C-3 ■ 3/j- , A/£'SS US NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 88 / w \ ^r E s o* NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE CATALOG OF PRODUCTS Washington, D.C. June 1977 noaa NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION / National Environmental Satellite Service NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS National Environmental Satellite Service Series The National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) is responsible for the establishment and oper- ation of the environmental satellite systems of NOAA. NOAA Technical Memorandums facilitate rapid distribution of material that may be preliminary in nature and so may be published formally elsewhere at a later date. Publications 1 through 20 and 22 through 25 are in the earlier ESSA National Environmental Satellite Center Technical Memorandum (NESCTM) series. The current NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS series includes 21, 26, and subsequent issuances. Publications listed below are available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Sills Bldg., 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151. Prices on request. Order by accession number (given in parentheses) . Information on memorandums not listed below can be obtained from Environmental Data Service (D831) , 3300 Whitehaven St., NW., Washington, D.C. 20235. NESS 46 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1972. NESS, April 1973, 10 pp. (COM-73-1103S) NESS 47 Stratospheric Photochemistry of Ozone and SST Pollution: An Introduction and Survey of Se- lected Developments Since 1965. Martin S. Longmire, March 1973, 29 pp. (COM-73-10786) NESS 48 Review of Satellite Measurements of Albedo and Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation. Arnold Gruber, July 1973, 12 pp. (COM-73-11443) NESS 49 Operational Processing of Solar Proton Monitor Data. Louis Rubin, Henry L. Phillips, and Stanley R. Brown, August 1973, 17 pp. (COM-73-11647/AS) NESS 50 An Examination of Tropical Cloud Clusters Using Simultaneously Observed Brightness and High Resolution Infrared Data From Satellites. Arnold Gruber, September 1973, 22 pp. (COM-73- 11941/4AS) NESS 51 SKYLAB Earth Resources Experiment Package Experiments in Oceanography and Marine Science. A. L. Grabham and John W. Sherman, III, September 1973, 7 2 pp. (COM 74-11740/AS) NESS 52 Operational Products From ITOS Scanning Radiometer Data. Edward F. Conlan, October 1973, 57 pp. (COM-74-10040) NESS 53 Catalog of Operational Satellite Products. Eugene R. Hoppe and Abraham L. Ruiz (Editors), March 1974, 91 pp. (COM-74-11339/AS) NESS 54 A Method of Converting the SMS/GOES WEFAX Frequency (1691 MHz) to the Existing APT/WEFAX Fre- quency (137 MHz). John J. Nagle, April 1974, 18 pp. (COM-74-11294/AS) NESS 55 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1973. NESS, April 1974, 8 pp. (COM-74-11108/AS) NESS 56 What Are You Looking at When You Say This Area Is a Suspect Area for Severe Weather? Arthur H. Smith, Jr., February 1974, 15 pp. (C0M-74-11333/AS) NESS 57 Nimbus-5 Sounder Data Processing System, Part I: Measurement Characteristics and Data Reduc- tion Procedures. W.L. Smith, H. M. Woolf, P. G. Abel, C. M. Hayden, M. Chalfant, and N. Grody, June 1974, 99 pp. (C0M-74-11436/AS) NESS 58 The Role of Satellites in Snow and Ice Measurements. Donald R. Wiesnet, August 1974, 12 pp. (COM-74-11747/AS) NESS 59 Use of Geostationary-Satellite Cloud Vectors to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity. Carl. 0. Erickson, September 1974, 37 pp. (COM-74-11762/AS) NESS 60 The Operation of the NOAA Polar Satellite System. Joseph J. Fortuna and Larry N. Hambrick, November 1974, 127 pp. (COM-75-10390/AS) NESS 61 Potential Value of Earth Satellite Measurements to Oceanographic Research in the Southern Ocean. E. Paul McClain, January 1975, 18 pp. (COM-75-10479/AS) NESS 62 A Comparison of Infrared Imagery and Video Pictures in the Estimation of Daily Rainfall From Satellite Data. Walton A. Follansbee and Vincent J. Oliver, January 1975, 14 pp. (COM-75- 10435/AS) NESS 63 Snow Depth and Snow Extent Using VHRR Data From the N0AA-2 Satellite. David F. McGinnis, Jr., John A. Pritchard, and Donald R. Wiesnet, February 1975, 10 pp. (COM-75-10482/AS) (Continued on inside back cover) NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 88 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE CATALOG OF PRODUCTS Dennis C. Dismachek, Editor Washington, D.C June 1977 a o o V a ^_^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M White, Administrator National Environmental Satellite Service David S Johnson, Director 'Iff NT CONTENTS Acronyms, abbreviations, and terms viii Abstract 1 Introduct ion 1 A . Background 1 B. Data sources 3 C . Using the satellite products catalog 8 D. Data availability 9 I . Image products 10 A. Geostationary satellites 10 1 . Photographic imagery 10 a. Full-disk and sector displays 10 b. Direct readout and GOES-Tap 14 c . Movie loops 15 d. U.S. cloud cover depiction 17 2 . Facsimile 19 a. SMS/GOES facsimile displays transmitted on standard FAX circuits 19 b. SMS/GOES WEFAX 21 c . ATS WEFAX 24 B. Polar-orbiting satellites 27 1 . Photographic imagery (computer derived) 27 a. Stretched, gridded pass-by-pass SR images 27 b. SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaics 31 c. SR polar-stereographic quadrant mosaics 36 d . SR Mercator mosaics 38 e. Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) basic images 41 £ . Ten-day minimum composite brightness 44 2 . ITOS/NOAA facsimile displays 46 li 3 . NOAA direct readout 49 I I . Meteorological services 51 A. Satellite winds: low-, middle-, and high-level cloud motion vector field messages 51 B. Atmospheric soundings: Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) soundings 54 C . Weather summary and bulletins 56 1 . Satellite interpretation message 56 2. Satellite weather bulletin 58 3. Tropical disturbance summary 60 D . NMC support 62 1. Two-layer moisture analysis 62 2. Satellite Input to Numerical Analysis and Prediction (SINAP) 64 E . Miscellaneous 66 1 . Briefings and advisory support 66 2 . Training aids 67 3. Automatic picture transmission information note.... 68 III . Oceanographic services 69 A. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) products 69 1 . Global operational SST observations 69 2 . Great Lakes surface temperature analysis 73 B . Ice charts and ocean current analyses 75 1 . Great Lakes and Alaskan ice charts 75 2. Gulf Stream Wall bulletin and experimental Gulf Stream analysis 78 3 . West coast thermal front analysis 81 IV. Hydrological services 83 A. Basin snow cover observations 83 B. Northern Hemispheric snow and ice chart 88 iii V. Astrogeophysical services: Astrogeophysical Teletype Network (ATN) messages 90 Acknowledgments 97 References 98 IV FIGURES 1. Approximate viewing and receiving area of SMS/GOES.... 4 2 . Satellite data dissemination chart 6 3. Example of enhanced infrared photographic display 11 4. Example of a full-disk photographic image (ungridded) 12 5. Example of the U.S. cloud cover depiction-- photographic display, surface analysis, and narrative description 18 6. Examples of gridded and unrectified facsimile displays of SMS/GOES VISSR data 20 7. Example of SMS/GOES WEFAX mapped SR image 22 8. Example of SMS/GOES WEFAX unrectified VISSR image 23 9. Example of ATS WEFAX mapped Mercator SR image 25 10. Example of ATS WEFAX mapped polar-stereographic SR image 26 11. Example of stretched-gridded and unrectified pass-by-pass SR image 29 12. Tracks of polar-orbiting satellite's subsatellite point 30 13. Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, visible data) 33 14. Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, infrared daytime data) 34 15. Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, infrared nighttime data) 35 16. Example of four SR polar-stereographic quadrant mosaics 37 17. Example of SR Mercator mosaic (visible data) 39 18. Example of SR Mercator mosaic (infrared nighttime data) 40 19. Example of Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) basic image 43 20. Example of 10-day minimum composite brightness display 45 21. Example of SR mapped polar-stereographic facsimile display 47 22. Example of SR mapped Mercator facsimile display 48 23. Example of Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) image received via direct readout in Scotland, United Kingdom 50 24. Example of a coded low-, middle-, and high-level cloud-motion vector field message (top) and a description of the code format (bottom) 53 25 . Approximate locations of VTPR soundings 55 26. Example of Satellite Interpretation Message 57 27. Example of Satellite Weather Bulletin 59 28. Example of Satellite Tropical Disturbance Summary 61 29. Example of a two-layer moisture analysis 63 30. Example of Satellite Input to Numerical Analysis and Prediction (SINAP) chart 65 31. Example of GOSSTCOMP "quick look" photographic display of sea surface temperatures and spatial distribution of observations 71 v 1 32. Example of GOSSTCOMP gridded analysis of sea surface temperatures 72 33. Example of Great Lakes surface temperature analysis of Lake Huron 74 34 . Example of Great Lakes ice chart 76 35 . Example of Alaskan ice chart 77 36. Example of Gulf Stream Wall bulletin 79 37. Example of experimental Gulf Stream analysis 80 38. Example of West Coast thermal front analysis 82 39. Example of a percentage snow-cover message and a mapped snow-covered basin for the Salt-Verde Water- shed in Arizona. Snow-covered areas are in black (35) 84 40. Example of Northern Hemisphere snow and ice chart 89 41 . Example of Astrogeophysical Teletype Network (ATN) message 91 TABLES 1. Movie loops available as of August 27, 1976 16 2. Current basins for operational snow mapping as of June 1 , 1976 85 3 . Product summary 93 VII ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMS APT Automatic Picture Transmission ATN Astrogeophysical Teletype Network ATS Applications Technology Satellite BPI Bytes per inch CDA Command and Data Acquisition (Station) CRT Cathode Ray Tube DAPS Data Acquisition and Processing System DDHF Digital Data Handling Facility DMD Digital Muirhead Display DSB Direct Sounding Broadcast EDS Environmental Data Service ERL Environmental Research Laboratory FAA Federal Aviation Administration FOFAX Forecast Office Facsimile Network GMT Greenwich Mean Time GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOSSTCOMP Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation Gridding Implanting of latitude/longitude grid lines and geographic boundaries into imagery HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission IR Infrared IR enh Infrared enhanced ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone ITOS Improved TIROS Operational Satellite km Kilometer LST Local Standard Time M Million Mapped Treatment of imagery to include both gridding and rectification mb Millibar MMIPS Man/Machine Interactive Processing System MRH Mean Relative Humidity NAFAX National Facsimile Network NAMFAX National Meteorological Facsimile Network NCC National Climatic Center NESS National Environmental Satellite Service NMC National Meteorological Center NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NTIS National Technical Information Service NWP Numerical Weather Prediction NWS National Weather Service PE Primitive Equation PIREP Pilot Report vm QPF RAOB RDO Rectification RFC SDSB SEM SFO SFSS SINAP SMS SPM SR SRIR SRVIS SST TOS USN VIIRR VIS VISSR VREC VTPR WE FAX WMO WWB Z Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts Radiosonde Observation River District Office Transposition of data points in a field of imagery from raw position to reflect a particular map projection, i.e., polar-stereographic or Mercator River Forecast Center Satellite Data Services Branch Space Environmental Monitor San Francisco Satellite Field Service Station Satellite Input to Numerical Analysis and Prediction Synchronous Meteorological Satellite Solar Proton Monitor Scanning Radiometer Scanning Radiometer Infrared Scanning Radiometer Visible Sea Surface Temperature TIROS Operational Satellite United States Navy Very High Resolution Radiometer Visible Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer Very High Resolution Radiometer Data Recorded Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer Weather Facsimile Network World Meteorological Organization World Weather Building Greenwich Mean Time i x NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NESS 88 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE CATALOG OF PRODUCTS Dennis C. Dismachek, Editor and Compiler National Environmental Satellite Service, NOAA Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT. This volume of NOAA Environmental Monitoring and Prediction Products and Services has been compiled to provide users with a description of all the currently available operational products of the National Environ- mental Satellite Service (NESS). It is also an update to the Catalog of Operational Satellite Products (1974). A product is defined as any item routinely produced and available for applications within the environmental sciences. These range from photographic displays, charts, and teletype messages to the raw alphanumeric data available on computer disk and tape. A brief description of the product, its known accuracies (when applicable), a list of primary users, and an example of the product are given; a summary table of products can be found at the end of this chapter for quick reference. INTRODUCTION A. Background When TIROS- 1 was launched in 1960, the first satellite "prod- ucts" of interest to environmentalists were the basic cloud pictures. Soon thereafter derived products took the form of analyses of significant weather, and before long nephanalyses for limited areas were being produced routinely. With a change in camera mounting on TIROS-9, the first view of the entire global cloud structure was obtained. The TIROS Operational Satellite (TOS) series commenced in the mid-1960 's with the launch of ESSA-1, and, with growing assistance from computers, the product line began to diversify. Aside from documents describing the growing cloud picture ar- chive ( Key to Meteorological Records Documentation) , need for a products catalog was evident, and in 1968 limited samples of a draft document were circulated for comment. Although a technical report (Leese et al. 1970) described the climatological aspects of data in satellite images, it soon was outdated as the operational product line continued to change. Experiments with spin/scan image data from NASA's geostationary Applications Tech- nology Satellites (ATS) led to routine extraction of cloud motion wind estimates (Young et al . 