c. svs: <3oz ' o; $//&. / Report To Regional Response T Coastal Region II Third Coast Guard District e 5 .* A Climatological Oil Spi Planning Guide No.1 The New York Bight February 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Data and Information Service gS fi BBte» ^S,fTc5^ Report To Regional Response Team Coastal Region II Third Coast Guard District A Climatologies! Oil Spill Planning Guide No,1 The New York Bight Compiled by: Joseph M. Bishop Center for Environmental Assessment Services Marine Environmental Assessment Division Washington, D.C. February 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Philip M. Kiutznick, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator Environmental Data and Information Service £» Thomas D. Potter, Director o (A O a 0) O CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2 . PATE OP OIL AT SEA 2 2 .1 Introduction 2 2.2 Spreading 3 2.3 Advection 4 2 . 4 Turbulent Diffusion 4 2 .5 Emulsion Formation 4 2.6 Photochemical Oxidation 4 2.7 Solution and Dispersion 6 2.8 Microbiological Action 6 2 .9 Evaporation 6 2.10 Oil Spill Modeling 6 2.10.1 Oil Pate Models 7 2.10.2 Oil Pate and Effect Models 7 2.10.3 Single Event Models 7 2.10.4 Climatological Models 7 2.10.5 Risk Assessment Models 8 2.11 Rule of Thumb Techniques 8 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 10 3 . 1 The Surface Wind Field 10 3.2 Wind Waves 17 3 . 3 Water Temperature 33 3.3.1 Temperature Distribution 33 3.3.2 Sea-Surface Temperature 46 3.4 Salinity 49 3.5 Density Distribution 49 3 .6 Vertical Mixing 51 3.7 Ocean Fronts, Meanders, and Eddies 59 3.8 Mean Coastal Currents 65 3.9 A Simulated Oil Drift Experiment 68 3.10 Location of Biological and Recreational Resources . 68 3.11 Calculated Climatological Relative Risk Ellipses of the New York Bight 70 4. DATA AND SUPPORT FOR ACTUAL SPILLS OR SPILL PLANNING (NOAA) 120 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 121 6. References 122 ii 1 . INTRODUCTION Oil spills are a major concern associated with both offshore oil production and movement of oil through the Mid-Atlantic Bight area. This report summarizes appropriate environmental data, discusses the movement of oil at sea, and attempts to predict the effects of oil spills for the New York Bight, a region lying between Montauk Point, N.Y., and Cape May, N.J. The concept that a report of this type should be available was initially developed during the grounding of the Argo Merchant . At that time, and even to the present, there is no source of key environmental data available related to oil spills for regional response planning. The objective of this study is to provide this information in a format that can be both understood and used by decision makers for oil spill contingency planning and for scientific support personnel during spills. 2. PATE OP OIL AT SEA 2.1 Introduction Environmental factors determine the fate of oil spilled at sea. Initially, the oil starts to spread. This process is at first rapid but slows (except for some oil fractions) until after some hours a slick of semi-solid consistency is formed. Wind and waves tend to break up the slick into patches. These patches are eventually advected and diffused from the spill site. In general, the primary factors concerning oil fate, as illustrated in figure 1, are: Spreading Advection Turbulent diffusion Emulsion formation Photochemical oxidation Solution and dispersion Microbiological action Evaporation Trace of Bottom Deposited Oil Trace of Sinking Oil Plume on Sea Floor Figure 1. — Block diagram showing the fate of an oil slick (after Kolpack and Plutchak, 1976) 2.2 Spreading Attempts to describe theoretically the spreading of an oil slick have been simple and are generally considered to be of limited practical value for use at sea. The commonly used Fay (1969) Theory states that oil spreads in three stages as shown in figure 2. This type of information might be useful in helping one make a decision on the amount of clean up resources required by giving estimates of spill size. 10 7 10 6 - I 10 5 10« 10- I 1 1 1 jy — Gravity-Viscous m* 1 1 1 ' 10' 10* 10* 10 s 10 6 10' Time (sec) Figure 2.— The size (diameter) of an oil slick as a function of time for a 10,000 ton spill (after Fay, 1969) 2.3 Advection The steady or residual movement of an oil slick is critical. To determine this advection one must first consider the appropriate averaging interval, because currents that occur at intervals equal to or less than that time may cause either no net movement (if they are periodic) or a diffusive effect (if they are random). In general, for oil spill advection estimates one usually uses the currents as depicted in an available atlas that have been averaged for periods on the order of a month for many years of observations. For this interval tidal currents are periodic and transient wind-driven currents have strong random nonadvective components. One must be careful here in that if the oil is, for example, near the coast both the tidal current and/or "random" wind-drift may drive the oil slicks on shore over a shorter than advective time scale. 