C\5X//'J~/ 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS II II & Standing Order II II Services II National Technical Information Service Fall 1978 Vso^' About NTIS The National Technical Information Ser- vice of the U.S. Department of Commerce is the central source for the public sale of U.S. and foreign government-sponsored resea^h development, and engineering reports and other analyses prepared by national and local government agencies, their contractors or grantees, or by Special Technology Groups. NTIS also is a central source for federally generated machine processable data files and manages the Federal Software Exchange Center. NTIS ships about 23,000 information products daily as one of the world's leading processors of specialty information. It sup- plies its customers with about 6 million documents and microforms annually. The NTIS information collection exceeds 1 mil- lion titles. All are available for sale. About 80,000 titles are stocked in multiple copies. Current lists of best-selling reports describe those most in demand. About 150,000 of NTIS's million research report titles are of foreign origin. NTIS sells technical reports and other in- formation products of specialized interest under provisions of Title 15 U.S. Code 1151-7. This law, which established a clear- inghouse for scientific, technical, and engineering information, also directs NTIS to recover its costs from the sales of its prod- ucts and services. NTIS, therefore, is a unique Government agency operating very much as a business; it is sustained only by its customers. All the costs of its products and services, including salaries, marketing, promotion, and postage are paid from sales income, not by tax- supported Congressional appropriation. Timely and continuous reporting to sub- scribers is ensured by agreements between NTIS and Federal research -sponsoring organizations, and Special Technology Groups. NTIS is the marketing coordinator for the latter, for their publications, technical inquiries and special analyses. Customers may quickly locate summaries of interest from among some 680,000 erally sponsored research reports completed and published from 1964 to date, using the agency's on-line computer search service (NTISearch) or the more than 1,000 Pub- lished Searches in stock. About 70,000 new technical summaries and reports are added annually. Copies of the full research reports, on which the summaries are based, are sold by NTIS in paper or microform. CONTENTS Business and Economics / 2 Energy / 3 Environment / 6 Foreign Technology / 9 Life Sciences / 10 Management / 17 Nuclear Regulatory Studies / 18 Regulatory / 20 Space Science / 21 Transportation / 22 Technology / 22 j Index and Prices / 23 £ Ordering Information / 13 o •3 Subscription prices and order numbers listed 2 in the index. G National Technical Information Service Business and Economics Foreign Market Reports From the Bureau of International Commerce. The service has been improved and expanded to provide permanent use of Airgrams, trade fair participants and visitors lists, specific market research summaries, and market surveys prev- iously obtainable only on loan. You may subscribe to the reports by Standard Industrial Classification (Subject) or by country . They will be mailed to you automatically as soon as published. Annual index included. Standing order service only. Job Bank Frequently Listed Openings (JOB-FLO) This series of reports provides local and national summary data on demand occupations and in- dustries, job-flo is provided monthly, covering the data for the entire previous month. Job openings information for 150 local labor market areas is offered in 11 unique regional groupings. States not included in the regional groupings are: Wyoming, Utah, Montana, and Alaska. About 14-15 sheets of microfiche per month. Cannot be purchased in microfiche by region; therefore, the monthly fiche distribution con- tains all 11 regions plus a National Summary. Prepared by the Department of Labor. NIPAgram National Income and Product Accounts Telegram A monthly subscription service that provides complete data covering the gross national product and other basic economic indicators — within 24 hours of release by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Delivered by Western Union. Consists of four full pages of numbers — economic tables without headings. As a sub- scriber, you get the table headings on clear plastic overlays. You simply place the overlay on your NIPAgram and you have the complete labeled statistical information ready to use. State, County, and Selected City Employment and Unemployment: CETA & PWEDA There are two series of reports available which contain estimate data on the labor force, employment, and unemployment within the United States and its possessions. The first series is a report on the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (ceta) which includes esti- mates for prime sponsors (State or local govern- ment); program agents (a unit of local govern- ment within a prime sponsor); and area of sub- stantial unemployment (a unit within a program agent). The second series, reports on the Public Works and Economic Development Act ( pweda ), provides the estimates data for States , metropolitan areas and counties. The States are arranged alphabetically. Both series are distributed monthly. Prepared by the Depart- ment of Labor. Survey of Current Business Prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Survey provides statistical information on industry trends, the current business situation, national income and product tables, earnings, State economic projections and other data ele- ments of special interest to the business world. Available monthly. Microfiche only. Business & Economics Energy Energy A Continuing Bibliography with Indices Covers regional, national, and international energy systems; research and development on fuels and other sources of energy; energy con- version, transport, transmission, distribution and storage, with special emphasis on use of hydro- gen and solar energy. Also included are methods of locating or using new energy resources. Of special interest is energy for heating, lighting, or for powering aircraft, sur- face vehicles, and other machinery. Abstracts and indexes. Prepared by nasa. Quarterly. Energy Conservation Update Provides abstracts and an index to the latest studies of energy conservation worldwide. Covers a broad spectrum from transporta- tion and industrial energy savings to the latest research dealing with techniques for residential and commercial heating, lighting, and hot water conservation. Prepared by the Department of Energy. Monthly. Department of Energy Research Reports A standing order to automatically receive all doe's technical reports, critical reviews, con- ference papers, and symposium results in printed copy. Approximately 1300 reports annually. Orders filled by complete collec- tion or special category. Energy SOS A Standing Order Service for Paper Copy Reports Subscription to this service automatically brings the full text, in paper copy, of energy reports acquired by ntis. The service is available in the following unique categories: • Energy sources • Energy use, supply, and demand • Power and heat generation • Energy conversion and storage • Fuel conversion processes • Engines and fuels • Energy transmission • Policies, regulations, and studies Each time a report is issued in any of these areas of interest, it is directed automatically to the subscriber. Subscribers pay 20 percent less for reports than buyers