1972) during the summer of 1969. Soon thereafter, the Improved TIROS Operational Satellite (ITOS) system provided sensors for indirect soundings (McMillin et al . 1973), as well as infrared scanners for thermal target sensing (Leese et al . 1971) and for nighttime imaging (Conlan 1973). The early 1970 ' s saw the advent of the Synchronous Meteorologi- cal Satellite (SMS) and the Geostationary Operational Environ- mental Satellite (GOES) series, continually viewing the Western Hemisphere from a height of some 35,000 km above the earth's equator (Burr and Pipkin(1973) . With the continued growth in the number of products derived from raw data obtained from the geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites, the catalog of operational products has become an increasingly useful aid to the user community. The products described herein are any items routinely produced and available for application within the environmental sciences. These range from photographic displays, charts, and teletype messages, to the raw data available on computer disk and tape. This catalog is an update to the Catalog of Operational Satellite Products (Hoppe and Ruiz 1974) and has been designed to be easily updated as new products become available and old products are improved or replaced. This catalog contains a brief description of each product. An effort to reveal the accuracy of each product, when applicable, has been made. Also, a list of primary users is included to point out the lines of product dissemination. Examples of each product are included with the description, whenever possible. Table 3, a summary table of products, can be found at the end of this chapter for quick reference. B. Data Sources The spacecraft and sensor components have been described in de- tail elsewhere (Fortuna and Hambrick 1974, Burr and Pipkin (1973) , but a brief review here may enable readers to better assess the potential applicability of the data to their missions. The geostationary satellites of the SMS/GOES series are equipped with a Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) , Space Environmental Monitor (SEM) , and data-relaying capabilities. These satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit at an approximate altitude of 35,800 km over the equator, viewing the Western Hemisphere as shown in figure 1 . The VISSR sensor scans the full disk of the earth in 18.2 min (Ludwig 1975), viewing in the visible spectrum (0.55 to 0.75 urn) , and in the infrared window region (10.5 to 12.6 urn) . Visible data resolution is approximately 1 km and infrared data resolution is approximately 8 km at the satellite subpoint. The SEM sensors continuously monitor solar activity by measuring the flux of energetic particles, solar X-rays, and magnetic fields. These data are used for environmental research and in alerting ground communication systems of imminent solar storm activity. The satellite communication "system provides for the transmission of VISSR, SEM, and local environment monitor data to primary re- ceiving sites and also is used for the retransmission of Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) data to local users. Polar-orbiting satellites of the ITOS/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) series are launched into near 1,450-km sun-synchronous (quasi-polar) orbits with equator cross- ings near 9:00 A.M. (descending node-'-) and 9:00 P.M. (ascending node) local sun time. The spacecraft is gyroscopically stabilized with momentum stored in a large flywheel. The box is maintained in a constant earth-pointing attitude by means of a closed- loop pitch-detecting and -correcting system and by roll and yaw mag- netic torquing command from the ground. Sensors on board include the Scanning Radiometer (SR) , Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) , Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) , and the Solar Proton Monitor (SPM) . Data are relayed to the ground through VHF and S-band frequencies. A spacecraft crossing the equator from north to south is on the descending part of the orbit, while a south-to-north crossing is called the ascending node. CO o CO CO o rt CD :^ rt oo C u (U 13 P M c •H 3 +-> 03 e •H X o r- < i CD ■H The SR sensor is a two-channel (0.5- to 1.0 -ym visual channel and 10.5- to 12.5-ym infrared channel) imaging device that con- tinuously scans in a horizon-to-horizon crosstrack mode with scan steps provided by the forward motion of the spacecraft. Visible data resolution is approximately 4 km and infrared data resolution is approximately 8 km at the satellite subpoint . The VHRR sensor detects energy in the visible spectrum (0.6 to 0.7 ym) and infrared window region (10.5 to 12.5 ym) with a scan- ning system similar to the SR sensor described previously. Visi- ble and infrared resolutions are approximately 0.8 km at the sat- ellite subpoint. The VTPR sensor obtains data from which the vertical temperature structure of the atmosphere can be inferred by viewing in eight separate spectral channels--six in the 15-ym C0 ? region, one in the 11.8-ym window, and one in the 18.7-ym water vapor region. When these data are combined, temperature profiles and total water vapor content of the atmosphere can be obtained from the surface to 30 km. The SPM sensor measures the flux of energetic particles (pro- tons, electrons, and alpha particles) towards the earth along the local vertical and to the side of the spacecraft away from the sun along the orbital normal. These data, like those obtained from the SEM, are used in forecasting and warning of solar storm activ- ity and in environmental research. Data-relaying systems of the polar-orbiting satellites provide raw data readout of SR, VHRR, VTPR, and SPM data to ground receiv- ing stations around the world having Automatic Picture Transmis- sion (APT) and modified S-band High Resolution Picture Transmis- sion (HRPT) receiving equipment. The data relaying and dissemination that are currently oper- ational involve data observed by the SMS/GOES and ITOS/NOAA series of satellites, data transmitted as direct readout by the same, and data that are received and transmitted by the National Environ- mental Satellite Service (NESS) Data Acquisition and Processing System (DAPS) through the SMS/GOES and ATS. This dissemination system is depicted in figure 2. All sensor data for central processing are acquired by the two NESS Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) stations at Gilmore Creek, Alaska, and Wallops Island, Va. Raw data signals arrive at Suit- land, Md., via microwave link and enter a specialized Digital Data S O- to to U * — \ * tu a. •H co H 0) > o •v > O -a * 03 •• o£ CO •• CD 5 fH s o ■H CO z r^ w 4-J rt U c o •H +J 03 c •H e cu co CO o5 4-1 -a 03 CO f-l Handling Facility (DDHF) (Kahwajy 1970) . Dedicated medium-scale computers within the facility are used to perform certain preproc- essing tasks and to arrange the data for further treatment (Bristor 1971), by means of either manual analysis or large-scale computer. The data stream arriving at Suitland, Md . , is recorded on a photofacsimile recorder, on digital magnetic tape, or on both (Doolittle et al . 1970). Again, the data are available for fur- ther manual treatment or as input for large-scale computer process- ing. Photographic imagery products are not available until at least 1 1/2 h after receipt of signal at NESS. Photofacsimile recording time and photo lab processing time of about 45 min each account for this delay. In addition to these processing delays, certain photo products by their nature (e.g., end-of-day mosaics, multiday composites) contribute to the delay. C. Using the Satellite Products Catalog This catalog has been constructed in a form that is clear, concise, and easily referenced. All products described are listed with their title, description, accuracy (when applicable), and primary users. An effort has been made to present an example of each product and any tables that might help to inform the user of what is available or where one might obtain data. Table 3 at the end of this chapter is a product summary table for quick reference For any information on archived products, contact Satellite Data Service Branch (SDSB) World Weather Building, Room 606 Camp Springs, Md . 20233 The acronyms and abbreviations used in this catalog are listed in a table following Contents. D. Data Availability NESS satellite data products may be requested as follows: Real-time products --By prior arrangement with NESS after which the product is produced routinely on a standing order in real time or in delayed time before the operational master (film, tape, or hard copy) has been archived. For these products, users supply their own communication links and pick up the product or arrange to have it mailed. Requests for real-time products should be addressed to National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) Director of Operations, FB-4 Washington, D.C. 20233 Retrospective products --These are produced from operational masters that require search of the archives at the SDSB of the National Climatic Center (NCC) , retrieval, preparation of copies, and refile of the master. Requests for retrospective data products should be addressed to Satellite Data Services Branch, NCC World Weather Building, Room 606 Washington, D.C. 20233 Both NESS and the Environmental Data Service (EDS) operate under a user charge and service policy that requires the recovery of the cost of reproduction of satellite data products. The required charge will be specified during the initial arrangements for re- ceipt of the data. Direct billing for these products is handled through NCC. 10 I. IMAGE PRODUCTS A. Geostationary Satellites 1 . Photographic Imagery a. Full-Disk and Sector Displays. Description . The Field Services Division of NESS regularly distributes satellite photographic displays to the National Weather Service (NWS) offices and various other users. The data used to make these displays are obtained from the Visible Infra- red Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) sensors on board the Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS) /Geostationary Operational Environ- mental Satellite (GOES) series of satellites. These sensors con- tinually view the regions shown in figure 1. Eight visible chan- nels in the range 0.55 to 0.75 urn and two infrared channels in the 10.5- to 12.6-um wavelength region are viewed as the VISSR sensor scans across the earth (Bristor 1975) . For a description of the "enhanced" infrared (IR) data (figure 3) that are available, see the Field Service Division "GOES/SMS User's Guide." Two complete full-disk data sets (one for the geostationary satellite over the subpoint 0.0° N. latitude, 135° W. longitude; the other for the subpoint 0.0° N. latitude, 75.0° W. longitude) are created at 15 and 45 min after the hour and on the hour and the half hour, respectively. From these data sets, the full disks (figure 4) and various sectors (1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-km resolution) are produced. For each of these areas the photographic display contains an equal amount of data points, thereby obtaining a finer resolution for the smaller regions. Each photographic dis- play contains a legend at the top and is available gridded or ungridded. An archive tape is made daily containing one visible and five infrared sectors from each satellite. Each sector consists of data viewed for approximately 89° of latitude and 99° of longitude starting at 50° N. latitude and centered in the east/west direc- tion at the respective subsatellite positions. Both the infrared and the visible data are archived at 7.4-km (4-mi) resolution. The times of the data archived each day under normal conditions (times may differ by ±1/2 to ±1 h) are ] 1 y-.i CO r-- ffi o o LU 'i-i »-£■ C'-J '. is. Ph '/. • H ^3 Cj • H M O +-) o & "5 o rC P. 10 3 4-i O E x CD M West Satellite (SMS-2 ) 0915Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 0945Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 1515Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 1545Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 2145Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 2145Z (4-by-4-mi Visible data) East Satellite (GOES-1 ) 0930Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 1000Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 1600Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 1600Z (4-by-4-mi Visible data) 2130Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) 2200Z (4-by-4-mi Infrared data) Full-disk and sector displays are very useful as a real-time source for the location of actual or potential severe weather and for issuing advisories to data-sparse areas, for following cloud motion and deducing wind speed and direction from succes- sive pictures, and for use (in sequence) in producing movie films. As a research tool or in alerting forecasters to potential areas of concern, the photographic images may be altered by enhancing the data displayed (figure 3) . An enhancement can emphasize areas of interest such as cloud tops, stratus decks, fog areas, etc., by alteration in the "gray scale" used. Accuracy . The photographic displays are available in 8-, 4-, 2-, and 1-km resolutions. Accuracy in the positioning of clouds and their movements is limited to the fit and proper locating of the map grid to the data displayed. Map grid fitting is dependent on the ability to accurately pinpoint the subpoint of the satellite (Bristor 1975) . Primary users . The full-disk and sector displays produced by NESS are used primarily by the National Weather Service (NWS) , National Meteorological Center (NMC) , internally in NESS, and by a number of other Government, university, and research concerns. All of the SMS/GOES data are archived by the Satellite Data Services Branch (SDSB) of NCC either in negative form or on magnetic tape. 14 b. Direct Readout and GOES-Tap. Description. The VISSR observations acquired by the SMS/GOES satellites can be received by ground stations in the areas shown in figure 1. With the installation of a ground station, users can receive near-continuous imagery at several resolutions, de- pending upon the mode of operation, 24 h each day (Rich and Popham 1975) . A service known as GOES-Tap is also available to users inter- ested in receiving VISSR imagery transmitted to Satellite Field Service Stations (SFSS's) via landlines. Information on GOES- Tap can be obtained from Chief, FSD, S122 U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) Washington, D.C. 20233 Persons interested in the construction of a direct readout re- ceiving station should contact Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S12xl NOAA, NESS Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users. Direct readout VISSR observations are used by foreign and domestic government agencies, universities, private