Floors (1968) Finish Suiting (1961) Finish (Ammonia) (Cleaner) (1970) Finish (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM D1436, E70, ICC 17E Finish (Jacquard) (Cloth) (1970?) Finish (Paint), Styrenated, Spray (1969) Finish (1964) Finish (1967) FED P-F-00430 Finish (1969) Finish (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430, ASTM E70, D 145 5-64 /Lf Po Finish) for Use with Imitation Shearling Pads (1969) Finish) (Textile) (1971) Finish) (1962) FED Std. 141 /for One Coat Flat Interi Finish) (1970) Spec, for Paint, NY 38601-0752 NY 31602-0581 PA C-155 MS TF- 18-70 NY 38800-0542 NY 38800-0183 NY 11500-0031 NY 38805-0628 NY 38209-0401 NY 38805-0615 NY 35000-0938 MS 3601 IN * 15—1 1 MS F-25-67 MS F-24-67 NC 2940-OF-l CA 711-23-40 OR 10-400-9010 KS 35-4 NY 43204-0002 NY 43204-0874 NY 30305-0849 NC 2940-OF-l CA 711-23-40 NC 4120-F-16 NY 32500-0936 MI 5255-S14 IL *32JJ NY 37200-0107 PA S-10 MS 3129 MS 3127 MS 3126 VA DH-202 VA L-9 NY 21802-0993 MS P-9B-7 1 CA 701-75-90 NY 50200-0551 NJ 7564-00 NY 00502-00-0476 KS 76-3A OR 74-300-0000 LA * 1 1-5 MS S-2-53-41 MS P-13C-69 MI 4210-S1 MI 4210-S5 MI 4210-S8 IL *32EE NY 23000-0633 FL *21 CA 691-80-82 CA 691-80-84 CA 691-80-85 CA 691-80-86 CA 691-80-87 CA 691-80-88 CA 691-80-75 CA 691-80-76 KY 29A MS 3528 MS 3524 MS 3525 MS 3526 CA 691-80-49 CA 691-80-80 IA *l-2 VA DK-30A RI 4265-M-004 RI 4225-M-008 PA F-82 RI 4910-025 MS R-2B-69 TX 485-54-3A MA ♦35-84 CA 691-80-250 MI 4642-0056 VA K-39C OR 77-100-9400 PA T-2 VA K-43 TX 370-66-1 PA C-123 VA DK-29A TX 370-66-2 126 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards omobiles and Other Metal Surfaces Having Varnish or Laquer Spec, for Thread, Cotton (Machine Spec, for Remover, Floor Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Floor Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Remover, Floor Std. Spec, for Liquid, Gym Floor asium) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Floor Care Products (Schools) Spec, for Floor Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Floor Dck (1970) Std. Spec, for Floor dstery Shampoo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for Floor Care Products Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior Std. Spec, for Paint, r >) ASTM A-108, A-331, A-276 Spec, for Cold ipper) (1969) Spec, for Leather; Sides, Oil Spec, for Bituminous Asphalt Spec, for Poultry Feed, Broiler Spec, for Self Propelled Bituminous Asphalt Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Paver, Heavy Duty Self Propelled Bituminous for Tinting Medium Concentrate (All Purpose) for Coloring Spec, for Floor Care Products Spec, for Floor Spec, for Laundry Presses and Spec, for Replacement for Starch for Fine i Spec, for Precatalyzed Lacquer Furniture Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Shirt enamel (Paint), Gloss, Industrial, Weather Resistant, Auto Std. Spec, for Well Drilling, Casing, Equipment (Paint System) (1969) FED Std./ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Floor Spec, for Wood Floor Sealer And/or -66 Std. Spec, for Plywood; Douglas d Cabinet Containing Batteries and Charger) ( 1/ Spec, for Spec, for 71) Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for 8 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Charge; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for 1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. for Portable Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for se(1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for .711 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for pamphlet 12 Spec, for Spec, for 1 Engines) (1970?) Spec, for Aircraft Crash Rescue Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ') Spec, for Spec, for 200 Gal. Slip-on 68) Spec, for High Pressure Spec, for Airport Crash Rescue and Spec, for Suction Hose, Hard, Water Pumping and Spec, for Backpack Forestry Pumping Units pec. for Safety Cap Style Helmets (High Temperature Forest 961) Nfpa 196, USDA-182, ASTM D-380 Std. Spec, for in. Double Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Cotton Rubber Lined Finish) (1970) /. for Oil Soap Paste (for Cleaning Aut Finish) (1970) FED V-T-276F(2) Finish, Ammoniated (1966) Finish, Emulsion Type ( 1964) Finish, Fumeproof, Exterior, Wood (1969) Finish, Ltz, Exterior, Wood (1969) Finish, Nonammoniated (1966) Finish, Polish (1969) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Treatment Compound, Gym Finish, Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion, Buffable (1970) Finish, Stucco, Flat, Exterior (1969) Finish, Synthetic (1967) Finish, Synthetic, Water Based, Polyacrylic Metal Inter (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Uph Finish, Wood (House), Light (1970) Finish, Wood (House), Medium (1970) Finished Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (19 Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Finisher or Paver (1971) Finisher (1963) Finisher (1971) (Finisher, Garment Conveyor) ( 1971 ) Finisher, with Vibratory Screen (1968) Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Lacquer and Ne (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent Cleaner) (1966) Finishes, Water Emulsion, Polymer and Wax Type, (1968) Finishing Equipment (1968) Finishing of Garments and Linen (1969) Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cold Spray) (1969 Finishing Unit, Press) ( 1971 ) Finishing (1969) Spec, for Finishing, Developing and Testing of Water ( 1969) Finishing; Steel Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar Finish; Emulsion Type (1971) Finish; Solvent Type (1970) ASTM D1546, D1642 Fir, Western Softwood and Southern Pine) (1969) USC Psl Fire Alarm System (Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounte Fire and Allied Insurance for Airport (1970?) (Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) (Pickup Truck Mounted) (19 (Fire Apparatus Vehicle) (1970) (Fire Engine Apparatus) (1969) (Fire Engine Apparatus) (1970) Fire Equipment (Portable Pumper Units, Hose) (1971) Fire Extinguisher Charges; Antifreeze (1957) FED O-S-58 Fire Extinguisher Charges; Soda Acid (1970) Fire Extinguisher (Various) (1969) Fire Extinguisher, Carbon Dioxide (1968) Fire Extinguisher, Dry Chemical (1968) Fire Extinguisher, Dry Chemical, Pressurized (1968) Fire Extinguisher, Foam (1968) Fire Extinguisher, Water Type, Cartridge Operated ( 1 968 Fire Extinguisher, Water Type, Pressurized (1968) Fire Extinguisher, Water (2 1/2 Gal. Stored Pressure) Fire Extinguishers and Refills (1965) Fire Extinguishers and Refills (1971) Fire Extinguishers (Hand, First Aid Appliances) (1969) Fire Extinguishers (1969) Fire Extinguishers (1969) Fire Extinguishers ( 1969) Fire Extinguishers (1970) Fire Extinguishers, CO(2) (1968) Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry Chemical Multipurpo Fire Extinguishers, Pressurized Dry Chemical (1968) Fire Extinguishers, Water Type, Pump (1968) Fire Extinguisher; Dry Chemical (1968) Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Carbon Dioxide (1968) Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Foam Type (1968) Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Soda and Acid Type (1968) UL 7 Fire Extinguisher; Water (Metal Back Pack) (1968) Fire Extinguisher; Water, Hand Pump, Tank Type (1970) Fire Extinguishing System (Carbon Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Fire Extinguishing System (1969) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity with Diese Fire Fighting Brooms (1971) Fire Fighting Equipment (Aerial Ladder Truck) (1963) Fire Fighting Equipment (Pumper) (1967) Nfpa 19 Fire Fighting Equipment (Skid - High Pressure Fog) (196 Fire Fighting Pumping Unit (Fog Gun) (1970) Fire Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoline Engine) (19 Fire Fighting Vehicle (1971) Fire Fighting (1971) (Fire Fighting) (1969) Fire Fighting) (1971) Eei API, FED Std. 595, MIL Std. 1 Fire Hose (1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Cotton, Rubber Lined) (1 Fire Hose (1965) Spec, for 2 1/2 Fire Hose (1969) PA S-18 NY 33100-0461 KY 7930-36 SC 11-050 CA 691-80-03 CA 691-80-02 KY 7930-2 IA *3-6 NY 22004-0529 MI 4642-S2 CA 691-80-04 KY 7930-3 MS F-15D-70 NY 22002-0537 MS PE-3 MS PE-4 MS 3314 PA L-33 SC 14-040-0451 A MI 4340-0132 SC 14-340-0451 NY 36501-0711 NJ 4938-104 WA S-66-97 NY 00220-02-0684 CA 681-76-01 PA P-9 VA L-9 Ml 5325-S19 NY 36501-0885 CA 691-80-81 NC 3820-W-1C OR 77-100-9280 TX 370-63-3A TX 370-63^B OR 63-300-9020 NY 34400-0777 HI *4 NY 40501-0502 NY 40501-0275 NY 40501-0816 NY 40501-0301 AK *81 PA F-54 PA F-55 CA 691-42-56 KY 4210-100 KY 4210-200 KY 4210-300 FL *13 FL *14 FL *12 PA F-48 NY 00347-0493 NY 34700-0585 OR 25-110-9010 CA 691-42-55 CT 81-143B SD *16 TN 4270-020 FL *9 FL *10 FL *11 FL *15 PA F-49 PA F-51 PA F-52 PA F-53 PA E-17 PA F^17 NY 34700-0207 NY 34700-0966 HI *12 NY 39008-0880 WA S-63-63 WA S-67-100 NY 34703-0503 NJ *4 NY 46000-0641 AK *78 CA 711-42-1 1 NY 46000-0931 CA 711-42-07 OR 74-61-5 SC 21-280A SC 21-280B 127 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Lb.) (1968) TT-T-291C Std. Spec, for Coupling, Spec, for High Pressure Booster in. Single Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Spec, for Std. for Spec, for Spec, for Suction Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mattress Cores, Polyether Urethane Foam, Std. Spec, for Mattress Cover, Plasticized, , Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and (Company) (1970) Spec, for std. Spec, for Hose, Single Jacketed, Rubber Lined (Forest Spec, for Hose (Braided Air and Steam, Spec, for Clay; Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Class A Spec, for Canvas; Cotton nt, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Spec, for Portable Oil Tent. Spec, for Overhead Gas Tent. Spec, for Domestic Gas Tent. Spec, for Gas Spec, for Kiln, Gas Spec, for Boilers (Steam, Oil e Truck ( 1970) Spec, for Kiln (Gas Std. Spec, for Fire Extinguishers (Hand, Spec, for Spec, for Box, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Feed Spec, for Uniform Shirts Spec, for Trout Food Spec, for Livestock Feed, Bar) ( 1970) Spec, for Gymnastics and Physical Spec, for Penetrating Oil, Closely Std. Spec, for Penetrating Oil for Closely s ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Safety Eyewear, wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease bing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of Flared Tube 96/ Std. Spec, for Fence, Chain Link, Steel (Accessories, Spec, for Wire Rope and Spec, for Electrical Conduits, Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Spec, for Pressure Hose and Spec, for Rigid Steel Conduit and Std. Spec, for Electrical Conduit Tent. Spec, for Plastic Pipe and Spec, for Plumbing for Tubing, Irrigation, Hand Movable; Aluminum Alloy, and Spec, for Conduit; Steel, Rigid, Zinc Coated and Spec, for Metal Culvert Pipe, Pipe Arch, Underdrain and uctural Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Line, Spec, for Structural Plate Beam Guard Rail and Spec, for Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe and Spec, for Asbestos Cement Drain Pipe and Spec, for Wrought Steel Pipe and Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Fence Posts, Rails and Spec, for Copper Water Tube and ated and Sealed (for Use with Solder Joints or Flared Tube Spec, for Cable Guide Rail General Spec, for Electrical Devices, arings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Spec, for Spec, for Pipe and (1970) Special Conditions for retarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, e and Wire) ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Connectors; Pressure, eet Music and Record/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Art Paper (Highway and Bridge Cons/ A-40.1 Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record/ nters. Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers,/ Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy A/ ts; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels,/ y Gate) (1968) Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Lighting Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Fire Hose (1970) Fire Hose (1971) Fire Hose ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for 2 1/2 Fire Hose, Double Jacket (1971) Fire Hose, Nozzles and Connections (1964) Fire Hose, Single Jacket, Uncoupled (1970) Fire Hose, Soft Double Jacket (1970) (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup Truck) (1970) (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, Parkway Patrol) (1970) (Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, G.V.W. 25,50 Fire Pumps (Knapsack) (1971) Fire Retardant Paint (Interior) (1971) FED TT-P-00206B, Fire Retardant (1969) Fire Retardant (1970) Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) ( 197 1 ) /for Treated Lumber Fire Suppression Plows, Hitches, and Replacement Parts Fire) (1968) Fire, Garden, Water, Suction) (1970) Fire, Ground (1960) ASTM C24, C92 Fire, Mineral Surfaced, 300-325 Lb. (1970) (Fire, Water and Weather Resistant) (1968) Fired Air Replacement System (1967) / Spraying Equipme Fired Steam Cleaners (1970) Fired Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) Fired Water Heaters (1970) Fired Water Storage on Booster Heaters (1970) Fired (6 cu. Ft.) (1970) Fired) (1971) Fired), Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Unit, and War First Aid Appliances) ( 1969) First Aid Kit (1968) First Aid Kit, Empty ( 1961 ) First Aid Kits and Supplies ( 1970) First Aid Kits (1969) (Fish Hatcheries) (1967) (Fish Warden) (1969) FED V-B-871, Std. 191, Std. 571a (Fish) (1971) Fishmeal (Menhaden) (1963) Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam, Trampoline, Horizontal Fitted Parts and Loosening Frozen Metallic Parts (1967) Fitted Parts and Rust (1970) Fitted, Piano and Prescription Eyeglasses and Spectacle Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety Stan Fitting Installation and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Oper Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Spec, for Copper Tu Fittings and Posts) (Galvanized and Aluminum Coated) (1 Fittings for Cable Guard Rail (1970?) AASHO M-30 Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes Fittings (Hub and Spigot Style) (1970?) ASTM A-74, ANSI Fittings (Hydraulic, Air Brake) (1971) Fittings (Pipe) (1970?) Fittings (1964) Fittings (1965) Fittings (1967) Fittings (1969) Std. Spec. Fittings (1969) ANSI C80.1, C80.4, UL 6 Fittings (1970) Fittings (1970) Spec, for Str Fittings (1970?) Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-158, M-177 Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-189 Fittings (1970?) ASTM A- 120, A-234 Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-241, AASHO M-181 Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-88 Fittings) (1964) FED Std. 151a /Soft, Seamless, Dehydr Fittings, Posts and Accessories (1966) Fittings, Switches and Related Products ( 1964) Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors Fittings; Brass, Soldered (for Copper Tubing) (1969) Fittings; Cast Iron, Soil (1969) Fixed and Mobile Communications Systems (Two Way Radio) Fixed Bed Machine, Service) (1970?) /KS (Pedestal, Sec Fixture Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Electric Cabl Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Gondolas, Sh Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Fixtures (Blind Stand) ( 1969) Fixtures (Book, Display and Divider Walls, Islands, Cou Fixtures (Cases, Shelves, Counter) (1970) Fixtures (Concession Stand) (1971) Fixtures (Concession Stand) (1971) Fixtures (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Fixtures (Exhibit Cases, Half Island Unit) (1971) Fixtures (Indoor and Outdoor) (University) (1971) Fixtures (Lobby) (Stand) (1971) Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Uni Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Counters, Assembl CA 701-42-04 CA 711-42-21 SC 21-280 CA 711-42-01 CT 81-144A CA 701-42-02 CA 701-42-12 NY 40501-0086 NY 40501-0252 NY 40501-0079 NY 34701-0106 NY 38008-0301 IL *7 CT 3748-C-342A NY 37513-0851 LA *15 MS H-7-68 NY 36000-0442 PA C-10 MS R-5-64-5 PA C-66 NY 43221-0771 NE ♦47 KS 3 7-4 A KS 37-3A KS 37-8 NY 23104-0634 NY 37600-0219 NY 23104-0232 OR 25-110-9010 PA K-3 MS K-l-61 WA S-66-92-1 SC *12 NY 07601-0797 PA U-18 SD *8 MI 4340-0021 NY 30204-0098 MI 5255-S23 MS L-5B-70-11 CA 711-42-09 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 PA T-38 NC 5660-CLF-l MS 3381 VA DH-248 MS 3252 NY 36003-0136 MS 3801 OR 24-64-9B KS 37-6 NJ 7964-00 OR 56-100-9010 PA C-34 NH ♦7 MS 3406 MS 3382 MS 3293 MS 3290 MS 3364 MS 3408 MS 3366 PA T-67 NY 00320-0376 OR 24-64-2A MI 5255-S11 PA F-32 PA P-55 NE *8 NV 7110-D OR 24-64- 10A NY 21802-0317 NY 21802-0317 NY 21802-0101 NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0459 NY 21802-0030 NY 21802-0151 NY 21802-0128 NY 21802-0161A NY 35710-0489 NY 21802-0031 NY 21802-0993 NY 21802-0733 128 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 3ate)(1971) 3ondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcas/ >ns, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelv/ 8) 3ondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post Wi/ is, Cornice) (1970) Spec Spec Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store Spec, for Store for Fluorescent (Lamp Light) for Fluorescent (Lamp Light) spec, for Display Pedestals (Cubes and Hexahedrons) (Store ) Spec, for Fluorescent Spec, for Fluorescent Std. Spec, for spec, for Cotton, Nylon and Wool Bunting for United States Spec, for Std. for State Spec, for State Std. for d (1969) FED DDD-F-416 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Flagstands and Spec, for United States Spec, for Std. Spec, for Red Fluorescent Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Star Cloth (for Spec, for Nylon Cloth (Bunting for Spec, for Cloth; Rayon (for Spec, for Cloth; Nylon and Wool (for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe, Loader, 970?) Spec, for Self Propelled th Loader, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Duty Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with Spec, for Power Take Off Driven Spec, for Spec, for Detergent, Organic, Synthetic, Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Spec, for Refined Carnauba Floor Wax Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Spec, for Unbuilt Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Spec, for Calcium Chloride s236-66 Spec, for Plastic Laminate, Std. Spec, for Low Titer Soap 1 172,/ Spec, for Surfactant (Ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Spec, for Window Shade Cloth, ipment (Refrigerators, Freezers) Explosion Proof and Safe Spec, for Safety Can for Storage and Handling of Wash and Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Offset Press, for Tester, Flow and Pressure, with Mercury Batteries and Spec, for Metal Delineator and Sign Posts, ineator, Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 Spec, for spec, for Bronze Gate Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and ngle, Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Coiling, Bending and Spec, for Gloves; Work, Canton Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys" Cotton Spec, for Textile, Outing Spec, for Colored Outing Spec, for White Outing Spec, for Outing Spec, for Nylon Needle Punched Spec, for Textile, Canton Spec, for Laundry Press Cloth Spec, for Cotton Double Napped Spec, for Suiting, Spec, for Textile, Robe Cloth, Spec, for Textile, Reefer Lining Spec, for Men's and Boys" Coat Style Pajamas (Cotton Spec, for Men's and Boys" Middy Style Pajamas Spec, for Men's Bathrobes (Acetate and Cotton Blanket Spec, for Textile, Doubling Cloth (Stiffened Canton Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Textile, Domet Spec, for Textile, ting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, Swing Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Fixtures (Wall Shelves, Display Case) (1971) Fixtures (Wall Units, Display Cases) (1970) Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sect Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Shelves, Showcases) (19 Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Fixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, Counter, Gondo Fixtures (1971) Fixtures (800 Ma) (1970) Fixtures) (1971) Fixtures; Commercial Suspended and Surface Mounted (195 Fixtures; Industrial (1957) Flag (Oregon) (1969) Flag (1968) Flag, California, Bear, Cotton, Unmounted (1969) Flag, Colors (1957) Flag, Kansas (1965) Flag, United States (1968) Flag, United States, Stars and Stripes, Cotton, Unmount Flagpoles (Aluminum), 25 Ft. (1970) Flagpoles (25 Ft., Aluminum) (1971) Flags (Departmental) (1971) Flags (for Grave Marking) (1956) Flags (Govenor's) for Grave Marking ( 1956) Flags (Marker) (1971) Flags (United States, Minnesota) (1970) Flags (1971?) Flags) (Textile) (1957) Flags) (Textile) (1957) Flags) (1952) Flags) (1952) Flags, New York State (1971) Flags, U. S. and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ( 1971 ) Flags, United States, State of Michigan (1969) Flagstands and Flags (Departmental) (1971) Flail Mower) (College) (1970) Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Front End Loader ( 1 Flail Safety Mower (1966) /Ec. for Tractor, Mounted Wi Flail Type Mower Attachment ( 1970) Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Tractor Hitch (1968) Flail Type Mowers (84 In. Cutting Width) (1970) Flake or Granular (1970) Flake (1963) ASTM D460 (Flake) (1966) FED JJJ-W-141B Flake) (1968) Flake) (1968) (Flake) (1971) ASTM D-98-56T Flakeboard and Bonded Panels (1970) NEMA LD-1-64, USC C Flakes (Low Temperature, Wool, Leather) ( 1953) Flakes) for Laundry Detergent Manufacture (1966) ASTM D Flame Resistant (1968) FED CCC-T-191B (Flammable Liquid and Volatile Solvent Storage) (1971) O Flammable Liquids (1970) FED RR-S-30D Flammable (1968) Spec, for Blanket Flange Adapter (1970) Spec. Flanged Channel Bar (1967) Flanged Channel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Del Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Spec, for Bronze A Flanging) (1962) Spec, for Flannel and Leather Palm ( 1971 ) Flannel Shirting; Woven Plaid (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Flannel Shirts (Men's and Boys') (1969) Flannel Shirts (1957) Flannel (Cloth) (1970?) Flannel (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Flannel (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Flannel (Cloth, Textile) (1966) Flannel (Laundry Press Padding) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Flannel (Medium) (Cloth) (1970?) Flannel (Textile) (1957) Flannel (1964) FED CCC-C-460, CCC-T-191B Flannel (1970) Flannel (1970?) (Flannel) (Cloth) (1970?) Flannel) (1960) (Flannel) (1960) Flannel) (1969) Flannel) (1970?) Flannel, Canton Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Flannel, Canton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Flannel, Cotton Outing (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Flannel, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Flannel, Double Faced (Ironing Boards) (Cloth) (1970?) Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sat NY 21802-0225 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0077 NY 21802-0605 NY 21802-0333 NY 21802-0161 NY 21802-0347 NY 21802-0581 NY 35704-0811 NY 35704-0447 NY 21802-0833 PA F-57 PA F-58 OR 79-500-9010 NY 39800-0847 CA 691-86-03 CT 91-126 KS 80-1 A CT 91-80B CA 691-86-01 NY 39601-0517 NY 39601-0507 NY 35205-342 RI 4745-002 RI 4745-001 WA S-64-82-3 MS TF-17A SC 03-360 RI 4910-003 RI 4935-001 PA C-85 PA C-86 NY 33300-0480 PA F-68 MI 5729-S1 NY 35205-342 NY 40601-0680 HI ♦20 NJ 4938-14 SC 14-260D SC 14-220-0451 A NE ♦37 LA ♦11-13 PA S-59 TX 371-38-1 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B NY 32100-0265 NY 31808-0114 MS S-2-53-38A TX 371-78-7 CA 681-83-55 NY 25202-0158 TX 325-38-1A CA 681-66-17 NJ 4936-03 MD •12 MS 3401 TX 520-73-1B TX 540-73-2A PA P-54 PA G-15 OR 79-100-9200 NY 40008-0083 RI 4265-M-005 MA ♦35-36 RI 4910-015 RI 4910-016 PA F-39 TX 410-39-2 MA ♦35-62 RI 4920-001 TX 410-39-1 NY 32610-0367 MA ♦35-56 MA ♦35-16 RI 4270-M-002 RI 4270-M-004 RI 4210-M-001 MA ♦35-44 MS T-1A-60-14 OR 79-100-9170 MS T-1A-60-15 MA ♦35-86 MA ♦35-73 NY 32600-0622 129 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Textile, Canton Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Misses" Nightgowns (Cotton Spec, for Women's and Girls" Pajamas (Cotton Spec, for Std. Std. e) (1969) 1) runk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) 1970) Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Tires, Tubes, Valves and Tire Spec, for Tires, Tubes and Spec, for Spec, for Fusees or Copper Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of less, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Solder Joints or Spec, for Spec, for Fusee (1969) Spec, for Grey Metal Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment Spec, for Black Plastic Bituminous Cement (for Roof Std. Spec, for Plastic Cement; Fibered (Roof Patching and Spec, for High Level avigational Aid or Buoy) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Warning Lights (Revolving, for Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Wall Spec, for Dry Cell Unit Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Spec, for Survey Stakes, er Colors) (1970) Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior and Interior, Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Tent. Spec, for Floor Machines, ints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed std. 141, TT-P-381 Std. Spec, for er, Primer and Finish) (1962) FED Std/ Spec, for One Coat Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Spec, for Dispenser, Paper Towel, Metal, Spec, for Latex Base Interior Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Interior Spec, for Interior Spec, for Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Base Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Brush; Cleaning, Butcher Block Spec, for Ironers; n Ribbons) (1967) Spec, for Ironers; Spec, for Glass, tm D2486-66T Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete, Masonry, Ready Mix Spec, for Brushes; Varnish, Spec, for Brushes; Paint, Metal Bound, Spec, for Brushes, Paint, Metal Bound, Std. Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Interior, Std. Spec, for Paint (Alkyd, Interior, -B-695C Spec, for Varnish Brushes Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, One Coat Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Spec, for Irons; 1) Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Exterior Spec, for Paint, Finish, Stucco, Std. Spec, for Glass, Spec, for Latex Paint, Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Spec, for Brushes, Varnish, Spec, for Paint; Oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, Spec, for Hot Rolled Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, ec. for Cold Finished Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Spec, for Tableware; Stainless Steel Spec, for Table Std. Spec, for Stainless Steel Table Std. for Table Std. Spec, for Table Std. Spec, for Tableware, Stainless Steel, Std. Spec, for Flannel, Heavy, Cotton (Glove) (1970?) Flannelette (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Flannelette) (1969) Flannelette) (1969) Flannelette, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Flannel; Cotton Outing (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Flannel; Cotton, Heavy (for Table Felts) (Cloth, Textil Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (197 Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Presh Flap Gates (Drainage Control, Culvert and Sewer Pipe) Flaps (1970) Flaps (1971) Flare Oil (1970) (Flare), Red, Truck, Emergency (Without Spike) (1969) Flared Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Spec. F Flared Tube Fittings) (1964) FED Std. 151a /Soft, Seam Flares (Fusee Type) (1971) CFR Title 49, UL 912 Flares (Warning Device for Hazardous Area) (1971) Flash Primer, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (Flashers) (1971) Flashing and Repair) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Flashing Compound) (1970) FED SS-C-153 Flashing Lights and Tripod Stand ( 1969) Flashing Lights (Battery Operated, for Housing Within N Flashing) (1967) Flashing, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Std. Spec. Flashlight and Lantern Batteries (1960) FED W-B-101 Flashlight Cases and Hand Lantern (1971) Flat Alkyd Paint (White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Flat Alkyd, Exterior ( 1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Flat and Corrugated Glass (for Glazing Purposes) (1971) Flat and Hub, Wood (1968) Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Light Tints and Oth Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (1971) Flat and Semigloss) (White and Tints) (1968) Flat Deck Type, 2 Passenger) (Departmental) (1970) Flat Disc Rotating (1968) Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint (White and T Flat Interior Alkyd Paint (Tints and White) (1966) FED Flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Seal Flat Light, One Coat (1970) Flat Pack (1969) Flat Paint (White and Tints) (1969) Flat Sash Brushes (Paint) (1964) Flat Stock Maintenance Blades and Cutting Edges (1970) Flat Varnish Brushes (1964) Flat Wall Oil Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Flat White Paint (Odorless) (1963) Flat White Paint (1967) Flat White Wall Paint (1967) Flat White, Acryclic Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) (Flat Wire) (1971) Flat Work, Chest Type (Nonfloating Multiroll) (1966) Flat Work, Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, with Retur Flat (for Glazing Purposes) (1971) Flat (White and Tints) (1969) FED TT-P-29, Std. 141, As Flat (1964) Flat (1965) Flat (1965) Flat (1965) Flat (1969) Flat (1969) Flat) (1969) (Flat, —1 to —3 Size, Synthetic Filament) (1966) FED H Flat, Alkyd, White (Paint) (1969) Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish Coat ( 1964) Flat, Dull Gloss (1970) Flat, Electric (1966) UL 141, 498, NEMA DAI-58 Flat, Emulsion Type with Oleoresinous Modification (197 Flat, Exterior (1969) Flat, for Glazing (1971) Flat, Interior Washable (1969) Flat, Interior, Low Odor ( 1969) Flat, One Coat, Interior, Odorless Light (1970) Flat, Paint (1969) Flat, Ready Mixed (Tints and White) (1967) Flat, White Tintable (1963) Flats (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-322, A-276 Flats (1970?) ASTM A-108, A-331, A-276 Sp (Flatware Set) (1968) FED Std. 66, Std. 151 Flatware (Stainless Steel and Silverware) (1971) Flatware (1962) Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Steel (1963) Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Steel (1969) Flatware, Cutlery (1964) Flatware, Plated (1958) MA *35-61 NJ 9110-01 RI 4270-F-002 RI 4270-F-003 CA 691-83-19 OR 79-100-9180 OR 79-100-9190 PA F-62 PA F-63 MS 3399 CA 701-26-32 NM *1 IN ♦15-5 CA 691-10-26 PA T-38 PA T-67 NY 35600-0769 PA F-85 MI 5325-S20 SC *37 TX 605-37-1 OR 64-500-0100 NY 35703-0815 NY 34502-0632 NY 30304-0716 MS R-5-64-38 VA Y-2 NY 34402-0778 VA DK-32A OR 77-100-9040 PA G-4 MD *21 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0386 NY 38000-0387 NY 42200-0368 KS 78-2B VA DK-30A WA S-64-79-A VA DK-29A MS PI-1 CA 692-76-63 WA S-62-56-B TX 11 0-3 2-4 A SD *2 TX 11 0-3 2-3 A VA DK-21A NJ 7342-03 TX 5 20-42-5 A TX 520-42-6A NJ 7342-15A PA B-80 PA 1-2 PA 1-4 NY 31806-0313 PA P-129 KY 32A KY 30B PA B-38 PA B-43 MI 5310-S2 OR 77-100-9260 OR 77-100-9250 VA C-2A MI 5325-S18 KY 29A MS PM-18 PA 1-3 NJ 7342-25 CA 691-80-04 IL *3 CA 691-80-225 CA 691-80-211 MS PI- 12 MI 5310-S1 PA P-69 IA *l-6 MS 3313 MS 3314 PA T-43 NY 24600-0035 WA S-6 1-35-1 CT 31-17B CT 3108-T-330A MS T-1A-64 CT 3108-F-331 130 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards b,CCC-T-191B dCCC-T-191B Std. Spec, for Tableware, Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Press and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Polyester Cover Cloth Spec, for Cotton Cover Duck (for Spec, for Laundry Machines; Folders, Spec, for Laundry Wax for Waxing ading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Conveyors) (Loader and y)(1966) Std. Spec, for Ironer, food ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Extracts, Spec, for Extracts, Flavoring and Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Maple Rulers 191, MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Spec, for and Cleaners (1968) ASTM / Spec, for Binders, Pressboard, Spec, for Sewer Cleaner, Spec, for Spec, for Book Cover Board, Clay Coated, Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Machine (3 Tank, Peg for (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Spec, for Paper; and Application (1964) Spec, for Coated Abrasives Std. Spec, for White Spec, for White Std. Spec, for White Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Toilet, Cake, (Non Spec, for Soap, White 971) Spec, for Marine Mooring Spec, for Std. Spec, for Enamel; Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Spec, for Electric Fans Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Varnish; Interior, Spec, for Varnish, Wood Spec, for Spec, for Parlor and Warehouse Spec, for Deck Spec, for Sweeping etergent, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for rgent Cleaner) (1966) Spec, for ax, Mop Treatment Compound, Gymnasium) ( 1971 ) Spec, for tory Furniture (Work Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, 969) Std. Spec, for Detergent Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, uding Metal Cross Link/ Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Std. Spec, for Water Emulsion Spec, for Gym Spec, for Porch and 7E Spec, for Emulsion Type Synthetic Polymer Spec, for Gym Spec, for Water Emulsion Synthetic Std. Spec, for Gym elf Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resistant 69) Spec, for Applicators (Wax, Spec, for Cotton Applicators (Wax, Spec, for Remover, Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Spec, for Remover, Std. Spec, for Liquid, Gym Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Synthetic Polymer Spec, for Rotary Spec, for Spec, for Pad, Steel Wool, Electric Spec, for Brushes, Rotary Spec, for Brushes, Shower Feed for Rotary Spec, for Electric Scrubbing and Polishing Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Nylon Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Kilns, Electric (4 cu. Ft. (1970) Interlock (1970) 1968) ng and Wet or Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS/ ctric)(1969) polishing) (1971) Flatware, Stainless (1957) Flatwork Folder (1971) Flatwork Ironer Cotton Cover Cloth (1964) FED CCC-C-435 Flatwork Ironer Guide Tape (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Flatwork Ironer Pads and Covers (1971) (Flatwork Ironer Roll Cover) (1965) Flatwork Ironer Rolls and Other Laundry Uses) (1965) Fe Flatwork Ironer (1968) Flatwork Ironers and Equipment ( 1 968 ) Flatwork Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and Stackers Flatwork) (1969) Flatwork, Commercial, Chest Type (and Ventilating Canop Flavoring and Flavors (Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic) for Flavors (Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic) for Food ( 1971) Fleeced Back Khaki Cloth ( 1970?) ( Flexible and Rigid ) ( 1 97 1 ) Flexible Black Leatherette Ring Binders ( 1971 ) FED Std. Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Data Processing Flexible Power Bucket Machine (1962) Flexible Reflective Sheeting (Enclosed Lens) (1970?) Flexible (1970) Flight Type, Continuous Conveyor) ( 1963) Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Garnet ( 1966) /Ec. Flint ( 197 1 ) FED UU-P-3 1 , USC Ps8 (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) Floating Soap (Bath, Toilet) (1953) Floating Toilet Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D499 Floating Toilet Soap (1969) Floating Toilet Soap, White, Cake (1970) Floating White Toilet Soap (Bar) (1967) Floating) (1966) FED P-S-536 Floating, Cake Form, General Institutional ( 1969) Floats, Dock Access Vertical Ladders, Ramp (College) (1 Floor and Deck Porch Enamel (Paint) (1967) Floor and Deck (Paint) (1969) Floor and Deck (1967) FED TT-E-487, Std. 141a (Floor and Pedestal Types) (1952) Floor and Porch, Wood and Concrete (Paint) (1970) Floor and Trim (1968) FED TT-V-71, Std. 141 Floor and Trim, Interior ( 1963) Floor and Wall Washing Compound (1965) Floor Brooms (Broomcorn Fiber) (1968) Floor Brushes (1967) Floor Brushes (1967) Floor Care Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, D Floor Care Products (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, Dete Floor Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing W Floor Case, Fume Hood, Stool) (1971) Spec, for Labora Floor Cleaner, Liquid (Deodorizer) (Hand or Machine) (1 Floor Cleaning Detergent ( 1969) Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Incl Floor Coating, Liquid, Synthetic (1969) Floor Cover (1970) Floor Enamel, Dark Gray (Paint) (1969) Floor Finish (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM D1436, E70, ICC 1 Floor Finish (1964) Floor Finish (1967) FED P-F-00430 Floor Finish (1969) Floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430, ASTM E70, D 145 5-64 Floor Finish) for Use with Imitation Shearling Pads ( 19 Floor Finish) (1970) Floor Finish, Ammoniated (1966) Floor Finish, Emulsion Type (1964) Floor Finish, Nonammoniated ( 1966) Floor Finish, Polish (1969) Floor Finish, Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion, Buffable Floor Finish, Synthetic (1967) Floor Finish, Synthetic, Water Based, Polyacrylic Metal Floor Finishes, Water Emulsion, Polymer and Wax Type, Floor Finish; Emulsion Type ( 1971 ) Floor Machine Brushes (Scrubbing and Polishing) (1968) Floor Machine ( 1966) Floor Machine (1966) Floor Machine (1968) Floor Machine (1968) Floor Machine (1969) Floor Machine, Automatic, Battery ( 1966) Floor Machines (Polishing, Scrubbing) (1971) Floor Machines, Flat Disc Rotating (1968) Floor Machines, Scrub and Polish (1970) Floor Maintenance Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishi Floor Maintenance Machine (Scrubbing and Polishing, Ele Floor Maintenance Pads (Machine Application) (1964) Floor Maintenance Pads (Scouring) ( 1966) Floor Maintenance Pads (Stripping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Floor Model) (1968) IL •16 TX 500-30-1 TX 410-34-3 TX 410-33-1 NY 36500-0884 TX 410-34-2 TX 410-34-4 PA M-39 TX 395-43-1 NY 00365-0200 NY 36501-0804 NC 3510-FI-l PA E-5 PA E-5 MA ♦35-80 IL ♦32XX CA 721-75-34 CA 712-75-05 NJ 4938-46 VA *35 CA 701-82-10 WA S-63-71 NY 00319-0439 PA P-38 TX 002-31-1 MS S-2-53-28 TX 370-59-3A OR 76-450-9070 LA * 1 1 — 15 WI 5730-0232 PA S-13 CA 691-77-25 NY 49607-0022 TX 520-42-4A OR 77-100-9070 PA P-126 PA F-43 MS PI-9 PA V-7 IA •1-1 1 VA TL-16 TX 370-31-1B TX 370-31-6 TX 370-31-7 NY 22002-0537 NY 00220-02-0684 NY 22004-0529 NY 12009-0629 MS D-6A-69 IA *3-10 IA *3-9 IA *3-12 NY 30212-0486 MI 5325-S12 TX 485-54-3A MI 4642-0056 VA K-39C OR 77-100-9400 VA K-43 TX 370-66-1 TX 370-66-2 KY 7930-36 SC 11-050 KY 7930-2 IA ♦3-6 MI 4642-S2 KY 7930-3 MS F-15D-70 CA 681-76-01 TX 370-63-3A TX 265-31-1 KY 7910-1 KY 7910-5 KY 7910-8 KY 7910-9 VA DA-4B KY 7910-2 NY 21400-0563 KS 78-2B CA 701-76-40 VA Y-9 OR 76-100-9010 VA K-41A NY 00319-0479 NY 31901-0523 NY 23104-0549 131 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 10 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine (Vertical, 30 Qt., Spec, for Kiln, Electric ( 10 cu. Ft. d) (1970) Spec, for Drinking Water Coolers Spec, for Std. Spec, for Laboratory - Center (Truck, Motor Vehicle)/ Drawings and Spec, for Water Emulsion (Slip Resistant Rotary Disc, Concentrated Weight, Commercial / Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy D/ ush, Concentrated Weight, Household or Light D/ y Disc) (1970) UL 73 , Battery Powered) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec for Spec, for um Cleaners (1970) FED OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Std. Spec, for Machine, Spec, for Pads; 5) Std. Spec, for Machine, mulsion (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Plasticized Water Emulsion Type 546, D 1 642 Spec, for Wood Spec, for Masonry Spec, for Penetrating Spec, for 3E Spec, for Masonry t-I-563E Spec, for Masonry and Porous Tile Spec, for Brushes; cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Spec, for Power Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ctified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Spec, for spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Std. Spec, for Remover, 01B, Std. 141 Spec, for Water Emulsion and Polymer Type Spec, for Std. 964) FED P-S-598, P-W-155a Spec, for Spec, for Water Emulsion Type 28, D1288, E70 Spec, for Spec, for Refined Carnauba Spec, for Liquid and Paste Furniture and Spec, for Alkali Soluble Resin (for Manufacture of Spec, for ba Base (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Remover, Spec, for Spec, for l.LLL-L-351 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Elevated Free Access Spec, for Elevated Free Access Spec, for Elevated Free Access Spec, for Elevated Free Access Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Terrazzo and Concrete Spec, for Brushes; Scrubbing, Spec, for Sweeping Compound, Spec, for Squeegee, Spec, for Tile, Spec, for Portable Lamps, Table and id, General Purpose, Solvent, (Furniture, Painted Surface, , General Purpose, Solvent (Furniture, Painted Surface and d Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, Linoleum, Wood Spec, for Brooms; Upright, Corn Fiber Spec, for Brushes; Scrub, Std. Spec, for Wax, Spec, for Brooms; Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Spec, for Brushes; Hand, Spec, for Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Spec, for Pad, Spec, for Sealer, Surface, Varnish Type, ge Construction) (1970) ASTM A36, A/ Spec, for Steel Grid Spec, for Intermediate Bridge Spec, for Spec, for Tile and p-S-536, VV/ Spec, for Soap; Potash, Liquid and Paste for Spec, for Varnish Base Paint for Concrete and Wood Spec, for Floor Paint, Rubber Base for Concrete Spec, for Paint, Varnish Base, Concrete and Wood Spec, for Penetrating Seal and Finish for Wood Std. Spec, for Elastic, Embroidery Floor Model) (1968) Floor Model) (1969) (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self Containe Floor Paint, Rubber Base for Concrete Floors ( 1963) Floor Paint, Rubber Base, Concrete ( 1970) Floor Plan for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials Floor Polish) (1963) Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Br Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Electric, Rotar Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Water Absorbing Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines ( 1966) Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Duty Vacu Floor Polishing and Scrubbing, Electric (1970) Floor Polishing Machine (1970) Floor Scrubbing, Electric (Battery), Cabinet Style (196 Floor Seal and Undercoater Composition, Liquid, Water E Floor Seal (1965) FED P-W-155a Floor Sealer And/or Finish; Solvent Type (1970) ASTM Dl Floor Sealer (1966) ASTM E70 Floor Sealer, Heavy Duty, Solvent ( 1964) Floor Sealer, Terrazzo (1964) Floor Sealer; Solvent Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-56 Floor Sealer; Water Emusion Type (1970) FED Std. 141, T Floor Sweep (1970) Floor Sweep) (1960) /. for Household Brushes (Bottle, Floor Sweeper, Electric Battery Powered, 36 In.) (1971) Floor Sweeping Compound ( 1964) FED RR-S-366B, VV-L-791 Floor Systems (NYS Std.) (1967) Spec, for Floor Tile; Asphalt (1962) FED SS-T-307 Floor Tile; Cork (1962) FED LLL-T-431B Floor Tile; Rubber (1960) FED Std. 601 Floor Tile; Vinyl Asbestos (1962) FED L-T-00345 Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Facilities) Floor Type Drill Press (1970) Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Floor Wax and Finish (Ammonia) (Cleaner) (1970) Floor Wax and Polish Remover ( 1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-2 Floor Wax Stripper (1965) Floor Wax (Buffable, Water Emulsion, Slip Resistant) (1 Floor Wax (Carnauba) (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM E70 Floor Wax (Carnauba); Water Emulsion Type (1970) ASTM E Floor Wax (Flake) (1966) FED JJJ-W-141B Floor Wax (1967) Floor Wax) (1969) Floor Wax, Carnauba ( 1967) Floor Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Carnau Floor Wax, Liquid (1964) Floor Wax, Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion (1970) Floor Wax, Water Emulsion ( 1964) Floor Wax; Liquid and Paste (1953) FED P-S-158, VV-L-79 Floor Wood Block Squeegee (1968) Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Floor (Computer Area) ( 1968) Floor (Computer Area, College) (1968) Floor (Computer Laboratory) (College) (1967) Floor (Liquid) (1970) Floor (1956) Floor (1964) Floor (1968) Floor (1969) Floor (1971) Floor) ( 1964) Spec, for Wax, Liqu Floor) (1964) Spec, for Wax, Paste Floor) (1965) FED P-W-158B /General Purpose Wax (Liqui (Floor) (1970) Floor, Hand (Narrow Waist) (1969) Floor, Heavy Duty, Water Based (1970) Floor, Janitor and Warehouse (Corn) (1970) Floor, Polyacrylic, Water Based (1970) Floor, Porch, Wood and Concrete (1963) Floor, Scrub (1969) Floor, Street, and Garage (1966) Floor, Synthetic or Natural Fibers, Machine ( 1968) Floor, Wood or Cork (1968) Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Highway and Brid Flooring (1970?) Flooring, Hardwood (1966) Flooring; Vinyl Plastic (1962) FED L-F-00450 Floors (Except Rubber) and General Cleaning (1955) FED Floors (1962) FED Std. 141 Floors (1963) Floors (1964) Floors (1968) Floss, and Button Hole Gimp (1953) WA S-68-102 NY 23104-0430 TX 175-31-1C IA *1-10 MS PI- 10 NJ *2 PA W-7 TX 265-32-1 B TX 265-32-3 TX 265-32-2B PA M-48 PA M-50 RI *6 NJ 1140-00 MS M-3A-70 PA P-146 MS M-4A-65 IA *3-ll VA K-42 TX 370-63-4B TX 370-63-5A MI 4642-0055 MI 4642-0100 TX 370-63-5B TX 370-63-7 PA B-4 VA C-4 NY 41600-0202 TX 370-49-1 NY 27500-0391 PA T-62 PA T-64 PA T-63 PA T-66 NY 11000-0818 NE *60 NY 21802-0181 MS R-2B-69 PA R-32 SC 1 1-050B VA K-6E TX 485-54-1A TX 370-63-1A TX 371-38-1 TX 370-63-2A NY 25408-1002 KY 7930-9 IA *3-l MI 4642-0500 MI 4642-S1 SC 1 1-050A PA W-5 TX 370-60-1 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 NY 31800-0225 NY 31800-0318 MS S-8A-70 PA B-17 MI 4664-8000 KY 7920-11 NJ 1368-00 NY 35706-0140 MI 4642-0430 MI 4642-0400 VA K-33A PA B-l PA B-75 MS W-3B-70 SC 11-110-1002 MS S-14A-70 IA ♦1-9 PA B-9 KY 7920-2 KY 7910-6 KY 7930-4 VA DH-233 MS 3461 PA L-44II PA T-61 PA S-85 VA DK-13A IA *1-10 KY 13A PA F-82 IL *33J J 32 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Dish Towels (Cotton er Manufacture (1966) Spec, for Silica pter (1970) Spec, for Tester, oiler Instrumentation for the Measurement of Steam and Air Spec, for Laminar pec. for Lubricating Oil Filter Elements, by Pass and Full lements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Full spec, for Dry Laundry Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Hydraulic Transmission . for Hydraulic Oil for Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic General Requirements for Automatic Transmission Spec, for Hydraulic Brake Spec, for Direct Process Duplicating Spec, for Hydraulic Brake ce Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outboard and Hydraulic Std. Spec, for White, Opaque and Typewriter Correction 70) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Automatic Transmission Spec, for Automatic Transmission Spec, for Brake 70) Std. Spec, for Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction tor, Tool, Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (1967) Std. Spec, for Filters and Filter Elements, Spec, for Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission 1967) Spec, for Automatic Transmission Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter 1967) Spec, for Automatic Transmission Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter ng, Turning Machine) ( 1967) Spec, for Cutting g and Turning Machine (1970) Std. Spec, for Cutting Spec, for Automatic Transmission asoline; Motor, Transmission and Differential Gear Oil and page Di/ Spec, for Sheet Metal Products, Galvanized (Open -L-00101G Spec, for Lamps ipment (1969) Spec, for Spectrophotometers, Spec, for Spec, for mounted (1957) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Red Spec, for Std. Spec, for Ballasts, Spec, for Ballast; Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System arker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Std. Spec, for Red Orange Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Starters, Spec, for Lamp Contract (Electric Incandescent and or Lamps, Electric Incandescent (Large) Tungsten Filament; 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Sour; Ammonium Std. Spec, for Laundry Neutralize^ Spec, for Laundry Sour Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Sour, Spec, for Sodium Acid Std. Spec, for Sodium Acid Spec, for Sour, Laundry Bleaching, Spec, for Sodium Silico Spec, for Laundry Sour Ammonium Silico Spec, for Diagnostic Radiographic - Spec, for Radiographic - Spec, for Radiographic - Spec, for Radiographic - scellaneous Accessories (Medica/ Spec, for Radiographic - Spec, for Radiographic - ment) (1966) Spec, for X-Ray Machines; Radiographic and )(1971) Spec, for for Diagnostic X-Ray System (Conventional and Bright Image right Image Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and Cine Std. Spec, for Sodium Silicofluoride Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Spec, for Vacuum Street and Catch Basin Cleaner with 971) Spec, for Street Drum ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Musical Instruments ( Violin, drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld spec, for Welding Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding (Wire, Spec, for lass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Spec, for Aluminum 6) quipment (Tuberculos/ Flour Sack) (1969) Flour (200 Mesh) for Household Scouring Powder and Clea Flow and Pressure, with Mercury Batteries and Flange Ad Flow and Water) (1970) Spec, for Meters (B Flow Clean Room (Portable) (1971) FED Std. 209a Flow (1967) Std. S Flow (1967) Std. Spec, for Filters and Filter E Flowing, Dustless) (1967) Std. Flue Gas Analysis and Recording System ( 1967) Fluid for Truck, Bus and Earth Moving Equipment (1970?) Fluid in Power Control Systems of Road Machinery and Si Fluid (Dexron) (1968) Fluid (Heavy Duty) (1969) Fluid (1968) Fluid (1970?) Fluid ( 1970?) MIL L-2104B Spec, for High Performan Fluid (1971) Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Dextron (Light Duty) (19 Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Ford, Light Duty ( 1970) Fluid, Duplicating, Spirit ( 1971 ) Fluid, Ford Type M-2C33-F ( 1968) Fluid, General Motors Type, Dexron Approved (1968) Fluid, Heavy Duty, Nonmineral Oil (1968) SAE 70r(3) Fluid, Hydraulic Transmission, Heavy Duty, Type C-2 (19 Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Diet (Fluid, Petroleum Solvent, Grease) ( 1971 ) /Spec, for Mo Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Full Flow Fluid, Starting, Diesel and Gasoline Engine (1962) Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, Type C-2 (1968) Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, Type 303 (1968) Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks) Fluid, Type C-2 (1968) Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks) Fluid, Type 303 (1968) Fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutti Fluid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cuttin Fluid; Automotive (1970) Fluid; Multipurpose Grease) (1969) /Cts, Automotive (G Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antisee (Fluorescent and Incandescent) (1970?) FED W-L-001 16C, W Fluorescent Attachments and Accessories, Micro Cell Equ Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1965) Fluorescent Brightener (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1971) Fluorescent Fixtures; Commercial Suspended and Surface Fluorescent Fixtures; Industrial (1957) Fluorescent Flags (Marker) (1971) Fluorescent Lamp Starters (1960) ANSI C78 Fluorescent Lamp (1964) Fluorescent Lamp (1970) ANSI C82.1, UL 935 (Fluorescent Spectrometer Conversion) (1970) Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones (Polyvinyl Chloride, M Fluorescent (Lamp Light) Fixtures (1971) Fluorescent (Lamp Light) Fixtures (800 Ma) (1970) Fluorescent (1971) Fluorescent) (1970?) FED W-L-101E, W-L-l 16(4) Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and Miniature Fluoridation System for Municipal Water Supply (City) Fluoride Compounds for Iron Bearing Water (1970) Fluoride Type (Sour, Bleach) (1953) (Fluoride Type) (1964) FED P-S-683 Fluoride Type, Dry ( 1969) Fluoride (Bifluoride) for Laundry Sour Manufacture ( 196 Fluoride (Bifluoride) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953) Fluoride (1966) Fluoride (1966) ASTM E70, D502 Fluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 791B Fluoroscopic X-Ray System and Related Accessories and E Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (Hospital) (1968) Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (Prison) (1967) Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (1969) Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Film Processing Unit, and Mi Fluoroscopic X-Ray Table (1970) Fluoroscopic (Including Accessories and Dark Room Equip Fluoroscopic, Radiographic X-Ray System (Medical Center Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and Cine Fluorosc Fluoroscopy) (1967) / X-Ray System (Conventional and B (Fluosilicate) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953) Fluosilicate, Soda Ash, Sodium Metasilicate, Silicofluo Flusher Attachment (1970?) Flushing Truck (2000 Gal., 6X4, 39,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1 Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Snare Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodbore Flux) (1970?) Fly Ash (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM C593 Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; An Fly Screens (1960) OR 72-150-9150 TX 371-62-1 NJ 4936-03 NY 40703-0619 NY 12030-0797 MS F-24-67 NC 2940-OF-l WI 5720-0143 NY 40706-0360 VA ♦26 SC 34-040 NE ♦ 73 TX 035-38-1A NJ 6962-02B VA ♦27 GA 9150-1-15 IL *32S MS L-5B-70-15A MS L-5B-70-16 MS F-20B-7 1 CA 681-91-33 CA 681-91-30 CA 681-66-11 MS L-5B-70-17 FL *21 NM *8 NC 2940-OF-l MS F- 18-62 CA 681-91-31 CA 681-91-32 MI 5255-S8 CA 681-91-31 MI 5255-S9 CA 681-91-32 MI 5255-S21 MS L-5B-70-10 PA F-78 NJ 3566-00 MS 3351 GA 6240-7-1 NY 38700-0885 TX 371-36-1 NY 25524-0353 PA F-57 PA F-58 WA S-64-82-3 PA S-108 OR 24-64-5A PA B-144 NY 11002-0018 WA S-71-110 NY 35704-0811 NY 35704-0447 CA 711-60-01 NJ 2544-00 NY 05400-0176 NY 32500-0108 PA S-67 MS S-2-53-15 TX 395-46-1 CA 691-77-19 TX 371-63-1 MS S-2-53-14 KY 7930-13 TX 371-74-1 PA S-61 NY 11000-0459 NY 11000-0773 NY 11OO0-0386A NY 11000-0916 NY 11000-0786 NY 11000-0615 PA X-l NY 11000-0909 NY 11000-0341 NY 11000-0341 MS S-2-53-17 NY 20100-0289 VA ♦6 AK ♦79 NY 38320-0503 NY 43203-0185 MS 3339 VA DH-252 IL *39 MD ♦25 133 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Insecticides, Liquid, Spec, for Insecticides, Aerosol Spec, for Insecticides, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Spec, for Urethane Spec, for Latex , Sponges, Etc. (1968) Spec, for Urethane hioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) FED L-P/ Spec, for Urethane ivision and Temperature Con/ Spec, for Portable Bulkhead .ZZ-M-91C Spec, for Latex Spec, for Polyurethane Spec, for Pillows, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Spec, for Polyurethane Spec, for Pillows; Latex Spec, for Mattresses; Latex Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Urethane Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Spec, for Urethane, Shredded Cellular Std. Spec, for Mattress, Synthetic Spec, for Wrestling and Gymnastic Mats, Plastic Spec, for Mattresses (Latex Spec, for Mattress Cores (Polyurethane - Polyether Std. Spec, for Mattress Cores, Polyether Urethane Std. Spec, for Shampoo, Dry Spec, for Mattress and Core; Std. Spec, for Wall Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Low Spec, for 200 Gal. Slip-on Fire Fighting Pumping Unit Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment (Skid - High Pressure Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Oblong Std. Spec, for Paper Towels (Single Spec, for Paper Towels Spec, for Metal Spec, for Spec, for Cross Spec, for Laundry Flatwork nd Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies (File Spec, for Office Supplies (File mblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Machines; Std. Spec, for Files (Accordion, Vertical, Box, 1 ) Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (File e Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Spec, for Spec, for Tablet Arm Spec, for ) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Spec, for Upholstered Spec, for Steel edAA-C-291a Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Equipment Std. Spec, for rsity) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Spec, for Metal Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt n ) (1971) Spec, for Acoustical n) (1971) Spec, for Acoustical Spec, for Beds; Metal, Cot, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Metal Spec, for Wheel Chairs; Std. Spec, for Chairs, Spec, for Chairs, ets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office, Spec, for Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Conference lay and Urn Stands/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Hot Spec, for Metal nd Ice / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Spec, for spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting and Serving mer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, team Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Slicer and Saw and Grinder, Spec, for Annual Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Phosphoric Acid ) Std. Spec, for (1963) Std. Spec, for 68) Std. Spec, for Fly Spray (1961) Fly Spray (1961) Fly Spray, Concentrate, Water Miscible (1961) Fly Spray, Insect Repellant) ( 1971 ) /Icide, Herbicide, Foam Bed Mattresses and Removable Cover ( 1964) Foam Filled Bed Pillows ( 1 96 1 ) Foam for Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning Foam for Use as Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cus (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van Trailer) (D Foam Mattress (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191B Foam Mattresses (1960) Foam Rubber, Latex, Zippered Cotton Cover (1968) Foam Stabilizer, Coco Diethanolamide (1966) Foam Stabilizer, Laurie Diethanolamide (1966) Foam Type (1968) Foam (for Mattresses) (Hospital) (1971) Foam (1951) FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 Foam (1952) Foam (1967) ASTM D1564 Foam (1968) Foam (1969) Foam (1969) Foam (1970) Foam) (School) (1968) Foam) (1970) Foam, Fire Retardant (1969) Foam, Rug and Carpet (1969) Foamed Plastic (1962) Foaming, Powder and Granular ( 1963) (Fog Gun) (1970) Fog) (1969) Foil Cake and Round Pie Pans) (1971) Fold) (1967) (Folded and Roll) (1967) Folded Paper Towel Dispenser ( 1969) Folded Paper Towels (1970) FED UU-P-31B Folder (1971) Folder (1971) Folder, Buffer Polisher) (1969) /Ller, Foot Squaring A Folder, File, Vertical (1970) Folders and Card Guides and Vertical Filing) (1971) Folders and Card Guides ) ( Fund ) ( 1 97 1 ) Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Starch Cooker, Soap (Folders) (1968) Folders, File, Open Shelf ( 1969) Folders, Flatwork Ironer (1968) Folders, Jacket, Pocket) (1971) Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Machine Tape) (197 Folders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index Folding Chair (Steel) (1969) Folding Chair (1965) FED AA-C-296, USC CS35 Folding Chair, Various (1968) Folding Chairs with Arms; Metal Frame (Office Furniture Foldingchairs (1959) Folding Chairs; Metal Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) F (Folding Machine) (1970) Folding Machines, Laundry Commercial (1967) Folding Partition (Automatic Electric Operation) (Unive Folding Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) Folding Tables (Square Leg, Pedestal, Card) (1971) Folding Tablet Arm Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Folders and Spreade Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operatio Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operatio Folding (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Folding (1966) Folding, Metal (1968) Folding, Steel (1966) Folding, Steel (1970) Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk Lamp; Fil Foliage Green Enamel (Paint) (1959) Foliage Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Folio, Plastic (1971) MIL Std. 105 Food and Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, Disp Food Cans (1968) Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving A Food Carts ( 1 96 1 ) Food Conveyors) (NYS Std.) (1969) Std. Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical Cutter / Mixer Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender Base, Vertical Cutter Mixer Food Cutting, Canned Fruits and Vegetables (1970) (Food Dicer) (1971) (Food Grade, 85% Active) (1969) Food Mixing Machine (Vertical Bench Type, 12 Qt.) (1962 Food Mixing Machine (Vertical Type, 20 Qt. Bench Model) Food Mixing Machine (Vertical, 30 Qt., Floor Model) (19 MS 1-3 MS 1-4 MS 1-6 MS C-40A-7 1 TX 295-47-3 RI 4325-003 TX 295-48-1 A VA DS-8A NY 42300-0630 VA DS-5A RI 4358-06 CA 681-83-10 TX 371-45-2 TX 371-45-1A PA F-52 NY 22701-0599 PA P-114 PA M-31 NC 7210-MF-3 FL *13 CA 691-83-30 CT 3748-M-341B CA 701-78-15 NY 22701-0581 NJ 3748-00 IL *7 MS S- 15-69 PA M-40 MS C- 12-63 NJ *4 NY 34703-0503 NY 31200-0601 WI 7572A VA DM-4B VA DQ-1A TX 370-61-2 NY 36501-0410 TX 500-30-1 NY 43201-0487 CA 701-75-25 NY 23005-0500 NY 23005-0154 NY 00365-0200 NY 36501-0591 CA 691-75-65 PA M-39 IL *32DD FL ♦18 FL *19 PA C-169 VA BF-4 NJ 3766-00 RI 1-018A VA BF-2 RI 1-018 NY 36501-0536 NC 3510-FM-3 NY 33811-0640 RI 1-024 NY 20902-0435 RI 1-034 NY 00365-0200 NY 33811-0091 NY 33811-0190 PA B-28 NC 7105-MFC-l PA C-167 MS C-1C-66 NY 20900-0613 AK *53 NJ *3 MS 3525 CA 711-75-63 NY 36200-0124 CA 681-81-01 NY 36114-0572 PA C-109 NY 36112-0264 NY 36100-0122 NY 00361-0541 NE ♦84 NY 36100-0604 TX 371-92-2 WA S-62-46 WA S-63-68 WA S-68-102 134 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards y, Gelatin Viscosimeter)/ Std. for Paper Cups, Cold and Hot Spec, for Scientific Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for it, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam / If Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Di/ ! r) (1969) hwasher with Booster) (1969) r, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, San/ era tor (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food/ In Tables) (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) (1971) oiled Dish Table with Sink) (1969) elce Maker) (1971) units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands/ and Sink) (Pantry) (1969) nd, Hot Food Unit, Work Table and Serving Coun/ , Mobile Table Extension) (1968) and Accessories, Hot Dog Grill) ( 1971 ) Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Dis/ Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) (19/ machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protecto/ achines) (1971) 971) and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Sta/ eated) (Mobile) (1971) 71) 66) ouble Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Car/ ade) (1968) Spec, for Plastic Containers; , Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Spec, for Semi Van Trailer (Insulated, Frozen ) (1969) Std. Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for , Utility Serving Table) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Service Equipment (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Spec, for Spec, for Boiler Spec, for Trout ts, Flavoring and Flavors (Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic) for for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) frigeration System (Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen and Perishable machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Std. Spec, for Bed End, Head and Spec, for Misses" and Women's Stretch Sock with Cushion Spec, for Men's Stretch Work Socks with Cushion Athletic Equipment (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, 1971) Spec, for tennis Balls, Oxford (1/ Std. Spec, for Rubber and Canvas ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Leather Spec, for Rubber Std. Spec, for Shoes and Spec, for Canvas Spec, for Canvas Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Spec, for Self Propelled, Spec, for Windrow Loader, Self Propelled, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, St/ Spec, for Safety Cap Style Helmets (High Temperature Std. Spec, for Hose, Single Jacketed, Rubber Lined . for Insecticide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Sticker) Spec, for Backpack (1970) ASTM A235, A237, A108 Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Spec, for Material Handling Equipment for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Material Handling Equipment Std. Spec, for Truck, or Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, re ) (19/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (High Lift Cap/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach w H/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) and Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Spec. nsible Boom (1970) able Extensible Boom (1968) 971) Spec. Food or Drink (1969) (Food Processing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Consistenc Food Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabine Food Service Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Sel Food Service Equipment (Conveyor System and Tray Stacke Food Service Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Dis Food Service Equipment (Counter, Stools, Beverage Coole Food Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrig Food Service Equipment (Dish Tables) (1968) Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clea Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, S Food Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cub Food Service Equipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Food Service Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets Food Service Equipment (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Sta Food Service Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf Food Service Equipment (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser Food Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Food Service Equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Food Service Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Food Service Equipment (Soft Server / Shake Maker and M Food Service Equipment (Soiled and Clean Dish Table) (1 Food Service Equipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving Food Service Equipment (Work Table, Serving Counter) (H Food Service Equipment (Work Tables, NYS Std.) (1969) Food Service Equipment; Cabinets, Racks and Dollies ( 1 9 Food Service Paper and Related Products (1970) Food Service Trays, Fibre Glass - Polyester Plastic ( 19 Food Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, D Food Slicing Machine (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Knife Bl Food Storage, Waste and Refuse Handling) ( 1965) Food Table) (1971) / Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer Food Transport, 44,000 Lb. Payload) (1970) (Food Transporting and Serving Food Conveyors) (NYS Std. Food Transporting and Serving Units (Conveyor) (1971) Food Transporting and Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler Food Transporting and Serving Units (1968) (Food Transporting Carts) (Conveyor) (1969) Food Unit, Work Table and Serving Counter) (1970) /Ood Food Waste Handling Systems (Compactor) (1971) Food Water Pump (Institutional) (1970) Food (Fish) (1971) Food (1971) Spec, for Extrac (Food) (1969) Spec. (Food) (1969) Spec. (Food) (1970) Spec. Foods) (1970) MIL Spec. 167, ICC 4L /C. for Trailer Re Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle Foot (Hospital) (1961) Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country and T Footware Lace (Cotton And/or Synthetic) (Shoe String) Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Footwear and Washable Slippers (Shoes, Oxfords, Loafers Footwear (Arctics, Boots, Pacs, Sneakers) (1970) Footwear (Leather) (Institutional) (1971) Footwear (Sneakers) Women's and Misses" (1969) Footwear (Sneakers) (Men's, Boys', Youths') (1965) Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Condit Force Feed, Belt Type Material Loader ( 1970) Force Feed, with Tapered, Gathering Moldboards) (1969) Ford Bronco (Pickup) (1969) Ford Type M-2C33-F ( 1968) Ford, Light Duty (1970) Forest Fire Fighting) ( 1971) Eei API, FED Std. 595, Mil (Forest Fire) (1968) (Forest Insect Spray) ( 1970) Spec Forestry Pumping Units (Fire Fighting) (1969) Forgings and Shafting (Highway and Bridge Construction) Forgings (1970?) Fork Lift Truck (Gasoline Powered) (1971) (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) (1970) (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) ( 1971 ) Fork Lift Truck, Walk Behind (1968) Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link Belt Exte Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Remov (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Stand-Up Riders) (1 Fork Lift, Gasoline Powered (1966) Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tract Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Ride (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Fork Trucks, Battery Powered Stand-Up Rider) ( 1971 ) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Pick Forks, Hoes and Hoo /Olt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing Form Back (1968) CT 75-137B NY 38787-0579 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0605 NY 36200-0979 NY 36200-0972 NY 32610-0801 NY 36200-0074 NY 36200-0747 NY 36200-0823 NY 36200-0907 NY 36211-0798 NY 36200-0124 NY 36200-0225 NY 36200-0356 NY 36200-0735 NY 36200-0367 NY 36200-0787 NY 36211-0268 NY 36200-0504 NY 36211-0205 NY 36200-0800 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0913 NY 36200-0186 PA M-52 NE *88 NC 7350-ST-l PA F-80 WA S-63-61-1 PA C-168 NY 36200-0074 NY 42300-0493 NY 36112-0264 NY 36112-0204 NY 36112-0381 NY 36112-0745 NY 36114-0345 NY 36200-0356 NY 36125-0573 NY 46000-0076 SD *8 PA E-5 NY 24204-0098 NY 24204-0105 NY 24204-0423 NY 42300-0582 NY 43201-0487 NC 6530-B-25 CA 711-84-30 CA 711-84-31 NY 30200-0073 PA L-40 IL *27 NY 34900-0175 NY 34800-0708 OR 82-300-1010 RI 4268-F-055 RI 4268-M-056 NY 08200 SC 14-200-0451 NY 40603-0376 MI 3958-0086 CA 681-91-33 MS L-5B-70-16 CA 711-42-07 MS H-7-68 NY 22100-0061 NY 46000-0931 VA DH-231 MS 3315 NY 39101-0350 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0594 NJ 4938-123 NJ 4938-148 NJ 4938-55 NY 39101-0719 NC 3950-TFL-2 NY 40601-0298 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0409 NY 39101-0774 NY 39101-0393 NY 39000-0482 CA 681-67-5 135 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Medical (1970) Spec, for gibility (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Waste Pipe (Drainpipe) Cleaner in Crystalline Spec, for Soap, Scouring, Cake Std. Spec, for Poultry Feed; Crumble Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Deodorant Type, Cake Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Cake Spec, for Aluminum Pigment for Paint (Paste Spec, for Soap, White Floating, Cake Spec, for Medical Interim Spec, for Spec, for Inhibited uctions (Exposed Motion Picture in 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Std. Spec, for Particleboard, Mat Spec, for Metal Forming Machine (Power Press, der, Injector Molder) (1967) Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal Spec, for Custom Continuous Data Processing Spec, for Printing; Continuous and Snapout Spec, for Printed ugated, for Packaging and Shipping Continuous and Snap Out nt. Spec, for Continuous Marginal Punched Stock Tabulating neral Conditions and Spec, for Continuous Tabulating Stock Spec, for Continuous and Snapout Spec, for Snap Out Spec, for Continuous Pinfeed Fanfold Spec, for Continuous Stock 9) Spec, for Alkyd Resin Solution for Spec, for Sulfamic Acid in thyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in Fabric Softener 0) Spec, for Industrial 1964) Std. Spec, for Riprap for Bridge Spec, for Riprap Materials (Stone and Filter Blanket) 1970?) Spec, for 01015 Spec, for Syringe; Spec, for Syringes; or Food Service Equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and ream Machine) (19/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soda ion on Spectrometer (University) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Feed (Animal and Std. Spec, for Meat Chopper (Counter Type, Spec, for Citronella Oil, Ceylon Type (Soap Spec, for Castings (Pull Box Spec, for Block (Wood), Spec, for Wire Spec, for Reversible 2 Way 1 1 Ft. Snow Plow with A Spec, for Folding Chairs; Metal Spec, for Upholstered Folding Chairs with Arms; Metal Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, Chrome Tube Spec, for Mower, 3 Gang with Towing spec, for Fence Gates (Vehicular and Pedestrian) with Pipe Polypropylene Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Inside Wardrobe Chest, Steel Spec, for Clothing Chest, Steel Std. Spec, for Picnic Table (Tubular Steel Spec, for Reversible Spec, for Soap, Uncut, in Spec, for Picnic Table urniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Bread, Hamburger, Spec, for Elevated Spec, for Elevated Spec, for Elevated ) Spec, for Elevated Spec, for Fans (Electric, std. Spec, for Dry Laundry Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Spec, for Rosin Spec, for Motor / Air Compressor Unit (Oil Spec, for Pull Out Bed Lounger, Spec, for Office Furniture, Components (Metal) (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead tion Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in er, Single or Multiple Compartment or Combination Cooler / Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment - Low Temperature Spec, for Shelving, Refrigerator and rs) (1970) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in t Food/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Form Coating Materials (Treating Agent) (1970?) Form MC-175 (1970) Form MV-1082 and MV-1082.1 Vehicle Certificate Stickers Form PS-550 - NYS Certification of Health Insurance Eli Form (1964) ASTM El 1-61 Form (1966) Form (1969) Form (1971) FED P-S-00619, MIL Std. 105 Form (1971) FED P-S-00621, MIL Std. 105 Form) (1969) Form, General Institutional (1969) Form-280 (1970) Formal Type Language Laboratory (1970) Formaldehyde (1969) Formats) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Film Prod Formed Wood (1968) USC CS236-66, ASTM D1037-64 Former Lock) (1968) Forming Machine Tools (Rotational Molding 15 In., Extru Forming Machine (Power Press, Former Lock) (1968) Forms for Department of the Treasury (1968) Forms (Books and Pamphlets, Blanks, Circulars) (1970) Forms (Consent to Transfer) (1970) Forms (Printed) (1963) Spec, for Cartons, Corr Forms (1965) Te Forms (1969) Ge Forms (1970) Forms (1971) Forms (1971) Forms (1971) Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Paint), Linseed Oil (196 Formulation of Cleaners and Descalers ( 1 968 ) Formulation (1971) Spec, for Dialkyl Dime Foul Weather Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Hat Sets) (196 Foundation and Highway Construction (Stone, Concrete) (Foundation, Wall Support) (1970?) Foundry Safety Shoes (Boot), Oil Resistant, Steel Toe Fountain, Disposable Enema (Hospital) (1969) FED GG-S-0 Fountain, Rubber (1969) FED Std. 601, Std. 00160 Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) (1971) /C. F Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice C Fourier Transform Capability Modification for Installat Fowl) (1970) Fractional Hp) (1961) Fragrance ) ( 1 965 ) Frame and Cover) (1971) Frame and Handle for Dust Mop ( 1 968 ) Frame and Handle for Dust Mop ( 1968) Frame and Lift Cylinder ( 1970?) Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Frame (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Frame (1968) Frame (1969) Frame (1970?) ASTM A- 120, A- 153, B-241 Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Spec, for Frame, Bed, Metal (Angle Iron Type) (1962) Frame, Bed, Metal (Spring Base) (1962) Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) (1968) Framed Chalkboards and Bulletin Boards ( 1 968 ) Frames (1971) Frames (1971) Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Fabric) (1970) /D F Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Frankfurter Roll and Aluminum Bun Pans) (1971) Free Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Free Access Floor (Computer Area) (1968) Free Access Floor (Computer Area, College) ( 1968) Free Access Floor (Computer Laboratory) (College) (1967 Free Air Type) (1970) Free Flowing, Dustless) (1967) Free Granulated Laundry Soap (1961) Free Plant for Bottling Equipment) (1968) Free Standing Design (1968) Free Standing, Panels and Hung (1969) Free, Ready Mixed, White and Tints) (1970) FED Std. 141 Freeze Drying Chambers) (1970) Spec, for Refrigera Freezer and Coolers) (Food) ( 1969) Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1969) Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1970) Freezer Unit (1969) /for Walk-in Cooler, Holding Freez Freezer (Chest Type) (1971) Freezer (1970) Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special Freeze Drying Chambe Freezer) (1971) Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Ho MS 3902 CA 701-75-201 NY 50045-0264 NY *1 TX 370-34-1 KY 7930-17 OR 84-100-9010 CA 711-77-10 CA 711-77-24 PA A-7 CA 691-77-25 CA 701-75-202 NC 5895-L-1A TX 153-37-1 NY 38801-0003 OR 35-68-11 NY 43202-0111 NY 43202-0904 NY 43202-0111 NJ 7130-01 NY 00500-0333 NJ *11 MI 4811-0067 KS 76-7 NJ 8330-00 NY 60000 NJ 8330-01 NJ 8330-02 SD *9 CA 691-80-430 CA 681-66-23 TX 180- 12-2 A RI 4295-M-006 SC HD-108 MS 3601 MA *18 PA S-125 PA S-21 NY 36211-0268 NY 36211-0268 NY 38782-0253 NY 07600-0270 WA S-61-40 TX 371-39-1 NY 37901-0743 TX 370-53-3 TX 370-53-4 VA *13 RI 1-018 Ri 1-0 18A CA 681-67-4 NJ 4938-60 MS 3379 NY 21102-0036 NJ 3718-01 NJ 3718-02 CA 681-67-10 CA 681-67-9 WI 0560-8850 NY 23100-0411 NJ 5730-13 NY 21511-0358 NY 21601-0227 FL *25 NY 3 1 200-0304 NY 31800-0233 NY 31800-0850 NY 31800-0225 NY 31800-0318 NY 21300-0639 WI 5720-0143 RI *12 NY 41400-0577 CA 681-67-12 NY 21701-0150 WA S-70-108 NY 24204-0654 NY 24204-0098 NY 24204-0105 NY 24204-0423 NC 4110-CF-l NY 24208-0557 NY 27502-0642 NY 24204-0654 NY 24204-0425 NY 36200-0074 136 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and Sandwich Units, t. Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, ooler / Freezer / Std. Spec, for Walk-in Cooler, Holding Spec, for Domestic Appliances (Refrigerators, i) (1971) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Spec, for Refrigerators and Refrigerator Spec, for Refrigerators and Spec, for Refrigerators and spec, for Domestic Refrigeration Equipment (Refrigerators, Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Variable Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Boat, Wood and Metal, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dried m D69-67 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cotton Chenille Ball Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type, Diesel and Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for apacity) (1971) Spec, for I with 3 1/2 Yd. Bucket) (1971) Spec, for :apacity) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Attachment (Planetary Torque Converter Type) / Spec, for que Converter Type) (1970) Spec, for ader)(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wheel Type ec. for Self Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Spec, for Traxcavator, with 2 cu. Yd. Bucket tachments ( 1971 ) Spec, for Crawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Spec, for Equipment; 1970) Spec, for sel Engine and Backhoe Attachments (19/ Spec, for Loader, e Bucket (1966) Spec, for Loader, Spec, for Low Center of Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Spec, for Washing Machines (Washer Extractor, Spec, for Mobile Waste Collection Trailer and Hydraulic Systems) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Snow Plow Spec, for Snow Plow Attachment (for Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab with t (Belly Blade)/ . Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with e Equipment (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W., motive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with motive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Tent. Spec, for Rigid Spec, for Trailer Refrigeration System (Liquid Nitrogen, Spec, for Semi Van Trailer (Insulated, c. for Penetrating Oil, Closely Fitted Parts and Loosening Spec, for Annual Food Cutting, Canned nit, Hot Food/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Deep Fat Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial (Ovens, Ranges, ec. for Picnic Table (Tubular Steel Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Spec, for Patrol Boat (Inboard) (36 Std. Spec, for Trailer; Boat (Up to 24 Spec, for Kiln, Gas Fired (6 cu. Spec, for Sauna Bath (7X8 Spec, for Rotary Snow Blower (6 1/2 . for Snow Plow (7 1/2 Ft. Power Reversible) and Blower (6 Spec, for Flagpoles (25 Spec, for Snow Plow Wing Assemblies (12 Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Spec, for Snow Plow ( 10 Spec, for Concrete Mixer, 6 cu. Spec, for Ladder, Aerial Type with Mount, 30 hoist and Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Diesel Spec, for Gasoline, Diesel Spec, for 2 Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Spec, for General Spec, for Spec, for All Purpose Diesel Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver D Freezer, Single or Multiple Compartment or Combination Freezers and Ranges) ( 197 1 ) Freezers and Refrigerators) (Classroom Study and Assemb Freezers (Domestic, Electric, Self Contained) (1965) Freezers (Electric) Commercial Type (1967) Freezers (Electric) (Commercial Type) (1971) Freezers) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid An Freight) (Institutional Use) ( 197 1 ) /for Semi Van Type Freight) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Semi Van Type Freon(1970?) Frequency Pulsed NMr Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment Fresh Water (1970) Fresh Whole Whey (Milk) (1963) Friction Tape (Electrical and Mechanical Use) (1969) As Fringe for Draperies (1953) Front Bucket Loader (1971) (Front End Loader and Backhoe Attachments) ( 1970) (Front End Loader Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) Front End Loader with Snow Plows (1970) Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 2 1/2 Yd. Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Yd. Rate Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 1/2 Yd. Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Planetary to Front End Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic G Front End Loader (University) (1971) Front End Loader (1969) Front End Loader (1970) Front End Loader ( 1970?) Sp (Front End Loader) (1968) Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth Auger at Front End Loaders, Diesel Engined, Rubber Tired (1967) Front End Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Bucket Loader Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Die Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Multipurpos Front Loader and Dozer) ( 197 1 ) Front Loading, Commercial Type) (1971) (Front Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection) ( 1970) (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing Assembly Front Mounting on 2 Ton (16,000 G.V.W.) Trucks (1970) Front Panel and Slide) ( 1971 ) /Units) (Protector Case, Front Plow) (1971) Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachmen Front Snow Plow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W. , 4X4) Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) ( 1971 ) Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Front Snow Plow ( 13 Ft. Box, 6 X 4) ( 1971 ) Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6X4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) Front Snow Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) Front Snow Plow) (1970) Spec, for Automotiv Front Snow Plow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971) /Pec. for Auto Front Snow Plow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970) /Pec. for Auto Front Steel Filing Cabinets ( 1968) Frozen and Perishable Foods) (1970) MIL Spec. 167, ICC Frozen Food Transport, 44,000 Lb. Payload) (1970) Frozen Metallic Parts (1967) Spe Fruits and Vegetables ( 1970) Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich U Fryer, Sandwich Unit) (School) (1971) /Pment (Counter, Fryers) (1970) Spec, for Cooking Equipment Ft.) (1968) Std. Sp Ft.) (1969) Ft.) (1969) Ft.) (1970) Ft.) (1971) Ft.) (1971) Ft.) (1971) Spec Ft., Aluminum) (1971) Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for Grader Attachment) (1970) Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) Ft., Moldboard) (1971) Ft., Side Discharge (1966) Ft., Steel (1970?) Fuel and Gasoline (1971) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Fuel and Kerosene (1963) Fuel Oil (Heating and Diesel) ( 1961 ) Fuel Oil (NYSStd.) (1971) Fuel Oil (1965) Fuel Oil (1967) Fuel Oil (1967) Fuel Oil (1969) Fuel Oil (1970) Fuel Oil (1970?) FED VV-L-791, ASTM D975-53T NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0420 NC 4110-CF-l NY 25200-0614 NY 24204-0747 VA DA-3 NY 00242-00-0684 NY 24200-0501 NY 25202-0158 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 GA 6830-1-1 NY 38782-0823 MS PE-17 MI 4340-0009 PA T-18 IL *33A NY 40601-0422 SC 14-260-0451 A AK * 72 NY 40603-0627 AK •14 AK ♦15 AK ♦16 VA *9 VA ♦10 NY 40603-0205 NY 40603-0385 NY 40603-0390 NE ♦15 HI *20 NJ 4938-107 AK •71 PA E-21 SC 14-200-0451 A NJ 4938-09A NJ 4932-00 AK •17 NY 36501-0487 NY 40534-0667 NY 40900-0764 SC 14-410-0451 NY 36200-0124 AK ♦47 AK *63 AK ♦62 AK *59 AK *60 AK ♦58 AK ♦65 AK *64 AK ♦67 NY 40502-0467 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0143 KS 70-2D NY 42300-0582 NY 42300-0493 MI 5255-S23 NE *84 NY 36200-0074 NY 32610-0801 NY 24100-0697 WI 0560-8850 NY 49602-0400 OR 06-200-9010 NY 23104-0634 NY 30200-0153 NY 40901-0810 NY 40900-0160 NY 39601-0507 NY 40900-0488 NY 42300-0483 NY 40900-0376 NJ 4938-54 NJ 4926-01 SD ♦10 KS 14-3 SC 30-020 NY 05500 MD •19 KY 9140-2 KY 9140-3 KS 14-2B NE •11 VA •41 137 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Grade 5 Heavy Spec, for Grade 6 Heavy Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Burner Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Additive Antifreeze for Automobile Spec, for Regular and Premium Grade Motor Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Automotive Diesel Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Lubricants and Liquid Spec, for Low Sulfur Spec, for Diesel Std. Spec, for Brick Masonry Std. Spec, for Concrete Block Masonry (Laid in Rubble Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Stone Laid in td. Spec, for Lubricating Oil Filter Elements, by Pass and ter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Clear, Spec, for Leather; Calf, ec. for Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Spec, for Stationary Extra and Intra Oral Spec, for Snow Plow Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., ) (1969) Spec, for Single Phase, Spec, for Single Phase, and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) (19/ Spec, for Single Phase and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling / Spec, for Single Phase re (Work Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Spec, for Paint; Enamel, White, High Gloss, Interior Spec, for Enamel, White, Exterior, Wood, . Spec, for Oil Alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Spec, for Exhauster, Spec, for Paint, Finish, Spec, for Dichloropropene Dichloropropane Mixture (Soil ries) (Tuberculosis Hospital Equipme/ Spec, for Pulmonary g Aids (Monitors, Ventilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers, w Angle Scattering and Texture of Materials) (Transferable Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides) Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Phenol Tuberculocidal, Sterilant, / Spec, for Chemicals, Weed and Pest Control Spec, for Plant Spec, for Book Truck (Wood Library ners, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Spec, for Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Spec, for Arc Spec, for Reverbatory Std. Spec, for Boiler 71) Spec, for Spec, for Machine Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Spec, for Industrial Type Heat Treating ulk (1970?) AASHO M- 140-64, M-81-62, M-82-62 Spec, for k and White, Silver Type, 16mm and 35mm and Processing and Spec, for Liquid and Paste Spec, for Urethane Foam for Mattress Cores, d L-P/ Spec, for Urethane Foam for Use as Mattress Cores, ed Std./ Std. Spec, for Finishing; Steel Shelving, Office tes ( 1968) Spec, for Table Top and Spec, for Laboratory Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, Upholstered ray) (1969) Spec, for Precatalyzed Lacquer Spec, for Laboratory eats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet A/ Spec, for School Spec, for Spec, for Dormitory Spec, for Cafeteria Spec, for Shop Spec, for Office Spec, for Std. Spec, for School Classroom Spec, for School terrazzo Benches) (1970) and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costume/ Fuel Oil (1971) Fuel Oil (1971) Fuel Oil (1971) Fuel Oil, Burner (1969) Fuel Oil, Burner (1970) Fuel Oil, Diesel (1961) Fuel Oil, Diesel (1968) Fuel Oil, Heating (1969) Fuel Oil, Heating 2(1971) Fuel Oil, Kerosene, and Stoddard Solvent (1968) Fuel Oil, Number 2 (1970) Fuel Oil, Number 6 (1970) FED VV-F-815a Fuel Oil, Residual, Institutional Heating (1968) Fuel Oil, Type 1-D (1969) Fuel Oil, Type 2-D (1969) Fuel Oil, 50 Cetane (1970) Fuel Oils (1968) Fuel Oil; Heating (Low Sulfur 4, 5, 6) (1971) Fuel Systems (1970) Fuel (Gasoline) (1962) Fuel (1969) Fuel (1970) Fuel (1970) Fuel, Type A, Regular ( 1967) Fuels (1967) Fuels (1969) Fuels, Motor Oil and Solvents ( 1970?) (Full Bed Cement Mortar) for Highway Construction (1964) Full Bed) (1964) ASTM C90 Full Beds) (1964) Std. Spec, for Cement Full Flow (1967) Full Flow (1967) Std. Spec, for Filters and Fil Full Gloss (1970) Full Grain (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Full Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Sp Full Mouth Dental X-Ray System (Medical Center) (1968) Full Power Hydraulic for Grader Attachment) ( 1970) Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (Hospital Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (1971) Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly Fume Hood, Stool) (1971) Spec, for Laboratory Furnitu (Fume Proof) (1967) FED TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a Fume Resistant, Fast Drying (1969) Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White and Tints Fume (1970) Fumeproof, Exterior, Wood (1969) Fumigant) (1971) Function Analyzing System (Mobile, Medical with Accesso Function Indicator, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body PI Functions) (Educational Purposes) (1967) /Troscopy, Lo (Fund) (1971) Fungicidal Germicidal (1970) (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Fungicides (1953) Funiture) (1969) Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, U Fur Caps (Hat) (State Police, Etc.) (1970) Fur, Winter (State Police, Game Commission) (1960) Furnace (Diffraction Equipment) (College) (1969) Furnace (Laboratory, Melting) (1968) Furnace (1969) (Furnace) Grates (1969) Furnace, High Temperature, Graphite Tube (Ceramics) (19 Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Furnaces (Electrical, Heavy Duty) (1968) Furnishing and Applying Asphaltic Oil and Emulsion in B Furnishing Negative and Positive Silver and Diazo Type Furniture and Floor Wax (1967) Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. ( 1968) Fe Furniture and Similar Equipment (Paint System) (1969) F Furniture Assemblies Using Plastic Thermosetting Lamina Furniture Assemblies (Research Institute) (1970) Furniture Filling) (1968) Spec, for Hair; Cattle Furniture Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cold Sp Furniture Installed (Wood and Steel) (Biology) (1968) Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, S Furniture Polish, Liquid (1961) FED P-P-552A, VV-L-791 Furniture with Accessories (1969) Furniture (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and Backs for Furniture (Benches and Assemblies) (1968) Furniture (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, Storage, Furniture (Chairs) (1968) Furniture (Chairs, Desks, Tables) (1971) Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Desks) (1971) sc 30-020-1002 sc 30-020- 1002 A SD *5 OR 87-400-9010 CT 3548-F-5B NC 9140-F-15 MI 5245-S1 NC 9140-FO-l PA F-76 WI 3548 MA *7 MA *8 CA 681-91-177 CA 691-91-171 CA 691-91-172 MA *6 MI 4220-S1 PA F-79 MS A-2A-70 SC 34-020 NE *14 IN *15-3 PA F-75 MD *10 IL *4 NJ 3548-01 LA *8-5 SC HD-95 SC HD-97 SC HD-96 MS F-24-67 NC 2940-OF-l MS PM-1A PA L-29 NY 35000-0299 NY 11001-0865 NY 40900-0488 NY 11000-0822 NY 11000-0032 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 12009-0629 PA P-70 CA 691-80-06 WA S-70-108 NJ 4916-00 CA 691-80-03 NY 22100-0066 NY 12600-0796 NY 12200-0512 NY 11002-0563 NY 23005-0154 PA D-27 MS C-40A-7 1 PA F-2 RI 4348-005 PA F-80 MA *19 PA U-38 NY 11002-0216 NY 12023-0084 NY 42800-0433 OR 27-100-9010 NY 42800-0024 NY 00432-00-0686 NY 12023-0676 NJ 1308-02 NY 26000-0448 TX 3 70-63-2 A TX 295-48-1 A VA DS-8A OR 77-100-9280 PA T-65 NY 12006-0696 PA H-8 MI 5325-S19 NY 12006-0862 NY 27002-0728 PA P-82 PA D-33 NY 24800-0443 NY 35100-0195 AK *53 NY 20700-0810 MS F-3A-71 NY 27000-0005 138 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards )) Spec, for Metal Office Spec, for Office ) Spec, for Arts and Crafts ) Spec, for Arts and Crafts 70?) Spec, for Steel Unitized Tables, Chairs, Bookcas/ General Spec, for Steel Office rs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sof/ Spec, for Household ;rbed Tables) (1970) ihelving and Storage) ( 1969) es)(1970) isser Chests) (1971) (Statistical Laboratory) (1968) eds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas/ as and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cas/ h-L-58 geon Hole Units) (1970) loor Case, Fume Hood, Stool) (1971) Spec, for Patient Room Spec, for Shop Spec, for Office Spec, for Institutional Spec, for Library Spec, for Cafeteria Spec, for Drafting Spec, for Lounge Spec, for Shop Spec, for Dormitory Spec, for Drafting Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Library Spec, for Household Spec, for Household Spec, for Office Spec, for Shop Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Shop Spec, for Beige Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Blue Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Coral Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for White Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Clear Enamel, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Arts and Crafts Spec, for Desk; Steel, General Office, ec. for Charcoal Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal . for Light Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal for Dark Brown Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal for Olive Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal for Light Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal for Metallic Tan Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal or Metallic Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal r Grey Metal Flash Primer, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal r Metallic Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal repair, Refinish, Reupholstery of Office and Institutional Spec, for Indoor Outdoor Spec, for Indoor Outdoor Spec, for Dormitory Spec, for Steel Storage Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Spec, for Posture Chairs Spec, for Wood Tables (Office Spec, for Wood Chairs (Executive Swivel Arm) (Office Spec, for Wood Armless Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Wood Arm Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Wood Side Chairs (Office for Wood Executive Desks (Kneehole or Typewriter) (Office Spec, for Arm Chairs Spec, for Arm Chairs Spec, for Wood Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Lateral Steel Filing Cabinets (Class 1 ) (Office Std. Spec for Sanding Sealer (Lacquer Type for Wood spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Cabinets (Class 1 ) (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Doors (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Glass Doors (Office Spec, for Steel Tables (General Office) Spec, for Metal Waste Paper Baskets (Office and Lobby) Spec, for Metal Wardrobe Cabinets (Office Spec, for Steel Storage Cabinet (Office Spec, for Steel Executive Desks (Class A) (Office Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armchair, Executive (Office Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armless, Executive (Office Spec, for Steel Posture Chairs, General Office Spec, for Office Valet or Coat Rack Spec, for Steel Folding Tables (Office Spec, for Steel Library Shelving (Office Spec, for Steel Tables; General Office Spec, for Steel Office Machine Stand Spec, for Steel Chair Desks (Office Spec, for Steel Trapezoidal Tables (Office Spec, for Steel Tables (Laminated Plastic Top) Spec, for Typing and Bookkeeping Tables; Steel (Office Spec, for Metal Folding Tablet Arm Chairs (Office Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armless Clerical Chairs (Office Spec, for Aluminum Arm Chair Side Chair (Office Spec, for Aluminum Armless Side Chair (Office spec, for Steel Contemporary Swivel Posture Chairs (Office Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn (Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn (Furn (Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn (Furn (Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn (Furn (Furn Furn Furn (Furn (Furn Furn Furn (Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn Furn ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture ture Chairs, Tables, Desks, Filing Cabinets) (197 Chairs, Wood and Upholstered) (1971) Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables) (1971 Classroom Drawing and Drafting Tables) (1971 Credenza, Service, Modular, and L Units) ( 19 Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Cha Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Cabinets, and Ov Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Metal Files) (1971) Metal) (Chairs, Rockers) (Mental Ward) (1969 Metal) (College) (1968) Pedestal, Leg and Booth Tables) (1970) Reference Tables) (1969) Seat ; ng Units, Side Chairs, Benches and Tabl Shelving and Storage Units) (1968) Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Dre Tables and Plan File Cabinets) (1971) University) (1968) Wood - Installed) Modular Laboratory Tables Wood and Metal) (1970) Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, B Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sof Wood) (Desks, Etc.) (1969) USC CS35-61, FED Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pi Work Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, F 968) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) Sp 969) Spec 969) Spec 969) Spec. 969) Spec. 969) Spec. 969) Spec. F 969) Spec. Fo 969) Spec. Fo 969) Spec, for 970) 971) 1 Drawer Wardrobe Chest) (Hospital) (1970) Cabinet) (1969) Institutional Use) (1969) 1962) 1962) 1962) 1962) 1962) 1962) Spec. 1963) 1963) 1963) 1968) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) NM ♦5 NY 2 1 804-0060 NY 31605-0146 NY 31605-0241 NV 7110-UF HI *7 NY 21601-0227 NY 20302-0586 NY 35100-0775 NY 21716-0741 NY 21502-0418 NY 21715-0854 NY 24800-0184 NY 31600-0312 PA F-69 NY 35100-0178 NY 21606-0789 NY 31600-0084 NY 12009-0142 NY 12006-0399 NY 21801 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 NY 21800-0407 NY 35100-0684 NY 12009-0629 NY 35100-0667 MI 5325-S21 MI 5325-S28 MI 5325-S29 MI 5325-S31 MI 5325-S34 MI 5325-S36 NY 31600-0158 RI 1-001 MI 5325-S22 MI 5325-S23 MI 5325-S30 MI 5325-S24 MI 5325-S35 MI 5325-S27 MI 5325-S25 MI 5325-S20 MI 5325-S26 LA *2 NY 30207-0727 NY 30207-0006 NY 21606-0054 RI 1-002 RI 1-037 RI 3-003 RI 3-007 RI 3-008 RI 3-009 RI 3-010 RI 3-001 RI 3-004 RI 3-005 RI 3-011 RI 1-003A OR 77-100-9520 RI 1-003 RI 1-004 RI 1-004A RI 1-005 RI 1-006 RI 1-008 RI 1-009 RI 1-010 RI 1-012 RI 1-013 RI 1-014 RI 1-022 RI 1-024 RI 1-025 RI 1-028 RI 1-029 RI 1-030 RI 1-031 RI 1-032 RI 1-033 RI 1-034 RI 2-003 RI 2-004 RI 2-005 RI 4-014 139 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ec. for Aluminum Armless Reception Room Side Chair (Office . for Steel Swivel Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Male (Office or Aluminum Swivel Armchair (Executive Type Chair) (Office r Steel Contemporary Executive Armless Side Chairs (Office steel Swivel Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Office el Contemporary Executive Swivel Armchair (Chairs) (Office table Chairs; Steel, Factory or Institutional Type (Office er's Stand; Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Tray (Office Spec, for Folding Chairs; Metal Frame (Office Upholstered Folding Chairs with Arms; Metal Frame (Office Spec, for Steel Clothing Lockers (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase Without Doors (Office Spec, for Polish, Hung (1969) Spec, for Office Spec, for Laboratory nal Purposes) (1971) Spec, for Laboratory es, Wall Cases) (Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory 8) Spec, for Laboratory and Pharmacy General Spec, for Std. Spec, for Polish, Spec, for Polish, 6) Spec, for Office 1 ) Spec, for Office Spec, for Office style) (1968) Spec, for neering) (1971) Spec, for 7 1 ) Spec, for 66) Spec, for ered)(1970) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for rence Tables, Book Truck) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Wax, Paste, General Purpose, Solvent Spec, for Wax, Liquid, General Purpose, Solvent, ) Fe/ Spec, for General Purpose Wax (Liquid Solvent Type) ps) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for al Design) (1967) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Office Spec, for Office abinets, Dressers) (1969) Spec, for ) (1970) Spec, for 8) NEMA LD-1 Spec, for Spec, for Substation Transformer and 65 ID, ICC 37a Spec, for Integral Spec, for Spec, for Flares 1969) Spec, for pec. for Electrical Supplies (Renewable Cartridge and Plug Spec, for Electrical Supplies (Cartridge and Plug Spec, for Spec, for Cigarette Tax Stamp (Heat Spec, for Heavy Duty Conventional Truck Tractor Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 32,000 L.B. Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 50,000 L.B. Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 65,000 L.B. ate (1968) Stake Pockets (1968) s Distributor (1970) sprayer (1970) der (1968) der (1970) t (1970) 1 (1970) (1969) aulic Tailgate (1969) Spec, for Truck, 9,000 Spec, for Truck, 32,000 Spec, for Truck (Tractor), 46,000 Spec, for Truck, 24,000 Spec, for Truck, 20,000 Spec, for Truck, 18,200 Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Spec, for Truck, 22,000 Spec, for Truck, 20,500 Spec, for Truck, 20,000 Spec, for Truck, 24,000 Spec, for Truck, 46,000 Spec, for Truck (Tractor), 34,000 Spec, for Truck, 10,000 avement Marking Machine Unit (Tr/ Spec, for Truck, 22,000 ipment (Dump Trucks) (with Snow and Wing Plows, 58,000 Lb. Spec, for 50,000 Spec, for 52,000 Spec, for 52,000 Spec, for Cleaner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 c Powered Crane (1968) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 Spec, for Conventional 20,000 Lb. 1970) Spec, for Conventional 14,000 Lb. Spec, for 10,000 Lb. (Minimum) Spec, for 30,000 Spec, for 7,300 Lb. Spec, for 24,000 r Personnel (1970) Sp Spec Spec. F Spec. Fo Spec, for Spec, for Ste Spec, for Adjus for Metal Smok Spec. for Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture ) ( 1 969 ) Spec. Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Furniture) (1969) FED AA-L-486G Furniture), Steel (1969) Furniture, Aerosol (1967) Furniture, Components (Metal) Free Standing, Panels and Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Medical Center) (1971) Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Wet Laboratory) (Educatio Furniture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center Tabl Furniture, Installed (Wood) (Psychiatric Hospital) (196 Furniture, Library, Wood (1970) Furniture, Liquid (1953) Furniture, Liquid (1967) Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related Items) (196 Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related Items) (197 Furniture, Metal (Landscape Design) (1970) Furniture, Metal (Office Chairs - Steel) (Conventional Furniture, Metal (Stools and Chairs - Drafting and Engi Furniture, Metal, Stools - Drafting and Engineering (19 Furniture, Office Chairs (Metal) Contemporary Style (19 Furniture, Office Chairs (Metal) (Bucket Style, Upholst Furniture, Office Chairs (Steel - Contemporary Style) Furniture, Office (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Confe Furniture, Office (Steel) (Transfer File Cases) (1964) Furniture, Office, Steel, Contemporary (1969) (Furniture, Painted Surface and Floor) (1964) (Furniture, Painted Surface, Floor) (1964) Furniture, Painted Surface, Linoleum, Wood Floor) (1965 Furniture, Pole Display System (Shelves, Panels and Lam Furniture, Wood, Executive Office (1967) Furniture, Wood, Upholstered Sofas and Chairs (Commerci Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1970) Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1971) Furniture; Hospital Room and Dormitory (Beds, Tables, C Furniture; Metal, Upholstered (Reception Room and Lobby Furniture; Wood Tables (with Plastic Laminate Top) (196 Fused Interruptors (1970) (Fused) Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous) (1969) FED P-S- Fusee Flares (Warning Device for Hazardous Area) (1971) (Fusee Type) (1971) CFR Title 49, UL 912 Fusees (Flare), Red, Truck, Emergency (Without Spike) Fuses) (1970) FED W-F-805, W-F-803a Fuses) (1971) FED W-F-791D, UL 198 Fuse; Cartridge and Plug (1964) UL 198, NEMA FU-1-63 Fusion, Decal) (1963) (G.C.W. Not Less Than 65,000) (1970) (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1969) (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1970) G.C.W. (1969) G.C.W. (1969) G.C.W. (1969) G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Utility Body and Hydraulic Tailg G.V.W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with Platform Body with G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Crane and 5Th Weel (1969) G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Mounted 1500 Gal. Bituminou G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Platform Body and Roadside G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Lad G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Lad G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Basket Lif G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Van Type Body and Core Dril G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Water Tank Body G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake Body with Hydr G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 25 Ton Wrecker Body (1969) G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 5Th Wheel and Winch (1969) G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Van Body Fo G.V.W. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and P G.V.W. Minimum) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Equ G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) G.V.W. Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis ( 1971 ) G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis Mounted (1967) G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Electri G.V.W. Truck Cab and Chassis (1970) G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab and Platform Stake Body G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab ( 1969) G.V.W. Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis ( 1970) G.V.W. Truck, Chassis and Cab Only (1970) G.V.W. Truck, Chassis and Cab (1970?) RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI KY NY NY NY NY NY MS MS KY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY MS MI MI VA NY MS NC NY NY PA PA PA NY TX PA NY CA NY NY PA PA SC SC SC MI MI MI NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NY SC SC SC NJ NJ SC SC SC SC SC VA 2-006 1-015 2-002 4-013 1-011 4-011 1-016 1-023 1-018 1-018A 1-007 1-039 7930-25 21701-0150 12008-0185 12008-0819 12008-0635 12006-0888 F-23A-70 P-4 7930-26 00217-0163 21701-0157 21701-0258 21705-0214 21705-0172 21705-0612 00217-0008 21705-0647 21705-0925 21802-0174 00217-0405 F-26C-69 4642-0400 4642-0430 K-33A 21701-0053 F-27-67 7195-FWU-l 21702-0308 21702-0517 F-81A F-60 F-73 34408-0230 371-71-1 F-85 35600-0769 691-10-26 34405-05 1 3 34405-0548 F-25 S-144 14-310A 14-310 *19 3958-0174 3958-0176 3958-0178 4938-113 4938-38A 4938-128 4938-132 4938-99 4938-115 4938-138 4938-134 4938-140 4938-23 4938-106 4938-127 4938-44 4938-141 4938-22 40500-0530 ♦24 •25 14-020-2616 4938-80 4938-73 *21 14-010-0451 14-020 *23 •20 *4 140 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards y) (1968) y)(1969) 969) 969) ate (1969) ow Plow Assemblies ( 1968) Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Spec, for Truck, 12,000 Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, 62,000 Spec, for Conventional Dump Truck Chassis with Cab Spec, for Conventional Truck Chassis with Cab, tive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks - Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck on Pick Up Truck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body Spec, for Van Truck omotive Equipment (Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van Body) spec, for Automotive Equipment (Service / Utility Trucks - Spec, for Truck Cab and Chassis, 25,500 Lb. or Truck, Cab and Chassis (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. Spec, for Rotary Auger Type Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. Snow Plow Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Ton (16,000 Spec, for Platform Truck with Rack Sides ( 10,000 Spec, for Platform Truck with Rack Sides (22,000 Spec, for Truck Cab and Chassis ( 10,000 Spec, for Truck Cab and Chassis (32,000 Spec, for Truck Cab and Chassis (22,000 Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis (25,500 uck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (32,000 Spec, for Truck Chassis with Cab ( 10,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck Chassis with Cab ( 10,000 Lb. ec. for Truck with Auger Type Rotary Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. c. for Street Flushing Truck (2000 Gal., 6X4, 39,000 Lb. r Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. ed Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. ed Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. ed Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. Truck with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6X4, 45,000 Lb. Truck with Front Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. truck with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. w, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 now Plowing and Ice Control (Heavy Duty, 4X4, 41,000 Lb. uck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (28,000 r Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. , and Material Spreader (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 utomotive Equipment (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 r Diesel Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck, 20,000 drop Sides (1967) . Spec, for Truck, 27,000 Spec, for Truck, 9,000 Spec, for Truck, 4,700 ed Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. ly Blade), and Snow Leveling Wing, (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck Tractor (45,000 Lb. Spec, for Truck Tractor (54,000 Lb. Spec, for Swim Trunks; Cotton Spec, for Vehicular and Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Spec, for Mist Sprayer (300 prayer with Broadcast Nozzles and Contour-Matic Boom ( 1000 Spec, for Power Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Spec, for Power Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Spec, for Milk Packaging Machine (1 Man, 1/2 Spec, for Refuse (Garbage) Pails, Cans, and Covers (24 Spec, for Sprayer, 400 Spec, for Sprayer, 200 Spec, for Street Flushing Truck (2000 Spec, for Panels, Art Spec, for Panels, Art Std. Spec, for Cutlery Spec, for Overshoes, Arctics, ence, Chain Link, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Oxide, Spec, for Zinc Coated Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Tmt) Spec, for Materials for License Plates stmA-123 Spec, for A499, A 123 Spec, for 1, and Air Lines) (196/ Std. Spec, for Steel Pipe (Black, Spec, for Cans and Covers; r Aprons, Antiseepage Di/ Spec, for Sheet Metal Products, Spec, for Pail, Spec, for Pipe; Wrought Iron, Welded, Black and Spec, for Guard Rail, Steel Beam - Std. Spec, for Barbed Wire, Spec, for Cans, Utility (Tinned and plates (1967) Spec, for Steel, G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research Laborator G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research Laborator G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift (1 G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift ( 1 G.V.W. with Utility Closed Top Body and Hydraulic Tailg G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgate Spreader, Sn (G.V.W. 19,500 Lb.) (1970) G.V.W. 21,000 Lb. (1969) G.V.W. 25,500 Lb.) (1968) Spec, for Automo (G.V.W. 4,200 Lb. or More) (1969) G.V.W. 43,000 Lb.) (1971) (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb. or More) (1969) (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec, for 1/2 T (G.V.W. 5,100 Lb.) (1970) (G.V.W. 53,000 Lb.) (1968) Spec, for Aut G.V.W. 8,000 Lb.) (1970) G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. Roadside Sprayer) (1961) G.V.W. (1969) Spec. F G.V.W.) and Truck (1971) G.V.W.) Trucks (1970) Spec, for G.V.W.) (1969) G.V.W.) (1969) G.V.W.) (1969) G.V.W.) (1969) G.V.W.) (1970) G.V.W.) (1970) G.V.W.) (1970) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) , G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) G.V.W.) (1971) /Pec. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Tr Sp Spe Spec. Fo Spec, for Diesel Power Spec, for Diesel Power Spec, for Diesel Power Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump /El Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plo /Ntainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for S /Pec. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Tr G.V.W., Automatic Transmission) (1971) Spec. Fo G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch G.V.W., Front Snow Plow) (1970) Spec, for A G.V.W., Manual Transmission) (1971) Spec. Fo G.V.W., Mounted with High Velocity Sewer Cleaner (1967) G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist and Body with G.V.W., with Utility Body (1968) G.V.W., 4 X 4 (1969) G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Power G.V.W., 4X4) (1971) /Body Maintainer Attachment (Bel G.V.W., 6X4, Diesel) (1971) G.V.W., 6 X 4, 318 HP Diesel) (1971) Gabardine (Men's and Boys') (1960) Gain Antennas (State Police) (1971) Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (1962) Gal.) Truck Bed Mounting ( 1971 ) Gal.) (1963) Gal.) (1969) Gal.) (1969) Gal.) (1971) Gal.) (1971) FED RR-C-82, MIL Std. 105 Gal., Trailer Mounted, Tree (1968) Gal., Trailer Mounted, Two Wheel (1968) Gal., 6X4, 39,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Gallery (1969) Gallery (1970) (Galley, Meat Cutting, and Kitchen) (1962) Galoshes (Rubber) (1967) (Galvanized and Aluminum Coated) (1969) /D. Spec, for F Galvanized Hardware (1970?) ASTM A-153 Galvanized Metal (Iron) (Paint) (1970) Galvanized Steel Barbed Wire (1968) ASTM B6, A 121, A90 (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1970) (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1971) ASTM A525-67 Galvanized Structural Shapes, Plates and Bars ( 1970?) A Galvanized U-Section Metal Sign Posts (1970?) ASTM A15, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, Oi Galvanized (Ash, Trash, Garbage) (1965) Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls O Galvanized (1966) Galvanized (1966) FED GGG-P-351, GG-M-151 Galvanized (1969) Galvanized (1969) ASTM A121-66 Galvanized) (1971) Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Red, for License / Spec, for Rubber Spec, for S NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ SC sc NY NE NY NE SC SC NY NY NJ MI AK SC NH NH NH NH NH NH NY SC SC AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK NY AK NY AK NJ NY AK NJ NJ NJ NJ AK AK AK AK RI NY IL NY NJ NY NY NY CA NJ NJ AK NY NY WA PA NC MS MS TX NY NY MS SC OR PA MS KY PA NJ OR NY MI 6542-02 6542-02A 4938-24 4946-00 4938-51 4938-08 •18 14-020-0451 A 40501-0079 ♦20 40500-0786 ♦21 *17 *27 40500-0714 40500-0655 4938-25 3958-0168 ♦5 14-410-0451 6536-020 6536-021 6536-030 6536-038 6536-033 6536-035 40502-0143 14-020-0451 14-020-0702 *80 *79 *66 *58 *59 *60 *64 *67 *68 40502-0148 *61 40502-0407 *70 4938-00 40502-0467 *69 4938-103 4938-102 4938-112 4938-43 *62 *63 *57 *56 4215-M-002 38211-0048 *27 46800-0776 4938-61 46800-0138 46800-0284 08302-0361 711-76-04 4938-114 4938-42 ♦79 21802-1011 21802-0541 S-62-47 O-40 5660-CLF-l 3392 PE-12 230-35-1B 37826-0629 37826-0191 3394 39-110-1002 56-100-9020 C-14 3351 7240-1 P-53 4530-06 64-600-9020 32300-0555 4978-S1 141 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1968) Spec, for Steel, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, hway and Bridge Construction) (1970) FED TT-P-/ Spec, for astm A-361 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Feed Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Fur, Winter (State Police, Spec, for Uniforms; Spec, for Uniforms; Spec, for Identification Seals . for Identification Seals (Self Locking Metal for Tagging Spec, for Dual Channel Automatic Spec, for Mower, 3 e and System) (1969) Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, G/ dapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenanc/ Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Compression, Generator and Alternator Regulat/ distributor and Electronic Engine Testers) (Ed/ r Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Fioor, Street, and oated) (1970) Spec, for Ash and Spec, for Ash and Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse r-C-82, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Refuse Spec, for Cans and Covers; Galvanized (Ash, Trash, Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Truck Spec, for Can, Ash and y Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Bio/ Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Rubber Std. Spec, for Plastic Std. Spec, for Tractors, Suburban (Lawn and Std. Spec, for Hose, Water, Plastic (Lawn or Std. Spec, for Water, Spec, for Hose (Braided Air and Steam, Fire, Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Finisher, Equipment (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Spec, for Replacement for Starch for Fine Finishing of Spec, for Laundry Service and Rental aper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, n (1964) Spec, for Coated Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, Spec, for Girdles (Panty Style with Detachable Spec, for Bulk Spec, for Flue ment) (1969) Spec, for Residual Spec, for Automatic Blood s, Fryers) (1970) Spec, for Cooking Equipment Spec, for Mass Spectrometer and Accessories and Spec, for 50KW Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (LP ipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Tent. Spec, for Overhead Tent. Spec, for Domestic Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Kiln, Ware Truck (1970) Spec, for Kiln Spec, for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Tractor, LP spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Spec, for Requirements for Acetylene and Oxygen Spec, for Propane Spec, for Liquid Petroleum (L.P.) y Use (1969) Spec, for LP fee Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, Steam, and mmonia; Anhydrous (for Refrigeration) (Purified, Liquified Spec, for Liquid Propane Spec, for Holster; Leather (for Tear teel Pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, cal or Industrial and Medical Oxyge/ Spec, for Acetylene iquid Oxygen, Acetylene) (1970) Spec, for Medical Tent. Spec, for Refrigeration m C-443 Spec, for Rubber ec. for Joint Sealer and Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Spec, for Chain Saw, 04 B Spec, for Spec, for Oils; Motor, Automotive Spec, for Motor Oil, Heavy Duty, for /for Material Handling Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Gold, for License Plates Galvanized, Ridge Roll, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Galvanized, 1 1/4 In., Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Galvanized, 2 1/2 In., Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Galvanizing Repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Hig Gambrel Joint and End Wall Flashing, Corrugated ( 1964) Game Bird Rations (Feed) (1970) Game Bird Vitamin Mineral Mix (Feed) (1970) (Game Birds) (1967) Game Commission) (1960) Game Protector (Summer) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 Game Protector (Winter) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 (Game Tag, Marker) (1965) Game) (Departmental) (1971) Spec Gamma Radioassay System (X-Ray Equipment) (1969) Gang with Towing Frame ( 1969) Garage Equipment (Automatic Transmission Testing Machin Garage Equipment (Battery Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Garage Equipment (Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and A Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Full Garage Equipment (Lift, Air Compressor) ( 1969) Garage Equipment (Trammel Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Garage Equipment (Volt Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Garage (1966) Spec. Fo Garbage Cans and Covers (Corrugated, Taper Side, Zinc C Garbage Cans (Corrugated, Zinc Coated) (1960) (Garbage) Collection Truck, 25 cu. Yd. Hopper) (1970) (Garbage) Collection Trucks) (1971) (Garbage) Pails, Cans, and Covers (24 Gal.) (1971) FED R Garbage) (1965) (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W., Front Snow Plow) (1970) Garbage, Corrugated, Zinc Coated, Heavy Duty (1966) Garden and Lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotar Garden Hose (Nonreinforced) (1964) USC CS209-57 Garden Hose (1964) FED ZZ-H-601a Garden Hose (1971) Garden) (Attachments) (1971) Garden) (1969) Garden, and Industrial Hose (1971) Garden, Water, Suction) (1970) Garment Conveyor) (1971) Garment Rack - Portable) ( 1971 ) Garments and Linen (1969) Garments (1971) Garnet (1966) /Ec. for (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and P Garnet (1971) FED UU-P-31, USC Ps8 Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide) and Applicatio Garnet, Waterproof ( 1963) FED UU-P-31, USC CS217 Garters) (1966) Gas - Oxygen, Nitrogen (Liquid) (1971) Gas Analysis and Recording System (1967) Gas Analyzer System (Quadrupole Type) (Scientific Equip Gas Analyzer (1970) (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial (Ovens, Range Gas Chromatograph (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Gas Engine Generator Set ( 1969) Gas Engine Powered, Riding Type) ( 1971 ) Gas Fired Air Replacement System (1967) / Spraying Equ Gas Fired Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) ( 1964) Gas Fired Water Heaters (1970) Gas Fired Water Storage on Booster Heaters ( 1970) Gas Fired (6 cu. Ft.) (1970) (Gas Fired), Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Gas Line Antifreeze (1971) Gas Powered) (1969) Gas Powered) (1970) Gas Powered) (1971) Gas (Gasoline) (1970?) Gas (1970) Gas (1970) ASTM D-1835 Gas (1971) FED BB-G-110 Gas / Gasoline or Gasoline Generator Units for Emergenc Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec, for Urn; Cof Gas) (1971) Spec, for A Gas, Commercial (1970?) Gas, Liquid, Hand Hold) (1969) Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) (1969) ASTM A90, ANSI B (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and Welding) Techni Gases (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, L Gases (1968) Gaskets for Sealing Joints in Concrete Pipe (1970?) AST Gaskets (Highway Construction) (1970) Sp Gasoline Air Cooled Motor Driven ( 1962) Gasoline and Diesel Engine Oil, 4 Cycle (1968) MIL L-21 (Gasoline and Diesel Engine) (1971) Nfpa 70 Gasoline and Diesel Powered Trucks and Tractors ( 1967) MI 4978-S2 MS R-5-64-37 MS R-5-64-35 MS R-5-64-36 VA DH-258 MS R-5-64-38 WA S-61-33 WA S-61-33-1 NY 07602-0852 PA U-38 PA U-25 PA U-24 NY 00087-0163 NY 08700-0622 NY 11000-0304 NJ 4938-60 NY 35000-0797 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0299 NY 35000-0965 NY 35000-0938 NY 35000-0738 KY 7920-2 TX 325-47-1A VA DG-7 NY 40534-0703 NY 40534-0392 CA 711-76-04 PA C-14 NY 40502-0467 KY 7240-2 NY 08206-0442 TX 340-33-2 TX 340-33-1 OR 50-62-4 MS T-6A-71 MS H-6B-69 OR 74-61-4 NY 36000-0442 NY 36501-0711 NY 39104-0565 VA L-9 NJ 9932-02 NY 00319-0439 PA P-37 TX 002-31-1 PA P-35 RI 4220-F-002 NY 34200-0359 NY 40706-0360 NY 38701-0449 NY 12600-0522 NY 24100-0697 NY 38782-0200 NY 35901-0164 NY 41600-0461 NY 43221-0771 KS 37-4A KS 37-3A KS 37-8 NY 23104-0634 NY 23104-0232 NY 30900-0184 NY 39101-0318 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0594 WY ♦12 NE *79 NJ 3560-00 SD *7 CA 691-59-01 PA U-47 PA A-2 MA *13 PA H-22 OR 56-100-9020 MA ♦12 LA ♦13 KS 86-1 MS 3726 VA DH-213 NJ 3938-11 CA 681-91-08 PA 0-38 LA ♦8-7 142 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Ice Control) (1971) r Tools (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Portable Spec, for Portable Spec, for Chain Saws Spec, for Material Spreaders Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Spec, for Spec, for Standby Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Snow Throwers; Spec, for Fluid, Starting, Diesel and spec, for High Pressure Fire Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, d Weight Dolly for Testing Seal/ Spec, for Truck, Motor, il, Motor Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Internal Combustion ec. for Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Combustion Spec, for LP Gas / Gasoline or 1969) Spec, for LP Gas / Spec, for Tractor Truck with 5th Wheel, Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, Std. Spec, for Truck, Fork Lift, Spec, for Chain Saw; material Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Lift Truck 971) Spec, for Industrial Truck Spec, for Motor Driven Spec, for Motor Driven Spec, for Underground Spec, for School Bus Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Regular Spec, for Premium Std. Spec, for Chain Saws, Spec, for Wholesale Requirements of Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Diesel Fuel and Spec, for Regular and Premium Grade Motor Fuel Spec, for Gas Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Aviation Spec, for Spec, for Crane Truck, Warehouse, Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 4T Spec, for Spec, for and Fluid; Mu/ Spec, for Petroleum Products, Automotive Spec, for Tear Spec, for Tear Spec, for Cribs, Spec, for Cribs, Spec, for Beds, Spec, for Beds, Spec, for Cribs, Spec, for Bronze and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (/ ment and Accessories (Youth and Adult) / land Use) (1970) Std. Spec, for Wood Fence Posts (Line Corner and e Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Counters, Assembly ounters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Single Action Std. Spec, for Steel Fence Posts (Line, End, Corner and re Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, Swing Spec, for Flap hain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and ) ASTM A-120, A-153, B-241 Spec, for Fence lay and Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with Windrow Loader, Self Propelled, Force Feed, with Tapered, ing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Spec, for Surgical ted (1964) ASTM A-361 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Requirements for Transmission and rum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and Hoisting Spec, for Hydraulic Steering Spec, for Multi Purpose Spec, for Multi Purpose Type Spec, for Transmission Gasoline Credit Cards, Plastic (1966) Gasoline Dispensing Pumps ( 197 1 ) Gasoline Driven Generator with Attachments ( 1965) Gasoline Driven Rotary Compressor ( 1970) (Gasoline Engine Driven) (1971) (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted with A Gasoline Engine Generator Set (1969) Gasoline Engine Generator Sets ( 1970) Gasoline Engine Oil, Multiviscosity Type (1968) Gasoline Engine Oil, Multiviscosity, Low-40 (1969) Gasoline Engine Oil, Nonadditive, 2 Cycle (1968) Gasoline Engine Oil, Severe Service Type, 4 Cycle (1968 Gasoline Engine Powered (1968) Gasoline Engine (1962) Gasoline Engine) (1968) Gasoline Engine, Electric Generator, and Electric Power Gasoline Engines ( 1968) Spec, for Lubricating O Gasoline Engines, Automobile ( 1968) Sp Gasoline Generator Units for Emergency Use ( 1969) Gasoline or Gasoline Generator Units for Emergency Use Gasoline Powered (1965) Gasoline Power Operated (Reel and Rotary Type) ( 1968) Gasoline Powered (1966) Gasoline Powered (1967) (Gasoline Powered) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for (Gasoline Powered, Wide Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. Capacity) (1 Gasoline Pump with Meter (1/3 Hp) (1964) Gasoline Pump with Meter ( 1/4 Hp) (1969) Gasoline Storage Tanks ( 1964) Gasoline Tanker Bodies (1969) Gasoline (1967) Gasoline (1968) Gasoline (1969) Gasoline (1969) Gasoline (1969) Gasoline (1970) Gasoline (1970) Gasoline (1970) ASTM D439-67T Gasoline (1971) Gasoline (1971) Gasoline (1971) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Hoist and (Gasoline) (1962) (Gasoline) (1970?) Gasoline, Automotive (1970) Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Kerosene (1963) Gasoline, Grade 80-87 (1968) ASTM D910-64T Gasoline, Low Lead Regular (1970) Gasoline, Pneumatic Rubber Tires ( 1960) Gasoline, Premium (1970) Gasoline, Premium, Type B ( 1968) Gasoline, Regular and Premium (1970) Gasoline, Regular (1970) Gasoline, Regular, Type a ( 1968) Gasoline, White, Type C, Nonvolatile (1968) ASTM D439-6 Gasoline; Automotive Type (1971) (Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Differential Gear Oil Gas; Liquid (Aerosol Type) (1968) ICC 2P Gas; Mob and Riot Control ( 1971 ) ICC 2P Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring (29 X 54 In.) (1970) Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth Gatch Spring and Accessories ( 1966) Gatch Spring, Electrically Operated (Hospital) (1969) Gatch Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled Environ Gate Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Gate) and Preservatives (1970) USC CS-235 Gate) (1968) Spec, for Stor Gate) (1969) /Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; C Gate) (1970) FED RR-F-183, ASTM B6-58, USC CS 184-51 Gate) (1971) Spec, for Sto Gates (Drainage Control, Culvert and Sewer Pipe) (1970) Gates (Highway Construction) (1970) /C. for Fencing (C Gates (Vehicular and Pedestrian) with Pipe Frame ( 1970? Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, Peg Hook Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, Hoes and Hoo /Olt Gates, Undercounter Workboard) (Sink) (1970) /Lay Case Gathering Moldboards) ( 1969) Spec, for Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Saf Gauze (1969) Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Wall Flashing, Corruga Gear Box Lubricant (Nondetergent Oil) (1970) Gear for Rehabilitation of Boat) (1970) /or Vertical D Gear for Tugboats (1969) Gear Lubricant (Automotive) (1965) Gear Lubricant (SAE 90, 140) (1970?) Gear Lubricant (1967) MI 4828-3000 NY 35001-0596 NJ 7924-01 NE •48 NY 43229-0193 NY 41000-0464 NJ 6524-03 NY 35901-0184 NY 35907-0283 CA 681-91-02 CA 691-91-10 CA 681-91-06 CS 681-91-07 PA S-123 MS F- 18-62 NY 46000-0641 NJ ♦1-1 LA *8-6 LA ♦8-2 CA 691-59-01 CA 691-59-01 NJ 4938-79 PA M-68 NC 3950-TFL-2 PA S-107 NY 39101-0350 NY 45001-0808 NE *85 NE *70 NE ♦71 SC 22-600-0300 KY 9130-1 LA ♦8-1 MI 5245-S2 MI 5245-S3 OR 19-600-9010 NE ♦12 NH *10 RI 1325-001 NY 05600-0250 NY 05600-0256 SD *10 SC 34-020 WY *12 CT 3566-G-6D KS 14-3 CA 681-91-155 CA 701-91-150 NC 3950-C-9 IN * 15-2 CA 681-91-152 MA *5 IN * 1 5—1 CA 681-91-151 CA 681-91-170 PA G-16 NJ 3566-00 PA T-78 PA T-82 NY 20301-0138 NY 20301-0167 NY 00203-00-0310 NY 20302-0222 NY 20301-0560 TX 520-73-1B OR 63-700-9020 NY 21802-0733 NY 21802-0993 OR 64-600-9030 NY 21802-0225 MS 3399 VA DH-253 MS 3379 NY 21802-0370 NY 39000-0482 NY 36200-0787 NY 40603-0376 NY 35000-0647 PA G-2 MS R_5_64-38 NE •76 NY 43100-0490 NY 49603-0942 SC 34-030 VA *30 MI 5255-S10 143 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Multi Purpose Type Spec, for Spec, for Regular Type Spec, for Truck Type Worm Spec, for Multipurpose Type Spec, for Regular Type Spec, for Truck Type Worm Spec, for Multipurpose Type Spec, for Regular Type Spec, for Truck Type Worm Spec, for Multipurpose Type 70?) Spec, for Spec, for Enclosed pe) ( 1970) Spec, for Multipurpose limited Slip Type Differentials, Tr/ Spec, for Lubricant, automotive 'Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Differential Spec, for Mineral Spec, for Multipurpose Requirements for Multipurpose Requirements for Motor, Automatic Transmission, Outboard, t\d Gasoline (1971) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Hoist and , Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, easuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Std. Spec, for Oil, Mineral Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Worm Type Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Multipurpose Spec, for Marine Engines with Reduction Spec, for Lubricant, Open raulic, General Purpose, Motor, Automatic Transmission and Std. Spec, for Lubricants, Enclosed Std. Spec, for Lubricant, (Food Processing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Std. Spec, for Paper r Morpholine Feed Water Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam ipment (Trammel Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Compression, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Oil, Electric Spec, for 50KW Gas Engine Spec, for Gasoline Engine Spec, for Trailer Mounted Electric Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Standby Gasoline Engine Spec, for Motor Spec, for Television Sync Spec, for Automatic Line Transfer Control, Two Engine Spec, for LP Gas / Gasoline or Gasoline Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Portable Gasoline Driven ed Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Spec, for 300KV Neutron Spec, for Truck, Van Type with 3,000 Watt A.C. ne Testers) (Ed/ g Seal/ al) (19/ eiling / Spec. Spec. Spec. centrated Liquid ( 1969) 971) tm E70, FED P-D-00235 utomatic Fabric Washing Mach/ ) Spec, for Garage Equipment (Volt Ampere, Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (High Capacity for Truck, Motor, Gasoline Engine, Electric Spec, for for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Spec, for Specimen Cabinets Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Spec, for Built High Sudsing Spec, for Built High Titer Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, or (1967) Spec, for Disinfectant, Detergent Disinfectant; Phenol Tuberculocidal, Fungicidal or Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium T^im 1(1971) Spec, for 69) Spec, for Liquid 80^ Active k Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving, Spec, for Staplers ( 1971 ) Fed Spec, for Knives; Putty and Scraping ( 1969) Fed ipe; Wrought Iron, Welded, Black and Galvanized ( 1966) Fed line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 Std. Spec, for Elastic, Embroidery Floss, and Button Hole Spec, for Cotton Gear Lubricant (1970?) Gear Lubricant, Multipurpose ( 1967) Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 80 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Gear Lubricants for Transmissions and Differentials ( 1 9 Gear Lubricants (Nonextreme Pressure) (1970) Gear Lubricants; Automotive (Extreme Pressure Hypoid Ty Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Gear Oil and Fluid; Multipurpose Grease) ( 1969) /Cts, Gear Oil (Highly Refined Petroleum) (1970?) Gear Oil (1965) Gear Oil (1970) Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Proofing Compound Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Diesel Fuel A Gear Reduction, Ice Machine) ( 1960) /Oils, Power Plant Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tools, Stud Ext Gear (Automobile) (1970) Gear (1970) Gear (1970) Gear (6 Cylinder) (1971) Gear, Chain and Wire Rope ( 1967) Gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Beari Gear, Straight Mineral (1958) Gear, Universal (Extreme Pressure) (1961) Gelatin Viscosimeter) (Departmental) (1971) /Quipment Gem Clips (1971) Generating Plants (Prevention of Condensate Line Corros Generator and Alternator Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure Generator and Motor Oil, Heavy ( 1968) Generator and Motor Oil, Light ( 1968) Generator and Motor Oil, Medium ( 1968) Generator and Motor ( 1970) Generator Set (1969) Generator Set (1969) Generator Set (1969) Generator Set (25KW) (1969) Generator Set (7.5 KW Air-Cooled) (1971) Generator Set (7.5KW and 25KW Marine) (1970) Generator Set (7.5KW and 50KW) ( 1970) Generator Set ( 7.5KW Marine and 25KW ) ( 1 97 1 ) Generator Sets (1970) Generator Sets ( 1971 ) Generator System ( 1971 ) Generator Unit (1969) Generator Units for Emergency Use (1969) Generator Units ( 1969) Generator with Attachments ( 1965) Generator (Mobile Laboratory) (1964) /H Electric Power Generator (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Generator (1968) Generator / Alternator, Distributor and Electronic Engi Generator) (1970) Generator, and Electric Powered Weight Dolly for Testin Generator, Portable with Tools ( 1969) Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospit Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to C (Geology Paleontology, Trays) (1968) Germicidal Cake (Milled) Soap (1967) Germicidal Cleaner, General Purpose, Phenolic Type, Con Germicidal Detergent (Phenolic, Quaternary Ammonium) (1 Germicidal Detergents (Cleaner, Disinfectant) (1970) As Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for A Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) ( 1968 Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) ( 1968) Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) ( 1968) Germicidal Soap (with Hexachlorophene) (1971) Germicidal (Hospital Use) (1971) Germicidal (Hospital Use), Phenolic, Quaternary, Iodoph Germicidal ( 1970) Spec, for Germicidal) ( 1971 ) Aocs DA9-48, ASTM D2077 Spec. F Germicide and Deodorant Concentrates, Liquid and Aeroso Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride) (19 Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups GG-S-745, MIL Std. 105 GGG-K-481C, Std. 151a GGG-P-351, GG-M-151 Spec, for P GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Kit (Scientific Eq Gimp (1953) Gingham Cloth (Textile) (1957) VA *31 KY 9150-2 CA 681-91-81 CA 681-91-84 CA 681-91-88 CA 681-91-82 CA 681-91-85 CA 681-91-86 CA 681-91-80 CA 681-91-83 CA 681-91-87 LA *8-3 PA L-48 PA L-41 MI 5255-S14 NJ 3566-00 VA *29 MD *18 NE *77 NH *6 SD *10 NJ 3578-01 NY 35000-0938 MS L-5B-70-18 MS L-5B-70-19 MS L-5B-70-21 NY 42000-0488 KY 9150-5 MA *9 KY 46-104 NC 9 1 50-L-5 NY 38787-0579 IL *320 MA *11 NY 35000-0938 CA 681-91-28 CA 681-91-26 CA 681-91-27 MS L-5B-70-14 NY 35901-0164 NY 35901-0184 SC 24-030 NY 35907-0224 NY 35902-0510 NY 35902-0466 NY 35902-0590 NY 35902-0330 NY 35907-0283 NY 35900-0865 NY 38221-0280 CA 691-59-04 CA 691-59-01 CA 691-59-02 NJ 7924-01 NJ 4938-48 NY 38760-0023 NJ 4938-96 NY 35000-0738 NY 11000-0699 NJ *1-1 NJ 4950-03 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 1 2004-009 1 TX 310-36-1 CA 691-77-78 NY 22003-0052 RI 6620-05 TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-4 TX 395-45-5 TX 395-45-6 TX 370-59-5A MS D-8B-71 MI 4627-1600 PA D-27 TX 505-47-1A FL *1 TX 371-90-1 NY 23100-0855 CA 711-75-32 PA K-2 PA P-53 NY 38782-0824 IL *33J RI 4910-017 144 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Young Girls" Dresses (Percale or ing, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Hubs, Lath, Stakes and Spec, for Crane, Trollies and Hoists (Single Spec, for Spec, for 969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dress Coats 9) Spec, for repe)(1957) Spec, for Spec, for knit) (1965) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Young Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Small Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Spec, for Dress Coats Spec for Bathing Suits (Women's and Spec, for Winter Coats (Reprocessed Materials) (Small Spec, for Bathrobes (Misses', Spec, for Bathrobes, Terry Cloth (Misses', Std. Spec, for Food Service Trays, Fibre Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, Fine sels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Spec, for Electric for White Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for for Yellow Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Stripe Highway Line Marking Paint (1964) Std. Spec, for ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for 970) Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Line Marking Paint and Reflective e Traffic Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for Application with Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Spec, for Truck, 12,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Spec, for Chairs - Type III (Fiber Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Scouring Powder, ow Grade Walls) (1970) FED HH-C-466B Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding loride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, g Purposes) (1969) FED L-/ Std. Spec, for Plastic Panels; terchangeable) (1964) FED Std. 149A, ANSI Z70./ Spec, for 65) Spec, for Units and Accessory Items for Laboratory Use)/ Spec, for 970) ASTM D307-44, E97-55 Spec, for Is (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleaning, Optical ion and Refraction (Beads) (1969) Spec, for istureproof (Beads) (1969) Spec, for , QQ-S-766 Spec, for Spec, for Cotton and Linen Spec, for Textile, Spec, for CottoiVand Linen Spec, for Machines; Spec, for Towels and Toweling; Cotton, Std. Spec, for Toweling, Cotton, Spec, for Flat and Corrugated Std. Spec, for Plate and Sheet Gingham Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Gingham (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Gingham (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Gingham) (1957) Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seer Gingham, Preshrunk, Print (Cloth) (1970?) Gingham; Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Ginnies (1971) MIL Std. 105 Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Chain Operated) (1970) Girdles (Panty Style with Detachable Garters) (1966) Girls' and Misses' Dresses ( 1969) Girls' and Misses' Dungarees (Denim) (Slacks, Jeans) (1 Girls' and Misses' Pedal Pushers (Slacks) (1969) Girls' and Misses' Skirts (Straight Line) (1970) Girls' and Misses' Socks (Stocking) (Morpuls) (1957) Girls' and Misses' Summer Jackets ( 1970) (Girls' and Misses') (Winter Wear) (1957) Girls' and Women's Pajamas (Broadcloth and Plisse) (196 Girls' and Women's Pajamas (Cotton Plisse and Crinkle C Girls' and Women's Pajamas (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Girls' and Women's Panties (Cotton, Suede or Interlock Girls' and Women's Shorts (Twill and Denim) ( 1957) Girls' and Women's Slacks (Corduroy) (1969) Girls' and Women's Sweaters (Acrylic) (1969) Girls' Anklet Socks (Stockings) (1969) Girls' Dresses (Cotton Twill) (1962) Girls' Dresses (Crotch Pantie Style) (1962) Girls' Dresses (Percale or Gingham) (1957) Girls' Jackets (Cotton Poplin, Water Repellent) (1957) Girls' Jumpers (1970) Girls' Knee Length Socks (Stocking) (1969) Girls' Nightgowns (Cotton Plisse) (1970) Girls' Pajamas (Cotton Flannelette) (1969) Girls' Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Girls' Panties (Rayon and Acetate Tricot) ( 1969) Girls' Polo Shirts (1970) Girls' Shoes (Institutional Use) ( 1971 ) Girls' Siippers (Terry Cloth) (1969) Girls' Slips (Rayon and Acetate Tricot) (1957) Girls' Snow Suits (1970) Girls' Sun Dresses (1960) Girls' Transparent Plastic Raincoats (1957) Girls' Wool or Orion Mittens (1969) (Girls') (Spring Wear) (1957) Girls') (1957) Girls') (1957) Girls', Women's) (1969) Girls', Women's) (1969) Glass - Polyester Plastic (1966) (Glass and Enamelware Cleanser) (1953) Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, G Glass and Window Cleaner ( 1969) Glass Annealing Oven ( 1970) Glass Bead Application (1964) Std. Spec. Glass Bead Application (1964) Std. Spec. Glass Beads for Application on White and Yellow Traffic Glass Beads for Reflectorized Pavement Marking (Highway Glass Beads for Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint ( 1 Glass Beads (1970) Glass Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-266 /Ec. for Special Whit Glass Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) (1968) Glass Body (Mobile Research Laboratory) ( 1969) Glass Bucket Stack Chair) (1965) Glass Cleaner, Liquid (1953) Glass Cleaners, Liquid (1969) Glass Cleaning (1969) FED Std. 536 Glass Cloth; Resin Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Bel Glass Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and Bridge Const Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (Structural and Glazin Glass Metal Tip General Purpose Hypodermic Syringes (in Glass Metal Tip Special Purpose Hypodermic Syringes (19 Glass Plant (Various Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Glass Spheres for Reflectorization of License Plates ( 1 Glass Spheres) ( 1968) /C. for Pavement Marking Materia Glass Spheres, Highway Traffic Sign and Marker, Reflect Glass Spheres, Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint, Mo Glass Tableware (Institutional Use) (1971) FED DD-T-101 Glass Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Glass Toweling, Linen (Cloth) (1970?) Glass Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.3-55 Glass Washing, Beverage (1955) Glass (Bleached) (4958) FED CCC-T-191 Glass (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Glass (for Glazing Purposes) (1971) Glass (1969) TX 685-34-1 MS T-1A-60-16 PA G-12 RI 4230-F-008 NY 32600-0622 MA •35-75 OR 79-100-9210 CA 711-55-01 NY 43100-0653 RI 4220-F-002 RI 4230-F-003 RI 4284-F-002 RI 4284-F-003 RI 4265-F-008 RI 4250-F-007 RI 4225-F-008 RI 4225-F-005 RI 4270-F-006 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-F-005 RI 4287-F-004 RI 4284-F-004 RI 4284-F-001 RI 4280-F-004 RI 4250-F-006 RI 4230-F-011 RI 4230-F-012 RI 4230-F-008 RI 4225-F-007 RI 4230-F-010 RI 4250-F-008 RI 4270-F-001 RI 4270-F-003 RI 4270-F-010 RI 4280-F-005 RI 4265-F-002 TN *4 RI 4268-F-036 RI 4287-F-018 RI 4275-F-001 RI 4230-F-004 RI 4295-F-001 RI 4235-F-002 RI 4225-F-006 RI 4215-F-001 RI 4225-F-003 RI 4210-F-002 RI 4210-F-003 NC 7350-ST-l MS S-2-53-41 NY 39000-0482 IA ♦3-8 NY 42800-0386 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 SC HD-80B15 NY 38602-0486 VA DH-242 AK •1 SC 20-010 NJ 6542-02 NJ 6542-02A NJ 3718-05 MS C-2 MS C-13-69 PA P-l OR 64-500-01 10 RI 1-004 A VA DH-241 OR 64-575-9010 TX 360-58-1 TX 360-58-2 NY 12002-0475 WY ♦11 NY 38001-0704 IN *5 MD •11 PA T-35 RI 4915-002 MA ♦35-68 RI 4780-003 PA M-35 PA T-26 MS T-1A-60-33 PA G-4 OR 64-200-9010 145 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Toweling; Cotton, Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Laboratory and Pharmacy Ware pact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Binning ec. for Trays (Metal, Paste, Plastic, Wood, Pin, Clip, and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, oap; Fly / Std. Spec, for Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Spec, for Bead Dispenser, Automatic, 1 Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues ers, Che/ Spec, for Small Tools (Eye Protective Devices), Std. Spec, for Reading Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Equipment Spec, for le Filler) (1969) Spec, for Laboratory Spec, for Detergent, Laboratory Spec, for Laboratory Washers (Cage, Rack, Spec, for Leather; Kid, Varnish, Remover) (1971) Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, c Panels; Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (Structural and Spec, for Glass, Flat (for Spec, for Flat and Corrugated Glass (for Spec, for Putty and Elastic Compound for Metal Sash Std. Spec, for Glass, Flat, for Spec, for Putty; Pure Linseed Oil (for Wood Sash Spec, for Casters, Wheels and Land Use) ( 1970) Spec, for Bronze Angle, Check and Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner Spec, for High Std. Spec, for Interior Std. 141 Spec, for Interior Spec, for Alkyd Base Spec, for White Alkyd Base Semi Spec, for Latex Semi Std. Spec, for Interior Semi Spec, for Interior Semi Std. Spec, for Weather Resistant Exterior High 595 Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Interior Varnish, General Purpose, Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Clear, Full Std. Spec, for Interior Varnish, Flat, Dull Std. Spec, for Varnish, Interior, Satin Spec, for Enamel; Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Semi Std. Spec, for Enamel; 969) Spec, for Enamel (Paint), 01, Std. 141a Spec, for Paint; Enamel, White, High Std. Spec, for Enamel; Std. Spec, for Enamel (Semi Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, ) (1970) Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Interior, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), etal (Paint) (1970) Std. Spec, for Enamel, High Std. Spec, for Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior, ) FED TT-E-489, Std. 14 la Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Spec, for White Enamel, Spec, for Leather and Cotton Work Spec, for Textile, Canton Flannel, Heavy, Cotton (Men's and Women's) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Rubber Coated Spec, for Women's Spec, for Leather Palm Spec, for White Canvas Spec, for Boys" and Men's Vinyl Dress Spec, for Men's and Boys" Leather Palm Knit , Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Spec, for lankets. Pillows and Case/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for opec. for Adhesives (Rubber and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, c. for Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Spec, for Diethylene Glass (1969) Glass (1970) ANSI Z26.1-50 (Glass) - Various (1971) Glass) (1970) /NE Racks, Clothing Display, Academic Im Glass) (1971) Std. Sp Glass, Flat (for Glazing Purposes) (1971) Glass, Flat, for Glazing ( 1971 ) Glass, Liquid (1968) Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet S Glass, Spheres (License Plate Reflection) (1970) (Glassboro) (1968) Genera Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chipp Glasses (1971) Glassware Washer and Accessories ( 1970) Glassware Washer with Accessories (1969) Glassware Washer (Medical Center) (1970) Glassware Washer (1968) Glassware Washer (1969) Glassware Washer (1969) Glassware Washer (1969) (Glassware Washer) (1968) Glassware (Beverage Bottles and Containers) (1971) Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Bott Glassware (1969) Glassware) (1968) Glazed (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative (Shellac, Glazing Purposes) ( 1969) FED L-P-505 /Spec, for Plasti Glazing Purposes) (1971) Glazing Purposes) (1971) Glazing (1953) Glazing (1971) Glazing) (1953) FED TT-P-791, TT-P-141 Glides (1956) Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for (Globular) (1964) FED P-C-447 Gloss Alkyd Enamel (School Bus Chrome) (Paint) (1971) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (Tints and White) (1966) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (White and Light Tints) (1968) Fed Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Gloss Enamel (Tints and White) (1966) Gloss White Enamel (Odorless Paint) (1971) Gloss White Paint (1971) Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. Gloss (Paint), Synthetic (1969) Gloss (1963) Gloss (1970) Gloss (1970) Gloss (1970) Gloss, Baking (1962) Gloss, Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Gloss, Exterior, Wood Trim (Paint) (1969) Gloss, Industrial, Weather Resistant, Auto Finishing ( 1 Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) (1967) FED TT-E-50, UU-W-1 Gloss, Interior, Low Odor (Paint) (1969) Gloss, Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) Gloss, Interior, Wall and Woodwork, Conventional (Paint Gloss, Interior, White, Tintable (1963) Gloss, Light (1969) Gloss, Low Odor (1969) Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and M Gloss, Metal and Wood (Paint) (1970) Gloss, Synthetic (Exterior and Interior Surfaces) (1967 Gloss, Synthetic (Paint) (1971) Glove (1971) (Glove) (1970?) Gloves and Mittens Including Work, Welding and Asbestos Gloves (Canvas, Knit Wrists) (1960) Gloves (Wool Knit) (1957) Gloves (1960) Gloves (1969) Gloves (1970) Gloves (1970) Gloves, and Baby Blankets ( 1970) Spec, for Clothing Gloves, Cotton, Light Duty (1970) Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, B Gloves; Coated (Neoprene and Vinyl) (1970) Gloves; Leather, Dress and Uniform (1971) FED Std. 311 Gloves; Rubber and Synthetic, Household (1971) Gloves; Work, Canton Flannel and Leather Palm (1971) Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip Spreader T Gluing Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent and Adding Ch Glycol Monoethyl Ether (75% Active) (1969) OR 79-100-9410 UT *8 NY 12000 NY 21802-0317 IL •32GGG NY 31806-0313 IL *3 KY 7930-28 IL ♦39 MI 2800-S1 NJ 8340-04 NY 39012-0491 IL *32VV NY 12070-0639 NY 12070-0527 NY 12070-0553 NY 12070-0129 NY 12070-0311 NY 12070-0366 NY 12070-0919 NY 12070-0680 NY 25102-0894 NY 12070-0401 CA 691-77-07 NY 12070-0694 PA L-31 NY 38000-0041 OR 64-575-9010 NY 31806-0313 PA G-4 PA P-130 IL *3 PA P-32 PA C-69 TX 540-73-2A TX 370-37-1 TX 520-42-8 WA S-62-57-A VA DK-23B TX 520-42-3A TX 520-42-7 UT *3 WA S-63-65-A NJ 7342-01 WA S-6 1-26-2 MS 3573 KY 24A IA * 1-12 MS PM-1A MS PM-18 MS PM-19 PA E-16 NJ 7342-18 OR 77-100-9060 CA 691-80-81 PA P-70 OR 77-100-9220 OR 77-100-9230 MS PI- 14 MS PI-8 IA ♦1-8 KY 23A CA 691-80-221 MS PI-7 MS PE-13 PA P-124 NJ 7342-02 SC 03-020-1002 MA ♦35-61 MS G-1A-71 RI 4235-M-003 RI 4235-F-001 RI 4235-M-002 RI 4235-M-OOl RI 4235-M-010 RI 4235-M-011 MA *39 CA 701-84-17 FL •23 PA G-18 PA G-14 PA G-20 PA G-15 IL *32A VA ♦34 TX 371-96-1 146 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Antifreeze, Permanent, Ethylene Spec, for Antifreeze; Ethylene Spec, for Permanent Antifreeze (Ethylene Spec, for Pool Equipment (Water Basketball and Polo Spec, for Ear Tags (Marker - Cattle, Sheep, (Eye Protective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Spec, for Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, 1) Spec, for Athletic Equipment (Archery, Baseball, re Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, or Store Fixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, Counter, r, Showcase, Shelv/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, ures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, re Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Spec, for spec, for X-Ray Detection System for Use with Spectroscopy Spec, for Cloth; Bleached (Piece Std. Spec, for Dry Std. Spec, for Dry Spec, for Cotton Dress danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, G/ Spec, for Cotton Dress , Panels,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Spec, for Textile, Strong Dress Spec, for Bed Pillows Spec, for Feathers; Spec, for Down (Feathers); Spec, for Flags Spec, for Engraved Stationery (Office of the Spec, for Patient Spec, for Patient Spec, for Patient Spec, for Patient Spec, for Patient Spec, for Hospital Clothing (Patient Motor and Controls (Multistage Vertical Turbine Type, 550 Spec, for tant) (1953) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Lime - Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Spec, for Regular and Premium Spec, for Filler Joint, Bituminous - Glass Cloth; Resin Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Aviation Gasoline, Spec, for Plywood, Sign Spec, for Diamond Bits (AX Size, Aa Spec, for Sodium Chloride, Technical Spec, for Phosphoric Acid (Food Crushed Stone) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Retreading and Repairing of Automobile, Truck, now Plow Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for rs and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Spec, for Snow Plow Blades and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sectional Carbide Tipped Snow Plow and Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Sloper Attachment for (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Wing) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Motor Spec, for Diesel Motor Spec, for Heavy Duty Maintenance Motor Spec, for Medium Duty Motor Spec, for Power Spec, for Heavy Duty Brush Cutter Attachment for Motor Spec, for Sloper Attachment for Motor Spec, for Light Duty Tandem Drive Motor Spec, for Medium Duty Motor for Front End Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic Spec, for Cutting Edges for plow (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Tandem or 6 Wheel Drive Motor Spec, for Repair Parts and Supplies for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel Cutting Edges for -250, RC-3000, MC-800, Rsl or / Spec, for Asphaltic Oil - Spec, for Asphaltic Emulsion - (> 971) Spec, for Inspection, Spec, for Leather; Calf, Full Spec, for Leather; Sides, Oil Finished*" Western Spec, for Brief Covers, Leatherette Spec, for Livestock Feed, Brewers Dried Std. Spec, for Spec, for Pianos, Upright and Std. Spec, for Detergent, Laundry, Low Sudsing, Glycol (1968) CA Glycol (1970) PA Glycol, Automotive) (1970?) VA Goals, Portable Standard, Racing Lane Markers) (1971) NY Goat) (1971) NY Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), F NY Gold Bronze, Powdered (for Paint) (1969) PA Gold, for License Plates (1968) MI Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Lacrosse) (197 NY Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Counters, Wi NY Gondolas, Cornice) (1970) Spec. F NY Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Check Out Counte NY Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Racks, CI NY Gondolas, Shelves, Showcases) (1968) NY Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post with Signs and Can NY Gong Pot Brushes (1967) TX Goniometer (Science, University) (Educational Purposes) NY Goods and Diapers) ( 1971 ) PA Goods (Cloth, Textile) (1969) IL Goods (Cloth, Textile) (1971) FL Goods (Denim) (1970) FED CCC-C-421B NY Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, NY Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases NY Goods, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) MA ( Goose Feathers ) ( 1 96 1 ) RI Goose, Domestic (Gray or White) for Pillows (1939) PA Goose, Domestic, for Pillows (1953) PA (Govenor's) for Grave Marking (1956) RI Governor) (1966) NJ Gowns (Johnnies) (1960) RI Gowns (Johnnies) (1960) RI Gowns (Johnnies) ( 1960) RI Gowns (Johnnies) (1964) RI Gowns (Johnnies) (1966) RI Gowns) (1971) NY GPM) (1968) Spec, for Pump, NY Gradall (1967) NJ Grade a (Bleach Powder, Water Purification and Disinfec MS Grade I, 135 Deg. to 148 Deg. F. M.P. (1964) CE 220.01 MS Grade Motor Fuel (Gasoline) (1962) SC Grade R.A. (1969) NJ Grade Walls) (1970) FED HH-C-466B Std. Spec, for OR Grade 5 Heavy Fuel Oil ( 1 97 1 ) SC Grade 6 Heavy Fuel Oil ( 1 97 1 ) SC Grade 80-87 (1968) ASTM D9 1 0-64T C A Grade ( Highway ) ( 1 970 ) M D Grade) (1970?) VA Grade, for Water Softening Units (1969) CA Grade, 85% Active) (1969) TX Graded Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, Sand, MS Grader and Other Off the Highway Tires (1967) FED ZZ-T- TX Grader Attachment) (1970) Spec, for S NY Grader Blade and Blower, Dump Cart) ( 1971 ) /Awn Tracto NY Grader Blades (1962) MD Grader Blades (1964) SC Grader Blades (1964) SC Grader Blades (1970?) ASTM B294-64 VA Grader Mounted Shouldering (1970) NM Grader Mounting (1969) SC Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Convertor or Power Shift) VA Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade and 12 Ft. Snow AK Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade) (1971) AK Grader (1969) NE Grader (1970) NE Grader (1970) NY Grader (1970) SC Grader (1970) SC Grader (1970) SC Grader (1970) SC Grader) (1969) Spec. NY Grader, Drag and Snow Plow Blades (1970?) AASHO T70 VA Grader, with Trip Edge Leveling and Heavy Duty One Way NJ Graders (1970) SC Graders, Loaders, Eductors and Trucks ( 1968) NH Graders, Road, Motorized (1969) NC Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Loader Bucket) (1970) NY Grades RC-70, MC-30, MC-3000, RC-250, MC-70, RC-800, McNJ Grades RS- 1 , AES- 1 , AES-3 ( 1 970 ) AASHO M- 1 40-64 N J Grading, Testing, and Certification of Poultry and Eggs CA Grain (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) PA Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) PA Grain, Notebook, File (1969) CA Grains (1963) MI Grand Pianos (1964) NC Grand (1968) CA Granular and Powder (Home Type Automatic Washer) (1969) MS 681-66-12 A-9 •36 30201-0283 08701-0850 39012-0491 B-27 4978-S2 30200-0589 21802-0181 21802-0581 21802-0333 21802-0317 21802-0161 21802-0347 370-31-3 11002-0715 C-18 *2 *22 32608-0434 32600-0622 21802-0993 ♦35-74 4325-001 F-9 D-8 4745-001 8320-01 4205-F-001 4205-M-001 4205-M-006 4205-F-001A 4205-M-007 40012-0602 46000-0553 4938-101 S-2-5 3-21 R-5-64-31 34-020 1304-05 64-500-0110 30-020-1002 30-020-1002A 681-91-155 ♦7 *37 691-66-48 371-92-2 3139 035-79-1A 40900-0488 08206-0442 ♦14 ♦8 32-070 *40 ♦6 14-450 ♦7 •1 1 ♦10 ♦19 *40 41301-0105 ♦13 •14 14- 140-0451 A 14-150 40603-0205 ♦39 4938-08A 14-140-0451 •9 3805-G-1B 40903-0431 1308-05 1308-00 711-89-13 L-29 L-33 691-75-61 4340-0018 7710-GP-2 681-74-1 D-7A-69 147 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 11 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Car (Automobile) Wash Compound Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Laundry Soap Spec, for Unbuilt Low Titer Laundry Soap Spec, for Built High, Medium and Low Titer Laundry Soap pec. for Wall Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Low Foaming, Powder and Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Acid, Stable, Dry Spec, for Cleaner, Acid for Dishwashing Machines, Dry Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Spec, for Detergent, Organic, Synthetic, Flake or , and Boiler Scale Preven/ Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate Spec, for Hand Use Cleaning and Washing Compound (Bead or Spec, for Highly Soluble Sour (Laundry, Spec, for Spec, for Rosin Free Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds, Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Built Soap, Spec, for Laundry Soap; Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Chip and Built Low Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Spec, for Lubricated Laundry Starch (Powder or Spec, for Built High Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or c. for Built High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or for Unbuilt High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or built High Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or d White and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture and Spec, for Film, Still, Motion Picture and ceiver, Projector) (1971) Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Furnace, High Temperature, Spec, for Pencils, Standard e (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Roller, High Temperature, s. Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Light Spec, for Std. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Seed, Lawn Std. Spec, for Sprigging Std. Spec, for Seeding Spec, for Artificial Turf Spec, for Sod roadside Development Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed kwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Spec, for Seeds td. Spec, for Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, for Iron; Nodular, for Stoker, Keys, Chain and Travelling Std. Spec, for Boiler (Furnace) Spec, for Flags (Govenor's) for Spec, for United States Flags (for ce Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Slag or Natural Spec, for Coarse Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Slag or tuminous Concrete, Type R.R. (Stockpile - Stone or Crushed Spec, for Sand and Spec, for Aggregates for Surface and Base Courses Spec, for Graded Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures ho T96 Std. Spec, for Aggregate Subbase (Crushed Stone, Spec, for Earth Type Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Low Center of Spec, for Low Center of Spec, for Textile, uction) (1970) Spec, for Castings (Malleable, (1970?) AASHO M-105 Spec, for Spec, for Feathers; Goose, Domestic Spec, for Porch and Floor Enamel, Dark Std. Spec, for Fabric, Uniform Oxford Spec, for Interior Shop Paint, Spec, for Warp Yarn Spec, for Textile, Felt, Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, lyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, (Water Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable and Spec, for Detergent Cleaner, Paste, Synthetic, (Oil, 8) Std. Spec, for Waterproof Spec, for Compound (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Spec, for Spec, for Multipurpose tor. Automatic Transmission and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Spec, for Multi Purpose (1961) Std. Spec, for Multipurpose Std. Spec, for Wheel Bearing Spec, for Universal Joint Spec, for Cup Spec, for Dark Pinion (Granular Detergent, Hand Use) (1968) (Granular or Flake) (1968) (Granular or Flake) (1968) (Granular or Powder) (1968) Granular (1963) Std. S Granular (1968) Granular (1969) Granular (1969) Granular (1970) (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Water Softening Granular) (1967) Granular) (1969) Granulated Insecticide Bait (1970) Granulated Laundry Soap (1961) Granulated or Briquette, Institutional (1970?) Granulated (Laundry) (1969) Granulated (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 Granulated (1966) Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Machines (1968) Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Machines) (1967) Granules) (1965) FED JJJ-S-701C Granules) (1968) Granules) (1968) Spe Granules) (1968) Spec. Granules) (1968) Spec, for Graphic Arts (1970) Spec, for Film, Black An Graphic Arts (1971) (Graphic Remote Display Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Re Graphite Tube (Ceramics) (1971) Graphite (1970) Graphite) (1970) /and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Greas Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, F Grass Mixed (1963) Grass Seed Mix ( 1970?) Grass Seed Mixtures; Lawn and Turf (1967) Grass Seed, 70C (1964) Grass Seeds (1970) Grass (1964) (Grass) for Highway Construction (1964) (Grass) for Highway Construction (1964) (Grass) (1970) (Grass) (1970?) (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vet (Grass, Legume) for Vegetative Cover (1970?) Grass, Oats, Corn) (1969) Grass, Timothy, Lawn) ( 1971 ) /Lets, Sorghum and Sudan Grates (1961) Spec. Grates (1969) Grave Marking (1956) Grave Marking) (1956) Gravel Chips) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Sand (Airport I Gravel) (Highway Construction) (1970) Gravel) (1970?) Spec, for Bi Gravel, Pick Up (1970) (Gravel, Sand and Crushed Rock) (1970?) (Gravel, Sand, Crushed Stone) (1970?) Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway Construction (1964) Aas Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highway Construction Gravity Design, Utility, Farm) (1971) Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Loader and Dozer) (1971) Gray Coat Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) (Highway and Bridge Constr Gray Iron Castings (Drainage, Structural or Ornamental) (Gray or White) for Pillows (1939) Gray (Paint) (1969) Gray (1969) Gray (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 (Gray) 10/1S (1971) Gray, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track S Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safe Grease Fitting Installation and Extraction Set, Pneumat Grease Marking Pencils and Pens) (1970) /Ted Supplies Grease Removal) (1970) Grease Suitable for Lubricating Waterpump Bearings ( 196 Grease Trap and Drain Cleaning (1958) Grease Trap Cleaner ( 1969) Grease with Extreme Pressure Properties (1968) Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Roller, High Temp Grease (Lubricant) (1970?) Grease (Passenger Car, Truck, and Tractor Lubrication) Grease (1958) Grease (1968) Grease (1968) Grease (1968) TX 045-37-1 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B TX 395-45- IB MS C- 12-63 CA 681-76-14 CA 691-77-21 MI 4681-S2 LA * 1 1—13 TX 153-33-1 TX 370-41-1A VA L-10 LA *3 RI *12 MA *15 OR 76-401-9020 PA S-73 KY 7930-16 TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-1 A TX 395-47-1A TX 395-36-3 TX 395-45-5 TX 395-45-6 TX 395-36-4 NY 38800-0231 NY 38800-0183 NY 22900-0899 NY 42800-0024 CA 701-75-85 MA *9 NY 39000-0482 MI 4340-0033 MD *1 RI * 4 IA *2 PA S-126 MS S-l 1-64 SC HD-107 SC HD-109 NE *7 MS 3878 VA DH-257 NY 07900-0584 MS 3876 WI 3748 NY 07900-0584 PA 1-19 OR 27-100-9010 RI 4745-001 RI 4745-002 AK *76 VA DH-203 NJ 1304-03 NJ 1356-04 MS 3138 MS 3139 SC HD-34 SC HD-37 NY 40601-0434 AK *17 MA *35-27 VA DH-230 MS 3321 PA F-9 MI 5325-S12 CT 9152-F-332B MS 3541 NY 39400-0645 MA ♦35-15 MI 5255-S11 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 NY 38806-0414 LA * 1 1 — 12 CA 681-91-109 PA C-101 CA 691-77-51 LA ♦8-4 MA ♦9 VA ♦25 NC 9150-G-14 KY 46-106 CA 681-91-106 CA 681-91-108 CA 681-91-110 148 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Tractor Roller Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Automotive Requirements for Multipurpose Spec, for Lubricants and smission and Differential Gear Oil and Fluid; Multipurpose , Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Solvent, Spec, for Multipurpose Std. Spec, for Spec, for Wheel Bearing Spec, for Pinion Spec, for Chassis Spec, for Waterproof Turbine Spec, for Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ba/ industrial (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, / e, Automotive and Industrial (1967) Spec. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Tractor Roller Std. Spec, for Spec, for Lubricants, Spec, for Lubricating Oils and Spec, for tor, Hydraulic Hoist and Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Spec, for Foliage re (1969) Spec, for Olive re ( 1 969 ) Spec, for Metallic re (1969) Spec, for Light c. for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Spec, for Spec, for Light . Spec, for Binders and Sheets (Post, Three Ring, Blue and Spec, for Interstate Spec, for Spec, for Metal Sign Enamel (Paint), Interstate Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Dark Spec, for Bridge Paint, Foliage Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Dark Olive Std. Spec, for Fabric, Uniform, Blue and Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Paint), Dark Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Paint), Light Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Vinyl Finish Coat (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Prefabricated Aluminum Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) e(1969) Spec, for Light e(1969) Spec, for Metallic e(1969) Spec, for 1 Furniture (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Pearl Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM A36, A/ Spec, for Steel uipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Electric un/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Mobile Cashiers and ipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, (Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Spec, for Outdoor Cooking Stoves (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Accessories, Hot Dog Spec, for Roll Down Closure arvester, Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Hand Spec, for Chipper (Brush ools (Milling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External eumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight ettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Sheer and Saw and Std. Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for e Cement, Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Woven Elastic Textile Webbing Spec, for Dry Ground Pumice for Spec, for Mechanic's Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Alkalies and Soaps for Soap; Hand, Cake (Pumice or Spec, for Poultry Feed^Insoluble Spec, for Poultry Feed/lnsoluble Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Detergent, Std. Spec, for RR-S-366 a - Sour, Sesquicarbonate,/ Spec. (1953) Grease (1968) Grease (1970) Grease (1970) Grease (1970) Grease (1970?) MIL L-2105B Grease) (1969) /Cts, Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, Tran Grease) ( 1971 ) /Spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydraulic Hoist Grease, Automotive and Industrial (1968) Grease, Automotive Sealed Bearing, Long Interval (1970) Grease, Automotive (1968) Grease, Heavy Equipment, Soap Base (1968) Grease, High Pressure (1968) Grease, Hydroelectric (1968) Grease, Multipurpose (1967) Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Industrial (Wheel, Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Industrial ( 1970) Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, Automotive and Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, Extreme Pressur Grease, Positive Seal Assemblies (Company) (1968) Grease, Wheel Bearing (1970) Greases and Additives ( 1969) Greases (Except for Internal Combustion Engines) (1970) Grease; Automotive, Multi Purpose (1970) Grease; Diesel Fuel and Gasoline ( 1971 ) Spec, for Mo Green Enamel (Paint) (1959) Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu Green Exterior Paint ( 1 962 ) FED TT-P-7 1 D, Std. 1 4 1 /Pe Green Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Green Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Green Pressboard) ( 1971 ) Std Green Sign Paint (Highway) (1965) Green Winter Uniform Jackets (1969) Green (Baking) (1970?) FED TT-E-489 Green (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Green (1969) Green (1969) Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Green, Exterior Park Bench (1969) Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Coastal Zone ( 1969) Greenhouse (1968) Greenhouses ( 1968) Greenhouses (1968) Greenhouses, Aluminum (1967) Greenhouses, Aluminum (1968) (Grenz Radiation) (Superficial Therapy) (1967) Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitur Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitur Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitur Grey Metal Flash Primer, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Meta Grey Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Grid Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Highway and Griddle and Stand, Protector Case, Coffee Urns) ( 1971 ) Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, Work Table and Serving Co Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Griddle, Fryer, Sandwich Unit) (School) (1971) /Pment (Grill) (1971) Grill) (1971) Spec, for Food Service Equipment Grille (1968) Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Bar Grinder) (1967) /FF, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Grinder), Trailer Mounted (1969) Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, Electrical Discharge) Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Grinder, Food Cutter, ,18 In. Blender Base, Vertical Cut Grinding, Rough Cutting and Turning Machine ( 1970) Grinding, Rough Cutting, Turning Machine) (1967) Grip Spreader Top, Paste Library) ( 1971 ) /and Cellulos Gripper Style Shorts (1960) (Gripper Type) (1968) Grit and Mechanic's Hand Soap (1965) ASTM CI 36 Grit Hand Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D460, D502 Grit Scouring Powder (Detergent) (1953) Grit Scouring, Cake (Fine Abrasive) (1953) FED P-S-536, (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Sod Grit Type) (1969) FED Std. 536 Grit (Chick Size) (1963) Grit (Hen Size) (1963) Grit, Cake, Fine Work (1970) Grit, Hand, Paste and Powder (1966) Grit, Scouring Powder (1970) Grit, Soap, Cake, Fine (Glass and Enamelware Cleanser) CA 681-91-112 IN * 15-10 IN * 15-8 NE »78 GA 9150-1-14 NJ 3566-00 NM *8 CA 681-91-104 MS L-5B-70-25 CA 681-91-107 CA 681-91-111 CA 681-91-105 CA 681-91-114 KY 9150-3 MI 5255-S11 MS L-5B-70-23 MI 5255-S12 MI 5255-S13 CA 681-91-113 MS L-5B-70-24 LA *5 NY 05701-0626 PA G-17 SD *10 NJ *3 MI 5325-S24 MI 5325-S26 MI 5325-S35 VA DK-37 CA 691-80-82 CA 691-80-84 IL *32D MD *3 SC 03-110 MS 3574 RI 4910-027 MS 3524 MS 3525 CA 691-80-17 CT 9152-F-344B MS 3552 MS 3553 MI 5325-S15 CA 691-80-75 NY 31800-0351 NY 31800-0009 NY 31800-0649 NY 31800-0286 NY 31800-0844 NY 11000-0348 MI 5325-S23 MI 5325-S25 MI 5325-S36 MI 5325-S20 MA *35-12 VA DH-233 NY 36200-0504 NY 36200-0356 NY 36200-0420 NY 32610-0801 NY 25201-0878 NY 36200-0367 NY 31800-0354 NY 08200 NY 00432-00-0686 NJ 4938-36 NY 43201-0500 NY 43203-0185 NY 00361-0541 MS L-5B-70-10 MI 5255-S21 IL *32A RI 4287-M-004 TX 480-34-2 TX 371-59-1 TX 370-59-4A MS S-2-53-40 PA S-10 NY 20100-0289 PA S-8 MI 4340-0105 MI 4340-0104 LA * 1 1 —5 KY 8520-1 LA *ll-4 MS S-2-53-41 149 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Spec, for Abrasives for Ice Control (Cinders, Slag, Std. Spec, for Bags, Paper, Spec, for Bag, Paper, Spec, for Paper Bags Spec, for Paper Spec, for Bags, Paper, 1969) Spec, for Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks From Std. Spec, for Agricultural Minerals astmC136 Spec, for Dry Spec, for Clay; Fire, Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Door, Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, corder, Auditory Trainer and Accessories) (197/ Spec, for Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Spec, for Automobile, 4 Passenger, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Heads/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Mortar and std. Spec, for Emulsion, Polyvinyl Acetate, Mixing Liquid, 69) Spec, for Epoxy Spec, for Mortar Plastic Spec, for Spec, for Poultry Feed, Spec, for Poultry Feed, Spec, for Crystal Std. Spec, for Clearing and way Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Steel Beam Spec, for Structural Plate Beam Spec, for Bridge and Spec, for Spec, for Wood for Preservative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam ction) for Highway Construction (19/ Std. Spec, for Reset Spec, for Steel Beam Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wire Rope and Fittings for Cable Spec, for Spec, for Uniforms (Summer, onry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle nt) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Special g)(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Splash for Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type ridge Rails, Posts and Accessories (/ Spec, for Beam Type ed Channel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Spec, for Cable Spec, for Beam Type fee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and or Office Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Spec, for Snow Spec, for Flatwork Ironer Printing Purchasing rage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Std. Spec, for Card Pockets and Spec, for Pressboard File Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Spec, for Std. Spec, for Card and File Spec, for Fiberglass Spec, for Animal Cages and Racks (Rat, Hamster, ea/ Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Std. Spec, for ish, Solvent) (1970) Std. Spec, for Turpentine, Std. Spec, for Turpentine; er Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Std. Spec, for Reinforcements Spec, for Paper; Bags, Wrapping, Spec, for Paper; Spec, for Paper Bags (Grocers, Waxed, Wrapping, Tape spec, for 200 Gal. Slip-on Fire Fighting Pumping Unit (Fog ircuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Std. Spec, for Reset Sidewalk, Curb, and spec, for Sheet Metal Products, Galvanized (Open Flumes or Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid, n, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Spec, for Athletic Clothing Grit, Soap, Cake, (Pot and Pan Cleanser) (1953) Grits, Concrete Sand (1970) Grocers (1961) Grocers (1970) (Grocers, Waxed, Wrapping, Tape (Gummed)) (1971) Grocery Bags (1960) FED UU-P-31 Grocery (1965) t Grooving Machine for Concrete and Bituminous Pavement Ground Level) (1971) /Erial Handling Equipment (Mobile (Ground Limestone, Dolomite, Gypsum) (1969) Ground Pumice for Grit and Mechanic's Hand Soap ( 1965) Ground (1960) ASTM C24, C92 Group A, Standard Automobile, 6 Passenger (1970) Group A, Standard, Light (1970) Group and Speech Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Re Group B, Intermediate, Light (1970) Group C, Compact, Light (1970) Group D, Economy, Light (1970) Group Learning Systems (Six Position Listening Station, Group Speech and Hearing Equipment (School) (1971) Grout Emulsion, Polyvinyl Acetate (1969) FED TT-P-55 Grout Pump Unit (Agitator, Water Tank) (1968) Grout (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO Ml 34 Grout (1970) Grouting and Sealing Compound for Concrete Surfaces (19 Grouting (Chemical Resistant) (Repair) (1963) Grouting; Chemical Resistant (1964) Growing Mash Nutrient (Pullet Developer) (1963) Growing Mash Nutrient (1963) Growing (Seed) System (1971) Grubbing for Highway Construction (1964) Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for High Guard Rail and Fittings (1970?) Guard Rail Paint, Black (Finish Coat) (1970?) Guard Rail Paint, White (1970?) Guard Rail Posts (1970?) Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge An Guard Rail (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reere Guard Rail (Highway Railing) (1970) AASHO M180 Guard Rail (Post and Strut) (1970) Guard Rail (1970?) AASHO M-30 Guard Rail, Steel Beam - Galvanized (1969) Guard) (1970) Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) (Highway and Bridge Con Guardrail Mower (Industrial Wheel Type Tractor Attachme Guardrail Posts (Concrete, Steel, Wood) (Highway Railin Guards for Trucks ( 1969) Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Accessories (1971) Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type Guide and B Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 Spec, for Flang Guide Rail Fittings, Posts and Accessories (1966) Guide Railing and Accessories (1965) Guide Rails) (1970) /Nk, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Cof Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips Guide Stakes, Wood (1967) Guide Tape (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Guidelines for State Agencies ( 1971 ) Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Guides and Vertical Filing) (1971) Guides (1971) Guides (1971) MIL Std. 105 Guides) (Fund) (1971) Guides, Card Index (1970) Guides, Index Cards and Tabs (1971) Guinea Pig Tubs and Racks (Laboratory) (1970) Guinea Pig) (Accessories) (1970) Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Res Gum Paper (1970) Gum Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Varn Gum Spirits (1969) Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; S (Gummed Cloth Rings) (1971) Gummed Tape and Wax (1965) Gummed (Tape in Rolls) (1968) FED UU-P-31B, PPP-T-45B (Gummed)) (1971) Gun) (1970) Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator F Gutter for Highway Construction ( 1964) Gutter for Highway Construction (1964) Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaph Gym Floor Cover ( 1970) Gym Floor Finish ( 1964) Gym Floor Finish (1969) Gym Floor Finish, Polish ( 1969) Gym Mats, Handball, I /Chine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Hor (Gym Pants and Shirts, Sweat Socks, Sweatshirts) (1971) MS S-2-53-42 NJ 2330-02 CT 7508-B-34A CA 701-82-47 NY 23811-0519 VA DM-5 KY 7805-1 NY 44200-0229 NY 39102-0255 OR 84-100-9020 TX 371-59-1 PA C-10 CA 702-23-02 CA 702-23-01 NY 38215-0388 CA 702-23-03 CA 701-23-07 CA 701-23-08 NY 38209-0401 NY 38215-0189 CA 691-80-12 NY 42600-0763 VA DH-220 MS PE-8-1 NE *72 PA M-45 PA G-16 (P) MI 4340-0124 MI 4340-0122 NY 38788-0034 SC HD-11 sc HD-121 MS 3382 MS 3526 MS 3533 MS 3412 SC HD-77 sc HD-122 VA DH-224 NJ 5950-00 MS 3381 NJ 4530-06 NY 39300-0580 VA DH-226 SC 14-220-045 1C VA DH-225 NY 30303-1028 NY 32000-0439 NY 32000-0439 MS 3401 NY 00320-0376 NY 00320-0128 NY 36200-0420 NY 23000-0633 MD *20 TX 410-33-1 NY *4 FL *19 NY 23005-0500 IL *32J CA 711-75-47 NY 23005-0154 CA 701-75-46 IL *32FF NY 12041-0714 NY 12040-0554 NY 12040-0557 OR 74-300-0080 MS PM-16 OR 77-100-9610 NY 23000-0633 IL ♦32WW NY 00238-0421 PA P-86 NY 23811-0519 NJ *4 NY 35000-0938 SC HD-114 SC HD-115 MS 3351 NY 30212-0486 MI 4642-0056 OR 77-100-9400 IA ♦3-6 NY 30200-0587 NY 40015-0317 150 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Terry Cloth Towels Spec, for Boys' Std. Spec, for Baskets and Racks; ools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Treatment Compound, Spec, for Wrestling and , Trampoline, Horizontal Bar) (1970) Spec, for ec. for Agricultural Minerals (Ground Limestone, Dolomite, pray) (1970) Spec, for Insecticide Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Structural Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mattresses, Rubberized Spec, for Carpet and Rug Cushion Underlay Rubberized Spec, for vers An/ Std. Spec, for Notions (Banding; Belting; Belts; Spec, for Spec, for Mattresses; Curled Spec, for Cushion;'Carpet and Rug p Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; ow, Upholstered Furniture Filling) (1968) Spec, for r Mattress and Upholstery Filling) (1939) Spec, for Spec, for Seating (Lecture 1) Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Bread, Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Collector, Powder or Spec, for Spec, for Animal Cages and Racks (Rat, Spec, for Bed Sheets, er Cement; Liquid Adhesive; W/ Spec, for Office Supplies: Spec, for Rayon Twine (for (1/ Spec, for Household Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Spec, for Mowing Equipment d. Spec, for Power Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Spec, for Lanolin (Anhydrous) for Waterless Spec, for Deodorized Kerosene for Waterless Spec, for Waterless Cream Paste Spec, for Waterless Spec, for Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, Light Duty, Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, e, Carpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and spec, for Steel Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), shing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Spec, for Cameras, Self Developing Spec, for Holster; Leather (for Tear Gas, Liquid, Spec, for Flashlight Cases and 71) Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way with Right Std. Spec, for Tubing, Irrigation, Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, d. Spec, for Detergent Floor Cleaner, Liquid (Deodorizer) Spec, for Mower, Rotary, 21 In., Spec, for Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Spec, for Class I Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Water, Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers, Rotary Spec, for Std. Spec, for Needles (Embroidery, Darning, Spec, for Mechanic's Grit Spec, for Dry Ground Pumice for Grit and Mechanic's Spec, for 40% Liquid Spec, for Powdered Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Neckties (Four in hes) (1971) Spec, for Small Tools (Mechanics Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Std. for Paper Spec, for 0(1967) Spec, for c. for Car (Automobile) Wash Compound (Granular Detergent, Spec, for Snow Plow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right ck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Spec, for Brushes; Scrub, Floor, Spec, for Neckties; Four in Spec, for HacksaV Blades, Spec, for Cleaner, Waterless, Spec, for Necktie; Clip On, Four in Spec, for Soap, Liquid, Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type D Std. Spec, for Soap (Borax Powder, Dispenser, ible Drill, N/ x Chipper,/ 1953) (Gym Service) (1969) Gym Trucks (1960) Gymnasium Type (Wire, Locker Equipment) (1964) Gymnasium) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Floor Care Products (Sch Gymnastic Mats, Plastic Foam ( 1970) Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam Gypsum) (1969) Std. Sp (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Sticker) (Forest Insect S H-Bearing Piling, Caps, and Splices (1964) ASTM A7, A36 H-Column Line, Fittings (1970) Hacksaw Blades, Hand (1964) FED GGG-B-451C Hacksaw Blades, Power (1968) FED GGG-B-451C Hair and Cotton Core with Cover (1969) Hair and Fiber (1969) Hair Brush (1970) Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Co Hair Combs (Plastic) (1967) FED L-C-566, Std. 406 Hair (1953) (Hair, Felt) (1969) Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Hair; Cattle Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, Pill Hair; Mixed, Domestic, Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (Fo Hall) (NYS Std.) (1971) Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Aluminum Bun Pans) (197 Hammer Mill) ( 1971 ) /Nt (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Hammertone Finish (Paint), Styrenated, Spray (1969) Hamster, Guinea Pig) (Accessories) (1970) Hand and Bath Towels, and Washcloths (1970) Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubb Hand and Machine Use) (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105 Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) (Hand and Power) (1971) Hand and Self Propelled) (1970) St Hand Cleaner Manufacture ( 1966) Hand Cleaner Manufacturing (1966) Hand Cleaner (1964) FED P-H-31A, Std. 791 Hand Cleaner (1970) Hand Dishwashing Compound ( 1965) Hand Dishwashing Compound (1966) Hand Dishwashing Compound ( 1969) Hand Dishwashing Detergent ( 1961 ) Hand Dishwashing, Unbuilt Synthetic (1969) Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Revers Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flu Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets An Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machine, Hand Grinder) (1967) /FF, Laboratory Box Furnace, Poli (Hand Held) (1971) Hand Hold) (1969) Hand Lantern (1971) Hand Leveling Wing, Roll Over and Power Reversible) (19 Hand Movable; Aluminum Alloy, and Fittings (1969) Hand Operated (1968) FED OO-M-671 (Hand or Machine) (1969) St Hand Propelled (1969) Hand Propelled) (1963) Hand Propelled) (1966) Hand Pump, Tank Type (1970) (Hand Push and Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B7 1.1-64 Hand Scrub Brushes (1967) Hand Sewing, Knitting, Punch, Tapestry, and Quilting) Hand Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D460, D502 Hand Soap (1965) ASTM CI 36 Hand Soap (1968) Hand Soap (1970) FED Std. 536, ASTM D1172 Hand Soap, Pumice Type, Cake (1969) Hand Soap, Pumice, Cake (1970) Hand Soap, Pumice, Cake, Mechanics" (1953) Hand Style) (1957) Hand Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Socket Set and Wrenc Hand Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Hand Towelling, Cotton Boott Type (Cloth) (1970?) Hand Towels (1969) Hand Towels, Huck, Cotton (1970) Hand Use Cleaning and Washing Compound (Bead or Granula Hand Use) (1968) Spe Hand Wing Assembly and Hydraulic Systems) (1971) Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 G.V.W Hand (Narrow Waist) (1969) Hand (Wool Worsted) (1971) Hand (1964) FED GGG-B-451C Hand (1966) Hand (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Hand (1969) (Hand) (Pots and Pans) (1953) Hand) (1953) OR 72-150-9160 RI 4215-M-001 OR 19-64-12A NY 22004-0529 CA 701-78-15 NY 30204-0098 OR 84-100-9020 NY 22100-0061 SC HD-102 MS 3406 TX 325-33-1 TX 325-33-2A FL ♦5 PA C-131 CA 702-85-27 FL ♦25 PA C-174 PA M-10 PA C-59 FL *25 PA H-8 PA H-12 NY 20901-0026 NY 31200-0304 NY 36502-0211 CA 691-80-250 NY 12040-0554 TN 7210-010 NY 23000-0633 CA 711_40-04 VA C-4 NY 37000-0625 WA S-69-106 TX 371-48-1 TX 285-42-1 TX 370-36-1 NY 201 18-0243 VA TL-14 WA S-66-95 WA S-60-17 VA TL-12 CA 691-77-15 NY 43203-0748 NY 43203-0185 NY 39000-0482 NV 7110-D NY 00432-00-0686 NY 38800-0076 PA H-22 NY 34402-0778 NY 40900-0895 OR 56-100-9010 PA M-65 MS D-6A-69 NJ 0154-02 TX 415-37-4 TX 415-37-1B PA F-47 OR 18-510-9020 TX 370-31-2 IL *33M TX 370-59-4A TX 371-59-1 TX 370-59-1B PA S-86 OR 76-450-9020 LA •11-6 MS S-2-53-31 RI 4240-M-007 NY 39003-0600 MA •35-69 MA ♦35-81 CT 75-128C CA 701-83-16 TX 370-41-1A TX 045-37-1 NY 40900-0764 NY 40502-0148 PA B-75 PA N-4 TX 325-33-1 KY 8520-8 PA N-7 CA 691-77-02 MS S-2-53-52 MS S-2-53-32 151 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type C r Alkalies and Soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing >, Canva/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Manual), Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Std. Spec, for Powdered Toilet Soap Std. Spec, for Fire Extinguishers Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Std. Spec, for Synthetic Dishwashing Detergent Compound Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Soap Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Soap, Grit, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Spec, for Towels, Bath and ge Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, ies; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Bandana Spec, for Women's c. for Clothing, Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, overs and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Spec, for Block (Wood), Frame and Spec, for Wire Frame and Spec, for Spec, for Broom aterial Handling Equipment (Lift Stacker with Rolled Paper Spec, for Brush and Broom spec, for Brief Case, Leather, Under Arm with Disappearing Spec, for Mop Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Spec, for Spec, for Material Spec, for Vertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Materials Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Safety Can for Storage and Spec, for Food Waste ec. for Plastic Containers; Food Storage, Waste and Refuse Spec, for Platform Truck, Light Medium Duty (Materials bs, Channels and Other Members in Structures (Manufacture, struction (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Softwood Lumber and Plywood, Std. Spec, for d. 105 Spec, for Metal Ring ders ( 1 970) Spec, for Metal Ring 2-60, FED RR-W-370a Spec, for Insect Wire Screening and Std. Spec, for screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuc/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Galvanized Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Flooring, Spec, for Disc , Wheel Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Disk for Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc ure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and c. for Industrial Foul Weather Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Spec, for Summer Uniform Cap 91 Spec, for Uniform Caps and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap Spec, for Fur Caps Spec, for Boys" Ski Type Caps 971) 970) Stand-Up Riders) (1971) red Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) (19/ ler) (1969) and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manual Hyd/ 1968) ene Liners, Garment Rack - Portable) / tform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canva/ Rack, 18,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) lanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Cap/ cks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker H/ ine Powered) (1971) wered Walkie) (1971) . Pallet Loads in Trucks From Ground / In) (1971) kie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, / ttery Powered Stand-Up Rider) (1971) (Hand) (1953) (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silic Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utilit Hand, Cake (Pumice or Grit Type) ( 1969) FED Std. 536 Hand, Carbon Dioxide (1968) (Hand, Dispenser) (1953) (Hand, First Aid Appliances) (1969) Hand, Floor, Scrub (1969) Hand, Foam Type (1968) (Hand, Hard Water) (1953) (Hand, Hospital) (1953) Hand, Liquid, 40%, General Washroom (1964) Hand, Paste and Powder (1966) Hand, Soda and Acid Type ( 1968) UL 7, 71 1 Hand, Terry Cloth (1970) Handball, I /Chine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimma Handcuff Case, and Sap) (1969) /. for Leather Accessor Handkerchiefs (Dress) (1957) Handkerchiefs (1957) Handkerchiefs (1970) Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Baby Blankets ( 1970) Spe Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Handle for Dust Mop (1968) Handle for Dust Mop (1968) Handle, Wet Mop, Wood or Metal (1966) Handle, Wood, Uncoated (1969) Handler) ( 1969) Spec, for M Handles (1967) Handles (1969) Handles (1969) Handles; Wood, Threaded and Tapered Ends (Broom, Brush, Handline Equipment (Bakery Conveyor System) (1971) Handling and Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitation of Boat) Handling Bucket (Lightweight, Laydown Type) (1970) Handling Equipment (Dunnage Rack - Mobile) (1971) Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) ( 1 Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) ( 1 Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powe Handling Equipment (Lift Stacker with Rolled Paper Hand Handling Equipment (Lift Truck, Battery Powered Walkie Handling Equipment (Lift, Platform and Pallet Trucks) Handling Equipment (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethyl Handling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Pla Handling Equipment (Manual), Platform Truck Metal), End Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Ba Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Tru Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Lift Truck (Gasol Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck (Battery Po Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb Handling Equipment (Pallet Rack, Storage System - Drive Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1969) Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1970) Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered Wal Handling Equipment (Storage and Pallet Racks) (1968) Handling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Ba Handling Equipment (Tractor, LP Gas Powered) (1969) Handling of Flammable Liquids (1970) FED RR-S-30D Handling Systems (Compactor) (1971) Handling) (1965) Sp Handling) (1968) FED FF-C-86, FF-C-88 Handling, Installation) for Highway Construction (1964) Handrailing (Concrete, Steel, Aluminum) for Highway Con Hardboard and Wallboard (NYS Std.) (1971) Hardboard; Untreated and Tempered ( 1971 ) Hardware and Hinges for Looseleaf Binders ( 1971 ) MIL St Hardware and Hinges for Use in Ring Type Loose Leaf Bin Hardware and Industrial Cloth (1971) USC CS 138-55, CS23 Hardware Cloth (1969) USC CS 132-46 Hardware (Metal Used in Timber Structures) (Bolts, Lag Hardware (1970?) ASTM A-153 Hardwood Lumber and Plywood (NYS Std.) (1971) Hardwood Lumber (1969) Hardwood Plywood (1968) USC CS35 Hardwood Plywood (1971) USC CS35-61 Hardwood (1966) Harrow with 3 Point Hitch (Heavy Duty) (1970) Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping Rake) and Diesels (196 Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Hat Sets) (1960) spe (Hat) and Chin Straps (1968) (Hat) for Enlisted Men (State Police) (1969) FED CCC-T-1 (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight (Hat) (State Police, Etc.) (1970) (Hat) (1956) MS S-2-53-51 NY 20100-0289 NY 39100-0562 PA S-8 PA F-51 MS S-2-53-30 OR 25-110-9010 PA B-9 PA F-52 MS S-2-53-54 MS S-2-53-33 SC 1 1-050D KY 8520-1 PA F-53 CA 701-83-14 NY 30200-0587 OR 79-350-9010 RI 4240-M-004 RI 4240-M-006 RI 4240-F-002 MA *39 FL *25 TX 370-53-3 TX 370-53-4 KY 7920-17 CA 691-76-55 NY 39101-0921 TX 370-31-8 CA 691-84-39 PA H-13 PA H-23 NY 39108-0578 NY 43100-0490 NY 41101-0566 NY 39100-0564 NY 39101-0594 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0719 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0921 NY 39101-0471 NY 39101-0623 NY 39104-0565 NY 39100-0562 NY 39100-0398 NY 39101-0409 NY 39101-0393 NY 39101-0350 NY 39101-0279 NY 39102-0255 NY 39105-0120 NY 39105-0911 NY 39105-0444 NY 39101-0680 NY 39105-0491 NY 39101-0774 NY 39101-0318 TX 325-38-1A NY 36125-0573 PA C-168 PA T-77 SC HD-73 SC HD-74 NY 37500-0310 OR 63-160-1010 CA 721-75-36 CA 701-75-36 NY 31810-0346 OR 60-500-9010 SC HD-78 MS 3392 NY 37512-0875 PA L-44III PA L-44IV OR 63-300-0010 PA L-44II SC 14-330 NY 40601-0891 NY 08200 NY 08200 RI 4295-M-006 SC 03-100-0211 PA U-16 FL ♦25 MA •19 RI 4245-M-005 152 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Men's Cotton Caps Spec, for Men's Lightweight Dress Caps Spec, for Steel Costumers (Coat and Spec, for Men's Heavyweight Dress Caps Spec, for Service Caps ) Spec, for Uniform Caps Spec, for Uniform Caps Spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, Spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, vironmental Chamber (Temperature Control) (Incubator - Egg Spec, for Feed (Fish iscellaneous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Spec, for Men's Felt Spec, for Winter Uniform Spec, for Men's Knitted Wool Spec, for Straw Spec, for Straw for Uniforms, Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Police Storm ads, Blankets, Pillows and Case/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Spec, for Uniform Accessories , Gloves, and Baby Blankets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, (19/ Std. Spec, for Reset Guard Rail (Dismantle, Removal, oading Forage Wagon and Harves/ Spec, for Farm Equipment Std. Spec, for Baled Alfalfa pec. for Inspection, Testing, and Certification of Alfalfa Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Fusee Flares (Warning Device for Spec, for Helmets, Vehicular Use and Std. Spec, for Bed End, for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Spec, for Mop Spec, for Mop r Hone, Hydraulic Maintenanc/ Spec, for Garage Equipment , Generator and Alternator Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, 1 Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mop Spec, for Cotton Wire Wet Mop Spec, for Wet Mop Spec, for Rectangular Shape (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Spec, for Wire Type (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Std. Spec, for etal Products, Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Spec, for Men's Felt Hats Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance Spec, for Form PS-550 - NYS Certification of trainer and Accessories) (197/ Spec, for Group and Speech Spec, for Group Speech and Spec, for Automatic Audiometer (Speech and Spec, for Kiln, Roller Spec, for Cigarette Tax Stamp TT-P-28C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paint, Silicone, Aluminum, ing Compound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Spec, for Industrial Type mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Spec, for Cleaner, Pneumatically Agitated Electric for Food Service Equipment (Work Table, Serving Counter) Spec, for Oven, Batch, Horizontal Airflow Electric Spec, for Pavement Repair Equipment (Asphalt Spec, for Electric or 10,000 Gal. Bituminous Storage Tank with 15 KW Electric Tent. Spec, for Overhead Gas Fired Unit Tent. Spec, for Overhead Steam and Hot Water Unit Tent. Spec, for Domestic Gas Fired Water Tent. Spec, for Gas Fired Water Storage on Booster Spec, for 2 Fuel Oil Spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Spec, for Bituminous Booster (for Spec, for 500 Gal. Spec, for an Oil Burning Asphalt Spec, for Spec, for Plumbing and Spec, for Electric Welding Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Spec, for Fuel Oil; Spec, for Petroleum Fuel Oil, Residual, Institutional Std. Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Women's Rubbers (Military (Hat) (1957) (Hat) (1965) Hat) (1969) (Hat) (1970) (Hat), Uniform (State Police) (1970?) (Hat); Fur, Winter (State Police, Game Commission) (1960 (Hat); Officer's (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1970) Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1971) Hatcher Unit) (1969) Spec, for En Hatcheries) (1967) Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils A Hats (Headwear) (1957) Hats (Highway Patrol Police) (1971) Hats (Navy Style Watch) (1960) Hats (Police) (1968) Hats (State Police) Campaign Style (1970?) Hats) (Park) (1970) Spec. Hats, Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspre (Hats, Neckties and Sweaters) (1970) Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs Hauling, Storage, Reerection) for Highway Construction (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unl Hay (1970) Hay (1971) Hay, Alfalfa, Clover Mixed (1963) Hay, Alfalfa, Light Grass Mixed (1963) Hazardous Area) (1971) Hazardous Duty (1970) Head and Foot (Hospital) (1961) Head Assembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) ( 1971 ) /C. Head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stan Head in Cable ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Head, Wet, Cotton (1966) Head, Wet, Synthetic Yarn (1966) (Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinde Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, A Heads and Holders) (1969) Spec, for Dust Contro Heads (1964) Heads (1964) FED CCC-T-191 Heads (1971) Heads (1971) (Heads, Beacons, Etc.) (1971) Headset) (1971) /Group Learning Systems (Six Position Headstones, Veterans" (1969) Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Diaphragms, Erosion Da (Headwear) (1957) (Health and Agriculture Building) (1970) Health Insurance Eligibility (1970?) Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Recorder, Auditory Hearing Equipment (School) (1971) Hearing Testing - School) ( 1971 ) Hearth (1967) (Heat Fusion, Decal) (1963) Heat Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint (1964) Fed Heat Resistant (800 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint (1964) FED Heat Resisting Aluminum Paint ( 1963) Heat Resisting, Metal (1970) Heat Transfer Devices and Steam Cleaners ( 1968) /Escal Heat Treating Furnaces (Electrical, Heavy Duty) (1968) Heated Serving and Ice Cream and Milk Dispensers) (1971 Heated Unit (1969) ( Heated ) ( Mobile ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec . Heated, (1964) Heater and Storage Unit) ( 1971 ) Heater Units and Accessories ( 1971 ) Heater (1970?) Spec. F Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) Heaters (1970) Heaters (1970) (Heating and Diesel) ( 1961 ) Heating and Plumbing Special) (1971) Heating and Pumping Asphalt) (1970) Heating Kettle (for Bituminous Materials) ( 1970?) Heating Kettle (1968) Heating Oil (1970) Heating Supplies (Discount) (1970) Heating Torch Outfit with Nozzles ( 197 1 ) Heating (Low Sulfur 4, 5, 6) (1971) Heating (1968) Heating (1969) Heating 2(1971) Heatproof Aluminum Paint (1969) Heavyweight Dress Caps (Hat) (1970) Heel Style) (1969) RI 4245-M-003 RI 4245-M-002 RI 1-021 RI 4245-M-004 MA •21 PA U-38 PA U-40 NY 21702-0308 NY 21702-0517 NY 12026-0048 NY 07601-0797 NY 39000-0482 RI 4245-M-006 SC 03-0100-0451 RI 4245-M-007 PA H-21 MA *30 NY 39300-0527 FL *23 NY 39310-0571 MA *39 SC HD-122 NY 08200 WA S-62-48-3 CA 711-87-13 MI 4340-0034 MI 4340-0033 PA F-85 CA 701-42-06 NC 6530-B-25 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 35816-0215 KY 7920-14 KY 7920-15 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0938 NY 33202-832 TX 370-54-1 SC 11-160D TX 370-53-1A TX 370-53-2 NY 35813-0072 NY 38209-0401 CT 6348-1B MS 3351 RI 4245-M-006 NJ *8 NY *1 NY 38215-0388 NY 38215-0189 NY 38215-0771 NY 42800-0726 PA S-144 TX 520-41-3 TX 520-41-2 IA ♦1-14 MS PE-16 CA 681-66-13 NY 12023-0676 NY 36114-0572 NJ 6524-05 NY 36200-0913 NJ 4920-00 NY 41306-0900 NY 34400-0380 VA •43 KS 37-4A KS 37-5 KS 37-3A KS 37-8 SC 30-020 AK •32 SC 14-090-0451 VA ♦8 SC 14-110 IN •15-4 NY 37612-0625 NY 43223-0734 PA F-79 CA 681-91-177 NC 9140-FO-! PA F-76 MI 5325-S14 RI 4245-M-004 RI 4268-F-070 153 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Elastomer 01 Spec, for Bases for Half r Educational Television Tape Recorder / Reproducer ( 1 In. Spec, for Two Way Radio Systems (State Police), entific Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Water and Liquid Spec, for Liquid r Scientific Equipment (Electrochemistry System and Liquid 969) Spec, for Spec, for Winter Spec, for Bags; Ice, eei API , FED Std. 595, MIL St/ Spec, for Safety Cap Style Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bed Pillows (Curled Spec, for Poultry Feed, Scratch spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell Spec, for Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit Spec, for Spec, for Soil Sterilants Spec, for 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Weed Killer ec. for 2, 4, 5- Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Brush Killer Spec, for Amine Salt of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorop/ Spec, for tic Acid) (1970) Spec, for orophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophe/ Spec, for Liquid etic Acid) (1970) Spec, for / Spec, for Chemicals, Weed and Pest Control (Fungicide, Spec, for ic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Tria/ Spec, for orophenoxyacetic Acid) (1971) Spec, for oculating Bact/ Spec, for Roadside Development Materials 9) Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Men's Coveralls Std. Spec, for Twill; Spec, for Liquid Germicidal Soap (with Spec, for Hot Rolled Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Spec, for Cold Finished Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Spec, for Display Pedestals (Cubes and ed 0-S-635C( 1 ), 0-A-429B Spec, for Sodium tic Pressure Sensitive All Weather) (1971) ASTM D1000, Fed Std. Spec, for Spec, for Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Spec, for Diesel Engine Oil, Spec, for Spec, for Yellow Fast Dry Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Oils, Lubricating, Spec, for Automotive Motor Oils, Spec, for Poultry Feed, Laying Mash, Spec, for Spec, for Weather Resistant Exterior Spec, for Paint; Enamel, White, Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Adhesive; Water Resistant, Spec, for Track and Field Equipment for Track and Field Equipment (Pole Vault and Spec, for Men's Spec, for hway Marker) (1963) Std. Spec, for , Compact, Collapsible) (1964) Std. Spec, for Down Riders) (19/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment d. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, ard and Hydraulic Fluid (1970?) MIL L-2104B Spec, for Spec, for Remover, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment (Skid - Spec, for Washer, Spec, for Cleaning Compound; Liquid, Spec, for Chassis Grease, Spec, for Washer, Spec, for Paper Towels (C-Fold Type - Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Sour, Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tires, Spec, for Sterilizers (Special) (278 Deg. F.), Spec, for Regular, Mud and Snow Tires, Spec, for Cassette Duplicator and Rewinder Spec, for Cassette Duplicator (Monaural, Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, 971) 71) Std. u-W-101, Std. 141a and Metal (Paint) (1970) Spec. ne Engine) (1968) ) (1969) Heels (Shoe) (1966) Heels, Men's (Shoe) (1966) ASTM D676, D1484, FED Std. 6 Helican Scan) System ( 1971 ) Spec. Fo Helicopter (1971) Helium Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet Systems (Sci Helium Dewar System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Helium Level Indicator) (1971) Spec. Fo Helium 3 Refrigeration System (Scientific Equipment) (1 Helmet Liners (1970) Helmet Shaped (1956) Helmets (High Temperature Forest Fire Fighting) (1971) Helmets, Protective (1963) Helmets, Vehicular Use and Hazardous Duty (1970) Hen and Duck Feathers) (1962) (Hen Size) (1963) (Hen Size) (1963) (Hen Size) (1963) Herbicide (Nonselective) (1971) (Herbicide) (1961) (Herbicide) (1967) (Herbicide) (1967) Sp (Herbicide) (1971) Herbicide, Invert Emulsions of Low Volatile (Esters of Herbicide, Liquid (Amine Salt of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyace Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of Combination 2,4 Dichl Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyac Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Herbicides and Pesticides ( 197 1 ) Herbicides (Dichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxyacet Herbicides, Liquid, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichl (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, in Herbicide; Weed and Brush Killer, Salts and Esters (196 Hercutex, 36 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Herringbone Twill (Cloth, Textile) ( 1961 ) Herringbone Twill (Textile) (1967) (Herringbone Twill) (1957) Herringbone (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Hexachlorophene) (1971) Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-322, A-276 Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-108, A-331, A-276 Hexahedrons) (Store Fixtures) (1971) Hexametaphosphate (Beads) and Aluminum Sulfate (1971) F HH-I-595, MIL Std. 105 /Pec. for Electrical Tape (Plas Hickory (Cotton Denim) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Hide Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) High Additive Type Series 3 (1968) High Band Base Station Radio Equipment ( 1969) High Build Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces (Paint) ( 1 (High Capacity Generator) (1970) High Detergent (for Internal Combustion Engines) (1971) High Detergent (1967) High Energy (1963) High Gloss Alkyd Enamel (School Bus Chrome) (Paint) (19 High Gloss White Paint (1971) High Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) (1967) FED TT-E-50, U High Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork High Initial Bond (for Sealing Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) (High Jump Pit with Cover) (1971) High Jump Pits with Cover) (1970) High Laced Dress Shoes (1956) High Level Flashing Lights and Tripod Stand (1969) High Level Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Hig High Level Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light Weight (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit (High Output Diesel), Severe Duty (1960) St High Performance Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outbo High Performance Tire ( 1970) High Ph Alkaline Laundry Detergent (1953) High Pressure Booster Fire Hose (1971) High Pressure Fire Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoli High Pressure Fog) (1969) High Pressure (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning) (1968) High Pressure (Steam) Cleaner (1970) High Pressure (1968) High Pressure, Portable (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning High Quality) (1969) High Soluble (1969) High Solvency (1969) High Speed Cassette Duplicating System (1970) High Speed Cassette Duplicating System (1970) High Speed (1969) High Speed (1969) High Speed (1970) (High Speed) (1971) High Speed) (1971) High Speed, Truck Mounting) (1969) TX 420-39-1 A TX 420-39-2 NY 38220-0438 NY 38211-0117 NY 38750-0012 NY 38713-0733 NY 38728 NY 38719-1017 CA 701-42-05 PA B-21 CA 711-42-07 NJ 8152-00 CA 701-42-06 RI 4325-004 MI 4340-0100 MI 4340-0102 MI 4340-0104 PA H-18 MS H-4-61 NE *65 NE *64 LA *4 MS H-9-7 1 MS H-1A-70 MS H-8-7 1 MS H-2A-70 MS C-40A-7 1 SD *13 NY 22100-0497 MS H-3A-71 VA DH-257 PA H-16 MA *35-94 RI 4910-029 PA C-151 RI 4284-M-010 OR 79-100-9490 TX 370-59-5A MS 3313 MS 3314 NY 21802-0833 NY 40800-0194 CA 711-59-05 MS T-1A-60-11 PA L-30 CA 681-91-09 SC 38-100 TX 630-63-9 NY 11000-0699 NY 05700-0315 KY 9150-1 MI 4340-0128 TX 520-42-8 WA S-6 1-26-2 PA P-70 MS PI-7 PA A-18 NY 30206-0173 NY 30206-0550 RI 4268-M-012 NY 35703-0815 WA S-64-73 WA S-63-67-1 NY 39101-0892 NC 9150-L-4 GA 9150-1-15 NJ 6524-06 MS S-2-53-11 CA 711-42-21 NY 46000-0641 NY 34703-0503 NJ 7964-01 PA C-164 CA 681-91-105 NJ 7964-02 NJ 7572-03 CA 691-77-27 CA 691-80-417 NY 38217-0430 NY 38217-0596 CA 691-26-33 NY 10500-0772 IN *4 NY 38217-0305 NY 38217-0369 NY 40900-0317 154 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, Spec, for Cassette Tape Duplicator nd Bars ( 1 970?) ASTM A-44 1 , A-375 Spec, for p (1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec, for Corrosion Resistant Spec, for Bronze Castings - Type 2 mules) (1968) Spec, for Built 58) Spec, for Built fed Std. 595, MIL St/ Spec, for Safety Cap Style Helmets related Accessories (Educational Purposes) (19/ Spec, for on Equipment) (College) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, oning and Ventilating, / Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, strial (1967) Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Spec, for Furnace, Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Roller, Spec, for Kilns, Electric (1968) Spec, for Built (1968) Spec, for Unbuilt Spec, for Unbuilt 971) Spec, for Spec, for ipment) (1969) Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W., Mounted with Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants Spec, for Rubber Raincoats Spec, for Pile Cable late (4 In. or Less) (1970?) ASTM A-5 14 Spec, for wder)(1968) Spec, for Built (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker Spec, for Bituminous Concrete Spec, for Steel Pile Shells ec. for Castings (Malleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) for Bedding Materials for Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads r Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire) culvert Pipe (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) , Fittings (Couplings, Elbows, Bends, Nipples), and Boxes atives (Creosote, Water and Oil Borne, Pentachlorophenol) al for Welding, Rolled and Extruded Structural Shapes (for lyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) ring, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) mixtures (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium Chloride) nhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) r, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) neral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application Spec, for Timber Piles and Shoes for Structural Timber, Lumber, and Preservative Treatment Spec, for Portland Cement , A 108 Spec, for Steel Forgings and Shafting 1015 Spec, for Steel for Timber Connectors pec. for Steel Grid Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Spec, for Cast Bronze and Copper Alloy Spec, for Copper Sheet and Strip c. for Galvanizing Repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) tructural Steel and Other Metals Used in Steel Structures s, Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) Spec, for Bridge Paint (Ready Mixed) Std. Spec, for Unit of Measurement for meth., Installation) (1964) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Riprap for Bridge Foundation and Std. Spec, for Tabulated Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for Std. Spec, for Concrete Piling for Std. Spec, for Aggregate Underdrains for Std. Spec, for Sprigging (Grass) for Std. Spec, for Seeding (Grass) for Std. Spec, for Clearing and Grubbing for Std. Spec, for Tree Wells and Root Protection for td. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter for Std. Spec, for Reset Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter for Std. Spec, for Roadway and Drainage Excavation for , Std. Spec, for Excavation for Structures for Std. Spec, for Embankments for Std. Spec, for Hydraulic Embankment (Dredging) for Std. Spec, for Overhaul for Std. Spec, for Subgrade for Std. Spec, for Shoulders and Slopes for Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement for std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete for Structures for std. Spec, for Handrailing (Concrete, Steel, Aluminum) for Std. Spec, for Structural Timber for Std. Spec, for Relaid Pipe Culverts for Std. Spec, for Brick Masonry (Full Bed Cement Martar) for . Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course for pec. for Stabilized Aggregate Base Course (with Prime) for ec. for Hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for c. for Earth Type Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for c. for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for High Speed, Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) (High Speed, Two Track Reel) ( 1971 ) High Strength Manganese Vanadium Steel Shapes, Plates A High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Str (High Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-147 or B-148 High Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Gr High Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) (19 (High Temperature Forest Fire Fighting) (1971) Eei API, High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Specimen Holder and High Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace (Diffract High Temperature Zone) (Highway Line Marking) (1968) High Temperature, Automotive and Industrial (Air Condit High Temperature, Extreme Pressure, Automotive and Indu High Temperature, Graphite Tube (Ceramics) ( 1971 ) High Temperature, Graphite) (1970) /and Gear, Outboard (High Temperature, with Stand) ( 1971 ) High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) High Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) ( 1968) High Vacuum Evaporator System (Scientific Equipment) ( 1 High Vacuum Evaporator System (University) (1971) High Vacuum Evaporator with Accessories (Scientific Equ High Velocity Sewer Cleaner (1967) (High Visibility Orange) ( 1964) (High Visibility Yellow) (1960) (High Voltage) (1969) High Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel P High, Medium and Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Po Highlift) (1971) /Ial Handling Equipment (Mechanical ) (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Bridge Construction (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) Sp Spec. Spec. Fo Spec, for /leal Conduits /Imber Preserv /M, Miller Met /Oof Paper, Po /S, Copper Bea /T Concrete Ad /Teh Basin, Ma /Uminized Fibe /Urpentine; Mi (1970) AASHO M168 (1970) AASHO M168 /. (1970) AASHO M85 (1970) ASTM A235, A237 (1970) ASTM A273, AISI (1970) ASTM A36, A123 (1970) ASTM B22, B100 (1970) ASTM B370 (1970) FED TT-P-641 Painting, and Cleanin /Lens Element (Highway and Bridge Construction (Highway and Pavement Applicators) (1971) (Highway and Waterway) (1970) Highway Construction Terms, Materials, and Meth. ( 1964) Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Highway Construction Materials, Machinery, Equipment, Stone, Concrete) (1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) 1964) Std 1964) Std. S 1964) Std. Sp 1964) Std. Spe 1964) Std. Spe NY NY MS MS MS TX TX CA NY NY NY MI MI NY MA NY TX TX TX NY NY NY NJ TX RI NE MS TX NY VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA SC NY NY SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 40900-0375 38217-0838 3310 3309 3328 395-36-4 395-36-3 711-42-07 11002-0641 11002-0216 41303-0626 5255-S12 5255-S13 42800-0024 ♦9 23104-0715 395-45-5 395-45-6 395-45-3B 38731-0067 38788-0521 38788-0994 4938-103 160-44-2 4295-M-002 •3 3318 395-45-1B 39101-0393 DH-212 DH-234 DH-230 DH-247 DH-228 DH-240 DH-248 DH-246 DH-236 DH-223 DH-232 DH-217 DH-226 DH-241 DH-239 DH-245 DH-244 DH-216 DH-231 DH-229 DH-233 DH-237 DH-238 DH-258 HD-79 38601-0752 38009-0082 HD-B HD HD-108 HD-A HD-101 HD-103 HD-107 HD-109 HD-11 HD-110 HD-114 HD-115 HD-13 HD-14 HD-15 HD-16 HD-19 HD-20 HD-21 HD-59 HD-70 HD-74 HD-76 HD-94 HD-95 HD-56 HD-46 HD-53 HD-33 HD-40 155 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards c. for Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway . for Adjusting Catch Basins, Drop Inlets and Manholes for Highway for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for Highway for Hot Laid Bituminous Stabilized Macadam Base Course for Highway Right of Way Markers (Portland Cement Concrete Posts) for Highway el Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for Highway Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Type 1 and 2) for Highway aid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course (Type 1, 2 and 3) for Highway lized Earth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway te Structures Involving the Use of Structural Concrete for Highway d Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Types 1 , 2 and 3 ) for Highway Wire, Chain Link) (Material, Erection and Reerection) for Highway rs in Structures (Manufacture, Handling, Installation) for Highway polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Burlap) for Highway ail (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reerection) for Highway ng Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highway new Wells; Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Highway ing of Cement Concrete Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway , Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) for Highway treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway r, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for Highway sins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxes for Highway atment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) for Highway Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote Timber for Highway m Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge and Highway ch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway ec. for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Portland Cement) for Highway Std. Spec, for Macadam Base Course (with Prime) for Highway Aggregate Subbase (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway reatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Cement) for Highway (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highway and Surface Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Highway ts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckles) for Highway Spec, for Retro Reflectors for Highway , Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway Std. Spec, for Timber Piling (for Use in Bridge and Highway or Planting and Transplanting of Trees, Scrubs, and Vines (Highway or Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Median (Highway Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway me Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Spec, for Stone for Masonry, Riprap, and Porous Backfill (Highway Spec, for Crusher Run Aggregate (Highway Spec, for Material for Subbase Course (Highway Spec, for Material for Aggregate Base Course (Highway pec. for Bituminous Materials (Asphalt, Cement, Emulsion) (Highway Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete (Highway Spec, for Epoxy Resin Systems (Highway c. for Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits Treatment Material (Highway . for Coarse Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Highway r Rubble or Cyclopean Aggregate ( 1 Man and Derrick Stone) (Highway oint Sealer and Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gaskets (Highway nk, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway e, Mortar and Covering Materials in Bituminous Treatments (Highway d Waterproofing Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Sealer) (Highway Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Mortar and Grout (Highway Spec, for Sodium Chloride (Highway Spec, for Calcium Chloride (Highway Spec, for Premolded Asphalt Plank (Highway Spec, for Water for Use with Cement or Lime Mortar (Highway Spec, for Steel Sheet Piling (Highway Spec, for Lime (Hydrated, Hydraulic, Agricultural) (Highway Spec, for Lightweight Aggregate (Highway Spec, for Fly Ash (Highway rs (Slacks) (1969) Spec, for Highway Spec, for Insulation Board (Polystyrene) for Highway Spec, for Armored Underground Cable (Butyl) for Highway Spec, for Armored Underground Cable (Polyethylene) for Highway s Beads for Application on White and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Std. Spec, for White Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Std. Spec, for Yellow Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway r Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, High Temperature Zone) (Highway Spec, for Highway distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Spec, for New Jersey State Highway c. for High Level Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Highway Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Device (Highway Spec, for Self Propelled Centerline Striping Machine (Highway Spec, for Highway Spec, for 4 Door Highway Spec, for 4 Door Highway (1969) Spec, for Highway hway Patrol Police Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for Highway ts ( 1969) Spec, for Highway le, Class A ) (1971) Spec, for Highway (1969) Spec, for Highway c. for Highway Patrol Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction 1964) Std. Spe 1964) Std. Spec 1964) Std. Spec. 1964) Std. Spec. 1964) Std. Spec, for 1964) Std. Spec, for Ste 1964) Std. Spec, for Cold 1964) Std. Spec, for Hot L 1964) Std. Spec, for Stabi 1964) Std. Spec, for Concre 1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Lai 1964) / Braces (Woven and Barbed 1964) / Channels and Other Membe 1964) / Waterproof Paper, White 1964) /. Spec, for Reset Guard R 1964) /Al and Disposal of Existi 1964) /Appurtenances; Providing 1964) /Aterproofing or Dampproof 1964) /Ins (Tile, Concrete, Clay 1964) /Minous Surfacing (Single 1964) /Ng Steel for Concrete (Ba 1964) /or Brick Masonry Catch Ba 1964) /Ous Surfacing (Triple Tre 1964) /Pec. for Slope Drains and 1964) /Timber, Lumber, Steel Bea /Plate Pipe, Ar Std. Sp Std. Spec, for /Acing (Double T /E Base Courses 1964) AASHOM157 1964) AASHOT134 1964) AASHOT96 1964) AASHOT96 1964) AASHOT96 1964) AASHOT96 1964) AASHO T96, ASTM C6 / Base 1964) ASTM A123, A153 /Res) (Bol 1970) 1970) /Wine, Soil Mixture, Water (1964) (1964) (1964) (1964) (1964) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) Std. Spec. F Std. Spec. F /Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar /(Paint) for Use as a Pri Spe Spec Spec. Fo Spec, for J /C. for Fencing (Chain Li /Ine Aggregate in Concret /Pec. for Dampproofing An 5/ 64) 1) 0) (1970) AASHO Ml 34 (1970) AASHO M143 (1970) AASHO Ml 44 (1970) AASHO M46 (1970) AASHO T26 (1970) ASTM A328 (1970) ASTM C207, C141 (1970) ASTM C330 (1970) ASTMC593 Driver License Examiner's Summer Uniform Trouse Insulation (1970?) Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-81 Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-81, S-61-402, S-66- Line Marking Paint (1964) Std. Spec, for Glas Line Marking) for Glass Bead Application (1964) Line Marking) for Glass Bead Application (1964) Line Marking) (1968) Spec. Fo Maintainer (1969) Maintenance and Construction) (1964) /Uminous Map (1970?) Marker) (1963) Std. Spe Marker, Light Weight, Compact, Collapsible) (19 Marking) (1969) Metal Sign and Marker Primer (Paint) (1970?) Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (197 Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (197 Patrol Police Cruiser (Automobile) (1970 Model) Patrol Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Hig Patrol Police Short Sleeve Dacron and Wool Shir Patrol Police Special Service Vehicle (Automobi Patrol Police Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) Patrol Police Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spe SC sc SC sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc VA VA sc sc sc sc sc VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA SC MS MS MS SC SC SC NY NY NJ NJ WA WA SC MS SC sc TN SC SC CA SC SC HD-57 HD-118 HD-41 HD-44 HD-126 HD-121 HD-58 HD-52 HD-42 HD-71 HD-54 HD-123 HD-73 HD-59B9 HD-122 HD-116 HD-125 HD-112 HD-104 HD-62 HD-72 HD-117 HD-63 HD-105 HD-77 HD-91 HD-39 HD-45 HD-34 HD-61 HD-37 HD-43 HD-78 DH-243 DH-257 HD-100 HD-111 HD-113 HD-80B14 HD-80B13 DH-205 DH-206 DH-209 DH-210 DH-211 DH-219 DH-254 DH-256 DH-203 DH-204 DH-213 DH-253 DH-202 DH-214 DH-220 DH-250 DH-249 DH-215 DH-218 DH-235 DH-251 DH-207 DH-252 03-0 10A 3760 3805 3804 HD-80B15 HD-80B5 HD-80B6 41303-0626 41301-0450 4938-28 6934-00 S-64-73 S-63-67-1 14-320 3512 *11 14-280 *1 03-110-150 03-030 711-23-06 03-010 03-110-150 156 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1970) Minimum Spec, for I) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Black Calf Oxford for Spec, for Radio Equipment for Spec, for Winter Uniform Hats nd Wool) (1971) Spec for Spec, for Guardrail Posts (Concrete, Steel, Wood) Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Rail Std. Spec, for Detergent ng) (1970?) Manual on the Maintenance of d Repairing of Automobile, Truck, Grader and Other Off the on (Beads) (1969) Spec, for Glass Spheres, 1970?) 1PCEA S-6 1-402, ASTM B-8 Spec, for Std. Definition of Terms for Spec, for White Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Spec, for Yellow Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Std. Spec, for Tractors, Other Than ation ( 1970) Mineral Spec, for Road cast Iron) (/ Std. Spec, for Sewer Pipe and Construction Spec, for Interstate Green Sign Paint Spec, for Plywood, Sign Grade Spec, for Concrete Right of Way Monuments (Markers, Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorized Pavement Marking Spec, for Aluminum Route Marker Shield Blanks with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Repair Work Spec, for Mixed Paints (Bridge, d Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal on Spec, for Metal Ring Hardware and Spec, for Metal Ring Hardware and D-225-62 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, c Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Men's Industrial Tempered Rubber Boots Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots Spec, for Men's and Boys" All Purpose Rubber Boots Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots Spec, for Mower, 84 In. Rotary, 3 Point Spec, for Disc Harrow with 3 Point Spec, for Snow Plow Truck power Take Off Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Tractor Spec, for Fertilizer Spreader for 3 Point Spec, for 60 In., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Spec, for 90 In., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point . for Universal Rotary Cutter (Mower) with 3 Point Tractor ype Tractors with and Without Special Attachments (3 Point , 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Plow Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, 3-Point Spec, for Fire Suppression Plows, J684D Spec, for Trailer pec. for Athletic Equipment (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, ass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, ng) (1939) Spec, for Hair; Mixed, Domestic, Curled Spec, for Livestock Feed, Std. Spec, for Swine Std. Spec, for Swine Spec, for Livestock Feed, Sow Ration Std. Spec, for Swine Rations spec, for Truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo sel Fuel and Gasoline ( 1971 ) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Electric Spec, for 8 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body, and Hydraulic Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Spec, for Dump Body and Hydraulic Spec, for 20 Ft. Roll Back Ramp Body and Spec, for Monorail and Std. Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for on of Boat)/ Spec, for Vertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic c. for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Body, Hydraulic for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hyraulic ody Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Hydraulic automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Capacity and ng Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic solvent, Grease/ Minimum Spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydraulic Spec, for 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic inet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, or Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic e (1966) Spec, for / Cement Cut Back Spec, for Crushe Highway Patrol Police Vehicle (1971 Model Automobile) Highway Patrol Police Vehicles (4 Door Automobile) (197 Highway Patrol Police (Shoe) (1969) Highway Patrol Police (1963) (Highway Patrol Police) (1971) Highway Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a (Dacron A (Highway Railing) (1970) (Highway Railing) (1970) AASHO M180 Highway Road Sign Cleaning, Liquid, Spray ( 1964) Highway Structures (Structural Steel Cleaning and Paint Highway Tires (1967) FED ZZ-T-441B / for Retreading An Highway Traffic Sign and Marker, Reflection and Refract Highway Traffic Signal Cable and Electrical Conductors Highway (Road) Construction (1964) Highway (Road) Signs and Markers ( 1969) Highway (Road) Signs and Markers ( 1969) Highway (1965) (Highway) and Bridge Construction, Equipment, and Applic (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bituminized Fiber, (Highway) (1965) (Highway) (1970) Highway) (1970) AASHO T177 (Highway) (1971) (Highway) ( 1971 ) ASTM B-209 (Highway, Road Construction) (1970?) Highway, Waterway) (1970) Highways and Streets) ( 1970) Hinges for Looseleaf Binders ( 1971 ) MIL Std. 105 Hinges for Use in Ring Type Loose Leaf Binders ( 1970) Hip and Ridge, 9X12 In., Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabri (Hip) (1962) (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) (Hip, Stormking and Short), Steel Toe (1961) Hitch Mounted Type ( 1971 ) Hitch (Heavy Duty) (1970) Hitch (1968) Hitch (1968) Spec, for Hitch (1969) Hitch (1970) Hitch (1970) Hitch (1970?) Spec Hitch) (1970) Spec, for Industrial Wheel T Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969) Spec, for Truck Hitch, Rear Blade) (1971) Hitches, and Replacement Parts (Company) (1970) Hitches, Passenger Car, Ball and Socket Type ( 1969) SAE Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Count Hoes and Hoo /Olt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Gr (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Mattress and Upholstery Filli Hog Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) (Hog) Antibiotic Vitamin Premix (1970) (Hog) Trace Mineral Mix ( 1970) (Hog, Swine) Nutrient (1963) (Hog/Feed) and Pig (1970) Hoist and Body with Drop Sides ( 1967) Hoist and Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Die Hoist and Trolley) (1966) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist for Use with Unloading Type Extractors ( 1969) Hoist Oil (1970) Hoist Oil, Heavy (1968) Hoist Oil, Light (1967) Hoist Oil, Light (1968) Hoist Oil, Medium (1967) Hoist Oil, Medium (1968) Hoist (Electric Powered Telescoping Crane) ( 1970) Hoist (Line Handling and Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitati Hoist (1969) Hoist (1969) Spe Hoist (1969) Spec. Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck Hoist (1971) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump B Hoist) (1970) Spec, for Hoist, Air Compressor ( 1970) Spec, for Lubricati Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Hoist, for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Sta Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec. F Hoist, 1 Ton Capacity, Electric, Roller Chain, Hook Typ UT MS SC KS SC SC VA VA MS NY TX IN MS SC MI MI IL VA SC MD MD VA NY NY MD NY NE CA CA MS VA RI RI RI RI NJ SC NJ SC SC SC SC SC SC NJ NY LA CA NY NY PA Ml WA WA MI WA NJ SD NY Ml MI MI MI MI MI PA MS CA MI CA MI CA NY NY MI MI MI SC SC NY IN NM MI NY Ml NJ *1 HP-5 10-42 03-040 53-1 03-0100-0451 *4 DH-225 DH-224 D-4-64 *2 035-79-1A *5 3806 HD-1 5325-S32 5325-S33 *18 DH-1 HD-92 *3 *7 DH-221 38602-0486 37817-0166 *24 38009-0039 *13 721-75-36 701-75-36 R_5_64-7 DS-7 4268-M-078 4268-M-075 4268-M-076 4268-M-077 4938-155 14-330 4938-118 14-220-0451 A 15-000 *31 *33 14-220-045 IB 14-260-045 IB 4938-00 40601-0754 *15 691-23-25 30200-0073 39000-0482 H-12 4340-0062 S-60-11-2 S-60-11-1 4340-0063 S-60- 1 1 4938-102 *10 00365-0391 3958-0061 3958-0119 3958-0139 3958-0143 3958-0147 3958-0151 M-27 L-5B-70-12 681-91-72 5255-S24 681-91-70 5255-S25 681-91-71 43100-0588 43100-0490 3958-0118 3958-0060 3958-0078 22-600 ♦10 40500-0174 * 1 5-9 *8 3958-0079 35000-0647 3958-0142 4938-93A 157 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards c. for Truck, Cab and Chassis with Dump Body and Hydraulic or Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic ertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and ( 1970) Spec, for Crane, Trollies and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Spec, for Holster; Leather (for Tear Gas, Liquid, Hand 19/ Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Specimen and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Std. for Ballpoint Pens, Cartridges and ervice (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mop Heads and Spec, for Binder Label Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; stic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot ener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil ination Cooler / Freezer / Std. Spec, for Walk-in Cooler, Spec, for Post ec. for Tractor Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Std. Spec, for Elastic, Embroidery Floss, and Button urniture (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon 0,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular Hot Rolled Spec, for Sam Browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol ce and General Use, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detective 9) Spec, for for Detergent, Laundry, Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder ipment (Forward Control Mobile Research Laboratory - Motor Spec, for Water)/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type 1, (Headlight Aiming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder rs, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, Hoes and Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Roll Top, ork Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Spec, for Outerwear (Fall and Winter) Spec, for Fans, Industrial (Welding Shop Exhaust System) Spec, for Hoist, 1 Ton Capacity, Electric, Roller Chain, ers (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, ns, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Plastic, and , Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, Peg Std. Spec, for Crochet and Drapery for Crochet and Drapery Hooks, and Quilting and Embroidery 1/ Spec, for Material Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Spec, for Material Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity ec. for Material Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity . for Material Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Spec, for Material Spreader (Hydraulically Operated 68) Spec, for Hydraulically Operated o/ Spec, for Material Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity . for Material Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Spec, for Material Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Spec, for Aggregate Spreader (Self Contained Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Spec, for Scale for Coal e Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Truck, 25 cu. Yd. Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Loading Spec, for Oven, Batch, and Physical Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam, Trampoline, Std. Spec, for nit (1964) Spec, for tomatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Spec, for Pressure on) (1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Plastic Garden Std. Spec, for Fire Spec, for Braided Type Air Spec, for Rubber Garden ouble Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire ec. for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Cotton Rubber Lined Fire Spec, for Coupling, Fire Spec, for Dredging Sleeves and Spec, for High Pressure Booster Fire Std. Spec, for Plastic Garden Std. Spec, for Water, Garden, and Industrial ingle Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Spec, for Fire Equipment (Portable Pumper Units, Spec, for Fire Spec, for Suction Std. for Fire Spec, for Water Spec, for Water Std. Spec, for Spec, for Fire Std. Spec, for Spec, for Suction Fire nfpa 196, USDA-182, ASTM D-380 Hoist, 12,000 Lb. Payload (1969) Spe MI Hoist, 12,500 Lb. Payload ( 1969) Spec. F MI Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitation of Boat) (1970) /or V NY Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Chain Operated) NY Hoists, Stake and Steel Platform, Van Bodies) ( 1971 ) NY Hold) (1969) PA Holder and Related Accessories (Educational Purposes) NY Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, PA Holders (1960) CT Holders) (1969) Spec, for Dust Control Supply S NY Holders, Slip on (1969) CA Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, FL Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish A FL Holder; Reinforcement Rings; Rulers; Shears; T / Moist FL Holding Freezer, Single or Multiple Compartment or Comb NC Hole Digger (Auger Type, 4 Wheel Drive Chassis) ( 1970) NY Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Sp NY Hole Gimp (1953) IL Hole Units) (1970) Spec, for Shop F NY Hollow Tube (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-306, A-245 / Steel (2 MS Holster ( Police ) , Complete (1968) FED KK-L-3 11a PA Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sap) ( 1969) /. for Leather OR Holsters, Keeper Loops) (1970) /Es (Belts - State Poli NY Holster; Leather (for Tear Gas, Liquid, Hand Hold) (196 PA (Home Type Automatic Washer) (1969) Std. Spec. MS Home) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Equ NY Homespun Window Shade Material (1957) RI Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, Solvents, Chemicals and VA Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabine NY Hoo /Olt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutte NY Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement System ( 19 NY Hood Type) (1964) WA Hood, Stool) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (W NY (Hooded Sweatshirts, Parkas, Trousers - Men's) ( 1969) NY (Hoods and Blower) (1970) NY Hook Type (1966) NJ Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, Threaded Rod, N NJ Hooks ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Shower Curtai PA Hooks, Accessories) ( 1971 ) /Lands, Counters, Showcases NY Hooks, and Quilting and Embroidery Hoops ( 1953) IL Hoops (1953) Std. Spec. IL Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch NY Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch NY Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch NY Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch NY Hopper Body for Dump Truck Mounting) ( 1970) NY Hopper Body Material Spreader (Dump Truck Mounting) (19 NY Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chi NY Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinder NY Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Ice Control) (1971) NY Hopper Type) (1970) SC Hopper Type, Dump Body Mounting ( 1965) NJ Hopper (1971) NY Hopper) (1970) Spec, for Automotiv NY Hoppers) (1969) NY Horizontal Airflow Electric Heated, (1964) NJ Horizontal Bar) (1970) Spec, for Gymnastics NY Horizontal Dough Mixer (2 Barrel Capacity) (1963) WA Horizontal Self Contained Air Cooled Air Conditioning U KS Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) NY Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking NY Hose and Fittings (Hydraulic, Air Brake) ( 1971 ) NY Hose (Braided Air and Steam, Fire, Garden, Water, Sucti NY Hose (Heavy and Light Duty ) ( 1 97 1 ) OR Hose (Nonreinforced) (1964) USC CS209-57 TX Hose (1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Cotton, Rubber Lined) (1961) OR Hose (1960) ASTM D380 TX Hose ( 1 964 ) FED ZZ-H-60 1 a TX Hose (1965) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. D SC Hose (1969) Sp SC Hose (1970) CA Hose (1970) NY Hose (1971) CA Hose (1971) OR Hose (1971) OR Hose (1971) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. S SC Hose) (1971) AK Hose, Double Jacket (1971) CA Hose, Hard, Water Pumping and Fire Fighting ( 1971 ) CA Hose, Nozzles and Connections (1964) CT Hose, Nylon Reinforced Plastic, Low Temperature (1970) CA Hose, Rubber, General Purpose (1970) CA Hose, Rubber, Water, Heavy Duty (Institutional) (1969) MS Hose, Single Jacket, Uncoupled (1970) CA Hose, Single Jacketed, Rubber Lined (Forest Fire) (1968 MS Hose, Soft Double Jacket (1970) CA 3958-0146 3958-0138 43100-0490 43100-0653 40500-0397 H— 22 11002-0641 F-80 69-139 33202-832 692-75-54 *21 *25 *21 4110-CF-l 44500-0686 40601-0298 *33J 35100-0684 3306 B-142 79-350-9010 39309-0539 H-22 D-7A-69 40500-0763 4905-003 *33 35000-0647 39000-0482 43221-0771 S-64-87 12009-0629 40011-0084 21301-0546 4938-93A 5108-00 C-155 21802-0370 *33K *33K 41000-0390 41000-0768 41000-0801 41000-0870 41000-0665 41000-0071 41000-0531 41000-0182 41000-0464 14-400-0451 4938-78 38900-0868 40534-0703 36501-0800 4920-00 30204-0098 S-63-62 35-2A 30200-0587 30200-0587 36003-0136 36000-0442 74-61-3 340-33-2 74-61-5 340-3 1-1 A 340-33-1 21-280A 21-280B 701-42-04 36000-0153 711-42-21 50-62-4 74-61-4 21-280 *81 711-42-01 711-42-11 81-144A 701-93-52 701-93-51 H-5-69 701-42-02 H-7-68 701-42-12 158 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1380, FED Std. 601, L-H-520 971) ) (1956) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sterilizers Spec, for Stills (Distilling Apparatus and Accessories) Spec, for Sterilizers nstitutional Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for tutional Use) (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for titutional Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for B-155 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Table Tops (Porcelain) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Ozone Producing Equipment (Odor Control) Spec, for Ward and Operating Room cal Utility, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (/ Spec, for ng System (Mobile, Medical with Accessories) (Tuberculosis Spec, for Cardiac Arrest System (Mobile) Spec, for Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Spec, for Cardiac Intensive Care System lower, Multipurpose Mobile Chair Table) (1971) Spec, for )) FED DD-D-751 Spec, for Spec, for jssers) (1969) Spec, for Furniture; Spec, for Crinkle Cotton Bedspreads Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mattress Cover, Removable, Plastic, Spec, for Pillow Cover, Plastic, Removable, Spec, for Bed Springs (Band Fabric, Dormitory or Std. Spec, for Deodorant, Antiperspirant Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Phenol Type Liquid Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, Germicidal Spec, for Chinaware; Vitreous (Institutional and Spec, for Disinfectant, Germicidal Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel, Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Beds; Metal, Ward, Spec, for Facial Tissue, Spec, for Patient Room Furniture Spec, for Antiseptic Bacterial Agents Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Soap (Hand, Std. Spec, for Liquid Surgical Soap Std. Spec, for Bed End, Head and Foot Std. Spec, for Bed Spring, Adjustable, Two Crank Std. Spec, for Spring, Nonadjustable Spec, for Automatic X-Ray Film Processor Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Units Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System or 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis tpry and Pharmacy Furniture, Installed (Wood) (Psychiatric "stalled (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center Tables, Wall Cases) Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit Spec, for Beds, Gatch Spring, Electrically Operated or 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis ngle Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System ctromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recording) Spec, for Syringe; Fountain, Disposable Enema Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Tuberculosis Spec, for Mobile Diagnostic X-Ray Unit and Accessories Spec, for Mobile Radiographic X-Ray Unit and Accessories Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (3 Drawer Wardrobe Chest) Spec, for Stereo Listening Systems for Panoramic Dental X-Ray System and Related Accessories ctromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recording) m Changer and Related Accessories for Thoracic X-Ray Work Spec, for X-Ray Equipment, Film Processor Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image Intensifier System) Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Polyurethane Foam (for Mattresses) Spec, for Music - Page - Intercom System Spec, for Stereo Listening Station Spec, for Sound System Spec, for Two Way Mobile Radio System Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for Two Way Radi^ System Spec, for CCTV System (Closed Circuit Television) Spec, for Disinfectant Liquid (Iodophor) matic Audiometric and Evoked Response Systems (Psychiatric s) (1970) ) (Powder, Tablet/ Hose, Water, Plastic (Lawn or Garden) (1969) Hose; Pneumatic (1962) ASTM D380, D573 Hose; Water, Braided, Knitted or Spiralled (1971) ASTM Hose; Welding, Rubber (1962) ASTM D380, D47 1 Hosiery (Nylon Stockings) (1957) Hosiery, Stockings, Women's Cotton, Institutional Use Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp (Hosp Hosp tal and Laboratory Clothing (1968) tal and Laboratory) (1966) tal and Laboratory) (1966) tal and Laboratory) (1969) tal Bed Ends (Open Filler, Stationary Height) for tal Bed Ends (Panel Type, Stationary Height) (Inst tal Bed Ends (Solid Panel, Multiple Height) for in tal Bed Springs (2 Crank Adjustable) (1960) FED Aa tal Beds (Manually Operated) (1964) tal Bedside) (1971) tal Bed; Electric (1971) ■ tal Clothing (Patient Gowns) (1971) tal Deodorizer) (1968) tal Equipment (General) (1966) tal Equipment (Wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Med tal Equipment) (1969) /Pulmonary Function Analyzi tal Equipment) (1970) tal Equipment) (1970) tal Equipment) (1970) tal Equipment, Wheeled (Special Purpose Chairs) (S tal Innerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (196 tal Innerspring Mattresses (1958) tal Room and Dormitory (Beds, Tables, Cabinets, Dr tal Spread) (1963) FED CCC-T-191 tal Supplies (1970?) tal Uniform Material (Cotton Duck) (Cloth, Textile tal Use (1968) FED L-P-375, FED V-F-106 tal Use (1968) FED L-P-375, FED V-F-106 tal Use) (1960) FED AA-B-155 tal Use) (1967) tal Use) (1969) tal Use) (1971) tal Use) (1971) tal Use), Phenolic, Quaternary, Iodophor (1967) tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal Clothing) (1968) with Spiral Springs) (1956) 956) 965) Adjustable Beds, Cabinets, and Overbed Table Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Rinse 1953) 1953) 1961) 1961) 1963) 1967) 1968) 1968) 1968) 1968) 1968) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) FEDGG- 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) Spec. F Spec, for Labora Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, in Spec. F Spec, for Si Spec, for Ele S-001015 Spec. Spec, for Ele Spec, for Radiographic Fil Spec, for Auto MS H-6B-69 PA H-l PA H-5 PA H-l 7 RI 4250-F-002 CA 711-84-20 NY 40012-0730 NY 00105-00-0089 NY 00105-02-0604 NY 10500-0515 TX 295-38-2 TX 295-38-1 TX 295-38-3 TX 295-38-9 RI *8 NY 24800-0355 PA B-147 NY 40012-0602 NY 11609-0871 NY 00116-00-0088 NY 11613-0292 NY 12600-0796 NY 12600-0375 NY 12600-0411 NY 12600-0476 NY 11613-0331 RI 4358-04 RI 4358-05 PA F-81A VA FB-19 NM *3 RI 4910-014 CA 681-83-51 CA 681-83-52 TX 295-38-8 MS D-9-67 TX 3 10-33-1 A MS D-8B-71 PA C-2 MI 4627-1600 IL *22 PA B-61 PA B-63 KY 7850-4 NY 20302-0586 NY 21901-0964 MS S-2-53-33 MS S-2-53-34 NC 6530-B-25 NC 6530-S-28 NC 6530-S-3 NY 11000-0457 NY 11000-0650 NY 11000-0773 NY 11000-0823 NY 12006-0888 NY 12008-0635 NY 11000-0409 NY 20302-0222 NY 11000-0842 NY 11000-0822 NY 12600-0413 PA S-125 NY 11000-0530 NY 11000-0572 NY 11000-0697 NY 11000-0704 NY 11000-0705 NY 21606-0054 NY 38201-0568 NY 11001-0559 NY 12600-0521 NY 11501-0582 NY 11000-0445 NY 11000-0465 NY 11000-0777 NY 22701-0599 NY 38201-0042 NY 38201-0133 NY 38201-0729 NY 38211-0443 NY 38211-0595 NY 38211-0874 NY 38221-0785 PA D-28 NY 38215-0836 159 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Film Changer and Related Equipment (Thoracic X-Ray Work) ger Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck Mounting) system and Related Accessories and Equipment (Tuberculosis ied X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Conveyor Unit Spec, for Disinfectant, (1968) Spec, for Laundry Service - Martland Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Sprayer, Paint ted Serving and Ice / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile quipment (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Accessories, display and Urn Stands/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment Std. for Paper Cups, Cold and ryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, food Service Equipment (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, d 3) for Highway Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for and 3) for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for way Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Method - Spec, for Asphalt Concrete - Type la (Mixing Method - ap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, (1964) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course astm D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete Joint and Crack Sealer Std. Spec, for Joint Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Spec, for Sewer Joint Sealing Compound 1970?) ASTM A-107, A-322, A-276 Spec, for al Steel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular Tent. Spec, for Overhead Steam and Spec, for Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Powdered Spec, for Bottles; Spec, for Bottles; Spec, for Paper Cups, Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Powder, Heavy Duty Spec, for Women's dustrial (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Power Spec, for Mildew Resistant Ready Mixed White 41 Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Base Std. Spec, for Exterior Primer for Wood Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior Finish, Wood Std. Spec, for Paint, Finish, Wood Spec, for Exterior Primer Paint, Wood, Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Finish Coat, Wood, Spec, for (1953) Std. Spec, for Spec, for 1, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) (1/ Spec, for 02, LLL-P-400a Spec, for Pine Oil for Use in d Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sof/ Spec, for , Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas/ Spec, for abric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cas/ Spec, for Spec, for Non Residual (Pyrethrin) Iorite) (1967) FED O-S-00602C Spec, for rubbing Machine (Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated Weight, ) Spec, for Silica Flour (200 Mesh) for Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin/ Spec, for pochlorite Solution, 5% Available Chlorine (Liquid Bleach, Spec, for Ammonia, Aqua, Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spray, Spec, for Gloves; Rubber and Synthetic, Spec, for Ammonia, Spec, for Bleach, Spec, for Dresses, Spec, for Dresses, Cotton Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle for Spec, for Flashing Lights (Battery Operated, for Spec, for Relocatable 3 Bedroom Living Quarters (Portable Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Spec, for Survey Stakes, Flat and Std. Spec, for Survey Stakes and Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toweling Cotton, Std. Spec, for Towels and Toweling, Std. Spec, for Toweling; Cotton Spec, for Toweling and Towels; Spec, for Hand Towels, Spec, for Test Response System Spec, for Pulmonizer System (Monitor, Process and Display Spec, for Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Automatic ce Furniture, Components (Metal) Free Standing, Panels and Spec, for Display Cases (Wall Field Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck (Hospital) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Radiographic (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Spreader (Au Hospital) ( 1971 ) /C Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray (Hospital) ( 1971 ) /C. for Single Phase Full Wave Rectif Hospital, General Purpose, Phenyl Phenol (1968) Hospital, New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry Hospital, Variable Height (1960) (Hot Airless) (1961) Hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Hea Hot Dog Grill) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Food Service E (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, Hot Food or Drink (1969) Hot Food Table) ( 1971 ) / Service Equipment (Deep Fat F Hot Food Unit, Work Table and Serving Counter) ( 1970) Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course (Type 1, 2 An Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course (Types 1, 2 Hot Laid Bituminous Stabilized Macadam Base Course for Hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for High Hot Mix - One Course) (1970?) Hot Mix - Two Course) ( 1970?) Hot or Cold Application (1970) /. Spec, for Roofing, C (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway Construction (Hot Poured Elastic Type) (Bituminous Pavement) (1970?) Hot Poured Rubber Asphalt (1964) (Hot Poured) (1970?) FED SS-S-169 Hot Rolled Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats Hot Rolled Hollow Tube (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-306, A-245 Hot Water Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) Hot Water) (1941) (Hot Water, Nonalkaline) (1969) ASTM D460, D502 Hot Water, Rubber or Synthetic ( 1956) Hot Water, Rubber (Cloth Inserted) (1956) Hot (1970?) (Hot) (1962) House Dresses (Cotton Percale or Broadcloth) ( 1969) House Equipment) Water Resistant (1967) /Motive and in House Paint for Wooden Exterior Surfaces ( 1967) House Paint (Medium Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-81C, Std. 1 (House Paint) (1970) (House), Light (1970) (House), Medium (1970) House, Ready Mix (1963) House, Tintable White (1963) Housecoats (Duster Style) (1969) Household Aqua Ammonia (General Cleaner and Deodorizor) Household Aqua Ammonia (1969) Household Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nai Household Cleaner, Soap and Disinfectant (1966) ASTM D8 Household Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Woo Household Furniture (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests Household Furniture (Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery F Household Insecticide (1964) Household Liquid Bleach and Disinfectant (Sodium Hypoch Household or Light Duty Type) (1970) FED CC-M-636C /Sc Household Scouring Powder and Cleaner Manufacture (1966 Household Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Household Type ) ( 1 97 1 ) FED O-S-602D /Ec. for Sodium Hy Household (1966) Household (1969) Household (1971) Household, Aqua, Cleaner, Liquid (1970) Household, Liquid (1966) Housewear and Special Purpose (1971) Housewear (1971) Housing Water Quality Monitoring Equipment (1969) Housing Within Navigational Aid or Buoy) (1971) Housing) (1971) ANSI Al 19.1 (Hub and Spigot Style) (1970?) ASTM A-74, ANSI A-40.1 Hub, Wood (1968) Hubs (1970) Hubs, Lath, Stakes and Ginnies ( 1971 ) MIL Std. 105 Huck Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 Huck Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Huck Towels (1969) Huck (Textile, Cloth) (1960) Huck (1955) Huck (1969) Huck, Bleached (1971) FED Std. 191, Std. 751 Huck, Cotton (1970) (Human and Small Animal) (1970) Human Respiration) (Portable Computer Unit) (1969) Humidity Cabinet (1968) Humidity Control System) (University) (1971) Hung (1969) Spec, for Offi Hung) (1970) Hunting and Wool Trousers) (Departmental) (1970) / for NY 11000-0788 NY 41000-0243 NY 11000-0459 NY 11000-0710 CA 681-76-02 NJ 9932-02A PA B-129 NJ 4938-39 NY 36114-0572 NY 36200-0367 NY 36200-0124 CT 75-1 37B NY 36200-0074 NY 36200-0356 SC HD-52 SC HD-54 sc HD-44 SC HD-53 NY ITEM NY ITEM 51-F MS R-5-64-12 SC HD-42 MS 3723 NJ 1308-006 MS 3724 MS 3313 MS 3306 KS 37-5 PA C-55 PA S-3 PA B-18 PA B-20 KY 7815-1 MS TC-30A RI 4230-F-002 MI 5255-S12 TX 5 20-42-1 A VA DK-35 MS PE-1 MS PE-3 MS PE-4 IA *1-1 IA *l-2 RI 4210-F-006 MS S-2-53-45 VA K-29A VA C-4 TX 371-56-1 NY 21601-0227 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 TX 370-51-1 VA K-24E TX 265-32-2B TX 371-62-1 NY 22000-0462 TX 395-35-9 KY 7930-22 CA 691-76-25 PA G-20 LA * 1 1-7 KY 6850-3 NY 40025-0505 NY 40025-0740 NJ 6542-06 NY 34502-0632 AK *20 MS 3252 MD ♦21 OR 63-900-9020 CA 711-55-01 RI 4915-003 VA FB-8A OR 72-150-9170 MS T-1A-60-34 CT 9150-T-51 OR 79-100-9420 PA T-23 CA 701-83-16 NY 38209-0631 NY 12600-0962 NY 12026-0011 NY 38789-0515 NY 21701-0150 NY 21802-0577 NY 39307-0603 160 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for te, Cyan/ Spec, for Fertilizers (Agricultural Limestone, Spec, for Agricultural Lime (Limestone, Std. Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous and 0(1970) ASTMC207.C141 i(1965) rawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. i(1964) )) Spec, for Lime Std. Spec, for Oil, Combination Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Trailer Mounted Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Spec, for Mower, All Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tractor, with »ry/ Spec, for Hydraulic Oil for Use as an Anti Wear Type Performance Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outboard and Spec, for Snow Plow Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., Full Power Spec, for Front End Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, rease; Diesel Fuel and Gasoline ( 1971 ) Spec, for Motor, Spec, for 8 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body, and Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for 12 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for Dump Body and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Body, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Stake Body and yd. Dump Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double "Pypra Lubricating Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, petroleum Solvent, Grease/ Minimum Spec, for Motor, Tool, Spec, for 9 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis with Dump Body and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Spec, for Spreader, portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting or Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Full light Aiming, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type uid in Power Control Systems of Road Machinery/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for General Requirements for Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and ke Body Truck with 14 Ft. Platform (1970) Spec, for ck Body Type) (1970?) Spec, for draulic System and Controls ( 1967) Spec, for Spreader, Spec, for Crawler Tractor with afety Mower ( 196/ Spec, for Tractor, Mounted with Loader, aboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, (1963) Spec, for Spec, for ader, Hydraulic Powered Under Tailgate Type, Material with Spec, for Spec, for front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing Assembly and Spec, for . for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Utility Body and Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Closed Top Body and 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake Body with oving Equipment (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Duty ypeC-2(1968) Spec, for ype 303 (1968) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fluid, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Offset V, Spec, for Lift, Automotive Twin Post, Air, Spec, for Automobile and Truck Lifts (2 Post, Fully , Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manual astm C207, C141 Spec, for Lime (Hydrated, Spec, for Pressure Hose and Fittings r, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine Refrigeration. Turbine, ling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and fides An/ Spec, for Barflight Tailgate Material Spreader •ng) (1970) Spec, for Material Spreader ump Truck Mounting) (1968) Spec, for (1970) Spec, for Hydrated Lime (1970?) ASTM C-6 MS Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitr NY Hydrated (Spraying and Dusting) and Burnt) ( 197 1 ) PA (Hydrated) (Cleaner) (1953) MS Hydrated) ( 1964) FED P-S-65 1C, ICC 37a TX (Hydrated, Hydraulic, Agricultural) (Highway Constructio VA Hydraulic and Transmission (1970) MS Hydraulic Brake Fluid (Heavy Duty) (1969) TX Hydraulic Brake Fluid ( 1970?) VA Hydraulic Crane (1970) NE Hydraulic Dozer ( 1 97 1 ) AK Hydraulic Drive, Four Wheel Riding, 72 In. Cutting Widt NJ Hydraulic Earth Auger Attachments (1971) Spec, for C AK Hydraulic Embankment (Dredging) for Highway Constructio SC Hydraulic Extension Arm Type Rotary Mower, Mounted (197 NJ Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Systems of Road Machin SC Hydraulic Fluid (1970?) MIL L-2104B Spec, for High GA Hydraulic for Grader Attachment) (1970) NY Hydraulic Grader) (1969) NY Hydraulic Hoist and Gear Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose G SD Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist Oil (1970) MS Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Heavy (1968) CA Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Light (1967) MI Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Light (1968) CA Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Medium (1967) MI Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Medium (1968) CA Hydraulic Hoist (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist ( 1971 ) Spec, for 3 cu. SC Hydraulic Hoist, Air Compressor (1970) Spec, for IN Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, NM Hydraulic Hoist, for Mounting on Truck (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist, 12,000 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Hydraulic Hoist, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Hydraulic Hopper Type, Dump Body Mounting (1965) NJ Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Port NY Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Spec. F NY Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alt NY Hydraulic Maintenance Tool Sets and Attachments ( 1968) NY Hydraulic Mower Tractors (1970) SC Hydraulic Oil for Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fl SC Hydraulic Oil (1968) LA Hydraulic Oil (1970) PA Hydraulic Oils (1968) NE Hydraulic Operated (Institutional Use) (1954) PA Hydraulic Platform Lift (1969) NJ Hydraulic Platform Lift (1969) NJ Hydraulic Power Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on Sta NJ Hydraulic Powered Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Tru VA Hydraulic Powered Under Tailgate Type, Material with Hy NJ Hydraulic Semi U-Tilting Dozer (1970) SC Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Duty Flail S NJ Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Hand Grinder) (1967) /FF, L NY Hydraulic Spinner Disc Spreader (Salt, Sand) (Tailgate) NJ Hydraulic Steering Gear for Tugboats (1969) NY Hydraulic System and Controls (1967) Spec, for Spre NJ Hydraulic System Oil (1967) KY Hydraulic Systems (Truck Mounted) (1968) NY Hydraulic Systems) (1971) Spec, for Snow Plow NY Hydraulic Tailgate Spreader ( 1964) NJ Hydraulic Tailgate (1968) Spec NJ Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) Spec, for NJ Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) Spec, for Truck, NJ Hydraulic Transmission Fluid for Truck, Bus and Earth M VA Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, T CA Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, T CA Hydraulic Transmission, Heavy Duty, Type C-2 (1970) MS Hydraulic (1961) NJ Hydraulic (1968) NJ Hydraulic) (1964) USC CS 142-58 TX Hydraulic) (1970) /Rial Handling Equipment (Lift Truck NY Hydraulic, Agricultural) (Highway Construction) (1970) VA (Hydraulic, Air Brake) (1971) NY Hydraulic, General Purpose, Motor, Automatic Transmissi MA Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Lift Jacks) (1970) / Hand NY (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlo NY (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body for Dump Truck Mount NY Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body Material Spreader (D NY Hydraulically Operated Material Spreader (Spinner Type) NE 3106 07700-0473 L-36 S-2-53-8 395-41-1 DH-251 L-5B-70-17A 035-38-1A ♦27 ♦39 ♦73 4938-84 *71 HD-16 4938-135 34-040 9150-1-15 40900-0488 40603-0205 *10 3958-0061 3958-0119 3958-0139 3958-0143 3958-0147 L-5B-70-12 681-91-72 5255-S24 681-91-70 5255-S25 681-91-71 3958-0060 3958-0078 3958-0118 *10 ♦15-9 *8 3958-0079 3958-0142 3958-0146 3958-0138 4938-78 35000-0866 35000-0299 35000-0647 43200-0625 14-260A 34-040 ♦8-8 0-44 ♦74 E-9 4938-24 4946-00 4938-15 *15 4938-74 ♦15 4938-14 00432-00-0686 4938-07 49603-0942 4938-74 9150-4 40500-0016 40900-0764 4938-69 4938-113 4938-51 4938-106 ♦26 681-91-31 681-91-32 L-5B-70-17 4938-27 3960-00 045-45-1 39101-0471 DH-251 36003-0136 *9 39101-0680 41000-0325 41000-0665 41000-0071 •57 161 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 971) Spec, for dustrial and Medical Oxyge/ Spec, for Acetylene (Gaseous, Spec, for Acid Descaler of Steam Cleaners, Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Waterproof Turbine Grease, aundry Bleach) (1942) Spec, for ) for Fabric Softener Manufacture ( 1969) Spec, for Di Spec, for Winching System 1 ) Spec, for hydrous) (1968) ASTM D456 Spec, for Sodium ture (1966) FED Std. 141, MCA SD-13 Spec, for Ammonium Std. 141 Spec, for Potassium Spec, for Liquid Sodium Spec, for Anhydrous Caustic Soda (Lye) (Sodium Spec, for ssembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Spec, for Dentifrice (Therapeutic), for Dental graph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Recording) (Mental Spec, for Peat Moss e Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Disinfect/ Spec, for Sodium each, Household Type) ( 1971 ) FED O-S-60/ Spec, for Sodium y Bactericide, Disinfectant,/ Spec, for Technical Calcium Std. Spec, for Laundry Bleach, Calcium (1964) Fed/ Spec, for Technical Chlorinated Lime (Calcium spec, for Household Liquid Bleach and Disinfectant (Sodium Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Liquid (Sodium Std. Spec, for Sodium t (1953) Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Powder (Calcium Spec, for Syringe and 6 Spec, for Locking Type c. for Sterile Single Injection Stainless Steel Disposable Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Disposable 49A, ANSI Z70./ Spec, for Glass Metal Tip General Purpose Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Disposable Spec, for Glass Metal Tip Special Purpose Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Disposable Spec, for Lubricant, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and multipurpose Gear Lubricants; Automotive (Extreme Pressure mp Truck Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Tfypn Spec, for Cameras, Self Developing (Commercial and Spec, for Mineral Crushed Rock Salt Spec, for Spec, for Abrasives for y Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Spec, for Processed Cinders for ural Gravel Chips) (1971 ) Spec, for Sand (Airport s (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and Salt for Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and d Stand, Protecto/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Steam / Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, rated Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, tands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, nt (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for , Air Filter Coating, Crusher,/ Spec, for Industrial Oil . for Oil, Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, team Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Tent. Spec, for Automatic r Food Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cube Spec, for Self Contained Automatic Spec, for Spec, for Air Cooled ) (Institutional Use) ( 1966) Spec, for pec. for Crushed Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and hloride (for Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, and, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Spec, for Bags; Spec, for Bags; Spec, for me) (Departmental) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for 5 1 Spec, for Badge and Shield; ack Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Support Rollers and Std. Spec, for Batteries, Storage, Vehicular, teries, Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Starting, Lighting and Spec, for Wet Storage Batteries for Vehicular Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries (Vehicular, Spec, for Batteries (Vehicular Spec, for Dry Charge Storage Batteries for Vehicular Std. Spec, for Batteries; Storage, Vehicular, Hydraulically Powered Winch (Oceanographic Research) (1 Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and Welding) Technical or in Hydrochloric Acid (1968) Hydrochloric Acid, 20 Deg. Baume (1969) Hydroelectric (1968) Hydrogen Peroxide (Electrolytic 100 Volume for Use as L (Hydrogenated Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder (Hydrographic Survey Work) ( 1970) Hydrostatic Rotary Snow Plow Attachment (1400 Ton) (197 Hydroxide in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (An Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia) for Janitorial Product Manufac Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) Solution (1965) FED O-P-566, Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) (1966) ASTM D501 Hydroxide) (1959) Hydroxyacetic Acid, 70% Active (1969) Hygiene Facilities) (1969) /Ray Generator, Tube Head A Hygiene (1971) USC Ps50 Hygiene) ( 1970) Spec, for Electromyo (Hypnum, Sphagnum, Reedsedge) (1970?) Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorin Hypochlorite Solution, 5% Available Chlorine (Liquid Bl Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Dair Hypochlorite (1953) Hypochlorite) for Use as Disinfectant or Decontaminant Hypochlorite) (1967) FED O-S-00602C Hypochlorite) (1969) Hypochlorite, Liquid (Bleach and Disinfectant) (1953) Hypochlorite, Liquid, Bleach, Disinfectant and Deodoran Hypochlorite; 65-70% Available Chlorine) (1969) Hypodermic Needle, Disposable (1971) Hypodermic Needles for Luer Syringes ( 1965) FED GG-N-19 Hypodermic Needles (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Spe Hypodermic Needles ( 1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Hypodermic Syringes (Interchangeable) (1964) FED Std. 1 Hypodermic Syringes (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Hypodermic Syringes (1965) Hypodermic Syringes (1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Tra Hypoid Type) (1970) Spec, for Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Du D.) (1971) (Ice and Snow Removal) ( 1971 ) ce Control Salt (Rock, Solar) (Sodium Chloride) (1970) ce Control (Cinders, Slag, Grits, Concrete Sand) (1970) ce Control (Heavy Duty, 4X4, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (197 ce Control (1960) ce Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Slag or Nat ce Control) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Spreader ce Cream and Milk Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Le Hot and Cold ce Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Electric Griddle An ce Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, ce Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Panel and Slide ce Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curta ce Cream Machine) ( 1971 ) /C. for Food Service Equipme ce Cream Manufacture ( 1962) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, Dl ce Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Heavy (1967) ce Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Light ( 1967) ce Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Medium (1967) ce Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Heavy ( 1968) ce Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Light ( 1968) ce Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Medium (1968) (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery ce Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, General ce Machine) ( 1960) /Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (S ce Machines, Refrigeration (1962) ce Maker) (1971) Spec. Fo ce Makers (1961) UL 563 ce Making and Crushing Machinery (1970) NSF 12 ce Making Machines (1964) UL 563 ce Making Machines, Cubers (Also with Built-in Crusher ce Removal on Highways and Streets) ( 1970) ce Removal, Concrete Setting and Curing) ( 1969) ASTM D ce Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and Gu ce, Helmet Shaped ( 1956) ce, Rubber (1956) dentification Seals (Game Tag, Marker) (1965) dentification Seals (Self Locking Metal for Tagging Ga dentification (Police) ( 1967) MIL R-46085, Fed. Std. 1 dlers) ( 1967) /Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Tr gnition and Lighting ( 1969) gnition (1963) Std. Spec, for Storage Bat gnition. Lighting and Starting ( 1964) gnition. Lighting and Starting) ( 1966) gnition. Lighting and Starting) ( 1970?) gnition, Lighting, and Starting ( 1964) gnition, Lighting, Starting ( 1969) NY 43100-0813 MA *12 CA 681-66-18 TX 371-92-1 CA 681-91-114 PA P-108 TX 371-32-2 NY 43100-0664 AK *6 CA 681-66-04 TX 371-32-1 TX 371-58-1 TX 37 1-69-1 A TX 395-35-4 TX 371-92-3 NY 11000-0818 PA D-25 NY 1 2600-0496 MS 3880 TX 395-35-2A TX 395-35-9 TX 395-35-1B MS S-2-53-19 TX 370-44-1 VA K-24E PA B-89 MS S-2-53-20 MS S-2-53-22 PA B-90 CA 711-62-95 TX 360-58-3 TX 360-59-2 TX 360-59-4 TX 360-58-1 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-58-2 TX 360-59-3 MI 5255-S14 PA L-41 SC 22-600 NY 38800-0364 NY 01800-0235 NH *8 NJ 2330-02 AK *61 MD *9 AK *76 NY 41000-0464 NY 36114-0572 NY 36200-0504 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0124 NY 36200-0768 NY 36211-0268 TX 615-32-1 MI 5255-S17 MI 5255-S15 MI 5255-S16 CA 681-91-52 CA 681-91-50 CA 681-91-51 IN *15-11 MA *9 NJ 3578-01 KS 35-10 NY 36211-0798 VA DA-9 NY 24201-0698 TX 590-41-1 PA 1-17 NE *13 PA C-7 NY 36200-0420 PA B-21 PA B-19 NY 00087-0163 NY 08700-0622 PA B-140 MI 5255-S11 MS B-5A-69 NC 6140-B-l TX 035-35-1 IL ♦36 GA 6140-2-14 TX 035-35-2 OR 07-330-9011 162 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Engineering Instruments (Stereo spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray System (Conventional and Bright Spec, for X-Ray Equipment ( Spec, for X-Ray Equipment ( Spec, for Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Electron (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Applicators (Wax, Floor Finish) for Use with Spec, for and Record and Magazine Racks, Clothing Display, Academic e Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler, Is (Milling, Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Engine, IS and 13 Spec, for Tools (Lathe, Metal, 14 and 12 Spec, for Machine Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 Spec, for Box Springs for Beds (39 X 74 In., 54 X 74 Std. Spec, for Paper Traffic Cone Covers (28 or Wall Paint Brushes (Metal Bound, Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 Spec, for Dewatering Pumps and Pumping Units ( 10 and 6 hine Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Lathe - Metal 12 Spec, for Dewatering Pump and Pumping Unit (6 and 3 Spec, for Conveyor Belting (30 Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous Duty, 11X17 Heating Machine (Continuous or Intermittent Duty, 11X14 Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring (29 X 54 Spec, for Image Orthicon Television Camera Chain ( 3 Spec, for Dewatering Pumps and Pumping Unit (6 and 4 pec. for Power Floor Sweeper, Electric Battery Powered, 36 Spec, for Wood and Brush Chipping Machine (12 and 15 lectronic Data Processing Tape (Magnetic Oxide Coated, 1/2 Id Application ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 1 1/4 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 2 1/2 n Notchers, Ri/ Spec, for Machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 ec. for Metal Forming Machine Tools (Rotational Molding 15 Spec, for Mower, Rotary, 21 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Hip and Ridge, 9 X 12 Spec, for Boot, Leather, 8 Spec, for 60 Spec, for 90 Spec, for 80 Spec, for Mower, 24 Spec, for Mower, 32 Spec, for 3 es, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 12 X 36 , Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square Butt, 12 X 36 Spec, for Circular Saw, 14 Spec, for Box Springs for Beds (39 X 74 Spec, for Patrol Boat ( -1 16(4) Spec, for Lamp Contract (Electric rcury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and / Spec, for Lamps, Electric Spec, for Lamps (Fluorescent and utomatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer System and An ogenic Type 4 Materials) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Conveyors, Powered, Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel, Spec, for Environmental Chamber (Temperature Control) ( b Spec, for Black Spec, for Spec for Women's Spec, for Office Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Card and File Guides, Spec, for s (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; rasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Spec, for Card, Spec, for Guides, Card g Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, ec. for Fine Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, cover) (/ Spec, for Fine Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, spec, for Office Supplies (Reinforced Ring Book Sheets and td. Spec, for Office Supplies (Binders, Books, Clipboards, Std. Spec, for All Purpose Cotton; ( oven) (1966) Spec, for Thermometers; Self Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers, equipment (Electrochemistry System and Liquid Helium Level onitors, Ventilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers, Function Spec, for Carpets; Spec, for Lightiug Fixtures ( Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Portable Spec, for Scoreboard ( mage Alternator) (1971) NY mage Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Television and Cine Fl NY mage Intensifier System with Accessories) (1968) NY mage Intensifier System) (Hospital) ( 197 1 ) NY mage Orthicon Television Camera Chain (3 In.) (1970) NY mage Plate and Micrographic Film Processor) (1971) NY mitation Shearling for Wax Applicator Pad Manufacture TX mitation Shearling Pads ( 1969) TX mitation Suede, Blue (1970) NY mpact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Bi NY mpact Wrenches) ( 1968) /Aker, Hand Drill Kit, Concret NY n.) (Bench Shaper) (1969) Spec, for Machine Too NY n.) (Milling Machine) (1969) NY n.) (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 In.) (1968) NY n.)(1955) p A n.)(1961) WA n.) (1966) FED H-B-420D, H-B-141C Spec. F VA n.)(1968) NY n.) (1968) Spec, for Mac NY n.)(1969) NY M1969) NY )(1969) SC ) (1969) Spec, for TX ) ( 1969) Spec, for Offset Type Dup TX )(1970) NY n.)(1970) NY n.)(1970) NY n.)(1971) NY n.)(1971) NY n.) (1971) Std. Spec, for E IL n., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Co MS n . , Corrugated ( 1 964 ) ASTM A-3 61 MS n., Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 MS n., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Combinatio NY n., Extruder, Injector Molder) (1967) Sp NY n., Hand Propelled ( 1969) NJ n., Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-225-62 MS n., Oil Treated, Men's (1969) CA n., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) SC n., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) SC n., PTO Driven Rotary Mower (1970) SC n., Rotary, Walk Behind, Self Propelled (1969) NJ n., Rotary, with Built in Sulky (1964) NJ n., Self Priming Centrifugal Water Pump (1970) NE n., 235 Lb. Std (1964) Std. Spec, for Roof Shingl MS n., 235 Lb. (1970) / Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt MS n., 5 In. Depth (1966) NJ n., 54 X 74 In.) (1955) PA nboard) (36 Ft.) (1969) NY ncandescent and Fluorescent) (1970?) FED W-L-101E, W-L NJ ncandescent (Large) Tungsten Filament; Fluorescent; Me NY ncandescent) (1970?) FED W-L-001 16C, W-L-00101G GA ncident Beam Monochromator (Integration with Computer NY ncinerator (Crematory Destructor) (Destruction of Path NY ncinerator (Crematory Destructor) (1969) NY ncinerator (Crematory Destructor) (1971) NY ncline(1971) NJ ncontinent Patient (Company) (1963) IL ncubator - Egg Hatcher Unit) (1969) NY ndelible Marking Ink for Fabrics (1962) FED TT-I-00542 TX ndestructible Blankets (Extra Heavy) (1957) RI ndestructible Nylon Dresses (1970) RI ndex and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; W NY ndex Bristols and Boards (1970) OR ndex Cards and Tabs (1971) IL ndex Cards (1971) CA ndex Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Cel FL ndex Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter Openers; M NY ndex (1969) CA ndex (1970) CA ndex, and Celluloid Tabs and Blanks) (1971) /S; Filin FL ndex, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manusc NY ndex, Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, NY ndexes) (1971) NY ndexes, and Pads) ( 1 97 1 ) FL ndianhead) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) OR ndicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type (Baking, Cooking and PA ndications and Paint (1969) NJ ndicator) (1971) Spec, for Scientific NY ndicator, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body Plethysmogr NY ndoor and Outdoor (1969) PA ndoor and Outdoor) (University) (1971) NY ndoor Outdoor Furniture (1970) NY ndoor Outdoor Furniture ( 1 97 1 ) NY ndoor Running Track (1969) NY ndoor Swimming) (College) (1970) NY 31601-0468 11000-0341 11000-0633 11000-0465 38221-0664 38810-0368 685-35-1 370-66-1 37200-0648 21802-0317 43203-0748 43201-0805 43201-0500A 43201-0182 S-96 S-61-30 C-1A 46000-0746 43201-0182 43201-0894 46000-0193 21-210 570-36-3 570-36-2 20301-0138 38221-0664 46000-0495 41600-0202 42900-0302 •35 R-5-64-12 R_5_64-35 R_5_64-36 43201-0487 43202-0904 0154-02 R_5_64-7 691-84-01 ♦31 *33 ♦32 4938-18 4938-20 *46 R-5-64-1 R-5-64-2 4930-08 S-96 49602-0400 2544-00 05400-0176 6240-7-1 11002-0512 40710-0341 40709-0052 40710-0360 4910-00 ♦23 12026-0048 395-33-2 4710-001 4230-F-009 23000-0633 74-300-0090 *32FF 711-75-28 •19 23000-0633 691-75-28 -9 701-75-46 *19 00502-00-0476 50200-0551 23009-0607 ♦20 79-100-9080 T-72 2548-04 38728 12200-0512 C-I37 35710-0489 30207-0727 30207-0006 30206-0412 30210-0663 163 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 12 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for eous, Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and Welding) Technical or Spec, for Washer, High Pressure (Heavy Duty Spec, for Washer, High Pressure, Portable (Heavy Duty w-370a Spec, for Insect Wire Screening and Hardware and Sets) (1960) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Water, Garden, and ting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher,/ Spec, for e, Riding Type) (1970) Spec, for e, Riding Type) (1970) Spec, for e, Riding Type) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for 7) Spec, for Men's el Toe ( 1961 ) Spec, for Men's Std. Spec, for Steel ing Type) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Heavy Duty Lb. Capacity) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for vy Duty) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Heavy Duty plow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Loader, Wheeled, Spec, for Air Compressor Units; Tank Mounted, Spec, for Tractor Mower ( s) ( 1970?) Spec, for Tractor Mower (Heavy Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Special Guardrail Mower ( Spec, for khoe Attachments) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Attachments (3 Point Hitch) (1970) Spec, for m Mower (1970) Spec, for 1969) Spec, for Washing Compound for Spec, for Tractor, ate Existing System) (Educational Purposes) (1/ Spec, for for Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, Automotive and wer) (1970) Spec, for Fans, ings) (Ba/ Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Spec, for Fluorescent Fixtures; urpose, High Temperature, Extreme Pressure, Automotive and Spec, for Multipurpose Grease, Automotive and Std. Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Minimum Spec, for Tractor, Spec, for Storage Batteries, uipment; Tractors, Rubber Tired (Agricultural, Utility and td. Spec, for Filter Elements, Oil (Automotive, Marine and Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Upright ( Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner ( ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type ( Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Spec, for Spec, for odine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Machines, Equipment, Spec, for ital Communications Link (Mobile Radio Terminal and Police Spec, for Dry Photocopier, Spec, for Insecticide, Chlordane Dust (Plant Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment ( Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment ( Spec, for Compound; (Primer) Rust for Adhesive; Water Resistant, High Std. Spec, for Rinse Spec, for Sterile Single Spec, for Sterile Single Spec, for Sterile Single Spec, for Sterile Single Std. Spec, for Rinse orming Machine Tools (Rotational Molding IS In., Extruder, Std. Spec, for Rinse std. Spec, for Number Machine, Drawing, Writing, Stamp Pad Spec, for Black Indelible Marking Spec, for Numeral Enamel ( Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Drafting Cloth, Paper, Film, Drawing Spec, for License Plate printers (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Spec, for office Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machine, be ring Machine / Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Erasers; s; Moisteners; Stenographers and Court Reporter Notebooks; 164 etal Surfaces (1956) F/ Spec. .1-55 0.1-55 0.1-55 (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Industrial AC Welder ( 1970) Industrial and Medical Oxygen (1970) /R Acetylene (Gas Industrial Cleaning) (1968) Industrial Cleaning) (1969) Industrial Cloth (1971) USC CS 138-55, CS232-60, FED RR- Industrial Foul Weather Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Hat Industrial Grease (1970) Industrial Hose (1971) Industrial Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cut Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 53 In. or Mor Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 66 In. or Mor Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 76 In. or Mor Industrial Raincoats (1960) Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short) (195 Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short), Ste Industrial Shelving (Warehouse, Stockroom, Etc.) (1970) Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (LP Gas Engine Powered, Rid Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (Riding) (1970) Industrial Tempered Rubber Boots (Hip) (1962) Industrial Trailers (1971) Industrial Truck (Gasoline Powered, Wide Cargo Box, 150 Industrial Trucks ( 1971 ) Industrial Type Heat Treating Furnaces (Electrical, Hea Industrial Type Tractor (1970) Industrial Type Tractor (1970) Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Industrial Type (1970) Industrial Type) (1970?) Industrial Type, Left and Right Side Mounted Cutter Bar Industrial Vacuum Cleaner (1960) Industrial Wheel Type Hydraulic Mower Tractors (1970) Industrial Wheel Type Tractor Attachment) (1971) Industrial Wheel Type Tractor or Special Utility ( 1971 ) Industrial Wheel Type Tractor (Front End Loader and Bac Industrial Wheel Type Tractor ( 1970) Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with and Without Special Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with Telescoping Long Ar Industrial Wiping Cloths, Shop Overalls, and Uniforms Industrial with 60 In. Rotary Mower ( 1961 ) Industrial X-Ray Equipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Upd Industrial (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Industrial (Welding Shop Exhaust System) (Hoods and Bio Industrial (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bear Industrial (1957) Industrial ( 1967) Spec, for Grease, Multip Industrial (1968) Industrial (1970) Industrial (1970) Industrial (1970) Industrial) ( 1961 ) Spec, for Eq Industrial) (1969) FED F-F-351C Industrial) (1970) Industrial) (1971) Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Design, Utility, Farm Industrial, Weather Resistant, Auto Finishing ( 1969) Infants' Pajamas (1960) Infants' Waterproof Pants (Snap on Style) (1970) Inflations, and Udder Wash (1970) /D Chlorine, Acid, I Information Display System (1971) Information Network) (Computer System) (1971) /for Dig Infrared Machines and Supplies (1969) Inhabiting) (1961) Inhalator, Aspirator), Portable (1969) Inhalator, Aspirator, Lightweight Automatic) (1971) Inhibiting and Corrosion Resisting for Use on Ferrous M Initial Bond (for Sealing Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) Injecting Liquid (1969) Injection Disposable Hypodermic Needles (1967) ANSI Z70 Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1964) ANSI Z7 Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1967) ANSI Z7 Injection Stainless Steel Disposable Hypodermic Needles Injector Liquid, Dishwasher (1970) Injector Molder) (1967) Spec, for Metal F Injector, Dishwasher (1962) Ink and Eradicator ( 1971 ) Ink for Fabrics (1962) FED TT-I-00542B Ink) (License Plate) (1969) Ink, Emulsion, Mimeograph ( 1961 ) Ink, Mimeograph, All Purpose (1969) Ink, Mimeograph, Paste (1969) Ink, Transparencies, Processor Supplies ( 1971 ) Ink, White (1968) Inked Ribbons for Electronic Data Processing Equipment Inked Ribbons) (1971) Spec, for Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Num Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Ch NE *42 MA *12 NJ 7964-01 NJ 7964-02 NY 31810-0346 RI 4295-M-006 IN *15-10 OR 74-61-4 IN * 15—1 1 NY 41600-0464 NY 41600-0704 NY 41600-0876 RI 4295-M-007 RI 4268-M-075 RI 4268-M-077 OR 43-400-0010 NY 41600-0461 NY 21400-0739 RI 4268-M-078 AK *82 NY 45001-0808 NY 45001-0496 NY 12023-0676 NE *33 NE *36 NY 40601-0298 TX 01 0-34-1 A VA *19 VA *18 NJ 1190-00 SC 14-260A sc 1 4-220-045 1C SC *3 sc 14-260-0451 A sc 14-260-0451 sc 14-260-045 IB sc 14-260B VA L-4 NJ 4938-12 NY 11002-0608 MI 5255-S12 NY 21301-0546 MI 5255-S11 PA F-58 MI 5255-S13 CA 681-91-104 MS L-5B-70-23 NM *16 NY 30301-0449 PA E-13 OR 10-400-9010 PA C-179 NY 25000-0790 NY 40601-0434 CA 691-80-81 RI 4270-F-011 RI 4287-F-015 MA *14 NY 38221-0292 NY 38211-0441 NJ 7700-02 MS 1-8 NY 12100-0501 NY 12100-320 PA C-98 PA A-18 WA S-60-18 TX 360-59-4 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-59-3 TX 360-59-2 MS R-4A-70 NY 43202-0904 MS R-3A-62 IL *32GG TX 395-33-2 PA E-18 MS 1-12-61 MS I-11A-69 MS I-10A-69 NY 31602-0581 MI 5325-S11 CA 681-75-06 NY 23003-0238 FL •16 NY 23000-0633 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards r Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Std. Spec, for Adjusting Catch Basins, Drop rtland Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Spec, for Prison Bus Bodies for Spec, for Spec, for tutional Use) ( 197 1 ) Std. Spec, for -D-75 1 Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Mattresses, Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Bed, Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Mattresses, Bed, Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Mattresses; ials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, ap Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Water Sof/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Detergent, Colloidal, and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wire nsecticide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Sticker) (Forest (1971) USC CS 138-55, CS232-60, FED RR-W-370a Spec, for Spec, for Pest Control Services Spec, for Spray Base, Deodorizer, Spec, for Granulated Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and as a Carrying Agent for rest Insect Spray) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Non Residual (Pyrethrin) Household Spec, for Liquid Spec, for 5% (by Weight) Nominal Malathion Dust Spec, for Spec, for e, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, e, Premium (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Plant Spec, for , Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carpet Beetles) (/ Spec, for 961) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bottles; Hot Water, Rubber (Cloth easuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Spec, for Embroidered Spec, for Spec, for Poultry Feed, Spec, for Poultry Feed, s ( 1968) Spec, for Certificate of ) Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Vehicle cker) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Trailer) (1969) Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Predelivery Service and (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Spec, for Film Cleaning and pec. and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Motor Vehicle marking and Labeling of State Spec. Paint and Products and Spec, for Stickers, Vehicle try and Eggs ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Livestock and Poultry Feed (1968) Spec, for Coatings (1969) Spec, for ergents and Laundry Supplies ( 1969) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for spec, for Wool Uniforms - Summer and Winter (Motor Vehicle portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Spec, for Fourier Transform Capability Modification for Spec, for Carpet, Padding and Is and Other Members in Structures (Manufacture, Handling, hway Construction (Materials, Machinery, Equipment, Meth., Spec, for Timber Posts for Break Away Road Sign Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, s) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, ses) (Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Spec, for Laboratory and Pharmacy Furniture, atory) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Wood - Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Assemblies (Research nlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc.) (Highway nlets and Manholes for Highway Construction (1964) nlets, Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxes for Highway nmate Transport (1969) nnerspring Bed Mattresses (1964) nnerspring Mattress (1968) FED CCC-C-436, FED V-T-276 nnerspring Mattresses (Twin Size) (Dormitory and Insti nnerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (1963) FED DD nnerspring Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (1964) nnerspring Mattresses (1958) nnerspring Mattresses (308 Coil) (1968) nnerspring Mattresses (312 Coil) (1964) nnerspring (1958) nnerspring (1963) nnerspring ( 1964) nnerspring (1969) nnerspring (1970?) nnerspring (1971) nnerspring, Component Type (1969) noculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines norganic Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, So norganic (Laundry Over-All Cleaner) (1953) nsect Repellant) ( 1971 ) /Icide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse nsect Screening Wire (1969) FED RR-W-365, Std. 151 nsect Screening (1969) nsect Spray) (1970) Spec, for I nsect Wire Screening and Hardware and Industrial Cloth nsect) (1971) nsecticidal (1969) nsecticide Bait (1970) nsecticide Sprays ( 1971 ) /Type Stoves, Lanterns, as A nsecticide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Sticker) (Fo nsecticide ( 1964) nsecticide (1967) FED VV-L-791 nsecticide) (1970) nsecticide, Bait Spray, Malathion Concentrate (1969) nsecticide, Chlordane Dust (Plant Inhabiting) (1961) nsecticide, Fly Spray, Insect Repellant) (1971) /kid nsecticide, Liquid, Malathion, Emulsifiable Concentrat nsecticide, Residual (1969) nsecticide, Space Spray, Dual Synergist (1969) nsecticide, Space Spray, Household (1969) nsecticide, Space Spray, Semiconcentrate (1969) nsecticide, Space Spray, Thermal Type (1969) nsecticides (1953) nsecticides, Aerosol Fly Spray (1961) nsecticides, Chlordane Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs nsecticides, Fly Spray, Concentrate, Water Miscible ( 1 nsecticides, Liquid, Fly Spray (1961) nsecticides, Livestock Spray (1968) nserted) (1956) nserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Pla nsignia Patches (Departmental) (1971) nsignia; Uniform, State Police (I960) nsoluble Grit (Chick Size) (1963) nsoluble Grit (Hen Size) (1963) nspection and 10 Day Extension (Motor Vehicle) Sticker nspection Certificates (Motor Vehicle) (Sticker) (1967 nspection Device (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) nspection Device, Exterior Use (Pressure Sensitive Sti nspection for Automobiles, Police Vehicles and Trucks nspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel nspection Machines (1971) nspection Rejection Windshield Stickers (1964) nspection Requirement (1971) FED TT-P-143A, PPP-D-732, nspection (1970) nspection, Grading, Testing, and Certification of Poul nspection, Packing and Shipping (1963) nspection, Test, and Certification of Bedding Supplies nspection, Test, and Other Requirements for Protective nspection, Test., Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Det nspection, Testing, and Certification of Alfalfa Hay nspector) ( 1962) nstallation and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Tra nstallation on Spectrometer (University) ( 1971 ) nstallation (Dormitory) (1970) nstallation) for Highway Construction (1964) / Channe nstallation) (1964) Std. Spec, for Hig nstallations (1970) nstalled (Metal) (Medical Center) (1971) nstalled (Metal) (Wet Laboratory) (Educational Purpose nstalled (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center Tables, Wall Ca nstalled (Wood and Steel) (Biology) (1968) nstalled (Wood) (Psychiatric Hospital) (1968) nstalled) Modular Laboratory Tables (Statistical Labor nstitute) (1970) VA DH-226 SC HD-118 SC HD-117 SC 14-050A TX 295-47-1 CA 681-83-64 OR 72-100-1030 RI 4358-04 RI 4358-02 RI 4358-05 RI 4358-03 RI 4358-02A MI 4660-0012 KS 71-4 NC 7210-M-1A CT 3748-M-339A KY 7210-1 FL *2 PA M-41 VA DH-257 VA L-6 MS S-2-53-13 MS C-40A-71 PA S-79 OR 60-500-9020 NY 22100-0061 NY 31810-0346 PA PSBS *1 CA 691-80-416 LA *3 NY 05601-0896 NY 22100-0061 TX 370-51-1 PA 1-1 SC 13-040 CA 691-76-27 MS 1-8 MS C-40A-7 1 MS I-9A-71 CA 691-76-29 CA 691-76-30 CA 691-76-25 CA 691-76-26 CA 691-76-31 PA 1-5 MS 1-4 MS 1-7 MS 1-6 MS 1-3 MS I-5A-68 PA B-20 PA F-80 NY 39305-0406 PA 1-18 MI 4340-0105 MI 4340-0104 NY 50045-0453 NY 00500-00-0392 PA D-16 PA D-20 MI *3 NY 35000-0647 NY 38812-0365 NJ 0734-02 WA S-62-58-B CA 701-75-75 CA 711-89-13 MI 4340 CA 681-83-01 CA 691-80-475 CA 691-77-85 CA 711-87-13 NJ 1588-04 NY 35000-0866 NY 38782-0253 NE *9 SC HD-73 SC HD MD *8 NY 12008-0185 NY 12008-0819 NY 12008-0635 NY 12006-0862 NY 12006-0888 NY 12006-0399 NY 12006-0696 165 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Split Assembly Dental X-Ray Unit (Psychiatric medical Diagnostic Radiographic X-Ray System (Correctional Spec, for Chinaware; Vitreous Spec, for Tent. Spec, for al Ward) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Repair, Refinish, Reupholstery of Office and Spec, for Petroleum Fuel Oil, Residual, Spec, for Dust Mop Dressing, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Summer Uniform Trousers . Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Classroom or Spec, for Classroom or Spec, for Classroom or ) (1970) Spec, for Classroom or Spec, for Spec, for Adjustable Chairs; Steel, Factory or for Dry Cleaning Unit; Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Solvent, . for Hospital Bed Ends (Solid Panel, Multiple Height) for for Hospital Bed Ends (Open Filler, Stationary Height) for Spec, for Pad, Scouring, Synthetic, Spec, for Pads, Scouring, Steel Wood, Spec, for Sponges, Metal, Spec, for Laundry Detergent for Spec, for Hosiery, Stockings, Women's Cotton, Spec, for Laundry Truck Tubs Spec, for Laundry Extractors; Open or Clear Top Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Unloading Type Spec, for Laundry Presses, Tailor Shop Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Hydraulic Operated Spec, for Spring Bottom Psychiatric Bed Spec, for Men's Work Shoes Spec, for Men's Dress Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) ec. for Hospital Bed Ends (Panel Type, Stationary Height) Spec, for Nylon Laundry Nets (Bags) Spec, for Bleached Cotton Pillow Cases Spec, for Latex Foam Mattress Std. Spec, for Chinaware, Table, Vitrified Ice Making Machines, Cubers (Also with Built-in Crusher) aundry Machines Washwheels (Unloading Type, Side Loading) Spec, for Closed Circuit Television System Spec, for Chemical Analyzer Computer System Spec, for Steel Stacking Chairs Spec, for Steel Side Chairs Spec, for Steel Side Chairs; Slat Back Spec, for Posture Chairs (Furniture) Spec, for Heavy Duty Built Laundry Detergent ar (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Adult) (Bed) Spec, for Toilet Seats Spec, for Professional Motion Picture Equipment oiled Environment and Accessories (Youth and Adult) (Bed) Spec, for Tableware, Corrosion Resisting Steel Spec, for Namewoven Sheets and Pillowcases (Monogram) Spec, for Namewoven Towels, Bath (Monogram) Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for Women's and Girls" Shoes pec. for Innerspring Mattresses (Twin Size) (Dormitory and nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) Spec, for Glass Tableware pec. for Men's Stretch Dress Socks (Lightweight Stocking) Spec, for Men's Heavy Duty Work Socks (Stocking, Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Nylon Knit Slippers, Spec, for Soap, White Floating, Cake Form, General r Dishwashing Compounds, Cleaner, Granulated or Briquette, Spec, for Drapery Material Spec, for Short Sleeve Poplin Shirts Std. Spec, for Hose, Rubber, Water, Heavy Duty Std. Spec, for Bath Towels, Terry Cloth Std. Spec, for Clothing Spec, for Boiler Food Water Pump . for Stationery, Blotters, Scratch Pads, Filing Supplies m, and Bumper Pool Tables and and Accessories (Heavy Duty, Spec, for Stationery Supplies Spec, for Carpeting Std. Spec, for Shoes and Footwear (Leather) Std Spec, for Uniform Jacket (Regulation Style) or Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment and Related Accessory Items Spec, for Automatic Screw Making Machine (College or Vehicle)/ Drawings and Floor Plan for Mobile Media and Spec, for Drawings for Mobile Media and Spec, for Measurement of Reflections by Counter Methods with a Film Institute) (1971) Institution) (1967) Spec, for (Institutional and Hospital Use) (1971) Institutional Bed Blankets (1964) FED DDD-B-421E Institutional Fencing (1964) Institutional Furniture (Metal) (Chairs, Rockers) (Ment Institutional Furniture (1969) Institutional Heating (1968) Institutional Laundries (1966) Institutional Laundry ( 1 965 ) Institutional Mattresses (1966) (Institutional Officer) (Slacks) (1968) Institutional Patrolmen Uniforms ( 1960) Institutional Shoes (1970?) Institutional Steel Chair Desk (1970) Institutional Steel Chair (Tablet Arm Type) (1970) Institutional Steel Chairs (Side Arm) (1970) Institutional Steel Chairs (Stacking Type, Without Arms nstitutional Type Steel Chairs ( 1964) nstitutional Type (Office Furniture) (1969) nstitutional Use (1954) Spec. nstitutional Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec nstitutional Use (1960) FED AA-B-205 Spec. nstitutional Use (1968) nstitutional Use (1968) nstitutional Use (1968) nstitutional Use (1969) nstitutional Use (1971) nstitutional Use) (1946) nstitutional Use) (1950) nstitutional Use) (1950) nstitutional Use) (1952) nstitutional Use) (1954) nstitutional Use) (1956) nstitutional Use) (1957) nstitutional Use) (1957) nstitutional Use) (1960) FED AA-B-205 Sp nstitutional Use) (1963) nstitutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191, DDD-S-751 nstitutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191B, ZZ-M-91C nstitutional Use) (1965) Spec, for Spec, for L nstitutional Use) (1966) nstitutional Use) (1968) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1969) nstitutional Use) (1970) nstitutional Use) (1970) nstitutional Use) (1970) nstitutional Use) (1970?) nstitutional Use) (1970?) nstitutional Use) (1970?) FED DDD-T-551E nstitutional Use) (1971) nstitutional Use) (1971) nstitutional Use) (1971) Std. S nstitutional Use) ( 1971 ) /for Semi Van Type Trailer nstitutional Use) (1971) FED DD-T-101, QQ-S-766 nstitutional Use) (1971) FED JJ-H-601, MIL Std. 105 nstitutional Use) (1971) FED JJ-H-601, MIL Std. 105 nstitutional Ward (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) / for Cribs, Gatch and Regul /Egular (Link) Spring, Contr 1963) 1969) 1970?) (Curtain) (1971) (1968) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) 1971) nstructional Materials Laboratory - Center (Truck, Mot nstructional Materials Laboratory (Vehicle) (1970?) nstrument Oil, Light (1968) nstrument (Analytical Determination of Emission Spectr nstitutional ( nstitutional ( nstitutional ( I nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstitutional) nstruction) ( Spec. Fo Spec. Spec for Billiard, Caro Spec. F NY NY PA TX KS NY LA CA KY RI RI SC NJ GA TX TX TX TX TX RI PA TX TX KY KY KY VA CA PA PA PA PA PA PA RI RI TX TX VA VA MS PA PA NY NY RI RI RI RI VA NY NY NY NY MA MA MA NY TN OR NY PA CA CA PA NJ CA MA NY SC MS OR OR NY NJ NY NJ NY OR WA NY NY NJ NJ CA NY 11001-0867 1 1000-0475 C-2 685-33-1 43-1 21502-0418 *2 681-91-177 6850-2 *7 4358-01 03-010-0211 1589-00 8430-4-1 295-52-5 295-52-4 295-52-3 295-52-1A 295-52-1 1-016 D-14 295-38-3 295-38-2 7920-16 7920-21 7920-7 L-3 711-84-20 T-6 E-3 E-8 P-106 E-9 S-101 4268-M-001 4268-M-011 295-38-1 410-37-2A FB-14 DS-5A C-39A-65 1-17 M-28 38221-0970 38716-0251 1-017 1-019 1-020 1-037 L-20 20301-0167 37606-0573 38100-0686 20301-0560 *2 *36 *37 38211-0887 *4 72-100-1030 42300-0254 T-35 711-84-40 711-84-42 B-60 3380-00 691-77-25 *15 21200-0266 03-030-0211 H-5-69 72-150-9140 82-000-9010 46000-0076 69 3 6-00 A 30208-0576 6936-00 20600-A 82-300-1010 S-66-94-A 11002-0261 43201-0287 *2 *16 681-91-24 11002-0377 166 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Ion Micro Milling c. for X-Ray Equipment (Television Recording and Play Back ow and Water) (1970) Spec, for Meters (Boiler er)/ Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Food Processing Test ment); for Measurement of Diffracted Intensities with Film ing Digitizer System/ Spec, for Surveying and Engineering Spec, for Seismographic Spec, for Engineering tenor Trombone, Snare Drum) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Musical Spec, for Rental of Musical Spec, for Spec, for Portable Spec, for Portable Plastic Spec, for Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. on and Temperature Con/ Spec, for Portable Bulkhead (Foam 1970) Spec, for Semi Van Trailer Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM Dl 19-67, D/ Spec, for Rubber essure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film (Electrical 1970?) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof ofing Materials (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Sealants, and Spec, for Insulation Board (Polystyrene) for Highway d Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Spec, for Form PS-550 - NYS Certification of Health Spec, for Fire and Allied Spec, for Motor Vehicle Liability Spec, for Port Pilot Liability 1 Water Pump (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Openings for 1 Water Pump (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Openings for y Construction / Std. Spec, for Slope Drains and Spillway ) FED P-S-651D, ICC 37a Spec, for ec. for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System Diffractometer System and an Incident Beam Monochromator Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil White Paint Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image ay Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Diffracted copy by Direct Measurement); for Measurement of Diffracted ytical Investigations and Measurements of Diffracted X-Ray ay Equipment (Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Spec, for Cardiac Spec, for Pediatric Spec, for Cardiac Monitor System . for Glass Metal Tip General Purpose Hypodermic Syringes Spec, for Music - Page - Spec, for Napkins, Sputum, Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Spec, for Toilet Tissue Spec, for Paper Toweling Spec, for Ready Mixed 141, TT-P-381 Std. Spec, for Flat 66) FED Std. 141 Spec, for ) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Air Drying ed TT-P-442, Std. 141 Spec, for Semigloss Spec, for Latex Base (Paint), Semigloss std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed s and Other Colors) (1970) Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Spec, for Latex Base Spec, for Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Spec, for Std. Spec, for 1968) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Resin Base Emulsion Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Spec, for Paint; Undercoat, Enamel Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Exterior and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for rimer and Finish) (1962) FED Std/ Spec, for One Coat Flat FED Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Latex Paint, Flat, • 141a Spec, for Paint; Enamel, White, Hjgh Gloss, Std. Spec, for Enamel Undercoat; Spec, for Odorless Primer - Sealer, Spec, for Varnish, Wood Floor and Trim, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, al Use) / . 141 ) .595 nstrument (Scientific Equipment) (1971) nstrument) (1968) Spe nstrumentation for the Measurement of Steam and Air Fl nstrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimet nstruments (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Ect Measure nstruments (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uniplanar Scann nstruments (Scientific Equipment) (1971) nstruments (Stereo Image Alternator) (1971) nstruments (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, nstruments (1968) nsulaire Blankets ( 1961 ) nsulated Heavy Duty Water Cooler (1964) nsulated Heavy Duty Water Cooler (1967) nsulated Jackets (Departmental) (1970) nsulated Jackets) (1968) nsulated Van Body for Personnel ( 1970) nsulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van Trailer) (Divisi nsulated, Frozen Food Transport, 44,000 Lb. Payload) nsulating Tape (Natural and Synthetic) (Electrical and nsulating) (1960) Spec, for Tape; Pr nsulation Board (Polystyrene) for Highway Insulation nsulation Board, Asphalt Coated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 nsulation Board, Uncoated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 nsulation (Building) (1971) Spec, or Ro nsulation (1970?) nsulation) (1970) /Ing Materials (Asphalt Shingles An nsurance Eligibility (1970?) nsurance for Airport (1970?) nsurance (1970?) nsurance (1970?) ntake and Discharge) (1969) Spec, for Centrifuga ntake and Discharge) (1970) Spec, for Centrifuga ntake Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote Timber for Highwa ntegral (Fused) Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous) (1969 ntegration with Computer and Teletype) (Educational Pu ntegration with Computer and Teletypewriter) (Educatio ntended for General Exterior Use ( 1964) ntensifier System with Accessories) (1968) ntensifier System) (Hospital) (1971) ntensities and Measurement of Reflections by Counter M ntensities with Film Instruments (Educational Purposes ntensities (University) (1969) /Ories for Use in Anal ntensities) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for X-R ntensive Care System (Hospital Equipment) (1970) ntensive Care Unit (Hospital Equipment) (1970) ntensive Care) (1969) nterchangeable) (1964) FED Std. 149A, ANSI Z70.1-55 ntercom System (Hospital) (1971) nterfold (1965) nterfold) (1971) nterfold) (1971) nterfold, Dispenser Type) ( 1971 ) nterior Alkyd Base Flat White Wall Paint (1967) nterior Alkyd Paint (Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. nterior Enamel Undercoat (Paint) (Tints and White) (19 nterior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and Light Tints nterior Enamel (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1968) F nterior Enamel, Scrubbable (1969) nterior Flat Alkyd Paint (White and Tints) (1962) FED nterior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Light Tint nterior Flat Paint (White and Tints) (1969) nterior Flat Wall Oil Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 nterior Flat White Paint (Odorless) (1963) nterior Gioss Enamel (Paint) (Tints and White) (1966) nterior Gloss Enamel (Paint) (White and Light Tints) nterior Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum (1970?) nterior Paste Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 nterior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (Institution nterior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) nterior Ready Mixed. (1967) FED TT-E-543, UU-W-101, Std nterior Semi Gloss Enamel (Tints and White) (1966) nterior Semi Gloss White Enamel (Odorless Paint) (1971 nterior Shop Paint, Gray (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std nterior Surfaces) (1967) FED TT-E-489, Std. 141a nterior Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 nterior Varnish, Clear, Full Gloss (1970) nterior Varnish, Flat, Dull Gloss (1970) nterior Varnish, General Purpose, Gloss (1963) nterior Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Sealer, P nterior Wall Latex Base Paint (White and Tints) (1968) nterior Washable (1969) nterior (Fume Proof) (1967) FED TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std nterior (Paint) (1.969) nterior (Paint) (1971) nterior (1963) nterior (1969) NY 38753-0400 NY 11000-0517 NY 40703-0619 NY 38787-0579 NY 11002-0288 NY 31601-0380 NY 38787-0759 NY 31601-0468 NY 38320-0503 NJ 3838 RI 4710-009 TX 325-74-2 TX 325-74-3A NY 39308-0316 NY 39308-0421 NJ 4938-141 NY 42300-0630 NY 42300-0493 PA T-22 PA T-57 MS 3760 MS R-5-64-14 MS R-5-64-15 NY 31827-0534 MS 3760 NY 31827-0529 NY ♦1 HI *4 HI *5 HI *9 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 SC HD-105 TX 371-71-1 NY 11002-0825 NY 11002-0512 SC HD-80B7 NY 11000-0633 NY 11000-0465 NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0355 NY 11002-0518 NY 12600-0476 NY 12600-0411 NY 12600-0977 TX 360-58-1 NY 38201-0042 KY 7840-4 CA 711-82-80 NY 23500-0538 CA 711-82-81 TX 520-42-6A WA S-64-79-A WA S-63-64-A VA DK-28A VA DK-22C CA 691-80-226 VA DK-32A NY 38010-0509 WA S-62-56-B VA DK-21A NJ 7342-03 WA S-62-57-A VA DK-23B MS 3543 VA DK-18A NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 PA P-74 WA S-63-65-A NJ 7342-01 MS 3541 PA P-124 VA DK-14A MS PM-1A MS PM-18 IA •1-12 VA DK-29A VA DK-31B CA 691-80-225 PA P-70 OR 77_100-9200 NJ 7342-05 IA •1-11 MI 5325-0075 167 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 0) d. 141, ASTM D2486-66T nish Coat (1964) (1970) Std. Spec, for Primer and Sealer; Wall, Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Odorless, Std. Spec, for Spar Varnish, Exterior and Std. Spec, for Wood Stain, Oil Type, Spec, for Paint, Flat White, Acryclic Emulsion Type, Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Semi Gloss, Emulsion Type, Spec, for Fire Retardant Paint ( Std. Spec, for Enamel, High Gloss, Low Odor, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior and Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Std. Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Std. Spec, for Paint (Alkyd, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Spec, for Varnish; Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Spec, for Paint, Flat, Std. Spec, for Enamel (Semi Gloss, Std. Spec, for Egg Shell Enamel ( Spec, for Primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, hite) (1967) Spec, for Paint; Oil, Std. Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Flat, One Coat, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Std. Spec, for Primer, Sealer, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Semigloss, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Gloss, Std. Spec, for Varnish, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Undercoat, Alkyd, Std. Spec, for Varnish, ) Std. Spec, for Enamel, Gloss, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Std. Spec, for Primer Coating, Latex Base, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Gloss, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Latex, Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Std. Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Low Odor, Alkyd, Spec, for Girls" and Women's Panties (Cotton, Suede or or Floor Finish, Synthetic, Water Based, Polyacrylic Metal Std. Spec, for Rolling Doors, Steel (Coiling, Spec, for Spec, for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, Dull ( Spec, for Bridge Paint, Maroon ( Spec, for Bridge Paint, Buff ( Spec, for Bridge Paint, Brown ( Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Door Sedan, Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Door Sedan, Minimum Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 4 Door, al Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM / Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Passenger Cars ( Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group B, Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Small Size for Light and Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous or Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, e Duty (1960) Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Spec, for Air Cleaner Elements, Dry Type, Heavy Duty, for Spec, for Lubricating Oils and Greases (Except for Spec, for Oils, Lubricating, High Detergent (for c. for Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Spec, for Lubricating Oil ( Std. Spec, for Oil, re Service (1970) Std. Spec, for Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Office Machines ( Spec, for Substation Transformer and Fused Spec, for Spec, for Metal Sign Enamel (Paint), Std. Spec, for Grease, Automotive Sealed Bearing, Long er) ( 1968) Spec, for Stationary Extra and (1971) Spec, for hopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Spec, for Wheel Chairs; noxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) (Wanner Interior (1969) Interior (1970) Interior (1970) Interior (1970) Interior (1971) Interior (1971) Interior) (1971) FED TT-P-00206B, TT-T-291C Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and Metal (Paint) (197 Interior, Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (1971) Interior, Flat and Semigloss) (White and Tints) (1968) Interior, Flat Light, One Coat (1970) Interior, Flat (White and Tints) (1969) FED TT-P-29, St Interior, Flat (1964) Interior, Flat (1969) Interior, Flat) (1969) Interior, Flat, White Tintable (1963) Interior, Floor and Trim (1968) FED TT-V-71, Std. 141 Interior, Gloss, Light (1969) Interior, Light (1964) Interior, Low Odor (Paint) (1969) Interior, Low Odor (1969) Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Interior, Low Odor, Wall Board and Plaster (1969) Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed (Tints and W Interior, Odorless Light (1970) Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer and Fi Interior, Plaster and Wallboard, Alkyd (Paint) (1970) Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) Interior, Satin Gloss (1970) Interior, Semigloss (1969) Interior, Semigloss, Light (1969) Interior, Semigloss, Walls and Woodwork (Paint), Light Interior, Semigloss, White and Medium Shades ( 1967) Interior, Semigloss, White, Tintable (1963) Interior, Tintable White (1963) Interior, Trim ( 1969) Interior, Wall and Woodwork, Conventional (Paint) (1970 Interior, Wall, Ready Mix (1969) Interior, White Tintable (1963) Interior, White (Paint), Fast Dry (1970) Interior, White, Tintable (1963) Interior, White, Wall Board, Plaster, Wood (1969) Interior, Wood, Odorless (1969) Interior, (Paint) (1970) Interlock Knit) (1965) Interlock (1970) Std. Spec. F Interlocking Slat) (1971) ASTM A386, A525 Intermediate Bridge Flooring (1970?) Intermediate Coat) (1970?) Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Intermediate Field Coat) (1970?) Intermediate Model) (1970?) Intermediate Model) (1970?) Intermediate Model, 6 Passenger) (1970?) Intermediate Strength Manganese Copper Bearing Structur Intermediate) (Automobile) (1971) Intermediate, Light (1970) Intermittent Duty) (1969) Spec, for Intermittent Duty, 11X14 In.) (1969) Internal Combustion Engine, Heavy Duty (1960) Internal Combustion Engine, Regular Duty ( 1969) Internal Combustion Engine, (High Output Diesel), Sever Internal Combustion Engines ( 1969) Std. Internal Combustion Engines) (1970) Internal Combustion Engines) (1971) Internal Combustion Gasoline Engines (1968) Spe Internal Combustion Gasoline Engines, Automobile (1968) Internal Combustion) (1962) Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Light and Medium (1970) Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Seve Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Severe Service (1970) Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, El International Scout (Jeep) (1969) Interpreter) (1967) Interruptors (1970) Interstate Green Sign Paint (Highway) (1965) Interstate Green (Baking) (1970?) FED TT-E-489 Interval (1970) Intra Oral Full Mouth Dental X-Ray System (Medical Cent Intrusion Protection System (Audio or Motion Detector) Invalid Walker, Body Support) (1970) /Ng, Service, Ort Invalid, (Nonfolding) (1965) FED FF-C-77 OO-C-320 Invert Emulsion Sprayer) ( 1971 ) /Rs of 2,4 Dichlorophe OR 77-100-9210 MS PI-5 MS PM-2 MS PM-6 NJ 7342-15A NJ 7342-18 NY 38008-0301 MS PI-7 NY 38010-0386 NY 38000-0387 MS PI-1 PA P-129 KY 32A OR 77-100-9260 OR 77-100-9250 IA *l-6 PA V-7 KY 23A KY 28A OR 77-100-9220 CA 691-80-211 OR 77-100-9230 OR 77-100-9240 CA 691-80-201 PA P-69 MS PI- 12 KY 29A MS PI-2 MS PI- 13 MS PI- 14 MS PM-19 OR 77-100-9270 KY 22A MS PI-6 PA P-125 IA *l-7 IA *l-5 OR 77-100-9410 MS PI-8 KY 31A IA *l-4 MS PI-1 1 IA *l-8 CA 691-80-202 CA 691-80-205 MS PI-3 RI 4287-F-004 MS F-15D-70 OR 64-530-0010 MS 3461 MS 3527 MS 3515 MS 3517 MS 3521 WY *1 WY *13 WY *6 MS 3317 OR 06-100-1010 CA 702-23-03 TX 570-36-i TX 570-36-2 NC 9150-L-3 NC 9150-L-2A NC 9150-L-4 NC 2940-AC-2 NY 05701-0626 NY 05700-0315 LA *8-6 LA *8-2 KS 14-1 MS L-5B-70-5 MS L-5B-70-3 MS L-5B-70-2A NY 43201-0500 MI 3958-0088 NY 22900-0901 NY 34408-0230 MD *3 MS 3574 MS L-5B-70-25 NY 11001-0865 NY 38201-0147 NY 11613-0292 PA C-166 MS H-9-7 1 168 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorop/ Spec, for Herbicide, ay Spectrometer System (Analytical Diffraction Systems for ec. for Film Cameras and Accessories for Use in Analytical action Systems for Investigation of Crystal Structures and for X-Ray Diffraction System for Powder and Single Crystal Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, Cleaning and Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for nfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Use), Phenolic, Quaternary, Spec, for Disinfectant Liquid quipment) (1971) Spec, for 71) Spec, for ) Spec, for Castings (Malleable, Gray Ductile Spec, for Laundry Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Spec, for Bronze and 0?) AASHO M-105 Spec, for Gray Spec, for Malleable d Std. 141 Spec, for Linseed Oil Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Spec, for Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Red or Brown c Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Brown Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Pipe; Red Brass, Seamless Spec, for Rigid Wrought Spec, for Welded Wrought a-207 Spec, for Wrought 0?) ASTM A-74, ANSI A-40.1 Spec, for Cast Spec, for Frame, Bed, Metal (Angle Spec, for Cast Spec, for Pipe; Culvert, Cast Std. Spec, for Valves, Bronze and Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Oxide, Galvanized Metal ighway) (Concrete, Vitrified Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Spec, for Castings, Quoin Plates (Cast uction) (1970) Spec, for Culvert Pipe (Concrete, Cast Spec, for Inorganic Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Type) Spec, for Pipe and Fittings; Cast . Spec, for Pipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast , GG-M-1 5 1 Spec, for Pipe; Wrought 191 B Spec, for Laundry Press and Flatwork Spec, for Flatwork Spec, for Flatwork Spec, for Polyester Cover Cloth (Flatwork 91B Spec, for Cotton Cover Duck (for Flatwork undry) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Machines; Folders, Flatwork ng Canopy) (1966) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Wax for Waxing Flatwork s, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Spec, for Asbestos Covers, Padding, and Binders (for (1966) Spec, for ith Return Ribbons) (1967) Spec, for d V-T-276 Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Flannel, Double Faced Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for X-Ray Deep Therapy Unit Spec, for Suction, Ether, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tubing, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Exhibit Cases, Half for Store Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, spec, for Store Fixtures (Book, Display and Divider Walls, onionic Liquid Detergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or 70 Spec, for Spec, for Anhydrous Spec, for Spec for Highway Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Spec, for Microscopes and Related ous Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Units and Accessory spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment and Related Accessory Spec, for Surgical Dressings, (Bandage) Aids and Related Spec, for Sound Recording Tape and Accessory ec. for Office Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related ec. for Office Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related Spec, for Rotary Calculators (Class Spec, for Chairs - Type Spec, for Boys" and Men's ity, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks (Dories, Skids, it, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission nge) (1964) Spec, for Storm Suit; Spec, for Storm Suit; rates (1961) (1969) e, Shelv/ Invert Emulsions of Low Volatile (Esters of 2,4 Dichlor MS H-9-7 1 Investigation of Crystal Structures and Investigations NY 1 1002-0288 Investigations and Measurements of Diffracted X-Ray Int NY 1 1002-0355 Investigations of Emission Spectroscopy by Direct Measu NY 11002-0288 Investigations Using Film Techniques (Educational Purpo NY 1 1002-0473 Iodine Complex Type (1969) NC 6840-DI-2B Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Machines, Equipm MA *14 Iodized Block Salt (1963) MI 5751-0027 Iodized Salt (1963) MI 5751-0025 Iodophor Type Disinfectant (1964) TX 3 10-34-1 Iodophor (1967) Spec, for Disi MI 4627-1600 (Iodophor) (Hospital) (1971) PA D-28 Ion Beam Source / Pulser / Buncher System (Scientific E NY 38760-0309 Ion Micro Milling Instrument (Scientific Equipment) (19 NY 38753-0400 Iron and Steel) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970 VA DH-230 Iron Bearing Water (1970) PA S-67 Iron Body Valves (1969) KS 37-7 Iron Castings (Drainage, Structural or Ornamental) (197 MS 3321 Iron Castings (1970?) ASTM A-47, A-153 MS 3324 Iron Oxide Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Brown) (1962) Fe VA DK-12B Iron Oxide Titanium Dioxide Type (1969) CA 691-80-41 Iron Oxide Type (1969) CA 691-80-40 Iron Oxide (1964) KY 25A Iron Oxide) (1962) FED Std. 141 /Varnish Base Syntheti VA DK-25A Iron Oxide, Ready Mix, Red and Brown (1964) KY 12B (Iron Pipe Size) (1969) PA P-60 Iron Pipe (1963) NJ 7940-00 Iron Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-72 MS 3367 Iron Plates, Rolled Shapes and Bars ( 1970?) ASTM A-42, MS 3311 Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (Hub and Spigot Style) (197 MS 3252 Iron Type) (1962) NJ 3718-01 Iron Water Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-377 MS 3365 Iron (1960) ASTM T33 PA P-12 Iron (1969) IL *19 (Iron) (Paint) (1970) MS PE-12 Iron) (1964) /Spec, for Sewer Pipe and Construction (H SC HD-92 Iron) (1970) NY 37901-0628 Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (Highway and Bridge Constr VA DH-240 (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Water Soft VA L-6 Iron, Soil (1969) PA P-55 Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Join SC HD-90 Iron, Welded, Black and Galvanized (1966) FED GGG-P-35 1 PA P-53 Ironer Cotton Cover Cloth (1964) FED CCC-C-435B, CCC-T- TX 410-34-3 Ironer Guide Tape (1964) FED CCC-T-191B TX 410-33-1 Ironer Pads and Covers (1971) NY 36500-0884 Ironer Roll Cover) (1965) TX 410-34-2 Ironer Rolls and Other Laundry Uses) (1965) FED CCC-T- 1 TX 410-34-4 Ironer Waxing and Cleaning Compound (Water Emulsion, La TX 395-43-2 Ironer (1968) PA M-39 Ironer, Flatwork, Commercial, Chest Type (and Ventilati NC 3510-FI-l Ironers and Equipment (1968) TX 395-43-1 Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Starch NY 00365-0200 Ironers) (1968) PA C-124 Ironers; Flat Work, Chest Type (Nonfloating Multiroll) PA 1-2 Ironers; Flat Work, Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, W PA 1-4 Ironing Board Padding, Stitched Cotton Roving (1968) Fe CA 681-83-49 (Ironing Boards) (Cloth) (1970?) MA *35-73 Irons; Flat, Electric (1966) UL 141, 498, NEMA DAI-58 PA 1-3 Iron; Nodular, for Stoker, Keys, Chain and Travelling G PA 1-19 ( Irradiation of Biological Samples ) (1968) NY 11000-0630 Irrigation and Anesthesia Apparatus (1969) NY 12200-0099 Irrigation System (University) (1969) NY 46000-0934 Irrigation, Hand Movable; Aluminum Alloy, and Fittings OR 56-100-9010 Island and Display Sections, Chec' Out Counter, Showcas NY 21802-0333 Island Unit) (1971) NY 21802-0161A Island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and Maga NY 2 1 802-03 1 7 Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Do NY 21802-0370 Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate, Ethyleneoxid CA 681-66-14 Isopropyl Alcohol in Solvent and Cleaner (1968) ASTM D7 CA 68 1-66-02 Isopropyl Alcohol (1966) TX371-85-1 Isostatic Tableware and Related Products (1970) N J 3164-01 Item a (Dacron and Wool) (1971) SC *4 Items and Accessories (1969) NY 12010-0791 Items for Laboratory Use) (Educational Purposes) ( 1969) NY 12002-0475 Items (Institutional) (1971) NY 11002-0261 Items (1970) NJ 5506-00 Items (1971) NY 38216 Items) (1966) Sp NY 00217-0163 Items) (1971) Sp NY 21701-0157 Iv), Automatic (1964) TX 495-37-4 IV-a (Fibreglass Rocker with Wooden Runners) ( 1 965 ) NJ 371 8-07 Ivy Model Slacks (Sateen) ( 1964) RI 4284-M-022 Jack) (1971) /Ce, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Util NY 39100-0562 Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating NY 35000-0647 Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (High Visibility Ora TX 160-44-2 Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (1969) TX 160-44-1 169 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Uniform Std Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Suction Fire Hose, Soft Double Spec, for Fire Hose, Double Spec, for Police Cruiser Spec, for Industrial Foul Weather Clothing ( Std. Spec, for Files (Accordion, Vertical, Box, Folders, Spec, for Fire Hose, Single Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double se (1971) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Single se (1965) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Spec, for Kettle (Melting), Rubberized Asphalt, Oil vegetable Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Std. Spec, for Hose, Single Spec, for Misses" and Women's Sport Spec, for Men's Work Spec, for Girls' Spec, for Insulated Spec, for Dress Spec, for Field Spec, for Men's Work Spec, for Boys" Winter Spec, for Boys" and Men's Surcoat Spec, for Men's Reversible Spec, for Denim Work Spec, for Boys" Work Spec, for Green Winter Uniform Spec, for Girls" and Misses" Summer Spec, for Police Cruiser s (1970) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Uniform Battle Spec, for Uniforms (Insulated Spec. for ool Trousers) (Departmental) (/ Spec, for Field Clothing ( Spec, for Rubber Coated Work Clothing (Parka (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Spec, for Uniforms (Cossack ttery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Lift ubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic ec. for Textile, Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Satin Finish ( Spec, for Brooms; Floor, Spec, for (1970) Spec, for e)(1953) Std. Spec, for )(1970) Spec, for ate Museum) ( 1970) Spec, for SD-13 Spec, for Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia) for spec, for Surfactant (Anionic Organic Phosphate Ester) for Spec, for ) Spec, for r Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner and Synthetic Detergent ( Spec, for Linoleum; Plain, t— 1 9 1 B Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ) (1961) Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, Tan Spec, for Bleached Spec, for Textile, White Spec, for Textile, White Spec, for Textile, White ton Dress Goods (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Spec, for Boys" Dungarees (Western Style, Denim) ( Spec, for Girls" and Misses" Dungarees (Denim) (Slacks, Spec, for Boys" and Men's Dungarees (Denim) ( Spec, for Denims (Western Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, International Scout ( Spec, for Soap; Pine Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues ( Spec, for Laundry Service - Martland Hospital, New Spec, for Women's Band Leg Panties ( Spec, for Laundry Service - New Spec, for New Spec, for Boys" Knit Shirts ( y Duty Work Socks (Stocking, Institutional Use) (1971) Fed ocks (Lightweight Stocking) (Institutional Use) (1971) Fed Spec, for Sweaters; Men's (Wool) (1962) Fed Spec, for Men's and Boys" Briefs ( Spec, for Patient Gowns ( Spec, for Patient Gowns ( Spec, for Patient Gowns ( Spec, for Patient Gowns ( Spec, for Patient Gowns ( inous Pavement) (1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete acket (Eisenhower Style, Departmental) (1971) acket (Regulation Style) (Institutional) (1971) acket (1970) acket (1971) acket, Detachable Liner and Collar (1970?) acket, Pants and Hat Sets) (1960) acket, Pocket) (1971) acket, Uncoupled (1970) acketed Cotton Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1969) acketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Ho acketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Ho acketed Type (1967) acketed), Toasters, Meat Sheer and Saw and Grinder, F acketed, Rubber Lined (Forest Fire) (1968) ackets (Corduroy) (1957) ackets (Cotton Armada Twill) (1969) ackets (Cotton Poplin, Water Repellent) (1957) ackets (Departmental) (1970) ackets (Men's and Boys') (1971) ackets (Nylon, Cold Weather) (1971) ackets (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) ( 1961 ) ackets (1957) ackets (1957) ackets (1958) ackets (1960) ackets (1961) ackets (1969) ackets (1970) ackets (1971) ackets (1971) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Mackinaw ackets) (1968) ackets, Cotton Blend Poplin (1971) ackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and W ackets, Overalls) (1971) ackets, Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and P ackets, Trousers, Suit Coats) (Department) (1968) acks) ( 1970) / Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Ba acks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Lubri acquard) (Cloth) (1970?) Tent. Sp anitor and Warehouse (Corn) (1970) anitorial Cleaning and Services (Departmental) (1971) anitorial Cleaning Services (Department of Education) anitorial Detergent (General Purpose Cleaner, Paintsaf anitorial Maintenance (Health and Agriculture Building anitorial Maintenance (Library - Archives Building, St anitorial Product Manufacture (1966) FED Std. 141, Mca anitorial Product Manufacture (1969) anitorial Service (Day Care Centers) (1970) anitorial Service (Department of Transportation) (1970 anitorial) (1970) Spec. Fo aspe and Marbelized (1957) ean Cloth (Textile, Bleached and Dyed) (1965) FED CCC- ean Cloth, Cotton (Textile) (1960) ean Cloth, Cotton (Textile) (1969) ean Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Textile ean Twill Shirting, Green (Cloth, Textile) (1961) ean (Cloth) (1970?) ean (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Jean (Muslin), Bleached, Plain (Cloth) (1970?) ean (Twill) (Cloth) (1970?) ean, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) ean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding eans) (1965) eans) (1969) eans) (1970) eans, Dungarees, Chore Coats) (Men's and Boys') (1971) eep Pickup, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) eep Universal, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) eep) (1969) elly (1953) ersey City) (1970) ersey College of Medicine and Dentistry (1968) ersey Knit) (1970) ersey School for the Deaf ( 1968) ersey State Highway Map (1970?) CV ersey) (1957) Spec, for Men's Heav for Men's Stretch Dress S J-H-601, MIL Std. 105 J-H-601,MILStd. 105 /Pec. J-S-846, CCC-T-191 ockey Style) (1960) ohnnies) (1960) ohnnies) (1960) ohnnies) (1960) ohnnies) (1964) ohnnies) (1966) oint and Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Type) (Bitum WA S-64-80-E WA S-66-94-A CA 701-42-12 CA 711-42-01 MA ♦24 RI 4295-M-006 IL ♦32DD CA 701-42-02 SC 21-280B SC 21-280 SC 21-280A NJ 4938-95 NY 00361-0541 MS H-7-68 RI 4225-F-010 RI 4225-M-009 RI 4225-F-007 NY 39308-0316 NY 40003-0224 NY 39308-0334 RI 4225-M-008 RI 4225-M-005 RI 4225-M-006 RI 4225-M-007 RI 4225-M-010 RI 4225-M-008A SC 03-110 RI 4225-F-008 NY 39308-0056 SC 03-110-150 NY 39308-0421 NY 40003-0316 NY 39307-0603 NY 40004-0775 OR 82-700-9010 NY 39300-0624 NY 39101-0680 NY 35000-0866 MA *35-84 SC 11-110-1002 NJ 5730-04 NJ *6 MS S-2-53-36 NJ *8 NJ *7 TX 371-32-1 TX 371-78-10 NJ *9 NJ *10 PA D-26 PA L-10 TX 685-34-9 MS T-1A-60-17 OR 79-100-9220 RI 4910-030 RI 4910-027 MA ♦35-14 NJ 9110-02 MA ♦35-20 MA *35-33 MA ♦35-18 NY 32600-0622 RI 4284-M-009A RI 4284-F-002 RI 4284-M-009 NY 40030-0621 MI 3958-0084 MI 3958-0082 MI 3958-0088 PA S-75 NJ 7580-OOA NJ 9932-02A RI 4287-F-001 NJ 9932-01 NJ 6934-00 RI 4265-M-006 CA 711-84-42 CA 711-84-40 PA S-100 RI 4287-M-006 RI 4205-F-001 RI 4205-M-001 RI 4205-M-006 RI 4205-F-001A RI 4205-M-007 MS 3723 170 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 51 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Spec, for Preformed M-153 Spec, for Preformed Spec, for Universal sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball ets (Highway Construction) (1970) Spec, for halt (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, dge) (1970?) Spec, for Concrete with Volatile Solvent and Add/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and olvents, Chemicals and Water)/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and dampproofing and Waterproofing Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, 9 Spec, for Sewer and Lubrica/ Spec, for Preformed Elastomeric Compression Spec, for Filler Spec, for Spec, for Rubber Gaskets for Sealing Spec, for Copper Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Solder electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing Universal m, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Spec, for Structural Timber for Spec, for Engraved Stationery Spec, for Women's Shoes Spec, for Track and Field Equipment (High Spec, for Track and Field Equipment (Pole Vault and High Spec, for Trailer Connectors, Electrical, Truck Spec, for Girls' rete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for . for Portland Cement Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and eat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Spec, for Twine, Spec, for Burlap, Spec, for Twine; Spec, for State Flag, eral Use, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detective Holsters, ) Spec, for Deodorized Std. Spec, for Spec, for Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Burner Fuel Oil, Spec, for 500 Gal. Heating (1967) Spec, for Spec, for an Oil Burning Asphalt Heating t (Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Pressure Cooker with Tilt colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, itchen Equipment (Vegetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Spec, for Data Processing Spec, for Office Machines . for Small Tools (Padlock, Regular and Combination Master Spec, for Iron; Nodular, for Stoker, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Fleeced Back Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Army Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Tan Summer Uniform Trousers Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Leather; Spec, for 2, 4, 5- Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Brush Spec, for 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Weed ster) (1961) Std. Spec, for Weed Ester) (1961) Std. Spec, for Brush rowth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Amine, Bromacil Weed Spec, for Herbicide; Weed and Brush d Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Spec, for Electric Periodic t, and Ware Truck (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for rometer System and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Spec, for First Aid intenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternjfcor Service N/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Spec, for Box, First Aid Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Joint and End Wall Flashing, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-3 Joint Filler (Bituminous) (1970?) AASHO M-33 Joint Filler (Nonextruding and Resilient) (1970?) AASHO Joint Grease (1968) Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Joint Sealer and Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gask Joint Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Hot Poured Rubber Asp Joint Sealer and Topping Compound ( 1971 ) Joint Sealer (Cold Applied Elastic Type) (Pavement, Bri Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base Joint Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, S Joint Sealer) (Highway Construction) (1970). /Pec. for Joint Sealing Compound (Hot Poured) (1970?) FED SS-S-16 Joint Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) Joint, Bituminous - Grade R.A. (1969) Jointer, 8 In. Long Bed (1966) Joints in Concrete Pipe (1970?) ASTM C-443 Joints of Flared Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Joints or Flared Tube Fittings) (1964) FED Std. 151a Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Tr Joints) (1964) /Ipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminu Joists, Planks, Beams, Stringers, Posts (1970?) (Judiciary and Various State Departments) (1966) (Juliette Type) (1969) Jump Pit with Cover ) (1971) Jump Pits with Cover) (1970) Jumper Cables (1969) SAE J560a Jumpers ( 1970) Junction and Spring Boxes for Highway Construction (196 Junior Executive Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) Jute Fabric (Stabilize Earth Slopes) (1970?) Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheetin Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type Pots) Fo Jute (1968) Jute (1969) Jute (1971) FED Std. 191 Kansas (1965) Keeper Loops) (1970) /Es (Belts - State Police and Gen Kerosene for Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufacturing ( 1966 Kerosene Oil (1969) Kerosene (1963) Kerosene ( 1964) Kerosene ( 1967) Kerosene (1968) Kerosene (1968) ASTM D 187-49 Kerosene, and Stoddard Solvent (1968) Kettle (for Bituminous Materials) (1970?) Kettle (Melting), Rubberized Asphalt, Oil Jacketed Type Kettle (1968) Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Slicer and Saw Kettles) (1971) Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Sha Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, (Key Punch) Cards, 80 and 90 Column (1965) (Key to Tape Data Preparation System) (Police) ( 1971 ) Keyed) (1971) Spec Keys, Chain and Travelling Grates ( 1961 ) Khaki Cloth (Special) (1970?) Khaki Cloth (1970?) Khaki Colored (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Khaki Shirting (Cloth) (1970?) Khaki Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1961) (Khaki Twill) (Slacks) (1971) Khaki (Cloth) (1970?) Khaki, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Kid, Glazed (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Killer (Herbicide) (1967) Killer (Herbicide) (1967) Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile E Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile Killer) (1971) /Pon, Amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, G Killer, Salts and Esters (1969) Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, Insect Kiln with Accessories (1971) Kiln (Gas Fired), Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Uni Kiln, Electric (10 cu. Ft. Floor Model) (1969) Kiln, Gas Fired (6 cu. Ft.) (1970) Kiln, Roller Hearth (1967) Kilns, Electric (High Temperature, with Stand) (1971) Kilns, Electric (4 cu. Ft. Floor Model) (1968) Kit (Scientific Equipment) (1969) /Tic Resonance Spect Kit (1968) Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmis Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Kit, Empty (1961) Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, MS R-5-64-38 MS 3701 MS 3702 CA 681-91-106 NY 35000-0647 VA DH-213 NJ 1308-006 NY 38002-0282 MS 3725 VA ♦34 VA ♦33 VA DH-214 MS 3724 MS 3721 NJ 1304-05 NJ 4944-01 MS 3726 PA T-38 PA T-67 MI 5255-S11 SC HD-90 MS 3426 NJ 8320-02 RI 4268-F-015 NY 30206-0173 NY 30206-0550 CA 691-23-26 RI 4230-F-010 SC HD-117 NV 7110-2 MS 3883 SC HD-59B9 VA DH-257 CA 681-40-02 PA B-32 PA T-3 KS 80-1 A NY 39309-0539 TX 285-42-1 NC 9140-K-l KS 14-3 PA K-4 KY 9140-1 LA ♦8-9 CA 681-91-175 WI 3548 VA ♦8 NJ 4938-95 SC 14-110 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0914 PA A-4 NY 36100-0122 KY 7550 NY 22900-0063 NY 39004-0429 PA 1-19 MA ♦35-43 MA ♦35-80 RI 4910-030 MA ♦35-45 RI 4910-028 SC 03-010-0211 A MA ♦35-2 MA ♦35-4 PA L-31 NE ♦64 NE •65 WA S-61-36 WA S-61-37 NY 22100-0497 PA H-16 MS C-40A-71 NY 23104-0794 NY 23104-0232 NY 23104-0430 NY 23104-0634 NY 42800-0726 NY 23104-0715 NY 23104-0549 NY 38782-0824 PA K-3 NY 35000-0647 NY 43203-0748 MS K-l-61 NY 43203-0185 171 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards y) (1971) s, Dish Carts) (1971) onveyors) (NYS Std.) (1969) (1969) tato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), / dispensers and Cans) (1971) 1) k Table) (1971) rays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and Ice / , Self Leveling Cup Dispenser) (1971) 1971) tands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Counter and / xer. Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, Food Cutt/ Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Silica Powder in Compounding ) Spec, for Food Service Equipment s, Covers, Cups, Di/ Spec, for Aluminumware: Bakeshop and Std. Spec, for Cutlery (Galley, Meat Cutting, and Std. Spec, for Aluminumware (Bakeshop and Spec, for Scouring Powder; Cleaner (Porcelain, Std. Spec, for First Aid . for Alcohol Breath Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Spec, for First Aid ety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax) (1970) Fed Spec, for Leather Police Belt (1964) Fed Spec, for Fire Pumps ic Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Girls' Spec, for Women's Snuggies Underwear (Above the Spec, for Anklets and Spec, for Wood Executive Desks . Spec, for Food Slicing Machine (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Std. Spec, for Leather and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys" Sweatshirts with Crew Spec, for Men's and Boys" Leather Palm Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Cotton Spec, for ) Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Nylon Spec, for Elastic, Braided, for Women's Cotton Spec, for Rubber Coated Gloves (Canvas, Spec, for Children's Sleepers (Pajamas), Two Piece, Rib Spec, for Women's Gloves (Wool Spec, for Girls" and Women's Pajamas (Ribbed Spec, for Boys" Pajamas (Ribbed for Girls" and Women's Panties (Cotton, Suede or Interlock Spec, for Women's Band Leg Panties (Jersey h-520 Spec, for Hose; Water, Braided, Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Needles (Embroidery, Darning, Hand Sewing, baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, 151a Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Roof, Knotted Style, Three Spec, for Brushes; Roof, Spec, for Spec, for Wrapping Paper, Spec, for Bags; Paper Std. Spec, for Paper, ) (1968) Spec, for 15 MA 85 ) (1969) Spec, for 15 MA 85 Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 32,000 Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 50,000 Spec, for Tractor (Truck), 65,000 ec. for Truck, Cab and Chassis (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 ingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 250 Spec, for Liquid Petroleum d Storage) (1969) Spec, for Shop Furniture Spec, for Binder Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Bins, Carts, Racks, Dispensers, Doll Kitchen Equipment (Coffee Urns and Stands) (1971) Kitchen Equipment (Counters, Work Table, Tray Dispenser Kitchen Equipment (Food Dicer) (1971) Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting and Serving Food C Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting Carts) (Conveyor) Kitchen Equipment (Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and Po Kitchen Equipment (Milk, Cream and Coffee and Beverage Kitchen Equipment (Mixer, Meat Chopper and Slicer) ( 197 Kitchen Equipment (Mixers - 60 - 80 Quart) ( 1971 ) Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Counters, Cashiers Stand, Wor Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and T Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter Kitchen Equipment (Pressure Cooker with Tilt Kettles) Kitchen Equipment (Racks, Cabinets, Mobile) (1970) Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) (NYS Std.) (1965) Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) (NYS Std.) (1969) Kitchen Equipment (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers S Kitchen Equipment (Vegetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mi Kitchen Equipment (Waste Disposers) (1971) Kitchen Scouring Powder ( 1968) (Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets and Sink) (Pantry) (1969 Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Container Kitchen) (1962) Kitchen) (1965) Kitchen) (1969) Kits and Supplies ( 1970) Kits (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Spec Kits (1969) KK-C-300, EE-M-101C, P-P-556a /, Chloride of Lime, Saf KK-L-271D, KK-L-311 (Knapsack) (1971) Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabr Knee Length Socks (Stocking) (1969) Knee Length) (1970) Knee Socks (Women's, Misses" and Children's) (1971) (Kneehole or Typewriter) (Office Furniture) (1962) Std ife Blade) (1968) ife (1953) it and Sport Shirts (School) (Men's and Boys') (1971) it Cloth (Fabric, Textile) (1968) it Cloth (Fabric, Textile) (1968) it Cloth (Fabric, Textile) (1969) it Cloth (Fabric, Textile) (1969) it Collarette (1957) it Gloves (1970) it Shirts (Crew Neck) (Men's and Boys') (1971) it Shirts (Jersey) (1957) it Shirts (Men's and Boys') (1969) it Shirts (Men's) (School) (1971) it Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971 it Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971 Slippers, Institutional (1963) it Undergarment (1970) it Wrists) (1960) it (1965) it) (1957) it) (1957) it) (1957) it) (1965) Spec. it) (1970) itted or Spiralled (1971) ASTM D380, FED Std. 601, L- itted Wiping Cloths (New) (1960) itted Wool Hats (Navy Style Watch) (1960) itting Yarn (1964) itting Yarn (1970) itting, Punch, Tapestry, and Quilting) (1953) ives, Oil and Water Colors, Cardboard (Bristol, /, ives; Putty and Scraping (1969) FED GGG-K-481C, Std. Knots (1969) Knotted Style, Three Knots (1969) Kraft Paper (1969) FED UU-P-31 Kraft (1965) (Kraft) (1963) Kraft, Wrapping (1954) KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital L.B. G.C.W. (1969) L.B. G.C.W. (1969) L.B. G.C.W. (1969) L.B. G.V.W. (1969) Sp L.B. ( 1970) ASTM D-225-62 Std. Spec, for Roof Sh (L.P.) Gas (1971) FED BB-G-1 10 (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving An Label Holders, Slip on (1969) Labeled Rubber Stamps (1969) Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn NY 36106-0207 NY 36113-0105 NY 36114-0262 NY 36100-0604 NY 36112-0264 NY 36114-0345 NY 00361-0541 NY 36104-0195 NY 36100-0549 NY 36100-0423 NY 36114-0267 NY 36114-0572 NY 36118-0539 NY 36100-0914 NY 36114-0355 NY 00361-15-0092 NY 36115-0203 NY 36100-0413 NY 36100-0122 NY 36100-0831 CA 681-66-15 NY 36200-0225 PA A-4 WA S-62-47 IL *37 PA P-2 WA S-66-92-1 NY 38787-0709 SC *12 NY 22000-0462 TX 550-42-1 NY 34701-0106 VA DS-6 RI 4250-F-008 RI 4287-F-016 NY 40020-0126 RI 3-001 WA S-63-61-1 IL *33DD NY 40009-008 1 NY 32612-0561 NY 32612-0893 NY 32612-0087 NY 32612-0821 RI 4265-M-007 RI 4235-M-011 NY 40009-0035 RI 4265-M-006 NY 40009-0457 NY 40009-0495 NY 40009-0494 NY 40009-0568 NJ 3380-00 CA 701-83-26 RI 4235-M-003 RI 4270-M-008 RI 4235-F-001 RI 4270-F-005 RI 4270-M-006 RI 4287-F-004 RI 4287-F-001 PA H-5 RI 4720-006 RI 4245-M-007 NY 00394-0201 NY 39401-0676 IL *33M NY 23100-0855 PA K-2 PA B-114 PA B-114 PA P-90 KY 7870-1 PA B-112 CT 7588-P-35 NY 11000-0823 NY 11000-0842 MI 3958-0174 MI 3958-0176 MI 3958-0178 MI 3958-0168 MS R-5-64-3 SD ♦7 NY 35100-0775 CA 692-75-54 NJ 6900-02 172 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards n Requir/ Std. Spec, for Packaging, Packing, Marking and Supplies (1969) Spec, for Inspection, Test., Spec, for Office Supplies (Pressure Sensitive ; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binder s; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; nd Floor Plan for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials for Automotive Equipment (Forward Control Mobile Research chiatric Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for er, Hydrauli/ Spec, for Machine Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Spec, for Hospital and Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink As/ ? e Program) (1969) phic Film Processor) (1971) System) (1970) 970) y) (1968) Spec, for Water Closet / Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Audio Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for Photographic Spec, for ory Tables (Statistical Laboratory) (1968) semblies, Floor Case, Fume Hood, Stool) (1971) ) (1971) ) (Educational Purposes) (1971) center Tables, Wall Cases) (Hospital) (1968) feeder Bottle Filler) (1969) Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Spec, for for Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Small Animal, Spec, for Learning Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Wood - Installed) Modular ricated, Chemical Processing Units and Accessory Items for Spec, for Wiping Cloths for Spec, for for Drawings for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials Interim Spec, for Formal Type Language Spec, for Elevated Free Access Floor (Computer Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Wet er Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile Spec, for Sterilizers (Hospital and tills (Distilling Apparatus and Accessories) (Hospital and ruck, 10,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research (Wood - Installed) Modular Laboratory Tables (Statistical Spec, for Sterilizers (Hospital and ruck, 12,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Research Spec, for Fiberglass Guinea Pig Tubs and Racks inea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Research Spec, for Arc Furnace oring Equipment (1969) Spec, for Trailer, Mobile ) Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Spec, for Footware Spec, for Men's High Std. Spec, for Shoe Spec, for Dress Shoe Spec, for Work Shoe Spec, for Shoe Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and ose) for Coloring Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Cold Spray) (1969) Spec, for Precatalyzed Std. Spec for Sanding Sealer Std. Spec, for Sanding Sealer Std. Spec, for Thinner; Dope and Spec, for Thinner, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paints, Varnishes, Colors, Oils, rchery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Spec, for Student Wood besk Chair, Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment (Aerial Spec, for Portable Trestle and Extension Wood Spec, for Portable Metal Trestle and Extension and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and 360 Deg. Aerial Labeling of State Spec. Paint and Products and Inspecti Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Detergents and Laundry Labels - Unprinted) ( 1971 ) Labels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and C Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Labels; Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Tabs and Blanks) Laboratory - Center (Truck, Motor Vehicle) (1969) /S A Laboratory - Motor Home) ( 1971 ) Spec. Laboratory and Pharmacy Furniture, Installed (Wood) (Ps Laboratory and Pharmacy Ware (Glass) - Various ( 1971 ) Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfa Laboratory Clothing (1968) Laboratory Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971) Laboratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Laboratory Equipment (College Student, Classroom Langua Laboratory Equipment (Electron Image Plate and Microgra Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (1971) Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (1971) Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (1971) Laboratory Equipment (Glassware Washer) (1968) Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Still Photo Processing Laboratory Equipment (Processing Complement) (1971) Laboratory Equipment ( 197 1 ) Laboratory Furniture Assemblies (Research Institute) (1 Laboratory Furniture Installed (Wood and Steel) (Biolog Laboratory Furniture (University) (1968) Laboratory Furniture (Wood - Installed) Modular Laborat Laboratory Furniture (Work Tables and Stations, Sink As Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Medical Center Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) (Wet Laboratory Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and Laboratory Glassware Washer and Accessories (1970) Laboratory Glassware Washer with Accessories (1969) Laboratory Glassware Washer (Medical Center) ( 1970) Laboratory Glassware Washer (1968) Laboratory Glassware Washer ( 1969) Laboratory Glassware Washer ( 1969) Laboratory Glassware Washer ( 1969) Laboratory Glassware (Cage and Rack) Washer and Dryer Laboratory Glassware (1969) Laboratory Mice (Pregnant) (1969) Laboratory Mice (1969) Laboratory Service Truck) (1968) Laboratory System (College) (1970) Laboratory Tables (Statistical Laboratory) (1968) Laboratory Use) (Educational Purposes) (1969) / Prefab Laboratory Use, Cotton (1960) Laboratory Washers (Cage, Rack, Glassware) ( 1968) Laboratory (Vehicle) (1970?) Spec. Laboratory (1970) Laboratory) (College) (1967) Laboratory) (Educational Purposes) (1971) /H Electric Powered Core Drill, Wat Spec, for S Spec, for T Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Spec, for T Laboratory) (1964) Laboratory) (1966) Laboratory) (1966) Laboratory) (1968) Laboratory) (1968) Laboratory) (1969) Laboratory) (1969) (Laboratory) (1970) Laboratory) (1970) / (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Gu (Laboratory, Melting) (1968) Laboratory, Tandem Axle for Housing Water Quality Monit Laboratory, Tandem Axle (with Environmental Room) (1968 Lace (Cotton And/or Synthetic) (Shoe String) (1971) Laced Dress Shoes (1956) Laces (1953) Laces (1960) Laces (1960) Laces (1971) Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Fastener; T Lacquer and New Synthetics (1966) FED Std. 141 /L Purp Lacquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, (Lacquer Type for Wood Furniture) (1969) (Lacquer Type) (1967) Lacquer (Cellulose Nitrate) (1969) Lacquer, Cellulose Nitrate, Spray (1969) Lacquer, Clear, General Purpose ( 1969) Lacquers and Thinners (1966) Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for Athletic Equipment (A Lacrosse, Cross Country and Training Shoes) ( 1971 ) /L Ladder Back (1968) Ladder Truck) (1963) Ladder (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Ladder (1960) ANSI A 14.2-56 Ladder (1962) /C. for Truck, Medium Duty, Six Man Cab WA CA NY NY FL FL NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NE NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY CA NJ NJ NY NY NY NY MI NY NJ NC NY NY NJ NY NY NJ NY NY NJ NY NY NY NJ NJ PA RI IL RI RI NY FL WA MI OR WA OR CA OR IL NY NY CA WA VA VA NJ S-62-58-B 691-77-85 23016-0179 23000-0633 ♦21 •19 ♦2 40500-0763 12006-0888 12000 00432-00-0686 40012-0730 37600-0198 38810-0650 *2 38810-0368 38810-0110 38810-0118 38810-0275 12070-0680 38810-0097 38810-0724 38810-0541 12006-0696 12006-0862 12009-0142 12006-0399 12009-0629 12008-0185 12008-0819 12008-0635 12070-0639 12070-0527 12070-0553 12070-0129 12070-0311 12070-0366 12070-0919 12070-0401 691-77-07 0348-01 0348-00 12040-0669 38209-0485 12006-0399 12002-0475 4445-0014 12070-0694 *16 5895-L-1A 31800-0318 12008-0819 4938-48 00105-00-0089 00105-02-0604 6542-02 12006-0399 10500-0515 6542-02A 12041-0714 12040-0557 12023-0084 6542-06 6542-01 L-40 4268-M-012 *33L 4790-001 4790-002 40017-0525 ♦25 S-66-97 5325-S19 77-100-9520 S-67-99 77-100-9530 691-80-414 77-100-9500 •10 30200-0589 30200-0073 681-67-7 S-63-63 FN-3 DG-11 4938-41 173 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Aerial Spec, for Aerial Spec, for Safety Movable Metal Stepladder Spec, for Metal Platform Stepladder Spec, for Wood Stepladder Spec, for Wood Platform Stepladder Spec, for Metal Stepladders Spec, for chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop Step fety Stools and Stepladders (1971) ANSI A 14.1-/ Spec, for Spec, for Wood Spec, for Metal Rung m) ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Portable Accessories ( 1970) Spec, for Spec, for Marine Mooring Floats, Dock Access Vertical on) (1968) Spec. for 2016 Spec, for cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, std. 31 1 Spec, for Shoes; and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, ec. for Hardware (Metal Used in Timber Structures) (Bolts, Spec, for LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Conference Table; Two Section, with Plastic Spec, for Furniture; Wood Tables (with Plastic Spec, for Dining Tables; Metal Base (with Plastic -64, USC CS236-66 Spec, for Plastic 790a Std. Spec, for Spec, for Color Photo Spec, for Decorative and Nondecorative Spec, for Steel Tables 7 1 ) Spec, for Card, Plastic Spec, for Bags, Burlap 1 Spec, for Plastic Sheet; tc.) (1959) NEMA LP-2-/ Std. Spec, for Decorative Sheets; e Top and Furniture Assemblies Using Plastic Thermosetting (1966) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Electric Discharge 1970?) FED W-L-101E, W-L-l 16(4) Spec, for Spec, for Fluorescent Spec, for Fluorescent Spec, for Fluorescent Std. Spec, for Ballasts, Fluorescent Spec, for Ballast; Fluorescent Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Large Spec, for Photo nt; Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and Miniature office Furniture, Pole Display System (Shelves, Panels and Spec, for Spec, for Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo Lamps; and / Spec, for Spec, for Portable arge) Tungsten Filament; Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo ing, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk Std. Spec, for Communications Equipment (2 Way Radios, nze Gate Valves ( 125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for nd Globe Valves ( 125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal Spec, for Acoustical Screens, Office lant Stock (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Roadside Spec, for Spreader, , Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller, for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, water Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Racing event Timer with Accessories (Swimming and Track) (6 and 8 Interim Spec, for Formal Type for Audio Laboratory Equipment (College Student, Classroom Std. Spec, for Mobile ure ( 1966) Spec, for Spec, for Dry Cell Unit Flashlight and Spec, for Flashlight Cases and Hand c. for Petroleum Solvents for Use in Pressure Type Stoves, ing Automobiles and Other Metal Surfaces Having Varnish or Spec, for Scientific Equipment Std. Spec, for Files, re) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Filing, Spec, for Files, Shelf, Cabinet, Std. Spec, for Masonry Primer for Use Under Spec, for white and Light Tints) (1966) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Wall loss) (White and Tints) (1968) Spec, for more in Overall Width (1969) 116C, W-L-00101G Ladder ( 1968) Spec, for Truck, NJ Ladder (1970) Spec, for Truck, NJ Ladder (1971) SC (Ladder) (1960) VA (Ladder) (1960) VA (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A 14. 1-59 VA (Ladder) ( 1960) ANSI A14.1-59 VA (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A 14.2-56 VA Ladder, Aerial Type with Mount, 30 Ft., Steel (1970?) NJ Ladder, Electric Fans) ( 1970?) /Ing Cabinets, Tables, HI Ladders (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Sa NY Ladders (Straight and Extension) ( 1960) ANSI A14.1-59 VA Ladders (Straight and Extension) (1960) ANSI A 14.2-56 VA Ladders (Straight, Extension and Step; Wood and Aluminu OR Ladders (Wood and Aluminum) and Scaffolding and Related NJ Ladders, Ramp (College) ( 1971 ) NY Ladders; Wood or Metal (Single And/or Sectional Extensi PA Ladders; Wood, Step, Portable (1971) ANSI A 1 4. 1 , ASTM D PA Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots PA Ladies" Oxford, Blucher (1970) FED KK-L-165, Std. 191, PA Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sie PA Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckles) for SC Laminar Flow Clean Room (Portable) ( 1971 ) FED Std. 209A NY Laminate Bonded Panels (Decorative Trimmed) (1971) Nema NY Laminate Top ( 1 965 ) PA Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 PA Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 PA Laminate, Flakeboard and Bonded Panels (1970) NEMA LD-1 NY Laminated Building Paper; Waterproofed (1970) FED UU-B- OR Laminated Driver License (1970) SC Laminated Plastic Sheet (1968) NEMA Ldl-64 TX (Laminated Plastic Top) (Furniture) ( 1969) RI Laminated (Boat Registration Certificate and Plain) (19 NY (Laminated) (1968) NY Laminated, Decorative and Nondecorative (1968) NEMA LD- PA Laminated, Thermosetting (for Table and Counter Tops, E OR Laminates (1968) Spec, for Tabl PA Laminating Equipment for Drivers Licenses (Die Cutting) MI Lamp Accessory Equipment (1964) OR Lamp Contract (Electric Incandescent and Fluorescent) NJ (Lamp Light) Fixtures (1971) NY (Lamp Light) Fixtures (800 Ma) (1970) NY Lamp Starters (1960) ANSI C78 PA Lamp (1964) OR Lamp (1970) ANSI C82.1, UL 935 PA Lamps and Reflectors (Lights) for All Trucks 80 In. or MI Lamps (Fluorescent and Incandescent) (1970?) FED W-L-00 GA Lamps (1962) KS Lamps (1964) KS Lamps ( 1971 ) /Ric Incandescent (Large) Tungsten Filame NY Lamps) (1971) Spec, for NY Lamps, Adjustable Arm ( 1971) NY Lamps, Desk (1969) NJ Lamps, Electric Incandescent (Large) Tungsten Filament; NY Lamps, Table and Floor (1971) NY Lamps; and Miniature Lamps (1971) /Ric Incandescent (L NY Lamp; File Stool) ( 1971 ) /Mer; Desk; Conference, Draft AK Land Mobile, VHF Low Band) (1971) FL Land Use) (1970) Spec, for Bro TX Land Use) (1970) Spec, for Bronze Angle, Check A TX (Landscape Design) (1970) NY Landscape (Divider) (1971) NY Landscape (1970?) Spec, for P MS Landscape, ( 1 969 ) N J Landscraping Rake) and Diesels (1969) /El Type (Loader NY Lane Lines, Etc.) ( 1971 ) / Reflective Striping Powder NY Lane Markers) (1971) Spec, for Pool Equipment NY Lane) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Portable Athletic NY Language Laboratory (1970) NC Language Program) (1969) Spec. NE Language Teaching Center (T964) NC Lanolin (Anhydrous) for Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufact TX Lantern Batteries (1960) FED W-B-101 VA Lantern (1971) NY Lanterns, as a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and as a C NY Laquer Finish) (1970) /. for Oil Soap Paste (for Clean PA (Laser System) (1971) NY Lateral Roll Out (1970) MS Lateral Steel Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furnitu RI Lateral (Cabinet) (1970) NJ Lateral, Steel (1970) MI Latex and Other Paints (1968) FED Std. 141 WA Latex Base Interior Flat Paint (White and Tints) (1969) WA Latex Base Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces WA Latex Base Paint (White and Tints) ( 1968) FED Std. 141 VA Latex Base Paint, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semig NY 4938-115 4938-138 *36 DG-10 DG-12 FN-2 FN-4 DG-8 4926-01 *7 39010-0418 FN-1 DG-9 33-400-9010 4926-00 49607-0022 L-46 L-18 F-80 S-103 A-4 HD-78 12030-0797 31808-0332 T-70 F-73 T-69 31808-0114 64-500-0080 59-500-045 1 435-39-1 1-032 23017-0296 32703-0682 P-138 50-59-2 T-65 8199-1000 24-64-6A 2544-00 35704-0811 35704-0447 S-108 24-64-5A B-144 *5 6240-7-1 52-1 65-1 05400-0176 21701-0053 35720-0639 2548-03A 05400-0176 35706-0140 05400-0176 *53 *27 520-73-1B 540-73-2A 21701-0258 21800-0384 3861 4938-98 40601-0891 38601-0258 30201-0283 30200-0405 5895-L-1A *2 5895-LTC-l 371-48-1 Y-2 34402-0778 05601-0896 S— 1 8 38746-0586 F-28A-70 1-003A 7148-09 3744-S1 S-68-103 S-62-56-B S-66-93 DK-31B 38000-0387 174 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Colors) (1971) White, Light Tints and Other Colors) (1970) 1(1971) )70?) FED TT-P-442B e(1969) 1-P-55B, Std. 141a 5(1970) TT-P-29, Std. 141, ASTM D2486-66T iling (1970) t-191B, ZZ-M-91C Combination Notchers, Ri/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint; Std. Spec, for Paint; Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Primer Coating, Std. Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Paint; Exterior Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pillows; Spec, for Mattresses; Spec, for Mattresses Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Liquid Opacifying Spec, for Liquid Opacifying Std. Spec, for Asphaltic Material Elastomer Modifier Spec, for Primer (Paint), ntrate (All Purpose) for Coloring Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Spec, for Pillows, Foam Rubber, Spec, for Hubs, Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Spec, for Machine Tools (Metal Spec, for Machine Tools (Metal 68) Spec, for Machine Tools ing, / Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Radial Drilling, (1969) Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Ram Type) Spec, for Tools ri/ Spec, for Machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Spec, for Spec, for Dust Mop Dressing, Institutional Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for g Machine / Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for Dry 9) Spec, for Dry Non Damaging ustless) (1967) Std. Spec, for Dry Spec, for Organic Chlorine Dry for Hydrogen Peroxide (Electrolytic 100 Volume for Use As Std. Spec, for . for Technical Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for te Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Std. Spec, for leach, Disinfect/ Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sour, Std. Spec, for b Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Stain and Soil Removing Spec, for Alkaline Std. Spec, for Folding Machines, Spec, for Spec, for . for Surfactant (Ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Flakes) for Spec, for Heavy Duty Built Spec, for All Purpose brie Washing Machines) (1967/ Spec, for Built Low Sudsing brie Washing Mach/ Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Germicidal Spec, for Built High Sudsing Spec, for Built High Sudsing Germicidal Std. Spec, for High Ph Alkaline Spec, for Silicated 71) UL 73, 547 Spec, for 69) x Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior (White, Light Tints and Othe Latex Base Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) Latex Base Paint, Interior, Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) Latex Base Primer Sealer (White, Tints, and Pastels) ( 1 Latex Base (Paint), Semigloss Interior Enamel, Scrubbab Latex Base, Exterior (for Masonry Surfaces) (1968) FED Latex Base, Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceilin Latex Base, Interior (1969) Latex Base, Interior, Flat Light, One Coat ( 1970) Latex Base, Interior, Flat (White and Tints) (1969) Fed Latex Base, Interior, Flat (1969) Latex Base, Interior, Semigloss (1969) Latex Base, Interior, Wall, Ready Mix (1969) Latex Base, Interior, White Tintable ( 1963) Latex Base, Interior, White (Paint), Fast Dry (1970) Latex Base, Semigloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and CE Latex Emulsion (1969) Latex Foam Filled Bed Pillows ( 1961 ) Latex Foam Mattress (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC- Latex Foam ( 1951 ) FED CCC-T-191 Latex Foam (1952) (Latex Foam) (School) (1968) Latex Paint, Flat, Interior Washable (1969) Latex Semi Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Latex (40% Solids) (1971) ASTM D1289, E70, D1824 Latex (50% Solids) (1969) ASTM E70 (Latex) (1965) Latex, Interior, White, Wall Board, Plaster, Wood (1969 Latex, Shellac, Lacquer and New Synthetics ( 1966) FED S Latex, Zippered Cotton Cover ( 1968) Lath, Stakes and Ginnies (1971) MIL Std. 105 Lathe - Metal 12 In.) (1969) Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Lathe) (1968) (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 In.) (19 Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Trac (Lathe, Metal and Engine, 15 and 13 In.) (Bench Shaper) (Lathe, Metal, 14 and 12 In.) (Milling Machine) (1969) Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Laundered Cotton Machinery Wiping Towels ( 1964) Laundries ( 1966) Laundry Alkali, Sodium Metasilicate, Anhydrous ( 1969) Laundry Alkali, Sodium Orthosilicate, Anhydrous, Strong Laundry Alkali, Sodium Sesquisilicate, Moderate ( 1969) Laundry Alkalies and Sours (1969) FED P-S-683 Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numberin Laundry Bags (1971) Laundry Bar (1969) ASTM D460 Laundry Baskets, Carts and Liners ( 1968) Laundry Bleach Manufacture) (1967) /Ine Carrier), 1, 3 Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Wheel Application) ( 196 Laundry Bleach (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Flowing, D Laundry Bleach (1968) Laundry Bleach ) ( 1 942 ) Spec . Laundry Bleach, Calcium Hypochlorite (1953) Laundry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant, Algaec Laundry Bleach, Disinfectant, Etc.) (1966) FED O-S-0060 Laundry Bleach, Dry (1969) (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry B Laundry Bleaching Sour, Fluoride Type, Dry (1969) Laundry Bleaching Sour, High Soluble (1969) Laundry Bleaching Sour, Whitener (1966) Laundry Bleaching, Fluoride (1966) Laundry Bluing (Aniline Dye) (1953) Laundry Bluing (Liquid and Powder) (1966) FED CCC-T-191 Laundry Builder (Powder) (1968) Laundry Builder (1969) Laundry Commercial ( 1967) Laundry Detergent for Cottons, Synthetic ( 1969) Laundry Detergent for Institutional Use ( 1969) Laundry Detergent Manufacture (1966) ASTM Dl 172, D2024. Laundry Detergent (Institutional Use) ( 1969) Laundry Detergent (Low Temperature) ( 1969) Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fa Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fa Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) (1968) Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) (1968) Laundry Detergent (1953) Laundry Detergent ( 1 97 1 ) Laundry Drying Tumblers (Small Size, Open End Type) (19 Laundry Equipment (Conveyors) (Loader and Flatwork) (19 Laundry Equipment (Conveyors) (1970) Laundry Equipment (Electric Hoist and Trolley) ( 1966) Laundry Equipment (Extractor) (1971) Laundry Equipment (Feeder) (1968) Laundry Equipment (Finisher, Garment Conveyor) (1971) NY 38010-0188 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0386 UT •2 CA 691-80-226 PA P-157 MS PI- 14 MI 5325-0075 MS PI-1 PA P-129 OR 77-100-9260 OR 77-100-9270 KY 31A IA •1-4 MS PI-1 1 MS PI- 13 OR 77-100-9090 RI 4325-003 VA DS-5A PA P-l 14 PA M-31 NY 22701-0581 CA 691-80-225 UT *3 TX 371-97-2 TX 371-97-1 NM •17 CA 691-80-202 WA S-66-97 CA 681-83-10 CA 711-55-01 NY 43201-0894 NY 43201-0487 NY 43201-0232 NY 43201-0182 NY 43201-0500 NY 43201-0805 NY 43201-0500A NY 43201-0487 TX 582-32-1 KY 6850-2 CA 691-77-18 CA 691-77-20 CA 691-77-17 OR 76-401-9080 FL *16 NY 39106-0723 PA S-2 PA B-94 TX 371-87-1 VA L-l WI 5720-0143 TX 395-35-6 PA P-108 MS S-2-53-19 TX 395-35-1B TX 395-35-2A MS LB-1C-69 TX 395-35-2A CA 691-77-19 CA 691-77-27 KY 7930-12 KY 7930-13 MS S-2-53-24 TX 395-33-1A VA L-5A VA L-7 NC 3510-FM-3 CA 691-77-38 VA L-3 TX 371-78-7 VA L-20 VA L-19 TX 395-36-1A TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-3 TX 395_36-4 MS S-2-53-11 NY 20107-0109 PA T-41 NY 36501-0804 NY 36501-0535 NY 00365-0391 NY 36501-0177 NY 36501-0562 NY 36501-0711 175 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 971) ) (1971) Spec se) (1954) (1950) e) (1950) er Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumbl/ ng) (Institutional Use) (1968) ial) (1964) Std. 751 ) Std. -P-86A, CCC-T-191B, MIL B-3149 tain Removal) (Bleach) (1969) 964) FED CCC-C-435B, CCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Clothes Tables Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Nylon Spec, for Nylon Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Spec, for Detergent, Colloidal, Inorganic Tent Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for for Orion Spec, for Nylon Needle Punched Flannel Spec, for 969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for ype)(1968) Spec, for Spec, for Nylon acterial Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - of Medicine and Dentistry (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Commercial Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Spec, for Unbuilt Low Titer Spec, for Built High, Medium and Low Titer Spec, for Built High Titer Germicidal Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Germicidal Spec, for Rosin Free Granulated Spec, for Tallow (Fat) for Manufacture of Toilet and Spec, for Cake or Bar Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ies and Soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Std. Spec, for Modified ) (1953) Std. Spec, for Modified 8, Std. 79 IB Spec, for Std. Spec, for Acetic Acid - Technical 56 Deg. Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bi fluoride) for Spec, for Spec, for Ammonium Type Std. Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) Std. Spec, for Sodium Silicofluoride (Fluosilicate) Spec, for td. 79 IB Spec, for ing Water (1970) Spec, for Spec, for 1C Spec, for Lubricated Spec, for Std. Spec, for on, Test., Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Detergents and Spec, for table) / Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Linen and Spec, for for Cotton Cover Duck (for Flatwork Ironer Rolls and Other ading) ( 1970) Spec, for Commercial / Spec, for Commercial Laundry Equipment (Folders) (1968) Laundry Equipment (Folding Machine) (1970) Laundry Equipment (Lint Collector) (1966) Laundry Equipment (Lint Collector) (1968) Laundry Equipment (Loading Chute) (1968) Laundry Equipment (Loading Hoppers) (1969) Laundry Equipment (Shirt Finishing Unit, Press) (1971) Laundry Equipment (Trade-in) (1971) Laundry Equipment (Tumbler) (1970) Laundry Equipment (Washer Extractor) (1969) Laundry Equipment (Washer Extractor, Drying Tumbler) (1 Laundry Equipment (Washer, Extractor, Dryer) (1968) Laundry Equipment (Washers and Dryers) (14 Lb. Capacity Laundry Equipment (Washing Machine) (1970) Laundry Equipment (Washing Machine) (1971) (Laundry Equipment) (1969) Laundry Extractors, Hydraulic Operated (Institutional U Laundry Extractors, Underdriven Solid Curb (1954) Laundry Extractors, Unloading Type (Institutional Use) Laundry Extractors; Open or Clear Top (Institutional Us Laundry Flatwork Folder (1971) Laundry Machinery and Equipment (Washing Machines, Wash Laundry Machinery and Equipment (1966) Laundry Machines Washwheels (Unloading Type, Side Loadi Laundry Machines; Combination Washer Extractor (Commerc Laundry Machines; Folders, Flatwork Ironer (1968) Laundry Marking Machines (1967) AIA 70 Laundry Marking Machines (1969) Laundry Net (Bags) (1969) FED CCC-T-191, FED Std. 751 Laundry Nets (Bags) (Institutional Use) (1963) Laundry Nets (Bags) (1969) FED V-T-276F, CCC-T-191, Fed Laundry Neutralizer, Fluoride Type (Sour, Bleach) (1953 (Laundry Over-All Cleaner) (1953) Laundry Padding (Stitched Cotton Roving) (1964) FED Ccc Laundry Padding (1956) Laundry Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate S Laundry Press and Flatwork Ironer Cotton Cover Cloth ( 1 Laundry Press Cloth Flannel (Textile) (1957) Laundry Press Cloth (Textile) (1954) (Laundry Press Padding) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Laundry Presses and Finishing Equipment (1968) Laundry Presses, Commercial (General) (Cabinet Type) ( 1 Laundry Presses, Tailor Shop (Institutional Use) ( 1952) Laundry Presses; Commercial Shirts, Trousers (Cabinet T Laundry Pressing Cloth (1964) Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet, Ointment) (1969) /Ic B Laundry Service - Martland Hospital, New Jersey College Laundry Service - New Jersey School for the Deaf (1968) Laundry Service and Rental Garments (1971) Laundry Soap Builder, General Duty, Alkaline (1969) Laundry Soap Tanks ( 1971 ) Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) (1968) Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) (1968) Laundry Soap (Granular or Powder) (1968) Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) (1968) Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) (1968) Laundry Soap (1961) Laundry Soap (1966) Laundry Soap (1968) Laundry Soap, Chip, Soft Water (1969) Laundry Soap, Powdered, Soft Water ( 1969) Laundry Soap; Chip (Rosin Type) ( 1968) ASTM D460 Laundry Soap; Granulated (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluori Laundry Soda (Sesquicarbonate Type) (1969) Laundry Soda (Sesquicarbonate) (Water Softener, Cleaner Laundry Sour Ammonium Silico Fluoride (1970) FED L-P-37 (Laundry Sour Blueing, Bleach) (1953) Laundry Sour Manufacture ( 1966) Laundry Sour (Fluoride Type) (1964) FED P-S-683 Laundry Sour (Silicofluoride) (1966) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1953) Laundry Sour, Brightener (Bleach) (1961) Laundry Sour; Ammonium Bifluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, S Laundry Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Iron Bear Laundry Starch Cooker (1971) Laundry Starch (Powder or Granules) (1965) FED JJJ-S-70 Laundry Starch (1957) Laundry Starch, General (1953) Laundry Supplies (1969) Spec, for Inspecti Laundry Truck Tubs (Institutional Use) (1946) Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Garment Rack - Por Laundry Tumblers; Shake Out ( 1954) Laundry Uses) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Spec. Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty End Lo NY 36501-0591 NY 36501-0536 NY 00365-0369 NY 36501-0554 NY 36501-0799 NY 36501-0800 NY 36501-0885 NY 36501-0856 NY 36501-0364 NY 36501-0471 NY 36501-0827 NY 36501-0087 NY 36503-0403 NY 36501-0601 NY 36501-0770 PA T-5 PA E-9 PA E-2 PA E-8 PA E-3 TX 500-30-1 NY 00365-0200 NY 36500-0200 PA M-28 PA M-47 PA M-39 PA M-59 NY 36504-0857 PA N-5 TX 4 10-37-2 A PA N-3 MS S-2-53-15 MS S-2-53-13 TX 410-39-3 RI 4755-001 MS TL-7-69 TX 410-34-3 RI 4920-001 RI 4920-002 TX 410-39-2 PA P-9 NC 3510-LP-4 PA P-106 PA P-159 TX 410-34-1 NY 21901-0964 NJ 9932-02A NJ 9932-01 NJ 9932-02 CA 691-77-16 TX 500-65-1 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B TX 395-45-1B TX 395-45-5 TX 395_45-6 RI *12 TX 371-80-1A TX 395-45-2B CA 691-77-28 CA 691-77-29 PA S-74 PA S-73 NY 20100-0289 OR 76-401-9070 MS S-2-53-4 PA S-61 MS S-2-53-18 TX 371-63-1 TX 395-46-1 TX 395-46-2 MS S-2-53-14 MS S-2-53-17 MS S-6-61 PA S-63 PA S-67 TX 500-70-1 TX 395-47-1A PA S-66 MS S-2-53-23 CA 691-77-85 PA T-6 NY 39104-0565 PA T-45 TX 410-34-4 TX 400-4 8-2 A 176 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ation (Heavy Duty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Spec, for Commercial 1970) Spec, for Commercial ylinder) (1970) Spec, for Commercial ylinder) (1970) Spec, for Commercial 968) Spec, for Spec, for Compound; Washing, Spec, for Compound; Washing, Spec, for Bluing; Spec, for Machines; Washing, Spec, for Institutional Spec, for Starch, nt for Washing Cotton, Colored and Woolen Fabrics in Power Spec, for Soap, Bar, Brown Std. Spec, for Alkaline Soap Builder Std. Spec, for Bar Soap (Brown Spec, for Pressing Machine Equipment Std. Spec, for Bar Soap (Brown Std. Spec, for Built Soap, Granulated spec, for Alkali Neutralizing Sour (Dry Wheel Application, for Ironer Waxing and Cleaning Compound (Water Emulsion, Spec, for Combination Washer Extractor Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Alkali, (1967) Spec, for Ironers; Flat Work, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap; Std. Spec, for Washer - Extractors, Spec, for Bleach, Spec, for Bleach, Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Highly Soluble Sour Spec, for Bleach; tomatic Washer) ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Bags; Chlorine) (1969) Spec, for Bleach; Spec, for Soap; d460, D502 Spec, for Soap; tomotive and Industrial (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, Std. Spec, for Oxalic Acid, Technical Spec, for Foam Stabilizer, Spec, for Water Closet / Spec, for c. for Books (Trade, Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Spec, for Paper Napkins, Table Std. Spec, for Tractors, Suburban Std. Spec, for Grass Seed Mixtures; Std. Spec, for Seed, ) (1970) Std. Spec, for Power Mowers Spec, for Outboard Motor, Chain Saw and Std. Spec, for Power Spec, for Heavy Duty Class V Power Spec, for Class III Power 1-64 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Big Wheel Power Spec, for Class I Power Spec, for Heavy Duty Class IV Power Spec, for Heavy Duty Big Wheel Power Spec, for Class II Power 9) ANSI B7 1 .1-64 Std. Spec, for tractor) ( 1 968 ) ANSI B7 1 . 1 , SAE J607, J608 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Hose, Water, Plastic sh, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Bio/ Spec, for Garden and Std. Spec, for General Fertilizers, Manure and Lime (for clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timothy, 19/ Spec, for Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, 968) Spec, for Mowers; Spec, for Mowers; Std. Spec, for Mowers, Std. Spec, for Mowers, Spec, for Concrete Handling Bucket (Lightweight, Spec, for Calcium Chloride (Drying, Dehumidifying, Dust ent (Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van Body) (G.V.W. 53,000 (Fire Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 ventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Spec, for Van Truck (G.V.W. 5,100 or Conventional Dump Truck Chassis with Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 omotive Equipment (Service / Utility Trucks - G.V.W. 8,000 ventional Heavy Duty Truck Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 uck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body (G.V.W. 5,000 pec. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks - G.ViW. 43,000 FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Spec, for Bronze Gate Valves ( 125 and 150 pec. for Bronze Angle, Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 /C. for Organic Built Synthetic Deterge Spec Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty Side L Laundry Washing Machine (End Loading) (1970) Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, Unloading Type) Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 42 In. Diameter Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, 60 In. Diameter Laundry Wax for Waxing Flatwork Ironers and Equipment Laundry (for Use in Cold Water) (1941) Laundry (for Use in Hot Water) ( 1941 ) Laundry (Nonsour, Sour) (1969) Laundry (Standard Type, Side Loading) (1967) Laundry (1965) Laundry (1966) Laundry (1969) Laundry (1970) (Laundry) (1953) Laundry) (1953) (Laundry) (1968) Laundry) (1969) (Laundry) (1969) Laundry) (1969) Laundry) (1969) (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Lb. Dry Capacity) (1959) Laundry, Bar, Brown (1969) Laundry, Built, Powder (1966) Laundry, Carboxymethyl Cellulose (1966) Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, with Return Ribbons) Laundry, Chip and Granulated ( 1966) Laundry, Chip (Nonrosin Type) (1969) ASTM D460 Laundry, Commercial (1966) Laundry, Dry (1966) Laundry, Dry (1969) Laundry, Flake (1963) ASTM D460 (Laundry, Granular) (1969) Laundry, Liquid (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1969) Laundry, Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder (Home Type Au Laundry, Nylon (1971) Laundry, Powder (Calcium Hypochlorite; 65-70% Available Laundry, Powdered (Cold Water) (1970) ASTM D460, D502 Laundry, Powdered (Hot Water, Nonalkaline) (1969) ASTM Laundry, Power House Equipment) Water Resistant (1967) (Laundry, Radiator Rust Remover) (1953) Laurie Diethanolamide (1966) Lavatory Combination (Stainless Steel) (1971) Law Enforcement Vehicles (Police, Automobile) (1969) Law Publications; Prebound Paperback) (1970) Spe (Law) (1968) (Lawn and Garden) (Attachments) (1971) Lawn and Turf (1967) Lawn Grass ( 1964) (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Hand and Self Propelled Lawn Mower Oil (1967) Lawn Mower (Riding, Reel Type) (1964) Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B71 Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1963) Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1966) Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1963) Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1963) Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1966) Lawn Mowers, Rotary (Hand Push and Self Propelled) ( 196 Lawn Mowers; Power (Reel and Rotary Type) (Walking and (Lawn or Garden) (1969) Lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Bru Lawn Turf) (1967) Lawn) (1971) /Lets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway Construction) Lawn, Gasoline Power Operated (Reel and Rotary Type) ( 1 Lawn, Hand Operated (1968) FED OO-M-671 Lawn, Power, Rotary, Heavy Duty ( 1970) Lawn, Power, Rotary, Medium Duty (1965) Laydown Type) (1970) Layer) (1970?) AASHO M-144 Lb.) (1968) Lb.) (1968) Lb.) (1969) Lb.) (1970) Lb.) (1970) Lb.) (1970) Lb.) (1970) Lb.) (1970) Lb.) (1971) Lb., Mineral Surfaced, Lb., Mineral Surfaced, Spec, for Automotive Equipm Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Con Spec Spec Spec. F for Aut for Con Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Tr In. Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, In. Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) TX TX TX TX TX TX PA PA PA PA RI KY VA LA MS MS NY OR OR VA TX NJ CA KY KY PA KY PA NC KY CA PA VA PA MS PA PA PA PA MI MS TX NY NJ NY NY MS RI MS WA MI WA TX TX OR TX TX TX TX TX OR PA MS NY RI NY VA PA PA MS MS NY MS NY NY SC SC SC NY SC SC NY MS MS TX TX 400-48-2A 400-49-1 A 400-49-4A 400-49-2A 400-49-3A 395-43-1 C-54 C-55 B-91 M-3 ♦7 6810-1 L-2 * 1 1—3 S-2-53-10 S-2-53-38 36501-0601A 76-401-9010 76-401-9020 L-ll 395-43-2 89-400 691-77-30 7930-15 7930-14 1-4 7930-16 S-4 3510-WE-2 6850-4 691-77-09 S-59 L-10 B-89 D-7A-69 B-123 B-90 S-60 S-3 5255-S12 S-2-53-16 371-45-1 A 37600-0499 6542-50 20000-0655 23300-0589 T-6A-71 •4 S-l 1-64 S-69-106 5255-S6 S-64-74 415-36-2A 415-37-3A 18-510-9010 415-37-4 415-37-1B 4 15-36-1 A 415-36-3 415-37-2B 18-510-9020 M-60 H-6B-69 08206-0442 •9 07900-0584 DH-253 M-68 M-65 M-6A-70 M-5-65 41101-0566 3753 40500-0714 40501-0079 14-310 •27 •18 40500-0655 •19 •17 40500-0786 R_5_64-10 R_5_64-10A 520-73-1B 540-73-2A 177 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Hon (1963) Spec, for Storage Batteries, Automotive, Spec, for Storage Batteries (Electrolyte and Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries, Spec, for Pencils, alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Resistant, y) (1970) Std. Spec, for White Std. Spec, for Red Std. Spec, for Red Spec, for Gasoline, Low Std. Spec, for Basic Spec, for Primer (Paint), Basic t-P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Spec, for Shop Coat, Red Spec, for Pencils; Colored Spec, for Bolt Anchorages, Spec, for Sheet Spec, for Red Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Std. Spec, for Primer, Red Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Spec, for Primer Paint, Red Spec, for Pencils; Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Spec, for White and Red Metal Ring Hardware and Hinges for Use in Ring Type Loose Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Self Development Packaged Spec, for trip Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Heads/ Spec, for Group ap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sa/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paperweights, Shot Filled, Spec, for Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Loafers) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Gloves; Work, Canton Flannel and Spec, for eneral Use, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detec/ Spec, for Spec, for Shoe, Men's Russet Spec, for Holster; Spec, for Shoe, Men's Work, 6 In. Russet, Spec, for Belts; Waist, Std. Spec, for Shoes and Footwear d. Spec, for Low Titer Soap Flakes (Low Temperature, Wool, Spec, for Gloves; Spec, for Brief Case, Spec, for Artificial Spec, for Brief Case, Spec, for Brief Case, Spec, for Boot, Spec, for Brief Covers, Spec, for Flexible Black Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Shoe Spec, for Seating Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bond and Std. Spec, for Carbonless Paper (Bond and , M/ Spec, for Fine Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Spec, for Tractor Mower (Heavy Industrial Type, Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture (Pedestal, Spec, for Poultry Spec, for Women's Band Spec, for Tables, Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Spec, for Steel Office Straight 4 Spec, for Metal Office Desks, 4 Spec, for Steel Tables, Panel and 4 Spec, for Folding Tables (Square Spec, for Wallets, Expanding, Letter and Spec, for Cabinets; Filing, Steel (Letter and Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Cabinets (Letter and 9) Std. Spec, for Field Seeds Spec, for Seeds (Grass, 105.TAPPI T410 (1969) pper) (1969) ) hrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Lead Acid Type (1970) Lead Acid Types) (1971) SAE J537F, MIL Std. 105 Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Starting, Lighting and Igni Lead and China Marking (1964) Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White and Tints) (1970) FED Std Lead in Oil, Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Paint and Putt Lead Paint (1964) Lead Primer (Paint) (1954?) Lead Regular (1970) Lead Silico Chromate Paint (1964) Lead Silico Chromate, Semiquick Drying (1969) Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Shades) (1962) FED T Lead (Metal Primer Paint) (1970?) Lead (1967) Lead (1970?) Lead (1970?) ASTM B-29 Lead, Linseed Oil Paint, Second Coat ( 1969) Lead, Linseed Oil, Structural Steel (1969) Lead, Metal (Paint) (1970) Lead, Quick Drying (1969) Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Contamination Area (1969) Lead, (Non Mechanical) (1963) Lead-in Cable ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Leads, Linseed Oils, and Turpentine (1971) Leaf Binders (1970) Spec, for Leaf Loader (Trailer Mounted) ( 1971 ) Leaf Loader (1969) Learning Centers and Accessories ( 1 97 1 ) Learning Laboratory System (College) (1970) Learning Systems (Six Position Listening Station, Films Leather Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Str Leather and Cotton Work Glove (1971) Leather and Findings ( 1969) Leather and Knife (1953) Leather Bag (1969) Leather Belting (1969) Leather Belts (1957) Leather Bound Stucco Brushes (1964) Leather Footwear and Washable Slippers (Shoes, Oxfords, Leather Palm Gloves (1960) Leather Palm Knit Gloves (1970) Leather Palm Wool Mittens (1970) Leather Palm (1971) Leather Police Belt (1964) FED KK-L-271D, KK-L-31 1 Leather Uniform Accessories (Belts - State Police and G Leather Work Oxford (1969) Leather (for Tear Gas, Liquid, Hand Hold) ( 1969) Leather (1969) Leather (1970) (Leather) (Institutional) (1971) Leather) (1953) St Leather, Dress and Uniform (1971) FED Std. 311 Leather, Under Arm with Disappearing Handles (1969) Leather, Upholstery (Vinyl) (1968) Leather, 3 Pocket (1969) Leather, 4 Pocket (1969) Leather, 8 In., Oil Treated, Men's (1969) Leatherette Grain, Notebook, File ( 1969) Leatherette Ring Binders (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. Leather; Calf, Full Grain (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Tanned) (Shoe U Leather; Kid, Glazed (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969 Leather; Sides (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Leather; Sides, Oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), (C Leather; Sole, Vegetable Tanned (1969) (Lecture Hall) (NYS Std.) (1971) Ledger Paper (1970) Ledger (Company) Paper (1970) Ledger) (1970) Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) ( 1971 ) / for Fine Left and Right Side Mounted Cutter Bars) (1970?) Leg and Booth Tables) (1970) Leg and Wing Bands (Marking) (1971) Leg Panties (Jersey Knit) (1970) Leg Style (1961) Leg Type Chair with Arms ( 1968) Leg Type Chair Without Arms (1968) Leg Type (1968) Leg Types (1968) Leg, Pedestal, Card) (1971) Legal Size Filing (1970) Legal) (1954) Legal) (1968) (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, Oats, Corn) ( 196 Legume) for Vegetative Cover (1970?) MI 5220-S2 CA 711-23-30 NC 6140-B-l MI 4854-0010 WA S-70-108 MS PM-10 SC HD-80B10 NM *22 CA 701-91-150 SC HD-80B12 CA 691-80-83 VA DK-35 MS 3506 PA P-145 MS 3387 MS 3335 CA 691-80-61 CA 691-80-60 MS PE-10 CA 691-80-54 CA 691-80-53 PA P-144 NY 35816-0213 NY 37100-0037 CA 701-75-36 NY 37000-0440 NY 37000-0348 NY 38221-0890 NY 38209-0485 NY 38209-0401 OR 79-350-9010 SC 03-020-1002 NY 37200-0107 IL *33DD CA 691-75-30 PA L-25 RI 4240-M-001 TX 11 0-3 2-2 A NY 34900-0175 RI 4235-M-002 RI 4235-M-011 RI 4235-M-009 PA G-15 TX 550-42-1 NY 39309-0539 CA 691-84-05 PA H-22 CA 691-84-03 PA B-138 OR 82-300-1010 MS S-2-53-38A PA G-14 CA 691-84-39 PA A-21 CA 691-84-37 CA 691-84-38 CA 691-84-01 CA 691-75-61 CA 721-75-34 PA L-29 PA L-30 PA L-31 PA L-32 PA L-33 PA L-24 NY 20901-0026 OR 74-300-0100 OR 74-300-0130 OR 74-300-0140 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 50200-0551 VA *18 NY 24800-0184 NY 08701-0638 RI 4287-F-001 NJ 7148-02 TX 300-33-6 TX 300-33-7 CA 681-67-23 CA 681-67-24 NY 20902-0435 CA 701-75-59 PA C-93 TX 300-45-3A WI 3748 MS 3876 178 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards mer/ Spec, for Girls" Knee Spec, for Women's Snuggles Underwear (Above the Knee Spec for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Nonexposed Soec. for Flexible Reflective Sheeting (Enclosed v Spec, for c«rk< Su/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Athletic (Shorts, Soclcs ' au/ Spec, for Wallets, Expanding, Spec, for Cabinets; Filing, Steel Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Cabinets Std. Spec, for ers- Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; reel Post Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips, rcei rosi u ^ Thermography - Business Cards, Spec, for Reflective Materials (Cut Out plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Process howcases, Telescopic Post with Signs and Canister, Cornice now ' v Spec, for Reflectonzed Spec, for Reflectorized Cut Out Figures and Signs h.rical Lens Events, Film, Cotors, «-£•£>£££-; Spec, for Low Bed, Spec, for High tific Equipment (Electrochemistry System and Liquid Helium (l J 6i A 10H » Std. Spec, for High 18 f ttl Insib I) ( 1964) • Std. Spec, for High "SpmRSK 2 000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks Fro. Ground v> K Spec, for Grader, with Trip Edge r Food Service Equipment (Cashier Stands Dish Carts, Self chen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter Self Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way with Right Hand w Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade ) and Snow tor Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Spec, for Motor Vehicle Spec, for Port Pilot Spec, for Books for School and Public Spec, for Janitorial Maintenance General Conditions and Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Book Truck (Wood Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Std. Spec, for Bracket Type Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Steel Shelving, Spec, for Wood Shelving, Spec, for Steel Shelving Spec, for Steel Shelving Spec, for Steel Shelving Spec, for Metal Shelving Spec, for Office Supplies iquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip SP^^^g^ Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Shelving, Spec for Chairs; Wood, Student Study, Dining and v ' General Spec, for Furniture, 69) Spec, for Highway Driver Spec, for Motorcycle Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bead Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, Spheres r Spec. tor 19 ii Std Spec, for Coiled Aluminum Allotf Sheet for Spec, for Precoated Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum Alloy, Coiled Sheets Spec, for Paint Thinner Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel Length Socks (Stocking) (1969) Length) (1970) j ^ Lens Elements, Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Lett Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and Lens) (1970?) Leotards (1960) -. Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jacke Letter and Legal Size Filing (1970) (Letter and Legal) (1954) (Letter and Legal) (1968) Letter Openers (1971) Letter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and Court Rep Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Rei Letterheads, Envelopes (1971) Letters and Numbers) (1970) wia ,.. Letters and Numerals and Symbols and Borders) (1967) Letters) (1969) / Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, 5> Letters, Digits and Alphabet Accessories (1970) (Letters, Digits and Symbols) and Reflectors (1971 ) Letters, Numerals) (Highway and Pavement Applicators) Level Deck, Semi Trailer (Carryall) (1970) Level Deck, Semi Trailer (1971) Level Flashing Lights and Tripod Stand (1969) Level Indicator) (1971) Sp rLi Level Style Load Binders for Use with Various Size Chai Level Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Highway Level Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light Wejgh Com Level) ( 197 1 ) /Erial Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard K Leveling and Heavy Duty One Way Plow ( 1967) Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Dispensers) Leveling Cup Dispenser) (1971) Spec, for Kit Leveling Wing, Roll Over and Power Reversible) (1971) Levelini Wing, (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W ..4 X 4) Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tool Liability Insurance (1970?) Liability Insurance (1970?) Libraries (1970?) wlo - m (Library - Archives Building, State Museum) (1970) Library Binding (Book) (1969) , 1Q - m Library Card Catalog Cabinets, Wood (1970) (Library Card Stock) (1969) Library Carrels (1966) Library Catalog Card Stock (1968) Library Chairs (1964) Library Chairs (1964) ,...„. Library Chairs, Contemporary Style ( 1970?) Library Desk; Charging and Related Units (1966) Library Funiture) (1969) W10 , B . Library Furniture (Metal) (College (1968) Library Furniture (Wood and Metal) (1970) Library Shelves (1966) nn , . Library Shelving and Accessories (1969) Library Shelving (Metal) (1968) Library Shelving (Office Furniture) (1969) Library Shelving (Steel and Wood) (1968) Library Shelving (Steel) (1968) Library Shelving (1968) Library Shelving ( 1970) Library Shelving, Metal (1968) w ioA$n Library Shelving, Steel (Periodica Display) (1968) Library Stacks; Steel (Shelving) (1968) Library (1969) Library (1969) (Library) (1968) (Library) (1968) (Library) (1969) (Library) (1969) ffi# HE!! '-d CM.CJM Thinner, Cue L (Library, Processed and Catalogued) (1970) Library, Steel (Bracket Type) (1970) UcSE^mln^S^mmer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (19 License Plate Die Equipment (1969) License Plate Enamel (Paint), Cardinal Red (1967) License Plate Ink, White (1968) (License Plate Reflection) (1970) License Plate Steel (1970?) License Plate Stock (1969) MIL C-5541 License Plate Stock 1 ( J?68?) License Plate Stock 1 , Alodized ( 1970) gfiS 5S)'£2i l (S2l , ASTM D965-48T. D844-50 (License Plate) (1961) RI RI NY NY VA RI OR CA PA TX IL NY FL NY NY NY NY NJ NY NY SC SC NY NY TX WA WA NY NJ NY NY NY AK NY HI HI HI NJ NJ CA NY PA MI RI RI CA PA RI NY NY PA NE NY RI NY NY NY OR NY NY PA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY IL NY NY NY PA MS SC NY MI Ml MI WY WI NJ NJ PA NJ NJ 4250-F-008 4287-F-016 38601-0752 38601-0282 *35 4250-F-009 82-700-9010 701-75-59 C-93 300-45-3A ♦32HH 23000-0633 *21 50048 38601-0228 38601-0173 21802-0347 0760-01 38606-0203 38601-0752 14-270 14-270-0451 A 35703-0815 38728 325-59-1A S-64-73 S-63-67-1 39102-0255 4938-08A 36200-0605 36118-0539 40900-0895 ♦63 35000-0938 *5 *9 *6 *7 8310-00 701-67-15 23005-0314 C-172 4852-S1 3-013 3-014 *1 D-30 4348-005 21715-0854 21801 S-122 •1 27500-0836 1-025 27500-0790 27500-0867 27500-0853 43-400-0030 27500-0699 27500-0072 L-45 27500-0429 27501-0878 27500-0749 27500-0855 27500-0776 27500-0897 23005-0155 *32A 20000-0350 27500-0658 27504-0160 C-165 F-23A-70 03-0 10A 43220-0338 5325-S1 5325-S11 2800-S1 •9 6130 0730-01 0730-03 A-ll 7342-10 7342-08 179 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 13 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel Spec, for Paint, Numeral Coating Black Spec, for Numeral Enamel (Ink) Spec, for Enamel, 25-67 Spec, for Materials for otective Clear Coating and Numer/ Spec, for Materials for Spec, for Materials for ASTM A525-67T Spec, for Materials for Spec, for Materials for Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Double Spec, for Prepainted Coiled Steel Stock for Spec, for Aluminum, Precoated for for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Red, for Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Gold, for Spec, for Glass Spheres for Reflectorization of Spec, for Background and Numeral Enamel(Paint) for 1972 Spec, for Precoated Aluminum Blanks for Spec, for Reflectorized Vehicle Spec, for 1972 Motor Vehicle Spec, for Devices; Sticker (Decal), Validation (for now Machine) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Brass; (Coiled Strip) for Dog Spec, for Drivers Spec, for Color Photo Laminated Driver Spec, for Laminating Equipment for Drivers Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Adjustable One Way, Combination Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Reversible, Combination ec. for Reversible 2 Way 11 Ft. Snow Plow with a Frame and Riders) (19/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (High - Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Aerial Spec, for Materials Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Spec, for skid) (Manual Hyd/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Spec, for Fork e Boom (1970) Spec, for Fork extensible Boom (1968) Spec, for Fork Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork std. Spec, for Overhead Doors, Sectional (Steel and Wood) 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body and Basket equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Post, Full Hydraulic Spec, for Garage Equipment Spec, for Std. Spec, for Truck, Fork Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment ader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork lternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Spec, for Manually Operated Weight Cart Spec, for Sheet Spec, for Automobile and Truck Spec, for Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Small Size for Spec, for Compressor (Rotary) Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Powder Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths Spec, for Multi Purpose Spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars and Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars and ne (Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated Weight, Household or Spec, for Detergent, Liquid, Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Spec, for Gloves, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Ford, Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Transmission, Dextron Std. Spec, for Pneumatic Hose (Heavy and Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Platform Truck, urniture (1969) rniture (1969) 86, FF-C-88 ase Anchorage) (1970?) Spec, for (License Plate) (1961) (License Plate) (1967) (License Plate) (1969) License Plate, Paint ( 1971 ) License Plates (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1971) ASTM A5 License Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Pr License Plates (Primer, Enamel) (1969) License Plates (TMT - Motorcycle and Snowmobile) (1970) License Plates (Tmt) (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1970) License Plates (1956) License Plates (1956) Spec. License Plates (1963) License Plates (1965) License Plates (1967) Spec. License Plates (1968) License Plates ( 1970) ASTM D307-44, E97-55 License Plates (1970) (1970) FED TT-P-1416 (Paint) License Plates (1970?) License Plates (1970?) License Plates (1971) License Plates) (1969) License Stickers (Decal, Motor Vehicle Validation and S License Tag (1960) License with Photograph (1964) License (1970) Licenses (Die Cutting) (1966) Life Vests, Buoyant (1964) Lifeguard Uniforms (Departmental) (1971) Lifeguards Trunks (Departmental) (1970) Lift and Push ( 1962) Spec. Lift and Push (1966) Lift Cylinder (1970?) Sp Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Lift Jacks) ( 1970) / Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks (Lift Stacker with Rolled Paper Handler) ( 1969) Lift Truck with 1 Man Fiberglass Bucket) ( 1971 ) Lift Truck (Battery Powered Walkie) ( 1971 ) Lift Truck (Gasoline Powered) (1971) Lift Truck (7,000 Lb. Rating) (1969) (Lift Truck, Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) (1970) Lift Truck, LP Gas Powered) ( 1971 ) Lift Truck, Walk Behind (1968) Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link Belt Extensibl Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Removable Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Stand-Up Riders) ( 1971 ) (Lift Up) (1962) ASTM A93, A386 Lift (1969) Spec, for Truck, Lift (1969) Spec, for Truck, Lift (1970) Spec, for Truck, Lift) (1969) Spec, for Garage (Lift, Air Compressor) (1969) Lift, Automotive Twin Post, Air, Hydraulic ( 1 968 ) Lift, Gasoline Powered (1966) Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker Hig (Lift, Platform and Pallet Trucks) (1968) Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Lo Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Stands, Po (Lift, Vehicle) (1969?) Lifters, Ring Binder (1970) Lifts (2 Post, Fully Hydraulic) (1964) USC CS142-58 Light and Heavy Duty Trucks (1969) Light and Intermittent Duty) (1969) Light and Medium ( 1970) Light and Medium ( 1970) Light and Moderate Duty ( 1961 ) (Light Colored) (1962) Light Duty Sweeping Brush (1967) Light Duty Tandem Drive Motor Grader (1970) Light Duty Trucks) ( 1967)^— Spec, for Light Duty Trucks) (1967) Spec, for Light Duty Type) ( 1970) FED CC-M-636C /Scrubbing Machi Light Duty (1969) Light Duty (1969) Light Duty (1970) Light Duty (1970) (Light Duty) (1970) Light Duty) (1971) Light Duty, Hand Dishwashing, Unbuilt Synthetic (1969) Light Grass Mixed (1963) Light Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal F Light Green Finish Coat (Paint) ( 1969) Light Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Light Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Fu Light Medium Duty (Materials Handling) (1968) FED FF-C- Light Standards (Complete Pole Including Mast Arm and B NJ 7342-11 NJ 7342-09 PA E-18 CA 711-80-199 NY 37826-0191 NY 38601-0282 NY 37301-0031 NY 37826-0025 NY 37826-0629 MI 417-11 MI 417-10 PA S-58 MI 4906-0010 MI 4978-S1 MI 4978-S2 WY ♦11 WY *10 CT *1 HI *1 AK •75 PA D-21 AK ♦83 PA B-127 MI 8265-0100 SC 59-500-045 1 MI 8199-1000 KY 2030-6A NY 40018-0876 NY 43018-0630 NJ 4938-50 NJ 4938-49 VA *13 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0680 NY 39101-0921 NY 40533-0527 NY 39101-0279 NY 39101-0350 SC 14-100 NY 39101-0471 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0594 NJ 4938-123 NJ 4938-148 NJ 4938-55 NY 39101-0719 OR 19-62-27 NJ 4938-24 NJ 4946-00 NJ 4938-134 NY 35000-0299 NY 35000-0965 NJ 3960-00 NC 3950-TFL-2 NY 39101-0393 NY 39101-0623 NY 40601-0298 NY 35000-0647 NJ *l-2 CA 701-75-37 TX 045-45-1 TN TS 2320-1 TX 570-36-1 MI 5255-S26 MS L-5B-70-5 MS TC-29 WA S-6 1-38-1 TX 370-31-4 SC 14-140-0451A MI 5255-S8 MI 5255-S9 TX 265-32-2B CA 691-77-11 CA 691-77-75 CA 701-84-17 MS L-5B-70-16 MS L-5B-70-15A OR 74-61-3 CA 691-77-15 MI 4340-0033 MI 5325-S35 CA 691-80-84 MS 3553 MI 5325-S23 PA T-77 MS 3811 180 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Exterior Paint, x Base Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior (White, xed Air Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and hetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (White and base Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (White and Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel (Paint) (White and Spec, for Semigloss Interior Enamel (Paint, White and )) Spec, for D) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Pickups, Spec, for Mirror Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Coated, Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Device (Highway Marker, Spec, for Twin Roof Rotating Spec, for Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Interior, «Spec. for Ice Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Spec, for Instrument Oil, Spec, for Generator and Motor Oil, Spec, for Turbine Oil, Spec, for Ice Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Oil, Spec, for Pneumatic Tool Oil, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Interior, Semigloss, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Interior, Gloss, Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group C, Compact, Spec, for Automobile, 4 Passenger, Group D, Economy, Spec, for Twine, Cotton, Spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group A, Standard, spec, for Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group B, Intermediate, Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior Finish, Wood (House), spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Flat, One Coat, Interior, Odorless for Paint, Oil, Concrete and Masonry, Exterior, Ready Mix, r Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, Walls and Woodwork (Paint), Spec, for Fluorescent (Lamp Spec, for Fluorescent (Lamp Regulat/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Trammel Bar, Timing Spec, for Solvent, Spec, for Textile, Scrim, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Flat Spec, for Soda Ash r Storage Batteries, Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Starting, Spec, for Wet Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries (Vehicular, Ignition, Spec, for Batteries (Vehicular Ignition, 71) Spec. for Spec, for std. Spec, for Batteries, Storage, Vehicular, Ignition and Spec, for Armored Underground Cable (Butyl) for Highway . for Armored Underground Cable (Polyethylene) for Highway . for Dry Charge Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Std. Spec, for Batteries; Storage, Vehicular, Ignition, Spec, for High Level Flashing al Aid or Buoy) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Flashing Spec, for Automotive Warning (1969) Spec, for Lamps and Reflectors Spec, for Auxiliary Spec, for m C330 Spec, for Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Aspirator, Spec, for Men's -H-601, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Men's Stretch Dress Socks Spec, for Concrete Handling Bucket Spec, for Raincoat, Men's, Spec, for Textile, Blue Denim, or Playground Equipment (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, isinfectant) (1953) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for Water for Use with Cement or decontaminant (1964) Fed/ Spec, for Technical Chlorinated Std. Spec, for General Fertilizers, Manure and ruction) (1970) ASTM C207, C141 Spec, for rnt) (1971) Spec, for Agricultural Spec, for Agricultural Spec, for Hydrated Spec, for Building Brick (Sand Std. Spec, for Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Spec, for Fertilizers (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated pec. for Household Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Ghloride of Std. Spec, for Agricultural Minerals (Ground monium Nitrate, Cyan/ Spec, for Fertilizers (Agricultural '^71) Spec, for Agricultural Lime Std. Spec, for Lubricant, nt, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Spec, for Ready Mi /yd Varnish Base Synt Std. Spec, for Latex Light Stone (Buildings) (1970?) FED TT-P-102 Light Tints and Other Colors) (1970) Spec, for Late Light Tints and Other Colors) ( 1971 ) Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Light Tints) (1966) Light Tints) (1968) FED Std. 141 Light Tints) (1968) FED TT-P-442, Std. 141 Light Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower (19 Light Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower (19 Light Trucks, Station Buses and Vans (1971) Light Units (1970) (Light Weight) (Mattress and Pillow) (I960) FED CCC-T-19 Light Weight, Compact, Collapsible) (1964) Light (Vehicle Mounting, Warning) (1970) Light (1964) Light (1964) Light (1967) Light (1967) Light (1968) Light (1968) Light (1968) Light (1968) Light (1968) Light (1968) Light (1969) Light (1969) Light (1970) Light (1970) Light (1970) Light (1970) Light (1970) Light (1970) Light (1970) Std. Light (1970) Std. Spec. Light (1970) Std. Spec. Fo Light) Fixtures (1971) Light) Fixtures (800 Ma) (1970) Light) (Testers - Compression, Generator and Alternator Light, Clean Up Printing Equipment (1969) Light, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Light, One Coat (1970) (Light, 58%) (1971) ASTM D458-57 Lighting and Ignition (1963) Std. Spec. Fo Lighting and Starting (1964) Lighting and Starting) ( 1966) Lighting and Starting) ( 1970?) Lighting Fixtures (Indoor and Outdoor) (University) (19 Lighting Luminaires and Components (1970?) Lighting (1969) Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S- 19-81 Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-81, S-61-402, S-66-524 /Ec Lighting, and Starting ( 1964) Spec Lighting, Starting (1969) Lights and Tripod Stand (1969) Lights (Battery Operated, for Housing Within Navigation Lights (Revolving, Flashing) (1967) (Lights) for All Trucks 80 In. or More in Overall Width Lights, Wet Cell Operated ( 1971 ) Lights; Surgical, Obstetrical, and Clinical ( 1 968 ) Lightweight Aggregate (Highway Construction) (1970) AST Lightweight Automatic) ( 1 97 1 ) Lightweight Dress Caps (Hat) ( 1965) (Lightweight Stocking) (Institutional Use) (1971) FED JJ (Lightweight, Laydown Type) (1970) Lightweight, Nylon Reversible (1964) Lightweight, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Lime - Grade a (Bleach Powder, Water Purification and D Lime Mortar (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO T26 Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite) for Use as Disinfectant or Lime (for Lawn Turf) (1967) Lime (Hydrated, Hydraulic, Agricultural) (Highway Const Lime (Limestone, Hydrated (Spraying and Dusting) and Bu Lime (1970?) Lime (1970?) ASTM C-6 Lime) (1970?) ASTM C-73 Lime, Agricultural (1958) Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyan Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax Limestone, Dolomite, Gypsum) (1969) Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Am (Limestone, Hydrated (Spraying and Dusting) and Burnt) Limited Slip or No Spin Differential (1970) Limited Slip Type Differentials, Transmissions, Final D MS NY NY VA VA WA VA VA NE NE OR NY PA WA NM KY KY MI MI CA CA CA CA CA CA KY KY CA CA CA CA CA MS MS MS MS NY NY NY CA MA MS NY NC TX IL GA NY MS MS MS MS TX OR NY NY NY MI NY NY VA NY RI CA NY NJ MA NY MS VA TX RI VA PA MS MS MS CT VA NY NY OR NY PA MS MI 3534 38010-0509 38010-0188 DK-28A DK-26A S-66-93 DK-23B DK-22C ♦32 •35 06-200-1040 21500-0682 T-60 S-63-67-1 *9 26A 28A 5255-S15 5255-S24 681-91-24 681-91-26 681-91-40 681-91-50 681-91-70 681-91-73 22A 23A 701-23-07 701-23-08 701-40-01 702-23-01 702-23-03 PE-3 PI- 12 PE-7 PI-6 35704-0811 35704-0447 35000-0938 691-80-419 *35-48 PI-1 25505-0169 6140-B-l 035-35-1 *36 6140-2-14 35710-0489 3810 B-5A-69 3805 3804 035-35-2 07-330-9011 35703-0815 34502-0632 30304-0716 ♦5 35703-0145 11800-0437 DH-207 12100-320 4245-M-002 711-84-40 41101-0566 1548-00 ♦35-82 30211-0572 S-2-53-21 DH-218 370-44-1 *9 DH-251 L-36 3879 3106 3614 4728-L-23A DH-257 07700-0473 22000-0462 84-100-9020 07700-0473 L-36 L-5B-7O-20 5255-S14 181 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Gas L ent(1970) Spec, for L 35 Std. Spec, for Wood Fence Posts (L r Use in Steam Generating Plants (Prevention of Condensate L Std. Spec, for L oat)/ Spec, for Vertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (L Std. Spec, for Pens, Fine L Spec, for Traffic L for Application on White and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway L rowing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, L fed TT-R-2/ Spec, for Special White Traffic Stripe Paint (L Std. Spec, for White Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway L Std. Spec, for Yellow Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway L ng Machine (Truck Mounted, High TemperatuSMiglixnay L or Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, Self Contained Traffic L 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion / Spec, for Wide L Fast Dry Type) (1969/ Spec, for White and Yellow Traffic L Spec, for Traffic L Spec, for Traffic L Spec, for Traffic L Spec, for Traffic L Spec, for Traffic Marking L Spec, for L Spec, for Self Propelled Traffic L al Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, L Spec, for Automatic L Spec, for Traffic L Spec, for Sprayer, Self Propelled, Single L )/ Spec, for Spray Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Single L Spec, for Markers, Writing, Fine L Spec, for Misses" Washable Skirts (A L Spec, for Girls" and Misses" Skirts (Straight L 6-58, USC CS 184-51 Std. Spec, for Steel Fence Posts (L or Structural Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column L Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Radiotherapy L Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (L Spec, for Surfactant; L Spec, for Surfactant; L Spec, for Chairs - Type I (L 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber L Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Cotton Rubber L 2 1/2 In. Single Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber L Std. Spec, for Hose, Single Jacketed, Rubber L r Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric L Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotton Fabric L d. Spec, for Fire Hose (1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Cotton, Rubber L rack - Portable) / Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (L Spec, for Textile, L Spec, for Cotton and L Spec, for Cotton and L Std. Spec, for Toweling; Crash, Cotton L Std. Spec, for Toweling, Crash, Cotton and L r Towels and Toweling; Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton and L Spec, for L Spec, for L Spec, for Textile, Glass Toweling, L Std. Spec, for Table L Replacement for Starch for Fine Finishing of Garments and L Spec, for Clothing, Notions, L Spec, for Police Cruiser Jacket, Detachable L Spec, for Plastic Receptacle L ; CS227 Spec, for Waste Receptacle L Spec, for Bag, Polyethylene Plastic, L Spec, for Laundry Baskets, Carts and L Spec, for Winter Helmet L Spec, for Polyethylene Can L handling Equipment (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene L c. for School and Art Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff L 7) Spec, for Coffee Bag L zed Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air L avement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, Lane L Spec, for Textile, White L Spec, for Textile, Striped Sleeve L Spec, for Textile, Pearl Grey Sleeve L Spec, for Textile, Brown L Spec, for Textile, Black Sleeve L Spec, for Textile, Gray Coat L Spec, for Textile, Best Black Body L Spec, for Textile, Rayon Twill L Spec, for Textile, Black Body L Spec, for Textile, Reefer L Spec, for Polyester Fill Sandwich Type L Spec, for Textile, Black Silesia (Cotton L Spec, for White Drill (Shoe L Spec, for Men's Wool Overcoats (Zip in L annel, G/ Spec, for Cotton Dress Goods (Fabric), Suiting, L ne Antifreeze (1971) ne Carbon Master Sets, Spirit Type Duplicating Equipm ne Corner and Gate) and Preservatives ( 1970) USC CS-2 ne Corrosion) (1970) /Eed Water Compound, Liquid, Fo ne Daters (1971) ne Handling and Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitation of B ne Markers (Regular and Audio Visual) ( 1971 ) ne Marking Paint and Reflective Glass Beads (1970) ne Marking Paint ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Glass Beads ne Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, Handb ne Marking) for Application with Glass Beads (1971?) ne Marking) for Glass Bead Application ( 1964) ne Marking) for Glass Bead Application ( 1964) ne Marking) ( 1968) Spec, for Stripi ne Marking) (1969) Spec. F ne Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and ne Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - ne Paints, Black (1969) ne Paints, Red (1969) ne Paints, White (1969) ne Paints, Yellow (1969) ne Removal Machine with Assemblies (Paint) (1970) ne Shafting Oil, Medium (1968) ne Stripping Machine (Marking) (1970?) ne Tracing, Electrical Discharge) (1970) /Ling, Radi ne Transfer Control, Two Engine Generator Unit ( 1969) ne (Paint) Marker (Self Propelled) (1968) ne (Traffic Marking Paints) ( 1967) ne (Traffic Marking) (Positive Displacement Testliner ne (1970) ne) (1969) ne) (1970) ne, End, Corner and Gate) (1970) FED RR-F-183, ASTM B ne, Fittings (1970) Spec. F near Accelerator) (1965) near Accelerator) (1966) near Alcohol Ethoxylate ( 1968) near AlkyI Aryl Sulfonate (1967) near Polyethylene Resin Molded Seat and Back) ( 1965) ned Fire Hose (1965) Spec, for ned Fire Hose (1969) ned Fire Hose (1971) Spec, for ned (Forest Fire) (1968) ned) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Spec, for Rubbe ned) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Spec, for Rubber ned) ( 1961 ) Nfpa 196, USDA-182, ASTM D-380 St nen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Garment nen Damask (Cloth) (1970?) nen Glass Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) nen Glass Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.3-55 nen Mix (1969) nen Mixed (Cloth, Textile) (1960) nen Mixed, Unbleached) (1958) Spec. Fo nen Service, Continuous Cloth Towel Roll ( 1966) nen Thread (1969) FED CCC-T-191 nen (Cloth) (1970?) nen (Cotton Damask) ( 1969) nen (1969) Spec, for nens and Textiles ( 1970) nerand Collar (1970?) ner (1971) ners (Polyethylene) (1963) FED L-P-406A, L-P-378A, Us ners (1967) ners (1968) ners (1970) ners (1971) ASTM D1505, D1709, D1894 ners, Garment Rack - Portable) ( 1971 ) /for Material ners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pe ner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Shipment) (195 nes) (1969) ASTM A90, ANSI B2.1 /Ipe (Black, Galvani nes, Etc.) ( 1971 ) / Reflective Striping Powder for P ning Cloth, Muslin (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Cloth) (1970?) ning (Flannel) (Cloth) ( 1970?) ning (1971) ning) (Cloth) (1970?) ning) (Cloth, Textile) ( 1970?) ning) (1957) ning, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Fl NY 30900-0184 CA 701-75-33 OR 63-700-9020 MA • 11 IL ♦3211 NY 43100-0490 MS P-9B-71 AK *1 SC HD-80B15 NY 30200-0587 SC 20-010 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 NY 41303-0626 NY 41303-0111 NY 38782-0824 NM M-TPC-69 CA 691-80-96 CA 691-80-97 CA 691-80-95 CA 691-80-98 NJ 4934-02 CA 681-91-56 HI *2i NY 43201-0500 CA 691-59-04 SC *40 NJ 4934-00 NJ 4934-01 CA 701-75-90 RI 4265-F-005 RI 4265-F-008 OR 64-600-9030 MS 3406 NY 00110-0288 NY 00110-0258 TX 371-78-1B TX 371-78-2A NJ 3718-03 SC 21-280A SC 21-280B SC 21-280 MS H-7-68 VA DS-7 VA DS-6 OR 74-61-5 NY 39104-0565 MA ♦35-77 RI 4915-002 RI 4780-003 OR 79-100-9430 MS T-1A-60-32 PA T-7 KY 3513-1 PA T-15 MA ♦35-68 OR 72-150-9130 VA L-9 NM ♦4 MA ♦24 CA 711-81-05 PA L-39 KY 8105-1 PA B-94 CA 701-42-05 SC ♦2 NY 39104-0565 NY 23100-0855 PA L-37 OR 56-100-9020 NY 38601-0258 MA ♦35-42 MA ♦35-10 MA ♦35-12 MA ♦35-25 MA ♦35-26 MA ♦35-27 MA ♦35-28 MA ♦35-30 MA ♦35-9 MA ♦35-16 PA L-38 MA ♦35-17 MA ♦35-11 RI 4225-M-016 NY 32600-0622 182 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Fencing, Chain Spec, for Chain Spec, for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Std. Spec, for Fencing; Chain Spec, for Chain Tent. Spec, for Chain Spec, for Mats; Vinyl or Rubber k) (Computer System) / Spec, for Digital Communications Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular stitutional Use) (/ Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular uth and Adult) / Spec, for Cribs, Gatch Spring, Regular for Fence Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain 1, A-l 16, B-/ Spec, for Fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, Chain tes (Highway Construction) (19/ Spec, for Fencing (Chain rials Only) (1968) Spec, for Fencing, Chain Spec, for Fencing, Chain d and Aluminum Coated) (196/ Std. Spec, for Fence, Chain Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, pose Wax (Liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Iiway Construction) (1970) Spec, for Wood and Metal Surfaces / Spec, for Ready Mixed Exterior -71D, Std. 14/ Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution i) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Spec, for Red Lead, Spec, for ie (1964) Std. Spec, for TT-P-141 Spec, for Putty; Pure Resin Solution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Paint), Std. Spec, for Boiled Std. Spec, for Spec, for 1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Lead, c. for Basic Requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Spec, for White and Red Leads, ; Alkyd Re/ Spec, for Paint; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Spec, for Vinyl Cloth d Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; for Adhesives (Rubber and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Glue Spec, for Germicide and Deodorant Concentrates, , Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking Cleaning (1955) FED P-S-536, VV/ Spec, for Soap; Potash, Spec, for 1 Spec, for Floor Wax; Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Spec, for Vegetable Oil Soap Std. Spec, for Cleaners; Type pec. for (Cleaning) Compounds; Detergent, General Purpose, Spec, for Laundry Bluing frigerators, Freezers) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Spec, for Device for Sampling of 967) FED O-S-00602C Spec, for Household . for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, 5% Available Chlorine Spec, for Spec, for ilkin/ Spec, for Dairy Cleaning and Sanitizing Compounds pose) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for General Purpose Spec, for Milkstone Remover (1460-58 Spec, for General Purpose ing Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent and Add/ Spec, for ure of Bitumen, Solvents, Chemicals and Water)/ Spec, for Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, pose) (1970) Spec, for Low Sudsing ) Std. Spec, for ctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate/ Spec, for Nonionic Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Toilet, (for pec. for Paint; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; d P-D-800B Spec, for Spec, for Cement, CrJtck Filler, Std. Spec, for Lubricants and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for 40% Lining, Rayon Satin, Suit or Coat (Textile) ( 1971 ) Lining, Rayon Twill (Suit Or Coat) (Textile) (1968) Link - Steel, Aluminum Coated (1960) Link Backstops (Baseball, Softball) (1971) Link Belt Extensible Boom (1970) Link Fabric (1969) ASTM A392-68 Link Fencing (1968) ASTM A392, A123-59, A491-63T Link Residential Fencing (1964) (Link Type) (1966) ASTM D395, D735, FED Std. 601 Link (Mobile Radio Terminal and Police Information Netw (Link) Spring (29 X 54 In.) (1970) (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Link) Spring, Controlled Environment and Accessories (Y Link) (Material, Erection and Reerection) for Highway C Link), Fasteners, Tie and Tension Wire (1970?) ASTM A-l Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and G Link, Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Construction - Ma Link, Posts and Accessories ( 1970) Link, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Galvaniz Linked Coating Stripper (1969) /Thetic, Floor Cleaning Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Linoleum, Wood Floor) (1965) FED P-W-158B /General Pur Linoleum; Plain, Jaspe and Marbelized ( 1957) Linseed Meal (1963) Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits Treatment Material (Hig Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior Paint (1962) FED TT-P Linseed Oil Iron Oxide Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Brow Linseed Oil Paint, Second Coat (1969) Linseed Oil Protective Coating for Concrete (1970?) Linseed Oil White Paint Intended for General Exterior U Linseed Oil (for Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) FED TT-P-791 Linseed Oil (1969) Spec, for Alkyd Linseed Oil (1970?) Linseed Oil, Boibd (for Paint, Varnish, Enamel) (1970) Linseed Oil, Boiled (1963) Linseed Oil, Raw (for Paint, Varnish, Sealer, Enamel) Linseed Oil, Structural Steel (1969) Linseed Oil, Varnish (1970?) Spe Linseed Oils, and Turpentine (1971) Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits Linseed Oil; Boiled (Organic Coatings) (1969) (Lint Collector) (1966) (Lint Collector) (1968) Linters (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Linters; Cotton (1971) USD A CN-180 (Lintex) for Table and Shelf Use (1971) Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip Spreader Top, P Liquid and Aerosol ( 1971 ) (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, Handball, I /Chine Liquid and Paste for Floors (Except Rubber) and General Liquid and Paste Furniture and Floor Wax ( 1967) Liquid and Paste (1953) FED P-S-158, VV-L-791, LLL-L-35 Liquid and Paste ( 1966) (Liquid and Paste) (1970) (Liquid and Plastic), and Typewriter Sheets ( 1971 ) Liquid and Powder ( 1964) (Liquid and Powder) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Liquid and Volatile Solvent Storage) (1971) OPNAV 34P1 Liquid Asphalts From Distributors (1970?) Liquid Bleach and Disinfectant (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1 ( Liquid Bleach, Household Type ) ( 1 97 1 ) FED O-S-602D /Ec Liquid Chlorine (1965) Liquid Chlorine (1971) (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline M Liquid Cleaner Detergent (Built, Synthetic, General Pur Liquid Cleaner (All Purpose) (1964) Liquid Cleaner (Soap with Synthetic Detergent) (1964) (Liquid Cleaning Concentrate) (1969) Liquid Concentrate Detergent (1969) FED P-D-220A, ASTM Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Glu Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixt Liquid Curing Compound, Burlap) for Highway Constructio Liquid Detergent Cleaner (Built, Synthetic, General Pur Liquid Detergent Disinfectant Combination Product ( 1 969 Liquid Detergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isoo Liquid Disinfectant, Nondetergent (1969) Liquid Dispensers) Concentrate (1969) ASTM D460 Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Liquid Dust Mop Dressing Compound (Aliphatic) (1965) Fe Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Liquid Tar (1970) Liquid Fuels (1967) Liquid Germicidal Soap (with Hexachlorophene) ( 1971 ) Liquid Hand Dishwashing Compound (1966) Liquid Hand Soap (1968) PA C-122 PA C-120 NJ 4530-00 NY 30200-0199 NJ 4938-148 OR 64-650-9010 SC 16-030 KS 43-2 PA M-42 NY 38211-0441 NY 20301-0138 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 SC HD-123 MS 3376 VA DH-253 NY 39600-0767 NY 39600-0627 NC 5660-CLF-l IA ♦3-9 NY 23100-0855 VA K-33A PA L-10 MI 4340-0015 VA DH-256 VA DK-36 VA DK-37 VA DK-12B CA 691-80-61 VA *38 SC HD-80B7 PA P-32 CA 691-80-430 NM ♦23 MS PM-12 IA * 1 — 1 5 MS PM-11 CA 691-80-60 MS 3501 NY 37100-0037 VA DH-239 OR 77-100-9600 NY 00365-0369 NY 36501-0554 NJ 9120-00 PA L-21 NY 24700-0471 NY 23000-0633 IL *32A FL *1 NY 30200-0587 PA S-85 TX 370-63-2A PA W-5 KY 8520-3 LA * 1 1-14 IL *32N PA C-84 TX 395-33-1A NY 25202-0158 NJ ♦15 VA K-24E TX 395-35-9 NY 00324-0061 NY 32400-0011 MA *14 TX 370-33-3C SC 11-050C TX 370-33-1 TX 190-3 1-1 A VA K-32C VA *34 VA •33 SC HD-59B9 TX 370-33-5A IA *3-3 CA 681-66-14 IA *3-2 PA S-6 VA DH-239 VA K-40A MD *26 IL *4 TX 370-59-5A WA S-6 6-9 5 TX 370-59-1B 183 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ms (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Spec, for Water and ) Spec, for pec. for Scientific Equipment (Electrochemistry System and 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophe/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Degreaser, concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, plies (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Spec, for Bulk Spec, for Storage Tank 1 Spec. 167, Ice/ Spec, for Trailer Refrigeration System E70, D1824 Spec, for Spec, for ical Gases (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, fedTT-R-251D Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Duplicating Copy Paper, No. 4 Sulphite t Resistant Floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430,/ 69) Std. Spec, for Spec, for urn, Wood Floor) (1965) Fe/ 3, FED P-D-00223a nium Chloride) (1969) 1970) Spec, for Floor Wax, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for General Purpose Wax Spec, for lyethoxylated Chain Alcohol) (1965) Spec, for Straight Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for . for Cement, Crack Filler, Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Ammoniated Spec, for Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner; Spec, for Tear Gas; Spec, for Herbicide, Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, BB-C-120 Spec, for Chlorine, Std. Spec, for Detergent Floor Cleaner, Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Phenol Type Spec, for Disinfectant Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Std. Spec, for Glass Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Polish, Furniture, Std. Spec, for Polish, Metal, Spec, for Furniture Polish, Std. Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Spec, for Remover, Floor Wax, Spec, for Bleach, Household, Spec, for Cleaner, Commode, Toilet, Spec, for Polish, Furniture, Spec, for Metal Polish, Spec, for Soap, Surgical, Spec, for Cleaner, Glass, Spec, for Cleaner, Degreaser, Spec, for Cleaner, General Purpose, Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Dust Mop and Cloth Treatment Compound, Std. Spec, for Glass Cleaners, Std. Spec, for Spray on Spot Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Tent. Spec, for Cleaner, Drain, Spec, for Bulk Oxygen, Std. Spec, for Rinse Injecting idal Cleaner, General Purpose, Phenolic Type, Concentrated Spec, for Ammonia, Household, Aqua, Cleaner, Tent. Spec, for Detergent, Machine Dishwashing, Spec, for Bulk Oxygen, Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Bleach, Spec, for Phenol Type Disinfectant Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner . Spec, for Sealing Compound, Terrazzo and Concrete Floor Spec, for Bulk Gas - Oxygen, Nitrogen Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds (Mechanical) (Manual Tent. Std. Spec, for Chemical Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite, Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, (1963) Std. Spec, for Cleaner, Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Std. Spec, for Rinse Injector Spec, for Insecticides, of Condensate / Spec, for Morpholine Feed Water Compound, Liquid Helium Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet Syste Liquid Helium Dewar System (Scientific Equipment) (1971 Liquid Helium Level Indicator) (1971) Liquid Herbicide, Low Volatile (Ester of Combination 2, Liquid Hydrochloric Acid, 20 Deg. Baume (1969) Liquid Insecticide (1967) FED VV-L-791 Liquid Medium Duty (1962) Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) (Highway and Bridge Constr Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax) (1970) FED KK-C-300, Liquid Nitrogen (1970) (Liquid Nitrogen) (1971) (Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen and Perishable Foods) (1970) Mi Liquid Opacifying Latex (40% Solids) (1971) ASTM D1289, Liquid Opacifying Latex (50% Solids) (1969) ASTM E70 Liquid Oxygen, Acetylene) (1970) Spec, for Med Liquid Paint and Varnish Remover (Nonflammable) (1962) Liquid Petroleum (L.P.) Gas (1971) FED BB-G-1 10 Liquid Process (1970) Liquid Propane Gas, Commercial (1970?) Liquid Self Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergen Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Carnauba Base ( 19 Liquid Soap (Direct Process) (1968) Liquid Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) (1966) ASTM D501 (Liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, Linole Liquid Steam Cleaners (1964) Liquid Surfactant (Detergent and Defoamer) (Modified Po Liquid Surgical Soap (Hospital) (1953) Liquid Surgical Soap (1968) Liquid Surgical Soap (1969) Liquid Tar (1970) Spec Liquid Toilet Bowl Cleaner ( 1969) Liquid Toilet Soap (Hand, Hospital) (1953) Liquid Toilet Soap (1969) Liquid Toilet Soap (1970) Liquid Wax Stripper (1967) Liquid Window and Mirror Cleaner (1970) ASTM D1426, E20 Liquid 80% Active Germicide (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammo Liquid (Acid Type) (1965) Liquid (Aerosol Type) (1968) ICC 2P Liquid (Amine Salt of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) Liquid (Bleach and Disinfectant) (1953) Liquid (Bleach, Sanitation and Disinfectant) (1969) Fed Liquid (Deodorizer) (Hand or Machine) (1969) Liquid (Hospital Use) (1969) Liquid (Iodophor) (Hospital) (1971) Liquid (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1969) Liquid (1953) Liquid (1953) Liquid (1953) Liquid (1961) FED P-P-552A, VV-L-791 Liquid (1964) Liquid (1964) Liquid (1966) Liquid (1966) Liquid (1967) Liquid (1967) Liquid (1968) Liquid (1968) Liquid (1968) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) Liquid (1969) CT Liquid (1969) Liquid (1970) Liquid (1970) Liquid (1970) Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Disinfect (Liquid) (1968) ASTM E70 (Liquid) (1970) (Liquid) (1970) (Liquid) (1971) Liquid) (1971) FED P-D-00425D, P-D-435D, ASTM D800, D82NY Liquid, All Purpose (1961) MS Liquid, Bleach, Disinfectant and Deodorant ( 1953) MS Liquid, Brush on ( 1 96 1 ) MS Liquid, Car and Truck Body (Tar and Petroleum Removal) MS Liquid, Diptank (Cold) ( 1962) MS Liquid, Dishwasher ( 1970) MS Liquid, Fly Spray ( 1961 ) MS Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating Plants (Prevention MA Spec, for Germic Std NY NY NY MS TX PA MS VA NY NE NY NY TX TX LA TX SD CA MA VA IA NJ TX VA SC TX MS TX OR MD IA MS OR LA VA TX TX SC PA MS MS PA MS TX PA PA MS MS MS PA CT MI KY KY KY KY KY KY KY CA MI MS MS MS MS MS NY WA CA LA MS NY TX TX TX MS NY 38750-0012 38713-0733 38728 H-8-71 371-92-1 1-1 TC-33A DH-223 22000-0462 *6 37604-0934 42300-0582 371-97-2 371_97_1 *13 520-50-1 *7 701-75-03 *13 K-43 *3-l 5730-00B 37 1-69-1 A K-33A 1 1-200 371-78-3 S-2-53-34 310-36-2 76-450-9040 *26 •3-4 S-2-53-33 76-450-9030 *ll-8 K-38A 370-38-1 A 371-90-1 11-160B T-78 H-1A-70 S-2-53-20 C— 8 D-6A-69 310-33-1A D-28 B-89 C-2 P-4 P-5 P-82 5730-S-40A 4642-0500 6850-3 7930-21 7930-26 7930-30 6505-2 7930-28 7930-39 691-77-60 4681-S1 C-10A-69 C- 13-69 C- 14-69 C-25B-69 TC-42-69 34200-0263 S-60-18 691-77-78 * 1 1-7 TD- 10-70 34200-0345 395-35-2A 310-35-1B 3 70-3 7-2 A S-8A-70 34200-0359 20101-0156 TC-35 S-2-53-22 TC-32 C-37 TC-31A R-4A-70 1-3 •11 184 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards rface, Floor) (1964) Std. Spec. •tic Acid) (1971) ?71) Spec, for Soap, Vegetable Oil, Spec, for Synthetic Detergent, Spec, for Wax, for Emulsion, Polyvinyl Acetate, Mixing Std. Spec, for Spec, for Holster; Leather (for Tear Gas, Spec, for Soap, Tent. Std. Spec, for Emulsion Degreaser, Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Steam Cleaner, Spec, for Cleaning Compound; Std. Spec, for Joint Sealer and Fillers, Spec, for Detergent, Std. Spec, for Toilet. Bowl Cleaner, Spec, for Herbicides, Spec, for Insecticide, Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Spec, for Detergent Deodorizer Sanitizer heeting, Elastomeric Film, Colors and Toners and Thinners, agent (1969) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Detergent Highway Road Sign Cleaning, ng Compound (Portland Cement Concrete, Water Retardation) Std. Spec, for Water Emulsion Floor Coating, Std. Spec, for Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Link/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Floor Seal and Undercoater Composition, Spec, for Soap; Hand, Spec, for Caustic Soda spec, for Safety Can for Storage and Handling of Flammable Spec, for Bituminous Materials (Asphalt and Tar pec. for Ammonia; Anhydrous (for Refrigeration) (Purified, Std. Spec, for Decals Std. Spec, for Spec, for Stereo dio Heads/ Spec, for Group Learning Systems (Six Position Spec, for Music Spec, for Music Spec, for Stereo Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Spec, for Spec, for ec. for Environmental Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Control) ping (1963) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Insecticides, Spec, for Relocatable 3 Bedroom Spec, for Level Style Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor (Front End Liquid, General Cleaning (1964) Liquid, General Purpose ( 1967) Liquid, General Purpose, Solvent, (Furniture, Painted S Liquid, Grout (1970) Liquid, Gym Floor Finish, Polish (1969) Liquid, Hand Hold) (1969) Liquid, Hand (1969) Liquid, Heavy Duty (Cleaner) (1963) Liquid, Heavy Duty (1962) Liquid, High Pressure (Steam) Cleaner (1970) Liquid, Hot Poured Rubber Asphalt ( 1964) Liquid, Light Duty (1969) Liquid, Low Caustic (1968) Liquid, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyac Liquid, Malathion, Emulsifiable Concentrate, Premium ( 1 Liquid, Medium Duty (1962) Liquid, Mild (1969) Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Tra Liquid, Solvent Type Concrete Seal and Membrane Curing Liquid, Spray (1964) (Liquid, Spray) ( 1970?) ASTM C-309 /. for Membrane Liquid, Synthetic (1969) Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent (1969) Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy Duty Liquid, Synthetic, Glass and Window Cleaner (1969) Liquid, Water Emulsion ( 1969) Liquid, 40%, General Washroom (1964) (Liquid, 50%) (1971) Liquids (1970) FED RR-S-30D Liquids) (1971) Liquified Gas) (1971) (Liquor Control) (Stickers) (1969) List Finders (1971) Listening Station (Hospital) (1971) Listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, Au Listening System (College) (1970) Listening System (Medical Center) (1971) Listening Systems (Hospital) (1970) Lithium Sodium Silicate (1969) Litter Bags, Paper (Disposable) (1961) Litter Bags; Reusable (1961) FED UU-P-31 (Live Animal) (University) (1971) Livestock and Poultry Feed Inspection, Packing and Ship Livestock and Poultry Feeds (1970) Livestock Feed, All Purpose Mineral (1963) Livestock Feed, Barley (1963) Livestock Feed, Beet Pulp, Dried ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Block Salt, Mineralized (1963) Livestock Feed, Block Salt, Plain (1963) Livestock Feed, Brewers Dried Grains ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Calcium Carbonate (1963) Livestock Feed, Calf Starter Pellets Nutrient (1963) Livestock Feed, Corn (1963) Livestock Feed, Cottonseed Meal (1963) Livestock Feed, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Dicalcium Phosphate (1963) Livestock Feed, Dried Buttermilk (1963) Livestock Feed, Dried Fresh Whole Whey (Milk) (1963) Livestock Feed, Dried Skim Milk (1963) Livestock Feed, Fishmeal (Menhaden) (1963) Livestock Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Clover Mixed (1963) Livestock Feed, Hay, Alfalfa, Light Grass Mixed (1963) Livestock Feed, Hog Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Livestock Feed, Iodized Block Salt (1963) Livestock Feed, Iodized Salt (1963) Livestock Feed, Linseed Meal ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Meat and Bone Scraps (1963) Livestock Feed, Mineralized Salt (Dairy) (1963) Livestock Feed, Oats (1963) Livestock Feed, Pig Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Livestock Feed, Pig Starter Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Livestock Feed, Sow Ration (Hog, Swine) Nutrient (1963) Livestock Feed, Soybean Meal (1963) Livestock Feed, Soybean Meal (1963) Livestock Feed, Steamed Bone Meal ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Tankage (Dried Animal Residues) (1963) Livestock Feed, Wheat Bran (1963) Livestock Feed, Wheat Middlings ( 1 963 ) Livestock Feed, Wheat (1963) Livestock Feed, 12% Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) ( 1963 Livestock Feed, 15% Dairy Mixture Nutrient (Cows) (1963 Livestock Spray ( 1 968 ) Living Quarters (Portable Housing) (1971) ANSI A 1 19.1 Load Binders for Use with Various Size Chain (1966) Load Transfer Controls (1969) Loader and Backhoe Attachments) (1970) Curi Sp MI 4624-0500 KY 7930-1 MI 4642-0430 MS PE-8-1 IA •3-6 PA H-22 CA 691-77-02 MS TC-34B MS TC-28A PA C-164 NJ 1308-006 CA 691-77-11 MS C-3A-68 MS H-3A-71 MS I-9A-71 MS TC-27A CA 691-77-32 NY 38601-0173 IA ♦3-7 MS D-4-64 MS 3754 IA •3-12 IA •3-10 IA •3-9 IA ♦3-8 IA •3-11 SC 11-050D NY 25507-0543 TX 325-38-1A NY 31501-0554 PA A-2 OR 75-400-9020 IL •32JJ NY 38201-0133 NY 38209-0401 NY 38201-0357A NY 38201-0047 NY 38201-0568 CA 691-80-55 PA B-133 PA B-132 NY 12026-0746 MI 4340 IL *26 MI 4340-0041 MI 4340-0038 MI 4340-0037 MI 5751-0029 MI 5751-0028 MI 4340-0018 MI 4340-0031 MI 4340-0074 MI 4340-0035 MI 4340-0013 MI 4340-0019 MI 4340-0040 MI 4340-0008 MI 4340-0009 MI 4340-0024 MI 4340-0021 MI 4340-0034 MI 4340-0033 MI 4340-0062 MI 5751-0027 MI 5751-0025 MI 4340-0015 MI 4340-0023 MI 5751-0026 MI 4340-0039 MI 4340-0061 MI 4340-0060 MI 4340-0063 MI 4340-0010 MI 4340-0011 MI 4340-0032 MI 4340-0022 MI 4340-0016 MI 4340-0017 MI 4340-0036 MI 4340-0070 MI 4340-0072 MS I-5A-68 AK •20 TX 325-59-1A CA 691-59-03 SC 14-260-0451A ( 185 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Low Center of Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Conveyors) for Steel Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Front End Spec, for Front End (1971) Spec, for Front End /2 Yd. Bucket) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Front End (1971) Spec, for Front End t (Planetary Torque Converter Type) / Spec, for Front End rter Type) (1970) Spec, for Front End 69) Spec, for Front End Spec, for Vacuum Leaf Spec, for Front End Spec, for Vacuum Leaf Spec, for Crawler Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Front End Spec, for Wheel Type Front End Spec, for Articulated All Wheel Drive Spec, for Articulated All Wheel Drive Spec, for Self Propelled, Force Feed, Belt Type Material Spec, for Front End Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Bucket If Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Front End Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type, Diesel and Front Bucket Spec, for Traxcavator, with 2 cu. Yd. Bucket (Front End Spec, for All Weather Cabs Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe and ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Crawler Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Front End Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe, ket, Diesel Engine and Backhoe Attachments ( 19/ Spec, for tipurpose Bucket ( 1966) Spec, for Flail Safety Mower ( 196/ Spec, for Tractor, Mounted with totiller, Landscraping R/ Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type ring Moldboards) (1969) Spec, for Windrow Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Equipment; Front End Spec, for Repair Parts and Supplies for Graders, Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with Attached hinery and Equipment (Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard Ramp) pec. for Laundry Machines Washwheels (Unloading Type, Side Spec, for Machines; Washing, Laundry (Standard Type, Side Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (End cial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty Side rcial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty End Spec, for Washing Machines (Washer Extractor, Front for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Spec, for Mobile Waste Collection Trailer (Front 1969) Spec, for Sandblasting Equipment (Portable, Top ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Motor Scraper (Self acity) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Motor Scraper (Self Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side ing Equipment (Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Spec, for Women's and Misses' Spec, for Boys" and Men's Dress Shoes or Leather Footwear and Washable Slippers (Shoes, Oxfords, Spec, for Metal Waste Paper Baskets (Office and Spec, for Store Fixtures pec. for Furniture; Metal, Upholstered (Reception Room and Spec, for Baskets; Waste Paper, Metal (Office and . (1970) Fed/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Spec, for Metal Forming Machine (Power Press, Former Std. Spec, for Baskets and Racks; Gymnasium Type (Wire, Spec, for Spec, for Steel Athletic Spec, for Steel Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Clothing Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Clip Type and Steel Spec, for Coin Operated Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel 1/2 Yd. Capacity) Yd. Rated with 3 1 1/2 Yd. Capacity) Loader and Dozer) ( 1971 ) (Loader and Flatwork) (1969) Loader Bucket) (1970) Spec. Loader Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) Loader with Snow Plows (1970) Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 2 Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Attachmen Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Planetary Torque Conve Loader (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic Grader) (19 Loader (Trailer Mounted) ( 1971 ) Loader (University) (1971) Loader (1969) Loader (1969) Loader (1969) Loader (1969) Loader (1970) Loader (1970) Loader (1970) Loader (1970) Loader (1970) Loader (1970?) Spec, for Se Loader (1971) Loader) (1968) (Loader) (1970) Loader) (1970) Loader, Backhoe, and Hydraulic Earth Auger Attachments Loader, Backhoe, Winch) (1971) Loader, Backhoe, Winch, Scarifier) (1970) Loader, Flail Mower) (College) (1970) Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Buc Loader, Front End, 4 Wheel Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Mul Loader, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Duty (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, Ro Loader, Self Propelled, Force Feed, with Tapered, Gathe Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Loaders, Diesel Engined, Rubber Tired (1967) Loaders, Eductors and Trucks (1968) (Loading Chute) (1968) (Loading Hoppers) (1969) Loading Ramps) ( 1969) Spec, for Trailer ( 18 Ton Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding U (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks From Ground Le Loading) (Institutional Use) (1968) Loading) (1967) Loading) (1970) Loading) ( 1970) / End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commer Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washer Ext Loading, Commercial Type) (1971) Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) ( 197 Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) (197 Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection) ( 1970) Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Blast Cleaning Machine Loading, Elevating, Minimum 1 1 cu. Yd., Pneumatic Tired Loading, Elevating, Pneumatic Tired, Minimum 21 Yd. Cap Loading, Unloading Type) ( 1970) Loading, 42 In. Diameter Cylinder) (1970) Loading, 60 In. Diameter Cylinder) (1970) Loads in Trucks From Ground Level) ( 1971 ) /Erial Handl Loafer Shoes (1969) (Loafer, Moccasin Type) (1958) Loafers) (1971) Spec. F Lobby) (Furniture) (1969) (Lobby) (Stand) (1971) Lobby) (1970) Lobby) (1971) Lock Type, Mineral _Surface, Double Coverage, 220-230 Lb Lock) (1968) Locker Equipment) (1964) Locker Locks (1971) Lockers and Benches (College) (1971) Lockers and Shelving (1969) Lockers (College) (1970) Lockers (College) (1971) Lockers (NYS Std.) (1967) Lockers (Office Furniture) (1969) FED AA-L-486G Lockers (Steel) and Benches (1968) Lockers (Steel) and Benches (1971) Lockers (University) (1968) Lockers (University) (1968) Lockers (University) (1969) Lockers (University) (1970) Lockers (University) (1971) Lockers (1970) Lockers (1970) AK NY NY AK NY AK AK AK VA VA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NE NE NE SC sc HI NY NJ NE NY AK NY NY NY NJ NJ NJ NY NY NY PA NH NY NY NY NY NY PA PA TX TX TX NY NY NY NY NY AK AK TX TX TX NY RI RI NY RI NY PA PA MS NY OR NY NY NY NY NY NY RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY *17 36501-0804 40903-043 1 *72 40603-0627 ♦ 14 *15 *16 *9 *10 40603-0205 37000-0440 40603-0385 37000-0348 40600-0330 40603-0074 40603-0390 •15 *25 *54 14-200-0451 14-200-0451 A *20 40601-0422 4938-107 *49 40601-0593 *71 40600-0378 40600-0178 40601-0680 4938-09A 4932-00 4938-14 40601-0891 40603-0376 40601-0298 E-21 36501-0799 36501-0800 42300-0194 00365-0200 39102-0255 M-28 M-3 400-49-1 A 400-48-2A 400-48-2A 36501-0487 40534-0448 40534-0452 40534-0667 47100-0396 *13 *12 400-49-4A 400-49-2A 400-49-3A 39102-0255 4268-F-013 4268-M-014 34900-0175 1-006 21802-0031 F-60 B-120 R_5_64-6 43202-0111 1 9-64-1 2 A 35501-0033 27500-0492 27500-0788 27502-0451 27502-0214 27500-0085 1-007 27500-0128 27500-0290 27502-0539 27502-0742 27502-0020 27500-0482 27502-0088 27500-0659 27500-0669 186 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ) FED GG-N-196 n Shields, Molly Ancho/ Spec, for Office Machine Retention Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Identification Seals (Self Spec, for Spec, for Locker Spec, for Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Std. Spec, for Lumber, Tree, and Spec. for Spec, for Crawler Tractor Dozer, Winch, Spec, for Badges Spec, for Conspicuous Service Crosses and Soec for Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with Telescoping v " Spec, for Jointer, 8 In. for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Grease, Automotive Sealed Bearing, Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Spec, for 70 9) Spec. for Spec, for Measuring Tapes (25 Ft. and Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway e Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detective Holsters, Keeper Spec for Urethane Foam for Mattress Cores, Furniture and for Urethane Foam for Use as Mattress Cores, Furniture and c for Metal Ring Hardware and Hinges for Use in Ring Type Spec, for Metal Ring Hardware and Hinges for Spec, for Penetrating Oil, Closely Fitted Parts and Spec, for Oven, Spec, for Parking Spec for Highway Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Spec, for Spec, for Ticket Receptacle, Plastic Spec, for Vending Machines Spec, for Chairs - Type IV (Fibreglass nd Tables) (1970) Spec for Spec, for Pull Out Bed nts and Vacuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spectroscopy, Spec, for r Communications Equipment (2 Way Radios, Land McJbHsF unications Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, Personal, VHF Spec, for Tandem Axle Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton Capacity Drop Deck, r Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid, Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wall Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Spec, for Gasoline, Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Flat, Interior, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Std. Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Std. Spec, for Enamel, High Gloss, Std. Spec, for Enamel (Semi Gloss, Interior, Std. Spec, for Egg Shell Enamel (Interior, Spec, for Primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Fast, Spec, for Bronze Castings - Type 1 Spec, for Detergent, nules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Mach/ Spec, for Built automatic Fabric Washing Machines) (1967/ Spec, for Built General Purpose) (1970) Spec, tor asher) (1969) Std. Spec, for Detergent, Laundry, Spec, for Spec, for Fuel Oil; Heating Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment - Spec, for Water Hose, Nylon Reinforced Plastic, Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for All Purpose Laundry Detergent Std. Spec, for Low Titer Soap Flakes Spec, for Unbuilt Spec, for Built High, Medium and r Spec, for Spec, for Tall Oil Fatty Acid for (1953) Std. Spec, for d. Spec, for Weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, spec, for Brush Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Spe Dozer) (1971) td. 595 aint) (1970) Lockers (1971) Lockers, Steel (College) (1969) Lockers, Steel (University) (1968) Lockers, Steel (1970) Lockers; Metal (1962) Locking Metal for Tagging Game) (Departmental) ( 1971 ) Locking Type Hypodermic Needles for Luer Syringes ( 1965 Locks (1971) Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansio Log Marking Paint (1966) FED Std. 141, TT-P-442 Log Oil Varnish, Redwood Surface ( 1969) Logging Canopy ( 1969) (Long and Faithful Service Medals and Clasps) (1970) Long and Faithful Service Medals ( 1971 ) Long Arm Mower ( 1970) Long Bed (1966) Long Body (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec Long Cloth, Muslin (1970?) Long Interval (1970) Long Sleeve Polo Shirts (1957) Long Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Departmental) (1970) Long Sleeve Poplin Shirts (1971) Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt (Departmental) (Clothing) (19 Longer) (1971) Loop Wire and Shielded Head in Cable (1971) Loop Wire and Shielded Lead-in Cable ( 197 1 ) Loops) (1970) /Es (Belts - State Police and General Us Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) Loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. (1968) FED L-P-00386 Loose Leaf Binders (1970) Looseleaf Binders (1971) MIL Std. 105 Loosening Frozen Metallic Parts (1967) Lost Wax Process (1971) Lot Markers, Nonreflective, White (1969) Lot 1 Item a ( Dacron and Wool )( 1 97 1 ) Lottery Signs (Plastic and Enameled Aluminum) (1971 J (Lottery) (1968) (Lottery) (1970) Lounge Chair) (1965) . Lounge Furniture (Seating Units, Side Chairs, Benches A Lounger, Free Standing Design (1968) Low Angle Scattering and Texture of Materials) (Transte Low Band Base Station Radio Equipment (1969) Low Band) (1971) ca Std_ Spec. F o Low Band) (1971) Std. Spec, for Com m Low Bed Semitrailer (Trailer) (1970) Low Bed (1970) llwin , n , Low Bed, Level Deck, Semi Trailer (Carryall) (1970) Low Bed, Level Deck, Semi Trailer ( 197 1 ) Low Caustic (1968) ,.«,.» Low Center of Gravity Design, Utility, Farm) ( 97 1 ) Low Center of Gravity Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Loader and Low Foaming, Powder and Granular ( 1963) Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED S Low Lead Regular (1970) Low Odor (Paint) (1969) Low Odor (1969) Low Odor (1969) Low Odor (1969) Low Odor (1969) Low Odor, Alkyd, Interior, (Paint) (1970) Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and Metal (P Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Low Odor, Paint) ( 1 969 ) Low Odor, Wall Board and Plaster (1969) Low Solvency (1969) (Low Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-145 Low Sudsing for Clothes, Synthetic (1969) Low Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Gra Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules for Low Sudsing Liquid Detergent Cleaner (Built. Synthetic. Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder (Home Type Automata * Low Sulfur Fuels (1969) (Low Sulfur 4, 5, 6) (1971) k ,,«,„ Low Temperature Freezer (Chest Type) ( 1971 ) Low Temperature (1970) (Low Temperature) (Chest Type) (1970) (Low Temperature) (1969) V/1Q «,» (Low Temperature, Wool, Leather) (1953) Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granu ar or Flake) 0968) Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Powder) (1968) Low Titer Oleic Acid (1967) Low Titer Soap and Products (1965) Low Titer Soap Flakes (Low Temperature. Wool. Leather) Low Volatile Ester) ( 1961 ) ' Low Volatile Ester) (1961) NY NY NY NY PA NY TX NY NJ WA CA NY NY NY SC NJ SC MA MS RI SC SC MA NY NY NY NY TX VA CA CA Ml NY CA SC NY NY NY NJ PA CA NY SC FL FL NE NJ SC SC MS NY AK MS MS CA OR CA CA CA CA MS MS OR OR CA CA MS CA TX TX TX MS NJ PA NY CA NY \ A MS TX TX TX TX MS WA \sA 39004-0547 27500-0310 27500-0256 27500-0483 L-12 08700-0622 360-58-3 35501-0033 5108-00 S-66-98 691-80-401 40602-0153 31000-0279 31000-0553 14-260B 4944-01 •17 •35-59 L-5B-70- 4265-M-008 03-030-1152 -25 •34 31604-0092 35816-0215 35816-0213 39309-0539 295-48-1A DS-8A 701-75-36 721-75-36 5255-S23 42800-0291 691-96-47 •4 38600-0431 19900-0162 36130-0643 3718-06 F-69 681-67-12 1 1002-0563 38-lOOA •27 •26 •45 4938-136 14-270 14-270-0451 A C-3A-68 40601-0434 •17 C- 12-63 3573 701-91-150 77-100-9220 691-80-211 691-80-215 691-80-221 691-80-409 PI- 3 PI-7 77-100-9230 77-100-9240 691-80-201 691-80-4 1 1 3327 691-77-41 395-36-2 395-36-1A 370-33-5A D-7A-69 3548-01 F-79 24208-0557 701-93-52 24208-0660 L-19 S-2-53-38A 395_45-4B 395_45_iB 371-52-1A 371-79-1 S-2-53-38A S-61-36 S-61-37 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards cetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophe/ (1970) d) (1971) ,4,5 Trichlorop/ Spec. Spec, for Liquid Herbicide, Spec, for Herbicide, Spec, for Herbicides, Liquid, for Herbicide, Invert Emulsions of Spec, for Overshoes, Rubber Spec, for Paint, Finish, oint Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and motor, Automatic Transmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Spec, for Multi Purpose Gear Requirements for Transmission and Gear Box Spec, for Multi Purpose Type Gear Spec, for Transmission Gear Spec, for Transmission Spec, for Aluminum Soap Spec, for Multi Purpose Type Gear Spec, for Multi Purpose Grease ear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Tr/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Gear Spec, for Spec, for Regular Type Gear Spec, for Truck Type Worm Gear Spec, for Multipurpose Type Gear Spec, for Regular Type Gear Spec, for Truck Type Worm Gear Spec, for Multipurpose Type Gear Spec, for Regular Type Gear Spec, for Truck Type Worm Gear Spec, for Multipurpose Type Gear Std. Spec, for Std. Spec. for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Special Spec, for Gear spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor Oil and Spec, for Enclosed Gear hine Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, G/ Spec, for Oil, Std. Spec, for Spec, for 1970) Spec, for Multipurpose Gear e ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Hoist and Gear Oil; stm B-148 or B-169, B-147 Spec, for ed JJJ-S-701C Spec, for (1967) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Motor Spec, for Requirements for Heavy Duty Detergent Type Spec, for Filters and Filter Elements, d. Spec, for Filters and Filter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: e, Hydraulic Hoist, Air Compressor (1970) (1960) ty (1969) ut Diesel), Severe Duty (1960) line Engines, Automobile (1968) ernal Combustion Gasoline Engines (1968) stion Engines) (1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Motor t, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Stands, Portable Equipment (Battery Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled Portable ydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Std. Spec, for Waterproof Grease Suitable for , Gear Reduction, Ice Machi/ Spec, for Oils, Power Plant, gines) (1971) Spec, for Oils, -2104B Spec, for High Performance Engine Oils (Motor, for Multipurpose Grease (Passenger Car, Truck, and Tractor Spec, for Locking Type Hypodermic Needles for for Connectors; Pressure, Fixture Splicing, and Soldering Spec, for Hardwood Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for for Oil (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn (1971) Spec, for Softwood Std. Spec, for Softwood Spec, for Dimensions of Pallets, Spec, for Yard Spec, for Hardwood Spec, for Pallet Spec, for Plank for Wearing Course on Bridges construction) (1970) AASHO / Spec, for Structural Timber, enol) (1970?/ Spec, for Preservative Treatment of Timber, Spec, for ative and Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) (/ Spec, for Treated Low Volatile (Ester of Combination 2,4 Dichlorophenoxya Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Aci Low Volatile (Esters of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2 (Low) (1967) Ltz, Exterior, Wood (1969) Lubricant Adhesive (1970?) / Elastomeric Compression J Lubricant and Rust Proofing Compound (1970) /Ents for Lubricant (Automotive) (1965) Lubricant (Nondetergent Oil) ( 1970) Lubricant (SAE 90, 140) (1970?) Lubricant (1967) Lubricant (1970) Lubricant (1970?) Lubricant (1970?) (Lubricant) (1970?) Lubricant, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid R Lubricant, Gear, Universal (Extreme Pressure) (1961) Lubricant, Limited Slip or No Spin Differential (1970) Lubricant, Multipurpose Gear ( 1970) Lubricant, Multipurpose (1967) Lubricant, Open Gear, Chain and Wire Rope (1967) Lubricant, SAE 140(1968) Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 140(1968) Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 80 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Lubricant, Tractor Roller, Company Postive Seal (1970) Lubricant, Worm Type Gear (1970) Lubricants and Grease (1970?) MIL L-2105B Lubricants and Liquid Fuels (1967) Lubricants and Oils (1970) Lubricants for Heavy Equipment ( 1969) Lubricants for Transmissions and Differentials ( 1970?) Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Solvent, Grease) (1971) Lubricants (Nonextreme Pressure) (1970) Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Mac Lubricants, Enclosed Gear, Straight Mineral (1958) Lubricants, Greases and Additives ( 1 969 ) Lubricants; Automotive (Extreme Pressure Hypoid Type) Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Diesel Fuel and Gasolin Lubricated Bronze Bearing Plates and Bushings (1970?) A Lubricated Laundry Starch (Powder or Granules) (1965) F Lubricating Oil Filter Elements, by Pass and Full Flow Lubricating Oil (Detergent Type) (1971) MIL L-2104B Lubricating Oil (Internal Combustion) (1962) Lubricating Oil (1970) Lubricating Oil (1971) Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Full Flow (1967) St Lubricating Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machin Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Regular Du Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, (High Outp Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Combustion Gaso Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Int Lubricating Oils and Greases (Except for Internal Combu Lubricating Oils ( 1961) ASTM D-567, MIL L-2104a Lubricating Unit) (1970) /Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lif Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Hydra Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Insta Lubricating Waterpump Bearings (1968) Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine Lubricating, High Detergent (for Internal Combustion En Lubricating, Outboard and Hydraulic Fluid (1970?) MIL L Lubrication) (1961) Std. Spec. Luer Syringes (1965) FED GG-N-196 Lugs (for Electric Cable and Wire) (1964) Std. Spec. Lumber and Plywood (NYS Std.) (1971) Lumber and Plywood (1964) Lumber and Plywood ( 1971 ) Lumber and Plywood) (1965) Std. Spec. Lumber and Plywood, Hardboard and Wallboard (NYS Std.) Lumber and Timber ( 1970) Lumber (Drawings Only) (1962) Lumber (General Building) (1970?) Lumber (1969) (Lumber) (Storage Racks) (1968) (Lumber) (1970?) Lumber, and Preservative Treatment (Highway and Bridge Lumber, Piling and Posts (Creosote Oil or Pentachloroph Lumber, Plywood and Other Building Materials (1965) Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preserv MS H-8-71 MS H-2A-70 MS H-3A-71 MS H-9-71 PA 0-41 CA 691-80-02 MS 3721 NH *6 SC 34-030 NE ♦76 VA *30 MI 5255-S10 IN *15-7 VA 032 VA *31 VA *25 MI 5255-S14 NC 9150-L-5 MS L-5B-70-20 MS L-5B-70-21 KY 9150-2 KY 9150-5 CA 681-91-81 CA 681-91-84 CA 681-91-88 CA 681-91-82 CA 681-91-85 CA 681-91-86 CA 681-91-80 CA 681-91-83 CA 681-91-87 MS L-5B-70-22 MS L-5B-70-19 GA 9150-1-14 IL *4 RI 1340-001 LA *6 LA *8-3 NM *8 PA L-48 MA *9 KY 46-104 LA *5 PA L-41 SD *10 MS 3329 TX 395-47-1A MS F-24-67 SC 34-010-1002 KS 14-1 NE *75 CA 711-23-40 NC 2940-OF-l IN *15-9 NC 9150-L-3 NC 9150-L-2A NC 9150-L-4 LA ♦8-2 LA *8-6 NY 05701-0626 NJ 3578-00 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 CA 681-91-109 NJ 3578-01 NY 05700-0315 GA 9150-1-15 NC 9150-G-14 TX 360-58-3 OR 24-64- 10A NY 37512-0875 MS L-6-64 IL *5 WA S-65-90 NY 37500-0310 OR 63-100-0010 MD ♦28 MS 3457 PA L-44III NY 27500-0839 MS 3462 VA DH-244 MS 3491 KY •1 NY 37513-0851 188 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards iling / Std. Spec, for Preservative Treatment for Timber, TT-P-442 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Lighting Body Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Teaching Console, Modular Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Spec, for Anhydrous Caustic Soda phalt for Built Up Roofs, Grade I, 135 Deg. to 148 Deg. F. Asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Type Ii, 140 Deg. to 175 Deg. asphalt for Built Up Roofs, Type Iii, 1 80 Deg. to 200 Deg. Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Bituminous Stabilized on (1964) AASHO T96 Std. Spec, for spec, for Garage Equipment (Automatic Transmission Testing Spec, for Nylon Floor Maintenance Pads Spec, for Rotary Floor dex, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, -53T Spec, for Chlorinated Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for Chlorinated Automatic Spec, for Nonchlorinated Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate rd Water ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate Tent. Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Pavement Marking Materials (Paint, Solvent for Spec, for Pressing Spec, for Thread, Cotton Spec, for Grooving Spec, for Ice Spec, for Ice Spec, for Ice Spec, for Thread Cutting Spec, for General Spec, for Ice Spec, for Ice Spec, for Ice ; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering r Filter Coating, Crusher,/ Spec, for Industrial Oil (Ice r Oil, Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Spec, for Office Spec, for Tabulating, Data Processing and Proof Spec, for Computing and Recording Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Paper Adding office Supplies (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Spec, for , Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydrauli/ ed, 12 In.) (1968) er, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ri/ I / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, / ine, 15 and 13 In.) (Bench Shaper) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ector Molder) (1967) Spec, for Metal Forming ver Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and Pavement Marking Spec, for Spec, for Chlorinated Dishwashing Compound Spec, for Chlorinated Dishwashing Compound Spec, for Rayon Twine (for Hand and Spec, for Traffic Marking Line Removal vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS/ Spec, for Floor Maintenance Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Spec, for Automatic Screw Making Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Std. Spec, for Food Slicing Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Spec, for Compound; Dishwashing, Std. Spec, for Staple Spec, for Self Propelled Centerline Striping Spec, for Self Propelled Traffic Line Stripping Spec, for Metal Forming Spec, for Sewer Cleaning or Universal (Compression, Tension and Transverse) Testing Std. Spec, for Floor Maintenance Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Spec, for Core Drilling Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Spec, for Striping Spec, for Striping Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and P SC Lumber, Tree, and Log Marking Paint (1966) FED Std. 141 WA Luminaires and Components ( 1970?) MS Lung Analyzer) ( 1971 ) /Or, Volumeter, Training Thorax, NY Lusterless Black ( 1969) CA (Lye) (Sodium Hydroxide) (1959) TX M.P. (1964) CE 220.01 Std. Spec, for As MS M.P. (1964) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for MS M.P. ( 1964) FED SS-A-666 Std. Spec, for MS Macadam Base Course for Highway Construction ( 1964) SC Macadam Base Course (with Prime) for Highway Constructi SC Machine and System) (1969) NY (Machine Application) ( 1964) VA Machine Brushes (Scrubbing and Polishing) ( 1968) TX Machine Coated Book, Manila Tag) (1966) /R, Ledger, in NY Machine Dishwashing Compound (1965) ASTM D930-49, D1280VA Machine Dishwashing Compound ( 1969) Machine Dishwashing Compound (1970?) Machine Dishwashing Compound ( 1970?) Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Hard Water (1971) Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Soft to Moderately Ha Machine Dishwashing, Liquid (1970) Machine Equipment Cleaning, Optical Glass Spheres) ( 196 Machine Equipment (Laundry) (1968) (Machine Finish) (1970) FED V-T-276F(2) Machine for Concrete and Bituminous Pavement ( 1969) Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Heavy (1967) Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Light (1967) Machine Oil (Refrigeration), Medium (1967) Machine Oil (1967) Machine Oil, Medium and Heavy ( 1967) Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Heavy (1968) Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Light ( 1968) Machine Oil, Refrigeration, Medium ( 1968) Machine Pads; Pens; and Pencils) (1971) /(Erasers; Ink Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Ai Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, General Purp Machine Retention Lockers (1971) Machine Ribbons (1969) Machine Ribbons (1963) Machine Stand (Furniture) (1969) Machine Tape (1963) FED UU-P-31 Machine Tape) (1971) Std. Spec, for Machine Thread, Cotton (1956) FED V-T-276B Machine Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace Machine Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, Backgear Machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roll Machine Tools ( Metal Lathe ) ( 1 968 ) Machine Tools (Milling, Lathe - Metal 12 In.) ( 1969) Machine Tools (Milling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Interna Machine Tools (Milling, Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Eng Machine Tools (Radial Drill - 3 Ft. Arm) (1968) Machine Tools (Rotational Molding 15 In., Extruder, Inj Machine Unit (Traffic Paint Application) ( 1967) /Cab O Machine Use Dishwashing Compound ( 1964) FED Std. 536 (Machine Use) (1969) (Machine Use) (1971) Machine Use) (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105 Machine with Assemblies (Paint) ( 1970) (1969) ght, Commercial / type III Heavy D/ ehold or Light D/ 969) Line Marking) (1968) king) (1969) Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Wet or Dry Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1968) Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1969) College Instruction) ( 1971 ) Continuous Duty, 11 X 17 In.) ( 1969) Continuous or Intermittent Duty, 11 X 14 In.) Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Concentrated Wei Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated Weight, Hous Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Knife Blade) (1968) End Loading) (1970) for Plasticware) (1971) Heavy Duty Stapler) (1971) Highway Marking) (1969) Marking) (1970?) Power Press, Former Lock) ( 1968) Power, Drag Bucket Type) (1968) Screw Power Type) (Scienific Equipment) ( 1969) Scrubbing and Polishing, Electric) (1969) Side Loading, Unloading Type) ( 1970) Side Loading, 42 In. Diameter Cylinder) ( 1970) Side Loading, 60 In. Diameter Cylinder) ( 1970) Skid Mounted with Trailer) (1969) Small Size for Light and Intermittent Duty) (1 Truck Mounted, High Temperature Zone) (Highway Truck Mounted, Self Contained Traffic Line Mar Vertical Bench Type, 12 Qt.) ( 1962) WA UT UT MS MS MS NY NY NY NY MI Ml MI MI MI CA CA CA FL IN MA NY NJ PA RI VA FL RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ TX TX TX CA NJ VA NY NY NY TX TX TX TX TX WA TX PA IL SC HI NY NY NY OR TX TX TX NY TX NY NY WA HD-77 S-66-98 3810 12200-0512 691-80-16 395-35-4 R-5-64-3 1 R-5-64-30 R-5-64-29 HD-44 HD-45 35000-0797 K-41A 265-31-1 00502-00-0476 TL-15 S-60-16-1 *4 *5 D- 13-71 D- 12-71 TD- 10-70 38001-0704 36501-0601A 33100-0461 44200-0229 5255-S17 5255-S15 5255-S16 5255-S20 5255-S22 681-91-52 681-91-50 681-91-51 ♦16 •15-11 *9 39004-0547 6952-01 R-4 1-029 DM-16 ♦18 4940-001 00432-00-0686 43201-0182 43201-0487 43201-0232 43201-0894 43201-0500 43201-0805 43201-0266 43202-0904 4938-22 370-41-2 370-41-3A 485-38-3A 711-40-04 4934-02 Y-9 44000-0674 44000-0440 43201-0287 570-36-3 570-36-2 265-32-1B 265-32-3 265-32-2B S-63-61-1 400-49-1 A C-96 •32CCC 14-320 *21 43202-01 11 44000-0572 38787-0813 76-100-9010 400-49-4A 400-49-2A 400-49-3A 41200-0476 570-36-1 41303-0626 41303-01 1 1 S-62-46 189 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Spec, for Milk Packaging Spec, for Milk Packaging Spec, for Wood and Brush Chipping Spec, for Sewer Cleaner, Flexible Power Bucket Std. Spec, for Meat Tenderizing Std. Spec, for Bread Slicing Spec, for Floor Spec, for Pad, Steel Wool, Electric Floor Spec, for Pot and Pan Washing Spec, for Pad, Floor, Synthetic or Natural Fibers, Spec, for Brushes, Rotary Floor Spec, for Brushes, Shower Feed for Rotary Floor spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Spec, for Card, Tabulating, Stock, Electric Accounting Spec, for Sandblast Spec, for Dishwashing Spec, for Stump Cutting Spec, for Self Propelled Trenching Spec, for Electric Scrubbing and Polishing Floor ortable, Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Blast Cleaning Spec, for Ballot Box Seal Adapter, Election Std. Spec, for Oil, Thread Cutting Spec, for Wood and Brush Chipping Spec, for Pads; Floor Polishing spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading er Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cutting and Turning Std. Spec, for Electric Carpet Shampoo Spec, for Toner, Xerox Spec, for Stump Cutting (1963) Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Dishwashing s, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice ater Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutting, Turning Spec, for Tools (Lathe, Metal, 14 and 12 In.) (Milling for Detergent Floor Cleaner, Liquid (Deodorizer) (Hand or Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Folding Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washing Spec, for Compound (Dishwashing Spec, for Office Supplies (Copying Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washing license Stickers (Decal, Motor Vehicle Validation and Snow ountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream h Nozzles ( 1971 ) Spec, for Electric Welding Spec, for Floor Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ribbons, Typewriter and Adding Spec, for Powder, Spec, for Powder, (1971) Std. Spec, for Number Std. for Paper, Stencil, Duplicating ment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling stal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Std. Spec, for tyle ( 1965) Std. Spec, for ning Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing spec, for Lubricating Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, pec. for Office Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating rking) (Positive Displacement Testliner)/ Spec, for Spray Spec, for Paper Tape (Computing typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Spec, for Cutting Oil, Spec, for Office Supplies (Duplicating ) (1971) Std. Spec, for Tape and Dispenser (Adding Spec, for Cutting Oil, spec, for Detergent, Chemical Cleaner, Automatic Scrubbing ctors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumbl/ Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Farm Spec, for Laundry wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Systems of Road Spec, for Laundered Cotton 1971 ) Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Spec, for Dry Cleaning Spec, for Ice Making and Crushing Kettles (Steam Jacketed), / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Bar Sections) Std. Spec, for Highway Construction (Materials, Spec, for Alphanumeric Electric Accounting Spec, for Dishwashing Machine (Vertical Type, 20 Qt. Bench Model) (1963) Machine (Vertical, 30 Qt., Floor Model) (1968) Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Machine ( Man, Self Contained) (1971) Man, 1/2 Gal.) (1971) 2 and 15 In.) (1971) 962) 963) 963) 966) 966) 967) 968) 968) 968) 968) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 970) 970) 970) 970) 970) 970) 971) 971) 971) Spec, for Sandblasting Equipment (P Std. Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Wat Machine (3 Tank, Peg Flight Type, Continuous Conveyor) (Machine) Detergent Compound (Brick 2) (1953) Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, Handball, I /Chine, Horseshoe (Machine) (Nonplastic) Detergent Compound Type a (1953) (Machine) (Plastic) Detergent Compound Type B (1953) Machine) (1960) /Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Machine) (1967) Spec, for Cutting Fluid, W Machine) (1969) Machine) (1969) >, Std. Spec. Machine) (1970) Machine) (1970) Machine) (1970) Machine) (1971) Machine) (1971) Machine) (1971) Spec, for Machine) ( 1971 ) /C. for Food Service Equipment (Soda F Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating Torch Outfit Wit Machine, Automatic, Battery (1966) Machine, Carpet Shampoo, Electric (1970) Machine, Cotton and Nylon (1970) Machine, Dish and Can Washing ( 1969) Machine, Dish and Can Washing, Nonfoaming (1969) Machine, Drawing, Writing, Stamp Pad Ink and Eradicator Machine, Dry Process (1969) Machine, Dust Collector, Powder or Hammer Mill) ( 1971 ) Machine, Fixed Bed Machine, Service) (1970?) /KS (Pede Machine, Floor Polishing and Scrubbing, Electric (1970) Machine, Floor Scrubbing, Electric (Battery), Cabinet S Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Lin Machine, Hydraulic Hoist, Air Compressor (1970) Machine, Inked Ribbons) (1971) Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Ma Machine, Roll) (1971) Machine, Service) (1970?) /KS (Pedestal, Secretarial Machine, Soluble (1968) Machine, Stencil or Dry Process) (1971) Machine, Strapping,-Gellophane, Acetate, and Correction Machine, Transparent ( 1968) Machine, 16% Anhydrous, Active (1964) Std. Machinery and Equipment (Washing Machines, Washer Extra Machinery and Equipment ( 1963) Machinery and Equipment ( 1966) Machinery and Similar Applications (1969) MIL L-2104a O Machinery Wiping Towels (1964) Machinery (Bread Slicing, Bagging and Tying Machines) Machinery (Cookie Dropper and Accessories) (1971) Machinery (Portable, Commercial, Power Sifters) (1971) Machinery (Proof Box) (1971) Machinery (1970) Machinery (1970) NSF 12 (Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, (Machinery) (1971) /Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Machinery, Equipment, Meth., Installation) (1964) Machines and Applied System (1970?) Machines and Dish Racks ( 1965) WA S-63-68 WA S-68-102 NY 08302-0528 NY 08302-0361 NY 42900-0302 NJ 4938-46 WA S-6 1-39-2 WA S-63-59-1 KY 7910-1 KY 7910-5 NY 33500-0430 KY 7910-6 KY 7910-8 KY 7910-9 TX 035-82-1A CA 691-82-34 NE *27 NY 33500-0975 NY 42901-0320 SC 14-420 VA DA-4B NY 47100-0396 MI 5754-S1 MS L-5B-70-9 NY 42900-0578 PA P-146 TX 060-75-1 MS L-5B-70-10 MS M-2-71 NJ 6962-05 NY 42901-0372 WA S-63-71 MS S-2-53-50 NY 30200-0587 MS S-2-53-48 MS S-2-53-49 NJ 3578-01 MI 5255-S21 NY 43201-0500A MS D-6A-69 NY 36501-0536 NY 36501-0601 PA C-58 NY 23018-0437 NY 36501-0770 AK *83 NY 36211-0268 NY 43223-0734 KY 7910-2 MS TM-4-70 MI 4868-S1 CA 691-77-22 CA 691-77-26 IL *32GG CT 69-59A NY 36502-0211 NV 7110-D MS M-3A-70 MS M-4A-65 NY 30200-0587 IN *15-9 NY 23003-0238 NJ 4934-01 CA 711-75-44 NV 7110-D CA 681-91-22 NY 23012-0107 IL ♦32EEE CA 681-91-21 MS D-5-64 NY 00365-0200 IA * 1 — 1 3 NY 36500-0200 SC 34-040 TX 582-32-1 NY 31200-0611 NY 31200-0603 NY 31200-0352 NY 31200-0338 NY 34000-0692 NY 24201-0698 NY 00361-0541 NY 08200 SC HD HI *10 PA M-24 190 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards or Offset Plates) (1971) titutional Use) (1968) Spec, for Platemaking Spec, for Dry Photocopier, Infrared Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Electric Adding Spec, for Electric Adding Spec, for Electric Adding Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing mit ,er. Receiver. Projector) , .97 , ) Spec, for Office 107n Spec, for Office (iy/u Spec, for Vending Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Facsimile Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Floor Spec, for Office Spec, for Wrapping Spec, for Office ' Spec, for Office oe w 1971) S P ec - for Wasnin g yP ' Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Spec, for Air Cooled Ice Making Spec for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Spec, for Laundry Marking Spec, for Plastic Racks for Dishwashing etergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing e Spec, for Vending Spec, for Laundry Marking Spec, for Whiteprint Spec, for Film Cleaning and Inspection s (Dark oom and Semidarkroom) for Rectigraph and Photostat ■ v Spec, for Office etereent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Spec, for Rinsing - Drying Compound (Dishwashing for Food Service Equipment (Soft Server / Shake Maker and Equipment and Machinery (Bread Slicing, Bagging and Tying 4 p Spec, for Cutting Oil, Thread ional Use) (1966) Spec for Ice Making Spec, for Cleaner, Acid for Dishwashing for Food Service Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Spec, for Adding uid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Pipeline Milking Tent. Spec, for Floor Std. Spec, for Folding Tent. Spec, for Automatic Ice Spec, for Floor Std Spec, for Laundry Machinery and Equipment (Washing 64 , y Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for OC OO-S-00255 Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing sso'ries and Dark Room Equipment) (1966) Spec, for X-Ray Spec, tor ) (1967) c . S P ec - f f° r Spec, for Textile, form Battle Jackets ( 1971 ) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police tures (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, unters, Island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and l^ 1966 ) sKc for '^ 1966 > Tent. lES: for Spec, for Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Std Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape Tent. Spec, for (Data Trans Machines and Supplies (Automatic Photographic Process F Machines and Supplies (1969) Machines Washwheels (Unloading Type, Side Loading) (Ins Machines (Accounting) (1966) Machines (Accounting) (1967) Machines (Accounting) (1967) Machines (Adding) (1971) Machines (Addressing and Accessories) ( 1971 ) Machines (Automatic Photocopying) ( 197 1 ) Machines (Calculators) (1971) Machines (Class 1) (1964) Machines (Class Ii) (1964) Machines (Class Iii) (1964) Machines (Cold Type Composing). ( 1971 ) Machines (Collators) (1971) Machines (Coordinate Digitizer) (1970) Machines (Copying) (1971) Machines (Dictating and Transcribing) ( 1971 ) Machines (Electric, Rotary Disc) (1970) UL 73 Machines (Graphic Remote Display Equipment; Machines ( Interpreter ) ( 1 967 ) Machines (Key to Tape Data Preparation System) (Police) Machines (Lottery) (1970) Machines (Magnetic Tape Composing System) ( 197 1 ) Machines (Mechanized Files) (1971) Machines (Office) (1971) Machines (Offset Duplicators) (1971) Machines (Phototype Setter) (1970) Machines (Polishing, Scrubbing) (1971) Machines (Postage Meter Mailing) ( 1971 ) Machines (Sandwich) (1971) W i D Machines) (1970) Machines)(1971) Spec, for Bafers Machines) (1971 ) v Machines, Black (1968) ., .. Machines, Cubers (Also with Built-in Crusher) (Institut Machines, Dry Granular (1969) Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector Case, C Machines, Electric (1970) u/cW/iQ7m Machines, Equipment, Inflations, and Udder Wash (1970) Machines, Flat Disc Rotating (1968) Machines, Laundry Commercial (1967) Machines, Refrigeration (1962) Machines, Scrub and Polish (1970) Machines Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumb Machines; Combination Washer Extractor (Commercial) (19 Machines; Folders, Flatwork Ironer ( 1968 ) K3S ^^^Sa^ ci«) fed oo-p-.- M a achin e e S S ; SSioVapmc and Fluoroscopic : (Includmg Acce Machines- Vegetable Peeling ( 1968) UL 73, AIA 70, NM- 8 MacSSnes Washing, Laundry (Standard Type Side Loading Mackinaw Cloth, Heavy, Wool ^d C otton ( 970 Mackinaws ( 1970) • Spec, for ■High* ay Patrol Pol., Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy and Cookie) . »*»> Msonzine Racks Clothing Display, Academic Impact Area, MaSI Computer Tape 8 of 556 Bits Per In. Packing Dens Magnetic Computer Ta£e of 800 Bits Per In. Packing Dens Magnetic Computer Tapes (1969) BS£ ^WSfSl. m. m (Magnetic Oxide Coated, 1/2 In.) ( 1971 ) Magnetic Recording Tape (1963) Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 GHl Elecl Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System 1971 ) Magnetic Tape and Selectric Typewriters ( 1971 > (Magnetic Tape Cartridge and Card) (Company ) ( .97. ) ( Magnetic Tape Composing System ) ( 1 9 / 1 ) Magnetic Tape Drive) (1969) Magnetic (1969) 10 NY NJ PA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY TX TX TX NY NY NY NY NY PA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PA TX RI PA PA TX NJ NY NY NY NY NY TX NY NY NY CA PA CA NY CA MA KS NC KS CA NY PA PA PA NJ PA PA PA MA sc N^l NY KY KY KS NY CA 1L KS NY NY NJ NY NY NY NJ Uni IX 3881 1-0940 7700-02 M-28 00229-0648 22906-0156 22906-0815 22906-0007 22901-0016 22900-0055 22906-0610 495-32-1 495-32-2 495-32-3 22928-0014 2291 1-0018 22900-0172 22924-0008 22918-0017 M-48 22900-0899 22900-0901 22900-0063 36130-0643 22900-0737 22916-0167 22917-0015 22927-0013 22900-0247 21400-0563 22912-0019 36135-0550 22919-0012 22914 36501-0487 M-50 590-41-1 •6 M-59 R-33 395-36-2 6364-01 36504-0857 38803-0453 38812-0365 38808-0259 22900-0828 395-36-1 A 20101-03S/4 3621 1-0205 T 1200-061 1 681-91-23 1-17 691-77-21 36200-0504 701-71-67 •14 78-2B 3510-FM-3 3 5-10 701-76-4U 00365-0200 M-47 M-39 M-35 1 1 40-00 X-l M-3 3 M-3 •35-72 03-1 10-150 21802-0128 21802-0317 7440-1 "440-: 75-1 B iS-0070 711-71-25 •35 53-2 38782-0824 38782-0796 695 2-04 23003-0208 22900-0737 22906-0325 7 1 30-00 191 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Tape, Computer, rdboard Bo/ Spec, for Plastic Containers (Styrofoam Block Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Envelopes, Spec, for Bottle; Screw Cap, Polyethylene (Sample Spec, for Office Machines (Postage Meter Std. Spec, for Manila Envelopes (X-Ray Filing and Spec, for Fiber Case; Shipping or pulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, Tepid Mist, d Ice/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Underbody powered Dump Truck with Front Snow andl\hxfeftio«iy, Spec, for Highway tor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Spec, for Flat Stock or Nonmechanical Water Coolers, Spigoted, Construction and Spec, for Wet or Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS/ Spec, for Floor (1969) Std. Spec, for Floor Spec, for Heavy Duty aning and Painting) (1970?) Manual on the Spec, for Nylon Floor Spec, for Floor ing) (1971) Spec, for Floor ng, Brake Bleeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Raincoat (Yellow) for Heavy Duty Use by Road k)(1970) Spec, for Uniforms, Spec, for Janitorial ( 1970) Spec, for Janitorial Spec, for Uniforms, General Requirements and Spec, for Elevator Protective Spec, for Mowing Roadside s. Braces and Hand Drills/ Spec, for Small Tools (General 70) Std. Spec, for Power Mowers (Lawn Spec, for Corn Oil Spec, for Operating Table, Pedestal, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Server / Shake od Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cube Ice gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec, for Urn; Coffee equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Spec, for Self Contained Automatic Ice Spec, for Ice tomatic Filling Machine, Du/ Spec, for Soap and Detergent Spec, for Automatic Screw- Spec, for Air Cooled Ice nstitutional Use) ( 1966) Spec, for Ice Spec, for Insecticide, Bait Spray, Spec, for 5% (by Weight) Nominal Spec, for Insecticide, Liquid, Spec, for Spec, for Steel Swivel Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Spec, for idge Construction) ( 1970) Spec, for Castings Std. Spec, for Pins, Bank, Straight and T-Head or M1971) Spec, for Spec, for 200MA 125 KV Mobile X-Ray Unit Spec, for Rubble or Cyclopean Aggregate ( 1 deg. Aerial Ladder ( 19/ Spec, for Truck, Medium Duty, Six Spec, for 6 Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 pec. for Automotive Equipment (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus - 2 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Aerial Lift Truck with 1 Spec, for 1 Spec, for Milk Packaging Machine ( 1 Spec, for Milk Packaging Machine ( 1 s and Bars (1970?) ASTM / Spec, for Intermediate Strength ) ASTM A-441, A-375 Spec, for High Strength Spec, for Spec, for Catch Basin and ho M-199 Spec, for Sectional Concrete tc./ Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Std. Spec, for Adjusting Catch Basins, Drop Inlets and nry Units (Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Catch Basins and Spec, for Sewer Brick (Concrete) for Catch Basins and ement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Spec, for Typewriter Fine Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, 70) Spec, for Printing Papers, Envelopes, Bond, ond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, Spec, for Rope, Std. Spec, for Spec, for , Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated Book, Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls Magnetic, Heavy Duty, and Accessories (1969) Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Ca Mailing Tubes (New Paper and Chipboard) (1970) Mailing Tubes (1971) Mailing (1971) MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Mailing) (1970) Mailing) (1971) Mailing) (1971) Mailing, 16mm Motion Picture Film (1970) Mainstream and Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Oxygen De Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing An Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade), and Snow Leveling Maintainer (1969) Maintenance and Construction) (1964) /Uminous Distribu Maintenance Blades and Cutting Edges (1970) Maintenance Crew Use (1967) Tent. Spec. F Maintenance Fertilizer (1970) Maintenance Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Maintenance Machine (Scrubbing and Polishing, Electric) Maintenance Motor Grader ( 1969) Maintenance of Highway Structures (Structural Steel Cle Maintenance Pads (Machine Application) (1964) Maintenance Pads (Scouring) ( 1966) Maintenance Pads (Stripping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Polish Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Se Maintenance Tool Sets and Attachments ( 1968) Maintenance Workers (1969) Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Police Storm Hats) (Par Maintenance (Health and Agriculture Building) (1970) Maintenance (Library - Archives Building, State Museum) Maintenance (Trousers) (Park) (1970) Maintenance (1966) Maintenance ( 1 97 1 ) Maintenance, Carpenters and Miscellaneous) (Augers, Bit Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Hand and Self Propelled) ( 19 (Maize) (Vegetable, Cooking) (1970) Major (1970) Maker and Machines) ( 1971 ) Maker) (1971) Spec, for Fo Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, Steam, and Maker, Ice Cream Machine) (1971) /C. for Food Service Makers (1961) UL 563 Making and Crushing Machinery ( 1970) NSF 12 Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Au Making Machine (College Instruction) (1971) Making Machines (1964) UL 563 Making Machines, Cubers (Also with Built-in Crusher) (I Malathion Concentrate ( 1969) Malathion Dust (Insecticide) (1970) Malathion, Emulsifiable Concentrate, Premium (1971) Male Posture Chair (Without Arms) (1970?) Male (Office Furniture) (1969) Malleable Iron Castings ( 1970?) ASTM A-47, A-153 (Malleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Steel) (Highway and Br Mallet (1971) Mammographic X-Ray System and Equipment (Medical Center (Mammography) (1970) Man and Derrick Stone) (Highway Construction) (1970) Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and 360 Man Cab Pick Up Truck (1970) Man Cab, Utility Body and Hydraulic Tailgate (1968) Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Man Crew) (Pickup Truck Mounted) ( 1971 ) Man Fiberglass Bucket) ( 1971 ) Man Portable Straight Bar Chain Saw (1970?) Man, Self Contained) (1971) Man, 1/2 Gal.) (1971)_ Manganese Copper Bearing Structural Steel Shapes, Plate Manganese Vanadium Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars ( 1970? Manhole and Catch Basin Castings ( 1970) Manhole Block and Brick (1970) Manhole Units for Storm and Sanitary Sewers ( 1970?) Aas Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, E Manholes for Highway Construction (1964) Manholes ( 1970?) Spec, for Concrete Maso Manholes (1970?) ASTM C-139 Manholes, Junction and Spring Boxes for Highway Constru Manifold Paper Sets ( 1970) Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, M Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, Onion Skin, Chipboard ( 19 Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) ( 1971 ) /for Fine Paper (B Manila and Synthetic Fibres (1971) Manila Envelopes (X-Ray Filing and Mailing) (1971) Manila Rope ( 1971 ) FED T-R-605B, T-T-616 Manila Tag) (1966) /R, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operation) (1971) MS T-5A-68 NY 19903-0524 PA T-73 IL *32LL CA 711-75-21 PA B-139 NY 22912-0019 OR 74-100-1020 PA C-113 NY 12200-0462 AK *61 AK *63 NY 41301-0450 NJ 4938-28 SD *2 KS 79-1 A NE *66 VA Y-9 OR 76-100-9010 NE *19 NY *2 VA K-41A NY 00319-0479 NY 31901-0523 NY 35000-0647 NY 43200-0625 SC 03-190-0451 NY 39300-0527 NJ *8 NJ *7 NY 39300-0525 NJ 9950-00 NJ 4700-00 NY 39000-0482 WA S-69-106 PA O-10 NY 11801-0304 NY 36211-0205 NY 36211-0798 PA U-47 NY 36211-0268 VA DA-9 NY 24201-0698 NY 36502-0211 NY 43201-0287 TX 590-41-1 PA 1-17 CA 691-76-27 SC 1 3-040 MS 1-9 A-7 1 NV 7110-3 RI 1-015 MS 3324 VA DH-230 IL *32SS NY 11000-0558 NY 11000-0532 VA DH-204 NJ 4938-41 SC ♦16 NJ 4938-113 NY 40500-0397 NY 40501-0502 NY 40533-0527 VA *21 NY 08302-0528 NY 08302-0361 MS 3317 MS 3310 NJ 6110-00 NJ 6110-01 MS 3622 VA DH-226 SC HD-118 MS 3621 MS 3616 SC HD-117 PA M-57 NY 00502-00-0476 LA *12 NY 50200-0551 NY 38400-0606 OR 74-100-1020 NY 38400-0102 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 33811-0091 192 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Acoustical Folding Walls Spec, for Welding Electrodes for t Truck, Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) 00, D820 Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds (Mechanical) ural Steel Cleaning and Painting) ( 1970?) bservatory)/ Spec, for Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) Powered Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W., Spec, for Spec, for Electric and Spec, for on for Automobile, Truck and Special Automotive Equipment Spec, for Office Machines (Typewriters - Electric and k, Utility, Canva/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment pacity ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Wd-2-63 Std. Spec, for Switches; Snap, Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Beds Spec, for Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (Soap Spec, for Alkali Soluble Resin (for Spec, for Tallow (Fat) for or Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Ice Cream Spec, for Sodium Chloride Evaporated Salt for Soap Spec, for Coconut Oil, Cochin Type for Toilet Soap Spec, for Lanolin (Anhydrous) for Waterless Hand Cleaner ec. for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) for Laundry Sour . for Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose for Soap and Detergent flour (200 Mesh) for Household Scouring Powder and Cleaner ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Flakes) for Laundry Detergent r Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia) for Janitorial Product t Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether Sulfate for Cleaner Detergent Spec, for Imitation Shearling for Wax Applicator Pad t (Anionic Organic Phosphate Ester) for Janitorial Product w) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Softener Spec, for Elastic, Woven, Apparel Spec, for Tallow Coconut Fatty Acid Blend for Soap - 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for Dry Laundry Bleach te (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and Washing Compound te Beams, Slabs, Channels and Other Members in Structures Spec, for Yarn; Cotton (for Spec, for Deodorized Kerosene for Waterless Hand Cleaner Std. Spec, for General Fertilizers, , Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, on and Harves/ Spec, for Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, Peat Moss, Chicken Std. Spec, for , Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Spec, for Drafting Supplies (Plan and Std. Spec, for Spec, for New Jersey State Highway Std. Spec, for catalyzed Lacquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, smic Profiling System (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Subbottom Spec, for Linoleum; Plain, Jaspe and Tent. Spec, for Continuous Spec, for Storage Batteries for Automobiles, Std. Spec, for Filter Elements, Oil (Automotive, Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5KW Spec, for Spec, for mp (College ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, Spec, for Vinyl Wash Primer (Paint), Metal Pretreatment, Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Set (7.5KW and 25KW Spec, for Ear Tags Std. Spec, for Pins (Dress Spec, for Sign and Spec, for Sign and Spec, for Precast Concrete Survey Spec, for Highway Metal Sign and Spec, for Aluminum Route for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can, Nun, Special Spec, for Traffic Line (Paint) Std. Spec, for Traffic Safety Cones (Plastic and Rubber, igh Level Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Highway Spec, for Identification Seals (Game Tag, Std. Spec, for Cones, Traffic Safety Spec, for Traffic Cones, Plastic (Signal Std. Spec, for Red Fluorescent Flags ange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones (Polyvinyl Chloride, Std. Spec, for High Level Warning Devke (Highway Spec, for Glass Spheres, Highway Traffic Sign and Spec, for Posts, Route Self Sharpening, Refillab/ Spec, for Overhead Projection nstruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Right of Way Std. Spec, for Pens, Fine Line fed TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Spec. (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operation) ( 197 1 ) NY Manual Arc Welding (Wire, Flux) (1970?) MS (Manual Hydraulic) (1970) /Rial Handling Equipment (Lif NY (Manual Liquid) (1971) FED P-D-O0425D, P-D-435D, ASTM D8NY Manual on the Maintenance of Highway Structures (Struct NY (Manual or Computer Operated) (Earth and Space Science O NY Manual Transmission) (1971) Spec, for Diesel AK Manual Typewriters ( 1964) Manual Typewriters ( 1 965 ) Manual Typewriters (1970) (Manual) ( 1966) /Iform Meth. for Requisitions Preparati Manual) (1971) (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stoc (Manual), Platform Truck Metal), End Rack, 18,000 Lb. Ca Manually Operable (General and Special Use) (1964) Nema Manually Operated Weight Cart (Lift, Vehicle) (1969?) (Manually Operated) (1964) Manufacture and Detergent Builder) (1971) Manufacture of Floor Wax) ( 1969) Manufacture of Toilet and Laundry Soap (1966) Manufacture (1962) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55T Manufacture (1965) ASTM CI 36, D1293, FED SS-S-550 Manufacture (1966) Manufacture (1966) Manufacture (1966) Sp Manufacture (1966) Spec Manufacture (1966) Spec, for Silica Manufacture (1966) ASTM Dl 172, D2024, FED P-D-00245 / Manufacture (1966) FED Std. 141, MCA SD-13 Spec. Fo Manufacture (1968) Spec, for Surfactan Manufacture (1969) Manufacture (1969) Spec, for Surfactan Manufacture ( 1969) Spec, for Di (Hydrogenated Tallo Manufacture (1970) Manufacture (1971) Manufacture) (1967) /Ine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, Manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502, Aocs DA28 /Sodium Sulfa (Manufacture, Handling, Installation) for Highway Constr Manufacturing Purposes) (1940) FED CCC-T-191 Manufacturing ( 1966) Manure and Lime (for Lawn Turf) ( 1967) Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wag Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriat Manuscript and Brief Covers ( 197 1 ) Manuscript, Machine Coated Book, Manila Tag) ( 1966) Map File Cabinets and Roll Film Units) (1967) Map Tacks (1971) Map (1970?) Maple Rulers (Flexible and Rigid) (1971) Maple, Cold Spray) (1969) Spec. Mapping) (1969) Spec Marbelized (1957) Marginal Punched Stock Tabulating Forms (1965) Marine and Heavy Equipment (1970) Marine and Industrial) (1969) FED F-F-351C Marine and 25 KW) (1971) Marine Engine, Diesel (Steam Tug Conversion) (1969) Marine Engines with Reduction Gear (6 Cylinder) ( 1971 ) Marine Mooring Floats, Dock Access Vertical Ladders, Ra Marine Patrol Boat and Trailer ( 1970?) Marine Type (1970) Marine (1969) Marine) (1970) (Marker - Cattle, Sheep, Goat) ( 1971 ) Marker and Safety) (1953) Marker Enamel (Paint), White (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) Marker Enamel (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) Marker Post (1969) Marker Primer (Paint) (1970?) Marker Shield Blanks (Highway) (1971) ASTM B-209 Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and Spar Buoys) (1971) Marker (Self Propelled) (1968) Marker) (1962) Marker) (1963) Std. Spec, for H Marker) (1965) (Marker) (1969) Marker) (1970) (Marker) (1971) Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Std. Spec, for Red or Marker, Light Weight, Compact, Collapsible) (1964) Marker, Reflection and Refraction (Beads) (1969) Marker, Steel U (1969) Markers and Related Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Markers (Portland Cement Concrete Posts) for Highway Co Markers (Regular and Audio Visual) ( 1971 ) /R for Pre for Sei TX PA CA IL NY NY NY OR NJ RI NY NY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX SC PA TX RI NY NY NY IL NY NY IL NJ IL MI NY PA KS LA OR NY NY NY NY HI NY CA NY NY IL MS MS MD MS NY NY SC WA WA NY OR NJ WA WA WA IN NJ NY SC MS 33811-0190 3339 39101-0471 20101-0156 •2 12010-0518 ♦69 495-62-1 T-71 701-71-02 ♦25 22914 39100-0562 39100-0398 24-64-3A •1-2 ♦8 25523-0327 25408-1002 371-80-1A 615-32-1 615-37-2 371-40-1A 371-48-1 371-63-! 371-66-1A 371-62-1 371-78-7 371-32-1 371-78-6A 685-35-1 371-78-10 371-32-2 702-83-25 180-48-7 371-87-1 371-75-1A HD-73 Y-2 285-42-1 •9 08200 08200 07700-0473 *32U 00502-00-0476 31600-0031 *32KK 6934-00 *32XX 5325-S19 12099-0903 L-10 76-7 •14 10-400-9010 35902-0330 42000-0819 42000-0488 49607-0022 •3 38004-0133 691-80-52 35902-0466 08701-0850 •33N 3571 3572 •2 3512 37817-0166 34501-0832 •40 S-6 1-29-1 S-64-73 00087-0163 98-140-9010 0750-00 S-64-82-3 S-71-110 S-63-67-1 •5 4530-08 38806-0414 HD-126 P-9B-71 193 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and Spec, for Traffic Signs and Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Racing Lane Spec, for Concrete Right of Way Monuments Spec, for Parking Lot r Precast Concrete Monuments for Bench Marks, Right-Of-Way Spec, for Spec, for c. for Office Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Spec, for Pen and Inspection Requir/ Std. Spec, for Packaging, Packing, Spec, for Black Indelible 970) Spec, for Traffic w. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and Pavement Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Cleaning, Optical Glass Spheres) (19/ Spec, for Pavement Spec, for Traffic Line pplication on White and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Line Spec, for Medium Chrome Yellow Traffic Std. Spec, for Lumber, Tree, and Log Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorizing Traffic Spec, for Glass Spheres, Reflectorizing Traffic Spec, for Sprayer, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable and Grease s, Etc/ Spec, for Reflective Striping Powder for Pavement Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorized Pavement g Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Spec, for Flags (Govenor's) for Grave Spec, for Pencils, Lead and China Spec, for Paint; Tree t-R-2/ Spec, for Special White Traffic Stripe Paint (Line Std. Spec, for White Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Std. Spec, for Yellow Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line spray Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Spec, for United States Flags (for Grave Spec, for White Traffic Paint, Type III chine (Truck Mounted, High Temperature Zone) (Highway Line c. for Self Propelled Centerline Striping Machine (Highway riping Machine (Truck Mounted, Self Contained Traffic Line Spec, for Self Propelled Traffic Line Stripping Machine Spec, for White Traffic Paint, Type III Spec, for Poultry Leg and Wing Bands Spec, for Civil Service Emblems rs and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Spec, for Precast Concrete Monuments for Bench Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Cotton pment (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, entistry (1968) Spec, for Laundry Service - Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Spec, for Poultry Feed, Laying Spec, for Poultry Feed, Laying Spec, for Std. Spec, for . 141a Spec, for Caulking Compound; Plastic (for e (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-563E Spec, for pec. for Construction of Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Spec, for TT-I-563E Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Flat Finish Concrete and struction) (1970) Spec. For Bedding Materials for 68) FED Std. 141 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Exterior (for Spec, for White Sign Spec, for Yellow Sign Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Concrete Std. Spec, for Brick for Concrete Block for Cement Rubble ins and Manholes (1970?) cattle Guard, Traffic Separator, Etc./ on (1964) Std. Spec. Beds) (1964) Std. Spec. one Water Repellent Solution for Application on Structural Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion for Waterproofing (Concrete, . for Asphalt Emulsion Primer for Waterproofing (Concrete, Std. Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete and Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete, ior, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Metal or ion) (1970) Spec, for Stone for (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile edical Center) (1969) Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Spec, for Light Standards (Complete Pole Including 0) Spec, for Detector Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Small Tools (Padlock, Regular and Combination /or Markers (1969) Markers (1969) Markers (1970?) Markers) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Pool Equipment (Water (Markers, Highway) (1970) AASHO T177 Markers, Nonreflective, White (1969) Markers, Section Corners ( 1970?) Spec. Fo Markers, Writing, Fine Line (1970) Markers, Writing, Tube, Felt Tip ( 1971 ) Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; Pens; Marker; Tube Type, Fiber Tip (1969) FED FF-M-001 130 Marking and Labeling of State Spec. Paint and Products Marking Ink for Fabrics (1962) FED TT-I-00542B Marking Line Removal Machine with Assemblies (Paint) (1 Marking Machine Unit (Traffic Paint Application) (1967) Marking Machines (1967) AIA 70 Marking Machines (1969) Marking Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Marking Paint and Reflective Glass Beads (1970) Marking Paint (1964) Std. Spec, for Glass Beads for A Marking Paint (1964) FED TT-D-643B, Std. 141 Marking Paint (1966) FED Std. 141, TT-P-442 Marking Paint (1970) Marking Paint, Moistureproof (Beads) (1969) Marking Paints) (1967) Marking Pencils and Pens) (1970) /Ted Supplies (Water Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, Lane Line Marking (Highway) (1971) Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, Handball, Marking (1956) Marking (1964) Marking (1965) FED Std. 141 Marking) for Application with Glass Beads (1971?) FED T Marking) for Glass Bead Application (1964) Marking) for Glass Bead Application (1964) Marking) (Positive Displacement Testliner) (1970) Marking) (1956) (Marking) (1960) Marking) (1968) Spec, for Striping Ma Marking) (1969) Spe Marking) (1969) Spec, for St (Marking) (1970?) (Marking) (1970?) (Marking) (1971) (Markings) (1969) Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Process Letters A Marks, Right-Of-Way Markers, Section Corners (1970?) Maroon (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Marquisette (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat Martland Hospital, New Jersey College of Medicine and D Mash Nutrient (Pullet Developer) (1963) Mash Nutrient (1963) Mash (1963) Mash, High Energy (1963) Masking Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive ( 1971 ) Mason and Plasterers (1962) Masonry and Other Structures) (1969) FED TT-C-5986, Std Masonry and Porous Tile Floor Sealer; Water Emusion Typ Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction A Masonry Floor Sealer (1966) ASTM E70 Masonry Floor Sealer; Solvent Type (1970) FED Std. 141, Masonry Oil Paint (White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads (Highway and Bridge Con Masonry Primer for Use Under Latex and Other Paints ( 1 9 Masonry Surfaces) (1968) FED TT-P-55B, Std. 141a Masonry Units (Solid-, Precast, Segmental) for Catch Bas Masonry Units (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Masonry (Full Bed Cement Mortar) for Highway Construed Masonry (Laid in Full Bed) (1964) ASTM C90 Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Stone Laid in Full Masonry (1967) ASTM CI 09, FED TT-P-141 /Pec. for Silic Masonry) (1970?) Masonry) (1970?) Spec Masonry, Exterior, Ready Mix, Light (1970) Masonry, Ready Mix Flat (1965) Masonry, Ready Mix (1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Exter Masonry, Riprap, and Porous Backfill (Highway Construct Mass Spectrometer and Accessories and Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Mass X-Ray Film Viewer (Medical Center) (1969) Mass X-Ray Film Viewers (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (M Mast Arm and Base Anchorage) (1970?) Mast Arm Poles (Overhead Traffic Control Mounting) (197 (Master and Carbon Paper) (1971) Master Keyed) (1971) MI 5325-S32 MI 5325-S33 MS 3352 NY 30201-0283 VA DH-221 CA 691-96-47 MS 3667 CA 701-75-90 CA 711-75-91 FL *16 PA P-160 WA S-62-58-B TX 395-33-2 NJ 4934-02 NJ 4938-22 PA M-59 NY 36504-0857 NY 38001-0704 AK *1 SC HD-80B15 TX 520-43-1 WA S-66-98 VA DH-242 MD *11 NJ 4934-00 NY 38806-0414 NY 38601-0258 NY 38602-0486 NY 30200-0587 RI 4745-001 MI 4854-0010 PA P-140 SC 20-010 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 NJ 4934-01 RI 4745-002 NJ 7342-06 NY 41303-0626 SC 14-320 NY 41303-0111 HI *21 NJ 7342-07 NY 08701-0638 NJ 9130-00 NY 38601-0173 MS 3667 MS 3515 RI 4910-018 NY 30211-0572 NJ 9932-02A MI 4340-0124 MI 4340-0122 MI 4340-0126 MI 4340-0128 PA T-58 IL *6 PA C-88 TX 370-63-7 SC HD-117 TX 370-63-5A TX 370-63-5B VA DK-30A VA DH-247 WA S-68-103 PA P-157 MS 3621 VA DH-226 SC HD-95 SC HD-97 SC HD-96 TX 520-32-1 MS 3172 MS 3171 MS PE-7 KY 30B MS PE-8 VA DH-205 NY 38782-0200 NY 38782-0820 NY 11501-0365 NY 11501-0930 MS 3811 NY 35815-0427 NY 23003-0477 NY 39004-0429 194 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Line Carbon Spec, for Office Supplies (Offset Duplicating Spec, for Direct Duplicating Std. Spec, for Particleboard, ehold Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety ers; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Std. Spec, for Asphaltic n)(1970) Spec, for 0) Spec, for 971) Spec, for 71) Spec, for wered) (1971) Spec, for wered) (1970) Spec, for Powered, Stand-Up Riders) ( 1971 ) Spec, for tery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) (19/ Spec, for aper Handler) (1969) Spec, for d Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manual Hyd/ Spec, for trucks) (1968) Spec, for polyethylene Liners, Garment Rack - Portable) / Spec, for drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canva/ Spec, for tal), End Rack, 1 8,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) Spec, for ounter Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Cap/ Spec, for allet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker H/ Spec, for ck (Gasoline Powered) ( 1971 ) Spec, for 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks From Ground / Spec, for m- Drive In) (1971) Spec, for (1970) Spec, for (1969) Spec, for wered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, / Spec, for (1968) Spec, for rucks, Battery Powered Stand-Up Rider) (1971) Spec, for 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Self Propelled, Force Feed, Belt Type d, Dump Truck Mounting) (Hospital) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body e, Salt, Sand, Chlorides An/ Spec, for Barflight Tailgate or Dump Truck Mounting) (1970) Spec, for pper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Cal/ Spec, for (1968) Spec, for Truck Mounted Spec, for Hydraulically Operated v.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and y - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chi/ y (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chlo/ pper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips,/ ) (Sand and Salt for Ice Control ) ( 1 97 1 ) er Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calci/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for dy - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch/ sand, Ships, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) (19/ spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Powered Under Tailgate Type, Spec, for Patching - Spec, for Textile, Brown Check, Dress 971) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Curtain Spec, for Cotton Twill Dress Spec, for Hospital Uniform Spec, for Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits Treatment Spec, for Drapery Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Bedspread Spec, for Homespun Window Shade Spec, for Window Shade Spec, for Acoustical Spec, for Mattress Covering Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Mattress Covering Spec, for Mulch Spec, for Feathers; Duck, White, Domestic (Filling Std. Spec, for Strong Dress ence Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) Spec, for Small Sign and Nameplate Spec, for Textile, Quilting Polyethy/ Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Curing sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal,/ Spec, for Curing (1971) ASTM A525-67 Spec, for e Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and Numer/ Spec, for Spec, for mobile) (1970) ASTM A525-67T Spec, for rips) (1970) Spec, for and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec. For Bedding oncrete Surfaces (Tar,/ Std. Spec, for the Application of battery Powered Walkie) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Platform Truck, Light Medium Duty Spec, for Fine Aggregate in Concrete, Mortar and Covering drawings and Floor Plan for Mobile Media and Instructional Spec, for Drawings for Mobile Media and Instructional Master Sets, Spirit Type Duplicating Equipment (1970) Masters and Press) (1971) Masterset Units (1968) Mat Formed Wood (1968) USC CS236-66, ASTM D1037-64 Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax) (1970) FED Matches; Paraffin Wax; and Tooth Picks (1970) /L Clean " Elastomer Modifier (Latex) (1965) for Aggregate Base Course (Highway Constructio for Subbase Course (Highway Construction) ( 197 Handline Equipment (Bakery Conveyor System) (1 Handling Equipment (Dunnage Rack - Mobile) (19 Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Po Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas Po Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck - Bat Handling Equipment (Lift Stacker with Rolled P Handling Equipment (Lift Truck, Battery Powere Handling Equipment (Lift, Platform and Pallet Handling Equipment (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Handling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Handling Equipment (Manual), Platform Truck Me Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, C Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, P Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Lift Tru Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading Handling Equipment (Pallet Rack, Storage Syste Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) Handling Equipment (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Battery Po Handling Equipment (Storage and Pallet Racks) Handling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork T Handling Equipment (Tractor, LP Gas Powered) Loader (1970) Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, San Spreader (Dump Truck Mounting) ( 1968) Spreader (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpos Spreader (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body F Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Ho Spreader (Sand, Chips, Cinders and Road Salt) Spreader (Spinner Type) (1970) Spreader (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G. Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Bod Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Bod Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Ho Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopp Spreaders (Sand and Cinder) (1969) Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Bo Spreaders (5 1/2-6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, with Hydraulic System and Controls (1967) Bituminous Premix) (Road Construction) (1969) Cloth) (1970?) Cloth, Textile) for Salt Stockpile Covers) (1 Cloth, Textile) (1960) Cloth, Textile) (1961) Cotton Duck) (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Highway Construction) (1970) Institutional) (Curtain) (1971) Pavements, Sidewalk) (1970?) Textile) (1971) 1957) 1957) FEDCCC-C-521B 1960) 1966) 1970) 1970) 1970?) ) (1939) , Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) , Erection and Reerection) for Highway Construe , Plastic Engraving Stock (1970) , Ripplette Bedspread (Cloth) (1970?) s Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White s for Concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene s for License Plates (Galvanized Steel Strips) s for License Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflectiv s for License Plates (Primer, Enamel) ( 1969) s for License Plates (TMT - Motorcycle and Snow s for License Plates (Tmt) (Galvanized Steel St s for Masonry Plates and Bearing Pads (Highway s for Waterproofing or Dampproofmg of Cement C s Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck s Handling) (1968) FED FF-C-86, FF-C-88 s in Bituminous Treatments (Highway Constructio s Laboratory - Center (Truck, Motor Vehicle) ( 1 s Laboratory (Vehicle) (1970?) Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater (Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater Mater (Mater Mater Mater Mater CA 701-75-33 NY 23007-0004 NJ 6962-02A OR 35-68-11 NY 22000-0462 IL •39 NM •17 VA DH-210 VA DH-209 NY 39108-0578 NY 39100-0564 NY 39101-0594 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0719 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0921 NY 39101-0471 NY 39101-0623 NY 39104-0565 NY 39100-0562 NY 39100-0398 NY 39101-0409 NY 39101-0393 NY 39101-0350 NY 39102-0255 NY 39105-0120 NY 39105-0444 NY 39105-091 1 NY 39101-0680 NY 39105-0491 NY 39101-0774 NY 39101-0318 SC 14-200-0451 NY 41000-0243 NY 41000-0071 NY 41000-0325 NY 41000-0665 NY 41000-0870 SC 14-400 NE •57 NJ 4938-00 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0182 NY 41000-0464 NY 41000-0801 NY 41000-0799 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0509 NJ 4938-74 NM •18 MA •35-70 NY 32708-0396 MS T-iA-60-7 RI 4910-010 Rl 4910-014 VA DH-256 NY 21200-0266 MS 3151 PA C-148 RI 4905-003 Rl 4905-002 PA A- 10 NY 00227-0539 NE •26 NY 22706-0022 MS 3882 PA F-10 MS T-1A-60-30 SC HD-123 NY 3861 1-0685 MA •35-71 SC HD-59B9 VA DH-223 NY 37826-0191 NY 38601-0282 NY 37301-0031 NY 37826-0025 NY 37826-0629 VA DH-247 SC HD-112 NY 39101-0279 PA T-77 VA DH-202 NJ •2 NJ •16 195 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 14 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards chain Link, Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Construction - Spec, for Bituminous sulation (Building) ( 197 1 ) Spec, or Roofing of Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Ins/ Spec, for Building tion) (1970) Spec, for Bituminous truction) (1970/ Spec, for Dampproofing and Waterproofing Spec, for Reflective r, Lime, Inoculating Bact/ Spec, for Roadside Development g, Optical Glass Spheres) (19/ Spec, for Pavement Marking s and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Si/ Spec, for Reflective ors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters,/ Spec, for Reflective support) ( 1970?) Spec, for Riprap Spec, for Concrete Form Coating Spec, for Lumber, Plywood and Other Building Spec, for Bed Spring Spec, for Core Drilling Equipment and Std. Spec, for Cotton Textile Std. Spec, for Roof Coating Std. Spec, for Roofing Spec, for Winter Coats (Reprocessed emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Texture of r (Crematory Destructor) (Destruction of Pathogenic Type 4 Spec, for 500 Gal. Heating Kettle (for Bituminous c. for Unit of Measurement for Highway Construction Terms, n) (1970) Spec, for Joint Sealer and Filler 1964) Std. Spec, for Highway Construction Spec, for Std. Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Spec, for Fabricated Steel Bar Std. Spec, for Bath Spec, for Spec, for crimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym rap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Spec, for Wrestling and Gymnastic Portland Cement Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Spec, for Bath 5, FED Std. 601 Spec, for Spec, for Mats and Spec, for Spec, for (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Plastic CCC-T-191B Spec, for Waterproofed -19 IB Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Ticking; Cotton Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Coated Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Coated, (Light Weight) r Hair; Mixed, Domestic, Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Spec, for , Etc. (1968) Spec, for Urethane Foam for , Etc. (1968) FED L-P/ Spec, for Urethane Foam for Use As (1969) FED L-P-375, FED V-F-106 m-91C Spec. ) (1971) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for Quilted Spec, for Quilted Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Latex Foam Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Bedsprings, Box Type for Hair; Cattle Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Urethane Foam Bed Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Innerspring Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Hospital Innerspring Spec, for Polyurethane Foam Spec, for Innerspring Bed Spec, for Institutional Spec, for Spec, for Residential Materials Only) (1968) Spec, for Fencing, Materials (Asphalt and Tar Liquids) (1971) Materials (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Sealants, and in Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Ro Materials (Asphalt, Cement, Emulsion) (Highway Construe Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Sealer) (Highway Cons Materials (Cut Out Letters and Numbers) ( 1970) Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilize Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleanin Materials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Colors and Toner Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Col Materials (Stone and Filter Blanket) (Foundation, Wall Materials (Treating Agent) (1970?) Materials (1965) Materials (1968) FED QQ-W-428 Materials (1969) Materials (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Materials (1970) Materials (1971) Materials) (Small Girls') (1957) Materials) (Transferable Functions) (Educational Purpos Materials) (1970) Spec, for Incinerato Materials) (1970?) Materials, and Meth. (1964) Std. Spe Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gaskets (Highway Constructio (Materials, Machinery, Equipment, Meth., Installation) Mats and Matting, Nylon on Vinyl ( 1969) Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Case Mats for Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) AASHO M-54 Mats (Terry Cloth) (1969) Mats, Chair, (Plexiglass) (1971) Mats, Door, Cocoa (1970) Mats, Handball, I /Chine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, S Mats, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway Construction (19 Mats, Plastic Foam (1970) Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Li Mats; Terry Cloth, Bleached ( 1971 ) Mats; Vinyl or Rubber (Link Type) (1966) ASTM D395, D73 Matting, Nylon on Vinyl (1969) Matting, Vinyl Polyvinyl Chloride (1969) Mattress and Core; Foamed Plastic (1962) Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fast Mattress and Pillow Covers (1960) Mattress and Pillow Ticking (Plastic Coated) (1964) Fed Mattress and Pillow Ticking ( 1964) FED CCC-C-436, CCC-T (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 (Mattress and Pillow) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Mattress and Upholstery Filling) (1939) Spec. Fo Mattress Cores (Polyurethane - Polyether Foam) (1970) Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Sponges Mattress Cores, Polyether Urethane Foam, Fire Retardant Mattress Cover, Plasticized, Fire Retardant (1970) Mattress Cover, Plasticized, Removable (1968) Mattress Cover, Removable, Plastic, Hospital Use (1968) Mattress Covering Material ( 1966) Mattress Covering Material (1970) Mattress Covers ( 1969) Mattress Covers (1970) Mattress Covers, Plastic (1964) Mattress Padding, 72 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Mattress Pads (Quilted) (1971) Mattress Pads ( 1961 ) FED CCC-T-191 Mattress Pads (1969) Mattress Pads.^frrihed (1969) Mattress Renovations, Repair (1970) Mattress (College) (1969) Mattress (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191B, ZZ- Mattress (1968) FED CCC-C-436, FED V-T-276 (Mattress) (1969) Mattress, Pillow, Upholstered Furniture Filling) (1968) Mattress, Synthetic Foam (1969) Mattresses and Removable Cover ( 1964) Mattresses and Springs (1971) Mattresses (Latex Foam) (School) (1968) Mattresses (Twin Size) (Dormitory and Institutional Use Mattresses (University) (1971) Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (1963) FED DD-D-751 Mattresses (Waterproof Cover) (1964) Mattresses (1958) Mattresses (I960) Mattresses (1964) Mattresses (1966) Mattresses (1970?) Mattresses (1971) NY 39600-0767 NY 31501-0554 NY 31827-0534 NY 31827-0529 VA DH-211 VA DH-214 NY 38601-0228 VA DH-257 NY 38001-0704 NY 38601-0173 NY 38601-0752 MS 3601 MS 3902 KY *1 NY 22704-0479 NY 41200-A OR 79_000-9010 OR 64-500-0000 IL •12 RI 4225-F-003 NY 11002-0563 NY 40710-0341 VA *8 SC HD-B VA DH-213 SC HD PA M-66 FL *23 MS 3304 OR 72-150-9040 NJ 6936-03 CA 701-68-65 NY 30200-0587 VA DH-257 CA 701-78-15 SC HD-59B9 PA M-20 PA M-42 PA M-66 PA M-4 PA M-40 FL *25 IL *31 TX 685-46-1 TX 685-45-1 PA T-ll PA T-55 PA T-60 PA H-12 NJ 3748-00 TX 295-48-1A VA DS-8A IL *7 CT 3748-C-342A CA 681-83-70 CA 681-83-51 NY 00227-0539 NY 22706-0022 OR 72-150-9070 NY 22702-0056 RI *5 MA *35-92 NY 22700-0402 PA P-113 RI 4750-001 OR 72-150-9080 LA *9 NY 22700-0296 VA DS-5A CA 681-83-64 MI 2613-S1 PA H-8 CT 3748-M-341B TX 295-47-3 NY 22700-0276 NY 22701-0581 OR 72-100-1030 NY 22700-0064 RI 4358-04 RI 4358-02 RI 4358-05 RI 4358-06 TX 295-47-1 RI 4358-01 MA *4 LA ♦10 196 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Innerspring Spec, for Polyurethane Foam (for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for' Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (69) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Soybean Spec, for Livestock Feed, Soybean Spec, for Livestock Feed, Cottonseed Spec, for Livestock Feed, Linseed Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dehydrated Alfalfa Spec, for Livestock Feed, Steamed Bone ed Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone i Meth. (1964) Std. Spec, for Unit of .eflecti/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System for Direct tions of Emission Spectroscopy by Direct Measurement); for Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Diffraction System for Direct ystem for Direct Measurement of Diffracted Intensities and Spec, for Meters (Boiler Instrumentation for the Spec, for Pupillometer System (Eye Pupil Spec, for Osmometer ures and Investigations of Emission Spectroscopy by Direct s and Accessories for Use in Analytical Investigations and Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and Custard and Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tape (English, White, Bias, Seambinding, r, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mixer, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cutlery (Galley, eeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Sheer, Food Cutter, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, egetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Std. Spec, for , D502 Spec, for Spec, for Dry Ground Pumice for Grit and ransporting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Parts and Auto Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive Repair Parts and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds and Spec, for er Insulating Tape (Natural and Synthetic) (Electrical and Spec, for Friction Tape (Electrical and :d, 2000 Lb. Cap/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment ; Order Picker H/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment 35D, ASTM D800, D820 Spec, for Dishwashing Compounds Spec, for Pencils; Lead, (Non Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Materials Handling Equipment graphers and Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils Spec, for Bulk Milk Dispenser, Spec, for Drinking Water Coolers (Floor Mounted, Spec, for Drinking Water Coolers (Wall Mounted, ind Wrenches) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Small Tools Std. Spec, for Hand Soap, Pumice, Cake, Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Badges Spec, for Badges (Long and Faithful Service Conspicuous Service Crosses and Long and Faithful Service ruck, Motor Vehicle)/ Drawings and Floor Plan for Mobile 1970?) Spec, for Drawings fo^Mobile . for Plastic Containers (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Spec, for . Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, D/ Spec, for Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Unit Mattresses (308 Coil) (1968) Mattresses (312 Coil) (1964) Mattresses) (Hospital) (1971) Mattresses, Bed, Felted Cotton (1970?) Mattresses, Bed, Innerspring (1964) Mattresses, Bed, Innerspring (1970?) Mattresses, Cotton Felted ( 1 963 ) Mattresses, Felt, Cotton (1961) USC CS 55-35, USC R2-57 Mattresses, Innerspring (1958) Mattresses, Innerspring (1963) Mattresses, Innerspring (1969) Mattresses, Innerspring ( 197 1 ) Mattresses, Polyurethane Core with Cover (1971) Mattresses, Polyurethane Core with Sealed Cover ( 1 97 1 ) Mattresses, Rubberized Hair and Cotton Core with Cover Mattresses, Urethane Foam (1967) ASTM D1564 Mattresses; Cotton Felt (1959) Mattresses; Curled Hair (1953) Mattresses; Innerspring, Component Type (1969) Mattresses; Latex Foam (1952) Meal (1963) Meal (1963) Meal (1963) Meal (1963) Meal (1963) Meal (1963) Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage (Nit Measurement for Highway Construction Terms, Materials, Measurement of Diffracted Intensities and Measurement O Measurement of Diffracted Intensities with Film Instrum Measurement of Intensities) ( 1971 ) Measurement of Reflections by Counter Methods with a Fi Measurement of Steam and Air Flow and Water) ( 1970) Measurement) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Measurement) (1968) Measurement); for Measurement of Diffracted Intensities Measurements of Diffracted X-Ray Intensities (Universit Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Pow Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Veget Measuring Tapes (25 Ft. and Longer) ( 1971 ) Measuring Tapes, Woven, Nonmetallic ( 1971 ) Measuring) ( 1953) Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Fastener; Thread; and Zi Meat and Bone Scraps (1963) Meat Chopper and Sheer) ( 1971 ) Meat Chopper (Counter or Bench Type) ( 1963) Meat Chopper (Counter Type, Fractional Hp) (1961) Meat Chopper (Heavy Duty, 5 Hp) (1961) Meat Cutting, and Kitchen) (1962) Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical Cutter / Mixers) ( 197 1 ) /P Meat Sheer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Bl Meat Sheer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical C Meat Tenderizing Machine ( 1963) Mechanic's Grit Hand Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D46 Mechanic's Hand Soap (1965) ASTM CI 36 Mechanic's Service Tools ( 1970) / Body (3/4 Ton) for T Mechanic's Tools ( 1971 ) / General Service Body for 1/2 Mechanical Dishwashers (1966) Mechanical Dishwashing Compound (1969) Mechanical Dispensers (1968) Mechanical Filing Equipment (1970?) Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM Dl 19-67, D297-67T, D4 12-66 Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM D69-67 (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, Battery Po . 26000-1 NJ 7730-01 PA G-18 MS 3741 N^i 12600-04 13 NY 12600-05 2 1 NY 12600-O4V6 PA N-5 TX 410-37-ZA PA N-3 PA N-l OR 60-500-9030 NY 3821 1-0441 NY 11000-0638 MS S-2-5 3-15 YA L-l 1 H\ 38760-0023 NJ 8340-03 OR 74-300-0150 nn 21802-t - RI 427O-F-O02 RI 4270-F-001 YA DH -. NY 07700-0473 OR 77-100-9530 NY 07700-0473 CA 691-80-4 14 N^ 12600-0912 Nl 34200-0359 NE •6 NY 37604-0934 N^l 42300-0582 213 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (1961) t) (Institutional Use) / ht) (1971) ication) (1969) d Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage xygen, Acetylene) (1970) Spec, for Medical Gases Spec, for Variable Frequency Pulsed Spec, for Iron; Spec, for 5% (by Weight) Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer Spec, for Dry Spec, for Soap; Toilet, Cake, c. for Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Spec, for Pencils; Lead, or Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, or Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, or Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Spec, for Thin Wall Spec, for Std. Spec, for Water Repellent Wood Preservative c. for Steel Office Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Spec, for Steel Utility Type Chair (Rotary, for Steel Office Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Spec, for Fabric; Spec, for Detergent, General Duty, Spec, for Gasoline Engine Oil, Std. Spec, for Spring, Spec, for Spark Plugs, Spec, for Extracts, Flavoring and Flavors (Alcoholic and Std. Spec, for Powdered Soap, Std. Spec, for Ship Soap Std. Spec, for Powdered Soap Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Powdered (Hot Water, Spec, for Remover, Floor Finish, Spec, for Chipboard, Spec, for Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Compounded, Spec, for Steam Cylinder Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Steam Cylinder, 4 Spec, for Decorative and Spec, for Plastic Sheet; Laminated, Decorative and Requirements for Transmission and Gear Box Lubricant Std. Spec, for Liquid Disinfectant, oating and Numer/ Spec, for Materials for License Plates Spec, for Enclosed Gear Lubricants Spec, for Preformed Joint Filler td. Spec, for Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover Spec, for Typewriter Cleaning Solution, Spec, for Paint Remover, Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover (Organic Solvent, Spec, for Liquid Paint and Varnish Remover Spec, for Ironers; Flat Work, Chest Type Spec, for Ironers; Flat Work, Laundry, Chest Type Spec, for Powder, Machine, Dish and Can Washing, eline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder (Chlorinated, Spec, for Wheel Chairs; Invalid, c. for Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Spec, for Body, Van Type (Motor Vehicle) Spec, for Body, Van Type, 1 or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate/ Spec, for Maintenance Crew Use (1967) Tent. Spec, for ic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical / Spec, for Spec, for Measuring Tapes, Woven, Spec, for Brake Fluid, Heavy Duty, rements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to 7) Spec, for Paint; Oil, Interior, Swimming Pool Deck,/ Spec, for Hard Surface Delimer Acid er(1971) Std. Spec, for moderately Hard Water ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) Spec, for Ball Point Pens, Spec, for Pens, Ball, Stainless Steel Point, Spec, for Paint; Traffic Zone, Spec, for Parking Lot Markers, Spec, for Spec, for Pipe; Culvert, Spec, for Plastic Garden Hose Spec, for Pen, Ball Point, Pocket Type, Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Chip Spec, for Herbicide Spec, for Bluing; Laundry Spec, for Gasoline, White, Type C, Spec, for Cleaning Cloth; ec. for Nonionic Liquid Detergent in Compounding Cleaners, Spec, for Surfactant neral Purpose Clamshell Bucket ( 1 cu. Yd. Capacity, Square In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Spec, for Brief Covers, Leatherette Grain, (Nitrogenous), Urea, Organic, Mixed) ( 1970) /Da, Steame (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid O NMr Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Nodular, for Stoker, Keys, Chain and Travelling Grates Nominal Malathion Dust (Insecticide) (1970) (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freigh (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freig Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Wheel Appl (Non Floating) (1966) FED P-S-536 Non Germicidal) (1971 ) Aocs DA9-48, ASTM D2077 Spe (Non Mechanical) (1963) Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Capacity) (1 Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, Wi Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, Wi (Non Resettable) Diamond Bits for Core Drilling (1964) Non Residual (Pyrethrin) Household Insecticide (1964) (Non Swelling, Paintable) (1963) Non Tilting Seat, with Arms) (1968) Spe Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Spec. Non Woven (Roll and Cut Sheets) (Textile) ( 1961 ) Nonabrasive Powder (1969) Nonadditive, 2 Cycle (1968) Nonadjustable (Hospital) (1963) Nonaircraft (1968) FED W-S-506 Nonalcoholic) for Food (1971) Nonalkaline (1953) (Nonalkaline) (1953) (Nonalkaline) (1969) Nonalkaline) (1969) ASTM D460, D502 Nonammoniated (1966) Nonbending (1969) FED UU-C-282 Nonchlorinated Machine Dishwashing Compound (1970?) Noncondensing Engine (1967) Noncondensing Engines (1968) Noncondensing (1970) Nondecorative Laminated Plastic Sheet (1968) NEMA Ldl-6 Nondecorative (1968) NEMA LD-1 (Nondetergent Oil) (1970) Nondetergent (1969) (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear C (Nonextreme Pressure) (1970) (Nonextruding and Resilient) (1970?) AASHO M-153 Nonfibred (1964) (Nonflammable Organic Solvent Type) ( 1969) Nonflammable Trichloroethane (1970) Nonflammable (1969) Nonflammable) (1962) FED Std. 141 (Nonflammable) (1962) FED TT-R-251D (Nonfloating Multiroll) (1966) (Nonfloating, with Return Ribbons) (1967) Nonfoaming (1969) Nonfoaming) (1971) Spec, for Dairy Pip (Nonfolding) (1965) FED FF-C-77 00-C-320 Nongermicidal) ( 1970) Aocs DA9-48 Spe Noninsulated, 12 Ft. (1969) Noninsulated, 16 Ft. (1969) Nonionic Liquid Detergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nony Nonmechanical Water Coolers, Spigoted, Construction and Nonmetallic (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plast Nonmetallic (1971) Nonmineral Oil (1968) SAE 70r(3) Nonpassenger Vehicle Windshields ( 1964) /Ec. and Requi Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed (Tints and White) (196 Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Room, Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Hard Wat Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Soft to (Nonplastic) Detergent Compound Type a (1953) Nonrefillable (1970) Nonrefillable (1970) Nonreflective (1964) Nonreflective, White (1969) Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-86 Nonreinforced Concrete (1960) (Nonreinforced) (1964) USC CS209-57 Nonretractable (1971) MIL Std. 105 (Nonrosin Type) (1969) ASTM D460 (Nonselective) (1971) (Nonsour, Sour) (1969) Nonvolatile (1968) ASTM D439-64T Nonwoven Fabric for Dusting, Wiping Polishing (1971) Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate, Eth (Nonylphenoxy Polyethoxy Ethanol) (1969) Nose Type) ( 1 970) Spec, for Ge Notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Folder, Buf Notebook, File (1969) NY 07700-0473 LA *13 NY 38782-0823 PA 1-19 SC 1 3-040 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 VA L-l PA S-13 TX 505-47-1 A PA P-144 TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-1 6A TX 595-56-1 TX 370-51-1 WA S-63-69 TX 300-33-2B TX 300-33-5 TX 300-3 3-4 A PA C-142 CA 691-77-13 CA 681-91-06 NC 6530-S-3 CA 681-23-15 PA E-5 MS S-2-53-1 MS S-2-53-2 OR 76-401-9040 PA S-3 KY 7930-2 CA 691-82-12 UT *5 MI 5255-S18 CA 681-91-54 MS L-5B-70-6 TX 435-39-1 PA P-138 NE *76 IA *3-2 NY 38601-0282 PA L-48 MS 3702 MS R-5-64-26 PA R-16 CA 701-66-16 CA 691-80-403 VA DK-17A TX 520-50-1 PA 1-2 PA 1-4 CA 691-77-26 MS T-D-23C-71 PA C-166 TX 395-35-7 MI 3915-0210 MI 3958-0212 CA 681-66-14 KS 79-1A MS 3803 CA 711-64-10 CA 681-66-11 NJ 0734-01 PA P-69 MS D-20A-71 MS D- 13-71 MS D- 12-71 MS S-2-53-48 NJ 6950-00 NJ 6950-02 PA P-128 CA 691-96-47 MS 3253 PA P-14 TX 340-33-2 CA 711-75-26 PA S-4 PA H-18 PA B-91 CA 681-91-170 PA C-119 CA 681-66-14 TX 371-78-9 NY 41101-0605 NY 43201-0487 CA 691-75-61 214 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Book, Stenographic Spec, for Pads, Tablets and Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders, Pads, tter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and Court Reporter ; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers An/ Std. Spec, for Tapestry, Water Colors) (1953) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Clothing, Std. for Fire Hose, Spec, for Sprayer with Broadcast ass and Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, g Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating Torch Outfit with iiz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion / Spec, for Wide Line Spec, for licator (1971) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Fuel Oil, spec, for Printing and Writing Paper, Fine, Unwatermarked, Spec, for Fuel Oil, Spec, for Colors for Mixed Paints, Color Chip Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck, :cc-C-419A, CCC-T-191B Spec, for -448 FEDCCC-C-419 Spec, for Spec, for Canvas; Cotton (Army and Spec, for Office Supplies (Daters, asers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Spec, for Reflective Materials (Cut Out Letters and Spec, for Paint, Spec, for sed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and 970) FED TT-P-1416 (Paint) Spec, for Background and Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Process Letters and ens Elements, Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, uoys) (1971) Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can, Spec, for Women's Dress Shoes Std. Spec, for Ornamental el Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, outhern) (1969) Spec, for Coal outhern) (1969) Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. outhern) (1969) Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. loy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Spec, for Livestock Feed, 12% Dairy Mixture Spec, for Livestock Feed, 15% Dairy Mixture Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Mash Spec, for Livestock Feed, Pig Starter Spec, for Livestock Feed, Pig Ration Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hog Ration Spec, for Livestock Feed, Sow Ration (Hog, Swine) Spec, for Livestock Feed, Calf Starter Pellets Spec, for Poultry Feed, Chick Starter Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Mash or Structural Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, pansion Shields, Molly Ancho/ Spec, for Fasteners (Bolts, ware (Metal Used in Timber Structures) (Bolts, Lag Screws, spec, for Structural Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts; Spec, for Slippers, Spec, for Socks; Black (Stretch Type), ers) (Departmental) (/ Spec, for Field Clothing (Jackets, Spec, for Blanket, Part Wool, Spec, for Cotton, Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for 95% Wool and 5% Spec, for 75% Wool and 25% Spec, for Spec, for Spec for Women's Indestructible Spec, for Paint Brushes (Sash Tool and Trim, 1C Spec, for Wall Paint Brushes (Metal Bound, 4) Spec, for Spec, for 751 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 966) FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for Spec, for Mats and Matting, 68) ASTM / Spec, for Binders, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Spec, for Water Hose, Spec, for Raincoat, Men's, Lightweight, Spec, for Men's Spec, for Women's Hosiery Spec, for Silk and Spec, for Stockings, Women's Spec, for Mop, Dust, Triangular, Cotton or Spec, for Mop, Dust, Rectangular, Cotton or Spec, for Dresses, Strong, ec. for Ribbons, Typewriter and Adding Machine, Cotton and (Notebook, Pad) (1970) Notebooks (1963) FED UU-P-31 Notebooks, and Adding Machine Tape) ( 197 1 ) Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Notions (Banding; Belting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Comb Notions (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap Notions (1953) Notions, Linens and Textiles (1970) Nozzles and Connections (1964) Nozzles and Contour-Matic Boom ( 1000 Gal.) ( 1963) Nozzles and Sprinkler, Forks, Hoes and Hoo /Olt and Gl Nozzles ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Electric Weldin Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 G Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System ( 1971 ) Number Machine, Drawing, Writing, Stamp Pad Ink and Era Number 2 (1970) Number 4 Sulphite ( 1969) Std Number 6 (1970) FED VV-F-815a Number (1969) Numbered and Army (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Numbered Canvas Cotton Duck Cloth (Textile) (1964) FED Numbered Cotton Duck (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) ASTM D230 Numbered Duck) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Numberers and Rubber Stamps) (1971) Numbering Machine Pads; Pens; and Pencils) ( 197 1 ) /(Er Numbers) (1970) Numeral Coating Black (License Plate) ( 1967) Numeral Enamel (Ink) (License Plate) (1969) Numeral Enamel) (1970) /Ls for License Plates (Nonexpo Numeral Enamel(Paint) for 1972 License Plates (1970) (1 Numerals and Symbols and Borders) (1967) /Plastic Film Numerals) (Highway and Pavement Applicators) ( 1971 ) /L Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and Spar B (Nurse Type Oxford) (1969) Nursery Stock (1969) Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide (Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, S Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, S Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, S Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Nutrient (Cows) (1963) Nutrient (Cows) (1963) Nutrient (Pullet Developer) (1963) Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Nutrient (1963) Nutrient (1963) Nutrient (1963) Nutrient (1963) Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway Construction (1964) Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Ex Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckles) for Highway Cons Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway A Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Spec, for Fasteners Nylnit, Snug (Shoe) (1967) Nylon and Cotton (Stocking) (1968) Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and Wool Trous Nylon and Rayon Fibers ( 1968) Nylon and Wool Bunting for United States Flag (1968) Nylon and Wool (for Flags) (1952) Nylon Blankets (1961) Nylon Blankets (1961) Nylon Cloth (Bunting for Flags) (Textile) (1957) Nylon Coated Cloth (1970) Nylon Dresses (1970) Nylon Filament) (1964) FED H-B-491D Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 In.) (1966) FED H-B-420D, H-B-14 Nylon Floor Maintenance Pads (Machine Application) ( 196 Nylon Knit Slippers, Institutional ( 1963) Nylon Laundry Net (Bags) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 . FED Sid Nylon Laundry Nets (Bags) (Institutional Use) (1963) Nylon Laundry Pressing Cloth (1964) Nylon Needle Punched Flannel (Laundry Press Padding) ( 1 Nylon on Vinyl (1969) Nylon Post, Electronic Data Processing and Cleaners ( 19 Nylon Reinforced Plastic, Low Temperature (1970) Nylon Reversible (1964) Nylon Rubber Coated Raincoat ( 197 1 ) (Nylon Stockings) (1957) Nylon Typewriter Ribbons ( 1965) FED CCC-T-191B (Nylon Yarn) (1970) Nylon (1966) Nylon (1967) Nylon (1970) Nylon (1970) S P CA 701-75-41 PA P-88 FL •18 NY 23000-0633 FL •25 IL •33GG IL •33 NM •4 CT 81-144A NJ 4938-61 NY 39000-0482 NY 43223-0734 NY 38782-0824 NY 38782-0796 IL •32GG MA •7 MS P-13C-69 MA •8 CA 691-80-450 OR 79-100-9160 TX 685-38-1 RI 4910-013 PA C-9 NY 23011-0164 FL •16 NY 38601-0228 NJ 7342-09 PA E-18 NY 38601-0282 WY •10 NY 38601-0173 NY 38601-0752 NY 34501-0832 Rl 4268-F-010 OR 84-301-9010 NY 30211-0572 Ml 4210-S1 Ml 4210-S5 Ml 4210-S8 VA DH-236 Ml 4340-0070 MI 4340-0072 MI 4340-012- Ml 4340-0060 MI 4340-0061 Ml 4340-00C Ml 4340-0063 MI 4340-0074 MI 4340-0120 MI 4340-0122 SC HD-91 NJ 5108-00 SC HD-78 VA dh-:?: MS 3391 NJ •5 PA S-109 NY 39307-0603 CA 681-83-04 NY 39800-0847 PA C-86 Rl 4710-007 Rl 4710-008 RI 4935-001 PA C-104 Rl 423O-F-O09 \ A C-6 VA C-1A VA K-4 1A NJ 3380-00 PA N-5 TX 410-37-:a TX 410-34-1 TX 410-39-: PA M-66 CA 712-75-05 CA 701-93-52 NJ 1548-00 TX 160-4 4-. 5 RI 425O-F-O02 VA FB-20 NY 40035-0112 ICY 7920-13 KY 7920-12 NY 40028-0526 MI 4868-S1 215 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cord; Sash, Braided Cotton and Spec, for Ribbons, Typewriter and Teletype, Spec, for Bags; Laundry, s for Electronic Data Processing Equipment Printers (Silk, Spec, for Stockings, Women's (Stretch Std. Spec, for Carpets and Rugs, Wool, Spec, for Field Jackets Spec, for Stockings, Women's (Stretch c. for Shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Spec, for Uniform Rain Coat; ?) Spec, for Form PS-550 - Spec, for Dishwashers, Commercial Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) Spec, for Venetian Blinds Spec, for Steel Lockers 1, Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor Systems Spec, for Stage Equipment and Curtains Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Tables, Equipment (Food Transporting and Serving Food Conveyors) Spec, for Carpeting Spec, for Auditorium Seating Spec, for Theater Seating Spec, for Draperies (Curtain) Spec, for Toilet Seats Spec, for Fuel Oil Spec, for Seating (Lecture Hall) Spec, for Hardwood Lumber and Plywood for Softwood Lumber and Plywood, Hardboard and Wallboard es, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire Retardant) spec, for Precatalyzed Lacquer Furniture Finishing System Spec, for Boats, Canoes, Spec, for Livestock Feed, c. for Field Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, s, Alfalfa, Clover, / Spec, for Seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Spec, for Bakery Equipment 9) Spec, for Spec, for Audio / Visual al) (Manual or Computer Operated) (Earth and Space Science Spec, for Lights; Surgical, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can, Nun, Special Marker ng Current, Salinity, Research) (197/ Spec, for Shellfish Spec, for Hydraulically Powered Winch Spec, for Spec, for Tester, Heavy Duty Speedometer - Spec, for Ozone Producing Equipment Spec, for Pine Spec, for Pine Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Interior, Low Spec, for Paint, Flat, Interior, Low Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Low Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Low Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Low Std. Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Low ) (1970) Std. Spec, for Enamel, High Gloss, Low Std. Spec, for Enamel (Semi Gloss, Interior, Low Std. Spec, for Egg Shell Enamel (Interior, Low Spec, for Disinfectant; Pine Spec, for Primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paint, Alkyd, Flat, One Coat, Interior, Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss White Enamel Spec, for solvent (Petroleum Distillate) (1962) Spec, for Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Wood, Spec, for Interior Flat White Paint Spec, for Mineral Spirits Std. Spec, for Thinner, Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Semigloss, Spec, for Steel Tables (General Spec, for Repair, Refinish, Reupholstery of Spec, for Metal Waste Paper Baskets Spec, for Baskets; Waste Paper, Metal Spec, for Paste; Spec, for Furniture, Metal Spec, for Furniture, ) Spec, for Furniture, Spec, for Furniture, Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Traditional Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal ms) (1968) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal Spec, for Steel Filing Cabinets (Card Size) Spec, for Inked Ribbon Spe Spe Nylon (1970) FED Std. 191 Nylon (1971) Nylon (1971) Nylon) (1968) Nylon) (1969) Nylon, Acrylic (1966) (Nylon, Cold Weather) (1971) Nylon, Opaque, Micro Mesh) (1970) Nylon, Plastic, and Hooks ( 197 1 ) Nylon, Rubber Coated (State Police) ( 1964) NYS Certification of Health Insurance Eligibility (1970 (NYS Std. Type Ii) (1971) (NYS Std.) (1965) (NYS Std.) (1967) (NYS Std.) (1967) (NYS Std.) (1967) Spec, for Shelving, Stee (NYS Std.) (1968) (NYS Std.) (1969) NYS Std.) (1969) (NYS Std.) (1969) Std. Spec, for Kitchen (NYS Std.) (1969) FED DDD-C-95 (NYS Std.) (1970) (NYS Std.) (1970) (NYS Std.) (1970) (NYS Std.) (1970) (NYS Std.) (1971) (NYS Std.) (1971) (NYS Std.) (1971) (NYS Std.) (1971) Spec. (NYS Std.) ( 1971 ) /for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingl (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cold Spray) (1969) Oars and Paddles (1971) Oats (1963) Oats, Corn) (1969) Std. Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Gras (Oblong Foil Cake and Round Pie Pans) ( 1971 ) Observation and Micro Teaching System (University) (196 Observation System (Communications) (1970) Observatory) (1969) /or Telescope and Dome (Astronomic Obstetrical, and Clinical (1968) (Obstruction or Danger), and Spar Buoys) ( 1971 ) Spec. Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recordi (Oceanographic Research) (1971) Octyl Phenoxy Polyethoxy Ethanol (1971) Odometer with Ramps, Portable Beam Scale (1970) (Odor Control) (Hospital Deodorizer) (1968) Odor Disinfectant Concentrate (Phenol Type) (1966) Odor Disinfectant ( 1 97 1 ) Odor (Paint) (1969) Odor (1969) Odor (1969) Odor (1969) Odor (1969) Odor, Alkyd, Interior, (Paint) (1970) Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and Metal (Paint Odor, Paint) (1969) Odor, Paint) (1969) Odor, Phenol Type, Concentrate ( 1964) Odor, Wall Board and Plaster (1969) Odorless Enamel Undercoater (Paint) ( 1971 ) Odorless Light (1970) (Odorless Paint) (1971) Odorless Primer - Sealer, Interior (Paint) (1971) Odorless Volatile Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Odorless (1969) (Odorless) (1963) (Odorless) (1970) FED TT-T-295a Odorless, Alkyd Enamel (Paint) (1970) Odorless, Interior (1970) Office and Conference) (1970?) Office and Institutional Furniture (1969) (Office and Lobby) (Furniture) (1969) (Office and Lobby) ( 1971 ) Office and Photomounting (1969) FED MMM-A-177 (Office Chairs - Steel) (Conventional Style) (1968) Office Chairs (Metal) Contemporary Style ( 1966) Office Chairs (Metal) (Bucket Style, Upholstered) (1970 Office Chairs (Steel - Contemporary Style) ( 197 1 ) Office Chairs (1968) Office Chairs (1969) Office Chairs, Aluminum ( 1968) Office Chairs, Steel (1968) Office Clerical Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, Without Ar Office Desks (1968) Office Desks, 4 Leg Type (1968) (Office Equipment) (1969) PA C-26 CA 711-75-17 PA B-123 CA 681-75-06 NY 40036-0322 NC 7220-C-1A NY 39308-0334 NY 40036-0121 PA C-155 PA U-45 NY *1 NY 33500-0455 NY 00361-15-0092 NY 24401-0586 NY 27500-0085 NY 27500-0391 NY 00381-03-0046 NY 36115-0203 NY 36200-0186 NY 36112-0264 NY 20600-0183 NY 20910-0571 NY 209 10-0571 A NY 21200-0747 NY 37606-0480 NY 05500 NY 20901-0026 NY 37512-0875 NY 37500-0310 NY 37513-0851 MI 5325-S19 NY 49600-0630 MI 4340-0039 WI 3748 NY 07900-0584 NY 31200-0601 NY 38221-0252 NY 38221-0692 NY 12010-0518 NY 11800-0437 NY 34501-0832 NY 49602-0862 NY 43100-0813 NY 25526-0336 NJ 6524-07 NY 11609-0871 TX 3 70-44-4 A CA 711-76-06 OR 77-100-9220 CA 691-80-211 CA 691-80-215 CA 691-80-221 CA 691-80-409 MS PI-3 MS PI-7 OR 77-100-9230 OR 77-100-9240 SC 11^160A CA 691-80-201 NJ 7342-04 MS PI- 12 NJ 7342-01 NJ 7342-05 VA DK-34A CA 691-80-205 NJ 7342-03 NJ 7342-15 MS PM-15 MS PI-5 NV 7110-T LA *2 RI 1-006 PA B-120 PA P-43 NY 21705-0214 NY 00217-0008 NY 21705-0647 NY 21705-0925 PA C-92 KS 70-4 CA 681-67-21 CA 681-67-20 TX 300-3 3-3 B CA 681-67-22 CA 681-67-23 RI 1-035 216 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Office jg Seat, with Arms) (1968) Spec, for Steel Office i(1968) Spec, for Steel Office JI969) FED Std./ Std. Spec, for Finishing; Steel Shelving, Office orage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costume/ Spec, for Office ;) (1970) Spec, for Metal Office Spec, for Office tbinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcas/ General Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Office FED H-L-58 Spec, for Office Spec, for Steel Storage Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Spec, for Wood Executive Desks (Knee hole or Typewriter) (Office Spec, for Wood Tables (Office Spec, for Wood Chairs (Executive Swivel Arm) (Office Spec, for Wood Armless Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Wood Arm Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Wood Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Wood Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Lateral Steel Filing Cabinets (Class 1 ) (Office Spec, for Steel Vertical Filing Cabinets (Class 1 ) (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Doors (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Sliding Glass Doors (Office Spec, for Metal Wardrobe Cabinets (Office Spec, for Steel Storage Cabinet (Office Spec, for Steel Executive Desks (Class A) (Office Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armchair, Executive (Office Spec, for Side Chairs; Steel, Armless, Executive (Office Spec, for Steel Swivel Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Male (Office Spec, for Steel Folding Tables (Office Spec, for Steel Library Shelving (Office Spec, for Steel Chair Desks (Office Spec, for Steel Trapezoidal Tables (Office Spec, for Typing and Bookkeeping Tables; Steel (Office Spec, for Metal Folding Tablet Arm Chairs (Office spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armchair (Executive Type Chair) (Office Spec, for Aluminum Swivel Armless Clerical Chairs (Office Spec, for Aluminum Arm Chair Side Chair (Office Spec, for Aluminum Armless Side Chair (Office Spec, for Aluminum Armless Reception Room Side Chair (Office pec. for Steel Contemporary Executive Armless Side Chairs (Office Spec, for Steel Contemporary Swivel Posture Chairs (Office c. for Steel Swivel Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Office for Steel Contemporary Executive Swivel Armchair (Chairs) (Office r Adjustable Chairs; Steel, Factory or Institutional Type (Office al Smoker's Stand; Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Tray (Office Spec, for Folding Chairs; Metal Frame (Office ec. for Upholstered Folding Chairs with Arms; Metal Frame (Office Spec, for Steel Clothing Lockers (Office Spec, for Steel Bookcase Without Doors (Office els and Hung (1969) Spec, for Office s) (1966) Spec, for Office s) (1971 ) Spec, for Office Spec, for Office and Lamps) (1971) Spec, for Office (1970) Spec, for Office (1971) Spec, for Office Spec, for Acoustical Screens, Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office <£pec. for Office Spec, for Engraved Stationery (Office Spec, for Aluminum General Office Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Steel Office a Transmitter, Receiver, Projector) ( 197 1 ) police) (1971) ) (1971) 71) 0(1971) ting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Erasers (1960) Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilti Executive Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, with Arms Furniture and Similar Equipment (Paint System) Furniture (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, S Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Desks, Filing Cabinet Furniture (Chairs, Wood and Upholstered) ( 1971 ) Furniture (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing C Furniture (Metal Files) (1971) Furniture (Wood) (Desks, Etc.) (1969) USC CS35-6 Furniture) (Cabinet) (1969) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1962) Furniture) (1963) Furniture) (1968) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Furniture) (1969) Spe Furniture) (1969) Spec. Furniture) (1969) Spec. Fo Furniture) ( 1969) Spec, for Met Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Furniture ) ( 1 969 ) FED A A-C-29 1 a Sp Furniture) (1969) FED AA-L-486G Furniture), Steel (1969) Furniture, Components (Metal) Free Standing, Pan Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related Item Furniture, Metal (Desks, Tables and Related Item Furniture, Metal (Landscape Design) (1970) Furniture, Pole Display System (Shelves, Panels Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) Landscape (Divider) (1971) Machine Retention Lockers ( 1971 ) Machine Stand (Furniture) (1969) Machines (Accounting) (1966) Machines (Accounting) (1967) Machines (Accounting) (1967) Machines (Adding) (1971) Machines (Addressing and Accessories) (1971) Machines (Automatic Photocopying) (1971) Machines (Calculators) ( 197 1 ) Machines (Cold Type Composing) (1971) Machines (Collators) (1971) Machines (Coordinate Digitizer) (1970) Machines (Copying) (1971) Machines (Dictating and Transcribing) ( 1971 ) Machines (Graphic Remote Display Equipment) (Dat Machines (Interpreter) (1967) Machines (Key to Tape Data Preparation System) Machines (Magnetic Tape Composing System) ( 1971 ) Machines (Mechanized Files) (1971) Machines (Offset Duplicators) (1971) Machines (Phototype Setter) (1970) Machines (Postage Meter Mailing) (1971) Machines (Stencil and Spirit Process Duplicators Machines (Typewriters - Electric and Manual) (19 Machines (4800 Baud Modem / Multiplexer Equipmen of the Governor) ( 1966) Posture Chairs (1969) Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Til Straight 4 Leg Type Chair with Arms (1968) PA TX TX OR AK NM NY HI NY NY RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ RI TX TX E-12 300-33-2B 300-3 3- IB 77-100-9280 ♦53 *5 21804-0060 *7 21716-0741 2 1 800-0407 1-002 3-001 3-003 3-007 3-008 3-009 3-010 3-011 1-003A 1-003 1-004 1-004 A 1-008 1-009 1-010 1-012 1-013 1-015 1-024 1-025 1-030 1-031 1-033 1-034 2-002 2-003 2-004 2-005 2-006 4-013 4-014 1-011 4-011 1-016 1-023 1-018 1-018A 1-007 1-039 21701-0150 00217-0163 21701-0157 21701-0258 21701-0053 21702-0308 21702-0517 21800-0384 39004-0547 1-029 00229-0648 22906-0156 22906-0815 22906-0007 22901-0016 22900-0055 22906-0610 22928-0014 22911-0018 22900-0172 22924-0008 22918-0017 22900-0899 22900-0901 22900-0063 22900-0737 22916-0167 22927-0013 22900-0247 22912-0019 22919-0012 22914 22900-0828 8320-01 2-001 300-33-4A 300-33-6 217 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Steel Spec, for nd Pads) (1971) Std. Spec, for 972) (1971) Spec, for ne, Inked Ribbons) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1971) Spec, for ocess) (1971) Spec, for kers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine / Std. Spec, for cal Filing) (1971) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for ing Machine Tape) (1971) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for pany) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Spec, for lers, Staples and Removers, Tape and Disp/ Std. Spec, for (1971) Spec, for s) (1971) Spec, for Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type An/ Std. Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for g Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards;/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; W/ Spec, for Spec, for Metal Tables for Spec, for Plastic Waste Baskets for General Spec, for Seat Cushions (Posture and Executive) for Spec, for Mucilage (Adhesive, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Chairs, Wood, Interim Spec, for Desk, Wood, s, Book Truck) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Furniture, Spec, for Steel Posture Chairs, General Spec, for Steel Tables; General Spec, for Furniture, Std. for Staple Removers, Std. Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Executive Std. for Staplers and Staples, Spec, for Desks, Metal, Spec, for Cabinets, Filing, Vertical, Metal, Spec, for Staples, Paper Fastening, Spec, for Steel Tables (General Spec, for Receptacles; Waste Paper, Fibre Spec, for Facsimile Machines be Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Spec, for Desk; Steel, General Spec, for Chairs, Spec, for Chairs, Spec, for Coat Racks, Spec, for Staples, Chisel Point, Tent. Std. Spec, for Desks, Spec, for Desks, Spec, for Tables, Std. Spec, for Furniture, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Spec, for Metal Side Chair (General Spec, for Metal Side Chair (General Spec, for Conservation Spec, for Uniforms; Security c-T-191 Spec, for 8) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for c-T-191 Spec, for Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Spec, for Summer Uniform Trousers (Institutional Std. Spec, for Correctional Std. Spec, for Correctional Spec, for Uniforms (Safety dvertising and Reporting Services (1971) Spec, for Sedan, Four Door, Standard Vehicle, Spec, for Polyethylene Typewriter Ribbons for Record, Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Office Machines irements and Spec, for Prepared Film Negatives and Photo - Machines and Supplies (Automatic Photographic Process for c. for Blanket Wash and Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Spec, for Procurement of Ready Copy (1970) Spec, for 17 In.) (1969) Spec, for tent Duty, 11 X 14 In.) ( 1969) Spec, for nd Intermittent Duty) (1969) Spec, for Office Straight 4 Leg Type Chair Without Arms (1968) Office Supplies (Binders) (1971) Office Supplies (Binders, Books, Clipboards, Indexes, A Office Supplies (Calendar Pads, Bases and Diaries for 1 Office Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machi Office Supplies (Carbon Sets - Copysettes) ( 1971 ) Office Supplies (Copying Machine) (1971) Office Supplies (Daters, Numberers and Rubber Stamps) Office Supplies (Duplicating Machine, Stencil or Dry Pr Office Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Mar Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides and Verti Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides) (Fund) Office Supplies (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Add Office Supplies (Library Card Stock) (1969) Office Supplies (Library) (1971) Office Supplies (Magnetic Tape Cartridge and Card) (Com Office Supplies (Master and Carbon Paper) (1971) Office Supplies (Offset Duplicating Masters and Press) Office Supplies (Paper for Calcomp Plotter) (1971) Office Supplies (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Stap Office Supplies (Pressure Sensitive Labels - Unprinted) Office Supplies (Reinforced Ring Book Sheets and Indexe Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Office Supplies (Special Printing for Vari Typer) (1971 Office Supplies (Special) (Company) (1970) Office Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filin Office Supplies (1971) Office Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Office Use (1970) Office Use (1971) ASTM D635, MIL Std. 105 Office Use (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105 Office Use) (1969) FED MMM-M-792 Office Valet or Coat Rack (Furniture) (1969) Office (Conventional Design) (1963) Office (Conventional Design) (1969) Office (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Table Office (Furniture) (1969) Office (Furniture) (1969) Office (Steel) (Transfer File Cases) (1964) Office (1956) Office (1967) Office (1968) Office (1969) Office (1970) Office (1971) Office) (Furniture) (1969) (Office) (1956) (Office) (1971) Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk L Office, Furniture (1969) Office, Metal (1969) Office, Metal (1970) Office, Metal (1970) Office, Standard Duty (1970) Office, Steel (1964) Office, Steel (1969) Office, Steel (1969) Office, Steel, Contemporary (1969) Office, Steel, Conventional (1969) Office, Triple Axle 12 X 64 Ft. (1969) Office, with Arms) (1970?) Office, Without Arms) (1970?) Officer Cars, 4 Door Sedan (Automobile) (1969) Officer (Departmental) (1970) FED Std. 191 Officer's Uniform Overcoat (State Police) (1968) FED Cc Officer's Uniforms; Fall and Winter (State Police) (196 Officer's Uniforms; Summer (State Police) (1968) FED Cc Officer's (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Officer) (Slacks) (1968) Officers Unifoifms (1970) Officers Uniforms (1971) Officers) (1967) Official Rules and Regulations for Printing, Binding, A Official Use (Automobile) (1970) Offset and Optical Character Recognition Use ( 1971 ) Offset Blankets (1970) (Offset Duplicating Masters and Press) (1971) (Offset Duplicators) ( 1971 ) Offset Plates (1969) General Requ Offset Plates) (1971) Spec, for Platemaking Offset Press, Flammable (1968) Spe Offset Printing Duplicators ( 197 1 ) Offset Reproduced Bound Books and Pamphlets From Camera Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous Duty, 1 1 X Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Continuous or Intermit Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Small Size for Light A TX 300-33-7 NY 23002-0609 FL *20 NY 23014-0028 NY 23003-0238 NY 23004-0847 NY 23018-0437 NY 23011-0164 NY 23012-0107 FL ♦16 NY 23005-0500 NY 23005-0154 FL *18 NY 23005-0314 NY 23005-0155 NY 23003-0208 NY 23003-0477 NY 23007-0004 NY 23000-0593 FL *17 NY 23016-0179 NY 23009-0607 FL *21 NY 23003-0295 NY 23000-0651 FL *19 IL *32 NY 23000-0633 NJ 7148 CA 711-75-67 CA 711-67-26 PA M-6 RI 1-022 NC 7110-C-2 NC 7110-D-1B NY 21802-0174 RI 1-014 RI 1-028 NY 00217-0405 CT 69-115 MS F-27-67 CT 69- 144 A NJ 7148-00 NJ 7148-01 NJ 6942-00 RI 1-005 PA R-8 NY 22917-0015 AK *53 RI 1-001 MI 3716-S1 NJ 3718-00 NJ 9136-00 CA 702-75-27 MS TD-6-64 MI 3730-S1 MI 3760-S1 MS F-26C-69 MS C-41-69 NJ 6542-04 NV 7110-5 NV 7110-6 MI 3905-0014 PA U-41 PA U-12 PA U-ll PA U-42 PA U-40 SC 03-010-0211 OR 82-155-0020 OR 82-050-1030 NY 39300-0421 NY *5 KY 2310-4 TX 610-84-1 NJ 8956-00 NY 23007-0004 NY 22927-0013 NJ 7730-01 NY 38811-0940 CA 681-66-17 PA 0-39 NY 50020-0333 TX 570-36-3 TX 570-36-2 TX 570-36-1 218 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty rs (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, anifold, Onionskin, Cover) (/ Spec, for Fine Paper (Bond, Spec, for Printing Papers, Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and 00, MC-250, RC-3000, MC-800, Rsl or / Spec, for Asphaltic istant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White And/ Std. Spec, for 2, M-82-62 Spec, for Furnishing and Applying Asphaltic otive (Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Differential Gear minimum Spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor struction) (1970) Spec, for Linseed Spec, for Diesel Fuels, Motor Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Spec, for Sweeping Compound Std. 141 Std. Spec, for d Metal Surfaces / Spec, for Ready Mixed Exterior Linseed ruct/ Spec, for Timber Preservatives (Creosote, Water and Spec, for An nd Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), d. 14/ Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Std. Spec, for Spec, for Pine Spec, for Pine Spec, for Pine Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Spec, for Tall tifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Std. Spec, for Lubricating hoe Upper) (1969) Spec, for Leather; Sides, Spec, for Portable Spec, for Boilers (Steam, Std. Spec, for Penetrating e (1968) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor ne Engines (1968) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor er Control Systems of Road Machinery/ Spec, for Hydraulic (1966) ASTM D802, LLL-P-400a Spec, for Pine Spec, for Motor / Air Compressor Unit Spec, for Pine Spec, for Linseed Spec, for Kettle (Melting), Rubberized Asphalt, Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Baking Spec, for Combination Air Drying and Baking ve Treatment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and Posts (Creosote ed Std/ Spec, for One Coat Flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Spec, for Ready Mixed Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry spec, for Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Interior Flat Wall (1953) Std. Spec, for Brushes Spec, for Red Lead, Linseed Spec, for Linseed Spec, for Foundry Safety Shoes (Boot), 1 Surfaces Having Varnish or Laquer Finish) ( 1/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Vegetable Spec, for Vegetable amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Spec, for 6,000 Gal. Portable Road Spec, for Boot, Leather, 8 In., Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. X 1/4 In. Std. Spec, for Wood Stain, Spec, for Log ) Std. Spec, for Linseed umber and Plywood) (1965) Std. Spec, for 35 1C Std. Spec, for Filter Elements, Spec, for Brushing Spec, for Heavy Duty Motor Lubricating 41 Spec, for Putty; Pure Linseed Spec, for 2 Fuel 11-0-358 ) FED Std. 141 ) for Ferrou/ ) for Ferrou/ 69) 69) akery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher,/ Spec Spec, for Mineral Gear Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Lubricating Spec, for Corn Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Cottonseed Std. Spec, for Penetrating Spec, for Multipurpose Gear Spec, for Diesel Fuel Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Diesel Fuel Spec, for Hydraulic System Spec, for Thread Cutting Machine for Outboard Motor, Chain Saw and Lawn Mower Spec, for Penetrating Spec, for Hydraulic Offset V, Hydraulic (1961) Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coa Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, M Offset, Mimeograph, Onion Skin, Chipboard (1970) Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Br O O o o o o o o (O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (O o o o o o o o o o (O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 - Grades RC-70, MC-30, MC-3000, RC-250, MC-70, RC-8 1 Alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Res 1 and Emulsion in Bulk (1970?) AASHO M-140-64, M-81-6 1 and Fluid; Multipurpose Grease) (1969) /Cts, Autom 1 and Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Solvent, Grease) 1 and Mineral Spirits Treatment Material (Highway Con 1 and Solvents (1970?) 1 and Water Colors, Cardboard (Bristol, /, Baking), 1 and Water) Absorbent (1969) 1 Base Pigmented Primer and Sealer (Paint) (1966) Fed 1 Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Wood An 1 Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and Bridge Const 1 Burning Asphalt Heating Kettle (1968) 1 Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, W 1 Chrome Green Exterior Paint (1962) FED TT-P-71D, St 1 Cloth (Textile) (1960) 1 Disinfectant Concentrate (1966) 1 Disinfectant (1969) 1 Disinfectant; Concentrate (1964) 1 Drain Pan, Tools, Stud Ext /Easuring Cans, Battery 1 Fatty Acid for Low Titer Soap and Products (1965) 1 Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Batter 1 Filter Elements, by Pass and Full Flow (1967) 1 Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (S 1 Fired Steam Cleaners (1970) 1 Fired) (1971) 1 for Closely Fitted Parts and Rust (1970) 1 for Internal Combustion Gasoline Engines, Automobil 1 for Trucks, Premium, for Internal Combustion Gasoli 1 for Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Pow 1 for Use in Household Cleaner, Soap and Disinfectant 1 Free Plant for Bottling Equipment) (1968) 1 in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners ( 1968) FED L 1 Iron Oxide Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Brown) ( 1962 1 Jacketed Type (1967) 1 Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint 1 Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint 1 or Pentachlorophenol) (1970?) AASHO M-133 /Servati 1 Paint (Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish) (1962) F 1 Paint (White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 1 Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 1 Paint, Pottery, Varnish, Water Color, and Stencil) 1 Paint, Second Coat (1969) 1 Protective Coating for Concrete (1970?) 1 Resistant, Steel Toe (1970?) 1 Soap Paste (for Cleaning Automobiles and Other Meta 1 Soap (Heavy Duty) (1953) 1 Soap (Liquid and Paste) (1970) 1 Soluble Amine, Bromacil Weed Killer) (1971) /Pon, 1 Tank (1970) AISI C-1010-1020, ASTM A36 1 Treated, Men's (1969) 1 Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (19 1 Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (19 1 Type, Interior (1970) 1 Varnish, Redwood Surface (1969) 1 White Paint Intended for General Exterior Use ( 1964 1 (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn L 1 (Automotive, Marine and Industrial) (1969) FED F-F- 1 (Creosote) (1970?) AASHO M-133 1 (Detergent Type) (1971) MIL L-2104B 1 (for Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) FED TT-P-791, TT-P-1 1 (Heating and Diesel) (1961) 1 (Highly Refined Petroleum) (1970?) 1 (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose B 1 (Internal Combustion) (1962) 1 (Maize) (Vegetable, Cooking) (1970) 1 (NYS Std.) (1971) 1 (Refrigeration), Heavy (1967) 1 (Refrigeration), Light (1967) 1 (Refrigeration), Medium (1967) 1 (Vegetable, Cooking) (1968) 1 (1958) 1 (1965) 1 (1965) 1 (1967) 1 (1967) 1 (1967) 1 (1967) 1 (1967) 1 (1968) 1 (1968) NJ 4938-27 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 50200-0551 LA ♦12 NY 35000-0938 NJ 1308-05 WA S-70-108 NJ 1308-02 NJ 3566-00 NM *8 VA DH-256 LA ♦8-5 NY 23100-0855 PA C-177 WA S-63-66-A VA DK-36 VA DH-246 SC 14-110 NY 39000-0482 VA DK-37 MS T-1A-60-22 TX 370-44-3A CA 691-76-03 SC 11-160 NY 35000-0938 TX 371-79-1 NY 35000-0938 MS F-24-67 PA L-33 NE *47 NY 37600-0219 MS L-5B-70-11 LA *8-2 LA *8-6 SC 34-040 TX 371-56-1 NY 41400-0577 CA 681-66-24 VA DK-12B NJ 4938-95 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A MS 3491 VA DK-29A VA DK-30A VA DK-21A IL *33X CA 691-80-61 VA *38 MA *18 PA S-18 MS S-2-53-37 LA * 1 1-14 NY 22100-0497 NE *58 CA 691-84-01 MI 4210-S2 MI 4210-S6 MS PM-6 CA 691-80-401 SC HD-80B7 WA S-65-90 OR 10-400-9010 MS 3176 SC 34-010-1002 PA P-32 SC 30-020 VA ♦29 IN * 1 5- 1 1 KS 14-1 PA O-10 NY 05500 MI 5255-S17 MI 5255-S15 MI 5255-S16 PA 0-8 KY 46-11 1 MD *18 MD •19 KY 9140-2 KY 9140-3 KY 9150-4 MI 5255-S20 MI 5255-S6 CA 681-91-20 LA •8-8 219 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Brake Fluid, Heavy Duty, Nonmineral Spec, for Fuel Std. Spec, for Kerosene Spec, for Disinfectant, Pine olution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Paint), Linseed Spec, for Heating Spec, for Flare Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist General Spec, for Fuel Requirements for Heavy Duty Detergent Type Lubricating Requirements for Multipurpose Gear Spec, for Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Boiled Linseed Spec, for Heavy Duty Motor Spec, for Creosote Preservative Spec, for Concrete Treating Spec, for All Purpose Diesel Fuel Spec, for Filters and Filter Elements, Lubricating Std. Spec, for Typewriter Spec, for Grade 5 Heavy Fuel Spec, for Grade 6 Heavy Fuel Spec, for Fuel ents for Transmission and Gear Box Lubricant (Nondetergent Std. Spec, for lack, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, ) Std. Spec, for White Lead in Std. Spec, for Linseed Spec, for Linseed Std. Spec, for Fuel Std. Spec, for Fuel Filters and Filter Elements, Fluid, Pressure: Lubricating Spec, for Citronella Parts (1967) Spec, for Penetrating Spec, for Coconut Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steam Cylinder Hoist, Air Compressor ( 1970) Spec, for Lubricating 1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Steam Cylinder Gal. Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Fuel Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Turbine Spec, for Detergent Cleaner, Paste, Synthetic, Std. Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Motor Spec, for Generator and Motor Spec, for Turbine Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Spec, for Pneumatic Tool Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Paint; Spec, for Paint, Std. Spec, for Lubricating Std. Spec, for Lubricating Std. Spec, for Lubricating Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Burner Fuel Spec, for Compressor (Rotary) Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Spec, for Instrument Spec, for Generator and Motor Spec, for Turbine Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Spec, for Pneumatic Tool Spec, for Soap, Vegetable e Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, G/ Spec, for Spec, for Cutting Spec, for Cutting Spec, for General Machine Spec, for Turbine Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Spec, for Generator and Motor Spec, for Turbine Spec, for Line Shafting Spec, for Hydraulic Hoist Spec, for Pneumatic Tool Spec, for Alkyd Resin S and Tractors (1967) and White) (1967) nd Finish Coat (1964) severe Duty (1960) 70) Severe Service (1970) ) Requirem Oil (1968) SAE 70r(3) Oil (1969) Oil (1969) Oil (1969) Oil (1969) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970) Oil (1970?) Oil (1970?) Oil (1970?) AASHO M-133 Oil (1970?) ASTM D-484, D-206, D-235 Oil (1970?) FED VV-L-791, ASTM D975-53T Oil (1971) Oil (1971) Oil (1971) Oil (1971) Oil (1971) Oil) (1970) Oil, Air Compressor, Piston (1970) Oil, and Air Lines) ( 1969) ASTM A90, ANSI B2.1 /Ipe (B Oil, Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Paint and Putty) (1970 Oil, Boiled (for Paint, Varnish, Enamel) (1970) Oil, Boiled (1963) Oil, Burner (1969) Oil, Burner (1970) Oil, Bypass and Full Flow (1967) Std. Spec, for Oil, Ceylon Type (Soap Fragrance) (1965) Oil, Closely Fitted Parts and Loosening Frozen Metallic Oil, Cochin Type for Toilet Soap Manufacture (1966) Oil, Combination Hydraulic and Transmission (1970) Oil, Compounded, Noncondensing Engine (1967) Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Oil, Concrete and Masonry, Exterior, Ready Mix, Light Oil, Concrete, Masonry, Ready Mix Flat ( 1965) Oil, Condensing Engines (1968) Oil, Cutback for Highway Maintenance and Construction) Oil, Diesel Engine, Severe, API-DS (1970) Oil, Diesel (1961) Oil, Diesel (1968) Oil, Electric Generator and Motor ( 1970) Oil, Exterior, Ready Mix (1969) FED TT-P-105a Oil, Extra Heavy (1968) (Oil, Grease Removal) ( 1970) Oil, Heating (1969) Oil, Heating 2(1971) Oil, Heavy Duty, for Gasoline and Diesel Powered Trucks Oil, Heavy (1968) Oil, Heavy (1968) Oil, Heavy (1968) Oil, Heavy (1968) Oil, High Additive Type Series 3 (1968) Oil, Interior, Flat, White Tintable (1963) Oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed (Tints Oil, Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, Primer A Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Heavy Duty (1960) Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Regular Duty (1969) Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, (High Output Diesel), Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Light and Medium (19 Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Severe Service (1970 Oil, Kerosene, and Stoddard Solvent ( 1968) Oil, Light and Medium ( 1970) Oil, Light (1967) Oil, Light (1968) Oil, Light (1968) Oil, Light (1968) Oil, Light (1968) Oil, Light (1968) Oil, Liquid, General Cleaning (1964) Oil, Lubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ic Oil, Machine, Soluble (1968) Oil, Machine, Transparent (1968) Oil, Medium and Heavy (1967) Oil, Medium Heavy (1968) Oil, Medium (1967) Oil, Medium (1968) Oil, Medium (1968) Oil, Medium (1968) Oil, Medium (1968) Oil, Medium (1968) CA 681-66-11 KS 14-2B NC 9140-K-l PA D-ll CA 691-80-430 IN •15-4 IN •15-5 IN *15-6 MS L-5B-70-12 NE *11 NE ♦75 NE ♦77 PA 0-44 NM *23 VA *28 MS 3174 MS 3917 VA *41 CA 711-23-40 IL *3200 SC 30-020-1002 SC 30-020- 1002 A SD *5 NE *76 MS L-5B-70-7 OR 56-100-9020 MS PM-10 MS PM-12 IA ♦1-15 OR 87-400-9010 CT 3548-F-5B NC 2940-OF-l TX 371-39-1 MI 5255-S23 TX 371-40-1A MS L-5B-70-17A MI 5255-S18 IN *15-9 MS PE-7 KY 30B CA 681-91-55 NJ 4938-28 MS L-5B-70-4 NC 9140-F-15 MI 5245-S1 MS L-5B-70-14 KY 1 IB CA 681-91-44 LA ♦11-12 NC 9140-FO-l PA F-76 LA *8-7 CA 681-91-28 CA 681-91-43 CA 681-91-72 CA 681-91-75 CA 681-91-09 IA ♦1-6 PA P-69 KY 29A NC 9150-L-3 NC 9150-L-2A NC 9150-L-4 MS L-5B-70-5 MS L-5B-70-3 MS L-5B-70-2A WI 3548 MI 5255-S26 MI 5255-S24 CA 681-91-24 CA 681-91-26 CA 681-91-40 CA 681-91-70 CA 681-91-73 MI 4624-0500 MA *9 CA 681-91-22 CA 681-91-21 MI 5255-S22 CA 681-91-42 MI 5255-S25 CA 681-91-27 CA 681-91-41 CA 681-91-56 CA 681-91-71 CA 681-91-74 220 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Automobile (1968) ion Gasoline Engines (1968) ) te Diesel) (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Motor Spec, for Lubricating Spec, for Lubricating Spec, for Gasoline Engine Spec, for Gasoline Engine Spec, for Gasoline Engine Spec, for Steam Cylinder Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Fuel Spec, for Soap, Vegetable Spec, for Compressor Spec, for Compressor Spec, for Compressor Std. Spec, for Linseed Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Ice Machine Spec, for Petroleum Fuel Spec, for Gasoline Engine Spec, for Diesel Engine Spec, for Motor Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for • Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Linseed Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cutting Std. Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Fuel Spec, for Diesel Fuel Spec, for Valve Std. Spec, for Spec, for Compressor asic Requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Linseed Spec, for Stove Spec, for Creosote Spec, for Outboard Motor Spec, for Gasoline and Diesel Engine Spec, for Diesel Fuel Spec, for White Table Spec, for Textile, White s)(197(T< Spec, for Lubricating (1970?) MIL L-2104B Spec, for High Performance Engine Spec, for Motor Lubricating Spec, for Fuel General Requirements for Hydraulic Std. Spec, for Lubricants and Spec, for White and Red Leads, Linseed Spec, for Automotive Motor Std. Spec, for Paints, Varnishes, Colors, ion Engines ) (1971) Spec, for and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machi/ Spec, for re/ Spec, for Paint; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed 971)Nfpa70 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Linseed irements for Motor, Automatic Transmission, Outboard, Gear Spec, for Fuel soline (1971) Spec, for Motor, Hydraulic Hoist and Gear yl Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Tablet, Spec, for Pullets (Chicken), 20 Week Spec, for Low Titer Spec, for Medium Titer spec, for Paint, Acrylic Exterior Flat, Emulsion Type with urniture (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Dark ing Papers, Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, t, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, Manifold, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover Stock, electric) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Bubble Style) (1971) Fed titanium Dioxide (Anatase) (White Pigment for Whitener and •824 Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for White, Spec, for Overhead and Spec, for Projectors, Overhead and • 595 Std. Spec, for Stain; Spec, for Stockings, Women's (Stretch Nylon, Spec, for Laundry Drying Tumblers (Small Size, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Shelf Files; I960) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for HospitaLBed Ends tiseepage Di/ Spec, for Sheet Metal Products, Galvanized Spec, for Lubricant, Spec, for Laundry Extractors; Spec, for Folders, File, Oil, Mineral Gear (Automobile) (1970) Oil, Moderate, Crankcase, 4 Cycle Engine (1967) Oil, Motor Oil for Internal Combustion Gasoline Engines Oil, Motor Oil for Trucks, Premium, for Internal Combus Oil, Multiviscosity Type (1968) Oil, Multiviscosity, Low-40 (1969) Oil, Nonadditive, 2 Cycle ( 1968) Oil, Noncondensing Engines ( 1968) Oil, Number 2 (1970) Oil, Number 6 (1970) FED VV-F-815a Oil, Paste, General Cleaning (1964) Oil, Piston Type, Heavy, Stationary ( 1968) Oil, Piston Type, Medium and Heavy ( 1967) Oil, Piston Type, Medium, Stationary (1968) Oil, Raw (for Paint, Varnish, Sealer, Enamel) (1970) Oil, Refrigeration, Heavy (1968) Oil, Refrigeration, Light ( 1968) Oil, Refrigeration, Medium (1968) Oil, Residual, Institutional Heating (1968) Oil, Severe Service Type, 4 Cycle (1968) Oil, Severe (1967) Oil, Severe, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969 Oil, Severe, Multiviscosity, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Modera Oil, Steam Cylinder, Noncondensing (1970) Oil, Steam Turbine ( 1970) Oil, Structural Steel (1969) Oil, Thread Cutting Machine (1970) Oil, Thread Machines, Black (1968) Oil, Two Cycle Engine and Outboard Motors ( 1970) Oil, Type 1-D (1969) Oil, Type 2-D(1969) Oil, Upper Cylinder (1968) Oil, Vane Type Air Compressor (1970) Oil, Vane Type, Medium (1968) Oil, Varnish (1970?) Spec, for B Oil, Wickless (1969) Oil, Wood Preservative (1953) Oil, 2 Cycle (1968) Oil, 4 Cycle (1968) MIL L-2104B Oil, 50Cetane (1970) Oilcloth (1957) Oilcloth, 45 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Oils and Greases (Except for Internal Combustion Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outboard and Hydraulic Fluid Oils (1961) ASTM D-567, MIL L-2104a Oils (1968) Oils (1968) Oils (1970) Oils, and Turpentine (1971) Oils, High Detergent (1967) Oils, Lacquers and Thinners ( 1966) Oils, Lubricating, High Detergent (for Internal Combust Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Oils; Motor, Automotive (Gasoline and Diesel Engine) (1 Oil; Boiled (Organic Coatings) (1969) Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Proofing Compound (1970 Oil; Heating (Low Sulfur 4, 5, 6) (1971) Oil; Lubricant; Multipurpose Grease; Diesel Fuel and Ga Ointment) (1969) /Ic Bacterial Agents (Hospital) (Meth Old (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Oleic Acid (1967) Oleic Acid (1967) Oleoresinous Modification (1971) Olive Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal F Olive Green (1969) Onion Skin, Chipboard (1970) Spec, for Print Onionskin, Cover) ( 1971 ) /for Fine Paper (Bond, Offse Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated Book, Manila Tag) OO-D-00566(3) Spec, for Water Coolers Opacifier in Milled Toilet Soap) (1968) Spec, for Opacifying Latex (40% Solids) (1971) ASTM D1289, E70, D Opacifying Latex (50% Solids) (1969) ASTM E70 Opaque and Typewriter Correction Fluid ( 1971 ) Opaque Projectors (1969) Opaque (1971) Opaque, and Tints, Wood, Exterior, Alkyd (1969. FED Std Opaque, Micro Mesh) (1970) Open End Type) (1971) UL 73, 547 Open File Shelving (Steel) (1970) Open Filing (1967) FED AA-F-00330 (Open Filler, Stationary Height) for Institutional Use (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, An Open Gear, Chain and Wire Rope ( 1967) Open or Clear Top (Institutional Use) (1950) Open Shelf (1969) MS L-5B-70-18 MI 5255-S1 LA •8-2 LA •8-6 CA 681-91-02 CA 691-91-10 CA 681-91-06 CA 681-91-54 MA *7 MA ♦8 MI 4624-0510 CA 681-91-59 MI 5255-S19 CA 681-91-58 MS PM-11 CA 681-91-52 CA 681-91-50 CA 681-91-51 CA 681-91-177 CS 681-91-07 MI 5255-S7 MI 5255-S3 MI 5255-S5 MS L-5B-70-6 MS L-5B-70-13 CA 691-80-60 MS L-5B-70-9 CA 681-91-23 MS L-5B-70-1 CA 691-91-171 CA 691-91-172 CA 681-91-01 MS L-5B-70-8 CA 681-91-57 MS 3501 CA 681-91-176 PA 0-6 CA 681-91-05 CA 681-91-08 MA *6 RI 4905-001 MA ♦35-93 NY 05701-0626 GA 9150-1-15 NJ 3578-00 MI 4220-S1 NE *74 RI 1340-001 NY 37100-0037 KY 9150-1 IL ♦10 NY 05700-0315 NJ 3578-01 VA DH-239 PA 0-38 OR 77-100-9600 NH *6 PA F-79 SD *10 NY 21901-0964 WA S-62-5 1 TX 371-52-1A TX 371-52-2A NJ 7342-25 MI 5325-S24 CA 691-80-17 LA ♦12 NY 50200-0551 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 26500-0635 TX 371-83-1A TX 371-97-2 TX 371-97-1 IL ♦32S NY 38806-0126 NY 38806-0165 OR 77-100-9080 NY 40036-0121 PA T-41 OR 43_400-0020 PA F-74 TX 295-38-2 MS 3351 KY 9150-5 PA E-3 CA 691-75-65 221 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for reformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals for Concrete Std. Spec, for Letter ansfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter st Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter or Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. or Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Std. Spec, for Switches; Snap, Manually Spec, for Material Spreader (Hydraulically ting) (1968) Spec, for Hydraulically Spec, for Coin Spec, for Coin Spec, for Coin Spec, for Coin Spec, for Coin Spec, for Coin Spec, for Hydraulically Grease Fitting Installation and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Spec, for Manually Spec, for Beds, Gatch Spring, Electrically Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Hydraulic Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, Gasoline Power Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Water Type, Cartridge Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, Hand Spec, for Auxiliary Lights, Wet Cell for Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer Spec, for Hospital Beds (Manually Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Chain for Barflight Tailgate Material Spreader (Hydraulically - ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Flashing Lights (Battery Spec, for Ward and Spec, for Spec, for Folding Partition (Automatic Electric Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical Acoustical Folding Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical , Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt Compaction for Patching Spec, for Welder, Single Spec, for Vibratory Road Roller for Riding Spec, for Vibratory Road Roller for Walking for Polyethylene Typewriter Ribbons for Record, Offset and Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener Spec, for Fluorescent Brightener Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleaning, 968) Spec, for Stationary Extra and Intra ride, Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Std. Spec, for Red Spec, for Shop Coat Primer, Dull Spec, for Equipment Enamel (Paint), Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (High Visibility (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Spec, for Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Std. Spec, for Flag Spec, for Electric Spec, for Pipe olored and Woolen Fabrics in Power Laundry (19/ Spec, for hexahydro S Triaz/ Spec, for Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate Spec, for Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil; Boiled Std. Spec, for Synthetic Std. Spec, for Built Synthetic Std. Spec, for Dry Laundry Bleach ture (1969) Spec, for Surfactant (Anionic Std. Spec, for Paint Remover (Methylene Chloride Based, Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover (Nonflammable Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover e of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage (Nitrogenous), Urea, Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Girls" Wool or Std. Spec, for tural Steel (18,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and Shapes, Tubular, Spec, for Gray Iron Castings (Drainage, Structural or Spec, for Image Spec, for Antioxidant, nly) (Cart - Chart and Medical Utility, Dressing, Service, 51C, ICC 37a Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Integral (Fused) Sodium Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Sodium Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Spec, for Duster; Spec, for Textile, Blue Spec, for Pull (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Check Open Shelter and Park Bench ( 1970) (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubricant Adhesive (1 Openers (1971) Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and Court Reporter N Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcem Openings for Intake and Discharge) (1969) Spec. F Openings for Intake and Discharge) (1970) Spec. F Operable (General and Special Use) (1964) NEMA Wd-2-63 Operated Hopper Body for Dump Truck Mounting) (1970) Operated Hopper Body Material Spreader (Dump Truck Moun Operated Lockers (College) (1970) Operated Lockers (College) (1971) Operated Lockers (University) (1968) Operated Lockers (University) (1968) Operated Lockers (University) (1969) Operated Lockers (University) (1971) Operated Material Spreader (Spinner Type) (1970) Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operate Operated Transfer Pump) (1969) /on and Extraction Set, Operated Weight Cart (Lift, Vehicle) (1969?) Operated (Hospital) (1969) Operated (Institutional Use) (1954) Operated (Reel and Rotary Type) (1968) Operated (1968) Operated (1968) FED OO-M-671 Operated (1971) Operated) (Earth and Space Science Observatory) (1969) Operated) (1964) Operated) (1970) Spec, for Crane, Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides and Stone, Operated, for Housing Within Navigational Aid or Buoy) Operating Room Hospital Equipment (General) (1966) Operating Table, Pedestal, Major (1970) Operation) (University) (1970) Operation) (1971) Spec, for Operation) (1971) Spec, for Operations ( 1971 ) /E Roller (Vibrating, Self Propelled Operator Rectifier Type (1968) Operator (1970) Operator (1970) Optical Character Recognition Use (1971) Spec. (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1965) (Optical Dye or Bleach) (1971) Optica! Glass Spheres) (1968) /C. for Pavement Marking Oral Full Mouth Dental X-Ray System (Medical Center) ( 1 Orange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones (Polyvinyl Chlo Orange (Metal, Paint) (1970?) Orange (1970?) FED TT-E-489 FED Std. 595 Orange) (1964) Spec, for Storm Order Picker Highlift) (1971) /Ial Handling Equipment Ordinary Use) (1962) (Oregon) (1969) Organ (1971) Organ (1971) Organic Built Synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, C (Organic Chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxo Organic Chlorine Dry Laundry Bleach (1968) (Organic Coatings) (1969) Organic Detergent (Soapless) (1953) Organic Detergent ( 1954) (Organic Oxidizing Type, Free Flowing, Dustless) ( 1967) Organic Phosphate Ester) for Janitorial Product Manufac Organic Solvent Type) (1968) Organic Solvent Type) (1969) (Organic Solvent, Nonflammable) (1962) FED Std. 141 Organic, Mixed) (1970) /Da, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphat Organic, Synthetic, Flake or Granular (1970) Orion Laundry Press Cloth (Textile) (1954) Orion Mittens (1969) Ornamental Nursery Stock (1969) Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A-7 /Ec. for Std. Carbon Struc Ornamental) (1970?) AASHO M-105 Orthicon Television Camera Chain (3 In.) (1970) Ortho Tolyl Biguanide (1967) Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Orthosilicate (Anhydrous and Hydrated) (1964) FED P-S-6 Orthosilicate (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) Orthosilicate (Anhydrous) (1969) FED P-S-651D, ICC 37a Orthosilicate (Hydrated) (Cleaner) (1953) Orthosilicate, Anhydrous, Strong (1969) Orthosilicate, Technical (1971) ASTM D50 1 , D502, D 1 1 72 Osmometer (Measurement) (1968) Ostrich Feathers, Black (1969) Otis Check (Cloth) (1970?) Out Bed Lounger, Free Standing Design (1968) Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubular Railing) (Coll NY 30200-0415 MS 3721 IL *32HH NY 23000-0633 FL *21 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 OR 24-64-3A NY 41000-0665 NY 41000-0071 NY 27502-0451 NY 27502-0214 NY 27502-0539 NY 27502-0742 NY 27502-0020 NY 27502-0088 NE *57 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 NJ *l-2 NY 20302-0222 PA E-9 PA M-68 FL *14 PA M-65 NY 35703-0145 NY 12010-0518 RI *8 NY 43100-0653 NY 41000-0325 NY 34502-0632 NY 00116-00-0088 NY 11801-0304 NY 33811-0640 NY 33811-0091 NY 33811-0190 AK *52 NJ 4950-00 SC 14-250-0451 A SC 1 4-250-045 iB TX 610-84-1 TX 371-36-1 NY 25524-0353 NY 38001-0704 NY 11001-0865 WA S-71-110 MS 3509 MS 3561 TX 160-44-2 NY 39101-0393 PA P- 1 5 1 OR 79-500-9010 NY 38310-0449 NY 38310-0567 VA L-2 TX 371-87-1 TX 395-35-6 OR 77-100-9600 MS S-2-53-39 MS S-4-54 WI 5720-0143 TX 371-78-10 WA S-66-91-A PA R-16 VA DK-17A NY 07700-0473 LA * 1 1—13 RI 4920-002 RI 4235-F-002 OR 84-301-9010 MS 3305 MS 3321 NY 38221-0664 TX 371-33-1A NY 11613-0292 TX 395-41-1 MS S-2-53-9 TX 371-71-1 MS S-2-53-8 CA 691-77-20 PA S-119 NY 12600-0617 PA D-24 MA *35-8 CA 681-67-12 NY 21802-0333 222 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards i Reflectors ( 1971 ) Spec, for Reflectorized Cut corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Continuous and Snap Spec, for Snap Spec, for Reflective Materials (Cut Spec, for Laundry Tumblers; Shake Std. Spec, for Files, Lateral Roll pec. for High Performance Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Spec, for , General Purpose, Motor, Automatic Transmission and Gear, Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Oil, Two Cycle Engine and Spec, for Wholesale Requirements for Motor, Automatic Transmission, Spec, for Spec, for Indoor Spec, for Indoor Spec for Spec, for Carpets; Indoor and Spec, for Lighting Fixtures (Indoor and , Trousers - Men's) ( 1969) Spec, for ctric Welding Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating Torch en Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch Welding and Cutting Spec, for Double Mopping Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Colored Spec, for White Spec, for Std. Spec, for Flannel, Cotton Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton and Accessories (1964) Std. Spec, for ec. for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, (High r and Alternator Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Unit (/ Spec, for Split System (Compressor and Condenser Spec, for Men's and Boys" Casuals (Oxford Style, Crepe Spec, for Brushes; Varnish and Paint, Spec, for Electric Glass Annealing elf Indicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type (Baking, Cooking and Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bakery king Equipment (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial Std. Spec, for Detergent, Colloidal, Inorganic (Laundry Std. Spec, for Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style s and Reflectors (Lights) for All Trucks 80 In. or More in Spec, for Children's Bib Style Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Children's Bib Style Spec, for Rubber Coated Work Clothing (Parka Jackets, c. for Washing Compound for Industrial Wiping Cloths, Shop Room Furniture (Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Cabinets, and Spec, for Cloth; 100% Wool, Elastique, Spec, for Officer's Uniform Spec for c-T-191a Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Topcoats and Spec, for Men's Wool Spec, for Men's Wool Spec, for Uniform Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Projectors, ) (1968) Spec, for Food Service Equipment 962) ASTM A93, A386 Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillab/ Spec, for pe)(1964) Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Detector Mast Arm Poles Spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, for Rubber and Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Spec, for Shoes (Saddle Oxfords, Canvas, Spec, for Spec, for (1953) Std. Spec, for Spec. fdV Textile, Spec, for Black Calf Std. Spec, for Fabric, Uniform Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Tent. Spec, for Textile, White Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Digits and Symbols) and NY Out Forms (Printed) (1963) Spec, for Cartons, MI Out Forms (1971) NJ Out Letters and Numbers) (1970) NY Out (1954) PA Out (1970) MS Outboard and Hydraulic Fluid (1970?) MIL L-2104B GA Outboard Motor Oil, 2 Cycle (1968) CA Outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Tr MA Outboard Motor, Chain Saw and Lawn Mower Oil (1967) MI Outboard Motors (Boat) (1971) AK Outboard Motors (1970) MS Outboard Motors ( 1 97 1 ) NY Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Proofing NH Outdoor Cooking Stoves (Grill) ( 1971 ) NY Outdoor Furniture (1970) NY Outdoor Furniture ( 1971 ) NY Outdoor Push Brooms (1967) TX Outdoor (1969) PA Outdoor) (University) (1971) NY Outerwear (Fall and Winter) (Hooded Sweatshirts, Parkas NY Outfit with Nozzles ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ele NY Outfit (1969) /. for Welder (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxyg NY Outfits, Trucks or Tanks, Wringers and Buckets ( 1971 ) NY Outing Flannel (Cloth) (1970?) MA Outing Flannel (Cloth, Textile ) ( 1 96 1 ) RI Outing Flannel (Cloth, Textile) ( 1961 ) RI Outing Flannel (Cloth, Textile) ( 1966) PA Outing (Cloth, Textile) ( 1960) MS Outing (Cloth, Textile) (1969) OR Outlet Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Coated with Covers OR Output Diesel), Severe Duty (1960) Std. Sp NC Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) NY Outside; Evaporator Inside) Air Cooled Air Conditioning KS Outsole Shoes) (1960) RI Oval (1970) PA Oven (1970) NY Oven) (1966) Spec, for Thermometers; S PA Oven, Alkaline (1968) KY Oven, Batch, Horizontal Airflow Electric Heated, (1964) NJ Oven, Lost Wax Process (1971) NY Ovens ( Revolving Tray ) ( 1 97 1 ) NY (Ovens, Ranges, Fryers) (1970) Spec, for Coo NY Over-All Cleaner) (1953) MS Overall Buckles (1953) IL Overall Pants (High Visibility Orange) (1964) TX Overall Pants (1969) TX Overall Width (1969) Spec, for Lamp MI Overalls (Corduroy) (1956) RI Overalls (Denim) (1957) RI Overalls ( Denim ) ( 1 95 7 ) RI Overalls) (1971) NY Overalls, and Uniforms ( 1969) Spe VA Overbed Tables) (1970) Spec, for Patient NY Overcoat or Uniform (1971) PA Overcoat (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA Overcoating, Melton ( 1 97 1 ) NY Overcoats for Enlisted Men (State Police) (1957) FED Cc PA Overcoats (Men's) (1971) NY Overcoats (Zip in Lining) (1957) RI Overcoats (1957) RI Overcoats; Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T- 191 PA Overhaul for Highway Construction ( 1964) SC Overhead and Opaque Projectors ( 1969) NY Overhead and Opaque (1971) NY (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Table Extension NY Overhead Doors, Sectional (Steel and Wood) (Lift Up) (1 OR Overhead Gas Fired Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) KS Overhead Projection Markers and Related Supplies (Water NY Overhead Steam and Hot Water Unit Heaters (Propeller Ty KS (Overhead Traffic Control Mounting) (1970) NY Overshoe Racks) (1970) NY Overshoe Racks) (1971) NY Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (1962) / Spec. IL Overshoes (4 Buckle, Dress Type) (1957) RI Overshoes (4 Buckle, Heavy Duty Type) (1957) RI Overshoes, Arctics, Galoshes (Rubber) ( 1967) PA Overshoes, Boots, and Arctics) ( 1971 ) TN Overshoes, Rubber (Low) (1967) PA Over/Under Camera Stand (1970) NY Oxalic Acid, Technical (Laundry, Radiator Rust Remover) MS Oxford Denim (Cloth) (1970?) MA Oxford for Highway Patrol Police (Shoe) (1969) SC Oxford Gray (1969) CT Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear Resistant (Textile) ( 197 1 ) PA Oxford Shirting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) MA 38606-0203 4811-0067 8330-01 38601-0228 T-45 F-28A-70 9150-1-15 681-91-05 *9 5255-S6 *74 L-5B-70-1 49604-0583 *6 25201-0878 30207-0727 30207-0006 370-31-5 C-137 35710-0489 40011-0084 43223-0734 43223-0932 22800-0424 ♦35-36 4910-015 4910-016 F-39 T-1A-60-15 79-100-9180 24-64-7A 9150-L-4 35000-0938 35-3A 4268-M-057 B— 25 42800-0386 T-72 7930-20 4920-00 42800-0291 31201 24100-0697 S-2-53-13 *33G 160-44-2 160-44-1 *5 4284-M-012 4284-M-011 4284-M-015 40004-0775 L-4 20302-0586 C-115 U-12 39900-0227 U-15 40005-0139 4225-M-016 4225-M-011 U-32 HD-19 38806-0126 38806-0165 36200-0735 19-62-27 37-4A 38806-0414 37-5 35815-0427 21702-0308 21702-0517 ♦27 4268-M-073 4268-M-074 O-40 *6 0-41 38814-0604 S-2-53-16 •35-7 03-040 9152-F-332B C-132 •35-87 223 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Women's and Misses" Dress Spec, for Men's Dress Shoes (Blucher Spec, for Men's and Boys" Dress Shoes (Blucher Spec, for Men's and Boys" Casuals shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Spec, for Shoe, Men's Black Dress, Work Spec, for Shoe, Dress, Men's Spec, for Shoe, Men's Russet Leather Work Spec, for Shoes; Men's Spec, for Women's Dress Shoes (Nurse Type Spec, for Shoes; Ladies' Std. Spec, for Shoes, Dress, Spec, for Police Spec, for Shoes (Saddle Spec, for Leather Footwear and Washable Slippers (Shoes, Spec, for Abrasive Cloth (Aluminum or Electronic Data Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Std. Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape (Magnetic in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Phenol Ethylene 141 Spec, for Linseed Oil Iron Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Spec, for Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Red or Brown Iron mer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Brown Iron cetylene) (1970) Spec, for Medical Gases (Nitrous Spec, for (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Spec, for Paint, Iron spec, for Coated Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Std. Spec, for Dry Laundry Bleach (Organic cutting Outfit (1/ Spec, for Welder (Spot, Accessory Set, Spec, for Spec, for Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Tepid Mist, Mainstream and Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Requirements for Acetylene and gnostic Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Spec, for r Cutting and Welding) Technical or Industrial and Medical ses (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid Spec, for Medical Gases (Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene, Spec, for Bulk Spec, for Bulk Spec, for Bulk Gas - Spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Spec, for Cotton Denim Cloth (Shrunk, 1 1 1/4 Spec, for Cloth, Melton, Wool (32 orizer) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Film, Black and White and Color Roll, Sheet, Spec, for Dispenser, Paper Towel, Metal, Flat Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Water (Metal Back Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Back Spec, for Spec, for Self Development Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Spec, for Milk Spec, for Milk Spec, for rinted) (1963) s with Needles (1968) Paint and Products and Inspection Requir/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Milk Bags, r and Analyzer, Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing y, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Spec, for Livestock and Poultry Feed Inspection, Spec, for Magnetic Computer Tape of 556 Bits Per In. Spec, for Magnetic Computer Tape of 800 Bits Per In. products and Inspection Requir/ Std. Spec, for Packaging, Spec, for Magnetic Disk Spec, for Rubber Footwear (Arctics, Boots, Std. Spec, for Number Machine, Drawing, Writing, Stamp Spec, for Imitation Shearling for Wax Applicator Spec, for Tufted Carpeting and Spec, for Book, Stenographic (Notebook, Spec, for lity, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paper, Writing Spec, for Paper, Scratch Spec, for Paper, Writing Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Spec, for Carpet, n Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, ccc-T- 1 9 1 B, MIL B-3 1 49 Spec, for Laundry Oxford Shoes (1969) Oxford Style) Institutional Use) (1957) Oxford Style) (1957) (Oxford Style, Crepe Outsole Shoes) (1960) Oxford (1962) / Spec, for Rubber and Canvas Footware Oxford (1969) Oxford (1969) Oxford (1969) Oxford (1970) FED KK-L-165 Oxford) (1969) Oxford, Blucher (1970) FED KK-L-165, Std. 191, Std. 311 Oxford, Men's and Boys" (1968) Oxfords (1969) Oxfords, Canvas, Overshoes, Boots, and Arctics) (1971) Oxfords, Loafers) ( 1 97 1 ) Oxide and Silicon Carbide) (1971) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 Oxide Coated) ( 1 97 1 ) FED W-T-005 1 , MIL Std. 1 05 /Ec. F Oxide Coated, 1/2 In.) (1971) Oxide Condensate, Ethyleneoxide (1968) /Uid Detergent Oxide Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Brown) (1962) FED Std Oxide Titanium Dioxide Type ( 1969) Oxide Type (1969) Oxide (1964) Oxide) (1962) FED Std. 141 /Varnish Base Synthetic Pri Oxide, Ethylene, Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid Oxygen, A Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Garnet ( 1966 Oxide, Galvanized Metal (Iron) (Paint) (1970) Oxide, Ready Mix, Red and Brown ( 1964) Oxide, Silicon Carbide) and Application ( 1964) Oxidizing Type, Free Flowing, Dustless) (1967) Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch Welding and Oxygen and Acetylene ( 1970) Oxygen and Acetylene (1970?) Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walker, Body Support) ( 1 Oxygen Detector; Respirators; Minute Volume and Anesthe Oxygen Gas (1970) Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Sampling and Recording Equip Oxygen Tents and Canopies ( 1969) Oxygen (1970) /R Acetylene (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide ) (Fo Oxygen, Acetylene) (1970) Spec, for Medical Ga Oxygen, Cyclopropane, Liquid Oxygen, Acetylene) (1970) Oxygen, Liquid (1969) Oxygen, Liquid (1970) Oxygen, Nitrogen (Liquid) (1971) Oyster Shell (Chick Size) (1963) Oyster Shell (Hen Size) (1963) Oz.) (Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T-191B Oz.) (50% Reprocessed 50% New) (Textile) (1959) Ozone Producing Equipment (Odor Control) (Hospital Deod Pack and Motion Picture and Graphic Arts (1970) Pack (1969) Pack) (1968) Pack, Dry (1967) Packaged Air Conditioning Units (1970?) Packaged Learning Centers and Accessories (1971) Packaging and Shipping Continuous and Snap Out Forms (P Packaging and Shipping Double License Plates (1956) Packaging and Shipping License Plates (1956) Packaging Machine (1 Man, Self Contained) (1971) Packaging Machine (1 Man, 1/2 Gal.) (1971) Packaging of Benzathine Penicillin-G Disposable Syringe Packaging, Packing, Marking and Labeling of State Spec. Packaging, Plastic (1970) Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, T Packers, Grease Fitting Installation and Extraction Set Packing and Shipping (1963) Packing Density (1966) Packing Density (1966) Packing, Marking and Labeling of State Spec. Paint and Packs and Computer Tape (1971) Pacs, Sneakers) (1970) Pad Ink and Eradicator ( 1 97 1 ) Pad Manufacture (1969) Pad (1971) FED Std. 191 Pad) (1970) Pad, Floor, Synthetic or Natural Fibers, Machine (1968) Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walker, Body Suppor Pad, Scouring, Synthetic, Institutional Use (1968) Pad, Steel Wool, Electric Floor Machine (1966) Pad, White (1969) Pad, White, Unruled (1971) TAPPI T410, MIL Std. 105 Pad, Yellow (1969) Padded Back (1968) Padding and Installation (Dormitory) (1970) Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, S Padding (Stitched Cotton Roving) (1964) FED CCC-P-86A, RI 4268-F-011 RI 4268-M-Oil RI 4268-M-010 RI 4268-M-057 IL ♦27 CA 691-84-02 CA 691-84-04 CA 691-84-05 PA S-102 RI 4268-F-010 PA S-103 CT 3370-S-54C NY 34900-0984 TN *6 NY 34900-0175 PA C-28 CA 711-71-25 IL *35 CA 681-66-14 VA DK-12B CA 691-80-41 CA 691-80-40 KY 25A VA DK-25A LA *13 NY 00319-0439 MS PE-12 KY 12B TX 002-31-1 WI 5720-0143 NY 43223-0932 NY 34200-0701 GA 6830-9-27 NY 11613-0292 NY 12200-0462 NE *79 NY 12600-0912 NY 12300-0047 MA *12 LA *13 LA *13 NY 34200-0263 NY 34200-0345 NY 34200-0359 MI 4340-0103 MI 4340-0102 TX 685-34-12 PA C-121 NY 11609-0871 NY 38800-0231 CA 692-76-63 PA E-17 KY 7910-7 HI *8 NY 38221-0890 MI 4811-0067 MI 417-10 MI 417-11 NY 08302-0528 NY 08302-0361 MI 4776-S1 WA S-62-58-B CA 701-81-20 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 MI 4340 KY 7440-1 KY 7440-2 WA S-62-58-B NY 38205-0070 NY 34800-0708 IL *32GG TX 685-35-1 CA 711-68-50 CA 701-75-41 KY 7910-6 NY 11613-0292 KY 7920-16 KY 7910-5 CA 691-75-50 CA 711-75-51 CA 691-75-49 CA 681-67-6 NE •9 NY 32600-0622 TX 410-39-3 224 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Quilted Bleached Std. Spec, for Underlay Spec, for Nylon Needle Punched Flannel (Laundry Press Spec, for Asbestos Covers, Spec, for Bed Spec, for Ironing Board Spec, for Textile, Mattress c. for Athletic Equipment (General) (Basketball, Table and e, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Spec, for Boats, Canoes, Oars and Spec, for Police Panel Truck (4X4) Spec, for Small Tools Spec, for Combination Spec, for Spec, for Flat work Ironer Std. for Calendar 1) Std. Spec, for Spec.For Bedding Materials for Masonry Plates and Bearing Spec, for Nylon Floor Maintenance Spec, for Elastomer ic Bearing Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Floor Maintenance Spec, for Floor Maintenance Spec, for Quilted Mattress Spec, for Quilted Mattress ators (Wax, Floor Finish) for Use with Imitation Shearling ed Cellulose and Mineral Tiles and Metal Pans with Mineral Std. Spec, for Disposable Bed Std. Spec, for Finger Office Supplies (Binders, Books, Clipboards, Indexes, and Spec, for Office Supplies (Calendar Spec, for Stationery, Blotters, Scratch Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (File Folders, Std. Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Spec, for brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers and e; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Spec, for isteners; Stenographers and Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; y and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Spec, for Music - Spec, for Pocket Spec, for Spec, for I Std. 105 Spec, for Refuse (Garbage) nels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Std. Spec, for Aluminum or Packaging, Packing, Marking and Labeling of State Spec. . Spec, for White Lead in Oil, Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Spec, for Traffic Line Marking Type) (1969) Spec, for -25 1 D Spec, for Liquid (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Remover; Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Remover, Std. Spec, for Brushes od, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Air Compressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Traffic Spec, for White Fast Drying Traffic ( 1 966 ) FED H-B-420D, H-B- 1 4 1 C Spec, for Wall l)FEDH-B-491D Spec, for Spec, for Wall Type Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Compound; Wall and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Varnish Base ight Tints) ( 1966) Std. Spec, for Latex Base Spec, for Primer Sealer nd Highway Construction) (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar rfaces / Spec, for Ready Mixed Exterior Linseed Oil Black Spec, for Mildew Resistant Ready Mixed White House Std. Spec, for Spray Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil White Spec, for Universal Tinting Colors, Spec, for ywood) ( 1 965 ) Std. Spec, for Oil ^Alkyd) 3) Std. Spec, for Exterior 1 Type) (1968) Std. Spec, for Spec, for y) (Departmental) (1967) Spec, for st Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacemen/ Spec, for Padding (1956) Padding (1970) (Padding) Carpet (1965) Padding) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Padding, and Binders (for Ironers) (1968) Padding, Quilted Cotton (1957) Padding, Stitched Cotton Roving (1968) FED V-T-276 Padding, 72 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Paddle) (1970) /R, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plat Paddles (1971) (Paddy Wagon) (1971) (Padlock, Regular and Combination Master Keyed) ( 1971 ) Padlocks (1970) Padlocks (1971) MIL Std. 105 Pads and Covers ( 1971 ) Pads and Stands, and Appointment Books (1969) Pads (Desk, Ruled, Columnar, Stamp, and Typewriter) (19 Pads (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Pads (Machine Application) (1964) Pads (Neoprene) (1970?) Pads (Quilted) (1971) Pads (Scouring) (1966) Pads (Stripping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Polishing) (1971) Pads ( 1961 ) FED CCC-T-191 Pads (1969) Pads (1969) Spec, for Applic Pads ( 1969) FED SS-A-1 1 8B /Oustical Units; Prefabricat Pads (1970) Pads (1971) Pads) (1971) Std. Spec, for Pads, Bases and Diaries for 1972) ( 1971 ) Pads, Filing Supplies (Institutional) (1970) Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Machine Tape) ( 1971 ) Pads, Quilted (1969) Pads, Scouring, Steel Wood, Institutional Use (1968) Pads, Tablets and Notebooks (1963) FED UU-P-31 Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handke Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Pads; Floor Polishing Machine (1970) Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Checkin Pads; Pens; and Pencils) (1971) /(Erasers; Ink; Laundr Page - Intercom System (Hospital) (1971) Paging System (Communications) (1970) Pail, Galvanized (1966) Pail, Polyethylene Plastic (1966) Pails, Cans, and Covers (24 Gal.) (1971) FED RR-C-82, M Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimme Paint and Paste (1964) Paint and Products and Inspection Requirement ( 1971 ) Fe Paint and Putty) (1970) Std Paint and Reflective Glass Beads (1970) Paint and Varnish Remover (Nonflammable Organic Solvent Paint and Varnish Remover (Nonflammable) ( 1962) FED TT- Paint and Varnish Remover (Organic Solvent, Nonflammabl Paint and Varnish ( 1969) Paint and Varnish (1970) Paint and Varnish (1971) FED TT-R-251H, ANSI Z66.1-64 (Paint and Varnish) ( 1971 ) Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Paint Application) (1967) /Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Paint Based on Chlorinated Rubber (1971?) Paint Brushes (Metal Bound, Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 In.) Paint Brushes (Sash Tool and Trim, Nylon Filament) (196 Paint Brushes (1964) Paint Brushes (1965) Paint Brushes (1968) Paint Brushes (1971) Paint Cleaner (1969) Paint Color Card (Chip) (1970?) Paint for Concrete and Wood Floors (1962) FED Std. 141 Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (White and L Paint for Plaster and Wallboard (1962) FED Std. 141 Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces ( Bridge A Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal Su Paint for Wooden Exterior Surfaces ( 1967) Paint in Pressurized Cans ( 1 969 ) Paint Intended for General Exterior Use (1964) Paint Mixing (1963) Paint Primer and Sealer (1969) FED Std. 141, UU-W-101 Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber and PI Paint Primer (Undercoat for Wood, White and Tints) (196 Paint Remover (Methylene Chloride Based, Organic Solven Paint Remover, Nonflammable (1969) Paint Spraying Equipment (Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Capacit Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhau RI 4755-001 NY 32801-0335 MS U-1A-65 TX 410-39-2 PA C-124 RI 4752-001 CA 681-83-49 MA •35-92 NY 30200-0587 PA A-4 NY 49600-0630 AK •30 NY 39004-0429 PA P-153 CA 711-53-01 NY 36500-0884 CT 69-75C IL ♦32PP VA DH-247 VA K-41A MS 3741 NY 22700-0402 NY 00319-0479 NY 31901-0523 PA P-113 RI 4750-001 TX 370-66-1 OR 64-400-9010 WA S-68-105-1 IL •32EE FL •20 NY 23014-0028 NJ 6936-00A FL •18 OR 72-150-9080 KY 7920-21 PA P-88 FL •25 NY 23000-0633 PA P-146 NY 23000-0633 FL ♦16 NY 38201-0042 NY 38211-0632 KY 7240-1 KY 7240-7 CA 711-76-04 PA F-80 SC HD-80B11 WA S-62-58-B MS PM-10 AK •1 PA R-16 TX 520-50-1 VA DK-17A OR 77-100-9700 NJ 1120-00 NY 38000-0170 MS B-3C-71 VA DH-257 NJ 4938-22 SC 20-0 10A VA C-1A VA C-6 TX 1 10-32-1 A OR 41-65-1A IL *8 TN •2 PA C-74 WA S-65-89 VA DK-13A WA S-66-93 VA DK-19A SC HD-80B14 VA DK-36 TX 520-42-1 A OR 77-100-9510 SC HD-80B7 IA •1-17 PA P-41 WA S-65-90 WA S-63-70 WA S-66-91-A CA 691-80-403 NY 43221-0781 NY 43221-0771 225 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Tent. Std. Spec, for Tent, Std. Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for g; Steel Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar Equipment 62) Spec, for Odorless Volatile Mineral Spirits 8T, D844-50 Spec, for Spec, for Volatile Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Distillate) Spec, for Universal Type Spec, for Ready Mixed Aluminum 595 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for , White And/ Std. Spec, for Oil Alkyd (Modified) Exterior td/ Spec. (1964) (1964) for One Coat Flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Oil Spec, for White Traffic Std. Spec, for White Traffic Stripe Std. Spec, for Yellow Traffic Stripe Spec, for Interstate Green Sign Spec, for Sprayer, Spec, for Fire Retardant 197 1?) FED TT-R-2/ Spec, for Special White Traffic Stripe Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Base House Spec, for Interior Flat White Spec, for Aluminum Pigment for Spec, for Aluminum Pigment for Spec, for Bridge Std. Spec, for Flat Interior Alkyd spec, for Ready Mixed Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Flat Alkyd Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Wall Latex Base Spec, for Latex Base Interior Flat Spec, for Yellow Traffic Spec, for Resin Base Emulsion Interior Paste Spec, for Air Drying Ready Mixed Aluminum . for Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Interior Flat Wall Oil xed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior Spec, for Heat Resisting Aluminum Spec, for White Traffic Std. Spec, for Red Lead Std. Spec, for Basic Lead Silico Chromate on on White and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Line Marking pec. for Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (800 Deg. F.) Aluminum Spec, for Medium Chrome Yellow Traffic Marking ec. for Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Aluminum Spec, for Ready Mixed Aluminum Std. Spec, for Lumber, Tree, and Log Marking Spec, for Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Flat White Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Base Flat White Wall Spec, for Thinner, Special, Clean Up Traffic Spec, for Brushes, Varnish, Flat, Spec, for Aluminum Ready Mix Spec, for Heatproof Aluminum Spec, for Traffic Signal Controllers, Indications and Spec, for White and Yellow Traffic Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Std. Spec, for White Ready Mixed Spec, for Enamel, License Plate, std. Spec, for Weather Resistant Exterior High Gloss White aint) for 1972 License Plates (1970) (1970) FED TT-P-1416 Spec, for General Purpose Enamel d Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer d Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Primer nd Sway Braces (Bri/ Std. Spec, for Tar Priming Solution Spec, for Traffic Line p-/ Spec, for Galvanizing Repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Std. Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel Spec, for Interior Enamel Undercoat Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel Std. Spec, for Red Lead Primer Spec, for Foliage Green Enamel Spec, for Varnish; Mixing (Vehicle for Aluminum Spec, for Black Equipment Enamel Spec, for Flat Sash Brushes Std. Spec, for Yellow Bus and Equipment Enamel Std. Spec, for Black Enamel Std. Spec, for Oil Base Pigmented Primer and Sealer Spec, for Alkyd Base Gloss Enamel Spec, for Floor and Deck Porch Enamel Spec, for White Alkyd Base Semi Gloss Enamel Spec, for Green Finish Coat Spec, for Light Green Finish Coat Spec, for Buff Finish Coat Spec, for Tan Finish Coat Spec, for Brown Finish Coat Spec, for Burnt Sienna Finish Coat Spec, for Porch and Floor Enamel, Dark Gray Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, White Paint Paint Paint (Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint (Paint Spec /Pec. for Ready Mi Stripper, Liquid, Brush on (1961) Stripper, Liquid, Diptank (Cold) (1962) Stripper, Powder, Heavy Duty (Hot) (1962) System) ( 1969) FED Std. 141 / Spec, for Finishin Thinner And/or Solvent (Petroleum Distillate) (19 Thinner (License Plate) Enamel (1961) ASTM D965-4 Thinner (1962) FED Std. 141 Tinting Colors (Paste) (1964) with Strontium Chromate Added (1965) Alkyd Resin, Exterior) (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. Alkyd, Interior, Flat) (1969) Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed Combined Sealer, Primer and Finish) (1962) FED S Fast Dry) (1969) Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead Application Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead Application Highway) (1965) Hot Airless) (1961) Interior) ( 1971 ) FED TT-P-00206B, TT-T-291C Line Marking) for Application with Glass Beads Medium Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-81C, Std. 141 Odorless) (1963) Paste Form) (1969) Powder) (1969) Ready Mixed) (Highway and Waterway) (1970) Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. 141, TT-P-381 White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 White and Tints) (1968) FED Std. 141 White and Tints) (1969) 962) 962) FED Std. 141 962) FED Std. 141 962) FED Std. 141 962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. 141 963) 963) 964) 964) 964) Std. Spec, for Glass Beads for Applicati 964) FED Std. 141 964) FED TT-D-643B, Std. 141 964) FED TT-P-28C, Std. 141 Sp 964) FED TT-P-320A, TT-V-81D 966) FED Std. 141, TT-P-442 967) 967) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 970) 970) 970?) 971) 971) Spec, for Background and Numeral Enamel(P Black (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 or Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Brown Iron O or Ferrous Metal and Wood (White and Light Tint or Use as a Prime Coat on Steel Bearing Piles A Marker (Self Propelled) (1968) Highway ancLBridge Construction) (1970) FED TT- Tints and White) (1966) Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. 141 White and Light Tints) (1968) FED Std. 141 1954?) 1959) 1962) 1962) FEDTT-E-489B 1964) 1964) FEDTT-E-489C 1964) FEDTT-E-489C 1966) FED Std. 141 1967) 1967) 1967) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) 1969) TC-32 TC-31A TC-30A 77-100-9280 DK-34A 7342-10 DK-16A 520-42-10 *23 77-100-9030 77-100-9250 WA S-70-108 VA DK-29A ♦5 HD-80B5 HD-80B6 *3 4938-39 38008-0301 20-010 DK-35 7342-03 A-7 A-6 38009-0082 WA S-64-79-A VA DK-30A DK-32A DK-31B WA S-62-56-B MD *6 DK-18A. DK-27A DK-21A DK-37 * 1-14 *4 HD-80B10 HD-80B12 HD-80B15 520-41-2 520-43-1 520-41-3 520-41-1 WA S-66-98 TX 5 20-4 2-5 A 520-42-6A 691-80-418 5310-S1 5325-S13 5325-S14 2548-04 *1 DH-242 *21 711-80-199 S-6 1-26-2 *10 3551 DK-25A DK-26A HD-80B13 *40 DH-258 WA S-62-57-A WA S-63-64-A DK-23B *22 *3 V-l 20-030 11 0-3 2-4 A HD-80B8 HD-80B9 WA S-63-66-A TX 520-42-3A 5 20-42-4 A 520-42-7 691-80-82 691-80-84 691-80-85 691-80-86 691-80-87 691-80-88 5325-S12 5325-S16 MS MS MS OR VA NJ VA TX MD OR OR MD SC SC MD NJ NY SC VA NJ PA PA NY VA VA VA VA VA VA IA MD SC SC SC TX TX TX TX TX CA MI MI MI NJ IN VA NM CA WA WY MS VA VA SC SC VA VA NM NJ PA SC TX SC SC TX TX CA CA CA CA CA CA MI MI 226 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Primer Sealer, Alkyd (Pain Spec, for Enamel, Flat, Alkyd, White (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Exterior, Wood Trim (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel; Floor and Deck (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel Undercoat; Interior (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Interior, Low Odor (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel (Semi Gloss, Interior, Low Odor, Pain Std. Spec, for Egg Shell Enamel (Interior, Low Odor, Pain Spec, for Gold Bronze, Powdered (for Pain Std. Spec, for Exterior Primer for Wood (House Pain Std. Spec, for Primer, Red Lead, Metal (Pain Std. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Chromate, Enamel, Metal (Pain td. Spec, for Primer, Zinc Oxide, Galvanized Metal (Iron) (Pain Std. Spec, for Primer, Ferrous Metal, Brown, Enamel (Pain std. Spec, for Enamel, Floor and Porch, Wood and Concrete (Pain Std. Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Pain Std. Spec, for Thinner, Odorless, Alkyd Enamel (Pain Std. Spec, for Universal Tinting Colors (Pain . Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Low Odor, Alkyd, Interior, (Pain for Traffic Marking Line Removal Machine with Assemblies (Pain c. for Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior, Gloss, Metal and Wood (Pain or Primer, Sealer, Interior, Plaster and Wallboard, Alkyd (Pain Enamel, Gloss, Interior, Wall and Woodwork, Conventional (Pain oss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Woodwork and Metal (Pain Spec, for Shop Coat, Red Lead (Metal Primer Pain Spec, for Shop Coat Primer, Dull Orange (Metal, Pain Spec, for Equipment Primer, Brown (Metal, Pain Spec, for Highway Metal Sign and Marker Primer (Pain Spec, for Latex Semi Gloss Enamel (Pain Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss White Enamel (Odorless Pain Spec, for White Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Pain Spec, for Odorless Enamel Undercoater (Pain Spec, for Odorless Primer - Sealer, Interior (Pain Spec, for High Gloss Alkyd Enamel (School Bus Chrome) (Pain low Fast Dry High Build Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces (Pain Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Pain Spec, for Primer (Pain 9) Spec, for Primer (Pain Spec, for Sign Enamel (Pain E-529, FED Std. 595 Spec, for Sign Enamel (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for License Plate Enamel (Pain Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain td. Spec, for Primer Coating, Latex Base, Interior, White (Pain Spec, for Grey Metal Flash Primer, Alkyd Baking (Pain Spec, for Beige Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Charcoal Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Light Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Olive Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Metallic Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Metallic Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Metallic Tan Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Blue Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Coral Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Dark Brown Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for White Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Clear Enamel, Alkyd Baking (Pain Spec, for Light Green Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for Grey Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Pain Spec, for White Sign Enamel, Baking (Pain Spec, for Yellow Sign Enamel, Baking (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Vinyl Finish Coat (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Pain Spec, for Metal Sign Enamel (Pain Spec, for Primer (Pain Spec, for Exterior Enamel (Pain spec, for Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, Walls and Woodwork (Pain or Alkyd Resin Solution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Pain Spec, for Vinyl Wash Primer (Pain Spec, for Equipment Enamel (Pain ster (1969) Spec, for Primer Sealer (Pain Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Pain Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Pain Spec, for Primer (Pain Spec, for Pj-imer (Pain Spec, for Latex Base (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain Std. Spec, for Enamel (Pain Spec, for Enamel (Pain ing (1969) ») 1(1969) Std Spec. Std. Spe Std. Spec. F Std. Spec, for Spec, for Enamel, High Gl (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) Std. (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) Spec, for Yel Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Asphalt, for Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1969) Basic Lead Silico Chromate, Semiquick Drying ( 1 Black Stencil (1970?) Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED Boat, Wood and Metal, Fresh Water (1970) Cardinal Red (1967) Dark Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Dipping, White, Baked (1969) Exterior White, Metal (1969) Fast Dry (1970) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture ( 1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Furniture (1969) for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and Markers ( 196 for Metal Highway (Road) Signs and Markers ( 196 Gloss, Industrial, Weather Resistant, Auto Fini Gloss, Low Odor (1969) Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Coastal Zone (19 Interior, Gloss, Light (1969) Interior, Light (1964) Interior, Semigloss, Light (1969) Interior, Wood, Odorless (1969) Interstate Green (Baking) ( 1970?) FED TT-E-489 Latex, Interior, White, Wall Board, Plaster, Wo Light Green (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Light (1970) Std. Linseed Oil (1969) Spec. F Metal Pretreatment, Marine (1969) Orange (1970?) FED TT-E-489 FED Std. 595 Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Wall Board and P Red Iron Oxide Titanium Dioxide Type ( 1969) Red Iron Oxide Type (1969) Red Lead, Linseed Oil, Structural Steel (1969) Red Lead, Quick Drying (1969) Semigloss Interior Enamel, Scrubbable ( 1969) Semigloss, Low Odor (1969) Semigloss, Odorless, Interior (1970) Sign Post, Black, Wood or Metal (1969) MI MI OR OR OR OR OR OR PA MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS NJ MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS UT NJ NJ NJ NJ TX TX CA CA CA MS MS MS MI MS CA CA MS MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI Ml MI MI MI MI MI CA CA CA KY KY KY CA MS CA MS MS CA CA MS CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MS CA 5325-S17 5325-S18 77-100-9060 77-100-9070 77-100-9200 77-100-9220 77-100-9230 77-100-9240 B-27 PE-1 PE-10 PE-11 PE-1 2 PE-9 PI-9 PM-14 PM-15 PM-9 PI-3 4934-02 PE-1 3 PI-2 PI-8 PI-7 3506 3509 3511 3512 ♦3 7342-01 7342-02 7342-04 7342-05 520-42-8 630-63-9 691-80-420 691-80-402 691-80-83 3583 3573 PE-1 7 5325-S1 3552 691-80-427 691-80-10 PI- 11 5325-S20 5325-S21 5325-S22 5325-S23 5325-S24 5325-S25 5325-S26 5325-S27 5325-S28 5325-S29 5325-S30 5325-S31 5325-S34 5325-S35 5325-S36 5325-S32 5325-S33 691-80-81 691-80-221 691-80-75 23A 28A 22A 691-80-205 3574 691-80-202 3553 PI-6 691-80-430 691-80-52 3561 691-80-201 691-80-41 691-80-40 691-80-60 691-80-54 691-80-226 691-80-215 PI-5 691-80-09 227 491-458 O-LT - 73 16 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 969) ed Std. 595 fed Std. 595 sinous Modification (1971) 1) (1970) 61) 61) Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Burnt Umber Finish Coat Spec, for Primer Spec, for Hammertone Finish Spec, for Enamel Gloss Spec, for Primer Spec, for Primer Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel Spec, for Wood Primer Spec, for Primer Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel Spec, for Primer Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Vinyl Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bridge and Guard Rail Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Metal Sign Primer Spec, for Spec 63) Spec, for for Bridge Spec, for Spec Spec Spec Spec for for for for ng Medium Concentrate (All Purpose) for Coloring Finishes, te(1963) Spec, for Spec, for Turpentine, Gum Spirits or Steam Distilled (for e and Tints) ( 1968) Spec, for Latex Base Std. Spec, for 197 1 ) Spec, for Latex Base Std. Spec, for te(1963) Spec, for Wood, Metal or Masonry, Ready Mix (1970) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for 95 Std. Spec, for 71) Spec, for Spec, for Latex Spec, for Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Interior Shop Spec, for ht Tints and Other Colors) ( 1970) Spec, for Latex Base Spec, for Latex Base Spec, for Ceiling (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Brushes, Spec, for Glass Spheres, Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Spec, for light (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for rimer and Finish Coat ( 1964) Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Varnish and and Ceiling (1970) (Paint), Sign Post, Yellow, Wood or Metal (1969) (Paint), Slow Exempt, Anti-Air Pollution (1969) (Paint), Slow, High Solvency (1969) (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Safety Code Colors (1 (Paint), Structural Steel (1969) (Paint), Stucco, Exterior (1969) (Paint), Styrenated, Spray (1969) (Paint), Synthetic (1969) (Paint), Synthetic, Light (1964) (Paint), Synthetic, Red or Brown Iron Oxide ( 1964) (Paint), Touch Up for Porcelain Enameled Signs (1969) (Paint), Traffic Signal, Dark Olive Green (1969) (Paint), Traffic Signal, Lusterless Black (1969) (Paint), Traffic Signal, Yellow (1969) (Paint), White (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, F (Paint), White (Sign) (1970?) FED TT-P-659 (Paint), Wood, Mildew Resistant, Exterior (1969) (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, (Paint), Zinc Chromate, Metal, Fast Drying (1969) Paint, Acrylic Exterior Flat, Emulsion Type with Oleore Paint, Acrylic Semi Gloss, Emulsion Type, Interior (197 Paint, Alkyd, Flat, One Coat, Interior, Odorless Light Paint, Alkyd, Interior, Flat ( 1964) Paint, Aluminum Finish Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone (1969) Paint, Aluminum, General Purpose (1963) Paint, Aluminum, General Purpose (1970) Paint, Black (Finish Coat) (1970?) Paint, Brown (Intermediate Field Coat) (1970?) Paint, Buff (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) (Paint, Commercial) (1970?) MIL P-8585 Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (19 Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (19 Paint, Dark Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Paint, Enamel Primer and Supplies (1971) Paint, Enamel, Farm Machinery and Equipment (1963) Paint, Enamel, Floor, Porch, Wood and Concrete (1963) Paint, Enamel, Gloss, Interior, White, Tintable (1963) Paint, Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White, Tintable (19 Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Lacquer and New Syntheti Paint, Enamel, Undercoat, Alkyd, Interior, Tintable Whi Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Solvent) (1970) Paint, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semigloss) (Whit Paint, Exterior Finish, Wood (House), Light (1970) Paint, Exterior (White, Light Tints and Other Colors) Paint, Exterior, Bungalow or Walnut Brown, Wood (1970) Paint, Exterior, Finish Coat, Wood, House, Tintable Whi Paint, Exterior, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Paint, Exterior, Sash and Trim Enamel (1970) Paint, Fast, Low Solvency (1969) Paint, Finish Coat, Underwater, Steel (1969) Paint, Finish, Fumeproof, Exterior, Wood (1969) Paint, Finish, Ltz, Exterior, Wood (1969) Paint, Finish, Stucco, Flat, Exterior (1969) Paint, Finish, Wood (House), Medium (1970) Paint, Flat Alkyd, Exterior (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 5 Paint, Flat White, Acryclic Emulsion Type, Interior (19 Paint, Flat, Interior Washable (1969) Paint, Flat, Interior, Low Odor (1969) Paint, Foliage Green (Finish Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Paint, General Purpose, White (1970?) FED TT-P-103 Paint, Gray (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Paint, Green, Exterior Park Bench (1969) Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Lig Paint, Interior, Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (1971) Paint, Iron Oxide, Ready Mix, Red and Brown (1964) Paint, Latex Base, Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Paint, Latex Base, Interior (1969) Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Flat Light, One Coat ( 1970 Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Semigloss (1969) Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Wall, Ready Mix (1969) Paint, Latex Base, Interior, White Tintable (1963) Paint, Latex Base, Semigloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall Paint, Light Stone (Buildings) (1970?) FED TT-P-102 Paint, Lithium Sodium Silicate (1969) Paint, Low Odor (1969) Paint, Maroon (Intermediate Field Coat) (Metal) (1970?) Paint, Metal Bound, Flat (1965) Paint, Metal Bound, Flat (1969) Paint, Moistureproof (Beads) (1969) Paint, Numeral Coating Black (License Plate) (1967) Paint, Oil, Concrete and Masonry, Exterior, Ready Mix, Paint, Oil, Concrete, Masonry, Ready Mix Flat (1965) Paint, Oil, Exterior, Ready Mix ( 1969) FED TT-P-105a Paint, Oil, Interior, Flat, White Tintable (1963) Paint, Oil, Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, P Paint, Oval (1970) Std. CA 691-80-08 CA 691-80-421 CA 691-80-417 CA 691-80-32 CA 691-80-76 CA 691-80-05 CA 691-80-250 KY 24A KY 26A KY 25A CA 691-80-90 CA 691-80-17 CA 691-80-16 CA 691-80-18 MS 3571 MS 3513 CA 691-80-01 MS 3572 CA 691-80-51 NJ 7342-25 NJ 7342-18 MS PI- 12 KY 32A CA 691-80-49 IA *l-3 MS PE-14 MS 3526 MS 3521 MS 3517 MS 3514 NJ 7342-08 NJ 7342-11 MS 3524 SD *15 IA * 1 — 1 3 IA *l-9 IA *l-8 IA *l-7 WA S-66-97 IA *l-5 MS PM-16 NY 38000-0387 MS PE-3 NY 38010-0188 MS PE-5 IA *l-2 MS PE-8 MS PE-6 CA 691-80-411 CA 691-80-80 CA 691-80-03 CA 691-80-02 CA 691-80-04 MS PE-4 OR 77-100-9040 NJ 7342-15A CA 691-80-225 CA 691-80-211 MS 3525 MS 3531 MS 3541 MI 5325-S15 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0386 KY 12B MS PI- 14 MI 5325-0075 MS PI-1 OR 77-100-9270 KY 31A IA *l-4 MS PI- 13 MS 3534 CA 691-80-55 CA 691-80-409 MS 3515 PA B-43 MI 5310-S2 MD •11 NJ 7342-09 MS PE-7 KY 30B KY 1 IB IA •1-6 KY 29A PA B-25 228 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards , and Cleaning Solvent (1971) 970?) 970?) rea(1969) )$itive Displacement Testliner)/ ;lass Spheres) (19/ s (1969) Std. Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Std. Spec, for Brushes (Oil Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Zone, Spec, for Interior Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Bridge Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Primer Spec, for Traffic Zone Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Floor Std. Spec, for Floor Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Red Lead, Linseed Oil Spec, for Spray Machine, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Pavement Marking Materials Spec, for Ready Mixed Swimming Pool Spec, for Spec, for White Traffic Spec, for White Traffic Tent. Spec, for Yellow Traffic Spec, for Std, Spec, for Linseed Oil, Boiled (for Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Raw (for Spec, for Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Thinner, se as Turpentine Substitute) (19/ Std. Spec, for Thinner, pec. for Ready Mixed Air Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat 141 Spec, for Semigloss Interior Enamel Spec, for Guard Rail Spec, for Exterior Primer spec, for Water Repellent Wood Preservative (Non Swelling, spec, for Wax, Paste, General Purpose, Solvent (Furniture, ec. for Wax, Liquid, General Purpose, Solvent, (Furniture, . for General Purpose Wax (Liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Spec, for Brushes; Dust, Std. Spec, for nance of Highway Structures (Structural Steel Cleaning and sed in Steel Structures (Highway and Bridge Construction), Spec, for Mixed Dry Type) (1969/ Spec, for White and Yellow Traffic Line Spec, for Linseed Oil Iron Oxide Ready Mixed td. Spec, for Masonry Primer for Use Under Latex and Other for Sprayer, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking Spec, for Traffic Line Spec, for Colors for Mixed Spec, for Basic Requirements for Ready Mixed shellac, Varnish, Remover) (1971) Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Ready Mixed ters), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Spec, for Traffic Line or Use in Pressure Type Stoves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for General Spec, for (1966) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Line Spec, for Traffic Line . Spec, for Janitorial Detergent (General Purpose Cleaner, Spec, for 141a surfaces) (1967) FED TT-E-489, Std. 141a ades (1967) (1967) FED TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a 8) FED TT-P-55B, Std. 141a 69) FED TT-P-29, Std. 141, ASTM D2486-66T (Tints and White) (1967) d Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Re/ dTT-E-543, UU-W-101, Std. 141 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std, Spec, for Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Men's and Boys' Coat Style Spec, for Men's and Boys' Middy Style Spec, for Men's and Boys' C&at Style Spec, for Women's and Girls' Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Men's and Boys' Middy Style Spec, for Small Girls' Paint, Pigment Paste, Mixing Varnish (1970?) Paint, Polyorgano Siloxone (1969) Paint, Pottery, Varnish, Water Color, and Stencil) (195 Paint, Primer Sealer for Plaster and Wallboard (1964) Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (White and Yellow Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum ( 1970?) Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, Dull (Intermediate Coat) Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Sign Posts Paint, Ready Mixed, Quick Drying (1969) Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Contamination Paint, Regular Type (White and Yellow) (1970) Paint, Regular (1969) Paint, Rubber Base for Concrete Floors ( 1 963 ) Paint, Rubber Base, Concrete ( 1970) Paint, Sash and Trim (1970) Paint, Second Coat (1969) Paint, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking) (P Paint, Silicone, Aluminum, Heat Resisting, Metal (1970) (Paint, Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleaning, Optical Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer and Topping Compound (1971 Paint, Traffic, White, Fast Drying Type IV (1970) Paint, Type III (Marking) (1960) Paint, Type III (Marking) (1970?) Paint, Type III (1970?) Paint, Varnish Base, Concrete and Wood Floors (1964) Paint, Varnish, Enamel) (1970) Paint, Varnish, Sealer, Enamel) (1970) Paint, Vinyl Acrylic Emulsion, Exterior, White and Tint Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits (1963) Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits (1964) Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits, General Purpose (May U (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1968) FED TT-P-442, Std. Paint, White (1970?) Paint, Wood, House, Ready Mix (1963) Paintable) (1963) Std. Painted Surface and Floor) (1964) Painted Surface, Floor) (1964) Sp Painted Surface, Linoleum, Wood Floor) (1965) FED P-W-l Painters (1971) Painters Supplies (1971) Painting) (1970?) Manual on the Mainte Painting, and Cleaning (1964) /Teel and Other Metals U Paints (Bridge, Highway, Waterway) (1970) Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Rubber - Fast Paints (Red and Brown) (1962) FED Std. 141 Paints (1968) FED Std. 141 Paints) (1967) Spec. Paints, Black (1969) Paints, Color Chip Number (1969) Paints, Enamels, Linseed Oil, Varnish (1970?) Paints, Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative Paints, Marine Type (1970) Paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Plas Paints, Red (1969) Paints, Varnishes and as a Carrying Agent for Insectici Paints, Varnishes and Related Products ( 1969) Paints, Varnishes, Colors, Oils, Lacquers and Thinners Paints, White (1969) Paints, Yellow (1969) Paintsafe) (1953) Std Paint; Aluminum, Ready Mixed (1967) FED Std. 141a Paint; Enamel, Floor and Deck (1967) FED TT-E-487, Std. Paint; Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Exterior and Interior Paint; Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White and Medium Sh Paint; Enamel, White, High Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) Paint; Exterior Latex Emulsion (1969) Paint; Exterior, Wood, General Purpose (1969) Paint; Latex Base, Exterior (for Masonry Surfaces) (196 Paint; Latex Base, Interior, Flat (White and Tints) (19 Paint; Latex Base, Interior, Flat (1969) Paint; Oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed Paint; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liqui Paint; Ready Mixed, Exterior, Medium Shades (1969) Paint; Traffic Zone, Nonreflective (1964) Paint; Tree Marking (1965) FED Std. 141 Paint; Undercoat, Enamel Interior Ready Mixed (1967) Fe Pajama Check Dimity (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Pajamas (Broadcloth and Plisse) (1969) Pajamas (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) Pajamas (Broadcloth and Poplin) (1960) Pajamas (Cotton Flannel) (1960) Pajamas (Cotton Flannelette) (1969) Pajamas (Cotton Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Pajamas (Flannel) (1960) Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) NM ♦19 CA 691-80-56 IL *33X KY 19A NY 38001-0508 MS 3543 MS 3527 MS 3528 CA 691-80-33 CA 691-80-53 NY 38001-0629 CA 691-80-412 IA * 1-10 MS PI- 10 PA B-45 CA 691-80-61 NJ 4934-01 MS PE-16 NY 38001-0704 NY 38002-0282 NJ 7342-17 NJ 7342-06 NJ 7342-07 NJ 7342-13 KY 13A MS PM-12 MS PM-11 CA 691-80-11 IA * 1-16 KY 16A MS PM-13 VA DK-28A VA DK-22C MS 3533 IA *1-1 WA S-63-69 MI 4642-0400 MI 4642-0430 VA K-33A PA B-47 IL *9 NY *2 SC HD-79 NY 38009-0039 NM M-TPC-69 VA DK-12B WA S-68-103 NJ 4934-00 CA 691-80-96 CA 691-80-450 MS 3501 NY 38000-0041 NY 38004-0133 NY 23100-0855 CA 691-80-97 NY 05601-0896 OR 77-100-9000 IL ♦10 CA 691-80-95 CA 691-80-98 MS S-2-53-36 PA P-135 PA P-126 PA P-124 PA P-125 PA P-70 OR 77-100-9090 OR 77-100-9020 PA P-157 PA P-129 OR 77-100-9260 PA P-69 VA DH-239 OR 77-100-9050 PA P-128 PA P-140 PA P-74 OR 79-100-9130 RI 4270-F-006 RI 4270-M-001 RI 4270-M-005 RI 4270-M-002 RI 4270-F-003 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-M-004 RI 4270-F-010 229 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Boys' Coat Style Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Infants' Spec, for Children's Sleepers Spec, for Children's Sleepers Spec, for Specimen Cabinets (Geology g, Gesso, Baking), Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, 1 Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Storage and Spec, for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Material Handling Equipment kids - Semilive, / Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift, Platform and for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Spec, for Spec, for Dimensions of Spec, for Spec, for Leather Spec, for Men's and Boys' Leather Spec, for Men's Leather Spec, for Gloves; Work, Canton Flannel and Leather Spec, for Fire Extinguishing System (1969) Nfpa for Fire Extinguishing System (Carbon Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Spec, for Offset Reproduced Bound Books and pec. for Printing; Continuous and Snapout Forms (Books and Spec, for Brushes; Sanitary, Bed Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, (Pot and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Std. Spec, for Pot and Spec, for Pot and Spec, for Dust Spec, for Dust s, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain ay and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Spec, for Steel Tables, Spec, for Suburban Vehicle, Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Spec, for Police Spec, for ltiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film Viewers (Belt Driven and 0) FED AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends Spec, for units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Std. Spec, for d AA-B-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends (Solid spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Spec, for Truck, c. for Office Furniture, Components (Metal) Free Standing, Spec, for Office Furniture, Pole Display System (Shelves, display Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure 236-66 Spec, for Plastic Laminate Bonded Spec, for Exhibition Spec, for Inside Wardrobe Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Spec, for Clothing Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Spec, for Plastic Laminate, Flakeboard and Bonded Spec, for Exhibition Spec, for Shelving Tops and End Spec, for Standard 2 3/8 In. Partitions Spec, for Spec, for e Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, d Glazing Purposes) (1969) FED L-/ Std. Spec, for Plastic hospital) (1970) Spec, for units; Prefabricated Cellulose and Mineral Tiles and Metal for Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type D (Hand) (Pots and Spec, for Baking Equipment (Bread spec, for Bakery Equipment (Stainless Steel Conveyor Catch spec, for Bakery Equipment (Oblong Foil Cake and Round Pie pment (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Roll and Aluminum Bun , Di/ Spec, for Aluminumware: Bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, ray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Spec, for Women's and Girls' Dresses (Crotch Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Women's Band Leg Spec, for Women's and Girls' rvice Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets and Sink) Pajamas (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Pajamas (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Pajamas (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Pajamas (I960) (Pajamas) (1957) (Pajamas), Two Piece, Rib Knit (1965) Paleontology, Trays) (1968) Palettes, Knives, Oil and Water Colors, Cardboard (Bris Pallet Loads in Trucks From Ground Level) ( 1971 ) /Eria (Pallet Rack, Storage System - Drive In) (1971) Pallet Racks) (1968) Pallet Racks, Adjustable (1969) (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1969) (Pallet Racks, Adjustable) (1970) (Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, S Pallet Trucks) (1968) Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker Highlift) Pallet (Lumber) (Storage Racks) (1968) Pallets, Lumber (Drawings Only) (1962) Pallets, Wooden (1970) Palm Gloves (1960) Palm Knit Gloves (1970) Palm Wool Mittens (1970) Palm (1971) Pamphlet 12 Pamphlet 12 Spec. Pamphlets From Camera Ready Copy (1970) Pamphlets, Blanks, Circulars) (1970) Pan and Toilet (1971) Pan Cleanser) (1953) Pan Counter, Self Leveling Cup Dispenser) ( 197 1 ) Pan Soap (1969) Pan Washing Machine (1967) Pan, Metal (1968) Pan, Rubber (1966) Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slid Pan, Tools, Stud Ext /Easuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Panel and Slide) (1971) /Units) (Protector Case, Displ Panel and 4 Leg Types (1968) Panel Doors, Special, 6 Passenger (Motor) (1969) Panel Doors, 6 Passenger, Special (1969) Panel Doors, 8 Passenger ( 1969) Panel Saw, Blade, Table Mounted Router (1968) Panel Saw, Edge Bander (1969) Panel Truck (4X4) (Paddy Wagon) (1971) Panel Truck, 1,200 Lb. Payload (1969) Panel Type) (Medical Center) (1969) Spec, for Mu (Panel Type, Stationary Height) (Institutional Use) (196 Panel Van (Motor Vehicle), 1,800 Lb. Payload (1969) Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with G Panel, Delivery Van, Compact (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Panel, Multiple Height) for Institutional Use (1960) Fe Panel, Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Capac Panel, Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Capac Panel, Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Capac Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee Warmer) (1969) ' /An, Panel, 9 Ft. (1969) Panels and Hung (1969) Spe Panels and Lamps) (1971) Panels with Gates, Undercounter Workboard) (Sink) ( 1970 Panels (Decorative Trimmed) (1971) NEMA LD-1-64, USC CS Panels (1967) Panels (1968) Panels (1968) Panels (1970) NEMA LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 Panels (1971) Panels (1971) (Panels) (1970) Panels, Art Gallery (1969) Panels, Art Gallery (1970) Panels, Cornice, Single Action Gate) (1969) /Book, Fin Panels; Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (Structural An Panoramic Dental X-Ray System and Related Accessories Pans with Mineral Pads (1969) FED SS-A-1 18B /Oustical Pans) (1953) Std. Spec. Pans) (1967) Pans) (1971) Pans) (1971) Pans) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Bakery Equi Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoo Pantie Style) (1962) Panties (Cotton, Suede or Interlock Knit) (1965) Panties (Jersey Knit) (1970) Panties (Rayon and Acetate Tricot) (1969) (Pantry) (1969) Spec, for Food Se RI 4270-M-003 RI 4270-F-005 RI 4270-M-006 RI 4270-F-011 RI 4270-F-014 RI 4270-M-008 NY 12004-0091 NY 23100-0855 NY 39102-0255 NY 39105-0120 NY 39105-0491 CA 691-39-04 NY 39105-0911 NY 39105-0444 NY 39101-0680 NY 39101-0623 NY 39101-0393 NY 27500-0839 MD *28 CA 702-39-05 RI 4235-M-002 RI 4235-M-011 RI 4235-M-009 PA G-15 NY 34700-0966 NY 34700-0207 NY 50020-0333 NY 00500-0333 PA B-15 MS S-2-53-42 NY 36118-0539 WA S-62-44 NY 33500-0430 KY 7290-6 KY 7290-7 NY 36200-0768 NY 35000-0938 NY 36200-0124 CA 681-67-24 MI 3905-0056 MI 3905-0036 MI 3905-0034 NY 43200-0243 NY 43200-0377 AK *30 MI 3958-0028 NY 11501-0930 TX 295-38-1 MI 3958-0032 NY 36200-0787 MS TV-3-71 TX 295-38-3 TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-1 6A NY 36200-0768 MI 3958-0054 NY 21701-0150 NY 21701-0053 NY 36200-0787 NY 31808-0332 NY 31800-0200 CA 681-67-10 CA 681-67-9 NY 31808-0114 NY 21802-0430 NY 27504-0636 NJ 63 1 6-00 NY 21802-1011 NY 21802-0541 NY 21802-0993 OR 64-575-9010 NY 11001-0559 OR 64-400-9010 MS S-2-53-52 NY 31200-0738 NY 31200-0533 NY 31200-0601 NY 31200-0304 PA A-4 PA F-80 RI 4230-F-012 RI 4287-F-004 RI 4287-F-001 RI 4280-F-005 NY 36200-0225 230 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Industrial Foul Weather Clothing (Jacket, Spec, for Athletic Clothing (Gym Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Spec, for Infants" Waterproof Spec, for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Spec, for Children's Training its, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Spec, for Children's Clothing (Undershirts, Training Spec, for Girdles Spec, for Std. Spec, for igraph and Photostat Machines (1971/ Spec, for Photocopy Spec, for Mailing Tubes (New Spec, for Food Service General Requirements for Typewriter Carbon , Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly i71) Spec, for Spec, for Metal Waste (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Spec, for ; Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Std. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cups, Spec, for Staples, Spec, for Fasteners, is, Sheet Music and Record/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Art Spec, for Office Supplies Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. for for Material Handling Equipment (Lift Stacker with Rolled Spec, for Dispenser, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Microfilm Reproduction of pec. for Microfilm (Including Processing and Production of Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Removers, Tape and Disp/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Typewriter Manifold Spec, for Carbonless Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Metal Folded Spec, for Spec, for Dispenser, Spec, for Dispenser, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Folded Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Carbonless or, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) (/ Spec, for Fine 1971) Spec, for Cloth and M-139 Spec, for Waterproof Curing Spec, for Litter Bags, Spec, for Bags; General Requirements and Spec, for Diazo P-1532 Spec Std. Spec, for Carbon Spec, for Toilet Tissue Spec, for Toilet Tissue Spec, for Toilet Tissue Std. Spec, for Second Sheets Spec.