of single titles. For additional infor- mation regarding this service, please write to Jim Apistolas, ntis, or call (703) 557-4648. Fossil Energy Update Provides coverage of current scientific and technical reports, journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, books, patents, theses, and monographs from all sources on fossil energy, such as coal, petroleum, nat- ural gas, oil shale, hydrogen production, hydrocarbon and alcohol fuels, electric power engineering, and magnetohydrody- namic generators. All information an- nounced plus additional backup information is included in the energy information data base of the Department of Energy's Technical Information Center. Monthly, plus annual index. Subscription prices and order numbers listed in the index. Energy Fusion Energy Update Provides coverage of current scientific and technical reports, journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, books, patents, theses, and monographs from all sources on fusion energy. Covered are plasma physics, the physics and engineering of blankets, magnet coils and fields, power supplies and circuitry, cooling systems, fuel systems, radiation hazards, power conversion sys- tems, inertial confinement systems, and com- ponent development and testing. Prepared by the Department of Energy, this monthly subscription includes 12 issues and an annual cumulative index. Geothermal Energy Update Provides coverage of current scientific and technical reports, journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, books, patents, theses, and monographs for all sources on geothermal energy, such as resource evalua- tion and exploration, reservoir engineering and production, utilization technology, economics, environmental and institutional aspects, and basic geoscience data and theory. All information announced here, plus additional backup information, is in- cluded in the energy information data base of the Department of Energy's Technical In- formation Center. Monthly, plus annual index. Heat Pipe Technology Covers 16 thermophysical properties of mat- ter keyed to representative groups: High temperature solid materials, thermal conduc- tivity, thermal diffusivity, absorptance, reflectance, viscosity, specific heats and constant pressures. Prepared by the Technology Applications Center, University of New Mexico. Quarterly. A bibliographic series that contains citations and abstracts from more than 7,000 sources devoted to hydrogen as a synthetic fuel or "energy carrier." Foreign and domestic pub- lications are cited, abstracted, and indexed. The quarterly is separated into five sections: general, production, utilization, combustion, transmission, distribution and storage , and safety. Indexed. Prepared by the Technology Applications Center, University of New Mexico. Monthly Energy Review The principal communications medium for Department of Energy and its constituency. Incorporates the energy information pre- viously published in the PIMS Monthly Petroleum Report, the supplements to pims and Monthly Energy Indicators. Averages about 48 pages an issue in five major parts: Overview, summarizing events of the previous month; energy sources; electric utilities; resource development; and price. Monthly Petroleum Statistics Report Combines the Weekly Petroleum Situation Report and Weekly Petroleum Statistics Report into one comprehensive monthly periodical compiled by the Department of Energy. The Report includes statistics in detail on refinery operations of petroleum products, primary stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and imports of crude oil, unfinished oils and petroleum products. Monthly Petroleum Product Price Report As part of its role in monitoring market price trends, the Energy Information Ad- ministration is providing national weighted average prices of petroleum products on a monthly basis at different levels of the marketing chain. In addition to recent price data, some historical data are included to in- dicate trends. Pricing data in this publication are collected from three separate surveys: Refiners, resellers and retailers, and gas plant operators. Energy Petroleum Market Shares „fjort on Sales of Refined Petroleum Products One of a continuing series on monthly changes in the refiner sales and the retail market shares of selected refined petroleum products. Estimates of volume sales and market shares are based on monthly sample surveys of refiners and independent marketers conducted by the Department of Energy. Petroleum Market Shares A Report on Sales of Retail Gasoline Monitors changes in the aggregate market shares of motor gasoline retailers. The in- dependent marketer data used are based on a continuing survey of gasoline service sta- tions conducted by the Bureau of the Cen- sus. The survey obtains data on the number of gallons sold each month by approx- imately 10,000 sample stations. This infor- mation is used to develop universe estimates of market shares for nonbranded indepen- dent marketers and branded independent marketers. Prepared by the Department of Energy. Quarterly Report: Report to Congress Energy Information This Department of Energy quarterly sum- marizes the exploration, development, pro- duction, and consumption of energy. Chapters cover resource development, coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear energy, and electric power. Within them, stocks, de- mand, exports, imports, plant capacity, transportation, and reserves are treated. Solar Energy Update Abstracting and indexing coverage of current scientific and technical reports, journal ar- ticles, conference papers and proceedings, books, patents, theses, and monographs for all sources on solar energy. All information announced here, plus additional backup in- formation, is included in the energy informa- tion data base of the Department of Energy's Technical Information Center. Covers solar thermal, photovoltaic, biomass conversion, ocean thermal, heating and cooling, wind power, and wave energy. Monthly, plus an- nual index. Solar Thermal Energy Utilization A bibliography, with abstracts, covering all aspects of solar energy research and the materials being developed for its practical conversion. Lately, the two most active areas appear to be in space cooling and heating and electrical power generation. The growth in these areas, as well as in other potential applications of solar energy, is dependent upon efficient collectors, reduced re-radiation, and extended storage capabilities. The latest references in these im- portant areas are also included. Prepared monthly by the Technology Application Center, University of New Mexico. Indexed. Subscription prices and order numbers listed ir the index. Energy Environment Monthly Awards for Treatment Works Monthly Listing of Awards Awards for wastewater treatment facilities under Public Law 92-500 are listed monthly. This publication provides the essential infor- mation on all awards made during the month listed. The awards are sorted by State and the information provided is applicant identification, grant number, grant title, award date, award amount, grant step such as planning, design, or construction, descrip- tion of facility to be constructed, and other data. Prepared by Environmental Protection Agency. Earth Resources A Continuing Bibliography with Indexes Until recently it was impossible for anyone to examine more than a minute fraction of the earth's surface continuously. Now vast areas can be observed synoptically, and changes noted in both the earth's lands and waters, by sensing