WMfS CZftC ■ 37cZ NOAA TR NMFS CIRC-372 ^°'^ NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-372 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Fishery Publications, Calendar Year 1971 Lists and Indexes THOMAS A. MANAR SEATTLE, WA October 1972 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quan- tity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyses, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publica- tions that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS CIRC are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the ma- rine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rock- ville, Md. 20852. Recent Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Rich- ard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp., 15 figs., 51 tables. 319. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. March 1970, 8 pp., 7 figs. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vols. 4, 2. Catalog No. 1 49.4: 330/ (vol.) 11 vols. ($4.75 each). Avail- able from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. 331. Guidelines for the processing of hot-smoked chub. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. 332. Pacific hake. (12 articles by 20 authors.) March 1970, iii + 152 pp., 72 figs., 47 tables. 333. Recommended practices for vessel sanitation and fish handling. By Edgar W. Bowman and Alfred Larsen. March 1970, iv + 27 pp., 6 figs. 335. Progress report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, Fla., fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. 336. The northern fur seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + 19 pp., 13 figs. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, Bureau of Commerecial Fisheries, fiscal year April 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Lab- oratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. By Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 6 figs. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley J. Ebel. April 1970, 6 pp., 4 figs. 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Massachusetts. By Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 8 figs. 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. By the Lab- oratory staff. August 1970, iii + 24 pp., 11 figs., 16 tables. 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 22 pp., 20 figs., 8 tables. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 39 pp., 28 figs., 9 tables. 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlan- tic Biological Laboratory progress in research 1965-69, Miami, Florida. By Ann Weeks. Oc- tober 1970, iv + 65 pp., 53 figs. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and pre- serving Great Lakes coho salmon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. 1969. By Division of Economic Research 1970, iii + 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. Continued on inside back cover. 347. Synopsis of biological data on Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii + 38 pp., 31 figs., 11 tables. ^ AIMOSp^ r/ We/vT of c U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peter G. Peterson, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Philip M. Roedel, Director NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-372 Fishery Publications, Calendar Year 1971 Lists and Indexes THOMAS A. MANAR a n "U o n o SEATTLE, WA October 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 30 cents The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 LISTS 2 Circular 2 NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC 3 Data Report 4 Fishery Leaflet 7 Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 7 NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF 11 AUTHOR INDEX 14 SUBJECT INDEX 15 INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES 23 in IV FISHERY PUBLICATIONS, CALENDAR YEAR 1971: LISTS AND INDEXES By THOMAS A. MANAR Chief, Scientific Publications Staff National Marine Fisheries Service ABSTRACT The following series of fishery publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in calendar year 1971 are listed numerically (with abstracts) and indexed by author, subject, and geographic area: NOAA Technical Report CIRC (formerly Circular); Data Report; Fishery Leaflet; and NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF (formerly Special Scientific Report — Fisheries). INTRODUCTION This document provides for calendar year 1971 numerical lists (with abstracts) and indexes by author, subject, and geographical area, the following series of publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: 1 Circular Data Report Fishery Leaflet Special Scientific Report — - Fisheries During 1971, the Circular series was incor- porated in the NOAA Technical Report series as NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC, and the Special Scientific Report series was incor- porated in the NOAA Technical Report series as NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF. The numbering systems were unchanged. The year 1 An index to the Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 69, Nos. 1-4, 1971, appears in No. 4, p. 883-896. also saw the termination of the Fishery Leaflet series, number 640 being the last. The document is divided into four principal sections: Numerical listing of series (with abstracts) Author index Subject index Index by Marsden squares The last section has been included to afford easy access to the publications for those persons interested in specific geographical areas. Figure 1 shows the Marsden squares treated in the several publications. The series abbreviations used in the indexes are: Circular C NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC C Data Report D Fishery Leaflet FL Special Scientific Report — Fisheries S NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF S LISTS Circular 330. Vol. 2. EASTROPAC Atlas: Biological and Nutrient Chemistry Data from Principal Participating Ships First Survey Cruise, February -March 1967. By Cuthbert M. Love (editor). April 1971. vii + 87 pp., 196 charts. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price $4.75 per volume. ABSTRACT This atlas contains charts depicting the dis- tribution of physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic properties and associated meteoro- logical properties observed during EASTROPAC. EASTROPAC was an international cooperative investigation of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (20° N. to 20° S., and from the west coasts of the American continents to 119° W.) which was intended to provide data necessary for a more effective use of the marine resources of the area, especially tropical tunas, and also to increase knowledge of the ocean circulation, air-sea inter- action, and ecology. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now National Marine Fisheries Service) was the coordinating agency. The field work, from February 1967 through March 1968, was divided into seven 2-month cruise periods. During each cruise period one or more ships were operating in the study area. On completion of the field work the data seemed too numerous for a classical data report. Instead, it was decided to produce an 11-volume atlas of the results, with 5 volumes containing physical oceanographic and meteorological data from the principal participating ships, 5 volumes containing biological and nutrient chemistry data from the same ships, and 1 volume containing all data from Latin American cooperating ships and ships of opportunity. Extensive use was made of a computer and automatic plotter in preparation of the atlas charts. Methods used to collect and process the data upon which the atlas is based are described in detail by the contributors of the following categories of charts: temperature, salinity, and derived quantities; thickness of the upper mixed layer; dissolved oxygen; meteorology; nu- trient chemistry; phytoplankton standing stocks and production; zooplankton and fish larvae; micronekton; birds, fish schools and marine mammals. 330, Vol. 3. EASTROPAC Atlas: Physical Oceanographic and Meteorological Data from Principal Participating Ships First and Sec- ond Monitor Cruises, April-July 1967. By Cuthbert M. Love (editor). September 1971, vii + 107 pp., 130 charts. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price $4.75 per volume. ABSTRACT This atlas contains charts depicting the dis- tribution of physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic properties and associated meteoro- logical properties observed during EASTROPAC. EASTROPAC was an international cooperative investigation of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (20° N. to 20° S., and from the west coasts of the American continents to 119° W.) which was in- tended to provide data necessary for a more effec- tive use of the marine resources of the area, especially tropical tunas, and also to increase knowledge of the ocean circulation, air-sea inter- action, and ecology. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now National Marine Fisheries Service) was the coordinating agency. The field work, from February 1967 through March 1968, was divided into seven 2-month cruise periods. During each cruise period one or more ships were operating in the study area. On completion of the field work the data seemed too numerous for a classical data report. Distead, it was decided to produce an 11-volume atlas of the results, with 5 volumes containing physical oceanographic and meteorological data from the principal participating ships, 5 volumes containing biological and nutrient chemistry data from the same ships, and 1 volume containing all data from Latin American cooperating ships and ships of opportunity. Extensive use^was made of a computer and automatic plotter in preparation of the atlas charts. Methods used to collect and process the data upon which the atlas is based are described in detail by the contributors of the following cate- gories of charts: temperature, salinity, and derived quantities; thickness of the upper mixed layer; dissolved oxygen; meteorology; nutrient chemistry; phtoplankton standing stocks and production; zoo- plankton and fish larvae; micronekton; birds, fish schools, and marine mammals. 331—348. (Issued before 1971.) 349. Use of Abstracts and Summaries as Com- munication Devices in Technical Articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 pp., 1 fig. ABSTRACT Abstracts and summaries, if appropriately written, help the author communicate his ideas. This circular gives the rationale for using these communication devices and tells how to design them. With this knowledge, the author of a technical article can use them to best advantage in getting his ideas across to the reader. 350—352. (Issued before 1971.) 353_355. (See NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC.) 356. Floating Laboratory for Study of Aquatic Organisms and Their Environment. By George R. Snyder, Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. McConnell. May 1971, iii + 16 pp., 11 figs. ABSTRACT The National Marine Fisheries Service has built a floating laboratory to study environmental problems in the Columbia River. The barge that supports the laboratory was obtained from the U.S. Navy. Installation of a complex electrical and water supply system plus biological research equip- ment aboard the barge have made it possible to conduct research near sites where problems are expected to occur. 