THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 1 p Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation \ I DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE HERBERT HOOVER, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS W. M. Steuart, Director UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTUR 1925 REPORTS FOR STATES, WITH STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES AND A SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES Part III THE WESTERN STATES Mountain Division Montana New Mexico Idaho Arizona Wyoming Utah Colorado Nevada Pacific Division Vfashington Oregon California PREPARED U]:>IDER THE SUPER's^SION OE WILLIAM LANE AUSTIN CHIEF STATISTICIAN FOR AGRICULTURE PRICE, $1.00 Sold only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office V/ashington, D. C. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1927 CONTENTS 4 Foreword. Page -- VI INTRODUCTION Page Act Authorizing the Census of Agricul- tuue: 1925 vii Census Dates vii Explanation OF Terms Used in Table I: Farm -.- vii Farmer vii Color of farmer vii Tenure vii Full owners vii Part owners vii Managers vii Tenants vii Cash tenants vn Croppers vn Other tenants vii Relationship to landlord vii Farmland viji Cropland harvested in ri)2t viii Crop failure viii Idle or fallow land a^'iii Plowable pasture vin Woodland pasture viii Other pasture viii Woodland not used for pasture viii All other land in farms vm Explanation of Terms Used in Table II: Farm values viii Mortgage debt vm Farm expenditures vm Feed viir Explanation of Terms Used in Table II— Continued. Farm expenditures— Continued. Page Fertilizer vm Farm labor.. vm Lumber, etc vm Cooperative marketing ix Farm facilities ix Kind of road ix Explanation of Terms Used in Table III: Livestock ix Cattle— beef and dairy ix Cows 2 years old and over ix B reeding sows ix Cows milked ix Milk products ix Butterfat sold ix WooL.. IX Eggs and chickens ix Explanation of Terms Used in Table IV: Value of crops x Acreage and production x Corn. X Oats X Annual legumes cut for hay... x Total production of hay x Explanation of Terms Used in Table V: Farm population x Tables VI, VII, and VIII x SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES Page Map of United States shewing geographic divisions 2 United States Tables: 1.— Farms and farm property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 3 2. — Crops and livestock products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 3 State Tables: I.— Farms and farm acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 4 I.—Supplemeutal— Farmers, by color and tenure, and farms operated by croppers, for the South- ern States: 1925 14 II.— Farm values, mortgage debt, and miscellaneous items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 16 III.— Livestock on farms, January 1, 1925; and livestock products, 1924 and 1919 28 IV.— Value of crops and acreage and production of principal crops: 192i 38 v.— Farm population by age, se.x, color, and tenure: 1925 52 VI.— Number of farms reporting specified crops, woodland burned over, and firewood cut, 1924, specified classes of livestock, 1925, and woodland cleared, 1920-1924; with number of cords of woodcut and acreage of woodhmd burned over and cleared CO VII. — Acreage ia farms, acreage in crop land harvested, value of farm laud and buildings, and value of farm buildings, by size of farm: 1925.. 68 VIII.— Cooperative marketing— Value of farm products sold and of supplies purchased, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924 74 IV CONTENTS V DETAILED STATISTICS, BY STATES AND COUNTIES (For pages on which shown, by States, see table below) Map of State showing counties, principal cities, rivers, and mountains. State Tables: 1.— Farms and farm property: 1925, 1920, and 1910. 2.— Crops and livestock products: 1924, 1919, and 1909. County Tables: I.— Farms and farm acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 II. — Farm values, mortgage debt, and miscellaneous items: 1925, 1920, and 1910. III.— Livestock on farms, January 1, 1925; and livestock products, 1924 and 1919. IV. — Value of crops and acreage and production cf principal crops: 1924. v.— Farm population by age, sex, color, and tenure: 1925. VI. — Number of farms reporting specified crops, woodland burned over, and firewood cut, 1924, specified classes of livestock, 1925, and woodland cleared, 1920-1924; with number of cords of wood cut and acreage of woodland burned over and cleared. VII.— Acreage in farms, acreage in crop land harvested, value of farm land and buildings, and value of farm buildings, by size of farm: 1925. VIII.— Cooperative marketing— Value of farm products sold and of supplies purchased, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924. DETAILED CONTENTS FOR STATES MAP STATE TABLES 1 AND 2 COUNTY TABLES I II III IV V VI VII VIII Arizona . Page 296 444 204 132 80 344 2G2 406 314 366 176 Page 297 445 205 133 81 345 263 407 315 367 177 Page 298 446 206 134 82 346 264 408 316 368 178 Page 300 454 214 140 90 349 268 413 320 374 182 Page 302 464 223 147 98 352 273 419 324 380 186 Page 304 472 232 154 105 355 278 424 328 386 190 Page 306 480 240 160 112 358 282 429 332 392 194 Page 308 486 246 164 118 360 285 433 335 396 196 Page 310 492 252 169 124 362 289 437 338 400 199 Page 310 California . 496 Colorado. 257 Idaho 172 Montana .. _ 128 Nevada New Mexico .---_. ._ ... 364 292 Oregon 440 Utah 340 Washington 403 Wyoming 199 APPENDIX Instructions and schedule for the Census of Agriculture, 1925_. Page FOREWORD The data contained in this report cover the principal items of information secured at the census of agriculture, January 1, 1925, which was the first mid- decennial census of agriculture taken by the Federal Government. The report is issued in three parts, covering, respectively, the States of the North, the South, and the West, as shown on the reverse of the title-page. The limited character of this census is apparent from the fact that, while the schedule used in the census of agriculture in 1920 contained 415 inquiries con- cerning the operator, acreage, values, indebtedness, operation, and production of the farm, that used in 1925 contained only 178 inquiries. Copies of the schedule and the instructions to enumerators relative to its preparation in the field appear as an appendix to this volume. A schedule was returned for each (^f the 6,371,640 farms in the 48 States and the District of Columbia. The information on these schedules was secured by actual canvass by a force of 23,945 enumerators operating under 204 super- visors. The schedules were given a preliminary review