i// o U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary BUSINESS AND DEFENSE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION William A. White, Sr., Administrator 6iod and FOR . . . Use in connection with the operations of the Defense Materials System. ... A guide for Industrial Mobilisation Planning. ... A directory of product and industry assignments within the Business and De- fense Services Administration. ISSUED OCTOBER 1, 1960 CONTENTS Page Directory of Industry Divisions 3 General Information 4 Section I. Product Assignment Directory 7 II. Official Class B Product List 94 III. Index of Product Class Codes by BDSA Industry Divisions 139 IV. Supplementary Information : A. List of Controlled Materials 150 B. Identification Symbols by Major Programs 152 C. Partial List A Products (of particular interest to the Department of Defense) 153 D. BDSA Classification and Coding System 155 READ CAREFULLY THE COMPLETE TEXT OF THE GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION BEFORE USING THIS DIRECTORY Copies of this publication are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., or from any of the Department of Commerce field offices at 70 cents each. U.S. Department of Commerce BUSINESS AND DEFENSE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Washington 25, D.C. Telephone STerling 3-9200 DIRECTORY OF INDUSTRY DIVISIONS Name Symbol AGRICULTURAL, CONSTRUCTION, MINING, AND OIL FIELD EQUIP- MENT: Agricultural Machinery and Imple- ments AGRI Construction Machinery and Equip- ment CMEQ Mining Equipment . _ MMEQ Oil Field Equipment OFME ALUMINUM AND MAGNESIUM ALUM AUTOMOTIVE AND TRANSPORTA- TION EQUIPMENT Automotive AUTO Shipbuilding SHIP Ordnance ORDN Railroad Equipment RAIL Aircraft AIRC BUILDING MATERIALS BLDG BUSINESS EQUIPMENT AND SERV- ICE INDUSTRIES SERV CHEMICAL AND RUBBER: Chemicals CHEM Rubber RUBR COMMUNICATIONS COMM CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY CSTN CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS CDGS CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING CONT COPPER COPR Name Symbol ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELEC ELECTRONICS ETRX FOOD INDUSTRIES FOOD FOREST PRODUCTS: Lumber and Wood Products LUMB Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard PAPR GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIP- MENT AND COMPONENTS: General Components GCOM General Industrial Equipment GIEQ IRON AND STEEL...__ STEE LEATHER, SHOES, AND ALLIED PRODUCTS- _•__-_'_ ___ LEAT METAL WORKING EQUIPMENT M WEQ MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND MINERALS MSMN POWER EQUIPMENT POWR PRINTING AND PUBLISHING PRIN SCIENTIFIC, MOTION PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS: Motion Picture and Photographic Products MOTP Scientific Instruments and Technical Equipment SITE TEXTILES AND CLOTHING TEXT WATER AND SEWERAGE INDUS- TRY AND UTILITIES _. WATR GENERAL INFORMATION The general information and instructions set forth below should be read carefully by all users of this publication. Purpose and Contents. — This publication is designed to serve American industry in several ways. It contains the "Product Assignment Directory" (section I) which indicates the particular Industry Division within the Business and Defense Services Administration (BDSA) from which economic, statistical, technical, and other information may be obtained for many products of our economy. Section II contains the Official Class B Product List which is part of the Defense Materials System (DMS) which supports production, construction and research and development for defense, atomic energy and space programs. This publication also supplies background material regarding some of the important features of the DMS, and reprints in section IV some portions of the DMS Regulations for the convenience of the reader. The following definitions are taken from DMS Regulation 1. Definitions.— "Controlled Material" means domestic and imported steel, copper, aluminum, and nickel alloys, in the forms and shapes specified in Schedule I of DMS Reg. 1, whether new, remelted, rerolled, or redrawn. The allocation of these basic materials is the Government's administrative means for achieving a balanced flow of all materials to maximize industrial output to meet wartime objectives. This "standby" capability represents one of the important aspects of the Defense Materials System and complements its peacetime objectives of maximizing production, construction, and research and development for current defense, atomic energy, and space programs. A current list of all controlled materials is contained in section IV-A of this publication. Any subsequent amend- ment of Schedule I of DMS Reg. 1 supersedes section IV-A. "Class A product" means any product which contains any controlled material and which is not itself a controlled material or a Class B product. It also includes a construction project or research and development which requires for its completion any controlled material or Class A product. A partial list of Class A products for military use is contained in section IV-C. "Class B product" means any product designated as such in the "Official Class B Product List" issued by BDSA (section II of this publication), as the same may be modified from time to time, which contains any controlled ma- terial. It also includes any service designated as a Class B product in said "Official Class B Product List" (such as plating metal products) whether or not such service employs, consumes, or requires any controlled material. The designations "Class A product" and "Class B product" do not signify relative importance. During the peacetime operation of the Defense Materials System the distinction between Class A products and Class B products is essentially a procedural one. The maintenance of this distinction is a matter of extreme importance, however, since the classification of these products reflects the channel of responsibility and authority for the allocation of material and authorization of production or construction during wartime. Special treatment of certain items are described below: 1. All concurrent spares and all repair and replacement parts for Class B products are to be treated as Class B products. 2. Unless specifically excepted by BDSA, repair and replacement parts for Class A products are to be treated as Class A products if they are not listed as Class B products in the Official Class B Product List. 3. All screw machine products and stamped, spun, and pressed metal products produced to order by job shops are treated as Class A products. However, any of these products manufactured by such job shops which are sold by them from their catalogs or stock are to be treated as Class B products. 4. Components classified as Class B products which are made by a producer of any Class A product for incor- poration in such Class A product are to be treated as Class A products, unless the producer normally makes similar components for sale. 5. Tools, jigs, dies, and fixtures classified as Class B products which are made for his own use by a producer of Class A products are to be treated as Class A products, unless the producer is a regular manufacturer of such tools, etc. Product Assignment Directory. — Section I of this publication is the Product Assignment Directory. It contains an alphabetical list of a broad variety of products and certain services. It includes Class A products, Class B products, controlled materials and other products which do not fall into any of these categories. It shows the area of responsibility of the Industry Divisions of BDSA with respect to the items listed. The listings in this Directory were developed over a period of years taking into account the experience in World War II, the Korean conflict, new product developments, and the record-keeping practices of industry. They are generally consistent with the Standard Industrial Classification of the Bureau of the Budget. They cover all eco- •^ _. __ - nomically significant products manufactured in the United States except petroleum, gas, solid fuels, certain minerals, agricultural products, and services. Official Class B Product List. — Section II of this publication is the Official Class B Product List. It is part of the Defense Materials System and should be used in accordance with the provisions of DMS Regulation 1. It incor- porates the latest changes in classification and product assignment. This list may be amended from time to time. All categories of Class B products are listed in the Official Class B Product List; however, not every possible description is included under each category. Services designated as Class B products are also listed. For each listed item there is shown a product class code number, description, and the BDSA Industry Division to which it is assigned. The word "Civilian" following a product name denotes that the item is civilian type rather than civilian pur- chased. The word "Military" following a product name denotes that the item is of special military design rather than military purchased. The letters "N.E.C." following a product name means "not elsewhere classified." The official Class B Product List was developed largely from the list of products used in the 1958 Census of Manufactures by the Bureau of the Census, supplemented by significant categories of Class B products not separately shown in the Census. The 5-digit product class structure of the Bureau of the Census, which conforms to the 1957 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification, was expanded to a 6-digit code structure to meet the administrative needs of BDSA. The same 6-digit code is assigned to a product class in all sections of this Directory. The indi- vidual products of which a class is comprised are all designated by this same 6-digit code. For a further description of the BDSA classification and coding system, see Section IV D below. How To Determine the Classification of a Product A product may be classified in one of the following categories: (a) Controlled material (b) Class A product (c) Class B product (d) Unclassified product In order to determine the classification of a product, first look in section I, Product Assignment Directory, which is arranged alphabetically. 1. If the footnote (1) appears after the name of a product, the product is a controlled material. 2. If there is no footnote after the name of the product, note the product class code and look for that code num- ber in section II, Official Class B Product List, which is arranged numerically. If the code is listed in the Official Class B Product List and if the product contains any controlled material, it is a Class B product. Some products included in the Official Class B Product List, however, are specifically designated Class A products in section IV-C because of their direct relationship to military programs. 3. If the product contains any controlled material and is not listed in the Official Class B Product List, it is a Class A product. 4. If the product does not contain any controlled material and is not itself a controlled material, it is an unclassi- fied product. Authority: Issued under sec. 704, 64 Stat. 816, as amended, Pub. Law 85-471, 72 Stat. 241; 50 U.S.C. App. 2154. Interpret or apply sec. 101, 64 Stat. 799, as amended, Pub. Law 85-471, 72 Stat. 241; 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, 2155; E.O. 10480, as amended, 18 F.R. 4939, 6201, 19 F.R. 3807, 7249, 21 F.R. 1673; 3 CFR, 1953, 1954 and 1956 Supps.; DMO 1-7, as amended, 18 F.R. 5366, 6736, 6737, 19 F.R. 7348; 32A CFR Ch. I; Commerce Dept. Order No. 152 (Revised), 23 F.R. 7951. In the formulation of this publication consultation with industry representatives has been rendered impracticable because it affects all industries and trades. SECTION I PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY A BDSA Product Product description Division code Abaca TEXT 071900 Abaca cable and rope TEXT 229800 Abrasion testing instruments SITE 382130 Abrasive balls, artificial, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive bricks, artificial, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abra=ive bricks, natural, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive cloth, artificial, coated MWEQ 329101 Abrasivo cloth, natural, coated MWEQ 329101 Abrasive compounds (except diamond) grind- ing, lapping, etc MSMN 329102 Abrasive disk, dental SITE 384300 Abrasive grit, iron and steel MWEQ 329141 Abrasive hones, artificial, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive hones, natural, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive laps MWEQ 329101 Abrasive paper, artificial, coated MWEQ 329101 Abrasive paper, natural, coated MWEQ 329101 Abrasive paper stock PAPR 262100 Abrasive points, dental SITE 384300 Abrasive products, metal, wool, except scour- ing powder MWEQ 329141 Abrasive sand, iron and steel MWEQ 329141 Abrasive shot, iron and steel MWEQ 329141 Abrasive sticks, artificial, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive sticks, natural, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive stones, artificial, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive stones, natural, bonded MWEQ 329101 Abrasive wheels, dental SITE 384300 Abrasive wheels, diamond MWEQ 329101 Abrasives, aluminum oxide, lump, grain, powder and flour MSMN 329102 Abrasives, artificial, coated, except paper and cloth MWEQ 329101 Abrasives, boron carbide, lump, grain, powder and flour MSMN 329102 Abrasives, diamond, except wheel MSMN 329102 Abrasives, natural (See specific kind.) Abrasives, silicon carbide, lump, grain, powder and flour MSMN 329102 Absorbents, oil and dust, including sweeping compounds CHEM 284232 Absorbers, Pitman beam, polished rods, sucker rod, well- and shock-oilfield OFME 353302 Absorption systems GIEQ 358573 Accelerometers ETRX 367953 Accessories, camera MOTP 386102 Accessories, tank, well head, flow, oil well OFME 344351 Accordions and parts CDGS 393140 Account books PRIN 278210 Accounting machines SERV 357121 Accumulators, hydraulic, aircraft AIRC 372911 Acetaldehyde CHEM 288701 Acetate, cellulose, not plastic CHEM 288721 Acetate, cellulose, yarn and staple TEXT 282310 Acetic acid, natural CHEM 286111 Acetic acid, synthetic CHEM 288804 Acetic anhvdride CHEM 288702 Acetone CHEM 288703 Acetylene (gas) CHEM 281331 Acetylene generators GIEQ 356902 Acetylene regulators MWEQ 354830 Acetylene tetrachloride CHEM 288794 Acids (See specific kind.) Aconite CHEM 283311 Acoustical felts, except woven TEXT 229100 Acoustical tile, insulating board BLDG 266112 Acridine dyes CHEM 281587 Acrilan filament, staple TEXT 282400 BDSA Product Product description Division code Acrylic fiber TEXT 282400 Acrvlic plastics, injection molded CHEM 307902 Acrylic resins CHEM 282178 Aervlonitrile CHEM 288704 Activated sewage sludge CHEM 287161 Aetuators, linear motion, electric, aircraft AIRC 372911 Actuators (cvlinder assembly) linear motion, hydraulic, aircraft AIRC 372911 Actuators (cylinder assembly) linear motion, pneumatic, aircraft AIRC 372911 Acyclic organic chemicals. (See specific kind.) Adapters, coaxial cable ETRX 367957 Adapters, color TV ETRX 367955 Adapters, electrical, wiring ELEC 364301 Adapters, motion-picture and still picture MOTP 386102 Adapters, oil and well-head OFME 353302 Adapters, telephone COMM 366100 Adapters, UHF TV ETRX 367955 Adding machine rolls, paper PAPR 264951 Adding machines, electric SERV 357121 Adding machines, nonelectric SERV 357121 Adding machines, vest-pocket SERV 357121 Additives, alloying, blast furnace STEE 331212 Additives, alloying, electrometallurgical (n.e.c.). STEE 331332 Addressing machine supplies SERV 357901 Addressing machines SERV 357901 Adenotomes SITE 384101 Adhesive plasters SITE 384212 Adhesive tape spools CONT 346184 Adhesives made from natural gums and resins except rubber CHEM 289150 Adipic acid CHEM 288705 Adiponitrile CHEM 288816 Adjusters, casing, oilfield OFME 353301 Adobe brick BLDG 325920 Adsorption systems GIEQ 358573 Advertising novelties, printed paper PRIN 275100 Advertising typography PRIN 279100 Adzes GCOM 342321 Adzing machines, tie timber, railroad RAIL 353194 Aerofilm, black and white MOTP 386150 Agar CHEM 283312 Agave cable and rope TEXT 229800 Aggregate driers, portable CMEQ 353160 Aggregate, lightweight BLDG 329501 Aggregate spreaders CMEQ 353160 Agitators, mining, coal preparation MMEQ 353231 Agitators, mining, ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Agricultural equipment stampings, metal GCOM 346132 Agricultural insecticides and fungicides CHEM 287300 Agricultural machinery. (See specific kind.) Agricultural tools, edged, hand GCOM 342321 Air abrasive machines, dental SITE 384300 Air bags, full circle, tire retreading RUBR 301154 Air bags, sectional, tire repair RUBR 301155 Air compressors, portable GIEQ 356102 Air compressors, stationary GIEQ 356102 Air-conditioner stampings, metal GCOM 346132 Air conditioners, central station self-contained- GIEQ 358573 Air conditioners, packaged, room GIEQ 358511 Air conditioners, packaged, nonroom, self-con- tained GIEQ 358573 Air-conditioning blowers, light weight centrif- ugal GIEQ 356401 Air-conditioning ducts BLDG 344431 Air-conditioning units, automobile AUTO 371763 Air diffusers, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Air ports, ship ventilators SHIP 373001 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Air purification equipment GIEQ Air purifiers, electric, household CDGS Air purifying devices, personal SITE Air washers GIEQ Aircraft carriers SHIP Aircraft clocks SITE Aircraft, commercial, except helicopters and gliders AIRC Aircraft electric synchronous indicating instru- ments AIRC Aircraft engines. (See Engines.) Aircraft ground servicing equipment, auto- motive-maintenance type AUTO Aircraft hangar doors, metal BLDG Aircraft landing gear AIRC Aircraft, mancarrying, military AIRC Aircraft maintenance, repair, overhauling, ci- vilian AIRC Aircraft, modification and conversion, civilian,. AIRC Aircraft, modification and conversion, mili- tary AIRC Aircraft parts, civilian except airframe AIRC Aircraft parts, mancarrying, military AIRC Aircraft, personal type, except helicopters and gliders AIRC Aircraft propellers and parts. (See Propellers.) Aircraft wire and cable. (See Wire or Cable.) Airframe parts, civilian AIRC Airframe parts, military AIRC Airplanes. (See Aircraft.) Airplane models, except toy CDGS Airplanes, toy, model construction CDGS Airway breathing tubes SITE Alarm clocks, electric SITE Alarm clocks, spring wound SITE Alarms, reel end MOTP Albums PRIN Alcohol, butyl CHEM Alcohol, ethyl CHEM Alcohol, wood CHEM Alidades SITE Aligners, connecting rod wheel, auto mainte- nance AUTO Alkalis. (See specific kind.) Alkaloids and salts (including mixtures) CHEM Alkyd resins . CHEM Allergenic extracts CHEM Alleys, bowling CDGS Alloys, dental SITE Almanacs PRIN Aloe CHEM Alpacas, cotton (made in textile mills) TEXT Alpacas, mohair (made in textile mills) TEXT Altars, church, metal SERV Altars, church, wood SERV Althea CHEM Altimeters, aircraft, barometric SITE Altimeters, barometric (except aircraft) SITE Altimeters, radio ETRX Alumina hydrated CHEM Aluminate, sodium CHEM Aluminum acetate CHEM Aluminum ammonium sulfate CHEM Aluminum barrels, drums, kegs and pails, shipping CONT Aluminum billet x ALUM Aluminum castings. (See Castings.) Aluminum chloride anhydrous CHEM Aluminum chloride, crystal and liquid CHEM Aluminum chromium sulfate CHEM Aluminum fluoride MSMN Aluminum foil, except plain ALUM Aluminum foil and foil combinations, converted for packaging CONT Aluminum foil and foil combinations, converted for structural insulation BLDG Aluminum foil, plain • ALUM Aluminum hydroxide CHEM Aluminum ingot ' ALUM Aluminum nitrate CHEM Aluminum oxide CHEM Product code 356401 363430 384230 356401 373120 387100 372101 372911 354842 344210 372911 372110 372141 372141 372142 372911 372912 372101 372912 372912 399936 394100 384101 387100 387100 386102 278210 288712 288706 286112 381125 354841 283326 282174 283113 394920 384300 274132 283313 221100 223100 253120 253120 283314 381110 381123 366241 281665 288138 288805 288141 349101 333410 281961 288132 288142 281961 349703 349701 349704 335230 288133 333410 288135 288136 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Aluminum oxide abrasives — lump, grain, pow- der and flour MSMN Aluminum oxide cutting wheels MWEQ Aluminum oxide grinding wheels MWEQ Aluminum paints CHEM Aluminum phosphate CHEM Aluminum pig » ALUM Aluminum-potassium sulfate CHEM Aluminum, rolled, drawn and extruded. : (See specific shapes.) Aluminum-sodium sulfate CHEM Aluminum stearate CHEM Aluminum sulfate CHEM Aluminum wool (except scouring pads) MWEQ Alums. (See specific kind.) Amblygonite, crude ..-_- MSMN Ambulance bodies, automotive AUTO Ambulances, automotive AUTO Amino-benzene CHEM Aminophenol CH E M Amino resins CHEM Ammeters, automotive AUTO Ammeters, except automotive SITE Ammi visnaga CHEM Ammonia, anhydrous CHEM Ammonia, aqua CHEM Ammonia liquor, coke oven byproduct CHEM Ammonia liquor, except coke oven byproduct-. CHEM Ammoniated superphosphates CHEM Ammoniating solutions CHEM Ammonium-aluminum sulfate CHEM Ammonium acetate CHEM Ammonium bicarbonate CHEM Ammonium bichromate CHEM Ammonium borate CHEM Ammonium bromide CHEM Ammonium carbonate CHEM Ammonium chloride CHEM Ammonium fluorides CHEM Ammonium hydroxide CHEM Ammonium molybdate CHEM Ammonium nitrate, except fertilizer CHEM Ammonium nitrate mixtures, 21% an d under. _ CHEM Ammonium nitrate over 21% CHEM Ammonium perchlorate CHEM Ammonium persulfate CHEM Ammonium phosphates CHEM Ammonium silicofluoride CHEM Ammonium sulfate, coke oven byproduct CHEM Ammonium sulfate, except coke oven by- products CHEM Ammonium sulfide CHEM Ammonium sulfocyanide CHEM Ammonium thioglycolate CHEM Ammonium thiosulfate CHEM Ammunition box hardware BLDG Ammunition boxes and chests, metal CONT Ammunition boxes and chests, wood CONT Ammunition loading and assembling, over 30 millimeters ORDN Ammunition loading machinery GIEQ Ammunition, over 30 millimeters ORDN Ammunition, small arms, civilian CDGS Ammunition, small arms, military CDGS Ammunition, shotgun, complete round, loaded. CDGS Ammunition, .22 caliber, complete round loaded CDGS Ampere-hour meters SITE Amphibian combat vehicles AUTO Amplifiers, audio, commercial type ETRX Amplifiers, audio, consumer tvpe ETRX Amplifiers, d.c . ETRX Amplifiers, magnetic ETRX Amplifiers, pulse ETRX Amplifiers, r.f. power, broadcast ETRX Amplifiers, r.f. power, except broadcast ETRX Amplifiers, telephone COMM Ampules, plastic, packaging CONT Amusement machines, bell-type, coin-operated. SERV Amusement machines, pin ball, coin-operated. _ SERV Amusement machines, skill games, coin- operated SERV Product code PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Amusement machines, strength testing, coin- r» operated SERV 399920 Amyl acetate CHEM 288707 Amyl alcohol CHEM 288708 Analgesics CHEM 283461 Analog computers SERV 357110 Analyzers, gasoline combustion, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Analyzers, internal combustion engine AUTO 361121 Anchors, civilian, ship SHIP 373001 Anchors, masonry wall BLDG 344930 Anchors, oil well and wellhead OFME 353302 Anchors, railroad, fabricated RAIL 349904 Andalusite, ground or treated MSMN 329502 Andalusite ore MSMN 145900 Andirons CDGS 342951 Anemometers SITE 381124 Anesthesia apparatus SITE 384102 Anesthetics CHEM 283461 Anethole CHEM 288911 Angle dozers. (See Dozers.) Angle shearing machines, power, metalworking. MWEQ 354201 Anhydrous ammonia CHEM 288371 Anhydrous sodium sulfate CHEM 288492 Aniline CHEM 281503 Aniline sulfate CHEM 281504 Animal glue CHEM 289111 Animal hair, fur (except hair for spinning such as angora, etc.) LEAT 399935 Animal oil mill products other than fattv acids. FOOD 209000 Anisidine CHEM 281505 Anklet ribbing, knit TEXT 225300 Anklets. (See Hose.) Annealing equipment, except metal GIEQ 355954 Annunciators, alarms and signaling SITE 349901 Anodes, graohite MSMN 362402 Anodes, nickel, plating MSMN 335603 Anodizing equipment GIEQ 355954 Anodizing of metal products SERV 347100 Anoscopcs SITE 384101 Ant poisons CHEM 284202 Antacids, proprietary — except analgesics, laxa- ; tive CHEM 283441 Antenna coupling, tuning, and switching equip- , ment ETRX 366260 Antenna mounting brackets and clamps ETRX 367957 Antenna rotators ETRX 367955 Antenna supporting sectional masting ETRX 367955 Antennas, broadcast (except towers) ETRX 367957 Antennas: communications, microwave, radar, navigation aids, n.e.c - ETRX 367957 Antennas, consumer types (home, auto, etc)... ETRX 367955 Anthracene, crude CHEM 281491 Anthracene, refined CHEM 281569 Anthraquinone CHEM 281571 Anthraquinone vat dyes , CHEM 281582 Antibacterial serums and antiserums CHEM 283111 Antibiotics for animal feeds CHEM 283378 Antifreeze preparations, permanent CHEM 289941 Antifreeze preparations, nonpermanent CHEM 289942 Antihistamines CHEM 283467 Antimonial lead, ingots and pigs MSMN 334130 Antimonial lead scrap MSMN 941000 Antimony compounds CHEM 288599 Antimony ore and concentrates MSMN 109900 Antimony oxide pigments CHEM 281641 Antimony paints. CHEM 285195 Antimony trichloride CHEM 288591 Antimony, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Antique glass, obscured, except wire glass CDGS 321100 Antiseptics CHEM 283468 Anti-skid chain GCOM 348193 Antitoxins and antitoxic serums CHEM 283112 Aplite MSMN 145900 Apparatus blanks COMM 366100 Apparel, household TEXT 233900 Apparel, made in knitting mills (except knit gloves, hosiery, and underwear) TEXT 225300 Appliance wire and cord. (See Wire.) Appliances, household. (See specific kind.) Applicators, collapsible tube CONT 349600 Applicators, collapsible tubes, plastic CONT 307991 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Applicators, insecticide, livestock AGRI 352288 Applicators, stamped, wood LUMB 249958 Applicators, tool, joint, grease, drilling, oil and gas well OFME 353302 Appliqueing for the trade TEXT 239500 Aprons, rubber RUBR 306451 Aprons, textile leather LEAT 312102 Aprons, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT 233900 Aqua ammonia CHEM 288375 Aquatic leather. (See Leather.) Arabic (acacia) gum CHEM 283316 Arc lamp fixtures, photographic reproduction MOTP 386101 Arc torches, welding MWEQ 362310 Arc welder generators, d.c MWEQ 362310 Arc welders, a.c. transformer MWEQ 362310 Arc welders; stud, automatic, a.c MWEQ 362310 Arc welders; stud, automatic, d.c MWEQ 362310 Arc welding coil electrodes MWEQ 362320 Arc welding electrodes, alloy steel, except hard surfacing MWEQ 362320 Arc welding electrodes, hard surfacing MWEQ 362320 Arc welding electrodes, mild steel MWEQ 362320 Arc welding electrodes, nonferrous, except hard surfacing MWEQ 362320 Arc welding heads, automatic MWEQ 362310 Arc welding standard positioners MWEQ 362310 Arch supporters, boot and shoe findings LEAT 313101 Arch supports SITE 384211 Archery equipment CDGS 394920 Arches, furnace, suspended, clay STEE 325502 Arches, logging CMEQ 353103 Arches, wood, fabricated or laminated LUMB 243311 Arctics, automatic, except style RUBR 302124 Arctics, buckle, except style RUBR 302124 Arctics, style, rubber and cloth RUBR 302125 Area walls, sheet metal BLDG 344435 Argon CHEM 281301 Argon columns GIEQ 356902 Argon generators GIEQ 356902 Arithmetic and logical units SERV 357110 Armature paper and paper board PAPR 262100 Armatures, battery charging generators, en- gine mounted AUTO 369401 Armatures, cranking motor, engine mounted AUTO 369401 Armor, cast, alloy steel, except high-alloy steel. . STEE 332300 Armor plate, forged, alloy steel, except stain- less STEE 339191 Armor plate, rolled, alloy steel, except stain- less * STEE 331241 Armored utility vehicles AUTO 371740 Arms transmitters COMM 366100 Arresters, telephone COMM 366100 Arsenate, calcium CHEM 287322 Arsenate, lead CHEM 287321 Arsenic MSMN 147900 Arsenic acid CHEM 288106 Arsenic paints CHEM 285196 Arsenic, white CHEM 287329 Arsenical weed-killer preparations CHEM 287391 Art goods, papier mache CDGS 329901 Art goods, plaster of paris CDGS 329901 Art goods, stamped, embroidering and punch- ing TEXT 239500 Artificial eyes SITE 385100 Art needlework not made in textile mills TEXT 239500 Articulators SITE 384300 Artificial eyes SITE 385100 Artificial limbs SITE 384211 Artists' brushes CDGS 398101 Asbestos brake lining MSMN 329220 Asbestos cement MSMN 329270 Asbestos-cement pipe, conduit and ducts MSMN 329270 Asbestos-cement roofing shingles MSMN 329240 Asbestos-cement sheets, corrugated MSMN 329270 Asbestos-cement sheets, flat and wallboard MSMN 329270 Asbestos-cement siding shingles and clap- board MSMN 329240 Asbestos cloth MSMN 329270 Asbestos clutch facings MSMN 329220 Asbestos paper and asbestos-filled paper MSMN 266121 Asbestos fiber MSMN 149900 Asbestos fiber, carded MSMN 329270 Asbestos gaskets GCOM 329320 Asbestos insulation. (See Insulation.) PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Asbestos millboard MSMN Asbestos, natural MSMN Asbestos packing MSMN Asbestos roving and lap MSMN Asbestos tape MSMN Asbestos wick and rope MSMN Asbestos yarn, cord and thread MSMN Ascots, fur TEXT Ashcans, galvanized steel CDGS Ashcans, nongalvanized steel CDGS Ash-handling conveyor equipment GIEQ Ash receivers, automotive, metal AUTO Ashtrays, wood CDGS Asphalt bituminous mixers and pavers CMEQ Asphalt board products BLDG Asphalt coatings, cement and pitches BLDG Asphalt, emulsified BLDG Asphalt, except emulsified BLDG Asphalt floor tile BLDG Asphalt paving blocks and mixtures BLDG Asphalt plants, portable CMEQ Asphalt roofing, and siding BLDG Asphalt or tar saturated felts BLDG Asphalt or tar treated insulation board or gyp- sum board, sheathings BLDG Asphalt sidings BLDG Asphalt surface heaters CMEQ Aspidium CHEM Aspirin, proprietary preparation CHEM Assemblies, oil well cementing, oil and gas well drilling OFME Assemblies, Christmas trees, well heads, etc. (especially fabricated parts only oil and gas well) OFME Athletic and gymnasium clothing; men's, youths', and boys' TEXT Atlases PRIN Atomizers, medical SITE Atomizers, perfume CDGS Attachments, especially fabricated for oil, gas and water, well drilling machinery OFME Attentuators ETRX Audio reactors ETRX Audio systems, slide film projection ETRX Audio transformers ETRX Product code 329270 149900 329331 329270 329270 329270 329270 237101 346182 346182 353501 371764 249957 353160 295230 295220 295100 295100 329250 295100 353160 295210 295210 295230 295210 353160 283315 283463 353341 353330 232900 274131 384102 399936 353302 367930 367940 365130 367940 BDSA Product description Division Auger bits GCOM Augers, drain GCOM Augers, earth GCOM Autoclave, laboratory SITE Autoclave, medical, surgical, and hospital SITE Autoclaves (except laboratory, medical, etc.)--- GIEQ Autographic registers SERV Autographic register, forms PRIN Automatic control equipment, electronic ETRX Automatic merchandising machines, except re- frigerated SERV Automatic message accounting machine COMM Automobile body polishes and cleaners CHEM Automobile body tools, hand GCOM Automobile clocks SITE Automobile fender tools GCOM Automobile lamps, sealed beam CDGS Automobile lifts, service station type AUTO Automobile seat cover cloth, cotton TEXT Automobile top dressings CHEM Automobile trailer, except house AUTO Automobile wind laces, cotton TEXT Automobiles, children's CDGS Automobiles, passenger AUTO Automotive board, wet machine PAPR Automotive decking fabrics, rubber coated RUBR Automotive maintenance equipment AUTO Automotive pape»«felt PAPR Automotive replacement parts AUTO Automotive seating, latex foam, sponge rubber, RUBR Automotive toppers, latex foam, sponge rubber, RUBR Automotive upholstery fabrics, rubber-coated _ RUBR Automotive wire and cable. (See Wire or Cable.) Aviation stampings, metal GCOM Awning canvas, painted stripe TEXT Awnings, canvas CDGS Awnings, metal CDGS Axes GCOM Axle, third attachments, tandem bogie, civilian AUTO Axles, automotive AUTO Axles, railroad, alloy and carbon steel, except stainless > STEE Azo-dyes CHEM Product code 342321 342301 342321 381124 384211 355910 357902 276100 366222 358120 366100 284241 342301 387100 342301 364100 353401 221100 284249 379911 224100 394302 371710 263100 306411 354841 266122 371761 306251 306251 306417 346132 239401 239401 344434 342321 371762 371761 339111 281578 B Babbitt metal, antifriction MSMN 334130 Babbitt metal, lead base or tin base MSMN 334130 Baby baths, wood CDGS 251100 Baby carriages CDGS 394301 Baby goods, electrosilver plated CDGS 391410 Baby goods, plated - CDGS 391410 Baby goods, sterling silver CDGS 391410 Baby pants, rubber RUBR 306453 Baby walkers CDGS 394301 Backbar displays, advertising PRIN 399321 Backboards, telephone COMM 366100 Back-off equipment, oil, gas, and water well- drilling and production OFME 353302 Backrests, hospital SITE 384103 Backward wave electron tubes ETRX 367302 Bacterial toxins, modified toxins and venoms. _ CHEM 283114 Bacterial vaccines, antigens and mixed vac- cines CHEM 283115 Bacteriological incubators SITE 381124 Bacteriological materials. (See specific kind.) Bag fabrics, cotton TEXT 221100 Bag paper PAPR 262100 Bag-sewing machines GIEQ 363602 Baggage cars, passenger train RAIL 374210 Bagging, jute, baling cotton TEXT 229900 Bagmaking machines, paper GIEQ 355400 Bags, blood pressure, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, breather, industrial, rubber RUBR 306288 Bags, caddy CDGS 394920 Bags, canvas, metal bottom CDGS 239301 Bags, cellophane CONT 264320 Bags, club, men's, leather LEAT 316100 Bags, club, men's, except leather LEAT 316100 1 Denotes controlled material. Bags, colostom v, rubber RUBR 306397 Bags, other, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, foil-backed paper CONT 264320 Bags, garment CDGS 239201 Bags, gas main, rubber . RUBR 306288 Bags, gas, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, glassine paper CONT 264320 Bags, greaseproof paper . CONT 264320 Bags, grocers' and varietv, paper CONT 264310 Bags, ice, rubber I RUBR 306371 Bags, ileostomy, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, inhalation, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, lifting, rubber RUBR 306288 Bags, overnight, men's, leather LEAT 316100 Bags, overnight, men's, except leather LEAT 316100 Bags, overnight, women's, leather LEAT 316100 Bags, overnight, women's, except leather LEAT 316100 Bags, oxygen, rubber . RUBR 306371 Bags, paper specialty — except glassine, grease- proof CONT 264320 Bags, pliofilm CONT 264320 Bags, prostatic, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, school LEAT 316100 Bags, shopping, paper CONT 264310 Bags, single, double, and multi-wall shipping sacks CONT 264330 Bags, spinal, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, syringe, rubber RUBR 306311 Bags, throat, rubber RUBR 306371 Bags, wardrobe, paper CONT 264310 Bags, waxed paper CONT 264320 Bags, weekend, women's, leather LEAT 316100 Bags, weekend, women's, except leather LEAT 316100 Bailers, oil, gas, and water, well-drilling OFME 353301 Bails — elevator, oil, gas, and water well.. OFME 353301 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Bait, artificial, fishing CDGS Bakers' apparel, washable TEXT Bakers, cake and bread, glass, machine-made. CDGS Bakers and cookers, electric, household, CDGS Bakery machinery, industrial GIEQ Bakery products industries FOOD Baking powder FOOD Baking utensils, metal. (See cooking utensils.) Baking utensils, paper, stamped PAPR Baking utensils, pulp, molded PAPR Balance attachments and accessories SERV Balance parts SERV Balancers, wheel, automotive AUTO Balances, laboratory precision SITE Balances, except laboratory precision SERV Balancing equipment MWEQ Balata belts and belting RUBR Bale coverings, cotton TEXT Baler twine TEXT Balers, hay, stationary AGRI Balers, pickup hay, twine AGRI Balers, pickup hay, wire AGRI Balers, straw, stationary AGRI Baling machines, scrap, all types GIEQ Baling wire, steel l STEE Ball bearings, annular, unmounted GCOM Ballbearings, mounted GCOM Ball bearings, self-alining, unmounted GCOM Ball bearings, thrust, unmounted GCOM Ball bearings, unmounted, except annular and thrust GCOM Ball clay, crude MSMN Ball clay, ground or treated MSMN Ball-point pen parts CDGS Ballast cleaners RAIL Ballast cribbers RAIL Ballast discers RAIL Ballast spreaders RAIL Balloons, advertising, rubber RUBR Balloons, pilot RUBR Balloons, radiosonde RUBR Balloons, toy, rubber RUBR Balls, athletic, inflated, except football and basketball CDGS Balls, bearing GCOM Balls, bowling CDGS Balls, closet, rubber RUBR Balls, golf CDGS Balls, grinding, ball mill MMEQ Balls, rubber — except tennis, bowling, and golf RUBR Balls, tennis CDGS Balusters, wood LUMB Bamboo, osier, reed and willow products. (See specific products.) Bamboo, osier, reed and willow LUMB Banbury machines, rubberworking GIEQ Band track assemblies, tracklaying vehicles RUBR Bandage cloths, cotton (made in textile mills).. TEXT Bandages, elastic SITE Bandages and masks, heating SITE Bandages, plaster of paris SITE Bandages, surgical dressing SITE Bandeaux TEXT Banding, spindle, cotton TEXT Bands, leg and wing, farm poultry equipment- . AGRI Bands, orthodontic, rubber RUBR Bands, rubber, stationers' RUBR Bands, waist. TEXT Banjos and parts CDGS Bar joists, fabricated, all spans and accessories. BLDG Bar shearing machines, power, metalworking.. MWEQ Barbasco root CHEM Barbecuers, electric CDGS Barbed wire, steel x STEE Barbers' apparel,, washable TEXT Barges, car float, nonpropelled, civilian type.. SHIP Barges, car float, r nonpropelled, military type.. SHIP Barges, car float, self propelled, military type.. SHIP Barges, covered , cargo, nonpropelled, civilian type ' SHIP Product code 394910 232800 322900 363430 355121 205000 209000 265431 264621 357600 357600 354841 381122 357600 354520 306219 221100 229800 352260 352260 352260 352260 356903 331590 356200 356200 356200 356200 356200 145500 329502 395100 353194 353194 353194 353194 306467 306468 306469 306467 394920 356200 394920 306298 394920 353220 306479 394920 243100 241101 355941 306284 221100 384212 384211 384212 384212 234210 224100 352286 306371 306471 239600 393140 344930 354201 287312 363430 331590 232800 373112 373111 373120 373122 • Denotes controlled material. ,. , BDSA Product description Division Barges, covered cargo, nonpropelled, military type SHIP Barges, covered cargo, self propelled, military type SHIP Barges, deck, nonpropelled, civilian type SHIP Barges, deck, nonpropelled, military type SHIP Barges, deck, self propelled, military type SHIP Barges, derrick, nonpropelled SHIP Barges, hopper, nonpropelled, civilian type SHIP Barges, hopper, nonpropelled, military type SHIP Barges, hopper, self propelled, military type SHIP Barges, offshore oil well drilling SHIP Barges, tank, nonpropelled, civilian type SHIP Barges, tank, nonpropelled, military type SHIP Barge, tank, self propelled, military type SHIP Barite, crude, crushed or ground MSMN Barium acetate CHEM Barium carbonate CHEM Barium chlorate CHEM Barium chloride CHEM Barium chromate CHEM Barium hydrate (hydroxide) CHEM Barium hydroxide CHEM Barium nitrate CHEM Barium oxide CHEM Barium perchlorate CHEM Barium peroxide CHEM Barium silicofluoride CHEM Barium sulfate, natural pigment grade CHEM Barium sulfate, precipitated CHEM Barium sulfide CHEM Bark, ground LEAT Barmen laces TEXT Barn cleaners AGRI Barn equipment AGRI Barn paints CHEM Barnyard equipment AGRI Barographs SITE Barometers, except household SITE Barrel making machines, metal GIEQ Barrels, beer, aluminum CONT Barrels, beer, steel CONT Barrels, core, all type for oil, gas, and water well drilling OFME Barrels, pump, liner, plunger, working-oil well OFME Barrels, metal, shipping CONT Barrels, rubber, shipping CONT Barrels, wood, slack CONT Barrels, wood, tight CONT Barrettes GIEQ Bars, alloy steel, high speed tool steel, except stainless 1 STEE Bars, alloy steel, hot rolled, except stainless 1 STEE Bars, alloy steel, tool steel, except high speed, except stainless ' STEE Bars, aluminum, extruded 1 ALUM Bars, aluminum, rolled l ALUM Bars, applicator, arc welding MWEQ Bars, axle bending, automotive AUTO Bars, cold finished, steel, all grades l STEE Bars, concrete reinforcing, from new billets, carbon steel J STEE Bars, concrete reinforcing from old materials, carbon steel « STEE Bars, copper-base alloy 2 COPR Bars, copper, unalloyed x COPR Bars, cutter, coal MMEQ Bars, cylinder boring, automotive AUTO Bars, fabricated, steel, concrete reinforcing BLDG Bars, gold MSMN Bars, hot rolled, alloy steel, except stainless * STEE Bars, hot rolled, except concrete reinforcing and except hollow drill steel, carbon steel, including wrought iron ' STEE Bars, hot rolled, hollow drill steel, carbon •steel L.j STEE Bars, hot rolled, stainless steel 1 STEE Bars, hot rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies, alloy steel, except stainless ' STEE Bars, hot rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies, carbon steel l STEE Bars, lead and lead-base allov MSMN Bars, nickel and nickel-base 1 MSMN Product code 373111 373120 373112 373111 373120 373112 373112 373111 373120 373112 373112 373111 373120 147200 288807 288211 288215 288212 288216 288217 288217 288214 288218 288554 288562 288172 281661 281663 288213 286121 229200 352288 352288 285199 352288 381124 381124 354231 349101 349101 353301 353330 349101 306981 244501 244502 355910 331280 331280 331280 335250 335240 362320 354841 331680 331280 331280 335120 335120 353212 354841 344930 333950 331280 331280 331280 331280 331280 331280 335605 335603 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Bars, platinum-group metals MSMN 333950 Bars, silver MSMN 333950 Bars, tantalum MSMN 335603 Bars, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN 335603 Bars, tool steel, alloy, except stainless > STEE 331280 Bars, tool steel, carbon steel » STEE 331270 Bars, towing automotive AUTO 354841 Bars, wood CDGS 251100 Bars, zinc and zinc base alloy MSMN 335605 Barytes MSMN 147200 Baseball and basketball uniforms TEXT 232900 Baseballs, soft or indoor type CDGS 394920 Baseballs, except soft or indoor type CDGS 394920 Baseboard diffusers, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Baseboard heating, cast iron BLDG 343302 Baseboard radiation, nonferrous BLDG 343361 Baseboard radiation, steel BLDG 343361 Bases, derrick, landing, casing head — oil and gas well OFME 353302 Bases, pedestal, 35 mm. motion picture pro- jector MOTP 386102 Basic slag CHEM 287177 Basins, wash (plumbing fixtures) BLDG 343100 Basketballs CDGS 394920 Baskets, bridging, cave catching, cementing, fishing, cone, junk — oil and gas well OFME 353301 Baskets, fruit and vegetable (climax, splint, stave, veneer) CONT 244300 Baskets, rattan CONT 249952 Baskets, reed CONT 249952 Baskets, utility, galvanized steel CDGS 346183 Baskets, utility, steel, except galvanized CDGS 346183 Baskets, waste paper CDGS 346186 Baskets, willow CONT 249952 Baskets, wire CDGS 348191 Bassinets, hospital SITE 384103 Bassinets, reed and rattan . CDGS 251900 Bastnasite MSMN 109900 Batch-mixing machines, glassmaking GIEQ 355955 Batch plants, bituminous CMEQ 353160 Batching plants, aggregate CMEQ 353160 Batching plants, concrete CMEQ 353160 Bath, bubble CHEM 284499 Bath oils CHEM 284499 Bath salts CHEM 284499 Bathing caps, rubber RUBR 306455 Bathing suits, knit TEXT 225300 Bathing suits, woven, children's and infants'... TEXT 225300 Bathing suits, woven, girls' TEXT 236900 Bathing suits, woven, men's and boys' TEXT 232900 Bathing suits, woven, misses' and juniors' TEXT 233900 Bathmats, turkish and terry-woven TEXT 221 100 Bathrobes, men's and women's (made from purchased woven or knit fabric) TEXT 238400 Baths, baby, wood CDGS 251100 Baths, constant temperature, laboratory SITE 381124 Bathtub fittings BLDG 343200 Bathtubs BLDG 343100 Bats, baseball CDGS 394920 Batt, flexible wood fiber BLDG 266111 Batteries, dry cell, farm radio— A, B, and C... CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, medium CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, penlight CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, standard CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, general purpose, 1.5 volts.. . CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, hearing aid CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, portable radio— A, B, and C. CDGS 369201 Batteries, dry cell, railroad lantern type CDGS 369201 Batteries, growing AGRI 352286 Batteries, solar, telephone COMM 366100 Batteries, storage, aircraft ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, communication ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, emergency lighting ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, except S.L.I, type ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, farm lighting ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, heavy duty transport, except marine _' ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, industrial truck ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, locomotive ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, marine, except submarine ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, passenger-car type ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, radio ELEC 369100 'Denotes controlled materia). BDSA Product Product description Division code Batteries, storage, railroad signaling ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, S.L.I, type ELEC 369100 Batteries, storage, telephone and telegraph ELEC 369100 Batteries, wet cell, primary ELEC 369202 Battery boxes, hard rubber RUBR 306241 Battery boxes, telephone COMM 366100 Battery charging generators (See Generators ) Battery jars, glass CDGS 322900 Battery jars, hard rubber RUBR 306242 Battery parts, hard rubber RUBR 306244 Battery parts, primary CDGS 369201 Battery parts, storage ELEC 369100 Battery separators, micro porous, hard rubber.. RUBR 306243 Battleships SHIP 373120 Beach chairs, metal CDGS 251400 Beach chairs, wood CDGS 251100 Beach settees, wood CDGS 251100 Beach suites, metal CDGS 251400 Beach suites, wood CDGS 251100 Beach tables, metal CDGS 251400 Beach tables, wood CDGS 251100 Beach wear: women's, misses', and juniors' (made from purchased woven or knit fabric).. TEXT 233900 Beacons, electric ELEC 364252 Beacons, radar, etc ETRX 366241 Beaming machines, textile GIEQ 355200 Beams, brake, railroad car RAIL 374232 Beams and girders formed steel BLDG 344930 Beams, reinforced concrete BLDG 327221 Beams, drilling machine, nonportable, oil field.. OFME 353302 Beans, oil and gas well OFME 353330 Bearing balls GCOM 356200 Bearing bushings, rotary and reciprocating, except automotive .. GCOM 356611 Bearing mounted units, synchros ELEC 362104 Bearing piles, carbon steel ' STEE 331242 Bearing rollers GCOM 356200 Bearings, ball, instruments, miniature GCOM 356200 Bearings, ball, mounted GCOM 356200 Bearings, ball, unmounted, annular GCOM 356200 Bearings, ball, unmounted, self-aligning GCOM 356200 Bearings, ball, unmounted, thrust GCOM 356200 Bearings, car journal RAIL 356612 Bearings, jeweled SITE 387100 Bearings, plain, engine, and machine GCOM 356611 Bearings, plain, marine, line shaft and propeller shaft GCOM 356611 Bearings, plain, roll, shaft and axle, except rail- way car journal bearings GCOM 356611 Bearings, roller, instrument, miniature GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, mounted GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, unmounted, cylindrical, except thrust GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, unmounted, needle GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, unmounted spherical, except thrust GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, unmounted, taper, except thrust GCOM 356200 Bearings, roller, unmounted, thrust GCOM 356200 Bearings, spherical, plain type (without shank). GCOM 356200 Bearings, spherical, plain type with shank (rod ends) GCOM 356200 Bearings, thermosetting plastic, laminated CHEM 307902 Beaters, paper mill GIEQ 355400 Bed coverings, electric CDGS 363430 Bed pans, rubber RUBR 306371 Bed rails, metal CDGS 349907 Bed rails, wood LUMB 242623 Bed sets, textile. (See Bedspreads.) Bedders— farm equipment AGRI 352202 Bedders with or without planting attachments, drawn AGRI 352202 Bedders with or without planting attachments, mounted AGRI 352202 Bedford cords, cotton TEXT 221100 Bedford cords, spun rayon TEXT 222100 Bedroom benches, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Bedroom chairs, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Bedroom chairs, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Bedroom suites, metal, except bedsprings and cots CDGS 251400 Beds, hollywood CDGS 251100 Beds, hospital, metal, except bassinets SITE 384103 Beds, household, metal CDGS 251400 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Beds, household, wood, bunk CDGS 251100 Beds, household, wood, except bunk CDGS 251100 Beds, household, wood, unpainted CDGS 251100 Beds, sofa, upholstered CDGS 251501 Beds, youth, wood CDGS 251100 Bedsheetings, combed TEXT 221100 Bedspread fabrics, cotton TEXT 221100 Bedspreads TEXT 239202 Bedsprings, box CDGS 251530 Bedsprings, coil CDGS 251530 Bedsprings, flat CDGS 251530 Beehives AGRI 352001 Bee-keepers supplies AGRI 352001 Beer containers, glass, returnable CONT 322100 Beer containers, glass, nonreturnable CONT 322100 Beer dispensing equipment CDGS 358574 Beeswax CHEM 289993 Beet harvesters AGRI 352250 Beet sugar mills GIEQ 355133 Belladonna CHEM 283318 Bellows, assemblies GCOM 359903 Bellows, metal GCOM 359903 Bells, musical instruments CDGS 393140 Bells, alarm and signaling except electric SITE 349901 Bells, ringing, telephone COMM 366100 Belt lacings, power transmission GCOM 331520 Belting, conveyor, rubber RUBR 306211 Belting, elevator, rubber RUBR 306211 Belting leather, curried, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Belting leather, fiat LEAT 312101 Belting leather, except flat LEAT 312101 Belting leather, shoulder, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Belting, personal wear, cotton TEXT 224100 Belting, transmission and conveyor, cotton TEXT 224100 Belting, transmission, flat, rubber RUBR 306213 Belting, V-, industrial, rubber RUBR 306217 Belting, V-, vehicle, rubber RUBR 306215 Belts and belting, balata RUBR 306219 Belts and belting, rubber RUBR 306210 Belts, conveyor, rubber RUBR 306211 Belts, elevator, rubber RUBR 30621 1 Belts, garter TEXT 238900 Belts, men's and bovs', leather LEAT 238710 Belts, men's and boys', except leather TEXT 238720 Belts, safety SITE 384230 Belts, transmission, flat, rubber RUBR 306213 Belts, V-, home appliances, rubber RUBR 306218 Belts, V-, industrial, rubber RUBR 306217 Belts, V-, vehicle, rubber RUBR 306215 Belts, women's and children's, leather LEAT 238710 Belts, women's and children's, except leather __ TEXT 238720 Belts, woven wire GCOM 348171 Bench centers, metal working MWEQ 354530 Benches, bedroom, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Benches, bedroom, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Benches, dental SITE 384300 Benches, factory, metal SERV 259901 Benches, factory, wood SERV 259901 Benches, generator test, speedometer test, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Benches, lawn, metal CDGS 251400 Benches, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Benches, piano, wood CDGS 251100 Benches, porch, metal „ CDGS 251400 Benches, porch, wood CDGS 251100 Benches, school, metal SERV 253110 Benches, school, wood SERV 253110 Benders, rail, railroad RAIL 353194 Bending brakes, manual, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending brakes, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending folders, manual, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending folders, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending machines, rotary head, power, metal- working MWEQ 354201 Bending machines, rotary, manual, metal- working MWEQ 354201 Bending machines, rotary, power, metal- working MWEQ 354201 Bending machines, rotary ram, power, metal- working MWEQ 354201 Bending rolls, angle, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending rolls, plate, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending rolls , shape, power, metalworking____ MWEQ 354201 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Bending rolls, sheet, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Bending shapes and bars, power, metalworking.. MWEQ 354201 Bends, lead and lead-base alloy MSMN 335605 Bends, rigid conduit, electrical ELEC 364420 Bengalines, filament and spun rayon TEXT 222100 Bentonite, crude MSMN 145200 Bentonite, ground or treated MSMN 329502 Benzaldehyde CHEM 281506 Benzene CHEM 281420 Benzene hexachloride insecticides, no DDT, agricultural CHEM 287351 Benzene sulfonamide CHEM 281507 Benzene sulfonchloramine CHEM 281508 Benzene sulfonic acid CHEM 281509 Benzidine CHEM 281510 Benzovl peroxide CHEM 288971 Benzyl acetate CHEM 288912 Benzyl alcohol CHEM 288913 Benzyl benzoate CHEM 288914 Benzyl chloride CHEM 281514 Benzyl peroxide CHEM 281515 Bergamot oil CHEM 289901 Beryl ore MSMN 109900 Beryllium compounds CHEM 288641 Beryllium ore and concentrates " MSMN 109900 Beryllium oxide MSMN 333972 Beryllium, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Beta picoline CHEM 281516 Beverage containers, glass, nonreturnable CONT 322100 Beverage containers, glass, returnable CONT 322100 Beverage crowns, metal, commercial CONT 358110 Beverage crowns, metal, household CONT 346187 Beverage industries FOOD 208000 Beverage industries equipment GIEQ 355131 Beverage makers, glass, except tea kettles CDGS 322900 Beverage merchandising machines SERV 358110 Beverage mixers, electrical, household CDGS 363430 Bias bindings TEXT 239600 Bibbs: flanged, hose, plain, self-closing, sink, plumbing fittings BLDG 343200 Bibles PRIN 273100 Bibs, rubber RUBR 306457 Bicarbonate of soda, crude CHEM 281221 Bicarbonate of soda, refined CHEM 281222 Bicycle engines CDGS 375100 Bicycle parts CDGS 375100 Bicycles CDGS 375100 Bidets (plumbing fixtures) BLDG 343100 Bikes, motor CDGS 375100 Bile and derivatives CHEM 283372 Billets, alloy steel, except stainless » STEE 331222 Billets, carbon steel » STEE 331222 Billets, extrusion, aluminum 1 ALUM 333410 Billets, projectile and shell qualitv alloy steel except stainless x STEE 331222 Billets, projectile and shell quality carbon steel » STEE 331222 Billets, stainless steel ! STEE 331222 Billets, titanium and titanium alloy MSMN 335603 Billfolds, leather LEAT 317201 Billfolds, except leather LEAT 317201 Billiard table playing supplies CDGS 394920 Billiard tables CDGS 394920 Billing machines, with accounting registers SERV 357121 Billing machines, without accounting registers. SERV 357200 Bi-metallic elements SITE 382130 Binder twine TEXT 229800 Binders board PAPR 263100 Binders, corn AGRI 352250 Binders, grain and rice AGRI 352250 Binders, library PRIN 278220 Binders, loose-leaf PRIN 278220 Binding post chambers, telephone COMM 366100 Binding posts, telephone COMM 366100 Bindings, rayon TEXT 224100 Binoculars, all types SITE 383102 Bins, sheet metal SERV 344433 Biological products. (See specific kind.) Biological refrigerators GIEQ 358532 Birdseye diaper cloth, cotton broad-woven fabric TEXT 221100 Bismuth alloys — soft solder, fusible and casting metal MSMN 334163 Bismuth subcarbonate CHEM 283441 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Bismuth subnitrate CHEM 283441 Bismuth, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Bisphenols - CHEM 281517 Bisulfate, sodium CHEM 288495 Bits, auger GCOM 342321 Bits, cable tool subsurface drilling, oil field OFME 353301 Bits, cutter, coal MMEQ 353212 Bits, detachable and fitted drill steel MMEQ 353231 Bits, drill, removable, mining MMEQ 353232 Bits, rotary surface drilling, oil field OFME 353302 Bits, screwdriver... GCOM 342301 Bits, heavy marine SHIP 373001 Bituminized fiber pipe BLDG 264610 Bituminous asphalt heaters, all types CMEQ 353160 Bituminous asphalt mixing plants CMEQ 353160 Bituminous distributors, truck or trailer mounted CMEQ 353160 Bituminous finishers or pavers CMEQ 353160 Bituminous heating kettles CMEQ 353160 Black blasting powder CHEM 289211 Black gunpowder propellants CHEM 289232 ■ Black plate, chemically treated > STEE 331232 Black plate, except chemically treated ' STEE 331232 Blacks, bone CHEM 281624 Blacks, carbon CHEM 289510 Blacks, lamp CHEM 281633 Blacksmiths' tools, hand GCOM 342301 Bladders, rubber RUBR 306480 Blade handles, operating knife SITE 384101 Blades, grader, snow plow, cutting edges CMEQ 353181 Blades, hack saw, hand GCOM 342500 Blades, propeller, civilian aircraft AIRC 372301 Blades, propeller, military aircraft AIRC 372302 Blades, razor CDGS 342120 Blades, saw. (See Saw blades.) Blades, surgical SITE 384101 Blanc fixe CHEM 281663 Blanketing, chiefly cotton TEXT 221100 Blanketing, chiefly wool TEXT 223100 Blanketing, wool, government order TEXT 223100 Blanketing, chiefly wool, civilian TEXT 223100 Blankets, chieflv cotton TEXT 221100 Blankets, electric CDGS 363430 Blankets, flexible wood fiber BLDG 266111 Blanks, electric-light bulb CDGS 322900 Blanks, electronic tube, glass CDGS 322900 Blanks, jack, telephone COMM 366100 Blanks, printing plate PRIN 355521 Blast coils, heat transfer BLDG 343365 Blast furnace bosh plates MWEQ 356734 Blast furnace gas STEE 331212 Blast furnace ladle cars RAIL 374220 Blast furnace slag thimbles M WEQ 356734 Blast furnace stack coolers MWEQ 356734 Blast furnace stove, valve seats MWEQ 356734 Blast furnace tuyeres MWEQ 356734 Blast-cleaning equipment, foundry MWEQ 355921 Blasting accessories, fuse crimper ORDN 289201 Blasting accessories, fuses, safety ORDN 289201 Blasting accessories, ignitors, miner's ORDN 289201 Blasting accessories, squib ORDN 289201 Blasting caps, electric, delay ORDN 289201 Blasting caps, electric, except delay ORDN 289201 Blasting caps, except electric ORDN 289201 Blasting machines ORDN 289201 Blasting powder, black — industrial CHEM 289211 Bleaches, lime, liquid CHEM 288233 Bleaches, sodium hypochlorite, liquid CHEM 288235 Bleaching, broad-woven cotton fabric TEXT 226100 Bleaching, broad-woven filament rayon fabric. TEXT 226200 Bleaching, broad-woven spun rayon fabric TEXT 226200 Bleaching compounds. (See specific kind.) Bleaching equipment, pulp mill GIEQ 355400 Bleaching machinery, textile GIEQ 355200 Bleaching machinery attach, and accessories, textile GIEQ 355200 Bleaching powder, chlorine CHEM 288232 Bleaching, raw textile stock, except wool TEXT 226900 Bleaching, yarn, except wool TEXT 226900 Bleeders, hydraulic brake AUTO 354841 Blinds, outside, wood LUMB 243100 Blinds, Venetian, aluminum slat CDGS 259121 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Blinds, Venetian, composition slat CDGS Blinds, Venetian, fabric slat CDGS Blinds, Venetian, paper slat CDGS Blinds, Venetian, plastic slat CDGS Blinds, Venetian, steel slat CDGS Blinds, Venetian, wood slat CDGS Blinds, window, paper CDGS Blitz cans, military CONT Block talc, steatite grade MSMN Block terminal, telephone COMM Blocks, concrete, heavy-weight aggregate BLDG Blocks, concrete, light-weight aggregate BLDG Blocks, cork composition LUMB Blocks, cork, insulation LUMB Blocks, crown, rotary drill, oil field OFME Blocks, fiber CONT Blocks, glass CDGS Blocks, heel, wood LEAT Blocks, rubber, tracklaying vehicles RUBR Blocks, tank, glass-house, clay refractory STEE Blocks, terminal ELEC Blocks, traveling, surface rotary drill, oilfield OFME Blood derivatives CHEM Blood pressure apparatus SITE Blood pressure bags, rubber RUBR Blooms, alloy steel, except stainless 1 STEE Blooms, carbon steel > STEE Blooms, stainless steel ' STEE Blotting paper, absorbent PAPR Blouses, girls', sizes 1-6 TEXT Blouses, girls' and teen-age girls', sizes 7-16 TEXT Blouses, women's and misses' TEXT Blow-out preventors, oil and gas well OFME Blow pipes, dental SITE Blow torches GCOM Blower-filter units, centrifugal GIEQ Blower parts, farm equipment AGRI Blower parts, except farm equipment GIEQ Blowers, centrifugal, furnace GIEQ Blowers, centrifugal GEIQ Blowers, forage AGRI Blowers, grain, farm-size AGRI Blowers, small-housed GIEQ Bluebooks PRIN Blueprint paper stock PAPR Blueprinting cloth MOTP Blueprinting equipment MOTP Bluing CHEM Board, insulating BLDG Board, particle, wood LUMB Board, sheathing, gypsum BLDG Board, sheathing, insulating, asphalt treated. BLDG Boards, cork, insulation LUMB Boards, derrick, finger, monkey, fourble, rod- tubing — oil and gas field OFME Boards, ironing, metal CDGS Boas, fur TEXT Boat parts SHIP Boat repair — civilian boats SHIP Boat repair — military boats SHIP Boats. (See also Ships.) Boats, canoe, civilian SHIP Boats, dinghy, civilian SHIP Boats, dinghy, military design SHIP Boats, dory, civilian . .: ... SHIP Boats, dory, military design .. SHIP Boats, rubber RUBR Bobbinets, lace net TEXT Bobbins for textile weaving machinery GIEQ Bobbins, wood GIEQ Bobsleds CDGS Bodies, ambulance, automotive AUTO Bodies, bus, automotive AUTO Bodies, fire apparatus, automotive AUTO Bodies, hearse, motor vehicle AUTO Bodies, street cleaning truck AUTO Bodies, truck, automotive AUTO Bodies, undertakers' wagon, motor vehicle AUTO Body and frame straightening equipment, hydraulic and mechanical, automotive main- tenance AUTO Bogus bristol, cardboard PAPR Product code 259122 259122 259122 259122 259121 259122 259122 341101 149600 366100 327100 327100 249942 249942 353302 265520 322900 313101 306283 325501 364301 353302 283117 384102 306371 331222 331222 331222 262100 236100 236100 233100 353302 384300 342301 356401 352285 356401 356401 356401 352250 352250 356401 274132 262100 386160 386101 289918 266112 243240 327520 295230 249942 353302 349905 237101 373001 373242 373241 373202 373202 373201 373202 373201 306287 229200 355200 355200 394920 371301 371301 371301 371301 371301 371301 371301 354841 262100 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY Product description Bogus wrapping paper Boiler compounds Boiler covering, felt Boiler parts, cast iron Boiler parts, heating, steel (not power) Boiler parts and attachments, power, steel Boiler shop products, n.e.c Boilers, cast iron Boilers, gas, residential, steel Boilers, hand-fired, residential, steel Boilers, horizontal firebox, steel Boilers, miniature, steel Boilers, oil, residential, steel Boilers, power, steel Boilers, power, steel, combustion air pre- heaters Boilers, range Boilers, scotch type, steel Boilers, stoker-fired, residential, steel Boilers, vertical type, steel, except oil country.. Bois de rose oil Bollard, heavy, marine Bolts, aircraft quality Bolts, blind Bolts, carriage Bolts, clevis Bolts, elevator Bolts, internal wrenching Bolts, lag Bolts, lock Bolts, machine Bolts, mine roof and accessories Bolts, plow Bolts, roofing and sheathing Bolts, step Bolts, stove Bolts, tire Bolts, toggle Bolts, track Bolts, wood Bombs, ammunition Bombs, harpoon, whaling Bond paper, chemical wood pulp Bond paper, rag content Bonding and removing machines, automotive.. Bone black Bone drills Bone glue, extracted, animal Bone glue, green, animal Bone plates Book bronzing Book converting paper, coating body stock Book converting paper, envelope Book converting paper, tablet Book embossing, varnishing, etc Book ends, china Book ends, porcelain Book ends, wood Book gilding Book paper, antique Book paper, machine coated, one side Book paper, machine coated, two sides Book paper, offset printing Book paper, poster Book paper, publication, supercalendered Bookbinding Bookbinding machinery Bookcases, household, wood Bookcases, office, metal Bookcases, office, wood Bookcases, unpainted, household, wood Bookkeeping machines Books, account Books, book club Books, comic Books, mail order Books, memo Books, prayer Books, professional Books, religious, general Books, sales Books, subscription Books, technical BDSA Product Division code PA PR 262100 CHEM 289961 TEXT 229100 BLDG 343302 BLDG 343303 POWR 344330 POWR 344342 BLDG 343302 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 POWR 344330 POWR 344330 BLDG 363901 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 BLDG 343303 CHEM 289902 SHIP 373001 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 GCOM 345201 LUMB 241101 ORDN 192900 CDGS 394910 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 AUTO 354841 CHEM 281620 SITE 384101 CHEM 289111 CHEM 289111 SITE 384211 PRIN 278900 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PRIN 278900 CDGS 326901 CDGS 326901 CDGS 249957 PRIN 278900 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PAPR 262100 PRIN 278900 GIEQ 355501 CDGS 251100 SERV 252200 SERV 252100 CDGS 251100 SERV 357121 PRIN 278210 PRIN 273100 PRIN 272100 PRIN 273100 PRIN 278210 PRIN 273100 PRIN 273100 PRIN 273100 PRIN 276100 PRIN 273100 PRIN 273100 BDSA Product description Division Books, trade, adult and juvenile PRIN Bookshelves, household, wood CDGS Booms, camera MOTP Booms, powershovel and crane attachments CMEQ Booms, ship SHIP Boosters, feeder-voltage ELEC Boosters, television ETRX Boot forms LEAT Boot lasts, aluminum LEAT Boot lasts, remodeled LEAT Boot lasts, wood LEAT Bootees, knit, infants' TEXT Booths, restaurant, metal SERV Booths, restaurant, wood SERV Boots leather. (See Shoes.) Boots, rubber RUBR Borax (sodium tetraborate) CHEM Bordeaux mixture, insecticide, agricultural CHEM Boric acid CHEM Boring equipment, main bearing, automotive-. AUTO Boring machines, automotive maintenance AUTO Boring machines, connecting rod, automotive.. AUTO Boring machines, horizontal, floor type MWEQ Boring machines, horizontal, table type MWEQ Boring machines, horizontal, except table and floor MWEQ Boring machines, jig MWEQ Boring machines, precision MWEQ Boring mills, vertical MWEQ Boron MSMN Boron carbide abrasives lump, grain, powder and flour MSMN Boron compounds. (See specific kind.) Boron hydride CHEM Boron trifluorides CHEM Bort MSMN Botanical drugs in bulk (or compounded). (See specific kind.) Bottle caps, paper and paperboard CONT Bottle carriers, wood CONT Bottle closures, paper and paperboard CONT Bottle crates, wood CONT Bottle lids, paper and paperboard CONT Bottle washers, except dairy GIEQ Bottles, food container, sanitary CONT Bottles, glass. (See glass.) Bottles, jars, and tumblers, vials, plastic, packaging CONT Bottles, nursery, handmade CDGS Bottles, vacuum CDGS Bottles, water, with combinations, rubber RUBR Bottles, water, rubber RUBR Bottling machinery, dairy GIEQ Bottling machinery, except dairy GIEQ Bottoms, bailer, oil, gas and water well OF ME Bowling alley playing supplies CDGS Bowling allevs CDGS Bowling balls CDGS Bowls, casing, casing pack-off OFME Bowls, lighting fixture, glass CDGS Bowls, mixing, wood CDGS Bowls, salad, wood CDGS Bowls, water closet, sink, lavatory, (plumbing fixtures) BLDG Bows, bone extension SITE Bows, bone traction SITE Box cars, freight train RAIL Box toes, shoe LEAT Boxboard, chipboard, lined, except manila PAPR Boxboard, folding chipboard, manila lined PAPR Boxboard, folding chipboard, unlined PAPR Boxboard, folding, clay coated PAPR Boxboard, folding, machine coated, except clay. PAPR Boxboard, folding, patent coated PAPR Boxboard, setup, news-lined chipboard PAPR Boxboard, setup, solid newsboard PAPR Boxboard, setup, strawboard PAPR Boxboard, setup, unlined chipboard PAPR Boxes, cash, metal CDGS Boxes and chests, ammunition, wood CONT Boxes and chests, ammunition, metal CONT Boxes and crates, wood, wirebound (including wood and fiber combination) CONT Product code 273100 251100 386102 353142 373001 361201 365120 249953 249953 249953 249953 236900 259902 259902 302121 288224 287341 288107 354841 354841 354841 354101 354101 354101 354101 354101 354101 333972 329102 288226 288163 149700 264511 244113 264511 244113 264511 355131 265410 307993 322900 342930 306311 306311 355110 355131 353301 394920 394920 394920 353301 322900 249957 249957 343100 384101 384101 374220 313102 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 263100 346186 244113 349903 244200 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Boxes and crates, wood, nailed and lock corner (including wood and fiber combination) CONT Boxes, burial, concrete CDGS Boxes, corrugated and solid fiber CONT Boxes, electrical, cast metal ELEC Boxes, electrical, concrete, stamped metal ELEC Boxes, electrical outlets, stamped metal ELEC Boxes, electrical, switch, stamped metal ELEC Boxes, fiber, vulcanized CONT Boxes, folding, paperboard except special food board containers CONT Boxes, grit AGRI Boxes, ice, picnic CDGS Boxes, lock, post office CDGS Boxes, lunch, metal CDGS Boxes, mitre 1 GCOM Boxes, ore dressing MMEQ Boxes, pencil, metal CDGS Boxes, safe deposit SERV Boxes, paper and paperboard, setup CONT Boxes, sketching and painting, artists' mate- rial CDGS Boxes, steel shipping. (See Drums, barrels, etc.) Boxes, tool, stamped GCOM Boxes, tote, metal, industrial, except tool GIEQ Boxes, utility, metal, office, stamped CDGS Boxing goods CDGS Box-making machinery, wood GIEQ Box-making machines, corrugated paper GIEQ Box-making machines, paper, except corru- gated GIEQ Braces, orthopedic SITE Braces, railroad, fabricated RAIL Brackets and clamps, antenna mounting ETRX Brackets and holders, aircraft RAIL Brackets for supporting electronic compo- nents ETRX Brackets, street lighting equipment ELEC Brackets, wood LUMB Brads, bright steel wire > STEE Brads, cement-coated steel wire • STEE Brads, galvanized steel wire ' STEE Brads, nonferrous GCOM Brads, steel cut ' STEE Braiding machines, textile GIEQ Braid, tinsel and cord spools, stamped CONT Braids, ravon TEXT Braids, rick rack, cotton TEXT Brake, aircraft AIRC Brake assemblies, automotive AUTO Brake cups, rubber RUBR Brake deboosters, aircraft AIRC Brake equipment, air, railroad RAIL Brake fluid CHEM Brake lining appliers, automotive AUTO Brake lining, asbestos MSMN Brake lining bonding and removing machines, automotive maintenance AUTO Brake shoes, automotive AUTO Brake testing machines, automotive AUTO Brakes, air locomotive, except brake shoes RAIL Brakes, bending, manual, metalworking MWEQ Brakes, bending, power, metalworking MWEQ Brakes, electrical, a.c, industrial control ELEC Brakes, electrical, d.c, industrial control ELEC Brakes, hand, railroad car RAIL Braking system, air, automotive AUTO Braking system, hydraulic, automotive AUTO Branding equipment, livestock AGRI Branding irons, marking SERV Brassieres TEXT Brassieres accessories CDGS Brazing fluxes CHEM Bread and other baked foods FOOD Bread bakers, glass, machine-made CDGS Bread carriers, stamped CONT Breaker point sets, ignition distributor AUTO Breakers, bit, drilling, oil, gas and water well__ OFME Breakers, Bradford, grinding MMEQ Breakers, vacuum (plumbing fittings) BLDG Breakfast coats, women's and misses' TEXT 1 Denotes controlled material. Product code 244113 327222 265300 364430 364430 364430 364430 265520 265100 352286 349905 349905 346186 342301 353231 346186 349200 265200 395220 346185 353700 346186 394920 355310 355400 355400 384211 349904 367957 342911 367957 364251 243100 331590 331590 331590 331520 331590 355200 346184 224100 224100 372911 371762 306298 372911 374131 289943 354841 329220 354841 371761 354841 374131 354201 354201 362200 362200 374131 371761 371761 352288 395300 234210 234221 289951 205000 322900 346181 369401 353302 353220 343200 238400 BDSA Product description Division Breakfast sets, household, tubular metal CDGS Breakfast sets, household, metal, except tubu- lar CDGS Breakfast sets, household, wood CDGS Breakfronts, household, wood CDGS Breaking equipment, coal MMEQ Breast shields, rubber RUBR Breather bags, industrial, rubber RUBR Brewery machinery and equipment GIEQ Brick-making machinery GIEQ Brick, clay, acidproof BLDG Brick, clay, building, ceramic glazed BLDG Brick, clay, building, common or face BLDG Brick, clay, floor BLDG Brick, clay, salt glazed BLDG Brick, clay, sewer BLDG Brick, clay, paving BLDG Brick, concrete BLDG Bricks, chrome and chrome magnesite, except steel clad STEE Bricks, chrome and chrome magnesite, steel clad STEE Bricks, fire clay refractory, superduty STEE Bricks, fire clay refractory, except superduty .. STEE Bricks, f orsterite STEE Bricks, fused alumina STEE Bricks, fused magnesia STEE Bricks, high alumina clay refractory STEE Bricks, hot top, clay refractory STEE Bricks, insulating fire clay refractory STEE Bricks, insulating, containing metal, clay STEE Bricks, kyanite STEE Bricks, ladle, clay refractory STEE Bricks, magnesite and magnesite chrome, steel clad STEE Bricks, magnesite and magnesite chrome, except steel clad STEE Bricks, mullite STEE Bricks, runner, clay refractory STEE Bricks, sand-lime BLDG Bricks, silica STEE Bricks, silicon carbide STEE Bricks, sillimanite STEE Bricks, tuyeres, clay refractory STEE Bricks, zirconia STEE Bridges, ore GIEQ Brief cases, leather LEAT Brief cases, except leather LEAT Briqueting presses GIEQ Broaches, carbide tipped, metalworking MWEQ Broaches, dental SITE Broaches, high-speed steel, metalworking MWEQ Broaching machines, internal MWEQ Broaching machines, surface MWEQ Broaching machines, except internal and sur- face MWEQ Broad-woven fabrics. (See specific kind.) Broad-woven fabrics, hand-woven TEXT Broad-woven fabrics, hemp and ramie TEXT Broad-woven fabrics, jute TEXT Broad-woven fabrics, linen TEXT Broadcast equipment, studio and mobile AM and FM ETRX Broadcast equipment, television ETRX Broadcast monitoring test equipment SITE Broadcast monitoring equipment, AM, FM, and TV ETRX Broadcast seeders — farm equipment AGRI Broadcast transmitter test equipment SITE Broadcloths TEXT Broilers, commercial, electric CDGS Broilers, commercial, except electric CDGS Broilers, household, electric CDGS Bromine and bromides. (See specific kind.) Bronchoscopes SITE Bronze, artists' CDGS Bronze paints CHEM Bronze, wool (except scouring pads) MWEQ Brooders, battery AGRI Brooders, floor, coal AGRI Brooders, floor, electric AGRI Brooders, floor, gas AGRI Brooders, floor, oil AGRI Brooders, floor, wood AGRI Product code 251400 251400 251100 251100 353212 306371 306288 355131 355955 325110 325122 325110 325110 325110 325110 325110 327100 329702 329701 325501 325501 329702 329702 329702 325501 325501 325501 325501 329702 325501 329701 329702 329702 325501 329903 329702 329702 329702 325501 329702 353620 316100 316100 355955 354510 384300 354510 354101 354101 354101 239900 229900 229900 229900 366220 366220 361122 366220 352230 361122 221100 358911 358912 363430 384101 395220 285197 329141 352286 352286 352286 352286 352286 352286 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Brooders, lamb AGRI 352288 Brooders, pigs AGRI 352288 Brookite, crude MSMN 109300 Broom closets, wood, to be built-in LUMB 243100 Brooms, broomcorn, except household floor CDGS 398101 Brooms, hearth, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, hearth, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, household floor, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, household floor, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, except broomcorn and household floor_ CDGS 398101 Brooms, industrial, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, stable, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, stable, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, street, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, street, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, street sweeping machine, broomcorn.. CDGS 398101 Brooms, street sweeping machine, except broom- corn CDGS 398101 Brooms, toy, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, toy, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, tractor mounted, municipal type CMEQ 353192 Brooms, whisk, broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brooms, whisk, except broomcorn CDGS 398101 Brucite MSMN 145700 Brunchcoats, women's and misses' TEXT 238400 Brush cutters, unit and attachs., except rotary and farm type CMEQ 353192 Brush stock, carbon or graphite, plate, rod and powder, electrical MSMN 362402 Brushes, artists' CDGS 398101 Brushes, air, artists' CDGS 395220 Brushes, battery charging generator engine mounted AUTO 369401 Brushes, carbon and graphite, electrical MSMN 362401 Brushes, cranking motor, engine mounted AUTO 369401 Brushes, dentists, power-driven GIEQ 398131 Brushes, dusting, except twisted-in-wire CDGS 398101 Brushes, floor, except twisted-in-wire CDGS 398101 Brushes, hair ._ CDGS 398101 Brushes, industrial, power-driven, except main- tenance GIEQ 398131 Brushes, industrial, except power-driven and maintenance CDGS 398101 Brushes, jewelers', power-driven GIEQ 398131 Brushes, maintenance, except twisted-in-wire. . CDGS 398101 Brushes, marking, pure bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, marking, synthetic bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, marking, except bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, paint and varnish, pure bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, paint and varnish, synthetic bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, paint and varnish, except bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, paperhanger, pure bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, paperhanger, synthetic bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, scrub CDGS 398101 Brushes, shaving CDGS 398101 Brushes, stenciling, pure bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, stenciling, synthetic bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, stenciling, except bristle CDGS 398101 Brushes, toilet, except tooth and shaving CDGS 398101 Brushes, tooth CDGS 398101 Brushes, twisted-in-wire CDGS 398101 Brushes, window, except twisted-in-wire CDGS 398101 Bubble bath CHEM 284499 Bubble caps, chemical processing GIEQ 355955 Bubblers, drinking fountain BLDG 343200 Buchu leaves CHEM 283321 Buckets, aerial tramway MMEQ 353212 Buckets, bait CDGS 394910 Buckets, clamshell, crescent CMEQ 353142 Buckets, concrete placing CMEQ 353160 Buckets, dragline CMEQ 353142 Buckets, fish CDGS 934910 Buckets, grapples, orange peel CMEQ 353142 Buckets, hard rubber RUBR 306246 Buckets, shovel CMEQ 353142 Buckets, tight CONT 244502 Buckles, apparel, metal, except costume jewelry, civilian type CDGS 396423 Buckles, apparel, except metal, civilian type CDGS 396423 Buckles, apparel, military CDGS 396424 Buckles, apparel, plastic, civilian type CDGS 396423 Buckles, brass, service belt CDGS 396424 Buckles, metal, web belt CDGS 396424 Buffers, tire retreading. GIEQ 355942 513494°— GO 2 BDSA Product Product description Division code Buffets, household, wood CDGS 251100 Buffing compounds, abrasive MSMN 329102 Buffing machines, bench MWEQ 354101 Buffing machines, floor . MWEQ 354101 Buffing wheels, cloth, except felt MWEQ 329101 Buffing wheels, felt MWEQ 329101 Buffing wheels, leather MWEQ 329101 Bug catchers, power driven AGRI 352001 Buggies, concrete, self-propelled GIEQ 353700 Buggies, horse-drawn AGRI 379921 Bugles and parts CDGS 393140 Building cleaning machines SERV 358923 Building panels, factory prefabricated, wood.. BLDG 243312 Building panels, lumber yard fabricated, wood.. LUMB 243313 Building panels, metal, for prefabricated and demountable metal buildings BLDG 344922 Building paper, roofing felt PAPR 266122 Building paper, sheathing PAPR 266122 Building sections, factory prefabricated, wood- BLDG 243312 Building sections, lumber vard fabricated, wood LUMB 243313 Building sections, metal, for prefabricated and demountable metal buildings BLDG 344922 Building stone. (See specific material.) Buildings, prefabricated, wood BLDG 243312 Buildings, prefabricated, and demountable metal BLDG 344922 Bulbs, rubber RUBR 306371 Bullrings AGRI 352288 Bulldozers, angle dozers, tractor mounted, over 5 feet CMEQ 353192 Bulldozers, forging machine MWEQ 354201 Bulldozers, treedozers, tractor mounted, over 5 feet CMEQ 353192 Bulldozers, under 5-foot blade length AGRI 352289 Bullion, gold and silver MSMN 333950 Bumpers, crown block, jar, link, swivel bail and traveling block, drilling machinery OFME 353302 Bumpers, rubber RUBR 306298 Bunchers, vegetable AGRI 352285 Bunion pads SITE 384211 Bunk beds, household, wood CDGS 251100 Buntings, infants' TEXT 236900 Burial boxes, concrete CDGS 327222 Burial boxes, wooden, outer CDGS 398801 Burial garmets and gloves . CDGS 398831 Burial vaults, concrete CDGS 327222 Burial vaults, metal CDGS 398801 Burlap TEXT 229900 Burners, combination oil, gas, pulverized fuel.- BLDG 343364 Burners, gas, except stove BLDG 343362 Burners, oil. (See Oil burners.) Burners, pear, machine AGRI 352282 Burners, weed, hand AGRI 352282 Burners, weed, machine AGRI 352282 Burrs, apparel fasteners CDGS 396423 Burs, dental SITE 384300 Burs, rotary, metalworking GCOM 342333 Bus bodies, automotive AUTO 371301 Busduct ELEC 361301 Busduct fittings ELEC 361301 Bushings, automotive GCOM 356611 Bushings, casing, kelly drive, power slip and rotary — oil, gas and water drilling OFME 353301 Bushings, solder (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Bushings, rubber RUBR 306298 Bushings, rubber, tracklaying vehicles RUBR 306282 Business forms, manifold, continuous PRIN 276100 Business forms, manifold unit-set PRIN 276100 Business machine accessories, paper, except tapes and rolls PAPR 264951 Business machine rolls, paper PAPR 264951 Business service publications PRIN 274121 Butyric acid CHEM 288714 Butter churns, farm size AGRI 352283 Butter churns, except farm size GIEQ 355110 Butter wrapping machines GIEQ 355110 Button blanks and molds CDGS 396300 Buttons, bone and hoof CDGS 396300 Buttons, fabric covered CDGS 396300 Buttons, leather. __ : CDGS 396300 Buttons, metal, except precious metal CDGS 396300 Buttons, military insignia CDGS 396300 Buttons, pearl or shell... CDGS 396300 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Buttons, plastic CDGS 396300 Buttons, push, electrical ELEC 364301 Buttons, vegetable ivory CDGS 396300 Buttons, wood CDGS 396300 Butts BLDG 342940 BDSA Product Product description Division code Butyl acetates CHEM 288711 Butvl alcohols CHEM 288712 Butyl amine CHEM 288713 Buzzers, industrial, heavy duty SITE 349901 Buzzers, telephone COMM 366100 Cab assemblies, motortruck AUTO 371301 Cabinet hardware BLDG 342940 Cabinet hinges BLDG 342940 Cabinet locks BLDG 342940 Cabinet work, to be built-in LUMB 243100 Cabinets, bedside, hospital SITE 384103 Cabinets, blood plasma, refrigerated GIEQ 358532 Cabinets, china, dining room, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, corner, dining room, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, dental SITE 384300 Cabinets, dispensing, frozen food GIEQ 358531 Cabinets, dispensing, ice cream, coin-operated_- SERV 358110 Cabinets, display, frozen food GIEQ 358531 Cabinets, display, frozen food, coin-operated SERV 358110 Cabinets, electronic equipment, except radio and TV ETRX 367957 Cabinets, farm freezer CDGS 363220 Cabinets, filing, metal SERV 252200 Cabinets, filing, wood SERV 252100 Cabinets, florists', refrigerating SERV 358533 Cabinets, home freezer CDGS 363220 Cabinets, hospital SITE 384103 Cabinets, ice cream hardening GIEQ 358531 Cabinets, kitchen, metal CDGS 251400 Cabinets, kitchen, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, laboratory SITE 381121 Cabinets, music, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, office, metal, except filing SERV 252200 Cabinets, office, wood, except filing SERV 252100 Cabinets, phonograph, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, radio-phonograph and television, plastic CDGS 251900 Cabinets, radio-phono-television, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, radio, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, record, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, refrigerator, commercial, mechanicaL GIEQ 358531 Cabinets, refrigerator, household, mechanical. . CDGS 363210 Cabinets, sewing machine, household, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, smoking, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, storage, film, 8-mm only MOTP 386103 Cabinets, storage, film, except 8-mm MOTP 386102 Cabinets, storage, frozen food GIEQ 358531 Cabinets, storage, slide, over 2^"x2 1 4" slides.. MOTP 386102 Cabinets, storage, slide, up to and including 2)i" x 2W slide MOTP 386103 Cabinets, store, metal SERV 254203 Cabinets, store, wood SERV 254102 Cabinets, television, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, unpainted, household, wood CDGS 251100 Cabinets, utilitv, metal CDGS 251400 Cable, abaca TEXT 229800 Cable, agave TEXT 229800 Cable, aluminum, insulated or covered 1 ALUM 335791 Cable, bare, aluminum i ALUM 335710 Cable, battery, insulated, except cable sets !_-. COPR 335792 Cable, building, fibrous covered and/or jack- eted * COPR 335792 Cable, building, metallic armored " COPR 335792 Cable, building, nonmetallic sheathed i COPR 335792 Cable, building, svnthetic, no braid 1 COPR 335792 Cable, coaxial, assemblies ETRX 367957 Cable, coaxial, flexible » COPR 335740 Cable, coaxial, lead sheathed l COPR 335740 Cable, composite metal strand > STEE 348110 Cable, copper, flexible, except coaxial \ COPR 335740 Cable, copper, power, except portable 1 COPR 335780 Cable, copper, shipboard » COPR 335792 Cable, copper, telephone 1 COPR 335740 Cable, guard rail, iron and steel strand wire 1 ._ STEE 331590 Cable, hard and soft fiber TEXT 229800 Cable, hemp TEXT 229800 Cable, insulated. (See also Wire.) Cable, insulations, paper PAPR 264952 1 Denotes controlled material. Cable, iron wire, except guard rail cable J STEE 348110 Cable, marine l COPR 335792 Cable, paper PAPR 262100 Cable, power. (See Wire, power.) Cable, power, portable 1 COPR 335780 Cable, primary ignition, insulated, except cable sets 1 COPR 335792 Cable pulling grips COMM 366100 Cable, secondary ignition, except harness sets 1 . COPR 335792 Cable, service, building « COPR 335792 Cable sets, automotive and aircraft AUTO 369401 Cable, signal > COPR 335792 Cable spinner, telephone COMM 366100 Cable splicing and compressing sleeves COMM 366100 Cable spools, stamped CONT 346184 Cable, steel wire, except guard rail cable J STEE 348110 Cable, switchboard » COPR 335740 Cable terminals, telephone COMM 366100 Caboose cars, freight train RAIL 374220 Cabretta leather. (See Leather.) Caddv bags CDGS 394920 Cadmium allovs, fusible metal MSMN 334163 Cadmium compounds CHEM 288609 Cadmium chloride CHEM 288601 Cadmium paints CHEM 285198 Cadmium sulfate CHEM 288602 Cadmium, unalloved, refined MSMN 333972 Caffeine and salts", uncompounded CHEM 283326 Cages, casing, centering, packer and pump, oil, gas and water well OFME 353301 Cages, mine MMEQ 353612 Cages, wire CDGS 348191 Cake bakers, glass, machine-made CDGS 322900 Calabar beans CHEM 283322 Calcimines — water-thinned paints CHEM 285154 Calcite, optical, crude MSMN 149900 Calcium arsenate CHEM 287322 Calcium carbide CHEM 288242 Calcium carbonate, precipitated CHEM 288247 Calcium chloride CHEM 288243 Calcium cvanamide CHEM 288384 Calcium cvanide CHEM 288244 Calcium fluoride CHEM 288164 Calcium hvdride CHEM 288245 Calcium hvdroxide CHEM 288248 Calcium hypochlorite (high test) CHEM 288231 Calcium metal CHEM 288241 Calcium molybdate CHEM 288251 Calcium nitrate CHEM 288252 Calcium oxide CHEM 288253 Calcium permanganate CHEM 288573 Calcium peroxide CHEM 288563 Calcium sulfamate CHEM 288255 Calcium sulfate CHEM 288254 Calcium naphthenate CHEM 288982 Calcium silicon ferroalloy STEE 331332 Calcium stearate CHEM 288832 Calculagraph, instrument, telephone COMM 366100 Calculating machines, electric SERV 357121 Calculating machines, nonelectric SERV 357121 Calculating machines, vest-pocket SERV 357121 Calendars, engraved PRIN 275300 Calendars and calendar pads, letterpress or gravure PRIN 275100 Calendars and calendar pads, lithographed PRIN 275200 Calendering machines, rubberworking GIEQ 355941 Calenders, chemical processing GIEQ 355910 Calenders, paper machine GIEQ 355400 Calenders, plastic-working GIEQ 355930 Calf leather. (See Leather.) Calipers MWEQ 354520 Calipers, casing, open hole, and tubing — oil, gas and water well OFME 353302 Calking guns GCOM 342301 Camshafts, automotive AUTO 371761 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Camelback (tread rubber) RUBR Camera tandems ••_- MOTP Cameras, aerial, motion picture MOTP Cameras, aerial, still picture MOTP Cameras, microfilming MOTP Cameras, high speed, all types MOTP Cameras, motion picture, 8 mm MOTP Cameras, motion picture, 16 mm MOTP Cameras, motion picture, 35 mm, civilian MOTP Cameras, motion picture, gun, 16 mm MOTP Cameras, photogrammetric MOTP Cameras, process, photoengraving MOTP Cameras, process, photolithography MOTP Cameras, radar recording, 35 mm, military MOTP Cameras, still, combat MOTP Cameras, still, for roll film, with focusing lens of f6.3 or slower speed AlOTP Cameras, still, hand type, box, folding and miniature type, fixed focus and two point focusing MOTP Cameras, still, hand type, reflex tj r pe, fixed focus MOTP Cameras, still, studio, use-on-tripod MOTP Cameras, still, view, use-on-tripod MOTP Cameras, television ETRX Camouflage nets (broadwoven goods) TEXT Camouflage nets (cordage) TEXT Camphor oil, natural CHEM Camphor sassafrass oil CHEM Cananga oil CHEM Can making machines, metal GIEQ Can making machines, paper GIEQ Can stock, paperboard PAPR Candlers, egg, farm AGRI Candles CHEM Candelilla wax CHEM Cane mills, farm size AGRI Cane sugar mills GIEQ Canes, glass CDGS Canes, orthopedic SITE Canes, walking CDGS Canes, walking, handles CDGS Canners, pressure, household CDGS Canning machinery, food GIEQ Canning machinery, fruit and vegetable GIEQ Canning and preserving, fruits, vegetables, and seafood industries. (See specific kind.) Canoes, civilian SHIP Canoes, military design SHIP Cans, ash, galvanized steel - CDGS Cans, ash, steel, except galvanized CDGS Cans and cases, capacitors and transformers ETRX Cans, fiber, with or without metal end CONT Cans, film MOTP Cans, garbage, galvanized steel CDGS Cans, garbage, steel, except galvanized CDGS Cans, measuring, steel CDGS Cans, metal, packaging CONT Cans, oil, steel, spout, except galvanized CDGS Cans, oily waste, steel, galvanized, stamped CDGS Cans, oily waste, steel, except galvanized, stamped CDGS Cans, ore, mine MMEQ Cans, radiator filling, galvanized steel CDGS Cans, rubbish burner, steel CDGS Cans, water, military CONT Canteens, stamped CDGS Canvas boards, artists' material CDGS Canvas products. (See specific kind.) Canvases, artists' CDGS Cap materials TEXT Cap screws, ferrous GCOM Cap screws, nonferrous GCOM Capacitor measuring equipment SITE Capacitor paper PAPR Capacitors, a.c, electrolytic (except electronic type) ELEC Capacitors, a.c, general purpose ELEC Capacitors, ceramic and glass dielectric, fixed and variable ETRX Capacitors, coupling, except electronic com- ponents ELEG Capacitors, d.c, blocking, except electronic components ELEC Product code 301142 386102 386102 386102 386101 386102 386103 386102 386102 386102 386102 386101 386101 386102 386102 386103 386103 386103 386102 386102 366220 221100 229800 289903 289904 289905 354231 355400 263100 352286 398400 289994 352285 355133 322900 384211 399500 399500 346101 355134 355132 373202 373201 346182 346182 367957 265520 386102 346182 346182 346183 341101 346183 346183 346183 353612 346183 346183 341101 346186 395220 395220 239600 345201 345201 361122 202100 362910 302910 367920 362910 362910 BDSA Product description Division Capacitors, d.c, bypass, except electronic com- ponents ELEC Capacitors, d.c, discharge service, except elec- tronic components ELEC Capacitors, d.c, filter, except electronic com- ponents ELEC Capacitors, d.c, general industrial application, except electronic components ELEC Capacitors, electronic, aluminum and tantalum, electrolytic . ETRX Capacitors, fixed, metalized paper dielectric ETRX Capacitors, fixed, paper, dielectric ETRX Capacitors, fixed, film dielectric ETRX Capacitors, fluorescent lamp ballast ELEC Capacitors, mica dielectric, fixed and variable. _ ETRX Capacitors, power ELEC Capacitors, telephone and telegraph COMM Capacitors, vacuum ETRX Capacitors, variable, air dielectric (receiving and transmitting) ETRX Capes, fur TEXT Capes, women's and misses' TEXT Capping machinery, bottle, dairy GIEQ Capric acid _~ CHEM Caproic acid CHEM Caprvlic acid CHEM Caps, bathing, rubber RUBR Caps, bottle, paper CONT Caps, bubble, chemical processing GIEQ Caps, cellulose CONT Caps, collapsible tube CONT Caps, disc, milk bottle, paper CONT Caps, ice bag, rubber RUBR Caps, knit. (See Headwear, knit.) Caps, lamp COMM Caps, men's and boys' TEXT Caps, nursing bottle, rubber RUBR Caps, plastic, glass bottle CONT Caps, plastic, except glass container CHEM Caps, shower, rubber RUBR Capstans SHIP Capsules, plastic, packing CONT Car ends, railroad, steel RAIL Car retarder electrical systems classification yard RAIL Car roofs, railroad, steel RAIL Car sides, railroad, steel RAIL Car washing machinery, automotive AUTO Carafes, vacuum CDGS Carbide lamps . CDGS Carbolic acid CHEM Carbon bisulfide ■_ CHEM Carbon black CHEM Carbon-bonded crucibles and retorts MSMN Carbon brushes, electrical MSMN Carbon brush stock, plate, rod and powder, electrical MSMN Carbon dioxide, liquid or gas CHEM Carbon dioxide, solid CHEM Carbon disulfide CHEM Carbon electrodes, electric furnace and electro- lytic uses MSMN Carbon electrodes (except electric furnace and electrolytic uses) _- MSMN Carbon packing rings, steam seal MSMN Carbon paper, one-time coated SERV Carbon paper, coated, except one-time coated. . SERV Carbon savers, motion picture MOTP Carbon specialties, electrical and mechanical use MSMN Carbon tetrachloride CHEM Carbonate, calcium, precipitated CHEM Carbonate, potassium, calcined CHEM Carbonate, potassium, hydrated CHEM Carbonators, beverage bottling GIEQ Carbonized rags TEXT Carbonizing machines, textile GIEQ Carbonizing paper PAPR Carbons, lighting MSMN Carbonizing of wool TEXT Carbonvl chloride CHEM Carboys, plastic CONT Carburetors, engines, aircraft AUTO Carburetors, except aircraft AUTO Product code 362910 362910 362910 362910 367920 367920 367920 367920 362910 307920 362910 366100 367920 307920 237101 233700 355110 289405 288715 289404 306455 264511 355910 282121 349000 264511 306371 366100 235200 306371 307902 307902 306455 353141 307994 374232 366233 374232 374232 354841 342930 364263 281518 288710 289510 329703 362401 362402 281321 281322 2887 10 362402 302402 362402 395500 395500 386102 362402 288717 288247 281261 281261 355131 229400 355200 262100 362402 229700 288718 307995 359901 359901 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Card chairs, folding, metal CDGS Card chairs, nonfolding, metal CDGS Card clothing machine parts, cotton GIEQ Card clothing machine parts, except cotton GIEQ Card tables, folding, metal CDGS Card tables, nonfolding, metal CDGS Cardboard blanks, clay coated PAPR Cardboard blanks, mill PAPR Cardboard, bogus bristol PAPR Cardboard, laminated, car sign and similar stock PAPR Cardboard, photomount stock PAPR Cardboard, playing card stock PAPR Cardboard, poster, manila PAPR Cardboard, tag stock PAPR Carded cotton yarns. (See Yarns.) Carding machines, cotton GIEQ Carding machine attachments and accessories, cotton GIEQ Carding machine attachments and accessories, except cotton GIEQ Carding machines, wool GIEQ Cards, die cut, printing PAPR Cards, greeting PRIN Cards, guide, filing PAPR Cards, index, filing PAPR Cards, jacquard PAPR Cards, playing, paper PRIN Cards, printed, except greeting cards PRIN Cards, souvenir PRIN Cards, wedding announcement PAPR Cargo ships, bulk, except special military design, ocean-going SHIP Cargo ships, bulk, except special military design, except ocean-going SHIP Cargo ships, refrigerated, except special military design, ocean-going SHIP Cargo ships, refrigerated, except special military design, except ocean-going SHIP Cargo ships, special military design SHIP Cargo sling fittings GCOM Carnauba wax CHEM Carotene, bulk CHEM Carpenters' levels GCOM Carpenters' saws, hand GCOM Carpet cushions, felt TEXT Carpet looms, power GIEQ Carpet sweepers CDGS Carpet yarns. (__ COPR 336200 Castings, sand, magnesium _ ALUM 336901 Castings, shell, copper and copper-base allov 1 -- COPR 336200 Castings, silver and silver alloy MSMN 336902 Castings, titanium and titanium allov MSMN 336902 Castings, wheel, alloy steel, except high allov..