357—360. (Not issued.) 361. Regional and Other Related Aspects of Shellfish Consumption — Some Preliminary Findings From the 1969 Consumer Panel Survey. By Morton M. Miller and Darrel A. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 pp., 21 figs., 3 tables, 10 apps. ABSTRACT A consumer survey panel, consisting of repre- sentative households throughout the United States, recorded their fishery product purchases for a 12- month period, beginning in February 1969. They were participants in a study conducted under the aegis of the National Marine Fisheries Service, Division of Economic Research. This paper deals mainly with study findings respecting the con- sumption of major species of shellfish, at home and away from home. Findings of the study indicate marked regional preferences for individual shellfish items. For example, oysters are consumed in South Atlantic States at nearly double the national per capita rate. Similarly, clams enjoy a high rate of consumption in Middle Atlantic and New England areas. All of which suggests an important correlation between consumption and tradition as well as a persistent tendency for seafood varieties, particularly those consumed in a "fresh" form, to be consumed in the area of catch. The study also indicated an association between high income households and shellfish consumption, with oysters a single notable exception. Age of consumer, too, has an apparent bearing on shellfish consumption as it was found that older consumers are the more disposed toward consumption of these products. With respect to consumption away from home, it appears that half or more of the crabs and lobsters are consumed in meals outside the home, but the majority consumed of other products was at home. NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC 353. Truk Live-Bait Survey. By Peter T. Wilson. August 1971, iii + 10 pp. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock Number 0320-0012. ABSTRACT A survey of the bait resources of Truk lagoon was made in June-August 1970. Directed by an Okinawan with extensive pre-World War II fishing experience in Truk, the survey showed the presence of six bait species, some of which live around the coral heads and must be taken with a specially designed net. Baitfish from Truk lagoon supported a Japanese skipjack tuna fishing fleet of about 40 vessels during prewar years. 354. Sanitation Guidelines for the Control of Salmo)ieUa in the Production of Fish Meal. By E. Spencer Garrett and Richard Hamilton. October 1971, iii 4- 7 pp., 9 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock number 0320- 0023. ABSTRACT A detailed description of the scope and magni- tude of the Salmonella problem as it relates to the manufacture of fish meal is discussed. Specific con- trol steps and procedures are outlined which, if followed, should keep SalmcDiella contamination to a minimum in fish reduction plants. 355. Saltwater Recirculation System and Labor- atory at the Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Miss. By Donald A. Wickham. July 1971, 7 pp., 7 figs. ABSTRACT An approximately 10,000-gal. capacity salt- water recirculation system and laboratory were built to conduct controlled behavioral studies of the responses of fish to harvesting gear. This facility consists of an 18-ft diameter by 4V2-ft deep pool, a 4-ft deep by 15-ft long rectangular tank, and several water tables. Design compromises resulting from space limitations and construction of the laboratory in an existing one-story structure are discussed. Techniques using a commercial swimming pool diatomaceous-earth filter for removing iron precipi- tate from the subsurface salt water and particulate matter from the high salinity wedge river water used to supply the system are described. The sys- tem's components and operation are also briefly described. 362. Research Vessels of the National Marine Fisheries Service. By Robert S. Wolf. August 1971, iii + 46 pp., 3 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 50 cents Stock number 0320-0011. ABSTRACT The research fleet of the National Marine Fisheries Service (formerly the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, is described in detail by individual ship. The descriptions are accompanied by photo- graphs. A brief text covering fleet activities and modernization precedes the vessel descriptions. 363. (Not issued.) 364. History and Development of Surf Clam Harvesting Gear. By Phillip S. Parker. Octo- ber 1971, iv + 15 pp., 15 figs. ABSTRACT The development of harvesting gear for surf clams, Spisula solidissima, along the eastern coast of the United States is reviewed from early times up to the present. Early clamming was done by hand using rakes or tongs, while today the industry depends upon large, efficient dredges operating from stable vessels. Little gear development took place prior to World War II; however, since that time, the industry has made rapid strides in the development of harvesting- gear. Today this trend is still very much in evidence, with gear constantly being modified for adaptation to newer vessel types. Most gear development work has been the result of the surf clam industry itself. However, the Federal Government, in cooperation with industry, has developed several pieces of equipment for adaptation to clamming gear. Data Report (Hard copies of Data Reports Nos. 50 thru 64 and 66 thru 70 are for sale at $3.00 and microfiche copies for 95 cents each. No. 65 is for sale at $6.00 and microfiche copies for 95 cents each by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Spring- field, VA 22151.) 50. Primary Productivity and Related Oceano- graphic Data, Subarctic Pacific Region, 1966- 68. By Jerry D. Larrance. February 1971, 113 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT Data are reported in tabular form from 10 cruises in the Subarctic Pacific Region in 1966-68 made by research vessels of the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries (now National Marine Fisheries Service) Biological Laboratory, Seattle, Wash. The methods used for sampling and analysis are presented. 51. Physical Oceanographic Data from the North Pacific Ocean, October 2 to November 8, 1965. By W. James Ingraham, Jr. February 1971, 43 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Temperature and salinity data to about 1,000-m depth were obtained from Nansen bottle casts at 36 stations south of Attu Island while the RV George B. Kelez was conducting experimental sal- mon fishing. Presented here are the observed and interpolated values (at various depths, from the surface to 1,000-m) of temperature and salinity and computed values of SIGMA-T, specific volume anomaly, and dynamic height. These are the first winter data from the study area. 52. Physical Oceanographic Data from the North Pacific Ocean, 1969. By W. James Ingraham, Jr., Donald M. Fisk, Gerald A. Sanger, Andrew Bakun, and Stephen E. Truner. April 1971, 180 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT Temperature and salinity data collected during three cruises of the RV George B. Kelez and one cruise of the RV Miller Freeman in the central and northeastern Pacific Ocean are presented. These data were compiled from Nansen bottle casts at 6 stations and STD casts at 327 stations. 53. Subsurface Water Temperatures of the Columbia River at Prescott, Oregon (River Mile 72), 1968-69. By George R. Snyder and Robert J. McConnell. February 1971, 9 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Water temperature data from January 1968 through December 1969 are presented to aid in the evaluating of the effects of impending industrial encroachment on the existing fisheries of the lower Columbia River. 54. Limnological Data from Lake St. Clair, 1963 and 1965. By Jarl K. Hiltunen. February 1971, 45 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Limnological data, primarily benthological, are presented for collections made at 14 stations. 55. Hydrographic Observations in Tampa Bay and the Adjacent Gulf of Mexico — 1967. By Carl H. Saloman and John L. Taylor. April 1971, 64 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT Hydrographic data include water temperature, salinity, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, water transpar- ency, ultraviolet absorption, chlorophyll a, b, and C, astacin and nonastacin carotenoids, and primary productivity based on the chlorophyll o and light- and dark-bottle methods. Methods of collecting and analyzing samples are described. Tables summarize data collected from 30 permanent stations by mean, range, and number of observations by month, year, and area. Other tables summarize the mean, range, and number of observations of samples taken daily at the laboratory dock, weekly from a small em- bayment in Boca Ciega Bay where pompano culture was studied, and monthly at stations where oyster raft experiments were made in Old Tampa Bay and Boca Ciega Bay. 56. Dissolved Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen, and Related Water Temperatures in the Columbia and Lower Snake Rivers, 1965-69. By Kirk T. Beiningen and Wesley J. Ebel. April 1971, 60 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Data on the dissolved nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, and water temperatures in the Columbia and lower Snake Rivers from 1965 through 1969 are presented. The data were compiled from field observations and from laboratory analysis of water samples collected at 40 stations. 57. Data on Samples for Surf Clams and Ocean Quahogs. By John W. Ropes and Arthur S. Merrill. February 1971, 43 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Data on the catch of surf clams and ocean quahogs by several reserach vessels operating in the continental shelf of the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, N.C., are given. 58. A Survey of Fish Purchases by Socio- Economic Characteristics, First Quarterly Report, February, March, and April 1969. By Darrel A. Nash. April 1971, 148 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT This report presents data collected during February, March, and April 1969 of fish purchases by 1,500 U.S. households. The Division of Economic Research of the National Marine Fisheries Service, through Market Facts, Inc., made a year-long statistical survey of such purchases. The socio- economic characteristics of the household purchas- ing patterns are presented. 59. A Survey of Fish Purchases by Socio-Eco- nomic Characteristics, Second Quarterly Re- port, May, June, and July 1969. By Darrel A. Nash. April 1971, 148 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT This report presents data collected during May, June, and July 1969 of fish purchases by 1,500 U.S. households. The Division of Economics Research of the National Marine Fisheries Service, through Market Facts, Inc., made a year-long statistical survey of such purchases. The socio- economic characteristics of the household purchas- ing patterns are presented. 