Foreign Technology a Foreign Marketing information available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce Contents Foreign Technology Program 1 General Technical Translations 2, 14 Developing Nations 3 Appropriate Technology 5, 46 Price Code Explanation 6 NTIS Price Codes 47 Examples of Foreign Technology Titles in the NTIS Collection 7-10 CIA Reports 11-13 Scientific Event Bulletin 14 U.S. Market Share Reports 15 Foreign Market Surveys 15-24 Standards for Exported Products 25-27 Foreign Press/Radio Translations 28-29 Communist Country Translations 30-36 International Telecommunications Union Reports 37-40 Foreign Market Airgrams 40 NTIS Products Offering Foreign Technology and Services 41-43 NTIS Foreign Dealers 44-46 How to Order 48-49 About NTIS 50-55 Order Forms 52, 53 NTIS Telephone Numbers 56 5-81 Acquisition of foreign technology goal of new office The National Technical Information Service (NTIS), as the central source for scientific and technical information sponsored by the United States Government, plays a key role in the international exchange of information. NTIS in- creasingly has become the lead agency within the Federal establishment responsible for participation in bilateral, regional, and worldwide activities involving technology transfer and information. This has come about because of the growing recognition of the importance of technical in- formation in the conduct of U.S. business overseas and in the conduct of U.S. international relations. In order to respond to this growing responsibility, an Office of International Affairs has been created within NTIS. NTIS' objective in forming this new office is to help create a positive climate and provide a mechanism for an equitable exchange of information among all nations. This is based on the United States' historical commitment to the open access to public information in our free society. This international flow of information through NTIS is shown in these figures— • There are some 300,000 reports based on foreign tech- nology in the NTIS collection. • 20% of the products and services provided by NTIS go to non-U. S. destinations. • Some 90 countries regularly receive information from NTIS. • 20% of the authors represented in the NTIS collection of one million titles are attached to non-U. S. organiza- tions. • Some 10% of current annual acquisitions are from non-U. S. sources. • More than 25 nations regularly contribute information items to the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base. • NTIS has bilateral agreements with non-U. S. governmental, regional, or private information organiza- tions in 37 countries which stimulate the international ex- change of information through local sales services and the acquisition of new information. This catalog highlights the foreign programs currently directed by NTIS and lists products and services from foreign sources. Additionally, it is a guide to sources of NTIS information located outside the U.S., and it lists peo- ple to contact within NTIS who are responsible for its o foreign activities. '<§ NTIS has undertaken the lead role in carrying out in- ^dustrial innovation initiatives relating to the acquisition of § foreign technology. i ft This pilot program will help U.S. industry keep abreast i» a . i ;3 of foreign scientific and technical activities and ensure easy access to foreign technical information. NTIS has concluded bilateral agreements with several of the world's leading industrial nations. These agree- ments will result in thousands of foreign technical infor- mation items entering the NTIS system, all of them abstracted in English. Such organizations as Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, and the Delft Hydraulic Laboratory; the United Kingdom's National Coal Board, National Physical Laboratory, and the Engineering Science Data Units; and the Japan Information Center of Science & Technology have already made many valuable contributions. Foreign acquisitions are concentrated in the fields of solar energy, health care, metallurgy, mass transporta- tion, building, research, and scientific instruments. Abstracts of all foreign technical reports are published in NTIS' abstract newsletters and journals. In most cases, the complete texts in the original language also are available from NTIS. Several other new programs are expected to spur in- dustrial innovations in the United States. Specific actions to aid the development and commercialization of new U.S. products and processes will emphasize an increased flow of foreign technical information to the United States. In support of these programs, it is NTIS' objective to provide its customers with much of the important foreign technical information available. Translation program In addition to augmenting its long-standing translations program, NTIS will develop a pilot international technology information exchange system to provide for the identification, collection, evaluation, and dissemina- tion of foreign technology. Translation into English of significant research literature from languages such as Russian, Chinese, and Japanese, is important both for the promotion of inter- national scientific cooperation and the expansion of technical innovation in the United States. Although study of foreign languages has been traditionally encouraged among scientists, the language barrier still is a formidable obstacle at technical operating levels in business and in- dustry. To alleviate this, NTIS will expand the long-established Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program that it conducts for the National Science Foundation. Research scientists and technical experts from all Federal agencies select foreign material to be translated into English. These translations are paid for with currency that the U.S. Government holds in other countries. The literature translated with these funds would otherwise not be translated because of limitations on U.S. dollar- supported programs. In the past 19 years, more than one million pages of original language material have been translated and made available to the public. These documents are announced in the NTIS Abstract Newsletters and in GRA&I as they are completed. About 5,000 titles are listed in Translations from the Scientific Literature, which may be ordered as: 1960-73 PB-235 385T (PC A18/MF A01) 1974-75 PB-253 493T (PC A07/MF A01) 1976-77 PB-278 430T (PC A05/MF A01) To receive a list of translations in progress for the current year, write to Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program Coordinator, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Developing nations Acting for the U.S. Agency for International Develop- ment, NTIS has created an international information network with some 35 cooperating agencies around the world. This informal network has been functioning since 1971, when the U.S. Agency for International Develop- ment (AID) asked NTIS to create a mechanism to help ap- ply the vast collection of scientific and technical reports available from NTIS in a new effort to aid economic development. The resultant U.S. AID program set the following tasks: 1. Establish bilateral agreements with indigenous infor- mation organizations capable of providing local access to U.S. scientific and technical information. 2. Arrange training opportunities for network partici- pants to acquaint them with available scientific and technical information systems and information manage- ment skills. 3. Provide network participants with technical advisory services that strengthen their own skills and their in- stitutional capabilities. 4. Publish and distribute Application of Modern Technology to International Development (AMTID); and ACCESS to Information for International Development; and other publications. 5. Provide fast delivery of information products to par- ticipating agencies through use of subsidized airmail. 6. Provide special information materials and equip- ment compatible with network participants' needs. 7. Develop selected case studies for assessment of program impact. Network participants are typically national government agencies directly involved with economic development. The organizational unit which works with NTIS on this project is usually an information center or library. Some 35 organizations in developing countries are now actively participating in the program. Information management skill building and user education programs are essential to help local staff in developing a dynamic national information community. Network participants are expected to play an essential role in their country's modernization for years to come. To help them to serve local information needs better, NTIS provides opportunities for special training courses, field visits by consulting professionals, and local workshops covering particular areas of interest. 3 Twice each year, a group of from 10 to 15 project network agency representatives and other technical infor- mation managers from around the world come to NTIS headquarters in Washington, DC for a two week, hands- on, intensive workshop on technical information systems. It gives an overview of the technical information com- munity and its techniques worldwide, bringing knowledge up-to-date, and expanding participants' connections with NTIS and other information centers. Participants see how the National Technical Information Service operates, how to make it work better for themselves and their clients, how to take full advantage of NTIS collections when they return home, and how they can introduce similar systems in their own operations. The workshop also provides a forum through which Cooperating Agency staffs can learn from one another. For an application and further informa- tion address your request to NTIS' Office of International Affairs. The information network offers a variety of technology options, helping people in the developing countries choose the best alternatives for solving local problems. To date, vexing problems the world over have been solved by approaching them with the right information. In Ecuador, a sawdust problem was solved by designing a new product to use this former waste. In San Salvador, broken glass was recycled in a tile factory. In Korea, a metal product was improved to export-quality. All this was made possible by information provided through the network. Training tools available To monitor such successful examples of information transfer, NTIS created the Case Studies Handbook: An Aide to Evaluate the Utilization of Scientific & Technical Information. This handbook documents specific case studies but more importantly shows network participants how to develop their own case studies with specific steps outlined and strategies to follow with the information user. Available as PB80-186448, NTIS Price A06. A manual and a workbook have been specially prepared for training activities. The manual, How to Use the NTIS Order Processing System, helps Cooperating Agencies obtain information from NTIS in the quickest and most effective manner possible. Available in Spanish and English on request from NTIS' Office of International Affairs. The Workbook for Use at the Information Systems Workshops is a course guide and aide during the workshop and is a reference source that information managers have on return to their organizations. Many use it to train additional staff at home as well as large users of information in the community. An important aspect of training relates to the users of information in developing countries as well as the providers. The habit of using information is not yet es- tablished in many developing countries. In order to create an awareness of the value of information, its ready availability, and the mission. of network members to serve users' information needs, user education seminars are organized for developmental organizations, government and business. Available in English from NTIS' Office of International Affairs. Another educational tool is ACCESS to Information for International Development. It is a quarterly newsletter in- tended primarily to keep network agency staff members informed of project activities such as upcoming seminars, conferences, and regional meetings; new information products and services; activities of various project partici- pants; and other news items of mutual interest. Available free on request from NTIS' Office of International Affairs. Appropriate technology NTIS covers a broad spectrum of technology. At one end are those sophisticated capital-intensive techniques on which the post-industrialized world has come to de- pend. At the other end, is Appropriate Technology. Since 1977, NTIS has reflected the shift of emphasis within USAID from capital intensive development projects to a renewed attack on problems more directly affecting the life of the rural and urban poor. Appropriate Technology is the term most frequently used to identify this philosophy. In NTIS' interpretation of the term, a technology is ap- propriate when it is compatible with the economic and social conditions of its users. In developing economies, this often means low-cost, light-capital, intermediate- level, or alternative technologies. Appropriate technologies are often designed to meet the needs of low- income groups and usually have the following characteristics: • Can be operated and maintained locally • Are labor intensive • Use available energy sources • Make maximum use of local resources and skills • Mesh with local and cultural values and needs • Are environmentally sound NTIS has become a major clearinghouse for the inter- national exchange of Appropriate Technology informa- tion. The information covers agriculture, rural develop- ment, management, small business administration, health, construction engineering, energy, and virtually all other categories of technology. Typical sources of the information outside of the U.S. include such organizations as: Appropriate Technology Development Assoc, India; Centro Cooperative Tecnico Industrial, Honduras; COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; Grupo Talpuy, Peru; Indo- Pacific Fisheries Council, Thailand; Intermediate Technology Publications, UK; International Rice Research Inst., Philippines; Technology Consultancy Centre, Ghana and; U.N. Industrial Development Organization, Vienna. Selected information is translated into English, Spanish, and French to make it more usable to local groups working with the poor. To make available information more relevant to the needs of low income groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, NTIS works with a Panamanian organization (Grupo de Technologia Apropriada). This agency works with network participants to help them better understam the philosophy of appropriate technology and to aid loca clients in its utilization. This often involves a "repackag ing" effort on behalf of the local agency. The monthly newsletter Application of Moden Technology to International Development (AMTID) an nounces newly acquired reports and