- STEE 332300 Castings, wheel, railroad car, carbon steel. .... STEE 332300 Castings, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN 336902 Castor oil, sulfonated CHEM 284323 Catalogs PRIN 274110 Catalysts, chemical CHEM 281980 Catch basin cleaners, municipal type CMEQ 353106 Catchers, junk and tubing-oil and "water well OFME 353301 Cathartics CHEM 283442 Catheads, oil, gas and water well drilling OFME 353302 Cathedral glass, obscured, except wire glass CDGS 321100 Catheters, rubber RUBR 306371 Cathode ray tubes. (See Electron tubes.) Cathode ray tubes, television receiver ETRX 367200 Cattle hide leather. (See Leather.) Cattle guards, wire prefabricated BLDG 348160 Cattle prods AGRI 352288 Caulking compounds CHEM 285208 Caustic potash CHEM 281271 Caustic soda CHEM 281241 Caustic soda, lime soda process, flake and powder CHEM 281241 Caustic soda, lime soda process, liquid CHEM 281241 Caustic soda, liquid, electrolytic CHEM 281241 Caustic soda, solid, electrolytic CHEM 281241 Cedar chests, household CDGS 251100 Cedar leaf oil CHEM 289907 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Cedarwood oil CHEM 289908 Celestite, crude MSMN 147900 Ceilings, sheet metal BLDG 344435 Cellarets, wood CDGS 251100 Cellophane CHEM 282146 Cellophane bags CONT 264320 Cellophane, converted, for packaging CONT 264310 Cellos and parts CDGS 393140 Cells, flotation, mining MMEQ 353231 Cells, jail BLDG 344910 Cellulose (including alpha) CHEM 288722 Cellulose acetate and mixed esters (including acetate butyrate and propionate plastics) CHEM 282196 Cellulose acetate converted for packaging CONT 264310 Cellulose acetate fibers TEXT 282310 Cellulose acetate, not plastic CHEM 288721 Cellulose bands and caps.. . CONT 282121 Cellulose ethyl CHEM 282198 Cellulose fibers, except acetate TEXT 282320 Cellulose methyl CHEM 288822 Cellulose nitrate CHEM 282197 Cellulose, regenerated, except rayon CHEM 282146 Cellulosic plastics, extrusion molded CHEM 307902 Cellulosic plastics, injection molded CHEM 307902 Cement, asbestos MSMN 329270 Cement cars, hopper, freight train RAIL 374220 Cement, dental SITE 384300 Cement kilns GIEQ 356731 Cement making machinery, except cement kilns 1 GIEQ 355955 Cement, masonry, natural BLDG 324100 Cement (mortar) bonding, high temp, clay re- fractory STEE 325501 Cement (mortar) bonding, high temp, non- clay refractory STEE 329702 Cement, portland BLDG 324100 Cement, prepared or mixed, hydraulic BLDG 324100 Cement, puzzolan BLDG 324100 Cement, roof, asphalt BLDG 295220 Cement, rubber RUBR 306463 Cements CHEM 289170 Cementing equipment, oil gas and water well drilling OFME 353341 Centering machines MWEQ 354101 Central office equipment, dial, telephone COMM 366100 Central office equipment, manual, telephone COMM 366100 Central office equipment, telegraphic COMM 366100 Centralite (N,N'-Diethyl-N,N'-Diphenylurea) _ CHEM 288977 Centralizers, casing, gravel packing, liner and tubing-oil, gas and water well OFME 353301 Centrifugal pumps GIEQ 356101 Centrifugals, industrial, except cream GIEQ 356903 Centrifuges, laboratory SITE 381124 Ceramic colors CHEM 281696 Ceramic floor and wall tile (not structural) BLDG 325300 Ceramic, glazed facing tile or brick BLDG 325122 Ceramic machinery, except pugmills and cut- ting machines GIEQ 355955 Cereal processing machinery and equipment GIEQ 355134 Cerium MSMN 333972 Cerium carbonate CHEM 288310 Cerium chloride CHEM 288310 Cerium fluoride CHEM 288310 Cerium hydrate CHEM 288310 Cerium nitrate CHEM 288310 Cerium oxalate CHEM 288310 Cerium oxide CHEM 288310 Cerium sulfate CHEM 288310 Cesium MSMN 333972 Cesium compounds CHEM 288642 Cesium ore MSMN 147900 Chafer fabrics, single and ply, cotton TEXT 229600 Chain, antiskid GCOM 348193 Chain attachments, conveyor and special type.. GCOM 356631 Chain, bead GCOM 348193 Chain, cast GCOM 348193 Chain, chandelier GCOM 348193 Chain, coil GCOM 348193 Chain, conveyor type GCOM 356631 Chain, cutter type GCOM 348193 Chain, detachable link type GCOM 356631 Chain, electric welded GCOM 348193 Chain, fire welded or forged GCOM 348193 Chain, jack GCOM 348193 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Chain, ladder GCOM 348193 Chain, lock weave GCOM 348193 Chain, open link GCOM 348193 Chain, roller type GCOM 35GG31 Chain, safety GCOM 348193 Chain, sash GCOM 348193 Chain saws GIEQ 355310 Chain, silent type GCOM 356631 Chain, spools, stamped CONT 346184 Chain sprockets, roller, silent and special tvpes_ GCOM 356631 Chain, straight link I GCOM 348193 Chain, stud link GCOM 348193 Chain, twist link GCOM 348193 Chain, welded GCOM 348193 Chains, anchor GCOM 348193 Chains, bicycle GCOM 356631 Chains, cutter, coal MMEQ 353212 Chains, machine, jewelers' findings CDGS 391200 Chains, surveyors' SITE 381125 Chains, weldless GCOM 348193 Chairs, beach, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, beach, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, bedroom, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, bedroom, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Chairs, card, folding, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, card, nonfolding, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, card, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, dental SITE 384300 Chairs, dining room, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, dining room, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Chairs, grandstand, ganged, metal SERV 253120 Chairs, grandstand, ganged, wood SERV 253120 Chairs, grandstand, single, metal SERV 253120 Chairs, grandstand, single, wood SERV 253120 Chairs, hall, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, high, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, hospital SITE 384103 Chairs, hydraulic, barber shop SERV 399931 Chairs, hydraulic, beauty shop SERV 399931 Chairs, kitchen, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, kitchen, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, lawn, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, library, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, library, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Chairs, living room, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, living room, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Chairs, Morris CDGS 251200 Chairs, nursery, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, office, metal SERV 252200 Chairs, office, wood ._ SERV 252100 Chairs, outdoor stadium, ganged, metal SERV 253120 Chairs, outdoor stadium, ganged, wood SERV 253120 Chairs, porch, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, porch, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, reclining, barber and beauty shop SERV 399931 Chairs, restaurant, metal SERV 259902 Chairs, restaurant, wood SERV 259902 Chairs, rocking, bedroom, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, rocking, bedroom, wood,, not upholr ... stered CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, library, wood, not upholstered- CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, living room, wood, not uphol- stered CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, porch, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, sunroom, wood, not uphol- stered CDGS 251100 Chairs, rocking, wood, upholstered, except bed- room . CDGS 251200 Chairs, school, metal, tablet arm SERV 253110 Chairs, school, metal, except tablet arm SERV 253110 Chairs, school, wood, tablet arm SERV 253110 Chairs, school, wood, except tablet arm SERV 253110 Chairs, stadium, single, metal SERV 253120 Chairs, stadium, single, wood SERV 253120 Chairs, steamer, metal CDGS 251400 Chairs, steamer, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, store, metal SERV 254203 Chairs, store, wood SERV 254102 Chairs, sunroom, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Chairs, sunroom, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Chairs, telephone, household, wood CDGS 251100 Chairs, theater, ganged, metal SERV 253120 BDSA Product description Division Chairs, theater, ganged, wood SERV Chairs, theater, single, metal SERV Chairs, theater, single, wood SERV Chairs, unpainted, household, wood CDGS Chaise longues, bedroom, wood, upholstered CDGS Chaise longues, lawn, metal CDGS Chaise longues, porch, metal CDGS Chaise longues, porch, wood CDGS Chaise longues, wood, not upholstered CDGS Chalk, artists' CDGS Chalk, crayons CDGS Chalk, crude MSMN Chalk, ground or treated MSMN Challis, spun rayon TEXT Chambrays, carded TEXT Changeover devices, motion picture MOTP Channels, rubber RUBR Chaplets, foundry, metal MWEQ Chaplets, semiprecious metal CDGS Charcoal, activated CHEM Charcoal, hardwood CHEM Charcoal, softwood CHEM Chargers, battery, service station, and auto- motive repair AUTO Charging boxes, foundry equipment MWEQ Charging machines, clay working GIEQ Chart paper, chemical woodpulp P APR Chart paper, rag content PAPR Charts, metal mounted PRIN Chasers, metalworking machinery MWEQ Chassis blanks not custom made ETRX Chassis, wired, radio receiver ETRX Chassis, wired, television receiver ETRX Check cancelling machines SERV Check cutting machines SERV Check dating machines SERV Check endorsing machines SERV Check handling machines SERV Check numbering machines SERV Check paper stock, chemical woodpulp PAPR Check paper stock, rag content PAPR Check protecting machines SERV Check signing machines SERV Check sorting machines SERV Check writing machines SERV Checkbooks PRIN Checker games CDGS Checking devices, door BLDG Cheese processing machinery GIEQ Cheese wrapping machines GIEQ Cheescloth, cotton TEXT Chemical catalysts CHEM Chemical foundry supplies CHEM Chemical insulation products CHEM Chemical manufacturing industries machinery. GIEQ Chemical specialties, containing controlled ma- terials. (See specific kind.) Chemicals, industrial inorganic. (See specific kind.) Chemical, photographic, prepared MOTP Chemicals, reagent, inorganic, containing con- trolled materials CHEM Chemicals, reagent, organic, containing con- trolled materials CHEM Chenilles, cotton TEXT Chenilles, rayon TEXT Chess games CDGS Chesterfields CDGS Chestnut extracts LEAT Chests, cedar, household CDGS Chests, hospital, field SITE Chests, metal ammunition CONT Chests, metal, burglary-resistive SERV Chests, metal, fire-resistive, insulated SERV Chests, metal, interior equipment SERV Chests, wood, ammunition CONT Chests of drawers, bedroom, wood CDGS Chests of drawers, children's, wood CDGS Chests of drawers, unpainted, household, wood. CDGS Chiffoniers, bedroom, wood CDGS Chifl'orobes, bedroom, wood CDGS Chilean nitrate CHEM Chimes and parts — musical instruments CDGS ChimeSj except musical instruments SITE Product code 253120 253120 253120 251100 251200 251400 251400 251100 251100 395220 395210 142200 329502 222100 221100 386102 306298 355921 391100 288783 286113 286128 354841 355921 355955 262100 262100 274131 354510 367957 365101 365126 357902 357902 357902 357902 357902 357902 262100 262100 357902 357902 357902 357902 278210 394100 342940 355110 355110 221100 281980 289971 289972 355910 386180 281991 281851 221100 222100 394100 251200 286121 251100 3S4103 349903 349200 349200 349200 244113 251100 251100 251100 251100 251100 281587 393140 349901 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Chimney tops, clay BLDG 325900 Chimneys, lamp, glass CDGS 322900 Chimneys, sheet metal BLDG 344431 China cabinets, dining room, wood CDGS 251100 China cases, wood, to be built in LUMB 243100 China decorating, for the trade CDGS 326902 China, kitchen. (See Kitchenware, china.) China, tableware. (See Tableware, china.) Chip spreaders CMEQ 3531G0 Chisels, cold GCOM 342301 Chisels, surgical SITE 384101 Chisels, wood GCOM 342321 Chloraniline CHEM 281519 Chlorate, potassium CHEM 288543 Chlorate, sodium CHEM 288542 Chloride, aluminum, anhydrous CHEM 288131 Chloride, aluminum, crystal and liquid '__ CHEM 288132 Chloride, ammonium CHEM 288374 Chloride, barium, anhydrous and crystal CHEM 288212 Chloride, calcium CHEM 288243 Chloride, ferric CHEM 288608 Chloride, mercuric CHEM 288636 Chloride, mercurous CHEM 288637 Chloride of lime CHEM 288232 Chloride, zinc CHEM 288581 Chlorinated lime CHEM 288232 Chlorinated paraffins CHEM 288784 Chlorine. (See specific kind.) Chlorine bleaching compounds. (See specific kind.) Chlorine disinfectants CHEM 284214 Chloroacetic acid CHEM 288781 Chloroform CHEM 288723 Chlorobenzene mono CHEM 281520 Chlorophenol CHEM 281525 Chlorophyll CHEM 288978 Chloroplatinic acid CHEM 288108 Chlorosulfonic acid CHEM 288111 Choke coils, power circuit ELEC 364304 Chokes, flowing oil and gas well OFME 353330 Chokes and reactors, electronic, HF ETRX 367940 Chokes and reactors, electronic, power, audio, and other LF types ETRX 367940 Choppers, cotton AGRI 352284 Choppers, field, hay AGRI 352260 Choppers, food, commercial, electric CDGS 355122 Chopping machines, packing plant, meat and poultry GIEQ 355132 Christmas tree assemblies, flowing oil well OFME 353330 Christmas tree lamps, electric CDGS 364100 Christmas tree lighting outfits CDGS 369922 Christmas tree ornaments, glass CDGS 322900 Christmas trees LUMB 086100 Chrome alum CHEM 288142 Chrome cake CHEM 288492 Chrome green (chrome yellow and iron blue) C.P CHEM 281651 Chrome oxide green C.P CHEM 281652 Chrome yellows C.P. and orange C.P CHEM 281653 Chromic acid CHEM 288112 Chromic chloride CHEM 288266 Chromic hydroxide CHEM 288260 Chromium aluminum sulfate CHEM 288142 Chromium compounds. (See specific kind.) Chromium metal STEE 333973 Chromium oxide green pigments CHEM 281652 Chromium paints CHEM 285192 Chronographs SITE 387100 Chronometers SITE 387100 Chuck-holding devices, metalworking MWEQ 354530 Chucks, air, automotive maintenance type AUTO 354841 Chucks, drill, metalworking MWEQ 354530 Chucks, lathe, metalworking MWEQ 354530 Churns, butter, farm size AGRI 352283 Churns, butter, except farm size GIEQ 355110 Church altars, metal SERV 253120 Church altars, wood SERV 253120 Church pews, metal SERV 253120 Church pews, wood SERV 253120 Chutes, concrete CMEQ 353160 Cigar boxes, wood CONT 244112 Cigar holder mouthpieces, hard rubber RUBR 306247 Cigar industry FOOD 212100 Cigar-making machines GIEQ 355953 BDSA Product description Division Cigar-merchandising machines SERV Cigarette cases, precious metal CDGS Cigarette cases, except precious metal CDGS Cigarette holders CDGS Cigarette holders, hard rubber RUBR Cigarette industry FOOD Cigarette lighters, precious metal CDGS Cigarette lighters, except precious metal CDGS Cigarette-making machines GIEQ Cigarette-merchandising machines SERV Cigarette paper stock PAPR Cigarette papers, book PAPR Cinchona, alkaloids CHEM Cinchona bark CHEM Circuit breakers, air, 1,200 volts and under ELEC Circuit breakers, power, indoor ELEC Circuit breakers, power, outdoor ELEC Circuit reclosers ELEC Circulars, letterpress and gravure printed PRIN Circulars, lithographed PRIN Citrate of soda CHEM Citric acid CHEM Citronella oil CHEM Civil date clocks SITE Clamps and brackets, antenna mounting ETRX Clamps, C GCOM Clamps, casing, drill collar, rod, tubing and wire line, oilfield OFME Clumps and clips, wire rope GCOM Clamps, ground, arc welding MWEQ Clamps, hose, other than fire GCOM Clamps, towel, surgical SITE Clapboard, asbestos-cement MSMN Clapboard, wood LUMB Clarifiers, dairy GIEQ Clarifiers, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ Clarifying equipment, mineral MMEQ Clarinets and parts CDGS Clasps, jewelers' findings CDGS Classifiers, chemical GIEQ Classifiers, coal, and ore MMEQ Classifying machinery, mineral MMEQ Clay. (See specific kind.) Clay, brick. (See Brick, clay.) Clay, fire-ground, crude STEE Clay, high alumina, ground crude STEE Clay, modeling CDGS Clay working cutting machines GIEQ Clayworking pugmills GIEQ Cleaners. (See also Detergents.) Cleaners, barn AGRI Cleaners, brush, liquid CHEM Cleaners, corn and grain, farm size AGRI Cleaners, denture- . CHEM Cleaners, engine, external, automotive AUTO Cleaners, file GCOM Cleaners, paint, detergent CHEM Cleaners, paint remover, powder CHEM Cleaners, shoe, liquid, white LEAT Cleaners, shoe, liquid, except white LEAT Cleaners, spark plug, steam vapor, automotive-- AUTO Cleaners, toilet bowl, detergent CHEM Cleaners, tooth, liquid CHEM Cleaners, valve guide, automotive maintenance- AUTO Cleaners, vegetable AGRI Cleaners, wallpaper, detergent CHEM Cleaners, well screen and perforation — oil, gas, and water well OFME Cleaners, window glass, liquid CH E M Cleaners, window shade, detergent CHEM Cleaning equipment, mineral MMEQ Cleaning machines, building and wall SERV Cleaning and polishing cloths and papers (chemically treated) CHEM Cleanout plugs, plumbers BLD G Cleansing creams, cosmetic CHEM Cleats, horn, heavv, marine SHIP Clevises 1 GCOM Climax baskets, veneer CONT Clinical thermometers SITE Clinometers SITE Clip boards, metal CDGS Clippers, hair, animal use AGRI Clippers, hair, human use SERV Product code 358120 391100 317202 399933 306247 211100 391100 399936 355953 358120 262100 264952 283374 283324 361301 361302 361302 361301 275100 275200 288825 288724 289909 387100 367957 342301 353301 342912 362310 342955 384101 329240 242120 355110 353231 353231 393140 391200 355910 353231 353231 325501 325501 395220 355955 355955 352288 284239 352285 284463 354841 342333 285235 285235 284245 284245 354841 284233 284468 354841 352285 284234 353301 284228 284234 353231 358923 284246 343200 284472 373001 342912 244300 382130 381125 349905 352288 399931 PEODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Clips, battery charging, testing ELEC Clips, bands, ties and handles, metal, for con- tainers CONT Clips, end, web belt, military CDGS Clips, film MOTP Clips, precious metal CDGS Clips, wire rope GCOM Clip-clamp, electric fuse ELEC Clock cases SITE Clock repair parts (except crystals) SITE Clocks, aircraft SITE Clocks, automobile SITE Clocks, civil date SITE Clocks, commercial SITE Clocks, 8-day SITE Clocks, elapsed time SITE Clocks, electric SITE Clocks, household SITE Clocks, industrial SITE Clocks, jeweled SITE Clocks, magnet SITE Clocks, marine SITE Clocks, nonjeweled SITE Clocks, spring driven SITE Clocks, watchmen's SERV Clocks, weight operated. (See Clocks, spring wound.) Closers, door BLDG Closets, water, trough (plumbing fixtures) BLDG Closing, sealing machines GIEQ Closures, paper and paperboard for packaging. _ CONT Closures, home canning CONT Closures, metal, commercial, for glass con- tainers, except crowns CONT Closures, stoppers for packaging, plastic CONT Cloth, artificial abrasive, coated MWEQ Cloth, asbestos MSMN Cloth, bolting wire GCOM Cloth, crimped wire GCOM Cloth, cylinder wire GCOM Cloth, drying belt, wire GCOM Cloth, filter and sieve, wire GCOM Cloth, flat top, wire GCOM Cloth, fourdrinier, wire GCOM Cloth, hardware BLDG Cloth, industrial wire GCOM Cloth, knit (made in knitting mills) TEXT Cloth, natural abrasive, coated MWEQ Cloth, photographic, sensitized, blueprint type_ MOTP Cloth, photographic, sensitized, diazo type MOTP Cloth, photographic, sensitized, van dyke type. MOTP Cloth, photographic, silver halide, recording MOTP Cloth, photographic, silver halide, line repro- duction MOTP Cloth, photographic, silver halide, continuous tone reproduction MOTP Cloth, plain weave, wire GCOM Cloth, silver halide, sensitized, photocopying.- MOTP Cloth, special mesh, wire GCOM Cloth, textile. (See specific kind.) Cloth, twilled weave, wire GCOM Clothes, doll CDGS Clothing and other fabric working machines GIEQ Clothespins, wood LUMB Clothespresses CDGS Clothing racks, office, metal SERV Clothing racks, office, wood SERV Clothing, rubber and vulcanized RUBR Cloths, wash, except knit TEXT Clove oil CHEM Club cars, passenger train RAIL Clubs, golf CDGS Clutch facings, asbestos MSMN Clutch rebuilding equipment, automotive AUTO Clutches, friction, air and hydraulic operation.. GCOM Clutches, jaw type GCOM Clutches, magnetic GCOM Clutches, overrunning GCOM Clutches, special type GCOM Clutch plates, sintered, except automotive GCOM Coaches, motor, except trolley busses AUTO Coaches, trailer, housing type BLDG Coaches, trolley, trackless RAIL Coal cars, hopper, freight train RAIL Product code 364301 348194 396424 386102 391100 342912 364301 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 387100 357902 342940 343100 356904 264511 346187 346162 307991 329101 329270 348171 348171 348171 348171 348171 348171 348171 348173 348171 225000 329101 386170 386170 386170 386160 386160 386160 348171 386160 348171 348171 394200 355200 249956 251100 252200 252100 306459 239202 289910 374210 394920 329220 354841 35660 1 356601 356601 356601 350601 356601 371730 379100 374231 374220 BDSA Product description Division Coal cutting machines MMEQ Coal drills, electric ____' "_"_ MMEQ Coal drills, portable, handheld or mounted MMEQ Coal handling conveyor equipment GIEQ Coal tar acid oils CHEM Coal tar disinfectants CHEM Coat fronts TEXT Coated paper. (See Paper.) Coating and impregnating of fabrics, except rubberizing TEXT Coats, blanket lined, men's and boys' TEXT Coats, fur TEXT Coats, fur trimmed, women's and misses' TEXT Coats, leather TEXT Coats, mackinaw, men's and boys' TEXT Coats, reversible, men's and boys', except uni- form TEXT Coats, reversible, untrimmed, women's and misses' TEXT Coats, separate, men's and boys' TEXT Coats, sheep-lined, men's and boys', except leather TEXT Coats, untrimmed, women's and misses' TEXT Coaxial cable assemblies ETRX Coaxial line, rigid ETRX Cobalt acetate CHEM Cobalt carbonate CHEM Cobalt chloride CHEM Cobalt nitrate CHEM Cobalt oxide CHEM Cobalt metal STEE Cobalt naphthenate CHEM Cobalt oleate CHEM Cobalt paints CHEM Cobalt resinate CHEM Cobalt tallate CHEM Cocillana CHEM Cocks, ball, sill, basin and sediment (plumbing fittings) BLDG Codeine and salts CHEM Coders, railroad, transit signal equipment RAIL Coding machines, telephone, motor-driven, static COMM Coding machines, telephone, motor-driven, vibrator COMM Cod oil, sulfonated CHEM Coffee grinders, electric, household CDGS Coffee maker heating units, electric, household.. CDGS Coffee makers, commercial, electric CDGS Coffee makers, commercial, except electric CDGS Coffee makers, glass CDGS Coffee makers, household, electric CDGS Coffee mills, commercial, electric CDGS Coffee percolators, electric, household CDGS Coffee processing machinery GIEQ Coffee urns, commercial, electric CDGS Coffee urns, commercial, except electric CDGS Coffee urns, household, electric CDGS Coffins. (See Caskets.) Coils, antenna ETRX Coils, blast, heat transfer BLDG Coils, field, battery charging generator, engine mounted AUTO Coils, field, cranking motor ALTTO Coils, fin, refrigerant, except forced air GIEQ Coils, fin, steam, except forced air GIEQ Coils, fin, water, except forced air GIEQ Coils, focus, deflection yokes ETRX Coils, forms, except ceramic ETRX Coils, heat, telephone COMM Coils, hot water supply, heat transfer type BLDG Coils, ignition, internal combustion engine, except aircraft AUTO Coils impendance, telephone COMM Coils, indirect, tank, or tankless type BLDG Coils, induction, telephone COMM Coils, loading, telephone cable COMM Coils, oscillator ETRX Coils, repeating, telephone COMM Coils, retardation, telephone COMM Coils, RF and other HF types ETRX Coils, stock ELEC Coils, toroidal, telephone COMM Product code 353212 353232 353232 353501 281461 284214 239600 229500 232900 237101 233700 238600 232900 231100 233700 231100 238600 233700 367957 307957 288808 288600 288603 288604 288605 333971 288983 288989 285188 288990 288987 283328 343200 283376 366233 366100 366100 284316 363430 363430 358911 358912 322900 363430 355122 363430 355134 358911 358912 363430 369401 369401 358573 358573 358573 367940 367957 366100 363901 369401 366100 363901 366100 366100 367940 366100 366100 367940 361302 366100 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Coils, with permeability slugs ETRX Coin changemaker machines, coin operated SERV Coin changemaker machines, manual SERV Coin collectors, telephone COMM Coin counting machines SERV Coin handling changers SERV Coin handling machines SERV Coin handling rejectors SERV Coin machines parts and attachments SERV Coin-operated amusement machines. (See spe- cific kind.) Coin sorting machines SERV Coin wrapping machines SERV Coin wraps, paper PAPR Coir TEXT Coke cars, hopper, freight train RAIL Coke ovens, fuel fired MWEQ Colchium CHEM Cold remedies, proprietary, except analgesics CHEM Cold water paints CHEM Cold waving end wraps SERV Cold waving processing caps SERV Cold waving rods SERV Collapsible tube parts CONT Collapsible tubes, metal, including metal parts.. CONT Collar buttons, precious metal CDGS Collar holders, precious metal CDGS Collars, drill, oil, gas, water drilling and pro- duction machinery OFME Collars, fur TEXT Collars, horse LEAT Collars, shafting GCOM College textbooks PRIN Collating machines, office SERV Collodion type adhesives CHEM Colloidal mills, chemical processing GIEQ Colocynth CHEM Colognes CHEM Color lakes. (See Intermediates.) Colorimeters SITE Colors, artists' CDGS Colostomy bags, rubber ,. RUBR Colt leather. (See Leather.) Columbium MSMN Columbium compounds CHEM Columbo root CHEM Columns — argon, nitrogen and oxygen GIEQ Columns, formed steel BLDG Columns, ornamental, metal BLDG Columns, watering, railroad RAIL Combat carriers, amphibian AUTO Combat tanks and parts ORDN Combat vehicles, amphibian AUTO Combed cotton yarns. (See Yarns.) Combination burners, three-way, oil, gas and pulverized coal BLDG Combination recorder-controller systems SITE Combination windows or doors, storm and screen, metal BLDG Combination storm and screen windows, wood . . LUMB Combines, harvester-thresher, pull type AGRI Combines, harvester-thresher, self-propelled AGRI Combing machines, cotton GIEQ Combing machines, wool GIEQ Combing machine attachments and accessories, textile GIEQ Combs, curry AGRI Combs, metal CDGS Combs, hard rubber RUBR Combustion recorder-controller systems SITE Comforters TEXT Comic books PRIN Commercial central station protective signal equipment COMM Commercial heat treating SERV Commercial news service equipment, wire COMM Commodes CDGS Commodes, hospital, chair type SITE Communication wire and cable. (See Wire or Cable.) Community antenna distributing systems COMM Compact powder, for wet application CHEM Compactors, soils, construction CMEQ Compacts, except precious metal CDGS Product code 367940 357122 357122 366100 357122 357122 357122 358120 357122 357122 357122 264920 071900 374220 356722 283325 283431 285100 399931 399931 399931 349600 349600 391100 391100 353301 237101 319901 356601 273100 357902 289199 355955 283326 284411 383102 395220 306371 333972 288643 283327 356902 344930 344910 349904 371740 193100 371740 343364 382130 344201 243100 352250 352250 355200 355200 355200 352288 399936 306249 382130 239202 272100 366232 339960 366100 251100 384103 366232 284495 353106 317202 BDSA Product description Division Compacts, precious metal CDGS Comparators MWEQ Compass saws, hand GCOM Compasses, aircraft SITE Compasses, celestial, except aircraft SITE Compasses, gyro, except aircraft SITE Compasses, magnetic, except aircraft SITE Composing machines, office SERV Compressed and liquefied gases. (See specific kind.) Compression-molding machines, plastics-work- ing GIEQ Compressor bodies, refrigerant, ammonia GIEQ Compressor bodies, refrigerant, except am- monia GIEQ Compressor parts and attachments GIEQ Compressor units, refrigerant GIEQ Compressors, air, portable GIEQ Compressors, air, stationary GIEQ Compressors, aircraft GIEQ Compressors, axial GIEQ Compressors, gas, except refrigeration units GIEQ Compressors, integral, internal combustion engine compressor units GIEQ Compressors, refrigerant, ammonia GIEQ Compressors, refrigerant, except ammonia GIEQ Compressors, valve spring, piston ring, auto- motive maintenance AUTO Computers, electronic SERV Computers, telephone COMM Computing devices, peg board SERV Computing machine parts and attachments SERV Computing machines. (See specific kind.) Concentrated superphosphate CHEM Concentrating equipment, mineral MMEQ Concentrators, coal and ore MMEQ Concertinas and parts CDGS Concrete batching plants CMEQ Concrete block-making machines GIEQ Concrete boxes, electrical, stamped metal ELEC Concrete brick BLDG Concrete chutes, construction CMEQ Concrete curing materials CHEM Concrete finishes and spreaders CMEQ Concrete floor hardening compounds CHEM Concrete mixers, portable, 3% cubic feet and over CMEQ Concrete mixers, stationary, 3% cubic feet and over CMEQ Concrete mixers, truck CMEQ Concrete pavers CMEQ Concrete pipe. (See Pipe.) Concrete pipe-making machines GIEQ Concrete placement and gunning equipment CMEQ Concrete products. (See specific kind.) Concrete products, reinforced. (See specific kind.) Concrete, ready mixed BLDG Concrete reinforcing accessories, except bars BLDG Concrete reinforcing bars, fabricated BLDG Concrete vibrators and screens CMEQ Condenser machines, zinc, smelting and refin- ing MMEQ Condenser tissue PAPR Condensers, electronic. (See Capacitors.) Condensers, evaporative GIEQ Condensers, fin, air cooled GIEQ Condensers, ignition distributor, internal com- bustion engine AUTO Condensers, radiator, internal combustion en- gine, overflow AUTO Condensers, refrigerant, ammonia GIEQ Condensers, refrigerant, except ammonia GIEQ Condensers, shell-and-coil, refrigeration GIEQ Condensers, shell-and-tube, refrigeration GIEQ Condensers, steam, industrial and marine POWR Condensers, synchronous, integral horsepower. _ ELEC Condensers, telephone COMM Condensing units, hermetic GIEQ Condensing units, open type GIEQ Conditioners, coal preparation and ore dress- ing MMEQ Conditioners, flotation, mining MMEQ Conditioners, oil, gas, and water well drilling OFME Product code 391100 354520 342500 381110 381123 381123 381123 357200 355930 358540 358540 356102 358540 356102 356102 356102 356102 356102 356102 358540 358540 354841 357110 366100 357121 357121 287175 353231 353231 393140 353160 355955 364430 327100 353160 289966 353160 289967 353160 353160 353160 353160 355955 353160 327300 344930 344930 353160 355956 202100 358573 358573 369401 371764 358550 358550 358573 358573 344312 362103 366100 358550 358550 353231 353231 353302 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Conductor, aluminum, steel reinforced ' ALUM Conduit, asbestos-cement MSMN Conduit, boxes, electrical, cast metal ELEC Conduit, clay BLDG Conduit, electric, braided metallic, aircraft AIRC Conduit, flexible steel, electrical ELEC Conduit, rigid, electrical ELEC Conduit, thin wall, electrical ELEC Conduit, underground, electrical ELEC Conduits, concrete BLDG Conduits, pulp, pressed or molded BLDG Conduits, reinforced concrete BLDG Conduits, wood LUMB Cones, fiber CONT Cones, guide and wiper — oil well OFME Cones, killing, poultry AGRI Cones, settling, mining MMEQ Confectionery and related products industries FOOD Confectionery machinery and equipment GIEQ Connecting blocks, telephone COMM Connections, flexible metallic, air, railroad car. . RAIL Connections, flexible metallic, steam, railroad car RAIL Connections, flush tank, plumbing fittings BLDG Connector bodies, electrical, attachment ELEC Connectors, military service type ELEC Connectors, coaxial cable ETRX Connectors, electrical fixture ELEC Connectors, power ELEC Connectors, subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Connectors, surface rotary drilling, oil field OFME Connectors, telephone COMM Connectors, wire, except solderless ELEC Connectors, wire, solderless ELEC Construction hoists, engine driven, portable CMEQ Construction sets, toy, model CDGS Contact arms, breaker point, ignition distribu- tor AUTO Contact points, electric (except carbon and graphite) ELEC Contact supports, breaker point, ignition dis- tributor, internal combustion engine AUTO Container board, corrugating, bogus PAPR Container board, corrugating, kraft PAPR Container board, corrugating, straw PAPR Container closures, metal, except glass con- tainers . CONT Container making machines, shipping, paper GIEQ Container paper stock, frozen food PAPR Container paper stock, liquid tight PAPR Containers and inflatables, for storage, indus- trial rubber RUBR Containers, cylinders, gas, including liquefied petroleum CONT Containers, fiber, vulcanized CONT Containers, fluid milk, paper CONT Containers, fluid milk, shipping cans CONT Containers, liquid type, paper and paperboard_ CONT Containers, for storage, collapsible, rubber RUBR Containers, glass. (»S'ee Glass.) Containers, ice cream, paper, sanitary CONT Containers, ice cream, paperboard, sanitary CONT Containers, metal. (See also Cans.) Containers, picnic, insulated CDGS Containers, plywood, drums CONT Containers, plywood, nailed and lock corner CONT Containers, pulp, molded CONT Containers, corrugated and solid fiber, shipping cases CONT Containers, steel shipping. (*See Drums, bar- rels, etc.) Containers, veneer and plywood, except boxes and crates CONT Containers, wood, boxes and crates, wirebound_ CONT Containers, wood, nailed and lock corner, in- cluding wood and fiber combination CONT Continuous business forms, manifold PRIN Continuous mining machines MMEQ Contour projectors SITE Contour sawing machines M WEQ Control devices, lateral and rotary motion, cable and linkage type GCOM Control equip ment, Diesel-electric locomotive. _ ELEC 1 Denotes controlled material. Product code 335710 329270 364430 325920 372911 364420 364420 364420 364420 327212 264610 327211 249951 265520 353301 352286 353231 207000 355134 366100 374131 374131 343200 364301 364302 367957 364301 361302 353301 353302 366100 364303 364303 353101 394100 369401 364301 369401 263100 263100 263100 346161 355400 262100 262100 306288 344341 265520 265401 349131 265420 306288 265432 265432 349905 244300 244113 264622 265300 244300 244200 244113 276100 353212 383102 354101 356601 362104 BDSA Product Product description Division code Control equipment, Diesel-electric rail car ELEC 362104 Control equipment, Diesel-electric truck and bus ELEC 362104 Control equipment for guided missiles, elec- tronic ETRX 366242 Control equipment, gasoline-electric locomo- tive ELEC 362104 Control equipment, gasoline-electric rail car ELEC 362104 Control equipment, gasoline-electric truck and bus ELEC 362104 Control equipment, mining locomotive ELEC 362104 Control equipment, multiunit car, railway ELEC 362104 Control equipment parts, railway ELEC 362104 Control equipment parts, storage-battery vehi- cles ELEC 362104 Control equipment, rapid transit car ELEC 362104 Control equipment, storage-battery industrial truck ELEC 362104 Control equipment, storage-battery mining locomotive ELEC 362104 Control equipment, surface rotary drilling, oil field OFME 353302 Control equipment, third-rail locomotive ELEC 362104 Control equipment, trolley car ELEC 362104 Control equipment, trolley coach ELEC 362104 Control equipment, trolley locomotive ELEC 362104 Control shafts, extensions and couplings ETRX 367957 Control transformers ELEC 362104 Control units, train, railroad transit signal equipment RAIL 366233 Controllers and accessories, electric fence AGRI 352001 Controllers, circuit, railroad transit signal equipment RAIL 366233 Controls, a. c, general purpose, industrial ELEC 362200 Controls, air conditioning, electric SITE 382200 Controls and equipment, automotive, for handicapped persons AUTO 371764 Controls, d.c, general purpose, industrial ELEC 362200 Controls, except resistance welder ELEC 362200 Controls, flow, interceptor plumbers BLDG 343200 Controls, refrigeration, automatic, electric SITE 382200 Controls, resistance welder ELEC 362200 Controls, resistance welder, magnetic ELEC 362200 Convectors, cast iron BLDG 343302 Convectors, nonferrous BLDG 343361 Convectors, steel BLDG 343361 Conversion devices for computers SERV 357110 Converters, color, television ETRX 367955 Converters, hydraulic torque GCOM 356601 Converters, integral horsepower ELEC 362103 Converters, synchronous ELEC 362103 Converters, UHF, television ETRX 367955 Converting paper, twisting except Kraft PAPR 262100 Conveyor belting, rubber RUBR 306211 Conveyor belts, rubber RUBR 306211 Conveyor ore unloaders GIEQ 353501 Conveyor systems, overhead trolley GIEQ 353501 Conveyor system parts and attachments GIEQ 353501 Conveyors, gravity, skate wheel and roller GIEQ 353501 Conveyors, portable, except farm GIEQ 353501 Conveyors, power GIEQ 353501 Conveyors, stationary and portable, mine type MMEQ 353502 Conveyors and accessories, mine type MMEQ 353502 Cookers and bakers, electric, household CDGS 363430 Cookers, egg, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Cookers, egg, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Cookers, egg, electric, household CDGS 363430 Cookers, feed, farm type AGRI 352288 Cookers, pressure, nonelectric CDGS 346111 Cookers, pressure, electric, household CDGS 363430 Cookers, rendering GIEQ 355132 Cooking appliances, domestic, except electric CDGS 363100 Cooking equipment, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Cooking equipment, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Cooking equipment, household, except pres- sure cookers CDGS 363100 Cooking equipment, parts and attachments, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Cooking equipment parts and attachments, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Cooking and heating ranges, combination CDGS 363100 Cooking utensils, cast aluminum CDGS 336101 Cooking utensils, cast iron CDGS 332141 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Cooking utensils, stamped and pressed, stain- less steel CDGS Cooking utensils, stamped and pressed, tin- ware CDGS Cooking utensils, vitreous enameled CDGS Cooler boxes — soda fountain equipment CDGS Coolers, blast, air conditioning GIEQ Coolers, bottled beverage, mechanical, coin- operated SERV Coolers, bottled beverage, mechanical, dry, except coin-operated SERV Coolers, bottled beverage, mechanical, wet, except coin-operated SERV Coolers, bottled beverage, nonmechanical SERV Coolers, dairy milk, immersion, mechanical, refrigerated GIEQ Coolers, drinking water, mechanical, bottle SERV Coolers, drinking water, mechanical, pressure SERV Coolers, drinking water, nonmechanical SERV Coolers, eggs, farm AGRI Coolers, evaporative, desert type GIEQ Coolers, farm milk, immersion, mechanical, refrigerated GIEQ Coolers, farm milk, not mechanically refrig- erated AGRI Coolers, liquid, shell-and-coil GIEQ Coolers, liquid, shell-and-tube GIEQ Coolers, oil and air, aircraft AIRC Coolers, unit, air conditioning, remote GIEQ Coolers, unit, refrigeration, ceiling mounted GIEQ Coolers, unit, refrigeration, floor mounted, dry. GIEQ Coolers, unit, refrigeration, floor mounted, spray GIEQ Coolers, unit, refrigeration, wall mounted GIEQ Coolers, walk-in, refrigerating GIEQ Cooling tower stock, wood LUMB Cooling towers, over 12 tons dry shipping weight per tower GIEQ Cooling towers, 12 tons and under dry shipping weight per tower GIEQ Cooperage, slack CONT Cooperage stock CONT Cooperage, tight CONT Coping saws, hand GCOM Copper, anode l COPR Copper-base alloy castings. (See Castings.) Copper-base alloy, rolled and drawn. (See specific shapes.) Copper, blister COPR Copper bromide CHEM Copper castings. (See Castings.) Copper carbonate CHEM Copper chloride CHEM Copper cyanide CHEM Copper nitrate CHEM Copper oxide, black CHEM Copper oxide, red CHEM Copper paints CHEM Copper, refined COPR Copper, rolled and drawn. (See specific shapes.) Copper sulfate CHEM Copperas CHEM Cord, appliance, flexible 1 COPR Cord, asbestos MSMN Cord, braided TEXT Cord, copper, flexible, except appliance ' COPR Cord, copper, portable, except appliance 1 COPR Cord, fasteners, telephone CO MM Cord, hooks, telephone COMM Cord, pulleys, telephone COMM Cord sets, flexible CDGS Cord, tips, telephone COMM Cord, weights, telephone COMM Cordage, abaca, sisal, cotton, flax, etc TEXT Corded fabrics, filament and spun rayon TEXT Cords, power supply ELEC Corduroys, cotton TEXT Core drill accessories MMEQ Core drill rods MMEQ Core drills MMEQ Core making and processing machinery, foundry.,, MWEQ 1 Denotes controlled material. Product code 34G101 34G101 346111 358574 358573 358110 358533 358533 358533 358531 358533 358533 358533 352286 358573 358531 352283 358573 358573 372911 358573 358573 358573 358573 358573 358531 242170 358511 358573 244501 242902 244502 342500 333110 333110 288153 288275 288276 288271 288277 288272 288273 285184 333120 288274 288625 335761 329270 229800 335792 335792 366100 366100 366100 335762 366100 366100 229800 222100 335763 221100 353232 353232 353232 355921 BDSA Product Product description Division code Cores, fiber CONT 265520 Cores, magnetic, HF ETRX 367957 Coring equipment, subsurface drilling, oil field. _ OFME 353301 Cork blocks, composition LUMB 249942 Cork blocks, insulation LUMB 249942 Cork boards, insulation LUMB 249942 Cork disks LUMB 249942 Cork floats LUMB 249942 Cork, floor tile BLDG 249941 Cork gaskets GCOM 329320 Cork insulation products LUMB 249942 Cork lags, insulation LUMB 249942 Cork life preservers LUMB 249942 Cork pipe coverings, insulation LUMB 249942 Cork sheets, composition.. LUMB 249942 Cork stoppers LUMB 249942 Cork tile, insulation LUMB 249942 Cork washers LUMB 249942 Corn graders, farm size AGRI 352285 Corn huskers AGRI 352285 Corn husker-shredders AGRI 352285 Corn pickers, drawn AGRI 352250 Corn pickers, mounted or semimounted AGRI 352250 Corn pickers, self-propelled AGRI 352250 Corn planters, drawn AGRI 352230 Corn planters, mounted AGRI 352230 Corn poppers, household, electric CDGS 363430 Corn shredders AGRI 352250 Corn shellers, power AGRI 352250 Corner beads, metal, plaster base BLDG 344930 Corner cabinets, dining room, wood CDGS 251100 Cornets and parts CDGS 393140 Cornices, sheet metal BLDG 344412 Cornwall stone MSMN 149900 Corrosion inhibitors, nonpetroleum base CHEM 289999 Corrugated pads, partitions, single faced cor- rugated sheets and rolls, packaging CONT 265300 Corrugated paperboard, roll, lined CONT 265300 Corrugated paperboard, roll, unlined CONT 265300 Corrugated paperboard, sheet, lined CONT 265300 Corrugated paperboard, sheet, unlined CONT 265300 Corrugated paper boxmaking machines GIEQ 355400 Corrugators AGRI 352289 Corset accessories CDGS 234221 Corset fabrics, warp-knit TEXT 225600 Corset laces, cotton TEXT 224100 Corset stays CDGS 234221 Corsets, except maternity and surgical TEXT 234222 Corsets maternity TEXT 234222 Corsets surgical SITE 384211 Corundum abrasive — grain, powder, and flour. MSMN 329102 Corundum ore MSMN 149700 Corundum synthetic, gem quality MSMN 329904 Cosmetic containers, glass narrow neck CONT 322100 Cosmetic containers, glass, wide mouth CONT 322100 Cosmetic creams, cleansing CHEM 284472 Cosmetic creams, foundation CHEM 284473 Cosmetic creams, lubricating CHEM 284474 Cosmetic dyes CHEM 281583 Cosmetic lip preparations CHEM 284483 Cosmetic making machinery GIEQ 355955 Cosmetic oils CHEM 284476 Cosmetic restorations SITE 384211 Cosmetic rouges CHEM 284484 Cosmetic jewelry. (See Jewelry.) Costumers, office, metal . SERV 252200 Costumers, office, wood SERV 252100 Cots, finger, rubber RUBR 300371 Cots, folding, metal CDGS 251400 Cots, Tollable, metal CDGS 251400 Cots, wood, folding CDGS 251100 Cotter pins, ferrous GCOM 345201 Cotter pins, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Cotton broad-woven fabrics TEXT 221100 Cotton-ginning machinery, except cotton gins. GIEQ 355953 Cotton gins GIEQ 355953 Cotton linter pulp '.. PAPR 261100 Cotton nonwoven fabrics TEXT 229900 Cotton pickers AGRI 352250 Cotton planters, drawn AGRI 352230 Cotton planters, mounted AGRI 352230 Cotton rayon mixtures, except suitings TEXT 221100 Cotton staple pulp PAPR 261100 Cotton strippers -. AGRI 352250 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Cottonades TEXT 221100 Cottonseed oil mill machinery and equipment- GIEQ 355953 Cottonseed oil mill products FOOD 209000 Couch units, barber and beautv shop SERV 399931 Couches, office, metal . SERV 252200 Couches, office, wood SERV 252100 Couches, studio upholstered CDGS 251501 Couches, undertakers' or burial CDGS 398801 Cough drops, medicated, proprietary drug CHEM 283431 Cough medicines, proprietary, except analge- sics and antihistamines CHEM 283431 Cough syrups, proprietary CHEM 283431 Coulters AGRI 352202 Coumarone-indene and petroleum polymer resins CHEM 282185 Counter displays, advertising PRIN 399321 Countersink, machine tool accessories MWEQ 354510 Counterbores, metalworking MWEQ 354510 Counters, geiger SITE 382161 Counters, scintillation SITE 382161 Counters, shoe, except leather LEAT 313102 Counters, shoe, leather LEAT 313102 Counters, store, metal SERV 254203 Counters, store, wood SERV 254102 Couplers, car, locomotive, automatic, under- ground mine MMEQ 353211 Couplers, car, locomotive, plain underground mine MMEQ 353211 Couplers, railroad car RAIL 374131 Coupling attach, car, automatic, underground mine MMEQ 353211 Coupling attach, car, loco., plain, underground mine MMEQ 353211 Coupling capacitors ELEC 362910 Couplings, coaxial line, rigid ETRX 367957 Couplings, fire hose GCOM 342958 Couplings, flexible metal hose and tubing GCOM 359903 Couplings, shaft, flexible, metallic and/or rubber and metallic GCOM 356601 Couplings, gear type GCOM 356601 Couplings, hose, except fire hose GCOM 342955 Couplings, hydraulic, except motor vehicle GCOM 356601 Couplings, oil, gas and water well drilling and production OFME 353301 Couplings, rigid, bolted type GCOM 356601 Couplings, rigid, jaw type GCOM 356601 Couplings, truck trailer AUTO 371764 Coupons PRIN 275100 Cove base, rubber RUBR 306268 Cover paper, fine PAPR 262100 Coveralls, girls' and children's TEXT 236900 Coveralls, men's and boys' TEXT 232800 Coveralls, toddlers and infants TEXT 236900 Coveralls, women's and misses' TEXT 233900 Covers: cleanout, cockhole, trap (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Covers, damask, cotton TEXT 221100 Covers, electrical, cast metal ELEC 364430 Covers, stamped metal box, electrical ELEC 364430 Covers, table and dresser, except lace TEXT 239202 Covers, toilet seat, paper PAPR 264930 Coverts, shirting, twill and plain weave TEXT 221100 Coverts, suiting TEXT 221100 Cradles, mobile, aircraft engines AUTO 354842 Cradles, towing, automotive AUTO 354841 Cradles, wood CDGS 251100 Crane and shovel, power, repair parts CMEQ 353143 Cranes, draglines, shovels, power CMEQ 353142 Cranes, gantry (traveling base) GIEQ 353620 Cranes, locomotive, and railroad wreckers CMEQ 353105 Cranes, mail, railroad RAIL 349904 Cranes, overhead traveling, electric GIEQ 353620 Cranes, overhead traveling, hand power GIEQ 353620 Cranes, pillar, jib and bracket GIEQ 353613 Cranes, shovel, dragline, power, front end attachments CMEQ 353142 Cranes, tractor-mounted, attachments CMEQ 353192 Cranes, truck mounted, automotive AUTO 354841 Cranes, wrecking and towing, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Crankshaft grinders MWEQ 354101 Cranking motors. (See Motors.) Crash, linen TEXT 229900 Crate-making machinery, wood GIEQ 355310 BDSA Product Product description Division code Crates and boxes. (See Boxes and crates.) Crawlers, wheel assemblies CMEQ 353103 Crayons, artists' CDGS 395220 Crayons, chalk CDGS 395210 Crayons, gypsum CDGS 395210 Crayons, except wax CDGS 395210 Crayons, wax 1 CDGS 395210 Cream separators, under 1,500 pounds per hour AGRI 352283 Cream separators, 1,500 pounds per hour and over GIEQ 355110 Creams, cleansing CHEM 284472 Creams, foundation CHEM 284473 Creams, lubricating CHEM 284474 Creams, suntan, cosmetic CHEM 284475 Credenzas, household, wood CDGS 251100 Credit service publications PRIN 274132 Creels, fish CDGS 394910 Creepers, automotive AUTO 354841 Creepers, infants' TEXT 236900 Creosote oil CHEM 281463 Crepe paper, fine PAPR 264952 Crepe paper, except fine PAPR 264920 Crepe wadding paper, packing PAPR 262100 Crepes, rayon TEXT 222100 Cresols, refined CHEM 281545 Cresylic acid CHEM 281462 Cresyfic acid, refined CHEM 281546 Crib mattresses CDGS 251510 Crib pads CDGS 251520 Crib pads, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR 306256 Crib rods CDGS 342920 Crib sheeting fabrics, rubber coated RUBR 306415 Cribs, wood CDGS 251100 Crickets CDGS 251100 Crimping machines, packaging GIEQ 356904 Crochet thread TEXT 228400 Crochet ware, machine made TEXT 239500 Crocheting needles CDGS 396423 Crooks, wood LUMB 243100 Crop-preparing machine parts and attachments. AGRI 352285 Crop-preparing machines. (See specific kind.) Cross ties, hewn or round LUMB 241101 Cross ties, railway, sawed LUMB 242110 Crowns, beverage, metal, commercial CONT 346162 Crowns, metal, for glass containers and cans, household CONT 346187 Crucibles, foundry, metal MWEQ 355921 Crucibles, graphite and carbon-bonded MSMN 329703 Crude potash salts (manure salts) CHEM 287191 Cruisers, military SHIP 373120 Crushers, portable, except farm and food type. CMEQ 353191 Crushers, spur, colostomy SITE 384101 Crushers, stationary, except farm MMEQ 353220 Crushers, feed, power-burr mills AGRI 352285 Crushers, feed, power-combination roughage mills AGRI 352285 Crushers, feed, power-hammer mills AGRI 352285 Crushers, hay AGRI 352260 Crushers, sugar plant GIEQ 355132 Crutch, pads, rubber RUBR 306371 Crutch, tips, rubber RUBR 306371 Crutches SITE 384211 Cryolite, natural MSMN 147900 Cryolite, synthetic MSMN 281995 Cryptography equipment, telegraphic CO MM 366100 Crystal adapters ETRX 367957 Crystal diodes, germanium, silicon, etc ETRX 367910 Crystal holders ETRX 367957 Crystals, piezoelectric (Rochelle salt, quartz, etc.) ETRX 367953 Crystallizers, chemical processing GIEQ 355910 Crystallizers, sugar plant GIEQ 355133 Crystals, quartz, unfabricated MSMN 149900 Crystals, watch, glass CDGS 323100 CTC machines, railroad transit signal equip- ment RAIL 366233 Cube root CHEM 287313 Cubicles, power ELEC 361302 Cultivator parts and attachments AGRI 352284 Cultivators, chisel AGRI 352284 Cultivators, corn and cotton type, horsedrawn. AGRI 352284 Cultivators, corn and cotton type, mounted AGRI 352284 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Cultivators, corn and cotton type, tractor- drawn AGRI Cultivators, field : AGRI Cultivators, flame AGRI Cultivators, hand, wheel-type AGRI Cultivators, orchard AGRI Cultivators, rotary AGRI Cultivators, subsoil AGRI Cultivators, vegetable AGRI Culture media, bacteriological (including agar- agar) CHEM Culvert pipe, concrete BLDG Culverts, sheet metal BLDG Cup lid stock, paper PAPR Cup stock, paper, under 90 pounds PAPR Ctip stock, paper, 90 pounds and over PAPR Cupolas and charging equipment, foundry MWEQ Cuprammonium rayon yarn TEXT Cupric bromide CHEM Cupric oxide CHEM Cuprous oxide CHEM Cups, berry, veneer, packaging CONT Cups, paper and paperboard, including nested packaging CONT Cups, military ammunition 1 COPR Curb, ditch, gutter forming machinery and equipment CMEQ Curers, tobacco AGRI Curettes SITE Curing bags (new tires) rubber RUBR Curlers, hair, except beauty parlor CDGS Curling irons, electric CDGS Curling rods, permanent waving SER V Currency counting machines SERV Currency handling machines SERV Currency paper, chemical wood pulp PAPR Currency paper, rag content PAPR Currency payroll denominating machines SERV Currency straps, paper PAPR Current limiting reactors ELEC Current limiting resistors, power ELEC Curry combs AGRI Curtain rods, poles, and fixtures CDGS Curtain wall panels, metal, prefabricated, for buildings BLDG Curtains, nottingham lace TEXT Curtains, shower bath TEXT Curtains, window TEXT Curve followers for computers SERV Cushion gum, tire retreading RUBR Cushions, invalid, rubber RUBR Cushions, knee, rubber RUBR Cushions, latex foam sponge rubber RUBR Cushions, operating rubber RUBR Cushions, other than rubber TEXT Cushions, carpet and rug, punched felt, hair and jute TEXT Product code 352284 352284 352284 352284 352284 352284 352284 352284 283151 327212 344420 262100 262100 262100 355921 282320 288153 288272 288273 244300 265420 335120 353160 352285 384101 301128 396423 363430 399931 357122 357122 262100 262100 357122 264920 361201 361302 352288 259110 344921 229200 239202 239100 357110 301151 306371 306371 306255 306371 239202 229100 BDSA Product description Division Custard cups, cooking, glass, machine-made CDGS Cut-outs, distribution ELEC Cut stock, furniture, softwood LUMB Cut stock, shoe . LEAT Cuticle softeners CHEM Cutlerv, butchers' CDGS Cutlery, kitchen CDGS Cutlery, meat packing CDGS Cutlery, table CDGS Cutters, bush, tractor drawn AGRI Cutters, ensilage, silo filler AGRI Cutters, food, commercial, electric CDGS Cutters, gear cutting tools MWEQ Cutters, milling, inserted blade, mctalworking_. MWEQ Cutters, milling, multiple thread, metalworking. MWEQ Cutters, milling, solid end mill, metalworking.. MWEQ Cutters, root AGRI Cutters, seed potato AGRI Cutters, stalk AGRI Cutters, tic, flanged wheel RAIL Cutting and folding machines, paper GIEQ Cutting apparatus, acetylene MWEQ Cutting dies, except metal cutting MWEQ Cutting dies, metal cutting MWEQ Cutting edges, graded blades CMEQ Cutting instruments, dental SITE Cutting machines, clay working GIEQ Cutting machines, coal MMEQ Cutting machines, gas MWEQ Cutting machines paper, office type SERV Cutting machines, textile GIEQ Cutting machines, tobacco manufacturing GIEQ Cutting oil compounds, nonpetroleum base CHEM Cutting tools, metalworking. (See specific kind.) Cutting tools, subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Cutting torches MWEQ Cutting wheels, aluminum oxide abrasive MWEQ Cutting wheels, natural abrasive MWEQ Cutting wheels, silicon carbide abrasive MWEQ Cutware, glass CDGS Cyanamid CHEM Cyanide, copper CHEM Cyanide, potassium CHEM Cyanide, silver CHEM Cycles, sidewalk, children's CDGS Cyclic dies (coal tar) CHEM Cyclic (coal tar) crudes. (See specific chemical.) Cyclohexanol CHEM Cyclopropane CHEM Cylinder boots, rubber RUBR Cylinders, domestic water system AGRI Cylinders, gas, including liquefied petroleum CONT Cylinders, hydraulic, air and oil GIEQ Cymbals and parts CDGS Cystoscopes SITE Product code 322900 361301 242170 313102 284491 342110 342110 342110 342110 352241 352285 355122 354510 354510 354510 354510 352202 352230 352241 353194 355400 354830 342322 354410 353181 384300 355955 353212 354830 357902 355200 355953 289934 353301 354830 329101 329101 329101 323100 288384 288271 288463 288625 394302 281577 288725 281481 306298 356130 344341 359904 393140 384101 D Dacron filament and staple TEXT Dairy machinery. (See specific kind.) Dairy and milk product plant machinery and equipment GIEQ Dairy products industries FOOD Dairy refrigerators GIEQ Damask, cotton TEXT Dampeners, shimmy, aircraft AIRC Dampeners, yaw, aircraft AIRC Dampeners, vibration, rubber RUBR Dampers, fireplace CDGS Dampers, sheet metal BLDG Dark room equipment MOTP Darning needles CDGS Darning thread TEXT Davits SHIP Davenport, wood, not upholstered CDGS Davenports, wood, upholstered CDGS DDT insecticides, agricultural CHEM Deadlocks BLDG De-airing machines, clay working GIEQ De-icers, rubber RUBR De-seeders, broomcorn AGRI 282400 355110 202000 358531 221100 372911 372911 306298 342951 344431 386102 396423 228400 373001 251100 251200 287352 342940 355955 306298 352285 Decals, lithographed PRIN 275200 Deck fittings, heavy marine SHIP 373001 Deckers, pulp mill GIEQ 355400 Decking fabrics, automotive, rubber coated RUBR 306411 Decorations, military CDGS 399936 Deer leather LEAT 311140 Deflection yoke ETRX 367940 Defoliants CHEM 287390 Defluorinated phosphate rock CHEM 288447 Defluorinated superphosphate CHEM 288447 Defrosters, automotive windshield AUTO 371764 Degreasing machines, automotive AUTO 354841 Degreasing machines, industrial GIEQ 355954 Dehairing machines, packing plant, meat and poultry GIEQ 355132 Dehumidifiers with complete refrigeration cycle. CDGS 358571 Dehydrator plugs for internal combustion engines CHEM 289932 Dehydrators, chemical equipment GIEQ 355910 Delay lines, except filter types ETRX 367957 Demand meters, kilowatt and kilovolt-ampere.. SITE 361110 Demand and watt-hour meters, combination, single phase SITE 361110 1 Denotes controlled material. PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product descr ption Divsion code Demand and watt-hour meters, combination, polyphase SITE 361110 Denims, clothing, cotton— basis 28-inch TEXT 221100 Density controllers, ore dressing, coal prepara- tion MMEQ 353231 Dental alloys, amalgam SITE 384300 Dental cabinets SITE 384300 Dental chairs SITE 384300 Dental consumable supplies SITE 384300 Dental dams, rubber RUBR 306371 Dental gypsum products SITE 384300 Dental hand instruments SITE 384300 Dental lights SITE 384300 Dental metals SITE 384300 Dental office equipment SITE 384300 Dental sterilizers SITE 384300 Dental tool accessories SITE 384300 Dentifrices. (See specific kind.) Denture cleaner CHEM 284463 Denture materials SITE 384300 Denture rubber RUBR 306371 Denture suction and model forms, rubber RUBR 306371 Deodorants, nonpersonal CHEM 284215 Deodorants, personal CHEM 284486 Deodorizers, electric, household CDGS 363430 Depilatories, personal CHEM 284487 Depositories, night SERV 349200 Depressors, tongue, stamped, wood LUMB 249958 Depth charges ORDN 192900 Depth finding equipment, marine ETRX 366241 Derail equipment, railroad RAIL 349904 Derris root CHEM 287314 Derricks construction, except oil and gas well CMEQ 353105 Derricks, substructures and accessories, oil, gas, and water well OFME 353302 Designation strips, telephone COMM 366100 Desk leg cups, hardware CDGS 342920 Desk-seat combinations, school, metal SERV 253110 Desk-seat combinations, school, wood SERV 253110 Desks, executive-type, metal SERV 252200 Desks, executive-type, wood SERV 252100 Desks, hospitals! SITE 384103 Desks, household, wood CDGS 251100 Desks, public building, metal SERV 253120 Desks, public building, wood SERV 253120 Desks, school, metal SERV 253110 Desks, school, wood SERV 253110 Desks, Spinet CDGS 251100 Desks, stenographer, metal SERV 252200 Desks, stenographer, wood SERV 252100 Desks, typewriter, metal SERV 252200 Desks, typewriter, wood SERV 252100 Desks, unpainted, household, wood CDGS 251100 Destroyers, military SHIP 373120 Detasseling machines AGRI 352285 Detectors, bearing oil leak, automotive AUTO 354841 Detectors, scuff, automotive AUTO 354841 Detergents, specialty. (See specific kind.) Detergents, synthetic organic, soapless CHEM 284154 Detergents, synthetic organic with soap CHEM 284155 Detonators, blasting cap, electric delay ORDN 289201 Detonators, blasting cap, electric, except de- lay ORDN 289201 Detonators, blasting cap, except electric ORDN 289201 Developers, photographic chemical MOTP 386180 Developing equipment, motion picture film MOTP 386102 Developing equipment, still picture MOTP 386102 Dextrine FOOD 204000 Dextrine adhesives CHEM 289120 Dextrine sizes CHEM 289176 Diagnostic agents, biological CHEM 283116 Dial assemblies ETRX 367957 Dial indicators, machinists, precision MWEQ 354520 Dials, telephone. COMM 366100 Diammonium phosphate CHEM 288422 Diamond abrasive wheels MWEQ 329101 Diamond abrasives, except wheels MSMN 329102 Diamond, lapidary work CDGS 391300 Diamond powder and dust __________ MSMN 329102 Diamonds, industrial MSMN 149700 Diamonds, rough gem MSMN 149900 i Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Diaper cloth TEXT Diaper linings, paper PAPR Diapers, paper PAPR Diaphragms, rubber ... RUBR Diaries PRIN Diatomaceous earth, crude MSMN Diatomaceous earth, ground or treated MSMN Diatomite_: MSMN Dibutyl phthalate CHEM Dicalcium phosphate CHEM Dicers, food, commercial, electric CDGS Dichlorodifluoromethane CHEM Dichlorohexafluoroethane CHEM Dichloromonofluoromethane CHEM Dichlorotetrafluoroethane CHEM Dickies, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Dictating machines SERV Didymium MSMN Didymium compounds CHEM Die blocks, alloy steel, except stainless ! STEE Die-castings. (See Castings.) Die casting machines, metalworking MWEQ Die sets, metalworking MWEQ Die-sinking machines, milling M WEQ Die stocks, hand GCOM Dies, blanking MWEQ Dies, coining MWEQ Dies, compound MWEQ Dies, cutting, except metal cutting MWEQ Dies, cutoff MWEQ Dies, diamond, wire drawing . MWEQ Dies, die casting MWEQ Dies, drawing MWEQ Dies, drop forging MWEQ Dies, extrusion MWEQ Dies, forging MWEQ Dies, forming MWEQ Dies, hammer forging _ MWEQ Dies, heading _ MWEQ Dies, impact, extruding '__ MWEQ Dies, injection MWEQ Dies, marking, metal SERV Dies, molding made of metal MWEQ Dies, oil field tong OFME Dies, piercing MWEQ Dies, press forging MWEQ Dies, press for sheet metal MWEQ Dies, progressive MWEQ Dies, rotary swaging MWEQ Dies, threading, metalworking MWEQ Dies, thread rolling MWEQ Dies, trimming _-_•_•_ MWEQ Dies, wire drawing MWEQ Dies, wire forming MWEQ Diesel-electric locomotives. (See also Loco- motives.) Diesel-electric locomotives, industrial. _. RAIL Diesel-electric locomotives, mining RAIL Diesel engines, 750 r.p.m. and under, except - bus and truck POWR Diesel engines, over 750 r.p.m AUTO Diesel-mechanical locomotives, industrial RAIL Diesel-mechanical locomotives, mining RAIL Dietary depressants CHEM Dietary supplements CHEM Diethylamine____ CHEM Diethylaminoethanol CHEM Diethylene glycol CHEM Diethyl phthalate CHEM Differential analyzers, for computers SERV Differential receivers, synchros ELEC Differential transmitters, synchros ELEC Digesters, pulp mill GIEQ Diggers, grave CMEQ Diggers, peanut __ .- AGRI Diggers, post-hole, tractor mounted, farm type. AGRI Diggers, potato, drawn AGRI Diggers, rathole, oil, gas, and water well OFME Digital computers inch arithmetic and logical units - . ... SERV Digitalis CHEM Dihydrostreptomycin CHEM Dihvdrostreptomycin preparations with other active agents CHEM Product code 221100 264930 264930 306275 278210 149900 329502 149900 288932 288425 355122 288726 288847 288838 288845 233900 357902 333972 288320 339111 354201 354410 354101 342301 354410 354410 354410 342322 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 395300 i 354410 353302 354410 354410 354410 354410 354410 354510 354410 354410 354410 354410 374121 374121 351901 351902 374121 374121 283471 283473 288731 288727 288728 288934 357110 362104 362104 355400 353193 352250 352001 352250 353301 357110 283331 2833S1 283426 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Dihydrostrcptomycin preparations without other active agents CHEM 283425 Dilators, rubber RUBR 306371 Dilators, surgical SITE 384101 Dimension, furniture, hardwood LUMB 242621 Dimension, furniture, softwood LUMB 242170 Dimension, hardwood, handle stock LUMB 242622 Dimethylamine CHEM 288817 Dimethyl hydrazine CHEM 288757 Dimethyl aniline CHEM 281527 Dimities, cotton TEXT 221100 Dinette sets, wood CDGS 251100 Dinghies, civilian SHIP 373202 Dinghies, military design SHIP 373201 Dining cars, passenger train RAIL 374210 Dining room chairs, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Dining room furniture, household, metal CDGS 251400 Dining room suites, wood CDGS 251100 Diodes, crystal, germanium and silicon ETRX 367910 Di (2-eth vlhexvll)phthalate CHEM 288931 Diphenylamine CHEM 281531 Dipotassium phosphate CHEM 288433 Dipropylene glycol CHEM 288733 Dips, animal CHEM 287908 Direction finders, radio ETRX 366241 Directories PRIN 274110 Directors, surgical SITE 384101 Disconnecting switches, power ELEC 361302 Disc sanders, hand, electric MWEQ 354821 Disc sanders, hand, pneumatic MWEQ 354821 Disc stoves, household, electric CDGS 363430 Discs, heavy duty, nonfarm type CMEQ 353106 Discs, military ammunition ' COPR 335120 Dish cloths, cotton, woven TEXT 221100 Dish stock, food, paperboard PAPR 263100 Dishes. (See also Tableware, china, etc.) Dishes, paper, stamped PAPR 265431 Dishes, pulp, molded . PAPR 264621 Dishes, wood, turned, shaped and molded CDGS 249957 Dishwashing machines, commercial CDGS 358924 Dishwashing machines, household CDGS 363931 Disinfectants, coal tar CHEM 284214 Disinfectants, cresylic CHEM 284214 Disinfectants, pine oil CHEM 284214 Disinfectants, quaternary ammonium CHEM 284214 Disinfectants, seed CHEM 287364 Disks, cork LUMB 249942 Disodium phosphate CHEM 288437 Dispenser, soap, stamped CDGS 346186 Dispensers, bulk beverage, coin-operated SERV 358110 Dispensers, bulk beverage, except coin-oper- ated SERV 358533 Dispensers, bulk milk, refrigerated, coin-oper- ated SERV 358110 Dispensers, bulk milk refrigerated, except coin- operated SERV 358533 Dispensers, deodorizing, soap BLDG 343200 Dispensers, frozen food, coin-operated SERV 358110 Dispensers, soap, stamped CDGS 346176 Dispensing cabinets, frozen food GIEQ 358531 Dispensing cabinets, ice cream GIEQ 358531 Dispensing pumps, gasoline, oil. (See Pumps.) Display cabinets, frozen food GIEQ 358531 Display cases, refrigerating, food, except frozen, GIEQ 358531 Display cases, metal SERV 254203 Display cases, wood SERV 254102 Display racks, wire CDGS 348191 Display tables, metal SERV 254203 Display tables, wood SERV 254102 Displays, backbar PRIN 399321 Displays, counter PRIN 399321 Displays, lobby PRIN 399321 Displays, poster, outdoor advertising PRIN 399321 Displays, window PRIN 399321 Disposers, sink, food waste CDGS 363931 Dissolvers, chemical processing GIEQ 355910 Distance measuring equipment, electronic (DME) ETRX 306241 Distillation equipment and machinery, bever- age GIEQ 355131 Distilleries, grain alcohol, for beverage pur- poses FOOD 208000 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Distilleries, industrial alcohol . CHEM 281859 Distributing frames, telephone COMM 366100 Distributing machines, rock dust, mine MMEQ 353212 Distributing rings, telephone COMM 366100 Distribution equipment TV ETRX 360260 Distribution transformers. (See Transformers.) Distribution cutouts ELEC 361301 Distribution switchboards ELEC 361301 Distributor head ignition, internal comb, engine over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft AUTO 369401 Distributor setting machines — automobile main- tenance AUTO 354841 Distributors, asphalt bituminous CMEQ 353160 Distributors, fertilizer AGRI 352230 Distributors, internal combusion engine, over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft AUTO 369401 Ditchers, ladder wheel, heavy duty nonfarm type CMEQ 353193 Ditching machines, railroad, not crawler mounted RAIL 353194 Dividers, machinists' precision MWEQ 354520 Dividing networks, electronic ETRX 367951 Diving suits SITE 384230 Dodecylbenzenes CHEM 281526 Dodecvlbenzene sulfonic acid CHEM 284342 Doilies, paper PAPR 264952 Doilies, table and dresser, fabric except lace.__ TEXT 239202 Doll carts and carriages CDGS 394100 Doll clothes and doll parts CDGS 394200 Dollies, automotive AUTO 354841 Dollies, camera MOTP 386102 Dollies, hand truck GIEQ 353700 Dollies, mobile, aircraft engine, aircraft stor- age AUTO 354842 Dolls, except rubber CDGS 394200 Dolls, rubber CDGS 394200 Dolomite, crushed and broken MSMN 142100 Donkey winches, tractor mounted CMEQ 353192 Door bolts BLDG 342940 Door checking devices BLDG 342940 Door closers .-_.. BLDG 342940 Doorframes, metal BLDG 344210 Doorframes, wood LUMB 243100 Door hardware, overhead BLDG 342940 Door locks BLDG 342940 Door pulls BLDG 342940 Door seals, rubber RUBR 306298 Doors, automatic coal mine MMEQ 353212 Doors, combination, storm and screen, metal BLDG 344201 Doors, combination storm and screen, wood LUMB 243100 Doors, garage, metal BLDG 344210 Doors, garage, wood .- LUMB 243100 Doors, general construction, douglas fir LUMB 243100 Doors, general construction, hardwood LUMB 243100 Doors, general construction, southern yellow pine LUMB 243100 Doors, general construction, western pine LUMB 243100 Doors, grain, paperboard ■_- PAPR 264952 Doors, grain, wood LUMB 249956 Doors, aircraft hangar, metal BLDG 344210 Doors, iron and steel, residential, commercial and institutional BLDG 344210 Doors, metal, nonferrous BLDG 344210 Doors, nonwatertight, marine SHIP 373001 Doors, railroad car, steel •_•_- RAIL 374131 Doors, screen, aluminum BLDG 344201 Doors, screen, steel BLDG 344201 Doors, screen, wood ■_■_ LUMB 243100 Doors, watertight, marine, civilian SHIP 373001 Dopes, cellulose nitrate CHEM 285180 Dopes, except cellulose nitrate _ CHEM 285180 Dope thinner CHEM 285181 Dories, civilian SHIP 373202 Dories, military design SHIP 373201 Dotted swiss, cotton TEXT 221100 Double tubs, galvanized steel CDGS 346183 Dough mixers, bakery GIEQ 355121 Dough retarders, refrigerating GIEQ 358531 Doughnut' machinery GIEQ 355121 Dowels, boot and shoe findings LEAT 313101 Down (feathers)... TEXT 396202 Downspouts, sheet metal BLDG 344412 Dozer attachments, over 5 feet CMEQ 353192 Draft regulators, sheet metal BLDG 344431 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Drafting furniture CDGS Drafting instruments SITE Drafting materials, except instruments CDGS Draglines. (See Cranes.) Draglines, power, crawler, wheel, walking type. CMEQ Drain pipe solvents CHEM Drain tile, clay BLDG Drain tile, concrete BLDG Drainage equipment, roof, sheet metal BLDG Drainboard tops, restaurant, sheet metal SERV Drainboards BLDG Drains: area, boiler, continuous, fixture, floor, garage, gutter, pit, roof, promenade, traps, (plumbing fittings) BLDG Drains, tubing, oifwell OFME Draperies TEXT Drapery fabrics, cotton TEXT Drapery fabrics, rayon TEXT Drapery fabrics, woolen TEXT Drapery hardware CDGS Drapery rods, poles, and fixtures CDGS Draw benches, metalworking MWEQ Draw works, rotary drilling, oil field OFME Drawing equipment, wire mill MWEQ Drawing frames, textile GIEQ Drawing frame attachments and accessories, textile GIEQ Drawing instruments SITE Drawing machines, metalworking MWEQ Drawing paper, detail, chemical woodpulp PAPR Drawing paper, mechanical, chemical woodpulp. PAPR Drawing paper, rag content PAPR Drawing tables, artists' CDGS Dredges, mining MMEQ Dredges, nonpropelled, except special military design SHIP Dredges, self-propelled, except special military design SHIP Dredges, shellfish CDGS Dredges, special military design SHIP Dress fabrics, knit TEXT Dress shields, rubber RUBR Dressed lumber, except flooring LUMB Dresserettes, barber and beauty shop, metal SERV Dresserettes, barber and beauty shop, wood SERV Dressers, bedroom, wood CDGS Dressers, bit, well drilling, oil and gas field OFME Dresses, children's and girls' TEXT Dresses, unit price, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Dresses, dozen price, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Dressing cases LEAT Dressing gowns TEXT Dressing tables, bedroom, wood CDGS Dressing tables, unpainted, household, wood CDGS Dressings, surgical SITE Dressings, except leather CHEM Driers, aggregate, portable CMEQ Driers, chemical processing, all types GIEQ Driers, coal, and ore MMEQ Driers, crop AGRI Driers, grain, portable type AGRI Driers, grain, stationary type AGRI Driers, hay, portable type AGRI Driers, hay, stationary type AGRI Driers, motion uicture film MOTP Driers, paint CHEM Driers, seed, portable type AGRI Driers, seed, stationary type AGRI Driers, still picture film MOTP Drift collectors. (See Ships.) Drift indicators, except aircraft SITE Drill collars, subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Drill chucks, metalworking MWEQ Drill rods, cold finished, carbon steel 1 STEE Drill stems, oil, gas and water well OFME Drilling machine accessories, except portable, oil field OFME Drilling machines, deep-hole MWEQ Drilling machines, metalworking, home work- shop MWEQ Product code 395220 381125 395220 353142 284233 325920 327212 344412 344433 343100 343200 353301 239100 221100 222100 223100 342940 259110 354801 353302 354801 355200 355200 381125 354801 262100 262100 202100 395220 353212 373112 373130 394910 373120 225600 306457 242120 399931 399931 251100 353302 236100 233500 233900 317201 238400 251100 251100 384212 284249 353160 355910 353231 352285 352285 352285 352285 352285 386102 285209 352285 352285 386102 381123 353301 354530 331680 353301 353302 354101 354102 i Denote; controlled material. Product description Drilling machines, oil and gas field. (See specific kind.) Drilling machines, pedestal Drilling machines, radial, plain Drilling machines, radial, except plain Drilling machines, sensitive, bench Drilling machines, sensitive, floor Drilling machines, special, multiple-spindle Drilling machines, except portable oil field Drilling machines, vertical, gang Drilling machines, vertical, standard single spindle Drilling machines, vertical, heavy-duty, single- spindle Drilling machines, way, multiple-spindle Drilling machines, wood, except home work- shop Drilling machines, woodworking, home work- shop Drilling mud materials Drilling mud thinners and thickeners Drilling pearls Drilling rigs, cable tool, portable, blast hole Drilling rigs, cable tool, portable, oil and gas field Drilling rigs, cable tool, portable, water well Drilling rigs, rotary, portable, blast hole Drilling rigs, rotary, portable, oil field Drilling rigs, rotary, portable, water well Drills, bean and beet-farm equipment Drills, blast hole Drills, blasting Drills, bone Drills, core Drills, carbide tipped, metalworking Drills, carbon steel, metalworking Drills, dental Drills, electric, including high cycle hand Drills, grain Drills, gun (deep hole), metalworking Drills, high-speed steel, metalworking Drills, hollow, metalworking Drills, pneumatic, hand Drills, power, bonding and rail track, railroad. Drills, rock, portable, handheld or mounted Drills, sheeting yarn Drills, sinker Drills, twist, metalworking Drinking fountains, plumbing fixtures, not electrically cooled units Drinking straws, paper Drip machines, deodorizing Drive screws, ferrous Drive screws, nonferrous Drivers, spike, powered, portable, railroad Drivers, transducer loudspeaker Drives, conveyor, portable and stationary, mine type Drives, fluid, except motor vehicle Drives, gear, variable and fixed ratio Drive units, gear, enclosed, fixed or variable ratio including speed reducers and increasers. Drives, variable speed, friction sheave and belt type, except gear and hydraulic variable drives Drop wire clamps Drug dyes Drug machinery Druggist and medical sundries, rubber. (See specific kind.) Drum-container making machines, metal Drum making machines paper Drum and pail closures, plastic, shipping Drum stock paperboard Drums, drying, flaking Drums, fiber, shipping Drums and parts, musical instruments Drums, metal, shipping Drums, rubber, shipping Drums, and plastic shipping containers Dry cleaning equipment accessories, commer- cial Dry cleaning equipment attachments, commer- cial . BDSA Division MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ OFME MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ CHEM CHEM CDGS OFME OFME OFME OFME OFME OFME AGRI MMEQ MMEQ SITE MMEQ MWEQ MWEQ SITE MWEQ AGRI MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ MWEQ RAIL MMEQ TEXT MMEQ MWEQ BLDG PAPR BLDG GCOM GCOM RAIL ETRX MMEQ GCOM GCOM GCOM CO MM CHEM GIEQ GIEQ GIEQ CONT PAPR GIEQ CONT CDGS CONT CONT CONT SERV SERV Product code 354101 354101 354101 354101 354101 354101 353302 354101 MWEQ 354101 354101 354101 GIEQ 355310 355320 289968 289968 391300 353302 353302 353302 353302 353302 353302 352230 353232 353232 384101 353232 354510 354510 384300 354821 352230 354510 354510 354530 354821 353194 353232 221100 353232 354510 343100 265431 343200 345201 345201 353194 367953 353502 356601 356601 GCOM 356601 350601 366100 281583 355955 354231 355400 307991 263100 355955 265510 393140 349101 306981 307995 358200 358200 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Dry cleaning equipment parts, commercial SERV Dry cleaning preparations, liquid CHEM Dry cleaning presses, tailor type, commercial. SERV Dry cleaning units, naphtha type, commercial- SERV Drv cleaning units, synthetic type, commerciaL SERV Dry ice CHEM Dry milk processing machinery and equipment- GIEQ Dry plates, photographic MOTP Dryers, hair, electric, household CDGS Dryers, hair, beauty shop, except hand dryers. SERV Dryers, hand and face, electric CDGS Dryers, laundry, domestic, gas CDGS Dryers, laundry, domestic, electric CDGS Drying belts, wire GCOM Drying equipment, infrared, except ovens MWEQ Drying machinery, textile GIEQ Drying tumblers, dry cleaning, commercial SERV Drying tumblers, laundry, commercial SERV Dual purpose reels and spools, shipping. (See Reels and spools.) Duck, cotton TEXT Ducts, air-conditioning, sheet metal BLDG Ducts, asbestos-cement MSMN Ducts, furnace, sheet metal BLDG Ducts, ventilation, sheet metal BLDG Dumbwaiters GIEQ Dumortierite, crude MSMN Dump bodies, automotive, civilian AUTO Dump trailers, wheel or crawler mounted, off- highway CMEQ Dumpers, car, underground mine MMEQ Dumps, off-bottom, acid and cement, oil and gas well OFME Dump wagons, wheel or crawler mounted, off- highway CMEQ Dungarees TEXT Dunnage and dunnage material LUMB Duplicating machine supplies SERV Duplicating machines, gelatin SERV Product code 358200 284237 358200 358200 358200 281322 355134 386150 363430 399931 363430 363321 363321 348171 356711 355200 358200 358200 221100 344431 329270 344431 344431 353402 145900 371301 353103 353211 353301 353103 232800 242182 357901 357901 BDSA Product Product description Division code Duplicating machines, offset SERV 357901 Duplicating machines, spirit SERV 357901 Duplicating machines, stencil SERV 357901 Duplicating paper PAPR 262100 Dust collection equipment GIEQ 356401 Dust masks SITE 384230 Duster parts and attachments, agricultural AGRI 352282 Dusters, hand type AGRI 352282 Dusters, housefurnishings, metal containing CDGS 239201 Dusters, power AGRI 352282 Dusters, traction AGRI 352282 Dwellings, prefabricated, wood BLDG 243220 Dwellings, ready-cut, wood LUMB 243313 Dyeing woolen and worsted fabric TEXT 223100 Dyeing broad-woven cotton fabric TEXT 226100 Dveing, broad-woven filament, spun, rayon fabric TEXT 226200 Dyeing machinery, textile GIEQ 355200 Dyeing materials, natural CHEM 286141 Dyeing raw textile stock and yarn, except wool- TEXT 226900 Dyeing wool tops TEXT 223100 Dyeing yarn, except wool TEXT 226900 Dyes, hair CHEM 284446 Dyes, household CHEM 289917 Dyes, synthetic organic CHEM 281577 Dyestuff extracts, natural CHEM 286141 Dynamite CHEM 289217 Dynamometers SITE 382162 Dynamometers, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Dynamotors, integral horsepower ELEC 362103 Dynamotors, fractional horsepower, special aircraft ELEC 362103 Dynamotors, integral horsepower, special air- craft ELEC 362103 Dynamotors, telephone COMM 366100 Dynel filament and staple TEXT 282400 Dysprosium MSMN 333972 E Earrings, precious metal CDGS Earth augers GCOM Earth augers, horizontal boring type CMEQ Earth boring augers, utility, nonfarm type CMEQ Earthenware kitchenware. (See Kitchenware, earthenware.) Earthenware, red, unglazed CDGS Earthenware tableware. (See Tableware, earth- enware.) Earths, ground or otherwise treated MSMN Easels, artists' CDGS Ecclesiastical ware, electrosilver plated CDGS Ecclesiastical ware, sterling silver CDGS Edgings, lace TEXT Edging machines, rimless, optical machinery SITE Editing equipment, motion picture MOTP Educational pamphlets PRIN Egg case filler board PAPR Egg case fillers, except molded PAPR Egg cookers, household, electric CDGS Eight-day clocks SITE Elapsed time clocks SITE Elastic braces SITE Elastic fabrics, narrow TEXT Elastic fabrics, broad-woven cotton TEXT Elastic fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Elastic stockings SITE Elastic supports, orthopedic SITE Elbows, closet, flush (plumbing fittings) BLDG Elbows, furnace, sheet metal BLDG Elbows, rigid conduit, electrical ELEC Elbows, stove pipe, sheet metal BLDG Elbows, thin wall conduit, electrical ELEC Electric drills. (See Drills.) Electric insulating tapes, cotton TEXT Electric lamps. (See Lamps.) Electric-light bulb blanks, glass CDGS Electrical appliance parts and accessories CDGS Electrical appliances. (See specific kind.) Electrical porcelain. (See Porcelain.) Electrical test equipment SITE 613494°— 60 3 391100 342321 353193 353192 326901 329502 395220 892100 892100 229200 385100 386102 273100 263100 264501 363430 387100 387100 384211 224100 221100 225600 384211 384211 343200 344431 364420 344431 364430 224100 322900 363440 361122 Electrical transcriptions ETRX 365200 Electro-diathermic apparatus SITE 369302 Electrocardiograph apparatus SITE 369302 Electrode holders, arc welding MWEQ 362310 Electrode holders, resistance welding MWEQ 362330 Electrodes, arc welding, n.e.c MWEQ 362320 Electrodes, arc welding, alloy steel, except hard surface MWEQ 362320 Electrodes, arc welding, coil MWEQ 362320 Electrodes, arc welding, hard surfacing MWEQ 362320 Electrodes, arc welding, mild steel MWEQ 362320 Electrodes, arc welding, nonferrous, except hard surface MWEQ 302320 Electrodes, carbon or graphite, electric furnace and electrolytic uses MSMN 362402 Electrodes, carbon or graphite, other than for electric furnace and electrolytic uses MSMN 362402 Electrodes, cold cathode, fluorescent lamp CDGS 369921 Electrodes, fulguration, flexible, cystoscopic SITE 384101 Electrodes, resistance welder MWEQ 362330 Electrolytic capacitors, a.c. (exc. for electronic applications) ELEC 362910 Electromedical diagnostic apparatus SITE 369302 Electromedical treatment apparatus SITE 369302 Electrometers SITE 361122 Electron tube blanks, glass CDGS 322900 Electron tube leads and welds ETRX 367956 Electron tube shields ETRX 367957 Electron tube parts ETRX 367956 Electron tubes, ATR ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, backward wave ETRX 367302 Electron tubes cathode ray, except TV picture types ETRX 367301 Electron tubes cathode ray, TV picture type... ETRX 367200 Electron tubes, gas and vapor diodes, except receiving types ETRX 367200 Electron tubes, high vacuum diodes, except receiving types ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, high vacuum triodes and multigrid, external anode, power ETRX 367302 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Electron tubes, high vacuum triodes and multigrid internal anode, power ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, high vacuum, except receiving types ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, ignitrons ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, klystrons ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, lighthouse, rocket, and pencil types ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, magnetron ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, pickup, except video ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, photo ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, photo multiplier ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, pre TR ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, radiation detection, except photo multiplier ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, radio receiving standard glass and GT/G ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, radio receiving, subminiature, button stem, glass ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, radio receiving subminiature flat press, glass ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving, ceramic ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving, current regulator ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving (lock-in, acorn, etc.).. ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving, metal (conventional envelope) ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving miniature ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, receiving, voltage regulator and glow discharge ETRX 367100 Electron tubes, reference cavities ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, spark gaps ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, spiral twist duplexers ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, thyratrons ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, TR ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, traveling wave ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, VHF planer, disc sealed ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, vacuum gauge ETRX 367302 Electron tubes, video pickup ETRX 367302 Electronic computers SERV 357110 Electronic systems equipment, military ETRX 366242 Electroplating of metal products SERV 347100 Electroplating equipment GIEQ 355954 Electrostatic precipitators GIEQ 356401 Electrotyping PRIN 279400 Electrotyping machinery GIEQ 355501 Elemental nitrogen CHEM 281312 Elevating graders and side delivery attach- ments CMEQ 353106 Elevator belting, rubber RUBR 306211 Elevator belts, rubber RUBR 306211 Elevator parts and attachments GIEQ 353402 Elevators, farm, portable, auger type AGRI 352287 Elevators, farm, portable, double chain AGRI 352287 Elevators, farm, portable, single chain AGRI 352287 Elevators, farm, stationary AGRI 352287 Elevators, freight, electric GIEQ 353402 Elevators, freight, hand-operated GIEQ 353402 Elevators, freight, hydraulic GIEQ 353402 Elevators, passenger, electric GIEQ 353402 Elevators, portable, nonfarm GIEQ 353700 Elevators, surface rotary drilling, oil field OFME 353302 Elevators, surgical SITE 384101 Elk leather LEAT 311140 Embalming chemicals CDGS 398801 Embalming tables CDGS 398801 Emblems, costume jewelry, base metal CDGS 396100 Emblems made from fabric TEXT 239900 Emblems, precious metal CDGS 391100 Embossing machines, plate SERV 357901 Embossing on paper PRIN 275100 Embroidery machinery-... GIEQ 355200 Embroidery thread, cotton TEXT 228400 Embroidery thread, except cotton and wool TEXT 228400 Embroideries, bonnaz and comely TEXT 239500 Embroideries, Schiffli-machine, yard goods TEXT 239700 Emery, grain, powder, and flour MSMN 329102 Emery ores MSMN 149700 Emetine and salts, uncompounded CHEM 283326 Enamel, vitreous, frit CDGS 289931 Enameling of metal products SERV 347900 Enamels. (See Paints.) Encepholograph apparatus SITE 369302 End and plugs for rolls of flat goods, shipping. (See Reels and spools.) BDSA Product Product description Division code End bells, transformer ETRX 367957 End bits, grader and snowplow CMEQ 353181 Endocrine glands and tissue and extractions CHEM 283367 Engine mounts, rubber RUBR 306298 Engine parts, aircraft, civilian, nonrecipro- cating AIRC 372203 Engine parts, aircraft, civilian, reciprocating... AIRC 372203 Engine parts, aircraft, military, nonrecipro- cating AIRC 372202 Engine parts, aircraft, military, reciprocating.. AIRC 372202 Engine parts, internal combustion, 750 r.p.m. and under, except aircraft and automotive... POWR 351901 Engine parts, internal combustion, over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft AUTO 351902 Engines, aircraft, civilian, aircooled, horizon- tally opposed AIRC 372203 Engines, aircraft, civilian, aircooled, in-line AIRC 372203 Engines, aircraft, civilian, aircooled, radial AIRC 372203 Engines, aircraft, military, nonreciprocating AIRC 372202 Engines, aircraft, military, reciprocating AIRC 372202 Engines, bicycle CDGS 375100 Engines, dental SITE 384300 Engines, diesel, 750 r.p.m. and under, except truck and bus POWR 351901 Engines, dual-fuel, 750 r.p.m. and under, except outboard, aircraft and automotive POWR 351901 Engines, gas, 750 r.p.m. and under POWR 351901 Engines, gasoline, 750 r.p.m. and under except outboard, aircraft, and automotive POWR 351901 Engines, internal combustion, over 750 r.p.m. including outboard but not aircraft AUTO 351902 Engines, natural gas, 750 r.p.m and under, ex- cept outboard, aircraft and automotive POWR 351901 Engines, steam, reciprocating POWR 351101 Engraving on wood for printing PRIN 275300 Engraving on metal SERV 347900 Engraving, plate, steel and copper PRIN 275200 Enlargers, microfilming MOTP 386101 Enlargers, still picture MOTP 386102 Enriched superphosphate CHEM 287174 Ensilage cutters, silo filler AGRI 352285 Entrances, exterior, wood LUMB 243100 Envelope making machines, paper GIEQ 355400 Envelope paper stock, book converting PAPR 262100 Envelope paper stock, manila PAPR 262100 Envelope paper stock, except kraft and manila. PAPR 262100 Envelopes, stationery, packaged PAPR 264910 Envelopes, paper, except stationery PAPR 264200 Envelopes, wedding announcement PAPR 264910 Epichlorohydrin CHEM 288734 Epichlorohydrin type resins CHEM 282180 Epoxy resins CHEM 282180 Epsom salts CHEM 288451 Equalizers, telephone COMM 366100 Erasers, rubber, except pencil plugs RUBR 306475 Erbium MSMN 333972 Ergot CHEM 2S3332 Escalator parts and attachments GIEQ 353402 Escort tenders, military SHIP 373120 Escort vessels, military SHIP 373120 Escutcheons, plumbing fixtures BLDG 343200 Esophagoscopes SITE 384101 Essential oils, natural. (See specific kind.) Ethanolamines CHEM 2SSS2G Ether bags, rubber RUBR 306371 Ethyl acetate CHEM 288736 Ethyl alcohol CHEM 288706 Ethvl amine CHEM 288737 Ethyl benzene CHEM 281535 Ethyl caproic acid CHEM 2S8742 Ethvl cellulose CHEM 288821 Ethyl chloride CHEM 288738 Ethyl ether CHEM 288741 Ethyl formate CHEM 2S8735 Ethyl lactate . CHEM 2S8743 Ethyl silicate CHEM 288744 Ethylene CHEM 288746 Ethylene chlorohydrin CHEM 288747 Ethylene diamine CHEM 2S8818 Ethylene dichloride CHEM 2S8795 Ethylene glycol CHEM 2SS748 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether CHEM 288751 Ethylene oxide 1 CHEM 288752 Eucalyptus oil CHEM 289911 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Europium MSMN 333972 Evaporators, chemical processing GIEQ 355910 Evaporators, forced convection GIEQ 358573 Evaporators, plate coil GIEQ 358573 Evaporators, sugar plant GIEQ 355133 Excavators, air tools, hand held MMEQ 353232 Excelsior, baled or bulk, wood LUMB 242903 Excelsior pads, wood LUMB 242903 Excelsior wrappers, wood LUMB 242903 Excelsior and wood wool making machinery, except baling presses GIEQ 355310 Exchangers, heat, closed and open type, in- dustrial POWR 344311 Exchangers, heat, refrigeration and air condi- tioning GIEQ 358573 Exchanges, private branch, dial type, telephone. CO MM 366100 Exchanges, private branch, manual type, tele- phone COMM 366100 Excursion boats. (See Ships.) Exhaust fans, axial, belt driven GIEQ 356401 Exhaust fans, axial, driver connected GIEQ 356401 Exhaust fans, propeller, belt driven, except house GIEQ 356401 Exhaust fans, propeller, driver connected, except house GIEQ 356401 Expanded (foamed) plastics CHEM 307902 Expanders, rail joint RAIL 349904 Expanders, tube, metal MWEQ 354821 Expanding machines, piston, automotive AUTO 354841 Expansion joints GCOM 349407 Expansion tanks BLDG 363901 Explosives, industrial. (See specific kind.) BDSA Product Product description Division code Explosives loading machinery GIEQ 355952 Express cars, passenger train RAIL 374210 Express refrigeration cars, passenger train RAIL 374210 Exterior millwork LUMB 243100 Plxtractors, core, junk, oil, gas and water well.. OFME 353301 Extractors, dry cleaning, commercial SERV 358200 Extractors, honey AGRI 352001 Extractors, laundrv, commercial SERV 358200 Extractors, piledriving CMEQ 353105 Extracts, chestnut LEAT 286121 Extracts, flavorings, emulsions and other liquid flavoring FOOD 208000 Extracts, mangrove LEAT 286121 Extracts, quebracho LEAT 286121 Extracts, tanning LEAT 286121 Extracts, wattle LEAT 286121 Extruded bar, aluminum » ALUM 335250 Extruded bar, magnesium ALUM 335602 Extruded rod, aluminum > ALUM 335250 Extruded rod, magnesium ALUM 335602 Extruded shapes, aluminum ' ALUM 335250 Extruded shapes, magnesium ALUM 335602 Extruded tube, aluminum 1 ALUM 335250 Extruded tube blooms, aluminum ' ALUM 335250 Extruding machines, rubberworking GIEQ 355941 Extrusion machines, clay working GIEQ 355955 Extrusion-molding machines, plastic-working,. GIEQ 355930 Extrusions, titanium and titanium alloy MSMN 335606 Eyelets, apparel, metal CDGS 396422 Eyes, artificial SITE 385100 Eye, shadow, cosmetic CHEM 284485 Fabric. (.See specific kind.) Fabric machinery. (See specific kind.) Fabric machinery attachments and accessories, except power loom GIEQ Fabric machinery parts, except power loom GIEQ Fabricated framing, wood LUMB Fabricated plastic products CHEM Fabricated steel reinforcing bars, for concrete.. BLDG Fabricated structural steel BLDG Fabrics, broad- woven: woolen and worsted TEXT Fabrics, finishing of, except knit goods, woolen. _ TEXT Fabrics, finishing of, except knit goods, woolen and worsted (bleaching, dveing, mercerizing, and printing) . TEXT Fabrics, finishing of, woolen and worsted, except knit fabrics TEXT Fabrics, hemp and ramie TEXT Fabrics, jute TEXT Fabrics, linen TEXT Fabrics, nonwoven TEXT Face dryers, electric CDGS Face plates, switch and outlet ELEC Face powders CHEM Facia signs, marquee SERV Facial tissue stock PAPR Facial tissues, paper PAPR Facing tile, ceramic glazed, clay BLDG Facing tile, unglazed or salt-glazed, clay BLDG Facsimile equipment, except telegraph ETRX Facsimile equipment, telegraph COMM Fading devices, motion picture MOTP Failles, filament and spun rayon TEXT Fan accessories, propeller GIEQ Fan parts, exhaust and ventilating GIEQ Fanning strips COMM Fans, air circulator CDGS Fans, attic and awning CDGS Fans, ceiling CDGS Fans, centrifugal, classes 1 and 2 GIEQ Fans, centrifugal, classes 3 and 4 GIEQ Fans, centrifugal, industrial GIEQ Fans, desk-bracket CDGS Fans, electric, high pedestal CDGS Fans, electric, oscillating, desk and wall CDGS Fans, electric, nonoscillating, desk and wall CDGS Fans, exhaust, axial, belt driven GIEQ 355200 355200 243311 307901 344930 344101 223100 223100 223100 223100 229900 229100 229900 229900 363430 364301 284494 399301 262100 264930 325122 325122 366260 366100 386102 222100 356401 356401 366100 363410 363410 363410 356401 356401 356401 363410 363410 363410 363410 356401 1 Denotes controlled material. Fans, exhaust, axial, driver connected GIEQ Fans, exhaust, propeller, belt driven, except house GIEQ Fans, exhaust, propeller, driver connected, ex- cept house GIEQ Fans, pedestal CDGS Fans, radial discharge, floor or hassock type CDGS Fans, room and window ventilating CDGS Fans, ventilating, axial, belt driven GIEQ Fans, ventilating, axial, driver connected, ex- cept house GIEQ Fans, ventilating, propeller, belt driven, except home GIEQ Fans, ventilating, propeller, driver connected.. GIEQ Farm buildings, prefabricated, wood BLDG Farm buildings, prefabricated and demountable, metal BLDG Farm dairy machine attachments AGRI Farm earth-moving equipment attachments AGRI Farm elevators, portable, auger type AGRI Farm elevators, portable, double chain AGRI Farm elevators, portable, single chain AGRI Farm elevators, stationary AGRI Farm machinery. (See specific kind.) Farm poultry equipment and attachments-. AGRI Farm transportation equipment attachments (not motor) AGRI Fascinators, knit, women's and misses' TEXT Fasteners, apparel, military-type CDGS Fasteners, corrugated nail GCOM Fasteners, explosion driven GCOM Fasteners, panel GCOM Fasteners, paper, metallic, except wire clips CDGS Fasteners, slide, civilian-type CDGS Fasteners (slides), not zippers CDGS Fasteners, snap, sew-on type CDGS Fasteners, special headed GCOM Fathometers, except aircraft SITE Fats and oil processing machinery GIEQ Fatty acids. (See specific kind.) Faucets: basin, bath, combination, compres- sion, hose, laundry, lavatory, plain, single, sink, tray, sediment, oil (except kettle urn), plumbing fittings BLDG Feathers: Curling, dyeing, and renovating for the trade TEXT Feathers, fancy CDGS Feathers, ostrich CDGS 356401 356401 356401 363410 363410 363410 356401 356401 356401 356401 243312 344922 352283 352289 352287 352287 352287 352287 352286 379921 235200 396424 331520 345201 345201 346186 396410 396410 396423 345201 381123 355953 343200 396202 396201 396201 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Feed carriers, overhead AGRI Feed crushers, power-burr mills AGRI Feed crushers, power, combination roughage mills AGRI Feed crushers, power-hammer mills AGRI Feed grinders, power-burr mills AGRI Feed grinders, power-combination roughage mills AGRI Feed grinders, power-hammer mills AGRI Feed mixers, farm size AGRI Feed trucks — farm equipment AGRI Feeder- voltage boosters ELEC Feeder-voltage regulators ELEC Feeders, livestock AGRI Feeders, coal preparation and ore dressing, MMEQ Feeders, poultry AGRI Feeders, reagent, mech., dry, coal and ore dress- ing, MMEQ Feeders, reagent, mech., wet, coal and ore dress- ing, M MEQ Feldspar, crude and concentrates MSMN Feldspar, ground MSMN Felts, acoustic, punched or needled TEXT Felts, asphalt saturated BLDG Felts, industrial, etc., pressed wool and punched or needled felt TEXT Felts, tar saturated _._. BLDG Felts, wheel, pressed wool _ TEXT Felts, woven, papermakers _ TEXT Fence fittings, except pipe and standard pipe fittings BLDG Fence gates, wire, excluding chain link BLDG Fence post sections as rolled, light structural shape carbon steel ' STEE Fence post sections as rolled, pipe, carbon steel 1 STEE Fence posts, except pipe BLDG Fences, ornamental, iron and steel BLDG Fencing, snow, wood LUMB Fencing and gates other than wire or wood BLDG Fencing, chain link, including posts, gates and fittings BLDG Fencing fabric, chain link, woven wire BLDG Fencing fabric, ornamental, lawn, wire BLDG Fender flaps, automotive AUTO Ferric chloride CHEM Ferric nitrate CHEM Ferric orthophosphate CHEM Ferric pyrophosphate CHEM Ferric siilfate CHEM Ferries, railroad car, self-propelled SHIP Ferris wheel SERV Ferrite and related devices ETRX Ferroalloys, blast furnace STEE Ferroalloys, electrometallurgical STEE Ferro-selenium MSMN Ferrotype plates, still picture MOTP Ferrous chloride CHEM Ferrous sulfate CHEM Ferrous sulfide CHEM Ferrules, plumbers' BLDG Ferryboats, passenger-auto, steel SHIP Fertilizer distributors AGRI Fertilizer materials of organic origin. (See specific kind.) Fertilizer production machinery and equip- ment GIEQ Fertilizers, complete mixtures (grades guaran- teeing N, P 2 O s and K 2 0) CHEM Fertilizers guaranteeing N and P 2 0>, only CHEM Fertilizers guaranteeing P 2 5 and K 2 only CHEM Fertilizers guaranteeing N and K 2 only CHEM Fertilizers guaranteeing N, P 2 5 or K 2 only.. _ CHEM Fertilizing machinery and attachments AGRI Fiber, asbestos, carded MSMN Fiber, vulcanized CHEM Fiber glass fabrics TEXT Fibers, synthetic. (See specific kind.) Fibers, textile, recovery of (from textile mill) waste and rags TEXT Fibre board, container, chipboard PAPR Fibre cans, tubes, etc. (See cans, tubes, etc.) Product code 352288 352285 352285 352285 352285 352285 352285 352285 352288 361201 361201 352288 353231 352286 353231 353231 145600 329502 229100 295210 229100 295210 229100 223100 348160 348160 331280 331762 348160 348160 249956 344910 348160 348160 348160 371764 288608 288009 288427 288428 288611 373130 359906 367957 331212 331332 331331 386102 288612 288613 288614 343200 373130 352230 355910 287110 287120 287130 287140 287150 352230 329270 282142 222100 229400 263100 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Fibrous glass air filters MSMN 329600 Fibrous glass insulation MSMN 329600 Fibrous glass, continuous filament, staple fibers and wool.. ----- MSMN 329600 Fibrous glass reinforced plastic containers CONT 307903 Fibrous glass, yarn and matte MSMN 329600 Field glasses, nonprismatic SITE 383102 Field glasses, prismatic SITE 383102 Field jackets, military TEXT 232900 Filament rayon and cotton fabrics, chiefly rayon TEXT 222100 File accessories GCOM 342333 File cleaners GCOM 342333 File folder paperstock PAPR 262100 Files, precision, American pattern, metal- working GCOM 342333 Files, precision, swiss pattern, metalworking GCOM 342333 Files, rotary, metalworking GCOM 342333 Files, woodworking GCOM 342333 Filing cabinets, metal SERV 252200 Filing cabinets, wood SERV 252100 Filing cards, guide PAPR 264501 Filing cards, index PAPR 264501 Filing folders PAPR 264501 Filing machines, contour MWEQ 354101 Fillers, bathtub, and water glass BLDG 343200 Fillers, battery, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Fillers, egg case, except molded PAPR 264501 Fillers, hydraulic brake, automotive mainte- nance AUTO 354841 Fillers, loose-leaf, except printed PAPR 264910 Fillers, loose-leaf, printed PRIN 278220 Fillers, wood CHEM 285205 Filling-capping machines, bottle, except dairy. GIEQ 355131 Filling machinery, bottle, dairy GIEQ 355110 Filling machines, except dairy, beverage, and canning GIEQ 356904 Filling machines, fruit and vegetable canning- GIEQ 355132 Filling station pumps, dispensing. (See Pumps.) Fillings, upholstery, curled hair LEAT 229301 Film cans MOTP 386102 Film cartridge MOTP 386102 Film clips, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film clips, still picture . MOTP 386102 Film developing equipment MOTP 386102 Film driers, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film driers, still picture MOTP 386102 Film, graphic arts MOTP 386150 Film holder, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film holders, still picture MOTP 386102 Film, motion picture, black and white, negative, 8 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, black and white, negative, 16 mm - MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, black and white, negative, 32 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, black and white, negative, 35 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, black and white, positive, 8 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, black and white positive, 16 mm MOTP 380150 Film, motion picture, black and white, positive, 32 mm MOTP 386150 Film motion picture, black and white, positive, 35 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, negative, 8 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, negative, 16 mm_. MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, negative, 32 mm._ MOTP 3S6150 Film, motion picture, color, negative, 35 mm__ MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, positive, 8 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color positive, 16 mm___ MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, positive, 32 mm MOTP 386150 Film, motion picture, color, positive, 35 mm MOTP 386150 Film pack adapters, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film pack adapters, still picture MOTP 3S0102 Film, pack, still picture, black and white MOTP 386150 Film perforating equipment MOTP 386102 Film printing equipment, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film racks, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film racks, still picture MOTP 386102 Film readers, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film readers, still picture MOTP 386102 Film reels MOTP 3S6102 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Film, rubber, unsupported, under 3.0 mills RUBR 306421 Film, rubber, unsupported, 3.0-5.9 mills RUBR 306422 Film, rubber, unsupported, 6.0-14.9 mills RUBR 306423 Film, rubber, unsupported, 15.0 mills and over. RUBR 306425 Film, sheet, still picture, black and white MOTP 386150 Film shipping cases MOTP 386102 Film splicers MOTP 386102 Film spools, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film spools, still picture MOTP 386102 Film, still, black and white, amateur roll, 35 mm. and less MOTP 380150 Film, still, black and white, amateur roll, over 35 mm MOTP 386150 Film, still, graphic arts, black and white MOTP 386150 Film, still picture, color, amateur roll, under 36 mm MOTP 386150 Film, still picture, color, amateur roll, over 35 mm MOTP 386150 Film, still picture, color, pack MOTP 386150 Film, still picture, color, sheet MOTP 386150 Film viewers, hand held, for still picture slides and transparencies MOTP 386103 Film viewers, motion picture MOTP 386102 Film viewers, motion picture, 8-mm only MOTP 386103 Film viewers, still picture MOTP 386102 Film, X-rav MOTP 386150 Filter cloth TEXT 221100 Filter paper PAPR 262100 Filter presses, all types GIEQ 355910 Filters, air, automotive AUTO 371762 Filters, air, metal, general industrial equipment.. GIEQ 356903 Filters, aircraft type GCOM 349404 Filters and holders, motion picture, 8-mm MOTP 386103 Filters and holders, photographic still picture, specifically designed for personal use cameras,. MOTP 386103 Filters, carrier equipment COMM 366100 Filters, electronic delay line ETRX 367951 Filters, engine air, aircraft AIRC 372911 Filters, engine fuel, special aircorps design AIRC 372911 Filters, frequency discrimination ETRX 367951 Filters, gas, metal, general industrial equip- ment GIEQ 356903 Filters, liquid, automotive AUTO 371762 Filters, liquid, metal, general industrial equip- ment GIEQ 356903 Filters, noise suppression, ignition ETRX 367951 Filters, photographic, motion picture MOTP 386102 Filters, photographic, still picture MOTP 386102 Filters, quartz crystal ETRX 367951 Filters, solvent, dry cleaning, commercial SERV 358200 Filters, special finished optics, unmounted SITE 383102 Filters, vestigial sideband ETRX 366220 Filters, water, faucet (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Findings, jewelers' CDGS 391200 Findings, shoe, metal LEAT 313101 Finishers, bituminous, asphalt and concrete paving CMEQ 3531C0 Finishing machinery attachments and acces., textile GIEQ 355200 Finishing machinery, paper, except calenders, . GIEQ 355400 Finishing machinery, textile GIEQ 355200 Finishing of textiles, except knit goods, woolen and worsteds TEXT 223100 Finishing of woolen and worsted textiles, ex- cept knit textiles TEXT 223100 Finned tube radiation, nonferrous BLDG 343361 Finned tube radiation, steel BLDG 343361 Fire alarm apparatus, electric SITE 366235 Fireclay MSMN 145300 Fire control equipment ORDN 194100 Fire department truck bodies, except hook and ladder AUTO 371301 Fire department vehicles AUTO 371701 Fire detecting apparatus SITE 366235 Fire engines, two-wheeled SITE 399910 Fire escapes BLDG 344910 Fire extinguishers, fixed, except water sprin- klers SITE 399910 Fire extinguishers, hand SITE 399910 Fire extinguishing equipment, aircraft SITE 399910 Fire extinguishing equipment, industrial SITE 399910 Fire extinguishing equipment, marine SITE 399910 Fire extinguishing equip, parts and attachs SITE 399910 Fire hose, linen TEXT 229900 BDSA Product description Division Fireboats, except special military design SHIP Fireboats special military design SHIP Fireplace circulating heaters BLDG Fireplace fixtures CDGS Fireplace hardware CDGS Fireplace screens CDGS Fireworks CHEM Firkins, tight cooperage CONT First-aid kits SITE Fish and marine oil mill products FOOD Fish netting, cotton TEXT Fishing boats, self-propelled SHIP Fishing flies CDGS Fishing reels CDGS Fishing rods, except metal CDGS Fishing rods, metal CDGS Fishing tools, subsurface drilling, oil field OF ME Fishing trawlers SHIP Fishing twine, hard fiber TEXT Fishline TEXT Fittings, air distribution, sheet metal BLDG Fittings: bath, lavatory, shower, supply, water closet BLDG Fittings, flexible metal hose and tubing GCOM Fittings, furnace, sheet metal BLDG Fittings, gas, rigid coaxial line ETRX Fittings, plumbing. (See specific kind.) Fittings, ship deck, heavy SHIP Fixers, photographic chemical MOTP Fixtures, assembly, metalworking MWEQ Fixtures, layout, metalworking MWEQ Fixtures, machining, metalworking MWEQ Fixtures, metalworking MWEQ Fixtures, plumbing: residential, marine, insti- tutional BLDG Fixtures, special checking, metalworking MWEQ Flail type harvester AGRI Flakers GIEQ Flange facing machines MWEQ Flanges and plugs, for drums and pails, pack- aging. (See Closures.) Flanges, plumbing, floor, closet BLDG Flannels, cotton TEXT Flashing, thru wall, sheet metal BLDG Flashlight batteries, medium, dry cell CDGS Flashlight batteries, penlight, dry cell CDGS Flashlight batteries, standard dry cell CDGS Flashlight lamps CDGS Flashlight generator, hand portable CDGS Flashlights, hand portable except generator CDGS Flasks, jackets and bands, foundry MWEQ Flasks, dental SITE Flat cars, freight train RAIL Flat veneer products (including ice cream spoons and sticks, tongue depressors, etc.) LUMB Flats, egg case, except molded PAPR Flats, special finished optics, unmounted SITE Flatware, commercial patterns, electrosilver plated CDGS Flatware, commercial patterns, stainless steeL_ CDGS Flatware, except commercial stainless steel CDGS Flatware, hotel patterns, electrosilver plated CDGS Flatware, sterling silver CDGS Flatware, except electrosilver plated, sterling silver and stainless steel CDGS Flavor and perfume materials CHEM Flax, pulp PAPR Flat yarns and roves TEXT Flexible joints GCOM Flexible cord sets CDGS Flexible metal hose GCOM Flexible metal tubing GCOM Flexographic printing PRIN Flies, fishing CDGS Flight control equipment, electronic ETRX Flight control systems, automatic, aircraft SITE Flight plan information storage equipment, electronic ETRX Flint, grain, powder, and flour MSMN Flint ores MSMN Flint pebbles MSMN Flint, potters', ground MSMN Float collars, oilfield drilling OFME Float shoes, oil and gas well , OFME Product code 373130 373120 343368 342951 342951 342951 289933 244502 384230 209000 229800 373130 394910 394910 394910 394910 353301 373130 229800 229800 344431 343200 359903 344431 367957 373001 380180 354410 354410 354410 354410 343100 354410 352260 355955 354101 343200 221100 344436 369201 369201 369201 364100 364204 364204 355921 384300 374220 249958 264501 383102 391420 391420 391420 391420 391420 391420 288910 261100 229900 349407 335762 359903 359903 275100 394910 366241 381110 366241 329102 149700 149700 329502 353341 353341 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Floaters, glass-house, clay refractory STEE Floats, ball cock, plumbing BLDG Floats, drill pipe, oil and gas well OFME Floats, fishing net, metal . CDGS Floats, natural cork LUMB Flock, rayon and other -_ : TEXT Floodlights ELEC Floor covering, cork BLDG Floor covering felts, paper PAPR Floor covering, hard surface, printed base, sheet or rug BLDG Floor covering, linoleum, sheet or rug BLDG Floor covering, rubber, except tile NES RUBR Floor covering, vinyl asbestos BLDG Floor covering, vinyl sheet BLDG Floor coverings, auto and aircraft, woven wool- TEXT Floor polish CHEM Floor polishing machines. (See Polishing ma- chines.) Floor protective devices, hardware '. CDGS Floor sanding machines SERV Floor scrubbing machines SERV Floor stands GCOM Floor tile, asphalt BLDG Floor tile, cork BLDG Floor tile, linoleum BLDG Floor tile, rubber ... BLDG Floor tile, structural clay BLDG Floor tile, vinyl BLDG Floor tile, vinyl asbestos BLDG Floor and wall furnaces, heating, gas or oil BLDG Floor and wall tile, ceramic (not structural), glazed BLDG Floor and wall tile, ceramic (not structural) unglazed, except quarry BLDG Floor waxing machines. (See Waxing machine.) Flooring, hardwood LUMB Flooring, sheet, rubber RUBR Flooring, softwood LUMB Flooring, tile, rubber RUBR Florists cabinets, refrigerating SERV Florists designs, wire CDGS Flotation equipment, mineral MMEQ Flotation machines, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ Flour, wood LUMB Flour-handling machinery, bakery GIEQ Flour-mill machinery GIEQ Flow recorder-controller systems SITE Flowers, artificial, except glass CDGS Flowers, artificial glass CDGS Flue lining, clay .- BLDG Flue stops and thimbles, sheet metal BLDG Fluid flow instruments, industrial process SITE Fluid milk shipping containers CONT Flumes, sheet metal BLDG Fluorescent lamp electrodes, cold cathode- CDGS Fluorescent lampholders, cold cathode ELEC Fluorescent lampholders, except cold cathode-. ELEC Fluorescent lamps, hot cathode CDGS Fluorescent lighting fixture plates, glass CDGS Fluorescent lighting fixture shields, glass CDGS Fluorescent starters ELEC Fluorescent tubing, glass CDGS Fluorocaibon resins CHEM Fluorine ---_---- — ,- CHEM Fluorite, optical MSMN Fluorspar, crude, crushed or ground MSMN Fluosilicate, ammonium CHI-CM Fluosilicate. sodium CHEM Fluosilieaces CHEM Fluosilicic acid CHEM Flush tanks. (See Tanks, flush.) Flushers, degreasing, differential, automotive-- AUTO Flushers, degreasing, transmission, automotive. AUTO Flushing machines, engine, automotive in- ternal AUTO Flutes and parts CDGS Fluxes, brazing CHEM Fluxes, soldering CHEM Fluxes, welding CHEM FM radio receivers and tuners ETRX Focus coils, . ETRX ' Denotes controlled material. Product code 325501 3-43100 353301 394910 249942 229400 364252 249941 260122 398221 398211 300267 329260 307951 227100 284243 342920 358923 358923 349407 329250 249942 398212 306941 325121 307952 329260 343363 325300 325300 242610 306265 242180 306266 358533 348191 353231 353231 249958 355121 355133 382130 396201 323100 325920 344431 382130 349131 344420 369921 364301 364301 364100 322900 322900 364301 322900 282182 288161 1 47300 1 47300 288171 288174 288170 288115 354841 354841 354841 393140 289951 289952 289953 365101 367940 BDSA Product description Division Focus, devices, except coils ETRX Foil, aluminum, except plain ALUM Foil, aluminum, plain 1 ALUM Foil, composition, lead and tin MSMN Foil, gold and silver MSMN Foil, lead MSMN Foil, tin MSMN Folders, bending, manual-metalworking MWEQ Folders, bending, powcr-metalworking MWEQ Folders, filing PAPR Folding boxes, paper and papcrboard. (See Cartons.) Folding machines, office SERV Foliage, artificial, except glass CDGS Food containers, glass, wide mouth CONT Food dyes CHEM Food mixer attachments, electric household CDGS Food mixers, electric, household CDGS Food preparation glassware, machine-made CDGS Food preparation machine parts, commercial. .. CDGS Food preparation utensils. (See specific kind.) Food service equipment, commercial, electric. CDGS Food service equipment, commercial, except electric CDGS Food storage, glassware, machine-made CDGS Food warming equipment, commercial, electric. CDGS Food warming equipment, commercial, except electric CDGS Foot appliances SITE Foot powders CHEM Foot warmers, electric. CDGS Footballs CDGS Foots (all types) and raw and acidulated soap stock FOOD Footstools CDGS Footwear lining fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Footwear, rubber RUBR Footwear, except house slippers, other than rubber LE AT Footwear, waterproof, rubber RUBR Forage blowers AGRI Forage harvesters AGRI Force cups, rubber RUBR Forceps, dental SITE Forceps, surgical SITE Forging billet, titanium and titanium alloy MSMN Forging machines. (See specific kind.) Forging presses. (See Presses.) Forgings, aluminum ALUM Forgings, closed die, hammer, upset and press steel, all grades STEE Forgings, copper and copper-base alloy. (See specific product.) Forgings, magnesium ALUM Forgings, nickel and nickel-base alloys MSMN Forgings, open die, hammer and press, steel, all grades STEE Forgings, titanium and titanium alloy MSMN Forks, gardening GCOM Forks, hay carrier, harpoon and grapple AGRI Forks, paper, stamped PAPR Forks, pulp, molded PAPR Forks, serving, metal. (See Flatware and silverware.) Forks, serving, wood, except flat veneer CDGS Forks, wood, flat veneer LUMB Form tools, metalworking MWEQ Form handling machines, continuous, type- writer principle SERV Formaldehyde CHEM Formed steel columns, beams and girders BLDG Formic acid CHEM Forming machines, paper GIEQ Forming machines, rotary, manual, metal- working MWEQ Forming machines, rotary, power, metalworking MWEQ Forms, boot and shoe LE AT Forms, business, letterpress and gravure, printed PRIN Forms, business, lithographed PRIN Forms, loose-leaf PRIN Forms, metal, reusable, curb, gutter roadrail... CMEQ Forms, metal, reusable, tunnel, bldg. (exc. igloo) -Y_-__ . CMEQ Product code 367955 349703 335230 349702 349702 349702 349702 354201 354201 264501 357902 396201 322100 281583 363430 363430 322900 355122 358911 358912 322900 358911 358912 384211 284499 363430 394920 209000 251200 225600 302129 314100 3023 20 352250 352260 306298 384300 384101 335606 339201 339111 339202 339203 339111 339203 342301 352288 265431 264621 249957 249958 354410 357200 288753 344930 288754 355400 354201 354201 249953 276100 276100 278220 353160 353160 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Foundation creams, cosmetic __._' CHEM 284473 Foundation garments, accessories . CDGS 234221 Foundation garments, except surgical and maternity TEXT 234222 Foundation garments, maternity :._ TtfXT 234222 Foundation garments, surgical SITE 384211 Foundry supplies, chemical CHEM 289971 Foundry type, printing trade GIEQ 355501 Fountain pens, except ball point . CDGS 395100 Fountain syringes, rubber,... RUBR 306311 Fountainettcs, soda fountain equipment CDGS 358574 Fountains, drinking (except electrically cooled refrigerated) BLDG 343100 Fourdrinier wire cloth GCOM 348171 Fourdriniers, paper machine GIEQ 355400 Frame and bodv equipment, hydraulic auto- motive "_ AUTO 354841 Frame extensions, motortruck AUTO 371764 Frames, chassis, automotive AUTO 371761 Frames, distributing, telegraphic COMM 36G100 Frames, door, metal BLDG 344210 Frames, door, wood.--- _-__ LUMB 243100 Frames for tubs or vats : CDGS 349905 Frames, furniture, metal, household CDGS 251400 Frames, furniture, wood, household CDGS 251200 Frames, hand saw GCOM 342500 Frames, lampshade, wire CDGS 398700 Frames, main and distributing, telephone COMM 366100 Frames, main, telegraphic COMM 366100 Frames, mirror, metal CDGS 249910 Frames, mirror, wood CDGS 249910 Frames, ophthalmic, metal SITE 385100 Frames, ophthalmic, nonmetal SITE 385100 Frames, picture, metal CDGS 249910 Frames, picture, wood CDGS 249910 Frames, textile. (See specific kind.) Frames, window, iron and steel BLDG 344220 Frames, window, nonferrous BLDG 344220 Frames, window, wood LUMB 243100 Freezer cabinets, farm CDGS 363220 Freezer cabinets, home CDGS 363220 Freezers, farm CDGS 363220 Freezers, frozen-custard GIEQ 358531 Freezers, home CDGS 363220 Freezers, ice cream, counter GIEQ 358531 Freezers, ice cream, domestic electric CDGS 363430 Freezers, ice cream hardening cabinet, com- mercial GIEQ 358531 Freezers, ice cream, industrial GIEQ 355110 Freezers, ice cream, metal domestic, hand crank CDGS 349905 Freight train cars. (See Cars.) Freight train repair parts RAIL 374232 French chalk MSMN 149000 Frequency changers, integral horsepower ELEC 362103 Friction tape, rubber RUBR 300277 Frit CDGS 289931 Frogs, railroad, fabricated-.-, RAIL 349904 Front end inspection and correction machines, automotive AUTO 354841 Frozen-custard machines GIEQ 358531 Frozen food cartons. (See Cartons.) Fruit wrapping machines GIEQ 355132 Fruit wraps, tissue paper PAPR 262100 Fruits, artificial, except glass CDGS 396201 Fryers, deep fat, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Fryers, deep fat, electric, household CDGS 363430 Fryers, deep fat, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Fryer-skillets, electric CDGS 303430 Fuel cells, bladder, rubber RUBR 300285 Fuel cells, self-sealing, rubber RUBR 306285 Fuel injection systems, aircraft AIRC 372201 Fuel level indication instruments, motor vehicle. AUTO 382140 Fuel pump, internal combustion engine, over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft AUTO 371762 Fuel tanks, auxiliary, automotive AUTO 371764 Fuiis, filament and 'spun rayon TEXT 222100 Fuller's earth, crude MSMN 145400 Fuller's earth, ground or treated MSMN 329502 Fulminate of mercury CHEM 289291 Fuming nitric acid CHEM 288105 Fungicides, pharmaceutical CHEM 283468 Fungicides and insecticides, agricultural use CHEM 287300 Fur capes TEXT 237101 BDSA ' Product description Division Fur coats TEXT Fur plates LEAT Fur trimmings TEXT Fur wearing apparel. (See specific kind.) Furfural CHEM Furfuryl alcohol CHEM Furnace blowers, centrifugal GIEQ Furnace charging buckets, electric MWEQ Furnace heating units, electric MWEQ Furnace repair parts, industrial MWEQ Furnace walls, suspended, clay STEE Furnaces, billet heating _ MWEQ Furnaces, blast MWEQ Furnaces, dental SITE Furnaces, floor or wall, gas or oil, heating BLDG Furnaces, heat treating, industrial, electric MWEQ Furnaces, heat treating, industrial, fuel-fired MWEQ Furnaces, laboratory, except dental « SITE Furnaces, metal melting, industrial, electric MWEQ Furnaces, metal melting, industrial, fuel-fired MWEQ Furnaces, metal processing, industrial, electric-. MWEQ Furnaces, metal processing, industrial, fuel- fired MWEQ Furnaces, nonmetallic, industrial, electric MWEQ Furnaces, nonmetallic, industrial, fuel-fired MWEQ Furnaces, open hearth MWEQ Furnaces, plumbers GCOM Furnaces, slab heating MWEQ Furnaces, type remelting, printing GIEQ Furnaces, warm air heating. (See Warm air furnaces.) Furniture casters CDGS Furniture cutstock, softwood LUMB Furniture dimension, hardwood LUMB Furniture, dining room, household, metal CDGS Furniture, drafting CDGS Furniture frames. (See Frames, furniture.) Furniture, garden, reinforced concrete CDGS Furniture, hall, household, metal, except card tables and chairs CDGS Furniture, hardware, except casters CDGS Furniture, library, household, metal, except card tables and chairs CDGS Furniture, living room, metal, exceDt card tables and chairs CDGS Furniture, office. (See specific kind.) Furniture parts, turned, shaped and carved, wood LUMB Furniture polishes and cleaners CHEM Furniture, rattan CDGS Furniture, reed CDGS Furniture rests, hardware CDGS Furniture stampings, metal GCOM Furniture, sunroom, household, metal, except card tables and chairs CDGS Furniture upholstery fabrics. (See also specific kinds.) Furniture upholstery fabrics, rubber coated RUBR Furniture, wood. ( MSMN Ingots, silver and silver-base allo3's MSMN Ingots, stainless steel ' STEE Ingots, tin and tin-base alloy. MSMN Ingots, titanium and titanium alloy MSMN Ingots, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN Ingots, zirconium MSMN Inhalation bags, rubber RUBR Injector, fuel Diesel engine AUTO Injectors, fuel internal combustion engines over 750 r.p.m AUTO Injector-molding machines, plastics-working GIEQ Ink cartridges, ball point pens CDGS Ink, printing CHEM Ink rollers, printing trade GIEQ Ink stands, metal CDGS Inked-ribbon spools CONT Inks, drawing CDGS Inks, writing, fluid .(including indelible ink and marking fluid).. CDGS Inner tubes. (See Tjjhes, inner.) Inorganic chemicals. (See specific kind.) Input devices for computers SERV Insect screening, fibcrglas BLDG Insect screening, plastic BLDG Insect screening, wire, aluminum BLDG Insect screening, wire, copper and copper alloy _ BLDG Insect screening, wire, steel BLDG Insecticides and fungicides: Arsenic white CHEM Animal dips CHEM Product code 381124 352286 384211 262100 264501 262100 274132 278900 361131 361131 349407 381110 382130 381110 353302 382130 381110 333972 288648 361201 361122 149700 374220 356734 232800 342955 356734 285156 363602 356152 366222 353700 348171 356711 356711 364100 364254 331221 333410 334164 334130 331221 334120 334151 334130 334161 333972 334151 331221 334163 334163 334140 334163 306371 371763 371761 355930 395100 289300 355501 349905 346184 395220 289883 357110 348172 348172 348172 348172 348172 287329 287908 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Insecticides and fungicides — Continued Animal repellants CHEM Barbasco root CHEM Benzene hexachloride preparations CHEM Calcium arsenate CHEM Chlorinated hydrocarbon preparations CHEM Copper-containing preparations (includ- ing bordeaux mixture) CHEM Cube root CHEM DDT-containing preparations (excluding aerosols and fly sprays) CHEM Derris root CHEM Disinfectants :. CHEM Fluorine containing insecticides and fungi- cides CHEM Fly sprays CHEM Fumigants (household, industrial and soil)- CHEM Hydrogen cyanide CHEM Insect repellants (for personal use) CHEM Lead arsenate.- ........ CHEM Lime sulfur, dust and sprays CHEM Moth control agents CHEM Nicotine-containing preparations (includ- ing nicotine sulfate and dusts) CHEM Organic phosphate-containing insecticidal preparations CHEM Petroleum oil sprays CHEM Pyrethrum flowers CHEM Red squill.... CHEM Roach, ant and termite poisons CHEM Rodent poisons CHEM Rotenone-containing insecticides CHEM Ryania - CHEM Seed disinfectants _. CHEM Sodium aluminum fluoride (cryolite) dusts and mixtures CHEM Sulfur, dust and sprays CHEM Synthetic organic fungicide preparations CHEM Timbo root CHEM Inserters, valve guide, automotive-. AUTO Inserts, plastic :__.; GCOM Inserts, power slip, slip casing elevator and casing spider OFME Insignia, military, base metal, except rings CDGS Insignia, military, precious metal, except rings. . CDGS Inspection equipment, physical property SITE Instrument faces, glass CDGS Instrument parts, electrical indicating, re- cording SITE Instrument relays, electrical SITE Instrument sets, telephone COMM Instrument transformers, current and po- tential ELEC Instruments. (See specific kind.) Instruments, automotive, except aircraft AUTO Instruments, bourdon, aircraft SITE Instruments, electrical indicating, industrial portable SITE Instruments, electrical indicating, laboratory portable SITE Instruments, electrical indicating, panel SITE Instruments, electrical recording, except con- trol types SITE Instruments, electrical switchboard SITE Instruments, gyro, aircraft SITE Instruments, indicating, electric, synchronous, aircraft AIRC Instruments, temperature, indicating, electric, aircraft SITE Insulated and bare wire spools CONT Insulating board, natural BLDG Insulating roof deck BLDG Insulating siding base BLDG Insulating units, glass, multiple-glazed sealed CDGS Insulation, aluminum foil BLDG Insulation, block, asbestos, cellular and lami- nated MSMN Insulation, block, asbestos, 85 percent mag- nesia MSMN Insulation, block, hydrous calcium silicate MSMN Insulation, cable, paper PAPR Insulation felt, punched or needled TEXT Insulation, glass CDGS Insulation, mineral wool MSMN Product code 284211 287312 287351 287322 287355 287341 287313 287352 287314 284214 287344 284207 287313 287313 284203 287321 287332 284204 287345 287356 287361 287311 287316 284202 284212 287346 287317 287364 287343 287331 287357 287315 354841 345201 353302 399936 391100 382130 322900 361131 361131 366100 361201 382140 381110 361131 361131 361131 361131 361131 381110 372911 382111 346184 266112 266112 266112 321100 349704 329332 329333 329333 264952 229100 322900 329600 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description . Division code Insulation paper, electrical PAPR 262100 Insulation, pipe, asbestos, cellular and lami- nated ... MSMN" 329333 Insulation,' pipe, asbestos, 85 percent magnesia. MSMN 329333 Insulation, pipe, hydrous calcium silicate MSMN 329333 Insulation products, chemical (heat, electrical, other) . _.-_. CHEM 289972 Insulation products, cork LUMB 249942 Insulation, vermiculite 1 MSMN 329502 Insulators, glass CDGS 322900 Insulin J __ CHEM 283368 Integraters — engineering instruments SITE 381125 Integrating meter parts, electrical type SITE 361110 Interceptors, grease, hair and sediment, plaster. BLDG 343200 Intercommunication equipment, electronically amplified ETRX 366231 Intercommunication equipment, except elec- tronically amplified COMM 366232 Interlining material, made in textile mills, cotton TEXT 221100 Interlining material, made in textile mills, rayon TEXT 222100 Interlining material, made in textile mills, wool TEXT 223100 Intcrlinings TEXT 239600 Interlocking units, railroad transit signal equipment RAIL 366233 Intermediates, dyes, color lakes and toners: Acridinedyes CHEM 281587 Amino-benzene CHEM 281502 Aminophenol CHEM 281501 Aniline CHEM 281503 Aniline sulfate CHEM 281504 Anisidine CHEM 281505 Anthracene, refined CHEM 281569 Anthraquinone . CHEM 281571 Anthraquinone vat dves CHEM 281582 Azo dyes CHEM 281578 Benzaldehvde . CHEM 281506 Benzene sulfonamide CHEM 281507 Benzene sulfonchloramine CHEM 281508 Benzene sulfonic acid CHEM 281509 Benzidine CHEM 281510 Benzyl chloride CHEM 281514 Benz'vl peroxide CHEM 281515 Beta'picoline CHEM 281516 Bis phenols CHEM 281517 Chloraniline CHEM 281519 Chlorobenzene, mono CHEM 2S1520 Chlorophenol CHEM 281525 Cresols, refined CHEM 281545 Cresvlic acid, refined CHEM 281546 Dimethyl aniline CHEM 281527 Diphenvlamine CHEM 281531 Dodecylbenzenes CHEM 281526 Dyes, cyclic (coal tar) CHEM 281577 Dves, synthetic organic CHEM 281577 Ethyl benzene CHEM 281535 Food, drug and cosmetic dyes CHEM 281583 Hexachlorobenzene CHEM 281533 Lakes, synthetic organic CHEM 281596 Naphthalene, refined, over 79° C CHEM 281564 Naphthenates CHEM 281565 Naphthenic compounds CHEM 281566 Naphthol CHEM 281567 Nitrated cresols, except weed killers CHEM 281572 Nitrobenzene CHEM 281541 Ortho dichlorobenzene CHEM 281543 Para dichlorobenzene CHEM 281544 Para phenyl phenol CHEM 281542 Phenol CHEM 281518 Phenyl salicylate CHEM 281550 Phthalic anhydride CHEM 281568 BDSA Product description Division Intermediate dyes color lakes and toners — Continued Picoline CHEM Picric acid CHEM Pyridine CHEM Quinoline CHEM Quinoline dyes CHEM Resorcinol CHEM Salicylic acid CHEM Stvrenc CHEM Sulfur or sulfide dyes CHEM Toluidine, ortho, meta, para CHEM Toners, synthetic organic CHEM Trichlorobenzene CHEM Trichlorophenol CHEM Vanillin, synthetic CHEM Xanthene dyes CHEM Internal combustion engine analyzers AUTO Internal combustion engines. (See Engines.) Internal combustion engines, over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft AUTO Internal combustion engines, 750 r.p.m. and under, n.e.c POWR Inter-room equipment, except electronically amplified, amplified type COMM Interrupters, telephone COMM Invalid cushions, rubber RUBR Invalid rings, rubber RUBR Invalid walkers SITE Inverters, electric, aircraft AIRC Inverters, integral horsepower, except aircraft.. ELEC Investments, dental. SITE Iodine. CHEM Iodine preparations, proprietary drugs CHEM Ion exchange resins CHEM Ion-traps, electronic ETRX Ipecac CHEM Iridium compounds CHEM Iridium, unalloyed, refined MSMN Irish moss CHEM Iron blues CHEM Iron lungs SITE Iron orthophosphate CHEM Iron oxide pigments CHEM Iron oxide, synthetic yellow CHEM Iron paints CHEM Iron, pig STEE Iron powder STEE Iron pyrophosphate CHEM Iron sulfide CHEM Ironers, domestic, mechanical, portable CDGS Ironers, domestic, mechanical, nonportable CDGS Ironers, laundry, flatwork, commercial SERV Ironing boards, metal CDGS Irons, antichecking, railroad RAIL Irons, automatic electric, household, except steam CDGS Irons, nonautomatic electric, standard house- hold CDGS Irons, boudoir, electric CDGS Irons, branding SERV Irons, chair, swivel CDGS Irons, fireplace CDGS Irons, steam electric, standard household CDGS Irons, tailors, electric CDGS Irons, travel, electric CDGS Irrigation lines, portable AGRI Irrigation risers AGRI Irrigation syphon tubes AGRI Isopropvl alcohol CHEM Isopropyl ether CHEM rrodtic"; code 281551 281552 281553 281554 281586 281555 281556 281557 281584 281558 281590 281559 281560 281561 281585 361121 351902 351901 366232 366100 306371 306371 384211 372911 362103 384300 288181 283468 282193 367955 283338 288649 333972 283341 281691 384211 288427 281671 281672 285179 331211 339913 288428 288516 363321 363321 358200 349905 349904 363430 363430 363430 395300 342920 342951 363430 363430 363430 349802 349802 349802 288828 288758 Jackets, blanket-lined, men's and boys' TEXT 232900 Jackets, fur TEXT 237101 Jackets, knit TEXT 225300 Jackets, leather, men's and boys' TEXT 238600 Jackets, leather, women's and children's TEXT 238600 Jackets, mackinaw, men's and boys' TEXT 232900 Jackets, melton, men's and boys' TEXT 232900 Jackets, overall and work, men's and bovs' TEXT 232800 Jackets, polished rod, oil well OFME 353330 Jackets, shaker, mine MMEQ 353221 Jackets, sheep-lined, men's and boys', except leather TEXT 238600 Jackets, women's, misses' and juniors' TEXT 233700 Jacks, hydraulic, air, electric, including aircraft- AUTO 356901 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Jacks, lifting, mechanical, except hydraulic AUTO Jacks, mechanical, including aircraft AUTO Jacks, mud, construction CMEQ Jacks, pump, domestic water system AGRI Jacks, pumping — oil and gas field OFME Jacks, scaffolding, wood SERV Jacks, telephone COMM Jacks, track lifting, power, railroad RAIL Jacks, trench brace AUTO Jacks, window, wood SERV Jacquard cards PAPR Jacquards, power loom GIEQ Jalap root CHEM Japanning of metal products SERV Japans. (See Paints.) Jar closures. (See Closures.) Jar rings, shoulder sealing, rubber RUBR Jar rings, top sealing, rubber RUBR Jars, battery, glass CDGS Jars, cable tool subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Jars, bottles and tumblers, glass, packaging CONT Jars, sucker rod, tubing and wire line, oil field. _ OFME Jasmin oil CHEM Jaw crushers, portable, construction CMEQ Jennies, steam, degreasing, automotive AUTO Jersey weaves, 100 percent filament rayon TEXT Jersey, knit TEXT Jets, gas (illuminating) BLDG Jeweled bearings SITE Jewelers' findings CDGS Jewelry, base metal, men's, except watch attach- ments CDGS Jewelry, base metal, women's and children's, except watch attachments CDGS Jewelry cases, except precious metal CDGS Jewelry, children's, and precious metal CDGS Jewelry, children's, semiprecious metal CDGS Jewelry, fraternal, semiprecious, except rings CDGS Jewelry, fraternal, semiprecious metal, except rings CDGS Jewelry, men's, semiprecious, except watch attachments and rings CDGS Jewelry, nonmetallic CDGS Jewelry, religious, base metal CDGS Kangaroo leather LEAT Kaolin, crude MSMN Kaolin, ground or treated MSMN Kapok TEXT Kapok padding and upholstery filling TEXT Karaya gum CHEM Kegs, shipping. (See Barrels.) Kelly joints, subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Kenaf products TEXT Keratomes, angular SITE Kerosene lamps CDGS Kerosene lanterns CDGS Kettles, bituminous heating CMEQ Kettles, steam-jacketed, commercial CDGS Key blanks BLDG Key cases. LEAT Key-making machines M WEQ Kevs (button, lever, plunger types), telephone. COMM Keys, shafting GCOM Keyseating machines MWEQ Kickers, anti-, cow AGRI Killing machines, packing plant, meat and poultry GIEQ Kilns and coolers, mineral, ore dressing type MMEQ Kilns, calcining GIEQ Kilns, cement drying GIEQ Kilns, drying GIEQ Kilns, grain GIEQ Kilns, fertilizer processing GIEQ Kilns, wood : GIEQ King-posts, heavy, marine SHIP Kip leather. (See Leather.) Kitchen cabinets, metal CDGS Kitchen cabinets, wood CDGS Kitchen cabinets, wood, to be built in LUMB Kitchen chairs, metal CDGS Product code 342311 342311 353106 356130 353330 249955 366100 353194 342311 249955 264501 355200 283342 347900 306274 306274 322900 353301 322100 353330 289915 353191 354841 222100 225300 343200 387100 391200 396100 396100 317202 391100 391100 391100 391100 391100 396100 391100 BDSA Product Product description Division code Jewelry, religious, precious metal CDGS 391100 Jewelry, religious, semiprecious metal CDGS 391100 Jewelry, rings, base metal CDGS 396100 Jewelry, school, fraternal, etc., precious metal, except rings CDGS 391100 Jewelry, school, military and fraternal, base metal CDGS 396100 Jewelry, school, semiprecious, except rings CDGS 391100 Jewelry, women's, precious metal, except watch attachments CDGS 391100 Jewelry, women's, semiprecious metal, except watch attachments CDGS 391 100 Jig, connecting rod, rebabbiting automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Jigs, metalworking MWEQ 354410 Jigs, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Jointers — farm equipment AGRI 352202 Jointers, woodworking, except hand-held GIEQ 355310 Joints, expansion, for roof drains only BLDG 343200 Joints, expansion, packed and packless GCOM 349407 Joints, flexible, swing and swivel GCOM 349407 Joints, jewelers' findings CDGS 391200 Joints, rotating, oscillating, etc., wave guide ETRX 367957 Joints, universal automotive AUTO 371761 Joints, universal industrial GCOM 356601 Joist bracing devices, metal BLDG 344930 Joists, concrete BLDG 327221 Jordans, paper mill GIEQ 355400 Journal box packing, renovation machine, rail- road RAIL 353194 Jugs, insulated, other than vacuum CDGS 342930 Jugs, vacuum CDGS 342930 Juice extractors, electric, household CDGS 363430 Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable, canning.. GIEQ 355132 Jumpers, battery, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Jute TEXT 071900 Jute bagging, baling cotton TEXT 229900 Jute liners, container board PAPR 263100 Jute rope TEXT 229800 Jute roves TEXT 229900 Jute webbing TEXT 229900 Jute woven goods, except jute bagging or webbing TEXT 229900 Jute yarns TEXT 229900 K 311140 145500 329502 071900 229300 283343 353301 071900 384101 364263 364263 353160 358912 342940 317201 354101 366100 345201 354101 352288 355132 353231 356731 356731 356731 356731 356731 356731 373001 251400 251100 243100 251400 Kitchen chairs, wood CDGS 251100 Kitchen hand tools, stamped, except cutlery CDGS 346186 Kitchen sinks BLDG 343100 Kitchen stools, metal CDGS 251400 Kitchen stools, wood CDGS 251100 Kitchen tables, metal CDGS 251400 Kitchen tables, wood CDGS 251100 Kitchen utensils, cast iron CDGS 332141 Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed, stainless steel CDGS 346101 Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed, tinware. CDGS 346140 Kitchen utensils, vitreous enameled CDGS 346111 Kitchenware, china, commercial CDGS 326200 Kitchenware, china, household CDGS 320200 Kitchenware, earthenware, commercial CDGS 326300 Kitchenware, earthenware, household CDGS 326300 Kitchenware, glass, handmade, except cooking ware CDGS 322900 Kitchenware, glass, machine-made, except cook- ing CDGS 322900 Kitchenware goods, wire CDGS 348191 Kitchenware, plastic, commercial CDGS 307910 Kitchenware plastic, household CDGS 307910 Kitchenware, porcelain, commercial CDGS 326200 Kitchenware, porcelain, household CDGS 326200 Kitchenware, stoneware, commercial CDGS 326901 Kitchenware, stoneware, household CDGS 326901 Kits, tight, coopered CONT 244502 Kits, wooden, shipping, tight, coopered CONT 244502 Klystrons ETRX 367302 Knee cushions, rubber RUBR 306371 Knife handles, hard rubber...:.. RUBR 306249 Knife handles, operating surgical SITE 384101 Knife sharpeners, electric, household CDGS 363430 Knit fabrics. (See specific kind.) Knit underwear mills TEXT 225400 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description - < Division code Knitting machine needles __________ GIEQ 390420 Knitting machines, hosiery, circular _______ ___ GIEQ 355200 Knitting machines, hosiery, full fashioned. GIEQ 355200 Knitting machines, except hosiery GIEQ 355200 Knives, draw GCOM 342321 Knives, fishing CDGS 342110 Knives, hay GCOM 342321 Knives, hunting CDGS 342110 Knives, machine, except metal cutting GCOM 342321 BDSA Product Product description Division code Knives, metal cutting MWEQ 354510 Knives, operating, surgical SITE 384101 Knives, pocket CDGS 342110 Knives, surgical SITE 384101 Knobs, glass CDGS 322900 Knobs, control, electronic equipment ETRX 367957 Knurling wheels, metalworking MWEQ 354510 Krypton CHEM 281302 Kyanite, concentrates MSMN 145900 Labeling machines GIEQ 356904 Labels, packing, paper PAPR 264952 Labels, letterpress or gravure printed PRIN 275100 Labels, lithographed PRIN 275200 Labels, commercial printing, except litho- graphic PRIN 275100 Labels, woven TEXT 224100 Laboratory balance attachments, precision SITE 381122 Laboratory balances, precision SITE 381122 Laboratory cabinets and cases SITE 381121 Laboratory ecmipment, dental SITE 384300 Laboratory fume hoods SITE 381121 Laboratory glassware CDGS 322900 Laboratory instructors' tables SITE 381121 Laboratory instruments SITE 381124 Laboratory seismographs SITE 381124 Laboratory sinks SITE 381121 Laboratory student tables SITE 381121 Laboratory tables SITE 381121 Lace machinery, textile GIEQ 355200 Lace, nottingham, except curtains TEXT 229200 Laces, auto wind, cotton TEXT 224100 Laces, barmen and levers machine TEXT 229200 Laces, corset, cotton TEXT 224100 Laces, shoe, cotton TEXT 224100 Lacquer base adhesives CHEM 289130 Lacquer thinners CHEM 285181 Lacquering of metal products SER V 347900 Lacquers CHEM 285183 Lactic acid CHEM 288761 Ladder and wheel ditchers, heavy duty, non- farm tvpe CMEQ 353193 Ladder stock, hardwood LUMB 242622 Ladder stock, softwood LUMB 242170 Ladders, aerial, metal SERV 349908 Ladders, aerial, wood SERV 249955 Ladders, extension, wood SERV 249955 Ladders, metal, fixed BLDG 344910 Ladders, metal, portable SERV 349908 Ladders, rung, nonextension, wood SERV 249955 Ladders, scaffolding, wood SERV 249955 Ladders, ships SHIP 373001 Ladles, foundry MWEQ 355921 Ladles, steel mill MWEQ 355922 Lakes, synthetic organic CHEM 281596 Laminated glass. (See Glass, laminated:) Laminated plastic products CHEM 307901 Laminating presses, plastic working GIEQ 355930 Laminating presses, wood GIEQ 355310 Laminations and cores, electronic transformer and reactor ETRX 367957 Lamp and lantern globes, oil and electric, glass CDGS 322900 Lamp bases, china CDGS 326901 Lamp bases, earthenware CDGS 326901 Lamp bases, electric CDGS 369921 Lamp bases, porcelain CDGS 326901 Lamp bases, stoneware CDGS 326901 Lampblack CHEM 281633 Lamp chimneys, glass CDGS 322900 Lamp component parts, fluorescent, portable. _ CDGS 364203 Lamp component parts, incandescent, portable. CDGS 364205 Lamp components, electric, except bulb blanks. CDGS 369921 Lamp, desk, flourescent CDGS 364203 Lamp fixtures, infrared ELEC 364254 Lamp fixtures, ultraviolet ELEC 364254 Lamp parts, glass CDGS 322900 Lamp shades, except metal and glass CDGS 398700 Lampholder caps, incandescent. . ELEC 364301 Lampholders, fluorescent, cold cathode ELEC 364301 Lampholders, fluorescent, except. cold cathode. _ ELEC 364301 513404°— 60 4 Lampholders, incandescent, metal shell, except outlet box ELEC 364301 Lampholders, incandescent, outlet box ELEC 364301 Lamphouses, arc, motion picture projector, 35-mm MOTP 386102 Lamps, automotive, glass sealed beam, electric. CDGS 364100 Lamps, automotive, metal sealed beam, electric. CDGS 364100 Lamps, bacterial, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, bed, incandescent, with shade CDGS 364205 Lamps, bed, incandescent, without shade CDGS 364205 Lamps, black light, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, boudoir, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, boudoir, without shade, incandescent. _ CDGS 364205 Lamps, bridge, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, bridge, without shade, incandescent CDGS 3642()5 Lamps, carbide CDGS 364263 Lamps, Christmas tree, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, dental instrument, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, desk, fluorescent CDGS 364253 Lamps, flashlight, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, floor, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, floor, without shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, fluorescent, hot cathode CDGS 364100 Lamps, gasoline CDGS 364263 Lamps, general lighting, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, germicidal, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, glow, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, infra-red drying, industrial CDGS 364100 Lamps, infra-red heat, therapeutic CDGS 364100 Lamps, kerosene CDGS 364263 Lamps, medical instrument, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, mercury, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, mine, safety SITE 384230 Lamps, photochemical, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, photoenlarger, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, photoflash, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, photoflood, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, pinup, without shades CDGS 364205 Lamps, pinup, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, pinup, without shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, portable, fluorescent CDGS 364203 Lamps, reflector, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, sodium, electric . CDGS 364100 Lamps, sterile, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, sun, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, surgical instrument, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, table, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, table, without shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, 3-light, electric CDGS 364100 Lamps, torch, with shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lamps, torch, without shade, incandescent CDGS 364205 Lampshade frames, wire CDGS 398700 Landing gear, aircraft AIRC 372911 Landing mats, aircraft, rubber RUBR 306298 Lanterns, flashlight hand portable, 1-5 cells. .. CDGS 364204 Lanterns, gasoline and kerosene CDGS 364263 Lanterns globes, oil and electric, glass CDGS 322900 Lanthanum MSMN 333972 Lanthanum ammonium nitrate CHEM 288330 Lanthanum chloride CHEM 288330 Lanthanum nitrate CHEM 288330 Lanthanum oxalate CHEM 288330 Lanthanum oxide CHEM 288330 Lapidary work, on diamonds CDGS 391300 Lapidary work, on synthetic stones CDGS 391300 Lapidary work, on other precious stones CDGS 391300 Lapping compounds, abrasive MSMN 329102 Lapping machines, except gear MWEQ 354101 Lapping machines, gear MWEQ 354101 Laps, abrasive MWEQ 329101 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY - BDSA Product Product description Division code Large screen theater television systems, inter- mediate film type only MOTP 386102 Laryngoscopes SITE 384101 Last sole patterns, except wood LEAT 249953 Last sole patterns, wood LEAT 249953 Lasts, boot and shoe, aluminum LEAT 249953 Lasts, boot and shoe, remodeled LEAT 249953 Lasts, boot and shoe, wood LEAT 249953 Latches, night BLDG 342940 Latex base emulsion paints CHEM 285146 Lath, gypsum BLDG 327520 Lath, gypsum, insulating (foilback) BLDG 327511 Lath, insulating board, plaster base BLDG 266112 Lath, metal, expanded or sheet BLDG 344930 Lath, wood LUMB 242182 Lathe chucks, metalworking MWEQ 354530 Lather mixers, barber shop . SERV 399931 Lathes, automatic between-center, single- spindle - MWEQ 354101 Lathes, automatic between-center multi- spindle MWEQ 354101 Lathes, automatic chucking, multispindle MWEQ 354101 Lathes, automatic chucking, single-spindle MWEQ 354101 Lathes, automatic screw, multispindle MWEQ 354101 Lathes, automatic screw, single-spindle MWEQ 354101 Lathes! axle MWEQ 354101 Lathes, bench, except turret MWEQ 354101 Lathes, boring MWEQ 354101 Lathes, brake drum AUTO 354841 Lathes, crankshaft MWEQ 354101 Lathes, dental SITE 384300 Lathes, engine MWEQ 354101 Lathes, engine, gap MWEQ 354101 Lathes, home workshop MWEQ 354102 Lathes, shell MWEQ 354101 Lathes, speed MWEQ 354101 Lathes, spinning MWEQ 354101 Lathes, turret, bench, except vertical MWEQ 354101 Lathes, turret, ram, except vertical MWEQ 354101 Lathes, turret, saddle, except vertical MWEQ 354101 Lathes, turret, vertical MWEQ 354101 Lathes, woodworking GIEQ 355310 Lathes, woodworking, home workshop MWEQ 355320 Latrines BLDG 343100 Launderers' and dyers' nets TEXT 239900 Launders, concentrating, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Laundry dryers, domestic, electric CDGS 363310 Laundry dryers, domestic, gas CDGS 363321 Laundry drying tumblers, commercial SERV 358200 Laundrv equipment parts and attachments, commercial SERV 358200 Laundry equipment parts, household CDGS 363322 Laundry extractors, commercial SERV 358200 Laundry identifying equipment SERV 358200 Laundry ironers, flatwork, commercial SERV 358200 Laundry presses, commercial SERV 358200 Laundry puff irons SERV 358200 Laundrv sours CHEM 289919 Laundrv trays, metal BLDG 343100 Laurie acid CHEM 289403 Lauryl sulfate sodium salt CHEM 284345 Lavandinoil CHEM 289916 Lavatories BLDG 343100 Lavender oil CHEM 289917 Lavender spike oil CHEM 289918 Lawn benches, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn benches, wood CDGS 251100 Lawn chairs, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn chairs, wood CDGS 251100 Lawn chaise lounge, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn edgers, reel tvpe CDGS 352270 Lawn gliders, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn mowers, except rotary CDGS 352270 Lawn mowers, rotary CDGS 352270 Lawn mowers, sickel bar CDGS 352270 Lawn settees, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn settees, wood CDGS 251100 Lawn suites, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn suites, wood CDGS 251100 Lawn sweepers CDGS 352270 Lawn swings, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn tables, metal CDGS 251400 Lawn tables, wood CDGS 251100 Product description Lawns, cotton , _ ; _: Laxatives „_ ; Layers, rail Lead acetate _ ^ Lead arsenate „ ,_ _ ^ Lead, base bullion Lead castings. (See Castings.) Lead chloride Lead dioxide Lead matte and speiss Lead naphthenate Lead nitrate Lead ores and concentrates Lead paints Lead peroxide Lead, refined, unalloyed Lead, rolled, drawn and extruded products. (See specific shapes.) Lead scrap Lead stearate Lead subacetate Lead tallate Lead, white Leaders, fishing Leaders, roofing, sheet metal Leads, pencil, except mechanical pencil Leads, refill, mechanical pencil Leaf collectors, engine driven, municipal type__ Leaf, colored, aluminum Leaf, gold and silver Leather, aquatic Leather, ass Leather, athletic, ass Leather, athletic, colt Leather, athletic, goods, calf Leather, athletic, horse Leather, athletic, mule Leather, athletic, pony Leather, athletic, sheep and lamb Leather, bag, cattle, grain Leather, belting, curried, cattle, grain Leather belting, flat Leather belting, except flat Leather, belting, shoulder, cattle, grain Leather blackings and stains Leather, bottom stock, cattle, finished splits Leather, cabretta Leather, carpincho Leather, case, cattle, grain Leather, cattle, finished splits Leather, cattle, grain Leather, calf Leather, chamois, sheep and lamb Leather coats. (See Coats, leather.) Leather, collar, cattle, grain Leather, colt Leather, deer Leather dressings Leather, elk Leather, fancy, cabretta Leather, fancy, calf Leather, fancy, goat and kid Leather, fancy, sheep and lamb Leather, flat, cattle, grain Leather, fleshers, sheep and lamb Leather, garment, ass Leather, garment, cabretta Leather, garment, cattle, finished splits Leather, garment, cattle, grain Leather, garment, colt Leather, garment, goat and kid Leather, garment, horse Leather, garment, pony Leather, garment, mule Leather, garment, sheep and lamb Leather, glove, ass Leather, glove, cabretta Leather, glove, cattle, finished splits Leather, glove, cattle, grain, except athletic Leather, glove, colt Leather, glove, goat and kid Leather, gloves, horse Leather, glove, mule Leather, glove, pony BDSA Product Division code TEXT 221100 CHEM 283442 RAIL 353194 CHEM 288811 CHEM 287321 MSMN 333210 CHEM 288616 CHEM 288618 MSMN 333210 CHEM 288984 CHEM 288617 MSMN 103100 CHEM 285163 CHEM 288618 MSMN 333230 MSMN 941000 CHEM 288833 CHEM 288812 CHEM 288988 CHEM 281610 CDGS 394910 BLDG 344412 CDGS 395210 CDGS 395210 CMEQ 353106 MSMN 349702 MSMN 349702 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311120 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311130 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311110 LEAT 312101 LEAT 312101 LEAT 311110 CHEM 284247 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311120 LEAT 311130 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 CHEM 284248 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311120 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311130 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311130 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311130 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311110 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 LEAT 311140 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Leather, glove, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, goat and kid..-. _ LEAT 311140 Leather grease retainers LEAT 312101 Leather, handbag, cattle, grain...... LEAT 311110 Leather, harness, cattle, grain _ LEAT 311110 Leather, helmet, calf --.-. LEAT 311120 Leather, hog LEAT 311140 Leather, horse . LEAT 311140 Leather jackets. (See Jackets, leather.) Leather, kangaroo LEAT 311140 Leather, kip. (See Leather, cattle.) Leather, lace, cattle, grain . LEAT 311110 Leather, latigo, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, lining, ass LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, cabretta LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, calf LEAT 311120 Leather, lining, cattle, finished splits LEAT 311110 Leather, lining, colt LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, goat and kid ... LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, horse..-. LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, mule . LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, pony LEAT 311140 Leather, lining, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, mechanical, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, mule ... LEAT 311140 Leather novelties LEAT 319902 Leather oil retainers LEAT 312101 Leather, other LEAT 311140 Leather, other aquatic LEAT 3 1 1 1 40 Leather packings LEAT 312101 Leather, patent, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, peccary LEAT 311140 Leather, pig LEAT 311140 Leather, pig and hog LEAT 3 1 1 140 Leather products and products made partly of leather, industrial LEAT 312102 Leather, reptile LEAT 311140 Leather, roller goods, calf LEAT 311120 Leather, roller, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, seal LEAT 311140 Leather seals LEAT 3121.01 Leather, shark LEAT 311140 Leather, shearling LEAT 311130 Leather, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, skirting, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, skivers, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, sole, ass LEAT 311140 Leather, sole, belly, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, sole, chrome, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, sole, colt LEAT 311140 Leather, sole, head, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, sole, horse LEAT 311140 Leather, sole, mule LEAT 311140 Leather, sole, pony LEAT 311140 Leather, sole, retail, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, sole, shoulder, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, sole, vegetable tanned, cattle, grain... LEAT 311110 Leather, strap, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, textile, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, textile goods, calf LEAT 311120 Leather, upholstery, cattle, finished splits LEAT 311110 Leather, upholstery, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leather, upper, ass LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, cabretta LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, calf LEAT 311120 Leather, upper, cattle, finished splits LEAT 311110 Leather, upper, cattle, grain, except patent LEAT 311110 Leather, upper, colt LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, goat and kid LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, horse LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, mule LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, pony LEAT 311140 Leather, upper, sheep and lamb LEAT 311130 Leather, wallaby LEAT 311140 Leather, walrus LEAT 311140 Leather washers LEAT 312101 Leather, welting, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Leatherboard, wet machine PAPR 203100 Leathers, textile LEAT 312102 Leather-working machinery GIEQ 355953 Lecterns, church, metal SERV 253120 Lecterns, church, wood SERV 253120 Ledger paper PAPR 202100 Ledger, except sales books.. _ PRIN 278210 BDSA Product description Division Leg irons ODGS Legs (for plumbing fixtures) sink, lavatory BLDG Legs, furniture, turned, shaped and carved, wood LUMB Legume planters . ;. AGRI Lehrs, glass making GIEQ Lemon oil CHEM Lemongrass oil CHEM Lens blanks, ophthalmic. CDGS Lens blanks, optical instrument CDGS Lens caps, motion picture camera MOTP Lens caps, still picture camera MOTP Lens caps specifically designed for 8-mm cameras, 8-mm projectors, 10-mm silent projectors MOTP Lens caps specifically designed for personal use cameras MOTP Lens paper PAPR Lenses, automotive CDGS Lenses, eye-protective, except sun glass CDGS Lenses, lantern, machine made CDGS Lenses, ophthalmic SITE Lenses, photographic MOTP Lenses, projection MOTP Lenses, searchlight, machine made CDGS Lenses, special finished optics, unmounted SITE Lenses, sun glass CDGS Lensometers SITE Lepidolite, crude ... MSMN Letter presses. (See Presses, letter.) Letter signs, attraction, marquee SERV Levelers, land, farm size AGRI Level indicators, liquid SITE Levels, carpenters' GCOM Levels, surveyors' SITE Levels, toolroom MWEQ Lever assemblies, flush tank trip, plumbing BLDG Levers laces TEXT Library binders PRIN Library chairs, wood, upholstered CDGS Library furniture, household, metal CDGS Library suites, wood, upholstered CDGS Library suites, wood, not upholstered CDGS License plates, automobile SERV License tags, automobile SERV Lids, bottle, paper CONT Licorice root CHEM Lifeboats, civilian SHIP Lifeboats, military design SHIP Life preserver blocks, natural cork LUMB Life preservers, natural cork LUMB Life rafts, civilian SHIP Life saving clothing, vulcanized rubber RUBR Life vests and jackets SITE Lift mechanisms, desk, typewriter CDGS Lifting bags, rubber . RUBR Lifting machinery, rodless, oil field OFME Lifting magnets ELEC Lifts, automobile, service station type AUTO Light oils... CHEM Lighters, cigarette, except precious metal CDGS Lighters, gas welding GCOM Lighters, cigarette, precious metal CDGS Lighters, self-propelled, except special military design SHIP Lighters, self-propelled, special military design. SHIP Lighting carbons MSMN Lighting equipment accessories, nonelectric CDGS Lighting equipment, aviation ground, electric ELEC Lighting equipment, beacon, electric ELEC Lighting equipment, marine marker ELEC Lighting equipment, mercury vapor ELEC Lighting equipment, newels, street ELEC Lighting equipment parts and accessories, incandescent ELEC Lighting equipment parts, nonelectric CDGS Lighting equipment, vehicular route, electric. .. ELEC Lighting equipment, shiplane, electric ELEC Lighting equipment, sodium vapor ELEC Lighting equipment, street luminaries ELEC Lighting fixtures, aircraft, fluorescent ELEC Lighting fixtures, automobile, fluorescent ELEC Lighting fixtures, commercial, recessed, fluo- rescent ELEC Product code 342951 343100 242023 355230 355955 289919 289920 322900 322900 386102 380102 38G103 380103 202100 322900 322900 322900 385100 383101 383101 322900 383102 322900 385100 147900 399301 352289 382120 342301 381125 354530 343200 229200 278220 251200 25 1 -100 251200 251100 340131 340131 204511 283345 37:1202 373201 249942 249942 373001 30044 7 384230 342920 300288 353330 302930 353401 281410 399980 342301 391100 373130 373120 302401 304203 304252 304252 304252 304252 304251 304252 304203 304252 304252 304252 304252 304202 304202 304202 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Lighting fixtures, fluorescent, marine ELEC 3G4202 Lighting fixtures, general, industrial, fluores- cent ELEC 364202 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, commercial ornament ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, industrial general ELEC 364201 Lighting, fixtures, incandescent, industrial, ex- plosion-proof ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, industrial, vapor-proof ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, institutional, utilitarian ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, marine ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, incandescent, residential, outdoor ELEC 364201 Lighting fixtures, industrial, dust-tight, flu- orescent ELEC 364202 Lighting fixtures, industrial, explosion-proof, fluorescent ELEC 364202 Lighting fixtured, industrial, vapor-proof, fluorescent ELEC 364202 Lighting fixtures, railway car, fluorescent ELEC 364202 Lighting fixtures, residential, fluorescent ELEC 364202 Lighting glassware. (See specific kind.) Lighting outfits, Christmas tree CDGS 369922 Lighting, signal systems, railroad RAIL 366233 Lightning arrestors, power circuit ELEC 364404 Lightning rods ELEC 364303 Lights, dental SITE 384300 Lights, emergency warning, hand portable CDGS 364204 Lights, miners, hand portable CDGS 364204 Lights, operating room, medical, surgical SITE 384102 Lights, timing, automotive motor analyzers AUTO 354841 Lightweight aggregate, except vermiculite BLDG 329501 Ligroin CHEM 281451 Limbs, artificial SITE 384211 Lime bleaches, liquid CHEM 288233 Lime, hydrated .. CHEM 327401 Lime oil CHEM 289921 Lime spreaders — farm equipment AGRI 352230 Lime sulfur dust and sprays CHEM 287332 Lime sulfur, insecticides, agricultural CHEM 287300 Lime, Vienna, flour, grain, and superfine MSMN 327402 Lime, Vienna, ore MSMN 149900 Limestone building stone BLDG 328100 Limestone cut-stone products, except building stone BLDG 328100 Linaloe oil CHEM 289922 Line markers, municipal or traffic type CMEQ 353106 Line throwing guns SHIP 373001 Lined processing equipment, chemical GIEQ 355910 Lineman's hand tools GCOM 342301 Linen fabrics, dveing, finishing and printing TEXT 226200 Linen flake fabrics, spun rayon TEXT 222100 Linen type fabrics, spun rayon TEXT 222100 Liner stock, gypsum board PAPR 263100 Liners, grinding mill MMEQ 353220 Liners, perforated and polished rod, oil field OFME 353330 Lining fabrics, footwear, circular-knit TEXT 225600 Linings, carpet and rug, punched felt, hair and jute TEXT 229100 Linings, hat TEXT 239600 Link and relay equipment, audio and video ETRX 366220 Linkers, packinghouse GIEQ 355132 Links, surface rotary drilling, oil field OFME 353302 Linoleum tile, floor BLDG 398212 Linseed oil mill products FOOD 209000 Lintels, concrete BLDG 327221 Lintels, sheet metal, prefabricated BLDG 344435 Linter, cotton, pulp PAPR 261100 Lip cover stock, milk bottle PAPR 262100 Lipstick containers except precious metal CDGS 317202 Liquefication equipment, gaseous GIEQ 356902 Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders CONT 344341 Liquid level indicators SITE 382130 List finders, metal CDGS 346186 Lister attachments, except planting attach- ments AGRI 352202 Lister parts AGRI 352202 Listers with planting attachments, drawn or mounted AGRI 352202 Listers without planting attachments, drawn.. AGRI 352202 BDSA Product description Division Listers, without planting attachments, mounted. _ . AGRI Litharge CHEM Lithium compounds CHEM Lithium ores MSMN Lithographic plates, preparation of! PRIN Lithographic inks CHEM Lithographing PRIN Lithographing platemaking equipment GIEQ Lithopone CHEM Litter carriers, overhead AGRI Litters, hospital SITE Living room chairs, wood, upholstered CDGS Living room furniture, metal CDGS Living room suites, wood, upholstered CDGS Living room suites wood, not upholstered CDGS Loadbinders chain GCOM Loaders, bucket conveyor, material, yard type, portable CMEQ Loaders, hay bale, field- type AGRI Loaders, loose hay AGRI Loaders, manure AGRI Loaders, scraper, underground mining MMEQ Loaders, self-propelled units, belt pickup windrow type CMEQ Loaders, tractor shovel attachment, nonfarm type CMEQ Loaders tractor, wheel or crawler, nonfarm type. CMEQ Loaders, truck mounted CMEQ Loaders, underground mine MMEQ Lobbv displays advertising PRIN Lobelia CHEM Locaters, casing and tubing collar, oil field OFME Lock sets, door BLDG Lock trim, door BLDG Lock units, automotive AUTO Lock washers, ferrous GCOM Lock washers, nonferrous GCOM Lockers, luggage LEAT Lockers, metal SERV Lockers, wood SERV Locknuts, aircraft quality GCOM Locknuts, all types GCOM Locks, cabinet BLDG Locks, door BLDG Locks, luggage LEAT Locks, trunk LEAT Locomotive cranes and railroad wreckers CMEQ Locomotive leaf springs RAIL Locomotive repair parts RAIL Locomotive tenders RAIL Locomotives, cable reel, underground mine MMEQ Locomotives, Diesel, electric, underground mine MMEQ Locomotives, Diesel-electric, industrial RAIL Locomotives, Diesel-electric, mining, surface RAIL Locomotives, Diesel-electric, switching, surface. RAIL Locomotives, Diesel-electric A units, railroad road service RAIL Locomotives, Diesel-electric B units, railroad road service RAIL Locomotives, Diesel, mechanical underground mine MMEQ Locomotives, Diesel-mechanical, industrial RAIL Locomotives, Diesel-mechanical, mining, sur- face RAIL Locomotives, electric, industrial RAIL Locomotives, electric, mining, surface RAIL Locomotives, gas turbine, railroad road service. RAIL Locomotives, gasoline-mechanical, industrial RAIL Locomotives, gasoline-mechanical, mining, sur- face RAIL Locomotives, steam, industrial RAIL Locomotives, steam, mining, surface RAIL Locomotives, steam, railroad road service, ex- cept turbine RAIL Locomotives, steam switching RAIL Locomotives, steam turbine, railroad road serv- ice, turbine RAIL Locomotives, storage battery MMEQ Locomotives, straight-electric, railroad road service RAIL Locomotives, straight-electric, switching RAIL Product code 352202 281685 288340 147900 275200 289300 27520C 355501 281643 352288 384103 251200 251400 251200 251100 342912 353102 352260 352260 352230 353212 353106 353192 353192 353106 353212 399321 283348 353301 342940 342940 342913 345201 345201 316100 254201 254101 345201 345201 342940 342940 342953 342953 353105 349301 374131 374110 374101 374101 374121 374121 374110 374110 374110 374101 374121 374121 374121 374121 374110 374121 374121 374121 374121 374110 374110 374110 374101 374110 374110 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY JBDSA Product Product description Division code Locomotives, trolley, underground mine MMEQ 374101 Locomotives, underground mine and repair parts MMEQ 374101 Locust bean gum CHEM 283346 Log barkers, pulpwood GIEQ 355400 Log debarkers, lumber and plywood GIEQ 355310 Log, underwater, instruments, except military design SITE 381123 Logging arches, sulkies, and skidpans CMEQ 353103 Logging tools, hand ....' . GCOM 342301 Logs LUMB 241101 Loom attachments and accessories, power, except Jacquard GIEQ 355200 Loom attachments and accessories, power, Jacquard GIEQ 355200 Loom parts, power, except Jacquard GIEQ 355200 Loom parts, power, Jacquard GIEQ 355200 Looms, carpet and rug, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, cotton, multiple shuttle, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, cotton, single shuttle, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, ribbon, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, tape, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, webbing, power GIEQ 355200 Looms, wool, power GIEQ 355200 Loose-leaf binders PRIN 278220 Loose-leaf fillers, except printed PAPR 264910 Loran system equipment ETRX 366241 Lotions, after-shave CHEM 284498 Lotions (excluding hair and after-shave) CHEM 284480 M Machetes GCOM 342321 Machine chain, jewelers' findings CDGS 391200 Machine-gun belts, textile TEXT 239900 Machine guns CDGS 195110 Machine (job) shop products, n.e.c SERV 359905 Machine parts, glass CDGS 322900 Machine screw nuts, ferrous GCOM 345201 Machine screw nuts, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Machine screws, ferrous GCOM 345201 Machine screws, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Machine tool parts, except home workshop MWEQ 354101 Machine tool parts, home workshop MWEQ 354102 Machine tool rebuilding SERV 400000 Machine tools, rebuilt MWEQ 354192 Machine tools. (See specific kind.) Machinery guards, point of operation SITE 384230 Machinery, metalworking. (See specific kind.) Machinists' precision tools. (See specific kind.) Mackinaws and mackinaw coats, men's and boys' TEXT 232900 Magazine racks, household, wood CDGS 251100 Magazines PRIN 272100 Magazines, film, motion picture MOTP 386102 Magnesite, caustic-calcined MSMN 329502 Magnesite, dead-burned, grain . MSMN 329502 Magnesite ores MSMN 145700 Magnesium billets ALUM 334161 Magnesium carbonate CHEM 288452 Magnesium castings. (See Castings.) Magnesium chloride CHEM 288453 Magnesium ingots ALUM 334161 Magnesium oxide CHEM 288454 Magnesium perchlorate CHEM 288554 Magnesium peroxide CHEM 288564 Magnesium silicate CHEM 288477 Magnesium silicafluoride CHEM 288173 Magnesium sulfate (including Epsom salts) CHEM 288451 Magnesium stearate CHEM 288834 Magnetic amplifiers ETRX 367957 Magnetic clocks SITE 387100 Magnetic cores, HF ETRX 367957 Magnetic film for sound recording MOTP 386101 Magnetic pulleys MMEQ 353231 Magnetic recording tape ETRX 367955 Magnetic recording wire ETRX 367955 Magnetic tapes, pre-recorded ETRX 365200 Magnetometers SITE 381125 Magnetos, ignition, internal combustion en- gines AUTO 369401 Magnetrons ETRX 367302 Magnets, fishing, oil, gas and water well OFME 353301 BDSA Product description Division Loudspeaker parts, except transformer ETRX Loudspeakers, except radio ETRX Loudspeakers, radio, public address, etc ETRX Lounge cars, passenger train RAIL Lounging pajamas, woven, women's, misses' and juniors' TEXT Louvers, except sheet metal BLDG Louvers, sheet metal BLDG Love seats, wood, upholstered CDGS Love seats, wood, not upholstered CDGS Lubricating-oil outfits, pump and tank SERV Lubricating-oil pumps SERV Lubricating systems, industrial GIEQ Lubrication systems, locomotive RAIL Lubricators, rail and flange, railroad RAIL Luggage fabrics, cotton TEXT Luggage hardware LEAT Luggage locks LEAT Luggage, occupational, except leather LEAT Luggage, occupational, leather LEAT Lumber, dressed, except flooring LUMB Lumber, rough LUMB Lumberjackets, men's and boys' TEXT Lumbermen's rubber footwear RUBR Luminaires ELEC Lunch boxes, metal CDGS Lunch boxes, paperboard CONT Lutetium MSMN Lycopodium CHEM Magnets, lifting, electromagnetic ELEC Magnets, permanent GCOM Magnifiers, industrial, crime detecting and cartographic SITE Mail boxes, metal, fabricated CDGS Mail handling machines SERV Mail order books PRIN Mailing machine supplies SERV Maintenance machinery and equipment, except tractor mounted CMEQ Maintenance machinery and equipment, tractor mounted CMEQ Maleic anhydride CHEM Malleable iron castings STEE Mallets, surgical SITE Mallets, rubber RUBR Mandolins and parts CDGS Mandrake root CHEM Mandrels, casing, tubing and gas lift, oil well__ OFME Manganese borate CHEM Manganese chloride CHE)M Manganese dioxide CHEM Manganese metal STEE Manganese naphthenate CHEM Manganese sulfate CHP]M Mangrove extracts LEAT Manicure implements CDGS Manicure scissors CDGS Manicuring preparations. (See specific kind.) Manifold business forms, continuous PRIN Manifold business forms, unit set PRIN Manifold paper PAPR Manifolds, flowing oil and gas well OFME Mannikins CDGS Manometers SITE Mantels, wood, to be built in LUMB Mantles, nonelectric, incandescent CDGS Manure loaders AGRI Manure salts CHEM Manure spreaders AGRI Map mounting PRIN Map paper, chemical wood pulp PAPR Maps PRIN Maps, metal mounted PRIN Marble building stone BLDG Marble monumental stone BLDG Marbles, glass CDGS Marine chronometers SITE Marine clocks SITE Marine depth-finding equipment, electronic ETRX Marine joiner hardware BLDG Product code 367953 367953 367953 374210 234100 344910 344435 251200 251100 358600 358600 356903 374131 353194 221100 342953 342953 316100 316100 212120 242110 232900 302122 364251 346180 265100 333972 283351 362930 349906 383102 349905 357902 273100 357902 353192 353106 288762 332200 384101 306298 393140 283352 353302 288222 288351 288352 333971 288985 288353 286121 342110 342110 276100 276100 262100 353330 399936 384101 243100 364233 352230 287191 352230 278900 262100 274132 274131 328100 328100 322900 387100 387100 366241 342940 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Marine laminates LUMB Marine paints, except shipbottom CHEM Marine paints, shipbottom CHEM Marker lights, electric ELEC Markers, highway, nonelectric, metal, except porcelain enameled SERV Markers, line, municipal or traffic type CMEQ Marking devices SERV Marking machines GIEQ Marking tools, metalworking MWfiQ Marquisettes, cotton TEXT Marquisettes, rayon TEXT Mascara CHEM Masks and bandages, heating SITE Masks, dust SITE Masks, gas, civilian SITE Masons' tools, hand GCOM Mass spectrographs SITE ' Masting, sectional, antenna supporting ETRX Masts, drilling OFME Masts, heavy, marine SHIP Match board PAPR Matchers, woodworking, except hand-held GIEQ Matches LUMB Materials strength test instruments SITP2 Matrices, printing PRIN Matrices, tire repairing GIEQ Matrices, type, printing GIEQ Matrix paper PAPR Mats, automotive, rubber RUBR Mats, fiber, except wool TEXT Mats, landing, aircraft, rubber RUBR Mats, rubber, except automotive — RUBR Mats, table and dresser, except lace TEXT Matting, rolls, rubber RUBR Mattress cores, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR Mattresses, air and water, rubber RUBR Mattresses, infants' crib CDGS Mattresses, innerspring CDGS Mattresses, latex foam rubber, except infants' _ CDGS Mattress pads, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR Mattress protectors, quilted TEXT Mattress toppers, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR Mauls GCOM Measuring cans, steel CDGS Measuring equipment, radio frequency SITE Measuring instruments, receiving, tube char- acteristics SITE Meat bagging fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Meat packing plant machinery GIEQ Meat-products industries FOOD Meat trays CONT Mechanical drawing paper, rag content PAPR Mechanical leather, cattle, grain LEAT Mechanical presses. (See Presses.) Mechanical stokers, parts and attachments, 1,201 pounds capacity and over POWR Mechanical stokers, parts and attachments, up to 1,200 pounds capacity BLDG Medical apparel, washable TEXT Medical instruments. ( cubic feet and over CMEQ Mixers, bituminous. (See Bituminous mixers.) Mixers, concrete. (See Concrete mixers.) Mixers, drink, commercial (electric) CDGS Mixers, feed, farm size AGRI Mixers, food, electric household CDGS Mixers, food except drink, commercial, power driven electric CDGS Mixers, paving mortar, plaster, paving 3H cubic feet and over CMEQ Mixers, soil cement stabilization, 2>% cubic feet or over CMEQ Mixes, dry, dessert, gelatin base FOOD Mobile dwellings BLDG Model sets, toy, construction CDGS Models, miniature, except toy CDGS Models, torso SITE Modified sodas CHEM Mohair tops and noils TEXT Moisture-vapor barrier paper PAPR Molded plastic containers CONT Molded plastic products CHEM Molders, woodworking, except hand-held 1__ GIEQ Molding and trim, metal, retaining (including shapes and forms) BLDG Molding machines and processing equipment, foundry MWEQ Molding, wood LUMB Molds, compression metalworking MWEQ Molds, industrial, wood or metal MWEQ Molds, ingot, gray iron casting STEE Molds, injection, metalworking MWEQ Molds, made of metal, metalworking MWEQ Molds, type metal, printing GIEQ Moleskins, cotton _._ TEXT Molybdate chrome, orange C.P CHEM Molybdenum disulfide CHEM Product code 354101 354101 354101 354101 355941 353220 352285 355955 353220 353220 353220 353220 353220 243100 262100 395500 353211 241101 353211 242110 329600 329600 342301 192900 353232 249910 249910 384300 323100 323100 384101 335605 366251 342500 355501 342301 394920 288116 287110 363430 363430 353160 355122 352285 363430 355122 353160 353160 209000 379100 394100 399936 3S4211 281233 229700 264920 307995 307902 355310 344230 355921 243100 354420 354420 332100 354420 354420 355501 221100 281656 2SS621 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Molybdenum compounds for metallurgical pur- poses STEE Molybdenum, metal STEE Molybdenum oxide, except for metallurgical use. CHEM Molybdenum, powder STEE Monazite MSMN Monel, blocks and other primary forms ' MSMN Monel castings » MSMN Monel, rolled, drawn and extruded products. (See specific shapes under nickel and nickel- base alloys.) 