60. A Survey of Fish Purchases by Socio-Eco- nomic Characteristics, Third Quarterly Re- port, August, September, and October 1969. By Darrel A. Nash. April 1971, 148 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT This report presents data collected during August, September, and October 1969 of fish pur- chases by 1,500 U.S. households. The Division of Economics Research of the National Marine Fish- eries Service, through Market Facts, Inc., made a year-long statistical survey of such purchases. The socio-economic characteristics of the household purchasing patterns are presented. 61. A Survey of Fish Purchases by Socio-Eco- nomic Characteristics, Fourth Quarterly Report, November and December 1969 and January 1970. By Darrel A. Nash. April 1971, 148 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT This report presents data collected during November and December 1969 and January 1970 of fish purchases by 1,500 U.S. households. The Division of Economics Research of the National Marine Fisheries Service, through Market Facts, Inc., made a year-long statistical survey of such purchases. The socio-economic characteristics of the household purchasing patterns are presented. 62. A Survey of Fish Purchases of Socio-Eco- nomic Characteristics, Annual Report, Feb- ruary 1969-January 1970. By Darrel A. Nash. April 1971, 162 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT This report presents data collected during February 1969-January 1970 of fish purchases by 1,500 U.S. households. The Division of Economic Research of the National Marine Fisheries Service, through Market Facts, Inc., made a year-long statistical survey of such purchases. The socio- economic characteristics of the household purchasing patterns are presented. 63. Hydrographic Observations in Tampa Bay and the Adjacent Gulf of Mexico — 1968. By Carl H. Saloman and John L. Taylor. May 1971, 204 pp. on 4 microfiche. ABSTRACT Hydrographic data include water temperature, salinity, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, water transpar- ency, ultraviolet absorption, chlorophyll a, b, and c, astacin and nonastacin carotenoids, and primary productivity based on the chlorophyll a and light- and dark-bottle methods. Methods of collecting and analyzing samples are described. Tables sum- marize data collected from 30 permanent stations by mean, range, and number of observations accord- ing to month, year, and area. Other tables sum- marize the mean, range, and number of observations of samples taken daily at the laboratory dock, weekly from a small embayment in Boca Ciega Bay where pompano culture was studied, and monthly at stations where ultraviolet and primary productivity monitoring continues. 64. Catches of Postlarval White Shrimp Penaeas setiferus (Linn.), and Brown Shrimp, P. aztecus, Ives, and Temperature and Salinity Observations in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana, March 1963 to April 1967. By C. W. Caillouet, Jr., B. J. Fontenot, Jr., W. S. Perret, R. J. Dugas, and H. F. Hebert. July 1971, 39 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT A small trawl towed in a semicircle of 30.5-m (100 ft) radius in the shallow water near the shoreline was used to collect postlarval white shrimp and brown shrimp. Dates and hour of sampling, catches of post-larvae, species com- position of subsamples of the catches, and water temperature and salinity data are presented. 65. Physical-Chemical Oceanographic Data from the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1970. By W. James Ingraham Jr., Donald M. Fisk, and Stephen E. Turner. August 1971, 311 pp. on 5 microfiche. ABSTRACT Temperature and salinity data were obtained at 305 stations in 1970 during winter, spring, and summer cruises of the RV George B, Kelez south of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands and in the Bering Sea. Values were measured at standard depths down to 1,500-m from STD traces; sigma-t, sound velocity, anomaly of specific volume, and dynamic height are also presented. 66. Summary of Tags Released and Recovered for Atlantic Menhaden, 1966-69. By L. C. Coston. August 1971, 117 pp. on 2 microfiche. ABSTRACT A summary by month is presented of all tagged adult Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, released and all tags recovered along the Atlantic coast of the United States from New York to Florida, 1966 through 1969. The menhaden were tagged internally with numbered ferromagnet metal tags that were recovered on magnets in reduction plants during the production of meal and oil. 67. Drift Bottle Experiments in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea— 1957-60, 1962, 1966, and 1970. By Felix Favorite and Donald M. Fisk. August 1971, 20 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Tabulation and summary of results of nine drift bottle experiments conducted in central Aleutian Island area. A total of 283 bottles was recovered at various locations along the island arc and along the northern coasts of the Pacific Ocean (and Bering Sea) from Hokkaido eastward to San Francisco. 68. Sardine Eggs and Larvae and Other Fish Larvae of the Pacific Coast, 1958 and 1959. By David Kramer. October 1971, 132 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT Data are presented on eggs and larvae collected in 1958 and 1959 by the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations off the coast of California and Baja California. Included are the standardized haul factors for all stations on all surveys and records of positive occurrences of a particular species as follows: Pacific sardine eggs by age in days, fish larvae by size classes including Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, jack mackerel, and Pacific mackerel and fish larvae, unsized, including Pacific hake and rockfish spp. 69. Sea-Surface Temperatures and Salinities Collected Between 1957 and 1969 at Nine Pacific Monitoring Stations. By Marian Y. Y. Yong. December 1971, 35 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Sea-surface temperature and salinity data from seven island stations and two ocean weather stations in the Pacific Ocean for the period 1957-69 are presented. Spectral analysis of the data was per- formed, and the resulting harmonic curves together with observed data are presented in graphical form. Coefficients that define the harmonic functions are presented in tabular form. 70. Conversion Tables for Commercially Impor- tant Penaeid Shrimp of the Gulf of Mexico. By Clark T. Fontaine. December 1971, 9 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT Tables are divided by classifications commonly used by the industry to designate landing's of whole or headless brown (Penaeus aztecus), white (P. setiferus), and pink (P. duoramm) shrimp. Data presented by sex and sexes combined for each species include shrimp that range from 70 to 235 mm total length. 9 lb and average 24 inches long. They are captured by a Japanese high seas gill net fishery, an American inshore gill net fishery, and the Alaska native subsistence fishery in the rivers and lakes. The State of Alaska manages the inshore fishery. The National Marine Fisheries Service provides the basis for research needed for rational manage- ment and international protection of this valuable natural resource. 637. Age Determination of Fishes (Revised). By Fred E. Lux. June 1971, 7 pp., 7 figs. ABSTRACT (None) Fishery Leaflet 634. List of Fishery Associations in the United States, 1969-70. By Division of Current Eco- nomic Analysis. February 1971, v + 11 pp. ABSTRACT Sixteen national, 2 international, and 100 local fishery associations in 27 States and the District of Columbia are listed. Each association generally includes the name of one of the officers. 635. Overboard with Chest Waders, Hip Boots, or Rain Gear. By R. O. Parker, Jr. February 1971, 6 pp., 6 figs. For sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 10 cents. ABSTRACT Neither chest waders, hip boots, nor rain gear will cause you to drown if you don't panic. Waders, the most dreaded of the three, can actually be the safest. If you are wearing bulky clothing in addition to your boots and do nothing after you enter the water, you will float. 636. Alaska's Fishery Resources The Sockeye Salmon. By Wilbur L. Hartman. March 1971, iii + 8 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, are produced in river-lake systems in Canada, Alaska, and the Soviet Union. Alaska production has aver- aged $32 million to the wholesaler annually since 1945; the value was $72 million in 1965. Female sockeye salmon carry about 3,500 eggs and spawn in late fall in lake inlets and outlets and even the lakes themselves. The following spring, inch-long fry emerge and migrate at night to the lakes. After spending 1 to 4 years growing in the nursery lakes, the fish migrate in schools to the feeding grounds far out in the Pacific Ocean. After 1, 2, or 3 years at sea, the maturing sockeye salmon return through the coastal waters to the freshwater spawning grounds. Sockeye salmon when grown weigh 6 to 638. A Lift Net for Catching Bait Fish Attracted to Light. By Hilton M. Floyd. April 1971, 3 pp., 6 figs. ABSTRACT Construction and operation of the gear are described. The chief attributes of the gear are its light construction and single-handed operation. 639. (Not issued.) 640. National Marine Fisheries Service Biologi- cal Laboratory, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. By John E. Watson. September 1971, ii + 11 pp. ABSTRACT This report describes the activities of the National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Laboratory at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, the northern- most research facility maintained by the U.S. Government on the Atlantic Coast. Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 619. Macrozooplankton and Small Nekton in the Coastal Waters Off Vancouver Island (Canada) and Washington, Spring and Fall of 1963. By Donald S. Day. January 1971, iii + 94 pp., 19 figs., 10 tables, 3 apps. ABSTRACT Eight species of euphausiids, 5 species of mysids, and 14 species of fish were identified. Euphausiids composed about 90 percent by number of the organisms caught, and fluctuations in their abundance were concomitant with changes in the biomass of the samples. The bulk of the organisms collected at night were in the upper 30 m. All species were taken by a 0.9-m. Isaacs-Kidd mid- water trawl. The concentration of organisms was lowest near shore, reached a maximum at or near the outer edge of the continental shelf, and decreased again farther offshore. The concentration of organ- isms was greater in the southern part of the region than in the northern part. This distribution was apparently related to the general surface circulation. Seasonal fluctuations were indicated by a decrease in biomass from spring to fall. 620. (.Issued before 1971.) 