documents of par ticular interest to developing economies. Printed ii Spanish, English, and French versions, more than 30,00i copies are distributed each month by network partici pants to interested parties in developing countries. Network participants serve as guest editors in order t< assure items are announced which truly reflect the need of the target audiences (available free on request fron NTIS' Office of International Affairs.) Appropriate Technology Information for Developing Countries: Selected Abstracts from the NTIS Data Fil< (Second Edition) is a semi-annual report which cumulate all materials in the NTIS collection deemed Appropriati Technology. The current issue contains abstracts of mon than 1,000 documents plus subject, corporate author and personal author indexes. (Order PB80-1 17666, $5.50 In order for network participants to utilize all possibl sources of Appropriate Technology, NTIS compiled an published A Global Listing of Appropriate Technolog Organizations and Sources (Order PB-296 635, A08 This is a comprehensive listing of addresses of worldwid organizations, research institutes, and developmer groups involved in some aspect of Appropriat Technology. It is useful to those interested in contactin Appropriate Technology organizations in their regions a well as other parts of the world. To further assure that information be used by person most directly involved with development issues, a grar has been made by USAID to subsidize the purchase c documents in Latin America and the Caribbean. The sub sidy is administered by local cooperating agencies an NTIS. Watch for Price Codes Most prices in this catalog are in- dicated by Price Codes. For example: When you read Gasohol: A Technical Memorandum. NTIS Price: PCA04/M- FA01, you learn from the Price Code table on page 47 that A04 is the equivalent of $7, and the A01 is the equivalent of $3.50. PC, of course, means paper copy, and MF means microfiche. Price Code Tables may change. Current tables always are free on request from NTIS. Foreign titles cover a wide variety of technical areas The following titles have been selected from among some 300,000 documents relating to foreign technology and marketing information. They were chosen to show ti- tles of topical interest and to give an idea of the variety available. Research on Fuel Conservation for Cars, M. H. L. Waters, and I. B. Laker. 1980, 39p PB-80-225949 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Investigation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics for High Frequency Components. Final Report. W. Altmann, H. G. Kerzl, and O. Schweizer. Oct 79, 51 p Text in German; English Summary. N80-29501 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Measurement Techniques for Integrated High Frequency Circuits. Final Report. P. Draheim. Dec 79, 98p Text in German; English Summary N80-29600 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Calculation of Magnetic Fields to Correct Charged Parti- cle Trajectories in the JINR Synchrophastron. E. P. Zhidkov, I. B. Issinskii, T. P. Kochkina. E. M. Kulakova, and L. A. Smirnova. 1979, 10p In Russian. U.S. Sales On- ly. JINR-R-1 1-12374 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Nickel Hydrogen Cell Development Centered on Positive Electrodes with High Capacity Per Unit Area for Load Leveling and Traction Applications. Final Report. G. Gut- mann, and R. Linkohr. Dec 79, 108p N80-29908 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Containment of Heavy Vehicles by Bridge Parapets of Post and Rail Type. V. J. Jehu, and L. C. Pearson 1979, 16p PB81-106452 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Separation, Conditioning, Storage and Disposal of Krypton-85. P. Patek. Apr 79, 39p In German. U.S. Sales Only. SGAE-3038 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Phase 1 Wind Tunnel Tests of the J-97 Powered, External Augmentor V/STOL Model. D. B. Garland, July 80, 101p N80-28303 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Interaction of Gamma Radiation and Temperature on the Determination of the Sterilizing Dose of Some Stored Products Pests. A. P. Barbosa. Aug 76, 83p In Por- tuguese. Thesis. U.S. Sales Only. INIS-MF-5367 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Vapour Lock in Car Braking Systems, J. Keen. 1979, 33p PB81-104044 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Ceramic Coatings on Diesel Engine Components. Period Covered: January 1979-August 1979. I. Kvernes, and K. P. Lillerud. Oct 79, 19p DOE/ET/15320-T1 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Integration of Filters by Means of Linear MOS Circuits. P. Christiansen, P. J. Gebhardt, and G. Kohlbacher. May 80, 37p N80-31742 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Investigations on Ce-and Yb-Based Intermetallic Com- pounds. R. A. Elenbaas. 20 Feb 80, 135p U.S. Sales Only. INIS-MF-5684 NTIS Price: PC A07/MF A01 Energy and Entropy Fluxes in Coal Gasification and Li- quefaction Processes. Final rept., Hans Voigt. 1980, 28p PB80-206238 NTIS Price: PC E03/MF E03 Development of Mine Fire and Explosion Protection Equipment for Dry Dust-Extractors. H. Auberg, E. W. Scholl, and M. Faber. Jun 80, 121 p In German. U.S. Sales Only. BMFT-FB-HA-80-011 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Jet Propulsion in E exp + E exp - Annihilation and Decays of the Y(9.46) Resonance. Results from PLUTO. G. Knies. Aug 79, 30p U.S. Sales Only. DESY-79/47 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Physical Quantities Related to Measurement Campaigns for Cooling Towers. W. Boegel. Dec 75, 29p In German. U.S. Sales Only. DFVLR-IB-553-75/15 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Control of Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Car- cinoma by Measurement of Thyroglobulin in Serum. J. Hagemann, and C. Schneider. 1977, 4p U.S. Sales Only. AED-CONF-77-461-013 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Semiconductor Technology of Ion Implanted Silicon Devices. Final Report, Mar. 1978. J. Goetzlich, A. Heuberger, H. Kranz, B. Schubert, and F. Soller. Dec 79, 91p Text in German; English Summary. N80-29603 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Charged Particle Counter on the Basis of Electroluminescence. S. V. Golovkin. 1979, 19p In Rus- sian. U.S. Sales Only. IFVE-OEF-79-83 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Investigation into the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for the Purification of Carbonization Wastes. Jun 79, 20p U.S. Sales Only. BCRA-67 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Development of High Temperature Resistant, Solar Ab- sorber Surfaces. Final Report. W. Scherber, and G. Dietrich. Dec 79, 1 13p Text in German; English Summary. N80-29906 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 8 Digital Image Restoration. K. Vonderheide. Aug 79, 82p Text in German; English Summary. N80-30084 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 A 35 Ghz Doppler Radar to Measure the Speed of Small Particles Ein 35-Ghz-Dopplerradar Zur Geschwin- digkeitsmessung Kleiner Teilchen. K. Kaufmann. May 79, 15p Text in German. N80-30624 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Study and Development of Printed Circuit Elements for Synthetic Aperture Radar Array Antennas. Final Report. J. B. Sanchez, F. J. Asenjo, R. V. Gomez, M. P. Bellido, and J. T. Riera. Oct 79, 234p N80-30661 NTIS Price: PC A11/MF A01 The As-Quenched Microstructure and Tempering Behaviour of Rapidly Solidified Tungsten Steels. Technical rept., J. J. Rayment, and B. Cantor. 12 Jun 80, 54p AD-A089 042 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Solar Passive Systems for Buildings. Mar 80, 52p N80-30947 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 A Brief Investigation of the Two-Dimensionality of the Flow over an Airfoil in the 8 Foot by 6 Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel. P. H. Cook, and M. A. Mcdonald. Dec 79, 20p N80-31368 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Growing and Displacing Infarcts. G. Huber, H. Emde, and U. Piepgras. 1977, 6p AED-CONF-77-395-001 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Radiation Losses in the T-10 Tokamak. A. N. Ver- tiporokh, S. Yu. Luk'yanov, and Yu. S. Maksimov. 1979, 17p In Russian. U.S. Sales Only. IAE-3123 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Survey of the Market for Medical Equipment in Switzerland. Foreign market survey rept. Mar 80, 88p DIB-80-09-500 NTIS Price: PC $10.00/MF A01 Energy: Diesel Heat Pump for District Heating Plants and for the Heating of Large Housing Blocks. B. Petersen. 1980, 219p U.S. Sales Only. EUR-6740-EN NTIS Price: PC A10/MF A01 Comparative Experimental Study on the Use of Original and Compressed Multispectral LANDSAT Data for Ap- plied Research. K. A. Ulbricht. Feb 80, 81 p N80-31865 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Irradiation of Test Rods in Standard Fuel Rods of the Nuclear Power Station at Obrigheim. M. Gaertner. 1979, 39p In German. U.S. Sales Only. BMFT-FB-K-79-12 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 A Quick Method for Calculating Temperatures Arising from Extended Microcircuit Heat Sources. D. J. Dean. Jan 80, 27p N80-28659 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 9 Numerical Study of LHRF-Heating in Tokamak. T. Imai, M. Okamoto, and T. Nagashima. Jun 80, 35p N80-29169/3 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Design and Construction of Two 10.8 T.M. Supercon- ducting Beam Bending Magnets. P. Dow, and G. Kes- seler. 13 Mar 78, 29p U.S. Sales Only. CERN-78-03 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Influence of Low-Volatile Coal Additions on the Strength and Structural Properties of 7-Kg Cokes. May 79, 1 1 p U.S. Sales Only. BCRA-66 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Prototype of Wire Break Detector. L. Stawiszynski. Aug 79, 41 p N80-28741 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Utilization of Cyclotron for the Production of Radionuclides for Medical Use. C. Cimetiere, J. Leger, R. Muxart, and J. Vernois. 1979. 1 1 p In French. CEA-CONF-4641 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Study Tour of Industrial Robots in Japan Aug. 79, 78p AD-A077 161 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Use of a Trajectory Model for Studying Interregional Transport of Air Pollution 1979, 37p N80-11645 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Airborne Oil Spill Surveillance Systems in Sweden 12 Mar. 79, 20p N80-11646 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 National Solar Heating and Cooling Programs NATO fur- nished. Presented at the International Solar Energy Society Congress Held at Atlanta, GA. on May 28-June 1, 1979. Aug. 79, 64p PB-80-1 04987 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Guidelines to Air Quality Management Systems NATO furnished. Apr. 79, 167p PB80-109978 NTIS Price: PC A08/MF A01 Factors Influencing the Performance of Full Face Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines Mar. 79, 273p PB80-1 12378 NTIS Price: PC A12/MF A01 Speed Control Humps on Residential Roads Also pub. as ISSN-0305-1293. 1979, 39p PB80-1 12840 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Biomass in an Old Mixed Coniferous Forest in Dalarna, Sweden In Swedish. 1978, 43p SLU-IEM-79-1978 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Laboratory Investigation of the Performance of a Holden Engine Operating on Liquified Petroleum Gas Aug. 79, 49p AD-A076 145 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 10 CIA information covers world economy, politics, production statistics Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) publications cover a variety of unclassified foreign information. The subject areas are political, statistical and economic with reports on agriculture, metals, minerals, natural gas, oil, and military and official structures. CIA reports and analyses are sold singly and by sub- scription; irregularly issued recurring reports are sold on a standing order basis. International Energy Statistical Review: Presents economic and statistical information on international oil production, oil consumption, oil imports and exports, crude oil production, natural gas production, storage, im- ports and exports. It also deals in the area of oil and natural gas trade; oil stocks; oil spot market price; retail petroleum product prices and crude oil prices. Published monthly. The Review averages about 30 pages per issue. Prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency. Price: $36 annually. Order: PB81-928600 Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: This monthly directory identifies chiefs of state and cabinet members of foreign governments. It is intended primarily as a reference aid and includes some 155 governments, some of them not yet fully independent and others not officially recognized by the United States. About 110 pages an issue. Price: $36 annually. Order: PB81-928400 International Economic and Energy Statistical Review: This publication provides up-to-date information on changes in the domestic and external economic activities of the major non-Communist developed countries. To the extent possible, this report is updated from press ticker and embassy reporting, so that the results are made available to the reader weeks— or even months— before receipt of official statistical publications. U.S. data are provided by U.S. Government agencies. Published every two weeks (26 issues per year). About 25 pages an issue. Price: $60 annually. Order: PB81-928500 The following additional titles are available singly. In- quire as to their frequency of issue and the prices for in- dividual copies: Key Soviet-Yugoslav Documents (PB80-927902) Directory of Officials of the German Democratic Republic (PB80-927901) Non-OPEC LDCs: External Debt Positions (PB80-928001) China: International Trade Quarterly Review (PB80- 928202) 11 Soviet and U.S. Defense Activities 1970-79: A Dollar Cost Comparison (PB80-928101) Energy Supplies in Eastern Europe: A Statistical Compila- tion (NTISUB/E/280-015) Directory of Soviet Officials (three volumes) (NTISUB/E/281-018, NTISUB/E/281-005, NTISUB/E/281-006) USSR State Committee for Science and Technology (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/281-017) A Guide to Political Acronyms (NTISUB/E/280-014) Directory of Officials of the Republic of Cuba (NTISUB/E/279-016) Cuban Leadership (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/279-015) Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/282-014) Directory of Officials of the Hungarian People's Republic (NTISUB/E/279-017) USSR: Role of Foreign Technology in the Development of the Motor Vehicle Industry (NTISUB/E/281-016) Communist Aid Activities in Non-Communist Less Developed Countries (NTISUB/E/279-012) Czechoslovak Communist Party (NTISUB/E/279-013) Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/279-014) Directory of Officials of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (NTISUB/E/279-011) The