1 Monitoring equipment, AM, FM, and TV broadcast ETRX Monitoring equipment, broadcast test SITE Monitors, hydraulic, mining MMEQ Monoammonium phosphate CHEM Monocalcium phosphate CHEM Monochlorodifluoromethane CHEM Monochloroheptafluorocy clobutane CHEM Monochloropentafluoroethane CHEM Monopotassium phosphate CHEM Monorail systems GIEQ Monosodium phosphate CHEM Montan wax CHEM Monumental stone. (See specific material.) Mooring rings, heavy, marine SHIP Mops, metal containing CDGS Morphine and salts CHEM Morpholine CHEM Morse equipment, telegraphic CO MM Mortars (cement), bonding, high-temperature, nonclay refractory STEE Mortars (cement), bonding, high-temperature, clay refractory STEE Morticians' goods. (See specific kind.) Mortisers, woodworking, except hand-held GIEQ Mosquito netting made in textile mills TEXT Mosquito netting, warp-knit (made in knitting mills) TEXT Mothproof bags, paper CONT Motion picture film. (See Film, motion- picture.) Motion picture projectors. (See Projectors.) Motor carriages, artillery pieces AUTO Motor coaches, except trolley busses AUTO Motor graders CMEQ Motor heaters, automotive ; AUTO Motor parts, Diesel-electric vehicle ELEC Motor parts, gasoline-electric vehicle ELEC Motor parts, railway ELEC Motor parts, storage-battery vehicle ELEC Motor scooter parts CDGS Motor scooters CDGS Motor tillers AGRI Motor vehicle hardware AUTO Motor vehicle instruments, except speedometers, AUTO Motor vehicles. (See specific kind.) Motorbike parts CDGS Motorbikes CDGS Motorboats, inboard, civilian SHIP Motorboats, inboard, military design SHIP Motorcycle parts CDGS Motorcycle sidecars CDGS Motorcycles CDGS Motor-generator combinations, synchro and servo type ELEC Motor-generator set, parts ELEC Motor-generator sets, double current generator. ELEC Motorized scrapers, overhung engine design CMEQ Motors, aircraft, fractional horsepower, special, except synchronous ELEC Product code 281992 333971 288619 339913 109900 334163 336902 366220 361122 353212 288421 288424 288841 288849 288846 288432 353620 288436 299992 373001 239201 283325 288992 366100 329702 325501 355310 221100 225600 264310 371740 371730 353106 371764 362104 362104 362104 362104 375100 375100 352281 342913 382140 375100 375100 373202 373201 375100 375100 375100 362104 362160 362103 353103 362103 BDSA Product description Division Motors, a.c, polyphase, induction, integral horsepower ELEC Motors, a.c, single phase, integral horsepower. ELEC Motors, a.c, synchronous, integral horsepower. ELEC Motors, cranking, farm tractor AUTO Motors, Diesel-electric locomotive ELEC Motors, Diesel-electric rail car ELEC Motors, Diesel-electric truck and bus ELEC Motors, d.c, fractional horsepower ELEC Motors, d.c, integral horsepower ELEC Motors, gasoline-electric locomotive ELEC Motors, gasoline-electric rail car ELEC Motors, gasoline-electric truck and bus ELEC Motors, hydraulic, special aircraft GIEQ Motors, mining locomotive ELEC Motors, multiple unit car, railway ELEC Motors, rapid transit car ELEC Motors, rotary pneumatic, aircraft GIEQ Motors, servo ELEC Motors, shaded pole, a.c, fractional horsepower. ELEC Motors, standard a.c, fractional horsepower ELEC Motors, starting, electric, internal combustion engines over 750 r.p.m AUTO Motors, storage-battery industrial truck ELEC Motors, storage-battery mining locomotive ELEC Motors, sub-fractional, under Moo h.p ELEC Motors, third-rail locomotive ELEC Motors, trolley car ELEC Motors, trolley locomotive ELEC Motors, universal, fractional horsepower ELEC Mounting bases, printing machinery GIEQ Mounting, dial, telephone COMM Mounting, jack, telephone COMM Mounting, key, telephone COMM Mounting, lamp, telephone COMM Mounting, plate, telephone COMM Mounting, protector, telephone COMM Mounting, relay, telephone COMM Mounting, resistance, telephone COMM Mounting, socket, telephone COMM Mounting, ring, precious metal CDGS Mountings, ring, semiprecious metal CDGS Mouth gags, surgical SITE Mouthpieces, cigar holder, hard rubber RUBR Mouthpieces, cigarette holder, hard rubber RUBR Mouthpieces, musical instrument CDGS Mouthpieces, smoking pipe, hard rubber RUBR Mouthwashes, including gargles and rinses CHEM Mowers, gang CDGS Mowers, lawn, except rotary CDGS Mowers, lawn, rotary CDGS Mowers, drawn, except lawn mowers AGRI Mowers, mounted or semimounted, except lawnmowers AGRI Mucilage CHEM Mucking machines, mine MMEQ Mud jacks, construction CMEQ Mufflers and scarfs: men's, youths', and boys' (made from purchased woven or knit fabric). TEXT Mufflers made in knitting mills TEXT Mullite MSMN Multicouplers ETRX Multilith machines, offset SERV Multiplex equipment, telegraph COMM Muriate of potash CHEM Muriatic acid CHEM Music, sheet PRIN Musical instrument cases, except precious metal. LE AT Musical instruments, except pianos and organs. CDGS Muslin bed sheetings, 42 inches and wider TEXT Myristic acid CHEM Product code 362121 362121 362121 369401 362104 362104 362104 362110 362121 362104 362104 362104 356101 362104 362104 362104 356101 362104 362110 362110 369401 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 362110 355501 366100 366100 366100 366100 366100 366100 366100 366100 366100 391100 391100 384101 306247 306247 393140 306247 284464 352270 352270 352270 352260 352260 289160 353212 353106 232300 225300 329704 366260 357901 366100 288462 288102 274132 316100 393140 221100 289406 N Nail enamel removers — manicure preparations. CHEM 284490 Nail enamels — manicure preparations CHEM 284489 Nail lacquer removers — manicure preparations. CHEM 284490 1 Denotes controlled material. Nail lacquers — manicure preparations CHEM 284489 Nailed and lock corner boxes and crates, wood, including wood and fiber combination CONT 244113 Nailing machines, woodworking GIEQ 355310 Nails, bright steel wire " - STEE 331590 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Nails, cement-coated steel wire » STEE 33 1 520 Nails, collar, ferrous GCOM 331520 Nails, collar, nonferrous GCOM 339921 Nails, double headed, ferrous GCOM 331520 Nails, double headed, nonferrous GCOM 339921 Nails, foundry chilled GCOM 331520 Nails, galvanized and painted steel wire ' STEE 331520 Nails, hip fracture, fixation SITE 384211 Nails, horseshoe GCOM 331520 Nails, lead-headed GCOM 331520 Nails, nonferrous GCOM 339921 Nails, screw GCOM 331520 Nails, shoe GCOM 331520 Nails, steel cut, except horseshoe and lead- headed « STEE 331590 Nails, steel wire, other coated GCOM 331520 Name plates, panels, and identification tags, except military GCOM 399934 Naphthalene, crude CHEM 281480 Naphthalene, refined CHEM 281564 Naphthenates CHEM 281565 Naphthenic acid CHEM 288973 Naphthenic compounds CHEM 281566 Naphthol CHEM 281567 Napkin making machines, paper GIEQ 355400 Napkin paper stock PAPR 262100 Napkins, damask, cotton TEXT 221100 Napkins, sanitary PAPR 264941 Napkins, table, paper PAPR 264930 Napkins, textile, except lace TEXT 239202 Narcotics (preparations), all forms CHEM 283478 Narrow fabric mills TEXT 224100 Nautical instruments SITE 381123 Naval stores, gum. (See specific kind.) Navigation aids, electronic ETRX 366241 Navigation instruments, nautical and aero- nautical SITE 381123 Navigation watches, jeweled lever SITE 387100 Neat's-foot oil, sulfonated CHEM 284312 Necklaces, precious metal CDGS 391100 Neckties, men's, youths' and boys' TEXT 232300 Neckwear, except neckties, men's, youths' and boys' TEXT 232300 Neckwear, woven, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT 233900 Needles, crocheting CDGS 396423 Needles, darning CDGS 396423 Needles, hand knitting CDGS 396423 Needles, hand sewing CDGS 396423 Needles, hypodermic, dental SITE 384300 Needles, hypodermic, except dental SITE 384101 Needles, knitting machine, latch GIEQ 396421 Needles, knitting machine, spring-beard GIEQ 396421 Needles, phonograph, playback, metal ETRX 367955 Needles, phonograph, playback, precious metal or jeweled point ETRX 367955 Needles, sewing machine GIEQ 396421 Needles, shoe machine GIEQ 396421 Needles, surgical SITE 384101 Needles, suture SITE 384101 Neodymium MSMN 333972 Neon CHEM 281303 Neon tubing, glass CDGS 322900 Nepheline syenite MSMN 145900 Neroli oil (orange blossom) CHEM 289923 Nests, hens' trap and laving AGRI 352286 Nets and seines, except linen TEXT 229800 Nets and seines, linen TEXT 229900 Nets, launderers and dyers TEXT 229900 Nets, sports fishing CDGS 394910 Netting, cotton, except fishing TEXT 229800 Netting, cotton, fishing TEXT 229800 Netting, except cotton TEXT 229800 Netting, laundry, cotton TEXT 221100 Netting, woven wire ' STEE 348174 Network analyzers for computers SERV 357110 Networks, dividing, electronic ETRX 367951 Newels, street lighting equipment ELEC 364251 Newels, wood LUMB 243100 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Newsboard, solid PAPR Newspapers : PRIN Newsprint PAPR Nickel and nickel-base alloys, castings 1 MSMN Nickel and nickel-base alloys, rolled, drawn, and extruded products. (See specific shapes.) ' Nickel and nickel-base alloys, scrap MSMN Nickel compounds (see also specific kind) : Nickel carbonate CHEM Nickel chloride CHEM Nickel nitrate CHEM Nickel sulfate CHEM Nickel powder > MSMN Nickel, refined, unalloyed: Cubes and pellets, electrolytic nickel, ingots, oxide, pigs, ron- delles, shot, etc 1 MSMN Nicotine sulfate CHEM Nightwear and underwear made in knitting mills TEXT Nightwear fabrics, knit TEXT Nightwear fabrics, warp knit TEXT Nimonics, rolled, drawn and extruded products. (See specific shapes under nickel and nickel- base alloys.) Ninons, rayon ._ TEXT Nipples, pipe GCOM Nipples, rigid, conduit, electrical ELEC Nipples, rubber RUBR Nipples, solder (plumbing fittings) BLDG Niter cake CHEM Nitrate, ammonium, fertilizer grade CHEM Nitrate of soda CHEM Nitrate of soda-potash CHEM Nitrated cresols CHEM Nitric acid CHEM Nitro benzene CHEM Nitro phosphates CHEM Nitro starch CHEM Nitrogen columns GIEQ Nitrogen compounds. (See also specific kind.) Nitrogen (gas) CHEM Nitrogen generators GIICQ Nitrogen regulators MWEQ Nitroglycerin CHEM Nitrous oxide CHEM Noils TEXT Nonclay refractory brick. (See Brick.) Nonferrous castings. ( STEE 331761 Pipe, tin MSMN 335605 Pipe, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN 335603 Pipe unions and union fittings GCOM 349405 Pipe, water well casing, welded ' STEE 331762 Pipe, wood LUMB 249951 Pipe wrenches CGOM 342301 Pipes, tobacco CDGS 399933 Piping accessories; ferrous and nonferrous, cast, fabricated, forged, molded and wrought. GCOM 349407 Piping components, fire protection systems GCOM 342958 Piping, fabricated metal POWR 349801 Piques, combed and fine carded TEXT 221100 Pistols, civilian CDGS 195121 Piston pins AUTO 359902 Piston rings, compression type AUTO 359902 Piston rings, oil type AUTO 359902 Pistons, machined, aluminum AUTO 359902 Pistons, machined, except aluminum AUTO 359902 Pistons, machined, cast iron AUTO 359902 Pistons, machined, steel AUTO 359902 Pitch, roofing, coal tar BLDG 295220 Pitchers, vacuum CDGS 342930 Pitches CHEM 281494 Pitmans, drilling machine, nonportable — oil field OFME 353302 Place mats, paper PAPR 264952 Planer tools, except form, carbide tipped MWEQ 354510 Planer tools, form, carbide tipped MWEQ 354510 Planer tools, except form, high-speed steel MWEQ 354510 Planer tools, form, high-speed steel MWEQ 354510 Planers, double housing MWEQ 354101 Planers, openside MWEQ 354101 Planers, pit MWEQ 354101 Planers, plate MWEQ 354101 Planers, woodworking GIEQ 355310 Planes, woodworking GCOM 342321 Planimeters SITE 381125 Planing machines, metalworking, home work- shop MWEQ 354102 Planing machines, woodworking, home work- shop MWEQ 355320 Plank, gypsum, roof, metal edge BLDG 327511 Plank, interior board, factory finish BLDG 266112 Planks, extension, wood SERV 249955 Planters, bean AGRI 352230 Planters, beets AGRI 352230 Planters, cane AGRI 352230 Planters, corn, drawn AGRI 352230 Planters, corn, mounted AGRI 352230 Planters, cotton, drawn AGRI 352230 Planters, cotton, mounted AGRI 352230 Planters, garden or vegetable, drawn AGRI 352230 Planters, garden or vegetable, hand AGRI 352230 Planters, legume AGRI 352230 Planters, potato AGRI 352230 Planting machinery parts and attachments AGRI 352230 Plaques, metal.. CDGS 349905 Plaster base accessories, metal BLDG 344930 Plaster board liner stock PAPR 263100 Plaster, mortar mixers, and mortar boxes CMEQ 353160 Plasters, adhesive, medicated SITE 384212 Plasters, building, gypsum BLDG 327520 Plasters, dental SITE 384300 Plasters, industrial, gypsum BLDG 327520 Plasticators, plastics-working GIEQ 355930 Plastic caps, except glass container CONT 307902 Plastic caps, glass bottle CONT 307902 Plastic film, converted for packaging CONT 264310 Plastic tableware CDGS 307910 Plastic toys CDGS 394100 Plasticizers. (See specific kind.) Plastics material, cellulose. (See specific kind.) Plastics materials. (See specific kind.) Plastics products, not elsewhere classified CHEM 307902 Plastics-working machinery and equipment GIEQ 355930 Plate, black, chemically treated 1 STEE 331232 Plate, black, except chemically treated » STEE 331232 Plate glass. (See also Glass, plate.) Plate glass, untempered CDGS 321100 Plate holders, photographic, still MOTP 386102 Plate-rolling mills, glassmaking GIEQ 355955 Plate shearing machines, power- metal working. MWEQ 354201 Plate stock, food, paperboard PAPR 263100 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Plate washers, ferrous GCOM Plate washers, nonferrous GCOM Platens. (See Rolls.) Plates, aluminum 1 ALUM Plates, armor, forged, alloy steel, except stain- less STEE Plates, armor, rolled, alloy steel, except stain- less » STEE Plates, copper-base alloy ' COPR Plates, copper, unalloyed 1 COPR Plates, engraved, for printing PRIN Plates, except floor, alloy steel, except stain- less steel 1 STEE Plates, except floor, carbon steel : STEE Plates, except floor, stainless steel 1 STEE Plates, face, switch and outlet ELEC Plates, floor, alloy steel, except stainless 1 STEE Plates, floor, carbon steel 1 STEE Plates, floor, stainless steel J STEE Plates, glass, fluorescent lighting fixture CDGS Plates, glass, photographic MOTP Plates, gravure, prepared PRIN Plates, identification GCOM Plates, layout, metalworking MWEQ Plates, lead and lead-base alloy MSMN Plates, license SERV Plates, lithographic , prepared PRIN Plates, magnesium ALUM Plates, nickel and nickel-base alloys MSMN Plates, paper, stamped PAPR Plates, photoengraved PRIN Plates, photographic, glass, black and white MOTP Plates, pulp, molded PAPR Plates, rotogravure, prepared PRIN Plates, timber connector LUMB Plates, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN Plates, toolmakers, metalworking MWEQ Plates, turning radius, automotive mainte- nance AUTO Plates, wood, stamped CDGS Plates, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN Platforms, off-shore, oil well drilling SHIP Platforms, shoe, except wood LEAT Platforms, shoe, wood LEAT Plating metal products SERV Platinum compounds CHEM Platinum-group metals and alloys, rolled, drawn and extruded products. (iSee specific shapes.) Platinum-group metals, ores MSMN Platinum-group metals, scrap MSMN Platinum, unalloyed, refined MSMN Play suits TEXT Play suits, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Play yards, wood CDGS Playground equipment CDGS Playing card stock PAPR Playing cards, paper PRIN Pleating for the trade TEXT Plied yarn fabrics, rayon TEXT Pliers, dental SITE Pliers, hand tool GCOM Pliofilm bags CONT Pliofilm, converted for packaging CONT Plotters, radial line SITE Plow attachments, except planting attach- ments AGRI Plows, cane row AGRI Plows, cylinder AGRI Plows, disc, one-way AGRI Plows, disc, drawn, except one-way AGRI Plows, disc, mounted, except one-way AGRI Plows, ditching AGRI Plows, Great Plains AGRI Plows, harrow AGRI Plows, moldboard, horse drawn AGRI Plows, moldboard, mounted AGRI Plows, moldboard, tractor drawn AGRI Plows, rotary-tiller, field type AGRI Plowshares AGRI Plows, snow, railroad RAIL Plows, subsoil — farm equipment AGRI Product code 345201 345201 335220 331222 331240 335120 335120 275300 331241 331241 331241 364430 331241 331241 331241 322900 386150 275100 399934 354530 335605 346131 275200 335601 335603 265431 279300 386150 264621 275100 345221 335603 354530 354841 249957 335605 373001 313101 313101 347100 288053 109900 941000 333950 236900 233900 251100 394920 263100 275100 239500 222100 384300 342301 264320 264310 381125 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352202 352203 353194 352202 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Divisien Plows, wheatland AGRI Plug, caps, attachment ELEC Plug, paper stock, milk bottle PAPR Plugs, basin, rubber RUBR Plugs, cleanout (plumbing fittings) BLDG Plugs, electrical attachment ELEC Plugs and jacks ETRX Plugs, oil, gas and water well OFME Plugs, pipe, tapered, other than cast GCOM Plugs, telephone COMM Plumbing fixtures. (Sec specific kind.) Plumes, fancy CDGS Plushes, cotton or chiefly cotton TEXT Plushes, rayon TEXT Plutonium compounds CHEM Plvwood boxes, mailed and lock corner, ship- ping CONT Plywood drums, shipping CONT Plywood, hardwood LUMB Plywood, nonwood face LUMB Plywood, softwood, Douglas fir, exterior type__ LUMB Plywood, softwood, Douglas fir, interior type__ LUMB Plywood, softwood, other than Douglas fir, exterior type LUMB Plywood, softwood, other than Douglas fir, interior type LUMB Plywood-making machinery GIEQ Pneumatic casings. (See Tires.) Pneumatic tires. (See Tires.) Pocket knives CDGS Pocket watches. (See Watches.) Pockets for men's, youths', and boys' suits and coats TEXT Points, glazer GCOM Points, waterwell OFME Poisons, ant CHEM Poisons, rodent CHEM Polariscopes SITE Pole line accessories, except tools ELEC Pole line hardware, except transmission ELEC Poles, wood LUMB Polish, shoe, liquid, except white LEAT Polish, shoe, liquid, white LEAT Polish, shoe, paste, except white LEAT Polish, shoe, paste, white LEAT Polishers, portable, hand, electric MWEQ Polishers, portable, hand, pneumatic MWEQ Polishing and sanding machines, woodworking, except hand held GIEQ Polishing machines, floor, commercial SERV Polishing machines, floor, household CDGS Polishing machines, floor, industrial SERV Polishing machines, glassmaking GIEQ Polishing machines, metal, bench type MWEQ Polishing machines, metal, floor type MWEQ Polishing machines, metal, home workshop MWEQ Polishing machines, tumbler, plastic GIEQ Polishing machines, tumbler, rubber GIEQ Polishing machines, tumbler, wood GIEQ Polishing machines, woodworking, home work- shop MWEQ Polishing metal products SERV Polishing mills and tumbling barrels MWEQ Polishing preparations and related products. (See specific kind.) Polishing units, dental SITE Polishing wheels, cloth, except felt MWEQ Polishing wheels, felt MWEQ Polishing wheels, leather MWEQ Polo shirt fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Polo shirts, knit, men's and boys' TEXT Polethylene containers, rigid and semi-rigid packaging CONT Pollucite MSMN Polyalkalene sulfide type resin (Thiokol) CHEM Polyamide type resin (nylon) CHEM Polychloro and polyfluoroethylene resins CHEM Polyester resins CHEM Polyethylene CHEM Polyethylene film, converted for packaging CONT Polyethylene terephthalate ("Mylar") CHEM Polymethyl methacrylate CHEM Polystyrene plastics, extrusion molded CHEM Polystyrene plastics, injection molded CHEM Product code 352202 364301 262100 306298 343200 364301 367957 353301 345201 366100 396201 221100 222100 2S8054 244113 244300 243210 243240 243230 243220 243230 243220 355310 342110 239600 331520 353301 284202 284212 383102 364410 364410 241101 2S4245 2S4245 2S4245 284245 354821 354821 355310 358923 358922 358923 355955 354101 354101 354102 355930 355941 355310 355320 347100 355921 3S4300 329101 329101 329101 225600 225300 307995 147900 282186 282181 282182 2S2189 2S2155 264310 282192 282179 307902 307902 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Polystyrene resins CHEM 282150 Polyurethane resins CHEM 282194 Polyvinyl acetate CHEM 282136 Polyvinyl alcohol CHEM 282137 Polyvinyl butyral CHEM 282138 Polyvinyl chloride CHEM 282139 Polyvinyl formal CHEM 282140 Polyvinylidcne chloride CHEM 282141 Pongees, cotton TEXT 221100 Pontoons, rubber RUBR 306287 Pony leather. (See Leather.) Pool table plaving supplies CDGS 394920 Pool tables. _." CDGS 394920 Poplins, combed and carded TEXT 221100 Poplins, filament and spun rayon TEXT 222100 Porcelain electrical products, high voltage ELEC 326401 Porcelain electrical products, except high voltage CDGS 326402 Porcelain enameled products. (See Vitreous, enameled.) Porcelain kitchenware. (See Kitchenv^are, por- celain-) Porcelain refractory, electrical ELEC 326401 Porcelain tableware. (See Tableware, porce- lain.) Porcelain teeth SITE 384300 Porch benches, metal CDGS 251400 Porch benches, wood CDGS 251100 Porch chairs, metal CDGS 251400 Porch chairs, wood CDGS 251100 Porch chaise longues, metal CDGS 251400 Porch columns, wood LUMB 243100 Porch gliders, metal CDGS 251400 Porch rails, wood LUMB 243100 Porch settees, metal CDGS 251400 Porch settees, wood CDGS 251100 Porch shades, wood slat CDGS 259122 Porch suites, metal CDGS 251400 Porch suites, wood CDGS 251100 Porch swings, metal CDGS 251400 Porch tables, metal CDGS 251400 Porch tables, wood CDGS 251100 Portable crushing, screening, washing plants, mineral CMEQ 353191 Portfolios, stationery PAPR 264910 Portland cement BLDG 324100 Portograph outfits MOTP 386101 Position sensors, gyro-wound components ELEC 362104 Postage meter machines SERV 357121 Postage stamp merchandising machines SERV 358120 Postal cars, passenger train RAIL 374210 Postal permit mailing machines SERV 357902 Post card bristol stock, except bogus PAPR 262100 Post card paper stock PAPR 262100 Post cards, picture PRIN 274132 Post drivers and pullers, power, farm type AGRI 352001 Post office lock boxes... CDGS 349905 Poster cardboard, manila PAPR 263100 Poster displays, outdoor advertising PRIN 399321 Poster paper, book grade. PAPR 262100 Poster paper, ground-wood PAPR 262100 Posts, bumping, railroad RAIL 349904 Potash alum CHEM 288143 Potash caustic CHEM 281271 Potash salts, crude CHEM 287191 Potassium acetate CHEM 288813 Potassium aluminum sulfate CHEM 288143 Potassium bicarbonate CHEM 281251 Potassium bichromate CHEM 288262 Potassium carbonate CHEM 281261 Potassium chlorate CHEM 288543 Potassium chloride CHEM 288462 Potassium chromate CHEM 288264 Potassium citrates CHEM 288825 Potassium cyanide CHEM 288463 Potassium dichromate CHEM 288262 Potassium ferricyanide CHEM 288464 Potassium ferrocyanide CHEM 288465 Potassium hydroxide CHEM 281271 Potassium iodide CHEM 288182 Potassium magnesium sulfate CHEM 287192 Potassium metabisulfate CHEM 288467 'Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Potassium metaborate CHEM Potassium metal CHEM Potassium muriate CHEM Potassium nitrate CHEM Potassium perchlorate CHEM Potassium permanganate CHEM Potassium persulfate CHEM Potassium phosphate CHEM Potassium silicofluoride CHEM Potassium sulfate CHEM Potato chip machinery GIEQ Potato diggers, drawn AGRI Potato harvesters AGRI Potato planters AGRI Potato sorters and graders, farm size AGRI Pot cleaners, metal impregnated CDGS Pot cleaners, metal, not impregnated CDGS Potentiometers and rheostats (types used as electronic components) ETRX Pots, glass-house, clay, refractory STEE Pots, flower, red unglazed earthenware CDGS Pottery ware, art, china CDGS Pottery ware, art, earthenware CDGS Pottery ware, art, porcelain CDGS Pottery ware, art, stoneware CDGS Pottery ware, chemical CDGS Pottery ware, decorative, china CDGS Pottery ware, decorative, earthenware CDGS Pottery ware, decorative, porcelain CDGS Pottery ware, decorative, stoneware CDGS Pottery ware, industrial CDGS Pottery ware, novelty, china CDGS Pottery ware, novelty, earthenware CDGS Pottery ware, novelty, porcelain CDGS Pottery ware, novelty, stoneware CDGS Pottery ware, technical CDGS Poultry packing plant machinery GIEQ Pouring equipment, foundry MWEQ Powder, aluminum * ALUM Powder, artists' CDGS Powder, copper-base alloy ' COPR Powder, copper, unalloyed * COPR Powder, cosmetic CHEM Powder, face CHEM Powder, flaked, aluminum ' ALUM Powder, foot CHEM Powder, iron STEE Powder, lead MSMN Powder, magnesium ALUM Powder, nickel and nickel-base alloy ' MSMN Powder, solder — tin base or lead base l MSMN Powder, talcum CHEM Powder, tin MSMN Powder, titanium MSMN Powder, toilet CHEM Powder, zirconium MSMN Power capacitors ELEC Power connectors ELEC Power control unit attachments, tractor mounted CMEQ Power cranes. (See Cranes.) Power driven hand tools MWEQ Power induction relays SITE Power punches — metalworking MWEQ Power shovels. (See Cranes.) Power supplies, metallic rectifier type ETRX Power supply, vacuum tube type ETRX Power supply, vibrator type ETRX Power transformers. (See Transformers.) Power transmission, chain, roller, silent, con- veyor and special types GCOM Power units, electric, auxiliary, aircraft ELEC Power wire and cable. (See Wire or Cable.) Powers, pumping, oil well OFME Praseodymium MSMN Prayer books PRIN Preamplifiers, television ETRX Precipitators, chemical GIEQ Prefabricated and demountable buildings, metal BLDG Prefabricated building panels and sections, metal, for prefabricated and demountable buildings BLDG Prefabricated building materials, gypsum BLDG Product code 288223 288461 288462 288466 288552 288571 288578 288431 288179 288468 355134 352250 352250 352230 352285 329142 329142 367930 325501 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 326901 355132 355921 339912 395220 339914 339914 284495 284494 339912 284493 339913 339915 339912 339915 339915 284493 339915 339915 284493 339915 362910 361302 353192 354822 361131 354201 367957 367957 367957 356631 362140 353330 333972 273100 365120 355910 344922 344922 327502 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Prefabricated building panels, wood BLDG 243312 Prefabricated building sections, wood BLDG 243312 Prefabricated buildings, wood BLDG 243312 Prefabricated dwellings, metal BLDG 344922 Prefabricated dwellings, wood BLDG 243320 Prefabricated farm buildings, metal BLDG 344922 Prefabricated farm buildings, wood BLDG 243312 Prefabricated garages, metal BLDG 344922 Prefabricated garages, wood BLDG 243312 Prefabricated panels, curtain wall BLDG 344921 Preparing frames, textile GIEQ 355200 Preparing textile fibers for spinning (scouring and combing) TEXT 229700 Pre-recorded, magnetic tapes ETRX 365200 Preservatives, textile, nonpressure CHEM 285203 Preservatives, wood, nonpressure CHEM 285203 Preserving wood LUMB 249110 Pressboard, wet machine PAPR 263100 Pressboard, except wet machine PAPR 263100 Presses, clay working GIEQ 355955 Presses, dental SITE 384300 Presses, dry cleaning, tailor type, commercial SERV 358200 Presses, end wheel type, mechanical, metal- working MWEQ 354221 Presses, forging MWEQ 354201 Presses, gap or C-frame, mechanical, metal- working MWEQ 354221 Presses, glass GIEQ 355955 Presses, gravure, sheet-fed GIEQ 355501 Presses, gravure, web-fed GIEQ 355501 Presses, high speed automatic mechanical, metalworking MWEQ 354221 Presses, horizontal, mechanical, metalwork- ing MWEQ 354221 Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, extrusion MWEQ 354221 Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, horizontal MWEQ 354221 Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, vertical double acting MWEQ 354221 Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, vertical single acting MWEQ 354221 Presses, knuckle joint, mechanical, metal- working MWEQ 354221 Presses, laundry, commercial SERV 358200 Presses, letter, roll-fed, newspaper, flat bed GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, roll-fed, newspaper, high-speed platen GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, roll-fed, newspaper, high-speed rotary GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, roll or web-fed, rotary GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, rotary, sheet-fed GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, sheet-fed, cylinder, single color. _ GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, sheet-fed, cylinder, 2-color GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, sheet-fed, high speed cylinder GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, sheet-fed platen GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, web-fed, newspaper, flat bed GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, web-fed, newspaper, high- speed platen GIEQ 355501 Presses, letter, web-fed, newspaper, high- speed rotary GIEQ 355501 Presses, offset, sheet-fed, 1-color, not over 24 x 36 inch GIEQ 355501 Presses, offset, sheet-fed, 1-color, over 24 x 36 inch GIEQ 355501 Presses, offset, sheet-fed, multi-color GIEQ 355501 Presses, offset, web-fed GIEQ 355501 Presses, open inclinable gap, mechanical, metalworking MWEQ 354221 Presses, steeping, chemical GIEQ 355910 Presses, vertical arch frame, mechanical, metalworking MWEQ 354221 Presses, vertical straight sided, mechanical, metalworking MWEQ 354221 Presses, vulcanizing GIEQ 355941 Pressure canners, household CDGS 346101 Pressure cookers, electric, household CDGS 363430 Pressure cookers, nonelectric CDGS 346101 Pressure drilling equipment, oil field OFME 353330 Pressure instruments, industrial process SITE 382130 Pressure pipe, cast-iron, and fittings BLDG 332120 Pressure pipe, concrete BLDG 327212 Pressure recorder-controller systems SITE 382130 Pressure suits, aviator SITE 384230 Preventors, back flow (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Preventors, blow-out, oil and gas well OFME 353302 513494°— 60 5 BDSA Product description Division Preview machine MOTP Primers, blasting ORDN Primers, oleoresinous CHEM Print cloths TEXT Print rollers, motion picture MOTP Print rollers, still picture MOTP Printed circuits, electronic ETRX Printed resistors ETRX Printers film MOTP Printers' rolls. (See Rolls.) Printers, still picture MOTP Printing blankets, offset, rubber RUBR Printing bristols PAPR Printing, broad-woven fabric TEXT Printing equipment, motion picture film MOTP Printing inks CHEM Printing, letterpress, flexographic, and gravure. PRIN Printing machinery parts and attachments GIEQ Printing machines, telegraph CO MM Printing on metal PRIN Printing plate blanks PRIN Printing presses. (See Presses.) Printing, screen process PRIN Printing, spun rayon fabric TEXT Printing telegraph sets COMM Printing trade machinery GIEQ Prisms, lighting, glass CDGS Prisms, photographic MOTP Prisms, projection MOTP Prisms, special finished optics, unmounted SITE Probes, surgical SITE Processed food machinery GIEQ Processing of textile mill waste and recovering fibers TEXT Production machinery and equipment, oil and gas well. (See specific kind.) Professional apparel, washable TEXT Projection audio units, slide film ETRX Projector magazines, motion picture MOTP Projectors, contour SITE Projectors, lantern MOTP Projectors, motion picture, 8 mm MOTP Projectors, motion picture, silent, 16-mm with projection lamps up to 500 watts (except specifically designed for time and motion studies) MOTP Projectors, motion picture, sound, 16 mm., civilian MOTP Projectors, motion picture, sound, 16 mm., military MOTP Projectors, motion picture, sound, portable, 35 mm MOTP Projectors, motion picture, standard portable, 35 mm MOTP Projectors, pedestal base, still picture MOTP Projectors, slide MOTP Projectors, slide, for up to and including 2% x 2% slides only, with projection lamps of 200 watts or less MOTP Projectors, standard motion picture, 35 mm MOTP Projectors, still picture MOTP Projectors, strip film MOTP Promethium MS MN Proof boxes, bakery GIEQ Propeller blades, civilian aircraft AIRC Propeller blades, military aircraft AIRC Propeller parts, civilian aircraft, except blades. AIRC Propeller parts, military aircraft, except blades. AIRC Propeller shafts, automotive AUTO Propellers, adjustable, civilian aircraft AIRC Propellers, adjustable, military aircraft AIRC Propellers, constant speed, civilian aircraft AIRC Propellers, controllable pitch, military aircraft. AIRC Propellers, controlled pitch, civilian aircraft AIRC Propellers, fixed pitch, civilian aircraft AIRC Propellers, fixed pitch, military aircraft AIRC Propellers, marine, civilian SHIP Prophylactics, rubber RUBR Propionic acid CHEM Props, mine, adjustable MMEQ Prooyl alcohol CHEM Propylene glycol CHEM Propylene oxide CHEM Prostatic bags, rubber RUBR Product code 386102 289201 285164 221100 386102 386102 367954 367930 386102 386102 300298 262100 226100 386102 289300 275100 355501 366100 275100 355521 275100 226200 366100 355501 322900 383101 383101 383102 384101 355134 229400 232800 365130 386102 383102 386102 386103 386103 386102 386102 386102 386102 386102 386102 386103 386102 386102 386102 333972 355121 372301 372302 372301 372302 371761 372301 372302 372301 372302 372301 372301 372302 373001 306371 288785 353212 288786 288787 288788 306371 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division ■ code Prosthetic limbs SITE 384211 Protective clothing, asbestos SITE 384230 Protective paper stock PAPR 262100 Protectors, telephone COMM 366100 Protein fibers TEXT 282400 Protein resins CHEM 282176 Pruning saws, hand GCOM 342500 Prussiate of potash, red CHEM 288464 Prussiate of potash, yellow CHEM. 288465 Prussiate of soda, red CHEM 288484 Prussiate of soda, yellow CHEM 288485 Psyllium seed CHEM 283354 Public address systems ETRX 365130 Public-building furniture. (See specific kind.) Pugmills, brick making GIEQ 355955 Pugmills, clay working GIEQ 355955 Pull and polish rod equipment, oil field OFME 353330 Puller, bean AGRI 352250 Puller, vegetable AGRI 352250 Pullers and pushers (hand tools) GCOM 342301 Pullers, cylinder sleeve, automotive wheel- i maintenance AUTO 354841 Pullers, spike, railroad RAIL 353194 Pulleys, magnetic MMEQ 353231 Pulleys, marine, except power transmission GCOM 342912 Pulleys, mechanical power transmission, plain and V-groove type GCOM 356601 Pulleys, sash BLDG 342940 Pullovers, knit, men's and boys' TEXT 225300 Pulpboard, solid ground-wood PAPR 263100 Pulp, cotton linter PAPR 261100 Pulp, cotton staple PAPR : 261100 Pulp, de-inked paper PAPR 261100 Pulp distributors, coal preparation, and ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Pulp, flax PAPR 261100 Pulp goods, pressed. (See specific kind.) Pulplogs LUMB 241101 Pulp mill bleaching equipment GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill deckers GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill digesters GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill grinders GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill machinery parts and attachments GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill recovery room equipment GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill savealls GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill screens GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill thickeners GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill washers GIEQ 355400 Pulp mill wet lap machines GIEQ 355400 Pulp, rag PAPR 261100 Pulp, straw PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, chemfibre PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, chemipulp PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, defibrated PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, exploded PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, groundwood, bleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, groundwood, unbleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, off-qualitv PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, semichemical PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, soda, unbleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, sulfate, bleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, sulfate, semibleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, sulfate, unbleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, sulfite, bleached PAPR 261100 Pulp, wood, sulfite, unbleached PAPR 261100 BDSA Product Product description Division code Pulpwood, other than pulp logs PAPR 241102 Pulverizer attachments AGRI 352241 Pulverizers, mineral MMEQ 353220 Pulverizers, soil, farm equipment AGRI 352241 Pulverizers, sugar plant GIEQ 355133 Pulverizers, stalk AGRI 352241 Pumice and pumicite, crude MSMN 149500 Pumice and pumicite — grain, powder, and flour. MSMN 329102 Pump jacks, domestic water system AGRI 356130 Pump parts and attachments, industrial GIEQ 356101 Pump units, pneumatic GIEQ 356101 Pumping jacks, oil and gas field OFME 353330 Pumps, accumulators and assemblies, hydraulic, special aircraft AIRC 372911 Pumps and assemblies, fuel aircraft AIRC 372911 Pumps, and assemblies, vacuum, aircraft AIRC 372911 Pumps, centrifugal GIEQ 356101 Pumps, fuel, internal combustion engine, except aircraft, over 750 r.p.m AUTO 371762 Pumps, gasoline dispensing, airport fueling SERV 358600 Pumps, gasoline dispensing, filling station, computing SERV 358600 Pumps, gasoline dispensing, filling station, noncomputing SERV 358600 Pumps, glass CDGS 322900 Pumps, grease SERV 358600 Pumps, hand, domestic AGRI 356130 Pumps, lubricating-oil SERV 358600 Pumps, mixed flow GIEQ 356101 Pumps, propeller GIEQ 356101 Pumps, reciprocating, direct-acting, steam GIEQ 356101 Pumps, reciprocating, power-operated, except steam GIEQ 356101 Pumps, rotary GIEQ 356101 Pumps, slush, oil-well, except boiler-feed- . GIEQ 356101 Pumps, spray, hand-driven, agricultural AGRI 352282 Pumps, spray, power-driven, agricultural AGRI 352282 Pumps, subsurface, oil-well, except boiler-feed.. GIEQ 356101 Pumps, turbine, vertical GIEQ 356101 Pumps, vacuum, dry GIEQ 356102 Pumps, vacuum, except dry-vacuum GIEQ 356101 Pumps, windmill, domestic AGRI 356130 Punch-shear machines, power-metalworking MWEQ 354201 Punched card system machines ... SERV 357121 Punches, metalworking MWEQ 354410 Punches, paper, hand SERV 357902 Punches, power, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Punching machines, manual, metalworking MWEQ 354201 Purgatives, proprietary drug CHEM 283442 Purgers, oil well .. OFME 353301 Purifiers, mud drilling CHEM 289968 Putties, sash, wood and metal CHEM 285207 Putty softeners CHEM 285209 Puzzolan cement BLDG 324100 Pyrethrum flowers and extract CHEM 287311 Pyrites CHEM 288516 Pyridine CHEM 281553 Pvridine, crude CHEM 281471 Pyrometer tubes, porcelain CDGS 326901 Pyrometers SITE 382130 Pyrophvllite, crude MSMN 149600 Pyrophvllite, ground MSMN 329502 Pyrotechnic pistols, civilian CDGS 195121 Pyrotechnic pistols, military CDGS 195122 Pyrotechnics CHEM 289933 Quarry tile BLDG 325920 Quartz, crude MSMN 149900 Quartz, ground or treated MSMN 329502 Quartzite, crushed and broken MSMN 142100 Quartzite, dimension MSMN 141100 Quebracho extracts LEAT 286121 Quilts, man-made fiber and silk: made in textile mills TEXT 222100 Quilts, wadded, not made in textile mills TEXT 239202 Quinoline CHEM 281554 Quinoline dyes CHEM 281586 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY R BDSA Product description Division Raceways, surface, electrical ELEC Raceways, underfloor, electrical ELEC Racing forms PRIN Rack, cabinet, electronic equipment ETRX Rack, connecting, telephone COMM Rackets, tennis CDGS Racks, cable, telegraph, central office COMM Racks, clothing, office, metal SERV Racks, clothing, office, wood SERV Racks, drying, clothes, metal CDGS Racks, frame straightening, automotive AUTO Racks, oil and gas field, drilling OF ME Racks, surgical utility SITE Racks, telephone cable, central office COMM Radar beacons ETRX Radar, detection and warning systems ETRX Radar, fire control, airborne ETRX Radar, fire control, shipboard ETRX Radar, fire control, except airborne and ship- board ETRX Radar, search and navigation, airborne, com- mercial ETRX Radar, search and navigation, airborne, military ETRX Radar, search and navigation, shipboard, commercial ETRX Radar, search and navigation, shipboard, military ETRX Radar, search and navigation, except airborne and shipboard, commercial ETRX Radar, search and navigation, except airborne and shipboard, military ETRX Radar tube blanks, glass CDGS Radiac and infra red guidance and detection equipment ETRX Radiator cores, internal combustion engines, except aircraft AUTO Radiator enclosures, ornamental, sheet metal.- BLDG Radiator hangers GCOM Radiators, electric, steam, portable CDGS Radiators, heating, cast iron BLDG Radiators, internal combustion engines, except aircraft AUTO Radio altimeters ETRX Radio cabinets, wood CDGS Radio control equipment ETRX Radio direction finders ETRX Radio frequency measuring equipment SITE Radio-phonographs ETRX Radio-phonographs, AM-FM, table model ETRX Radio range systems equipment ETRX Radio receivers, AM-FM combinations ETRX Radio receivers, AM, console ETRX Radio receivers, AM, table model ETRX Radio receivers, airborne ETRX Radio receivers, AM, automobile ETRX Radio receivers, commercial, fixed, mobile, portable ETRX Radio receivers, AM, portable ETRX Radio receivers, FM ETRX Radio receivers, marine ETRX Radio receiving set chassis, wired ETRX Radio relay equipment, receivers ETRX Radio relay equipment, transmitters ETRX Radio relay equipment, transmitter-receiver ETRX Radiosondes ETRX Radio stampings, metal GCOM Radio and TV receiving and transmitting aux- iliary equipment ETRX Radio tube blanks, glass CDGS Radio tubes. (See Tubes.) Radio tuners, FM ETRX Radium compounds CHEM Radium ores MSMN Radium salts CHEM Rafts, rubber RUBR Rag pulp PAPR Rag rugs TEXT Rail cars, industrial, not for passenger use RAIL Product code 364430 364430 274132 367957 366100 394920 366100 252200 252100 349905 354841 353302 384103 360100 366241 366241 366241 366241 366241 366241 366242 366241 366242 366241 366242 322900 366241 371761 344436 349407 363430 343302 371761 366241 251100 366222 366241 361122 365101 365101 366241 365101 365101 365101 366212 365101 366212 365101 365101 366212 365101 366212 366211 360213 366260 346132 366260 322900 365101 288655 109400 288655 306287 261100 227900 374220 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Rail joint bars, carbon steel ' STEE Rail tie plates, carbon steel ' STEE Railbonds, propulsion and signal circuit ELEC Railings, metal BLDG Railroad car hardware RAIL Railroad car leaf springs RAIL Railroad car repair parts RAIL Railroad car seals RAIL Railroad equipment repair service RAIL Railroad heavy wrecking cranes CMEQ Railroad models, except toy CDGS Railroad locomotives. (See Locomotives.) Railroad signals, highway grade crossing, electric RAIL Railroad watches, jeweled lever SITE Rails, girder, carbon steel > STEE Rails, highway guard, metal BLDG Rails, light, tee and crane, carbon steel l STEE Rails, standard, tee and crane, carbon steel ' STEE Rails, wood LUMB Railway cars, street RAIL Railway cross ties, sawed LUMB Railway signaling equipment RAIL Railway specialty castings, alloy steel, except high alloy STEE Railway specialty castings, carbon steel STEE Raincoats. (See Waterproof garments.) Rain gauges SITE Rainwear, oiled fabric, women's and misses' TEXT Rakes, buck-horse drawn AGRI Rakes GCOM Rakes, side deliver} 7 AGRI Rakes, sulky-dump AGRI Rakes, sweep drawn AGRI Rakes, tractor drawn AGRI Ramie yarn, thread and textiles TEXT Rams, hydraulic, automotive maintenance AUTO Range 'boilers BLDG Range finders, camera, motion picture MOTP Range finders, camera, still-picture MOTP Ranges, commercial, electric CDGS Ranges, cooking, built-in domestic, except electric CDGS Ranges, cooking, commercial, except electric CDGS Ranges, cooking, domestic, except electric CDGS Ranges, electric, apartment house CDGS Ranges, electric, built-in CDGS Ranges, electric, standard household CDGS Rare earth compounds CHEM Rare-earth metal ores and concentrates MSMN Rare-earth metals MSMN Raspatories, elevator, ribs, right and left SITE Rasps, surgical SITE Rasps, woodworking GCOM Rate-generators, synchro and servo devices ELEC Rattan baskets CONT Rattan bassinets, infants' CDGS Rattan ware, except baskets and furniture CONT Rauwolfia serpentina and other species CHEM Raw-stock dyeing and finishing, except woolen and worsted TEXT Rayon. (See specific kind.) Rayon fabrics. (See specific kind.) Rayon fiber, recovered from clips and rags TEXT Rayon noils TEXT Rayon, staple TEXT Rayon tops TEXT Rayon tow and waste TEXT Rayon yarn TEXT Ray wind equipment ETRX Razor blades CDGS Razors, electric CDGS Razors, safety CDGS Razors, straight CDGS Reactors and chokes, audio ETRX Reactors, chemical GIEQ Reactors, current limiting ELEC Reactors and chokes, HF radio ETRX Reactors, nuclear. (See nuclear reactor.) Readers, microfilming MOTP Ready-cut lumber for building (dwelling, farm, etc:) LUMB Product code 331291 331291 364303 344910 342911 349301 374232 342911 420000 353105 399936 366233 387100 331291 344910 331291 331291 243100 374231 242110 366233 332300 332300 381124 238500 352260 342301 352260 352260 352260 352260 229900 354841 363901 386102 386102 358110 363101 358912 363100 363100 363100 363100 288380 109900 333972 384101 384101 342333 362104 249952 251900 249952 283355 226900 229400 229700 282320 229700 282320 282320 366260 342120 363420 342120 342120 367940 355910 361201 367940 386101 243313 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Ready-mixed concrete BLDG Reamers, carbide lipped, metahvorking MWEQ Reamers, carbon steel, metahvorking MWEQ Reamers, cylinder ridge, automotive AUTO Reamers, high-speed steel, metahvorking MWEQ Reamers, rotary subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Reaming machines MWEQ Rebabbitting machines, automotive shop type_ AUTO Rebuilt tires . RUBR Recapping machinery, tire GIEQ Receivers, radio, airborne ETRX Receivers, radio, fixed, mobile, and portable- commercial ETRX Receivers, radio, marine ETRX Receivers, radio, microwave ETRX Receivers, synchro ELEC Receivers, telephone COMM Receiving electron tubes. (See Electron tubes.) Receptacles, electric ELEC Receptors, rubber RUBR Receptors, shower BLDG Rechargers, magneto, automotive AUTO Reclaimed rubber RUBR Record cabinets, wood : CDGS Record changing mechanisms, automatic ETRX Record players, consumer types ETRX Recorders, disc, tape and wire, consumer type. ETRX Recorders, disc, tape and wire, commercial type_ ETRX Recording blanks, disc ETRX Recording blanks, except disc ETRX Recording equipment, disc, commercial ETRX Recording equipment, tape, commercial ETRX Recording equipment, wire, commercial ETRX Recording heads and pickups, commercial ETRX Recording instruments, electric, except control types SITE Recording tape, magnetic ETRX Recording wire, magnetic ETRX Records, phonograph, 33! ALUM Rods, fishing, metal CDGS Rods, fishing, except metal CDGS Rods, glass CDGS Rods, ground, electrical ELEC Rods, hard rubber RUBR Rods, laminated, plastic CHEM Rods, nickel and nickel-base alloy 1 MSMN Rods, polished, pull, pump, sucker, pony and sub, oilfield OFME Rods, rolled, aluminum 1 ALUM Rods, sewer _. GCOM Rods, shower BLDG Rods, tie or threaded GCOM Rods, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN Rods, welding, gas MWEQ Rods, wire, alloy steel, except stainless * STEE Rods, wire, carbon steel ' STEE Rods, wire, stainless steel l STEE Product code 353302 353302 353303 343200 385100 371762 391200 396100 391100 366100 366100 352288 356102 356101 396100 306478 306371 352288 306274 306274 359902 359902 391100 345201 306371 345221 284446 353301 353103 353192 243100 345201 345201 354841 354821 354821 354201 345201 345201 345201 345201 284202 363430 355955 238400 353232 251200 251100 251100 251400 251400 251100 251200 284212 335120 335120 342920 335250 394910 394910 322900 364301 306245 307902 335603 353330 335240 342301 343200 345201 335603 348192 331222 331222 331222 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Rods, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN 335605 Roller bearings, cylindrical, unmounted, except thrust GCOM 350200 Roller bearings, mounted GCOM 35620() Roller bearings, needle, unmounted GCOM 350200 Roller bearings, taper, unmounted, except thrust GCOM 350200 Roller bearings, thrust, unmounted GCOM 350200 Rollers, ink, printing trade GIEQ 355501 Rollers, land AGRI 352241 Rollers, printing, textile GIEQ 355200 Rollers, print, film MOTP 380102 Rollers, road, 2 and 3 wheel, tandem, pulled.-- CMEQ 353106 Rollers, sheep's foot, patch, soil compactors and trench CMEQ 353100 Rollers, support, rubber tracklaving vehicles RUBR 300283 Rollers, tire retreading GIEQ 355942 Rolling-mill machinery and equipment MWEQ 354801 Rolls, bending, angles, power-metalworking MWEQ 354201 Rolls, bending, bars, power-metalworking MWEQ 354201 Rolls, bending, plate, power-metalworking MWEQ 351201 Rolls, bending, shapes, power-metalworking MWEQ 354201 Rolls, bending, sheet, power-metalworking MWEQ 354201 Rolls, copper-base alloy l COPR 335120 Rolls, copper, unalloyed ' COPR 335120 Rolls, crushing, mineral, stationary MMEQ 353220 Rolls, except printers' rubber covered RUBR 300281 Rolls, forging machines MWEQ 354201 Rolls, paper, adding machine PAPR 204951 Rolls, paper, business machine PAPR 204951 Rolls, printers', rubber covered 1{ UBR 300280 Rolls, printers', solid rubber ... RUBR 300280 Rolls, rolling mill, allov steel casting, except high alloy^ 1 STEE 332300 Rolls, rolling mill, carbon steel casting STEE 332300 Rolls, rolling mill, gray iron casting STEE 332142 Rolls, except printers' and wringer, solid rubber RUBR 300281 Rolls, wringer, rubber RUBR 306282 Rompers TEXT 230900 Roof cement, solid asphalt BLDG 295220 Roof deck accessories, formed sheet steel BLDG 344411 Roof deck, formed sheet metal BLDG 344411 Roof drainage equipment, sheet metal BLDG 344412 Roof insulation board BLDG 200112 Roof paints, except bituminous coatings CHEM 2851!)!) Roof plank, gypsum, metal edge BLDG 327511 Roof tile, gypsum BLDG 327520 Roof trusses, welded BLDG 344930 Roof ventilators, sheet metal BLDG 344412 Roofing and siding accessories, aluminum BLDG 344411 Roofing and siding, metal, other than steel and aluminum, fabricated - BLDG 344411 Roofing, asphalt, individual shingles BLDG 295210 Roofing, asphalt, mineral surfaced roll BLDG 295210 Roofing, asphalt, smooth surfaced roll BLDG 295210 Roofing, asphalt, strip shingle ■_ BLDG 295210 Roofing, coatings, fibrous or non-fibrous BLDG 295220 Roofing, felt paper stock PAPR 200122 Roofing, galvanized, formed ' STEE 344413 Roofing pitch, tar BLDG 295220 Roofing shingles, asbestos-cement MSMN 329240 Roofing tile, clay BLDG 325920 Roofing trimmings, galvanized * STEE 344413 Root rakes, tractor attachments, nonfarm type- CMEQ 353192 Rooters, pull type, nonfarm CMEQ 353103 Rope, asbestos MSMN 329270 Rope, composite metal strand ' . STEE 348110 Rope, hard and soft fiber TEXT 229800 Rope, hemp TEXT 229800 Rope, iron wire ' STEE 348110 Rope shipping sack paper PAPR 202100 Rope spools CONT 340184 Rope, steel wire » STEE 348110 Rope, synthetic fiber TEXT 229800 Rosaries, costume jewelry CDGS 390100 Rosaries, precious metal CDGS 391100 Rose oil CHEM 289934 Rosemary oil CHEM 2S9935 1 Denotes controlled material BDSA Product Product description Division code Rosin ester resins (estergum) CHEM 282175 Rotary bending machines, manual, metalwork- ing 1 . MWEQ 354201 Rotary bending machines, power metal- working MWEQ 354201 Rotary forming machines, manual, metal- working MWEQ 354201 Rotary forming machines, power MWEQ 354201 Rotary pumps GIEQ 350101 Rotary slips OFME 353302 Rotary tables, surface drilling— oil field OFME 353302 Rotators, antenna ETRX 307955 Rotenone, insecticides CHEM 287340 Rotors, ignition distributor AUTO 309401 Rottenstone MSMN 149700 Rouges CHEM 284484 Rouges, except lip CHEM 284484 Round leather belting spools CONT 340184 Roving, asbestos MSMN 239270 Roving frame attachments and accessories, textile GIEQ 355200 Roving frames, textile GIEQ 355200 Roving, jute TEXT 229900 Rowboats, civilian SHIP 373202 Rowboats, military design SHIP 373201 Rubber balls, except tennis, bowling, and golf.. RUBR 300479 Rubber bans; stationers' RUBR 300471 Rubber boots RUBR 302121 Rubber cement RUBR 300403 Rubber, crumb or ground, vulcanized RUBR 303110 Rubber erasers, except pencil plugs RUBR 300475 Rubber film, unsupported, under 3.0 mills RUBR 300421 Rubber film, unsupported 3.0-5.9 mills RUBR 300422 Rubber film, unsupported 0.0-14.9 mills RUBR 300423 Rubber film, unsupported 15.0 mills and over.. RUBR 300425 Rubber footwear, lumberman's RUBR 302122 Rubber goods, industrial, extruded and lathecut, except tubing RUBR 306273 Rubber goods, industrial, molded except sponge, extruded and hard rubber RUBR 300271 Rubber products. (See also specific kind.) Rubber processing chemicals CHEM 288929 Rubber processing machines and equipment GIEQ 355941 Rubber reclaiming equipment GIEQ 355941 Rubber reclaimed RUBR 303100 Rubber soling slabs for shoes RUBR 300151 Rubber sponge chemically blown products RUBR 300258 Rubber sponge nitrogen blown products RUBR 300259 Rubber, synthetic. (See Synthetic rubber). Rubber top lift sheets for shoes RUBR 300151 Rubber thread, bare RUBR 300461 Rubber thread, covered RUBR 300402 Rubber, vulcanized, crumb and ground RUBR 303110 Rubbers, footwear RUBR 302120 Rubbing alcohol - . CHEM 283403 Rubbish burner cans, steel CDGS 340183 R ubidium . _ _- MS MN 333972 Rubidium compounds-.. ._- CHEM 288657 Rubv, synthetic MSMN 329904 Rudder 'assemblies, civilian SHIP 373001 Rudder bearers, civilian SHIP 373001 Rudder pintles and bushings, civilian SHIP 373001 Rug cleaners . CHEM 284238 Rug looms, power - GIEQ 355200 Rug yarns. (See Yarns.) Rugs', fiber, except wool TEXT 227100 Rugs. (See Carpets.) Rulers, metal - GCOM 342301 Rulers, wood CDGS 249957 Rules, folding GCOM 342301 Rules.log -_■■_■•_ GCOM 342301 Rules, printing trade GIEQ 355501 Rules, slide - SITE 381125 Rungs, furniture, turned, shaped and carved, wood LUMB 242023 Running boards, railroad car RAIL 374232 Ruthenium ores MSMN 109900 Ruthenium compounds CHEM 288058 Ruthenium, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Rutile ore and concentrates MSMN 109300 Ryania CHEM 287317 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY S BDSA Product description Division Sacks, shipping, paper, single, double and multiwall CONT Sacques, knit, children's and infants' TEXT Saddlery hardware LEAT Saddles'. LEAT Safe deposit boxes SERV Safes, bank night depository SERV Safes, bank and security lockers SERV Safes, burglary-resistive, metal SERV Safes, fire-resistive, insulated, metal SERV Safes, metal, interior equipment SERV Safety belts SITE Safety control devices, motion picture MOTP Safety devices, personal SITE Safety harness SITE Safety hats, industrial SITE Safety helmets SITE Safety paper PAPR Safety pins CDGS Safety razors CDGS Safety toes, steel, boot and shoe findings LEAT Sailboats, civilian, fixed auxiliary power SHIP Sailboats, civilian, nonfixed auxiliary power SHIP Sailboats, military design, fixed auxiliary power. SHIP Sailboats, military design, nonfixed auxiliary power. SHIP Sails, canvas TEXT Sales-book tissue stock PAPR Sales books PRIN Salicylic acid CHEM Saliva ejectors, dental SITE Sal soda CHEM Salt CHEM Salt cake, crude CHEM Saltpeter CHEM Salt processing machinery GIEQ Samarium MSMN Samplers, automatic, coal preparation MMEQ Samplers, automatic, ore dressing MMEQ Samplers, coal and ore MMEQ Samplers, mechanical, coal preparation MMEQ Samplers, mechanical, ore dressing MMEQ Sandalwood oil CHEM Sand, industrial (other than construction) MSMN Sand-lime brick and products BLDG Sand preparation and handling equipment, foundry MWEQ Sanders, disc, hand, electric MWEQ Sanders, disc, hand, pneumatic MWEQ Sanders, traction, automotive AUTO Sanding machines, floor SERV Sanding and polishing machines, woodworking, except hand held GIEQ Sandstone building stone BLDG Sandwich toasters, automatic, electric, house- hold CDGS Sanitary napkin merchandising machines SERV Sanitary napkin wadding stock , PAPR Sanitary napkins, except tampons PAPR Sapphire, synthetic MSMN Saran, monofilament, continuous TEXT Sarsaparilla root CHEM Sash balances BLDG Sash, combination storm and screen, metal BLDG Sash hardware BLDG Sash pulleys BLDG Sash, screen and storm, combination, wood LUMB Sash, storm, aluminum BLDG Sash, storm, steel BLDG Sash, storm, wood LUMB Sash, wood, except storm LUMB Sash, window, iron and steel BLDG Sash, window, nonferrous BLDG Sateens, cotton TEXT Satins, acetate TEXT Satins, crepe, rayon TEXT Satins, viscose TEXT Satin white CHEM Savealls, pulp mill GIEQ Saw blades, band, power, metalworking GCOM Saw blades, band, power, woodworking GCOM Product code 264330 225300 342954 319901 349200 349200 349200 349200 349200 349200 384230 386102 384230 384230 384230 384230 264952 396423 342120 313101 373202 373202 373201 373201 239402 262100 276160 281556 384300 281231 289910 288492 281587 355910 333972 353231 353231 353231 353231 353231 289936 144100 329903 355921 354821 354821 371764 358923 355310 328100 363430 358120 262100 264941 329904 282400 283357 342940 344201 342940 342940 243100 344201 344201 243100 243100 344220 344220 221100 222100 222100 222100 281665 355400 342500 342500 BDSA Product description Division Saw blades, circular, inserted tooth, power, woodworking GCOM Saw blades, circular, power, metalworking GCOM Saw blades, circular, solid tooth, power, wood- working GCOM Saw blades, hack, hand GCOM Saw blades, hack, power, metalworking GCOM Saw blades, hand GCOM Saw clamps, hand GCOM Saw frames, hand GCOM Saw guides, hand GCOM Saw holders, hand GCOM Saw parts and accessories GCOM Saw, teeth GCOM Saw wire, Gigli SITE Sawing machines, abrasive cutoff MWEQ Sawing machines, contour MWEQ Sawing machines, metalworking, home work- shop MWEQ Sawing machines, power hack saws MWEQ Sawing machines, rotary cold saws MWEQ Sawing machines, woodworking, except home workshop GIEQ Sawing machines, woodworking, home work- shop MWEQ Sawmill equipment GIEQ Saws, amputation SITE Saws, carpenters', hand GCOM Saws, chain GIEQ Saws, compass, hand GCOM Saws, coping, hand GCOM Saws, crosscut, hand GCOM Saws, buck, hand GCOM Saws, hand, electric, except chain saws MWEQ Saws, hand, pneumatic, except chain saws MWEQ Saws, miter, hand GCOM Saws, plaster, surgical SITE Saws, pruning, hand GCOM Saws, rail powered, portable, railroad RAIL Saxophones and parts CDGS Scaffolding ladders, wood SERV Scaffolding equipment, wood, except ladders SERV Scaffolds, metal SERV Scale accessories and attachments SERV Scale parts SERV Scalers, laboratory SITE Scales, except laboratory SERV Scales, laboratory SITE Scandium MSMN Scandium compounds CHEM Scarf pins, platinum and karat gold CDGS Scarfs, fur TEXT Scarfs, headwear, knit, women's and misses' TEXT Scarfs, table and dresser, except lace TEXT Scarfs, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Scenic railways SERV Schiffli-machine embroideries TEXT School bags LEAT School furniture. (See specific kind.) Schreinerizing fabrics TEXT Scientific glassware CDGS Scintillation counters SITE Scissors, bandage SITE Scissors, dissectiug and operating SITE Scissors, except manicure CDGS Scissors, manicure CDGS Scoops, crab CDGS Scoops, fish CDGS Scoops—hand GCOM Scoops, surgical SITE Scooters — children's vehicles CDGS Scooters, motor CDGS Scoured wool TEXT Scouring cleansers containing abrasives and soap CHEM Scouring cleansers containing abrasives only CHEM Scouring pads, metal, impregnated CDGS Scouring pads, metal, not impregnated CDGS Scows, nonpropellcd SHIP Scows, self-propelled SHIP Scrap, iron and steel STEE Product code 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 342500 384101 354101 354101 354102 354101 354101 355310 355320 355310 384101 342500 355310 342500 342500 342500 342500 354821 354821 342500 384101 342500 353194 393140 249955 249955 349908 357600 357600 382161 357600 381124 333972 288659 391100 237101 236900 239202 233900 359906 239700 316100 226100 322900 381124 384101 384101 342110 342110 394910 394910 342301 384101 394302 375100 229700 284124 284128 329142 329142 373112 373130 941010 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product, description Division code Scrapbooks PRIN 278210 Scraper loaders — underground mining MMEQ 353212 Scrapers, hand GCOM 342301 Scrapers, land, farm equipment AGRI 352289 Scrapers, motorized and pulled tvpe, con- struction CMEQ 353103 Scrapers, non-motorized, pulled tvpe con- struction CMEQ 353103 Scrapers, oil, gas, and water well, drilling and production OFME 353301 Scrapers, slusher, mine MMEQ 353212 Scrapes, shellfish CDGS 394910 Scratch sheets PRIN 274132 Scratchers, oil, gas, and water well drilling OFME 353301 Screeds, metal, plaster base BLDG 344930 Screen-door hardware BLDG 342940 Screen doors, aluminum BLDG 344201 Screen doors, steel BLDG 344201 Screen doors, wood LUMB 243100 Screen hardware BLDG 342940 Screen process printing PRIN 275100 Screen, window, wood LUMB 243100 Screening, insect, glass fiber BLDG 348172 Screening, insect, plastic BLDG 348172 Screening, insect, wire, copper BLDG 348172 Screening, insect, wire, aluminum BLDG 348172 Screening, insect, wire, steel BLDG 348172 Screening plants, mineral, stationary MMEQ 353220 Screening plants, minerals, portable, nonfarm- . CMEQ 353191 Screens, arc welding SITE 384230 Screens, fireplace CDGS 342951 Screens, gravity, portable, mineral, nonfarm CMEQ 353191 Screens, gravity, stationary MMEQ 353220 Screens, halftone, photographic reproduction, motion picture MOTP 386101 Screens, hospital, bedside SITE 384103 Screens, insect, automotive radiator AUTO 371764 Screens, oil and gas field OFME 353330 Screens, ornamental, household, wood CDGS 251100 Screens, projection, motion picture MOTP 386102 Screens, projection, portable or roller types, up to and including 30" x 40" MOTP 386103 Screens, pulp mill GIEQ 355400 Screens, revolving, portable, mineral, nonfarm. _ CMEQ 353191 Screens, revolving, stationary MMEQ 353220 Screens, shaking, portable, mineral, nonfarm.. CMEQ 353191 Screens, shaking, stationary MMEQ 353220 Screens, vibrating, portable, mineral, nonfarm.- CMEQ 353191 Screens, vibrating, stationary MMEQ 353220 Screens, waterwell OFME 353330 Screens, window, aluminum BLDG 344201 Screens, window, steel BLDG 344201 Screw and washer assemblies GCOM 345201 Screw drivers, bone plate SITE 384101 Screw drivers— hand tools GCOM 342301 Screw drivers, hand, electric MWEQ 354821 Screw drivers, hand, pneumatic MWEQ 354821 Screw machine products, nonstandard GCOM 345100 Screw-machine tools, metalworking (except taps and dies) MWEQ 354530 Screws slotting machines MWEQ 354101 Screws, aircraft quality GCOM 345201 Screws, bone SITE 384211 Screws, cap GCOM 345201 Screws, drive GCOM 345201 Screws eyes, collapsible tube CONT 349600 Screws, machine GCOM 345201 Screws, set GCOM 345201 Screws, tapping GCOM 345201 Screws, thumb GCOM 345201 Screws, wood GCOM 345201 Scrubbers, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Scubbing machines, floor SER V 358923 Scythes GCOM 342321 Seal leather LEAT 311140 Sealers, wood CHEM 285205 Sealing machines, fruit and vegetable canning.. GIEQ 355132 Seals, hand, metal SER V 395300 Seals, leather LEAT 312101 Seals, packing, paper PAPR 264952 Seals, railroad car RAIL 342911 Seat-desk combinations, school, metal SERV 253110 Seat-desk combinations, school, wood SERV 253110 Scats, grandstand, ganged, metal SERV 253120 BDSA Product Product description Division code Seats, grandstand, ganged, wood SERV 253120 Seats, grandstand, single, metal SERV 253120 Seats, grandstand, single, wood SERV 253120 Seats and metal trim for toilet seats BLDG 343200 Seats, nursery, wood CDGS 251100 Seats, public conveyance SERV 253120 Seats, stadium, ganged, metal SERV 253120 Seats, stadium, ganged, wood SERV 253120 Seats, stadium, single, metal SERV 253120 Seats, stadium, single, wood SERV 253120 Sebacic acid CHEM 288789 Secretaries, household, wood CDGS 251100 Security files, insulated, and non-insulated, office, metal SERV 252200 Sedimentation equipment, mineral MMEQ 353231 Seed disinfectants CHEM 287364 Seeders, broadcast-farm equipment AGRI 352230 Seeding machinery and attachments AGRI 352230 Seersuckers, combed and fine carded TEXT 221100 Seines, fishing, except linen CDGS 394910 Seines, linen TEXT 229900 Seismographs, laboratory . SITE 381124 Selenium compounds, except selenium dioxide and ferro-selenium CHEM 288661 Selenium dioxide MSMN 281994 Selenium, ferro- MSMN 331331 Selenium paints CHEM 285157 Selenium scrap MSMN 941000 Selenium, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Semaphore, railroad signal RAIL 366233 Senega root CHEM 283358 Senna CHEM 28335G Sensitized paper, photographic. (See Paper.) Separating equipment, mineral MMEQ 353231 Separating equipment, oil and gas field OFME 353330 Separators, battery, wood LUMB 249958 Separators, cream, 1,500 pounds per hour and over GIEQ 355110 Separators, cream, under 1,500 pounds per hour . AGRI 352283 Separators, gas, oil and steam (pipeline) GCOM 349407 Separators, gravitv, density, hydraulic, mag- netic . " 1 MMEQ 353231 Separators, industrial, except cream GIEQ 356903 Separators, water and oil GIEQ 356903 Serges, filament and spun rayon TEXT 222100 Serums CHEM 283117 Servers, household, wood CDGS 251100 Service apparel, washable, women's, except nurses' and maids' TEXT 233900 Service trades SERV 400000 Serving tables, restaurant, metal SERV 259902 Serving tables, restaurant, wood SERV 259902 Servomotors ELEC 362104 Set screws, ferrous GCOM 345201 Set screws, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Sets, hand telephone COMM 366100 Sets, subscribers, telephone COMM 366100 Settees, beach, wood CDGS 251100 Settees, lawn, metal CDGS 251400 Settees, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Settees, library, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Settees, living room, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Settees, office, metal SERV 252200 Settees, office, wood SERV 252100 Settees, porch, metal CDGS 251400 Settees, porch, wood CDGS 251100 Settees, sunroom, wood, not upholstered CDGS 251100 Settees, wood, upholstered CDGS 251200 Setters, liner, oil and gas well OFME 353301 Sewer balls, rubber RUBR 306288 Sewer pipe, clay, and fittings BLDG 325910 Sewer pipe machines, clay working GIEQ 355955 Sewer pipe, reinforced concrete BLDG 327211 Sewer rods GCOM 342301 Sewer sludge activated CHEM 287161 Sewing machine cabinets, household, wood CDGS 251100 Sewing machines, electric, household, attach- ments CDGS 363601 Sewing machines, electric, household, parts CDGS 363G01 Sewing machines, household, electric cabinet CDGS 363601 Sewing machines, household, electric portable.. CDGS 363601 Sewing machines, household, except electric CDGS 363601 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Sewing machines, industrial, except shoe sole stitching GIEQ Sewing machines, non-electric, household, at- tachments C DGS Sewing machines, non-electric household, parts. CDGS Sewing machine parts and attachments, except cabinets CDGS Sex hormones CHEM Sextants, except aircraft SITE Sextants oeriscope, aircraft SITE Shackles GCOM Shade cloth, window TEXT Shades, lamp, except metal and glass CDGS Shades, lighting, glass CDGS Shades, porch, wood slat CDGS Shades, window CDGS Shafts, golf club CDGS Shakeout equipment, mold and core MWEQ Shakes, wood LUMB Shampoos CHEM Shanks, shoe, except metal LEAT Shanks, shoe, metal LEAT Shantungs, filament and spun rayon TEXT Shaper tools, except form, carbide tipped MWEQ Shaper tools, except form, high-speed steel MWEQ Shaper tools, form, carbide tipped MWEQ Shaper tools, form, high-speed steel MWEQ Shapers, gear MWEQ Shapers, home workshop, metalworking MWEQ Shapers, home workshop, woodworking MWEQ Shapers, except horizontal crank MWEQ Shapers, horizontal crank-type, except gear MWEQ Shapers, woodworking, except hand-held GIEQ Shapes, copper-base alloy, drawn and extruded. CO PR Shapes, extruded, aluminum l ALU M Shapes, roiled structural, aluminum 1 ALUM Shapes, structural, standard, alloy steel except stainless 1 STEE Shapes, structural, standard carbon steel 1 STEE Shapes, structural, standard, stainless steel 1 STEE Shapes, structural, wide flange, alloy steel except stainless 1 STEE Shapes, structural, wide flange, carbon steel 1 STEE Shark leather LEAT Sharkskins, 100-percent filament rayon TEXT Sharpeners, knife, electric, household CDGS Shavers, dry CDGS Shaving brushes CDGS Shaving cream CHEM Shaving soap CHEM Shawls, made in knitting mills TEXT Shearing machines, angle, power-metalworking. MWEQ Shearing machines, bar, power-metalworking. _ MWEQ Shearing machines, manual-metalworking MWEQ Shearing machines, plate, power-metalworking- MWEQ Shearing machines, power, livestock AGRI Shearing machines, rotary, power-metalwork- ing MWEQ Shears CDGS Shears, plaster cast SITE Shears, poultry CDGS Shears, rib cutting SITE Sheathing insulation board BLDG Sheathing, gypsum BLDG Sheathing paper PAPR Sheathings, asphalt saturated BLDG Sheaves, crown and traveling block, catline etc., oil, gas, and water well drilling OFME Sheep leather. (See Leather.) Sheep-lined clothing. (See Coats, jackets.) Sheep-lined garments TEXT Sheet bars, alloy steel, except stainless * STEE Sheet bars, carbon steel ' STEE Sheet bars, stainless steel 1 STEE Sheet glass drawing machines GIEQ Sheet metal, perforated, embossed or patterned. GCOM Sheet metal products. (See specific kind.) Sheet metal products, hotel SER V Sheet metal products, kitchen SERV Sheet metal products, restaurant SERV Sheet music PRIN Sheet piling, carbon steel 1 STEE Product code 363602 363601 363601 363601 283371 381123 381110 342912 221100 398700 322900 259122 259110 394920 355921 242901 284421 313101 313101 222100 354510 354510 354510 354510 354101 354102 355320 354101 354101 355310 335120 335250 335240 331242 331242 331242 331242 331242 311140 222100 363430 363420 398101 284497 284143 225300 354201 354201 354201 354201 352288 354201 342110 384101 342110 384101 266112 327520 266122 295230 353302 238600 331222 331222 331222 355955 346133 344433 344433 344433 274132 331242 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Sheetings, cotton TEXT Sheets, aluminum 1 ALUM Sheets, asbestos — cement MSMN Sheets, cold rolled, steel, all grades 1 STEE Sheets, copper-base alloy 1 COPR Sheets, copper, unalloyed 1 COPR Sheets, cork composition LUMB Sheets, electrical, alloy steel, except stainless ! . STEE Sheets, electrical, carbon steel ! STEE Sheets, enameling, carbon steel 1 STEE Sheets, felt, pressed wool TEXT Sheets, galvanized, carbon steel 1 STEE Sheets, gold and gold-base alloys MSMN Sheets, hard rubber RUBR Sheets, hot rolled, alloy steel, except stainless *_ STEE Sheets, hot rolled, carbon steel ' STEE Sheets, hot rolled, stainless steel 1 STEE Sheets, household TEXT Sheets, laminated, plastic CHEM Sheets, lead and lead-base alloy MSMN Sheets, long terne, carbon steel 1 STEE Sheets, magnesium ALUM Sheets, nickel and nickel-base alloys ! MSMN Sheets, platinum and platinum-base alloys MSMN Sheets, silver and silver-base alloys MSMN Sheets, tantalum 2 MSMN Sheets, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN Sheets, top lift, rubber, for shoes RUBR Sheets, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN Shelf paper PAPR Shelters, corn, power AGRI Shells, metal casket CDGS Shelters, livestock, prefabricated wood BLDG Shelves, hanging, household, wood, except kitchen CDGS Shelving, metal SERV Shelving, wood SERV Shield cans, coil and transformer ETRX Shields and helmets, welding SITE Shields, dress, rubber RUBR Shields, electron tube ETRX Shifters, track, power, railroad RAIL Shingle backer insulating board BLDG Shingles, metal, sheet metal BLDG Shingles, individual, asphalt roofing BLDG Shingles, roofing, asbestos-cement MSMN Shingles, siding, asbestos-cement MSMN Shingles, strip, asphalt roofing BLDG Shingles wood LUMB Ship deck fittings, heavy SHIP Ship models, except toy CDGS Ship parts, n.e.c SHIP Ship repair, except on special military design vessels SHIP Shipping containers, boxes, and crates. (See Boxes and crates.) Shipping containers, corrugated and solid fiber cases CONT Shipping containers, gas cylinders, including liquefied petroleum CONT Shipping containers, ice cream, metal CONT Shipping containers, plywood drums CONT Shipping containers, sacks, paper, single, double and multiwall CONT Shipping sack paper PAPR Shipping sack paper, rope PAPR Shipping sacks, paper, double wall CONT Shipping sacks, paper, multiwall CONT Shipping sacks, paper, single wall CONT Ships, aircraft carrier SHIP Ships, cargo, bulk, except special military design, ocean-going SHIP Ships, cargo, bulk, civilian, except special military design, except ocean-going SHIP Ships, cargo, refrigerated, except special mili- tary, design, ocean-going SHIP Ships, cargo, refrigerated, except special mili- tary design, except ocean-going SHIP Ships, cargo, special military design SHIP Ships, cruiser, military SHIP Ships, destroyer SHIP Ships, drift collector, self-propelled _. SHIP Product code 221100 335220 329270 331270 335120 335120 249942 331231 331231 331231 229100 331231 335606 306245 331231 331231 331231 239202 307902 335605 331270 335603 335606 335606 335606 335606 335606 306151 335605 264952 352285 398801 243312 251100 254201 254101 367957 384230 306457 367957 353194 266112 344411 295210 329240 329240 295210 242901 373001 399936 373001 373160 265300 344341 341102 244300 264330 262100 262100 264330 264330 264330 373120 373130 373130 373130 373130 373120 373120 373120 373130 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description . Division Ships, escort, military SHIP Ships, excursion boat, self-propelled . SHIP Ships, fireboat, civilian SHIP Ships, fishing boat, self-propelled, civilian SHIP Ships, fishing trawler, civilian SHIP Ships, harbor patrol craft, self-propelled, civilian SHIP Ships, lighter, self-propelled, civilian SHIP Ships, passenger-auto ferryboat SHIP Ships, passenger-cargo, civilian, ocean-going- .. SHIP Ships, passenger-cargo, civilian, except ocean- going SHIP Ships, passenger, civilian/except ocean-going. ._ SHIP Ships, passenger, civilian, ocean-going SHIP Ships, submarine SHIP Ships, tanker, except special military design, except ocean-going SHIP Ships, tanker, except special military design, ocean-going SHIP Ships, tanker, special military design SHIP Ships, towboat, civilian SHIP Ships, toy, model construction CDGS Ships, transport, military SHIP Ships, tugboat, steel—- SHIP Ships, tugboat, wood SHIP Ships, yacht, self-propelled, steel SHIP Ships, yacht, self-propelled, wood SHIP Shirtings, colored yarn, carded TEXT Shirtings, jacquard, grey-dobby, fine TEXT Shirtings, plied yarn fabric, spun rayon TEXT Shirts, basque. (See Shirts, knit.) Shirts, circular knit, cotton, infants' TEXT Shirts, girls' TEXT Shirts, knit, men's, bovs' and children's, except sweat . TEXT Shirts, knit, sport, women's and misses' TEXT Shirts, men's and boys' work TEXT Shirts, polo. (See Shirts, knit.) Shirts, sweat, men's and boys' TEXT Shirts, T. (See Shirts, knit.) Shirts, tennis. (See Shirts, knit.) Shirts, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Shock absorber fluid CHEM Shoe board, wet machine PAPR Shoe fabrics, rubber coated RUBR Shoe fittings, natural cork LUMB Shoe forms LEAT Shoe guides, oil and gas well OFME Shoe heels, rubber RUBR Shoe laces, cotton TEXT Shoe lasts, aluminum LEAT Shoe lasts, remodeled LEAT Shoe lasts, wood LEAT Shoe making machinery GIEQ Shoe polish. (See Polish.) Shoe soles, rubber RUBR Shoe stavs, steel LEAT Shoe stretchers LEAT Shoe trees LEAT Shoes, athletic, men's and boys', except rubber. LEAT Shoes, athletic, women's and children's, except rubber LEAT Shoes, canvas, rubber soled RUBR Shoes, canvas, rubber soled, bals RUBR Shoes, canvas, rubber soled oxfords RUBR Shoes, canvas, rubber soled specialty RUBR Shoes, casing, centering, drive, float, formation, pack off, guide, milling, rotary, set and wash over, for oil, gas, and water well OFME Shoes, diving SITE Shoes, dress, babies' sizes 0-4 LEAT Shoes, dress, children's LEAT Shoes, dress, infants' sizes 4^-8 LEAT Shoes, dress, men's LEAT Shoes, dress, misses' LEAT Shoes, dress, women's LEAT Shoes, dress, youths' and boys' LEAT Shoes, horse AGRI Shoes, mule AGRI Shoes, oxen AGRI Shoes, play, children's LEAT Shoes, play, infants' and babies' LEAT Product code 373120 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 373130 377130 373120 373130 373130 373120 373130 394100 373120 373130 373130 373130 373130 221100 221100 222100 225300 236100 225300 225300 232800 225300 233100 289943 263100 306416 249942 249953 353341 306111 224100 249953 249953 249953 355953 306131 313101 249953 249953 314170 314170 302110 302111 302113 302115 353301 384230 314160 314150 314160 314110 314150 314140 314130 352001 352001 352001 314150 314160 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Shoes, play, men's and boys', except rubber LEAT 314110 Shoes, plav, women's and misses' ._ LEAT 314140 Shoes, snow CDGS 394120 Shoes, work, men's LEAT 314120 Shoes, work, women's and misses' LEAT 314140 Shook, box, wood LUMB 244120 Shook, crate, wood LUMB 244120 Shopping bags, paper CONT 264310 Shopping news PRIN 274132 Shoran system equipment ETRX 366241 Shorthand writing machines SERV 357902 Shorts, athletic. (See Bathing suits.) Shorts, woven, girls' and children's TEXT 236900 Shorts, woven, men's and boys' TEXT 232200 Shot, BB., steel CDGS 196101 Shot, copper-base allov > COPR 334120 Shot, copper, unalloyed > COPR 333110 Shotgun shells, complete round, loaded CDGS 196101 Shotguns, double barrel CDGS 195121 Shotguns, single barrel, repeating CDGS 195121 Shotguns, single barrel, single shot CDGS 195121 Shoulder pads, for men's, youths', and boys' coats TEXT 239600 Shoulder pads, for women's coats, suits, and dresses TEXT 239600 Shoulder pads, rubber RUBR 306459 Shoulderettes, made in knitting mills TEXT 225300 Shovels, cranes, draglines, power, repair parts only CMEQ 353143 Shovels— hand tools GCOM 342301 Shovel-loaders, units and attachments, non- farm type CMEQ 353192 Shovels, power, crawler, walking, carrier, wagon mounting CMEQ 353142 Show cases, metal SERV 254203 Show cases, wood SERV 254102 Shower caps, rubber RUBR 306455 Shower stalls FLDG 343100 Showers, bath (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Shredders, corn AGRI 352250 Shredders, soil, farm equipment AGRI 352241 Shredders, stalk-farm equipment AGRI 352241 Shrinking of cloth for the trade TEXT 223100 Shuttle blocks, hardwood LUMB 242622 Shuttles, wood GIEQ 355200 Sickles GCOM 342321 Sidebooms, pipe layer attachment tractor mounted CMEQ 353192 Sidecars, motorcycle CDGS 375100 Siding and accessories, sheet metal BLDG 344411 Siding, galvanized, formed ' STEE 344411 Sidings, asphalt, roll form, all patterns BLDG 295210 Sidings, asphalt, shingle form BLDG 295210 Sighting and fire control equipment ORDN 194100 Sigmoidoscopes, electric SITE 384101 Signal annunicator, telephone COMM 366100 Signal fuses CHEM 289933 Signal generators — test equipment SITE 361122 Signal systems accessories, railroad RAIL 366233 Signal systems, block, railroad RAIL 366233 Signal systems and safety control equipment, electric railroad RAIL 366233 Signal torpedoes CHEM 289933 Signals, cab, wayside-railroad equipment RAIL 366233 Signals, directional, automotive AUTO 371764 Signals, hand brake, automotive AUTO 371764 Signals, railroad, electric, highway grade cross- ing RAIL 366233 Signals, railroad, electric, except grade crossing. RAIL 366233 Signals, stop, automotive AUTO 371764 Signals, street traffic, electric ELEC 366234 Signs, bulb SERV 399301 Signs, highway, porcelain enameled, nonelectric. SERV 399322 Signs, luminous tubing SERV 399301 Signs, nonelectric, porcelain enameled SERV 399301 Signs, nonelectric, metal, except porcelain enameled SERV 399301 Signs, road, nonelectric, metal porcelain enam- eled SERV 399322 Signs, road, porcelain enameled, nonelectric SERV 399322 Signs, screen processed, nonelectric, except metal SERV 399301 Signs, street, nonelectric, metal, except porce- lain enameled SERV 399322 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Signs, street, porcelain enameled, nonelectric SERV Silencers or snubbers, industrial GIEQ Silica, abrasive — grain, powder and flour MSMN Silica gel CHEM Silicate glass, soluble CHEM Silicate, hydrous calcium. (See Insulation.) Silicofiuorides. (.See specific kind.) Silicomanganese STEE Silicon carbide abrasives — lump, grain, powder and flour MSMN Silicon carbide cutting wheels MWEQ Silicon carbide grinding wheels MWEQ Silicon compounds. (See specific kind.) Silicon metal, except high purity STEE Silicon metal, high purity MSMN Silicone resins CHEM Silicon tetrachloride CHEM Silk fabrics TEXT Silk mixed fabrics, chiefly silk TEXT Siliimanite MSMN Silo, construction AGRI Silo tile, clay BLDG Silver bullion MSMN Silver cyanide CHEM Silver leaf and foil MSMN Silver nitrate CHEM Silver ores MSMN Silver oxide CHEM Silver scrap MSMN Silver and silver-base alloys, rolled, drawn, and extruded products. (See specific shapes.) Silver, unalloyed, refined MSMN Silvery pig iron STEE Sine bars, toolroom MWEQ Sink float machines, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ Sink and laundry tray combinations BLDG Sink strainers BLDG Sinks: kitchen, scullery, service, slop, trough, wash (plumbing fixtures) BLDG Sinter, flue dust, blast furnace STEE Sinter, ore, blast furnace STEE Siphons, septic tanks BLDG Sirens SITE Sisal TEXT Sisal rugs TEXT Sizers, coal and coke MMEQ Sizes CHEM Skates, ice, figure CDGS Skates, ice, tubular CDGS Skates, roller, rink CDGS Skates, roller, sidewalk CDGS Skelp, alloy steel, except staiiJess 1 STEE Skelo, carbon steel 1 ' STEE Skelp, stainless steel 1 STEE Sketch masters SITE Ski blanks, hardwood LUMB Ski equipment CDGS Ski suit fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Skids, industrial, except wood GIEQ Skids, wood LUMB Skios, mine MMEQ Skis CDGS Skirts, girls', children's and teen-age girls' TEXT Skirts, separate, women's, misses', and juniors', TEXT Skylights, sheet metal BLDG Slabs, alloy steel, except stainless 1 STEE Slabs, carbon steel 1 STEE Slabs, cored, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR Slabs, floor and roof, concrete BLDG Slabs, stainless steel 1 STEE Slabs, soling, rubber, for shoes RUBR Slabs, uncored, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR Slack suits and slacks, girls', and children's TEXT Slag, blast furnace STEE Slashing machines, textile GIEQ Slate products BLDG Slats, pencil LUMB Sledges GCOM Sleds CDGS Sleeping cars, passenger train RAIL Sleeves, acid proof, rubber RUBR Product code 399322 356903 329102 288471 288473 331332 329102 329101 329101 333971 333972 282177 288476 222100 222100 145900 162100 325121 333950 288625 349702 288626 104400 288627 941000 333950 331211 354530 353231 343100 343200 343100 331212 331212 343100 349901 071900 227900 353212 289176 394920 394920 394920 394920 331222 331222 331222 381125 242622 394920 225600 353700 249956 353612 349920 236900 233700 344412 331222 331222 306258 327221 331222 306151 306256 236900 331212 355200 328100 249958 342301 394302 374210 306441 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Sleeves, clay refractory STEE 325501 Sleeves, drill collar, liners, tool joint and repair, oil and gas well OFME 353301 Sleeves, electricians, rubber RUBR 306441 Sleeves, veterinary, rubber _' RUBR 306341 Sleighs and bobsleds AGRI 379921 Sleighs — sports equipment CDGS 394920 Slicers, food, commercial, electric CDGS 355122 Slicers, fruit and vegetable canning GIEQ 355132 Slicing machines, bakerv GIEQ 355121 Slide binders, up to and including 2\{" x 2%.".. MOTP 386103 Slide fasteners, civilian type CDGS 396422 Slide rules SITE 381125 Slides, furniture— hardware CDGS 342920 Slides, glass, photograohie MOTP 386150 Slides, photographic, black and white MOTP 386150 Slides, table CDGS 342920 Sliding door hardware, residential BLDG 342940 Slip covers, furniture and mattress TEXT 239202 Slipper fabrics, rubber coated RUBR 306416 Slippers, house, children's LEAT 314200 Slippers, house, infants' and babies' LEAT 314200 Slippers, house, men's LEAT 314200 Slippers, house, misses' LEAT 314200 Slippers, house, women's LEAT 314200 Slippers, house, youths' and boys' LEAT 314200 Slips, surface rotarv drilling — oil field OFME 353302 Slitter, paper production GIEQ 355400 Slitting saws, metalworking MWEQ 354821 Slotting machines, except screw and nut MWEQ 354101 Slotting machines, nut MWEQ 354101 Slotting machines, screw MWEQ 354101 Small arms, accessories CDGS 195121 Small arms ammunition, civilian CDGS 196101 Small arms ammunition, military CDGS 196102 Small arms parts and attachments, civilian CDGS 195121 Small arms parts and attachments, military CDGS 195122 Small leather goods _ : LEAT 317201 Smelting machines, ore MMEQ 355956 Smocks, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT 233900 Smoke detecting apparatus SITE 366235 Smoke pipe trimmings, furnace, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Smoke pipes and fittings, furnace, sheet metal. BLDG 344431 Smokeless powder CHEM 389231 Smokers, glassware, hand-made blown CDGS 322900 Smokers glassware, hand-made pressed CDGS 322900 Smokers glassware, machine-made CDGS 322900 Smoking jackets, men's and boys' TEXT 238400 Smoking stands, wood, household CDGS 251100 Snake bite outfits SITE 384230 Snap fasteners, except sew-on, civilian-type CDGS 396423 Snap fasteners, sew-on, civilian-type CDGS 396423 Snares, surgical SITE 384101 Snatch blocks GCOM 342912 Snelled hooks, fishing CDGS 394910 Snips, tinners' CDGS 342110 Snow fencing, wood LUMB 249956 Snow plows, all types, tractor mounted over 5 feet CMEQ 353192 Snow plows, blower, rotarv, except tractor and railroad mounting over 5 feet CMEQ 353106 Snow plows, domestic CDGS 352270 Snow plows, V, straight, except tractor and railroad mounting over 5 feet CMEQ 353106 Snow plows, wing, except tractor and railroad mounting over 5 feet CMEQ 353106 Snowshocs CDGS 394920 Snow suit fabrics, circular-knit TEXT 225600 Snubbers or silencers, industrial GIEQ 356903 Snubbers, rubber RUBR 306298 Snubbers, truck spring, railroad car RAIL 374131 Soap chips and flakes CHEM 284116 Soap dishes, stamped CDGS 346186 Soap, granulated, powdered and sprayed CHEM 284117 Soap, green U.S. P CHEM 284123 Soap, laundry and household CHEM 284114 Soap, liquid (potash and other, excluding shampoos) CHEM 284121 Soar> making machinery GIEQ 355910 Soap, metallic CHEM 284137 Soap, metal pad CHEM 284138 Soap, paste and jellv (potash and other, ex- cluding mechanics hand paste) CHEM 284122 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Soap stock, raw and acidulated, and foots (all types) FOOD Soapstone, crude MSMN Soap, toilet, including medical and medicated.. CHEM Soap, washing powder CHEM Sockets, electron tube ETRX Sockets, oil, gas and water well OF ME Sockets, wire rope GCOM Socks. (See Hose.) Soda alum CHEM Soda ash.. CHEM Soda ash, manufactured CHEM Soda ash, natural CHEM Soda, caustic CHEM Soda fountain equipment COGS Soda, washing CHEM Sodas, modified CHEM Sodium acetate CHEM Sodium acid pyrophosphate CHEM Sodium alumiriate CHEM Sodium aluminum-fluoride dusts and mixtures. CHEM Sodium aluminum sulfate CHEM Sodium antimonate CHEM Sodium benzoate . CHEM Sodium bicarbonate, crude CHEM Sodium bicarbonate, refined CHEM Sodium bichromate CHEM Sodium bisulfate (niter cake) CHEM Sodium bisulfite CHEM Sodium bleaching compounds CHEM Sodium borate CHEM Sodium carbonate CHEM Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CHEM Sodium chlorate CHEM Sodium chlorate, weed killers and defoliants CHEM Sodium chlorite CHEM Sodium chromate CHEM Sodium citrate CHEM Sodium cyanide CHEM Sodium ferricyanide CHEM Sodium ferrocvanide CHEM Sodium fluorides CHEM Sodium formates CHEM Sodium hydride CHEM Sodium hydrosulfide CHEM Sodium hydrosulfite CHEM Sodium hydroxide CHEM Sodium hypochlorite CHEM Sodium hvposulfite CHEM Sodium iodide CHEM Sodium iron pyrophosphate CHEM Sodium lactate CHEM Sodium metabisulfite CHEM Sodium metaborate CHEM Sodium metallic .... CHEM Sodium metaphosphate CHEM Sodium metasilicate CHEM Sodium molybdate CHEM Sodium nitrate CHEM Sodium orthosilicate CHEM Sodium perborate CHEM Sodium permanganate CHEM Sodium peroxide CHEM Sodium phosphate CHEM Sodium sesquicarbonate CHEM Sodium sesquisilicate CHEM Sodium silicate CHEM Sodium silicofluoride CHEM Sodium stannate CHEM Sodium sulfate CHEM Sodium sulfide CHEM Sodium sulfite CHEM Sodium sulfocyanide CHEM Sodium tetraborate CHEM Sodium thiocyanate CHEM Sodium thiosulfate CHEM Sodium tripolyphosphate CHEM Sofa bed hinges . ... . COGS Sofa beds upholstered COGS Sofas, household, wood, non-upholstered COGS Sofas, household, wood, upholstered COGS Sofas, office, metal SERV Product code 209000 149600 284113 284118 367957 353330 342912 288144 281231 281232 281234 281241 358574 281231 281233 288814 288442 288138 287343 288144 288482 288972 281221 281222 288263 288495 288493 288236 288224 281231 288823 288542 287392 288575 288265 288825 288483 288484 288485 288165 288827 288486 288487 288488 281241 288235 288491 288183 288446 288829 288494 288225 288481 288443 288472 288623 288387 288474 288576 288572 288565 288435 281231 288-475 288473 288174 288524 288492 288496 288497 288498 288224 288498 288491 288444 342920 251501 251100 251200 252200 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Sofas, office, wood SERV Soft drinks. (See specific kind.) Softeners, water. (See Water conditioners.) Softwood distillation products CHEM Soil conditioners CHEM Soil pipe, cast iron and fittings BLDG Solar cells ETRX Solar heaters BLDG Solder, lead-base and tin-base alloy MSMN Solder lugs ELEC Solder, silver MSMN Solder, spools CONT Soldering fluxes CHEM Soldering irons, electric GCOM Soldering irons, non-electric GCOM Sole leather. (See Leather, sole.) Solenoids ELEC Solenoids, armament, aircraft ELEC Solenoids, except aircraft armament ELEC Sole-stitching machines, shoemaking GIEQ Sole-stitching machines, shoe repairing GIEQ Soles, shoe, rubber RUBR Solid-state devices ETRX Soling slabs, rubber, for shoes RUBR Solvent naphtha CHEM Sonar and related devices ETRX Soot blowers POWR Sorbitol CHEM Sorters, potato, farm size AGRI Sound recording equipment, motion picture MOTP Sound reproducing equipment, motion picture, 35-mm MOTP Soybean oil mill products FOOD Spades GCOM Spark plugs, aircraft AUTO Spark plugs, automotive AUTO Speakers, loud, radio, public address, etc ETRX Spearmint oil CHEM Spears, casing, drill pipe, jar, liner, packer, rotary trip, and tubing OFME Spears, 'fishing CDGS Special finished optics, unmounted SITE Specialized mine hoists and accessories, n.e.c MMEQ Specialized mining machinery and equipment.. MMEQ Specialty transformers. (See Transformers.) Spectrographs SITE Spectrographs, mass SITE Spectrometers SITE Spectrophotometers SITE Speculums SITE Speech privacy equipment COMM Speed reducers. (See specific kind.) Speedometers, motor vehicle AUTO Spermaceti wax CHEM Sperm oil, sulfonated CHEM Spiders, surface rotary drilling — oil field OFME Spiders, tubing, oil well OFME Spiegeleisen STEE Spigots. (Sec Faucets.) Spikes, bright steel wire » STEE Spikes, cement-coated steel wire ' STEE Spikes, galvanized steel wire i STEE Spikes, nonferrous GCOM Spikes, steel cut l STEE Spikes, track, carbon steel » STEE Spinal bags, rubber RUBR Spindles, furniture, turned, shaped and carved, wood LUMB Spinel, synthetic MSMN Spinners, wheel, automotive AUTO Spinning frame attachments and accessories, textile GIEQ Spinning frames, cotton GIEQ Spinning frames, textile, except cotton and wool GIEQ Spinning frames, wool GIEQ Spinning machines, synthetic yarn, continuous. GIEQ Spinning paper stock, 18-pound and up, except kraft PAPR Spiral cloth, wire GCOM Splicers, motion picture film MOTP Splicers, motion picture film, 8 mm only MOTP Splicing sleeves, electrical ELEC Splint baskets, veneer, packaging CONT Product code 252100 286110 287977 332130 367910 343368 334130 364303 334130 346184 289952 342301 342301 362930 362930 362930 355953 355953 306131 367910 306151 281451 366261 356402 288791 352285 386102 386102 209000 342301 369402 369401 367953 289937 353301 394910 383102 353612 353212 383102 381124 383102 383102 384101 366100 382140 289994 284317 353302 353302 331332 331590 331590 331590 339921 331590 331590 306371 242623 329904 354S41 355200 355200 355200 355200 355200 262100 348171 386102 3S6103 364303 244300 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Splints, surgical SITE Splitters, mining hand samplers MMEQ Spodumene, crude MSMN Sponge gauze, surgical dressing SITE Sponge rubber, chemically blown, products RUBR Sponge rubber, nitrogen blown, products RUBR Spools, film MOTP Spools and reels, shipping and packaging fiber and paperboard CONT Spoons, hole digging GCOM Spoons, metal. (See Flatware, etc.) Spoons, paper, stamped PAPR Spoons, pulp, molded PAPR Spoons, trolling CDGS Spoons, wood, flat veneer LUMB Spoons, wood, turned, shaped and molded CDGS Sport clothing: men's, youths', and boys' (made from purchased woven or knit fabric) _ _ TEXT Sports equipment, winter CDGS Spot welders, resistance MWEQ Spotlights, except vehicular ELEC Spraver parts and attachments — farm equip- ment AGRI Sprayers, engine-powered AGRI Sprayers, flame, hand AGRI Sprayers, hand AGRI Sprayers, power, for liquid, except agricultural. GIEQ Sprayers, power, self-propelled AGRI Sprayers, power take-off AGRI Sprayers, tractor-powered AGRI Sprayers, traction-farm equipment AGRI Spraying outfit accessories, paint GIEQ Spraying outfits, paint GIEQ Spreaders, aggregate, construction CMEQ Spreaders, chip, construction CMEQ Spreaders, lime-farm equipment AGRI Spreaders, manure AGRI Spreaders, tire, automotive maintenance AUTO Spreaders, tire recapping GIEQ Spring rings, jewelers' findings CDGS Spring washers, ferrous GCOM Spring washers, nonferrous GCOM Springs, helical, hot wound, except automotive and railroad GCOM Springs, helical, hot wound, railroad RAIL Springs, leaf, automotive AUTO Springs, leaf, locomotive RAIL Springs, leaf, railroad car RAIL Springs, precision mechanical GCOM Springs, torsion bar RAIL Springs, wire, furniture CDGS Springs, wire, innerspring mattress CDGS Springs, wire, motor- vehicle back AUTO Springs, wire, motor-vehicle seat AUTO Springs, wire, upholstery, except motor vehicle. CDGS Sprinklers, fire, automatic GCOM Spudders, drilling, oil and gas well OFME Spuds, closet, urinal (plumbing fittings) BLDG Spun rayon fabrics. (See specific kind.) Spun rayon and cotton fabrics, chiefly rayon... TEXT Squares, toolroom MWEQ Squash sporting goods CDGS Squeegees CDGS Squibs — blasting accessories ORDN Squill, white CHEM Stackers, hay AGRI Stackers, industrial, except farm GIEQ Stacks, smoke, iron and steel POWR Stadium chairs and seats. (See Chairs or Seats.) Staffs, bull AGRI Stains CHEM Staircases, and stairs, metal BLDG Stairways, moving GIEQ Stairways, moving, parts and attachments GIEQ Stairwo'rk LUMB Stalk cutter parts — agricultural machinery AGRI Stalk shredders — farm equipment AGRI Stalls, chain tie AGRI Stalls, dairy cattle, for use with stanchions AGRI Stalls, milking or feeding, panel-type AGRI Stalls, milking parlor AGRI Product code 384211 353231 147900 384212 306258 306259 386102 265520 342301 265431 264621 394910 249958 249957 232900 394920 362330 364252 352282 352282 352282 352282 356152 3522S2 352282 352282 352282 356152 356152 353160 353160 352230 352230 354841 355942 391200 345201 345201 349304 349302 349303 349301 349301 348912 349302 348131 348131 348132 348132 348131 342958 353302 343200 222100 354530 394920 399936 289201 283361 352260 353700 344342 356288 285143 344910 353402 353402 243100 352241 352241 352288 352288 352288 352288 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Stalls, shower BLDG Stamp pad, ink CHEM Stamp pads SERV Stamped, spun and pressed metal products (See specific kind) Stamps, gravity, steam, mineral MMEQ Stamps, metal SERV Stamps, rubber SERV Stanchions, swing type AGRI Standards, street lighting equipment ELEC Standoffs, lead in, FM and TV, except ceramic. ETRX Stands, aircraft engine testing AUTO Stands, aircraft fuel pump testing AUTO Stands, cylinder reconditioning, aircraft AUTO Stands, engine repair, automotive AUTO Stands, engine testing, aircraft AUTO Stands for tubs or vats CDGS Stands, fuel pump, aircraft AUTO Stands, motor, quick change, aircraft AUTO Stands, music CDGS Stands, office, metal SERV Stands, office, wood SERV Stands, photographic, motion picture MOTP Stands, photographic, still picture MOTP Stands, projector, for 8- and 16-mra silent projectors MOTP Stands, test, carburetor, aircraft engine AUTO Stands, test, generator, aircraft engine AUTO Stands, test, magneto, aircraft engine AUTO Stands, treatment, instrument SITE Stannic chloride (tetrachloride) CHEM Stannic oxide CHEM Stannic sulfate CHEM Stannous chloride CHEM Stannous sulfate CHEM Staple removers SERV Staplers, hand SERV Staples, bright and galvanized (farm and poultry) > STEE Staples, ferrous and nonferrous, coated, except farm and poultry GCOM Staples, insulated GCOM Staples, office GCOM Stapling machines, office type SERV Stapling machines, packaging, industrial GIEQ Starters, electric, aircraft AUTO Starters, fluorescent ELEC Statuary, papier mache CDGS Statuary, plaster of paris CDGS Stationery, boxed PAPR Stationery, envelope, packaged PAPR Stationery, paper, packaged PAPR Stationery, social announcement PAPR Stationery, wedding announcement PAPR Stave baskets, veneer, packaging CONT Staves, cooperage. (See Cooperage stock.) Steam condensers, industrial POWR Steam condensers, marine POWR Steam engine and turbine parts POWR Steam engines, reciprocating POWR Steam irons, electric, standard household CDGS Steam jet air ejectors POWR Steam tables, commercial, except electric CDGS Steam tables, commercial food warming elec- tric CDGS Steam traps, float, mechanical and thermo- static GCOM Steam turbine-gear units, marine POWR Steam turbine-gear units, except marine POWR Steam turbine generator set units POWR Steam turbines POWR Steam turbines, mechanical drive, except marine POWR Steam turbines, mechanical drive, marine POWR Steamer chairs, wood CDGS Stearic acid CHEM Steatite, crude MSMN Steatite electrical products, except high voltage. CDGS Steatite talc, crude and block MSMN Steel boilers. (See Boilers, steel.) Steel goods— agricultural and hand tools GCOM Steel plate weldments GCOM Steel springs. (See Springs.) Stee! wool (except scouring pads) MWEQ Product code 343100 289981 395300 353220 395300 395300 352288 364251 367957 354842 354842 354842 354841 334841 349905 354842 354842 393140 252200 252100 386102 386102 386103 354842 354842 354842 384103 288521 288523 288525 288522 288526 357902 357902 331590 339921 331520 331520 357902 356904 369402 364301 329901 329901 264910 264910 264910 264910 264910 244300 344312 344312 351101 351101 363430 344312 358912 358911 349407 351101 351101 351101 351101 351101 351101 251100 289401 149600 326402 149600 342301 344322 329141 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Steel, plate, fabricated. (See Plate steel, fabricated.) Steering gear, engines, civilian SHIP Stemware, glass, hand-made blown CDGS Stemware, glass, hand-made pressed CDGS Stemware, glass, machine-made CDGS Stencil backing paper PAPR Stencil board PAPR Stencil marking devices SERV Stencil paper, gelatin process SERV Stencil paper, spirit process SERV Stencil paper, thin PAPR Stencils, mimeograph SERV Stencils, except mimeograph PAPR Stepladders, wood SERV Stereo-comparagraph SITE Stereo-plotters SITE Stereotyping PRIN Stereotyping machinery GIEQ Sterilizers, baby bottle, electric, household CDGS Sterilizers, dental SITE Sterilizers, laboratory, hot air SITE Sterilizers, surgical and medical SITE Sterilizing machinery, bottle, dairy GIEQ Sterilizing machinery, bottle, except dairv GIEQ Sterling silver flatware CDGS Sterling silver hollowware CDGS Stethoscopes SITE Stills, glycerine, tar, chemical.. GIEQ Stitching machine, tire retreading GIEQ Stock cars, freight train RAIL Stock coils ELEC Stock shop products — jewelers' findings CDGS Stocks, die, hand GCOM Stockbrokers transaction display boards COMM Stockinette fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Stockinette, surgical dressing SITE Stockings. (See also Hose.) Stockings, clastic SITE Stokers, locomotive RAIL Stokers, mechanical 1,201 lbs. capacity and over P( ) WR Stokers, mechanical, under 1,200 lbs BLDG Stone, Cornwall, ground or treated MSMN Stone products. (See specific kind.) Stones, dental SITE Stoneware, chemical CDGS Stoneware, kitchenware. (See Kitchenware, stoneware.) Stoneware table. (See Tableware, stoneware.) Stools, anesthetists SITE Stools, dental SITE Stools, factory, metal SERV Stools, factory, wood SERV Stools, ingot, gray iron casting STEE Stools, kitchen, metal CDGS Stools, kitchen, wood CDGS Stools, laboratory . SITE Stools, office, metal SERV Stools, office, wood SERV Stools, piano, wood CDGS Stools, restaurant, metal SERV Stools, restaurant, wood SERV Stools, school, metal SERV Stools, school, wood SERV Stoppers, cork LUMB Stoppers, drain (plumbing fittings) BLDG Stoppers, rubber RUBR Stopples, medical, rubber RUBR Stops and wastes; compression, ground key, fixtures (not corporation or curb), (plumb- ing fittings) BLDG Stops, car, railroad RAIL Stops, compression, ground key, fixtures (not corporation or curb) (plumbing fittings) BLDG Stops, drawer, furniture, turned, shaped and carved LUMB Stops, wheel, railroad RAIL Storage batteries. (See Batteries.) Storage cabinets, frozen food GIEQ Store cabinets, metal SERV Store cabinets, wood SERV Product code 373001 322900 322900 322900 262100 203100 395300 395500 395500 2G2100 395500 264501 249955 381125 381125 279400 355501 363430 384300 381124 384211 355110 355131 391420 391410 384101 355955 355942 374220 361302 391200 342301 366100 225600 384212 384211 374131 343367 343366 329502 384300 326901 384103 384300 259901 259901 332142 251400 251100 381121 252200 252100 251100 259102 259102 253110 253110 249942 343200 300298 306371 343200 349908 343200 242623 374131 358531 254203 254102 1 Denotes controlled material. BDgA Product Product description Division code Store counters, metal SERV 254203 Store counters, wood SERV 254102 Store machine parts and attachments SERV 357902 Store machines, rebuilt SERV 357902 Store fronts, metal, sold complete at factory BLDG 344230 Storm sash, wood LUMB 243100 Storm windows and sash, aluminum BLDG 344201 Storm windows and sash, steel BLDG 344201 Stove boards CDGS 349905 Stove bolts, ferrous GCOM 345201 Stove bolts, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Stove nuts, ferrous GCOM 345201 Stove nuts, nonferrous GCOM 345201 Stove pipes and elbows, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Stoves, caboose, heating, except electric CDGS 343340 Stoves, circulators, coal and wood, domestic CDGS 343340 Stoves, cooking, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Stoves, cooking, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Stoves, cooking, domestic, electric CDGS 363430 Stoves, cooking, domestic, except electric CDGS 303100 Stoves, disc, electric household CDGS 363430 Stoves, gas, domestic heating, other CDGS 343340 Stoves, gas, kerosene, and fuel oil domestic heat CDGS 343340 Stoves, gas, laundry, domestic heating CDGS 343340 Stoves, gas, radiants, domestic heating CDGS 343340 Stoves, gas, unvented cir., domestic heating CDGS 343340 Stoves, gas, vented cir., domestic heating CDGS 343340 Stoves, kitchen, domestic heating, except electric CDGS 343340 Stoves, laundry, coal and wood, domestic heat- ing CDGS 343340 Stoves, magazine radiants, coal and wood, domestic CDGS 343340 Stoves, oil, flue connected CDGS 343340 Stoves, schoolroom, heating, except electric CDGS 343340 Stoves, trailer, oil, domestic heating CDGS 343340 Stoves, wood and coal, hot blast, domestic heat- ing CDGS 343340 Stoves, wood and coal, oaks, domestic heating. . CDGS 343340 Stoves, woodbox, heating CDGS 343340 Straighteners, axle, automotive AUTO 354841 Str.aigh.ten.ers, frame, automotive AUTO 354841 Strainers, aircraft type GCOM 359404 Strainers, basket, sink, lavatory, drain type (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Strainers, radiator _ GCOM 349403 Strainers, single, duplex, and multiple baskets. . GCOM 349407 Stramonium CHEM 283362 Strandvices, telephone COMM 366100 Strapping, metal, including seals and hand application tools COXT 349902 Straps, battery carrying, automotive mainte- nance ---.