' A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION 1972 Economic Censuses Publication Output and Major Items Collected May 1973 US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Social and Economic Statistics Administration BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Prepared by u s Department of Commerce, Social and Ecoi Data User Services Office Bureau of the Census SUMMARY CHART: THE 1972 ECOI • The Censuses of Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade, and Selected Service Industries • The Census of Construction Industries The 1972 Economic Censuses will cover over 4.9 million establishments representing approximately 4.5 million companies and will provide data on the economic activity ol almost every segment of American business and industry. The primary goal for the 1972 census is the release of the data on an accelerated time schedule To help the Bureau of the Census meet this goal, all of the firms who received questionnaires were requested to mail their completed forms back to the Bureau by the deadline date for filing-February 15, 1973. 1972 Census of Retail Trade 1972 Census of Wholesale Trade 1972 Census of Selected Service Industries 1972 Census of Construction Indus- tries 1972 Census of Manufactures 1972 Census of Mineral Industries 1972 Enterprise Statistics Program 1972 Census of Transportation National Travel Survey Truck Inventory and Use Survey Commodity Transportation Survey Selected statistics including number of establishments, sales, payrolls, employment, etc., by kind of business, are presented in various series of reports: Area, industry, subject, and maior retail centers reports. Retail merchandise line sales reports provide statistics by kind of business and merchandise lines. The kmd-of-business detail available in the reports varies depending on the number of establishments in an area. Preliminary State data will be issued in the form of press releases. Reports provide selected statistics similar to retail trade reports above by kind of business and type of operation. New product line report on wholesale commodity line sales will be available Preliminary State data will be issued in the form of press releases. Area and industry and subject reports present statistics by kind of business on number of establishments, sales or receipts, payrolls, employment, etc. Preliminary State data will be issued in the form of press releases. Industry and area reports. Included are data by 4-digit SIC on number of construction establishments, employment, payrolls, total business receipts, construction receipts, and other business receipts, payments to subcontractors: cost of materials, components, and supplies, payment for rental of machinery and equipment, and capital expenditures. Also information on types of construction work undertaken, ownership of construction projects (public or private), location of construction work by State, and amount of subcontract work done for other contractors. Reports present statistics by industry, geographic area, and by subject. General statistics are provided including number of establishments, employment, payrolls, man-hours, cost of materials, capital expenditures, value of shipments, inventories, etc.: information also provided on quantity and value of materials consumed and products shipped. Subject reports cover size of establishments, manufactures inventories, employment and labor costs, expenditures for plant and equipment, materials consumed, metal-working operations, gross value of depreciable assets and rental payments. Special reports deal with concentration ratios in manufacturing, manufacturing activity in government establishments, type of organization, water use in manufacturing, etc. Industry and area reports provide data similar to those for manufactures above for each of 42 mineral industries. Subject reports cover water use in mineral industries: expenditures for plant and equipment, size of establishment, type of organizations, fuels, electric energy, and selected supplies used, type of operation. Provides statistics on the full range of the scope of the censuses covered above. A general report on industrial organization— establishment-enterprise relationships, industrial diversification and concentration, and on some items, particularly financial, not available elsewhere. A second report provides data for central administrative offices and auxiliaries. The census consists of three surveys and is limited to data not collected by other Federal agencies. Data on number of persons taking