621. Predation by Sculpins on Fall Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynckus tshawytscha, Fry of Hatchery Origin. By Benjamin G. Patten. February 1971, iii + 14 pp., 6 figs, 9 tables. ABSTRACT Predation was studied during migration of the fry towards the Columbia River from two hatcheries - the Elokomin River Hatchery (13 km. upstream from the Columbia) and the Oxbow Hatchery on Herman Creek (0.2 km. upstream). In the Elokomin River the estimated loss of hatchery salmon to sculpins, Cottus spp., was 3.9 percent of 1.5 million fry released in 1962 and 1.3 and 3.6 percent of 2.2 and 0.1 million fry, respectively, released in 1963. Loss was negligible among 2.3 million fry released in Herman Creek in 1962. Sculpins that preyed on hatchery salmon were coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus; prickly sculpin, C. osper; reticulate sculpin, C. perplexus, and torrent sculpin, C. rhotheus; in the Elokomin River and prickly and reticulate sculpins in Herman Creek. Predation was greatest by prickly sculpin (the largest species) and least by coastrange sculpin (a species with a comparatively small mouth). Losses of salmon to sculpins may have been related to diet and to the size of the releases. In the Elokomin River, predation was greater on salmon fed a wet diet than on those fed moist pellets. The larger of the two releases in 1963 had the smaller percentage loss. Improvement of hatchery procedures is probably the best way to reduce losses of hatchery-reared salmon to sculpins. 622. Numbers and Lengths, by Season, of Fishes Caught with an Otter Trawl near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1961 to De- cember 1962. By F. E. Lux and F. E. Nichy. February 1971, iii + 15 pp., 3 figs., 19 tables. ABSTRACT Forty-one species of fish were caught in hauls made about four times per month at water depths of 2 to 15 feet (0.6 to 4.6 m.) in Woods Hole harbor. Seasonal occurrence is discussed and compared with water temperature. Data on growth during the first year are given for a number of species. 623. (Issued before 1971.) 624. Influence of Mechanical Processing on the Quality and Yield of Bay Scallop Meats. By N. B. Webb and F. B. Thomas. April 1971, iii + 11 pp., 9 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT The present commercial method of shucking bay scallops by hand is costly. A mechanical method has accordingly been developed in an effort to reduce costs while maintaining or improving the quality of the processed meats. Therefore, the mechanical method must produce meats of a quality and yield equal to or better than that presently obtained by hand processing. The purpose of this study therefore was to compare the quality and yield of bay scallops processed by mechanical means with the corres- ponding values of those processed by the typical hand method. The mechanical method included heat-shocking of the shell-stock, roller-vibration removal of the meats and viscera and the sub- sequent separation of the viscera from the meats. The quality of the scallops was measured objectively by the determination of drip, volatile base, pH, and bacterial count was measured sub- jectively by means of a qualified taste panel's rating the samples for odor, texture, appearance, and flavor. The yield of the scallops was evaluated by (1) proximate analysis for moisture, crude protein, ash, and fat, (2) amount of water absorbed, (3) amount of cooked meats obtained, and (4) loss of drip from frozen meats. The results indicate that the quality and yield of meats from bay scallops processed mechanically as described above is equivalent to the quality and yield of those processed commercially by-hand. 625. Distribution of Salmon and Related Oceano- graphic Features in the North Pacific Ocean, Spring 1968. By Robert R. French, Richard G. Bakkala, Masanao Osako, and Jun Ito. March 1971, iii + 22 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT Japanese and United States research vessels made a cooperative research cruise. Differences in distribution of salmon were examined by species, by maturity, and by age group. Sockeye salmon, Oncorhynckus nerka, were in the more northerly waters and pink salmon, 0. gorbuscha, in the more southerly waters, whereas chum salmon, 0. keta, were more widely distributed and in all waters occupied by other species. The proportion of older ages decreased from north to south; immature sockeye and chum salmon were generally restricted to the more southern waters and maturing fish to the more northern waters. The distribution of larval fish, which at times serve as food for salmon, varied by group; Hexa- grammidae were in all waters occupied by salmon whereas larvae of Hemilepidotus and Buthymaster were taken only in the northern areas and Myc- tophidae larvae only in the southern areas occupied by salmon. 626. Commercial Fishery and Biology of the Fresh-Water Shrimp, Macrobrachium, in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53. By George C. Miller. February 1971, iii + 13 pp., 8 figs, 1: tables. ABSTRACT A small fishery was conducted for the large commercial fresh-water shrimp, Macrobrachium vollenhovenii, using traps. A second smaller species, M. macrobrachion, was culled from the trap catch for the fishermen's use. The estuarine fishery was seasonal (May to January), during the period of low salinity. Cost of raw tail meats to the consumer was over $1.00 (U.S.) per pound. The fishermen derived more than $7,500 from the fishery. Commercial shrimp, M. vollenhovenii, spawned in the estuary from May to January. Fecundity was estimated at 12,000 to 45,000 eggs per female. As the embryo developed the color of the egg changed from red to brown. Embryonic and larval develop- ment to time of setting of M. vollenhovenii was believed similar to that of M. rosenbergii, 50 to 65 days. An intensive push-net fishery was con- ducted by women on the zero age group soon after the juveniles had set. Juvenile shrimp were not caught by traps. Monthly length distributions indicated that the fishery was supported by age group one, which was replaced at the end of the season by age group zero. Age group zero grew rapidly and reached a modal length of 75 to 80 mm. in 9 months in January; and adults grew slowly and increased in length to 85 to 90 mm. in May, and 100 to 105 mm. in November. The weight-length relation of M. vollenhovenii ovigerous females was expressed by the equation Log W = — 4.656603 + 3.011392 Log L, and males and nonovigerous females by Log W = - 4.829560 + 3.092213 Log L. The characters used to distinguish M. macro- brachion from the commercial shrimp are given. The smaller species (modal length 50 to 54 mm.), constituted 88 percent of the shrimp discarded from the commercial catch. The trap fishery har- vested the adults of the two species, which differed considerably in length, without harm to either species. 627. Calico Scallops of the Southeastern United States, 1959-69. By Robert Cummins, Jr. June 1971, iii + 22 pp., 23 figs, 3 tables. ABSTRACT The report summarizes developments concern- ing the calico scallop resource of the southeastern United States. A brief background is provided followed by a description of the fishery in North Carolina and subsequent expansion to the Florida grounds. Included are sections dealing with develop- ments in the fishery, quality of the scallop and its parasites. A chronological review is made of the development of processing machinery; recent in- dustry activity is summarized; and cooperative technical Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now National Marine Fisheries Service) assistance is described. 628. Fur Seal Investigations, 1969. By NMFS, Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory. August 1971, viii + 90 pp., 20 figs., 44 tables, 23 appendix A tables, 18 appendix B tables. ABSTRACT Field investigations of the fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, in 1969 were conducted on the Pribilof Islands from June to October and in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, off the State of Washington, in February and March. The kill included 38,678 males and 230 females. We counted 10,276 living adult males in June and 10,597 in July. Dead fur seals counted included 14,810 pups and 286 animals older than pups. The main causes of death among 208 pups were malnutrition, hookworm disease, and microbial infections. The average weights of pups in late August were 9.8 kg. for males and 8.6 kg. for females. We marked 25,775 pups of both sexes and 3,419 male seals presumed to be ages 1 and 2, and recovered 3,558 marked male seals. Tag loss varies with tag series. Data on the relative effectiveness of two kinds of marks used on fur seals are inconclusive. Estimates of the number of pups born in 1966 were 461,000 from tagging and 390,000 from shear- ing and sampling. According to sheared to un- sheared ratios, an estimated 303,500 pups were born in 1969. The forecasted kill of males in ages 2 to 5 in 1970 is 53,700. The predicted kill of males in ages 2 to 5 in 1969 was 56,500; the actual kill was 38,440. About 68 percent of 334 young males tagged on St. Paul Island in 1968 and 69 percent of 555 tagged there in 1969 have since been recovered on the Pribilof Islands. Four of eleven transmitters attached to young males were unaccounted for at the end of the season in 1969. Weights of the bacula of young males ranged from 3 to 11 dg. at age 2 to 13 to 45 dg. at age 5, and weights of the testes ranged from 9 to 18 g. at age 2 to 23 to 99 g. at age 5. The number of females collected at sea in 1968 were too few to permit a comparison of body lengths and reproductive conditions between animals on St. Paul Island and at sea during comparable periods. Organochlorine pesticides were found in the tissues of fur seals, sea lions, and marine birds. Of 1,136 fur seals sighted off Washington, 334 were collected, 41 were wounded and lost, and 42 were killed and lost. Solitary seals were more prevalent than paired or large groups of animals. Fifty-four percent of 299 females killed were from 1 to 7 years old, and 48 yearling seals from the 1968 year class were taken. Twenty-six marked seals were collected. Pregnancy rates have ranged from 38 to 90 percent for females age 5 and older collected off Washington in February and March since 1958. Fifty-five percent of 140 fetuses collected in 1969 were males. Forty-eight percent of the nonpregnant seals 4 to 19 years of age had ovulated. Anchovy was the leading species in 190 stomachs that contained food. Rockfish, capelin. and salmonids followed in importance. Salmon were the most valuable of the commercial fishes eaten by fur seals off Washington in 1969. differed significantly among those schools with and without catches. Among schools yielding catches, the vessels found most associated with 50 or more birds; among those unsuccessfully fished, the vessels found most associated with 11-50 birds. Data on support activities showed that it usually took nine men one-half hour to unload about 3.4 metric tons of skipjack tuna. The rate of unloading depended largely on the size of the fish. Loading ice required 6.6 minutes. Comparison of data from high- and low- producing vessels showed that a high-producing vessel chummed the schools longer, used more bait in fishing, tended to remain with the school longer, and was successful in fishing a higher percentage of the schools it sighted. 