instrumentation on or- biting spacecraft or on aircraft. The techni- cal literature described in this continuing bibliography may be helpful to researchers in numerous disciplines such as agriculture and forestry, geography and cartography, geology and mining, oceanography and fishing, environmental control, and other fields. The coverage includes documents related to the identification and evaluation of vegetation, minerals, and other natural resources, and techniques of and potentials for surveying, and keeping up-to-date inventories of such riches. Also listed are studies of such natural phenomena as earth- quakes, volcanoes, ocean currents, and magnetic fields; and such cultural phenomena as cities, transportation net- works, and irrigation systems. Descriptions of the components and use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation, their sub- systems, observational procedures, signature and analyses and interpretive techniques for gathering data are also included. Prepared by nasa. Monthly. Environment EPA Pesticides Products Data A comprehensive computerized collection of information on specific pesticide products. The collection includes product names, manufacturers, active ingredients, tolerance for residue, and site and pest information for particular products and active chemical in- gredients. The information is divided into two basic sets: Set A and Set B. Set A con- sists of the following subsets: product name list, company list, chemicals, residue tolerances, registration numbers, and label profiles. These data are updated quarterly. Set B consists of the following subsets: chemical/site/pest, site/chemical/registration numbers, pest/chemical. These data are up- dated annually. Sets A and B are available in microfiche only. EPA Publications Bibliography Quarterly Abstract Bulletin All Environmental Protection Agency- sponsored reports in the ntis collection are listed quarterly in this continuing series. The new quarterly evolved from the original epa bibliography and its supplements, from July 1973. Each issue includes summaries, author, corporate source, subject, contract number, and title indexes. Grants Administration Manual A major program activity of the En- vironmental Protection Agency is to award grants to non-Federal institutions. An important part of administering these grants is that program objectives be set up and progress toward them monitored. For this reason, grantee institutions must establish sound and effective business management systems to assure that grant funds are properly used. This manual, which now stands at about 700 pages (with 33 parts and an index), provides the administrative policies and procedures to manage a grant. It is available on a standing-order basis only, over two years. Updated quarterly. Landsat 2: World Standard Catalog Landsat 3: World Standard Catalog To disseminate information on the availabil- ity of Landsat imagery, the Image Processing Facility (IPF), located at the Goddard Space Flight Center, publishes a World Standard Catalog on a monthly schedule. The catalogs identify imagery that has been processed and input to the data files. In addition to the routine monthly catalogs, the IPF annually publishes a cumulative World Standard Cat- alog for each satellite, covering a year based on the launch date for that satellite. These catalogs include information on all observa- tions acquired and processed by the facility during that year. Subscription prices and order numbers listed in the index. Environment Pesticides Analytical Manual Presents methods for the analysis of pesti- cide residues in foods and feeds, as used by Food and Drug Administration to enforce the pesticide tolerances set by Environmental Protection Agency. Periodic revisions are issued to update information, add new methods, or change existing sections to reflect current procedures. Volume 1 gives complete details of epa multi-pesticide residue methods. Sample preparation, gas chromatographic operating conditions, con- firmatory techniques, and tabulation of the analytical behavior of various chemicals through each procedure are included. Volume II presents methods for deter- mining single pesticide residues. Most methods are those presented by peti- tioners as part of original requests for epa registration and tolerance. Appropriate cross-references to Volume I are included for those chemicals recovered by multiple res- idue procedures. A standing order service of about three updates annually. Each update is 75-150 pages. Pesticide Label File A collection of microfiche which contains the information contained on registered pes- ticide labels. Information includes active in- gredients) and percentages of same, com- mon name for active chemical, sites and pests for usage, dosage, and safety information. The basic set is approximately 1,900 sheets of microfiche. The set is updated twice a year with about 50 sheets of microfiche in each update. Prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency. Selected Water Resources Abstracts Includes abstracts of monographs, journal articles, reports, and other publications. These documents cover the life, phys- ical, and social sciences as well as related engineering and legal aspects of the char- acteristics, conservation, control, use, or management of water. Each abstract includes a full bibliographical citation and a set of descriptors or identifiers as listed in the Water Resources Thesaurus. Each abstract entry is classified into 10 fields and 60 water resources research categories. Semimonthly. Environment 8 Foreign Technology Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) This service monitors radio news transmis- sions, newspaper editorials, articles, and magazine features daily. The best of these translations are grouped in eight areas of in- terest, for sale through ntis. Substantial dis- counts are offered those who order more than one area volume. All volumes are mailed daily. The volumes cover: China, Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, Western Europe, and Sub Saharan Africa. All subscriptions are annual. To qualify for the discount all items must be mailed to a single address. Also available in microfiche. Mailed weekly. Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) The Joint Publications Research Service (jprs) translates and abstracts foreign language political and technical media for Federal agencies. More than 70,000 reports published since 1957 are available. Most jprs reports are concerned with publications in Communist countries, though materials from all nations may be translated. About half of the reports are in the scientific and technical fields. Regular use of jprs reports gives scientists, engineers, researchers, and business people access to current foreign thought in many areas. Standing order ser- vice only. Available by country or area of origin and a particular field of interest: e.g., USSR Agriculture, China Scientific Abstracts, or Translations of North Viet- nam. Areas covered by this service are listed in the index. Trends in Communist Media Analyzes Chinese, Soviet, and other Com- munist media discussions of key issues under a confidential classification limited to six months. The declassified Trends averages between 20 and 30 pages and is sent to sub- scribers weekly either in paper or micro- fiche. Trends describes Communist media in the perspective of past content and behavior and identifies new elements or departures from a standard line. Back issues available (since 1967). Ask for microfiche prices. Pre- pared