consultant meteorological firms, research concerns, and amateur ground station operations. The GOES-Tap service is used mainly domestically. i:> c. Movie Loops. Description. The movie loops generated in NESS (Bristor 1975) are one of the tools used in the application of satellite data to weather forecasting and research. Movie loops also are pro- duced for display on commercial television stations. The data used for making movie loops are photographic images produced from the geostationary satellites' VISSR sensors. These data, either infrared or visible, are combined into sequences of negatives separated by a half hour interval. After the selection of good quality negatives of any combination of various spatial resolutions, densities, or amounts, a computer program produces a 16 -mm movie loop. The computer programs involved in movie-loop generation produce three types of loops--"stop," "flow," and "alternate stop"--and one type of filmstrip for commercial TV display. The movie loops consist of 80 or more frames, the lengths of which depend on whether the loop is a "stop" or a "flow." A stop loop has the be- ginning and end scenes repeated for a minimum of 16 frames, with intervening scenes repeated once, while an alternate stop loop has alternating flow and stop segments. The flow loop holds the first scene and repeats 4 to 26 subsequent scenes only once. Film- strips created for commercial TV display are in the form of a "stop" but are not closed into a loop. These movies are put through a rigid quality-control procedure by man and computer software to assure evenness of illumination and proper registration Each movie loop or strip contains the date and start and end times located in the lower right-hand corner. A computer list of movie loops currently used in-house by NESS is in table 1. The Satellite Winds movie loops (see Satellite Winds under METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES) and the TV filmstrips are archived at the SDSB of the Environmental Data Service (EDS) . Movie loops prepared for the Applications Group are on file in that group and are available to in-house personnel. Primary users . The movie loops are used by the Applications Group of NESS for its morning briefings. Another set of loops are pre- pared for the Satellite Winds Section for its winds program. TV filmstrips with written discussion of the weather conditions shown are made available once per day to commercial stations. 16 Table 1. --Movie loops available as of August 27, 1976 Sector Description VIS/IR/IR Satellite enhanced Resolution WB1 WB2 United States United States and GOES-1 VIS 2 km West Pacific SMS -2 VIS 2 km DAI East United States GOES-1 VIS 1 km KA3 Gulf of Mexico GOES-1 VIS 1 km Northern Hemisphere/ GOES-1 IR 8 km DAI United States and Atlantic Northern Hemisphere/ United States and Pacific North America/ United States West Coast United States Hawaii TV filmstrip-- United States SMS -2 GOES-1 SMS -2 Tropical Pacific/West SMS-2 of Paha (hurricane season only) Florida split frame GOES-1 DAI split frame GOES-1 SMS-2 GOES-1 IR IR enhanced IR enhanced IR enhanced VIS § IR enhanced VIS £ IR enhanced IR enhanced [R 8 km 8 km 8 km 8 km 2 § 8 km 2 § 8 km 8 km 8 km 17 d. U.S. Cloud Cover Depiction. Description. The U.S. Cloud Cover Depiction is sent out to the news media wire services via landline and to in-house users by mail once per day. The product used in-house (figure 5) consists of a photographic display, normally the 17Z image, an NMC 15Z sur- face analysis, and a brief narrative description of the location of cloud cover and weather over the continental United States. These are approximately 20 by 25 cm in size. The wire services receive a photographic display and discussion combined for fac- simile transmission. This product is useful for briefings and local displays of current weather. Primary users. The U.S. Cloud Cover Depiction is used by mem- bers of NOAA Headquarters, NESS, Environmental Research Labora- tories (ERL's), NASA, Department of Defense, and the news media wire services. This product is archived by the SDSB, Inc. 18 U.S. CLOUD COVER 7 SEPTEMBER 1976 1700 GMT NASA/NOAA SATELLITE PHOTOGRAPH NtTKMM ENVIROHMtHTAL SATELLITE SERVICE SMS GOES CAILI WEATHER PICTURE FOR:_ SEPTFMBER 7. 1976 AN AREA OF CONSIDERABLE CLOUDINESS AND THUNDERSTORMS EXTENDS FROM THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST WESTWARD TO MISSISSIPPI. A BAND OF FRONTAL CLOUDS, BROKER IN'SOUTHERN PORTIONS, EXTENDS FROM THE WESTERN DAKCTAS SOUTHWEST- WARD TO UTAH. OTHER CLOUDS ARE VISIBLE OVER WESTERN TEXAS AND IN NEW YORK. Figure 5. --Example of the U.S. cloud cover depiction--photographic display, surface analysis, and narrative description. L<> 2. Facsimile a. SMS/GOES Facsimile Displays Transmitted on Standard FAX Circuits . Description. The data received from the VISSR sensor on board the SMS/GOES series of geostationary satellites are used in the computer-derived production of gridded and unrectified facsimile displays (figure 6) . These displays present the data in an un- altered form (unrectified) with an overlay of latitude and longi- tude lines and the outlines of land masses and U.S. State bound- aries. The resolution of visible data is 4 by 4 km and infrared 4 by 8 km. A few displays are also transmitted in the form of polar-stereographic and Mercator projection of a 1:30M and 1:120M scale, respectively. Each facsimile image contains a legend providing satellite name, type of data (visible--VIS, infrared- - IR) , resolution (miles), and date (month/day/year) and time (GMT) of observation. The transmissions are sent on standard facsimile circuits at a rate of 120 lines per minute in 16 shades of gray. A list of facsimile products, the areas covered, and their times of transmission can be obtained from NOAA/NWS, W534 8060 13th Street Gramax Building Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Facsimile displays find their usefulness in the determination of cloud cover, cloud-top heights, and type, structure, patterns, and behavior of specific circulation systems. When periods occur in which other data sources become unavailable, facsimile images can be used as a substitute. With the collection of a series of images, local scene changes can be observed revealing small-scale motions, convective activity, and diurnal and differential heating effects . Primary users . Satellite facsimile displays are used by the NWS, Department of Defense (DOD) , private meteorologists, universities, research concerns, and internally in NESS. 20 GDES-l IR 2X2 MI 09/20/76 i^OOI -^ ■^a, f */ i .*>. : r**^ / Figure 6 . --Examples of gridded and unrectified facsimile displays of SMS/GOES VISSR data. 21 b. SMS/GOES WEFAX. Description. A service known as Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) is available to the Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) receiving community having S-band receivers. The area of reception from the SMS or GOES satellites is shown in figure 1. Both mapped Scanning Radiometer (SR) data from the NOAA polar-orbiting satel- lites and unmapped VISSR data from the SMS/GOES series geostation- ary satellites are processed in the NESS computer system and broadcast via the SMS/GOES satellites. The polar-stereographic mapped SR images (figure 7) and the unmapped VISSR images (figure 8) have a resolution of approximately 8 km and, depending on the schedule, may contain infrared or visible imagery. Each broadcast contains two displays and each display contains a legend providing the originator's identification, source of data (satellite identi- fication), date, time(s) of data acquisition (in GMT), geographic location, data channel, and, at times, a supplemental coded mes- sage. Updated schedules are also transmitted when they occur. Information on APT/WEFAX ground receiving equipment and a list of WEFAX products and their time of transmission can be obtained from Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S12xl U.S. DOC, NOAA, NESS, FB-4 Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users . WEFAX displays are used by foreign and domestic weather concerns with APT S-band receiving equipment. 11 SlgtlHtlfigl Figure 7. --Example of SMS/GOES WEFAX mapped SR image ■i. 2 7, Figure 8. --Example of SMS/GOES WEFAX unrectified VISSR image. 24 c. ATS WE FAX. Description. A service known as WEFAX is available through the Applications Technology Satellite (ATS) series' satellites to the APT receiving community having VHF receivers. The photographic data transmitted through this system are the mapped (rectified, gridded) imagery obtained from the SR on board the NOAA polar- orbiting satellite. Rectification transforms the observed data into either a Mercator (figure 9) or polar-stereographic pro- jection (figure 10) . Both visible and infrared data are avail- able in either 4 by 4-km or 4 by 8-km resolution. A legend ap- pears at the top of each display providing source of data (satel- lite identification); number, date (day/month/year), and time (GMT) of first pass displayed; and type of data (VIS, IR) . Geo- graphic location is provided within the display. 2 A list of WEFAX products and their time of transmission can be obtained from Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S12xl U.S. DOC, NOAA, NESS, FB-4 Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users. WEFAX displays are used by foreign and domestic weather concerns with APT VHF receiving equipment . 2 ATS/WEFAX will be available as long as the ATS-1 and -3 satellites are operative. Figure 9. --Example of ATS WEFAX mapped Mercator SR image. 26 ■:« •V £. >»a*k-- j Figure 10. --Example of ATS WEFAX mapped polar-stereographic SR image. 27 B. Polar-Orbiting Satellites 1 . Photographic Imagery (Computer Derived) a. Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass SR Images. Description . The individual swaths shown in figure 11 are pro- duced after each satellite pass. These swaths provide complete coverage from pole to pole. Pass-to-pass contiguity is achieved by lateral east-to-west overlapping of the images. The process begins with the digitizing of the raw image signal. From there, the response values are adjusted by use of a concurrent voltage wedge. The voltage-to-count normalized responses are then ad- justed ("stretch") to remove scene foreshortening near the hori- zons. This is accomplished through differential sample repli- cation; the result is an equal area image. Latitude/longitude gridlines and coastal outlines are automatically melded with the image prior to display. The polar-orbiting satellite follows a path shown in figure 12. From these tracks, 12 to 13 stretched gridded strips (computer- produced grids fitting 1:1 aspect ratio data) are made using visible data and, when tropical storm coverage is needed, selected infrared nighttime data are produced. The photographic image produced is a set of two panels of 6.5-km resolution, each 14.5 by 22.0 cm, which can be joined together to produce a continuous pole-to-pole strip. The legend, which ap- pears at the beginning and end of a complete strip, provides satellite name; pass number; track number; sensor number; type of SR data displayed (day VIS or night IR) ; month, day, and year of pass; time (hours/minutes/seconds) in GMT of the first SR scan being displayed (top legend) and the time of the last SR scan (bottom legend) ; and spacing of the latitude and longitude grids in degrees. Included with the legends are two display wedges and a cali- bration wedge at the bottom. The display wedges are in three parts consisting of three selectable display tables which may be applied over five scan sectors to optimize either visual imagery under varying illuminations or IR response as a function of lati- tude, i.e., from 40° S to 40° N. The calibration wedge is used to calibrate the photofacsimile equipment. Stretched gridded strips provide users with a "quick look" and a view of the scene in the perspective and spatial resolution of the original signals. 28 The data in the visible part of the spectrum are used for general meteorological applications such as the determination of cloud coverage, cloud types, and systematic patterns of cloudi- ness. The information may be used separately or together with conventional weather data to determine the structure and behavior of specific circulation systems. Over data-sparse regions, the satellite data are used as a substitute for conventional data. Models have been developed to relate the structure and patterns of clouds to conventional data. By using these relationships, bogus wind and density data can be inferred for use in standard analysis or in numeral forecasting models . The picture may be used in sequence to observe changes of weather patterns at the synoptic or larger scales. Data are also time-composited for climatological and hydrological uses. Nighttime infrared data are used to determine the approximate temperatures of the emitting surfaces. From these, the type of surface observed can be distinguished, and the heights of cloud tops can be estimated. Although visible data are not obtained at night, the cloud-top information may be used to aid in the interpretation of visible data from the nearest daylight obser- vation. The night IR data also are used along for general mete- orological interpretation of cloud coverage, type, and pattern. Primary users. The stretched gridded strips are used internally by NESS and by NWS and DOD. These data are archived by the SDSB of NCC. 2'J 40S - 4QN 44 EOS ■ 40S 40N ■ 60N 90S - 60S SON • SON NQAA-4 PASS- 7892 TK- DAY VIS 23 24 56 6 AUG 7 Figure 11 . --Example of stretched-gridded and unrectified pass-by-pass SR image. 30 Figure 12. --Tracks of polar-orbiting satellite's subsatellite point. 