A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION COUNTRY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES /C\ COSTA RICA ISP-30, NO. 1 APRIL 1973 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ■ Social and Economic Statistics Administration • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS INTRODUCTION This is the first in a series of demographic profiles which will present detailed data on individual countries for both a recent census year and the current period. Most readily available sources of demographic statistics contain basic unevaluated and unadjusted data as reported by the statistical offices of the separate countries. Because of age misreporting and under- enumeration in the censuses and registration systems, however, these data often do not reflect the actual structure and trends of the population in the countries. In order to meet a need for up-to-date statistics for individual countries, particularly in the developing areas, these profiles are being prepared to present not only the basic, unadjusted data, but evaluated and adjusted data as we 1 1 . Due to the general paucity of statistics in the developing countries, many of the cells in the profiles will contain an NA, for data not available. As more information becomes available, many of these cells will be filled and new, updated profiles will be prepared to supersede previous issues. In addition, as noted below, the data in these profiles will be available to interested users through a private, time-sharing computer network, and the contents of the computer files will be periodi- cally updated. It is planned to prepare profiles for the countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia as a first priority, and to undertake the compilation of data for the countries of Europe, North America, and Oceania— where current, reliable demographic data are generally more available— only as a second priority. GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE PROFILES The individual items comprising each profile are listed below, with descriptions of those items for which the meaning or derivation may not be evident. A complete profile for each country contains three arrays of data— base, intermediate, and current— which are pre- sented side by side for ease of comparison. An entry in the profile contains, for each of the arrays, the data, the year to which the data refer, and a code to a source note which is given at the end of the profile. Base data refer to the year of the latest census for which detailed tabulations are available. They have generally not been updated to the most recent census year when only a total population figure is available from that census. Base data are either unadjusted figures or derived from unadjusted figures. Thus, the popula- tion total and age-sex distribution are usually taken directly from the latest census for which detailed results are available. Numbers of births and deaths for the census year are generally from the country's vital registration system or a vital rates survey. Other fertility and mortality items, such as crude birth and death rates, net and gross reproduction rates, and age-specific death rates, are usually calculated from reported, unadjusted data. Intermediate data are usually adjusted base data which also refer to lMeJtt$& c^fyjusTVear for which detailed results are/aaajrable. For exarp^te, the inter- mediate population figures are usually the base popula- tion figures underenurrteration and This profile was prepared by William G. Duncan and Diana L. Wolf of the International Statistical Programs Center under a participating agency service agreement with the Office of Population, Agency for International Development. For sale by the Superintendent of documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price $0.25 domestic postpaid or $0.15 G.P.O. Bookstore. age misreporting. They may be used with similarly adjusted vital statistics to