U.S. Position in World Markets (NTISUB/E/280-011) Yugoslavia Government Structure (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/279-010) Structure of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (wall chart) (NTISUB/E/279-009) Directory of the Officials of the Polish People's Republic (NTISUB/E/279-005) Chinese Communist Party Organization (NTISUB/E/282- 012) The World Oil Market in the Years Ahead (NTISUB/E/280-010) Appearances of Soviet Leaders, January-December 1978 (NTISUB/E/281-013) National Basic Intelligence Factbook (NTISUB/E/280- 012) The Burgeoning LDC Steel Industry: More Problems for Major Steel Industry Producers (NTISUB/E/280-009) China: A Statistical Compendium (NTISUB/E/282-011) Directory of Officials of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania (NTISUB/E/279-007) Directory of Officials of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (NTISUB/E/279-003) Soviet Strategy and Tactics in Commercial Negotiations with the US (NTISUB/E/281-011) 12 USSR: Ministry of Foreign Trade (Wall Chart) (NTISUB/E/279-005) CPSU Politburo and Secretariat: Positions and Respon- sibilities (Wall Chart) (NTISUB/E/279-006) CPSU Central Committee: Executive and Administrative Apparatus (Wall Chart) (NTISUB/E/281-010) Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences of the Peo- ple's Republic of China (Wall Chart) (NTISUB/E/282- 010) China: The Steel Industry in the 1970s and 1980s (NTISUB/E/282-007) Directory of Officials of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (NTISUB/E/279-004) Cuban Chronology (NTISUB/E/279-003) Directory of Chinese Scientific and Educational Officials (NTISUB/E/282-006) Simulations of Soviet Growth Options to 1985 (NTISUB/E/281-007) Recent Gains in Nonfuel Trade Between the Developing Nations (NTISUB/E/280-005) Politburo of the 11th Chinese Communist Party Central Committee (NTISUB/E/282-008) Plant Breeding and Protection Research for Food Production in China (NTISUB/E/282-003) Non-OPEC LDC Terms of Trade, 1970-77 (NTISUB/E/280-003) The Holocaust Revisited: A Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Complex (NTISUB/E/280-002) SOVSIM: A Model of the Soviet Economy (NTISUB/E/281-003) Chinese Coal Industry: Prospects Over the Next Decade (NTISUB/E/282-002) USSR: Long-Term Outlook for Grain Imports (NTISUB/E/281-002) Foreign Development and Application of Automated Controls for the Steel Industry (NTISUB/E/280-001) China: Demand for Foreign Grain (NTISUB/E/282-004) Standing Orders Customers may also enter standing orders for any of the following five categories: PB81 -927800: All Countries PB81-927900: All Communist Country Reports PB81-928100: Russian Reports PB81 -928200: China Reports PB81-928000: All Non-Communist Country Reports Standing orders for these categories ensure the speediest possible automatic mailing to customers as soon as the documents are received at NTIS. Orders may be entered for paper copies only. Inquire to CIA Product Manager for an estimated price based on the number of documents anticipated in the categories. 13 5000 foreign technical reports in translations More than a million pages of scientific material has been translated since the Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program (SFCSIP). Four bibliographies listing more than 5000 titles are available from NTIS. Translations from the Scientific Literature 1969-1973. Order: PB-236 385. $14.00 Translations from the Scientific Literature 1974-1975. Order: PB-253 493. $12.50 Translations from the Scientific Literature 1976-1977. Order. PB-278 430-T. $9.50 Translations from the Scientific Literature 1978-1979. Order. PB80-155062. $6.50 The National Science Foundation coordinates and ad- ministers the SFCSIP, primarily to supplement the infor- mation needs of Federal research scientists. A list of translations in progress is available free on request. Check the order form on page 53. Scientific Event Alert Network offers bulletin The SEAN Bulletin is a monthly publication of the Scientific Event Alert Network (SEAN) in the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution. It reports timely information on a variety of worldwide natural science events such as volcanic eruptions, signifi- cant earthquakes, major fireballs, meteorite falls and finds, marine mammal strandings and sightings, discoveries of unusual natural history specimens, and population biology events including introductions, migra- tions and range expansions, diseases and afflictions, and mortalities. Events are reported to the SEAN scientific communications center by qualified scientific correspon- dents throughout the world. The data that appear in the Bulletin are frequently not published in scientific journals for several months or longer after the event occurrence. Therefore, research scientists, teachers, and librarians find the Bulletin unusually useful, as the information may be only days old when it reaches the reader. The SEAN Bulletin contains statistics, photos, maps, and graphs of the month's events whenever possible and it averages 20 pages monthly. Price: $40 annually; $5.00 single issue. Order PB81- 915700. 14 U.S. Market Share Reports are unique trade references U.S. Market Share Reports give a statistical picture of international trade in manufactured products, covering more than three-quarters of the total exported output of all the free world's factories. These are unique references that trace shifting trends in the movement of goods between countries. The five- year spread of data on the imports of some 1,100 com- modities by 90 countries reflects both the changing levels of those countries' import demands and shifts in the relative competitive positions of exporting countries. For the individual business executive, the Market Share Reports are the only available tool by which to compare his or her own export performance in any specific market over the five-year period with that of the industry as a whole, or with that of manufacturers of the same product in other countries. The 88 country reports produced in one year are priced at $4.75 each; the 1 ,100 commodity reports at $3.25 each. Request PB-294 300 (Market Share Catalog) from Publications Distribution, Room 1617, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. It is free and describes the uses of these reports. MARKET SURVEYS FROM COMMERCE DIB REPORTS Pollution Control Market, Philippines May 79, 89p DIB-79-08-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 India Market Research Report on Railroad Equipment Apr. 79, 91 p DIB-79-08-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Metal Finishing and Surface Treatment Equipment (Brazil) May 79, 79p DIB-79-08-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Machine Tools and Related Equipment In the Philippines 31 Mar. 79, 114p DIB-79-08-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of Japanese Markets for Medical Equipment. Volume 1 Jan. 79, 232p DIB-79-09-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Report on the Market in Australia for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment DIB-79-09-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Philippines: Pumps, Valves, and Compressors Market Research Brief May 79, 21 p DIB-79-09-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 ASEAN Campaign Market Research Study for Singapore. Pollution Control, and Waste Treatment Equipment Jun. 79, 63p DIB-79-09-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 15 Process Control Instrumentation Market Research In the Philippines Apr. 79, 105p DIB-79-09-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Small-Scale Fisheries Development In Djibouti Color il- lustrations reproduced in black and white. Dec. 78, 105p DIB-79-10-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study on Medical Equipment, Taiwan Aug. 79, 80p DIB-79-1 1-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Petroleum Exploration, Refining and Distribution Equipment In India 31 Oct. 79, 1 31 p DIB-79-1 1-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 ASEAN Campaign Market Research Study for FY 1980, Number 3. Textile, Apparel and Footwear Production Equipment (Singapore) 14 Aug. 79, 48p DIB-79-1 1-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Report on Mining and Construction Equipment in India 31 Jul 79, 140 DIB-79-1 1-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Market In Philippines Sep. 79, 157p DIB-79-1 1-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Energy Systems Equipment Market Research in the Philippines May 79, 76p DIB-79-08-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 ASEAN Campaign Market Research Study for Singapore: Construction Machinery and Equipment, Tools, and Building Materials 15 May 79, 61 p DIB-79-08-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Railroad Transportation Equipment In Zaire Apr. 79, 20p DIB-79-07-510 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Building Supplies and Equipment Market Research in Hong Kong Portions of this document are not fully legible. Apr. 79, 109p DIB-79-07-509 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the German Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Apr. 79, 97p DIB-79-07-508 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Survey of the Australian Business Equipment and Systems Market Apr. 79, 118p DIB-79-07-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey on the Italian Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Apr. 79, 202p DIB-79-07-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment (F.P.P.E.) Spain Apr. 79, 112p DIB-79-07-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Survey of the Market in Australia for Computers and Related Equipment Apr. 79, 157 DIB-79-07-504 NTIS Price: PC S'O/MF A01 Survey of World Markets for Medical Equipment (Italy) Apr. 79, 121p DIB-79-07-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 16 Market Survey Medical Equipment (Colombia) May 79, 209p DIB-79-07-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Survey for Food Processing Equipment in Colombia Dec. 78, 190p DIB-79-07-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the German Market for Sports and Recreation Goods 31 Mar. 79, 71 p DIB-79-06-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Strategic Assessment of the Market Opportunities for Plastic and Rubber Products Production Machinery, Ac- cessories and Plastic Materials in Brazil Mar. 79, 1 1 1 p DIB-79-06-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Post-Initiated Market Study, Medical Equipment, Ecuador 31 Mar. 79, 48p DIB-79-06-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Post-Initiated Market Study, Metalworklng Machinery and Equipment, Ecuador 31 Jan. 79, 56p DIB-79-06-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Mexican Market Survey for Heavy Construction and Min- ing Equipment Mar. 79, 154p DIB-79-06-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Medical Equipment Market Brief (Philippines) Jan. 79, 23p DIB-79-05-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Mexican Market Survey for Computers and Related Equipment Feb. 79, 105p DIB-79-05-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of World Markets for Computers and Related Equipment, Taiwan, R.O.C. Dec. 78, 66p DIB-79-05-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study of Automotive Equipment in France in Support of Equip Auto Show 15 Dec. 78, 80p DIB-79-05-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey on the Italian Market for Communication Equip- ment and Systems Jan. 79, 100p DIB-79-05-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Survey Food Processing Equipment In Colombia Dec. 78, 190p DIB-79-05-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Water Transport Equipment in Zaire Nov. 78, 27p DIB-79-05-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Post-Initiated Market Study Metalworklng Machinery and Equipment (Ecuador) Portions of this document are not fully legible. Feb. 79, 53p DIB-79-04-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Survey, Food Processing Equipment in Colombia Dec. 78, 192p DIB-79-03-517 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study of Machine Tools and Related Equipment in Venezuela 1 Jan. 79, 122p DIB-79-03-516 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 17 Market Research: Post Study. Mining and Light/Heavy Construction Equipment Republic of Korea 10 Jan. 79, 63p DIB-79-03-511 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Post-Initiated Market Study: Production Machinery for the Plastics Industry (Ecuador) 22 Dec. 78, 32p DIB-79-03-510 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Up Date Survey: Business Equipment (Colom- bia) 29 Sept. 78, 113p DIB-79-03-509 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Aircraft in Zaire Oct. 78, 25p DIB-79-03-508 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study of Pollution Control Equipment in the United Kingdom 8 Dec. 78, 98p DIB-79-03-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Machine Tools and Related Equipment In the Netherlands Aug. 78, 11 4p DIB-78-12-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 General Industrial Products (Mexico) Jul. 78, 93p DIB-78-12-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Polish Market for Machine Tools and Related Equipment Oct. 78, 102p DIB-79-01-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Venezuela Market Survey for Construction and Mining Machinery Jun. 78, 92p DIB-79-01-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Business Equipment and Systems in France Sept. 78, 29p DIB-78-12-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the U.S.S.R. Market for Machine Tools and Related Equipment Sep. 78, 106p DIB-78-12-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Taiwan Market for Communications Equip- ment Aug. 78, 119p DIB-78-12-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Packaging Equipment (Belgium) Jul. 78, 30p DIB-78-12-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Japan Market for Laboratory Instruments Sponsored in part by American Embassy, Tokyo (Japan). Oct. 78, 220p DIB-78-12-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Indian Market for Industrial Process Controls Nov. 78, 91 p DIB-79-02-503 NTIS Price; PC $10/MF A01 The Market for Process Control Instrumentation In France Oct. 78, 82p DIB-79-02-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Venezuelan Market Study on Pollution Control Equip- ment 30 Nov. 78, 65p DIB-79-02-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Industrial Process Controls (Israel) Supersedes DIB-78- 04-508. Jan. 78, 147p DIB-79-01-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 18 An Evaluation of the Market for Industrial Process Controls In Brazil Supersedes DIB-78-10-506. May 78, 79p DIB-79-01-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the German Market for Computers and Related Equipment Aug. 78, 11 9p