^or Fine Spec, for Blue Pencil Carbon for Black Typewriter Carbon Spec, for Butterchips, Spec, for Toilet Tissue, Pants and Hat Sets) (1960) Pants and Shirts, Sweat Socks, Sweatshirts) ( 1971 ) Pants (High Visibility Orange) (1964) Pants (Snap on Style) (1970) Pants (1969) Pants (1970) Pants) (1969) /Ds, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Su Pants, Sleeping Suits) (1971) (Panty Style with Detachable Garters) (1966) Paper Adding Machine Tape (1963) FED UU-P-31 Paper and Binder Clamps ( 1971 ) Paper and Chemicals (Darkroom and Semidarkroom) for Rec Paper and Chipboard) ( 1970) Paper and Related Products (1970) . Paper and Ribbons (1970) Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; and to Paper Bags (Grocers, Waxed, Wrapping, Tape (Gummed)) ( 1 Paper Baskets (Office and Lobby) (Furniture) (1969) Paper Clamps; Type and Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders PaperClips (1971) Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; T Paper Cups, Cold and Hot Food or Drink (1969) Paper Cups, Cold (1965) Paper Cups, Hot (1970?) Paper Cups, Sputum (1965) Paper Drinking Straws (1969) FED UU-T-770a Paper Drinking, Cold (1969) Paper Fastening, Office ( 197 1 ) Paper File, Metallic, Compressor ( 1969) Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Gondol (Paper for Calcomp Plotter) ( 1971 ) Paper Gem Clips (1971) Paper Grocery Bags (1960) FED UU-P-31 Paper Hand Towels (1969) Paper Handler) (1969) Spec. Paper Napkins ( 1966) Paper Napkins (1970) Paper Napkins ( 1971 ) FED UU-N-106G Paper Napkins, Table (Law) (1968) Paper Napkins, Table (1965) Paper Napkins, Table ( 1971 ) Paper Prints (1969) Paper Prints) (1964) Paper Products (1971) Paper Punch (1971) (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Paper Sets (1970) Paper Stock (1971) MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post Wit Paper Table Napkins (1960) FED UU-N-106C, UU-N-1 15B Paper Table Napkins (1965) FED UU-N-1 06E Paper Tape (Computing Machine, Roll) ( 1971 ) Paper Towel Dispenser (1969) Paper Towel (C-Fold Type) (1970) Paper Towel (1966) Paper Towel, Metal, Flat Pack (1969) Paper Toweling (Interfold, Dispenser Type) (1971 ) Paper Towels and Cleaning Cloths ( 1971 ) FED UU-P-31B Paper Towels (C-Fold Type - High Quality) (1969) Paper Towels (Dispensing) (1965) FED UU-T-591D Paper Towels (Folded and Roll) (1967) Paper Towels (Single Fold) (1967) Paper Towels (1969) Paper Towels (1969) Paper Towels (1970) FED UU-P-31B Paper Towels (1971) Paper Traffic Cone Covers (28 In.) ( 1961 ) Paper Tray Covers ( 1965) PaperWeight (1971) Paper (Bond and Ledger) (1970) Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Xerox, Duplicat Paper (Combination); Backed, Abrasive Silicon Carbide Paper (Cover on Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO Paper (Disposable) (1961) Paper (Kraft) (1963) Paper (Moist and Dry) and Chemicals (1970) Paper (Pencil and Typewriter) (1970) FED UU-P-158D, UU- Paper (Roll and Interfold) (1971) Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1960) Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1970) Paper (Typewriter Carbon Copies) ( 1970) Paper (Various) (1968) Paper (1962) Paper (1962) FED UU-P-158D Paper (1965) Paper (1968) RI 4295-M-006 NY 40015-0317 TX 160-44-2 RI 4287-F-015 TX 160-44-1 RI 4287-F-006 OR 82-700-9010 NY 40033-0138 RI 4220-F-002 VA DM-16 IL *32P NY 38808-0259 PA T-73 NE •88 RI *3 IL ♦39 NY 2381 1-0519 RI 1-006 FL •21 CA 711-75-45 FL •21 CT 75-137B KY 7815-2 KY 7815-1 KY 7815-4 NY 23201-0373 CA 691-82-48 NJ 6942-00 CA 691-75-64 NY 21802-0317 NY 23000-0593 IL *320 VA DM-5 CT 75-128C NY 39101-0921 KY 7350-1 NJ 7540-01 FL ♦32 NY 23300-0589 KY 7840-2 NY 23300-0506 NY 26000-0079 NY 00388-0511 IL •1 1 IL *32UU FL •17 PA M-57 CA 711-75-10 NY 21802-0347 VA DM-13 RI 5565-A-002 CA 711-75-44 VA DQ-1A NJ 7572-02 KY 4510-2 CA 692-76-63 CA 711-82-81 FL *31 NJ 7572-03 RI 5565-C-004 VA DM-4B WI 7572A FL •8 PA T-44 TX 370-61-2 NY 23400-0531 WA S-61-30 KY 7850-5 IL •32QQ OR 74-300-0140 NY 50200-0551 PA C-145 MS 3752 PA B-133 PA B-112 NJ 7580-00 RI 5560-01 CA 711-82-80 VA DM-3B TX 370-61-1 OR 74-300-0160 NJ 7564-00 VA DM-1 1A VA DM-10A KY 7850-3 KY 8540-1 231 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Towels, Spec, for Tracing Spec, for Tablet Spec, for Typewriter and Pencil Carbon Std. Spec, for Dispenser; Toilet Seat Spec, for Kraft Spec, for Cups, Std. Spec, for Book Std. Spec, for Bond Std. Spec, for Cover Std. Spec, for Duplicator Std. Spec, for Safety Std. Spec, for Gum Std. Spec, for Ledger Std. Spec, for Mimeograph Bond Std. Spec, for Bond and Ledger (Company) Std. Spec, for Newsprint Std. Spec, for Cut Bond, Mimeo, Duplicator, and Xerocopy Spec, for Carbon Spec, for Blotting Spec, for Cup, Portion Souffle Spec, for Office Supplies (Master and Carbon ide, Garnet (196/ Spec, for (Coated) Abrasives (Cloth and Std. Spec, for y and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Spec, for Bond halk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Spec, for Receptacles; Waste plies (1971) Spec, for Drafting Cloth, General Spec, for Std. Spec, for Printing and Writing Std. Spec, for Bags, Spec, for Bag, Spec, for Bags, Spec, for Wrapping Std. Spec, for Spec, for Baskets; Waste Spec, for Spec, for Duplicating Copy eal,/ Spec, for Curing Materials for Concrete (Waterproof for Building Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Std. Spec, for Sheathing il Std. 105 Spec, for ) Spec, for Office Supplies (Carbon Std. for Spec, for Bond Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Carbon Std. Spec, for Carbon Std. for Carbon Spec, for Spec, for Bags, concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Spec, for Spec, for showcas/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Spec, for Books cal and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Publications; Prebound Spec, for Photographic Darkroom Supplies nifold, Offset, Cover Stock, Onionskin, M/ Spec, for Fine Std. Spec, for Thin Tent. Spec, for Fine Printing onion Skin, Chipboard (1970) Spec, for Printing Spec, for Spec, for USCCS217 , Spec, for UU-P-3 1 , USC Ps8 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for t-45B Spec, for Spec, for 0556 Spec, for Spec, for Carbon Std. Spec, for Laminated Building Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Deodorant, Block, is, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, rgent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; 0) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Compressor, Cylinder, magnetic Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 GHz Electron equipment) (1969) Spec, for Electron ape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Paper (1968) KY Paper (1968) FED UU-P-0056 1 CA Paper ( 1 968 ) FED UU-P-3 1 B PA Paper (1969) MI Paper (1969) OR Paper ( 1 969 ) FED UU-P-3 1 PA Paper (1970) NJ Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1970) OR Paper (1971) FL Paper (1971) NJ Paper (1971) TAPPI T4 1 0, T43 1 , MIL Std. 1 05 C A (Paper) (1965) KY Paper) (1971) NY Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Silicon Carb NY Paper, Bond (1955) CT Paper, Card, Candy and Cookie) (1969) /Ixtures (Displa NY Paper, Chemical (1971) CA Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spra NY Paper, Fibre (Office) (1956) PA Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Processor Sup NY Paper, Fine Printing (1970) OR Paper, Fine, Unwatermarked, Number 4 Sulphite ( 1969) MS Paper, Grocers (1961) CT Paper, Grocers ( 1970) CA Paper, Grocery ( 1 965 ) KY Paper, Kraft (1965) KY Paper, Kraft, Wrapping (1954) CT Paper, Metal (Office and Lobby) ( 1971 ) PA Paper, Mimeograph, No. 4 Sulphite, Stencil (1970) CA Paper, No. 4 Sulphite Liquid Process (1970) CA Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane S VA Paper, Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Insulation) NY Paper, Rosin Sized (1964) MS Paper, Scratch Pad, White, Unruled ( 1971 ) TAPPI T410, M CA Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machine, Inked Ribbons) (1971 NY Paper, Stencil, Duplicating Machine, Dry Process (1969) CT Paper, Sulphite, Roll Stock (1971) CA Paper, Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; FL Paper, Teletype (1960) NJ Paper, Teletypewriter, Roll (1969) CA Paper, Toilet Tissue Stock (1971) C A Paper, Toweling, Roll Stock (1970) CA Paper, Typewriter and Pencil (1970) CA Paper, Typewriter (1960) MS Paper, Typewriter ( 1 963 ) CT Paper, Waxed, Roll ( 1 965 ) K Y Paper, Waxed, Sandwich ( 1 965 ) K Y Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compo SC Paper, Writing Pad, White (1969) CA Paper, Writing Pad, Yellow (1969) CA Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, NY (Paperback) (1969) NY Paperback) (1970) Spec, for Books (Trade, Techni NY (Papers and Chemicals) (1971) NY Papers (Bond, Mimeograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Ma NY Papers (Rag, 1 Sulphite) ( 1970) OR Papers (1965) KS Papers, Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, LA Paperweights, Shot Filled, Leather Bag (1969) CA Paper; Abrasive, Garnet (1971) FED UU-P-3 1 , USC Ps8 PA Paper; Abrasive, Garnet, Waterproof ( 1 963 ) FED UU-P-3 1 , PA Paper; Abrasive, Silicon Carbide, Waterproof ( 1971 ) Fed PA Paper; Bags, Wrapping, Gummed Tape and Wax (1965) NY Paper; Flint (1971) FED UU-P-3 1 , USC Ps8 PA Paper; Gummed (Tape in Rolls) (1968) FED UU-P-3 IB, PPP- PA Paper; Teletypewriter (Rolls) (1959) FED UU-P-3 1 PA Paper; Toilet Tissue (Roll and Sheet) ( 1971 ) FED UU-P-0 PA Paper; Typewriter, Black ( 1968) PA Paper; Waterproofed (1970) FED UU-B-790a OR Paradichlorobenzene (Moth Crystals) (1953) MS Paradichlorobenzene ( 1953) MS Paraffin Wax) (1970) FED KK-C-300, EE-M-101C, P-P-556a NY Paraffin Wax; and Tooth Picks (1970) /L Cleaners; Dete IL Paraffin, Machine, Hydraulic Hoist, Air Compressor (197 IN Paramagnetic Conversion Kit (Scientific Equipment) (196 NY Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer System (Scientific NY Parcel Post Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and FL 8540-7 682-64-01 P-121 4808-S1 16-600-9010 P-90 7540-00 74-300-0010 74-300-0030 74-300-0050 74-300-0060 74-300-0070 74-300-0080 74-300-0100 74-300-0120 74-300-0130 74-300-0150 *30 6910-00 711-75-53 7815-3 23003-0477 00319-0439 7564-P-18 21802-0128 711-75-02 23100-0855 R— 8 31602-0581 74-300-0000 P-13C-69 7508-B-34A 701-82-47 7805-1 7870-1 7588-P-35 B-120 701-75-04 701-75-03 DH-223 31827-0529 R_5_64-24 711-75-51 23003-0238 69-59A 711-75-07 *21 6940-00 691-75-66 711-82-78 702-82-79 701-75-15 P-2A 69-5 8C 7805-6 7805-5 HD-59B9 691-75-50 691-75-49 21802-0181 20000-0814 20000-0655 38802-0864 00502-00-0476 74-300-0170 76-3A ♦12 691-75-30 P-37 P-35 P-36 00238-0421 P-38 P-86 P-102 P-59 P-110 64-500-0080 P-6 D-l 22000-0462 ♦39 •15-9 38782-0824 38782-0416 ♦21 232 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Paint, Green, Exterior Spec, for Open Shelter and Spec, for Uniforms; Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance (Trousers) forms, Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Police Storm Hats) Spec, for Two Way Mobile Radio System Spec, for Two Way Radio Base Station Spec, for Two Way Radio Equipment (Mobile) Spec, for Two Way Radio System (Mobile) Spec, for Two Way Radio System Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calcium Chloride) Spec, for Rubber Coated Work Clothing Spec, for Field Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, spec, for Outerwear (Fall and Winter) (Hooded Sweatshirts, Spec, for Spec, for Uniforms for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, Spec, for Beauty 68) * Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for m D1037-64 Std. Spec, for 1970) Spec, for Folding Spec, for Wire Mesh Spec, for Standard 2 3/8 In. Spec, for Movable Spec, for Movable Spec, for Movable Spec, for Movable Spec, for Movable Spec, for Movable Spec, for Component Parts for Movable (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Spec, for Penetrating Oil, Closely Fitted dy for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive Repair Std. Spec, for Penetrating Oil for Closely Fitted rucks (1968) Spec, for Repair Spec, for Component nd Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) spec, for Fire Suppression Plows, Hitches, and Replacement Spec, for Automotive Replacement acks) (Desk Tops and Tablet A/ Spec, for School Furniture ng Oil, Closely Fitted Parts and Loosening Frozen Metallic Spec, for Automotive Replacement Std. Spec, for Lubricating Oil Filter Elements, by Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator Spec, for Refrigeration; Commercial (Reach in and rements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck (6 Spec, for Vehicles; Speed (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Trailer Hitches, Std. Spec, for Multipurpose Grease Spec, for 6 Spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type A, Spec, for Automatic Transmission Fluid, Type F, Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; gon and Sedan ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle; Spec, for Spec, for Std. Equipment for General Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for 32 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Spec, for 4 Door 6 Minimum Spec, for Passenger Vehicles (4 Door, 6 Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door, 9 Spec, for 6 and 9 Spec, for Trackless Train (2-Car - utomobile, Std. Size) (1969) Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Station Wagon, 4 Door, 6 Spec, for Suburban Vehicle, Panel Doors, Special, 6 Std. Spec, for Bus; Adult Spec, for School Bus, 1 1 Spec, for School Bus, 36 Spec, for School Bus, 48 Spec, for School" Bus, 54 Spec, for School Bus, 60 Spec, for School Bus, 66 Spec, for School Bus, 73 Spec, for School Bus, 79 Park Bench (1969) MI Park Bench (1970) NY Park Superintendent (Departmental) (1966) PA (Park) (1968) NY (Park) (1970) NY (Park) (1970) Spec, for Uni NY (Park) (1971) NY (Park) (1971) NY (Park) (1971) NY (Park) (1971) NY (Park) (1971) NY (Park) (1971) /. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck NY ( Parka Jackets, Overalls ) ( 1 97 1 ) NY Parkas, Duck Hunting and Wool Trousers) (Departmental) NY Parkas, Trousers - Men's) (1969) NY Parking Lot Markers, Nonreflective, White (1969) CA (Parks) (1968) NY Parkway Patrol) (1970) Spec. NY Parlor and Barber Shop Equipment ( 197 1 ) NY Parlor and Warehouse Floor Brooms (Broomcorn Fiber) (19 TX Particle Counter (College) (1969) NY Particle Counting System (University) ( 1971 ) NY Particleboard, Mat Formed Wood (1968) USC CS236-66, AST OR Partition (Automatic Electric Operation) (University) NY Partition (1969) NY Partitions (Panels) (1970) NJ Partitions (University) (1967) NY Partitions (University) (1968) NY Partitions (1966) NY Partitions (1967) NY Partitions (1968) NY Partitions (1968) NY Partitions (1969) NY Parts and Auto Mechanic's Service Tools ( 1970) /Body SC Parts and Loosening Frozen Metallic Parts ( 1967) MI Parts and Mechanic's Tools (1971) / General Service Bo SC Parts and Rust (1970) MS Parts and Supplies for Graders, Loaders, Eductors and T NH Parts for Movable Partitions (1969) NY (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joi NY Parts (Company) (1970) LA Parts (Filters and Elements) (1971) FED F-F-351C(1) NY Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and B NY Parts (1967) Spec, for Penetrati MI Parts (1970) NY Pass and Full Flow (1967) MS (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food Table) ( 1971 ) NY Pass Thru) (1969) NSF 7, ANSI B38 PA Passenger Automobile Windshields ( 1964) /Ec. for Requi NJ Passenger Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. Box) (1971) AK Passenger Car and Station Wagon ( 197 1 ) PA Passenger Car (Automobile), Heavy, 4 Door Sedan, V-8, 3 MI Passenger Car (Automobile), Regular 4 Door Sedan (1969) MI Passenger Car, Ball and Socket Type (1969) SAE J684D CA (Passenger Car, Truck, and Tractor Lubrication) (1961) NC Passenger Carryall Type Truck (1969) NE (Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks) (1967) MI (Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks) ( 1967) MI Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Mini Compact Size) (1971) OR Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) (Station Wa OR Passenger Cars (Automobile) (1967) NJ Passenger Cars (Automobile) (1969) MI Passenger Cars (Automobile) (1969) NH Passenger Cars (Intermediate) (Automobile) (1971) OR ( Passenger Cars ) ( 1 9 7 1 ) NY Passenger Conventional Bus (1970?) HI Passenger Crew Cab and Utility Box) ( 1971 ) AK Passenger Crew Cab with Front Plow) ( 197 1 ) AK Passenger Crew Cab ) ( 1 97 1 ) AK Passenger Sedans (Automobile) (1970?) NV Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) TN Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) TN Passenger Station Wagon (Automobile) (1970?) VA Passenger Transport ) ( 1 969 ) NY Passenger Vehicles (4 Door, 6 Passenger Station Wagon A TN Passenger (Automobile) (1970) NM Passenger (Motor) (1969) MI Passenger ( School ) ( 1 969 ) OR Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA Passenger (1969) CA 5325-S15 30200-0415 U-44 39300-0476 39300-0525 39300-0527 38211-0457 38211-0466 38211-0469 38211-0591 38211-0834 41000-0182 40004-0775 39307-0603 40011-0084 691-96-47 39300-0659 40501-0252 30700-0474 370-31-1B 12050-0179 12050-0526 35-68-11 33811-0640 33811-0388 6316-00 31811-0144 33811-0795 00318-0095 31800-0830 31800-0837 31811-0668 33811-0030 22-600-0300A 5255-S23 *7 L-5B-70-11 *9 33811-0030 35000-0647 *15 30305-0849 27002-0728 5255-S23 30306-0115 F-24-67 36200-0074 R-27 0734-00 *54 V-16 3905-0002 3905-0008 691-23-25 9150-G-14 ♦23 5255-S8 5255-S9 06-100-1052 06-100-1020 6554-00 *1 *1 06-100-1010 40400-0363 ♦ 22 ♦46 *47 ♦45 *7 TS 2310-2 TS 2310-3 *3 40500-0882 TS 2310-2 *11 3905-0056 06-200-9030 691-23-31 691-23-32 691-23-33 691-23-34 691-23-35 691-23-36 691-23-37 691-23-38 233 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for School Bus, 91 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile), 6 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile), 8 Spec, for Sport Van (Motor Vehicle), 8 Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 8 Spec, for School Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 24 Spec, for School Bus, Body, 24 Spec, for School Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 40 Spec, for School Bus, Body, 40 Spec, for School Bus, Chassis and Body, 20 Std. Spec, for Bus, Compact, 12 for Station Wagon, 4 Door, Group A, Standard Automobile, 6 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier Bus) 36 snow Vehicle (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Heavy Duty, 4 Spec, for School Buses (66, 15, and 12 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, Adult Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, 28 Adult Spec, for School Bus Body and Chassis (16, 20, and 24 utomobile, Minimum 1 16 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Door, 6 r Station Wagon (Automobile, 4 Door, Intermediate Model, 6 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 1/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 4 Spec, for Carryall Type Vehicle (3/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 6 Spec, for Carryall Type Vehicle ( 1/2 Ton, 4 X 2, 6 Spec, for 4X4 Carryall Type Vehicle (6 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Buses, 23 Adult utomobile, Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Door, 6 Spec, for Automobile, 4 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 240 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 200 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Adult - Carrier Bus) (41 1 ) Spec, for Adult Bus (Special Purpose Vehicle, 40 pec. for Automotive Equipment (Suburban Coach Bus, 45 - 56 Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 6 Spec, for Station Wagon, Four Door, 6 Spec, for Station Wagon, Four Door, 9 Spec, for Van Wagon (5 Winch) (/ Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Type, 2 Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Endless Track, Self Propelled 2 ination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Spec, for Soap, Grit, Hand, 1955) FED P-S-536, VV/ Spec, for Soap; Potash, Liquid and Spec, for Aluminum Pigment for Paint Spec, for Liquid and Spec, for Waterless Cream glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip Spreader Top, Spec, for Resin Base Emulsion Interior s Having Varnish or Laquer Finish) ( 1/ Spec, for Oil Soap Std. Spec, for Synthetic Detergent Cleaner Std. Spec, for Polish, Shoe, Spec, for Floor Wax; Liquid and Std. Spec, for Aluminum Paint and Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Liquid and Std. Spec, for Ink, Mimeograph, Spec, for Wood Filler; Std. Spec, for Filler, Wood, Spec, for Universal Type Paint Tinting Colors Spec, for Vegetable Oil Soap (Liquid and Spec, for Soap, Vegetable Oil, face and Floor) (1964) Spec, for Wax, Spec, for Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Pigment Std. Spec, for Trays (Metal, Spec, for Detergent Cleaner, Spec, for Latex Base Primer Sealer (White, Tints, and Spec, for s; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Spec, for Embroidered Insignia ion) (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Plastic Cement; Fibered (Roof m Asphalt Cement Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt Compaction for spec, for Road Roller (Three Axle Tandom, Pneumatic Tired, I Conditions and Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues ec. for Incinerator (Crematory Destructor) (Destruction of Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Hospital Clothing inets, and Overbed Tables) (1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wearing Apparel, Incontinent Spec, for Marine Spec, for Spec, for State Police ( 120 In. Mimimum Wheelbase) Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Station Wagon (A Minimum Spec. Fo Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger ( 1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger (1969) Passenger ( 1 969") Passenger (1970) Passenger (1970) Passenger ( 1971 ) Passenger) (Departmental) (1970) Passenger) (1968) Passenger) (1970) Passenger) (1970) Passenger) (1970) Passenger) (1970) Passenger) (1970) Passenger) (1970?) Passenger) (1971) Passenger) (1971) Passenger) (1971) Passenger) (1971) Passenger) (1971) Passenger) (1971) Spec, for Station Wagon (A Passenger, Group D, Economy, Light (1970) Passenger, Large Size) (1971) Passenger, Large Size) (1971) Passenger, Metropolitan Type) (1971) Passenger, Pusher Type, 4X2, Wheel Chair Access) (197 Passenger, School) (1968) Passenger, Special (1969) Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) (1970) Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) (1970) Passenger, Truck) (1970) Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform Dump Body and Heavy Duty Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Platform Body) (1969) Passengers) (1971) /Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Comb Paste and Powder (1966) Paste for Floors (Except Rubber) and General Cleaning (Paste Form) (1969) Paste Furniture and Floor Wax (1967) Paste Hand Cleaner (1964) FED P-H-31A, Std. 791 Paste Library) ( 1971 ) /and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Paste Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Paste (for Cleaning Automobiles and Other Metal Surface Paste (General Purpose) (1953) Paste (1953) Paste (1953) FED P-S-158, VV-L-791, LLL-L-351 Paste (1964) Paste (1966) Paste (1969) Paste (1969) FED Std. 141 Paste (1970) (Paste) (1964) Paste) (1970) Paste, General Cleaning (1964) Paste, General Purpose, Solvent (Furniture, Painted Sur Paste, Mild Abrasive (1968) Paste, Mixing Varnish (1970?) Paste, Plastic, Wood, Pin, Clip, and Glass) (1971) Paste, Synthetic, (Oil, Grease Removal) (1970) Pastels) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Paste; Office and Photomounting (1969) FED MMM-A-177 Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Ring Patches ( Departmental ) ( 1 97 1 ) Patching - Material (Bituminous Premix) (Road Construct Patching and Flashing Compound) (1970) FED SS-C-153 Patching and Repair Work (Highway, Road Construction) Patching Operations ( 1971 ) /E Roller (Vibrating, Self Patching) (1970) (Paterson) (1968) Genera Pathogenic Type 4 Materials) (1970) Sp Patient Gowns (Johnnies) (1960) Patient Gowns (Johnnies) ( 1960) Patient Gowns (Johnnies) ( 1960) Patient Gowns (Johnnies) (1964) Patient Gowns (Johnnies) (1966) (Patient Gowns) (1971) Patient Room Furniture (Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Cab Patient (Company) (1963) Patrol Boat and Trailer (1970?) Patrol Boat (Inboard) (36 Ft.) (1969) Patrol Cars (Automobile) ( 1971 ) CA 691-23-39 MI 3905-0016 MI 3905-0017 MI 3905-0033 MI 3905-0034 MI 3915-0184 MI 3915-0185 MI 3915-0188 MI 3915-0189 MI 3915-0200 MS TV-4-7 1 CA 702-23-02 NY 40520-0650 NY 42200-0368 NY 42200-0645 NV *6 NY 40520-0453 NY 40520-0566 TX 040-35-2 AK *26 WY *6 AK *27 AK *28 AK *29 AK *3 NY 40520-0807 AK *25 CA 701-23-08 AK *23 AK *24 NY 40520-0308 AK *77 NY 40521-0598 MI 3905-0036 KY 2310-2 KY 2310-3 SC *26 NY 42200-0574 NY 42200-0285 NY 42200-0362 KY 8520-1 PA S-85 PA A-7 TX 370-63-2A TX 370-36-1 IL *32A VA DK-18A PA S-18 MS S-2-53-44 MS P-7 PA W-5 SC HD-80B11 KY 8520-3 MS I-10A-69 PA F-28 MS PM-7 TX 520-42-10 LA * 1 1 — 14 MI 4624-0510 MI 4642-0400 KY 7930-32 NM *19 IL *32GGG LA * 1 1 — 1 2 UT *2 PA P-43 FL *21 NY 39305-0406 NM *18 OR 64-500-0100 MD *24 AK ♦52 NY 41300-0101 NJ 8340-02 NY 40710-0341 RI 4205-F-001 RI 4205-M-001 RI 4205-M-006 RI 4205-F-001A RI 4205-M-007 NY 40012-0602 NY 20302-0586 IL ♦23 HI ♦3 NY 49602-0400 NE ♦63 234 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for 4 Door Highway Spec, for 4 Door Highway Spec, for Highway rol Police Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for Highway i Spec, for Highway A) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Highway Spec, for Highway ghway Patrol Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Minimum Spec, for Highway Std. Spec, for Highway Spec, for Black Calf Oxford for Highway Spec, for Radio Equipment for Highway Spec, for Winter Uniform Hats (Highway Spec, for Police (1971) Spec for Highway omotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, Parkway i Spec, for Police Cars (Automobile), Spec, for Institutional Spec, for Portable Water Cooler (Texas Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Dark Colors and Weave Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Tweed, Check, Boucle ors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) (Highway and Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete sal of Existing Brick, Cement Concrete, Sidewalk, Curb, or ,000 G.V.W. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air Compressor and quipment Cleaning, Optical Glass Spheres) (19/ Spec, for ane Lines, Etc/ Spec, for Reflective Striping Powder for Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorized lit) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Grooving Machine for Concrete and Bituminous int and Crack Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Type) (Bituminous stomeric Compression Joint Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) ec. for Concrete Joint Sealer (Cold Applied Elastic Type) Spec, for Bituminous Material Spec, for Dowel Bars (Concrete Spec, for Bituminous Asphalt Finisher or th Vibratory Screen (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfill Tamper, Buster, Reversible Drill, N/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools Spec, for Spec, for Panel Truck, 1,200 Lb. Spec, for Panel Van (Motor Vehicle), 1,800 Lb. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 10,000 Lb! Body and Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 14,000 Lb. Body and c. for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 5,800 Lb. Body and . for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 13,000 Lb. Body and . for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 14,000 Lb. Body and for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. forward Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Back Body, 10,500 Lb. and Chassis with Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,000 Lb. d Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Body and chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,500 Lb. 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Van Trailer (Insulated, Frozen Food Transport, 44,000 Lb. rn) (1969) Spec, for Coal (Nut, rn) (1969) Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, rn) (1969) Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Cotton (Chenille, Crochet, , Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Spec, for c. for Fertilizers (Agricultural Limestone, Hydrated Lime, cteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Spec, for Girls" and Misses' Spec, for Clerical (Executive) Metal Double Spec, for Secretarial Metal Double Spec, for Clerical Metal Single Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Electric Fans (Floor and Spec, for Folding Tables (Square Leg, Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture Spec, for Operating Table, ulating Machine, Fixed Bed Machin/ Spec, for Steel Desks ') Spec, for Display '(1961) Spec, for Traffic and Spec, for Traffic and b~241 Spec, for Fence Gates (Vehicular and °). Spec, for itchen Equipment (Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Vegetable Steamer, Potato Spec, for Machines; Vegetable Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Machine f*9 Tank, ases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, rc, Tables, Showcases, Panels,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Livestock Feed, Calf Starter Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (1970) Patrol Cars (1971 Model Police Automobile) (1971) Patrol Police Cruiser (Automobile) (1970 Model) (1969) Patrol Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Pat Patrol Police Short Sleeve Dacron and Wool Shirts (1969 Patrol Police Special Service Vehicle (Automobile, Clas Patrol Police Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Patrol Police Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for H Patrol Police Vehicle (1971 Model Automobile) (1970) Patrol Police Vehicles (4 Door Automobile) ( 1971 ) Patrol Police (Shoe) (1969) Patrol Police (1963) Patrol Police) (1971) Patrol Vehicles (4 Door Sedan Automobile) (1971) Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a (Dacron and Wool) Patrol) (1970) Spec, for Aut Patrol, 4 Door Sedan, V-8 (1969) Patrolmen Uniforms (1960) Pattern) (1964) Patterns) (1957) Patterns) (1957) Pavement Applicators) ( 1971 ) /Lens Elements, Film, Col Pavement for Highway Construction (1964) Pavement for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Al and Dispo Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Traffic Paint Applicatio Pavement Marking Materials (Paint, Solvent for Machine Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, Pavement Marking (Highway) (1971) Pavement Repair Equipment (Asphalt Heater and Storage U Pavement (1969) Pavement) ( 1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete Jo (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubricant Adhesive (1970?) / Ela (Pavement, Bridge) (1970?) Sp (Pavements, Sidewalk) (1970?) Pavements, Sidewalks) (1970?) AASHO M-31, M-42, M-53 Paver (1971) Paver, Heavy Duty Self Propelled Bituminous Finisher, W Pavers (1968) Paving Breaker) (1970) /Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rive Paving Brick (1970?) AASHO M-40 Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload (1969) Payload) (1970) Spec. Spe Spec Spec Spec. Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Cab Spec, for Truck, Cab An Spec, for Truck, Cab and for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Semi Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southe Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southe Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southe Pearl Grey Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Pearl, Roving) (1953) Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timothy, Lawn) ( 1971 ) /Lets Peat Moss (Hypnum, Sphagnum, Reedsedge) ( 1970?) Peat Moss, Chicken Manure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Wa Pedal Pushers (Slacks) (1969) Pedestal Desk (1968) Pedestal Desk (1968) Pedestal Desk (1968) Pedestal Type Conventional Steel Desks (1968) Pedestal Types) (1952) Pedestal, Card) (1971) (Pedestal, Leg and Booth Tables) (1970) Pedestal, Major (1970) (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calc Pedestals (Cubes and Hexahedrons) (Store Fixtures) ( 197 Pedestrian Controllers - Electronic or Electromechanica Pedestrian Controllers ( 1961 ) Pedestrian) with Pipe Frame (1970?) ASTM A- 120, A- 153, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Hospital Equipment) (197 Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Sheer, Food Cut Peeling (1968) UL 73, AIA 70, NSF 8 Peg Flight Type, Continuous Conveyor) ( 1963) Peg Hooks, Accessories) ( 1971 ) /Lands, Counters, Showc (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; Counte Pellets Nutrient (1963) sc 14-280 sc *11 TN •1 SC 03-110-150 sc 03-030 CA 711-23-06 SC 03-010 SC 03-110-150 UT ♦1 MS HP-5 10-42 SC 03-040 KS 53-1 SC 03-0100-0451 AK *22 SC •4 NY 40501-0252 MI 3905-0010 NJ 1589-00 TX 325-74-1 RI 4225-F-001 RI 4225-F-002 NY 38601-0752 SC HD-59 SC HD-116 NJ 4938-22 NY 38001-0704 NY 38601-0258 NY 38602-0486 NY 41306-0900 NY 44200-0229 MS 3723 MS 3721 MS 3725 MS 3151 MS 3302 SC 14-040-0451 A NJ 4938-104 NY 41302-0184 NY 43203-0185 NY 43203-0748 MS 3611 MI 3958-0028 MI 3958-0032 MI 3958-0102 MI 3958-0130 MI 3958-0072 MI 3958-0096 MI 3958-0132 MI 3958-0134 MI 3958-0150 MI 3958-0146 MI 3958-0136 MI 3958-0138 MI 3958-0142 NY 42300-0493 MI 4210-S1 MI 4210-S5 MI 4210-S8 MA •35-1 2 1L *33I NY 07900-0584 MS 3880 NY 07700-0473 VA DH-257 RI 4284-F-003 TX 300-37-1B TX 300-37-2B TX 300-37-3B KS 70-3A PA F-43 NY 20902-0435 NY 24800-0184 NY 1 1801-0304 NV 7110-D NY 21802-0833 NJ 2548-02 NJ 2548-03 MS 3379 NY 12600-0411 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0122 PA M-33 WA S-63-71 NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0993 MI 4340-0074 235 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. 105 Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Erasers, Std. Spec, for Carbon Paper Spec, for Blue Spec, for Typewriter and p Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Std. Spec, for and Disp/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Paper Punches, Spec, for Carbon Paper, Typewriter and Std. Spec, for Erasers, Pen, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable and Grease Marking rs; Stenographers and Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; arkers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; Pens; and staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for zen Metallic Parts (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Packaging of Benzathine Spec, for Flags, U. S. and Commonwealth of Spec, for self Sharpening, Refillable and Grease Marking Pencils and Spec, for Std. for Ballpoint Spec, for 1 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ball Point felt Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; ts; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; 133 Spec, for . for Timber Preservatives (Creosote, Water and Oil Borne, tment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and Posts (Creosote Oil or Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate (Anhydrous and Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate nts and Bleach (1968) Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Tetrahydrate Sodium Std. Spec, for Spec, for Women's House Dresses (Cotton Spec, for Young Girls' Dresses Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's Slips Spec, for Women's Slips Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for danger Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Spec, for Dry Cleaning Unit; Class Iv, cleaning Solvent) (1953) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Choral Shells, Chorus Risers, Spec, for Plant Stock (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, nd Hydraulic Fluid (1970?) MIL L-2104B Spec, for High Spec, for Remover, High Spec, for Electric Spec, for Library Shelving, Steel Trailer Refrigeration System (Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen and 0?) Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Suiting Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Shirts Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Uniform Shirts; Spec, for Men's and Boys' Dress Shirts Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Shirts Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Antifreeze, Radiator, Spec, for Antifreeze, ad Projection Markers and Related Supplies (Water Soluble, each) (1942) Spec, for Hydrogen spec, for Communications Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Van Body for Spec, for Pen Marker; Tube Type, Fiber Tip (1969) FED FF-M-001 130 Pen, Ball Point (1970) Pen, Ball Point, Pocket Type, Nonretractable (1971) Mil Pen, Desk, Ball Point (1970) Pen, Pencil, Typewriter and Blackboard (1971) (Pencil and Typewriter) (1970) FED UU-P-158D, UU-P-1532 Pencil Carbon Paper (1962) Pencil Carbon Paper (1969) Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Rings; Rulers; Shears; T Pencil Sharpeners (1964) Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Removers, Tape Pencil (1970) Pencil, Typewriter and Blackboard (1971) Pencils and Pens) (1970) /Ted Supplies (Water Soluble, Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Writing, Checking or B Pencils) (1971) /(Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip M Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Composition and Teache Pencils, Lead and China Marking ( 1964) Pencils, Standard Graphite (1970) Pencils; Colored Lead (1967) Pencils; Lead, (Non Mechanical) (1963) Penetrating Floor Sealer, Heavy Duty, Solvent (1964) Penetrating Oil for Closely Fitted Parts and Rust ( 1970 Penetrating Oil (1958) Penetrating Oil (1968) Penetrating Oil, Closely Fitted Parts and Loosening Fro Penetrating Seal and Finish for Wood Floors (1968) Penicillin-G Disposable Syringes with Needles (1968) Pennsylvania (1971) Pens (Cages) (Dog, Farm Animal) (Medical Center) (1969) Pens) (1970) /Ted Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Pens, Ball, Stainless Steel Point, Nonrefillable (1970) Pens, Cartridges and Holders (1960) Pens, Felt Tip (1969) Pens, Fine Line Markers (Regular and Audio Visual) (197 Pens, Nonrefillable (1970) Pens; and Pencils) (1971) /(Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Trans Pentachlorophenol Preservative Solution (1970) AASHO M- Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1 Pentachlorophenol) (1970?) AASHO M-133 /Servative Trea Pentahydrate) (1959) ASTM D501 (Pentahydrate) (1967) (Pentahydrate) (1971) ASTM D501, D502, D1172 Perborate Tetrahydrate in Compounding Cleaners, Deterge Perborate (1966) Percale and Prints (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Percale or Broadcloth) (1969) (Percale or Gingham) (1957) Percale (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Percale (Cloth, Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Percale (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Percale (Cloth, Textile) (1970) FED Std. 191 (Percale) (1970) (Percale), Tailored (1965) Percale, Cotton Printed Dress (Cloth) (1970?) Percale, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Perchlorethylene Solvent, Institutional Use (1954) Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) Technical (Dry Percolator Brush (1968) Percussion Center (1970) Perennials) for Roadside Landscape (1970?) Performance Engine Oils (Motor, Lubricating, Outboard A Performance Tire (1970) Periodic Kiln with Accessories (1971) (Periodical Display) (1968) Perishable Foods) (1970) MIL Spec. 167, ICC 4L /C. for Permanent Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol, Automotive) (197 (Permanent Finish) (Textile) (1971) (Permanent Press Army Twill) (1967) Permanent Press Sport Shirts (1970) Permanent Press Trousers (Slacks) ( 1970) Permanent Press (State Police) (1967) FED CCC-T-191 (Permanent Press) (1969) (Permanent Press) (1969) Permanent Type Antifreeze ( 1966) Permanent Type Antifreeze (1969) SAE J814 Permanent Type Antifreeze (1971) Permanent (1961) Permanent, Ethylene Glycol (1968) Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable and Grease Marki Peroxide (Electrolytic 100 Volume for Use as Laundry Bl Personal, VHF Low Band) (1971) Std. Personnel (1970) Spec, for Truck, 10,00 Pest Control Services (Insect) ( 1971 ) PA P-160 MS P-14B-70 CA 711-75-26 CA 701-75-31 IL ♦32AA RI 5560-01 VA DM-11A MI 4808-S1 FL *21 NC 7520-S-l FL *17 CA 701-75-15 IL *32AA NY 38806-0414 NY 23000-0633 FL *16 NY 23100-0855 MI 4854-0010 CA 701-75-85 PA P-145 PA P-144 MI 4642-0055 MS L-5B-70-11 KY 46-1 1 1 CA 681-91-20 MI 5255-S23 PA F-82 MI 4776-S1 PA F-68 NY 12040-0862 NY 38806-0414 NJ 6950-02 CT 69-139 NJ 6950-01 MS P-9B-7 1 NJ 6950-00 FL ♦16 NY 23000-0633 MS 3177 VA DH-246 MS 3491 TX 395-35-3 TX 371-70-1A NY 25522-0329 CA 681-66-22 TX 371-86-2 OR 79-100-9290 RI 4230-F-002 RI 4230-F-008 NJ 9110-00 TX 685-34-4 OR 79-100-9280 PA P-112 RI 4287-F-009 RI 4287-F-007 MA *35-66 MS T-1A-60-23 NY 32600-0622 PA D-14 MS S-2-53-26 TX 370-31-15 NY 30202-0657 MS 3861 GA 9150-1-15 NJ 6524-06 NY 23104-0794 NY 27500-0072 NY 42300-0582 VA *36 PA C-123 RI 4265-M-002A RI 4265-M-011 RI 4284-M-008 PA U-37 RI 4265-M-001 RI 4265-M-002 TX 035-32-1A NH *3 SC 13-010-0451 MI 5205-0015 CA 681-66-12 NY 38806-0414 PA P-108 FL *26 NJ 4938-141 PA PSBS *1 236 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards h Killer, Soil Sterilant, / Spec, for Chemicals, Weed and Spec, for Herbicides and Spec, for White Spec, for for Use in Patching and Repair Work (Highway,/ Spec, for Spec, for Volatile Mineral Spirits ess Volatile Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Solvent 68) Spec, for ighway,/ Spec, for Petroleum Asphalt Cement Cut Back with ission and Differential Gear Oil and Fluid; Mu/ Spec, for td. Spec, for Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck Body (Tar and ol, Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, terns, as a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and / Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Solvent, Spec, for Mineral Gear Oil (Highly Refined Spec, for Spirits; tal) ( 1968) Spec, for Laboratory and Spec, for Laboratory and sembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) ( 19/ Spec, for Single sembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling / Spec, for Single ospital) (1969) Spec, for Single 971) Spec, for Single iquid Detergent in Compounding Cleaners, Nonyl or Isooctyl Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Spec, for Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Spec, for Pine Odor Disinfectant Concentrate Spec, for Disinfectant; Pine Odor, Spec, for Disinfectant, Hospital, General Purpose, Phenyl Spec, for Aluminum Vehicle Clear Varnish, General Purpose Spec, for Germicidal Cleaner, General Purpose, Spec, for Disinfectant, Detergent, Std. Spec, for Detergent, Disinfectant, Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, Spec, for Germicidal Detergent Spec, for Disinfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Use), Spec, for Varnish; Spar Spec, for Octyl Spec, for Disinfectant, Hospital, General Purpose, Spec, for Surfactant (Anionic Organic Spec, for Trisodium Spec, for Inorganic Sequestering Agent Spec, for Disodium Spec, for Monosodium r Softening, and Boiler Scale Preven/ Spec, for Trisodium Spec, for Trisodium Std. Spec, for Trisodium Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dicalcium Spec, for Chlorinated Trisodium Spec, for Tributoxyethyl Std. Spec, for Trisodium Std. Spec, for Aluminum Brightener Spec, for ral Requirements and Spec, for Prepared Film Negatives and Spec, for Color Spec, for ent (Large) Tungsten Filament; Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; c. for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Still Spec, for Dry m) for Rectigraph and Photostat Machines (1971/ Spec, for Spec, for Office Machines (Automatic System/ Spec, for Surveying and Engineering Instruments Spec, for Drivers License with 1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Platemaking Machines and Supplies (Automatic Tent. Spec, for Processing Film, shing Negative and Positive Silver and Diazo Type Prints) Spec, for Spec, for Paste; Office and d Chemicals (Darkroom and Semidarkroom) for Rectigraph and Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Dibutyl Spec, for Re - Roofing of Men's orizontal Bar) (1970) Spec, for Gymnastics and 69) 68) ASTM D538 ative, Water Sof/ dio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink As/ and Micrographic Film Processor) (1971) 71) 71) 71) to Processing System) (1970) 0(1971) Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brus Pesticides (1971) Petrolatum (1965) Petrolatum, White (1967) Petroleum Asphalt Cement Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha (Petroleum Distillate) Paint Thinner (1962) FED Std. 141 (Petroleum Distillate) (1962) Spec, for Odorl Petroleum Fuel Oil, Residual, Institutional Heating (19 Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Repair Work (H Petroleum Products, Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, Transm Petroleum Removal) (1963) Petroleum Solvent, Grease) ( 1971 ) /Spec, for Motor, to Petroleum Solvents for Use in Pressure Type Stoves, Lan Petroleum Spirits (Mineral) (1962) Petroleum (L.P.) Gas (1971) FED BB-G-110 Petroleum (1969) Petroleum) (1970?) Petroleum, Volatile (Mineral) (1967) Pharmacy Furniture, Installed (Wood) (Psychiatric Hospi Pharmacy Ware (Glass) - Various (1971) Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head As Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head As Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (H Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System ( 1 Phenol Ethylene Oxide Condensate, Ethyleneoxide (1968) Phenol Tuberculocidal, Fungicidal Germicidal (1970) Phenol Type Disinfectant (Liquid) (1968) ASTM E70 Phenol Type Liquid (Hospital Use) (1969) (Phenol Type) (1966) Phenol Type, Concentrate (1964) Phenol (1968) Phenolic Base (1969) Phenolic Type, Concentrated Liquid (1969) Phenolic (1966) Phenolic (1969) Phenolic (1969) (Phenolic, Quaternary Ammonium) (1971) Phenolic, Quaternary, Iodophor (1967) (Phenoloc Resin) (1968) FED TT-V-119, Std. 141 Phenoxy Polyethoxy Ethanol (1971) Phenyl Phenol (1968) Phosphate Ester) for Janitorial Product Manufacture (19 Phosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners (19 (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale Prevent Phosphate (Anhydrous) (1965) Phosphate (Anhydrous) (1966) ASTM D501, D1172, D502 Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Wate Phosphate (Monohydrate) (1965) Phosphate (Water Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Phosphate (1963) Phosphate (1966) Phosphate (1969) Phosphate, Chlorinated (Sanitizer, Cleaner) (1953) (Phosphoric Acid Type Cleaner) (1969) Phosphoric Acid (Food Grade, 85% Active) (1969) Photo - Offset Plates (1969) Gene Photo Laminated Driver License (1970) Photo Lamps (1964) Photo Lamps; and Miniature Lamps (1971) /Ric Incandesc Photo Processing System) (1970) Spe Photocopier, Infrared Machines and Supplies (1969) Photocopy Paper and Chemicals (Darkroom and Semidarkroo Photocopying) (1971) (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uniplanar Scanning Digitizer Photograph (1964) Photographic Darkroom Supplies (Papers and Chemicals) Photographic Enlargers and Accessories ( 1971 ) Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Stu Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Electron Image Plate Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (19 Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (19 Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Processing) (19 Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Still Pho Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Processing Complemen Photographic Laboratory Equipment (1971) Photographic Microfilm (Black and White Film) (1964) Photographic Process for Offset Plates) ( 1971 ) Photographic (1970) (Photographic) (1969) /Nd 35mm and Processing and Furni Photometer System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Photomounting (1969) FED MMM-A-177 Photostat Machines ( 197 1 ) /Pec. for Photocopy Paper An (Phototype Setter) (1970) Phthalate (1969) Physical Education Building (1970) Physical Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam, Trampoline, H MS C-40A-7 1 SD ♦13 TX 371-55-1 IN F-3 MD ♦24 VA DK-16A VA DK-34A CA 681-91-177 MD ♦24 NJ 3566-00 MS C-37 NM *8 NY 05601-0896 NM *20 SD *7 CA 691-80-410 VA *29 PA S-32 NY 12006-0888 NY 12000 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 11000-0822 NY 11000-0032 CA 681-66-14 PA D-27 TX 310-35-1B TX 310-33-1A TX 3 7 0-4 4-4 A SC 11-160A CA 681-76-02 CA 691-80-404 CA 691-77-78 KY 6840-3 NC 6840-DDP-l NC 6840-DP-3B NY 22003-0052 MI 4627-1600 PA V-15 NY 25526-0336 CA 681-76-02 TX 371-78-10 CA 681-66-07 VA L-6 TX 371-42-1 TX 371-42-2 TX 153-33-1 TX 371-84-1 MS S-2-53-6 MI 4340-0040 TX 371_84-2 TX 371-91-1 MS S-2-53-6 A WA S-60-19 TX 371-92-2 NJ 7730-01 SC 59-500-0451 KS 65-1 NY 05400-0176 NY 38810-0097 NJ 7700-02 NY 38808-0259 NY 22900-0055 NY 31601-0380 MI 8265-0100 NY 38802-0864 NY 38802-0436 NY 38810-0650 NY 38810-0368 NY 38810-0110 NY 38810-0118 NY 38810-0275 NY 38810-0097 NY 38810-0724 NY 38810-0541 TX 470-36-1 NY 38811-0940 MS TF-18-70 NY 26000-0448 NY 38768-0281 PA P-43 NY 38808-0259 NY 22900-0247 TX 371-91-2 NE •83 NY 30204-0098 237 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Electronic Std. Spec, for Grand Spec, for Std. Spec, for yd. Capacity (1964) Spec, for Sweeper, (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec, for 1/2 Ton or 6 1/2 Ft. Utility Type General Service Body for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 6 Man Cab Spec, for Bituminous Concrete 2 & 5 - Spec, for Sand and Gravel, nical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; and Tooth Spec, for Station Wagons (Automobile), Spec, for Sedans (Automobile), Station Wagons, Spec, for 1/2 Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Spec, for 3/4 Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Spec, for ssis)(1970) Spec, for c. for Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) Spec, for Mist Sprayer ( 150 Gal. or More) Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1 Ton Spec, for Utility Type General Service Body for 3/4 Ton Std. Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Minimum Spec, for 114 In. Wheelbase Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheel Base Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Spec, for 1/2 Ton Spec, for 3/4 Ton ) Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 3/4 Ton Spec, for 1/2 Ton Std. Spec, for 1/2 Ton Std. Spec, for Four Wheel Drive Spec, for 1/2 Ton, 4X2 Stepside Style Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Stepside Style Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Wideside Style Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Std. Spec, for Trucks, Spec, for Truck, Ford Bronco Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Spec, for Truck, tomotive Equipment (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Police Spec, for Truck, Jeep Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Truck, Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Spec, for Spec, for (1968) Std. Spec, for ddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Spec, for Tent. Spec, for lm, Black and White and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Spec, for Film, Still, Motion Spec, for Professional Motion Spec, for Professional Motion Spec, for Fiber Case; Shipping or Mailing, 16mm Motion Spec, for Film Productions (Exposed Motion Spec, for Motion Spec, for Motion Spec, for 16 mm Motion Spec, for Projectors, Motion Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Oblong Foil Cake and Round Piano Teaching System / Dual Musical Amplifier (College Pianos (1964) Pianos, Upright and Grand (1968) Pianos, Vertical, School (1969) Pick Up Street, Four Wheeled, Engine Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Pick Up Truck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive Repair Parts and M Pick Up Truck (1970) Pick Up (1970) Pick Up (1970) " Picker Highlift) ( 197 1 ) /Ial Handling Equipment (Mecha Picks (1970) /L Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Pickup and Dump Trucks (1970?) Pickup and Van Trucks ( 1970?) Pickup Body (1970) Pickup Body (1970) Pickup Street Sweeper (3 Wheel, Self Propelled) (1970) Pickup Street Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Cab Cha (Pickup Truck Mounted) (1971) Spe (Pickup Truck Mounting) (1969) Pickup Truck with 4 Door Crew Cab ( 1969) Pickup Truck (All Wheel Drive) (1970?) Pickup Truck (All Wheel Drive) (1970?) Pickup Truck (Automotive Type) (1970?) Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 4,200 Lb. or More) (1969) Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb. or More) (1969) Pickup Truck (1969) Pickup Truck (1969) Pickup Truck (1969) Pickup Truck (1970) Pickup Truck (1970) Pickup Truck (1970?) Pickup Truck (1970?) Pickup Truck (1970?) Pickup Truck (1971) Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton) Positraction Axle (1970?) Pickup Truck ( 1/2 Ton) (1970?) Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, Positraction Axle) (1970?) Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, 4X4) (1970?) Pickup Truck (3/4 Ton) (1970?) Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Drive) (1970) Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Drive) (1970) Pickup Truck (6 Passenger Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. Box) (1971 Pickup Truck) (1970) Pickup Truck, Special, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup Truck, 6 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup Truck, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup Trucks (1968) Pickup Trucks (1968) Pickup Trucks (1970) Pickup Trucks (1970) Pickup (Truck) (1971) Pickup (Truck) (1971) Pickup (Truck) (1971) Pickup (Truck) (1971) Pickup (Truck) (1971) Pickup ( Truck )( Police) (1971) Pickup (1970) (Pickup) (1969) Pickup, Parkway Patrol) (1970) Pickup, Special, 6 and 1/2 Ft. Box (1969) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, St Pickup, 1/2 Ton (Truck) (1971) Pickup, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box, Special (1969) Pickup, 9 Ft. Box (1969) Pickups, Light Trucks, Station Buses and Vans ( 1971 ) Picnic Table and Bench Combinations (1962) Picnic Table Frames (1971) Picnic Table (Tubular Steel Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round Picnic Tables (Wood, Rustic Design) ( 1971 ) Picnic Tables (1963) Picture and Graphic Arts (1970) Spec, for Fi Picture and Graphic Arts ( 1971 ) Picture Equipment (Institutional Use) (1970) Picture Equipment (School) (1970) Picture Film (1970) Picture in 16 Mm, 8 mm and Super 8 Formats) (1971) Picture Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1970) Picture Sound Dubbing (Recording) Equipment (1970) Picture Sound Projectors and Slide Projectors (1968) Picture (1971) Pie Pans) (1971) NY 38209-0781 NC 7710-GP-2 CA 681-74-1 NC 7710-P-1B NJ 4938-17 SC *17 sc *7 SC *16 NJ 1304-06 NJ 1356-04 NY 39101-0393 IL *39 HI *19 HI *18 CA 702-23-04 CA 702-23-05 NY 41600-0575 NY 41600-0620 NY 40501-0502 NY 46800-0861 NE *22 NV *2 NV *4 NV *5 NE *20 NE *21 NH 6536-012 NH 6536-014 SC 22-600-045 1 IN *12 NH 6536-010 NV *1 NV *3 VA *5 AK *2 WY *2 WY *3 WY *7 WY *5 WY *4 NH 6536-011 NH 6536-013 AK ♦54 NY 40501-0086 MI 3958-0026 MI 3958-0020 MI 3958-0024 KS 10-1 IB KS 10-2B IN *11 IN *14 AK *37 AK *38 AK *40 AK *41 AK ♦43 AK *42 MS TV-6-7 1 MI 3958-0086 NY 40501-0252 MI 3958-0090 NY 40500-0397 OR 06-200-1050 MI 3958-0084 MI 3958-0046 MI 3958-0092 MI 3958-0048 MI 3958-0052 OR 06-200-1040 MD *22 NY 21511-0358 WI 0560-8850 NY 30211-0572 NY 21602-0765 KS 41-1 NY 38800-0231 NY 38800-0183 NY 38100-0686 NY 38100-0328 PA C-113 NY 38801-0003 NY 38217-0614 NY 38217-0691 NY 38805-0600 NY 38805-0514 NY 31200-0601 238 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ntainers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Spec, for Cloth; Bleached Spec, for Children's Sleepers (Pajamas), Two Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Fiberglass Guinea Std. Spec, for Swine Rations (Hog/Feed) and Spec, for Animal Cages and Racks (Rat, Hamster, Guinea ec. for Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Shop Furniture (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Aluminum ) (1968) Spec, for Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) (White Std. Spec, for White Lead in Oil, Basic Carbonate Std. Spec, for Aluminum Paint, 964) Spec, for Elastomeric Std. Spec, for Oil Base 969) Spec, for Primer Sealer (Paint), Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Re/ Spec, for Paint; Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Steel AASHO Ml 68 Spec, for Timber Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on Steel Bearing (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint for Steel Bearing ) (/ Spec, for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Posts, )70?/ Spec, for Preservative Treatment of Timber, Lumber, ber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Std. Spec, for Concrete 54) Std. Spec, for Timber Spec, for Steel Sheet Spec, for Steel Shells for Concrete Spec, for Timber Spec, for Steel Sheet Spec, for Steel-H Std. Spec, for Steel H-Bearing waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, ddd-S-75 1 Spec, for Bleached Cotton Spec, for Spec, for Sheets and Spec, for Muslin, Sheets, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sheets and ed L-P-375, FED V-F-106 Spec, for ting; Belts; Hair Brushes and Combs; Buttons; Mattress and Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Plastic Mattress and Spec, for Waterproofed Mattress and Spec, for Cotton Mattress and Spec, for Spec, for Pillowcases and Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Ticking; Cotton (Mattress and Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Coated (Mattress and c. for Ticking; Vinyl Coated, (Light Weight) (Mattress and ec. for Hair; Cattle Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, 751 Spec, for Spec, for Namewoven Sheets and Spec, for s, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Spec, for Bed Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Bed Spec, for Spec, for Bed Spec, for Feathers; Goose, Domestic (Gray or White) for Spec, for Down (Feathers); Duck, White, Domestic, for Spec, for Down (Feathers); Goose, Domestic, for Spec, for Dacron Bed Spec, for Latex Foam Filled Bed Spec, for Washable Feather Bed Std. Spec, for 8) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Port r Fasteners (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Spec, for Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton Std. Spec, for Trays (Metal, Paste, Plastic, Wood, Spec, for Soap; ■*Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Disinfectant; Spec, for Spec, for /Tim Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl (Piece Goods and Diapers) ( 197 1 ) Piece, Rib Knit (1965) Pig Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Pig Starter Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Pig Tubs and Racks (Laboratory) (1970) Pig (1970) Pig) (Accessories) (1970) Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Research L Pigeon Hole Units) ( 1970) Spec, for Pigment for Paint (Paste Form) (1969) Pigment for Paint (Powder) (1969) Pigment for Whitener and Opacifier in Milled Toilet Soa (Pigment in Paint and Putty) (1970) Pigment Paste, Mixing Varnish (1970?) Pigmented Film (Decal) Decalcomanias for Exterior Use Pigmented Primer and Sealer (Paint) (1966) FED Std. 141 Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Wall Board and Plaster Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier Pile Cable (High Voltage) (1969) Pile Carpeting and Rugs, Velvet and Wilton ( 1965) Pile Shells (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Piles and Shoes (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970 Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire Retardant) (NYS Std Piling and Posts (Creosote Oil or Pentachlorophenol) (1 Piling for Bridge and Highway Construction (1964) Piling for Highway Construction (1964) Piling (for Use in Bridge and Highway Construction) (19 Piling (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM A328 Piling (1970?) Piling (1970?) Piling (1970?) ASTM A-328 Piling (1970?) ASTM A-36 Piling, Caps, and Splices (1964) ASTM A7, A36 Pillow Cases and Tubing, Towels and Toweling, Etc.) ( 19 Pillow Cases (Institutional Use) (1963) FED CCC-T-191, Pillow Cases (1967) Pillow Cases (1968) Pillow Cases (1969) Pillow Cases (1969) Pillow Cases, Bed (Cotton) (1963) Pillow Cover, Plastic, Removable, Hospital Use (1968) F Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (H Pillow Covers (1960) Pillow Ticking (Plastic Coated) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Pillow Ticking (1964) FED CCC-C-436, CCC-T-191B Pillow Tubing (Cloth, Textile) ( 1955) Pillow Tubing (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. 751 Pillow Tubing, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Pillow Tubing, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Pillow Tubing; Bleached (1969) Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 Pillow) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Pillow, Upholstered Furniture Filling) (1968) Pillowcases and Pillow Tubing (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. Pillowcases (Monogram) (Institutional Use) (1970?) Pillowcases, Cotton ( 1970) Pillows and Cases, Sheets, and Washcloths ( 1971 ) Pillows (Curled Hen and Duck Feathers) (1962) Pillows (Dacron Filled) (1964) Pillows (Duck Feathers) (1964) Pillows (Feather and Down) (1935) FED CCC-T-191 Pillows (Goose Feathers) (1961) Pillows (1939) Pillows (1953) Pillows (1953) Pillows (1961) Pillows (1961) Pillows (1964) Pillows, Bed (Feather) (1967) Pillows, Foam Rubber, Latex, Zippered Cotton Cover (196 Pillows; Latex Foam (1951) FED CCC-T-191 Pilot Liability Insurance (1970?) Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Spec. Fo (Pin or Shark Check) Sanforized (Textile) (1960) Pin, Clip, and Glass) (1971) Pine Jelly (1953) Pine Odor Disinfectant Concentrate (Phenol Type) ( 1966) Pine Odor Disinfectant (1971) Pine Odor, Phenol Type, Concentrate (1964) Pine Oil Disinfectant Concentrate (1966) Pine Oil Disinfectant (1969) Spe Sp /Love PA PA PA RI MI MI NY WA NY NY NY PA PA TX MS NM TX WA CA VA NE MS VA VA SC sc NY MS SC SC SC VA MS MS MS MS SC WI VA RI KS NJ OR MS CA FL IL TX TX RI PA MA MS OR PA PA PA PA PA MA CA FL RI KS RI PA RI PA PA PA RI RI TX CT CA PA HI MS PA IL PA TX CA SC TX CA A-4 F-80 C-18 4270-M-008 4340-0061 4340-0060 12041-0714 S-60-11 12040-0554 12G40-0557 35100-0684 A-7 A-6 371-83-1A PM-10 ♦19 194-35-1 S-63-66-A 691-80-201 DH-239 *3 C-5C-65 DH-234 DH-245 HD-80B13 HD-80B14 37513-0851 3491 HD-77 HD-101 HD-100 DH-235 3371 3471 3373 3372 HD-102 9100 FB-14 4760-001 71-1 9144-00 72-150-9090 S- 10-6 3 681-83-52 *25 *31 685-46-1 685-45-1 4910-021 P-46 *35-38 T-1A-60-25 79-100-9540 T-ll T-55 T-60 H-8 P-46 ♦36 701-83-13 ♦23 4325-004 71-3 4325-005 P-48 4325-001 F-9 D-7 D-8 4325-002 4325-003 295-50-1 3748-P-348A 681-83-10 P-114 *9 3391 C-138 ♦32GGG S-75 3 70-4 4-4 A 711-76-06 11-160A 3 70-4 4-3 A 691-76-03 239 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ctant (1966) ASTM D802, LLL-P-400a fed LLL-O-358 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Disinfectant, c. for Plywood; Douglas Fir, Western Softwood and Southern Spec, for Continuous Spec, for Dark Spec, for unt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Spec, for Diapers; arting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for es; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety ay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) (/ Std. Spec, for Sewer -74, ANSI A-40.1 Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Tent. Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Spec, for Asbestos Cement Drain Spec, for Wrought Steel Spec, for Spec, for Structural Plate for unches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Spec, for Metal Culvert Pipe, Spec, for Structural Plate for Pipe and Spec, for Aluminum Tube for cooking Utensils, Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1/ Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Chip Mixture (Drain, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Relaid trifled Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Ben/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Coated Metal Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Spec, for Fence Gates (Vehicular and Pedestrian) with Spec, for Joint Sealer and Filler Materials, and Rubber . Spec, for Slope Drains and Spillway Intake Assemblies of Spec, for Spec, for Pneumatic Tools Spec, for Pipe; Red Brass, Seamless (Iron Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) For/ Std. Spec, for as, Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) (196/ Std. Spec, for Steel way and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Culvert nized Fiber, Ce/ M-206, M-207 Spec. m El 1-61 for Sewer, Drain and Miscellaneous Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Spec, for Corrugated Metal Spec, for Waste Spec, for Rigid Wrought Iron Spec, for Porous Concrete Spec, for Corrugated Metal or Aluminum Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Spec, for Asbestos Bonded Corrugated Metal Spec, for Bituminous Coated Metal Spec, for Clay Spec, for Nonreinforced Concrete Spec, for Structural Steel Spec, for Cast Iron Water Spec, for Welded Wrought Iron Spec, for Rubber Gaskets for Sealing Joints in Concrete Spec, for Flap Gates (Drainage Control, Culvert and Sewer Spec, for Rigid Steel ConduirahlTFittings Spec, for Tobacco (Shredded, Cigarette and Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Circular Bridge and Highway Cons/ Std. Spec, for Structural Plate Spec, for Metal Culvert ec. for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, ic (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit nated, Nonfoaming) (1971) Spec, for Dairy ng Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for Spec, for Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Valves and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for nd Flanging) (1962) Spec, for 2) Spec, for FED GGG-P-351, GG-M-151 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bed Spreads, Std. Spec, for gnal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting leather Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, , Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Spec, for Compressor Oil, Spec, for Compressor Oil, Pine Oil Disinfectant; Concentrate (1964) Pine Oil for Use in Household Cleaner, Soap and Disinfe Pine Oil in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners (1968) Pine Oil (1969) Pine) (1969) USC Psl-66 Std. Spe Pinfeed Fanfold Forms ( 197 1 ) Pinion Grease (1968) Pinion Grease, Heavy Equipment, Soap Base (1968) Pinking Shears (1953) /C. for Scissors (Buttonhole, Bl Pinless, Cotton (i960) Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring Ex Pins (Dress Marker and Safety) (1953) Pins, Bank, Straight and T-Head or Mallet ( 1971 ) Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Pipe and Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrified CI Pipe and Fittings (Hub and Spigot Style) (1970?) ASTM A Pipe and Fittings ( 1 965 ) Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-158, M-177 Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-189 Pipe and Fittings ( 1970?) ASTM A-120, A-234 Pipe and Fittings; Cast Iron, Soil ( 1969) Pipe and Pipe Arches (Culvert) (1970?) AASHO M-167 Pipe and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozz Pipe Arch, Underdrain and Fittings (1970) Pipe Arches (Culvert) (1970?) AASHO M-167 Pipe Bridge Railing (1970?) ASTM B-221 Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Valves and Pipes on Pipe Cleaner) (1970) Pipe Cleaners (1953) Pipe Culverts for Highway Construction (1964) Pipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vi Pipe for Underdrains (1970?) Pipe for Underdrains (1970?) AASHO M-197 Pipe Frame (1970?) ASTM A-120, A- 15 3, B-241 Pipe Gaskets (Highway Construction) ( 1970) Pipe or Creosote Timber for Highway Construction ( 1964) Pipe Organ (1971) (Pipe Pusher) (1969) Pipe Size) (1969) Pipe Underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, G Pipe (Concrete, Cast Iron, Metal, Aluminum, Clay) (High Pipe (Concrete, Clay, Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bitumi Pipe (Culvert, Sewer or Underpass) (1970?) AASHO M-170, Pipe (Culverts, Underdrains) (1970?) AASHO M-36 Pipe (Drainpipe) Cleaner in Crystalline Form (1964) AST Pipe (1963) Pipe (1969) Pipe (1969) Pipe (1970) Pipe (1970?) Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-190 Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-65, ASTM C-200, C-425 Pipe (1970?) AASHO M-86 Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-135, A-106, A-500 Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-377 Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-72 Pipe (1970?) ASTM C-443 Pipe) (1970) (Pipe) (1970?) Pipe) (1971) Pipe, Aprons and Coupling Bands (1970?) AASHO M-196 Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Pipe, Pipe Arch, Underdrain and Fittings ( 1970) Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shi (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical Wires and Cables ( 1970 Pipeline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder (Chlori Pipeline Milking Machines, Equipment, Inflations, and U Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. ( 1 Pipe; Clay, Vitrified (1964) ASTM C301 Pipe; Copper, Seamless (Standard Sizes) (1969) Pipe; Corrugated Metal, Culvert (1960) FED Std. 151 Pipe; Culvert, Cast Iron (1960) ASTM T33 Pipe; Culvert, Nonreinforced Concrete (1960) Pipe; Red Brass, Seamless (Iron Pipe Size) (1969) Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Coiling, Bending A Pipe; Welded and Seamless Steel (for Ordinary Use) (196 Pipe; Wrought Iron, Welded, Black and Galvanized (1966) Piping Rock Cotton (1962) Pique, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper CI Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pin Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sap) (1969) /. for Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Piston Type, Heavy, Stationary ( 1968) Piston Type, Medium and Heavy ( 1967) sc 11-160 TX 371-56-1 CA 681-66-24 PA D-ll OR 63-300-9020 NJ 8330-02 CA 681-91-110 CA 681-91-111 IL *33P PA D-19 NY 30200-0587 IL *33N IL *32SS FL *25 SC HD-92 MS 3252 KS 37-6 MS 3293 MS 3290 MS 3364 PA P-55 MS 3231 NY 39000-0482 NH *7 MS 3231 MS 3363 TX 370-31-13 LA * 1 1-2 IL *33EE SC HD-94 SC HD-90 MS 3288 MS 3285 MS 3379 VA DH-213 SC HD-105 NY 38310-0567 NY 43203-0337 PA P-60 SC HD-104 OR 56-100-9020 VA DH-240 VA DH-241 MS 3236 MS 3226 TX 370-34-1 NJ 7940-00 NJ 1344-01 NJ 1360-00 NJ 1344-00 MS 3228 MS 3227 MS 3251 MS 3253 MS 3362 MS 3365 MS 3367 MS 3726 MS 3399 MS 3801 NY 02301-0421 MS 3225 SC HD-91 NH *7 VA DH-236 MS 3803 MS T-D-23C-71 MA *14 TX 370-31-13 PA P-13 PA P-58 PA P-10 PA P-12 PA P-14 PA P-60 PA P-54 PA P-151 PA P-53 MS B-2-62 MS T-1A-60-24 NY 32600-0622 NY 30200-0587 OR 79-350-9010 NY 43203-0185 CA 681-91-59 MI 5255-S19 240 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards .118 Spec, for Compressor Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Air Compressor, Spec, for Track and Field Equipment (High Jump Std. Spec, for Plastic Roof Cement, Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Spec, for Coal Tar Std. Spec, for Waterproofing Fabric, or Saturated Fabric for Waterproofing (Asphalt or Coal Tar 381 Std. Spec, for Coal Tar ainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, rd Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, c. for Track and Field Equipment (Pole Vault and High Jump Std. Spec, for Flannel Shirting; Woven Spec, for Boys" Trousers (Twill) (Check and Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Powdered, Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts Spec, for Men's Work Jackets Spec, for Textile, White Jean (Muslin), Bleached, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Block Salt, card, Plastic Laminated (Boat Registration Certificate and Spec, for Linoleum; Spec, for Drafting Supplies Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Spec, for Drafting Furniture (Tables and atory - Center (Truck, Motor Vehicle)/ Drawings and Floor Spec, for Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Loader (Medium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Attachment Spec, for Spec, for Premolded Asphalt Spec, for Premolded Asphalt Spec, for Structural Timber for Joists, Spec, for Safety Eyewear, Fitted, Spec, for Motor / Air Compressor Unit (Oil Free Spec, for Spec, for t) (Algae, Seeds, Protozoa) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Insecticide, Chlordane Dust Spec, for 4) Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course (Hot ral Aggregate) for Highway Con/ Std. Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Bituminous Concrete side Landscape ( 1970?) Spec, for and Accessory Items for Laboratory Use)/ Spec, for Glass Spec, for Stone Crusher and Screening Spec, for Welder, AC-DC Portable with Power Spec, for Bituminous Concrete turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machi/ Spec, for Oils, Power wine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, sc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn (Highway Construction) (1964) Std. Spec, for e Feed Water Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating ating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Spec, for Spec, for Primer Sealer Paint for Spec, for Paint, Primer Sealer for Std. Spec, for Primer, Sealer, Interior, ler (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Wall Board and Medical and Surgical Supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, c. for Primer (Paint), Latex, Interior, White, Wall Board, Std. Spec, for Mason and Spec, for Navigational Aids er), and Spar Buoys) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Navigational Aids Spec, for Lottery Signs desk Tops and Tablet A/ Spec, for School Furniture Parts Std. Spec, for Traffic Safety Cones P-378C, Test Meth. Std. 406 Spec, for 1, MIL Std. 1/ Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Tape ) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Spec, for Black pound) (1970) FED SS-C-153 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Waterproofed Mattress and Pillow Ticking Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Printed Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sto\.Spec. for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Small Sign and Nameplate Material, Spec, for Brief Case, Zippered lors and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Spec, for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl dia Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Bo/ Spec. Hng) (1965) Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-171 Piston Type, Medium, Stationary ( 1968) Piston (1970) Pit with Cover) (1971) Pitch Base Type (1964) FED SS-C-188 Pitch for Built Up Roofs (1964) FED RP-381 Pitch for Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO Pitch Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-591 Pitch) (1970?) AASHO M-117 Spec. F Pitch, for Waterproofing and Dampproofing (1964) FED RP Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tub Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mi Pits with Cover) (1970) Spe Plaid (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Plaid) (1962) Plaids, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Plain or Borax (1966) (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) (1960) (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) ( 1961 ) Plain (Cloth) (1970?) Plain (1963) Plain) (1971) Spec, for Plain, Jaspe and Marbelized (1957) (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Roll Film Units) (1967) Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Print Plan File Cabinets) (1971) Plan for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials Labor Planetary Torque Converter Type) (1970) (Planetary Torque Converter Type) ( 1970) /for Front End Plank for Wearing Course on Bridges (Lumber) ( 1970?) Plank (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO M46 Plank (1970?) AASHO M-46 Planks, Beams, Stringers, Posts (1970?) Piano and Prescription Eyeglasses and Spectacles (1971) Plant for Bottling Equipment) (1968) Plant Fungicides (1953) Plant Growth Chamber (College) (1971) Plant Growth Chamber (Controlled Temperature Environmen Plant Growth Chamber ( 1971 ) (Plant Inhabiting) (1961) Plant Insecticides (1953) Plant Mix Asphalt Cement) for Highway Construction ( 196 Plant Mix Base and Surface Courses Asphalt Cement, Mine (Plant Mixed) (Delivered) (1968) Plant Stock (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Road Plant (Various Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Units Plant (1967) Plant (1968) (Plant) (1968) Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway Construction (1970) Planter, Manure Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mix Planting and Transplanting of Trees, Scrubs, and Vines Plants (Prevention of Condensate Line Corrosion) (1970) Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mix Plaques (Awards) (1969) Plaster and Wallboard (1962) FED Std. 141 Plaster and Wallboard (1964) Plaster and Wallboard, Alkyd (Paint) (1970) Plaster (1969) Spec, for Primer Sea Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, Spl Plaster, Wood (1969) Spe Plasterers (1962) (Plastic - Can and Spar Buoys) (1971) (Plastic - Can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Dang (Plastic and Enameled Aluminum) (1971) (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Plastic and Rubber, Marker) (1962) Plastic Bags (Bread, Buns) (Polyethylene) ( 1971 ) FED L- (Plastic Base, Magnetic. Oxide Coated) (1971) FED W-T-005 Plastic Bituminous Cement (for Roof Flashing and Repair Plastic Cement; Fibered (Roof Patching and Flashing Com (Plastic Coated) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Plastic Container Caps (Bottle) ( 1971 ) Plastic Containers for Dispensing Methadone (1971) Plastic Containers (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Me Plastic Containers ( 197 1 ) Plastic Containers; Food Storage, Waste and Refuse Hand Plastic Credit Cards, CR-80 Type (1963) Plastic Curing Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) Plastic Dishes, Heavy Duty (1970?) Plastic Dishstrainer (Stain Removal) (1953) Plastic Dishstrainer (Stain Removal) (1953) Plastic Engraving Stock (1970) Plastic Envelope (1969) Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Proc Plastic Film (Electrical Insulating) (1960) CA 681-91-58 MS L-5B-70-7 NY 30206-0173 MS R-5-64-27A MS R-5-64-32 MS 3169 MS R-5-64-21 MS 3201 MS R-5-64-33 PA A-4 PA F-80 NY 30206-0550 OR 79-100-9200 RI 4284-M-020 PA F-63 KY 8520-4 RI 4265-M-004 RI 4225-M-008 MA *35-20 MI 5751-0028 NY 23017-0296 PA L-10 NY 31600-0031 NY 23100-0855 NY 31600-0084 NJ *2 VA *10 VA *9 MS 3462 VA DH-215 MS 3204 MS 3426 CA 711-42-09 NY 41400-0577 PA F-2 NY 12026-0456 NY 12026-0012 NY 12026-0324 MS 1-8 PA 1-5 SC HD-42 SC HD-43 NY 31502-0687 MS 3861 NY 12002-0475 NY 44300-0350 NJ 4950-02 NY 31502-0686 NJ 3578-01 VA DH-257 NY 08200 SC HD-111 MA *11 VA DH-257 NY 31001-0267 VA DK-19A KY 19A MS PI-2 CA 691-80-201 NY 10134-0339 CA 691-80-202 IL *6 NY 34501-0830 NY 34501-0832 NY 38600-0431 NY 27002-0728 WA S-6 1-29-1 NY 19902-0348 CA 711-71-25 TX 605-37-1 OR 64-500-0100 TX 685-46-1 NY 12002-0371 NY 12002-0095 NY 19903-0524 NY 19902-0286 PA C-168 MS C-ll-63 MS 3756 MA *3 MS S-2-53-53 MS S-253-53 NY 38611-0685 CA 691-75-35 NY 38601-0173 PA T-57 241 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Wrestling and Gymnastic Mats, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Mortar Spec, for Portable 7 1 ) NEM A LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 Spec, for Spec, for Conference Table; Two Section, with Spec, for Furniture; Wood Tables (with Spec, for Dining Tables; Metal Base (with ema LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 Spec, for ain)(1971) Spec, for Card, Std. Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Spec, for Inside Wardrobe Chest, Steel Frame, Spec, for Clothing Chest, Steel Frame, tural and Glazing Purposes) (1969) FED L-/ Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for 00, FED HH-I-595, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Electrical Tape nerware) (1971) Spec, for Polypropylene Spec, for Spec, for Girls" Transparent Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphalt 8 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Decorative and Nondecorative Laminated (1968) NEMA LD-1 Spec, for colors, Paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Std. Spec, for r Vehicle Registration Plates) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bleach, Chlorine, for Spec, for Table Top and Furniture Assemblies Using Spec, for Steel Tables (Laminated m D635, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Spec, for Tumblers; t-C-5986, Std. 141a Spec, for Caulking Compound; Std. Spec, for Hose, Water, Spec, for Ticket Receptacle, Spec, for Traffic Cones, Spec, for Mattress and Core; Foamed Spec, for Tile and Flooring; Vinyl Spec, for Mattress Covers, Spec, for Pail, Polyethylene Spec, for Gasoline Credit Cards, std. Spec, for Food Service Trays, Fibre Glass - Polyester Spec, for Receptacle; Waste, Spec, for Sheeting; Cloth Coated and Spec, for Milk Bags, Packaging, Spec, for Binders, Three Ring, Spec, for Conference Folio, pec. for Nonmetallic (Asbestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Std. Spec, for Dishwashing (Machine) Spec, for Cages Spec, for Chair; Student (Metal and Spec, for Student Desk (Metal and Spec, for Hair Combs Std. Spec, for Cleaners; Type (Liquid and shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Spec, for Covers; Std. Spec, for Dinnerware, Spec, for Mattress Cover, Removable, es; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Guides and Cards; Labels; Spec, for Bag, Polyethylene Spec, for Water Hose, Nylon Reinforced d V-F-106 Spec, for Pillow Cover, Std. Spec, for Trays (Metal, Paste, -W-155a Spec, for Std. Spec, for Mattress Cover, Spec, for Mattress Cover, Spec, for Compound; Dishwashing, Machine (for pec. for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Electron Image Std. Spec, for Spec, for Structural Spec, for Motorcycle License Spec, for License m-167 Spec, for Structural Spec, for License s) for Bridge and Highway Cons/ Std. Spec, for Structural ec. for Bead Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, Spheres (License Spec, for 1972 License Std. Spec, for Coiled Aluminum Alloy Sheet for License Spec, for Precoated Aluminum License Spec, for Aluminum License Spec, for Aluminum Alloy, Coiled Sheets (License Spec, for Stainless Steel Clad Plastic Foam (1970) Plastic Garden Hose (Nonreinforced) (1964) USC CS209-57 Plastic Garden Hose ( 1971 ) Plastic Grouting (Chemical Resistant) (Repair) (1963) Plastic Insulated Heavy Duty Water Cooler ( 1 967 ) Plastic Laminate Bonded Panels (Decorative Trimmed) (19 Plastic Laminate Top ( 1 965 ) Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 Plastic Laminate, Flakeboard and Bonded Panels (1970) N Plastic Laminated (Boat Registration Certificate and PI Plastic Mattress and Pillow Covers (1960) Plastic Melamine Tableware (Dinnerware) (1970) Plastic Navigational Aids (Spar Buoys) (1969) Plastic Panels (1968) Plastic Panels (1968) Plastic Panels; Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (Struc Plastic Pipe and Fittings ( 1 965 ) (Plastic Pressure Sensitive All Weather) (1971) ASTM D10 Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Frame) (Din Plastic Racks for Dishwashing Machines (1968) Plastic Raincoats (1957) Plastic Receptacle Liner (1971) (Plastic Roof Cement) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Plastic Roof Cement, Pitch Base Type ( 1964) FED SS-C-18 Plastic Sheet (1968) NEMA Ldl-64 Plastic Sheet; Laminated, Decorative and Nondecorative Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Presses Plastic Stain Remover (1969) Plastic Stickers, Reflectorized (for Validation of Moto Plastic Tableware (1964) USC CS 173-50 Plastic Tableware (1969) Plastic Thermosetting Laminates (1968) Plastic Top) (Furniture) (1969) Plastic Waste Baskets for General Office Use ( 1971 ) AST Plastic (Drinking) (1965) ASTM D1431 Plastic (for Masonry and Other Structures) (1969) FED T Plastic (Lawn or Garden) ( 1969) Plastic (Lottery) (1968) Plastic (Signal Marker) (1970) Plastic (1962) Plastic (1962) FED L-F-00450 Plastic (1964) Plastic (1966) Plastic (1966) Plastic (1966) Plastic (1968) Plastic (1969) Plastic (1970) Plastic (1970) Plastic (1971) MIL Std. 105 Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical Wire (Plastic) Detergent Compound Type B (1953) (Plastic) (University) (1969) Plastic) (1967) Plastic) (1967) (Plastic) (1967) FED L-C-566, Std. 406 Plastic), and Typewriter Sheets ( 1971 ) Plastic, and Hooks (1971) Spec. Plastic, Clothes Basket (1957) Plastic, Heavy Duty (1971) Plastic, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P-375, FED V-F-106 Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Tabs and Blanks) (1971) Plastic, Liners (1967) Plastic, Low Temperature (1970) Plastic, Removable, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P-375, Fe Plastic, Wood, Pin, Clip, and Glass) (1971) Plasticized Water Emulsion Type Floor Seal ( 1 965 ) FED P Plasticized, Fire Retardant (1970) Plasticized, Removable (1968) Plasticware) (1971) Plate and Micrographic Film Processor) (1971) Plate and Sheet Glass (1969) Plate Beam Guard Rail and Fittings (1970?) Plate Die Equipment (1969) Plate Enamel (Paint), Cardinal Red (1967) Plate for Pipe and Pipe Arches (Culvert) (1970?) AASHO Plate Ink, White (1968) Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Nuts, Bolt Plate Reflection) (1970) Plate Steel (1970?) Plate Stock (1969) MIL C-5541 Plate Stock 1 (1968?) Plate Stock 1 , Alodized ( 1 970) Plate Stock) (1969) Plate (1970?) ASTM A-264 for Sp CA 701-78-15 TX 340-33-2 OR 50-62-4 PA M-45 TX 325-74-3A NY 31808-0332 PA T-70 PA F-73 PA T-69 NY 31808-0114 NY 23017-0296 IL *31 NJ 3164-00A NY 34501-0941 CA 681-67-10 CA 681-67-9 OR 64-575-9010 KS 37-6 CA 711-59-05 NY 21102-0036 PA R-33 RI 4295-F-001 CA 711-81-05 MS R-5-64-27 MS R-5-64-27A TX 435-39-1 PA P-138 NY 23100-0855 WA S-62-45 NY 23800-0708 PA T-52 CA 691-77-08 PA T-65 RI 1-032 CA 711-75-67 PA T-53 PA C-88 MS H-6B-69 NY 19900-0162 NJ 0750-00 PA M-40 PA T-61 RI *5 KY 7240-7 MI 4828-3000 NC 7350-ST-l PA R-35 PA S-20 CA 701-81-20 CA 702-75-40 CA 711-75-63 MS 3803 MS S-2-53-49 NY 12041-0895 PA C-173 PA D-31 PA C-174 IL *32N PA C-155 PA C-103 MS D-ll-71 CA 681-83-51 FL ♦19 KY 8105-1 CA 701-93-52 CA 681-83-52 IL ♦32GGG VA K-42 CT 3748-C-342A CA 681-83-70 PA C-96 NY 38810-0368 OR 64-200-9010 MS 3382 NY 43220-0338 MI 5325-S1 MS 3231 MI 5325-S11 SC HD-91 MI 2800-S1 WY *9 WI 6130 NJ 0730-01 NJ 0730-03 PA A-ll MS 3340 242 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards for High Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Spec, for Paint Thinner (License Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Spec, for Paint, Cream (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Spec, for Paint, Numeral Coating Black (License Spec, for Numeral Enamel (Ink) (License t Screw, Washer, Casting/ Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Spec, for Enamel, License ners, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie ed Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Std. Spec, for Flatware, ic Process for Offset Plates) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for d Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Spec, for Galvanized Structural Shapes, Spec, for High Strength Manganese Vanadium Steel Shapes, strength Manganese Copper Bearing Structural Steel Shapes, n) (1970) Spec. For Bedding Materials for Masonry Spec, for Lubricated Bronze Bearing Spec, for Castings, Quoin Spec, for Materials for License Clear Coating and Numer/ Spec, for Materials for License Spec, for Materials for License 25-67T Spec, for Materials for License Spec, for Materials for License or Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping License ons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Double License Spec, for Prepainted Coiled Steel Stock for License Spec, for Aluminum, Precoated for License el, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Red, for License for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Gold, for License s and Spec, for Prepared Film Negatives and Photo - Offset Spec, for Glass Spheres for Reflectorization of License for Background and Numeral Enamel(Paint) for 1972 License Spec, for Precoated Aluminum Blanks for License Spec, for Reflectorized Vehicle License Spec, for Wrought Bronze Spec, for 1972 Motor Vehicle License pec. for Devices; Sticker (Decal), Validation (for License eflectorized (for Validation of Motor Vehicle Registration es and Supplies (Automatic Photographic Process for Offset 70?) Ast/ Spec, for Structural Steel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, tm A/ Spec, for Std. Carbon Structural Steel (18,000 Psi) Spec, for Corrosion Resistant High Strength Steel Shapes, Spec, for Structural Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts etable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Spec, for Spec, for Wrought Iron a-167, A-276 Spec, for Stainless Steel Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift, Spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with ec. for Truck, 32,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with icle (Endless Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. r Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic r Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydraulic (1970) Spec, for Conventional 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab and Spec, for Metal Spec, for Wood 971) Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Manual), Spec, for Spec, for (1968) FED FF-C-86, FF-C-88 Spec, for Spec, for Trailer, Tilt te, Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Body Truck with 14 Ft. Spec, for Telescoping Mobile Work terial Handling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Ik In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Television Recording and Spec, for Tape Decks Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Tabl/ Spec, for ters, Function Indicator, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body Spec, for Mats, Chair, Spec, for Small Tools (Mechanics Hand Tools) Spec, for Small Girls' Pajamas Spec, for Girls' and Women's Pajamas (Cotton Spec, for Boys' Coat Style Pajamas Spec, for Spec, for StckSpec. for Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Crepe Spec, for Crinkle Crepe Spec, for Girls' and Women's Pajamas (Broadcloth and Spec, for Women's and Girls' Nightgowns (Cotton Std. Spec, for Plate (4 In. or Less) (1970?) ASTM A-514 Spec. Plate) Enamel (1961) ASTM D965-48T, D844-50 Plate) (1961) Plate) (1961) Plate) (1967) Plate) (1969) Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Se Plate, Paint (1971) Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Plate, Shapes, Shim ( 1970?) ASTM B-21 1, B-209, B-221 Plated (1958) Platemaking Machines and Supplies (Automatic Photograph Platen Cleaner; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correcti Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-123 Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-441, A-375 Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-6, A-375 /Intermediate Plates and Bearing Pads (Highway and Bridge Constructio Plates and Bushings (1970?) ASTM B-148 or B-169, B-147 Plates (Cast Iron) (1970) Plates (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1971) ASTM A525-67 Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Protective Plates (Primer, Enamel) (1969) Plates (TMT - Motorcycle and Snowmobile) (1970) ASTM A5 Plates (Tmt) (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1970) Plates (1956) Spec. F Plates (1956) Spec, for Cart Plates (1963) Plates (1965) Plates (1967) Spec, for Ste Plates (1968) Spec. Plates (1969) General Requirement Plates (1970) ASTM D307-44, E97-55 Plates (1970) (1970) FED TT-P-1416 (Paint) Spec. Plates (1970?) Plates (1970?) Plates (1970?) ASTM B-100 or A-169 Plates (1971) Plates) (1969) Plates) (1970) Spec, for Plastic Stickers, R Plates) (1971) Spec, for Platemaking Machin Plates, Bars and Rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow Tube ( 19 Plates, Bars and Shapes, Tubular, Ornamental ( 1970?) As Plates, Bars, Sheet and Strip (1970?) ASTM A-441 (Plates, Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway Constructio Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stan Plates, Presentized Aluminum (1971) Plates, Rolled Shapes and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-42, A-207 Plates, Sheet and Strip, Bars, Bolt Stock (1970?) ASTM Platform and Pallet Trucks) (1968) Platform Body and Roadside Sprayer (1970) Platform Body with Stake Pockets (1968) Sp Platform Body) (1969) Spec, for Snow Veh Platform Body, Electric Powered Crane (1968) Platform Dump Body and Heavy Duty Winch) (1968) / for Platform Lift (1969) Spec. Fo Platform Lift (1969) Spec. Fo Platform Sliding Tandem Semi Trailer (30 Ton Capacity) Platform Stake Body (1970) Spec, for Platform Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) Platform Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Platform Truck Metal), End Rack, 18,000 Lb. Capacity (1 Platform Truck with Rack Sides (10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Platform Truck with Rack Sides (22,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Platform Truck, Light Medium Duty (Materials Handling) Platform (1968) Platform (1970) Spec, for Hydraulic Power Tailga Platform, Battery Powered, Self Propelled (1969) Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records Platform, Van Bodies) (1971) ' / 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Wa Play Back Instrument) (1968) (Playback Only) (1971) Playground Equipment (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Teaching Console, Modular Lu (Plexiglass) (1971) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Socket Set and Wrenches) ( 1971 ) (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) (Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957) Plisse Crepe (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Plisse Fabric, Cotton, White (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile) (1971) (Plisse) (Cloth, Textile) (1959) Plisse) (1969) Plisse) (1970) Plisse, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) MS 3318 NJ 7342-10 NJ 7342-08 NJ 7342-11 NJ 7342-09 PA E-18 VA DH-236 CA 711-80-199 PA A-4 MS 3336 CT 3108-F-331 NY 38811-0940 FL ♦21 MS 3394 MS 3310 MS 3317 VA DH-247 MS 3329 NY 37901-0628 NY 37826-0191 NY 38601-0282 NY 37301-0031 NY 37826-0025 NY 37826-0629 MI 417-11 MI 417-10 PA S-58 MI 4906-0010 MI 4978-S1 MI 4978-S2 NJ 7730-01 WY ♦11 WY *10 CT *1 HI *1 MS 3325 AK *75 PA D-21 NY 23800-0708 NY 38811-0940 MS 3306 MS 3305 MS 3309 SC HD-91 PA F-80 NJ 7790-00 MS 3311 MS 3312 NY 39101-0623 NJ 4938-99 NJ 4938-38A NY 42200-0285 NJ 4938-73 NY 42200-0574 NJ 4938-24 NJ 4946-00 SC *28 SC 14-010-0451 VA DG-12 VA FN-4 NY 39100-0398 NH 6536-020 NH 6536-021 PA T-77 NY 42300-0766 NJ 4938-15 NY 39006-0329 NY 39100-0562 NY 40500-0397 NY 11000-0517 NY 38217-0273 NY 30211-0572 NY 12200-0512 NJ 6936-03 NY 39003-0600 RI 4270-F-010 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-M-003 NJ 9138-00 CA 681-83-20 OR 79-100-9310 PA C-134 RI 4910-006 RI 4270-F-006 RI 4270-F-001 MS T-1A-60-26 243 491-458 O-LT - 73 - If NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Data Spec, for Office Supplies (Paper for Calcomp Spec, for Sectional Carbide Tipped Snow G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgate Spreader, Snow v.W.) Trucks ( 1970) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Hydrostatic Rotary Snow Spec, for Tungsten Carbide Tipped Snow ed, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Cutting Edges for Grader, Drag and Snow Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 10 Ft. Snow Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 1 1 Ft. Snow truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow grader Attachment) (1970) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Reversible 2 Way 1 1 Ft. Snow embly and Hydraulic Systems) (1971) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Spec, for Snow spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow for Grader, with Trip Edge Leveling and Heavy Duty One Way Spec, for Blade, Rubber Snow Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Blade Snow Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Blade Snow Spec, for Rotary Auger Type Snow Spec, for Truck with Auger Type Rotary Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Snow 97 1 ) Spec, for Snow (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W. , Front Snow . for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab with Front pment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow pment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow r Garden and Lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow nd Push (1962) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow (1966) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow ge Wagon and Harves/ Spec, for Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow nt (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow pec. for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow and Vee heel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing ith Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Spec, for Steel Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Spec, for Rotary Snow t) ( 1970) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow and Power Reversible) (1971) Spec, for Snow ) ( 1969) Spec, for Snow ) (1971) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Front End Loader with Snow c. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing c. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and Wing Spec, for Fire Suppression for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (with Sno\M&nd, Spec, for Electrical Supplies (Renewable Cartridge and Spec, for Electrical Supplies (Cartridge and Spec, for Fuse; Cartridge and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Std. Spec, for Attachment Std. Spec, for Spark Spec, for Spark d Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Spec, for Spark Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Spec, for spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Heating and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Kiln (Gas Fired), Potters Wheel, Spec, for Lumber, Plotter (1971) NY Plotter) (1971) NY Plow and Grader Blades (1970?) ASTM B294-64 VA Plow Assemblies (1968) Spec, for Truck, 62,000 NJ Plow Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Ton (16,000 G. SC Plow Attachment ( 1 400 Ton) (1971) AK Plow Blade (1969) NH Plow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Loader, Wheel NY Plow Blades and Grader Blades (1962) MD Plow Blades (1970?) AASHO T70 VA Plow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) VA Plow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) VA Plow Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969) Spec, for NJ Plow Shoes and Attachments (1971) NY Plow Truck Hitch (1968) NJ Plow Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for NY Plow with a Frame and Lift Cylinder (1970?) VA Plow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing Ass NY Plow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) AK Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (10 Ft., Moldboard) (1971) NY Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6 X 4) (1971) AK Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6X4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (1967) Spec. NJ Plow (1969) NJ Plow (1970) NE Plow (1970) NE Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) and Truck (1971) AK Plow ( 36,000 Lb. G.V.W. ) (1971) AK Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK Plow (7 1/2 Ft. Power Reversible) and Blower (6 Ft.) ( 1 NY Plow) (1970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment NY Plow) (1971) Spec AK Plow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971) /Pec. for Automotive Equi NY Plow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970) /Pec. for Automotive Equi NY Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Dump C NY Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Dump Cart) (1971) /Awn NY Plow, Heavy Duty Adjustable One Way, Combination Lift A NJ Plow, Heavy Duty Offset V, Hydraulic ( 1961 ) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty Reversible, Combination Lift and Push NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, Adjustable One Way (1965) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, Adjustable One Way (1967) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, One Way (1969) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1963) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1967) NJ Plow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1968) NJ Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Fora NY Plow, Medium Duty Reversible (1964) NJ Plow, Medium Duty, Adjustable One Way ( 1961 ) NJ Plow, Medium Duty, Adjustable One Way (1967) NJ Plow, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) NY Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade), An AK Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 G.V.W.) (1971) NY Plowing and Ice Control (Heavy Duty, 4X4, 41,000 Lb. AK Plows and Wings, Loader Bucket) (1970) NY Plows (Auger Type) (1971) NY Plows (Heavy Duty, Reversible, for Dump Truck Attachmen NY Plows (Heavy Duty, Safety Trip, Reversible Type) (1969) NY Plows (One Way with Right Hand Leveling Wing, Roll Over NY Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting NY Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting NY Plows (1970) NY Plows) (Departmental) (1971) Spe NY Plows) (1971) Spe NY Plows, Hitches, and Replacement Parts (Company) (1970) LA Plows, 58,000 Lb. G.V.W. Minimum) (1971) Spec. NY Plug Fuses) (1970) FED W-F-805, W-F-803a NY Plug Fuses) (1971) FED W-F-79 1 D, UL 1 98 NY Plug (1964) UL 198, NEMA FU-1-63 PA Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder NY Plugs and Receptacles (1964) OR Plugs (1961) NC Plugs (1971) FED W-S-506A, SAE J-548A, J-549 NY Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pa NY Plugs, Nonaircraft (1968) FED W-S-506 CA (Plumbicon Television System) ( 1968) NY Plumbing and Heating Supplies (Discount) ( 1970) NY Plumbing Fittings (1967) NJ Plumbing Special) (1971) AK Plumbing Supplies (1962) KS Plumbing Valves (Brass and Bronze) (1969) OR Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Ware Truck ( 1970) NY Plywood and Other Building Materials (1965) KY 22900-0767 23000-0593 *40 4938-08 14-410-0451 *6 *4 40601-0298 *14 *39 *11 *12 4938-00 40902-04 1 2 4938-118 40900-0488 *13 40900-0764 *62 *59 *60 *58 40900-0376 *65 *64 4938-08A 4938-120 *56 *59 *5 *80 *67 *68 40900-0160 40502-0467 *47 40502-0407 40502-0143 08206-0442 08206-0442 4938-50 4938-27 4938-49 4938-76 4938-31 4938-63 4938-64 4938-75 4938-77 08200 4938-68 4938-04 4938-65 40502-0148 *63 40502-0148 *61 40903-0431 40901-0460 40900-0497 40900-0881 40900-0895 40900-0317 40900-0375 40603-0627 40500-0206 40500-0119 *15 40500-0530 34405-0513 34405-0548 F-25 35000-0938 24-64-4A 2920-S-26 30400-0854 35000-0938 681-23-15 11000-0565 37612-0625 7964-00 *32 37-2 57-200-9010 23104-0232 *1 244 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Hardwood Lumber and Std. Spec, for Lumber and Spec, for Softwood Spec, for Hardwood Std. Spec, for Lumber and Std. Spec, for Hardwood lkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber and Spec, for Softwood Lumber and d Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) (/ Spec, for Treated Lumber, Spec, for Spec, for Chairs; Molded e) (1969) USC Psl-66 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tires, Std. Spec, for g Packers, Grease Fitting Installation and Extraction Set, ction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Spec, for Crane Truck, Warehouse, Gasoline, otor Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Minimum 1 1 cu. Yd., Spec, for Motor Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Spec, for Road Roller (Three Axle Tandom, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for te Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, N/ Spec, for Spec, for aight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper,/ Spec, for Spec, for Hose; Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Spec, for Pen, Ball Point, Spec, for Brief Case, Leather, 3 Spec, for Brief Case, Leather, 4 Spec, for Combs, Men's Std. Spec, for Wallets (Tie, Expanding, Single pec. for Files (Accordion, Vertical, Box, Folders, Jacket, ides and Cards;/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Storage, . Spec, for Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Std. Spec, for Card .W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with Platform Body with Stake 1 Spec, for File Spec, for Mower, 84 In. Rotary, 3 Spec, for Disc Harrow with 3 Spec, for Fertilizer Spreader for 3 Spec, for 60 In., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Spec, for 90 In., PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 heel Type Tractors with and Without Special Attachments (3 Spec, for Ball Spec, for Power Take Off Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Spec, for Universal Rotary Cutter (Mower) with 3 Spec, for Pen, Desk, Ball Std. Spec, for Pen, Ball pinking Shear/ Std. Spec, for Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Spec, for Pens, Ball, Stainless Steel Spec, for Staples, Chisel Spec, for Pen, Ball chool and Art Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Delivery Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Office Furniture, Spec, for Light Standards (Complete Spec, for Track and Field Equipment Spec, for Detector Mast Arm spec, for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Spec, for Uniform Trousers; Dress (State Std. Spec, for Uniform Trousers (Slacks) Std. Spec, for Summer Uniform Shirt Std. Spec, for Winter Trimmed Uniform Shirt tec/ Spec, for Leather Uniform Accessories (Belts - State Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Spec, for 4 Door Highway Patrol Cars (1971 Model Spec, for Sam Browne Spec, for Leather Spec, for 69) Spec, for Spec, for State 0?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Highway Patrol Spec^for State for Digital Communications Link (Mobile Radio Terminal and ice Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for Highway Patrol Spec, for Michigan State Spec, for Spec, for Plywood (NYS Std.) (1971) NY Plywood (1964) MS Plywood (1967) USC Psl-66 PA Plywood ( 1 968 ) USC CS35 PA Plywood (1971) IL Plywood (1971) USC CS35-6 1 OR Plywood) (1965) Std. Spec, for Oil (A WA Plywood, Hardboard and Wallboard (NYS Std.) ( 1971 ) NY Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative An NY Plywood, Sign Grade (Highway) (1970) MD Plywood, Upholstered (1969) FED CCC-A-680, MIL P-265 14 PA Plywood; Douglas Fir, Western Softwood and Southern Pin OR Pneumatic and Tubes Rubber (1970) MS Pneumatic Hose (Heavy and Light Duty) (1971) OR Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumat NY Pneumatic Operated Transfer Pump) (1969) /on and Extra NY Pneumatic Rubber Tires (1960) NC Pneumatic Tired) (1971) Spec, for M AK Pneumatic Tired, Minimum 21 Yd. Capacity) (1971) AK Pneumatic Tired, Patching) (1970) NY Pneumatic Tires and Tubes (1970) NJ Pneumatic Tool Oil, Heavy (1968) CA Pneumatic Tool Oil, Light (1968) CA Pneumatic Tool Oil, Medium (1968) CA Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concre NY Pneumatic Tools (Pipe Pusher) (1969) NY Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Str NY Pneumatic (1962) ASTM D380, D573 PA Pneumatically Agitated Electric Heated Unit (1969) NJ Pocket Paging System (Communications) (1970) NY Pocket Type, Nonretractable ( 1971 ) MIL Std. 105 CA Pocket (1969) CA Pocket (1969) CA Pocket (1969) CA Pocket) (1971) IL Pocket) (1971) Std. S IL Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Index Gu FL Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Pinking Shears (195 IL Pockets and Guides (1971) IL Pockets (1968) Spec, for Truck, 32,000 G.V NJ Pockets, Expanding ( 1969) CA Point Hitch Mounted Type (1971) N J Point Hitch (Heavy Duty) (1970) SC Point Hitch (1969) SC Point Hitch (1970) SC Point Hitch (1970) SC Point Hitch) (1970) Spec, for Industrial W SC Point Pens, Nonrefillable (1970) NJ Point Tractor Hitch (1968) SC Point Tractor Hitch (1970?) SC Point (1970) CA Point (1970) MS Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and IL Point, Nonrefillable (1970) NJ Point, Office, Standard Duty (1970) CA Point, Pocket Type, Nonretractable ( 197 1 ) MIL Std. 105 CA Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Sticks, Pencils), NY Points and Quantities for Candy and Boxes ( 1971 ) NY Polariscope System (Reflection) (University) (1971) NY Polariscope System (Reflection) (University) (1971) NY Pole Display System (Shelves, Panels and Lamps) (1971) NY Pole Including Mast Arm and Base Anchorage) (1970?) MS (Pole Vault and High Jump Pits with Cover) (1970) NY Poles (Overhead Traffic Control Mounting) (1970) NY Poles (Preservative and Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) (197 NY Police Academy ) ( 1 969 ) FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 B PA (Police and Departmental) (1971) WA (Police and Departmental) (1971) WA ( Police and Departmental ) ( 1 97 1 ) WA Police and General Use, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and De NY Police Automobile) (1970) SC Police Automobile) (1971) SC Police Belt and Shoulder Strap (1968) TX Police Belt (1964) FED KK-L-271D, KK-L-311 TX Police Boots (1971) NY Police Cars (Automobile), Patrol, 4 Door Sedan, V-8 (19 MI Police Confidential Vehicles (1971) IN Police Cruiser Jacket, Detachable Liner and Collar ( 197 MA Police Cruiser Jackets (1971) NY Police Cruiser (Automobile) (1970 Model) (1969) TN Police Cruiser, Pursuit Vehicles (Automobile) (1970) KY Police Information Network) (Computer System) (1971) NY Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Patrol Pol SC Police Mobile Command Trailer (1970) MI Police Oxfords (1969) NY Police Panel Truck (4X4) (Paddy Wagon) (1971) AK 37512-0875 L-6-64 L-44V L-44IV *5 63-300-0010 S-65-90 37500-0310 37513-0851 *7 C-157 63-300-9020 T-2C-70 74-61-3 35000-0866 35000-0866 3950-C-9 *13 *12 41300-0101 6578-00 681-91-75 681-91-73 681-91-74 43203-0748 43203-0337 43203-0185 H-l 6524-05 38211-0632 711-75-26 691-84-37 691-84-38 691-85-25 *32HHH *32DD ♦19 *33P *32J 4938-38A 691-75-60 4938-155 14-330 15-000 *31 *33 14-260-045 IB 6950-00 14-220-0451 A 14-220-045 IB 701-75-31 P-14B-70 *33P 6950-02 702-75-27 711-75-26 23100-0855 00300 12005-0057 12005-0829 21701-0053 3811 30206-0550 35815-0427 37513-0851 U-43 S-64-75-E S-64-76-C S-64-77-C 39309-0539 14-280 ♦1 1 550-41-1A 550-42-1 34900-0045 3905-0010 *7 *24 39308-0056 *1 2310-10 3821 1-0441 03-110-150 3978-S2 34900-0984 ♦30 245 Spec. for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Spec, and Minimum Requirements for 1971 Spec, for Uniform Accessories Spec, for State Spec, for Highway Patrol 971 ) Spec, for Highway Patrol Spec, for State Spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Spec, for Highway Patrol Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle, patrol Police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Patrol andcuff Case, and Sa/ Std. Spec, for Leather Accessories; Spec, for Reefer Cloth, Textile (State Spec, for Minimum Spec, for Highway Patrol Spec, for Receiving Procedure for Automobiles, c. for Predelivery Service and Inspection for Automobiles, Spec, for State Std. Spec, for Highway Patrol Spec, for Black Calf Oxford for Highway Patrol ile) ( 1971 ) Spec, for State Spec, for Insignia; Uniform, State Spec, for Radio Equipment for Highway Patrol Spec, for Uniform Shirts; Capitol Spec, for Uniform Overcoats; Capitol Spec, for Straw Hats (State Spec, for Uniform, Clothing (District Spec, for Uniforms (Security Spec, for Work Uniforms (Security Std. Spec, for Decals (State Spec, for Uniform Overcoats for Enlisted Men (State Spec, for Wool Blankets (State Spec, for Uniform Shirts (Winter) (Optional) (State Spec, for Uniform Rain Coat; Nylon, Rubber Coated (State Spec, for Uniform Shirts; Permanent Press (State Spec, for Badge and Shield; Identification Spec, for Uniform Cloth (State Spec, for Straw Hats Spec, for Uniform Coat; All Weather Reefer (State Spec, for Officer's Uniforms; Fall and Winter (State Spec, for Officer's Uniform Overcoat (State spec, for Uniforms; Enlisted Men's, Fall and Winter (State Spec, for Uniform Trousers; Summer (State Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Officer's (State Spec, for Officer's Uniforms; Summer (State Spec, for Storm Rubbers (State Spec, for Rear Screen Projection Systems (State Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat) for Enlisted Men (State Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Blouses and Breeches (State Spec, for Dehner Boots (State Spec, for Windshield Washer Antifreeze (Solvent) (State Spec, for Uniform Shirts (State for Portable Two Way Radio Equipment (150-174 MHZ) (State Spec, for Uniform; Driver Examiner (Men's) (State Spec, for Service Caps (Hat), Uniform (State pec. for Uniform Cloth, Summer, Breeches and Slacks (State Spec, for Raincoat (State Spec, for Uniform Shirts, Wool (Clothing) (State . for Short Sleeve Summer Shirt, Uniform (Clothing) (State Spec, for Two Way Radio Control System (State Spec, for Vehicular Gain Antennas (State Spec, for Tone Controlled Base Stations (State Spec, for Radio Base Station (State Spec, for Telephone System (State Spec, for Radio Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Spec, for Tone Controlled Base Stations (State Spec, for Shortwave Radio Receiver (State Spec, for Radio Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Spec, for Microwave Communications System (Radio) (State Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Socks, Stretch Spec, for Winter Uniform Hats (Highway Patrol for Office Machines (Key to Tape Data Preparation System) for Sam Browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster Spec, for Two Way Radio Systems (State Spec, for Law Enforcement Vehicles Spec, for Fur Caps (Hat) (State Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Fur, Winter (State chiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Spec, for Water Emulsion and Polymer Type Floor Wax and Std. Spec, for Liquid, Gym Floor Finish, Spec, for Metal Spec, for Floor Machines, Scrub and Spec, for Water Emulsion (Slip Resistant Floor Spec, for ? State Specifications and Standards Police Patrol Vehicles (4 Door Sedan Automobile) (1971) AK *22 Police Pickup, 1/2 Ton (Truck) (1971) OR 06-200-1050 Police Pursuit Vehicles (1971) NM *10 (Police Raincoats) (1971) NY 39304-0544 Police Shoes (1964) NJ 3360-00 Police Short Sleeve Dacron and Wool Shirts (1969) SC 03-030 Police Special Service Vehicle (Automobile, Class A) (1 CA 711-23-06 Police Station Wagons ( 197 1 ) IN *8 Police Storm Hats) (Park) (1970) NY 39300-0527 Police Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) SC 03-010 Police Type (Standard Size Automobile) (1971) OR 06-100-1031 Police Uniform Battle Jackets (1971) Spec, for Highway SC 03-110-150 Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, H OR 79-350-9010 Police Uniform) (1970?) MA *20 Police Uniforms; Capitol (1963) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-3 Police Vehicle (1971 Model Automobile) (1970) UT *1 Police Vehicles and Trucks (1969) MI *4 Police Vehicles and Trucks (1969) Spe MI *3 Police Vehicles (1971) IN *6 Police Vehicles (4 Door Automobile) (1971) MS HP-5 10-42 Police (Shoe) (1969) SC 03-040 Police (120 In. Mimimum Wheelbase) Patrol Cars (Automob NE *63 Police (1960) PA 1-18 Police (1963) KS 53-1 Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-20 Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-3 2 Police) Campaign Style (1970?) MA *30 Police) Mounted and Motorcycle (1970?) MA *28 Police) (Departmental) (1971) NY 39300-0843 Police) (Departmental) (1971) NY 39300-0882 Police) (Stickers) (1969) OR 75-400-9030 Police) (1957) FED CCC-T-19U PA U-15 Police) (1960) RI 4710-005 Police) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-21 Police) (1964) PA U-45 Police) (1967) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-3 7 (Police) (1967) MIL R-46085, Fed. Std. 151 PA B-140 Police) (1968) NY 39200-0665 (Police) (1968) PA H-2! Police) (1968) PA U-46 Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-ll Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-12 Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-17 Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-39 Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-40 Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-42 Police) (1969) NY 34800-0176 Police) (1969) NY 38814-0282 Police) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 PA U-16 Police) (1970) MA *27 Police) (1970) MA *32 Police) (1970) NY 30900-0595 Police) (1970) NY 39303-0646 Police) (1970) Spec. NY 38211-0690 Police) (1970) FED Std. 191 PA U-50 Police) (1970?) MA *21 Police) (1970?) MA *26 Police) (1970?) MA *29 Police) (1970?) MA *31 Police) (1970?) Spec MA *33 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0025 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0048 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0123 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0134 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0149 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0178 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0314 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0631 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0904 Police) (1971) NY 38211-0917 (Police) (1971) NY 39300-0428 (Police) (1971) NY 40022-0062 Police) (1971) SC 03-0100-0451 (Police) (1971) Spec. NY 22900-0063 (Police), Complete (1968) FED KK-L-31 la Spec. PA B-142 Police), Helicopter (1971) NY 38211-0117 (Police, Automobile) ( 1969) NJ 6542-50 Police, Etc.) (1970) MA *19 Police, Game Commission) ( 1960) PA U-38 Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and FL *25 Polish Remover (1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-201B, Std. 141 PA R-32 Polish (1969) IA *3-6 Polish (1969) FED P-P-556, PPP-C-96, ASTM Dl 172 PA P-133 Polish (1970) CA 701-76-40 Polish) (1963) PA W-7 Polish, Furniture, Aerosol (1967.) KY 7930-25 246 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Furniture Spec, for Metal Std. Spec, for x, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Std. Spec, for Spec, for notchers, Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Folder, Buffer Spec, for Brushes; Shoe y Disc, Concentrated Weight, Commercial / Spec, for Floor y Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy D/ Spec, for Floor oncentrated Weight, Household or Light D/ Spec, for Floor )(1970)UL73 Spec, for Floor ery Powered) (1971) Spec, for Floor Spec for Floor aners (1970) FED OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Spec, for Floor Std. Spec, for Machine, Floor Spec, for Floor Maintenance Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, r Machine Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Spec, for Electric Scrubbing and Spec, for Pads; Floor floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430,/ Spec, for Liquid Self Std. Spec, for Self ) Spec, for Floor Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Self c. for Cleaning Cloth; Nonwoven Fabric for Dusting, Wiping Spec, for Rotary Floor Machine Brushes (Scrubbing and for Floor Maintenance Pads (Stripping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Std. Spec, for Floor Maintenance Machine (Scrubbing and Spec, for Floor Machines Spec, for Trailer, Mobile, Triple Axle, 40 Ft. - Air Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Anti-Air r Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow Exempt, Anti-Air 71) Spec, for Pool Equipment (Water Basketball and Spec, for Men's and Boys" Long Sleeve Spec, for Men's and Boys" Short Sleeve Spec, for Girls' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Std. Spec, for Floor Finish, Synthetic, Water Based, Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Floor, Spec, for Monochromator Spectrograph ty Microfilm and Processing (Black and White, on 2 1/2 Mil Spec, for Cloth; 5) Spec, for Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Synthetic Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Single Jacketed Synthetic Spec, for Std. Spec, for Food Service Trays, Fibre Glass - 1-/ Std. Spec, for Plastic Panels; Glass Fiber Reinforced Spec, for Sheeting, Blend, Spec, for Mattress Cores (Polyurethane - 68) Spec, for Surfactant Ammonium N-Alkyl Std. Spec, for Mattress Cores, Spec, for Octyl Phenoxy Spec, for Surfactant (Nonylphenoxy aight Liquid Surfactant (Detergent and Defoamer) (Modified Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Material Handling Equipment (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Spec, for Pail, Spec, for Bag, Spec, for Chairs - Type I (Linear ?) AASHO M-171 Spec, for Plastic Curing Blankets (White spec, for Curing Materials for Concrete (Waterproof Paper, ng Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White optical Character Recognition Use ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bottle; Screw Cap, Spec, for Typewriter Ribbons, for Water and Scrubbing Solution Tank; Spec, for Armored Underground Cable Spec, for Waste Receptacle Liners Spec, for Plastic Bags (Bread, Buns) Spec, for Typewriter Ribbon, Spec, for Floor Finishes, Water Emulsion, 0, ICC 1 7E Spec, for Emulsion Type Synthetic Spec, for Synthetic Spec, for Synthetic 70, FED P-R-201B, Std. 141 Spec, for Water Emulsion and quid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Siliftate Paint, Spec, for Brush, Commode, Toilet, y, Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Twine, Synthetic, Spec, for Insulation Board Spec. 1, S-6 1-402, S-66-5/ Polish, Furniture, Liquid (1953) Polish, Furniture, Liquid (1967) Polish, Liquid (1961) FED P-P-552A, VV-L-791 Polish, Liquid (1967) Polish, Metal, Liquid (1953) Polish, Paraffin Wax) (1970) FED KK-C-300, EE-M-101C, P Polish, Shoe, Paste (1953) Polished Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Polisher) (1969) /Ller, Foot Squaring and Combination Polishing and Dauber (1956) Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotar Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotar Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Brush, C Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Electric, Rotary Disc Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Water Absorbing, Batt Polishing and Scrubbing Machines ( 1966) Polishing and Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Duty Vacuum Cle Polishing and Scrubbing, Electric (1970) Polishing and Wet or Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS22 Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Polishing Floor Machine (1969) Polishing Machine (1970) Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resistant Polishing Water Emulsion Wax (1970) Polishing Wa», Mop Treatment Compound, Gymnasium) (1971 Polishing (1971) Spe Polishing) (1968) Polishing) (1971) Spec. Polishing, Electric) (1969) (Polishing, Scrubbing) (1971) Pollution Monitor (1969) Pollution (1969) Pollution (1969) Spec. Fo Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Racing Lane Markers) ( 19 Polo Shirts (1957) Polo Shirts (1960) Polo Shirts (1970) Polo Shirts (1970) Polyacrylic Metal Interlock (1970) Polyacrylic, Water Based (1970) Polychromator (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Polyester Base) (1971) ANSI Phi. 28, Ph5.4 /Hival Quali Polyester Cotton, Twill (Textile) (1970) Polyester Cover Cloth (Flatwork Ironer Roll Cover) (196 Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1965) Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1971) Polyester Fill Sandwich Type Lining (1971) Polyester Plastic (1966) Polyester (Structural and Glazing Purposes) (1969) FED Polyester / Cotton ( 1971 ) Polyether Foam) (1970) Polyether Sulfate for Cleaner Detergent Manufacture ( 19 Polyether Urethane Foam, Fire Retardant (1969) Polyethoxy Ethanol (1971) Polyethoxy Ethanol) (1969) Polyethoxylated Chain Alcohol) (1965) Spec, for Str Polyethylene Bags (1971) Polyethylene Can Liners (1971) ASTM D1505, D1709, D1894 Polyethylene Film Typewriter Ribbons (1969) ASTM D882 Polyethylene Liners, Garment Rack - Portable) ( 1971 ) Polyethylene Plastic (1966) Polyethylene Plastic, Liners (1967) Polyethylene Resin Molded Seat and Back) (1965) Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Cement Concrete) (1970 Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Wa Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Burlap) Polyethylene Typewriter Ribbons for Record, Offset and Polyethylene Wax (1969) Polyethylene (Sample Mailing) (1970) Polyethylene (1970) Polyethylene (1970) (Polyethylene) for Highway Lighting (1970?) IPCEA S-19-8 (Polyethylene) (1963) FED L-P-406A, L-P-378A, USC CS227 (Polyethylene) (1971) FED L-P-378C, Test Meth. Std. 406 Polyethylene, Black (1969) Polymer and Wax Type, (1968) Polymer Floor Finish (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM D1436, E7 Polymer Floor Finish, Emulsion Type (1964) Polymer Floor Finish; Emulsion Type ( 1971 ) Polymer Type Floor Wax and Polish Remover (1968) ASTM E Polymer, Including Metal Cross Linked Coating Stripper Polyorgano Siloxone (1969) Polypropylene Bristle (1966) Polypropylene Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tra Polypropylene Resin (1968) (Polystyrene) for Highway Insulation (1970?) MS P-4 KY 7930-26 PA P-82 KY 7930-30 MS P-5 NY 22000-0462 MS P-7 RI 4910-022 NY 43201-0487 PA B-29 TX 265-32-1B TX 265-32-3 TX 265-32-2B PA M-48 PA M-50 RI *6 NJ 1140-00 MS M-3A-70 VA Y-9 NY 00432-00-0686 VA DA-4B PA P-146 VA K-43 RI 6645-05 NY 22004-0529 PA C-119 TX 265-31-1 NY 31901-0523 OR 76-100-9010 NY 21400-0563 NJ 6542-07 CA 691-80-420 CA 691-80-421 NY 30201-0283 RI 4265-M-008 RI 4260-M-009 RI 4265-F-002 RI 4265-M-014 MS F-15D-70 MS S-14A-70 NY 38781-0784 TX 575-70-2 PA C-153 TX 410-34-2 SC 21-280A SC 21-280 PA L-38 NC 7350-ST-l OR 64-575-9010 NY 32902-0566 NJ 3748-00 TX 371-78-6A IL *7 NY 25526-0336 TX 371-78-9 TX 371-78-3 NY 19901-0415 SC *2 VA FT-3A NY 39104-0565 KY 7240-7 KY 8105-1 NJ 3718-03 MS 3756 VA DH-223 SC HD-59B9 TX 610-84-1 NY 25411-1004 PA B-139 NJ 6952-03 PA T-81 MS 3804 PA L-39 NY 19902-0348 CA 691-75-16 CA 681-76-01 TX 485-54-3A SC 11-050 TX 370-63-3A PA R-32 IA •3-9 CA 691-80-56 KY 7920-3 NY, 21102-0036 CA- 681-40-03 MS 3760 247 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards asonry, Ready Mix (1970) Spec, for Mattress Cores Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Spec, for Grout Emulsion, Std. Spec, for Emulsion, Spec, for Matting, Vinyl td. Spec, for Red Orange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones . for Sewer, Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Clay, Spec, for Textile, sphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Room, Swimming Spec, for Swimming le Standard, Racing Lane Markers) (1971) Spec, for ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ready Mixed Swimming nal) (1970) Spec, for Billiard, Carom, and Bumper Spec, for Bathing Suits and Trunks (1969) ANSI C33.1, C73.1, U/ Spec, for Toasters; Electric Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Long Sleeve Spec, for Short Sleeve Spec, for Short Sleeve Spec, for Long Sleeve Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Jackets, Cotton Blend ec. for Men's and Boys" Coat Style Pajamas (Broadcloth and c. for Men's and Boys" Middy Style Pajamas (Broadcloth and Spec, for Girls" Jackets (Cotton Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Touch Up for Spec, for Table Tops Spec, for Scouring Powder; Cleaner Spec, for Spec, for Floor and Deck Std. Spec, for Enamel, Floor and Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Floor, Spec, for Stone for Masonry, Riprap, and Spec, for Std. 141, TT-I-563E Spec, for Masonry and Spec, for Spec, for Radio (FM - Am) Receivers (Table and 968) Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP 969) Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP fie Counter (1970) Spec, for g and Track) (6 and 8 Lane) (1971) Spec, for for Tester, Heavy Duty Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, Std. Spec, for ted Van Trailer) (Division and Temperature Con/ Spec, for r System (Monitor, Process and Display Human Respiration) Spec, for Std. for 65) Spec, for Spec, for ric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Spec, for Relocatable 3 Bedroom Living Quarters Spec, for Spec, for d Aluminum) (1969) Std. Spec, for Spec, for oist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Stands, or Garage Equipment (Battery Charger and Analyzer, Wheeled fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, A 14.2-56 Spec, for , Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables, Spec, for Spec, for 7) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bow Type Spec, for Fire Equipment chen Equipment (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, 6 Spec, for 6,000 Gal. Spec, for equipment) (1971) Spec, for 24 Trace Spec, for Spec, for spec, for Pool Equipment (Water Basketball and Polo Goals, Spec, for 1 Man tchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Spec, for Spec, for c. for Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, a 14. 1-59 Spec, for (Polyurethane - Polyether Foam) (1970) Polyurethane Core with Cover (1971) Polyurethane Core with Sealed Cover (1971) Polyurethane Foam Mattresses (1960) Polyurethane Foam (for Mattresses) (Hospital) (1971) Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Flat White Paint (1967) Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Metal or M Polyvinyl Acetate (1969) FED TT-P-55 Polyvinyl Acetate, Mixing Liquid, Grout (1970) Polyvinyl Chloride (1969) (Polyvinyl Chloride, Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Polyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, A Pongee (Cloth) (1970?) Pool Deck, Etc.) ( 1971 ) /D Surface Delimer Acid Nonpho Pool Enclosure (1968) Pool Equipment (Water Basketball and Polo Goals, Portab Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer and Topping Compound Pool Tables and and Accessories (Heavy Duty, Institutio (Pool, Racing and Boxer Style) ( 197 1 ) Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for Bread, Bun, Muffin and Bagles) Poplin Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Poplin Shirts (Departmental) (1970) Poplin Shirts (Departmental) (1971) Poplin Shirts (Institutional) (1968) Poplin Shirts (1971) Poplin (Bedspread) (Cloth) (1970?) Poplin (Textile) (1970) Poplin (Zelan Treated) (Textile) (1960) Poplin (1971) Poplin) (1960) Sp Poplin) (1960) Spe Poplin, Water Repellent) (1957) Porcelain Enameled Signs (1969) (Porcelain) (Hospital Bedside) (1971) (Porcelain, Kitchen) (1969) Porch and Floor Enamel, Dark Gray (Paint) (1969) Porch Enamel (Paint) (1967) Porch, Wood and Concrete (Paint) (1970) Porch, Wood and Concrete (1963) Porous Backfill (Highway Construction) (1970) Porous Concrete Pipe ( 1969) Porous Tile Floor Sealer; Water Emusion Type ( 1970) Fed Port Pilot Liability Insurance (1970?) Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab (Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab (Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab (Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab Portab e - Battery Models) (1971) e - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1 e - Mobile X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1 e and Semiportable Type Automatic Recording Traf e Athletic Event Timer with Accessories (Swimmin e Beam Scale (1970) Spec. e Breath Analyzer (Alcohol Detection) (1971) e Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigera e Computer Unit) (1969) Spec, for Pulmonize e Diesel Driven Rotary Air Compressor (1969) e Fire Extinguishers (1969) e Gasoline Driven Generator with Attachments ( 19 e Gasoline Driven Rotary Compressor ( 1970) e Generator (Mobile Laboratory) (1964) /H Elect e Housing) (1971) ANSI Al 19.1 e Indoor Running Track ( 1969) e Insulated Heavy Duty Water Cooler (1964) e Ladders (Straight, Extension and Step; Wood An e Lamps, Table and Floor (1971) e Lubricating Unit) (1970) /Inspection Gauge, H e Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitt e Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitt e Metal Trestle and Extension Ladder ( 1960) ANSI e Mixer) (1970) /Pment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio e Oil Fired Steam Cleaners (1970) e PA System (Public Address) (1971) e Plastic Insulated Heavy Duty Water Cooler (196 e Power Chain Saw (1969) e Power Chain Saw (1970) e Pumper Units, Hose) (1971) e Refrigerated Cold Counter and Cleaner - Saniti e Road Oil Tank (1970) AISI C-1010-1020, ASTM A3 e Self Propelled Tanden Roller (1970) e Shallow Refraction Seismic System (Scientific e Sound Systems (College) (1971) e Stage Units or Band Risers ( 1971 ) e Standard, Racing Lane Markers) (1971) e Straight Bar Chain Saw (1970?) e Tables, Heated Serving and Ice Cream and Milk e Tandem Variable Weight Road Roller (1968) e Tandem Variable Weight Road Roller (1970) e Trailer Mounted with Air Tools ( 1969) Spe e Trestle and Extension Wood Ladder (1960) ANSI NJ FL FL RI NY TX MS CA MS PA WA VA MA MS NY NY NY NY NY PA RI SC SC SC SC MA PA PA NY RI RI RI CA NY PA MI TX MS IA VA NJ TX HI NY NY NY NJ NY NJ FL NY NY NE CT NJ NE NJ AK NY TX OR NY NY NY NY VA NY NE NY TX SC SC AK NY NE NE NY NY NY NY VA NY SC SC NJ VA 3748-00 *3 *4 4358-06 22701-0599 520-42-5A PE-8 691-80-12 PE-8-1 M-4 S-71-1 10 DH-241 *35-41 D-20A-7 1 31800-0352 30201-0283 38002-0282 30208-0576 40018-0637 T-75 4910-023 03-030-1152 03-030-1 152A 03-030-0211 *1 *35-53 C-97 C-125 40003-0316 4270-M-001 4270-M-005 4225-F-007 691-80-90 24800-0355 P-2 5325-S12 520-42-4A PI-9 *l-9 DH-205 1344-01 370-63-7 *g 38218-0450 11000-0823 11000-0842 3920-00 30200-0405 6524-07 *29 42300-0630 12600-0962 *24 81-143B 7924-01 *48 4938-48 *20 30206-0412 325-74-2 33-400-9010 35706-0140 35000-0647 35000-0866 35000-0866 DG-11 38810-0650 *47 38201-0234 325-74-3A 19- 140 A 19-140 ♦81 36100-0413 ♦58 *55 38787-0821 38201-0357 30202-0730 30201-0283 *21 36114-0572 14-250 14-250A 6524-03 FN-3 248 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for .lice) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Welder, AC-Dc Spec, for Generator, Spec, for Washer, High Pressure, Spec, for Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Aspirator), Spec, for Brush Cutter, Spec, for Ladders; Wood, Step, Spec, for Environment Walk-in Chambers Spec, for Audiometers (Research and Diagnostic and Spec, for Water Filtration Assembly for Air Compressors (Two Stage, Electric Motor Driven and Spec, for Earth Auger en and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Garment Rack - Spec, for Laminar Flow Clean Room Spec, for Radar Equipment, Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery Spec, for Power Tools, Std. Spec, for Communications Equipment (2 Way Radio, Spec, for ning Machine ( 1969) Spec, for Sandblasting Equipment Spec, for Cup, entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway and Bri/ Spec, for Spec, for Water for nstruction (1964) Std. Spec, for te Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethy/ Std. Spec, for struction (1964) Std. Spec, for truction) (1970) AASHO Ml 34 Spec, for Drop Inlets, Manholes, J/ Std. Spec, for Construction of ion (1964) Std. Spec, for n (1964) Std. Spec, for Right of Way Markers (Highway Construction) (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Spec, for Coarse Aggregate for Spec, for Waterproof Curing Paper (Cover on for Plastic Curing Blankets (White Polyethylene Sheeting) Spec, for Burlap Curing Blankets (Cover on pray) (1970?) ASTM C/ Spec, for Membrane Curing Compound ) AASHO M85 Spec, for Spec, for 1 1 34 Std. Spec, for Stabilized Earth Base Course Cart, Audio Heads/ Spec, for Group Learning Systems (Six ine, Paint,. Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking) Spec, for Tractor Roller Grease, , 16mm and 35mm and Processing and Furnishing Negative and minimum Spec, for 1 14 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton) minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, Spec, for Wood Guard Rail 970) Spec, for Spec, for Tractor Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with d Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel , Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Spec, for Precast Concrete Survey Marker Std. Spec, for Binders, Screw nnel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Guide Spec, for Lift, Automotive Twin Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Spec, for Semi Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign tm / Spec, for Binders, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Spec, for Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Turn Spec, for Automobile and Truck Lifts (2 Std. Spec, for Binders and Sheets Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign Spec, for Office Machines Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Tractor Roller, Company sOnly) (1968) Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link, Spec, for Cable Guide Rail Fittings, Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link, Spec, for Farm Fencing, Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Spec, for Rolled Steel Fence ccessories (/ Spec, for Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, aterial, Erection and Reerection) F/ Std. Spec, for Fence Spec, for Snow Fence, Spec, for Timber c. for Steel Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood (1970?) ASTM A- 107, A- 123 Spec, for Flanged Channel Sign Spec, for Guardrail . for Preservative Treatment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and sc CS-235 Std. Spec, for Wfcod Fence ASTM B6-58, USC CS 1 84-5 1 Std. Spec, for Steel Fence Spec, for Wood Fence Spec, for Structural Steel Fence Portable Trough Conveyor (Belt Type) ( 197 1 ) Portable Two Way Radio Equipment (150-174 MHZ) (State P Portable Water Cooler (Texas Pattern) (1964) Portable with Power Plant (1968) Portable with Tools ( 1969) Portable (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning) ( 1969) Portable (1969) Portable (1969) Portable (1971) ANSI A 1 4. 1 , ASTM D20 1 6 (Portable) (Medical Center) (1970) Portable) (School) (1971) (Portable) (1969) Portable) (1969) Spec. (Portable) (1971) Portable) ( 1971 ) /for Material Handling Equipment (Lin (Portable) (1971) FED Std. 209a Portable, Automotive Use (1963) (Portable, Commercial, Power Sifters) (1971) Portable, Electric (1971) Portable, Personal, VHF Low Band) (1971) Portable, Power Driven Concrete Saw ( 1970) (Portable, Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Blast Clea Portion Souffle (Paper) (1965) Portland Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Retarder, Air Portland Cement Concrete and Mortar (1970?) AASHO T-26 Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter for Highway Co Portland Cement Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Ju Portland Cement Concrete for Structures for Highway Con Portland Cement Concrete Mortar and Grout (Highway Cons Portland Cement Concrete or Brick Masonry Catch Basins, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement for Highway Construct (Portland Cement Concrete Posts) for Highway Constructio Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Median Portland Cement Concrete (Highway Construction) (1970) Portland Cement Concrete (1970?) Portland Cement Concrete (1970?) Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-139 (Portland Cement Concrete) ( 1970?) AASHO M-171 Spec. Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-182 (Portland Cement Concrete, Water Retardation) (Liquid, S Portland Cement (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970 Portland Cement (1970?) AASHO M-85 or M-134 (Portland Cement) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO Position Listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile (Positive Displacement Testliner) (1970) /or Spray Mach Positive Seal Assemblies (Company) (1968) Positive Silver and Diazo Type Prints) (Photographic) Positraction Axle (1970?) Positraction Axle) (1970?) (Post and Strut) (1970) Post Hole Digger (Auger Type, 4 Wheel Drive Chassis) ( 1 Post Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Post Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; L Post with Signs and Canister, Cornice Letters) (1969) Post (1969) Post (1970) Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 Spec, for Flanged Cha Post, Air, Hydraulic (1968) Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) Post, Aluminum Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) Post, Black, Wood or Metal (1969) Post, Electronic Data Processing and Cleaners ( 1968) As Post, Full Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Post, Fully Hydraulic) (1964) USC CS 142-5 8 (Post, Three Ring, Blue and Green Pressboard) ( 1971 ) Post, Yellow, Wood or Metal (1969) (Postage Meter Mailing) (1971) Postive Seal (1970) Posts and Accessories (Aluminum Construction - Material Posts and Accessories ( 1966) Posts and Accessories ( 1970) Posts and Accessories ( 1971 ) Posts and Accessories ( 1971 ) /for Beam Type Guide and Posts and Angles (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123, MIL E-10687 Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Posts and A Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (M Posts and Driving Caps ( 1969) Posts for Break Away Road Sign Installations ( 1970) Posts for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spe Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Guide Post) Posts (Concrete, Steel, Wood) (Highway Railing) (1970) Posts (Creosote Oil or Pentachlorophenol) (1970?) AASHO Posts (Line Corner and Gate) and Preservatives ( 1970) U Posts (Line, End, Corner and Gate) (1970) FED RR-F-183, Posts (Treated) (1970?) Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Line, Fittings (1970) NY 41500-0511 NY 38211-0690 TX 325-74-1 NJ 4950-02 NJ 4950-03 NJ 7964-02 NY 12100-0501 NY 37010-0342 PA L-18 NY 12026-0552 NY 38215-0451 NY 32500-0936 NY 41400-0272 AK •51 NY 39104-0565 NY 12030-0797 KS 53-3 NY 31200-0352 NY 43200-0490 FL *26 SC 14-070-0451 NY 47100-0396 KY 7815-3 VA DH-217 MS 3906 SC HD-114 SC HD-59B9 SC HD-70 VA DH-220 SC HD-117 SC HD-59 SC HD-126 SC HD-113 VA DH-219 MS 3126 MS 3137 MS 3752 MS 3756 MS 3751 MS 3754 VA DH-216 MS 3101 SC HD-39 NY 38209-0401 NJ 4934-01 CA 681-91-1 13 NY 26000-0448 WY *2 WY *7 NJ 5950-00 NY 44500-0686 NY 40601-0298 FL *21 NY 21802-0347 MD *2 OR 74_100-0010 MS 3401 NJ 3960-00 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 CA 691-80-09 CA 712-75-05 NY 35000-0299 TX 045-45-1 IL ♦32D CA 691-80-08 NY 22912-0019 MS L-5B-70-22 NY 39600-0767 NY 00320-0376 NY 39600-0627 NY 39603-0264 NY 32000-0439 MS 3403 NY 32000-0439 SC HD-123 MD ♦13 MD *8 SC HD-121 MS 3401 VA DH-225 MS 3491 OR 63-700-9020 OR 64-600-9030 MS 3413 MS 3406 249 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 91, MIL Std. 105 8) 1968) Spec, for Steel Snow Fence Spec, for Steel Fence and Sign Spec, for Wood Guard Rail for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Sign or Structural Timber for Joists, Planks, Beams, Stringers, Spec, for Galvanized U-Section Metal Sign . Spec, for Right of Way Markers (Portland Cement Concrete c. for Fence, Chain Link, Steel (Accessories, Fittings and ent for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence ec. for Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Wire, Lawn), vative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Spec, for Metal Delineator and Sign nys Std.) (/ Spec, for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, 8 1 Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Fence Spec, for Spec, for Seat Cushions Spec, for Male Spec, for Spec, for Steel Contemporary Swivel Spec, for Aluminum General Office Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Office Executive Chair Spec, for Steel Office Secretarial Chair Spec, for Executive Swivel Chair Spec, for Junior Executive Swivel Chair Spec, for Metal Secretarial Chair (Swivel Std. Spec, for Grit, Soap, Cake, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Gong Elastic; Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Spec, for Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic General Cleaning (1955) FED P-S-536, VV/ Spec, for Soap; anure, Ammonium Nitrate, Cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriate of d O-P-566, Std. 141 Spec, for . for Kitchen Equipment (Machinery) (Vegetable Steamer and ood Cutt/ Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Vegetable Steamer, Spec, for Seed d. Spec, for Dishwashing Detergent Compound Type D (Hand) ure, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Vats and Stock , Cups, Di/ Spec, for Aluminumware: Bakeshop and Kitchen nserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Spec, for Ceramic and Pottery Equipment (Pug Mill, (1970) Spec, for Kiln (Gas Fired), Spec, for Ceramic and Std. Spec, for Brushes (Oil Paint, rcement, Etc.) (1969/ Std. Spec, for Woven Wire Netting, ec. for Inspection, Grading, Testing, and Certification of Spec, for Livestock and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (1963) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for CJ — Spec Spec Spec size) (1963) Spec ze) (1963) Std. Spec for for for for Spec, for for Livestock and Std. Spec, for Spec, for (1970) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete Joint and Crack Sealer (Hot Std. Spec, for Joint Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Hot Spec, for Sewer Joint Sealing Compound (Hot Spec, for Silica Flour (200 Mesh) for Household Scouring Std. Spec, for Wall Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Low Foaming, hniques (Educatio/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System for r X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and r X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal and Std. Spec, for Soap Borax crossings, Lane Lines, Etc/ Spec, for Reflective Striping Spec, for Silica Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Detergent, Car Wash, es) (1967/ Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent Spec, for Built Low Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent Spec, for Lubricated Laundry Starch Spec, for Built High Sudsing Laundry Detergent Posts (1967) ASTM A15, A16 RI Posts (1970) ASTM A107, A499, A123 SD Posts (1970?) MS Posts (1970?) Spec. MS Posts (1970?) Spec. F MS Posts (1970?) ASTM A 15, A499, A 123 SC Posts) for Highway Construction (1964) Std SC Posts) (Galvanized and Aluminum Coated) (1969) /D. Spe NC Posts, and Piling for Bridge and Highway Construction SC Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway Construction) (1970) VA Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge and Highway C SC Posts, Flanged Channel Bar (1967) MD Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire Retardant) NY Posts, Rails and Fittings ( 1970?) ASTM B-241, AASHO M-l MS Posts, Route Marker, Steel U ( 1969) NJ (Posture and Executive) for Office Use ( 1971 ) FED Std. 1 CA Posture Chair (Without Arms) (1970?) NV Posture Chairs (Furniture) (Institutional Use) (1969) RI Posture Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) RI Posture Chairs (1969) RI Posture Chairs, General Office (Furniture) (1969) RI (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, with Arms) (196 TX (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) TX (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) NV (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) NV Posture, No Arms) (1970?) NV (Pot and Pan Cleanser) (1953) MS Pot and Pan Soap (1969) WA Pot and Pan Washing Machine (1967) NY Pot and Sink (1969) PA Pot Brushes (1967) TX Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Poli FL Potash) Solution (1965) FED O-P-566, Std. 141 TX Potash, Liquid and Paste for Floors (Except Rubber) and PA Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of NY Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) Solution (1965) Fe TX Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toaster NY Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Sheer, F NY Potatoes (1970) NY (Pots and Pans) (1953) St MS Pots) for Highway Construction (1970) /Wine, Soil Mixt VA Pots, Etc. (1968) /. for Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of TX (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Strainers, Containers, Covers PA Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stand, Mess PA Potters Wheel) (1971) NY Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Ware Truck NY Pottery Equipment (Pug Mill, Potters Wheel) ( 1971 ) NY Pottery, Varnish, Water Color, and Stencil) (1953) IL (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Court, Stucco Reinfo OR Poultry and Eggs (1971) Sp CA Poultry Feed Inspection, Packing and Shipping (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Broiler Finisher (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Broiler Starter (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Chick Starter Nutrient (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient (Pullet Developer) MI Poultry Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit (Chick Size) (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit (Hen Size) (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Laying Mash ( 1963) MI Poultry Feed, Laying Mash, High Energy (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Scratch (Chick Size) (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Scratch (Hen Size) (1963) MI Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Chick MI Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Hen Si MI Poultry Feeds (1970) IL Poultry Feed; Crumble Form (1969) OR Poultry Leg and Wing Bands (Marking) (1971) NY Poultry Rations (Chick,/Laying/Chicken Feed) and Pullet WA Poultry Vitamin Mineral Premix (Chicken) (1970) WA Poured Elastic Type) (Bituminous Pavement) (1970?) ASTM MS Poured Rubber Asphalt (1964) NJ Poured) ( 1970?) FED SS-S-169 MS Powder and Cleaner Manufacture (1966) TX Powder and Granular ( 1 963 ) MS Powder and Single Crystal Investigations Using Film Tec NY Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research A NY Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research A NY Powder for Dispensers ( 1969) OR Powder for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, NY Powder in Compounding Kitchen Scouring Powder (1968) CA Powder Light and Moderate Duty ( 1961 ) MS Powder or Crystalline (1969) MS (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Machin TX (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric Washing Machin TX (Powder or Granules) (1965) FED JJJ-S-701C TX ( Powder or Granules) ( 1 968 ) TX *2 *4 3412 3528 3426 39-110-1002 HD-126 5660-CLF-l HD-77 DH-253 HD-77 *12 37513-0851 3408 4530-08 711-67-26 7110-3 1-037 4-014 2-001 1-014 300-3 3-2B 3 00-3 3-4 A 7110-1 7110-2 7110-4 S-2-53-42 S-62-44 33500-0430 B-106 370-31-3 *25 371-58-1 S— 85 07700-0473 371-58-1 00361-0541 36100-0122 08000-0460 S-2-53-52 DH-257 370-31-13 A-4 F-80 23105-0112 23104-0232 23105-0112 *33X 60-500-9030 711-89-13 4340 4340-0132 4340-0130 4340-0120 4340-0124 4340-0122 4340-0105 4340-0104 4340-0126 4340-0128 4340-0101 4340-0100 4340-0103 4340-0102 *26 84-100-9010 08701-0638 S-60-8 S-60-8-1 3723 1308-006 3724 371-62-1 C- 12-63 11002-0473 11002-0373 11002-0710 76-450-9010 38601-0258 681-66-15 TC-29 D-3A-69 395-36-1A 395-36-2 395-47-1A 395-36-3 250 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards spec, for Built High Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent Spec, for Built High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap ch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Collector, cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, ) (1969) Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Spec, for Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Std. Spec, for Grit Scouring Std. Spec, for Alkaline Soap d. Spec, for Detergent, Laundry, Low Sudsing, Granular and leaning) Compounds; Detergent, General Purpose, Liquid and Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Built, Spec, for Soap, Grit, Hand, Paste and Spec, for Cleaner, Commode, Toilet, Spec, for Cleansing and Scrubbing Spec, for Silica Powder in Compounding Kitchen Scouring Spec, for Tooth Spec, for Cleaning Compound, General Purpose, Spec, for Detergent, General Duty, Nonabrasive Std. Spec, for Scouring Spec, for Alkaline Soap Spec, for Detergent, Grit, Scouring . for Di ( Hydrogenated Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride Spec, for Dialkyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride Spec, for Laundry Bluing (Liquid and c. for Heavy Duty Stain and Soil Removing Laundry Builder built High, Medium and Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Spec, for Aluminum Pigment for Paint Spec, for Scouring Std. Spec, for Scouring Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Borax Std. Spec, for Soap (Borax Spec, for Scouring Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Stripper, Tent. Spec, for Cleanser, Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Scouring Spec, for Detergent Deodorizer Sanitizer (1970) FED TT-P-/ Spec, for Galvanizing Repair Compound (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Rinse) Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Lime - Grade a (Bleach d2022, E70, Std Std. 536 Spec, for Chlorinated Spec, for germicidal) (1970) Aocs DA9-48 Spec, for Germicidal) (1971) Aocs DA9-48, ASTM D2077 Spec, for Spec, for luoride, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Softener - Detergent); Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Spec, for Gold Bronze, 2 Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Spec, for Soap; Toilet, Spec, for Soap, Toilet, Spec, for Laundry Soap, Spec, for Scouring Spec, for Tractor Truck with 5th Wheel, Gasoline Spec, for Sewer Cleaner, Flexible Spec, for Portable Spec, for Bow Type Portable raulic Oil for Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Spec, for Heavy Crawler Tractor with Angledozer and Spec, for Portable, (1971) Spec, for Spec, for and Industrial (Air Conditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Spec, for Snow Plow Wing Assemblies ( 12 Ft., Full etergent for Washing Cotton, Colored and Woolen Fabrics in Std. Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Class V Spec, for Class III Spec, for Big Wheel Spec, for Class I Spec, for Heavy Duty Class IV Spec, for Heavy Duty Big Wheel Spec, for Class II self Propelled) (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Mowers; Lawi., Gasoline Spec, for Welder, AC-DC Portable with gine, Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machi/ Spec, for Oils, Spec, for Metal Forming Machine Spec, for Snow Plow (7 1/2 Ft. (Powder or Granules) (1968) (Powder or Granules) (1968) (Powder or Granules) ( 1968) Powder or Hammer Mill) ( 1971 ) /Nt (Ribbon Blender, Bat Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Paddle Powder (Calcium Hypochlorite; 65-70% Available Chlorine Powder (Chlorinated, Nonfoaming) (1971) Powder (Detergent) (1953) Powder (General Purpose Cleaner) (1953) Powder (Home Type Automatic Washer) (1969) St Powder (1964) Spec, for (C Powder (1966) Powder (1966) Powder (1967) Powder (1967) FED P-S-536 Powder (1968) Powder (1968) Powder (1968) Powder (1969) Powder (1969) Powder (1970) Powder (1970) (Powder) for Fabric Softener Manufacture (1969) Spec (Powder) for Use in Fabric Softener Formulation ( 1971 ) Powder) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B (Powder) (1968) Spe Powder) (1968) Spec, for (Powder) (1969) Powder, Bleach, Cleaner (1969) Powder, Cleanser, Chlorine (1969) Powder, Cleanser, Scouring Type ( 1969) Powder, Cleansing, Scouring Type, Shaker Top Can ( 1969) Powder, Dispenser (1970) Powder, Dispenser, Hand) (1953) Powder, Glass Cleaning (1969) FED Std. 536 Powder, Heavy Duty (Hot) (1962) Powder, Heavy Duty ( 1961 ) Powder, Machine, Dish and Can Washing (1969) Powder, Machine, Dish and Can Washing, Nonfoaming (1969 Powder, Mild Abrasive (1968) Powder, Mild, Quaternary Ammonium (1969) (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (Powder, Tablet, Ointment) ( 1969) /Ic Bacterial Agents Powder, Water Purification and Disinfectant) (1953) Powdered Cleaner (Abrasive Type, Cleanser) (1970) ASTM Powdered Fabric Softener (Dry Wheel Application) (1969) Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Non Powdered Fabric Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Non Powdered Hand Soap (1970) FED Std. 536, ASTM Dl 172 Powdered Soap Dispensers) (1971) /Etasilicate, Silicof Powdered Soap (Nonalkaline) (1969) Powdered Soap, Nonalkaline (1953) Powdered Toilet Soap (Hand, Dispenser) (1953) Powdered (Cold Water) (1970) ASTM D460, D502 Powdered (for Paint) (1969) Powdered (Hot Water, Nonalkaline) (1969) ASTM D460, D50 Powdered (1963) ASTM D460 Powdered, Plain or Borax (1966) Powdered, Soft Water (1969) Powder; Cleaner (Porcelain, Kitchen) (1969) Powered (1965) Power Bucket Machine ( 1962) Power Chain Saw (1969) Power Chain Saw (1970) Power Control Systems of Road Machinery and Similar App Power Control Unit ( 1970?) Power Driven Concrete Saw ( 1970) Power Floor Sweeper, Electric Battery Powered, 36 In.) Power Grader (1970) Power House Equipment) Water Resistant (1967) /Motive Power Hydraulic for Grader Attachment) (1970) Power Laundry (1969) /C. for Organic Built Synthetic D Power Lawn Mower (Riding, Reel Type) ( 1964) Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) ( 1966) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) ( 1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) ( 1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) ( 1966) Power Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Hand and Power Operated (Reel and Rotary Type) ( 1968) Power Plant (1968) Power Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and En (Power Press, Former Lock) (1968) Power Reversible) and Blower (6 Ft.) ( 1971 ) TX 395-36-4 TX 395-45-5 TX 395-45-6 NY 36502-0211 PA A-4 PA B-90 MS T-D-23C-71 MS S-2-53-40 MS S-2-53-35 MS D-7A-69 PA C-84 KY 7930-15 KY 8520-1 KY 7930-10 PA P-154 CA 681-66-15 CA 681-85-04 KY 7930-24 CA 691-77-13 OR 76-300-9020 LA * 1 1 — 1 LA * 1 1-4 TX 371-32-2 TX 180- 12-2 A TX 395-33-1A VA L-5A TX 395-45-1B PA A-6 MI 4681-S3 MS C-8A-69 CA 691-77-12 CA 691-77-34 LA * 1 1 — 10 MS S-2-53-32 PA P-l MS TC-30A MS TC-9 CA 691-77-22 CA 691-77-26 KY 7930-33 CA 691-77-36 VA DH-258 NY 21901-0964 MS S-2-53-21 TX 370-33-6A VA L-8 TX 395-35-7 TX 505-47-1A PA S-86 NY 20100-0289 OR 76-401-9040 MS S-2-53-1 MS S-2-53-30 PA S-60 PA B-27 PA S-3 PA S-72 KY 8520-4 CA 691-77-29 PA P-2 NJ 4938-79 NJ 4938-46 SC 19- 140 A SC 19-140 SC 34-040 VA *16 SC 14-070-0451 NY 41600-0202 NY 41301-0105 MI 5255-S12 NY 40900-0488 VA L-2 WA S-64-74 TX 415-36-2A TX 415-37-3A TX 415-37-4 TX 415-37-1B TX 415-36-1A TX 415-36-3 TX 415-37-2B WA S-69-106 PA M-68 NJ 4950-02 NJ 3578-01 NY 43202-0111 NY 40900-0160 251 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards lows (One Way with Right Hand Leveling Wing, Roll Over and Spec, for Cleaner, Sewer, Spec, for Vibratory uty Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Convenor or for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Portable, Commercial, s and Charger) (1/ Spec, for Fire Alarm System (Emergency Spec, for Spec, for . for Industrial , for Industrial . for Industrial for Hydraulic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ompression, Tension and Transverse) Testing Machine (Screw 8) ANSI B71.1, SAE J607, J608 Spec, for Lawn Mowers; Spec, for Hacksaw Blades, Spec, for Mowing Equipment (Hand and Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, pe) (1970?) Spec, for Hydraulic portable Generator (Mobile/ Spec, for Truck with Electric G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Electric ype)(1970) Spec ype)(1970) Spec ype) (1969) Spec uck with 14 Ft. Platform (1970) Spec. tor Hitch (1968) ed Router (1968) s, 20 In. Drill Presses and Vacuum Cleaners ( 1/ Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel Spec, for Diesel ody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade)/ ,000 Lb. G.V.W. ,4 X 4) (1971) ,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) ,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) ,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) x 4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) (Belly Blade) for Snow Plowing and Ice/ box, 6X4) (1971) Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) -) (1971) ., Manual Transmission) (1971) ., Automatic Transmission) (1971) 11 and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever aterial Handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery ndling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Battery Spec, for Hoist (Electric Spec, for Motor Oil, Heavy Duty, for Gasoline and Diesel stem and Controls (1967) Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic . for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Battery spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift Truck, Battery rials Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck (Battery , Motor, Gasoline Engine, Electric Generator, and Electric Spec, for Hydraulically Spec, for Crane, 4000 Lb. Capacity Electric Std. Spec, for Truck, Fork Lift, Gasoline Spec, for Chain Saw; Gasoline Spec, for Snow Throwers; Gasoline Engine Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Tractor,,HfcP~Ga's . for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas . for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Truck, LP Gas polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Water Absorbing, Battery handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Lift Truck (Gasoline Spec, for Conveyors, Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (LP Gas Engine Spec, for Telescoping Mobile Work Platform, Battery or Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Spec, for Industrial Truck (Gasoline ipment (Mechanical) (Fork Truck, Counter Balanced, Battery Spec, for Power Floor Sweeper, Electric Battery Spec, for Metal Polish (1969) FED P-P-556, Products and Inspection Requirement (1971) FED TT-P-143A, ec. for Paper; Gummed (Tape in Rolls) ( 1968) FED UU-P-31B, e, Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Publications; y Markers, Section Corners ( 1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Reinforcement Bars (Concrete Structures or ?) Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units (Solid, alnut, Maple, Cold Spray) ( 1969) ice Vehicles and Trucks ( 1969) s with Mineral Pads (19/ Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum, Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Acoustical Units; for Controlled Environment Room Power Reversible) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Snow P Power Rod Type (1968) Power Roller (2 Axle, Tandem, 2 Ton Category) (1971) Power Shift) (1970?) Spec, for Heavy D Power Sifters) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec. Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containing Batterie Power Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Power Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 53 In. or More, Riding T Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 66 In. or More, Riding T Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 76 In. or More, Riding T Power Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Body Tr Power Take Off Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Trac Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Blade, Table Mount Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Edge Bander (1969) Power Tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saw Power Tools, Portable, Electric (1971) Power Type) (Scienific Equipment) (1969) /Universal (C Power (Reel and Rotary Type) (Walking and Tractor) (196 Power (1968) FED GGG-B-451C Power) (1971) (Power, Drag Bucket Type) (1968) Power, Rotary, Heavy Duty (1970) Power, Rotary, Medium Duty ( 1965) Powered Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Truck Body Ty Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Powered Crane ( 1968) Spec, for Truck, 24,00 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underb Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (Heavy Duty, 41 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6 Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Powered Dump Truck with Underbody Maintainer Attachment Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W Powered Dump Truck (6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W Powered Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tools, Stu Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) ( 1971 ) /C. for M Powered Stand-Up Rider) (1971) Spec, for Material Ha Powered Telescoping Crane) (1970) Powered Trucks and Tractors ( 1967) Powered Under Tailgate Type, Material with Hydraulic Sy Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Lift Ja Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manual Hydrau Powered Walkie ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Mate Powered Weight Dolly for Testing Scales (1969?) /Truck Powered Winch (Oceanographic Research) (1971) Powered (for Mounting on Vehicle) (1968) Powered (1966) Powered (1967) Powered (1968) Powered) (1969) Powered) (1970) Powered) (1971) Powered) (1971) Powered) (1971) Powered, Incline (1971) Powered, Riding Type) ( 1971 ) Powered, Self Propelled (1969) Powered, Stand-Up Riders) (1971) Powered, Wide Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Powered, 2000 Lb. Capacity) ( 1971 ) /Erial Handling Equ Powered, 36 In.) (1971) PPP-C-96, ASTM Dl 172 PPP-D-732, MIL Std. 105 /Ling of State Spec. Paint and PPP-T-45B Sp Prebound Paperback) (1970) Spec, for Books (Trad Precast Concrete Monuments for Bench Marks, Right-Of-Wa Precast Concrete Survey Marker Post (1969) Precast Concrete (1968) Precast Units) (1970?) Precast, Segmental) for Catch Basins and Manholes (1970 Precatalyzed Lacquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, W Precoated Aluminum Blanks for License Plates (1970?) Precoated Aluminum License Plate Stock 1 (1968?) Precoated for License Plates ( 1 965 ) Precoated, Cardinal Red, for License Plates ( 1967) Precoated, Gold, for License Plates (1968) Predelivery Service and Inspection for Automobiles, Pol Prefabricated Aluminum Greenhouses (1968) Prefabricated Cellulose and Mineral Tiles and Metal Pan (Prefabricated Modular) (University) (1968) Spec Spec Spec, for Floor Spec, for Material Spec. F NY NJ NY VA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ SC NY NY NY NY NY PA TX NY NY MS MS VA NJ NJ AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK NY NY NY NY LA NJ NY NY NY NJ NY NJ NC PA PA NY NY NY PA NY NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY PA WA PA NY MS MD NY MS MS MI CT NJ MI MI MI MI NY OR NY 40900-0895 6356-01 41300-0825 *7 31200-0352 34400-0777 46800-0138 46800-0284 41600-0464 41600-0704 41600-0876 4938-15 14-220-0451 A 43200-0243 43200-0377 43200-0075 43200-0490 38787-0813 M-60 325-33-2A 37000-0625 44000-0572 M-6A-70 M-5-65 *15 4938-48 4938-73 *63 *62 *59 *60 *58 *64 ♦67 *61 *65 ♦68 *66 *69 *70 35000-0938 39101-0892 39101-0774 43100-0588 *8-7 4938-74 39101-0680 39101-0471 39101-0279 *1-1 43100-0813 4938-121 3950-TFL-2 S-107 S-123 39101-0318 39101-0673 39101-0594 M-50 39101-0350 4910-00 41600-0461 39006-0329 39101-0719 45001-0808 39101-0409 41600-0202 P-133 S-62-58-B P-86 20000-0655 3667 *2 31800-0872 3301 3621 5325-S19 *1 0730-01 4906-0010 4978-S1 4978-S2 *3 31800-0009 64-400-9010 12026-0705 252 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Building, Metal, Spec, for Newsstand, onmental Walk-in Chambers and Constant Temperature Rooms ems for Laboratory Use)/ Spec, for Glass Plant (Various te (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and Lubrica/ Spec, for Spec, for 0?) AASHO M-153 Spec, for Spec, for Laboratory Mice Std. Spec, for Poultry Vitamin Mineral Std. Spec, for Swine (Hog) Antibiotic Vitamin Spec, for Patching - Material (Bituminous isho M46 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Equipment (Manual) (196/ Uniform Meth. for Requisitions Spec, for Office Machines (Key to Tape Data Spec, for Safety Eyewear, Fitted, Piano and 21, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for pec. for Multimedia Control Systems (Programming, Display, Spec, for Plates, or Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles Spec, for Creosote Spec, for Pentachlorophenol uard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling / Std. Spec, for sts (Creosote Oil or Pentachlorophenol) (1970?/ Spec, for ) (1970) AASHO / Spec, for Structural Timber, Lumber, and Std. Spec, for Water Repellent Wood . for Ready Mixed Paints, Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Spec, for Creosote Oil, Wood Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wood ) Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wood rophenol) (Highway and Bridge Construct/ Spec, for Timber std. Spec, for Wood Fence Posts (Line Corner and Gate) and Spec, for Textile, Blue Denim, Spec, for Textile, White Duck, Spec, for Textile, Striped Duck, Spec, for Textile, Blue Denim, Lightweight, Std. Spec, for Denim, Cotton, pec. for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Std. Spec, for Corduroy, Cotton, Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Spec, for Textile, Striped Shirting, Spec, for Textile, White Twill, Bleached, Spec, for Textile, Gingham, oval) (Bleach) (1969) Tent. Spec, for Laundry CCC-C-435B, CCC-T-191B Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Permanent Spec, for New Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Orion Laundry Spec, for Nylon Needle Punched Flannel (Laundry Spec, for Men's and Boys" Permanent Spec, for Men's and Boys" Permanent Spec, for Uniform Shirts; Permanent Spec, for Floor Type Drill Spec, for Men's and Boys" Dress Shirts (Permanent Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Permanent Spec, for Office Supplies (Offset Duplicating Masters and Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Shirt Finishing Unit, blanket Wash and Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Offset Spec, for Metal Forming Machine (Power e, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Spec, for Mop Spec, for Spec, for Binders, . for Binders and Sheets (Post, Three Ring, Blue and Green Processing and Cleaners (1968) ASTM / Spec, for Binders, Spec, for Triple Spec, for Laundry (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Drill plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Std. Spec, for Laundry achines, Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Spec, for Laundry 68) Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Nylon Laundry Spec, for Spec^for High Spec, for Coolers, Drinking Water, Electric, Spec, for Kitchen Equipment gine)(1968) Spec, for High Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment (Skid - High ) Spec, for Prefabricated (1961) Prefabricated (1970) (Prefabricated) (University) (1971) Spec, for Envi Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Units and Accessory Preformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals for Concr Preformed Joint Filler (Bituminous) (1970?) AASHO M-33 Preformed Joint Filler (Nonextruding and Resilient) (19 (Pregnant) (1969) Premix (Chicken) (1970) Premix (1970) Premix) (Road Construction) (1969) Premolded Asphalt Plank (Highway Construction) ( 1970) A Premolded Asphalt Plank (1970?) AASHO M-46 Prepainted Coiled Steel Stock for License Plates (1963) Preparation for Automobile, Truck and Special Automotiv Preparation System) (Police) (1971) Prescription Eyeglasses and Spectacles ( 197 1 ) Prescription Eyewear (Spectacles, Eyeglasses) (1971) Cf Presentation) (1971) Presentized Aluminum ( 197 1 ) (Preservative and Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) ( 1971 ) / F Preservative Oil (1970?) AASHO M-133 Preservative Solution (1970) AASHO M-133 Preservative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam G Preservative Treatment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and Po Preservative Treatment (Highway and Bridge Construction Preservative (Non Swelling, Paintable) (1963) Preservative (Shellac, Varnish, Remover) (1971) Spec Preservative (1953) Preservative (1970) Preservative, Water Repellent, Ready Mix ( 1961 ) Preservative, Water Repellent, Ready Mix (1970) Preservative, Water Repellent, 3 to 1 Concentrate (1961 Preservative, 10 to 1 Concentrate (1961) Preservatives (Creosote, Water and Oil Borne, Pentachlo Preservatives (1970) USC CS-235 Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) ( 1960) Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) ( 1971 ) Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Preshrunk, Print (Cloth) (1970?) Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Rem Press and Flatwork Ironer Cotton Cover Cloth ( 1964) Fed Press Army Twill) (1967) Press Box Seating (Auditorium, Stadium) (1967) Press Cloth Flannel (Textile) (1957) Press Cloth (Textile) (1954) Press Padding) (1966) FED CCC-T-191B Press Sport Shirts (1970) Press Trousers (Slacks) ( 1970) Press (State Police) (1967) FED CCC-T-191 Press (1970) Press) (1969) Press) (1969) Press) (1971) Press) (1971) Press, Flammable (1968) Spec, for Press, Former Lock) (1968) Press, Hand Grinder) ( 1967) /FF, Laboratory Box Furnac Press, Wringer (1967) Pressboard File Guides (1971) MIL Std. 105 Pressboard (1969) Pressboard ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Data Pressed Stearic Acid ( 1966) Presses and Finishing Equipment ( 1968) Presses and Vacuum Cleaners ( 1971 ) /. for Power Tools Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Presses, Commercial (General) (Cabinet Type) ( 1969) Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Fold Presses, Tailor Shop (Institutional Use) (1952) Presses; Commercial Shirts, Trousers (Cabinet Type) (19 Pressing Cloth (1964) Pressing Machine Equipment (Laundry) (1968) Pressure Booster Fire Hose ( 1971 ) Pressure Bubbler Type (1968) (Pressure Cooker with Tilt Kettles) ( 1971 ) Pressure Fire Fighting Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoline En Pressure Fog) (1969) Pressure Hose and Fittings (Hydraulic, Air Brake) (1971 NC 5410-B-l NY 21802-0499 NY 12026-0757 NY 12002-0475 MS 3721 MS 3701 MS 3702 NJ 0348-01 WA S-60-8-1 WA S-60-11-2 NM ♦18 VA DH-215 MS 3204 PA S-58 IL *25 NY 22900-0063 CA 711-42-09 CA 711-62-50 NY 38200-0580 NJ 7790-00 NY 37513-0851 MS 3174 MS 3177 sc HD-77 MS 3491 VA DH-244 WA S-63-69 NY 38000-0041 PA 0-6 NY 38060-0120 MI 5325-0120 MI 5325-S37 MI 5325-0115 MI 5325-0110 VA DH-246 OR 63-700-9020 MA *35-l MA *35-24 MA ♦35-29 MA *35-82 MS T-1A-60-9 PA F-63 OR 79-100-9070 PA F-62 MA *35-52 MA *35-55 MA *35-75 MS TL-7-69 TX 410-34-3 RI 4265-M-002A NE *80 RI 4920-001 RI 4920-002 TX 410-39-2 RI 4265-M-011 RI 4284-M-008 PA U-37 NE *60 RI 4265-M-001 RI 4265-M-002 NY 23007-0004 NY 36501-0885 CA 681-66-17 NY 43202-011 1 NY 00432-00-0686 KY 7920-20 CA 711-75-47 CA 691-75-43 IL *32D CA 712-75-05 TX 371-77-1 PA P-9 NY 43200-0075 NY 23100-0855 NC 3510-LP-4 NY 00365-0200 PA P-106 PA P-159 TX 410-34-1 NY 36501-0601A CA 711-42-21 KY 4110-1 NY 36100-0914 NY 46000-0641 NY 34703-0503 NY 36003-0136 253 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards pec. for Multipurpose Gear Lubricants; Automotive (Extreme Spec, for Multipurpose Grease with Extreme hh-I-595, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Electrical Tape (Plastic or Metal Surfaces of Trailer/ Spec, and Requirements for Spec, for Office Supplies indshield Stickers (1964) Spec, and Requirements for iler) (1969) Spec, for Inspection Device, Exterior Use Spec, for Vehicle Inspection Device nger Vehicle Windshields (196/ Spec, and Requirements for r Automobile Windshields (196/ us Windshields (1964) d. 147 rical Insulating) (1960) Spec, for Requirements for Spec, and Requirements for Spec, for Masking Tape; Spec, for Tape; Spec, for Tape; Spec, for Sign Cleaner, , Varnishes and / Spec, for Petroleum Solvents for Use in for Sandblasting Equipment (Portable, Top Loading, Direct Spec, for Washer, High Spec, for Cleaning Compound; Liquid, High p Type Differentials, Transmissions, Final Drives) Extreme Spec, for Chassis Grease, High Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Gear, Universal (Extreme Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Water (2 1/2 Gal. Stored Spec, for Enclosed Gear Lubricants (Nonextreme Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, High Temperature, Extreme ctric Cable and Wire) ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Connectors; ompression, Generator and Alternator Regulator, Vacuum and 69) Spec, for Washer, High 70) Spec, for Tester, Flow and Std. Spec, for Filters and Filter Elements, Fluid, Std. Spec, for Spray Paint in Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Water Type, Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Dry Chemical, embers in Structures (Manufacture, Handli/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Seven Wire Strand for struction) ( 1970) Spec, for Steel Reinforcement and Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment (Expansible, Spec, for Vinyl Wash Primer (Paint), Metal Spec, for Acid Wash, leaning, Alkali Builder, Water Softening, and Boiler Scale ing Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale ater Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating Plants Std. Spec, for Tar Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as A Std. Spec, for Stabilized Aggregate Base Course (with ng (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, Asphalt, (Triple Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cement, Asphalt, Std. Spec, for Macadam Base Course (with spec, for Paint, Exterior, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Spec, for Odorless for Paint, Oil, Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined Sealer, flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Sealer, Std. Spec, for Oil Base Pigmented Spec, for Paint Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Enamel st Dry (1970) Std. Spec, for M-l 16 Spec, for Asphalt M-121 Spec, for Creosote Spec, for Yellow Fast Dry High Build Sanding Spec, for Asphaltic std. 141 Std. Spec, for Masonry Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion Std. Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Shop Coat, Red Lead (Metal nation Area ( 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Exterior Spec, for Paint, d Std. 141 Spec, for all Board and Plaster (1969) Spec, for t_P_442B Spec, for Latex Base Spec, for Std. Spec, for (1965) Std. Spec, for Oil (Alkyd) Paint rying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic rying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Synthetic Std. Spec, for Red Lead Spec, for Highway Metal Sign and Marker (1969) Spec, for rying (1969) Spec, for ster, Wood (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Vinyl Wash 969) Spec, for Vinyl Spec, for Vinyl Pressure Hypoid Type) (1970) Pressure Properties (1968) Pressure Sensitive All Weather) (1971) ASTM D1000, FED Pressure Sensitive Decalcomania for Application to Wood (Pressure Sensitive Labels - Unprinted) (1971) Pressure Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspection Rejection W (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Tra (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (1969) Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Nonpasse Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Passenge Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to School B Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive (1971) Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Transparent (1971) FED St Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film (Elect Pressure Spray Type ( 1 963 ) Pressure Type Stoves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for Paints Pressure Type) Blast Cleaning Machine (1969) Spec. Pressure (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning) (1968) Pressure (Steam) Cleaner (1970) Pressure (1967) /El and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Sli Pressure (1968) Pressure) (1961) Pressure) (1970) Pressure) (1970) Pressure, Automotive and Industrial (1967) Pressure, Fixture Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Ele Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spa Pressure, Portable (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning) (19 Pressure, with Mercury Batteries and Flange Adapter (19 Pressure: Lubricating Oil, Bypass and Full Flow (1967) Pressurized Cans ( 1 969 ) Pressurized Dry Chemical Multipurpose (1968) Pressurized Dry Chemical (1968) Pressurized (1968) Pressurized (1968) Prestressed Concrete Beams, Slabs, Channels and Other M Prestressed Concrete Bridges (1969) Prestressed Concrete (1970?) ASTM A-416 Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire) Highway and Bridge Con Pre timed Controller, Secondary) (1968) Pretreatment, Marine (1969) Pretreatment, Metal (1969) Preventative (1964) /Sodium Phosphate (Granular) for C Preventative, Water Softener) (1969) /Rganic Sequester (Prevention of Condensate Line Corrosion) (1970) /Eed W Prime Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Brid Prime) for Highway Construction ( 1964) Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) /Minous Surfaci Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) /Ous Surfacing Prime) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T96 Primed Wood, Metal or Masonry, Ready Mix (1970) Std. Primer - Sealer, Interior (Paint) (1971) Primer and Finish Coat ( 1964) Spec. Primer and Finish) (1962) FED Std. 141 /for One Coat Primer and Sealer (Paint) (1966) FED Std. 141 Primer and Sealer (1969) FED Std. 141, UU-W-101 Primer and Sealer; Wall, Interior (1969) Primer and Supplies ( 197 1 ) Primer Coating, Latex Base, Interior, White (Paint), Fa Primer for Dampproofing and Waterproofing ( 1970?) AASHO Primer for Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO Primer for Metal Surfaces (Paint) (1971) Primer for Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1964) Primer for Use Under Latex and Other Paints (1968) FED Primer for Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) Primer for Wood (House Paint) (1970) Primer Paint) (1970?) Primer Paint, Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Contami Primer Paint, Wood, House, Ready Mix ( 1963) Primer Sealer for Plaster and Wallboard (1964) Primer Sealer Paint for Plaster and Wallboard (1962) Fe Primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, W Primer Sealer (White, Tints, and Pastels) (1970?) FED T Primer Sealer, Alkyd (Paint) (1969) Primer Sealer; Exterior, Ready Mixed, Wood ( 1969) Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber and Plywood) Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Red and Brow Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (White and Li Primer (Paint) (1954?) Primer (Paint) (1970?) Primer (Paint), Asphalt, for Roofing and Waterproofing Primer (Paint), Basic Lead Silico Chromate, Semiquick D Primer (Paint), Latex, Interior, White, Wall Board, Pla Primer (Paint), Metal Pretreatment, Marine (1969) Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide Titanium Dioxide Type (1 Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide Type (1969) PA L-41 LA *8-4 CA 711-59-05 NJ 0734-05 NY 23016-0179 NJ 0734-02 PA D-20 PA D-16 NJ 0734-01 NJ 0734-00 NJ 0734-03 PA T-58 PA T-56 PA T-57 NJ 4938-58 NY 05601-0896 NY 47100-0396 NJ 7964-01 PA C-164 MI 5255-S14 CA 681-91-105 NC 9150-L-5 PA F-48 PA L-48 MI 5255-S13 OR 24-64- 10A NY 35000-0938 NJ 7964-02 NJ 4936-03 NC 2940-OF-l OR 77-100-9510 FL *10 FL *11 FL *12 KY 4210-300 SC HD-73 SC *38 MS 3348 VA DH-228 SC 39-000 CA 691-80-52 CA 691-80-405 TX 153-33-1 VA L-6 MA *11 SC HD-80B13 SC HD-46 SC HD-62 SC HD-63 SC HD-45 MS PE-8 NJ 7342-05 KY 29A VA DK-29A WA S-63-66-A PA P-41 OR 77-100-9210 SD *15 MS PI- 11 MS 3165 MS 3168 TX 630-63-9 TX 605-39-1 WA S-68-103 MS 3171 MS PE-1 MS 3506 CA 691-80-53 IA •1-1 KY 19A VA DK-19A CA 691-80-201 UT *2 MI 5325-S17 OR 77-100-9010 WA S-65-90 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A NM ♦22 MS 3512 CA 691-80-402 CA 691-80-83 CA 691-80-202 CA 691-80-52 CA 691-80-41 CA 691-80-40 254 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wood Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Metal Sign Spec, for Exterior Paint Std. Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Asphalt Roof on Ferrous Metal Surfaces (1956) F/ Spec, for Compound; i Spec, for Grey Metal Flash Spec, for Equipment Spec, for Shop Coat Spec, for Materials for License Plates Std. Spec, for Std. Std. Paint) (1970) '0) Std. Std. Std. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for >1 Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bri/ large) (1969) large) (1970) 4 Sulphite (1969) Spec, for Self Spec, for 3 In., Self Spec, for Pump, 4 In. Self Std. Spec, for Tar Spec, for Pump, Self Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for y Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, Gingham, Preshrunk, Spec, for Leather; Sides, Oil Finished, Western Grain Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Percale, Cotton Spec, for Textile, Dress Broadcloth, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tracing Cloth; for Packaging and Shipping Continuous and Snap Out Forms for Inked Ribbons for Electronic Data Processing Equipment Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Procurement of Offset Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Solvent, Light, Clean Up Spec, for Office Supplies (Special General Conditions and Spec, for Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Fine eograph, Onion Skin, Chipboard (1970) Spec, for teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block ) Spec, for White Spec, for Calculators, Electric General Spec, for Paper, Fine Official Rules and Regulations for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Percale and Spec, for Microfilm Reproduction of Paper Spec, for Microfilm, Electrostatic and Furnishing Negative and Positive Silver and Diazo Type or Microfilm (Including Processing and Production of Paper Spec, for Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System 1969) Spec, for Receiving er Unit) (1969) Spec, for Pulmonizer System (Monitor, Spec, for Spec, for Direct Spec, for Office Machines (Stencil and Spirit Platemaking Machines and Supplies (Automatic Photographic Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Screen and Std. for Paper, Stencil, Duplicating Machine, Dry Spec, for Duplicating Copy Paper, No. 4 Sulphite Liquid Spec, for Oven, Dost Wax Spec, for Cream Soap (Direct Spec, for Liquid Soap (Direct . for Office Supplies (Duplicating Machine, Stencil or Dry 1971) lets, Blanks, Circulars) (1970) Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Linseed Oil, Structural Steel Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Quick Drying (1969) Primer (Paint), Stucco, Exterior (1969) Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Light ( 1964) Primer (Paint), Synthetic, Red or Brown Iron Oxide (196 Primer (Paint), White (Sign) (1970?) FED TT-P-659 Primer (Paint), Wood, Mildew Resistant, Exterior (1969) Primer (Paint), Zinc Chromate, Metal, Fast Drying (1969 Primer (Paint, Commercial) (1970?) MIL P-8585 Primer (Undercoat for Wood, White and Tints) ( 1963) Primer (1964) FED SS-A-701 Primer (1970) FED SS-A-701, ASTM D-41 (Primer) Rust Inhibiting and Corrosion Resisting for Use Primer, Alkyd Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture (1969 Primer, Brown (Metal, Paint) (1970?) Primer, Dull Orange (Metal, Paint) (1970?) (Primer, Enamel) (1969) Primer, Ferrous Metal, Brown, Enamel (Paint) ( 1970) Primer, Red Lead, Metal (Paint) (1970) Primer, Sealer, Interior, Plaster and Wallboard, Alkyd Primer, Zinc Chromate, Enamel, Metal (Paint) ( 1970) Primer, Zinc Oxide, Galvanized Metal (Iron) (Paint) ( 19 Priming Centrifugal Electric Pump ( 1970) Priming Centrifugal Water Pump (1970) Priming Centrifugal, Trailer Mounted (1969) Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on Ste Priming, Centrifugal (1970) Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Openings for Intake and Disc Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Openings for Intake and Disc Print and Solid (Textile) (1971) Print Cloth, Dress, Cotton (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables, Portable Mixer) ( 19 Print Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1970) Print (Cloth) (1970?) (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Printed Cretonne, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Printed Dress (Cloth) (1970?) Printed Fancy (Cloth) ( 1970?) Printed Forms (Consent to Transfer) ( 1970) Printed Plastic Containers (1971) Printed (1956) (Printed) (1963) Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, Printers (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Spec Printing and Supplies (1969) Printing and Writing Paper, Fine, Unwatermarked, Number Printing Duplicators (1971) Printing Electric Calculators (Class I) (1964) Printing Electric Calculators (Class Ii) (1964) Printing Electric Calculators (Class Iii) (1964) Printing Equipment (1969) Printing for Vari Typer) (1971) Printing of College Catalogues (Glassboro) ( 1968) Printing of College Catalogues (Jersey City) ( 1970) Printing of College Catalogues (Montclair) ( 1968) Printing of College Catalogues (Neward) (1966) Printing of College Catalogues (Paterson) (1968) Printing of College Catalogues (Trenton) (1970) Printing Papers (1965) Printing Papers, Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mim Printing Presses (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving Printing Purchasing Guidelines for State Agencies (1971 Printing Service (1971) Printing (1970) Printing (1970) Printing, Binding, Advertising and Reporting Services Printing; Continuous and Snapout Forms (Books and Pamph Prints (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Prints (1969) Prints (1970) FED L-F-334a Prints) (Photographic) (1969) /Nd 35mm and Processing Prints) (1964) Spec F Prison Bus Bodies for Inmate Transport ( 1969) (Prison) (1967) Procedure for Automobiles, Police Vehicles and Trucks Process and Display Human Respiration) (Portable Comput Process Camera and Densitometer ( 1970) Process Duplicating Fluid (1968) Process Duplicators) (1971) Process for Offset Plates) ( 1971 ) Spec for Process Letters and Numerals and Symbols and Borders) Process (1969) Process (1970) Process (1971) Process) (1968) Process) (1968) Process) (1971) Spec CA 691-80-60 CA 691-80-54 CA 691-80-05 KY 26A KY 25A MS 3513 CA 691-80-01 CA 691-80-51 MS 3514 WA S-63-70 MS R-5-64-28 OR 64-500-0030 PA C-98 MI 5325-S20 MS 3511 MS 3509 NY 37301-0031 MS PE-9 MS PE-10 MS PI-2 MS PE-11 MS PE-12 NY 46000-0574 NE •46 NJ 4936-01 SC HD-80B13 NJ 4936-00 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 PA C-143 CA 681-83-56 NY 38810-0650 OR 79-100-0510 MA •35-75 PA L-33 MA •35-51 MA •35-66 MA •35-57 NJ •1 1 NY 19902-0286 PA C-20 MI 4811-0067- CA 681-75-06 NJ 1178-00 MS P-13C-69 PA 0-39 TX 495-35-1 TX 495-35-2 TX 495-35-3 CA 691-80-419 NY 23003-0295 NJ 8 340-04 NJ 7580-OOA NJ 8340-06 NJ 8340-03 NJ 8340-02 NJ 8340-01 KS 76-3A LA •12 NY 23100-0855 NY •4 NY 31603-0513 CA 701-71-03 OR 74-300-0000 NY •5 NY 00500-0333 OR 79-100-9290 NY 26000-0079 NY 26000-004 3 NY 26000-0448 NY 00388-0511 SC 14-050A NY 1 1000-0386A Ml •4 NY 12600-0962 NY 38809-0570 NJ 6962-02B NY 22919-0012 NY 38811-0940 NY 38601-0173 CT 69-59A CA 701-75-03 NY 42800-0291 NJ 5 7 30-00 A NJ 5730-OOB NY 23012-0107 255 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Books (Library, Spec, for s, Pressboard, Flexible Cover, Nylon Post, Electronic Data microfilm (Black and White, Silver Type, 16mm and 35mm and Spec, for Microfilm (Including Spec, for Tabulating, Data Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment Spec, for Inked Ribbons for Electronic Data Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Custom Continuous Data Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Still Photo Std. Spec, for Electronic Data 1971) FED W-T-0051, MIL Std. 1/ Spec, for Electronic Data latin Viscosimeter)/ Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Food Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Film )/ Spec, for Glass Plant (Various Prefabricated, Chemical Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film e) (1971 ) ANSI / Spec, for Archival Quality Microfilm and Spec, for Data Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Film Drafting Cloth, Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Spec, for Supplies for Spec, for Automatic X-Ray Film Spec, for X-Ray Equipment, Film Spec, for Automatic Roll Film Spec, for Automatic Dental Film Spec, for Automatic X-Ray Film tory Equipment (Electron Image Plate and Micrographic Film Spec, for nd Add/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type Ii, )(1968) Spec, for Ozone spec, for Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia) for Janitorial urfactant (Anionic Organic Phosphate Ester) for Janitorial Std. Spec, for Liquid Detergent Disinfectant Combination Spec, for Microfilm (Including Processing and Spec, for Baby Chicks (Chicken) (Egg Spec, for Pullets (Chicken), 20 Week Old (Egg super 8 Formats) (1971) Spec, for Film ng, Packing, Marking and Labeling of State Spec. Paint and ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Polypropylene Plastic ug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for Floor Care er) (1966) Spec, for Floor Care atment Compound, Gymnasium) (1971) Spec, for Floor Care ec. for Electrical Devices, Fittings, Switches and Related — -Products (1964) Processed and Catalogued) (1970) Processed Cinders for Ice Control (1960) Processing and Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 /. for Binder Processing and Furnishing Negative and Positive Silver Processing and Production of Paper Prints) (1964) Processing and Proof Machine Ribbons (1969) (Processing Complement) (1971) Processing Equipment Printers (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Processing Film „ Photographic (1970) Processing Forms for Department of the Treasury ( 1968) Processing System) (1970) Spec, for Processing Tape (Magnetic Oxide Coated, 1/2 In.) (1971) Processing Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Oxide Coated) Processing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Ge Processing Unit (Hospital) (1969) Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) Processing Unit (Medical Center) (1968) Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous Accessories (Medical Processing Units and Accessory Items for Laboratory Use Processing Units (Hospital) (1968) Processing Units (Medical Center) (1969) Processing (Black and White, on 2 1/2 MIL Polyester Bas Processing (Key Punch) Cards, 80 and 90 Column (1965) Processing) (1971) Processing) (1971) Processing) (1971) Processor Supplies ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Processor (Automatic) (Medical Center) (1971) Processor (Company) (1970) Processor (Hospital) (1967) Processor (Hospital) (1971) Processor (X-Ray) (Medical Center) (1968) Processor (X-Ray) (University) (1971) Processor ( 1967) Processor) (1971) Spec, for Photographic Labora Procurement of Offset Printing Duplicators ( 1971 ) Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base with Volatile Solvent A Producing Equipment (Odor Control) (Hospital Deodorizer Product Manufacture (1966) FED Std. 141, MCA SD-13 Product Manufacture (1969) Spec, for S Product (1969) Production of Paper Prints) (1964) Production Stock) (1962) Production Stock) (1962) Productions (Exposed Motion Picture in 16 Mm, 8 mm and Products and Inspection Requirement ( 1971 ) FED TT-P-143 Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, Tray, Frame) (Dinnerware) Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, R Products (Finishes, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent Clean Products (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Tre Spec, for Tall Oil Fatty Acid for Low Titer Soap and General Spec, for Paints, Varnishes and Related Spec, for Food Service Paper and Related Spec, for Isostatic Tableware and Related Std. Spec, for Paper General Sp Differential Gear Oil and Fluid; Mu/ eadwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Di/ e) (1970) and Corrosion Control (1971) Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for Sheet Metal Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Rotary apping) ( 1969) Spec, for Seismic and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Venereal Disease Laboratory Equipment (College Student, Classroom Language lectronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non lectronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non lectronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type Readout Panel, Non stem for Diagnostic Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Spec, for Multimedia Control Systems Spec, for Rear Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillab/ Spec, for Overhead Spec, for Rear Spec, for Rear Spec, for Rear Spec, for Rear Spec, for Rear Screen Spec, for Filmstrip Spec, for Television Slide Spec, for Large Screen Television hie Remote Display Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Receiver, earning Systems (Six Position Listening Station, Filmstrip Spec, for 16 mm Motion Picture Sound Spec, for 16 mm Motion Picture Sound Projectors and Slide Spec, for Overhead and Opaque Products (1965) Products (1969) Products (1970) Products (1970) Products (1971) Products, Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, Transmission and Products, Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutters, Culvert H Professional Motion Picture Equipment (Institutional Us Professional Motion Picture Equipment (School) (1970) Professional Services and Chemicals for Water Treatment Profiler (Wood Cutting) (1971) Profiling System (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Subbottom M Program ( 1971 ) /Am Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle Program) (1969) Spec, for Audio Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Display Capacity) (1970) Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 1 Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 2 Programmer, Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Sampling and Rec (Programming, Display, Presentation) (1971) Projection Carrels (1971) Projection Markers and Related Supplies (Water Soluble, Projection Systems (Communications) (College) (1970) Projection Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Projection Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Projection Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Projection Systems (State Police) (1969) Projector (1970) Projector (1971) Projector (1971) Projector) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Office Machines (Grap Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Headset) (1971) /Group L Projectors and Slide Projectors (1968) Projectors (1968) Projectors (1969) NY MD CA NY NY NJ NY CA MS NJ NY IL CA NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY TX KY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PA VA NY TX TX IA NY WA WA NY WA NY NY NY NY OR TX OR NE NJ IL NJ MS NY NY MS NY NY NY NE TX TX TX NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 20000-0350 ♦ 9 712-75-05 26000-0448 00388-0511 6952-01 38810-0724 681-75-06 TF- 18-70 7130-01 38810-0097 *35 711-71-25 38787-0579 11000-0409 11000-0530 11000-0572 11000-0531 11000-0786 12002-0475 11000-0650 11000-0386 575-70-2 7550 38810-0110 38810-0118 38810-0275 31602-0581 11000-0883 31602-0396 11000-0457 11000-0445 11000-0829 11001-0716 11000-0610 38810-0368 0-39 *34 11609-0871 371-32-1 371-78-10 *3-3 00388-0511 S-62-50 S-62-5 1 38801-0003 S-62-5 8-B 21102-0036 22002-0537 00220-02-0684 22004-0529 24-64-2A 371-79-1 77-100-9000 *88 3164-01 *11 3566-00 3351 38100-0686 38100-0328 WT-2D-7 1 43200-0288 12099-0903 19903-0524 *2 495-37-12 495-37-14 495-37-1 6A 12600-0912 38200-0580 38209-0395 38806-0414 38814-0377 38814-0376 38814-0424 38814-0457 38814-0282 38805-0628 38221-0135 38221-0419 22900-0899 38209-0401 38805-0600 38805-0600 38806-0126 256 i. NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Slide and Filmstrip Spec, for Spec, for efrigeration Equipment (Refrigerators, Freezers) Explosion Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery Spec, for Tabulating, Data Processing and Spec, for Zippers, Rust spec, for Paint; Enamel, White, High Gloss, Interior (Fume Spec, for Baking Equipment (Bread ansmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Spec, for Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Self 968) Spec, for Paver, Heavy Duty Self (1969) Spec, for Self ck Type - 2 Adult Passenge/ Spec, for Snow Vehicles (Self Loader (1970?) Spec, for Self Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Spec, for Cranes and Excavators (Self Spec, for Self ) Spec, for Self Spec, for Portable Self 0?) Spec, for Self Spec, for Self ody and Heavy Duty Winch) (/ Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Endless Track, Self Spec, for Saw, Concrete, Self Spec, for Mower, Rotary, 21 In., Hand Spec, for Mower, 24 In., Rotary, Walk Behind, Self or Telescoping Mobile Work Platform, Battery Powered, Self Spec, for Class III Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Spec, for Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand c. for Heavy Duty Class IV Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self . for Heavy Duty Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self for Heavy Duty Class V Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Spec, for Class I Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Spec, for Class II Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Spec, for Traffic Line (Paint) Marker (Self Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Self Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers, Rotary (Hand Push and Self Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (3 Wheel, Self ower Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Hand and Self for Patching / Spec, for Tailgate Roller (Vibrating, Self Spec, for Self ds) (1969) Spec, for Windrow Loader, Self artmental) (1970) Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Self c. for Wheel Type Tractor with Sickle Bar Attachment (Self Spec, for Sprayer, Self lacement Testliner)/ Spec, for Spray Machine, Paint, Self ) Spec, for (Airport) Runway Sweeper (Self Spec, for Mobile Boat Crane (Straddle Type, Self Spec, for Front End Self Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Spec, for Electric Circulating Tent. Spec, for Overhead Gas Fired Unit Heaters tent. Spec, for Overhead Steam and Hot Water Unit Heaters Spec, for Multipurpose Grease with Extreme Pressure Std. Spec, for Tree Wells and Root Spec, for Intrusion s for License Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflective Sheeting, Spec, for Linseed Oil Spec, for Inspection, Test, and Other Requirements for ggles (Welders, Chippers, Che/ Spec, for Small Tools (Eye General Requirements and Spec, for Elevator on) (1970) ASTM A36, A/ Spec, for Steel Grid Flooring and Spec, for Helmets, ream and Thick Shake Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Service Equipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units) Std. Spec, for Division and Spec, for Uniforms; Game Spec, for Uniforms; Game Std. Spec, for Desk Slide Std. Spec, for Desk 969) Tent. Spec, for Laundry Presoak, Enzyme hamber (Controlled Temperature Environment) (Algae, Seeds, tility Connections, Septic Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Spec, for Spring Bottom . for Laboratory and Pharmacy Furniture, Installed (Wood) ec. for Automatic Audiometric and Evoked Response Systems Spec, for Split Assembly Dental X-Ray Unit Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec. f3r 60 In., Spec, for 90 In., Spec, for 80 In., Projectors ( 1 97 1 ) NY Projectors, Motion Picture ( 197 1 ) NY Projectors, Overhead and Opaque ( 197 1 ) NY Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid and Volatile Solvent S NY (Proof Box) (1971) NY Proof Machine Ribbons (1969) NJ Proof (1969) NY Proof) (1967) FED TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a PA Proofer) (1967) NY Proofing Compound (1970) /Ents for Motor, Automatic Tr NH Propane Gas (1970) ASTM D- 1 8 3 5 N J Propane Gas, Commercial (1970?) MA Propelled Bituminous Asphalt Finisher (1971) SC Propelled Bituminous Finisher, with Vibratory Screen ( 1 NJ Propelled Centerline Striping Machine (Highway Marking) SC Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless Tra NY Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Front End HI Propelled Heavy Duty, 4 Passenger) (1968) NY Propelled Mobile Yard, with Telescopic Boom) (1970) NY Propelled Multi Wheel Roller (1968) SC Propelled Rubber Tired Scraper (14 - 18 cu. Yd.) ( 1970? VA Propelled Tanden Roller (1970) NE Propelled Traffic Line Stripping Machine (Marking) (197 HI Propelled Trenching Machine (1969) SC Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform Dump B NY Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Platform Body) (1969) NY Propelled (1963) NJ Propelled (1969) NJ Propelled (1969) NJ Propelled (1969) Spec. F NY Propelled) (1963) TX Propelled) (1963) TX Propelled) (1963) Spe TX Propelled) (1963) Spec TX Propelled) (1963) Spec. TX Propelled) (1966) TX Propelled) (1966) TX Propelled) (1968) SC Propelled) (1969) ANSI B7 1.1-64 OR Propelled) (1969) ANSI B7 1.1-64 OR Propelled) (1970) NY Propelled) (1970) Std. Spec, for P WA Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt Compaction AK Propelled, Force Feed, Belt Type Material Loader (1970) SC Propelled, Force Feed, with Tapered, Gathering Moldboar NY Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 Passenger) (Dep NY Propelled, Heavy Duty Mower) (1970) Spe SC Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking Paints) (1967) NJ Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking) (Positive Disp NJ Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Per Min., 16 Ft. Broom) (1971 AK Propelled, 30,000 Lb. Capacity) (1970) NY Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Bucket Loader (1970) SC Propelled, 53 In. or More, Riding Type) (1970) NY Propelled, 66 In. or More, Riding Type) (1970) NY Propelled, 76 In. or More, Riding Type) (1969) NY Propeller Fans (1968) VA (Propeller Type) (1964) KS (Propeller Type) (1964) KS Properties (1968) LA Protection for Highway Construction (1964) SC Protection System (Audio or Motion Detector) (1971) NY Protective Clear Coating and Numeral Enamel) ( 1970) /L NY Protective Coating for Concrete (1970?) VA Protective Coatings (1969) CA Protective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Go NY Protective Maintenance ( 1966) NJ Protective Treatment (for Highway and Bridge Constructi VA Protective (1963) NJ Protector Case, Coffee Urns) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Soft Ice C NY (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabin NY Protector Sheets (1971) IL Protector (Summer) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 PA Protector ( Winter) (1965) FED CCC-T- 191 PA Protector (1971) IL Protectors (1971) IL (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Removal) (Bleach) (1 MS Protozoa) (1968) Spec, for Plant Growth C NY Providing New Wells; Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Bu SC Psychiatric Bed (Institutional Use) (1956) PA (Psychiatric Hospital) (1968) Spec NY (Psychiatric Hospital) ( 197 1 ) Sp NY ( Psychiatric Institute ) ( 1 9 7 1 ) NY Psychiatric (Security) (1960) PA PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) SC PTO Driven Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) SC PTO Driven Rotary Mower (1970) SC 38805-0615 38805-0514 38806-0165 25202-0158 31200-0338 6952-01 22201-0976 P-70 31200-0864 ♦6 3560-00 ♦13 14-340-0451 4938-104 14-320 42200-0362 •20 42200-0645 41100-0463 14-250-0451 •14 ♦55 •21 14-420 42200-0574 42200-0285 4938-57 0154-02 4938-18 39006-0329 415-37-3A 415-37-4 415-36-1 A 415-36-3 415-36-2A 415-37-1B 415-37-2B ♦40 18-510-9010 18-510-9020 41600-0575 S-69-106 ♦52 14-200-0451 40603-0376 42200-0368 14-260C 4934-00 4934-01 ♦4 43100-0649 14-200-0451 A 41600-0464 41600-0704 41600-0876 Y-10A 3 7-4 A 37-5 •8-4 HD-110 38201-0147 38601-0282 ♦38 691-80-475 39012-0491 9950-00 DH-233 8152-00 36200-0504 36200-0124 ♦32ZZ U-25 U-24 ♦32TT ♦32W TL-7-69 12026-0012 HD-125 S-101 12006-0888 38215-0836 11001-0867 B-121 ♦31 ♦33 •32 257 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ype, 550GPM) (1968) 1969) Spec, for Portable PA System Spec, for Books for School and Spec, for Tree Trimming Services at or Books (Trade, Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Spec, for Ceramic and Pottery Equipment d Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Spec, for Poultry Feed, Growing Mash Nutrient spec, for Poultry Rations (Chick./Laying/Chicken Feed) and 1962) Spec, for ilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers, Function / Spec, for pulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic,/ Spec, for th Accessories) (Tuberculosis Hospital Equipme/ Spec, for itrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenishe/ Spec, for espiration) (Portable Computer Unit) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Beet Spec, for Multichannel Spec, for Variable Frequency Spec, for Ion Beam Source / 36 Spec, for Dry Ground Spec, for Soap; Hand, Cake Std. Spec, for Hand Soap, Spec, for Hand Soap, Std. Spec, for Hand Soap, Spec, for De watering Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Grout Spec, for Motor Driven Gasoline Spec, for Motor Driven Gasoline Spec, for Water Transfer Spec, for Boiler Food Water ke and Discharge) ( 1969) Spec, for Centrifugal Water ke and Discharge) (1970) Spec, for Centrifugal Water Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Water Type, Spec, for Slurry Spec, for 3 In., Self Priming Centrifugal Water Spec, for Self Priming Centrifugal Electric d Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer Spec, for Dredge Castings Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Water, Hand Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire ) ( 1968) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Spec, for Fire Equipment (Portable Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment Spec, for Suction Hose, Hard, WateiL Spec, for Bituminous Booster (for Heating and Spec, for Water Spec, for 200 Gal. Slip-on Fire Fighting Spec, for Dewatering Pump and Spec, for Dewatering Pumps and Spec, for Backpack Forestry Spec, for Dewatering Pumps and Spec, for Dewatering Spec, for Dewatering Spec, for Fire Spec, for High Pressure Fire Fighting Spec, for Gasoline Dispensing runnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Std. Spec, for Revolving Std. Spec, for Paper Spec, for Data Processing (Key . for Needles (Embroidery, Darning, Hand Sewing, Knitting, t- 1 9 1 B Spec, for Nylon Needle Tent. Spec, for Continuous Marginal , Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and ers, Tape and Disp/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Paper Spec, for Pupillometer System (Eye Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood, for Unit Std. Spec, for Table, Unit Equipment) ( 1971) Spec, for Printing p-79 1 , TT-P- 1 4 1 Spec, for Putty; spec, for Chlorinated Lime - Grade a (Bleach Powder, Water Spec, for Ammonia; Anhydrous (for Refrigeration) Spec, for Timing Equipment (Reaction Time Rotary Spec, for State Police Cruiser, Spec, and Minimum Requirements for 1971 Police Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers, Rotary (Hand Spec, for Outdoor Plow, Heavy Duty Adjustable One Way, Combination Lift and for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Reversible, Combination Lift and Spec, for Brooms; Spec, for Rear End Openings for Inta Openings for Inta (Public Address) (1971) Public Libraries (1970?) Public Schools (1970?) Publications; Prebound Paperback) ( 1970) Spec. F (Pug Mill, Potters Wheel) ( 1971 ) Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), (Pullet Developer) (1963) Pullet (1970) Std. Pullets (Chicken), 20 Week Old (Egg Production Stock) Pulmonary and Respiratory Teaching Aids (Monitors, Vent Pulmonary and Respiratory Therapy Teaching Aids (Cardio Pulmonary Function Analyzing System (Mobile, Medical Wi Pulmonizer System for Diagnostic Testing (Spirometer, N Pulmonizer System (Monitor, Process and Display Human R Pulp, Dried (1963) Pulse Analyzer (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Pulsed NMr Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Pulser / Buncher System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Pumice for Grit and Mechanic's Hand Soap (1965) ASTM CI (Pumice or Grit Type) (1969) FED Std. 536 Pumice Type, Cake (1969) Pumice, Cake (1970) Pumice, Cake, Mechanics" (1953) Pump and Pumping Unit (6 and 3 In.) (1969) Pump Systems (Replacement Units) (University) (1971) Pump Unit (Agitator, Water Tank) (1968) Pump with Meter ( 1/3 Hp) ( 1964) Pump with Meter ( 1/4 Hp) ( 1969) Pump (Electric Motor Driven) (1970) Pump (Institutional) (1970) Pump (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Pump (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Pump (1968) Pump (1969) Pump (1970) Pump (1970) Pump) (1969) /on and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operate (Pump) (1971) Pump, Motor and Controls (Multistage Vertical Turbine T Pump, Self Priming, Centrifugal (1970) Pump, Tank Type (1970) Pump, 4 In. Self Priming Centrifugal, Trailer Mounted Pumper Apparatus - Pickup Truck) ( 1970) Pumper Apparatus - Pickup, Parkway Patrol) ( 1970) Pumper Apparatus, Commercial Chassis, G.V.W. 25,500 Lb. Pumper Units, Hose) (1971) (Pumper) (1967) Nfpa 19 Pumping and Fire Fighting (1971) Pumping Asphalt) (1970) Pumping System (Multistage Vertical Centrifugal) (1968) Pumping Unit (Fog Gun) (1970) Pumping Unit (6 and 3 In.) (1969) Pumping Unit (6 and 4 In.) (1970) Pumping Units (Fire Fighting) (1969) Pumping Units ( 10 and 6 In.) ( 1968) Pumps and Pumping Unit (6 and 4 In.) (1970) Pumps and Pumping Units ( 10 and 6 In.) (1968) Pumps (Knapsack) (1971) Pumps (Skid Mounted, Gasoline Engine) (1968) Pumps (1971) Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Punch (1953) „ Punch (1971) Punch) Cards, 80 and 90 Column (1965) Punch, Tapestry, and Quilting) (1953) Std. Spec Punched Flannel (Laundry Press Padding) (1966) FED CCC- Punched Stock Tabulating Forms ( 1 965 ) Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Remov Pupil Measurement) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Pupil Table (Conventional Design) (1961) Pupil, Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) Pupillometer System (Eye Pupil Measurement) (Scientific Purchasing Guidelines for State Agencies ( 1971 ) Pure Linseed Oil (for Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) FED TT- Purification and Disinfectant) (1953) Std. (Purified, Liquified Gas) (1971) Pursuit Apparatus and Digital Stop Clock) ( 1971 ) Pursuit Vehicles (Automobile) (1970) Pursuit Vehicles (1971) Push and Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B71.1-64 Push Brooms (1967) Push (1962) Spec, for Snow Push (1966) Spec. Push, Fiber (for Hard Surface) (1970) Pusher Type Bus Chassis ( 1969) NY 38201-0234 HI *6 HI *15 NY 20000-0655 NY 23105-0112 NY 39000-0482 MI 4340-0124 WA S-60-8 WA S-62-5 1 NY 12200-0512 NY 12200-0462 NY 12600-0796 NY 12600-0912 NY 12600-0962 MI 4340-0037 NY 38701-0808 NY 38782-0823 NY 38760-0309 TX 371-59-1 PA S-8 OR 76-450-9020 LA * 1 1-6 MS S-2-53-31 NY 46000-0193 NY 46000-0546 NY 42600-0763 NE *85 NE *70 NY 46000-0591 NY 46000-0076 SC 2 1-050-0451 A sc 21-050-0451 FL *15 NY 46000-1020 NE •46 NY 46000-0574 NY 35000-0866 NY 37922-0137 NY 46000-0553 NJ 4936-00 PA F-47 NJ 4936-01 NY 40501-0086 NY 40501-0252 NY 40501-0079 AK *81 WA S-67-100 CA 711-42-11 SC 14-090-0451 NY 46000-0792 NJ *4 NY 46000-0193 NY 46000-0495 NY 46000-0931 NY 46000-0746 NY 46000-0495 NY 46000-0746 NY 34701-0106 NY 46000-0641 NY 35001-0596 MI 5255-S11 IL *33FF IL *32UU KY 7550 IL *33M TX 410-39-2 KS 76-7 NY 39000-0482 FL ♦17 NY 38760-0322 NC 7120-C-3 NC 7120-T-6 NY 38760-0322 NY *4 PA P-32 MS S-2-53-21 PA A-2 NY 30200-0417 KY 2310-10 NM *10 OR 18-510-9020 TX 370-31-5 NJ 4938-50 NJ 4938-49 PA B-3 SC 14-050 258 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards pec. for Adult Bus (Special Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, fSpec. for Pneumatic Tools (Pipe Spec, for Girls" and Misses" Pedal Spec, for Spec, for Knives; (1971) Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, Glazing Compound, r White Lead in Oil, Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Paint and ed TT-P-791, TT-P-141 Spec, for Spec, for Non Residual (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D595 Spec, for Tetrasodium soda Ash, Sodium Metasilicate, Silicofluoride, Tetrasodium Spec, for Tetrapotassium •Spec, for Anhydrous Tetrasodium Spec, for 2 Pyrrolidone Spec, for 2 td. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine (Vertical Bench Type, 12 Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine (Vertical, 30 Spec, for Residual Gas Analyzer System 1/2 MIL Polyester Base) (1971) ANSI / Spec, for Archival Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle for Housing Water Spec, for Paper Towels (C-Fold Type - High Delivery Points and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mixers - 60 - 80 Spec, for Relocatable 3 Bedroom Living Std. Spec, for Disinfectant, is Sanitizing and Deodorizing Agents ( 1968) Spec, for i9-48, ASTM D2077 Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener )-48 Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener Spec, for Detergent Deodorizer Sanitizer Powder, Mild, Spec, for Germicidal Detergent (Phenolic, (Janitorial) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Deodorant Sanitizer, Concentrated, ec. for Disinfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Use), Phenolic, ng (1970) Spec, for Extract (1970?) ASTM A-514 Spec, for High Yield Strength Spec, for Spec, for Bed Padding, Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Mattress Pads, Spec, for Mattress Pads Std. Spec, for Crochet and Drapery Hooks, and Spec, for Textile, dery, Darning, Hand Sewing, Knitting, Punch, Tapestry, and Spec, for Castings, Spec, for Filler Joint, Bituminous - Grade Spec, for Bituminous Concrete - Type Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type sting and Resea/ Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Spec, for Bathing Suits and Trunks (Pool, pment (Water Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Dunnage nt (Linen and Laundry Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Garment Std. Spec, for Rick Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (2 Tank, Automatic Spec, for Shop Furniture (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Spec, for Platform Truck with Spec, for Platform Truck with Spec, for Office Valet or Coat Spec, for Laboratory Glassware (Cage and Spec, for Laboratory Washers (Cage, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet al Handling Equipment (Manual), Platform Truck Metal), End Spec, for Mobile Food Service Equipment; Cabinets, Spec, for Plastic m, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Spec, for Fiberglass Guinea Pig Tubs and Spec, for Cages and Spec, for Animal Cages and Spec, for Dishwashing Machines and Dish Spec, for Pallet (Lumber) (Storage Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Storage and Pallet spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe spec, for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Umbrella, Overshoe Spec, for Pallet Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Spec, for Kitchen Equipment sland Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Bins, Carts, Spec. fQT Coat r Animal Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) Spec, for Store Fixtures (Shelving, Std. Spec, for Baskets and noxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Pusher Type, 4X2, Wheel Chair Access) ( 1971 ) Pusher) (1969) Pushers (Slacks) (1969) Putty and Elastic Compound for Metal Sash Glazing (1953 Putty and Scraping (1969) FED GGG-K-481C, Std. 151a Putty and Wood Preservative (Shellac, Varnish, Remover) Putty) (1970) Std. Spec. Fo Putty; Pure Linseed Oil (for Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) (Pyrethrin) Household Insecticide (1964) Pyrophosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleaners Pyrophosphate (Softener - Detergent); Powdered Soap Dis Pyrophosphate (TKPP) (1966) Pyrophosphate (TSPP) (1966) (Pyrrolidinone) (1969) ASTM D1364, D1209 Pyrrolidone (Pyrrolidinone) (1969) ASTM D1364, D1209 Qt.)(1962) Qt., Floor Model) (1968) (Quadrupole Type) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Quality Microfilm and Processing (Black and White, on 2 Quality Monitoring Equipment (1969) Spec, for Quality) (1969) Quantities for Candy and Boxes ( 1971 ) Quart) (1971) Quarters (Portable Housing) (1971) ANSI Al 19.1 Quaternary Ammonium Chloride Type ( 1969) Quaternary Ammonium Compound in Compounding Detergents (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Non Germicidal) (1971) Aocs D (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Nongermicidal) (1970) Aocs Da Quaternary Ammonium (1969) Quaternary Ammonium) (1971) Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner and Synthetic Detergent Quaternary (1969) Quaternary, Iodophor (1967) Sp Quebracho Tannin, Solid for Boiler Feed Water Condition Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate (4 In. or Less) Quilted Bleached Padding (1970) Quilted Cotton (1957) Quilted Mattress Pads (1961) FED CCC-T-191 Quilted Mattress Pads (1969) Quilted (1969) (Quilted) (1971) Quilting and Embroidery Hoops (1953) Quilting Material, Ripplette Bedspread (Cloth) (1970?) Quilting) (1953) Std. Spec, for Needles (Embroi Quoin Plates (Cast Iron) (1970) R.A. (1969) R.K. (Winter Mix) (1970) R.R. (Stockpile - Stone or Crushed Gravel) (1970?) Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Te Racing and Boxer Style) (1971) Racing Lane Markers) (1971) Spec, for Pool Equi Rack - Mobile) (1971) Rack - Portable) ( 1971) /for Material Handling Equipme Rack Braid (1953) Rack Conveyor) (1969) Rack End, Pigeon Hole Units) ( 1970) Rack Shelf, Mobile Table Extension) (1968) Rack Sides (10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Rack Sides (22,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Rack (Furniture) (1969) Rack) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Bottle Filler) (1969) Rack, Glassware) (1968) Rack, Storage System - Drive In) (1971) Rack, 18,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) Racks and Dollies (1971) Racks for Dishwashing Machines (1968) Racks (Dollies, Skids, Jack) ( 197 1 ) Racks (Laboratory) (1970) Racks (Rat) (Accessories) (1971) Racks (Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig) (Accessories) ( 1970) Racks (1965) Racks) (1968) Racks) (1968) Racks) (1970) Racks) (1971) Racks, Adjustable (1969) Racks, Adjustable) (1969) Racks, Adjustable) (1970) (Racks, Cabinets, Mobile) (1970) Racks, Clothing Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash Reg Racks, Dispensers, Dolly) (1971) Racks, Office, Metal (1970) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Research Laborat Racks, Showcases, Counters, Assembly Gate) (1968) Racks; Gymnasium Type (Wire, Locker Equipment) (1964) Radapon, Amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retarda Spec, for Materi /Ce, Drum, Platfor AK NY RI PA PA NY MS PA TX CA NY TX TX TX TX WA WA NY TX NJ NJ NY NY AK NC CA TX TX CA NY PA CA MI MA MS NY RI PA RI OR NY IL MA IL NY NJ NJ NJ NY NY NY NY NY IL WA NY NY NH NH RI NY NY NY NY PA PA NY NY NY NY PA NY NY NY NY CA NY NY NY NY NY NJ NY NY OR NY ♦77 43203-0337 4284-F-003 P-130 K-2 38000-0041 PM-10 P-32 370-51-1 681-66-08 20100-0289 371-82-2 371-82-1 371-91-4 371-91-4 S-62-46 S-68-102 38701-0449 575-70-2 6542-06 7572-03 00300 36100-0423 *20 6840-DQ-4B 681-66-27 505-47-1A 395-35-7 691-77-36 22003-0052 D-26 691-77-35 4627-1600 *10 3318 32801-0335 4752-001 P-113 4750-001 72-150-9080 22700-0402 *33K *35-71 *33M 37901-0628 1304-05 1304-04 1304-03 12040-0557 40018-0637 30201-0283 39100-0564 39104-0565 *33F S-69-107 35100-0684 36200-0735 6536-020 6536-021 1-022 12070-0401 12070-0694 39105-0120 39100-0398 M-52 R— 33 39100-0562 12041-0714 12040-0209 12040-0554 M-24 27500-0839 39105-0491 21702-0308 21702-0517 691-39-04 39105-091 1 39105-0444 36114-0355 21802-0317 36106-0207 9136-00 12040-0557 21802-0733 19-64-12A 22100-0497 259 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 17 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards nd Saw, Line Tracing, / Spec. ts, Antenna) (1967?) Spec. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Machine Tools Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for X-Ray Equipment (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Spec. for meter, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Std. Spec, for Oxalic Acid, Technical (Laundry, Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Dust, t Spec, for Antifreeze, Spec, for Antifreeze, Spec, for Steel Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Portable Two Way Spec, for High Band Base Station Spec, for Low Band Base Station Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Shortwave Spec, for Spec, for Two Way for Two Way Mobile Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way for Two Way Mobile Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way Spec, for Two Way r System) / Spec, for Digital Communications Link (Mobile 1971) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Mobile FM 2 Way Models) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Mobile 2 Way Std. Spec, for F.M. Two Way Spec, for Microwave Communications System tions for Fixed and Mobile Communications Systems (Two Way Spec, for Base Station Std. Spec, for Communications Equipment (2 Way Spec, for Dual Channel Automatic Gamma cessories and Equipment (Tuberculos/ Spec, for Diagnostic 68) Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for ng Unit, and Miscellaneous Accessories (Medica/ Spec, for Spec, for d Dark Room Equipment) ( 1 966 j Spec, for X-Ray Machines; horacic X-Ray Work (Hospital) (1970) Spec, for ic X-Ray Work) (Hospital) (1971) Spec, for 967) Spec, for Medical Diagnostic Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Spec, for Fluoroscopic, Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified 0) Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty, Spec, for Heavy Duty, Std. Spec, for Communications Equipment (2 Way Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Std. Spec, for Thin Papers Spec, for Wiping Spec. Radar Equipment, Portable, Automotive Use (1963) Radar Speed Units and Accessories (1970) Radar System (1971) (Radial Drill - 3 Ft. Arm) (1968) Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Ba Radial Saw, 16 In. (1966) Radial Tires (1970?) Radiation Film Badges (1971) Radiation Monitoring Equipment (Scientific) (1970) Radiation Shielding Blocks (1971) ASTM CI 40, CI 45 Radiation) (Superficial Therapy) (1967) Radiator Bronzing (1970) Radiator Brush (Wire Model) (1968) Radiator Brush (Wood Model) (1968) Radiator Fill and Measuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drai Radiator Rust Remover) (1953) Radiator Traps and Valves (Discount) ( 1971 ) Radiator (1969) Radiator, Alcohol, Methanol ( 1961 ) Radiator, Permanent ( 1961 ) Radio and Television Towers (1964) Radio Base Station (Park) ( 197 1 ) Radio Base Station (State Police) (1971) Radio Communications Base and Mobile Stations (1968) Radio Communications System (Departmental) (1971) Radio Control System (State Police) (1971) Radio Equipment for Highway Patrol Police ( 1963) Radio Equipment (Departmental) (1970) Radio Equipment (Mobile) (Park) (1971) Radio Equipment (150-174 MHZ) (State Police) (1970) Radio Equipment (1969) Radio Equipment (1969) Radio Equipment ( 1970?) Radio Equipment (1970?) Radio Receiver (State Police) ( 1971 ) Radio Repeater / Base Station and Equipment (Mobile Uni Radio System (Arboretum) (1971) Radio System (Hospital) (1971) Radio System (Hospital) (1971) Radio System (Hospital) (1971) Radio System (Institutional Use) (1971) Radio System (Mobile) (Park) (1971) Radio System (Park) (1971) Radio System (Park) (1971) Radio System (School) (1971) Radio System (Univerity) (1971) Radio System (University) (1971) Radio System (University) (1971) Radio Systems (College) (1971) Radio Systems (State Police), Helicopter (1971) Radio Terminal and Police Information Network) (Compute Radio Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Police) Radio Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Police) Radio Transceiver Units (1970?) Radio Units (1965) Radio Units (1970?) Radio (FM - Am) Receivers (Table and Portable - Battery Radio (1970) Radio (1971) (Radio) (State Police) (1971) Radio) (1970) Special Condi (Radio) (1970?) Radio, Portable, Personal, VHF Low Band) (1971) Radioassay System (X-Ray Equipment) (1969) Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System and Related Ac Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (Hospital) (19 Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (Prison) (1967 Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System (1969) Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Film Processi Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray Table ( 1970) Radiographic and Fluoroscopic (Including Accessories An Radiographic Film Changer and Related Accessories for T Radiographic Film Changer and Related Equipment (Thorac Radiographic X-Ray System (Correctional Institution) (1 Radiographic X-Ray System (Hospital) (1969) Radiographic X-Ray System (Medical Center) (1971) Radiographic X-Ray System (1971) Radiographic X-Ray Unit and Accessories (Hospital) (197 Radiographic X-Ray Unit (University) (1970) Radiographic X-Ray Unit ( 1 97 1 ) Radiographic, Mobile X-Ray Unit (1971) Radiographic, Mobile X-Ray Unit (1971) Radios, Land Mobile, VHF Low Band) ( 1971 ) (Radiotherapy Linear Accelerator) (1965) (Rag, 1 Sulphite) (1970) Rags (1964) KS 53-3 NY 38207-0694 PA R-24 NY 43201-0266 NY 43201-0500 NJ 4930-09 GA 2210-2-10 NY 11502-0242 NY 38760-0110 NY 33703-0420 NY 11000-0348 PA B-46 TX 370-31-11 TX 370-31-10 NY 35000-0938 MS S-2-53-16 NY 37612-0815 PA B-10 MI 5205-0010 MI 5205-0015 TX 580-50-1 NY 38211-0466 NY 38211-0134 TX 580-39-1A NY 38211-0929 NY 38211-0025 KS 53-1 NY 38211-0516 NY 38211-0469 NY 38211-0690 SC 38-100 sc 38-lOOA GA 5810-6-6 NJ 1748-01 NY 38211-0631 NE *87 NY 38211-0795 NY 38211-0443 NY 38211-0595 NY 38211-0874 NY 38211-0887 NY 38211-0591 NY 38211-0457 NY 38211-0834 NY 38211-0780 NY 38211-0231 NY 38211-0447 NY 38211-0873 NY 38211-590 NY 38211-0117 NY 38211-0441 NY 38211-0178 NY 38211-0904 SC 38-100-1002 MI 8175-0015 VA *22 NY 38218-0450 VA *24 IL *30 NY 38211-0917 NE *8 VA *23 FL *26 NY 11000-0304 NY 11000-0459 NY 11000-0773 NY 11 000-03 86A NY 11000-0916 NY 11000-0786 NY 11000-0615 PA X-l NY 11501-0582 NY 11000-0788 NY 11000-0475 NY 11000-0822 NY 11000-0909 NY 11000-0032 NY 11000-0705 NY 11000-0674 NY 11000-0128 NY 11000-0222 NY 11000-0749 FL ♦27 NY 00110-0288 OR 74-300-0170 TX 582-36-1 260 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards struction (1964) Spec. Std. Spec, for Cotton Wiping Spec, for Terry Towel Wipers Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Steel Beam Guard for Structural Plate Beam Guard Spec, for Cable Guide Spec, for Bridge and Guard Spec, for Guard Spec, for Wood Guard reservative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard A-123 Spec, for Flanged Channel Sign Posts (Billet and for Highway Construction (19/ Std. Spec, for Reset Guard Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Spec, for Wood Guard Spec, for Wire Rope and Fittings for Cable Guard Spec, for Guard Spec, for Beam Type Guide Spec, for Aluminum Tube for Pipe Bridge y Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubular spec, for Guardrail Posts (Concrete, Steel, Wood) (Highway Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Rail (Highway Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Fence Posts, Spec, for Bed Sides, Safety ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and Guide Spec, for Spec, for Structural Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), ide and Bridge Rails, Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge and Accessories (/ Spec, for Beam Type Guide and Bridge Spec, for Uniform Spec, for : Workers ( 1 969 ) Spec, for Spec, for Men's Nylon Rubber Coated Spec, for Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Rubber Spec, for Spec, for Girls" Transparent Plastic Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Uniform Accessories (Police Spec, for oriental) (/ Spec, for Field Clothing (Jackets, Nylon and d and Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping Spec, for Side Delivery Spec, for :h Shaper) (1969) Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, Spec, for 20 Ft. Roll Back platform (1970) Spec, for Hydraulic Power Tailgate, . for Marine Mooring Floats, Dock Access Vertical Ladders, Dund / Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mobile Yard y, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with Attached Loading Spec, for Tester, Heavy Duty Speedometer - Odometer with spec, for Domestic Appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers and uipment (Gas and Electric), Heavy Duty, Commercial (Ovens, Spec, for illets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, cleaning Solvent (1971) Spec, for Traffic Zone, Paint, Spec, for Cages and Racks Spec, for Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Mouse, Spec, for Animal Cages and Racks or Chemicals, Weed and Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, g Table) (Testing and Resea/ Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog, ec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Wheel, 3 Yd. Spec, for Lift Truck (7,000 Lb. Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 10M Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump (Self Priming, 20M Spec, for Livestock Feed, Pig Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hog Spec, for Livestock Feed, Sow Std. Spec, for Calf Starter and Dairy Spec. Rags (1969) FED CCC-T-191 (Rags) (1967) Rags, Cleaning and Wiping, Cotton (1966) Rags, Wiping (1969) Rags, Wiping, Cotton (1967) Rags, Wiping, Sterilized Cotton (1969) Rags; Wiping, Cotton (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Posts for Highway Co and Fittings (1970?) Fittings, Posts and Accessories (1966) Paint, Black (Finish Coat) (1970?) Paint, White (1970?) Posts (1970?) Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling for Bridge and High Steel) (Delineator, Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107 (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reerection) (Highway Railing) (1970) AASHO Ml 80 (Post and Strut) (1970) (1970?) AASHO M-30 , Steel Beam - Galvanized (1969) ing and Accessories ( 1965) /Gondolas, Island and Displa ing (1970?) ASTM B-221 ing) (College) (1969) ing) (1970) ing) (1970) AASHO Ml 80 s and Fittings (1970?) ASTM B-241, AASHO M-181 (1970) s) (1970) /Nk. Freezer, Shelf, Cream an s, Bed (Safety .. ., ...escoping (1969) s, H-Column Line, Fittings (1970) s, Posts and Accessories ( 1971 ) /for Beam Type Gu for Cloth; Lining, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Posts and Beam Type Guide and Bridge Rails, Post in Coat; Nylon, Rubber Coated (State Police) (1964) incoat (State Police) (1970?) incoat (Yellow) for Heavy Duty Use by Road Maintenanc incoat (1971) incoat, Men's, Lightweight, Nylon Reversible (1964) incoats (Black) (1960) incoats (High Visibility Yellow) (1960) incoats (Men's and Boys') (1970) incoats (1957) incoats (1960) incoats) (1971) inwear, Clothing (1971) inwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and Wool Trousers) (Depa Rake) and Diesels (1969) /El Type (Loader, Rear Mounte Rake, Farm Equipment (1960) Rake, Tractor Towed (1968) Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Engine, 15 and 13 In.) (Ben Ramp Body and Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Body Truck with 14 Ft. Ramp (College) (1971) Spec Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks From Gr Ramps) (1969) Spec, for Trailer (18 Ton Capacit Ramps, Portable Beam Scale (1970) Ranges) (1971) Ranges, Fryers) (1970) Spec, for Cooking Eq Ranges; (Stoves) Electric, Commercial (1968) UL 197 Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timothy, Lawn) (1971) Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (White and Yellow), and (Rat) (Accessories) (1971) Rat) (College) (1968) (Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig) (Accessories) (1970) Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticid Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restrainin Rated with 3 1/2 Yd. Bucket) (1971) Sp Rating) (1969) Rating, 2 In. Openings for Intake and Discharge) ( 1969) Rating, 3 In. Openings for Intake and Discharge) ( 1970) Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Ration Nutrient (Swine) (1963) Ration (Hog, Swine) Nutrient (1963) Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Rayon Fibers (1968) Rayon Satin, Suit or Coat (Textile) (1971 ) Rayon Twill Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Rayon Twill (Suit or Coat) (Textile) (1968) OR 76-900-9010 SC 03-330 KY 7920-6 MS R-6-69 CT 5160-R-336A CA 691-83-50 PA R-21 SC HD-121 MS 3382 NY 00320-0376 MS 3526 MS 3533 MS 3412 SC HD-77 MS 3401 SC HD-122 VA DH-224 NJ 5950-00 MS 3381 NJ 4530-06 NY 00320-0128 MS 3363 NY 21802-0333 VA DH-225 VA DH-224 MS 3408 NY 20303-0587 NY 36200-0420 NJ 3712-02 MS 3406 NY 32000-0439 NY 32000-0439 PA U-45 MA •29 SC 03-190-0451 TX 160-44-3 NJ 1548-00 11 4295-M-005 RI 4295-M-002 NY 40004-0677 RI 4295-F-001 RI 4295-M-007 NY 39304-0544 CA 711-84-07 NY 39307-0603 NY 40601-0891 PA E-14 NJ 4938-119 NY 43201-0805 MI 3958-0151 NJ 4938-15 NY 49607-0022 NY 39102-0255 NY 42300-0194 NJ 6524-07 NY 25200-0614 NY 24100-0697 PA R-30 NY 07900-0584 NY 38001-0508 NY 12040-0209 NY 12040-0713 NY 12040-0554 MS C-40A-71 NY 12040-0557 AK •15 SC 14-100 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 MI 4340-0061 MI 4340-0062 MI 4340-0063 WA S-60-6ylon and CA 681-83-04 PA C-122 MA •35-30 PA C-120 261 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 191, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Wet Cleaning Mopheads (Cotton and Viscose Clock) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Timing Equipment Std. Spec, for ay Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type ay Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type ay Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Tube Type or Offset Reproduced Bound Books and PamphleGsfnera Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete, Masonry, Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, Spec, for Exterior Primer Paint, Wood, House, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Wall, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Exterior, Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, vinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed Wood, Metal or Masonry, std. Spec, for Paint, Oil, Concrete and Masonry, Exterior, Spec, for Paint, Iron Oxide, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Semigloss, Interior, Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Gloss, Interior, , White and Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for ium Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for en Exterior Paint (1962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. 14/ Spec, for d(1965) Spec, for Spec, for Air Drying ID Spec, for Spec, for Interior Paint, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Spec, for Bridge Paint, Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces / Spec, for (White and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec, for t (1964) FED TT-P-28C, Std. 141 Spec, for 141 (1964) FED Std. 1967) (1962) FED Std. 141 ints) (1968) FED Std. 141 eservative (ShellaWVarnish, Remover) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for White Spec, for Linseed Oil Iron Oxide Spec, for Basic Requirements for 2, USC CS262-63 and Topping Compound (1971) ces (1967) Spec int (1962) FED Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mildew Resistant for Paint; Oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, 141 Spec, for Spec, for Paint; Aluminum, Spec, for Paint; Undercoat, Enamel Interior Spec, for Bridge Paint Std. Spec, for Paint; Spec, for Aluminum Paint, fied) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Std. Spec, for Primer Sealer; Exterior, iler Compound and Water Treating Chemicals, Water Testing, Spec, for Chemical Spec, for Diamond Core Drilling Bits and Spec, for Truck Chassis with Two Speed Spec, for Truck Chassis with Single Speed Spec, for Truck Chassis with Tilt Cab and 2 Speed Spec, for Dump Truck with 2 Speed for Lubricant, Gear Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Spec, for Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, 3-Point Hitch, (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Waste Collection Trailer (Front Loading, Compaction Type, Spec, for , Landscraping R/ Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type (Loader, Spec, for Rotary Spec, for 0) Spec, for 1970) Spec, for 1970) Spec, for 1970) Spec, for Spec, for s ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Tire Spec, for Spec, for Tire Spec, for Steel Storage Cupboard; Spec, for UHF - VHF Television Spec, for Shortwave Radio ines (Graphic Remote Display Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Spec, for Television Spec, for Radio (FM - Am) Rayon Twine (for Hand and Machine Use) ( 1971 ) FED Std. Rayon (for Flags) (1952) Rayon) (1962) FED CCC-T-191 (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and Digital Stop Reading Glasses ( 1 97 1 ) Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 Digit Minimum Displ Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 Digit Minimum Displ Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 Digit Minimum Displ Ready Copy (1970) Spec. F Ready Mix Flat (1965) Ready Mix Paint (1969) Ready Mix (1961) Ready Mix (1963) Ready Mix (1969) Ready Mix (1969) FED TT-P-105a Ready Mix (1970) Ready Mix (1970) Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Poly Ready Mix, Light (1970) Ready Mix, Red and Brown (1964) Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) Ready Mixed Air Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Med Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Gre Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint with Strontium Chromate Adde Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint (1964) FED TT-P-320A, TT-V-8 TX Ready Mixed Aluminum (1970?) Ready Mixed Aluminum, Dull (Intermediate Coat) (1970?) Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Sign Posts (1970?) Ready Mixed Exterior Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use As Ready Mixed Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Aluminum Pain Ready Mixed Heat Resistant (800 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Base Flat White Wall Paint Ready Mixed Interior Flat Alkyd Paint (White and Tints) Ready Mixed Interior Wall Latex Base Paint (White and T Ready Mixed Paint ( 1970?) Ready Mixed Paints (Red and Brown) (1962) FED Std. 141 Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Linseed Oil, Varnish ( 1970 Ready Mixed Paints, Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Pr Ready Mixed Paints, Marine Type ( 1970) Ready Mixed Stain (Semi Transparent) (1970) FED TT-W-57 Ready Mixed Stain (Semi Transparent) (1971) Ready Mixed Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer Ready Mixed White House Paint for Wooden Exterior Surfa Ready Mixed (Tints and White) (1967) Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Interior Flat Wall Oil Pa Ready Mixed (1967) FED Std. 141a Ready Mixed (1967) FED TT-E-543, UU-W-101, Std. 141 (Ready Mixed) (Highway and Waterway) (1970) Ready Mixed, Exterior, Medium Shades (1969) Ready Mixed, Quick Drying (1969) Ready Mixed, White and Tints) (1970) FED Std. 141 /Odi Ready Mixed, Wood (1969) Reagents and Equipment ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Bo Reagents (1971) Reaming Shells (1965) Rear Axle (1970) Rear Axle (1970) Rear Axle (1970) Rear Axle (1970) Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Transmissi Rear Blade) (1971) Rear Ejection Unloading) (1971) /Automotive Equipment Rear Ejection Unloading) (1971) /Automotive Equipment Rear Ejection) ( 1970) Spec, for Mobile Rear End Pusher Type Bus Chassis ( 1969) Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller Rear Mounted Sweeper Attachment (1970) Rear Projection Carrels ( 1971 ) Rear Projection Systems (Communications) (College) (197 Rear Projection Systems (Communications) (University) Rear Projection Systems (Communications) (University) Rear Projection Systems (Communications) (University) Rear Screen Projection Systems (State Police) (1969) Rear Screen Study Carrels / with Audio Video Accessorie Recapping and Repair ( 1970?) Recapping Tires (Automobile and Truck) (1965) Recapping ( 1971 ) Receding Doors (Office Furniture) (Cabinet) (1969) Receiver and Stand (1971) Receiver (State Police) (1971) Receiver, Projector) (1971) Spec, for Office Mach Receivers and Stands (Educational Television) (1970) Receivers (Table and Portable - Battery Models) (1971) CA 711-40-04 PA C-85 VA S-4A NY 30200-0417 IL *32VV TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-16A NY 50020-0333 KY 30B MI 5325-S13 MI 5325-0120 IA *1-1 KY 31A KY 1 IB MI 5325-S37 MS PE-8 MS PE-7 KY 12B MS PI- 13 MS PI- 14 VA DK-28A VA DK-35 VA DK-37 MD *23 VA DK-27A TX 520-41-1 MS 3543 MS 3527 MS 3528 VA DK-36 VA DK-30A TX 520-41-3 TX 520-41-2 TX 520-42-6A VA DK-32A VA DK-31B NM *21 VA DK-12B MS 3501 NY 38000-0041 NY 38004-0133 NY 38000-0052 NY 38000-0931 NY 38002-0282 TX 520-42-1 A PA P-69 VA DK-21A PA P-135 PA P-74 NY 38009-0082 OR 77-100-9050 CA 691-80-33 WA S-70-108 OR 77-100-9010 IL *1 NY 34100-0857 NJ 4121-01 NE *16 NE *17 NE ♦28 NE *29 MI 5255-S14 NY 40601-0754 NY 40534-0448 NY 40534-0452 NY 40534-0667 SC 14-050 NY 40601-0891 SC 14-350 NY 38209-0395 NY 38814-0377 NY 38814-0376 NY 38814-0424 NY 38814-0457 NY 38814-0282 NY 38209-0389 HI *16 SC 27-100-0451 SD *12 RI 1-002 NY 38210-0100 NY 38211-0631 NY 22900-0899 SC 24-050 NY 38218-0450 262 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards •P-378A, USC CS227 Trucks (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Waste Spec, for Ticket Std. Spec, for Attachment Plugs and Spec, for Wire Baskets (Waste Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Furniture; Metal, Upholstered Spec, for Aluminum Armless Spec, for Air Compressors Spec, for Air Compressor (Single Stage, Vertical Spec, for Colored Wiping Cloths Spec, for White Wiping Cloths ypewriter Ribbons for Record, Offset and Optical Character Std. Spec, for Tire ookwall, Counters, Island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Spec, for Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated for )ll) Spec, for Polyethylene Typewriter Ribbons for ) Spec, for Educational Television Tape . for Group and Speech Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Television Shellfish Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Water Sample, pec. for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and pec. for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and pec. for Electronic (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and alyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Sampling and Spec, for Computing and 71) Spec, for Spec, for Flue Gas Analysis and Spec, for Film Dubbing Spec, for Sound Tent. Spec, for Magnetic Spec, for Portable and Semiportable Type Automatic Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Dubbing pec. for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and pec. for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and pec. for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Stimulation and Spec, for Motion Picture Sound Dubbing Equipment Spec, for Film Sound Dubbing Equipment Spec, for Film Dubbing System Spec, for Film Sound Dubbing Equipment ance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Std. Spec, for Cartons, Spec, for Wrecker for Towing and for Structural Steel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Spec, for Spec, for Mop, Dust, Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Spec, for Single Phase Full Wave Spec, for Single Phase Full Wave Spec, for Welder, Single Operator tocopy Paper and Chemicals (Darkroom and Semidarkroom) for Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood Spec, for Paint, Iron Oxide, Ready Mix, Spec, for Linseed Oil Iron Oxide Ready Mixed Paints Spec, for Pipe; Std. Spec, for Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Shop Coat, Spec, for Spec, for Primer (Paint), Std. Spec, for Primer, Spec, for Primer (Paint), 969) Spec, for Primer Paint, Spec, for White and Spec, for Primer (Paint), Synthetic, chloride, Marker) (1971) ASTM D638-61T Std. Spec, for Spec, for License Plate Enamel (Paint), Cardinal Spec, for Traffic Line Paints, Spec, for Warp Yarn Spec, for Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Spec, for Fusees (Flare), Spec, for Marine Engines with ricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Spec, for Log Oil Varnish, y, Water Colors) (1953) Std. Spec, fo* Notions Spec, for Peat Moss (Hypnum, Sphagnum, Spec, for Spec, for Uniform, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Uniform Coat; All Weather yor Unit (Hospital) (19/ track Floor to Ceiling / Receiving Procedure for Automobiles, Police Vehicles An Receptacle Liner ( 1971 ) Receptacle Liners (Polyethylene) (1963) FED L-P-406A, L Receptacle, Plastic (Lottery) (1968) Receptacles (1964) Receptacles) (1970) Receptacles; Waste Paper, Fibre (Office) (1956) Receptacle; Waste, Plastic (1968) (Reception Room and Lobby) (1970) Reception Room Side Chair (Office Furniture) ( 1969) (Reciprocating and Rotary) (1971) Reciprocating Type, Turbine Driven) (1971) (Reclaimed) (1959) (Reclaimed) (1961) Recognition Use (1971) Spec, for Polyethylene T Reconditioning (Retreading and Repair) ( 1970) Record and Magazine Racks, Clothing Display, Academic I Record Storage and File Transfer ( 1 967 ) Record, Offset and Optical Character Recognition Use ( 1 Recorder / Reproducer (1 In. Helican Scan) System (1971 Recorder, Auditory Trainer and Accessories) ( 1971 ) /Ec Recording and Play Back Instrument) (1968) Recording Current, Salinity, Research) ( 1971 ) /Ec. for Recording Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1968) Recording Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1970) Recording Equipment (Electroencephalograph) (1971) Recording Equipment) (1969) / (Spirometer, Nitrogen An Recording Machine Ribbons (1963) Recording Spectropolarimeter (Scientific Equipment) (19 Recording System ( 1967) (Recording System) (1971) Recording Tape and Accessory Items ( 1971 ) Recording Tape ( 1963) Recording Traffic Counter ( 1970) (Recording) Equipment (1970) Recording) (Hospital) (1969) Recording) (Hospital) (1970) Recording) (Mental Hygiene) (1970) (Recording) (1970) (Recording) (1971) (Recording) (1971) (Recording) (1971) Records and Supply Racks (Dollies, Skids, Jack) ( 1971 ) Records Storage (1970) Recovery of Automobiles and Trucks ( 1969) Rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow Tube (1970?) ASTM A-36, A Rectangular Shape (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) Rectangular, Cotton or Nylon ( 1967) Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (Hospital) (1969) Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (1971) Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Conve Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Rectifier Type (1968) Rectigraph and Photostat Machines ( 1971 ) /Pec. for Pho (Red and Brown Iron Oxide) (1962) FED Std. 141 /Varnish Red and Brown (1964) (Red and Brown) (1962) FED Std. 141 Red Brass, Seamless (Iron Pipe Size) (1969) Red Fluorescent Flags (Marker) (1971) Red Iron Oxide Titanium Dioxide Type ( 1969) Red Iron Oxide Type (1969) Red Lead Paint (1964) Red Lead Primer (Paint) (1954?) Red Lead (Metal Primer Paint) (1970?) Red Lead, Linseed Oil Paint, Second Coat (1969) Red Lead, Linseed Oil, Structural Steel (1969) Red Lead, Metal (Paint) (1970) Red Lead, Quick Drying (1969) Red Lead, Semiquick Drying, Early Contamination Area ( 1 Red Leads, Linseed Oils, and Turpentine ( 1971 ) Red or Brown Iron Oxide (1964) Red Orange Fluorescent Traffic Safety Cones ( Polyvinyl Red (1967) Red (1969) (Red) 10/1S (1971) Red, for License Plates ( 1967) Red, Truck, Emergency (Without Spike) (1969) Reduction Gear (6 Cylinder) (1971) Reduction, Ice Machine) ( 1960) /Oils, Power Plant, Lub Redwood Surface (1969) (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestr Reedsedge) (1970?) Reefer Cloth, Textile (State Police Uniform) (1970?) Reefer Coat, Waterproof ( 1970?) Reefer Lining (Flannel) (Cloth) (1970?) Reefer (State Police) (1968) MI ♦4 CA 711-81-05 PA L-39 NY 19900-0162 OR 24-64-4A NY 35501-0564 PA R-8 PA R-35 PA F-60 RI 2-006 PA C-51 NY 41400-0787 RI 4720-005 RI 4720-007 TX 610-84-1 OR 52-400-0010 NY 21802-0317 MI 4811-0100 TX 610-84-1 NY 38220-0438 NY 38215-0388 NY 11000-0517 NY 49602-0862 NY 12600-0299 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 NY 12600-0912 PA R-4 NY 38782-0722 NY 40706-0360 NY 38217-0840 NY 38216 KS 53-2 NJ 3920-00 NY 38217-0691 NY 12600-0413 NY 12600-0521 NY 12600-0496 NY 38217-0614 NY 38217-0230 NY 38217-0233 NY 38217-0341 NY 39100-0562 OR 78-100-0010 SC 23-060 MS 3306 TX 370-53-1A KY 7920-12 NY 11000-0822 NY 11000-0032 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NJ 4950-00 NY 38808-0259 VA DK-25A KY 12B VA DK-12B PA P-60 WA S-64-82-3 CA 691-80-41 CA 691-80-40 SC HD-80B10 NM *22 MS 3506 CA 691-80-61 CA 691-80-60 MS PE-10 CA 691-80-54 CA 691-80-53 NY 37100-0037 KY 25A WA S-71-1 10 MI 5325-S1 CA 691-80-97 NY 39400-0793 MI 4978-S1 CA 691-10-26 NY 42000-0488 NJ 3578-01 CA 691-80-401 IL •33GG MS 3880 MA •20 MA •23 MA ♦35-16 PA L-46 263 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards B7 1 . 1 , SAE J607, J608 Spec, for Lawn Mowers; Power Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, Gasoline Power Operated Std. Spec, for Power Lawn Mower (Riding, Spec, for Heavy Duty Class V Power Lawn Mowers Spec, for Class III Power Lawn Mowers Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers Spec, for Cassette Tape Duplicator (High Speed, Two Track Std. Spec, for Power Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (Material, Erection and or Reset Guard Rail (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Spec, for Drafting Furniture lated Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Spec, for Fire Extinguishers and Spec, for Fire Extinguishers and Std. Spec, for Desk Calendars, b Spec, for Spec, for Mineral Gear Oil (Highly Std. Spec, for Coal Tar, iture (1969) Spec, for Repair, Spec, for Glass Spheres, Highway Traffic Sign and Marker, Spec, for Polariscope System Spec, for Polariscope System r Bead Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, Spheres (License Plate t Measurement of Diffracted Intensities and Measurement of Spec, for Traffic Line Marking Paint and 0) Spec, for s and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Si/ Spec, for , Film, Colors, Thinners, and Toners, Letters,/ Spec, for Spec, for Flexible Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Nonexposed Lens alks, School Zones, Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc/ Spec, for E97-55 Spec, for Glass Spheres for s and Symbols) and Reflectors (1971) Spec, for (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Glass Beads for Spec, for tion Plates) (1970) Spec, for Plastic Stickers, Spec, for Glass Beads for ads) ( 1969) Spec, for Glass Spheres, Spec, for Retro erall Width (1969) Spec, for Lamps and ut Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Digits and Symbols) and Spec, for Risers (Stairway, Sound Spec, for 24 Trace Portable Shallow s Spheres, Highway Traffic Sign and Marker, Reflection and Spec, for rn Stands/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Hot Food and ec. for Air Conditioners (Window Mounting), Dehumidifiers pment (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable ser) (1971) Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile g Grill) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Portable Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Use in ec. for Drinking Water Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically c. for Drinking Water Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically t Type) (1971) Spec, for erators) (1971) Spec, for (1970) Spec, for Spec, for sion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid/ Spec, for Domestic Spec, for Spec, for food) (1969) Spec, for food) (1969) Spec, for food) (1970) Spec, for and Special Freeze Drying Chambers) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for tors) (Classroom Study and Assembly) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for hable Foods) ( 1970) MIL Spec. 167, Ice/ Spec, for Trailer Spec, for Helium 3 Tent. Spec, for Automatic Ice Machines, Spec, for Ammonia; Anhydrous (for Spec, for Ice Machine Oil Spec, for Ice Machine Oil Spec, for Ice Machine Oil Spec, for Ice Machine Oil, Spec, for Ice Machine Oil, Spec, for Ice Machine Oil, Spec, for Cryogenic Equipment Coating, Crusher,/ Spec, for Industrial Oil (Ice Machine ubricants (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine 9) NSF 7, ANSI B38 Spec, for Spec, for Shelving, ed) (1965) Spec, for Refrigerators and (Reel and Rotary Type) (Walking and Tractor) (1968) ANSI (Reel and Rotary Type) (1968) Reel Type) (1964) (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1963) (Reel Type, Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B7 1.1-64 Reel) (1971) Reel, Hand and Self Propelled) ( 1970) Reerection) for Highway Construction (1964) / Braces Reerection) for Highway Construction (1964) /. Spec. F (Reference Tables) (1969) Refillable and Grease Marking Pencils and Pens) (1970) Refills (1965) Refills (1971) Refills, Bases and Complete Unit (1971) Refined Carnauba Floor Wax (Flake) (1966) FED JJJ-W-141 Refined Petroleum) (1970?) Refined (1964) MIL T- 15- 194a Refinish, Reupholstery of Office and Institutional Furn Reflection and Refraction (Beads) (1969) (Reflection) (University) (1971) (Reflection) (University) (1971) Reflection) (1970) Spec. Fo Reflections by Counter Methods with a Film Instrument Reflective Glass Beads (1970) Reflective Materials (Cut Out Letters and Numbers) (197 Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Color Reflective Materials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements Reflective Sheeting (Enclosed Lens) (1970?) Reflective Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and Numer Reflective Striping Powder for Pavement Marking (Crossw Reflectorization of License Plates (1970) ASTM D307-44, Reflectorized Cut Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Digit Reflectorized Letters, Digits and Alphabet Accessories Reflectorized Pavement Marking (Highway) (1971) Reflectorized Vehicle License Plates (1970?) Reflectorized (for Validation of Motor Vehicle Registra Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint ( 1970) Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint, Moistureproof (Be Reflectors for Highway Construction (1970) Reflectors (Lights) for All Trucks 80 In. or More in Ov Reflectors (1971) Spec, for Reflectorized C Reflectors, Seated Chorus) ( 1971 ) Refraction Seismic System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Refraction (Beads) (1969) Spec, for Glas Refrigerants (1970?) Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and U (Refrigerated Coil) (1971) Refrigerated Cold Counter and Cleaner - Sanitizer) ( 197 Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter, Self Leveling Cup Dispen (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Accessories, Hot Do Refrigerated Van Trailer) (Division and Temperature Con Refrigerated, Self Contained) (1970) Refrigerated, Self Contained) (1970) Refrigeration Equipment - Low Temperature Freezer (Ches Refrigeration Equipment (Commercial) (Biological Refrig Refrigeration Equipment (Low Temperature) (Chest Type) Refrigeration Equipment (Mortuary Refrigerator) (1971) Refrigeration Equipment (Refrigerators, Freezers) Explo Refrigeration Equipment (Roll-in Refrigerator) (1971) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Cooler) (1968) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) (1971) Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezers and Refrigera Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Refrigerator) (1969) Refrigeration Gases (1968) Refrigeration Services ( 1961 ) Refrigeration System (Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen and Peris Refrigeration System (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Refrigeration (1962) Refrigeration) (Purified, Liquified Gas) (1971) (Refrigeration), Heavy (1967) (Refrigeration), Light (1967) (Refrigeration), Medium (1967) Refrigeration, Heavy (1968) Refrigeration, Light (1968) Refrigeration, Medium (1968) (Refrigeration, Thermometer System) ( 1968) Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Refrigeration, Turbine, Hydraulic, General Purpose, Mot Refrigeration; Commercial (Reach in and Pass Thru) ( 196 Refrigerator and Freezer ( 1970) Refrigerator Freezers (Domestic, Electric, Self Contain Sp Sp Spe PA PA WA TX TX OR NY WA SC SC NY NY NY NY IL TX VA MS LA IN NY NY MI NY AK NY NY NY VA NY NY WY NY NJ NY HI NY VA MD VA MI NY NY NY IN NY NY NY NY NY NY NY TX TX NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY KS NJ NY NY KS PA MI MI MI CA CA CA NY IN MA PA NY VA M-60 M-68 S-64-74 415-36-2A 4 15-37-3 A 18-510-9010 38217-0838 S-69-106 HD-123 HD-122 31600-0312 38806-0414 00347-0493 34700-0585 *32I 371-38-1 *29 R_5_64-34 *2 *5 12005-0057 12005-0829 2800-S1 11002-0377 *1 38601-0228 38601-0173 38601-0752 *35 38601-0282 38601-0258 *11 38606-0203 0760-01 38602-0486 *1 23800-0708 DH-242 *J1 DH-243 *5 38606-0203 30202-0114 38787-0821 *5 24211 36200-0124 30000-0845 36100-0413 36118-0539 36200-0367 42300-0630 175-31-2A 175-31-1C 24208-0557 24200-0755 24208-0660 24212-0809 25202-0158 24204-0571 24204-0750 24204-0098 24204-0105 24204-0423 24204-0654 24204-0425 24204-0747 24204-1010 86-1 9948-00 42300-0582 38719-1017 35-10 A-2 5255-S17 5255-S15 5255-S16 681-91-52 681-91-50 681-91-51 12099-0699 * 1 5—1 1 *9 R-27 27502-0642 DA-3 264 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards spec, for Food Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Roll-in Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Mortuary Spec, for tand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stands, 967) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for ric, Self Contained) (1965) Spec, for Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezers and spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Commercial) (Biological Spec, for Domestic Appliances lable Liquid/ Spec, for Domestic Refrigeration Equipment , Rear Ejection Unloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment , Rear Ejection Unloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment y) (1970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Plastic Containers; Food Storage, Waste and y Plow) ( 1970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment 970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Automotive Equipment ) FED RR-C-82, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Inorganic Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap gazine Racks, Clothing Display, Academic Impact Area, Cash rammable, 14 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 1 Memory Spec, for Cash rammable, 16 Digit Minimum Display Capacity, with 2 Memory Spec, for Card, Plastic Laminated (Boat c Stickers, Reflectorized (for Validation of Motor Vehicle Spec, for Uniform (Apparel, Clothing) for Std. Spec, for Pens, Fine Line Markers Spec, for Small Tools (Padlock, Spec, for Spec, for Gasoline, td. Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Zone Paint, Spec, for Passenger Car (Automobile), Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and ) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (/ sories (Youth and Adult) / rting Services (1971) Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Spec, for Cribs, Gatch Spring, Spec, for Motor Fuel, Type A, Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Spec, for Gasoline, Low Lead Spec, for Gasoline, Spec, for Mineral Spirits Spec, for Spec, for Gasoline, Std Spec, for Uniform Jacket Official Rules and ng Light) (Testers - Compression, Generator and Alternator Spec, for Vacuum an, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and Hoisting Gear for Spec, for Spec, for (1970?) AASHO M-170, M-206, M-207 Spec, for Spec, for • 1, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, Steel, Glass Fiber Spec, for Water Hose, Nylon (1969) FED L-/ Std. Spec, for Plastic Panels; Glass Fiber Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Binder Filler Sheets, way and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for Steel s) (1970?) Spec, for Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Spec, for Sound Spec, for Sound Spec, for Fabricated Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Spec, for Steel Fabric for Concrete Spec, for Steel Bars (for Concrete netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Court, Stucco Std. Spec, for xpanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for Hig/ Std. Spec, for quirements for Pressure Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspection Std. Spec, for 9) Spec, for Inspection, Test., Labeling, and ) (1971) ANSI Al 19.1 Spec, for scellaneous Including Utility/ Std. Spec, for Removal and Spec, for Cheesecloth; Spec, for projector) (1971) Spec, for Office Machines (Graphic Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food Ta Refrigerator (1968) Refrigerator (1971) Refrigerator) (1969) Refrigerator) (1971) Refrigerator) (1971) Refrigerator, Mortuary, One Body Capacity ( 1970?) Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Sof Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Panel, Corn Refrigerators and Freezers (Electric) Commercial Type Refrigerators and Freezers (Electric) (Commercial Type) Refrigerators and Refrigerator Freezers (Domestic, Elec Refrigerators) (Classroom Study and Assembly) ( 197 1 ) Refrigerators) (1971) (Refrigerators, Freezers and Ranges) (1971) (Refrigerators, Freezers) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flam (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Typ (Refuse Collection Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Typ (Refuse Compactor Trailer, 31 cu. Yd. Mobile or Stationa Refuse Handling) (1965) (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W., Front Sno (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Truck, 25 cu. Yd. Hopper) (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Trucks) (1971) Refuse (Garbage) Pails, Cans, and Covers (24 Gal.) (197 Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Water Softener) ( 1969 Register Stand, Book Drop, Tables, Binning Glass) ( 1970 Register) (1970) /Al Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Prog Registers (1971) Registers) (1970) /L Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Prog Registration Certificate and Plain) (1971) Registration Plates) (1970) Spec, for Plasti Registry of Motor Vehicles (1970?) (Regular and Audio Visual) (1971) Regular and Combination Master Keyed) ( 1971 ) Regular and Premium Grade Motor Fuel (Gasoline) ( 1962) Regular and Premium ( 1970) Regular Duty (1969) Regular Gasoline ( 1969) Regular Type Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Regular Type Gear Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Regular Type Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Regular Type (White and Yellow) (1970) Regular 4 Door Sedan (1969) Regular (Link) Spring (29 X 54 In.) (1970) Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Adult Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled Environment and Acces Regular (1967) Regular (1969) Regular (1970) Regular (1970) (Regular) (1970) FED TT-T-291a Regular, Mud and Snow Tires, High Speed ( 1970) Regular, Type a (1968) (Regulation Style) (Institutional) (1971) Regulations for Printing, Binding, Advertising and Repo Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve Regulators (Medical Center) (1971) Rehabilitation of Boat) (1970) /or Vertical Drum Capst Reinforced Concrete Combination Table and Seats (1970?) Reinforced Concrete Cribbing for Cribwells (1970?) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Culvert, Sewer or Underpass) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (1970) Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (19 Reinforced Plastic, Low Temperature (1970) Reinforced Polyester (Structural and Glazing Purposes) (Reinforced Ring Book Sheets and Indexes) ( 197 1 ) Reinforced (1969) Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire) High Reinforcement Bars (Concrete Structures or Precast Unit Reinforcement Rings; Rulers; Shears; T / Moistener and Reinforcement System (College) (1971) Reinforcement Systems (College) ( 1970) Reinforcement (1970?) AASHO M-54 Reinforcement ( 1970?) ASTM A-185, A-497 Reinforcement) (1971) ASTM A615, A616, A617 Reinforcement, Etc.) (1969) USC CS133-46 / Woven Wire Reinforcements (Gummed Cloth Rings) (1971) Reinforcing Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh. E Rejection Windshield Stickers ( 1964) Spec, and Re Relaid Pipe Culverts for Highway Construction ( 1964) Release for Soaps, Detergents and Laundry Supplies ( 196 Relocatable 3 Bedroom Living Quarters (Portable Housing Relocation of Structures (Other Than Bridges) And/or Mi Remnants (for Wiping Purposes) ( 1958) Remote Cathode Ray Tube Terminals (1970°) Remote Display Equipment) (Data Transmitter, Receiver, NY 36200-0074 NY 27503-0700 NY 27503-0826 NY 24204-1010 NY 24204-0571 NY 24212-0809 NJ 8788-00 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0787 NY 00242-00-0684 NY 24200-0501 VA DA-3 NY 24204-0747 NY 24200-0755 NY 25200-0614 NY 25202-0158 NY 40534-0448 NY 40534-0452 NY 40534-0720 PA C-168 NY 40502-0467 NY 40534-0703 NY 40534-0392 CA 711-76-04 VA L-6 NY 21802-0317 TX 495-37-14 NY 22921-0090 TX 495-37-16A NY 23017-0296 NY 23800-0708 MA *16 MS P-9B-71 NY 39004-0429 SC 34-020 MA *5 NC 9150-L-2A MI 5245-S2 CA 681-91-81 CA 681-91-82 CA 681-91-80 NY 38001-0629 MI 3905-0008 NY 20301-0138 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 MD *10 CA 691-80-412 CA 701-91-150 IN * 1 5— 1 NJ 7342-14 IN *4 CA 681-91-151 WA S-66-94-A NY »5 NY 35000-0938 NY 12200-0559 NY 43100-0490 VA '20 MS 3661 MS 3236 NJ 1344-00 VA DH-24 1 CA 701-93-52 OR 64-575-9010 NY 23009-0607 CA 691-75-56 VA DH-228 MS 3301 FL *21 NY 38201-0285 NY 38201-0544 MS 3304 MS 3303 PA S-47 OR 60-500-9030 IL «32WW SC HD-72 NJ 0734-02 SC HD-94 CA 691-77-85 AK »20 SC HD-125 PA C-31 NE '82 NY 22900-0899 265 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards rometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenisher, Spec, for Urethane Foam Bed Mattresses and pec. for Fork Lift Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Spec, for Water Applied Solvent Spec, for Mattress Cover, Plasticized, Spec, for Pillow Cover, Plastic, d V-F-106 Spec, for Mattress Cover, , Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highway/ Std. Spec, for s) And/or Miscellaneous Including Utility/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Marking Line Rec. Pract. for for Crushed Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Spec, for Sodium Chloride (Salt) for Snow aundry Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Stain Std. Spec, for Plastic Dishstrainer (Stain Std. Spec, for Plastic Dishstrainer (Stain for Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck Body (Tar and Petroleum pec. for Detergent Cleaner, Paste, Synthetic, (Oil, Grease Spec, for Mineral Crushed Rock Salt (Ice and Snow ide (for Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice truction ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Reset Guard Rail (Dismantle, Spec, for Compound; Stain Spec, for Milkstone ) ( 1968) Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Paint and Varnish Spec, for Liquid Paint and Varnish 141 Spec, for Paint and Varnish . for Water Emulsion and Polymer Type Floor Wax and Polish Std. Spec, for Plastic Stain Std. Spec, for Round Wire Staples and Spec, for Stump Cutter . Spec, for Oxalic Acid, Technical (Laundry, Radiator Rust g Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative (Shellac, Varnish, Spec, for Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paint 66.1-64 Spec, for Std. for Staple s (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Duty Stain and Soil W-F-803a Spec, for Electrical Supplies Spec, for Mattress Spec, for Laundry Service and Spec, for dge Construction) (1970) FED TT-P-/ Spec, for Galvanizing 1 ) Spec, for Pavement e Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous Automotive vice Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive s and Trucks ( 1968) Spec, for ent Cut Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Spec, for Mattress Renovations, Spec, for Tire Recapping and Spec, for Mortar Plastic Grouting (Chemical Resistant) for Black Plastic Bituminous Cement (for Roof Flashing and Std. Spec, for Tire Reconditioning (Retreading and nal Furniture ( 1969) Spec, for e Highway Tires ( 1967) FED ZZ-T/ Spec, for Retreading and tenna) (1967?) Spec, for Radio ush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, Insect y (1967) ASTM CI 09, FED TT-P- 14/ Spec, for Silicone Water 1963) Std. Spec, for Water Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Twill, Water Spec, for Girls" Jackets (Cotton Poplin, Water Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water Spec, for Wood Preservative, Water nd Linen (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Fire Suppression Plows, Hitches, and -35 1C( 1 ) Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Automotive wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Spec, for Vacuum Pump Systems Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen abels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; Stenographers and Court les and Regulations for Printing, Binding, Advertising and Spec, for Winter Coats Spec, for Cloth, Melton, Wool (32 Oz.) (50% copy (1970) Spec, for Offset Spec, for Educational Television Tape Recorder / Spec, for Microfilm Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for Tracing Remote Sampling and Recording Equipment) ( 1969) / (Spi Removable Cover (1964) Removable Extensible Boom ( 1 968 ) Removable Type Decalcomanias (Decal) (1964) Removable (1968) Removable, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P-375, FED V-F-106 Removable, Plastic, Hospital Use (1968) FED L-P-375, Fe Removal and Disposal of Existing Brick, Cement Concrete Removal and Relocation of Structures (Other Than Bridge Removal Machine with Assemblies (Paint) (1970) Removal of Stains (Cleaner) (1965) Removal on Highways and Streets) ( 1970) Spec. Removal (1970) Removal) (Bleach) (1969) Tent. Spec, for L Removal) (1953) Removal) (1953) Removal) (1963) Std. Spec. Removal) (1970) Removal) (1971) Removal, Concrete Setting and Curing) (1969) ASTM D98, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reerection) for Highway Cons Remover (for Tableware) (1960) ASTM D1331 Remover (Liquid Cleaning Concentrate) (1969) Remover (Methylene Chloride Based, Organic Solvent Type Remover (Nonflammable Organic Solvent Type) (1969) Remover (Nonflammable) (1962) FED TT-R-251D Remover (Organic Solvent, Nonflammable) (1962) FED Std. Remover (1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-201B, Std. 141 Spec Remover (1969) Remover (1971) (Remover) with Trailer (1968) Remover) (1953) Std Remover) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, Glazin Remover, Floor Finish, Ammoniated (1966) Remover, Floor Finish, Nonammoniated (1966) Remover, Floor Wax and Finish (Ammonia) (Cleaner) (1970 Remover, Floor Wax, Liquid (1964) Remover, High Performance Tire (1970) Remover, Nonflammable (1969) Remover, Paint and Varnish ( 197 1 ) FED TT-R-25 1H, ANSI Z Removers, Office (1956) Removers, Tape and Dispensers) ( 1971 ) / Office Supplie Remover; Paint and Varnish (1969) Removing Laundry Builder (Powder) (1968) (Renewable Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1970) FED W-F-805, Renovations, Repair (1970) Rental Garments ( 1971 ) Rental of Musical Instruments ( 1968) Repair Compound (Powder, Stick, Paint) (Highway and Bri Repair Equipment (Asphalt Heater and Storage Unit) (197 Repair Parts and Auto Mechanic's Service Tools ( 1970) Repair Parts and Mechanic's Tools ( 1971 ) / General Ser Repair Parts and Supplies for Graders, Loaders, Eductor Repair Work (Highway, Road Construction) (1970?) / Cem Repair (1970) Repair (1970?) (Repair) (1963) Repair) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Spec. Repair) (1970) Repair, Refinish, Reupholstery of Office and Institutio Repairing of Automobile, Truck, Grader and Other Off Th Repeater / Base Station and Equipment (Mobile Units, An Repellant) (1971) /Icide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Br Repellent Solution for Application on Structural Masonr Repellent Wood Preservative (Non Swelling, Paintable) Repellent (Textile) (1971) Repellent) (1957) Repellent, Ready Mix ( 1961 ) Repellent, Ready Mix (1970) Repellent, 3 to 1 Concentrate (1961) Replacement for Starch for Fine Finishing of Garments A Replacement Parts (Company) (1970) Replacement Parts (Filters and Elements) (1971) FED F-F Replacement Parts (1970) Replacement System (1967) / Spraying Equipment, Water (Replacement Units) (University) (1971) Replenisher, Remote Sampling and Recording Equipment) Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Woo Reporting Services ( 1971 ) Official Ru (Reprocessed Materials) (Small Girls') (1957) Reprocessed 50% New) (Textile) (1959) Reproduced Bound Books and Pamphlets From Camera Ready Reproducer (1 In. Helican Scan) System (1971) Reproduction of Paper Prints ( 1969) (Reproduction) Cloth; Sensitized (1960) Reproductions ( 1970) NY 12600-0912 TX 295-47-3 NJ 4938-55 TX 194-35-2 CA 681-83-70 CA 681-83-52 CA 681-83-51 SC HD-116 SC HD-125 NJ 4934-02 KS *1 NE *13 MD *17 MS TL-7-69 MS S-2-53-53 MS S-253-53 MS C-37 LA * 1 1 — 12 NY 01800-0235 PA C-7 SC HD-122 PA C-87 TX 190-31-1A WA S-66-91-A PA R-16 TX 520-50-1 VA DK-17A PA R-32 WA S-62-45 IL *32BBB NJ 4938-70 MS S-2-53-16 NY 38000-0041 KY 7930-36 KY 7930-2 MS R-2B-69 MI 4642-0500 NJ 6524-06 CA 691-80-403 NY 38000-0170 CT 69-115 FL *17 OR 77-100-9700 VA L-5A NY 34405-0513 LA *9 NJ 9932-02 NJ 3838 VA DH-258 NY 41306-0900 SC 22-600-0300A SC *7 NH * 9 MD *24 LA *9 HI *16 PA M-45 TX 605-37-1 OR 52-400-0010 LA *2 TX 035-79-1A NE *87 MS C-40A-7 1 TX 520-32-1 WA S-63-69 PA C-152 RI 4225-F-007 MI 5325-0120 MI 5325-S37 MI 5325-0115 VA L-9 LA ♦15 NY 30305-0849 NY 30306-0115 NY 43221-0771 NY 46000-0546 NY 12600-0912 NY 23000-0633 NY *5 RI 4225-F-003 PA C-121 NY 50020-0333 NY 38220-0438 NY 26000-0079 PA C-40 NJ 8300-00 266 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Labeling of State Spec. Paint and Products and Inspection ets (1969) General and Chemicals ( 1 970) General nee (1966) General photo - Offset Plates (1969) General General (1968) oil (1970) d, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Rust Proofi/ General Spec, and Estimated plication to Wood or Metal Surfaces of Trailer/ ction Rejection Windshield Stickers (1964) ation to Passenger Automobile Windshields ( 196/ ation to Nonpassenger Vehicle Windshields (196/ ation to School Bus Windshields (1964) General Wholesale Spec, and Spec, and Spec, for Spec, and Spec, and il, Varnish (1970?) ondetergent Oil) (1970) 970) Spec, for Inspection, Test, and Other Spec, for Basic General General Spec, and Minimum Wholesale ial Automotive Equipment (Manual) (196/ Uniform Meth. for Spec, for Airport Crash h Diesel Engines) ( 1970?) Spec, for Aircraft Crash Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Audiometers e Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques e Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques Spec, for Two Channel Clinical and Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Assemblies Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Forward Control Mobile ec. for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile ec. for Truck, 12,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile , Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) (Testing and Spec, for Audiometric Spec, for Audiometer Spec, for Audiometric Spec, for Audiometric Spec, for Medical Telemetry System (Mental Spec, for Hydraulically Powered Winch (Oceanographic Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Current, Salinity, Reerection) for Highway Construction (19/ Std. Spec, for on (1964) fie Equipment) (1969) ers, Carpet Beetles) (/ . 141 FED TT- Std. Spec, for Spec, for Thin Wall (Non Tent. Spec, for Chain Link Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Insecticides, Chlordane Spec, for Non Spec, for Insecticide, Spec, for Petroleum Fuel Oil, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Tankage (Dried Animal Spec, for Preformed Joint Filler (Nonextruding and Spec, for P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Spec, for Chairs - Type I (Linear Polyethylene ), Linseed Oil (1969) (1962) FED TT-P-71D, Std. s) (1970) FED HH-C-466B Spec, for Alkyd 14/ Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Spec, for Epoxy Std. Spec, for Glass Cloth; Spec, for Alkali Soluble Spec, for Twine, Synthetic, Polypropylene Spec, for Varnish; Spar (Phenoloc Std. Spec, for Paint (Alkyd eed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Std. Spec, for Weather r Liquid Self Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Spec, for Water Emulsion (Slip et and Strip (1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec, for Corrosion Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Wrinkle rior Surfaces (1967) Spec, for Mildew oth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear -28C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Heat Spec, for Grouting^Chemical ing and Ventilating, Laundry, Power House Equipment) Water Spec, for Window Shade Cloth, Flame 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Heat Spec, for Mortar Plastic Grouting (Chemical Spec, for Floor Wax (Buffable, Water Emulsion, Slip Spec, for Canvas; Cotton (Fire, Water and Weather Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Industrial, Weather Requirement (1971) FED TT-P-143A, PPP-D-732, MIL Std. 1 Requirements and Spec, for Aluminum Sign Blanks and She Requirements and Spec, for Diazo Paper (Moist and Dry) Requirements and Spec, for Elevator Protective Maintena Requirements and Spec, for Prepared Film Negatives and Requirements and Spec, for Typesetting Services (1967) Requirements for Acetylene and Oxygen Gas (1970) Requirements for Automatic Transmission Fluid (Dexron) Requirements for Cold Rolled Steel (1970?) Requirements for Heavy Duty Detergent Type Lubricating Requirements for Hydraulic Oils (1968) Requirements for Motor, Automatic Transmission, Outboar Requirements for Multipurpose Gear Oil ( 1970) Requirements for Multipurpose Grease ( 1970) Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Decalcomania for Ap Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspe Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Applic Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Applic Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Applic Requirements for Protective Coatings ( 1969) Requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Linseed O Requirements for Transmission and Gear Box Lubricant (N Requirements for Typewriter Carbon Paper and Ribbons ( 1 Requirements for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (1959) Requirements for 1971 Police Pursuit Vehicles (1971) Requirements of Gasoline (1970) Requisitions Preparation for Automobile, Truck and Spec Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle (1971) Rescue Fire Fighting Apparatus (3,500 Gal. Capacity Wit (Rescue Vehicle) (1969) (Research and Diagnostic and Portable) (School) (1971) (Research and Teaching) (University) (1967) / for Singl (Research and Teaching) (1969) /Stem Suitable for Singl Research Audiometer (1970) (Research Institute) (1970) Research Laboratory - Motor Home) (1971) Sp Sp / (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit Research Laboratory) (1968) Research Laboratory) (1969) Research Laboratory) (1970) Research Room (1971) Research Rooms (1971) Research Suite (School) (1970) Research Suite (1971) Research) (1968) Research) (1971) Research) (1971) /Ec. for Shellfish Oceanographic Data Reset Guard Rail (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Storage, Reset Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter for Highway Construed Resettable) Diamond Bits for Core Drilling (1964) Residential Fencing (1964) Residential Mattresses ( 1971 ) Residual Gas Analyzer System (Quadrupole Type) (Scienti Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spid Residual (Pyrethrin) Household Insecticide (1964) Residual (1969) Residual, Institutional Heating (1968) Residues) (1963) Resilient) (1970?) AASHO M-153 Resin Base Emulsion Interior Paste Paint ( 1962) FED Std Resin Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Shades) ( 1962) Resin Molded Seat and Back) (1965) Resin Solution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Paint Resin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior Paint Resin Systems (Highway Construction) (1970) Resin Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Grade Wall Resin (for Manufacture of Floor Wax) (1969) Resin (1968) Resin) (1968) FED TT-V- 11 9, Std. 141 Resin, Exterior) (1969) FED TT-P-442, Std. 595 Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application (Highway and Bridg Resistant Exterior High Gloss White Paint ( 1971 ) Resistant Floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430. ASTM E70, Resistant Floor Polish) (1963) Resistant High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, She Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Resistant Ready Mixed White House Paint for Wooden Exte Resistant (Textile) (1971) Spec, for CI Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint (1964) FED TT-P Resistant (1964) Resistant (1967) /Motive and Industrial (Air Condition Resistant (1968) FED CCC-T-191B Resistant (800 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint ( 1964) FED Std. Resistant) (Repair) (1963) Resistant) (1964) FED P-S-598, P-W-155a Resistant) (1968) Resistant, Auto Finishing ( 1969) WA NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NE NE NJ NE NE NH NE NE NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ CA MS NE RI NJ NM NH IL AK HI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY SC SC TX KS LA NY MS TX CA CA MI MS VA VA NJ CA VA VA OR NY CA PA OR VA WA VA PA MS PA TX PA TX PA MI CA TX PA VA PA CA S-62-58-B 0770-01 7580-00 9950-00 7730-01 7730-00 •79 • 73 6140-00 •75 •74 *6 •77 •78 0734-05 0734-02 0734-00 0734-01 0734-03 691-80-475 3501 •76 ♦3 5396 *10 ♦10 •25 •78 ♦12 40500-0835 38215-0451 11002-0373 11002-0710 38215-0507 12006-0696 40500-0763 6542-02 6542-02A 12040-0557 38203-0181 38203-0846 38203-0706 38203-0394 12600-0330 43100-0813 49602-0862 HD-122 HD-1 15 595-56-1 43-2 •10 38701-0449 1-7 370-51-1 691-76-29 681-91-177 4340-0022 3702 DK-18A DK-35 3718-03 691-80-430 DK-37 DH-254 64-500-01 10 25408-1002 681-40-03 V-15 77-100-9030 DH-239 S-61-26-2 K-43 W-7 3309 F-63 520-42-1A C-132 520-41-3 G-16 (P) 5255-S12 681-83-55 520-41-2 M-45 K-6E C-66 691-80-81 267 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Spec, for Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Spec, for Primer (Paint), Wood, Mildew Spec, for Enamel, White, Exterior, Wood, Fume xes) (1965) Spec, for Adhesive; Water c. for Oil Alkyd (Modified) Exterior Paint (Chalk and Fume Spec, for Foundry Safety Shoes (Boot), Oil Spec, for Floor Wax, Slip Spec, for Floor Finish, Slip Spec, for Heat spec, for Compound; (Primer) Rust Inhibiting and Corrosion Spec, for Water Spec, for Tableware, Corrosion Std. for Table Flatware, Corrosion Std. Spec, for Table Flatware, Corrosion Spec, for Varnish; Spar (Water Std. Spec, for Spar Varnish (Water Std. Spec, for Paint, Silicone, Aluminum, Heat agnetic Conversion / Spec, for Wide Line Nuclear Magnetic 969) Spec, for Electron Paramagnetic Spec, for Nuclear Magnetic for Pulmonizer System (Monitor, Process and Display Human stream and Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Oxygen Detector; citators, Spirometers, Function / Spec, for Pulmonary and nology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic,/ Spec, for Pulmonary and Spec, for Test Spec, for Automatic Audiometric and Evoked Spec, for Chair Shirts 1 Cages (Dog, Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, e(1969) Spec, for ght Automatic) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Mobile Cardiac nary and Respiratory Teaching Aids (Monitors, Ventilators, -29 1C Spec, for Fire d. Spec, for Mattress Cores, Polyether Urethane Foam, Fire Std. Spec, for Mattress Cover, Plasticized, Fire wood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire noxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth brane Curing Compound (Portland Cement Concrete, Water d Bri/ Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Admixtures (Set Spec, for Office Machine aint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Std. Spec, for Tire Reconditioning nd Other Off the Highway Tires (1967) FED ZZ-T/ Spec, for Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Spec, for Tire Spec, for ironers; Flat Work, Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, with 9) Spec, for Repair, Refinish, Spec, for Litter Bags; Spec, for Spec, for Sand Spreader (6 cu. yd (Struck) Fully Spec, for Sand Spreader (8 cu. Yd. (Struck) Truck Fully Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, ) Spec, for Spec, for Men's Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Safety Trip, der, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Spec, for 2 Way Spec, for 2 Way Cylinder (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Raincoat, Men's, Lightweight, Nylon Spec, for Snow Plow, Medium Duty Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Snow Plow (7 1/2 Ft. Power one Way with Right Hand Leveling Wing, Roll Over and Power Spec, for Snow Plow, Heavy Duty Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, a Spec, for Sam Browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and ) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bakery Ovens Spec, for Automotive Warning Lights Spec, for Cassette Duplicator and Spec, for Children's Sleepers (Pajamas), Two Piece, Spec, for Girls" and Women's Pajamas Spec, for Boys" Pajamas Std. Spec, for Roofing Sheets, Metal (Corrugated and chine, Du/ Spec, for Soap and Detergent Making Equipment Spec, for Typewriter Spec, for Tabulating, Data Processing and Proof Machine Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Resistant, Cotton Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Resistant, Exterior (1969) Resistant, Fast Drying (1969) Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Sealing Fiberboard Bo Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White and Tints) (19 Resistant, Steel Toe (1970?) Resistant, Water Emulsion (1970) Resistant, Water Emulsion, Buffable (1970) Resisting Aluminum Paint (1963) Resisting for Use on Ferrous Metal Surfaces (1956) FED Resisting Spar Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Resisting Steel (Institutional Use) (1970?) Resisting Steel (1963) Resisting Steel (1969) Resisting) (1968) FED TT-V-121, Std. 141 Resisting, Exterior) (1969) Resisting, Metal (1970) Resonance Spectrometer System and 35 GHz Electron Param Resonance Spectrometer System (Scientific Equipment) (1 Resonance Spectrometer System (1971) Respiration) (Portable Computer Unit) (1969) Spec. Respirators; Minute Volume and Anesthesia Ventilators) Respiratory Teaching Aids (Monitors, Ventilators, Resus Respiratory Therapy Teaching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Tech Response System (Human and Small Animal) (1970) Response Systems (Psychiatric Hospital) (1971) (Restrainers) (1971) Restraining Table) (Testing and Research Laboratory) (1 Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Aspirator), Portabl Resuscitation Equipment (Inhalator, Aspirator, Lightwei Resuscitation Unit (University) (1971) Resuscitators, Spirometers, Function Indicator, Volumet Retardant Paint (Interior) (1971) FED TT-P-00206B, TT-T Retardant (1969) St Retardant (1970) Retardant) (NYS Std.) ( 1971 ) /for Treated Lumber, Ply Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Amine, Bromacil Weed Ki Retardation) (Liquid, Spray) (1970?) ASTM C-309 /. for Mem Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highway An Retention Lockers (1971) Retention Mats, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway Constr (Retreading and Repair) (1970) Retreading and Repairing of Automobile, Truck, Grader A Retreading Machine (1968) Retreading Machine (1970) Retreading (1968) FED ZZ-T-416 Retro Reflectors for Highway Construction (1970) Return Ribbons) (1967) Spec, for Reupholstery of Office and Institutional Furniture (196 Reusable (1961) FED UU-P-31 Reverbatory Furnace (1969) Reversible Chassis Mounted) (1971) Reversible Chassis Mounted) (1971) Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler, Impact Wrenches) (1968 Reversible Framed Chalkboards and Bulletin Boards (1968 Reversible Jackets (1958) Reversible Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Reversible Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Reversible Type) (1969) Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfill Tampe Reversible 10 Ft. Snow Plow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) Reversible 1 1 Ft. Snow Plow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) Reversible 2 Way 1 1 Ft. Snow Plow with a Frame and Lift Reversible (1963) Reversible (1964) Reversible (1964) Reversible (1967) Reversible (1968) Reversible) and Blower (6 Ft.) (1971) Reversible) (1971) Spec, for Snow Plows Reversible, Combination Lift and Push (1966) Reversible, for Dump Truck Attachment) (1970) Revolver Holster (Police), Complete (1968) FED KK-L-31 1 Revolver; Caliber .38 Special (Commercial Design) (1968 Revolving Punch (1953) (Revolving Tray) (1971) (Revolving, Flashing) (1967) Rewinder (High Speed) (1971) Rib Knit (1965) (Ribbed Knit) (1957) (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Ribbed Types) (1970) ASTM A90 (Ribbon Blender, Batch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Ma Ribbon, Polyethylene, Black (1969) Ribbons (1969) VA DS-7 VA DS-6 CA 691-80-01 CA 691-80-06 PA A-18 WA S-70-108 MA *18 MI 4642-S1 MI 4642-S2 IA •1-14 PA C-98 VA DK-15A MA *2 CT 31-17B CT 3108-T-330A PA V-4 OR 77-100-9420 MS PE-16 NY 38782-0824 NY 38782-0416 NY 38782-0796 NY 12600-0962 NY 12200-0462 NY 12200-0512 NY 12200-0462 NY 38209-0631 NY 38215-0836 NY 40010-0898 NY 12040-0557 NY 12100-0501 NY 12100-320 NY 12600-0545 NY 1 2200-05 1 2 NY 38008-0301 IL *7 CT 3748-C-342A NY 37513-0851 NY 22100-0497 MS 3754 VA DH-217 NY 39004-0547 VA DH-257 OR 52-400-0010 TX 035-79-1A TX 035-82-1A TX 060-75-1 CA 681-26-31 VA DH-243 PA 1-4 LA *2 PA B-132 NY 42800-0433 AK *7 AK *9 NY 43203-0748 NY 23100-0411 RI 4225-M-007 NE *56 NE ♦59 NY 40900-0881 NY 43203-0185 VA *11 VA *12 VA *13 NJ 4938-64 NJ 1548-00 NJ 4938-68 NJ 4938-75 NJ 4938-77 NY 40900-0160 NY 40900-0895 NJ 4938-49 NY 40900-0497 PA B-142 PA R-29 IL *33FF NY 31201 NY 30304-0716 NY 38217-0305 RI 4270-M-008 RI 4270-F-005 RI 4270-M-006 OR 64-550-0010 NY 36502-0211 CA 691-75-16 NJ 6952-01 268 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards rs (Silk, Nylon) (1968) itionUse (1971) Spec. Spec, for Spec. for Inked Spec, for Polyethylene Typewriter Spec, for Typewriter Std. Spec, for Typewriter for Computing and Recording Machine Spec, for Silk and Nylon Typewriter Std. for Typewriter Spec, for Polyethylene Film Typewriter General Requirements for Typewriter Carbon Paper and ; Flat Work, Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, with Return Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machine, Inked s (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Typewriter Spec, for Typewriter Std. Spec, for Typewriter n(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for , and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and -T-191 Spec, for Std. Spec, for (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Battery Powered Stand-Up equipment (Lift Truck, Battery Powered W alkie and Stand Up ng Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Stand-Up gh Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 2 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Hip and Spec, for Vibratory Road Roller for Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 76 In. or More, Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 53 In. or More, Industrial Power Sweeper (Self Propelled, 66 In. or More, c. for Industrial Sweeper Scrubber (LP Gas Engine Powered, Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Scrubber Std. Spec, for Power Lawn Mower Std. Spec, for Power Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Spec, for Mower, All Hydraulic Drive, Four Wheel Spec, for Stage Equipment, Curtains (Draperies) e) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way with Spec, for Snow Plow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, mp Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, or Highv ay Construction ( 1964) Std. Spec, for tl 77 Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Tractor Mower (Heavy Industrial Type, Left and Spec, for Precast Concrete Monuments for Bench Marks, Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Maple Rulers (Flexible and 4, UL 6 Spec, for Conduit; Steel, ine Lathe, Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, (1971) Spec, for Brief (Upright) and Spec, for Sheet Lifters, 410 Spec, for Flexible Black Leatherette Spec, for Office Supplies (Reinforced il Std. 105 Spec, for Metal f Binders ( 1 970) Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal Ring Hardware and Hinges for Use in Std. Spec, for Binders and Sheets (Post, Three Spec, for Binders, Spec, for Binders, Three Spec, for Binders, Std. Spec, for Reinforcements (Gummed Cloth opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Agents (Hospital) (Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Spec, for Spec, for Tear Gas; Mob and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Quilting Material, stone, Concrete) (1964) Std. Spec, for , Wall Support) (1970?) Spec, for 0) Spec, for Stone for Masonry, 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Portable Stage Units or Band ^ Spec, for Spec, for Choral Shells, Chorus Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrator, r Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Spec, for Structural tud Shear Connector) (Highwa/ Spec, for Structural Steel, r Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, et Beetles) (/ Spec, for Insecticides, Chlordane Residual Spec, for Ironers Spec, for Office Ribbons and Rosettes (State Fair) (1969) Ribbons for Electronic Data Processing Equipment Printe Ribbons for Record, Offset and Optical Character Recogn Ribbons (Fabric) (1965) FED CCC-T-191a Ribbons (Fabric) (1970) FED DDD-R-31 ID Ribbons (1963) Ribbons (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Ribbons (1968) Ribbons (1969) ASTM D882 Ribbons (1970) Ribbons) (1967) Ribbons) (1971) Ribbons, Carbon, Magnetic Tape and Selectric Typewriter Ribbons, Fabric (1962) Ribbons, Polyethylene (1970) Ribbons, Textile (1953) Ribbons, Typewriter and Adding Machine, Cotton and Nylo Ribbons, Typewriter and Teletype, Nylon ( 1971 ) Ribbons, Typewriter ( 1971 ) Ribbons; Addressograph (Model 2675) (1961) Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; and Tooth Picks Ribbons; Typewriter and Teletype, Fabric (1968) FED Ccc Rick Rack Braid (1953) Rider) (1971) Spec, for Material Handling Equipment Rider, Skid) (Manual Hydraulic) (1970) /Rial Handling Riders) (1971) Spec, for Material Handli Riders) (1971) /C. for Material Handling Equipment (Hi Ridge Roll, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Ridge, 9X12 In., Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-225-6 Riding Operator (1970) Riding Type) (1969) Spec, for Riding Type) (1970) Spec, for Riding Type) (1970) Spec, for Riding Type) (1971) Spe (Riding) (1970) (Riding, Reel Type) (1964) Riding, Reel, Hand and Self Propelled) (1970) Riding, 72 In. Cutting Width (1965) (Riggings and Rods) (1971) Right Hand Leveling Wing, Roll Over and Power Reversibl Right Hand Wing Assembly and Hydraulic Systems) ( 1971 ) Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 Right of Way Markers (Portland Cement Concrete Posts) F Right of Way Monuments (Markers, Highway) (1970) AASHO Right Side Mounted Cutter Bars) (1970?) Right-Of-Way Markers, Section Corners (1970?) Rigid Front Steel Filing Cabinets (1968) Rigid Steel Conduit and Fittings (Pipe) (1970?) Rigid Wrought Iron Pipe (1963) Rigid) (1971) Rigid, Zinc Coated and Fittings (1969) ANSI C80.1, C80. Ring and Circle Shears, Brake and Folder, Buffer Polish Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl Coated Fabric Ring Binder (1970) Ring Binders (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T Ring Book Sheets and Indexes) (1971) Ring Hardware and Hinges for Looseleaf Binders ( 1971 ) M Ring Hardware and Hinges for Use in Ring Type Loose Lea Ring Type Loose Leaf Binders ( 1970) Ring, Blue and Green Pressboard) ( 1971 ) Ring, Canvas (1970) Ring, Plastic (1970) Ring, Supported Vinyl (1970) Rings) (1971) Rings; Rulers; Shears; T / Moistener and Tips; Letter Rinse Injecting Liquid ( 1969) Rinse Injector Liquid,. Dishwasher (1970) Rinse Injector, Dishwasher (1962) Rinse) (Powder, Tablet, Ointment) (1969) /Ic Bacterial Rinsing - Drying Compound (Dishwashing Machines) (1970) Riot Control ( 1971 ) ICC 2P Riplette Bedspreads (1960) Ripplette Bedspread (Cloth) (1970?) Riprap for Bridge Foundation and Highway Construction Riprap Materials (Stone and Filter Blanket) (Foundation Riprap, and Porous Backfill (Highway Construction) (197 Risers (Stairway, Sound Reflectors, Seated Chorus) (197 Risers (1971) Risers (1971) USC Psl-66 Risers, Percussion Center (1970) Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler, Impact W Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Mil Rivets (1970?) ASTM A-502 Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, S Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, Threade Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carp NY CA TX VA RI PA VA CT VA RI PA NY NJ KS NJ MS MI CA NJ PA IL PA IL NY NY NY NY MS MS SC NY NY NY NY NY WA WA NJ NY NY NY NY SC VA VA MS KS MS NJ IL PA NY PA CA CA NY CA CA CA IL CA CA CA IL FL WA MS MS NY NY PA OR MA SC MS VA NY NY NY NY NY VA MS VA NJ MS 31002-0086 681-75-06 610-84-1 FB-3 5420-15 R-4 FB-20 69-57G FT-3A ♦3 1-4 23003-0238 6952-04 76-1 6952-03 R-l 4868-S1 711-75-17 6952-02 R-14 *39 R-l 3 *33F 39101-0774 39101-0471 39101-0719 39101-0892 R-5-64-37 R_5_64-7 14-250-0451 A 41600-0876 41600-0464 41600-0704 41600-0461 21400-0739 S-64-74 S-69-106 4938-84 38103 40900-0895 40900-0764 40502-0148 HD-126 DH-221 *18 3667 70-2D 3801 7940-00 *32XX C-34 43201-0487 C-149 701-75-37 721-75-34 23009-0607 721-75-36 701-75-36 701-75-36 *32D 701-75-38 702-75-40 701-75-39 *32WW *21 S-60-18 R_4A-70 R-3A-62 21901-0964 20101-0394 T-82 72-150-9060 *35-71 HD-108 3601 DH-205 30202-0114 30202-0730 30202-0311 30202-0657 43203-0748 DH-236 3316 DH-232 5108-00 1-7 269 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards , C136-61T, Dl/ m D632.C136 IT, D1293-55T -61T, D1293-55/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for al, Concrete Setting And/ Spec, for Calcium Chloride (for Spec, for Patching - Material (Bituminous Premix) oleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Repair Work (Highway, anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Systems of Spec, for Raincoat (Yellow) for Heavy Duty Use by Spec, for 6,000 Gal. Portable Spec, for Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) for Spec, for Vibratory Spec, for Vibratory ng)(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Weight Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Weight Truck Mounted Material Spreader (Sand, Chips, Cinders and Std. Spec, for Detergent Highway Spec, for Timber Posts for Break Away Spec, for Sodium Chloride (95% Minimum) Rock Salt for application (1970) Mineral Spec, for Std. Definition of Terms for Highway for White Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway for Yellow Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway Std. Spec, for Graders, ed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bact/ Spec, for ec. for Plant Stock (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Spec, for Mowing ruck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Platform Body and or Truck Cab and Chassis, 25,500 Lb. G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. n(1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Spec, for Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Terry ) ASTM D632-58, D98-56T Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bed Spreads, Piping er, Weld Flux Chipper,/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Spec, for Sodium Chloride (95% Minimum) Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Spec, for Mineral Crushed Spec, for n Highways and Streets) (1970) Spec, for Crushed Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Chloride Salt (Block and tes for Surface and Base Courses (Gravel, Sand and Crushed Spec, for Ice Control Salt Spec, for Chairs - Type IV-a (Fibreglass Spec, for Institutional Furniture (Metal) (Chairs, Spec, for Cleaner, Sewer, Power , Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, Threaded her, Casting/ Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, c. for Stage Equipment, Curtains (Draperies) (Riggings and Spec, for Anchor Shim (197/ Spec, for Wrought and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Bread, Hamburger, Frankfurter Spec, for Fabric; Non Woven Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper Std. Spec, for Toilet Tissue Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper Spec, for Paper; Toilet Tissue Spec, for Truck, Forward Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. 69) Spec, for 20 Ft. Spec, for Polyester Cover Cloth (Flatwork Ironer Spec, for Spec, for Automatic pec. for Drafting Supplies (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Std. Spec, for Files, Lateral ec. for Snow Plows (One Way with Right Hand Leveling Wing, systems) (1971) Spec, for Snow Plow (Front Mounted , Ins/ Spec, for Building Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Spec, for Paper, Toweling, Spec, for Bond Paper, Sulphite, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher Spec, for Shades; Spec, for Paper, Waxed, Spec, for Linen Service, Continuous Cloth Towel Spec, for Paper, Teletypewriter, Spec, for Microfilm, Spec, for Paper Towels (Folded and Spec, for Paper Tape (Computing Machine, ced (1970) FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, la Std. Spec, for Roofing, Spec. Spec. Sp Road and Bridge Construction (1961) Road and Bridge Construction ( 1 963 ) Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Remov ( Road Construction ) ( 1 969 ) Road Construction) (1970?) / Cement Cut Back with Petr Road Machinery and Similar Applications (1969) MIL L-21 Road Maintenance Workers (1969) Road Oil Tank (1970) A1SI C-l 010-1020, ASTM A36 Road Purposes (1970?) Road Roller for Riding Operator (1970) Road Roller for Walking Operator (1970) Road Roller (Three Axle Tandom, Pneumatic Tired, Patchi Road Roller (1968) Road Roller (1970) Road Salt) (1968) Spec, for Road Sign Cleaning, Liquid, Spray (1964) Road Sign Installations (1970) Road Stabilization and Deicing (1968) ASTM D632, C136 Road (Highway) and Bridge Construction, Equipment, and (Road) Construction (1964) (Road) Signs and Markers (1969) (Road) Signs and Markers (1969) Road, Motorized (1969) Roadside Development Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Se Roadside Landscape (1970?) Roadside Maintenance (1971) Roadside Sprayer ( 1970) Spec, for T Roadside Sprayer) (1961) Spec. F Roadway and Drainage Excavation for Highway Constructio Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Head in Cable (1971) Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Lead-in Cable (1971) Roasted Bean Shipment) (1957) Robe Cloth, Flannel ( 1970?) Robecloth, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Rock and Water Softener Salt and Calcium Chloride (1970 Rock Cotton (1962) Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digg Rock Salt - Sodium Chloride (1970) Rock Salt for Ice Cream Manufacture (1962) ASTM D632-58 Rock Salt for Road Stabilization and Deicing (1968) AST Rock Salt for Stock Feeding (1964) ASTM D632-58, CI 36-6 Rock Salt for Water Softening (1962) ASTM C632-58, CI 36 Rock Salt (Ice and Snow Removal) (1971) Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) for Road Purposes (1970?) Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal O Rock Sample Storage System (Mobile) (1971) Rock) (1967) FED RR-S-366, ASTM D632 Rock) (1970?) Spec, for Aggrega (Rock, Solar) (Sodium Chloride) (1970) Rocker with Wooden Runners) (1965) Rockers) (Mental Ward) (1969) Rod Type (1968) Rod, Nails) (1970) /S, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Was Rods) (1971) Spe Rods, Steel (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-307, A-153 Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Roll and Aluminum Bun Pans) (1971) (Roll and Cut Sheets) (Textile) (1961) (Roll and Interfold) (1971) (Roll and Sheet) and Seat Covers (1971) FED UU-P-31B (Roll and Sheet) (1960) (Roll and Sheet) (1970) (Roll and Sheet) (1971) FED UU-P-00556 Roll Back Body, 10,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Roll Back Ramp Body and Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 19 Roll Cover) (1965) Roll Down Closure Grille (1968) Roll Film Processor (X-Ray) (Medical Center) (1968) Roll Film Units) (1967) Roll Out (1970) Roll Over and Power Reversible) ( 1971 ) Sp Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing Assembly and Hydraulic Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking Roll Stock (1970) Roll Stock (1971) (Roll Top, Hood Type) (1964) Roll Up (Wooden Slatted) (1969) FED Std. 141 Roll (1965) Roll (1966) Roll (1969) Roll (1969) FED L-F-334B Roll) (1967) Roll) (1971) Roll, Asphalt, Design Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mineral Surfa Roll, Asphalt, Smooth (1970) ASTM D-224-58, FED SS-R-50 NJ NJ PA NM MD SC SC NE MS SC SC NY SC SC SC MS MD TX VA SC MI MI NC VA MS NJ NJ NJ SC NY NY PA MA MA SD MS NY NJ TX TX TX TX NY MS NE NY PA MS NH NJ NY NJ NJ VA NY MS MS NY PA CA FL VA TX PA MI MI TX NY NY NY MS NY NY NY CA CA KY KY CA LA VA CA MS MS 1308-01 1 304-00 C-7 *18 *24 34-040 03-190-0451 *58 3910 14-250-0451 A 14-250-045 IB 41300-0101 14-250 14-250A 14-400 D-4-64 *8 6 15-34-1 A DH-1 HD-1 5325-S32 5325-S33 3805-G-1B DH-257 3861 4700-00 4938-99 4938-25 HD-1 3 35816-0215 35816-0213 L-37 *35-56 *35-83 *1 B-2-62 43203-0185 2330-01 615-32-1 615-34-1A 615-36-1 615-37-1 01800-0235 3910 *13 21701-0901 S-38 3138 *8 3718-07 21502-0418 6356-01 5108-00 DH-236 38103 3385 3336 31200-0304 C-142 711-82-80 *33 DM-3B 370-61-1 P-59 3958-0150 3958-0151 410-34-2 31800-0354 11000-0829 31600-0031 F-28A-70 40900-0895 40900-0764 31827-0529 702-82-79 711-75-07 WA S-64-87 PA S-124 7805-6 3513-1 691-75-66 *1 DM-4B 711-75-44 R_5_64-13 R_5_64-9 270 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Std. Spec, for Roofing, ! i tm D-371-58, FED SS-R-630 1 (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, Ridge td. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Design Edge, 105 Lb. 1970) Spec, for Film, Black and White and Color Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment et Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, ?) ASTM A- 107, A-322, A-276 Spec, for Hot teel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular Hot Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift Stacker with Spec, for Wrought Iron Plates, A-123, MIL E-10687 Spec, for Spec, and Estimated Requirements for Cold Std. Spec, for Annular Ball and Spec, for Hoist, 1 Ton Capacity, Electric, Spec, for Vibratory Road Spec, for Vibratory Road Spec, for Tractor ) Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Kiln, 1970) Spec, for Road for Asphalt Compaction for Patching / Spec, for Tailgate Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Weight Road Spec, for Self Propelled Multi Wheel Spec, for Portable Self Propelled Tanden Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Weight Road Spec, for Vibratory Power Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Tractor , Multipurpose, Automotive and Industrial (Wheel, Ball and ec. for Machine Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mopping Tank, ase Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Support Std. Spec, for Window Shade Cloth and Std. Spec, for Window Shades; Cloth, Spec, for Window Shades, Cloth, ) ASTM A386, A525 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Cover Duck (for Flatwork Ironer Spec, for Toilet Tissue, Spec, for Paper; Teletypewriter Spec, for Paper; Gummed (Tape in Spec, for Men's Shoes Iding Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Std. Spec, for Asphalt (Plastic Std. Spec, for Plastic Std. Spec, for ampproofing) (1964) FED SS-R-/ Spec, for Asphalt Asbestos -P-320C Std. Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Asphalt Base Aluminum Spec, for 64) FED SS-R-451 *[ Std. Spec, for (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for ing; Felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing Built Up Spec, for Black Plastic Bituminous Cement (for 535 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for 3 Std. Spec, for Plastic Cement; Fibered Std. Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Twin 300-325 Lb. (1970) Std. Spec, for , Double Coverage, 220-230 Lb. (1970) Fed/ Std. Spec, for ced, Square Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1/ Std. Spec, for al Surfaced, 275-300 Lb. (1970) FED SS-S-/ Std. Spec, for faced, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. Std (1964) Std. Spec, for faced, 250 L.B. (1970) ASTM D-225-62 Std. Spec, for ced (1970) ASTM D-225-62 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Asphaltic Primer for Spec, for Primer (Paint), Asphalt, for , and Insulation (Building) (1971) Spec, or Std. Spec, for Spec, for Re - 70) ASTM A90 Std. Spec, for 70) FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for ^Spec. for Std. Spec, for Asbestos Base Sheet (Built Up or Cap Sheet; Mineral Surfaced (Asphalt Saturated Prepared mica Surface, Hot or Cold Application (19/ Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphalt Spec, for Building Materials (Asphalt Shingles and Roll ral Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Roll, Asphalt, Wide Selvage, Mineral Surfaced (1970) As Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage Roll, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Roll, Mineral Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-630 Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture and Graphic Arts (Roll-in Refrigerator) (1971) Rolled and Extruded Structural Shapes (for Highway and Rolled Bar Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970 Rolled Hollow Tube (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-306, A-245 / S Rolled Paper Handler) (1969) Rolled Shapes and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-42, A-207 Rolled Steel Fence Posts and Angles (1970?) ASTM A- 107 Rolled Steel (1970?) Roller Bearing (General Purpose and Automotive) (1969) Roller Chain, Hook Type (1966) Roller for Riding Operator (1970) Roller for Walking Operator (1970) Roller Grease (1968) Roller Grease, Positive Seal Assemblies (Company) (1968 Roller Hearth (1967) Roller (Three Axle Tandom, Pneumatic Tired, Patching) Roller (Vibrating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) Roller (1968) Roller (1968) Roller (1970) Roller (1970) Roller (2 Axle, Tandem, 2 Ton Category) (1971) Roller, Company Postive Seal (1970) Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushin Roller, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring An Roller, High Temperature, Graphite) ( 1970) /and Gear, Roller, Tandem, 5-8 Ton (1964) Roller, Vibrating, with Trailer (1968) Roller, Vibrating, with Trailer (1968) Roller, Wringer (1968) Rollers and Idlers) (1967) /Fittings, Water Pumps, Gre Rollers (1963) FED CCC-C-521B, DDD-S-251C Rollers, Slats and Cords (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Rollers, Slats, Cords and Accessories (1969) Rolling Doors, Steel (Coiling, Interlocking Slat) (1971 Rolls and Other Laundry Uses) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Rolls and Sheets (1969) (Rolls) (1959) FED UU-P-31 Rolls) (1968) FED UU-P-31B, PPP-T-45B (Romeo Type) (1956) Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Insulation) ( 1970) Roof Cement) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Roof Cement, Pitch Base Type (1964) FED SS-C-188 Roof Coating Materials (1970) Roof Coating (Brush Application for Waterproofing and D Roof Coating (Waterproofing) (1970) FED SS-A-00694C, Tt Roof Coating, Asbestos Fibered (1970) FED TT-T-320 Roof Coating, Asphalt, Aluminum ( 1969) Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Fibred (19 Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing Consistency, Nonfibred Roof Coating, Asphalt, Brushing (1969) Roof Coverings) (1968) Spec, for Roof Roof Flashing and Repair) (1964) FED SS-C-153 Roof Insulation Board, Asphalt Coated (1964) FED LLL-I- Roof Insulation Board, Uncoated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 (Roof Patching and Flashing Compound) (1970) FED SS-C-15 Roof Primer (1970) FED SS-A-701, ASTM D-41 Roof Rotating Light (Vehicle Mounting, Warning) (1970) Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Class a Fire, Mineral Surfaced, Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Lock Type, Mineral Surface Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfa Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Square Butt, Extra Heavy, Miner Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Sur Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Sur Roof Shingles, Hip and Ridge, 9X12 In., Mineral Surfa Roof, Knotted Style, Three Knots (1969) Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1964) Roofing and Waterproofing ( 1969) Roofing Materials (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Sealants Roofing Materials ( 1971 ) Roofing of Men's Physical Education Building ( 1970) Roofing Sheets, Metal (Corrugated and Ribbed Types) (19 Roofing Starter and Valley, Mineral Surfaced Strips ( 19 Roofing Tin (Terneplate) (1970) Roofing) (1970) FED HH-R-590a Roofing) (1970) UL 55B Std. Spec. F Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Roofing, Mineral Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-630D Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement and Coatings, Caulking, Ins Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Design Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mine MS R-5-64-11 MS R-5-64-10 MS R_5_64-10A MS R-5-64-37 MS R-5-64-13 NY 38800-0231 NY 24204-0571 VA DH-236 MS 3313 MS 3306 NY 39101-0921 MS 3311 MS 3403 NJ 6140-00 OR 53-100-9010 NJ 4938-93A SC 14-250-0451 A SC 14-250-045 IB CA 681-91-112 CA 681-91-113 NY 42800-0726 NY 41300-0101 AK •52 SC 14-250 SC 14-250-0451 NE *55 SC 14-250A NY 41300-0825 MS L-5B-70-22 MI 5255-S1 1 NY 43201-0487 MA *9 NJ 4938-72 NJ 4938-108 NJ 4938-30 KY 7920-19 MI 5255-S11 IL •29 OR 72-300-9020 TX 705-37-1A OR 64-530-0010 TX 410-34-4 FL •7 PA P-102 PA P-86 RI 4268-M-013 NY 31827-0529 MS R-5-64-27 MS R_5_64-27A OR 64-500-0000 TX 605-38-1 OR 64-500-0020 RI 5061-01 CA 691-80-408 MS R-5-64-25 MS R-5-64-26 CA 691-80-407 PA R-l TX 605-37-1 MS R-5-64-14 MS R-5-64-15 OR 64-500-0100 OR 64-500-0030 NM •9 MS R_5_64-5 MS R-5-64-6 MS R-5-64-2 MS R_5_64-4 MS R-5-64-1 MS R-5-64-3 MS R_5_64-7 PA B-l 14 TX 605-39-1 CA 691-80-402 NY 31827-0534 IL •12 NE •83 OR 64-550-0010 MS R-5-64-8 PA R-20 OR 64-500-0120 OR 64-500-0090 MS R-5-64-1 2 OR 64-500-0040 NY 31827-0529 MS R-5-64-13 271 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards d SS-R-501a (1970) ASTM D-371-58, FED SS-R-630 Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 361 4) ASTM A-361 ) ASTM A-361 ) ASTM A-361 lashing. Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 uilt Up Roof Coverings) (1968) 7 220.01 -A-666 s-A-666 Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Slate Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Glass Cloth; Resin Treated (Waterproofing Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Pitch for Built Up Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Built Up Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Built Up Std. Spec, for Asphalt for Built Up Spec, for Window Unit, 1969) Spec, for Furniture; Hospital Spec, for Furniture; Metal, Upholstered (Reception ntained ( 1966) Std. Spec, for Air Conditioning Units Std. Spec, for Ward Day Spec, for Air Conditioners iographic and Fluoroscopic (Including Accessories and Dark nd Overbed Tables) (1970) Spec, for Patient Spec, for Ward and Operating Spec, for Aluminum Armless Reception Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Spec, for Wood Dining Spec, for Air Conditioners, Window, Spec, for Audiometric Testing Spec, for Laminar Flow Clean Spec, for Controlled Environment Spec, for Audiometric Research Spec, for Air Conditioning System (Computer Spec, for Air Conditioning System (Computer railer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle (with Environmental mer Acid Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Spec, for Air Conditioner, or Environmental Walk-in Chambers and Constant Temperature ( 1971 ) Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Spec, for Controlled Environment and Constant Temperature . for Environmental Walk-in Chambers (Temperature Control) Spec, for Audiometer Research Std. Spec, for Tree Wells and 30 Spec, for Wire Spec, for Lubricant, Open Gear, Chain and Wire Std. Spec, for Wire Spec, for Wire Spec, for Manila oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, Wire Spec, for ndustrial Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, Turbine, Cutting Spec, for Ribbons and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sheathing Paper, Spec, for Soap; Chip Spec, for Laundry Soap; Granulated Spec, for Laundry Soap; Chip Spec, for Portable Diesel Driven ck(1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Portable Gasoline Driven 2 In. Sickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary Snowblower, 26 in ) Spec, for Universal pec. for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines (Electric, or Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single or Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Brushes, Spec, for Brushes, Shower Feed for Std. Spec, for Food Slicing Machine (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Spec, for Tractor and Spec, for 60 In., PTO Driven Spec, for 90 In., PTO Driven Spec, for Tractor, Industrial with 60 In. Spec, for Light Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Spec, for Light Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Spec, for 80 In., PTO Driven Minimum Spec, for Tow Type Spec, for Wheel Tractor with Center Mount Spec, for Tractor, with Hydraulic Extension Arm Type Spec, for Tractors, Wheel Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Spec, for Spec, for T /D Surface Deli Spec. F Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Smooth (1970) ASTM D-224-58, Fe Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Wide Selvage, Mineral Surfaced Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. Roofing, Steel, Channel Drain, 5 V-Crimp (1964) ASTM A- Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, Ridge Roll, Corrugated (196 Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 1 1/4 In., Corrugated (1964 Roofing, Steel, Galvanized, 2 1/2 In., Corrugated (1964 Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Wall F Roofing; Felt and Asphalt, Prepared (for Constructing B Roofing; Shingles and Tiles (1960) ASTM C121, CI 20, C21 Roofing; Shingles, Asphalt (1968) Roofing; Smooth Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-501D, SS-R-620 Roofs and Below Grade Walls) (1970) FED HH-C-466B Roofs (1964) FED RP-381 Roofs, Grade I, 135 Deg. to 148 Deg. F. M.P. (1964) CE Roofs, Type Ii, 140 Deg. to 175 Deg. M.P. (1964) FED SS Roofs, Type Iii, 180 Deg. to 200 Deg. M.P. (1964) FED S Room Air Conditioners ( 1967) Room and Dormitory (Beds, Tables, Cabinets, Dressers) Room and Lobby) (1970) (Room and Space Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, Self Co Room Arm Chairs (1963) FED CCC-A-700B (Room Coolers) (1966) Room Equipment) ( 1966) Spec, for X-Ray Machines; Rad Room Furniture (Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Cabinets, A Room Hospital Equipment (General) (1966) Room Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Room Still Photo Processing System) (1970) Room Tables (1969) Room Type, Electric Motor, Self Contained (1970) Room (College) (1970) Room (Portable) (1971) FED Std. 209a Room (Prefabricated Modular) (University) (1968) Room (1971) Room) (College) (1971) Room) (College) (1971) Room) (1968) Room, Swimming Pool Deck, Etc.) (1971) Room, Window and Through the Wall (1970) Rooms (Prefabricated) (University) (1971) Rooms (Temperature Control) (Live Animal) (University) Rooms (University) (1969) Rooms (University) (1969) Spec Rooms (1971) Root Protection for Highway Construction ( 1964) Rope and Fittings for Cable Guard Rail (1970?) AASHO M- Rope (1967) Rope (1969) Rope (1971) Rope (1971) FED T-R-605B, T-T-616 Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and Gras Rope, Manila and Synthetic Fibres ( 1971 ) Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crusher, Drill, Black) Rosettes (State Fair) (1969) Rosin Free Granulated Laundry Soap ( 1961 ) Rosin Sized (1964) (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 (Rosin Type) (1968) ASTM D460 Rotary Air Compressor (1969) Rotary Auger Type Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) and Tru Rotary Calculators (Class Iv), Automatic (1964) Rotary Calculators (Class V), Fully Automatic (1964) Rotary Compressor (1970) Rotary Cultivator Attachments ( 1965) / Tractor, with 4 Rotary Cutter (Mower) with 3 Point Tractor Hitch (1970? Rotary Disc) (1970) UL 73 Rotary Disc, Concentrated Weight, Commercial Type) (197 Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy Duty) (1959 Rotary Floor Machine Brushes (Scrubbing and Polishing) Rotary Floor Machine (1968) Rotary Floor Machine (1968) Rotary Knife Blade) (1968) Rotary Mower Attachment (1967) Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) Rotary Mower for 3 Point Hitch (1970) Rotary Mower (1961) Rotary Mower (1970) Rotary Mower (1970) Rotary Mower (1970) Rotary Mower (1970?) Rotary Mower (1971) Rotary Mower, Mounted (1970) Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping Ra Rotary Mower; Pull Type (1970) MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS PA PA PA' OR OR MS MS MS MS KS PA PA NC IL PA PA NY NY RI NY RI MS NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ MS NJ NY NY NY NY NY SC MS KY OR NY NY NY NY IN NY RI MS PA PA PA NE AK TX TX NE NJ SC PA TX TX TX KY KY WA NJ SC SC NJ NE NE SC NM SC NJ NY SC R-5-64-9 R-5-64-1 1 R-5-64-10 R-5-64-1 0A R-5-64-39 R-5-64-37 R-5-64-35 R-5-64-36 R-5-64-38 R-l R-19 R-l 7 64-500-0050 64-500-0110 R-5-64-32 R-5-64-3 1 R-5-64-30 R-5-64-29 35-1C F-81A F-60 4120-A-1A *38 A-19 X-l 20302-0586 00116-00-0088 2-006 38810-0097 3-015 A-3-70 38203-0693 12030-0797 12026-0705 38203-0181 30001-0132 30001-0335 6542-01 D-20A-71 8708-00 12026-0757 12026-0746 12026-0403 12026-0786 38203-0846 HD-110 3381 9150-5 54-100-9010 38501-0293 38400-0102 39000-0482 38400-0606 * 1 5—1 1 31002-0086 *12 R-5-64-24 S-112 S-73 S-74 *24 *5 495-37-4 495-37-5 *48 4938-32 14-220-045 IB M-48 265-32-1B 265-32-3 265-31-1 7910-8 7910-9 S-63-61-1 4938-100 *31 *33 4938-12 *32 *35 ♦32 *15 ♦5 4938-135 40601-0891 14-220-0451 272 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards pec. for Garden and Lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Spec, for Spec, for Timing Equipment (Reaction Time rSpec. for Spec, for Spec, for Hydrostatic Spec, for Truck with Auger Type Spec, for spec, for Tractor, with 42 In. Sickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Spec, for General Spec, for Spec, for »e J607, J608 Spec, for Lawn Mowers; Power (Reel and Spec, for Mowers; Lawn, Gasoline Power Operated (Reel and r Mounted with Air Tools (1969) Spec, for Compressor, 64 Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers, Spec, for Compressor Spec, for Air Compressors (Reciprocating and Spec, for Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers Spec, for Class I Power Lawn Mowers Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, Power, Std. Spec, for Mowers, Lawn, Power, Spec, for Steel Office Executive Chair (Posture Type, Spec, for Steel Office Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Spec, for Steel Utility Type Chair Spec, for Heavy Duty Class IV Power Lawn Mowers Spec, for Heavy Duty Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers Spec, for Class II Power Lawn Mowers Spec, for Mower, 15 Ft. Spec, for Mower, 24 In., Spec, for Steel Office Executive Chair (Tilting Type, Spec, for Mower, 32 In., Spec, for Steel Office Clerical Chair (Tilting Type, Spec, for Mower, Spec, for Mower, 84 In. Spec, for Mower, Side Mounted Spec, for Mower, Spec, for Twin Roof Tent. Spec, for Floor Machines, Flat Disc 1967) Spec, for Metal Forming Machine Tools Spec, for Siren Automotive (Concealed, DC Motor Driven type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Disk Harrow, ec. for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, c. for Cutting Fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Std. Spec, for Oil (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, 964) Std. Spec, for Cement Rubble Masonry Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Oblong Foil Cake and Std. Spec, for 322, A-276 Spec, for Hot Rolled Bar Steel 331, A-276 Spec, for Cold Finished Bar Steel Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Posts, Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Blade, Table Mounted Spec, for Ironing Board Padding, Stitched Cotton Std. Spec, for Cotton (Chenille, Crochet, Pearl, Spec, for Laundry Padding (Stitched Cotton Spec, for Tractor, Wheel and Steel Fence Posts (Line, End, Corner and Gate) (1970) Fed Spec, for Floor Sweeping Compound ( 1964) Fed Spec, for Insect Screening Wire (1969) Fed low Traffic Line Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Balls, Oxford (1/ Std. Spec, for urpose White, Mucilage Grip Sp/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives Spec, for Gloves; Spec, for Treads; Stair, td. Spec, for Joint Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Hot Poured Spec, for Std. Spec, for s; Paper Clamps; Type An/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Floor Paint, Std. Spec, for Floor Paint, Spec, for Men's Industrial Tempered Spec, for Men's Industrial Spec, for Men's and Boys" All Purpose 1) Spec, for Men's Industrial Spec, for Women's and Misses' pplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Sets; Case; Fingertip Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Spec, for Spec, for Man's Nylon 1971) Spec, for Spec, for Uniform Rain Coat; Nylon, Spec, for Spec, for 0?) ASTM C-443 Spec, for n Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-551B Spec, for Rotary Plow, Brush, Snow Plow, Grader Blade and Blower, Rotary Profiler (Wood Cutting) ( 1971 ) Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and Digital Stop Clock) (1971) Rotary Rear Mounted Sweeper Attachment (1970) Rotary Snow Blower (6 1/2 Ft.) ( 1971 ) Rotary Snow Plow Attachment ( 1400 Tori) ( 1971 ) Rotary Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Rotary Snow Plows (Auger Type) ( 1971 ) Rotary Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Cultivator Attachments Rotary Sweeper (Tow Type) (1968) Rotary Type Mower ( 1970?) Rotary Type Mowers (15 Ft. Cutting Width) (1970) Rotary Type) (Walking and Tractor) (1968) ANSI B71.1, S Rotary Type) (1968) Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Traile Rotary (Hand Push and Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B71.1 (Rotary) Oil, Light and Medium (1970) Rotary) (1971) (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1963) (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1966) Rotary, Heavy Duty (1970) Rotary, Medium Duty (1965) Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, with Arms) (1968) Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) (Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1963) (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1963) (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1966) Rotary, Tow Type (1965) Rotary, Walk Behind, Self Propelled (1969) Rotary, with Arms) (1968) Rotary, with Built in Sulky (1964) Rotary, Without Arms) (1968) Rotary, 21 In., Hand Propelled (1969) Rotary, 3 Point Hitch Mounted Type ( 1971 ) Rotary, 3 Spinner (1968) Rotary, 72 In. (Underslung) (1969) Rotating Light (Vehicle Mounting, Warning) (1970) Rotating (1968) (Rotational Molding 15 In., Extruder, Injector Molder) Rotor Type) (1971) Rototiller, Landscraping Rake) and Diesels (1969) /El Rough Cutting and Turning Machine ( 1970) Std. Sp Rough Cutting, Turning Machine) ( 1967) Spe Rough Sawn Lumber and Plywood) ( 1965) (Roughly Squared and Dressed Stone Laid in Full Beds) (1 Round Pie Pans) (1971) Round Wire Staples and Remover ( 1971 ) Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-107, A- Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A- 108, A- Route Marker Shield Blanks (Highway) (1971) ASTM B-209 Route Marker, Steel U (1969) Router (1968) Spec, for Roving (1968) FED V-T-276 Roving) (1953) Roving) (1964) FED CCC-P-86A, CCC-T-191B, MIL B-3149 Row Crop Types (1969) RR-F-183, ASTM B6-58, USC CS 184-51 Std. Spec, for RR-S-366B, VV-L-791 RR-W-365, Std. 151 Rubber - Fast Dry Type) (1969) /Pec. for White and Yel Rubber and Canvas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, (Rubber and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Glue Liquid All P Rubber and Synthetic, Household ( 1971 ) Rubber and Vinyl (1970) Rubber Asphalt (1964) Rubber Bands (1968) Rubber Bands (1971) FED ZZ-B- 1 1 1 B (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotter Rubber Base for Concrete Floors (1963) Rubber Base, Concrete (1970) Rubber Boots (Hip) (1962) Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short) (1957) Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short), Steel Toe ( 196 Rubber Boots (Pull Over Type) (1969) Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Rings; Rule Rubber Coated Gloves (Canvas, Knit Wrists) (1960) Rubber Coated Raincoat ( 1971 ) Rubber Coated Work Clothing (Parka Jackets, Overalls) Rubber Coated (State Police) (1964) Rubber Footwear (Arctics, Boots, Pacs, Sneakers) ( 1970) Rubber Garden Hose (1964) FED ZZ-H-601a Rubber Gaskets for Sealing Joints in Concrete Pipe (197 Rubber Hip Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cotto NY 08206-0442 NY 43200-0288 NY 30200-0417 SC 14-350 NY 40901-0810 AK *6 AK •80 NY 40901-0460 NJ 4938-32 NY 41600-0272 NH ♦5 NE •31 PA M-60 PA M-68 NJ 6524-03 OR 18-510-9020 MI 5255-S26 PA C-51 TX 415-37-4 TX 415-37-1B MS M-6A-70 MS M-5-65 TX 300-3 3-2B TX 300-33-4A TX 300-33-5 TX 415-36-1A TX 415-36-3 TX 415-37-2B NJ 4938-88 NJ 4938-18 TX 300-33-1B NJ 4938-20 TX 300-33-3B NJ 0154-02 NJ 4938-155 NJ 4938-59 NJ 0154-04 NM *9 KS 78-2B NY 43202-0904 NY 30302-0089 NY 40601-0891 MS L-5B-70-10 MI 5255-S21 WA S-65-90 SC HD-96 NY 31200-0601 IL *32BBB MS 3313 MS 3314 NY 37817-0166 NJ 4530-08 NY 43200-0243 CA 681-83-49 IL *33I TX 410-39-3 NY 40601-0163 OR 64-600-9030 TX 370-49-1 PA S-79 NM M-TPC-69 IL *27 IL *32A PA G-20 PA T-34 NJ 1308-006 PA B-59 IL *32B FL •21 IA * 1-1 MS PI- 10 RI 4268-M-078 RI 4268-M-075 RI 4268-M-076 RI 4268-M-077 RI 4268-F-073 NY 23000-0633 FL *21 RI 4235-M-003 TX 160-44-3 NY 40004-0775 PA U-45 NY 34800-0708 TX 340-33-1 MS 3726 VA DS-7 273 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards cal and Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM Dl 19-67, D/ Spec, for on Fabric Lined) (1960) FED ZZ-B-556B Spec, for c. for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Cotton c. for 2 1/2 In. Single Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Std. Spec, for Hose, Single Jacketed, Std. Spec, for Fire Hose (1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Cotton, Spec, for Bottles; Hot Water, Spec, for Joint Sealer and Filler Materials, and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Blade, fice Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Spec, for Labeled Spec, for Office Supplies (Daters, Numberers and 8) Spec, for Tread 0) Spec, for Tread Spec, for 4 Wheel Spec, for Self Propelled 61 ) Spec, for Equipment; Tractors, Spec, for Equipment; Front End Loaders, Diesel Engined, Spec, for Crane Truck, Warehouse, Gasoline, Pneumatic Spec, for Bottles; Hot Water, Spec, for Mats; Vinyl or Spec, for Overshoes, Spec, for Bags; Ice, Spec, for Floor Tile; Spec, for Hose; Welding, Spec, for Dust Pan, Spec, for Syringes; Fountain, Std. Spec, for Tires, Pneumatic and Tubes . for White Fast Drying Traffic Paint Based on Chlorinated pec. for Soap; Potash, Liquid and Paste for Floors (Except Spec, for Overshoes, Arctics, Galoshes Spec, for Water Hose, Spec, for Pillows, Foam Std. Spec, for Traffic Safety Cones (Plastic and Spec, for Aprons; Std. Spec, for Hose, Spec, for Kettle (Melting), Spec, for Mattresses, Spec, for Carpet and Rug Cushion Underlay Spec, for Women's Spec, for Women's and Misses' Spec, for Men's and Boys" Dress Spec, for Sneakers, Boots, Spec, for Storm Spec, for Men's and Boys" Dress Spec, for Men's Work Spec, for Sponge in Full Beds) (1964) Std. Spec, for Cement (Highway Construction) (1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Shampoo, Dry Foam, care Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Carpet and Std. Spec, for rs (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Spec, for Sponge Rubber; Cushion, Carpet and Spec, for Cushion; Carpet and Spec, for Carpets, Spec, for Carpets Spec, for Carpets and Std. Spec, for Pile Carpeting and Std. Spec, for Carpets and Spec, for Carpets and Std. Spec, for Pads (Desk, Std. Spec, for Maple Spec, for Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Rings; g and Reporting Services ( 1971 ) Official Spec, for Crusher -56 Spec, for Metal pec. for Chairs - Type IV-a (Fibreglass Rocker with Wooden Spec, for Portable Indoor , 16 Ft. Broom) (1971) Spec, for (Airport) Spec, for Shoe, Men's Spec, for Shoe, Men's Work, 6 In. ous Metal Surfaces (1956) F/ Spec, for Compound; (Primer) Spec, for Zippers, ic Transmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Std. Spec, for Oxalic Acid, Technical (Laundry, Radiator td. Spec, for Penetrating Oil for Closely Fitted Parts and Spec, for Picnic Tables (Wood, lover, / Spec, for Seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rubber Insulating Tape (Natural and Synthetic) (Electri PA Rubber Knee Boots (Heavy Duty, Abrasive Resistant, Cott VA Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1965) Spe SC Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1969) SC Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1971) Spe SC Rubber Lined (Forest Fire) (1968) MS Rubber Lined) (1961) Nfpa 196, USDA-182, ASTM D-380 OR Rubber or Synthetic ( 1956) PA Rubber Pipe Gaskets (Highway Construction) (1970) VA Rubber Raincoats (Black) (1960) RI Rubber Raincoats (High Visibility Yellow) (1960) RI Rubber Sheeting, Canvas, (Cloth) (1970?) MA Rubber Snow Plow (1969) NJ Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; Pens; and Penc FL Rubber Stamps (1969) NJ Rubber Stamps) (1971) NY Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machine (196 TX Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machine (197 TX Rubber Tired Crane, 8,500 Lb. Capacity (1965) NJ Rubber Tired Scraper ( 14 - 18 cu. Yd.) (1970?) VA Rubber Tired (Agricultural, Utility and Industrial) (19 PA Rubber Tired (1967) PA Rubber Tires (1960) NC Rubber (Cloth Inserted) (1956) PA Rubber (Link Type) (1966) ASTM D395, D735, FED Std. 601 PA Rubber (Low) (1967) PA Rubber (1956) PA Rubber (1960) FED Std. 601 PA Rubber (1962) ASTM D380, D471 PA Rubber (1966) KY Rubber (1969) FED Std. 60 1 , Std. 00 1 60 PA Rubber (1970) MS Rubber (1971?) Spec SC Rubber) and General Cleaning (1955) FED P-S-536, VV-L-7 PA (Rubber) (1967) PA Rubber, General Purpose (1970) CA Rubber, Latex, Zippered Cotton Cover (1968) CA Rubber, Marker) (1962) WA Rubber, Surgeons and Chemists ( 1969) PA Rubber, Water, Heavy Duty (Institutional) (1969) MS Rubberized Asphalt, Oil Jacketed Type (1967) NJ Rubberized Hair and Cotton Core with Cover ( 1969) FL Rubberized Hair and Fiber (1969) PA Rubbers ( Military Heel Style ) ( 1 969 ) RI Rubbers (Sandal and Storm Cut) (1969) RI Rubbers ( Sandal Style ) ( 1 95 7 ) RI Rubbers (Shoes) (Men's, Women's, Children's) (1970?) MA Rubbers (State Police) (1969) NY Rubbers (Storm Style) (1957) RI Rubbers (Storm Style) (19571 RI Rubber; Cushion, Carpet and Rug Underlay (1969) PA Rubble Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Stone Laid SC Rubble or Cyclopean Aggregate (1 Man and Derrick Stone) VA Rug and Carpet (1969) MS Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop Treatment) ( 1971 ) NY Rug Binding (1953) IL Rug Cushion Underlay Rubberized Hair and Fiber ( 1969) PA Rug Ecru (1953) IL Rug Trimming) and Pinking Shears (1953) /C. for Scisso IL Rug Underlay (1969) PA Rug (Hair, Felt) (1969) PA Rugs and Cushions (1969) NY Rugs and Cushions (1970) NY Rugs (1970) PA Rugs, Velvet and Wilton (1965) MS Rugs, Wool, Nylon, Acrylic (1966) NC Rugs; Modified Velvet (1964) PA Ruled, Columnar, Stamp, and Typewriter) ( 1971 ) IL Rulers ( Flexible and Rigid ) ( 1 97 1 ) IL Rulers, Wood (1969) PA Rulers; Shears; T / Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; FL Rules and Regulations for Printing, Binding, Advertisin NY Run Aggregate (Highway Construction) (1970) VA Rung Ladders (Straight and Extension) ( 1960) ANSI A14.2 VA Runners) (1965) NJ Running Track (1969) NY Runway Sweeper (Self Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Per Min. AK Russet Leather Work Oxford (1969) CA Russet, Leather (1969) CA Rust Inhibiting and Corrosion Resisting for Use on Ferr PA Rust Proof (1969) NY Rust Proofing Compound ( 1970) /Ents for Motor, Automat NH Rust Remover) (1953) MS Rust (1970) MS Rustic Design) (1971) NY Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, C NY T-22 DS-6 21-280A 21-280B 21-280 H-7-68 74-61-5 B-18 DH-2 1 3 4295-M-005 4295-M-002 *35-63 4938-120 *16 6900-02 23011-0164 035-82-1A 060-75-1 4938-82 *14 E-13 E-21 3950-C-9 B-20 M-42 0-41 B-19 T-63 H-17 7290-7 S-21 T-2C-70 20-0 10A S-85 O-40 701-93-51 681-83-10 S-6 1-29-1 A-l H-5-69 4938-95 *5 C-131 4268-F-070 4268-F-071 4268-M-070 *38 34800-0176 4268-M-071 4268-M-072 C-130 HD-96 DH-204 S- 15-69 22002-0537 *33E C-131 *330 *33P C-130 C-59 20600-0353 20600-0561 C-140 C-5C-65 7220-C-1A C-156 *32PP *32XX R-9 *21 *5 DH-206 DG-9 3718-07 30206-0412 *4 691-84-05 691-84-03 C— 98 22201-0976 *6 S-2-53-16 L-5B-70-11 21602-0765 07900-0584 274 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Dish Towels (Cotton Flour Spec, for Cotton Duck Sample Spec, for Shoes std. Spec, for Notions (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, on Equipment (Refrigerators, Freezers) Explosion Proof and s (1970) FED RR-S-30D Spec, for fighting) (1971) Eei API, FED Std. 595, MIL St/ Spec, for Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Std. Spec, for Traffic 638-6 IT Std. Spec, for Red Orange Fluorescent Traffic Spec, for es and Spectacles ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for or Household Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, 1 Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Spec, for der, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Duty Flail Spec, for Uniforms Std. Spec, for t) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Spec, for Bed Sides, Spec, for Foundry Spec, for Rails, Bed Spec, for ection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, ackers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck . for Ladders (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Spec, for Shoes (Motor Vehicle Examiner Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cones, Traffic Std. Spec, for Pins (Dress Marker and s), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, aphic Data Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Current, Spec, for Rock Spec, for Rock and Water Softener arrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triazine Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand and 6-61T, Dl/ Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Spec, for Sodium Chloride (95% Minimum) Rock Spec, for Sodium Chloride Evaporated Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Spec, for Tetra Sodium Spec, for Amine Spec, for Herbicide, Liquid (Amine Spec, for Material (Cloth, Textile) for Spec, for Sodium Chloride Spec, for Livestock Feed, Mineralized Spec, for Mineral Crushed Rock Spec, for Ice Control Spec, for Rock hways and Streets) (1970) Spec, for Crushed Rock Spec, for Livestock Feed, Iodized Spec, for Livestock Feed, Iodized Block Spec, for Sodium Chloride k Mounted Material Spreader (Sand, Chips, Cinders and Road Spec, for Livestock Feed, Block Spec, for Livestock Feed, Block Spec, for Hydraulic Spinner Disc Spreader Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Material Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body material Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - aterial Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - al Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - urn 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) Material Spreader (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpose, spec, for Material Spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Spec, for Herbicide; Weed and Brush Killer, olice), Complete (1968) FED KK-L-31 la Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Bottle; Screw Cap, Polyethylene Spec, for Cotton Duck Spec, for Rock tainers (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Spec, for Cans; Coal Spec, for Sack (Bag), Cotton Duck, Small (Soil pec. for Shellfish Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Water ec. for X-Ray Deep Therapy Unit (Irradiation of Biological , Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenisher, Remote Spec, for Device for Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Material Spreaders 2.C136 ss-S-550 1293-55T D1293-55/ estering Agent) (1969) 71) Sack (Bag), Cotton Duck, Small (Soil Sample) ( 1971 ) Sack) (1969) Sacks and Quartering Sheets ( 1 968 ) FED CCC-C-4 1 9 (Saddle Oxfords, Canvas, Overshoes, Boots, and Arctics) Saddle Soap, Tapestry, Water Colors) (1953) Safe (Flammable Liquid and Volatile Solvent Storage) ( 1 Safety Can for Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquid Safety Cap Style Helmets (High Temperature Forest Fire Safety Code Colors (1969) Safety Cones (Plastic and Rubber, Marker) ( 1962) Safety Cones (Polyvinyl Chloride, Marker) ( 1971 ) ASTM D Safety Eyewear, Eyeglasses and Spectacles ( 1971 ) Safety Eyewear, Fitted, Piano and Prescription Eyeglass Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Wax) (197 Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; and Tooth Picks (1970) Safety Movable Metal Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) Safety Mower (1966) /Ec. for Tractor, Mounted with Loa (Safety Officers) (1967) Safety Paper (1970) Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, An Safety Rails (1970) Safety Shoes (Boot), Oil Resistant, Steel Toe (1970?) (Safety Side) Telescoping (1969) Safety Solvent (1969) Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit) (1970) /Insp Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packe Safety Stools and Stepladders (1971) ANSI A 14. 1-68, A14 Safety Toe) (Uniform) (1968) Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting) (1969) Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting) ( 1971 ) Safety Trip, Reversible Type) (1969) Safety Vests (Clothing) (Departmental) (1970?) Safety (Marker) (1969) Safety) (1953) Safety), Face Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Dispense Salinity, Research) (1971) /Ec. for Shellfish Oceanogr Salt - Sodium Chloride (1970) Salt and Calcium Chloride (1970) ASTM D632-58, D98-56T (Salt for Dry Laundry Bleach Manufacture) ( 1967) /Ine C Salt for Ice Control) (1971) Spec, for Material Salt for Ice Cream Manufacture (1962) ASTM D632-58, CI 3 Salt for Road Stabilization and Deicing (1968) ASTM D63 Salt for Soap Manufacture (1965) ASTM C136, D1293, FED Salt for Stock Feeding ( 1964) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, D Salt for Water Softener (1967) Salt for Water Softening (1962) ASTM C632-58, C136-61T, Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequ Salt of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (Herbicide) ( 19 Salt of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) ( 1970) Salt Stockpile Covers) (1971) Salt (Block and Rock) (1967) FED RR-S-366, ASTM D632 Salt (Dairy) (1963) Salt (Ice and Snow Removal) (1971) Salt (Rock, Solar) (Sodium Chloride) (1970) Salt (Sodium Chloride) for Road Purposes (1970?) Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal on Hig Salt (1963) Salt (1963) (Salt) for Snow Removal (1970) Salt) (1968) Spec, for True Salt, Mineralized (1963) Salt, Plain (1963) (Salt, Sand) (Tailgate) (1963) Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Dump T (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride), Truck Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calcium Chloride) (Park) ( 1 Salt, Sand, Chlorides and Stone, Dump Truck Mounting) Salt, Sand, Ships, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) ( 1971 ) Salts and Esters (1969) Sam Browne Belt, Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster (P Sam Browne Police Belt and Shoulder Strap ( 1968) (Sample Mailing) (1970) Sample Sacks and Quartering Sheets (1968) FED CCC-C-4 19 Sample Storage System (Mobile) ( 1971 ) Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Venereal Disease P Sample (Shipping) (1970) FED 00-S-775D Sample) (1971) Sample, Recording Current, Salinity, Research) (1971) Samples) (1968) Sp Sampling and Recording Equipment) ( 1969) / (Spirometer Sampling of Liquid Asphalts From Distributors ( 1970°) Sanatorium ( 1956) ^and and Cinder) (1969) CA 711-81-30 OR 72-150-9150 CA 681-83-48 TN •6 IL •33GG NY 25202-0158 TX 325-38-1A CA 711-42-07 CA 691-80-32 WA S-6 1-29-1 WA S-71-110 CA 711-42-10 CA 711-42-09 NY 22000-0462 IL •39 VA DG-10 NJ 4938-14 NY 39300-0421 OR 74-300-0070 FL •25 NY 20303-0587 MA •18 NJ 3712-02 NJ 2330-02A NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0866 NY 39010-0418 NJ 3370-00 NY 40900-0317 NY 40900-0375 NY 40900-0881 MA •22 OR 98-140-9010 IL *3 3N NY 39012-0491 NY 49602-0862 NJ 2330-01 SD *1 TX 371-87-1 NY 41000-0464 TX 615-32-1 TX 615-34-1 A TX 615-37-2 TX 615-36-1 IL »13 TX 615-37-1 TX 371-61-1 A LA •4 MS H-1A-70 NY 32708-0396 PA S-38 MI 5751-0026 NY 01800-0235 NH •8 MS 3910 NE •13 MI 5751-0025 MI 5751-0027 MD •17 SC 14-400 MI 5751-0029 MI 5751-0028 NJ 4938-07 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0801 NY 4 1000-0182 NY 41000-0325 NY 41000-0509 PA H-16 PA B-142 TX 550-41-1A PA B-139 CA 681-83-48 NY 21701-0901 NY 19903-0524 PA C-102 CA 711-81-30 NY 49602-0862 NY 11000-0630 NY 12600-0912 NJ •15 PA B-62 NY 41000-0799 275 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 19 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards spec, for Aggregates for Surface and Base Courses (Gravel, Spec, for Material Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) y Const/ Std. Spec, for Earth Type Base Courses (Topsoil, Std. Spec, for Earth Type Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Spec, for Spec, for Building Brick is Mounted) (1971) Spec, for 71) Spec, for e Chassis Mounted) ( 1971 ) Spec, for e, Slag or Natural Gravel Chips) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Blast Spec, for Surface Treatment Washed Concrete Spec, for Mortar Spec, for Aggregate Subbase (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Spec, for Hydraulic Spinner Disc Spreader (Salt, Concrete der (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, ial Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, al Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, 1 Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, eaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Spec, for Truck Mounted Material Spreader u. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, ial Spreader (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, pec. for Graded Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, c. for Material Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, for Material Spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Spec, for Women's and Misses' Rubbers Spec, for Men's and Boys' Dress Rubbers Spec, for ressure Type) Blast Cleaning Machine (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Yellow Fast Dry High Build Std. Spec for Std. Spec, for oated) Abrasives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint Spec, for Polyester Fill , Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, ent (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), food Service Equipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and Spec, for Bags, Paper, Waxed, Spec, for Wrapping Machines Spec, for spec, for Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Check) Spec, for Cham bray; (Cloth, Textile), Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sectional Concrete Manhole Units for Storm and Spec, for Napkins, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Chlorine, Liquid (Bleach, hippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Detergent Spec, for Detergent Deodorizer Spec, for Detergent Deodorizer s Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Counter and Cleaner - Std. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate, Chlorinated Spec, for Deodorant Spec, for Compounds; Dairy Cleaners and Quaternary Ammonium Compound in Compounding Detergents kaline) for Pipeline Milkin/ Spec, for Dairy Cleaning and (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Spec, for Brushes; Paint, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Spec, for Flat Spec, for Putty and Elastic Compound for Metal Spec, for Putty; Pure Linseed Oil (for Wood Spec, for Paint Brushes Spec, for Cord; Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Spec, for Boys" and Men's Ivy Model Slacks imity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Tent. Spec, for Textile, Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Varnish, Interior, Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Std. Spec, for Draw Sheets, Cotton Pitch) (1970?) AASHO M-l 17 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Cap Sheet; Mineral Surfaced (Asphalt Std. Spec, for Waterproofing Fabric, Asphalt Std. Spec, for Fabric Tape, Std. Spec, for Waterproofing Fabric, Pitch Std. Spec, for Asbestos Felt, Asphalt n ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt ipment (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Sand and Crushed Rock) ( 1970?) Sand and Gravel, Pick Up (1970) (Sand and Salt for Ice Control) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highwa Sand Clay) for Highway Construction (1964) Sand Equivalent Stock Solution (1968) (Sand Lime) (1970?) ASTM C-73 Sand Spreader (6 cu. yd (Struck) Fully Reversible Chass Sand Spreader (8 cu. yd (Struck) Dump/Body Mounted) (19 Sand Spreader (8 cu. Yd. (Struck) Truck Fully Reversibl Sand (Airport Ice Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Ston Sand (1962) Sand (1969) Sand ( 1970?) AASHO M-45 Sand) for Highway Construction (1964) AASHO T96 Std. Sand) (Tailgate) (1963) Sand) (1970) Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Dump Truck M Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride), Truck Mount Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounti Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounti Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck Mounti (Sand, Chips, Cinders and Road Salt) (1968) Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calcium Chloride) (Park) (1971) Sand, Chlorides and Stone, Dump Truck Mounting) (1971) Sand, Crushed Stone) ( 1970?) Sand, Dump Truck Mounting) (Hospital) (1971) Spe Sand, Ships, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) ( 197 1 ) /C. (Sandal and Storm Cut) (1969) (Sandal Style) (1957) Sandblast Machine (1969) Sandblasting Equipment (Portable, Top Loading, Direct P Sanding Primer for Metal Surfaces (Paint) ( 1971 ) Sanding Sealer (Lacquer Type for Wood Furniture) (1969) Sanding Sealer (Lacquer Type) ( 1967) (Sandpaper), Silicon Carbide, Garnet (1966) /Ec. for (C Sandwich Type Lining (1971) Sandwich Unit) (School) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Counter, Stools Sandwich Unit, Hot Food Table) ( 1971 ) / Service Equipm Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Di Sandwich (1965) (Sandwich) (1971) Sand; Beach Areas (1968) Sanforized (Textile) (1960) Sanforized (1969) Sanitary Belts (1953) Sanitary Sewers ( 1970?) AASHO M-l 99 Sanitary (1957) Sanitary, Bed Pan and Toilet ( 1971 ) Sanitation and Disinfectant) (1969) FED BB-C-120 Sanitizer and Dispenser for Cleaning ( 1971 ) /Elders, C Sanitizer Liquid, Mild (1969) Sanitizer Powder, Mild, Quaternary Ammonium (1969) Sanitizer) ( 1971 ) / (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashier (Sanitizer, Cleaner) (1953) Sanitizer, Concentrated, Quaternary (1969) Sanitizers (1964) Sanitizing and Deodorizing Agents ( 1968) Spec, for Sanitizing Compounds (Liquid Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Al Sap) ( 1969) /. for Leather Accessories; Police Uniform Sash and Trim Enamel (1970) Sash and Trim (1970) Sash and Trim, Safety Code Colors ( 1969) Sash Brushes (Paint) (1964) Sash Glazing (1953) Sash Glazing) (1953) FED TT-P-791, TT-P-141 (Sash Tool and Trim, Nylon Filament) (1964) FED H-B-491D Sash, Braided Cotton and Nylon (1970) FED Std. 191 Sateen (Cloth, Textile) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Sateen (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Sateen) (1964) Sateen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Br Satin Finish (Jacquard) (Cloth) (1970?) Satin Gloss (1970) Satin, Suit or Coat (Textile) ( 1971 ) Satinette (1969) Saturated Fabric for Waterproofing (Asphalt or Coal Tar Saturated Felt 1 5 ( 1 964 ) FED HH-F- 191a Saturated Felt 30 ( 1 964 ) FED HH-F- 191a Saturated Prepared Roofing) (1970) UL 55B Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-591 Saturated (1964) FED HH-F-185 Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Cold Applicatio Saucer and Cup and Tray Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Ervice Equ MS NJ NY SC sc CA MS AK AK AK AK MD NJ MS SC NJ NJ NY NY NY NY NY SC NY NY MS NY NY RI RI NE NY TX OR PA NY NY NY KY NY PA PA PA IL MS PA PA PA NY CA CA NY MS CA PA CA MA OR MS PA CA TX PA PA VA PA PA MS RI NY MA MS PA OR MS MS MS OR MS MS MS MS MS NY 3138 1356-04 41000-0464 HD-37 HD-33 681-66-01 3614 *7 *8 *9 •76 *27 1356-02 3128 HD-34 4938-07 2330-02 41000-0870 41000-0531 41000-0390 41000-0768 41000-0801 14-400 41000-0182 41000-0325 3139 41000-0243 41000-0509 4268-F-071 4268-M-070 • 27 47100-0396 630-63-9 77-100-9520 WA S-67-99 NY 00319-0439 L— 38 32610-0801 36200-0074 36200-0768 7805-5 36135-0550 S-121 C-138 C-83 *33C 3622 N-6 B-15 C-8 39012-0491 691-77-32 691-77-36 36100-0413 S-2-53-6A 691-77-35 C-76 681-66-27 *14 79-350-9010 PE-6 B-45 691-80-32 11 0-3 2-4 A P-130 P-32 C-6 C-26 S-46 T-1A-60-27 4284-M-022 32600-0622 •35-84 PM-19 C-122 72-150-9110 3201 R-5-64-16 R_5_64-17 64-500-0090 R_5_64-20 R-5-64-22 R-5-64-21 R-5-64-23 R-5-64-12 36200-0605 276 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Slicer and Spec, for Outboard Motor, Chain Spec, for Portable Power Chain Spec, for 18 In. Engine Driven Chain Spec, for Engine Driven Concrete Spec, for Portable, Power Driven Concrete Spec, for Bow Type Portable Power Chain Spec, for 1 Man Portable Straight Bar Chain Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel , Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Slicer, Food Cutter, Meat Spec, for Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Spec, for Chain Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Band 0) Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Circular Spec, for Radial Spec, for Band spec, for Oil (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Shakes, Rough Spec, for Chain Std. Spec, for Chain c. for Power Tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Spec, for Chain Spec, for Ladders (Wood and Aluminum) and Spec, for for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Water Softening, and Boiler uestering Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, eavy Duty Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, Portable Beam Concrete Vibrator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle ght Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston c Generator, and Electric Powered Weight Dolly for Testing ional Television Tape Recorder / Reproducer (1 In. Helican ineering Instruments (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uniplanar nt)/ Spec, for Combination Electron Microprobe Analyzer / Spec, for Men's Mufflers Spec, for Women's Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch, cuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle ers, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Stic/ Spec, for Spec, for Books for (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for High Gloss Alkyd Enamel Spec, for rements for Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment 1 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Service - New Jersey ells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet A/ Spec, for Spec, for flective Striping Powder for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, Std. Spec, for Pianos, Vertical, Spec, for Knit and Sport Shirts lies) ( 197/ Spec, for Group and Speech Hearing Equipment Spec, for Mattresses (Latex Foam) tomotive Equipment (Suburban Coach Bus, 45 - 56 Passenger, Std. Spec, for Bus; Adult Passenger Spec, for Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile X-Ray Unit Spec, for Professional Motion Picture Equipment Spec, for Audiometric Research Suite Spec, for Two Way Radfo System Spec, for Group Speech and Hearing Equipment Spec, for Wireless Solid State Auditory Training System Spec, for Audiometric System Spec, for Closed Circuit T.V. System (Television) Spec, for Knit Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') Spec, for Knit Shirts (Men's) Sauna Bath (7X8 Ft.) (1971) Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender Base, Vert Saw and Lawn Mower Oil ( 1967) Saw (1969) Saw (1970) Saw (1970) Saw (1970) Saw (1970) Saw (1970?) Saw, Blade, Table Mounted Router (1968) Saw, Blender, Vertical Cutter / Mixers) ( 1971 ) /Peeler Saw, Concrete, Self Propelled (1963) Saw, Edge Bander (1969) Saw, Gasoline Air Cooled Motor Driven (1962) Saw, Line Tracing, Electrical Discharge) (1970) /Ling, Saw, with Tow Type Trailer and 400 Gal. Water Tank (197 Saw, 14 In., 5 In. Depth (1966) Saw, 16 In. (1966) Saw, 20 In. Wood Cutting (1966) Sawn Lumber and Plywood) (1965) Std. Saws (Gasoline Engine Driven) (1971) Saws, Gasoline (1969) Saws, 20 In. Drill Presses and Vacuum Cleaners ( 1971 ) Saw; Gasoline Powered ( 1967) Scaffolding and Related Accessories (1970) Scale for Coal Hopper ( 1971 ) Scale Preventative (1964) /Sodium Phosphate (Granular) Scale Preventative, Water Softener) (1969) /Rganic Seq Scale (1970) Spec, for Tester, H Scaler, Impact Wrenches) (1968) /Aker, Hand Drill Kit, Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfi Scales (1969?) /Truck, Motor, Gasoline Engine, Electri Scan) System (1971) Spec, for Educat Scanning Digitizer System) ( 1969) /R Surveying and Eng Scanning Electron Microscope System (Scientific Equipme (Scarf) (1957) Scarfs (1956) Scarifier) (1970) Scattering and Texture of Materials) (Transferable Func School and Art Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Lin School and Public Libraries (1970?) School Bus Body and Chassis ( 16, 20, and 24 Passenger) School Bus Body and Chassis (1971) School Bus Body (1971) School Bus Chassis ( 1971 ) (School Bus Chrome) (Paint) (1971) School Bus Gasoline Tanker Bodies ( 1969) School Bus Windshields (1964) School Bus, Body, 24 Passenger (1969) School Bus, Body, 40 Passenger (1969) School Bus, Chassis and Body, 20 Passenger ( 1969) School Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 24 Passenger ( 1969) School Bus, Cowl and Chassis, 40 Passenger ( 1969) School Bus, 1 1 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 36 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 48 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 54 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 60 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 66 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 73 Passenger (1969) ' School Bus, 79 Passenger (1969) School Bus, 91 Passenger (1969) School Buses (1970) School Buses (66, 15, and 12 Passenger) (1970) (School Buses) (1971) School Classroom Furniture (Chairs, Desks, Tables) (197 School for the Deaf ( 1968) School Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Sh School Furniture (Chairs, Tables, Desks) ( 1971 ) School Zones, Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc.) ( 1971 ) / Re School (1969) (School) (Men's and Boys') (1971) (School) (Therapy Recorder, Auditory Trainer and Accesso (School) (1968) School) (1968) Spec, for Au (School) (1969) (School) (1970) (School) (1970) (School) (1970) (School) (1971) (School) (1971) (School) (1-971) (School) (1971) (School) (1971) (School) (1971) (School) (1971) Spec, and Requi NY NY MI SC NE NE SC SC VA NY NY NJ NY NJ NY NJ NJ NJ NJ WA NY OR NY PA NJ NY TX VA NJ NY NY NJ NY NY NY RI RI NY NY NY HI TX TX SC SC TX SC NJ MI MI MI MI MI CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA KY NV NY MS NJ NY NY NY NC NY NY NY NY OR NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 30200-0153 00361-0541 5255-S6 19- 140 A ♦30 •38 14-070-0451 19-140 •21 43200-0243 36100-0122 4938-57 43200-0377 3938-11 43201-0500 4938-137 4930-08 4930-09 4930-10 S-65-90 43229-0193 19-600-9010 43200-0075 S-107 4926-00 38900-0868 153-33-1 L-6 6524-07 43203-0748 43203-0185 •1-1 38220-0438 31601-0380 38782-0782 4240-M-009 4240-F-001 40600-0178 1 1002-0563 23100-0855 ♦6 040-35-2 040-35-1 1 ♦35 ♦34 520-42-8 22-600-0300 0734-03 3915-0185 3915-0189 3915-0200 3915-0184 3915-0188 691-23-31 691-23-32 691-23-33 691-23-34 691-23-35 691-23-36 691-23-37 691-23-38 691-23-39 •2 •6 40520-0473 F-3A-71 9932-01 27002-0728 27000-0005 38601-0258 7710-P-1B 40009-0081 38215-0388 22701-0581 40521-0598 06-200-9030 1 1000-0603 38100-0328 38203-0706 38211-0780 38215-0189 38215-0783 38215-0792 38221-0498 40009-0494 40009-0495 277 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Knit Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') ec. for Automatic Audiometer (Speech and Hearing Testing - c. for Audiometers (Research and Diagnostic and Portable) r, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, Sandwich Unit) Spec, for Tree Trimming Services at Public pound, Gymnasium) (1971) Spec, for Floor Care Products tronomical) (Manual or Computer Operated) (Earth and Space ray Detection System for Use with Spectroscopy Goniometer ion Equipment (Expansion of System) (Earth and Atmospheric ension and Transverse) Testing Machine (Screw Power Type) ) (University) (1971) Spec, for ccessories) (1971) Spec, for d Helium Level Indicator) (1971) Spec, for ion) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin Viscosimeter)/ Spec, for Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Microscopes, Accessories and Related Spec, for Residual Gas Analyzer System (Quadrupole Type) Spec, for Multichannel Pulse Analyzer Spec, for Helium 3 Refrigeration System Spec, for Fast Slow Coincidence System Spec, for Variable Frequency Pulsed NMr Spectrometer ec. for Automatic High Vacuum Evaporator with Accessories . for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer System liquid Helium Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet Systems er System and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Kit Spec, for Time Sharing Computer System Spec, for Ultrasonic Attenuation Comparator System Spec, for Astronomical Spectrograph alcohol Breath Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Kits Spec, for Liquid Helium Dewar System Spec, for High Vacuum Evaporator System Spec, for Ion Micro Milling Instrument Spec, for Seismic R. F. Telemetry System Spec, for Comparator Microphotometer Spec, for 300KV Neutron Generator Spec, for Ion Beam Source / Pulser / Buncher System Spec, for Pupillometer System (Eye Pupil Measurement) Spec, for Photometer System Spec, for Audio Spectrum Analyzer Spec, for Monochromator Spectrograph Polychromator Spec, for Recording Spectropolarimeter Spec, for Mass Spectrometer Spec, for Superconducting Solenoid System Spec, for Seismographic Instruments Spec, for Ultrasonic Tissue Analysis Unit . for 24 Trace Portable Shallow Refraction Seismic System r Mass Spectrometer and Accessories and Gas Chromatograph microprobe Analyzer / Scanning Electron Microscope System Spec, for Radiation Monitoring Equipment Spec, for Scientific Equipment tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Pinking Shear/ Std. Spec, for overs, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, , Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Silica Flour (200 Mesh) for Household Std. Spec, for Grit Spec, for Silica Powder in Compounding Kitchen Std. Spec, for Spec, for Detergent, Grit, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Powder, Cleanser, Spec, for Powder, Cleansing, for Sodium Sesquisilicate for Washing, Cleaning, and Spec, for Floor Maintenance Pads Std. Spec, for Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap; Grit Spec, for Alkalies and Soaps (Grit Spec, for Pads, Spec, for Pad, Spec, for Truck, International neumatic Tired) (1971) Spec, for Motor mum 21 Yd. Capacity) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Motor Spec, for Self Propelled Rubber Tired Spec, for Knives; Putty and Spec, for Livestock Feed, Meat and Bone 105 Spec, for Paper, Spec, for Stationery, Blotters, Spec, for Poultry Feed, spec. y/ -366 our, Sesquicarbonate,/ Sp Spec Spec, for Water and /Tic Resonance Spectromet Spec, for (School) (1971) School) (1971) Sp (School) (1971) Spe (School) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Counter, Stools, Beverage Coole Schools (1970?) (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Treatment Com Science Observatory) (1969) /or Telescope and Dome (As (Science, University) (Educational Purposes) (1968) /X- Sciences) (1968) Spec, for X-Ray Diffract (Scienific Equipment) (1969) /Universal (Compression, T Scientific Equipment (Automatic Humidity Control System Scientific Equipment (Bench Top Fermentor System with A Scientific Equipment (Electrochemistry System and Liqui Scientific Equipment (Food Processing Test Instrumental Scientific Equipment (Laser System) (1971) Scientific Equipment (Scintillation Camera System) (197 Scientific Equipment (1970) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) (Scientific Equipment) (1970) (Scientific Equipment) (1970) (Scientific Equipment) (1970) (Scientific Equipment) (1970) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific Equipment) (1971) (Scientific) (1970) (Scintillation Camera System) (1971) Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stand, Mess Tray) Scoreboard (Indoor Swimming) (College) (1970) Scoreboards ( Basketball ) ( 1 97 1 ) Scoring Stencils (1971) Scouring Powder and Cleaner Manufacture (1966) Scouring Powder (Detergent) (1953) Scouring Powder (1968) Scouring Powder ( 1969) Scouring Powder (1970) Scouring Powder, Bleach, Cleaner (1969) Scouring Powder, Cleanser, Chlorine (1969) Scouring Powder, Glass Cleaning (1969) FED Std. 536 Scouring Powder, Mild Abrasive ( 1968) Scouring Powder; Cleaner (Porcelain, Kitchen) (1969) Scouring Type ( 1969) Scouring Type, Shaker Top Can ( 1969) Scouring (1968) ASTM D594 (Scouring) (1966) Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fl Scouring, Cake Form (1966) Scouring, Cake (Fine Abrasive) (1953) FED P-S-536, RR-S Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - S Scouring, Steel Wood, Institutional Use (1968) Scouring, Synthetic, Institutional Use (1968) Scout (Jeep) (1969) Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Minimum 1 1 cu. Yd., P Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Pneumatic Tired, Mini Scraper ( 1 4 - 1 8 cu. Yd. ) ( 1 970?) Scraping (1969) FED GGG-K-481C, Std. 151a Scraps (1963) Scratch Pad, White, Unruled (1971) TAPPI T410, MIL Std. Scratch Pads, Filing Supplies (Institutional) (1970) Scratch (Chick Size) (1963) Spec Spec. Fo /or Combination Electron NY NY NY NY HI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY IL PA PA NY NY NY TX MS CA OR LA MI MS PA KY PA CA CA CA NY IL KY PA NY KY KY MI AK AK VA PA MI CA NJ MI 40009-0568 38215-0771 38215-0451 32610-0801 *15 22004-0529 12010-0518 11002-0715 11002-0461 38787-0813 38789-0515 38760-0640 38728 38787-0579 38746-0586 38789-0643 5630 38701-0449 38701-0808 38719-1017 38760-0300 38782-0823 38788-0994 38782-0416 38750-0012 38782-0824 38716-0702 38760-0675 38781-0623 38787-0709 38713-0733 38731-0067 38753-0400 38754-0866 38755-0750 38760-0023 38760-0309 38760-0322 38768-0281 38781-0319 38781-0784 38782-0722 38782-0820 38787-0744 38787-0759 38789-0814 38787-0821 38782-0200 38782-0782 38760-0110 38789-0643 *33P A-4 F-80 30210-0663 30210-0822 23010-0103 371-62-1 S-2-53-40 681-66-15 76-300-9020 *ll-4 4681-S3 C-8A-69 P-l 7930-33 P-2 691-77-12 691-77-34 681-66-25 00319-0479 *39 7930-17 S-10 20100-0289 7920-21 7920-16 3958-0088 *13 ♦12 *14 K-2 4340-0023 711-75-51 6936-00A 4340-0101 278 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Poultry Feed, epared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Spec, for Rear 71) Spec, for Rear Spec, for Large vy Duty Self Propelled Bituminous Finisher, with Vibratory Spec, for Poultry Feed, Spec, for Poultry Feed, si 38-55, CS232-60, FED RR-W-370a Spec, for Insect Wire Spec, for Stone Crusher and Spec, for Insect Std. Spec, for Wire Insect Spec, for Aluminum Fly Spec, for Security Spec, for Acoustical Spec, for Bottle; Spec, for Automatic Std. Spec, for Binders, sal (Compression, Tension and Transverse) Testing Machine r Wrought and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and ho/ Spec, for Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, , Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Spec, for Small Tools (Mechanics Hand Tools) (Pliers, Spec, for Bronze Gate Valves (125 and 150 Lb., for Bronze Angle, Check and Globe Valves (125 and 150 Lb., for Hardware (Metal Used in Timber Structures) (Bolts, Lag Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, c Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Spec, for Floor Machines, Spec, for Spec, for Hand Spec, for Brushes; Hand, Floor, Spec, for Brush, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Brushes; hes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Spec, for Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Spec, for Latex Base (Paint), Semigloss Interior Enamel, Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Spec, for Industrial Sweeper Spec, for Electric Spec, for Rotary Floor Machine Brushes Std. Spec, for Floor Maintenance Machine trated Weight, Commercial / Spec, for Floor Polishing and d Weight, Type III Heavy D/ Spec, for Floor Polishing and ight, Household or Light D/ Spec, for Floor Polishing and Std. Spec, for Detergent, Chemical Cleaner, Automatic Spec, for Floor Polishing and 1971 ) Spec, for Floor Polishing and Spec for Floor Polishing and ed OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Spec, for Floor Polishing and Spec, for Cleansing and Spec, for Water and Spec, for Floor Machines (Polishing, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Floor Maintenance Pads (Stripping, Std. Spec, for Machine, Floor Std. Spec, for Machine, Floor Polishing and Spec, for Brushes; 3, USC CS/ Spec, for Floor Maintenance Machine (Automatic Std. Spec, for Planting and Transplanting of Trees, es (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Baking), Spec, for Seismic Profiling System (Shipborne, Spec, for Ballot Box Spec, for Penetrating Std. Spec, for Liquid, Solvent Type Concrete n (1969) Std. Spec, for Floor Spec, for Tractor Roller Grease, Positive Spec, for Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Spec, for Plasticized Water Emulsion Type Floor Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Tractor Roller, Company Postive roof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane , 235 Lb. ( 1/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Spec, or Roofing Materials (Asphalt and Tar), Caulking, Std. Spec, for Grease, Automotive Spec, for Mattresses, Polyurethane Core with Spec, for Copper Tubing; Soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and ighway Construction) (1970) Spec^for Joint 1964) Std. Spec, for Joint Spec, for Ready Mixed Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint 1642 Spec, for Wood Floor Spec, for Paint, Primer 141 Spec, for Primer Spec, for Floor Care Products (Finishes, Scratch (Hen Size) (1963) Screen and Process Letters and Numerals and Symbols and Screen Projection Systems (State Police) (1969) Screen Study Carrels / with Audio Video Accessories ( 1 9 Screen Television Projector (1971) Screen (1968) Spec, for Paver, Hea Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Chick Size) (1963) Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Hen Size) (1963) Screening and Hardware and Industrial Cloth ( 197 1 ) USC Screening Plant (1967) Screening Wire (1969) FED RR-W-365, Std. 151 Screening (1969) Screens (1960) Screens (1968) Screens, Office Landscape (Divider) (1971) Screw Cap, Polyethylene (Sample Mailing) (1970) Screw Making Machine (College Instruction) ( 1971) Screw Post (1970) (Screw Power Type) (Scienific Equipment) (1969) /Univer Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (1970?) ASTM B- Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anc Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Screwdrivers, Socket Set and Wrenches) (1971) Screwed and Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Screwed and Flanged, for Land Use) (1970) Spec. Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and Turnbuckles) for High Scrim (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Scrim, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Scrim, Light, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Scrub and Polish (1970) Scrub Brush (Corner and Baseboard) ( 1963) Scrub Brushes (1967) Scrub (1969) Scrub, Corner, Baseboard (1966) Scrub, Dry (1957) Scrub, Floor, Hand (Narrow Waist) (1969) Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) (1960) /. for Household Brus Scrub, Shoe, Floor, Street, and Garage ( 1966) Scrubbable (1969) Scrubber (LP Gas Engine Powered, Riding Type) ( 1971 ) Scrubber (Riding) (1970) Scrubbing and Polishing Floor Machine ( 1969) (Scrubbing and Polishing) (1968) (Scrubbing and Polishing, Electric) (1969) Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Concen Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Divide Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated We Scrubbing Machine, 16% Anhydrous, Active ( 1964) Scrubbing Machines (Electric, Rotary Disc) ( 1970) UL 73 Scrubbing Machines (Water Absorbing, Battery Powered) Scrubbing Machines (1966) Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaners ( 1970) F Scrubbing Powder (1967) FED P-S-536 Scrubbing Solution Tank; Polyethylene ( 1970) Scrubbing) (1971) Scrubbing, Alkaline (1966) Scrubbing, Buffing, Polishing) (1971) Scrubbing, Electric (Battery), Cabinet Style (1965) Scrubbing, Electric (1970) Scrubbing, Floor (1956) Scrubbing, Polishing and Wet or Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 7 Scrubs, and Vines (Highway Construction) (1964) Sculpture Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knive Sea Bottom and Subbottom Mapping) (1969) Seal Adapter, Election Machine (1970) Seal and Finish for Wood Floors (1968) Seal and Membrane Curing Agent ( 1969) Seal and Undercoater Composition, Liquid, Water Emulsio Seal Assemblies (Company) (1968) Seal Coat (1970?) Seal (1965) FED P-W-155a Seal (1970) Seal, Water) (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square Butt, 12 X 36 In. Sealants, and Insulation (Building) (1971) Sealed Bearing, Long Interval ( 1970) Sealed Cover (1971) Sealed (for Use with Solder Joints or Flared Tube Fitti Sealer and Filler Materials, and Rubber Pipe Gaskets (H Sealer and Fillers, Liquid, Hot Poured Rubber Asphalt Sealer and Topping Compound ( 197 1 ) Sealer And/or Finish; Solvent Type (1970) ASTM D1546, D Sealer for Plaster and Wallboard ( 1964) Sealer Paint for Plaster and Wallboard (1962) FED Std. Sealer Undercoater, Detergent Cleaner) ( 1966) MI 4340-0100 NY 38601-0173 NY 38814-0282 NY 38209-0389 NY 38221-0419 NJ 4938-104 MI 4340-0103 MI 4340-0102 NY 31810-0346 NY 44300-0350 PA S-79 OR 60-500-9020 MD *25 NY 31818-0320 NY 21800-0384 PA B-139 NY 43201-0287 OR 74-100-0010 NY 38787-0813 MS 3336 NJ 5108-00 VA DH-236 NY 39003-0600 TX 520-73-1B TX 540-73-2A SC HD-78 RI 4925-001 MA •35-79 MA *35-48 NY 30200-0587 CA 701-76-40 VA C-5 TX 370-31-2 PA B-9 KY 7920-5 PA B-122 PA B-75 VA C-4 KY 7920-2 CA 691-80-226 NY 41600-0461 NY 21400-0739 VA DA-4B TX 265-31-1 OR 76-100-9010 TX 265-32-1B TX 265-32-3 TX 265-32-2B MS D-5-64 PA M-48 PA M-50 RI *6 NJ 1140-00 PA P-154 PA T-81 NY 21400-0563 KY 7930-18 NY 31901-0523 MS M-4A-65 MS M-3A-70 PA B-17 VA Y-9 SC HD-1 1 1 NY 23100-0855 NY 12099-0903 MI 5754-S1 PA F-82 IA •3-7 IA •3-11 CA 681-91-113 MS 3127 VA K-42 MS L-5B-70-22 VA DH-223 MS R-5-64-2 NY 31827-0534 MS L-5B-70-25 FL *4 PA T-67 VA DH-213 NJ 1308-006 NY 38002-0282 TX 370-63-4B KY 19A VA DK-19A NY 00220-02-0684 279 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards oo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for Floor Care Products (Finish, Wax, 1970?) Spec, for Concrete Joint (1970?) ASTM D-l 190 Spec, for Concrete Joint and Crack Std. Spec for Sanding Std. Spec, for Sanding Std. Spec, for Oil Base Pigmented Primer and rd and Plaster (1969) Spec, for Primer olatile Solvent and Add/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and Joint s, Chemicals and Water)/ Spec, for Liquid Crack and Joint b Spec, for Latex Base Primer Spec, for Masonry Floor Spec, for Paint Primer and oofing and Waterproofing Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Spec, for Primer Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Raw (for Paint, Varnish, Spec, for Penetrating Floor Spec, for Odorless Primer - (1970) Std. Spec, for Primer, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, One Coat Flat, Combined ne Coat Flat Interior Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined 8) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Floor Spec, for Std. Spec, for Primer Spec, for Masonry Floor Std. Spec, for Primer and 3E Spec, for Masonry and Porous Tile Floor Spec, for Epoxy Grouting and Spec, for Sewer Joint ) Std. Spec, for (1970) Std. Spec, for pec. for Adhesive; Water Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Spec, for Rubber Gaskets for ubrica/ Spec, for Preformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Spec, for Identification al) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Identification Std. Spec, for Tape (English, White, Bias, 2) Spec, for Pipe; Welded and Spec, for Pipe; Welded and Spec, for Pipe; Red Brass, Spec, for Pipe; Copper, Std. Spec, for Steel Pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and ints or Flared Tube Fitti/ Spec, for Copper Tubing; Soft, tting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Spec, for Copper Tubing; Wood, Student Study, Dining and Library, with Upholstered pec. for Chairs - Type I (Linear Polyethylene Resin Molded Spec, for 2 r Household Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Spec, for Automotive Std. Spec, for Toilet Tissue (Roll and Sheet) and 971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Dispenser; Toilet Spec, for 4 Door, 2 Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Office Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Spec, for Steel Utility Type Chair (Rotary, Non Tilting ffice Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Spec, for Risers (Stairway, Sound Reflectors, Spec, for Lounge Furniture Spec, for New Press Box Spec, for Spec, for Auditorium Spec, for Theater Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture (Banquettes, Upholstered hool Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Combination Table and Spec, for Red Lead, Linseed Oil Paint, Std. Spec, for raffic Control Equipment (Expansible, Pretimed Controller, at, Without Arms) (1968) Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Metal Spec, for chine, Fixed Bed Machin/ Spec, for Steel Desks (Pedestal, Concrete Monuments for Bench Marks, Right-Of-Way Markers, tor Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Spec, for Conference Table; Two 970?) ASTM B294-64 Spec, for Sewers (1970?) AASHO M-199 Spec, for Spec, for Ladders; Wood or Metal (Single And/or 386 Std. Spec, for Overhead Doors, eed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, Sickle Bar r Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Spec, for Uniforms; /Pec. for Damppr Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Shamp Sealer (Cold Applied Elastic Type) (Pavement, Bridge) Sealer (Hot Poured Elastic Type) (Bituminous Pavement) Sealer (Lacquer Type for Wood Furniture) (1969) Sealer (Lacquer Type) (1967) Sealer (Paint) (1966) FED Std. 141 Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Wall Boa Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base with V Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, Solvent Sealer (White, Tints, and Pastels) (1970?) FED TT-P-442 Sealer (1966) ASTM E70 Sealer (1969) FED Std. 141, UU-W-101 Sealer) (Highway Construction) (1970) Sealer, Alkyd (Paint) (1969) Sealer, Enamel) (1970) Sealer, Heavy Duty, Solvent ( 1964) Sealer, Interior (Paint) (1971) Sealer, Interior, Plaster and Wallboard, Alkyd (Paint) Sealer, Primer and Finish Coat (1964) Sealer, Primer and Finish) ( 1962) FED Std. 141 / for O Sealer, Surface, Varnish Type, Floor, Wood or Cork (196 Sealer, Terrazzo and Concrete, Solvent (1967) Sealer, Terrazzo ( 1964) Sealer, Water Emulsion (1966) Sealer; Exterior, Ready Mixed, Wood (1969) Sealer; Solvent Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-563E Sealer; Wall, Interior (1969) Sealer; Water Emusion Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-56 Sealing Compound for Concrete Surfaces (1969) Sealing Compound (Hot Poured) (1970?) FED SS-S-169 Sealing Compound, Floor, Polyacrylic, Water Based (1970 Sealing Compound, Terrazzo and Concrete Floor (Liquid) Sealing Fiberboard Boxes) (1965) Sealing Joints in Concrete Pipe ( 1970?) ASTM C-443 Seals for Concrete (Open-Cell) (Pavement, Bridge) and L Seals (Game Tag, Marker) (1965) Seals (Self Locking Metal for Tagging Game) (Department Seambinding, Measuring) (1953) Seamless Steel (for Coiling, Bending and Flanging) ( 196 Seamless Steel (for Ordinary Use) (1962) Seamless (Iron Pipe Size) (1969) Seamless (Standard Sizes) (1969) Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) (1969 Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Solder Jo Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of Flared Tube Fi Seat and Back (1967) Spec, for Chairs; Seat and Back) (1965) Seat Carryall (Motor Vehicle) (1969) Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Fabric) Seat Covers (1970?) FED DDD-S-751 Seat Covers ( 1971 ) FED UU-P-31B Seat Cushions (Posture and Executive) for Office Use ( 1 Seat Paper (1969) Seat Station Wagon (Automobile) (1970) Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambe Seat, with Arms) ( 1968) Spec, for Steel Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Spec, for Steel O Seated Chorus) (1971) (Seating Units, Side Chairs, Benches and Tables) ( 1970) Seating (Auditorium, Stadium) (1967) Seating (Lecture Hall) (NYS Std.) (1971) Seating (NYS Std.) (1970) Seating (NYS Std.) (1970) Seats and Backs for Terrazzo Benches) ( 1970) Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet Arms) (1970) /C Seats (Institutional Use) (1970) Seats (NYS Std.) (1970) Seats (1970?) Second Coat (1969) Second Sheets Paper (Typewriter Carbon Copies) (1970) Secondary) (1968) Spec, for T Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Tilting Se Secretarial Chair (Swivel Posture, No Arms) (1970?) Secretarial Metal Double Pedestal Desk (1968) Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Ma Section Corners ( 1970?) Spec, for Precast Section, Front Panel and Slide) ( 1971 ) /Units) (Protec Section, with Plastic Laminate Top (1965) Sectional Carbide Tipped Snow Plow and Grader Blades ( 1 Sectional Concrete Manhole Units for Storm and Sanitary Sectional Extension) (1968) Sectional (Steel and Wood) (Lift Up) (1962) ASTM A93, A Sections) (Machinery) (1971) /Conditioner, Spreader, F Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Tubula Security Officer (Departmental) (1970) FED Std. 191 NY MS MS OR WA WA CA VA VA UT TX PA VA MI MS MI NJ MS KY VA KY KY MI KY OR TX OR TX NE MS MS MS PA MS MS NY NY IL PA PA PA PA OR PA PA PA NJ NH NY VA FL CA OR NH NY TX TX TX NY PA NE NY NY NY NY NY NY NY VA CA OR SC TX NV TX NV MS NY PA VA MS PA OR NY NY PA 22002-0537 3725 3723 77-100-9520 S-67-99 S-63-66-A 691-80-201 ♦34 ♦33 *2 370-63-5A P-41 DH-214 5325-S17 PM-11 4642-0055 7342-05 PI-2 29A DK-29A 7930-4 7930-5 4642-0100 7930-8 77-100-9010 370-63-5B 77-100-9210 370-63-7 ♦72 3724 S-14A-70 S-8A-70 A-18 3726 3721 00087-0163 08700-0622 *33S P-54 P-151 P-60 P-58 56-100-9020 T-67 T-38 C-165 3718-03 6554-012 21601-0227 *42 *33 711-67-26 16-600-9010 6554-010 30211-0572 300-3 3-2B 300-33-5 300-3 3-4A 30202-0114 F-69 *80 20901-0026 20910-0571 209 10-0571 A 24800-0443 27002-0728 37606-0573 37606-0480 *20 691-80-61 74-300-0160 39-000 300-3 3-4A 7110-4 300-3 7-2B 7110-D 3667 36200-0124 T-70 *40 3622 L-46 19-62-27 08200 21802-0333 U-41 280 ) (Medical Center) (1969) 0) (1970) ) Spec. Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Work Uniforms Spec, for Spec, for CCTV Spec, for Beds; Metal, Psychiatric Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for 4 Door Spec, for 4 Door Spec, for Police Patrol Vehicles (4 Door Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 4 Door for Car (Automobile), Detective, 2 Door Std. Spec, for Four Door Spec, for Conservation Officer Cars, 4 Door Spec, for 4 Door Spec, for Std. Size 4 Door Spec, for 4 Door Spec, for Passenger Car (Automobile), Regular 4 Door Spec, for Weighmaster Cars (Automobile), 4 Door enger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) (Station Wagon and obile)(1970) Spec, for Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Door Minimum Spec, for Automobile (4 Door Spec, for Police Cars (Automobile), Patrol, 4 Door Spec, for Passenger Car (Automobile), Heavy, 4 Door Spec, for Automobiles Spec, for 4 Door 6 Passenger Std. Spec, for 2 and 4 Door cks(1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Grass Std. Spec, for Grass Spec, for . for Roadside Development Materials (Herbicides, Topsoil, Spec, for Crystal Growing Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Grass Std. Spec, for ts, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, / Spec, for Spec, for n) ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Field Spec, for Grass rowth Chamber (Controlled Temperature Environment) (Algae, c-T-1 9 1 B Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Men's Bathrobes Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for lannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units (Solid, Precast, bottom Mapping) (1969) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for Spec, for 24 Trace Portable Shallow Refraction Spec, for Spec, for Ribbons, Carbon, Magnetic Tape and Spec, for Horizontal Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Aggregate Spreader Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, ing Units (Room and Space Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, . for Air Conditioners, Window, Room Type, Electric Motor, frigerators and Refrigerator Freezers (Domestic, Electric, ng Water Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, g Water Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Spec, for Milk Packaging Machine ( 1 Man, Spec, for Air Conditioning Units, Electric, Spec, for Cameras, Spec, for Film, Spec, for Cameras, ies (1971) Spec, for and Oven) (1966) Spec, for Thermometers; c. for Food Service Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, r Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Refrigerated Cold Pan Counter, tired) (1971) Spec, for Motor Scraper . Capacity) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Motor Scraper 30 Lb. (1970) Fed/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 7 1 ) Spec, for Identification Seals tant Floor Finish (1969) FED P-F-00430,/ Spec>for Liquid Std. Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Floor Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Spec, for Spec, for 3 In., Spec, for Pump, 4 In. NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (Security Police) (Departmental) (1971) (Security Police) (Departmental) (1971) Security Screens (1968) Security Surveillance System (Closed Circuit Television (Security) (1960) (Sedan Ambulance) (1968) Sedan Automobile (1970) Sedan Automobile (1970?) Sedan Automobile) ( 1971 ) Sedan Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group A, Standard, Light ( 197 Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group B, Intermediate, Light Sedan Automobile, 4 Door, Group C, Compact, Light (1970 Sedan Compact Automobiles (1970?) Sedan or Hard Top ( 1969) Sedan Vehicles (1970) Sedan (Automobile) (1969) Sedan (Automobile) (1970) Sedan (Automobile) (1971) Sedan (Automobile) (1971) Sedan (1969) Sedan (1969) Sedan) ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle; Pass Sedan, Four Door, Standard Vehicle, Official Use (Autom Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) Sedan, Intermediate Model) (1970?) Sedan, V-8 (1969) Sedan, V-8, 3 Speed (1969) (Sedans and Station Wagons) (1967) Sedans (Automobile) (1970?) Sedans (Automobile) (1971) Sedans (Automobile), Station Wagons, Pickup and Van Tru Sedans, Four Door, Standard Vehicle (Automobile) (1970) Seed Mix (1970?) Seed Mixtures; Lawn and Turf (1967) Seed Potatoes (1970) Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, M (Seed) System (1971) Seed, Lawn Grass ( 1964) Seed, 70C (1964) Seeding (Grass) for Highway Construction (1964) Seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Mille Seeds (Grass, Legume) for Vegetative Cover (1970?) Seeds (Legume (Alfalfa, Clover), Broom Grass, Oats, Cor Seeds (1970) Seeds, Protozoa) (1968) Spec, for Plant G Seersucker Cloth (Textile) (1966) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED Cc (Seersucker or Crinkle Crepe) (1958) Seersucker (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Seersucker, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth Segmental) for Catch Basins and Manholes ( 1970?) Seismic Profiling System (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Sub Seismic R. F. Telemetry System (Scientific Equipment) Seismic System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Seismographic Instruments (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Selectric Typewriters (1971) Self Contained Air Cooled Air Conditioning Unit ( 1964) Self Contained Automatic Ice Makers ( 1961 ) UL 563 Self Contained Chemical Toilet ( 197 1 ) (Self Contained Hopper Type) (1970) Self Contained Traffic Line Marking) (1969) Self Contained (1966) Std. Spec, for Air Condition Self Contained (1970) Spec Self Contained) (1965) Spec, for Re Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for Drinki Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for Drinkin Self Contained) (1971) Self Contained, Window Mounted (1966) Self Developing (Commercial and I.D.) ( 1971 ) Self Developing (Company) ( 1971 ) Self Developing (Hand Held) (1971) Self Development Packaged Learning Centers and Accessor Self Indicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type (Baking, Cooking Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Dispense Self Leveling Cup Dispenser) ( 197 1 ) Spec. Fo (Self Loading, Elevating, Minimum 1 1 cu. Yd., Pneumatic (Self Loading, Elevating, Pneumatic Tired, Minimum 21 Yd Self Lock Type, Mineral Surface, Double Coverage, 220-2 (Self Locking Metal for Tagging Game) (Departmental) ( 19 Self Polishing Water Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resis Self Polishing Water Emulsion Wax (1970) Self Polishing Wax, Mop Treatment Compound, Gymnasium) Self Priming Centrifugal Electric Pump ( 1970) Self Priming Centrifugal Water Pump (1970) Self Priming Centrifugal, Trailer Mounted ( 1969) NY 39300-0843 NY 39300-0882 NY 31818-0320 NY 38221-0920 PA B-121 NY 40403-0764 SC •29 VA •1 AK • 22 TN TS 2310-1 CA 702-23-01 CA 702-23-03 CA 701-23-07 VA •2 MI 3905-0009 IN •9 MI 3905-0014 NH 6554-005 AK •21 SC 14-280-0451 MI 3905-0008 MI 3905-0012 OR 06-100-1020 KY 2310-4 WY ♦1 WY •13 MI 3905-0010 MI 3905-0002 KS 10-1E NV •7 MS TV-1-71 HI •18 KY 2310-1 MD •1 RI •4 NY 08000-0460 VA DH-257 NY 38788-0034 MS S-l 1-64 IA •2 SC HD-109 NY 07900-0584 MS 3876 WI 3748 PA S-l 26 NY 12026-0012 TX 685-34-11 RI 4210-M-002 OR 79-100-9330 MS T-1A-60-28 NY 32600-0622 MS 3621 NY 12099-0903 NY 38754-0866 NY 38787-0821 NY 38787-0759 NJ 6952-04 KS 35-2A VA DA-9 NY 37600-0351 SC 14-400-0451 NY 41303-01 11 NC 4120-A-1A MS A-3-70 VA DA-3 TX 175-31-2A TX 175-31-1C NY 08302-0528 KY 4120-6 NY 38800-0364 NY 38800-0542 NY 38800-0076 NY 38221-0890 PA T-72 NY 36200-0605 NY 36118-0539 AK •13 AK •12 MS R_5_64-6 NY 08700-0622 VA K-43 RI 6645-05 NY 22004-0529 NY 46000-0574 NE •46 NJ 4936-01 281 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Discharge) (1969) Discharge) (1970) Spec, for Pump, Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump Spec, for Centrifugal Water Pump Spec, for en (1968) Spec, for Paver, Heavy Duty king) (1969) Spec, for s Track Type - 2 Adult Passenge/ Spec, for Snow Vehicles t End Loader ( 1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Snow Vehicle ) Spec, for Cranes and Excavators Spec, for 1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Portable (1970?) Spec, for Spec. for ump Body and Heavy Duty Winch) (/ Spec, for Snow Vehicle 969) Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Endless Track, Spec, for Saw, Concrete, Spec, for Mower, 24 In., Rotary, Walk Behind, ec. for Telescoping Mobile Work Platform, Battery Powered, Spec, for Heavy Duty Class IV Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, spec, for Heavy Duty Class V Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Spec, for Heavy Duty Big Wheel Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Spec, for Class III Power Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Spec, for Class II Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Spec, for Traffic Line (Paint) Marker Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers (Reel Type, Std. Spec, for Lawn Mowers, Rotary (Hand Push and Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (3 Wheel, for Power Mowers (Lawn Maintenance, Riding, Reel, Hand and tion for Patching / Spec, for Tailgate Roller (Vibrating, 1970) Spec, for dboards) ( 1969) Spec, for Windrow Loader, (Departmental) (1970) Spec, for Snow Vehicle Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with Sickle Bar Attachment 967) Displacement Testliner)/ (1971) Spec 6 In., 235 Lb. (1/ Spec, for Sprayer, Spec, for Spray Machine, Paint, Spec, for (Airport) Runway Sweeper for Mobile Boat Crane (Straddle Type, Spec, for Front End Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper Spec, for Industrial Power Sweeper Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, on Markers and Related Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, 1969) Spec, for ) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Floor Wax, Liquid or Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. or Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Surfaced, 2 In. r-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Wide Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment Spec, for Washing Control; Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Tank, Door Type, Spec, for White Alkyd Base Spec, for Latex Std. Spec, for Interior Spec, for Interior Spec, for Paint, Acrylic Std. Spec, for Enamel Spec, for 2000 Gal. Spec, for Low Bed, Level Deck, Spec, for Low Bed, Level Deck, Spec, for Platform Sliding Tandem Spec, for Ready Mixed Stain Spec, for Ready Mixed Stain Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic 000 Lb. Payload) (1970) Spec, for uminum Skin, Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) / Spec, for luminum Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Trailer, Spec, for Trailer, Spec, for Trailer, Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spray, Spec, for Electronic Tubes and 71/ Spec, for Photocopy Paper and Chemicals (Darkroom and ) (1968) FED TT-P-442, Std. 141 Spec, for Spec, for Latex Base (Paint), ) ( 1970) Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior Flat and Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Interior, Flat and Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, pec. for Latex Base Paint, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Std. Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Interior, Self Priming, Centrifugal (1970) (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Openings for Intake and (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Openings for Intake and Self Propelled Bituminous Asphalt Finisher ( 1971 ) Self Propelled Bituminous Finisher, with Vibratory Sere Self Propelled Centerline Striping Machine (Highway Mar (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endles Self Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Tractors, and Fron (Self Propelled Heavy Duty, 4 Passenger) (1968) (Self Propelled Mobile Yard, with Telescopic Boom) (1970 Self Propelled Multi Wheel Roller (1968) Self Propelled Rubber Tired Scraper ( 14 - 18 cu. Yd.) Self Propelled Tanden Roller (1970) Self Propelled Traffic Line Stripping Machine (Marking) Self Propelled Trenching Machine ( 1969) (Self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform D Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Platform Body) (1 Self Propelled (1963) Self Propelled (1969) Self Propelled (1969) Sp Self Propelled) (1963) Self Propelled) (1963) Self Propelled) (1963) Self Propelled) (1963) Self Propelled) (1966) (Self Propelled) (1968) Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B71.1-64 Self Propelled) (1969) ANSI B7 1.1-64 Self Propelled) (1970) Self Propelled) (1970) Std. Spec. Self Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for Asphalt Compac Self Propelled, Force Feed, Belt Type Material Loader Self Propelled, Force Feed, with Tapered, Gathering Mol (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 Passenger) (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Mower) (1970) Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking Paints) ( 1 Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking) (Positive (Self Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Per Min., 16 Ft. Broom) Self Propelled, 30,000 Lb. Capacity) (1970) Self Propelled, 4 Wheel Drive Bucket Loader (1970) (Self Propelled, 53 In. or More, Riding Type) (1970) (Self Propelled, 66 In. or More, Riding Type) (1970) (Self Propelled, 76 In. or More, Riding Type) (1969) Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square Butt, 12X3 Self Sharpening, Refillable and Grease Marking Pencils Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Lithium Sodium Silicate Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Polyorgano Siloxone (1969 Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Carnauba Base (1969) Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec. F Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec. F Selvage, Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-371-58, FED SS- (Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem (Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem (Sem (Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Actuated Controllers) (1970) and Automatic (1966) Automatic) (1968) Automatic) (1970?) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1967) Gloss Enamel (Paint) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Gloss Enamel (Tints and White) (1966) Gloss White Enamel (Odorless Paint) (1971) Gloss, Emulsion Type, Interior (1971) Gloss, Interior, Low Odor, Paint) (1969) Trailer Type Asphalt Supply Tank (1969) Trailer (Carryall) (1970) Trailer (1971) Trailer (30 Ton Capacity) (1970) Transparent) (1970) FED TT-W-572, USC CS262-63 Transparent) ( 1 97 1 ) U-Tilting Dozer (1970) Van Trailer (Insulated, Frozen Food Transport, 44, Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Al Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, A , 15 Ton Capacity Tilt Bed (1962) , 25 Ton Capacity (1969) , 35 Ton Capacity Drop Deck, Low Bed (1970) concentrate (1969) conductors ( 1971 ) darkroom) for Rectigraph and Photostat Machines ( 19 gloss Interior Enamel (Paint, White and Light Tints gloss Interior Enamel, Scrubbable (1969) gloss (Enamel) (White, Light Tints and Other Colors gloss (Enamel) (1971) gloss (1969) gloss) (White and Tints) (1968) gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Wall and Ceiling (1970) gloss, Light (1969) NJ 4936-00 SC 2 1-050-0451 A SC 21-050-0451 SC 14-340-0451 NJ 4938-104 SC 14-320 NY 42200-0362 HI *20 NY 42200-0645 NY 41100-0463 SC 14-250-0451 VA *14 NE *55 HI *21 SC 14-420 NY 42200-0574 NY 42200-0285 NJ 4938-57 NJ 4938-18 NY 39006-0329 TX 415-36-1A TX 4 15-3 6-2 A TX 415-36-3 TX 415-37-3A TX 415-37-2B SC *40 OR 18-510-9010 OR 18-510-9020 NY 41600-0575 WA S-69-106 AK *52 SC 14-200-0451 NY 40603-0376 NY 42200-0368 SC 14-260C NJ 4934-00 NJ 4934-01 AK *4 NY 43100-0649 SC 14-200-0451 A NY 41600-0464 NY 41600-0704 NY 41600-0876 MS R-5-64-2 NY 38806-0414 NY 08200 CA 691-80-55 CA 691-80-56 IA *3-l MS R-5-64-10 MS R-5-64-10A MS R-5-64-11 SC ♦22 PA C-78 WA S-68-104 WA S-66-96 TX 520-42-7 UT *3 WA S-63-65-A NJ 7342-01 NJ 7342-18 OR 77-100-9230 SC 14-270-0451 SC 14-270 SC 14-270-0451 A SC *28 NY 38000-0052 NY 38000-0931 SC *15 NY 42300-0493 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 NJ 4938-47 NJ 4938-45 NJ 4938-136 CA 691-76-26 NY 38206-0186 NY 38808-0259 VA DK-22C CA 691-80-226 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0386 OR 77-100-9270 NY 38000-0387 MS PI- 13 KY 22A 282 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards #Spec. for Enamel (Paint), Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Std. Spec, for Enamel, Interior, Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Interior, let Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - 1970) Spec, for Portable and Spec, for Primer (Paint), Basic Lead Silico Chromate, Spec, for Primer Paint, Red Lead, rback) (1970) Spec, for Books (Trade, Technical and Spec, for Tandem Axle Low Bed MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Electrical Tape (Plastic Pressure Surfaces of Trailer/ Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Spec, for Office Supplies (Pressure Stickers (1964) Spec, and Requirements for Pressure 69) Spec, for Inspection Device, Exterior Use (Pressure Spec, for Vehicle Inspection Device (Pressure cle Windshields (196/ He Windshields (196/ ields (1964) ulating) (1960) Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Spec, for Requirements for Pressure Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Spec, for Masking Tape; Pressure Spec, for Tape; Pressure Spec, for Tape; Pressure Spec, for (Reproduction) Cloth; Std. Spec, for 1, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, Traffic Spec, for idges) And/or Miscellaneous Including Utility Connections, ation, Scale Preventative, Water Sof/ Spec, for Inorganic Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Blue Spec, for Diesel Engine Oil, High Additive Type Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft cine and Dentistry (1968) Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Men's and Boys' and Trucks (1969) Spec, for Predelivery Spec, for Laundry motive Repair P/ Spec, for 6 1/2 Ft. Utility Type General Spec, for Utility Type General utomotive Repair Parts An/ Spec, for Utility Type General Spec, for 971) Spec. rving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam / eling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Tray Di/ 969) er with Booster) (1969) Ik Dispenser, Stands, Griddle, Fryer, San/ r (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food/ les) (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) (1971) Dish Table with Sink) (1969) Maker) (1971) ) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands/ ink) (Pantry) (1969) ot Food Unit, Work Table and Serving Coun/ He Table Extension) (1968) accessories, Hot Dog Grill) (1971) s, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Dis/ tain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) (19/ nes, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protecto/ es) (1971) andwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Sta/ ) (Mobile) (1971) for Conspicuous Spec, for Civil Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Mobile Food aulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Spec, for Badges (Long and Faithful pec. for Conspicuous Service Crosses and Long and Faithful Spec, for Food Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Parts and Auto Mechanic's Std. Spec, for Food or Cages and Accessories (Metal) (Small Animal, Laboratory Spec, for Gasoline Engine Oil, Severe Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Special Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Car/ SpecMor Food and Holders) ( 1969) Spec, for Dust Control Supply Spec, for Janitorial Spec, for Janitorial Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Severe Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Severe Spec, for White Printing Semigloss, Low Odor (1969) Semigloss, Odorless, Interior (1970) Semigloss, Walls and Woodwork (Paint), Light (1970) Semigloss, White and Medium Shades (1967) Semigloss, White, Tintable (1963) Semilive, Lift Jacks) (1970) / Handling Equipment (Pal Semiportable Type Automatic Recording Traffic Counter Semiquick Drying (1969) Semiquick Drying, Early Contamination Area (1969) Semitechnical, Medical, Law Publications; Prebound Pape Semitrailer (Trailer) (1970) Sensitive All Weather) (1971) ASTM D1000, FED HH-I-595, Sensitive Decalcomania for Application to Wood or Metal Sensitive Labels - Unprinted) ( 197 1 ) Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspection Rejection WindshielH Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Trailer) (19 Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (1969) Sensitive Stickers for Application to Nonpassenger Vehi Sensitive Stickers for Application to Passenger Automob Sensitive Stickers for Application to School Bus Windsh Sensitive, Adhesive (1971) Sensitive, Adhesive, Transparent (1971) FED Std. 147 Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film (Electrical Ins Sensitized (1960) Separator Correspondence (1971) Separator, Etc.) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (197 Septic Tank Activator (1969) Septic Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Providing New We Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regener (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Spec, for Tetra Serge Cloth (Textile) (1971) Serge, Wool (Cloth) (1970?) Series 3 (1968) Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) ( 19 Server / Shake Maker and Machines) ( 1971 ) Service - Martland Hospital, New Jersey College of Medi Service - New Jersey School for the Deaf ( 1968) Service and Dress Shoes ( 1971 ) Service and Inspection for Automobiles, Police Vehicles Service and Rental Garments (1971) Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Auto Service Body for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (1969) Service Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous A Service Caps (Hat), Uniform (State Police) (1970?) Service Crosses and Long and Faithful Service Medals ( 1 Service Emblems (Markings) (1969) Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Se Service Equipment (Cashier Stands, Dish Carts, Self Lev Service Equipment (Conveyor System and Tray Stacker) ( 1 Service Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Dish Table, Dishwash Service Equipment (Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Mi Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Freezer, Refrigerato Service Equipment (Dish Tables) (1968) Service Equipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Tab Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Service Equipment (Drink Dispenser and Chip or Cube Ice Service Equipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Units Service Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets and S Service Equipment (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, H Service Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mob Service Equipment (Refrigerated Dressing Dispenser and Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Unit Service Equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Foun Service Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Machi Service Equipment (Soft Server / Shake Maker and Machin Service Equipment (Soiled and Clean Dish Table) (1971) Service Equipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and S Service Equipment (Work Table, Serving Counter) (Heated Service Equipment (Work Tables, NYS Std.) (1969) Service Equipment; Cabinets, Racks and Dollies ( 1971 ) Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Service Medals and Clasps) (1970) Service Medals (1971) Service Paper and Related Products ( 1970) Service Tools (1970) / Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Service Trays, Fibre Glass - Polyester Plastic (1966) Service Truck) (1968) Spec. F Service Type, 4 Cycle (1968) Service Vehicle (Automobile, Class A) ( 1971 ) Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mop Heads Service (Day Care Centers) (1970) Service (Department of Transportation) (1970) Service (1970) Service (1970) Std. Spec, for Oil, Service (1971) CA 691-80-215 MS PI-5 MS PI-6 PA P-125 IA •1-7 NY 39101-0680 NJ 3920-00 CA 691-80-83 CA 691-80-53 NY 20000-0655 NE •45 CA 711-59-05 NJ 0734-05 NY 23016-0179 NJ 0734-02 PA D-20 PA D-16 NJ 0734-01 NJ 0734-00 NJ 0734-03 PA T-58 PA T-56 PA T-57 PA C-40 IL •32T VA DH-226 CA 691-77-50 SC HD-125 VA L-6 TX 371-6 1-1 A PA C-l 14 MA •35-47 CA 681-91-09 NY 3621 1-0268 NY 3621 1-0205 NJ 9932-02A NJ 9932-01 TN •5 MI •3 NJ 9932-02 SC •7 SC 22-600-0451 SC 22-600-0300A MA •21 NY 31000-0553 NJ 9130-00 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0605 NY 36200-0979 NY 36200-0972 NY 32610-0801 NY 36200-0074 NY 36200-0747 NY 36200-0823 NY 36200-0907 NY 3621 1-0798 NY 36200-0124 NY 36200-0225 NY 36200-0356 NY 36200-0735 NY 36200-0367 NY 36200-0787 NY 36211-0268 NY 36200-0504 NY 3621 1-0205 NY 36200-0800 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0913 NY 36200-0186 PA M-52 NY 35000-0647 NY 31000-0279 NY 31000-0553 NE •88 SC 22-600-0300A NC 7350-ST-l NY 12040-0669 CS 681-91-07 CA 711-23-06 PA F-80 NY 33202-832 NJ •9 NJ •10 MS L-5B-70-2A MS L-5B-70-3 NY 31603-0513 283 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards e) (1971) rs(1968) ASTM D457 stm D-1172 Spec, for Automotive Equipment t (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Spec, for Cotton Cleaning and Wiping Cloths (Domestic Std. Spec, for Terry Cloth Towels (Gym r), Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machine, Spec, for Linen Spec, for Steel Unitized Furniture (Credenza, wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Medical Utility, Dressing, n Control ( 197 1 ) Std. Spec, for Professional Spec, for Tree Trimming Spec, for Janitorial Cleaning Spec, for Janitorial Cleaning and Spec, for Pest Control Spec, for Refrigeration General Requirements and Spec, for Typesetting gulations for Printing, Binding, Advertising and Reporting mounted Dis/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Snack Bar, hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Table, Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, Work Table and Food Service Equipment (Bottle Cooler, Ice Cream Cabinet, Std. Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Transporting and ransporting and Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler, Utility Spec, for Spec, for Food Transporting and Spec, for Food Transporting and Spec, for Food Transporting and Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for Modified Laundry Soda Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Sodium Std. Spec, for Modified Laundry Soda couring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, 8) ASTM D594 Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Sodium tools (Mechanics Hand Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Socket y and Bri/ Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Admixtures heet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Spec, for 50KW Gas Engine Generator Spec, for Gasoline Engine Generator Spec, for Trailer Mounted Electric Generator Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator Spec, for Tableware; Stainless Steel (Flatware and Cutting Outfit (1/ Spec, for Welder (Spot, Accessory earing Packers, Grease Fitting Installation and Extraction extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extraction Spec, for Office Supplies (Carbon Spec, for Hydraulic Maintenance Tool braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Spec, for Standby Gasoline Engine Generator Spec, for Typewriter Manifold Paper Std. Spec, for Desk Spec, for Motor Generator eeder and Adapter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance or Industrial Foul Weather Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Hat Spec, for Line Carbon Master ice Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Spec, for Office Machines (Phototype itioning, Dustlaying, Stabilization, Ice Removal, Concrete Spec, for Traffic Zone, Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick A-416 Spec, for ing Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, (High Output Diesel), Spec, for Gasoline Engine Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, or Oil, Internal Combustion, 4 Cycle, Multiviscosity, Most Spec, for Diesel Engine Oil, Std. Spec, for Oil, Diesel Engine, Spec, for Motor Oil, esel) (1969) Spec, for Motor Oil, Spec, for Spec, for Compound (Enzyme Bacteria) for Spec, for Aluminum Sulfate (of Alumina), for Water and 970?) ASTM C-l 39 Spec, for stm C55 Spec, for Spec, for spec, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W., Mounted with High Velocity Spec, for 969) Spec, for 968) Spec, for Spec, for s-S-169 Spec, for (Service / Utility Trucks - G.V.W. 8,000 Lb.) ( 1970) Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Pla Service) (1964) FED DDD-R-30 Service) (1969) Service) (1970?) /KS (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewrite Service, Continuous Cloth Towel Roll ( 1966) Service, Modular, and L Units) ( 1970?) Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Services and Chemicals for Water Treatment and Corrosio Services at Public Schools (1970?) Services (Department of Education) (1970) Services (Departmental) (1971) Services (Insect) (1971) Services (1961) Services (1967) Services (1971) Official Rules and Re Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Serving and Ice Cream and Milk Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /Le Serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stan Serving Counter) (Heated) (Mobile) (1971) Serving Counter) (1970) /Ood Service Equipment (Mobile Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Serving Food Conveyors) (NYS Std.) ( 1969) Serving Table) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Food T Serving Trays; Fiberglass (1971) FED Std. 406 Serving Units (Conveyor) ( 1971 ) Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler, Utility Serving Tabl Serving Units (1968) Sesquicarbonate in Compounding of Detergents and Cleane (Sesquicarbonate Type) (1969) Sesquicarbonate (1966) Sesquicarbonate (1971) ASTM D-501 or FED P-S-641G and A (Sesquicarbonate) (Water Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Fluosilicate, Soda Sesquisilicate for Washing, Cleaning, and Scouring ( 196 Sesquisilicate, Moderate (1969) Set and Wrenches) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Small (Set Retarder, Air Entraining, Calcium Chloride) (Highwa Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Weld Set (1969) Set (1969) Set (1969) Set (25KW) (1969) Set (7.5 KW Air-Cooled) (1971) Set (7.5KW and 25KW Marine) (1970) Set (7.5KW and 50KW) (1970) Set (7.5KW Marine and 25 KW) (1971) Set) (1968) FED Std. 66, Std. 151 Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch Welding Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Pn Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfer Pump) ( 1969) /on and Sets - Copysettes) ( 1 97 1 ) Sets and Attachments ( 1 968 ) Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushe Sets (1970) Sets (1970) Sets (1971) Sets (1971) Sets) (Parts Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, B Sets) (1960) Spec. F Sets, Spirit Type Duplicating Equipment (1970) Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; Wire Clips and CI Setter) (1970) Setting and Curing) (1969) ASTM D98, D345 /R Road Cond Setting (White and Yellow), and Cleaning Solvent (1971) Seven Wire Strand for Prestressed Concrete (1970?) ASTM Severe Duty (1960) Std. Spec, for Lubricat Severe Service Type, 4 Cycle ( 1968) Severe Service (1970) Severe Service (1970) Std. Spec. F Severe (1967) Severe, API-DS (1970) Severe, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Diesel) (1969) Severe, Multiviscosity, Crankcase, 4 Cycle (Moderate Di Sewage Comminutor ( 1969) Sewage Disposal, Grease Trap and Drain Cleaning (1958) Sewage Treatment Purposes (1955) Sewer Brick (Concrete) for Catch Basins and Manholes ( 1 Sewer Brick (Concrete, Clay, Shale) (1970) AASHO M91, A Sewer Brick (Drainage) (Clay, Shale) (1970?) Sewer Cleaner (1967) Sewer Cleaner, Flexible Power Bucket Machine (1962) Sewer Cleaning Machine (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) ( 1 Sewer Cleaning Machine (Cable Type, Trailer Mounted) (1 Sewer Cleaning Machine (Power, Drag Bucket Type) (1968) Sewer Joint Sealing Compound (Hot Poured) (1970?) FED S NY 40500-0655 NY 40500-0397 VA FB-6A OR 72-150-9160 NV 7110-D KY 3513-1 NV 7110-UF NY 11613-0292 MS WT-2D-71 HI *15 NJ *6 NJ 5730-04 PA PSBS * 1 NJ 9948-00 NJ 7730-00 NY *5 NY 36200-0787 NY 36114-0572 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0913 NY 36200-0356 NY 36200-0420 NY 36112-0264 NY 36112-0381 PA T-51 NY 36112-0204 NY 36112-0381 NY 36112-0745 CA 681-66-05 OR 76-401-9070 TX 371-65-2 NY 25521-0328 MS S-2-53-4 NY 20100-0289 CA 681-66-25 CA 691-77-17 NY 39003-0600 VA DH-217 VA DH-236 NY 35901-0164 NY 35901-0184 SC 24-030 NY 35907-0224 NY 35902-0510 NY 35902-0466 NY 35902-0590 NY 35902-0330 PA T-43 NY 43223-0932 NY 35000-0866 NY 35000-0866 NY 23004-0847 NY 43200-0625 NY 39000-0482 NY 35907-0283 PA M-57 IL *32X NY 35900-0865 NY 35000-0647 RI 4295-M-006 CA 701-75-33 NY 23000-0633 NY 22900-0247 PA C-7 NY 38001-0508 MS 3348 NC 9150-L-4 CS 681-91-07 MS L-5B-70-2A MS L-5B-70-3 MI 5255-S7 MS L-5B-70-4 MI 5255-S3 MI 5255-S5 NY 44001-0392 PA C-101 PA A-8 MS 3616 VA DH-227 MS 3612 NJ 4938-103 NJ 4938-46 NY 44000-0440 NY 44000-0674 NY 44000-0572 MS 3724 284 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Culvert, ied Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) (/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Bituminized Fiber Drain and Spec, for Flap Gates (Drainage Control, Culvert and Spec, for Cleaner, lyvinyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Ce/ Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, or Sectional Concrete Manhole Units for Storm and Sanitary Std. Spec, for Needles (Embroidery, Darning, Hand 1C Std. Spec, for Window Spec, for Coated Window Tent. Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Window Spec, for Homespun Window Spec, for Window Spec, for Cloth; Window Spec, for Venetian Blinds, Window, std. 75 1 Spec, for Window Spec, for Spec, for Window Spec, for Window . for Paint; Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White and Medium Std. Spec, for Paint; Ready Mixed, Exterior, Medium ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Spec, for 969) Spec, for Window Std. Spec, for t-191 Std. Spec, for Window Spec, for Spec, for Line a235, A237, A 108 Spec, for Steel Forgings and spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Server / rvice Equipment (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Spec, for Laundry Tumblers; Spec, for Powder, Cleansing, Scouring Type, ipper, Kettles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Std. Spec, for Oil (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Wood Spec, for Sewer Brick (Concrete, Clay, Spec, for Sewer Brick (Drainage) (Clay, Spec, for Building Brick (Clay or ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for 24 Trace Portable Std. Spec, for Electric Carpet Std. Spec, for sh, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Std. Spec, for Machine, Carpet Spec, for Rectangular Spec, for Bags; Ice, Helmet Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Engine, 15 and 13 In.) (Bench Spec, for Machine Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) Spec, for Wrought Iron Plates, Rolled , Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled and Extruded Structural concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Spec, for Galvanized Structural Spec, for High Strength Manganese Vanadium Steel mediate Strength Manganese Copper Bearing Structural Steel tube (1970?) Ast/ Spec, for Structural Steel (20,000 Psi) 1 Spec, for Corrosion Resistant High Strength Steel inum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, std. Carbon Structural Steel (18,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and Spec, for Time Spec, for Cloth; Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Std. Spec, for Pencil sp/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Paper Punches, Pencil rkers and Related Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Self Spec, for Cake Spec, for Brushes; icarbonate,/ Spec, for Alkalies and Soaps (Grit Scouring, rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Stud Spec, for Imitation for Applicators (Wax, Floor Finish) for Use with Imitation t, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Pinking Std. Spec, for Bankers Spec, for r, Foot Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle rubber Cement; Pencil Holder; Reinforcement Rings; Rulers; Std. Spec, for ous) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills, Axes, Hatches, Spec, for Ear Tags (Marker - Cattle, Spec, for Men's ) ASTM B370 Spec/tfor Copper rosion Resistant High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, -276 Spec, for Stainless Steel Plates, ruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid ruction (1964) Std. Spec, for Cold Laid sphaltic Concrete Binder and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sewer or Underpass) (1970?) AASHO M-170, M-206, M-207 Sewer Pipe and Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Vitrif Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1970?) AASHO M-158, M-177 Sewer Pipe) (1970) Sewer, Bucket Type (1968) Sewer, Drain and Miscellaneous Pipe (Concrete, Clay Po Sewer, Power Rod Type (1968) Sewers (1970?) AASHO M-199 Spec. F Sewing, Knitting, Punch, Tapestry, and Quilting) (1953) Shade Cloth and Rollers (1963) FED CCC-C-521B DDD-S-25 Shade Cloth (1969) FED CCC-T-191B, CCC-C-521D Shade Cloth, Cotton (1970?) Shade Cloth, Flame Resistant ( 1968) FED CCC-T-191B Shade Material (1957) Shade Material (1957) FED CCC-C-521B Shade (1970) Shade (1970?) Shades (Cloth or Vinyl) (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. 406, Shades (Window) (College) (1970) Shades (1960) FED CCC-T-191B Shades (1962) Shades (1967) Spec Shades (1969) Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for Shades, Cloth and Accessories (Window) (1970) Shades, Cloth, Rollers, Slats, Cords and Accessories ( 1 Shades, Window and Cloth (Accessories) (1964) Shades; Cloth, Rollers, Slats and Cords (1969) FED CCC- Shades; Roll Up (Wooden Slatted) (1969) FED Std, 141 Shafting Oil, Medium (1968) Shafting (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM Shake Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector C Shake Maker and Machines) (1971) Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine) ( 1971 ) /C. for Food Se Shake Out (1954) Shaker Top Can (1969) Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Paddle) ( 1970 Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber and Plywood) ( 1965) Shale) (1970) AASHO M91, ASTM C55 Shale) (1970?) Shale) (1970?) AASHO M-l 14 Shallow Refraction Seismic System (Scientific Equipment Shampoo Machine (1971) Shampoo, Dry Foam, Rug and Carpet ( 1969) Shampoo, Dust Mop Treatment) (1971) /Re Products (Fini Shampoo, Electric (1970) Shape (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) Shaped (1956) Shaper) (1969) Spec, for Machine Tools (Milling, (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 In.) (1968) Shapes and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-42, A-207 Shapes (for Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) /M Shapes) for Highway Construction ( 1964) /Ng Steel for Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A- 123 Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-441, A-375 Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-6, A-375 /Inter Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Strip (1970?) ASTM A-44 Shapes, Shim (1970?) ASTM B-21 1, B-209, B-221 /Ed Alum Shapes, Tubular, Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A-7 /Ec. for Sharing Computer System (Scientific Equipment) ( 1970) Shark Check) Sanforized (Textile) (1960) Sharpeners ( 1964) Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Removers, Tape and Di Sharpening, Refillable and Grease Marking Pencils and P Shaving Soap (Dispenser Use) ( 1969) FED Std. 536 Shaving (1957) Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesqu Shear Connector) (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 197 Shearling for Wax Applicator Pad Manufacture ( 1969) Shearling Pads ( 1 969 ) Spec Shears ( 1953) /C. for Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Poin Shears (1971) Shears, Bankers (1969) Shears, Brake and Folder, Buffer Polisher) (1969) /Lie Shears; T / Moistener and Tips; Letter Opener; Paste, Sheathing Paper, Rosin Sized (1964) Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Square Sheep, Goat) (1971) Sheepskin Coats (1957) Sheet and Strip (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970 Sheet and Strip (1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec for Cor Sheet and Strip, Bars, Bolt Stock (1970?) ASTM A-167, A Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway Const Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course for Highway Const Sheet Asphalt Concrete Surface Course (1971?) / Laid A MS 3236 SC HD-92 MS 3293 MS 3399 NJ 6356-02 VA DH-241 NJ 6356-01 MS 3622 IL •33M IL •29 TX 705-38-1A MA •35-85 CA 681-83-55 RI 4905-003 RI 4905-002 PA C-112 MD •15 PA S-28 NY 24400-0542 VA FB-10 RI 4905-004 PA P-125 OR 77-100-9050 VA DK-35 NY 24400-0060 TX 705-37-1A MS S- 13-64 OR 72-300-9020 PA S-124 CA 681-91-56 VA DH-231 NY 36200-0504 NY 3621 1-0205 NY 3621 1-0268 PA T-45 CA 691-77-34 PA A-4 WA S-65-90 VA DH-227 MS 3612 MS 3613 NY 38787-0821 MS M-2-7! MS S-15-69 NY 22002-0537 MS TM-4-70 TX 3 70-5 3-1 A PA B-21 NY 43201-0805 NY 43201-0182 MS 3311 VA DH-236 SC HD-72 MS 3394 MS 3310 MS 3317 MS 3306 MS 3309 MS 3336 MS 3305 NY 38716-0702 PA C-138 NC 7520-S-l FL •17 NY 38806-0414 TX 065-31-1 PA B-31 NY 20100-0289 VA DH-232 TX 685-35-1 TX 370-66-1 IL •33P IL •32YY CA 691-75-29 NY 43201-0487 FL •21 MS R-5-64-24 NY 39000-0482 NY 08701-0850 RI 4225-M-004 VA DH-238 MS 3309 MS 3312 SC HD-53 SC HD-57 SC •39 285 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Coiled Aluminum Alloy Std. Spec, for Plate and Spec, for Spec, for s, Culvert Headwalls or Aprons, Antiseepage Di/ Spec, for paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Units, Gondolas, Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Asbestos Base Spec, for Decorative and Nondecorative Laminated Plastic Std. Spec, for Blankets, Cotton Spec, for Aluminum Sign Blanks and Std. Spec, for Toilet Tissue (Roll and Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Spec, for Toilet Tissue Spec, for Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Spec, for Paper; Toilet Tissue (Roll and Spec, for Film, Black and White and Color Roll, nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting/ Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Hot or Cold Application ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Roofing, Cap Spec, for Bleached Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Flexible Reflective Spec, for Wide Unbleached Cotton 1 Spec, for Plastic Curing Blankets (White Polyethylene Std. Spec, for Muslin (Narrow Spec, for Textile, Spec, for ing Materials for Concrete (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene Spec, for Textile, Rubber Std. Spec, for Spec, for ers, Liquid, Prepared Si/ Spec, for Reflective Materials cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene dspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, r Materials for License Plates (Nonexposed Lens Reflective rs, and Toners, Letters,/ Spec, for Reflective Materials Spec, for Textile, Spec, for fedCCC-T-191 Spec, for ) Std. Spec, for idth) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for 69) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Office Supplies (Reinforced Ring Book Spec, for Std. Spec, for 1970?) Spec, for Namewoven Std. Spec, for Second Spec, for Aluminum Alloy, Coiled 971 ) Std. Spec, for Binders and Spec, for Bleached Cotton Sheeting and Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Draw Spec, for Cotton Duck Sample Sacks and Quartering Spec, for Binder Filler Spec, for Toilet Tissue, Rolls and eneral Requirements and Spec, for Aluminum Sign Blanks and Std. Spec, for Bed Std. Spec, for Division and Protector c. for Cleaners; Type (Liquid and Plastic), and Typewriter Spec, for Fabric; Non Woven (Roll and Cut Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Cases, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Draw Spec, for Bed A90 Std. Spec, for Roofing Spec, for Muslin, Spec, for Binder Filler iles (Bedspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, cc-T-191 Spec, for Bed CCC-T-191 Spec, for Tops, Etc.) (1959) NEMA LP-2-/ Std. Spec, for Decorative ema LD-1 Spec, for Plastic fing) ( 1970) UL 55B Std. Spec, for Cap Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Spec, for Vinyl Cloth (Lintex) for Table and Spec, for Folders, File, Open Sheet Brass ( 1 970?) ASTM B-36 Sheet Copper (1970?) ASTM B-152 Sheet for License Plate Stock (1969) MIL C-5541 Sheet Glass (1969) Sheet Lead (1970?) ASTM B-29 Sheet Lifters, Ring Binder (1970) Sheet Metal Products, Galvanized (Open Flumes or Gutter Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Racks, Clothing Dis Sheet Piling (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM A328 Sheet Piling (1970?) ASTM A-328 Sheet Steel (Coated) (1967) Sheet Steel (Coated) (1969) Sheet Zinc (1970?) ASTM B-69 Sheet (Built Up Roofing) (1970) FED HH-R-590a Sheet (1968) NEMA Ldl-64 Sheet (1969) Sheet (1970) ASTM B209 Sheet) and Seat Covers (1971) FED UU-P-31B Sheet) (1960) (Sheet) (1965) FED UU-P-556F Sheet) (1970) Sheet) (1971) FED UU-P-00556 Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture and Graphic Arts (1970) Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (1970?) ASTM B-21 1, B-209, B Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica Surface, Sheeting and Sheets (1954) FED CCC-T-191, DDD-S-75 1 Sheeting (Cloth, Textile) (1956) Sheeting (Enclosed Lens) (1970?) Sheeting (1961) FED CCC-T-191 B Sheeting) (Portland Cement Concrete) (1970?) AASHO M-17 Sheeting); Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Sheeting, Bleached Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Sheeting, Blend, Polyester / Cotton (1971) Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Water) (Highway Sheeting, Canvas, (Cloth) (1970?) Sheeting, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Sheeting, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1971) (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Colors and Toners and Thinn Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Burlap) for Highway C Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Tubing, Towels and Toweling, Sheeting, Protective Clear Coating and Numeral Enamel) (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Colors, Thinne Sheeting, Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Sheeting; Cloth Coated and Plastic ( 1969) Sheeting; Cotton (Wide Widths) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Sheeting; Cotton, Bleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) ( 1969 Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (Narrow W Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) (19 Sheets and Indexes) (1971) Sheets and Pillow Cases (1968) Sheets and Pillow Cases, Bed (Cotton) (1963) Sheets and Pillowcases (Monogram) (Institutional Use) Sheets Paper (Typewriter Carbon Copies) ( 1970) Sheets (License Plate Stock) (1969) Sheets (Post, Three Ring, Blue and Green Pressboard) (1 Sheets (1954) FED CCC-T-191, DDD-S-75 1 Sheets (1957) Sheets (1957) Sheets (1968) FED CCC-C-419 Sheets (1969) Sheets (1969) Sheets (1969) Sheets (1969) Sheets (1971) Sheets (1971) Std. Spe Sheets) (Textile) (1961) Sheets, and Washcloths (1971) /Loves, Suspenders, Bath Sheets, Bed, Cotton (1970) Sheets, Cotton Satinette (1969) Sheets, Hand and Bath Towels, and Washcloths (1970) Sheets, Metal (Corrugated and Ribbed Types) (1970) ASTM Sheets, Pillow Cases (1969) Sheets, Reinforced (1969) Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Tubing, Towels and T Sheets; Cotton, Bleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED C Sheets; Cotton, Unbleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) Fed Sheets; Laminated, Thermosetting (for Table and Counter Sheet; Laminated, Decorative and Nondecorative (1968) N Sheet; Mineral Surfaced (Asphalt Saturated Prepared Roo Shelf Files; Open Filing (1967) FED AA-F-00330 Shelf Filing Equipment (1969) Shelf Filing Equipment (1969) Shelf Section, Front Panel and Slide) (1971) /Units) Shelf Use (1971) Shelf (1969) MS 3331 MS 3332 WI 6130 OR 64-200-9010 MS 3335 CA 701-75-37 MS 3351 NY 21802-0317 VA DH-235 MS 3373 NY 38708-0906 NY 37808-0059 MS 3333 OR 64-500-0120 TX 435-39-1 OR 72-150-9010 SD *3 FL *33 VA DM-3B RI 5565-B-003 TX 370-61-1 PA P-59 NY 38800-0231 VA DH-236 MS 3336 MS R-5-64-12 VA FB-5 RI 4910-024 VA *35 VA FB-18 MS 3756 OR 79-100-9260 MA *35-39 NY 32902-0566 VA DH-223 MA *35-63 MS T-1A-60-29 NY 32900-0399 NY 38601-0173 SC HD-59B9 WI 9100 NY 38601-0282 NY 38601-0752 MA *35-40 PA S-20 PA S-26 OR 79-100-9340 PA S-24 OR 79-100-9350 NY 23009-0607 KS 71-1 MS S-10-63 MA *36 OR 74-300-0160 PA A-ll IL *32D VA FB-5 RI 4765-001 RI 4765-002 CA 681-83-48 CA 691-75-55 FL *7 NJ 0770-01 OR 72-150-9100 IL *32ZZ IL *32N PA C-142 FL *23 CA 701-83-12 OR 72-150-9110 TN 7210-010 OR 64-550-0010 NJ 9144-00 CA 691-75-56 WI 9100 PA S-30 PA S-43 OR 50-59-2 PA P-138 OR 64-500-0090 PA F-74 NY 27500-0332 NY 27500-0793 NY 36200-0124 NY 24700-0471 CA 691-75-65 286 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, telescopic Post Wi/ Spec. Spec. Spec, for Files, efrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Panel, Cornice, g Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, rink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, pec. for Food Service Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Std. Spec, for Egg Spec, for Steel Fiberglass Spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Spec, for Acoustical Spec, for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Spec, for Std. Spec, for (All Purpose) for Coloring Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, xed Paints, Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative , Recording Current, Salinity, Research) ( 197/ Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Pile Spec, for Diamond Core Drilling Bits and Reaming Spec, for Choral . for School Furniture Parts (Plastic and Fiberglass Chair for Clothing, Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Spec, for Open Spec, for Library Spec, for Store Fixtures (Cases, for Store Fixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall for Office Furniture, Pole Display System for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Spec, for Book Spec, for Library Spec, for Wood Spec, for Shop Furniture hop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Spec, for Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Metal Spec, for Library Spec, for Steel Library Spec, for Library Spec, for Library Std. Spec, for Open File Std. Spec, for Steel Industrial Spec, for Library Spec, for Steel Lockers and Spec, for Steel Spec, for Wood Std. Spec, for Bracket Type Library Spec, for Steel Spec, for Library Stacks; Steel Spec, for Wood Spec, for Steel Spec, for Wood Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Library Std. Spec, for Finishing; Steel Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Library Spec, for Mezzanine ne Floor Systems (NYS Std.) (1967) Spec, for y) (1970) Spec, for Island and Display Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Costume/ Spec, for Office Furniture (Bookcases and Steel Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Body Complete with Cab Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck Body Complete with Cab Spec, for Aluminum Route Marker spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Spec, for Radiation uid Adhesive; Wire Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Std. Spec, for Steel Eraser goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), Face , Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook,^xpansion . Std. 151 Spec, for Badge and Spec, for Dresses, esel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, Torque Convertor or Power s, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, System) (1969) FED Std./ 968) Shelf, Cabinet, Lateral, Steel (1970) Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, Undercount Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee Warmer) (1969) /An, Soft D Shelf, Mobile Table Extension) (1968) Shell Enamel (Interior, Low Odor, Paint) ( 1969) Shell Stacking Chairs (1969) Shell (Chick Size) (1963) Shell (Choral) (1971) Shell (Hen Size) (1963) Shellac Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Shellac Varnish (1970) Shellac, Lacquer and New Synthetics ( 1966) FED Std. 141 (Shellac, Varnish, Remover) (1971) Spec, for Ready Mi Shellfish Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Water Sampl Shells for Concrete Piling (1970?) Shells (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) Shells (1965) Shells, Chorus Risers, Percussion Center ( 1970) Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Tablet Arms) ( 1 Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, T-S Shelter and Park Bench (1970) Shelves (1966) Shelves, Counter) (1970) Shelves, Counter, Gondolas, Cornice) (1970) Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Shelves, Display Case) (1971) (Shelves, Panels and Lamps) ( 1971 ) Shelves, Showcases) (1968) Shelves, Wood (1971) Shelving and Accessories ( 1969) Shelving and Brackets (1970?) (Shelving and Storage Units) (1968) Shelving and Storage) (1969) Spec, for S Shelving Tops and End Panels ( 1971 ) Shelving (Library) (1968) Shelving (Library) (1968) Shelving (Library) (1969) Shelving (Library) (1969) Shelving (Metal) (1968) Shelving (Office Furniture) (1969) Shelving (Steel and Wood) (1968) Shelving (Steel) (1968) Shelving (Steel) (1970) Shelving (Warehouse, Stockroom, Etc.) (1970) Shelving (1968) Shelving (1969) Shelving (1969) Shelving (1969) Shelving (1970) Shelving (1970?) (Shelving) (1968) Shelving, and Brackets ( 1971 ) Shelving, Library (1969) Shelving, Library (1969) Shelving, Library, Steel (Bracket Type) (1970) Shelving, Library, Steel (Bracket Type) (1970) Shelving, Metal (1968) Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar Equipment (Paint (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Counters, Assembly Gate) ( 1 Shelving, Refrigerator and Freezer ( 1970) Shelving, Refrigerator (1968) Shelving, Refrigerator ( 197 1 ) Shelving, Steel (Clip Type) (1968) Shelving, Steel (Clip Type) ( 1969) Shelving, Steel (Periodical Display) (1968) Shelving, Steel (1971) Shelving, Steel, Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzani Shelving, Steel, Clip Type and Steel Lockers (Universit Shelving, Tubular Railing) (College) (1969) /Gondolas. Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Shield and Double Arm Type Hydraulic Hoist (1971) Shield and Double Arm Type Hvraulic Hoist ( 1970) Shield Blanks (Highway) (1971) ASTM B-209 Shielded Head in Cable (1971) Shielded Lead-in Cable ( 197 1 ) Shielding Blocks (1971) ASTM C 140. CI 45 Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Shields (1970) Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Dispenser for Cleaning Shields, Molly Anchors, Threaded Rod. Nails) (1970) /S Shield; Identification (Police) (1967) MIL R-46085. Fed Shift and Swirl Types (1969) Shift) (1970?) Spec, for Hea\y Duts Di Shim (1970?) ASTM B-2 1 1 . B-209, B-22 1 /Ed Aluminum Bar Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled and Extruded Sir MI 3744-S1 NY 36200-0787 NY 36200-0420 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0735 OR 77-100-9240 RI 1-027A MI 4340-0103 NY 30202-0897 MI 4340-0102 VA DK-20A MS PM-3 WA S-66-97 NY 38000-0041 NY 49602-0862 MS 3371 VA DH-234 NJ 4121-01 NY 30202-0657 NY 27002-0728 OR 82-700-9010 NY 30200-0415 PA S-122 NY 21802-0459 NY 21802-0581 NY 21802-0347 NY 21802-0077 NY 21701-0053 NY 21802-0161 NY 27501-0299 NE •1 NY 27501-0082 NY 35100-0178 NY 35100-0775 NY 27504-0636 NY 27500-0749 NY 27500-0855 NY 27500-0776 NY 27500-0897 NY 27500-0836 RI 1-025 NY 27500-0790 NY 27500-0867 OR 43-400-0020 OR 4 3-400-0010 NY 27500-0853 NY 27500-0788 NY 27500-0943 NY 27501-0343 OR 43-400-0030 NY 27500-0269 PA L-45 NY 2750I-OU54 NY 27500-0429 NY 27501-0878 NY 27500-0658 NY 27504-0160 NY 27500-0699 OR 77-100-9280 NY 21802-0733 NY 27502-0642 N^ 27503-0700 NY 27503-0826 NY 27500-0691 NY 27500-0877 NY 27500-(J"~: N^ 27500-0101 NY 27500-039 1 NY 27500-0482 NY 21802-0333 AK •53 SC •10 SC 22-600 NY 37817-0166 NY 35816-0215 NY 35816-0213 NY 33703-0420 NY 23000-0633 IL •32BB NY 39012-0491 NJ 5108-00 PA B-140 NY 40038-0258 VA •7 MS 3336 VA DH-236 287 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ngs, Caulking, Ins/ 325 Lb. (1970) ble Coverage, 220-230 Lb. (1970) Fed/ square Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1/ rfaced, 275-300 Lb. (1970) FED SS-S-/ , 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. Std(1964) , 250 L.B. (1970) ASTM D-225-62 1970) ASTM D-225-62 tardant) (NYS Std.) (/ Spec, for Building Materials (Asphalt Spec, for Slate Roofing; Spec, for Roofing; Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Std. Spec, for Roof Spec, for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Std. Spec, for Asphalt Std. Spec, for Spec, for Seismic Profiling System c. for Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Spec, for Cartons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Spec, for Fiber Case; ec. for Livestock and Poultry Feed Inspection, Packing and Spec, for Cans; Coal Sample terial Spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Sand, Spec, for Laundry Equipment washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Spec, for Long Sleeve Uniform Std. Spec, for Untrimmed Winter Unform Std. Spec, for Summer Uniform Std. Spec, for Summer Uniform Std. Spec, for Winter Trimmed Uniform Spec, for Short Sleeve Summer Spec, for Chino Cotton Twill Spec, for Textile, Khaki Spec, for Cotton Chambray Spec, for Cotton Poplin Tent. Spec, for Striped Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Tent. Spec, for Textile, White Oxford Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Spec, for Textile, Striped Std. Spec, for Flannel Spec, for Men's Winter Underwear Spec, for Twill Spec, for Twill Spec, for Cotton Knit Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Long Sleeve Poplin Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Short Sleeve Poplin Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Short Sleeve Poplin Spec, for Boys' Knit Spec, for Flannel Spec, for Cotton Knit Spec, for Dress Spec, for Knit Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Spec, for Men's and Boys' Dress Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Spec, for Chair Spec, for Knit and Sport Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Men's and Boys' Cotton Flannel Spec, for Men's and Boys' Long Sleeve Polo Spec, for Men's and Boys' Short Sleeve Polo Spec, for Men's Dress Spec, for Men's and Boys' Athletic Spec, for Men's Cotton Twill Spec, for Boys' Cotton Twill Spec, for Men's and Boys" Tee ec. for Highway Patrol Police Short Sleeve Dacron and Wool Spec, for Girls' Polo Spec, for Men's and Boys' Permanent Press Sport Spec, for Men's and Boys' Polo Spec, for men's and Boys' Tee Spec, for Long Sleeve Poplin Spec, for Knit Spec, for Knit Spec for Highway Patrol (Uniform) Tent. Spec, for d. Spec, for Clothing, Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Spec, for Athletic Clothing (Gym Pants and Spec, for Laundry Presses; Commercial 571a c-T-191 Shingles and Roll Roofing, Paper, Roof Cement and Coati Shingles and tiles (1960) ASTM C121, C120, C217 Shingles, Asphalt (1968) Shingles, Asphalt, Class a Fire, Mineral Surfaced, 300- Shingles, Asphalt, Self Lock Type, Mineral Surface, Dou Shingles, Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Shingles, Asphalt, Square Butt, Extra Heavy, Mineral Su Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced Shingles, Hip and Ridge, 9 X 12 In., Mineral Surfaced Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire Re Shingles; Square Tab (1970) UL 55B Ship Soap (Nonalkaline) (1953) (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Subbottom Mapping) (1969) Shipment) (1957) Spe Shipping Continuous and Snap Out Forms (Printed) (1963) Shipping Double License Plates (1956) Shipping License Plates ( 1956) Shipping or Mailing, 16mm Motion Picture Film (1970) Shipping (1963) Sp (Shipping) ( 1970) FED 00-S-775D Ships, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) ( 1971 ) /C. for Ma (Shirt Finishing Unit, Press) (1971) Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Folders and S Shirt (Departmental) (Clothing) (1970?) Shirt (Departmental) (1971) Shirt (Departmental) (1971) Shirt (Police and Departmental) ( 1 97 1 ) Shirt (Police and Departmental) (1971) Shirt, Uniform (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) Shirting and Suiting ( 197 1 ) Shirting (Cloth) (1970?) Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Shirting (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Shirting (Special) (Cloth) (1970?) Shirting, Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Shirting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Shirting, Green (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Shirting, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Shirting; Woven Plaid (Cloth, Textile) (1969) (Shirts and Drawers) (1965) Shirts and Trousers (Men's and Boys') (1970) Shirts and Walk Shorts (Men's and Boys') ( 1970) Shirts (Crew Neck) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Shirts (Dark Blue Chambray) (1970) Shirts (Departmental) (1968) Shirts (Departmental) (1970) Shirts (Departmental) (1970) Shirts (Departmental) (1971) Shirts (Departmental) (1971) Shirts (Fish Warden) (1969) FED V-B-871, Std. 191, Std. Shirts (Institutional) (1968) Shirts (Jersey) (1957) Shirts (Men's and Boys') ( 1969) Shirts (Men's and Boys') (1969) Shirts (Men's and Boys') (1971) Shirts (Men's) (School) (1971) Shirts (Permanent Press Army Twill) (1967) Shirts (Permanent Press) (1969) Shirts (Permanent Press) (1969) Shirts (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) (1960) Shirts (Restrainers) (1971) Shirts (School) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Shirts (State Police) (1970) Shirts (Winter) (Optional) (State Police) (1960) FED Cc Shirts (1957) Shirts (1957) Shirts (1960) Shirts (1960) Shirts (1960) Shirts (1962) Shirts (1962) Shirts (1962) Shirts (1969) Sp Shirts (1970) Shirts (1970) Shirts (1970) Shirts (1970) Shirts (1971) Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971) Shirts, Crew Neck (Men's and Boys') (School) (1971) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a (Dacron and Wool) (1971) Shirts, Men's Work (1964) Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Support Shirts, Sweat Socks, Sweatshirts) ( 1971 ) Shirts, Trousers (Cabinet Type) (1968) NY 31827-0529 PA R-19 PA R-17 MS R-5-64-5 MS R_5_64-6 MS R-5-64-2 MS R-5-64-4 MS R-5-64-1 MS R-5-64-3 MS R_5_64-7 NY 37513-0851 OR 64-500-0070 MS S-2-53-2 NY 12099-0903 PA L-37 MI 4811-0067 MI 417-10 MI 417-11 PA C-113 MI 4340 PA C-102 NY 41000-0509 NY 36501-0885 NY 00365-0200 MA *34 WA S-64-78-D WA S-64-81-D WA S-64-76-C WA S-64-77-C MA *33 NY 32601-0251 MA *35-45 RI 4910-005 RI 4910-023 MA *35-90 RI 4910-030 MA *35-87 RI 4910-027 MA *35-52 OR 79-100-9200 RI 4287-M-007 NY 40010-0673 NY 40010-0477 NY 40009-0035 RI 4265-M-003 NY 39302-0420 NY 39302-0371 SC 03-030-1152 NY 39302-0297 SC 03-030-1 152A PA U-18 SC 03-030-0211 RI 4265-M-006 NY 40008-0083 NY 40009-0457 NY 40007-0318 NY 40009-0495 RI 4265-M-002A RI 4265-M-001 RI 4265-M-002 RI 4265-M-004 NY 40010-0898 NY 40009-0081 NY 39303-0646 PA U-21 RI 4265-M-005 RI 4265-M-008 RI 4260-M-009 RI 4265-M-001A RI 4287-M-003 RI 4265-M-012 RI 4265-M-013 RI 4287-M-014 SC 03-030 RI 4265-F-002 RI 4265-M-011 RI 4265-M-014 RI 4287-M-001 SC *1 NY 40009-0494 NY 40009-0568 SC •4 KS 81-1 OR 82-700-9010 NY 40015-0317 PA P-159 288 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Uniform -191 Spec, for Uniform -871a Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Dress Spec, for Work Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for White Drill ndkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Straight, and Safety Pins; Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Footware Lace (Cotton And/or Synthetic) Spec, for Leather; Calf, Full Grain (Chrome Tanned) spec, for Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Tanned) Spec, for Leather; Kid, Glazed (Chrome Tanned) Spec, for Leather; Sides (Chrome Tanned) des. Oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) Is, Oxford (1/ Std. Spec, for Rubber and Canvas Footware Spec, for Elastomer Heels Spec, for Elastomer Soles, Men's Spec, for Bases for Half Heels, Men's Spec, for Slippers, Nylnit, Snug Spec, for Black Calf Oxford for Highway Patrol Police by Blankets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Slippers Spec, for ttle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Spec, for Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Polish, Spec, for Snow Plow Std. Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Spec, for Men's Dress Spec, for Men's and Boys" Dress Spec, for Foundry Safety 68 Spec, for Timber Piles and Spec, for Men's Work Spec, for Women's and Girls' Spec, for Women's Spec, for Boys" and Men's Dress 68) Spec, for Spec, for Women's Dress Spec, for Men's ctics) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Men's High Laced Dress Spec, for State Police Std. Spec, for Spec, for Women's and Misses" Dress Oxford Spec, for Women's and Misses" Loafer Spec, for Canvas Spec, for Institutional Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys" Service and Dress Spec, for Sneakers, Boots, Rubbers . for Men's and Boys" Casuals (Oxford Style, Crepe Outsole ball, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country and Training Std. Spec, for Spec, for Leather Footwear and Washable Slippers Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for . 