- AUTO 354841 Straps, currency, paper PAPR 264920 Straw pulp PAPR 261100 Strawboard _. PAPR 263100 Straws, drinking, paper PAPR 265431 Street car repair parts RAIL 374232 Streetcars, railway RAIL 374231 Street cleaning truck bodies AUTO 371301 Street cleaning trucks AUTO 371701 Streptomycin in bulk CHEM 2S3383 Streptomycin preparations with other active agents, all forms ..... CHEM 283424 Streptomycin preparations without other active agents/ all forms CHEM 283423 Stretchers, curtain, metal. CDGS 349905 Stretchers, shoe LE AT 249953 Stringed musical instruments and parts, except piano CDGS 393140 Strings, musical instrument, except piano CDGS 393140 Strip, cold rolled, stainless '.. STEE 331270 Strip, cold rolled, steel all grades > STEE 331670 Strip, copper-base alloy > COPR 335120 Strip, copper, unalloyed » COPR 335120 Strip, electrical, alloy steel, except stainless 1 .. STEE 331270 Strip, electrical, carbon steel » STEE 331270 Strip, fanning, telephone COMM 366100 Strip, galvanized, carbon steel ' STEE 331231 Strip, gold and gold-base alloys... MSMN 335606 Strip, holly, telephone COMM 366100 Strip, hot rolled, alloy steel, except stainless ' STEE 331231 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Strip, hot rolled, carbon steel ' STEE Strip, hot rolled, stainless steel 1 STEE Strip, lead and lead-base alloy MSMN Strip, magnesium ALUM Strip, nickel and nickel-base alloys l MSMN Strip, platinum and platinum-base alloys MSMN Strip, silver and silver-base allo3's MSMN Strip, tantalum MSMN Strip, terminal, telephone COMM Strip, titanium, and titanium alloy MSMN Strip, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN Strippers, casing, drill pipe, sucker rod, tubing and wire lines, oil and gas field OFME Strippers, cotton AGRI Stripping stock, tire retreading IIUBR Strips, plug-in ELEC Strollers, baby CDGS Strontium carbonate CHEM Strontium chloride CHEM Strontium nitrate CHEM Strontium oxalate CHEM Strontium perchlorate CHEM Strontium peroxide CHEM Strontium sulfate CHEM Strontium sulfide CHEM Strontium minerals MSMN Strophanthus CHEM Structural clay tile BLDG Structural concrete products, reinforced BLDG Structural iron and steel, fabricated BLDG Structural shapes, standard carbon steel ' STEE Structural shapes, rolled, aluminum ' ALUM Structural shapes, standard, alloy steel except stainless ' STEE Structural shapes, standard stainless steel ' STEE Structural shapes, wide flange, alloy steel, ex- cept stainless ' STEE Structural shapes, wide flange, carbon steel 1 _._ STEE Structural steel, fabricated BLDG Structural timbers, fabricated or laminated LUMB Structures, upper, glass-house, clay refractory.. STEE Struts, landing gear, aircraft AIRC Strychnine and salts CHEM Stucco— J BLDG Studio couches, upholstered CDGS Studs, ferrous threaded or welded GCOM Studs, precious metal CDGS Stuffed toy animals CDGS Stuffing machines, packing plant, meat, and poultry GIEQ Styli, cutting, steel, or precious metal ETRX Stvli, cutting, jeweled point ETRX Stvrene ' CHEM Styrene resins CHEM Sub-fractional h.p. motors, under Moo h.p ELEC Sub-graders, formgraders, fine graders, strip wideners C M EQ Submarines SHIP Subpresses, metal working MWEQ Subscriber station apparatus, telephone, except telephone sets COMM Subs, drilling, oil field OFME Subsoilers AGRI Subs, production, oilfield OFME Substitutes, drilling equipment, oil field OFME Subsurface drilling equipment, oil, gas and water well. (See specific kind.) Subway cars, electric RAIL Sucker, rod equipment, oil field OFME Suede jackets, men's TEXT Suedes, cotton TEXT Sugar industries FOOD Sugar mills GIEG Sugar-plant machinery GIEQ Suit and coat findings: men's, youths' and bovs' (coat fronts, linings, etc.) TEXT Suites, beach, metal CDGS Suites, beach, wood CDGS Suites, bedroom, except bedsprings and cots, metal CDGS Suites, bedroom, wood CDGS Suites, dining room, wood CDGS Product code 331231 331231 335605 335G02 335603 335006 33560G 335606 366100 335603 335605 353330 352250 301123 364301 394301 288531 288532 288533 288534 288556 288566 288535 288536 147900 283363 325121 327221 344101 331242 335240 331242 331242 331242 331242 344101 243311 325501 372911 283375 329905 251501 345201 391100 394200 355132 367955 367957 281557 282150 362121 353160 373120 354410 306100 353301 352202 353330 353301 374231 353330 232900 221100 206000 355133 355133 239600 251400 251400 251400 251100 251100 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Suites, hall, wood, upholstered CDGS Suites, lawn, metal CDGS Suites, lawn, wood CDGS Suites, library, wood, upholstered CDGS Suites, library, wood, not upholstered CDGS Suites, living room, wood, upholstered CDGS Suites, living room, wood, not upholstered CDGS Suites, porch, metal CDGS Suites, porch, wood CDGS Suites, sunroom, wood, upholstered CDGS Suites, sunroom, wood, not upholstered CDGS Suitcases, men's, except leather LEAT Suitcases, men's, leather LEAT Suiting fabrics, circular knit TEXT Suiting fabrics, warp knit TEXT Suitings, colored yarn, carded, chiefly cotton. _ TEXT Suitings, plied yarn fabric, spun rayon TEXT Suits, bathing. (See Bathing suits.) Suits, cadet's, except uniform TEXT Suits, junior boys', except uniform TEXT Suits, knit pantie, children's and infants' TEXT Suits, men's, except uniform TEXT Suits, military uniform TEXT Suits, nonmilitary uniform . TEXT Suits, ski and snow, 2-piece, toddlers' and infants' TEXT Suits, street and dress, women's, misses', and iuniors' TEXT Suits, students', except uniform TEXT Suits, uniform, men's and boys' TEXT Suits, wash, boys' TEXT Suits, work, 1-piece, men's and boys' TEXT Sulfamic acid CHEM Sulfate of potash-magnesia CHEM Sulfate turpentine CHEM Sulfate pulp. (See Pulp wood.) Sulfite pulp. (See Pulp wood.) Sulfocyanide CHEM Sulfonamides, preparations, all forms CHEM Sulfonated oils and fats. (See specific kind.) Sulfonomides CHEM Sulfur chloride CHEM Sulfur, crude CHEM Sulfur dioxide CHEM Sulfur dust and sprays CHEM Sulfuric acid CHEM Sulfur or sulfide dyes CHEM Sulfurous acid CHEM Sulfur oxvchloride CHEM Sulfur, refined CHEM Sulfur trioxide CHEM Sulkies, farm AGRI Sulkies, logging, skidpans CMEQ Sulfur production machinery GIEQ Summer combination units, warm air furnaces. BLDG Sun glasses, ophthalmic SITE Sun lamps, electric CDGS Sunroom chairs, wood, upholstered CDGS Sunroom chairs, wood, not upholstered CDGS Sunroom furniture, household, metal CDGS Sunroom suites, wood, upholstered CDGS Sunroom suites, wood, not upholstered CDGS Sunsuits TEXT Superchargers, turbo GIEQ Superheaters, locomotive RAIL Superphosphate, ammoniated CHEM Superphosphate, defluorinated CHEM Superphosphates, concentrated (40% and over A.P.A.) CHEM Superphosphates, enriched (23-39%, A.P.A.) .. CHEM Superphosphates, except feed grades CHEM Superphosphates, normal (under 23% A.P.A.). CHEM Superstructures, derrick, drilling rig and port- able mast, oil, gas and water well drilling OFME Supervisory control, electrical ELEC Supports, arch SITE Supports, casing and tubing, oil and gas well-. OFME Supports, elastic, orthopedic SITE Surface-active agents. (See specific kind.) Surface drilling equipment, oil, gas, and water well. (See specific kind.) Surface plates, granite BLDG Surfacing machines, home workshop, metal- working MWEQ Product code 251200 251400 251100 251200 251100 251200 251100 251400 251400 251200 251100 316100 316100 225600 225600 221100 221100 231100 231100 236900 231100 231100 231100 236300 233700 231100 231100 232900 232800 288121 287192 261101 288382 283481 283481 288513 288511 288518 287331 288101 281584 288122 288514 288512 288517 379921 353103 355910 343301 385100 364100 251200 251100 251400 251200 241200 236900 356102 374131 287123 288447 287175 287 174 287172 287173 353302 361302 384211 353343 3S4211 328100 354102 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Surfacing machines, home workshop, wood- working . MWEQ 355320 Surfacing machines, woodworking, except hand- held GIEQ 355310 Surgical dressings SITE 384212 Surgical instruments. (See specific kind.) Surgical knives SITE 384101 Surveying instruments SITE 381 125 Surveying machinery, well, oil field OFME 353343 Suspenders TEXT 238900 Suspension devices, ceilings, metal BLDG 344930 Suspensories SITE 384211 Suture needles SITE 384101 Sutures, clip SITE 384211 Sutures, surgical SITE 384211 Sutures, wire SITE 384211 Swabs, oil and gas well OFME 353302 Swages, casing, oil and gas well OFME 353302 Swaging machines, forging MWEQ 354201 Swathers AGRI 352250 Sweaters TEXT 225300 Sweepers, carpet CDGS 358922 Sweepers, pick-up, municipal type only CMEQ 353106 Sweeping compounds CHEM 284232 Sweet birch oil CHEM 289938 Swimwear. (See Bathing suits.) Swings, lawn, metal CDGS 251400 Swings, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Swings, porch, metal CDGS 251400 Swings, porch, wood CDGS 251100 Swiss-loom embroideries, except handkerchiefs-- TEXT 239500 Switch boxes, electrical, stamped metal ELEC 364430 Switch heaters, railroad, except electric RAIL 353194 Switch ties, wood LUMB 242110 Switchboards, cross-bar, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, dial, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, distribution ELEC 361301 Switchboards, manual, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, panel, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, PBX dial, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, PBX manual, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, power, automatic and manual panels ELEC 361302 Switchboards, power, metal enclosed bus bar structure ELEC 361302 Switchboards, power, metal enclosed switch- gear ELEC 361302 Switchboards, step by step, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, theater ELEC 361301 Switchboards, toll, telephone COMM 366100 Switchboards, 1,200 volt and under ELEC 361301 Switches, appliance, except knife and time ELEC 364301 Switches, automotive AUTO 369401 Switches, canopy ELEC 364301 BDSA Product description Division Switches, electronic, including rotary wafer, coaxial and slide selector ETRX Switches, enclosed knife, 600 volts and under.. ELEC Switches, fixture ELEC Switches, flush, except knife and time ELEC Switches, hair CDGS Switches, open knife, 600 volts and under P]LEC Switches, portable lamp ELEC Switches, railroad, fabricated RAIL Switches, surface, except knife and time ELEC Switches, telephone COMM Switches, time ELEC Switches, vacuum tube ETRX Switches, vehicle, except automotive and air- craft, AUTO Switching equipment, power, indoor ELEC Switching equipment, power, outdoor ELEC Switching equipment, telephone COMM Swivels, forged GCOM Swivels, surface rotary drilling, oil field OFME Synchro bearing mounted units ELEC Synchro control transformers ELEC Synchro differential receivers ELEC Synchro differential transmitters ELEC Synchro pickoffs, gyro-wound components ELEC Synchro receivers ELEC Synchro transmitters ELEC Synchro type resolvers ELEC Synchronizers, photographic, motion picture MOTP Synchronizers, photographic, still picture MOTP Synchros ELEC Synthetic broad-woven fabrics. (See specific kind.) Synthetic fiber tops and noils TEXT Synthetic resin adhesives CHEM Synthetic rubber, butyl RUBR Synthetic rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethyl- ene RUBR Synthetic rubber, cis-polyisoprene RUBR Synthetic rubber, di-isocyanate-linked RUBR Synthetic rubber, N-Type RUBR Synthetic rubber, S-Type RUBR Synthetic rubber, S-Type, regular RUBR Synthetic rubber, S-Type, cold RUBR Synthetic rubber, neoprene RUBR Synthetic rubber, polyacrylic RUBR Synthetic rubber, polybutadiene RUBR Synthetic rubber, polysulfide RUBR Synthetic rubber, silicone RUBR Synthetic rubber, vinylpyridene-butadiene RUBR Synthetic stone, lapidary work CDGS Syringe bags, rubber RUBR Syringes, fountain, rubber RUBR Syringes, hypodermic, dental SITE Syringes, hypodermic, except dental SITE Syringes, rubber RUBR Product code 367952 361301 364301 364301 399932 361301 364301 349904 364301 366100 361301 367302 369401 361302 361302 366100 342912 353302 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 362104 386102 386102 362104 229700 289140 282230 282292 282294 282293 282220 282210 282211 282212 282240 282291 282250 28229G 282295 282297 391300 306311 3063 11 384300 384101 306371 T-shirts, knit, men's and boys' TEXT 225300 Table sets, luncheon and bridge, except lace... TEXT 239202 Table tennis goods CDGS 394920 Table tops, restaurant, sheet metal SP]RV 344433 Tablecloths, damask, cotton TEXT 221100 Tablecloths, except lace TEXT 239202 Tablecloths, lace, Nottingham TEXT 229200 Tables, beach, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, beach, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, billiard CDGS 394920 Tables, breakout, rotarv, oil, gas and water well drilling "_ OFME 353302 Tables, butterfly CDGS 251100 Tables, card, folding, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, card, nonfolding, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, card, folding, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, card, nonfolding, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, children's, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, concentration, wet, dry, coal prepara- tion, mining J MMEQ 353231 Tables, concentration, wet, drv, ore dressing, mining 1 MMEQ 353231 Tables, dining room, household, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, display, metal.. SERV 254203 Tables, display, wood SERV 254102 Tables, dressing, unpainted, household, wood__ CDGS 251100 Tables, drop leaf CDGS 251100 Tables, drum CDGS 251100 Tables, embalming CDGS 398801 Tables, factory, metal SERV 259901 Tables, factory, wood SERV 259901 Tables, gateleg CDGS 251100 Tables, hall, wood, except card CDGS 251100 Tables, hospital, metal and wood except oper- ating - SITE 384103 Tables, kitchen, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, kitchen, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, laboratory SITE 381121 Tables, lawn, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, lawn, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, library, wood, except card CDGS 251100 Tables, living room, wood, except card CDGS 251100 Tables, manicure, metal SERV 399931 Tables, manicure, wood SERV 399931 Tables, nursery, household, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, office, metal SERV 252200 Tables, office, wood SERV 252100 Tables, operating SITE 384102 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Tables, pool -..., _ CDGS 394920 Tables, porch, metal CDGS 251400 Tables, porch, wood . CDGS 251100 Tables, projector for 8- and 16-mm silent projectors ■. MOTP 386103 Tables, refectory CDGS 251100 Tables, restaurant, metal _ SERV 259902 Tables, restaurant, wood SERV 259902 Tables, school, metal SERV 253110 Tables, school, wood . SERV 253110 Tables, serving, restaurant, metal SERV 259902 Tables, serving, restaurant, wood SERV 259902 Tables, sunroom, wood, except card CDGS 251100 Tables, telephone, household, wood CDGS 251100 Tables, treatment and examination SITE 384103 Tables, unpainted, household, wood CDGS 251100 Tablet paper, book converting PAPR 262100 Tablets, correspondence, paper PAPR 264910 Tablets, book paper grade PAPR 264910 Tablets, newsprint grade PAPR 264910 Tablets, writing paper grade PAPR 264910 Tableware, china, commercial, decorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, china, commercial, undecorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, china, household, decorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, china, household, undecorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, earthenware, commercial, deco- rated . CDGS 326300 Tableware, earthenware, commercial, undeco- rated CDGS 326300 Tableware, earthenware, household, decorated. CDGS 326300 Tableware, earthenware, household, undeco- rated CDGS 326300 Tableware, glass, handmade pressed, except stemware CDGS 322900 Tableware, glass, machine-made, except stem- ware CDGS 322900 Tableware, ornamental, glass, handmade blown. CDGS 322900 Tableware, plastic, commercial CDGS 307910 Tableware, plastic, household .___ CDGS 307910 Tableware, porcelain, commercial, decorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, porcelain, commercial, undeco- rated CDGS 326200 Tableware, porcelain, household, decorated CDGS 326200 Tableware, porcelain, household, undecorated,. CDGS 326200 Tableware, stoneware, commercial, decorated. _ CDGS 326901 Tableware, stoneware, commercial, undeco- rated CDGS 326901 Tableware, stoneware, household, decorated CDGS 326901 Tableware, stoneware, household, undecorated. CDGS 326901 Taborets (tabourette) CDGS 251100 Tabulating card stock PAPR 262100 Tabulating machines SERV 357121 Tacan system equipment ETRX 366241 Tachometers, electric, aircraft =.'=-_ SITE 382111 Tachometers, except aircraft SITE 382162 Tackle blocks GCOM 342912 Tacks, cut GCOM 331520 Tacks, map GCOM 331520 Tacks, shoe GCOM 331520 Tacks, steel wire GCOM 331520 Tacks, upholsterers GCOM 331520 Tacks, n.e.c GCOM 331520 Taffetas TEXT 222100 Tag stock, paper PAPR 262100 Tag stock, cardboard PAPR 263100 Taglines, crane attachments CMEQ 353142 Tags, identification, except military personnel. GCOM 399934 Tags, identification, livestock AGRI 352288 Tags, packing, paper PAPR 264952 Tail pieces (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Tailpipes, exhaust, motor vehicle AUTO 371761 Talc, block steatite MSMN 149600 Talc, crude MSMN 149600 Talc, ground MSMN 329502 Talking book reproducers for the blind ETRX 365130 Tall oil CHEM 286122 Tall oil, sulfonated CHEM 284322 Tallow and grease, inedible FOOD 209000 Tallow, edible FOOD 201000 Tallow, sulfonated CHEM 284313 Tamping equipment, tie power, railroad RAIL 353194 Tampons PAPR 264942 Tandem rollers CMEQ 353106 , Tank accessories, well head, oil field. OFME 344351 513494°— 60 6 BDSA Producl description Division Tank blocks, treads and band tracks RUBR Tank bodies, automotive, civilian AUTO Tank cars, freight train RAIL Tankage, processed CHEM Tankers, except special military design, ocean- going SHIP Tankers, except special military design, except ocean-going. . _' 1 SHIP Tankers, special military SHIP Tanks, alloy steel, bulk storage POWR Tanks, aluminum, bulk storage POWR Tanks, animal stock AGRI Tanks, bulk storage, metal, except carbon and alloy steel POWR Tanks, carbon steel, bulk storage POWR Tanks, combat... ORDN Tanks, concrete.. BLDG Tanks, dairy, including farm bulk holding and cooling GIEQ Tanks, expansion, heating BLDG Tanks, flush, watercloset, urinal (plumbing fixtures) BLDG Tanks, heavy metal, atmospheric (not field erected) POWR Tanks, hot water storage BLDG Tanks, nickel, bulk storage POWR Tanks, oil, basement POWR Tanks, metal, oil or water, field erected POWR Tanks, photographic developing, motion picture film MOTP Tanks, photographic developing, still picture film MOTP Tanks, pressure, not for process use (not field erected) POWR Tanks, recoverv combat ORDN Tanks, septic, metal POWR Tanks, stainless steel, bulk storage POWR Tanks, sterilizing, dairy GIEQ Tanks, truck, for fluids, exclude trailer tanks.. POWR Tanks, well head, flow and gathering, oil field.. OFME Tanks, wood LUMB Tannic acid CHEM Tanning machinery GIEQ Tanning materials, natural. (See specific kind.) Tantalite ore and concentrates MSMN Tantalum MSMN Tantalum compounds CHEM Tantalum, rolled and drawn products. (See specific shapes.) Tape, asbestos MSMN Tape, electric, rubber RUBR Tape, friction, rubber RUBR Tape, gummed, cloth base PAPR_. Tape, gummed, paper base PAPR Tape, hook and eye CDGS Tape, magnetic recording ETRX Tape, pressure, sensitive, rubber RUBR Tape, pressure sensitive, rubberized RUBR Tape, snap fastener CDGS Tape, splicing, rubber RUBR Tapes, electric insulating, cotton TEXT Tapes, magnetic, prerecorded ETRX Tapes, paper, teletype PAPR Tapes, precision measuring SITE Tapes, rayon TEXT Tapes, Venetian blind, cotton TEXT Tapes, vulcanizing, cotton TEXT Tapes, zipper, cotton TEXT Tapestry fabrics, cotton TEXT Tapestry fabrics, rayon TEXT Tapping machines MWEQ Taps, box fishing, pin and tapered, oil, gas and water well OFME Taps, cut-thread, carbon steel MWEQ Taps, cut-thread, high-speed steel MWEQ Taps, ground-thread M WEQ Taps, shoe . LEAT Tar acid resins. (See Resins, tar acid.) Tar, paving block BLDG Tar paving mixtures BLDG Tar saturated felts BLDG Tars_., CHEM Tartaric acid CHEM Taximeters SITE Product code 306283 371301 374220 287162 373130 373130 373120 344352 344352 352288 344352 344352 193100 327221 355110 363901 343100 344352 363901 344352 344352 344355 386102 380102 344353 193100 344352 344352 355110 344352 344351 249951 288792 355953 109900 333972 288662 329270 306277 306277 204100 264100 396423 367955 306277 306277 396423 306277 224100 365200 264951 381125 224100 224100 224100 224100 221100 222100 354101 353301 354510 354510 354510 313102 295100 295100 295210 281493 288793 382120 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Tax service, publications ..- PRIN 274121 Tea kettles, glass, handmade CDGS 322900 Tea kettles, glass, machine-made CDGS 322900 Teeth, bucket, power shovel, clamshell, drag- line CMEQ 353142 Teeth, ditcher and trencher CMEQ 353193 Teeth, porcelain SITE 384300 Teeth, resinous SITE 384300 Teeth, scarifier, graders and rollers CMEQ 353106 Teeth, shanks, rippers and rooters CMEQ 353103 Teething rings, rubber RUBR 306371 Telautograph instruments CO MM 366232 Telegraph apparatus accessories COMM 366100 Telegraph apparatus attachments COMM 366100 Telegraph apparatus components COMM 366100 Telegraph equipment for use with ocean cable. COMM 366100 Telegraph printing machines COMM 366100 Telegraph, ship COMM 366235 Telegraph spoons CGOM 342301 Telegraph start-stop printing equipment COMM 366100 Telegraphic facsimile equipment COMM 366100 Telegraphic frames, main and distributing COMM 366100 Telemetering equipment ETRX 366260 Telemeters SITE 361131 Telephone answering devices COMM 366100 Telephone carrier equipment COMM 366100 Telephone central office equipment, dial type_- COMM 366100 Telephone central office equipment, manual tvpe COMM 366100 Telephone chairs, wood, household CDGS 251100 Telephone instruments _. COMM 366100 Telephone set accessories COMM 366100 Telephone sets, hand .__ COMM 366100 Telephone sets, head and chest COMM 366100 Telephone switchboards COMM 366100 Telephone switching equipment COMM 366100 Telephone tables, household, wood CDGS 251100 Telescopes, celestial SITE 383102 Telescopes, observation, surgical SITE 384101 Telescopes, terrestrial SITE 383102 Teletype equipment, telegraph COMM 366100 Teletvpe tapes, paper PAPR 264951 Television cabinets, wood CDGS 251100 Television cameras ETRX 366220 Television distribution equipment ETRX 366260 Television duplexers ETRX 366220 Television equipment, industrial ETRX 366260 Television equipment, theater, except inter- mediate film type ETRX 366220 Television-radio phonograph combinations ETRX 365120 Television receivers, console, with or without radio ETRX 365120 Television receivers, portable ETRX 365120 Television receivers, projection type, home ETRX 365120 Television receivers, table, with or without radio ETRX 365120 Television stampings, metal GCOM 346132 Television transmitters ETRX 366220 Television tube blanks, glass CDGS 322900 Television tubes. (See Tubes.) Tellurium scrap MSMN 941000 Tellurium, unalloyed, refined MSMN 333972 Temperature instruments, exceDt thermom- eters SITE 382130 Temperature recorder-controller systems SITE 382130 Tenaculums SITE 384101 Tenderizers, food, commercial electric CDGS 355122 Tenders, locomotive RAIL 374131 Tennis balls CDGS 394920 Tennis racket frames CDGS 394920 Tenoners, woodworking, except hand-held GIEQ 355310 Tensiometers SITE 382130 Tents, canvas TEXT 239402 Terbium MSMN 333972 Terephthalate resins CHEM 282192 Terminal clamps and fittings, electron tube ETRX 367957 Terminals, telegraph cable COMM 366100 Terminals, telephone cable COMM 366100 Terneplate (short ternes), carbon steel 1 STEE 331232 Terpineols CHEM 288917 Terra cotta, clay, architectural BLDG 325920 Terracers, blade ditchers or one disc AGRI 352289 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Terrazzo strip, metal BLDG Terry woven fabrics, cotton TEXT Test equipment, microwave SITE Test equipment parts, electrical SITE Testaments PRIN Testers, armature, automotive AUTO Testers, battery, automotive AUTO Testers, bed canopies CDGS Testers, circuit, automotive AUTO Testers, coil, automotive AUTO Testers, condenser, automotive AUTO Testers, fuel pump, automotive AUTO Testers, gasoline mileage, automotive AUTO Testers, headlight, automotive AUTO Testers, hydraulic line, aircraft AUTO Testers, ignition harness, aircraft AUTO Testers, magneto, automotive AUTO Testers, meter pressure, aircraft AUTO Testers, oil, gas and water well drilling OF ME Testers, spark plug, automotive AUTO Testers, speedometer, automotive AUTO Testers, timing, automotive AUTO Testing equipment, hardness SITE Testing instruments, abrasion SITE Testing instruments, material strength SITE Testing instruments, physical property SITE Testing instruments, wear SITE Testing units, generator, aircraft AUTO Tests, educational PRIN Tetrachlorodifluoroethane CHEM Tetrasodium pyrophosphate CHEM Tetrafluoromethane CHEM Text paper PAPR Textbooks, college PRIN Textbooks, elementary school PRIN Textbooks, high school PRIN Textile converting machinery GIEQ Textile leather, mill strapping LEAT Textile leathers LEAT Textile leathers, picker LEAT Textile machinery. (See specific kind.) Textile machinery attachments and accessories. (See specific kind.) Textile machinery turnings, wood GIEQ Textile mills, hemp and ramie yarn, thread and fabric TEXT Textile mills, jute yarn and fabric TEXT Textile mills, linen yarn, thread and fabric TEXT Textile mills, narrow-woven cotton, wool, silk and synthetic fiber TEXT Textile preservatives, nonpressure CHEM Textiles. (See specific kind.) Textiles, asbestos. (See Asbestos.) Thallium MSMN Thallium compounds CHEM Theater chairs and seats. (See Chairs or seats.) Theater switchboards ELEC Theater TV equipment, intermediate film type. MOTP Theater TV" equipment, except intermediate film type ETRX Theatrical and masquerade costumes TEXT Theodolites SITE Thermistors, telephone COMM Thermistors and varistors ETRX Thermit, except for military use MWEQ Thermometers, clinical SITE Thermometers, except clinical SITE Thermosetting plastic laminated products CHEM Thermostats SITE Thickener mechanisms, mineral type MMEQ Thickeners, coal preparation MMEQ Thickeners, ore dressing MMEQ Thickeners, pulp mill GIEQ Thimbles and flue stops, sheet metal BLDG Thimbles, rope GCOM Thin board (Jie-inch or less) insulating board_. BLDG Thinners, beet AGRI Thinners for dopes and lacquers. (See Paints.) . Thinners, vegetable AGRI Thorium MSMN Thorium dioxide CHEM Thorium nitrate CHEM Thread, asbestos MSMN Thread-grinding machines MWEQ Product code 344930 221100 361122 361122 273100 361121 361121 251100 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 361121 353342 361121 361121 361121 382130 382130 382130 382130 382130 361121 273100 288843 288441 288837 262100 273100 273100 273100 355200 312102 312102 312102 355200 229900 229900 229900 224100 285203 333972 288663, 361301 386102 366220 238900 381125 366100 367930 339911 382130 382130 307902 382130 353231 353231 353231 355400 344431 342912 266112 352284 352284 333972 288628 288629 329270 354101 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Thread, hand-knitting, except cotton and wool. TEXT 228400 Thread, hemp, linen, exc, jacquard TEXT 229200 Thread, soft fiber TEXT 220000 Thread-milling machines MWEQ 354101 Thread, rubber, bare RUBR 306461 Thread, rubber, covered RUBR 306462 Threading machines, bolt MWEQ 354101 Threading machines, pipe, except milling and grinding MWEQ 354101 Threading sets (screw plates) metalworking MWEQ 354510 Threads, cotton and man-made. TEXT 228400 Threshers, peanut AGRI 352250 Threshers, stationary, except peanut AGRI 352250 Thresholds, metal BLDG 344201 Thresholds, other than metal or hardwood BLDG 344201 Thresholds, wood LUMB 243100 Throat bags, rubber RUBR 306371 Throwing and twisting of filament yarn: silk, rayon, and other synthetic fibers TEXT 228200 Thulium MSMN 333972 Thumb tacks— steel cut GCOM 331520 Thvatron electron tubes ETRX 367302 Ticker equipment COMM 366100 Ticket boxes, theater, metal.. CDGS 349905 Ticket-counting machines SERV 357122 Ticket issuing machines SERV 357902 Tickets, letterpress and gravure priuted PRIN 275100 Tickets, lithographed PRIX 275200 Tickings, bed, cotton TEXT 221100 Tic fabrics, rayon TEXT 222100 Tie holders, platinum and karat gold CDGS 391 100 Tie plates, rail, carbon steel i STEE 331291 Tierces, wood, cooperage COXT 241502 Ties, cotton bale > STEE 331231 Ties, industrial, mine, steel MMEQ 353211 Ties, masonry wall, metal BLDG 344930 Ties, mine, sawed LUMB 212110 Ties, railwav, sawed LUMB 242110 Ties, wire bale, carbon steel ». STEE 331590 Tight cooperage, wood CONT 244502 Tile, acoustical, sheet metal BLDG 344435 Tile, asphalt floor BLDG 329250 Tile, cork, insulation LUMB 249942 Tile, corn-crib, floor. BLDG 325121 Tile, drain, clay BLDG 325920 Tile, drain, concrete BLDG 327212 Tile, drain, reinforced concrete BLDG 327211 Tile, facing, ceramic glazed BLDG 325122 Tile, facing, salt glazed BLDG 325122 Tile, facing, unglazed BLDG 325122 Tile, floor and wall, clay, ceramic (not struc- tural), glazed or unglazed (except quarry) BLDG 325300 Tile, floor, cork BLDG 219941 Tile, floor, linoleum BLDG 398211 Tile, floor, rubber BLDG 306941 Tile, floor, vinvl ._ BLDG 307952 Tile, floor, vinvl asbestos BLDG 329260 Tile, hollow, structural BLDG 325121 Tile making machinery GIEQ 355955 Tile, partition, gypsum BLDG 327520 Tile, quarry, clav BLDG 325920 Tile, roofing, clay BLDG 325920 Tile, silo, clay BLDG 325121 Tile, structural clay, except facing BLDG 325121 Tile, structural, clav, floor BLDG 325121 Tile, wall, sheet metal... BLDG 344435 Tillers, chisel AGRI 352202 Tillers, disk, one-way... AGRI 352202 Tillers, motor AGRI 352281 Tillers, orchard AGRI 352202 Tillers, subsoil AGRI 352202 Tills, wood, veneer CONT 244300 Timber connectors, grids, plates and rings LUMB 345201 Timbering devices, underground MMEQ 353212 Timbers, fabricated, laminated or structural LUMB 243311 Timbers, hewn or round LUMB 241101 Timbo root CHEM 287315 Time recording machine systems, complete SERV 357902 Time stamp machines SERV 357902 Timers, electric SITE 387100 Timers, spring driven. SITE 387100 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product description Division Timing mechanisms, electric SITE Timing mechanism, spring driven SITE Tin cans. (See Cans.) Tin compounds. (See Specific kind.) Tin crystals CHEM Tin foil MSMN Tin ore and concentrates MSMN Tin salts CHEM Tin scrap MSMN Tin, unalloyed, refined MSMN Tinners' snips CDGS Tinplate bars » STEE Tinplate, electrolytic 1 STEE Tinplate, hot dipped » STEE Tips, shoelace LEAT Tire and tube repair materials, except camel- back RUBR Tire-building equipment GIEQ Tire-changing tools AUTO Tire cord and fabrics, cotton TEXT Tire cord and fabrics, except cotton TEXT Tire presses GIEQ Tire recapping machinery GIEQ Tire repairing equipment GIEQ Tire retreading machinery GIEQ Tires, cushion, 2-inch and over RUBR Tires, cushion, baby carriage, under 2-inch RUBR Tires, cushion, juvenile, under 2-inch RUBR Tires, cushion, toy, under 2-inch RUBR Tires, pneumatic, airplane RUBR Tires, pneumatic, bicycle RUBR Tires, pneumatic, bus RUBR Tires, pneumatic, farm tractor RUBR Tires, pneumatic, implement RUBR Tires, pneumatic, industrial RUBR Tires, pneumatic, motorcycle RUBR Tires, pneumatic, off-the-road RUBR Tires, pneumatic, passenger car RUBR Tires, pneumatic, truck RUBR Tires, rebuilt RUBR Tires, retreaded RUBR Tires, semi-pneumatic, 2-inch and over RUBR Tires, solid, airplane RUBR Tires, solid, baby carriage, under 2-inch RUBR Tires, solid, bogie rollers, tracklaying vehicles-. RUBR Tires, solid, cure-on, industrial RUBR Tires, solid, idler rollers, tracklaying vehicles... RUBR Tires, solid, juvenile, under 2-inch RUBR Tires, solid, pressed-on highway RUBR Tires, solid, pressed on, industrial RUBR Tires, solid, toy, under 2-inch RUBR Tiring, rubber, under 2-inch RUBR Tissue stock PAPR Tissues, facial, paper PAPR Titanium and titanium-alloy ingots MSMN Titanium and titanium-alloy scrap . MSMN Titanium dioxide pigments CHEM Titanium metal, unalloyed MSMN Titanium paints CHEM Titanium ores and concentrates MSMN Titanium, rolled, drawn and extruded products. (See Specific shapes.) Titanium sponge MSMN Titanium tetrachloride CHEM Thiers, photographic, motion picture MOTP Tillers, photographic, still picture MOTP Titlers, photographic, motion picture, 8 mm. only MOTP Toasters, commercial, electric CDGS Toasters, commercial, except electric CDGS Toasters, electric, automatic, household CDGS Toasters, electric, nonautomatic, household CDGS Toasters, sandwich, automatic, electric, house- hold CDGS Toasters, sandwich, nonautomatic, electric, household CDGS Tobacco cloths TEXT Tobacco curers AGRI Tobacco harvesting machinery AGRI Tobacco industry (chewing, smoking and snuff). FOOD Tobacco manufacturing cutting machines GIEQ Tobacco pipes CDGS Tobacco processing machinery GIEQ Tobacco stemming and redrying industry FOOD Product code. 387 387 100 100 288522 349702 109900 288522 941000 333972 342110 331222 331232 331232 313101 301143 355941 354841 229600 229600 355942 355942 355942 355942 301137 306278 306278 306278 301114 301117 301113 301115 301115 301116 301112 301113 301111 301113 306431 306431 301137 301134 306278 301135 301133 301135 300278 301131 301132 306278 301178 262100 264930 335603 941000 281631 333972 285155 109300 333972 288031 386102 386102 3S6103 358911 358912 363430 363430 363430 363430 221100 352285 352250 213100 355953 399933 355953 214100 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Tobacco wrapping machines GIEQ Toboggans CDGS Toe plates, boot and shoe findings LEAT Toggle bolts, ferrous GCOM Toggle bolts, nonferrous GCOM Toilet and floral waters and colognes CHEM Toilet bowl cleaner CHEM Toilet brushes, except tooth and shaving CDGS Toilet paper PAPR Toilet paper roll making machines GIEQ Toilet preparations. (See specific kind.) Toilet seats and metal trim BLDG Toilet seat covers, paper PAPR Toilet tissue stock PAPR Toilet waters CHEM Toiletry containers, glass, handmade CONT Toiletry containers, glass, narrow neck CONT Toiletry containers, glass, wide mouth CONT Toilets, chemical _ BLDG Toilets (plumbing fixtures)- BLDG Toiletware, electrosilver plated CDGS Toiletware, sterling silver CDGS Tokens, coin substitute, metal CDGS Toluene CHEM Toluidine, ortho, meta, para CHEM Toners, photographic chemical MOTP Toners. (See Intermediates.) Tongs, back-up, breakout bull, casing and will pipe, including power, oil, gas and water well, drilling and production OFME Tonics and alteratives, all forms CHEM Tonnage oxygen CHEM Tool bars for crawler tractors, and tool bar attachments CMEQ Tool bars for wheel tractors, tractor drawn or mounted AGRI Tool holders MWEQ Tool joints subsurface drilling, oil field OFME Toolroom flats MWEQ Tools. (See also specific kind.) Tools, automatic machine, metalworking MWEQ Tools, blacksmiths, hand GCOM Tools, body, fender repair, electric, hydraulic or pneumatic, automotive maintenance AUTO Tools, automotive, body and fender repair GCOM Tools, box, metalworking MWEQ Tools, cable and rotary drilling, oil, gas and water well OFME Tools, edged hand, agricultural, lawn and garden GCOM Tools, engine valve seat insert, automotive maintenance AUTO Tools, hand, non-sparking GCOM Tools, hand, power-actuated MWEQ Tools, hand, power-driven, attachments MWEQ Tools, hand, power-driven, home workshops MWEQ Tools, hand, power-driven, parts MWEQ Tools, heavy forged, hand GCOM Tools, hot line GCOM Tools, lineman's, hand GCOM Tools, logging, hand GCOM Tools, mason's, hand GCOM Tools, miner's, hand GCOM Tools, plumbers' GCOM Tools, special design, metalworking MWEQ Tools, tire changing AUTO Tools, tire valve service, automotive mainte- nance AUTO Tooth brushes CDGS Tooth brush holders, stamped CDGS Tooth cleaners, liquid _ CHEM Tooth paste CHEM Toothpicks LUMB Tooth powder CHEM Top lifts, except leather or rubber LEAT Top lifts, leather LEAT Top lift sheets, rubber, for shoes RUBR Topaz, grain and flour MSMN Topaz ores MSMN Topcoating fabrics, circular-knit TEXT Topcoats, men's, and boys' TEXT Tops, mohair, wool, rayon and synthetic fiber.. TEXT 1 Denotes controlled material. Product code 355953 394920 313101 345201 345201 284415 284233 398101 264930 355400 343200 264930 262100 284415 322100 322100 322100 343100 343100 391410 391410 399936 281430 281558 386180 353302 283482 281314 353192 352230 354530 353301 354530 354530 342301 354841 342301 354530 353302 342321 354841 342301 354821 354821 354822 354821 342301 342301 342301 342301 342301 342301 342301 354410 342301 354841 398101 346186 284463 284461 249958 284462 313102 313102 306151 329102 145900 225600 231100 229700 BDSA Product Product description Division code Torches, arc welding MWEQ 362310 Torches, blow GCOM 342301 Torches, gas welding MWEQ 354830 Torchiers, lighting, glass. CDGS 322900 Torpedoes _ __ ORDN 192900 Torpedoes, signal CHEM 289933 Torquers, Gyro-wound components ELEC 362104 Torsion bar springs RAIL 349302 Torsion meters ___ SITE 382130 Torso models _ .__ SITE 384211 Toupees CDGS 399932 Tourniquets, rubber _ RUBR 306371 Towboats, civilian SHIP 373130 Toweling, damask, huck and jacquard TEXT 221100 Toweling, linen TEXT 229900 Toweling stock, paper PAPR 262100 Toweling, turkish and terry-woven TEXT 221100 Towels, damask, huck and jacquard-woven, except terry TEXT 239202 Towels, dish, cotton and linen, mixtures TEXT 221100 Towels, dish, plain and twill woven... TEXT 239202 Towels, linen _ TEXT 229900 Towels, paper PAPR 264930 Towels, plain and twill-woven TEXT 239202 Towels, turkish and terry-woven TEXT 221100 Towels, twill and plain woven, cotton and mix- ture TEXT 221100 Towers, air service, automotive maintenance..- AUTO 354841 Towers, antenna supporting, prefabricated ETRX 344131 Towers, radiating, prefabricated, stock items... ETRX 344131 Towing equipment, airborne, aircraft AIRC 372911 Towing machinery, marine SHIP 373001 Toy animals, stuffed.. CDGS 394200 Toy balloons, rubber.. _ RUBR 306467 Toy sets, structural CDGS 394100 Toys, mechanical, except trains CDGS 394100 Toys, paper CDGS 394100 Toys, plastic CDGS 394100 Toys, rubber, except balloons, balls, and dolls.. RUBR 306481 Tracing cloth, cotton TEXT 221100 Track fittings and fixtures, underground mine.. MMEQ 353211 Trackless trolley coach repair parts RAIL 374232 Track or crawler wheel assemblies and repair parts CMEQ 353103 Track spikes, carbon steel 1 STEE 331590 Traction sprayers — farm equipment AGRI 352282 Tractor attachments, garden type, and motor tillers AGRI 352281 Tractor attachments, tracklaying CMEQ 353192 Tractor attachments, wheel type, nonfarm type CMEQ 353192 Tractor crane attachments CMEQ 353192 Tractor front-end loaders, nonfarm type CMEQ 353192 Tractor stampings, metal GCOM 346132 Tractor winches, donkeys, hoists CMEQ 353192 Tractors, garden, except motor tillers AGRI 352281 Tractors, industrial, gasoline GIEQ 353700 Tractors, industrial, gasoline-electric GIEQ 353700 Tractors, industrial, storage battery GIEQ 353700 Tractors, motor truck, civilian AUTO 371701 Tractors, tracklaying and attachments CMEQ 353102 Tractors, tracklaying, repair and replacement parts only CMEQ 353131 Tractors, wheel, under 100 hp., except garden.- AGRI 352221 Tractors, wheel, over 100 hp., off-highway design and repair parts CMEQ 353105 Traffic control system equipment, air and ground, electronic ETRX 366241 Traffic measuring set, telephone COMM 366100 Traffic signals, electric ELEC 366234 Tragacanth gum CHEM 283364 Trail cars RAIL 374231 Trailer boxes, farm AGRI 379921 Trailer chassis, truck, civilian AUTO 371500 Trailer coaches, housing type BLDG 379100 Trailer racks, farm AGRI 379921 Trailers, chassis, motor truck, civilian, auto- motive AUTO 371500 Trailers, end, side, bottom dump, off-highway design CMEQ 353103 Trailers, farm AGRI 379921 Trailers, industrial, hand lift GIEQ 353700 Trailers, motor truck, bodies, civilian, auto- motive AUTO 371301 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Trailers, passenger car, except house trailer AUTO Trailers, single and tandem axle, motor truck. .. AUTO Trailers, truck, petroleum AUTO Trainers, livestock AGRI Trains. (See Cars.) Trains, toy, mechanical and electrical CDGS Trains, toy, model construction CDGS Tramways, aerial, cable, wire rope MMEQ Transceivers, airborne ETRX Transceivers, except airborne, shipboard, and land mobile ETRX Transceivers, land mobile ETRX Transceivers, marine ETRX Transcriptions, electrical ETRX Transducers and related devices ETRX Transfer tables, railroad RAIL Transformer, electronic, common laminations and cores ETRX Transformer end bells, electronic ETRX Transformer parts and accessories ELEC Transformers, arc furnace ELEC Transformers, audio ETRX Transformers, control-synchro ELEC Transformers, distribution ELEC Transformers, IF ETRX Transformers, instrument, current and poten- tial ELEC Transformers, meter, current and potential ELEC Transformers, power, above 600 volts except electronic components ELEC Transformers, power center ELEC Transformers, electronic ETRX Transformers, rectifier, except electronic com- - ponents.. ELEC Transformers, resistance welder MWEQ Transformers, RF ETRX Transformers, specialty, control ELEC Transformers, specialty, doorbell ELEC Transformers, specialty, fluorescent lamp bal- lasts ELEC Transformers, specialty, general purpose, 600 volts or less except electronic components ELEC Transformers, specialty, ignition, except engine. ELEC Transformers, specialty, luminous tube ELEC Transformers, specialty, signaling ELEC Transformers, specialty, toy ELEC Transformers, horizontal output, television ETRX Transformers, pulse, electronic ETRX Transformers, telephone COMM Transformers, tripping, current and potential. _ ELEC Transformers, unit sub-station ELEC Transformers, vertical deflection, TV ETRX Transistors, electronic application ETRX Transistors, telephone COMM Transits SITE Translators, telephone COMM Transmission belting, flat, rubber RUBR Transmission belts, flat, rubber RUBR Transmission hardware, high voltage ELEC Transmissions, aircraft, civilian AIRC Transmissions, automotive type AUTO Transmitter accessory items: TV duplexer, vestigial sideband filters, etc ETRX Transmitter, broadcast, test equipment SITE Transmitters, airborne ETRX Transmitters, broadcast, AM ETRX Transmitters, broadcast, FM ETRX Transmitters, fixed station ETRX Transmitters, land mobile ETRX Transmitters, marine ETRX Transmitters, microwave ETRX Transmitters, radio telephone and radio tele- graph ETRX Transmitters, synchros ELEC Transmitters, telephone COMM Transmitters, television broadcast ETRX Transmitting and special-purpose electron tubes. (See Electron tubes.) Transplanters, drawn AGRI Transponders, electronic ETRX Transportation equipment and accessories, un- derground mine MMEQ Transom hardware BLDG Transports, military SHIP Product code 379911 371500 371500 352288 394100 394100 353212 366213 366213 366213 366213 365200 367953 353194 367957 367957 361201 361201 367940 362104 361201 367940 361201 361201 361201 361201 367940 361201 362330 367940 361210 361210 361210 361210 361210 361210 361210 361210 367940 367940 366100 361201 361201 367940 367910 366100 381125 366100 306213 306213 364410 372203 371761 366220 361122 366211 366220 366220 366211 366211 36G211 366211 366211 362104 366100 366220 352230 366241 353211 342940 373120 BDSA Product Product description Division code Traps, aircraft type GCOM 349404 Traps, animal, game and rodent CDGS 342951 Traps, crab CDGS 394910 Traps, drummers CDGS 393140 Traps, ion ETRX 367955 Traps (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Traps, radiator GCOM 349403 Traps, steam GCOM 349407 Traveling wave electron tubes ETRX 367302 Trawls, beam CDGS 394910 Tray cloths, except lace _ TEXT 239202 Tray stands, restaurant, metal.. SERV 259902 Tray stands, restaurant, wood SERV 259902 Tray stock, food, paperboard PAPR 263100 Trays, instrument SITE 384102 Trays, ice cube, metal CDGS 346186 Trays, laundry domestic, sink, stationary (plumbing fixtures) BLDG 343100 Travs, laundry, vitreous china and earthenware. BLDG 326100 Trays, hard rubber RUBR 306246 Trays, metal, delivery CONT 346181 Tread rubber (camelback) RUBR 301142 Treads, stair, rubber RUBR 306264 Treads, wood LUMB 243100 Treaters, seed, farm size AGRI 352285 Treating equipment, oil and gas field OFME 353330 Trees, shoe LEAT 249953 Trellises, wood LUMB 243100 Trench hoes, tractor mounted CMEQ 353192 Trenchers, ladder, wheel CMEQ 353193 Trestles, automotive maintenance AUTO 354841 Triacetin CHEM 288796 Tricalcium phosphate CHEM 2S8426 Trichlorobenzene CHEM 281559 Trichloroethylene CHEM 288797 Trichloromonofluoromethane CHEM 288782 Trichlorophenol CHEM 281560 Trichlorotrifluoroethane CHEM 288844 Tricresyl phosphate CHEM 288933 Tricycles, chain-driven CDGS 394302 Tricycles, except chain-driven CDGS 394302 Triethylene glycol CHEM 288798 Trifluoromethane CHEM 288842 Trim, interior, hardwood dimension LUMB 242622 Trim, interior, wood LUMB 243100 Trim, metal BLDG 344230 Trim (plumbing fitting) BLDG 343200 Trimmers, cutlery CDGS 342110 Trimmers, saw, type, printing GIEQ 355501 Trimmings, automobile, textile TEXT 239600 Trimmings, coat, textile TEXT 239600 Trimmings, dress, textile TEXT 239600 Trimmings, furniture, textile TEXT 239600 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) CHEM 289216 Tripods, photographic, motion picture MOTP 386102 Tripods, photographic, still picture MOTP 386102 Tripoli MSMN 149700 Tripotassium phosphate CHEM 28S434 Tripping transformers, current and potential... ELEC 361201 Trisodium phosphate CHEM 288438 Trocars SITE 3S4101 Trolley cars, trackless RAIL 374231 Trolley conveyor systems, overhead GIEQ 353501 Trolley fittings and* fixtures, underground mine. MMEQ 353211 Trolley fittings, street cars, except overhead RAIL 374232 Trolley fixtures, railroad RAIL 374232 Trolley fixtures, street car RAIL 374232 Trombones and parts CDGS 393140 Trophies, electrosilver plated CDGS 391410 Trophies, except silver and plated CDGS 349905 Trophies, except sterling and electro-silver plated CDGS 391410 Trophies, sterling silver CDGS 391410 Troughs, hog AGRI 352288 Troughs: urinal, closet, plumbing fixtures BLDG 343100 Trouserings, cotton TEXT 221100 Trouserings, man-made fiber and silk TEXT 222100 Trouserings, woolen and worsted TEXT 223100 Trousers, men's and boys', separate, except work and uniform TEXT 232700 Trousers, men's and boys', work TEXT 232800 Trousers, separate, except work and uniform... TEXT 232700 Trowels GCOM 342301 Truck bodies, civilian, automotive AUTO 371301 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Truck bodies, military AUTO 371302 Truck boxes, farm type AGRI 379921 Truck chassis, civilian, automotive AUTO 371701 Truck mounted power shovels and cranes CMEQ 353142 Truck racks, farm AGRI 379921 Truck tractors, civilian, automotive AUTO 371701 Trucks, farm (not motor) AGRI 379921 Trucks, feed (not motor) AGRI 379921 Trucks, feed-farm equipment AGRI 352288 Trucks, fire, automotive AUTO 371701 Trucks, hand lift GIEQ 353700 Trucks, fork, operator-riding, electric GIEQ 353700 Trucks, fork, operator-riding, gasoline GIEQ 353700 Trucks, fork, operator-riding, gasoline-electric.- GIEQ 353700 Trucks, fork, operator-riding, storage battery. _ GIEG 353700 Trucks, industrial, operator-riding, electric, except fork GIEQ 353700 Trucks, industrial, operator-riding, gasoline, except fork GIEQ 353700 Trucks, industrial, powered, operator-walking. _ GIEQ 353700 Trucks, motor, except off-highway, civilian AUTO 371701 Trucks, motor vehicle, military.." AUTO 371740 Trucks, platform . GIEQ 353700 Trumpets and parts CDGS 393140 Trunk hardware LEAT 342953 Trunk locks LEAT 342953 Trunks, except leather LEAT 316100 Trunks, leather LEAT 310100 Trunks, swim. (See Bathing suits.) Trusses, orthopedic SITE 384211 Trusses, roof, welded BLDG 344930 Truss pads, rubber RUBR 306371 Tub fillers, bath BLDG 343200 Tube adaptors, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube blooms, extruded, aluminum » ALUM 335250 Tube bushings, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube caps, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube, characteristic measuring instruments receiving SITE 361122 Tube connectors, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube, copper-base alloy, brazed ' COPR 335120 Tube, copper-base alloy, seamless 1 COPR 335120 Tube, copper, unallove'd, brazed ' COPR 335120 Tube, copper, unalloyed, seamless J COPR 335120 Tube couplings, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube crosses, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube, drawn, aluminum > ALUM 3352G0 Tube elbows, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube extruded, aluminum 1 ALUM 335250 Tube fittings and valves, aircraft type (AN) GCOM 349404 Tube fittings, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube mill liners MSMN 149700 Tube nipples, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube nuts, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube plugs, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube reducers, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube rounds, alloy steel, except stainless » STEE 331222 Tube rounds, carbon steel > STEE 331222 Tube rounds, stainless steel ' STEE 331222 Tube sleeves, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube stock, paperboard PAPR 263100 Tube systems, pneumatic GIEQ 353501 Tube tees, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube unions, except aircraft (AN) GCOM 349406 Tube, welded, aluminum * ALUM 335260 Tubes, bailer, barrel, oil well pump, extension, perforated, and flow, oil well OFME 353301 Tubes, electronic. (See Electron tubes.) Tubes, inner, airplane RUBR 301124 Tubes, inner, bicycle RUBR 301127 Tubes, inner, bus RUBR 301123 Tubes, inner, implement RUBR 301125 Tubes, inner, industrial RUBR 301126 Tubes, inner, motorcycle RUBR 301122 Tubes, inner, off-the-road RUBR 301123 Tubes, inner, passenger car RUBR 301121 Tubes, inner, farm tractor RUBR 301125 Tubes, inner, tractor RUBR 301100 Tubes, inner, truck RUBR 301123 Tubes, laminated, plastics CHEM 307902 Tubes, paper and paperboard, packaging CONT 265520 Tubes, metal aspirating and suction SITE 384101 1 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Tubes, metal collapsible CONT 349600 Tubes, surgical SITE 384101 Tubes, X-ray, except rectifying valves SITE 369301 Tubing catchers, oil and gas field OFME 353302 Tubing collars OFME 353301 Tubing, glass, except electrical CDGS 322900 Tubing, glass, fluorescent CDGS 322900 Tubing, glass, neon CDGS 322900 Tubing, gold and gold-base aliovs MSMN 335603 Tubing, hard rubber RUBR 306245 Tubing heads OFME 353330 Tubing intravenous, rubber RUBR 306371 Tubing, irrigator, rubber RUBR 306371 Tubing, lead and lead-base alloy MSMN 335605 Tubing, mechanical, seamless and welded, steel, all grades ' STEE 331762 Tubing, metal, flexible GCOM 359903 Tubing, nickel and nickel base alloys >■ MSMN 335603 Tubing, pillow and industrial, cotton TEXT 221100 Tubing, platinum and platinum-base alloys MSMN 335603 Tubing plugs OFME 353301 Tubing, pressure, seamless and welded, steel, all grades'! STEE 331762 Tubing, silver and silver-base alloys MSMN 335603 Tubing stethoscopic, rubber RUBR 306371 Tubing, tantalum MSMN 335603 Tubing, tin MSMN 335605 Tubing, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN 335603 Tubs: double, galvanized steel . CDGS 346183 Tubs, laundry, domestic, stationary (plumbing fixtures) BLDG 343100 Tubs, round, galvanized steel CDGS 346183 Tubs, round, steel except galvanized CDGS 346183 Tubs, square, galvanized steel CDGS 346183 Tubs, square, steel except galvanized CDGS 346183 Tubs, wooden, shipping, tight cooperage CONT 244502 Tubular knit cloth made in knitting mills TEXT 225600 Tucking for the trade TEXT 239500 Tugboats, civilian SHIP 373130 Tumblers, glass, handmade blown CDGS 322900 Tumblers, glass, handmade pressed CDGS 322900 Tumblers, glass, machine-made CDGS 322900 Tumblers, packers, glass CONT 322100 Tumbling barrels and polishing mills MWEQ 355921 Tuners, FM ETRX 365101 Tuners, TV subassemblies ETRX 367955 Tungsten carbide STEE 281992 Tungsten compounds, except for metallurgic use CHEM 288664 Tungsten compounds for metallurgical pur- poses STEE 281992 Tungsten metal STEE 333971 Tungsten powder STEE 333971 Tungstic acid CHEM 288123 Tuning devices, permeability ETRX 367940 Turbine generator set units POWR 351101 Turbines, gas, mechanical drive POWR 351111 Turbines, hydraulic POWR 351101 Turbines, steam POWR 351101 Turbines, steam, mechanical drive, except marine POWR 351101 Turbines, steam, mechanical drive, marine POWR 351101 Turbo superchargers GIEQ 356102 Turnbuckles, except forged GCOM 345201 Turnbuckles, forged GCOM 342912 Turning tools, except form, carbide tipped MWEQ 354510 Turning tools, except form, high-speed steel MWEQ 354510 Turning tools, form, carbide tipped MWEQ 354510 Turning tools, form, high-speed steel MWEQ 354510 Turning, mills vertical MWEQ 354101 Turnings, textile machinery, wood GIEQ 355200 Turntables, recording, commercial ETRX 365130 Turpentine aprons, spouts, cups and gutters.. AGRI 352250 Turpentine, sulfate CHEM 261101 Turret lathes, vertical MWEQ 354101 Tweeter ETRX 367953 Twills, cotton TEXT 221100 Twills, spun ravon TEXT 222100 Twills, 100-percent filament ravon TEXT 222100 Twine, baler TEXT 229800 Twine, binder TEXT 229800 Twine, cotton TEXT 229800 Twine, fishing, hard fiber TEXT 229800 Twine, paper and fiber mixed TEXT 229800 PEODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Twine, wrapping and other uses, n.e.c TEXT 229800 Twist drills, metal working MWEQ 354510 Twisted paper, for cord PAPR 264952 Twisted paper, for twine _. PAPR 264952 Twisting frames, textile GIEQ 355200 Twisting machine attachments and accessories, textile GIEQ 355200 Twisting paper stock PAPR 262100 2,4-D(2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) CHEM 287393 2,4,5-T(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid) CHEM 287394 Tyers, vegetable AGRI 352285 Tympan PAPR 262100 Tympan paper, except kraft PAPR 262100 Type matrices, printing GIEQ 355501 Type metal, electrotype and stereotype MSMN 334130 BDSA Product Product description - Division code Type metal molds, printing GIEQ 355501 Type remelting furnaces, printing GIEQ 355501 Typecasting machines GIEQ 355501 Typesetting machines GIEQ 355501 Typewriter parts and attachments SERV 357200 Typewriter ribboncloth, cotton TEXT 221100 Typewriters, noiseless SERV 357200 Typewriters, portable, electric SERV 357200 Typewriters, specialized SERV 357200 Typewriters, standard, electric SERV 357200 Typewriters, standard nonportable, except elec- tric SERV 357200 Typewriters, standard, portable SERV 357200 Typewriters, stencil-cutting SERV 357200 Typography, advertising PRIN 279100 u Ukeleles and parts CDGS Ultra marine blue CHEM Ultraviolet lamp fixtures ELEC Umbrella and parasol parts CDGS Umbrellas CDGS Undercoatings — paints CHEM Undertakers' wagon bodies, motor vehicle AUTO Undertakers' wagon, motor vehicle AUTO Underreamers, rotary and cable tool, oil, gas and water well drilling OFME Underwear, circular knit, women's and misses'. (See specific kind.) Underwear fabrics, knit TEXT Underwear, warp knit, women's and misses'. (See specific kind.) Uni-carriers, chassis or rear tool bar, short or long AGRI Uniform suits, men's TEXT Uniform suits, military, women's TEXT Uniforms, washable, maids' and nurses' TEXT Union suits, woven, men's and boys' TEXT Unit heater parts BLDG Unit heaters, gas or oil BLDG Unit heaters, steam, hot water or electric heating element BLDG Unit-set business forms, manifold PRIN Unit ventilator parts BLDG Unit ventilators BLDG Units, dental SITE Units, drilling control, oil, gas and water well.. OFME Units, flow control, oil and gas well OFME Universal joints, motor vehicle AUTO Unloaders, silo AGRI Upholstery fabrics, automotive, rubber coated. RUBR Upholstery fabrics, cotton TEXT Upholstery fabrics, furniture, rubber coated RUBR Upholstery fabrics, furniture, woolen, except felt TEXT Upholstery fabrics, rayon TEXT Upholstery fabrics, transportation, wool, except felt TEXT 393140 281693 364254 399500 399500 285164 371301 371701 353301 225600 352230 231100 233700 233900 232200 343365 343365 343365 276100 343365 343365 384300 353301 353330 371761 352285 306417 221100 306417 223100 222100 223100 Upholstery, full molded, latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR 306252 Upholstery, slab stock latex foam, sponge rubber RUBR 306253 Upholstery leather, cattle, finished splits LEAT 311110 Upholstery leather, cattle, grain LEAT 311110 Upper leather. (See Leather, upper.) Uppers, shoe LEAT 313102 Upsetters, forging machines MWEQ 354201 Uranium compounds CHEM 288665 Uranium ores MSMN 109400 Urea CHEM 288745 UREA— Ammonia liquor CHEM 287185 Urea resins CHEM 282126 Urethane resins CHEM 282194 Urinals, invalid SITE 384102 Urinals, pedestal, stall, trough, wall BLDG 343100 Urinals, rubber RUBR 306371 Urns, coffee, commercial, electric CDGS 358911 Urns, coffee, commercial, except electric CDGS 358912 Urns, coffee, electric, household CDGS 363430 Utensils. (See also specific kinds.) Utensils, baking, pulp, molded PAPR 264621 Utensils, cooking and kitchen, stamped alumi- num CDGS 346101 Utensils, cooking, cast aluminum CDGS 336101 Utensils, cooking, cast iron CDGS 332141 Utensils, cooking, stamped and pressed, stain- less steel..-. CDGS 346101 Utensils, cooking, vitreous enameled CDGS 346111 Utensils, hospital, cooking, vitreous enameled.. CDGS 346111 Utensils, hospital, kitchen, vitreous enamel CDGS 346111 Utensils, hospital, stamped, except cooking and kitchen CDGS 346101 Utensils, kitchen, cast aluminum CDGS 336101 Utensils, kitchen, cast iron CDGS 332141 Utensils, kitchen, stamped and pressed, stain- less steel . CDGS 346101 Utensils, kitchen, vitreous enameled CDGS 346111 Utility cabinets, metal CDGS 251400 Utility cabinets, kitchen, wood CDGS 251100 Vaccines CHEM 283118 Vacuum bottles CDGS 342930 Vacuum cleaner attachments, commercial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaner attachments, household CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaner attachments, industrial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaner parts, commercial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaner parts, household CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaner parts, industrial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaners, central system, commercial.. SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaners, central system, industrial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaners, household, cylinder CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaners, household, hand CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaners, household, except hand CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaners, household, upright CDGS 363500 Vacuum cleaners, portable, commercial SERV 358400 Vacuum cleaners, portable, industrial SERV 358400 Vacuum instruments, industrial process SITE 382130 Vacuum jugs CDGS 342930 Vacuum pumps, dry GIEQ 356102 Vacuum pumps, except dry-vacuum GIEQ 356101 Vacuum relays ETRX 367302 Vacuum tube capacitors _ ETRX 367302 Vacuum tube power supplies ETRX 367957 Vacuum tube relays ETRX 367302 Valerian root CHEM 283365 Valves, automatic regulating, diaphragm and float actuated SITE 349401 Valves, control, hydraulic and pneumatic, air- craft AIRC 372911 Valves, flush, syphon, automatic flushometer (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Valves, industrial, including marine: Air, aircraft type (AN) GCOM 349404 Alarm, automatic fire control GCOM 342958 Angle, industrial (including marine) GCOM 349402 Angle, radiator (packed and packless) GCOM 349403 Blast, furnace gate GCOM 3494S8 Blast furnace goggle GCOM 349408 Blast furnace special GCOM 349488 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Valves, industrial, including marine — Con. Butterfly, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Check, aircraft type, (AN) GCOM Check, industrial (including marine) GCOM Check, radiator (packed and packless) GCOM Cone, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Cross, industrial (including marine) GCOM Drain, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Drain, flood, irrigation and water utility services . GCOM Fire hydrant, industrial (including marine). GCOM Floa t, aircraft tvpe (AN) GCOM Fuel, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Gate, industrial (including marine) GCOM Gate, radiator GCOM Globe, industrial (including marine) GCOM Globe, radiator (packed and packless) GCOM Heating, and heating specialties GCOM Hydraulic and pneumatic control GCOM Industrial, including marine GCOM Maneuvering, marine GCOM Manifold, industrial (including marine) GCOM Needle, industrial (including marine) GCOM Non-return, industrial (including marine)-- GCOM Pivot, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Plugs and cocks, industrial lubricated and non-lubricated (including marine) GCOM Pressure regulating, industrial (including marine) GCOM Relief, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Rotary, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Safety and relief, boilers inlet pressures — steam — 15 pounds and under liquid — 30 pounds and under GCOM Safety and relief, inlet pressures — liquid over 30 lbs, gas and steam over 15 lbs. industrial (including marine) GCOM Selector, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Shear gate, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Shut-off, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Sluice gate, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Spherical, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Stop, check, industrial (including marine). GCOM Surge, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Tide gate, flood, irrigation and water utility services GCOM Turbine, industrial (including marine) GCOM Vacuum, aircraft type (AN) GCOM Vent, aircraft types (AN) GCOM Valves, lifesaving equipment RUBR Valves, pneumatic equipment RUBR Valves, scupper, marine SHIP Valves, shower, mixing, diverter (plumbing fittings) BLDG Valves, solenoid actuated SITE Valves, tires and tubes RUBR Vanadium compounds, except for metallurgical use CHEM Vanadium compounds for metallurgical pur- pose STEE Vanadium metal STEE Van Dyke equipment, photographic MOTP Vanillin, synthetic CHEM Vanities, bedroom, wood CDGS Vanities, unpainted, household, wood CDGS Vanity cases, platinum and karat gold CDGS Vanity cases, except precious metal CDGS Vaporizers SITE Variety bags, paper CONT Varistors and thermistors ETRX Varistors, telephone COMM Varnishes CHEM Vases, china CDGS Vases, earthenware CDGS Vases, plaster CDGS Vases, porcelain „ CDGS Product code 349408 349404 349402 349403 349408 349402 349404 349408 349402 349404 349404 349402 349403 349402 349403 349403 349408 349402 349402 349402 349402 349402 349402 349402 349402 349404 349402 349403 349402 349404 349408 349404 349408 349408 349402 349408 349408 349402 349404 349404 371765 371765 373001 343200 349401 371765 288666 281992 333971 386101 281561 251100 251100 391100 317202 384211 264310 367930 366100 285137 326901 326901 329901 326901 BDSA Product Product description Division code Vases, stoneware CDGS 326901 Vats, sheet metal SERV 344433 Vats, wood LUMB 249951 Vault doors, fire-resistive SERV 349200 Vaults. (See also Safes.) Vaults, burial, concrete CDGS 327222 Vaults, burial, metal CDGS 398S01 V-belting, industrial, rubber RUBR 306217 V-belts, home appliances, rubber RUBR 306218 V-belts, industrial, rubber RUBR 306217 V-belts, vehicle, rubber RUBR 306215 V-blocks, tool room MWEQ 354530 Vegetable bins, wood, to be built in LUMB 243100 Vegetable fibers TEXT 071900 Vegetable oil mill products, other (castor bean oil, coconut products, hydrogenated veg- etable oils, inedible, peanut products, tung oil, etc.) FOOD 209000 Vegetable wrapping machines GIEQ 355132 Vegetable wraps, tissue paper PAPR 262100 Vegetables, fruits, jams and jellies, canned FOOD 203000 Vegetables, frozen FOOD 203000 Vehicle parts, children's CDGS 394302 Vehicle stock, wood LUMB 242623 Vehicles. (See cars, trucks, etc.) Vehicles, highway, military, except trucks AUTO 371740 Velocipedes I CDGS 394302 Velon, monofilament, continuous TEXT 282400 Velveteens, cotton or chiefly cotton TEXT 221100 Velvets, cotton TEXT 221100 Velvets, rayon TEXT 222100 Vending machines. (See merchandising ma- chines.) Veneer baskets, shipping CONT 244300 Veneer, hardwood, commercial and utility types LUMB 243250 Veneer, hardwood, container tvpe LUMB 243250 Veneer, hardwood, flat type--". LUMB 243250 Veneer, hardwood, single pi}', faced and/or backed with paper cloth, etc LUMB 243250 Veneer, hardwood, special and face type LUMB 243250 Veneer machinery GIEQ 355310 Veneer, softwood, plywood veneer LUMB 243260 Veneer, softwood, container veneer LUMB 243260 Veneer, softwood, single ply, faced and/or backed with paper cloth, etc LUMB 243260 Venetian blind parts and accessories CDGS 259121 Venetian blind tapes, cotton TEXT 224100 Venetian blinds, aluminum slat CDGS 259121 Venetian blinds, composition slat CDGS 259122 Venetian blinds, fabric slat CDGS 259122 Venetian blinds, paper slat CDGS 259122 Venetian blinds, plastic slat CDGS 259122 Venetian blinds, steel slat CDGS 259121 Venetian blinds, wood slat CDGS 259122 Ventilating fans, axial, belt driven GIEQ 356401 Ventilating fans, axial, driver connected GIEQ 356401 Ventilating fans, propeller, belt driven, except house GIEQ 356401 Ventilating fans, propeller, driver connected, except house GIEQ 356401 Ventilation ducts, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Ventilators, roof, sheet metal BLDG 344412 Ventilator strips, rubber RUBR 306298 Ventilators, unit BLDG 343365 Vents, air, radiator GCOM 349403 Vents, metal, except sheet metal BLDG 344916 Vents, sheet metal BLDG 344431 Vermiculite, crude MSMN 149900 Vermiculite, exfoliated MSMN 329502 Vessels, pressure, for process use (not field erected) POWR 344361 Vestigial sideband filters ETRX 366220 Vests, bullet-proof SITE 384230 Veterinary instruments SITE 384101 Veterinary preparations CHEM 283411 Vetiver oil CHEM 289939 VHF Omnidirectional range system equipment- ETRX 366241 Vibrator power supplies ETRX 367957 Vibrators, concrete CMEQ 353160 Vibrators, electric CDGS 363430 Vibrators, electronic power applications ETRX 367957 Vibrators, foundry MWEQ 355921 Vinyl acetate CHEM 288801 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product Product description Division code Vinyl chloride CHEM 288802 Vinyl chloride fibers TEXT 282400 Vinyl resins. (See specific kind.) Vinylidene chloride CHEM 28880.3 Vinyon yarn TEXT 282400 Violins and parts... CDGS 393140 Viruses CHEM 283118 Viscose rayon yarn TEXT 282320 Viscosimeters SITE 382130 Vises, except toolroom _ GCOM 342301 Vises, toolroom MWEQ 354530 Visible record equipment, metal SERV 252200 Vissolvers, chemical GIEQ 355910 Vitamin A, derived from fish liver and oil con- centrate, in bulk CHEM 283386 Vitamin D, derived from fish liver and oil con- centrate, in bulk CHEM 283387 BDSA Product Product description Division code Vitamins derived from plants (carotene, etc.) in bulk CHEM 283385 Vitamins derived from yeast, in bulk CHEM 283384 Vitreous enamel, frit CDGS 289931 Vitreous enameled cooking utensils CDGS 346111 Vitreous enameled kitchen utensils CDGS 346111 Voiles, cotton TEXT 221100 Voiles, rayon TEXT 222100 Voltmeters, automotive AUTO 361121 Voltmeters, except automotive SITE 361131 Volt-ohm-milliammeters SITE 361122 Voting machines SERV 357121 Vulcanizers, tire repairing GIEQ 355942 Vulcanizers, tube repairing GIEQ 355942 Vulcanizing fiber stock PAPR 262100 Vulcanizing presses GIEQ 255941 Vulcanizing tapes, cotton TEXT 224100 w Waffle, copper-base alloy COPR Waffle, copper, unalloyed COPR Waffle irons, commercial, electric CDGS Waffle irons, commercial, except electric CDGS Waffle irons, electric, household CDGS Wagon boxes, farm AGRI Wagon cranes, power CMEQ Wagon racks, farm AGRI Wagons, children's CDGS Wagons, farm, horse-drawn AGRI Wagons, trailers, end, side, bottom dump, off- highway design CMEQ Wainscotting, rubber RUBR Waists, girls' TEXT Waists, women's, misses', and juniors' TEXT Walkers, baby CDGS Walking draglines CMEQ Wallaby leather LEAT Wallboard, asbestos-cement MSMN Wallboard, gypsum BLDG Wallboard, insulating BLDG Wallboard stock, laminated PAPR Wallboard, interior, panel and tile (except acoustical) BLDG Wallbox, refrigerators, dairy GIEQ Wall cleaning machines SERV Wall coping, clay BL DG Wall furnaces, heating, gas, oil or electric BLDG Wallpaper PRI N Wallpaper, window shade and wall cleaner CHEM Wall tile, ceramic (not structural) glazed or unglazed BLDG Wall tile, sheet metal BLDG Wall washing machines SERV Wallet stock, paper PAPR Wallets, except leather LEAT Wallets, leather LEAT Walrus, leather LEAT Wardrobe bags, paper CONT Wardrobes, bedroom, wood CDGS Wardrobes, children's, wood CDGS Wardrobes, nursery, household, wood CDGS Warm air furnaces and parts, cast iron, forced air, gas BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, cast iron, forced air, oil BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, cast iron, forced air, solid fuel BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, cast iron, gravity airflow, solid fuel, oil or gas BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, steel, forced air, gas BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, steel, forced air, oil BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, steel, forced air, solid fuel BLDG Warm air furnaces and parts, steel, gravity air flow, gas, oil, or solid fuel BLDG Warm air furnaces, summer combination units.. BLDG Warming-up machines, rubberworking GIEQ Warping machines, textile GIEQ Wash cloths, except knit TEXT Wash cloths, turkish and terry-woven TEXT 334120 333110 363430 358912 363430 379921 353142 379921 394302 379921 353103 306268 236100 233100 394301 353142 311140 329270 327520 266112 263100 266112 358531 358923 325920 343363 2(54400 284234 325300 344435 358923 262100 317201 317201 311140 264310 251100 251100 251100 343301 343301 343301 343301 343301 343301 343301 343301 343301 355941 355200 239202 221100 Wash sinks. (See sinks.) Wash suits, boys' TEXT 236900 Washable service apparel, men's TEXT 232800 Washable service apparel, women's. (See uni- forms, etc.) Washers, air GIEQ 356401 Washers, aircraft quality GCOM 345201 Washers, automotive windshield AUTO 371764 Washers, bottle, except dairy GIEQ 355131 Washers, car-nozzle AUTO 354841 Washers, car, pressure type AUTO 354841 Washers, cone, log, coal preparation and ore dressing MMEQ 353231 Washers, cork LUMB 249942 Washers, leather LEAT 312101 Washers, lock, or spring GCOM 345201 Washers, mineral, stationary MMEQ 353220 Washers, photographic developing MOTP 386102 Washers, plate, or flat GCOM 345201 Washers, pulp mill GIEQ 355400 Washers, vegetable, farm size AGRI 352285 Washing machine stampings, metal GCOM 346132 Washing machinery, bottle, dairy GIEQ 355110 Washing machines, commercial, dry cleaning... SERV 358200 Washing machines, commercial, laundry SERV 358200 Washing machines, domestic, electric, auto- matic CDGS 363310 Washing machines, domestic, electric, non- automatic, spinner CDGS 363310 Washing machines, domestic, electric, non- automatic, wringer CDGS 363310 Washing machines, domestic, electric, semi- automatic CDGS 363310 Washing machines, domestic, gasoline driven CDGS 363310 Washing machines, domestic, mechanical, small size CDGS 363310 Washing machines, metal GIEQ 355951 Washing plants, mineral, portable CMEQ 353191 Washing soda CHEM 281231 Waste, processed cotton, rayon and wool TEXT 229400 Wastes, continuous (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Watch attachments, base metal CDGS 396100 Watch attachments, platinum and karat gold.. CDGS 391100 Watch bracelets, platinum and karat gold CDGS 391100 Watch chains, platinum and karat gold CDGS 391100 Watchcase parts, back SITE 387200 Watchcase parts, bezel SITE 387200 Watchcases, base metal SITE 387200 Watchcascs, karat gold or precious metal throughout SITE 387200 Watchcases, plastic SITE 387200 Watchcases, precious metals electroplated over base metal SITE 387200 Watchcases, precious metals mechanically ap- plied over base metal SITE 387200 Watch crystals, glass CDGS 323100 Watches, jeweled lever, civilian type, pocket SITE 387100 Watches, jeweled lever, civilian type, wrist SITE 387100 Watches, jeweled lever, decimal timers and stopwatches SITE 387100 Watches, jeweled lever, medical SITE 387100 Watches, jeweled lever, navigation SITE! 387100 Watches, jeweled lever, railroad SITE 387100 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Watches, pin lever, pocket SITE Watches, pin lever, wrist SITE Watch repair parts (except crystals) SITE Water bottles, rubber . RUBR Water bottles, with combinations, rubber RUBR Water closet bowls. ( ALUM Wire and cable, power, aluminum, insulated or covered ! ALUM Wire, aluminum, bare ' ALUM Wire, appliance, fixture ' COPR Wire bale ties, steel ». STEE Wire baling, steel '... STEE Wire, barbed, steel » STEE Wire, bone traction SITE Wire bound boxes and crates CONT Wire, building, fibrous covered and/or jacketed « COPR Wire, building, synthetic, no braid ' COPR Wire chain, tire GCOM Wire cloth, Fourdrinier GCOM Wire cloth, industrial GCOM Wire, coated (except galvanized), carbon and alloy steel, except stainless > STEE Wire, communication, bridle l COPR Wire, communication, distribution 1 COPR Wire, communication, drop 1 COPR Wire, communication, jumper * COPR Wire, communication, lead covered, except coaxial « COPR Product code 241101 249952 249952 353192 353141 352001 355200 353141 352001 356130 352001 352001 254203 254102 239100 399321 243100 355955 342940 344220 344220 243100 344201 344201 243100 30G298 221100 259110 243100 344201 344201 243100 367957 344201 344201 243100 353106 352250 371763 371764 306298 371762 322100 355131 345201 345201 371764 394920 353301 221100 262100 335791 335710 335791 335211 335761 331590 331590 331590 384101 244200 335792 335792 348193 348171 348171 331550 335740 335740 335740 335740 335740 Denotes controlled material. BDSA Product Product description Division code Wire, communication, paper-insulated, except coaxial i COPR 335740 Wire connectors, solderless ELEC 364303 Wire, copper, bare and tinned, electric trans- mission » COPR 335720 Wire, copper, bare and tinned, except electric transmission 1 COPR 335110 Wire, copper strand, except insulated • COPR 335720 Wire, copper, primary ignition, insulated, except cable sets 1 COPR 335792 Wire, copper-base alloy, electric transmission L COPR 335720 Wire, copper-base alloy, except electric trans- mission i COPR 335110 Wire cutter, surgical SITE 384101 Wire fabricating machines MWEQ 354201 Wire, galvanized, carbon and alloy steel, except stainless 1 STEE 331550 Wire glass CDGS 321100 Wire, gold and gold-base alloys MSMN 335730 Wire harness, ignition, internal combustion engine, except aircraft AUTO 369401 Wire, harness, electronic equipment ETRX 367957 Wire, harness, lighting, automotive AUTO 369401 Wire, insulated or covered, aluminum ' ALUM 335791 Wire, magnet, enameled only 1 COPR 335770 Wire, magnet, enameled and covered ' COPR 335770 Wire, magnet, not enameled • COPR 335770 Wire, magnetic, recording ETRX 367955 Wire, marine 1 COPR 335792 Wire mesh, welded steel, concrete reinforcing '_ STEE 331590 Wire, metallizing MWEQ 348192 Wire mill machinery and equipment MWEQ 354801 Wire, nickel and nickel-base alloys * MSMN 335730 Wire, plain steel, all grades l STEE 331550 Wire, platinum and platinum-base alloys MSMN 335730 Wire, power, copper, asbestos and asbestos varnished cambric > COPR 335780 Wire, power, copper, paper insulated > COPR 335780 Wire, power, copper, rubber insulated 1 COPR 335780 Wire, power, copper, synthetic ' COPR 335780 Wire, power, copper, varnished cambric insulated 1 COPR 335780 Wire rods, alloy steel, except stainless • STEE 331222 Wire rods, carbon steel « STEE 331222 Wire rods, stainless steel > STEE 331222 Wire rope attachments GCOM 342912 Wire rope clamps GCOM 342912 Wire rope clips GCOM 342912 Wire, secondary ignition, except harness sets ! . COPR 335792 Wire, signal « COPR 335792 Wire, silver and silver-base alloys MSMN 335730 Wire, slow burning » COPR 335792 Wire springs. (See also Springs.) Wire, steel, copper clad (20 percent or more copper) 1 COPR 335792 Wire, strand, iron and steel, including guard rail cable « STEE 348110 Wire, tantalum MSMN 335730 Wire, telephone, duct 1 ..- COPR 335740 Wire, telephone, inside • _. COPR 335740 Wire ties, bails and handles for containers and packaging CONT 348194 Wire, tin MSMN 335730 Wire, titanium and titanium-alloy MSMN 335730 Wire, tonsil, snare SITE 384101 Wire, twisted steel ! STEE 331201 Wire, weatherproof 1 COPR 335792 Wire weaving machines " MWEQ 354201 Wire, zinc and zinc-base alloy MSMN 335730 Wires, lift, flush valve (plumbing fittings) BLDG 343200 Wiring devices and supplies, marine ELEC 364301 Wiring devices, fan hanger ELEC 364301 Wiring junctions and fuse blocks, automotive.. AUTO 371764 Witherite, crude MSMN 147200 Wollastonite MSMN 149900 Women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c. woven fabric and purchased knit fabric TEXT 233900 Women's and children's underwear and night wear, woven fabric and purchased knit fabric. TEXT 234100 Wood alcohol CHEM 286112 Wood barrels, slack CONT 244501 Wood barrels, tight CONT 244502 Wood boxes and chests, ammunition . CONT 244113 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Wood boxes and crates, nailed and lock corner, including wood and fiber combination CONT Wood boxes and crates, wirebound CONT Wood chippers, pulp mill GIEQ Wood fillers CHEM Wood flour LUMB Wood particle board LUMB Wood preparation equipment GIEQ Wood preservatives CHEM Wood preserving LUMB Wood pulp. (See pulp, wood.) Wood rosin CHEM Wood screws, ferrous GCOM Wood screws, nonferrous GCOM Wood turpentine CHEM Wood veneer products, flat LUMB Wood wool and excelsior-making machinery, except baling presses GIEQ Woodenware, except flat veneer CDGS Woodworking machines. (See specific kind.) Woodworking machinery parts and accessories, except home workshop GIEQ Woodworking machine parts and attachments, home workshop M WEQ Woofers ETRX Wool fiber, recovered TEXT Wool grease, recovered TEXT Wool looms, power GIEQ Wool noils TEXT Wool, reprocessed and reused TEXT Wool, scoured, for sale TEXT Wool, steel, aluminum and bronze, except scouring pads MWEQ Wool tops TEXT Woolen fabrics, apparel, woven TEXT Woolen fabrics, nonapparcl, woven. (See spe- cific kind.) Work pants TEXT Work shirts, men's and bovs' TEXT Workbooks, school PRIN Worsted fabrics, apparel, woven TEXT Woven felts, wool TEXT Woven wire belts GCOM Woven wood fabrics CDGS Product code 244113 244200 355400 285205 249958 243240 355400 285203 249110 280 126 345201 345201 28G124 249958 355310 249957 355310 355320 3G7953 229400 229700 355200 229700 229400 229700 329141 229700 223100 232800 232800 273100 223100 223100 348171 249957 BDSA Product description Division Woven wood fabric products. (See specific products.) Wrappers, coin, paper PAPR Wrappers, letterpress and gravure printed PRIN Wrappers, lithographed PRIN Wrappers, excelsior, wood LUMB Wrappers, fruit and vegetable canning GIEQ Wrapping machines, bakery GIEQ Wrapping machines, butter and cheese GIEQ Wrapping machines, except food and tobacco. - GIEQ Wrapping machines, fruit GIEQ Wrapping machines, tobacco GIEQ Wrapping machines, vegetable GIEQ Wrapping paper, bogus PAPR Wrapping paper, butchers PAPR Wrapping paper, gift PAPR Wrapping paper, glassine PAPR Wrapping paper, greaseproof PAPR Wrapping paper, grocers PAPR Wrapping paper, imitation parchment PAPR Wrapping paper, impregnated PAPR Wrapping paper, kraf t PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated, plain PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated, reinforced PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated to paper PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated to nonpaper sheets. PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated to paperboard PAPR Wrapping paper, laminated, waterproof PAPR Wrapping paper, mill wrapper PAPR Wrapping paper, oiled PAPR Wrapping paper, saturated PAPR Wrapping paper, vegetable parchment PAPR Wrapping tissue, under 18 pounds PAPR Wraps, coin, paper PAPR Wrenches, other than pipe GCOM Wrenches, bone traction SITE Wrenches, impact MWEQ Wringers, clothes, hand, metal CDGS Wringers, domestic, power washing machine CDGS Wrist watches. (See Watches.) Wristlets, knit TEXT Writing ink, fluid (including indelible ink and marking fluid) CHEM Writing paper, except stationery PAPR Product code 264920 275100 275200 242903 355132 355121 355110 356904 355132 355953 355132 262100 262100 264920 262100 262100 262100 262100 264100 262100 264100 264100 264100 264100 264100 264100 262100 264100 264100 262100 262100 264920 342301 384101 354821 363321 363321 225300 289983 262100 Xanthene dyes CHEM 281585 Xenon CHEM 281304 Xerography equipment MOTP 380101 X-ray accessories SITE 369301 X-ray component assemblies SITE 369301 X-ray components, except tubes SITE 369301 X-ra'v film MOTP 386150 X-ray rectifying valves. SITE 369301 X-ray tube blanks, glass . CDGS 322900 X-ray tubes, except rectifying valves SITE 369301 X-ray units SITE 369301 Xylene CHEM 281440 Xylophones and parts CDGS 393140 Yachts, self-propelled SHIP 373130 Yankee machines, paper making GIEQ 355400 Yards, plav, wood CDGS 251100 Yarn, asbestos MSMN 329270 Yarn preparing machine attachments and accessories GIEQ 355200 Yarn preparing machines, textile, except winding GIEQ 355200 Yarns, carpet and rug, wool TEXT 228300 Yarns, cotton TEXT 228100 Yarns, jute TEXT 229900 Yarns, spun rayon, cotton system. TEXT 228100 Yarns, silk system TEXT 228100 Yarns, thrown TEXT 228200 Yarns, tire cord, cotton TEXT 229600 Yarns, wool TEXT 228300 Yeast tablets, proprietary drug CHEM 283451 Youth beds, wood CDGS 251100 Ythrium compounds CHEM 288667 Ytterbium MSMN 333972 Yttrium metals MSMN 333972 Yttrium ores MSMN 109900 Yucca TEXT 071900 PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT DIRECTORY BDSA Product description Division Zein fibers TEXT Zinc acetate CHEM Zinc castings. (See Castings.) Zinc ammonium chloride CHEM Zinc chloride CHEM Zinc compounds. (See specific kind.) Zinc cyanide CHEM Zinc dust - :... MSMN Zinc hydrosulfite CHEM Zinc naphthenate CHEM Zinc ores and concentrates MSMN Zinc oxide pigments, leaded CHEM Zinc oxide pigments, lead-free CHEM Zinc paints CHEM Zinc peroxide ____• ---_-__;_; CHEM Zinc, remelt__-_------ MSMN Zinc, rolled, drawn and extruded product. (See specific shapes.) Zinc scrap MSMN Product code 282400 288815 288582 288581 288584 333340 288583 288986 103100 281625 281621 285145 288567 334140 941000 BDSA Product description Division Zinc silicofluoride CHEM Zinc, slab, except remelt MSMN Zinc stearate CHEM Zinc sulfide pigments CHEM Zinc yellow (zinc chromate) C.P CHEM Zinnwaldite ores __ MSMN Zipper tapes, cotton TPJXT Zippers C DGS Zircon, crude MSMN Zirconium chloride CHEM Zirconium concentrates MSMN Zirconium dioxide CHEM Zirconium-f errosilicon STEE Zirconium nitrate CHEM Zirconium sponge MSMN Zirconium and zirconium-alloy ingot.: MSMN Zirconium and zirconium-alloys, rolled, drawn, and extruded product. (See specific shapes.) Zithers and parts _.. CDGS Product code 288179 333340 288835 281642 2S1657 149300 224100 396422 145900 238634 145900 288632 331332 288633 333972 334163 393140 SECTION II OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 138100 OIL, GAS, AND WATER WELL DRILLING SERVICES ONLY OFME For companies performing functions in the fields of oil, gas, and water well drilling, excluding manufacturing operations reported elsewhere. 