calculate the fertility and mortality measures in the intermediate array. Other items in this array are also adjusted as necessary to provide a corrected census year demographic profile. Occasionally the base data for a country may be considered adequate without adjustment. When this is the case, reliable unadusted data for a later year may be given in the intermediate array. Current data portray the demographic situation in a given country for the most recent year feasible. They may be estimates made at the International Statistical Programs Center (ISPC), or they may be taken from sources considered to be accurate and reliable. SOURCES Data for the profiles are compiled from various sources, including: (1) Censuses, surveys, statistical yearbooks, journals, and special reports published by individual countries; (2) statistical yearbooks, journals, and special analytical reports issued by the United Nations, including unpublished results of population projections prepared by the Population Division; (3) reports of specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization Produc- tion Yearbook, the International Labour Office Year- book of Labour Statistics , and the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook; (4) reports prepared by other international organizations, such as the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografi'a; and (5) technical papers prepared for conferences and articles in demographic or statistical journals. Many of the items have been prepared by ISPC for use by the Agency for International Development in various issues of its publication, Population P rogram Assistance . AVAILABILITY OF PROFILES THROUGH COMPUTER FACILITIES The data in this profile have been entered into the system of a private, time-sharing computer network, the Computer Network (COMNET) Corporation, and as presented here are taken from a computer printout of that system. Profiles for a number of other countries have been-and will continue to be— added to this data base, prior to being published in this series. Staff members of ISPC will periodically update these profiles, as new information becomes available, although older data originally entered in the profiles will be retained in some form. In addition, ISPC is developing plans to provide access to this data file for linkage with methodological and functional computer programs. This would give users the capability of manipulating the data file for such purposes as data evaluation and population projections. Persons or organizations interested in gaining access to these profiles through computer terminal facilities should write directly to the Computer Network Corpo- ration, 5185 MacArthur Boulevard, Washington, D.C., 20016. Detailed instructions on the retrieval of the data are provided in a user's manual which has been prepared by ISPC. Copies of this manual and additional informa tion about the data files can be obtained by writing the Chief, International Statistical Programs Center, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 20233. LIST OF ITEMS Population Total population Male population Male population by age Female population Female population by age Percent urban, however defined (according to each country's definition, as explained in individual profile notes) Percent urban, 20,000+ (percent of population living in cities of 20,000 or more inhabitants) Population Growth Natural increase (births minus deaths) Rate of natural increase (per 1,000 population) Annual growth (natural increase plus or minus net migration) Rate of annual growth (per 1,000 population) Fertility Total births Crude birth rate (number of births per 1,000 population) Sex ratio at birth (males per 100 females) General fertility rate (number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age, 15 to 49 years) Total fertility rate (the average number of children of both sexes that would be borne per 1 ,000 women in a cohort of females