DIB-79-01-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study on Machine Tools and Related Equipment Taiwan, R.O.C. Aug. 78, 103p Dl6-79-01-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Brazilian Market for U.S. Ceramic and Glass Manufacturing Equipment, Accessories and Materials Dec. 78, 108p DIB-79-03-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 India Market Research Report on Pollution Prevention and Control Equipment Nov. 78, 21 6p DIB-79-02-508 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Study of the Market for Graphic Industries Equipment In Singapore Dec. 78, 87p DIB-79-03-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Medical Equipment Market Research In Hong Kong Dec. 78, 100p DIB-79-03-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Microcomputer and Microprocessors in France 4 Jan. 79, 36p DIB-79-03-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Leisure Market In Greece Oct. 78, 52p DIB-79-03-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Survey Food Processing In Colombia Dec. 78, 191p DIB-79-03-501 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Special Survey Textiles Machinery in Bolivia Nov. 78, 95p DIB-79-03-500 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Security Components, Equipment and Systems (Netherlands) Nov. 78, 133p DIB-79-02-511 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Australian Market for Motor Vehicle Maintenance Equip- ment and Replacement Parts Nov. 78, 87p DIB-79-02-510 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 India Market Research Report on Bulk Conveying and Material Handling Systems Oct. 78, 80p DIB-79-02-509 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Study in the Field of Educational and Training Materials and Equipment In Australia Nov. 78, 64p DIB-79-02-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Swedish Market for Business Equipment and Systems Nov. 78, 69p DIB-79-02-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Household Consumer Products in France Oct. 78, 79p DIB-79-02-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Machine Tools and Related Equipment In the United Kingdom 14 Nov. 78, 114p DIB-79-02-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 19 The Market for Laboratory Instruments In Venezuela Sept. 78, 144p DIB-79-02-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Operations Market Research Study of Plastics and Rub- ber Forming Machinery and Plastics Materials In Europe 8 Jan. 79, 202p DIB-79-03-515 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Argentine Petrochemical Industry: A Growing Market for American Suppliers of Equipment and Engineering Services Aug. 78, 44p DIB-79-03-514 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 India Market Research Report on Machine Tools and Related Equipment Oct. 78, 109p DIB-79-03-513 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 The Argentine Market for Construction Equipment Nov. 78, 20p DIB-79-03-512 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Market Research Petroleum Exploration, Refining and Distribution Equipment in India 31 Oct. 79, 131 p DIB-79-1 1-502 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Index to Foreign Market Reports, 1979 1979, 12 issues NTISUB/E/122 NTIS Price: Standing Order Market Share Reports Catalog Supersedes PB-261 540. 1978, 24p PB-294 300 NTIS Price: Free The Market for Railroad Transportation Equipment In Zaire Apr. 79, 20p DIB-79-07-510 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Building Supplies and Equipment Market Research In Hong Kong Portions of this document are not fully legible. Apr. 79, 109p DIB-79-07-509 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the German Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Apr. 79, 97p DIB-79-07-508 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Survey of the Australian Business Equipment and Systems Market Apr. 79, 118p DIB-79-07-507 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Italian Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Apr. 79, 202p DIB-79-07-506 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of the Market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment (F.P.P.E.) Spain Apr. 79, 112p DIB-79-07-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 A Survey of the Market In Australia for Computers and Related Equipment Apr. 79, 157p DIB-79-07-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Survey of World Markets for Medical Equipment (Italy) Apr. 79, 121p DIB-79-07-503 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Process Control Instrumentation Market Research In the Philippines Apr. 79, 105p DIB-79-09-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 20 HIGHLIGHTED INTERNATIONAL TRADE STUDIES Beef Marketing: Issues and Concerns 26 Sept. 78, 85p PB-286 404 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 International Certification and Approval Schemes: A Guide to the Scope and Operation of Selected Schemes and Organizations 1978, 83p BTHE-020334 NTIS Price: PC E99 Considerations for Adjustment Assistance Under the 1974 Trade Act: A Summary of Techniques Used in Other Countries. Volume I See also Volume 2, PB-291 521. 18 Jan. 79, 64p PB-291 520 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Survey of U.S.S.R. Market for Process Control Equip- ment 1978, 130p PB-290 341 NTIS Price: PC A07/MF A01 Doing Business with China Feb. 79, 50p PB-291 998 NTIS Price: MF A01 Ventilating and Air Conditioning Equipment: A Survey of Design and Approval Requirements. Volume 1: Selected European and Middle East Countries 1978, 47p BTHE-063524 NTIS Price: PC E99 Monthly Petroleum Statistics Report, 1979 1979, 12 is- sues NTISUB/E/130 NTIS Price: Subscription World Cotton Production and Use: Projections for 1985 and 1990 Prepared in cooperation with Foreign Agricultural Service, Washington, DC. Jun. 79, 109p PB-297 353 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 The Effects of Increases in Imports on Domestic Employ- ment: A Clarification of Concepts Prepared in coopera- tion with Brookings Institution, Washington, DC. Jan. 78, 85p PB-296 826 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 U.S. Munitions Export Controls Need Improvement 25 Apr. 79, 122p PB-295 296 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 U.S. Administration of the Antidumping Act of 1921 15 Mar. 79, 96p PB-293 957 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 U.S. International Trade Document Standardization. Use of Aligned Forms In Export and Import Trade Feb. 79, 66p PB-293 340 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Scientific and Laboratory Instruments: A Market Assess- ment for the U.S.S.R. Jan. 79, 49p PB-292 374 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Considerations for Adjustment Assistance Under the 1974 Trade Act: A Summary of Techniques Used In Other Countries: Volume II. Profiles of Adjustment Programs In Eight Countries: United States, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom, and West Germany See also Volume 1, PB-291 520. 18 Jan. 79, 168p PB-291 521 NTIS Price: PC A08/MF A01 21 Technology and East-West Trade Library of Congress catalog card no. 79-600203. Nov. 79, 300p PB80-1 19381 NTIS Price: PC A13/MF A01 Prospects for Cooperation and Trade of Energy Resources Between the United States and Canada Nov. 79, 41 p PB80-105 489 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Impediments to Overseas Shipping of Less-Than- Contalnerload Cargoes Nov. 78, 74p PB-300 360 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 United States - Japan Trade: Issues and Problems 21 Sep. 79, 221 p PB-300 966 NTIS Price: PC A10/MF A01 Agricultural Exports by Cooperatives Aug 79, 93p PB-300 689 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Problems and Alternatives for U.S. Export Policy Mar. 79, 62p PB-299 499 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 The Economic and Energy Effects of Alternative Oil Im- port Policies 24 Jul. 79, 66p PB-297 881 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Rare-Earth Elements and Yttrium Report on Mineral Commodity Profiles. May 79, 22p PB-299 578 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Minerals in the U.S. Economy: Ten-Year Supply- Demand Profiles for Nonfuel Mineral Commodities (1968-77) See also report dated Jul. 75, PB-252 994. May 79, 105p PB-299 536 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Analysis of Competitive Practices in the Maritime In- dustry Mar. 78, 106p PB-300 361 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Perspectives on Trade and International Payments, Ex- ecutive Summary 10 Oct. 79, 26p PB-301 248 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Fish Meal and Oil Market Review Sep. 79, 24p PB-301 285 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Estimate of the 1979 Cost of Oil Imports into the United States. Analysis Report Jul. 79, 18p DOE/EIA-0184 NTIS Price: Pc A02/MF A01 Asbestos See also report dated Sep. 77, PB-272 916. Report on Mineral Commodity Profiles. Jul. 79, 25p PB80-101611 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Sulfur Report on Mineral Commodity Profiles. Jul. 79, 32p PB80-102072 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 United States Dependence on Imports of Nonfuel Minerals 21 Jun. 79, 88p AD-A075 096 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement Pricing Relationships Between Programmed and Nonprogrammed Requisitions 7 Sep. 79, 106p AD-A075 587 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 World Helicoper Market Study 3 Jul. 78, 170p N79-34094 NTIS Price: PC A08/MF A01 22 Stronger Emphasis on Market Development Needed in Agriculture's Export Credit Sales Program 26 Oct. 79, 103p PB80-1 02320 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 The Price Differential between Domestic and Imported Steel Oct. 77, 41 p AD-A075 960 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Simulation Study of Eight Petroleum Supply Disruption Scenarios Apr. 79, 151p HCPI5702501 NTIS Price: PC A08/MF A01 Monthly Import Detention List 1979, 12 issues PB80-923600 NTIS Price: Subscription Egen Produktion AF Lsi-Komponenter' en Vurdering AF, Om Udviklingen I Elektronlkindustrien VII Medfoere at Stadigt Flere Vlrksomheder Etablerer Egen Produktion AF Lsi-Komponenter (Will an Increasing Number of Companies Start Making Their Own LSI-Components: an Evaluation of Development Trends in the Electronics Industry) Partly in Danish and English. Jun. 78, 34p N80-1 1360/8 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Summary of the Structure and Dynamics of International Trade Opportunities for New Technologies Sep. 79, 41 p PNL-3115 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Iranian Oil Cutoff: Reduced Petroleum Supplies and Inadequate U.S. Government Response 13 Sep. 79, 66p PB-299 799 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Handbook of Economic Statistics, 1979; a Reference Aid Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. Aug. 79, 268p NTISUB/E/280-013 NTIS Price: Standing Order Fishery Statistics of the United States 1975 See also report dated 1977, PB-277 796. Dec. 78, 425p PB-300 625 NTIS Price: PC A18/MF A01 U.S. Wheat Industry Aug. 79, 124p PB-299 930 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 A Study to Determine the Export and Domestic Markets for Currently Underutilized Fish and Shellfish Prepared in cooperation with Young (Arthur) and Co., Washington, DC. See also PB-298 995. Dec. 78, 454p PB-298 994 NTIS Price: PC A20/MF A01 American Farmers In the Grain Export Business: A Guide to Buying Direct Apr. 79, 44p PB-298 331 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 The US Position In World Markets Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. Aug. 79, 42p NTISUB/E/280-011 NTIS Price: PC E03/MF A01 Export Potential for Photovoltaic Systems Apr. 79, 207p DOE/CS-0078 NTIS Price: PC A10/MF A01 Financial and Legal Implications of Iran's Cancellation of Arms Purchase Agreement 25 Jul. 79, 31 p PB-298 790 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 Potential Applications of Advanced Aircraft In Develop- ing Countries Jul. 79, 43p N79-28158 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 23 Sources and Uses of Funds of Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies, 1973-76 See also report dated Jul. 75, COM-75-50/58-07. May 79, 61p PB-298 097 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Stable Isotope Customer List and Summary of Ship- ments - FY 1978 May 79, 38p ORNL/TM-6710 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 North Sea and Its Economic Impact London, UK, 15 May 1978. 121p CONF-7805160 NTIS Price: PC A06/MF A01 Interbluro 76— The Foreign Exposition Edited trans, of Informatyka (Poland) v13 n4 p26-28 1977. 7 Apr. 78, 7p AD-A066 872 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 Export Marketing Program (EMP) for the Local (Puerto Rico) Industries Jan. 78, 55p PB-297 356 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Next Generation Cargo Liner. Phase I. Final Report See also PB-297 589. Prepared in cooperation with Temple, Barker and Sloane, Inc., Wellesley Hills, MA. Mar. 79, 229p PB-297 590 NTIS Price: PC A11/MF A01 Next Generation Cargo Liner. Phase I. Final Report. Ap- pendices See also PB-297 588, and PB-297 590. Prepared in cooperation with Temple, Barker and Sloane, Inc., Wellesley Hills, MA. Mar. 79, 153p PB-297 589 NTIS Price: PC A08/MF A01 Next Generation Cargo Liner. Phase I. Executive Sum- mary See also PB-297 589. Prepared in cooperation with Temple, Barker and Sloane, Inc., Wellesley Hills, MA. Mar. 79, 19p PB-297 588 NTIS Price: PC A02/MF A01 An Analysis of 1977 Food Imports See also report dated Apr. 79, PB-296 126. May 79, 55p PB-297 088 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 An Assessment of Development Assistance Strategies 6 Oct. 77, 62p PB-296 373 NTIS Price: PC A04/MF A01 Selected Data on U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1966- 76 Oct. 77, 94p PB-296 260 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 Photovoltaic Power Systems Market Identification and Analysis. Volume II (of 2 Volumes) Nov. 78, 276p HCP/M2533-01/2 NTIS Price: PC A13/MF A01 Mineral Trends and Forecasts 1979, 30p PB-295 060 NTIS Price: PC A03/MF A01 The Market for Machine Tools and Related Equipment In the Philippines 31 Mar. 79, 114p DIP-79-08-505 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Metal Finishing and Surface Treatment Equipment (Brazil) May 79, 79p DIB-79-08-504 NTIS Price: PC $10/MF A01 Acquisition of Foreign Produced Products: A Govern- ment and Industry Perspective Mar. 79, 76p AD-A068529 NTIS Price: PC A05/MF A01 24 Worldwide standards for exported products available through NTIS U.S. exporters now have access to current mul- tinational government regulations and codes of practice involving the sale of manufactured products worldwide. The Technical Help to Exporters (THE) service of the British Standards Institution provides this vital informa- tion through NTIS. Also included in this unique service are foreign ap- proval and certification procedures and descriptions of the enforcing organizations throughout the world. The information is gathered worldwide on-the-spot by THE specialist engineers and reported in special in- vestigation reports, information sheets, translations, and annual directories. For additional information write Product Manager, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. THE REPORTS Household Electrical Appliances Survey. Third (Revised) Edition; 1979, 106p BTHE-020345 Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment In Switzerland. Apr. 78, 35p BTHE-010122 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Sweden. Apr. 78, 29p BTHE-010121 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Spain Apr. 78, 18p BTHE-010120 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment In Netherlands Apr. 78, 33p BTHE-010119 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Italy Apr. 78, 27p BTHE-010118 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Germany F.R. Dec. 78, 33p BTHE-010117 NTIS Price: PC E99 VDE Specifications for the Electrical Equipment of Manufacturing and Processing Machines with Rated Voltages Up to 1000V. DIN 571 13, VDE 01 13/12.73 Trans. of unidentified German language mono., Berlin, 1975. 