195121 SMALL ARMS, CIVILIAN CDGS Guns, sub-machine, civilian Pistols, civilian Pyrotechnic pistols Revolvers, civilian Rifles, repeating, center fire, civilian Rifles, repeating, rim fire, civilian Rifles, single shot, center fire, civilian Rifles, single shot, rim fire, civilian Shotguns, double barrel Shotguns, single barrel, repeating Shotguns, single barrel, single shot Small arms parts, accessories and attachments 196101 SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION, CIVIL- IAN CDGS Ammunition, center fire cartridge Ammunition, shotgun, complete round, loaded Ammunition, 22-caliber, complete round, loaded Shot, BB, steel Small arms ammunition, n.e.c. 234221 CORSET AND ALLIED GARMENT AC- CESSORIES (CONTAINING CON- TROLLED MATERIALS) CDGS Corset accessories Corset stays 239201 HOUSEFURNISHINGS, FABRIC (CON- TAINING CONTROLLED MATERI- ALS) CDGS Dusters Garment bags Mops, all types 239301 BAGS, METAL BOTTOM CDGS 239401 CANVAS PRODUCTS (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) CDGS Awnings 243100 MILLWORK, CONSTRUCTION TYPE PRODUCTS LUMB Cabinet work, to be built in Broom closets, wood China cases, wood Kitchen cabinets, wood Mantels, wood Medicine cabinets, wood Partitions, wood Vegetable bins, wood Doors, combination screen and storm, wood Doors, garage (all types), wood Doors, general construction, wood Doors, hangar, wood Doors, screen, wood Exterior millwork Blinds, outside, wood Entrances, exterior, wood Millwork, exterior Porch columns, wood Trellises, wood Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 243100 MILLWORK, CONSTRUCTION TYPE PRODUCTS— Continued LUMB Frames, window and door, wood Sash, combination screen and storm, wood Sash, except storm, wood Sash, storm, wood Screens, window, wood Stairwork Brackets, wood Crooks, wood Stairwork, wood 243240 NONWOOD FACE PLYWOOD AND OTHER PLYWOOD TYPE PROD- UCTS LUMB 243311 FABRICATED STRUCTURAL FRAM- ING AND WOOD LAMINATES LUMB Fabricated framing for barns and other large farm buildings (including both sawn and glued laminated lumber) Fabricated structural elements and framing for bridges, buildings (other than farm) and other structures Of a combination of glued laminated and sawn lumber Of glued laminated lumber Of sawn lumber 243312 PREFABRICATED WOOD BUILDINGS, AND PANELS AND SECTIONS FOR PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS BLDG Building panels, prefabricated, wood Building sections, prefabricated, wood Farm buildings, prefabricated, wood Garages, prefabricated, wood Other prefabricated buildings, wood 243320 DWELLINGS, PREFABRICATED WOOD, INCLUDING PANELS AND SECTIONS. BLDG 244111 MILK BOTTLE CRATES, WOOD AND COMBINATION OF WOOD AND MET- AL CONT 244113 BOXES AND CRATES, WOOD, NAILED AND LOCK-CORNER, INCLUDING WOOD AND FIBRE COMBINATIONS.. CONT Boxes, lumber, nailed and lock-corner, fruit and vegetable Boxes, lumber, nailed and lock-corner, in- dustrial and other uses Boxes, plywood and veneer, nailed and lock- corner, fruit and vegetable Boxes, plywood and veneer, nailed and lock- corner, industrial and other uses Containers, plywood, nailed and lock-corner, fruit and vegetable Crates, lumber, nailed and lock-corner, fruit and vegetable Crates, lumber, nailed and lock-corner, in- dustrial and other uses Crates, plywood and veneer, nailed and lock- corner Crates, plywood and veneer, nailed and lock- corner, fruit and vegetable OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Class BDSA Code Product Division 244200 BOXES AND CRATES, WOOD, WIRE- BOUND CONT Boxes, lumber, wirebound, fruit and vegetable Boxes, lumber, wirebound, industrial and other uses Boxes, plywood and veneer, wirebound, fruit and vegetable Boxes, plywood and veneer, wirebound, indus- trial and other uses Crates, lumber, wirebound, fruit and vegetable Crates, lumber, wirebound, industrial and other uses Crates, plywood and veneer, wirebound, fruit and vegetable Crates, plywood and veneer, wirebound, indus- trial and other uses 244300 VENEER AND PLYOOD CONTAINERS, EXCEPT BOXES AND CRATES CONT 244501 COOPERAGE, SLACK CONT 244502 COOPERAGE, TIGHT CONT 249910 MIRROR AND PICTURE FRAMES CDGS Frames, mirror, metal Frames, mirror, wood Frames, picture, metal Frames, picture, wood Pictures, framed 249951 WOODEN CONDUITS, PIPE, TANKS, AND VATS LUMB 249953 LASTS AND RELATED PRODUCTS LEAT Forms, boot and shoe Last sole patterns, except wood Last sole patterns, wood Lasts, boot and shoe, aluminum Lasts, boot and shoe, wood Lasts, remodeled Stretchers, shoe Trees, shoe 249954 HANDLES, WOODEN. GCOM 249955 LADDERS, WOOD SERV Horses, scaffolding, wood Jacks, scaffolding, wood Jacks, window, wood Ladders, aerial Ladders, extension, wood Ladders, rung, nonextension, wood Planks, extension, wood Scaffolding equipment, wood, except ladders Scaffolding ladders, wood Stepladders, wood 249956 WOOD PRODUCTS, N.E.C. (CONTAIN- ING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) LUMB Clothespins, spring, wood Pallets, wood Rulers, wood Skids, wood Snow fencing, wood 251100 WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, EX- CEPT UPHOLSTERED CDGS Bedroom suites, wood, except upholstered Bedroom furniture, wood, except upholstered, n.e.c. Beds, hollywood Beds, household, wood, bunk Beds, household, wood, except bunk beds Benches, bedroom, wood, not upholstered Chairs, bedroom, wood, not upholstered Chairs, rocking, bedroom, wood, not up- holstered Chaise longues, wood, not upholstered Chests, cedar, household Chests of drawers, bedroom, wood Chiffoniers, bedroom, wood Chifforobes, bedroom, wood Dressers, bedroom, wood Dressing tables, bedroom, wood Vanities, bedroom, wood Wardrobes, bedroom, wood Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 251100 WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, EX- CEPT UPHOLSTERED— Continued CDGS Dining room suites and sets, wood, except upholstered Dinette sets, table, chairs, etc. Suites, table, chairs, etc. Dining room furniture, wood, except up- holstered, n.e.c. Buffets and servers China and corner cabinets Infants' and children's wood furniture, in- cluding youth beds, except upholstered Kitchen furniture, wood, except upholstered Living room cabinets, wood Radio, phonograph and radio-phonograph and TV cabinets Sewing machine cabinets Other cabinets, records, music, smoking, etc. Living room furniture, wood, except uphol- stered, n.e.c. Bars, wood Breakfronts Cellarettes Chairs or rockers Davenports Desks Piano stools and benches Secretaries Tables, card Household furniture, wood, except upholstered, n.e.c. Beach chairs Beach suites Beach tables, wood Beds, household, wood, unpainted Beds, youth, wood Cots, folding, wood Gliders, wood Hammocks, wood Porch furniture Screens, ornamental Shelves, hanging Steamer chairs, wood Swings, wood 251200 WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UP- HOLSTERED, N.E.C CDGS Wood household upholstered furniture, n.e.c. Bedroom benches, upholstered Frames, furniture Rocking chairs, bedroom, wood, uphol- stered Wood household upholstered living room chairs, including hall suites, etc. Wood household upholstered sofas, daven- ports, etc. Wood household upholstered suites 251400 METAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CDGS Beach chairs, metal Beach suites, metal Beach tables, metal Bedroom furniture, metal Cabinets, utility Children's furniture, metal Cots, folding, civilian Cots, rollable Dining room furniture, metal Frames, furniture Gliders, metal Hall furniture Hammocks Household furniture, metal, n.e.c. Kitchen furniture, metal, civilian Living room furniture, metal Porch furniture Swings 251501 DUAL PURPOSE SLEEPING EQUIP- MENT CDGS Beds, sofa, upholstered Couches, studio, upholstered 251510 INNERSPRING MATTRESSES. CDGS OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 251520 OTHER MATTRESSES CDGS Mattresses, except foam innerspring rubber, n.e.c. 251530 BEDSPRINGS CDGS Bedsprings, box Bedsprings, coil Bedsprings, flat 251900 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, N.E.C. (IN- CLUDING REED AND RATTAN FUR- NITURE) CDGS Cabinets, plastic, radio, phonograph and TV Rattan, furniture Reed, furniture 252100 WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE SERV Wood office cabinets and cases Wood office chairs, stools, couches, etc. Wood office costumers Wood office desks Wood office files Wood office machine stands Wood office racks Wood office tables Wood office furniture, n.e.c. 252200 METAL OFFICE FURNITURE SERV Metal office cabinets, cases, and racks Metal office chairs, stools, couches, etc. Metal office costumers Metal office desks Metal office files Metal office files, insulated Metal office furniture, n.e.c. Metal office machine stands Metal office security files, insulated and non- insulated Metal office tables Visible record equipment, including ledger trays 253110 SCHOOLROOM FURNITURE SERV Benches, school, metal Benches, school, wood Chairs, school, metal, except tablet arm Chairs, school, metal, tablet arm Chairs, school, wood, except tablet arm Chairs, school, wood, tablet arm Desk-seat combinations, school, metal Desk-seat combinations, school, wood Desks, school, metal Desks, school, wood Stools, school, metal Stools, school, wood Tables, school, metal Tables, school, wood 253120 PUBLIC BUILDING FURNITURE, N.E.C. SERV Chairs, grandstand, ganged, metal Chairs, grandstand, ganged, wood Chairs, grandstand, single, metal Chairs, grandstand, single, wood Chairs, outdoor stadium, ganged, metal Chairs, outdoor stadium, ganged, wood Chairs, stadium, ganged, metal Chairs, stadium, single, metal Chairs, stadium, single, wood Chairs, theater, ganged, metal Chairs, theater, ganged, wood Chairs, theater, single, metal Chairs, theater, single, wood Church altars, metal Church altars, wood Church lecterns, metal Church lecterns, wood Church pews, metal Church pews, wood Seats, grandstand, ganged, metal Seats, grandstand, ganged, wood Seats, grandstand, single, metal Seats, grandstand, single, wood Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 253120 PUBLIC BUILDING FURNITURE, N.E.C— Continued _. SERV Seats, public conveyance Seats, stadium, ganged, metal Seats, stadium, ganged, wood Seats, stadium, single, metal Seats, stadium, single, wood 254101 WOOD PARTITIONS, SHELVING, AND LOCKERS SERV Lockers, wood Partitions, wood Shelving, wood 254102 WOODEN CASES, CABINETS, COUNTERS, AND OTHER FIXTURES ._ SERV Cashier stands Display cases Display tables Show cases Store cabinets Store counters Window backs 254201 METAL SHELVING AND LOCKERS. _. SERV Lockers, metal, civilian Shelving, metal 254202 METAL PARTITIONS AND ENCLO- SURES SERV 254203 METAL CASES, CABINETS, COUNTERS, AND OTHER FIXTURES- SERV Cashier stands Display cases Display tables Show cases Store cabinets Store counters Window backs 259110 WINDOW SHADES AND ACCESSORIES. CDGS Curtain rods, poles, and fixtures Drapery rods, poles, and fixtures 259121 VENETIAN BLINDS, PARTS, AND AC- CESSORIES CDGS 259901 SHOP AND FACTORY FURNITURE SERV Benches, metal or wood Stools, metal or wood Tables, metal or wood 259902 RESTAURANT FURNITURE. SERV Booths, restaurant, metal or wood Chairs, restaurant, metal or wood Stools, restaurant, metal or wood Tables, restaurant, metal or wood Tables, serving, restaurant, metal or wood Tray stands, restaurant, metal or wood 264910 STATIONERY, TABLETS, AND RE- LATED PRODUCTS.. _. PAPR Notebooks, metalbound Pads, book paper grade Pads, newsprint grade Pads, writing paper grade Tablets, book paper grade Tablets, correspondence, paper Tablets, newsprint grade Tablets, writing paper grade 265200 BOXES, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, SET-UP, EXCEPT SPECIAL FOOD BOARD CONTAINERS CONT 265510 REELS, FIBER, FIBER DRUMS CONT Drums, fiber, with metal, fiber or wood ends or any combination thereof 265520 FIBER CANS AND TUBES CONT Cans, canisters, and related hollow ware, with or without metal ends 274121 BUSINESS SERVICE PUBLICATIONS (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MA- TERIALS) PRIN OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST BDSA Product Division MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHING (CON- TAINING CONTROLLED MATERI- ALS) PRIN Atlases Charts, metal mounted Gazeteers Globes, world maps Maps, metal mounted LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS AND DEVICES. PRIN INTERMEDIATE COAL TAR PRODUCTS (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MA- TERIALS) CHEM SYNTHETIC ORGANIC DYES (CON- TAINING CONTROLLED MATERI- ALS) CHEM SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS, N.E.C. (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) CHEM REAGENT CHEMICALS, ORGANIC (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MA- TERIALS) CHEM ALUMINUM CHLORIDE, ANHYDROUS, CHEM CHEMICAL CATALYSTS CHEM REAGENT CHEMICALS, INORGANIC (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MA- TERIALS) CHEM INORGANIC AND ORGANIC MEDICI- NALS (BULK).... CHEM PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MA- TERIALS) CHEM 284231 SPECIALTY CLEANING AND SANITA- TION PRODUCTS, NONAGRICUL- TURAL CHEM Deodorants, nonpersonal Drain pipe solvents 284400 COSMETICS AND TOILET PREPARA- TIONS, N.E.C. (CONTAINING CON- TROLLED MATERIALS) CHEM 285111 OIL AND WATER PAINTS AND STAINS CHEM Marine paints, except shipbottom Marine paints, shipbottom Metallic paints 285201 CAULKING COMPOUNDS _. CHEM 287300 INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES, AND FUNGICIDES (CONTAINING CON- TROLLED MATERIALS) CHEM 289201 BLASTING ACCESSORIES ORDN Blasting machines Detonators, blasting cap, electric, delay Detonators, blasting cap, electric, except delay Detonators, blasting cap, except electric Fuze crimpers Fuzes, detonator Fuzes, safety, blasting Ignitors, miner's Primers, blasting Squibs Blasting accessories, n.e.c. 289300 PRINTING INK. CHEM 289932 CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES (CONTAIN- ING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) CHEM Dehydrator plugs for internal combustion engines Waterproofing compounds, electrical Waterproofing compounds, leather Waterproofing compounds, masonry Waterproofing compounds, textile 289933 FIREWORKS AND PYROTECHNICS, CIVILIAN CHEM Fuses, signal Torpedoes, signal Pyrotechnics, civilian 513494°— 60— -7 Product Class Code 301100 BDSA Division RUBR Product TIRES AND INNER TUBES Patches, tube and tire repairing Tires, pneumatic Tire repair materials Tires, solid Tire sundries Inner tubes 306901 MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS RUBR Belting, conveyor, rubber Belting, elevator, rubber Belting, transmission, flat, rubber Belting, V, rubber, vehicle Belts, conveyor, rubber Belts, elevator, rubber Belts, transmission, flat, rubber Belts, V, rubber, industrial Belts, V, rubber, vehicle Dampeners, vibration, rubber Fuel cells, self-sealing, rubber Hose, air, signal, railroad specification, rubber Hose, airbrake, railroad specification, rubber Hose, rubber, metal inserted, lined or covered Hose, wrapped, except handbuilt rubber Hose, wrapped, handbuilt, rubber Packing, rubber Rolls, printers', rubber covered Rolls, printers', solid rubber Rolls, solid, rubber, except printers' Rolls, wringer, rubber V-belting, industrial rubber Mechanical rubber goods, n.e.c. 306970 DRUGGIST AND MEDICAL SUN- DRIES, RUBBER RUBR Bags, ice, rubber Bottles, water, rubber Caps, ice bag, rubber Pacifiers, rubber Syringes, fountain, rubber Druggist and medical sundries, n.e.c. 306981 BARRELS AND DRUMS, RUBBER CONT 306982 RUBBER PRODUCTS, N.E.C RUBR Lifesaving clothing, vulcanized, rubber Waterproof garments, vulcanized, rubber 307901 PLASTIC PRODUCTS, N.E.C. (CON- TAINING CONTROLLED MATERI- ALS) CHEM 313101 BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS LEAT Arch supporters, boot and shoe findings Dowels, boot and shoe findings Findings, metal, except shanks Heel plates, boot and shoe findings Heel washers, boot and shoe findings Hooks, boot and shoe findings Safety toes (steel), boot and shoe findings Shanks, shoe, metal Shoe stays, steel Tips, shoe lace Toe plates, boot and shoe findings 316100 LUGGAGE LEAT Cases, musical instrument, except precious metal Lockers, luggage School bags Suitcases Trunks 317100 HANDBAGS AND PURSES. LEAT 317201 SMALL LEATHER GOODS. LEAT Billfolds Dressing cases Kev cases Wallets 317202 JEWELRY CASES AND INSTRUMENT CASES, EXCEPT MUSICAL CDGS Cases, cigar and cigarette, except precious metal Cases, jewelry, except precious metal Cases, vanity, except precious metal Compacts, except precious metal OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST 326901 327211 327221 Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 319901 SADDLERY LEAT Harness Harness parts, except collars Horse collars Saddles 321100 FLAT GLASS CDGS Glass, wire, obscured Glass, wire, polished Glass, wire, rough rolled 322100 GLASS CONTAINERS CONT 322900 PRESSED AND BLOWN GLASS PROD- UCTS, EXCEPT CONTAINERS CDGS 323100 MIRRORS AND OTHER GLASS PROD- UCTS, MADE FROM PURCHASED GLASS CDGS 325502 FURNACE WALLS AND ARCHES, SUS- PENDED, CLAY STEE 326401 PORCELAIN ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS, HIGH VOLTAGE ELEC 326402 PORCELAIN AND STEATITE ELEC- TRICAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT HIGH VOLTAGE CDGS Aluminum oxide electrical products Special electrical porcelain products Standard electrical porcelain products Steatite electrical products Zircon electrical products Other ceramic electrical products POTTERY PRODUCTS, N.E.C CDGS REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE BLDG Pipe, culvert, concrete Pipe, irrigation, concrete Pipe, pressure, concrete Pipe, sewer, concrete REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUC- TURAL UNITS BLDG Beams, concrete Housing units, prefabricated, reinforced con- crete Joists, concrete Lintels, concrete Slabs, floor and roof, concrete Structural concrete products, n.e.c. Tanks, concrete 327222 CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS AND GARDEN FURNITURE CDGS Burial boxes, concrete Burial vaults, concrete Furniture, garden, reinforced concrete 327511 PREFABRICATED GYPSUM BUILDING MATERIALS (CONTAINING CON- TROLLED MATERIALS) BLDG Foil-back gypsum wallboard and lath Gypsum roof plank, metal edge 329101 NON METALLIC ABRASIVE PRODUCTS. MWEQ Nonmetallic abrasives Abrasives, coated, paper and cloth Grinding wheels, aluminum oxide abrasive Grinding wheels, diamond abrasive Grinding wheels, natural abrasive Grinding wheels, silicon carbide abrasive Buffing and polishing wheels and laps Buffing wheels, cloth, except felt Buffing wheels, felt Buffing wheels, leather Polishing wheels, cloth, except felt Polishing wheels, felt Polishing wheels, leather 329141 METAL ABRASIVES, EXCEPT METAL SCOURING PADS MWEQ Abrasive grit, iron and steel Abrasive sand, iron and steel Abrasive shot, iron and steel Wool, aluminum (except metal scouring pads) Wool, bronze (except metal scouring pads) Wool, steel (except metal scouring pads) Product Class Code 329142 329220 329320 329331 329600 329701 329902 331520 331761 331763 332141 335762 335763 336101 339911 339921 BDSA Product Division METAL SCOURING PADS CDGS Potcleaners, metal, impregnated Potcleaners, metal, not impregnated ASBESTOS FRICTION MATERIALS MSMN Brake lining, asbestos, molded Brake lining, asbestos, woven Clutch facings, asbestos, molded Clutch facings, asbestos, woven GASKETS, ALL TYPES GCOM Gaskets, asbestos Gaskets, asbestos, metallic Gaskets, asbestos, rubber Gaskets, cork Gaskets, felt Gaskets, metal Gaskets, paper Gaskets, rubber Grease retainers, metallic and semi-metallic packing Oil seals, metal clad ASBESTOS PACKING (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) MSMN Packing, asbestos, except compressed sheet Packing, asbestos, metallic Packing, asbestos, rubber MINERAL WOOL (FROM ROCK, SLAG, AND GLASS) CONTAINING CON- TROLLED MATERIALS MSMN Air filters Fibrous glass products, n.e.c. Metal mesh blankets Mineral wool products, n.e.c. NONCLAY REFRACTORIES STEE Bricks, chrome and chrome magnesite, steel- clad Bricks, magnesite and magnesite chrome, steel- clad NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS, N.E.C. (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) MSMN NAILS, SPIKES, BRADS, AND TACKS, FERROUS (not made in steel mills) GCOM Belt lacings, power transmission Fasteners, corrugated nail Nails, collar Nails, double headed Nails, foundry chilled Nails, horse shoe Nails, lead headed Nails, screw Nails, shoe Pins, escutcheon Points, glazier Staples, except farm and poultry Staples, coated, except farm and poultry Staples, insulated Staples, office Tacks, cut Tacks, map Tacks, shoe Tacks, thumb Tacks, upholsterers' Tacks, n.e.c. PIPE THREAD PROTECTORS, STEEL.. STEE HEAVY RIVETED PIPE POWR CAST IRON COOKING UTENSILS CDGS FLEXIBLE CORD SETS CDGS POWER SUPPLY CORDS, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL ELEC SPECIAL NONFERROUS CAST PROD- UCTS CDGS Cooking utensils, cast aluminum THERMIT, EXCEPT FOR MILITARY USE MWEQ NAILS, SPIKES, BRADS, AND TACKS, NONFERROUS GCOM Brads Nails, collar OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code 339921 339960 341101 341102 342110 342120 BDSA Product Division NAILS, SPIKES, BRADS, AND TACKS, NONFERROUS— Continued GCOM Nails, double headed Nails Pins, escutcheon Points, glazier Spikes Staples, except farm and poultry Staples, coated, except farm and poultry Tacks, n.e.c. COMMERCIAL HEAT TREATLNG SERV METAL CANS CONT Cans, aluminum Cans, metal, made of tin plate, terneplate, black plate, or combinations thereof ICE CREAM SHIPPING CONTAINERS, METAL CONT CUTLERY, SCISSORS, SHEARS, TRIM- MERS, AND SNIPS CDGS Cutlery, butchers' Cutlery, kitchen Cutlery, meat packing Cutlery, table Manicure implements Manicure scissors Pocket knives Scissors, except manicure Shears Tinners' snips RAZOR BLADES AND RAZORS, EX- CEPT ELECTRIC _ „ CDGS Razor blades Razors, safety Razors, straight 342301 HAND TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES , Augers, drain Automobile body tools, hand, n.e.c. Bits, screwdriver Boxes, mitre Chisels, cold Clamps, C Forks, gardening Furnaces, plumbers' Guns, calking Hammers, ball peen Hammers, light forged, except ball peen Hawks, plasterers' Hoes Irons, soldering Levels, carpenters' Lighters, gas, welding Mauls Pick mattocks Picks Pipe stock and dies Pipe wrenches Pliers Pullers and pushers Punches, hand Rakes Rods, sewer Rulers, metal Rules, folding Rules, log Scoops, hand Scrapers, hand Screw drivers Shovels Sledges Soldering irons and tips, electric and nonelectric Spades Spoons, hole digging Steel goods, agricultural hand tools Stocks, die, hand Tools, automotive body and fender repair Tools, blacksmiths' Tools, hand, nonsparking Tools, heavy forged Tools, hot line Tools, linemen's Tools, logging GCOM Product Class Code 342301 342311 342321 Product HAND TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES— Continued Tools, masons' Tools, miners' Tools, plumbers' Torches, blow Trowels Vises, except toolroom Weeders Wrenches, other than pipe Wrenches, pipe MECHANICAL JACKS, EXCEPT HY- DRAULIC BDSA Division GCOM AUTO GCOM MWEQ GCOM GCOM EDGE TOOLS, EXCEPT CUTTING DIES. Adzes Augers, earth Axes Bits, auger Chisels, wood Hatchets Hooks, grass Knives, draw Knives, hay Knives, machine, except metal cutting Machetes Planes, woodworking Scythes Sickles Tools, edge, hand, agricultural, lawn, and garden 342322 CUTTING DIES, EXCEPT METAL CUT- TING 342333 FILES, RASPS, AND FILE ACCESSORIES. Accessories, file Burs, rotary, metalworking Cleaners, file Files, precision, metalworking Files, rotary, metalworking Files, woodworking Rasps, woodworking 342500 HAND SAWS, SAW BLADES, AND SAW ACCESSORIES Blades, saw, band, metalworking Blades, saw, band, woodworking Blades, saw, circular, inserted tooth, metal- working Blades, saw, working Blades, saw, working Blades, saw, working Blades, saw, hack, hand Blades, saw, hack, power, metalworking Blades, saw, hand Clamps, saw, hand Coping saws, hand Frames, saw, hand Holders, saw, hand Parts and accessories, saw Saws, buck, hand Saws, compass, hand Saws, coping, hand Saws, crosscut, hand Saws, hand, carpenters' Saws, mitre, hand Saws, pruning, hand Teeth, saw 342911 TRANSPORTATION HARDWARE Hardware, aircraft, stock items Hardware, railroad car Railroad car seals 342912 CHAIN AND ROPE FITTINGS GCOM Cargo sling fittings Clamps, wire rope Clevises Clips, wire rope Hooks, cargo, chain, grab, pelican, sister, slip circular, inserted tooth, wood- circular, solid tooth, metal- circular, solid tooth, wood- EQUIPMENT RAIL OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code Product 34912 CHAIN AND ROPE FITTINGS— Con... Loadbinders, chain Pulleys, marine, except power transmission Shackles Snatch blocks Sockets, wire rope Swivels, forged Tackle blocks Thimbles, rope Turnbuckles, forged Wire rope attachments 342913 MOTOR VEHICLE HARDWARE Lock units, automotive 342920 FURNITURE HARDWARE BDSA Division GCOM AUTO CDGS Casters, furniture Crib rods Floor protective devices, hardware Hardware, furniture, except casters Sofa bed hinges Swivel chair irons Table slides Typewriter-desk lift mechanisms 342930 VACUUM BOTTLES AND JUGS CDGS 342940 BUILDERS' HARDWARE.. BLDG Butts, except cabinet Cabinet hinges Cabinet locks Closers, door Deadlocks Door bolts Door checking devices Door hardware, overhead Door locks Door pulls Hangers and track, garage and industrial Hangers and track, residential Hardware, ammunition box- Hardware, cabinet Hardware, marine joiner Hardware, overhead door Hardware, sash Hardware, screen Hardware, screen door Hardware, transom Hardware, window Hinges, except cabinet Key blanks Latches, night Lock sets, door Lock trim, door Padlocks Panic devices Sash balances Sash pulleys Sliding door hardware, residential Spring hinges 342951 FIREPLACE FIXTURES AND SPE- CIALIZED HARDWARE ITEMS CDGS Andirons Fireplace fixtures Handcuffs Hardware, fireplace Leg irons Screens, fireplace Traps, animal, game and rodent 342952 CASKET HARDWARE AND CASKET SHELL HARDWARE CDGS 342953 LUGGAGE HARDWARE LEAT Hardware, luggage Hardware, trunk Locks, luggage Locks, trunk Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 342954 HARNESS AND SADDLERY HARD- WARE LEAT Hardware, harness Hardware, saddlery 342955 HOSE CLAMPS, COUPLINGS, AND NOZZLES (OTHER THAN FIRE).... GCOM Clamps, hose, industrial Couplings, hose, industrial Nozzles, hose, except lawn 342956 CASTERS AND WHEELS, INDUSTRIAL. GCOM Casters, except furniture Casters, hospital equipment Casters, industrial Casters, mule Wheels, dolly Wheels, material handling equipment 342958 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM COM- PONENTS GCOM Alarm, automatic fire; coupling, fire hose; nozzle, fire hose; sprinkler head automatic fire; valve, automatic fire control 343100 METAL PLUMBING FIXTURES BLDG Basins, wash, plumbing fixtures Bathtubs Bidets Bowls, sink, lavatory, water closet Closets, water trough Drainboards Fixtures, plumbing, residential, marine, in- stitutional, hospital Fountains, drinking (not electrically cooled, refrigerated) wash Hoppers, toilet, water closet Latrines Lavatories Legs, sink, lavatory Receptors, shower Sinks, kitchen, scullery, service, slop, trough Siphons, septic tanks Stalls, shower Tanks, flush, water closet, urinal Toilets Toilets, chemical Trays, laundry, domestic, sink, stationary Troughs, urinal, closet Tubs, laundry, domestic, stationary Urinals, pedestal, stall, trough, wall 343200 PLUMBING FITTINGS AND TRIM (plumbers' brass) BLDG Bibbs, flanged, hose, plain, self-closing, sink Breakers, vacuum, plumbing Bubblers, drinking fountain Bushings, solder, plumbing fittings Cocks, ball, basin, sill, sediment Connections, flush tank, plumbing Covers, cleanout, cock hole, trap Dispensers, deodorizing, soap Drains, area, boiler, continuous, fixture, floor, garage, gutter, pit, roof, promenade, shower, trap, urinal Drip machines, deodorizing Elbows, closet, flush Escutcheons Faucets, basin, bath, combination, compres- sion, hose, laundry, lavatory, plain, single, tray, oil: not kettle urn Ferrules, plumbing fittings Fillers, water glass, bathtub Filters, water, faucet, plumbing fittings Fittings, bath, lavatory, shower, supply, water closet Flanges, floor, closet Floats, ball cock Hydrants, frost proof (not fire) Interceptors, grease, plaster, hair and sediment Jets, gas illuminating Joints, expansion, for roof drains only Lever assemblies, flush tank trip OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 343200 PLUMBING FITTINGS AND TRIM (plumbers' brass) — Continued BLDG Nipples, solder, plumbing fittings Nozzles, lawn Plugs, plumbing fittings Preventors, backflow Rim guards for sinks Rods, shower Seats and metal trim for toilet seata Showers, bath Spigots, water Spuds, closet, urinal, plumbing fittings Stoppers, drain Stops and wastes, compression, ground key (not corporation) curb Stops, compression, ground key, fixture (not corporation) curb Strainers, basket, sink, lavatory, drain type Tailpieces, plumbing Traps, drain, plumbing Trim for plumbing fixtures Valves, flush, cage, syphon, automatic flush- ometer, plumbing Valves, shower, mixing, diverter (for plumbing fixtures) Wastes, continuous (for plumbing fixtures) Wires, lift, flush valve (for plumbing fixtures) 343301 WARA1 AIR FURNACES AND PARTS (EXCEPT FLOOR AND WALL) BLDG Furnace parts Furnace summer combination units Furnaces, cast iron or steel, forced air, gas Furnaces, cast iron or steel, forced air, oil Furnaces, cast iron or steel, forced air, solid fuel Furnaces, cast iron or steel, gravity air flow, gas Furnaces, cast iron or steel, gravity air flow, oil Furnaces, cast iron or steel, gravity air flow, solid fuel 343302 CAST IRON HEATING BOILERS, BASE- BOARD CONVECTORS, AND RADI- ATORS BLDG Baseboard and sections Boiler parts Boilers Convectors and sections Radiators and sections 343303 STEEL HEATING BOILERS BLDG Boiler parts, heating, steel Boilers, gas, residential, steel Boilers, hand fired, residential, steel Boilers, horizontal firebox, steel (except oil country) Boilers, miniature, steel Boilers, oil, residential, steel Boilers, vertical type, steel Boilers, Scotch type, steel Boilers, stoker fired, residential, steel 343310 OIL BURNERS, EXCEPT COMBINATION BURNERS BLDG Oil burner parts and attachments Oil burners, high pressure atomizing, commer- cial and industrial Oil burners, high pressure atomizing, residen- tial Oil burners, low pressure atomizing, commer- cial and industrial Oil burners, low pressure atomizing, residential Oil burners, pot mechanical draft vaporizing, residential Oil burners, pot natural draft vaporizing, residential Oil burners, range type Oil burners, rotary, atomizing, commercial and industrial Oil burners, rotary, vaporizing, or atomizing, residential Oil burners, special types, except combination fuels, commercial and industrial Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 343340 DOMESTIC HEATING STOVES, EXCEPT ELECTRIC CDGS Stoves, caboose, heating, except electric Stoves, circulators, coal and wood, domestic Stoves, gas, domestic heating, other Stoves, gas, kerosene, and fuel oil, domestic heat Stoves, gas, laundry, domestic heating Stoves, gas, radiants, domestic heating Stoves, gas, unvented circulator, domestic heating Stoves, gas, vented circulator, domestic heating Stoves, laundry, coal and wood, domestic heat- ing Stoves, magazine radiants, coal and wood, domestic Stoves, schoolroom, heating, except electric Stoves, wood and coal, hot blast, domestic heating Stoves, wood and coal, oaks, domestic heating Stoves, woodbox, heating 343361 STEEL AND NONFERROUS BASE- BOARD RADIATION, CONVECTORS, AND FINNED TUBE RADIATION BLDG Baseboard radiation, steel and nonferrous Convectors, steel and nonferrous Finned-tube radiation, steel and nonferrous 343362 GAS BURNERS (except stove) BLDG Gas burner parts Gas burners, over 40,000 B.t.u. output Gas burners, under 40,000B.t.u. output Gas conversion burners 343363 343364 343365 BLDG BLDG BLDG 343366 343367 343368 344101 344131 344201 344210 FLOOR AND WALL FURNACES COMBINATION BURNERS Combination burners, oil, gas, and/or pul- verized coal Oil and gas combination burners UNIT HEATERS AND UNIT VENTI- LATORS Coils, blast, heat transfer Heater parts Heaters, unit, gas Heaters, unit, hot water Heaters, unit, oil Heaters, unit, steam Unit ventilators and parts MECHANICAL STOKERS, UP TO 1,200 POUNDS CAPACITY MECHANICAL STOKERS, 1,201 POUNDS CAPACITY AND OVER HEATING EQUIPMENT, N.E.C Heaters, circulating, fireplace, nonportable Heaters, solar, civilian Incinerators, domestic, metal, nonportable Panel heating, steel or nonferrous FABRICATED STRUCTURAL STEEL TOWERS, RADIO, PREFABRICATED, EXCEPT SPECIAL DESIGN FOR MILITARY USE AND FOR COM- MERCIAL BROADCAST Towers, antenna supporting, prefabricated, stock items Towers, radiating, prefabricated, stock items METAL STORM WINDOWS AND SASH; COMBINATION WINDOWS, STORM AND SCREEN ; COMBINATION DOORS, STORM AND SCREEN; SCREEN DOORS; WINDOW SCREENS; WEATH- ERSTRIP; AND THRESHOLDS ... BLDG Screen doors, metal Thresholds, except wood Weatherstrip, metal Window screens, metal METAL DOORS AND FRAMES BLDG Garage doors, metal Metal door frames Metal doors, iron and steel, residential, commercial and industrial Metal doors, nonferrous Metal doors, n.e.c. BLDG POWR BLDG BLDG ETRX OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 344220 METAL WINDOW FRAMES AND SASH.. BLDG Iron and steel Nonferrous 344230 METAL MOLDING, TRIM, AND STORE- FRONTS BLDG Decorative molding and trim, metal Retaining molding and trim (including shapes and forms) Storefronts, metal, sold complete at factory 344311 HEAT EXCHANGERS POWR Heat exchangers, closed and open type Heat exchangers, radiator type, for internal combustion engines, 750 r.p.m. and under Heat exchangers, nuclear power, pressure and steam Heaters, feedwater, deaerating and nonde- aerating 344312 STEAM CONDENSERS AND AUXILIARY AIR EJECTORS POWR Steam condensers Steam jet air ejectors 344321 PIPE OVER 36" O.D. FABRICATED FROM STEEL PLATE POWR 344322 STEEL PLATE WELDMENTS, N.E.C.... GCOM 344330 POWER BOILERS AND REPAIR PARTS.. POWR Boilers, marine water tube Boilers, power, steel, horizontal return tubular Boilers, power, steel, oil country type Boilers, power, steel, packaged steam gen- erators Boilers, power, steel refractory lined firebox Boilers, power, steel water tube Boilers, power, steel waste heat Boilers, steel, attachments, including air pre- heaters and economizers Boilers, steel, fire tube Boilers, steel, repair parts 344341 GAS CYLINDERS, INCLUDING LIQUE- FIED PETROLEUM CONT 344342 BOILER SHOP PRODUCTS, N.E.C POWR 344351 TANKS, WELL HEAD, OIL FIELD ONLY. OFME Accessories, tank, well-head, flow and gather- ing tanks, well-head, flow and gathering 344352 HEAVY METAL TANKS, ATMOSPHERIC (not field erected) Tanks, alloy steel, bulk storage (except dairy) Tanks, bulk storage, metal except carbon and alloy steel Tanks, carbon steel, bulk storage (except dairy) Tanks, oil, basement Tanks, septic Tanks, truck, for fluids, exclude trailer tanks 344353 HEAVY METAL TANKS, PRESSURE, NOT FOR PROCESS USE (not field erected) Vessels and tanks, pressure, ASME and API code Vessels and tanks, pressure, except ASME and API code POWR POWR POWR POWR 344354 HEAVY METAL TANKS, BOLTED 344361 VESSELS, PRESSURE, FOR PROCESS USE (not field erected) Vessels and tanks, pressure, ASME and API code Vessels and tanks, pressure, except ASME and API code 344411 SHEET METAL ROOFING AND SIDING, AND ACCESSORIES BLDG Aluminum roofing and siding, all types Sheet metal shingles Sheet roof deck, formed steel Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 344412 SHEET METAL ROOF EQUIPMENT AND ROOF DRAINAGE PRODUCTS BLDG Cornices Downspouts, flashing, gutters, leaders Roof ventilators Skylights 344420 CULVERTS, FLUMES, IRRIGATION PIPE AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS, SHEET METAL BLDG 344431 AIR DISTRIBUTION PIPE, DUCT, AND FITTINGS, SHEET METAL, STAND- ARD CATALOG ITEMS (do not include products built to customers specifications) BLDG Air conditioning, furnace and vent ducts, sheet metal Air diffusers, registers and grilles, metal Baseboard diffusers Sheet metal fittings, dampers, draft regulators, elbows, chimneys, flue stops and thimbles Smoke pipe, fittings and trim Stove pipe and fittings 344432 PILING, CAPS, SHOES AND ACCES- SORIES, SHEET METAL BLDG 344433 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EQUIP- MENT SERV Drainboard tops, sheet metal Table tops, sheet metal 344434 METAL AWNINGS CDGS Awning parts for assembly by others Awnings, metal 344435 SHEET METAL CEILINGS, AREA WALLS, LINTELS, LOUVERS, TILE, ETC BLDG 344436 SHEET METAL PRODUCTS, N.E.C, STANDARD CATALOG ITEMS ONLY.. BLDG 344910 ORNAMENTAL AND STRUCTURAL METAL WORK (standard catalog items) . . BLDG Fencing and gates, other than wire Floor gratings, metal Grille work, metal Guard rails, highway, metal Jail cells Louvers, vents, metal Open steel flooring Ornamental columns, metal Stairs, staircases, fire escapes, railings, metal 344921 PREFABRICATED METAL PANELS FOR CURTAIN WALL CONSTRUCTION BLDG 344922 PREFABRICATED AND DEMOUNTABLE METAL BUILDINGS AND PARTS BLDG Dwellings, prefabricated and demountable, metal Farm buildings, prefabricated and demount- able, metal Garages, prefabricated and demountable, metal Other prefabricated and demountable build- ings, metal Metal building panels or sections for prefab- ricated and demountable metal buildings 344930 MISCELLANEOUS METAL BUILDING PRODUCTS BLDG Fabricated bar joists, all spans, and acces- sories Fabricated concrete reinforcing bars and accessories Formed steel columns, beams, and girders Joist bracing devices Masonry anchors, ties and strips Metal lath, expanded and sheet Metal plaster base accessories (corner beads, screeds, grounds, etc.), ceiling suspension devices, metal Terrazzo strips Welded roof trusses OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST •'Product I CJ,ass \ Code BDSA Division Product 345201 BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS, RIVETS, WASH- ERS, AND OTHER INDUSTRIAL FAS- TENERS, FERROUS AND NONFER- ROUS GCOM Bolts Aircraft quality- Blind Carriage Clevis (bolt or pin) Elevator Internal wrenching Lag (bolt or screw) Lock Machine Mine roof and accessories Plow Rods, tie or threaded Roofing and sheathing Special headed or threaded Step Stove Tire Toggle Track U. J. I. and hook Fasteners Explosion driven Panel Special headed Locknuts, all types Nuts Acorn or cap Aircraft quality Castelatted Channel Floating Hexagon Jam or spear Knurled Plate Slotted Spring Stove (or square) Wing Pins Aircraft quality Cotter Dowel Lock Taper Rings, snap or lock Rivet bolts Rivet nuts Rivets Blind Explosive Solid Tubular Screws, including special screws and accessories Aircraft quality Cap Drive Machine Set Tapping Thumb Wood Screw and washer assemblies Studs, threaded or welded Washers Aircraft quality Lock or spring Plate or flat Special industrial fasteners Grommets and eyelets, except shoe findings Hooks, screw eyes, and similar products Inserts Keys, shafting 345221 TIMBER CONNECTORS Connectors, grids, plates, and rings LUMB Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 346101 STAMPED AND SPUN HOSPITAL UTEN- SILS AND COOKING AND KITCHEN HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS CDGS Cooking utensils, stamped and pressed, stain- less steel Cooking utensils, stamped and pressed, tinware Hospital utensils, stamped Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed, stain- less steel Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed, tinware Pressure canners, household Pressure cookers, domestic stamped Utensils, cooking and kitchen, stamped alumi- num 346111 VITREOUS ENAMELED COOKING KITCHEN AND HOSPITAL UTEN- SILS CDGS Cooking utensils, vitreous enameled Kitchen utensils, vitreous enameled Utensils, hospital, cooking, vitreous enameled Utensils, hospital, other, vitreous enameled 346131 LICENSE PLATES, STAMPED SERV 346132 STAMPED, SPUN AND PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS, N.E.C GCOM 346133 SHEET METAL, PERFORATED, EM- BOSSED, OR PATTERNED GCOM 346161 METAL CLOSURES FOR CONTAINERS, EXCEPT GLASS CONTAINERS AND CROWNS, STAMPED CONT Metal clips and bands for flexible containers Metal closure clips for fiber drums Metal container closures, except glass con- tainers, n.e.c. 346162 CLOSURES FOR GLASS CONTAINERS AND CROWNS, STAMPED, COM- MERCIAL CONT 346181 STAMPED METAL SHIPPING AND DELIVERY CONTAINERS, EXCEPT REELS AND SPOOLS CONT 346182 ASH AND GARBAGE CANS, STAMPED. CDGS Ash cans, nongalvanized steel Cans, ash, galvanized steel Cans, garbage, galvanized steel Garbage cans, nongalvanized steel 346183 PAILS AND CANS, EXCEPT ASH AND GARBAGE, STAMPED CDGS Baskets, utility, galvanized steel Baskets, utility, steel, except galvanized Cans, measuring, steel Cans, oil, spout Cans, oily waste Cans, radiator filling, galvanized steel Cans, rubbish burner, steel Double tubs, galvanized steel Hods, coal, galvanized steel Hods, coal, steel, except galvanized Oilers, hand Pails, galvanized steel, except shipping con- tainers Pails, nongalvanized steel, except shipping containers Pans, utility, galvanized steel Tubs, round, galvanized steel Tubs, round, steel, except galvanized Tubs, square, galvanized steel Tubs, square, steel, except galvanized 346184 REELS AND SPOOLS, SHIPPING AND PACKAGING, EXCEPT PAPER- BOARD . CONT 346185 HAND TOOL BOXES, STAMPED GCOM 346186 STAMPED OR PRESSED METAL END PRODUCTS, N.E.C CDGS Baskets, wastepaper Boxes, cash, metal Boxes, pencil, metal Boxes, utility, metal, office Canteens, stamped, except military Dispenser, soap, stamped Fasteners, paper, metallic, except wire clips OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 346186 STAMPED OR PRESSED METAL END PRODUCTS, N.E.C.— Continued CDGS Ice cube trays, metal Kitchen hand tools, stamped, except cutlery List finders, metal Lunch boxes, metal Perforated metal end products Soap dishes, stamped Tooth brush holders, stamped 346187 CLOSURES FOR GLASS CONTAINERS AND CROWNS, STAMPED, HOUSE- HOLD CONT Closures, home canning, metal lid Closures, home canning, metal screw band Closures, home, 1-piece screw cap, zinc- porcelain Closures, home canning, n.e.c. 347100 PLATING AND POLISHING, FOR THE TRADE SERV Anodizing of metal products Electroplating of metal products 347900 COATING, ENGRAVING, AND ALLIED SERVICES, N.E.C SERV Engraving on metal Enameling of metal products Galvanizing of metal products Japanning of metal products Lacquering of metal products 348131 UPHOLSTERY AND FURNITURE SPRINGS, UNASSEMBLED (excluding automotive) CDGS Springs, wire, innerspring mattress Springs, wire, for bed springs Springs, wire, furniture Springs, wire, upholstery, except motor vehicle 348160 WIRE FENCING FABRIC AND FENCE GATES BLDG Fence fittings, except pipe and standard pipe fittings Fence posts, except pipe Fencing fabric, chain link Fencing fabric, ornamental lawn, wire Gates, chain link fencing, woven wire Gates, fence, wire, except chain link 348171 WIRE CLOTH, INDUSTRIAL GCOM Belts, woven wire Cloth, bolting Cloth, crimped Cloth, cylinder Cloth, filter and sieve Cloth, flat top Cloth, fourdrinier Cloth, industrial Cloth, plain weave Cloth, special mesh Cloth, twilled weave Diamond cloth Drying belts Spiral cloth 348172 INSECT WIRE SCREENING BLDG 348173 HARDWARE CLOTH BLDG 348191 WIRE PRODUCTS, N.E.C CDGS Baskets, wire Cages, wire Display racks, wire Florists' design, wire Garment hangers, wire Guards, wire Kitchenware goods, wire Lampshade frames, wire Paper clips 348192 GAS WELDING RODS AND METALLIZ- ING WIRE MWEQ 348193 CHAIN, WELDED AND WELDLESS GCOM Anti-skid Bead Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 348193 CHAIN, WELDED AND WELDLESS— Continued GCOM Cast Chandelier Coil Electric welded Fire welded Jack Ladder Lock weave Open link Safety Sash Straight link Stud link Twist link 348194 WIRE TIES, BAILS, AND HANDLES (FOR CONTAINERS AND PACKAG- ING) CONT 349101 METAL BARRELS, DRUMS, PAILS, PACKAGES, AND KEGS, SHIPPING, INCLUDING PLUGS AND FLANGES... CONT 349131 FLUID MILK SHIPPING CONTAINERS, METAL CONT 349200 SAFES, CHESTS, BANK VAULTS, AND INTERIOR EQUIPMENT SERV Boxes, safe deposit Chests, metal, burglary-resistive Chests, metal, fire-resistive, insulated Chests, metal, fire and burglary resistive Chests, metal, interior equipment Containers, insulated Depositories, night Safes, bank and security lockers Safes, bank night depository Safes, metal, burglary-resistive Safes, metal, fire-resistive, insulated Safes, metal, interior equipment Vault doors, metal 349301 STEEL SPRINGS, EXCEPT WIRE. RAIL Locomotive leaf springs Railroad car leaf springs Railroad springs, n.e.c. 349304 SPRINGS, HELICAL, HOT WOUND, EXCEPT AUTOMOTIVE GCOM 349401 AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVES.. SITE Valves, automatic regulating, diaphragm ac- tuated Valves, automatic regulating, float actuated Valves, automatic regulating, n.e.c. Valves, solenoid actuated 349402 VALVES, INDUSTRIAL, INCLUDING MARINE (FERROUS AND NONFER- ROUS, CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, AND WROUGHT) GCOM Angle, check, cross, diaphragm, gate, globe, needle, non-return, stop, stop check Cock, lubricated and nonlubricated; plug, lubricated and nonlubricated Compressed gas cylinder Hydrant, fire Manifold Pressure regulating Safety and relief, inlet pressure; liquid-over 30 pounds, steam and gas-over 15 pounds Turbine 349403 VALVES, HEATING, AND HEATING SPECIALTIES (FERROUS AND NON- FERROUS. CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, AND WROUGHT). GCOM Heating specialties: air vent; strainer; trap, float, and thermostatic Radiator valves, packed and packless: angle, check, gate, globe Safety and relief valves, inlet pressures: steam-15 pounds and under; liquid-30 pounds and under OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 349404 TUBE FITTINGS & VALVES, AIRCRAFT TYPE (AN) (FERROUS AND NON- FERROUS, CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, AND WROUGHT). GCOM Fittings: adapter, bolt, bushing, cap, connector, coupling, cross, elbow, flange, nipple, nut, plug, reducer, sleeve, tee, union, filter, strainer, trap Valves: air valves, check, drain, float, fuel, level, needle, relief, selector, shutoff, vacuum, vent 349405 PIPE FITTINGS: (FERROUS AND NON- FERROUS. CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED AND WROUGHT. SCREWED, FLANGED, BRAZED, SOLDER AND WELDING ENDS— EX- CEPT CAST IRON FITTINGS FOR CAST IRON PIPE) GCOM Bushing, cap, coupling, cross, elbow, lateral, plug, reducer, return, saddle, sleeve, stub end, tee, trap, Y bend, Y branch Flange and flange union Nipple (length to 12 inches) Union and union fitting 349406 TUBE FITTINGS: EXCEPT AIRCRAFT (AN) (CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, WROUGHT. COMPRESSION, FLARED, FLEX ENDS) GCOM Adapter, bushing, cap, connector, coupling, cross, elbow, nipple, nut, plug, reducer, sleeve, tee, union 349407 PIPING ACCESSORIES (FERROUS AND NONFERROUS. CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, AND WROUGHT) _ GCOM Expansion joint (packed and packless) ; flexible joint (swing and swivel) ; floor stand; hanger (pipe and radiator); indicator post; sepa- rator, gas, oil, and steam (pipe line type) ; steam trap, float, mechanical thermostatic; strainer single, duplex and multibasket (pipe line type) 349408 VALVES, MISCELLANEOUS: NOT ELSE- WHERE CLASSIFIED (N.E.C.) (FER- ROUS AND NONFERROUS. CAST, FABRICATED, FORGED, MOLDED, AND WROUGHT) GCOM Blast furnace gate and goggle Flood, irrigation, and water utility services: butterfly, cone, drain, pivot, rotary, shear gate, sluice gate, spherical, tide gate Hydraulic and pneumatic control 349600 COLLAPSIBLE TUBES CONT Aluminum Lead Tin Tin-coated Tin-lead alloy 349701 ALUMINUM FOIL AND FOIL COM- BINATIONS CONVERTED FOR PACK- AGING CONT 349704 ALUMINUM FOIL AND FOIL COM- BINATIONS, CONVERTED FOR STRUCTURAL INSULATION . BLDG 349801 FABRICATED METAL PIPING POWR Piping, shop fabricated from purchased pipe by bending, swaging, or welding 349802 IRRIGATION DISTRIBUTION EQUIP- MENT AGRI Attachments for farm irrigation equipment Fittings, irrigation Gates, flood, irrigation Pipe or tubing, and extensions (converted for portable irrigation systems) Risers, irrigation Sprinkler heads, irrigation (excluding lawn sprinklers) Syphons, irrigation Valves, irrigation Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 349901 BELLS, GONGS, SIRENS, AND SIMILAR DEVICES SITE Annunciators, alarm and signaling Bells, alarm and signaling Buzzers, industrial, heavy duty Chimes, except musical instruments Gongs, except electric Horns, except auto and exponential Sirens Whistles, industrial 349902 METAL STRAPPING, INCLUDING SEALS AND HAND APPLICATING TOOLS CONT 349903 AMMUNITION BOXES AND CHESTS, METAL CONT 349904 RAILROAD TRACK EQUIPMENT, FROGS, SWITCHES, ETC., FABRI- CATED FROM STEEL RAIL RAIL Anchors, railroad, fabricated Braces, railroad, fabricated Columns, watering, railroad Cranes, mail, railroad Derail equipment, railroad Expanders, rail, joint Frogs, railroad, fabricated Irons, antichecking, railroad Posts, bumping, railroad Stops, car, railroad Switches, railroad, fabricated 349905 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, N.E.C CDGS Boxes, lock, post office Cemetery vases, metal Clip boards, metal Frames for tubs or vats Freezers, ice cream, domestic, hand crank Grave markers, metal Handwarmers, pocket, metal, except electric Ink stands, metal Ironing boards, metal Mail boxes Plaques, metal Racks, clothes drying, metal Reels, hose, residential Stands for tubs or vats Stove boards Stretchers, curtain, metal Ticket boxes, theater, metal Trophies, except silver and plated 349906 PERMANENT MAGNETS GCOM 349907 BED RAILS, METAL CDGS 349908 METAL LADDERS AND SCAFFOLD- ING SERV Ladders, portable, metal Scaffolds, metal 351101 STEAM AND HYDRAULIC TURBINES AND STEAM ENGINES POWR Steam and hydraulic turbine generator sets Steam engines and turbine repair parts Steam engines, reciprocating Steam turbine gear units, marine Steam turbine generator set units Steam turbines Steam turbines, mechanical drive, except marine Steam turbines, mechanical drive, marine Turbines, hydraulic Water turbine generator sets 351111 GAS TURBINE AND PARTS POWR Gas turbines, mechanical drive Generator sets 351901 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, 750 R.P.M. AND UNDER.... ^ POWR Diesel engines, except truck and bus Gas engines Gasoline engines Internal combustion engines, n.e.c. OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 351902 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, EXCEPT AIRCRAFT, OVER 750 R.P.M_ AUTO [Do not include engines for passenger cars, trucks or busses when made by and installed in vehicles built by the engine manufacturer. Such engines are included as part of the vehicle in Codes 371710, 371701, and 371730.] Diesel engines Gas engines Gasoline engines, except outboard, and aircraft Outboard motors Internal combustion engines, n.e.c. 352201 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS, TRACTORS, UNDER 100 BELT HORSE- POWER, INCL. MOTOR TILLER AND GARDEN TYPE AGRI 352202 PLOWS AND LISTERS AGRI Attachments for plows and listers (except planting attachments) Bedders, with or without planting attachments, drawn or mounted Cutters, root Listers, with or without planting attachments, drawn or mounted Middlebusters, with or without planting at- tachments, drawn or mounted Plow stocks Plows, cane-row Plows, cylinder Plows, disk, including one-way, horse and tractor drawn or tractor mounted Plows, ditching Plows, harrow Plows, moldboard, horse and tractor drawn or tractor mounted Plows, rotary-tiller, field type Plows, subsoil Ridgebusters, with or without planting attach- ments, drawn or mounted Tillers, basin Tillers, disk 352203 REPAIR PARTS, AGRICULTURAL MA- CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AGRI Parts, repair, for all types of agricultural ma- chinery and equipment Parts, replacement, for all types of agricul- tural machinery and equipment, including plow shares and disk blades (except lawn mowers) 352221 TRACTORS, WHEEL, UNDER 100 BELT HORSEPOWER AGRI Attachments, wheel tractor, except garden Tractors, wheel, all purpose, except garden Tractors, wheel, except all-purpose and garden 352230 PLANTING, SEEDING, AND FERTILIZ- ING MACHINERY AGRI Attachments for fertilizing equipment Attachments for planting and seeding equip- ment, including planting attachments for other farm machinery and other equipment Broadcast seeders, endgate Broadcast seeders, hand, wheelbarrow and other Broadcast seeders, wheeled, horse or tractor drawn Cutters, potato Drills, beet and bean, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Drills, grain, including fertilizer, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Fertilizer distributors, horse or tractor drawn Of tractor mounted Field markers Lime spreaders, endgate or trailer type Lime spreaders, truck body type Lime spreaders, wheeled hopper type, horse or tractor drawn Limestone pulverizers, farm size under 14 inches Loaders, manure Planters, beet and bean Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 352230 PLANTING, SEEDING, AND FERTILIZ- ING MACHINERY— Continued AGRI Planters, cane Planters, corn and cotton, or peanut, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Planters, corn, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Planters, garden or vegetable, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Planters, legume and grass Planters, potato, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Spreaders, manure, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Tool bars for mounting tools on tractor Transplanters Unicarriers, chassis or rear tool bar (short and long) for mounting tools, pull-type 352241 HARROWS, ROLLERS, PULVERIZERS, AND STALK CUTTERS AGRI Attachments for harrows, rollers, pulverizers, and stalk cutters Combination harrows and rollers Cutters, brush, stalk, weed, rotary blade, farm type Harrows, disk, bush and bog Harrows, disk, cane Harrows, disk, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted, including tool-bar type Harrows, disk, offset Harrows, spike-tooth Harrows, spring-tooth Pulverizers, stalk Rollers, land, excluding lawn rollers Shredders, brush Shredders, stalk Soil pulverizers and packers Stubble shavers, cane 352250 HARVESTING MACHINERY. AGRI Attachments for harvesting machinery Binders, corn Binders, grain and rice Binders, hemp Blowers, forage Blowers, grain (farm size) Combines, harvester-thresher, pull type Combines, harvester-thresher, self-propelled Cutters and pullers, bean Diggers and pickers, potato Diggers, peanut Harvesters, beet Harvesters, broom corn Harvesters, castor bean, stripper type Harvesters, cotton, stripper Harvesters, cranberry Harvesters, green pea Harvesters, or cutters, corn (not binding) Harvesters or strippers, grass seed Harvesters, potato Harvesters, soya bean, one-row Harvesters, spinach Harvesters, sweet corn Harvesters, tobacco Harvesting equipment, sugar beet Harvesting equipment, sugar cane Pickers and threshers, peanut Pickers, corn attachment for combines Pickers, corn, mounted Pickers, corn, pull-type Pickers, corn, self-propelled Pickers, cotton, spindle type Pickers, hop Pickers shelters, corn, drawn or mounted Pickers shellers, self-propelled Pullers and pickers, vegetable Pullers, flax Swathers Threshers, stationary, grain, rice, and alfalfa Threshers, stationary, pea and bean Windrowers, drawn Windrowers, mounted Windrowers, self-propelled OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST BDSA Product Division HAYING MACHINERY AGRI Attachments for haying machinery- Bale loaders, field Balers, pickup, hay and straw, power take-off or auxiliary engine powered, or self-propelled, twine or wire tie Balers, stationary, hay and straw Crushers, hayfield conditioners Forage harvesters, field, including basic unit and ensilage (row-crop) and field hay chop- per attachments Loaders, loose hay Mowers, excluding lawn mowers, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted or semi- mounted. Rakes, side delivery, including combination side rakes and tedders Rakes, sulky (dump) Rakes, sweep or buck Stackers, including combination stackerloaders 352270 LAWN MOWERS, INCLUDING PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS CDGS Lawn edgers Lawn mowers Lawn sweepers Snow plows, domestic (not garden tractors) 352281 TRACTORS, GARDEN TYPE, AND MO- TOR TILLERS AGRI Attachments for tractors, garden type, and t motor tillers Motor tillers Tractors, garden type 352282 SPRAYERS AND DUSTERS, AGRICUL- TURAL AGRI Attachments for sprayers and dusters Burners, weed and pear Dusters, hand Dusters, power Dusters, traction Pumps, spray, power or hand driven Sprayers, hand, capacity one quart or more, all types, including hand pump sprayers Sprayers, power, field or row-crop type Sprayers, power, orchard type Sprayers, power, propeller blast type Sprayers, power, self-propelled Sprayers, traction 352283 DAIRY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, FARM TYPE AGRI Attachments for dairy farm machines and equipment Butter making equipment, including churns and molds Coolers, milk, farm, not mechanically refrig- erated, including tank and immersion, and surface tubular types Milking machines, portable, complete with self-contained power unit Milking machines, stationary installations Pasteurizers, milk, farm home size Racks, milk can Separators, cream, under 1,500 pounds per hour, hand or power operated Stirrers, milk and cream Strainers, milk Tanks, sterilizing and washing, farm type, except bulk holding and cooling Water heaters, dairy and milk room [352284 CULTIVATORS AND WEEDERS.. AGRI Attachments for cultivators and weeders Blockers, mechanical, sugar beet Choppers, cotton Cultivators, beet and bean Cultivators, cane Cultivators, field, including chisels and orchard cultivators, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Product Class Code 352284 BDSA Division AGRI Product CULTIVATORS AND WEEDERS— Con.. Cultivators, flame Cultivators, hand, wheel type i Cultivators, rotary, including rotary hoes Cultivators, row-crop, all types, horse or trac- tor drawn and tractor mounted Thinners, beet and vegetable Tillers, field, including wing and disk hoes, horse or tractor drawn or tractor mounted Weeders, cyclone j Weeders, rod and blade Weeders, tooth, horse or tractor drawn, or tractor mounted 352285 MACHINERY FOR PREPARING CROPS FOR MARKET AND FOR USE AGRI ; Attachments for machines for preparing crops for market and for use Balers, broom corn Bunchers and tiers, vegetable, farm type Cane mills, farm size Cane sirup evaporators, farm type, including ; complete sets of pans and furnaces Cider mills and fruit presses, farm size Cleaners ana graders, farm type, grain and seed Curers, tobacco Deseeders, broom corn Detasselers, corn Driers, grain, hay, and seed, portable and stationary, farm size Ensilage cutters (silo fillers) Feed cutters, hand and power Feed grinders and crushers (farm), hand and power, including burr type, hammer type, and roughage mills Hullers and cleaners, castor bean, field type Hullers, graders, sackers, conveyors, farm- type (nut and seed) Huskers and shredders, corn, including com- bination husker-shredders Maple syrup evaporators, farm size, including complete sets of pans and furnaces Mixers, farm feed type (except concrete mixers) Shellers, corn, hand and power Sorters and graders, potato Sorters, graders, washers, sackers and con- veyors (farm type) fruit and vegetable Toppers, vegetable Treaters, seed, farm type Unloaders, silo Wood-sawing machines, farm, including self- powered cross-cut and drag, 5 horsepower and less 352286 POULTRY MACHINERY AND EQUIP- MENT AGRI Attachments for poultry farm machines and equipment Bands, leg and wing, poultry Baskets, egg Batteries, growing and laying Boxes, grit Brooders, poultry Candlers, egg Caps, chimney Catchers, fowl Cones, killing Coolers, egg Equalizers, draft Feeders, poultry, including mechanical power driven Graders, egg Heaters, water, poultry Incubators, poultry Nests, hen, trap and laying Punches, poultry Saddles, poultry house Saddles, turkey Washers, egg, farm size Waterers, poultry OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 352287 ELEVATORS AND BLOWERS, FARM TYPE AGRI Attachments for farm elevators Elevators, portable, auger, farm size Elevators, portable, chain type Elevators, stationary, chain type, farm size 352288 BARN AND BARNYARD EQUIPMENT... AGRI Applicators, insecticide, livestock Attachments for barn and barnyard equip- ment Branding equipment, livestock Brooders, lamb Brooders, pig Carriers, hay Carriers, litter and feed, overhead and track Cattle prods Chains, halter Cleaners, barn, automatic Clippers and shearing machines, power, live- stock Cookers, feed Currycombs Dehorning equipment, cattle Drinking cups, livestock Feeders, livestock Heaters, tank, livestock Hoists, hay Kickers, anticow Oilers, hog Pens, livestock Ringers, bull Ringers, hog Rings, hog Slings, hay Staffs, bull Stalls and fittings, cattle Stanchions and fittings, cattle Tags, identification, livestock Tanks, livestock dipping Tanks, stock Trainers, livestock Trough, hog Trucks, feed, not motor Watering bowls, livestock Waterers, hog Weaners, calf 352289 FARM EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, PULLED OR PUSHED, NOT SELF- PROPELLED AGRI Attachments for farm earthmoving equip- ment Blade ditchers and terracers Corrugators Dozers, farm type, under 5 feet blade length Land levelers One-disk terracers Scrapers, farm type 352001 FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, N.E.C AGRI Attachments for farm machines and equipment, n.e.c. Beehives Beekeepers supplies, n.e.c. Branding equipment, livestock Bug-catchers, power driven Controllers and accessories, electric fence Diggers, post-hole, tractor mounted, farm type Extractors, honey Harvesting equipment, maple sugar collecting Heaters, beehive, electric Orchard heaters and smudge pots Post drivers and pullers, power, farm type Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 352001 FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, N.E.C— Continued AGRI Shoes, horse, mule, oxen, wrought iron Stone pickers, farm type Stump pullers, farm type Wind frost protection machines Windmill heads Windmill towers 353101 DERRICKS, STIFF-LEGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND RAILROAD HEAVY WRECKING CRANES, PILEDRIVERS, PILEHAM- MERS, PILEDRIVER LEADS, AND REPAIR PARTS... CMEQ Cranes, locomotive, and railroad big hook wreckers Extractors, piling Derricks, stiff-legs, hoists, builders-construc- tion, power portable Locomotive cranes Piledrivers, pilehammers, piling extractors, leads, dropballs 353102 CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATING AND MAINTENANCE MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, UNITS AND ATTACH- MENTS AND REPAIR PARTS, EX- CEPT TRACTOR MOUNTED CMEQ Brooms, brushes, sweepers, traction and engine driven, trailer type Catchbasin cleaners, power operated, munici- pal, industrial Chippers, brushcutters, engine driven, trailer, truck mounted Compactors, rollers, base, subbase, vibratory, trench, pneumatic tired, steel wheeled, flat pad compaction, self-propelled and pulled type Discs, heavy duty, construction Elevating graders, elevating grader attach- ments for motor graders Graders, maintainers, pulled type Graders, maintainers, underbody truck mounted, municipal, highway Graders, motor, light, medium, and heavy Leaf collectors, chippers, engine driven, municipal, highway Linemarkers, municipal, traffic, industrial Loaders, belt pickup from windrow, self- propelled Loaders, bucket pickup, snow, coal, material yards, self-propelled Loaders, truck front-end, overcap dump into truck body Maintenance machinery and equipment, n.e.c. Markers, line, municipal, traffic, industrial Motor graders, 2-, 4-, and 6-wheel drive Mudjacks, maintenance of highway slab, flooring Pickup sweepers, self-propelled, municipal, industrial, airport Rakes, pulled type, municipal, highway, play- ground, beach Rollers, single roll, 2- and 3-axle tandem, 3- and 4-wheel, patch, trench, sheepfoot, pneu- matic tired, steel wheeled compactors, portable vibratory flat pad, self-propelled and pulled type Snowplows, V, straight, wing, rotary, blower, self-propelled units, truck and motor grader attachments, except railroad mounted Scarifiers, grader, roller attachment and pulled type Sweepers, pickup, self-propelled, municipal, including vacuum type Teeth and shanks, for scarifiers OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST BDSA , Product Division . OFF-HIGHWAY HAULING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, AND REPAIR PARTS (Include 1-, 2-, and 3-axle tractor when shipped with wagon, trailer, arch, scrapers, as integrated self-propelled motor- ized unit. Products primarily designed for the movement of earth, rock, slag, coal, ag- gregate, ore, oilfield, logging projects. Such units are all unlicensable for on-highway hauling service owing to weight or dimen- sions),. CMEQ Arches, logging, self-propelled and pulled type Cable laying plows, cable reel trailers, wheel, crawler mounted Cane carts, trailers, wheel and track mounted, self-propelled and pulled type Cranes, heavy duty, off-highway, 2-wheel trailer mounted, airport, construction Crawler track assemblies, wagons, trailers, logging arch Dump wagons, trailers, end, side, bottom dump, and flat bed bodies, self-propelled and pulled type, wheel and crawler track mounted Haulers, off-highway, load and haul on back, 2- and 3-axle units, rear, side dump, and flat bed bodies, self-propelled units, includ- ing dumptors Logging arches, sulkies, skidpans, self-propelled units and pulled type Logging arches, sulkies, skidpans, self-propelled units and pulled type Motor scrapers, wagons, trailers, arches Rippers, rooters, excavating, heavy duty, pulled type Rock bodies, flat bed bodies, ore, rock, oilfield, logging service Scrapers, motorized earthmover units Scrapers, nonmotorized earthmovers, pulled type Sulkies, skidpans, arches, motorized and pulled type Teeth and shanks, ripper, rooter, pulled type Trailers, wagons, off-highway, motorized, flat bed, rear, side, bottom dump Trailers, wagons, off-highway, nonmotorized, flat bed, rear, side, bottom dump, cane, logging, oilfield, pneumatic tire and crawler track mounted Wagons, trailers, off-highway, self-propelled units and pulled type. 353104 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION, EX- CAVATING, MAINTENANCE MA- CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, N.E.C.. CMEQ 353105 TRACTORS, WHEEL: 1-, 2-, AND 3-AXLE, 100 BRAKE HP AND LARGER, CON- STRUCTION, CONTRACTORS OFF- HIGHWAY MODELS, AND REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS (BARE TRACTORS) CMEQ Tractors, 1-axle, 2-wheel, off-highway models, unlicensable for on-highway service Tractors, 2-axle, 4-wheel, off-highway models, unlicensable for on-highway service Tractors, 2- and 3-axle, off-highway models, unlicensable for on-highway service 353106 TRACTORS, TRACKLAYING OR CRAWLER TYPE, ALL SIZES (BARE TRACTORS) CMEQ 353131 TRACKLAYING TRACTORS, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS ONLY... CMEQ 353141 WINCHES, CAPSTANS, AND LASSES, EXCEPT MILITARY. Capstans Winches, shipboard only Windlasses, shipboard only WIND- SHIP Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 353142 POWER CRANES, SHOVELS, DRAG- LINES, PULLSHOVELS, BACKHOES, LOGLOADERS, CRAWLER, WALKING, PEDESTAL, WAGON, TRUCK, CAR- RIER, OFF-SHORE DRILL PLATFORM MOUNTED, INCLUDING HY- DRAULIC OPERATED, AND ALL TYPES OF FRONT-END EQUIP- MENT AND ATTACHMENTS CMEQ Backhoes, cranes, logloaders, under M cu. yd., crawler, truck, carrier mounted Booms, and other crane, shovel, dragline, skimmer, excavator attachments Buckets, clamshell, dragline, crescent, shovel, hoe, grapples, orangepeel Carriers, crane, backhoe, dragline, transit mixer, 2-, 3-, and 4-axle models Cranes, logloaders, crawler, walking, pedestal, drill platform, wagon, truck carrier mounted, }i cu. yd. and larger, power Draglines, crawler, walking, truck, carrier, barge mounted, power Fairleads, taglines, bucket bales and heavy chain bridles, stump pullers Grapples, stone, wood, logs, cordwood, scrap metal handling Hoes-backhoes-trenchhoes, under }{> cu yd., crawler, truck, carrier mounted, power Pedestal cranes, piers, docks, drill platforms, power (upper crane assembly shipped and delivered for this type of service) Pullshovels, % cu. yd. and larger, crawler, truck, carrier mounted, power Shovels, power, all sizes, crawler, truck, carrier, barge mounted Taglines, fairleads and other front-end attach- ments Teeth and side cutters, bucket attached 353143 POWER CRANES, SHOVELS, DRAG- LINES, PULLSHOVELS, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS ONLY CMEQ 353160 MIXERS, PAVERS, PLANTS AND RE- LATED ASPHALT, BITUMINOUS, CON- CRETE, AGGREGATES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, AND REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS CMEQ Aggregate, cement, chip, cinder, salt spreaders Aggregate driers, heaters, portable Asphalt, bituminous, concrete, batch and sur- face heaters Asphalt, bituminous, finishers, pavers, mixers, planers Asphalt, bituminous, mixing plants, patching plants, portable Batchplants, aggregate, asphalt, bituminous, cement, concrete, portable Bituminous, asphalt, tar, emulsion heaters, all types, portable Bituminous distributors, supply, sprayer, storage tanks, truck, trailer mounted Bituminous, asphalt, heater-planers, shavers, levellers, self-propelled Bituminous tar kettles, portable Buckets, concrete handling and placement Chutes, concrete placement Concrete carts, concrete batch transporters, self-propelled Concrete finishers, spreaders, floats, screeds, curing machinery and equipment Concrete mixers, 3}£ cu. ft. and larger, portable and stationary Concrete mixers, truck-transit type Concrete pavers Concrete placement and concrete gunning machinery and equipment Concrete vibrators, screeds Curb, gutter, ditch forming machines and equipment Distributors, asphalt, bituminous, emulsion, truck and trailer mounted Driers, aggregate, plant and portable OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 353160 MIXERS, PAVERS, PLANTS AND RE- LATED ASPHALT, BITUMINOUS, CON- CRETE, AGGREGATES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, AND REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS— Continued... CMEQ Finishers, asphalt, bituminous, concrete, port- able Forms, metal, reusable; curb, gutter, roadrail, tunnel, building, airport Graders, form, fine, sub and strip wideners, portable Heaters, asphalt, bituminous, tar, emulsion, concrete, batch Heaters, surface, asphalt, bituminous, concrete Kettles, asphalt, tar, emulsion Miscellaneous or related asphalt, bituminous, concrete equipment, n.e.c. Mixers, asphalt, bituminous, self-propelled and portable Mixers, concrete, mortar, plaster, self-pro- pelled, stationary and portable Mixers, concrete, truck-transit type Mixers, soil-cement highway stabilization proc- ess, soil pulverizers Pavers, asphalt, bituminous, concrete, self- propelled, portable, mix-in-place Pinpullers, templates, strikeoffs, bridge floats, paving Plaster and mortar mixers, power, portable Mortar mixing boxes and tubs, metal Soil-cement highway stabilizers, pulverizers, mix-in-place Spraybars, emulsion, bituminous Spreaders, aggregate, asphalt, bituminous, concrete, chip, cinder, salt Subgraders, formgraders, trailgraders, fine- graders, self-propelled Sprinklers, sprayers, water, bituminous mate- rials, truck and trailer mounted Tampers, base, subbase, form, air, engine driven, vibrating Transporters, concrete carts, concrete batch, self-propelled Trowels, finishing, concrete, portable, power Vibrators, batchplant, base, subbase, concrete, asphalt, surface, portable 353181 CUTTING EDGES, END BITS, GRADER BLADES FOR DOZERS, FRONT END LOADERS, SHOVEL-LOADERS, MOTOR GRADERS, PULLED TYPE GRADERS, MAINTAINERS, EARTH- MOVING SCRAPERS CMEQ CMEQ 353191 PORTABLE CRUSHERS, PULVERIZERS, HAMMERMILLS, SCREENING, WASH- ING PLANTS, AND REPAIR PARTS.. Crushers, portable, except food and fiber Feeders, hoppers, apron, portable Gravel, stone crushers, portable plants Hammermills, pulverizers, except food and fiber Jaw crushers, portable plants Portable crushing, screening, and washing plants, mineral, portable Pulverizers, except food and fiber Repair, replacement parts Roll crushers, portable plants Screening and washing plants, mineral, port- able Screens, gravity, revolving vibratory, construc- tion, portable Washing plants, aggregates, portable 353192 CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATING AND MAINTENANCE MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, UNIT DESIGNED MA- CHINERY, WHEEL AND TRACK- LAYING TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS. CMEQ Augurs, earth, angular, vertical boring, utility, nonfarm type Brooms, brushes, sweepers, tractor mounted attachments, municipal, industrial type Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 353192 CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATING AND MAINTENANCE 'MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, UNIT DESIGNED MA- CHINERY, WHEEL AND TRACK- LAYING TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS— Continued CMEQ Brushcutters, tree crashers, units and tractor attachments, land clearing projects Bulldozers, angle, tilt, brush, tree, push plates and blocks Cabs, seats, canopy tops, tractor, roller, motor grader, shovel-loader, scraper Cranes, wheel, tracklaying tractor mounted Ditcher, trencher attachments, tractor mounted Earth boring augurs, pole setters, tractor attachments, nonfarm Hoes, backhoes, trenchhoes, tractor mounted attachments Loaders, tractor mounted front-end attach- ments, nonfarm Mowers, heavy duty cutters, self-propelled and tractor attachments, land clearing Pipelayers, sidebooms, units and tractor at- tachments Power control units, cable, hydraulic, tractor attachments Push plates and blocks, pusher tractor attach- ments Repair, replacement parts Rippers, rooters, tractor drawbar and dozer attachments, nonfarm Rootrakes, brushpilers, tractor drawbar and dozer attachments Shovel-loaders, basic designed wheel and tracklaying type units Sidebooms, pipehandlers, units and tractor attachments Snowplows, tractor mounted attachments Snowplows, tractor and engine driven, side- walk, service station type Toolbars and tool bar attachments, tractor drawbar Tractor attachments, n.e.c. Tractor cranes, attachments Tractor front, overhead, and rear mounted loaders, nonfarm Tractor shovel-loaders, basic designed wheel and tracklaying type units Tree crashers, heavy duty land clearing units and tractor attachments Trenchhoes, backhoes, tractor attachments Winches, wheel and tracklaying tractor attach- ments 353193 DITCHING AND TRENCHING MACHIN- ERY AND EQUIPMENT, AND RE- PAIR PARTS CMEQ Ditchers, ladder, wheel type, self-propelled Ditcher attachments, truck mounted Ditchers, engine driven, small cable, conduit trenches Earth augurs, caisson, angular, horizontal boring pipeline, utilities, foundations, skid and truck mounted units and attachments Teeth and side cutters, bucket, ditch and trenching machines Trenchers, ladder, wheel, crawler and pneu- matic tired, self-propelled 353194 RAILWAY MAINTENANCE EQUIP- MENT (Includes only equipment specially designed for railway maintenance. Do not include products classified elsewhere.) RAIL Adzing machines, tie timber, railroad Ballast cleaners, railroad Ballast cribbers, railroad Ballast discers, railroad Ballast spreaders Benders, rail, railroad Cars, motor rail gang, section, inspection, rail- road Cars, push, railroad -OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product ■ Class I Code 353194 BDSA Division ProduGt RAILWAY MAINTENANCE EQUIP- MENT (Includes only equipment specially designed for railway maintenance. Do not include products classified elsewhere.) — Con._ RAIL Cars, track scale, test, railroad Cars, weed burners, mowers, and destroyers, railroad Cutters, tie, flanged wheel Ditching machines, railroad, not crawler mounted Drills, power, bonding and rail track, railroad Drivers, spike, powered, portable, railroad Gage rods, railroad Jacks, track lifting, power, railroad Journal box packing renovation machines, railroad Layers, rail Lubricators, rail and flange, railroad Plows, snow, railroad Pullers, spike, railroad Saws, rail, powered, portable, railroad Shifters, track, power, railroad Switch heaters, railroad, except electric Tamping equipment, tie power, railroad Transfer tables, railroad 353211 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, AC- CESSORIES, AND REPAIR PARTS, UNDERGROUND MINE MMEQ Cars, shuttle, self-propelled, trackless, under- ground mine Cars, shuttle, trackless, underground mine, except self-propelled Cars, track mounted, underground mine Couplers, car, locomotive, automatic, under- ground mine Couplers, car, locomotive, plain, underground mine Coupling attachments, car, locomotive, auto- matic, underground mine Coupling attachments, car, locomotive, plain, underground mine Dumpers, car, underground mine Reels, cable, locomotive, underground mine Ties, mine, industrial, steel Track fittings and fixtures, underground mine Trolley fittings and fixtures, underground mine Transportation equipment and accessories, underground mine, n.e.c. 353212 SPECIALIZED MINING MACHINES, EQUIPMENT, AND REPAIR PARTS.... MMEQ Bars, cutter, coal Bits, cutter, coal Breaking equipment, coal Buckets, aerial tramway Chains, cutter, coal Coal cutting machines Continuous mining machines Distributing machines, rock dust, mine Doors, automatic, coal mine Dredges, mining Giants, hydraulic, mining Grizzlies, mining Loaders, underground mine Monitors, hydraulic, mining Mucking machines, mine Props, mine, adjustable Scraper loaders, underground mining Scrapers, slusher, mine Sizers, coal and coke Specialized mining machinery and equipment, n.e.c. Timbering devices, underground Tramways, aerial, cable, wire rope 353220 STATIONARY CRUSHING, PULVER- IZING, AND SCREENING MACHIN- ERY AND REPAIR PARTS Balls, grinding, ball mill Breakers, Bradford, grinding Crushers, stationary, except farm Grinders, mineral Liners, grinding mill MMEQ BDSA Division PULVER- MACHIN- -Con MMEQ Product Class Code Product 353220 STATIONARY CRUSHING, IZING, AND SCREENING ERY AND REPAIR PARTS Mills, attrition, except food Mills, grinding, ball Mills, grinding, pebble Mills, grinding, rod Mills, grinding, tube Mills, hammermill, stationery, except food Pulverizers, except food Pulverizers, mineral Rolls, crushing, mineral, stationary Screening plants, mineral, stationary Screens, gravity, stationary Screens, revolving, stationary Screens, shaking, stationary Screens, vibrating, stationary Stamps, gravity, steam, mineral Stationary crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery, n.e.c. Washers, mineral, stationary 353231 ORE DRESSING AND COAL PREPA- RATION EQUIPMENT AND REPAIR PARTS, EXCEPT CRUSHING AND SCREENING MACHINERY MMEQ Agitators, mining, coal preparation Agitators, mining, ore dressing Boxes, ore dressing Cells, flotation, mining Clarifiers, coal preparation and ore dressing Clarifying equipment, mineral Classifiers, coal and ore Classifying machinery, mineral Cleaning equipment, mineral Concentrating equipment, mineral Concentrators, coal and ore Conditioners, flotation, mining Conditioners, coal preparation and ore dress- ing Cone, settling, mining Density controllers, ore dressing and coal preparation Driers, coal and ore Feeders, coal preparation and ore dressing Feeders, reagent, mechanical, dry, coal and ore dressing Feeders, reagent, mechanical, wet, coal and ore dressing Flotation equipment, mineral Flotation machines, coal preparation and ore dressing Jackets, shaker, mine Jigs, coal preparation and ore dressing Kilns and coolers, mineral, ore dressing type Launders, concentrating, coal preparation and ore dressing Magnetic pulleys Ore dressing and coal preparation equipment, n.e.c. Pulp distributors, coal preparation and ore dressing Samplers, automatic, mechanical, coal prep- aration Samplers, automatic, mechanical, ore dressing Samplers, coal and ore Scrubbers, coal preparation and ore dressing Sedimentation equipment, mineral Separators, gravity, density, hydraulic, mag- netic Sink float machines, coal preparation Sink float machines, ore dressing Splitters, mining, hand samplers Tables, concentration, wet, dry, coal prepa- ration, mining Tables, concentration, wet, dry, ore dressing, mining Thickener mechanisms, mineral type Thickeners, coal preparation Thickeners, ore dressing Washers, cone, log, coal preparation and ore dressing OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code - Product Division 353232 MINING DRILLS, ACCESSORIES, AND REPAIR PARTS MMEQ Bits, detachable and fitted drill, steel Bits, drill, removable, mining Coal drills, electric Coal drills, portable, handheld or mounted Core drill accessories Core drill rods Core drills Drills, blast hole Drills, blasting Drills, sinker Excavators, airtools, handheld Mining drills and accessories, n.e.c. Rock drills, portable, handheld, or mounted 353301 SUBSURFACE WELL DRILLING EQUIP- MENT, ROTARY, CABLE TOOL, OR PORTABLE DRILLING RIGS, MA- CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT OFME Rotary, fishtail and other drilling bits and reamers Cable tool bits, jar, sockets Drill collars, drill stems, Kelly joints, tool joints, subs and connectors Fishing, cutting, coring, specialty tools and equipment Other subsurface drilling and workover equipment and accessories 353302 SURFACE WELL DRILLING EQUIP- MENT—ROTARY, CABLE TOOLS, OR PORTABLE DRILLING RIGS, MA- CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT .. OFME Derricks, substructures, and accessories Drilling machines and accessories Blocks-crown traveling Control equipment Draw works and unit rigs Elevators, spiders, slips, hooks, links Other surface drilling machinery and equip- ment Rig irons, wheels, reels, beams, pitmans Rotary tables Swivels and accessories Tubing and casing tongs and catchers. 353303 EXPLORATION MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT OFME Rigs, prospecting, oil and gas field Other exploration machinery and equipment 353330 OIL, GAS AND WATER WELL PRODUC- TION MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE FLOW- ING WELL EQUIPMENT OFME Casing heads, tubing heads, and supports Chokes, beans, manifolds, and other acces- sories Christmas tree (wellhead) assemblies Packers, screens, tubing catchers, well points Pumping powers, pumping jacks, and acces- sories Pumping units and accessories, including back crank equipment Pumps, subsurface, reciprocating Rodless oil lifting machinery and equipment Rod lifting machinery and equipment Sucker, pull and polish rods and equipment Well-head equipment Other rod lifting machinery and equipment 353341 OIL AND GAS WELL CEMENTING, FLOATING, GUIDING, AND SHOE EQUIPMENT Assemblies, oil well cementing, oil and gas well drilling Cementing equipment, oil, gas, and water well drilling Float collars, oil and gas well Float shoes, oil and gas well Guide shoes, oil and gas well Guide and float shoes combination, oil and gas well OFME Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 353341 OIL AND GAS WELL CEMENTING, FLOATING, GUIDING, AND SHOE EQUIPMENT— Continued OFME Retainers, cement, oil and gas well Other oil and gas well cementing, floating, guiding and shoe equipment 353342 WELL SERVICING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT INCLUDING GUN PER- FORATING, ACIDIZING, FRACTUR- ING, AND DRILL STEM TESTING AND WORKOVER OFME Perforating equipment, gun, oil and gas field Testers, oil, gas and water well Other servicing machinery and equipment such as acidizing, fracturing, and workover 353343 WELL SURVEY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT OFME Directional survey equipment, oil and gas well Electric logging equipment, oil and gas well Radioactivity logging equipment, oil and gas well Supports, casing and tubing, oil and gas well Water locating devices, oil, gas, and water well Other well survey machinery and equipment, oilfield 353401 AUTOMOBILE LIFTS, SERVICE STA- TION TYPE AUTO 353402 ELEVATORS AND MOVING STAIR- WAYS GIEQ Dumbwaiters Elevator repair parts and attachments Elevators, freight, electric, except navy ship- board Elevators, freight, hand operated Elevators, freight, hydraulic Elevators, passenger, electric Stairways, moving Stairways, moving, repair parts and attach- ments 353501 CONVEYORS AND CONVEYING EQUIP- MENT, EXCEPT FARM ELEVATORS AND MINE TYPE .. GIEQ Ash handling conveyor equipment Coal handling conveyor equipment Conveyor system repair parts and attachments Conveyor systems, overhead trolley Conveyors, gravity, skate wheel and roller Conveyors, portable, except farm Conveyors, power Tube systems, pneumatic 353502 CONVEYORS, ACCESSORIES, AND RE- PAIR PARTS, MINE TYPE MMEQ Conveyors and accessories, mine type, n.e.c. Conveyors, stationary and portable, mine type Drives, conveyor, portable and stationary, mine type Gathering heads for shaker conveyors 353612 SPECIALIZED MINE HOISTS, ACCES- SORIES, AND REPAIR PARTS. MMEQ Cages, mine Cans, ore, mine Hoists, mine smelter type Hoists, shaft, slope, mine stationary Hoists, slusher, tugger, mine Skips, mine Specialized mine hoists and accessories, n.e.c. 353613 CRANES AND HOISTS (EXCEPT CON- STRUCTION, OVERHEAD TRAVEL- ING, TRUCK BODY MOUNTED, AND UTILITY) GIEQ Cranes, pillars, jib and bracket Cranes, n.e.c. Hoists, air Hoists, electric chain Hoists, electric wire-rope Hoists, hand Hoists, n.e.c, except military and mine OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST 'Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 353620 OVERHEAD TRAVELING CRANES AND AND MONORAIL SYSTEMS GIEQ Cranes, gantry (traveling base), hammerhead, bridge Cranes, overhead traveling, electric Cranes, overhead traveling, hand power Monorail systems 353700 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS, TRACTORS, TRAILERS, AND EQUIPMENT. GIEQ Boxes, tote, metal, industrial (except tool) Buggies, concrete, self-propelled Dollies, hand truck Elevators, portable, nonfarm Industrial truck and trailer parts Pallets, industrial, except wood" Pilers, industrial Skids, industrial, except wood Stackers, industrial Tractors, industrial, gasoline • Tractors, industrial, gasoline-electric Tractors, industrial, storage battery Trailers, industrial, hand lift Trucks, fork, operator-riding, electric Trucks, fork, operator-riding, gasoline Trucks, fork, operator-riding, storage battery Trucks, fork, operator-riding, gasoline-electric Trucks, hand lift Trucks, industrial, operator-riding, electric, except fork Trucks, industrial, operator-riding, gasoline, except fork Trucks, industrial, powered, operator-walking Trucks, platform 354101 MACHINE TOOLS, EXCEPT REBUILT AND HOME WORKSHOP MWEQ Boring and broaching machines Boring machines, horizontal, except table and floor Boring machines, horizontal, floor type Boring machines, horizontal, table type Boring machines, jig Boring machines, precision Boring mills, vertical Broaching machines, except internal and surface Broaching machines, internal Broaching machines, surface Centering machines Turning mills, vertical Turret lathes, vertical Drilling machines Drilling machines, deep-hole Drilling machines, pedestal Drilling machines, radial, except plain Drilling machines, radial, plain - Drilling machines, sensitive, bench Drilling machines, sensitive, floor Drilling machines, special, multiple-spindle Drilling machines, vertical, gang Drilling machines, vertical, heavy-duty, single-spindle Drilling machines, vertical standard single- spindle Drilling machines, way, multiple-spindle Gear cutting and finishing machines Gear cutters Gear-finishing machines Gear generators Gear-hobbing machines Gear-honing machines Gear-lapping machines Gear shapers Gear-tooth grinding machines Grinding and polishing machines Buffing machines, bench Buffing machines, floor Grinders, crankshaft Grinders, roll Grinding and polishing machines Grinding machines, belt, abrasive Grinding machines, bench Grinding machines, centerless 513494°— 60 8 Product Class Code 354101 BDSA Product Division MACHINE TOOLS, EXCEPT REBUILT HOME WORKSHOP— Continued.. MWEQ Grinding and polishing machines — Continued Grinding machines, chucking, internal cy- lindrical, except centerless Grinding machines, contour- Grinding machines, cutter, special Grinding machines, cutter, universal Grinding machines, disc Grinding machines, floor Grinding machines, jig Grinding machines, plain, external cylindri- cal, except centerless > Grinding machines, plain, internal cylin- drical, except centerless Grinding machines, plate edge Grinding machines, radius Grinding machines, reciprocating table, surface Grinding machines, rotary table, surface Grinding machines, snag Grinding machines, spline Grinding machines, thread Grinding machines, tool, special Grinding machines, tool, universal Grinding machines, universal, external cylin- drical, centerless Hack saws, power Honing machines, except gear Lapping machines, except gear Polishing machines, bench type Polishing machines, floor type, metal Lathes (except woodworking) Lathes, automatic between-center, multi- spindle Lathes, automatic between-center, single- spindle Lathes, automatic chucking, single-spindle Lathes, automatic chucking, multispindle Lathes, automatic screw, multispindle Lathes, automatic screw, single-spindle Lathes, axle Lathes, bench, except turret Lathes, boring Lathes, crankshaft Lathes, engine Lathes, engine, gap Lathes, shell Lathes, speed Lathes, spinning Lathes, turret, bench, except vertical Lathes, turret, ram, except vertical Lathes, turret, saddle, except vertical Milling machines Milling machines, bed, double-spindle Milling machines, bed, single-spindle Milling machines, bed, special purpose Milling machines, bench Milling machines, cam Milling machines, die-sinking Milling machines, duplicator Milling machines, engraving Milling machines, hand Milling machines, knee, horizontal plain, except bench Milling machines, knee, horizontal universal, except bench Milling machines, knee, vertical, except bench Milling machines, planer Milling machines, profiling Milling machines, ram Milling machines, router Milling machines, spline Milling machines, swivel-head Thread-milling machines Other machine tools, except home workshop Contour sawing machines Filing machines, contour Flange facing machines Hack saws, power Key making machines Keyseating machines Machine tool repair parts, except home workshop OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 354101 MACHINE TOOLS, EXCEPT REBUILT AND HOME WORKSHOP— Continued.. MWEQ Other machine tools, except home workshop — Continued Planers, double housing Planers, openside Planers, pit Planers, plate Reaming machines Rifle working machines Sawing machines, abrasive cut-off Sawing machines, power hack saws Sawing machines, rotary cold saws Shapers, except horizontal crank Shapers, horizontal-crank type, except gear Slotting machines, nut Slotting machines, except screw and nut Slotting machines, screw Tapping machines Threading machines, bolt Threading machines, pipe, except milling and grinding 354102 MACHINE TOOLS, METALWORKING, HOME WORKSHOP, NONPORTABLE.. MWEQ Drilling machines, home workshop Grinding machines, home workshop Lathes, home workshop Machine tool repair parts, home workshop Planing machines, home workshop Polishing machines, home workshop Sawing machines, home workshop Shapers, home workshop Surfacing machines, home workshop 354201 METALWORKING MACHINERY, N.E.C. MWEQ Angle shearing machines, power, metalworking Bending brakes, manual Bending brakes, power Bending folders, manual Bending folders, power Bending machines, rotary head, power Bending machines, rotary, power Bending machines, rotary ram, power Bending rolls, angles, power Bending rolls, plate, power Bending rolls, shapes, power Bending rolls, sheet, power Bending shapes and bars, power Bulldozers, forging machines Diecasting machines Draw benches Drawing machines Forging presses Forming machines, rotary, power, metalwork- ing Hammers, forging, board drop, mechanical Hammers, forging, double frame, steam or air Hammers, forging, drop, steam or air Hammers, forging, pneumatic, steam or air Hammers, forging, single frame, steam or air Headers, forging machines Metalworking machinery repair parts, except machine tools Plate shearing machines, power, metalworking Punches, power-met alworking Punch-shear machines, power, metalworking Riveting machines, power driven, nonportable Rolls, forging machines Rotary bending machines, manual, metal- working Shearing machines, bar, power, metalworking Shearing machines, manual, metalworking Shearing machines, rotary, power, metal- working Swaging machines, forgings Upsetters, forging machines AVire fabricating machines Wire weaving machines 354221 METALWORKING PRESSES, EXCEPT FORGING MWEQ Presses, end wheel type, mechanical, metal- working Presses, gap or C-frame, mechanical metal- working Product Class Code Product 354221 METALWORKING PRESSES, EXCEPT FORGING— Continued Presses, high speed, automatic, mechanical, metalworking Presses, horizontal, mechanical, metalwork- ing Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, extrusion Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, horizontal Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, vertical double action Presses, hydraulic and pneumatic, vertical single action Presses, knuckle joint, mechanical, metal- working Presses, open inclinable gap, mechanical, metalworking Presses, vertical arch frame, mechanical, metalworking Presses, vertical straight sided, mechanical, metalworking 354231 CAN, DRUM, AND BARREL MAKING MACHINERY . Barrel making machines, metal Can making machines, metal Drum-containers making machines, metal 354410 JIGS, FIXTURES, PUNCHES, DIES, DIE SETS, AND SUBPRESSES Cutting dies, metal cutting Die sets, metalworking Dies, diamond, wire working Dies, die casting Dies, drop forging Dies, metalworking Fixtures, special checking, metalworking Jigs, metalworking Punches, metalworking Subpresses, metalworking Tools, special design, metalworking INDUSTRIAL MOLDS BDSA Division MWEQ GIEQ MWEQ 354420 354510 CUTTING TOOLS FOR MACHINE TOOLS AND METALWORKING MACHINERY. Broaches, carbide tipped, metalworking Broaches, high-speed steel, metalworking Chasers, metalworking machinery Counter bores, metalworking Counter sinks Dies, threading, metalworking Drills, carbide tipped, metalworking Drills, carbon steel, metalworking Drills, high-speed steel, metalworking Gear cutters, carbide tipped, metalworking Gear cutters, carbon steel, metalworking Gear cutters, high-speed steel, metalworking Gear hobs, ground, metalworking Gear hobs, unground, metalworking Knives, metal cutting Milling cutters, inserted blade, carbide tipped Milling cutters, inserted blade, high-speed steel Milling cutters, multiple thread, metalworking Milling cutters, solid-end mill, metalworking Planer tools, except form, carbide tipped Planer tools, form, carbide tipped Planer tools, form, high-speed steel Planer tools, except form, high-speed steel Reamers, carbide tipped, metalworking Reamers, carbon steel, metalworking Reamers, high-speed steel, metalworking Shaper tools, form, carbide tipped Shaper tools, form, high-speed steel Shaper tools, except form, carbide tipped Shaper tools, except form, high-speed steel Taps, cut-thread, carbon steel Taps, cut-thread, high-speed steel Taps, ground-thread Turning tools, except form, carbide tipped Turning tools, except form, high-speed steel Turning tools, form, carbide tipped Turning tools, form, high-speed steel Cutting tools for machine tools and metal- working machinery, n.e.c. MWEQ MWEQ OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST _„ MWEQ Product -,,»'„•'. Class BDSA Code Product Division 354520 GAGES AND PRECISION MEASURING TOOLS MWEQ Balancing equipment, dynamic, static Calipers Comparators Dial indicators, machinists' precision Dividers, machinists' precision Gage blocks Gages, machinists' precision Micrometers 354530 METALWORKING EQUIPMENT AT- TACHMENTS AND ACCESSORIES, N.E.C _ MWEQ Chuck-holding devices, metalworking Chucks, drill, metalworking Chucks, lathe, metalworking Chucks, metalworking, n.e.c. Drills, hollow, metalworking Levels, toolroom Screw-machine tools, metalworking (except taps and dies) Sine bars, toolroom Squares, toolroom Tool holders Toolroom flats Tools, automatic machine, metalworking Tools, box, metalworking V-Blocks, toolroom Vises, toolroom Metalworking equipment attachments and accessories, n.e.c. 354801 ROLLING-MILL MACHINERY MWEQ Rolling-mill machinery and equipment Wire mill machinery and equipment 354821 POWER-DRIVEN HAND TOOLS, IN- DUSTRIAL, PNEUMATIC AND ELEC TRIC, PORTABLE Drills, electric, including high cycle, hand Drills, pneumatic, hand , Expanders, tube, metal Grinders, hand, electric Grinders, hand, pneumatic Hammers, hand, electric Hammers, hand, pneumatic Nut runners Polishers, tube, metal Riveting machines, portable, hand Sanders, disc, hand, electric Sanders, disc, hand, pneumatic Saws, hand, electric, except chain saws Saws, hand, pneumatic, except chain saws Screw drivers, hand electric Screw drivers, hand pneumatic Tools, hand, power-actuated Tools, hand, power-driven, attachments Tools, hand, power-driven, repair parts Wrenches, impact Power-driven hand tools, industrial, n.e.c. 354822 POWER-DRIVEN HAND TOOLS, HOME WORKSHOP MWEQ Drills, hand, electric Grinders, hand, electric Polishers, hand, electric Saws, hand, electric Tools, hand, power-driven, repair parts and attachments 354830 ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUT- TING APPARATUS MWEQ Acetylene regulators Cutting apparatus, acetylene Cutting machines, gas Cutting torches Gas regulators, liquefied petroleum Hydrogen regulators Metallizing equipment Nitrogen regulators Oxy-acetylene equipment Oxygen regulators, except aircraft Welding apparatus, gas, acetylene Welding torches, gas Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 354841 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE EQUIP- MENT. AUTO Aligners, connecting rod wheel, auto mainte- nance Analyzers, gas combustion, motor-auto main- tenance Automotive maintenance equipment repair parts Balancers, wheel, automotive Bars, axle bending, automotive Bars, cylinder boring, automotive Bars, towing, automotive Benches, generator test, automotive Benches, speedometer test Bleeders, hydraulic brake Bonding and removing machine Boring equipment, main bearing, automotive Boring machines, connecting rod, automotive Brake lining appliers, automotive Brake testing machines, automotive Car washing machinery, automotive Chucks, air automotive maintenance type Cleaners, engine, external, automotive Cleaners, spark plug, automotive Clutch rebuilding equipment, automotive Cradles, towing, automotive Creepers, automotive Degreasing machines, automotive Detectors, bearing oil leak, automotive Detectors, scuff, automotive Distributor setting machines, automotive Dollies, automotive Expanding machines, piston, automotive Fillers, hydraulic brake, automotive Flushers, degreasing, differential, automotive Flushers, degreasing, transmission, automotive Flushing machines, engine, automotive mainte- nance Frame and body straightening equipment, hydraulic Front end inspection and correction machines, automotive Gages, automotive maintenance Grinders, automotive maintenance Heads, test, motor block, automotive Hones, cylinder, automotive Hones, piston pin bushing, automotive Horses, automotive Inserters, valve guide, automotive Jennies, steam degreasing, automotive Jumpers, battery, automotive maintenance Lathes, brake drum, automotive maintenance Lights, timing, automotive, motor analyzer Meters, cam angle, automotive Oil changing machines, automotive, service station type Plates, turning radius, automotive mainte- nance Pullers, cylinder sleeve, automotive mainte- nance, axle and wheel Racks, frame straightening, automotive Reamers, cylinder ridge, automotive Rebabbitting machines, automotive mainte- nance Rechargers, magneto, automotive Refacers, valve, automotive maintenance type Regrinders, camshaft Regrinders, crankshaft Regrinders, piston Removers, valve guide, automotive Resizing machines, automotive, bearing- Riveters, brake lining, ring gear, automotive Spinners, wheel, automotive Spreaders, tire Stands, engine repair Straighteners, axle, automotive Straighteners, frame, automotive Straighteners, wheel, automotive Tire changing tools Towers, air service, automotive Washers, car-nozzle Washers, car, pressure type OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 354841 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE EQUIP- MENT— Continued AUTO Wheel straightening equipment, automotive Automotive maintenance equipment, n.e.c. 354842 AIRCRAFT GROUND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT AUTO Cradles, mobile, aircraft engine Dollies, mobile, aircraft engine, aircraft storage Stands, aircraft engine, testing Stands, aircraft fuel pump, testing Stands cylinder reconditioning, aircraft Stands, engine testing, aircraft Stands, fuel pump, aircraft Stands, motor, quick change, aircraft Stands, test, carburetor, generator, magneto, aircraft engine 355110 DAIRY AND MILK PRODUCTS PLANT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GIEQ Bottling machinery, dairy Butter wrapping machines Capping machinery, bottle, dairy Cheese wrapping machines Churns, butter, except farm type Clarifiers, dairy Cream separators, over 1,500 pounds per hour Filling machinery, bottle, dairy Freezers, ice cream, industrial Homogenizers, dairy Packaging machines, butter and cheese Pasteurizers, dairy, all types, industrial Sterilizing machinery, bottle, dairy Tanks, dairy, including farm bulk holding and cooling Washing machinery, bottle, dairy 355121 BAKERY MACHINERY AND EQUIP- MENT GIEQ Dough mixers, bakery Doughnut machinery Flour-handling machinery, bakery Ovens, bakery, all types Proof boxes, bakery Slicing machines, bakery Wrapping machines, bakery Bakery machinery, n.e.c. 355122 COMMERCIAL* FOOD PRODUCTS MA- CHINERY CDGS Choppers, food, commercial, power driven Coffee mills, commercial, power driven Cutters, food, commercial, power driven Dicers, food, commercial, power driven Grinders, food, commercial, power driven Mixers, drink, commercial Mixers, food except drink, commercial, power driven Slicers, food, commercial, power driven Tenderizers, food, commercial, power driven Whippers, food, commercial, power driven 355131 BEVERAGE MACHINERY PROCESS EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT DAIRY GIEQ Beverage industries equipment Bottling machinery, except dairy Brewery machinery and equipment Carbonators, beverage bottling Distilling machinery and equipment, bever- age Filling-capping machines, bottle, except dairy Washers, bottle, except dairy 355132 VEGETABLE, FRUIT, * MEAT, AND POULTRY PACKING AND PROCESS- ING MACHINERY GIEQ Canning machinery, fruit and vegetable Chopping machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Dehairing machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Filling machines, fruit and vegetable canning Graders, fruit and vegetable canning Grinding machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 355132 VEGETABLE, FRUIT, MEAT, AND POULTRY PACKING AND PROCESS- ING MACHINERY— Continued GIEQ Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable canning Killing machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Packing machinery, fruit and vegetable Packing plant machinery Rendering machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Sealing machines, fruit and vegetable canning Slicers, fruit and vegetable canning Stuffing machines, packing plant, meat and poultry Wrapping machines, fruit and vegetable 355133 SUGAR, FLOUR, AND GRAIN MILL MACHINERY GIEQ Crushers, sugar plant Crystallizers, sugar plant Flour mill machinery Grain mill machinery Granulators, sugar plant Pulverizers, sugar plant Sugar mills Sugar plant machinery 355134 OTHER INDUSTRIAL FOOD PROD- UCTS MACHINERY N.E.C GIEQ Canning machinery, food, n.e.c. Cereal processing machinery and equipment Coffee processing machinery Confectionery machinery and equipment Food filling and packaging machines, n. e. c. Potato chip machinery Processed food machinery 355200 TEXTILE MACHINERY GIEQ Clothing and other fabric working machines Dyeing and finishing machinery, textile Knitting machinery, including full-fashioned hosiery and tricot Miscellaneous textile machinery, including accessories, braiding, embroidery, and cord- age rope machines Spinning and preparatory machinery, textile Weaving machinery (looms) 355310 WOODWORKING MACHINERY, EX- CEPT HOME WORKSHOP GIEQ Box-making machinery, wood Crate-making machinery, wood Excelsior and wood wool making machinery, except baling presses Jointers, woodworking, except handheld Lathes, woodworking Matchers, woodworking, except handheld Molders, woodworking, except handheld Mortisers, woodworking, except handheld Planers, woodworking Plywood-making machinery Polishing machines, tumbler, wood Sanding and polishing machines, except hand- held Sawing machines, woodworking Sawmill equipment Saws, chain Shapers, woodworking, except handheld Surfacing machines, woodworking, except handheld Tenoners, woodworking, except handheld Veneer machinery Woodworking machinery repair parts and accessories Woodworking machinery, except home work- shop, n.e.c. 355320 WOODWORKING MACHINERY, NON- PORTABLE, HOME WORKSHOP MWEQ Drilling machines, woodworking, home work- shop Grinding machines, woodworking, home work- shop OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS. LIST BDSA Division MWEQ Product Class Code Product 355320 WOODWORKING MACHINERY, NON- PORTABLE, HOME WORKSHOP— Con.. Lathes, woodworking, home workshop Planing machines, woodworking, home work- shop Polishing machines, woodworking, home workshop Sawing machines, woodworking, home work- shop Shapers, home workshop, woodworking Surfacing machines, home workshop, wood- working Woodworking machines, repair parts and at- tachments, home workshop 355400 PAPER-INDUSTRIES MACHINERY GIEQ Paper converting machinery Paper finishing machinery Paper mill machinery Pulp mill machinery Pulp and paper machinery, parts and attach- ments, n.e.c. 355501 PRINTING-TRADES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GIEQ Bookbinding machinery Electrotyping machinery Foundry type, printing trade Ink rollers, printing trade Lithographing platemaking equipment Matrices, type, printing Mitering machines, type printing Mounting bases, printing machinery Photoengraving platemaking equipment Presses, gravure, all types Presses, letter, all types Presses, offset, all types Printing machinery repair parts and attach- ments Registering bases, printing machinery Rollers, ink, printing trade Rules, printing trade Stereotyping machinery Trimmers, saw, type, printing Type matrices, printing Type metal molds, printing Type remelting furnaces, printing Typecasting machines Typesetting machines 355521 PRINTING PLATE BLANKS PRIN 355910 CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING IN- DUSTRIES MACHINERY AND EQUIP- MENT GIEQ Salt processing machinery and equipment Soap making machinery and equipment Sulfur production machinery and equipment Other chemical manufacturing industries ma- chinery and equipment 355921 FOUNDRY MACHINERY AND EQUIP- MENT MWEQ Blast cleaning equipment, foundry Chaplets, foundry, metal Core making and processing machinery, foundry Crucibles, foundry, metal Cupolas and charging equipment, foundry Flasks, jackets and bands, foundry Gaggers, foundry Ladles, foundry Molding machines and processing equipment, foundry Peening equipment, foundry Polishing mills and tumbling barrels Pouring equipment, foundry Sand preparation and handling equipment, foundry Shakeout equipment, mold and core Vibrators, foundry 355922 LADLES FOR STEEL MILLS.... MWEQ Product Class Code Product 355930 PLASTICS-WORKING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Calenders, plastics-working Compression-moldmg*macnines, plastics-work- ing Extrusion-molding machines, plastics-working Injection-molding machines, plastics-working Laminating presses, plastics-working Plasticators Plastics-working machinery and equipment, n.e.c. Polishing machines, tumbler, plastic Preform presses, plastic Transfer presses, plastic 355941 RUBBER-PROCESSING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Banbury machines, rubber working Calendering machines, rubberworking Extruding machines, rubberworking Mill-mixing machines, rubberworking Polishing machines, tumbler, rubber Rubber reclaiming equipment Rubber-working machinery and equipment, n.e.c. Tire-building equipment Vulcanizing presses Warming-up machines, rubberworking 355942 TIRE REPAIRING AND RETREADING EQUIPMENT Buffing machines, tire retreading Matrices, tire retreading Spreaders, power operated Tire recapping and retreading machinery Tire repairing machinery, power operated Tire repairing and retreading machinery and parts, n.e.c. Vulcanizers, tire recapping and retreading 355951 PETROLEUM REFINERY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 355952 AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES LOAD- ING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. 