g,4 10 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Travel Service Washington 25, D. C. Information Sources on International Travel No. 10 (Rev. 2) Surveys and Statistical Studies on International Travel Surveys and studies on international travel provide information on tourism markets, advertising and promotion, passenger movements, accommodations, expenditures, etc. They are of particular interest to government authorities, promotional organizations, transportation companies, travel agencies and students of tourism, economics, and social studies. Mention of these publications is not to be construed as a recommendation or endorsement. It is rec- ognized that the list is incomplete and information about other material would be appreciated. Copies of these publications may be obtained by writing to the indicated sources. Many of them are available for consultation at university, public, and depository libraries. Those labeled "GPO" may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. ACCOMMODATIONS Global: Study of a Standardization of Practices Concerning the Stay of Tourists in Hotels and Tipping. 13th General Assembly, International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Caribbean: Report on Survey of Hotel Facilities in Trinidad and Tobago. 1953. Harris, Kerr, Forster & Co., 18 East 48th St., New York 17, N. Y. Central America: Tourist Facilities on the Inter -American Highway. 1960. By H. H. Kelly and Fortuno F. Jerace for International Cooperation Administration. GPO. 50 cents. S17.2 T64. Europe: Le Mouvement Hotelier en Suisse. Monthly. Bu- reau Federal de Statistique, Bern, Switzerland. Economic Structure in Tourist Resorts. By P. Defert. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. L'Hotellerie Suisse hier-aujourd'hui-demain. French and German editions. Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland. Annual Report 1953-1957. Tourism and Hotel Industry. Bulletin No. 102. 1956. Tourist Association of Yugoslavia, Kamenicka 6, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. National Survey of Hotels. (Norwegian) Hotel Advisory Council, Oslo, Norway. Latin America: THE ! - Report of Technical Committee on Travel Plant. 1960. Inter-American Travel Congresses, c/o Pan American Union, Washington, D. C. Middle East: Study of Restaurants in Israel and Their Role in Tourism. 1960. By Willetta Bar-Illan. Is- rael Government Tourist Office, 574 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. Hotel Industry in Egypt. Egyptian State Tourist Administration, Cairo, Egypt. Pacific Area and Asia: Pacific Area Hotel Seminar. 1956 and 1958. Pacif- ic Area Travel Association, 153 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. Report of the Tourist Hotel Corp. of New Zealand. 1957. Government of New Zealand, Tourist and Publicity Department, Wellington, New Zealand. United States of America: Trends in the Hotel Business. Annual. Motor Hotel Operating Results. Annual. Harris, Kerr, Forster & Co., 18 East 48th St., New York 17, N. Y. Hotels in Hawaii. Hawaii Visitors Bureau, Re- search Committee, Honolulu, Hawaii. Hotel Industry in the U. S. A. 1956. Organization for European Economic Cooperation, Chateau de la Muette, Paris 8, France. Selected Services, Hotels, Motels and Tourist Courts. 1958 Census of Business. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census. GPO. For sale by the U. S. Department of Commerce Requirements for Recommendation of Hotels, Mo- tels, Resorts and Restaurants. Annual. Amer- ican Automobile Association, 1712 G St., NW., Washington, D. C. Puerto Rico Hotel Study. Annual. Hotel Operations. Annual. Trend of Business in Hotels. Monthly and annual. Motor Hotel Operations. Annual. The Horwath Accountant, 41 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY Report of Attorney General to Congress of the U. S. on the Administration of Foreign Agents Act of 1938, as Amended for the Calendar Year. Annual. Lists expenditures and em- ployees of foreign government information and tourist offices in the United States. De- partment of Justice, Internal Security Division, Washington 25, D. C. Standard Advertising Register. Monthly. National Register Publishing Co., Inc., 130 West 42nd St., New York 36, N. Y. State, Area and Community Advertising and Pro- motional Expenditures. Annual. Curtis Pub- lishing Co., Independence Square, Philadel- phia 3, Pa. Airline Advertising. Railroad Advertising. Steamship Advertising. Foreign and U. S. Oversea Possessions Tourist Office Advertising. Canadian Travel Advertising in U. S. Magazines. Travel and Transportation. New Yorker Magazine, Department of Market Research, 25 West 43rd St., New York, N. Y. Report on Publicity Budgets of Official Travel Or- ganizations. Annual. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva, 20, Switzerland. Ten Years of Joint Publicity for European Tourism in the United States. By Siegfried Bittel. Eu- ropean Travel Commission, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Advertising in Magazines by All Travel Industry. Newsweek Research Dept., Newsweek Maga- zine, 444 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Tourist Promotion and Publicity Media. 1955. International Union of Official Travel Organ- izations, Geneva 30, Switzerland The Art of Overseasmanship. By Harlan Cleve- land. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N. Y. Annual Report of the Executive Director, Adver- tising and promotion expenditures of member countries. Caribbean Tourist Association, 20 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. 