47p BTHE-074002 NTIS Price: PC E99 25 Explanations to VDE Specifications for the Electrical Equipment of Manufacturing and Processing Machines with Rated Voltages up to 1000V. DIN 571 13/VDE 0113 Trans, of mono. Erlaeuterungen zu den VDE- Bestimmungen fuer die Elektrische Austuestung von Bearbeitungs-und Verarbeitungsmaschinen mit Nenn- spannugen bis 1000V, Berlin, 1976. 160p BTHE-074001 NTIS Price: PC E99 Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmospheres 1978, 250p BTHE-042005 NTIS Price: PC E99 Focus on Algeria 1979, 31 p BTHE-020339 NTIS Price: PC E99 Electrical Equipment Certification in the Federal Republic of Germany (Second Edition) Supersedes BTHE-020316. 1979, 56p BTHE-020333 NTIS Price: PC E99 Ventilating and Air Conditioning Equipment: A Survey of Design and Approval Requirements. Volume 1: Selected European and Middle East Countries 1978, 47p BTHE-063524 NTIS Price: PC E99 International Certification and Approval Schemes: A Guide to the Scope and Operation of Selected Schemes and Organizations 1978, 83p BTHE-020334 NTIS Price: PC E99 Aggregate for Concrete. Parts One, Two and Three. DIN 4226 Trans, of mono. Zuschlag fuer Beton, n.p., 1976. 73p BTHE-074010 NTIS Price: PC E99 Portland-, Blastfurnace-, Pozzolonic Cement. DIN- 11 64. Parts 1-8 Trans, of mono. Portland-, Eisenportland-, Hochofen- und Trasszement, Berlin, 1976. 79p BTHE-074009 NTIS Price: PC E99 Minimum Design Loads In Buildings and Other Struc- tures (4th Edition) Trans, of unidentified Iranian language mono., 1975. May 75, 73p BTHE-074008 NTIS Price: PC E99 Paraseismic Regulations and Annexes (1969). French Earthquake Code PS 69 Trans, of mono. Regies Parasismiques 1969 et Annexes, Paris, 1976. 278p BTHE-074007 NTIS Price: PC E99 Guidelines for the Prevention of Danger in Explosive At- mospheres with Examples Trans, of mono. Richtlinien fuer die Vermeidung der Gefahren durch explosible At- mosphaere mit Beispielsammlung, n.p., 1976. 162p BTHE-074006 NTIS Price: PC E99 Accident Prevention Regulations; Pressure Vessels and Rules for Implementation and Comments. VBG 17. Edi- tion (1st) Trans, of unidentified German language mono., 1974. Apr. 74, 162p BTHE-074005 NTIS Price: PC E99 Standard Specification for Rotating Electrical Machines. Part 1. General. VDE 0530 Part 1 Trans, of mono. Bestim- mungen fuer Umlaufende Elektrische Maschinen Teil 1 Allgemeines, Berlin, 1976. 89p BTHE-074004 NTIS Price: PC E99 26 Regulations for Small Transformers, General Regula- tions. VDE 0550 Part 1 Trans, of mono. Bestimmungen fuer Kleintransformatoren Teil 1 Allgemeine Bestim- mungen, Berlin, 1976. 69p BTHE-074003 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment In France Apr. 78, 32p BTHE-010116 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Denmark Apr. 78, 31 p BTHE-010115 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Laboratory Equipment in Belgium Apr. 78, 30p BTHE-010114 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Medical Equipment in France Dec. 78, 36p BTHE-010112 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Medical Equipment in Belgium Apr. 78, 31 p BTHE-010111 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Air Con- ditioning Units in Spain Apr. 78, 19p BTHE-010107 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Air Con- ditioning Units in Italy Apr. 78, 25p BTHE-010106 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Air Con- ditioning Units in the Federal Republic of Germany Dec. 78, 39p BTHE-010105 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Electrical Safety Requirements for Air Con- ditioning Units in France Apr. 78, 31 p BTHE-010104 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Technical Requirements for Data Communica- tion Equipment in Sweden Apr. 78, 34p BTHE-010103 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Technical Requirements for Data Communica- tion Equipment In Norway Apr. 78, 34p BTHE-010102 NTIS Price: PC E99 Survey of Technical Requirements for Data Communica- tions Equipment in Austria Dec. 78, 37p BTHE-010101 NTIS Price: PC E99 Machine Tools in the Federal Republic of Germany 1979, 53p BTHE-042013 NTIS Price: PC E99 Norwegian Wiring Regulations - Regulations for Electrical Installations Sponsored in part by British Stan- dards Institution, Hemel Hempstead (England). Technical Help to Exporters. 1978, 502p BTHE-063526 NTIS Price: PC E99 HI Fl Techniques. DIN 45500 Trans, of mono. Heimstudio-Technik (Hi-Fi), Berlin, 1976. 70p BTHE-074012 NTIS Price: PC E99 27 Daily foreign press & radio translations cover the world Hundreds of Foreign Broadcast Information Service (F- BIS) radio news transmissions, newpaper editorials, arti- cles, and magazine features are monitored daily by ex- pert U.S. analysts. The best of these translations are grouped in eight areas (volumes) of interest and are sold through NTIS. Substantial discounts are offered to those who order more than one volume. All volumes are mailed daily. Volume I. People's Republic of China Major releases of the New China News Agency (NCNA) and Peking Radio. Selected materials from People's Daily (Jen-Min Jih-Pao), and Red Flag (Hung Chi). Volume II Eastern Europe Speeches and commentaries from the radios and press agencies of all eight nations, as well as editorials and articles from the official press and periodicals, such as Yugoslavia's Kontunist, East Germany's Neues Deutschland, and Czechoslovakia's Rude Pravo. Volume III, Soviet Union Texts of speeches and commentaries from Moscow Radio and Tass, articles and editorials from the central and regional papers such as Pravda, Izvestiya, Krasnaya Zvezda, and other major papers and journals. Volume IV. Asia & Pacific Radio and press agency coverage of all nations along the western Pacific littoral, except People's Republic of China, with press coverage of Japan's Akahata, Hanoi's Nhan Dan, and Hoc Tap, as well as speeches and reports from Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Republic of China, and the Philippines. Volume V. Middle East & Africa Radio, press agency, and some newspaper coverage of the Middle East, Maghreb, and Africa. Includes items from Mena, Pars, and Ina on events in Egypt, Syria, Israel, South Africa and offshore nations. Volume VI, Latin America News reports, speeches, and commentaries broadcast from major capitals including Havana, Bogota, Lima, and Santiago, and by such press services as LATIN, TELAM, ANSA, and EFE. Articles and editorials from such newspapers as Brazil's O Globo, Argentina's La Nacion, and Havana's Granma. 28 Volume VII. Western Europe Commentaries, speeches, and reports from Western European radios, press agencies, and newspapers, with emphasis on leaders' speeches and major events in each country as well as in the European community, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and NATO. Includes coverage of such periodicals as Italy's L'unita and France's L'Humanite. Volume VIII. South Asia Reports, speeches, and commentaries from South Asia. Includes items on events in Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Subscribers also receive occasional supplements covering major events— international meetings, party congresses, visits by heads of state, and joint communi- ques. Any One Volume $165 All subscriptions are annual. To qualify for the discount all items must be mailed to a single address. Two Volumes, $215. Three Volumes, $265. Four Volumes, $315. Five Volumes, $365. Six Volumes, $415. Seven Volumes, $465. Eight Volumes, $515. Also Available in Microfiche Any one volume mailed weekly, $110; two volumes, $135; three volumes, $160; four volumes, $210; five volumes, $260; six volumes, $310; seven volumes, $360; eight volumes, $410. China daily broadcasts indexed quarterly One of the most important information sources on China has been the Da/7y Report: People's Republic of China issued by the Foreign Broadcast Information Ser- vice (FBIS). The information published by FBIS enables researchers to analyze Chinese current events, identify personalities and trends, and learn first hand of crop damage and petroleum production, among much other information. Until now the research potential of the FBIS documents has been hampered by the lack of an index. Now this problem is eliminated. Each issue is indexed by subject, with a name index of important people, institutions, and organizations. It is designed for both the printed and microfiche versions of the Da/7y Report: People's Republic of China. The new Index is issued quarterly and can be ordered from Newsbank, Inc., 22 W. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830. "NTIS was able to provide English versions of a foreign electrical specification, faster and more conveniently than It could be obtained direct- ly from the foreign association. It was particularly convenient to charge this service to an American Express account."— George w. Dlehl, Manager, Marketing Services, Joslyn Mfg and Supply Co. 29 Political, economic, & technical translations of Communist media The Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS), 1000 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201, translates and abstracts foreign language political and technical media for Federal agencies. More than 80,000 reports published since 1957 are available to the public through the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base. Most JPRS reports are concerned with publications in communist countries, though materials from all nations may be translated. About half of the reports are in the scientific and technical fields. Regular use of JPRS reports give scientists, engineers, technicians, researchers, and business people access to current foreign thought in many areas. An index to JPRS translations is available from The Micro Photo Division of Bell & Howell, Old Mansfield Road, Wooster, OH 44691. Called the Bell & Howell TRANSDEX Index, it has a keyword section, a names section, and a bibliographic listing section. In addition, the Index includes a brief section which correlates series titles with the specific document numbers. A standing order service provides for the automatic mailing of reports on a continuing basis, as translations are completed. Subscribers must open an NTIS Deposit Account with a minimum deposit of $25, which may also be used to order other NTIS products or services (see page xx). Single copies of back issues are available. Serials are not available in microfiche. Telephone (703) 487-4650. Areas covered and estimated annual subscription rates are as follows: Rates could fluctuate from half to double the es- timates, depending on the amount of the materials distributed. U.S.S.R. Series Political and Sociological Affairs About 85 issues annually $350 Government and party structure, policy and problems, law and social regulation, education, cultural and social aspects of Soviet life, trade union and Komsomol ac- tivities. Military Affairs About 85 issues annually $300 Soviet military and civil defense establishments, leadership, doctrine, policy, planning, political affairs, organization, and equipment. 30 Translations from "Kommunlst" 20 issues annually $60 Political, economic, military, and social developments and problems within the U.S.S.R. and as they relate to other countries. Excludes articles reprinted from other sources. USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology About 12 issues annually $36 Contains articles by Soviet public figures, Americanologists, and others on Soviet-American rela- tions and on political, military, economic, scientific, technological, and other aspects of life in the United States. Excludes articles reprinted from other sources. Sociological Studies 5 issues annually $20 Developments and problems within the U.S.S.R. as they relate to other countries. Problems of the Far East About 3 issues annually $18 Contains articles by Soviet public figures and experts on Soviet relations with China and other Asian countries and political, military, economic, scientific, and technological aspects of life in China and other Asian countries. Also occasional articles on the Soviet Far East. Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine About 7 issues annually $35 Selection and training of cosmonauts; evaluation and analysis of accumulated data to facilitate the ongoing transition from orbital to interplanetary flights; research aimed at guaranteeing safety on long flights and reliability of the human component of the "man-spaceship" system; space psychology and physiology; environmental problems and control (including spacecraft habitability, effects of radiation, and weightlessness) and telemetry. Economic Affairs About 50 issues annually $150 Recent administrative plans, changes, and policy trends, items on the state of the national economy, signifi- cant and representative comments, and statistics on prin- cipal economic sectors. Agriculture About 50 issues annually $225 Trends and policy at the national and republic levels, plans and plan fulfillment, production statistics, technological achievements and shortcomings, and agricultural investments, administration, and manage- ment. Information at lower levels is included when it is in- dicative of trends or innovations. Construction & Equipment About 35 issues annually $125 Development and productivity of the automotive and tractor industry, chemical industry and chemical machinery output, electronic and precision equipment activities, and metalworking equipment field. 31 Energy About 35 issues annually $180 Energy, fuels, and related equipment; labor; metallurgy and mineral fields; fishing industry and marine resources, and water resources. International Economic Relations 24 issues annually $84 Consumer Goods & Domestic Trade 24 issues annually $120 Human Resources 24 issues annually $84 Transportation 24 issues annually $120 U.S.S.R. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORTS Life Sciences: Biomedical and Behavlorial Sciences 12 issues annually $60 Life Sciences: Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation 12 issues annually $60 Life Sciences: Agrotechnology and Food Resources 12 issues annually $60 Chemistry 5 issues annually $20 Abstracts on adsorption phenomena, aerosols, alkaloids; analytical, electro and biochemistry; coal gasification, combustion, and explosives; environmental pollution, food technology, free radicals, ion exchange, organometallic and organophosphorus compounds, pesticides, industrial toxicology, petroleum processing technology, radiation chemistry, and related fields. Cybernetics, Computers, & Automation Technology 9 issues annually $27 Abstracts on theory, design, development, and ap- plication of analog and digital apparatus, elements and components of control systems, reliability and optimality, information theory, and the theory of automata. Engineering and Equipment 11 issues annually $44 Abstracts on aeronautical, marine, mechanical, automotive, civil and industrial engineering, related research and development, and engineering materials and equipment. Electronics and Electrical Engineering 8 issues annually $24 Abstracts on electronic materials, components, and devices, on circuit theory, pulse techniques, electromagnetic wave propagation, radar, quantum electronic theory, development and devices, miniaturiza- tion techniques on electric power machinery, power transmission, and nuclear power developments. 32 Space 12 issues annually $60 Earth Science 12 issues annually $60 Materials Science and Metallurgy 7 issues annually $28 Abstracts on metals, alloys and superalloys, analysis and testing of metals and materials, coatings, com- posites, metal corrosion, extraction and refining, forming, instrumentation, lubricants, mechanical and physical properties of metals, powder metallurgy, textiles, welding practice, glass and ceramics, heat treatment, nuclear science and technology, semiconductor technology, ther- momechanical treatment, and related fields. Physics and Mathematics 9 issues annually $36 Abstracts on aerohydrodynamics, magneto- hydrodynamics, physics of crystals and semiconductors; molecular, atomic, and plasma physics; optics, spectroscopy, and physical measurements; and theoretical and applied mathematics. EASTERN EUROPE SERIALS Economic and Industrial Affairs 121 issues annually $544 Economic theory, organization, planning and manage- ment; major agreements on and development of trade within CEMA and outside the Bloc; all aspects of materials, services, machine, electronics, and precision equipment industries; concepts and attainments in agriculture, forestry, and the food industry. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs 138 issues annually $414 Official party and Government pronouncements and writings on significant domestic political developments; general sociological problems and developments in such areas as demography, manpower, public health and welfare, education, and mass organizations; military and civil defense; organization, theory, budgets, and hardware. Scientific Affairs 53 issues annually $318 The development of and progress in the various theoretical and applied scientific disciplines and technical fields; administration, structure, personnel, and research plans of leading East European scientific organizations and institutions, particularly the academies of sciences. 33 WESTERN EUROPE SERIALS Western Europe Report 165 issues annually $495 Political-economic information on West European energy, finance, and trade policy matters as well as developments and trends in the doctrine, programs, and problems of the major communist parties, including their relations with communist parties outside West Europe. Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus are also covered. Science & Technology 52 issues annually $156 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA SERIALS Near East/North Africa Report 144 issues annually $576 Socio-economic, government, political, and technical developments. Subsaharan Africa 189 issues annually $567 Political, economic, and sociological developments from African and several specialized West European publications. ASIA SERIALS South and East Asia 39 issues annually $156 Political, economic, sociological, and technological developments with greater coverage of Laos, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Japan 27 issues annually $135 Political, economic, sociological, scientific, and technological developments. Mongolia 8 issues annually $24 Articles on political, government, sociological, economic, and technical developments as reported primarily in that country's publications. Korean Affairs Report 75 issues annually $225 Articles on political, economic, sociological, and government events and developments; includes transla- tions of Kulloja with subtitles. 34 Vietnam Report 86 issues annually $344 Military, political, sociological, economic, and technical developments selected from Vietnamese and foreign newspapers and periodicals. Includes translations of Tap Chi Cong San (former Hoc Tap) with subtitles. LATIN AMERICA SERIALS Latin America Report 241 issues annually $723 Political, economic, and sociological developments in major areas of Latin America, as reported primarily by Latin American newspapers and periodicals. WORLDWIDE SERIALS Epidemiology 31 issues annually $155 Press and radio coverage of incidence, outbreak, and other aspects of human, animal, and plant diseases, in- sect pests and control, sanitation conditions, immuniza- tion, and public health programs. Law of the Sea 23 issues annually $115 World press and radio coverage of the Law of the Sea conferences and negotiations, territorial seas and straits, coastal and international seabed economic areas, marine pollution, scientific research, and fisheries. Environmental Quality 36 issues annually $126 Articles and press commentary on environmental pollution and its effects, pollution control technology, organizations and programs; primarily U.S.S.R., Eastern Europe, and Japan. Telecommunications Policy, Research, and Develop- ment 40 issues annually $200 Worldwide. Focuses on France, West Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the U.S.S.R., the PRC, and mul- tinationals in Sweden and the Netherlands. Nuclear Development and Proliferation 26 issues annually $78 CHINA SERIALS Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs 70 issues annually $210 Economic Affairs 70 issues annually $210 Science and Technology 20 issues annually $80 35 Plant and Installation Data 5 issues annually $25 Agriculture 17 issues annually $76 Red Flag 13 issues annually $71 NON -SERIAL REPORTS A special "ad hoc" standing order service is available in paper and in microfiche (through SRIM, see page 42) covering social sciences and the following technical areas: Aerospace, Agriculture, Biology & Medicine, Chemistry, Communications, Earth Sciences & Astronomy, Electronics, Engineering, Fuels & Propuision, Materials & Metallurgy, Mathematics & Data Processing, Nuclear Science & Technology, Physics, Miscellaneous, Cybernetics, and Scientists & Scientific Organizations. Translations are infrequent and will be mostly books and large monographs. For additional information write Product Manager, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. Trends in Communist Media declassified The Foreign Broadcast Information Service's weekly analytical report titled Trends in Communist Media analyzes Chinese, Soviet, and other communist media discussions of key issues under a confidential classifica- tion limited to six months. The declassified Trends averages between 20 and 30 pages and is sent to subscribers weekly either in paper or microfiche. Trends describes Communist media in the perspective of past content and behavior and identifies new elements or departures from a standard line. Annual subscription: $100. Microfiche $80. Order PB80-901100. Microform copies of the declassified weekly and the discontinued biweekly analyses also are available, from 1947. 16 mm cartridges and reels. Prices on request. About the dates of NTIS reports Sometimes NTIS technical reports bear dates seemingly not current. That is because the originating agencies occasionally delay the public availability pending their testing and development of the technology. Regardless of the dates of the reports, their first public availability is usually only weeks before their receipt by NTIS. 36 International Telecom Union Recommendations NTIS now offers the CCITT Orange Book from the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva, Switzerland. It contains the most current International Recommendations adopted by the Sixth Plenary As- sembly of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). The nine-volume Orange Book is published in 16 separately available publications. It is available in paper copy in English, Spanish, and French. Volume I Organization and Work of the Vi Plenary Assembly— report on CCITT activities. PB-270 801 $59.50 Volume 11-1 General Tariff Principles— lease of circuits for private use. PB-270 802 $27 Volume II-2 Telephone Operation— quality of service and tariffs. PB-270 803 $75 Volume II-3 Telegraph Operation and Tariffs (Gentex, telex, and phototelegraphies). PB-270 804 $52.50 Volume Line Transmission Via Metallic Lines, Radio, Satellite, and Radiotelephone. PB-270 805 $166 Volume IV- 1 Maintenance for Telephony, Telegraphy, and Data Transmission. PB-270 806 $78.50 Volume IV-2 Specifications of Measuring Equipment. PB-270 807 $36 Volume V Telephone Transmission Quality and Telephone Sets. PB-270 808 $35.50 Volume VI-1 Telephone Signaling and Switching. PB-270 809 $33 37 Volume VI-2 Specifications of Signaling System No. 6. PB-270 810 $36 Specifications of Signaling Systems R1 and R2. PB-270 811 $41 Volume VI-4 Programming Languages for Stored- Program Control Exchanges. PB-270 812 $20 Volume VII Telegraph Technique— including transmis- sion, VET, TDM, and maintenance. PB-270 813 $81 Volume VIII-1 Data Transmission Via Telephone- includes Interfaces and maintenance. PB-270 814 $59 Volume VIII-2 Public Data Networks— includes services, facilities, equipment, and techniques. PB-270 815 $52.50 Volume IX Protection against External Interference and Corrosion. PB-270 816 $28 Complete Set. PB-270 800 $875 Recent supplements to the Orange Book are also available as separate documents. They are not part of the set. Order: Provisional Recommendations X3, X25, X28 and X29 on Packet Switch Data Transmission Services. PB-283 257. Price: $13.50. Index. PB-298 250 $21.50 Recommendations in Series V. PB-299 189 $9.50 Recommendations X-75 - X-121. PB-299 190 $14.00 Terms and Definitions. PB-299 870 $29 This specialized catalog is one of several designed for NTIS customers having similar interests. Other specialized catalogs are listed on page 52. 38 International Radio Consultative Committee proceedings available Also from the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva, NTIS offers the proceedings of the XlVth Plenary Assembly of the CCIR, held in Kyoto, 1978. The "Recommendations and Reports of the CCIR" (Green Book) contains questions, study programs, decisions, resolutions, and opinions of the Assembly. Volume I. Available in paper copy only. Spectrum Utilization and Monitoring. PB-298 021 PC$92 Volume II. Space Research and Radloastronomy. PB-298 022 PC$92 Volume III. Fixed Service at Frequencies Below About 30 MHz. PB-298 023 PC$41.50 Volume IV. Fixed Service Using Communication Satellites. PB-298 024 PC$67 Volume V. Propogatlon In Non-Ionized Media. PB-298 025 PC$56 Volume VI. Propogatlon In Ionized Media. PB-298 026 PC$64 Volume VII. Standard Frequencies and Time Signals. PB-298 027 PC$24.50 Volume VIM. Mobile Services. PB-298 028 PC$120 Volume IX. Fixed Service Using Radio-Relay Systems Frequency Sharing and Coordination Between Systems in the Fixed Satellite Ser- vice and Radio-Relay Systems PB-298 029 PC$75.50 Volume X. Broadcasting Service (Sound). PB-298 030 PC$43.50 39 Volume XI. Broadcasting Service (Television). PB-298 031 PC$67 Volume XII. Transmission of Sound Broadcasting and Television Signals Over Long Distance (CMTT) Vocabulary (CMU) PB-298 032 PC$49 Volume XIII-1. Minutes of the Plenary Session Ad- ministrative Text Structure of the CCIR Lists of CCIR Texts PB-298 033 PC$43.50 Volume XII-2. Alphabetical Index of Teaching Terms Ap- pearing In Volumes X to XII PB-298 034 $14 Price of complete set - PB80 -133267 $850. Foreign market airgrams for exporters The expanded and improved Foreign Markets Reports Service from the International Trade Administration provides subscriptions to reports and surveys previously obtainable only on loan. The service provides the reports automatically in requested subject areas as soon as they are published. Foreign Market Airgrams can be received on the same automatic basis so that the subscriber benefits from all the worldwide resources of U.S. Foreign Service Posts. Selections may be made by Standard Industrial Clas- sification or by country. Subscribers to the service will continue to receive the monthly Index to Foreign Market Reports. An annual sub- scription to the Monthly Index alone is $10. Each Airgram alone, depending on the number of pages, usually is priced starting at $5. Subscribers to the automatic service receive the Monthly Index free; Airgrams at $2 each (instead of $5 for nonsubscribers); Foreign Market Surveys prepared by private market research firms or by Commerce Depart- ment researchers at $10 each, and current notifications of other relevant publications, free. Subscribers to the automatic service are required to open an NTIS Deposit Account (see page 54) to which shipments may be billed. All of NTIS' products and services are summarized in General Catalog No. 7 (see page 52). 