3] b. SR Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics. Description . From a combined 24-h set of scanning radiometer data observed by the polar-orbiting satellite, seven polar- stereographic (1:30M) mosaics are made (figures 13-15) --Northern Hemisphere: VIS, IR day, IR night, VIS half hemisphere (10° E- 170° IV), and Southern Hemisphere: VIS, IR day, IR night. These photographic displays are produced at about 14Z and 23Z for day- time and nighttime observations, respectively. The process involves the accumulation of data on a disk in a 1, 024-by-l ,024, 8-byte, polar array for each hemisphere. The array is alined so it represents a subdivision of the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) grid system. Visible channel signals are brightness normalized to reduce the effect of varying solar illumination angles. The infrared signals are corrected for limb darkening (atmospheric absorption) caused by viewing at various angles. The initial product is a 25-by-25-cm negative film transparency of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres from which photo- graphic prints are made. The half Northern Hemisphere VIS is a separate display. These negatives are archived at the SDSB of the National Climatic Center (NCC) along with a data tape of each mapped mosaic. A monthly booklet ("Environmental Satellite Imagery," published by the U.S. Department of Commerce) of archived hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaics is available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) . A legend appears at the top of each display providing the satel- lite name; name of display (hemisphere, sensor, VIS, IR day, IR night); beginning orbit number, date (month/day/year), and time (GMT); and ending orbit number, date, and time. The time passage of the satellite across the equator at six locations also is given on the display to help time-reference the data. Above the legend are three gray-scale wedges. The top wedge includes the recorder device number and a machine-produced scale used to calibrate the film recorder equipment. The middle scale is a data gray scale that depicts the range of the data. The bottom scale is also a data gray scale but in linear form. In the upper right corner of each infrared mosaic appears a box depicting the gross quantitative relation between gray tone and temperature in degrees Celsius. To accommodate the different temperature ranges that occur in tropical, temperate, and polar 32 zones, a particular temperature range is represented in the box by gray tones that vary with latitude. By taking into account the cooler temperatures of higher latitudes, the sealing is arranged so only clouds will appear white or nearly white. The applications of the daytime visual channel data and night- time infrared data are the same as described in the Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass SR Images section. Daytime infrared data are used to determine relative cloud-top heights as a function of the temperatures derived from these data. A major application is to supplement visible satellite data by relating the cloud-top heights to other characteristics in distinguishing cloud type and structure. However, when no visible data are available, the IR data may be used alone for general meteorological interpretation. Primary users. Hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaics are used by NESS, ERlTs, and DOD , and are archived by the SDSB of NCC . ?>:, Figure 13. --Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, visible data) . 34 n ■ i LftT SO :. £ Figure 14. --Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, infrared daytime data) 55 t , Huni Figure 15. --Example of SR hemispheric polar-stereographic mosaic (Northern Hemisphere view, infrared nighttime data) . 36 c. SR Polar-Stereographic Quadrant Mosaics. Description . The polar-stereographic quadrant mosaics (figure 16) are SR displays (1:30M) of one-quarter of a hemisphere made up of up to four passes of the polar-orbiting satellite per quadrant. Three types of displays are made for each hemisphere: VIS, IR day, and IR night. The VIS and IR day are available about 042, 09Z, 18Z, and 23Z, and the IR night displays around 04Z, 10Z, 18Z, and 20Z. The computer software and data base used to produce this product are the same as those mentioned for SR Hemispheric Polar-Stereo- graphic Mosaics. Each quadrant negative is 5 by 5 cm, enlarged to 31 by 31 cm for printing. No negative or print archive is made from this product. The legend that appears at the top of each quadrant provides the' time of processing (year/sidereal day), view number (1-8), hemisphere, type of data, longitudinal coverage, and pass numbers including date and time of satellite equatorial crossing. A gray scale is given at the bottom of each quadrant to allow for the calibration of the film recorder equipment. Polar-stereographic quadrants serve the same purpose as that described under Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass SR Images and SR Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics. These displays are enlargements of the hemispheric mosaics, covering up to four passes. This makes them more useful for positioning of synoptic patterns, determination of cloud coverage, etc., for the synoptic user. Primary users. This product is used by NESS, NWS, and DOD . 57 JN21-2 Figure 16 . --Example of four SR polar - stereographic quadrant mosaics . 38 d. SR Mercator Mosaics. Description . The Mercator mosaics are made from 24 h of stored scanning-radiometer observations as viewed from the polar-orbiting satellite. These mosaics cover from 40° S to 40° N latitude com- prising the total 360° of longitude in two sections (figures 17 and 18) . The computer software involved in producing the mosaics imposes a square mesh array (4,050 column by 984 row) on a Mercator pro- jection scaled 11.25 map elements per degree of longitude at the equator. A resolution of 10 km at the equator crossing is achieved with this display increasing to 8 km at 40° N or S . The data are mapped in 6-bit (64 shades of gray) quantities, once per day, producing three displays: VIS, IR day, and IR night. The SR VIS and IR day are available at approximately 14Z and the IR night at 23Z. Negatives of each display are archived at the SDSB. The legend located at the bottom of each display gives the satellite name, first and last pass number used in the composite, date of first pass (month/day/year) , and the type of data displayed Gray scales located at the top of each display are used to calibrate the film recorder equipment. The applications of this product are the same as that mentioned under SR Hemispheric Polar-Stereographic Mosaics and Stretched, Gridded Pass-by-Pass SR Images. Primary users. These mapped mosaics are used by NESS, NWS, ERL's, and DOD. 5i> Figure 17. --Example of SR Mercator mosaic (visible data) . 40 Figure 18. --Example of SR Mercator mosaic (infrared nighttime data) . 41 e. Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) Basic Images. Description . The photographic display shown in figure 19 is pro- duced from observations made by the VHRR sensor on board the polar- orbiting satellite. The VHRR senses in. the visible and infrared channels with a resolution of about 1 km. High-resolution data collected by the satellite are either stored on board for later transmission as Very High Resolution Recorded (VREC) data or broadcast directly to ground stations as a High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) . For a description of the picture transmis- sion capabilities of the polar-orbiting satellite, see NOAA Direct Readout . Recorder capacity limits the amount of stored data to roughly 26° of latitude during each orbit. Areas recorded are selected at the request of qualified users. Each picture covers an area of approximately 2,100 by 2,100 km with usually two to three pictures available per pass. These displays are not stretched, gridded, or rectified. After the data have been received from the satellite, the Com- mand and Data Acquisition (CDA) station transmits them to Digital Muirhead Display (DMD) film recorders which produce 25-by-25-cm negative film transparencies. Negatives of all VHRR data received by NESS are archived by SDSB. A 90-day rotating archive of VHRR digital data on magnetic tape by SDSB began Jan. 1, 1977. A legend appears at the bottom of the VHRR image providing a machine-produced gray scale for calibration and, immediately below from left to right, the station identification (e.g., San Fran- cisco--SF0, Gilmore--GIL, and Wallops--WAL) , time of year (day--ddd, hours--hh, minutes--mm, and seconds--ss) for first scan recorded, orbit (revolution) number (five digits), image data type (V--visible, I - -infrared) , image numbers (0, 1, 2, or 3) where stands for special start scan, VHRR data direction (F--forward, B--backward) , first line number transmitted (four digits), and operator's specified input parameters (20 characters) . The VHRR basic images are very useful in the construction of Great Lakes and Alaskan Ice Charts, Gulf Stream Wall Bulletins and Experimental Gulf Stream Analyses, West Coast Thermal Front Analyses, Basin Snow Coverage Observations, and Northern Hemis- pheric Snow and Ice Charts and for use in a variety of research work requiring high-resolution satellite data. 4 2 Primary users. This product has an extensive list of users inside and outside NESS, including NWS, ERL's, National Marine Fisheries Service, NASA, DOD, Arctic Institute, universities, and many foreign research and weather agencies. 43 :iFD 173: 17:43:01 11948 I UN76 NDAA3 US A2 Figure 19. --Example of Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) basic image. 44 f. Ten-Day Minimum Composite Brightness. Description . The purpose of the minimum composite brightness chart is to minimize the effects of cloudiness in satellite- acquired SR data over polar regions. By saving only the minimum brightness response of each array location (512-by-512 array for each hemisphere) for a selected number of days, chart preparers can remove from the data set any relatively bright feature (clouds) that does not remain at one location for the 10-day period. The final product is recorded on tape and displayed as a photographic image (figure 20) . The legend that appears at the top of each hemisphere display provides the type of data (VIS or IR) , hemisphere, and beginning and ending dates of the composite. A gray scale appears at the top of the print for film recorder calibration. Ten-day composites are produced daily for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with the latest 24 h added to the data set and the oldest 24 h deleted. This product is combined with other products to aid in differing areas of research and analysis. In locating permanent snowfields and icefields, the 10-day composite aids in the preparation of the Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Chart. Comparing the composite with other photographic displays, the analyst is able to separate the snowfield and icefield back- ground from clouds. The 10-day composite also is helpful in terrain studies. Primary users. Three groups within NESS currently are using these data- -Environmental Sciences Group, Operational Products Monitoring Section, and Synoptic Analysis Section. These data are archived by SDSB. i:. Figure 20. --Example of 10-day minimum composite brightness display. 46 2. ITOS/NOAA Facsimile Displays Description . The data received from the SR sensor on board the polar-orbiting satellite are used in the computer-derived pro- duction of facsimile displays. These displays are in the form of mapped polar-stereographic and Mercator projects of a 1:30M and 1:120M resolution, respectively (figures 21 and 22). The gridding reveals the location of latitude and longitude lines, the outlines of land masses, satellite name, number of first pass used in the product, date (day/month/year) and time (GMT) of equator crossing, type of data (VIS, IR day, IR night), and NESS code name. The transmissions are sent on standard fac- simile circuits at a rate of 120 lines per minute in 16 shades of gray. A list of facsimile products, the areas covered, and their time of transmission can be obtained from NOAA/NWS, W534 8060 13th Street Gramax Building Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Facsimile displays find their usefulness in the determination of cloud cover, cloud-top heights, and type, structure, patterns, and behavior of specific circulation systems. When periods occur in which other data sources become unavailable, facsimile images can be used as a substitute. With the collection of a series of images, local scene changes can be observed revealing small- scale motions, convective activity, and diurnal and differential heating effects. Primary users. Satellite facsimile displays are used by NWS, DOD, private meteorologists, universities, research concerns, and internally in NESS. 47 ft in ■H £ ■H 'J 4-1 U ■ H ft f-i bo o !-■ O 4-1 t/) I ^ C Ph T3 CJ ft ft ft O ft E x ft o to ■ H ft 4K • : • a s 1 'J. 1 ■ : I Figure 22 . --Example of SR mapped Mercator facsimile display. 49 3. NOAA Direct Readout Description. The NOAA polar-orbiting satellite continuously broadcasts its SR, VHRR, Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) , and Solar Proton Monitor (SPM) , data to ground stations around the world. These stations receive from two to five or more broadcasts per day, depending on the latitude (the greater the amount, the higher the latitude) and capabilities of the receiving system. An example of VHRR data received by a station in Scotland, United Kingdom, is shown in figure 23. NESS provides users with information on satellite tracking, data calibration, changes in transmitter status, and any other pertinent assistance that might affect the user's data reception Requests for information on the planning, building, or modifying of a receiving station or on data utilization should be directed to Coordinator, Direct Readout Services DOC, NOAA, NESS FB-4, S12xl Washington, D.C. 20233 Primary users. Direct readout data are used by foreign and domestic government agencies, universities, commercial organiza- tions, research concerns, and amateur ground station operators. so • Figure 23. --Example of Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) image received via direct readout in Scotland, United Kingdom 5] II. METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES A. Satellite Winds: Low-, Middle-, and High-Level Cloud Motion Vector Field Messages Description. The process used to determine cloud motion vectors from geostationary satellite data involves three main steps: movie-loop generation, computer derivation of low-level winds, and man-machine derivation of middle- and high-level winds. The movie loop is a 16-mm film consisting of five land-registered photographic images representing 2 h of real time, placed on a continuous loop with each image repeated twice and each beginning and end image repeated 20 times. The movie loop can then be pro- jected on a digitizing board for the acquisition of beginning and end positions of clouds, thus obtaining cloud-motion vectors. The low-level wind vectors are computer derived by ingesting four photographic images 30 min apart, selecting the best two images through a quality-control sequence, land-registering the images, cloud-target selecting at preselected offset 2.5° latitude/ longitude locations, and wind-vector editing by comparison with the 850-mb analysis. This fully automated process produces the low-level vectors that are put through a final quality check by the meteorologist/analyst. The middle- and high-level winds are derived through the use of the Man/Machine Interactive Processing System (MMIPS) (Bristor 1975). First, the movie loop is viewed by the meteorologist/ analyst, cloud targets are chosen, and beginning and end positions are recorded. Next, the cloud targets are viewed on the MMIPS cathode ray tube (CRT) , and temperatures are determined for each target chosen. The computer then compares cloud-target tempera- tures and vertical temperature profiles to obtain target heights and computes target velocity and direction of movement from the digitized movie-loop cloud-target movements. These data are put through a quality-control check with the 500- and 200-mb analyses. The cloud-motion vector fields are produced at 00Z and 12Z and then delivered to users by 03Z and 15Z, respectively. The derived data are ingested into the National Meteorological Center's (NMC's) numerical forecast models, sent to users via teletype (figure 24), and archived on computer tapes by the Satellite Data Services Branch (SDSB) . 