by the supervisors, and on reaching the Bureau of the Census they were first counted, arranged by minor civil divisions, and numbered, after which they were examined and edited by a force of clerks numbering 366, to eliminate inconsistencies. The information was then transferred to cards by the punch sj^stem by a force of operators num- bering 691. Eight different forms of cards were used. The punched cards numbered 96,387,410, an average of 15.1 cards for each farm schedule. This process was followed by passing the cards through electric sorting and tabulating machines, the latter of v/hich automatically printed the county totals on result slips. The equivalent of 230,670,515 cards were sorted and 167,420,618 cards tabulated. The results were examined and summarized by a force of clerks numbering 221, and the tables for the bulletins and this report were prepared by a force of clerks numbering 123. The results of the census were announced as soon after the enumeration as they could be compiled. Press summaries giving preliminary figures were issued, beginning March 10, 1925, for each county and State and for the United States, showing the number of farms by tenure, and, for the South, by color of operator; the farm acreage, by uses of land; values of land and buildings; numbers of horses, mules, cattle, and swine on farms; and acreage and production of principal crops. Another series of press summaries, for States and the United States only, gave the farm population, by color and by age and sex groups; the number of farms located on different kinds of roads; the values involved in farmers' cooperative sales and purchases; numbers of sheep, goats, and chickens on farms; value of farm implements and machinery; number of farms reporting radio outfits; number of tractors on farms; farm expenditures for feed, fertilizer, labor, and lumber and firewood; livestock products of farms; and farm-mortgage debt. Other press summaries were issued showing for a part or all of the States a number of the items given in the individual summaries mentioned above. The first bulletin was published on November 5, 1925. This reported the number of farms in the United States, in each State and countv, and in the District of Columbia, for 1925, 1920, 1910, and 1900. State bulletins giving the results of the census, hy counties, were issued in two series, those of the first series containing the data shown in County Tables I, II, III, and IV, and the total farm population, by color and by age and sex groups, as in County Table V of this report. The second series of bulletins contained all of the figures shown in Table V, together with Tables VI, VII, and VIII of this report. The United States Summary, showing the figures for geographic divisions and States, as here presented, was published as a separate pamphlet after the completion of the several State bulletins, each State table bearing the same number as the corresponding county table of the State bulletins. VI INTRODUCTION ACT AUTHORIZING THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 The act of March 3, 1919, under which the census of 1920 was taken, provided also for a census of agriculture to be taken in 1925 and every 10 years thereafter. In taking the farm census of 1925, in accordance with this act, the Bureau of the Census employed the same methods of enumeration that it has used in the decennial censuses; the figures are, therefore, the results obtained from the tabulation of the information given by farm operators to census enumerators in a personal canvass of the individual farms and ranges of the United States. CENSUS DATES The censuses of 1925 and 1920 relate to January 1 of those years and the croj) years 1924 and 1919. The census of 1910 relates to April 15, 1910, and the crop year 1909. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN TABLE 1 1 Farm. — A "farm," for census purposes, is all the land which is directly farmed by one person, either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The land operated by a partnership is also a farm. A "farm" may consist of a single tract of land, or of a number of separate tracts, and these several tracts may be held under different tenures, as where one tract is owned by the farmer and another tract is rented by him. When a landowner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers, or managers, the land operated by each is considered a "farm." In applying the foregoing definition of a "farm" for census purposes, enumer- ators were instructed to report as a "farm" any tract of 3 or more acres used for agricultural purposes, and also any tract containing less than 3 acres which produced at least $250 worth of farm products in the year 1924. The definition used in 1920 and 1910 contained the following additional provision with regard to a farm of less than 3 acres: "or which required for its agricultural operations the continuous services of at least one person." It is possible that the difference in the number of farms shown for som^e States in 1925 and 1920 is partly the result of this change in the definition of a farm. Farmer. — A "farmer" or "farm operator," according to the census definition, is a person who operates a farm, either performing the labor himself or directly supervising it. The number of farmers shown by the census of agriculture is, therefore, the same as the number of farms. Owners of farms who do not them- selves conduct or direct the farm operations are not reported as farmers. Color of farmer. — Farmers in the Southern States are classified as white and colored, the colored including Negroes, Indians, Chinese, and Japanese. Tenure. — Farm operators are classified, according to the tenure under which they operate their farms, into four general classes, as foUows: Full owners are farmers who own all the land which they operate. Part owners are farmers who operate some land which they own, together with additional land which they rent. Part owners, therefore, have some of the characteristics of full owners and some of the char- acteristics of tenants. Managers are farmers who operate farms or ranches for the owners, receiving wages or salaries for their services. Tenants are farmers who operate hired land only. In the present report separate figures are shown for three classes of tenants— namely, (1) cash tenants, who pay a cash rental, as $7 per acre of crop land or $500 for the use of the whole farm; (2) croppers (reported only for the Southern States), who are defined as share tenants, to whom landlords furnish all the work animals; and (3) all other tenants, including those giving a share of the products for