1961 Development Advertising Reports. Contains budgets and other pertinent data relating to travel and tourism promotion by individual states. Edited by W. H. Long. Long Adver- tising Management Publications, 5347 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. State Expenditures on Planning and Development in 1960. Area Trend Series— No. 6. GPO. 10 cents C41.29. Office of Area Development, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. CURRENCY EXCHANGE Restrictions on the Sale of Dollar Exchange for Tourist Trade. Special Exchange Rates for Tourists. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Washington 25, D. C. Foreign Exchange Quotations. Foreign Exchange Trading Division, Manufacturers Trust Com- pany, 55 Broad St., New York 15, N. Y. Foreign Exchange Newsletter. Monthly. Deak & Co., Inc., 75 West St., New York 6, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL Survey of Summer Travel Habits. Annual Report. Council on Student Travel, 179 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Open Doors. Annual. $1. The Population Involved in International Education. World Progress Through Educational Exchange. 1959. Institute of International Education, 1 East 67th St., New York, N. Y. Partners in International Understanding. 1955. GPO. 25 cents. SI. 67. 40. The Widening Circle. 1957. GPO. 25 cents. De- partment of State, Washington 25, D. C. (Out of print.) FACILITATION International Standards and Recommended Prac- tices—Facilitation. Annex 9 to Convention on International Civil Aviation. 1953. Supplement to Annex 9 — Facilitation. Third Edi- tion. 1958. International Civil Aviation Organizations, 1060 University St., Montreal, Canada. Travel Abroad— Frontier Formalities. Annual. Published by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the International Union of Official Travel Organization. Price S.F. 28 International Union of Official Travel Organiza- tions, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Official Airline Guide. Quarterly listing of Inter- national Air Travel Requirements. American Aviation Publication, 139 North Clark St., Chicago 2, 111. U. S. Entry and Exit Requirements for Foreign Vis- itors. United States Travel Service, Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Development of International Travel and Tourism- Addendum— Tabulation of Answers to the Ques- tionnaire. 1961. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, New York, N. Y. Report — Facilitation of Tourist Travel. March 1961. Visa Office, Department of State, Wash- ington 25, D. C. Report of Technical Committee on the Removal of Travel Barriers. 1960. Inter -American Trav- el Congresses, Pan American Union, Washing- ton 6, D. C. Freedom To Travel. Report of the Special Com- mittee To Study Passport Procedures of the Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York. 36 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. $4. 1958. Requirements for the Entry of U. S. Tourists into the Latin American Republics. 10 cents. Pan American Union, Washington 6, D. C. HEALTH AND SANITATION Manual of Recommended Sanitation Standards for Tourist Facilities. 1960. (English and Spanish.) 35 cents. Prepared by Pan American Sanitary Bureau'and Pan American Union. Pan American Union, Washington, D. C. International Sanitary Regulations. 1957. $1. World Health Organizations, Palais des Nations Geneva, Switzerland. The Diarrhea of Travelers. Part I— Incidence in Travelers Returning to the U. S. from Mexico. Part II— Bacteriologic Studies of U. S. Students in Mexico. Part III— Drug Prophylaxis in Mexico. By Dr. B. H. Kean and Somerset R Waters. Trav- elers Health Institute, 516 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Studies of Health Conditions in Underdeveloped Countries. Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washing- ton 25, D. C. The World Traveler's Medical Guide. $1.95. By Richard T. Atkins, M.D. Simon and Schuster, Inc., 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. HOSPITALITY The Community's Role in Cross-Cultural Educa- tion. By Katherine C. Bang. May 1961 issue of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. COSERV, 1630 Crescent Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, New York, N. Y. The Big Picture. Annual. By Williams D. Patterson. The Saturday Review, 25 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. Military Travel Market. Army Times Publishing Co., 2020 M St., NW., Washington, D. C. Three- Fold Expansion of Foreign Travel, in Ten Years. 1959. By Arno H. Johnson. J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. International Conventions and Congresses. 1960. Research Dept., Sales Meetings Magazine, 1212 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. y International Travel— Present and Future. Annual. By H. H. Kelly. Holiday Newsletter, 743 National Press Bldg., Washington, D. C. International Travel. Report to the President of the United States. 1958. By Clarence B. Ran- dall. GPO. 25 cents. 85-2 H. Doc. 381. The Travel Trade. By L. J. Lickorish and A. G. Kershaw. RockUff Publishing C, 1 Dorset Building, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, Lon- don EC 4, England. Tourism and Travel. April 1961. Contimart Brief No. 69. Examination of main components of a tourism market survey. Contimart AG, Lex- hof, Militarstrasse 76, Zurich, Switzerland. World Travel Forum. 1959. 14th Annual General Assembly. International Union of Official Trav- el Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. World Trade and Travel Boom Ahead. J. Walter Thompson, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. The Year in Review. November 1960. Pattern for Tomorrow. Reports of leading authorities in primary tourist areas, transportation, sight- seeing and tour operation fields throughout the world. ASTA Travel News, 501 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Africa: MARKET SURVEYS Global: Development of International Travel. Its Present Increasing Volume and Its Prospects. 