52 Accuracy. Neither the satellite winds nor the radiosonde observa- tions can be used as an absolute standard; however, the radiosonde is the best tool we have in determining the atmospheric winds. Therefore, the derived satellite winds are compared with radio- sonde observations to determine their accuracy (Bauer 1976, Hubert and Timchalk 1972, Hubert 1976, Novak and Young 1976, Poole et al.(1975) unpublished, Poole and Borneman (1975) unpublished, Young et al. 1972). For upper cloud vectors, Hubert (1976) determined that 68% deviated 15 kt or less from radiosondes, whereas lower cloud vector deviations were approximately half that of upper level deviations. He also states that "the accuracy of most cloud vector winds is about the same as that of balloon observations, but a small portion (say about 15 percent) contains significantly larger errors." Primary users. NMC and various research concerns. ZCZC 1506 TWXN20 KXBC 29090 SATOD G0ES1 2909 02061 30111 30548 01251 30111 31024 00318 30111 06531 00218 30111 06527 00119 30111 05534 01107 30111 10535 01307 30111 12036 CODE FORMAT TWXii KWBC YYGGgg SATWO NAME YYGG QLaLaLoLo PcPcSnTcTc ddfff TO Data designatoi ■--satellite wind. 53 xx Geographical designators: XN, Northern Hemisphere; XS, Southern Hemisphere; XX, unspecified area. First i: number of the bulletin. Second i: number of global octant. Southern Hemisphere 5--0 to 90 W. 6--90 W. to 180 Northern Hemisphere 0--0 to 90 W. 1--90 W. to 180. 2--180 to 90 E. 3--0 to 90 E. 7--180 to 90 E. 8--0 to 90 E. KWBC Location indicator of originating office. YYGGgg Date-time group; GGgg- -approximate time of observation (in GMT) . SATWD Data identifier for satellite winds. NAME The commonly known name of the satellite. Q Octant of the globe. LaLa Latitude to nearest whole degree. LoLo Longitude to nearest whole degree. PcPc Derived pressure level (in centibars) of cloud vectors. Sn Sign of temperature value ("1" = "-"; "0" = "+") • TcTc Temperature of cloud in degrees Celsius. dd Wind direction in tens of degrees. ff Wind speed in whole knots. Other symbolic letters are used with their international specifications. Notes on the use of the code form : 1. Cloud temperatures are estimated from infrared observations of cloud fields; these temperatures correspond to the atmospheric temperature at the elevation where the ambient wind matches the cloud motion. 2. Cloud temperatures for low levels are not given. 3. If temperature data are not available (hence no derived pressure) for middle and high levels, the temperature data are omitt'ea and estimated pressures are transmitted. 4. A complete set of the QLaLaLoLo PcPcSnTcTc ddfff is required for each wind report . Figure 24. --Example of a coded low-, middle-, and high-level cloud -mot ion vector field message (top) and a description of the code format (bottom) . 54 B. Atmospheric Soundings: Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) Soundings Description . VTPR data are currently being used to produce operational atmospheric profiles of temperature and humidity on a global scale. The polar-orbiting satellites produce global coverage (figure 25) twice daily with profiles valid at 0000 GMT and 1200 GMT for open-water ocean areas. These soundings are useful as input into forecasting models and research projects because of the scarcity of data over the oceans. The VTPR continuously scans perpendicular to the satellite motion in 23 discrete steps. It records data in eight spectral channels at each step. Six of the eight channels sense radiances in the 15 -urn carbon dioxide band, while the other two channels sense in a water absorption band (18.7 urn) and in an atmospheric window (11.9 urn). A description of the VTPR instrument, its calibration, procedures used to obtain "clear radiances" from cloud-contaminated radiance measurements, retrieval techniques used to obtain temperature and humidity profiles from the result- ing "clear radiances," and quality checks performed on the data can be found in McGinnis et al. (1975). This process results in the generation of three magnetic tapes. One tape is used to send a teletype message, a second is sent to NMC , and a third is pre- pared as a data archive for deposit at the SDSB located in the World Weather Building, Camp Springs, Md . 20233. Accuracy. The accuracy of VTPR data is checked against radio- sonde data. For mandatory levels in the atmosphere above 1,000 mb the accuracy is ±2-4° C and for mean layer temperature is ±1-2° C. The reliability of dew-point depression observations, at mandatory levels, has not been established; therefore, no accuracy checks are available. A monthly list of current accura- cies is supplied to users. Primary users. NMC, U.S. Navy, foreign weather operations, and various research projects use this product. 5 5 q-i o t/1 c o •H u o o < I f I o •H IX, 56 C. Weather Summary and Bulletins 1. Satellite Interpretation Message Originator. Satellite Field Service Stations. Description . The Satellite Interpretation Message (figure 26) is a general synopsis of the weather affecting the United States supplied two to eight times per day depending on the issuing office. The summary is sent out via teletype to all users. Primary users. This product is received by most domestic weather operations . 57 U.S. VIEW FROM 7PM EDT JULY 3 TO 7AM EDT JULY 4 OVER THE EASTERN UNITED STATES THUNDERSTORMS ARE PRESENT ALONG A COLD FRONT MOVING SLOWLY SOUTHEASTWARD THROUGH THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES AND NORTHERN OHIO VALLEY. ONE AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS MOVES OFF THE DELMARVA PENINSULA AFTER CAUSING ONE TORNADO NEAR BALTIMORE YESTERDAY. NEW THUNDERSTORMS FORM DURING THE NIGHT FROM ILLINOIS TO OHIO AND DRENCH DAYTON, OHIO WITH AN ADDITIONAL INCH OF RAIN FOLLOWING A NEARLY FOUR INCH RAINFALL TOTAL YESTERDAY. ALONG THE WESTERN GULF COAST THUNDERSTORMS ARE SEEN WEAKENING DURING THE NIGHT WHERE THE HIGH THIN CLOUDS FROM THE THUNDERSTORM TOPS BLOW OFF IN A LARGE COUNTERCLOCKWISE PATTERN: EVIDENCE OF THE WEAK UPPER LOW OVER THAT AREA. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES RECEIVE SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL AMOUNTS FROM THE THUNDERSTORMS THAT REACH A MAXIMUM INTENSITY SHORTLY AFTER THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE THEN WEAKEN SLOWLY DURING THE NIGHT. BILLINGS, MONTANA AND SURROUNDING AREAS RECEIVED UP TO THREE INCHES OF RAIN OVERNIGHT NECESSITATING FLASH FLOOD WARNINGS IN SOME SECTIONS OF SOUTHEAST MONTANA. THE WEST COAST STATES ARE MOSTLY CLEAR EXCEPT FOR HIGH THIN CLOUDS RAPIDLY CIRCLING AN UPPER LOW JUST OFF THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA COAST AND SOME LOW CONTRAST BETWEEN THE TOPS OF THE WARM CLOUDS AND THE GROUND SURFACE. EASTERN U.S. VIEW FROM 9:30AM EDT TO NOON JULY 4 ONE AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS HAS CONTINUED SOUTHEASTWARD INTO THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES WITH A NEW LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS FORMING OVER THE LOWER OHIO VALLEY. SHOWER CLOUDS HAVE FORMED IN THE MIDDLE ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY AND ARE MOVING INTO EXTREME NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND. WESTERN U.S. VIEW FROM 9:30AM EDT TO NOON EDT JULY 4 A FEW NEW THUNDERSTORMS ARE FORMING OVER THE TEXAS PANHANDLE, ARIZONA AND MONTANA. HIGH THIN CLOUDS CONTINUE TO MOVE RAPIDLY COUNTERCLOCK- WISE AROUND THE LARGE UPPER LOW OFF THE CALIFORNIA COAST. Figure 26. --Example of Satellite Interpretation Message. 58 2. Satellite Weather Bulletin Description . Satellite Weather Bulletins are coded messages describing past (12 and 24 h previous) and present location, movement, intensity (using Dvorak Tropical Disturbance Classifi- cations), and general cloud characteristics of tropical cyclones Meteorologists routinely analyze and interpret polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data images over all ocean areas for potential and existing tropical disturbances and prepare bulle- tins to be sent out as needed via teletype (figure 27) . The bulletins are useful in alerting domestic and foreign weather operations to significant tropical weather due to the lack of conventional weather observations over the oceans. Accuracy. The accuracy in location and movement is dependent on the resolution of the satellite imagery used. This accuracy of positioning is ±6 n.mi. (±11 km). Primary users. The product is used by domestic and foreign weather operations. 59 SATELLITE WEATHER BULLETIN NOAA-4 VIS/IRD'VY WEST PACIEIC RUBY 01 JULY 1976 0022Z 23N 126. IE T5.5/5.5/D0.5/24HRS PAST POSITIONS: E21.2N 124E 301209Z IRNITE 21. IN 122. 9E 300123Z VIS/IRDAY CENTER DEFINED BY ROUND DISTINCT EYE APPROX ONE-THIRD DEG DIA. PLEASE ACK SGD/NOAA-NESS ABXX 13 KWBC SATELLITE TROPICAL DISTURBANCE SUMMARY ALL MOVEMENTS AND TRENDS 24 HRS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED WEST PACIFIC NCAA 4 VIS/IRDAY 302000-010200Z 23N 126. IE 0022Z T5.5/5.5/D0.5/24HRS RUBY 27. 2N 142. 3E 2226Z T4 .5/4 .5MINUS/SO.0/24HRS SALLY BRKN BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV DEVELOPED FROM YDA EXTENDS 9N'144E to EQ. 140E to eq. 135E DEG WIDE. WIDELY SCTD BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV WEAKER THAN YDA EXTENDS 4N 1801V to 5N 170E to 15N 160E" 1 DEG WIDE. SOUTH PACIFIC NOA<\ 4 VIS/IRDAY 301500-32300Z SCTD BAND MOD ACTIVE CONV SAME AS YDA EXTENDS 10S 150E to 12S 160E 2 DEG WIDE. SCTD AREA MOD ACTIVE CONV SAME AS YDA 5-7S FROM 14 7E to 156E. BRKN AREA MOD ACTIVE CONV DEVELOPED FROM YDA CENTERED ZOS 170E 2 DEG DIA. 7/1 0530 A Figure 27. --Example of Satellite Weather Bulletin 60 3. Tropical Disturbance Summary Description. The Tropical Disturbance Summary (figure 28) is a coded message listing all Satellite Weather Bulletins sent during the previous 24 h and the locations of all vortices with a tropi- cal history, significant disturbed areas, and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) . Two summaries are sent out via tele- type per day for each ocean area covered. These areas are the Atlantic and East Pacific (to 180° W) , West and South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The summaries are prepared by meteorolo- gists using visible and infrared satellite imagery from both the polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites. With the reception of these summaries, the coastal and marine areas of the globe can keep a watchful eye on significant tropical weather situations . Accuracy. Due to the summary being a synoptic-scale discussion, the accuracy of locations and movements is to the nearest degree of longitude or latitude (±30 n.mi. or ±56 km). Primary users . The product is used by domestic and foreign weather operations. M ABXX 16 KWBC SATELLITE TROPICAL DISTURBANCE SUMMARY ALL MOVEMENTS AND TRENDS 24 URS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CENTRAL AND WEST PACIFIC NOAA-A IRNITE 270543Z TO 271330Z BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE TO ACTIVE ITCZ HAS INCREASED IN INTENSITY... 1TCZ 3 TO 4 DEG WIDE BEGINNING IN EAST PACIFIC FROM 9N 140W TO 5N 155W TO 6N 1-77W TO W 16 8E. MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS WEAKENED AND MOVED 4 DEG TO THE WEST. .5 DEG DIAMETER CENTERED 13N 131E BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS INCREASED IN ACTI- VITY PAST 12 11RS...5N TO 19N BETWEEN 120E AND 126E. BRKN ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA BOUND BY 20N 160E TO 18N 17 2 E TO 33N 175E TO 20N 160E...HAS EXHIBITED LITTLE MOVMNT AND CHANGE. VORTEX DESCRIBED BY UPPER CLOUDS AT 34N 164E. NO TROPICAL CYCLONE ACTIVITY NOTED. SOUTH PACIFIC NOAA-4 IRNITE 270340Z TO 271127Z BRKN MODERATELY ACTIVE CONVECTIVE AREA THAT HAS SHOWN LITTLE CHANGE. BOUND BY 2N 158E TO 10S 160E TO IN 135 E TO 2N 158E. NO TROPICAL CYCLONE ACTIVITY NOTED. Figure 28. --Example of Satellite Tropical Disturbance Summary. 02 D. NMC Support 1. Two-Layer Moisture Analysis D escription . The Two-Layer Moisture Analysis is a chart (figure 29) prepared by National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) analysts showing the Mean Relative Humidity (MRH) over the eastern North Pacific Ocean, western North Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. An eight-scale MRH contour is determined for the 1,000- to 700-mb and the 700- to 500-mb layers of the atmosphere by manu- ally viewing geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite imagery and VTPR data. These data are plotted on a 30-by-40-cm, 1:20M base map and compared with the 12-h Primitive Equation (PE) mois- ture prognosis for adjustment of the computer-derived relative humidities. The correctional data (bogus values) are punched on cards and read into the computer for an update to the 00Z and 12Z NMC moisture analysis and the Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF) of precipitable water and precipitation. Accuracy. The moisture analysis is compared with radiosonde data to determine by statistical analysis and graphs how well the bogus values helped the moisture analyses and QPF. When the line curves of the satellite soundings and Radiosonde Observation (RAOB) differ greatly, steps are taken to implement better bogusing. Primary users. The users of the two-layer moisture analysis are the NMC divisions of Basic Weather Branch and Quantitative Precip- itation Branch. 