trips: number of trips taken: person-trips, -miles, -nights: and accommodations used by selected travel characteristics. Also data by selected socioeconomic character- istics. Data available for 1972 for States with high level of travel activity. Data on the characteristics and uses of the Nation's private and commercial truck resources. Data on shipments of commodities by manufactures: flow of commodities; tons and ton miles; weight of shipments; origin and destination, also data on flow of commodities from manufacturing plants located in each of the 27 major industrial (production) areas. More origin/destination commodity flow detail available than in 1967. Preliminary press release Final reports: Area series BC72-RA Size series BC72-RS Industry and Subject Major Retail Center more SMSA's, D.C., Retail Merchandise and the U.S.) Preliminary press release Final reports: Area series BC72-WA Size series BC72-WS Industry and Subject Wholesale Commodit Preliminary press releasf Final reports. Area series BC72-SA Size series 8C72-SS ( Industry and Subiec Preliminary Industry re summary) Final reports: Industry reports sens Area reports series C Special reports series Advance industry and a Preliminary industry (4 Final reports: Area series MC72I3) Industry series MC7 of related Industrie Subject series MC72 Special reports serie; Preliminary industry an Final reports: Area series MIC72I2 Industry series MIC. Subject series MIC7; Two reports: Series ES Three reports, series T 72), a summer repor Series TC72-T1 to T52 Series TC72-C1 to C5 production areas and 'Data will be based on the revised 1972 Standard Industrial Classification Manual 2 Data not available in every report for all of the areas listed. J.S. Department ol Commerce. Social and Economic Statistic* Administration, Bureau of the Cenjui SUMMARY CHART THE 1972 ECONOMIC CENSUSES PUBLICATION OUTPUT t Retail Trade. Wholesale Trade, and Selected Service li • The Census of Construction Industries The 1972EconomeCen almost every segment ol Ai o! (he Census meet ihis gi liling-Febiuarv 15, 1973. 1 The Censuses of Manufacture* and Mine • The Census of Trarisportatro ng of the 1972 Economic Censuses The law als dbytl s Ion n of films to respond, and the reqi will be published by the Census 8 lation. or regulation. The law also 1972 Census ol Retail Tra 1972 Census ol Wholesale Trade 1972 Census ol Setecied Serv ol establishments, sales, payrolls, employment etc.. bv kind ol business, eports; Area, industry, subieci. and maioi retail centers reports Retail iovide siatisucs by kind ol business and merchandise lines The he reports vanes depending on the number ol esiablishmenis in an area, n lhe lorm ol press releases 1972 Census olConstru 1972 Census ol Manufacture 1972 Census ol Mm 1972 Enterprise Statistics Program 1972 Census of Transportat National Travel Survey Truck Inventory and Use Survey irouide selected statistics similar ro reta i. New product line report on wholesale ci y Stare data will be issued in lhe lorm ol i jnd industry and subieci reporis piesen! statistics by kind oi leceipts. payrolls, employment, etc. mary Slate data will be issued in lhe lorm of press releases Industry and area reports. Included are data by 4-digit SIC on number ol construction establishments, employment, payrolls; total husmess receipts, construction receipts, and other business receipts; payments to subcontractors; cost of matenals. components, and supplies, payment for rental of machinery and equipment, and capital e-penditures. Also information on types ol construction work undertaken, ownership of construction projects (public or private), location of construction work by State, and amount ol subcontract work done lor othei comractots Repotts present statistics by industry, geographic area, and by subieci. General statistics are provided including number of establishments, employment, payrolls, man-hours, cost of materials, capital expenditures, value ol shipments, inventories, etc.. information also provided on quantity and value ol materials consumed and products shipped. Subject reports cover sue of establishments, manufactures inventories, employment and labor costs, eipenditures for plant and equipment, materials consumed, metal -working operations, gross value ol depreciable assets and rental payments. Special reports deal with concentration ratios in manufacturing, manufacturing activity m govern organiotion, water use io manufacturing, etc iovide d i reporis p ndustnes. Subject reports cover water use in n if establishment, type of organizations, fuels, e