1956. Development of International Travel and Tourism. 1961. Promotion of the Tourist Industry in Nigeria. 1959. Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Lagos, Nigeria. Caribbean: Barbados Tourism Potentials and Plans. 1959. Pan American World Airways, Latin American Di- vision, Miami, Fla. Report on the Tourist Industry. Bahamas Develop- ment Board, Nassau, Bahamas. The Tourist Industry of the Caribbean Islands. By Robert J. Voyles. University of Miami, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Coral Gables, Fla. Report of the Bermuda Trade Development Board. 1956. Bermuda Trade Development Board, Flatts, Bermuda. The Flowering Caribbean. Eighth Annual Meeting. 1959. Caribbean Tourist Association, 20 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. Masterplan for the Touristic Development of Cu- racao. 1960. By P. C. Henriquez. Technical Council of the Netherlands Antilles, Willem- stad, Curacao. Travel Market Analyses of Caribbean. 1959. J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Europe: American Tourists in Europe. 1955. $1. Tourism in Europe. Annual. Spain and its Tourist Problems. By R. A. Hollier. International Union of Official Travel Organiza- tions, Centre International, Geneva 20, Swit- zerland. Report on Trans -Atlantic Travel. 1958. Political and Economic Planning (PEP), 16 Queen Anne's Gate, London, England. Holidays in 1955. Conference on Tourism 1958. The British Travel and Holidays Assn., Queen's House, 64-65 St. James's Street, London, S. W. 1, England. European Travel Survey. Boeing Airplane Com- pany, Transport Division, Renton, Wash. The Traveling Habits of the Danes. Tourist Assn. of Copenhagen, 55, Raadhuspladsen, Copen- hagen V, Denmark. The Position of Tourism in the Economic Structure of the Country. Austrian State Tourist Dept., 1 Hohenstaufengasse 3, Vienna, Austria. Report on Tourism in Europe. Annual. Memorandum on Development of Tourism in Eu- rope. Annual. Organization for European Cooperation and De- velopment, Tourism Committee, Chateau de la Muette, 2 rue Andre Pascal, Paris 16, France. Tourism in Yugoslavia. 1959. By Raymond V. Nardelli. International Cooperation Admin- istration, Washington 25, D. C. Tourism in Yugoslavia. 1959. By C. Krupers of International Cooperation Administration with United Nations Technical Assistance Re- cruitment Services, New York, N. Y. The Challenge of a New Tourist Era. 1959. The Scottish Tourist Board, 2 Rutland Place, West End, Edinburgh 1, Scotland. Evolution of Tourism in Europe from 1950-1956. Belgian National Tourist Office, 5-9, Bvd. de l'lmperatrice, Brussels, Belguim. Report on Results of Visit to European Cities To Determine Off -Season Business Group Travel Potential for European Countries. 1960. By Paul Lightman. Sales Meetings Magazine, 1212 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Study of the Aspects of an European Tourist Policy. The Tourist Phenomenon— Tourism as an Economic Phenomenon. Austrian State Tourist Dept., Hohenstaufengasse 3-5, Vienna, Austria. Report of the Consultant on the Development of the Tourist Industry in Turkey. 1959. By G. F. Jarratt, Baghdad Pact Organization, Economic Committee, Ankara, Turkey. Factors Involved in Decision of U. S. Citizens To Make a Trip Overseas. European Travel Commission, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. The European Travel Market— Catalogue of Statis- tics. 1960. $9. Prepared by Nowland & Co., Inc., for International Travel Market Research Council, 291 Blvd. Raspail, Paris 14, France. Foreseeable Trend of North American Visitors to Europe and European Hotel and Travel Facil- ities. Institut du Transport Aerien, 4, rue de Solferino, Paris 7, France. Potential Travel Market for Europe in the U. S. A. 1959. By L. J. Lickorish and G. Anderla. Eu- ropean Travel Commission, 64, St. James's Street, London, S. W. 1, England. Motivations Related to Pleasure Travel in Europe. 1959. Opinion Research Corp., Princeton, N.J. Survey of American "Repeat" Visitors to Europe. 1959. Social Surveys, Ltd., London, England. Middle East: Middle East Tourist Trends. By L. J. Lickorish and A. G. Kershal for International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Study of Tourism in Israel. 1956. Cresap, Mc- Cormick and Paget, also Harris, Kerr, Fors- ter & Co., New York, 17, N. Y. Report of the Consultant on the Development of Tourist Industry in Iran. 1959. By G. F. Jarratt, Baghdad Pact Organization, Economic Committee, Ankara, Turkey. A Tourism Plan of Action for Jordan. By George S. Kovach, Tourism Advisor, USOM, Beirut, Lebanon. Report from the Tourist Committee to the Board of Directors, Propeller Club of Beirut. 1960. Propeller Club, Tourist Committee, Beirut, Lebanon. Trends of the Travel Movement. 1952-59. State Tourist Administration, Cairo, Egypt, UAR. Review of Economic Conditions in Israel. Bank Leumi Le-Israel. No. 133. May 1961. Tel Aviv, Israel. Trends in Israel's tourism. North America: Canada: Tourism is a Factor in Canadian Economic Life. 1956. Tourism is Your Business. Canadian Tourist Association, 11 King St., West, Toronto 1, Canada. National Travel Survey. Canadian Government Travel Bureau, Ottawa, Canada. Business Review. 1958. Bank of Montreal, Mont- real, Canada. Report of the Department of Travel and Publicity, Province of Ontario. Annual. Department of Travel and Publicity, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. United States of America: National: Marketing the United States as a Tourist Destina- tion. 1961. Office of the Secretary, Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. National Travel Market Survey. By J. B. Lansing. 1960. Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. How States Find Out About Their Tourist Trade. 1954. By Robert S. Friedman. College of Business and Public Administration, Univer- sity of Maryland, College Park, Md. Collective Bargaining Report. 1956. Vacation practices of American workers. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Indus- trial Organizations, Department of Research, 815 - 16th St., NW., Washington, D. C. Market Report— Consumer Travel Plans. Quar- terly analysis. Prepared from Newsweek Magazine's "Continuing Study of Consumer Buying Plans". ASTA Travel News, 501 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. The American as International Traveler and Host. 1954. UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, Paris 7, France. GPO. 45 cents. SI. 70/4: UN34/25. Tourist Travel Trends. 1961. By L. J. Crampton. Bureau of Business Research, University of Colo- rado, Boulder, Colo. Vacation Travel Expenditure Studies. Internation- al Association of Convention Bureaus, Union Central Bldg. , Cincinnati, Ohio. States and Territories: Inter-Island Travel Survey. University of Hawaii, Economic Research Center and Dept. of Eco- nomic Development, Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii— Center for Services Throughout the Pacif- ic . Bank of Hawaii, Department of Business Research, Honolulu, Hawaii. Visitor Destination Areas in Hawaii. 1960: Part I— Summary of Recommendations. Part II— Selected Destination Areas of the World. Part III — First Stage Plans for Public Improve- ments. Part IV— Hawaii Hotel Operation. Hawaii State Planning Office, 195 South King St., Honolulu, Hawaii. New England— Vacation Business Report. Monthly. Source of Guests. Semi-annual. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Research and Statistics Dept., Boston, Mass. Tourists Are Everybody's Business. Knoxville Tourist Bureau, 811 Henley St., Knoxville, Tenn. The Tourist Trade in California. 1955. By Kenneth Decker. Bureau of Public Administration, University of California, Berkley, Calif. Tourist Travel in South Dakota. 1954. By V. E. Montgomery. University of South Dakota, School of Business Administration, Vermil- lion, S. Dak. Arizona's Travel Workshop. 1958. Report on Winter and Summer Visitors in Arizona. 1956. Arizona Development Board, 1521 West Jeffer- son, Phoenix, Ariz. Tourist Studies in Florida. 1958. Florida Devel- opment Commission, Advertising and Promo- tion Division, Tallahassee, Fla. A Billion Dollar Tourist Business for Arizona? 1959. University'of Arizona, Bureau of Busi- ness and Public Research, Tucson, Ariz. Study of Vacation Travel in Pennsylvania, Dela- ware and New Jersey. Third Federal Reserve District, Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. Pacific Area and Asia: The Extension of Tourism in the Pacific Region and the Economic and Social Implications for the People. 1959. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Report of the Consultant on the Development of Tourist Industry in Pakistan. 1959. By G. F. Jarratt. Baghdad Pact Organization, Economic Committee, Ankara, Turkey. Pacific Reports. For annual conferences of Pacif- ic Area Travel Association, 153 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. 1959 Pacific Preview. Pacific Travel News, 274 Brannan St., San Francisco 7, Calif. New Zealand: Paradise or Paradox? By William D. Patterson. Saturday Review, 25 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. Pacific Area Travel Research: A Preliminary Survey. 1956. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. The Future of Tourism in Japan. By Charles S. Hatton. 1956. Japan Productivity Center, Industrial Cooperation Administration, To- kyo, Japan. Tourism in EATC Region. 1957. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Tourism in Tahiti and its Prospects. 1956. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. U. S. -Orient Travel Market. 1958. Pan Ameri- can World Airways, 135 East 42nd. St., New York, N. Y. ECAFE Seminar on Promotion of Tourism. 1961. United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. New York, N. Y. Plan for the Promotion of American Travel to Ceylon. 1956. J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Development of Foreign Tourism in Indonesia. By Lars H. Esmarck. 1957. Republic of In- donesia, Ministry of Information, Djakarta, Indonesia. Short Term Plan for Tourist Development. 1958. Central Tourist Advisory Committee, Min- istry of Communications, Karachi, Pakistan. Report on Potentialities of Tourism in Australia. 1958. Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia, Canberra, Australia. Pacific Area and East Asian Tourist Development in 1959-60. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Administration Report of the Director, Govern- ment Tourist Bureau for 1958. Ceylon Gov- ernment Tourist Bureau, Queen Elizabeth Quay, Marine Drive, Colombo, Ceylon. The Future of Tourism in the Pacific and Far East. By Checchi and Co. for Department of Commerce. GPO. $4 First Philippine National Conference on Tourism. 1958. Board of Travel and Tourist Industry, Department of Commerce and Industry, Ma- nila, Philippines. South America: A Study of the Brazilian Tourism Potential. 1958. Brazilian Government Tourist Commission, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tourist Development in Cartegena, Colombia. 1957. Stanton Robbins & Co., Inc., 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Trends and Prospects of Latin American Tourism. By George Anderla. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Geneva 20, Switzerland. RECREATION Statistical Data Available for Economic Research on Certain Types of Recreation. American Statistical Association, Menasha, Wis. Resident Camps for Children, Present Status and Future Needs. By American Camping Assn., Inc., Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Ind., for National Park Service, Department of the In- terior, Washington 25, D. C. Motorboat Safety. Study of recreational boating throughout the U. S. U. S. Coast Guard, De- partment of Treasury, Washington 25, D. C. America's Needs and Resources. Published every 5 years. Twentieth Century Fund, 330 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Statistics on Outdoor Recreation. $2. Resources for the Future, 1145 - 19th St., Washington, D. C. National Survey of Fishing and Hunting. 1960. GPO. 50 cents. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of Interior, Washington 25, D. C. List of National Parks and Equivalent Reserves. 1961. Brief description of each by country. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, New York, N. Y. Recreation on Forest Industry Lands. American Forest Products Industries, Inc., 1816 N St., NW., Washington 6, D. C. Public Recreation Use Civil Works Projects. 1961. Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D. C« Progress Report. 1961. Survey of Non-Public, Non-Urban Outdoor Recrea- tion Areas. Private recreation facilities out- side of cities of 10,000 population. Role of State and Local Governments. Proceed- ings of the Fourth Joint Meeting with its Advi- sory Council. March 1961. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commis- sion, 7th and D Sts., NW., Washington 25, D. C. Public Use of National Parks and Related Areas National Park Service, Department of Interior Washington 25, D. C. RESEARCH Travel Research Seminar. 1961. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, Cen- tre International, Geneva 20, Switzerland. TRA Review of Selected Travel and Transporta- tion Publications. $2. Travel Research Association, 71 West 12th St., New York 11, N. Y. Memorandum on Essential Information for Travel Research. 1959. Eighth Annual Pacific Area Travel Conference. Pacific Area Travel Association, 153 Kearny St., San Francisco 8, Calif. Esquire Marketing Research. Esquire Magazine, 488 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Marketing, Research and Advertising. December 1958 issue. ASTA Travel News, 501 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. La Mesure des Flux Touristiques. 1961. Asso- ciation Internationale d'Experts Scientifiques de Tourisme, Grutengasse 6, Bern, Switzer- land. TOURISM STATISTICS Global: Balance of Payments Yearbook. Tourism earnings of individual countries. Inter- national Monetary Fund, 1818 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. International Travel Statistics. Annual. 10 S.F. Tourism and the International Balance of Payments. 1953. Structure Economique et Localization dans les Regions Touristiques. Travel Research Seminar. 1961. Technical Com- mission on Research. International Union of Official Travel Organiza- tions, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Tourism Statistics. United Nations Demographic Yearbook. $10. Columbia University Press, 2960 Broadway, New York 27, N. Y. Visitors by Country of Origin. Statistical Year- book, United Nations. International Docu- ments Service, Columbia University Press, 2960 Broadway, New York 27, N. Y. Africa: Annual Report. South African Tourist Corpora- tion, Board of Control, Hamilton House, Pre- toria, Union of South Africa. Annual Report. East Africa Tourist Travel Asso- ciation, Azra House, Kingsway, Nairobi, East Africa. Annual Report. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Tourist Board, Travel Centre, 93 Stanley Ave., Salis- bury, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Asia and Oceania: Tourism in Korea. 1959. Statistical Survey. 1959. Bureau of Land Transportation, Tourism Sec- tion, Seoul, Korea. The Trend to the Pacific. February 1960. issue. PATA'S Phenomenal Growth. January 1961 issue. PATA'S Research Report. February 1961 issue. Pacific Travel News, 153 Kearny St., San Fran- cisco 8, Calif.- Statistical Handbook on Travel and Tourism in the Philippines, 1954-59. Board of Travel and Tourist Industry, Manila, Philippines. Report of the Tourist and Publicity Department. Annual. Tourist and Publicity Department, Government of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. Tourism in Japan. Annual. Statistics of Foreign Visitors to Japan. Annual. Ministry of Transportation, Tourist Industry Bureau, Tokyo, Japan. Report of the Board of Management of the Hong Kong Tourist Assn. Annual. Hong Kong Tourist Assn., Kowloon P. O. Box 5341, Hong Kong. India Tourist Statistics. Annual. Report on Tourist Traffic Survey. 1957. The Pattern of Tourism in India. 1959. A Study of the Seasonal Patterns of Tourist Traf- fic in India. 1960. Department of Tourism, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Government of India, New Delhi, India. Tourism. Far Eastern Economic Review, 322, Queen's Bldg. , Victoria, Hong Kong. Septem- ber 17, 1959 issue. Report on Tourism in Ceylon. 1959. By George S. Kovach, U. S. Operations Mission, Colom- bo, Ceylon. Second Report on Tourism in Afghanistan. July 1959. By George S. Kovach, Tourism Advi- sor, USOM, Beirut, Lebanon. Annual Report. Fiji Visitors Bureau, Noumea, Caledonia. Annual Report. New Zeland Travel and Holidays Assn., Inc., Wellington, New Zealand. Report of the First Australian Travel Convention. 1958. Annual Report. Australian National Travel Association, Rail- way Bldg., Flanders Street, Melbourne, Aus- tralia. Tourism to Thailand. 1960. Tourist Organization of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Caribbean: Caribbean Area Tourist Trade Index. Annual. $2. Tourist Industry of the Caribbean Islands. 1956. Tourist Trends in the Caribbean. 1951-1955. By Robert J. Voyles. Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. Visitor Statistics. Annual. Tourism in the Caribbean. By Rafael Benitz Carle. Annual Report of Executive Director. Caribbean Tourist Association, 20 E. 46th St., New York 16, N. Y. Estadisticas de Turismo. 1957-1958. Republica de Cuba, Instituto Cubano del Turismo, Habana, Cuba. Census of Tourism: 1959. Barbados Statistical Service, Bridgetown, Barbados, W. I. 50 cents. Report for the Year Ended 1957-1958. Barbados Tourist Development Association, Ltd., Bridgetown, Barbados, W. I. Visitors in Selected Caribbean Areas: 1951-55. Puerto Rico Planning Board, Bureau of Econo- mics and Statistics, Santurce 29, Puerto Rico. Characteristics of Summer (1959) and Winter (1960) Visitors to the Caribbean. Child and Waters, Inc., 516 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. A Resume of Tourist Travel to the Bahamas from January 1 to December 31, 1960. Development Board, Department of the Bahamas Govern- ment, Nassau, Bahamas. Le Tourisme en Haiti, 1959-60. Departemente du Tourisme, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. International Travel Report. Annual Travel Statistics. Monthly and AnnuaL Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Central Statistical Office, Port-of- Spain, Trinidad, W. I. Central America: Boletin Estadistico. Quarterly. Instituto Costar- ricense de Turismo, San Jose, Costa Rica. Europe: Volume and Value of Tourist Traffic to Cyprus, 1950-56. Tourist Development Office, Queen Frederica St., 8, Nicosia, Cyprus. Annual Report and Accounts. Survey of Travelers, 1958. Irish Tourist Board, 13 Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland. Le Tourisme Beige. Annual. Commissariat Gen- eral au Tourisme, Ministere des Communica- tions, 59, avenue Fonsny, Brussels, Belgium. Number of Visitors from U. S. and Canada to Europe through 1975-76. Institut du Trans- port Aerian, 4, rue de Solferino, Paris 7, France. Rapport Annuel. Office National du Tourisme du Grand Duche de Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Memoria 1958. Direccion General del Turismo, Oficina de Informacion, Barcelona, Spain. Survey of Tourists Visiting Portugal. Travel Statistics. Monthly. Office National du Turisme, Secretariado Nacional da mforma- cao, Palacio Foz-Restauradores, Lisbon, Portugal. Tourism in the World and in Turkey. 1960. By Dr. Ahmet Kilichey. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul, Turkey. Tourism in Europe, 1960. Annual. $1.25. Or- ganization for Economic Cooperation and De- velopment (formerly Organization for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation), 1346 Connecti- cut Ave., NW., Washington 6, D. C. Tourism in the 1960 's. By L. J. Lickorish, Euro- pean Travel Commission, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Tourism in Europe. European Travel Commis- sion, Gare Centrale, Brussels, Belgium. Movimiento Turistico en Espana. 1959. Direc- cion General del Turismo, Avenida del Gen- eralismo 39, Madrid. Tourist Traffic in Greece, 1950 through 1958. Office National du Tourisme, 4 rue Hellen- ique de Stadiou, Athens, Greece. Jaarverslag. Annual. Tourist Traffic Statistics. Annual. Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Vreem- delingenverkeer, Parkstraat 38, Gevestigd Te S'Gravenhage, Netherlands. Report of the Work of the Scottish Tourist Board and the Tourist Association of Scotland. An- nual. The Scottish Tourist Board, 2 Rutland Place, West End, Edinburgh, Scotland. Svenska Turisttrafik-Forbundet. Annual. Svenska Turisttrafikforbundets Verkamhetsberattelse, Stockholm, Sweden. Economics of Tourist Resorts. By Fritz C. Frey. International Motoring in Europe. By L. J. Lickorish. Tourism and Transport. By Dr. J. G. Marker. Alliance International de Tourisme, Secretariat General, 9 rue Pierre-Fatio, Geneva, Swit- zerland. Annual Report. Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Belfast, Ireland. Statistica del Turismo. Annual. Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche, Via Marghera, 2-6, Rome, Italy. Le Tourisme en France. Annual. Les Vacances des Francais en 1957. Ministere des Travaux Publics, Des Transports et du Tourisme, 8 avenue de l'Opera, Paris, France. Annual Report. Tourist Association of Copenha- gen, 55 Raadbuspladsen, Copenhagen V, Den- mark. II Turismo NeU'Economia Internazionale. By Giuseppe Carone. 1959. Dott. A. Giuffre, Via Solferino 19, Milan, Italy. Statistical Report of Tourist Traffic, 1957-1958. Survey of Tourists Arriving in Poland. Comite de Tourisme, 2/8 Litewska St., Warsaw, Poland. Survey of German, Belgian and Dutch Visitors. Survey of Passenger Traffic between Britain and Northern Ireland. Survey of Visitors to London. A Survey of Travel Between Britain and South Africa. Australia and New Zealand Visitors to Britain in 1958. British Travel and Hobdays Association, 64-65 St. James's St., London SW1, England. Middle East: Trends of the Travel Movement. Bases of Tourist Statistics. 1959. Annual Statistical Report. Tourism in Egypt. Annual. State Tourist Administration, 5, Sharia Adly, Cairo, Egypt. Israel Tourist Statistics, 1948-57. Israel Tourist Statistics, 1952-55. Annual Report. Israel Government Tourist Corporation, Cen- tral Bureau of Statistics, Jerusalem, Israel. North America: Canada: Travel Between Canada and Other Countries. Annual. Travel Between Canada and the United States. Monthly. $ 1 per yr. Bureau of Statistics, Public Finance and Trans- portation, Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. United States of America: National: Survey of International Travel. 1956. GPO. 35 cents. C42.2:T69. United States Participation in International Travel. 1957, 1958, 1959. GPO. 20 cents. With re- vised data through 1958 issued in 1959. C42.2: T69 supp. 959. Seasonal Patterns of United States Travel Abroad. 