2.4 Turbulent Diffusion Under favorable environmental conditions oil slicks tend to break up into patches. These patches are generally advected with the mean current but they are also subjected to random eddies in the current field which spread the patches over a large area. The rate of lateral spreading of these patches can be roughly estimated using figure 3 over various time and space scales. 2.5 Emulsion Formation In a short time after the spill the heavier fractions at times take on a highly viscous consistency caused by the formation of a water-in-oil emulsion termed "mousse" because of its color and consistency. In this form oil may persist for months and be advected to distant shorelines. An oil-in-water emulsion can also exist with the oil in suspension. 2.6 Photochemical Oxidation The less volatile fractions of oil are hydrocarbons whose solubility in water is slight. Under the influence of sunlight, however, these fractions can react with atmospheric oxygen to produce more soluble compounds. This effect is small and could only become important when oil is spread in a thin film over a large area. Thus, photochemical oxidation may become a factor in breaking down slicks a few microns thick. 10 ,14 10 1 10 1 10' (cm 2 ) 10 10 A North Sea • Off Cape Kennedy A New York Bight O Off California ■ Banana River □ Manokin River Figure 3. — Surface dye patch size,07, as a function of time (after Okubo, 1962) 2.7 Solution and Dispersion A certain amount of the oil slick may actually pass into solution in seawater. Although most probably a small effect, it may constitute a pollution hazard because this is the easiest state for interaction with marine organisms. Solubility decreases rapidly with molecular weight and is usually small when compared to the amount of oil dispersed as fine droplets. Dispersion and solubility are processes that move oil from the slick to the water column. Sea state (wave height) is the most important environmental parameter governing dispersion. This process could lead to concentrations of oil of 10 ppm to depths of a few meters below a slick. Dispersed oil can easily be ingested by marine organisms. 2.8 Microbiological Action Many species of bacteria, molds, and yeasts, capable of attaching oil, exist in seawater. These organisms are more numerous in coastal waters. They use the hydrocarbons as an energy source, but their activity depends on a plentiful supply of nutrients. Under the most favorable conditions it seems that a period of months is required to remove a large portion of a slick. 2.9 Evaporation A surface oil slick will lose mass due to surface evaporation (vaporation) . The amount of loss is directly related to the carbon number of the oil fraction in question. It also depends on environmental factors such as wind speed and the amount of wind-wave whitecapping. For the slick as a whole, evaporation rates decline with time. Evaporation is usually predicted using the single step approach in which the evaporated fraction of the slick is removed as a step function. 2.10 Oil Spill Modeling Knowledge of the movement of a surface oil slick is important to give warning of possible shoreline pollution and application of clean-up counter measures. Oil spill modeling techniques have been developed to predict the movement of an oil spill under actual or hypothetical conditions. Some of the commonly used modeling techniques include: Oil fate models Oil fate and effect models Single event models Climatological models Risk assessment models 2.10.1 Oil Pate Models The oil fate model is used to estimate the concentration, distribution, and residence time of various fractions of oil into various environmental sinks. An attempt is made to trace the pathways that oil takes as it comes into contact with the biota. The resulting computer calculations include all known processes and parameters and their variable reaction rates. This approach is probably the most advanced scientifically, but because of the detailed environmental data inputs required, has limited operational use. 2.10.2 Oil Fate and Effects Models The oil fate and effect model is similar to the fate model. It extends this type of calculation by using the output of a fate model as input to a biological effect model. It also requires detailed environmental data but, in general, is less sophisticated in its physical and chemical parameterizations than the fate model. This is a useful research tool but to date is also not considered to be an operational tool that can be used under actual spill conditions. 