by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Soviet Translation Services NTIS publishes and sells English translations of copyrighted Soviet scientific and technical publications as well as selected articles from more than 500 Soviet journals. This new ser- vice has been developed by ntis to aid the U.S. Soviet scholar in gaining greater access to the Soviet scientific and technical litera- ture. The service is available as a standing order service. The following categories may be ordered singularly or in any combination: • Joint Publications Research Services (ussr Serials) • Soviet Monographs The Soviet Translations are sent to ntis by other Government sources such as the Department of Energy, nasa, and the De- partment of Defense. For additional informa- tion regarding this service, please write to Jim Apistolas, ntis, or call (703) 557-4648. Subscription prices and order numbers listed in the index. Foreign Technology Life Sciences Aerospace Medicine and Biology Concentrates on the biological, physiolog- ical, psychological, and environmental ef- fects to which man is subjected during and following simulated or actual flight in the earth's atmosphere or in interplanetary space. References describing similar effects on biological organisms of lower order are also included. Such related topics as sanitary problems, pharmacology, toxicology, safety and survival, life support systems, ex- obiology, and personnel factors receive at- tention. Emphasis is placed on applied research, but references to fundamental studies and theoretical principles related to experimental development are also included. Prepared by nasa. Monthly plus annual index. Agriculture Outlook usda's official source on marketing costs and on food and farm income forecasts. It pro- vides an overview of the agriculture econ- omy; commodity highlights; farm input developments; emerging policy issues; world agricultural and trade news; farm supplies; marketing spreads; farm prices received and paid; plus special features and tables. Monthly. Life Sciences ilO Journal of Human Services Abstracts Announces documents received by Project Share, a national clearinghouse for human services information sponsored by hew. Each quarterly contains some 150 abstracts of documents included in the Project Share data base. Indexed. Oncology Overviews Cancergram A service of the International Cancer Re- search Data Bank (icrdb) program of the National Cancer Institute. It is distributed every few weeks, and contains abstracts of recently published articles dealing with cancer research. The research is divided into many different topics; see index for topic list. Standing order service gives you 12 issues each year in the topic you select. Child Abuse and Neglect Research Projects and Publications Abstracts and indexes published accounts of research covering medical, legal, psycholog- ical, sociological, and many other view- points on this important subject. Published by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. Single copies can be purchased at $15 each. Semiannual. Prepared by the National Cancer Institute, each overview represents a survey of the literature associated with a selected area of cancer research. Contains abstracts of arti- cles selected and organized by researchers in the field. Standing order service only; ap- proximately 10 issues per year. Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders Citations from the Literature Compiled by the National Library of Medi- cine to provide current, selected, and sys- tematically categorized citations pertaining to parkinsonism-related items. Citations are primarily clinical in approach or connect an avenue of research directly to a specific disorder. Included are Parkinson's disease, Huntington's and Sydenham's chorea, dystonia musculorum deformans, hepatolen- ticular degeneration, multiple tics, and tor- ticollis. Indexed. Monthly. Subscription prices and order numbers listed in the index. Hi iLife Sciences Radiobiology This translation of the Russian periodical Radiobiologiya, is funded by the Department of Energy Division of Biomedical and Envir- onmental Research. It is prepared by the Joint Publications Research Service. Covers information on effects of ionizing radiations on biological systems, including effects of radioactive isotopes on living systems; radioprotective substances; radiation syn- drome; radiotherapy; and other aspects of radiomedicine. Bimonthly. Special Listings of Current Cancer Research Contains abstracts of ongoing projects derived from the International Cancer Research Data Bank (icrdb). Standing order service only. About 10 issues a year in each category. Toxicology Research Projects Directory The Toxicology Research Projects Directory is a monthly publication of ongoing research in toxicology and related fields. The em- phasis of the Directory is on the manifesta- tions of the exposure of man and animals to toxic substances. Projects are classified by toxic agents, research orientation, and areas of environmental concern. The use of toxic substances to control or eradicate undesired insect and plant species has been limited to the studies of the mechanisms of action of residue problems associated with these sub- stances. Although biological agents are ex- cluded, their active poisons are included. Prepared by the Toxicology Information Program of the National Library of Medi- cine. Indexed. TOX-TIPS Produced by the Toxicology Information Program of the National Library of Medi- cine. Covers all areas of long-term tox- icology testing in its Notices of Research Projects. Testing is listed by compound, species (strain), route of administration, and duration. Published monthly with cumula- tive indexes of projects, organizations, and principal investigators. Life Sciences 12 Subscriptions NTIS subscriptions come like any magazine you might order at home; a fixed price for so many issues (sent weekly, mon- thly, or quarterly) per year. Prices and order numbers for these are listed in the index. Standing Orders Standing orders are designed to send you automatically copies of irregularly published items — such as the many update services we offer on regulatory reports. As a result, we can't predict what a fair yearly charge would be. Standing order publications, paid for by each item issued, require you to open an NTIS Deposit Account with a minimum of $25. The bonus is that the same Deposit Account can be used to order any other report or subscription in the NTIS integrated information system. How to Pay The fastest service is provided to cus- tomers who charge to their Deposit Ac- counts or their American Express credit cards, because the processing of such orders is simplest for NTIS. Or payment may be made by check or money order. NTIS will also ship and bill. Open a Deposit Account To receive the publications marked "standing order service only" in this catalog you must have a Deposit Account. To open yours, use the order form and send at least $25 (or more than enough to cover your first order) to NTIS Deposit Account, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Thereafter keep at least $25 on deposit or enough to cover two month's charges. Orders will not be processed for overdrawn accounts. You may pre-deposit any amount. Some active customers keep several thou- sand dollars in their accounts to ensure the fastest possible service. At the same time as you open your Deposit Account, fill out the order form with the titles of the standing orders you wish to subscribe to. 13 Ordering —£- Order Form Yes, I