629. Analysis of the Operations of Seven Hawaiian Skipjack Tuna Fishing Vessels, June-August 1967. By Richard N. Uchida and Ray F. Sumida. March 1971, v + 25 pp., 14 figs., 21 tables. For sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 35 cents. ABSTRACT Analysis of operational data collected from seven Hawaiian skipjack tuna fishing vessels in the summer of 1967 showed that the vessels expended 38 percent of their day-baiting effort at Kaneohe Bay, which yielded 14.7 buckets of bait per set. Keehi Lagoon was, by far, the most productive night-baiting ground; it received 84 percent of the night effort and yielded 10.4 buckets per set. On fishing trips which averaged 15.5 hours, 31 percent of the time was devoted to traveling to and from the fishing grounds, 62 percent was occupied by scouting, and only 7 percent was actually spent fishing. The vessels chummed 83 percent of the schools sighted, successfully fished 57 percent of the schools chummed, and used an average of 12.8 buckets of bait per trip. Most often seven men fished per school. Fishing duration among the vessels ranged from 1 to 155 minutes, but most schools were fished only for short periods. Schools of large skipjack tuna (7 kg. or more), which dominate the summer catch, were usually fished further offshore. About half of the schools sighted were in waters to the west of Oahu. Sightings increased from daybreak to a peak at 0801-0900, dipped at 1001-1100, then rose to a second peak at 1301-1400. The vessels caught 62 percent of their day's catch after 1200. Cloud cover and wave height at the time of fishing had no effect on the success or failure in fishing the school. Although the predominant species of bird associated with the school was not a good indicator of fishing success, size of the bird flock 630. Blue Crab Meat I. Preservation by Freez- ing. By Jurgen H. Strasser, Jean S. Lennon, and Frederick J. King. July 1971, iii + 13 pp., 5 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Freezing was studied as a method of preserving blue crab meat for up to 8 months. The results indicate that a rapid freezing rate, storage below 0° F, and vacuum packaging are preferable to minimize losses in the desirable qualities of freshly picked meat. 630. Blue Crab Meat II. Effect of Chemical Treatments on Acceptability. By Jurgen H. Strasser, Jean S. Lennon, and Frederick J. King. July 1971, iii + 12 pp., 1 fig., 9 tables. ABSTRACT Several chemical treatments were tested as adjuncts to preservation of blue crab meat. Most of these samples were preserved by freezing but some were heat-preserved or freeze-dried. In general, the dip treatments studied did not improve the quality of the preserved samples. However, glazing treat- ments with some of these chemical solutions appeared to improve the quality of frozen-stored samples. 631. Occurrence of Thiaminase in Some Common Aquatic Animals of the United States and Canada. By R. A. Greig and R. H. Gnaedinger. July 1971, iii + 7 pp., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Two tables are presented that survey the presence or absence of thiaminase in freshwater and marine fish and shellfish. 632. (See NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF.) 10 633. Blueing of Processed Crab Meat. II. Identi- fication of Some Factors Involved in the Blue Discoloration of Canned Carb Meat (Callinectes sapidus). By Melvin E. Waters. May 1971, iii + 7 pp., 1 fig., 3 tables. ABSTRACT An outbreak of blue discoloration in canned crab meat occurred during 1969. This paper reports the result of a study we made to pinpoint the cause of blueing and suggest a remedy. Factors found not to affect the color of canned crab meat are (1) meth- od of obtaining a vacuum, (2) the use of a parchment liner, (3) plant water used in processing, (4) the use of dead and/or partially dead crabs, and (5) several metal ions reported as the cause of blueing in other products. Results showed that iron was involved in the discoloration. It was further shown that a buffered solution of citric acid (pH 6.5-6.8) prevented formation of the blue-colored complex. 634. Age Composition, Weight, Length, and Sex of Herring, Clupea pallets ii, Used for Reduction in Alaska, 1929-66. By Gerald M. Reid. July 1971, iii + 25 pp., 4 figs., 18 tables. ABSTRACT Sampling data from the reduction fisheries for herring, Clupea pallasii, in southeastern Alaska (1929-66), Prince William Sound (1937-58), and Kodiak (1936-59) are summarized. The data include the weight of the catches, the weight allowed by quota, and age composition, average weight, average length, and sex ratios. 635. (See NOAA SSRF.) Technical Report NMFS indicates that most of the kill occurred on the shallow reef flat and the author speculates on the lethal effect of the various fuels. NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF 632. An Annotated Bibliography of Attempts to Rear the Larvae of Marine Fishes in the Laboratory. By Robert C. May. August 1971, iii + 24 pp., 1 appendix I table, 1 appendix II table. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — 35 cents. ABSTRACT A bibliography has been compiled of papers which describe attempts to rear the larvae of marine fishes in the laboratory, covering the period 1878 to 1969. Annotations summarize each paper, and appendixes list the species of fishes studied and the types of food used in the attempts to rear them. 635. A Bibliography of the Blackfin Tuna, Thun- mis atlanticus (Lesson). By Grant L. Beards- ley and David C. Simmons. August 1971, 10 pp. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock Number 0320-0014. ABSTRACT One hundred eighty-four references on the blackfin tuna, Thuiuius atlanticus (Lesson), are listed. A subject index is included. 636. Oil Pollution on Wake Island from the Tanker R. C. St oner. By Reginald M. Good- ing. May 1971, iii + 12 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock Number 0320-0008. ABSTRACT On September 6, 1967, the tanker R. C. Stoner foundered on the reef off the harbor entrance at Wake Island. During the following 10 days the vessel's cargo of over 22,000 kliters (6 million gal) of high octane aviation gasoline, aviation jet fuel, aviation turbine fuel, diesel oil, and bunker C black oil was spilled along the southern coast of the island. A shore and underwater survey of the con- taminated coastline showed that an estimated 2,500 kg of inshore reef fishes were killed and stranded on the shore. Numerous other fish and invertebrates were probably killed. Evidence is cited which 637. Occurrence of Larval, Juvenile, and Mature Crabs in the Vicinity of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. By Donnie L. Dudley and Mayo H. Judy. August 1971, iii + 10 pp., 1 fig., 5 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents. ABSTRACT Monthly samples from 13 ocean stations near Beaufort Inlet, N.C., were examined for the occur- rence of crab larvae in 1962. Larval collections were supplemented by sampling with a bottom trawl for juveniles and adults in 1962 and 1963. Trawling was restricted to a small area near the sea buoy at the Inlet. Larvae of 27 species of crabs were taken during the study and were most abundant during the summer and fall. Adults of 13 species of crabs occurred in the collections, with Callinectes sapidus, C. similis, Portunus gibbesii, Ovalipes ocellatus, and Hepatus epheliticus being the more prevalent. 11 638. Length-Weight Relations of Haddock from Commercial Landings in New England, 1931- 55. By Bradford E. Brown and Richard C. Hennemuth. August 1971, v + 13 pp., 1 fig., 6 tables, 10 appendix A tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents. Stock Number 0320-0018. ABSTRACT Length-weight relations (including the con- version of dressed to live weight) are needed to study the population dynamics of haddock on Georges and Browns Banks. Analyses of covariance were used to compare these relations among market categories, years, fishing areas, and months. There was considerable variation among samples taken on different trips and among subsamples taken on a single trip. Separate regression lines are recom- mended for market categories (large and scrod) and for Georges and Browns Banks. No yearly or seasonal trends were evident. Estimating equations are presented. 639. A Hydrographic Survey of the Galveston Bay System, Texas, 1963-66. By E. J. Pullen, W. L. Trent, and G. B. Adams. October 1971, v + 13 pp., 15 figs., 12 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 30 cents Stock Number 0320-0024. ABSTRACT Water temperature and salinity data, taken during 1963-66, and dissolved organic nitrogen, total phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen data taken during 1964-66 Galveston Bay, Texas were analyzed by area and habitat (depth strata). Temperatures ranged from 0.4° C to 36.0° C during the study and averaged slightly higher in the peripheral than the open-water or channel habitat. Between years, water temperature averages varied as much as 7° C between coldest months, and 3° C between warmest months. Salinities ranged from 0.1 to 36.6% and increased from the peripheral to the channel habitats. Gradients of increasing salinities occurred from east to west and north to south in the system. Salinities decreased from 1963 to 1966 with the smallest difference between years occurring in March and April and the greatest difference between years in May and June. Minimum salinities always occurred during periods of high stream discharge in the winter and spring and maximum salinities during periods of low stream discharge in the late summer and fall. Dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations ranged from 1 to 300 ug at /liter. Nitrogen con- centrations decreased from the upper to the lower bays. Nitrogen values were similar seasonally and between years. High river flow was correlated with an increase of nitrogen in the lower bay areas. Total phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 47.5 ug at /liter. Phosphorus concentrations diminished from upper to lower bays, and from west to east in the system. Seasonal concentrations of phosphorus were similar from 1964 through the spring of 1966. In June 1966, concentrations in- creased, reaching an all years' maximum in the fall. River discharge was not correlated to phos- phorus concentrations, although nitrogen and phosphorus values were positively correlated. Dissolved oxygen concentrations ranged from 0.2 to 13.6 ml/liter. Lowest oxygen concentrations were in the channels and highest and similar concentrations were in the peripheral and open- water habitats. Oxygen values were inversely correlated with water temperatures. 640. Annotated Bibliography on the Fishing Industry and Biology of the Blue Crab, Cal- linectes sapidus. By Marlin E. Tagatz and Ann Bowman Hall. August 1971, 94 pp. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, D.C. 20402 — Price $1.00 Stock Number 0318-0009. ABSTRACT References are given on 742 publications, published before 1970, on classification, distribution, abundance, life history, morphology, physiology, ecology, fishery, and industry. Annotations and a subject index also are provided. 