d&Zoh: 67-76 ^ ° F % \ \ \ J **»«u of * Voluntary Product Standard PS 67-76 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/National Bureau of Standards MARKING OF GOLD FILLED AND ROLLED GOLD PLATE ARTICLES OTHER THAN WATCHCASES ANSI/VPS PS 67-76 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS The National Bureau of Standards 1 was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901. The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's science and technology and facilitate their effective application for public benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts research and provides: (1) a basis for the Nation's physical measurement system, (2) scientific and technological services for industry and government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade, and (4) technical services to pro- mote public safety. The Bureau consists of the Institute for Basic Standards, the Institute for -Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology, the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, the Office for Information Programs, and the Office of Experimental Technology Incentives Program. THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS provides the central basis within the United States of a complete and consist- ent system of physical measurement; coordinates that system with measurement systems of other nations; and furnishes essen- tial services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. The Institute consists of the Office of Measurement Services, and the following center and divisions: Applied Mathematics — Electricity — Mechanics — Heat — Optical Physics — Center for Radiation Research — Lab- oratory Astrophysics 2 — Cryogenics 2 — Electromagnetics 2 — Time and Frequency 8 . THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH conducts materials research leading to improved methods of measure- ment, standards, and data on the properties of well-characterized materials needed by industry, commerce, educational insti- tutions, and Government; provides advisory and research services to other Government agencies; and develops, produces, and distributes standard reference materials. The Institute consists of the Office of Standard Reference Materials, the Office of Air and Water Measurement, and the following divisions: Analytical Chemistry — Polymers — Metallurgy — Inorganic Materials — Reactor Radiation — Physical Chemistry. THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provides technical services developing and promoting the use of avail- able technology; cooperates with public and private organizations in developing technological standards, codes, and test meth- ods; and provides technical advice services, and information to Government agencies and the public. The Institute consists of the following divisions and centers: Standards Application and Analysis — Electronic Technology — Center for Consumer Product Technology: Product Systems Analysis; Product Engineering — Center for Building Technology: Structures, Materials, and Safety; Building Environment; Technical Evaluation and Application — Center for Fire Research: Fire Science; Fire Safety Engineering. THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY conducts research and provides technical services designed to aid Government agencies in improving cost effectiveness in the conduct of their programs through the selection, acquisition, and effective utilization of automatic data processing equipment; and serves as the principal focus wthin the exec- utive branch for the development of Federal standards for automatic data processing equipment, techniques, and computer languages. The Institute consist of the following divisions: Computer Services — Systems and Software — Computer Systems Engineering — Information Technology. THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENTAL TECHNOLOGY INCENTIVES PROGRAM seeks to affect public policy and process to facilitate technological change in the private sector by examining and experimenting with Government policies and prac- tices in order to identify and remove Government-related barriers and to correct inherent market imperfections that impede the innovation process. THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION PROGRAMS promotes optimum dissemination and accessibility of scientific informa- tion generated within NBS; promotes the development of the National Standard Reference Data System and a system of in- formation analysis centers dealing with the broader aspects of the National Measurement System; provides appropriate services to ensure that the NBS staff has optimum accessibility to the scientific information of the world. The Office consists of the following organizational units: Office of Standard Reference Data — Office of Information Activities — Office of Technical Publications — Library — Office of International Standards — Office of International Relations. 1 Headquarters and Laboratories at Gaitbersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address Washington, D.C. 20234. 2 Located at Boulder, Colorado 80302. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary Dr. Sidney Harman, Undersecretary Jordan J. Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest Ambler, Acting Director Voluntary Product Standard PS 67-76 Marking of Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate Articles Other than Watchcases Approved by the American National Standards Institute on April 18, 1977, as American National Standard ANSI/ VPS PS 67-76 Abstract This Voluntary Product Standard covers the marking of gold filled and rolled gold plate arti- cles other than watchcases, as herein defined, offered for sale in the United States of America. Requirements include application of quality marks, "Rolled Gold filled," "Gold Overlay," "Gold Plate," and'or "Rolled Gold Plate" to articles made of other metals. Definitions of trade terms used and methods for identifying products that comply with the standard are included. Key words: Jewelry, marking of; "Gold Filled," marking of; "Gold Overlay," marking of; "Gold Plate," marking of; "Rolled Gold Plate," marking of. o u o ' 5 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Prod. Stand. 67-76, 6 pages (Aug. 1977 ! | CODEN: XNPSAX ',-v For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C13.20 2:67-76). Stock Number 003-003-01813-9. Price 70 cents (Add 25 percent additional for other than U.S. mailing.) VOLUNTARY PRODUCT STANDARDS Voluntary Product Standards are developed under procedures published by the Department of Commerce in Part 10, Title 15, of the Code of Federal Regulations. The purpose of the stand- ards is to establish nationally recognized requirements for products, and to provide all con- cerned interests with a basis for common understanding of the characteristics of the products. The National Bureau of Standards administers the Voluntary Product Standards program as a supplement to the activities of the private sector standardizing organizations. Establishment of a VOLUNTARY PRODUCT STANDARD The role of the National Bureau of Standards in the establishment of a Voluntary Product Standard is to (1) act as an unbiased coordinator in the development of the standard, (2) pro- vide editorial assistance in the preparation of the standard, (3) supply such assistance and review as is required to assure the technical soundness of the standard, (4) seek satisfactory adjustment of valid points of disagreement, (5) determine the compliance with the criteria of the Department's procedures, (6) provide secretarial functions for each committee appointed under the Department's procedures, and (7) publish the standard as a public document. Producers, distributors, users, consumers, and other interested groups contribute to the establishment of a Voluntary Product Standard by (1) initiating and participating in the development of the standard, (2) providing technical or other related counsel as appropriate relating to the standard, (3) promoting the use of and support for the standard, and (4) assist- ing in keeping the standard current with respect to advancing technology and marketing practices. Use of a VOLUNTARY PRODUCT STANDARD The use of a Voluntary Product Standard is voluntary; the National Bureau of Standards has no regulatory power in the enforcement of the provisions of the standards. However, since the standards represent a consensus of all interested groups, their provisions are likely to become established as trade customs. In addition, when a standard is made a part of a legal document, such as a sales contract or code, compliance with the standard is enforceable. The benefits derived from Voluntary Product Standards are in direct proportion to their general recognition and actual use. Producers and distributors whose products meet the re- quirements of a Voluntary Product Standard may refer to the standard in advertising and on labels to promote greater public understanding of or confidence in their products. Purchasers may order products conforming to the requirements of the standards. For copies of the Voluntary Product Standards procedures or for more information concerning the development and use of these standards you may write to: Standards Development Ser- vices Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234. in Contents Page 1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. Requirements 3.1. General - - 3.2. Application of quality marks 3.2.1. Weight 3.2.2. Fraction 3.2.3. Fineness 3.3. Tolerance 3.4. Exemptions 3.4.1. Optical exemptions 3.5. Trademark 2 3.6. Class, pattern, type, or style mark 2 4. Definitions 2 5. Effective date and identification - 2 6. History of project - 2 7. Standing committee - 3 IV Voluntary Product Standard PS 67-76 Supersedes Commercial Standard CS 47-34 Marking of Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate Articles Other Than Watchcases Effective April 12, 1976 (See section 5.) (This Standard, which was initiated by the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, has been developed under the Procedures for the Development of Voluntary Product Standards of the U.S. Department of Com- merce as a revalidation of CS 47-34, Marking of Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate Articles Other than Watchcases. See Section 6, History of Project, for further information.) 