63 r— I cd C cd o +^ ■/. ■H O e o >. cd rH I o 4-1 '4-, o I— I & cd X I c, r i o f-i 64 2. Satellite Input to Numerical Analysis and Prediction (SINAP) Description . The SINAP program involves the melding of satellite- observed cloud patterns with the 12-h global forecasted 300-mb height field. This is done over the areas of the North Atlantic Ocean and North Pacific Ocean for the 00Z and 12Z analyses. Be- cause of the lack of sufficient data in the analyses, short wave- length features are often omitted from the global first guess in these ocean areas. To perform this program, the analyst views satellite imagery from the geostationary satellites in both hard-copy (photo dis- play) and movie-loop form. In addition, a data plot consisting of raw radiances, satellite-derived winds, and VTPR 300-mb heights is available. From these, a 1:20M polar-stereographic projection is drawn (figure 30) with positions of troughs, ridges, and vor- tices that represent a more detailed contour analysis than the global 12-h forecast. This analysis is given to the Aviation Weather Branch of NMC, along with a brief on satellite global field differences before the final 300-mb analysis is made. Primary users. This product is used primarily by the Aviation Weather Branch of NMC . 65 u u a, ■/, o ■ H 4-> U ■H o D- "3 C TO tfl >. i — i c u ■ H o s G 3 LA 4-1 O o I — 1 o 0) f-l M 66 E. Miscellaneous 1 . Briefings and Advisory Support Description. During a normal day at NESS, several briefings and advisory communications take place among its members—between NESS and the personnel of NMC and various concerns dependent on satel- lite data. At 8:30 A.M. local time, the members of the Applications Group meet together for a briefing on the weather that has occurred over the previous 24 h. Several movie loops are viewed with the empha- sis being placed on the applications of satellite meteorology to the field of meteorology as a whole. At 3:30 P.M. the personnel of the Meteorological Satellite Laboratory meet for an informal viewing of movie loops of the previous day's weather. This time is used for people to keep current with weather situations and form new ideas for research and modeling. Anyone interested can attend. At various times during the day, the Synoptic Analysis Section is in contact with the Satellite Field Service Stations (SFSS's). This takes place via telecopiers enabling the people at NESS central to keep the field service stations informed of any new developments with current weather, program changes, etc., and vice versa. The meteorologists in NMC are briefed on current satellite data in order to supplement the numerical forecasts and conventionally observed data that are available.. The NESS briefer uses analyzed charts, movie loops, and satellite photographic images to inform the NMC forecaster of current weather conditions as seen from the polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites. Many communications not listed here take place in NESS consti- tuting a continuous support to the people dependent on satellite data. (.7 2. Training Aids Description. The Applications Group of NESS provides training aids to the NWS forecast offices, World Meteorological Organi- zation (WMO) , and various universities in its effort to keep these organizations informed of all the latest applications and findings in using satellite data for forecasting and research. These aids are in the form of training films, video tapes, slide lectures, and workshops. Inquiries for these aids can be made to the Planning and Coordination Group of NESS. The Applications Group also puts together a routine publication, entitled Satellite Applications Information Notes , that is scheduled for press three times each month. Internally in the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration (NOAA) , these notes are distributed through the Activities Report; externally, by the Meteorological Satellite Laboratory list. 68 3. Automatic Picture Transmission Information Note Description . The Direct Readout user community is supplied with any useful information that might affect their operations in the form of an APT Information Note sent out by mail periodically, i.e., as the need arises. These information notes contain news of planned satellite launches, operating schedules, sensors, products, and other pertinent information. They are particularly useful to anyone planning to build or operate ground equipment capable of receiving Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) , High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) , Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) Network, Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) , or DSB data. APT Information Notes can be obtained from Coordinator, Direct Readout Services, S12X1 U.S. DOC, NOAA, NESS, FB-4 Suitland, Md. 20233 69 III. OCEANOGRAPHIC SERVICES A. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Products 1. Global Operational SST Observations Description. Global sea surface temperature observations (Brower et al. 1976) are obtained daily from the polar-orbiting satellite's scanning infrared radiometer. The model used in obtaining these temperatures is the fully automated computer procedure GOSSTCOMP (Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation) . The surface temperature observations are derived by a histogram tech- nique applied to 1,024 instrument measurements with partially overlapping fields of view in roughly a 100-km- area surrounding the retrieval point. Correction for atmospheric attenuation in the infrared sensor's 10.5pm to 12.5um spectral window is com- puted from the Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) and applied to the temperature retrievals. The model generates 8,000 to 10,000 time- and earth-located values of sea surface temperatures daily. The derived observations are stored on com- puter disk for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 360/195 terminal users, entered onto a magnetic tape for the archive at the Satellite Data Services Branch (SDSB) , and used to produce an observation transmission tape, when required, and a global analyzed field. The global analyzed field is used to produce two types of products: photographic displays and gridded fields. The photographic displays (figure 31) produced from the GOSSTCOMP program enable the user to view the global SST pattern and the spatial distribution of observations used in the analysis. The left-hand display presents the sea surface temperatures in an 11-step gray scale from 302 K to 270 K in 3-degree intervals. The right-hand portion displays the number of observations used in the analysis of each grid point with a gray scale running from (white) to 10 or more (darkest gray) . All previous 24 h of data and the date of the analysis appear in the lower right-hand corner. The gridded fields (figure 32) are contoured 50-by-50-degree displays of sea surface temperatures in intervals of 1° C. They are available as Mercator projections from 50° N to 50° S latitude and in polar-stereographic projections for the remainder of the globe. The gridded fields are mailed to users once a week. 70 The SST data are used in numerical forecast models, as support for other National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) prod- ucts, in development of climatology over ocean areas that are inexcessible by conventional observing methods, and by various research concerns. Accuracy. The accuracy of both G0SSTC0MP observations and the gridded analyses is checked twice daily by comparison with ship observations. The obtained observational accuracy is within ±1.5° C of ship observations (Bristor 1975, Brower et al. 1976). Primary users . The primary users of SST data are the National Weather Service (NWS), oceanographic services, environmental research concerns, and commercial fisheries. The data are archived by the SDSB. 71 SN21-1 Figure 31. --Example of GOSSTCOMP "quick look" photographic display of sea surface temperatures and spatial distribution of observations . 12 GOSSTCOMP SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 90W 85W 45W 40W 90N 85N 80W 75W 70N 65W 60N MN090W 55W 50W 45W 40W 8/17/76 "'wITtf cO' Figure 32. --Example of GOSSTCOMP gridded analysis of sea surface temperatures. 73 2. Great Lakes Surface Temperature Analysis Description. Analyses of the Great Lakes surface temperatures (Strong 1974) are produced as observed (whenever cloud free) from the data obtained from the polar-orbiting satellite's Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) . The data are computer analyzed for each of the five Great Lakes, with a contour interval of 2° C. The final product (figure 33) is then manually adjusted for accu- racy and mailed to users. The surface temperature analyses are useful in determining the rate of lake freeze and areas of upwelling. With this knowledge plus observed weather and ice-observed conditions, a forecast can be made for the routing of ships and in predicting the length of the shipping season. Accuracy. This product has been checked, using 1 yr of ship observations to determine its accuracy. The surface temperature analysis can experience an overall bias of +2° C absolute. The accuracy of the sensor in observing temperature is +1° C rela- tive. Observations are limited to cloud-free situations. Primary users. The Great Lakes surface temperature analysis is used by NWS, commercial marine transportation , Great Lakes re- search concerns, and internally in NESS. 74 Figure 33. --Example of Great Lakes surface temperature analysis of Lake Huron- 7S B. Ice Charts and Ocean Current Analyses 1. Great Lakes and Alaskan Ice Charts Description. The Great Lakes and Alaskan ice charts are detailed 1-km resolution analyses of the boundaries and type or age of ice observed from satellite photographic imagery. The Great Lakes' freshwater ice is viewed, when cloud free, by the polar-orbiting satellite's VHRR. A chart (figure 34) is pre- pared twice weekly and sent to users via the National Facsimile (NAFAX) Network and by mail. The chart reveals the ice-fast and ice-free areas as well as the ice concentration and leads (navi- gational passageways) . The Alaskan sea ice is viewed, when cloud free, by the polar- orbiting satellite's VHRR. A chart (figure 35) is prepared once a week and sent to users via NAFAX and by mail. The chart reveals the ice-fast and ice-free areas, as well as the ice concentration, age, and leads. Both analyses are useful to NWS in its forecasting of ice con- ditions and ship routing. Accuracy. Human analysis and chart resolution produce an accuracy of ±5 km for both ice charts. Primary users. The ice charts are used by commercial marine transportation, the U.S. Departments of the Navy and Coast Guard, the National Marine Fishery Service, and varied research concerns. 76 SATELLITE OBSERVED GREAT LAKES ICE ANALYSIS NOAA NESS-EPG WWB RM. 810 WASH., D.C. 20233 OBSERVED: 7 f.iruary ( t<>77 PERCENTAGE ICE COVER | 90-100% tSSWH 60-90% JJ 30 60% 2] OPEN ANALYSIS BASED ON NOAA 5 VHRR AND GOES! VISSR DATA Figure 34 . --Example of Great Lakes ice chart. 77 Figure 35 . --Example of Alaskan ice chart 78 2. Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin and Experimental Gulf Stream Analysis Description. The Gulf Stream (a warm current flowing northeast- ward along the east coast of the United States) is of interest to the mariner in the areas of fishing and shipping. The plotting of its position, current speeds, and areas of cold and warm eddies help the mariner in reducing costs in transporting merchandise and locating areas of good fishing. The Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin (figure 36) informs the mariner of the position of the "North Wall," the zone where the fastest currents are found. This is determined through human analysis of VHRR photographic imagery (Legeckis 1975) . Bulletins of the position of the Gulf Stream Wall to 40° N latitude are sent out via teletype three times a week to users. The Experimental Gulf Stream Analysis (figure 37) is a gridded, 1-km resolution, human analysis of the Gulf Stream prepared from VHRR photographic imagery. This analysis is mailed weekly to users . Accuracy. Human analysis, chart resolution, and variability of the current produce an accuracy of ±5 km for the bulletin and the analysis . Primary users. The users of the Gulf Stream data include coastal marine shipping, fisheries, U.S. Coast Guard, recreation and boating interests, and marine research. 79 M.jy 5, 197 G ru.n.r stream location- Tin; i. i in: described dy the FOLLnvrn:o si:que:ic or points represents Tin; vjest wall of tiii: gulf stheam. 27.3/7'). 5 28.0/79.8 30. N/80. 2 31.7/7:!.? 31.8/7S.1 32.2/77.8 32.8/77.7 32.8/76.8 34. 3/75.7 34.5/75.3 3G.8/73.2 3.7.4/71.8 37.4/71.1 37.2/70.8 37.7/69.4 THE MAXIMUM CURRENT OF THE GULF STREAM LIES APPROXIMATELY 15 KM SEAWARD Or THIS LINE. Figure 36. --Example of Gulf Stream Wall bulletin, 80 ITi >. -— I a C rt E in ■M CO 4-1 . — I u C CD e •H O o o Cm s as m i to U 81 3. West Coast Thermal Front Analysis Description. The thermal front analysis of the waters off the west coast of the United States is the main tool used in locat- ing areas of good fishing for California fishermen (Gorman 1976) . When upwelling occurs off the coast, the cold waters abound with nutrients. It is along these boundaries, between cold and warm waters, that the fish gather to feed. Analyses of satellite infrared imagery from the VHRR on board the polar-orbiting satel- lite and the geostationary satellite's Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) are performed, cloud cover permitting, as often as possible. The thermal fronts are drawn on a gridded chart (figure 38) and sent out via telecopier to locations along the California coast. The normal areas covered are from 50° N to 30° N latitude, 4° off the coast of California. Other areas are available upon request. A plastic overlay showing navigation lines and bathometric contours is available on request. Accuracy . The spatial resolution available to the analysis is 1 km with the VHRR imagery and 8 km with the VISSR imagery. With the reception of VHRR data twice daily and VISSR data every half hour, the analyst is able, cloud cover permitting, to pro- duce an accuracy in location of thermal fronts to ±5 km when the polar-orbiting satellite is directly overhead of the analysis area. Primary users. Albacore tuna and salmon fishermen. 8 2 130 ,c • ■ : ■ »!..» l ..... ' . .. ■--. .... ■ ' c pReedsport be i MT. SHASTA' * Figure 38. --Example of west coast thermal front analysis S3 IV. HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES A. Basin Snow Coverage Observations Description. The percentage-snow-cover message sent out via teletype and the mapped snow-covered basin sent out via tele- copier are produced for selected river basins by analysis of Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) photographic data. The products are produced whenever a basin is cloud free (usually 1 to 2 days per week) . The basin snow-cover products are used in assessing watershed storage and in river forecasting and flood-warning services (Barnes et al . 