191, Std. 311 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Beauty Parlor and Barber Spec, for Fans, Industrial (Welding Spec, for Bin Shelving and Storage) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for d, Pigeon Hole Units) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Washing Compound for Industrial Wiping Cloths, Spec, for Interior Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Presses, Tailor Spec, for Air System, Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Truck Tractors with Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Shirts, Wool (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) Shirts; Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Shirts; Permanent Press (State Police) (1967) FED CCC-T Shirts? Work (Chambray, Blue ) ( 1 969 ) FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 V-B Shoe Laces (1953) Shoe Laces (1960) Shoe Laces (I960) Shoe Laces (1971) Shoe Leather; Sole, Vegetable Tanned (1969) (Shoe Lining) (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes Shoe Polishing and Dauber (1956) (Shoe String) (1971) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Shoe Upper) (1969) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Spec, for Leather; Si (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, Tennis Bal (Shoe) (1966) (Shoe) (1966) (Shoe) (1966) ASTM D676, D1484, FED Std 601 (Shoe) (1967) (Shoe) (1969) (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Ba Shoe, Dress, Men's Oxford (1969) Shoe, Floor Sweep) (1960) /. for Household Brushes (Bo Shoe, Floor, Street, and Garage (1966) Shoe, Men's Black Dress, Work Oxford (1969) Shoe, Men's Russet Leather Work Oxford (1969) Shoe, Men's Work, 6 In. Russet, Leather (1969) Shoe, Paste (1953) Shoes and Attachments ( 197 1 ) Shoes and Footwear (Leather) (Institutional) ( 197 1 ) Shoes (Alpine or Tyrollean Style) (1968) Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) Institutional Use) (1957) Shoes (Blucher Oxford Style) (1957) Shoes (Boot), Oil Resistant, Steel Toe (1970?) Shoes (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO M 1 Shoes (Institutional Use) (1957) Shoes (Institutional Use) (1971) Shoes (Juliette Type) (1969) Shoes (Loafer, Moccasin Type) (1958) Shoes (Motor Vehicle Examiner Safety Toe) (Uniform) ( 19 Shoes (Nurse Type Oxford) (1969) Shoes (Romeo Type) (1956) Shoes (Saddle Oxfords, Canvas, Overshoes, Boots, and Ar Shoes (1956) Shoes (1964) Shoes (1968) Shoes (1969) Shoes (1969) Shoes (1970) Shoes (1970?) Shoes (1970?) Shoes (1971) (Shoes) (Men's, Women's, Children's) (1970?) Shoes) (1960) Spec Shoes) (1971) /L and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Foot Shoes, Dress, Oxford, Men's and Boys" ( 1968) (Shoes, Oxfords, Loafers) ( 197 1 ) Shoes, Slippers, and Boots ( 197 1 ) Shoes, Work, Men's (1968) Shoeshop Supplies (1953) Shoes; Canvas (1967) Shoes; Ladies" Oxford, Blucher (1970) FED KK-L-165, Std Shoes; Men's Oxford (1970) FED KK-L-165 Shop Air Compressor ( 1970) Shop Coat Primer, Dull Orange (Metal, Paint) (1970°) Shop Coat, Red Lead (Metal Primer Paint) ( 1970?) Shop Equipment (1971) Shop Exhaust System) (Hoods and Blower) ( 1970) Shop Furniture (Benches and Assemblies) ( 1968) Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk. Shop Furniture (Shelving and Storage Units) ( 1968) Shop Furniture (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack En Shop Furniture (1968) Shop Overalls, and Uniforms (1969) Shop Paint, Gray (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std 595 Shop Towels; Cotton (Cloths) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Shop (Institutional Use) (1952) Shop, Electric Motor Driven (Compressor) (1968) Short Conventional Cab and 5Th Wheel) ( 1970) Short Sleeve Dacron and Wool Shirts ( 1969) Short Sleeve Polo Shirts (1960) Short Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Departmental) ( 1971 ) MA •31 PA U-20 PA U-37 PA S-88 IL •33L Rl 4790-001 RI 4790-002 NY 40017-0525 PA L-24 MA •35-1 1 FL •25 PA B-29 PA L-40 PA L-29 PA L-30 PA L-31 PA L-32 PA L-33 IL •27 TX 420-39-IA TX 420-39-3A TX 420-39-2 NJ •5 SC 03-040 MA •39 CA 691-84-04 VA C-4 KY 7920-2 CA 691-84-02 CA 691-84-05 CA 691-84-03 MS P-7 NY 40902-0412 OR 82-300-1010 RI 4268-M-002 RI 4268-M-OII RI 4268-M-OIO MA •18 VA DH-245 RI 4268-M-00I TN •4 RI 4268-F-015 RI 4268-M-014 NJ 3 370-00 RI 4268-F-O10 RI 4268-M-013 TN •6 RI 4268-M-012 NJ 3360-00 IL •14 RI 4268-F-Oll RI 4268-F-013 CA 701-84-10 GA 8430-4-1 KY 8430-1 TN •5 MA •38 RI 4268-M-05'' NY 30200-0073 CT 3370-S-54C NY 34900-0175 FL •24 CT 3370-S-39D IL •15 PA S-120 PA S-103 PA S-102 NE •41 MS 3509 MS 3506 NY 30700-0474 NY 21301-0546 NY 35100-0195 NY 35100-0775 M\ 35100-0178 NY 35100-0684 NY 35100-0667 VA L-4 MS 3541 PA T-59 PA P-106 NJ 6524-04 NY 40500-0479 SC 03-030 RI 4260-M-O09 SC 03-030-1 152A 289 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for lice) (1970?) Spec, for 70) Spec, for pec. for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and n's and Boys' All Purpose Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and pec. for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Twill Shirts and Walk Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Men's Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Boys' and Men's Spec, for Men's and Boys' Gripper Style Spec, for Men's and Boys' Boxer Style s, Jackets, Socks, Su/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Athletic Spec, for Spec, for Paperweights, (1968) FED KK-L-31 la Spec, for Sam Browne Belt, * Spec, for Sam Browne Police Belt and Std. Spec, for Leather Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Minimum Spec, for Grader Mounted Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor 15 Ton Crane, Clamshell, Dragline and Backhoe/ Spec, for Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Check Out Counter, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Shelves, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, , Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, Tables, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wallcases, tures (Book, Display and Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, s (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Std. Spec, for on, Plastic, and Hooks (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Brushes, ce Delimer Acid Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, for Hospital Equipment, Wheeled (Special Purpose Chairs) Spec, for Urethane, Spec, for Tobacco ditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil r Appurtenances; Providing New Wells; Transplant of Trees, fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, ?) Spec, for Plant Stock (Trees, Spec, for Cotton Denim Cloth Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Corduroy (Dyed and Spec, for Denim (Cloth, Textile) Spec, for Cotton Denim Cloth Std. Spec, for Tatting ) (1970) Spec, for Wheel Type Tractor with tary Cultivator Attachmen/ Spec, for Tractor, with 42 In. Spec, for Tractor with spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredder, r (196/ Spec, for Tractor, Mounted with Loader, Hydraulic Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chairs Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal Spec, for Aluminum Arm Chair Spec, for Aluminum Armless Spec, for Aluminum Armless Reception Room Spec, for Steel Spec, for Wood Armless Spec, for Wood Arm Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wood Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive Armless Spec, for Lounge Furniture (Seating Units, Spec, for Steel re) (1969) Spec, for e)(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Concrete Mixer, 6 cu. Ft., Spec, for Laundry Machines Washwheels (Unloading Type, Spec, for Machines; Washing, Laundry (Standard Type, ommercial Laundry Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection Trucks) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine Spec, for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine . for Tractor Mower (Heavy Industrial Type, Left and Right Short Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Institutional) (1968) Short Sleeve Summer Shirt, Uniform (Clothing) (State Po Short Wheel Base Truck Chassis with All Wheel Drive (19 Short) (1957) Short) (1957) Spec, for Me Short), Steel Toe (1961) Shorts (Briefs) (Men's and Boys') (Departmental) (1971) Shorts (Briefs) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Shorts (Denim and Twill) (1957) Shorts (Men's and Boys') (1970) Shorts (Twill and Denim) (1957) Shorts (Twill) (1962) Shorts (Twill) (1962) Shorts (Twill) (1970) Shorts (1960) Shorts (1960) (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suit Shortwave Radio Receiver (State Police) (1971) Shot Filled, Leather Bag (1969) Shoulder Strap and Revolver Holster (Police), Complete Shoulder Strap (1968) Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sap) Shouldering (1970) Shoulders and Slopes for Highway Construction ( 1964) Shovel and Classifications ( 1971 ) Shovel and Classifications (1971) Shovel (Backhoe) (1971) Shove! (Cab, Backhoe) (1969) Shovel (1969) Shovel (6X4 Carrier Mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to Showcase, Shelving, Tubular Railing) (College) (1969) Showcases) (1968) Showcases, Counters, Assembly Gate) (1968) Showcases, Counters, Wire Dividers) (1969) /Book Drop Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Single Action Gate) (1969) Showcases, Shelves, Counter, Gondolas, Cornice) (1970) Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Contro Showcases, Telescopic Post with Signs and Canister, Cor Shower Curtains, Cotton Duck (1969) Shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nyl Shower Feed for Rotary Floor Machine (1968) Shower Room, Swimming Pool Deck, Etc.) (1971) (Shower, Multipurpose Mobile Chair Table) ( 1971 ) Shredded Cellular Foam (1969) (Shredded, Cigarette and Pipe) (1971) Shredder, Sickle Bar Sections) (Machinery) (1971) Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Highway Construction (1964) Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint A Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Roadside Landscape (1970 (Shrunk) (Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Shrunk) (1963) (Shrunk) (1971) (Shrunk, 1 1 1/4 Oz.) (Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T-191B Shuttles (1953) Sickle Bar Attachment (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Mower Sickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary Snowblower, 26 in Ro Sickle Bar Mower (1970) Sickle Bar Sections) (Machinery) (1971) /Conditioner, Sickle Mower, and Tow Type Heavy Duty Flail Safety Mowe (Side Arm) (1970) Side Chair (General Office, with Arms) (1970?) Side Chair (General Office, Without Arms) (1970?) Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Side Chair (Office Furniture) (1969) Side Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1963) Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Side Chairs, Benches and Tables) ( 1970) Side Chairs; Slat Back (Institutional Use) (1969) Side Chairs; Steel, Armchair, Executive (Office Furnitu Side Chairs; Steel, Armless, Executive (Office Furnitur Side Delivery Rake, Farm Equipment (1960) Side Discharge (1966) Side Loading) (Institutional Use) (1968) Side Loading) (1967) Side Loading) (1970) / End Loading) (1970) Spec, for C (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Unloading) (Side Loading, Unloading Type) ( 1970) (Side Loading, 42 In. Diameter Cylinder) (1970) (Side Loading, 60 In. Diameter Cylinder) (1970) Side Mounted Cutter Bars) (1970?) Spec /D Surfa Spec. /Con SC MA NE RI RI RI NY NY RI NY RI RI RI RI RI RI OR NY CA PA TX OR NM SC NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY OR PA KY MS NY CA NY NY SC VA MS TX PA PA TX IL SC NJ NE NY NJ TX NV NV RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI PA RI RI RI PA NJ PA PA TX NY NY TX TX TX VA 03-030-0211 *33 *50 4268-M-075 4268-M-076 4268-M-077 40031-0561 40031-0472 4284-M-014 40010-0477 4284-F-004 4287-M-012 4287-M-013 4284-M-013 4287-M-004 4287-M-005 82-700-9010 38211-0631 691-75-30 B-142 550-4 1-1 A 79-350-9010 *6 HD-21 40603-0129 40603-0382 40603-0753 40603-0137 40603-0917 41100-0914 21802-0333 21802-0161 21802-0733 21802-0181 21802-0993 21802-0581 21802-0370 21802-0347 72-150-9120 C-155 7910-9 D-20A-7 1 11613-0331 691-83-30 02301-0421 08200 HD-125 DH-257 3861 685-34-7 C-53 D-2 685-34-12 *33Q 14-260C 4938-32 *34 08200 4938-14 295-52-3 7110-5 7110-6 2-004 2-005 2-006 1-019 3-008 3-009 3-010 3-011 4-013 F-69 1-020 1-012 1-013 E-14 4938-54 M-28 M-3 400-48-2A 40534-0448 40534-0452 400-49-4A 400-49-2A 400-49-3A ♦18 290 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards a) (Shoe Upper) (1969) ist) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123 pec. Spec, for Mower, Spec, for Rails, Bed (Safety ec. for Ash and Garbage Cans and Covers (Corrugated, Taper Spec, for Leather; Elk, Spec, for Leather; Spec, for Platform Truck with Rack .V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoisf and Body with Drop Spec, for Platform Truck with Rack Spec, for Leather; Spec, for Bed Spec, for Bituminous Material (Pavements, \) Std. Spec, for Reset r Removal and Disposal of Existing Brick, Cement Concrete, 34) Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete Spec, for Dowel Bars (Concrete Pavements, Spec, for Burnt ttles, Ladles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Spec, for Beach Cleaner (Tractor Drawn) akery Equipment and Machinery (Portable, Commercial, Power 1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Spec, for (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. 595 Spec, for Spec, for Highway Metal ) Spec, for Glass Spheres, Highway Traffic 70) Spec, for Small Spec, for Aluminum General Requirements and Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Std. Spec, for Detergent Highway Road Spec, for (1970?) FED TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 Spec, for ed TT-E-489 Spec, for Metal jns and Markers ( 1969) Spec, for White jns and Markers ( 1969) Spec, for Yellow ric Film, Colors and Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Spec, for Plywood, Spec, for Timber Posts for Break Away Road Spec, for Interstate Green Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Flanged Channel Spec, for Steel Fence and for Bridge Paint, Ready Mixed Aluminum, (Finish Coat) Spec, for Galvanized U-Section Metal Spec, for Metal Delineator and Spec, for Metal Spec, for Detergent, Spec, for Wood Primer (Paint), White il-402, ASTM B-8 Spec, for Highway Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Campus Std. Spec, for Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Traffic Cones, Plastic Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic ds (Fabric), Suiting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Std. Spec, for File Spec, for Traffic Control Equipment , Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post with hite Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Mow Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) Spec, for Traffic Spec, for Reflectorized Cut Out Figures and Spec, for Lottery Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Touch Up for Porcelain Enameled Spec, for Textile, Black Spec, for Cloth; Cotton ham, Padding (Canvas), Percale, Pique, Sateen, Seersucker, id Cleaner Manufacture ( 1966) Spec, for )68) fcpec. for Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Lithium Sodium Spec, for lannel CATV - Baseband Video) ( 1971 ) n Cable (1971) n Cable (1971) Sp /R, Ke Spec, for B Side Mounted Rotary, 3 Spinner (1968) Side) Telescoping (1969) Side, Zinc Coated) (1970) Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Sides (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Sides ( 10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Sides (1967) Spec, for Truck, 27,000 G Sides (22,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Sides, Oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tan Sides, Safety Rails (1970) Sidewalk) (1970?) Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter for Highway Construction ( 19 Sidewalk, Curb, or Pavement for Highway Construction ( 1 Sidewalk, Driveway and Median (Highway Construction) ( 1 Sidewalks) (1970?) AASHO M-31, M-42, M-53 Sienna Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Paddle) ( 1970) (Sifter) (1969) Sifters) (1971) Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), White (Baking, Air Dry) Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Yellow (Baking, Air Dry- Sign and Marker Primer (Paint) (1970?) Sign and Marker, Reflection and Refraction (Beads) (196 Sign and Nameplate Material, Plastic Engraving Stock ( 1 Sign Blanks and Sheet (1970) ASTM B209 Sign Blanks and Sheets (1969) Sign Cleaner, Pressure Spray Type (1963) Sign Cleaning, Liquid, Spray (1964) Sign Enamel (Paint), Black Stencil ( 1970?) Sign Enamel (Paint), Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) Sign Enamel (Paint), Interstate Green (Baking) (1970?) Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) S Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (Road) S Sign Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Transparent Silk Scr Sign Grade (Highway) (1970) Sign Installations (1970) Sign Paint (Highway) (1965) Sign Post, Black, Wood or Metal (1969) Sign Post, Yellow, Wood or Metal (1969) Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Steel) (Delineator, Guide P Sign Posts ( 1 970) ASTM A 1 07, A499, A 1 23 Sign Posts (1970?) Sign Posts (1970?) ASTM A15, A499, A123 Sign Posts, Flanged Channel Bar (1967) Sign Primer (Paint, Commercial) (1970?) MIL P-8585 Sign Washing (1969) (Sign) (1970?) FED TT-P-659 Signal Cable and Electrical Conductors ( 1970?) IPCEA S- Signal Controller - Electromechanical ( 1964) Signal Controllers - Electronic ( 1964) Signal Controllers (Dispatcher 1826 D-AR) (1964) Signal Controllers ( 1022 Dispatcher) (1964) Signal Controllers (1033 Dispatcher) (1964) Signal Controllers, Indications and Paint ( 1969) Signal Distribution System (Cable Television) ( 12 VHF C Signal Dots (1971) Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Head Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shielded Lead- Signal Equipment - Solid State Controllers (1971) Signal Equipment (Detectors) (1970) Signal Equipment (Heads, Beacons, Etc.) ( 1971 ) Signal Equipment, Actuated Controllers ( 1971 ) (Signal Marker) (1970) Signal, Dark Olive Green (1969) Signal, Dimity, Flannel, Gingham, Padding (Canvas), Per Signal, Lusterless Black ( 1969) Signal, Yellow (1969) Signals (1971) (Signals) (1966) Signs and Canister, Cornice Letters) ( 1969) Signs and Markers (1969) Signs and Markers (1969) Signs and Markers (1970?) Signs (Letters, Digits and Symbols) and Reflectors ( 197 Signs (Plastic and Enameled Aluminum) ( 1971 ) Signs (1969) Silesia (Cotton Lining) (Cloth) ( 1970?) Silesia (Textile) (1968) Silesia, (Batiste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth. Cambric, C / Counters Spec Spec for \s for Ye Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil ca Flour (200 Mesh) for Household Scouring Powder A ca Powder in Compounding Kitchen Scouring Powder | 1 cate Paint, Lithium Sodium Silicate (1969) cate Paint, Polyorgano Siloxone ( 1969) cate Solution ( 1967) cate (1969) cated Laundry Detergent ( 1971 ) NJ NJ TX PA PA NH NJ NH PA NY MS SC sc SC MS CA PA NY NY MS MS MS IN NY SD NJ NJ MS MS MS MS MI MI NY MD MD MD CA CA MS SD MS SC MD MS CA MS MS NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NY IL NY NY NY N^ M NY NJ CA NY CA CA IL SC NY MI Ml MS NY NY CA MA PA N^ T\ CA CA CA TX CA NY 4938-59 3712-02 325-47-1A L-30 L-32 6536-020 4938-102 6536-021 L-33 20303-0587 3151 HD-115 HD-116 HD-1 13 3302 691-80-88 A-4 41600-0468 31200-0352 3571 3572 3512 •5 38611-0685 •3 0770-01 4938-58 D-4-64 3583 3573 3574 5325-S32 5325-S33 38601-0173 •7 •8 •3 691-80-09 691-80-08 3401 •4 3528 39-110-1002 •12 3514 691-77-74 3513 3806 2548-01 2548-00 2548-05 2548-06 2548-07 2548-04 38221-0321 •32Z 35816-0215 35816-0213 35817-0414 35814-0468 35813-0072 358I4-O043 0750-00 691-80-17 32600-0622 691-80-16 691-80-18 •32AAA 39-200 21802-0347 5325-S32 5325-S33 3352 38606-0203 38600-04 31 691-80-90 •35-17 C-116 32600-0622 371-62-1 681-66-15 691-80-55 691-80-56 371-73-1 A 691-80-55 20107-0109 291 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 20 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Basic Lead Spec, for Primer (Paint), Basic Lead Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Laundry Sour Ammonium washing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc 953) Std. Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Ammonium Type Laundry Sour ilicofluoride Fluosilicate, Soda Ash, Sodium Metasilicate, Spec, for Cloth and Paper (Combination); Backed, Abrasive or Coated Abrasives (Flint, Emery, Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Spec, for Abrasive Cloth (Aluminum Oxide and ives (Cloth and Paper): Aluminum Oxide, Flint (Sandpaper), Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, ructural Masonry (1967) ASTM CI 09, FED TT-P-14/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paint, Spec, for d, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Transparent ribbons for Electronic Data Processing Equipment Printers Spec, for Farm Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Polyorgano d 35mm and Processing and Furnishing Negative and Positive able, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and g Negative and Pos/ Spec, for Microfilm (Black and White, r Insecticides, Chlordane Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Cold Counter and / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Tray and Spec, for Dishwashing Equipment, Commercial Spec, for Table Flatware (Stainless Steel and box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydraulic Spec, for Alcohol Breath Testing Meter with Spec, for Boiler Feedwater and Combustion Control Spec, for Air Compressor (Two Stage, splay Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Spec, for Ladders; Wood or Metal Spec, for Tandem Trailer Dolly, Std. Spec, for hniques / Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for hniques / Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for ucatio/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System for Powder and rposes) (1968) Spec, for Automatic th Computer and Teletype) (Education/ Spec, for Automatic ent Beam Monochromator (Integration / Spec, for Automatic Std. Spec, for Paper Towels Spec, for Crane, Trollies and Hoists nsi Z70.1-55 Spec, for Sterile ansiZ70.1-55 Spec, for Sterile ansiZ70.1-55 Spec, for Sterile needles ( 1 964) ANSI Z70. 1-55 Spec, for Sterile Spec, for Fire Hose, fire Hose (1971) Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Std. Spec, for Hose, Spec, for Sprayer, Self Propelled, stliner)/ Spec, for Spray Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Spec, for Welder, freezer / Std. Spec, for Walk-in Cooler, Holding Freezer, UL 197 Spec, for Urn; Coffee Maker, Automatic, Spec, for Clerical Metal head Assembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) (19/ Spec, for head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling / Spec, for stem (1971) ' Spec, for stem (Hospital) (1969) Spec, for ill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Std. Spec, for Wallets (Tie, Expanding, spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Spec, for Truck Chassis with al) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Spreader (Auger Feed, en) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Air Compressor Std. Spec, for Dishwasher Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Electric, Std. Spec, for Dishwasher Std. Spec, for Dishwasher prime) for Highway / Std. Spec, for Bituminous Surfacing ith Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Work Cabinet, Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Work Tables and Stations, cabinets, Mobile Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Spec, for Brushes; Pot and food Service Equipment (Kitchen Wall and Base Cabinets and ment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Dish Table with ter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, Undercounter Workboard) serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Table, ay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper,/ Spec, for Pneumatic Tools Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Kitchen Equipment ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Silico Chromate Paint (1964) Silico Chromate, Semiquick Drying (1969) Silico Fluoride (1966) ASTM E70, D502 Silico Fluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 791B Silicofluoride Fluosilicate, Soda Ash, Sodium Metasilic Silicofluoride (Fluosilicate) (Laundry Sour, Bleach) (1 (Silicofluoride) (1966) Silicofluoride, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Softener- D Silicon Carbide (1971) Silicon Carbide) and Application (1964) Spec. F Silicon Carbide ) ( 1 97 1 ) FED Std. 191, USC Ps8 Silicon Carbide, Garnet (1966) /Ec. for (Coated) Abras Silicon Carbide, Waterproof (1971 ) FED UU-P-31, USC Ps8 Silicone Water Repellent Solution for Application on St Silicone, Aluminum, Heat Resisting, Metal (1970) Silk and Nylon Typewriter Ribbons (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Silk Screen and Process Letters and Numerals and Symbol (Silk, Nylon) (1968) Spec, for Inked (Silo Unloader and Distributor) (1968) Silo (Concrete Stave) (1967) Siloxone (1969) Silver and Diazo Type Prints) (Photographic) ( 1969) /N Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and Guide Rails) Silver Type, 16mm and 35mm and Processing and Furnishin Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carpet Beetles) ( 1961 ) / Fo Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable Refrigerated (Silverware Washer - Drier) ( 197 1 ) Silverware) (1971) Simplimet Press, Hand Grinder) ( 1967) /FF, Laboratory Simulator and Test Kits (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Simulator (1970) Single Acting, Three Cylinder) ( 1971 ) Single Action Gate) (1969) /Book, Fine Goods, Candy Di (Single And/or Sectional Extension) (1968) Single Axle (1970) Single Blankets (1970) Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Tec Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Tec Single Crystal Investigations Using Film Techniques (Ed Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Educational Pu Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction System (Integration Wi Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer System and an Incid (Single Fold) (1967) (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Chain Operated) (1970) Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Needles (1967) A Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1964) Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes (1967) Single Injection Stainless Steel Disposable Hypodermic Single Jacket, Uncoupled (1970) Single Jacketed Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Single Jacketed, Rubber Lined (Forest Fire) (1968) Single Line (Traffic Marking Paints) (1967) Single Line (Traffic Marking) (Positive Displacement Te Single Operator Rectifier Type (1968) Single or Multiple Compartment or Combination Cooler / Single or Twin (Electric, Steam, and Gas) ( 1969) NSF 2, Single Pedestal Desk (1968) Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray Sy Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray Sy Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vi Single Pocket) (1971) Single Rotary Disc, Concentrated Weight, Commercial Typ Single Rotary Disc, Divided Weight, Type III Heavy Duty Single Speed Rear Axle (1970) Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck Mounting) (Hospit (Single Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Type, Turbine Driv (Single Tank, Door Type) (1965) Single Tank, Door Type) ( 1968) (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) ( 1968) (Single Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) ( 1970?) (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, Asphalt, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile Laboratory) (1964) Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Hood, Stool) ( 1971 ) Sink Assembly, Tables, Portable Mixer) (1970) /Pment Sink (1969) Sink) (Pantry) (1969) Spec, for Sink) (1969) Spec, for Food Service Equip (Sink) (1970) /Lay Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Coun Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Si (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, CI (Sinks) (NYSStd.) (1965) (Sinks) (NYSStd.) (1969) Siren Automotive (Concealed, DC Motor Driven Rotor Type sc HD-80B12 CA 691-80-83 TX 371-74-1 PA S-61 NY 20100-0289 MS S-2-53-17 TX 395-46-2 NY 20100-0289 PA C-145 TX 002-31-1 PA C-28 NY 00319-0439 PA P-36 TX 520-32-1 MS PE-16 VA FB-20 NY 38601-0173 CA 681-75-06 NY 08210-0547 NY 08210-0274 CA 691-80-56 NY 26000-0448 NY 36200-0420 NY 26000-0448 MS 1-7 NY 36100-0413 NY 33500-0623 NY 24600-0035 NY 00432-00-0686 NY 38787-0709 NY 40706-0624 NY 41400-0115 NY 21802-0993 PA L-46 NY 42300-0581 WI 9104 NY 11002-0373 NY 11002-0710 NY 11002-0473 NY 11002-0332 NY 11002-0825 NY 11002-0512 WI 7572A NY 43100-0653 TX 360-59-4 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-59-3 TX 360-59-2 CA 701-42-02 SC 21-280 MS H-7-68 NJ 4934-00 NJ 4934-01 NJ 4950-00 NC 4110-CF-l PA U-47 TX 300-37-3B NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 11000-0032 NY 11000-0822 NY 43203-0185 IL ♦32HHH TX 265-32-1B TX 265-32-3 NE *17 NY 41000-0243 NY 41400-0787 WA S-65-88 WA S-68-101 WA S-68-104 WA S-66-96 SC HD-62 NJ 4938-48 NY 12009-0629 NY 38810-0650 PA B-106 NY 36200-0225 NY 36200-0907 NY 36200-0787 NY 36200-0768 NY 36200-0420 NY 43203-0185 NY 00361-15-0092 NY 36115-0203 NY 30302-0089 292 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards pment (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and 360 Deg. Aerial Ladder (19/ Spec, for Truck, Medium Duty, bile Cart, Audio Heads/ Spec, for Group Learning Systems Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicle, Police Type (Standard Spec, for Level Style Load Binders for Use with Various Spec, for Wallets, Expanding, Letter and Legal Spec, for Offset Type Duplicating Machine (Small Spec, for Std. Std. Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses (Twin Spec, for Steel Filing Cabinets (Card . for Motor Vehicle; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Spec, for Poultry Feed, Scratch (Hen Spec, for Poultry Feed, Scratch (Chick Spec, for Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit (Hen Spec, for Poultry Feed, Insoluble Grit (Chick . for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Hen for Poultry Feed, Screened and Cleaned Oyster Shell (Chick Spec, for Pipe; Red Brass, Seamless (Iron Pipe Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door Sedan Automobile, Std. hides (4 Door, 9 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. hides (4 Door, 6 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, Std. tion Wagon (Automobile, 240 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large tion Wagon (Automobile, 200 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large Motor Vehicles; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Mini Compact Spec, for Diamond Bits (Ax Spec, for Laundry Drying Tumblers (Small Spec, for Varnish Brushes (Flat, — 1 to — 3 station Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 1 16 In. Wheelbase, Std. station Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, Std. Std. Spec, for Sheathing Paper, Rosin 64) Std. Spec, for Tabulated Spec, for Pipe; Copper, Seamless (Standard Spec, for Boys' enge/ Spec, for Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Combination Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment Spec, for Core Drilling Machine Spec, for High Pressure Fire Fighting Pumps Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment nt (Lift Truck, Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, ent (Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Spec, for 1200 Gal. Water Tank on k, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks (Dollies, equipment (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dried , Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, pers, Envelopes, Bond, Manifold, Offset, Mimeograph, Onion i Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Spec, for Chamois Spec, for Chamois Spec, for Misses' Washable Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Spec, for Clothing, Women's (Blouses, :ture, Handli/ Std. Spec, for Prestressed Concrete Beams, 9) Spec, for Coal (Nut, Pea and 9) Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and 9) Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. Nut, Pea and Spec, for Girls' and Women's Spec, for Boys' and Men's Ivy Model Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Summer, Breeches and Spec, for Men's Winter Cotton Trousers Spec, for Men's Work Trousers Std. Spec, for Uniform Trousers Spec, for Men's Wool Trousers Spec, for Men's Corduroy Trousers spec, for Summer Uniform Trousers (Institutional Officer) Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Pedal Pushers Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Summer Uniform Trousers highway Driver License Examiner's Summer Uniform Trousers Spec, for Men's Winter Work Trousers (Armada Twill) Spec, for Men's and Boys' Permanent Press Trousers Spec, for Tan Summer Uniform Trousers (Khaki Twill) Spec, for Wash and Wear Trousers Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Dungarees (Denim) Spec, for Spec, for Coarse Aggregate (Crushed Stone and Sand (Airport Ice Control) and Aggregates (Crushed Stone, Spec, for Abrasives for Ice Control (Cinders, Std. Spec, for Aggregate Subbase (Crushed Stone/Hjravel, Spec, for Steel Side Chairs; std. Spec, for Rolling Doors, Steel (Coiling, Interlocking 3.C217 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Window Shades; Cloth, Rollers, Spec, for Window Shades, Cloth, Rollers, Std. Spec Spec Spec. Minimum Spec, for Ve Minimum Spec, for Passenger Ve Spec, for Sta Spec, for Sta Std. Spec, for Sit Down Riders) ( 1971 ) /C. for Material Handling Equi Six Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Utility Body and (Six Position Listening Station, Filmstrip Projector, Mo Size Automobile) (1971) Size Chain (1966) Size Filing (1970) Size for Light and Intermittent Duty) ( 1969) Size 4 Door Sedan (Automobile) ( 1971 ) Size) (Dormitory and Institutional Use) (1971) Size) (Office Equipment) (1969) Size) (Station Wagon and Sedan) (1971) Size) (1963) Size) (1963) Size) (1963) Size) (1963) Size) (1963) Size) (1963) Size) (1969) Size) (1969) Size) (1969) Size) (1969) Size) (1971) Size) (1971) Size) (1971) Size, AA Grade) (1970?) Size, Open End Type) ( 1971 ) UL 73, 547 Size, Synthetic Filament) (1966) FED H-B-695C Size, 4 Door, 6 Passenger) ( 1970) Spec, for Size, 4 Door, 6 Passenger) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Sized (1964) Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for Highway Construction ( 19 Sizes) (1969) Ski Type Caps (Hat) (1956) Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Pass (Skid-High Pressure Fog) (1969) (Skid Mounted with Trailer) (1969) (Skid Mounted, Gasoline Engine) (1968) (Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Capacity) (Departmental) (1967) Skid) (Manual Hydraulic) (1970) /Rial Handling Equipme Skids - Semilive, Lift Jacks) ( 1970) / Handling Equipm Skids (1970) Skids, Jack) ( 1971 ) /Ce, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stoc Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country and Training Sh Skim Milk (1963) Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stand, Mess Tray) ( 1971 ) N Skin, Chipboard (1970) Spec, for Printing Pa Skin, Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) (1971) /for Sem Skin, Dry Freight) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Semi Skins (1970) Skins (1971) FED KK-L-3 1 1 , MIL Std. 1 05 Skirts (a Line) (1969) Skirts (Straight Line) (1970) Skirts, and Dusters) (1971) Slabs, Channels and Other Members in Structures (Manufa Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 196 Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 196 Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 196 Slacks (Corduroy) (1969) Slacks (Sateen) (1964) Slacks (State Police) (1970?) Slacks) (Army Twill) (1957) Slacks) (Army Twill) (1962) Slacks) (Police and Departmental) ( 1971 ) Slacks) (1957) Slacks) (1958) Slacks) (1968) Slacks) (1969) Slacks) (1969) Slacks) (1969) Spec, for Slacks) (1970) Slacks) (1970) Slacks) (1971) Slacks) (1971) Slacks, Casual (Men's and Boys") ( 1971 ) Slacks, Dress (Men's) (1971) (Slacks, Jeans) (1969) Slacks, Men's (1970) Slag or Gravel) (Highway Construction) ( 1970) Slag or Natural Gravel Chips) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Slag, Grits, Concrete Sand (1970) Slag, Sand) for Highway Construction ( 1964) AASHO T96 Slat Back (Institutional Use) (1969) Slat) (1971) ASTM A386, A525 Slate Roofing; Shingles and Tiles ( 1 960 ) ASTM C 1 2 1 . C 1 2 Slats and Cords (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Slats, Cords and Accessories ( 1969) NY NJ NY OR TX CA TX AK OR Rl OR MI Ml Ml MI MI MI PA TN TN TN AK AK OR VA PA VA AK AK MS sc PA RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NE NY NY Ml PA LA NY NY CA CA Rl Rl NY SC MI Ml Ml RI Rl MA Rl Rl WA RI Rl SC Rl SC SC Rl Rl SC SC MY NY RI CA VA AK NJ SC Rl OR PA OR TX 39101-0892 4938-41 38209-0401 06-100-1031 325-59-1A 701-75-59 570-36-1 •21 72-100-1030 1-035 06-100-1020 4340-0100 4340-0101 4340-0104 4340-0105 4340-0102 4340-0103 P-60 TS 2310-1 TS 2310-3 TS 2310-2 *23 •24 06-100-1052 •37 T-41 C-2A •26 •25 R-5-64-24 HD-A P-58 4245-M-005 42200-0362 34703-0503 41200-0476 46000-0641 43221-0781 39101-0471 39101-0680 •44 39100-0562 30200-0073 4 340-0024 F-80 •12 42300-0254 42300-0483 701-76-61 711-76-61 4265-F-005 4265-F-008 40042-0038 HD-73 4210-S1 42 10-S5 4210-S8 4284-F-O01 4284-M-022 •26 4284-M-004 4284-M-006 S-64-75-E 4284-M-003 4284-M-001 03-010-0211 4284-F-003 03-010 03-0 10A 4284-M-005 4284-M-008 03-010-0211 A 03-010-1152 40002-0143 40002-0142 4284-F-O02 701-84-84 DH-203 •76 2330-02 HD-34 1-020 64-530-0010 R-19 72-300-9020 705-37-1A 293 i NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Shades; Roll Up (Wooden Spec, for Cassette Duplicator Spec, for Cassette Duplicator Spec, for Children's Spec, for Children's pec. for Children's Clothing (Undershirts, Training Pants, Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Short Spec, for Textile, Striped Spec, for Textile, Pearl Grey Spec, for Textile, Black Spec, for Men's and Boys" Long Spec, for Men's and Boys" Short Spec, for Long Spec, for Short Spec, for Short Spec, for Long (1970?) Spec, for Short Spec, for Long Spec, for Dredging to Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Mixer, Meat Chopper and ble Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat (1968) Std. Spec, for Food Std. Spec, for Bread Spec, for Bakery Equipment and Machinery (Bread Spec, for Spec, for Television Spec, for 16 mm Motion Picture Sound Projectors and Std. Spec, for Desk Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Panel and c Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble e, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Spec, for Steel Bookcase; Spec, for Platform Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Binder Label Holders, Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Limited Spec, for Water Emulsion Spec, for Floor Wax (Buffable, Water Emulsion, Spec, for Floor Wax, Spec, for Floor Finish, Multipurpose (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Spec, for 200 Gal. Spec, for Men's Spec, for Women's and Misses' Spec, for Women's es, and Baby Blankets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Spec, for Leather Footwear and Washable Spec, for Women's and Girls' Std. Spec, for Shoes, Spec, for Nylon Knit Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Women's Spec, for Women's Spec, for Girls' creosote Timber for Highway Construction / Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Shoulders and Spec, for Jute Fabric (Stabilize Earth Spec, for Fast Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), alve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Spec, for (Office Furniture) (1969) Spec, for Metal Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roofing; Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, ator, Wall Mounted Dis/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment Std. Spec, for bs; Buttons; Mattress and Pillow Covers and Pads; Elastic; Spec, for Infants" Waterproof Pants ons, Corrugated, for Packaging and Shipping Continuous and Spec, for ) NEMA Wd-2-63 Std. Spec, for Switches; (1970) Spec, for Printing; Continuous and Spec, for Continuous and er Colors) (1953) Std. Spec, for Notions (Reed, (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Spec, for Canvas Footwear Spec, for Canvas Footwear Spec, for Rubber Footwear (Arctics, Boots, Pacs, ren's) (1970?) Spec, for Slatted) (1969) FED Std. 141 Slave Units (1971) Slave Units (1971) Sleepers (Pajamas) (1957) ' Sleepers (Pajamas), Two Piece, Rib Knit (1965) Sleeping Suits) (1971) Sleeve Dacron and Wool Shirts ( 1969) Sleeve Lining (Cloth) ( 1970?) Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Sleeve Polo Shirts (1957) Sleeve Polo Shirts (1960) Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Departmental) (1970) Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Departmental) (1971) Sleeve Poplin Shirts (Institutional) (1968) Sleeve Poplin Shirts (1971) Sleeve Summer Shirt, Uniform (Clothing) (State Police) Sleeve Uniform Shirt (Departmental) (Clothing) (1970?) Sleeves and Hose (1970) Sheer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender Sheer) (1971) Sheer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Vertical Cutter Slicing Machine (Electric, 1/3 Hp, Rotary Knife Blade) Slicing Machine (1963) Slicing, Bagging and Tying Machines) (1971) Slide and Filmstrip Projectors (1971) Slide Projector (1971) Slide Projectors (1968) Slide Protector (1971) Slide) (1971) /Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spring Animals) Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee Warmer) Sliding Door Credenza (1969) Sliding Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Sliding Glass Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Sliding Tandem Semi Trailer (30 Ton Capacity) ( 1970) Slip Cloth, Muslin (1970?) Slip on (1969) Slip or No Spin Differential (1970) (Slip Resistant Floor Polish) (1963) Slip Resistant) (1964) FED P-S-598, P-W-155a Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion (1970) Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion, Buffable (1970) Slip Type Differentials, Transmissions, Final Drives) E Slip-on Fire Fighting Pumping Unit (Fog Gun) (1970) Slippers (Felt Uppers) (1960) Slippers (Felt Uppers) (1969) Slippers (Felt Uppers) (1969) Slippers (Shoe), Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Glov Slippers (Shoes, Oxfords, Loafers) (1971) Slippers (Terry Cloth) (1969) Slippers, and Boots ( 1971 ) Slippers, Institutional (1963) Slippers, Nylnit, Snug (Shoe) (1967) Slippers, Washable, Men's (1970) Slips (Percale) (1970) Slips (Percale), Tailored (1965) Slips (Rayon and Acetate Tricot) (1957) Slope Drains and Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Sloper Attachment for Grader Mounting (1969) Sloper Attachment for Motor Grader ( 1970) Slopes for Highway Construction (1964) Slopes) (1970?) Slow Coincidence System (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Slow Exempt, Anti-Air Pollution (1969) Slow, High Solvency (1969) Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Filter and Rad Slurry Pump (1969) Smoker's Stand; Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Tray Smooth Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-501D, SS-R-620a Smooth (1970) ASTM D-224-58, FED SS-R-501a (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refriger Snap Fasteners (1953) Snap Fasteners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Ho (Snap on Style) (1970) Snap Out Forms (Printed) (1963) Spec, for Cart Snap Out Forms (1971) Snap, Manually Operable (General and Special Use) (1964 Snapout Forms (Books and Pamphlets, Blanks, Circulars) Snapout Forms (1970) Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestry, Wat Snare Drum) (1971) Spec, for Musical Instruments (Sneakers) Women's and Misses' (1969) (Sneakers) (Men's, Boys', Youths') (1965) Sneakers) (1970) Sneakers, Boots, Rubbers (Shoes) (Men's, Women's, Child PA S-124 NY 38217-0131 NY 38217-0278 RI 4270-F-014 RI 4270-M-008 NY 40033-0138 SC 03-030 MA *35-10 MA ♦35-12 MA ♦35-26 RI 4265-M-008 RI 4260-M-009 SC 03-030-1152 SC 03-030-1 152A SC 03-030-0211 SC ♦1 MA ♦33 MA ♦34 NY 36000-0153 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0549 NY 36100-0122 WA S-63-61-1 WA S-63-59-1 NY 31200-0611 NY 38805-0615 NY 38221-0135 NY 38805-0600 IL ♦32TT NY 36200-0124 NY 30211-0572 NY 36200-0768 RI 1-038 RI 1-004 RI 1-004 A SC ♦28 MA ♦35-60 CA 692-75-54 MS L-5B-70-20 PA W-7 VA K-6E MI 4642-S1 MI 4642-S2 MI 5255-S14 NJ ♦4 RI 4268-M-035 RI 4268-F-035 RI 4268-F-037 MA ♦39 NY 34900-0175 RI 4268-F-036 FL ♦24 NJ 3380-00 NJ ♦5 NY 34900-0487 RI 4287-F-009 RI 4287-F-007 RI 4287-F-018 SC HD-105 SC 14-450 SC ♦14 SC HD-21 MS 3883 NY 38760-0300 CA 691-80-421 CA 691-80-417 NY 35000-0938 NY 46000-1020 RI 1-023 OR 64-500-0050 MS R_5_64-9 NY 36200-0787 IL ♦33R FL ♦25 RI 4287-F-015 MI 4811-0067 NJ 8330-01 OR 24-64-3A NY 00500-0333 NY 60000 IL ♦33GG NY 38320-0503 RI 4268-F-055 RI 4268-M-056 NY 34800-0708 MA ♦38 294 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Crushed Rock Salt (Sodium Chloride) (for y Blade)/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (with Spec, for Spec, for Rotary Spec, for Front End Loader Spec, for Steel Spec, for Extra Heavy Duty Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wire (in Coils) for Spec, for e Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade), and for License Stickers (Decal, Motor Vehicle Validation and Spec, for Sectional Carbide Tipped 2,000 G.V.VV. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgate Spreader, (OG.V.W.) Trucks (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Hydrostatic Rotary Spec, for Tungsten Carbide Tipped wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork Lift, Spec, for Spec, for Cutting Edges for Grader, Drag and Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 10 Ft. Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 1 1 Ft. for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, Spec, for Spec, for for Grader Attachment) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Reversible 2 Way 1 1 Ft. ; Assembly and Hydraulic Systems) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. Front Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Blade, Rubber Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Blade Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Trip Blade Spec, for Rotary Auger Type Spec, for Truck with Auger Type Rotary Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with 10 Ft. ) ( 1971 ) Spec, for pment (Refuse Truck (Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W., Front Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front lawn Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, ft and Push (1962) Spec, for Spec, for )ush(1966) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for uipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type uck with Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Spec, for Steel Cutting Edges for Graders, Spec, for Rotary :hment) (1970) Spec, for 969) Spec, for Over and Power Reversible) ( 1971 ) Spec, for iting)(1969) Spec, for 'ting) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Front End Loader with Spec, for Sodium Chloride (Salt) for Spec, for Mineral Crushed Rock Salt (Ice and Spec, for Girls' Spec, for Spec, for Regular, Mud and 6X 7 1968) 't Ft. Platform Body) (1969) Platform Dump Body and Heavy Duty Winch) (/ 2 Passenger) (Departmental) (1970) :els and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Passenge/ 1 Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade and 12 Ft. or Tractor, with 42 In. Sickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary ec. for Materials for License Plates (TMT - Motorcycle and Spec. Spec. Sftec. Spec. Spec. for for for for for Snow and Ice Removal on Highways and Streets) ( 1 970) NE • 1 3 Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Bel AK *63 Snow and Wing Plows) (Departmental) (1971) NY 40500-0206 Snow and Wing Plows) (1971) NY 40500-0119 Snow and Wing Plows, 58,000 Lb. G. V. W. Minimum ) ( 1 97 1 ) NY 40500-05 30 Snow Blower (Walk Behind) (1971) NY 37002-0458 Snow Blower (6 1/2 Ft.) (1971) NY 40901-0810 (Snow Bucket, Angle Broom, Hydraulic Grader) (1969) NY 40603-0205 Snow Fence Posts (1967) ASTM Al 5, A 16 RI »2 Snow Fence ( 1965) rj •] Snow Fence, Posts and Driving Caps ( 1969) MD '13 Snow Fencing (1970) NY 39602-0441 Snow Fencing (1971) NY 39606-0859 Snow Guide Stakes, Wood (1967) MD *20 Snow Leveling Wing, (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X AK »63 Snow Machine) (1971) Spec. AK »83 ow and Grader Blades ( 1970?) ASTM B294-64 VA »40 ow Assemblies (1968) Spec, for Truck, 6 NJ 4938-08 ow Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Ton ( 16,0 SC 14-410-0451 ow Attachment (1400 Ton) (1971) AK »6 ow Blade (1969) NH »4 ow Blade (1969) Spec, for Tractor Loader, NY 40601-0298 ow Blades and Grader Blades ( 1962) MD • 14 ow Blades (1970?) AASHO T70 VA *39 ow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) VA • 1 1 ow for 3 Ton Truck (1970?) VA '12 ow Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969) Spec. NJ 4938-00 ow Shoes and Attachments (1971) NY 40902-04 1 2 ow Truck Hitch (1968) NJ 4938-118 ow Wing Assemblies (12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic NY 40900-0488 ow with a Frame and Lift Cylinder ( 1 970?) VA '13 ow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Win NY 40900-0764 ow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) AK »62 ow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK '59 ow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK *60 ow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK *58 ow (10 Ft., Moldboard) (1971) NY 40900-0376 ow (13 Ft. Box, 6 X 4) (1971) AK »65 ow (13 Ft. Box, 6 X 4, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK *64 ow(1969) NJ 4938-120 ow(1970) NE *56 ow(1970) NE »59 ow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) and Truck (1971) AK *5 ow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK *80 ow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK '67 ow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) AK »68 ow (7 1/2 Ft. Power Reversible) and Blower (6 Ft NY 40900-0160 ow)(1970) Spec, for Automotive Equi NY 40502-0467 ow) (28,000 G.V.W.) (1971) /Pec. for Automotive NY 40502-0407 ow) (32,000 G.V.W.) (1970) /Pec. for Automotive NY 40502-0143 ow, Grader Blade and Blower, Dump Cart) (1971 ) NY 08206-0442 ow, Heavy Duty Adjustable One Way, Combination L NJ 4938-50 ow, Heavy Duty Offset V, Hydraulic (1961) NJ 4938-27 ow, Heavy Duty Reversible, Combination Lift and NJ 4938-49 ow, Heavy Duty, Adjustable One Way (1965) NJ 4938-76 ow, Heavy Duty, Adjustable One Way (1967) NJ 4938-31 ow, Heavy Duty, One Way (1969) NJ 4938-63 ow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1963) NJ 4938-64 ow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1967) NJ 4938-75 ow, Heavy Duty, Reversible (1968) NJ 4938-77 ow, Medium Duty Reversible (1964) NJ 4938-68 ow, Medium Duty, Adjustable One Way ( 1961 ) NJ 4938-U4 ow, Medium Duty, Adjustable One Way (1967) NJ 4938-65 ow, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Bo NY 40502-0148 owing and Ice Control (Heavy Duty, 4 X 4, 41,000 AK *61 ows and Wings, Loader Bucket) (1970) NY 40903-043 1 ows (Auger Type) (1971) NY 40901-0460 ows (Heavy Duty, Reversible, for Dump Truck Atta NY 40900-0497 ows (Heavy Duty, Safety Trip, Reversible Type) NY 40900-0881 ows (One Way with Right Hand Leveling Wing, Roll NY 40900-0895 ows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mou NY 40900-0317 ows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Mou NY 40900-0375 ows (1970) NY 40603-0627 Snow Removal (1970) MD »17 Snow Removal) (1971) NY 01800-0235 Snow Suits (1970) RI 4275-F-O01 Snow Throwers; Gasoline Engine Powered ( 1968) PA S-123 Snow Tires, High Speed (1970) IN '4 Snow Vehicle (Endless Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger NY 42200-0285 Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Heavy Duty, 4 Passenger) NY 42200-0645 Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger. 6X10 NY 42200-0574 Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type NY 42200-0368 Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wh NY 42200-0362 Snow Wing) (1971) Spec, for Diese AK '11 Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Cultivator Attachments ( 1965) NJ 4938-32 Snowmobile) (1970) ASTM A525-67T Sp NY 37826-0025 Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow P Snow P Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow 295 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec, rfaces Having Varnish or Laquer Finish) (1/ Std. Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Slippers, Nylnit, Spec, for Women's Spec, for Enamel (Paint), tch Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Du/ Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose for Spec, for Pine Oil for Use in Household Cleaner, Spec, for Tall Oil Fatty Acid for Low Titer Spec, for Pinion Grease, Heavy Equipment, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Alkaline Spec, for Laundry tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Softener - Detergent); Powdered Std. Spec, for Low Titer Spec, for Citronella Oil, Ceylon Type Spec, for Aluminum for Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous for Sodium Chloride Evaporated Salt for for Coconut Oil, Cochin Type for Toilet for Tallow Coconut Fatty Acid Blend for Spec, for Oil Spec, for Alkaline Spec, for Alkaline . for Inorganic Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Type) (Iron, ers and Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Starch Cooker, Spec, for Commercial Laundry Spec, for General Purpose Liquid Cleaner Std. Spec, for Floating White Toilet Std. Spec, for White Floating Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bar Std. Spec, for Bar Spec, for Mechanic's Grit Hand Spec, for White Floating Toilet Spec. For Toilet Std. Spec, for Milled Toilet Spec, for Cream Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Cake Shaving Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Laundry Spec, for Unbuilt Low Titer Laundry Spec, for Built High, Medium and Low Titer Laundry Std. Spec, for Powdered Toilet Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Std. Spec, for Vegetable Oil Std. Spec, for Liquid Surgical Spec, for Vegetable Oil Std. Spec, for Ship Std. Spec, for Powdered Spec, for Built High Titer Germicidal Laundry Spec, for Unbuilt High Titer Germicidal Laundry Spec, for Liquid Germicidal Std. Spec, for Built Spec, for Rosin Free Granulated Laundry Spec, for Dry Ground Pumice for Grit and Mechanic's Hand ec. for Tallow (Fat) for Manufacture of Toilet and Laundry Spec, for Germicidal Cake (Milled) Spec, for Liquid Surgical Spec, for 40% Liquid Hand Spec, for Cake or Bar Laundry Std. Spec, for Chip Std. Spec, for Liquid Toilet Std. Spec, for Liquid Surgical Std. Spec, for White Floating Toilet Std. Spec, for Pot and Pan Spec, for Cake Toilet Spec, for Liquid Toilet Spec, for Powdered Hand (White Pigment for Whitener and Opacifier in Milled Toilet Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Milled Toilet Std. Spec, for Grit, Std. Spec, for Grit, Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Built Spec, for Snowmobiles and Trailers ( 1971 ) Snowmobiles (1970) Snug (Shoe) (1967) Snuggies Underwear (Above the Knee Length) (1970) Snythetic, Sash and Trim, Safety Code Colors ( 1969) Soap and Detergent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Ba Soap and Detergent Manufacture ( 1966) Soap and Disinfectant (1966) ASTM D802, LLL-P-400a Soap and Products (1965) Soap Base (1968) Soap Borax Powder for Dispensers ( 1969) Soap Builder (Laundry) (1953) Soap Builder, General Duty, Alkaline (1969) Soap Dispensers) (1971) /Etasilicate, Silicofluoride, Soap Flakes (Low Temperature, Wool, Leather) (1953) (Soap Fragrance) (1965) Soap Lubricant (1970?) (Soap Manufacture and Detergent Builder) (1971) Soap Manufacture (1965) ASTM C136, D1293, FED SS-S-550 Soap Manufacture (1966) Soap Manufacture ( 1 97 1 ) Soap Paste (for Cleaning Automobiles and Other Metal Su Soap Powder (General Purpose Cleaner) (1953) Soap Powder (1970) Soap Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Water Softener) Soap Tank) (1966) / Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Iron Soap Tanks (1971) (Soap with Synthetic Detergent) (1964) Std 1 Std. 105 ed P-S-00619, MIL Std. 105 Soap (Bar) (1967) Soap (Bath, Toilet) (1953) Soap (Borax Powder, Dispenser, Hand) (1953) Soap (Brown Laundry) (1953) Soap (Brown Laundry) (1969) Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D460, D502 Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D499 Soap (Cake or Bar, Milled) (1968) ASTM D455 Soap (Cold Water) (Bath) (1953) Soap (Direct Process) (1968) Soap (Direct Process) (1968) Soap (Dispenser Use) (1969) FED Std. 536 Soap (Granular or Flake) (1968) Soap (Granular or Flake) (1968) Soap (Granular or Powder) (1968) Soap (Hand, Dispenser) (1953) Soap (Hand, Hospital) (1953) Soap (Heavy Duty) (1953) Soap (Hospital) (1953) Soap (Liquid and Paste) (1970) Soap (Nonalkaline) (1953) Soap (Nonalkaline) (1969) Soap (Powder or Granules) (1968) Soap (Powder or Granules) (1968) Soap (with Hexachlorophene) (1971) Soap (1953) Soap (1961) Soap (1965) ASTM CI 36 Soap (1966) Sp Soap (1967) Soap (1968) Soap (1968) Soap (1968) Soap (1969) Soap (1969) Soap (1969) Soap (1969) Soap (1969) Soap (1969) FED P-S-620B Soap (1970) Soap (1970) FED Std. 536, ASTM D1172 Soap) (1968) Spec, for Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) Soap, Bar, Brown Laundry ( 1970) Soap, Borax Powder, Dispenser (1970) Soap, Cake (1970) Soap, Cake, Fine (Glass and Enamelware Cleanser) (1953) Soap, Cake, (Pot and Pan Cleanser) (1953) Soap, Chip, Soft Water (1969) Soap, Granulated (Laundry) (1969) Soap, Grit, Cake, Fine Work (1970) Spec, for Soap, Grit, Hand, Paste and Powder (1966) Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Bar, Brown (1969) Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Built, Powder (1966) Spec, for Soap, Laundry, Chip and Granulated (1966) Spec, for Soap, Liquid, Hand (1969) Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Antibacterial (Cake) (1970) Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Cake Form ( 197 1 ) FED P-S-0062 1 , Mi Spec, for Soap, Milled Toilet, Deodorant Type, Cake Form ( 1971 ) F MS SM-1C-71 MS SM-6B-70 NJ *5 RI 4287-F-016 CA 691-80-32 NY 36502-0211 TX 371-66-1A TX 371-56-1 TX 371-79-1 CA 681-91-111 OR 76-450-9010 MS S-2-53-10 CA 691-77-16 NY 20100-0289 MS S-2-53-38A TX 371-39-1 VA 032 NY 25523-0327 TX 615-37-2 TX 371-40-1A TX 1 80-48-7 PA S-18 MS S-2-53-35 LA ♦11-1 VA L-6 NY 00365-0200 TX 500-65-1 TX 370-33-1 WI 5730-0232 MS S-2-53-28 MS S-2-53-32 MS S-2-53-38 OR 76-401-9010 TX 3 70-5 9-4 A TX 370-59-3A TX 370-59-2A MS S-2-53-29 NJ 5730-OOA NJ 5730-OOB TX 065-31-1 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B TX 395-45-1 B MS S-2-53-30 MS S-2-53-33 MS S-2-53-37 MS S-2-53-34 LA * 1 1-14 MS S-2-53-2 OR 76-401-9040 TX 395-45-5 TX 395-45-6 TX 370-59-5A MS S-2-53-3 RI *12 TX 371-59-1 TX 371-80-1A TX 310-36-1 TX 310-36-2 TX 370-59-1 B TX 395-45-2B OR 76-401-9030 OR 76-450-9030 OR 76-450-9040 OR 76-450-9070 WA S-62-44 RI 6645-001 LA * 1 1-8 PA S-86 TX 371-83-1A LA * 1 1—3 LA * 1 1-10 LA *1 1-9 MS S-2-53-41 MS S-2-53-42 CA 691-77-28 OR 76-401-9020 LA * 1 1-5 KY 8520-1 CA 691-77-30 KY 7930-15 KY 7930-16 CA 691-77-02 MS S-7C-70 CA 711-77-24 CA 711-77-10 296 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Powdered Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Hand Spec, for Hand Std. Spec, for Hand Spec, fo: Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo ec. for Notions (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Spec, fo: Spec, fo Std. Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo 1969) Spec, fo Spec, for Floating Toile Std. Spec, for Synthetic Organic Detergen Std. Spec, fo ry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate,/ Spec, for Alkalies and Spec, for Inspection, Test., Labeling, and Release fo Std. Spec, for Milled Toile Spec, fo Spec, for Laundry Spec, fo: ain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toile Spec, for Laundry -536, RR-S-366 36 502 ASTM D460, D502 ) and General Cleaning (1955) FED P-S-536, VV/ Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo ASTM D460 Spec, fo t (Fall and Winter) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Spec, for Misses' and Women's Stretch Small Tools (Mechanics Hand Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Spec, for Trailer Hitches, Passenger Car, Ball and Spec, for Men's Stretch Work FED JJ-H-601, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Men's Stretch Dress Spec, for Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Spec, for Girls' Knee Length MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Men's Heavy Duty Work Spec, for Women's and Girls' Anklet Spec, for Spec, for Anklets and Knee Spec, for Men's and Boys' Work Spec, for Spec, for leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Spec, for Athletic Clothing (Gym Pants and Shirts, Sweat (1968) Spec, for Spec, for ed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Spec, for Fire Extinguisher Charges; Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Hand, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Carbonate - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Fluosilicate, ce Cream Machine) (19/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment Std. Spec, for Caustic Std. Spec, for Caustic Spec, for Caustic Spec, for Anhydrous Caustic Std. Spec, for Modified Laundry Std. Spec, for Modified Laundry Spec, for Modified Spec, for Liquid Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic rate, Cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of acture(1966) Spec, for '(1953) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Nonalkaline (1953) Soap, Powdered, Soft Water (1969) Soap, Pumice Type, Cake (1969) Soap, Pumice, Cake ( 1970) Soap, Pumice, Cake, Mechanics" (1953) Soap, Scouring, Cake Form (1966) Soap, Scrubbing, Alkaline (1966) Soap, Surgical, Cake (1966) Soap, Surgical, Liquid (1968) Soap, Tapestry, Water Colors) ( 1953) Std Soap, Toilet, Cake (1966) Soap, Toilet, Liquid and Paste (1966) Soap, Toilet, Liquid (1964) Soap, Toilet, Powdered, Plain or Borax (1966) Soap, Uncut, in Frames (1971) Soap, Vegetable Oil, Liquid, General Cleaning (1964) Soap, Vegetable Oil, Paste, General Cleaning ( 1964) Soap, White Floating, Cake Form, General Institutional Soap, White, Cake (1970) (Soapless) (1953) Soaps and Related Cleaning Compounds (1969) Soaps (Grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laun Soaps, Detergents and Laundry Supplies ( 1969) Soap; Antiseptic Type ( 1969) Soap; Chip (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 Soap; Chip (Rosin Type) (1968) ASTM D460 Soap; Deodorant, Milled, Toilet (1953) FED P-S-536 Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin W Soap; Granulated (Rosin Type) (1963) ASTM D460 Soap; Grit Scouring, Cake (Fine Abrasive) (1953) FED P- Soap; Hand, Cake (Pumice or Grit Type) (1969) FED Std. Soap; Hand, Liquid, 40%, General Washroom (1964) Soap; Laundry Bar (1969) ASTM D460 Soap; Laundry, Chip (Nonrosin Type) (1969) ASTM D460 Soap; Laundry, Flake (1963) ASTM D460 Soap; Laundry, Powdered (Cold Water) (1970) ASTM D460, Soap; Laundry, Powdered (Hot Water, Nonalkaline) ( 1969) Soap; Pine Jelly (1953) Soap; Potash, Liquid and Paste for Floors (Except Rubbe Soap; Toilet, Cake, (Non Floating) (1966) FED P-S-536 Soap; Toilet, Powdered (1963) ASTM D460 Soap; Toilet, (for Liquid Dispensers) Concentrate ( 1969 Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country and Training Shoes) ( 19 Sock with Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Socket Set and Wrenches) (1971) Spec. Socket Type (1969) SAE J684D Socks with Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Socks (Lightweight Stocking) (Institutional Use) ( 1971 ) Socks (Men's and Boys') (1971) Socks (Stocking) (Morpuls) (1957) Socks (Stocking) (1969) Socks (Stocking, Institutional Use) (1971) FED JJ-H-601 Socks (Stockings) (1969) Socks (Stockings) (1971) Socks (Women's, Misses' and Children's) (1971) Socks (1957) Socks, Dress (Men's and Boys') (Stockings) ( 1965) Socks, Stretch (Police) (1971) Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Pants) ( 19 Socks, Sweatshirts) (1971) Socks; Black (Stretch Type), Nylon and Cotton (Stocking Sod (Grass) (1970?) Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Fluos Soda Acid (1970) Soda and Acid Type ( 1968) UL 7, 71 1 Soda Ash (Cleaner) (1953) Soda Ash (Light, 58%) (1971) ASTM D458-57 Soda Ash (1969) Soda Ash ( 1 97 1 ) ASTM D50 1 (Soda Ash), Anhydrous (1965) ASTM D501 Soda Ash, Sodium Metasilicate, Silicofluoride, Tetrasod (Soda Fountains) (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Soda (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) Soda (Anhydrous) (1969) Soda (Liquid, 50%) (1971) Soda (Lye) (Sodium Hydroxide) (1959) Soda (Sesquicarbonate Type) ( 1969) Soda (Sesquicarbonate) (Water Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Soda (1953) ASTM D501 Soda) (1966) ASTM D501 Soda, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) for Laundry Sour Manu Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) (Laundry Sour, Bleach Sodium Bicarbonate (for Cleaning) (1953) ASTM D501 Sodium Bicarbonate (1966) MS S-2-53-1 CA 691-77-29 OR 76-450-9020 LA •1 1-6 MS S-2-53-31 KY 7930-17 KY 7930-18 KY 6505-1 KY 6505-2 Sp IL •33GG KY 8520-2 KY 8520-3 CT 5730-S-40A KY 8520-4 NJ 5730-13 MI 4624-0500 MI 4624-0510 CA 691-77-25 LA •11-15 MS S-2-53-39 OR 76-000-9010 NY 20100-0289 CA 691-77-85 OR 76-450-9060 PA 5-112 PA S-74 PA S-81 IL •39 PA S-73 PA S-10 PA S-8 SC U-050D PA S-2 PA S-4 PA S-59 PA S-60 PA S-3 PA S-75 PA S-85 PA S-13 PA S-72 PA S-6 NY 30200-0073 CA 71 1-84-30 for NY 39003-0600 CA 691-23-25 CA 71 1-84-31 CA 711-84-40 NY 40021-0127 RI 4250-F-O07 RI 4250-F-008 CA 71 1-84-42 RI 4250-F-006 TN •3 NY 40020-0126 RI 4250-M-001 NY 00400-0403 NY 40022-0062 OR 82-700-9010 NY 40015-0317 PA S-109 MS 3878 VA DH-257 NY 20100-0289 PA F-55 PA F-53 MS S-2-53-47 NY 25505-0169 OR 76-401-9050 PA S-2 3 TX 371-65-1 NY 20100-0289 NY 3621 1-0268 MS 5-2-53-12 OR 76-401-9060 NY 25507-0543 TX 395-35-4 OR 76-401-9070 MS S-2-53-4 PA S-15 TX 37 1-69-1 A NY 07700-0473 TX 371-63-1 MS S-2-5 3-1 4 PA S-68 TX 371-64-1 297 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 550 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rock Salt - ization and Deicing (1968) ASTM D632, CI 36 Spec, for Manufacture (1962) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, Dl/ Spec, for ding (1964) ASTM D632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55T Spec, for tening (1962) ASTM C632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55/ Spec, for Spec, for Rock Salt and Streets) (1970) Spec, for Crushed Rock Salt Spec, for Ice Control Salt (Rock, Solar) ers (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D458 ts and Cleaners (1968) nufacture (1966) D502 965) ASTM CI 36, D1293, FED SS-S- 66, ASTM D632 3 nits (1969) 1 , 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S Triaz/ 1 97 1 ) FED 0-S-635C( 1 ), 0-A-429B ers (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D456 Spec Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Liquid cc 37a Dl 172 detergents and Bleach (1968) ) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Cleaners (1968) ASTM D457 gand ASTM D-1172 ng (1968) ASTM D594 Spec, for Anhydrous Caustic Soda (Lye) chlorine Carrier for Laundry Bleach, Disinfect/ Spec, for quid Bleach, Household Type) (1971 ) FED O-S-60/ Spec, for Spec, for Household Liquid Bleach and Disinfectant Spec, for Bleach; Laundry, Liquid 1953) Std. Spec, for eodorant (1953) Std. Spec, for eaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D537 Spec, for ASTM D501 Spec, for Spec, for D1172 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for 02, D1172 Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Alkali, squicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Fluosilicate, Soda Ash, Spec, for d P-S-65 1C, ICC 37a Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Integral (Fused) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tetrahydrate Spec, for Tetra Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Alkali, Spec, for Spec, for Selfcure Zinc Silicate Paint, Lithium Spec, for ach)(1953) Std. Spec, for ashing Compound Manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502,/ Spec, for Spec, for Borax Spec, for Technical Decahydrate Std. Spec, for Borax Detergent Builder) (1971 ) Spec, for d Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Anhydrous Std. Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Upholstered sehold Furniture (Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Spec, for Suction Fire Hose, eezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Spec, for le and Stand, Protecto/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment ) (19/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soda Fountains) Spec, for Food Service Equipment . Spec, for Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Spec, for Laundry Soap, Chip, Spec, for Laundry Soap, Powdered, der Joints or Flared Tube Fitti/ Spec, for Copper Tubing; erapy) (1967) Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Chain Link Backstops (Baseball, Spec, for Athletic Equipment (Archery, Baseball, Golf, m Metasilicate, Silicofluoride, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate lkyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Use in Fabric ted Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Sodium Bisulfate (1970) Sodium Bisulfate, Toilet Bowl Cleaner ( 1953) Sodium Carbonate in Compounding of Detergents and Clean Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash), Anhydrous (1965) ASTM D501 Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in Compounding Detergen Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose for Soap and Detergent Ma Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (1971) ASTM D1439, Dl 172, Sodium Chloride Evaporated Salt for Soap Manufacture ( 1 Sodium Chloride Salt (Block and Rock) (1967) FED RR-S-3 Sodium Chloride (Highway Construction) (1970) AASHO M14 Sodium Chloride (Salt) for Snow Removal (1970) Sodium Chloride (1970) Sodium Chloride (95% Minimum) Rock Salt for Road Stabil Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Ice Cream Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Stock Fee Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Water Sof (Sodium Chloride) for Road Purposes (1970?) (Sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal on Highways (Sodium Chloride) (1970) Sodium Chloride, Technical Grade, for Water Softening U Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (Organic Chlorine Carrier), Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Beads) and Aluminum Sulfate Sodium Hydroxide in Compounding of Detergents and Clean Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) (1966) ASTM D501 (Sodium Hydroxide) (1959) Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, 5% Available Chlorine (Li (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1967) FED O-S-00602C (Sodium Hypochlorite) (1969) Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid (Bleach and Disinfectant) Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid, Bleach, Disinfectant and D Sodium Metasilicate in Compounding of Detergents and CI Sodium Metasilicate (Anhydrous and Pentahydrate) (1959) Sodium Metasilicate (Anhydrous) (1967) Sodium Metasilicate (Anhydrous) (1967) ASTM D501, D502, Sodium Metasilicate (Cleaner) (1953) Sodium Metasilicate (Pentahydrate) (1967) Sodium Metasilicate (Pentahydrate) (1971) ASTM D501, D5 Sodium Metasilicate, Anhydrous (1969) Sodium Metasilicate, Silicofluoride, Tetrasodium Pyroph Sodium Metasilicate, Technical (1971) ASTM D501, D502 Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous and Hydrated) (1964) Fe Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous Cleaner) (1953) Sodium Orthosilicate (Anhydrous) (1969) FED P-S-65 ID, I Sodium Orthosilicate (Hydrated) (Cleaner) (1953) Sodium Orthosilicate, Anhydrous, Strong (1969) Sodium Orthosilicate, Technical (1971) ASTM D501, D502, Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate in Compounding Cleaners, Sodium Perborate (1966) Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA Sodium Sesquicarbonate in Compounding of Detergents and Sodium Sesquicarbonate (1966) Sodium Sesquicarbonate (1971) ASTM D-501 or FED P-S-641 Sodium Sesquisilicate for Washing, Cleaning, and Scouri Sodium Sesquisilicate, Moderate (1969) Sodium Silicate Solution (1967) Sodium Silicate (1969) Sodium Silico Fluoride (1966) ASTM E70, D502 Sodium Silicofluoride (Fluosilicate) (Laundry Sour, Ble Sodium Sulfate (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and W (Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate) Technical (1971) Sodium Tetraborate (Borax) (1966) (Sodium Tetraborate) (Cleaner) (1953) Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (Soap Manufacture and Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Compounding of Detergents An Sodium Tripolyphosphate (1967) Sofas and Chairs (Commercial Design) ( 1967) Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Sofas, Fabric) (1970) /D Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Sofas, Upholstery Fabric) (1970) /Re (Wood) (Colonial) Soft Double Jacket (1970) Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wa Soft Finish Suiting ( 1961 ) (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Machines, Electric Gridd (Soft Serve and Fountain, Shake Maker, Ice Cream Machine (Soft Server / Shake Maker and Machines) ( 1971 ) Soft to Moderately Hard Water ( 197 1 ) Std Soft Water (1969) Soft Water (1969) Soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Sol (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Radiation) (Superficial Th Softball) (1971) Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Lacrosse) (1971) (Softener - Detergent); Powdered Soap Dispensers) ( 1971 ) Softener Formulation ( 1971 ) Spec, for Dia Softener Manufacture (1969) Spec, for Di (Hydrogena LA •11-11 MS S-2-53-43 CA 681-66-03 TX 371-65-1 CA 681-66-19 TX 371-66-1A NY 25525-0356 TX 615-37-2 PA S-38 VA DH-250 MD *17 NJ 2330-01 TX 6 15-34-1 A TX 615-32-1 TX 615-36-1 TX 615-37-1 MS 3910 NE *13 NH *8 CA 691-66-48 TX 371-87-1 NY 40800-0194 CA 681-66-04 TX 371-69-1A TX 395-35-4 TX 395-35-2A TX 395-35-9 VA K-24E PA B-89 MS S-2-53-20 MS S-2-53-22 CA 681-66-06 TX 395-35-3 IN C-5 TX 371-70-2A MS S-2-53-7 TX 371-70-1A NY 25522-0329 CA 691-77-18 NY 20100-0289 PA S-118 TX 395-41-1 MS S-2-53-9 TX 371-71-1 MS S-2-53-8 CA 691-77-20 PA S-119 CA 681-66-22 TX 371-86-2 TX 371-61-1A CA 681-66-05 TX 371-65-2 NY 25521-0328 CA 681-66-25 CA 691-77-17 TX 371-73-1A CA 691-80-55 TX 371-74-1 MS S-2-53-17 TX 371-75-1A PA B-93 TX 371-86-1 MS S-2-53-5 NY 25523-0327 CA 681-66-09 TX 371-76-1A NC 7195-FWU-l NY 21605-0260 NY 21601-0227 NY 21604-0226 CA 701-42-12 NY 36200-0768 RI 4910-025 NY 36200-0504 NY 36211-0268 NY 36211-0205 MS D- 12-71 CA 691-77-28 CA 691-77-29 PA T-67 NY 11000-0348 NY 30200-0199 NY 30200-0589 NY 20100-0289 TX 180- 12-2 A TX 371-32-2 298 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards • Aocs DA9-48, ASTM D2077 i\ocsDA9-48 8-56T Spec, for Rock and Water Spec, for Powdered Fabric Spec, for Powdered Fabric Spec, for Powdered Fabric Std. Spec, for Salt for Water Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Water Std. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate (Water . Spec, for Modified Laundry Soda (Sesquicarbonate) (Water Spec, for Fabric Spec, for Sodium Chloride, Technical Grade, for Water . for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Water m Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Water Std. Spec, for Plywood; Douglas Fir, Western Jtd.) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dichloropropene Dichloropropane Mixture s and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, A-74, ANSI A-40.1 Spec, for Cast Iron Spec, for Heavy Duty Stain and ree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Spec, for Sack (Bag), Cotton Duck, Small e Conditioner, Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, oxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Triazole, ontrol (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Spec, for Spec, for Pipe and Fittings; Cast Iron, Spec, for Binder Spec, for Food Service Equipment >71) Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher with for Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Spec, for Ice Control Salt (Rock, Spec, for Copper Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with ubing; Soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Spec, for Fittings; Brass, std. Spec, for Connectors; Pressure, Fixture Splicing, and Spec, for Spec, for Shoe Leather; Spec, for Superconducting Spec, for Elastomer Spec, for Boys" Trousers (Twill) Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Underdriven Spec, for Extract Quebracho Tannin, Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends Spec, for Wireless Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Spec, for Cloth; Print and Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units Spec, for Liquid Opacifying Latex (50% Spec, for Liquid Opacifying Latex (40% o Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Spec, for Alkali Spec, for Highly hine) (1967) Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water Spec, for Cutting Oil, Machine, Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Sour, High Machine (1970) Std. Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Water or Overhead Projection Markers and Related Supplies (Water m CI 09, FED TT-P-14/ Spec, for Silicone Water Repellent ed Oil ( 1 969 ) Spec, for Alkyd Resin ED TT-P-71D, Std. 14/ Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Spec, for Water and Scrubbing -aundry Bleach, Disinfect/ Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite 5 Piles and Sway Braces (Bri/ Std. Spec, for Tar Priming Spec, for Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) Spec, for Sodium Silicate Spec, for Sand Equivalent Stock Spec, for Pentachlorophenol Preservative Spec, for Typewriter Cleaning 1 Type) (1971) FED O-S-60/ Spec, for Sodium Hypochlorite Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Fast, Low Spec, for Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow, High er (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base with Volatile Spec, for Isopropyl Alcohol in Spec, for Stoddard heres) (19/ Spec, for Pavement Marking Materials (Paint, Spec, for Blanket Wash and Clean Up Std. Spec, for Dry Cleaning Spec, for Water Applied s) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid and Volatile 69 ) Std. Spec, for liquid, Spec, for Wood Floor Sealer And/or Finish; Spec, for Masonry Floor Sealer; 1 Floor) (1965) Fe/ Spec, for General Purpose Wax (Liquid spec, for Paint Remover (Methylene Chloride Based, Organic Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover (Nonflammable Organic ) FED AA-B-205 1970?) Softener Salt and Calcium Chloride (1970) ASTM D632-58, Softener (Dry Wheel Application) (1969) Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Non Germicidal) ( 19 Softener (Quaternary Ammonium Type, Noneermicidal) ( 197 Softener (1967) Softener) (1969) /Rganic Sequestering Agent (Phosphate Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Std Softener; Bacteriostat ( 1971 ) Softening Units (1969) Softening (1962) ASTM C632-58, C136-61T, D1293-55T /Pe Softening, and Boiler Scale Preventative ( 1964) /Sodiu Softwood and Southern Pine) ( 1969) USC Psl-66 Softwood Lumber and Plywood, Hardboard and Wallboard (N Softwood Lumber and Timber ( 1970) Softwood Plywood (1967) USC Psl-66 (Soil Fumigant) (1971) Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, PI Soil Pipe and Fittings (Hub and Spigot Style) (1970?) A Soil Removing Laundry Builder (Powder) (1968) Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type Pots) for Highway C (Soil Sample) (1971) Soil Shredder, Sickie Bar Sections) (Machinery) ( 1971 ) Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, Insect Repellan Soil Sterilants (Herbicide) (1961) Soil (1969) Soil (1970?) (Soiled and Clean Dish Table) (1971) Soiled and Clean Tables) (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) Soiled Dish Table with Sink) (1969) Spec Solar) (Sodium Chloride) (1970) Solder Joints of Flared Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 1 Solder Joints or Flared Tube Fittings) (1964) FED Std. Soldered (for Copper Tubing) (1969) Soldering Lugs (for Electric Cable and Wire) ( 1964) Solderless Terminal Connectors (1969) UL 486 Sole, Vegetable Tanned ( 1969) Solenoid System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Soles, Men's (Shoe) (1966) (Solid Color) (1962) Solid Curb (1954) Solid for Boiler Feed Water Conditioning (1970) (Solid Panel, Multiple Height) for Institutional Use ( 19 Solid State Auditory Training System (School) ( 1971 ) Solid State Controllers ( 1971 ) Solid (Textile) (1971) (Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Catch Basins and Manhole Solids) (1969) ASTM E70 Solids) (1971) ASTM D1289, E70, D1824 Soluble Amine, Bromacil Weed Killer) (1971) /Pon, Amin Soluble Resin (for Manufacture of Floor Wax) ( 1969) Soluble Sour (Laundry, Granular) (1969) Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutting, Turning M Soluble (1968) Soluble (1969) Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cutting and Turning Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable and Gre Solution for Application on Structural Masonry ( 1967) A Solution for Formulating Synthetic Enamels (Paint), Lin Solution Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior Paint ( 1962) Solution Tank; Polyethylene (1970) Solution (Laundry Bleach, Liquid) (Chlorine Carrier for Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on Steel Beari Solution (1965) FED O-P-566, Std. 141 Solution (1967) Solution (1968) Solution (1970) AASHO M-133 Solution, Nonflammable Txichloroethane ( 1970) Solution, 5% Available Chlorine (Liquid Bleach, Househo Solvency (1969) Solvency (1969) Solvent and Adding Chemicals) (1970?) / and Joint Seal Solvent and Cleaner (1968) ASTM D770 Solvent for Dry Cleaning (1954) Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleaning, Optical Glass S Solvent for Multilith and Offset Press, Flammable (1968 Solvent II (1953) Solvent Removable Type Decalcomanias (Decal) (1964) Solvent Storage) (1971) OPNAV 34P1 /Iterators. Freezer Solvent Type Concrete Seal and Membrane Curing Agent ( 1 Solvent Type (1970) ASTM D1546, D1642 Solvent Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-563E Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, Linoleum, Woo Solvent Type) (1968) Std. Solvent Type) (1969) SD •1 VA L-8 TX 505-47-1 A TX 395-35-7 IL •13 VA L-6 MS S-2-53-6 MS S-2-5 3-4 PA F-84 CA 691-66-48 TX 615-37-1 TX 153-33-1 OR 63-300-9020 NY 37500-0310 OR 63-100-0010 PA L-44V NY 22100-0066 VA DH-257 MS 3252 VA L-5A VA DH-257 CA 71 1-81-30 NY 08200 NY 22100-0497 MS C-40A-7 1 MS H-4-61 PA P-55 MS 3146 NY 36200-0800 NY 36200-0823 NY 36200-0907 NH •8 PA T-38 PA T-67 PA F-32 OR 24-64-10A CA 691-23-16 PA L-24 NY 38787-0744 TX 420-39-3A RI 4284-M-019 PA E-2 MA •10 TX 295-38-3 NY 38215-0783 NY 35817-0414 PA C-143 MS 3621 TX 371-97-1 TX 371-97-2 NY 22100-0497 NY 25408-1002 VA L-10 Ml 5255-S21 CA 681-91-:: CA 691-77-27 MS L-5B-70-10 NY 38806-0414 TX 520-32-1 CA 691-80-430 VA DK-37 PA T-81 TX 395-35-:.A SC HD-80B13 TX 371-58-1 TX 371-73-1A CA 681-66-01 MS 3177 CA 701-66-16 TX 395-35-9 CA 691-80-411 CA 691-80-4 17 VA •34 CA 681-66-02 NE •69 NY 38001-0704 CA 681-66-17 MS S-2-53-27 TX 194-35-2 NY 25202-0158 IA •3-7 TX 370-63-4B TX 370-63-5B VA K-33A WA S-66-91-A PA R-16 299 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Wax, Paste, General Purpose, for Odorless Volatile Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Spec, for Penetrating Floor Sealer, Heavy Duty, Spec, for Sealer, Terrazzo and Concrete, Std. Spec, for Burner Fuel Oil, Kerosene, and Stoddard Spec, for Safety Drying and Quick Setting (White and Yellow), and Cleaning Spec, for Windshield Washer Antifreeze loroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) Technical (Dry Cleaning urn Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Spec, for Windshield Washer Antifreeze lie Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (Fluid, Petroleum Spec, for Dry Cleaning Unit; Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Spec, for Spec, for Paint and Varnish Remover (Organic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wax, Liquid, General Purpose, a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and / Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for Diesel Fuels, Motor Oil and and Joint Sealer (Type 1, Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, aching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Spec, for Cup, Portion Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Theater Spec, for Theater Spec, for Motion Picture Spec, for Film Spec, for Film Spec, for Motion Picture Spec, for Film Spec, for 16 mm Motion Picture Spec, for Spec, for Risers (Stairway, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Theatre Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Portable Spec, for Diagnostic 79 IB Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Acetic Acid - Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) for Laundry Spec, for Alkali Neutralizing Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Highly Soluble Spec, for Ammonium Type Laundry Spec, for Bluing; Laundry (Nonsour, Std. Spec, for Sodium Acid Fluoride (Bifluoride) (Laundry Std. Spec, for Laundry Neutralizer, Fluoride Type d. Spec, for Sodium Silicofluoride (Fluosilicate) (Laundry Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Spec, for grit Scouring, Shaving, Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Spec, for New Cobalt 60 Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Cobalt 60 (1971) Spec, for Ion Beam charger) (1/ Spec, for Fire Alarm System (Emergency Power Std. Spec, for Laundry Alkalies and Spec, for Laundry r (1970) Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Plywood; Douglas Fir, Western Softwood and Spec, for Coal (5 X 2 In. Bituminous Egg, Deep Mined, Spec, for Coal (1 X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Coal ( 1 and 1/4 in X 1/4 In. Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, oal (Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, 1 ( 1 and 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, /4 In. X 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, In. Nut, Pea and Slack with Controlled Fines, Deep Mined, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, neral Spirits; Alkyd Re/ Spec, for Paint; Pigments; Tung, 1966) Std. Spec, for Air Conditioning Units (Room and me (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer Operated) (Earth and Spec, for Insecticide, Spec, for Insecticide, Spec, for Insecticide, Solvent (Furniture, Painted Surface and Floor) (1964) Solvent (Petroleum Distillate) (1962) Spec. Solvent (1964) Solvent (1967) Solvent (1968) Solvent (1969) Solvent (1971) Spec, for Traffic Zone, Paint, Rapid (Solvent) (State Police) (1970) Solvent) ( 1953) Std. Spec, for Perch Solvent) (1970) Std. Spec, for Turpentine, G (Solvent) (1971) Solvent, Grease) ( 1971 ) /Spec, for Motor, Tool, Hydrau Solvent, Institutional Use (1954) Solvent, Light, Clean Up Printing Equipment ( 1 969 ) Solvent, Nonflammable) (1962) FED Std. 141 Solvent, Petroleum (1969) Solvent, Stoddard, Dry Cleaning (1969) Solvent, (Furniture, Painted Surface, Floor) (1964) Solvents for Use in Pressure Type Stoves, Lanterns, as Solvents (1970?) Solvents, Chemicals and Water) (1970?) /R Liquid Crack Sonic, Tepid Mist, Mainstream and Electronic Nebulizers Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape Souffle (Paper) (1965) Sound Amplification Systems (College) (1970) Sound Amplification Systems (University) (1969) Sound Amplification Systems (University) (1969) Sound and Communication System (College) (1970) Sound and Communication System (College) (1971) Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1970) Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1971) Sound Dubbing Equipment (Recording) (1971) Sound Dubbing (Recording) Equipment (1970) Sound Editing Equipment (College) (1971) Sound Projectors and Slide Projectors ( 1 968 ) Sound Recording Tape and Accessory Items (1971) Sound Reflectors, Seated Chorus) (1971) Sound Reinforcement System (College) (1971) Sound Reinforcement Systems (College) (1970) Sound System (College) (1970) Sound System (Hospital) (1971) Sound System (University) (1970) Sound Systems (College) (1971) Sounder / Electromyograph Unit (University) (1971) Sour Ammonium Silico Fluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. Sour Blueing, Bleach) (1953) Sour Manufacture (1966) Sour (Dry Wheel Application, Laundry) (1969) Sour (Fluoride Type) (1964) FED P-S-683 Sour (Laundry, Granular) (1969) Sour (Silicofluoride) (1966) Sour) (1969) Sour, Bleach) (1953) (Sour, Bleach) (1953) Sour, Bleach) (1953) St Sour, Brightener (Bleach) (1961) Sour, Fluoride Type, Dry (1969) Sour, High Soluble (1969) Sour, Laundry Bleaching, Fluoride (1966) Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Zinc Silicofluoride Fluosilicate Sour, Whitener (1966) Source Capsule (X-Ray Equipment) (1968) Source Capsule) (1971) Source / Pulser / Buncher System (Scientific Equipment) Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containing Batteries and Sours (1969) FED P-S-683 Sour; Ammonium Bifluoride (1970) FED L-P-378, Std. 79 IB Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Iron Bearing Wate Southern Pine) (1969) USC Ps 1-66 Southern) (1969) Southern) (1969) Southern ) ( 1 969 ) Spec, for Southern) (1969) Spec, for C Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coa Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1 Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 Southern) (1969) Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 Sow Ration (Hog, Swine) Nutrient (1963) Soybean Meal (1963) Soybean Meal (1963) Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mi Space Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, Self Contained Space Science Observatory) ( 1969) /or Telescope and Do Space Spray, Dual Synergist ( 1969) Space Spray, Household (1969) Space Spray, Semiconcentrate (1969) MI 4642-0400 VA DK-34A MI 4642-0055 KY 7930-5 WI 3548 NJ 2330-02A NY 38001-0508 NY 30900-0595 MS S-2-53-26 MS PM-16 NY 30900-0481 NM *8 PA D-14 CA 691-80-419 VA DK-17A CA 691-80-410 CA 691-80-415 MI 4642-0430 NY 05601-0896 LA *8-5 VA ♦33 NY 12200-0462 NY 07900-0584 KY 7815-3 NY 38201-0349 NY 38201-0177 NY 38201-0843 NY 38201-0542 NY 38201-0751 NY 38217-0614 NY 38217-0230 NY 38217-0341 NY 38217-0691 NY 38217-0577 NY 38805-0600 NY 38216 NY 30202-0114 NY 38201-0285 NY 38201-0544 NY 38201-0353 NY 38201-0729 NY 38201-0562 NY 38201-0357 NY 12600-0582 PA S-61 MS S-2-53-18 TX 371-63-1 VA L-ll TX 395-46-1 VA L-10 TX 395-46-2 PA B-91 MS S-2-53-14 MS S-2-53-15 MS S-2-53-17 MS S-6-61 CA 691-77-19 CA 691-77-27 KY 7930-13 NY 20100-0289 KY 7930-12 NY 11000-0784 NY 1 1000-0649 NY 38760-0309 NY 34400-0777 OR 76-401-9080 PA S-63 PA S-67 OR 63-300-9020 MI 4210-S3 MI 4210-S4 MI 4210-S7 MI 4210-S1 MI 4210-S2 MI 4210-S6 MI 4210-S5 MI 4210-S8 MI 4340-0063 MI 4340-0010 MI 4340-0011 VA DH-239 NC 4120-A-1A NY 12010-0518 CA 691-76-30 CA 691-76-25 CA 691-76-26 300 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Insecticide, Spec, for Plastic Navigational Aids Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can and ic - Can, Nun, Special Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Water Resisting Std. Spec, for s; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spec, for Varnish; Spec, for Varnish; urn and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ng Pads (Highway and Bridge Construction) ( 1970) d455 Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with and Without th, for Requisitions Preparation for Automobile, Truck and systems (Two Way Radio) (1970) efrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and attachment) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plastic - Can, Nun, Spec, for Office Supplies air Table) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Hospital Equipment, Wheeled Spec, for Glass Metal Tip 2, Wheel Chair Access) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Adult Bus Spec, for Dresses, Housewear and Spec, for Highway Patrol Police . Spec, for Switches; Snap, Manually Operable (General and Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor or pplication with Glass Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-2/ Spec, for Spec, for Revolver; Caliber .38 Spec, for Truck, Pickup, 8 Ft. Box, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 14 Ft. Stake Body, or Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 6 Passenger, Tent. Spec, for Striped Shirting Spec, for Office Supplies Spec, for Textile, Khaki Cloth Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Heating and Plumbing Spec, for Sterilizers Spec, for Thinner, (1969) Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, k, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis (Tilt Cab), Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Spec, for Truck, Pickup, Spec, for Suburban Vehicle, Panel Doors, Spec, for Pickup Truck, Spec, for rposes) (19/ Spec, for High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Safety Eyewear, Eyeglasses and ety Eyewear, Fitted, Piano and Prescription Eyeglasses and Spec, for Small Tools (Eye Protective Devices), Glasses Spec, for Prescription Eyewear th a Film Instrument (Analytical Determination of Emission ) Spec, for Monochromator Spec, for Astronomical entific Equipment) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Mass Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction System (Fluorescent nversion / Spec, for Wide Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Crystal Structu/ Spec, for Vacuum X-Ray catter/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Components and Vacuum Spec, for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spec, for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec, for Variable Frequency Pulsed NMr Spec, for Mass rier Transform Capability Modification for Installation on ries, Micro Cell Equipment (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Recording ation of Crystal Structures and Investigations of Emission nal Purpos/ Spec, for X-Ray Detection System for Use with poses) (1/ Spec, for Industrial X-Ray Equipment (Emission action Components and Vacuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spec, for Audio Spec, for Group Spec, for Automatic Audiometer ditory Trainer and Accessories) (197/ Spec, for Group and Spec, for High Spec, for High Spec, for Truck Chassis with Two Spec, for Truck Chassis with Single Space Spray, Thermal Type (1969) (Spar Buoys) (1969) Spar Buoys) (1971) Spar Buoys) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Navigational Aids (Plast Spar Varnish (Water Resisting, Exterior) (1969) Spar Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Spar Varnish, Exterior and Interior ( 1970) Spar Varnish; and Application (Highway and Bridge Const Spar (Phenoloc Resin) (1968) FED TT-V-1 19, Std. 141 Spar (Water Resisting) (1968) FED TT-V-121, Std. 141 Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake B Spark Plugs (1961) Spark Plugs (1971) FED W-S-506A, SAE J-548A, J-549 Spark Plugs, Nonaircraft ( 1 968 ) FED W-S-506 Spec. For Bedding Materials for Masonry Plates and Beari Spec.For Toilet Soap (Cake or Bar, Milled) (1968) ASTM Special Attachments (3 Point Hitch) (1970) Special Automotive Equipment (Manual) (1966) /Iform Me Special Conditions for Fixed and Mobile Communications Special Freeze Drying Chambers) (1970) Spec, for R Special Guardrail Mower (Industrial Wheel Type Tractor Special Lubricants for Heavy Equipment ( 1969) Special Marker (Obstruction or Danger), and Spar Buoys) (Special Printing for Vari Typer) ( 1971 ) (Special Purpose Chairs) (Shower, Multipurpose Mobile Ch Special Purpose Hypodermic Syringes ( 1 965 ) (Special Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type, 4 X Special Purpose (1971) Special Service Vehicle (Automobile, Class A) (1971) Special Use) (1964) NEMA Wd-2-63 Std Special Utility (1971) Special White Traffic Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for A Special (Commercial Design) (1968) Special (1969) Special (1969) Special (1969) Spec. F (Special) (Cloth) (1970?) (Special) (Company) (1970) (Special) (1970?) Special) (1971) Spec, for (Special) (278 Deg. F.), High Speed (1969) Special, Clean Up Traffic Paint (1969) Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for True Special, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Special, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Special, 19,500 Lb. (1969) Special, 25,000 L.B. G.V.W. (1969) Special, 25,000 Lb. (1969) Special, 5,800 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Special, 6 and 1/2 Ft. Box (1969) Special, 6 Passenger (Motor) (1969) Special, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Specimen Cabinets (Geology Paleontology, Trays) (1968) Specimen Holder and Related Accessories (Educational Pu Spectacles (1971) Spectacles ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Saf (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chem (Spectacles, Eyeglasses) (1971) CFR 21, MIL Std. 105 Spectra) (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Ter Methods Wi Spectrograph Polychromator (Scientific Equipment) (1971 Spectrograph (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Spectrometer and Accessories and Gas Chromatograph (Sci Spectrometer Conversion) (1970) Spectrometer System and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Co Spectrometer System (Analytical Diffraction Systems for Spectrometer System (Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle S Spectrometer System (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Spectrometer System ( 197 1 ) Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Spectrometer (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Spectrometer (University) (1971) Spec, for Fou Spectrophotometers, Fluorescent Attachments and Accesso Spectropolarimeter (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Spectroscopy by Direct Measurement); for Measurement of Spectroscopy Goniometer (Science, University) (Educatio Spectroscopy) (Update Existing System) (Educational Pur Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Texture of Mater Spectrum Analyzer (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Speech and Hearing Equipment (School) (1971) (Speech and Hearing Testing - School) ( 1971 ) Speech Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Recorder, Au Speed Cassette Duplicating System ( 1970) Speed Cassette Duplicating System ( 1970) Speed Rear Axle (1970) Speed Rear Axle (1970) CA 691-76-31 NY 34501-0941 NY 34501-0830 NY 34501-0832 OR 77-100-9420 VA DK-15A MS PM-2 VA DH-239 PA V-15 PA V-4 NY 35000-0938 NC 2920-S-26 NY 30400-0854 CA 681-23-15 VA DH-247 TX 370-59-2A SC 14-260-045 IB IL ♦25 NE *8 NY 24204-0654 SC 1 4-220-045 IC LA *6 NY 34501-0832 NY 23003-0295 NY 11613-0331 TX 360-58-2 AK * 77 NY 40025-0505 CA 711-23-06 OR 24-64-3A SC *3 SC 20-010 PA R-29 MI 3958-0048 MI 3958-0160 MI 3905-0036 MA ♦35-90 NY 23000-0651 MA *35-43 AK ♦32 NY 10500-0772 CA 691-80-418 MI 3958-0136 MI 3958-0142 MI 3958-0096 MI 3958-0132 MI 3958-0128 MI 3958-0168 MI 3958-0156 MI 3958-0072 MI 3958-0090 MI 3905-0056 MI 3958-0026 NY 12004-0091 NY 11002-0641 CA 711-42-10 CA 711-42-09 NY 39012-0491 CA 711-62-50 NY 11002-0377 NY 38781-0784 NY 38781-0623 NY 38782-0200 NY 11002-0018 NY 38782-0824 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0563 NY 38782-0416 NY 38782-0796 NY 38782-0823 NY 38782-0820 NY 38782-0253 NY 38700-0885 NY 38782-0722 NY 11002-0288 NY 11002-0715 NY 11002-0608 NY 11002-0563 NY 38781-0319 NY 38215-0189 NY 38215-0771 NY 38215-0388 NY 38217-0430 NY 38217-0596 NE •16 NE •17 301 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Truck Chassis with Tilt Cab and 2 Spec, for Dump Truck with 2 Spec, for Radar Spec, for Tires, High Spec, for Sterilizers (Special) (278 Deg. F.), High or Passenger Car (Automobile), Heavy, 4 Door Sedan, V-8, 3 Spec, for Regular, Mud and Snow Tires, High Spec, for Cassette Duplicator and Rewinder (High Spec, for Cassette Duplicator (Monaural, High Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Spec, for Cassette Tape Duplicator (High (1970) Spec, for Tester, Heavy Duty Spec, for Peat Moss (Hypnum, stm D307-44, E97-55 Spec, for Glass Spec, for Bead Dispenser, Automatic, Glass, int, Solvent for Machine Equipment Cleaning, Optical Glass d Refraction (Beads) (1969) Spec, for Glass proof (Beads) ( 1969) Spec, for Glass ners, Letters,/ Spec, for Reflective Materials (Sheeting, lordane Residual Roach Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spec, for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings (Hub and Tent. Spec, for Nonmechanical Water Coolers, Spec, for Fusees (Flare), Red, Truck, Emergency (Without or Highway Construction / Std. Spec, for Slope Drains and Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Limited Slip or No Std. Spec, for File Desk Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulically Operated Material Spreader 71 ) Spec, for Material Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spec, for Mower, Side Mounted Rotary, 3 ass Ii) (1956) Spec, for b-61, B-84, B-108 (1956) Spec, for ifferentials, Tr/ Spec, for Lubricant, Gear Multipurpose Spec, for Beds; Metal, Hospital (with Spec, for Hose; Water, Braided, Knitted or Spec, for Office Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spec, for Office Machines (Stencil and Spec, for Line Carbon Master Sets, Std. Spec, for Fluid, Duplicating, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Turpentine, Gum Spec, for Odorless Volatile Mineral Spec, for Linseed Oil and Mineral Std. Spec, for Petroleum Spec, for Mineral Spec, for Volatile Mineral Spec, for Mineral Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral Std. Spec, for Turpentine; Gum ute) ( 19/ Std. Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral ybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spec, for ishe/ Spec, for Pulmonizer System for Diagnostic Testing atory Teaching Aids (Monitors, Ventilators, Resuscitators, Spec, for pectacles), Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Std. Spec, for Steel H-Bearing Piling, Caps, and re) ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Connectors; Pressure, Fixture onges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, )(1971) Spec, for tor Inside) Air Cooled Air Conditioning Unit (/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Mops; Wet, Cellulose Spec, for Spec, for e Foam for Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, for Use as Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose Cushioning, Spec, for spec, for Medical and Surgical Supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Spec, for Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Misses" and Women's Spec, for Knit and Spec, for Men's and Boys" Permanent Press Spec, for 4 X 2 Window Van Spec, for Spec, for Coat, Men's Spec, for Denim, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Spray on re Torch Welding and Cutting Outfit (1/ Spec, for Welder Spec, for eplacemen/ Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spec. F Solvent) (1970) ate) (1962) ) Std. 141 Speed Rear Axle ( 1970) Speed Rear Axle (1970) Speed Units and Accessories (1970) Speed (1969) Speed (1969) Speed (1969) Speed (1970) Speed) (1971) Speed) (1971) Speed, Truck Mounting) (1969) Speed, Truck Mounting) ( 197 1 ) Speed, Two Track Reel) ( 1971 ) Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, Portable Beam Scale Sphagnum, Reedsedge) (1970?) Spheres for Reflectorization of License Plates (1970) A Spheres (License Plate Reflection) (1970) Spheres) (1968) /C. for Pavement Marking Materials (Pa Spheres, Highway Traffic Sign and Marker, Reflection An Spheres, Reflectorizing Traffic Marking Paint, Moisture Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Colors, Thinners, and to Spiders, Carpet Beetles) ( 1961 ) /for Insecticides, Ch Spigot Style) (1970?) ASTM A-74, ANSI A-40.1 Spigoted, Construction and Maintenance Crew Use (1967) Spike) (1969) Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote Timber F Spin Differential (1970) Spindle (1971) Spinner Disc Spreader (Salt, Sand) (Tailgate) (1963) (Spinner Type) (1970) Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck Mounting) (Hospital) (19 Spinner (1968) Spiral Bed Spring Bottom (B-61, B-84, B-108, Type A, CI Spiral Bed Spring Bottom (Type B, Class Iii) for Spec. (Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type D Spiral Springs) (1956) Spiralled (1971) ASTM D380, FED Std. 601, L-H-520 Spirit Duplicating Machine, Inked Ribbons) (1971) Spirit Process Duplicators) ( 1971 ) Spirit Type Duplicating Equipment (1970) Spirit (1971) Spirits of Turpentine (1966) ASTM D233, El Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Solvent (Petroleum Distill Spirits Treatment Material (Highway Construction) (1970 Spirits (Mineral) (1962) Spirits (Odorless) (1970) FED TT-T-295a Spirits (Petroleum Distillate) Paint Thinner (1962) Fed Spirits (Regular) (1970) FED TT-T-291a Spirits (1963) Spirits (1964) Spirits (1969) Spirits, General Purpose (May Use as Turpentine Substit Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; and Application (Hi Spirits; Petroleum, Volatile (Mineral) (1967) (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replen Spirometers, Function Indicator, Volumeter, Training Tn Splash Guards for Trucks (1969) Splash, Safety), Face Shields, Detergent Sanitizer and Splices (1964) ASTM A7, A36 Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Electric Cable and Wi Splint, Facial Tissue) ( 1971 ) /S (Bandages, Cotton, Sp Split Assembly Dental X-Ray Unit (Psychiatric Institute Split System (Compressor and Condenser Outside; Evapora Sponge Cups (1971) Sponge Rubber; Cushion, Carpet and Rug Underlay (1969) Sponge Yarn (1970) Sponge, Natural (1966) Sponges, Cellulose ( 1970) Sponges, Etc. (1968) Sponges, Etc. (1968) FED L-P-00386 Sponges, Metal, Institutional Use (1968) Sponges, Plaster, Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dres Sponges, Synthetic ( 1966) Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stand, Mess Tray) ( 1971 ) NSF 2 /Ty Sport Coat (1956) Sport Jackets (Corduroy) (1957) Sport Shirts (School) (Men's and Boys') (1971) Sport Shirts (1970) (Sport Type, Truck) (1971) Sport Van (Motor Vehicle), 8 Passenger (1969) Sport (1970) Sports, 9 Ounce, Colored (1968) FED CCC-C-421B Spot Cleaner, Liquid (1969) (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon A Spray Base, Deodorizer, Insecticidal (1969) Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air R Spec, for Urethan /for Urethane Foam NE ♦28 NE *29 NY 38207-0694 CA 691-26-33 NY 10500-0772 MI 3905-0002 IN *4 NY 38217-0305 NY 38217-0369 NY 40900-0317 NY 40900-0375 NY 38217-0838 NJ 6524-07 MS 3880 WY *11 MI 2800-S1 NY 38001-0704 IN *5 MD *11 NY 38601-0752 MS 1-7 MS 3252 KS 79-1 A CA 691-10-26 SC HD-105 MS L-5B-70-20 IL *32Y NJ 4938-07 NE *57 NY 41000-0243 NJ 4938-59 PA SSB-108 PA SS-108 MI 5255-S14 PA B-61 PA H-5 NY 23003-0238 NY 22919-0012 CA 701-75-33 MS F-20B-7 1 PA T-10 MS PM-16 VA DK-34A VA DH-256 NM *20 NJ 7342-15 VA DK-16A NJ 7342-14 IA * 1-16 KY 16A OR 77-100-9610 MS PM-13 VA DH-239 PA S-32 NY 12600-0912 NY 12200-0512 NY 30303-1028 NY 39012-0491 SC HD-102 OR 24-64- 10A NY 10134-0339 NY 11001-0867 KS 35-3A IL *32V PA C-130 PA M-30 KY 7920-8 CA 701-76-62 TX 295-48-1A VA DS-8A KY 7920-7 NY 10134-0339 KY 7920-9 PA F-80 RI 4225-M-013 RI 4225-F-010 NY 40009-0081 RI 4265-M-011 AK •34 MI 3905-0033 CA 701-84-08 CA 681-83-11 MS C- 14-69 NY 43223-0932 CA 691-80-416 NY 43221-0771 302 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards flc Marking) (Positive Displacement Testliner)/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sign Cleaner, Pressure ties) (/ Spec, for Insecticides, Chlordane Residual Roach Spec, for Insecticides, Liquid, Fly Spec, for Insecticides, Aerosol Fly d. Spec, for Detergent Highway Road Sign Cleaning, Liquid, Spec, for Dust Mop Dressing, Spec, for Insecticides, Livestock Spec, for Hammertone Finish (Paint), Styrenated, Spec, for Thinner, Lacquer, Cellulose Nitrate, cquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cold ide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Sticker) (Forest Insect und (Portland Cement Concrete, Water Retardation) (Liquid, ) Spec, for Insecticide (Gypsy Moth Spec, for Insecticides, Fly Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spec, for Insecticide, Space , Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly paints, Paper, Composition and Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spec, for Insecticide, Bait Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spec, for Vinyl Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spec, for Insecticide, Space 1000 Gal.) (1963) Spec, for Spec, for Power Spec, for Power 9) Spec, for Mist 000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Platform Body and Roadside Spec, for Mist cab and Chassis, 25,500 Lb. G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. Roadside ,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) (Wanner Invert Emulsion Spec, for aints)(1967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Agricultural Lime (Limestone, Hydrated partmental) (1967) Spec, for Paint d Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement Spec, for Paint Paints, Varnishes and as a Carrying Agent for Insecticide Spec, for Crinkle Cotton Bedspreads (Hospital Spec, for Insecticide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spec, for Fertilizer ent, Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip ruck Mounting) (Hospital) (1971) Spec, for Material Spec, for Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body Material sand, Chlorides An/ Spec, for Barflight Tailgate Material ruck Mounting) (1970) Spec, for Material - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Cal/ Spec, for Material Spec, for Hydraulic Spinner Disc Spec, for Truck Mounted Material Spec, for Aggregate Spec, for Hydraulically Operated Material Spec, for Hydraulic Tailgate Spec, for Towed Type Fertilizer and Chassis with Dump Body, Snow Plow Hitch, and Material Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chi/ Spec, for Material unted) (1971) Spec, for Sand sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chlo/ Spec, for Material Spec, for Sand ssis Mounted) (1971) Spec, for Sand Spec, for harves/ Spec, for Farm Equipment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure age Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, 65) Spec, for al with Hydraulic System and Controls (1967) Spec, for Spec, for (Truck Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips,/ Spec, for Material r Truck, 62,000 G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgate ses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Folders and nd Salt for Ice Control) (1971) Spec, for Material Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calci/ Spec, for Material Spec, for Material Spec, for Hydraulic Powered Abrasive , Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Ch/ Spec, for Material ps, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) (19/ Spec, for Material 1969) FEDCCC-T-191 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bed Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Beds, Gatch ry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spec, for Frame, Bed, Metal Spec, for 56) Spec, for Spiral Bed Spray Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traf Spray on Spot Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Spray Paint in Pressurized Cans (1969) Spray Type (1963) Spray (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carpet Bee Spray (1961) Spray (1961) Spray (1964) St Spray (1966) Spray (1968) Spray (1969) Spray (1969) Spray) (1969) Spec, for Precatalyzed La Spray) (1970) Spec, for Insectic Spray) (1970?) ASTM C-309 /. for Membrane Curing Compo Spray); Spreader - Sticker) (Forest Insect Spray) (1970 Spray, Concentrate, Water Miscible ( 1961 ) Spray, Dual Synergist (1969) Spray, Household (1969) Spray, Insect Repellant) (1971) /Icide, Herbicide, Rat Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Presses (Wood, Spray, Malathion Concentrate ( 1969) Spray, Semiconcentrate (1969) Spray, Steel Bridges in Coastal Zone ( 1969) Spray, Thermal Type (1969) Sprayer with Broadcast Nozzles and Contour-Matic Boom Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Sprayer (Trailer Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Sprayer (150 Gal. or More) (Pickup Truck Mounting) (196 Sprayer (1970) Spec, for Truck, 20, Sprayer (300 Gal.) Truck Bed Mounting (1971) Sprayer) ( 1961 ) Spec, for Truck Sprayer) (1971) /Rs of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2 Sprayer, Paint (Hot Airless) (1961) Sprayer, Self Propelled, Single Line (Traffic Marking P Sprayer, 200 Gal., Trailer Mounted, Two Wheel (1968) Sprayer, 400 Gal., Trailer Mounted, Tree (1968) (Spraying and Dusting) and Burnt) (1971) Spraying Equipment (Skid Mounted, 10 Gal. Capacity) (De Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hoo Sprays (1971) /Type Stoves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for Spread) (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Spreader - Sticker) (Forest Insect Spray) ( 1970) Spreader for 3 Point Hitch (1969) Spreader Top, Paste Library) (1971) /and Cellulose Cem Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump T Spreader (Dump Truck Mounting) (1968) Spreader (Hydraulically - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Spreader (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body for Dump T Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body Spreader (Salt, Sand) (Tailgate) (1963) Spreader (Sand, Chips, Cinders and Road Salt) (1968) Spreader (Self Contained Hopper Type) (1970) Spreader (Spinner Type) (1970) Spreader (1964) Spreader (1969) Spreader (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W., Cab Spreader (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Spreader (6 cu. yd (Struck) Fully Reversible Chassis Mo Spreader (6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Spreader (8 cu. yd (Struck) Dump/Body Mounted) (1971) Spreader (8 cu. Yd. (Struck) Truck Fully Reversible Cha Spreader, Asphalt, 3 Ton Capacity (1966) Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage Wagon and Spreader, Feed Grinder Mixer, Crop Carrier, Soil Shredd Spreader, Hydraulic Hopper Type, Dump Body Mounting ( 19 Spreader, Hydraulic Powered Under Tailgate Type, Materi Spreader, Landscape, (1969) Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body Spreader, Snow Plow Assemblies (1968) Spec. Fo Spreaders and Stackers, Starch Cooker, Soap Tank) (1966 Spreaders (Gasoline Engine Driven, Hopper Body) (Sand A Spreaders (Minimum 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopper Body - Spreaders (Sand and Cinder) (1969) Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Truck Body Type) ( 1970?) Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt Spreaders (5 1/2 - 6 cu. Yd. Capacity - Salt, Sand, Shi Spreads, Bed, Bleached (Striped Dimity Without Crest) Spreads, Piping Rock Cotton (1962) Spreads; Bed, Crinkle (1970) FED CCC-T-191 Sprigging (Grass) for Highway Construction (1964) Spring and Accessories ( 1966) Spring Animals) (1970) /Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Mer (Spring Base) (1962) Spring Bottom Psychiatric Bed (Institutional Use) (1956 Spring Bottom (B-61, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class Ii) (19 NJ 4934-01 MS C- 14-69 OR 77-100-9510 NJ 4938-58 MS 1-7 MS 1-3 MS 1-4 MS D-4-64 KY 6850-1 MS I-5A-68 CA 691-80-250 CA 691-80-414 MI 5325-S19 NY 22100-0061 MS 3754 NY 22100-0061 MS 1-6 CA 691-76-30 CA 691-76-25 MS C-40A-7 1 NY 23100-0855 CA 691-76-27 CA 691-76-26 CA 691-80-75 CA 691-76-31 NJ 4938-61 NY 46800-0138 NY 46800-0284 NY 46800-0861 NJ 4938-99 NY 46800-0776 NJ 4938-25 MS H-9-7 1 NJ 4938-39 NJ 4934-00 NJ 4938-42 NJ 4938-114 PA L-36 NY 43221-0781 NY 43221-0771 NY 05601-0896 VA FB-19 NY 22100-0061 SC 15-000 IL *32A NY 41000-0243 NY 41000-0071 NY 41000-0325 NY 41000-0665 NY 41000-0870 NJ 4938-07 SC 14-400 SC 14-400-0451 NE *57 NJ 4938-69 SC 15-000-0451 NJ 4938-00 NY 41000-0390 AK *7 NY 41000-0531 AK *8 AK *9 NJ 4938-66 NY 08200 NY 08200 NJ 4938-78 NJ 4938-74 NJ 4938-98 NY 41000-0182 NJ 4938-08 NY 00365-0200 NY 41000-0464 NY 41000-0801 NY 41000-0799 VA *15 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0509 PA S-36 MS B-2-62 PA S-31 SC HD-107 NY 00203-00-0310 NY 30211-0572 NJ 3718-02 PA S-101 PA SSB-108 303 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards nd Accessories (Youth and Adult) / FED AA-B-155 76 76 B-108 (1956) Spec, for Spiral Bed Masonry Catch Basins, Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction and , Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spec, for Bed Spec, for Dress Coats (Girls') Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Std. Spec, for Bed utional Use) (/ Spec, for Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) nd Adult) / Spec, for Cribs, Gatch Spring, Regular (Link) Spec, for Beds, Gatch Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cribs, Gatch Spec, for Box Spec, for Bed Spec, for Box Type Bed Spec, for Mattresses and Spec, for Hospital Bed Spec, for Beds; Metal, Cot, Folding (Wire Fabric Spec, for Beds; Metal, Institutional Ward (Wire Fabric Spec, for Beds; Metal, Hospital (with Spiral Spec, for Beds; Metal, Double Deck (Wire Fabric Spec, for Bed a, Class I) ( 1956) Spec, for Bed and Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and Spec, for Paper Cups, Spec, for Napkins, (1970) FED SS-S-/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, (1964) Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, 25-62 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, oof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Spec, for Folding Tables for General Purpose Clamshell Bucket ( 1 cu. Yd. Capacity, Std. Spec, for Asphalt Shingles; Std. Spec, for Cement Rubble Masonry (Roughly Hatches, Sheaths, Bars, Nail Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Spec, for Hot Rolled Bar Steel Rounds, Spec, for Cold Finished Bar Steel Rounds, ne Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot hotographic Laboratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile Studio, Spec, for Floor Wood Block or Handles; Wood, Threaded and Tapered Ends (Broom, Brush, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Asphalt Roof Coating (Waterproofing) (1970) Fed std. Spec, for Asphalt Roofing; Smooth Surfaced (1970) Fed td. Spec, for Asphalt Roofing, Mineral Surfaced (1970) Fed spec, for Sodium Chloride (95% Minimum) Rock Salt for Road . for Calcium Chloride (for Road Conditioning, Dustlaying, Spec, for Jute Fabric ay Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for hway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for ighway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for ent) for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for way Construction (1964) AASHO T134 Std. Spec, for (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Bituminous or Earth Type Base Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Spec, for Foam Spec, for Foam Spec, for Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Acid, Spec, for Chairs - Type III (Fiber Glass Bucket Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor System and Tray ding Units, Flatwork Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Fiberglass Shell Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chairs Spec, for Library Spec, for New Press Box Seating (Auditorium, Spec, for School and Art Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Spec, for Beds; Wood (for Spec, for Spec, for s) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Spec, for Portable Spec, for Air Compressors (Two Spec, for Air Compressor (Two 71 ) Spec, for Air Compressor (Single Spec, for Heavy Duty for Laundry Presoak, Enzyme (Protein, Blood, Carbohydrate Std. Spec, for Plastic Dishstrainer Std. Spec, for Plastic Dishstrainer Spec, for Compound; Std. Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Ready Mixed Std. Spec, for Wood -63 Spring Bottom (Type B, Class Iii) for Spec. B-61, B-84, Spring Boxes for Highway Construction ( 1964) /or Brick Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Throwing Machin Spring Materials ( 1 968) FED QQ-W-428 (Spring Wear) (1957) Spring (29 X 54 In.) (1970) Spring, Adjustable, Two Crank (Hospital) (1961) Spring, and Accessories (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Instit Spring, Controlled Environment and Accessories (Youth A Spring, Electrically Operated (Hospital) (1969) Spring, Nonadjustable (Hospital) (1963) Spring, Regular (Link) Spring, Controlled Environment A Springs for Beds (39 X 74 In., 54 X 74 In.) (1955) Springs (Band Fabric, Dormitory or Hospital Use) (1960) Springs ( 1964) FED CCC-C-436 Springs (1971) Springs (2 Crank Adjustable) (1960) FED AA-B-155 Springs) (1956) Springs) (1956) Springs) (1956) Springs) (1956) Springs, Box Type ( 1 963 ) Spring; Wire Fabric (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, Type Sprinkler, Forks, Hoes and Hoo /Olt and Glass and Pipe Sputum (1965) Sputum, Interfold (1965) Square Butt, Extra Heavy, Mineral Surfaced, 275-300 Lb. Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. Std Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 250 L.B. (1970) ASTM D-2 Square Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1970) / Spec, for R (Square Leg, Pedestal, Card) (1971) Square Nose Type) ( 1970) Spec. Square Tab (1970) UL 55B Squared and Dressed Stone Laid in Full Beds) (1964) Squares, Brooms and Brushes (Wire), Oil Cans, Chains, C Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-322, A-2 Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-108, A-331, A-2 Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ring and Circle Shea Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, Tables Squeegee (1968) Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Spec. F Squeegee, Floor (1968) Squeegee, Window (1967) SS-A-00694C, TT-P-320C Std. SS-R-501D, SS-R-620a SS-R-630D Stabilization and Deicing (1968) ASTM D632, CI 36 Stabilization, Ice Removal, Concrete Setting and Curing (Stabilize Earth Slopes) (1970?) Stabilized Aggregate Base Course (with Prime) for Highw Stabilized Earth Base Course (Cut Back Asphalt) for Hig Stabilized Earth Base Course (Emulsified Asphalt) for H ' Stabilized Earth Base Course (Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Cem Stabilized Earth Base Course (Portland Cement) for High Stabilized Macadam Base Course for Highway Construction Stabilizer Aggregates) for Highway Construction (1964) Stabilizer, Coco Diethanolamide (1966) Stabilizer, Laurie Diethanolamide (1966) Stable, Dry Granular (1968) Stack Chair) (1965) Stacker with Rolled Paper Handler) (1969) Stacker) (1969) Stackers, Starch Cooker, Soap Tank) ( 1966) / Shirt Fol Stacking Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Stacking Chairs (1969) (Stacking Type, Without Arms) (1970) Stacks; Steel (Shelving) (1968) Stadium) (1967) Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Stic Staff Use) (1955) Stage Equipment and Curtains (NYS Std.) (1968) Stage Equipment Curtains ( 1971 ) Stage Equipment, Curtains (Draperies) (Riggings and Rod Stage Units or Band Risers ( 1971 ) Stage, Electric Motor Driven and Portable) (1969) Stage, Single Acting, Three Cylinder) ( 1971 ) Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Type, Turbine Driven) (19 Stain and Soil Removing Laundry Builder (Powder) (1968) Stain Removal) (Bleach) (1969) Tent. Spec. (Stain Removal) (1953) (Stain Removal) (1953) Stain Remover (for Tableware) (1960) ASTM D1331 Stain Remover (1969) Stain (Semi Transparent) (1970) FED TT-W-572, USC CS262 Stain (Semi Transparent) (1971) Stain, Oil Type, Interior (1970) PA SS-108 SC HD-117 NY 30200-0587 NY 22704-0479 RI 4225-F-006 NY 20301-0138 NC 6530-S-28 NY 20301-0167 NY 20301-0560 NY 20302-0222 NC 6530-S-3 NY 20301-0560 PA S-96 TX 295-38-8 TX 295-47-2 NY 22700-0276 TX 295-38-9 PA B-28 PA B-60 PA B-61 PA B-64 KS 71-2 PA SWF- 108 NY 39000-0482 KY 7815-4 KY 7840-4 MS R-5-64-4 MS R-5-64-1 MS R-5-64-3 MS R_5_64-2 NY 20902-0435 NY 41101-0605 OR 64-500-0070 SC HD-96 NY 39000-0482 MS 3313 MS 3314 NY 43201-0487 NY 38810-0650 TX 370-60-1 PA H-23 KY 7920-11 KY 7920-10 OR 64-500-0020 OR 64-500-0050 OR 64-500-0040 TX 6 15-34-1 A PA C-7 MS 3883 SC HD-46 SC HD-40 SC HD-41 SC HD-42 SC HD-39 SC HD-44 SC HD-37 TX 371-45-2 TX 371-45-1A CA 681-76-14 NJ 3718-05 NY 39101-0921 NY 36200-0979 NY 00365-0200 RI 1-017 RI 1-027A TX 295-5 2-1 A PA L-45 NE *80 NY 23100-0855 PA B-115 NY 00381-03-0046 NY 38101-0240 NY 38103 NY 30202-0730 NY 41400-0272 NY 41400-0115 NY 41400-0787 VA L-5A MS TL-7-69 MS S-2-53-53 MS S-253-53 PA C-87 WA S-62-45 NY 38000-0052 NY 38000-0931 MS PM-6 304 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Table Flatware Spec, for Spec, for Bakery Equipment ti Z70.1 -55 Spec, for Sterile Single Injection ck (1970?) ASTM A-167, A-276 Spec, for Spec, for Pens, Ball, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 151 Spec, for Tableware; j, Batter Cans, Utility Car/ Spec, for Food Service Ware; Spec, for Tableware, Spec, for Medicine Stations Spec, for Water Closet / Laboratory Combination Spec, for Water Closet / Lavatory Combination Std. Spec, for Tableware, js) (1970?) Spec, for Fasteners (Structural and Spec, for Ungraded Spec, for Ungraded Std. Spec, for Tableware, Flatware, Rec. Pract. for Removal of ed Std. 595 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Treads; Spec, for Risers abs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, )69) Spec, for 8 Ft. )69) Spec, for 12 Ft. )69) Spec, for 12 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Spec, for 9 Ft. 969) oad (1969) Spec. Spec. for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 1 2 Ft. Spec, for 14 Ft. Spec, for 14 Ft. c. for Hydraulic Power Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 9 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 9 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 12 Ft. Spec, for Truck, 14 Ft. onal 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Chassis with Cab and Platform 1969) Spec, for 12 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 14 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. 00 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with Platform Body with Spec, for Hubs, Lath, Std. Spec, for Survey Spec, for Survey Spec, for Snow Guide >71) Spec, for Shower Curtains, Tub and pplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; Rubber Std. Spec, for Number Machine, Drawing, Writing, Spec, for Time Spec, for Cigarette Tax Std. Spec, for Pads (Desk, Ruled, Columnar, Spec, for Labeled Rubber Spec, for Office Supplies (Daters, Numberers and Rubber Spec, for Dating handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck - Battery Powered quipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Battery Powered al Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks - Battery Powered, Spec, for Spec, for Pull Out Bed Lounger, Free Spec, for Office Furniture, Components (Metal) Free Spec, for Television Receivers and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Coffee Urns and Std. for Calendar Pads and ip and Tray Di/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Cashier uipment (Counter, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Safety for Kitchen Equipment (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, ck Bar, Serving and Sandwich Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, irniture) (1969) Spec, for Metal Smoker's Std. Spec, for Std. for Std. Spec, for Staple Machine (Heavy Duty Std. for Spec, for ec. for Office Supplies (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, (Stainless Steel and Silverware) (1971) Stainless Steel Clad Plate (1970?) ASTM A-264 (Stainless Steel Conveyor Catch Pans) ( 1971 ) Stainless Steel Disposable Hypodermic Needles ( 1964) An Stainless Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip, Bars, Bolt Sto Stainless Steel Point, Nonrefillable (1970) Stainless Steel Table Flatware ( 1962) Stainless Steel Tableware (1966) FED QQ-M-1 5 1 Stainless Steel Tableware ( 1970) Stainless Steel (Flatware Set) (1968) FED Std. 66, Std. Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowl Stainless Steel (1968) (Stainless Steel) (1970) (Stainless Steel) (1971) (Stainless Steel) (1971) Stainless Steel, Flatware, Cutlery (1964) Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Stu Stainless Tableware (Medium Weight) (1968) Stainless Tableware ( 1969) Stainless (1957) Stains (Cleaner) (1965) Stain; Opaque, and Tints, Wood, Exterior, Alkyd ( 1969. Stair, Rubber and Vinyl (1970) (Stairway, Sound Reflectors, Seated Chorus) (1971) Stake and Steel Platform, Van Bodies) ( 1971 ) / 6 Man C Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1 Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1 Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck ( 1 Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, for Mounting on Truck Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Pay Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, 12,500 Lb. Payload (196 Stake Body for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) Stake Body for Mounting on Truck (1969) Stake Body Truck with 14 Ft. Platform (1970) Spe Stake Body with Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) Stake Body (1969) Stake Body (1969) Stake Body (1969) Stake Body (1969) Stake Body (1969) Stake Body ( 1970) Spec, for Conventi Stake Body, and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck Stake Body, Hydraulic Hoist (1969) Stake Body, Special (1969) Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. Payload (1969) Stake Pockets (1968) Spec, for Truck, 32,0 Stakes and Ginnies ( 1971 ) MIL Std. 105 Stakes and Hubs (1970) Stakes, Flat and Hub, Wood (1968) Stakes, Wood (1967) Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Plastic, and Hooks ( 1 Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; Pens; and Pencils) (1 Stamp Pad Ink and Eradicator ( 1971 ) Stamp (Electric) (1971) Stamp (Heat Fusion, Decal) (1963) Stamp, and Typewriter) ( 1971 ) Stamps (1969) Stamps) (1971) Stamps, Band Type (1969) Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) ( 1971 ) /C. for Material Stand-Up Rider) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Material Handling E Stand-Up Riders) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Materi Standby Gasoline Engine Generator Sets ( 1970) Standing Design (1968) Standing, Panels and Hung (1969) Stands (Educational Television) (1970) Stands) (1971) Stands, and Appointment Books (1969) Stands, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and C Stands, Griddle, Fryer, Sandwich Unit) (School) (1971) Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Panel A Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit) (1970) /Inspection Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Gre Stands, Portable Refrigerated Cold Counter and Cleaner Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case and Pan Stands, Sink, Display Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispen Stand; Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Tray (Office F Staple Machine (Heavy Duty Stapler) (1971) Staple Removers, Office (1956) Stapler) (1971) Staplers and Staples, Office (1968) Staplers (1971) FED GG-S-745, MIL Std. 105 Staplers, Staples and Removers, Tape and Dispensers) (1 NY 24600-0035 MS 3340 NY 31200-0533 TX 360-59-2 MS 3312 NJ 6950-02 WA S-6 1-35-1 VA DG-3D NJ 3188-00 PA T-43. PA F-80 CA 681-70-04 NY 11601-0556 NY 37600-0198 NY 37600-0499 MS T-1A-64 MS 3391 RI 5225-02 RI 5225-01 IL •16 KS *1 OR 77-100-9080 PA T-34 NY 30202-0114 NY 40500-0397 MI 3958-0061 MI 3958-0139 MI 3958-0143 MI 3958-0078 MI 3958-0118 MI 3958-0079 MI 3958-0142 MI 3958-0138 MI 3958-0123 MI 3958-0161 NJ 4938-15 NJ 4938-106 MI 3958-0074 MI 3958-0076 MI 3958-0104 MI 3958-0106 MI 3958-0122 SC 14-010-0451 MI 3958-0119 MI 3958-0060 MI 3958-0160 MI 3958-0136 MI 3958-0134 NJ 4938-38A CA 711-55-01 OR 63-900-9020 MD *21 MD ♦20 PA C-155 FL ♦16 IL ♦32GG NY 23011-0083 PA S-144 IL *32PP NJ 6900-02 NY 23011-0164 CA 691-75-52 NY 39101-0892 NY 39101-0774 NY 39101-0719 NY 35907-0283 CA 681-67-12 NY 21701-0150 SC 24-050 NY 36113-0105 CT 69-75C NY 36200-0605 NY 32610-0801 NY 36200-0124 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0866 NY 36100-0413 NY 36200-0787 NY 36200-0768 RI 1-023 IL ♦32CCC CT 69-115 IL •32CCC CT 69- 144 A CA 711-75-32 FL •17 305 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 16 Std. Spec, for Round Wire fice Supplies (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Spec, for Std. for Staplers and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Flatwork Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Spec, for Replacement for Spec, for Lubricated Laundry Spec, for Laundry Std. Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Spec, for Flag, United States, Std. Spec, for Calf Diesel and Gasoline Engine (1962) . Spec, for Storage Batteries, Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Spec, for Cotton, Nylon and Wool Bunting for United Spec, for United Std. for Flag, United Tent. Spec, for Flags (United DDD-F-416 Spec, for Flag, United Spec, for Flags, United Spec, for Radio Repeater / Base Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Pickups, Light Trucks, Spec, for High Band Base Spec, for Low Band Base otor Vehicle; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) Minimum Spec, for Passenger Vehicles (4 Door, 6 Passenge Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door, 9 Passenge Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Ambulance Std. Spec, fo Spec, for 4 Door, 2 Sea Spec, for 6 and 9 Passenge Spec, fo Spec, fo td. Size, 4 Door, 6 Passenger) (1970) Spec, fo Door, 6 Passenger) (1971) Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Minimum Spec, fo Spec, for Vehicles; Passenger Car and (Automobile) (1970) Spec, fo ( Automobile ) ( 1 970 ) Spec, fo passenger ( 1970) Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo 70?) Spec, fo Spec, for State Police Spec, for Automobiles (Sedans and Spec, for Sedans (Automobile), Std. Spec, for Spec, for Stereo Listening Spec, for Two Way Radio Base Spec, for Base Spec, for Radio Base Spec, for Group Learning Systems (Six Position Listening System (Medical Center) (1968) Spec, for b-205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends (Open Filler, 205 Spec, for Hospital Bed Ends (Panel Type, Spec, for Compressor Oil, Piston Type, Medium, Spec, for Compressor Oil, Piston Type, Heavy, Equipment (Refuse Compactor Trailer, 31 cu. Yd. Mobile or / Shirt Folding Units td. Size, 4 (1971) Large Size) (1971) Large Size) (1971) 6 Passenger) (1970?) Staples and Remover (1971) Staples and Removers, Tape and Dispensers) ( 1971 ) /of Staples, Chisel Point, Office, Standard Duty ( 1970) Staples, Office (1968) Staples, Paper Fastening, Office (1971) Star Cloth (for Flags) (Textile) (1957) Starch Cooker (1971) Starch Cooker, Soap Tank) (1966) Starch for Fine Finishing of Garments and Linen ( 1969) Starch (Powder or Granules) (1965) FED JJJ-S-701C Starch (1957) Starch, General (1953) Starch, Laundry (1966) Stars and Stripes, Cotton, Unmounted (1969) FED DDD-F-4 Starter and Dairy Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Starting, Lighting and Ignition ( 1963) Std States Flag (1968) States Flags (for Grave Marking) (1956) States (1968) States, Minnesota) (1970) States, Stars and Stripes, Cotton, Unmounted ( 1969) Fed States, State of Michigan (1969) 68) 11 Presses and Vacuum Cleaners (1/ 966) stitutional) (1970) Spec, for Power Tools Spec, for Power Tools Spec, for Power Tools Spec, for Spec, for Engraved Spec, for Engraved Spec, for Engraved Spec, for Stat Stat Stat Stat (Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat (Stat (Stat (Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat on and Equipment (Mobile Units, Antenna) (1967?) on Buses and Vans ( 197 1 ) on Radio Equipment (1969) on Radio Equipment ( 1969) on Wagon and Sedan) ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for M on Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) on Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) on Wagon Type) (1971) on Wagon Vehicles (1970) on Wagon (Automobile) (1970) on Wagon (Automobile) (1970?) on Wagon (Automobile), 6 Passenger (1969) on Wagon (Automobile), 8 Passenger ( 1969) on Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 1 16 In. Wheelbase, S on Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, S on Wagon (Automobile, 1/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 4 Passenger) on Wagon (Automobile, 200 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, on Wagon (Automobile, 240 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, on Wagon (Automobile, 4 Door, Intermediate Model, on Wagon (1971) on Wagon, Four Door, 6 Passenger, Standard Vehicle on Wagon, Four Door, 9 Passenger, Standard Vehicle on Wagon, 4 Door, Group A, Standard Automobile, 6 on Wagon, 4 Door, 4X4 (Automobile) (1970) on Wagon, 4 Door, 6 Passenger (Automobile) (1970) on Wagon, 4X4 1/4 Ton (Automobile) (1970) on Wagons (Automobile), Pickup and Dump Trucks (19 on Wagons (1971) on Wagons) (1967) on Wagons, Pickup and Van Trucks ( 1970?) on Wagons, 4 Door (Automobile) (1970) on (Hospital) (1971) on (Park) (1971) on (Radio) (1970?) on (State Police) (1971) on, Filmstrip Projector, Mobile Cart, Audio Headse onary Extra and Intra Oral Full Mouth Dental X-Ray onary Height) for Institutional Use (1960) FED AA- onary Height) (Institutional Use) (1960) FED AA-B- onary (1968) onary (1968) onary) (1970) Spec, for Automotive onary), Panel Saw, Blade, Table Mounted Router (19 onary), Panel Saw, Edge Bander (1969) onary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Dri onery Supplies (Institutional) (1971) onery (General Assembly) (1966) onery (Judiciary and Various State Departments) ( 1 onery (Office of the Governor) ( 1966) onery, Blotters, Scratch Pads, Filing Supplies (in IL FL CA CT NJ RI TX NY VA TX PA MS KY CA WA MS NC NY RI CT MS CA MI NE OR SC SC OR TN TN NY IN NH VA MI MI AK AK AK AK AK WY PA KY KY CA NM NM NM HI IN KS HI MS NY NY VA NY NY NY TX TX CA CA NY NY NY NY NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ •32BBB *17 702-75-27 69-144A 6942-00 4910-003 500-70-1 00365-0200 L-9 395-47-1 A S-66 S-2-53-23 6810-1 691-86-01 S-60-63 Starting F- 18-62 6140-B-l 39800-0847 4745-002 91-80B TF-17A 691-86-01 5729-S1 *87 06-200-1040 38-100 3 8- 100 A 06-100-1020 TS 2310-2 TS 2310-3 40302-0485 *10 6554-010 *3 3905-0016 3905-0017 *26 *25 *27 *24 *23 *6 V-16 2310-2 2310-3 702-23-02 *12 *11 *13 *19 *8 10-1E *18 TV-2-71 38201-0133 38211-0466 *23 38211-0134 38209-0401 11001-0865 295-38-2 295-38-1 681-91-58 681-91-59 40534-0720 43200-0243 43200-0377 43200-0075 6936-00 8320-00 8320-02 8320-01 6936-00A 306 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Medicine Spec, for Tone Controlled Base Spec, for Tone Controlled Base Spec, for Radio Communications Base and Mobile Spec, for Cabinets for Continuous Traffic Counter ) (1971) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Work Tables and ry Furniture (Wood - Installed) Modular Laboratory Tables Spec, for Silo (Concrete Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) (NYS Spec, for Venetian Blinds (NYS Spec, for Steel Lockers (NYS lip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor Systems (NYS Spec, for Stage Equipment and Curtains (NYS Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Sinks) (NYS Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Tables, NYS ipment (Food Transporting and Serving Food Conveyors) (NYS Spec, for Carpeting (NYS Spec, for Auditorium Seating (NYS Spec, for Theater Seating (NYS Spec, for Draperies (Curtain) (NYS Spec, for Toilet Seats (NYS Spec, for Fuel Oil (NYS Spec, for Seating (Lecture Hall) (NYS Spec, for Hardwood Lumber and Plywood (NYS Softwood Lumber and Plywood, Hardboard and Wallboard (NYS posts, Piles, Poles (Preservative and Fire Retardant) (NYS for Meters (Boiler Instrumentation for the Measurement of ) Tent. Spec, for Overhead Spec, for Auto Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Steam Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Liquid ower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and Spec, for Portable Oil Fired Spec, for Spec, for Acid Descaler of Std. Spec, for 967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ration, Turbine, Hydraulic, G/ Spec, for Oil, Lubricants ! ion, Ice Machi/ Spec, for Oils, Power Plant, Lubricating Std. Spec, for Oil, 1970) Std. Spec, for Turpentine, Gum Spirits or ec. for Morpholine Feed Water Compound, Liquid, for Use in ery) (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles Tent. Std. Spec, for tility Car/ Spec, for Food Service Ware; Stainless Steel r, Ice Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Spec, for Marine Engine, Diesel Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Cleaning Compound; Liquid, High Pressure or Urn; Coffee Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, Spec, for Hose (Braided Air and Spec, for Boilers pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Spec, for Livestock Feed, cyanamid, Dried Blood, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, ed), / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Machinery) (Vegetable slicer, Food Cutt/ Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Vegetable Std. Spec, for Spec, for Triple Pressed Spec, for Furniture, Office Chairs y and Bridge Construction), Pa/ Std. Spec, for Structural Spec, for Table Flatware (Stainless Std. Spec, for Overhead Doors, Sectional Spec, for Library Shelving Spec, for M-54 Spec, for Fabricated Spec, for Zinc Coated Galvanized 5, A616, A617 Spec, for Spec, for Guard Rail, ts for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Preservative Treatment for Timber, Lumber, 80 Spec, for or Tar Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime^Coat on Construction) (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint for (1969) Spec, for Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Ballot Card Containers Spec, for Vinyl Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Stations (Stainless Steel) (1970) Stations (State Police) ( 1971 ) Stations (State Police) (1971) Stations (1968) Stations (1970) Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Hood, Stool (Statistical Laboratory) (1968) Spec, for Laborato Stave) (1967) Std.) (1965) Std.) (1967) Std.) (1967) Std.) (1967) Spec, for Shelving, Steel, C Std.) (1968) Std.) (1969) Std.) (1969) Std.) (1969) Std. Spec, for Kitchen Equ Std.) (1969) FED DDD-C-95 Std.) (1970) Std.) (1970) Std.) (1970) Std.) (1970) Std.) (1971) Std.) (1971) Std.) (1971) Std.) (1971) Spec, for Std.) ( 1971 ) /for Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Steam and Air Flow and Water) (1970) Spec. Steam and Hot Water Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964 Steam Cleaner (1961) Steam Cleaner, Heavy Duty (1969) Steam Cleaner, Light Duty (1969) Steam Cleaner, Liquid, Heavy Duty (1962) Steam Cleaner, Liquid, Medium Duty (1962) Steam Cleaner, Medium Duty ( 1969) Steam Cleaner, Powder Light and Moderate Duty ( 1961 ) Steam Cleaners (1964) Steam Cleaners ( 1968) /Escaling Compound for Cooling T Steam Cleaners (1970) Steam Cleaners (1970) Steam Cleaners, Hydrochloric Acid (1968) Steam Cleaning Compound ( 1969) Steam Cylinder Oil, Compounded, Noncondensing Engine ( 1 Steam Cylinder Oil, Condensing Engines ( 1968) Steam Cylinder Oil, Noncondensing Engines (1968) (Steam Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine Refrige (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, Turbine, Gear Reduct Steam Cylinder, Noncondensing (1970) Steam Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Solvent) Steam Generating Plants (Prevention of Condensate Line (Steam Jacketed), Toasters, Meat Slicer and Saw and Grin Steam Steam Cleaner, Liquid, Heavy Duty (1962) (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, U Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - I (Steam Tug Conversion) ( 1969) Steam Turbine (1970) (Steam) Cleaner (1970) Steam, and Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec. F Steam, Fire, Garden, Water, Suction) (1970) (Steam, Oil Fired) (1971) Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) (1969) ASTM A90, ANSI B2.1 Steamed Bone Meal (1963) Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacket Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toasters, Meat Steamfitters Supplies ( 197 1 ) Stearic Acid (1966) (Steel -Contemporary Style) (1971) Steel and Other Metals Used in Steel Structures (Highwa Steel and Silverware) ( 1971 ) (Steel and Wood) (Lift Up) (1962) ASTM A93, A386 (Steel and Wood) (1968) Steel Athletic Lockers and Benches (College) (1971) Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) AASHO Steel Barbed Wire (1968) ASTM B6, A121, A90 Steel Bars (for Concrete Reinforcement) (1971) ASTM A61 Steel Beam - Galvanized (1969) Steel Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Wood Pos Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Posts, and Piling Fo Steel Beam Guard Rail (Highway Railing) (1970) AASHO Ml Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Steel Bookcase Without Doors (Office Furniture), Steel Steel Bookcase; Sliding Doors (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel Bookcase; Sliding Glass Doors (Office Furniture) (Steel Box) (1970?) Steel Bridges in Coastal Zone (1969) NY 11601-0556 NY 38211-0123 NY 38211-0314 TX 580-39-1A NY 35812-0169 NY 12009-0629 NY 12006-0399 NY 08210-0274 NY 00361-15-0092 NY 24401-0586 NY 27500-0085 NY 27500-0391 NY 00381-03-0046 NY 36115-0203 NY 36200-0186 NY 36112-0264 NY 20600-0183 NY 20910-0571 NY 209 10-0571 A NY 21200-0747 NY 37606-0480 NY 05500 NY 20901-0026 NY 37512-0875 NY 37500-0310 NY 37513-0851 NY 40703-0619 KS 37-5 NJ 5760-00 CA 691-77-76 CA 691-77-75 MS TC-28A MS TC-27A CA 691-77-77 MS TC-29 SC 11-200 CA 681-66-13 NE *47 NY 35002-0606 CA 681-66-18 OR 76-300-9030 MI 5255-S18 CA 681-91-55 CA 681-91-54 MA * 9 NJ 3578-01 MS L-5B-70-6 MS PM-16 MA *11 NY 00361-0541 MS TC-28A PA F-80 NY 36200-0420 NY 42000-0819 MS L-5B-70-13 PA C-164 PA U-47 NY 36000-0442 NY 37600-0219 OR 56-100-9020 MI 4340-0032 NY 07700-0473 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0122 IL *28 TX 371-77-1 NY 21705-0925 SC HD-79 NY 24600-0035 OR 19-62-27 NY 27500-0790 NY 27500-0492 MS 3304 TX 230-35-1B PA S-47 NJ 4530-06 SC HD-121 SC HD-77 VA DH-224 SC HD-80B13 SC HD-80B14 RI 1-039 RI 1-004 RI 1-004 A HI ♦14 CA 691-80-75 307 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 21 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards -27 Spec, for Carbon Spec, for Alloy Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Spec, for Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Spec, for Institutional Type Spec, for Stainless ) Std. Spec, for anual on the Maintenance of Highway Structures (Structural -L-486G Spec, for Spec, for Rigid e Furniture) (1969) Spec, for office Furniture) (1969) Spec, for ure)(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Bakery Equipment (Stainless Spec, for loader Bucket) (1970) Spec, for levator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Bed Machin/ Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Pedestal Type Conventional Tent. Spec, for Contemporary 5 Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Stainless Spec, for Std. Spec, for 9) Spec, for 185.A-497 Spec, for Spec, for MIL E- 10687 Spec, for Rolled ed RR-F-183, ASTM B6-58, USC CS 184-51 Std. Spec, for ings (1970) Spec, for Structural Spec, for 969) Spec, for 8) Spec, for Lateral Tent. Spec, for Rigid Front Spec, for Spec, for 1, Structural Shapes) for Hig/ Std. Spec, for Reinforcing ction) (1970) ASTM A273, AISI 1015 Spec, for ction) (1970) ASTM A235, A237, A108 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Inside Wardrobe Chest, Spec, for Clothing Chest, Std. Spec, for Picnic Table (Tubular ay and Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM A36, A/ Spec, for 7, A36 Std. Spec, for (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Clip Type and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tinned Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for General Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wrought Std. Spec, for Spec, for Structural Spec, for High Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy ASTM A- 167, A-276 Spec, for Stainless up, Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Spec, for Pens, Ball, Stainless Spec, for Spec, for ) Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Spec, for 07, A-322, A-276 Spec, for Hot Rolled Bar 08, A-33 1 , A-276 Spec, for Cold Finished Bar Spec, for High Strength Manganese Vanadium Intermediate Strength Manganese Copper Bearing Structural m A-441 Spec, for Corrosion Resistant High Strength 328 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for out Arms) (1968) Tilting Seat, with Arms) (1968) h Arms) (1968) ling Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcas/ on Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) 68) 70) ter, Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) ( 196/ Steel Castings (Mild to Medium Strength) (1970?) ASTM A Steel Castings ( 1970?) ASTM A-486 Steel Chair Desk (1970) Steel Chair Desks (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel Chair (Tablet Arm Type) (1970) Steel Chairs (Side Arm) (1970) Steel Chairs (Stacking Type, Without Arms) (1970) Steel Chairs (1964) Steel Clad Plate (1970?) ASTM A-264 Steel Claims Cabinet (20 Drawer, 5 X 8 In. Cards) (1970 Steel Cleaning and Painting) (1970?) Steel Clothing Lockers (Office Furniture) (1969) FED Aa Steel Conduit and Fittings (Pipe) (1970?) Steel Contemporary Executive Armless Side Chairs (Offic Steel Contemporary Executive Swivel Armchair (Chairs) Steel Contemporary Swivel Posture Chairs (Office Furnit Steel Conveyor Catch Pans) (1971) Steel Costumers (Coat and Hat) (1969) Steel Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and Wings, Steel Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial (Typewriter), Hand E Steel Desks (1968) Steel Desks (1969) Steel Disposable Hypodermic Needles (1964) ANSI Z70.1-5 Steel Dresser Desks (Student) (1968) Steel Eraser Shields (1970) Steel Executive Desks (Class A) (Office Furniture) (196 Steel Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (1970?) ASTM A- Steel Fence and Sign Posts (1970) ASTM A107, A499, A123 Steel Fence Posts and Angles (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-123, Steel Fence Posts (Line, End, Corner and Gate) (1970) F Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Line, Fitt Steel Fiberglass Shell Stacking Chairs ( 1969) Steel Filing Cabinets (Card Size) (Office Equipment) (1 Steel Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) (196 Steel Filing Cabinets (1968) Steel Folding Chairs (1959) Steel Folding Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Meta Steel for Timber Connectors (Highway and Bridge Constru Steel Forgings and Shafting (Highway and Bridge Constru Steel Forgings (1970?) Steel Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) Steel Frame, Plastic Panels (1968) Steel Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) (1968) Steel Grid Flooring and Protective Treatment (for Highw Steel H-Bearing Piling, Caps, and Splices (1964) ASTM A Steel Industrial Shelving (Warehouse, Stockroom, Etc.) Steel Library Shelving (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel Lockers and Shelving (1969) Steel Lockers (NYS Std.) (1967) Steel Lockers (University) (1970) Steel Lockers (1970) Steel Lockers (1970) Steel Milk Cans (1964) Steel Office Clerical Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, with Steel Office Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Steel Office Executive Chair (Tilting Type, Rotary, Wit Steel Office Furniture (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Fi Steel Office Machine Stand (Furniture) (1969) Steel Office Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, N Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Chair with Arms (1968) Steel Office Straight 4 Leg Type Chair Without Arms ( 19 Steel Pile Shells (Highway and Bridge Construction) (19 Steel Pipe and Fittings (1970?) ASTM A-120, A-234 Steel Pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Wa Steel Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-135, A-106, A-500 Steel Plate (4 In. or Less) (1970?) ASTM A-514 Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip, Bars, Bolt Stock (1970?) Steel Platform, Van Bodies) ( 1971 ) / 6 Man Cabs) (Pick Steel Point, Nonrefillable (1970) Steel Posture Chairs, General Office (Furniture) (1969) Steel Radio and Television Towers ( 1964) Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, Wire Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-l Steel Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats (1970?) ASTM A-l Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-441, A-375 Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-6, A-375 Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Strip (1970?) AST Steel Sheet Piling (Highway Construction) (1970) ASTM A Steel Sheet Piling ( 1970?) ASTM A-328 Steel Shells for Concrete Piling (1970?) Steel Shelving (Library) (1968) Steel Shelving (Library) (1968) Steel Shelving (Library) (1969) Steel Shelving (1969) Steel Shelving (1970?) MS 3322 MS 3323 TX 295-52-5 RI 1-030 TX 295-52-4 TX 295-52-3 TX 295-52-1A TX 295-52-1 MS 3340 OR 43-230-9010 NY *2 RI 1-007 MS 3801 RI 4-013 RI 4-011 RI 4-014 NY 31200-0533 RI 1-021 NY 40903-0431 NV 7110-D KS 70-3A KS 70-5 B TX 360-59-2 RI *10 IL *32BB RI 1-010 MS 3303 SD *4 MS 3403 OR 64-600-9030 MS 3406 RI 1-027A RI 1-035 RI 1-003A KS 70-2D VA BF-2 RI 1-024 SC HD-72 VA DH-229 VA DH-231 MS 3315 CA 681-67-10 CA 681-67-9 WI 0560-8850 VA DH-233 SC HD-102 OR 43-400-0010 RI 1-025 NY 27500-0788 NY 27500-0085 NY 27500-0482 NY 27500-0659 NY 27500-0669 TX 190-37-1 TX 300-33-3B TX 300-3 3-2B TX 300-33-1 B HI *7 RI 1-029 TX 300-3 3-4A TX 300-33-6 TX 300-33-7 VA DH-234 MS 3364 OR 56-100-9020 MS 3362 MS 3318 MS 3312 NY 40500-0397 NJ 6950-02 RI 1-014 TX 580-50-1 VA DH-228 MS 3313 MS 3314 MS 3310 MS 3317 MS 3309 VA DH-235 MS 3373 MS 3371 NY 27500-0749 NY 27500-0855 NY 27500-0776 NY 27500-0943 NY 27500-0269 308 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for (Paint System) (1969) FED Std./ Std. Spec, for Finishing; hairs; Costume/ Spec, for Office Furniture (Bookcases and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Prepainted Coiled Spec, for e) (Cabinet) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Tmt) (Galvanized Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Galvanized Std. Spec, for Structural Steel and Other Metals Used in ice Furniture) (1969) rniture) (1969) Std. Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Spec, for for Stainless Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Stainless for Stainless Aluminum Coated) (196/ Std. 25 Spec. Spec. Spec. Men's Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short), Spec, for Foundry Safety Shoes (Boot), Oil Resistant, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Posts, Route Marker, nd L Units) (1970?) Spec, for hout Arms) (1968) Spec, for ure)(1969) Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Cleaning, Spec, for Pads, Scouring, Spec, for Spec, for Pad, Spec, for Fence, Chain Link, Spec, for Shelving, Library, Spec, for Shelving, Library, Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Sheet Spec, for Sheet Std. Spec, for Rolling Doors, Spec, for Lockers, for Tableware; Stainless for Pipe; Welded and Seamless for Pipe; Welded and Seamless Spec, for Tableware, Corrosion Resisting Spec, for Cabinets; Filing, Spec, for Typing and Bookkeeping Tables; Spec, for Library Shelving, Spec, for Library Stacks; Spec, for Food Service Ware; Stainless Spec, for Lockers, namental (1970?) ASTM A/ Spec, for Std. Carbon Structural Std. for Table Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Tent. Std. Spec, for Desks, Office, Tent. Std. Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Vertical, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Folding, Spec, for Metal Office Chairs, Spec, for Tableware, Stainless pec. for Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Linseed Oil, Structural Spec, for Burnt Umber Finish Coat (Paint), Structural Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Finish Coat, Underwater, Std. Spec, for Table Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Spec, for Desks, Office, Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Vertical, Spec, for Tables, Office, spec, for Steel Bookcase Without Doors (Office Furniture), Spec, for Files, Shelf, Cabinet, Lateral, Spec, for Chairs, Folding, Spec, for Lockers, Spec, for Copper Bearing Structural Spec, for Ladder, Aerial Type with Mount, 30 Ft., Spec, and Estimated Requirements for Cold Rolled Spec, for 1972 License Plate Spec, for Ancjior Rods, Spec, for Mezzanine Shelving, Hot Rolled Hollow Tube ( 1970?) Ast/ Spec, for Structural Spec, for Lockers Spec, for Lockers ility Type General Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck tal) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed cans, Utility Car/ Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel (Steel (Steel (Steel (Steel Shelving, Library (1969) Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar Equipment Shelving; File, Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; C Side Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Side Chairs; Slat Back (Institutional Use) (1969) Sliding Door Credenza (1969) Snow Fence Posts (1967) ASTM A 15, A16 Stacking Chairs (Institutional Use) (1969) Stock for License Plates (1963) Storage Cabinet (Office Furniture) (1969) Storage Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Furnitur Strips) (1970) Strips) (1971) ASTM A525-67 Structures (Highway and Bridge Construction), Pai Swivel Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Off Swivel Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Male (Office Fu Table Flatware (1962) Tables (General Office and Conference) ( 1970?) Tables (General Office) (Furniture) (1969) Tables (Laminated Plastic Top) (Furniture) (1969) Tables, Panel and 4 Leg Types ( 1968) Tables; General Office (Furniture) (1969) Tableware (1966) FED QQ-M-151 Tableware (1970) Toe (1961) Spec. Toe (1970?) Trapezoidal Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) Tub Files (5 X 8 In. Cards) (1969) Typewriter StanH r.' rt 'o> U (1969) Unitized Furniture (Credenza, Service, Modular, A Utility Type Chair (Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Wit Vertical Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furnit Vertical Filing Cabinets (Letter and Legal) ( 1968 Wire (1970) Wood, Institutional Use (1968) Wool (1963) Wool, Electric Floor Machine (1966) Accessories, Fittings and Posts) (Galvanized and Bracket Type) (1970) Bracket Type) (1970) Clip Type) (1968) Clip Type) (1969) Coated) (1967) Coated) (1969) Coiling, Interlocking Slat) (1971) ASTM A386, A5 College) (1969) Flatware Set) (1968) FED Std. 66, Std. 151 for Coiling, Bending and Flanging) ( 1962) for Ordinary Use) (1962) Institutional Use) (1970?) Letter and Legal) (1954) Office Furniture) (1969) Periodical Display) (1968) Shelving) (1968) Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter University) (1968) 8,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and Shapes, Tubular, or 963) 964) 964) 966) 968) 968) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 970) 970) 970) 970?) 970?) 970?) 970?) 970?) ASTM A-36, A-307, A-153 971) 20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular and Benches (1968) and Benches (1971) for Automotive Repair Parts and Mechanic's Tools (Auxiliary and Center Tables, Wall Cases) (Hospi for NY 27500-0429 OR 77-100-9280 AK ♦53 RI 1-019 RI 1-020 RI 1-038 RI *2 RI 1-017 PA S-58 RI 1-009 RI 1-002 NY 37826-0629 NY 37826-0191 SC HD-79 RI 1-011 RI 1-015 WA S-61-35-1 NV 7110-T RI 1-005 RI 1-032 CA 681-67-24 RI 1-028 VA DG-3D NJ 3158-00 RI 4268-M-077 MA •18 RI 1-031 OR 43-230-9020 R! 1-026A NJ 4530-08 NV 7110-UF TX 300-33-5 RI 1-003 TX 300-45-3A PA B-78 KY 7920-21 PA S-113 KY 7910-5 NC 5660-CLF-l NY 27500-0658 NY 27504-0160 NY 27500-0691 NY 27500-0877 NY 38708-0906 NY 37808-0059 OR 64-530-0010 NY 27500-0310 PA T-43 PA P-54 PA P-151 MA *2 PA C-93 RI 1-033 NY 27500-0072 PA L-45 PA F-80 NY 27500-0256 MS 3305 CT 31-17B MS TD-6-64 MS TF-22-64 MS C-1C-66 CA 681-67-20 CA 681-70-04 CA 691-80-60 CA 691-80-76 CA 691-80-80 CT 3108-T-330A MI 3730-S1 MI 3742-S1 MI 3760-S1 RI 1-039 MI 3744-S1 NY 20900-0613 NY 27500-0483 MS 3308 NJ 4926-01 NJ 6140-00 WY *9 MS 3385 NY 27500-0101 MS 3306 NY 27500-0128 NY 27500-0290 SC ♦7 NY 12008-0635 309 \ NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Installed (Wood and Spec, for Furniture, Metal (Office Chairs - 23 Spec, for Flanged Channel Sign Posts (Billet and Rail Spec, for Castings (Malleable, Gray Ductile Iron and Spec, for Furniture, Office Spec, for Library Shelving Spec, for Folding Chair Spec, for Medicine Stations (Stainless Std. Spec, for Open File Shelving spec, for Water Closet / Laboratory Combination (Stainless Spec, for Water Closet / Lavatory Combination (Stainless Spec, for Fencing, Chain Link - Std. Spec, for Handrailing (Concrete, Std. Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Spec, for Side Chairs; Spec, for Side Chairs; es (1964) Std. Spec, for Outlet Boxes: Std. Spec, for Roofing, ystems (NYS Std.) (1967) Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Shelving, Spec, for Vinyl Paint, Aluminum Finish Coat, Std. Spec, for Furniture, Office, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Office, (1969) pladders (1971) ANSI A 14.1-/ Std icense Plates (1967) lates (1968) -361 361 361 corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Spec, for Adjustable Chairs; Spec, for Ladders (Aluminum, Spec, for Tableware, Stainless Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Roofing, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Std. Spec, for Roofing, Spec, for Desk; inyl Chloride, Metal, Bituminized Fiber, Cement, Aluminum, 1, C80.4, UL 6 Spec, for Conduit; ebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highwa/ Spec, for Structural Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Spec, for Guardrail Posts (Concrete, ) Spec, for Fasteners (Structural and Stainless Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Office Supplies (Duplicating Machine, Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Paper, Mimeograph, No. 4 Sulphite, Spec, for Sign Enamel (Paint), Black for Brushes (Oil Paint, Pottery, Varnish, Water Color, and Std. for Paper, Spec, for Scoring Std. Spec, for abs; Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter Openers; Moisteners; Spec, for Book, 1-/ Spec, for Ladders (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) les, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop ing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Spec, for Ladders; Wood, Spec, for Safety Movable Metal Spec, for Metal Platform Spec, for Wood Spec, for Wood Platform Spec, for Metal minum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Safety Stools and Spec, for 1/2 Ton, 4 X 2 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Std. Spec, for Portable Ladders (Straight, Extension and Spec, for Microscopes, Compound, Spec, for Engineering Instruments Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Microscopes, Compound, Stereo and etic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Triazole, Soil 1 (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse and Brush Killer, Soil Spec, for Soil (1967) ANSI Z70. 1-55 Spec, for (1964) ANSI Z70. 1-55 Spec, for (1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Spec, for odermic Needles (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Spec, for Spec, for Rags, Wiping, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Steel) (Biology) (1968) Steel) (Conventional Style) (1968) Steel) (Delineator, Guide Post) (1970?) ASTM A-107, A-l Steel) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) (Steel) (Transfer File Cases) (1964) (Steel) (1968) (Steel) (1969) Steel) (1970) (Steel) (1970) Steel) (1971) Steel) (1971) Steel, Aluminum Coated (1960) Steel, Aluminum) for Highway Construction (1964) Steel, and Wood Posts for Highway Construction (1964) Steel, Armchair, Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel, Armless, Executive (Office Furniture) (1969) Steel, Cadmium or Zinc Coated with Covers and Accessori Steel, Channel Drain, 5 V-Crimp (1964) ASTM A-361 Steel, Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor S Steel, Clip Type and Steel Lockers (University) (1970) Steel, Coastal Zone (1969) Steel, Contemporary (1969) Steel, Conventional (1969) Steel, Factory or Institutional Type (Office Furniture) Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Safety Stools and Ste Steel, Flatware, Cutlery (1964) Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Cardinal Red, for L Steel, Galvanized, Coil, Precoated, Gold, for License P Steel, Galvanized, Ridge Roll, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A Steel, Galvanized, 1 1/4 In., Corrugated (1964) ASTM A- Steel, Galvanized, 2 1/2 In., Corrugated (1964) ASTM A- Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Wall Flashing, Steel, General Office, Furniture (1969) Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy) (Highway and Bridg Steel, Rigid, Zinc Coated and Fittings (1969) ANSI C80. Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Ey Steel, Vertical, 5 Drawer (1969) FED AA-F-00359 Steel, Wood) (Highway Railing) (1970) Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) (1970? Steel-H Piling ( 1970?) ASTM A-36 Steer Fattening Rations (Cattle Feed) (1970) Steering Gear for Tugboats ( 1969) (Stencil and Spirit Process Duplicators) (1971) Stencil or Dry Process) (1971) Stencil (1955) Stencil (1970) Stencil (1970?) Stencil) (1953) Std. Spec. Stencil, Duplicating Machine, Dry Process (1969) Stencils (1971) Stencils, Duplicating, Mimeograph (1967) Stenographers and Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Stenographic (Notebook, Pad) (1970) Step and Safety Stools and Stepladders (1971) ANSI A 14. Step Ladder, Electric Fans) (1970?) /Ing Cabinets, Tab Step Stool, Stop Step Ladder, Electric Fans) (1970?) Step, Portable (1971) ANSI A 14.1, ASTM D2016 Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Stepladders (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.2-56 Stepladders (1971) ANSI A 14. 1-68, A 14.2-56, UL 112-69 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Stepside Style Pickup (Truck)(Police) (1971) Step; Wood and Aluminum) (1969) Stereo and Stereozoom ( 1969) (Stereo Image Alternator) (1971) Stereo Listening Station (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Stereo Listening Systems (Hospital) (1970) Stereozoom (1969) Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Amine Sterilant, Insecticide, Fly Spray, Insect Repellant) (1 Sterilants (Herbicide) (1961) Sterile Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Needles Sterile Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes Sterile Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Syringes Sterile Single Injection Stainless Steel Disposable Hyp Sterilized Cotton (1969) Sterilizers (Hospital and Laboratory) (1966) Sterilizers (Hospital and Laboratory) (1969) Sterilizers (Special) (278 Deg. F.), High Speed (1969) Stick Wet Mops (1969) FED CCC-T-191B NY 12006-0862 NY 21705-0214 MS 3401 VA DH-230 NY 00217-0405 NY 27500-0867 PA C-169 NY 11601-0556 OR 43-400-0020 NY 37600-0198 NY 37600-0499 NJ 4530-00 SC HD-74 sc HD-121 RI 1-012 RI 1-013 OR 24-64-7A MS R-5-64-39 NY 27500-0391 NY 27500-0482 CA 691-80-49 MS F-26C-69 MS C-41-69 RI 1-016 NY 39010-0418 MS T-1A-64 MI 4978-S1 MI 4978-S2 MS R-5-64-37 MS R-5-64-35 MS R-5-64-36 MS R-5-64-38 RI 1-001 VA DH-241 PA C-34 VA DH-232 CA 691-67-25 VA DH-225 MS 3391 MS 3372 WA S-63-72 NY 49603-0942 NY 22919-0012- NY 23012-0107 PA B-50 CA 701-75-04 MS 3583 IL *33X CT 69-59A NY 23010-0103 MS S-1B-67 NY 23000-0633 CA 701-75-41 NY 39010-0418 HI *7 HI *7 PA L-18 VA DG-10 VA DG-12 VA FN-2 VA FN-4 VA DG-8 NY 39010-0418 AK *37 AK ♦38 AK *41 AK ♦43 AK ♦42 OR 33-400-9010 CA 691-63-01 NY 31601-0468 NY 38201-0133 NY 38201-0568 CA 691-63-01 NY 22100-0497 MS C-40A-71 MS H-4-61 TX 360-59-4 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-59-3 TX 360-59-2 CA 691-83-50 NY 00105-00-0089 NY 10500-0515 NY 10500-0772 TX 370-54-2 310 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards fed TT-P-/ Spec, for Galvanizing Repair Compound (Powder, Spec, for Devices; c. for Inspection Device, Exterior Use (Pressure Sensitive Spec, for Vehicle Inspection Device (Pressure Sensitive Spec, for Insecticide (Gypsy Moth Spray); Spreader - Application to Wood or Metal Surfaces of Trailers (Decal, Spec, for Inspection Certificates (Motor Vehicle) Spec, for Elastomeric Film Device (Decal, ields (196/ Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive ields (196/ Spec, for Requirements for Pressure Sensitive 4) Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive ine) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for License re Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspection Rejection Windshield ificate of Inspection and 10 Day Extension (Motor Vehicle) Spec, for Form MV-1082 and MV- 1082.1 Vehicle Certificate Std. Spec, for Automobile Decals Std. Spec, for Decals (Liquor Control) Std. Spec, for Decals (State Police) e Registration Plates) (1970) Spec, for Plastic Spec, for rasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal Spec, for Textile, Doubling Cloth Spec, for Textile, Black Wigan for Spec, for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Spec, for Film, and Laboratory) ( 1966) Spec, for r Descaling Compound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Spec, for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Spec, for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Spec, for Electromyograph (Muscle and Nerve Spec, for Brushes; Spec, for Ironing Board Padding, b, MIL B-3 149 Spec, for Laundry Padding Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Spec, for Tread Rubber Spec, for Tread Rubber Spec, for Prepainted Coiled Steel General Conditions and Spec, for Continuous Tabulating Spec, for Continuous Spec, for Flat ng of Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Vats and Spec, for Sand Equivalent Tent. Spec, for Continuous Marginal Punched andscape (1970?) Spec, for Plant Spec, for Library Catalog Card Std. Spec, for Ornamental Nursery d. Spec, for Coiled Aluminum Alloy Sheet for License Plate Spec, for Paper, Toweling, Roll . for Small Sign and Nameplate Material, Plastic Engraving c. for Stainless Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip, Bars, Bolt Spec, for Bond Paper, Sulphite, Roll Spec, for Paper, Toilet Tissue Spec, for Carbonless Paper Spec, for Precoated Aluminum License Plate Spec, for Aluminum License Plate Spec, for Baby Chicks (Chicken) (Egg Production Spec, for Pullets (Chicken), 20 Week Old (Egg Production Spec, for Office Supplies (Library Card Spec, for Aluminum Alloy, Coiled Sheets (License Plate Spec, for Card, Tabulating, ograph, Duplicator, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover ght and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt and Screw ipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and std. 10/ Spec, for Men's Stretch Dress Socks (Lightweight Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Socks Spec, for Socks; Black (Stretch Type), Nylon and Cotton Spec, for Girls' Knee Length Socks Spec, for Men's Stretch Work Socks with Cushion Foot c. for Misses' and Women's Stretch Sock with Cushion Foot td. 105 (1970) Std Spec, for Men's Heavy Duty Work Socks Spec, for Women's Cotton Spec, for Women's Hosiery (Nylon Spec, for Socks, Dress (Men's and Boys') Spec, for Women's and Girls' Anklet Socks Spec, for Socks Spec, for Hosiery, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ■Spec, for Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type R.R. Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type A.E. Spec, for Material (Cloth, Textile) for Salt Spec, for Steel Industrial Shelving (Warehouse, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Burner Fuel Oil, Kerosene, and Stick, Paint) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Sticker (Decal), Validation (for License Plates) (1969) Sticker) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Trailer) (1969) Spe Sticker) (Decal) (1969) Sticker) (Forest Insect Spray) (1970) Sticker) (1964) /R Pressure Sensitive Decalcomania for (Sticker) (1967) Sticker), for Motor Vehicle Use (1968) MIL F-22735a Stickers for Application to Nonpassenger Vehicle Windsh Stickers for Application to Passenger Automobile Windsh Stickers for Application to School Bus Windshields (196 Stickers (Decal, Motor Vehicle Validation and Snow Mach Stickers ( 1964) Spec, and Requirements for Pressu Stickers (1968) Spec, for Cert Stickers (1970) (Stickers) (1969) (Stickers) (1969) (Stickers) (1969) Stickers, Reflectorized (for Validation of Motor Vehicl Stickers, Vehicle Inspection (1970) (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Composition An (Stiffened Canton Flannel) (1970?) Stiffening (Cloth) (1970?) Still Photo Processing System) (1970) Still, Motion Picture and Graphic Arts (1971) Stills (Distilling Apparatus and Accessories) (Hospital Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and Steam Cleaners ( 1968) Stimulation and Recording) (Hospital) (1969) Stimulation and Recording) (Hospital) (1970) Stimulation and Recording) (Mental Hygiene) (1970) Stippling, Wall (1954) Stitched Cotton Roving (1968) FED V-T-276 (Stitched Cotton Roving) (1964) FED CCC-P-86A, CCC-T-191 Stock Feeding (1964) ASTM D632-58, CI 36-6 IT, D1293-55T Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machine ( 1968) Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machine ( 1970) Stock for License Plates (1963) Stock Forms (1969) Stock Forms (1971) Stock Maintenance Blades and Cutting Edges ( 1970) Stock Pots, Etc. (1968) /. for Pipe Brushes for Cleani Stock Solution (1968) Stock Tabulating Forms (1965) Stock (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Roadside L Stock (1968) Stock (1969) Stock (1969) MIL C-5541 St Stock (1970) Stock (1970) Spec Stock (1970?) ASTM A-167, A-276 Spe Stock (1971) Stock (1971) Stock (1971) MIL Std. 105, TAPPI T410 Stock 1 (1968?) Stock 1, Alodized (1970) Stock) (1962) Stock) (1962) Stock) (1969) Stock) (1969) Stock, Electric Accounting Machine (1969) Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated Book, Mani Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (1970?) ASTM B-21 1, B Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks (D Stocking) (Institutional Use) (1971) FED JJ-H-601, MIL (Stocking) (Morpuls) (1957) (Stocking) (1968) (Stocking) (1969) (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 (Stocking) (1971) MIL Std. 105 Spe (Stocking, Institutional Use) (1971) FED JJ-H-601, MIL S Stockings (1960) Stockings) (1957) (Stockings) (1965) (Stockings) (1969) (Stockings) (1971) Stockings, Women's Cotton, Institutional Use (1971) Stockings, Women's (Nylon Yarn) (1970) Stockings, Women's (Stretch Nylon) (1969) Stockings, Women's (Stretch Nylon, Opaque, Micro Mesh) Stockings, Womens Cotton (1970) (Stockpile - Stone or Crushed Gravel) (1970?) (Stockpile - Stone) (1970?) Stockpile Covers) (1971) Stockroom, Etc.) (1970) Stoddard Solvent for Dry Cleaning (1954) Stoddard Solvent (1968) VA DH-258 PA D-21 PA D-20 PA D-16 NY 22100-0061 NJ 0734-05 NY 00500-00-0392 PA D-23 NJ 0734-01 NJ 0734-00 NJ 0734-03 AK *83 NJ 0734-02 NY 50045-0453 NY 50045-0264 OR 75-400-9010 OR 75-400-9020 OR 75-400-9030 NY 23800-0708 CA 701-75-75 NY 23100-0855 MA * 35-44 MA ♦35-19 NY 38810-0097 NY 38800-0183 NY 00105-02-0604 CA 681-66-13 NY 12600-0413 NY 12600-0521 NY 12600-0496 PA B-40 CA 681-83-49 TX 410-39-3 TX 615-36-1 TX 035-82-1A TX 060-75-1 PA S-58 NJ 8330-00 SD *Q SD *2 TX 370-31-13 CA 681-66-01 KS 76-7 MS 3861 MI 4852-S1 OR 84-301-9010 WI 6130 CA 702-82-79 NY 38611-0685 MS 3312 CA 711-75-07 CA 711-82-78 CA 711-75-10 NJ 0730-01 NJ 0730-03 WA S-62-50 WA S-62-51 NY 23005-0314 PA A-ll CA 691-82-34 NY 00502-00-0476 MS 3336 NY 39100-0562 CA 711-84-40 RI 4250-F-007 PA S-109 RI 4250-F-008 CA 711-84-31 CA 711-84-30 CA 711-84-42 RI 4250-F-001 RI 4250-F-002 NY 00400-0403 RI 4250-F-006 TN *3 CA 711-84-20 NY 40035-0112 NY 40036-0322 NY 40036-0121 NY 40023-0611 NJ 1304-03 NJ 1304-02 NY 32708-0396 OR 43-400-0010 NE *69 WI 3548 311 i NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Solvent, Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Spec, for Coal (1 X 1/4 In. Modified Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 in X 1/4 In. Modified c. for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. X 1/4 In. Oil Treated, Modified Spec, for Iron; Nodular, for 970?) Spec, for Riprap Materials Spec, for Coarse Aggregate (Crushed Spec, for Construction) (1970) Spec, for ec. for Cement Rubble Masonry (Roughly Squared and Dressed Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type R.R. (Stockpile - Spec, for Exterior Paint, Light Spec, for Broken Spec, for Surface Treatment 3/8 In. Broken spec, for Rubble or Cyclopean Aggregate (1 Man and Derrick Spec, for Bituminous Concrete, Type A.E. (Stockpile - d Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures (Gravel, Sand, Crushed for Riprap for Bridge Foundation and Highway Construction lically - Operated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides and 64) AASHO T96 Std. Spec, for Aggregate Subbase (Crushed ec. for Sand (Airport Ice Control) and Aggregates (Crushed bles and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Hood, , Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk Lamp; File abinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Spec, for Furniture, Metal, Spec, for Furniture, Metal adders (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Wood) Step and Safety e, Fryer, San/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Counter, ipment (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and Digital , Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Spec, for Spec, for Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated for Record general Spec, for Steel Office Furniture (Desks, Credenza, -S-30D Spec, for Safety Can for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment t Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood ipment (1970) Spec, for starting (1964) Spec, for Wet Starting (1964) Spec, for Dry Charge 71) SAE J537F, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Spec, for Electrolyte for arting) (1966) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Dry Charged Spec, for Dry Charge Type Electric Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for , Lighting and Ignition (1963) Std. Spec, for soap and Detergent Making Equipment (Ribbon Blender, Batch Spec, for Equipment Spec, for Steel Spec, for Shop Furniture (Work Benches, per, Card, Candy A/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Display and Spec, for Tool binet) (1969) Spec, for Steel Tent. Spec, for Gas Fired Water Spec, for Pallet (Lumber) Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Rack, Spec, for Rock Sample Spec, for 10,000 Gal. Bituminous Spec, for Spec, for Underground Gasoline Spec, for Pavement Repair Equipment (Asphalt Heater and Spec, for Computer Equipment (Core Spec, for Shop Furniture (Shelving and Spec, for Containers, Corrugated Filing, Document Spec, for Batteries, Std. Spec, for Cartons, Records (Lab Cart, Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving and sion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid and Volatile Solvent for Office Furniture (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, . for Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Index Guides and Cards;/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies . Spec, for Reset Guard Rail (Dismantle, Removal, Hauling, Std. Spec, for Batteries, Std. Spec, for Batteries; Spec, for Plastic Containers; Food island Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record/ s, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers,/ rette, Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy A/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec, for Spec, for for for for for Stoddard, Dry Cleaning (1969) Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) Spe Stoker, Keys, Chain and Travelling Grates ( 1 96 1 ) (Stone and Filter Blanket) (Foundation, Wall Support) (1 Stone and Slag or Gravel) (Highway Construction) (1970) Stone Crusher and Screening Plant ( 1967) Stone for Masonry, Riprap, and Porous Backfill (Highway Stone Laid in Full Beds) (1964) Std. Sp Stone or Crushed Gravel) (1970?) Stone (Buildings) (1970?) FED TT-P-102 Stone (1970) Stone (1970?) Stone) (Highway Construction) (1970) Stone) (1970?) Stone) (1970?) Spec, for Grade (Stone, Concrete) ( 1964) Std. Spec. Stone, Dump Truck Mounting) (1971) /L Spreader (Hydrau Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway Construction (19 Stone, Slag or Natural Gravel Chips) ( 1 97 1 ) Sp Stool) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Work Ta Stool) ( 197 1 ) /Mer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office Stool, Stop Step Ladder, Electric Fans) (1970?) /Ing C Stools - Drafting and Engineering (1971) (Stools and Chairs - Drafting and Engineering) ( 1971 ) Stools and Stepladders (1971) ANSI A14.1-68, A14.2-56, Stools, Beverage Cooler, Milk Dispenser, Stands, Griddl Stop Clock ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Timing Equ Stop Step Ladder, Electric Fans) ( 1970?) /Ing Cabinets Stopwatches (1969) Storage and File Transfer ( 1967) Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids (1970) FED RR (Storage and Pallet Racks) (1968) Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement System (1967) Storage Batteries for Automobiles, Marine and Heavy Equ Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighting and Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighting, and Storage Batteries (Electrolyte and Lead Acid Types) (19 Storage Batteries (Sulphuric Acid) (1964) Storage Batteries (Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting and St Storage Batteries (1963) Storage Batteries (6 and 12 Volt) (1966) Storage Batteries, Automotive (1971) Storage Batteries, Automotive, Lead Acid Type (1970) Storage Batteries, Industrial (1970) Storage Batteries, Lead Acid, Automotive Type, Starting Storage Bin, Automatic Filling Machine, Dust Collector, Storage Building (1971) Storage Cabinet (Office Furniture) (1969) . Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon Hole Units) (1970) Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Wall, Magazine and Pa Storage Chest (1970) Storage Cupboard; Receding Doors (Office Furniture) (Ca Storage on Booster Heaters (1970) (Storage Racks) (1968) Storage System - Drive In) ( 1971 ) Storage System (Mobile) (1971) Storage Tank with 15 KW Electric Heater (1970?) Storage Tank (Liquid Nitrogen) (1971) Storage Tanks (1964) Storage Unit) (1971) Storage Unit, Magnetic Tape Drive) (1969) Storage Units) (1968) Storage (1969) Storage (1969) Storage (1970) Storage) ( 1969) Spec, for Shop Furniture Storage) ( 1971 ) OPNAV 34P1 /Igerators, Freezers) Explo Storage, and Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post with Sign (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases; Folders; Storage, Reerection) for Highway Construction (1964) Storage, Vehicular, Ignition and Lighting (1969) Storage, Vehicular, Ignition, Lighting, Starting (1969) Storage, Waste and Refuse Handling) ( 1965) Store Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Store Fixtures (Blind Stand) (1969) Store Fixtures (Book, Display and Divider Walls, Island Store Fixtures (Cases, Shelves, Counter) (1970) Store Fixtures (Concession Stand) ( 1971 ) Store Fixtures (Concession Stand) (1971) Store Fixtures (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Ciga Store Fixtures (Exhibit Cases, Half Island Unit) (1971) CA 691-80-415 MI 4210-S2 MI 4210-S4 MI 4210-S7 MI 4210-S6 PA 1-19 MS 3601 VA DH-203 NY 44300-0350 VA DH-205 SC HD-96 NJ 1304-03 MS 3534 NJ 1356-00 NJ 1356-01 VA DH-204 NJ 1304-02 MS 3139 SC HD-108 NY 41000-0325 SC HD-34 AK *76 NY 12009-0629 AK *53 HI *7 NY 21705-0612 NY 21705-0172 NY 39010-0418 NY 32610-0801 NY 30200-0417 HI *7 CA 691-99-21 MI 4811-0100 HI *7 TX 325-38-1A NY 39105-0491 NY 43221-0771 LA *14 TX 035-35-1 TX 035-35-2 CA 711-23-30 TX 035-35-3 IL *36 KS 51-1 SC 28-000-0451 NY 30300-0536 MI 5220-S2 NY 30301-0449 NC 6140-B-l NY 36502-0211 NY 33800-0373 RI 1-009 NY 35100-0684 NY 21802-0128 NE *62 RI 1-002 KS 37-8 NY 27500-0839 NY 39105-0120 NY 21701-0901 VA ♦43 NY 37604-0934 NE *71 NY 41306-0900 NY 22906-0325 NY 35100-0178 CA 692-81-57 NJ 65 1 8-00 OR 78-100-0010 NY 35100-0775 NY 25202-0158 AK ♦53 NY 21802-0347 FL ♦19 SC HD-122 MS B-5A-69 OR 07-330-9011 PA C-168 NY 21802-0317 NY 21802-0101 NY 21802-0370 NY 21802-0459 NY 21802-0030 NY 21802-0151 NY 21802-0128 NY 21802-0161A 312 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ay Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels,/ ssembly Gate) (1968) Swing Gate) (1971) units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcas/ Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for y Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelv/ s) (1968) orage, Gondolas, Showcases, Telescopic Post Wi/ Gondolas, Cornice) ( 1970) Spec, for Display Pedestals (Cubes and Hexahedrons) Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Water (2 1/2 Gal. Spec, for Sectional Concrete Manhole Units for Spec, for Women's and Misses' Rubbers (Sandal and spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Police Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Dress Rubbers Spec, for Men's Work Rubbers sibility Orange) (1964) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Spec, for Men's and Boys' All Purpose Rubber Boots (Hip, Spec, for Men's Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Spec, for Spec, for Outdoor Cooking Spec, for Ranges; d / Spec, for Petroleum Solvents for Use in Pressure Type up Rider) (1971) Spec, for Material Handling Equipment 70) Spec, for Mobile Boat Crane Spec, for Wood Ladders Spec, for Metal Rung Ladders Std. Spec, for Pins, Bank, Spec, for 1 Man Portable c. for Pneumatic Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Spec, for Girls' and Misses' Skirts dified Polyethoxylated Chain Alcohol) (1965) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Lubricants, Enclosed Gear, Spec, for Steel Office Spec, for Steel Office eners; Cap (Hat) Frames; Handkerchiefs; Pot Holders; Hair, Std. Spec, for Portable Ladders minumware: Bakeshop and Kitchen (Pots, Pans, Colanders and Spec, for Seven Wire d KK-L-31 la Spec, for Sam Browne Belt, Shoulder Spec, for Sam Browne Police Belt and Shoulder c. for Leather Accessories; Police Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Std. Spec, for Tape and Dispenser (Adding Machine, Spec, for Summer Uniform Cap (Hat) and Chin Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Cream Spec, for Paint, Cream Spec, for Paper Drinking (1970?) Spec, for Vacuum .W.)(1971) Spec, for Spec, for Truck Type Spec, for Spec, for Pickup 1970) Spec, for Pickup 9) Spec, for or Sweeper - 3 Wheel Motor Driven, 4 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Spec, for Brushes; Bottle, Duster, Scrub, Shoe, Floor, city (1964) Spec, for Sweeper, Pick Up mounted (1967) Spec, for Cleaner, Vacuum sodium Chloride) (for Snow and Ice Removal on Highways and Spec, for Dresses, es, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM / Spec, for Intermediate rs ( 1 970?) ASTM A-44 1 , A-375 Spec, for High or Less) ( 1 970?) ASTM A-5 1 4 Spec, for High Yield 970?) ASTM A-441 Spec, for Corrosion Resistant High Spec, for Carbon Steel Castings (Mild to Medium Spec, for Bronze Castings - Type 1 (Low Spec, for Bronze Castings - Type 2 (High al Use) ( 1971 ) FED JJ-H-601, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Men's Spec, for Stockings, Women's Spec, for Stockings, Women's d. 105 Spec, for Misses' and Women's Spec, for Socks; Black mil Std. 105 Spec^. for Men's Spec, for Socks, nd Medical Utility, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Spec, for Footware Lace (Cotton And/or Synthetic) (Shoe Spec, for Structural Timber for Joists, Planks, Beams, Spec, for Copper Sheet and istant High Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Store Fixtures (Lobby) (Stand) (1971) Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Displ Store Fixtures (Shelving, Racks, Showcases, Counters, A Store Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, Store Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Store Fixtures (Wall Shelves, Display Case) (1971) Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Display Cases) (1970) Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Displa Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Gondolas, Shelves, Showcase Store Fixtures (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper St Store Fixtures (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, Counter, (Store Fixtures) (1971) Stored Pressure) (1970) Storm and Sanitary Sewers (1970?) AASHO M-199 Storm Cut) (1969) Storm Hats) (Park) (1970) Storm Rubbers (State Police) (1969) (Storm Style) (1957) (Storm Style) (1957) Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (High Vi Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (1969) Stormking and Short) (1957) Stormking and Short) (1957) Stormking and Short), Steel Toe ( 1961 ) Stove Oil, Wickless (1969) Stoves (Grill) (1971) (Stoves) Electric, Commercial (1968) UL 197 Stoves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for Paints, Varnishes An (Straddle Type Reach Fork Trucks, Battery Powered Stand- (Straddle Type, Self Propelled, 30,000 Lb. Capacity) (19 (Straight and Extension) (1960) ANSI A 14. 1-59 (Straight and Extension) (1960) ANSI A14.2-56 Straight and T-Head or Mallet ( 1971 ) Straight Bar Chain Saw (1970?) Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper, Singl (Straight Line) (1970) Straight Liquid Surfactant (Detergent and Defoamer) (Mo Straight Mineral (1958) Straight 4 Leg Type Chair with Arms (1968) Straight 4 Leg Type Chair Without Arms (1968) Straight, and Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, (Straight, Extension and Step; Wood and Aluminum) (1969) Strainers, Containers, Covers, Cups, Dipper, Kettles, L Strand for Prestressed Concrete (1970?) ASTM A-416 Strap and Revolver Holster (Police), Complete (1968) Fe Strap (1968) Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Case, and Sap) (1969) Strapping, Cellophane, Acetate, and Correction) (1971) Straps (1968) Straw Hats (Police) (1968) Straw Hats (State Police) Campaign Style (1970?) (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) (Straw) Dipping Enamel (License Plate) (1961) Straws (1969) FED UU-T-770a Street and Catch Basin Cleaner with Flusher Attachment Street Flushing Truck (2000 Gal., 6X4, 39,000 Lb. G.V Street Sweeper (1969) Street Sweeper (1971) Street Sweeper (3 Wheel, Self Propelled) (1970) Street Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Cab Chassis) Street Sweeper, 4 Wheel Driven, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (196 (Street) (1961) Spec. F Street, and Garage ( 1966) Street, Four Wheeled, Engine Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Yd. Capa Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis Streets) (1970) Spec, for Crushed Rock Salt Streetwear (1971) Strength Manganese Copper Bearing Structural Steel Shap Strength Manganese Vanadium Steel Shapes, Plates and Ba Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate (4 In. Strength Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Strip ( 1 Strength) (1970?) ASTM A-27 Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-145 Strength) (1970?) ASTM B-147 or B-148 Stretch Dress Socks (Lightweight Stocking) (Institution (Stretch Nylon) (1969) (Stretch Nylon, Opaque, Micro Mesh) (1970) Stretch Sock with Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) MIL St (Stretch Type), Nylon and Cotton (Stocking) (1968) Stretch Work Socks with Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971) Stretch (Police) (1971) Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walke String) (1971) Stringers, Posts (1970?) Strip (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) ASTM B37 Strip (1970?) ASTM A-441 Spec, for Corrosion Res NY 21802-0031 NY 21802-0993 NY 21802-0733 NY 21802-0225 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0077 NY 21802-0605 NY 21802-0333 NY 21802-0161 NY 21802-0347 NY 21802-0581 NY 21802-0833 PA F-48 MS 3622 RI 4268-F-071 NY 39300-0527 NY 34800-0176 RI 4268-M-071 RI 4268-M-072 TX 160-44-2 TX 160-44-1 RI 4268-M-075 RI 4268-M-076 RI 4268-M-077 CA 681-91-176 NY 25201-0878 PA R-30 NY 05601-0896 NY 39101-0774 NY 43100-0649 VA FN-1 VA DG-9 IL *32SS VA *21 NY 43203-0185 RI 4265-F-008 TX 371-78-3 KY 46-104 TX 300-33-6 TX 300-33-7 FL *25 OR 33-400-9010 PA A-4 MS 3348 PA B-142 TX 550-41-1A OR 79-350-9010 IL *32EEE SC 03-100-0211 PA H-21 MA *30 NJ 7342-08 NJ 7342-11 NY 23201-0373 VA *6 AK ♦79 SC 14-260E AK *48 NY 41600-0575 NY 41600-0620 NJ 4938-133 NJ 4938-38 KY 7920-2 NJ 4938-17 NJ 4938-80 NE ♦13 NY 40026-0306 MS 3317 MS 3310 MS 3318 MS 3309 MS 3322 MS 3327 MS 3328 CA 711-84-40 NY 40036-0322 NY 40036-0121 CA 711-84-30 PA S-109 CA 711-84-31 NY 40022-0062 NY 11613-0292 PA L-40 MS 3426 VA DH-238 MS 3309 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Brass; (Coiled Spec, for Stainless Steel Plates, Sheet and or Glass Beads for Application on White and Yellow Traffic ication (1964) Std. Spec, for White Traffic ication (1964) Std. Spec, for Yellow Traffic beads ( 197 1?) FED TT-R-2/ Spec, for Special White Traffic Spec, for Spreads, Bed, Bleached Spec, for Textile, Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Flag, United States, Stars and Spec, for Self Propelled Centerline (Highway Line Marking) (1968) Spec, for Line Marking) (1969) Spec, for 1 Zones, Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc/ Spec, for Reflective Spec, for Std. Floor Wax Spec, for Heavy Duty Liquid Wax vy Duty Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Linked Coating Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Tent. Std. Spec, for Paint Spec, for Self Propelled Traffic Line Spec, for Floor Maintenance Pads td. Spec, for Roofing Starter and Valley, Mineral Surfaced . for Materials for License Plates (Tmt) (Galvanized Steel Spec, for Materials for License Plates (Galvanized Steel Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, spec, for Laundry Alkali, Sodium Orthosilicate, Anhydrous, Spec, for Dresses, Spec, for Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint with s and Calcium Chi/ Spec, for Material Spreader (5 cu. Yd. s and Calcium Ch/ Spec, for Material Spreaders (5 cu. Yd. s and Cal/ Spec, for Material Spreader (Minimum 5 cu. Yd. and Calcium Chlo/ Spec, for Material Spreader (6 cu. Yd. d, Chips,/ Spec, for Material Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Spec, for Sand Spreader (8 cu. yd Spec, for Sand Spreader (6 cu. yd Spec, for Sand Spreader (8 cu. Yd. pec. for Plastic Panels; Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester ; Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Spec, for Fasteners Std. Spec, for Concrete Structures Involving the Use of . for Silicone Water Repellent Solution for Application on Spec, for Gray Iron Castings (Drainage, Spec, for 70?) AASHO M-167 Spec, for Nuts, Bolts) for Bridge and Highway Cons/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for sting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled and Extruded Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Spec, for Galvanized res (Highway and Bridge Construction), Pa/ Std. Spec, for Manual on the Maintenance of Highway Structures Line, Fittings (1970) Spec, for a-500 Spec, for Spec, for Intermediate Strength Manganese Copper Bearing tubular, Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A/ Spec, for Std. Carbon Spec, for Primer (Paint), Red Lead, Linseed Oil, Spec, for Burnt Umber Finish Coat (Paint), Spec, for Copper Bearing rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow Tube (1970?) Ast/ Spec, for washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highwa/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Posts (1970?) Spec, for highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO / Spec, for nalytical Diffraction Systems for Investigation of Crystal Std. Spec, for Excavation for Std. Spec, for Portland Cement Concrete for Highway Construction (1964) Std. Spec, for Concrete Spec, for Reinforcement Bars (Concrete Spec, for Structural Steel and Other Metals Used in Steel essed Concrete Beams, Slabs, Channels and Other Members in eluding Utility/ Std. Spec, for Removal and Relocation of 70?) Manual on the Maintenance of Highway nd Turnbuc/ Std. Spec, for Hardware (Metal Used in Timber pec. for Caulking Compound; Plastic (for Masonry and Other Spec, for Wood Guard Rail (Post and Spec, for Leather Bound n Wire Netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Court, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, for Paint, Finish, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tools, eel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Eyebar, Strip) for Dog License Tag ( 1960) Strip, Bars, Bolt Stock (1970?) ASTM A-167, A-276 Stripe Highway Line Marking Paint ( 1964) Std. Spec. F Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead Appl Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass Bead Appl Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for Application with Glass (Striped Dimity Without Crest) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Striped Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Striped Shirting (Special) (Cloth) (1970?) Striped Shirting, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Striped Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Striped Ticking (Cloth) (1970?) Stripes, Cotton, Unmounted (1969) FED DDD-F-416 Striping Machine (Highway Marking) (1969) Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, High Temperature Zone) Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, Self Contained Traffic Striping Powder for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, Schoo Stripper (1965) Stripper (1967) Stripper ( 1969) /Thetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Hea Stripper, Liquid, Brush on ( 1961 ) Stripper, Liquid, Diptank (Cold) (1962) Stripper, Powder, Heavy Duty (Hot) (1962) Stripping Machine (Marking) (1970?) (Stripping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Polishing) (1971) Strips (1970) FED SS-R-630 Strips) (1970) Spec Strips) (1971) ASTM A525-67 Strong Dress Goods, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Strong Dress Material, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Strong Suiting (Bedford) (Cloth) (1970?) Strong (1969) Strong, Nylon (1970) Strontium Chromate Added (1965) Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinder Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinder Struck Capacity Hopper Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinder Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck Mounting) (Salt, San (Struck) Dump/Body Mounted) (1971) (Struck) Fully Reversible Chassis Mounted) (1971) (Struck) Truck Fully Reversible Chassis Mounted) (1971) (Structural and Glazing Purposes) (1969) FED L-P-505 /S (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts Structural Concrete for Highway Construction (1964) Structural Masonry (1967) ASTM CI 09, FED TT-P-141 /Pec Structural or Ornamental) (1970?) AASHO M-105 Structural Plate Beam Guard Rail and Fittings (1970?) Structural Plate for Pipe and Pipe Arches (Culvert) (19 Structural Plate Pipe, Arch, and Arch Culverts (Plates, Structural Rivets (1970?) ASTM A-502 Structural Shapes (for Highway and Bridge Construction) Structural Shapes) for Highway Construction (1964) /Ng Structural Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-123 Structural Steel and Other Metals Used in Steel Structu (Structural Steel Cleaning and Painting) (1970?) Structural Steel Fence Posts (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Structural Steel Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-135, A-106, Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A Structural Steel (18,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and Shapes, Structural Steel (1969) Structural Steel (1969) Structural Steel (1970?) Structural Steel (20,000 Psi) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Structural Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, Structural Timber for Highway Construction (1964) Structural Timber for Joists, Planks, Beams, Stringers, Structural Timber, Lumber, and Preservative Treatment Structures and Investigations of Emission Spectroscopy Structures for Highway Construction (1964) Structures for Highway Construction (1964) Structures Involving the Use of Structural Concrete for Structures or Precast Units) (1970?) Structures (Highway and Bridge Construction), Painting, Structures (Manufacture, Handling, Installation) for Hi Structures (Other Than Bridges) And/or Miscellaneous in Structures (Structural Steel Cleaning and Painting) (19 Structures) (Bolts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, A Structures) (1969) FED TT-C-5986, Std. 141a Strut) (1970) Stucco Brushes (1964) Stucco Reinforcement, Etc. ) ( 1 969 ) USC CS 1 3 3-46 / Wove Stucco, Exterior (1969) Stucco, Flat, Exterior (1969) Stud Ext /Easuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway and Bridge Construction) PA B-127 MS 3312 SC HD-80B15 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 SC 20-010 PA S-36 MA *35-29 MA *35-90 MA •35-52 MA *35-10 MA *35-5 CA 691-86-01 SC 14-320 NY 41303-0626 NY 41303-0111 NY 38601-0258 SC 1 1-050B VA K-38A IA ♦3-9 MS TC-32 MS TC-31A MS TC-30A HI *21 NY 31901-0523 MS R_5_64-8 NY 37826-0629 NY 37826-0191 MA *35-74 MS T-1A-60-30 MA *35-50 CA 691-77-20 NY 40028-0526 MD *23 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0531 NY 41000-0182 AK *8 AK *7 AK *9 OR 64-575-9010 MS 3391 SC HD-71 TX 520-32-1 MS 3321 MS 3382 MS 3231 sd HD-91 MS 3316 VA DH-236 SC HD-72 MS 3394 SC HD-79 NY *2 MS 3406 MS 3362 MS 3317 MS 3305 CA 691-80-60 CA 691-80-76 MS 3308 MS 3306 VA DH-232 SC HD-76 MS 3426 VA DH-244 NY 11002-0288 SC HD-14 SC HD-70 SC HD-71 MS 3301 SC HD-79 SC HD-73 SC HD-125 NY *2 SC HD-78 PA C-88 NJ 5950-00 TX 11 0-3 2-2 A OR 60-500-9030 CA 691-80-05 CA 691-80-04 NY 35000-0938 VA DH-232 314 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ) (1971) tand Back (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dormitory Furniture Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Chairs; Wood, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Chair; Spec, for Steel Dresser Desks Spec, for Audio Laboratory Equipment (College Spec, for Audio System (Broadcasting motive Equipment (Custom T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Television Spec, for Closed Circuit Television System c. for Photographic Laboratory Equipment (Cabinets, Mobile al and Stainless Steel, Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Hammertone Finish (Paint), e Test Tube), Cardboard Bo/ Spec, for Plastic Containers Spec, for Material for uction (1964) Std. Spec, for Earth Type Construction (1964) AASHO T96 Std. Spec, for Aggregate c. for Seismic Profiling System (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Std. Spec, for Spec, for le Mineral Spirits, General Purpose (May Use as Turpentine ) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment Spec, for Spec, for Special (1969) Spec, for (1969) Spec, for tor) (1969) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tractors, Spec, for 71 ) Spec, for pec. for Hose (Braided Air and Steam, Fire, Garden, Water, 69) Spec, for y, Buckwheat, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Spec, for Detergent, Low s) for Automatic Fabric Washing Mach/ Spec, for Built Low s)(1968) Spec, for Built High matic Fabric Washing Machines) (1967/ Spec, for Built Low Spec, for Built High Spec, for Low Std. Spec, for Detergent, Laundry, Low for Girls" and Women's Panties (Cotton, Spec, for Imitation for Uniforms (Cossack Jackets, Trousers, Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Satin, Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Twill Spec, for Spec, for Audiometric Research Spec, for Audiometric Research Spec, for Textile, Strong Spec, for Textile, Heavy Cotton Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Soft Finish Spec, for Chino Cotton Twill Shirting and Tent. Spec, for Textile, Wolverine Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Dress Goods (Fabric), Spec, for Cloth; Spec, for Bathing Spec for Bathing Spec, for Men's Wool Spec, for Boys" and Young Men's Worsted Spec, for Girls" Snow children's Clothing (Undershirts, Training Pants, Sleeping hletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming ty Orange) (1964) Spec, for Storm Spec, for Storm (1968) > Spec, for Spec, for Surfactant Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether compound Manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502,/ Spec, for Sodium rposes (1955) Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Beads) and Aluminum Spec, for Alkyl Aryl Spec, for Surfactant; Linear Alkyl Aryl eral Purpose) (1970) r) (1969) Spec. Spec. Student Desk (Metal and Plastic) (1967) Student Desk, with Center Drawer (1968) Student Desk, Without Center Drawer (1968) (Student Desks with Bookshelves, 5 Drawer Dresser Chests Student Metal Desk Chair, Center Back Support (1968) Student Metal Desk Chair, Chrome Tube Frame ( 1968) Student Study, Dining and Library, with Upholstered Sea Student Wood Desk Chair, Form Back (1968) Student Wood Desk Chair, Ladder Back (1968) Student Wood Desk Chair, Padded Back (1968) Student Wood Desk Chair, Tilt Swivel Type (1968) Student (Metal and Plastic) (1967) (Student) (1968) Student, Classroom Language Program) (1969) Studio) (College) (1970) Studio) (1969) Spec, for Auto (Studio) (1971) Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly Studs) (1970?) Spec, for Fasteners (Structur Stump Cutter (Remover) with Trailer (1968) Stump Cutting Machine (1969) Stump Cutting Machine (1971) Styrenated, Spray ( 1969) (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sampl Subbase Course (Highway Construction) (1970) Subbase Courses (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for Highway Constr Subbase (Crushed Stone, Gravel, Slag, Sand) for Highway Subbottom Mapping) ( 1969) Spe Subgrade for Highway Construction ( 1964) Substation Transformer and Fused Interruptors (1970) Substitute) ( 1970) /. Spec, for Thinner, Paint, Volati Suburban Carryall or Town Wagon, 1/2 Ton (Motor Vehicle (Suburban Coach Bus, 45 - 56 Passenger, School) (1968) Suburban Coats (Men's and Boys') (1970) Suburban Type Vehicle (Truck) (1970) Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 6 Passenger, Suburban Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 8 Passenger Suburban Vehicle, Panel Doors, Special, 6 Passenger (Mo Suburban (Lawn and Garden) (Attachments) (1971) Suction Fire Hose, Soft Double Jacket (1970) Suction Hose, Hard, Water Pumping and Fire Fighting ( 19 Suction) (1970) Suction, Ether, Irrigation and Anesthesia Apparatus ( 19 Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Bean Sudsing for Clothes, Synthetic (1969) Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granule Sudsing Germicidal Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granule Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Auto Sudsing Laundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) ( 1968) Sudsing Liquid Detergent Cleaner (Built, Synthetic, Gen Sudsing, Granular and Powder (Home Type Automatic Washe Suede or Interlock Knit) (1965) Suede, Blue (1970) 960) imity, Flannel, G/ Su Su (Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su t Coats) (Department) (1968) tor Coat (Textile) (1971) t or Coat) (Textile) (1968) t, Men's (1970) te (School) (1970) te (1971) ting (Bedford) (Cloth) (1970?) ting (Cloth) (1970?) ting (Permanent Finish) (Textile) (1971) ting (Textile), Dacron Wool (1971) ting (1961) ting (1971) ting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) ting, Cotton, Muslin, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile) (1 ting, Flannel (1970) ting, Lining, Rayon Corduroy, Jean, Danger Signal, D ting, (Textile) Wool, Worsted (1971) ts and Trunks (Pool, Racing and Boxer Style) ( 1971) ts (Women's and Girls') (1957) ts (1957) ts (1957) ts (1970) ts) (1971) Spec, for ts, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, Sweatshirt Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (High Visibili Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (1969) Sulfamic Acid in Formulation of Cleaners and Descalers Sulfate for Cleaner Detergent Manufacture ( 1968) Sulfate (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and Washing Sulfate (of Alumina), for Water and Sewage Treatment Pu Sulfate (1971) FED 0-S-635C(l), 0-A-429B Sulfonate in Compounding Detergents and Cleaners (1968) Sulfonate (1967) PA D-31 CA 681-67-1 CA 681-67-2 NY 21606-0789 CA 681-67-3 CA 681-67-4 PA C-165 CA 681-67-5 CA 681-67-7 CA 681-67-6 CA 681-67-8 PA C-173 RI ♦10 NE •2 NY 38201-0600 NY 40504-0884 NY 38221-0021 NY 38810-0650 MS 3391 NJ 4938-70 NY 42901-0320 NY 42901-0372 CA 691-80-250 NY 19903-0524 VA DH-209 SC HD-33 SC HD-34 NY 12099-0903 SC HD-20 NY 34408-0230 MS PM-13 NM ♦14 NY 40521-0598 NY 40006-0046 SC 14-0 10-0451 A MI 3905-0036 MI 3905-0034 MI 3905-0056 MS T-6A-7 1 CA 701-42-12 CA 711-42-11 NY 36000-0442 NY 12200-0099 NY 07900-0584 CA 691-77-41 TX 395-36-2 TX 395-36-4 TX 395-36-1A TX 395-36-3 TX 370-33-5A MS D-7A-69 RI 4287-F-004 NY 37200-0648 NY 39300-0624 PA C-122 PA C-120 CA 701-84-70 NY 38203-0706 NY 38203-0394 MA ♦35-50 MA ♦35-65 PA C-123 PA C-110 RI 4910-025 NY 32601-0251 MA ♦35-88 MS T-1A-60-6 NY 32610-0367 NY 32600-0622 PA C-108 NY 40018-0637 RI 4215-F-001 RI 4275-M-001 RI 4275-M-002 RI 4275-F-001 NY 40033-0138 OR 82-700-9010 TX 160-44-2 TX 160-44-1 CA 681-66-23 TX 371-78-6A TX 371-75-1A PA A-8 NY 40800-0194 CA 681-66-10 TX 371-78-2A 315 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Low Spec, for Fuel Oil; Heating (Low Spec, for Mower, 32 In., Rotary, with Built in od, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone Meal, Spec, for Duplicating Copy Paper, No. 4 Printing and Writing Paper, Fine, Unwatermarked, Number 4 Std. Spec, for Thin Papers (Rag, 1 Spec, for Bond Paper, Spec, for Paper, Mimeograph, No. 4 Spec, for Electrolyte for Storage Batteries Spec, for Wool Uniforms - Spec, for Girls" and Misses' Spec, for Short Sleeve Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Tan Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for Highway Driver License Examiner's Spec, for Uniform Trousers; Spec, for Officer's Uniforms; Spec, for Uniforms; Game Protector Spec, for Uniform Cloth, Spec, for Uniforms Spec, for Girls' ilm Productions (Exposed Motion Picture in 16 Mm, 8 mm and (1971) Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Radiation) Spec, for Uniforms; Park , Nitrate of Soda, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, 8 ) Spec, for Repair Parts and Spec, for tes) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Platemaking Machines and rs, Cellulose, Diapers, D/ Spec, for Medical and Surgical tches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin/ Spec, for Household Spec, for Office ) (1971) Std. 971) ed Ribbons) (1971) UL 198 Spec. (1971) ubber Stamp and Numbering Machine / ing) (1971) hine Tape) (1971) Spec. Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Electrical Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Electrical for Plumbing and Heating Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for Office for Stationery, Blotters, Scratch Pads, Filing Spec, for Stationery Spec, for Office Spec, for Office 1971) Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office taples and Removers, Tape and Disp/ Std. Spec, for Office Spec, for Photographic Darkroom s) (1967) Spec, for Drafting Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Electrical Std. Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for Office Spec, for Electrical Spec, for Drafting Spec, for Electrical for Overhead Projection Markers and Related Std. Spec, for Shoeshop Spec, for Plumbing Spec, for Inspection, Test, and Certification of Bedding Spec, for Printing and Spec, for Dry Photocopier, Infrared Machines and Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Detergents and Laundry Std. Spec, for First Aid Kits and Spec, for Hospital Std. Spec, for Steam fitters Std. Spec, for Office Std. Spec, for Painters' Spec, for Microfilm Equipment and Spec, for Paint, Enamel Primer and 1) d W-F-805, W-F-803a s; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type An/ Folders; Index Guides and Cards;/ fillab/ Spec. Sulfur Fuels (1969) Sulfur 4, 5, 6) (1971) Sulky (1964) Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage (Nitrogen© Sulphite Liquid Process (1970) Sulphite (1969) Std. Spec, for Sulphite) (1970) Sulphite, Roll Stock (1971) Sulphite, Stencil (1970) (Sulphuric Acid) (1964) Summer and Winter (Motor Vehicle Inspector) (1962) Summer Jackets (1970) Summer Shirt, Uniform (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) Summer Uniform Cap (Hat) and Chin Straps (1968) Summer Uniform Shirt (Departmental) (1971) Summer Uniform Shirt (Police and Departmental) (1971) Summer Uniform Trousers (Institutional Officer) (Slacks Summer Uniform Trousers (Khaki Twill) (Slacks) (1971) Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Summer Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Summer (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Summer (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 (Summer) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 Summer, Breeches and Slacks (State Police) (1970?) (Summer, Guard) (1970) Sun Dresses (1960) Super 8 Formats) ( 1971 ) Spec, for F Superconducting Solenoid System (Scientific Equipment) (Superficial Therapy) (1967) Spec, for Superintendent (Departmental) (1966) Superphosphate, Tankage (Nitrogenous), Urea, Organic, M Supplies for Graders, Loaders, Eductors and Trucks ( 1 96 Supplies for Processor (Company) ( 1970) Supplies (Automatic Photographic Process for Offset Pla Supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Applicato Supplies (Beeswax, Chamois, Chloride of Lime, Safety Ma Supplies (Binders) (1971) Supplies (Binders, Books, Clipboards, Indexes, and Pads Supplies (Calendar Pads, Bases and Diaries for 1972) ( 1 Supplies (Carbon Paper, Spirit Duplicating Machine, Ink Supplies (Carbon Sets - Copysettes) ( 1971 ) Supplies (Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1971) FED W-F-791D Supplies (Copying Machine) (1971) Supplies (Daters, Numberers and Rubber Stamps) (1971) Supplies (Discount) (1968) Supplies (Discount) (1970) Supplies (Duplicating Machine, Stencil or Dry Process) Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Tip Markers; R Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides and Vertical Fil i Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides) (Fund) (1971) Supplies (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Mac Supplies (Institutional) (1970) Supplies (Institutional) (1971) Supplies (Library Card Stock) (1969) Supplies (Library) (1971) Supplies (Magnetic Tape Cartridge and Card) (Company) Supplies (Master and Carbon Paper) (1971) Supplies (Offset Duplicating Masters and Press) (1971) Supplies (Paper for Calcomp Plotter) ( 1971 ) Supplies (Paper Punches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, S Supplies (Papers and Chemicals) (1971) Supplies (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Roll Film Unit Supplies (Pressure Sensitive Labels - Unprinted) (1971) Supplies (Reinforced Ring Book Sheets and Indexes) (197 Supplies (Renewable Cartridge and Plug Fuses) (1970) Fe Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire Tray Desk Basket Supplies (Special Printing for Vari Typer) (1971) Supplies (Special) (Company) (1970) Supplies (Storage, Pocket, and Arch Files; Filing Cases Supplies (Tape) (1971) ASTM D69-67, Tent. Spec. Dl 19 Supplies (Tracing Tables and Boards) (1966) Supplies (Transformer) (1970) Supplies (Water Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Re Supplies (1953) Supplies (1962) Supplies (1968) Supplies (1969) Supplies (1969) Supplies ( 1969) Spec, for Inspection, Test Supplies (1970) Supplies (1970?) Supplies (1971) Supplies (1971) Supplies (1971) Supplies (1971) Supplies (1971) NJ 3548-01 PA F-79 NJ 4938-20 NY 07700-0473 CA 701-75-03 MS P-13C-69 OR 74-300-0170 CA 711-75-07 CA 701-75-04 TX 035-35-3 NJ 1588-04 RI 4225-F-008 MA •33 SC 03-100-0211 WA S-64-8 1-D WA S-64-76-C SC 03-010-0211 SC 03-010-0211 A SC 03-010 SC 03-0 10A PA U-39 PA U-42 PA U-25 MA •26 NY 39300-0580 RI 4230-F-004 NY 38801-0003 NY 38787-0744 NY 1 1000-0348 PA U-44 NY 07700-0473 NH *9 NY 31602-0396 NY 38811-0940 NY 10134-0339 NY 22000-0462 NY 23002-0609 FL *20 NY 23014-0028 NY 23003-0238 NY 23004-0847 NY 34405-0548 NY 23018-0437 NY 23011-0164 NY 34418-0006 NY 37612-0625 NY 23012-0107 FL *16 NY 23005-0500 NY 23005-0154 FL *18 NJ 6936-00A NJ 6936-00 NY 23005-0314 NY 23005-0155 NY 23003-0208 NY 23003-0477 NY 23007-0004 NY 23000-0593 FL *17 NY 38802-0864 NY 31600-0031 NY 23016-0179 NY 23009-0607 NY 34405-0513 FL ♦21 NY 23003-0295 NY 23000-0651 FL ♦19 NY 34407-0217 NY 00316-0114 NY 34415-0716 NY 38806-0414 IL •15 KS 37-2 CA 681-83-01 NJ 1178-00 NJ 7700-02 CA 691-77-85 WA S-66-92-1 NM *3 IL ♦28 IL ♦32 IL *9 NY 26002-0027 SD •15 316 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards cloth, Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Transparencies, Processor Spec, for Drafting sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; W/ Spec, for Office Chalk, Crayons, Charcoal (Stic/ Spec, for School and Art platform, Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and p Heads and Holders) (1969) Spec, for Dust Control Spec, for 2000 Gal. Semi Trailer Type Asphalt Spec, for Fluoridation System for Municipal Water mps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, Center Back tcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid Walker, Body rap Materials (Stone and Filter Blanket) (Foundation, Wall Spec, for Binders, Ring, ean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, s, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, any) (1970) Spec, for Fire Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Boys" and Men's Spec, for Men's and Boys' ) (1970?) Spec, for Aggregates for r Wax, Paste, General Purpose, Solvent (Furniture, Painted Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete (1964) Std. Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete ion (1964) Std. Spec, for Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete r and Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete rface / Spec, for Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binder and highway Con/ Std. Spec, for Bituminous Plant Mix Base and r Dairy, Shower Room, Swimming Pool Deck,/ Spec, for Hard Spec, for Fluorescent Fixtures; Commercial Suspended and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Log Oil Varnish, Redwood Spec, for Brooms; Push, Fiber (for Hard Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Lock Type, Mineral wax, Liquid, General Purpose, Solvent, (Furniture, Painted oofing, Cap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, Talc or Mica neral Purpose Wax (Liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Spec, for Sealer, Std. Spec, for Roofing Starter and Valley, Mineral 55B Std. Spec, for Cap Sheet; Mineral pec. for Roof Shingles, Hip and Ridge, 9X12 In., Mineral d. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Wide Selvage, Mineral Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roofing; Smooth roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Design Edge, 105 Lb. Roll, Mineral Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roofing, Mineral pec. for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 Tab, Mineral c. for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, 90 Lb., Mineral c. for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Square Butt, Extra Heavy, Mineral d. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Class a Fire, Mineral cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polishing Apparatus, Belt r Oil Soap Paste (for Cleaning Automobiles and Other Metal re Sensitive Decalcomania for Application to Wood or Metal c. for Yellow Fast Dry High Build Sanding Primer for Metal rials for Waterproofing or Dampproofing of Cement Concrete td. Spec, for Latex Base Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal nhibiting and Corrosion Resisting for Use on Ferrous Metal black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal esistant Ready Mixed White House Paint for Wooden Exterior spec, for Epoxy Grouting and Sealing Compound for Concrete for Paint; Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic (Exterior and Interior Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Exterior (for Masonry , Asphalt, Cement) for Highway/ , Asphalt, Prime) for Highway / ent, Asphalt, Prime) for Highw/ er Detergent Manufacture (1968) rial Product Manufacture (1969) ylated Chain Alcohol) (1965) Std. Spec, for Bituminous Std. Spec, for Bituminous Std. Spec, for Bituminous Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Straight Liquid undry Detergent Manufacture (1966) ASTM Dl 172,/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Amino Alcohol Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Aprons; Rubber, Spec, for Sutures and Needles Spec, for ^pec. for Std. Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Medical and Spec, for Electronic Spec, for Electronic 209 970) applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, D/ nt (Electroencephalograph) (1970) nt (Electroencephalograph) (1971) Supplies ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Drafting Supplies, Tracing Tables and Boards (1967) Supplies: Hand and Desk Blotters; Card Index and Guide Supplies; Blackboard (Erasers, Staff Liners, Pointers), Supply Racks (Dollies, Skids, Jack) ( 197 1 ) /Ce, Drum, Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mo Supply Tank (1969) Supply (City) (1969) Support Rollers and Idlers) ( 1967) /Fittings, Water Pu Support (1968) Support) (1970) /Ng, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stre Support) (1970?) Spec, for Rip Supported Vinyl (1970) Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Training Bag Supporters, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Pants) (1969) /D Suppression Plows, Hitches, and Replacement Parts (Comp Surburban Style Coats (1957) Surcoat Jackets (1957) Surcoat Style Coats (1970) Surface and Base Courses (Gravel, Sand and Crushed Rock Surface and Floor) ( 1964) Spec. Fo Surface Course for Highway Construction (1964) Surface Course for Highway Construction (1964) Surface Course (Type 1 and 2) for Highway Construction Surface Course (Types 1, 2 and 3) for Highway Construct Surface Course (1971?) / Laid Asphaltic Concrete Binde Surface Courses and Cold Laid Sheet Asphalt Concrete Su Surface Courses Asphalt Cement, Mineral Aggregate) for Surface Delimer Acid Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (Fo Surface Mounted (1957) Surface Treatment Washed Concrete Sand ( 1969) Surface Treatment 3/8 In. Broken Stone (1970?) Surface (1969) Surface) (1970) Surface, Double Coverage, 220-230 Lb. (1970) FED SS-R-6 Surface, Floor) (1964) Spec, for Surface, Hot or Cold Application (1970) /. Spec, for R Surface, Linoleum, Wood Floor) (1965) FED P-W-158B /Ge Surface, Varnish Type, Floor, Wood or Cork ( 1 968 ) Surfaced Strips (1970) FED SS-R-630 Surfaced (Asphalt Saturated Prepared Roofing) (1970) Ul Surfaced ( 1970) ASTM D-225-62 Std. S Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-371-58, FED SS-R-630 St Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-501D, SS-R-620a Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Surfaced (1970) FED SS-R-630D Surfaced, Square Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. (1970) / S Surfaced, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb. Std ( 1964) Std. Spe Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Surfaced, 2 In. Selvage (1970) ASTM D-249, FED SS-R-630 Surfaced, 250 L.B. (1970) ASTM D-225-62 Std. Spe Surfaced, 275-300 Lb. (1970) FED SS-S-300 /. Spec, for Surfaced, 300-325 Lb. (1970) St Surfacer, Hydraulic Simplimet Press, Hand Grinder) (196 Surfaces Having Varnish or Laquer Finish) (1970) /. Fo Surfaces of Trailers (Decal, Sticker) (1964) /R Pressu Surfaces (Paint) (1971) Spe Surfaces (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway Constructio Surfaces (White and Light Tints) (1966) Surfaces (1956) FED TT-P-143, TT-P-141B, Mil-Std-129 Surfaces (1962) FED TT-P-6 1 C, Std. 1 4 1 /R Linseed Oil Surfaces (1967) Spec, for Mildew R Surfaces (1969) Surfaces) (1967) FED TT-E-489, Std. 141a Spec. Surfaces) (1968) FED TT-P-55B, Std. 141a Surfacing (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar Surfacing (Single Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement Surfacing (Triple Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cem Surfactant Ammonium N-Alkyl Polyether Sulfate for Clean Surfactant (Anionic Organic Phosphate Ester) for Janito Surfactant (Detergent and Defoamer) (Modified Polyethox Surfactant (Ethoxylated Primary Alcohol, Flakes) for La Surfactant (Nonylphenoxy Polyethoxy Ethanol) (1969) Surfactant (Triethanolamine) (1966) ASTM D941, E203, Dl Surfactant; Linear Alcohol Ethoxylate (1968) Surfactant; Linear Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate ( 1967) Surgeons and Chemists (1969) (Surgeons) (1971) Surgical Dressings, (Bandage) Aids and Related Items (1 Surgical Gauze (1969) Surgical Soap (Hospital) (1953) Surgical Soap (1968) Surgical Soap (1969) Surgical Supplies (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipme (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipme NY 31602-0581 NY 31600-0380 NY 23000-0633 NY 23100-0855 NY 39100-0562 NY 33202-832 SC 14-270-0451 NY 32500-0108 MI 5255-S11 CA 681-67-3 NY 11613-0292 MS 3601 CA 701-75-39 NY 30200-0587 OR 82-700-9010 LA *15 RI 4225-M-015 RI 4225-M-006 RI 4225-M-001 MS 3138 MI 4642-0400 SC HD-53 SC HD-57 SC HD-58 SC HD-54 SC *39 SC *39 SC HD-43 MS D-20A-71 PA F-57 NJ 1356-02 NJ 1356-01 CA 691-80-401 PA B-3 MS R-5-64-6 MI 4642-0430 MS R-5-64-12 VA K-33A KY 7930-4 MS R-5-64-8 OR 64-500-0090 MS R-5-64-7 MS R-5-64-11 OR 64-500-0050 MS R-5-64-13 OR 64-500-0040 MS R-5-64-2 MS R-5-64-1 MS R-5-64-1 MS R-5-64-1 0A MS R-5-64-3 MS R-5-64-4 MS R-5-64-5 NY 00432-00-0686 PA S-18 NJ 0734-05 TX 630-63-9 SC HD-112 WA S-66-93 PA C-98 VA DK-36 TX 520-42-1 A NE *72 PA P-124 PA P-157 SC HD-61 SC HD-62 SC HD-63 TX 371-78-6A TX 371-78-10 TX 371-78-3 TX 371-78-7 TX 371-78-9 TX 371-78-5 TX 371-78-1B TX 371-78-2A PA A-l NY 10110-0274 NJ 5506-00 PA G-2 MS S-2-53-34 TX 310-36-2 OR 76-450-9040 NY 10134-0339 NY 12600-0136 NY 12600-0196 317 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards nt (Electroencephalograph) (1968) 1 Center) (1969) Spec, for Electronic Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Lights; Spec, for CCTV Security Spec, for Precast Concrete Std. Spec, for Spec, for y, Research) ( 197/ Spec, for Shellfish Oceanographic Data Spec, for Winching System (Hydrographic quipment) (Uniplanar Scanning Digitizer System/ Spec, for Spec, for Fluorescent Fixtures; Commercial Spec, for Men's Spec, for Children's Spec, for Pillows and Case/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Gloves, kets (1970) Spec, for Clothing, Hats, Slippers (Shoe), Spec, for Spec, for (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on Steel Bearing Piles and spec, for Heavy Coal Tar Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Spec, for Athletic Clothing (Gym Pants and Shirts, Spec, for Girls" and Women's Spec, for Women's Spec, for Spec, for Men's Pull Over Wool Spec, for Men's Coat Style Wool Spec, for Boys" Coat Style Wool Spec, for Uniform Accessories (Hats, Neckties and Spec, for lis, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, Spec, for Men's and Boys' for Athletic Clothing (Gym Pants and Shirts, Sweat Socks, Spec, for Outerwear (Fall and Winter) (Hooded Spec, for Brushes; Floor or, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor (Street) (1961) Spec, for Spec, for Rotary Rear Mounted 1971) Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Industrial . Broom) (1971) Spec, for (Airport) Runway 1970) Spec, for Industrial Power 1970) Spec, for Industrial Power 1969) Spec, for Industrial Power Spec, for Rotary Spec, for Truck Type Street Spec, for Engine Driven Pull Type Spec, for 4 cu. Yard Spec, for 4 cu. Yd. Spec, for Street Spec, for Pickup Street Spec, for Pickup Street Spec, for Power Floor 1/3 cu. Yd. Capacity (1964) Spec, for Spec, for Street ransmission, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (1967) Spec, for Spec, for Multi Purpose Light Duty ) Spec, for Dust Control Supply Service (Cleaning, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Floor Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Compounds; Std. Spec, for Water Repellent Wood Preservative (Non Spec, for Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Portable Athletic Event Timer with Accessories id Nonphosphate Detergent Cleaner (for Dairy, Shower Room, Spec, for compound (1971) Spec, for Ready Mixed thing, Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Shells, Spec, for Scoreboard (Indoor Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Livestock Feed, Sow Ration (Hog, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Pig Starter Nutrient Spec, for Livestock Feed, Pig Ration Nutrient Spec, for Livestock Feed, Hog Ration Nutrient or Store Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, , Display and Divider Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, e, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery (Surgical) Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Equipme NY Surgical, Cake (1966) KY Surgical, Liquid ( 1 968 ) KY Surgical, Obstetrical, and Clinical (1968) NY Surveillance System (Closed Circuit Television) (Medica NY Survey Marker Post (1969) MD Survey Stakes and Hubs (1970) OR Survey Stakes, Flat and Hub, Wood (1968) MD Survey Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Current, Salinit NY Survey Work) (1970) NY Surveying and Engineering Instruments (Photogrammetry E NY Suspended and Surface Mounted (1957) PA Suspenders (1957) RI Suspenders (1957) RI Suspenders (1969) NY Suspenders, Bath Mats and Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, FL Suspenders, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Baby Blan MA Sutures and Accessories ( 1970) NJ Sutures and Needles (Surgeons) ( 1971 ) NY Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) SC Sway Braces (Bridge and Highway Construction) (1964) SC Sweat Socks, Sweatshirts) (1971) NY Sweaters (Acrylic) (1969) RI Sweaters (Cotton) (1969) RI Sweaters (Men's and Women's) (1971) NY Sweaters (1957) RI Sweaters (1957) RI Sweaters (1957) RI Sweaters) (1970) NY Sweaters; Men's (Wool) (1962) FED JJ-S-846, CCC-T-191 PA Sweatshirts and Pants) (1969) /Ds, Tights, Shirts, She OR Sweatshirts with Crew Knit Collarette (1957) RI Sweatshirts) (1971) Spec. NY Sweatshirts, Parkas, Trousers - Men's) (1969) NY Sweep (1970) PA Sweep) (1960) /. for Household Brushes (Bottle, Cuspid VA Sweeper - 3 Wheel Motor Driven, 4 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity NJ Sweeper Attachment (1970) SC Sweeper Scrubber (LP Gas Engine Powered, Riding Type) NY Sweeper Scrubber (Riding) (1970) NY Sweeper (Self Propelled, 30,000 cu. Ft. Per Min., 16 Ft AK Sweeper (Self Propelled, 53 In. or More, Riding Type) NY Sweeper (Self Propelled, 66 In. or More, Riding Type) NY Sweeper (Self Propelled, 76 In. or More, Riding Type) NY Sweeper (Tow Type) (1968) NY Sweeper (1969) SC Sweeper (1970) NE Sweeper (1970) ' NE Sweeper (1970) NE Sweeper (1971) AK Sweeper (3 Wheel, Self Propelled) (1970) NY Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Cab Chassis) (1970) NY Sweeper, Electric Battery Powered, 36 In.) ( 1971 ) NY Sweeper, Pick Up Street, Four Wheeled, Engine Driven, 4 NJ Sweeper, 4 Wheel Driven, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity ( 1969) NJ Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Driven, Twin Engine, Automatic T NJ Sweeping Brush (1967) TX Sweeping Cloths and Tools, Mop Heads and Holders) (1969 NY Sweeping Compound (Cleaner) (1954) MS Sweeping Compound (Oil and Water) Absorbent ( 1969) PA Sweeping Compound (1954) CT Sweeping Compound (1964) FED RR-S-366B, VV-L-791 TX Sweeping Compound ( 1966) KY Sweeping Compound, Floor ( 1964) MI Sweeping Compounds ( 1967) WI Sweeping Floor Brushes ( 1967) TX Sweeping (1968) PA Swelling, Paintable) (1963) WA Swim Trunks; Cotton Gabardine (Men's and Boys') (1960) RI Swim Trunks; Woven Cotton Acetate Elastic (1960) RI (Swimming and Track) (6 and 8 Lane) (1971) NY Swimming Pool Deck, Etc.) (1971) /D Surface Delimer Ac MS Swimming Pool Enclosure (1968) NY Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer and Topping NY Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, T-Shirts, S OR Swimming) (College) (1970) NY Swine Rations (Hog/Feed) and Pig ( 1970) WA Swine (Hog) Antibiotic Vitamin Premix ( 1970) WA Swine (Hog) Trace Mineral Mix (1970) WA Swine) Nutrient (1963) MI (Swine) (1963) MI (Swine) (1963) MI (Swine) (1963) MI Swing Gate) (1971) Spec. F NY Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control Units, Pe NY Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumble Slide, Cats C NY 12600-0299 6505-1 6505-2 11800-0437 38221-0920 *2 63-900-9020 *21 49602-0862 43100-0664 31601-0380 F-57 4240-M-002 4240-M-003 23700-0967 *23 *39 5506-02 10110-0274 HD-80B13 HD-80B14 40015-0317 4280-F-004 4280-F-002 40029-0727 4280-M-001 4280-M-002 4280-M-003 39310-0571 S-100 82-700-9010 4265-M-007 40015-0317 40011-0084 B-4 C-4 4938-38 14-350 41600-0461 21400-0739 *4 41600-0464 41600-0704 41600-0876 41600-0272 14-260E *43 *51 *61 *48 41600-0575 41600-0620 41600-0202 4938-17 4938-133 4938-09 370-31-4 33202-832 S-5-54 C-177 5740-S-24 370-49-1 7930-19 4664-8000 5740-4000 370-31-7 C-l S-63-69 4215-M-002 4215-M-003 30200-0405 D-20A-71 31800-0352 38002-0282 82-700-9010 30210-0663 S-60-11 S-60-1 1-2 S-60-1 1-1 4340-0063 4340-0060 4340-0061 4340-0062 21802-0225 21802-0370 30211-0572 318 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards rehabilitation of Boat)/ Spec, for Vertical Drum Capstan, Spec, for Dresses, Shift and Spec, for Automatic Transfer General Spec, for Electrical Devices, Fittings, Std. Spec, for Enclosed Air Break use) ( 1964) NEMA Wd-2-63 Std. Spec, for rniture) (1969) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Wood Chairs (Executive Spec, for Steel Contemporary Executive e) (1969) Spec, for Aluminum ) Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Metal Smoker's Stand; Circular Style, Center Spec, for Executive Spec, for Junior Executive e)(1969) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Contemporary Spec, for Metal Secretarial Chair Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Tilt ansparent Silk Screen and Process Letters and Numerals and flectorized Cut Out Figures and Signs (Letters, Digits and Spec, for Television Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spray, Dual Spec, for Electronic Music Spec, for Colored 53) Std. Spec, for len Fabrics in Power Laundry ( 19/ Spec, for Organic Built -F-00430,/ Spec, for Liquid Self Polishing Water Emulsion Spec, for Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner and Std. Spec, for Chemical Cleaner, Std. Spec, for Spec, for General Purpose Liquid Cleaner (Soap with Spec, for ter) (1953) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Thinner, on (1969) Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Thinner, Spec, for Alkyd Resin Solution for Formulating Spec, for Rope., Manila and Spec, for Varnish Brushes (Flat, — 1 to — 3 Size, Spec, for Water Emulsion Std. Spec, for Mattress, Spec, for Pad, Floor, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Built Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Double Jacketed Spec, for 2 1/2 In. Single Jacketed D1436, E70, ICC 17E Spec, for Emulsion Type Spec, for Spec, for tion Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base tion Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Varnish Base Spec, for Spec, for Mop Head, Wet, t-E-489, Std. 141a Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Gloss, Spec, for White Enamel, Gloss, Spec, for Bottles; Hot Water, Rubber or Spec, for Sponges, Spec, for Floor Finish, Spec, for Baler Twine; Spec, for Cleaner, Light Duty, Hand Dishwashing, Unbuilt Spec, for Laundry Detergent for Cottons, Spec, for Detergent, Low Sudsing for Clothes, Std. Spec, for Water Emulsion Floor Coating, Liquid, Spec, for Enamel Gloss (Paint), dl 19-67, D/ Spec, for Rubber Insulating Tape (Natural and Spec, for Footware Lace (Cotton And/or 0) Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Detergent, Organic, Std. Spec, for Liquid, lymer, Including Metal Cross Link/ Std. Spec, for Liquid, Spec, for Liquid Cleaner Detergent (Built, Spec, for Low Sudsing Liquid Detergent Cleaner (Built, Std. Spec, for Liquid, Spec, for Gloves; Rubber and Spec, for Pad, Scouring, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, .