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Voluntary Product Stan- dard is to establish nationally recognized mark- ing requirements for gold filled and rolled gold plate articles other than watchcases and to pro- vide producers, distributors, and users with a basis for common understanding of the charac- teristics of this product. 2. SCOPE This Voluntary Product Standard covers the marking of gold filled and rolled gold plate arti- cles other than watchcases, 1 as herein defined, offered for sale in the United States of America. Definitions of trade terms used and methods for identifying products that comply with the Stan- dard are included. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1. General - Products represented as com- plying with this Voluntary Product Standard shall meet all of the requirements specified herein. 3.2. Application of quality marks - The quality mark "Gold Filled," "Gold Overlay," "Gold Plate," and/or "Rolled Gold Plate" shall refer to articles made of base metal, upon one or more sides or surfaces of which base metal there is affixed by soldering, brazing, welding, or other mechanical means, a sheet or sheets or shell of karat gold, produced by alloying fine gold with other metals, said sheet or sheets or shell of gold being rolled, drawn, or pressed to the marked weight ratio before uniting with the base metal. 3.2.1. Weight - Qualities for gold filled, gold overlay, gold plate, and rolled gold plate articles other than watchcases shall be designated by and have applied thereto marks which state in terms of fractions and karats the correct proportion of Definitions for watchcases are governed by the Guides for tin, Watch Industry pro- mulgated by the Federal Trade Commission as amended August 18, 1970, since watchcases require a greater degree of metal content due to friction caused by the wrist. the weight of the alloyed gold to the weight of the entire metal in such articles and the actual karat fineness of the entire gold covering, thus "1/10 12K Gold Filled," or "1/30 10K Rolled Gold Plate," as the case may be. For example, "1/10 12K Gold Filled" means that the article consists of base metal covered on one or more surfaces with a gold alloy of 12 karat fineness throughout the gold covering, the said covering of gold alloy compris- ing 1/10 part by weight of the metal in the entire article exclusive of the exemptions as noted in 3.4 and 3.4.1. 3.2.2. Fraction - The fraction shall precede the fineness designation in every case, and the denominator of said fraction shall always be a multiple of five, unless specified to the contrary by law or government regulation. 3.2.3. Fineness - No article having a gold coat- ing of less than 10K fineness shall have applied to it any quality mark. No article having an alloyed gold content of less than 1/20 shall be marked "Gold Filled." Articles manufactured in accor- dance with the definitions of 3.2 if marked "Rolled Gold Plate," shall be preceded by the fraction and the fineness designation, as specified in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. 3.3. Tolerance - The actual gold content of an article shall be not less than the gold content in- dicated by the quality marks by more than 10 per- cent. 3.4. Exemptions - Exemptions recognized in the jewelry trade and not to be considered in any assay for quality include joints, catches, screws, pin stems pins of scarf pins, hat pins, etc., field Eieces ana bezels for lockets, posts and separable acks of lapel buttons, springs, and metallic parts completely and permanently encased in a non- metallic covering. Field pieces of lockets are those inner portions used as frames between the inside edges of the locket and the spaces for hold- ing pictures. Bezels are the separable inner metal rings used to hold the pictures in place. 3.4.1. Optical exemptions - Exemptions recog- nized in the optical trade and not to be considered in any assay for quality shall include screws, dowels, cores and/or inner windings of comfort cable temples, metal parts when completely and permanently encased with zylonite or any equivalent plastic material, and, for oxfords, the handle and catch. 3.5. Trademark - Any gold-covered article herein defined having applied thereto a quality mark, shall also have applied thereto and im- mediately adjacent to such quality mark, and equally visible, legible, clear, and distinct therewith, the name or a trademark duly applied for or registered under the laws of the United States, of the manufacturer or seller of such arti- cle or the trade name of the manufacturer or seller. Initials shall not be used in lieu of a name unless registered as a trademark as above pro- vided. 3.6. Class, pattern, type, or style mark - If a gold-covered article herein defined has applied to it the name or a trademark duly applied for or registered under the laws of the United States, of the manufacturer or seller of such article, and a quality mark conforming to the requirements of tnis standard, it may also have applied to it numerals or other indicia to identify the class pattern, type, or style of the article, provided such numerals are not incorporated with the quality mark and are not placed or arranged so as to mislead or deceive. 4. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions shall apply: Apply or Applied - Apply or applied includes any method or means of application or attach- ment to, or of use on, or in conjunction with, or in relation to an article, whether such application, attachment, or use is to, on, by, in or with (1) the article itself, (2) anything attached to the article, (3) anything to which the article is attached, (4) anything in, or on, which the article is, or (5) any bill, invoice, order, statement, letter, advertise- ment, or anything so used or placed as to lead to a reasonable belief that it refers to the article in question. Gold - Gold includes any alloy of the element gold of not less than 10 karat fineness. "Karat Gold" means an alloy of the element gold of not less than 10 karat fineness. Mark - Mark means any letter, figure, numeral, symbol , sign, device, or any combinations thereof. Quality mark - Quality mark means any mark indicating an article is composed of gold, and/or indicating the quality, fineness, quantity, weight, thickness, proportion, or kind of gold in an arti- cle. Karat - A karat is 1/24 part by weight of the metallic element gold in an article. For example, "10 Kt" or "10 Karat Gold" means that the metallic element gold contained in the article constitutes 10/24 by weight of the entire article. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND IDENTIFICATION The effective date of this Standard is April 12, 1976. As of the effective date, reference to PS 67-76, may be made in contracts, codes, advertis- ing, invoices, product labels, and the like but no product may be advertised or represented in any manner which would imply or tend to imply ap- proval or endorsement oi that product by the Na- tional Bureau of Standards, the Department of Commerce, or by the Federal Government. The following statements are suggested for use in representing products as conforming to all re- quirements of this Standard: (1) "This article conforms to all requirements established in Voluntary Product Stan- dard PS 67-76, developed and published in accordance with the U.S. Department of Commerce Procedures for the Develop- ment of Voluntary Product Standards. Full responsibility for the conformance of this product to the standard is assumed by (name and address of producer or dis- tributor)." (2) "Conforms to PS 67-76, (Name and address of producer or distributor)." 6. HISTORY OF PROJECT In 1933 Commercial Standard CS 47-34, Mark- ing of Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate Articles Other Than Watchcases , was developed at the re- quest of the New England Manufacturing Jewelers' and Silversmiths' Association (renamed Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths of America, Inc.), supported by the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, Inc., and was published in January 1934. In December 1974 the Jewelers Vigilance Com- mittee, Inc., the recognized trade association for the jewelry industry, requested that the National Bureau of Standards initiate a revalidation of CS 47-34 under the Procedures for the Development of Voluntary Product Standards. Appointments were made to the Standing Committee, and the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, Inc., recommen- dation was forwarded to them in July 1975 for review. The Standing Committee indicated the standard should be revalidated and in December 1975 they were asked to vote on the appropriate- ness of the proposal. In February 1976 all mem- bers of the Standing Committee approved the proposal to revalidate CS 47-34. The new edition of the standard was desig- nated Voluntary Product Standard PS 67-76, Marking of Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate Ar- ticles Other Than Watchcases, and became effec- tive on April 12, 1976. Technical Standards Coordinator: C. W. Devereux Standards Development Services Section National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 7. STANDING COMMITTEE A Standing Committee has been appointed to assist in keeping this Voluntary Product Stan- dard up to date. The names of the members of the committee are available from the Standards Development Services Section, Washington, D.C. 20234, which serves as the secretariat of the com- mittee. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977 O— 239-393 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/markingofgoldfilOOunit NBS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PERIODICALS JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports National Bureau of Standards research and development in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. It is published in two sections, available separately: • Physics and Chemistry (Section A) o^' Papers of interest primarily to scier' «, orking in these fields. This section covers a br j$? .ige of physi- cal and chemical research, wit> ^.-^ jr emphasis on standards of physical measu' - y* , fundamental con- stants, and properties of m r ^o^'^sued six times a year. Annual subscription: D- '■{?.*, $17.00; Foreign, $21.25. • Mathematical Sck - x c&vSection B) Studies and com r % * .is designed mainly for the math- ematician anH .