1974, NESS 1976). The message (figure 39) indicates the offices that the obser- vations are directed to and a brief description of the percentage of snow cover, the satellite involved, and the date of the observations . The mapped data show the snow-covered areas in black. Table 2 lists the basins for operational snow mapping as of June 1, 1976. A ccuracy . The product is accurate to 5% in areas greater than 5,000 km" (Wiesnet 1974). The accuracy is checked with aerial surveys, ground measurements, computer (VHRR) enhancements, and, when available, Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner data. Primary users . The primary users of snow basin data are the NWS Office of Hydrology, Corps of Engineers, and the Soil Conservation Service. S4 SPECIAL TO NWS/RFC SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH AND NWS/RDO PHOENIX, ARIZONA SALT RIVER BASIN 29 PERCENT SNOW COVERED AND VERDE 33 PERCENT AS DETERMINED FROM NOAA-3 SATELLITE IMAGERY OF 3/17/75. VHRR SATELLITE ANALYSIS 17 MARCH 1S75 Figure 39 . --Example of a percentage snow-cover message and a mapped snow-covered basin for the Salt-Verde Watershed in Arizona. Snow-covered areas are in black (Schneider 1976) i CO • H 3 .-h •N PS CO ■rH Ai r« M u. o ^ E in r-H h P-I •H (H :~ "3 o o ♦J o X >. < •i 5 ^ « ',* oi i +^ 4-1 ' 4-> +-> 4-1 X 4J > P ■ H •H 3 f-H o CD CD ■M o fn CD u u G 3 X 2 2 ■ H >', CD t/1 2 10 (/) ■ H 4-1 3 o PS p! PS o c PS PS 3 3 rt PL, •H ■H • H ,c •H o •H T3 CO co E '/) CO CO 4-J C/> U (/) fH 3 3 3 CD o3 3 rf 3 oi 03 oi 3 oi ^^ ^^ CQ CQ CQ < CQ i — i ■ H CQ O CQ uc Ui CO 'X- 'J O r-H •H tO nj 03 03 u ri O 03 -■ ^ 2 Cxi > CD ■H ■H ■H o • H CO •H • — i 3 3 CD -H to X X) X. 3 ri X X o O O 4-1 '+M C CJ U s g s o T3 E •v s u • H ■ H CO O 3 3 CD 3 5 3 Cm oi 3 CJ 3 4-) 4-J +- 1 •H O CD to r^ r— i r-H 3 i — i Uh p— 1 PS 3 3 ba 3 CQ bfl _d o o o ~3 oi o peS O o E E o oi 3 U CJ u PS U CJ u u 3 3 1 — I CD *> U oi >. r— I r-H o ^ CD r-H tin '. »v »* +J •\ ♦-> * CO o o u 3 CJ 3 cc u u cj O 3 u •H u 13 CD o T3 CQ •H O d, CX. PL, fH o Um u L-. O Cri Dm >. > o o ut Ot pes T3 E 2 ci o ~ - Jh -h 4-> >. PS CD 'xz 4h MH CD 3 T3 T3 X) K o "3 r^ O "3 o o r—\ 'J CO T3 0) s C PS fH PS 03 -H C '-H r^i 3 • H PS £ nj 03 oi ■H oi J > oi O 3° 3 3 > fH 3 o3 i — i i — i 1 — 1 U > r-H U r—l 3 U 3 'mJ O C CD rH 4-1 4-1 4-1 PS 4-> ■M CU 4^ CD O Pm CD Um •H CD X CD o fH fn fH CQ UJ Sh H CO M ^ fH Od fc Ci bfl co +-> +-> o3 O O O o 03 o oi 3 3 CD 3 3 CO pl, PL, oi Cm CO Cm J CQ CQ o 13 U o 3 i HC3 •H E PS o •H 4-1 3 > CD CO 3 CJ - — 1 s, National We 11 as other St 3 •H 03 oi CD « ■H U CD o X '3 fH >. 3 O CD 3 ■H E 3 o ■ H CO CD 4-> ~ PS -H - 3 3 c/) rf i— i oi o "3 03 CD •H 03 CJ oj o U u 3 > O X bfl o •H 'J 3 rH -H 4- 1 PS - J 3 X o W) W) i — i W 3 co O CO cs 03 C ■H 3 3 3 PS 3 o <4-t -H <4H o o •H o -3 o ^ •H •H IU 3 -h "3 O Jh •H X <— 4-1 bo 03 M 3 E E CD 4-> 3 O i— 1 03 cd • H CD > o 4-> O o 3 PL. < r-H CO X o3 T3 T3 U u O fH C >. >. o u Ph -M CJ i — 1 i — 1 CQ o 2 o o 3: 3» 2 3 ■rH c. o 3 rmy Cor ower Au to ■M < Cu ^ f — > CD 03 r* , — > 33 2 • 13 O 03 O o CD 10 3 ^ 3 PS CO 3 • 3 !h 0. CD > 3 O CD ■ H _3 •H Cm o E ^H Cv W CD 3 to O 03 >. X O 3 3 3 > O 3 - f-i PS P-, ^ o o3 U O 4-1 ^ o 3 CQ XT3 •H cj > - — - 1 lH CD O mQ co CD X in CD 3 o CD - — ' rO 3 3 03 > XI 3 > -j X fn > ■ ■' CJ ■ — * • ■ H fH X O a o o •/, CO X) 3 • X o • — ' > X -3 , — , 3 XI o E CO CJ M 03 > ■ H r — ■, ci O 1^ 4-1 3 4-1 p d • o *» — ' o f-t oi 6 ^ — •* o 3 4J Oi 4-1 ^ — > r-H r-H CO > X o oi [/) -i ■H 03 3 o 4-1 o 3 •H c nS *-> 03 C CD +J >. t/i . — - 0i . — i o ■/j CJ CJ Cri 03 v — ' 03 ■H 4-J -3 oi 4-1 3 Z-. J Cm 3 3 •H 3 cj 3 43 oi 3 ^^ C o X) O •H CD 0) bO O •H CD u S O rC O X XI CJ Xt E X f— O -H ?H w 03 3 ■H 'J X PS CD 3 4-J i — i 4-J CD 4-1 H r-H 4-> 0) tH CD ■ — i s 10 E X ^C W fn < fH cr. u i — i O 3 £ O r— 1 o o 3 o 3 O o o CD !h ■5 CQ U u Q X ^ J 2 2 X CJ +-> 8(> vO T3 r-^ cr, 3 i— i s *> — ' •H +-J H 3 3 • H & Oh 3 B o c CO 3 o -H 4-J 03 3h O rH o m CO 3 ■H CO TO 4-> 3 , os 4-1 •H T3 u 3 rt co i — i 3 +J i/i rH p O 03 Cu Ui 4-1 O t/1 CD g 3 ■ H ^L, » 3 t/1 13 3 a O 4-J g Xi o 03 3 ^ CJ 13 TO i — i C >, 4-> > ^4 —1 rH M o3 3 o CO 00 3 4-J « r— 1 co O 03 2 Q C£h -H 3 bO •H X o to •H .— 1 03 3 o CO CD o o 3 X -H Oh • J3 00 E », 3 CJ 3 U rH Oh Uh o Oh •> Oh u 4-) X o > - +j CD 4-J cj •H -r-i •H PL, u o u os u Oh CD X) r« r* 3 3 rH ctj 3 ►J _J i— i > ■M •!-> -H 4-1 rH T— 1 dS i — 1 o 03 03 Oh oo 00 o 03 -a 13 ?H 03 3 O t i ■H < +^ 4-i •H 4-> H x. o 2 CD 4-1 -H LU 3 o g CD 4-> t/1 > u o '+H t — > > X' O B 03 o o3 lu JO X > — ' J-l O 03 CD 4-> »> — ■■ CD > > •rH 4-) -rH o b c 4-1 Oh X 3 o CD 03 IS E ■M X 13 ■ — ' t— i . — i 3 cd a3 a O- OS on w c o3 c 03 00 o3 X3 03 C 03 CJ 4-) C o Jh -H > C Uh os u o3 X. 03 3 +^ *» O - 03 r^ o C o3 T3 O Q o3 N rH -rH X o U +J r-H < r-l o o LJ 2 '-M u O 4-> OL- oo DS 4-J ^ >, Cl, 03 +-> -a ■H XQ 03 LJ C C Ai o3 t/1 o CJ 03 bO-H t/1 rH 3 4-> C tf) fi cd E C 0K) ^ W 3 E o JH 5 CJ *» t— 1 03 o rH c •H rH O o > 2 •H Oh •H ■H > 4-> U 2 c ^ o3 UJ '/i E MH x 03 o3 O t^ •. f- H C/) 4J o 3 C C 03 C ■H OS T3 E 10 rH c o3 <4h 3 rH o CQ O CQ o3 rH Dh •H G 3 > Xi oj G rH c o •H Oh UJ x rH 3 CQ r* o •H •4 CO G 3 rH CQ 2 CD C ■H o3 > o ^ 03 o 2 rH *- > -rH P. D< o c rC x t/) -M o •rH to X) rH 3 s o ■M oo 00 M C ■H E o rH O fJ t/1 o3 CQ 03 •H rO 5 i—i o u u Oh dS ■n c a u o Or 03 rC 4-> C O W) rH O CD > O rQ 03 ^^ "^ rH U T3 3 4-> -H o3 03 C4_( i — i 2 x: i — i 4-> 4-> •H o3 4-J Oh 03 3 E t/3 -O O M-H rH O crj '-+H CO ■H T) Ch CJ ^ t/1 E rH C U 03 03 < 'J rH O 4-1 rH O 00 rH 13 3 3 03 rH •\ 03 CD CJ 4-J ' •H 03 > +-> O 5h OO rH CD O to Jh u rH ,C X 4-1 rH ^r: O o +J > X 03 13 3 i= 3 CD c^ 03 Q x 1— 1 ^ C c 03 03 ■rH c G 13 o 03 c >. ■H 3 o 4-J 03 -H X 03 u 4-> u 2 03 4-J E 13 Oj 3 03 C X CD i — i 03 ■M E 'J 3 x CO o os CD rH ■rH 13 •H '+H E 3 > O 03 rH 3 rH CJ LU 3 03 3 03 ►J •H x >. rH «s o 3 U u > CQ rH rH a O 3 CD CO UU oo ^ 03 4-> U r^ i — i CO 03 'rH G 03 CJ o •H H ■H t+H bO co C o ■ H rH C u CO O o •H aJ CD T3 H- CQ O M o 3 G X 00 ■H 13 o • ^H X 3 X CD •H • *\ CO C+H 4-1 to G oo rH •H O CO 4-1 CD O 03 r3 3 CQ CD r- ■H rj 4-1 K3 DO ■rH 3 CO LU O 4-> > I— 1 fn AS r^ \0 T3 03 3 5h S-h r^ 3 5 13 •H * r-H t-> 4-1 a CD CD ^ +-> Q X x; c X e O 03 03 O SQ cc o L3 CO x o3 03 1/) C^ • H ■ H M CO ,0 X2 ^D ■N C3 6 r-- \n u ro - " cn ■zd U- ^H 1 — 1 .— i Pi ~ O O ■M u U ». >. i — < +-> •v ■ H ■1-1 u u © U li- L^ c fH cc: Pi 3 T3 03 U C c ^H J Qi rt 03 > 1 — i 1 — 1 +-> • H 4-> *J in 1— ( Pi fH fH rt 03 O O CO cu Ch bo c ■ H Ph P- rt S 2 c t/3 1 — 1 c 03 S ■H O +-> •H 03 4-> 'J 03 O 5-i kJ 03 P. C Pi O O O N X bO U •H 03 OJ O H 13 F-h (4-i < 1 — 1 O i/j C •H CO 03 rO 4-> C O Sh Ph 3 U 1 1 • H t/) 73 (NJ Xi O U 1— I CD £3 > p 03 • H +-> H pi u E OJ nj T3 w 1 — 1 Jh •H rH CD CD • H > £= Jg 88 B. Northern Hemispheric Snow and Ice Chart Description . The product is a polar-stereographic projection map of snowfield and icefield boundaries and their relative reflec- tivities for the Northern Hemisphere. The 8.5-by-ll-in chart (figure 40) with a scale of 1:50M is prepared weekly and mailed to users on Mondays. The charts are manually prepared using the data from the polar-orbiting satellite's Scanning Radiometer (SR) and VHRR and the geostationary satellite's Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) . The product is used in the areas of snow- and ice-limit tracking, albedo studies, long-range weather forecasting, and various research projects. Accuracy. The chart is a 1-week composite average of snow and ice conditions. Snow- and ice-boundary mapping is hindered by cloud cover, and the determination of snow reflectivities is hindered by the terrain being covered. The data used are in the visible window, so the chart gives snow brightness but not snow depth. For this same reason, the snow and ice chart is labeled "dark" (no observations available) in the polar zones under the darkness of winter. Primary users. The product is used by the U.S. Navy, various foreign and domestic universities, Government agencies, meteoro- logical services, and research groups. S'.l NORTHERN HEMISPHERE AVERAGE SNOW AND ICE BOUNDARY -TsL \ \ * • ^^ JULY 12-15, 1976 ' ^J'Ws-i. c 1. Least Reflectivity ^^j-^j.- u * '■_-y £S5 S" ,, -'^^S "" 2 - Moderate Reflectivity ; -*Y JJO C """"I'^'Q 6° '. 3. Most Reflectivity ; <^Ji 80 70 " P-t- ' ( i iT^~s ■"- XJ\ ^Tr^ \ ' SNOW 0000 ICE L. , [J. r g£X _ . j-ji* \ ^^Y' Analysis based on NOAA-4 ~"V ~: + i ' f?C-\-"~"~ and SMS satellite imagery. Figure 40. --Example of Northern Hemisphere snow and ice chart. 00 V. ASTROGEOPHYSICAL SERVICES: ASTROGEOPHYSICAL TELETYPE NETWORK (ATN) MESSAGES Description . The Solar Proton Monitor (SPM) is used in the prep- aration of warnings of solar proton storms and in the measure- ment and prediction of solar flare activity. The SPM measures the flux of energetic particles (protons, electrons, and alpha particles) in 20 energy ranges. Protons are measured in the 10-, 30-, 60-, and 0.27- to 60-MeV ranges; electrons in the 100- and 750-KeV ranges; and alpha particles in the 12.5- to 32.0 MeV range. One set of detectors measures the flux towards the earth along the local vertical. A second set of detectors measures the flux along the orbital normal to the side of the spacecraft away from the sun. The data are tape recorded in digital form on board the space- craft. These data are transmitted to the Command and Data Acqui- sition (CDA) station and are immediately processed by the National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) (Brown 1975) . A quick-look, 4.16 line per min. message (figure 41) is generated and transmitted on the ATN. Global data are merged monthly into a tape that is mailed to users. All SPM archival data are sent to Space Environmental Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (N0AA) Boulder, Colo. 80302 The data are archived by orbit, in their entirety, on magnetic tape. Accuracy. The instrument's output from all operational satellites is within expected accuracy tolerances of ±5%. Primary users. Space Environmental Laboratory. 9] Header line for the recorded data teletype message: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 QL/SPM/NH/Rxxxxx/ELxxx.xx/Pxxxxx/MO/DA/YR/HR/MN/SC/bbbb b Sample teletypewriter messages: HSAK KSOC 022305 QL/SPM/SH/R00993/EL343.27/P00992/01/02/73/23/06/07.0/ 0000- 07712 0120 00 5- 027124132137-133132140346- 27 51421541+31-3 3414 2144427 0410-255132132330-15013110617 5-067125124006-006124124002-010123121003 0320-006124124001-007123122001-007124120003-010124120001-006123122003 1236-037124121008-006123113002-007135122004-006123122092-007123194001 1640-007126124002-010122121004-004123123002-013122124022-230112412627 2050-327164141426-373163127323-3 57 221157 531-263223242522-145150246424 2666-061184257272-142142827022-23322042223 5-3212 5045 5272-3 50276467 320 2910-426322461322-453334455 331-99999 HSAK KSOC 022221 QL/SPM/NH/R00993/EL343.27/P00992/01/02/73/22/57.0/ 0000-006130126001-006131126003-010126127001-006127127003-01112612 5001 0410-006130125002-010130125002-007125124002-007126126002-042126125052 0320-223130131247-32113314137 5-3511531444 56-325157156455-164141170421 1230-034126144227-123124065121-17112223 5065-226133244067-2 5412624404 5 1640-99999 Item Description 1,2 Basic identification, QL/SPM (Quick Look/Solar Proton Monitor) 3 Sector, NH (Northern Hemisphere), SH (Southern Hemisphere 4 R (readout identifier followed by 5-digit readout number""" ) 5 EL (degrees east, 0-359.99, ascending longitude of pass) 6 P (pass identifier followed by 5-digit pass number"" ) 7 Month, 2 digits, GMT of data start 8 Day, 2 digits, GMT of data start 9 Year, 2 digits, GMT of data start 10 Hour, 2 digits, GMT of data start 11 Minute, 2 digits, GMT of data start 12 Second, 2 digits, GMT of data start 13 b (blanks) ""The readout number refers to the orbital revolution in which the data were acquired at the ground. The pass number refers to the orbital revolu- tion in which the data were taken. Figure 41 . --Example of an Astrogeophysical Teletype Network (ATN) Message. 92 ~ > CO -H CJ U O Si h ^ 2 > CO Cl o h c o M ^i *H 3 o - 00 a> o R a! J •H CO > -1 c O oo co n! ni o H n o h 0) S +-> -H fn ■)-) 3 O O U aj a£ OL OS OS 2 3 2 W GS" O- O- Qi OS till uD" S UJ Oi UJ LU O- O-OSOSSO-O-Q-O- 3 UJS3Q-UJS33 OS O-O-OhUJOSO-OSoSO-Cu UJ UJ UJ 2 2 UJU UJ W CO I/) • H ■a -a ^ ^ o 3 +-» UJ CO '/. co CO "3 cd CJ C a) ft T3 O l/) +-> 0) VI ^ CO Sh 4-> --H 3 <1( (0 o .3 , <1( a! - > u H -i '_ o to u *-> -H Jh Clj h 4h OJ CO -i +-> e 0) - rt -a C D-fl O h -H O 4- 1 O O O +-> f-i nj O ■H HT3 IX ^ C «J ^ rt cd aj O i/l U ni (B +J -rH CTJ X; 1) CD LO a, ■3- CO >! j; i^ A! J! C CO CS UJ O CO O A oi r- "SJ- OO -£> O OS i-H t-O ■stf- r j m .—I i— I i— ( .—I i-< 93 o 3 o o rt 3 c/, u - O fH Oh tn o t— i rt - o ^ o C/3 CD CD *H co <-> > rt uj cd -h a) z E c co Q > 00 CO CJ Ol B.O f o 3 CD ,-^ T3 4-1 <1) rt X -C < o ~ to a> CO .:: 10 s 1 ' — ' X cd X n) e la. to H o ■a s z in ■(-> rt i tj to 4-t i i C rt CO o to TJ +j Z T3 • T3 Z C CO O Z CO rt ■ oo 03 (TO O I ZD ^-i O i vo c i • -a i ^o m o i M nJ M •" C lo i u fj m D u C • rt .-i lo O «) (3 4-" e o e a! CO < o • ■- .C oo DO ' 4-1 I 3 lo CO O CJ rt LO -M -H DO • -M IO CJ C 4-1 4JOrtOC\loCDrtOrtc:o30rt E E c -M .* o • H ■3" 00 rt 4J X X H 3 ■h os CO -O i-i < 4-1 X 4-1 , H CO X 3 -3 CD < 4J U. CD jS rt UJ U C/> CD CO 4-1 CD CO CO c CO UJ ■H CD -H -O 03 rt rt. CD CJ •H rt Xll E CD ca a ■H 4-> r— I O to rt c co - o c 'A CO r_ •H " o CD _H £_ CD P. to X d < B .:. 10 " -3 O a •H ^ rt in cj to CO CD o uj rt ; :: z n CO o CO CO o -■■- UJ -- z X to rt rt •h a, Ph cj i o 1 Pn-rt 1 to rt i to 03 £ O -H 03 o -^< E Ph 4-1 -O 13 4J 4-1 -O C rt co O C o 3 ^i X -C o V3 CD J= cj do a Ph-H > P,rt 13 O rt J= tO -H X CD 4-1 Oh t3 a, X JS T3 Ph X T3 O CO CD rt rt o hi rt rt T3 .C -h Ph M rt !-i P. M ■H PhT3 P- do Ph rt rx do Ph c i tr. ■j to rt H o rt co ~ ' 03 > Ph CD 1 DO X O c 3 X 03 < c_ -P E rt •a 1 -H u - ^ rt CJ to 4-1 T3 to in o rt T3 rt rt u; z TJ ■ H Ph> — h < CJ CD to /-^ !-t O C£ CD E rt - Q CO o CO Q C CD Ph O P O «i 94 -a [/3 C P-H H 01 ■:: H ■a l/l o 1 co c u a> bo CO < 3 .-", i-i n! CO CO O rt >-. cu ai > h 4-1 T) 4-1 s C H oi H o h c o ■H w o u 3 o G bO O o> nj V H ':.t :: •H oi -4-J 4-1 rH O 01 4-1 ctf tn rt C« oi H bO H • H OJ e 4-1 >-. 4-1 d t/> O u -i en CO 4-1 • oo CJ 3 Q 13 X |-H •H (« a Mfl CH N O O — i m -h -a 4-> c •O X 3 as n) ■ IS] xou o f-l r: ft (J cfl n) H +-j P., ■2, a> rt ■-; > h ■H -/, ftx H rt ai 6 : i, X 3 rt i-i C t-i 0) a) bO w>x m o a) ft 4-1 in o c a> 3 oj 6 x C 4-1 h o O tfl •H o 6 X f-4 o oi o IH ftCH nt X 4-J CJ T) oi g r: 4-> u O !h Oh I I lO o 4-1 O 0J h hco h O s o o m s* a, o ^ (oh a) rt cm a> ■• o 4-j jh •-H 2 rH & 3 at ai nJ T3 4-i > T3 O If) o o 1—4 -H () 4-1 -H Tl ■: V, c nt rt O X) •H Tl B .: ■H rt {/I O CO M m c CH > ( 4-1 :,. O " 01 > M • H MT3 OS E -H C X •H X J- ■ H 4-J CO 1/1 nj |H -i rt H -4 3 X O o O r-l O - n) ftlfl 1> ft -a os ■a e M ^4 4-1 (/> 1H +-> ni Q- 1 o > -. rt -H OS n) nj f-i > T3 no c M ii t/1 4-1 l/l m 11 LO nj O ■ r"; ■P 1-1 01 4J O +^ 01 O H X3 01 to •r-t nJ e 4-1 i-l 'J 1H !-4 in a) bo o CD -1 01 t/l o X) C M l/l £ ^ u X 0) o ^-^ u ■ H o bO ft 3 -1 ft c o 4-i n3 '.: X d 40 4-1 t3 (/) ^: X T3 c ft • H o ni .