1957. GPO. 20 cents Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. GPO. 20 cents. C42.2:T69 2. Survey of Current Business. June issue contains annual statistics on foreign travel from and to the U. S. based on balance of payments data. Office of Business Economics, Depart- ment of Commerce. GPO. 30 cents per copy. C43.8:41/6 Visa Statistics. Annual. Visa Office, Department of State, Washington 25, D. C. Vacation and Travel Research. 1958. Wall Street Journal, 44 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Esquire Travel Census. 1959. Esquire Magazine, 2 Tudor PI., New York 22, N. Y. Oversea Travel and Travel Expenditures in the Balance of International Payments of the United States, 1919-1938. By August Maffry, Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce, (out of print) Forecast of U. S. Citizens to Europe. Monthly. Summary of Passport Statistics. Quarterly and annually. Passport Office, Department of State, Washing- ton 25, D. C. Basic Travel Statistics. Tourist Travel Trends. 1961. $2. Travel to the various states, West Indies, North America and Central America. Bureau of Business Research, University of Colo- rado, Boulder, Colo. Series of booklets on states of residence of visitors to various states, regions, resorts and tourist attractions. Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Assn., Inc., 485 Lexing- ton Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Continuing Study of Consumer Buying Plans. News- week Magazine, 444 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. American Express Travel Survey. Monthly. American Express News, American Express Co., 65 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Survey of Consumer Expenditures, Incomes and Services Urban U. S. 1957. Prepared by Bu- reau of Labor Statistics for Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania. Profile of the American Tourist. $1.50 Survey of AAA Members' Habits. Vacation Travel Survey. 1959. AAA Travel Survey. American Automobile Association, 1712 G St., NW., Washington, D. C. Our $2 Billion Wanderlust. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. December 1959 issue of Busi- ness Week, 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, N. Y. Report of Passenger Travel Between the United States and Foreign Countries. Monthly, semi-annually and annually. Non-Immigrant Aliens Admitted by Classes Under the Immigration Laws and Country or Region of Last Permanent Residence. Monthly. Immigration and Naturalization Service, U. S. Department of Justice, Washington 25, D. C. Preliminary Report on 1957 Travel Survey. GPO. 40 cents (out of print.) Travel Survey-1957. Bureau of Census, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. GPO. 25 cents (out of print.) Forecast of U. S. Domestic Passenger Market, 1956-75. Port of New York Authority, 111 Eighth Ave., New York 11, N. Y. The Travel Market. 1955. By John B. Lansing and Ernest Lihenstein. The Travel Market. 1958. By John B. Lansing. Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. The Travel Market. Annual. Market Area in the United States. 1956. Vacation and Travel Survey— The Dynamics of Travel. 1956. Research Department, Curtis Publishing Co., In- dependence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Vacation Travel Expenditure Studies. Third Fed- eral Reserve District, Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. States and Municipalities: Annual Review. Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Survey of Visitors. University of Hawaii, Econom- ic Research Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii's Visitor Industry — 1955-65. Annual Research Report— Visitors to Hawaii. Hawaii Visitors Bureau, Honolulu, Hawaii. Annual Report. New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc., 90 East 42nd St., New York 22, N. Y. Travel Inquiries 1960. Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, 111 North Fifth St., Richmond, Va. Tourists and the Travel Serving Business in Ten- nessee , 1948 to 1959. By L. C. Copeland, University of Tennessee, for Tennessee De- partment of Conservation. Facts and Figures on Michigan's Tourist Industry. 1958. Michigan Tourist Council, Stevens T. Mason Bldg., Lansing 26, Mich. The Texas Tourist Industry. 1957. Texas Highway Dept., Austin 14, Tex. The Travel Industry in North Carolina, 1958. Travel Council of North Carolina, Inc., P. O. Box 1309, Raleigh, N. C. Analysis of Visitors to Colonial Williamsburg. 1959. Child and Waters, Inc., 516 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Survey of the Travel and Vacation Industry of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve District. Third Federal Reserve District, Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. Louisiana — 1959— Tourist and Vacation Survey. Department of Commerce and Industry, Loui- siana State Capital, Baton Rouge, La. Where Do Your Texas Tourists Come From Texas -Louisiana Markets and Media — 1959-60. Fort Worth Star -Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex. 1960 Idaho Tourist Survey. Idaho Department of Commerce and Development, Boise, Idaho. South America: Statistics of the Tourist Movement. Monthly. Direccion Nacional de Turismo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Temporary Visitors for More Than 24 Hours Dur- ing 1957, 1958, and 1959. Touring and Auto- mobile Club of Peru, Lima, Peru. TOURIST BUSINESS Your Community Can Profit from the Tourist Busi- ness. 1957. Office of Area Development, De- partment of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. GPO. 15 cents. Survey of Travel Agency Business. 1955 and 1959. American Society of Travel Agents, 501 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Passenger Ships and Travel Agencies. 