2.10.3 Single Event Models The single event model is probably the best tool decision makers have at their disposal for an actual spill, providing that limited environmental data is available to a modeling support group. It generally attempts to incorporate the most important physical processes such as advection, diffusion, and spreading. This type of model attempts to calculate future locations of oil based on input parameters such as wind conditions and the ambient current patterns, but it is limited by data inputs and thus calculated trajectories are only as good as the sometimes questionable inputs. 2.10.4 Climatological Models The climatological modeling technique is based on archived environmental data. It uses first order calculations of currents to estimate oil advection. Usually advection is dominant over other environmental factors and thus results have been useful in such spills as that of the Argo Merchant . The "permanent" current (derived from available atlas presentations) and a transient wind-driven current (derived from local wind records using the 3 percent rule) are added to produce a trajectory. The trajectory is tracted in 3-hour intervals using a computer simulation from the hypothetical spill site. Additional trajectories are traced until relative risk diagrams can be drawn that indicate the major direction of oil movement and its spread around this axis. The advantage of this calculation is that it can be done calmly before the spill occurs and kept available in, for example, an atlas for a specific location. The disadvantage is that it is an approximation under actual conditions that is only as good as the simple model assumptions. Also, this type of model is limited by the assumption that conditions at spill time are close to the climatological mean. This last approximation may not be a poor one if the distance to an impact point is large. In section 3.11, relative risk diagrams are presented for the New York Bight using a climatological computer simulation as explained in Bishop (1976). These relative risk diagrams for summer and winter are considered appropriate for all regions in the New York Bight. The relative risk charts are moved to the position of the hypothetical spill and adjusted to the mean advection current axis. In this manner, one can estimate the relative risk of various regions to impact. 2.10.5 Risk Assessment Models A risk assessment model combines the trajectory of oil movement with its biological and economic impact to arrive at a decision on the possible deployment of the available limited resources to reduce damage. It also can be used before the fact to make decisions about locating oil facilities. Summer and winter risk assessment charts for the New York Bight were constructed by overlaying resource charts with the climatological relative risk diagrams (fig. 57-105). In general, winter spills tend seaward and possibly endanger offshore fishing resources, while summer spills tend to impact the south shore of Long Island more than any other region. 2.11 Rule of Thumb Techniques Under certain circumstances, the person charged with making a timely decision that requires an estimate of the fate of spilled oil must act before qualified scientific advice can be rendered. In this case, climatological estimated trajectories might be helpful, but it seems a few common sense "rules of thumb" are needed to help in making decisions. Consider the following first-order approximations for advection. In the absence of a strong permanent current, both empirical and theoretical studies have shown that an oil slick on the ocean surface travels at about 3 percent of the wind speed directed at a slight angle (about 15° to the right) of the downwind direction. In regions where strong permanent currents exist, such as the Gulf Stream, available atlas presentations or satellite data should be consulted. In general, the Gulf Stream is visible on the IR photograph as a dark region about 100 km wide with the core about 30 km from the shoreward boundary. A peak current of about 150 cm/sec can be assumed for the core. The advection can be approximated as the vectoral sum of wind driven current and permanent current. If the oil spill is within a tidal excursion to the impact point, an estimate of tidal current may also be added to the current vector. Another important operational consideration is the distance between impact and spill site and how this relates through various environmental processes to the time of impact. Figure 4 Indicates these relationships by plotting the important environmental processes on a space-time chart. One need only estimate the distance to the impact points and the advection velocity toward impact. The diagram indicates impact time and the various physical processes of importance for those length and time scales. For example, a consideration of tidal currents is only needed at a distance of 10-* to 10 m from spill to impact. Time (sec) a = nearshore spill L = 10 3 m 1 T jmpact = 10 4 sec (U = 10 cm sec "' ] 10 cm sec' ) Advection Velocity (cm sec -1 ) Figure 4. — Time-length scales connected with oil spills of various distance from shore (after Stolzenbach et. al., 1977) 3. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 3.1 Surface Wind Field An oil spill at sea is influenced by weather conditions. Surface wind conditions produce wind waves and wind-driven currents. Wind waves mix the oil both into the water column and horizontally. Also, in theory, wave height is related to a downwind wave driven current. Surface wind driven currents, in theory, flow at 45° to the right of the wind. The combined oil advection due to waves and wind-drift has been observed to be about 3 percent of the wind magnitude directed about 15° to the right of the wind. Other meteorological factors such as the movement and location of major weather systems and atmospheric fronts are important due to shifting wind conditions associated with such disturbances. The surface wind field is of prime importance in judging the movement and thus the fate of oil spilled at sea. During the winter, the wind in the New York Bight, related to a most probable climatological pollutant trajectory, is from the WNW-NW at 5 to 10 kt. During the summer the mean wind is directed from the southwest at 3 to 4 kt. Figures 5 to 10 show calculated mean wind vectors for various regions during specific months. Based on this data, mean surface wind driven oil trajectories have a higher probability of moving offshore during the winter months, with the summer trajectories having a higher onshore tendency. The mean wind field as presented can be explained by the winter dominance of the Icelandic Low pressure system (producing WNW-NW flow) and the summer dominance of the Bermuda high pressure system (producing SSW-SW flow). The constancy of the surface wind in the New York Bight has been calculated by Williams and Godshall (1977). Winter and summer constancy (about 50 percent and 40 percent, respectively) is relatively high as compared to spring (about 15 percent) and fall (about 25 percent) . The above information concerning the mean wind and its constancy can be interpreted in terms of oil spill trajectory estimates in the following manner. In regions that are far enough from the impact point (for example, outside one tidal excursion) , the most probable impact would occur more frequently along the mean wind direction. This type of climatological projection, based on wind-driven currents, is most accurate during seasons of high wind consistency and will be modified in the presence of the prevailing permanent current. The constancy can be interpreted in the context of the spread of oil spill trajectories starting from a common point. The climatological 10 FEBRUARY Figure 5. — Monthly mean wind vectors in knots (after Lettau, Bernhard, and Bower, 1976) 11 Figure 6. — Monthly mean wind vectors in knots (after Lettau, Bernhard, and Bower, 1976) 12 ?- MAY ?S°00' 74°00' 73* oo' 72°00' 18 1 - JUNE ■i AL-r 4 'y^X. ft ">) i Figure 9. — Monthly mean wind vectors in knots (after Lettau, Bernhard, and Bower, 1976) 15 ; !- NOVEMBER Figure 10. — Monthly mean wind vectors in knots (after Lettau, Bernhard, and Bower, 1976) 16 presentation depicting wind variability is the wind rose. Figures 11 to 22 show surface wind roses for the study region in which winter and summer roses indicate more of this unidirectional tendency than spring and fall. This tendency generally agrees with the calculations of constancy given by Williams and Godshall (1977). Hence, oil spills in winter and summer can be expected to be advected with a higher probability in the mean wind direction than in spring and fall. 3.2 Wind Waves Ocean waves have important effects on the eventual fate of spilled oil at sea. Wind waves provide surface turbulence which mixes a surface slick into the water column. Also, due to exponential decay of wave particle velocity with depth, particles on wave crests move slightly forward compared to those at the trough, resulting in a slight wave-induced drift (about 1 percent of the wind speed) in the down wind direction. For the purpose of oceanographic analysis, the ocean area has been partitioned as in Williams and Godshall (1977) into various ocean regions as illustrated in figure 23. Area 6 has a depth on the order of 50 m. Because of the coastline, it is fetch-limited to the west and north; thus, for a given duration, maximum waves would not be expected when the wind is from these directions. Monthly wave roses for winter (November to April) and summer (May to October) in this area are shown in figure 24. Seas are higher in winter, and the predominant wave direction for November and February is from west to northwest. The highest waves, from 6 to 7.5 m, are observed in December, January, and February, but for only a very small percentage of the time. For 30 percent of the time, the waves propagate from a westerly direction and are less than 1.5 m in height. In June and July, the waves are almost exclusively from the southwest and south and less than 1.5 m high. The winter and summer height-period histograms for area 6 indicate that waves as high as 9 m have been observed in winter, although rarely, whereas in summer the maximum is 5 m (fig. 25). 