(or Twine, Spec, for Primer (Paint), 70) Std. Spec, for Floor Finish, Std. Spec, for Detergent and Chemical Cleaner, Spec, for Detergent Cleaner, Paste, g Finishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, Lacquer and New Spec, for Spec, for Packaging of Benzathine Penicillin-G Disposable Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling and Hoisting Gear for NY 43100-0490 Swirl Types (1969) NY 40038-0258 Switch (1970) NY 35904-0671 Switches and Related Products (1964) OR 24-64-2A Switches (1964) OR 24-64-8A Switches; Snap, Manually Operable (General and Special OR 24-64-3A Swivel Arm Chairs (Executive Type), Armchair (Office Fu RI 1-011 Swivel Arm) (Office Furniture) (1962) RI 3-007 Swivel Armchair (Chairs) (Office Furniture) (1969) RI 4-011 Swivel Armchair (Executive Type Chair) (Office Furnitur RI 2-002 Swivel Armless Clerical Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969 RI 2-003 Swivel Ash Tray (Office Furniture) (1969) RI 1-023 Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) NV 7110-1 Swivel Chair (Posture Type, with Arms) (1970?) NV 7110-2 Swivel Chairs; Armless, Clerical, Male (Office Furnitur RI 1-015 Swivel Posture Chairs (Office Furniture) ( 1969) RI 4-014 (Swivel Posture, No Arms) (1970?) NV 7110-4 Swivel Type (1968) CA 681-67-8 Symbols and Borders) (1967) /Plastic Film Markings, Tr NY 38601-0173 Symbols) and Reflectors (1971) Spec, for Re NY 38606-0203 Sync Generator System ( 1971 ) NY 38221-0280 Synergist (1969) CA 691-76-30 Synthesizer (1971) NY 38200-0446 Synthetic Binder Concrete (1970?) NY ITEM 51SX Synthetic Detergent Cleaner Paste (General Purpose) (19 MS S-2-53-44 Synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, Colored and Woo VA L-2 Synthetic Detergent Resistant Floor Finish ( 1 969 ) FED P VA K-43 Synthetic Detergent (Janitorial) (1970) PA D-26 Synthetic Detergent (1964) MS C-4A-64 Synthetic Detergent (1969) ASTM D-800 OR 76-401-9090 Synthetic Detergent) (1964) TX 370-33-1 Synthetic Detergent, Liquid, General Purpose (1967) KY 7930-1 Synthetic Dishwashing Detergent Compound (Hand, Hard Wa MS S-2-53-54 Synthetic Enamel (Paint) (1970) MS PM-14 Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Anti-Air Pollution (1969) CA 691-80-420 Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow Exempt, Anti-Air Polluti CA 691-80-421 Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow, High Solvency (1969) CA 691-80-417 Synthetic Enamel (1969) CA 691-80-413 Synthetic Enamels (Paint), Linseed Oil (1969) CA 691-80-430 Synthetic Fibres (1971) NY 38400-0606 Synthetic Filament) (1966) FED H-B-695C VA C-2A Synthetic Floor Finish (1967) FED P-F-00430 VA K-39C Synthetic Foam (1969) CT 3748-M-341B Synthetic or Natural Fibers, Machine (1968) KY 7910-6 Synthetic Organic Detergent (Soapless) (1953) MS S-2-53-39 Synthetic Organic Detergent ( 1954) MS S-4-54 Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose (1965) SC 21-280A Synthetic Polyester Fiber Rubber Lined Fire Hose ( 1971 ) SC 21-280 Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish (Heavy Duty) ( 1971 ) ASTM TX 485-54-3A Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish, Emulsion Type ( 1964) SC 11-050 Synthetic Polymer Floor Finish; Emulsion Type (1971) TX 370-63-3A Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Re VA DK-25A Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (Wh VA DK-26A Synthetic Wax (1969) NY 25413-1006 Synthetic Yarn (1966) KY 7920-15 Synthetic (Exterior and Interior Surfaces) (1967) FED T PA P-124 Synthetic (Paint) (1971) NJ 7342-02 Synthetic (1956) PA B-18 Synthetic (1966) KY 7920-9 Synthetic (1967) KY 7930-3 Synthetic (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA T-74 Synthetic (1969) CA 691-77-15 Synthetic (1969) CA 691-77-38 Synthetic (1969) CA 691-77-41 Synthetic (1969) IA ♦3-12 Synthetic (1969) KY 24A Synthetic) (Electrical and Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM PA T-22 Synthetic) (Shoe String) (1971) PA L-40 Synthetic, Exterior, Gloss, Metal and Wood (Paint) (197 MS PE-13 Synthetic, Flake or Granular (1970) LA * 1 1 — 1 3 Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent (1969) IA *3-10 Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy Duty Wax, Po IA ♦3-9 Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) TX 370-33-3C Synthetic, General Purpose) (1970) TX 370-33-5A Synthetic, Glass and Window Cleaner (1969) IA ♦3-8 Synthetic, Household (1971) PA G-20 Synthetic, Institutional Use (1968) KY 7920-16 Synthetic, Light (1964) KY 26A Synthetic, Polypropylene Resin (1968) CA 681-40-03 Synthetic, Red or Brown Iron Oxide (1964) KY 25A Synthetic, Water Based, Polyacrylic Metal Interlock (19 MS F-15D-70 Synthetic, 40 and 1/2% Anhydrous (1964) MS D-2B-64 Synthetic, (Oil, Grease Removal) (1970) LA * 1 1-12 Synthetics (1966) FED Std. 141 /L Purpose) for Colorin WA S-66-97 Syringe and Hypodermic Needle, Disposable (1971) CA 711-62-95 Syringes with Needles ( 1968) MI 4776-S1 319 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 70./ Spec, for Glass Metal Tip General Purpose Hypodermic Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic Spec, for Glass Metal Tip Special Purpose Hypodermic Spec, for Locking Type Hypodermic Needles for Luer Spec, for Sterile Single Injection Disposable Hypodermic 160 Spec, for ed GG-S-00 1015 Spec . for pec. for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Rack, Storage Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer aulic Powered Under Tailgate Type, Material with Hydraulic Spec, for Mammographic X-Ray Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Electrochemistry s/ Spec, for Diagnostic Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray Spec, for Panoramic Dental X-Ray Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor pec. for Wide Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer stem ( 1969) Spec, for Water Treatment lyzer Programmer, Oxygen Replenishe/ Spec, for Pulmonizer and Measurement of Reflecti/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Diffraction Spec, for Fluoridation ng Film Techniques (Educatio/ niversity) (Educational Purpos/ metry Using Film Techniques / metry Using Film Techniques / n of Crystal Structu/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for X-Ray Detection Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image Intensifier Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Bench Top Fermentor nd Video) (1971) 69) Spec, for Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Intrusion Protection Spec, for Audio Spec, for Campus Signal Distribution Spec, for VHF - CATV Distribution Spec, for Fire Extinguishing Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for CCTV Spec, for CCTV Security Surveillance Spec, for Theatre Sound Spec, for Music Listening Spec, for Theater Sound and Communication Spec, for Learning Laboratory Spec, for Sound Reinforcement Spec, for Theater Sound and Communication Spec, for Pocket Paging Spec, for Audio / Visual Observation side) Air Cooled Air Conditioning Unit (/ Spec, for Split Spec, for Air Conditioning Spec, for Air Conditioning ipped for Television and Cine/ Spec, for Diagnostic X-Ray Spec, for Medical Diagnostic Radiographic X-Ray Spec, for Combustion Analyzing Spec, for Two Way Radio Communications Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for X-Ray Crystallographic Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction ontaining Batteries and Charger) (1/ Spec, for Fire Alarm . for X-Ray Diffraction Components and Vacuum Spectrometer 1971) Spec, for Pupillometer Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Cardiac Intensive Care Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray . for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray Spec, for Music - Page - Intercom Spec, for Sound Spec, for Two Way Mobile Radio Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Test Response Spec, for Winching Spec, for Closed Circuit Television Spec, for Chemical Analyzer Computer Spec, for Two Way Radio ion/ Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Spec, for Cardiac Monitor 1970) MIL Spec. 167, Ice/ Spec, for Trailer Refrigeration or Stationary Extra and Intra Oral Full Mouth Dental X-Ray Spec, for Fluoroscopic, Radiographic X-Ray Spec, for Cardiac Assist Control Spec, for Music Listening Spec, for Medical Telemetry Spec, for Cardiac Arrest Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Rock Sample Storage Hospital Equipme/ Spec, for Pulmonary Function Analyzing Spec, for Cardiac Monitor Syringes (Interchangeable) (1964) FED Std. 149A, ANSI Z Syringes (1964) ANSI Z70.1-55 Syringes (1965) Syringes (1965) FED GG-N-196 Syringes (1967) ANSI Z70.1-55 Syringes; Fountain, Rubber (1969) FED Std. 601, Std. 00 Syringe; Fountain, Disposable Enema (Hospital) (1969) F System - Drive In) ( 197 1 ) System and an Incident Beam Monochromator (Integration System and Controls (1967) Spec, for Spreader, Hydr System and Equipment (Medical Center) (1971) System and Liquid Helium Level Indicator) (1971) System and Related Accessories and Equipment (Tuberculo System and Related Accessories (Hospital) (1970) System and Tray Stacker) (1969) System and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion Kit System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Conditioning Sy System for Diagnostic Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Ana System for Direct Measurement of Diffracted Intensities System for Direct Measurement of Intensities) ( 1971 ) System for Municipal Water Supply (City) (1969) System for Powder and Single Crystal Investigations Usi System for Use with Spectroscopy Goniometer (Science, U System Oil (1967) System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powder Diffracto System Suitable for Single Crystal and Powder Diffracto System with Accessories) (1968) System with Accessories) ( 1971 ) System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System- System System System System System System System System System System System System System System Analytical Diffraction Systems for Investigatio Arboretum) (1971) Audio or Motion Detector) ( 1971 ) / Broadcasting Studio) (College) (1970) ' Cable Television) (12 VHF Channel CATV - Baseba Cable Television) (1969) Carbon Dioxide) (1968) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 Cardiovascular) (Medical Center) (1971) Closed Circuit Television) (Hospital) (1971) Closed Circuit Television) (Medical Center) (19 College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1970) College) (1971) College) (1971) Communications) (1970) Communications) (1970) Compressor and Condenser Outside; Evaporator nn Computer Room) (College) (1971) Computer Room) (College) (1971) Conventional and Bright Image Fluoroscopy) (Equ Correctional Institution) (1967) C02, Thermal Conductivity Type) ( 1966) Departmental) (1971) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1968) Educational Purposes) (1969) Emergency Power Source) (Wall Mounted Cabinet C Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Eye Pupil Measurement) (Scientific Equipment) Fluorescent Spectrometer Conversion) (1970) Hospital Equipment) (1970) Hospital) (1968) Hospital) (1969) Spec Hospital) (1971) Hospital) (1971) Hospital) (1971) Hospital) (1971) Hospital) (1971) Human and Small Animal) (1970) Hydrographic Survey Work) (1970) Institutional Use) (1969) Institutional Use) (1969) Institutional Use ) ( 1 97 1 ) Integration with Computer and Teletype) (Educat Intensive Care) (1969) Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen and Perishable Foods) Medical Center) (1968) Spec. F Medical Center) (1971) Medical Center) (1971) Medical Center) (1971) Mental Research) (1968) Mobile) (Hospital Equipment) (1970) Mobile) (Park) (1971) Mobile) (1971) Mobile, Medical with Accessories) (Tuberculosis Modular Telemetry) (Medical Center) (1971) TX 360-58-1 TX 360-59-1 TX 360-58-2 TX 360-58-3 TX 360-59-3 PA S-21 PA S-125 NY 39105-0120 NY 11002-0512 NJ 4938-74 NY 1 1000-0558 NY 38728 NY 1 1000-0459 NY 11001-0559 NY 36200-0979 NY 38782-0824 NY 40802-1032 NY 12600-0912 NY 11002-0377 NY 11002-0518 NY 32500-0108 NY 1 1002-0473 NY 11002-0715 KY 9150-4 NY 1 1002-0373 NY 11002-0710 NY 11000-0633 NY 38760-0640 NY 1 1002-0288 NY 38211-0795 NY 38201-0147 NY 38201-0600 NY 38221-0321 NY 38221-0497 NY 34700-0207 NY 11000-0861 NY 38221-0785 NY 38221-0920 NY 38201-0353 NY 38201-0357A NY 38201-0542 NY 38209-0485 NY 38201-0285 NY 38201-0751 NY 38211-0632 NY 38221-0692 KS 35-3A NY 30001-0132 NY 30001-0335 NY 11000-0341 NY 11000-0475 NY 00407-0565 NY 38211-0929 NY 110Q2-0332 NY 11002-0768 NY 11002-0013 NY 34400-0777 NY 11002-0563 NY 38760-0322 NY 11002-0018 NY 12600-0476 NY 11000-0773 NY 11000-0822 NY 38201-0042 NY 38201-0729 NY 38211-0443 NY 38211-0595 NY 38211-0874 NY 38209-0631 NY 43100-0664 NY 38221-0970 NY 38716-0251 NY 38211-0887 NY 11002-0825 NY 12600-0977 NY 42300-0582 NY 11001-0865 NY 11000-0909 NY 12600-0433 NY 38201-0047 NY 12600-0330 NY 12600-0375 NY 38211-0591 NY 21701-0901 NY 12600-0796 NY 12600-0818 320 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards (Portable Computer Unit) (1969) Spec, for Pulmonizer Spec, for Closed Circuit Television Spec, for Water Pumping Spec, for Precatalyzed Lacquer Furniture Finishing Spec, for Two Way Mobile Radio Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray Spec, for Portable Pa Spec, for Residual Gas Analyzer Spec, for Microwave Communications Spec, for Film Dubbing Spec, for Polariscope Spec, for Polariscope Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Wireless Solid State Auditory Training Spec, for Audiometric Spec, for Helium 3 Refrigeration Spec, for Fast Slow Coincidence Spec, for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer Spec, for Time Sharing Computer Spec, for Ultrasonic Attenuation Comparator Spec, for Liquid Helium Dewar Spec, for High Vacuum Evaporator Spec, for Seismic R. F. Telemetry Spec, for Ion Beam Source / Pulser / Buncher Spec, for Photometer Spec, for Superconducting Solenoid Spec, for 24 Trace Portable Shallow Refraction Seismic lectron Microprobe Analyzer / Scanning Electron Microscope Spec, for Office Furniture, Pole Display 969) Spec, for Seismic Profiling Spec, for Two Way Radio Control Spec, for Telephone Spec, for Closed Circuit Television Spec, for Closed Circuit T.V. Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Observation and Micro Teaching Spec, for Irrigation Spec, for Sound Spec, for Particle Counting Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Closed Circuit Television Spec, for High Vacuum Evaporator Spec, for Dual Channel Automatic Gamma Radioassay Spec, for Electronicam Spec, for Flue Gas Analysis and Recording ooth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Air Replacement Spec, for Dust Collector and Filtering Spec, for Dust Collector and Filtering Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray tment System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Conditioning Spec, for Fire Extinguishing Spec, for High Speed Cassette Duplicating Spec, for High Speed Cassette Duplicating spec, for Extension of Campus RF - Television Distribution Spec, for Television Distribution for Alphanumeric Electric Accounting Machines and Applied Spec, for Electronic Book Detection Spec, for Television Sync Generator Spec, for Information Display Spec, for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer Spec, for Crystal Growing (Seed) Spec, for Traffic Radar . for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray television Tape Recorder / Reproducer (1 In. Helican Scan) Spec, for Electronic Piano Teaching Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (Expansion of r X-Ray Diffraction Equipment and Accessories (Addition to 1 X-Ray Equipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Update Existing Spec, for Fans, Industrial (Welding Shop Exhaust Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Image Intensifier Spec, for Office Machines (Key to Tape Data Preparation spec, for Scientific Equipment (Automatic Humidity Control Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Vidicon Television Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Plumbicon Television Spec, for Cryogenic Equipment (Refrigeration, Thermometer rage Equipment (Automatic Transmission Testing Machine and s (Photogrammetry Equipment) (Uniplanar Scanning Digitizer el Shelving, Office Furniture and Similar Equipment (Paint ic Laboratory Equipment (Multi Room Still Photo Processing Spec, for Office Machines (Magnetic Tape Composing Spec, for Film Dubbing (Recording Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Laser Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Scintillation Camera Spec, for Material Handline Equipment (Bakery Conveyor System t 'Monitor, Process and Display Human Respiration) NY 12600-0962 System [Monochrome) (1971) NY 38221-0141 System (Multistage Vertical Centrifugal) (1968) NY 46000-0792 System (Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cold Spray) (1969) MI 5325-S19 System (Park) (1971) NY 38211-0457 System (Park) (1971) NY 38211-0834 System (Prison) (1967) NY 11 000-03 86A System (Public Address) (1971) NY 38201-0234 System Quadrupole Type) (Scientific Equipment) (1969) NY 38701-0449 System (Radio) (State Police) ( 1971 ) NY 38211-0917 System (Recording) (1971) NY 38217-0233 System (Reflection) (University) (1971) NY 12005-0057 System (Reflection) (University) (1971) NY 12005-0829 System (School) (1971) NY 38211-0780 System (School) (1971) NY 38215-0783 System (School) (1971) NY 38215-0792 System [Scientific Equipment) (1969) NY 38719-1017 System [Scientific Equipment) (1969) NY 38760-0300 System [Scientific Equipment) (1969) NY 38782-0416 System [Scientific Equipment) (1970) NY 38716-0702 System [Scientific Equipment) (1970) NY 38760-0675 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38713-0733 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38731-0067 System (Scientific Equipment) ( 197 1 ) NY 38754-0866 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38760-0309 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38768-0281 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38787-0744 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38787-0821 System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) /or Combination E NY 38782-0782 System (Shelves, Panels and Lamps) (1971) NY 21701-0053 System (Shipborne, Sea Bottom and Subbottom Mapping) ( 1 NY 12099-0903 System (State Police) (1971) NY 38211-0025 System (State Police) (1971) NY 38211-0149 System (Studio) (1971) NY 38221-0021 System (Television) (School) (1971) NY 38221-0498 System (Univerity) (1971) NY 38211-0231 System (University) (1969) NY 38221-0252 System (University) (1969) NY 46000-0934 System (University) (1970) NY 38201-0562 System (University) (1971) NY 12050-0526 System (University) (1971) NY 38211-0447 System (University) (1971) NY 38211-0873 System (University) (1971) NY 38221-0837 System (University) (1971) NY 38788-0521 System (X-Ray Equipment) (1969) NY 11000-0304 System (16 Mm) (1970) NY 38221-0695 System (1967) NY 40706-0360 System (1967) / Spraying Equipment, Water Wash Spray B NY 43221-0771 System (1968) NY 43204-0002 System (1968) NY 43204-0874 System (1969) NY 11000-0916 System (1969) Spec, for Water Trea NY 40802-1032 System (1969) Nfpa Pamphlet 12 NY 34700-0966 System (1970) NY 38217-0430 System (1970) NY 38217-0596 System (1970) NY 38221-0518 System (1970) NY 38221-0558 System (1970?) Spec. HI ♦10 System (1971) NY 38201-0732 System (1971) NY 38221-0280 System (1971) NY 38221-0292 System (1971) NY 38782-0796 System (1971) NY 38788-0034 System (1971) PA R-24 System (1971) Spec NY 11000-0032 System ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Educational NY 38220-0438 System / Dual Musical Amplifier (College) (1971) NY 38209-0781 System) (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) (1968) NY 11002-0461 System ) (Educational Purposes) (1968) Spec. Fo NY 11002-0745 System ) (Educational Purposes) (1970) /. for Industria NY 11002-0608 System) (Hoods and Blower) (1970) NY 21301-0546 System) (Hospital) (1971) NY 11000-0465 System) (Police) (1971) NY 22900-0063 System) (University) (1971) NY 38789-0515 System ) (1968) NY 11000-0372 System) (1968) NY 11000-0565 System ) (1968) NY 12099-0699 System) (1969) Spec, for Ga NY 35000-0797 System ) ( 1969) /R Surveying and Engineering Instrument NY 31601-0380 System ) (1969) FED Std. 141 / Spec, for Finishing; Ste OR 77-100-9280 System) (1970) Spec, for Photograph NY 38810-0097 System) (1971) NY 22900-0737 System) (1971) NY 38217-0840 System) (1971) NY 38746-0586 System) (1971) NY 38789-0643 System) (1971) NY 39108-0578 321 J NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards e Radio Terminal and Police Information Network) (Computer ries (Medica/ Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray Spec, for Air r Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer System (Analytical Diffraction Use as an Anti Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Spec, for Sound Amplification Spec, for Sound Reinforcement Spec, for Portable Sound Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Rear Projection Spec, for Rear Projection Spec, for Rear Projection Spec, for Rear Projection Spec, for Food Waste Handling Spec, for Epoxy Resin Spec, for Stereo Listening ing, Steel, Clip and Bolted Type Including Mezzanine Floor Spec, for Multimedia Control Spec, for Automatic Audiometric and Evoked Response Spec, for Vacuum Pump ater and Liquid Helium Cooled Direct Current Electromagnet ector, Mobile Cart, Audio Heads/ Spec, for Group Learning Spec, for Rear Screen Projection Spec, for Two Way Radio Spec, for Hydraulic Special Conditions for Fixed and Mobile Communications Spec, for Sound Amplification Spec, for Sound Amplification Spec, for Air Conditioning Central Spec, for Additive Antifreeze for Automobile Fuel ted Roll Over Type, Right Hand Wing Assembly and Hydraulic Spec, for Descaling Compound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Custom Std. Spec, for Pins, Bank, Straight and hirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Supporters, Std. Spec, for Asphalt Shingles; Square . ( 1/ Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, Self Seal, 3 . Std (1964) Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 m D-225-62 Std. Spec, for Roof Shingles, Asphalt, 3 Spec, for Picnic spec, for Decorative Sheets; Laminated, Thermosetting (for Spec, for Portable Lamps, n, B/ Spec, for Athletic Equipment (General) (Basketball, Spec, for Radio (FM - Am) Receivers Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Combination nt (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, Work Spec, for Vinyl Cloth (Lintex) for Car/ Spec, for Food Service Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Damask Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Std. Spec, for service Equipment (Overhead Angled Dish Rack Shelf, Mobile Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Heavy (for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Stainless Steel Std. for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Picnic Std. Spec, for Spec, for Power Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Blade, Spec, for Paper Spec, for Paper Spec, for White setting Laminates ( 1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for rvice Equipment (Dishwasher, Electric Booster, Soiled Dish Std. Spec, for Damask, Cotton Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood, for Unit Pupil Spec, for Paper Napkins, Std. Spec, for Picnic Spec, for Paper Napkins, Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic X-Ray Spec, for Autopsy Spec, for Paper Napkins, Spec, for Film Editing , Rat, Mouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soiled and Clean Dish r Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Counters, Cashiers Stand, Work ing and Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler, Utility Serving special Purpose Chairs) (Shower, Multipurpose Mobile Chair ezer, Refrigerator (Pass Through), Sandwich Unit, Hot Food Std. Spec, for System) ( 1971 ) /for Digital Communications Link (Mobil System, Film Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous Accesso System, Shop, Electric Motor Driven (Compressor) (1968) Systems for Investigation of Crystal Structures and Inv Systems of Road Machinery and Similar Applications ( 1 96 Systems (College) (1970) Systems (College) (1970) Systems (College) (1971) Systems (College) (1971) Systems (Communications) (College) (1970) Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Systems (Communications) (University) (1970) Systems (Compactor) ( 197 1 ) Systems (Highway Construction) ( 1970) Systems (Hospital) (1970) Systems (NYS Std.) (1967) Spec, for Shelv Systems (Programming, Display, Presentation) (1971) Systems (Psychiatric Hospital) (1971) Systems (Replacement Units) (University) (1971) Systems (Scientific Equipment) (1969) Spec, for W Systems (Six Position Listening Station, Filmstrip Proj Systems (State Police) (1969) Systems (State Police), Helicopter (1971) Systems (Truck Mounted) (1968) Systems (Two Way Radio) (1970) Systems (University) (1969) Systems (University) (1969) Systems (1969) Systems (1970) Systems) (1971) Spec, for Snow Plow (Front Moun Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer Devices and Steam Cleane T.V. System (Television) (School) (1971) T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Television Studio) ( 1969) T-Heador Mallet (1971) T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Pants) (1969) /Ds, Tights, S Tab (1970) UL 55B Tab, Mineral Surfaced, Square Butt, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 12 X 36 In., 235 Lb Tab, Square Butt, Mineral Surfaced, 250 L.B. (1970) AST Tab Tab Tab Tab (Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab (Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab and Bench Combinations (1962) e and Counter Tops, Etc.) (1959) NEMA LP-2-1957 e and Floor (1971) e and Paddle and Deck Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminto e and Portable - Battery Models) ( 1971 ) e and Seats (1970?) e and Serving Counter) (1970) /Ood Service Equipme e and Shelf Use (1971) e Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility e Bases (1971) e Cloth and Napkin) (1970) e Damask (Cloth, Textile) (1957) e Damask (Cotton) (Cloth, Textile) (1971) e Damask; Cotton, Bleached (Cloth, Textile) (1969) e Extension) ( 1968) Spec, for Food e Felts) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) e Flatware (Stainless Steel and Silverware) (1971) e Flatware (1962) e Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Steel ( 1963) e Flatware, Corrosion Resisting Steel (1969) e Frames ( 1971 ) e Linen (Cotton Damask) (1969) e Mounted Router (1968) e Napkins (1960) FED UU-N-106C, UU-N-1 15B e Napkins (1965) FED UU-N-1 06E e Oilcloth (1957) e Top and Furniture Assemblies Using Plastic Thermo e Tops (Porcelain) (Hospital Bedside) (1971) e Tops (1970) e with Sink) (1969) Spec, for Food Se e (Cloth, Textile) (1960) e (Conventional Design) (1961) e (Law) (1968) e (Tubular Steel Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) (1968) e (1965) e (1970) e (1971) e (1971) e (1971) e) (Testing and Research Laboratory) (1970) / (Dog e) (1971) e)(1971) Spec. Fo e) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Food Transport e) (1971) Spec, for Hospital Equipment, Wheeled e) ( 1971) / Service Equipment (Deep Fat Fryer, Fre e, Agriculture, Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) NY 38211-0441 NY 11000-0786 NJ 6524-04 NY 11002-0288 SC 34-040 NY 38201-0349 NY 38201-0544 NY 38201-0357 NY 38211-590 NY 38814-0377 NY 38814-0376 NY 38814-0424 NY 38814-0457 NY 36125-0573 VA DH-254 NY 38201-0568 NY 27500-0391 NY 38200-0580 NY 38215-0836 NY 46000-0546 NY 38750-0012 NY 38209-0401 NY 38814-0282 NY 38211-0117 NY 40500-0016 NE *8 NY 38201-0177 NY 38201-0843 NY 30001-0095 MS A-2A-70 NY 40900-0764 CA 681-66-13 NY 38221-0498 NY 40504-0884 IL *32SS OR 82-700-9010 OR 64-500-0070 MS R-5-64-2 MS R_5_64-l MS R-5-64-3 MD *22 OR 50-59-2 NY 35706-0140 NY 30200-0587 NY 38218-0450 VA *20 NY 36200-0356 NY 24700-0471 PA F-80 NY 24800-0312 PA C-117 RI 4910-007 NY 33000-0602 OR 79-100-9090 NY 36200-0735 OR 79-100-9190 NY 24600-0035 WA S-6 1-35-1 CT 31-17B CT 3108-T-330A NY 21511-0358 OR 72-150-9130 NY 43200-0243 VA DM-13 RI 5565-A-002 RI 4905-001 PA T-65 NY 24800-0355 NY 37516-0033 NY 36200-0907 MS T-1A-60-8 NC 7120-C-3 NY 23300-0589 WI 0560-8850 KY 7840-2 NY 11000-0615 NY 11802-0284 NY 23300-0506 NY 38812-0163 NY 12040-0557 NY 36200-0800 NY 36114-0267 NY 36112-0381 NY 11613-0331 NY 36200-0074 NC 7120-T-9 322 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor, Clean Dish nd Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Spec, for Operating Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Cream Cabinet, Serving Counter, Griddle with Stand, Steam Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Counters, Work Std. Spec, for Std. Spec esign) (1961) (1970) hood, Stool) (1971) for Chinaware, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Billiard, Carom, and Bumper Pool Spec, for Drafting Supplies, Tracing Spec, for Drafting Supplies (Tracing Spec, for Drafting Furniture Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal (Desks, Spec, for Office Furniture, Metal (Desks, Spec, for Laboratory Furniture (Work Spec, for Metal Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel Spec, for Clothes Spec, for Wood Spec, for Steel Folding Spec, for Steel Trapezoidal Spec, for Folding laboratory Furniture (Wood - Installed) Modular Laboratory Spec, for Furniture; Wood Spec, for Picnic Tent. Spec, for Picnic Spec, for Cafeteria Spec, for Wood Dining Room Spec, for Cafeteria r Food Service Equipment (Dishwasher with Soiled and Clean Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Dish Spec, for Drafting Furniture (Reference Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture (Pedestal, Leg and Booth Lounge Furniture (Seating Units, Side Chairs, Benches and rniture (Hospital) (Adjustable Beds, Cabinets, and Overbed c, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Std. Spec, for School Classroom Furniture (Chairs, Desks, Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafting Arts and Crafts Furniture (Classroom Drawing and Drafting lay, Academic Impact Area, Cash Register Stand, Book Drop, rniture, Office (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Spec, for Furniture; Hospital Room and Dormitory (Beds, e Furniture (Desks, Credenza, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Spec, for School Furniture (Chairs, Spec, for Metal Office Furniture (Chairs, ipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and Trays, Portable Spec, for Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Work Spec, for Spec, for Steel e Studio, Squeegee Board, Film Print Dryer, Sink Assembly, pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display Units; Counters, olonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and oratory Furniture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center erence, Drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Utility Spec, for Steel ema LD-1 Spec, for Dining Spec, for Typing and Bookkeeping Std. Spec, for Chair, Spec, for Metal Folding Spec, for Spec, for Classroom or Institutional Steel Chair d Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Tops and Spec, for 1) (Methyl Benzethonium Chloride - Laundry Rinse) (Powder, Spec, for Pads, Spec, for Isostatic Spec, for Heavy Duty Plastic Melamine -766 Spec, for Glass Spec, for Ungraded Stainless Spec, for Plastic Spec, for Stainless Steel Spec, for Bleach, Chlorine, for Plastic Spec, for Ungraded^Jtainless Spec, for Stainless Steel Spec, for Compound; Stain Remover (for )(1970?) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for d. 66, Std. 151 Spec, for Table, Dishwasher with Booster) (1969) Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Tumbl Table, Pedestal, Major (1970) Table, Serving Counter) (Heated) (Mobile) (1971) Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea Table, Tray Dispensers, Dish Carts) ( 1971 ) Table, Unit Pupil, Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) Table, Vitrified (Institutional Use) (1965) Table, Wood, Elementary and All Purpose (Conventional D Table, Wood, Typewriter (Conventional Design) (1961) Tablecloths and Napkins (1958) Tables and and Accessories (Heavy Duty, Institutional) Tables and Boards (1967) Tables and Boards) (1966) (Tables and Plan File Cabinets) (1971) Tables and Related Items) (1966) Tables and Related Items) (1971) Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, Fume Tables for Office Use (1970) Tables (General Office and Conference) ( 1970?) Tables (General Office) (Furniture) (1969) Tables (Laminated Plastic Top) (Furniture) (1969) Tables (Laundry Equipment) (1969) Tables (Office Furniture) (1962) Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) Tables (Square Leg, Pedestal, Card) (1971) Tables (Statistical Laboratory) (1968) Spec, for Tables (with Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 Tables (Wood, Rustic Design) ( 1971 ) Tables (1963) Tables (1968) Tables (1969) Tables (1970) Tables) (Exhaust Duct, Disposal Unit) ( 1971 ) Spec. Fo Tables) (1968) Tables) (1969) Tables) (1970) Tables) (1970) Tables) (1970) Tables) (1970) Tables) (1971) Tables) (1971) Tables) (1971) Tables, Binning Glass) (1970) Tables, Book Truck) (1971) Tables, Cabinets, Dressers) (1969) Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Typewriter Stand, Step Stool Tables, Desks) (1971) Tables, Desks, Filing Cabinets) (1970) Tables, Heated Serving and Ice Cream and Milk Dispenser Tables, Leg Style (1961) Tables, NYS Std.) (1969) Tables, Office, Steel (1969) Tables, Panel and 4 Leg Types (1968) Tables, Portable Mixer) (1970) /Pment (Cabinets, Mobil Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Single Action Gate) Tables, Sofas, Upholstery Fabric) (1970) /Re (Wood) (C Tables, Wall Cases) (Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Lab Tables; Desk Lamp; File Stool) (1971) /Mer; Desk; Conf Tables; General Office (Furniture) (1969) Tables; Metal Base (with Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) N Tables; Steel (Office Furniture) (1969) Tablet Arm - Wood (Conventional Design) ( 1960) Tablet Arm Chairs (Office Furniture) (1969) Tablet Arm Folding Chair (1965) FED AA-C-296, USC CS35 (Tablet Arm Type) (1970) Tablet Arms) (1970) /Chool Furniture Parts (Plastic An Tablet Paper (1968) FED UU-P-31B Tablet, Ointment) (1969) /Ic Bacterial Agents (Hospita Tablets and Notebooks (1963) FED UU-P-31 Tableware and Related Products (1970) Tableware (Dinnerware) (1970) Tableware (Institutional Use) (1971) FED DD-T-101, QQ-S Tableware (Medium Weight) (1968) Tableware (1964) USC CS 173-50 Tableware (1966) FED QQ-M-151 Tableware (1969) Tableware (1969) Tableware (1970) Tableware) (1960) ASTM D1331 Tableware, Corrosion Resisting Steel (Institutional Use Tableware, Flatware, Stainless ( 1957) Tableware, Stainless Steel (1968) Tableware, Stainless Steel, Flatware, Cutlery ( 1964) Tableware; Stainless Steel (Flatware Set) (1968) FED St Spec, for Spec, for Patient Room Fu /Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabri Spec, for Spec, for /NE Racks, Clothing Disp Spec, for Fu NY NY NY NY NY NY NC MS NC NC RI NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NV RI RI PA RI RI RI NY NY PA NY KS NY RI NY NY NY NY NY PA NY NY MS NY NY NY NY PA HI NY NM NY NJ NY MI CA NY NY NY NY AK RI PA RI NC RI VA TX NY PA NY PA NJ NJ PA RI PA VA CA RI NJ PA MA IL CA MS PA 36200-0972 30211-0572 11801-0304 36200-0913 36200-0420 36114-0262 7120-T-6 C-39A-65 7 1 20-T-7 7120-T-8 4770-002 30208-0576 31600-0380 00316-0114 31600-0084 00217-0163 21701-0157 12009-0629 7148 7110-T 1-005 1-032 T-5 3-003 1-024 1-031 20902-0435 12006-0399 F-73 21602-0765 41-1 24800-0739 3-015 24800-0348 36200-0823 36200-0747 31600-0312 24800-0184 F-69 20302-0586 21605-0260 F-3A-71 31605-0146 31605-0241 21802-0317 21802-0174 F-81A *7 27000-0005 *5 36114-0572 7148-02 36200-0186 3760-S1 681-67-24 38810-0650 21802-0993 21604-0226 12008-0635 ♦53 1-028 T-69 1-033 7120-C-l 1-034 BF-4 295-52-4 27002-0728 P-121 21901-0964 P-88 3164-01 3 1 64-00A T-35 5225-02 T-5 2 DG-3D 691-77-08 5225-01 3188-00 C-87 *2 *16 681-70-04 T-1A-64 T-43 323 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 22 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Conference ex Guides and Cards; Labels; Plastic, Index, and Celluloid Std. Spec, for Card and File Guides, Index Cards and ; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Transfer Files; Index ; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and uction(1964) Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Continuous Marginal Punched Stock General Conditions and Spec, for Continuous Spec, for Spec, for Card, ht Output, Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) ec. for Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Washer, Screw, Std. Spec, for Thumb Std. Spec, for Map Spec, for Brass; (Coiled Strip) for Dog License Stock, Onionskin, Manuscript, Machine Coated Book, Manila Spec, for Identification Seals (Game Spec, for Identification Seals (Self Locking Metal for Spec, for Ear ec. for Food Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Spec, for Hair; Mixed, Domestic, Curled (Hog and Cattle ed Furniture Filling) (1968) Spec, for Hair; Cattle 11 Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides An/ Spec, for Barflight mounting) for Asphalt Compaction for Patching / Spec, for Spec, for Hydraulic Spec, for Truck, 62,000 G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, ols ( 1967) Spec, for Spreader, Hydraulic Powered Under k, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Utility Body and Hydraulic ,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Closed Top Body and Hydraulic v.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake Body with Hydraulic Spec, for Hydraulic Spinner Disc Spreader (Salt, Sand) th 14 Ft. Platform (1970) Spec, for Hydraulic Power Spec, for Laundry Presses, Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Buttons, for Scissors (Buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Spec, for Women's Slips (Percale), tch (1968) Spec, for Power . Spec, for Roofing, Cap Sheet, 36 In., Asphalt Saturated, 65) Spec, for 971) Spec, for (1966) Spec, for Spec, for softener Manufacture (1969) Spec, for Di (Hydrogenated Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfill (1969) Spec, for Metallic Spec, for Spec, for Textile, 1 ) Spec, for ent ( 1969) Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Spec, for Light Duty Spec, for Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Grader 1971) Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader Spec, for Diesel Motor Grader Spec, for Heavy Duty Spec, for Platform Sliding Spec, for Spec, for 50,000 G.V.W. Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Spec, for Portable Spec, for Portable Spec, for Trailer, Spec, for Vibratory Power Roller (2 Axle, Spec, for Roller, Spec, for Portable Self Propelled Spec, for Road Roller (Three Axle Spec, for Septic truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Water Spec, for Milk ( 1971 ) Spec, for Dairy Pipeline and Bulk Std. Spec, for Air Compressors, Spec, for Air Compressor Units; Spec, for 1200 Gal. Water Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Water, Hand Pump, Spec, for 10,000 Gal. Bituminous Storage Spec, for Storage in. Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Spec, for 2000 Gal. Semi Trailer Type Asphalt Supply for Concrete Saw, with Tow Type Trailer and 400 Gal. Water Table; Two Section, with Plastic Laminate Top (1965) Tabs and Blanks) ( 1 97 1 ) /S; Filing Cases; Folders; Ind Tabs (1971) Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; Letter Openers; Moisten Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parce Tabulated Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for Highway Constr Tabulating Cards ( 1964) Tabulating Cards (1969) FED G-C-l 16A( 1 ) Tabulating Cards (1970?) Tabulating Forms ( 1 965 ) Tabulating Stock Forms (1969) Tabulating, Data Processing and Proof Machine Ribbons (1969) Tabulating, Stock, Electric Accounting Machine (1969) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, Universal Oil Fi Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, T Tacks (1971) Tacks (1971) Tag (1960) Tag) ( 1966) /R, Ledger, Index, Manifold, Offset, Cover Tag, Marker) (1965) Tagging Game) (Departmental) (1971) Tags (Marker - Cattle, Sheep, Goat) (1971) Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Tail) (for Mattress and Upholstery Filling) (1939) Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, Upholster Tailgate Material Spreader (Hydraulically - Operated, A Tailgate Roller (Vibrating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck Tailgate Spreader ( 1964) Tailgate Spreader, Snow Plow Assemblies (1968) Tailgate Type, Material with Hydraulic System and Contr Tailgate (1968) Spec, for True Tailgate (1969) Spec, for Truck, 10 Tailgate (1969) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G. (Tailgate) (1963) Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Body Truck Wi Tailor Shop (Institutional Use) (1952) Tailor's Beeswax (1953) Tailor's Chalk and Crayon (1953) Tailor's, Rug Trimming) and Pinking Shears ( 1953) /C. Tailored (1965) Take Off Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Tractor Hi Talc or Mica Surface, Hot or Cold Application ( 1970) Tall Oil Fatty Acid for Low Titer Soap and Products ( 19 Tallow Coconut Fatty Acid Blend for Soap Manufacture ( 1 Tallow (Fat) for Manufacture of Toilet and Laundry Soap Tallow (Fat) (1970) Tallow) Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Powder) for Fabric Tamper, Paving Breaker) (1970) /Chipper, Single Piston Tan Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furniture Tan Finish Coat (Paint) (1969) Tan Jean (Cloth) (1970?) Tan Summer Uniform Trousers (Khaki Twill) (Slacks) (197 Tandem Axle for Housing Water Quality Monitoring Equipm Tandem Axle Low Bed Semitrailer (Trailer) (1970) Tandem Axle Truck with 7 to 9 cu. Yd. Dump Body ( 1970) Tandem Axle (with Environmental Room) (1968) Tandem Drive Motor Grader (1970) (Tandem Drive, Torque Convertor or Power Shift) ( 1970?) (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade and 12 Ft. Snow Wing) (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade) (1971) Tandem or 6 Wheel Drive Motor Graders ( 1970) Tandem Semi Trailer (30 Ton Capacity) (1970) Tandem Trailer Dolly, Single Axle (1970) Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tandem Truck Tilt Cab and Chassis (1971) Tandem Variable Weight Road Roller (1968) Tandem Variable Weight Road Roller (1970) Tandem, Van Type, Truck, 22 Ft. (1969) Tandem, 2 Ton Category) (1971) Tandem, 5-8 Ton (1964) Tanden Roller (1970) Tandom, Pneumatic Tired, Patching) (1970) Tank Activator (1969) Tank Body (1969) Spec, for Tank Body, 1,500 Gal. (Truck Mounting) (1971) Tank Cleaner, Alkaline Powder (Chlorinated, Nonfoaming) Tank Mounted (1969) USC CS126 Tank Mounted, Industrial Type (1970) Tank on Skids (1970) Tank Type (1970) Tank with 15 KW Electric Heater (1970?) Tank (Liquid Nitrogen) (1971) Tank (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Tank (1969) Tank (1970) Spec. PA T-70 FL *19 IL •32FF NY 23000-0633 FL *21 SC HD-A KS 76-5 NJ 6900-03 UT *6 KS 76-7 NJ 8330-00 NJ 6952-01 CA 691-82-34 NY 35000-0938 NJ 5108-00 IL *32DDD IL *32KK PA B-127 NY 00502-00-0476 NY 00087-0163 NY 08700-0622 NY 08701-0850 NY 36200-0787 PA H-12 PA H-8 NY 41000-0325 AK *52 NJ 4938-69 NJ 4938-08 NJ 4938-74 NJ 4938-113 NJ 4938-51 NJ 4938-106 NJ 4938-07 NJ 4938-15 PA P-106 IL *33B IL *33H IL *33P RI 4287-F-007 SC 14-220-0451 A MS R-5-64-12 TX 371-79-1 TX 1 80-48-7 TX 371-80-1A NY 25503-0446 TX 371-32-2 NY 43203-0185 MI 5325-S27 CA 691-80-86 MA *35-14 SC 03-010-0211 A NJ 6542-06 NE *45 NE *18 NJ 6542-01 SC 14-140-0451 A VA *7 AK *11 AK *10 SC 14-140-0451 SC ♦28 NY 42300-0581 SC *24 SC *25 SC 14-020-2616 SC 14-250 SC 14-250A MI 3978-0214 NY 41300-0825 NJ 4938-72 NE •55 NY 41300-0101 CA 691-77-50 NJ 4938-23 NY 40500-0647 MS T-D-23C-71 OR 26-100-9010 TX 01 0-34-1 A NE •44 PA F-47 VA *43 NY 37604-0934 NJ 4938-28 SC 14-270-0451 NJ 4938-137 324 NBS Inuex of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for 6,000 Gal. Portable Road Oil nd Folders and Spreaders and Stackers, Starch Cooker, Soap Spec, for Grout Pump Unit (Agitator, Water Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (2 Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Electric, Single Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Single Std. Spec, for Dishwashing Machine (3 Spec, for Mopping Spec, for Water Spec, for Truck with Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Spec, for Livestock Feed, a, Steamed Bone Meal, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Spec, for School Bus Gasoline Spec, for Underground Gasoline Storage Spec, for Commercial Laundry Soap and/or Miscellaneous Including Utility Connections, Septic Spec, for Double Mopping Outfits, Trucks or Spec, for Water and Scrubbing Solution Spec, for Shoe Leather; Sole, Vegetable Spec, for Leather; Calf, Full Grain (Chrome Spec, for Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Spec, for Leather; Kid, Glazed (Chrome Spec, for Leather; Sides (Chrome ather; Sides, Oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Spec, for Extract Quebracho Spec, for Computer Spec, for Sound Recording ne, Acetate, and Correction) (1971) Std. Spec, for unches, Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers, Staples and Removers, Spec, for Ribbons, Carbon, Magnetic Spec, for Paper; Bags, Wrapping, Gummed Spec, for Office Supplies (Magnetic Spec, for Office Machines (Magnetic Spec, for Office Machines (Key to Spec, for Spec, for Computer Equipment (Core Storage Unit, Magnetic Spec, for Cassette Spec, for Spec, for Paper; Gummed Spec, for Magnetic Computer Spec, for Magnetic Computer (1971) Spec, for Educational Television Spec, for Paper Spec, for Friction 53) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paper Bags (Grocers, Waxed, Wrapping, Std. Spec, for Electronic Data Processing Use) (1969) ASTM Dl 19-67, D/ Spec, for Rubber Insulating -T-0051, MIL Std. 1/ Spec, for Electronic Data Processing tm D1000, FED HH-I-595, MIL Std. 10/ Spec, for Electrical Tent. Spec, for Magnetic Recording Spec, for Paper Adding Machine Spec, for Flatwork Ironer Guide Spec, for Video Std. Spec, for Vinyl Embossing Spec, for Magnetic Disk Packs and Computer upplies (File Folders, Pads, Notebooks, and Adding Machine Spec, for Electrical Supplies r; Holders; Binders; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, 1969) Std. Spec, for t, Horn, Scrimmage Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Spec, for Spec, for Textile, White Std. Spec, for Fabric Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans and Covers (Corrugated, ers; Paper Clips; Correction Fluid, Paper, Tape, and Tabs; w-6610 Spec, for Handles; Wood, Threaded and spec, for Windrow Loader, Self Propelled, Force Feed, with ty Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tent. Spec, for Magnetic Computer Spec, for Measuring Spec, for Measuring eedles (Embroidery, Darning, Hand Sewing, Knitting, Punch, r Notions (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Spec, for Masking fed Std. 147 Spec, for (Electrical Insulating) (1960) Spec, for Spec, for Carbonless Paper Stock (1971) MKL Std. 105, Spec, for Envelopes, Mailing (1971) MIL Std. 105, eatherette Ring Binders (1971) FED Std. 191, MIL Std. 105, Spec, for Paper, Scratch Pad, White, Unruled (1971) Spec, for Blotting Paper ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck Body Spec, for Bituminous Materials (Asphalt and Tank (1970) AISI C-1010-1020, ASTM A36 Tank) ( 1966) / Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironers A Tank) (1968) Tank, Automatic Rack Conveyor) (1969) Tank, Door Type) (1965) Tank, Door Type) (1968) Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) (1968) Tank, Door Type, Semi Automatic) ( 1970?) Tank, Peg Flight Type, Continuous Conveyor) (1963) Tank, Roller, Wringer ( 1968) Tank, Trailer Mounted, 600 Gal. Capacity (1970) Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile Tankage (Dried Animal Residues) (1963) Tankage (Nitrogenous), Urea, Organic, Mixed) ( 1970) /D Tanker Bodies (1969) Tanks (1964) Tanks (1971) Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Providing New Wells; Tr Tanks, Wringers and Buckets (1971) Tank; Polyethylene (1970) Tanned (1969) Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Tanned) (Shoe Upper) (1969) Spec, for Le Tannin, Solid for Boiler Feed Water Conditioning ( 1970) Tape - Microfilm Conversion ( 1969) Tape and Accessory Items ( 1971 ) Tape and Dispenser (Adding Machine, Strapping, Cellopha Tape and Dispensers) ( 1971 ) / Office Supplies (Paper P Tape and Selectric Typewriters ( 1971 ) Tape and Wax (1965) Tape Cartridge and Card) (Company) (1971) Tape Composing System) ( 1971 ) Tape Data Preparation System) (Police) (1971) Tape Decks (Playback Only) (1971) Tape Drive) (1969) Tape Duplicator (High Speed, Two Track Reel) (1971) Tape Fastener (1970) (Tape in Rolls) (1968) FED UU-P-31B, PPP-T-45B Tape of 556 Bits Per In. Packing Density (1966) Tape of 800 Bits Per In. Packing Density (1966) Tape Recorder / Reproducer (1 In. Helican Scan) System Tape (Computing Machine, Roll) (1971) Tape (Electrical and Mechanical Use) (1969) ASTM D69-67 Tape (English, White, Bias, Seambinding, Measuring) (19 Tape (Gummed)) (1971) Tape (Magnetic Oxide Coated, 1/2 In.) ( 1971 ) Tape (Natural and Synthetic) (Electrical and Mechanical Tape (Plastic Base, Magnetic Oxide Coated) (1971) FED W Tape (Plastic Pressure Sensitive All Weather) (1971) As Tape (1963) Tape (1963) FED UU-P-31 Tape (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Tape (1970?) Tape (1971) Tape (1971) Tape ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Office S (Tape) (1971) ASTM D69-67, Tent. Spec. D119 Tape, and Tabs; Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasten Tape, Computer, Magnetic, Heavy Duty, and Accessories Tape, Gym Mats, Handball, I /Chine, Horseshoes, Croque Tape, Magnetic (1969) Tape, Narrow Cotton (Cloth) ( 1970?) Tape, Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-581a Taper Side, Zinc Coated) (1970) Taperaser Dispenser; Dictionary; Fasteners; Parcel Post Tapered Ends (Broom, Brush, Squeegee, Etc.) (1969) MIL Tapered, Gathering Moldboards) (1969) Tapes and Fastener; Thread; and Zippers) ( 1971 ) / Safe Tapes (1969) Tapes (25 Ft. and Longer) (1971) Tapes, Woven, Nonmetallic (1971) Tapestry, and Quilting) (1953) Std. Spec, for N Tapestry, Water Colors) (1953) Std. Spec. Fo Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive (1971) Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Transparent (1971) Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Vinyl Plastic Film TAPPIT410 TAPPIT410 TAPPI T410 Spec, for Flexible Black L TAPPIT410, MIL Std. 105 TAPPI T410, T431, MIL Std. 105 (Tar and Petroleum Removal) (1963) Tar Liquids) (1971) NE ♦58 NY 00365-0200 NY 42600-0763 WA S-69-107 WA S-65-88 WA S-68-101 WA S-68-104 WA S-66-96 WA S-63-71 KY 7920-19 NY 42400-0181 NJ 4938-48 MI 4340-0022 NY 07700-0473 SC 22-600-0300 NE •71 TX 500-65-1 SC HD-125 NY 22800-0424 PA T-81 PA L-24 PA L-29 PA L-30 PA L-31 PA L-32 PA L-33 MA *10 NY 38205-0265 NY 38216 IL •32EEE FL •17 NJ 6952-04 NY 00238-0421 NY 23003-0208 NY 22900-0737 NY 22900-0063 NY 38217-0273 NY 22906-0325 NY 38217-0838 NY 22202-0448 PA P-86 KY 7440-1 KY 7440-2 NY 38220-0438 CA 711-75-44 PA T-18 IL *33S NY 23811-0519 IL ♦35 PA T-22 CA 711-71-25 CA 711-59-05 KS 53-2 VA DM-16 TX 410-33-1 GA 5835-1-1 IL ♦32FFF NY 38205-0070 FL ♦18 NY 34407-0217 FL *21 MS T-5A-68 NY 30200-0587 NJ 7130-00 MA ♦35-32 MS R-5-64-22 TX 325-47-1A FL •21 PA H-23 NY 40603-0376 FL *25 KS 75-1B NY 31604-0092 CA 711-64-10 IL *33M IL ♦33GG PA T-58 PA T-56 PA T-57 CA 711-75-10 CA 711-75-21 CA 721-75-34 CA 711-75-51 CA 711-75-53 MS C-37 NY 31501-0554 325 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards ge and Highway Construction) (/ Std. Spec, for Heavy Coal Std. Spec, for Coal sho M-l 18 Spec, for Coal c. for Saturated Fabric for Waterproofing (Asphalt or Coal d RP-381 Std. Spec, for Coal Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Bri/ Std. Spec, for ement, Crack Filler, Liquid Emulsified Asphalts and Liquid 71) Spec, or Roofing Materials (Asphalt and minous Surfacing (Double Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) eelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Tank waterproofing or Dampproofing of Cement Concrete Surfaces Std. Spec, for Coal Spec, for Ammunition and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cigarette Spec, for Cashier and atter Cans, Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Steam Table, Sink, Freezer, Shelf, Cream and Coffee - Ice 961) Std. Spec, for Desk, (Sticks, Pencils), Colors, Paints, Paper, Composition and micro Sonic,/ Spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Therapy irometers, Function / Spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Std. Spec, for Mobile Language olumeter, Training Thorax, Body Plethysmograph, Tonometer, Spec, for Observation and Micro 1 ) Spec, for Electronic Piano Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research and Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques (Research and Spec, for Holster; Leather (for Spec, for Spec, for or Cloth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Prebound Paperback) (1970) Spec, for Books (Trade, undry Bleach, Dairy Bactericide, Disinfectant,/ Spec, for se as Disinfectant or Decontaminant (1964) Fed/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Sodium Chloride, cetylene (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and Welding) Std. Spec, for Acetic Acid - Std. Spec, for Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) Std. Spec, for Carbon Tetrachloride - Std. Spec, for Oxalic Acid, Spec, for Borax (Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate) Spec, for Sodium Metasilicate, Spec, for Sodium Orthosilicate, em for Powder and Single Crystal Investigations Using Film le for Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film le for Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometry Using Film ary and Respiratory Therapy Teaching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' ncrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Spec, for Medical Spec, for Seismic R. F. Spec, for Cardiac Monitor System (Modular Spec, for perated) (Earth and Space Science Observatory)/ Spec, for Spec, for or Cranes and Excavators (Self Propelled Mobile Yard, with ts, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Showcases, Spec, for Hoist (Electric Powered Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractors with Propelled (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Rails, Bed (Safety Side) Spec, for Paper, al X-Ray Diffraction System (Integration with Computer and Spec, for Ribbons; Typewriter and Spec, for Ribbons, Typewriter and Spec, for Paper; incident Beam Monochromator (Integration with Computer and Spec, for Paper, (Conventional and Bright Image Fluoroscopy) (Equipped for Spec, for Image Orthicon Spec, for Spec, for Extension of Campus RF - Spec, for Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for Color esign, Fabrication, Test, and Delivery of a Complete Color Spec, for Large Screen Spec, for UHF - VHF )(1970) Spec, for Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Tar Paint for Steel Bearing Piles and Sway Braces (Brid SC HD-80B14 Tar Pitch for Built Up Roofs ( 1964) FED RP-38 1 MS R-5-64-32 Tar Pitch for Dampproofing and Waterproofing (1970?) Aa MS 3 1 69 Tar Pitch) (1970?) AASHO M-l 17 Spe MS 3201 Tar Pitch, for Waterproofing and Dampproofing (1964) Fe MS R-5-64-33 Tar Priming Solution (Paint) for Use as a Prime Coat on SC HD-80B1 3 Tar (1970) Spec, for C MD *26 Tar), Caulking, Sealants, and Insulation (Building) (19 NY 31827-0534 (Tar, Asphalt, Cement) for Highway Construction ( 1964) A SC HD-61 (Tar, Asphalt, Emulsion, Oil, Cutback for Highway Mainte NJ 4938-28 (Tar, Asphalt, Fabric) for Highway Construction (1964) SC HD-1 12 Tar, Refined (1964) MIL T- 15- 194a MS R-5-64-34 Targets (1970) NY 35201-0684 Tarred Felt 15 ( 1964) FED HH-F-201 MS R-5-64-18 Tarred Felt 30 ( 1964) FED HH-F-201 MS R-5-64-19 Tatting Shuttles (1953) IL *33Q Tax Stamp (Heat Fusion, Decal) (1963) PA S-144 Taxpayer Assistance Counters (1970) NY 21700-0678 Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tra PA F-80 Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, Turnstile and Guide NY 36200-0420 Teacher, Wood (Conventional and Contemporary Design) (1 NC 7120-D-5 Teachers Plan Book, Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Bl NY 23100-0855 Teaching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, NY 12200-0462 Teaching Aids (Monitors, Ventilators, Resuscitators, Sp NY 12200-0512 Teaching Center (1964) NC 5895-LTC-l Teaching Console, Modular Lung Analyzer) (1971) /Or, V NY 1 2200-05 1 2 Teaching System (University) (1969) ' NY 38221-0252 Teaching System / Dual Musical Amplifier (College) (197 NY 38209-0781 Teaching) (University) (1967) / for Single Crystal and NY 11002-0373 Teaching) (1969) /Stem Suitable for Single Crystal and NY 1 1002-0710 Tear Gas, Liquid, Hand Hold) (1969) PA H-22 Tear Gas; Liquid (Aerosol Type) (1968) ICC 2P PA T-78 Tear Gas; Mob and Riot Control ( 1 97 1 ) ICC 2P PA T-82 Tear Resistant (Textile) (1971) Spec. F PA C-132 Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Publications; NY 20000-0655 Technical Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorine Carrier for La TX 395-35-1 B Technical Chlorinated Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite) for U TX 370-44-1 Technical Decahydrate Sodium Tetraborate (Borax) (1966) TX 371-86-1 Technical Grade, for Water Softening Units (1969) CA 691-66-48 Technical or Industrial and Medical Oxygen ( 1970) /R A MA *12 Technical 56 Deg. (Laundry Sour Blueing, Bleach) (1953) MS S-2-53-18 Technical (Dry Cleaning Solvent) (1953) MS S-2-53-26 Technical (Dry Cleaning) (1953) MS S-2-53-25 Technical (Laundry, Radiator Rust Remover) (1953) MS S-2-53-16 Technical (1971) PA B-93 Technical (1971) ASTM D501, D502 PA S-118 Technical (1971) ASTM D501, D502, Dl 172 PA S-119 Techniques (Educational Purposes) (1968) /Raction Syst NY 11002-0473 Techniques (Research and Teaching) (University) ( 1967) NY 1 1002-0373 Techniques (Research and Teaching) (1969) /Stem Suitab NY 1 1002-0710 Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, Tepid Mist, Mainst NY 12200-0462 Tee Shirts (1962) RI 4287-M-014 Tee Shirts (1970) RI 4287-M-001 Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Joints) (1964) /Ipe Culverts (Co SC HD-90 Telemetry System (Mental Research) (1968) NY 12600-0330 Telemetry System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY 38754-0866 Telemetry) (Medical Center) (1971) NY 1 2600-08 1 8 Telephone System (State Police) (1971) NY 38211-0149 Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) (Manual or Computer O NY 12010-0518 Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) (University) (1970) NY 12010-0700 Telescopic Boom) (1970) Spec. F NY 41100-0463 Telescopic Post with Signs and Canister, Cornice Letter NY 21802-0347 Telescoping Crane) (1970) NY 43100-0588 Telescoping Long Arm Mower (1970) SC 14-260B Telescoping Mobile Work Platform, Battery Powered, Self NY 39006-0329 Telescoping (1969) NJ 3712-02 Teletype (1960) NJ 6940-00 Teletype) (Educational Purposes) (1968) / Single Cryst NY 11002-0825 Teletype, Fabric (1968) FED CCC-T-191 PA R-13 Teletype, Nylon (1971) CA 711-75-17 Teletypewriter (Rolls) (1959) FED UU-P-31 PA P-102 Teletypewriter) (Educational Purposes) (1968) /and an NY 11002-0512 Teletypewriter, Roll (1969) CA 691-75-66 Television and Cine Fluoroscopy) (1967) / X-Ray System NY 1 1000-0341 Television Camera Chain (3 In.) (1970) NY 38221-0664 Television Cameras and Accessories ( 1971) NY 38221-0277 Television Distribution System (1970) NY 38221-0518 Television Distribution System (1970) NY 38221-0558 Television Equipment (University) (1971) NY 38221-0272 Television Film Camera Chain (1971) SC 24-050-0305 Television Mobile Unit Including Vehicle and Specified SC 76-000-0305 Television Projector (1971) NY 38221-0419 Television Receiver and Stand (1971) NY 38210-0100 Television Receivers and Stands (Educational Television SC 24-050 (Television Recording and Play Back Instrument) (1968) NY 1 1000-05 17 Television Slide Projector (1971) NY 38221-0135 326 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards c. for Automotive Equipment (Custom T.V. Van Truck, Mobile Spec, for Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for Closed Circuit Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Vidicon Spec, for X-Ray Equipment (Plumbicon in) System (1971) Spec, for Educational Spec, for Steel Radio and Spec, for CCTV System (Closed Circuit pec. for CCTV Security Surveillance System (Closed Circuit Spec, for Closed Circuit T.V. System ) Spec, for Campus Signal Distribution System (Cable Spec, for Closed Circuit TV Equipment Spec, for VHF - CATV Distribution System (Cable Spec, for Television Receivers and Stands (Educational Spec, for Variable Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Chambers 9) Spec, for Environmental Chamber Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Rooms ulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van Trailer) (Division and Spec, for Plant Growth Chamber (Controlled d. 595, MIL St/ Spec, for Safety Cap Style Helmets (High Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment - Low Spec, for Environmental Walk-in Chambers and Constant Spec, for Controlled Environment and Constant d Accessories (Educational Purposes) ( 19/ Spec, for High uipment) (College) (1969) Spec, for High Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, High Spec, for Water Hose, Nylon Reinforced Plastic, Low Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Low Spec, for All Purpose Laundry Detergent (Low ; and Ventilating, / Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, High (1967) Spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, High Spec, for Furnace, High r), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, Track Roller, High Spec, for Kilns, Electric (High Std. Spec, for Low Titer Soap Flakes (Low A-514 Spec, for High Yield Strength Quenched and Spec, for Men's Industrial Std. Spec, for Hardboard; Untreated and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Meat )70) Spec, for Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic vas Footware (Shoe) Arctic, Dress, Boot, Overshoe, Gaiter, spec, for Woven Wire Netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, for Athletic Equipment (Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, equipment (General) (Basketball, Table and Paddle and Deck cal Instruments (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, >e) (Scienific Equipme/ Spec, for Universal (Compression, fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Spec, for Oxygen aids (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cryogenic, Micro Sonic, :m) / Spec, for Digital Communications Link (Mobile Radio Spec, for Solderless Spec, for Remote Cathode Ray Tube Std. Definition of td. Spec, for Unit of Measurement for Highway Construction Spec, for Roofing Tin Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Spec, for Sealer, ria Furniture (Banquettes, Upholstered Seats and Backs for Spec, for Floor Sealer, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bath Towels, Spec, for Bathrobes, Spec, for Towels, Bath and Hand, Spec, for Washcloths, Cotton, Tent. Spec, for Bath Towelling, Medium Weight, Spec, for Men's Bathrobes Std. Spec, for Bath Mats Spec, for Women's and Girls" Slippers Spec, for Bath Mats; Spec, for DDD-W-80B Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Television Studio) (1969) Spe Television Sync Generator System (1971) Television System (Institutional Use) (1969) Television System (Monochrome) (1971) Television System (Studio) (1971) Television System (University) (1971) Television System) (1968) Television System) (1968) Television Tape Recorder / Reproducer ( 1 In. Helican Sc Television Towers (1964) Television) (Hospital) (1971) Television) (Medical Center) (1969) (Television) (School) (1971) Television) (12 VHF Channel CATV - Baseband Video) (197 (Television) (1969) Television) (1969) Television) (1970) Temperature Cabinet ( 1968) (Temperature Control) Rooms (University) (1969) (Temperature Control) (Incubator - Egg Hatcher Unit) (19 (Temperature Control) (Live Animal) (University) (1971) Temperature Control) (1970) /Rtable Bulkhead (Foam Ins Temperature Environment) (Algae, Seeds, Protozoa) (1968 Temperature Forest Fire Fighting) ( 1971) Eei API, FED S Temperature Freezer (Chest Type) (1971) Temperature Rooms (Prefabricated) (University) (1971) Temperature Rooms (University) (1969) Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Specimen Holder and Relat Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace (Diffraction E Temperature Zone) (Highway Line Marking) (1968) Temperature (1970) Temperature) (Chest Type) (1970) Temperature) (1969) Temperature, Automotive and Industrial (Air Conditionin Temperature, Extreme Pressure, Automotive and Industria Temperature, Graphite Tube (Ceramics) (1971) Temperature, Graphite) (1970) /and Gear, Outboard Moto Temperature, with Stand) (1971) Temperature, Wool, Leather) (1953) Tempered Alloy Steel Plate (4 In. or Less) (1970?) ASTM Tempered Rubber Boots (Hip) (1962) Tempered (1971) Temporary Classroom (University) (1968) Tenderizing Machine (1963) Tendons (Bar, Wire) Highway and Bridge Construction) (1 Tennis Ball Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn Tennis Balis, Oxford ( 1962) / Spec, for Rubber and Can Tennis Court, Stucco Reinforcement, Etc.) (1969) USC CS Tennis, Track and Field, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec. Tennis, Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starti Tenor Trombone, Snare Drum) (1971) Spec, for Musi Tension and Transverse) Testing Machine (Screw Power Ty Tension Wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-l 16, B-21 1, AASHO M- Tents and Canopies (1969) Tepid Mist, Mainstream and Electronic Nebulizers; Perce Te Te Te Te Te (Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te (Te (Te (Te Te Te Te Te Te minal and Police Information Network) (Computer Syst minal Connectors (1969) UL 486 minals (1970?) ms for Highway (Road) Construction (1964) ms, Materials, and Meth. (1964) neplate) (1970) razzo and Concrete Floor (Liquid) (1970) razzo and Concrete, Solvent ( 1967) razzo Benches) ( 1970) Spec, for Cafete razzo (1964) ry Bath Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 ry Cloth Toweling (Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 ry Cloth Toweling (1970?) ry Cloth Towels (Gym Service) (1969) ry Cloth Towels, 17 X 27 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 ry Cloth Towels, 18 X 36 In. (1964) ANSI L24.2.5-55 ry Cloth Towels, 22 X 24 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 ry Cloth Towels, 22 X 44 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 ry Cloth (Institutional) (1969) ry Cloth (Misses', Girls', Women's) (1969) ry Cloth (1970) ry Cloth (1970) ry Cloth (1970?) ry Cloth) (1960) ry Cloth) (1969) ry Cloth) (1969) ry Cloth, Bleached (1971) ry FaceCloths (1957) ry Heavy Wash Cloths (1968) FED CCC-T-191, ry Robecloth, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) ry Towel Wipers (Rags) (1967) NY 40504-0884 NY 38221-0280 NY 38221-0970 NY 38221-0141 NY 38221-0021 NY 38221-0837 NY 11000-0372 NY 11000-0565 NY 38220-0438 TX 580-50-1 NY 38221-0785 NY 38221-0920 NY 38221-0498 NY 38221-0321 NE *4 NY 38221-0497 SC 24-050 NY 12023-0852 NY 12026-0786 NY 12026-0048 NY 12026-0746 NY 42300-0630 NY 12026-0012 CA 711-42-07 NY 24208-0557 NY 12026-0757 NY 12026-0403 NY 11002-0641 NY 11002-0216 NY 41303-0626 CA 701-93-52 NY 24208-0660 VA L-19 MI 5255-S12 MI 5255-S13 NY 42800-0024 MA *9 NY 23104-0715 MS S-2-53-38A MS 3318 RI 4268-M-078 OR 63-160-1010 NY 31800-0655 WA S-6 1-39-2 VA DH-228 NY 30200-0587 IL *27 OR 60-500-9030 NY 30200-0589 NY 30200-0587 NY 38320-0503 NY 38787-0813 MS 3376 NY 12300-0047 NY 12200-0462 NY 38211-0441 CA 691-23-16 NE ♦82 SC HD-1 SC HD-B PA R-20 MS S-8A-70 KY 7930-5 NY 24800-0443 MI 4642-0100 VA FB-7A RI 4915-004 MA *35-35 OR 72-150-9160 RI 4780-004 RI 4780-005A RI 4780-006 RI 4780-005 OR 72-150-9140 RI 4210-F-003 CA 701-83-14 CA 701-83-15 MA *35-89 RI 4210-M-003 OR 72-150-9040 RI 4268-F-036 PA M-20 RI 4780-001 VA FB-15A MA ♦35-83 SC 03-330 327 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards e Unit Including Vehicle / 969) laundry Supplies (1969) lange Adapter (1970) ortable Beam Scale (1970) Std. Spec, for Toweling, Std. Spec, for Toweling; Std. Spec, for Wash Cloths ste, Diaper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Cheviot, Spec, for simeter)/ Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Food Processing Spec, for Alcohol Breath Testing Meter with Simulator and tic Bags (Bread, Buns) (Polyethylene) (1971) FED L-P-378C, Spec, for (Styrofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sample Spec, for 50 Lb. Spec, for 1000 Lb. Spec, for Inspection, Spec, for Design, Fabrication, Spec, for Inspection, Spec, for Inspection, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Garage Equipment (Trammel Bar, Timing Light) Generator / Alternator, Distributor and Electronic Engine Spec, for Automatic Audiometer (Speech and Hearing ouse, Rabbit, Cat, Guinea Pig) (Racks, Restraining Table) Spec, for Garage Equipment (Automatic Transmission Spec, for Universal (Compression, Tension and Transverse) equipment) (1970) Spec, for Alcohol Breath spec, for Well Drilling, Casing, Finishing, Developing and Spec, for Audiometric Electric Generator, and Electric Powered Weight Dolly for Spec, for Trailer, Mobile Educational en Replenishe/ Spec, for Pulmonizer System for Diagnostic Spec, for Inspection, Spec, for Inspection, Grading, c. for Boiler Compound and Water Treating Chemicals, Water lied, Single Line (Traffic Marking) (Positive Displacement n/ Spec, for Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Spec, for Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine (EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Borax (Sodium Spec, for Technical Decahydrate Sodium Std. Spec, for Borax (Sodium Std. Spec, for Carbon 1953) Std. Spec, for Perchloroethylene each (1968) Spec, for Sodium Perborate ate (EDTA) in Compounding Detergents and Clean/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for mpounding Detergents and Clean/ Spec, for Tetrahydrate of and Cleaners (Anhydrous) (1968) ASTM D595 Spec, for uosilicate, Soda Ash, Sodium Metasilicate, Silicofluoride, Spec, for Anhydrous Spec, for Spec, for Portable Water Cooler Spec, for Table Damask (Cotton) (Cloth, Spec, for White Calendered Elastic Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Woven Elastic Spec, for White Woven Cotton Elastic Spec, for Reefer Cloth, Std. Spec, for Typewriter Ribbons, Spec, for Material (Cloth, Spec, for Cloth; Suiting, Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Spec, for Denim (Cloth, t- 1 9 1 B Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Spec, for Orion Laundry Press Cloth Spec, for Pillow Tubing (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Denim (Cloth, Spec, for Hospital Uniform Material (Cotton Duck) (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Marquisette (Cloth, Spec, for Polished Cotton (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Sheeting (Cloth, Spec, for Scrim (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Bunting (Cloth, Spec, for Star Cloth (for Flags) Spec, for Cotton Chambray Cloth Spec, for Cotton Chambray Shirting (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Table Damask (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Gingham Cloth Spec, for Cotton Crash Toweling (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton and Linen Glass Toweling (Cloth, Spec, for Laundry Press Cloth Flannel Spec, for Nylon Cloth (Bunting for Flags) Spec, for Cotton Huck Toweling (Cloth, ;>pec. for Terry Cloth Toweling Spec, for Cotton Duck, Army (Cloth, Terry (Turkish) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Terry (Turkish) (1969) (Terry) (1969) Terry, Twill) (1970) /Teen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Bati Terrycloth Towels; Bleached (1970) FED Std. 191 Test Instrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin Visco Test Kits (Scientific Equipment) (1970) Test Meth. Std. 406 Spec, for Plas Test Response System (Human and Small Animal) (1970) Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Venereal Disease Program Test Weights (1969?) Test Weights (1969?) Test, and Certification of Bedding Supplies (1968) Test, and Delivery of a Complete Color Television Mobil Test, and Other Requirements for Protective Coatings ( 1 Test., Labeling, and Release for Soaps, Detergents and Tester, Flow and Pressure, with Mercury Batteries and F Tester, Heavy Duty Speedometer - Odometer with Ramps, P (Testers - Compression, Generator and Alternator Regulat Testers) (Educational Purposes) (1971) / (Volt Ampere, Testing - School ) ( 1 97 1 ) (Testing and Research Laboratory) (1970) / (Dog, Rat, M Testing Machine and System) (1969) Testing Machine (Screw Power Type) (Scienific Equipment Testing Meter with Simulator and Test Kits (Scientific Testing of Water (1969) Std. Testing Room (College) (1970) Testing Scales ( 1969?) /Truck, Motor, Gasoline Engine, Testing Unit (1969) Testing (Spirometer, Nitrogen Analyzer Programmer, Oxyg Testing, and Certification of Alfalfa Hay ( 197 1 ) Testing, and Certification of Poultry and Eggs ( 1971 ) Testing, Reagents and Equipment (1971) Std. Spe Testliner) (1970) /or Spray Machine, Paint, Self Prope Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in Compounding Detergents and Clea Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) (Sequestering Agent) (1969) Tetra Sodium Salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid Tetraborate Decahydrate) Technical (1971) Tetraborate (Borax) (1966) Tetraborate) (Cleaner) (1953) Tetrachloride - Technical (Dry Cleaning) (1953) (Tetrachloroethylene) Technical (Dry Cleaning Solvent) Tetrahydrate in Compounding Cleaners, Detergents and Bl Tetrahydrate of Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acet Tetrahydrate Sodium Perborate (1966) Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP) (1966) Tetrasodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) in Co Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate in Compounding of Detergents Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Softener- Detergent); Powde Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP) (1966) Tetrasodium (Anhydrous) (1952) FED P-S-536, RR-S-366 (Texas Pattern) (1964) Textile) (1971) Textile Braid (1968) Textile Materials (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Textile Webbing (Gripper Type) (1968) Textile Webbing (1970) ASTM D2433, FED CCC-T-191B Textile (State Police Uniform) (1970?) Textile (1953) Textile) for Salt Stockpile Covers) ( 1971 ) (Textile) Wool, Worsted (1971) Textile) (Narrow Width) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Textile) (Shrunk) (1971) Textile) (Wash and Wear) (1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC- (Textile) (1954) Textile) (1955) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) Textile) (1956) • Textile) (1956) Textile) (1957) (Textile) (1957) (Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) (Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) (Textile) (1957) (Textile) (1957) Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 (Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Textile) (1957) ASTM D230-44, FED CCC-C-419 MS T-1A-60-35 OR 79-100-9440 OR 72-150-9180 NY 32600-0622 PA T-29 NY 38787-0579 NY 38787-0709 NY 19902-0348 NY 38209-0631 NY 19903-0524 NJ *l-3 NJ •1-4 CA 681-83-01 SC 76-000-0305 CA 691-80-475 CA 691-77-85 NJ 4936-03 NJ 6524-07 NY 35000-0938 NY 35000-0738 NY 38215-0771 NY 12040-0557 NY 35000-0797 NY 38787-0813 NY 38787-0709 NC 3820-W-1C NY 38203-0693 NJ *1-1 NJ 6542-08 NY 12600-0912 CA 711-87-13 CA 711-89-13 IL *1 NJ 4934-01 CA 681-66-20 TX 371-61-1A TX 371-61-1A PA B-93 TX 371-86-1 MS S-2-53-5 MS S-2-53-25 MS S-2-53-26 CA 681-66-22 CA 681-66-20 TX 371-86-2 TX 371-82-2 CA 681-66-20 CA 681-66-08 NY 20100-0289 TX 371-82-1 PA P-lll TX 325-74-1 NY 33000-0602 TX 480-34-3 OR 79-000-9010 TX 480-34-2 TX 480-34-1A MA *20 MS R-l NY 32708-0396 PA C-108 PA S-24 PA D-2 TX 685-34-2 RI 4920-002 RI 4910-021 RI 4910-001 RI 4910-008 RI 4910-014 RI 4910-018 RI 4910-022 RI 4910-024 RI 4925-001 RI 4910-002 RI 4910-003 RI 4910-004 RI 4910-005 RI 4910-007 RI 4910-017 RI 4915-001 RI 4915-002 RI 4920-001 RI 4935-001 RI 4915-003 RI 4915-004 RI 4910-012 328 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Covert (Cloth, Spec, for Moleskin (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Sateen (Cloth, Spec, for Crinkle Crepe (Plisse) (Cloth, Spec, for Unbleached Muslin (Cloth, Spec for Ticking (Cloth, or Cloth, Melton, Wool (32 Oz.) (50% Reprocessed 50% New) Std. Spec, for Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Diaper Cloth Std. Spec, for Hickory (Cotton Denim) (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Drill Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Flannel, Canton Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Flannel, Cotton Outing (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Gingham (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth, Cotton Std. Spec, for Monk's Cloth Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Bleached (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Cloth, Cotton, Chambray Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Nainsook (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Oil Cloth Std. Spec, for Percale, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Pique, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Pillow Tubing, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Plisse, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Sateen (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Seersucker, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth, Cotton, Bleached Std. Spec, for Strong Dress Material, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Ticking, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Toweling, Cotton, Glass (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Toweling, Terry (Turkish) (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Twill (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Twill Chino (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Twill - Whipcord (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Covert, Cotton, Cloth std. Spec, for Suiting, Cotton, Muslin, Mercerized (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Curtain Material (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Damask, Cotton Table (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Denim, Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Spec, for Percale (Cloth, Spec, for Flannelette (Cloth, Spec, for Bleached Jean (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Linters (Cloth, Spec, for Plisse Crepe (Cloth, Spec, for Cloth; Poplin (Zelan Treated) Spec, for Toweling, Crash, Cotton and Linen Mixed (Cloth, oth; Denim, Dress, Cotton (Pin or Shark Check) Sanforized cotton, Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk (Cloth, Spec, for Fabric; Non Woven (Roll and Cut Sheets) Spec, for Cotton Twill Dress Material (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Drill Cloth Spec, for Colored Outing Flannel (Cloth, Spec, for White Outing Flannel (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Poplin Shirting (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Green (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Khaki Twill (Cloth, Spec, for Herringbone Twill (Cloth, for Cotton Jean Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Spec, for Numbered Canvas Cotton Duck Cloth Spec, for Cotton Gingham Cloth Spec for Cotton Muslin (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Chambray Cloth Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Mercerized Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Percale (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Twill Cloth (Mercerized Spec, for Cotton Denim Cloth (Shrunk) Spec, for Cotton Drill Cloth Spec, for Outing Flannel (Cloth, Spec, for Cotton Seersucker Cloth Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Herringbone Twill Spec, for Knit Cloth (Fabric, Spec, for Knit Cloth (Fabric, Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Silesia Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Twill (Suit or Coat) Spec, for Flannelette, Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Dry Goods (Cloth, Spec, for Knit Oioth (Fabric, Spec, for Knit Cloth (Fabric, Std. Spec, for Chambray; Cotton (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Corduroy, Cotton, Preshrunk (Cloth, Std. Spec, for All Purpose Cotton; (Indianhead) (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Table Damask; Cotton, Bleached (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Denim; Blue (Cloth, Std. Spec, for Diaper Cloth; Bleached Textile) (1958) Textile) (1958) Textile) (1958) Textile) (1959) Textile) (1959) Textile) (1959) (Textile) (1959) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile ) (1960) (Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile ) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1960) Textile) (1960) (Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) (Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) ' Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) Textile) (1961) (Textile) (1964) (Textile) (1964) Textile) (1965) (Textile) (1965) Textile) (1965) Textile) (1965) Textile) (1965) (Textile) (1965) (Textile) (1965) Textile) (1966) (Textile) (1966) (Textile) (1967) Textile) (1968) Textile) (1968) (Textile) (1968) (Textile) (1968) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) Textile) (1969) (Textile) (1969) PA C-82 PA M-21 FEDCCC-T-191 PA S-46 RI 4910-006 RI 4910-019 RI 4910-026 Spec. F PA C-121 MS T-1A-60-1 MS T-1A-60-10 MS T-1A-60-11 MS T-1A-60-12 MS T-1A-60-14 MS T-1A-60-15 MS T-1A-60-16 MS T-1A-60-17 MS T-1A-60-18 MS T-1A-60-19-A MS T-1A-60-2 MS T-1A-60-20 MS T-1A-60-21 MS T-1A-60-22 MS T-1A-60-23 * MS T-1A-60-24 MS T-1A-60-25 MS T-1A-60-26 . MS T-1A-60-27 MS T-1A-60-28 MS T-1A-60-29 MS T-1A-60-3 MS T-1A-60-30 MS T-1A-60-31 MS T-1A-60-33 MS T-1A-60-35 MS T-1A-60-36 MS T-1A-60-37 MS T-1A-60-38 MS T-1A-60-5 MS T-1A-60-6 MS T-1A-60-7 MS T-1A-60-8 MS T-1A-60-9 NJ 9110-00 NJ 9110-01 NJ 9110-02 NJ 9120-00 NJ 9138-00 PA C-125 Std. MS T-1A-60-32 Spec, for CI PA C-138 Spec. for Flannel; PA F-63 PA C-142 RI 4910-010 RI 4910-011 RI 4910-015 RI 4910-016 RI 4910-023 RI 4910-027 RI 4910-028 RI 4910-029 Spec. RI 4910-030 FED CCC-C-419A, CCC-T-191B TX 685-38-1 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-1 Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-5 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-10 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-3 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-4 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-6 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-7 FEDCCC-T-191B TX 685-34-8 PA F-39 Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B TX 685-34-11 PA C-151 NY 32612-0561 NY 32612-0893 PA C-116 PA C-120 CA 691-83-19 IL *2 NY 32612-0087 NY 32612-0821 OR 79-100-9050 OR 79-100-9070 OR 79-100-9080 OR 79-100-9090 OR 79-100-9110 OR 79-100-9120 329 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Pajama Check Dimity (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Drill; Cotton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Cotton Duck, Numbered and Army (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Flannel, Canton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Flannel; Cotton Outing (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Flannel Shirting; Woven Plaid (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Gingham; Cotton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Jean Cloth, Cotton (Textile Std. Spec, for Muslin; Cotton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Muslin (Narrow Sheeting); Cotton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Percale (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Percale and Prints (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Seersucker (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Bleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Twill; Herringbone (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Twill, Commercial (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Twill, Uniform (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Broadcloth, Cotton, Mercerized (Cloth, Textile spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Heavy (for Table Felts) (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton (Wide Widths) (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Cotton Denim Cloth (Shrunk, 1 1 1/4 Oz.) (Textile Spec, for Cotton Ducks and Drill (Fabric, Textile Std. Spec, for Cotton Print Twill (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Twill (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Polyester Cotton, Twill (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Poplin (Textile Spec, for Percale (Cloth, Textile Spec, for White Drill (Shoe Lining) (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Numbered Cotton Duck (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Dry Goods (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton (Cloth, Textile Std. Spec, for Denim; Dress Weight (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Cloth; Melton (Textile Spec, for Serge Cloth (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Satin, Suit or Coat (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton Suiting (Permanent Finish) (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Crepe Plisse (Crinkle Crepe) (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Print and Solid (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Bedspread Material (Textile Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Twill, Water Repellent (Textile Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Gingham (Cloth, Textile , Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear Resistant (Textile Spec, for Drill; Cotton Fabric (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Cloth; Suiting (Textile Spec, for Chambray; (Cloth, Textile Spec, for Textile uard) (Cloth) (1970?) Tent. Spec, for Textile Spec, for Textile Spec, for Textile Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Cotton Jean Cloth (Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, 70?) Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Toweling Cotton, Huck (Textile, Spec, for Cotton Ducks and Drill (Textile, Std. Spec, for Broadcloth; Cotton (Textile, Std. Spec, for Cheesecloth; Cotton, Bleached (Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Tent. Spec, for Textile, 0?) Spec, for Textile, ) Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) Std. (1969) FEDCCC-T-191 (1969) FED CCC-T-191B (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) (1970) FED Std. 191 (1970?) (1970?) ASTM D230-448 FED CCC-C-419 (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) (1971) Spec, for Cloth; Cotton (1971) FED Std. 191, ASTM D2514 , Dacron Wool (1971) , Sanforized (1969) Bath Towel (Cloth) (1970?) Bedspread, Crochet, Cotton, Satin Finish (Jacq Best Black Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Bias Binding (Cloth) (1970?) Black Body Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Silesia (Cotton Lining) (Cloth) (1970?) Black Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Black Wigan for Stiffening (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached and Dyed) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Bleached Drilling (Cloth) (1970?) Bleached Muslin, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Denim, Lightweight, Preshrunk (Cloth) (19 Blue Denim, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Otis Check (Cloth) (1970?) Blue Serge, Wool (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Check Denim, Heavy, (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Check, Dress Material (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Coat Canvas (Cloth) (1970?) Brown Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Canton Flannel (Medium) (Sloth) (1970?) Canton Flannel, Heavy, Cotton (Glove) (1970?) Cloth) (1960) Cloth) (1965) Cloth) (1969) Cloth) (1969) Cotton Damask (Cloth) (1970?) Cotton Damask (Cloth) (1970?) Cover Cloth, Muslin, Bleached (1970?) Crown Canvas (Burlap) (Cloth) (1970?) Dimity, White Barred Fabric (Cloth) (1970?) Dish Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Domet Flannel, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Doubling Cloth (Stiffened Canton Flannel) (197 Dress Broadcloth, Printed Fancy (Cloth) (1970? Drilling, Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) Drilling, Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) OR 79-100-9130 OR 79-100-9140 OR 79-100-9150 OR 79-100-9160 OR 79-100-9170 OR 79-100-9180 OR 79-100-9200 OR 79-100-9210 OR 79-100-9220 OR 79-100-9250 OR 79-100-9260 OR 79-100-9280 OR 79-100-9290 OR 79-100-9310 OR 79-100-9330 OR 79-100-9340 OR 79-100-9350 OR 79-100-9490 OR 79-100-9500 OR 79-100-9520 PA B-103 OR 79-100-9190 PA S-26 TX 685-34-12 NY 32700-0498 OR 79-100-0510 PA C-150 PA C-153 PA C-97 PA P-112 MA *35-ll RI 4910-013 FL *22 NY 32900-0399 OR 79-050-1070 PA C-lll PA C-114 PA C-122 PA C-123 PA C-134 PA C-143 PA C-148 PA C-152 PA F-62 PA G-12 PA C-132 PA D-4 PA C-110 PA C-83 MA *35-76 MA *35-84 MA *35-28 MA *35-46 MA *35-9 MA *35-17 MA *35-26 MA *35-19 TX 685-34-9 MA *35-49 MA *35-22 MA *35-82 MA *35-l MA *35-8 MA *35-47 MA *35-34 MA *35-13 MA *35-70 MA *35-31 MA *35-25 MA *35-62 MA *35-61 MS T-1A-60-34 NY 00327-0760 OR 79-100-9040 OR 79-100-9060 MA *35-37 MA *35-78 MA *35-21 MA *35-23 MA *35-58 MA MA MA MA MA MA *35-67 ♦35-86 *35-44 ♦35-57 ♦35-54 ♦35-3 330 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards for for for for for Spec, for (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 0?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec Spec Spec Spec (1970?) Spec Spec, for Spec, for . Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Spec, for h) ( 1970?) Spec, for Tent. Spec, for urtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases An/ Std. Spec, for Spec, for Clothing, Notions, Linens and er System (Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Dentifrice 7/ Spec, for Group and Speech Hearing Equipment (School) ogenic, Micro Sonic,/ Spec, for Pulmonary and Respiratory Spec, for X-Ray Deep merit (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Radiation) (Superficial Spec, for Spec, for Combustion Analyzing System (C02, Spec, for Insecticide, Space Spray, Std. Spec, for Blanket, Bed, Cotton, Spec, for Blanket, Cotton, Spec, for Blankets (Cotton, 1971) Spec, for Spec, for Cryogenic Equipment (Refrigeration, c Ps39 ^pec. for Spec, for Clinical aking, Cooking and Oven) (1966) Spec, for spec, for Table Top and Furniture Assemblies Using Plastic NEMA LP-2-/ Std. Spec, for Decorative Sheets; Laminated, ' cto/ Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Soft Ice Cream and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Textile, Felt, Gray, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Flannel, Double Faced (Ironing Boards) (Cloth) Textile, Fleeced Back Khaki Cloth ( 1970?) Textile, Gingham, Preshrunk, Print (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Glass Toweling, Linen (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Gray Coat Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Hand Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Hand Towelling, Cotton Boott Type (Cloth) (197 Textile, Heavy Cotton Suiting (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Hercutex, 36 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Khaki Cloth (Special) (1970?) Textile, Khaki Shirting (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Khaki (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Khaki, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Linen Damask (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Long Cloth, Muslin (1970?) Textile, Mackinaw Cloth, Heavy, Wool and Cotton (1970?) Textile, Mattress Padding, 72 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Outing Flannel (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Oxford Denim (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Pearl Grey Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Percale, Cotton Printed Dress (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Pillow Tubing, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Pongee (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Poplin (Bedspread) (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Printed Cretonne, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Quilting Material, Ripplette Bedspread (Cloth) Textile, Rayon Twill Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Reefer Lining (Flannel) (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Robe Cloth, Flannel (1970?) Textile, Rubber Sheeting, Canvas, (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Scrim, Heavy (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Scrim, Light, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Shade Cloth, Cotton (1970?) Textile, Sheeting, Bleached Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Sheeting, Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Slip Cloth, Muslin (1970?) Textile, Striped Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Striped Shirting, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1 Textile, Striped Sleeve Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Striped Ticking (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Strong Dress Goods, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Strong Suiting (Bedford) (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Tan Jean (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, Terry Cloth Toweling (1970?) Textile, Terry Robecloth, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Duck, Bleached (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Duck, Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Jean (Muslin), Bleached, Plain (Cloth) Textile, White Jean (Twill) (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Jean, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Lining Cloth, Muslin (1970?) Textile, White Oilcloth, 45 In. (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Oxford Shirting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Tape, Narrow Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textile, White Twill, Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton (Clot Textile, Wolverine Suiting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Textiles (Bedspreads, Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and C Textiles (1970) Texture of Materials) (Transferable Functions) (Educati Theater Seating (NYS Std.) (1970) Theater Sound and Communication System (College) (1970) Theater Sound and Communication System (College) ( 1971 ) Theatre Sound System (College) (1970) (Therapeutic), for Dental Hygiene (1971) USC Ps50 (Therapy Recorder, Auditory Trainer and Accessories) ( 19 Therapy Teaching Aids (Cardiopulmonary Technology) (Cry Therapy Unit (Irradiation of Biological Samples) ( 1968) Therapy) (1967) Spec, for X-Ray Equip Thermal Blankets (1970?) Thermal Conductivity Type) ( 1966) Thermal Type (1969) Thermal (1966) Thermal (1968) Thermal) (1971) Thermography - Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes Thermometer System) (1968) Thermometer, Clinical, Fever Type, Fahrenheit (1968) Us Thermometers (1964) USC CS1-52 Thermometers; Self Indicating, Bimetallic, Dial Type (B Thermosetting Laminates ( 1968) Thermosetting (for Table and Counter Tops, Etc.) ( 1959) Thick Shake Machines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Prote Thimbles, Thread, Thrums (1953) Thin Papers (Rag, 1 Sulphite) ( 1970) MA •35-15 MA •35-73 MA ♦35-80 MA •35-75 MA •35-68 MA •35-27 MA •35-69 MA •35-81 MA •35-65 MA •35-94 MA •35-43 MA •35-45 MA •35-2 MA •35-4 MA •35-77 MA •35-59 MA •35-72 MA •35-92 MA •35-36 MA •35-7 MA •35-12 MA •35-66 MA •35-38 MA •35-41 MA •35-53 MA •35-51 MA •35-71 MA •35-30 MA •35-16 MA •35-56 MA •35-63 MA •35-79 MA •35-48 MA •35-85 MA •35-39 MA •35-40 MA •35-60 MA •35-29 MA •35-52 MA •35-10 MA •35-5 MA •35-74 MA •35-50 MA •35-14 MA •35-35 MA •35-83 MA •35-64 MA •35-24 MA •35-6 MA •35-20 MA •35-33 MA •35-18 MA •35-42 MA •35-93 MA •35-87 MA •35-32 MA •35-55 MA •35-88 WI 9100 NM •4 NY 11002-0563 NY 20910-0571A NY 38201-0542 NY 38201-0751 NY 38201-0353 PA D-25 NY 38215-0388 NY 12200-0462 NY 11000-0630 NY 11000-0348 MA •17 NY 00407-0565 CA 691-76-31 CT 9104-B-345A CA 681-83-5 NY 20202-0718 NY 50048 NY 12099-0699 CA 681-62-100 TX 360-60-1 PA T-72 PA T-65 OR 50-59-2 NY 36200-0504 IL ♦33T OR 74-300-0170 331 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards se (May Use as Turpentine Substitute) (19/ 1969) r Pollution (1969) (1969) eWa-l.Wa-2 Spec, for ng(1964) Spec, for Spec, for Odorless Volatile Mineral Spirits Paint m Solvents for Use in Pressure Type Stoves, Lanterns, as A 44-50 Spec, for Paint for Volatile Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Distillate) Paint p/ Std. Spec, for Adhesives (Rubber and Cellulose Cement, Spec, for Ready Mixed Swimming Pool Paint, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for d. Spec, for Paints, Varnishes, Colors, Oils, Lacquers and aterials (Sheeting, Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Colors, terials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Colors and Toners and Std. Spec, for for Radiographic Film Changer and Related Accessories for spec, for Radiographic Film Changer and Related Equipment tors, Spirometers, Function Indicator, Volumeter, Training Spec, for Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Cutting Oil, Spec, for Linen Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Spec, for Machine Std. Spec, for Thimbles, ) ( 1 969 ) M IL W-66 1 Spec, for Handles; Wood, rew, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, Molly Anchors, and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Fastener; Std. Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Filter, Air Conditioning Spec, for Snow les, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball Std. Spec, for Thimbles, Thread, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Striped Spec for Spec, for Waterproofed Mattress and Pillow Spec, for Cotton Mattress and Pillow Std. Spec, for 191 Spec, for Std. Spec, for ccc-T-191 Spec, for low) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for ec. for Fence Wire (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Std. Spec, for Wallets Su/ Std. Spec, for Clothing, Athletic (Shorts, Leotards, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Wooden and Ceramic 41, TT-I-563E Spec, for Masonry and Porous , Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Spec, for Drain ed Fiber, Aluminum) For/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Underdrains Spec, for for Acoustical Units; Prefabricated Cellulose and Mineral Spec, for Slate Roofing; Shingles and Spec, for Floor Spec, for Floor Spec, for Floor Spec, for Floor Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 15 Ton Capacity pec. for Cleaner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. ed Crane (1968) Spec, for Truck, 24,000 G.V.W. Spec, for 30,000 G.V.W. Truck Spec, for 50,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for Truck Chassis with Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis es (1967) Spec, for Truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Pressure Cooker with Spec, for Trailer, Spec, for Student Wood Desk Chair, Spec, for Thin Wall Diamond Bits and Adapters (Drilling) (1970) C Thin Wall (Non.Resettable) Diamond Bits for Core Drilli Thinner And/or Solvent (Petroleum Distillate) (1962) Thinner for Paints, Varnishes and as a Carrying Agent F Thinner (License Plate) Enamel (1961) ASTM D965-48T, D8 Thinner (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec. Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip S Thinner, Joint Sealer and Topping Compound ( 1971 ) Thinner, Lacquer, Cellulose Nitrate, Spray (1969) Thinner, Odorless, Alkyd Enamel (Paint) (1970) Thinner, Paint, Fast, Low Solvency (1969) Thinner, Paint, Low Odor (1969) Thinner, Paint, Regular (1969) Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits (1963) Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits (1964) Thinner, Paint, Volatile Mineral Spirits, General Purpo Thinner, Special, Clean Up Traffic Paint (1969) Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint) (1970) Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Anti-Air Pollution Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow Exempt, Anti-Ai Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (Paint), Slow, High Solvency Thinner, Synthetic Enamel (1969) Thinners (1966) St Thinners, and Toners, Letters, Numerals) (Highway and P Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Mar Thinner; Dope and Lacquer (Cellulose Nitrate) (1969) Thoracic X-Ray Work (Hospital) ( 1970) Spec. (Thoracic X-Ray Work) (Hospital) (1971) Thorax, Body Plethysmography Tonometer, Teaching Consol Thread Cutting Machine Oil ( 1967) Thread Cutting Machine (1970) Thread Machines, Black (1968) Thread (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Thread (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Thread, Cotton (Machine Finish) (1970) FED V-T-276F(2) Thread, Cotton (1956) FED V-T-276B Thread, Thrums (1953) Threaded and Tapered Ends (Broom, Brush, Squeegee, Etc. Threaded Rod, Nails) (1970) /S, Lockwasher, Washer, Sc Thread; and Zippers) ( 1971 ) / Safety Pins; Shoe Polish Thread; Cotton (1969) Throw Away Adhesive Coated Type ( 1968) Throwers; Gasoline Engine Powered (1968) Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Thrums (1953) Thumb Tacks (1971) Ticket Receptacle, Plastic (Lottery) (1968) Ticking (Cloth) (1970?) Ticking (Cloth, Textile) (1959) Ticking (Plastic Coated) (1964) FED CCC-T-191B Ticking (1964) FED CCC-C-436, CCC-T-191B Ticking, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Ticking; Cotton (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T- Ticking; Cotton (1969) Ticking; Vinyl Coated (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED Ticking; Vinyl Coated, (Light Weight) (Mattress and Pil Tie and Tension Wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-l 16, B-21 1, (Tie, Expanding, Single Pocket) (1971) Tights, Shirts, Shells, Swimming Suits, Jackets, Socks, Tile and Flooring; Vinyl Plastic (1962) FED L-F-00450 Tile Beads (1953) Tile Floor Sealer; Water Emusion Type (1970) FED Std. 1 Tile) for Electrical Wires and Cables (1970?) FED W-C-5 Tile, Concrete, Clay (1970?) AASHO M-178, M-179 (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Cement, Bituminiz Tile, Floor (1969) Tiles and Metal Pans with Mineral Pads (1969) FED SS-A- Tiles (1960) ASTM C121, C120, C217 Tile; Asphalt (1962) FED SS-T-307 Tile; Cork (1962) FED LLL-T-431B Tile; Rubber (1960) FED Std. 601 Tile; Vinyl Asbestos (1962) FED L-T-00345 Tilt Bed (1962) Tilt Cab and Chassis Mounted (1967) Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform Body, Electric Power Tilt Cab and Chassis ( 1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis ( 1971 ) Tilt Cab and 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970) (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. G.V.W. (1969) Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist and Body with Drop Sid Tilt Kettles) (1971) Tilt Platform (1968) Tilt Swivel Type (1968) Tilt Top Trailer ( 10 Ton Capacity) ( 1971 ) NY 41200-0426 TX 595-56-1 VA DK-34A NY 05601-0896 NJ 7342-10 VA DK-16A IL *32A NY 38002-0282 CA 691-80-414 MS PM-15 CA 691-80-411 CA 691-80-409 CA 691-80-412 IA *1-16 KY 16A MS PM-13 CA 691-80-418 MS PM-14 CA 691-80-420 CA 691-80-421 CA 691-80-417 CA 691-80-413 IL *10 NY 38601-0752 NY 38601-0173 OR 77-100-9530 NY 11501-0582 NY 11000-0788 NY 12200-0512 MI 5255-S20 MS L-5B-70-9 CA 681-91-23 PA T-15 PA T-20 NY 33100-0461 RI 4940-001 IL *33T PA H-23 NJ 5108-00 FL *25 OR 79-150-9010 KS 35-4 PA S-123 NY 30200-0587 IL *33T IL *32DDD NY 19900-0162 MA *35-5 RI 4910-026 TX 685-46-1 TX 685-45-1 MS T-1A-60-31 PA T-ll OR 79-100-9400 PA T-55 PA T-60 MS 3376 IL •32HHH OR 82-700-9010 PA T-61 IL *33W TX 370-63-7 MS 3803 MS 3276 SC HD-104 NJ 1368-00 OR 64-400-9010 PA R-19 PA T-62 PA T-64 PA T-63 PA T-66 NJ 4938-47 NJ 4938-80 NJ 4938-73 SC ♦23 SC *24 SC *25 SC 14-020-2616 NE •28 MI 3958-0168 NJ 4938-102 NY 36100-0914 NY 42300-0766 CA 681-67-8 AK •49 332 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for or Steel Office Executive Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Spec, for Steel Utility Type Chair (Rotary, Non Steel Office Secretarial Chair (Posture Type, Rotary, Non Spec, for Steel Office Executive Chair Spec, for Steel Office Clerical Chair 70) ASTM A273, AISI 1015 Spec, for Steel for Std. Spec, for Structural Drains and Spillway Intake Assemblies of Pipe or Creosote 0?) Spec, for Structural ) (1970) AASHO M168 Spec, for on) (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for 70) Spec, for ntachlorophenol) (Highway and Bridge Construct/ Spec, for hers, and Turnbuc/ Std. Spec, for Hardware (Metal Used in Std. Spec, for Softwood Lumber and Bridge Construction) (1970) AASHO / Spec, for Structural chlorophenol) (1970?/ Spec, for Preservative Treatment of s, and Piling / Std. Spec, for Preservative Treatment for 1971 ) Spec, for Timing Equipment (Reaction 70) Spec, for Spec, for ne) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Portable Athletic Event Spec, for Athletic Event nd Blank Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock s and Digital Stop Clock) (1971) Spec, for ernator Regulat/ Spec, for Garage Equipment (Trammel Bar, alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Spec, for Roofing Spec, for Cans, Utility Spec, for Spec, for Cans or Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Finish Coat, Wood, House, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Undercoat, Alkyd, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, White Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, Flat, White Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, White, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Gloss, Interior, White, Std. Spec, for Universal Spec, for Universal Type Paint Spec, for Universal inishes, Paint, Enamel, Latex, Shellac, L/ Std. Spec, for Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) (White, Light Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior (White, Light Std. Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel (Paint) Std. Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss Enamel Spec, for Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint) Std. Spec, for Flat Interior Alkyd Paint or Paint; Oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed ec. for Paint, Vinyl Acrylic Emulsion, Exterior, White and Spec, for Ready Mixed (White and' spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Flat Alkyd Paint (White and ixed Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint (White and r Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, White and Light primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood (White and Light . for Exterior Paint Primer (Undercoat for Wood, White and aint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces (White and Light int, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semigloss) (White and Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel (Paint) (White and Light for Ready Mixed Interior Wall Latex Base Paint (White and pec. for Semigloss Interior Enamel (Paint, White and Light Spec, for Latex Base Interior Flat Paint (White and Spec, for Paint; Latex Base, Interior, Flat (White and halk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, White and Spec, for Latex Base Primer Sealer (White, Std. Spec, for Stain; Opaque, and e) (1964) FED Std. 149A, ANSI Z70./ Spec, for Glass Metal Spec, for Office Supplies (Erasers; Ink; Laundry and Felt Spec, for Glass Metal Spec, for Pens, Felt Spec, for Pen Marker; Tube Type, Fiber Spec, for Markers, Writing, Tube, Felt Spec, for Sectional Carbide Spec, for Tungsten Carbide rs; Parcel Post Labels; Memo Case; Fingertip Moistener and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tires, Tubes, Valves and spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Spec, for Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Spec, for Tilt Type Trailer (1970) Tilt Type Transport Trailer ( 1969) Tilting Seat, with Arms) (1968) Spec. F Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Tilting Seat, Without Arms) (1968) Spec, for (Tilting Type, Rotary, with Arms) (1968) (Tilting Type, Rotary, Without Arms) (1968) Timber Connectors (Highway and Bridge Construction) (19 Timber for Highway Construction (1964) Timber for Highway Construction (1964) /Pec. for Slope Timber for Joists, Planks, Beams, Stringers, Posts (197 Timber Piles and Shoes (Highway and Bridge Construction Timber Piling (for Use in Bridge and Highway Constructi Timber Piling (1970?) Timber Posts for Break Away Road Sign Installations ( 1 9 Timber Preservatives (Creosote, Water and Oil Borne, Pe Timber Structures) (Bolts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Was Timber (1970) Timber, Lumber, and Preservative Treatment (Highway and Timber, Lumber, Piling and Posts (Creosote Oil or Penta Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Posts, Fence Post Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatus and Digital Stop Clock) Time Sharing Computer System (Scientific Equipment) (19 Time Stamp (Electric) (1971) Timer with Accessories (Swimming and Track) (6 and 8 La Timer with Accessories ( 197 1 ) Timer, Whistles, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automa Timing Equipment (Reaction Time Rotary Pursuit Apparatu Timing Light) (Testers - Compression, Generator and Alt Timothy, Lawn) (1971) /Lets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Tin (Terneplate) (1970) (Tinned and Galvanized) (1971) Tinned Steel Milk Cans (1964) Tins (Commercial) (1970) Tintable White (1963) Tintable White (1963) Tintable (1963) Tintable (1963) Tintable (1963) Tintable (1963) Tinting Colors (Paint) (1970) Tinting Colors (Paste) (1964) Tinting Colors, Paint Mixing ( 1963) Tinting Medium Concentrate (All Purpose) for Coloring F Tints and Other Colors) (1970) Tints and Other Colors) (1971) (Tints and White) (1966) (Tints and White) (1966) (Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. (Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. (Tints and White) (1967) Tints (1969) Spec, for Latex Base 141 141,TT-P-381 Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Tints Interior Flat Wall Oil Paint (1962) FED Std. (1962) FED Std. 141 141 Spec. F Sp Spec, for Ready M Spec, for Ready Mixed Ai /yd Varnish Base Synthetic Std. Spec Std. Spec, for Latex Base P Spec, for Latex Base Pa Spec. (1962) FED Std. 141 (1962) FED Std. 141 (1962) FED Std. 141 (1963) (1966) (1968) (1968) FED Std. 141 (1968) FED Std. 141 (1968) FED TT-P-442, Std. 141 (1969) (1969) FED TT-P-29, Std. 141, ASTM D2486-66T (1970) FED Std. 141 /Odified) Exterior Paint (C Tints, and Pastels) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B Tints, Wood, Exterior, Alkyd (1969. FED Std. 595 Tip General Purpose Hypodermic Syringes (Interchangeabl Tip Markers; Rubber Stamp and Numbering Machine Pads; P Tip Special Purpose Hypodermic Syringes (1965) Tip (1969) Tip (1969) FED FF-M-001130 Tip (1971) Tipped Snow Plow and Grader Blades (1970?) ASTM B294-64 Tipped Snow Plow Blade (1969) Tips; Letter Opener; Paste; Rubber Cement; Pencil Holde Tire Chains and Accessories (1971) NACM 5170 Tire Changer (1964) Tire Flaps (1970) Tire Recapping and Repair (1970?) Tire Recapping (1971) Tire Reconditioning (Retreading and Repair) (1970) Tire Retreading Machine (1968) Tire Retreading Machine (1970) Tire Retreading (1968) FED ZZ-T-416 SC sc TX TX TX TX TX VA SC SC MS VA SC MS MD VA SC OR VA MS SC NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PA NY TX NY IA IA IA IA IA IA MS TX IA WA NY NY WA WA WA WA PA CA VA VA VA VA VA WA WA NY VA VA VA WA PA WA UT OR TX FL TX NJ PA CA VA NH FL NY NJ CA HI SD OR TX TX CA *30 14-270A 300-33-2B 300-33-5 300-3 3-4 A 300-33-1 B 300-33-3B DH-229 HD-76 HD-105 3426 DH-245 HD-100 3471 *8 DH-246 HD-78 63-100-0010 DH-244 3491 HD-77 30200-0417 38716-0702 23011-0083 30200-0405 30200-0065 30200-0587 30200-0417 35000-0938 07900-0584 R-20 32300-0555 190-37-1 32200-0501 *l-2 *l-5 ♦1-4 *l-6 *l-7 *l-8 PM-9 520-42-10 * 1 — 1 7 S-66-97 38010-0509 38010-0188 S-62-57-A S-63-65-A S-63-64-A S-64-79-A P-69 691-80-11 DK-21A DK-32A DK-30A DK-28A DK-26A S-63-70 S-66-93 38000-0387 DK-23B DK-31B DK-22C S-62-56-B P-129 S-70-108 *2 77-100-9080 360-58-1 *16 360-58-2 6950-01 P-160 711-75-91 *40 *4 *21 30500-0889 6524-00 701-26-32 *16 *12 52-400-0010 035-82-1A 060-75-1 681-26-31 333 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Remover, High Performance Spec, for 4 Wheel Rubber Spec, for Self Propelled Rubber Spec, for Equipment; Tractors, Rubber . for Equipment; Front End Loaders, Diesel Engined, Rubber er (Self Loading, Elevating, Minimum 11 cu. Yd., Pneumatic pec. for Motor Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Pneumatic Spec, for Road Roller (Three Axle Tandom, Pneumatic Spec, for Spec Spec Std. Spec, for for Pneumatic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Recapping ec. for Crane Truck, Warehouse, Gasoline, Pneumatic Rubber ing of Automobile, Truck, Grader and Other Off the Highway Spec, for Radial Spec, for Spec, for Regular, Mud and Snow Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Ultrasonic Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Paper, Toilet Spec, for Toilet -3 1 B Std. Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Paper; Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Dispenser, Toilet Applicators, Cellulose, Diapers, Dressing, Splint, Facial Spec, for Facial Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Toilet Spec, for Vinyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide and Opacifier in Milled Toilet Soap) (1968) Spec, for 8) Spec, for Built High 8) Spec, for Unbuilt High Spec, for Unbuilt High Spec, for Unbuilt Low Spec, for Built High, Medium and Low Spec, for Low Spec, for Medium Spec, for Tall Oil Fatty Acid for Low 3) Std. Spec, for Low Spec, for Flares (Fusee Type) (1971) CFR Spec, for Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate Spec, for Materials for License Plates Spec, for Materials for License Plates teamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (Steam Jacketed), uipment (Vegetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, muffin and Bagles) (1969) ANSI C33.1.C73.1, U/ Spec, for Spec, for nals, Picnic Tabl/ Spec, for Playground Equipment (Cabin, Industrial Rubber Boots (Hip, Stormking and Short), Steel pec. for Foundry Safety Shoes (Boot), Oil Resistant, Steel Spec, for Shoes (Motor Vehicle Examiner Safety Spec, for Tallow (Fat) for Manufacture of Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sodium Bisulfate, Std. Spec, for Liquid Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Dispenser; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Coconut Oil, Cochin Type for Std. Spec, for Floating White Spec, for White Floating Spec. For Std. Spec, for Milled Std. Spec, for Powdered Std. Spec, for Liquid Std. Spec, for Liquid Tire (1970) Tired Crane, 8,500 Lb. Capacity (1965) Tired Scraper (14 - 18 cu. Yd.) (1970?) Tired (Agricultural, Utility and Industrial) (1961) Tired (1967) Spec Tired) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Motor Scrap Tired, Minimum 21 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Tired, Patching) (1970) Tires and Tubes (1965) Tires and Tubes (1968) Tires and Tubes (1970) Tires and Tubes (1970) FED ZZ-T-00381J Tires and Tubes (1970?) FED ZZ-T-381 Tires and Tubes ( 1971 ) FED ZZ-T-00381L Tires (Automobile and Truck) (1965) Tires (1960) Sp Tires (1967) FED ZZ-T-441B / for Retreading and Repair Tires (1970?) Tires, High Speed (1969) Tires, High Speed (1970) Tires, Pneumatic and Tubes Rubber (1970) Tires, Tubes and Flaps ( 197 1 ) Tires, Tubes, Valves and Tire Flaps (1970) Tissue Analysis Unit (Scientific Equipment) (1971) Tissue Paper (Roll and Interfold) (1971) Tissue Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1960) Tissue Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1970) Tissue Stock (1971) Tissue (Interfold) (1971) Tissue (Roll and Sheet) and Seat Covers ( 1971 ) FED UU-P Tissue (Roll and Sheet) (1971) FED UU-P-00556 Tissue (Sheet) (1965) FED UU-P-556F Tissue (1966) Tissue) (1971) /S (Bandages, Cotton, Sponges, Plaster, Tissue, Hospital (1965) Tissue, Paper (1968) Tissue, Rolls and Sheets (1969) Titanium Dioxide Type (1969) Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) (White Pigment for Whitener Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) (196 Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or Granules) (196 Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) ( 1968) Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) (1968) Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Powder) (1968) Titer Oleic Acid (1967) Titer Oleic Acid (1967) Titer Soap and Products (1965) Titer Soap Flakes (Low Temperature, Wool, Leather) (195 Title 49, UL912 (TKPP) (1966) (TMT - Motorcycle and Snowmobile) (1970) ASTM A525-67T (Tmt) (Galvanized Steel Strips) (1970) Toasters, Meat Sheer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, Toasters, Meat Sheer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, Toasters; Electric Pop Up, Heavy Duty (for Bread, Bun, Tobacco (Shredded, Cigarette and Pipe) (1971) Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Ca Toe (1961) Spec, for Men's Toe (1970?) Toe) (Uniform) (1968) Toilet and Laundry Soap ( 1966) Toilet Bowl Cleaner (Globular) (1964) FED P-C-447 Toilet Bowl Cleaner (Liquid) (1970) Toilet Bowl Cleaner (1953) Toilet Bowl Cleaner (1969) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Acid, Stable, Dry Granular (1968) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Granular (1969) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid (1969) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Liquid, Low Caustic (1968) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Sodium Bisulfate (1970) Toilet Bowl Cleaner; Liquid (Acid Type) (1965) Toilet Bowl (1955) Toilet Compartments (1967) Toilet Compartments (1968) Toilet Seat Paper (1969) Toilet Seats (Institutional Use) (1970) Toilet Seats (NYS Std.) (1970) Toilet Soap Manufacture (1966) Toilet Soap (Bar) (1967) Toilet Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D499 Toilet Soap (Cake or Bar, Milled) (1968) ASTM D455 Toilet Soap (Cold Water) (Bath) (1953) Toilet Soap '(Hand, Dispenser) (1953) Toilet Soap (Hand, Hospital) (1953) Toilet Soap (1969) NJ 6524-06 NJ 4938-82 VA *14 PA E-13 PA E-21 AK *13 AK *12 NY 41300-0101 KS 13-1 IL •17 NJ 6578-00 IN *3 GA 2610-1-16 NY 30600-0257 SC 27-100-0451 NC 3950-C-9 TX 035-79-1A GA 2210-2-10 CA 691-26-33 IN *4 MS T-2C-70 NM *1 CA 701-26-32 NY 38789-0814 CA 711-82-80 VA DM-3B TX 370-61-1 CA 711-82-78 NY 23500-0538 FL ♦33 PA P-59 RI 5565-B-003 KY 4510-1 NY 10134-0339 KY 7850-4 KY 8540-1 FL *7 CA 691-80-41 TX 371-83-1A TX 395-45-5 TX 395-45-6 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B TX 395-45-1B TX 371-52-1A TX 371-52-2A TX 371-79-1 MS S-2-53-38A NY 35600-0769 TX 371-82-2 NY 37826-0025 NY 37826-0629 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0122 PA T-75 NY 02301-0421 NY 30211-0572 RI 4268-M-077 MA *18 NJ 3370-00 TX 371-80-1A TX 370-37-1 TX 370-37-2A MS S-2-53-43 IA *3-4 CA 681-76-14 MI 4681-S2 MI 4681-S1 MS C-25B-69 MS C-3A-68 LA * 1 1 — 1 1 SC 11-160B PA C-91 NY 31828-0559 NY 33828-0802 OR 16-600-9010 NY 37606-0573 NY 37606-0480 TX 371-40-1A WI 5730-0232 TX 370-59-3A TX 370-59-2A MS S-2-53-29 MS S-2-53-30 MS S-2-53-33 OR 76-450-9030 334 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards MIL Std. 105 rgent; Toilet Soap; Fly / Std. Spec, for White Floating Spec, for Cake Spec, for Liquid atase) (White Pigment for Whitener and Opacifier in Milled Spec, for Milled Spec, for Floating Std. Spec, for Milled let, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Paper, Spec, for edUU-P-31B Std. Spec, for Spec, for Paper; Spec, for Spec, for Dispenser, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap; Deodorant, Milled, Spec, for Self Contained Chemical Spec, for Brushes; Sanitary, Bed Pan and Std. Spec, for White Floating Soap (Bath, Spec, for Commode Brushes hold Brushes (Bottle, Cuspidor, Dust, Hand and Nail, Bowl Std. Spec, for Soap, Milled Spec, for Soap, Milled Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Soap, Milled Std. Spec, for Ammonia; Bleach; Spec, for Soap, Std. Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Cleaner, Commode, Spec, for Brush, Commode, Spec, for Brush, Commode, Spec, for Cleaner, Commode, Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Soap, D460 Spec, for Soap; Spec, for Antioxidant, Ortho Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 35 Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 15 Spec, for Spreader, Asphalt, 3 Spec, for Trailer, Semi, 25 Spec, for Crane, (Truck Mounted) (20 Spec, for Platform Sliding Tandem Semi Trailer (30 Spec, for Tilt Top Trailer ( 10 Spec, for Crane, Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 tached Loading Ramps) (1969) Spec, for Trailer (18 Spec, for Hoist, 1 Spec, for Truck, 27,000 G.V.W., Tilt Cab, with 5 Spec, for Vibratory Power Roller (2 Axle, Tandem, 2 shovel (6X4 Carrier Mounted) (Attachment Adaptable to 15 ody (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec, for 1/2 c. for 6 1/2 Ft. Utility Type General Service Body for 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec. for 1/2 Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 1 Spec, for Utility Type General Service Body for 3/4 Std. Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 1/2 Std. Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for Wrecker, 25 Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 10 Ft. Snow Plow for 3 Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 1 1 Ft. Snow Ptow for 3 Std. Spec, for Truck 2 1/2 Spec, for Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 25 Spec, for 4 X 4 Truck with 4 Spec, for 3/4 (1971) Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Toilet Soap (1969) Toilet Soap (1969) FED P-S-620B Toilet Soap (1970) Toilet Soap) ( 1968) Spec, for Titanium Dioxide (An Toilet Soap, Cake (1970) Toilet Soap, White, Cake (1970) Toilet Soap; Antiseptic Type (1969) Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Par Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Interfold) ( 1971 ) Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1960) Toilet Tissue Paper (Roll and Sheet) (1970) Toilet Tissue Stock ( 1971 ) Toilet Tissue (Interfold) (1971) Toilet Tissue (Roll and Sheet) and Seat Covers (1971) F Toilet Tissue (Roll and Sheet) ( 1971 ) FED UU-P-00556 Toilet Tissue (Sheet) (1965) FED UU-P-556F Toilet Tissue ( 1966) Toilet Tissue, Paper ( 1968) Toilet Tissue, Rolls and Sheets ( 1969) Toilet (1953) FED P-S-536 Toilet (1971) Toilet (1971) Toilet) (1953) (Toilet) (1967) (Toilet), Scrub, Shoe, Floor Sweep) ( 1960) /. for House Toilet, Antibacterial (Cake) (1970) Toilet, Cake Form (1971) FED P-S-00621, MIL Std. 105 Toilet, Cake (1966) Toilet, Cake, (Non Floating) (1966) FED P-S-536 Toilet, Deodorant Type, Cake Form (1971) FED P-S-00619, Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and Wall Cleaners; Dete Toilet, Liquid and Paste (1966) Toilet, Liquid (1964) Toilet, Liquid (1966) Toilet, Natural Fiber (1966) Toilet, Polypropylene Bristle (1966) Toilet, Powder (1967) Toilet, Powdered (1963) ASTM D460 Toilet, Powdered, Plain or Borax ( 1966) Toilet, (for Liquid Dispensers) Concentrate (1969) ASTM Tolyl Biguanide (1967) Ton Capacity Drop Deck, Low Bed (1970) Ton Capacity Tilt Bed (1962) Ton Capacity (1966) Ton Capacity (1969) Ton Capacity) (1967) Ton Capacity) (1970) Ton Capacity) (1971) Ton Capacity, Chain Operated) (1970) Ton Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail Type with at Ton C a P ac ity, Electric, Roller Chain, Hook Type ( 1966) Ton Cargo Hoist and Body with Drop Sides ( 1967) Ton Category) (1971) Ton Crane, Clamshell, Dragline and Backhoe) (1969) /R Ton Pick Up Truck with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long B Ton Pick Up Truck (Steel) for Automotive Repair Parts A Ton Pickup Truck with 4 Door Crew Cab ( 1969) Ton Pickup Truck (All Wheel Drive) ( 1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (All Wheel Drive) (1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (Automotive Type) (1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 4,200 Lb. or More) (1969) Ton Pickup Truck (G.V.W. 5,000 Lb. or More) (1969) Ton Pickup Truck (1969) Ton Pickup Truck (1969) Ton Pickup Truck (1969) Ton Pickup Truck (1970) Ton Pickup Truck (1970) Ton Pickup Truck (1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (1970?) Ton Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Drive) (1970) Ton Pickup Truck (4 Wheel Drive) (1970) Ton Pickup Trucks (1968) Ton Pickup Trucks (1968) Ton Pickup Trucks (1970) Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body ( 1970) Ton Truck Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body (1970) Ton Truck Mounted (1965) Ton Truck (1970?) Ton Truck (1970?) Ton with Dump Duty (1970) Ton Wrecker Body (1969) Ton Wrecker Body (1971) Ton 4X2 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) ( 1971 ) Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab and Utility Box) Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab) ( 1971 ) OR 76-450-9070 RI 6645-001 LA * 1 1—8 TX 371-83-1A LA •11-9 LA * 1 1 — 15 OR 76-450-9060 IL •39 CA 711-82-80 VA DM-3B TX 370-61-1 CA 711-82-78 NY 23500-0538 FL *33 PA P-59 RI 5565-B-003 KY 4510-1 KY 8540-1 FL *7 PA S-81 NY 37600-0351 PA B-15 MS S-2-53-28 TX 370-31-9 VA C-4 MS S-7C-70 CA 711-77-24 KY 8520-2 PA S-13 CA 711-77-10 IL ♦39 KY 8520-3 CT 5730-S-40A KY 7930-21 KY 7920-4 KY 7920-3 KY 7930-10 PA S-72 KY 8520-4 PA S-6 TX 371-33-1A NJ 4938-136 NJ 4938-47 NJ 4938-66 NJ 4938-45 NJ 4938-93 SC *28 AK *49 NY 43100-0653 NY 42300-0194 NJ 4938-93A NJ 4938-102 NY 41300-0825 NY 41100-0914 SC *17 SC *1 NE *22 NV *2 NV *4 NV *5 NE *20 NE *21 NH 6536-012 NH 6536-014 SC 22-600-0451 IN *12 NH 6536-010 NV *1 NV *3 VA ♦5 NH 6536-011 NH 6536-013 KS 10-1 IB KS 10-2B IN ♦11 CA 702-23-04 CA 702-23-05 NJ 4938-81 VA ♦11 VA ♦12 MS TV- 10-71 NJ 4938-127 AK ♦55 AK *38 AK *46 AK •45 335 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 23 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards box) (1971) (1971) Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for 3/4 Spec, for Station Wagon, 4X4 1/4 Spec, for Suburban Carryall or Town Wagon, 1/2 Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Police Pickup, 1/2 Spec, for Snow Plow Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Spec, for Roller, Tandem, 5-8 Std. Spec, for Trucks - 1 Std. Spec, for Trucks - 1 1/2 Std. Spec, for Trucks - 2 arts An/ Spec, for Utility Type General Service Body (3/4 Minimum Spec, for 1 14 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (3/4 Spec, for 4 X 2 Window Van (1/2 Spec, for 4 X 2 Window Van ( 1/2 Spec, for Hydrostatic Rotary Snow Plow Attachment (1400 Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Spec, for 1/2 Spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Spec, for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Spec, for Carryall Type Vehicle ( 1/2 Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheel Base Pickup Truck (1/2 Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, 1/4 Spec, for Carryall Type Vehicle (3/4 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for flective Materials (Sheeting, Elastomeric Film, Colors and ting, Spherical Lens Elements, Film, Colors, Thinners, and ndicator, Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body Plethysmography dling Equipment (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Spec, for Paint Brushes (Sash Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Hydraulic Maintenance Spec, for luid, Petroleum Solvent, Grease/ Minimum Spec, for Motor, ing Apparatus, Belt Surfacer, Hydrauli/ Spec, for Machine isitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Che/ Spec, for Small Spec, for Small Spec, for Small Spec, for Machine Spec, for Spec, for Small Spec, for Machine Spec, for Machine Spec, for Machine Spec, for Machine Spec, for Machine Spec, for Small Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Pneumatic Spec, for Machine lder) ( 1967) Spec, for Metal Forming Machine der, Clay Digger, Weld Flux Chipper,/ Spec, for Pneumatic ter ( 1 968 ) Spec, for Power Spec, for Power in. Drill Presses and Vacuum Cleaners (1/ Spec, for Power Spec, for Generator, Portable with Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Trailer Mounted with Air aneous Automotive Repair Parts and Auto Mechanic's Service p Truck (Steel) for Automotive Repair Parts and Mechanic's ( 1971 ) Spec, for Small Tools (Mechanics Hand dust Control Supply Service (Cleaning, Sweeping Cloths and Spec, for Power Std. Spec, for Notions (Reed, Snaps and Application Plugs, Lever Powered Gear Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Std. for Spec, for ; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin Wax; and Spec, for Spec, for Brushes; Std. Spec, for g Laminates ( 1968) Spec, for Table Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Closed Spec, for Powder, Cleansing, Scouring Type, Shaker or Ready Mixed Exterior Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use As Spec, for Scientific Equipment (Bench ne (1969) Spec, for Sandblasting Equipment (Portable, s) (Augers, Bits, Braces and Hand Drills/ n.) (1968) 1969) ket Set and Wrenches) ( 1 97 1 ) Squaring and Combination Notchers, Ri/ rnal Grinder, Band Saw, Line Tracing, / and 13 In.) (Bench Shaper) (1969) 1971) r, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, N/ Ton 4 X 2 Wideside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Ton 4 X 4 Pickup Truck ( 1971 ) Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck (6 Passenger Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) ( 1971 ) Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck)(Police) (1971) Ton 4X4 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab with Front Piow) Ton (Automobile) (1970) Ton (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Ton (Truck) (1971) Ton (16,000 G.V.W.) Trucks (1970) Ton (1964) Ton (1970) Ton (1970) Ton (1970) Ton) for Transporting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair P Ton) Positraction Axle (1970?) Ton) (1970?) Ton) (1970?) Ton) (1971) Ton) (1971) Ton) (1971) Ton, Positraction Axle) (1970?) Ton, 4X2 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck) ( 1971 ) Ton, 4 X 2, Airport Emergency Vehicle) ( 1971 ) Ton, 4X2, Heating and Plumbing Special) (1971) Ton, 4 X 2, 6 Passenger) ( 1971 ) Ton, 4X 4) (1970?) Ton, 4 X 4, 4 Passenger) ( 1971 ) Ton, 4 X 4, 6 Passenger) ( 1971 ) Tone Controlled Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Tone Controlled Base Stations (State Police) (1971) Toner, Xerox Machine (1971) Toners and Thinners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plast Toners, Letters, Numerals) (Highway and Pavement Applic Tonometer, Teaching Console, Modular Lung Analyzer) (19 Tool and Stock, Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Tool and Trim, Nylon Filament) (1964) FED H-B-491D Tool Oil, Heavy (1968) Tool Oil, Light (1968) Tool Oil, Medium (1968) Tool Sets and Attachments (1968) Tool Storage Chest (1970) Tool, Hydraulic Hoist, Compressor Oil and Lubricants (F Tools (Abrasive Cut Off, Laboratory Box Furnace, Polish Tools (Eye Protective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), V Tools (Files and Twist Drills) (1971) Tools (General Maintenance, Carpenters and Miscellaneou Tools (Lathe, Engine, 10 In.) (Shaper, Backgeared, 12 I Tools (Lathe, Metal, 14 and 12 In.) (Milling Machine) Tools (Mechanics Hand Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Soc Tools (Metal Lathe - 10 In., Engine Lathe, Roller, Foot Tools (Metal Lathe) (1968) Tools (Milling, Lathe - Metal 12 In.) (1969) Tools (Milling, Radial Drilling, Lathe, Internal / Exte Tools (Milling, Ram Type) (Lathe, Metal and Engine, 15 Tools (Padlock, Regular and Combination Master Keyed) Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibrato Tools (Pipe Pusher) (1969) Tools (Radial Drill - 3 Ft. Arm) (1968) Tools (Rotational Molding 15 In., Extruder, Injector Mo Tools (Sinker Rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grin Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Blade, Table Mounted Rou Tools (Stationary), Panel Saw, Edge Bander (1969) Tools (Stationary), 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 Tools (1969) Tools (1969) Spec, for Compressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Tools (1970) / Body (3/4 Ton) for Transporting Miscell Tools ( 1971 ) / General Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick U Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Socket Set and Wrenches) Tools, Mop Heads and Holders) (1969) Spec, for Tools, Portable, Electric (1971) Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestry, Water Colors) (1953) Tools, Stud Ext /Easuring Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Tooth Brushes (Adults" and Children's) (1968) Tooth Brushes (1970) Tooth Picks (1970) /L Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap Tooth Powder (1968) Tooth (1965) Toothbrush (1971) Top and Furniture Assemblies Using Plastic Thermosettin Top Body and Hydraulic Tailgate ( 1969) Top Can (1969) Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces ( 1962) Fed Top Fermentor System with Accessories) (1971) Top Loading, Direct Pressure Type) Blast Cleaning Machi AK •40 AK *2 AK ♦54 AK *41 AK •43 AK *42 AK *47 NM *13 NM *14 OR 06-200-1050 SC 14-410-0451 NJ 4938-72 MS TV-7-7 1 MS TV-8-71 MS TV-9-7 1 SC 22-600-0300A WY *2 WY *3 WY *4 AK *35 AK *36 AK *6 WY *7 AK *37 AK *33 AK *32 AK *29 WY *5 AK *27 AK *28 NY 38211-0123 NY 38211-0314 NJ 6962-05 NY 38601-0173 NY 38601-0752 NY 12200-0512 NY 39100-0562 VA C-6 CA 681-91-75 CA 681-91-73 CA 681-91-74 NY 43200-0625 NE *62 NM *8 NY 00432-00-0686 NY 39012-0491 NY 39005-0613 NY 39000-0482 NY 43201-0182 NY 43201-0500A NY 39003-0600 NY 43201-0487 NY 43201-0232 NY 43201-0894 NY 43201-0500 NY 43201-0805 NY 39004-0429 NY 43203-0748 NY 43203-0337 NY 43201-0266 NY 43202-0904 NY 43203-0185 NY 43200-0243 NY 43200-0377 NY 43200-0075 NJ 4950-03 NJ 6524-03 SC 22-600-0300A SC *7 NY 39003-0600 NY 33202-832 NY 43200-0490 IL *33GG NY 35000-0938 CT 11-11D CA 702-85-03 IL *39 CA 681-85-04 PA B-26 MS T-7A-71 PA T-65 NJ 4938-51 CA 691-77-34 VA DK-36 NY 38760-0640 NY 47100-0396 336 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Tilt Spec, for Laundry Extractors; Open or Clear . for Conference Table; Two Section, with Plastic Laminate pec. for Car (Automobile), Detective, 2 Door Sedan or Hard Spec, for Steel Tables (Laminated Plastic Spec, for Furniture; Wood Tables (with Plastic Laminate spec, for Dining Tables; Metal Base (with Plastic Laminate Spec, for Beverage Bottle Crowns Std. Spec, for Dishwasher (Roll ner, Glue Liquid All Purpose White, Mucilage Grip Spreader Spec, for Spec, for Men's Wool ready Mixed Swimming Pool Paint, Thinner, Joint Sealer and Spec, for Shelving lastic and Fiberglass Chair Shells, Seats and Backs) (Desk Spec, for Table Spec, for Table ve Sheets; Laminated, Thermosetting (for Table and Counter Spec, for or Highway Const/ Std. Spec, for Earth Type Base Courses Std. Spec, for Earth Type Subbase Courses ct/ Spec, for Roadside Development Materials (Herbicides, or Electric Welding Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Spec, for Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, . for Front End Loader (Medium Duty Articulated, Planetary edium Duty Articulated) with Backhoe Attachment (Planetary Spec, for Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Grader (Tandem Drive, rs, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Trays, Std. Spec, for Wire Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Tractor, Mounted with Loader, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, and Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Concrete Saw, with Spec, for Mower, 15 Ft. Rotary, Spec, for Rotary Sweeper Spec, for Concrete Mixer (6 cu. Ft. Batch Capacity) Spec, for Spec, for Rake, Tractor Spec, for Metal Folded Paper Spec, for Linen Service, Continuous Cloth Spec, for Terry Spec, for Paper Spec, for Textile, Bath Spec, for Dispenser, Paper Spec, for Dispenser, Paper ,Std. 751 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Crash Spec, for Cotton and Linen Glass Spec, for Cotton Huck Spec, for Paper Spec, for Terry Cloth Spec, for Turkish Spec, for Textile, Terry Cloth Std. Spec, for Towels and Spec, for Textile, Dish Spec, for Textile, Hand Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Towels and )(1960) Std. Spec, for ain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Tubing, Towels and Std. Spec, for Towels and Spec, for Textile, Glass Spec, for Paper, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Towels and Std. Spec, for ed, Unbleached) (1958) Spec, for Towels and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Hand Tent. Spec, for Bath Std. Spec, for Paper Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ry and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases an& Tubing, Std. Spec, for dCCC-T-191 Spec, for d Linen Mixed, Unbleached) (1958) Spec, for Spec, for Paper Std. Spec, for Dish Spec, for Paper Top Trailer (10 Ton Capacity) ( 1971 ) Top (Institutional Use) (1950) Top (1965) Spec Top (1969) Top) (Furniture) (1969) Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 Top) (1968) NEMA LD-1 (Top) (1971) Top, Hood Type) (1964) Top, Paste Library) (1971) /and Cellulose Cement, Thin Topcoats and Overcoats (Men's) (1971) Topcoats (1957) Topping Compound ( 1971 ) Spec, for Tops and End Panels ( 1 97 1 ) Tops and Tablet Arms) ( 1970) /Chool Furniture Parts (P Tops (Porcelain) (Hospital Bedside) (1971) Tops (1970) Tops, Etc.) (1959) NEMA LP-2-1957 / Spec, for Decorati Topsoil (1970?) AASHO T-88 (Topsoil, Sand Clay and Gravel, Stabilizer Aggregates) F (Topsoil, Sand Clay) for Highway Construction (1964) Topsoil, Seed (Grass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Ba Torch Outfit with Nozzles (1971) Spec. F Torch Welding and Cutting Outfit (1969) /. for Welder Torque Converter Fluid, Type C-2 (1968) Torque Converter Fluid, Type 303 (1968) T.orque Converter Type) (1970) Spec Torque Converter Type) ( 1970) /for Front End Loader (M Torque Convenor or Power Shift) (1970?) Tote Boxes, Paddle) (1970) /R, Kettles, Ladles, Pitche Tote, Tray, and Waste Baskets ( 1971 ) Touch Up for Porcelain Enameled Signs (1969) Tow Type Heavy Duty Flail Safety Mower ( 1966) /Ec. for Tow Type Rotary Mower (1970?) Tow Type Trailer and 400 Gal. Water Tank (1970) Tow Type (1965) (Tow Type) (1968) (Tow Type) (1971) Towed Type Fertilizer Spreader (1969) Towed (1968) Towel Dispenser (1969) Towel Roll (1966) Towel Wipers (Rags) (1967) Towel (C-Fold Type) (1970) Towel (Cloth) (1970?) Towel (1966) Towel, Metal, Flat Pack (1969) Toweling and Towels; Huck, Bleached ( 1971 ) FED Std. 191 Toweling Cotton, Huck (Textile, Cloth) (1960) Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) Toweling (Cloth, Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 Toweling (Interfold, Dispenser Type) (1971) Toweling (Textile) (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Toweling (Wiping Cloths) (1970?) Toweling (1970?) Toweling, Absorbent (1956) Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Toweling, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Toweling, Cotton, Glass (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Toweling, Crash (1965) Toweling, Crash, Cotton and Linen Mixed (Cloth, Textile Toweling, Etc.) (1970) /Roof Fabrics, Drapery and Curt Toweling, Huck (1955) Toweling, Linen (Cloth) (1970?) Toweling, Roll Stock (1970) Toweling, Terry (Turkish) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Toweling; Absorbent (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Toweling; Cotton Huck (1969) Toweling; Cotton, Glass (Bleached) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Toweling; Cotton, Glass (1969) Toweling; Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton and Linen Mix Toweling; Crash, Cotton Linen Mix (1969) Toweling; Terry (Turkish) (1969) Towelling, Cotton Boott Type (Cloth) (1970?) Towelling, Medium Weight, Terry Cloth (1970?) Towels and Cleaning Cloths (1971) FED UU-P-31B Towels and Toweling, Absorbent (1956) Towels and Toweling, Crash ( 1965) Towels and Toweling, Etc.) ( 1970) /Roof Fabrics, Drape Towels and Toweling, Huck (1955) Towels and Toweling; Cotton, Glass (Bleached) (1958) Fe Towels and Toweling; Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton An Towels (C-Fold Type - High Quality) (1969) Towels (Cotton Flour Sack) (1969) Towels (Dispensing) (1965) FED UU-T-591D AK PA PA MI RI PA PA NY ♦49 E-3 T-70 3905-0009 1-032 F-73 T-69 25101-0888 WA S-64-87 IL NY RI NY NY NY NY NY OR MS SC sc VA NY NY CA CA VA VA VA PA IL CA NJ NM NJ NJ NY AK SC NJ VA KY SC NJ MA KY CA PA MS RI RI RI CA RI UT MA CT MA MA MS CT MS WI CT MA CA MS PA OR PA OR PA OR OR MA MA FL CT CT WI CT PA PA NJ OR RI ♦32A 40005-0139 4225-M-012 38002-0282 27504-0636 27002-0728 24800-0355 37516-0033 50-59-2 3877 HD-37 HD-33 DH-257 43223-0734 43223-0932 681-91-31 681-91-32 *10 *9 ♦7 A-4 *32C 691-80-90 4938-14 *15 4938-137 4938-88 41600-0272 *50 15-000-0451 4938-119 DQ-1A 3513-1 03-330 7572-02 ♦35-76 4510-2 692-76-63 T-23 T-1A-60-34 4915-001 4915-002 4915-003 711-82-81 4915-004 *7C ♦35-35 9150-T-49 ♦35-67 ♦35-69 T-1A-60-33 9150-T-5 3A T-1A-60-32 9100 9150-T-51 *35-68 702-82-79 T-1A-60-35 T-25 79-100-9420 T-26 79-100-9410 T-7 79-100-9430 79-100-9440 ♦35-81 ♦35-89 ♦31 9150-T-49 9150-T-53A 9100 9150-T-51 T-26 T-7 7572-03 72-150-9150 5565-C-004 337 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Paper Std. Spec, for Terry Cloth Std. Spec, for Paper Spec, for Cotton and Linen Glass Spec, for Cotton Duck Spec, for Laundered Cotton Machinery Wiping Spec, for Terry Bath Spec, for Cotton Huck Std. for Paper Hand Spec, for Paper Std. Spec, for Huck Spec, for Paper Spec, for Turkish Spec, for Folded Paper Spec, for Paper Spec, for Bed Sheets, Hand and Bath Spec, for DDD-T-551E Spec, for Namewoven pec. for Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and Spec, for Hand Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Bath Spec, for Terry Cloth Spec, for Terry Cloth Spec, for Terry Cloth Spec, for Terry Cloth Spec, for Terrycloth Spec, for Shop Spec, for Toweling and Spec, for Water Treatment System for Cooling and Steam Clea/ Spec, for Descaling Compound for Cooling Spec, for Radio Spec, for Radio Spec, for Steel Radio and Television Spec, for Wrecker for Spec, for Mower, 3 Gang with Spec, for Crawler Tractor with U Dozer Blade and Spec, for Suburban Carryall or Std. Spec, for Swine (Hog) tific Equipment) ( 1971 ) Spec, for 24 Spec, for Spec, for General Conditions and Spec, for Spec, for Drafting Supplies, Spec, for Drafting Supplies Spec, for Cloth illing, Lathe, Internal / External Grinder, Band Saw, Line 97 1 ) Spec, for s with Cover) ( 1970) Spec, for etic Equipment (Archery, Baseball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, ave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Spec, for Cassette Tape Duplicator (High Speed, Two gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, Wheel Bearing, ter Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels and Endless ersal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Spec, for Portable Indoor Running rtable Athletic Event Timer with Accessories (Swimming and ody) (1969) Spec, for Snow Vehicle (Endless Spec, for Spec, for Crawler 970) Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Spec, for Special Guardrail Mower (Industrial Wheel Type Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Beach Cleaner Spec, for Mowing Equipment Spec, for ec. for Power Take Off Driven Flail Type Mower for 3 Point Spec, for Universal Rotary Cutter (Mower) with 3 Point Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Digger, Fork Lift, Snow Plow Blade (1969) Spec, for . Spec, for Multipurpose Grease (Passenger Car, Truck, and de Mounted Cutter Bars) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Spec, for y) ( 1968) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Towels (Folded and Roll) (1967) Towels (Gym Service) (1969) Towels (Single Fold) (1967) Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.3-55 Towels (1957) ANSI L24.2.4-55 Towels (1964) Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Towels (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Towels (1969) Towels (1969) Towels (1969) Towels (1969) Towels (1970) Towels (1970) FED UU-P-31B Towels ( 1 97 1 ) Towels, and Washcloths (1970) Towels, Bath and Hand, Terry Cloth (1970) Towels, Bath (Monogram) (Institutional Use) (1970?) Fed Towels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Cases, Sheets Towels, Huck, Cotton (1970) Towels, Name Woven (1969) Towels, Paper (1968) Towels, Terry Cloth (Institutional) (1969) Towels, 17 X 27 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Towels, 18 X 36 In. (1964) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Towels, 22 X 24 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Towels, 22 X 44 In. (1957) ANSI L24.2.5-55 Towels; Bleached (1970) FED Std. 191 Towels; Cotton (Cloths) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Towels; Huck, Bleached (1971) FED Std. 191, Std. 751 Tower Absorbtion Air Conditioning System ( 1969) Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Transfer Devices Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Police) ( 1971 ) Towers and Transmitter Buildings (State Police) (1971) Towers ( 1964) Towing and Recovery of Automobiles and Trucks ( 1969) Towing Frame ( 1969) Towing Winch (1971) Town Wagon, 1/2 Ton (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Trace Mineral Mix ( 1970) Trace Portable Shallow Refraction Seismic System (Scien Tracing Cloth; Printed (1956) Tracing Paper (1968) FED UU-P-00561 Tracing Reproductions (1970) Tracing Tables and Boards ( 1967) (Tracing Tables and Boards) (1966) Tracing (1957) Tracing, Electrical Discharge) (1970) /Ling, Radial Dr Track and Field Equipment (High Jump Pit with Cover) ( 1 Track and Field Equipment (Pole Vault and High Jump Pit Track and Field, Lacrosse) (1971) Spec, for Athl Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Facil Track Reel) (1971) Track Roller, High Temperature, Graphite) (1970) /and Track Support Rollers and Idlers) (1967) /Fittings, Wa Track Type - 2 Adult Passengers) ( 1971 ) /Snow Vehicles Track Type Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Support Roller Track (1969) Track) (6 and 8 Lane) (1971) Spec, for Po Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X 7 Ft. Platform B Trackless Train (2-Car - Passenger Transport) ( 1969) Tractor - Bulldozer; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Tractor - Bulldozer; with Winch, Diesel, 42 HP Class ( 1 Tractor and Rotary Mower Attachment (1967) Tractor Attachment) (1971) Tractor Dozer, Winch, Logging Canopy (1969) (Tractor Drawn) (Sifter) (1969) (Tractor Drawn) (1971) Tractor for Trailers, Mobile (1969) Tractor Hitch (1968) Sp Tractor Hitch (1970?) Tractor Loader (1969) Tractor Loader (1969) Tractor Loader, Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Tractor Lubrication ) ( 1 96 1 ) Std Tractor Mower (Heavy Industrial Type, Left and Right Si Tractor Mower (Industrial Type) ( 1970?) Tractor or Special Utility ( 1971 ) Tractor Roller Grease (1968) Tractor Roller Grease, Positive Seal Assemblies (Compan Tractor Roller, Company Postive Seal ( 1970) Tractor Shovel and Classifications ( 1971 ) Tractor Shovel and Classifications ( 1971 ) Tractor Shovel (Backhoe) (1971) Tractor Shovel (Cab, Backhoe) (1969) Tractor Shovel (1969) VA DM-4B OR 72-150-9160 WI 7572A RI 4780-003 RI 4780-002 TX 582-32-1 VA FB-7A VA FB-8A CT 75-1 28C FL *8 OR 72-150-9170 PA T-44 NY 39700-0089 TX 370-61-2 NY 23400-0531 TN 7210-010 CA 701-83-14 MA *37 FL *23 CA 701-83-16 NY 39701-0880 KY 8540-7 OR 72-150-9140 RI 4780-004 RI 4780-005A RI 4780-006 RI 4780-005 PA T-29 PA T-59 PA T-23 NY 40802-1032 CA 681-66-13 NY 38211-0178 NY 38211-0904 TX 580-50-1 SC 23-060 NJ 4938-60 AK *19 NM ♦14 WA S-60-1 1-1 NY 38787-0821 PA C-20 CA 682-64-01 NJ 8300-00 NY 31600-0380 NY 00316-0114 PA C-19 NY 43201-0500 NY 30206-0173 NY 30206-0550 NY 30200-0589 NY 11000-0818 NY 38217-0838 MA *9 MI 5255-S11 NY 42200-0362 MI 5255-S11 NY 30206-0412 NY 30200-0405 NY 42200-0285 NY 40500-0882 SC 14-300-035 IB SC 14-300-035 1C NJ 4938-100 SC 1 4-220-045 1C NY 40602-0153 NY 41600-0468 NY 37000-0762 NJ 6542-11 SC 14-220-0451 A SC 14-220-045 IB NY 40600-0330 NY 40603-0074 NY 40601-0298 NC 9150-G-14 VA ♦18 VA *19 SC *3 CA 681-91-112 CA 681-91-113 MS L-5B-70-22 NY 40603-0129 NY 40603-0382 NY 40603-0753 NY 40603-0137 NY 40603-0917 338 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards vy Duty Mower) (1970) raulic Earth Auger Attachments (1971) 0) Spec, for Rake, Spec, for Spec, for Heavy Crawler Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Medium Crawler Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Spec, for Wheel Spec, for Ligh Spec, for Ligh Spec, for Wheel Type Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Wheel Type Spec, fo Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, fo Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Crawle 0) Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Spec, for Crawle Spec, for Heavy Duty Conventional Truck Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, fo Spec, for Crawle Spec, fo Spec, for Heavy Duty Industrial Type Spec, for Heavy Duty Industrial Type Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Spec, for Utility Spec, for Low Center of Gravity Spec, for Truck ) Spec, for Truck for Lawn Mowers; Power (Reel and Rotary Type) (Walking and and Winch ( 1969) . Spec, for Truck 5Th Weel (1969) Spec, for Truck Spec, for Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment nd Tow Type Heavy Duty Flail Safety Mower ( 196/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (College) (1970) Spec, for 971) Spec, for 71 ) Spec, for , Mounted (1970) Spec, for Snowblower, 26 in Rotary Cultivator Attachmen/ Spec, for now Plow, Grader Blade and Bio/ Spec, for Garden and Lawn hitch) (1970) Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type 70) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Truck Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type il, Heavy Duty, for Gasoline and Diesel Powered Trucks and Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Hydraulic Mower Spec, for Self Propelled Flail Mowers, Utility Std. Spec, for trial) (1961) Spec, for Equipment; 1 ) Std. Spec, for s) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Design, Utility, Farm) (1971) Spec, for owers, Disk Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping R/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Crawler Spec, for Crawler ations; Prebound Paperback) (1970) Spec, for Books Spec, for Laundry Equipment Tent. Spec, for tromechanical ( 1961 ) Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Paper Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for x Spec. for Spec, for Spec, for Detector Mast Arm Poles (Overhead stands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Spec, for Electronic Spec, for Cabinets for Continuous ec. for Portable and Semiportable Type Automatic Recording ler, Secondary) (1968) 1970) Tractor Towed (1968) Tractor Truck with 5th Wheel, Gasoline Powered (1965) Tractor with Angledozer and Power Control Unit (1970?) Tractor with Angledozer (1970) Tractor with Angledozer ( 1970?) Tractor with Attachments (Angledozer, Bucket) (1971?) Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1969) Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1970) Tractor with Center Mount Rotary Mower ( 1971 ) Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower (1970) Tractor with Center Mount 48 In. Rotary Mower ( 1970) Tractor with Flail Type Mower Attachment ( 1970) Tractor with Hydraulic Dozer ( 1971 ) Tractor with Hydraulic Semi U-Tilting Dozer ( 1970) Tractor with Sickle Bar Attachment (Self Propelled, Hea Tractor with Sickle Bar Mower ( 1970) Tractor with U Dozer Blade and Towing Winch ( 1971 ) Tractor with Winch; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Tractor with 3/4 Yd. Front End Loader, Backhoe, and Hyd Tractor (Agricultural) (1969) Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch) (1971) Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, Winch, Scarifier) (197 Tractor (Dozer, Winch) ( 1969) Tractor (Dozer, Winch) (1969) Tractor (Dozer, Winch) (1970) Tractor (Front End Loader and Backhoe Attachments) (197 Tractor (Front End Loader Bucket, 1 Yd.) (1971) Tractor (G.C.W. Not Less Than 65,000) (1970) Tractor (Truck), 32,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) Tractor (Truck), 50,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) Tractor (Truck), 65,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) Tractor (Winch) (1969) Tractor (1967) Tractor (1970) Tractor (1970) Tractor (1970) Tractor (1971) Tractor (3/4 Yd. Front Loader and Dozer) ( 1971 ) Tractor (45,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6X4, Diesel) (1971) Tractor (54,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6 X 4, 318 HP Diesel) (1971 Tractor) (1968) ANSI B71.1, SAE J607, J608 Spec. (Tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 5Th Wheel (Tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Crane and Tractor, Industrial with 60 In. Rotary Mower ( 1961 ) Tractor, Industrial (1970) (Tractor, LP Gas Powered) (1969) Tractor, Mounted with Loader, Hydraulic Sickle Mower, A Tractor, Wheel and Row Crop Types ( 1969) Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe and Loader) (1970) Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, Backhoe, Loader, Flail Mower) Tractor, Wheel Type (Cab, 3-Point Hitch, Rear Blade) (1 Tractor, Wheel Type, Diesel and Front Bucket Loader ( 19 Tractor, with Hydraulic Extension Arm Type Rotary Mower Tractor, with 42 In. Sickle Bar Mower and 26 In. Rotary Tractors and Accessories (Mowers, Rotary Plow, Brush, S Tractors with and Without Special Attachments (3 Point Tractors with Short Conventional Cab and 5Th Wheel) (19 Tractors with Telescoping Long Arm Mower (1970) Tractors (1967) Spec, for Motor O Tractors (1970) Tractors, and Front End Loader ( 1970?) Tractors, Other Than Highway (1965) Tractors, Rubber Tired (Agricultural, Utility and Indus Tractors, Suburban (Lawn and Garden) (Attachments) (197 Tractors, Truck Wheels, Track Support Rollers and Idler Tractors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Tractors, Wheel Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary M Tractors, Wheel Type (1968) Tractor; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) Tractor; Diesel, 57 HP Class (1970) (Trade, Technical and Semitechnical, Medical, Law Public (Trade-in) (1971) Traditional Office Chairs (1969) Traffic and Pedestrian Controllers - Electronic or Elec Traffic and Pedestrian Controllers (1961) Traffic Cone Covers (28 In.) ( 1961 ) Traffic Cones, Plastic (Signal Marker) (1970) Traffic Control Equipment (Expansible, Pretimed Control Traffic Control Equipment (Flashers) (1971) Traffic Control Equipment (Semi Actuated Controllers) Traffic Control Equipment (Signals) (1966) Traffic Control Mounting) (1970) Traffic Control Units, Peg Hooks, Accessories) ( 1971 ) Traffic Count Equipment (1970) Traffic Counter Stations (1970) Traffic Counter (1970) Sp NJ 4938-119 NJ 4938-79 VA ♦16 SC 14-300 VA •17 SC 14-300-0451 SC 14-310 SC *19 SC *5 NE ♦32 NE *35 SC 14-260D AK *73 SC *15 SC 14-260C NE ♦34 AK ♦19 SC 14-300-035 ID AK ♦71 NJ 4938-131 NY 40600-0378 NY 40600-0178 NY 40600-0156 NY 40600-0289 NY 40600-0656 SC 14-260-0451 A AK * 72 SC 14-3 10A MI 3958-0174 MI 3958-0176 MI 3958-0178 NY 40600-0458 NJ 4938-13 NE *33 NE *36 SC 14-260-0451 AK ♦18 AK *17 AK *57 AK *56 PA M-60 NJ 4938-44 NJ 4938-128 NJ 4938-12 NM *16 NY 39101-0318 NJ 4938-14 NY 40601-0163 NY 40601-0593 NY 40601-0680 NY 40601-0754 NY 40601-0422 NJ 4938-135 NJ 4938-32 NY 08206-0442 SC 14-260-045 IB NY 40500-0479 SC 14-260B LA *8-7 SC 14-260 A HI *20 IL *18 PA E-13 MS T-6A-71 MI 5255-S11 NY 40601-0434 NY 40601-0891 NY 40601-0061 SC 14-300-035 IE SC 14-300-0351 NY 20000-0655 NY 36501-0856 KS 70-4 NJ 2548-02 NJ 2548-03 WA S-61-30 NJ 0750-00 SC 39-000 SC *37 SC ♦22 SC 39-200 NY 35815-0427 NY 21802-0370 NY 35812-0170 NY 35812-0169 NJ 3920-00 339 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1970) Spec, for Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, Self Contained rubber - Fast Dry Type) (1969/ Spec, for White and Yellow Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Self Propelled Spec, for aint)(1970) Spec, for Spec, for Medium Chrome Yellow Spec, for Glass Beads for Reflectorizing Spec, for Glass Spheres, Reflectorizing Spec, for Sprayer, Self Propelled, Single Line ec. for Spray Machine, Paint, Self Propelled, Single Line ted with Air Compressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit Spec, for White Fast Drying Spec, for White Spec, for Yellow Spec, for White Spec, for Thinner, Special, Clean Up Spec, for White and Yellow Spec, for White Spec, for White Tent. Spec, for Yellow Spec, for ) ) ASTM D638-61T Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic (Traffic (Traffic (Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Red Orange Fluorescent Std. Spec, for Cones, its (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, ds) (1969) Spec, for Glass Spheres, Highway ipcea S-6 1-402, ASTM B-8 Spec, for Highway Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for ed Lead-in Cable ( 1971 ) Spec, for ed Head in Cable (1971) Spec, for 1 ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Spec, for Glass Beads for Application on White and Yellow ead Application (1964) Std. Spec, for White ead Application (1964) Std. Spec, for Yellow h Glass Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-2/ Spec, for Special White 70) Spec, for Spec, for Paint; ite and Yellow), and Cleaning Solvent (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Concrete Saw, with Tow Type Tra 69) SAE J560a Spec, for Tra Spec, for Tandem Tra 969) SAE J684D Spec, for Tra Spec, for Tra Spec, for Tra mpressor, Rotary 150 Cfm, Gasoline Engine Driven, Portable Tra Spec, for Pump, 4 In. Self Priming Centrifugal, Tra Spec, for Chipper (Brush Grinder), Tra Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine (Cable Type, Tra Spec, for Sewer Cleaning Machine (Cable Type, Tra Spec, for Vacuum Leaf Loader (Tra Spec, for Sprayer, 400 Gal., Tra Spec, for Sprayer, 200 Gal., Tra Spec, for Power Sprayer (Tra Spec, for Power Sprayer (Tra Spec, for Water Tank, Tra nd Perishable Foods) (1970) MIL Spec. 167, Ice/ Spec, for Tra Spec, for 2000 Gal. Semi Tra Spec, for Low Bed, Level Deck, Semi Tra (1970) Spec, for Mobile Waste Collection Tra ay load) (1970) Spec, for Semi Van Tra ry Freight) (Institutional Use) / Spec, for Semi Van Type Tra dry Freight) (1971) Spec, for Semi Van Type Tra Spec, for Tilt Top Tra type with Attached Loading Ramps) ( 1969) Spec, for Tra Spec, for Roller, Vibrating, with Tra Spec, for Roller, Vibrating, with Tra Spec, for Stump Cutter (Remover) with Tra Spec, for Tilt Type Transport Tra ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler ler Line Marking Paint and Reflective Glass Beads Line Marking) (1969) Line Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlorinated Line Paints, Black (1969) Line Paints, Red (1969) Line Paints, White (1969) Line Paints, Yellow (1969) Line Stripping Machine (Marking) (1970?) Line (Paint) Marker (Self Propelled) (1968) Marking Line Removal Machine with Assemblies (P Marking Paint (1964) FED TT-D-643B, Std. 141 Marking Paint (1970) Marking Paint, Moistureproof (Beads) (1969) Marking Paints) (1967) Marking) (Positive Displacement Testliner) (197 Paint Application) (1967) /Cab Over Axle, Moun Paint Based on Chlorinated Rubber (1971?) Paint (Fast Dry) (1969) Paint (1962) Paint (1963) Paint (1969) Paint (1970) Paint, Type III (Marking) (1960) Paint, Type III (Marking) ( 1970?) Paint, Type III (1970?) Radar System (1971) Safety Cones (Plastic and Rubber, Marker) (1962 Safety Cones (Polyvinyl Chloride, Marker) (1971 Safety (Marker) (1969) Separator, Etc.) (Highway and Bridge Constructi Sign and Marker, Reflection and Refraction (Bea Signal Cable and Electrical Conductors (1970?) Signal Controller - Electromechanical ( 1964) Signal Controllers - Electronic ( 1964) Signal Controllers (Dispatcher 1826 D-AR) (1964 Signal Controllers (1022 Dispatcher) (1964) Signal Controllers (1033 Dispatcher) (1964) Signal Controllers, Indications and Paint ( 1 969 Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shield Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Wire and Shield Signal Equipment - Solid State Controllers ( 197 Signal Equipment (Detectors) (1970) Signal Equipment (Heads, Beacons, Etc.) (1971) Signal Equipment, Actuated Controllers (1971) Signal, Dark Olive Green (1969) Signal, Lusterless Black (1969) Signal, Yellow (1969) Signs and Markers (1970?) Stripe Highway Line Marking Paint (1964) Std. Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass B Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for Glass B Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for Application Wit Zone Paint, Regular Type (White and Yellow) (19 Zone, Nonreflective (1964) Zone, Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (Wh White, Fast Drying Type IV (1970) and 400 Gal. Water Tank (1970) Connectors, Electrical, Truck Jumper Cables ( 19 Dolly, Single Axle (1970) Hitches, Passenger Car, Ball and Socket Type ( 1 Mounted Electric Generator Set (1969) Mounted Hydraulic Crane (1970) Mounted with Air Tools (1969) Spec, for Co Mounted (1969) Mounted (1969) Mounted) (1968) Mounted) (1969) Mounted) (1971) Mounted, Tree (1968) Mounted, Two Wheel (1968) Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Mounted, 400 Gal.) (1969) Mounted, 600 Gal. Capacity (1970) Refrigeration System (Liquid Nitrogen, Frozen A Type Asphalt Supply Tank (1969) (Carryall) (1970) (Front Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection) (Insulated, Frozen Food Transport, 44,000 Lb. P (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, D (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Aluminum Skin, (10 Ton Capacity) (1971) ( 1 8 Ton Capacity, Deck Over Wheels, Beavertail (1968) (1968) (1968) (1969) AK *1 NY 41303-0111 NM M-TPC-69 CA 691-80-96 CA 691-80-97 CA 691-80-95 CA 691-80-98 HI *21 SC *40 NJ 4934-02 TX 520-43-1 VA DH-242 MD *11 NJ 4934-00 NJ 4934-01 NJ 4938-22 SC 20-0 10A MD *5 MD *6 MD *4 CA 691-80-418 IN *1 NJ 7342-06 NJ 7342-07 NJ 7342-13 PA R-24 WA S-6 1-29-1 WA S-71-110 OR 98-140-9010 VA DH-226 IN *5 MS 3806 NJ 2548-01 NJ 2548-00 NJ 2548-05 NJ 2548-06 NJ 2548-07 NJ 2548-04 NY 35816-0213 NY 35816-0215 NY 35817-0414 NY 35814-0468 NY 35813-0072 NY 35814-0043 CA 691-80-17 CA 691-80-16 CA 691-80-18 MS 3352 SC HD-80B15 SC HD-80B5 SC HD-80B6 SC 20-010 NY 38001-0629 PA P-128 NY 38001-0508 NJ 7342-17 NJ 4938-137 CA 691-23-26 NY 42300-0581 CA 691-23-25 SC 24-030 NE *39 NJ 6524-03 NJ 4936-01 NJ 4938-36 NY 44000-0674 NY 44000-0440 NY 37000-0440 NJ 4938-114 NJ 4938-42 NY 46800-0138 NY 46800-0284 NY 42400-0181 NY 42300-0582 SC 14-270-0451 SC 14-270 NY 40534-0667 NY 42300-0493 NY 42300-0254 NY 42300-0483 AK *49 NY 42300-0194 NJ 4938-108 NJ 4938-30 NJ 4938-70 SC 14-270A 340 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Michigan State Police Mobile Command Spec, for Tilt Type Spec, for Marine Patrol Boat and Spec, for Low Bed, Level Deck, Semi Spec, for Platform Sliding Tandem Semi able Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigerated Van Spec, for Core Drilling Machine (Skid Mounted with r Use (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) (Decal) (Motorcycle and Spec, for Tandem Axle Low Bed Semitrailer Spec, for er Quality Monitoring Equipment (1969) Spec, for ntal Room) (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for nitor(1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Compactor Decalcomania for Application to Wood or Metal Surfaces of Spec, for Heavy Duty Industrial Std. Spec, for Snowmobiles and Spec, for Tractor for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Trackless ech Hearing Equipment (School) (Therapy Recorder, Auditory es, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Spec, for Children's Spec, for Children's Clothing (Undershirts, key, Football, Skiing, Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country and Spec, for Wireless Solid State Auditory resuscitators, Spirometers, Function Indicator, Volumeter, rator and Alternator Regulat/ Spec, for Garage Equipment r Gymnastics and Physical Fitness Apparatus (Balance Beam, Spec, for Mobile Radio Spec, for Office Machines (Dictating and itting Installation and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Std. Spec, for Spec, for Automatic Line Spec, for Automatic Load ompound for Cooling Tower, Condenser Systems, Stills, Heat Spec, for Furniture, Office (Steel) Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or Pads; Fasteners; Spec, for Water c Operated Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Spec, for Automatic or Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated for Record Storage and File Spec, for Printed Forms (Consent to ctroscopy, Low Angle Scattering and Texture of Materials) pectrometer (University) (1971) Spec, for Fourier Spec, for Substation Spec, for Electrical Supplies Spec, for spec, for Petroleum Products, Automotive (Gasoline; Motor, (1970) Requirements for ion, Turbine, Hydraulic, General Purpose, Motor, Automatic pment (1970?) Spec, for Heavy Duty Hydraulic General Requirements for Automatic Spec, for Automatic d (1968) Spec, for Automatic 968) Spec, for Hydraulic 968) Spec, for Hydraulic uty Trucks) (1967) Spec, for Automatic uty Trucks) (1967) Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Automatic Spec, for tor Service Kit, Ball Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Spec, for Spec, for Garage Equipment (Automatic Std. Spec, for Oil, Combination Hydraulic and d Dump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W., Manual ump Truck (6 X 4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb. G.V.W., Automatic Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Std. Spec, for Fluid, Automatic Std. Spec, for Fluid, Hydraulic Rust Proofi/ Wholesale Requirements for Motor, Automatic for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Driven, Twin Engine, Automatic Spec, for Gear Lubricants for el and Hypoid Rear Axles, Limited Slip Type Differentials, Spec, for Radio Towers and Spec, for Radio Towers and r Office Machines (Graphic Remote Display Equipment) (Data Spec, for Drafting Cloth, Paper, Film, Drawing Ink, Spec, for Girls' Trailer (1970) Trailer (1970) Trailer (1970?) Trailer (1971) Trailer (30 Ton Capacity) (1970) Trailer) (Division and Temperature Control) (1970) /Rt Trailer) (1969) Trailer) (1969) Spec, for Inspection Device, Exterio (Trailer) (1970) Trailer, Mobile Educational Testing Unit (1969) Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle for Housing Wat Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle (with Environme Trailer, Mobile Office, Triple Axle 12 X 64 Ft. (1969) Trailer, Mobile, Triple Axle, 40 - 60 Ft. (1968) Trailer, Mobile, Triple Axle, 40 Ft. - Air Pollution Mo Trailer, Semi, 15 Ton Capacity Tilt Bed (1962) Trailer, Semi, 25 Ton Capacity (1969) Trailer, Semi, 35 Ton Capacity Drop Deck, Low Bed ( 1970 Trailer, Tandem, Van Type, Truck, 22 Ft. ( 1969) Trailer, Tilt Platform (1968) Trailer, 31 cu. Yd. Mobile or Stationary) (1970) Trailers (Decal, Sticker) (1964) /R Pressure Sensitive Trailers (1971) Trailers (1971) Trailers, Mobile (1969) Trailer; Boat (Up to 24 Ft.) ( 1969) Train (2-Car - Passenger Transport) ( 1969) Trainer and Accessories) ( 1971 ) /Ec. for Group and Spe Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Tennis Ball T Training Pants (1970) Training Pants, Sleeping Suits) (1971) Training Shoes) (1971) /L and Winter) (Basketball, Hoc Training System (School) (1971) Training Thorax, Body Plethysmography Tonometer, Teachi (Trammel Bar, Timing Light) (Testers - Compression, Gene Trampoline, Horizontal Bar) (1970) Spec. Fo Transceiver Units (1970?) Transcribing) ( 1 97 1 ) Transfer and Extraction Set, Pneumatic Operated Transfe Transfer Cases (1971) Transfer Control, Two Engine Generator Unit ( 1969) Transfer Controls (1969) Transfer Devices and Steam Cleaners ( 1968) /Escaling C (Transfer File Cases) (1964) Transfer Files; Index Tabs; Gummed and Binder Labels; L Transfer Pump (Electric Motor Driven) (1970) Transfer Pump) (1969) /on and Extraction Set, Pneumati Transfer Switch (1970) Transfer (1967) Spec. F Transfer) (1970) (Transferable Functions) (Educational Purposes) (1967) Transform Capability Modification for Installation on S Transformer and Fused Interruptors (1970) (Transformer) (1970) Transit Mix Concrete (1969) Transmission and Differential Gear Oil and Fluid; Multi Transmission and Gear Box Lubricant (Nondetergent Oil) Transmission and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease (Cha Transmission Fluid for Truck, Bus and Earth Moving Equi Transmission Fluid (Dexron) (1968) Transmission Fluid, Ford Type M-2C33-F (1968) Transmission Fluid, General Motors Type, Dexron Approve Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, Type C-2 (1 Transmission Fluid, Torque Converter Fluid, Type 303 ( 1 Transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars and Light D Transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars and Light D Transmission Fluid; Automotive (1970) Transmission Gear Lubricant (1967) Transmission Jack, Wheel Dolly, Safety Stands, Portable Transmission Lubricant (1970) Transmission Testing Machine and System) (1969) Transmission (1970) Transmission) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powere Transmission) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered D Transmission, Dextron (Light Duty) (1970) Transmission, Ford, Light Duty (1970) Transmission, Heavy Duty, Type C-2 ( 1970) Transmission, Outboard, Gear Oil; Chassis Lubricant and Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (1967) Spec. Transmissions and Differentials (1970?) Transmissions, Final Drives) Extreme Pressure (1967) Transmitter Buildings (State Police) (1971) Transmitter Buildings (State Police) (1971) Transmitter, Receiver, Projector) (1971) Spec. Fo Transparencies, Processor Supplies ( 1971 ) Transparent Plastic Raincoats (1957) MI 3978-S2 SC ♦30 HI *3 SC 14-270-0451 A SC ♦28 NY 42300-0630 NY 41200-0476 PA D-20 NE ♦45 NJ 6542-08 NJ 6542-06 NJ 6542-01 NJ 6542-04 NJ 6542-03 NJ 6542-07 NJ 4938-47 NJ 4938-45 NJ 4938-136 MI 3978-0214 NY 42300-0766 NY 40534-0720 NJ 0734-05 AK ♦82 MS SM-1C-71 NJ 6542-11 OR 06-200-9010 NY 40500-0882 NY 38215-0388 NY 30200-0587 RI 4287-F-006 NY 40033-0138 NY 30200-0073 NY 38215-0783 NY 12200-0512 NY 35000-0938 NY 30204-0098 SC 38-100-1002 NY 22918-0017 NY 35000-0866 IL *32K CA 691-59-04 CA 691-59-03 CA 681-66-13 NY 00217-0405 NY 23000-0633 NY 46000-0591 NY 35000-0866 NY 35904-0671 MI 4811-0100 NJ *11 NY 11002-0563 NY 38782-0253 NY 34408-0230 NY 34415-0716 NJ 1320-00 NJ 3566-00 NE *76 MA *9 VA *26 NE *73 CA 681-91-33 CA 681-91-30 CA 681-91-31 CA 681-91-32 MI 5255-S8 MI 5255-S9 PA F-78 MI 5255-S10 NY 35000-0647 IN *15-7 NY 35000-0797 MS L-5B-70-17A AK *69 AK *70 MS L-5B-70-15A MS L-5B-70-16 MS L-5B-70-17 NH *6 NJ 4938-09 LA *8-3 MI 5255-S14 NY 38211-0178 NY 38211-0904 NY 22900-0899 NY 31602-0581 RI 4295-F-001 341 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards nners, Liquid, Prepared Sign Faces, Plastic Film Markings, Spec, for Cutting Oil, Machine, Spec, for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Spec, for Ready Mixed Stain (Semi Spec, for Ready Mixed Stain (Semi eptic Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Providing New Wells; truction) (1964) Std. Spec, for Planting and Spec, for Tilt Type Spec, for Prison Bus Bodies for Inmate Spec, for Trackless Train (2-Car - Passenger Spec, for Semi Van Trailer (Insulated, Frozen Food Spec, for Janitorial Service (Department of 69) Std. Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Spec, for Food lity Serving Table) ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Food Spec, for Food Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Food Spec, for Utility Type General Service Body (3/4 Ton) for ic Equipme/ Spec, for Universal (Compression, Tension and for Compound (Enzyme Bacteria) for Sewage Disposal, Grease Spec, for Grease Spec, for Steel Spec, for Radiator Spec, for Cans and Covers; Galvanized (Ash, Spec, for 1970 Spec, for Iron; Nodular, for Stoker, Keys, Chain and 1968) Spec, for rigerated Cold Counter and / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment fee or Tea and Custard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Spec, for Paper d. Spec, for Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Wire nds, Dish Carts, Self Leveling Bowl and Saucer and Cup and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Counters, Work Table, y Case, Cold Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Conveyor System and or Metal Smoker's Stand; Circular Style, Center Swivel Ash Spec, for Bakery Ovens (Revolving es, Pots, Scoops, Skimmer, Spoons, Mixing Bowl Stand, Mess Std. Spec, for Wire Tote, c. for Polypropylene Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Tumbler, s) ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Specimen Cabinets (Geology Paleontology, Std. Spec, for Food Service for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Hot and Cold Food Carts and Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, Tubs, Spec, for Serving e(1968) Spec, for e(1970) Spec, for Spec, for torn Continuous Data Processing Forms for Department of the (Preservative and Fire Retardant) (NYS Std.) (/ Spec, for 70) FED HH-C-466B Std. Spec, for Glass Cloth; Resin Spec, for Cloth; Poplin (Zelan Spec, for Wood Fence Posts Spec, for Boot, Leather, 8 In., Oil Spec, for Coal (1 and 1/4 In. Oil Spec, for Coal ( 1 and 1/4 In. X 1/4 In. Oil Spec, for Concrete Form Coating Materials nt ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for Boiler Compound and Water Spec, for Dust Mop Spec, for Industrial Type Heat Spec, for Concrete d. Spec, for Professional Services and Chemicals for Water r Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing Wax, Mop Std. Spec, for Dust Mop and Cloth ts, Fence Posts, and Piling / Std. Spec, for Preservative Spec, for Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits Oil or Pentachlorophenol) (1970?/ Spec, for Preservative c. for Aluminum Sulfate (of Alumina), for Water and Sewage tioning System (1969) Spec, for Water Spec, for Surface Spec, for Surface Spec, for Steel Grid Flooring and Protective for Structural Timber, Lumber, and Preservative Std. Spec, for Bituminous Surfacing (Single Std. Spec, for Bituminous Surfacing (Triple Std. Spec, for Bituminous Surfacing (Double Spec, for Heavy Chemicals (Boiler Water dercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop e in Concrete, Mortar and Covering Materials in Bituminous Spec, for Paint; ch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Spec, for (1964) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sprayer, 400 Gal., Trailer Mounted, 42 Std. Spec, for Lumber, astm A36, A/ o / Spec, for Highway / e) for Highw/ for Highway/ Transparent Silk Screen and Process Letters and Numeral NY Transparent ( 1 968 ) CA Transparent (1971) FED Std. 1 47 PA Transparent) (1970) FED TT-W-572, USC CS262-63 NY Transparent) (1971) NY Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Highway SC Transplanting of Trees, Scrubs, and Vines (Highway Cons SC Transport Trailer (1969) SC Transport (1969) SC Transport) (1969) NY Transport, 44,000 Lb. Payload) (1970) NY Transportation) (1970) NJ Transporting and Serving Food Conveyors) (NYS Std.) (19 NY Transporting and Serving Units (Conveyor) ( 1971 ) NY Transporting and Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler, Uti NY Transporting and Serving Units (1968) NY Transporting Carts) (Conveyor) (1969) NY Transporting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Parts and SC Transverse) Testing Machine (Screw Power Type) (Scienif NY Trap and Drain Cleaning (1958) Spec. PA Trap Cleaner (1969) CA Trapezoidal Tables (Office Furniture) (1969) RI Traps and Valves (Discount) ( 1 97 1 ) NY Trash, Garbage ) ( 1 965 ) PA Travelall Vehicle (1970?) WY Travelling Grates ( 1 96 1 ) PA Traxcavator, with 2 cu. Yd. Bucket (Front End Loader) NJ (Tray and Silverware Cart, Cashiers Stands, Portable Ref NY Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pa PA Tray Covers (1965) KY Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type and Pla FL Tray Dispensers) (1971) /Ervice Equipment (Cashier Sta NY Tray Dispensers, Dish Carts) (1971) NY Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee War NY Tray Stacker) (1969) NY Tray (Office Furniture) (1969) Spec. F RI Tray) (1971) NY Tray) ( 1971 ) NSF 2 /Ty Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plat PA Tray, and Waste Baskets ( 1 97 1 ) IL Tray, Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Spe NY Trays (Metal, Paste, Plastic, Wood, Pin, Clip, and Glas IL Trays) (1968) NY Trays, Fibre Glass - Polyester Plastic (1966) NC Trays, Portable Tables, Heated Serving and Ice Cream An NY Trays, Tote Boxes, Paddle) (1970) /R, Kettles, Ladles, PA Trays; Fiberglass (1971) FED Std. 406 PA Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machin TX Tread Rubber Stock for Automated Tire Retreading Machin TX Treads; Stair, Rubber and Vinyl (1970) PA Treasury (1968) Spec, for Cus NJ Treated Lumber, Plywood, Shingles, Posts, Piles, Poles NY Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Grade Walls) (19 OR Treated) (Textile) (1960) PA (Treated) (1970?) MS Treated, Men's (1969) CA Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) ( 1969) MI Treated, Modified Stoker, Deep Mined, Southern) (1969) MI (Treating Agent) (1970?) MS Treating Chemicals, Water Testing, Reagents and Equipme IL Treating Compound; Concentrate (1966) FED P-D-800D TX Treating Furnaces (Electrical, Heavy Duty) (1968) NY Treating Oil (1970?) ASTM D-484, D-206, D-235 MS Treatment and Corrosion Control (1971 ) St MS Treatment Compound, Gymnasium) (1971) Spec, for Floo NY Treatment Compound, Liquid ( 1969) MS Treatment for Timber, Lumber, Steel Beam Guard Rail Pos SC Treatment Material (Highway Construction) (1970) VA Treatment of Timber, Lumber, Piling and Posts (Creosote MS Treatment Purposes (1955) Spe PA Treatment System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Condi NY Treatment Washed Concrete Sand (1969) NJ Treatment 3/8 In. Broken Stone (1970?) NJ Treatment (for Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) VA Treatment (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Aash VA Treatment) (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Cement, Asphalt, Prime) SC Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Cement, Asphalt, Prim SC Treatment) (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Tar, Asphalt, Cement) SC Treatment) (1961) FED Std. 536 PA Treatment) (1971) /Re Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Un NY Treatments (Highway Construction) (1970) /Ine Aggregat VA Tree Marking ( 1 965 ) FED Std. 141 PA Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute M VA Tree Trimming Services at Public Schools (1970?) HI Tree Wells and Root Protection for Highway Construction SC Tree (1968) NJ Tree, and Log Marking Paint (1966) FED Std. 141, TT-P-4 WA 38601-0173 681-91-21 T— 56 38000-0052 38000-0931 HD-125 HD-111 14-270A 14-050A 40500-0882 42300-0493 *10 36112-0264 36112-0204 36112-0381 36112-0745 36114-0345 22-600-0300A 38787-0813 C-101 691-77-51 1-031 37612-0815 C-14 *8 1-19 4938-107 36100-0413 F-80 7850-5 *21 36200-0605 36114-0262 36200-0768 36200-0979 1-023 31201 F-80 *32C 21102-0036 *32GGG 12004-0091 7350-ST-l 36114-0572 A-4 T-51 035-82-1A 060-75-1 T-34 7130-01 37513-0851 64-500-0110 C-125 3413 691-84-01 4210-S2 4210-S6 3902 *1 370-63-6A 12023-0676 3917 WT-2D-7 1 22004-0529 C-10A-69 HD-77 DH-256 3491 A-8 40802-1032 1356-02 1356-01 DH-233 DH-244 HD-62 HD-63 HD-61 H-15 22002-0537 DH-202 P-140 DH-257 ♦15 HD-110 4938-114 S-66-98 342 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Planting and Transplanting of nd Other Appurtenances; Providing New Wells; Transplant of rass), Fertilizer, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, e (1970?) Spec, for Plant Stock , Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Spec, for Self Propelled Spec, for Printing of College Catalogues Spec, for Portable Metal Spec, for Portable Spec, for Mop, Dust, chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Trioxohexahydro S chlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Spec, for Spec, for Typewriter Cleaning Solution, Nonflammable herbicides (Dichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxyacetic, 967) Spec, for 2, 4, 5- spec. for Herbicides, Liquid, Low Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 ow Volatile (Esters of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 (Ester of Combination 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Amino Tria/ Spec, for Herbicides (Dichlorophenoxyacetic, Std. Spec, for Brush Killer (2 4 5 Spec, for Girls" Slips (Rayon and Acetate Spec, for Women's and Girls" Panties (Rayon and Acetate Spec, for Amino Alcohol Surfactant Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Sash and Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Exterior, Wood Spec, for Varnish; Interior, Floor and Std. Spec, for Varnish, Interior, Spec, for Brushes; Paint, Sash and Spec, for Varnish, Wood Floor and Spec, for Paint Brushes (Sash Tool and Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Snythetic, Sash and Std. Spec, for Winter Spec, for Plastic Laminate Bonded Panels (Decorative Spec, for Tree buttonhole, Blunt Point, Embroidery, Pocket, Tailor's, Rug yanurate (Organic Chlorine Carrier), 1, 3 Dichloro 2, 4, 6 Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Spec, for Heavy Duty Reversible Spec, for Grader, with Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Safety Spec, for High Level Flashing Lights and ent Builder) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Sodium ers (Anhydrous) (1968) Spec, for Sodium Spec, for Anhydrous Sodium eaners (1968) ASTM D538 Spec, for lder, Water Softening, and Boiler Scale Preven/ Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Chlorinated 1953) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Electric Hoist and in Operated) (1970) Spec, for Crane, struments (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Spec, for Portable r Outerwear (Fall and Winter) (Hooded Sweatshirts, Parkas, Spec, for Men's Winter Work Spec, for Laundry Presses; Commercial Shirts, Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Summer Uniform Spec, for Tan Summer Uniform Spec, for Twill Shirts and Spec, for Men's Winter Cotton Spec, for Men's Work Std. Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Men's Wool Spec, for Men's Corduroy Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Summer Uniform spec, for Highway Driver License Examiner's Summer Uniform Spec, for Men's and Boys" Permanent Press Spec, for Wash and Wear Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Boys" and Young Men's Dress Spec, for Uniforms jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and Wool Spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance Tent^Spec. for Spec, for Uniforms, Maintenance (Blouses, Spec, for Uniforms (Cossack Jackets, -19 IB Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Uniform Spec, for Trees, Scrubs, and Vines (Highway Construction) ( 1964) Trees, Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Highway Construction Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree (Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Perennials) for Roadside Landscap Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Grass, Timothy, Lawn Trenching Machine (1969) (Trenton) (1970) Trestle and Extension Ladder (1960) ANSI A 14.2-56 Trestle and Extension Wood Ladder (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Triangular, Cotton or Nylon ( 1966) Triazine (Salt for Dry Laundry Bleach Manufacture) ( 196 Triazole, Soil Sterilant, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oi Tributoxyethyl Phosphate (1969) Trichloroethane (1970) Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Amino Triazole, Soil St Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Brush Killer (Herbicide) (1 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) (1971) Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) (Wanner Invert Emulsion S Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) (1971) /De, Low Volatile Trichlorophenoxyacetic, Trichlorophenoxy Acid, Radapon, Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volatile Ester) (1961) Tricot) (1957) Tricot) (1969) (Triethanolamine) (1966) ASTM D941, E203, D1209 Trim Enamel (1970) Trim (Paint) (1969) Trim (1968) FED TT-V-71, Std. 141 Trim (1969) Trim (1970) Trim, Interior (1963) Trim, Nylon Filament) (1964) FED H-B-491D Trim, Safety Code Colors (1969) Trimmed Uniform Shirt (Police and Departmental) (1971) Trimmed) (1971) NEMA LD-1-64, USC CS236-66 Trimming Services at Public Schools (1970?) Trimming) and Pinking Shears (1953) /C. for Scissors Trioxohexahydro S Triazine (Salt for Dry Laundry Bleach Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Trip Blade Snow Plow (1970) Trip Edge Leveling and Heavy Duty One Way Plow ( 1967) Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting) (1969) Trip, High Speed, Truck Mounting) (1971) Trip, Reversible Type) (1969) Tripod Stand (1969) Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (Soap Manufacture and Deterg Tripolyphosphate in Compounding of Detergents and Clean Tripolyphosphate (1967) Trisodium Phosphate in Compounding of Detergents and CI Trisodium Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Bui Trisodium Phosphate (Monohydrate) (1965) Trisodium Phosphate (Water Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Trisodium Phosphate (1966) Trisodium Phosphate, Chlorinated (Sanitizer, Cleaner) Trolley) (1966) Trollies and Hoists (Single Girder, 3 Ton Capacity, Cha Trombone, Snare Drum) (1971) Spec, for Musical in Trough Conveyor (Belt Type) (1971) Trousers - Men's) (1969) Spec. Fo Trousers (Armada Twill) (Slacks) (1970) Trousers (Cabinet Type) (1968) Trousers (Departmental) (1971) Trousers (Institutional Officer) (Slacks) (1968) Trousers (Khaki Twill) (Slacks) (1971) Trousers (Men's and Boys') ( 1970) Trousers (Slacks) (Army Twill) (1957) Trousers (Slacks) (Army Twill) (1962) Trousers (Slacks) (Police and Departmental) (1971) Trousers (Slacks) (1957) Trousers (Slacks) (1958) Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Trousers (Slacks) (1970) Trousers (Slacks) (1971) Trousers (Twill) (Check and Plaid) (1962) Trousers (Twill) (Solid Color) ( 1962) Trousers (Twill) (1962) Trousers (1957) (Trousers) (Departmental) (1968) Trousers) (Departmental) (1970) (Trousers) (Park) (1970) Trousers, Men's Work (1964) Trousers, Police Storm Hats) (Park) (1970) Trousers, Suit Coats) (Department) (1968) Trousers; Dress (State Police Academy) (1969) FED CCC-T Trousers; Summer (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Trout Food (Fish) (1971) / for Field Clothing sc HD-111 sc HD-125 VA DH-257 MS 3861 NY 07900-0584 SC 14-420 NJ 8340-01 VA DG-11 VA FN-3 KY 7920-13 TX 371-87-1 NY 22100-0497 TX 371-91-1 CA 701-66-16 NY 22100-0497 NE ♦64 MS H-3A-71 MS H-9-7 1 MS H-8-71 NY 22100-0497 WA S-61-37 RI 4287-F-018 RI 4280-F-005 TX 371-78-5 MS PE-6 OR 77-100-9060 PA V-7 OR 77-100-9410 PA B-45 IA *1-11 VA C-6 CA 691-80-32 WA S-64-77-C NY 31808-0332 HI *15 IL *33P TX 371-87-1 NE *56 NE *59 NJ 4938-08A NY 40900-0317 NY 40900-0375 NY 40900-0881 NY 35703-0815 NY 25523-0327 CA 681-66-09 TX 371-76-1A CA 681-66-07 TX 153-33-1 TX 371-84-1 MS S-2-53-6 TX 371-84-2 MS S-2-53-6A NY 00365-0391 NY 43100-0653 NY 38320-0503 NY 41500-0511 NY 40011-0084 RI 4284-M-005 PA P-159 NY 39300-0333 SC 03-010-0211 SC 03-010-0211 A NY 40010-0673 RI 4284-M-004 RI 4284-M-006 WA S-64-75-E RI 4284-M-003 RI 4284-M-001 SC 03-010 SC 03-0 10A RI 4284-M-008 SC 03-010-1152 RI 4284-M-020 RI 4284-M-019 RI 4284-M-018 RI 4284-M-016 NY 39307-0424 NY 39307-0603 NY 39300-0525 KS 81-2 NY 39300-0527 NY 39300-0624 PA U-43 PA U-39 SD ♦8 343 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 19/ Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (High Lift Fork Truck uniform Meth. for Requisitions Preparation for Automobile, Truck Spec, for Snow Plows (Heavy Duty, Reversible, for Dump Truck Spec, for Mist Sprayer (300 Gal.) Truck Hyraulic Hoist (1970) Spec, for 3 cu. Yd. Dump Truck c. for Hydraulic Powered Abrasive Spreaders (5 cu. yd Dump Truck Std. Spec, for Cleaner, Liquid, Car and Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Conventional 20,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck 00 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Tank (Tar, Asph/ Spec, for Truck Roadside Sprayer) ( 1961) Spec, for Truck Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (4 Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Spec, for Short Wheel Base Truck Spec, for Conventional 14,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck Spec, for Conventional Dump Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for 10,000 Lb. (Minimum) G.V.W. Truck Spec, for Conventional Truck Spec, for Truck ) Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Truck b.) (1968) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Truck Spec, for Sand Spreader (8 cu. Yd. (Struck) Truck Spec, for Snow Plow Truck Spec, for Trailer Connectors, Electrical, Truck 58 Spec, for Automobile and Truck Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Manual), Platform Truck nd Road Salt) (1968) Spec, for Truck Spec, for Wrecker, 25 Ton Truck Spec, for Hydraulic Systems (Truck automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus - 2 Man Crew) (Pickup Truck Spec, for Crane, (Truck king) (1968) Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck 69) Spec, for Striping Machine (Truck Spec, for Bituminous Distributor for Truck spec, for Tailgate Roller (Vibrating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck rial Spreader (Auger Feed, Single Spinner Type, Sand, Dump Truck 1 Spreader, Minimum 6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Body (Truck hydraulically Operated Hopper Body Material Spreader (Dump Truck Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck Spec, for Mist Sprayer (150 Gal. or More) (Pickup Truck er Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck rial Spreader (Hydraulically Operated Hopper Body for Dump Truck er Body (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride), Truck Spec, for Milk Tank Body, 1,500 Gal. (Truck Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way, Safety Trip, High Speed, Truck dy - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride) Dump Truck erated, All Purpose, Salt, Sand, Chlorides and Stone, Dump Truck er Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck er Body - Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders and Calcium Chloride, Truck ring Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Wheel Dolly, Truck Spec, for 30,000 G.V.W. Truck Spec, for 50,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for 52,000 G.V.W. Tandem Truck Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Spec, for Conventional Heavy Duty Truck Spec, for Heavy Duty Conventional Truck Spec, for Truck (1971) Spec, for Truck 1) ( 1 970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Truck Spec, for Laundry Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck Spec, for Truck s Fittings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck w.)(1971) Spec, for Truck 5,000 Lb.) (1970) Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck k Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile/ Spec, for Truck r Attachment (Belly Blade)/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck w., 4 X 4) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck w.)(1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck w.) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck w.)(1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck b. G.V.W.) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck b. G.V.W.) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck Spec, for Platform Truck Spec, for Platform Truck Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck - Battery Powered Stand-Up and Sit Down Riders) and Special Automotive Equipment (Manual) (1966) Attachment) (1970) Bed Mounting (1971) Body Complete with Cab Shield and Double Arm Type Body Type) (1970?) Spe Body (Tar and Petroleum Removal) (1963) Cab and Chassis (10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Cab and Chassis (1970) Cab and Chassis (22,000 G.V.W.) (1970) Cab and Chassis (32,000 G.V.W.) (1969) Cab and Chassis, 151 In. Wheelbase with Mounted 8 Cab and Chassis, 25,500 Lb. G.V.W. (for 1000 Gal. Cab Chassis) (1970) Chassis with All Wheel Drive (1970) Chassis with Cab and Platform Stake Body (1970) Chassis with Cab (G.V.W. 19,500 Lb.) (1970) Chassis with Cab ( 10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) ( 1971 ) Chassis with Cab (10,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Chassis with Cab (1969) Chassis with Cab, G.V.W. 21,000 Lb. ( 1969) Chassis with Single Speed Rear Axle (1970) Chassis with Tilt Cab and 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970 Chassis with Two Speed Rear Axle (1970) Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body ( 1970) Chassis, Cab and Pickup Body ( 1970) for Mounting on 20 Ft. Van Body) (G.V.W. 53,000 L Fully Reversible Chassis Mounted) (1971) Hitch (1968) Jumper Cables (1969) SAE J560a Lifts (2 Post, Fully Hydraulic) (1964) USC CS142- Metal), End Rack, 18,000 Lb. Capacity (1971) Mounted Material Spreader (Sand, Chips, Cinders A Mounted (1965) Mounted) (1968) Mounted) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Mounted) (20 Ton Capacity) (1967) Mounted, High Temperature Zone) (Highway Line Mar Mounted, Self Contained Traffic Line Marking) (19 Mounting (1969) Mounting) for Asphalt Compaction for Patching Ope Mounting) (Hospital) (1971) Spec, for Mate Mounting) (Salt, Sand, Chips, Cinders, Calcium Ch Mounting) (1968) Mounting) (1969) Mounting) (1969) Mounting) (1969) Mounting) (1970) Mounting) (1970) Mounting) (1971) Mounting) (1971) Mounting) (1971) Mounting) (1971) Mounting) (1971) Mounting) (1971) Spec, for /Urn 5 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity Hopp Spec, for Mate /6 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopp / Yd. Struck Capacity Hopper Bo /L Spreader (Hydraulically - Op /5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopp /5 cu. Yd. Struck Capacity Hopp Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis (1970) Tilt Cab and Chassis ( 1971 ) Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1969) Tractor with Cab (G.C.W. 42,000 Lb.) (1970) Tractor (G.C.W. Not Less Than 65,000) (1970) Tractor (45,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6X4, Diesel) (1971) Tractor (54,000 Lb. G.V.W., 6 X 4, 318 HP Diesel) Tractors with Short Conventional Cab and 5Th Whee Tubs (Institutional Use) (1946) Type Street Sweeper (1969) Type Turn Post, Full Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Type Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Type Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Type Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Wheels, Track Support Rollers and Idlers) (1967) with Auger Type Rotary Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V. with Closed Cab with 6 1/2 Ft. Long Body (G.V.W. with Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Wor with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Underbody Maintaine with Front Snow Plow (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V. with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V. with Front Snow Plow ( 10 Ft. Box, 32,000 Lb. G.V. with Front Snow Plow (10 Ft. Box, 37,000 Lb. G.V. with Front Snow Plow (13 Ft. Box, 6X4, 45,000 L with Front Snow Plow (6X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 L with Rack Sides (10,000 G.V.W.) (1969) with Rack Sides (22,000 G.V.W.) (1969) with Snow and Wing Plows) (Departmental) (1971) NY 39101-0892 IL •25 NY 40900-0497 NY 46800-0776 SC 22-600 VA *15 MS C-37 NH 6536-030 SC ♦21 NH 6536-033 NH 6536-038 NJ 4938-28 NJ 4938-25 NY 41600-0620 NE *50 SC 14-010-0451 SC *18 SC 14-020-0451 SC 14-020-0702 SC 14-020 SC 14-020-0451 A NE *17 NE *28 NE *16 CA 702-23-04 CA 702-23-05 NY 40500-0714 AK *9 NJ 4938-118 CA 691-23-26 TX 045-45-1 NY 39100-0398 SC 14-400 NJ 4938-81 NY 40500-0016 NY 40501-0502 NJ 4938-93 NY 41303-0626 NY 41303-0111 SC 14-120 AK *52 NY 41000-0243 NY 41000-0182 NY 41000-0071 NY 40900-03 1 7 NY 46800-0861 NY 41000-0801 NY 41000-0665 NY 41000-0531 NY 40500-0647 NY 40900-0375 NY 41000-0870 NY 41000-0325 NY 41000-0390 NY 41000-0768 NY 35000-0866 SC *23 SC ♦24 SC *25 SC 14-020-2616 SC 14-310 SC *19 SC 14-310A AK ♦57 AK *56 NY 40500-0479 PA T-6 SC 14-260E NY 35000-0299 CA 681-91-84 CA 681-91-85 CA 681-91-83 MI 5255-S11 AK ♦80 SC •17 NJ 4938-48 AK ♦63 AK ♦62 AK ♦59 AK ♦60 AK ♦58 AK •64 AK *67 NH 6536-020 NH 6536-021 NY 40500-0206 344 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck ) for Snow Plowing and Ice/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Aerial Lift Truck 1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck lb. G.V.W.) (1971) Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck aulic Power Tailgate, Ramp Type for Mounting on Stake Body Truck Spec, for Dump Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 4X4 Truck Spec, for Tractor Truck Spec, for Tandem Axle Truck Std. Spec, for Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for Materials Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for Commercial 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for Van Truck (1970) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Truck c. for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical), Fork Lift Truck ity ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Industrial Truck Std. Spec, for Carryall Type Truck Ft. Utility Type General Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck Wheel and Winch (1969) Spec, for Truck ne and 5Th Weel (1969) Spec, for Truck Spec, for Book Truck Spec, for 14 Ft. Stake Body for Mounting on Truck Spec, for Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck Spec, for 14 Ft. Stake Body for Mounting on Truck Spec, for 20 Ft. Van Type Body for Mounting on Truck Spec, for 6 Passenger Carryall Type Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 1 Ton Pickup Truck . for 8 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck . for 20 Ft. Roll Back Ramp Body and Hoist for Mounting on Truck . for Utility Type General Service Body for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck for 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist, for Mounting on Truck for 1 2 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck for 1 2 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck for 1 2 Ft. Stake Body, and Hydraulic Hoist for Mounting on Truck Std. Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck General Spec, for Automobile and Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 6 Man Cab Pick Up Truck s Fired), Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Ware Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 10 Ft. Snow Plow for 3 Ton Truck Spec, for 2 Way Reversible 1 1 Ft. Snow Plow for 3 Ton Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck c. for Rotary Auger Type Snow Plow (36,000 Lb. G.V.W.) and Truck Minimum Spec, for 114 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheel Base Pickup Truck Spec, for Street Flushing Truck Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Wheelbase Pickup Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Spec, for Police Panel Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Pickup Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck Spec, for Lift Truck Std. Spec, for Fire Fighting Equipment (Aerial Ladder Truck Spec, for Recapping Tires (Automobile and Truck c. for Carburetor Air Cleaner Filter Elements (Automobile, Truck and Accessories (Metal) (Small Animal, Laboratory Service Truck Std. Spec, for Van Body (Truck Spec, for Van Wagon (5 Passenger, Truck Spec, for Suburban Type Vehicle (Truck for Automotive Equipment (Fire Pumper Apparatus - Pickup Truck Spec, for 4X2 Window Van (Sport Type, Truck Spec, for 1/2 Ton, 4X2 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Wideside Style Pickup (Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup (Truck Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Police Pickup, 1/2 Ton (Truck ce (Custom Built) (Desk, Bookcase, Conference Tables, Book Truck transmission ) (1971) nsmission) ( 1971 ) with Snow and Wing Plows) ( 1971 ) with Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade with 1 Man Fiberglass Bucket) (1971) with 10 Ft. Front Snow Plow ( 13 Ft. Box, 6X4) with 10 Ft. Snow Plow (6 X 4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 with 14 Ft. Platform (1970) Spec, for Hydr with 2 Speed Rear Axle (1970) with 4 Door Crew Cab (1969) with 4 Ton Wrecker Body ( 1971 ) with 5Th Wheel, Gasoline Powe-Ed ( 1 65) with 7 to 9 cu. Yd. Dump Body ( 1970) 2 1/2 Ton with Dump Duty (1970) All Wheel Drive) (1970?) All Wheel Drive) (1970?) Automotive Type) (1970?) Battery Powered Walkie) (1971) G.V.W. 4,200 Lb. or More) (1969) G.V.W. 5,000 Lb. or More) (1969) G.V.W. 5,100 Lb.) (1970) Garbage), 4X4, 36,000 G.V.W., Front Snow Plow) Gasoline Powered ) (1971) Spe Gasoline Powered, Wide Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. Capac Motor Vehicle) (1970) Steel) for Automotive Repair Parts and Mechanic' Tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 5Th Tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Cra Wood Library Funiture) (1969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) . 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 969) 970) 970) 970) 970) 970) 970?) 970?) 970?) 970?) 970?) 971) 971) /2 Ton) Positraction Axle (1970?) /2Ton) (1970?) /2 Ton, Positraction Axle) (1970?) /2Ton, 4 X4) (1970?) 2000 Gal., 6X4, 39,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) 3/4 Ton) (1970?) 4 Wheel Drive) (1970) 4 Wheel Drive) (1970) 4X4) (Paddy Wagon) (1971) 6 Passenger Cab, Minimum 8 Ft. Box) (1971) 6 Passenger Crew Cab and Utility Box) ( 1971 ) 6 Passenger Crew Cab with Front Plow) ( 1971 ) 6 Passenger Crew Cab) ( 1971 ) 6 X4, 13 Ft. Box, 45,000 Lb. G.V.W.) (1971) 6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb 6X4, 14 Ft. Box, 50,000 Lb 7,000 Lb. Rating) (1969) 1963) 1965) 1967) 1968) 1969) 1970) 1970) 1970) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971) 1971 ) Spec, for Furniture, Offi Spec Spec Spec Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec, for Kiln (Ga Spe G.V.W., Automatic G.V.W., Manual Tra Spec Std. Spe for Cages Spec AK NJ NE NE AK NJ NE NJ NJ RI MI MI MI MI NE MI SC MI MI MI MI IN IN NY 40500-0119 AK *61 NY 40533-0527 AK *65 ♦68 4938-15 *29 •22 ♦55 4938-79 *18 MS TV- 10-71 NV *2 NV *4 NV *5 NY 39101-0279 NE *20 NE *21 SC *27 NY 40502-0467 NY 39101-0350 NY 45001-0808 MS TV-5-71 SC *7 4938-44 4938-128 4348-005 3958-0123 3958-0147 3958-0161 3958-0165 *23 NH 6536-012 NH 6536-014 MI 3958-0061 3958-0151 22-600-0451 3958-0079 3958-0139 3958-0143 3958-0119 *12 *13 NH 6536-010 SC *16 NY 23104-0232 NV *1 NV *3 VA *11 VA *12 VA *5 AK *2 AK *5 WY *2 WY *3 WY *7 WY *5 AK *79 WY *4 NH 6536-011 NH 6536-013 AK *30 AK *54 AK *46 AK *47 AK *45 *66 *70 ♦69 14-100 WA S-63-63 SC 27-100-0451 MS F-25-67 NY 12040-0669 OR 07-100-9010 SC *26 SC 14-0 10-0451 A NY 40501-0086 AK *34 AK *37 AK *38 AK *40 AK *41 AK *43 OR 06-200-1050 NY 21802-0174 AK AK AK SC 345 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1) 1971) Std. (Manual Hyd/ 000 Lb. Body and Payload (1969) yload (1969) yload (1969) load (1969) 69) Hoist, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Hoist, Special, 12,500 Lb. Payload (1969) ayload (1969) 9) 69) st (1969) hoist (1969) Spec. Spec, for Compact Van Spec, for Compact Van Spec, for Compact Van Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for Tractor Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X4 Stepside Style Pickup Spec, for Multipurpose Grease (Passenger Car, Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Lift Spec, for Heavy Duty Hydraulic Transmission Fluid for st, 12,000 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for G.V.W. (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 7,300 Lb. G.V.W. Spec, for 24,000 G.V.W. Spec, for for Material Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork Spec, for Fusees (Flare), Red, Spec, for Std. Spec, for 10,500 Lb. Payload (1969) Spec, for 8,000 G.V.W.) (1971/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump 2,000 G.V.W.) (1970/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Right Hand Wing PI/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump d ZZ-T/ Spec, for Retreading and Repairing of Automobile, (1966) Spec, for Spec, for ce, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Spec, for Spec, for d FF-C-86, FF-C-88 Spec, for Platform Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift th Utility Body and 360 Deg. Aerial Ladder (19/ Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Custom T.V. Van ile Media and Instructional Materials Laboratory - Center electric Powered Weight Dolly for Testing Seal/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Pickup Spec, for Spec, for Fork Lift Spec, for Crane for Panel Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for for Trailer, Tandem, Van Type, Spec, for 0) and Aerial Ladder (1970) ed Van Body for Personnel (1970) arch Laboratory) (1968) c Platform Lift (1969) c Platform Lift (1969) nd Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) arch Laboratory) (1969) and Aerial Ladder (1968) and Roadside Sprayer (1970) ter Tank Body (1969) cleaner (1967) and Core Drill (1970) Spec. Spec. (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Airport Emergency Vehicle) (197 (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Heating and Plumbing Special) (Truck) (4X 2) (1971) (Truck), 32,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) (Truck), 50,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) (Truck), 65,000 L.B. G.C.W. (1969) (Truck )( Police) (1971) Truck, and Tractor Lubrication) ( 1961 ) Battery Powered Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) Bus and Earth Moving Equipment (1970?) and Basket Lift (1970) Spec. mpressor and Pavement Marking Machine Unit (Tr/ gal. Bituminous Distributor (1970) body with Hydraulic Tailgate (1969) Body, Electric Powered Crane (1968) now Plow Hitch, and Material Spreader (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck (Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Cab and Chassis with Dump Body and Hydraulic Hoi Cab and Chassis (Tilt Cab), Special, 25,000 L.B. Cab and Chassis (25,500 G.V.W.) (1970) Cab and Chassis, Special, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13, Cab and Chassis, Special, 13,000 Lb. Body and Pa Cab and Chassis, Special, 14,000 Lb. Body and Pa Cab and Chassis, Special, 19,500 Lb. (1969) Cab and Chassis, Special, 25,000 Lb. (1969) Cab and Chassis, Special, 5,800 Lb. Body and Pay Cab and Chassis, 10,000 Lb. Body and Payload (19 Cab and Chassis, 1 2 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Bodv and Hydraulic Cab and Chassis, 12 Ft. Stake Body, 13,000 Lb. P Cab and Chassis, 14 Ft. Stake Body, Special (196 Cab and Chassis, 14,000 Lb. Body and Payload (19 Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Van Type Body (1969) Cab and Chassis, 8 Ft. Stake Body, Hydraulic Hoi Cab and Chassis, 9 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Chassis and Cab Only (1970) Chassis and Cab (1970?) Blazer, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) Counter Balanced, Battery Powered, 2000 Lb. Capa Emergency (Without Spike) (1969) Ford Bronco (Pickup) (1969) Fork Lift, Gasoline Powered (1966) Forward Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. Roll Back Body, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (2 Four Wheel Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (3 Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Grader and Other Off the Highway Tires (1967) Fe Heavy Duty, with Dump Body, 3 1 ,000 Lb. Capacity International Scout (Jeep) (1969) Invalid Walker, Body Support) (1970) /Ng, Servi Jeep Pickup, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) Jeep Universal, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) Light Medium Duty (Materials Handling) (1968) Fe LP Gas Powered) (1970) LP Gas Powered) (1971) Medium Duty, Six Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted Wi Mobile Television Studio) (1969) Motor Vehicle) (1969) /S and Floor Plan for Mob Motor, Gasoline Engine, Electric Generator, and Panel, 9 Ft. (1969) Pickup, Special, 6 and 1/2 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Pickup, 8 Ft. Box, Special (1969) Pickup, 9 Ft. Box (1969) Special, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Van Type with 3,000 Watt A.C. Generator (1968) Walk Behind (1968) Warehouse, Gasoline, Pneumatic Rubber Tires (196 1,200 Lb. Payload (1969) 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulat 10,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Rese 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydrauli 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Body and Hydrauli 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Utility Closed Top Body A 12 Ft. Stake Body and Hydraulic Hoist (1969) 12 Ft. Stake Body (1969) 12 Ft. Stake Body (1969) 12,000 G.V.W. with Fiber Glass Body (Mobile Rese 14 Ft. Stake Body (1969) 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Platform Body 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Wa 20,000 G.V.W., Mounted with High Velocity Sewer 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Van Type Body 22 Ft. (1969) 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Utility Body 22,000 G.V.W. Cab Over Axle, Mounted with Air Co 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Mounted 1500 24,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 14 Ft. Stake 24,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis with Platform 24,000 G.V.W., Cab and Chassis with Dump Body, S AK *33 AK *32 AK •31 MI 3958-0174 MI 3958-0176 MI 3958-0178 AK *42 NC 9150-G-14 NY 39101-0471 VA *26 MI 3958-0146 MI 3958-0168 NH 6536-035 MI 3958-0136 MI 3958-0096 MI 3958-0132 MI 3958-0128 MI 3958-0156 MI 3958-0072 MI 3958-0102 MI 3958-0138 MI 3958-0142 MI 3958-0134 MI 3958-0160 MI 3958-0130 MI 3958-0164 MI 3958-0060 MI 3958-0078 SC *20 VA *4 MI 3958-0080 NY 39101-0409 CA 691-10-26 MI 3958-0086 NC 3950-TFL-2 MI 3958-0150 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0148 TX 035-79-1A NJ 4938-91 MI 3958-0088 NY 11613-0292 MI 3958-0084 MI 3958-0082 PA T-77 NY 39101-0673 NY 39101-0594 NJ 4938-41 NY 40504-0884 NJ *2 NJ *1-1 MI 3958-0054 MI 3958-0090 MI 3958-0046 MI 3958-0092 MI 3958-0048 MI 3958-0052 MI 3958-0026 NJ 4938-96 NJ 4938-123 NC 3950-C-9 MI 3958-0028 NJ 4938-138 NJ 4938-141 NJ 6542-02 NJ 4938-24 NJ 4946-00 NJ 4938-51 MI 3958-0118 MI 3958-0076 MI 3958-0106 NJ 6542-02A MI 3958-0122 NJ 4938-115 NJ 4938-99 NJ 4938-23 NJ 4938-103 NJ 4938-140 MI 3978-0214 NJ 4938-134 NJ 4938-22 NJ 4938-132 NJ 4938-106 NJ 4938-73 NJ 4938-00 346 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards r Body (1969) m (1970) sible Boom (1968) e Spreader, Snow Plow Assemblies (1968) draulic Tailgate (1968) semilive, / pec. for Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Collection and Body with Drop Sides ( 1967) Spec, for form Body with Stake Pockets (1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pickup Spec, for Fork Lift Spec, for Fork Lift Spec, for Spec, for Pickup Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Pallet Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Service / Utility Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; for Motor Oil, Heavy Duty, for Gasoline and Diesel Powered ment (Mobile Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Spec, for Double Mopping Outfits, Spec, for Lamps and Reflectors (Lights) for All Spec, for Cars and Spec, for Boys" Gym Spec, for Dump Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup pair Parts and Supplies for Graders, Loaders, Eductors and Spec, for Std. Equipment for General Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Splash Guards for Spec, for Light and Heavy Duty ec. for Wrecker for Towing and Recovery of Automobiles and r Receiving Procedure for Automobiles, Police Vehicles and ervice and Inspection for Automobiles, Police Vehicles and Std. Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Std. Spec, for Four Wheel Drive Pickup Spec, for ow Attachment (for Front Mounting on 2 Ton (16,000 G.V.W.) Spec, for Station Wagons (Automobile), Pickup and Dump c. for Sedans (Automobile), Station Wagons, Pickup and Van Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Automobiles and Service / Utility, Dump/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment nloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection nloadi/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collection nimum) (1971) Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump transmission Fluid, Type A, (Passenger Cars and Light Duty transmission Fluid, Type F, (Passenger Cars and Light Duty for Material Handling Equipment (Lift, Platform and Pallet pec. for Automotive Equipment (Refuse (Garbage) Collection Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump for Material Handling Equipment (Straddle Type Reach Fork Std. Spec, for Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Linen and Laundry es ( 1968) Spec, for Lubricating Oil, Motor Oil for Std. Spec, for Motor Vehicles; Pickups, Light terial Handling Equipment (Mechanical) (Fork, Lift, Pallet for Musical Instruments (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Spec, for Lifeguards Spec, for Bathing Suits and Spec, for Swim Spec, for Boys" Swim 1 (Wheel, Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Spec, for Anhydrous Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate und; Plastic (for Masonry and Other Structures) (1969) Fed for Medium Chrome Yellow Traffic Marking Paint (1964) Fed Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Floor and Deck ( 1967) Fed namel, White, High Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) (1967) Fed el (Paint), Black, Low Gloss (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) Fed r Paint; Undercoat, Enamel Interior Ready Mixed (1967) Fed Spec, for Fire Retardant Paint (Interior) (1971) Fed ing for Use on Ferrous Metal Surfaces (1956) FED TT-P-143, ion Resisting for Use on Ferrous Metal Surfaces ^956) Fed . Paint and Products and Inspection Requirement (1971) Fed ed Heat Resistant (1200 Deg. F.) Aluminum Paint (1964) Fed t; Latex Base, Interior, Flat (White and Tints) (1969) Fed Spec, for Ready Mixed Aluminum Paint (1964) Fed nt; Latex Base, Exterior (for Masonry Surfaces) (1968) Fed as Top Coat on Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces ( 1962) Fed Spec, for Re Truck, 25 cu. Yd. Hopper) (1970) Truck, 27,000 G.V.W. , Tilt Cab, with 5 Ton Cargo Hoist Truck, 32,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis Equipped with Plat Truck, 4,700 G.V.W., 4X4 (1969) Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 25 Ton Wrecke Truck, 6 Ft. Box (1969) Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity with Link Belt Extensible Boo Truck, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, with Quickly Removable Exten Truck, 62,000 G.V.W. with 12 cu. Yd. Dump Body, Tailgat Truck, 8 Ft. Box (1969) Truck, 9 Ft. Stake Body (1969) Truck, 9 Ft. Stake Body (1969) Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Utility Body and Hy Truck, 9,000 G.V.W., with Utility Body (1968) Trucks - Battery Powered Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Trucks - Battery Powered, Stand-Up Riders) ( 1971 ) Trucks - G.V.W. 43,000 Lb.) (1971) Trucks - G.V.W. 8,000 Lb.) (1970) Trucks - Heavy Duty, 6-Man 4-Door) ( 197 1 ) Trucks- 1 Ton (1970) Trucks- 1 1/2 Ton (1970) Trucks -2 Ton (1970) Trucks and Chassis ( 1969) Trucks and Tractors (1967) Spec. Trucks From Ground Level) (1971) /Erial Handling Equip Trucks or Tanks, Wringers and Buckets (1971) Trucks 80 In. or More in Overall Width (1969) Trucks (Automobile) (1969) Trucks (1960) Trucks (1964) Trucks (1968) Trucks (1968) Trucks (1968) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1969) Trucks (1970) Trucks (1970) Trucks (1970) Trucks (1970) Trucks (1970?) Trucks (1970?) Trucks (1971) Trucks (1971) (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection U Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection U Trucks) (with Snow and Wing Plows, 58,000 Lb. G.V.W. Mi Trucks) ( 1967) Spec, for Automatic Trucks) (1967) Spec. Trucks) (1968) Trucks) (1971) Trucks) (8 cu. Yd. Capacity and Hoist) (1970) Trucks, Battery Powered Stand-Up Rider) (1971) Trucks, Pickup (1970) Trucks, Polyethylene Liners, Garment Rack - Portable) Trucks, Premium, for Internal Combustion Gasoline Engin Trucks, Station Buses and Vans (1971) Trucks; Battery Chargers; Order Picker Highlift) (1971) Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Snare Drum) (1971) Trunks (Departmental) (1970) Trunks (Pool, Racing and Boxer Style) (1971) Trunks; Cotton Gabardine (Men's and Boys') (1960) Trunks; Woven Cotton Acetate Elastic (1960) Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, W (TSPP) (1966) TT-C-5986, Std. 141a TT-D-643B, Std. 141 TT-E-487, Std. 141a TT-E-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a TT-E-529, FED Std. 595 TT-E-543, UU-W-101, Std. 141 TT-P-00206B, TT-T-291C TT-P-141B, Mil-Std-129 /NHibiting and Corrosion Resist Spec Sp Spec. Fo for Predelivery S Spec, for Snow PI Spe for Automatic Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec, for Caulking Compo Spec. Spec, for Paint; E Spec, for Sign Enam Spec. Fo TT-P-143, TT-P-141B, Mil-Std-129 TT-P-143A, PPP-D-732, MIL Std. 105 TT-P-28C, Std. 141 TT-P-29, Std. 141, ASTM D2486-66T TT-P-320A, TT-V-8 1 D TT-P-55B, Std. 141a TT-P-61C, Std. 141 /NHibiting and Corros /Ling of State Spec Spec, for Ready Mix Spec, for Pain Spec, for Pai /R Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use NY NJ NJ NJ NJ MI NJ NJ NJ MI MI MI NJ NJ NY NY NY NY NY MS MS MS OR LA NY NY MI NJ RI KS KS KS NH MI NH NJ NY TN SC MI MI IN IN KY SC HI HI NY TX NY NY NY NY MI MI NY NY NY NY MS NY LA OR NY NY NY NY RI RI MI TX PA TX PA PA MS PA NY PA PA WA TX PA TX PA VA 40534-0703 4938-102 4938-38A 4938-43 4938-127 3958-0020 4938-148 4938-55 4938-08 3958-0024 3958-0074 3958-0104 4938-113 4938-112 39101-0680 39101-0719 40500-0786 40500-0655 40500-0470 TV-7-71 TV-8-71 TV-9-71 06-200-9020 *8-7 39102-0255 22800-0424 *5 6542-09 4215-M-001 10-20 10-11B 10-2B *9 *2 *2 *12 30303-1028 TS 2320-1 23-060 *4 *3 *11 *14 2320-1 14-410-0451 *19 *18 45001-0496 070-06-1 40500-0397 40534-0448 40534-0452 40500-0530 5255-S8 5255-S9 39101-0623 40534-0392 40500-0174 39101-0774 TV-6-71 39104-0565 *8-6 06-200-1040 39101-0393 38320-0503 43018-0630 40018-0637 4215-M-002 4215-M-003 5255-S11 371-82-1 C-88 520-43-1 P-126 P-70 3573 P-74 38008-0301 C-98 C-98 S-62-58-B 520-41-3 P-129 520-41-1 P-157 DK-36 347 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards olution Linseed Oil Chrome Green Exterior Paint (1962) Fed putty; Pure Linseed Oil (for Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) Fed esin Lead Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Shades) (1962) Fed Spec, for Remover, Paint and Varnish (1971) Fed Spec, for Varnish; Spar (Phenoloc Resin) (1968) Fed Spec, for Varnish; Spar (Water Resisting) (1968) Fed Spec, for Varnish; Interior, Floor and Trim (1968) Fed Spec, for Ready Mixed Stain (Semi Transparent) (1970) Fed hooks ( 197 1 ) Spec, for Shower Curtains, Std. Spec, for Steel Spec, for Spec, for Copper Water er Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of Flared ehydrated and Sealed (for Use with Solder Joints or Flared Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Student Metal Desk Chair, Chrome pec. for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, pec. for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, erator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Spec, for Remote Cathode Ray imum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital imum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital imum Display Ca/ Spec, for Electronic Calculator (Digital Spec, for Pen Marker; Spec, for Furnace, High Temperature, Graphite si) Shapes, Plates, Bars and Rectangular Hot Rolled Hollow rofoam Block Mailer for Small Media Bottle and Sample Test Spec, for Markers, Writing, g/ Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Wire, bestos, Cement, Bituminized Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Spec, for Disinfectant, Spec, for Detergent Disinfectant; Phenol ction Analyzing System (Mobile, Medical with Accessories) Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile X-Ray Unit Spec, for X-Ray Equipment scopic X-Ray System and Related Accessories and Equipment Spec, for Tires, Spec, for Electronic Std. Spec, for Tires, Pneumatic and Spec, for Mailing Spec, for Tires and Std. Spec, for Tires and Spec, for Pneumatic Tires and Spec, for Tires and Spec, for Tires and Std. Spec, for Mailing Spec, for Tires and Spec, for Tires, lamps, Clips, Wire Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Spec, for Pillow Spec, for Pillowcases and Pillow Spec, for Fittings; Brass, Soldered (for Copper Spec, for Textile, Pillow Std. Spec, for Pillow ittings (1969) Std. Spec, for s, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Std. Spec, for Pillow Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Spec, for Copper with Solder Joints or Flared Tube Fitti/ Spec, for Copper Spec, for Fiberglass Guinea Pig Spec, for Laundry Truck nd Equipment (Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Loading adles, Pitchers, Pie Plate, Scoop, Powder Shakers, Sieves, d Display Sections, Check Out Counter, Showcase, Shelving, Std. Spec, for Picnic Table Spec, for Structural Steel Fence Posts Spec, for Twine; bon Structural Steel (18,000 Psi) Plates, Bars and Shapes, Spec, for Spec, for Marine Engine, Diesel (Steam Spec, for Hydraulic Steering Gear for , Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adult Seat, Merry-Go-Round, Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment (Washer Extractor, Drying Spec, for Polypropylene Plastic Products (Cup, Bowl, Spec, for Laundry Drying (Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Spec, for Spec, for Laundry ne; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Re/ Spec, for Paint; Pigments; Spec, for mps; and / Spec, for Lamps, Electric Incandescent (Large) Tabl/ Spec, for Playground Equipment (Cabin, Toddler and air Compressor (Single Stage, Vertical Reciprocating Type, Spec, for Waterproof /C Radiographic - Fluoro TT-P-71D, Std. 141 /Pec. for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin S TT-P-79 1 , TT-P-1 4 1 Spec, for TT-P-81C, Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd R TT-R-251H, ANSI Z66.1-64 TT-V-119, Std. 141 TT-V-121,Std. 141 TT-V-71,Std. 141 TT-W-572, USC CS262-63 Tub and Stall, Canvas, Vinyl Film, Nylon, Plastic, and Tub Files (5X8 In. Cards) (1969) Tube and Bottle Brush (1968) Tube and Fittings (1970?) ASTM B^-88 Tube Fitting) (1960) FED Std. 151 Spec, for Copp Tube Fittings) (1964) FED Std. 151a /Soft, Seamless, D Tube for Pipe Bridge Railing (1970?) ASTM B-221 Tube Frame (1968) Tube Head Assembly and Conveyor Unit (Hospital) (1971) Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Facilities) (1969) /Ray Gen Tube Terminals (1970?) Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 12 Digit Min Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 14 Digit Min Tube Type Readout Panel, Non Programmable, 16 Digit Min Tube Type, Fiber Tip (1969) FED FF-M-001 130 Tube (Ceramics) (1971) Tube (1970?) ASTM A-36, A-306, A-245 / Steel (20,000 P Tube), Cardboard Box for Venereal Disease Program (1971 Tube, Felt Tip (1971) Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Castin Tube, Tile) for Electrical Wires and Cables (1970?) Fed Tuberculocidal (1966) Tuberculocidal, Fungicidal Germicidal (1970) (Tuberculosis Hospital Equipment) (1969) /Pulmonary Fun (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1968) (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1969) (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1970) (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1971) Tubes and Flaps (1971) Tubes and Semiconductors (1971) Tubes Rubber (1970) Tubes (New Paper and Chipboard) (1970) Tubes (1965) Tubes (1968) Tubes (1970) Tubes (1970) FED ZZ-T-00381J Tubes (1970?) FED ZZ-T-381 Tubes (1971) Tubes ( 1 97 1 ) FED ZZ-T-0038 1 L Tubes, Valves and Tire Flaps ( 1970) Tubing and Grass Cutters, Faucets, Gates, Nozzles and S Tubing (Cloth, Textile) (1955) Tubing (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. 751 Tubing) (1969) Tubing, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Tubing, Cotton (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Tubing, Irrigation, Hand Movable; Aluminum Alloy, and F Tubing, Towels and Toweling, Etc.) (1970) /Roof Fabric Tubing; Bleached (1969) Tubing; Seamless, (for Use with Solder Joints of Flared Tubing; Soft, Seamless, Dehydrated and Sealed (for Use Tubs and Racks (Laboratory) (1970) Tubs (Institutional Use) (1946) Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Fl Tubs, Trays, Tote Boxes, Paddle) ( 1970) /R, Kettles, L Tubular Railing) (College) (1969) /Gondolas, Island An (Tubular Steel Frame, Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) (1968) (Tubular), Rails, H-Column Line, Fittings (1970) Tubular, Cotton, White, Wrapping (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Tubular, Ornamental (1970?) ASTM A-7 /Ec. for Std. Car Tufted Carpeting and Pad ( 1971 ) FED Std. 191 Tug Conversion) (1969) Tugboats (1969) Tumble Slide, Cats Cradle, Clambering Blocks, Spring An (Tumbler) (1970) Tumbler) (1971) Tumbler, Tray, Frame) (Dinnerware) (1971) Tumblers (Small Size, Open End Type) ( 1971 ) UL 73, 547 Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding Units, Flatwork Ironer Tumblers; Plastic (Drinking) (1965) ASTM D1431 Tumblers; Shake Out (1954) Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Turpenti Tungsten Carbide Tipped Snow Plow Blade (1969) Tungsten Filament; Fluorescent; Mercury Vapor; Photo La Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Turbine Driven) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Turbine Grease, Hydroelectric (1968) VA DK-37 PA P-32 VA DK-35 NY 38000-0170 PA V-15 PA V-4 PA V-7 NY 38000-0052 PA C-155 OR 43-230-9020 TX 370-31-14 MS 3366 PA T-38 PA T-67 MS 3363 CA 681-67-4 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 NY 11000-0818 NE *82 TX 495-37-12 TX 495-37-14 TX 495-37-16A PA P-160 NY 42800-0024 MS 3306 NY 19903-0524 CA 711-75-91 VA DH-236 MS 3803 KY 6840-4 PA D-27 NY 12600-0796 NY 11000-0823 NY 11000-0842 NY 11000-0697 NY 11000-0459 NM *1 NY 38206-0186 MS T-2C-70 PA T-73 KS 13-1 IL *17 NJ 6578-00 IN *3 GA 2610-1-16 IL *32LL NY 30600-0257 CA 701-26-32 NY 39000-0482 RI 4910-021 PA P-46 PA F-32 MA ♦35-38 MS T-1A-60-25 OR 56-100-9010 WI 9100 OR 79-100-9540 PA T-38 PA T-67 NY 12041-0714 PA T-6 NY 00365-0200 PA A-4 NY 21802-0333 WI 0560-8850 MS 3406 PA T-l MS 3305 CA 711-68-50 NY 42000-0819 NY 49603-0942 NY 30211-0572 NY 36501-0364 NY 36501-0827 NY 21102-0036 PA T-41 NY 00365-0200 PA T-53 PA T-45 VA DH-239 NH *4 NY 05400-0176 NY 30211-0572 NY 41400-0787 CA 681-91-114 348 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Pump, Motor and Controls (Multistage Vertical Std. Spec, for Oil, Steam er,/ Spec, for Industrial Oil (Ice Machine Refrigeration, wer Plant, Lubricating (Steam Cylinder, Dynamo and Engine, m Cylinder, Ammonia Compressor, Ice Machine Refrigeration, Spec, for Artificial Std. Spec, for Grass Seed Mixtures; Lawn and . Spec, for General Fertilizers, Manure and Lime (for Lawn Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Toweling, Terry Std. Spec, for Toweling; Terry Spec, for Cloths; Wash, Spec, for Garage Equipment (Heavy Duty Truck Type Structures) (Bolts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, Washers, and spec, for Fasteners (Structural and Stainless Steel, Wood, uid, Water Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cutting and fluid, Water Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutting, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Urn, int, Volatile Mineral Spirits, General Purpose (May Use As Spec, for Spirits of Spec, for White and Red Leads, Linseed Oils, and enamel, Varnish, Solvent) (1970) Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for ; Pigments; Tung, Soybean, and Linseed Oils; Liquid Drier; Spec, for Women's Winter Coats Std. Spec, for Spec, for Girls" and Women's Shorts Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Plain or Spec, for Men's Work Jackets (Plain or Spec, for Textile, Rayon Spec, for Chino Cotton 61 ) Spec, for Cotton Jean Spec, for Cotton Jean Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Men's Cotton Spec, for Boys" Cotton d Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Bias, Measuring, and Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Khaki Spec, for Herringbone Std. Spec, for Cotton Print Spec, for Cloth; Lining, Rayon Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Herringbone Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Spec, for Cloth; Polyester Cotton, Spec, for Boys" Trousers Spec, for Textile, White Jean Spec, for Men's Winter Work Trousers (Armada Spec, for Tan Summer Uniform Trousers (Khaki Spec, for Boys" Trousers Spec, for Men's Winter Cotton Trousers (Slacks) (Army Spec, for Men's Coveralls (Herringbone Spec, for Men's and Boys" Shorts (Denim and Spec, for Women's and Girls" Dresses (Cotton Spec, for Men's Work Trousers (Slacks) (Army Spec, for Men's Trousers Spec, for Men's Shorts Spec, for Boys" Shorts pec. for Men's and Boys" Work Shirts (Permanent Press Army Spec, for Men's Work Jackets (Cotton Armada Spec, for Boys" and Men's Shorts aper Cloth, Broadcloth, Cambric, Chambray, Cheviot, Terry, Spec, for Textile, White Std. Spec, for Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, He) (1960) Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Stck Spec, for (1967) Spec, for Sweeper, 4 Wheel Motor Driven, Spec, for Lift, Automotive 970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses ull Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Spec, for Urn; Coffee Maker, Automatic, Single or il Std. 105 Spec, for Rayon Turbine Oil, Extra Heavy (1968) Turbine Oil, Heavy (1968) Turbine Oil, Light (1968) Turbine Oil, Medium Heavy (1968) Turbine Oil, Medium (1968) Turbine Type, 550 GPM) (1968) Turbine (1970) Turbine, Cutting Rose Bakery, Air Filter Coating, Crush Turbine, Gear Reduction, Ice Machine) (1960) /Oils, Po Turbine, Hydraulic, General Purpose,, Motor, Automatic T Turf (Grass) (1970) Turf (1967) Turf) (1967) Std Turkish Toweling (Wiping Cloths) (1970?) Turkish Towels ( 1970) (Turkish) (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Turkish) (1969) Turkish, Bleached (1970) Turn Post, Full Hydraulic Lift) (1969) Turnbuckles) for Highway Construction (1964) ASTM A123, Turned, Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) (1970?) Turning Machine (1970) Std. Spec, for Cutting Fl Turning Machine) (1967) Spec, for Cutting Turnstile and Guide Rails) (1970) /Nk, Freezer, Shelf, Turpentine Substitute) (1970) /. Spec, for Thinner, Pa Turpentine (1966) ASTM D233, El Turpentine (1971) Turpentine, Gum Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, Turpentine; Gum Spirits (1969) Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar Varnish; (Tweed, Check, Boucle Patterns) (1957) Twill - Whipcord (Cloth, Textile) (1960) (Twill and Denim) (1957) Twill Chino (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Twill Cloth (Mercerized Textile) (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Twill Dress Material (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Twill Finish Cotton) (1960) Twill Finish Cotton) (1961) Twill Lining (Cloth) (1970?) Twill Shirting and Suiting ( 1971 ) Twill Shirting, Army Khaki Colored (Cloth, Textile) (19 Twill Shirting, Green (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Twill Shirts and Trousers (Men's and Boys') (1970) Twill Shirts and Walk Shorts (Men's and Boys') (1970) Twill Shirts (1962) Twill Shirts (1962) Twill Tapes and Fastener; Thread; and Zippers) (1971 ) Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1961) Twill (Cloth, Textile) (1970) Twill (Suit or Coat) (Textile) (1968) Twill (Textile) (1967) Twill (Textile) (1970) Twill (Textile) (1970) (Twill) (Check and Plaid) (1962) (Twill) (Cloth) (1970?) Twill) (Slacks) (1970) Twill) (Slacks) (1971) (Twill) (Solid Color) (1962) Twill) (1957) Twill) (1957) Twill) (1957) Twill) (1962) Twill) (1962) (Twill) (1962) (Twill) (1962) (Twill) (1962) Twill) (1967) Twill) (1969) (Twill) (1970) Twill) ( 1970) /Teen, Seersucker, Silesia, (Batiste, Di Twill, Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Twill, Commercial (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Twill, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1971) Twill, Uniform (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Twill, Water Repellent (Textile) (1971) Twill, Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk (Cloth, Text Twill; Herringbone (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Twin Engine, Automatic Transmission, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity Twin Post, Air, Hydraulic (1968) Twin Roof Rotating Light (Vehicle Mounting, Warning) ( 1 (Twin Size) (Dormitory and Institutional Use) (1971) Twin Track Floor to Ceiling Tube Stand (Mental Hygiene Twin (Electric, Steam, and Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Twine (for Hand and Machine Use) (1971) FED Std. 191, M CA 681-91-44 CA 681-91-43 CA 681-91-40 CA 681-91-42 CA 681-91-41 NY 46000-0553 MS L-5B-70-13 IN * 15—1 1 NJ 3578-01 MA ♦9 NE *7 RI *4 RI *9 UT *7C NY 39700-0089 MS T-1A-60-35 OR 79-100-9440 PA C-52 NY 35000-0299 SC HD-78 MS 3391 MS L-5B-70-10 MI 5255-S21 NY 36200-0420 MS PM-13 PA T-10 NY 37100-0037 MS PM-16 OR 77-100-9610 VA DH-239 RI 4225-F-002 MS T-1A-60-38 RI 4284-F-004 MS T-1A-60-37 TX 685-34-6 RI 4910-010 RI 4265-M-004 RI 4225-M-008 MA *35-30 NY 32601-0251 RI 4910-030 RI 4910-027 NY 40010-0673 NY 40010-0477 RI 4265-M-012 RI 4265-M-013 FL *25 MS T-1A-60-36 RI 4910-028 RI 4910-029 OR 79-100-0510 PA C-120 PA C-151 PA C-150 PA C-153 RI 4284-M-020 MA ♦35-33 RI 4284-M-005 SC 03-010-0211 A RI 4284-M-019 RI 4284-M-004 RI 4284-M-010 RI 4284-M-014 RI 4230-F-011 RI 4284-M-006 RI 4284-M-018 RI 4287-M-012 RI 4287-M-013 RI 4265-M-002A RI 4225-M-009 RI 4284-M-013 NY 32600-0622 MA ♦35-55 OR 79-100-9500 PA F-62 OR 79-100-9520 PA C-152 PA F-63 OR 79-100-9490 NJ 4938-09 NJ 3960-00 NM *9 OR 72-100-1030 NY 11000-0818 PA U-47 CA 711-40-04 349 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Cotton Wrapping Spec, for Cordage (Baler and Binder Spec, for Spec, for s, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Spec, for -191 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Baler t-191 Spec, for Spec, for Small Tools (Files and bakery Equipment and Machinery (Bread Slicing, Bagging and Spec, for Office Supplies (Special Printing for Vari General Requirements and Spec, for Spec, for Ribbons, Std. Spec, for Erasers, Pen, Pencil, Spec, for Spec, for Carbon Paper, Spec, for Ribbons; Spec, for Ribbons, Std. Spec, for Second Sheets Paper General Requirements for Spec, for Black ane(1970) Spec, for Std. Spec, for White, Opaque and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for cter Recognition Use ( 1971 ) Spec, for Polyethylene Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Silk and Nylon Std. for Spec, for Polyethylene Film Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cleaners; Type (Liquid and Plastic), and Spec, for Steel a, Storage and Filing Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Std. Spec, for Table, Wood, Std. Spec, for Carbon Paper, Std. for Carbon Paper, Spec, for Ribbons, Spec, for Wood Executive Desks (Kneehole or Std. Spec, for Carbon Paper (Pencil and Std. Spec, for Pads (Desk, Ruled, Columnar, Stamp, and bed Machin/ Spec, for Steel Desks (Pedestal, Secretarial rs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, Drafting, Office, Folding, Spec, for Carbon Paper; Spec, for Office Machines Spec, for Electric Spec, for Manual Spec, for Electric and Manual Spec, for Electric Spec, for Manual Spec, for Ribbons, Carbon, Magnetic Tape and Selectric (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys" Work Shoes (Alpine or Spec, for Galvanized Spec, for Crawler Tractor with Hydraulic Semi for Pipeline Milking Machines, Equipment, Inflations, and Spec, for uipment) (1970) Spec, for (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Burnt Spec. for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Spec for Office Furniture, (Coat, Hat, Spec, for Mosquito Netting Spec, for Cotton Wiping Cloths Spec, for Wide Spec, for Spec, for Sheets; Cotton, Spec, for Textile, Drilling, Spec, for Textile, White Duck, cc-T-191 Spec, for Sheeting, Cotton, Std. Spec, for Muslin, Cotton, Spec, for Cheesecloth; toweling; Crash (Cotton, Bleached; Cotton and Linen Mixed, Spec, for Textile, Drilling, Spec, for Textile, Sheeting, Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, ranules) (1968) Spec, for 68) Spec, for 8) Spec, for Spec. for Cleaner, Light Duty, Hand Dishwashing, Twine (1957) FED CCC-T-191 Twine) (1971) ASTM D738, D739 Twine, Cotton, Light (1970) Twine, Jute (1968) Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Retention M Twine, Synthetic, Polypropylene Resin (1968) Twine; Cable Laid, Cotton, Hard Finish (1969) FED CCC-T Twine; Jute ( 1 97 1 ) FED Std. 191 Twine; Synthetic (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Twine; Tubular, Cotton, White, Wrapping (1969) FED CCC- Twist Drills) (1971) Tying Machines) (1971) Spec, for Typer)(1971) Typesetting Services ( 1967) Typewriter and Adding Machine, Cotton and Nylon ( 1970) Typewriter and Blackboard (1971) Typewriter and Pencil Carbon Paper (1969) Typewriter and Pencil (1970) Typewriter and Teletype, Fabric (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Typewriter and Teletype, Nylon ( 1971 ) (Typewriter Carbon Copies) (1970) Typewriter Carbon Paper and Ribbons (1970) Typewriter Carbon Paper (1962) FED UU-P-158D Typewriter Cleaning Solution, Nonflammable Trichloroeth Typewriter Correction Fluid (1971) Typewriter Manifold Paper Sets (1970) Typewriter Oil (1971) Typewriter Ribbon, Polyethylene, Black (1969) Typewriter Ribbons for Record, Offset and Optical Chara Typewriter Ribbons (Fabric) (1965) FED CCC-T-191a Typewriter Ribbons (Fabric) (1970) FED DDD-R-31 ID Typewriter Ribbons (1965) FED CCC-T-191B Typewriter Ribbons ( 1968) Typewriter Ribbons (1969) ASTM D882 Typewriter Ribbons, Fabric ( 1962) Typewriter Ribbons, Polyethylene (1970) Typewriter Ribbons, Textile ( 1953) Typewriter Sheets ( 1971 ) Typewriter Stand ( 1969) Typewriter Stand, Step Stool, Stop Step Ladder, Electri Typewriter (Conventional Design) ( 1961 ) Typewriter ( 1960) Typewriter ( 1963) Typewriter ( 197 1 ) Typewriter) (Office Furniture) (1962) Typewriter) (1970) FED UU-P-158D, UU-P-1532 Typewriter) ( 1971 ) (Typewriter), Hand Elevator, Calculating Machine, Fixed Typewriter, and Utility Tables; Desk Lamp; File Stool) Typewriter, Black (1968) (Typewriters - Electric and Manual) ( 1971 ) Typewriters ( 1964) Typewriters ( 1964) Typewriters ( 1965) Typewriters ( 1969) Typewriters ( 1970) Typewriters ( 1971 ) Typing and Bookkeeping Tables; Steel (Office Furniture) Tyrollean Style) (1968) U-Section Metal Sign Posts (1970?) ASTM A 15, A499, A 123 U-Tilting Dozer (1970) Udder Wash ( 1970) /D Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) UHF - VHF Television Receiver and Stand (1971) Ultrasonic Attenuation Comparator System (Scientific Eq Ultrasonic Tissue Analysis Unit (Scientific Equipment) Umber Finish Coat (Paint), Structural Steel (1969) Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1970) Umbrella, Overshoe Racks) (1971) (Unbleached Bobbinet) (1958) (Unbleached Cheesecloth) (1971) Unbleached Cotton Sheeting ( 1961 ) FED CCC-T-191B Unbleached Muslin (Cloth, Textile) (1959) Unbleached (Bed, Crib, Draw) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Unbleached (Cloth) ( 1970?) Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (Narrow Width) (1958) FED C Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (1960) Unbleached (1962) Unbleached) ( 1958) Spec, for Towels and Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) ( 1970?) Unbleached, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Unbleached, Wide (Cloth, Textile) ( 1969) Unbuilt High Titer Germicidal Laundry Soap (Powder or G Unbuilt High Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) ( 19 Unbuilt Low Titer Laundry Soap (Granular or Flake) ( 196 Unbuilt Synthetic (1969) VA S-l PA C-139 CA 701-40-01 CA 681-40-02 VA DH-257 CA 681-40-03 PA T-2 PA T-3 PA T-74 PA T-l NY 39005-0613 NY 31200-0611 NY 23003-0295 NJ 7730-00 MI 4868-S1 IL *32AA MI 4808-S1 CA 701-75-15 PA R-13 CA 711-75-17 OR 74-300-0160 RI *3 VA DM-10A CA 701-66-16 IL *32S PA M-57 IL *3200 CA 691-75-16 TX 610-84-1 VA FB-3 RI 5420-15 VA FB-20 CT 69-57G VA FT-3A KS 76-1 NJ 6952-03 MS R-l IL *32N RI 1-026A HI *7 NC 7 1 20-T-8 MS P-2A CT 69-58C NJ 6952-02 RI 3-001 RI 5560-01 IL *32PP NV 7110-D AK *53 PA P-110 NY 22914 TX 495-61-1 TX 495-62-1 PA T-71 CA 691-71-01 CA 701-71-02 NJ 6952-04 RI 1-033 RI 4268-M-002 SC 39-110-1002 SC *15 MA *14 NY 38210-0100 NY 38760-0675 NY 38789-0814 CA 691-80-76 NY 21702-0308 NY 21702-0517 PA N-l NY 33200-0619 VA FB-18 RI 4910-019 PA S-43 MA *35-54 MA ♦35-6 PA S-24 MS T-1A-60-20 PA C-17 PA T-7 MA *35-3 MA ♦35-40 OR 79-100-9350 TX 395_45_6 TX 395-45-3B TX 395-45-4B CA 691-77-15 350 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Roof Insulation Board, Spec, for Broom Handle, Wood, Spec, for Fire Hose, Single Jacket, Spec, for Soap, plowing and Ice/ Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with or Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow and Vee Plow, Std. Spec, for Exterior Paint Primer Spec, for Interior Enamel Spec, for Enamel Spec, for Enamel .141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Air Drying Interior Enamel Spec, for Paint, Enamel, 543, UU-W-101, Std. 141 Spec, for Paint; Std. Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Enamel, Std. Spec, for Floor Seal and Spec, for Odorless Enamel Spec, for Floor Care Products (Finishes, Sealer t Mop/ Spec, for Floor Care Products (Finish, Wax, Sealer Std. Spec, for Enamel nel, Cornice, Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, Spec, for Metal Culvert Pipe, Pipe Arch, Std. Spec, for Aggregate nt, Bituminized Fiber, Aluminum) For/ Std. Spec, for Pipe Spec, for Bituminous Coated Metal Pipe for Spec, for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Spec, for Corrugated Metal Pipe (Culverts, Spec, for Laundry Extractors, Spec, for Elastic, Braided, for Women's Cotton Knit ipcea S- 19-81 Spec, for Armored 1970?) IPCEA S-19-81, S-61-402, S-66-5/ Spec, for Armored Spec, for Spec, for Carpet and Rug Cushion Std. Spec, for Spec, for Sponge Rubber; Cushion, Carpet and Rug Spec, for Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Culvert, Sewer or Spec, for Children's Clothing Spec, for Mower, Rotary, 72 In. Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Finish Coat, Spec, for Women's Snuggies Spec, for Men's Winter Spec, for Boys" Unionsuits Spec, for Men's Unionsuits Std. Spec, for Untrimmed Winter Spec, for Spec, for se, Cartridge Cases, Uniform and Detec/ Spec, for Leather ) Spec, for Spec, for es (Belts - State Police and General Use, Cartridge Cases, police Mackinaws (1970) Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for Summer 9) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for mission) ( 1960) Spec, for CCC-T-191 Spec, for Spec, for 0) Spec, for e) (1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Winter Std. Spec, for ) Std Spec, for Spec, for Green Winter Spec, for Hospital le, Truck and Special Automotive Equipment (Manual) ( 196/ Spec, for Officer's ) FED CCC-T- 191a Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Fabric, ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Dress or (1964) Spec, for Spec, for Long Sleeve Std. Spec, for Summer Std. Spec, for Summer Std. Spec, for Winter Trimmed Spec, for v Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Uncoated (1964) FED LLL-I-535 Uncoated (1969) Uncoupled (1970) Uncut, in Frames ( 1971 ) Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) for Snow Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade), and Snow (Undercoat for Wood, White and Tints) ( 1963) Undercoat (Paint) (Tints and White) (1966) FED Std. 141 Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Light (1964) Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Wood, Odorless (1969) Undercoat (Paint, White and Light Tints) (1962) FED Std Undercoat, Alkyd, Interior, Tintable White (1963) Undercoat, Enamel Interior Ready Mixed ( 1967) FED TT-E- Undercoat, Low Odor, Alkyd, Interior, (Paint) ( 1970) Undercoat, White (Paint) (1969) Undercoater Composition, Liquid, Water Emulsion (1969) Undercoater (Paint) (1971) Undercoater, Detergent Cleaner) ( 1966) Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Shampoo, Dus Undercoat; Interior (Paint) (1969) Undercounter Workboard) (Sink) (1970) /Lay Case and Pa Underdrain and Fittings ( 1970) Underdrains for Highway Construction (1964) Underdrains (Tile, Concrete, Clay, Metal, Asbestos Ceme Underdrains (1970?) Underdrains ( 1970?) AASHO M-197 Underdrains) (1970?) AASHO M-36 Underdriven Solid Curb (1954) Undergarment ( 1970) Underground Cable (Butyl) for Highway Lighting (1970?) Underground Cable (Polyethylene) for Highway Lighting Underground Gasoline Storage Tanks ( 1964) Underlay Rubberized Hair and Fiber (1969) Underlay (Padding) Carpet (1965) Underlay (1969) Underpass) (1970?) AASHO M-170, M-206, M-207 (Undershirts, Training Pants, Sleeping Suits) ( 1971 ) (Underslung) (1969) Underwater, Steel (1969) Underwear (Above the Knee Length) (1970) Underwear (Shirts and Drawers) ( 1965) (Underwear) (1960) (Underwear) (1960) Unform Shirt (Departmental) (1971) Ungraded Stainless Tableware (Medium Weight) ( 1968) Ungraded Stainless Tableware ( 1969) 91, Std. 571a ) FED CCC-T-191 ed CCC-T-191 Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un form Accessories (Belts - State Police and General U form Accessories (Hats, Neckties and Sweaters) ( 1970 form Accessories (Police Raincoats) ( 1971 ) form and Detective Holsters, Keeper Loops) (1970) form Battle Jackets (1971 ) Spec, for Highway Patrol form Cap (Hat) and Chin Straps (1968) form Caps (Hat) for Enlisted Men (State Police) (196 form Caps (Hat); Fur, Winter (State Police, Game Com form Caps (Hat); Officer's (State Police) (1968) Fed form Cloth (State Police) (1968) form Cloth, Blouses and Breeches (State Police) (197 form Cloth, Summer, Breeches and Slacks (State Polic form Clothing (Departmental) (1968) form Coat; All Weather Reefer (State Police) (1968) form Dresses (Women's) ( 1957) form Hats (Highway Patrol Police) ( 1971 ) form Jacket (Eisenhower Style, Departmental) (1971) form Jacket (Regulation Style) (Institutional) (1971 form Jackets (1969) form Material (Cotton Duck) (Cloth, Textile) (1956) form Meth. for Requisitions Preparation for Automobi form Overcoat (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 form Overcoats for Enlisted Men (State Police) ( 1957 form Overcoats; Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 form Oxford Gray (1969) form Oxford or Basket Weave, Tear Resistant (Textile form Rain Coat; Nylon, Rubber Coated (State Police) form Shirt (Departmental) (Clothing) (1970?) form Shirt (Departmental) (1971) form Shirt (Police and Departmental) (1971) form Shirt (Police and Departmental) (1971 ) form Shirts (Departmental) ( 1968) form Shirts (Departmental) ( 1970) form Shirts (Departmental) (1971) form Shirts (Fish Warden) (1969) FED V-B-871, Std. 1 form Shirts (State Police) (1970) form Shirts (Winter) (Optional) (State Police) (1960 form Shirts, Wool (Clothing) (State Police) ( 1970°) form Shirts; Capitol Police (1963) FED CCC-T-191 form Shirts; Permanent Press (State Police) ( 1967) F MS R-5-64-15 CA 691-76-55 CA 701-42-02 NJ 5730-13 AK *61 AK *63 WA S-63-70 WA S-63-64-A KY 28A CA 691-80-205 VA DK-28A IA *l-5 PA P-74 MS PI-3 MI 5325-S16 IA * 3— 1 1 NJ 7342-04 NY 00220-02-0684 NY 22002-0537 OR 77-100-9200 NY 36200-0787 NH *7 SC HD-103 SC HD-104 MS 3288 MS 3285 MS 3226 PA E-2 CA 701-83-26 MS 3805 MS 3804 NE *71 PA C-131 MS U-1A-65 PA C-130 MS 3236 NY 40033-0138 NJ 0154-04 CA 691-80-80 RI 4287-F-016 RI 4287-M-007 RI 4287-M-009 RI 4287-M-011 WA S-64-78-D RI 5225-02 RI 5225-01 NY 39309-0539 NY 39310-0571 NY 39304-0544 NY 39309-0539 SC 03-110-150 SC 03-100-0211 PA U-16 PA U-38 PA U-40 NY 39200-0665 MA *27 MA *26 NJ 1588-00 PA U-46 RI 4230-F-006 SC 03-0100-0451 WA S-64-80-E WA S-66-94-A SC 03-110 RI 4910-014 IL *25 PA U-12 PA U-15 PA U-32 CT 9152-F-332B PA C-132 PA U-45 MA *34 WA S-64-81-D WA S-64-76-C WA S-64-77-C NY 39302-0420 NY 39302-0371 NY 39302-0297 PA U-18 NY 39303-0646 PA U-21 MA *31 PA U-20 PA U-37 351 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 24 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for ) Spec, for Summer Spec, for Tan Summer 71 ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Summer Spec, for Highway Driver License Examiner's Summer edCCC-T-191B t-191 les (1970?) Case, and Sa/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Leather Accessories; Police Std. Spec, for Twill, Spec, for Short Sleeve Summer Shirt, Spec, for Service Caps (Hat), Spec, for Cloth; 100% Wool, Elastique, Overcoat or Spec, for Gloves; Leather, Dress and Spec for Highway Patrol Spec, for Shoes (Motor Vehicle Examiner Safety Toe) Spec, for Reefer Cloth, Textile (State Police Std. Spec, for Fabric, cle(1970?) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Insignia; (1962) Spec, for Wool tment)(1968) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Lifeguard Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Work Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Band Spec, for Institutional Patrolmen Compound for Industrial Wiping Cloths, Shop Overalls, and Std. Spec, for Correctional Officers Std. Spec, for Correctional Officers hats) (Park) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Police ) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for -T-191 Spec, for Officer's Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for d. 191 Spec, for Spec, for Officer's fed Std. 191 Spec, for Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Men's ng and Engineering Instruments (Photogrammetry Equipment) Spec, for Cotton, Nylon and Wool Bunting for Spec, for Std. for Flag, Tent. Spec, for Flags 69) FED DDD-F-416 Spec, for Flag, Spec, for Flags, nits) (1970?) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Radar Speed Spec, for Electric Heater or Glass Plant (Various Prefabricated, Chemical Processing Spec, for LP Gas / Gasoline or Gasoline Generator Spec, for Sectional Concrete Manhole Spec, for Portable Stage Std. Spec, for Filters, Air, for Window Air Conditioning Spec, for Food Transporting and Serving Spec, for Backpack Forestry Pumping Spec, for Medical X-Ray Film Processing Spec, for Automatic, Medical X-Ray Film Processing ) Spec, for Food Transporting and Serving self Contained ( 1966) Std. Spec, for Air Conditioning manholes ( 1970?) Spec, for Concrete Masonry uard, Traffic Separator, Etc./ Spec, for Concrete Masonry Spec, for Dewatering Pumps and Pumping Spec, for Mobile Radio Spec, for Library Desk; Charging and Related Spec, for Direct Duplicating Masterset Spec, for Food Transporting and Serving Spec, for Diesel Engine Generator for Sodium Chloride, Technical Grade, for Water Softening Spec, for Mirror Light Spec, for Packaged Air Conditioning Spec, for Mobile Radio Transceiver Uniform Trousers (Departmental) ( 1971 ) Uniform Trousers (Institutional Officer) (Slacks) (1968 Uniform Trousers (Khaki Twill) (Slacks) ( 1971 ) Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (Police and Departmental) (19 Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Uniform Trousers (Slacks) (1969) Uniform Trousers; Dress (State Police Academy) (1969) F Uniform Trousers; Summer (State Police) (1968) FED CCC- Uniform (Apparel, Clothing) for Registry of Motor Vehic Uniform (Belt, Shoulder Strap, Pistol Holster, Handcuff Uniform (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Uniform (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) Uniform (State Police) (1970?) Uniform (1971) Uniform (1971) FED Std. 311 (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a (Dacron and Wool) (1971) (Uniform) (1968) Uniform) (1970?) Uniform, Blue and Green (1969) Uniform, Clothing (District Police) Mounted and Motorcy Uniform, Reefer Coat, Waterproof ( 1970?) Uniform, State Police (1960) Uniforms - Summer and Winter (Motor Vehicle Inspector) Uniforms (Cossack Jackets, Trousers, Suit Coats) (Depar Uniforms (Departmental) (1969) Uniforms (Departmental) (1971) Uniforms (Insulated Jackets) (1968) Uniforms (Park) (1968) Uniforms (Parks) (1968) Uniforms (Police) (1971) Uniforms (Safety Officers) (1967) Uniforms (Security Police) (Departmental) (1971) Uniforms (Security Police) (Departmental) (1971) Uniforms (Summer, Guard) ( 1970) Uniforms (Trousers) (Departmental) (1968) Uniforms (University of Nebraska) ( 1970) Uniforms (1960) Uniforms (1969) Spec, for Washing Uniforms (1970) Uniforms (1971) Uniforms, Maintenance (Blouses, Trousers, Police Storm Uniforms, Maintenance (Trousers) (Park) (1970) Uniforms; Capitol (1963) FED CCC-T-191 Uniforms; Enlisted Men's, Fall and Winter (State Police Uniforms; Fall and Winter (State Police) (1968) FED Ccc Uniforms; Game Protector (Summer) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 Uniforms; Game Protector (Winter) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 Uniforms; Park Superintendent (Departmental) ( 1966) Uniforms; Security Officer (Departmental) ( 1970) FED St Uniforms; Summer (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 Uniform; Driver Examiner (Men's) (State Police) (1970) Unionsuits (Underwear) (1960) Unionsuits (Underwear) (1960) (Uniplanar Scanning Digitizer System) ( 1969) /R Surveyi United States Flag (1968) United States Flags (for Grave Marking) ( 1956) United States (1968) (United States, Minnesota) (1970) United States, Stars and Stripes, Cotton, Unmounted ( 19 United States, State of Michigan (1969) Unitized Furniture (Credenza, Service, Modular, and L U Units and Accessories ( 1970) Units and Accessories ( 1971 ) Units and Accessory Items for Laboratory Use) (Educatio Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units or Emergency Use ( 1969) or Storm and Sanitary Sewers (1970?) AASHO M-199 or Band Risers (1971) Cleanable) (1961) Conveyor) (1971) Fire Fighting) (1969) Hospital) (1968) Medical Center) (1969) Mobile Milk Cooler, Utility Serving Table) (1971 Room and Space Coolers) Electric, Motor Driven, Solid, Precast, Segmental) for Catch Basins and Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle G 10 and 6 In.) (1968) 1965) 1966) 1968) 1968) 1969) 1969) Spec. 1970) 1970?) 1970?) NY 39300-0333 SC 03-010-0211 SC 03-010-0211 A WA S-64-75-E SC 03-010 SC 03-0 10A PA U-43 PA U-39 MA *16 OR 79-350-9010 OR 79-100-9520 MA *33 MA *21 PA C-115 PA G-14 SC *4 NJ 3370-00 MA *20 CT 9152-F-344B MA *28 MA *23 PA 1-18 NJ 1588-04 NY 39300-0624 NY 39300-0069 NY 40018-0876 NY 39308-0421 NY 39300-0476 NY 39300-0659 NY 39300-0428 NY 39300-0421 NY 39300-0843 NY 39300-0882 NY 39300-0580 NY 39307-0424 NE *5 NJ 1589-00 VA L-4 OR 82-155-0020 OR 82-050-1030 NY 39300-0527 NY 39300-0525 PA U-3 PA U-17 PA U-ll PA U-25 PA U-24 PA U-44 PA U-41 PA U-42 PA U-50 RI 4287-M-009 RI 4287-M-011 NY 31601-0380 NY 39800-0847 RI 4745-002 CT 91-80B MS TF-17A CA 691-86-01 MI 5729-S1 NV 7110-UF NY 38207-0694 NY 34400-0380 NY 12002-0475 CA 691-59-01 MS 3622 NY 30202-0730 NC 4120-F-16 NY 36112-0204 NY 46000-093 1 NY 11000-0650 NY 11000-0386 NY 36112-0381 NC 4120-A-1A MS 3621 VA DH-226 NY 46000-0746 MI 8175-0015 PA D-30 NJ 6962-02A NY 36112-0745 CA 691-59-02 CA 691-66-48 NY 21500-0682 HI *8 SC 38-100-1002 352 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards bSpec. for Mobile FM 2 Way Radio Spec, for Cassette Duplicator Slave Spec, for Cassette Duplicator Slave for Food Service Equipment (Hot Food and Refrigerated Base Spec, for Vacuum Pump Systems (Replacement rafting Supplies (Plan and Map File Cabinets and Roll Film Spec, for Shop Furniture (Shelving and Storage ure (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon Hole ec. for Reinforcement Bars (Concrete Structures or Precast teel Unitized Furniture (Credenza, Service, Modular, and L c. for Radio Repeater / Base Station and Equipment (Mobile Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Spec, for Air Conditioning ors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Presses, Shirt Folding ice Equipment (Stand 209) (Back Bar, Serving and Sandwich for Store Fixtures (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Counter, Showcase, Shelv/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall re Fixtures (Art Paper Fixture, Bookwall, Counters, Island Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Spec, for Fire Equipment (Portable Pumper , Showcases, Swing Gates, Dividers, Doors, Traffic Control cases, Telescopic Post Wi/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Wall Spec, for Lounge Furniture (Seating or Food Service Equipment (Snack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Store Fixtures (Pegboard, Book, Fine Goods, Candy Display tal Pans with Mineral Pads (19/ Std. Spec, for Acoustical Spec, for Air Compressor Spec, for Air Conditioning Use ( 1954) Spec, for Dry Cleaning Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for d Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, Trunnion Bushing k Plug, Antifreeze) Tachometer, Sludge Gun, Brake Bleeder, tch(1970?) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Machine (Screw Power Type) (Scienific Equipme/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Gear, Spec, for Truck, Jeep Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Equipment Spec, for Band Uniforms tion System for Use with Spectroscopy Goniometer (Science, Spec, for Movable Partitions fractometry Using Film Techniques (Research and Teaching) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Spec, for Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) Spec, for Lockers, Steel Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Temporary Classroom Spec, for Movable Partitions . for Controlled Environment Room (Prefabricated Modular) Spec, for Animal Cages (Dog) Spec, for Animal Cages and Accessories (Metal) Spec, for Cages (Plastic) Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Sound Amplification Systems Spec, for Sound Amplification Systems Spec, for Observation and Micro Teaching System Spec, for Irrigation System for Controlled Environment and Constant Temperature Rooms nvironmental Walk-in Chambers (Temperature Control) Rooms igations and Measurements of Diffracted X-Ray Intensities Spec, for Radiographic X-Ray Unit Spec, for Telescope and Dome (Astronomical) Spec, for Shelving, Steel, Clip Type and Steel Lockers pec. for Folding Partition (Automatic Electric Operation) Spec, for Sound System Spec, for Rear Projection Systems (Communications) Spec, for Rear Projection Systems (Communications) Spec, for Rear Projection Systems (Communications) Spec, for Automatic Dental Film Processor (X-Ray) Spec, for Polariscope System (Reflection) Spec, for Polariscope System (Reflection) Spec, for Particle Counting System Spec, for Mobile Cardiac Resuscitation Unit Spec, for Diagnostic Sounder / Electromyograph Unit Spec, for Mattresses Spec, for Coin Operated Lockers Spec, for Lighting Fixtures (Indoor and Outdoor) Spec, for FM Broadcasting Equipment Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for Two Way Radio System Spec, for Closed Circuit Television Equipment Spec, for Closed Circuit Television System Units (1970?) VA ♦22 Units (1971) NY 38217-0131 Units (1971) NY 38217-0278 Units) (Protector Case, Display and Urn Stands, Ice Cre NY 36200-0124 Units) (University) (1971) NY 46000-0546 Units) (1967) Spec. for D NY 31600-0031 Units) (1968) NY 35100-0178 Units) (1970) Spec, for Shop Furnit NY 35100-0684 Units) (1970?) Sp MS 3301 Units) (1970?) Spec for S NV 7110-UF Units, Antenna) (1967?) Spe NE ♦87 Units, Display Cases) (1970) NY 21802-0605 Units, Electric, Self Contained, Window Mounted (1966) KY 4120-6 Units, Flatwork Ironers and Folders and Spreaders and S NY 00365-0200 Units, Freezer, Refrigerator, Stands, Sink, Display Cas NY 36200-0768 Units, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Count NY 21802-0181 Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Check Out NY 21802-0333 Units, Gondolas, Sheet Music and Record and Magazine Ra NY 21802-0317 Units, Gondolas, Shelves, Showcases) (1968) NY 21802-0161 Units, Hose) (1971) AK *81 Units, Peg Hooks, Accessories) ( 1971 ) /Lands, Counters NY 21802-0370 Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Show NY 21802-0347 Units, Side Chairs, Benches and Tables) (1970) PA F-69 Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Wall Mounted Display Case NY 36200-0787 Units; Counters, Tables, Showcases, Panels, Cornice, Si NY 21802-0993 Units; Prefabricated Cellulose and Mineral Tiles and Me OR 64-400-9010 Units; Tank Mounted, Industrial Type ( 1970) TX 01 0-34-1 A Units; Window or Wall Mounted (1970) TX 015-32-1B Unit; Class Iv, Perchlorethylene Solvent, Institutional PA D-14 (Univerity) (1971) NY 38211-0231 Universal Joint Grease ( 1968) CA 681-91-106 Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Water Pumps, Greas MI 5255-S11 Universal Oil Filter and Radiator Fill and Measuring Ca NY 35000-0938 Universal Rotary Cutter (Mower) with 3 Point Tractor Hi SC 14-220-045 IB Universal Tinting Colors (Paint) (1970) MS PM-9 Universal Tinting Colors, Paint Mixing ( 1963) IA ♦1-17 Universal Type Paint Tinting Colors (Paste) ( 1964) TX 520-42-10 Universal (Compression, Tension and Transverse) Testing NY 38787-0813 Universal (Extreme Pressure) ( 1961 ) NC 9150-L-5 Universal, 4 Wheel Drive (1969) MI 3958-0082 (University Educational Purposes) (1970) NY 11002-0592 (University of Nebraska) ( 1970) NE *5 University) (Educational Purposes) (1968) /X-Ray Detec NY 11002-0715 (University) (1967) NY 31811-0144 (University) ( 1967) / for Single Crystal and Powder Dif NY 11002-0373 (University) (1968) NY 12009-0142 (University) (1968) NY 12040-0678 (University) (1968) NY 27500-0256 (University) (1968) NY 27502-0539 (University) (1968) NY 27502-0742 (University) (1968) NY 31800-0655 (University) (1968) NY 33811-0795 (University) (1968) Spec NY 12026-0705 (University) (1969) NY 12040-0789 (University) (1969) NY 12040-0856 (University) (1969) NY 12041-0895 (University) (1969) NY 27502-0020 (University) (1969) NY 38201-0177 (University) (1969) NY 38201-0843 (University) (1969) NY 38221-0252 (University) (1969) NY 46000-0934 (University) (1969) Spec. NY 12026-0403 (University) ( 1969) Spec for E NY 12026-0786 (University) ( 1969) /Ories for Use in Analytical Invest NY 11002-0355 (University) (1970) NY 11000-0674 (University) (1970) NY 12010-0700 (University) (1970) . NY 27500-0482 (University) (1970) NY 33811-0640 (University) (1970) NY 38201-0562 (University) (1970) NY 38814-0376 (University) (1970) NY 38814-0424 (University) (1970) NY 38814-0457 (University) (1971) NY 11001-0716 (University) (1971) NY 12005-0057 (University) (1971) NY 12005-0829 (University) (1971) NY 12050-0526 (University) (1971) NY 12600-0545 (University) (1971) NY 12600-0582 (University) (1971) NY 22700-0064 (University) (1971) NY 27502-0088 (University) (1971) NY 35710-0489 (University) (1971) NY 38201-0644 (University) (1971) NY 38211-0447 (University) (1971) NY 38211-0873 (University) (1971) NY 38221-0272 (University) (1971) NY 38221-0837 353 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for High Vacuum Evaporator System Spec, for Front End Loader Spec, for Vacuum Pump Systems (Replacement Units) Scientific Equipment (Automatic Humidity Control System) nmental Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Control) (Live Animal) Capability Modification for Installation on Spectrometer n Chambers and Constant Temperature Rooms (Prefabricated) Spec, for Farm Equipment (Silo pment (Hay Baler, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Spec, for Monorail and Hoist for Use with Spec, for Laundry Extractors, pec. for Commercial Laundry Washing Machine (Side Loading, ) Spec, for Laundry Machines Washwheels tion Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection tion Trucks) (Side Loading, Compaction Type, Rear Ejection Spec, for Flag, California, Bear, Cotton, Spec, for Flag, United States, Stars and Stripes, Cotton, Spec, for Office Supplies (Pressure Sensitive Labels - Spec, for Paper, Scratch Pad, White, Std. Spec, for Hardboard; Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Printing and Writing Paper, Fine, c. for Industrial X-Ray Equipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, ce Furniture) (1969) FED AA-C-291a Spec, for hair; Cattle Tail, Domestic, Curled (for Mattress, Pillow, for Chairs; Wood, Student Study, Dining and Library, with ) Spec, for Cafeteria Furniture (Banquettes, Std. Spec, for Furniture, Wood, Spec, for Furniture; Metal, Spec, for Chairs; Molded Plywood, Spec, for Furniture, Office Chairs (Metal) (Bucket Style, Spec, for Office Furniture (Chairs, Wood and ers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining Chairs and Tables, Sofas, cas/ Spec, for Household Furniture (Wood) (Contemporary) , Domestic, Curled (Hog and Cattle Tail) (for Mattress and ducts (Finish, Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Spec, for Artificial Leather, Spec, for Valve Oil, Spec, for Leather; Calf, Full Grain (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Spec, for Leather; Kid, Glazed (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Spec, for Leather; Sides (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe for Leather; Elk, Sides (Cattle Hide Chrome Tanned) (Shoe oil Finished, Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Spec, for Men's Slippers (Felt Spec, for Women's and Misses" Slippers (Felt Spec, for Women's Slippers (Felt Spec, for Pianos, Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, oated Fabric ( 1971 ) Spec, for Brief Spec, for Brooms; ulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Tankage (Nitrogenous), Spec, for ushioning, Sponges, Etc. ( 1968) Spec, for loose Cushioning, Sponges, Etc. ( 1968) FED L-P/ Spec, for Std. Spec, for Mattresses, Std. Spec, for Mattress Cores, Polyether Spec, for and Refrigerated Base Units) (Protector Case, Display and helf, Cream and Coffee - Ice Tea and Silver Dispensers and Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Coffee chines, Electric Griddle and Stand, Protector Case, Coffee Steam, and Gas) (1969) NSF 2, UL 197 Spec, for Spec, for Linters; Cotton (1971) 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 In. Cotton, Rubber Lined) ( 1961 ) Nfpa 196, Spec, for Disinfectant, Germicidal (Hospital Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking spec, for Equipment; Tractors, Rubber Tired (Agricultural, Spec, for Truck, 18,200 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Spec, for Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Spec, for Truck, 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W, with 6 Man Cab, Truck, Medium Duty, Six Man Cab and Chassis, Mounted with Spec, for Truck, 9,000 G.V.W., with Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4X2 Truck (6 Passenger Crew Cab and eel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers, Bowls, Batter Cans, Spec, for Truck, 10,000 Lb. G.V.W. with ctures (Other Than Bridges) And/or Miscellaneous Including 71) Spec, for Store Fixtures lly. Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, r Food Transporting and Serving Units (Mobile Milk Cooler, sk; Conference, Drafting, Office, Folding, Typewriter, and Spec, for Spec, for Self Propelled Flail Mowers, (University) (1971) NY (University) (1971) NY (University) (1971) NY (University) (1971) Spec, for NY (University) (1971) Spec, for Enviro NY (University) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Fourier Transform NY (University) (1971) Spec, for Environmental Walk-I NY Unloader and Distributor) (1968) NY Unloading Forage Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, Man NY Unloading Type Extractors ( 1969) PA Unloading Type (Institutional Use) (1950) PA Unloading Type ) ( 1 970 ) TX (Unloading Type, Side Loading) (Institutional Use) ( 1968 PA Unloading) ( 1971 ) /Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collec NY Unloading) ( 1971 ) /Automotive Equipment (Refuse Collec NY Unmounted (1969) CA Unmounted ( 1 969 ) FED DDD-F-4 1 6 C A Unprinted) (1971) NY Unruled (1971) TAPPI T4 1 0, MIL Std. 1 05 CA Untreated and Tempered ( 1 97 1 ) OR Untrimmed Winter Unform Shirt (Departmental) ( 1971 ) WA Unwatermarked, Number 4 Sulphite (1969) MS (Update Existing System) (Educational Purposes) (1970) NY Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Fabric) (1970) /D Furniture NY Upholstered Folding Chairs with Arms; Metal Frame (Offi RI Upholstered Furniture Filling) (1968) Spec, for PA Upholstered Seat and Back (1967) Spec. PA Upholstered Seats and Backs for Terrazzo Benches) ( 1970 NY Upholstered Sofas and Chairs (Commercial Design) ( 1967) NC Upholstered (Reception Room and Lobby) (1970) PA Upholstered (1969) FED CCC-A-680, MIL P-26514 PA Upholstered) (1970) NY Upholstered) (1971) NY Upholstery Fabric) (1970) /Re (Wood) (Colonial) (Dress NY (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chairs, Dressers, Chests, NY Upholstery Filling) (1939) Spec, for Hair; Mixed PA Upholstery Shampoo, Dust Mop Treatment) (1971 ) /Re Pro NY Upholstery ( Vinyl ) ( 1 968 ) PA Upper Cylinder (1968) CA Upper) (1969) PA Upper) (1969) PA Upper) (1969) PA Upper) (1969) Spec. PA Upper) (1969) Spec, for Leather; Sides, PA Uppers) (1960) RI Uppers) (1969) RI Uppers) (1969) RI Upright and Grand ( 1 968 ) CA Upright (Industrial) (1970) PA (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl C PA Upright, Corn Fiber (Floor) ( 1970) PA Urea, Organic, Mixed) (1970) /Da, Steamed Bone Meal, S NY Urethane Foam Bed Mattresses and Removable Cover ( 1964) TX Urethane Foam for Mattress Cores, Furniture and Loose C TX Urethane Foam for Use as Mattress Cores, Furniture and VA Urethane Foam (1967) ASTM D1564 NC Urethane Foam, Fire Retardant ( 1969) IL Urethane, Shredded Cellular Foam (1969) CA Urn Stands, Ice Cream Cabinet, Shelf Section, Front Pan NY Urn, Turnstile and Guide Rails) ( 1970) /Nk, Freezer, S NY Urns and Stands) (1971) NY Urns) ( 1971 ) /Pment (Soft Ice Cream and Thick Shake Ma NY Urn; Coffee Maker, Automatic, Single or Twin (Electric, PA USDACN-180 PA USDA-182, ASTM D-380 Std. Spec, for Fire Hose OR Use), Phenolic, Quaternary, Iodophor ( 1967) MI Utensils, Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1968) /. for Pipe TX Utility and Industrial ) ( 1 96 1 ) PA Utility Body and Aerial Ladder (1968) NJ Utility Body and Aerial Ladder ( 1970) NJ Utility Body and Basket Lift ( 1970) NJ Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift (1969) NJ Utility Body and Hydraulic Platform Lift ( 1969) NJ Utility Body and Hydraulic Tailgate ( 1968) NJ Utility Body and 360 Deg. Aerial Ladder (1962) /C. for NJ Utility Body (1968) NJ Utility Box) (1971) AK Utility Cart, Colanders, Containers, Coffee or Tea and PA Utility Closed Top Body and Hydraulic Tailgate ( 1969) NJ Utility Connections, Septic Tanks, and Other Appurtenan SC (Utility Counters, Cigar and Wall Cases, Swing Gate) ( 19 NY Utility Pails, Pans, Pitchers, Pie Plates, Pots, Scoops PA Utility Serving Table) (1971 ) Spec. Fo NY Utility Tables; Desk Lamp; File Stool) (1971) /Mer; De AK Utility Tractor (1971) AK Utility Tractors, and Front End Loader (1970?) HI 38788-0521 40603-0385 46000-0546 38789-0515 12026-0746 38782-0253 12026-0757 08210-0547 08200 M-27 E— 8 400-49-4A M-28 40534-0448 40534-0452 691-86-03 691-86-01 23016-0179 711-75-51 63-160-1010 S-64-78-D P-13C-69 11002-0608 21601-0227 1-018A H-8 C-165 24800-0443 7195-FWU-l F-60 C-157 21705-0647 21804-0060 21604-0226 21605-0260 H-12 22002-0537 A-21 681-91-01 L-29 L-31 L-32 L-30 L-33 4268-M-035 4268-F-035 4268-F-037 681-74-1 C-179 C-149 B-l 07700-0473 295-47-3 295-48-1A DS-8A 7210-MF-3 *7 691-83-30 36200-0124 36200-0420 36113-0105 36200-0504 U-47 L-21 74-61-5 4627-1600 370-31-13 E-13 4938-115 4938-138 4938-134 4938-24 4946-00 4938-113 4938-41 4938-112 *46 F-80 4938-51 HD-125 21802-0225 F-80 36112-0381 *53 *18 *20 354 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Service / rms) (1968) Spec, for Steel ruck (Steel) for Automotive Repair P/ Spec, for 6 1/2 Ft. uck(1969) Spec, for rting Miscellaneous Automotive Repair Parts An/ Spec, for Spec, for Cans, Spec, for Industrial Wheel Type Tractor or Special Spec, for Blankets (Acrylic, Wool and (Manual), Hand, Appliance, Drum, Platform, Tool and Stock, ospital Equipment (Wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Medical (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Service / ors, Wheel Type (Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Design, Spec, for Paper Table Napkins ( 1960) Fed Std. Spec, for Roofing, Steel, Channel Drain, 5 tive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. testers - Compression, Generator and Alternator Regulator, Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Wet and Dry ec. for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines; Heavy Duty Spec, for , 20 In. Metal Cutting Band Saws, 20 In. Drill Presses and Spec, for Spec, for High Spec, for High t) (1969) Spec, for Automatic High Spec, for Spec, for 971) Spec, for Spec, for angle Scatter/ Spec, for X-Ray Diffraction Components and chment (1970?) Spec, for hassis Mounted (1967) Spec, for Cleaner, n Systems for Investigation of Crystal Structu/ Spec, for nee Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Wet or Dry Spec, for Office Spec, for License Stickers (Decal, Motor Vehicle m D822-46T Spec, for 1971 Vehicle Spec, for Plastic Stickers, Reflectorized (for Spec, for Devices; Sticker (Decal), Std. Spec, for Roofing Starter and Spec, for ternator Regulator, Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Output, ts, Etc. ( 1/ Spec, for Pipe Brushes for Cleaning of Drain Spec, for Tires, Tubes, Std. Spec, for Plumbing Spec, for Radiator Traps and use) ( 1970) Spec, for Bronze Gate use) ( 1970) Spec, for Bronze Angle, Check and Globe Spec, for Bronze and Iron Body Std. Spec, for vice / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Platform, Truck, 10,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 9 Ft. Insulated Std. Spec, for ec. for Automotive Equipment (Truck for Mounting on 20 Ft. b. Pay load) (1970) Spec, for Semi portable Bulkhead (Foam Insulated, for Use in Refrigerated Spec, for Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Custom T.V. Spec, for Sedans (Automobile), Station Wagons, Pickup and Spec, for Truck, 20,500 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Spec, for 20 Ft. Spec, for Truck, Cab and Chassis, 20 Ft. m Skin, Dry Freight) (Institutional Use) / Spec, for Semi um Skin, Dry Freight) (1971) Spec, for Semi Spec, for Truck, Spec, for Body, Spec, for Body, Spec, for Trailer, Tandem, Spec, for (1969) Spec, for Suburban Spec, for Suburban Spec, for Panel Spe^, for Sport Spec, for 4X2 Window (1971) Spec, for Compact al) (1971) Spec, for Compact Spec, for Compact Spec, for 4 X 2 Window Spec, for 4X2 Window Std. Spec, for Panel, Delivery Utility Trucks - G.V.W. 8,000 Lb.) (1970) NY Utility Type Chair (Rotary, Non Tilting Seat, Without A TX Utility Type General Service Body for 1/2 Ton Pick Up T SC Utility Type General Service Body for 3/4 Ton Pickup Tr SC Utility Type General Service Body (3/4 Ton) for Transpo SC Utility (Tinned and Galvanized) (1971) NY Utility (1971) SC Utility) (1971) NY Utility, Canvas Bag, Records and Supply Racks (Dollies, NY Utility, Dressing, Service, Orthopedic) (Chair, Stretch NY Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Steel Platform, Van NY Utility, Farm) (1971) Spec, for Tract NY UU-N-106C, UU-N-115B VA V-Crimp (1964) ASTM A-361 MS V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing Plow, Wing Box, and 9 NY Vacuum and Pressure, Headlight Output, Valve, Circuit A NY Vacuum Cleaner (Industrial) (1971) NY Vacuum Cleaner (1960) NJ Vacuum Cleaner, Back Carried (1970) PA Vacuum Cleaner, Back Pack, Dry (1967) KY Vacuum Cleaner, Large, Wet or Dry ( 1966) KY Vacuum Cleaner, Small, Wet or Dry (1966) KY Vacuum Cleaner, Upright (Industrial) (1970) PA Vacuum Cleaners ( 1966) KS Vacuum Cleaners (1970) FED OO-P-570C, OO-S-00255 Sp NJ Vacuum Cleaners (1971) NY Vacuum Cleaners (1971) /. for Power Tools (Stationary) NY Vacuum Cleaner; Heavy Duty Commercial ( 1970) PA Vacuum Evaporator System (Scientific Equipment) (1971) NY Vacuum Evaporator System (University) (1971) NY Vacuum Evaporator with Accessories (Scientific Equipmen NY Vacuum Leaf Loader (Trailer Mounted) ( 1971 ) NY Vacuum Leaf Loader ( 1 969 ) NY Vacuum Pump Systems (Replacement Units) (University) ( 1 NY Vacuum Regulators (Medical Center) (1971) NY Vacuum Spectrometer System (Emission Spectroscopy, Low NY Vacuum Street and Catch Basin Cleaner with Flusher Atta VA Vacuum Street, 13 cu. Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and C NJ Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer System (Analytical Diffractio NY Vacuum) ( 1965) UL 73, USC CS225-59 /for Floor Maintena VA Valet or Coat Rack (Furniture) (1969) Rl Validation and Snow Machine) (1971) AK Validation Decals (1970?) FED L-S-300, MIL R13689A, AST HI Validation of Motor Vehicle Registration Plates) (1970) NY Validation (for License Plates) (1969) PA Valley, Mineral Surfaced Strips (1970) FED SS-R-630 MS Valve Oil, Upper Cylinder ( 1968) CA Valve, Circuit and Ohm, Spark Plug, Antifreeze) Tachome NY Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Vats and Stock Po TX Valves and Tire Flaps (1970) CA Valves (Brass and Bronze) ( 1969) OR Valves (Discount) (1971) NY Valves ( 125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Land TX Valves (125 and 150 Lb., Screwed and Flanged, for Land TX Valves (1969) KS Valves, Bronze and Iron ( 1969) IL Van Bodies) (1971) / 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Walk In, Ser NY Van Body for Personnel (1970) Spec, for NJ Van Body (Truck) (1969) OR Van Body) (G.V.W. 53,000 Lb.) (1968) Sp NY Van Trailer (Insulated, Frozen Food Transport, 44,000 L NY Van Trailer) (Division and Temperature Control) ( 1970) NY Van Truck (G.V.W. 5,100 Lb.) (1970) SC Van Truck, Mobile Television Studio) (1969) NY Van Trucks (1970?) HI Van Type Body and Core Drill (1970) NJ Van Type Body for Mounting on Truck ( 1969) MI Van Type Body (1969) MI Van Type Trailer (Nominal 40 Ft. Interior Post, Aluminu NY Van Type Trailer (Nominal 41 Ft., Interior Post, Alumin NY Van Type with 3,000 Watt A.C. Generator (1968) NJ Van Type (Motor Vehicle) Noninsulated, 12 Ft. ( 1969) MI Van Type, Noninsulated, 16 Ft. (1969) MI Van Type, Truck, 22 Ft. ( 1 969 ) MI Van Wagon (5 Passenger, Truck) (1970) SC Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 6 Passenger, Special MI Van (Motor Vehicle), Panel Doors, 8 Passenger ( 1969) MI Van (Motor Vehicle), 1,800 Lb. Payload (1969) MI Van (Motor Vehicle), 8 Passenger (1969) MI Van (Sport Type, Truck) (1971) AK Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Airport Emergency Vehicle) AK Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Heating and Plumbing Speci AK Van (Truck) (4 X 2) (1971) AK Van (1/2 Ton) (1971) AK Van (1/2 Ton) (1971) AK Van, Compact (Motor Vehicle) ( 1970) MS 40500-0655 300-33-5 *7 22-600-0451 22-600-0300A 32300-0555 *3 20204-0879 39100-0562 11613-0292 40500-0397 40601-0434 DM-13 R-5-64-39 40502-0148 35000-0938 25000-0790 1190-00 C-178 7910-7 7910-3 7910-4 C-179 78-3A 1140-00 25000-0648 43200-0075 C-158 38731-0067 38788-0521 38788-0994 37000-0440 37000-0348 46000-0546 12200-0559 11002-0563 *6 4938-80 11002-0288 Y-9 1-022 *83 *2 23800-0708 D-21 R-5-64-8 681-91-01 35000-0938 370-31-13 701-26-32 57-200-9010 37612-0815 520-73-1B 540-73-2A 37-7 *19 40500-0397 4938-141 07-100-9010 40500-0714 42300-0493 42300-0630 ♦27 40504-0884 ♦18 4938-140 3958-0165 3958-0164 42300-0254 42300-0483 4938-96 3915-0210 3958-0212 3978-0214 ♦26 3905-0036 3905-0034 3958-0032 3905-0033 *34 ♦33 *32 •31 *35 ♦36 TV-3-71 355 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 41, A-375 Spec, for High Strength Manganese Std. Spec, for Oil, Spec, for Compressor Oil, r Motor Vehicles; Pickups, Light Trucks, Station Buses and candescent (Large) Tungsten Filament; Fluorescent; Mercury Spec, for Office Supplies (Special Printing for equipment) (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Beds; Metal, Hospital, Spec, for Spec, for Portable Tandem Spec, for Portable Tandem Spec, for Brushes; fed Std. 141 Spec, for . for Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd . for Combination Air Drying and Baking Oil Modified Alkyd Spec, for Paint, ent) (1966) FED H-B-695C Spec, for Spec, for Flat (for Cleaning Automobiles and Other Metal Surfaces Having 69) Spec, for Paint and Spec, for Liquid Paint and fed Std. 141 Spec, for Paint and Spec, for Sealer, Surface, Std. Spec, for Spar Spec, for Interior Spec, for Water Resisting Spar Spec, for Shellac Std. Spec, for Remover; Paint and Std. Spec, for Shellac Spec, for Brushes; Paint and Std. Spec, for Aluminum Paint, Pigment Paste, Mixing requirements for Ready Mixed Paints, Enamels, Linseed Oil, Spec, for Remover, Paint and Std. Spec, for Brushes (Paint and Spec, for Std. Spec, for Interior Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Boiled (for Paint, Std. Spec, for Spar Spec, for Brushes; Std. Spec, for Interior Spec, for Brushes, Spec, for Aluminum Vehicle Clear Spec, for Interior Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Log Oil s, Glazing Compound, Putty and Wood Preservative (Shellac, Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil, Raw (for Paint, entine, Gum Spirits or Steam Distilled (for Paint, Enamel, Std. Spec, for Brushes (Oil Paint, Pottery, Spec, for n Pressure Type Stoves, Lanterns, as a Thinner for Paints, General Spec, for Paints, Std. Spec, for Paints, quid Drier; Turpentine; Mineral Spirits; Alkyd Resin; Spar td. 141 Spec, for Spec, for .141 Spec, for d. 141 Spec, for or Cleaning of Drain Valves and Pipes on Cooking Utensils, Spec, for Track and Field Equipment (Pole Spec, for Diesel Powered Dump Truck with Front Snow and tard and Measuring Cups, Dolly, Funnels, Tray Card Holder, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Machines; earn Jacketed), / Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Machinery) ers, Meat Slicer, Food Cutt/ Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Shoe Leather; Sole, Spec, for Cottonseed Oil Spec, for Corn Oil (Maize) Spec, for Annual Food Cutting, Canned Fruits and Spec, for Seeds (Grass, Legume) for ivery of a Complete Color Television Mobile Unit Including Spec, for Form MV-1082 and MV-1082.1 969) Spec, for Aluminum Spec, for Shoes (Motor Spec, for Varnish; Mixing (Decal) (1969) Spec, for Spec, and Requirements for Pressure Sensitive Motor Spec, for Stickers, Spec, for Wool Uniforms - Summer and Winter (Motor Spec, for Motor Spec, for Reflectorized Vanadium Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars (1970?) ASTM A-4 Vane Type Air Compressor ( 1970) Vane Type, Medium ( 1968) Vans (1971) Std. Spec. Fo Vapor; Photo Lamps; and Miniature Lamps ( 1971 ) /Ric in Vari Typer) (1971) Variable Frequency Pulsed NMr Spectrometer (Scientific Variable Height (1960) Variable Temperature Cabinet ( 1968) Variable Weight Road Roller (1968) Variable Weight Road Roller (1970) Varnish and Paint, Oval (1970) Varnish Base Paint for Concrete and Wood Floors ( 1962) Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal Varnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal Varnish Base, Concrete and Wood Floors (1964) Varnish Brushes (Flat, — 1 to — 3 Size, Synthetic Filam Varnish Brushes ( 1964) Varnish or Laquer Finish) ( 1970) /. for Oil Soap Paste Varnish Remover (Nonflammable Organic Solvent Type) (19 Varnish Remover (Nonflammable) (1962) FED TT-R-251D Varnish Remover (Organic Solvent, Nonflammable) (1962) Varnish Type, Floor, Wood or Cork ( 1968) Varnish (Water Resisting, Exterior) (1969) Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Varnish (1969) Varnish (1970) Varnish (1970) Varnish (1970?) Varnish (1970?) Spec, for Basic Varnish (1971) FED TT-R-25 1H, ANSI Z66.1-64 Varnish) (1971) Varnish, Asphalt, Moist Conditions (1969) Varnish, Clear, Full Gloss (1970) Varnish, Enamel) (1970) Varnish, Exterior and Interior ( 1970) Varnish, Flat (1965) Varnish, Flat, Dull Gloss (1970) Varnish, Flat, Paint (1969) Varnish, General Purpose Phenolic Base (1969) Varnish, General Purpose, Gloss (1963) Varnish, Interior, Satin Gloss ( 1970) Varnish, Interior, Trim ( 1969) Varnish, Redwood Surface ( 1969) Varnish, Remover) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Ready Mixed Paint Varnish, Sealer, Enamel) ( 1970) Varnish, Solvent) (1970) Std. Spec, for Turp Varnish, Water Color, and Stencil) (1953) Varnish, Wood Floor and Trim, Interior (1963) Varnishes and as a Carrying Agent for Insecticide Spray Varnishes and Related Products (1969) Varnishes, Colors, Oils, Lacquers and Thinners ( 1966) Varnish; and Application (Highway and Bridge Constructi Varnish; Interior, Floor and Trim (1968) FED TT-V-71, S Varnish; Mixing (Vehicle for Aluminum Paint) (1962) Varnish; Spar (Phenoloc Resin) (1968) FED TT-V-1 19, Std Varnish; Spar (Water Resisting) (1968) FED TT-V-121, St Vats and Stock Pots, Etc. (1968) /. for Pipe Brushes F Vault and High Jump Pits with Cover) (1970) Vee Plow, Underbody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade) Vegetable Inserts, Ladels, Utility Pails, Pans, Pitcher Vegetable Oil Soap (Heavy Duty) (1953) Vegetable Oil Soap (Liquid and Paste) (1970) Vegetable Oil, Liquid, General Cleaning ( 1964) Vegetable Oil, Paste, General Cleaning ( 1964) Vegetable Peeling (1968) UL 73, AIA 70, NSF 8 (Vegetable Steamer and Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles (St (Vegetable Steamer, Potato Peeler, Mixer, Kettles, Toast Vegetable Tanned (1969) (Vegetable, Cooking) (1968) (Vegetable, Cooking) ( 1970) Vegetables (1970) Vegetative Cover (1970?) Vehicle and Specified Equipment ( 1970) / Test, and Del Vehicle Certificate Stickers (1970) Vehicle Clear Varnish, General Purpose Phenolic Base ( 1 Vehicle Examiner Safety Toe) (Uniform) (1968) (Vehicle for Aluminum Paint) ( 1 962) Vehicle Inspection Device (Pressure Sensitive Sticker) Vehicle Inspection Rejection Windshield Stickers (1964) Vehicle Inspection ( 1970) Vehicle Inspector) (1962) Vehicle Liability Insurance ( 1970?) Vehicle License Plates (1970?) MS 3310 MS L-5B-70-8 CA 681-91-57 OR 06-200-1040 NY 05400-0176 NY 23003-0295 NY 38782-0823 PA B-129 NY 12023-0852 SC 14-250 SC 14-250A PA B-25 VA DK-13A VA DK-25A VA DK-26A KY 13A VA C-2A TX 11 0-32-3 A PA S-18 PA R-16 TX 520-50-1 VA DK-17A KY 7930-4 OR 77-100-9420 VA DK-14A VA DK-15A VA DK-20A OR 77-100-9700 MS PM-3 NJ 1120-00 NM *19 MS 3501 NY 38000-0170 MS B-3C-71 CA 691-80-406 MS PM-1A MS PM-12 MS PM-2 PA B-38 MS PM-18 MI 5310-S1 CA 691-80-404 IA *1-12 MS PM-19 OR 77-100-9410 CA 691-80-401 NY 38000-0041 MS PM-11 MS PM-16 1L *33X IA *1-11 NY 05601-0896 OR 77-100-9000 IL *10 VA DH-239 PA V-7 PA V-l PA V-15 PA V-4 TX 370-31-13 NY 30206-0550 AK *63 PA F-80 MS S-2-53-37 LA * 1 1 — 14 MI 4624-0500 MI 4624-0510 PA M-33 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0122 PA L-24 PA 0-8 PA O-10 NE *84 MS 3876 SC 76-000-0305 NY 50045-0264 CA 691-80-404 NJ 3370-00 PA V-l PA D-16 NJ 0734-02 CA 701-75-75 NJ 1588-04 HI *5 HI *1 356 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for 1972 Motor Spec, for Twin Roof Rotating Light r Plastic Stickers, Reflectorized (for Validation of Motor c. for Elastomeric Film Device (Decal, Sticker), for Motor Spec, for License Stickers (Decal, Motor 89A, ASTM D822-46T Spec, for 1971 ressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to Nonpassenger Spec, for Sedans, Four Door, Standard Spec, for Station Wagon, Four Door, 6 Passenger, Standard Spec, for Station Wagon, Four Door, 9 Passenger, Standard Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Special Service 7 Ft. Platform Body) ( 1969) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Snow latform Dump Body and Heavy Duty Winch) (/ Spec, for Snow assenger) (Departmental) (1970) Spec, for Snow Spec, for Suburban Type Spec, for 1970Travelall Minimum Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for Airport Crash Rescue and Fire Fighting Spec, for Carryall Type Spec, for Carryall Type Spec, for 4X4 Carryall Type Spec, for Body, Van Type (Motor for Certificate of Inspection and 10 Day Extension (Motor Spec, for Inspection Certificates (Motor crane, 4000 Lb. Capacity Electric Powered (for Mounting on Spec, for 2 Seat Carryall (Motor Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Rescue Instructional Materials Laboratory - Center (Truck, Motor Spec, for Manually Operated Weight Cart (Lift, Std. Spec, for Panel, Delivery Van, Compact (Motor Std. Spec, for Carryall Type Truck (Motor Spec, for Suburban Carryall or Town Wagon, 1/2 Ton (Motor Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Fire Apparatus Spec, for Bookmobile Spec, for Artmobile s for Mobile Media and Instructional Materials Laboratory for Compact Van (Truck) (3/4 Ton, 4X2, Airport Emergency Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Spec, for Suburban Van (Motor Spec, for Panel Van (Motor Spec, for Sport Van (Motor Spec, for Sedan, Four Door, Standard 9) Spec, for Suburban Std. Spec, for Motor access) (1971) Spec, for Adult Bus (Special Purpose Spec, for Receiving Procedure for Automobiles, Police predelivery Service and Inspection for Automobiles, Police Spec, for State Police Cruiser, Pursuit Spec, for Law Enforcement and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Passenge/ Spec, for Snow Std. Spec, for Station Wagon Std. Spec, for Four Door Sedan pec. for Uniform (Apparel, Clothing) for Registry of Motor Spec, for State Police Spec, for State Police Confidential Spec, and Minimum Requirements for 1971 Police Pursuit Std. Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Spec, for Police Patrol Minimum Spec, for Std. Size) (1969) Minimum Spec, for Passenger Std. Size) (1969) Minimum Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Motor Std. Spec, for Motor Spec, for Fence Gates Spec, for Spec, for Wet Storage Batteries for Spec, for Batteries Spec, for Dry Charge Storage Batteries for Spec, for Helmets, Std. Spec, for Batteries, Storage, Std. Spec, for Storage Batteries Std. Spec, for Batteries; Storage, for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W., Mounted with High Std. Spec, for Pile Carpetirfg and Rugs, Spec, for Carpets and Rugs; Modified Spec, for Spec, for mall Media Bottle and Sample Test Tube), Cardboard Box for Spec, for Spec, for e) (1971) 971) (1971) tation Wagon and Sedan) (1971) a-120, A-153, B-241 Veh (Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh (Veh (Veh (Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh Veh (Veh Veh Veh (Veh Veh Veh Veh (Veh Veh cle License Plates ( 1 97 1 ) cle Mounting, Warning) (1970) cle Registration Plates) (1970) Spec. Fo cle Use (1968) MIL F-22735a Spe cle Validation and Snow Machine) (1971) cle Validation Decals (1970?) FED L-S-300, MIL R136 cle Windshields ( 1964) /Ec. and Requirements for P cle (Automobile) (1970) cle (Automobile) (1970) cle (Automobile) (1970) cle (Automobile, Class A) (1971) cle (Endless Track, Self Propelled 2 Passenger, 6 X cle (Self Propelled Heavy Duty, 4 Passenger) ( 1968) cle (Self Propelled Type, 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. P cle (Self Propelled, Heavy Duty Flat Deck Type, 2 P cle (Truck) (1970) cle (1970?) cle (1971 Model Automobile) (1970) cle (1971) cle (1/2 Ton, 4 X 2, 6 Passenger) (1971) cle (3/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 6 Passenger) (1971) cle (6 Passenger) (1971) cle) Noninsulated, 12 Ft. (1969) cle) Stickers (1968) Spec. cle) (Sticker) (1967) cle) (1968) cle) (1969) cle) (1969) cle) (1969) cle) (1969?) cle) (1970) cle) (1970) cle) (1970) cle) (1970) cle) (1970?) cle) (1970?) cle) (1970?) cle) (1971) Spec, for /S and Floor Plan for Mobile Media and Spec. Spec, for Drawing Spec, cle), Panel Doors, 6 Passenger, Special (1969) cle), Panel Doors, 8 Passenger ( 1969) cle), 1,800 Lb. Payload (1969) cle), 8 Passenger (1969) cle, Official Use (Automobile) (1970) cle, Panel Doors, Special, 6 Passenger (Motor) (196 cle, Police Type (Standard Size Automobile) ( 1971 ) cle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type, 4X2, Wheel Chair cles and Trucks ( 1969) cles and Trucks ( 1969) Spec, for cles (Automobile) (1970) cles (Police, Automobile) (1969) cles (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Wheels cles (1970) cles (1970) cles (1970?) cles (1971) cles (1971) cles (1971) cles ( 4 Door Automobile ) (1971) cles (4 Door Sedan Automobile) ( 197 1 ) cles (4 Door Sedan Automobile, Std. Size) ( 1969) cles (4 Door, 6 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, cles (4 Door, 9 Passenger Station Wagon Automobile, cles; Passenger Car and Station Wagon (1971) cles; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Mini Compact Siz cles; Passenger Cars (Intermediate) (Automobile) (1 cles; Pickups, Light Trucks, Station Buses and Vans cles; Police Pickup, 1/2 Ton (Truck) (1971) cles; Trucks and Chassis ( 1969) cle; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) (S cular and Pedestrian) with Pipe Frame ( 1970?) ASTM cular Gain Antennas (State Police) (1971) cular Ignition, Lighting and Starting ( 1964) cular Ignition, Lighting and Starting) (1970?) cular Ignition, Lighting, and Starting (1964) cular Use and Hazardous Duty ( 1970) cular, Ignition and Lighting ( 1969) cular. Ignition, Lighting and Starting) (1966) cular, Ignition, Lighting, Starting ( 1969) Velocity Sewer Cleaner ( 1967) Velvet and Wilton (1965) Velvet (1964) Vending Machines (Lottery) (1970) Vending Machines ( 1969) Venereal Disease Program (1971) Venetian Blinds (Building) (1968) Venetian Blinds (Building) (1971) /Am Block Mailer for S AK NM NY PA AK HI NJ KY KY KY CA NY NY NY NY SC WY UT AK AK AK AK MI NY NY NJ NH NY NJ NJ MS MS NM NY HI HI NJ AK MI MI MI MI KY MI OR AK MI MI KY NJ NY IN IN MA IN IN NM MS AK TN TN TN PA OR OR OR OR OR OR MS NY TX GA TX CA MS IL OR NJ MS PA NY NJ NY NY NY ♦75 *9 23800-0708 D-23 ♦83 *2 0734-01 2310-1 2310-2 2310-3 711-23-06 42200-0285 42200-0645 42200-0574 42200-0368 14-0 10-0451 A *8 *1 *78 ♦29 *28 *3 3915-0210 50045-0453 00500-00-0392 4938-121 6554-012 40500-0835 *2 *l-2 TV-3-71 TV-5-71 *14 40501-0275 *13 *23 *16 *33 3905-0036 3905-0034 3958-0032 3905-0033 2310-4 3905-0056 06-100-1031 *77 *4 *3 2310-10 6542-50 42200-0362 *10 *9 *16 *6 *7 *10 HP-5 10-42 ♦22 TS 2310-1 TS 2310-2 TS 2310-3 V-16 06-100-1052 06-100-1010 06-200-1040 06-200-1050 06-200-9020 06-100-1020 3379 38211-0048 035-35-1 6140-2-14 035-35-2 701-42-06 B-5A-69 *36 07-330-9011 4938-103 C-5C-65 C-156 36130-0643 6364-01 19903-0524 24401-0542 24401-0263 357 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for cc-T-191 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Metal Spec, for Metal Audio Visual Spec, for Spec, for Metal Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Blinds; d. Spec, for Ironer, Flatwork, Commercial, Chest Type (and mperature, Automotive and Industrial (Air Conditioning and oxygen Detector; Respirators; Minute Volume and Anesthesia ec. for Pulmonary and Respiratory Teaching Aids (Monitors, Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine Spec, for Water Pumping System (Multistage cer and Saw and Grinder, Food Cutter, 18 In. Blender Base, es, Toasters, Meat Sheer, Food Cutter, Meat Saw, Blender, and Hoisting Gear for Rehabilitation of Boat)/ Spec, for 1969) Spec, for Steel Spec, for Steel pec. for Office Supplies (File Folders and Card Guides and Spec, for Marine Mooring Floats, Dock Access Spec, for Air Compressor (Single Stage, Spec, for Pump, Motor and Controls (Multistage Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine Spec, for Folder, File, Std. Spec, for Files (Accordion, Spec, for Cabinets, Filing, Std. Spec, for Pianos, Tent. Std. Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Std. Spec, for Food Mixing Machine Spec, for Filing Cabinets, Steel, arch) ( 197/ Spec, for Shellfish Oceanographic Data Survey all Throwing Machine, Horseshoes, Croquet, Horn, Scrimmage Spec, for Safety 1 Spec, for Women's Spec, for Children's and Misses' Spec, for Life Sudan Grass, Alfalfa, Clover, Trefoil, Rape, Peas, Beans, Std. Spec, for Headstones, ) Spec, for r Campus Signal Distribution System (Cable Television) (12 . for Communications Equipment (2 Way Radios, Land Mobile, communications Equipment (2 Way Radio, Portable, Personal, Spec, for UHF - halt Compaction for Patching / Spec, for Tailgate Roller Spec, for Roller, Spec, for Roller, Spec, for Engine Driven Concrete pper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woodborer, Concrete Pneumatic Tools (Paving Breaker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete (1971) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for paver, Heavy Duty Self Propelled Bituminous Finisher, with Spec, for Rear Screen Study Carrels / with Audio Spec, for System (Cable Television) (12 VHF Channel CATV - Baseband Spec, for X-Ray Equipment Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film 1969) Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass X-Ray Film er, Lime, Inoculating Bacteria, Mulch, Sod, Trees, Shrubs, spec, for Planting and Transplanting of Trees, Scrubs, and Spec, for Plant Stock (Trees, Shrubs, ) Spec, for Paint, Spec, for Floor Tile; Spec, for for Brief (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Spec, for Ticking; 0) FED CCC-T-191 Spec, for Ticking; Spec, for Boys" and Men's Std. Spec, for Spec, for Shower Curtains, Tub and Stall, Canvas, in Coastal Zone ( 1969) Spec, for Std. 601 Spec, for Mats; (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Tape; Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, Spec, for Tile and Flooring; Spec, for Matting, ype(1969) Spec, for Spec, for 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Mats and Matting, Nylon on Venetian Blinds (Building) (1971) Venetian Blinds (Custom Made Conventional) (1969) FED C Venetian Blinds (NYS Std.) (1967) Venetian Blinds (1964) Venetian Blinds (1964) Venetian Blinds (1964) Venetian Blinds (1969) Venetian Blinds (1969) Venetian Blinds (1969) FED AA-V-200a Venetian Blinds, Window, Shade (1970?) Venetian (Custom Made) (1968) Ventilating Canopy) (1966) St Ventilating, Laundry, Power House Equipment) Water Resi Ventilators) (1971) /D Electronic Nebulizers; Percent Ventilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers, Function Indie (Vertical Bench Type, 12 Qt.) (1962) Vertical Centrifugal) (1968) Vertical Cutter Mixers) (1966) /D), Toasters, Meat Sli Vertical Cutter / Mixers) ( 1971 ) /Peeler, Mixer, Kettl Vertical Drum Capstan, Swinger and Hoist (Line Handling Vertical Filing Cabinets (Class 1) (Office Furniture) Vertical Filing Cabinets (Letter and Legal) (1968) Vertical Filing) (1971) Vertical Ladders, Ramp (College) (1971) Vertical Reciprocating Type, Turbine Driven) ( 1971) Vertical Turbine Type, 550 GPM) (1968) (Vertical Type, 20 Qt. Bench Model) (1963) Vertical (1970) Vertical, Box, Folders, Jacket, Pocket) ( 1971 ) Vertical, Metal, Office (1970) Vertical, School (1969) Vertical, Steel (1964) Vertical, Steel (1969) (Vertical, 30 Qt., Floor Model) ( 1968) Vertical, 5 Drawer (1969) FED AA-F-00359 Vessel (Water Sample, Recording Current, Salinity, Rese Vest, Line Marking (Liquid and Machine) Tape, Gym Mats, Vests (Clothing) (Departmental) (1970?) Vests (1970) Vests (1970) Vests, Buoyant (1964) Vetch, Grass, Timothy, Lawn) ( 1971 ) /Lets, Sorghum and Veterans" (1969) VHF - CATV Distribution System (Cable Television) (1969 VHF Channel CATV - Baseband Video) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec. Fo VHF Low Band) (1971) Std. Spec VHF Low Band ) ( 1 97 1 ) Std. Spec, for VHF Television Receiver and Stand (1971) (V V V V V V V V V V V V V (V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V brating, Self Propelled, Dump Truck Mounting) for Asp brating, with Trailer ( 1968) brating, with Trailer ( 1968) brator (1970) brator, Backfill Tamper, Paving Breaker) ( 1970) /Chi brator, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler bratory Power Roller (2 Axle, Tandem, 2 Ton Category) bratory Road Roller for Riding Operator ( 1970) bratory Road Roller for Walking Operator (1970) bratory Screen (1968) Spec, for deo Accessories (1971) deoTape (1970?) deo) (1971) Spec, for Campus Signal Distribution dicon Television System) ( 1968) ewer (Medical Center) (1969) ewers (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (Medical Center) nes and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, nes (Highway Construction) ( 1964) Std. nes, Perennials) for Roadside Landscape (1970?) nyl Acrylic Emulsion, Exterior, White and Tints ( 1969 nyl Asbestos (1962) FED L-T-00345 nyl Cloth (Lintex) for Table and Shelf Use ( 1971 ) nyl Coated Fabric ( 1971 ) Spec. nyl Coated (Mattress and Pillow) (1959) FED CCC-T-191 nyl Coated, (Light Weight) (Mattrgss and Pillow) (196 nyl Dress Gloves (1970) nyl Embossing Tape ( 1971 ) nyl Film, Nylon, Plastic, and Hooks ( 1971 ) nyl Finish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Bridges nyl or Rubber (Link Type) (1966) ASTM D395, D735, Fed nyl Paint, Aluminum Finish Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone nyl Plastic Film (Electrical Insulating) (1960) nyl Plastic (1962) FED L-F-00450 nyl Polyvinyl Chloride (1969) nyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide Titanium Dioxide T nyl Primer (Paint), Red Iron Oxide Type ( 1969) nyl Wash Primer (Paint), Metal Pretreatment, Marine nyl (1969) NY 24401-0270 OR 72-300-9010 NY 24401-0586 NC 7230- V-l TX 705-34-1 TX 705-34-2 CA 691-68-58 VA DG-2B RI 4310-006 MD *15 PA B-73 NC 3510-FI-l MI 5255-S12 NY 12200-0462 NY 12200-0512 WA S-62-46 NY 46000-0792 NY 00361-0541 NY 36100-0122 NY 43100-0490 RI 1-003 TX 300-45-3A NY 23005-0500 NY 49607-0022 NY 41400-0787 NY 46000-0553 WA S-63-68 CA 701-75-25 IL *32DD NJ 7148-01 NC 7710-P-1B MS TF-22-64 MI 3742-S1 WA S-68-102 CA 691-67-25 NY 49602-0862 NY 30200-0587 MA *22 RI 4287-F-011 RI 4287-F-012 KY 2030-6A NY 07900-0584 CT 6348-1B NY 38221-0497 NY 38221-0321 FL *27 FL *26 NY 38210-0100 AK *52 NJ 4938-108 NJ 4938-30 NE *52 NY 43203-0185 NY 43203-0748 NY 41300-0825 SC 14-250-0451 A sc 14-250-045 IB NJ 4938-104 NY 38209-0389 GA 5835-1-1 NY 38221-0321 NY 11000-0372 NY 11501-0365 NY 11501-0930 VA DH-257 SC HD-111 MS 3861 CA 691-80-11 PA T-66 NY 24700-0471 PA C-149 PA T-55 PA T-60 RI 4235-M-010 IL ♦32FFF PA C-155 CA 691-80-75 PA M-42 CA 691-80-49 PA T-57 PA T-61 PA M-4 CA 691-80-41 CA 691-80-40 CA 691-80-52 PA M-66 358 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Binders, Ring, Supported Spec, for Treads; Stair, Rubber and Spec, for Artificial Leather, Upholstery Spec, for Gloves; Coated (Neoprene and Spec, for Window Shades (Cloth or e, Snare Drum) (1971) Spec, for Musical Instruments Spec, for Wet Cleaning Mopheads (Cotton and ocessing Test Instrumentation) (Dough Consistency, Gelatin . for Storm Suit; Jacket and Bib Style Overall Pants (High Spec, for Rubber Raincoats (High mall Tools (Eye Protective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Spec, for Audio / Spec, for Metal Audio Std. Spec, for Pens, Fine Line Markers (Regular and Audio Spec, for Game Bird Std. Spec, for Poultry Std. Spec, for Swine (Hog) Antibiotic Spec, for Chinaware; . for Pipe Culverts (Concrete, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, spec, for Sewer Pipe and Construction (Highway) (Concrete, Std. Spec, for Chinaware, Table, Std. Spec, for Chinaware, Spec, for Pipe; Clay, pec. for Weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Low for Brush Killer (2 4 5 Trichlorphenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Spec, for Odorless Spec, for for Thinner, Paint, for Thinner, Paint, for Thinner, Paint, petroleum Distillate) (1962) hinner (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec. Spec. urpentine Substitute) (19/ Std. Spec. oint Sealer (Type Ii, Produced by Gluing Asphalt Base with , Freezers) Explosion Proof and Safe (Flammable Liquid and c and 2,4,5 Trichlorophe/ Spec, for Liquid Herbicide, Low 0) Spec, for Herbicide, Low 1971) Spec, for Herbicides, Liquid, Low Trichlorop/ Spec, for Herbicide, Invert Emulsions of Low Spec, for Spirits; Petroleum, t (General) (Basketball, Table and Paddle and Deck Tennis, ectronic Engine Testers) (Ed/ Spec, for Garage Equipment . for Dry Charge Type Electric Storage Batteries (6 and 12 Spec, for Pile Cable (High c Nebulizers;. Percent Oxygen Detector; Respirators; Minute Spec, for Hydrogen Peroxide (Electrolytic 100 ntilators, Resuscitators, Spirometers, Function Indicator, Plow, Manure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Self Unloading Forage icle; Passenger Cars (Automobile) (Standard Size) (Station Minimum Spec, for Vehicles (4 Door, 9 Passenger Station Spec, for Passenger Vehicles (4 Door, 6 Passenger Station Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Ambulance, Station Std. Spec, for Station Spec, for 4 Door, 2 Seat Station Spec, for 6 and 9 Passenger Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station , 4 Door, 6 Passenger) ( 1970) Spec, for Station , 4 Door, 6 Passenger) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Minimum Spec, for Station Spec, for Vehicles; Passenger Car and Station Spec, for Van Spec, for Police Panel Truck (4 X 4) (Paddy Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Suburban Carryall or Town Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for Station Spec, for State Police Station Spec, for Automobiles (Sedans and Station Spec, for Sedans (Automobile), Station Std. Spec, for Station Spec, for Brushes; Scrub, Floor, Hand (Narrow Spec, for Belts; Spec, for Fork Lift Truck, Spec, for Snaav Blower Spec, for Mower, 24 In., Rotary, Std. Spec, for Picnic Table (Tubular Steel Frame, Equipment (Trucks) (Conventional and 6 Man Cabs) (Pickup, Spec, for Twill Shirts and Spec, for Environmental ricated) (University) (1971) Spec, for Environmental Spec, for Environment ize) (1971) ize) (1971) ger) (1970?) bile) (1970) bile) (1970) r (1970) Vinyl (1970) Vinyl (1970) (Vinyl) (1968) Vinyl) (1970) Vinyl) (1970) FED Std. 191, Std. 406, Std. 751 (Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Cornet, Trumpet, Tenor Trombon Viscose Rayon) (1962) FED CCC-T-191 Viscosimeter) (Departmental) (1971) /Quipment (Food Pr Visibility Orange) ( 1964) Spec Visibility Yellow) (1960) Visitors, Goggles (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Visual Observation System (Communications) ( 1970) Visual Venetian Blinds ( 1964) Visual) (1971) Vitamin Mineral Mix (Feed) (1970) Vitamin Mineral Premix (Chicken) (1970) Vitamin Premix (1970) Vitreous (Institutional and Hospital Use) ( 1971 ) Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, Wye, Elbow, Bend Joints) (1 Vitrified Clay, Bituminized Fiber, Cast Iron) (1964) Vitrified (Institutional Use) ( 1965) Vitrified (1955) Vitrified (1964) ASTM C301 Volatile Ester) (1961) Std. S Volatile Ester) ( 1961 ) Std. Spec Volatile Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner And/or Solvent Volatile Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Distillate) Paint T Volatile Mineral Spirits (1963) Volatile Mineral Spirits ( 1964) Volatile Mineral Spirits, General Purpose (May Use as T Volatile Solvent and Adding Chemicals) (1970?) / and J Volatile Solvent Storage) ( 1971 ) OPNAV 34P1 /Igerators Volatile (Ester of Combination 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyaceti Volatile (Ester of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) ( 197 Volatile (Ester of 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid) Volatile (Esters of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Volatile (Mineral) (1967) Volley Ball, Badminton, Balls, Bean Bag, Starting Pisto (Volt Ampere, Generator / Alternator, Distributor and El Volt) (1966) Spec Voltage) (1969) Volume and Anesthesia Ventilators) (1971) /D Electroni Volume for Use as Laundry Bleach) ( 1942) Volumeter, Training Thorax, Body Plethysmograph, Tonome Wagon and Harvester, Corn Planter, Manure Conditioner, Wagon and Sedan) ( 1971 ) Std. Spec, for Motor Veh Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) Wagon Automobile, Std. Size) (1969) Minimum Wagon Type) (1971) Wagon Vehicles (1970) Wagon (Automobile) (1970) Wagon (Automobile) ( 1970?) Wagon (Automobile), 6 Passenger (1969) Wagon (Automobile), 8 Passenger (1969) Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 116 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 117 In. Wheelbase, Std. Size Wagon (Automobile, 1/4 Ton, 4 X 4, 4 Passenger) (1971) Wagon (Automobile, 200 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large S Wagon (Automobile, 240 Hp, 4 Door, 6 Passenger, Large S Wagon (Automobile, 4 Door, Intermediate Model, 6 Passen Wagon (1971) Wagon (5 Passenger, Truck) (1970) Wagon) (1971) Wagon, Four Door, 6 Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automo Wagon, Four Door, 9 Passenger, Standard Vehicle (Automo Wagon, 1/2 Ton (Motor Vehicle) (1970) Wagon, 4 Door, Group A, Standard Automobile, 6 Passenge Wagon, 4 Door, 4X4 (Automobile) (1970) Wagon, 4 Door, 6 Passenger (Automobile) ( 1970) Wagon, 4X4 1/4 Ton (Automobile) (1970) Wagons (Automobile), Pickup and Dump Trucks ( 1970?) Wagons (1971) Wagons) (1967) Wagons, Pickup and Van Trucks (1970?) Wagons, 4 Door (Automobile) (1970) Waist) (1969) Waist, Leather (1970) Walk Behind (1968) (Walk Behind) (1971) Walk Behind, Self Propelled (1969) Walk in Type, 8 Ft.) (1968) Walk In, Service / Utility, Dump and Hoists, Stake and Walk Shorts (Men's and Boys') (1970) Walk-in Chamber (College) (1971) Walk-in Chambers and Constant Temperature Rooms (Prefab Walk-in Chambers (Portable) (Medical Center) (1970) CA 701-75-39 PA T-34 PA A-21 PA G-18 PA S-28 NY 38320-0503 VA S-4A NY 38787-0579 TX 1 60-44-2 RI 4295-M-002 NY 39012-0491 NY 38221-0692 TX 705-34-2 MS P-9B-71 WA S-6 1-33-1 WA S-60-8-1 WA S-60-11-2 PA C-2 SC HD-90 SC HD-92 MS C-39A-65 CT 3108-C-31 PA P-13 WA S-6 1-36 WA S-6 1-37 DK-34A DK-16A *1-16 16A PM-13 *34 25202-0158 H-8-71 H-2A-70 H-3A-71 H-9-71 S-32 30200-0587 35000-0738 28-000-0451 *3 12200-0462 P-108 12200-0512 08200 06-100-1020 TS 2310-3 TS 2310-2 40302-0485 *10 6554-010 *3 3905-0016 3905-0017 *26 *25 ♦27 *24 ♦23 *6 V-16 *26 *30 2310-2 2310-3 *14 702-23-02 ♦12 VA VA IA KY MS VA NY MS MS MS MS PA NY NY SC NE NY PA NY NY OR TN TN NY IN NH VA MI MI AK AK AK AK AK WY PA SC AK KY KY NM CA NM NM NM HI IN KS HI MS PA PA NJ NY NJ WI NY NY NY NY NY *11 *13 *19 *8 10-1E *18 TV-2-7 1 B-75 B-138 4938-123 37002-0458 4938-18 0560-8850 40500-0397 40010-0477 12026-0877 12026-0757 12026-0552 359 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards y)(1969) Spec, for Environmental Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment partment or Combination Cooler / Freezer / Std. Spec, for Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment g Chambers) (1970) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment d Assembly) (1971) Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment ersity) (1971) Spec, for Environmental (Chair, Stretcher and Pad, Oxygen Cylinder Truck, Invalid terial Handling Equipment (Pallet Trucks - Battery Powered r Material Handling Equipment (Lift Truck, Battery Powered ndling Equipment (Mechanical), Lift Truck (Battery Powered Spec, for Lawn Mowers; Power (Reel and Rotary Type) Spec, for Vibratory Road Roller for Spec, for Food Service Equipment (Kitchen ssemblies, Wall Cases, Showcas/ Spec, for Store Fixtures Finish) (1962) FED Std/ Spec, for One Coat Flat Interior Spec, for Brushes; Dust, . Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Gloss, Interior, Ready Mix, ec. for Paint, Latex Base, Semigloss, Interior, Ready Mix, Spec, for Compound; Std. Spec, for Enamel, Gloss, Interior, for Primer Sealer (Paint), Pigmented, Interior, Low Odor, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Latex, Interior, White, furniture, Installed (Steel) (Auxiliary and Center Tables, d Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola Assemblies, Spec, for Store Fixtures (Utility Counters, Cigar and lar(1963) Std. Spec, for . for Ammonia; Bleach; Toilet, Drain, Glass, Scouring, and 1, Wa-2 Spec, for Thin spec, for Roofing, Steel, Gavanized, Gambrel Joint and End Spec, for Display Cases 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior ( 1/ Spec, for Fire Alarm System (Emergency Power Source) Spec, for ack Bar, Serving and Bob Tail Units, Stands, Refrigerator, Spec, for Air Conditioning Units; Window or ) (1970) Spec, for Drinking Water Coolers Spec, for Ready Mixed (White and Tints) Interior Flat In.) (1966) FED H-B-420D, H-B-141C Spec, for Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Base Flat White Pan, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Spec, for Store Fixtures r Riprap Materials (Stone and Filter Blanket) (Foundation, Spec, for Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Store Fixtures Spec, for Floor and Spec, for Thin Spec, for Brushes; Stippling, Spec, for Air Conditioner, Room, Window and Through the raffic Separator, Etc./ Spec, for Concrete Masonry Units Ice Cream Cabinet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Std. Spec, for Primer and Sealer; re Fixtures (Display and Storage Cases) (Cigar, Cigarette, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Spec, for Softwood Lumber and Plywood, Hardboard and Spec, for Primer Sealer Paint for Plaster and Spec, for Paint, Primer Sealer for Plaster and Std. Spec, for Primer, Sealer, Interior, Plaster and ce) ( 1970) Spec, for Store Fixtures Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, ) Spec, for Acoustical Folding ) Spec, for Acoustical Folding Cloth; Resin Treated (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Grade ers,/ Spec, for Store Fixtures (Book, Display and Divider . Spec, for Enamel, High Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Bungalow or for Precatalyzed Lacquer Furniture Finishing System (Oak, lorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acids) 966) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Beds; Metal, Institutional Institutional Furniture (Metal) (Chairs, Rockers) (Mental Spec, for Beds; Metal, Spec, for Uniform Shirts (Fish Spec, for Metal Spec, for Combination All Metal Dresser and urniture (Bookcases and Steel Shelving; File, Storage, and k Out Counter, Showcase, Shelv/ Showcases, Telescopic Post Wi/ 964) Walk-in Chambers (Temperature Control) Rooms (Universit (Walk-in Cooler) (1968) Walk-in Cooler, Holding Freezer, Single or Multiple Com (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1969) (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1969) (Walk-in Freezer and Coolers) (Food) (1970) (Walk-in Freezer) (Whole Animal and Special Freeze Dryin (Walk-in Freezer) (1971) (Walk-in Freezers and Refrigerators) (Classroom Study An (Walk-in Refrigerator) (1969) Walk-in Rooms (Temperature Control) (Live Animal) (Univ Walker, Body Support) (1970) /Ng, Service, Orthopedic) Walkie and Hydraulic, Skids - Semilive, Lift Jacks) ( 19 Walkie and Stand Up Rider, Skid) (Manual Hydraulic) (19 Walkie ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Materials Ha (Walking and Tractor) (1968) ANSI B71.1, SAE J607, J608 Walking Operator (1970) Wall and Base Cabinets and Sink) (Pantry) (1969) (Wall and Book Drop and Paperback Floor Units, Gondola A Wall and Ceiling Oil Paint (Combined Sealer, Primer and Wall and Ceiling (1969) Wall and Ceiling (1970) Std Wall and Ceiling (1970) Std. Sp Wall and Paint Cleaner (1969) Wall and Woodwork, Conventional (Paint) (1970) Wall Board and Plaster (1969) Spec. Wall Board, Plaster, Wood (1969) Wall Cases) (Hospital) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Wall Cases, Showcases, Counters, Wire Dividers) (1969) Wall Cases, Swing Gate) (1971) Wall Cleaner, Heavy Duty, Low Foaming, Powder and Granu Wall Cleaners; Detergent; Toilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ri Wall Diamond Bits and Adapters (Drilling) (1970) CE Wa- Wall Flashing, Corrugated (1964) ASTM A-361 Std. (Wall Hung) (1970) Wall Latex Base Paint (White and Tints) (1968) FED Std. (Wall Mounted Cabinet Containing Batteries and Charger) Wall Mounted Dental X-Ray Unit (1968) Wall Mounted Display Case and Panel, Cornice, Shelf, Co Wall Mounted (1970) (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Self Contained Wall Oil Paint (1962) FED Std. 141 Wall Paint Brushes (Metal Bound, Nylon Filament, 3 to 6 Wall Paint (1967) Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee Warmer) (1969) (Wall Shelves, Display Case) ( 1971 ) Wall Support) (1970?) Spec. Fo Wall Type Paint Brushes (1964) (Wall Units, Display Cases) ( 1970) (Wall Units, Gondolas, Island and Display Sections, Chec (Wall Units, Gondolas, Shelves, Showcases) ( 1968) (Wall Units, Shelves, Counters, Paper Storage, Gondolas, Wall Washing Compound (1965) Wall (Non Resettable) Diamond Bits for Core Drilling (1 Wall (1954) Wall (1970) (Wall, Catch Basin, Manhole, Drop Inlet, Cattle Guard, T Wall, Coffee Warmer) (1969) /An, Soft Drink Dispenser, Wall, Interior (1969) Wall, Magazine and Paper, Card, Candy and Cookie) ( 1969 Wall, Ready Mix (1969) Wallboard ( N YS Std. ) ( 1 97 1 ) Wallboard (1962) FED Std. 141 Wallboard (1964) Wallboard, Alkyd (Paint) (1970) (Wallcases, Showcases, Shelves, Counter, Gondolas, Corni Wallets (Tie, Expanding, Single Pocket) ( 1971 ) Wallets, Expanding, Letter and Legal Size Filing (1970) Walls and Woodwork (Paint), Light (1970) Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operation) (1971 Walls (Manual and Automatic Electrical Operation) (1971 Walls) (1970) FED HH-C-466B Std. Spec, for Glass Walls, Islands, Counters, Showcases, Swing Gates, Divid Walls, Woodwork and Metal (Paint) (1970) Std Walnut Brown, Wood ( 1970) Walnut, Maple, Cold Spray) ( 1969) Spec. (Wanner Invert Emulsion Sprayer) ( 197 1 ) /Rs of 2,4 Dich Ward and Operating Room Hospital Equipment (General) ( 1 Ward Day Room Arm Chairs (1963) FED CCC-A-700B Ward (Wire Fabric Springs) (1956) Ward) (1969) Spec, for Ward, Hospital (1956) Warden) (1969) FED V-B-871,Std. 191, Std. 571a Wardrobe Cabinets (Office Furniture) (1969) Wardrobe Cabinets (1958) Wardrobe Cabinets; Chairs; Costumer; Desk; Conference, NY 12026-0786 NY 24204-0750 NC 4110-CF-l NY 24204-0098 NY 24204-0105 NY 24204-0423 NY 24204-0654 NY 24204-0425 NY 24204-0747 NY 24204-1010 NY 1 2026-0746 NY 11613-0292 NY 39101-0680 NY 39101-0471 NY 39101-0279 PA M-60 SC 14-250-045 IB NY 36200-0225 NY 21802-0181 VA DK-29A PA B-6 MS PI- 14 MS PI- 13 PA C-74 MS PI-8 CA 691-80-201 CA 691-80-202 NY 12008-0635 NY 21802-0181 NY 21802-0225 MS C-12-63 IL *39 NY 41200-0426 MS R-5-64-38 NY 21802-0577 VA DK-31B NY 34400-0777 NY 11001-0886 NY 36200-0787 TX 015-32-1B TX 175-3 1-2A VA DK-21A VA C-1A TX 5 20-4 2-6 A NY 36200-0768 NY 21802-0077 MS 3601 TX 110-32-1A NY 21802-0605 NY 21802-0333 NY 21802-0161 NY 21802-0347 VA TL-16 TX 595-56-1 PA B-40 NJ 8708-00 VA DH-226 NY 36200-0768 OR 77-100-9210 NY 21802-0128 KY 31A NY 37500-0310 VA DK-19A KY 19A MS PI-2 NY 21802-0581 IL *32HHH CA 701-75-59 MS PI-6 NY 33811-0091 NY 33811-0190 OR 64-500-0110 NY 21802-0370 MS PI-7 MS PE-5 MI 5325-S19 MS H-9-71 NY 00116-00-0088 IL *38 PA B-60 NY 21502-0418 PA B-63 PA U-18 RI 1-008 NJ 3712-00 AK ♦53 360 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Dormitory Furniture (3 Drawer Spec, for Inside n (Gas Fired), Potters Wheel, Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Spec, for Laboratory and Pharmacy Spec, for Parlor and Spec, for Brooms; Floor, Janitor and Spec, for Crane Truck, Std. Spec, for Steel Industrial Shelving , Bowls, Batter Cans, Utility Car/ Spec, for Food Service binet, Tray Slide, Wall Panel, Shelf, Curtain Wall, Coffee Spec, for Fusee Flares ) ( 1963) Std. Spec, for High Level collapsible) (1964) Std. Spec, for High Level Spec, for Automotive Spec, for Twin Roof Rotating Light (Vehicle Mounting, Spec, for Yarn, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cotton and Carpet s, Flammable (1968) Spec, for Blanket Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) Std. Spec, for DDD-W-80B Spec, for Cotton Terry Heavy Spec, for Car (Automobile) Spec, for Vinyl air Replacemen/ Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment, Water Spec, for Detergent, Car ipeline Milking Machines, Equipment, Inflations, and Udder Std. Spec, for Detergent, Car Spec, for Acid Spec, for Cloths; Spec, for Spec, for Misses' Spec, for Leather Footwear and Spec, for Latex Paint, Flat, Interior Spec, for Slippers, Spec, for Bed Sheets, Hand and Bath Towels, and wels, Bedspreads, Blankets, Pillows and Cases, Sheets, and Spec, for Spec, for Surface Treatment Spec, for Dishwashing Equipment, Commercial (Silverware Std. Spec, for Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Glassware (Cage and Rack) Spec, for Windshield Spec, for Windshield 1970) Spec, for Commercial / Spec, for Commercial Laundry eavy Duty End Loading) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Spec, for Laundry Machines; Combination city) (1959) Spec, for Combination Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment ) Spec, for Washing Machines ec. for Laundry Machinery and Equipment (Washing Machines, Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Cage and Feeder Bottle Spec, for Cage and Feeder Bottle Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Glassware Spec, for Laboratory Equipment (Glassware dry, Low Sudsing, Granular and Powder (Home Type Automatic , Bar, Rod, Wire, Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Spec, for Laundry Equipment (1968) Spec, for cleaning) ( 1969) Spec, for oily Ancho/ Spec, for Fasteners (Bolts, Nuts, Lockwasher, Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laboratory sed in Timber Structures) (Bolts, Lag Screws, Nuts, Nails, for Structural Steel, Rivets, Copper Bearing, Bolts, Nuts, pter and Cylinder Hone, Hydraulic Maintenance Sets) (Parts rails, and Uniforms ( 1969) Spec, for for Sodium Sulfate (Anhydrous for Detergent, Cleaning and Spec, for Hand Use Craning and Spec, for Floor and Wall Spec, for ndry ( 19/ Spec, for Organic Built Synthetic Detergent for Spec, for Commercial Laundry Spec, for Commercial Laundry ) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Wardrobe Chest) (Hospital) (1970) Wardrobe Chest, Steel Frame, Plastic Panels ( 1968) Ware Truck (1970) Spec, for Kil Ware (Glass) - Various ( 197 1 ) Warehouse Floor Brooms (Broomcorn Fiber) ( 1968) Warehouse (Corn) (1970) Warehouse, Gasoline, Pneumatic Rubber Tires ( 1960) (Warehouse, Stockroom, Etc.) (1970) Ware; Stainless Steel (Steam Table Bars, Double Boilers Warmer) ( 1969) /An, Soft Drink Dispenser, Ice Cream Ca (Warning Device for Hazardous Area) ( 1971 ) Warning Device (Heavy Duty, Collapsible, Highway Marker Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light Weight, Compact, Warning Lights (Revolving, Flashing) (1967) Warning) (1970) Warp and Filling (1968) Warp Yarn 1 1/1 S (Blue) (1971) Warp Yarn (Gray) 1 0/ 1 S (1971) Warp Yarn (Red) 10/1S (1971) Warp Yarn (White) 11/1 (1970) Warp, Webbing, Yarn (1953) Wash and Clean Up Solvent for Multilith and Offset Pres Wash and Wear Trousers (Slacks) ( 1971 ) (Wash and Wear) ( 1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B Wash Cloths (Terry) (1969) Wash Cloths (1968) FED CCC-T-191, Wash Compound (Granular Detergent, Hand Use) (1968) Wash Primer (Paint), Metal Pretreatment, Marine ( 1969) Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas Fired Wash (1969) Wash (1970) /D Chlorine, Acid, Iodine, Alkaline) for P Wash, Powder or Crystalline (1969) Wash, Pretreatment, Metal ( 1969) Wash, Turkish, Bleached (1970) Washable Feather Bed Pillows (1964) Washable Skirts (a Line) (1969) Washable Slippers (Shoes, Oxfords, Loafers) (1971) Washable (1969) Washable, Men's (1970) Washcloths (1970) Washcloths ( 1971 ) /Loves, Suspenders, Bath Mats and to Washcloths, Cotton, Terry Cloth (1970) Washed Concrete Sand (1969) Washer- Drier) (1971) Washer - Extractors, Laundry, Commercial ( 1966) Washer and Accessories ( 1970) Washer and Dryer (Feeder Bottle Filler) (1969) Washer Antifreeze (Solvent) (State Police) (1970) Washer Antifreeze (Solvent) ( 1971 ) Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty End Loading) Washer Extractor Combination (Heavy Duty Side Loading) Washer Extractor (Commercial) (1964) Washer Extractor (Laundry, Automatic) (300 Lb. Dry Capa (Washer Extractor) (1969) (Washer Extractor, Drying Tumbler) ( 1971 ) (Washer Extractor, Front Loading, Commercial Type) (1971 Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Drying Tumblers, Press Washer with Accessories ( 1969) Washer (Medical Center) (1970) Washer (1968) Washer (1968) Washer (1968) Washer (1969) Washer (1969) Washer (1969) Washer) (1968) Washer) (1969) . Std. Spec, for Detergent, Laun Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Welding, Rolled (Washer, Extractor, Dryer) (1968) Washer, High Pressure (Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning) Washer, High Pressure, Portable (Heavy Duty Industrial Washer, Screw, Tack, Rivits, Hook, Expansion Shields, M (Washers and Dryers) (14 Lb. Capacity) (1971) Washers (Cage, Rack, Glassware) (1968) Washers, and Turnbuckles) for Highway Construction ( 196 Washers, Eyebar, Stud Shear Connector) (Highway and Bri Washing Cabinet, Alternator Service Kit, Ball Joint Ins Washing Compound for Industrial Wiping Cloths, Shop Ove Washing Compound Manufacture) (1967) ASTM D502, Aocs Da TX Washing Compound (Bead or Granular) ( 1967) Washing Compound ( 1965) Washing Control; Semi and Automatic ( 1966) Washing Cotton, Colored and Woolen Fabrics in Power Lau Washing Machine (End Loading) ( 1970) Washing Machine (Side Loading, Unloading Type) ( 1970) Washing Machine (Side Loading, 42 In. Diameter Cylinder NY 21606-0054 CA 681-67-10 NY 23104-0232 NY 12000 TX 370-31-1B SC 11-110-1002 NC 3950-C-9 OR 43-400-0010 PA F-80 NY 36200-0768 PA F-85 WA S-64-73 WA S-63-67-1 NY 30304-0716 NM *9 NY 39400-0738 NY 39400-0343 NY 39400-0645 NY 39400-0793 NY 39400-0707 IL *33U CA 681-66-17 SC 03-010-1152 TX 685-34-2 OR 72-150-9180 VA FB-15A TX 045-37-1 CA 691-80-52 NY 43221-0771 CA 691-77-73 MA *14 MS D-3A-69 CA 691-80-405 PA C-52 TX 295-50-1 RI 4265-F-005 NY 34900-0175 CA 691-80-225 NY 34900-0487 TN 7210-010 FL *23 CA 701-83-15 NJ 1356-02 NY 33500-0623 NC 3510-WE-2 NY 12070-0639 NY 12070-0401 NY 30900-0595 NY 30900-0481 TX 400-48-2A TX 400-48-2A PA M-47 NJ 89-400 NY 36501-0471 NY 36501-0827 NY 36501-0487 NY 00365-0200 NY 12070-0527 NY 12070-0553 NY 12070-0129 NY 12070-0860 NY 12070-0866 NY 12070-0311 NY 12070-0366 NY 12070-0919 NY 12070-0680 MS D-7A-69 VA DH-236 NY 36501-0087 NJ 7964-01 NJ 7964-02 NJ 5108-00 NY 36503-0403 NY 12070-0694 SC HD-78 VA DH-232 NY 35000-0647 VA L-4 TX 371-75-1 A TX 370-41-1A VA TL-16 PA C-78 VA L-2 TX 400-49-1 A TX 400-49-4A TX 400-49-2A 361 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 9) 4) ASTM El 1-61 06A, L-P-378A, USC CS227 ) (1970) Spec, for Commercial Laundry Spec, for Pot and Pan Spec, for Laundry Equipment Spec, for Laundry Equipment ercial Type ) (1971) Spec, for aundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric aundry Detergent (Powder or Granules) for Automatic Fabric ng Tumbl/ Std. Spec, for Laundry Machinery and Equipment Spec, for Powder, Machine, Dish and Can Spec, for Detergent, Sign Spec, for Machines; Glass Spec, for Sodium Sesquisilicate for Spec, for Compound; Spec, for Compound; Spec, for Machines; Spec, for Powder, Machine, Dish and Can Spec, for Soap; Hand, Liquid, 40%, General 1 Use) (1968) Spec, for Laundry Machines Spec, for Plastic Containers; Food Storage, s; Type An/ Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; mil Std. 105 Spec, for Plastic Std. Spec, for Wire Tote, Tray, and e, Rear Ejection) (1970) Spec, for Mobile Spec, for Kitchen Equipment Spec, for Food Spec, for Metal Spec, for Receptacles; Spec, for Baskets; Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Wire Baskets Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Mop Yarn, Cotton Spec, for Receptacle; Spec, for Men's Knitted Wool Hats (Navy Style Spec, for Floor Polishing and Scrubbing Machines gnet Systems (Scientific Equipment) ( 1969) Spec, for idge Construct/ Spec, for Timber Preservatives (Creosote, Spec, for Spec, for Aluminum Sulfate (of Alumina), for Spec, for Canvas; Cotton (Fire, al)(1964) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Sealing Compound, Floor, Polyacrylic, Std. Spec, for Wax, Floor, Heavy Duty, Std. Spec, for Floor Finish, Synthetic, ing Lane Markers) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Pool Equipment (1971) Spec, for 1971) Spec, for Std. Spec, for Brushes (Oil Paint, Pottery, Varnish, (Reed, Snaps and Application Tools, Saddle Soap, Tapestry, re Medium, Drawing Boards, Cups, Palettes, Knives, Oil and nts (Prevention of Condensate / Spec, for Morpholine Feed Spec, for Extract Quebracho Tannin, Solid for Boiler Feed Spec, for Portable Proposal Spec, for Electric Spec, for Portable Insulated Heavy Duty Spec, for Portable Plastic Insulated Heavy Duty Style ) ( 1 97 1 ) FED OO-D-00566( 3 ) Spec, for , Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for Drinking Self Contained) (1970) Spec, for Drinking Std. Spec, for Electric Bubbler Spec, for rew Use ( 1967) Tent. Spec, for Nonmechanical mover (1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-20 1 B, Std. 1 4 1 Spec, for Std. Spec, for sh (1969) FED P-F-00430,/ Spec, for Liquid Self Polishing 430 Spec, for Spec, for Plasticized 1971) ASTM E70 Spec, for Spec, for Floor Wax (Carnauba); Std. Spec, for Self Polishing Spec, for Spec, for Floor Wax, Spec, for Sealer, Spec, for Floor Seal and Undercoater Composition, Liquid, Spec, for Floor Wax, Slip Resistant, Spec, for Floor Finish, Slip Resistant, Std. Spec, for Floor Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Spec, for Ironer Waxing and Cleaning Compound Spec, for Floor Finishes, -155a Spec, for Floor Wax (Buffable, Spec, for Masonry and Porous Tile Floor Sealer; Spec, for asho T-26 Spec, for ruction) (1970) AASHO T26 Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Domestic Gas Fired Washing Machine (Side Loading, 60 In. Diameter Cylinder Washing Machine (1967) (Washing Machine) (1970) (Washing Machine) (1971) Washing Machines (Washer Extractor, Front Loading, Comm Washing Machines ( 1968) /Uilt Low Sudsing Germicidal L Washing Machines) (1967) FED P-D-245A, ASTM Dl 172, DU (Washing Machines, Washer Extractors, Loading Tubs, Dryi Washing (1969) Washing (1969) Washing, Beverage (1955) Washing, Cleaning, and Scouring (1968) ASTM D594 Washing, Laundry (for Use in Cold Water) ( 1941 ) Washing, Laundry (for Use in Hot Water) (1941) Washing, Laundry (Standard Type, Side Loading) (1967) Washing, Nonfoaming ( 1969) Washroom (1964) Washwheels (Unloading Type, Side Loading) (Institutiona Waste and Refuse Handling) (1965) Waste and Wire Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamp Waste Baskets for General Office Use ( 1971 ) ASTM D635, Waste Baskets (1971) Waste Collection Trailer (Front Loading, Compaction Typ (Waste Disposers) ( 1971 ) Waste Handling Systems (Compactor) (1971) Waste Paper Baskets (Office and Lobby) (Furniture) ( 196 Waste Paper, Fibre (Office) ( 1956) Waste Paper, Metal (Office and Lobby) ( 1971 ) Waste Pipe (Drainpipe) Cleaner in Crystalline Form (196 Waste Receptacle Liners (Polyethylene) (1963) FED L-P-4 (Waste Receptacles) (1970) Waste (1956) Waste (1970) Waste, Plastic (1968) Watch) (1960) (Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate (Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate (Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Wate Absorbing, Battery Powered) (1971) and Liquid Helium Cooled Direct Current Electroma and Oil Borne, Pentachlorophenol) (Highway and Br and Scrubbing Solution Tank; Polyethylene ( 1970) and Sewage Treatment Purposes ( 1955) and Weather Resistant) ( 1968) Applied Solvent Removable Type Decalcomanias (Dec Based (1970) Based (1970) Based, Polyacrylic Metal Interlock (1970) Basketball and Polo Goals, Portable Standard, Rac Closet / Laboratory Combination (Stainless Steel) Closet / Lavatory Combination (Stainless Steel) Color, and Stencil) (1953) Colors) ( 1953) Std. Spec, for Notions Colors, Cardboard (Bristol, /, Baking), Sculptu Compound, Liquid, for Use in Steam Generating Pla Conditioning (1970) Cooler (Texas Pattern) (1964) Cooler (1959) Cooler (1964) Cooler (1967) Coolers (Electric) (Bottle, Air Cooled and Bubble Coolers (Floor Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated Coolers (Wall Mounted, Mechanically Refrigerated, Coolers (1969) Coolers, Electrically Cooled ( 1970) Coolers, Spigoted, Construction and Maintenance C Emulsion and Polymer Type Floor Wax and Polish Re Emulsion Floor Coating, Liquid, Synthetic ( 1969) Emulsion Synthetic Detergent Resistant Floor Fini Emulsion Synthetic Floor Finish (1967) FED P-F-00 Emulsion Type Floor Seal (1965) FED P-W-155a Emulsion Type Floor Wax (Carnauba) (Heavy Duty) Emulsion Type (1970) ASTM E28, D1288, E70 Emulsion Wax (1970) Emulsion (Slip Resistant Floor Polish) (1963) Emulsion (1964) Emulsion ( 1966) Emulsion (1969) Std. Emulsion (1970) Emulsion, Buffable (1970) Emulsion, Carnauba Base ( 1969) Emulsion, Laundry) (1969) Emulsion, Polymer and Wax Type, (1968) Emulsion, Slip Resistant) (1964) FED P-S-598, P-W Emusion Type (1970) FED Std. 141, TT-I-563E Filtration Assembly (Portable) (1969) for Portland Cement Concrete and Mortar ( 1970?) A for Use with Cement or Lime Mortar (Highway Const Heaters (1970) TX 400-49-3A NY 33500-0430 NY 36501-0601 NY 36501-0770 NY 36501-0487 TX 395-36-2 7TX 395-36-1A NY 00365-0200 CA 691-77-22 CA 691-77-74 PA M-35 CA 681-66-25 PA C-54 PA C-55 PA M-3 CA 691-77-26 SC 1 1-050D PA M-28 PA C-168 FL *21 CA 711-75-67 IL *32C NY 40534-0667 NY 36100-0831 NY 36125-0573 RI 1-006 PA R-8 PA B-120 TX 370-34-1 PA L-39 NY 35501-0564 RI 4720-002 NY 39405-0683 PA R-35 RI 4245-M-007 PA M-50 NY 38750-0012 VA DH-246 PA T-81 PA A-8 PA C-66 TX 194-35-2 MS S-14A-70 MS W-3B-70 MS F-15D-70 NY 30201-0283 NY 37600-0198 NY 37600-0499 IL *33X IL *33GG NY 23100-0855 MA *11 MA *10 TX 325-74-1 NJ 8740 TX 325-74-2 TX 325-74-3A NY 26500-0635 TX 175-31-1C TX 175-31-2A KS 37-1B PA C-107 KS 79-1 A PA R-32 IA *3-12 VA K-43 VA K-39C VA K-42 TX 485-54-1A TX 370-63-1 A RI 6645-05 PA W-7 SC 11-050A KY 7930-8 IA *3— 1 1 MI 4642-S1 MI 4642-S2 IA *3-l TX 395-43-2 CA 681-76-01 VA K-6E TX 370-63-7 NY 32500-0936 MS 3906 VA DH-218 KS 37-3A 362 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1970) Spec, for Wate Spec, for Wate Spec, for Insecticides, Fly Spray, Concentrate, Wate Spec, for Cast Iron Wate Spec, for Boiler Food Wate r Intake and Discharge) ( 1969) Spec, for Centrifugal Wate r Intake and Discharge) ( 1970) Spec, for Centrifugal Wate Spec, for 3 In., Self Priming Centrifugal Wate Spec, for Suction Hose, Hard, Wate (1968) Spec, for Wate all, Trunnion Bushing Universal Joints) (Chassis Fittings, Wate Std. Spec, for Chlorinated Lime - Grade a (Bleach Powder, Wate c. for Trailer, Mobile Laboratory, Tandem Axle for Housing Wate masonry (1967) ASTM CI 09, FED TT-P- 14/ Spec, for Silicone Wate ble)(1963) Std. Spec, for Wate Spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Twill, Wate Spec, for Girls" Jackets (Cotton Poplin, Wate Spec, for Wood Preservative, Wate Spec, for Wood Preservative, Wate Spec, for Wood Preservative, Wate ditioning and Ventilating, Laundry, Power House Equipment) Wate ard Boxes) (1965) Spec, for Adhesive; Wate Spec, for Wate Spec, for Varnish; Spar (Wate Std. Spec, for Spar Varnish (Wate c. for Membrane Curing Compound (Portland Cement Concrete, Wate 97/ Spec, for Shellfish Oceanographic Data Survey Vessel (Wate 32-58, D98-56T Spec, for Rock and Wate Std. Spec, for Salt for Wate sphate Type) (Iron, Soap Regeneration, Scale Preventative, Wate Std. Spec, for Modified Laundry Soda (Sesquicarbonate) (Wate Std. Spec, for Trisodium Phosphate (Wate Spec, for Sodium Chloride, Technical Grade, for Wate Spec, for Sodium Chloride (98.0% Minimum) Rock Salt for Wate isodium Phosphate (Granular) for Cleaning, Alkali Builder, Wate ning Machine) ( 1967) Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Wate urning Machine ( 1970) Std. Spec, for Cutting Fluid, Wate pec. for Overhead Projection Markers and Related Supplies (Wate Tent. Spec, for Gas Fired Wate Spec, for Fluoridation System for Municipal Wate . for Truck, 20,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 1,000 Gal. Wate Spec, for 1200 Gal. Wate spec, for Concrete Saw, with Tow Type Trailer and 400 Gal. Wate Spec, for Grout Pump Unit (Agitator, Wate Spec, for Wate mobile/ Spec, for Truck with Electric Powered Core Drill, Wate d. Spec, for Boiler Compound and Water Treating Chemicals, Wate Spec, for Wate quipment ( 197 1 ) Std. Spec, for Boiler Compound and Wate Std. Spec, for Professional Services and Chemicals for Wate Conditioning System ( 1969) Spec, for Wate Spec, for Heavy Chemicals (Boiler Wate Spec, for Copper Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguishers, Wate Tent. Spec, for Overhead Steam and Hot Wate fired Air Replacemen/ Spec, for Paint Spraying Equipment, Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Wate Spec, for Laundry Soap, Chip, Soft Wate Spec, for Laundry Soap, Powdered, Soft Wate Spec, for Bottled Drinking Wate ell Drilling, Casing, Finishing, Developing and Testing of Wate std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Boat, Wood and Metal, Fresh Wate laundry Sour; Ammonium Fluoride Compounds for Iron Bearing Wate c. for Nonphosphate Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Hard Wate Machine Dishwashing Detergent for Soft to Moderately Hard Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguisher, Wate Spec, for Sweeping Compound (Oil and Wate Std. Spec, for Milled Toilet Soap (Cold Wate aper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Membrane Seal, Wate Spec, for Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Cold Wate Spec, for Compound; Washing, Laundry (for Use in Hot Wate . for Synthetic Dishwashing Detergent Compound (Hand, Hard Wate trumentation for the Measurement of Steam and Air Flow and Wate Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Powdered (Cold Wate 1, Homogeneous Mixture of Bitumen, Solvents, Chemicals and Wate fed Std. 601, L-H-520 Spec, for Hose; Wate Spec, for Coolent, Drinking Wate Std. Spec, for Wate . for Steel Pipe (Black, Galvanized Welded, and Seamless) (Wate Spec, for Fire Extinguisher; Wate Std. Spec, for Hose, Rubber, Wate ants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Wate Spec, for Soap; Laundry, Powdered (Hot Wate Std. Spec, for Hose, Wate Hose, Nylon Reinforced Plastic, Low Temperature Hose, Rubber, General Purpose ( 1970) Miscible (1961) Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-377 Pump (Institutional) (1970) Pump (Self Priming, 10M Rating, 2 In. Openings Fo Pump (Self Priming, 20M Rating, 3 In. Openings Fo Pump (1970) Pumping and Fire Fighting ( 1971 ) Pumping System (Multistage Vertical Centrifugal) Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Wh Purification and Disinfectant) (1953) Quality Monitoring Equipment ( 1969) Spe Repellent Solution for Application on Structural Repellent Wood Preservative (Non Swelling, Painta Repellent (Textile) (1971) Repellent) (1957) Repellent, Ready Mix ( 1961 ) Repellent, Ready Mix (1970) Repellent, 3 to 1 Concentrate (1961) Resistant ( 1967) /Motive and Industrial (Air Con Resistant, High Initial Bond (for Sealing Fiberbo Resisting Spar Varnish (1962) FED Std. 141 Resisting) (1968) FEDTT-V-121, Std. 141 Resisting, Exterior) (1969) Retardation) (Liquid, Spray) (1970?) ASTM C-309 Sample, Recording Current, Salinity, Research) ( 1 Softener Salt and Calcium Chloride (1970) ASTM D6 Softener (1967) Softener) (1969) /Rganic Sequestering Agent (Pho Softener, Cleaner) (1953) Softener, Cleaner) ( 1953) Softening Units (1969) Softening (1962) ASTM C632-58, C136-61T, D 1293-55 Softening, and Boiler Scale Preventative ( 1964) Soluble (Coolant for Grinding, Rough Cutting, Tur Soluble, Coolant in Grinding, Rough Cutting and T Soluble, Permanent, Self Sharpening, Refillable A Storage on Booster Heaters ( 1970) Supply (City) (1969) Tank Body (1969) Spec Tank on Skids (1970) Tank (1970) Tank) (1968) Tank, Trailer Mounted, 600 Gal. Capacity ( 1970) Tank, Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator Testing, Reagents and Equipment ( 1971 ) St Transfer Pump (Electric Motor Driven) ( 1970) Treating Chemicals, Water Testing, Reagents and E Treatment and Corrosion Control ( 1971 ) Treatment System for Cooling Tower Absorbtion Air Treatment) ( 1961 ) FED Std. 536 Tube and Fittings ( 1970?) ASTM B-88 Type, Cartridge Operated ( 1968) Type, Pressurized (1968) Type, Pump (1968) Unit Heaters (Propeller Type) (1964) Wash Spray Booth, Exhaust Hood Storage Area, Gas (Metal Back Pack) (1968) (1969) (1969) (1969) (1969) Std. Spec, for W (1970) (1970) Spec, for (1971) Std. Spe (1971) Std. Spec, for Nonphosphate (2 1/2 Gal. Stored Pressure) (1970) ) Absorbent (1969) ) (Bath) (1953) ) (Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) /Oof P ) (1941 ) ' ) (1941) ) ( 1953) Std. Spec ) (1970) Spec, for Meters (Boiler Ins ) (1970) ASTM D460, D502 ) (1970?) /R Liquid Crack and Joint Sealer (Type , Braided, Knitted or Spiralled (1971) ASTM D380, , Electric, Pressure Bubbler Type ( 1968) , Garden, and Industrial Hose ( 1971 ) , Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air Lines) (1969) ASTM A90, , Hand Pump, Tank Type ( 1970) , Heavy Duty (Institutional) (1969) , Jute Mesh, Soil Retention Mats, Plantable Type P , Nonalkaline) (1969) ASTM D460, D502 , Plastic (Lawn or Garden) (1969) CA CA MS MS NY SC sc NE CA NY MI MS NJ TX RI MI MI MI MI PA VA PA OR MS NY SD IL VA MS MS CA TX TX MI MS NY KS NY NJ NE NJ NY NY NJ IL NY IL MS NY PA MS FL FL FL KS NY PA CA CA NJ NC MS PA MS MS PA PA MS VA PA PA MS NY PA VA PA KY OR OR PA MS VA PA MS 701-93-52 701-93-51 1-6 3365 46000-0076 21-050-0451 A 21-050-0451 *46 711-42-11 46000-0792 5255-S11 S-2-53-21 6542-06 520-32-1 WA S-63-69 PA C-152 4225-F-007 5325-0120 5325-S37 5325-0115 5255-S12 A-18 DK-15A V-4 77-100-9420 3754 49602-0862 *1 •13 L-6 S-2-53-4 S-2-53-6 691-66-48 615-37-1 153-33-1 5255-S21 L-5B-70-10 38806-0414 37-8 32500-0108 4938-23 *44 4938-137 42600-0763 42400-0181 4938-48 *1 46000-0591 *1 WT-2D-71 40802-1032 H-15 3366 *14 *12 *15 37-5 43221-0771 E-17 691-77-28 691-77-29 2908-00 3820-W-1C PE-17 S-67 D- 13-71 D- 12-71 F-48 C-177 S-2-53-29 DH-223 C-54 C-55 S-2-53-54 40703-0619 S-60 *33 H-5 4110-1 74-61-4 56-100-9020 F-47 H-5-69 DH-257 S-3 H-6B-69 363 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Bottles; Hot Spec, for Bottles; Hot Spec, for Hose (Braided Air and Steam, Fire, Garden, Spec, for Insecticides, Chlordane Residual Roach Spray std. 791 Spec, for Spec, for Lanolin (Anhydrous) for Spec, for Deodorized Kerosene for Spec, for Spec, for Cleaner, for Hospital Innerspring Mattresses Spec, for Innerspring Mattresses Spec, for Std. Spec, for Textiles (Bedspreads, Std. Spec, for Spec, for Infants' Membrane Seal,/ Spec, for Curing Materials for Concrete and Cement Concrete Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Spec, for Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, Garnet, Spec, for Uniform, Reefer Coat, Spec, for Paper; Abrasive, Silicon Carbide, d ) ( 1 964 ) FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 B Spec, for Std. Spec, for Laminated Building Paper; Std. Spec, for Coal Tar Pitch, for . for Asphalt Asbestos Roof Coating (Brush Application for -581a Std. Spec, for 91 Std. Spec, for (Highway Construction) ( 1970/ Spec, for Dampproofing and Spec. ete) (1970?) AASHO M-139 ng, Pillow Cases An/ arings (1968) es (Tar,/ h-C-466B M-117 Std. 69) conveyor Unit (Hospital) ( 19/ twin Track Floor to Ceiling / td. 141 Spec, for the Application of Materials for Std. Spec, for Glass Cloth; Resin Treated Spec, for Saturated Fabric for Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion Primer for Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion for Spec, for Asphaltic Primer for Roofing and Spec, for Primer (Paint), Asphalt, for Roofing and Spec, for Asphalt Dampproofing and Spec, for Asphalt Primer for Dampproofing and Spec, for Coal Tar Pitch for Dampproofing and Spec, for Creosote Primer for Dampproofing and Std. Spec, for Asphalt Emulsion, Fibered Std. Spec, for Asphalt Roof Coating Std. Spec, for Waterproof Grease Suitable for Lubricating Spec, for Mixed Paints (Bridge, Highway, Spec, for Bridge Paint (Ready Mixed) (Highway and Spec, for Single Phase, Full Spec, for Single Phase, Full Spec, for Single Phase Full Spec, for Single Phase Full Std. Spec, for Remover, Floor Spec, for Water Emulsion and Polymer Type Floor Spec, for Imitation Shearling for Spec, for Laundry Spec, for Oven, Lost Spec, for Std. Floor Spec, for Heavy Duty Liquid Spec, for Floor Finishes, Water Emulsion, Polymer and ed P-S-598, P-W-155a Spec, for Floor Spec, for Water Emulsion Type Floor 288, E70 Spec, for Floor Spec, for Refined Carnauba Floor inoleum, Wood Floor) ( 1965) Fe/ Spec, for General Purpose Spec, for Paper; Bags, Wrapping, Gummed Tape and Spec, for Liquid and Paste Furniture and Floor Spec, for Polyethylene Spec, for Synthetic Std. Spec, for Self Polishing Water Emulsion Spec, for Alkali Soluble Resin (for Manufacture of Floor ide of Lime, Safety Matches, Liquid Metal Polish, Paraffin Std. Spec, for Spec, for Floor s ( 1969) Spec, for Applicators Spec, for Cotton Applicators Std. Spec, for e ( 1969) Std. Spec, for Floor Spec, for Remover, Floor ted Surface, Floor) ( 1964) Spec, for for Floor Care Products (Schools) (Finish, Self Polishing d Surface and Floor) ( 1964) Spec, for or Liquid, Synthetic, Floor Cleaning Detergent, Heavy Duty shampoo, Dust Mop/ Spec, for Floor Care Products (Finish, Spec, for Floor Spec, for Floor Spec, for Coffee Bag Liner; Spec, for Paper, Spec, for Bags, Paper, Spec, for Paper Bags (Grocers, Water, Rubber or Synthetic (1956) Water, Rubber (Cloth Inserted) (1956) Water, Suction) (1970) (Waterbugs, Silverfish, Ants, Spiders, Carpet Beetles) Waterless Cream Paste Hand Cleaner (1964) FED P-H-31A, Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufacture (1966) Waterless Hand Cleaner Manufacturing ( 1966) Waterless Hand Cleaner (1970) Waterless, Hand (1966) (Waterproof Cover) (1963) FED DD-D-751 (Waterproof Cover) (1964) Waterproof Curing Paper (Cover on Portland Cement Concr Waterproof Fabrics, Drapery and Curtain, Sheets, Sheeti Waterproof Grease Suitable for Lubricating Waterpump Be Waterproof Pants (Snap on Style) (1970) (Waterproof Paper, Polyethylene Sheeting, Burlap, Liquid Waterproof Paper, White Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid C Waterproof Turbine Grease, Hydroelectric (1968) Waterproof ( 1 963 ) FED UU-P-3 1 , USC CS2 1 7 Waterproof (1970?) Waterproof (1971) FED UU-P-3 1 , USC Ps8 Waterproofed Mattress and Pillow Ticking (Plastic Coate Waterproofed (1970) FED UU-B-790a Waterproofing and Dampproofing (1964) FED RP-381 Waterproofing and Dampproofing) (1964) FED SS-R-45 1 /C Waterproofing Fabric, Asphalt Saturated (1964) FED HH-C Waterproofing Fabric, Pitch Saturated (1964) FED HH-C-5 Waterproofing Materials (Asphalt, Fabric, Joint Sealer) Waterproofing or Dampproofing of Cement Concrete Surfac (Waterproofing Roofs and Below Grade Walls) (1970) FED H Waterproofing (Asphalt or Coal Tar Pitch) (1970?) AASHO Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) Waterproofing (Concrete, Masonry) (1970?) Waterproofing ( 1964) Waterproofing ( 1969) Waterproofing ( 1970?) AASHO M-l 15 Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO M-l 16 Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO M-l 18 Waterproofing (1970?) AASHO M-l 21 (Waterproofing) (1970) ASTM D-1227, Mil-R-3472 (Waterproofing) ( 1970) FED SS-A-00694C, TT-P-320C Waterpump Bearings (1968) Waterway) (1970) Waterway) (1970) Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System (Hospital) (19 Wave Rectified Radiographic X-Ray System ( 1971 ) Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Wave Rectified X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Wax and Finish (Ammonia) (Cleaner) (1970) Wax and Polish Remover (1968) ASTM E70, FED P-R-201B, S Wax Applicator Pad Manufacture ( 1969) Wax for Waxing Flatwork Ironers and Equipment ( 1968) Wax Process (1971) Wax Stripper (1965) Wax Stripper (1967) Wax Type, (1968) Wax (Buffable, Water Emulsion, Slip Resistant) (1964) F Wax (Carnauba) (Heavy Duty) (1971) ASTM E70 Wax (Carnauba); Water Emulsion Type (1970) ASTM E28, Dl Wax ( Flake ) ( 1 966 ) FED J J J-W- 1 4 1 B Wax (Liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, L Wax (1965) Wax (1967) Wax (1969) Wax (1969) Wax (1970) Wax) (1969) Wax) (1970) FED KK-C-300, EE-M-101C, P-P-556a /, Chlor Wax, Carnauba (1967) Wax, Carnauba (1967) (Wax, Floor Finish) for Use with Imitation Shearling Pad (Wax, Floor Finish) (1970) Wax, Floor, Heavy Duty, Water Based (1970) Wax, Liquid Selfpolishing, Water Emulsion, Carnauba Bas Wax, Liquid (1964) Wax, Liquid, General Purpose, Solvent, (Furniture, Pain Wax, Mop Treatment Compound, Gymnasium ) (1971) Spec. Wax, Paste, General Purpose, Solvent (Furniture, Painte Wax, Polymer, Including Metal Cross Linked Coating Stri Wax, Sealer Undercoater, Detergent, Rug and Upholstery Wax, Slip Resistant, Water Emulsion (1970) Wax, Water Emulsion (1964) Waxed, Creped (Whole Roasted Bean Shipment) (1957) Waxed, Roll (1965) Waxed, Sandwich (1965) Waxed, Wrapping, Tape (Gummed)) (1971) PA B-18 PA B-20 NY 36000-0442 MS 1-7 TX 370-36-1 TX 371-48-1 TX 285-42-1 NY 20118-0243 KY 8520-8 RI 4358-04 RI 4358-02 MS 3752 WI 9100 CA 681-91-109 RI 4287-F-015 VA DH-223 SC HD-59B9 CA 681-91-114 PA P-35 MA *23 PA P-36 TX 685-46-1 OR 64-500-0080 MS R_5_64-33 TX 605-38-1 MS R-5-64-20 MS R-5-64-21 VA DH-214 SC HD-112 OR 64-500-0110 MS 3201 MS 3171 MS 3172 TX 605-39-1 CA 691-80-402 MS 3166 MS 3165 MS 3169 MS 3168 OR 64-500-0010 OR 64-500-0020 CA 681-91-109 NY 38009-0039 NY 38009-0082 NY 11000-0822 NY 11000-0032 NY 11000-0710 NY 11000-0818 MS R-2B-69 PA R-32 TX 685-35-1 TX 395-43-1 NY 42800-0291 SC 11-050B VA K-38A CA 681-76-01 VA K-6E TX 485-54-1A TX 370-63-1 A TX 371-38-1 VA K-33A NY 00238-0421 TX 370-63-2A NY 25411-1004 NY 25413-1006 RI 6645-05 NY 25408-1002 NY 22000-0462 IL *20 KY 7930-9 TX 370-66-1 TX 370-66-2 MS W-3B-70 IA *3-l MI 4642-0500 MI 4642-0430 NY 22004-0529 MI 4642-0400 IA ♦3-9 NY 22002-0537 MI 4642-S1 SC 1 1-050A PA L-37 KY 7805-6 KY 7805-5 NY 23811-0519 364 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards oad Machinery/ Spec. Spec. (1969) Spec, for Ironer Spec, for Laundry Wax for ilet Soap; Fly Paper and Ribbons; Safety Matches; Paraffin -L-351 Spec, for Floor Spec, for Wash and Spec, for Hydraulic Oil for Use as an Anti for Dress Coats (Girls" and Misses') (Winter Spec, for Dress Coats (Girls') (Spring for Cotton Broadcloth (Cloth, Textile) (Wash and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Plank for Spec, for All Spec, for Industrial Foul Spec, for Uniform Coat; All ) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Canvas; Cotton (Fire, Water and Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Gloss, Industrial, Spec, for Field Jackets (Nylon, Cold Spec, for Electrical Tape (Plastic Pressure Sensitive All Spec, for Women's Winter Coats (Dark Colors and spec, for Cloth; Cotton, Dress or Uniform Oxford or Basket Spec, for Cotton Dobby Spec, for Woven Elastic Textile Spec, for Belt Components, Buckle, Clip and Spec, for White Woven Cotton Elastic Textile Std. Spec, for Cotton and Carpet Warp, Spec, for Herbicide; and Brush Killer, Soil Sterilant, / Spec, for Chemicals, Spec, for 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid ile Ester) ( 1961 ) Std. Spec, for nt, Growth Retardant, 2, 4 - D Oil Soluble Amine, Bromacil Spec, for Pullets (Chicken), 20 tractor), 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with Crane and 5Th Spec, for Spec, for Manually Operated Gasoline Engine, Electric Generator, and Electric Powered Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Spec, for Portable Tandem Variable Std. Spec, for Denim; Dress Std. Spec, for Paper Spec, for 5% (by Spec, for Ticking; Vinyl Coated, (Light Spec, for Ungraded Stainless Tableware (Medium ubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Concentrated spec, for High Level Warning Device (Highway Marker, Light g and Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Two Brush, Concentrated Tent. Spec, for Bath Towelling, Medium d Scrubbing Machine (Electric, Single Rotary Disc, Divided Spec, for 50 Lb. Test Spec, for 1000 Lb. Test rock Drill, Hand Drill Kit, Straight Grinder, Clay Digger, nging) (1962) Spec, for Pipe; Spec, for Pipe; Spec, for lines) (196/ Std. Spec, for Steel Pipe (Black, Galvanized -151 Spec, for Pipe; Wrought Iron, carbon Arc Torch Welding and Cutting Outfit (1/ Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Ac Spec, for Spec, for tective Devices), Glasses (Spectacles), Visitors, Goggles Spec, for Gloves and Mittens Including Work, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Carbon Arc Torch (1970?) Spec, for tfit with Nozzles ( 1971 ) Spec, for Electric Spec, for Fans, Industrial Spec, for Welding Electrodes for Manual Arc ec. for Acetylene (Gaseous, Hydrocarbide) (for Cutting and t, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, Casting, Shim, Miller Metal for Spec, for Hose; g of Water (1969) Std. Spec, for 4) Std. Spec, for Tree ions, Septic Tanks, and Other Appurtenances; Providing New 69) Spec, for Leather; Sides, Oil Finished, ) ( 1 97 1 ) Spec, for Denims Std. Spec, for Plywood; Douglas Fir, Spec, for Boys" Dungarees Tent. Spec, for Spec, for Auxiliary Lights, FED CCC-T- 1 9 1 Spec, for Spec, for Laboratory Furniture, Installed (Metal) Spec, for Cotton Wire Spec, for Spec, for Waxing and Cleaning Compound (Water Emulsion, Laundry) Waxing Flatwork Ironers and Equipment (1968) Wax; and Tooth Picks (1970) /L Cleaners; Detergent; to Wax; Liquid and Paste (1953) FED P-S-158, VV-L-791, LLL Wear Trousers (Slacks) (1971) Wear Type Hydraulic Fluid in Power Control Systems of R Wear) (1957) Wear) (1957) Wear) ( 1965) Aatcc 88A-64T, FED CCC-T-191B Wearing Apparel (Clothing) (1971) Wearing Apparel, Hospital (Clothing) (1968) Wearing Apparel, Incontinent Patient (Company) ( 1963) Wearing Course on Bridges (Lumber) ( 1970?) Weather Cabs (Loader) (1970) Weather Clothing (Jacket, Pants and Hat Sets) ( 1960) Weather Reefer (State Police) (1968) Weather Resistant Exterior High Gloss White Paint (1971 Weather Resistant) (1968) Weather Resistant, Auto Finishing (1969) Weather) (1971) Weather) (1971) ASTM D1000, FED HH-I-595, MIL Std. 105 Weave Patterns) (1957) Weave, Tear Resistant (Textile) ( 1971 ) Weavy Bedspreads ( 1956) Webbing (Gripper Type) (1968) Webbing (1970) Webbing (1970) ASTM D2433, FED CCC-T-191B Webbing, Yarn (1953) Weed and Brush Killer, Salts and Esters (1969) Weed and Pest Control (Fungicide, Herbicide, Rat, Mouse Weed Killer (Herbicide) (1967) Weed Killer (2 4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Low Volat Weed Killer) ( 1971 ) /Pon, Amino Triazole, Soil Sterila Week Old (Egg Production Stock) (1962) Weel (1969) Spec, for Truck Weighmaster Cars (Automobile), 4 Door Sedan ( 1969) Weight Cart (Lift, Vehicle) (1969?) Weight Dolly for Testing Scales (1969?) /Truck, Motor, Weight Road Roller (1968) Weight Road Roller (1970) Weight (Cloth, Textile) ( 1971 ) Weight (1971) Weight) Nominal Malathion Dust (Insecticide) (1970) Weight) (Mattress and Pillow) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 Weight) (1968) Weight, Commercial Type) (1970) FED CC-M-636C, CC-M-641TX Weight, Compact, Collapsible) (1964) Std. Weight, Household or Light Duty Type) (1970) FED CC-M-6 Weight, Terry Cloth ( 1970?) Weight, Type III Heavy Duty) (1959) /Loor Polishing An Weights (1969?) Weights (1969?) Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Woo Welded and Seamless Steel (for Coiling, Bending and Fla Welded and Seamless Steel (for Ordinary Use) ( 1962) Welded Wrought Iron Pipe ( 1970?) ASTM A-72 Welded, and Seamless) (Water, Gas, Steam, Oil, and Air Welded, Black and Galvanized ( 1966) FED GGG-P-351, GG-M Welder (Spot, Accessory Set, Oxygen Acetylene, AC/Dc), Welder (1970) Welder, AC-DC Portable with Power Plant (1968) Welder, Single Operator Rectifier Type ( 1968) (Welders, Chippers, Chemical Splash, Safety), Face Shiel Welding and Asbestos (Men's and Women's) (1971) Welding and Cutting Outfit (1969) /. for Welder (Spot, Welding Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding (Wire, Flux) Welding Machine, Acetylene Cutting and Heating Torch Ou (Welding Shop Exhaust System) (Hoods and Blower) ( 1970) Welding (Wire, Flux) (1970?) Welding) Technical or Industrial and Medical Oxygen ( 19 Welding, Rolled and Extruded Structural Shapes (for Hig Welding, Rubber (1962) ASTM D380, D471 Well Drilling, Casing, Finishing, Developing and Testin Wells and Root Protection for Highway Construction ( 196 Wells; Transplant of Trees, Shrubbery, Bulbs, Etc. for Western Grain (Print), (Chrome Tanned) (Shoe Upper) ( 19 (Western Jeans, Dungarees, Chore Coats) (Men's and Boys' Western Softwood and Southern Pine) (1969) USC Psl-66 (Western Style, Denim) (Jeans) (1965) Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaners ( 1966) Wet Cell Operated (1971) Wet Cleaning Mopheads (Cotton and Viscose Rayon) ( 1962) (Wet Laboratory) (Educational Purposes) (1971) Wet Mop Heads (1964) Wet Mop Heads (1964) FED CCC-T-191 Wet Mop Yarn (1959) TX 395-43-2 TX 395-43-1 IL ♦39 PA W-5 SC 03-010-1152 SC 34-040 RI 4225-F-005 RI 4225-F-006 TX 685-34-2 IL *21 IL *22 IL *23 MS 3462 NE *49 RI 4295-M-006 PA U-46 WA S-6 1-26-2 PA C-66 CA 691-80-81 NY 39308-0334 CA 711-59-05 RI 4225-F-001 PA C-132 RI 4705-002 TX 480-34-2 PA B-125 TX 480-34-1 A IL *33U PA H-16 MS C-40A-7 1 NE *65 WA S-61-36 NY 22100-0497 WA S-62-5 1 NJ 4938-128 MI 3905-0012 NJ *l-2 NJ *1-1 SC 14-250 SC 14-250A OR 79-050-1070 IL *32QQ SC 13-040 PA T-60 RI 5225-02 TX 265-32-1B WA S-63-67-1 TX 265-32-2B MA *35-89 TX 265-32-3 NJ *l-3 NJ *l-4 NY 43203-0185 PA P-54 PA P-151 MS 3367 OR 56-100-9020 PA P-53 NY 43223-0932 NE *42 NJ 4950-02 NJ 4950-00 NY 39012-0491 MS G-1A-71 NY 43223-0932 MS 3339 NY 43223-0734 NY 21301-0546 MS 3339 MA ♦12 VA DH-236 PA H-17 NC 3820-W-1C SC HD-110 SC HD-125 PA L-33 NY 40030-0621 OR 63-300-9020 RI 4284-M-009A KS 78-3A NY 35703-0145 VA S-4A NY 12008-0819 TX 370-54-1 SC 11-160D RI 4785-001 365 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Handle, Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Cotton Stick or Maintenance Machine (Automatic Scrubbing, Polishing and Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Large, Spec, for Vacuum Cleaner, Small, and Starting (1964) Spec, for Std. for Mops, Cotton, Spec, for Mops; Spec, for Mop Head, Spec, for Mops; Spec, for Mop Head, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, Spec, for Livestock Feed, alfa, Clover, / Spec, for Seeds (Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Spec, for Tractor, or Truck (Tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 5Th spec, for Dry Non Damaging Laundry Bleach (for Cotton, Dry Spec, for Powdered Fabric Softener (Dry Spec, for Alkali Neutralizing Sour (Dry Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Spec, for Short Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Grease, ansmission and Gear, Outboard Motor), and Grease (Chassis, special Purpose Vehicle, 40 Passenger, Pusher Type, 4X2, Spec, for 00-C-320 Spec, for 11 Joint Inspection Gauge, Hoist, Lift, Transmission Jack, ing Unit, Bearing Packers, Grease Fitting Hydraulic Jacks, Spec, for Front End Self Propelled, 4 Spec, for Post Hole Digger (Auger Type, 4 Spec, for Articulated All Spec, for Articulated All Spec, for Heavy Duty Tandem or 6 Std. Spec, for Four d Backhoe Attachments ( 19/ Spec, for Loader, Front End, 4 6) Spec, for Loader, Front End, 4 Spec, for Truck, Blazer, 4 Spec, for Truck, Jeep Universal, 4 Spec, for Truck, Jeep Pickup, 4 Spec, for Short Wheel Base Truck Chassis with All Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (4 Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (4 Spec, for 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (All Spec, for 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (All ) (1971/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four ) (1970/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four wing PI/ Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck, Four Spec, for Street Sweeper, 4 , 4 cu. Yd. Capacity ( 1967) Spec, for Sweeper, 4 61 ) Spec, for Sweeper - 3 Spec, for Big Spec, for Heavy Duty Big Spec, for Mower, All Hydraulic Drive, Four Spec, for Self Propelled Multi Spec, for 4 Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Special Guardrail Mower (Industrial Spec, for Industrial 70) pelled. Heavy Duty Mower) ( 1970) ments) (1970) Wet Mop, Wood or Metal (1966) Wet Mops (1959) Wet Mops (1969) FED CCC-T-191B Wet or Dry Vacuum) (1965) UL 73, USC CS225-59 Wet or Dry (1966) Wet or Dry (1966) Wet Storage Batteries for Vehicular Ignition, Lighting Wet (1969) Wet, Cellulose Sponge Yarn (1970) Wet, Cotton (1966) Wet, Cotton (1970) Wet, Synthetic Yarn (1966) /for Flo Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Tractor, Spec, for Tractor, Spec, for Tractor, Spec, for Tractors, Spec, for Tractors, Spec, for Tractors, Spec, for Tractor, Spec, for Sprayer, 200 Gal., Trailer Mounted, Two pment (Truck Tractors with Short Conventional Cab and 5th spec, for Ceramic and Pottery Equipment (Pug Mill, Potters spec, for Grease, Multipurpose, Automotive and Industrial Spec, for Tractor Truck with 5th Spec, for Kiln (Gas Fired), Potters Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (3 Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated s (3 Point Hitch) (1970) 70) ) (1970) tility, Farm) (1971) k Harrow, Rototiller, Landscraping R/ Whea Whea Whea Whea Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee (Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Whee Bran (1963) Middlings (1963) (1963) , Rye, Corn, Millets, Sorghum and Sudan Grass, Alf and Row Crop Types ( 1969) and Winch (1969) Spec. F Application) (1969) Application) (1969) Application, Laundry) (1969) Base Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, 4X4) (1970?) Base Truck Chassis with All Wheel Drive (1970) Bearing Grease (1958) Bearing Grease, Automotive ( 1968) Bearing (1970) Bearing, Track Roller, High Temperature, Graphite Chair Access) (1971) Spec, for Adult Bus Chairs; Folding, Metal (1968) Chairs; Invalid, (Nonfolding) (1965) FED FF-C-77 Dolly, Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Unit) Dolly, Truck Safety Stands, Portable Lubricating Drive Bucket Loader ( 1970) Drive Chassis) (1970) Drive Loader (1970) Drive Loader (1970) Drive Motor Graders (1970) Drive Pickup Trucks (1970) Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Bucket, Diesel Engine An Drive with 1 1/4 cu. Yd. Multipurpose Bucket (196 Drive (1969) Drive (1969) Drive (1969) Drive (1970) Drive) (1970) Drive) (1970) Drive) (1970?) Drive) (1970?) Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (28,000 G.V.W. Drive, 4X4 with Front Snow Plow) (32,000 G.V.W. Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Driven, 4 cu. Yd. Capacity (1969) Motor Driven, Twin Engine, Automatic Transmission Motor Driven, 4 1/2 cu. Yd. Capacity (Street) ( 19 Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Hand Propelled) (1963) Power Lawn Mowers (Rotary, Self Propelled) (1963) Riding, 72 In. Cutting Width ( 1965) Roller (1968) Rubber Tired Crane, 8,500 Lb. Capacity (1965) Tractor with Center Mount Rotary Mower ( 197 1 ) Type Front End Loader (1970) Type Hydraulic Mower Tractors ( 1970) Type Tractor Attachment) (1971) Type Tractor or Special Utility ( 1971 ) Type Tractor with Flail Type Mower Attachment ( 19 Type Tractor with Sickle Bar Attachment (Self Pro Type Tractor (Front End Loader and Backhoe Attach Type Tractor (1970) Type Tractors with and Without Special Attachment Type Tractors with Telescoping Long Arm Mower ( 19 Type (Cab, Backhoe and Loader) (1970) Type (Cab, Backhoe, Loader, Flail Mower) (College Type (Cab, 3-Point Hitch, Rear Blade) (1971) Type (Industrial, Low Center of Gravity Design, U Type (Loader, Rear Mounted and Rotary Mowers, Dis Type (1968) Type, Diesel and Front Bucket Loader (1971) (1968) ) (1970) Spec, for Automotive Equ ) ( 1971) , Ball and Roller, Electric Motor Bearings) (Ball, , Gasoline Powered (1965) , Plunger and Mixing Unit, and Ware Truck (1970) , Self Propelled) (1970) .2 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) , 3 Yd. Rated with 3 1/2 Yd. Bucket) (1971) KY 7920-17 RI 4785-002 TX 370-54-2 VA Y-9 KY 7910-3 KY 7910-4 TX 035-35-1 CT 11-74B PA M-30 KY 7920-14 PA M-2 KY 7920-15 MI 4340-0016 MI 4340-0017 MI 4340-0036 NY 07900-0584 NY 40601-0163 NJ 4938-44 VA L-l VA L-8 VA L-l 1 WY *5 NE *50 KY 46-106 CA 681-91-107 MS L-5B-70-24 MA *9 AK *77 PA C-167 PA C-166 NY 35000-0647 NY 35000-0866 SC 14-200-0451 A NY 44500-0686 NE *25 NE *54 SC 14-140-0451 IN *14 NJ 4938-09A NJ 4932-00 MI 3958-0080 MI 3958-0082 MI 3958-0084 NE *50 NH 6536-011 NH 6536-013 NV *2 NV *4 NY 40502-0407 NY 40502-0143 NY 40502-0148 NJ 4938-133 NJ 4938-09 NJ 4938-38 TX 415-37-4 TX 415-36-3 NJ 4938-84 SC 14-250-0451 NJ 4938-82 SC *5 NE *15 SC 14-260A SC 14-220-045 1C SC *3 SC 14-260D SC 14-260C SC 14-260-0451 A SC 14-260-0451 SC 14-260-045 IB SC 14-260B NY 40601-0593 NY 40601-0680 NY 40601-0754 NY 40601-0434 NY 40601-0891 NY 40601-0061 NY 40601-0422 NJ 4938-42 NY 40500-0479 NY 23105-0112 MI 5255-S11 NJ 4938-79 NY 23104-0232 NY 41600-0575 AK *14 AK *15 366 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards tank (Tar, Asph/ ng Spec, for Front End Loader (Diesel, Articulated Spec, for Pickup Street Sweeper (4 0?) Minimum Spec, for 114 In. Minimum Spec, for 127 In. 70?) Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Minimum Spec, for 127 In. Spec, for Truck Cab and Chassis, 151 In. Spec, for State Police (120 In. Mimimum Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 116 In. Spec, for Station Wagon (Automobile, Minimum 117 In. Service, Orthopedic) (/ Spec, for Hospital Equipment Spec, for Garage Equipment (Battery Charger and Analyzer, mobile Chair Table) (1971) Spec, for Hospital Equipment, Spec, for Sweeper, Pick Up Street, Four ft, Snow Plow Blade ( 1969) Spec, for Tractor Loader, . for Snow Vehicles (Self Propelled Combination Ski, Bogie Spec, for Casters, 969) Spec, for Trailer ( 18 Ton Capacity, Deck Over ings, Water Pumps, Grease Cups, Track Type Tractors, Truck Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dried Fresh Whole Std. Spec, for Twill - Spec, for k Cartridges, Ankle Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Spec, for d Graphic Arts (1970) Spec, for Film, Black and r Ready Mixed Air Drying Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint, Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Wood for Latex Base Paint for Exterior Wood and Metal Surfaces Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel (Paint) Spec, for Semigloss Interior Enamel (Paint, Spec, for Paint; Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, ) Spec, for Spec, for Paint, Vinyl Acrylic Emulsion, Exterior, d Std. 141 Spec, for Ready Mixed Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Flat Alkyd Paint or Ready Mixed Flat Finish Concrete and Masonry Oil Paint Std. Spec, for Exterior Paint Primer (Undercoat for Wood, ex Base Paint, Exterior and Interior, Flat and Semigloss) Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Wall Latex Base Paint Spec, for Latex Base Interior Flat Paint 86-66T Spec, for Paint; Latex Base^ Interior, Flat r Paint (Chalk and Fume Resistant, Lead Free, Ready Mixed, and Chlorinated Rubber - Fast Dry Type) ( 1969/ Spec, for Spec, for int ( 1964) Std. Spec, for Glass Beads for Application on Spec, for Traffic Zone Paint, Regular Type . for Traffic Zone, Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting Spec, for Textile, Dimity, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss re (1969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for bber (1971?) Spec, for Spec, for Photographic Microfilm (Black and Std. Spec, for 99 Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Soap, Spec, for Mildew Resistant Ready Mixed Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, d Putty) (1970) Std. Spec, for Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Tent. Spec, for Textile, Std. Spec, for Linseed Oil Spec, for Interior Flat Spec, for Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Flat Std. Spec, for Weather Resistant Exterior High Gloss Spec, for et Soap) ( 1968) Spec, for Titanium Dioxide^(Anatase) ( 1970?) AASHO M-l 7 1 Spec, for Plastic Curing Blankets e Curing Materials Cotton and Jute Mats, Waterproof Paper, Spec, for Std. Spec, for oad) Signs and Markers ( 1969) Spec, for Spec, for Wheel, 3 1/2 Yd. Capacity) (1971) Wheel, 4 cu. Yd. Truck Cab Chassis) ( 1970) Wheelbase Pickup Truck ( 1/2 Ton) Positraction Axle ( 197 Wheelbase Pickup Truck ( 1/2 Ton) ( 1970?) Wheelbase Pickup Truck (1/2 Ton, Positraction Axle) (19 Wheelbase Pickup Truck (3/4 Ton) ( 1970?) Wheelbase with Mounted 800 Gal. Bituminous Distributor Wheelbase) Patrol Cars (Automobile) (1971) Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Door, 6 Passenger) (1970) Wheelbase, Std. Size, 4 Door, 6 Passenger) ( 1971 ) (Wheeled Only) (Cart - Chart and Medical Utility, Dressi Wheeled Portable Lubricating Unit, Bearing Packers, Gre Wheeled (Special Purpose Chairs) (Shower, Multipurpose Wheeled, Engine Driven, 4 1/3 cu. Yd. Capacity (1964) Wheeled, Industrial Type with Post Hole Digger, Fork Li Wheels and Endless Track Type - 2 Adult Passengers) ( 19 Wheels and Glides (1956) Wheels, Beavertail Type with Attached Loading Ramps) (1 Wheels, Track Support Rollers and Idlers) ( 1967) Whey (Milk) (1963) /Fitt Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh (Wh (Wh (Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh (Wh (Wh (Wh Wh (Wh (Wh (Wh (Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh (Wh (Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh (Wh (Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh pcord (Cloth, Textile) ( 1960) sk Brooms (1968) sties, Training Bag, Spring Exerciser, Automatic Ten te Alkyd Base Semi Gloss Enamel (Paint) ( 1967) te and Color Roll, Sheet, Pack and Motion Picture An te and Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 Spec. Fo te and Light Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 /yd Varnish te and Light Tints) (1966) Std. Spec. te and Light Tints )( 1 968 ) FED Std. 141 te and Light Tints) (1968) FED TT-P-442, Std. 141 te and Medium Shades ( 1967) te and Red Leads, Linseed Oils, and Turpentine (1971 te and Tints (1969) te and Tints) Interior Flat Wall Oil Paint (1962) Fe te and Tints) (1962) FED Std. 141 te and Tints) ( 1962) FED Std. 141 Spec. F te and Tints) (1963) te and Tints) (1968) Spec, for Lat te and Tints) (1968) FED Std. 141 te and Tints) (1969) te and Tints) (1969) FED TT-P-29, Std. 141, ASTM D24 te and Tints) (1970) FED Std. 141 /Odified) Exterio te and Yellow Traffic Line Paints (Combination Alkyd te and Yellow Traffic Paint (1970) te and Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Line Marking Pa te and Yellow) (1970) te and Yellow), and Cleaning Solvent (1971) Spec te Barred Fabric (Cloth) (1970?) te Calendered Elastic Textile Braid ( 1968) te Canvas Gloves ( 1969) te Drill (Shoe Lining) (Cloth, Textile) (1970?) te Duck, Bleached (Cloth) (1970?) te Duck, Preshrunk (Cloth) (1970?) te Duck, Unbleached (Cloth) (1970?) te Elastic (1970) te Enamel (Odorless Paint) (1971) te Enamel, Acrylic Baking (Paint), for Metal Furnitu te Enamel, Gloss, Synthetic ( Paint ) (1971) te Epoxy Enamel Concrete Coating ( 1969) te Fast Drying Traffic Paint Based on Chlorinated Ru te Film) (1964) te Floating Soap (Bath, Toilet) (1953) te Floating Toilet Soap (Cake or Bar) (1968) ASTM D4 te Floating Toilet Soap (1969) te Floating, Cake Form, General Institutional (1969) te House Paint for Wooden Exterior Surfaces ( 1967) te Jean (Muslin), Bleached, Plain (Cloth) (1970?) te Jean (Twill) (Cloth) ( 1970?) te Jean, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) te Lead in Oil, Basic Carbonate (Pigment in Paint An te Lining Cloth, Muslin ( 1970?) te Oilcloth, 45 In. (Cloth) ( 1970?) te Outing Flannel (Cloth, Textile) ( 1961 ) te Oxford Shirting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) te Paint Intended for General Exterior Use ( 1964) te Paint (Odorless) (1963) te Paint (1967) te Paint (1971) te Petrolatum ( 1965) te Pigment for Whitener and Opacifier in Milled Toil te Polyethylene Sheeting) (Portland Cement Concrete) te Polyethylene Sheeting, Liquid Curing Compound, Bu te Printing Service ( 1971 ) te Ready Mixed Paint (1970?) te Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway (R te Table Oilcloth (1957) AK ♦16 NY 41600-0620 WY *2 WY *3 WY ♦7 WY *4 NJ 4938-28 NE ♦63 AK ♦26 AK ♦25 NY 11613-0292 NY 35000-0866 NY 11613-0331 NJ 4938-17 NY 40601-0298 NY 42200-0362 PA C-69 NY 42300-0194 MI 5255-S11 MI 4340-0009 MS T-1A-60-38 TX 370-31-18 NY 30200-0587 TX 520-42-7 NY 38800-0231 VA DK-28A VA DK-26A WA S-66-93 VA DK-23B VA DK-22C PA P-125 NY 37100-0037 CA 691-80-11 VA DK-21A VA DK-32A VA DK-30A WA S-63-70 NY 38000-0387 VA DK-31B WA S-62-56-B PA P-129 WA S-70-108 NM M-TPC-69 IN *1 SC HD-80B15 NY 38001-0629 NY 38001-0508 MA *35-58 TX 480-34-3 RI 4235-M-001 MA ♦35-11 MA ♦35-64 MA ♦35-24 MA ♦35-6 NY 22200-0019 NJ 7342-01 MI 5325-S31 NJ 7342-02 CA 691-80-70 SC 20-0 10A TX 470-36-1 MS S-2-53-28 TX 370-59-3A OR 76-450-9070 CA 691-77-25 TX 520-42-1A MA *35-20 MA ♦35-33 MA ♦35-18 MS PM-10 MA ♦35-42 MA ♦35-93 RI 4910-016 MA ♦35-87 SC HD-80B7 NJ 7342-03 TX 520-42-5A WA S-6 1-26-2 TX 371-55-1 TX 371-83-1 A MS 3756 SC HD-59B9 NY 31603-0513 NM ♦21 MI 5325-S32 RI 4905-001 367 491-458 O-LT - 73 - 25 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Paint, Latex Base, Interior, Spec, for Paint, Oil, Interior, Flat, Std. Spec, for Floating Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for lass Bead Application (1964) Std. Spec, for on with Glass Beads (1971?) FED TT-R-2/ Spec, for Special ) Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Ready Mixed Interior Alkyd Base Flat Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1 d2433, FED CCC-T-191B Spec, for 595 Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Enamel, Undercoat, Spec, for Enamel, Flat, Alkyd, Std. Spec, for Primer Coating, Latex Base, Interior, Spec, for Wood Primer (Paint), c. for Paint, Exterior, Finish Coat, Wood, House, Tintable c. for Paint, Enamel, Undercoat, Alkyd, Interior, Tintable Spec, for Petrolatum, Spec, for License Plate Ink, Spec, for Plisse Fabric, Cotton, Spec, for Paper, Writing Pad, Spec, for Traffic Line Paints, Spec, for Parking Lot Markers, Nonreflective, Spec, for Guard Rail Paint, Spec, for Exterior Paint, General Purpose, Spec, for Feathers; Goose, Domestic (Gray or Spec, for Warp Yarn Spec, for Filling Yarn Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths (Near Std. Spec, for Wiping Cloths Std. Spec, for Interior Gloss Enamel (Paint) (Tints and Std. Spec, for Interior Semi Gloss Enamel (Tints and Spec, for Interior Enamel Undercoat (Paint) (Tints and Std. Spec, for Flat Interior Alkyd Paint (Tints and oil, Interior, Nonpenetrating Flat, Ready Mixed (Tints and Spec, for Paint, Flat Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Dipping, Std. Spec, for Tape (English, Spec, for Floating Toilet Soap, Spec, for Feathers; Duck, Spec, for Down (Feathers); Duck, 9) Spec, for Enamel, Spec, for Paint, Traffic, e-50, UU-W-101, Std. 141a Spec, for Paint; Enamel, or Latex Base Paint, Interior Flat and Semigloss (Enamel) Spec, for Latex Base Paint, Exterior Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Exterior ber and Cellulose Cement, Thinner, Glue Liquid All Purpose . for Archival Quality Microfilm and Processing (Black and Std. Spec, for rnishing Negative and Pos/ Spec, for Microfilm (Black and Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Gloss, Interior, Spec, for Latex Base Primer Sealer Spec, for Gasoline, Spec, for Paper, Scratch Pad, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Latex, Interior, Spec, for Twine; Tubular, Cotton, Spec, for Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) (White Pigment for Spec, for Laundry Bleaching Sour, Spec, for Spec, for Refrigeration Equipment (Walk-in Freezer) Spec, for Coffee Bag Liner; Waxed, Creped Spec, for Livestock Feed, Dried Fresh Spec, for Stove Oil, Spec, for Industrial Truck (Gasoline Powered, m and 35 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Conversion / Spec, for d SS-R-630 Std. Spec, for Roofing, Roll, Asphalt, Spec, for Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Bleached, Std. Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached, Spec, for 3/4 Ton 4 X 2 er, All Hydraulic Drive, Four Wheel Riding, 72 In. Cutting flectors (Lights) for All Trucks 80 In. or More in Overall for Sheeting; Cotton, Unbleached (Cloth, Textile) (Narrow Spec, for Rotary Type Mowers (15 Ft. Cutting Spec, for Flail Type Mowers (84 In. Cutting Spec, for Sheeting; Cotton (Wide Spec, for Textile, Black White Tape, Narrow Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) White Tintable (1963) White Tintable (1963) White Toilet Soap (Bar) (1967) White Traffic Paint (Fast Dry) (1969) White Traffic Paint (1963) White Traffic Paint, Type III (Marking) ( 1960) White Traffic Paint, Type III (Marking) (1970?) White Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for G White Traffic Stripe Paint (Line Marking) for Applicati White Twill, Bleached, Preshrunk, Cotton (Cloth) (1970? White Wall Paint (1967) White Wiping Cloths (New) (1959) White Wiping Cloths (Reclaimed) ( 1961 ) White Wiping Cloths ( 1970?) White Woven Cotton Elastic Textile Webbing (1970) ASTM White (Baking, Air Dry) ( 1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. White (Paint) (1969) White (Paint) (1969) White (Paint), Fast Dry (1970) White (Sign) (1970?) FED TT-P-659 White (1963) Spe White (1963) Spe White (1967) White (1968) White (1968) FED CCC-T-191B White (1969) White (1969) White (1969) White (1970?) White (1970?) FED TT-P-103 White) for Pillows (1939) (White) 11/1 (1970) (White) 6/1 (1970) White) (1962) (White) (1962) White) (1966) White) (1966) White) (1966) FED Std. 141 White) (1966) FED Std. 141,TT-P-381 White ) ( 1 967 ) Spec, for Paint; White, Acryclic Emulsion Type, Interior ( 1971 ) White, Baked (1969) White, Bias, Seambinding, Measuring) (1953) White, Cake (1970) White, Domestic (Filling Material) (1939) White, Domestic, for Pillows (1953) White, Exterior, Wood, Fume Resistant, Fast Drying ( 196 White, Fast Drying Type IV (1970) White, High Gloss, Interior (Fume Proof) (1967) FED TT- ( White, Light Tints and Other Colors) (1970) Spec. F (White, Light Tints and Other Colors) ( 1971 ) White, Metal (1969) White, Mucilage Grip Spreader Top, Paste Library) (1971 White, on 2 1/2 MIL Polyester Base) (1971) ANSI Phi. 28, White, Opaque and Typewriter Correction Fluid ( 1971 ) White, Silver Type, 16mm and 35mm and Processing and Fu White, Tintable (1963) White, Tintable (1963) (White, Tints, and Pastels) (1970?) FED TT-P-442B White, Type C, Nonvolatile (1968) ASTM D439-64T White, Unruled (1971) TAPPI T410, MIL Std. 105 White, Wall Board, Plaster, Wood (1969) White, Wrapping (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Whitener and Opacifier in Milled Toilet Soap) ( 1968) Whitener (1966) Whiteprint Machines ( 1971 ) (Whole Animal and Special Freeze Drying Chambers) ( 1970) (Whole Roasted Bean Shipment) (1957) Whole Whey (Milk) (1963) W W W W W (W w w w w w w w w w w ckless (1969) de Cargo Box, 1500 Lb. Capacity) (1971) de Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer Syste de Selvage, Mineral Surfaced (1970) ASTM D-371-58, Fe de Unbleached Cotton Sheeting ( 1961 ) FED CCC-T-191B de Widths) (Cloth, Textile) ( 1969) FED CCC-T-191 de (Cloth, Textile) (1969) de (Cloth, Textile) (1969) deside Style Pickup (Truck) (1971) dth ( 1965) Spec, for Mow dth ( 1969) Spec, for Lamps and Re dth) (1958) FED CCC-T-191 Spec. dth) (1970) dth) (1970) dths) (Cloth, Textile) (1969) FED CCC-T-191 gan for Stiffening (Cloth) ( 1970?) MA *35-32 IA *l-4 IA *l-6 WI 5730-0232 MD *5 MD *4 NJ 7342-06 NJ 7342-07 SC HD-80B5 sc 20-010 MA * 35-5 5 TX 520-42-6A RI 4720-003 RI 4720-007 UT *7A TX 480-34-1 A MS 3571 MI 5325-S16 MI 5325-S18 MS PI- 11 MS 3513 IA ♦1-2 IA *l-5 IN F-3 MI 5325-S11 CA 681-83-20 CA 691-75-50 CA 691-80-95 CA 691-96-47 MS 3533 MS 3531 PA F-9 NY 39400-0707 NY 39400-0445 WA S-61-38 WA S-6 1-38-3 WA S-62-57-A WA S-63-65-A WA S-63-64-A WA S-64-79-A PA P-69 NJ 7342-15A CA 691-80-427 IL *33S LA * 1 1 — 15 PA F-10 PA D-7 . CA 691-80-06 NJ 7342-17 PA P-70 NY 38010-0509 NY 38010-0188 CA 691-80-10 IL *32A TX 575-70-2 IL *32S NY 26000-0448 IA *l-7 IA *l-8 UT *2 CA 681-91-170 CA 711-75-51 CA 691-80-202 PA T-l TX 371-8 3-1A KY 7930-12 NY 38803-0453 NY 24204-0654 PA L-37 MI 4340-0009 CA 681-91-176 NY 45001-0808 NY 38782-0824 MS R-5-64-11 VA FB-18 PA S-26 OR 79-100-9340 OR 79-100-9350 AK *40 NJ 4938-84 MI *5 PA S-24 NE *31 NE *37 PA S-26 MA ♦35-19 368 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Std. Spec, for Pile Carpeting and Rugs, Velvet and W Spec, for Hydraulically Powered W tractor), 34,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 5Th Wheel and W Spec, for Crawler Tractor with U Dozer Blade and Towing W 2 Passenger, 6 X 10 Ft. Platform Dump Body and Heavy Duty W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, W Spec, for Crawler Tractor - Bulldozer; with W Spec, for Crawler Tractor Dozer, W Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Dozer, Loader, Backhoe, W Spec, for W Spec, for Crawler Tractor with W Std. Spec, for Filters, Air, for W Std. Spec, for Shades, W p-D-00223a Spec, for Ammoniated Liquid W Spec, for Air Conditioner, Room, W Std. Spec, for Liquid, Synthetic, Glass and W pec. for Air Conditioning Units, Electric, Self Contained, W 71) Spec, for Air Conditioners (W Spec, for Air Conditioning Units; W dd-S-251C Std. Spec, for W Spec, for Coated W IB Spec, for W Spec, for Homespun W Spec, for W Spec, for Cloth; W .406, Std. 751 Spec, for W Spec, for W Spec, for W ries(1969) Spec, for W edCCC-T-191 Std. Spec, for W Spec, for W Spec, for 4 X 2 W Spec, for 4 X 2 W Spec, for 4 X 2 W Spec, for Draperies, W Spec, for Squeegee, W Spec, for Brush; W Spec, for Shades (W Spec, for Shades, Cloth and Accessories (W ) Spec, for Air Conditioners, W Spec, for Venetian Blinds, W d, Gathering Moldboards) (1969) Spec, for W for Pressure Sensitive Motor Vehicle Inspection Rejection W 1970) Spec, for W Spec, for W Pressure Sensitive Stickers for Application to School Bus W sensitive Stickers for Application to Nonpassenger Vehicle W sensitive Stickers for Application to Passenger Automobile W Spec, for Wood W r Attachment) (1970) Spec, for Snow Plow W c. for Snow Plow (Front Mounted Roll Over Type, Right Hand W Spec, for Poultry Leg and W rive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand Wing Plow, W our Wheel Drive, 4 X 4, 8 Ft. V-Type Snow Plow, Right Hand W Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and W Spec, for Automotive Equipment (Dump Truck with Snow and W pec. for Automotive Equipment (Dump Trucks) (with Snow and W or Grader (Tandem Drive, with 14 Ft. Blade and 12 Ft. Snow W Spec, for Snow Plows (One Way with Right Hand Leveling W ody Maintainer Attachment (Belly Blade), and Snow Leveling W Spec, for Steel Cutting Edges for Graders, Snow Plows and W Spec, for Women's W 57) Spec, for W Spec, for Women's W Spec, for Men's W Spec, for W Spec, for Boys' W Spec, for Bituminous Concrete - Type R.K. (W (1971) Std. Spec, for W Spec, for Men's W Std. Spec, for Untrimmed W Spec, for W Spec, for Green W Spec, for Dress Coats (Girls" and Misses') (W Spec for Men's W Spec, for Wool Uniforms - Summer and W Spec, for Officer's Uniforms; Fall and W Spec, for Uniforms; Enlisted Men's, Fall and W Spec, for Uniform Caps (Hat); Fur, W lacrosse, Cross C/ Spec, for Athletic Equipment (Fall and W (1969) Spec, for Outerwear (Fall and W Spec, for Uniform Shirts (W Iton (1965) nch (Oceanographic Research) ( 1971 ) nch (1969) Spec, for Truck / for Snow Vehicle (Self Propelled Type, nch (1971) nch) (1968) nch) (1969) nch) (1969) nch) (1969) nch) (1970) nch) (1971) nch, Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) nch, Logging Canopy ( 1969) nch. Scarifier) (1970) nching System (Hydrographic Survey Work) (1970) nch; Diesel, 42 HP Class (1970) ndow Air Conditioning Units (Cleanable) (1961) ndow and Cloth (Accessories) (1964) ndow and Mirror Cleaner (1970) ASTM D1426, E203, FED ndow and Through the Wall (1970) ndow Cleaner ( 1969) ndow Mounted (1966) ndow Mounting), Dehumidifiers (Refrigerated Coil) (19 ndow or Wall Mounted (1970) ndow Shade Cloth and Rollers (1963) FED CCC-C-521B, D ndow Shade Cloth (1969) FED CCC-T-191B, CCC-C-521D ndow Shade Cloth, Flame Resistant (1968) FED CCC-T-19 ndow Shade Material (1957) ndow Shade Material (1957) FED CCC-C-521B ndow Shade (1970; ndow Shades (Cloth or Vinyl) (1970) FED Std. 191, Std ndow Shades (1960) FED CCC-T-19 IB ndow Shades (1962) ndow Shades, Cloth, Rollers, Slats, Cords and Accesso ndow Shades; Cloth, Rollers, Slats and Cords (1969) F ndow Unit, Room Air Conditioners ( 1967) ndow Van (Sport Type, Truck) ( 1971 ) ndow Van (1/2 Ton) (1971) ndow Van (1/2 Ton) (1971) ndow (Curtains) (1970?) ndow (1967) ndow (1969) ndow) (College) (1970) ndow) (1970) ndow, Room Type, Electric Motor, Self Contained ( 1970 ndow, Shade (1970?) ndrow Loader, Self Propelled, Force Feed, with Tapere ndshield Stickers (1964) Spec, and Requirements ndshield Washer Antifreeze (Solvent) (State Police) ndshield Washer Antifreeze (Solvent) ( 1971 ) ndshields (1964) Spec, and Requirements for ndshields ( 1964) /Ec. and Requirements for Pressure ndshields ( 1964) /Ec. for Requirements for Pressure ndsor Chairs (1963) ng Assemblies ( 12 Ft., Full Power Hydraulic for Grade ng Assembly and Hydraulic Systems) ( 1971 ) Spe ng Bands ( Marking )( 1 97 1 ) ng Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 G.V.W.) (1971) /El D ng Plow, Wing Box, and 9 Ft. Body) (34,000 G.V.W.) ( 1 ng Plows) (Departmental) (1971) ng Plows) (1971) ng Plows, 58,000 Lb. G.V.W. Minimum) (1971) ng) ( 1971 ) Spec, for Diesel Mot ng, Roll Over and Power Reversible) ( 1971 ) ng, (Heavy Duty, 41,000 Lb. G.V.W., 4 X 4) (1971) /B ngs, Loader Bucket) ( 1970) nter Coats (Dark Colors and Weave Patterns) ( 1957) nter Coats (Reprocessed Materials) (Small Girls') ( 19 nter Coats (Tweed, Check, Boucle Patterns) ( 1957) nter Cotton Trousers (Slacks) (Army Twill) (1957) nter Helmet Liners ( 1970) nter Jackets (1957) nter Mix) (1970) nter Trimmed Uniform Shirt (Police and Departmental) nter Underwear (Shirts and Drawers) ( 1965) nter Unform Shirt (Departmental) (1971) nter Uniform Hats (Highway Patrol Police) (1971) nter Uniform Jackets ( 1969) nter Wear) (1957) nter Work Trousers (Armada Twill) (Slacks) ( 1970) nter (Motor Vehicle Inspector) (1962) nter (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 nter (State Police) (1968) FED CCC-T-191 nter (State Police, Game Commission) (1960) nter) (Basketball, Hockey, Football, Skiing, Soccer, nter) (Hooded Sweatshirts, Parkas, Trousers - Men's) nter) (Optional) (State Police) (1960) FED CCC-T-191 MS C-5C-65 NY 43100-0813 NJ 4938-44 AK *19 NY 42200-0574 NY 40600-0156 NY 40600-0289 NY 40600-0458 NY 40600-0656 NY 40600-0378 SC 14-300-035 1C NY 40602-0153 NY 40600-0178 NY 43100-0664 SC 14-300-035 ID NC 4120-F-16 MS S- 13-64 TX 3 70-3 8-1 A NJ 8708-00 IA *3-8 KY 4 1 20-6 NY 30000-0845 TX 015-32-1B IL ♦29 TX 705-38-1A CA 681-83-55 Rl 4905-003 RI 4905-002 PA C-112 PA S-28 VA FB-10 RI 4905-004 TX 705-37-1A OR 72-300-9020 KS 35-1C AK *34 AK *35 AK *36 MD ♦16 KY 7920-10 PA B-5 NY 24400-0542 NY 24400-0060 MS A-3-70 MD *15 NY 40603-0376 NJ 0734-02 NY 30900-0595 NY 30900-0481 NJ 0734-03 NJ 0734-01 NJ 0734-00 RI 3-012 NY 40900-0488 NY 40900-0764 NY 08701-0638 NY 40502-0148 NY 40502-0148 NY 40500-0206 NY 40500-0119 NY 40500-0530 AK ♦11 NY 40900-0895 AK *63 NY 40903-0431 RI 4225-F-001 RI 4225-F-003 RI 4225-F-002 RI 4284-M-004 CA 701-42-05 RI 4225-M-005 NJ 1304-04 WA S-64-77-C RI 4287-M-007 WA S-64-78-D SC 03-0100-0451 SC 03-110 RI 4225-F-005 RI 4284-M-005 NJ 1588-04 PA U-ll PA U-17 PA U-38 NY 30200-0073 NY 40011-0084 PA U-21 369 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Uniforms; Game Protector Spec, for Terry Towel Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Cleaning and Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for White Spec, for Colored Spec, for Knitted Spec, for Colored Spec, for White Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1 White Spec, for Colored Spec, for Spec, for Turkish Toweling Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Washing Compound for Industrial Spec, for Cleaning Cloth; Nonwoven Fabric for Dusting, Spec, for Cheesecloth; Remnants (for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Cotton Spec, for Laundered Cotton Machinery Std. Spec, for Rags, Spec, for Rags; Spec, for Rags, Cleaning and Std. Spec, for Rags, Spec, for Rags, Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Spec, for Traffic Signal Equipment - Roadway Loop Spec, for card Index and Guide Sets; Rubber Cement; Liquid Adhesive; nits, Gondola Assemblies, Wall Cases, Showcases, Counters, Spec, for Beds; Metal, Cot, Folding Spec, for Beds; Metal, Institutional Ward Spec, for Beds; Metal, Double Deck I) (1956) Spec, for Bed Spring; Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Reinforcing Steel for Concrete (Bar, Wire, Spec, for Radiator Brush , Stucco Reinforcement, Etc.) (1969/ Std. Spec, for Woven ho M-30 Spec, for Spec, for Lubricant, Open Gear, Chain and Std. Spec, for Spec, for re), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, Clips, USC CS 138-55, CS232-60, FED RR-W-370a Spec, for Insect Std. Spec, for Round Spec, for Seven Std. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Office Supplies (Rubber Bands; Waste and Spec, for Spec, for Cotton nsion Wire (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-116, B-/ Spec, for Fence Spec, for Spec, for Zinc Coated Galvanized Steel Barbed Spec, for Insect Screening Spec, for Brushes; Cleaning, Steel re (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Tension ec. for Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons (Bar, xture Splicing, and Soldering Lugs (for Electric Cable and Spec, for Brush; Cleaning, Butcher Block (Flat Sets and Pullers, Bevils and Squares, Brooms and Brushes (197/ Spec, for Wrought and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Std. Spec, for Fence Posts and Braces (Woven and Barbed Std. Spec, for Fencing; Spec, for Welding Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding Std. Spec, for Barbed ion) (19/ Spec, for Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Woven Std. Spec, for Baskets and Racks; Gymnasium Type casting/ Spec, for Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, Hig/ Std. Spec, for Reinforcing Steel for Concrete (Bar, Spec, for Deodorant, Cakes and (1971) Spec, for Fiber, Plastic) Conduit (Pipe, Tube, Tile) for Electrical Spec, for Brooms; Tent. Spec, for Textile, Spec, for Spec, for (W W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w (W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w (W (W (W w w w w w (W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w (W w w w (W w w (W w w w w w w nter) (1965) FED CCC-T-191 pers (Rags) (1967) ping Cloths for Laboratory Use, Cotton ( 1960) ping Cloths (Dark Colored) (1962) ping Cloths (Domestic Service) (1964) FED DDD-R-30 ping Cloths (Light Colored) (1962) ping Cloths (Near White) (1962) ping Cloths (New) (1959) ping Cloths (New) (1959) ping Cloths (New) (1960) ping Cloths (Reclaimed) (1959) ping Cloths (Reclaimed) (1961) ping Cloths (Unbleached Cheesecloth) (1971) ping Cloths (White) (1962) ping Cloths (1968) ping Cloths (1968) FED DDD-R-30B ping Cloths (1970?) ping Cloths (1970?) ping Cloths (1971) ping Cloths) (1970?) ping Cloths, Cotton (1960) ping Cloths, Cotton ( 1 965 ) ping Cloths, Shop Overalls, and Uniforms (1969) ping Polishing (1971) ping Purposes) (1958) ping Rags (1964) ping Rags (1969) FED CCC-T-191 ping Towels ( 1964) ping (1969) ping, Cotton (1960) FED CCC-T-191 ping, Cotton (1966) ping, Cotton (1967) ping, Sterilized Cotton (1969) e and Shielded Head in Cable (1971) e and Shielded Lead-in Cable (1971) e Baskets (Waste Receptacles) (1970) e Clips and Clamps; Pens; Erasers; Finger Shields or e Dividers) (1969) /Book Drop and Paperback Floor U e Fabric Springs) (1956) e Fabric Springs) (1956) e Fabric Springs) (1956) e Fabric (Class I) (B-64, B-84, B-108, Type A, Class e Frame and Handle for Dust Mop (1968) e Insect Screening ( 1969) e Mesh Partition (1969) e Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for Highw e Model) (1968) e Netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Court e Rope and Fittings for Cable Guard Rail (1970?) Aas e Rope (1967) e Rope (1969) e Rope (1971) e Rope, Cord, Bolt and Glass and Pipe and Tubing and e Screening and Hardware and Industrial Cloth (1971) e Staples and Remover ( 197 1 ) e Strand for Prestressed Concrete (1970?) ASTM A-416 e Tote, Tray, and Waste Baskets ( 1971 ) e Tray Desk Baskets; Blotters; Paper Clamps; Type An e Type (Dry) Cotton Dusting Mop Heads ( 1971 ) e Wet Mop Heads (1964) e (Barbed, Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Te e (in Coils) for Snow Fencing (1971) e (1968) ASTM B6, A121, A90 e (1969) FED RR-W-365, Std. 151 e (1970) e (1970?) ASTM A-121, A-116, B-211, AASHO M-181/Wi e) Highway and Bridge Construction) (1970) Sp e) (1964) Std. Spec, for Connectors; Pressure, Fi e) (1971) e), Oil Cans, Chains, Chisels and Punches, Clamps, C e, Bolt and Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim e, Chain Link) (Material, Erection and Reerection) F e, Farm (1969) ASTM Al 16-66 e, Flux) (1970?) e, Galvanized (1969) ASTM A121-66 e, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway Construct e, Locker Equipment) (1964) e. Tube, Pipe, Rivet, Bolt, Nut, Set Screw, Washer, e, Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Structural Shapes) for ed Blocks (1970) eless Solid State Auditory Training System (School) es and Cables (1970?) FED W-C-571, W-C-581, L-C-740 sk (1970) Wolverine Suiting, Cotton (Cloth) (1970?) Women's and Girls' Anklet Socks (Stockings) (1969) Women's and Girls' Dresses (Cotton Twill) (1962) PA U-24 SC 03-330 MI 4445-0014 WA S-6 1-38-2 VA FB-6A WA S-6 1-3 8-1 WA S-6 1-38 RI 4720-003 RI 4720-004 RI 4720-006 RI 4720-005 RI 4720-007 NY 33200-0619 WA S-6 1-38-3 IL *34 FL *6 UT *7A UT *7B SC *6 UT *7C MI 4445-0002 NJ 5160-00 VA L-4 PA C-119 PA C-31 TX 582-36-1 OR 76-900-9010 TX 582-32-1 MS R-6-69 PA R-21 KY 7920-6 CT 5160-R-336A CA 691-83-50 NY 35816-0215 NY 35816-0213 NY 35501-0564 NY 23000-0633 NY 21802-0181 PA B-28 PA B-60 PA B-64 PA SWF- 108 TX 370-53-4 OR 60-500-9020 NY 33811-0388 SC HD-72 TX 370-31-11 OR 60-500-9030 MS 3381 KY 9150-5 OR 54-100-9010 NY 38501-0293 NY 39000-0482 NY 31810-0346 IL *32BBB MS 3348 IL *32C FL *21 TX 370-53-2 TX 370-54-1 MS 3376 NY 39606-0859 TX 230-35-1B PA S-79 PA B-78 MS 3376 VA DH-228 OR 24-64- 10A PA B-80 NY 39000-0482 MS 3336 SC HD-123 OR 64-600-9010 MS 3339 OR 64-600-9020 VA DH-253 OR 1 9-64-1 2 A VA DH-236 SC HD-72 CA 701-76-64 NY 38215-0783 MS 3803 PA B-2 MA *35-88 RI 4250-F-006 RI 4230-F-011 370 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 1969) 69) ) 9) 969) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec for Bathing Suits Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Canvas Footwear (Sneakers) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Elastic, Braided, for Spec, for Spec, for Hosiery, Stockings, Spec, for Spec, for Combs, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec for Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Misses' and Spec, for Misses' and Spec, for Girls' and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Clothing, Spec, for Stockings, Spec, for Stockings, Spec, for Stockings, Spec, for Uniform Dresses Spec, for Bathrobes (Misses', Girls', Spec, for Bathrobes, Terry Cloth (Misses', Girls', Spec, for Sweaters (Men's and nd Mittens Including Work, Welding and Asbestos (Men's and Spec, for Sneakers, Boots, Rubbers (Shoes) (Men's, Spec, for Anklets and Knee Socks Spec, for Stockings, 1 Laboratory) (1968) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture ies (1970) Spec, for Ladders Spec, for Portable Ladders (Straight, Extension and Step; Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Enamel, Floor and Porch, Spec, for Paint, Enamel, Floor, Porch, Std. Spec, for Latex Base Paint for Exterior or Linseed Oil Black Paint for Use as Top Coat on Exterior Spec, for Library Furniture Std. Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Boat, Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Installed Spec, for Office Furniture (Chairs, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Floor Court Reporter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, 1962) Spec, for Spec, for Band Saw, 20 In. Spec, for Rotary Profiler Spec, for Student Spec, for Student Spec, for Student Spec, for Student Spec, for urniture) (1962) Spec, for 0) ) MIL Std. 105 1957) 957) Women's and Girls' Dresses (Crotch Pantie Style) (1962) Women's and Girls' Nightgowns (Cotton Plisse) ( 1970) Women's and Girls' Pajamas (Cotton Flannelette) (1969) Women's and Girls' Panties (Rayon and Acetate Tricot) Women's and Girls' Shoes (Institutional Use) ( 1971 ) Women's and Girls' Slippers (Terry Cloth) ( 1969) Women's and Girls' Wool or Orion Mittens ( 1969) (Women's and Girls') (1957) Women's and Misses' Blouses ( 1969) Women's and Misses' Dress Oxford Shoes ( 1969) Women's and Misses' Loafer Shoes ( 1969) Women's and Misses' Nightgowns (Cotton Flannelette) (19 Women's and Misses' Rubber Boots (Pull Over Type) ( 1969 Women's and Misses' Rubbers (Sandal and Storm Cut) ( 196 Women's and Misses' Slippers (Felt Uppers) ( 1969) Women's and Misses' (1969) Women's Band Leg Panties (Jersey Knit) (1970) Women's Brassiere (1969) Women's Cotton Knit Undergarment (1970) Women's Cotton Stockings (1960) Women's Cotton, Institutional Use (1971) Women's Dress Shoes (Nurse Type Oxford) (1969) Women's Dressing ( 1969) Women's Gloves (Wool Knit) ( 1957) Women's Handkerchiefs (1970) Women's Hosiery (Nylon Stockings) (1957) Women's House Dresses (Cotton Percale or Broadcloth) (1 Women's Indestructible Nylon Dresses (1970) Women's Pajamas (Broadcloth and Plisse) (1969) Women's Pajamas (Cotton Plisse and Crinkle Crepe) (1957 Women's Pajamas (Ribbed Knit) (1957) Women's Panties (Cotton, Suede or Interlock Knit) (1965 Women's Rubbers (Military Heel Style) (1969) Women's Scarfs ( 1956) Women's Shoes (Juliette Type) (1969) Women's Shorts (Twill and Denim) (1957) Women's Slacks (Corduroy) (1969) Women's Slippers (Felt Uppers) (1969) Women's Slips (Percale) (1970) Women's Slips (Percale), Tailored (1965) Women's Snuggies Underwear (Above the Knee Length) (197 Women's Sport Jackets (Corduroy) (1957) Women's Stretch Sock with Cushion Foot (Stocking) (1971 Women's Sweaters (Acrylic) (1969) Women's Sweaters (Cotton) (1969) Women's Vests (1970) Women's Winter Coats (Dark Colors and Weave Patterns) Women's Winter Coats (Tweed, Check, Boucle Patterns) (1 Women's (Blouses, Skirts, and Dusters) (1971) Women's (Nylon Yarn) (1970) Women's (Stretch Nylon) (1969) Women's (Stretch Nylon, Opaque, Micro Mesh) (1970) (Women's) (1957) Women's) (1969) Women's) (1969) Women's) (1971) Women's) (1971) Spec, for Gloves A Women's, Children's) (1970?) (Women's, Misses' and Children's) (1971) Womens Cotton (1970) (Wood - Installed) Modular Laboratory Tables (Statistica (Wood and Aluminum) and Scaffolding and Related Accessor Wood and Aluminum) (1969) Std. Wood and Brush Chipping Machine (12 and 15 In.) (1971) Wood and Brush Chipping Machine (1970) Wood and Concrete (Paint) (1970) Wood and Concrete (1963) Wood and Metal Surfaces (White and Light Tints) (1966) Wood and Metal Surfaces (1962) FED TT-P-61C, Std. 141 (Wood and Metal) (1970) Wood and Metal, Fresh Water (1970) (Wood and Steel) (Biology) (1968) Wood and Upholstered) (1971) Wood Arm Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Wood Armless Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Wood Block Squeegee (1968) Wood Cased, Writing, Checking or Beginners, Carpenters, Wood Chairs (Executive Swivel Arm) (Office Furniture) Wood Cutting (1966) (Wood Cutting) (1971) Wood Desk Chair, Form Back (1968) Wood Desk Chair, Ladder Back (1968) Wood Desk Chair, Padded Back (1968) Wood Desk Chair, Tilt Swivel Type (1968) Wood Dining Room Tables (1969) Wood Executive Desks (Kneehole or Typewriter) (Office F RI 4230-F-012 RI 4270-F-001 RI 4270-F-003 RI 4280-F-005 TN *4 RI 4268-F-036 RI 4235-F-002 RI 4215-F-001 RI 4265-F-003 RI 4268-F-011 RI 4268-F-013 RI 4270-F-002 RI 4268-F-073 RI 4268-F-071 RI 4268-F-035 RI 4268-F-055 RI 4287-F-001 RI 4220-F-001 CA 701-83-26 RI 4250-F-001 CA 711-84-20 RI 4268-F-010 CA 691-85-26 RI 4235-F-001 RI 4240-F-002 RI 4250-F-002 RI 4230-F-002 RI 4230-F-009 RI 4270-F-006 RI 4270-F-012 RI 4270-F-005 RI 4287-F-004 RI 4268-F-070 RI 4240-F-001 RI 4268-F-015 RI 4284-F-004 RI 4284-F-001 RI 4268-F-037 RI 4287-F-009 RI 4287-F-007 RI 4287-F-016 RI 4225-F-010 CA 7H_84-30 RI 4280-F-004 RI 4280-F-002 RI 4287-F-011 RI 4225-F-001 RI 4225-F-002 NY 40042-0038 NY 40035-0112 NY 40036-0322 NY 40036-0121 RI 4230-F-006 RI 4210-F-002 RI 4210-F-003 NY 40029-0727 MS G-1A-71 MA *38 NY 40020-0126 NY 40023-0611 NY 12006-0399 NJ 4926-00 OR 33-400-9010 NY 42900-0302 NY 42900-0578 MS PI-9 IA *l-9 WA S-66-93 VA DK-36 NY 21801 MS PE-17 NY 12006-0862 NY 21804-0060 RI 3-009 RI 3-008 TX 370-60-1 NY 23000-0633 RI 3-007 NJ 4930-10 NY 43200-0288 CA 681-67-5 CA 681-67-7 CA 681-67-6 CA 681-67-8 RI 3-015 RI 3-001 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards es (1970) USC CS-235 Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Varnish, tm D 1 546, D 1 642 Spec, for liquid Solvent Type) Furniture, Painted Surface, Linoleum, Spec, for Varnish Base Paint for Concrete and Spec, for Paint, Varnish Base, Concrete and Spec, for Penetrating Seal and Finish for Std. Spec for Sanding Sealer (Lacquer Type for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Portable Trestle and Extension -59 Spec, for Spec, for Book Truck Spec, for Radiator Brush Spec, for Sealer, Surface, Varnish Type, Floor, nts for Pressure Sensitive Decalcomania for Application to ) Spec, for Ladders; Spec, for Handle, Wet Mop, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, Yellow, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, Black, Spec, for . Spec, for Steel Beam Guard Rail and Concrete, Steel, and Std. Spec, for Water Repellent Spec, for Ready Mixed Paints, Glazing Compound, Putty and Spec, for Creosote Oil, Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for (1961) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Putty; Pure Linseed Oil (for c. for Household Furniture (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Std. Spec, for Oil (Alkyd) Paint Primer (for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for 1 Spec, for Furniture; Std. Spec, for Enamel; Gloss, Exterior, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Chair, Std. Spec, for Desk, Teacher, Std. Spec, for Chair, Tablet Arm - Std. Spec, for Desk, Chair - Std. Spec, for Table, Unit Pupil, Std. Spec, for Table, Agriculture, Spec, for Beds; Std. Spec, for Exterior Primer for Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior Finish, Std. Spec, for Paint, Finish, d. Spec, for Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior, Gloss, Metal and arnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and arnish Base Synthetic Primer (Paint) for Ferrous Metal and Spec, for Snow Guide Stakes, Spec, for Survey Stakes, Flat and Hub, Std. Spec, for Particleboard, Mat Formed Spec, for Paint, Finish, Ltz, Exterior, Spec, for Paint, Finish, Fumeproof, Exterior, Std. Spec, for Primer Sealer; Exterior, Ready Mixed, Spec, for Rulers, imer (Paint), Latex, Interior, White, Wall Board, Plaster, Spec, for Library Card Catalog Cabinets, General Spec, for Furniture, Library, Std. Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Bungalow or Walnut Brown, Spec, for Book Shelves, i A 14.1-/ Spec, for Ladders (Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, Chairs and Tables, Sofas/ Spec, for Household Furniture rs, Dressers, Chests, Cas/ Spec, for Household Furniture Spec, for Office Furniture Spec, for Guardrail Posts (Concrete, Steel, Std. Spec, for Overhead Doors, Sectional (Steel and Spec, for Laboratory and Pharmacy Furniture, Installed Spec, for Library Shelving (Steel and Spec, for Block (1961) Std. Spec, for Table, Std. Spec, for Furniture, Std. Spec, for Stain; Opaque, and Tints, Std. Spec, for Chair, Wood Fence Posts (Line Corner and Gate) and Preservativ Wood Fence Posts (Treated) (1970?) Wood Filler; Paste (1969) FED Std. 141 Wood Floor and Trim, Interior (1963) Wood Floor Sealer And/or Finish; Solvent Type ( 1970) As Wood Floor) ( 1 965 ) FED P-W-l 58B /General Purpose Wax Wood Floors (1962) FED Std. 141 Wood Floors (1964) Wood Floors (1968) Wood Furniture) (1969) Wood Guard Rail Posts (1970?) Wood Guard Rail (Post and Strut) (1970) Wood Ladder (1960) ANSI A 14. 1-59 Wood Ladders (Straight and Extension) (1960) ANSI A 14.1 (Wood Library Funiture) (1969) (Wood Model) (1968) Wood or Cork (1968) Wood or Metal Surfaces of Trailers (Decal, Sticker) (19 Wood or Metal (Single And/or Sectional Extension) (1968 Wood or Metal (1966) Wood or Metal (1969) Wood or Metal (1969) Wood Platform Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Wood Posts for Highway Construction ( 1964) Std Wood Preservative (Non Swelling, Paintable) (1963) Wood Preservative (Shellac, Varnish, Remover) (1971) Wood Preservative (1953) Wood Preservative (1970) Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, Ready Mix (1961) Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, Ready Mix ( 1970) Wood Preservative, Water Repellent, 3 to 1 Concentrate Wood Preservative, 10 to 1 Concentrate (1961) Wood Primer (Paint), White (Sign) (1970?) FED TT-P-659 Wood Sash Glazing) (1953) FED TT-P-791, TT-P-141 Wood Seat Chairs, Frames, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Fa Wood Shakes, Rough Sawn Lumber and Plywood) (1965) Wood Shelving and Brackets (1970?) Wood Shelving (1969) Wood Shelving, and Brackets ( 1971 ) Wood Shelving, Library (1969) Wood Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1962) Wood Side Chairs (Office Furniture) (1963) Wood Stain, Oil Type, Interior (1970) Wood Stepladder (Ladder) (1960) ANSI A14.1-59 Wood Tables (Office Furniture) (1962) Wood Tables (with Plastic Laminate Top) (1968) NEMA LD- Wood Trim (Paint) (1969) Wood Windsor Chairs (1963) Wood (Cafeteria) (Conventional Design) (1961) Wood (Conventional and Contemporary Design) (1961) Wood (Conventional Design) (1960) Wood (Conventional Design) (I960) Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) Wood (Conventional Design) (1961) Wood (for Staff Use) ( 1955) Wood (House Paint) (1970) Wood (House), Light (1970) Wood (House), Medium (1970) Wood (Paint) (1970) St Wood (Red and Brown Iron Oxide) (1962) FED Std. 141 /V Wood (White and Light Tints) ( 1962) FED Std. 141 /yd V Wood (1967) Wood (1968) Wood ( 1968) USC CS236-66, ASTM D1037-64 Wood (1969) Wood (1969) Wood (1969) Wood (1969) Wood (1969) Spec, for Pr Wood (1970) Wood (1970) Wood (1970) Wood (1971) Wood) Step and Safety Stools and Stepladders ( 1971 ) Ans (Wood) (Colonial) (Dressers, Chests, Cases, Beds, Dining (Wood) (Contemporary) (Upholstery Fabric, Sofas and Chai (Wood) (Desks, Etc.) (1969) USC CS35-61, FED H-L-58 Wood) (Highway Railing) (1970) Wood) (Lift Up) (1962) ASTM A93, A386 (Wood) (Psychiatric Hospital) (1968) Wood) (1968) (Wood), Frame and Handle for Dust Mop ( 1968) Wood, Elementary and All Purpose (Conventional Design) Wood, Executive Office (1967) Wood, Exterior, Alkyd (1969. FED Std. 595 Wood, for Unit Pupil Table (Conventional Design) ( 1961 ) OR 63-700-9020 MS 3413 PA F-28 IA •1-11 TX 370-63-4B VA K-33A VA DK-13A KY 13A PA F-82 OR 77-100-9520 MS 3412 NJ 5950-00 VA FN-3 VA FN-1 RI 4348-005 TX 370-31-10 KY 7930-4 NJ 0734-05 PA L-46 KY 7920-17 CA 691-80-08 CA 691-80-09 VA FN-4 SC HD-121 WA S-63-69 NY 38000-0041 PA 0-6 NY 38060-0120 MI 5325-0120 MI 5325-S37 MI 5325-0115 MI 5325-0110 MS 3513 PA P-32 NY 21601-0227 WA S-65-90 NY 27501-0082 NY 27501-0343 NY 27501-0054 NY 27501-0878 RI 3-010 RI 3-011 MS PM-6 VA FN-2 RI 3-003 PA F-73 OR 77-100-9060 RI 3-012 NC 7120-C-2 NC 7120-D-5 NC 7120-C-l NC 7120-D-4 NC 7120-T-6 NC 7120-T-9 PA B-115 MS PE-1 MS PE-3 MS PE-4 MS PE-1 3 VA DK-25A VA DK-26A MD *20 MD ♦21 OR 35-68-11 CA 691-80-02 CA 691-80-03 OR 77-100-9010 PA R-9 CA 691-80-202 CA 701-67-15 MS F-23A-70 MS PE-5 NY 27501-0299 NY 39010-0418 NY 21604-0226 NY 21605-0260 NY 21800-0407 VA DH-225 OR 19-62-27 NY 12006-0888 NY 27500-0790 TX 370-53-3 NC 7120-T-7 MS F-27-67 OR 77-100-9080 NC 7 1 20-C-3 372 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Enamel, White, Exterior, Std. Spec, for Paint; Exterior, Spec, for Exterior Primer Paint, Spec, for Paint, Exterior, Finish Coat, Spec, for Pads, Scouring, Steel or Paint, Exterior, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, for Primed , Plastic Spray, Linoleum Cutters, Block Printing Presses Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, for Enamel Undercoat (Paint), Interior, Std. Spec, for Chairs, Interim Spec, for Desk, Std. Spec, for Filler, Std. Spec, for Trays (Metal, Paste, Plastic, Spec, for Picnic Tables Spec, for Ladders; ed Seat and Back ( 1 967 ) Spec, for Chairs; , Etc.) (1969) MIL W-6610 Spec, for Handles; Spec, for Fasteners (Structural and Stainless Steel, Std. Spec, for Table, Spec, for Broom Handle, ( 1967) Std. Spec, for Furniture, Std. Spec, for Exterior Paint Primer (Undercoat for igger, Weld Flux Chipper, Single Piston Scaler, Reversible Std. Spec, for ec. for Mildew Resistant Ready Mixed White House Paint for Spec, for Chairs - Type IV-a (Fibreglass Rocker with Spec, for Shades; Roll Up Spec, for Pallets, nd Equipment (Cabin, Toddler and Tunnel Bridge, Liliputian for Enamel, High Gloss, Low Odor, Interior, Alkyd, Walls, Std. Spec, for Enamel, Interior, Semigloss, Walls and Std. Spec, for Enamel, Gloss, Interior, Wall and Spec, for Textile, Mackinaw Cloth, Heavy, Std. Spec, for Blankets; Spec, for Blankets (Acrylic, Spec, for 90% Spec, for 75% Spec, for 95% Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton, Nylon and Spec, for Men's Knitted Spec, for Women's Gloves Spec, for Men's Leather Palm Spec, for Women's and Girls' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's Spec, for Highway Patrol Police Short Sleeve Dacron and Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's Pull Over Spec, for Men's Coat Style Spec, for Boys" Coat Style Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's ing (Jackets, Nylon and Rainwear, Parkas, Duck Hunting and tor) (1962) Spec, for Spec, for Neckties; Four in Hand Spec, for Textile, Blue Serge, Spec, for Uniform Shirts, Spec, for Cloth; Nylon and Spec, for Steel Spec, for Cloth; Suiting (Textile), Dacron ) Spec, for Cloth, Melton, Spec, for Sweaters; Men's Highway Patrol (Uniform) Shirts, Lot 1 Item a (Dacron and Spec, for Cloth; 100% Spec, for Pad, Steel Std. Spec, for Low Titer Soap Flakes (Low Temperature, Spec, for Blanket, Part Std. Spec, for Carpets and Rugs, Spec, for Cloth; Suiting, (Textile) Built Synthetic Detergent for Washing Cotton, Colored and (1969) Spec, for Shop Furniture (Lab Cart, nits) (1970) Spec, for Shop Furniture c. for Truck with Electric Powered Core Drill, Water Tank, Spec, for Rubber Coated Spec, for Leather and Cotton Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's SpeV for Denim Spec, for Boys' Spec, for Shoe, Men's Black Dress; Spec, for Shoe, Men's Russet Leather Spec, for Telescoping Mobile Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's and Boys' Wood, Fume Resistant, Fast Drying ( 1969) Wood, General Purpose ( 1969) Wood, House, Ready Mix (1963) Wood, House, Tintable White (1963) Wood, Institutional Use ( 1 968 ) Wood, Metal or Masonry, Ready Mix ( 1970) Std. Spec. F (Wood, Metal), Clay (Modeling, Carving, Gesso, Baking), Wood, Mildew Resistant, Exterior (1969) Wood, Odorless (1969) Wood, Office (Conventional Design) (1963) Wood, Office (Conventional Design) (1969) Wood, Paste (1970) Wood, Pin, Clip, and Glass) (1971) (Wood, Rustic Design) (1971) Wood, Step, Portable (1971) ANSI A 14.1, ASTM D2016 Wood, Student Study, Dining and Library, with Upholster Wood, Threaded and Tapered Ends (Broom, Brush, Squeegee Wood, Turned, Pin Bolts; Nuts; and Studs) ( 1970?) Wood, Typewriter (Conventional Design) (1961) Wood, Uncoated (1969) Wood, Upholstered Sofas and Chairs (Commercial Design) Wood, White and Tints) (1963) Woodborer, Concrete Vibrator, Backfill Tamper, Paving B Wooden and Ceramic Tile Beads (1953) Wooden Exterior Surfaces (1967) Sp Wooden Runners) (1965) (Wooden Slatted) (1969) FED Std. 141 Wooden (1970) Woods, Martian Canals, Picnic Table, Nursery Swing, Adu Woodwork and Metal (Paint) ( 1970) Std. Spec. Woodwork (Paint), Light (1970) Woodwork, Conventional (Paint) (1970) Wool and Cotton ( 1970?) Wool and Part (1969) FED CCC-T-191B USC CS136-46 Wool and Utility) (1971) Wool and 10% Cotton Blankets (1961) Wool and 25% Nylon Blankets ( 1961 ) Wool and 5% Nylon Blankets ( 1961 ) Wool Blankets (State Police) (1960) Wool Blankets (1960) ANSI L24.2.9-55 Wool Bunting for United States Flag (1968) Wool Hats (Navy Style Watch) (1960) (Wool Knit) (1957) Wool Mittens (1970) Wool or Orion Mittens ( 1969) Wool Overcoats (Zip in Lining) (1957) Wool Overcoats (1957) Wool Shirts (1969) Wool Suits (1957) Wool Sweaters (1957) Wool Sweaters (1957) Wool Sweaters (1957) Wool Topcoats (1957) Wool Trousers (Slacks) (1957) Wool Trousers) (Departmental) (1970) / for Field Cloth Wool Uniforms - Summer and Winter (Motor Vehicle Inspec (Wool Worsted) (1971) Wool (Cloth) (1970?) Wool (Clothing) (State Police) (1970?) Wool (for Flags) (1952) Wool (1963) Wool (1971) Wool (32 Oz.) (50% Reprocessed 50% New) (Textile) (1959 (Wool) (1962) FED JJ-S-846, CCC-T-191 Wool) (1971) Spec for Wool, Elastique, Overcoat or Uniform (1971) Wool, Electric Floor Machine ( 1966) Wool, Leather) (1953) Wool, Nylon and Rayon Fibers (1968) Wool, Nylon, Acrylic (1966) Wool, Worsted (1971) Woolen Fabrics in Power Laundry ( 1969) /C. for Organic Work Benches, Cabinets, Desk, Bin Shelving and Storage) (Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Rack End, Pigeon Hole U Work Cabinet, Sink and Portable Generator (Mobile Labor Work Clothing (Parka Jackets, Overalls) (1971) Work Glove (1971) Work Jackets (Cotton Armada Twill) (1969) Work Jackets (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) ( 1961 ) Work Jackets (1960) Work Jackets (1961) Work Oxford (1969) Work Oxford (1969) Work Platform, Battery Powered, Self Propelled (1969) Work Rubbers (Storm Style) (1957) Work Shirts (Dark Blue Chambray) (1970) CA 691-80-06 OR 77-100-9020 IA *1-1 IA ♦1-2 KY 7920-21 MS PE-8 NY 23100-0855 CA 691-80-01 CA 691-80-205 NC 7110-C-2 NC 7U0-D-1B MS PM-7 IL •32GGG NY 21602-0765 PA L-18 PA C-165 PA H-23 MS 3391 NC 7120-T-8 CA 691-76-55 NC 7195-FWU-l WA S-63-70 NY 43203-0185 IL ♦33W TX 5 20-42-1 A NJ 3718-07 PA S-124 CA 702-39-05 NY 30211-0572 MS PI-7 MS PI-6 MS PI-8 MA *35-72 OR 72-150-9020 NY 20204-0879 RI 4710-010 RI 4710-008 RI 4710-007 RI 4710-005 RI 4710-004 NY 39800-0847 RI 4245-M-007 RI 4235-F-001 RI 4235-M-009 RI 4235-F-002 RI 4225-M-016 RI 4225-M-011 SC 03-030 RI 4275-M-001 RI 4280-M-001 RI 4280-M-002 RI 4280-M-003 RI 4225-M-012 RI 4284-M-003 NY 39307-0603 NJ 1588-04 PA N-4 MA *35-47 MA ♦31 PA C-86 PA S-113 PA C-110 PA C-121 PA S-100 SC *4 PA C-115 KY 7910-5 MS S-2-53-38A CA 681-83-04 NC 7220-C-1A PA C-108 VA L-2 NY 35100-0775 NY 35100-0684 NJ 4938-48 NY 40004-0775 SC 03-020-1002 RI 4225-M-009 RI 4225-M-008 RI 4225-M-010 RI 4225-M-008A CA 691-84-02 CA 691-84-05 NY 39006-0329 RI 4268-M-072 RI 4265-M-003 373 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards 105 h-601, MIL Std. 105 Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Spec, for Men's and Boys' Spec, for Men's Spec, for Men's Stretch Spec, for Men's Heavy Duty Spec, for Men's and Boys' uipment (Mobile Cashiers and Griddle Stand, Hot Food Unit, c. for Kitchen Equipment (Mobile Counters, Cashiers Stand, Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Kitchen Equipment (Counters, fume Hood, Stool) (1971) Spec, for Laboratory Furniture Spec, for Food Service Equipment Spec, for Men's Winter Spec, for Men's Spec, for Spec, for ShirtsO Back with Petroleum Naptha for Use in Patching and Repair ic Film Changer and Related Accessories for Thoracic X-Ray Tent. Spec, for Shirts, Men's Tent. Spec, for Trousers, Men's Spec, for Soap, Grit, Cake, Fine graphic Film Changer and Related Equipment (Thoracic X-Ray Spec, for Winching System (Hydrographic Survey Spec, for Gloves; Spec, for Ironers; Flat bons) (1967) Spec, for Ironers; Flat Std. Spec, for Shoes, Spec, for Gloves and Mittens Including Spec, for Shoe, Men's Shelf, Counter, Enclosure Panels with Gates, Undercounter r Raincoat (Yellow) for Heavy Duty Use by Road Maintenance Spec, for Truck Type Spec, for Truck Type Spec, for Truck Type Std. Spec, for Lubricant, Spec, for Boys" and Young Men's Spec, for Cloth; Suiting, (Textile) Wool, Spec, for Neckties; Four in Hand (Wool Std. Spec, for Fence Posts and Braces Spec, for Boys" Swim Trunks; Spec, for White Spec, for Std. Spec, for Flannel Shirting; Court, Stucco Reinforcement, Etc.) (1969/ Std. Spec, for struction) (19/ Spec, for Fencing (Chain Link, Barbed and Spec, for Fabric; Non Spec, for Towels, Name Spec, for Elastic, 70?) ASTM A-121, A-l 16, B-/ Spec, for Fence Wire (Barbed, Spec, for Measuring Tapes, lis, Bean Bag, Starting Pistol and Blank Cartridges, Ankle Shrubs, Vines and Other Plants, Peat Moss, Tree Paint and Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Cotton Std. Spec, for Paper, Kraft, Spec, for Twine; Tubular, Cotton, White, Spec, for Paper; Bags, Spec, for Paper Bags (Grocers, Waxed, spec, for Truck, 46,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis with 25 Ton Spec, for 4 X 4 Truck with 4 Ton ks(1969) Spec, for Spec, for ing Cans, Battery Fillers, Drain Plugs, Lever Powered Gear tor, Rivet Buster, Reversible Drill, Needle Scaler, Impact echanics Hand Tools) (Pliers, Screwdrivers, Socket Set and Spec, for Spec, for Mop Press, Spec, for Mopping Tank, Roller, Spec, for Double Mopping Outfits, Trucks or Tanks, Std. for Mop 960) Spec, for Flannel; Cotton, Twill, Spec, for Rubber Coated Gloves (Canvas, Knit Spec, for Paper, Spec, for Paper, 1969) Std. Spec, for Printing and ter Notebooks; Ink; Pads; Pencils (Mechanical, Wood Cased, Spec, for Markers, Std. Spec, for Number Machine, Drawing, Spec, for Markers, d Screw Stock, Sheet, Plate, Shapes, Shim (197/ Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Rigid and Reerection) F/ FED CCC-T-191B Work Shirts (Permanent Press Army Twill) (1967) Work Shirts (Permanent Press) ( 1969) Work Shirts (Plain or Twill Finish Cotton) (1960) Work Shoe Laces (1960) Work Shoes (Alpine or Tyrollean Style) (1968) Work Shoes (Institutional Use) (1957) Work Socks with Cushion Foot (Stocking) ( 1971 ) MIL Std. Work Socks (Stocking, Institutional Use) ( 1971 ) FED JJ- Work Socks (1957) Work Table and Serving Counter) (1970) /Ood Service Eq Work Table) (1971) Spe (Work Table, Serving Counter) (Heated) (Mobile) (1971) Work Table, Tray Dispensers, Dish Carts) ( 1971 ) (Work Tables and Stations, Sink Assemblies, Floor Case, (Work Tables, NYS Std.) (1969) Work Trousers (Armada Twill) (Slacks) (1970) Work Trousers (Slacks) (Army Twill) (1962) Work Uniforms (Security Police) (Departmental) (1971) Work (Chambray, Blue) (1969) FED CCC-T-191, V-B-871a / Cement Cut for Radiograph Spec, for Radio Work (Highway, Road Construction) (1970?) Work (Hospital) (1970) Spec. Work (1964) Work (1964) Work (1970) Work) (Hospital) (1971) Work) (1970) Work, Canton Flannel and Leather Palm (1971) Work, Chest Type (Nonfloating Multiroll) (1966) Work, Laundry, Chest Type (Nonfloating, with Return Rib Work, Men's (1968) Work, Welding and Asbestos (Men's and Women's) (1971) Work, 6 In. Russet, Leather (1969) Workboard) (Sink) (1970) /Lay Case and Panel, Cornice, Workers (1969) Spec. Fo Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 140 (1968) Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 250 (1968) Worm Gear Lubricant, SAE 90 (1968) Worm Type Gear (1970) Worsted Suits (1957) Worsted (1971) Worsted) (1971) (Woven and Barbed Wire, Chain Link) (Material, Erection Woven Cotton Acetate Elastic (1960) Woven Cotton Elastic Textile Webbing (1970) ASTM D2433, Woven Elastic Textile Webbing (Gripper Type) (1968) Woven Plaid (Cloth, Textile) (1969) Woven Wire Netting, (Poultry and Animal Fencing, Tennis Woven Wire, Lawn), Posts, Braces and Gates (Highway Con Woven (Roll and Cut Sheets) (Textile) (1961) Woven (1969) Woven, Apparel Manufacture (1970) Woven, Chain Link), Fasteners, Tie and Tension Wire ( 19 Woven, Nonmetallic (1971) Wrap, Supporter, Pinnies, Clock Timer, Whistles, Traini Wrap, Twine, Soil Mixture, Water, Jute Mesh, Soil Reten Wrapping Machines (Sandwich) ( 1971 ) Wrapping Paper, Kraft (1965) Wrapping Twine (1957) FED CCC-T-191 Wrapping (1954) Wrapping (1969) FED CCC-T-191 Wrapping, Gummed Tape and Wax (1965) Wrapping, Tape (Gummed)) (1971) Wrecker Body (1969) Wrecker Body (1971) Wrecker for Towing and Recovery of Automobiles and True Wrecker, 25 Ton Truck Mounted (1965) Wrench, Creeper, Oil Drain Pan, Tools, Stud Ext /Easur Wrenches) (1968) /Aker, Hand Drill Kit, Concrete Vibra Wrenches) (1971) Spec, for Small Tools (M Wrestling and Gymnastic Mats, Plastic Foam (1970) Wringer (1967) Wringer (1968) Wringers and Buckets ( 1971 ) Wringing Equipment (1965) Wrinkle Resistant Plaids, Preshrunk (Cloth, Textile) (1 Wrists) (1960) Writing Pad, White (1969) Writing Pad, Yellow (1969) Writing Paper, Fine, Unwatermarked, Number 4 Sulphite Writing, Checking or Beginners, Carpenters, /Urt Repor Writing, Fine Line (1970) Writing, Stamp Pad Ink and Eradicator ( 1971 ) Writing, Tube, Felt Tip ( 1 97 1 ) Wrought and Extruded Aluminum Bars, Rods, Wire, Bolt An Wrought Bronze Plates (1970?) ASTM B-100 or A-169 Wrought Iron Pipe (1963) RI RI RI RI RI RI CA CA RI NY NY NY NY NY NY RI RI NY PA MD NY KS KS LA NY NY PA PA PA CT MS CA NY SC CA CA CA MS RI PA PA SC RI TX TX OR OR VA PA NY CA MS CA NY VA NY KY VA CT PA NY NY NJ AK SC NJ NY NY NY CA KY KY NY CT PA RI CA CA MS NY CA IL CA MS MS NJ 4265-M-002A 4265-M-002 4265-M-004 4790-002 4268-M-002 4268-M-001 711-84-31 711-84-42 4250-M-001 36200-0356 36114-0267 36200-0913 36114-0262 12009-0629 36200-0186 4284-M-005 4284-M-006 39300-0882 S-88 *24 11501-0582 81-1 81-2 * 1 1—5 11000-0788 43100-0664 G-15 1-2 1-4 3370-S-39D G-1A-71 691-84-03 36200-0787 03-190-0451 681-91-84 681-91-85 681-91-83 L-5B-70-19 4275-M-002 C-108 N-4 HD-123 4215-M-003 480-34-1 A 480-34-2 79-100-9200 60-500-9030 DH-253 C-142 39701-0880 702-83-25 3376 711-64-10 30200-0587 DH-257 36135-0550 7870-1 S-l 7588-P-35 T-l 00238-0421 23811-0519 4938-127 *55 23-060 4938-81 35000-0938 43203-0748 39003-0600 701-78-15 7920-20 7920-19 22800-0424 11-136A F-63 4235-M-003 691-75-50 691-75-49 P-13C-69 23000-0633 701-75-90 *32GG 711-75-91 3336 3325 7940-00 374 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Welded m A-42, A-207 Spec, for gg-P-3 5 1 , GG-M- 1 5 1 Spec, for Pipe; 34 Spec, for e, Metal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vitrified Clay) (Arch, Tee, ucational Purposes) (1969) 968) les) (1968) eter (Science, University) (Educational Purpos/ stem (Emission Spectroscopy, Low Angle Scatter/ o System) (Educational Purposes) (1968) h and Atmospheric Sciences) (1968) poses) (1970) Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for General Requirements for es (Educational Purposes) (19/ Spec, for High Temperature racted Intensities and Measurement of Reflecti/ Spec, for investigations Using Film Techniques (Educatio/ Spec, for d Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques / Spec, for d Powder Diffractometry Using Film Techniques / Spec, for Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal Spec, for High Temperature Spec, for Automatic Single Crystal Spec, for Diagnostic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for ersion) (1970) Teletype) (Education/ ollege) (1969) romator (Integration / nal) (1971) (1970) ent of Intensities) (1971) g System) (Educational Purposes) (1/ iesT(1968) 1971) ) (Superficial Therapy) (1967) trument) (1968) Spec, for Industrial Spec, for Spec, for Diagnostic Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Diagnostic Spec, for Diagnostic Spec, for New Cobalt 60 Source Capsule Spec, for Dual Channel Automatic Gamma Radioassay System Spec, for Std. Spec, for Manila Envelopes Spec, for Automatic, Medical Spec, for Medical Spec, for Medical Spec, for Medical Spec, for Medical Spec, for Automatic, Medical ) Spec, for Medical Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Automatic Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass 1 Center) (1969) Spec, for Multiviewing Mobile Mass Spec, for Medical and Dental Spec, for Medical Spec, for hospital) (19/ Spec, for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified r to Ceiling / Spec, for Single Phase Full Wave Rectified n Analytical Investigations and Measurements of Diffracted g Accessories and Dark Room Equipment) (1966) Spec, for ms for Investigation of Crystal Structu/ Spec, for Vacuum Spec, for Mammographic erculos/ Spec, for Diagnostic Radiographic - Fluoroscopic Spec, for Panoramic Dental Spec, for Diagnostic ) (Equipped for Television and Cine/ Spec, for Diagnostic Spec, for Medical Diagnostic Radiographic Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic pec. for Stationary Extra and Intra Oral Full Mouth Dental Spec, for Fluoroscopic, Radiographic Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic Spec, for Radiographic -fluoroscopic Spec, for Single Phase, Full Wave Rectified Radiographic ccessories (Medica/ Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic Spec, for Radiographic - Fluoroscopic Spec, for Mobile Diagnostic Spec, for Mobile Radiographic Spec, for 200MA 125 KV Mobile Wrought Iron Pipe (1970?) ASTM A-72 MS 3367 Wrought Iron Plates, Rolled Shapes and Bars (1970?) AST MS 3311 Wrought Iron, Welded, Black and Galvanized (1966) FED G PA P-53 Wrought Steel Pipe and Fittings (1970?) ASTM A- 120, A-2 MS 3364 Wye, Elbow, Bend Joints) (1964) /Ipe Culverts (Concret SC HD-90 X-Ray Crystal Monochromator (Diffraction Equipment) (Ed NY 1 1002-0848 X-Ray Crystallographic System (Educational Purposes) (1 NY 1 1002-0768 X-Ray Deep Therapy Unit (Irradiation of Biological Samp NY 11000-0630 X-Ray Detection System for Use with Spectroscopy Goniom NY 1 1002-0715 X-Ray Diffraction Components and Vacuum Spectrometer Sy NY 1 1002-0563 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment and Accessories (Addition T NY 1 1002-0745 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (College) (1970) NY 1 1002-0598 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (Expansion of System) (Eart NY 1 1002-0461 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (University Educational Pur NY 1 1002-0592 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment (1959) NJ 5396 X-Ray Diffraction Specimen Holder and Related Accessori NY 1 1002-0641 X-Ray Diffraction System for Direct Measurement of Diff NY 1 1002-0377 X-Ray Diffraction System for Powder and Single Crystal NY 1 1002-0473 X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal An NY 1 1002-0373 X-Ray Diffraction System Suitable for Single Crystal An NY 11002-0710 X-Ray Diffraction System (Educational Purposes) (1968) NY 1 1002-0332 X-Ray Diffraction System (Educational Purposes) ( 1969) NY 1 1002-0013 X-Ray Diffraction System (Fluorescent Spectrometer Conv NY 1 1002-0018 X-Ray Diffraction System (Integration with Computer and NY 1 1002-0825 X-Ray Diffractometer Furnace (Diffraction Equipment) (C NY 1 1002-0216 X-Ray Diffractometer System and an Incident Beam Monoch NY 11002-0512 X-Ray Equipment and Related Accessory Items (Institutio NY 1 1002-0261 X-Ray Equipment (Chest Clinic) (1970) NY 1 1000-0687 X-Ray Equipment (Cobalt 60 Source Capsule) ( 1971 ) NY 1 1000-0649 X-Ray Equipment (Diagnostic Apparatus for Neurosurgery) NY 1 1000-0638 X-Ray Equipment (Diffraction System for Direct Measurem NY 1 1002-0518 X-Ray Equipment (Emission Spectroscopy) (Update Existin NY 1 1002-0608 X-Ray Equipment (High Capacity Generator) (1970) NY 1 1000-0699 X-Ray Equipment (Hospital) (1971) NY 11000-0777 X-Ray Equipment (Image In tensifier System with Accessor NY 11000-0633 X-Ray Equipment (Image Intensifier System) (Hospital) NY 1 1000-0465 X-Ray Equipment (Linear Accelerator) (1966) NY 00110-0258 X-Ray Equipment (Plumbicon Television System) (1968) NY 1 1000-0565 X-Ray Equipment (Radiotherapy Linear Accelerator) (1965 NY 001 10-0288 X-Ray Equipment (Soft, 20 KV or Lower) (Grenz Radiation NY 1 1000-0348 X-Ray Equipment (Television Recording and Play Back Ins NY 1 1000-05 17 X-Ray Equipment (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1000-0697 X-Ray Equipment (Vidicon Television System) (1968) NY 1 1000-0372 X-Ray Equipment (1970) NY 11000-0576 X-Ray Equipment (1970) NY 1 1000-0698 (X-Ray Equipment) (1968) NY 11000-0784 (X-Ray Equipment) (1969) NY 11000-0304 X-Ray Equipment, Film Processor (Hospital) ( 1971 ) NY 1 1000-0445 (X-Ray Filing and Mailing) (1971) OR 74-100-1020 X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1969) NY 1 1000-0409 X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1000-0530 X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1000-0572 X-Ray Film Processing Unit (Medical Center) (1968) NY 1 1000-0531 X-Ray Film Processing Units (Hospital) (1968) NY 1 1000-0650 X-Ray Film Processing Units (Medical Center) (1969) NY 1 1000-0386 X-Ray Film Processor (Automatic) (Medical Center) (1971 NY 1 1000-0883 X-Ray Film Processor (Hospital) (1967) NY 1 1000-0457 X-Ray Film Processor (1967) NY 1 1 000-06 1 X-Ray Film Viewer (Medical Center) (1969) NY 11501-0365 X-Ray Film Viewers (Belt Driven and Panel Type) (Medica NY 1 1501-0930 X-Ray Film ( X-26 ) ( 1 969 ) N J * 1 3 X-Ray Film (X-56) (1970) NJ *14 X-Ray Films and Accessories (1968) ANSI Z38.3.1-43 NY 1 1500-0031 X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Conveyor Unit NY 1 1000-0710 X-Ray Generator, Tube Head Assembly and Twin Track Floo NY 11000-0818 X-Ray Intensities (University) (1969) /Ories for Use I NY 1 1002-0355 X-Ray Machines; Radiographic and Fluoroscopic (Includin PA X-l X-Ray Spectrometer System (Analytical Diffraction Syste NY 1 1002-0288 X-Ray System and Equipment (Medical Center) (1971) NY 1 1000-0558 X-Ray System and Related Accessories and Equipment (Tub NY 1 1000-0459 X-Ray System and Related Accessories (Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1001-0559 X-Ray System (Cardiovascular) (Medical Center) (1971) NY 1 1000-0861 X-Ray System (Conventional and Bright Image Fluoroscopy NY 1 1000-0341 X-Ray System (Correctional Institution) (1967) NY 1 1000-0475 X-Ray System (Hospital) (1968) NY 11000-0773 X-Ray System (Hospital) (1969) NY 11000-0822 X-Ray System (Medical Center) (1968) NY 1 1001-0865 X-Ray System (Medical Center) (1971) NY 1 1000-0909 X-Ray System (Prison) (1967) NY 1 1000-0386A X-Ray System ( 1 969 ) NY 1 1 000-09 1 6 X-Ray System (1971) NY 1 1 000-0032 X-Ray System, Film Processing Unit, and Miscellaneous A NY 11000-0786 X-Ray Table (1970) NY 11000-0615 X-Ray Unit and Accessories (Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1000-0704 X-Ray Unit and Accessories (Hospital) (1970) NY 1 1000-0705 X-Ray Unit (Mammography) (1970) NY 1 1000-0532 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile Spec, for Split Assembly Dental Spec, for Capacitor Discharge Type Mobile Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile Spec, for 15 MA 85 KVP Portable - Mobile Spec, for Radiographic Spec, for Wall Mounted Dental Spec, for Mobile Dental Spec, for Radiographic Spec, for Heavy Duty, Radiographic, Mobile Spec, for Heavy Duty, Radiographic, Mobile ographic Film Changer and Related Accessories for Thoracic Radiographic Film Changer and Related Equipment (Thoracic Spec, for Automatic Roll Film Processor Spec, for Automatic Dental Film Processor Std. Spec, for Cut Bond, Mimeo, Duplicator, and Spec, for Toner, (/ Spec, for Fine Paper (Bond, Offset, Mimeograph, Index, Spec, for om Ground / Spec, for Material Handling Equipment (Mobile Spec, for 4 cu. Spec, for Cranes and Excavators (Self Propelled Mobile Spec, for Fiberglass Spec, for Warp Spec, for Filling Spec, for Warp Spec, for Warp Spec, for Warp Spec, for Filling Std. Spec, for Cotton and Carpet Warp, Webbing, Spec, for Wet Mop Spec, for Knitting Spec, for Mop Head, Wet, Synthetic Spec, for Cotton Knitting Spec, for Mops; Wet, Cellulose Sponge Spec, for Stockings, Women's (Nylon Spec, for Mop Std. Spec, for Spec, for c-T-191 Spec, for spec, for Self Propelled Rubber Tired Scraper ( 14 - 18 cu. Spec, for Crawler Tractor (Front End Loader Bucket, 1 for Motor Scraper (Self Loading, Elevating, Minimum 1 1 cu. Spec, for Cleaner, Vacuum Street, 13 cu. -489C faces (Paint) (1971) road) Signs and Markers (1969) inated Rubber - Fast Dry Type) (1969/ 141 Spec (4 In. Std. Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for Spec, for White and for Medium Chrome Spec, for Spec, for White and Tent. Spec, for Std. Spec, for Glass Beads for Application on White and glass Bead Application (1964) Std. Spec, for 595 Spec, for Sign and Marker Enamel (Paint), Spec, for Paper, Writing Pad, Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Traffic Signal, Spec, for Traffic Line Paints, (1969) Spec, for Raincoat Spec, for Rubber Raincoats (High Visibility Spec, for Traffic Zone Paint, Regular Type (White and fie Zone, Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (White and Spec, for Enamel (Paint), Sign Post, or Less) (1970?) ASTM A-514 Spec, for High Spec, for Flags, New Spec, for Spec, for Boys' and Spec, for Boys' and r Cribs, Gatch and Regular (Link) Spring, and Accessories lar (Link) Spring, Controlled Environment and Accessories Spec, for Canvas Footwear (Sneakers) (Men's, Boys', Spec, for Cloth; Poplin Spec, for Ready Mixed Alkyd Resin Lead Std. Spec, for Primer, Spec, for Primer (Paint), Spec, for Conduit; Steel, Rigid, Spec, for Std. Spec, for Outlet Boxes: Steel, Cadmium or Spec, for Ash and Garbage Cans (Corrugated, r Ash and Garbage Cans and Covers (Corrugated, Taper Side, Spec, for Can, Ash and Garbage, Corrugated, Std. Spec, for Primer, Spec, for Selfcure Spec, for Selfcure Dishwashing (Hand), Laundry Soda - Sour, Sesquicarbonate, Spec, for Sheet 1C, Std. 141 A 121, A90 X-Ray Unit (Medical Center) (1969) NY X-Ray Unit (Psychiatric Institute) ( 197 1 ) NY X-Ray Unit (School) (1970) NY X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1968) NY X-Ray Unit (Tuberculosis Hospital) (1969) NY X-Ray Unit (University) ( 1970) NY X-Ray Unit (1968) NY X-Ray Unit (1969) NY X-Ray Unit (1971) NY X-Ray Unit (1971) NY X-Ray Unit (1971) NY X-Ray Work (Hospital) (1970) Spec, for Radi NY X-Ray Work) (Hospital) ( 1971 ) Spec, for NY (X-Ray) (Medical Center) (1968) NY ( X-Ray ) ( University ) ( 1 97 1 ) NY Xerocopy Paper (1971) FL Xerox Machine (1971) NJ Xerox, Duplicator, Ledger, Manifold, Onionskin, Cover) NY Yard Lumber (General Building) ( 1970?) MS Yard Ramp) (Loading 2,000 Lb. Pallet Loads in Trucks Fr NY Yard Sweeper ( 1970) NE Yard, with Telescopic Boom) ( 1970) NY Yarn Drapes (1961) RI Yarn 11/1S (Blue) (1971) NY Yarn 12/1S (Black) (1971) NY Yarn (Gray) 10/1S (1971) NY Yarn (Red) 10/1S (1971) NY Yarn (White) 11/1 (1970) NY Yarn (White) 6/1 (1970) NY Yarn (1953) IL Yarn (1959) RI Yarn (1964) NY Yarn (1966) KY Yarn (1970) NY Yarn (1970) PA Yarn) (1970) NY Yarn, Cotton Waste ( 1970) NY Yarn, Cotton (1962) IL Yarn, Warp and Filling ( 1 968 ) NY Yarn; Cotton (for Manufacturing Purposes) (1940) FED Cc PA Yd.) (1970?) VA Yd.) (1971) AK Yd., Pneumatic Tired) (1971) Spec. AK Yd., 39,000 G.V.W. Tilt Cab and Chassis Mounted (1967) NJ Yellow Bus and Equipment Enamel (Paint) ( 1964) FED TT-E SC Yellow Fast Dry High Build Sanding Primer for Metal Sur TX Yellow Sign Enamel, Baking (Paint), for Metal Highway MI Yellow Traffic Line Paints (Combination Alkyd and Chlor NM Yellow Traffic Marking Paint ( 1964) FED TT-D-643B, Std. TX Yellow Traffic Paint (1962) MD Yellow Traffic Paint ( 1970) IN Yellow Traffic Paint, Type III ( 1970?) NJ Yellow Traffic Stripe Highway Line Marking Paint (1964) SC Yellow Traffic Stripe Paint (Highway Line Marking) for SC Yellow (Baking, Air Dry) (1970?) FED TT-E-489, FED Std. MS Yellow (1969) CA Yellow (1969) CA Yellow (1969) CA (Yellow) for Heavy Duty Use by Road Maintenance Workers SC Yellow) (1960) RI Yellow) (1970) NY Yellow), and Cleaning Solvent ( 1971 ) Spec, for Traf NY Yellow, Wood or Metal (1969) CA Yield Strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate MS York State (1971) NY Young Girls" Dresses (Percale or Gingham) ( 1957) RI Young Men's Dress Trousers (1957) RI Young Men's Worsted Suits (1957) RI (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) (1969) / Fo NY (Youth and Adult) (Bed) (Institutional Use) ( 1970) /Egu NY Youths') (1965) RI (Zelan Treated) (Textile) (1960) PA Zinc Base House Paint (Medium Shades) (1962) FED TT-P-8 VA Zinc Chromate, Enamel, Metal (Paint) (1970) MS Zinc Chromate, Metal, Fast Drying ( 1969) CA Zinc Coated and Fittings ( 1 969 ) ANSI C80. 1 , C80.4, UL 6 PA Zinc Coated Galvanized Steel Barbed Wire (1968) ASTM B6 TX Zinc Coated with Covers and Accessories (1964) OR Zinc Coated) (1960) VA Zinc Coated) (1970) Spec. Fo TX Zinc Coated, Heavy Duty (1966) KY Zinc Oxide, Galvanized Metal (Iron) (Paint) (1970) MS Zinc Silicate Paint, Lithium Sodium Silicate ( 1969) CA Zinc Silicate Paint, Polyorgano Siloxone (1969) CA Zinc Silicofluoride Fluosilicate, Soda Ash, Sodium Meta NY Zinc ( 1970?) ASTM B-69 MS 11000-0806 11001-0867 11000-0603 11000-0823 11000-0842 11000-0674 11001-0886 11001-0851 11000-0128 11000-0222 11000-0749 11501-0582 11000-0788 11000-0829 11001-0716 ♦30 6962-05 50200-0551 3457 39102-0255 •51 41100-0463 4735-001 39400-0343 39400-0080 39400-0645 39400-0793 39400-0707 39400-0445 *33U 4785-001 00394-0201 7920-15 39401-0676 M-30 40035-0112 39405-0683 *24 39400-0738 Y-2 *14 ♦72 *13 4938-80 HD-80B8 630-63-9 5325-S33 M-TPC-69 520-43-1 *6 *1 7342-13 HD-80B15 HD-80B6 3572 691-75-49 691-80-18 691-80-98 03-190-0451 4295-M-002 38001-0629 38001-0508 691-80-08 3318 33300-0480 4230-F-008 4284-M-016 4275-M-002 20301-0167 20301-0560 4268-M-056 C-125 DK-35 PE-11 691-80-51 C-34 230-35-1 B 24-64-7A DG-7 325-47-1A 7240-2 PE-12 691-80-55 691-80-56 20100-0289 3333 376 NBS Index of State Specifications and Standards Spec, for Men's Wool Overcoats (Zip in Lining) (1957) Spec, for Brief (Upright) and Ring Binder Cases, Zipper Closure, Vinyl Coated Fabric ( 1971 ) Spec, for Pillows, Foam Rubber, Latex, Zippered Cotton Cover ( 1968) Spec, for Brief Case, Zippered Plastic Envelope (1969) Std. Spec, for Zippers ( 1953) bias, Measuring, and Twill Tapes and Fastener; Thread; and Zippers) ( 1971 ) / Safety Pins; Shoe Polish and Laces; Spec, for Zippers, Rust Proof (1969) Spec, for Traffic Zone Paint, Regular Type (White and Yellow) (1970) pec. for Vinyl Paint, Aluminum Finish Coat, Steel, Coastal Zone ( 1969) inish Coat (Paint), Green, Spray, Steel Bridges in Coastal Zone (1969) Spec, for Vinyl F pec. for Striping Machine (Truck Mounted, High Temperature Zone) (Highway Line Marking) (1968) Spec, for Paint; Traffic Zone, Nonreflective (1964) yellow), and Cleaning Solvent (1971 ) Spec, for Traffic Zone, Paint, Rapid Drying and Quick Setting (White and e Striping Powder for Pavement Marking (Crosswalks, School Zones, Crossings, Lane Lines, Etc.) ( 1971 ) / Reflectiv RI 4225-M-016 PA C-149 CA 681-83-10 CA 691-75-35 IL *33V FL ♦25 NY 22201-0976 NY 38001-0629 CA 691-80-49 CA 691-80-75 NY 41303-0626 PA P-128 NY 38001-0508 NY 38601-0258 377 ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTS AND REVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS SPECIAL PUBLICATION 375 Standards Information Services Section Bldg. 225, Room B159 Engineering and Product Standards Division National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 Dear Sir: ■ Please add my name to the announcement list of supplements and revisions of National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 375, "An Index of State Specifications and I Standards." NAME. Company Address City State Zip Code_ FORM NBS-H4A (1-71) 1. PUBLICATION OR REPORT NO. NBS SP-375 2. Gov't Accession No. U.S. DEPT. OF COMM. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 4. T'TLE AND SUBTITLE An Index of State Specifications and Standards ■ I IMI III 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Publication Date September 1973 6. Performing Organization Code 7. AUTHOR(S) Editor - Linda L c Grossnickle 8. Performing Organization 10. Project/Task/ Work Unit No. 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20234 11. Contract/Grant No. 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Same as No. 9 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 16. ABSTRACT (A 200-word or less factual summary of most significant information. If document includes a significant bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.) This computer-produced Index contains the permuted titles of more than 6,000 State purchasing specifications and standards issued by 37 State Purchasing Offices thru 197 lo The title of each specification and standard can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context The date of publication or latest revision, the specification or standard number, and an abbreviation for each State appear as part of each entry,, A list of these abbreviations and the names and addresses of the State Purchasing Officials are found at the beginning of the Index 17. key words (Alphabetical order, separated by semicolons) Index of State specifications and standards; Key -Word -In -Con text index of State specifications and standards; purchase specifications and standards, State; specifications, State; standards, State; State specifications and 8 ranrmrri.q . _ _ _ 18. AVAILABILITY STATEMENT [X] UNLIMITED. 1 I FOR OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION. DO NOT RELEASE TO NTIS. 19. SECURITY CLASS (THIS REPORT) UNCLASSIFIED 20. SECURITY CLASS (THIS PAGE) UNCLASSIFIED 21. NO. OF PAGES 394 22. Price $3.70 USCOMM'DC 66244-P71 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973 O-LT - 491-458 I PERIODICALS JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports National Bureau of Standards research and development in physics, mathematics, and chemistry Comprehensive scientific papers give complete details of the work, including laboratory data, experimental P«*edures, and theoretical and mathematical analyses. Illustrated with photographs, drawings, and charts. Includes listings of other NBS papers as issued. Published in two sections, available separately: • Physics and Chemistry (Section A) Papers of interest primarily to scientists working in these fields. This section covers a broad range ot physical and chemical research, with major emphasis on standards of physical measurement, fundamental constants, and properties of matter. Issued six times a year. Annual subscription: Domestic, $17.UU; for- eign, $21.25. •^Mathematical Sciences (Section B) Studies and compilations designed mainly for the mathematician and theoretical physicist. Topics in mathematical statistics, theory of experiment design, numerical analysis, theoretical physics and chemistry loo-ical design and programming of computers and computer systems. Short numerical tables. Issued quar- terly Annual subscription: Domestic, $9.00; Foreign, $11.25. TECHNICAL NEWS BULLETIN The best single source of information concerning the Bureau's measurement, research, developmental, co- operative and publication activities, this monthly publication is designed for the industry-oriented individual whose daily work involves intimate contact with science and technology— for engineers, chemists, physicists, research managers, product-development managers, and company executives. Includes hsting of all NBS papers as issued. Annual subscription: Do- mestic, $6.50; Foreign, $8.25. NBS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS NONPERIODICALS Applied Mathematics Series. Mathematical tables, manuals, and studies. Building Science Series. Research results, test methods, and performance criteria of building ma- terials, components, systems, and structures. Handbooks. Recommended codes of engineering and industrial practice (including safety codes) de- veloped in cooperation with interested industries, professional organizations, and regulatory bodies. Special Publications. Proceedings of NBS confer- ences, bibliographies, annual reports, wall charts, pamphlets, etc. Monographs. Major contributions to the technical literature on various subjects related to the Bureaus scientific and technical activities. National Standard Reference Data Series NSRDS provides quantitative data on the physical and chemical properties of materials, compiled from the world's literature and critically evaluated. Product Standards. Provide requirements for sizes, types, quality, and methods for testing various indus- trial products. .These standards are developed co- operatively with interested Government and industry aroups and provide the basis for common understand- ing of product characteristics for both buyers and sellers. Their use is voluntary. Technical Notes. This series consists of communi- cations and reports (covering both other-agency and NBS-sponsored work) of limited or transitory interest. Federal Information Processing Standards Publications. This series is the official publication within the Federal Government for information on standards adopted and promulgated under the Public Law 89-306, and Bureau of the Budget Circular A-8b entitled, Standardization of Data Elements and Codes in Data Systems. Consumer Information Series. Practical informa- tion, based on NBS research and experience, cover- ing areas of interest to the consumer. Easily under- standable language and illustrations provide^ useful background knowledge for shopping in today s tech- nological marketplace. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES The following current-awareness and literature-survey bibliographies are issued periodically by the Cryogenic Data Center Current Awareness Service (Publication, ; and Report of Interest in Cryogentcs). A literature survey tssued weekly. Annual subscription: Demesne, $20.00; fore.gn, $25.00. Liquefied Natural Gas. A literature survey issued quarterly. Annual subscription : $20.00. Superconducting Devices and Materials. A literature survey issued quarterly. Annual »^pti^J2aOO. Send subscription orders and remittances for the preceding b.bliograph.c services to the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va. 22151. F^tromaenetic Metrology Current Awareness Service (Abstracts of Selected Articles on Measurement E TechnTqnes an ^dtrdfof E,ectroma g net.c Quantit.es from D-C 1 to Millimeter-Wave F = es M-» d monthly. Annua, subscription: $100.00 (Special rates for multi-subscr.pt.ons) Send subscr.p, or operand remittance to the Electromagnetic Metrology Information Center, Electromagnet.es D.v.s.on, Nat.onal of Standards, Boulder, Colo. 80302. Order NBS publications (except Bibliographic Subscription Services) from: Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wash in^ton. D.C. 20402. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 ADDDD?ni37Ea r OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for Private Use. $300 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COM-215