1957. School of Foreign Service, Georgetown Uni- versity, Washington, D. C. A Community Promotion Program for Travel Agents. $1. By Theodore Handelman, 1123 Broadway, New York 10, N. Y. Investigation of Passenger Steamship Conference Regarding Travel Agents. Docket 873. Fed- eral Maritime Board, Washington 25, D. C. No copies available but docket can be inspec- ted at Office of Hearing Examiner. TRANSPORTATION General: Transport. Review and Outlook. Annual. U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 1615 H St., NW., Washington, D. C. Today's Business Travelers by Plane, Train and Ship. 1961. Today's Vacation Travelers by Plane, Train and Ship. 1961. U. S. News and World Report, Market Research Division, Advertising Dept., 24th and N St., N. W. Washington, D. C. Air: Air Passengers— Airport of Paris. 1956. Service Statistique, Aeroport de Paris, Paris, France. Digest of Statistics— Traffic Flow. Monthly. In- ternational Civil Aviation Organization, 1060 University St., Montreal, Canada. Resources, Capabilities and Problems of U. S. Certificated Air Carriers. 1960. By Stuart G. Tipton. Better Than A Magic Carpet. Role of local service airlines in U. S. Origination -Destination Survey of Airline Passen- ger Traffic. Domestic and International. Air Transport Association of America, 1000 Connecticut Ave., NW., Washington 6, D. C. Annual Traffic Statistics. Air Research Bureau, Brussels, Belgium. 1960-1965-1970-Civil Aviation and Federal Air- ways Forecast. GPO. 75 cents. Out of print. Air Commerce Traffic Patterns. Annual. GPO. 50 cents. FA A 4.11. Fy 1960. 35 cents. Calendar 1960. 35 cents. Distances Traveled by Domestic Air Passengers. 1960. International Air Commerce Traffic Patterns. Annual. Federal Aviation Agency, 1711 New York Ave., NW., Washington 25, D. C. GPO. 15 cents. C31. 153/2:957. Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe. 1956. $1.25. (English and French) European Transport Statistics, 1950-59. United Nations, Economic Commission for Eu- rope, New York, N. Y. North Atlantic Scheduled Traffic. Quarterly. Five Years of Transatlantic Airline Tourist Serv- ice. World Air Transport Statistics. State of Air Transport-1960. International Air Transport Association, 1060 University St., Montreal 3, Canada. Aviation Facts and Figures. 1957. $1. American Aviation Publications, 10001 Vermont Ave., NW., Washington, D. C. Transatlantic Air Travel. 1953-56. Hearst Pub- lishing Service, Travel and Resort Dept., 956 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. The International Air Travel Market. 1957. Cur- tis Publishing Co., Independence Square, Phila- delphia, Pa. Air Transportation. 1956. By Dr. Theodore P. Wright. Final Report on National Requirements for Avia- tion Facilities, 1956-75. B. E. P. Curtis. Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab- oratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Civil Aviation of Canada. 1955. 25 cents. Bureau of Statistics, Public Finance and Transporta- tion, Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Air Travel Comes of Age. 1956. By John Stuart. 25 cents. Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 22 East 38th St., New York, N. Y. The Place of Air Travel in the Travel Market. Market Research, Time, Rockefeller Center, New York, N. Y. The Market for Air Transportation. 1956. By C. R. Smith, American Airlines, Inc., 100 Park Ave., New York 17, N . Y. Traffic Forecast of the Free World Airlines to 1965. Traffic Forecast of Domestic U. S. Airlines to 1965. Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division, Renton, Wash. New York's Overseas Air Travelers. Published periodically. Forecast of the Overseas Air Passenger Market Through New York-1956-75. May 1958. Port of New York Authority, 111 Eighth Ave., New York 11, N. Y. Digest of Consumer Survey of Domestic Air Trav- elers. Opinion Research Corp., Princeton, N.J. 10 Motor: Highway Statistics. Summary to 1945. Annual thereafter. Annual Statements on Motor Vehicle Registrations, etc. Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Com- merce, Washington 25, D. C. Americans on the Highway. American Automobile Association, 1712 G. St.,NW., Washington, D. C. Bus Facts. Annual. National Association of Mo- tor Bus Operators, 839 -17th St., NW. Survey of International Motoring in Europe. 1952. By L. J. Lickorish. Alliance Internationale de Tourisme, 9, rue Pierre-Fatio, Geneva, Swit- zerland. Automobile Facts and Figures. Annual. Motor vehicle registrations by states and countries, world motor vehicle registrations. Automo- bile Manufacturers Assn., 320 New Center Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich. Rail: Transport Statistics in the United States. 1958. Bureau of Transport Economics and Statistics, Prepared by Ruth T. Blond United States Travel Service (formerly Office of International Travel) August 1961 Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington 25, D. C. Review of kailroad Operations. Annual. What Can Be Done To Solve. ..The Railroad Passenger Train Problem. Association of American Railroads, Trans- portation Bldg., Washington 6, D. C. Your Railroad Market from Now to 1965. 1956. Railway Age, 30 Church St., New York 7, N. Y. Transportation 1981. 1956. By W. W. Patchell. Railroad Information Bureau, c/o Pennsylvan- ia RR Station, Newark, N. J. Yearbook of Railroad Information. 1958. Eastern Railroad Presidents Conference, 143 Liberty St., New York 6, N. Y. Ship: Passenger Ships and Travel Agencies. 1957. De- partment of International Transportation, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown Uni- versity, Washington, D. C. 50301 — U.S.Dept.of Comm — DC — 1961 11 PE 1f, N .?J! A . TE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES fllllllliliillll A000Q75DQ0DL J T