17 •Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 18 Figure 12. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 19 Figure 13. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 20 Figure 14. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 21 -Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 22 Figure 16. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 23 Figure 17. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 24 Figure 18. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 25 Figure 19. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 26 I OCTOBER SURFACE WIND ROSE DIRECTION FREQUENCY: BARS, EACH CIRCLE = 20% 25% OF ALU WINDS WERE FROM NORTH- % EAST. MEAN SPEED (KNOTS) IS INDICATED BY THE PRINTED NUMBER AT THE END OF EACH M. BAR. 73° T ■Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 27 Figure 21. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 28 Figure 22. — Monthly surface wind roses for the New York Bight (after the Naval Weather Service Detachment, 1976) 29 Figure 23. — Areas used for summaries of oceanographic data (after Williams and Godshall, 1977) 30 i- NOV. B*. DEC. JAN. FEB MAR. APR. MAY JUNE AUG. SEPT. OCT % CALMS l.mli.nl J I 5 10 20 30 40 50 FREQUENCY % HEIGHT (m) 3 .5 1 15™ 5 NO OF OBSERVATIONS Figure 24. — Wave roses for winter (top) and summer (bottom) (after Williams and Godshall, 1977) 31 60 50 — 40 5? 30 20 WINTER WAVE PERIOD(S) 6-9 >10 ALL 10 - ,- "Vs 0-.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 3-3.5 4-5.5 6-7.5 8-9.5 HEIGHT (m) > 10 60 50 40 30 20 10 SUMMER WAVEPERIOD(S) ...... 6-9 >10 ALL 0-.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 3-3.5 4-5.5 6-7.5 8-9.5 > 10 Figure 25.' HEIGHT (m) •Wave height-period histograms, area 6 (after Williams and Godshall, 1977) 32 3.3 Water Temperature 3.3.1 Temperature Distribution The mixing rate of oil in the water is related to water temperature in that higher temperatures increase mixing. Also, because of the relationship between water temperature and circulation features, temperature gradients usually coincide with circulation boundries. Because of increased wind mixing in the winter, a vertically constant temperature is observed throughout the water column, with the coldest water near shore increasing toward the 200 m isobath. A rapid vertical change of temperature ( thermocline) appears in May and continues to intensify to a maximum temperature difference of about 17° in early September. Thus, during the summer the water column is a point of minimum mixing ability (maximum stability). Figures 26 to 37 show the mean monthly temperature distribution for the New York Bight. 33 1 :2, 750.000 10 10 20 Kilomatan 10 10 20 72° JANUARY 41° 75° 25m TSm , 125m Figure 26. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom) (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) Units are 34 FEBRUARY 41»78° . 100m Figure 27. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (topK surface and vertical contours (bottom) . Units are (after Bowman and Lewis, 197 7) 35 Figure 28. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 36 41*73 50m , APRIL 50m 100 m Figure 29. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 37 MAY 41° 75° Figure 30. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 38 1:2.730,000 10 10 20 > i,,l I Statuta mil** 10 10 20 41°« 75m fc JUNE ( 100m 200m Figure 31. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom), (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) Units are 39 1 :2. 750.000 10 10 20 1 i ■ Statute mil«j 10 10 20 i i i i Kilomatan 1 10 I Nautical mttas 41° 75" JULY 2Sm 50m , „ 125m 150m 200m Figure 32. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 40 41° 75° 72" AUGUST Figure 33. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 41 SEPTEMBER 41°75" 100m , 175m * Figure 3^. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), and vertical contours (bottom) . Units are C (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) surface 42 41° 73° 2Sm Mm , 72" OCTOBER . 25m 5 , 150m Figure 35. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are C. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 43 NOVEMBER 41° 7S° 50m , 100m 1S0m 200m Figure 36. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are °C . (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 44 DECEMBER 41° 76° 75m » 150m , „ 125m Figure 37. — Mean monthly temperature distribution in the New York Bight. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are °C . (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 45 3.3.2 Sea-Surface Temperature (remote sensing techniques) The "average" picture of water temperatures presented in the previous section is clearly an oversimplification that tends to smooth out the convoluted fronts and sharp gradients which may exist. The complexity of the sea surface temperature structure in this region has been confirmed by high resolution satellite imagery. One operational product based on these satellite images is the analysis which has been produced weekly by the USCG Oceanographic Unit, the U.S. Navy, and NOAA. Each analysis, based on several days of observation, shows the positions of the major thermal fronts in schematic form and the locations of cold and warm eddies, and identifies the different water masses. Two of these analyses (figs. 38 and 39) show, for example, that conditions can range from the relatively simple to the complicated; both are for the same month (April) but two different years. These analyses may be obtained by writing to: NOAA/NESS S132 Director, Environmental Products Br. World Weather Bldg. , Room 510 Washington, DC 20233 Satellites are extremely valuable tools to map large scale circulation features such as permanent currents, water mass boundaries, and large eddies, but they do have limitations. 1. At best, they record only the skin temperature of the ocean, as opposed to the bulk temperature measured by ordinary, immersed thermometers. Except during periods of unusual calm, the normal stirring by waves eliminates this as a serious problem. However, even bulk surface temperatures are not reliable indicators of deeper temperature patterns. 2. More serious is the effect of water vapor in the intervening atmosphere on satellite measurements. These errors can be corrected to some extent by using an assumed water vapor profile from a model atmosphere. A better solution will be possible with the forthcoming advances which will have two infrared bands that respond quite differently to water vapor. The differences in measured radiance can be used to determine the atmospheric correction. It is expected that absolute temperatures should be accurate to about 1°C. (Research Institute of the Gulf of Maine, 1974). 46 Figure 38.- -Experimental Gulf Stream analysis produced by NOAA satellite monitoring (after the Research Institute of the Gulf of Maine, 1974) 47 Figure 39. — Experimental Gulf Stream analysis produced by NOAA satellite monitoring (after the Research Institute of the Gulf of Maine, 1974) 48 3. Cloud cover is a serious limitation to satellite mapping, since sea-surface temperatures can be observed only when the satellite pass happens to coincide with a cloud- free period. Oceanic phenomena change more slowly than those in the atmosphere, so that the continually improving coverage in time will eliminate much of this problem, except for periods of extended cloud cover. A second technique for mapping sea-surface temperatures is the use of air-borne radiation thermometry (ART). This technique is useful in locating the region of sharp gradients, such as those that occur near major current boundaries and large scale eddies (fig. 40). Except for special studies, ART data should be supplemented by satellite imagery which provides broader coverage and is more nearly instantaneous over a large area. For climatological purposes, the best regular reports on sea-surface temperature are provided by "Gulf stream" , a monthly publication of the National Weather Service. The reports are based on all available information from ships, aircraft, and satellites. Each issue includes a schematic drawing of the locations of the oceanic fronts and eddies, a selection of bathythermograms (BTs) and charts giving the mean surface temperature for the month, anomaly from the 100-year mean for the month, and the change from the previous month, all on a one- degree grid from 25 to 45°N and 55° to 85°W. 3.4 Salinity Distribution The observed salinity distribution is a result of the balance between river runoff, evaporation minus precipitation, advection, and mixing. Salinity is at a maximum at the end of winter (due to subfreezing conditions on the continent) and at a minimum in early summer (due to spring runoff). Although the salinity field is critical in the determination of the density distribution, salinity charts are not presented here, since there is no presently accepted link between this parameter and oil spill processes. 