would like to subscribe to the following subscriptions or standing order services: NTISUB Quantity Number Title Annual Price Subscription f. trices and o r der numbers listed in the index. Total t i Total amount enclosed is . Select your method of payment: □ Enclosed is a check or money order payable to NTIS for $ □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account No. . □ Charge to my American Express Account No. □ Bill me (letterhead required). Signature Name _ Expiration Date Organization Address City, State, Zip MAIL TODAY TO: Subscription Department National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 -Mg ; Deposit Account Form □ I want to open an NTIS Deposit Account to begin my standing order subscription. I can also use my Deposit Account for other NTIS products and services. Here is my check for $ ($25 minimum deposit). □ Send me information on how to use my NTIS Deposit Account, NTIS-PR-35. Name Organization Address City, State, Zip I a^ In the space of just the past year, NTIS has added to its stature as the country's largest publisher of technical reports by becoming one of the Nation's leading sources of subscrip- tions to technical journals. Many of the items you see in this catalog are available only from NTIS. And for most of the products described here, you can be assured of one thing — this is the earliest public distribu- tion of this vital Government information. This is indeed timely information — giving you the con- fidence to react to a quickly changing world. Subscribing through NTIS is simple. There are two types of products listed in the catalog: Subscriptions and stand- ing order services. Subscriptions are handled just like the magazines you order at home, with a certain price for a particular subscription period. By contrast, a standing order service automatically distributes copies of irregularly published items — such as the many update services for our regulatory agency reports. Because of the irregular publication dates of standing orders, we require that you open an NTIS Deposit Account. More information about subscriptions, standing order services, and Deposit Ac- counts can be located on page 13 of this brochure. Prices and order numbers are listed in the index. Use the attached order forms today. And if I can be of any help, please do not hesitate to call or write. Jim Apistolas Product Specialist Subscriptions and Standing Order Services (703) 557-4648 -■— 3 Deposit Account Form D I want to open an NTIS Deposit Account to begin my standing order subscription. I can also use my Deposit Account for other NTIS products and services. Here is my check for $ ($25 minimum deposit). □ Send me information on how to use my NTIS Deposit Account, NTIS-PR-35. Name Organization Address City, State, Zip. MAIL TODAY TO: Subscription Department National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 --^-- Order Form Yes, I would like to subscribe to the following subscriptions or standing order services: NTISUB Quantity Number Title Annual Price Subscription i irices and o rder numbers listed in the index. Total t i Total amount enclosed is . Select your method of payment: □ Enclosed is a check or money order payable to NTIS for $ □ Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account No. . □ Charge to my American Express Account No. □ Bill me (letterhead required). Expiration Date Signature Name _ Organization Address City, State, Zip Public Management Sources Management Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) This journal presents computer standards adopted by the U.S. Government, fips stan- dards are developed by a consensus of in- dustry, academe, and Government . The stan- dards deal with hardware, software, data and adp operations standards, ntis offers fips publications by standing order, whereby new and revised fips standards, along with any change notices and associated industry standards issued during the year, are sent to subscribers automatically. Materiel Acquisition Management Guide This guidebook has been prepared to assist Army acquisition managers in carrying out their assigned responsibilities. It focuses on a number of critical issues that affect the acquisition management process. In effect, the manual is a "corporate memory" note- book compiled and kept up-to-date as new suggestions and findings occur. Basic subscription includes binder, text, and sup- plements for one year. Monthly annotated bibliography of books and journal articles issued by the Office of Management and Budget. Among the areas covered are budgeting; management and management sciences; public administration; policymaking; program evaluation; the Pres- idency and executive-legislative relations; planning at the national, regional, and local levels; intergovernmental relations; transpor- tation and communication; environment; energy resources and utilization; regulatory activities; human resources development, in- cluding education, health and medical care; international relations and trade; economics; and national defense. Review of Public Data Use A bimonthly journal devoted to public data access and use. It publishes articles on social science research that uses publicly available data. In addition, it covers planning and research in state and local government, com- puter software for accessing statistical data files, technical problems of data access, legislation and administrative actions affec- ting public access, and foreign data use. Each issue of the Review contains Data Ac- cess News and Public Data Technical Bulle- tin sections to inform the reader of developments in the fields of statistics and public data use. Prepared by the Data Use and Access Laboratories, Arlington, Virginia. 17 Management Nuclear Regulatory Studies Construction Status Report Nuclear Regulatory Commission Yellow Book Monitors the construction of nuclear power plants. Provides data for synchronizing the licensing process with predicted fuel loading dates, as well as providing a central Federal Government report for commercial reactor construction. Uses data collected from the utilities sponsoring projects and the Office of Inspection and Enforcement, nrc Monthly. Licensee Contractor and Vendor Inspection Status Report Nuclear Regulatory Commission White Book This quarterly provides a means by which the total nuclear inspection activity is verified, inspected, or audited by the licensee, his contractors, vendors, and the nrc In addition, this book contains in- formation submitted by licensees in accord- ance with nrc rules covering events at- tributed by the licensee to design deficiencies and equipment malfunctions. These licensee event reports, which cover one calendar quarter, identify both the vendor and the organization responsible for the procurement or design. Nuclear Regulatory Studies NRC Staff Practice and Procedure Digest A digest of a number of nrc and Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Boards decisions. Prepared by the Nuclear Regula- tory Commission. Monthly. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances A compilation of adjudicatory decisions and other issuances of the Commission, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Boards, and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards. A monthly publication with semiannual indexes. Operating Units' Status Report Nuclear Regulatory Commission Gray Book The monthly regulatory report on all operating nuclear power plants in the United States (except Shippingport and the Hanford N reactor, which are federally owned). This report is in three sections: Monthly highlights and statistics for commercial operating units; a compilation of detailed in- formation on each unit; comparative statis- tics of U.S. nuclear/fossil capacity, identifi- cation of nuclear power plants within regional Electric Reliability Councils, the relative status of U.S. nuclear electric pro- duction to all U.S. electric production by state, and selected Edison Electric Institute operating statistics. 