-: o o DO C • H t/l T3 s h :1 e ■ H aj bo o C 4-1 4-J +-' .;:: o 01 -M 01 X r ;*. <: ft (/) <: 4-1 4-1 X in .a E 4-1 o ;). r , -: to CL> c o O 4-> H to 4^ !h to (U CU O <3J O-. IH > •H <_> -o ■^ 4-> S J= c 4-» n) Z 4-> tO ni t-> a> x -h 0-4= u nJ til (D rt ■H ^H 3 H U \/) cq c/ D- CO o « (u a) 1/1 C ^ fn -H o -h QJ U ■— I f-i *-( o -h aj a. m r 'X, cd H c 10 T3 w > -: u nl h c„ S CJ} tO O V) -J -C H T3 PhT3 ■H S-i i/> ' T3 u SB H U ■G X ■M -H ex X 3 H - nl nl Q. cd h cr e is M ft - i B 10 3 >H O O ■H Z u 4-> O C u ■H to co X to m c c ct-i t/) tti H tJ.ri Q. h « c cu 3 -a CJ -1 cd -O -P CO t-H 4-> to 4J O "3 O u 1 +J -H 4-> -H tO c: U CO CJ CD tO tO 0) tO CI ^n a. 3 a. o u m to s to o < o CD -+ *"-■ ':■'> -O to a. M > co tn T3 X ETlrH UHU P O tO O t/> O ^ LO ,£3 LO til o c 3 e <-> e • h nl t/l -H CO "O ^H CL.T3 -H c o to to o 3 a. s n B u -a p *J C tb X X tO .-H t-H -H h rt W OJ T3 QJ 4-1 ,D (J (U r-N CU Jh 4-1 -H (-I Cl. H ET3H 96 o - CO - CD H C C u. c u T> d> CU O X O CO r: O M XI H •H Z cu ■ H 3 '.- to cO to 4J c +-> O j -J nJ » •H CO - C o cO 10 4-> CJ h 4-> to o +-> .C • H J H o x: CO ■1 M CD ■H JS aj o O • H n O CO o c e O -H 4-1 o cu >H h H O.D u S O, H CO H H to o (D o CO to cu to cu cu -5 ca cu X ■r~ C - 'j o CO C -C H O I/) i/) CU to z CO c +-» CO to O to CO 6 h CO CU o ■/. (h -H cu cu CO a: o m :'. H = (h o cO 4J CM H H CJ to J= CU c to CU 4-> (a. ■0 ■ H ■ H X H p. H 3 4-> 4^ o CO S > (J i-H U 4-* tfl O .-H tl> M '_ CO >. 4-> CO cu CU fO o ■ H 4-^ 3 _J o T) X o c o 4-> o 4 J to M cO 3 tO CO o 3 cu O cu to ..c CO H +-> cu CJ B o G co +-> CO 4-4 cO H CU CO M 4-> o H 4-» c '+4 4-» to 4J < u CO u 3 to :/■ z H cu 4-> cu CH o CO X -J z ,□ CO CO 3 'J -1- CO -H ,* C Sh to CO tfl CU X J ^z Ph^H to O 4-1 +J CD cj a) > aj — •H to > ' 1 M e H d 1 1 -M pH O -H e to u ^H T3 to H -H cu cO C ■H X cu to > to 3 to CO ^H X X o c ■M CO ■M ^ CJ o E to c c CO •H tO c cu cO 4-> C 3 4J CU -H B to tO O CO H 4-> ■H 6 to C > 4_) CU Oh to O 4-> tO f-4 CO .-< CU tu u C CU D. U o C to CH 3 X 4J 4J H ■H X) H X CU CO tO t+H to O t3 to 4-J UJ cu o CJ cu I— I to 97 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks are extended to the professional staff of NESS, especially to J. A. Anderson, R. Barazotto, F. E. Bittner, S. Brown, M. Crowe, E. Daghir, K. Davidson, K. Johnson, F. Kniskern, R. Koffler, D. MacCallum, L. M. Mace, V. J. Oliver, R. W. Popham, S. R. Schneider, F. Smigielski, C. C. Walton, M. T. Young, and the NESS Photographic Laboratory personnel, without whose help this manuscript could not have been prepared. Particular thanks go to Dr. D. B. Miller for his direction and encouragement in the development of this document. 98 REFERENCES Barnes, J. C, Bowley, C. J., and Cogan, J. L., 1974: Snow mapping applications of thermal infrared data from the satellite Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) . Final Report , ERT document no. 0438-F, Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Massachusetts 01742, 72 pp. Bauer, K. G., July 1976: A comparison of cloud motion winds with coinciding radiosonde winds. Monthly Weather Review , 104, 922-931. Bristor, C. L., 1971: Processing of ITOS scanning radiometer data. Air Weather Services Technical Report 242, Proceedings of the 6th AWS Technical Exchange Conference, U.S. Naval Academy , 21,-24 September 1970 , 232-24^ Bristor, C. L. (Editor), 1975: Central processing and analysis of geostationary satellite data. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 64, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 155 pp. Brower, R. L. , Gohrband, H. S., Pichel, W. C, Signore, T. L., and Walton, C. C, 1976: Satellite derived sea surface temperatures from NOAA spacecraft. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 78, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Washington, D.C., 74 pp. Brown, S. R., 1975: Operational processing of solar proton moni- tor data. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 73, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 15 pp. Burr, P. T., and Pipkin, F. B.1973: The Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS) system. NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, Md . , 8 pp. Conlan, E. F. (Compiler), 1973: Operational products from ITOS scanning radiometer data. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 52, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 57 pp. '.)'.) Doolittle, R. C, Bristor, C. L., and Lauritson, L., 1970: Map- ping of geostationary satellite pictures, an operational experi- ment. ESSA Technical Memorandum NESCTM-20, National Environmental Satellite Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 28 pp. Environmental satellite imagery. Key to Meteorological Records Documentation no. 5.4, National. Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration, Environmental Data Service, National Environmental Satellite Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., issued monthly. Fortuna, J. J., and Hambrick, L. N., 1974: The operation of the NOAA polar satellite system. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 60, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, 127 pp. Gorman, B. E., Jan. 1976: Fishing by satellite: Those big ones won't get away any more. NOAA Magazine . Hoppe, E. R., and Ruiz, A. L. (Editors), 1974: Catalog of oper- ational satellite products. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 53, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, 91 pp. Hubert, L. F., 1976: Wind determination from geostationary satel- lites. Proceedings of the XIX Cospar Meeting , keynote paper C.3b.l, 1-6. Hubert, L. F., and Timchalk, A., 1972: Convective clouds as tracers of air motion. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 40, Na- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 12 pp. Kahwajy, F. T. , 1970: Digital data handling system equipment description. NESS draft report. 100 Leese, J., Pichel, W. , Goddard, B., and Brower, R., 1971: An experimental model for automated detection, measurement and quality control of sea surface temperatures from ITOR IR data. Proceedings, Seventh International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment, Center for Remote Sensing Information, Ann Arbor, Mich. , 625-647. Leese, J. A., Booth, A. L., and Godshall, F. A., 1970: Archiving and climatological applications of meteorological satellite data. ESSA Technical Report NESC 53, 125 pp. Legecki, R., 1975: Application of synchronous meteorological satel- lite data to the study of time dependent sea surface temperature changes along the boundary of the Gulf Stream. Geophysical Research Letters , 2:10, 435-438. Ludwig, G. H., 1975: The NOAA operational environmental satellite system--status and plans. NOAA/NESS, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 9 pp. McGinnis, D. F., Jr., Pritchard, J. A., and Wiesnet, D. R., 1975: Determination of snow depth and snow extent from NOAA 2 Satellite Very High Resolution Radiometer data. Water Resources Research, 11:6, 897-902. McMillin, L. M., Wark , D. Q. , Siomkajlo, J. M., Abel, P. G., Werbowetzki, A., Lauritson, L. A., Pritchard, J. A., Crosby, D. A. Woolf, H. M., Luebbe, R. C, Weinreb, M. P., Fleming, H. E., Bittner, F. E., and Hayden, CM., 1973: Satellite infrared sounding from NOAA spacecraft. NOAA Technical Report NESS 65, National Environmental Satellite Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 112 pp. 101 National Environmental Satellite Service, 1976: Satellite activi- ties of NOAA 1975. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 19 pp. Novak, C, and Young, M., 1976: The operational processing of wind estimates from cloud motions. Proceedings of the XIX Cospar Meeting , paper C.3b.2, 8 pp. Poole, P. A., and Borneman, R. (Satellite Winds Section of NESS). Operational vertification of satellite wind reports supplemental report. (unpublished paper). Poole, P. A., Hoffman, N., Moses, J., and Young, M. T. (Satellite Winds Section of NESS). Operational verification of satellite wind reports. (unpublished paper). Rich, E., and Popham, R. (NOAA/NESS) , 1975: A direct readout SMS/GOES VISSR ground station configuration. (unpublished paper) Schneider, S. R. (Environmental Products Group, National Environ- mental Satellite Service, World Weather Building, Camp Springs, Md.) 1976 (personal communication). Strong, A. E., 1974: Great Lakes temperature maps by satellite. Proceedings of the 17th Conference Great Lakes Re s. International Assoc. Great Lakes Res., 321-333. Wiesnet, D. R., 1974: The role of satellites in snow and ice measurements. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 58, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 12 pp. 102 Young, M. T., Doolittle, R. C, and Mace, L. M. , 1972: Opera- tional procedures for estimating wind vectors from geostationary satellite data. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESC 39, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 19 pp. o U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977--240-848/217 (Continued from inside front cover) NESS 64 Central Processing and Analysis of Geostationary Satellite Data. Charles F. Bristor (Editor), March 1975, 1SS pp. (COM-75- 108S3/AS) NESS 65 Geographical Relations Between a Satellite and a Point Viewed Perpendicular to the Satellite Velocity Vector (Side Scan). Irwin Ruff and Arnold Gruber, March 1975, 14 pp. (COM-75-10678/AS) NESS 66 A Summary of the Radiometric Technology Model of the Ocean Surface in the Microwave Region. John C. Alishouse, March 1975, 24 pp. (COM-75-10849/AS) NESS 67 Data Collection System Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite: Preliminary Report. Merle L. Nelson, March 1975, 48 pp. (COM-75-10679/AS) NESS 68 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Classifications for 1974. Donald C. Gaby, Donald R. Cochran, James B. Lushine, Samuel C. Pearce, Arthur C. Pike, and Kenneth 0. Poteat, April 1975, 6 pp. (COM-75- 1676/AS)) NESS 69 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, NESS- 1974. April 1975, 7 pp. (COM- 7S-10850/AS) NESS 70 Dependence of VTPR Transmittance Profiles and Observed Radiances on Spectral Line Shape Parame- ters. Charles Braun, July 1975, 17 pp. (C0M-75-11234/AS) NESS 71 Nimbus-5 Sounder Data Processing System, Part II: Results. W. L. Smith, H. M. Woolf, C. M. Hayden, and W. C. Shen. July 1975, 102 pp. (C0M-75-11334/AS) NESS 72 Radiation Budget Data From the Meteorological Satellites, ITOS 1 and NOAA 1. Donald H. Flanders and William L. Smith, August 1975, 22 pp. (PB-246877/AS) NESS 73 Operational Processing of Solar Proton Monitor Data. Stanley R. Brown, September 1975. (Re- vision of NOAA TM NESS 49), IS pp. NESS 74 Monthly Winter Snowline Variation in the Northern Hemisphere from Satellite Records, 1966-75. Donald R. Wiesnet and Michael Matson, November 1975, 21 pp. (PB-248437) NESS 75 Atlantic Tropical and Subtropical Cyclone Classifications for 1975. D. C. Gaby, J. B. Lushine, B. M. Mayfield, S. C. Pearce, and K. 0. Poteat, March, 1976, 14 pp. (PB-2S3968/AS) NESS 76 The Use of the Radiosonde in Deriving Temperature Soundings From the Nimbus and NOAA Satellite Data. Christopher M. Hayden, April 1976, 21 pp. (PB-256755) NESS 77 Algorithm for Correcting the VHRR Imagery for Geometric Distortions Due to the Earth's Curva- ture and Rotation. Richard Legeckis and John Pritchard, April 1976, 30 pp. (PB-258027/AS) NESS 78 Satellite Derived Sea-Surface Temperatures From NOAA Spacecraft. Robert L. Brower, Hilda S. Gohrband, William G. Pichel, T. L. Signore, and Charles C. Walton, June 1975, 74pp. (PB-258026/AS) NESS 79 Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants, 1975. NESS, June 1976, 18 pp. (PB-258450/AS) NESS 80 Satellite Images of Lake Erie Ice: January-March 1975. Michael C. McMillan and David Forsyth, June 1976, 15 pp. (PB-2S8458/AS) NESS 81 Estimation of Daily Precipitation Over China and the USSR Using Satellite Imagery. Walton A. Follansbee, September 1976, 37 pp. (PB-261970/AS) NESS 82 The GOES Data Collection System Platform Address Code. Wilfred E. Mazur, Jr., October 1976, 26 pp. (PB-261968/AS) NESS 83 River Basin Snow Mapping at the National Environmental Satellite Service. Stanley R. Schneider, Donald R. Wiesnet, and Michael C. McMillan, November, 1976, 27 pp. (PB-263816) NESS 84 Winter Snow-Cover Maps of North America and Eurasia From Satellite Records, 1966-1976. Michael Matson, March 1977. NESS 85 A Relationship Between Weakening of Tropical Cyclone Cloud Patterns and Lessening of Wind Speed. James B. Lushine, March 1977, 12 pp. NESS 86 A Scheme for Estimating Convective Rainfall From Satellite Imagery. Roderick A. Scofield and Vincent J. Oliver, April 1977. NESS 87 Atlantic Tropical and Subtropical Cyclone Classifications for 1976. D. C. Gaby, J. B. Lushine, B. M. Mayfield, S. C. Pearce, K. 0. Poteat, and F. E. Torres, May 1977. PEI *"f JATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Hllilllllll A00007E0mi30 NOAA SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS NO A A, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was established as part of the Depart- ment of Commerce on October 3, 1970. The mission responsibilities of NOAA are to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth, and to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment. The six Major Line Components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical information in the following kinds of publications: PROFESSIONAL PAPERS — Important definitive research results, major techniques, and special in- vestigations. TECHNICAL REPORTS— Journal quality with ex- tensive details, mathematical developments, or data listings. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS — Reports of preliminary, partial, or negative research or tech- nology results, interim instructions, and the like. CONTRACT AND GRANT REPORTS— Reports prepared by contractors or grantees under NOAA sponsorship. TECHNICAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS— These are publications containing data, observations, in- structions, etc. A partial listing: Data serials; Pre- diction and outlook periodicals; Technical manuals, training papers, planning reports, and information serials; and Miscellaneous technical publications. ATLAS — Analysed data generally presented in the form of maps showing distribution of rainfall, chem- ical and physical conditions of oceans and atmos- phere, distribution of fishes and marine mammals, ionospheric conditions, etc. tXMOSpL, ri ^e NT of Information on availability of NOAA publications can be obtained from: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE INFORMATION CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 3300 Whitehaven Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20235 N0AA--S/T 77-2744