the use of the land or a share for part and cash for part. Relationship to landlord. — The figures indicating the relationship of tenants to landlords, in States of the North and West, show what percentage of the whole number of "Cash tenants" or " Other tenants," as the case may be, answered "Yes" to the following question on the schedule: "Do you rent this farm from » Explanation applies to terms used in the State table of the United States Summary and to the county table of the same number in each of the State sections of this report. VII Vni CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 INTRODUCTION your own or your wife's parent, grandparent, brother, or sister?" These figures are important because the terms of tenancy are likely to be different where the tenant is closely related to the landlord than where the owner-tenant contract is purely a matter of business. Farm land. — The acreage designated as "all land in farms" includes consider- able areas of land not actually under cultivation and some not even used for pas- ture, since each farmer was asked to report as a unit all the land under his control or rather all the land which he thought of as a part of his farm; care was taken, however, to avoid reporting as a part of a farm operated by the ovvner any acre- age operated by a tenant, whether a cash tenant, cropper, or other tenant. Iso- lated tracts of timberland and other areas not connected with the farm were not to be included. The following classes of farm land are shown separately : 1. Crop land harvested in 1924, comprising all land from which cultivated crops were harvested, all land from which hay was cut, including wild hay cut within the limits of the farm, and all land in gardens, orchards, and vineyards. A given acreage was counted but once, even though two or more crops were harvested from it. 2. Crop failure, comprising land from which no crop was harvested in 1924 because of crop failure or destruction from any cause, including drought, flood, insects, or disease. 3. Idle or fallow land, comprising land which was lying idle all of 1924 or which was in cultivated summer fallow. This class, together with the crop land harvested and the crop failure, makes up the area designated " Crop land, total." 4. Plowable pasture, comprising land used only for pasture in 1924 which could be plowed and tired for crops without clearing, draining, or irrigating. 5. Woodland pasture, comprising woodland used for pasture at any time during 1924. (See definition of woodland below, under Item 7.) 6. Other pasture, comprising all land used for pasture in 1924 which was not included under plowable pasture or woodland pasture. These three classes together constitute the item designated "Pasture land, total." 7. Woodland not used for pasture, woodland being defined as including all farm wood lots, natural or planted, and cut-over land with young growth, but excluding land having only chaparral or woody shrubs. 8. All other land in farms, including all rough, swampy, or waste land not in forest, pasture, nor crops, and also the land occupied by buildings, barnj^ards, feed lots, roads, etc. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN TABLE H i Farm values. — The farmer was asked to report, first, the total value of his farm (land and buildings), including all the land which he operated, both owned and hired. He was asked to give the current market value — that is, the amount for which the farm would sell under normal conditions, not at forced sale. The tabulated results of this inquiry are shown as "Value of land and buildings" and represent the total value of farm real estate. The farmer was also asked to report the value of the buildings alone on his farm. This value was necessarily estimated, and the figures obtained are proba- bly somewhat less satisfactory than the figures for the total real-estate value. The figure shown for "Land, excluding buildings," is obtained by subtracting the value of the buildings from the basic value of land and buildings together. In comparing the values of farm properties as reported at the census of 1925 with those reported in 1920 and 1910, the variations in the purchasing power of the dollar should be kept in mind. Mortgage debt.— Mortgage-de})t figures are given only for farm owners, the number of mortgaged farms being given for full owners and part owners com- bined, and the amount of the mortgage debt for full owners alone. The number of owners reporting mortgage debt is the number who gave the amount of the debt in response to a question reading as follows: "Amount of mortgage debt on all farmland and buildings owned by you (anywhere in the United States)." In the mortgage-debt inquiry at earlier censuses the question Avas limited to debt on the farm covered by the schedule. It appears, however, from an exami- nation of the returns, that the change in the form of the question has made very little difference in the returns; hence the figures presented in the accompanying tables should be closely comparable with the figures published for 1920 and 1910. Farm expenditures comprise amounts expended by farmers during the year 1924 for selected items defined on the schedule, as follows: Feed, defined as "hay, grain, mill feed, and other products, for use as feed for domestic animals and poultry." Fertilizer, including manure and also lime and limestone. Farm labor, exclusive of housework, money wages only, not including value of rent or board furnished. Lumber, etc., purchased for use on farm, including timber, wooden posts, poles, and firewood. 1 See footnote l, p. vii. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUr.E : 1025 — INTItODTTCTION IX Cooperative marketing. — Two items are shown under this lieading — namely, the value of farm products sold to or through farmers' marketing organizations in 1924 and the value of all farm supplies purchased from or through farmers' organizations in 1924. Farm facilities. — The number of tractors and the number of farms reporting radio outfits need no explanation. The figures given under the heading "Silos" represent the number of farms reporting corn cut for silage. In most parts of the country this is practically the same as the number of farms using silos, though in a few States crops other than corn are used to some extent for silage. Kind of road. — Under this heading the farms are classified according to the answer to the following question: "What kind of road adjoins this farm?" EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN TABLE HI i Livestock. — The term "Livestock" includes all domestic animals, poultry, and bees. The value