641. Use of ThreadfinShad, Dorosomapetenense, as Live Bait During Experimental Pole-and- Line Fishing for Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in Hawaii. By Robert T. B. Iversen. August 1971, iii + 10 pp., 3 figs., 7 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock Number 0320-0013. ABSTRACT The effectiveness of threadfin shad as a live bait for skipjack tuna fishing in Hawaii was com- pared with the normal anchovy bait (nehu) during experimental fishing on 37 schools of skipjack tuna during 1967 and 1968 aboard the research vessel Charles H. Gilbert. Threadfin shad proved about as effective as nehu in (1) luring skipjack tuna to the stern of the vessel, (2) concentrating the skipjack tuna at the fishing station, and (3) catch rate of skipjack tuna. Underwater observations of threadfin shad and nehu indicate a general similarity in behavior during fishing. Bait-sized threadfin shad occur in freshwater impoundments in Hawaii during the peak months of skipjack tuna fishing. 12 They are hardy, easily acclimated to salt water, and readily handled in large numbers. 642. Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) Resource and Fishery — Analysis of Decline. By Kenneth A. Henry. August 1971, v + 32 pp., 40 figs., 5 appendix figs., 3 tables, 2 appendix tables. For sale by the Superinten- dent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 45 cents Stock Number 0320-0019. ABSTRACT After record catches in 1961 and 1962 of about 2.3 billion pounds (1.043 million metric tons) of menhaden (Brevoortia spp.), the U.S. catch declined to about 1.2 billion pounds (0.544 million metric tons) in 1967. Most of the decrease was in the North Atlantic and Middle Atlantic. Since about 1940, catches had increased, in general, with increased fishing effort. In recent years, however, the catch per unit of effort (a standard vessel day) has declined markedly. It fell from about 148,000 pounds (67.1 metric tons) in 1962 to about 38,000 pounds (17.2 metric tons) in 1967 in the North Atlantic and from 140,000 pounds (63.5 metric tons) in 1962 to 51,000 pounds (23.1 metric tons) in 1967 in the Middle Atlantic. The catch per unit of effort in these two areas improved in 1968, but fishing effort was at such a low level that the increase is of doubtful significance. Other possible units of effort such as catch per vessel week and catch per landing day are examined. In 1964, the catch in Chesapeake Bay exceeded the catch in the Middle Atlantic for the first time; in 1968, the Chesapeake Bay catch amounted to 63% of the total summer catch of Atlantic menhaden (B. tyrannus). In recent years, over 90% of the fish in the total catch were immature. A relation is established between the estimated abundance of juvenile Atlantic menhaden, based on trawling, and the total catch from the year class. A stock- recruitment relation, based on catch per unit of effort in the Middle Atlantic and total catch from the year class, indicates that the spawning stock is below optimum size. 643. Surface Winds of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean. By John M. Steigner and Merton C. Ingham. October 1971, iii + 20 pp., 17 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 35 cents. ABSTRACT This publication presents mean monthly surface wind velocities by 5° rectangles (Marsden square quadrants) for the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean from the African coastline at approximately lat 5° N to lat 20° S, and from long 15° E to long 20° W. The publication is intended to serve principally as an information resource for studies of air-sea inter- action and related seasonal variation of the near- surface oceanic environment. It can also be used to outline potential areas and seasons of fishing- operations. 644. (In press, 31 December 1971.) 645. Traveling Screen for Removal of Debris from Rivers. By Daniel W. Bates, Ernest W. Murphey, and Martin G. Beam. October 1971, iii + 6 pp., 6 figs., 1 table. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents Stock Number 0320-0016. ABSTRACT This report describes the features and operation of a traveling debris screen, installed within a 12.2-m wide test flume in the Grande Ronde River near Troy, Oreg. The National Marine Fisheries Serv- ice developed the screen to improve removal of debris from canals and rivers of the Pacific North- west and to reduce costs of removal. Trash racks are now used to remove debris, but they have been considered impractical because of maintenance difficulties during floods and because of their large size. 646. Dissolved Nitrogen Concentrations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers in 1970 and their Effect on Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout. By Wesley J. Ebel. August 1971, iii + 7 pp., 2 figs, 6 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 20 cents Stock Number 0320-0020. ABSTRACT Concentrations of dissolved nitrogen gas varied widely in 1970 but were generally lower in the Columbia River than in 1968-69. Concentrations were high, however, in some areas of the Snake River in the spring and early summer, mainly because of spilling of water at Little Goose Dam. Symptoms of gas bubble disease were widespread in Snake River juvenile and adult chinook salmon {Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). There were substantial losses of fish, particularly juveniles, during periods of high concentration of dissolved nitrogen gas. 647. (In press, 31 December 1971.) 648. Weight Loss of Pond-Raised Channel Cat- fish (Ictalurus punctatus) During Holding in Processing Plant Vats. By Donald C. Green- land and Robert L. Gill. December 1971, 13 iii + 7 pp.. 3 figs., 2 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 25 cents. ABSTRACT Information on weight loss and mortality was obtained for samples of channel catfish (Ictalurus ptoictatus) held for processing at a catfish process- ing plant located at Dumas, Ark. Weight losses were determined for several different holding situations by daily weighings of samples held in wire containers. Mortality was recorded at 24-hr intervals. Test results showed peak weight loss during the test period for all holding situations averaged 55 kg per metric ton (5.5 lb. per cwt), 82.095- of which occurred during the first 48 hr of holding. There was no difference in weight loss of fish held at densities of 320.3 kg per cubic meter (20.0 lb. per cu ft) and 640.6 kg per cubic meter (40.0 lb. per cu ft) of water ranging from 21.1° to 22.2° C (70.0° to 72.0° F). However, at the heavier loading there was twice the mortality, 8.0% compared to 4.5% . Fish held in a pond with temperatures from 8.9° to 15.0° C (48.0° to 59.0° F) fared the best of any of the test groups. These fish had a peak weight loss of 2.0% and suffered no mortality. Similar groups of fish held in vats at 21.1° C (71.0° F) aerated with agitators and compressed air had peak weight losses of 4.2% and 6.9% and suffered mor- talities of 34.0% and 15.0% respectively. AUTHOR INDEX Bakkala, Richard G. — see French et al. Bakun, Andrew — see Ingraham et al. Bates, Daniel W., Ernest W. Murphey, and Martin G. Beam, S 645 Beam, Martin G. — see Bates et al. Beardsley, Grant L., and David C. Simmons, S 635 Beiningen, Kirk T., and Wesley J. Ebel, D 56 Blahm, Theodore H. — see Snyder et al. Brown, Bradford E., and Richard E. Hennemuth, S 638 Caillouet, Charles W., Jr., Bennie J. Fontenot, Jr., William S. Perret, Ronald J. Dugas, and Houston F. Hebert, D 64 ' '.-ton, Linda C, D 66 Cummins, Robert, Jr., S 627 Day, Donald S., S 619 Division of Current Economic Analysis, FL 634 Dudley, Donnie L., and Mayo H. Judy, S 637 Dugas, Ronald J. — see Caillouet et al. Ebel, Wesley J., S 646 Ebel, Wesley J. — see Beiningen and Ebel Favorite, Felix, and Donald M. Fisk, D 67 Fisk, Donald M. — see Favorite and Fisk Fisk, Donald M. — see Ingraham et al. Floyd, Hilton M., FL 638 Fontaine, Clark T., D 70 Fontenot, Bennie J., Jr. — see Caillouet et al. French, Robert R., Richard G. Bakkala, Masanao Osako, and Jun Ito, S 625 Garrett, E. Spencer, and Richard Hamilton, C 354 Gill, Robert L. — see Greenland and Gill Gnaedinger — see Greig and Gnaedinger Gooding, Reginald M., S 636 Greenland, Donald C, and Robert L. Gill, S 648 Greig, R.A., and R.H. Gnaedinger, S 631 Hall, Ann Bowman — see Tagatz and Hall Hamilton, Richard — see Garrett and Hamilton Hartman, Wilbur L., FL 636 Hebert, Houston F. — see Caillouet et al. Hennemuth, Richard E. — see Brown and Hennemuth Henry, Kenneth A., S 642 Hiltunen, Jarl K„ D 54 Ingham, Merton C. — see Steigner and Ingham Ingraham, W. James, Jr., D 51 Ingraham, W. James, Jr., Donald M. Fisk, Gerald A. Sanger, Andrew Bakun, and Stephen E. Turner, D 52 Ingraham, W. James, Jr., Donald M. Fisk, and Stephen E. Turner, D 65 Ito, Jun — see French et al. 14 Iversen, Robert T.B., S 641 Judy, Mayo H. — see Dudley and Judy King, Frederick J. — see Strasser et al. Kramer, David, D 68 Larrance, Jerry D., D 50 Lennon, Jean S. — see Strasser et al. Love, Cuthbert M. (editor), C 330, v. 2, C 330, v. 3 Lux, Fred E., FL 637 Lux, F.E., and F.E. Niehy, S 622 McConnell, Robert J. — see Snyder and McConnell McConnell, Robert J. — see Snyder et al. Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory, S 628 May, Robert C, S 632 Merrill, Arthur S. — see Ropes and Merrill Miller, George C, S 626 Miller, Morton M., and Darrel A. Nash, C 361 Murphey, Ernest W. — see Bates et al. Nash, Darrel A., D 58, D 59, D 60, D 61, D62 Nash, Darrel A. — see Miller and Nash Nichy, F.E. — see Lux and Nichy Osako, Masanao — see French et al. Parker, Phillip S., C 364 Parker, R.O., Jr., FL 635 Patten, Benjamin G., S 621 Perret, William S. — see Caillouet et al. Pullen, E.J., W.L. Trent, and G.B. Adams, S 639 Reid, Gerald M., S 634 Ropes, John W., and Arthur S. Merrill, D 57 Saloman, Carl H., and John L. Taylor, D 55, D 63 Sanford, F. Bruce, C 349 Sanger, Gerald A. — see Ingraham et al. Simmons, David C. — see Beardsley and Simmons Snyder, George R., Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. McConnell, C 356 Snyder, George R., and Robert J. McConnell, D 53 Steigner, John M., and Merton C. Ingham, S 643 Strasser, Jurgen H., Jean S. Lennon, and Frederick J. King, S 630 Sumida, Ray F. — see Uchida and Sumida Tagatz, Marlin E., and Ann Bowman Hall, S 640 Taylor, John L. — see Saloman and Taylor Thomas, F.B. — see Webb and Thomas Trent, W.L. — see Pullen et al. Turner, Stephen E. — see Ingraham et al. Uchida, Richard N., and Ray F. Sumida, S 629 Waters, Melvin E., S 633 Watson, John E., FL 640 Webb, N.B., and F.B. Thomas, S 624 Wickham, Donald A., C 355 Wilson, Peter T.,C 353 Wolf, Robert S., C 362 Yong, Marian Y.Y., D 69 SUBJECT INDEX Abstracts of technical articles, C 349 Aequipecteit inudians — see Bay scallop Africa surface winds near, S 643 Agonidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Alaska herring fishery, S 634 Pribilof Islands, S 628 sockeye salmon, FL 636 Albatross III — see Vessels 15 Albatross IV — see Vessels Alewife caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 Alosa — see Vessels Alosa pseadoharengus — see Alewife