40 Other NTIS products also relate to foreign technology Specific selections of foreign technical and research reports can be made from the NTIS system in a variety of ways. There are more than 300,000 titles available that are based on foreign technology or research. Several thousand new titles are acquired annually. NTIS Bibliographic Data Base All of the research summaries announced by NTIS are included in the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (on magnetic tape). Most are complete bibliographic citations and may be used to create a wide variety of information products. Users of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base are uniquely able to search a multiplicity of technical information input styles within the uniform NTIS format. There is no need for the user to acquire familiarity with different search strategies in order to search the several source tapes contributing to the NTIS file. Such "single" searching saves both computer and communication costs. The magnetic tape containing the data file may be ieased annually and files back to 1964 may be acquired. Current tapes are shipped to subscribers biweekly. Use fees are charged quarterly and based on factors such as the number of citations displayed or searches performed and the possibility of third party use. Published Searches These are the same high quality computer searches that NTIS sells daily for at least $125 each when custom made. The only difference is that Published Searches have been completed, printed, and published in response to either previous demand or to NTIS anticipation of unusually wide interest in particular subject areas. Therefore, Published Searches are scheduled, rather than performed on demand, and are less costly for NTIS to produce. There is no other difference. If you were to order an online NTISearch today it might include a few more research summaries completed since the last Published Search, but it would cost you at least $125. Most of these 2,200 or so specially priced Published Searches consist of between 100 and 200 research sum- maries (abstracts) of advanced technology. Most of the reports summarized also are sold by NTIS. 41 Custom Searches If your information need is not included among the NTIS Published Searches (see page 41) you should consider a custom search of the entire collection, in collaboration with an NTIS specialist who will assist you to determine the likelihood of success before you initiate the search. Full -text profiles in fiche You can vastly expand your coverage of U.S. Govern- ment research and development with only a modest infor- mation budget. Selected Research in Microfiche (SRIM) limits your expense by sending you complete research reports (not just abstracts) in microfiche in only the sub- ject areas you select. Our analysts will help you choose from 390 categories and subcategories and 200,000 descriptive terms. Full text microfiche copies of the reports are sent to you biweekly and instead of the regular single fiche report price of $3.50 you pay only 85 cents for each SRIM microfiche title automatically selected from your category. A quarterly index of your category selections, in paper orfilm, is optional. Each microfiche can contain the equivalent of 98 pages of text arranged in 4x6 inches (105mm x 148.75mm) and may be easily read with any microfiche viewer. You can easily carry the equivalent of fifty 300-page books in one pocket. You don't have to wait to track down a specific report, order it, and wait for reprinting if it's out of stock. You get the full report, complete with every illustration and nota- tion. By the time you read of a report's availability, the report will have been selected by SRIM and be on its way to you. You can arrange for SRIM in a variety of informa- tion patterns. Abstract Newsletters Abstract Newsletters provide thousands of readers with timely research summaries within three weeks of their receipt by NTIS from the originating agencies. Abstract Newsletters ensure maximum coverage of broad areas of Government research in brief and convenient form and at minimal cost. Summaries of special interest are noted by the term Highlight, Published Search, Foreign Technology, or Foreign Marketing Information. The final issue of the year is a special subject and order number index containing up to 10 cross references for each research summary indexed. The Abstract Newslet- ter titles and annual subscription rates are: Administration & Management $70 Agriculture & Food $60 Behavior & Society $60 Biomedical Technology & Human Factors Engineering $50 Building Industry Technology $65 Business & Economics $65 Chemistry $70 Civil Engineering $70 Communication $55 Computers, Control & Information Theory $80 42 Electrotechnology $55 Energy $80 Environmental Pollution & Control $80 Government Inventions for Licensing $180 Health Planning & Health Services Research $60 Industrial & Mechanical Engineering $65 Library & Information Sciences $50 Materials Sciences $70 Medicine & Biology $60 NASA Earth Resources Survey Program ( Bimonthly) $50 Natural Resources & Earth Sciences $60 Ocean Technology & Engineering $55 Physics $60 Problem-Solving Information for State & Local Governments $50 Transportation $70 Urban & Regional Technology & Development $50 All NTIS abstracts in one volume Summaries of U.S. Government research are published in one biweekly volume that includes five indexes. Coverage is comprehensive— about 70,000 new summaries annually, more than 7000 pages— and is indexed by subject, personal and corporate author, and Government contract and report/accession numbers. The Government Reports Announcements & Index was designed for librarians and technical information specialists and for those used to working with technical information terms and sources. The NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (on magnetic tape) from which the GRA&I is composed is available for lease. See page 41. GRA&I Annual subscription: $275. Multiple subscrip- tions ordered at the same time for the same address are sold at a 15 percent discount. Special Six -Volume Annual Index A cumulation of the 26 issues of the biweekly GRA&I Index is included in the Index. It consists of six volumes: Subject, Personal Author, Corporate Author, and Contract Numbers & Accession/ Report Numbers. Year Order Number Price 1968 USGANNALL68 $220.00 1969 USGANNALL69 220.00 1970 USGANNALL70 220.00 1971 COM72-10560Set 220.00 1972 COM73-11930 275.00 1973 COM74-10537 325.00 1974 NTIS ANNI 74-01 375.00 1975 NTIS ANNI 75-01 375.00 1976 NTIS ANNI 76-01 375.00 1977 NTIS ANNI 77-01 375.00 1978 NTIS ANNI 78-01 375.00 1979 NTIS ANNI 79-01 375.00 Indexes prior to 1974 are softbound. Write for special quotation for combinations of earlier year indexes. 43 NTIS foreign representatives NTIS is represented in many countries around the world by local organizations. These representatives as- sure NTIS clients in those countries of fast and efficient service when transacting business with NTIS. They offer the convenience of accepting payment in local currencies and they can solve any order-related problem. These representatives also locate foreign technology for the NTIS collection. NTIS customers in the countries listed should direct their orders and inquiries to the designated represen- tatives. NTIS foreign prices usually apply in countries other than the United States, Canada and Mexico. But, by special arrangement with the NTIS representatives in cer- tain developing countries the North American price may apply. Customers ordering for destinations outside of the United States, Canada and Mexico may request the free current NTIS Foreign Price List (NTIS-PR-360-4), or ask for the specific foreign price of any product or service. Barbados Caribbean Development Bank Technology Unit ATTN: Ingrid Douglas P.O. Box 408 Wildey, St. Michael Barbados, W.I. PHONE: 809-427-8100 TELEX: WB 287 CABLE: CARIBANK Bolivia Direccion General de Normas y Tecnologia (DGNT) ATTN: Ing. Carlos Garvizu T.; Jefe, Servicio de Informacion Tecnica Industrial Casilla 4430 La Paz, PHONE: 37-20-47 TELEX: BX 5263 Brazil Barroslearn ATTN: Joao Bosco Paes Barros Rua 24 de Maio, 62-5/Andar and 5 Sao Paulo, Brazil CEP 01041 PHONE: 223-6011 TELEX: 01131770 PBAS BR CABLE: ENGEBARO Chile Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas (INTEC/CHILE) ATTN: Sra. Margarita Barraza C Jefa de Adquisiciones Casilla 667 Avenida Santa Maria 06500 (Lo Curro) Santiago PHONE: 298-066 TELEX: 40421 CORFO CL Colombia Fondo Colombiano de Investigaciones Cientificas (COLCIENCIAS) Division Biblioteca y Documentacion ATTN: Isabel Forero de Moreno, M.C Apartado Aereo 051 580 Bogota, DE. PHONE: 2740660, 2740004 2741917, 2740468 Costa Rica Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (ITCR) ATTN: Ing. Gerardo Mirabelli Director, Centro de Informacion Tecnologica Apartado 159 Cartago PHONE: 51-11-22 Dominican Republic Instituto Deominicano de Tecnologia Industrial (INDOTEC) ATTN: Enrique Leyba Ave. Nunez de Caceres Apartado Postal 329-2 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic PHONE: 566-8121 thru 29 TELEX: ITT 3460053 RCA 4378 INDTEC DR Ecuador Centro de Desarrollo Industrial del Ecuador (CENDES) Servicio de Informacion Tecnica ATTN: Abdon Calderon Apartado 5833 Guayaquil PHONE: 30500 y 307628 TELEX: 3603 cendes ED CABLE: CENDES El Salvador Centro Nacional de Productividad (CENAP) ATTN: Alicia Goria Servicio de Informacion y Transferencia de Tecnologia Avenida Espana 732 San Salvador PHONE: (503) 22-30-64,22-77-40 France MIKROS CERID ATTN: Henri Lemierre 34 bis. Rue du Vieux Pont de Sevres 92100 Boulogne Billancourt PHONE: (1) 609.94.14 TELEX: MIKROS 203606 F 44 Guatemala Instituto Tecnico de Capacitacion y Productividad (INTECAP) ATTN: Ing. Gustavo Chang Apartado 2568 Guatemala City PHONE: 23041 to 5 CABLE: INTECAP Haiti Bureau National de Technologie ATTN: Raynold Desrouleaux Avenue Panamericaine No. 14 Apt. 9 et 10 Petion-Ville PHONE: 70972 Honduras Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH) Centro de Informacion Industrial (CM) ATTN: Miss Patricia Duron Tegucigalpa PHONE: 32 22 08 or 32 22 03 Ext. 14 India Higginbothams Ltd. ATTN: Mr. V. Balaraman Director and Manager 165 Anna Salai Madras 600002 PHONE: 86556 CABLE: BOOKLOVER Constellate Consultants (P) Ltd. ATTN: Mr. Prithui Haldea 5 Anand Lok New Delhi 110049 PHONE: 669568 TELEX: care of 031-2566 Allied Publishers, Pvt. Ltd. ATTN: S.M. Sachdev, Director 15 Graham Road Ballard Estate Bombay 400038 Indonesia Pusat Dokumentasi llmiah Nasional (PDIN) ATTN: Mr. Hernandono Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto P.O. Box 3065/Jkt Jakarta, PHONE: 583-467 TELEX: 45875 CABLE: PDIN Italy SITI WORLDTECH ATTN: Mario M. Fortini General Manager Via del Serafico, 200 Rome TELEX: 613667 Jamaica Scientific Research Council ATTN: Miss Marline Smith Technical Information Officer P.O. Box 350 Kingston 6 Jamaica, W.I. PHONE: (92) 7-9931-3 CABLE: SCIENTIST Japan Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc. (MRI) Time & Life Building 3-6 Otemachi 2-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 PHONE: 03-214-1331 TELEX: 781-22222-87 Korea Korea Scientific & Technological Information Center (KORSTIC) ATTN: Mr. Jae-ho Cho P.O. Box 205 Chung Ryang Ri Seoul PHONE: (82) 965-6211 CABLE: KORSTIC Mexico INFOTEC/CONACYT ATTN: Sr. Jorge Cepeda Coordinador de Servicio Division NTIS Apartado 19-194 Mexico 19, D.F. PHONE: (905) 559-52-11, 559-52-46 TELEX: 001 777 569 INFOME Nepal Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) National Council for Science and Technology ATTN: Mr. Purna Amatya Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu Nicaragua Financiera de Preinversion Reparto Paneasan Cenit ATTN: Donald Espinosa Apartado 316 Managua PHONE: 27751/5 - 27851/5 TELEX: 1058 BANCEDENIC CABLE: BANCEDENIC Nigeria Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FUR) Oshodi ATTN: Mrs. Biola Ariyo Office of the Director of Research Private Mail Bag 1023 Keya Lagos State PHONE: 32161-4 Pakistan Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC) ATTN: Miss Shamin Farrukh, Translating Officer Sub-Centre 142-C/ll P.E.C.H.S. Karachi-29 PHONE: 433151, 432718 CABLE: PASTIC Panama Centro para el Desarrollo de la Capacidad Nacional en la Investigacion (CEDECANI) ATTN: Mrs. Nitzia Barrantes, Librarian Estafeta Universitaria Universidad de Panama Panama City PHONE: 23-99-85 Paraguay Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion (INTN) Avenida General Artigas y General Roa ATTN: Dr. Jose Martino Casilla de Correo 967 Asuncion PHONE: 290-160, 290-266 TELEX: 306 PY INTN 45 Peru Thailand Novoa Ingenieros Thailand Management Association Los Colibries 104 San Isidro (TMA) ATTN:Patricia Falco ATTN: Mr Suthep Visavakul Lima 27 308 Silom Road PHONE: (511-14 402445-405910 Bangkok 5 TELEX: 25129 NOV/PE PHONE: (66) 234-2624 Philippines Technology Resource Center (TRC) ATTN: Jesus Fragante Tunisia TRC Building Centre National de I'lnformatique (CNI) Buendia Avenue Extension ATTN: Ferida Gribaa Makati, Metro Manila Training Officer PHONE: (63) 859811 to 26 6, Rue Bel Hassen Ben Chaabane TELEX: 64002 TRC PN Tunis CABLE: TECHCENTER PHONE: 285260 Sr , Lanka TELEX: CENINFTN 13904 National Science Council of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Center (SLSTIC) ATTN: Mr. N.U. Yapa, Head Librarian Microinfo Ltd 47/5 Maitland Place ATTN: Roy Se , wyn Colombo 7 CABLE: LAKSCIENCE Newman Lane Sudan Alton, Hampshire GU 34 2 PG The National Council for Research England ATTN: Dr. Abubakr Mustafa PHONE: Alton 84300 (44) P.O. Box 2404 TELEX: 851-858-431 Khartoum PHONE: 31864 Tanzania Venezuela Tanzania Research Information Service Red de Informacion de Ingenieria, (TANRIS) Arquitectura y Afines ATTN: Issa Munisi ATTN: Marily de Martinez P.O. Box 4302 NTIS/REDINARA Kivukoni Front Apartado de Correos 2006 Dar es Salaam PHONE: 571-3122 EXT. 65 PHONE: 25802, 20678 TELEX: 21470 CIV FJMC CABLE: UTAFITI Dar es Salaam CABLE: COINVE United Kingdom/Republic of Ireland Microinfo, L ATTN: Roy P.O. Box 3 Selected Appropriate Technology Information for Developing Countries Abstracts From the NTIS Data Base This bibliography is an edited search of "ap- propriate technology" citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base. Over 2,000 citations with abstracts are included. The information is broad in scope covering many fields but pertains to one or more of the following categories: smaller-scale technologies, labor-intensive technologies, low- cost technologies, revived technologies, improved traditional technologies, alternative techniques, useful social and management technologies, and selected modern technologies adaptable to the local needs and environment (March, 1980; 398 pp.). This second edition supersedes issue number one (PB-294 160) published in February, 1979 en- titled, Selected Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries. Price: $5.50 in paper; $3.50 MF. Order PB80- 117666. 46 NTIS Domestic Price Codes The prices below are for customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. All other addressees please write for an appropriate price list. 'ode Price Code Price A01 $ 3.50 A15 $ 24.50 A02 5.00 A16 26.00 A03 6.50 A17 27.50 A04 8.00 A18 29.00 A05 9.50 A19 30.50 A06 11.00 A20 32.00 A07 12.50 A21 33.50 <\08 14.00 A22 35.00 <\09 15.50 A23 36.50 MO 17.00 A24 38.00 M1 18.50 A25 39.50 M2 20.00 A26 41.00 M3 21.50 A99 * M4 23.00 'Please ask for a price quote E01 $ 5.50 E13 $ 30.50 E02 6.50 E14 33.50 E03 8.50 E15 36.50 E04 10.50 E16 39.50 E05 12.50 E17 42.50 E06 14.50 E18 45.50 E07 16.50 E19 50.50 E08 18.50 E20 60.50 E09 20.50 E99 * E10 22.50 N01 30.00 E11 24.50 N02 50.00 E12 27.50 *Ack fr»r nrir^o mmte At least 26 million referrals annually are made to specific titles in the NTIS system, three each second of the NTIS workday. And every second of the NTIS workday, a buyer receives a specially re- quested information item. About 3,600 new buyers are added to the NTIS customer list monthly and 10,000 customers make repeat purchases, resulting in 23,500 items of information being shipped daily. Every three minutes during the NTIS workday two new technical reports enter the NTIS system. 