shown in the table is the value of specific classes of livestock shown in the table, plus an estimate for certain unimportant classes which were not included on the 1925 farm schedule — namely, asses and burros, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowls, pigeons, and bees. The value of this group, which is shown in the table under the heading "Other livestock," was estimated for 1925 on the basis of the percentage of the total value represented by these classes in 1920. The values shown in the table for the various kinds of livestock were obtained by multiplying the average values per head obtained through the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture by the number of animals of each class. The values for dairy products and for crops were obtained in a similar way, by multiplying the average value per unit by the number of units produced. Cattle — beef and dairy. — The classification of cattle as beef and dairy is shown in the table only for heifers and for cows. Beef cattle were defined on the schedule, both in 1920 and in 1925, as "cattle kept mainly for beef production," and dairy cattle were defined as "cattle kept mainly for milk production." In many parts of the country, however, especially where the cattle usually kept are of a general-purpose type, it is difficult for either the enumerator or the farmer to classify the cattle on this basis. In many cases, therefore, the classi- fication as beef or dairy seems to have been largely a matter of individual opinion, and there are a number of cases where a comparison of the 1925 figures with those for 1920 shows radical changes. It is believed, however, that on the whole the 1925 classification is more nearly accurate than that made in 1920. Cows 2 years old and over. — This designation is used, for brevity, in place of an item which appeared on the schedule as " Cows and heifers 2 years old and over." Breeding sows. — The complete designation for this item is "Sows and gilts for breeding purposes, 6 months old and over," Cows milked. — The number of cows milked is a new item, not obtained in any previous census of agriculture. Each farmer was asked to report the total number of cows milked during all or any part of the year 1924. In the tabulation the figures reported on schedules having dairy cows were classified as dairy cows milked (though a few beef cows milked were doubtless included); the cows reported milked on schedules showing beef cows only, or showing neither dairy nor beef cows, in the inventory section, were tabulated as beef cows milked. Milk products. — The figure given for milk production represents the total production of milk, including an estimate for those farms reporting cows milked but not reporting the amount of milk produced. This estimate for 1924 was made on the basis of the average production per cow milked, as shown by the complete schedules, that for 1919 was made on the basis of the number of dairy cov/s on hand. Butterfat sold. — Where farmers sell cream (or milk) and receive payment for the number of pounds of butterfat contained therein, the butterfat content for which they thus receive payment is reported as butterfat sold. The figure for cream sold represents, therefore, only that cream sold by the gallon or similar unit. Wool. — The figures for wool production represent the total production, including estimates for the incomplete reports. The estimates are based on the average production of wool per sheep on hand, as shown by the complete reports. Eggs and chickens. — The production of eggs and the number of chickens raised are, likewise, totals including estimates for the incomplete reports. " See footnote 1, p. vii. X CE!>TSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — TNTRODUCTIOIT EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN TABLE IV i ' Value of crops. — The value of crops shown in Table IV represents the value of those crops alone whose production was reported for 1924. Since the value of these crops was considerably less than the total value of all crops, a compara- tive figure representing the value of the same crops in 1919 (with the exception of sorghums cut for hay) has been added to the table. These two figures are fairly comparable, though the crops not included may have been more important in 1924 than in 1919, or vice versa. In any case the crop values shown for 1924 should not be compared with the total value of crops reported for 1919 when all crops whatsoever were included. All crop values, like the livestock values, have been computed on the basis of average price or unit values furnished by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture. Acreage and production. — The acreage shown for the several crops represents the acreage harvested, which is sometimes less than the acreage planted. The production represents the quantity actually harvested in the form indicated. For example, the number of bushels of oats shown includes only oats actually threshed. The number of bushels of corn includes only corn husked or snapped at the rate of 56 pounds of shelled corn or 70 pounds of ear corn per bushel. Corn. — For the first time in any Federal census the total acreage of corn for all purposes has been obtained for 1924. Corn harvested for grain includes corn snapped, husked, or (at the time of the enumeration) to be husked, for grain. The acreage of corn for fodder includes the area from which the whole plant was cut for green or dry fodder and not husked or snapped. Corn was reported as hogged off where the whole plant was hogged or grazed off by any kind of livestock and none of the corn was husked or snapped. Oats. — A new question calling for the acreage of "Oats cut for grain when ripe or nearly ripe and fed unthreshed" was introduced at this census. Previous census schedules called only for oats cut green for hay and for both acres and bushels of oats cut for grain. Doubtless some farmers who fed unthreshed oats raised in 1919 and 1909 reported the acreage, together Avith an estimate of the number of bushels that would have been produced if the grain had been threshed. Annual legumes cut for hay. — One of the questions asked on the schedule for 1919 called for the total acreage of annual legumes cut for hay. In place of this question on the schedule for 1924 were three questions calling for the acreage of soy beans, of cowpeas, and of peanuts cut for hay. Total production of hay. — On the schedule for 1924 there was one question asking for the "Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild." The enumerators apparently found it more difficult to obtain accurate figures for the hay production in this form than was the case where the tonnage of each kind of hay was asked for separately. Included in the hay production of some sec- tions of the country is an undetermined tonnage of sorghums cut for hay, the acreage of which was reported under an inquiry reading as follows: "Sorghums cut for silage, hay, or fodder." Allowance should be made for these facts in making use of this figure. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN TABLE V » Farm population. — The farm population, as reported for 1925, comprises all persons living on farms, including, of course, considerable numbers of persons engaged in occupations other than farming. The figures for 1925 are not strictly comparable with those reported in 1920, since the definition used in 1920 included not only all persons living on farms, but in addition those farm laborers (and their families) who, while not living on farms, did live in rural territory outside any incorporated place. It is believed that the number of farm laborers thus included was not very great, but the fact of their inclusion should be kept in mind in making any comparisons between the farm population figures for 1925 and 1920. ^ The farm population classified as colored includes Negroes, Indians, Chinese, and Japanese. TABLES VI, Vn, AND VIII i The terms used in these tables have been sufficiently explained in connection with preceding tables. Table VI shows the number of farms reporting certain items shown in Tables III and IV; Table VII expands, by size of farm, cer- tain items shown in Tables I and II; and Table VIII expands, by tenure, certain items shown in Table II. 1 See footnote 1, p. vu. SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRIOULTUKB: 1925 SUMMARY United States Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1935 1930 1910 6, 371, 640 6,448,343 6, 361, 502 Operated by- 3, 868, 332 3, 925, 090 3, 948, 722 Full owners 3,313,490 3, 366, 510 3, 354, 897 Part owners 554, 842 558, 580 593, 825 Managers 40, 700 68, 449 68,101 Tenants 2, 462, 608 2, 454, 804 2, 354, 676 Cash tenants. __ -.- - 393, 452 480, GOO 1 712, 291 Other tenants I 2, 069, 156 1 1,974,795 1, 642, 382 Approximate land area of United States. . acres.. 1, 993, 216, 640 1, 903, 215, 360 1, 903, 289, 600 Land in farms, total acres.. 924, 319, 352 955, 883, 715 878, 798, 325 In farms operated by — Owners. . acres.. 616, 335, 519 636,775,015 598,554,617 Full owners acres.. 419, 445, 827 461, 250, 133 464, 92;:;, 315 acres.. 196, 889, 692 175, 524, 882 133, 631, 302 Managers acres.. 43, 096, 946 54,129,157 53, 730, 865 Tenants acres.. 264, 886, 887 264, 979, 543 226, 512, 843 Cash tenants acres.. 54,190,452 65, 094, 848 0) Other tenants acres.. 210, 096, 435 199, 884, 695 (') Value of al! farm property dollars.. 57,017,740,040 77,923,651,599 40, 991, 449, 090 Land and buildings ...dcllars.. 49, 467, 047, 287 66, 316, 002, 602 34, 801, 125, 697 Land, excluding buildings ...dollars.. 37, 721, 018, 222 54, 829, 563, 059 28, 475, 674, 169 Buildings ...dollars.. 11,746,629.065 11,486,439,543 6, 325, 451, 528 Implements and machinery ...dollars.. 2, 691, 703, 629 3, 594, 772, 928 1,285,149,783 Livestock on farms dollars.. 4, 858, 389, 124 8, 012, 876, 009 4, 925, 173, 610 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses -.number.. 16, 400, 623 19, 767, 161 19,833,113 Mules ..number.. 5, 680, 897 5, 432, 391 4, 209, 709 Cattle ..number.. 60, 760, 366 66, 639, 556 61, 803, 860 Dairy cows ..number.. 17, 644, 867 19, 675, 297 17, 125, 471 Sheep ..number.. 35, 590, 159 35, 033, 516 52, 447, 861 Swine ..number.. 50, 853, 526 59, 346, 409 .58, 185, 676 Chickens... ..number.. 409. 290, 849 359, 537, 127 280, 340, 959 1 Includes standing renters. 2 Figures not available. United States Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain. Wheat Oats threshed for grain . Barley Rye ...acres, bushels. ...acres, bushels. ...acres, bushels. ...acres, bushels. --. acres. Sorghums harvested for grain. Hay bushels. acres. bushels. acres. tons. Cotton acres. bales. Tobacco acres. pounds. Potatoes, white _■ acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Apples ...trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 2 gallons. Butter made on farms pounds. Butterfat sold .pounds. Cream sold gallons. Whole milk sold. gallons. Wool- Sheep shorn 2_. number. Wool produced 2 pounds. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 2... dozens. Chickens raised 2... number. 1924 82, 1, 823, 50, 800, 37, 1, 304, 6, 159, 3, 65, 3, 58, 74, 188, 39, 13, 1, 1, 106, 352, 37, 34, 103, 152, 89, 47, 328, 843 880,373 862, 230 876, 659 650, 155 599, 083 766, 980 139, 124 743, 562 673, 814 525, 667 700, 092 095, 942 384, 249 204, 319 682. 699 537, 843 339, 883 910, 786 462, 200 466, 832 443, 870 299, 348 697,180 967, 082 03.5, 019 755, 377 9, 198, 303, 635 642, 803, 267 1, 061, 062, 363 45, 735, 694 2, 666, 611, 999 29, 859, 162 227, 105, 177 1, 913, 245, 129 545. 848, 035 131 87, 2, 345, 73, 945, 37, 1,055, 6, 122, 7, 75, 3, 72, 72, 90, 33, 11, 1, 1,371, o 29oi 78, 36, 115, 136, 87, 50, 771,600 832, 507 099, 421 403, 215 991, 002 182, 798 472, 888 024, 773 679, 005 992, 223 619,034 085, 95i 779, 888 355, 540 740, 106 376, 130 861, 480 504, 261 251, 703 427, 580 803, 430 091, 913 195, 085 309, 165 560, 997 263, 963 686, 082 7, 805, 143, 792 707, 666, 492 532, 244, 072 82, 247, 580 2,529,331,413 31, 554, 300 228, 795, 354 1, 654, 044, 932 473, 200, 699 1901) 98, 2, 552, 44, 1,007, 7, 173, 2, 29, 1, 17, 68, 87, 32, 10, 1. 1,055. 3, 389, .59, 65, 151, 145, 136. 35, 382, 665 189, 630 262, 592 379, 259 159,441 142, 980 698, 708 344,212 195, 561 520, 457 635, 153 597, 305 227, 310 216, 351 013, 833 649, 203 294, 911 764, 8013 668, 855 194, 965 641, 255 232, 070 791,818 322, 840 412,318 772, 900 470, 276 7, 468, 406, 384 994, 650, 610 305, 662, 587 .54, 933, 583 1, 937, 255, 864 3 42, 320, 580 289, 419, 977 1, 674, 979, 410 460,611. 201. •See footnote 2, p. 2 Including estimates for incomplete reports. 3 Number of fleeces. CENSUS or AGPJCIILTUEE : 1925 SUMMARY State Table I. — Farms and Farm 32 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. .1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres _.. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners M anagers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy, _ 1925 ]920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres Per cent in farms All land in farms. .1925 acres 1920 acres 1910 acres Average per farm, 1925 acres Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres Crop land harvested in 1924 acres Crop failure acres Idle or fallow land acres Pasture land, total acres Plowable pasture acres Woodland pasture acres Other pasture acres Woodland not used for pasture acres All other land in farms acres All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres Part owners acres Owned land acres Rented (hired) land.. acres Managers acres Tenants. acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres Crop land harrested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres Part owners ...acres Managers acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres United States 6, 371, 640 6, 448, 343 6, 361, 502 15, 151 363, 384 588, 049 1, 450, 643 1, 421, 078 1, 383, 777 603,417 438, 961 143, 852 55, 873 7.455 6, 371, 640 3, 313, 490 654, 842 40, 700 2, 462, 608 393, 452 2, 069, 156 38.6 38.1 37.0 126.6 129.1 1, 903, 216, 640 48.6 924, 319, 352 955, 883, 715 878, 798, 326 391. 459, 902 344, 549, 267 13, 017, 949 33, 892, 686 407, 935, 558 113,567,498 76, 703, 946 217,664,114 67, 090, 246 57, 833, 646 419,445,827 196, 889, 692 100, 548, 959 96, 340, 733 43, 096, 946 264, 886. 887 54, 190. 452 210, 696, 435 138, 649, 504 60, 758, 882 5, 298, 626 139, 842, 255 19, 197, 506 120, 644, 749 Geographic Divisions New England 159, 489 156, 564 188, 802 673 15,068 14,644 29,271 36, 799 14, 634 8,110 1,544 368 10 159, 489 143, 563 4,596 2,462 8,868 6,578 3,290 5.6 7.4 8.0 16.0 30.9 39, 664, 640 40.0 15, 857, 927 16. 990, 642 19, 714, 931 4, 623, 731 4, 447, 837 25, 229 150, 665 6, 787, 334 771, 409 3. 680, 654 2, 335, 271 3, 668, 430 778, 432 13, 728, 893 614,718 378,155 236, 563 580, 762 933, 554 487, 476 446, 078 3, 833, 227 181, 606 148, 227 284.777 138, 122 146, 655 Middle Atlantic 418, 868 425, 147 468, 379 1,806 37, 358 35, 273 71, 373 117, 598 108, 546 32, 548 12, 665 1,413 274 14 418, 868 332, 080 16, 099 4,465 66,224 22, 081 44, 143 15.8 20.7 22.3 20.4 28.2 64, 000, 000 68.6 37, 490, 939 40, 572, 901 43, 191, 056 18,644,763 16, 481, 600 214, 164 1, 948, 999 12,311,943 3, 963, 478 3, 460. 052 4, 888, 413 4, 172, 918 2,361,315 27, 31.5, 149 2, 148, 737 1.239,159 909, 578 910, 362 7.116,691 1, 920. 646 5, 196, 045 11,598,873 982, 764 353, 245 3, 546, 718 779, 771 2, 766, 947 For Northern and Western States only. CENSUS OF AGEICULTTJRE : 1925 SUMMAEY Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Geographic Divisions— Continued East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific 1, 051, 572 1, 084, 744 1, 123, 489 1,111,314 1, 096, 951 1, 109, 948 1, 108, 061 1, 158, 976 1,111,881 1, 006, 052 1, 051, 600 1,042,480 1, 017, 305 996, 088 943, 186 233, 392 244, 109 183, 446 265, 587 234, 164 189, 891 1 2 3 908 48, 534 47, 516 168, 002 319, 425 838 31, 203 27, 949 89, 827 370,617 1,601 85, 682 146, 446 354, 421 255, 439 876 64,173 159, 445 346, 230 222, 577 870 31,119 103, 329 297, 911 235, 016 2,479 12, 845 11, 354 26, 892 27, 522 5,100 37, 402 42, 003 66, 716 34, 516 4 6 G 7 8 311,568 104, 801 45, 703 4,472 624 19 351, 199 169, 204 194, 331 58, 840 16, 438 868 160, 805 55, 534 34, 718 10,076 3,153 186 138, 159 42, 199 24, 372 6,077 1,875 69 205, 986 59, 030 53, 645 18, 063 9,716 2,620 40, 306 13, 942 48. 134 31,877 15, 342 2, 699 30, 409 11, 525 17, 283 11, 490 8,083 970 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,051,572 667, 737 104, 139 6,606 273, 090 58, 250 214, 840 1,111,314 505, 712 180, 085 6,569 419,948 94, 732 325, 216 1, 108, 061 549, 981 59, 323 6,137 492, 620 62, 071 430, 549 1,006,052 437, 141 60, 684 1,731 506, 496 78, 845 427, 651 1, 017, 305 346, 307 65, 757 3,058 602, 183 41, 698 560, 485 233, 392 136, 803 42,395 2,410 61,784 10,943 40, 841 265, 587 194, 166 21,764 8,262 41, 395 19, 264 22, 141 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26.0 28.1 27.0 37.8 34.2 30.9 44.5 46.8 45.9 50.3 49.7 50.7 59.2 52.9 52.8 22.2 15.4 10.7 15.6 20.1 17.2 22 23 24 30.8 32.8 31.1 29.0 11.3 15.9 10.8 20.9 ?5 ?f) 157,160,960 71.7 326, 914, 560 75.9 172,206,720 51.4 114, 885, 760 61.5 275, 037, 440 60.0 549, 765, 760 24.0 203, 580, 800 26.7 27 28 112, 752, 458 117, 735, 179 117,929,148 248,081,143 256, 973, 229 232, 648, 121 88,569,458 97, 775, 243 103,782,255 70,606,625 78, 897, 463 81,520,629 165, 013, 316 173,449,127 169, 149, 976 131, 689, 374 117,337,226 59, 533, 420 64, 258, 112 56, 152, 705 61, 328, 789 29 30 31 107.2 223.2 79.9 70.2 162.2 564.2 204.3 32 64, 790, 167 59, 114, 159 1, 736, 348 3, 939, 660 138,827,053 130, 978, 827 3, 481, 351 4, 366, 875 34,649,062 27, 211, 743 570, 170 6, 867, 149 28,816,484 23, 696, 156 501, 891 4, 618, 437 56,809,178 51, 335, 135 2, 381, 235 3, 092, 808 25, 587, 136 19, 705, 967 2, 174, 295 3, 706, 874 18, 712, 328 11, 677, 843 1, 933, 266 5, 201, 219 33 34 35 36 35, 534, 380 14, 196, 664 12, 468, 884 8,868,832 90, 800, 466 35, 609, 946 12,239,602 42, 950, 918 20, 363, 978 7, 557, 407 7, 947, 592 4, 858, 979 20, 279, 694 10, 630, 940 6, 527, 600 3, 121, 154 92, 856, 162 19, 236, 757 16, 551, 859 57, 067, 546 98, 124, 608 17, 524, 458 6, 137, 636 74, 462, 514 30,876,993 4, 076, 439 7,690,067 19, 110, 487 37 38 39 40 4, 661, 087 7, 766, 824 4, 917, 472 13, 536, 152 24, 772, 792 8, 783, 626 15,101,457 6, 408, 990 7, 368, 057 7, 979, 919 932, 457 7, 045, 173 1,495,676 3, 173, 215 41 42 60, 997, 134 14, 582, 970 8, 001, 950 6, 581, 020 1,650,879 35, 521, 475 5, 763, 120 29, 758, 355 87, 122, 918 68, 656, 736 37, 829, 996 30, 826, 740 3, 496, 558 88, 804, 931 16, 200, 751 72, 604, 180 53, 870, 604 4, 430, 261 2, 846, 888 1, 583, 373 3, 510, 557 26, 758, 036 3, 773, 155 22, 984, 881 44, 273, 446 4, 775, 598 3, 215, 268 1, 560, 330 922, 876 20, 634, 705 4, 077, 259 16, 557, 446 68, 784, 534 28, 926, 235 15, 419, 095 13, 507, 140 11, 997, 971 55, 304, 576 11, 464, 793 43, 839, 783 40, 888, 381 57, 653, 275 24, 403, 705 33, 249, 570 14, 047, 387 19, 100, 331 • 6,531,788 12, 568, 543 22,464,768 16, 101, 162 7, 214, 743 7, 886, 419 6, 979, 594 10, 712, 688 3, 971, 464 6, 741, 124 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 28,215,063 8, 516, 980 738,056 21, 644, 060 3, 218, 794 18, 425, 266 42, 874, 203 33, 347, 505 1, 067, 652 53, 689, 467 8, 692, 780 44, 996, 687 12, 605, 790 1, 556, 367 625, 942 12, 423, 644 1, 436, 522 10, 987, 122 10, HI, 828 1,746,967 187, 323 11, 650, 038 1,966,706 9, 683, 332 16, 510, 282 5,806,806 544, 866 28, 473, 181 1, 674, 033 26, 799, 148 7, 875, 771 6, 232, 598 609,634 4, 987, 964 621, 100 4, 366, 864 5,024,467 2, 387, 289 1, 023, 681 3, 142, 406 669, 678 2, 472, 728 61 52 63 54 55 56 ^ CENSUS or AGEICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (Sco definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of fanna. _1925. 1920. I&IO. Fantis, by size, 1925: Under 3 acre? 3 to 9 acres-.