355953 SELECTED SPECIAL-INDUSTRY MA- CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, N.E.C. Cigar making machinery Cigarette making machinery Cotton ginning machinery, except cotton gins Cotton gins Cottonseed oil mill machinery and equipment Fats and oil processing machinery Hat making machinery Leather working machinery Shoe making machinery Sole stitching machinery, shoe making Sole stitching machinery, shoe repairing Tanning machinery Tobacco manufacturing cutting machines Tobacco processing machinery, n.e.c. Wrapping machines, tobacco 355954 METAL COATING, DEGREASING, AND WASHING EQUIPMENT Annealing equipment, except metal Anodizing equipment Degreasing equipment Electroplating equipment Washing machines, metal 355955 SPECIAL-INDUSTRY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, N.E.C Batch-mixing machines, glassmaking Brick-making machinery, n.e.c. Cement-making machinery Concrete products machinery Cosmetic-making machinery Cutting machines, clayworking Drug machinery Glass making and forming machinery Paint-making machinery Pharmaceutical machinery Other special-industry machinery, n.e.C. BDSA Division GIEQ GIEQ GIEQ POWR GIEQ GIEQ GIEQ GIEQ OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code Product 355956 SMELTING AND REFINING MACHIN- ERY AND REPAIR PARTS Condenser machines, zinc, smelting and refin- ing Smelting machines, ore 356101 INDUSTRIAL PUMPS (INCLUDES MO- BILE PUMPING UNITS) Hydraulic power units Motors, hydraulic, special aircraft Motors, rotary pneumatic, aircraft Pump attachments Pump repair parts, industrial Pumps, centrifugal Pumps, mixed flow Pumps, propeller Pumps, reciprocating, direct-acting, steam Pumps, reciprocating, power-operated, except steam Pumps, rotary Pumps, slush, oil-well Pumps, turbine, vertical Pumps, vacuum, except dry 356102 COMPRESSORS AND DRY VACUUM PUMPS Axial compressors Centrifugal compressors (blowers) and turbo- superchargers Compressors, air, portable Compressors, air, stationary Compressors, gas, except refrigeration units Compressors, repair parts and attachments Pumps, vacuum, dry 356130 WATER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT, FARM, EXCEPT IRRIGATION Attachments for farm water supply equipment (except irrigation) Jacks, pump Pumps, hand and windmill other than pitcher Pumps, pitcher Water systems, domestic, deepwell, jet Water systems, domestic, deepwell, non-jet Water systems, domestic, shallow-well, jet Water S3 r stems, domestic, shallow-well, non-jet 356152 INDUSTRIAL SPRAYING EQUIPMENT. Paint spraying outfit components Sprayers, power, for liquid, except agricultural Spraying outfits, accessories, paint Spraying outfits, paint 356200 BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS AND COMPONENTS- Bearing balls Bearing rollers Bearings, ball and roller, instruments, minia- ture Bearings, ball, annular, self-alining, unmounted Bearings, ball, annular, unmounted Bearings, ball, mounted Bearings, ball, thrust, unmounted Bearings, ball, unmounted, except annular and thrust Bearings, roller, cylindrical, unmounted, except thrust Bearings, roller, mounted Bearings, roller, needle, unmounted Bearings, roller, spherical, unmounted, except thrust Bearings, roller, taper, unmounted, except thrust Bearings, roller, thrust, unmounted Bearings, spherical, plain type, with shank (rod ends) Bearings, spherical, plain type, without shank Pillow blocks, ball and roller bearing 356401 INDUSTRIAL FANS AND BLOWERS... Air purification equipment Blower-filter units, centrifugal Blower repair parts, except farm equipment Blowers, centrifugal, furnace Blowers, centrifugal, light weight, air con- ditioning BDSA Division MMEQ GIEQ GIEQ AGRI GIEQ GCOM GIEQ Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 356401 INDUSTRIAL FANS AND BLOWERS— Continued GIEQ Blowers, small, housed Dust collection equipment (including fly ash collectors) Electrostatic precipitators Fan accessories, propeller Fan repair parts, exhaust and ventilating Fans, centrifugal, classes 1 and 2 Fans, centrifugal, classes 3 and 4 Fans, centrifugal, industrial Fans, exhaust, axial, belt driven Fans, exhaust, axial, driver connected Fans, exhaust, propeller, belt driven, except household Fans, exhaust, propeller, driver connected, except household Fans, ventilating, axial Fans, ventilating, propeller, belt driven, except household Fans, ventilating, propeller, driver connected, except household Washers, air 356402 SOOT BLOWERS POWR 356500 INDUSTRIAL PATTERNS, MWEQ Industrial patterns, metal Industrial patterns, wood Patterns, foundry Patterns, plastic-working 356601 MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT, N.E.C GCOM Clutch plates, sintered except automotive Clutches, friction air and hydraulic operation Clutches, jaw type Clutches, magnetic Clutches, overrunning Clutches, special type Collars, shafting Control devices, lateral and rotary motion, cable and linkage type Converters, hydraulic torque Couplings, shaft flexible, metallic and/or rub- ber and metallic Couplings, gear type Couplings, hydraulic, except motor vehicle Couplings, rigid, bolted type Couplings, rigid, jaw type Drives, fluid, except motor vehicle Drives, variable speed, friction, sheave and belt type, except gear and hydraulic variable Hangars, shafting Joints, universal, industrial Pillow blocks Pulleys, plain and V-groove type 356611 PLAIN BEARINGS AND BUSHINGS GCOM Bearing bushings, rotary and reciprocating, except automotive Bearings, engine and machine Bearings, marine, line shaft, and propeller shaft Bearings, roll, shaft and axle, except railway car journal bearings 356612 BEARINGS, CAR JOURNAL RAIL 356621 GEARS AND GEAR DRIVES, INDUS- TRIAL GCOM Drive units, enclosed, fixed or variable ratio including speed reducers and increasers Drives, variable ratio Gears, unmounted, except captive plant pro- duction 356622 GEARS, SHIP PROPULSION POWR 356631 POWER TRANSMISSION CHAIN, ROLL- ER, SILENT, CONVEYOR AND SPE- CIAL TYPES GCOM Chain attachments, conveyor and special types Chain, conveyor type Chain, cutter type Chain, detachable and link type Chain, roller type Chain, silent type Chain sprockets, roller, silent and special types OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 356711 ELECTRIC FURNACES, METAL PROC- ESSING MWEQ Furnaces, heat treating, industrial, electric Furnaces, metal melting, industrial, electric Furnaces, metal processing, industrial, elec- tric Heating equipment, infra-red, except ovens 356721 FUEL-FIRED INDUSTRIAL FURNACES METAL PROCESSING MWEQ Furnaces, heat treating, industrial, fuel-fired Furnaces, metal melting, industrial, fuel-fired Furnaces, metal processing, industrial, fuel- fired 356731 FURNACES, OVENS AND KILNS, EX- CEPT METAL PROCESSING GIEQ Kilns, calcining Kilns, only cement Kilns, drying Kilns, fertilizer Kilns, grain Kilns, wood Oil heaters, petroleum refining Ovens, industrial 356732 HIGH-FREQUENCY INDUCTION AND DIELECTRIC HEATING APPARA- TUS MWEQ Heating, apparatus high frequency, dielectric Heating apparatus, high frequency, induction 356733 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL HEATERS AND HEATING UNITS, N.E.C MWEQ Heaters, glue electric Heaters, industrial strip, space and ring, elec- tric Heaters, metal immersion, electric Heaters, metal pot, electric Heaters, oil immersion, electric Heaters, water, electric industrial Heating units, electric furnace Heating units, electric oven 356734 INDUSTRIAL FURNACE REPAIR PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS MWEQ Industrial furnace repair parts and attach- ments 356901 HYDRAULIC JACKS AUTO Hydraulic jacks, industrial Jacks, heavy duty, hydraulic self-contained, hand operated Jacks, hydraulic, aircraft, mechanical, nose, tail, and wing Jacks, hydraulic, self-contained, hand oper- ated Jacks, hydraulic, wheel type service Jacks, power, air or electric operated 356902 GAS GENERATING AND PRODUCING EQUIPMENT GIEQ Columns, argon, nitrogen and oxygen Generators, acetylene Generators, argon Generators, hydrogen Generators, nitrogen Generators, oxygen Liquefication equipment, gaseous 356903 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT, N.E.C GIEQ Baling machines, scrap metal Centrifugals, industrial, except cream Filters, metal, industrial Lubricating systems Separators, water and oil Silencers or snubbers, industrial 356904 PACKAGING AND WRAPPING MA- CHINES, EXCEPT FOOD AND TO- BACCO, N.E.C GIEQ Bagging machines Case loaders Closing-sealing machines, except can Crimping machines, packaging Product Class Code Product 356904 PACKAGING AND WRAPPING MA- CHINES, EXCEPT FOOD AND TO- BACCO, N.E.C— Continued Filling machines Gumming machines Labeling machines Stapling machines, packaging 357110 ELECTRONIC COMPUTING AND ASSO- CIATED INFORMATION PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Analog computers, including curve followers, and differential and network analyzers Digital computers, including arithmetic and logical units and input, output, and conver- sion devices 357121 COMPUTING AND ACCOUNTING MA- CHINES BDSA Division GIEQ SERV SERV Accounting machines Adding machines, electric Adding machines, nonelectric Adding machines, vest-pocket Billing machines, with accounting registers Bookkeeping machines Calculating machines, electric Calculating machines, nonelectric Calculating machines, vest-pocket Cash registers Computing machines Parts and attachments Peg board, computing device Punched card system machines Tabulating machines Voting machines 357122 COIN AND CURRENCY MACHINES.. SERV Coin handling machines Currency handling machines Parts and attachments Ticket-counting machines 357200 TYPEWRITERS SERV Billing machine, without accounting registers Composing machines, office Form-handling machines, continuous, type- writer principal Typewriter attachments Typewriter repair parts Typewriters, noiseless Typewriters, portable, electric Typewriters, specialized Typewriters, standard, electric Typewriters, standard nonportable, except electric Typewriters, standard, portable Typewriters, stencil-cutting 357600 SCALES, BALANCES, AND WEIGHING MACHINES, EXCEPT LABORATORY.. SERV Balance accessories Balance attachments Balance repair parts Balances, except laboratory Scale accessories Scale attachments Scale repair parts Scales, except laboratory Weighing machine accessories, attachments, and repair parts Weighing machines 357901 DUPLICATING AND REPRODUCTION MACHINES SERV Addressing machines and supplies Duplicating machine supplies Duplicating machines, gelatin Duplicating machines, offset Duplicating machines, spirit Duplicating machines, stencil Embossing machine, plate, supplies Embossing machines, plate Parts and attachments, duplicating and repro- duction machines Duplicating and reproduction machines, n.e.c. OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 357902 OFFICE AND STORE MACHINES, N.E.C. SERV Autographic registers Check handling machines Cutting machines, office type Dictating machines, combination dictating and telephone recording, dictating shaving, recording, and transcribing Folding and collating machines Mail handling machines and supplies Office and store machine attachments Office and store machine repair parts Pencil sharpeners Postage meters, postal permit machines Punching machines, office type, except card Shorthand writing machines Stapling machines, office type Store machines, rebuilt Ticket issuing machines Time recording and time stamp system and devices Watchmen's clocks 358110 AUTOMATIC MERCHANDISING MA- CHINES, REFRIGERATED, COIN OPERATED SERV Beverage, bottle, can, carton and cup Frozen food display cabinets Ice cream, bulk, cone, and sandwich Automatic merchandising machines, refriger- ated, n.e.c. 358120 AUTOMATIC MERCHANDISING MA- CHINES, EXCEPT REFRIGERATED.. SERV Accessories, attachments, and repair parts Automatic merchandising machines, nonre- frigerated, n.e.c. Beverage merchandising machines Cigar merchandising machines Cigarette merchandising machines Coin handling mechanisms, changers and re- jectors (for sale separately) Merchandising machines, bulk confection Merchandising machines, bulk food Merchandising machines, packaged confection Merchandising machines, packaged food Merchandising machines, postage stamp Merchandising machines, sanitary napkins Merchandising machines, service 358200 COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY, DRY-CLEAN- ING, AND PRESSING MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES SERV Dry cleaning and laundry equipment, acces- sories, attachments, and repair parts Dry cleaning drying tumblers Dry cleaning equipment, n.e.c. Dry cleaning filters, commercial Dry cleaning presses, tailor type, commercial Dry cleaning solvent reclaiming stills Dry cleaning units, naphtha type, commercial Dry cleaning units, synthetic type, commercial Extractors, dry cleaning Laundry drying tumblers, commercial Laundry equipment, commercial, n.e.c. Laundry extractors, commercial Laundry identifying equipment Laundry ironers, flatwork, commercial Laundry presses, commercial Laundry puff irons Washing machines, dry cleaning, commercial Washing machines, laundry, commercial 358400 VACUUM CLEANERS, EXCEPT HOUSE- HOLD SERV Vacuum cleaner attachments, commercial Vacuum cleaner attachments, industrial Vacuum cleaner repair parts, commercial Vacuum cleaner repair parts, industrial Vacuum cleaners, central system, commercial Vacuum cleaners, central system, industrial Vacuum cleaners, portable, commercial Vacuum cleaners, portable, industrial Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 358501 COMPRESSORS, CONDENSING UNITS AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, N.E.C GIEQ [This code combines Codes 358540, 358550 and 358573 above. Code 358501 may be used in reporting these products] 358511 AIR CONDITIONERS, PACKAGED, ROOM .... GIEQ 358531 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATED FOOD EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT BEVERAGE, AND COIN OPERATED GIEQ Cabinets, dispensing, frozen food Cabinets, dispensing, ice cream Cabinets, ice cream hardening Cabinets, refrigerators, commercial, mechanical Coolers, walk-in, refrigerating Dairy refrigerators Dispensers, bulk milk, refrigerated Dispensing cabinets, frozen food Display cabinets, frozen food Display cases, refrigerating food, except frozen Dough retarders, refrigerating i Farm and dairy milk coolers Freezers, frozen custard ■ Ice cream counter freezers Refrigerator cases, egg Refrigerators, reach-in, except dairy and florist Storage cabinets, frozen food Wall box refrigerators, dairy 358532 INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC UNI- TARY REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT. GIEQ Cabinets, blood plasma, refrigerated Refrigeration units, industrial, low tempera- ture Refrigeration units, laboratory, low temper- ature Refrigeration units, liquid cooling, for weld- ing equipment Refrigerators, biological Refrigerators, mortuary 358533 COOLERS, BEVERAGE AND WATER, EXCEPT COIN OPERATED SERV Coolers, bottled beverage, drinking water, non-mechanical Coolers, bottled beverage, mechanical, dry and wet Coolers, drinking water, mechanical, bottle Coolers, drinking water, mechanical, pressure Florists, cabinets, refrigerating Refrigeration repair parts Water coolers, drinking 358540 COMPRESSORS AND COMPRESSOR UNITS, REFRIGERATION AND AIR- CONDITIONING GIEQ 358550 CONDENSING UNITS, REFRIGERA- TION AND AIR-CONDITIONING GIEQ 358571 DEHUMIDIFIERS, WITH COMPLETE REFRIGERATION CYCLE CDGS 358573 REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDI- TIONING EQUIPMENT, N.E.C GIEQ Heat exchangers, refrigeration and air-condi- tioning equipment Coils, fin, refrigerant, except forced air Coils, fin, steam, except forced air Coils, fin, water, except forced air ; Condensers, evaporative Condensers fin, air-cooled Condensers shell and coil Condensers shell and tube Coolers, blast, air conditioning Coolers, liquid, shell and coil Coolers, liquid, shell and tube Coolers, unit, air conditioning, remote Coolers, unit, refrigeration, ceiling mounted Coolers, unit, refrigeration, floor mounted, dry Coolers, unit, refrigeration, floor mounted, spray Coolers, unit, refrigeration, wall mounted Cooling towers, 12 tons and under, dry shipping weight per complete tower OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 358573 REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDI- TIONING EQUIPMENT, N.E.C.— Con.. GIEQ Evaporators, forced convection Evaporators, plate coil Heat pumps Humidifiers, spray Humidifiers, textile plant Refrigeration and air-conditioning equip- ment, n.e.c. Absorption systems Adsorption systems Air conditioners, central station, self-con- tained Air conditioners, packaged, nonroom, self- contained Air-conditioning components, and acces- sories, n.e.c. Compressor bodies, refrigerant ammonia Compressor bodies, refrigerants except am- monia Coolers, evaporative, desert type Ice-making machines Refrigeration components and accessories, n.e.c. Refrigeration systems, centrifugal, brine Refrigeration S3'stems, centrifugal, water Refrigeration systems, hermetic Refrigeration systems, transportation 358574 SODA-FOUNTAIN AND BEER-DISPENS- ING EQUIPMENT CDGS Beer-dispensing equipment Cooler boxes, soda-fountain equipment Fountainettes, soda-fountain equipment Soda-fountain equipment 358600 MEASURING AND DISPENSING PUMPS-.. SERV Barrel pumps, lubricating oil Grease guns Grease pumps Lubricating-oil pumps Pumps, gasoline dispensing, airport fueling Pumps, gasoline dispensing, filling station, computing Pumps, gasoline dispensing, filling station, noncomputing 358911 COMMERCIAL COOKING AND FOOD WARMING EQUIPMENT, ELECTRIC. CDGS Broilers, electric, commercial Coffee makers, electric, commercial Coffee urns, electric, commercial Cookers, egg, commercial Food warming equipment, electric, commer- cial Fryers, deepfat, electric, commercial Griddles, electric, commercial Ovens, electric, commercial Ranges, electric, commercial Steam tables, electric, food warming Toaster, electric, commercial 358912 COMMERCIAL COOKING AND FOOD WARMING EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT ELECTRIC CDGS Broilers, commercial cooking, except electric Coffee urns, commercial, except electric Cooking equipment, commercial Food warming equipment, commercial, except electric Fryers, deep fat, commercial, except electric Griddles, commercial cooking, except electric Kettles, steam jacketed, commercial Ovens, cooking, commercial, except electric Ranges, cooking, commercial, except electric Steam tables, except electric Stoves, cooking, commercial, except electric Toasters, commercial, except electric Waffle irons, commercial, except electric Product Class Code 358921 358922 358923 358924 359901 359903 359904 359905 359906 361110 361121 BDSA Product Division WATER SOFTENERS AND WATER CON- DITIONING EQUIPMENT POWR Water conditioners, commercial and industrial Water conditioners, household, consumer Water conditioners, service Water softeners, commercial Water softeners, household, consumer Water softeners, household, service Water softeners, industrial HOUSEHOLD MACHINES, N.E.C. CDGS Carpet sweepers SERVICE MACHINES, N.E.C SERV Cleaning machines, building and wall Parts and attachments Polishing machines, floor, commercial Polishing machines, floor, industrial Sanding machines, floor Scrubbing machines, floor Waxing machines, floor, commercial Waxing machines, floor, industrial Service machines, n.e.c DISHWASHING MACHINES, COMMER- CIAL CDGS CARBURETORS, CIVILIAN TYPE, EX- CEPT AIRCRAFT AUTO BELLOWS, FLEXIBLE METAL HOSE AND TUBING GCOM Bellows assemblies, metal Bellows, metal Couplings, flexible metal hose and tubing Fittings, flexible metal hose and tubing Hose, flexible, metal Tubing, flexible, metal CYLINDERS, HYDRAULIC, AIR AND OIL GIEQ MACHINE (JOB) SHOP PRODUCTS, N.E.C SERV AMUSEMENT PARK RIDES AND DE- VICES SERV Ferris wheels Merry-go-rounds Rides and devices, n.e.c. Scenic railways INTEGRATING INSTRUMENTS, ELEC- TRICAL SITE Ampere-hour meters Demand meters, kilowatt and kilovolt-ampere Integrating meter parts, electrical type Meters, watt-hour, d.c. Watt-hour and demand meters, combination, polyphase Watt-hour and demand meters, combination, single phase Watt-hour and time switch meters, combined type Watt-hour meters, a.c, polyphase Watt-hour meters, a.c, single phase AUTOMOTIVE TEST EQUIPMENT, ELECTRIC AUTO Ammeters, automotive Analyzers, internal combustion engine Testers, armature, automotive Testers, battery, automotive Testers, circuit, automotive Testers, coil, automotive Testers, condenser, automotive Testers, fuel pump, automotive Testers, gasoline mileage, automotive Testers, headlight, automotive Testers, hydraulic line, aircraft Testers, ignition harness, aircraft Testers, magneto, automotive Testers, meter pressure, aircraft Testers, spark plug, automotive Testers, speedometer, automotive Testers, timing, automotive Testing units, generator, aircraft Voltmeters, automotive OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 361122 ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC TEST, MEASURING AND MONITORING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT SITE Broadcast test monitoring equipment Broadcast transmitter test equipment Capacitor measuring equipment Electrometers Inductor measuring equipment Micro-wave test equipment Oscillographs, except radio testing Oscilloscopes, except radio testing Oscilloscopes, high frequency, radio testing Radio frequency measuring equipment Resistor measuring equipment Signal generators, test equipment Test equipment repair parts, electrical Tube characteristic measuring instruments, receiving Volt-ohm-milliammeters Electrical test equipment, n.e.c. 301131 ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRU- MENTS, N.E.C SITE Ammeters, except automotive Indicating and recording instruments, n.e.c. Indicating and recording instrument parts Instrument relays, electrical Instrument repair parts, electric indicating, recording Instruments, electric indicating, industrial portable Instruments, electric indicating, laboratory portable Instruments, electrical indicating panel Instruments, electric switchboard Recording instruments, electric, except control types Relays, instrument, electrical Telemeters Voltmeters, except automotive Watt-varimeters, industrial, portable 361201 POWER, DISTRIBUTION AND OTHER TRANSFORMERS, INCLUDING BOOSTERS, REACTORS, ETC., EX- CEPT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS.. ELEC Power and distribution transformers Switchboard transformers Transformers, arc furnace Transformers, distribution Transformers, power center Transformers, rectifier Transformers, unit sub-station Other transformers, etc. Boosters, feeder-voltage Induction voltage regulators Reactors, current limiting Regulators, feeder-voltage Transformers, instrument, current and po- tential Transformers, meter, current and potential Transformers, tripping, current and poten- tial 361210 SPECIALTY TRANSFORMERS EXCEPT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ELEC Transformers, specialty, control Transformers, specialty, doorbell Transformers, specialty, fluorescent lamp, ballasts Transformers, specialty, general purpose, 600- volt or less Transformers, specialty, ignition, except engine Transformers, specialty, luminous tube Transformers, specialty, signaling Transformers, specialty, toy 361301 LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION EQUIP- MENT, 1,200 VOLTS AND UNDER ELEC Busduct Circuit breakers, air Cutouts, distribution Fittings, busduct Meter mounting equipment Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 361301 LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION EQUIP- MENT, 1,200 VOLTS AND UNDER— Continued , .. ELEC Panelboards, electrical Switchboards, distribution Switchboards, theater Switches, enclosed knife, 600 volts and under Switches, except knife and time Switches, open knife, 600 volts and under Switches, time 361302 SWITCHGEAR AND SWITCHBOARD APPARATUS OVER 1,200 VOLTS ELEC Circuit breaker, power, indoor Circuit breaker, power, outdoor Connectors, power Controls, supervisory Cubicles, power Fuses, distribution, a.c, 2,300 volts and over, indoor Fuses, distribution, a.c, 2,300 volts and over outdoor Fuses, power, a.c, 2,300 volts and over, indoor Fuses, power, a.c, 2,300 volts and over, out- door Reclosers, circuit Regulators, switchboard Relays, switchboard Resistors, current limiting, power Stock coils Switchboards, power, automatic and manual panel Switchboards, power, metal enclosed bus bar structure Switchboards, power, metal inclosed switch- gear Switches, disconnecting, power Switching equipment, power, indoor Switching equipment, power, outdoor 361331 FUSES AND FUSE EQUIPMENT, UNDER 2,300 VOLTS ELEC Fuse links, renewal, cartridge, under 2,300 volts Fuse links, renewal, plug under 2,300 volts Fuses, cartridge, nonrenewable, under 2,300 volts Fuses, cartridge, renewable, under 2,300 volts Fuses, plug, nonrenewable, under 2,300 volts Fuses, plug, renewable, under 2,300 volts 362101 MOTOR-GENERATOR SETS AND OTHER ROTATING EQUIPMENT ELEC Condensers, synchronous, integral horsepower Converters, integral horsepower Converters, synchronous Dynamotors, integral horsepower Frequency changes, integral horsepower Gearmotors, land transportation equipment Generators, a.c-d.c, under 1 kilowatt Inverters, integral horsepower (except aircraft) Motor-generator sets, double current generator 362102 LAND TRANSPORTATION MOTORS, GENERATORS AND CONTROL AP- PARATUS ELEC Control equipment, Diesel-electric locomotive Control equipment, Diesel-electric rail car Control equipment, Diesel-electric truck and bus Control equipment, gasoline-electric locomo- tive Control equipment, gasoline-electric rail car Control equipment, gasoline-electric truck and bus Control equipment, mining locomotive Control equipment, multi-unit car, railway Control equipment, rapid transit car Control equipment repair parts, railway Control equipment repair parts, storage-bat- tery vehicle j Control equipment, storage-battery industrial i truck ' Control equipment, storage-battery mining locomotive OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 362102 LAND TRANSPORTATION MOTORS, GENERATORS AND CONTROL AP- PARATUS— Continued ELEC Control equipment, third-rail locomotive Control equipment, trolley car Control equipment, trolley coach Control equipment, trolley locomotive Generator repair parts, Diesel-electric vehicles Generator repair parts, gasoline-electric ve- hicles Generator repair parts, railway Generators, Diesel-electric locomotive Generators, Diesel-electric rail car Generators, Diesel-electric truck and bus Generators, gasoline-electric locomotive Generators, gasoline-electric rail car Generators, gasoline-electric truck and bus Generators, mining locomotive Generators, multiple unit car, railway Generators, rapid transit car Generators, third-rail locomotives Generators, trolley car Generators, trolley coach Motor repair parts, Diesel-electric vehicles Motor repair parts, gasoline-electric vehicles Motor repair parts, railway Motor repair parts, storage-battery vehicles Motors, Diesel-electric locomotive Motors, Diesel-electric rail car Motors, Diesel-electric truck and bus Motors, gasoline-electric locomotive Motors, gasoline-electric rail car Motors, gasoline-electric truck and bus Motors, mining locomotive Motors, multiple unit car, railway Motors, rapid transit car Motors, storage-battery industrial truck Motors, storage-battery mining locomotive Motors, third-rail locomotive Motors, trolley Motors, trolley car Motors,, trolley locomotive 362103 MOTORS, SPECIAL AIRCRAFT ELEC Dynamotors special aircraft Gearmotors, special aircraft Motors, fractional, h.p., special aircraft, except synchronous 362104 SYNCHRO AND SERVO DEVICES ELEC Bearing mounted units Generators, rate Gyro motors Gyro-wound components Motor-generator combinations Motors, servo Motors, sub-fractional, under Koo horsepower Receivers, differential Resolvers Sensors, position Synchro, pickoffs Synchros Torquers Transformers, control Transmitters, differential 362110 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER MOTORS.. ELEC Motors, d.c, fractional horsepower Motors, shaded pole, a.c, fractional horse- power Motors, standard, a.c, fractional horsepower Motors, universal, fractional horsepower 362121 INTEGRAL HORSEPOWER MOTORS AND GENERATORS, UNDER 2,000 KILOWATTS ELEC Generators, a.c, under 2,000 kilowatts Generators, d.c. (all sizes) Motors, a.c, polyphase, induction, integral horsepower Motors, a.c, single phase, integral horse- power Motors, a.c, synchronous, integral horsepower Motors, d.c, integral horsepower Product Class Code 362122 GENERATORS, AND OVER__ Product A.C, 2,000 KILOWATTS BDSA Division POWR POWR 362140 PRIME MOVER GENERATOR SETS, EXCEPT TURBINE DRIVEN Generator sets, Diesel-engine driven Generator sets, dual-fuel, engine driven Generator sets, gasoline-engine driven Generator sets, natural gas, engine driven Generator sets, starter carts, aircraft Generator sets, wind driven 362160 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR MOTORS, GENERATORS, AND MOTOR-GEN- ERATOR SETS ELEC 362200 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT RAILROAD AND AUTOMOTIVE ELEC Brakes, electrical, a.c. or d.c, industrial Controls, a.c, general purpose, industrial Controls, d.c, general purpose, industrial Controls, except resistance welder Controls, resistance welder Controls, resistance welder, magnetic Resistors, general purpose electrical control, industrial Rheostats, general purpose control, industrial 362310 ARC WELDING MACHINES AND COM- PONENTS, EXCEPT ELECTRODES.. MWEQ Arc torches, welding Arc welder, generators, d.c. Arc welders, a.c. transformer Arc welders, stud, automatic Clamps, ground, arc welding Electrode holders, arc welding Welders, d.c. arc, engine driven Welders, d.c. arc, motor driven Welders, d.c. selenium rectifier Welding arc, standard positioners Welding heads, automatic, arc welding Welding machinery accessories, arc Welding, positioners 362320 WELDING WIRE AND RODS MWEQ Bars, applicator, arc welding Electrodes, arc welding, alloy steel, except hard surface Electrodes, arc welding, coil Electrodes, arc welding, hard surfacing Electrodes, arc welding, mild steel Electrodes, arc welding, nonferrous, except hard surface Electrodes, arc welding, n.e.c Rods, welding, electric Welding studs, flux filled 362330 RESISTANCE WELDERS, AND COMPO- NENTS MWEQ Electrode holders, resistance welding Welder accessories, resistance Welder resistance electrodes Welders, resistance, butt Welders, resistance, flash Welders, resistance, projection Welders, resistance, seam Welders, resistance, spot Welders, resistance, transformer 362401 CARBON AND GRAPHITE ELEC- TRICAL PRODUCTS (CONTAINING CONTROLLED MATERIALS) MSMN Brushes electrical, automotive Brushes, electrical, fractional horsepower Brushes, electrical, industrial Carbon and graphite electrical products, n.e.c 362910 CAPACITORS EXCEPT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ELEC Capacitors, a.c electrolytic, except radio type Capacitors, coupling, power transmission cir- cuit Capacitors for lighting ballasts Capacitors for motor starting Capacitors, general industrial application Capacitors, power factor correction type , OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 362920 RECTIFYING APPARATUS.. ELEC Rectifiers, metallic Rectifiers, power mercury arc except commu- nication 3G2930 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C ELEC Lifting magnets, electromagnetics Solenoids, n.e.c. 363100 HOUSEHOLD COOKING EQUIPMENT.. CDGS Combination cooking and heating ranges Cooking appliances, domestic, except electric Cooking equipment, household, except pres- sure cookers Grills, charcoal Heating elements, household range Hot plates, gas Portable ovens Ranges, cooking, domestic, except electric Ranges, electric, apartment house Ranges, electric, standard, household Stoves, cooking, domestic, except electric Stoves, kitchen, domestic heating, except electric 363210 HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS CDGS Cabinets, refrigerator, household, mechanical Refrigerators, ice, household Refrigerators, mechanical, household 363220 HOME AND FARM FREEZERS CDGS Cabinets, farm freezer Cabinets, home freezer Freezers, home and farm 363310 HOUSEHOLD MECHANICAL WASHING AND DRYING MACHINES CDGS Laundry dryers, domestic, electrical Laundry dryers, domestic, gas Washing machines, domestic, electric, auto- matic Washing machines, domestic, electric, non- automatic, spinner Washing machines, domestic, electric, non- automatic, wringer Washing machines, domestic, electric, semi- automatic Washing machines, domestic, gasoline driven Washing machines, domestic, mechanical, small size 363321 HOUSEHOLD IRONERS, AND LAUN- DRY EQUIPMENT, N.E.C CDGS Ironers, domestic, mechanical, portable Ironers, domestic, mechanical, non-portable Wringers, clothes, hand operated Wringers, clothes, power operated 363322 PARTS, ACCESSORIES, AND ATTACH- MENTS FOR HOUSEHOLD LAUN- DRY EQUIPMENT, SOLD SEPA- RATELY CDGS Replacement parts for household laundry equipment 363410 ELECTRIC FANS, EXCEPT INDUS- TRIAL TYPE CDGS Fans, air circulator Fans, attic and awning Fans, ceiling Fans, desk-bracket Fans, electric, high pedestal Fans, electric, nonoscillating, desk and wall Fans, electric oscillating desk and wall Fans, pedestal Fans, radial discharge, floor or hassock type Fans, room and window ventilating 363420 ELECTRIC RAZORS AND DRY SHAVERS Razors, electric Shavers, dry CDGS Product Class BDSA Code Product Division i 363430 SMALL HOUSEHOLD ELECTRIC AP- PLIANCES, EXCEPT FANS CDGS Bakers and cookers, electric, household Bed coverings, electric Blankets, electric Broilers, electric, household Casseroles, electric, household Coffee grinders, electric, household Coffee maker heating units, electric, household Coffee makers, electric, household Coffee percolators, electric, household Coffee urns, electric, household Cookers and bakers, electric, household Cookers, egg, electric, household Cookers, pressure, electric, household Corn poppers, electric, household Curling irons, electric Dryers, hand and face, electric Egg cookers, electric, household Food mixers, electric, household Foot warmers, electric Freezers, ice cream, domestic, electric Fryers, deepfat, electric, household Hair dryers, electric Heaters, air space, electric convector, portable Heaters, air space, electric fan forced, portable Heaters, air space, electric radiant, portable Heating pads, electric Hot plates, electric, household Irons, automatic electric, household, except steam Irons, boudoir, electric Irons, nonautomatic, electric, standard, house- hold Irons, steam electric, standard household Irons, tailors, electric Irons, travel, electric Juice extractors, electric, household Mixers, beverage, electric, household Roasters, electric, household Sandwich toasters, electric, household Sharpeners, knife, electric, household Sterilizers, baby bottle, electric, household Stoves, disk, electric, household Toasters, electric, automatic, household Toasters, electric, nonautomatic, household Vibrators, electric Waffle irons, electric Whippers, electric, household Small household electric appliances, except fans, n.e.c. 363440 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR HOUSE- HOLD ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (SOLD SEPARATELY) CDGS 363500 VACUUM CLEANERS, HOUSEHOLD CDGS Vacuum cleaner attachments, household Vacuum cleaner replacement parts, household Vacuum cleaners, household, cylinder Vacuum cleaners, household, except hand Vacuum cleaners, household, hand Vacuum cleaners, household, upright 363601 SEWING MACHINES, HOUSEHOLD.... CDGS Sewing machine replacement parts and attach- ments, household, except cabinets Sewing machines, household, electric cabinet Sewing machines, household, electric portable Sewing machines, household, except electric 363602 SEWING MACHINES, INDUSTRIAL, EXCEPT SHOE SOLE STITCHING GIEQ 363901 HOUSEHOLD WATER HEATERS BLDG Coils, hot water supply, heat transfer type Expansion tanks Heaters, hot water supply Heaters, water, electric household, except stor- age Range boilers Solar water-heaters Tanks, hot water storage with or without coils Water heaters, electric household, except stor- OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Produet Class- Code Product 363901 HOUSEHOLD WATER HEATERS- BDSA Division -Con- BLDG Water heaters, electric, portable storage Water heaters, electric storage, household Water heaters, with tanks, indirect or under fired Water heaters, without tanks, direct fired, indirect fired, side arm 363931 OTHER HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES AND PARTS CDGS Dishwashing machines, household Disposers, sink, food waste Grinders, food waste Polishing machines, floor, household Waxing machines, floor, household 364100 ELECTRIC LAMPS— (BULBS) CDGS Lamps, automotive, glass sealed beam, electric Lamps, automotive, metal sealed beam, electric Lamps, bacterial, electric Lamps, black light, electric Lamps, Christmas tree, electric Lamps, dental instrument, electric Lamps, flashlight, electric Lamps, fluorescent, hot cathode Lamps, general lighting, electric Lamps, germicidal, electric Lamps, glow, electric Lamps, infrared drying, industrial Lamps, infrared heat, therapeutic Lamps, medical instrument, electric Lamps, mercury, electric Lamps, photochemical, electric Lamps, photoenlarger, electric Lamps, photoflash, electric Lamps, photoflood, electric Lamps, reflector, electric Lamps, sodium, electric Lamps, sterile, electric Lamps, sun, electric Lamps, surgical instrument, electric Lamps, 3-light, electric 364201 INCANDESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES, EXCEPT SPECIALTIES ELEC Lighting fixtures, incandescent, commercial, ornamental Lighting fixtures, incandescent, industrial, general Lighting fixtures, incandescent, industrial, explosive-proof Lighting fixtures, incandescent, industrial, vapor-proof Lighting fixtures, incandescent, institutional, utilitarian Lighting fixtures, incandescent, marine Lighting fixtures, incandescent, residential and outdoor 364202 FLUORESCENT LIGHTING EQUIP- MENT, EXCEPT PORTABLE ELEC Lighting fixtures, aircraft, fluorescent Lighting fixtures, automobile, fluorescent Lighting fixtures, commercial recessed, flu- orescent Lighting fixtures, fluorescent, marine Lighting fixtures, general, industrial, fluores- cent Lighting fixtures, industrial, dust-tight, flu- orescent Lighting fixtures, industrial, explosion-proof, fluorescent Lighting fixtures, industrial, vapor-proof, fluorescent Lighting fixtures, railway car, fluorescent Lighting fixtures, residential, fluorescent 364203 FLUORESCENT PORTABLE LAMPS CDGS Lamp component parts, fluorescent, portable Lamps, desk, fluorescent Lamps, portable, fluorescent Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 364204 INCANDESCENT HAND PORTABLE LIGHTING EQUIPMENT CDGS Flashlights, generator, hand portable Flashlights, hand portable Flashlights, hand portable, except generator Lanterns, flashlight hand portable Lighting equipment, hand portable, n.e.c. Lights, emergency warning, hand portable Lights, miners, hand portable 364205 INCANDESCENT PORTABLE LAMPS.... CDGS Lamp component parts, incandescent, portable Lamps, bed, with shade, incandescent Lamps, bed, without shade, incandescent Lamps, boudoir, with shade, incandescent Lamps, boudoir, without shade, incandescent Lamps, bridge, with shade, incandescent Lamps, bridge, without shade, incandescent Lamps, floor, with shade, incandescent Lamps, floor, without shade, incandescent Lamps, pin-up, with shade, incandescent Lamps, pin-up, without shade, incandescent Lamps, table, with shade, residential, in- candescent Lamps, table, without shade, incandescent Lamps, torch, with shade, incandescent Lamps, torch, without shade, incandescent 364251 STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING EQUIPMENT ELEC Brackets, street lighting equipment Lighting equipment, newels, street Lighting equipment, street luminaries Standards, street lighting equipment 364252 FLOODLIGHTING AND AREA LIGHT- ING EQUIPMENT... ELEC Floodlights airport ground, electric beacon, electric marine marker mercury vapor parts and accessories, Lighting equipment, Lighting equipment, Lighting equipment, Lighting equipment, Lighting equipment, incandescent Lighting equipment, shiplane, electric Lighting equipment, sodium vapor Lighting equipment, vehicular route, electric Marker lights, electric Reflectors, electric lighting equipment, in- candescent Spotlights, except vehicular 364254 INFRA-RED AND ULTRA-VIOLET LAMP FIXTURES ELEC 364263 NONELECTRIC LIGHTING EQUIP- MENT CDGS Lamps, carbide Lamps, gasoline Lamps, kerosene Lanterns, gasoline Lanterns, kerosene Lighting equipment accessories, nonelectric Lighting equipment repair parts, nonelectric Lighting equipment, nonelectric, n.e.c. Reflectors, nonelectric lighting 364301 CURRENT-CARRYING WIRING DE- VICES, EXCEPT CONNECTORS AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES ELEC Adapters, electrical, wiring Blocks, terminal Buttons, push, electrical Clip-clamp, electric fuse Clips, battery charging, testing Connector bodies, electrical, attachment Connectors, electrical fixtures Contact points, electric (except carbon and graphite) Fluorescent starters Incandescent lampholder caps Lampholders, fluorescent, cold cathode Lampholders, fluorescent, except cold cathode Lampholders, incandescent, metal shell, except outlet box Lampholders, incandescent, outlet box OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 364301 CURRENT-CARRYING WIRING DE- VICES, EXCEPT CONNECTORS AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES— Continued... ELEC Outlets, electrical, flush, 15 amperes and under Outlets, electrical, flush, over 15 amperes Outlets, electrical, surface Plug caps, attachment Plugs, electrical attachment Receptacles, electric Rods, ground, electrical Strips, plug-in Switches, appliance, except knife and time Switches, canopy Switches, fixture Switches, flush, except knife and time Switches, portable lamp Switches, surface, except knife and time Wiring devices and supplies, marine Wiring devices, fan hanger 364302 CONNECTORS, ARMY AND NAVY TYPE ELEC 364303 CONNECTORS, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION TYPE (EXCEPT ARMY AND NAVY TYPE) ELEC Connectors, except solderless Connectors, solderless Lightning rods Railbonds, propulsion and signal circuit Solder lugs Splicing sleeves, electrical 364304 CHOKE COILS AND LIGHTNING AR- RESTORS, POWER CIRCUIT ELEC 364410 POLE LINE AND TRANSMISSION HARD- WARE ELEC Pole line accessories, except tools Pole line hardware, except transmission Transmission hardware 364420 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ELEC Bends, rigid conduit, electrical Conduit, flexible steel, electrical Conduit, rigid, electrical Conduit, thin-wall (electrical metallic tubing) Conduit, underground, electrical Elbows, rigid conduit, electrical Nipples, rigid conduit, electrical 364430 OTHER NONCURRENT CARRYING WIRING DEVICES _ ELEC Boxes, electrical, cast metal Concrete boxes, electrical, stamped metal Conduit boxes, electrical, cast metal Covers, electrical, cast metal Covers, electrical, stamped metal box Elbows, thin wall conduit, electrical Plates, face, switch and outlet Outlet boxes, electrical, stamped metal Raceways, surface, electrical Raceways, underfloor, electrical Switch boxes, electrical, stamped metal 365101 HOUSEHOLD, PORTABLE, AND AUTO RADIO RECEIVERS, PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDERS ETRX Audio amplifiers, and control units, consumer type Chassis, wired, radio receiver Phonographs, and record players except coin operated Phonographs, coin operated Radio phonographs Radio receivers, AM auto Radio receivers, AM console Radio receivers, AM portable Radio receivers AM table model Radio receivers, AM-FM combinations Radio receivers FM and FM tuners Recorders : disk, tape, and wire, consumer type Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 365120 TELEVISION RECEIVERS, HOME TYPE. ETRX Boosters and preamplifiers, television Chassis, wired, television receiver Television-radio-phonograph combinations Television receivers, console, with or without radio Television receivers, portable Television receivers, projection type (home) Television receivers, table, with or without radio 365130 RECORDERS, AMPLIFIERS, AUDIO EQUIPMENT, AND ACCESSORIES, COMMERCIAL ETRX Amplifiers, audio, commercial types Amplifiers, d.c. and pulse Audio systems, slide film projection Public address systems Recorders, disk, tape and wire, commercial types Talking book reproducers for the blind Turntables, disk recording and reproducing 365200 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, RECORD BLANKS, AND PRE-RECORDED MAGNETIC TAPES ETRX 33^3 r.p.m. 45 r.p.m. 78 r.p.m. Other speeds Electrical transcriptions Pre-recorded magnetic tapes Recording blanks, cylindrical Recording blanks, disk 366100 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT COMM Batteries, solar, telephone Carrier equipment Central office equipment, dial, telephone Central office equipment, manual, telephone Central office equipment, telegraph Coils, loading, telephone cable Commercial news service equipment, wire Cryptography equipment, telegraph Exchanges, private branch, dial type, telephone Exchanges, private branch, manual type, tele- phone Facsimile equipment, telegraph Frames, main and distributing Message accounting machines, automatic, tele- phone and telegraph Morse equipment, telegraph Multiplex equipment, telegraph Perforator machines, telegraph Printing machines, telegraph Protectors Racks, cable, telegraph central office Racks, telephone cable, central office Repeater equipment Reperforators, telegraph Ringing machines, telephone Subscriber station apparatus, telephone except telephone sets Telegraph apparatus components Telephone sets, accessories Telephone sets, hand Telephone sets, head and chest Terminals, telegraph cable Terminals, telephone cable Ticker equipment Thermistors, telephone Translators, card, telephone Tubes, vacuum, telephone and telegraph Wave guides, millimeter system, telephone transmission 366211 TRANSMITTERS, RADIO COMMUNICA- TION _ ETRX Airborne Fixed station Land mobile Marine OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code 366211 Product TRANSMITTERS, RADIO COMMUNICA- TION— Continued BDSA Division ETRX Microwave Other (radiotelephone and radiotelegraph, n.e.c.) 366212 RECEIVERS, RADIO COMMUNICATION. ETRX Airborne Fixed, mobile, and portable Marine Microwave Other 366213 TRANSCEIVERS AND TRANSMITTER- RECEIVERS, RADIO COMMUNICA- TION ETRX Airborne Fixed, mobile and portable Marine Microwave Other 366220 BROADCAST EQUIPMENT ETRX Amplifiers, RF power, broadcast Broadcast equipment, n.e.c, AM, FM, tele- vision Broadcast equipment: studio, mobile, and portable, AM, FM, television Broadcast monitoring equipment, AM, FM, Television Cameras, television Link and relay equipment, audio and video Theater television equipment, except inter- mediate film type Transmitter accessory items: television du- plexers, vestigial sideband filters, etc. Transmitters, broadcast, AM Transmitters, broadcast, FM Transmitters, broadcast, television 366222 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONIC (INCLUDING INDUS- TRIAL TV) ETRX Automatic control equipment, electronic Carrier equipment, power line Industrial (closed circuit) television systems, including cameras and monitors Remote controls, electronic 366231 INTERCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONICALLY AMPLIFIED ETRX Electronically amplified type equipment 366232 INTERCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT ELECTRONICALLY AMPLI- FIED (other than equipment designed primarily for use in telephone and telegraph networks) COMM Commercial central station protective signaling service equipment Community antenna distributing systems Inter-room equipment, except electronically amplified type Intercommunication equipment Telautograph instruments Telegraph, ship 366233 RAILWAY SIGNALING EQUIPMENT. .. RAIL Car retarder electrical systems, classification yard Coders, railroad, transit signal equipment Control units, train, railroad transit signal equipment Controllers, circuit, railroad transit signal equipment CTC machines, railroad transit signal equip- ment Interlocking units, railroad transit signal equipment Lighting, signal systems, railroad Railroad signals highway grade crossing, elec- tric Semaphore, railroad signal Signal systems, accessories, railroad Signal systems and safety control equipment, electric, railroad Product Class Code 366233 366234 366235 366241 366260 366261 367100 367200 367301 367302 BDSA Product Division RAILWAY SIGNALING EQUIPMENT— Continued RAIL Signal systems, block, railroad Signals, cab, wayside-railroad equipment Signals, railroad, electric, except grade crossing Signals, railroad, highway grade crossing, electric ELECTRIC STREET TRAFFIC SIGNALS. ELEC ALARM AND SIGNALING SYSTEMS, ELECTRIC, N.E.C SITE Fire detecting apparatus Smoke detecting apparatus NAVIGATIONAL AIDS, ELECTRONIC... ETRX Air and ground traffic control system equip- ment, electronic Altimeters, radio Beacons and transponders Depth-finding equipment, marine Direction finders, radio Distance measuring equipment Flight control equipment, electronic Flight plan information storage equipment, electronic GCA system equipment ILS system equipment Loran system equipment Radar search and navigation, airborne Radar search and navigation, land Radar search and navigation, marine Radio range systems equipment Shoran system equipment Tacan system equipment VHF omnidirectional range system equipment Navigation aids, electronic, n.e.c. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, N.E.C ETRX Antenna coupling, tuning and switching equip- ment Distribution equipment, television Electronic meteorological equipment, n.e.c. Facsimile equipment, except telegraph Multicouplers Radio and television receiving and transmit- ting auxiliary equipment Radiosonde ground equipment Radiosondes Raywind equipment Telemetering equipment SONAR AND RELATED DEVICES ETRX ELECTRON TUBES, RECEIVING TYPES, EXCEPT CATHODE RAY ETRX Acorn Ceramic Current regulator Glass (G and GT/G) Lock-in Metal (conventional envelope) Miniature Subminiature, button stem, glass Subminiature, flat press, glass Voltage regulator and glow discharge Electron tubes, receiving type, n.e.c. CATHODE RAY TUBES, TELEVISION PICTURE TYPE ETRX CATHODE RAY TUBES, EXCEPT TELEVISION PICTURE TYPE ETRX TRANSMITTING AND SPECIAL PUR- POSE ELECTRON TUBES ETRX ATR Backward wave Beam deflection Decade counter Gas and vapor diodes Geiger Mueller High vacuum diodes High vacuum triodes and multi-grid, external anode OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 367302 TRANSMITTING AND SPECIAL PUR- POSE ELECTRON TUBES— Continued. ETRX High vacuum triodes and multi-grid, internal anode Ignitrons Ionization chambers Klystrons Lighthouse Magnetrons Neutron counter Orbital beam Pencil Photo multiplier Photo tubes Pick-up tubes, except video Pick-up tubes, video Pre TR Reference cavities Spark gaps Spiral twist duplcxers Thyratrons TR Traveling wave tubes Transmitting and special purpose tubes (in- cluding vacuum capacitors, vacuum relays and vacuum switches, etc., n.e.c.) 367910 TRANSISTORS, CRYSTAL DIODES, AND SIMILAR SOLID STATE DEVICES ETRX Diodes, crystal: germanium, silicon, etc. Solar cells Solid state devices, n.e.c Transistors 367920 CAPACITORS, ELECTRONIC APPLICA- TIONS ETRX Ceramic dielectric, fixed and variable Electrolytic, aluminum, tantalum, etc. Film dielectric, fixed Glass dielectric, fixed and variable Metalized paper, fixed Mica dielectric, fixed and variable Paper dielectric, fixed Variable air (receiving and transmitting) Capacitors — n.e.c. (air and gas dielectric, etc.) 367930 RESISTORS, ELECTRONIC APPLICA- TIONS ETRX Attenuators Fixed and adjustable, wire-wound Fixed composition (molded or compressed car- bon) Fixed film (borocarbon, deposited carbon, and metal film) Potentiometers and rheostats (types used as electronic components) Printed resistors Resistors, n.e.c. Thermistors (except telecoms) Variable composition (molded or compressed carbon) Variable film (borocarbon, deposited carbon, metal film) Variable, wire-wound (except telecoms) Varistors 367940 TRANSFORMERS, COTLS, AND RE- ACTORS, ELECTRONIC APPLICA- TIONS ETRX Coils: antenna, oscillator, RF, and other HF types Coils with permeability slugs Focus coils, deflection yokes Reactors and chokes, HF types Reactors and chokes, power, audio, and other LF types Transformers, audio Transformers, horizontal output, television, and vertical deflection, television Transformers, power Transformers, pulse Transformers, RF and IF Tuning devices, permeability Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 367951 FILTERS, ELECTRONIC APPLICA- TIONS__. ETRX Dividing networks, electronic Filters, electronic, delay line Filters, electronic, n.e.c. Filters, frequency discrimination Filters, noise interference, ignition suppression Filters, quartz crystal 367952 RELAYS AND SWITCHES, ELECTRON- IC APPLICATIONS ETRX Relays, electronic, electro-magnetic, including stepping switches and coaxial types Relays, electronic, thermal, meter movement, motor-driven, etc. Switches, electronic, including coaxial, rotary wafer, and slide selector 367953 TRANSDUCERS AND RELATED PROD- UCTS ETRX Accelerometers Crystals, piezoelectric, rochelle salt, quartz, ADP. etc. Drivers, loudspeaker Headsets Horns, exponential Loudspeaker parts, except transformers Loudspeakers Microphones Transducers and related devices, n.e.c. Tweeters and woofers 367951 ELECTRONIC PRINTED CIRCUITS, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS, AND PRINTED ELECTRONIC SUBASSEM- BLIES ETRX 367955 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND SUB- ASSEMBLIES, CONSUMER TYPES ETRX Antennas, consumer types (home, auto, etc ) Antenna rotators Converters and adapters, color television Converters and adapters, UHF Focus devices, except coils Ion traps Masting, sectional, antenna-supporting Phonograph cartridges Phonograph needles, playback, jeweled point Phonograph needles, playback, precious metal Phonograph needles, playback, steel Phonograph pick-ups Phonograph motor assemblies Record changing mechanisms Recording tape, magnetic Recording wire, magnetic Styli, cutting, phonograph, precious metal Styli, cutting, phonograph, steel Tuners, television, subassemblies 367956 ELECTRON TUBE PARTS ETRX 367957 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, AND SUB- ASSEMBLIES, COMMERCIAL, N.E.C. ETRX Adapters, coaxial cable Amplifiers, magnetic Antenna mounting brackets and clamps Antennas, broadcast (except towers) Antennas: communication, microwave, radar, navigation aids, etc. (except consumer types) Brackets for supporting electronic components Cabinets, electronic equipment, except radio and TV Cans and cases, capacitor and transformer Chassis blanks, not custom made Coaxial cable assemblies Coaxial line, rigid Coil forms, except ceramic Connectors, coaxial cable Control shafts, extension and couplings Cores, magnetic, HF Couplings, coaxial line, rigid Crystal adapters Crystal holders Delay lines, electromechanical Dial assemblies End bells, transformer Ferrite and related devices OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 367957 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, AND SUB- ASSEMBLIES, COMMERCIAL, N.E.C.— Continued ETRX FM and television lead-in standoffs, except ceramic Fittings, gas, rigid coaxial line Hardware, electronic Hermetic seals for electronics Joints, rotating, oscillating, etc , wave guide Knobs, control, electronic equipment Laminations and cores, electronic transformer and reactor Microphone stands Microwave accessories, except test. Panels Plugs and jacks, except telephone Power supplies, electron tube type Power supplies, metallic rectifier type Power supplies, vibrator type Rack, cabinet, elctronic equipment Radio hardware, n.e.c Recording and reproducing (pickup) heads, disk Relay racks Shield cans, coil and transformer Shields, electron tube Sockets, electron tube Styli, cutting, jeweled point Terminal clamps and fittings, electron tube Vibrators, electronic power applications Water jackets, electron tube Wave guides and fittings Windows, microwave Wire harness, electronic equipment 369100 STORAGE BATTERIES ELEC Storage batteries, SLI type Batteries, storage, aircraft Batteries, storage, heavy duty transport, except marine Batteries, storage, marine, except submarine Batteries, storage, passenger-car type Storage batteries, except SLI type Batteries, storage, communication Batteries, storage, emergency lighting Batteries, storage, farm lighting Batteries, storage, industrial truck Batteries, storage, locomotive Batteries, storage, radio Batteries, storage, railroad signaling Batteries, storage, telephone and telegraph Battery parts storage 369201 PRIMARY BATTERIES, DRY CELL Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, medium Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, penlight Batteries, dry cell, flashlight, standard Batteries, dry cell, general purpose, 1.5 volt Batteries, dry cell, hearing aid, A and B Batteries dry cell, railroad lantern type Batteries, farm radio A, B, and C, dry cell Batteries, parts and supplies, primary Batteries, portable radio A, B, and C, dry cell 369202 PRIMARY BATTERIES, WET CELL.. Batteries, wet cell, primary 369301 X-RAY EQUIPMENT AND X-RAY TUBES. CDGS ELEC SITE Gamma-ray radiographic equipment X-ray accessories X-ray component assemblies X-ray components, except tubes X-ray rectifying, valves X-ray tubes, except rectifying valves X-ray units 369302 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC APPARATUS AND ELECTRO-MEDICAL TREAT- MENT APPARATUS SITE Electrocardiograph Electrodiathermic apparatus Encephalograph Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 369401 VEHICULAR SWITCHES AND INTER- NAL COMBUSTION ENGINE ELEC- TRICAL EQUIPMENT AUTO Armatures, battery charging generator, engine mounted Armatures, cranking motor, engine mounted Brushes, battery charging generator, engine mounted Brushes, cranking motor, engine mounted Coils, field, battery charging generator, engine mounted Coils, field, cranking motor Coils, ignition, internal combustion engine, except aircraft Condensers, ignition distributor Contact arms breaker point, ignition distrib- utor Contact supports breaker point, ignition dis- tributor Distribution heads, ignition Distributors, internal combustion engine, over 750 r.p.m., except aircraft Generators, battery charging, aircraft mili- tary, engine mounted Generators, battery charging, commercial air- craft, engine mounted Generators, battery charging, farm tractor type, engine mounted Generators, battery charging, heavy duty auto- motive, engine mounted Generators, battery charging, light automo- tive, engine mounted Generators, battery charging, personal plane, engine mounted Generators, electric, aircraft Housings, drive end, cranking motor Magnetos, ignition, commercial aircraft Magnetos, ignition, farm tractor Magnetos, ignition, military aircraft Magnetos, ignition, personal plane Motors, cranking, commercial aircraft Motors, cranking, farm tractor Motors, cranking, heavy duty automotive Motors, cranking, light automotive Motors, cranking, military aircraft Motors, cranking, personal plane Regulators, battery charging generator, auto- motive, engine mounted Rotors, ignition distributor Spark plugs, aircraft, civilian Spark plugs, automotive Starters, electric, aircraft Switches, aircraft, civilian Switches, automotive Switches, vehicle, except automotive and air- craft 369402 369921 369922 371301 AIRCRAFT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, N.E.C AUTO LAMP BULB COMPONENTS CDGS Electrodes, cold cathode, fluorescent lamp Lamp bases, electric Lamp components, electric, except bulb blanks ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS, N.E.C CDGS Lighting outfits, Christmas tree TRUCK AND BUS BODIES, CIVILIAN.. AUTO Ambulance bodies, automotive Bodies, motortruck Bus bodies, automotive Dump bodies, automotive, civilian Fire department truck bodies Hearse bodies, motor vehicle Street cleaning truck bodies Tank bodies, automotive, civilian Undertakers' wagon bodies, motor vehicle 371500 TRUCK TRAILERS AND CHASSIS, CIVIL- IAN AUTO Petroleum trucks, trailer Trailer chassis, truck, civilian Trailers, low bed, heavy hauler over 15-ton capacity 513494' -60- OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class' BDSA Code Product Division 371500 TRUCK TRAILERS AND CHASSIS, CI- VILIAN— Continued AUTO Trailers, platform, cattle and stake rack Trailers, platform, grain body Trailers, pole and logging, single axle Trailers, tanks, except petroleum Trailers, truck, dump Trailers, truck, petroleum Trailers, van, closed top Trailers, van, furniture Trailers, van, insulated and refrigerated Trailers, van, open top 371701 TRUCKS, TRUCK TRACTORS AND CHASSIS, EXCEPT OFF-HIGHWAY, CIVILIAN AUTO Ambulances, automotive Fire department vehicles Hearses, automotive Streetcleaning trucks Truck tractors and truck chassis Trucks, n.e.c. Undertakers' wagon, motor vehicle 371710 PASSENGER CARS AND CHASSIS AUTO Automobile chassis, passenger Cars, passenger, automobile 371730 MOTOR COACHES, EXCEPT TROLLEY. AUTO 371761 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES AUTO 371762 PARTS (AND ASSEMBLIES) FOR MO- TOR VEHICLES EXCEPT REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT (CONFINED TO THE FOLLOWING) AUTO Axle assemblies, except passenger, civilian type Axle, third attachments, tandem bogie, civilian Brake assemblies, automotive Filters, oil, gas and air Fuel pumps, internal combustion engine, over 750 revolutions per minute, except aircraft Wheel assemblies, including rims, civilian 371763 ACCESSORIES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAILERS (not installed as original equipment at the factory) AUTO 371764 AUTOMOTIVE AUXILIARY COMPO- NENTS (not installed as original equip- ment at the factory) AUTO Ash receivers, automotive, metal Condensers, radiator overflow, internal com- bustion engine Controls and equipment, automotive, for handicapped persons Couplings, truck trailer Defrosters, automotive windshield Fender flaps, automotive Frame extensions, motor truck Fuel tanks, auxiliary, automotive Glare shields, automotive windshield Guards, bumper, automotive, except decora- tive Guards, grille, fender, and truck, except decorative Heaters, automotive Hill holders, automotive Motor heaters, automotive Pedal extensions, automotive Sanders, traction, automotive Screens, insect, automobile radiator Signals, directional, automotive Signals, hand brake, automotive Signals, stop, automotive Washers, automotive windshield Winter fronts, automotive Wiring junctions and fuse blocks, automotive 371765 VALVES, PNEUMATIC EQUIPMENT— RUBR Valves, lifesaving equipment Valves, tire and tube 372101 AIRCRAFT, CIVILIAN. .._ AIRC Aircraft, commercial Aircraft, personal type, except helicopters and gliders Helicopters, personal type Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 372141 AIRCRAFT MODIFICATIONS, CONVER- SIONS, REPAIR AND OVERHAULING, CIVILIAN AIRC 372203 AIRCRAFT ENGINES AND REPAIR PARTS, EXCEPT MILITARY AIRC 372301 AIRCRAFT PROPELLERS AND PARTS, EXCEPT MILITARY AIRC 372911 AIRCRAFT PARTS, N.E.C, EXCEPT MIL- ITARY (EXCLUDING AIRFRAMES AND PROPELLER AND ENGINE PARTS) AIRC Accumulators, hydraulic, aircraft Actuators (cylinder assemblies), linear motion, hydraulic, aircraft Actuators (cylinder assemblies), linear motion, pneumatic, aircraft Actuators, linear motion, electric, aircraft Brake deboosters, aircraft Brakes, aircraft Conduit, electric, braided metallic, aircraft Coolers, oil and air, aircraft Dampeners, shimmy Dampeners, yaw Detector, direction, airstream, aircraft Filters, engine, air, aircraft Filters, engine fuel, special aircorps design Heat exchangers, aircraft Heaters, aircraft, airborne Instruments, indicating, electric, synchrono- mous, aircraft Inverters, electric, aircraft Landing gear struts and assemblies Pumps, accumulators, and assemblies, hy- draulic, special aircraft Pumps and assemblies, fuel, aircraft Pumps and assemblies, vacuum, aircraft Regulators, oxygen, respiration, aircraft Towing equipment, airborne, aircraft Valves, control, hydraulic and pneumatic, aircraft Wheels, aircraft 373001 SHIP AND BOAT PARTS AND COMPO- NENTS, EXCEPT SPECIAL MILITARY DESIGN SHIP Airports, ship ventilators Anchors, civilian type Bollards and bits Booms, ship Cleats, horn, heavy, marine Davits Deck fittings, heavy, marine Doors, nonwatertight, marine Doors, watertight, marine, civilian Gangways, metal Guns, line-throwing Hatch covers, metal Ladders, ships Life rafts, civilian Line-throwing guns Propellers, marine, civilian Rudder assemblies, civilian Rudder bearers, civilian Rudder pintles and bushings, civilian Steering gear, engines, civilian Towing machinery, marine Valves, scupper, marine Ship parts, n.e.c. 373112 NONPROPELLED SHIPS, EXCEPT SPE- CIAL MILITARY DESIGN SHIP Barges, car float, nonpropelled, civilian Barges, covered cargo, nonpropelled, civilian Barges, deck, nonpropelled, civilian Barges, derrick, nonpropelled Barges, hopper, nonpropelled, civilian Barges, offshore oil well drilling Barges, tank, nonpropelled, civilian Dredges, nonpropelled, civilian Platforms, offshore oil well drilling Scows, nonpropelled, civilian OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST BDSA Product Division SELF-PROPELLED SHIPS, EXCEPT SPE- CIAL MILITARY DESIGN.. SHIP Cargo ships, bulk except oceangoing Cargo ships, refrigerated except oceangoing Dredges, self-propelled, civilian Excursion boats, self-propelled, civilian Ferries, railroad car, self-propelled, civilian Fire boats, civilian Fishing boats, self-propelled, civilian Fishing trawlers, self-propelled, civilian Harbor patrol craft, self-propelled, civilian Lighters, self-propelled, civilian Passenger-auto ferry boats, civilian Passenger-cargo ships, except oceangoing Passenger ships, except oceangoing Scows, self-propelled, civilian Tankers, except oceangoing Towboats, civilian Tug boats, civilian Yachts, self-propelled, civilian SHIP REPAIR, CIVILIAN SHIP BOATS, EXCEPT SPECIAL MILITARY DESIGN SHIP Canoes, civilian Dinghies, civilian Dories, civilian Lifeboats, civilian Motorboats, inboard, civilian Rowboats, civilian Sailboats, fixed auxiliary power, civilian Sailboats, nonfixed auxiliary power, civilian BOAT REPAIR, CIVILIAN BOATS SHIP LOCOMOTIVES, UNDERGROUND MINE AND REPAIR PARTS MMEQ Locomotives, cable reel underground mine Locomotives, diesel-electric underground mine Locomotives, diesel-mechanical underground mine Locomotives, storage battery underground mine Locomotives, trolley underground mine Locomotives, underground mine, n.e.c. LOCOMOTIVES, RAILROAD, OVER THE ROAD RAIL Locomotives, diesel-electric, railroad switching service Locomotives, diesel-electric, units, road serv- ice Locomotives, straight electric, railroad service Locomotives, straight electric, railroad switch- ing service Locomotives, gas turbine, railroad service Locomotives, steam turbine, railroad service Locomotives, steam, except turbine, railroad service LOCOMOTIVES, INDUSTRIAL RAIL Locomotives, diesel-mechanical, industrial Locomotives, diesel-mechanical, mining surface Locomotives, gasoline-mechanical, industrial Locomotives, gasoline-mechanical, mining sur- face Locomotives, diesel-electric, industrial Locomotives, diesel-electric, mining surface Locomotives, straight-electric, industrial Locomotives, straight-electric, mining surface LOCOMOTIVE PARTS, EXCEPT UNDER- GROUND MINE RAIL Brakes, air, locomotive, except brake shoes Heat equipment, steam, railroad locomotive Locomotive repair parts Lubrication systems, locomotive Stokers, locomotive Superheaters, locomotive PASSENGER TRAIN CARS, NEW RAIL Cars, baggage and express, passenger train Cars, club, passenger train Cars, coach combination, passenger train Cars, coach, passenger train Cars, dining, passenger train Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 374210 PASSENGER TRAIN CARS, NEW— Con. RAIL Cars, express refrigeration, passenger train Cars, lounge, passenger train Cars, milk, passenger train Cars, observation, passenger train Cars, parlor, passenger train Cars, postal, passenger train Cars, self-propelled, passenger train Cars, sleeping combination, passenger train Cars, sleeping, passenger train 374220 FREIGHT TRAIN CARS, NEW RAIL Box cars, freight train Caboose cars, freight train Cars, dump, freight train Cars, flanged wheel rail, industrial, not for passenger use Cars, hot metal Flat cars, freight train Gondola cars, freight train Hopper cars, freight train Refrigerator cars, freight train Stock cars, freight train Tank cars, freight train 374231 STREET, RAPID TRANSIT, AND INTER- URBAN CARS RAIL Cars, interurban, electric Cars, street railway Coaches, trolley, trackless Streetcars, railway Subway cars, electric Trail cars 374232 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR RAIL- ROAD STREET, AND RAPID TRANSIT CARS, AND TROLLEY COACHES RAIL Beams, brake, railroad car Brake equipment, air, railroad Brakes, hand, railroad car Car ends, railroad, steel Car roofs, railroad, steel Car sides, railroad, steel Connections, flexible metallic air, railroad car Connections, flexible metallic steam, railroad car Couplers, railroad car Doors, railroad cars, steel Freight train repair parts Passenger train repair parts Railroad car repair parts Running boards, railroad car Snubbers, truck spring, railroad car Streetcar repair parts Trackless trolley coach repair parts Trolley fixtures, railroad Trolley fixtures, trackless trolley coaches 375100 MOTORCYCLES, PARTS BICYCLES, AND Bicycles and parts Motorbikes and parts Motorcycles and parts Motorscooters and parts Side cars, motorcycle CDGS BLDG 379100 MOBILE HOMES House trailers Trailer coaches, housing type 379911 AUTOMOBILE TRAILERS, EXCEPT MOBILE HOMES AUTO Trailers, passenger car, except house trailers 379921 FARM WAGONS, AND OTHER FARM TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, NOT MOTOR POWERED AGRI Attachments for farm transportation equip- ment (not motor) Boxes and racks, farm trailer Boxes and racks, farm truck (not motor) Boxes and racks, farm wagon Buggies and spring wagons, farm, horse drawn Gears, farm trailer Gears, farm truck, less box (not motor) OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 379921 FARM WAGONS, AND OTHER FARM TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, NOT MOTOR POWERED— Continued AGRI Gears, wagon, less box, horse drawn Sleighs and bob-sleds, farm Sulkies, farm Trailers, farm Trucks, farm (not motor) Trucks, tobacco (not motor) Wagon dump Wagon and manure spreader unloaders Wagons, carts, sleds and water cart, cane Wagons, farm, horse drawn 379922 WHEELBARROWS AND PUSH CARTS... CDGS Carts, grocery store Carts, hand Carts, janitor Carts, push Carts, shopping Wheelbarrows 381110 SELECTED AIRCRAFT FLIGHT IN- STRUMENTS SITE Altimeters, barometric aircraft Compasses, aircraft Flight control systems, automatic aircraft Indicators, airspeed and mach, aircraft Indicators, rate of climb, aircraft Indicators, turn and bank, aircraft Instruments, Bourdon, aircraft Instruments, gyro, aircraft Pilots, automatic, aircraft Sextants, periscope, aircraft 381121 PROFESSIONAL FURNITURE, N.E.C SITE Laboratory cabinets and cases Laboratory fume hoods Laboratory instructors' tables Laboratory sinks Laboratory students' tables Laboratory tables 381122 LABORATORY BALANCES SITE Precision balance accessories, laboratory Precision balance weights, laboratory Precision laboratory balances 381123 NAVIGATION INSTRUMENTS, EXCEPT AIRCRAFT SITE Altimeters, barometric except aircraft Celestial compasses, except aircraft Drift indicators, except aircraft Goniometers Gyro compasses, except aircraft G3T0 repeaters, except aircraft Gyropilots, except aircraft Gyroscopes, except aircraft Log, underwater instruments, except military design Magnetic compasses, except aircraft Nautical instruments, n.e.c Navigation instruments, nautical and aero- nautical Octants, except aircraft Sextants, except aircraft 381124 LABORATORY APPARATUS AND SCI- ENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, OTHER THAN OPTICAL SITE Anemometers Autoclaves, laboratory Bacteriological incubators Barographs and microbaragraphs Barometers Centrifuges, laboratory Constant temperature baths, laboratory Drying ovens Furnaces, laboratory, except dental BDSA Division SITE Product Class Code Product 381124 LABORATORY APPARATUS AND SCI- ENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, OTHER THAN OPTICAL— Continued Meteorological instruments, n.e.c, except optical Rain gages Seismographs, laboratory Spectrographs, mass Sterilizers, laboratory, hot air 381125 SURVEYING AND DRAFTING INSTRU- MENTS SITE Alidades Chains, surveyors' Clinometers Drafting instruments Drawing instruments Integraters — engineering instruments Levels, surveyors' Magnetometers Pantograph Photo-angulators Planimeters Radial line plotters Sketch masters Slide rules Specialized photogrammetric instruments, ex- cept cameras Stereo-comparagraphs Stereo-plotters Surveying instruments Tapes, precision measuring Theodolites Transits 382111 AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS, EXCEPT FLIGHT SITE Gauge, fuel, capacitor type, aircraft Instruments, temperature indicating, electric, aircraft Tachometers, electric, aircraft 382120 INTEGRATING METERS, NONELEC- TRICAL TYPE SITE Gas meters Gasoline dispensing meters Meters, liquid, except gas and water Parking meters Taximeters Water meters 382130 INDUSTRIAL PROCESS INSTRUMENTS. SITE Abrasion testing instruments Bi-metallic elements Combination recorder-controller Combustion recorder-controller Flow instruments, industrial process Flow recorder-controller systems Gages, pressure Gages, vacuum Indicators, tank level Inspection equipment, physical property Liquid level indicators Pressure instruments, industrial process Pyrometers Temperature instruments, except thermome- ters Tensiometers Testing equipment, hardness Testing instruments, material strength Testing instruments, physical property Testing instruments, wear Thermometers clinical Thermometers, household Thermometers, industrial Thermometers, laboratory Thermostats Torsion meters Vacuum instruments, industrial process Viscosimeters 382140 MOTOR-VEHICLE INSTRUMENTS, EX- CEPT ELECTRIC AUTO Fuel level- indication instruments, automotive Motor vehicle instruments, except speedome- ters OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code Product 382140 MOTOR-VEHICLE INSTRUMENTS, EX- CEPT ELECTRIC— Continued Oil pressure indicating instruments, automo- tive Speedometer, automotive 382161 RADIATION DETECTION DEVICES Geiger counters Nuclear readiation detection devices Scalers, laboratory- Scintillation counters 382162 MECHANICAL MEASURING INSTRU- MENTS, N.E.C Dynamometers Tachometers, except aircraft » 382200 AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CON- TROLS, DOMESTIC Air-conditioning controls, electric Heating controls, electric Refrigeration controls, automatic, electric 383101 PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES BDSA Division AUTO T*5 SITE SITE SITE MOTP Lenses, photographic Lenses, projection Prisms, photographic Prisms, projection 383102 OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS SITE Binoculars, all types Colorimeters Contour projectors Field glasses, nonprismatic Field glasses, prismatic Filters, special finished optics, unmounted Flats, special finished optics, unmounted Lenses, special finished optics, unmounted Magnifiers, industrial, crime detecting and cartographic Metallographic equipment Microprojectors Microscopes Opera glasses, all types Optical measuring instruments Photomicrographic equipment Polariscopes Prisms, special finished optics, unmounted Reflectors and mirrors, special finished optics, unmounted Refractometers Special finished optics, unmounted Spectrographs Spectrometers Spectrophotometers Telescopes, celestial Telescopes, terrestrial 384101 SURGICAL AND MEDICAL INSTRU- MENTS SITE Adenotomes Airways Anoscopes Blade handles, operating knife Blades, operating knife Bows, bone extension Bows, bone traction Bronchoscopes Chisels, surgical Clamps, towel, surgical Crushers, spur, colostomy Curettes Cystoscopes Dilators, surgical Directors, surgical Drills, bone Electrodes, fulguration, flexible, cystoscopic Elevators, surgical Esophagoscopes Forceps, surgical Gastroscopes Gouges, bone Hammers, percussion, surgical Handles, saw, Gigli Holders, needle, surgical Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 384101 SURGICAL AND MEDICAL INSTRU- MENTS SITE Hooks, surgical Keratomes, angular Knife handles, operating, surgical Knives, surgical Laryngoscopes Mallets, surgical Manometers Mirrors, surgical Mouth gags, surgical Needles, hypodermic, except dental Needles, surgical, n.e.c. Needles, suture Ophthalmoscopes Osteotomes Pelvimeters Probes, surgical Sigmoidoscopes Raspatories, elevator, rib, right and left Rasps, surgical Retinoscopes Retractors, general operating Saws, amputation Saws, plaster, surgical Saw wire, Gigli Scissors, bandage Scissors, dissecting and operating Scoops, surgical Screwdrivers, bone plate Shears, plaster cast Shears, rib cutting Snares, surgical Speculums Stethoscopes Syringes, hypodermic, except dental Telescopes, observation, surgical Tenaculums Trocars Tubes, surgical Veterinary instruments, n.e.c. Wire, bone traction Wire cutters, surgical Wire, tonsil, snare Wrenches, bone traction 384102 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIP- MENT AND SUPPLIES SITE Anesthesia apparatus Atomizers, medical Blood pressure apparatus Lights, operating room Metabolism apparatus Tables, operating Trays, instrument Urinals, invalid 384103 SURGICAL AND MEDICAL FURNI- TURE SITE Backrests, hospital Bassinets, hospital Beds, hospital Cabinets, hospital Carts, hospital, dressing and service Chairs, hospital Chests, hospital, field Commodes, hospital, chair type Desks, hospital Litters Racks, surgical utility Screens, hospital, bedside Stands, treatment, instrument Stools, anesthetists Tables, treatment and examination 384211 SURGICAL, ORTHOPEDIC, AND PROS- THETIC APPLIANCES AND SUP- PLIES SITE Arch supports Autoclaves, medical, surgical, and hospital Bandages and masks, heating Bone plates OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code BDSA Division Product 384211 SURGICAL, ORTHOPEDIC, AND PROS- THETIC APPLIANCES AND SUP- PLIES— Continued _ SITE Braces, orthopedic Canes, orthopedic Corsets, surgical Cosmetic restorations Crutches Foot appliances Foundation garments, surgical Heels, walking, cast Incubators, hospital Invalid walkers Iron lungs Nails, hip fracture, fixation Orthopedic appliances, n.e.c. Pins, bone extension Prosthetic limbs Respirators, hospital Resuscitators Screws, bone Splints, surgical Sterilizers, hospital Stockings, elastic Supports, elastic, orthopedic Suspensories Sutures, surgical Torso models Trays, instrument Trusses, orthopedic Vaporizers Wheelchairs 384230 PERSONAL SAFETY DEVICES SITE Diving suits First-aid kits Helmets and shields, welding Helmets, diving Hoods, personal safety Lamps, mine safety Life vests and jackets Machinery guards, point of operation Masks, dust Masks, gas, civilian Oxygen breathing apparatus, except hospital Pressure suits, aviation Protective clothing, asbestos Respirators, except hospital Safety belts, except aircraft Safety devices, personal, n.e.c. Safety harness, except aircraft Safety hats, industrial Safety helmets, industrial Screens, arc welding Shoes, diving Snake-bite outfits Vests, bullet-proof 384240 ELECTRICAL HEARING AIDS. SITE 384300 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES SITE Abrasive discs, dental Abrasive points, dental Abrasive wheels, dental Air abrasive machines, dental Articulators, dental Benches, dental Blow pipes, dental Broaches, dental Burs, dental Cabinets, dental Casting machines, dental Cement, dental Chairs, dental Consumable supplies, dental Cutting instruments, dental Dental alloys Denture materials Drills, dental Engines, dental Flasks, dental Forceps, dental Furnaces, dental Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 384300 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES— Continued SITE Fusing alloys, low, dental Gypsum products, dental Hand instruments, dental Hypodermic needles, dental Hypodermic syringes, dental Impression materials, dental Impression trays, dental Investments, dental Laboratory equipment, dental Lathes, dental Lights, dental Metals, dental Mirrors, dental Office equipment, dental Orthodontic appliances Plasters, dental Pliers, dental Polishing units, dental Presses, dental Saliva ejectors, dental Sterilizers, dental Stones, dental Stools, dental Teeth, porcelain Teeth, resinous Tool accessories, dental Units, dental Waxes, dental 385100 OPHTHALMIC GOODS AND INSTRU- MENTS SITE Artificial eyes Cases, ophthalmic Edging machines, rimless, optical machinery Frames, ophthalmic, metal Frames, ophthalmic, nonmetal Goggles, industrial Goggles, pilot Lensometers Lenses, ophthalmic Orthoptic instruments Rim stretchers, optical machinery Sun glasses 386101 PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MOTP Arc lamp fixtures, photographic reproduction Blueprinting equipment, including dryers Cameras, microfilming Cameras, process, photoengraving Cameras, process, photolithography Microfilming equipment Photocopying equipment Photostat equipment Portograph outfits Readers, microfilming Screens, halftone, photographic reproduction Van Dyke equipment, photographic White printing equipment, direct process Xerography equipment 386102 MOTION PICTURE THEATER; STU- DIO; LABORATORY AND STILL PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT MOTP Accessories, camera Adapters, motion picture Adapters, still picture Alarms, reel end Booms, camera Cameras, aerial, still and motion Cameras, high speed Cameras, motion picture, 8-mm. high speed above 64 frames per second Cameras, motion picture, 16-mm. Cameras, motion picture, 35-mm. civilian Cameras, photogrammetric Cameras, radar recording Cameras, still, hand type (except cameras listed in code 386103) Cameras, still, studio, used on tripod Cameras, still, view, used on tripod Cameras, all types of commercial, industrial, and scientific, n.e.c. OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 386102 MOTION PICTURE THEATER; STU- DIO; LABORATORY AND STILL PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT— Con._ MOTP Carbon savers and adapters, motion picture Cartridges, film Cases, film shipping Change over devices, motion picture Dark room equipment Developing equipment, motion picture film Developing equipment, still picture, including X-ray Dollies, camera Driers, motion picture film Driers, still picture film Editing machines Enlargers, still picture Fading devices, motion picture Film clips, motion picture Film clips, still picture Film developing equipment, motion picture Film driers Film holders, motion picture Film holders, still picture Film pack adapters, still picture Film racks, motion picture Film racks, still picture Film readers, motion picture Film readers, still picture Film storage cabinet, except 8-mm. Film viewers (except hand-held), still picture Film viewers, motion picture, 16- and 35-mm. Filters and holders, motion picture, 16- and 35-mm. Filters and holders, photographic, still picture (designed only for cameras listed above) Lamphouses, arc, motion picture projection, 35-mm. Large screen theater television systems Lens caps (designed only for cameras listed above) Lens caps except for 8-mm. cameras, 8-mm. projectors, 16-mm. silent projectors Magazines, film, motion picture, 35-mm. Meters, exposure, motion picture (except ex- tinction type) Meters, exposure, still picture (except extinc- tion type) Microflash units Pan heads, motion picture Pedestal bases, motion picture, 16-mm. Pedestal bases, motion picture, 35-mm. Perforating equipment, film Photofinishing machines Photographic flash units (designed only for cameras listed above) Photographic lighting equipment, motion picture Photographic lighting equipment, still picture Photography equipment, motion picture, n.e.c. Photography equipment, still picture, n.e.c. Plate holders, photographic, still Preview machines Print rollers, motion picture Print rollers, still picture Printers, still picture and motion picture Printing equipment, motion picture film Projector magazines, motion picture, 35-mm. Projector pedestal base, still picture Projectors, lantern Projectors, motion picture, silent 16-mm. with projection lamps over 500 watts (including all designed for time and motion study) Projectors, motion picture, sound 16-mm. civilian and military Projectors, motion picture, sound, portable 35-mm. Projectors, slide, for up to 2%" x 2%" slides only, with projection lamps of over 200 watts Projectors, standard motion picture, 35-mm. Projectors, still picture Projectors, strip film or strip film and slide combination , Range finders, cameras, motion picture Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 386102 MOTION PICTURE THEATER; STU- DIO; LABORATORY