according to a given set of age-specific birth rates; equivalent to the sum of the age-specific birth rates multiplied by five) Age-specific birth rate (number of births per 1 ,000 women in a specified age group) Gross reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, all of whom lived to the end of the childbearing period, if the cohort bore children according to a given set of age-specific birth rates) Net reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, allowing for mortality of some of the women, and assuming that there were no changes in the age-specific schedules of fertility and mortality) Births by age of woman (percent of total births occurring to women in a specified age group) Median age of women reporting births (repre- senting the age whereby one-half the mothers reporting births in a given year are younger and one-half are older) Births by order (percent of total births that are first births, second births, etc.) Median birth order (representing the birth order whereby one-half the births in a given year are of a lower order and one-half are of a higher order) General order-specific fertility rate (number of births of a given order per 1 ,000 women age 1 5 to 49 years) Child/woman ratio (number of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women age 15 to 49 years) Children ever born (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Surviving children (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Mortality Total deaths Crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) Age standardized crude death rate (the crude death rate that results when the subject country's age- and sex-specific death rates are applied to the 1970 age-sex structure of the United States) Infant mortality rate (number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1 ,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (both sexes) Male life expectancy at birth Male region in model life table (selected from four alternative regions as presented in Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny, Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations, Princeton University Press, 1966) Female life expectancy at birth Female region in model life table (see note above for male region) Male age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1 ,000 males in a specified age group) Female age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 females in a specified age group) Male net migration by age (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Female net migration by age (a minus sign indi- cates net emigration) Marriage Female age-specific marriage rate (number of marriages per 1 ,000 women in a specified age group, based on vital registration data) Married women by age (percent of all women in a specified age group who are married, based on census data) Mean age at marriage, females (based on the more reliable of the above two measures, as specified in the source notes for each profile) School Enrollment Primary school enrollment rate, local (percent of children in a specified age group actually enrolled; varying age groups defined in notes of individual profiles) Primary school enrollment rate, U.N. (unadjusted total primary school enrollment as a percent of population age 5 to 14 years, as reported in the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook) Labor Force Labor force participation rate (economically active population of both sexes as a percent of total population age 1 5 to 64 years) Male labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Female labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Labor force in agriculture (as a percent of total labor force) Male labor force in agriculture (percent) Migration Total net migration (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Density Total land per person (acres) Agricultural land per person (acres) $ o •a < COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE TOTAL POPULATION 1336274 1963 AA 1378705 1963 AN 1834600 1972 AR *IALE POPULATION 668957 1963 AA 691969 1963 AN 920900 1972 AR "ALF POPULATION BY AGE UNDER 1 26024 1963 AA 29892 1963 AN 24400 1972 AR 1-4 100531 108723 125400 5-9 1104Q4 112528 154900 10-14 86185 87871 128100 15-19 6*104 65980 100200 20-24 50578 51375 75100 25-29 41371 43171 58200 30-34 38547 38854 48900 35-39 33370 33828 43900 40-^4 26929 27559 38000 45-49 22792 23638 30800 50-54 21006 19996 26100 55-59 13404 15223 21700 60-64 12883 11780 16000 65-69 7362 8445 11800 70-74 5073 5753 7900 75-79 7394 7353 4800 80-84 * 3676 2800 85 + * * 1900 OPULATION 667317 1963 AA 686736 1963 AN 913700 1972 AR OPULATION BY AGE UNDER 1. 25231 1^63 AA 28793 1963 AN 23500 1972 AR 1-4 97552 104947 122400 5-9 107124 108935 149800 10-14 84525 85948 124200 15-19 66109 66986 98100 20-24 53017 53782 76300 25-29 43596 44675 61200 30-34 38667 39169 50700 35-39 34301 34126 44400 40-^4 26710 27590 38500 4 5-49 22503 23321 30900 50-54 20514 19690 25900 55-59 13337 14868 21700 60-64 12643 11586 15800 65-69 7853 8519 11900 7 0-74 5800 5726 8200 75-79 7835 8075 5000 80-84 * 4331 2900 85 + * * 2300 PERCENT URBAN (HOWEVER DEFINED) 34.5 1963 AB NA 37.0 1971 BD PERCENT URBAN (20000+) 19.2 1963 AP NA NA COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current NATURAL INCREASE 52422 1963 AH RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE 39.0 1963 AH ANNUAL GROWTH 50550 1963 AH RATE OF ANNUAL GROWTH 37.8 1963 AH TOTAL BIRTHS CRUDE BIRTH RATE 63798 1963 AD 47.5 1963 AD SEX RATIO AT BIRTH 105.4 1963 AD GENERAL FERTILITY RATE TOTAL FERTILITY RATE 223 1963 AD 7250 1963 BC AGE-SPECIFIC BIRTH RATE 15-19 119 1963 AD 20-24 336 25-29 360 30-34 2 94 35-39 224 40-44 100 45-49 17 GROSS REPRODUCTION RATE 3530 1963 AD NET REPRODUCTION RATE 3067 1963 BC BIRTHS BY AGE OF WOMAN i%) UNDER 20 12.4 1963 AQ 20-29 52.3 30+ 35.3 MEDIAN AGE OF WOMEN REPORTING BIRTHS 27.0 1963 AQ BIRTHS BY ORDER (?) 1ST 16.1 1963 AQ 2ND 14.3 3RD 13.0 4TH+ 56.6 MEDIAN BIRTH ORDER 50528 1963 AN 36.3 1963 AN 49292 1963 AW 35.4 1963 AW 63042 1963 AN 45.3 1963 AS 104.0 1963 AW 218 1963 AS 7120 1963 AS 3490 1963 AS 3004 1963 AX 12.5 1963 AX 53.0 34.5 26.9 1963 AX NA 48222 1971 BA 27.0 1971 BD NA NA 60724 1971 BA 34.0 1971 BD 105.3 1970 AY 151 1970 AY 4840 1970 AY 118 1963 AS 103 1970 AY 330 235 350 215 289 190 225 143 96 72 16 10 2358 1970 AY 2191 1970 AY 17.0 1970 AY 52.7 30.3 25.6 1970 AY NA 3.6 1963 AQ NA NA COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current GENERAL ORDER-SPECIFIC FERTILITY RATE 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH + CHILD/WOMAN RATIO CHILDREN EVER PORN SURVIVING CHILDREN TOTAL DEATHS CRUDE DEATH RATE 36 1963 AQ 32 29 25 2? 18 15 47 875 1963 AF NA NA 11376 1963 AD 8.5 1963 AD AGE STANDARDIZED CRUDE DEATH RATE 12.4 196 3 AK INFANT MOPTALITY RATE 87.1 1963 AJ LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH 63.31 1963 AI MALE LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH 61.87 1963 AI MALE REGION IN MODEL LIFE TABLE WEST 1963 AO FEMALE LIFE EXPFCTANCY AT BIRTH 64.83 1963 AI FEMALE REGION IN MODEL LIFE TABLE WEST 1963 AO MALF AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH PATE UNDFR 1 97.1 1963 AJ 1-4 7.1 5-9 1.6 10-14 0.9 15-19 1.2 20-24 2.1 25-29 2.3 30-34 2.0 35-39 3.0 40-44 4.8 45-4Q S.l 50-54 8.8 NA 940 1963 AW NA NA 12514 1963 AN 9.0 1963 AN 14.7 1963 AK 85.1 1963 AM 62.44 1963 AM 60.56 1963 AM WEST 1963 AO 64.44 1963 AM WEST 1963 AO NA 739 1972 AR NA NA 12502 1971 BA 7.0 1971 BD 11.9 1970 AK 67.0 1971 BD 65.97 1970 BB 64.33 1970 BB WEST 1970 AO 67.43 1970 BB WEST 1970 AO 93.9 1963 AM 83.9 1970 AZ 10.1 4.3 1.8 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.7 2.6 2.1 3.0 2.0 3.7 2.8 4.9 3.8 6.8 4.8 10.0 7.9 COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current MALE AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATE — CONTINUED 55-59 12.8 14.7 13.1 60-64 17.0 22.1 20.1 65-69 31.7 35.3 28.9 70-74 43.2 53.9 42.2 75-79 