those for manufactures above for each ol 42 minera al industries, eipenditures for plant and equipment, size ic energy, and selected supplies used, type ol operation. Provides statistics on the full range of the scope of the censuses covered above A general report on industrial organiiaiion-establishment-enierpnse relationships, industrial diversification and concentration, and on some items, particularly financial, not available elsewhere A second report provides data lor central ; limited to data not collected by other Federal agencies. nps. number ol ttips taken, person-trips, miles, -nights, and fiipmeots. orn »ch ol the 27 han in 1967. d 1972 Standard Indi i uses ol the Nation's private and commer s ol commodities by manufactures, flow ol comrm and destination, also data on !low ol commodities ■ajof industrial (production) areas. More ongm/destin; Aiea series 6C72-RA (52 reports; for each Stale, D.C., and the U.S.) Size series 8C72-RSI.1 report) Industry and Subieci senes BC72-RI 13 reports) Major Reieil Center Statistics series 8C72 MRC (50 reports, tor States with one or more SMSA's, D.C., and the U.S.I Retail Merchandise Lmf Sales series 8C72-MLS (52 reports, for each State, D.C.. es BC72-WA [52 reports, for each State, D.C., and the ;sBC72WS(l report) and Subieci senes 9C72-WI 15 reports) e Commodity Line Sales series BC72-CLS 1 1 teport) Area series 6C72-SA 152 reports, for each Srate. O.C., and the U.S.) Sue senes BC72-SS (I repori) Industry and Subieci series 8C72-SI (8 reports) eliminary Industry teports series CC72(P| 1-2B (coveting 27 mdusi umma-y) nal reports; Industry reporis series CC72I 1-28 (lor same as preliminary) Area reporis series CC72A 1-52 (for each Slate, C, and the U.S.I Special reports senes CC72S I and 2 'reliminary industry (450 reports by 4 digit SIC), area, and Si Area series MC7201-I to 51 (51 reports; lor States, DC. Industry series MC72(2i 20A to 390 (80 reporis. each fi of related industries) Subject senes MC72( 1)1 to 8 (8 reports) Special reporis series MC72IS) I to 5 (5 reports) as MIC72I21-1 in 49 (State reports and U.S. summary) Industry senes MIC72( 11 lOAto 14E (14 (eports) Subiect senes M1C72I1) -t to 7 (7 reports) 'wo reports; Series ES72-1 and -2 Series TC72-T1 to T52 (52 reports; each State. DC. a U.S. summary) J.S.. States. SMSA's. U.S., States, SMSA's, selected counties and ci U.S., regions (final senes only), divisions, States. U.S., regions, divisions. States, some county data. U.S.. States. U.S., divisions, produciio able on computer tap e foi all State s and SMSA' for major cities and aunties. The nd-ol-busme- rl will vary depending c n the sue ol t earea. Manufactures data for State. SMSA, county, and city (meeting prescribed sue criterion), by industry, similar to published tables in (1) General Summary. (2) Sum- mary Volume Subiect Reports, (3) Industry Volume, and (4) Area Volume. Data provided on Quantity and h State, date on trucks by Slate ol registraiio n shipments fiom production area to desiir PE 1f. N .?J' 1 A .T! UNIV ERSITY LIBRARIES ADQDD7afi3E3MT MAJOR DATA ITEMS COLLECTED IN THE ECONOMIC CENSUSES Item Economic Censuses Mineral Industries Manu- facturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Selected Services Construc- tion Number of employes Production (Construction) workers - quarterly All other employees Total Payrolls Production (Construction) workers wages All other employees Total o . . . o Operating expenses including payroll. Supplemental labor costs Legally required Voluntary programs Total Production worker man-hours quarterly Cost of materials, etc. Materials, supplies, etc Products bought and resold Fuels consumed Purchased electricity. » Contract work Total Inventories By state of fabrication Total . Capital expenditures New structures and additions New machinery and equipment Used plant and equipment Mineral development and exploration Total . Quantity of electricity Purchased Generated „ Electricity sold Gross book value, fixed assets Buildings and other structures Machinery and equipment Mineral properties . Total , Total receipts Value of shipments or production , Legal form of organization , Rental payments, total Building and structures , Machinery and equipment . . . . X X *x *x *x *x J x *x *x *x *x l x *x *x *x x x *x *x l X *x *x x x l x *x *x *x *x l x x x *x l x x x x x *x J Data collected on a sample basis only. Totals will be available only at the U.S. the census of wholesale trade, sample includes merchant wholesalers only. 2 Used plant and equipment collected separately. level. For