- ..- 19 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres -. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,CC0 to 4,999 acres,.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 192[ Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Casii tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy. _192r»_ 1920. 1910. telationsliip to landlord, 1925: Per cent of casli tenants related. . Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total... acres. Cropland harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure aci ts. Idle or faliov/ land .acres. I *asture land , total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture.- acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acrcs. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners... acres. Ov/ned land acres. Rented (hired) land. acres. Managers.. acres. Tenants... acres. Cash tenants *. .acres. Other tenants .acres. Cropland harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners. acres. Managers .acres. Tenants. acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants. .acres. New England Division Maine 50. 033 48,227 00,016 61 2,785 3,037 7,967 14, 744 14,051 4,738 2,199 374 50, 033 47, 249 735 350 1,699 1,159 540 3.4 4.2 4.3 16.3 41.1 19,132,800 27.0 5,161,428 5, 425, 968 6, 296, 859 New Hamp- shire 103.2 1,643,515 1,605,576 7, 355 30, 584 1,751,785 195. 768 980. 6-15 575, 372 1, 508, 392 257, 736 815, 580 120, 867 78, 219 42,648 70, 954 154,027 99, 297 54, 730 1, 490, 203 39, 289 25, 727 50, 357 33, 010 17, 347 21, 065 20, 523 27, 053 49 2,099 1,778 3, 639 5,003 4,829 2,014 1,250 311 92 1 21, 065 19, 520 375 156 1,014 765 249 4.8 6.7 12.7 44.2 5, 779, 840 39.1 2, 262, 064 2, 603, 806 3, 249, 458 107.4 542, 846 523, 386 1, 683 17, 777 1, 087, 385 89, 673 779, 501 218,211 536, 743 95, 090 2, 033, 519 75, 104 42, 784 32, 320 57, 636 95, 805 70, 530 25, 275 472,035 15, 762 12, 269 23, 320 16, 969 6,351 Vermont 27,786 29,075 32, 709 17 1,899 1,624 2,885 4,980 8,309 4,628 2,893 471 77 3 27, 786 24,047 842 307 2,590 1,066 1,524 9.3 11.6 12.3 19.2 27.4 5, 839, 360 67.2 3, 925, 683 4,235,811 4, 663, 577 141.3 1, 149, 656 1,127.004 5, 851 16, 801 2, 175, 508 252, 220 1,031,310 891, 978 617,724 82, 795 , 236, 192 170, 680 105, 849 64, 831 99,612 419, 199 126, 528 292, 671 909, 637 49, 439 24, 363 143, 565 38,611 104, 954 Massachu- setts 33, 454 32,001 36,917 420 5,436 4,858 8,148 6,877 4,751 1,091 977 228 33, 454 29,594 1,276 979 1,605 1,104 501 4.8 7.1 8.1 15.8 25.5 5, 144, 960 46.0 2, 367, 629 2,494,477 2, 875, 941 70.8 C77, 357 625, 068 4,793 47, 496 876, 892 95, 162 482, 453 299, 277 637, 469 175,911 ,942,118 109, 210 65, 247 43, 963 212, 477 103, 824 75, 497 28, 327 516,056 33, 383 48, 825 26, 804 20, 174 6,630 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued New England Division— Con. Middle Atlantic Division East North Central Division Rhode Island Connecti- cut New York New Jersey Pennsyl- vania Ohio Indiana Illinois 3,911 23, 240 188, 754 29, 671 200, 443 244, 703 195, 786 225, 601 1 4,083 22, 655 193,195 29, 702 202, 260 256, 696 205, 126 237, 181 2 6,292 26, 815 215, 597 33, 487 219, 296 272, 045 215, 485 261, 872 3 25 101 406 414 986 192 139 297 4 464 2,385 14, 681 4,490 18, 187 15, 652 10, 695 7, 994 5 622 2,825 13, 709 4,371 17, 193 15, 580 10, 216 8,662 6 894 5,738 27, 357 6,649 37,367 42, 232 33, 268 26, 239 7 962 6,802 49, 538 6,622 61, 438 81, 537 60, 282 47, 079 s G59 4,200 53, 869 5,414 49, 263 65, 978 54, 875 77, 268 9 221 1,342 19, 730 1,216 11,602 : 16,710 17, 597 38,172 10 122 669 8,447 405 3,813 6,062 7,804 19, 149 11 28 132 871 62 480 664 817 1,685 12 14 44 142 26 106 93 93 165 13 2 23,240 4 188, 754 2 29, 671 8 200, 443 3 244, 703 1 225, 601 14 3,911 195, 786 15 3,033 20, 120 149, 761 23, 875 158, 444 163, 421 114, 378 96, 200 16 230 1,138 10, 188 6G0 6,251 17, 926 23, 051 32, 874 17 176 494 2,261 413 1,791 1,060 1, 268 1,877 18 472 1,488 26, 544 4,723 34, 957 62, 296 67, 089 94, 650 19 430 1,054 9,164 1,864 11, 053 13, 956 7,066 18, 930 20 42 434 17, 380 2,859 23, 904 48, 340 60, 024 75, 720 21 12.1 6.4 14.1 15.9 17.4 25.5 29.2 42.0 22 15.5 8.5 19.2 23.0 21.9 29.6 32.0 42.7 23 18.0 9.8 20.8 24.8 23.3 28.4 30.0 41.4 24 14.7 15.5 21.7 15.5 20.1 26.8 27.7 32.1 25 40.5 27.9 28.7 25.0 28.3 33.3 32.3 31.2 26 682, 880 3, 084, 800 30, 498, 560 4, 808, 960 28, 692, 480 26, 073, 600 23, 068, 800 35, 867, 520 27 45.3 69.4 63.2 40.0 56.8 86.2 86.3 86.7 28 309,013 1, 832. 110 19, 269, 926 1,924,545 16, 296, 468 22, 219, 248 19, 916, 120 30, 731, 947 29 331, 600 1, 898, 980 20, 632, 803 2, 282, 585 17,657,613 23, 516, 888 21, 063, 332 31, 974, 776 30 443, 308 2, 185, 788 22, 030, 367 2, 573, 857 18, 586, 832 24, 106, 708 21, 299, 823 32, 622, 937 31 79.0 78.8 102.1 64.9 81.3 90.8 101.7 136.2 32 76, 003 534, 354 9, 087, 663 1,126,051 8, 431, 049 11,694,966 11,981,079 21, 314, 837 33 69, 368 497, 435 8,290,335 907, 754 7,283,511 10, 703, 042 10, 615, 744 19, 755, 447 34 407 5,140 91,041 20, 994 102,129 286, 614 360, 900 646, 600 35 6,228 31, 779 706, 287 197, 303 1, 045, 409 706, 400 1, 004, 436 912, 790 36 110, 985 784, 779 7, 403, 503 335, 057 4, 673, 383 8, 137, 800 5, 720, 492 7, 281, 963 37 33, 599 104, 987 2, 080, 544 185, 477 1, 697, 457 3, 997, 407 2, 731, 771 4, 007, 856 38 50, 093 356, 652 2, 026, 249 43, 610 1, 391, 193 1,854,403 1, 878, 949 1, 896, 966 39 27, 293 323, 140 3, 297, 710 105, 970 1, 484, 733 2, 285, 990 1,109,772 1, 377, 141 40 94, 831 373, 271 1, 780, 380 253, 542 2, 138, 996 973, 090 838,013 738, 642 41 27, 194 139, 706 998, 380 209, 895 1, 153, 040 1,413,402 1, 375, 536 1, 396, 606 42 229, 663 1,471,821 14, 002, 751 1, 349, 249 11,963,149 12, 898, 622 9, 725, 210 10, 478, 248 43 17,926 120, 931 1, 456, 463 55, 041 637, 233 2, 184, 922 2, 941, 444 5,319,258 44 9,062 76, 994 833, 946 36, 649 369, 564 1, 173, 684 1, 523, 894 2, 834, 205 45 8,864 43, 937 622, 517 19,392 267, 669 1,011,238 1, 417, 550 2, 485, 053 46 24, 021 116,062 496, 168 68, 258 345, 936 266, 180 287, 665 449, 793 47 37, 403 123, 296 3, 314, 544 451, 997 3, 350, 150 6, 869, 624 6, 960, 801 14, 484, 648 48 31, 501 84, 123 903, 652 138, 336 878, 658 1, 215, 244 524, 175 2, 210, 049 49 5,902 39, 173 2, 410, 892 313,661 2, 471, 492 5, 654, 380 6, 436, 626 12, 274, 599 50 48, 543 396, 753 5, 876, 780 611,226 5, 110, 867 5, 667, 340 4, 509, 196 5, 838, 654 61 6,350 37, 383 682, 028 35, 985 264, 751 1, 234, 629 1,788,796 3, 496, 842 62 6,047 30, 996 170, 713 30, 709 151, 823 116, 494 147,811 254, 904 53 8,428 32, 303 1, 560, 814 229, 834 1, 756, 070 3, 784, 679 4, 169, 942 10, 165, 047 64 7,662 21, 696 390, 139 57, 069 332, 563 592. 