American eel caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 American Samoa sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1962-69, D 69 American smelt caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 Anguilla rostrata — see American eel Apeltes qnadracus — see Fourspine stickleback Arctica islandica — see Ocean quahog Atherinidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Atlantic coast tagged Atlantic menhaden, 1966-69, D 66 Atlantic menhaden caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 fishery for, S 642 tagged and recovered, 1966-69, D 66 Atlantic silverside caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Atlantic tomcod caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Aulorhynchidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Bait fish — see Live bait Bay scallop influence of mechanical processing on quality and yield of, S 624 Bering Sea drift bottle experiments, D 67 oceanographic data, 1970, D 65 Bibliography attempts to rear larvae of marine fishes, S 632 blackfin tuna, S 635 blue crab, S 640 Biological data from EASTROPAC first survey cruise, February- March 1967, C 330, v, 2 Black sea bass caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Blackfin tuna bibliography, S 635 Blenniidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Blneback — see Vessels Blue crab bibliography, S 640 effect of chemical treatments on acceptability, S 630 factors involved in blue discoloration of canned meat, S 633 near Beaufort, N.C., S 637 preservation by freezing, S 630 Blue discoloration in crab meat; preventive, S 633 Bothidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 George M. Bowers — see Vessels Brevoortia tyrannus — see Atlantic menhaden Brown shrimp postlarval in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana, D 64 tables to convert length to weight to number per pound, D 70 Butterfish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 627 Calico scallop parasites, S 627 processing machinery, S 627 of southeastern United States, S 627 vessels, S 627 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, D68 Callinectes sapid us — see Blue crab Canada Vancouver Island, macrozooplankton and small nekton off, S 619 Rachel Carson — see Vessels Centropristes striatus — see Black sea bass Challenger — see Vessels Channel catfish 16 weight loss during holding, S 648 Chemical treatments effects on blue crab meat, S 630 Chest waders, FL 635 Chinook salmon effect of dissolved nitrogen on, S 646 fry, predation by sculpins on, S 621 in North Pacific, spring 1968, S 625 Chum salmon in North Pacific, spring 1968, S 625 Clam, surf — see Surf clam Clams regional patterns of consumption, C 361 Clupea pallasi — see Herring Clupeidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 John N. Cobb — see Vessels Coho salmon in North Pacific, spring 1968, S 625 Consumer panel survey shellfish consumption, C 361 Dissolved nitrogen Columbia River, 1965-69, D 56 effect on Chinook salmon and steelhead trout, S 646 Dissolved oxygen Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 Snake River, 1965-69, D 56 Dolphin — see Vessels Dorosoma petenense — see Threadfin shad Drift bottle North Pacific and Bering Sea, D 67 EASTROPAC atlas, first survey cruise, February-March 1967, C 330, v. 2 atlas, oceanographic and meteorological data from first and second monitor cruises, April-July 1967, C 330, v. 3 Engraulidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Engraulis mordax — see Northern anchovy Euphausiids off Vancouver Island and Washington, S 619 Exocoetidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Conversion tables for penaeid shrimp. Gulf of Mexico, D 70 Cottidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Cottus spp. — see Sculpins Crabs juvenile, near Beaufort, N.C., S 637 larvae, near Beaufort, N.C., S 637 mature, near Beaufort, N.C., S 637 Townsend Cromwell — see Vessels Cunner caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Cyprinodontidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Dactylopterus volitans — see Flying gurnard Debris traveling screen for removal of, S 645 Delaware I — see Vessels Delaware II — see Vessels Fish age determination, FL 637 Fishery Atlantic menhaden, S 642 blue crab, bibliography, S 640 calico scallop. North Carolina and Florida, S 627 fresh-water shrimp, in Liberia, S 626 herring, in Alaska, S 634 herring, off Maine, FL 640 lobster, off Maine, FL 640 sockeye salmon, Alaska, FL 636 Fishery associations in United States, 1969-70, FL 634 Fish larvae attempts to rear, S 632 Fish meal sanitation guidelines for the control of Salmonella in production of, C 354 Fish purchases by socio-economic characteristics, February-April 1969, D 58 by socio-economic characteristics, May-July 1969, D59 17 by socio-economic characteristics, August-October 1969. D 60 by socio-economic characteristics, November-December 1969. D 61 by socio-economic characteristics, February 1969- January 1970 (annual report), D 62 Fishes number and lengths caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole. S 622 Floating laboratory, C 356 Florida calico scallop fishery, S 627 Tampa Bay, hydrographic observations, 1967, D 55 Tampa Bay, hydrographic observations, 1968, D 63 Flying gurnard caught by otter trawl offWoods Hole, S 622 Foods used in attempts to raise fish larvae, S 632 Goosefish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Gosnold — see Vessels Grubby caught by otter trawl offWoods Hole, S 622 Guam sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1962-69, D 69 Gulf of Maine surf clams and ocean quahogs from, to Cape Hatteras, D 57 Gulf of Mexico conversion tables for shrimp in, D 70 hydrographic observations off Tampa Bay, 1967, D 55 hydrographic observations off Tampa Bay, 1968, D 63 Haddock length-weight relations, S 638 Fourspine stickleback caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Miller Ft'eeman — see Vessels Freezing preservation of blue crab meat, S 630 French Frigate Shoal sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1957-68, D 69 Fitndalus heteroclitus — see Mummichog Fiindalus majalis — see Striped killifish Fur seal investigations, 1969, S 628 Gadidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Galveston Bay hydrographic survey, S 639 Gasterosteidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Gasterosteus aculeatus — see Threespine stickleback Gear for harvesting surf clam, C 364 Charles H. Gilbert — see Vessels Gobiidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Gobioxonm (ji iixlm rgi — see Seaboard goby Hake — see Pacific hake; Red hake; Silver hake Hawaii Lanai, sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1960-69, D 69 skipjack tuna operations, S 629 threadfin shad bait for skipjack tuna, S 629 Herring fishery off Maine, FL 640 reduction fisheries in Alaska, S 634 Hexagrammidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Hip boots, FL 635 Hokko Maru — see Vessels Hydrographic observations Tampa Bay and adjacent Gulf of Mexico, 1967, D 55 Tampa Bay and adjacent Gulf of Mexico, 1968, D 63 Hydrographic survey Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 Ictalurus punctatus — see Channel catfish Jack mackerel larvae, Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Johnston Island sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1957, 1959-63, 1965-66, 1968-69, D 69 David Starr Jordan — see Vessels Katsuwonus pelamis — see Skipjack tuna George B. Kelez — see Vessels Kiiigfish — see Vessels Labridae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Lake St. Clair limnological data, 1963 and 1965, D 54 Larval fish in North Pacific, Spring 1968, S 625 Liberia fresh-water shrimp in, S 626 Lift net for bait attracted to light, FL 638 Limnological data from Lake St. Clair, 1963 and 1965, D 54 Little skate caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 Live bait at Truk, C 353 lift net for catching, FL 638 threadfin shad as bait for skipjack tuna, S 640 Lobster fishery off Maine. FL 640 Lobsters regional patterns of consumption, C 361 Lobster tails regional patterns of consumption, C 361 Longhorn sculpin caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Lophiidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Lophius americanus — see Goosefish Louisiana Vermilion Bay, postlarval shrimp in, D 64 Macrobrachium — see Shrimp, fresh-water Macrozooplankton off Vancouver Island and Washington, S 619 Maine Boothbay Harbor Biological Laboratory, FL 640 herring fishery, FL 640 lobster fishery, FL 640 Martha E II — see Vessels Massachusetts Woods Hole, fishes caught with otter trawl, S 622 Menhaden — see Atlantic menhaden Menidia menidia — see Atlantic silverside Merhiccius bilinearis — see Silver hake Merluccius productus — see Pacific hake Meteorological data EASTROPAC first and second monitor cruises, April-July 1967, C 330, v. 3 Meticirrhus saxatilis — see Northern kingfish Michigan Lake St. Clair, D 54 Microgadus tomcod — see Atlantic tomcod Midway Island sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1957-69, D 69 Mississippi Pascagoula, saltwater recirculation system and laboratory, C 355 Monacanthns hispidits — see Planehead filefish Mugilidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Mullus auratus — see Red goatfish Mummichog caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Murre II — see Vessels Mustelus earns — see Smooth dogfish Myoxocephalus aeneus — see Grubby Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus — see Longhorn sculpin Nekton small, off Vancouver Island and Washington, S 619 New England haddock, 1931-55, S 638 Ninespine stickleback caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 North Carolina calico scallop fishery, S 627 Cape Hatteras, surf clams and ocean quahogs, D 57 crabs from ocean stations near Beaufort, S 637 19 North Pacific Drift bottle experiments, D 67 oceanographic data. 1965, D 51 oceanographic data, 1969, D 52 Northern anchovy larvae. Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Northern king-fish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Northern pipefish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Nutrient chemistry data from EASTROPAC first survey cruise, February- March, 1967, C 330, v. 2 Oceanographic data EASTROPAC first and second monitor cruises, April- July 1967, C 330, v. 3 North Pacific, 1965, D 51 North Pacific, 1969, D 52 North Pacific and Bering Sea, 1970, D 65 subarctic Pacific, 1966-68, D 50 Ocean quahogs Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, D 57 Ocean Station November sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1958-69, D 69 Ocean Station Victor sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1957-69, D 69 Oil pollution Wake Island, S 636 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha — see Pink salmon Oncorhynchus keta — see Chum salmon Oncorhynchus kitsntch — see Coho salmon Oncorhynchus nerka — see Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus tshaicytscha — see Chinook salmon Oregon Prescott, subsurface water temperatures, D 53 traveling debris screen, Grande Ronde River, S 645 ( h i gon — see Vessels On 'i "a II — see Vessels Organic nitrogen Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 Osmeridae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Osmerus mordax — see American smelt Otoliths in age determination, FL 637 Otter trawl fishes caught with, near Woods Hole, S 622 Overboard safety measures, FL 635 Oysters regional patterns of consumption, C 361 Pacific hake larvae, Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Pacific mackerel larvae, Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Pacific sardine eggs and larvae, Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Paragon — see Vessels Paralichthys dentatus — see Summer flounder Parasites of calico scallop, S 627 Penaeus aztecus — see Brown shrimp Penaeus duorarion — see Pink shrimp Penaeus setiferus — see White shrimp Phalarope II — see Vessels Pholus gunnellus — see Rock gunnel Phosphorus Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 Pink salmon in North Pacific, spring 1968, S 625 Pink shrimp tables to convert length to weight to number per pound, D 70 Planehead filefish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Plankton — see Macrozooplankton Pleuronectidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Point of Marsh — see Vessels Pollachius virens — see Pollock Pollock caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 20 Pomatomidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Poronotiis triacanthus — see Butterfish Pribilof— see Vessels Pribilof Islands fur seals, 1969, S 628 Pristigenys alta — see Short bigeye Processing influence on quality and yield of bay scallop meats, S 624 Productivity subarctic Pacific, 1966-68, D 50 Pseadopleuronectes americanus — see Winter flounder Pitngitius pungitius — see Ninespine stickleback Rain gear, FL 635 Raja erinadea — see Little skate Raja ocellata — see Winter skate Rearing marine fishes, S 632 Recirculation system for saltwater, C 355 Red goatfish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Red hake caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Rockfish larvae, Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959, D 68 Rock gunnel caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Rorqual — see Vessels Sablefish — see Vessels Salinity Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 sea-surface, American Samoa, 1962-69, D 69 sea-surface, French Frigate Shoal, 1957-68, D 69 sea-surface, Guam, 1962-69, D 69 sea-surface, Johnston Island, 1957, 1959-63, 1965-66, 1968-69, D 69 sea-surface, Lanai, Hawaii, 1960-69, D 69 sea-surface, Midway Island, 1957-69, D 69 sea-surface. Ocean Station November, 1958-69, D 69 sea-surface, Ocean Station Victor, 1957-69, D 69 sea-surface, Wake Island, 1957-65, 1968-69, D 69 Sahno gairdneri — see Steelhead trout Salmon — see Chinook salmon; Chum salmon; Coho salmon; Pink salmon; Sockeye salmon Salmonella guidelines for control of, in production offish meal, C 354 Saltwater recirculation system and laboratory at Pascagoula, MS, C 355 Sanitation guidelines for control of Salmonella in the production offish meal, C 354 Sardinops caeruleus — see Pacific sardine Scales in age determination, FL 637 Scallop — see Bay scallop, Calico scallop Scallop regional patterns of consumption, C 361 Sciaenidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Scomber japonicus — see Pacific mackerel Scombridae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Scophthalmus aquosus — see Windowpane Scorpaenidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Sculpins predation on fall chinook salmon, S 621 Scup caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Seaboard goby caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Sebastodes spp. — see Rockfish Shellfish consumption preliminary findings from 1969 consumer panel survey, C 361 Short bigeye caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Shrimp — see Brown shrimp; Pink shrimp; White shrimp Shrimp regional patterns of consumption, C 361 21 Shrimp, fresh-water in Liberia, S 626 Silver hake caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Skipjack tuna operations of seven Hawaiian vessels, S 629 threadfin shad as bait for, S 640 Smooth dog-fish caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 Snakefish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Sockeye salmon in Alaska, FL 636 in North Pacific, spring 1968, S 625 Soleidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Sparidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Spisula solidissima — see Surf clam Steelhead trout effect of dissolved nitrogen on, S 646 Stenotomus chrysops — see Scup Stichaeidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 R.C. Stoner — see Vessels Striped killifish caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Subarctic Pacific primary productivity and oceanographic data, D 50 Summaries of technical articles, C 349 Summer flounder caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Surf clams Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras, D 57 harvesting gear, C 364 Sygnathu8 fu8CU8 — see Northern pipefish Tagging Atlantic menhaden, 1966-69, D 66 Tautog caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Tantoga onitis — see Tautog Tautog olabrus adspersus — see Cunner Technical articles abstracts and summaries, C 349 Temperature Galveston Bay, Texas, S 639 sea-surface, American Samoa, 1962-69, D 69 sea-surface, French Frigate Shoal, 1957-68, D 69 sea-surface, Guam, 1962-69, D 69 sea-surface, Johnston Island, 1957, 1959-63, 1965-66, 1968-69, D 69 sea-surface, Lanai, Hawaii, 1960-69, D 69 sea-surface, Midway Island, 1957-69, D 69 sea-surface, Ocean Station November, 1958-69, D 69 sea-surface, Ocean Station Victor, 1957-69, D 69 sea-surface, Wake Island, 1957-65, 1968-69, D 69 subsurface, Columbia River, Prescott, Oregon, D 53 Tetradontidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Texas Galveston Bay hydrographic survey, S 639 Thiaminase in aquatic animals, S 631 Threadfin shad bait for skipjack tuna, Hawaii, S 640 Threespine stickleback caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Thunnus atlanticus — see Blackfin tuna Trachinidae attempts to rear larvae, S 632 Traehinoeephalus myops — see Snakefish Trachurus symmetricus — see Jack mackerel Traveling screen for removal of debris, S 645 Tropical Atlantic Ocean surface winds, southeastern, S 643 Truk live-bait survey, C 353 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands live bait at Truk, C 353 Tuna — see Blackfin tuna; Skipjack tuna Undaunted — see Vessels Urophycis chuss — see Red hake 22 Urophycis tenuis — see White hake Vessels Albatross III, D 57 Albatross IV, description, C 362 Albatross IV, D 57 Alosa, description, C 362 Blueback, description, C 362 George M. Bowers, description, C 362 Rachel Carson, description, C 362 Challenger, description, C 362 John N. Cobb, description, C 362 Townsend Cromwell, description, C 362 Delaware I, D 57 Delaware II, description, C 362 Dolphin, description, C 362 Miller Freeman, D 52 Miller Freeman, description, C 362 Charles H. Gilbert, description, C 362 Gosnold, D 57 Hokko Mam, S 625 David Starr Jordan, description, C 362 George B. Kelez, D 50, D 51, D 52, D 65 George B. Kelez, description, C 362 George B. Kelez, salmon cruise in North Pacific, S 625 Kingfish, description, C 362 Martha E II, description, C 362 Murre II, description, C 362 NMFS, descriptions, C 362 Oregon II X description, C 362 Paragon, D 50 Phalarope II, description, C 362 Point of Marsh, description, C 362 Pribilof, description, C 362 Rorqual, description, C 362 Sablefish, description, C 362 R.C.Stoner, S 636 Undaunted, D 57 Wakashio Maru, S 625 Sha>ig Wheeler, description, C 362 Wakashio Maru see Vessels Wake Island oil pollution, S 636 sea-surface temperature and salinity, 1957-65, 1968-69, D 69 Washington (state) Columbia River, dissolved gases, 1965-69, D 56 Columbia River, dissolved nitrogen, S 646 Columbia River, floating laboratory, C 356 Columbia River, predation by sculpins on fall chinook salmon fry, S 621 macrozooplankton and small nekton off, S 619 Snake River, dissolved gases, 1965-69, D 56 Snake River, dissolved nitrogen, S 646 Shang Wheeler — see Vessels White hake caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 White shrimp postlarval in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana, D 64 tables to convert length to weight to number per pound, D 70 Windowpane caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Winds southeastern tropical Atlantic, S 643 Winter flounder caught by otter trawl off Woods Hole, S 622 Winter skate caught by otter trawl near Woods Hole, S 622 INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES (see Figure 1) 001 D 66 S 643 S 627 008 S 642 C 330, v. 2 081 009 D55 C 330, v. 2 D 63 010 S 627 C 330, v. 2 082 C 330, v.3 D 64 011 S 639 C 330, v. 2 083 C 330, v. 3 C 330, v. 3 012 084 C 330, v. 2 D 68 C 330, v. 3 C 330, v. 2 013 C 330, v. 3 C 330, v. 2 085 021 C 330, v.2 C 353 D 68 036 086 S 643 D 69 045 088 C 330, v. 2 S 629 046 S 641 C 330, v. 2 089 C 330, v. 3 D 69 047 090 C 330, v. 2 D69 C 330, v. 3 115 048 D 57 C 330, v. 3 116 049 D66 C 330, v. 3 S 627 053 S 637 D69 S 642 056 117 D69 S 627 S636 120 058 D68 D69 121 080 D68 23 128 D 69 150 S 638 151 D 57 D 66 FL 640 S 642 S 638 157 S 619 S 629 158 D 50 159 D 50 D 52 160 D 50 D52 161 D50 D52 S 625 162 D50 D52 S 625 163 D50 D51 S 625 164 D 50 S 625 193 S 619 194 D50 FL 636 S 634 195 D50 D52 FL 636 S 634 196 D 50 D 51 D 52 FL636 S 634 197 D50 D51 D52 D 65 D 67 FL 636 S 625 S 634 S 629 198 D 50 D65 D67 FL636 S 625 199 D65 FL 636 S 625 200 FL 636 S 625 201 FL636 300 S 643 301 S 643 308 C 330, v. 2 309 C 330, v. 2 C 300, v. 3 310 C 330, v. 2 C 330, v. 3 311 C 330, v. 2 C 330, v. 3 312 C 330, v. 2 334 S 643 335 S643 336 S 643 337 S 643 343 C 330, v. 2 344 C 330, v. 2 345 C 330, V. 2 346 C 330, V. 2 347 C 330, V. 2 348 C 330, v. 2 352 D69 370 S 643 371 S 643 379 C 330, v. ■> 380 C 330, v. 2 415 C 330, V. 2 416 C 350, V. 2 GPO 796- •268 24 349. Use of abstracts and summaries as communica- tion devices in technical articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 pp., 1 fig. 350. Research in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. By the Laboratory staff. No- vember 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. 352. Upstream passage of anadromous fish through navigation locks and use of the stream for spawn- ing and nursery habitat, Cape Fear River N C 1962-66. By Paul R. Nichols and Darrell E.' Louder. October 1970, iv + 12 pp., 9 figs., 4 tables. 356. Floating laboratory for study of aquatic organ- isms and their environment. By George R. Snyder, Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. Mc- Connell. May 1971, iii + 16 pp., 11 figs'. 361. Regional and other related aspects of shellfish consumption — some preliminary findings from the 1969 Consumer Panel Survey. By Morton M. Miller and Darrel A. Nash. June 1971, iv -f 18 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables, 10 apps. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF BLDG. 67, NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98115 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES U.S. ucr«n ADDD07EDlfiSSa V 210 I US. MAIL