18 Program Summary Nuclear Regulatory Commission Brown Book Summarizes information on and forecasts activity in all phases of the regulatory process. Intended as an informa- tion and decision-making tool for nrc management. The report is divided into six sections: Nuclear reactor regulation; nuclear materials safety and safeguards; inspection and enforcement; standards development; nuclear regulatory research; and other nrc activities. Monthly. Standard Review Plan The Nuclear Regulatory Commission uses this plan to improve both the quality of the staff review of applications to build new nuclear power facilities as well as the quality of information supplied by applicants. It describes in detail the various safety-related technical areas reviewed by the nrc staff, the basis for review, and the procedures for accomplishing the review. An annual plan with quarterly updates. Water Reactor Safetv Research Nuclear Regulatory Commission Buff Book In 1974 the first Buff Book was published. Subsequent editions were expanded to in- clude total light water safety research as well as procedures for reporting of informa- tion on costs, purposes, expected results, status, schedules, and potential problems. The Buff Book was carried in- to the nrc as a part of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's management system when both the nrc and Department of Energy were created. This document is a part of the research organization's collection, analysis, computerization, processing, and management review of research contracts at laboratories, contrac- tors, and universities. Safeguards, fuel cycle, and environmental research also covered. Bimonthly. Subscription prices and order numbers listed in the index. 19 Nuclear Regulatory Studies Election Case Law Focuses on State and Federal court decisions affecting elections and election law. Issued quarterly with the final issue each year cov- ering the entire year cumulatively. Prepared by the Federal Election Commission. Election Law Updates Regulatory Aeronautical Frequency Assignments Near Cable Television Carrier Frequencies Lists all aeronautical radio stations operating near frequencies commonly used for visual, aural, or pilot carriers by cable television systems. These lists are provided to assist cable television system operators deter- mine whether they must adjust their fre- quencies or take other action to comply with fcc rules prohibiting cable use of certain fre- quencies in case of conflict with aeronautical radio use. Prepared by the Federal Commu- nications Commission. Quarterly. Civil Service Commission Appeals Decisions This quarterly report lists each appeal ad- judicated by the Federal Employees Appeals Authority and the Appeals Review Board. It is derived from a coding system that each adjudicating office uses to identify informa- tional and statistical elements concerning each case. There is a separate listing for each type of appeal . Each listing is divided by head- ings which represent the action taken, the reason for the action, and additional issues such as discrimination. This quarterly analyzes State and Federal legislation on elections, and briefly sum- marizes pending public bills and resolutions dealing with election law. Those bills that have already seen some action are also in- cluded. From time to time, other memos, reports, and studies on election law are included. Indexed. Final issue each year covers the entire year. Prepared by the Federal Election Commission. FDA Compliance Policy Guides These guides provide a system for issuing all official statements on fda compliance policy. The manual describes the Food and Drug Administration's official policy on every compliance matter. Standing order IRS Civil Tax Cases This is a 16mm microfilm listing of docketed civil tax cases pending in the appellate, claims, district, and tax courts. Does not in- clude collection suits. Listings include tax- payer's name, court, assigned chief counsel, field office or division, and the filing date of the petition or complaint. Cases are added each month as docketed and removed when closed. Multiple-issue cases are listed under each issue. Subscription in- cludes the Uniform Issue List, an index used for broad identification of issues. Has eight- digit numbers and brief titles keyed to Inter- nal Revenue Code Sections. Regulatory 20 NASA Reports Space Science Aeronautical tngmeering All nasa formal reports are available on a standing order basis, automatically, to subscribers. Prepared for the joint use of nasa, Federal Aviation Administration, and the scientific and technical community concerned with aeronautical engineering. Each entry consists of a standard bibliographic citation accom- panied by an abstract. Three annual indexes (subject, personal author, and contract number) are included. Monthly. NASA Patent Abstracts Bibliography A semiannual nasa publication containing comprehensive abstracts and indexes of NASA-owned inventions covered by U.S. patents and applications for patent. These inventions cover practically all fields of technology and include many that have use- ful and valuable commercial application. Each issue has a separately bound abstract (Section 1) and an index (Section 2). The abstract section covers only the latest six-month period. The index, by contrast, is cumulative and covers all NASA-owned in- ventions since May 1969. NASA Star Journal Abstracts of the reports announced in the NASA Star Journal are available in micro- fiche. The biweekly journal is a major com- ponent of the comprehensive nasa system covering aeronautics, space, and supporting disciplines. Microfiche are distributed by ntis biweekly immediately following distribution of the printed journal. Micro- fiche issues for previous years, retroactive to 1964, are also available at the same annual rate as a current subscription. Standing order only. NRL Progress This journal presents papers by the Naval Research Lab staff and patents resulting from inventions produced by nrl. Reports cover chemistry, electricity, metallurgy, nuclear, atomic, and optical physics, ocean sciences and engineering, radar, solid state physics, and other related fields. Monthly. 