101.9 113.7 74.0 30 + * 175.3 162.4 FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATE UNDER 1 76.7 1963 AJ 75.8 1963 AM 70.4 1970 AZ 1-4 7.8 9.1 4.4 5-9 1.2 1.4 0.8 10-14 0.6 0.8 0.4 15-19 0.9 1.0 0.9 20-24 1.2 1.5 0.9 25-29 1.8 1.9 1.4 30-34 2.1 2.5 1.5 35-39 2.5 3.2 1.8 40-44 3.7 4.2 3.1 45-49 5.2 5.5 3.5 50-54 6.0 8.1 6.5 55-59 10.3 12.0 9.6 60-64 18.3 17.9 15.1 65-69 25.5 27.9 26.2 70-74 47.7 44.5 41.2 75-79 101.3 104.4 67.4 80+ * 145.8 134.3 TOTAL NET MIGRATION -1872 1963 AL -1236 1963 AN NA MALE NET MIGRATION BY AGE UNDER 15 194 1963 AL NA NA 15-19 -1731 20-24 -2512 25-29 -1890 30-34 -475 35-39 965 40-44 1099 4 5-49 1346 5 0+ 2013 FEMALE NET MIGRATION BY AGE UNDER 15 776 1963 AL NA NA 15-19 -548 20-24 -283 2 5-29 -249 30-34 -238 35-39 -172 40-44 -30 45-49 -216 50 + 79 FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC MARRIAGE RATE 10-14 2 1963 AU 15-19 50 20-24 49 25-29 22 30-34 11 35-39 7 NA NA COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current MARRIED WOMEN BY AGE ( % ) 10-1 A 1 Q 63 AC 15-19 15.8 20-24 52. B 25-29 71.8 30-34 76. 8 35-39 76. ft ^0-44 74.1 45-49 71.1 NA NA MCAM AGE AT MA°RIAGF (FEMALES) 21.3 1963 AT NA NA PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PATE (LOCAL) 78.2 '963 AE NA NA PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLMENT RATE (UN) 64.2 1963 AE NA NA LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 29.6 1963 AV NA NA MALE LABOR CORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 49.5 1963 AV NA NA FEMALE LABOR FORTE PARTICIPATION RATE c .6 1963 AV NA NA LABOR FORCE IN AGRICULTURE (?) 49.1 1963 AV NA NA MALE LABOR pr IRCE IN AGRICULTURE (?) 57.7 1963 AV NA NA TOTAL LAND PER PERSON (ACRES) 9.485 1963 AG 9.193 1963 AG 6.901 1972 AG AGRICULTURAL LAND PER PERSON (ACRES) 2.856 1963 AG NA NA * - OATA INCLUDED IN PREVIOUS CATFGORY. SOUPCE NOTES: AA- COSTA RICA, CENSO DE POBLACION, APRIL 1, 1963. POPULATION IN AGE UNKNOWN CATEGORY IS PROPORTIONALLY DISTRIBUTED. AB- CALCULATED AT I SPC USING OATA FROM UNITED NATIONS DEMO- GRAPHIC YEARBOOK 1963. URBAN ENCOMPASSES METROPOLITAN AREA OP SAN JOSE (FXCLUDING RURAL SECTOR OF LAS PAVAS), CAPTAGO CITY, AND ADMINISTRATIVE CFNTERS OF ALL CANTONS EXCEPT SAN PABLO (PROVINCE OF HEREDIA), NANDAYURE (PROVINCE OF GUANACASTE), AND BUENOS AIRES (PROVINCE OF PUNTARENAS)'. i AC- CENSO DE PflBLACIONi APRIL 1,1963. INCLUDING CONSENSUAL UNIONS. AD- PRINCIPALFS HECHOS VITALES OCURRIOOS EN COSTA RICA, NO. 28, ANO 1963. BIRTH DATA TABULATED BY YEAR OF REGISTRATION, EXCLUDING THOSE WHICH OCCURRED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 1956. AE- CALCULATED AT ISPC. LOCAL RATE RELATES PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT (INCLUDING EVENING SCHOOL) TO 7-14 YEAR AGE GROUP, WHILE UNESCO RATE USES 5-14 YEAR AGE GROUP. DATA FROM COSTA RICA, CENSO DE POBLACION 1963. AND ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE COSTA RICA, 1963. AF- CALCULATED AT ISPC. BASED ON DATA IN COSTA RICA, CENSO DE POBLACION, 1963. AG- CALCULATED AT ISPC USING LAND DATA FROM FAO PRODUCTION YEARBOOK 1966, AND POPULATION DATA FOR THE APPROPRIATE YEAR FROM COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE. AH- CALCULATED AT ISPC. BASED ON DATA IN PRINCIPALES HECHOS VITALES OCUPRIDOS EN COSTA RICA, NO. 28, ANO 1963, AND ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE COSTA RICA 1963. AI- TABLAS DE V I DA DE COSTA RICA 1962-1964. TOTAL RATE ESTIMATED USING MALE AND FEMALE RATES AND SEX RATIO AT BIRTH. AJ- UN DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK, 1967. AK- CALCULATED AT ISPC BY STANDARDIZING AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATES ON 1970 U.S. AGE-SEX DISTRIBUTION. AL- ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE COSTA RICA, 1963. POPULATION IN AGE UNKNOWN CATEGORIES IS PROPORTIONALLY DISTRIBUTED. AM- JOOP ALBERTS, COSTA RICA: TABLAS ABREVIADAS DE MORTALIDAD POR PROVINCIAS 1962-1964. CELADE SERIE AS-NO. 9, COSTA RICA, 1970. AN- DATA