AND STILL PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT— Con.. MOTP Range finders, cameras, still picture Reels, 16-mm. film Reels, motion picture, 35-mm Reflex finders, motion picture Reflex finders, still picture Rewinders, film, hand and automatic, motion picture, 16-mm. or 8-mm. and 16-mm. com- bination Rewinders, film, hand and automatic, motion picture, 35-mm Safety control devices, motion picture Screens, projection, motion picture, laced to rigid frame Screens, projection, portable or roller tvpe, over 30" x 40" Slide storage cabinet, for over 2J4" x 2J4" slides Sound recording equipment, motion picture Sound reproducing equipment, motion picture, 35-mm Splicers, motion picture film, 16-mm or 8- and 16-mm combination, or 16- and 35-mm combination Splicers, motion picture film, 35-mm only Spools, film Synchronizers, photographic, motion picture Synchronizers, photographic, still picture Tanks, photographic developing, motion pic- ture film Tanks, photographic developing, still picture film Theater TV equipment, intermediate film type Titlers, motion picture, 16- and 35-mm Titlers, photographic, still picture Tripods and stands, motion picture Tripods and stands, photographic, still picture Washers, photographic developing, still picture 386103 MOTION PICTURE AND STILL PIC- TURE EQUIPMENT (PERSONAL USE) MOTP Cameras, motion picture, 8-mm (except high speed above 64 frames per second) Cameras, still, for roll film, with focusing lens of f6.3 or slower speed Cameras, still, hand type, box, folding and miniature type, fixed focus and two point focusing Cameras, still, hand type, reflex type, fixed focus Film storage cabinets, 8-mm only Film viewers, hand held, for still picture slides and transparencies Film viewers, motion picture, 8-mm only Filters and holders, motion picture, 8-mm? Filters and holders, photographic, still pic- ture, specifically designed only for cameras listed above Lens caps specifically designed for 8-mm cameras, 8-mm projectors, 16-mm silent projectors Lens caps specifically designed only for cameras listed above Meters, exposure, motion picture, extinction type Meters, exposure, still picture, extinction type Photographic flash units specifically designed only for cameras listed above Projector tables and stands specifically de- signed for home use with 8- and 16-mm. silent projectors Projectors, motion picture, 8-mm Projectors, motion picture, silent, 16-mm. with projection lamps up to 500 watts (except specifically designed for time and motion studies) Projectors, slide, for up to and including 2Yi" x 2 l /i" slides only, with projection lamps of 200 watts or less OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code Product 386103 MOTION PICTURE AND STILL PIC- TURE EQUIPMENT (PERSONAL USE)— Continued Reels and cans, 8-mm with capacity of over 50 feet Rewinders, film, hand, motion picture, 8-mm only Screens, projection, portable or roller type, up to and including 30" x 40" Slide binders, up to and including 2%" x 2Vi" Slide storage cabinet, for up to and including 2%" x 2%" slides Splicers, motion picture film, 8-mm. only Titlers, photographic, motion picture, 8-mm. only 387100 WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND PARTS, EX- CEPT WATCHCASES BDSA Division MOTP SITE Chronographs Chronometers Clock cases Clock repair parts except crystals Clocks, aircraft Clocks, automobile Clocks, civil date Clocks, commercial Clocks, 8-day Clocks, elapsed-time Clocks, electric Clocks, household Clocks, industrial Clocks, jeweled Clocks, magnetic Clocks, marine Clocks, non jeweled Clocks, spring driven Jeweled bearings Timers, electric Timers, spring driven Timing mechanisms, electric Timing mechanisms, spring driven Watch repair parts, except crystals Watches, jeweled lever, civilian type, pocket Watches, jeweled lever, civilian type wrist Watches, jeweled lever, decimal timers and stop watches Watches, jeweled lever, medical Watches, jeweled lever, navigation Watches, jeweled lever, railroad Watches, pocket, pin lever Watches, wrist, pin lever 387200 WATCHCASES Watchcase parts, back Watchcase parts, bezel Watchcases and watchcase parts Watchcases, base metal Watchcases, karat gold or precious metal throughout Watchcases, plastic Watchcases, precious metal electroplated over base metal Watchcases, precious metal mechanically ap- plied over base metal 391100 JEWELRY MADE OF PRECIOUS METAL Emblems, precious metal 391200 JEWELERS' FINDINGS AND MATE- RIALS Jewelers' findings Machine chain, jewelers' findings Ring blanks, jewelers' findings Spring rings, jewelers' findings Stock shop products — flat stocks, wire, and tubing 391410 SILVERWARE, HOLLOW WARE, AND PLATED WARE Baby goods, electrosilver plated Hollow ware, electrosilver plated Hollow ware, except silver and plated Hollow ware, plated, except silver Novelties, electrosilver plated SITE CDGS CDGS CDGS Product Class Code 391410 BDSA Division 393110 393120 393130 393140 Product SILVERWARE, HOLLOW WARE, AND PLATED WARE— Continued CDGS Toiletware, electrosilver plated Trophies, electrosilver plated 391420 FLATWARE, COMMERCIAL, AND DO- MESTIC CDGS Flatware, commercial patterns, electrosilver plated Flatware, commercial patterns, stainless steel Flatware, domestic Flatware, except commercial, stainless steel Flatware, hotel patterns, electrosilver plated Flatware, sterling silver PIANOS CDGS Pianos, grand Pianos — verticals, uprights, or consoles ORGANS CDGS Organs, electronic Organs, pipe Organs, reed PIANO AND ORGAN PARTS CDGS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND PARTS, EXCEPT PIANOS AND ORGANS CDGS Concertinas and parts Drums and parts Flutes and parts Guitars and parts Harps and parts Mouthpieces, musical instruments Reeds Saxophones Musical instruments, except pianos and organs, n.e.c. 394100 GAMES AND TOYS, EXCEPT DOLLS AND CHILDREN'S VEHICLES CDGS Airplanes, toy, model construction Carriages, doll Carts, doll Checker games Chess games Construction sets, toy, model Model sets, toy, construction Ships, toy, model construction Toy sets, structural Toys, mechanical, except trains Trains, toy, mechanical and electrical Trains, toy, model construction 394200 DOLLS AND STUFFED TOY ANIMALS- CDGS Doll clothes and doll repair parts Dolls, except rubber Dolls, rubber Stuffed toy animals 394301 BABY CARRIAGES, WALKERS, AND STROLLERS CDGS Baby carriages Baby walkers Strollers, baby 394302 CHILDREN'S VEHICLES AND PARTS, EXCEPT BICYCLES CDGS Automobiles, children's Cycles, sidewalk, children's Scooters — children's vehicles Sleds Tricycles Vehicle repair parts, children's Wagons, children's 394910 FISHING TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT.. CDGS Baits, artificial, fishing Bombs, harpoon, whaling Buckets, fishing bait Creels, fish Dredges, shellfish Flies, fishing Floats, fishing net, metal Harpoons Hooks, fishing Hooks, gaff Leaders, fishing OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST I Product k Class " Code BDSA Division Product 394910 FISHING TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT— Continued CDGS Nets, sports fishing Reels and rods, fishing Scoops, crab and fish Scrapes, shellfish Snelled hooks Spears, fishing Spoons, trolling Traps, crab Trawls, beam 1394920 SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOODS, EXCEPT FISHING TACKLE CDGS Archery equipment Bags, caddy- Billiard table playing supplies Bobsleds Bowling alley pins Bowling alley playing supplies Bowling alleys Bowling balls Boxing goods Caddy bags Golf clubs Gymnasium equipment Hockey goods Playground equipment Shafts, golf club Shoes, snow Skates, ice, figure Skates, ice, tubular Skates, roller, rink Skates, roller, sidewalk Ski equipment Skis Sleighs Snow shoes Sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c. Sports equipment, winter Squash sporting goods Table tennis goods Tables, billiard Tables, pool 395100 PENS, MECHANICAL PENCILS, AND PEN POINTS CDGS Ball-point pen parts Ink cartridges for ball-point pens Pen parts Pen points, fountain pen or desk pen Pen points, ordinary penholder Pen sets, desk, fountain and ball-point type Pen sets, desk, inkwell reservoir type Pencil parts, mechanical Pencils, mechanical Penholders Pens, ball-point Pens, fountain, except ball-point 395210 LEAD PENCILS AND CRAYONS CDGS Crayons Pencils, nonmechanical, black lead Pencils, nonmechanical, except black lead 395220 ARTISTS' MATERIALS CDGS 395300 MARKING DEVICES, HAND STAMPS, STENCILS, AND BRANDS. SERV Branding irons, marking Dies, marking, metal Marking devices, n.e.c. Pads, stamping and inking Seals, hand, metal Stamp pads Stamps, metal Stamps, rubber Stencil marking devices 395500 INKED RIBBONS, CARBON PAPER AND STENCIL PAPER SERV Product Class Code 396100 396300 396410 396421 396422 396423 398101 BDSA Product Division COSTUME JEWELRY AND NOVEL- TIES, EXCEPT PRECIOUS METAL CDGS Emblems and insignia, costume jewelry, base metal, civilian Jewelry, base metal, men's, except watch attachment Jewelry, base metal, women's and children's, except watch attachments Jewelry, nonmetallic Jewelry, school, civilian, and fraternal base metal Novelties, costume, base metal, women's and children's Novelties, costume, nonmetallic Pearls, imitation Ring mountings, costume jewelry, base metal Rings, costume jewelry, base metal Watch attachments, base metal BUTTONS AND PARTS CDGS ZIPPERS AND SLIDE FASTENERS CDGS INDUSTRIAL KNITTING AND SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES GIEQ APPAREL FASTENERS CDGS Buckles, apparel, except metal Buckles, apparel, metal, except costume jewelry Buckles, apparel plastic Eyelets, apparel, metal Fasteners, snap, except sew-on type Hooks and eyes, apparel fasteners Pins, safety Pins, toilet and common Snap fasteners, sew-on Tape, hook and eye Tape, snap fastener HOUSEHOLD NEEDLES, HAIRPINS, AND SIMILAR NOTIONS, N.E.C CDGS Curlers, hair, except beauty parlor Hairpins, plastic Hatpins Needles, crocheting Needles, darning Needles, except knitting and sewing machine Needles, hand knitting Needles, hand sewing Pins, except safety, toilet or metal hairpins Pins, hair, metal, bobby type Pins, hair, metal, except bobby type Pins, glass head BROOMS AND BRUSHES, EXCEPT POWER DRIVEN CDGS Brooms, broomcorn, except household floor Brooms, hearth, broomcorn Brooms, household floor, broomcorn Brooms, household floor, except broomcorn Brooms, stable, broomcorn Brooms, stable, except broomcorn Brooms, street, broomcorn Brooms, street sweeping machine, broomcorn Brooms, toy, except broomcorn Brooms, toy, broomcorn Brooms, whisk, except broomcorn Brushes, artist Brushes, dusting, except twisted-in-wire Brushes, floor, except twisted-in-wire Brushes, maintenance, except twisted-in-wire Brushes, marking, except bristle Brushes, marking, pure bristle Brushes, marking, synthetic bristle Brushes, paint and marking brushes Brushes, paint, and varnish, except bristle Brushes, paint, and varnish pure bristle Brushes, paint, and varnish synthetic bristle Brushes, paperhanger, pure bristle Brushes, paperhanger, synthetic bristle Brushes, scrub Brushes, stenciling, except bristle Brushes, stenciling, pure bristle Brushes, stenciling, synthetic bristle Brushes, tooth OFFICIAL CLASS B PRODUCTS LIST Product Class Code 398101 398131 398300 398700 398801 399301 399321 399322 399500 BDSA Product Division BROOMS AND BRUSHES, EXCEPT POWER DRIVEN— Continued CDGS Brushes, twisted-in-wirc Brushes, window, except twisted-in-wire Brushes, n.e.c. Hair brushes Hair pencils Paint rollers Shaving brushes Toilet brushes, except tooth and shaving BRUSHES, POWER DRIVEN GIEQ Brushes, dentists', power driven Brushes, industrial, power driven Brushes, jewelers', power driven MATCHES LUMB LAMP SHADES, EXCEPT METAL AND GLASS CDGS MORTICIANS' GOODS, EXCEPT BURIAL GARMENTS CDGS Burial boxes, wooden, outer Burial vaults, metal Casket liners Casket shells, metal Caskets, boxes, vaults Caskets, metal-finished, trimmed and lined Caskets, metal-finished, trimmed and unlined Caskets, other than metal or wood Caskets, wood, cloth covered Caskets, wood, natural finish, lined Caskets, wood, natural finish, unlined Metal caskets and coffins, civilian Morticians' supplies, n.e.c. Tables, embalming Wood caskets and coffins SIGNS AND ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, N.E.C, EXCEPT PAPER SERV Facia signs, marquee Letter signs, attraction, marquee Novelties, advertising, except paper Signs, bulb Signs, luminous tubing Signs, nonelectric, metal, except porcelain enameled Signs, nonelectric, porcelain enameled Signs, screen processed, nonelectric, except metal ADVERTISING DISPLAYS PRIN Backbar displays, advertising Counter displays, advertising Lobby displays, advertising Poster and painted displays, outdoor advertis- ing Window displays, advertising STREET, ROAD, AND HIGHWAY MARKERS AND SIGNS SERV Markers, highway, nonelectric, metal except porcelain enameled Signs, highway, porcelain enameled, non- electric Signs, road, nonelectric, metal porcelain enameled Signs, road, porcelain enameled, nonelectric Signs, street, nonelectric, metal, except porce- lain enameled Signs, street, porcelain enameled, nonelectric UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS AND CANES.. CDGS Canes Canes, walking Parasols Umbrellas Product Class BDSA Code Product Division 399910 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ... SITE Fire engines, two-wheeled Fire extinguishers, fixed, except water sprin- klers Fire extinguishers, hand Fire extinguishing equipment, aircraft Fire extinguishing equipment, industrial Fire extinguishing equipment, marine Fire extinguishing equipment, parts, and at- tachments, n.e.c. 399920 AMUSEMENT COIN-OPERATED MA- CHINES SERV Amusement machines, bell-type, coin-operated Amusement machines, pin ball, coin-operated Amusement machines, skill games Amusement machines, strength testing Amusement, coin-operated machines, n.e.c. 399931 BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP EQUIP- MENT . SERV Chairs, hydraulic, barber and beauty shop Chairs, reclining, barber and beauty shop Cold wave, processing caps Cold waving, including wraps Cold waving rods Couch units, barber and beauty shop Curling rods, permanent waving Dresserettes, barber and beauty shop Hair clippers, human use Hair dryers, beauty shop, except hand dryers Lather mixers, barber shop Permanent waving curling rods Permanent waving heaters Permanent waving machines Permanent waving pads, machine, except solu- tions Permanent waving pads, machineless, except solutions Permanent waving protector clamps Permanent waving smoothing pins Permanent waving spacers Tables, manicure, wood and metal 399933 TOBACCO PIPES AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS CDGS Cigarette holders Tobacco pipes 399934 NAME PLATES, PANELS, AND IDENTI- FICATION TAGS— FERROUS AND NONFERROUS GCOM Name plates Panels, instrument, identification Plates, identification Tags, identification, except military personnel 399936 MISCELLANEOUS FABRICATED PROD- UCTS, N.E.C CDGS Atomizers, perfume Combs, metal Lighters, cigarette, except precious metal Pepper grinders, household Pipe cleaners Squeegees Tokens, coin metal substitute Fabricated products, n.e.c. 400000 SERVICE TRADES SERV 420000 RAILROAD EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICES RAIL 892100 RELIGIOUS GOODS, N.E.C CDGS 162100 SILOS AND PARTS AGRI SECTION III INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODEiS BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS This section arranges the BDSA industry divisions in alphabetical order. The product class codes assigned to each of the divisions are listed below in numerical sequence. However, for some divisions, code numbers are not given to permit grouping of product classes in broader terms in order to shorten the listing and to clarify the responsibilities of the division involved. AGRICULTURAL, CONSTRUCTION, MINING, AND OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT DIVISION Agricultural Machinery and Equipment — AGRI Product Class Code Description 162100 Silos and parts. 349802 Irrigation distribution equipment. 352001 Farm machinery and equipment, n.e.c. 352201 Repair parts, tractors, wheel type, under 100 belt hp., and garden type tractors. 352202 Plows and listers. 352203 Agricultural machinery repair parts. 352221 Tractors, wheel, under 100 belt hp. 352230 Planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery. 352241 Harrows, rollers, pulverizers, and stalk cutters. 352250 Harvesting machinery. 352260 Haying machinery 352281 Tractors, garden types, and motor tillers. 352282 Sprayers and dusters, agricultural. 352283 Dairy machinery and equipment, farm type. 352284 Cultivators and weeders. 352285 Machinery for preparing crops for market or for use. 352286 Poultry machinery and equipment. 352287 Elevators and blowers, farm type. 352288 Barn and barnyard equipment. 352289 Farm earth moving equipment, pulled or pushed, not self-propelled. 356130 Water supply equipment, farm, except irrigation. 379921 Farm wagons, and other transportation equipment, trucks, not motor powered. Construction Machinery and Equipment — CMEQ 353101 Locomotive cranes, derricks, whirleys, pile-drivers, and repair parts. 353102 Construction, excavating and maintenance machinery and equipment, units and attachments and repair parts, except tractor mounted. 353103 Off- highway haulage machinery and equipment, pri- marily designed for construction (all unlicensed because of weight or dimension) and repair parts. 353104 Miscellaneous construction, excavating, maintenance machinerv and equipment, n.e.c. 353105 Tractors, wheel: 1, 2, and 3 axle, 100 brake HP and larger, construction, contractors' off-highway models, and repair and replacement parts (bare tractors) . 353106 Tractors, tracklaying or crawler type, all sizes (bare tractors) . 353131 Tractors, tracklaying, repair and replacement parts only. 353142 Power cranes, shovels, draglines, pullshovels, backhoes, logloaders, crawler, walking, pedestal, wagon, truck, carrier, off-shore drill platform mounted, including hydraulic operated, and all types of front-end equip- ment and attachments. Product Class Code 353143 353160 353181 353191 353192 353193 Description Power cranes, shovels, draglines, pullshovels, repair and replacement parts only. Mixers, pavers, plants and related asphalt, concrete, bituminous, aggregates machinery and equipment, and repair and replacement parts. Cutting edges, end bits, grader blades for dozers, front- end loaders, shovel-loaders, motor graders, pulled type graders, maintainers, earthmoving scrapers. Portable crushers, pulverizers, hammermills, screening, washing plants, and repair parts. Construction, excavating and maintenance machinery and equipment, unit designed machinery, wheel and tracklaying tractor attachments, repair and replace- ment parts. Ditching and trenching machinery and equipment, and repair parts. Mining Machinery and Equipment — MMEQ 353211 Transportation equipment, accessories, and repair parts underground mine. 353212 Specialized mining machines, equipment, and repair parts. 353220 Stationary crushing, pulverizing and screening machinery and repair parts. 353231 Ore dressing and coal preparation equipment and repair parts, except crushing and screening machinery. 353232 Mining drills, accessories and repair parts. 353502 Conveyors, accessories, and repair parts, mine type. 353612 Specialized mine hoists, accessories, and repair parts. 355956 Smelting and refining machinery and repair parts. 374101 Locomotives, underground mine, and repair parts. Oil Field Machinery and Equipment — OFME 138100 344351 353301 353302 353303 353330 353341 353342 353343 Oil, gas, and water well drilling services only. Tanks, well head, oil field only. Subsurface well drilling equipment. Surface well drilling equipment. Exploration machinery and equipment. Oil and gas well machinery and equipment. Oil and gas well cementing, floating, guiding, and shoe equipment. Well servicing machinery and equipment, including gun perforating, acidizing, fracturing, drill stem testing and workover. Well survey machinery and equipment. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS ALUMINUM AND MAGNESIUM DIVISION— ALUM Product Class Code 333410 335211 335220 335230 335240 335250 335260 335710 335791 Description ALUMINUM Pig, ingot, billet and molten metal. Wire, bare, conductor and nonconductor. Sheet and plate. Plain aluminum foil. Rolled rod, bar and structural shapes. Extruded rod, bar, tube and shapes. Drawn and welded tube. Aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) and bare cable. Wire and cable, insulated or covered. Product Class Code 336102 339201 339912 349703 334161 335601 335602 336901 339202 339912 Castings. Forgings. Powder and paste. Foil, except plain. Description MAGNESIUM Pig, ingot, billet. Sheet and plate. Extruded rod, bar, tube and shapes. Castings. Forgings. Powder. AUTOMOTIVE AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT DIVISION Automotive Equipment — AUTO 342311 Mechanical jacks, except hydraulic. 342913 Motor vehicle hardware. 348132 Seat and back springs for motor vehicle. 349303 Springs, leaf, automotive, except locomotives. 351902 Internal combustion engines, except aircraft, over 750 r.p.m. 353401 Automobile lifts, service station type. 354841 Automotive maintenance equipment. 354842 Aircraft ground maintenance equipment. 356901 Hydraulic jacks. 359901 Carburetors, civilian type, except aircraft. 359902 Pistons (machined) and piston rings, all types. 361121 Automotive test equipment, electric. 364242 Incandescent vehicular lighting equipment. 369401 Vehicular switches and internal combustion engine electrical equipment. 369402 Aircraft electrical equipment, n.e.c. 371301 Truck and bus bodies, civilian. 371302 Truck bodies, military. 371500 Truck trailers and chassis, civilian. 371701 Trucks, truck tractors, and chassis, except off-highway, civilian. 371710 Passenger cars and chassis. 371730 Motor coaches, except trolley. 371740 Combat vehicles (wheeled tactical vehicles or carriers). 371761 Repair and replacement parts for motor vehicles. 371762 Parts and assemblies, motor vehicles (other than repair). 371763 Accessories for motor vehicles and trailers (not installed as original equipment at factory). 371764 Automotive auxiliary components (not installed as original equipment at factory). 379911 Automobile trailers, except mobile homes. 382140 Motor-vehicle instruments, except electric. Aircraft— AIRC 372101 Aircraft, civilian. 372110 Aircraft, man-carrying, military. 372141 Aircraft modifications, conversions, repair and overhaul- ing, civilian. 372142 Aircraft modification and conversion, military. 372201 Fuel injection systems, aircraft. 372202 Aircraft engines and parts, military. 372203 Aircraft engines and repair parts, except military. 372301 Aircraft propellers and parts, except military. 372302 Aircraft propellers and parts, military. 372911 Aircraft parts n.e.c, except military (excluding airframes and propeller and engine parts) 372912 Airframes (military and nonmilitary) and military aircraft parts, n.e.c. (excluding propeller and engine parts) . Ordnance— ORDN 191100 Guns, howitzers, mortars, and related equipment over 30 mm (or over 1.18 inches). 192100 Artillery ammunition, over 30 mm (or over 1.18 inches). 192200 Ammunition loading and assembling over 30 mm (or over 1.18 inches). 192900 Bombs, mines, torpedoes and ammunition n.e.c. 193100 Tanks and tank components. 194100 Sighting and fire-control equipment. 199900 Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c. 289201 Blasting accessories. Railroad Equipment — RAIL 342911 Transportation equipment hardware. 349301 Steel springs, except wire. 349302 Springs, torsion bar. 349904 Railroad track equipment, frogs, switches, etc., fabri- cated from steel rail. 353194 Railway maintenance equipment. 356612 Bearings, car journal. 366233 Railway signaling equipment. 374110 Locomotives, railroad — over the road. 374121 Locomotives, industrial. 374131 Locomotive parts, except undergound mine. 374210 Passenger train cars, new. 374220 Freight train cars, new. 374231 Street, rapid transit, and interurban cars. 374232 Parts and accessories for railroad, street, and rapid transit cars, and trolley coaches. 420000 Railroad equipment repair services. Shipbuilding— SHIP 353141 Winches, capstans, and windlasses, except special mili- tary design. 373001 Ship and boat parts and components, except special military design. 373111 Non-propelled ships, military. 373112 Non-propelled ships, except special military design. 373120 Self-propelled ships, military. 373130 Self-propelled ships, except special military design. 373160 Ship, repair, except special military design. 373201 Boats, military design. 373202 Boats, except special military design. 373241 Boat repair, military boats. 373242 Boat repair, civilian boats. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS BUILDING MATERIALS DIVISION— BLDG Product Class Code Description 243312 Prefabricated wood buildings and panels and sections for prefabricated buildings. 243320 Dwellings, prefabricated wood, including panels and sections. 249941 Floor covering, cork. 264610 Bituminous fiber pipe, sewer and drainage and conduit, including fittings — molded pulp. 266111 Insulation, flexible wood fiber. 266112 Insulating board. 295100 Paving mixtures and blocks. 295210 Asphalt and tar roofing, sidings and felts. 295220 Asphalt and tar coatings, cements and pitches. 295230 Other asphalt and tar roofing and siding products. 306941 Rubber floor tile. 307951 Vinvl floor covering, sheet. 307952 Vinvl floor tile. 324100 Cement, hydraulic. 325110 Clav brick, except refractory. 325121 Structural clay tile. 325122 Clay facing tile, glazed or unglazed. 325300 Ceramic floor and wall tile. 325910 Clay sewer pipe and fittings. 325920 Structural clay products, n.e.c. 326100 Vitreous china plumbing fixtures and china and earthen- ware fittings and bathroom accessories. 327100 Concrete block and brick. 327211 Concrete pipe, reinforced. 327212 Concrete pipe, other. 327221 Reinforced concrete structural units. 327223 Cast stone (concrete) . 327300 Ready mixed concrete. 327511 Prefabricated gypsum materials (containing controlled materials) . 327512 Prefabricated gypsum materials (not containing con- trolled materials). 327520 Other gypsum products. 328100 Cut stone and stone products. 329250 Asphalt floor tile. 329260 Floor tile, vinyl asbestos. 329501 Lightweight aggregates, except vermiculite. 329903 Sand-lime brick and products. 329905 Magnesite floor composition and stucco. 332120 Cast iron pressure pipe, including its fittings. 332130 Cast iron soil pipe, including its fittings. 342940 Builders' hardware. 343100 Plumbing fixtures, metal. Product Class Code 343200 343301 343302 343303 343310 343361 343362 343363 343364 343365 343366 343368 344101 344201 344210 344220 344230 344411 344412 344420 344431 344432 344435 344436 344910 344921 344922 344930 348160 348172 348173 349704 363901 379100 398211 398221 Description Plumbing fittings and trim (plumbers' brass) . Warm air furnaces and parts (except floor and wall). Cast iron heating boilers, baseboard, con vectors, and radiators. Steel heating boilers. Oil burners, except combination burners. Steel and nonferrous baseboard radiation, convectors, and finned tube radiation. Gas burners (except stove). Floor and wall furnaces. Combination burners. Unit heaters and unit ventilators. Mechanical stokers, up to 1,200 pounds capacity. Heating equipment, n.e.c. Fabricated structural steel. Metal storm windows and sash; combination windows, storm and screen; combination doors, storm and screen, screen doors, window screens, weatherstrip and thresh- holds. Metal doors and frames. Metal window frames and sash. Metal molding, trim, and store fronts. Sheet metal roofing, and siding, and accessories. Sheet metal roof equipment and roof drainage products, Culverts, flumes, irrigation pipe, and similar products, sheet metal. Air distribution pipe, duct, and fittings, sheet metal, standard catalog items. Piling, caps, shoes, and accessories, sheet metal. Sheet metal ceilings, area walls, lintels, louvers, wall tile, etc. Sheet metal products, n.e.c, standard catalog items only. Ornamental and structural metal work (standard catalog items) . Prefabricated metal panels for curtain wall construction. Prefabricated and demountable metal buildings and parts. Miscellaneous metal building products. Wire fencing fabric and fence gates. Insect screening. Hardware cloth. Aluminum foil and foil combinations, converted for structural insulation. Water heaters, household. JMobile homes. Linoleum floor tile. Asphalted felt-base and supported plastic floor covering. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE INDUSTRIES DIVISION— SERV 249955 Ladders, wood 252100 Wood office furniture. 252200 Metal office furniture. 253110 Schoolroom furniture. 253120 Public building furniture, n.e.c. 254101 Wood partitions, shelving, and lockers. 254102 Wooden cases, cabinets, counters and other fixtures. 254201 Metal shelving and lockers. 254202 Metal partitions and enclosures. 254203 Metal cases, cabinets, counters, and other fixtures. 259901 Shop and factory furniture. 259902 Restaurant furniture. 339960 Commercial heat treating. 344433 Hotel and restaurant equipment. 346131 License plates, stamped. 347100 Plating and polishing for the trade. 347900 Coating, engraving and allied services, n.e.c. 349200 Safes, chests, bank vaults, and interior equipment. 349908 Metal ladders and scaffolding. 357110 Electronic computing and associated information process- ing equipment. 357121 Computing and accounting machines. 357122 Coin and currency machines. 357200 Typewriters. 357600 Scales, balances, and weighing machines, except lab- oratory. 357901 Duplicating and reproduction machines. 357902 Office and store machines, n.e.c. 358110 Automatic merchandising machines, refrigerated, coin- operated. 358120 Automatic merchandising machines, except refrigerated. 358200 Commercial laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing ma- chinery, equipment and accessories. 358400 Vacuum cleaners, except household. 358533 Coolers, beverage and water, except coin-operated. 358600 Measuring and dispensing pumps. 358923 Service machines, n.e.c. 359905 Machine shop (job) products, n.e.c. 359906 Amusement park rides and devices. 395300 Marking devices, hand stamps, stencils, and brands. 395500 Inked ribbons, carbon paper and stencil paper. 399301 Signs and advertising novelties, n.e.c, except paper. 399322 Street, road, and highway markers and signs. 399920 Amusement coin-operated machines. 399931 Beauty and barber shop equipment. 400000 Service trades. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS CHEMICAL AND RUBBER DIVISION Product Class Code Chemicals— CHE M Description Alkalies. Aluminum chloride, anhydrous. Biological products. Botanical products. Candles. Carbon black. Chemical catalysts. Chemical specialties. Chlorine. Cleaning and polishing preparations. Compressed and liquefied gases. Cyclic (coal-tar) crudes. Drugs and medicines. Dyes, color lakes and toners. Essential oils. Explosives, industrial. Fatty acids. Fertilizers and fertilizer materials. Fireworks and pyrotechnics, civilian. Glue and inedible gelatin. Gum naval stores. Hardwood distillation products. Household insecticides. Inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. Inorganic color pigments. Insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides, agricultural. Intermediate coal tar products. Lime, hydrated. Medicinal chemicals, inorganic and organic. Product Class Code Description Oil and water paints and stains. Organic chemicals. Paints, varnishes, lacquers, japans, and enamels. Perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations. Pharmaceutical preparations. Plastics products, n.e.c. Plastics materials. Printing inks. Reagent chemicals. Salt. Soap. Softwood distillation products. Specialty detergents. Sulfonated oils and assistants. Synthetic organic chemicals, n.e.c. Tall oil, crude, refined or distilled. Turpentine, sulfate. Whiting, putty, and wood fillers. Rubber— RUBR Druggist and medical sundries, rubber. Mechanical rubber goods. Other rubber products. Reclaimed rubber. Rubber footwear. Soles and heels, shoe, rubber. Synthetic rubbers. Tires and inner tubes. Tread rubber (camelback) and tire repair materials. Valves, pneumatic equipment. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT DIVISION— COMM 366100 Telephone and telegraph equipment. 366232 Intercommunication equipment, except electronically amplified (other than equipment designed primarily for use in telephone and telegraph networks) ; com- mercial central station protective signal equipment and community antenna distributing systems. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DIVISION— CSTN NOTE: The Construction Industry Division has the general responsibility of preparing preemergency readiness measures to assist in assuring availability of the construction industry resources necessary for expanding, maintaining, or restoring essential struc- tures and facilities. To fulfill the general mobilization responsibility, the Division develops plans for the establishment and adminis- tration of (1) measures required to restrict nonessential construction to provide greater availability of resources for essential uses and (2) procedures to provide for construction of emergency civilian survival, military, atomic energy, and foreign facilities and construction for rehabilitation. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS CONSUMERS DURABLE GOODS DIVISION— CDGS Product Class ] Code Description 195110 Machine guns. 195121 Small arms, civilian. 195122 Small arms, military. 196101 Small arms ammunition, civilian. 196102 Small arms ammunition, military. 234221 Corsets and allied garment accessories (containing con- trolled materials). 239201 Housefurnishings, fabric (containing controlled mate- rials) . 239301 Bags, metal bottom. 239401 Canvas products (containing controlled materials). 249910 Mirror and picture frames. 249957 Household wood products, n.e.c. 251100 Wood household furniture, except upholstered. 251200 Wood household furniture, upholstered, n.e.c. 251400 Metal household furniture. 251501 Dual purpose sleeping equipment. 251510 Innerspring mattresses. 251520 Other mattresses. 251530 Bedsprings. 251900 Household furniture, n.e.c. (including reed and rattan furniture) . 259110 Window shades and accessories. 259121 Venetian blinds, parts, and accessories. 259122 Wood slat and other Venetian blinds (including porch shades). 289931 Vitreous enamel (Frit). 307910 Plastic tableware. 317202 Jewelry cases and instrument cases, except musical. 321100 Flat glass. 322900 Pressed and blown glass products, except containers. 323100 Mirrors and other glass products, made from purchased glass. 326200 Vitreous china food utensils. 326300 Earthenware food utensils. 326402 Porcelain and steatite electrical products, except high voltage. 326901 Pottery products, n.e.c. 326902 China, decorating, for the trade. 327222 Concrete burial vaults and garden furniture. 329142 Metal scouring pads. 329901 Statuary and art goods. 332141 Cast iron cooking utensils. 335762 Flexible cord sets. 336101 Special nonferrous cast products (cast aluminum cooking utensils). 342110 Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips. 342120 Razor blades and razors, except electric. 342920 Furniture hardware. 342930 Vacuum bottles and jugs. 342951 Fireplace fixtures and specialized hardware items. 342952 Casket hardware and casket shell hardware. 343340 Domestic heating stoves, except electric. 344434 Metal awnings. 346101 Stamped and spun hospital utensils and cooking and kitchen household utensils. 346111 Vitreous enameled cooking, kitchen and hospital utensils. 346112 Other vitreous enameled products. 346182 Ash and garbage cans, stamped. 346183 Pails and cans, except ash and garbage, stamped. 346186 Stamped or pressed metal end products, n.e.c. 348131 Upholstery and furniture springs, unassembled (excluding automotive) . 348191 Wire products, n.e.c. 349905 Fabricated metal products, n.e.c. 349907 Bed rails, metal. 352270 Lawn mowers and sweepers, including parts. 355122 Commercial food products machinery. Product Class Code Description 358571 Dehumidifiers with complete refrigeration cycle. 358574 Soda-fountain and beer-dispensing equipment. 358911 Commercial cooking and food warming equipment, electric. 358912 Commercial cooking and food warming equipment, except electric. 358922 Household machines, n.e.c. 358924 Dishwashing machines, commercial. 363100 Household cooking equipment. 363210 Household refrigerators. 363220 Home and farm freezers. 363310 Household mechanical washing and drying machines. 363321 Household ironers, and laundry equipment, n.e.c. 363322 Parts, accessories, and attachments for household laundry equipment, sold separately. 363410 Electric fans, except industrial type. 363420 Electric razors and dry shavers. 363430 Small household electrical appliances, excluding fans. 363440 Parts and accessories for household electrical appliances (sold separately). 363500 Household vacuum cleaners. 363601 Household sewing machines. 363931 Other household appliances and parts. 364100 Electric lamps (bulbs). 364203 Fluorescent portable lamps. 364204 Incandescent hand portable lighting equipment. 364205 Incandescent portable lamps. 364263 Nonelectric lighting equipment. 369201 Primary batteries, dry cell. 369921 Lamp bulb components. 369922 Electrical products, n.e.c. 375100 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts. 379922 Wheelbarrows and pushcarts. 391100 Jewelry made of precious metal. 391200 Jewelers' findings and materials. 391300 Lapidary work and cutting and polishing diamonds. 391410 Silverware, hollowware, and plated ware. 391420 Flatware, commercial, and domestic. 393110 Pianos. 393120 Organs. 393130 Piano and organ parts. 393140 Musical instruments and parts, except pianos and organs. 394100 Games and toys, except dolls and children's vehicles. 394200 Dolls and stuffed toy animals. 394301 Baby carriages, walkers, and strollers. 394302 Children's vehicles and parts, except bicycles. 394910 Fishing tackle and equipment. 394920 Sporting and athletic goods, except fishing tackle. 395100 Pens, mechanical pencils, and pen points (ink cartridge). 395210 Lead pencils and crayons. 395220 Artists' materials. 396100 Costume jewelry and novelties, except precious metal. 396201 Feathers, plumes, and artificial flowers (excluding water- fowl feathers and down). 396300 Buttons and parts. 396410 Zippers and slide fasteners. 396422 Apparel fasteners. 396423 Household needles, hairpins, and similar notions, n.e.c. 396424 Buckles, apparel fasteners and findings, military. 398101 Brooms and brushes, except power driven. 398700 Lamp shades, except metal and glass. 398801 Morticians' goods, except burial garments. 398831 Burial garments and gloves. 399500 Umbrellas, parasols, and canes. 399932 Hair work (wigs, toupees, etc.). 399933 Tobacco pipes and cigarette holders. 399936 Miscellaneous fabricated products, n.e.c. 892100 Religous goods, n.e.c. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING DIVISION— CONT Product Class Code Description 242902 Cooperage stock. 244111 Milk bottle crates, wood and combinations of wood and metal. 244112 Cigar boxes. 244113 Boxes and crates, wood, nailed and lock-corner, including wood and fibre combinations. 244200 Boxes and crates, wood, wirebound. 244300 Veneer and plywood containers, except boxes and crates. 244501 Slack cooperage. 244502 Tight cooperage. 249952 Rattan and willow ware, n.e.c. 264310 Bags, grocers', variety and wardrobe, from paper or related materials. 264320 Specialty bags, pouches and liners. 264330 Bags, single, double, and multiwall shipping sacks, paper. 264511 Bottle closures, die cut paper. 264622 Containers, pulp, molded. 265100 Boxes; paper and paperboard, folding, cartons, die-cut blanks and trays, except special food board containers. 265200 Boxes; paper and paperboard, set-up, except special food board containers. 265300 Shipping containers, solid fiber and corrugated. 265410 Milk and other beverage cartons. 265420 Cups and liquid-tight food containers. 265432 Other sanitary food containers. 265510 Fiber drums. 265520 Fiber cans and tubes. 282121 Cellulose band and caps, closures. 306981 Barrels and drums, rubber, shipping. 307903 Fibrous glass reinforced plastic containers. 307991 Plastic closures for collapsible tubes, drum and pail, bands and caps. Product Class Code Description 307992 Ampules, plastic, packaging. 307993 Bottles, jars and tumblers, vials, plastic, packaging. 307994 Capsules, plastic, packaging. 307995 Carboys, plastic; cases, plastic, packaging; drums, plastic, shipping; molded plastic containers. 322100 Glass containers. 341101 Metal cans. 341102 Ice cream shipping containers, metal. 344341 Gas cylinders, including liquefied petroleum. 346161 Metal closures for containers, except glass containers and crowns, stamped. 346162 Closures for glass containers and crowns, stamped, com- mercial. 346181 Stamped metal shipping and delivery containers, except reels and spools. 346184 Reels and spools, shipping and packaging, except paper- board. 346187 Closures for glass containers and crowns, stamped, house- hold. 348194 Wire ties, bails, and handles (for containers and packag- ing). 349101 Metal barrels, drums, pails, packages and kegs, shipping, including plugs and flanges. 349131 Fluid milk shipping containers, metal. 349600 Collapsible tubes. 349701 Aluminum foil and foil combinations converted for packaging. 349902 Metal strapping, including seals and hand applicating tools. 349903 Ammunition boxes and chests, metal. COPPER DIVISION— COPR 333110 Copper, anode and blister; copper shot and waffle. 333120 Copper, refined. 334120 Ingots, shot, and waffle, copper-base alloy. 335110 Copper and copper-base alloy wire, bare and tinned for purposes other than electrical transmission. 335120 Brass mill products (except wire), including ammunition cups and discs. 335720 Copper and copper-base alloy wire (including strand and cable) bare and tinned, for electrical transmission. 335740 Insulated copper communication wire and cable. 335761 Appliance copper wire and cord (except flexible cord sets). 335770 Magnet wire. 335780 Power wire and cable. 335792 Other insulated copper wire and cable. 336200 Castings, copper and copper-base alloy. 339914 Powder, copper, unalloyed; powder, copper-base alloy. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT DIVISION— ELEC 326401 Porcelain electrical products, high voltage. 335763 Power supply cords, domestic and industrial. 361201 Power distribution and other transformers, including boosters, reactors, etc., except electronic components. 361210 Specialty transformers, except electronic components. 361301 Low voltage distribution equipment 1,200 volts and under. 361302 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus over 1,200 volts. 361331 Fuses and fuse equipment, under 2,300 volts. 362101 Motor-generator sets and other rotating equipment. 362102 Land transportation motors, generators and control apparatus. 362103 Motors, special aircraft. 362104 Synchro and servo devices. 362110 Fractional horsepower motors. 362121 Integral horsepower motors and generators, under 2,000 kw. 362160 Parts and supplies for motors, generators, and motor- generator sets. 362200 Industrial electrical control equipment, except railroad and automotive. 362910 Capacitors, except electronic components. 362920 Rectifying apparatus. 362930 Other industrial electrical products, n.e.c. 364201 Incandescent lighting fixtures, except specialties. 364202 Fluorescent lighting equipment, except portable. 364251 Street and highway lighting equipment. 364252 Floodlighting and area lighting equipment. 364254 Infra-red and ultra-violet lamp fixtures. 364301 Current-carrying wiring devices, except connectors and protective devices. 364302 Connectors, Army and Navy type 364303 Connectors, transmission and distribution type (except Army and Navy type). 364304 Choke coils and lightning arrestors, power circuit. 364410 Pole line and transmission hardware. 364420 Electrical conduit. 364430 Other noncurrent carrying wiring devices. 366234 Electric street traffic signals. 369100 Storage batteries. 369202 Primary batteries, wet cell. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS ELECTRONICS DIVISION— ETRX Product Class Code Description 344131 Towers, radio, prefabricated, except special design for military use and for commercial broadcast. 365101 Household, portable and auto radio receivers, phono- graphs and recorders. 365120 Television receivers, home type. 365130 Recorders, amplifiers, audio equipment, and accessories, commercial. 365200 Phonograph records, record blanks, and pre-recorded magnetic tapes. 366211 Transmitters, radio communication. 366212 Receivers, radio communication. 366213 Transceivers and transmitter-receivers, radio communi- cation. 366220 Broadcast equipment. 366222 Industrial control equipment, electronic (including indus- trial TV). 366231 Intercommunication equipment, electronically amplified. 366241 Navigational aids, electronic. 366242 Electronic systems equipment, military. 366251 Missile guidance equipment, electronic. 366260 Commercial and industrial electronic equipment, n.e.c. Product Class Code Description 366261 Sonar and related devices. 367100 Electron tubes, receiving types, except cathode ray. 367200 Cathode ray tubes, TV picture type. 367301 Cathode ray tubes, except TV picture type. 367302 Transmitting and special purpose electron tubes. 367910 Transistors, crystal diodes, and similar solid state devices. 367920 Capacitors, electronic applications. 367930 Resistors, electronic applications. 367940 Transformers, coils, and reactors, electronic applications. 367951 Filters, electronic applications. 367952 Relays and switches, electronic applications. 367953 Transducers and related products. 367954 Printed circuits, printed circuit boards and printed electronic subassemblies. 367955 Electronic components and subassemblies, consumer types. 367956 Electron tube parts. 367957 Electronic components and subassemblies, commercial, n.e.c. FOOD INDUSTRIES DIVISION— FOOD 201000 Meat products industries. 202000 Dairy products industries. 203000 Canning and preserving fruits, vegetables and sea food industries. 204000 Grain-mill products industries. 205000 Bakery products industries. 206000 Sugar industries. 207000 Confectionery and related products industries. 208000 Beverage industries. 209000 Miscellaneous food preparations and kindred products industries. 211100 Cigarette industry. 212100 Cigar industry. 213100 Tobacco industry (chewing, smoking, and snuff). 214100 Tobacco stemming and redrying industries. 289121 Gelatin, edible. FOREST PRODUCTS DIVISION Lumber and Wood Products — LUMB 086100 Christmas trees. 241101 Logs, bolts, and other woods products (except pulpwood in cords). 242110 Rough lumber and sawed ties. 242120 Dressed lumber, excluding flooring 242170 Softwood cut stock. 242181 Softwood flooring. 242182 Other general sawmill and planing mill products. 242610 Hardwood flooring. 242621 Hardwood furniture dimension stock. 242622 Other hardwood dimension stock. 242623 Furniture parts and vehicle stock. 242901 Shingles and shakes. 242903 Excelsior products. 243100 Millwork, construction type products. 243210 Hardwood plywood. 243220 Softwood plywood, interior type. 243230 Softwood plywood, exterior type. 243240 Nonwood face plywood and other plywood type products. 243250 Hardwood veneer. 243260 Softwood veneer. 243311 Fabricated structural framing and wood laminates (except panels or sections for prefabricated buildings). 243313 Ready cut lumber for buildings. 244120 Box shook. 249110 Wood preserving. 249942 Cork products, except floor tile and floor covering. 249951 Wooden conduits, pipe, tank and vats. 249956 Wood products, n.e.c. (containing controlled materials). 249958 Wood products, except household, n.e.c. 266130 Hardboard. 345221 Timber connectors, grids, plates and rings. 398300 Matches. Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard — PAPR 241102 Pulpwood, other than pulp logs. 261100 Pulp, wood and other. 262100 Paper mills, except building paper mills. 263100 Paperboard mills. 264100 Coated and glazed papers. 264200 Envelopes. 264501 Die cut paper and die cut or laminated paperboard products, except closures. 264621 Molded pulp plates, dishes and similar products. 264910 Stationery, tablets, and related products. 264920 Wrapping paper, including waterproof, impregnating, vapor barrier, crepe and gift. 264930 Sanitary and health products, paper. 264941 Sanitary napkins. 264942 Tampons. 264951 Paper rolls for adding and other business machines. 264952 Other converted paper and board products, except ad- vertising novelties, containers, business machine sup- plies, patterns and playing cards. 265431 Stamped plates, dishes, spoons, forks, and similar products. 266122 Construction paper and board, except asbestos or tar saturated. 51.3494' -G0- -10 INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS DIVISION General Components — GCOM Product Class Code Description 249954 Handles, wooden. 329320 Gaskets, all types. 331520 Nails, spikes, brads, tacks, and staples, ferrous (not made in steel mills). 339921 Nails, spikes, brads, and tacks, nonferrous. 342301 Hand tools and accessories. 342321 Edge tools, except cutting dies. 342333 Files, rasps, and file accessories. 342500 Hand saws, saw blades, and accessories. 342912 Chain and rope fittings. 342955 Hose clamps, couplings, and nozzles (other than fire). 342956 Casters and wheels, industrial. 342958 Fire protection system components. 344322 Steel plate weldments, n.e.c. 345100 Screw machine products, nonstandard. 345201 Bolts, nuts, and other industrial fasteners, ferrous and nonferrous. 346132 Stamped, spun and pressed metal products, n.e.c. 346133 Sheet metal, perforated, embossed, or patterned. 346185 Hand tool boxes, stamped, metal. Product Class Code Description 348120 Precision mechanical springs. 348171 Wire cloth, industrial. 348193 Chain, welded and weldlcss. 349304 Springs, helical, hot wound, except automotive. 349402 Valves, industrial (including marine). 349403 Valves, heating (including heating specialties). 349404 Valves and tube fittings, aircraft type (AN). 349405 Pipe fittings, except cast iron fittings for cast iron pipe. 349406 Tube fittings, except aircraft type (AN). 349407 Piping accessories. 349408 Valves, miscellaneous, n.e.c. 349906 Permanent magnets. 356200 Ball and roller bearings and components. 356601 Mechanical power transmission equipment, n.e.c. 356611 Plain bearings and bushings. 356621 Gears and gear drives, industrial. 356631 Power transmission chain: roller, silent, conveyor, and special types. 359903 Bellows, flexible metal hose and tubing. 399934 Name plates, panels and identification tags, ferrous and nonferrous. General Industrial Equipment — GIEQ 353402 Elevators and moving stairways. 353501 Conveyors and conveying equipment, except farm ele- vators and mine type. 353613 Cranes and hoists (except construction, overhead travel- ing, truck body mounted, and utility). 353620 Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems. 353700 Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and equipment. 354231 Can, drum, and barrel making machinery. 355110 Dairy and milk products plant machinery and equip- ment. 355121 Bakery machinery and equipment. 355131 Beverage machinery process equipment, except dairy. 355132 Vegetable, fruit, meat, and poultry packing and proces- sing machinery. 355133 Sugar, flour and grain mill machinery. 355134 Other industrial food products machinery, n.e.c. 355200 Textile machinery. 355310 Woodworking machinery, except home workshop. 355400 Paper-industries machinery. 355501 Printing-trades machinery and equipment. 355910 Chemical manufacturing industries machinery and equipment. 355930 Plastics-working machinery and equipment. 355941 Rubber processing machinery and equipment. 355942 Tire repairing and retreading equipment. 355952 Ammunition and explosives loading machinery and equipment. 355953 Selected special-industry machinery and equipment? n.e.c. 355954 Metal coating, degreasing, and washing equipment. 355955 Special-industry machinery and equipment, n.e.c. 356101 Industrial pumps (includes mobile pumping units). 356102 Compressors and dry vacuum pumps. 356152 Industrial spraying equipment. 356401 Industrial fans and blowers. 356731 Furnaces, ovens, and kilns, except metal processing. 356902 Gas generating and producing equipment. 356903 General industrial equipment, n.e.c. 356904 Packaging and wrapping machines, except food and tobacco, n.e.c. 358501 Compressors, condensing units and refrigeration equip- ment, n.e.c. 358511 Air conditioners, packaged room. 358531 Commercial refrigerated food equipment, except beverage and coin operated. 358532 Industrial and scientific unitary refrigeration equipment. 358540 Compressors and compressor units, refrigeration and air- conditioning. 358550 Condensing units, refrigeration and air-conditioning. 358573 Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, n.e.c. 359904 Cylinders, hydraulic, air and oil. 363602 Sewing machines, industrial, except shoe sole stiching. 396421 Industrial knitting and sewing machine needles. 398131 Brushes, power driven. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS IRON AND STEEL DIVISION— STEE Product Class Code Nonferrous Metals, Alloys, including Ferroalloys, Powder, Scrap and Compounds Product Class Code Iron and Steel Description Pig iron. Sponge iron and other direct reduction iron. Powder. Scrap Steel Mill products (carbon, alloy, and stainless). Ingots. Semi-finished — blooms, slabs, billets, sheet bars, tube rounds, skelp and wire rods. Structural shapes and piling. Plates. Rails and track accessories. Wheels and axles. Bars and bar size shapes. Tool steel. Pipe and tubing, except cast iron pipe. Wire, drawn. Wire products — nails and staples, barbed wire, fencing, bale ties and baling wire, wire rope and strand. Tin mill products — tin plate, terne plate, tin mill black plate. Sheets and strip. Castings — gray iron, malleable iron and steel. Forgings — iron and steel. LEATHER, SHOES AND ALLIED PRODUCTS DIVISION— LEAT Description Boron. Calcium. Chromium. Cobalt. Ferrocolumbium and ferrocolumbium tantalum. Ferronickel. Ferrophosphorus. Ferrotitanium. Manganese. Molybdenum. Tungsten. Vanadium. Refractories Clay. Nonclay, except carbon and graphite. Animal hair. Belting, leather. Belts, waist. Boot and shoe findings, metal and wood. Boot and shoe findings, other than metal, wood, or rubber. Curled hair. Fur plates. Furs, dressed and dyed. Furs, raw, all types. Gloves, dress, leather. Gloves, work, leather. Handbags and purses. Harness and saddlery hardware. Hatters' fur. Hides and skins, all types. Industrial leather, including grease cups, packings, etc. Industrial products of leather and part leather, other. Leather, all types. Leather novelties. Luggage. Luggage hardware. Saddlery and harness. Shoe lasts and related products. Shoe polish and cleaners. Shoes, except rubber. Slippers, other than rubber. Small leather goods. Tanning extracts, all types. Tanning raw materials: bark, wood, leaves, and nuts. Upholstery filling, curled hair. METAL WORKING EQUIPMENT DIVISION— MWEQ 329101 Nonmetallic abrasive products. 329141 Metal abrasives, except metal scouring pads. 339911 Thermit, except for military use. 342322 Cutting dies, except metal cutting. 348192 Gas welding rods and metallizing wire. 354101 Machine tools, except rebuilt machine tools, and home workshop. 354102 Machine tools, metalworking, home workshop, nonport- able. 354192 Rebuilt machine tools. 354201 Metalworking machinery, n.e.c. 354221 Metalworking presses, except forging. 354410 Jigs, fixtures, punches, dies, die sets, and subpresses. 354420 Industrial molds. 354510 Cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery. 354520 Gages and precision measuring tools. 354530 Metalworking equipment attachments and accessories, n.e.c. 354801 Rolling-mill machinery. 354821 Power-driven hand tools, industrial, pneumatic, and electric, portable. 354822 Power-driven hand tools, home workshop. 354830 Acetylene welding and cutting apparatus. 355320 Woodworking machinery, nonportable, home workshop. 355921 Foundry machinery and equipment. 355922 Ladles for steel mills. 356500 Industrial patterns. 356711 Electric furnaces, metal processing. 356721 Fuel-fired industrial furnaces, metal processing. 356722 Steel mill furnaces (blast, open hearth, etc.). 356732 High-frequency induction and dielectric heating ap- paratus. 356733 Industrial electrical heaters and heating units, n.e.c. 356734 Industrial furnace repair parts and attachments. 362310 Arc welding machines and components, except electrodes. 362320 Welding wire and rods. 362330 Resistance welders, components, and electrodes. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND MINERALS DIVISION— MSMN Product Class Code Description Abrasives, artificial (lump, grain, powder, flour and compounds) : silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, boron carbide. Abrasives, natural (crude, lump, grain, powder, flour, and compounds) : corundum, emery, garnet, and tripoli. Antimonial lead: metal, castings, and scrap. Antimony: ore, concentrates, and metal. Asbestos fiber, and asbestos products. Babbitt metal. Barite, crude, crushed, or ground. Beryl ore. Beryllium: concentrates, oxide, and metal. Bismuth: metal and alloys. Cadmium: metal and alloys. Calcite, optical, crude. Carbon products. Celestite, crude. Chalk, crude, and ground or treated. Clay: ball clay, bentonite, fire clay, fuller's earth, and kaolin. Cryolite, natural and synthetic. Diamonds: industrial and rough gem stones. Diatomaceous earth. Feldspar, crude, concentrates, and ground. Fibrous glass. Fluorspar. Germanium. Graphite and graphite products. Hafnium. Ilmenite: ore and concentrates. Indium. Kyanite. Lead: ores, concentrates, metal, alloys, solder, mill products, castings, foil, powder, and scrap. Lime, Vienna, flour, superfine and grain. Magnesite: ore, caustic-calcined, and dead-burned grain. Meerschaum. Mercury: Ores, metal, and scrap. Product Class Code Description Mica, natural and synthetic: sheet, block, film, splittings, scrap, and mica products. Mineral wool and mineral wool products. Mullite. Nickel and nickel-base alloys: primary shapes and forms, mill products, castings, powder and scrap. Perlite, crude, and ground or treated. Precious metals (gold, silver, and platinum-group metals) : ores, refined metals, bullion, mill products, leaf, and scrap. Pumice and pumicite. Pyrophyllite, crude and ground. Quartz, crude. Radium ores. Rare-earth metals: ores and concentrates. Ruby, uncut, natural and synthetic. Rutile: ore and concentrates. Sapphire, uncut, natural and synthetic. Selenium: metal, scrap, dioxide and ferro-selenium. Sillimanite. Soapstone, crude. Spodumene, crude. Steatite talc, crude, block and ground. Talc, crude, block and ground. Tantalite: ore and concentrates. Tantalum metal. Tellurium. Thorium. Tin: ore, concentrates, metal, alloys, solder, mill products, foil, powder, and scrap. Titanium: ores, concentrates, sponge, metal, alloys, mill products, castings, powder, and scrap. Uranium ores. Vermiculite. Witherite, crude. Zinc: ores, concentrates, metal, alloys, dust, mill products, castings, foil, powder, and scrap. Zircon, crude. Zirconium: ores, concentrates, sponge, metal, and mill products. POWER EQUIPMENT DIVISION— POWR 331763 Heavy riveted pipe. 343367 Mechanical stokers, 1,201-pounds capacity and over. 344311 Heat exchangers. 344312 Steam condensers and auxiliary air ejectors. 344321 Pipe over 36" O.D., fabricated from steel plate. 344330 Power boilers and repair parts. 344342 Boiler shop products, n.e.c. 344344 Nuclear reactors. 344352 Heavy metal tanks, atmospheric (not field erected). 344353 Heavy metal tanks, pressure, not for process use (not field erected). 344354 Heavy metal tanks, bolted. 344355 Oil or water storage tanks, field erected. 344361 Vessels, pressure, for process use (not field erected). 349801 Fabricated metal piping. 351101 Steam and hydraulic turbines, and steam engines. 351111 Gas turbine and parts. 351901 Internal combustion engines, 750 r.p.m. and under. 355951 Petroleum refinery machinery and equipment. 356402 Soot blowers. 356622 Gears, ship propulsion. 358921 Water softeners and water conditioning equipment. 362122 Generators, A.C. 2,000 kw. and over. 362140 Prime mover generator sets, Diesel, natural gas, dual- fuel engine driven, gasoline-engine driven, starter carts; aircraft, wind driven. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING DIVISION— PRIN 264400 Wallpaper. 271100 Newspapers. 272100 Periodicals. 273100 Books and pamphlets. 273200 Book printing. 274110 Catalogs and directories. 274121 Business service publications (containing controlled materials) . 274131 Miscellaneous publishing (containing controlled mate- rials) . 274132 Miscellaneous publishing (not containing controlled ma- terials) . 275100 Commercial printing, except lithographic. 275200 Commercial printing, lithographic. 275300 Engraving and plate printing. 276100 Manifold business forms manufacturing. 277110 Greeting cards. 278210 Blankbook making and paper ruling. 278220 Library and loose-leaf binder and manufacturing. 278900 Bookbinding and miscellaneous related work. 279100 Typesetting. 279300 Photoengraving. 279400 Electrotyping and stereotyping. 355521 Printing plate blanks. 399321 Advertising displays. INDEX OF PRODUCT CLASS CODES BY BDSA INDUSTRY DIVISIONS SCIENTIFIC MOTION PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS DIVISION Motion Picture and Photographic Products — MOTP Product Class Code 383101 386101 386102 386103 386150 386160 386170 386180 Description Photographic lenses. Photographic reproduction equipment. Motion picture theater; studio, laboratory and still photography equipment. Motion picture and still picture equipment (personal use). Photographic sensitized film and plates. Sensitized photographic paper and cloth, silver halide type. Sensitized photographic paper and cloth, other than silver halide type. Prepared photographic chemicals. Scientific and Technical Equipment — SITE 349401 Automatic regulating valves. 349901 Bells, gongs, sirens, and similar devices. 361110 Integrating instruments, electrical. 361122 Electric and electronic test, measuring and monitoring instruments and equipment. 361131 Electrical measuring instruments, n.e.c. 366235 Alarm and signaling systems, electric, n.e.c. 369301 X-ray equipment and X-ray tubes. 369302 Electro-therapeutic apparatus and electro-medical treat- ment apparatus. Product Class Code Description 381110 Selected aircraft flight instruments. 381121 Professional furniture, n.e.c. 381122 Laboratory balances. 381123 Navigation instruments, except aircraft. 381124 Laboratory apparatus and scientific instruments, other than optical. 381125 Surveying and drafting instruments. 382111 Aircraft instruments, except flight. 382120 Integrating meters, non-electrical type. 382130 Industrial process instruments. 382161 Radiation detection devices. 382162 Mechanical measuring instruments, n.e.c. 382200 Automatic temperature controls, domestic. 383102 Optical instruments. 384101 Surgical and medical instruments. 384102 Medical and surgical equipment and supplies. 384103 Surgical and medical furniture. 384211 Surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies. 384212 Surgical dressings and bandages. 384230 Personal safety devices. 384240 Electrical hearing aids. 384300 Dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. 385100 Ophthalmic goods and instruments. 387100 Watches, clocks, and parts, except watchcases. 387200 Watchcases. 399910 Fire extinguishers. TEXTILES AND CLOTHING DIVISION— TEXT Apparel, not elsewhere classified. Belts. Brassieres and bandeaux. Canvas products (not containing controlled materials) . Carpets and rugs, n.e.c. Cloth hats and caps. Corsets, girdles, roll-ons, and garter belts. Cotton broad-woven fabrics. Curtains and draperies. Dress and semidress gloves and mittens (fabric, fabric and leather combined). Dresses, blouses, waists, and shirts — girls', children's, and infants'. Dresses, dozen price. Embroideries. Feathers and down. Felt goods. Fiber cordage and twine. Finishing textiles, except wool. Full-fashioned hosiery mills. Fur-felt hats and hat bodies. Fur goods. Girls', children's and infants' outerwear, n.e.c. Glass textile fibers. Handkerchiefs. Hat and cap materials. Housefurnishings, fabric terials) . Housefurnishings, n.e.c. Jute goods. Knit fabric mills. Knit outerwear mills. Knit underwear mills. Lace goods. Leather and sheep lined clothing. Linen goods. Men's and boys' clothing, n.e.c. Men's and boys' neckwear. Men's and boys' underwear, woven fabric and purchased knit fabric. Men's and boys' suits and coats. (containing controlled ma- Men's dress and sport shirts and nightwear, woven fabric and purchased knit fabric. Millinery. Narrow fabric mills. Paddings and upholstered filling (except curled hair). Parachutes. Processed textile waste and recovered fibers. Raincoats and other waterproof outer garments. Rayon, acetate, noncellulosic synthetic fibers, and related products. Rayon and related broad-woven fabrics. Robes and dressing gowns. Schiffli-machine embroideries. Scoured wool and other products of scouring and combing plants. Seamless-hosiery mills. Separate dress and sport trousers, men's and boys'. Straw hats. Suit and coat findings, men's and boys'. Suspenders, garters, and related products. Textile goods, not elsewhere classified. Thread mills. Thrown yarns. Trimmings, stamped art goods and art needlework. Tucking, pleating, and hemstitching. Women's and children's underwear and nightwear, woven fabric and purchased knit fabric. Women's and misses' blouses and waists. Women's and misses' unit-priced dresses. Women's, misses', and juniors' coats and skirts. Women's, misses' and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c, woven fabric and purchased knit fabric. Women's neckwear and scarfs. Wool carpets, rugs, and carpet yarns. Woolen and worsted fabrics (wholly or chiefly by weight of wool, reprocessed wool, or reused wool). Wool-felt hats and hat bodies. Work shirts, men's and boys'. Yarn mills, cotton system. Yarns spun on woolen and worsted systems, except of wool, carpet. Yarn spun on silk system. WATER AND SEWERAGE INDUSTRY AND UTILITIES DIVISION— WATR Note: This Division has cognizance of all water and sewerage systems publicly or privately owned that operate as public utilities. It serves as claimant in their behalf for construction projects and for their main- tenance and operating needs. It is responsible for the planning required to assure the maintenance of these essential services in emergencies, and serves as a focal point for the consideration of problems affecting industry. SECTION IV-A LIST OF CONTROLLED MATERIALS CARBON STEEL (INCLUDING WROUGHT IRON)* (a) Bar, bar shapes, includes: Bar, hot-rolled, stock for projectile and shell bodies. 2 Bar, hot-rolled, other (including light shapes). Bar, reinforcing (straight lengths — as rolled). Bar, cold-finished. (6) Sheet, strip (uncoated and coated), includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Sheet, galvanized. Sheet, all other coated. Sheet, enameling. Roofiing, galvanized, corrugated, V-crimped channel drains. Ridge roll, valley, and flashing. Siding, corrugated and brick. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. Strip, galvanized. Electrical sheet and strip. Tin mill black plate. Tin plate, hot-dipped. Ternes, special coated manufacturing. Tin plate, electrolytic. (c) Plate. 3 (d) Structural shapes, 4 piling. (e) Pipe, tubing — seamless and welded, 5 includes: Standard pipe (including type of couplings furnished by mill). 6 Oil country goods (casing, tubing and drill pipe, including type of couplings furnished by mill). Line pipe (including type of couplings furnished by mill). Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (/) Wire, wire products, includes: Wire — drawn. Nails — bright seel wire, steel cut, galvanized, cement- coated, and painted. Spikes and brads — steel wire, galvanized, and cement- coated. Staples, bright and galvanized (farm and poultry). Wire rope and strand. Welded wire mesh and woven wire netting. Barbed and twisted wire. Wire fence, woven and welded (farm and poultry). Bale ties. Coiled automatic baler wire. (g) Tool steel (all forms including die blocks and tool steel forgings). (h) Other mill forms and products (excluding castings and forgings), includes: Ingots. Billets, for shell body stock only. 7 Billets, for shell component parts and rockets. Blooms, slabs, other billets, tube rounds, sheet bars. Skelp. Wire rod. Rails. Joint bars (track). Tie plates (track). Track spikes. Wheels, rolled or forged (railroad). Axles (railroad). Footnotes on p. 151. ALLOY STEEL 8 (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL'). (a) Bar, bar shapes, includes: Bar, hot-rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies. Bar, hot-rolled, other (including light shapes). Bar, cold-finished. (b) Sheet, strip, includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Sheet, galvanized. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. (c) Plate, 10 includes: Rolled armor. Other. (d) Structural shapes. 4 (e) Pipe, tubing — seamless and welded, 6 includes: Oil-country goods. Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (/) Wire. (g) Tool steel (all forms including die blocks and tool steel forgings). (h) Other mill forms and products (excluding castings and forgings), includes: Ingots. Billets, projectile and shell stock. Blooms, slabs, other billets, tube rounds^ sheet bars. Wire rods. Rails. Wheels, rolled or forged (railroad). Axles (railroad). STAINLESS STEEL » (a) Bar, bar shapes, includes: Bar, hot-rolled (including light shapes). Bar, cold-finished. (b) Sheet, strip, includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. (c) Plate. 11 (d) Structural shapes. 4 (e) Pipe, tubing — seamless and welded, 5 includes: Pipe. Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (/) Wire, wire products, includes: Wire, drawn. Wire rope and strand. (g) Other mill forms and products (excluding castings and forgings), includes: Ingots. Blooms, slabs, billets, tube rounds. Sheet bars, wire rods. COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY BRASS MILL PROD- UCTS " Copper (unalloyed) : (a) Bar, rod, shapes, wire (except electrical wire). (b) Sheet, strip, plate, rolls. (c) Pipe, tube (seamless). Copper-base alloy: 13 (a) Bar, rod, wire, shapes. (6) Sheet, strip, plate, rolls, military ammunition cups and discs, (c) Pipe, tube (seamless). COPPER WIRE MILL PRODUCTS All copper wire and cable for electrical conduction, including but not limited to: Bare and tinned. Weatherproof. Magnet wire. Insulated building wire. Paper and lead power cable. Paper and lead telephone cable. Asbestos cable. Portable and flexible cord and cable. Communication wire and cable. Shipboard cable. Automotive and aircraft wire and cable. Insulated power cable. Signal and control cable. Coaxial cable. Copper-clad steel wire containing over 20 percent copper by weight regardless of end use. COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY FOUNDRY PROD- UCTS AND POWDER Includes: Copper, brass, and bronze castings. 14 COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY FOUNDRY PROD- UCTS AND POWDER— Continued Includes: Copper, brass, and bronze powder (including copper powder, granular and flake, and copper-base alloy powder, granular and flake). ALUMINUM Rolled bar, rod, structural shapes, and bare wire. Aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) and bare alumi- num cable. Insulated or covered wire or cable. Extruded bar, rod, shapes, and tube (extruded, drawn and welded tube). Sheet and plate. Pig or ingot, granular or shot, and molten metal. Foil. Powder, flake, paste. NICKEL ALLOYS ' 5 Ingots, blooms, slabs, and billets. Plate, sheet, strip, and foil. Rods, bars (including anode bars), pipe, tubing, and shapes. Wire and wire rod. Powder (produced mechanically from nickel shot). 1 For the purpose of this schedule "carbon steel (including wrought iron)" means any steel customarily so classified and also includes: (1) Ingot iron; (2) all grades of electrical sheet and strip; (3) low-alloy, high-strength steels; (4) clad and coated carbon steels not included with alloy steels: e.g., galvanized, tin, terne, copper (excluding copper wire mill products) or aluminum clad and/or coated carbon steels; and (5) leaded carbon steels. "Low alloy, high-strength steels" means only the proprietary grades pro- moted and sold for this purpose, and Navy high-tensile steel grade HT Specification Mil-S-16113 (Ships). 2 Includes projectile body stock, sizes under 2% inches. 3 Carbon plate not only includes the following specifications, but also floor plates of any thickness: 0.180 inch or thicker, over 48 inches wide. 0.230 inch or thicker, over 8 inches wide. 7.53 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 48 inches wide. 9.62 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 8 inches wide. 4 "Structural shapes" means rolled flanged sections having at least one dimension of their cross section 3 inches or greater, com- monly referred to as angles, channels, beams, and wide flange sections. 5 Steel pipe or tubing exceeding 36 inches O.D. is not a controlled material, but is a Class A product. 6 Standard pipe includes the following: Ammonia pipe. Bedstead tubing. Driven well pipe. Drive pipe. Dry kiln pipe. Dry pipe for locomotives. English gas and steam pipe. Fence pipe. Furniture pipe. Ice machine pipe. Mechanical service pipe. Nipple pipe. Pipe for piling. Pipe for plating and enameling. Pump pipe. Signal pipe. Standard pipe coupling. Structural pipe. Turbine pump pipe. Water main pipe. Water well casing. Water well reamed and drifted pipe. 7 Includes only projectile body stock, sizes 2% inches and larger rounds, and round-cornered squares. 8 For purposes of this schedule "alloy steel" means steel con- taining 50 percent or more of iron or steel and any one or more of the following elements in the following amounts: Manganese, maximum of range in excess of 1.65 percent; silicon, maximum of range in excess of 0.60 percent (excepting electrical sheet and strip); copper, maximum of range in excess of 0.60 percent; aluminum, boron, chromium (less than 10 percent), cobalt, colum- bium, molybdenum, nickel, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vana- dium, zirconium, or any other alloying elements in any amount specified or known to have been added to obtain a desired alloying effect. Clad steels which have an alloy steel base or carbon steel base for which nickel and/or chromium is contained in the coating or cladding material (e.g., inconel, monel, or stainless) are alloy steels. 9 "Stainless steel" means heat- and corrosion-resisting steel containing 50 percent or more of iron or steel and 10 percent or more of chromium whether with or without nickel, molybdenum, or other elements. 10 Alloy steel plate includes the following specifications: 0.180 inch or thicker, over 48 inches wide. 0.230 inch or thicker, over 8 inches wide. 7.53 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 48 inches wide. 9.62 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 8 inches wide. 11 Stainless steel plates include the following size specifications: Yxt, inch (0.1875) or thicker, over 10 inches wide. 12 Includes anodes — rolled, forged, or sheared from cathodes. 13 "Copper-base alloy" means any alloy in the composition of which the percentage of copper metal equals or exceeds 40 percent by weight of the metallic content of the alloy. It does not include alloyed gold produced in accordance with U.S. Commercial Stand- ard CS 67-38. 14 Cast copper and copper-base alloy shapes or forms suitable for ultimate use without remelting, rolling, drawing, extruding, or forging. (The process of casting includes the removal of gates, risers, and sprues, and sandblasting, tumbling, and dipping, but does not include any further machining or processing. For centrifugal castings the process includes the removal of the rough cut in the inner and/or outer diameter before delivery to a custom- er.) Castings include anodes cast in a foundry or by an ingot maker. 15 "Nickel alloys" means those alloys for which the specified nickel content is 5 percent or more up to and including pure nickel, and which do not contain as much as 50 percent of iron or steel, nor as much as 40 percent of copper, nor as much as 50 percent of aluminum. It does not include primary nickel in the forms of electrolytic cathodes, pigs, rondelles, cubes, pellets, shot, oxide (including sintered oxide), salts, or chemicals; nor does it include primary nickel in the form of ingots used for remelting or powder derived directly from ore concentrates. SECTION IV-B IDENTIFICATION SYMBOLS BY MAJOR PROGRAMS The program identification symbols listed in this schedule are the only ones authorized for use under the Defense Materials System. The symbols are not listed in alphabetical or numerical sequence but are grouped by Allotting Agencies. Within each group, the Allotting Agencies listed in Column 3 are authorized to make allotments under one or more of the programs listed in column 2 and to assign allotment numbers and ratings containing one or more of the program identifications listed in Column 1. The full names of the Allotting Agencies shown by initials in the following list are: AEC — Atomic Energy Commission. BDSA — -Business and Defense Services Administration. CIA — Central Intelligence Agency. FAA — 'Federal Aviation Agency. NASA — National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Program identification (1) Program (2) Allotting agency (3) A-l. A-2. A-3. A-4. A-5. A-6- A-7. B-l. B-8. B-9. C-2. C-3. C-8. C-9. E-l. E-2. E-3. B-5. C-4_ C-5- C-6_ D-l. D-3. D-4. D-5. D-6. D-7. D-8. D-9. E-4 AM AM-9000. FC For Department of Defense and associated programs Aircraft Missiles Ships Tank — Automotive Weapons Ammunition Electronic and Communications Equipment Military Building Supplies Production Equipment (for defense contractor's account) Production Equipment (Government-owned) Department of Defense Construction Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies (MRO) for Depart- ment of Defense Facilities. Controlled Materials for Naval Stock Account Miscellaneous For Atomic Energy Commission Programs Construction Operations — including Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies (MRO). Privately Owned Facilities For other Defense, Atomic Energy and related programs Certain self-authorizing consumers (see sec. 9(d) of DMS Reg. 1)--- Certain munitions items purchased by friendly foreign governments through domestic commercial channels for export. Canadian Military Programs Certain direct defense needs of friendly foreign governments other than Canada. Controlled Materials Producers Further Converters (Steel) Private domestic production Private domestic construction Canadian production and construction Friendly foreign nations (other than Canada) production and con- struction. Distributors of controlled materials Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies (MRO) (see Dir. 1 to DMS Reg. 1). Canadian Atomic Energy Program Aluminum Controlled Materials Producers Aluminum Controlled Materials Distributors Further Converters (steel and nickel alloys) Department of Defense: Army. Navy (including Coast Guard). Air Force. Associated Agencies of Depart- ment of Defense: CIA. FAA. NASA. AEC. BDSA. SECTION IV-C PARTIAL LIST A PRODUCTS (of particular interest to the Department of Defense) Following is a list of items that have been individually determined to be Class A products. They are repre- sentative of items that ordinarily fall in a generic group of Class B products but are of unique military design or have unusual characteristics of production or distribution that warrant A product treatment. This is not an ex- haustive list and items with similar characteristics may be the subject of future administrative determination. Air conditioning units, jet aircraft. Airframes. Ammunition, small arms (all types), military, treated as Class A products. Amplifiers, 1 kw., special Air Force design. Amplifiers, stabilization and computer, used in A-1A bombing and navigational computer. Antenna filters, used when a single antenna is used for UHF communication, IFF equipment and homing equipment. Anti-icing units for jet engines. Automatic hovering and depth control equipment for submarines. Battery charger, special military design for torpedo batteries. Bomb dolly, 12,000-pound capacity. Bomb hoists, installed in aircraft. Bomb hoists, ground handled. Booster, ammunition. Buckles, brass, service belt. Buckles, metal (for web belt). Buttons, special military insignia type. Cable sets, automotive and aircraft (installed as original equipment). Capstan, ship, special military design. Carburetors, engine, aircraft. Carburetors, special military design, for aircraft engines No. 335-30W and 4360-59. Case, instrument, field test, for carrying aircraft instrument testing equipment. Casket, metal, seamless, without inner seal, special military design. Chamber, bubble, for sextants. Chassis, radio receiver (custom made). Chest, outfit, officers' mess, M-1937. Chocks, wheel, metal, collapsible, aircraft. Chutes, link ejecting. Clip, end (for web belt). Coil, assemblies, vibrator, engine starting, aircraft. Coil assemblies, ignition, aircraft. Coil assemblies, induction, aircraft. Compass adapter, G2, for stabilizing airborne radar and equip- ment in azimuth. Components for helmet liner M— 1, special military design. Compressor, air, 4 stage, 2 CFM, 3,000 p.s.i., for sonabouy rotor ejectors, special military design. Compressors, aircraft. Connectors, electrical, for rockets. Console, communication, CIC, Navy shipboard. Console, ship control, Navy. Container, spark plug, aluminum, aircraft. Containers, steel, cargo, special military design. Control cubicle, Navy ship propulsion. Converter unit, liquid oxygen, for jet aircraft. Cot, folding, steel, special military design. Cranes, Navy, aircraft crash, mobile. Cranes, Navy boat handling. Cranes, Navy paravane. Cylinders, oxygen, special military design, mounted in aircraft. Cylinders, helium storage, special military design. Dehumidifier, electric, submarine. Dispensers, cable, special military design, for dispensing steel torsionless cable at high speed for pulling triggers on moving bodies or aircraft ejection seats. Divider, voltage, TS 89A/AT, for radar. Drum, steel, 5-gallon, military. Duplicator, spirit process, map reproduction, 22" x 29", special military design for field use. Dust covers, aluminum, for radio, aircraft. Ejector, cartridge, photoflash, aircraft. Electric power plant, self-propelled, for starting jet engines. Elevator, aircraft, shipboard. Elevators, Navy shipboard. Engine, gasoline, liquid cooled, for LVT's (installed as original equipment). Engines and repair parts, aircraft. Equipment, military, experimental. Exciter regulator, aircraft, special military design. Exhaust nozzle actuator, jet aircraft. Fittings, quick disconnect, combination, aircraft. Flanges, fuel cell, aircraft, installed as original equipment. Food handling and storage equipment, aircraft. Frames for shelter, field maintenance, type A-1A, aircraft. Fuel caps, adapters and brackets for aircraft. Fuel control, jet aircraft. Fuel injection systems, aircraft. Fuel metering systems and components for jet aircraft. Furniture, aluminum, Navy shipboard use. Gas turbines, main propulsion and auxiliary, special military design. Gunnery armament container case. Gyro compass systems, special military design. Harness sets, except ignition, for original equipment or repair and replacement. Heater (Hunter Model UH-58-SC-1, film dryer). Heater, solar. Hose, special in-flight refueling, aircraft. Indicator, airspeed, for jet aircraft. Intercooler, aircraft. Inverter, electronic, type D2 power supply (not rotary type). Jig plate casting^, aluminum. Junction box J229, containing integral parts used in navigation set ARN14. Junction box, w/cable assembly incorporated therein, aircraft. Kit, test (engine tuneup) special military design. Lighting and power distribution system, portable, shipboard use. Locking pins, for military trucks and tanks. Magazine, wire recording, special military design. Mast, telescopic, special military design. Military insignia and decorations, purchased as such by the military. Nitrogen cylinders, special military design, used in guided mis- siles program. Oscillator, frequency control, special military design. Oxygen bracket, aircraft. Patch cords (wiring harness for test benches) installed as original equipment. Patch cords (wiring harness for test benches) repair or replace- ment. Piston pin, Hercules DNX Diesel engine No. 71216A, installed as as original equipment. Portable hydrant refueling system, air installation. Power control, electronic, jet engine (fuel metering system). Powerplant, C-25, for air transportable radar beacon. Power unit, airborne, F5 (for starting jet engine). Power units, electric auxiliary, airborne. Processing machines, photographic, automatic for 16 and 35 MM aerial film. Projector, motion picture, 16 MM (special military design). Propellers and parts, aircraft. Propulsion units, 165 hp. for propelling nested pontoons. Pump, oil circulation, for jet engine. Rack, folding tool pack, parachute. Rack, pallet, special military design. Radio, cell-type, screen room. Radio set, AN/TRC-24, UHF. Reduction gears for diesel engines. Reel, cable, nonmagnetic. Refrigerating unit, mechanical, gasoline driven, f/600 cu. ft., sectional portable refrigerator, including concurrent spares, special military design. Retro pneumatic ejector. Runway lighting leads, searchlight, AN/AVQ2A, aircraft. Sanitary equipment, aircraft. Seat assembly, troop seat. Seat, ejection, aircraft. Seat, tool, folding, lap and chest pack, Seat, troop. Semitrailer, low bed, front loading, rear loading, 25 and 60 tons. Separator lines, large, parachute (aluminum). Signal amplifier system, for in-flight refueling operation. Skis, aircraft. Socket, wire rope, galvanized dropped forged steel, special Navy design for antisub nets. Solenoids, armament, aircraft. Sound recorder-reproducer type IC/VRT-5MS. Stand, aircraft maintenance, type C-l, for use on tail assembly. Stand, folding, for field desk. Stand, test, hydraulic system, gasoline engine driven. Starter, jet aircraft, military only. Static converter, E— 1. Steel form, special military design, for underground magazine and left in place. Stereoscope, special military. Surge boots used on IFR, boom assembly to absorb shock or surge in fuel lines. Switch, absolute pressure, aircraft. Switch, impact, time delay, aircraft. parachute. 20 tons, special military, Switchboard, fire control, Navy shipboard use. Switchboards, special Navy Shipboard for interior communication. Synchronizer, propeller, aircraft. Table, work, cook's, w/pan rack (special military design). Table, work, kitchen (special military design). Tank, starting, for Navy diesel engine. Tank, water storage, nylon, special military design. Test bench sets, fly-away maintenance for A-1A computer. Tester, battery starter, model YM-20, special military design. Tester, coil, model AAM-5, special military design. Tester, condenser, model BM-5, special military design. Tester, dwell tach, model GAN-7, special military design. Tester, volts ampere, model CBM-12, special military design. Toilet assembly, aircraft. Tow hook, for military trucks and tanks. Towing bar, airplane, nose wheel. Tractor, towing, aircraft type A-l and A-2. Trailer, airdrome utility, 4-wheel, type F-2. Trailer, cargo, 1^-ton, 2-wheel DT, 10' body, Ord. M-105, body only. Trailer, oxygen servicing, type E-3 Trailer, special military design for mounting air compressors, generators, and floodlights. Trailer, utility, type K— 1, 3-wheel, for air force flight line. Trailer, utility, 2-wheel, pole type, 2K-ton, Infantry raft equip- ment. Trailer, w/hoist, bomb handling. Trailer, 2-wheel, pole type, 2^-ton, slip, w/bolster. Trailer, 4-wheel, special tandem, 10-ton, 4DT. Transmissions, aircraft. Trays, photographic, acid resistant, custom built. Truck, fire, crash type O-10. Truck, fire, crash types 0-11 and 0-11 A. Truck, fire, crash type 0-12. Truck, fire, foam, advance base type, special military design (Navy type). Tube, flexible chute, ammunition. Tuning drives, electronic. Vacuum chamber assembly, special military design USAF DWG No. 35G437. Valve, steering wheel metering, aircraft. Vehicle lashing gear w/quick release mechanism, special military design. Waterproof enclosures for remote control boxes and radio cases. Winches, Navy shipboard, special purpose use, non-magnetic. The following normal Class B products, when installed as original equipment or concurrent spares on trucks, fire, crash, and on tactical or combat vehicles (which are classified as Class A products), are considered Class A products whether manufactured by the prime contractor in his own facility or purchased from subcontractors: Axle assemblies Brake assemblies Engines Wheel assemblies Repair parts for combat vehicles which are not listed in the Class B Product List are to be considered Class A products; however, repair parts for engines, transmissions and final drives for combat vehicles are to be treated as Class B products. The following items are defined as combat vehicles: (1) Tanks, light, medium, heavy. (2) Carriages, motor, self-propelled guns. (3) Carriages, motor, self-propelled howitzer. (4) Wrecker, full track, tank mounted. (5) Tractor, cargo carrier. (6) Carrier, cargo, amphibious. (7) Landing vehicle, tracked. (8) Bulldozer, tank mounted. (9) Trailer, gun mount. (10) Vehicle, armor, infantry. (11) Vehicle, armor, engineer. (12) Vehicle, tank recovery. SECTION IV-D BDSA CLASSIFICATION AND CODING SYSTEM The six-digit product classes shown in this publication conform to the 1957 edition of Standard Industrial Classification of the Bureau of the Budget and were developed from the five-digit product classes assigned by the Bureau of the Census for use in the 1958 Census of Manufactures and in subsequent Annual Surveys of Manufactures. To provide for BDSA requirements of product detail, a 6-digit class code number was used rather than the 5- or 7-digit numbers of the Bureau of the Census. However, the basic numbering system was not changed; the first four digits are the industry to which the product is assigned in the Standard Industrial Classification, the fifth digit (0-9) is the Census product class and the sixth digit uniquely identifies the BDSA product group. (Zero) is assigned as the sixth digit when BDSA and Census product groups are identical; 1 through 9, as the sixth digit indicates expansions of individual Census product classes required by BDSA. BDSA product groups which include more than one 1958 Census product class are assigned (zero) as the fifth digit, in the 6-digit code. Individual products listed in Section I, the Product Assignment Directory, are assigned the code numbers of the product class in which they are included, except for selected basic chemicals, and chemical and rubber products. In order to assign individual codes to many chemicals and chemical and rubber products, it was necessary to expand the numbering system and to use as the first 4 digits of the 6-digit BDSA product class special 4-digit industry codes not listed in the Standard Industrial Classification. How these special 4-digit codes correspond with the Census industry classifications is shown in the following table: BDSA Census Item Codes Codes Inorganic chemicals 2881-2886 2819 Organic chemicals 2887-2889 2818 Rubber products, n.e.c 3061-3064 3069 As a result of administrative needs of BDSA it was necessary to assign to some individual products, product class codes which are not in agreement with the Standard Industrial Classification or the Census codes. The differences in industry classification between the BDSA product class codes and Census codes at the 4-digit level, except where noted below, are shown in the following table: Product BDSA Census Farm machinery and equipment, n.e.c 3520 Various Ship and boat parts and components 3730 Various Silos 1621 (i) Metal strapping applicating tools 3499 3423 Branding irons *3520 3953 Orchard heaters *3520 3433 {2499 [3999 Shoes, horse, mule, oxen, wrought iron *3520 3391 Bushings 3566 3323 Guns, line throwing *3730 3779 Laboratory sinks 3811 343 1 Magnetic compasses 3811 3821 Lights, operating room 3841 3642 Beds, hospital 3841 2599 Lamps, mine safety 3842 3642 Grease retainers, metallic and semi-metallic packing 3293 3599 Oil seals, metal clad 3293 3599 Branding equipment, livestock 3522 3953 Kilns, cement and wood 3567 3559 Draw benches 3542 3548 Drawing machines 3542 3548 Wire fabricating machines 3542 3548 Wire weaving machines 3542 3548 1 By material, i.e., concrete, metal, etc. •Special codes. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1960 Beekeepers' supplies *3520 PE Tlf. 1 ; A .Tf, UN| VERS l TY LIBRARIES A °0007l5fitt3i