21 Space Science 1 echnology TECH Notes Transportation Aircraft Accident Reports These detailed formal and individual hearing reports give facts, circumstances, and prob- able causes of major aircraft accidents. Reports are identifiable by carrier involved, date, and place of accident. Compiled by the National Transportation Safety Board. Issued irregularly (five or six times per year). Briefs of Accidents This publication summarizes the facts, condi- tions, circumstances, and probable causes of all U.S. civil aviation accidents. Summary volume at year's end. Compiled by the Na- tional Transportation Safety Board. Issued irregularly (five or six times per year). Transportation Safetv Information Report Selected national-level transportation safety statistics for all modes of transportation. Each quarterly report presents and compares transportation fatalities, accidents, and in- juries on a monthly and quarterly basis for the current and preceding years. In addition, it provides an overview of safety hazards, safety programs, and accident prevention information. Prepared by the Department of Transportation. TECH Notes pulls together into a single con- venient monthly package many one-page summaries of new applications for technol- ogy as developed by different Federal agen- cies, their contractors, industry and academic sources. The individual TECH Notes entries are prepared by the various agencies and are generally patterned after the Tech Briefs pioneered by nasa. To avoid overwhelming users with massive outpour- ings of new applications for Federal tech- nology in all fields, TECH Notes is available in 11 subject categories. You may subscribe to any one category or any combination of categories. A typical monthly issue for a single category includes about 12 individual TECH Notes. Each in- dividual TECH Note in the package is sup- ported by backup material that may be ob- tained by subscribers when additional de- tailed information is required. Engineering Sciences Data Unit One of the world's largest and most author- itative collections of evaluated engineering design data is now available to ntis customers by agreement with Engineering Sciences Data Unit in London. The basic esdu package is the Data Item, a set of looseleaf sheets devoted to a single topic and containing graphical data, equations and tables, definitions and terminology, explanatory matter, and worked examples. Data are generally non-dimensional to assist application over wide ranges of values of the parameters involved. They can be used with either metric or British Units. ESDU Data Items are designed to be self-contained. Yet, each Data Item is part of one or more of the 16 subseries that are currently available in such subject areas as aerodynamics, fatigue, structures, physical data, mechanisms, and others. To receive more detailed information on esdu request NTIS-PR-209. Transportation/Technologyi ■22 Index and Prices Business and Economics Foreign Market Reports Job Bank Frequently Listed Openings Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and District of Columbia North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada Idaho, Oregon, and Washington All Regions Order Number Price Standing $ 4 per airgram order $20 per report $12.50 index NTISUB-263 $110 paper NTISUB-264 $110 paper NTISUB-265 $110 paper NTISUB-266 $110 paper NTISUB-267 $110 paper NTISUB-268 $110 paper NTISUB-269 $110 paper NTISUB-270 $110 paper NTISUB-271 $110 paper NTISUB-272 $110 paper NTISUB-273 $110 paper NTISUB-262 $900 paper $100 for micro- fiche 23 Index and Prices NIPAgram State, County, and Selected City Employment and Unemployment CETA PWEDA Survey of Current Business Energy Energy: A Continuing Bibliography Energy Conservation Update Department of Energy Research Reports Fossil Energy Update Fusion Energy Update Geothermal Energy Update Heat Pipe Technology Hydrogen Energy Update Monthly Energy Review Monthly Petroleum Product Price Report Monthly Petroleum Statistics Repori Petroleum Market Shares: Refined Petroleum Petroleum Market Shares: Retail Gasoline Quarterly Report: Energy Information Solar Energy Update Solar Thermal Energy Utilization Environment Monthly Awards for Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works Earth Resources EPA Pesticides: Set A Set B Set A and B EPA Publications Bibliography: Quarterly Abstract Bulletin Grants Administration Manual Order Number Price NTISUB-155 Not available NTISUB-143 $ 45 per year NTISUB-144 $ 45 per year NTISUB-140 $ 80 per year NTISUB-026 $ 80 per year NTISUB-148 $ 40 per year (Standing order) $ 7 per report NTISUB-146 $ 40 per year NTISUB-153 $ 40 per year NTISUB-147 $ 40 per year NTISUB-022 $150 per year NTISUB-023 $150 per year NTISUB-127 $100 per year NTISUB-156 $ 90 per year NTISUB-130 $100 per year NTISUB-152 $ 50 per year NTISUB-125 $ 90 per year NTISUB-027 $ 90 per year NTISUB-145 $ 40 per year NTISUB-024 $150 per year NTISUB-126 $240 per year NTISUB-038 $ 60 per year NTISUB-220 $220 per year pb-265 550 $ 70 per year NTISUB-219 $250 per year ntisub-025 $100 per year NTISUB-031 $ 75 two years (Complete) NTISUB-032 $ 55 two years (supplements only) Index and Prices 24 Order Number Price Landsat 2: World Standard Catalog Landsat 3: World Standard Catalog Pesticides Analytical Manual. Vol. I Pesticides Analytical Manual. Vol. 11 Pesticides Analytical Manual. Vols. I and II Pesticide Label File Selected Water Resources Abstracts NTISUB-276 with index ntisub-277 with index NTISUB-118 NTISUB-119 NTISUB-117 NTISUB-116 NTISUB-102 with index index only $ 90 per year $130 per year $120 per year $160 per year $ 50 per year $ 70 per year $100 per year $405 per year $150 per year $200 per year $100 per year Foreign Media Foreign Broadcast Information Service Issued daily. One Volume, $200. Two Volumes, $250. Three Volumes, $300. Four Volumes, $400. Five Volumes, $450. Six Volumes, $500. Seven Volumes, $550. Eight Volumes, $700. Trends in Communist Media NTISUB-011 $120 per year Joint Publications Research Service Asia Serials Translations on Mongolia (5/year) Translations on North Korea (70/yr) Translations on Vietnam (90/yr) Translations on South & East Asia (20/yr) Translations on Japan (20/yr) People's Republic of China Scientific Abstracts (18/yr) Translations on People's Republic of China (125/yr) Translations on People's Republic of China — Plant & Intallation Data (15/yr) Translations on People's Republic of China — Agriculture (25 /yr) Red Flag Magazine (12 /yr) Eastern Europe Serials Translations on EE: Political, Sociological, Military Affairs (150/yr) Translations on EE: Economic & Industrial Affairs (150/yr) Translations on EE: Scientific Affairs (30/yr) $ 9 $130 $625 $130 $140 $ 80 $400 $110 $125 $ 95 $400 $720 $250 25 Index and Prices International Serials World Epidemiology Review (12/yr) $ 90 Telecommunications Policy, Research & Development (40/yr) $300 Translations on Environmental Quality (30/yr) $120 Translations on Western Europe (170/yr) $360 Law of the Sea (40/yr) $370 Latin America Serials Translations on Latin America (180/yr) $315 Near East & Africa Serials Translations on the Near East & North Africa (140/yr) $860 Translations on Sub Sahara (170/yr) $350 USSR Serials General: Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences (40/yr) $300 Physical Sciences & Technology (35/yr) $225 Problems of the Far East (4/yr) $ 25 Sociological Studies (4/yr) $ 22 Space Biology & Aerospace Medicine (6/yr) $140 Translations from Kommunist (18/yr) $ 40 Translations on USSR Political & Sociological Affairs (100/yr) $780 Translation on USSR Military Affairs (100/yr) $220 USA: Economics, Politics & Ideology (12/yr) $ 35 Economy & Industry: Translations on USSR Economic Affairs (50/yr) $100 Translations on USSR Agriculture (70/yr) $470 Translations on USSR Industrial Affairs (12/yr) $ 25 Translations on USSR Resources (100/yr) $200 Translations on USSR Trade & Services (80/yr) $230 USSR & East European Scientific Abstracts Geophysics, Astronomy & Space (24/yr) $175 Bio-Medical & Behavioral Sciences (20/yr) $ 60 Chemistry (10/yr) $ 35 Electronics & Electrical Engineering (12/yr) $ 40 Engineering & Equipment (12/yr) $ 50 Materials Science & Metallurgy (10/yr) $ 35 Physics (10/yr) $ 35 Cybernetics, Computers & Automation Technology (6/yr) $ 20 Index and Prices wmEMmaKmammmmmmmmmmMmam^mmmmm^Mmm 26 Life Sciences Aerospace Medicine and Biology Agriculture Outlook Cancergrams Use the following category codes. Diagnosis and Therapy Acute and Chronic Leukemia — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-03 Breast Cancer — Diagnosis, Treatment, Preclinical Biology ct-09 Cancer Detection and Management — Biological Markers Cancer Detection and Management — Diagnostic Radiology Cancer Detection and Management — Nuclear Medicine ct-02 Clinical Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy ct-06 Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Multiple Myeloma and Other Gammopathies CT-13 Clinical Treatment of Cancer — Radiation Therapy ct-15 CNS Malignancies — Diagnosis, Treatment Colorectal Cancers — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-07 Endocrine Tumors — Diagnosis, Treatment, Pathophysiology Genitourinary Cancers — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-16 Gynecologic Tumors — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-17 Lung Cancer — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-08 Lymphomas — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-05 Melanoma and Other Skin Cancer — Diagnosis, Treatment Neoplasia of the Head and Neck — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-11 Pediatric Oncology cr-10 Rehabilitation and Supportive Care Sarcomas and Related Tumors — Diagnosis, Treatment ct-12 Upper Gastrointestinal Tumors — Diagnosis, Treatment Order Number Price NTISUB-125 NTISUB-151 Standing order ntisub-377 ntisub-383 NTISUB-391 NTISUB NTISUB NTISUB NTISUB NTISUB NTISUB NTISUB 376 380 386 390 392 381 388 NTISUB-389 NTISUB-382 NTISUB-379 NTISUB-385 NTISUB-384 NTISUB-387 NTISUB-359 $100 per year $ 45 per year $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each Chemical, Environmental and Radiation Carcinogenesis Chemical Carcinogenesis — Azo Dyes, Aryl Amines, and Related Compounds ck-10 Chemical Carcinogenesis — Nitroso Compounds ck-01 Chemical Carcinogenesis — Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Related Compounds ck-07 Chemical Carcinogenesis — Miscellaneous Agents Dietary Aspects of Carcinogenesis ck-03 Environmental and Occupational Carcinogenesis ck-02 Hormonal Carcinogenesis ck-05 Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis — Activation and Metabolism of Carcinogenesis ck-08 Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis — Macromolecular Alterations and Repair ck-11 Modification of Carcinogenesis Organ Site Carcinogenesis — Gastrointestinal Tract ck-09 Organ Site Carcinogenesis — Liver Organ Site Carcinogenesis — Mammary Gland ck-12 Radiation Carcinogenesis ck-06 Cancer Biology Antitumor and Antiviral Agents — Experimental Therapeutics, Toxicology, Pharmacology Antitumor and Antiviral Agents — Mechanism of Action Cell Biology — Kinetics cb-09 Cell Biology — Cytogenetics cb-12 Cell Biology — Growth Regulation, Differentiation ntisub-351 NTISUB-356 ntisub-353 ntisub-352 ntisub-354 ntisub-358 ntisub-360 NTISUB-357 NTISUB-361 NTISUB-355 NTISUB-311 NTISUB-313 ntisub-321 NTISUB-319 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each $ 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 27 Index and Prices Order Number Price Cell Biology — Transformation, In Vitro Carcinogenesis Cytology — Techniques, Applications cb-21 Hormones in Cancer-Related Biology — Nonsteroid Hormones Hormones in Cancer-Related Biology — Steroid Hormones cb-07 Immunobiology and Cancer — Antibodies andj Humoral Immunity cb-08 Functional Aspects of Cellular Identification and Characterization The Major Histocompatibility Immunobiology and Cancer Immunity Immunobiology and Cancer of Immune Cells cb-17 Immunobiology and Cancer Complex cb-03 Immunobiology and Cancer — Tumor-Associated Antigens cb-05 Molecular Biology — Cyclic Nucleotides cb-14 Molecular Biology — Enzymes in Normal and Neoplastic Cells Molecular Biology — Nucleic Acids Molecular Biology — Proteins, Polypeptides, Amino Acids Oncofetal Proteins cb-01 Structural and Functional Aspects of Cell Membranes cb-06 Viral Immunology cb-13 Virus Studies in Humans and Other Primates cb-04 DNA Tumor Viruses in Nonprimate Systems cb-11 RNA Viruses Associated with Cancer — Cell Biology and Animal Studies cb-22 RNA Viruses Associated with Cancer — Molecular Bjology cb-23 Child Abuse and Neglect Research Journal of Human Services Oncology Overviews: Therapy Oncology Overviews: Carcinogenesis Oncology Overviews: Virology, Immunology, and Biology Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders Radiobiology Special Listings of Current Cancer Research Preclinical Aspects of Cancer Therapy Clinical Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Carcinogenesis of Specific Types of Cancer Other Carcinogenesis Studies Cancer Virology Cancer Immunology Other Cancer Biology All Categories Toxicology Research Projects Directory TOX-TIPS NTISUB-309 $ 3 each NTISUB-307 ntisub-320 NTISUB-318 $ $ $ 3 each 3 each 3 each NTISUB-306 NTISUB-308 NTISUB-314 $ $ $ 3 each 3 each 3 each NTISUB-305 $ 3 each NTISUB-304 $ 3 each NTISUB-310 $ 3 each NTISUB-303 $ 3 each NTISUB-315 $ 3 each NTISUB-316 $ 3 each NTISUB-317 $ 3 each NTISUB-113 $ 50 per year NTISUB-034 $ 50 per year NTISUB-228 $ 3 each NTISUB-229 $ 3 each NTISUB-230 $ 3 each NTISUB-132 $ 60 per year NTISUB-120 $ 75 per year $ 3 per issue NTISUB-293 NTISUB-294 NTISUB-295 NTISUB-296 NTISUB-297 NTISUB-298 NTISUB-299 NTISUB-292 NTISUB-245 $170 per year NTISUB-150 $ 35 per year Management Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Materiel Acquisition Management Guide Public Management Sources Review of Public Data Use Basic set $240 Updates $ 80 per year NTISUB-112 $111 per year NT'SUB-149 $ 25 per year NTISUB-101 $120 per year Index and Prices ■28 Nuclear Studies Construction Status Report Licensee, Contractor, and Vendor Inspections NRC Staff Practice and Procedure Digest Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances Operating Units' Status Report Program Summary Standard Review Plan Water Reactor Safety Research Regulatory Aeronautical Frequency Assignments Near Cable T.V. Civil Service Commission Appeals Decisions Election Case Law Election Law Updates Both Election Volumes FDA Compliance Policy Guides IRS Civil Tax Cases Space Sciences Aeronautical Engineering NASA Patent Abstracts Bibliography NASA Formal Series Reports Order Number Price NASA Star Journal NRL Progress Transportation Aircraft Accident Reports Briefs of Accidents Transportation Safety Information Report NTISUB-128 $240 per year NTISUB-039 $ 90 per year NTISUB-242 $ 60 per year NTISUB-142 $100 per year NTISUB-129 $240 per year NTISUB-246 $200 per year NTISUB-201 $140 per year NTISUB-108 $120 per year NTISUB-239 $ 72 per year NTISUB-227 $225 per year NTISUB-235 $ 60 per year NTISUB-234 $ 60 per year NTISUB-233 $ 90 per year NTISUB-154 Basic set updates $ 50 $200 per year NTISUB-137 $170 per year NTISUB-141 $ 75 per year NTISUB-111 $ 60 per year Standing order $ 7 per item Standing order $ 90 per year NTISUB-133 $100 per year NTISUB-104 $ 80 per year NTISUB-114 $ 80 per year NTISUB-224 $ 60 per year Technology TECH Notes Computers Electrotechnology Energy Engineering Life Sciences Machinery Materials Manufacturing Ordnance Testing and Instrumentation Physical / Sciences All Categories NTISUB-251 NTISUB-252 NTISUB-253 NTISUB-254 NTISUB-255 NTISUB-256 NTISUB-257 NTISUB-258 NTISUB-259 NTISUB-260 NTISUB-261 NTISUB-250 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $400 per vear per year per year per year per year per year per year per year per year per year per year 29i Index and Prices PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES WPU H D ^ co W H < P* D PQ go < Q en CO z CO p pa — i < y PL, o o o CO to sn D OJ "c3 _> >> "r3 c CD