3.5 Density Distribution In the New York Bight region the water reaches its maximum density during the winter months because of the annual minimum in temperature and maximum in salinity. In the spring, vernal warming of the suface water coupled with a large increase in runoff produce a marked vertical and horizontal stratification of the water column. The resulting cross-shelf horizontal stratification drives a southward directed coastal flow that increases in magnitude (i.e., 10-15 cm/sec) into late summer. This mean baroclinic (density driven) current may be important in 49 Figure 40. — Sea-surface temperature through U.S. Coast Guard Airborne Radiation Thermometer (after the Research Institute of the Gulf of Maine, 197*0 50 the long-term advection of an oil spill at sea during calm periods. The vertical stratification and development of a sharp density change (pycnocline) starts (as does the thermocline) in May and continues to increase in intensity to a maximum in September. This condition will lead to a tendency for oil spilled in the upper 10-15 m mixed layer to be trapped above the strong pycnocline at 15-30 m. Figures 41 to 45 show the mean density distribution for the New York Bight. Figure 46 shows typical vertical density profiles. 3.6 Vertical Mixing Vertical mixing of oil in the ocean can occur by convective processes, by mechanical stirring such as surface wind-wave mixing, by tidal current mixing, or by diffusion. Vertical mixing is therefore a function of the density stratification and of the vertical turbulence. Implications regarding the extent of vertical mixing are drawn from the analysis of water "stability," E, defined by Hesselberg and Sverdrup (1914) to be the vertical density gradient. Large positive values of E imply strong vertical stratification, which inhibits vertical mixing; small positive values of E imply deep vertical mixing, as caused, for example, by strong winter winds. Here, E will be closely approximated by A200 m) . These conditions lead to enhanced mixing of a surface oil spill throughout the water column. Spring . Warmer temperatures and river runoff in the surface layers combine to decrease density in the surface layers and thus increase stability. There is a decrease in density on both the shelf and the slope. Table 1 shows the slight increase in stability. Under these conditions, vertical mixing will not be 51 73" 72" JANUARY-MARCH 41»7B" Figure 41. — Seasonal mean density distribution. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are sigma-t. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 52 APRIL-MAY 41° 75° 200m 150m Figure 42. — Seasonal mean density distribution. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are sigma-t. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 53 50m 73° 72" JUNE-AUGUST 41° ?5 D , 25m , 'Mm Figure 43. — Seasonal mean density distribution. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are sigma-t. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 54 73° 72° SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 41°7S U 75m , 200m 179m Figure 44. — Seasonal mean density distribution. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are sigma-t. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 55 1 :2. 750.000 10 10 20 i i l [ Sututa itoIm 10 10 20 ■ • ' I Kilonwtan 10 10 50m 150m . 73° 72" NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 41°75° Figure 45. — Seasonal mean density distribution. Map pairs show bottom contours (top), surface and vertical contours (bottom). Units are sigma-t. (after Bowman and Lewis, 1977) 56 DENSITY (a t ) SFC 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 III I ;l / I ! \ 10 ^l 20 — ^ T3 O P C5 C CD T3 SL. C Sj ctf 3 o co S hO cC C! •H •H .H S-i iH a •H i i • OJ LH CD L. 2 hO •H fe £-■ CD ^-^ P C— <+H t>- cd CX\ w t-1 co #\ Li rH O H P cd o .c cd CO > T3 O p O c a) T3 Sj C JU crt 3 o co e S-. ctf CD •H P rH C r-H •H •H ^ 5: 1 1 ITS CD bO •H 66 S-i t- CD c- -P o> Ch .H cd H co iH SLi cd o ,c ■p CO o T3 CD O > C5 -p T3 C C (0 cd J-. S-, co 3 E o cd •H 1— 1 H rH H cd •H i i • LO T3 O p O G CD T3 S-. C S-i cd 3 o CO E u 3 <^. RELEASE STATIONS A BICOUNTY • NOAA-MESA _L Figure 55. — Percent probability contours that some fraction of oil spills will strand within 10 days on Long Island in winter (January-March) 197^. Based on drift card return frequencies per station (Hardy et al. , 1975) NAUTICAL MILES 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS r Zr T Tr 7sr oO J^K j;o^:??' ).o.o.o- n5* lo: m^tmm f.o^° 40° ■9 >" HUDSON CANYON 39° .0:< M O'o' ■o.^s:-.Q-. o.":o-J VOO o-O.Q.' 38° ' • • . • o • */ a or 37° INSHORE FISHERY OFFSHORE FISHERY - 36 e 35° 70° 74 c 73° 72 c 71 c Figure 81. — Natural resource chart for lobster (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 95 •Natural resource chart for sea scallops and calico scallops (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 96 T-r \V YELLOWTAIL SILVER HAKE RED HAKE Figure 83. — Natural resource chart for yellow tail silver hake, and red hake (fall) (after Hennemuth, 1976) 97 Figure 84. — Natural resource chart for squid, yellow tail, silver hake, and red hake (spring) (after Hennemuth, 1976) 98 RED CRAB SEA SCALLOPS Figure 85. — Natural resource chart for sea scallops and red crab (after Hennemuth, 1976) 99 Figure 86. — Natural resource chart for wading birds (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 100 Figure 87. — Natural resource chart for sea ducks (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 101 Figure 88.