47 How to order The prices In this catalog cover sales In the United States, Canada and Mexico. Buyers for foreign destina- tions should read Foreign Orders, below. RUSH HANDLING (replaces "Rush Order") is for customers who must have immediate delivery. Rush Handling guarantees that a particular order will be filled within 24 hours of receipt. Rush Handling orders receive immediate validation, verification of availability, and individual hand processing through inventory control and the warehouse; priority printing if reproduction from film is required, and priority mailing. Rush Handling orders for mailing rather than pickup are accepted only from customers having NTIS Deposit Accounts or American Express, Visa, or MasterCard Ac- counts. Rush Handling orders may be placed only by telephone, telegram, Telex, Telecopier (numbers inside back cover) or customers in person; not by mail. Customers must use order numbers. Rush Handling for delivery to customers by First Class Mail adds $10 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. Rush Handling for pickup in Springfield or D.C. adds $6 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. PREMIUM SERVICE is a day and night toll-free telephone ordering procedure ensuring order processing and mailing within four to nine days to NTIS Deposit Ac- count or American Express, Visa, or MasterCard customers. The $3.50 fee for each item is waived if the order is not mailed within the specified period. Customers must use order numbers. Titles alone cannot be accepted in this procedure. All Deposit Account, American Express, Visa, and MasterCard customers receive Premium Service iden- tification numbers with which they may place telephone orders at any time. Premium Service benefits are toll-free calls with 24-hour availability, no busy signals, simplified ordering techniques (details with the identification number), postage savings, and priority delivery. Premium Service adds $3.50 to the cost of each item ordered. REGULAR SERVICE will continue to operate with improved processing and stocking methods, optional priority mail delivery ($3 North America; $4 outside) and optional pickup in Springfield or D.C. Current parcel post deliveries using the U.S. Postal Service are completed within 9 to 30 days. ONLINE ORDERING: The commercial vendors of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base are experimenting with the convenience of online ordering of NTIS documents for their customers. Currently, online ordering is offered by the Systems Development Corporation (SDC). It permits SDC customers to charge their NTIS Deposit Accounts for orders that are transmitted daily to NTIS. Inquiries should be addressed to SDC, 2500 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, California 90406. TELEX: Ordering from NTIS may be speeded by the use of Telex. Customers may charge their Deposit Ac- counts, credit cards or ask for Ship & Bill Service. Ship & Bill Service costs $5 extra for each order. FOREIGN ORDERS: Should bemadethroughthe sales agencies for NTIS products listed on page 44. Only if there is no sales agency in a particular country, should orders be placed directly with NTIS. 48 How to pay The prices in this catalog cover sales in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Buyers for foreign destina- tions should read page 48. The fastest service is provided to customers who charge against their NTIS Deposit Accounts or their American Express, Visa, or MasterCard accounts, because the processing of such orders is simplest for NTIS. Holders of NTIS Deposit Accounts may replenish their accounts using the above credit cards. And new Deposit Accounts may be opened in the same manner. Otherwise, payment by check or money order must ac- company each order. As an added convenience to customers who have es- tablished credit, a Ship and Bill Service is provided, generally at a $5 surcharge on each total order for docu- ments, regardless of the number of documents ordered. DISCOUNT ON MULTIPLE COPIES When 20 or more paper copies of one title are ordered, NTIS automatically reduces the total price by 15 percent. HOW TO OPEN A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT Use the order form on page 53 and send at least $25, or enough to cover your first order, to NTIS Deposit Ac- count, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Thereafter, keep at least $25 on deposit or enough to cover two month's charges. Orders will not be processed for overdrawn accounts. You may deposit any amount prior to ordering. Some active customers keep several thousand dollars in their accounts to ensure the fastest possible service for large orders. When your account is opened, you will receive pre- addressed order forms to speed your shipments and simplify accounting and the recording of tax-deductible expenses. RETAIL SALES AT TWO LOCATIONS NTIS has two retail sales locations in the Washington area. In the District of Columbia, the NTIS Information Center and Bookstore is in the Pennsylvania Building, Suite 620, 425 13th Street N.W. Telephone (202) 724-3382. Several hundred best selling titles are displayed for sale and for immediate delivery without the Rush Handling surcharge. The Springfield Operations Center has a much more limited display of research reports, but any titles may be ordered for future delivery. FOR MORE INFORMATION Use the order form on page 52 to request the specific supplemental information referred to on the various pages of this catalog. For information not covered by the order form, please direct your inquiry to Customer Services, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; or telephone (703) 487-4600 or (202) 724-3509. 49 Basic NT IS product is Federal research and technical information As a cornerstone of the technological publishing struc- ture in the United States, the National Technical Informa- tion Service (NTIS) is a key participant in the development of advanced information products and services for the achievement of U.S. productivity and innovational goals in the 1980s. Three of the developmental areas in which progress is well underway are: 1. The greatly increased public availability of Federal computer software, programs, and data files. 2. The planned systematic acquisition of generally unpublished foreign technology, worldwide, of particular interest to U.S. industrialists. 3. The promotion of U.S. Government-owned pa- tents for licensing by U.S. manufacturers, and the public availability of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office data files on magnetic tape. NTIS, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the central source for the public sale of U.S. govern- ment sponsored research, development, and engineering reports, as well as foreign technical reports and other analyses prepared by national and local government agencies, their contractors or grantees. It is the central source for federally generated machine processable data files and manages the Federal Software Center for intragovernment distribution. NTIS is one of the world's leading processors of specialty information. The NTIS information collection exceeds 1.2 million ti- tles, about 300,000 of which contain foreign technology or marketing information. All are permanently available for sale, either directly from the 80,000 titles in shelf stock or from the microfiche masters of titles less in demand. Seventy thousand new reports of completed research are added to the data base annually. In the same period NTIS supplies its customers with more than six million docu- ments and microforms. It ships about 23,500 information products daily. Full summaries of current U.S. and foreign research reports and other specialized information, in hundreds of subject categories, are published regularly by NTIS in a wide variety of weekly newsletters, a biweekly journal, an annual index, and in various subscription formats for other Federal agencies. The complete texts of the reports cited are sold in paper and microform. Anyone seeking the latest technical reports or wanting to compile unique subject groups of abstracts may search the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base online, using the services of organizations that maintain the data base for public use through contractual relationships with NTIS. Or, the whole data base may be leased in machine- readable form directly from NTIS. The more timely (Continued on page 55) 50 CO □ 1 S HI CO £ Q. 03 C Co o o < c/) D 01 0) C/D E 3 z CD C o £1 Q. 0) 0) CO CD 51 Check Here For Free Information In Your Area of Interest Z o re > - en i c/> » « 5 q. c "? 9 on ! O «* 2 Sz" I- c — U5 z.2 «SF Ills - £ o s « 5 CD fc. — -§ E 2 I— 0) O o> Z U. li. c/) ODD 21 h Z (0 en's ° 3 re , O U- • > cnu. O o „ "D : ^ ? c ■ 1 C?£ " w ! 8 » ? g to E en re K? ^ R 1 E c i- ^ 5 O >;£ 55 O - ? £ en c/> F • u l. re c » o> •2 cn_ _ re E c % 2 S O A3 m o " o o u. u. o DDDDD cr> en i- Q. m C ' c cn re S m ^ re oj Q.CC O u. CO CL (0 uj cS EO 7= o o UJ 75 uj 1° (0 Z 3 Q. 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CO C CD N CO 5^ z 0) c o .c Q. CD CD E CD O) CO .c O E CO CD CD X >> E o CD D) CO .C 6 z c =3 o o o "CO c en NO C If you find NTIS are occ their purchas request and z O < 6 H D D O < LU CO 0) c £ui o Q. £o 5 3 o o oc cvl o (0 in CM o c o is < > es O ou- -6 CD c u d> (0 * |o Q. £ CO o c ~ H o o 75 z • CO CO o UJ "O CO 1 1^. u It O bo GC <* "co CO 3 "O o a o Is. "D Q. QC ■*■* CD 75 UJ t: CD c O c Q o o a o CL co c Q. CD a> z z> CM CD o 53 CO c O) (7) ^_ 0) o X C/J LU h- C Z CO o o *■* Q) o 0) E < r o u E F d CO o z CD CD c 01 O) J I co u u -C CJ u o < c CO E Q) O £: o t/> co 54 (Continued from page 50) abstracts are continually grouped by NTIS into paper- bound "Published Searches," covering some 2200 topical subject areas. Customers with well defined continuing interests subscribe to a standing order microfiche service (SRIM) which enables them automatically to receive the full texts of only those documents relating to their individual re- quirements. A similar service provides the automatic distribution of paperbound reports. NTIS sells its technical information products and ser- vices under the provisions of Title 15 of the U.S. Code (1151-7). The law establishes a clearinghouse for scien- tific, technical, and engineering information and directs NTIS to be self-supporting. NTIS, therefore, is a unique Government agency sustained only by its customers. It operates very much as a business, but in the public service. All the costs of NTIS products and services, including rent, telephone, salaries, marketing and postage, and all other usual costs of doing business, are paid from sales income; not from tax-supported congressional appropriations. First Federal Research Reflected by Three Pioneer Undertakings The first federally funded research was in 1768, or in 1803, or in 1830. You may choose the date ac- cording to your interpretation of three pioneer un- dertakings. In 1768 the colonial Philadelphia Assembly authorized 100 pounds in public funds to be spent for a telescope that would enable local academi- cians to observe the transit of Venus. In 1803 Congress authorized $2500 for the ex- ploration of the upper Missouri River, "so* as to ex- tend the external commerce of the United States." In 1830, after a series of catastrophic steamboat boiler explosions, Congress appropriated $1500 for experiments to determine how such explosions could be prevented. The project is generally con- sidered the first Federal research contract and it was undertaken by the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. Possibly never since has $1500 worth of research bought such success. The investigating committees' six detailed recommendations revolutionized steam boiler manufacture and use in the U.S. and contributed to legislation that set the standards for steam boilers for years to come. "I like the new Title Index a lot! I use the accession number and author index immediately and find the fiche much faster to use. Saves the time and money of a more involved lookup!"— Jeanne L. Smith, Xerox Corporation 55 Our goal Is to give you timely Information when you want It. Should you have a problem or a request which requires fast action, telephone us at the Springfield Operations Center between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m., (703) 487-4650, Monday thru Friday, or at the Washington Information Center & Bookstore between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., (202) 724-3509. Telex and Telecopier service operates 24 hours, seven days a week. To Check on Orders (703) 487-4660 Subscriptions (703) 487-4630 Computer Products (703) 487-4763 New Orders for Documents & Reports (703) 487-4650 NTISearches (703) 487-4642 SHIM (703) 487-4640 Pickup Orders Washington Information Center & Bookstore between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (202) 724-3382 after 4:30 p.m. (202) 724-3383 At Springfield Operations Center (703) 487-4650 Accounting (703) 487-4770 Rush Handling (703) 487-4700 or Toll Free (800) 336-4700 Other Information (703) 487-4600 Telecopier or 3M Facsimile Service (703)321-8547 Telex 89-9405 64617 (international) 56 A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE NTIS is an information service organization stem- ming from a congressionally created predecessor. It channels information about technological in- novations and other specialized information to business, educators, government, and the public. Its products and services are intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. research and development, to support U.S. foreign policy goals by assisting the social and economic development of other nations, and to increase the availability of foreign technical information in the United States. NTIS undertakes and develops in- novative information products and programs ap- propriate for Government, but which have the potential to become self-supporting. NO CHARGE IF NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED If you find that the reports and microfiche you receive from NTIS are occasionally not what you expected, NTIS will refund their purchase price if the items are returned with your refund request and copies of your original order. Prices Current January 1981 Subject to change U.S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige Secretary National Technical Information Service Melvin S. Day Director Joseph F. Caponio Deputy Director PR-594 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES A00007E0007E4 (DO" 3 CD C 0) Bi-i 2 "n » — CO 3 en ro CD en z c C0 «2 > CO ■0 o O 3 o o r~ DO CD Q. 2 ID tt m 7 C < — » CD 3 IB O H 3 3" 3 > 3 CD Z m CO 23 O C CO ro 0) Q_ O m • ro CD SL H CO o 3 O o O 3 » o 3 CO tt ■n < O ■fi o o 2 S m 9 O m o fit » c CO 13 CO H O O m > o m O w S 2 S R m o 3J o m