FOR APRIL 1, 1963, ADJUSTED IN RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZ, PROYECCION DE LA POBLACION DE COSTA RICA POR SEXO Y GRUPOS DE EDAD 1965-1990. DIRECCION GENERAL DE ESTADISTICA Y CENSOS, REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS Y ESTADI ST ICAS , ANO 8, 1967. TOTAL BIRTHS AND DEATHS CALCULATED USING MID-YEAR POPULATION UPDATED USING ANNUAL GROWTH RATE OF 3.54 PER CENT. AO- COALE AND DEMENY, REGIONAL MODEL LIFE TABLES AND STABLE POPULATIONS. AP- AN ANALYTIC STUDY OF THE URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION OF COSTA RICA, UN POPULATION DIV. WORKING PAPER NO. 22, 1967 AO- CALCULATED AT ISPC. BASEO ON DATA GIVEN IN UNITED NATIONS DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK 1969. 10 AR- MID-YEAR POPULATION ESTIMATED AT I SPC BY UPDATING JANUARY 1, 1972 FIGURE PUBLISHED IN AGFNCY c OR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOP- MENT, POPULATION PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972, USING ESTIMATED GROWTH RATE OF 2.7 PER CENT. AGE-SEX DISTRIBUTION IS BASED ON 1970 ESTIMATE IN RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZ, "CHANGES IN THE AGF DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF COSTA RITA AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE FERTILITY DECLINE," FIFTH NATIONAL SEMINAR ON DEMOGRAPHY, COSTA RICA, 1970. AS- RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZ, OBSERVAC IONES SOERE EL DECENSO DE LA FECUNDIDAD FN COSTA RICA. CUARTO SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE DEMOGRAFIA, COSTA RICA, 1968. AT- SINGULATE MEAN CALCULATED AT ISPC USING HAJNAL'S METHOD. DATA FROM COSTA RICA, CENSO DE POBLACION, 1963. AU- CALCULATED AT ISPC. FEMALES MARRIED PER 1,000 FEMALES IN A SPECIFIED AGE GROUP. FEMALES MARRIED BEYOND THE AGE OF 49 ARE AGGREGATED IN THE 45-49 YEAR AGE GROUP. BASED ON DATA IN ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE COSTA RICA, 1963. AV- ILO, YEARBOOK OF LABOR STATISTICS, 1965. AW- CALCULATED AT ISPC. BASED ON DATA IN RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZt PROYECCION DE LA POBLACION DE COSTA RICA POR SEXO Y GRUPOS CE EDAD 1965-1990. DIRECCION GENERAL DE ESTADISTICA Y CENSOS, REVISTA DE ESTUOIOS Y EST ADI ST ICAS , NO. 8, 1967. AX- CALCULATED AT ISPC. BASED ON DATA IN RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZ, OPSERVACIONES SOBRE EL DECENSO DE LA FECUNDIDAD EN COSTA RICA, CUARTO SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE DEMOGRAFIA, COSTA RICA, 1968. AY- ESTIMATEO AT ISPC BY EXTRAPOLATING 1965-1968 DATA TO 1970. BASED ON DATA IN RICARDO JIMENEZ JIMENEZ, ESTADISTICAS DEMOGRAFICAS BASICAS DE COSTA RICA 1970. ASOCIACION DEMO- GRAFICA COSTARRICENSE, 1970. AZ- ESTIMATED AT ISPC BY EXTRAPOLATING AVERAGE 1965-66 AND 1968-60 DATA TO 1970. BASED ON REGISTRATION DATA WHICH IS CONSIDERED RELATIVELY COMPLETE, PUBLISHED IN COSTA RICA, ESTADISTICA VITAL 1968, NO. 35. BA- CALCULATED AT ISPC USING ESTIMATED BIRTH AND DEATH RATES, AND UNITED NATIONS MID-YEAR POPULATION ESTIMATE. BB- CALCULATED AT ISPC FROM AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATES USING WEST MODEL LIFE TABLES. TOTAL EXPECTANCY CALCULATED FROM MALE AND FFMALE EXPECTANCIES AND SEX RATIO AT BIRTH.. BC- CALCULATED AT ISPC USING UNADJUSTED AGE-SPECIFIC BIRTH RATES (TFR), DEATH RATES (NRR), AND SEX RATIO AT BIRTH PRESENTED IN COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE. BD- UNITED NATIONS ESTIMATES, PRESENTED IN AGENCY FOR INTER- NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, POPULATION PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 1972. ft U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973—511-325/1204 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE DIVISION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Washington, O.C. 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS FIRST CLASS MAIL ADD0D72flS c lflm POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 375