- -Natural resource chart for osprey (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 102 Figure 89. — Natural resource chart for the bald eagle (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 103 Figure 90.— •Natural resource chart for peregrine falcon nesting areas (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 104 Figure 91. — Natural resource chart for peregrine falcon migratory points (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 105 42° Figure 92. — Natural resource chart for birds with limited distribution (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 106 IPSWICH SPARROW BROWN PELICAN % ESKIMO CURLEW - 36° Figure 93. — Natural resource chart for birds with limited distribution (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 107 76° 75° Figure 94 74 73° 72° 71 c 70° ■Natural resource chart for birds with limited breeding distribution (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 108 Figure 95. — Natural resource chart showing selected major breeding areas (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 109 Figure 96. — Natural resource chart showing migration points (after Marine Experimental Station, U.R.I. , 1973) 110 Figure 97. — Natural resource chart for sandy beaches (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 111 ■Natural resource chart for coastal marshes (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 112 Figure 99. — Natural resource chart for areal extent of national parks, seashores, and recreation areas (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 113 Figure 100. — Natural resource chart for areal extent of local and state parks and seashores (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 114 Figure 101. — Natural resource chart for areal extent of national wildlife refuges (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) . 115 Figure 102. — Natural resource chart for areal extent of state wildlife and natural areas (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 116 76° 75° Figure 103 74 73 c 72 c 71< 70° ■Natural resource chart for areal extent of state marine sanctuaries (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 117 -Natural resource chart for areal extent of nongovernment wildlife and natural areas (after Slack and Wyant, 1978) 118 42° 76° 75° 41° • GENERAL LOCATION OF COASTAL WETLANDS o 10,000 ACRES OF PRIMARY IMPORTANCE • 10,000 ACRES OF LESSER IMPORTANCE 40° 39° 38° 37° 36° 35° 73 c 72 c 71" Figure 105. — Natural resource chart for wetlands (after Gusey, 1976) 70° 119 4. DATA AND SUPPORT FOR ACTUAL SPILLS OR OIL SPILL PLANNING (NOAA) a. Climatological Modeling Chief, Marine Environmental Assessment Division NOAA/EDIS/CEAS, D23 3300 Whitehaven St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20235 202/634-7381 b. Oceanographic Data Archives Director, National Oceanographic Data Center NOAA/EDIS/NODC, D7 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20235 202/634-7232 c. Meteorological Data Archives Director, National Climatic Center NOAA/EDIS/NCC, D5 Federal Bldg. Asheville, NC 28801 704/258-2850 d. Operational Marine Forecasts (including oil spills) Director, Techniques Development Lab. NOAA/NWS/TDL, W42 Gramax Building 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 301/427-7613 e. Single Event Modeling, Advice and Forecasts Chief, Oil Spill Scientific Support Team 7600 Sand Point Way, NE Building 264 SW Seattle, Washington 98115 (FTS) 399-5919 f . Marine Ocean Forecasts Chief, Ocean Services Division Gramax Building 8060 13th Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 301/427-7778 120 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report was conceived and written by Joseph M. Bishop, staff oceanographer, Marine Environmental Assessment Division Mr. Edward Ridley, Division Chief, Center for Environmental Assessment Services Dr. Kenneth Hadeen, Deputy Director, EDIS/NOAA. Thanks goes to Donna Harrigan for her detailed editing and technical assistance. The report was reviewed for technical merit by Dr. Dave Amstutz of the Department of Interior, Lt. Cdr. W. P. Holt U.S. Coast Guard, Drs . Dean Parsons and Neeland McNaulty of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) and Dr. Kurt Hess National Weather Service (NOAA). 121 6. REFERENCES Amos, A. P., "The New York Bigh & Hydson Canyon in October 197^: Hydrography, Nepholometry , Bottom Photography, Currents, VEMA Cruise 32 Leg 1 Data," Prepared for the United States Energy Research and Development Administration under contract No. E (Il-l)-2l85, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. Palisades New York, 1976, 192 pp. Bearsley, R. C. & B. 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