567 283, 162 1, 472, 098 65 766 10, 607 ], 170, 675 172, 766 1, 423, 507 3, 192, 012 3, 886, 780 8, 692, 949 56 51623—27- CENSUft OF AGHICTTLTTTTIE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table I. — Farms and Farm 32 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. .1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres - 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920- --V--- 1910 Relationship lo landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related... Per cent of other tenants related... FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1 925 __ acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms. .1925 acres 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres Crop failure acres Idle or fallow land acres Pasture land, total acres Plowable pasture acres Woodland pasture acres Other pasture acres Woodland not used for pasture acres All other land in farms acres All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acre^ Part owners acres Owned land acres Rented (hired) land acres Managers acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres O tlicr tenants acres Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924 Full owners acres Part owners. acres Managers acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants East North Central Division — Con. Michigan Wisconsin 192, 327 196, 447 206, 960 143 7,532 7,990 41,313 68, 126 49, 634 12, 385 4,495 537 159 13 192, 327 143, 161 18, 813 1,234 29, 119 7,431 21, 688 15.1 17.7 15.8 23.9 33.3 193, 155 189, 295 177, 127 137 6,661 5,178 25, 950 62, 401 63, 813 19, 937 8.193 769 114 2 193, 155 150, 577 11,475 1,167 29, 936 10, 868 19, 068 15.5 14.4 13.9 West North Central Division Minnesota 40.6 39.1 36, 787, 200 49.0 18, 035, 290 19,032,961 18, 940, 614 9, 671, 381 8, 501, 903 173,930 995, 548 5, 722, 509 1, 756. 387 2, 407, 150 1, 559, 032 894,631 1, 746, 709 12, 030, 278 2, 439, 793 1,423,553 1, 016, 240 368, 652 3, 196, 567 573, 424 2,623,143 5, 500, 544 1, 252, 886 112,273 1, 636, 200 288,282 1, 347, 918 35,363,840 I 61.8 1 21, 850, 853 22, 148, 223 21, 060, 066 113.1 10, 127, 914 9, 538, 023 268, 404 321, 487 8, 671, 556 1, 703, 243 4,431,416 2, 536, 897 1,216,711 1, 834, 672 15, 864, 876 1, 697, 553 1, 046, 614 650, 939 278, 589 4, 009, 835 1.240,228 2, 769, 607 6, 799, 329 743. 828 106, 574 1, 888, 292 582, 685 1, 305, 607 188, 231 178, 478 156, 137 205 5,165 4,269 17, 241 35, 167 67, 949 31, 396 24, 064 2,577 195 3 188, 231 112,906 23, 476 706 51, 083 14, 709 36, 374 27.1 24.7 21.0 35.0 30.0 51, 749, 120 58.1 30, 059, 137 30, 221, 758 27, 675, 823 159.7 18, 651, 190 17, 929, 704 195, 681 525, 805 7, 903, 217 2, 103, 341 3, 556, 303 2, 183, 573 1,193.508 2,311,222 14,963,215 5, 222, 587 2, 974, 336 2,248,251 224, 192 9, 649, 143 2,121.977 7, 527, 166 8, 098, 526 3, 256, 632 117,331 6, 457, 215 1, 314, 095 5, 143, 120 Iowa Missouri 213, 490 213, 439 217,044 112 7,458 5, 555 12, 593 34, 528 86, 373 41,475 23, 503 1,789 102 2 213, 490 92, 705 23, 739 1,650 95, 396 38, 037 57, 359 44.7 41.7 37.8 36.0 32.4 260,473 263,004 277,244 167 9,507 11,214 44, 490 64,905 75, 481 31,715 19, 224 3,184 512 14 260, 473 141, 794 32, 589 1,063 85, 027 15,783 69,244 32.6 28.8 29.9 20.4 22.8 35, 575, 040 93.6 33, 280, 813 33, 474, 896 33, 930, 688 155.9 21, 997, 675 21, 466, 350 422, 694 108, 631 9, 476, 720 5, 149, 742 1, 970. 145 2, 356, 833 242, 795 1, 563, 623 12, 476, 671 4, 615, 725 2, 629, 588 1, 980, 137 389, 675 15. 798, 742 5, 665, 543 10, 133, 199 7,501,949 2, 976, 77S 210.882 10, 776, 741 3, 816, 542 6, 960, 199 43, 985, 280 74.2 32, 641, 893 34, 774, 679 34, 591, 248 125.3 15, 278, 436 13, 720, 574 68('), 054 871, 808 13, 298, 822 6, 858, 678 4,780.176 1, 659, 968 2, 625, 667 1, 438, 908 17, 697, 759 5, 035, 579 3,048,516 1, 987. 003 350, 044 9,558,511 1, .W9, 051 7, 958, 800 6. 499, 952 2,412,113 113,396 4,695,113 71.5, 253 3. 979, 800 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued West North Central Division— Continued South Atlantic DivjgioN North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Delaware Maryland Dist. of Columbia Virginia 75, 970 77, 690 74, 360 79, 537 74, 637 77, 644 127, 734 124,417 129, 678 165, 879 165, 286 177, 841 10, 257 10, 140 10, 836 49, 001 47, 908 48, 923 1.39 204 217 193, 723 186,242 184,018 1 2 3 33 290 251 676 1,135 63 707 564 1,397 3,119 170 2,761 2,100 4, 127 10, 977 88 5, 255 3,996 9,303 20, 786 5 688 843 2,299 2,909 111 6,355 5,478 8,974 10, 264 14 25 49 3? 128 21,410 26, 134 46, 870 42, 165 4 5 6 7 8 11, 144 5,812 35. 093 17, 983 3,503 50 75,970 26, 348 23, 165 361 26, 096 1,763 24, 333 18,715 10,816 28, 776 11, 549 3,651 180 79, 537 24, 768 21, 392 331 33,046 4,475 28, 571 44, 199 22, 031 26, 500 9,489 4, 958 422 127, 734 4.5, 493 22, 273 669 59, 299 10, 274 49, 025 47, 338 25, 959 37, 171 12, 269 3,517 197 165, 879 61,698 33,451 729 70,001 9, 691 60, 310 2,368 789 300 52 4 10, 816 4,415 2,212 334 42 2 32, 536 12,908 8,531 2,418 611 12 193, 723 130,117 13,470 1,238 48, 898 6,250 42, 648 9 10 11 ^9. 13 14 10, 257 6,319 196 74 3,668 441 3,227 49, 001 33, 771 1,367 936 12, 927 1, 861 11, 066 139 74 7 19 39 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 34.4 25.6 14.3 41.5 34.9 24.8 46.4 42.9 38.1 42.2 40.4 36.8 35.8 39.3 41.9 26.4 28.9 29.5 28.1 41.7 38.7 25.2 25.6 26.5 22 23 24 18.0 20.9 27.5 26.9 33.5 34.7 24 , ?5 31.8 26 44, 917, 120 76.4 49, 195, 520 65.1 49, 157, 120 85.5 52, 335, 360 83.6 1,257,600 71.5 6, 362, 240 69.7 39, 680 9.6 25, 767, 680 66.8 27 28 34,327,410 36, 214, 751 28, 426, 650 32,017,986 34, 636, 491 26, 016, 892 42, 024, 775 42, 225, 475 38,622,021 43, 729, 129 45,425,179 43, 384, 799 899, 641 944,511 1,038,866 4, 433, 398 4, 757, 999 5, 057, 140 3,813 5,668 6,063 17, 210, 174 18, 561, 112 19, 495, 636 29 30 31 451.9 402.6 329.0 263. 6 87.7 90.5 27.4 88.8 32 21,864,401 16, 440, 746 20, 698, 098 23, 896, 507 518, 859 2, 227, 515 2,371 5, 368, 188 33 19,877,232 322, 499 1, 664, 670 15, 792, 987 346, 721 301, 038 19, 810, 362 591, 378 296, 358 22,381,618 916, 324 598, 565 404,209 6,615 108, 035 1, 777, 513 36, 982 413,020 2,197 34 140 3, 968, 570 113, 562 1,286,056 34 35 36 8, 940, 886 3, 110, 925 337, 240 5, 492, 721 13, 797, 123 6, 148, 511 287, 661 7, 360, 951 19, 493, 945 4, 381, 148 657, 020 14, 455, 777 17, 889, 753 7, 797, 601 651, 057 9, 441, 095 101, 633 78, 868 10, 386 • 12,379 892, 910 525, 523 187, 183 180, 204 503 262 96 145 5, 287, 994 2, 964, 815 1, 331, 719 991,460 37 38 39 40 173, 522 3, 348, 601 112. 393 1, 667, 724 226, 248 1, 606, 484 343, 339 1, 599, 530 188, 180 90, 969 945, 760 367, 213 180 7.59 5.523,513 1, 030, 479 41 42 9, 659, 852 1.3, 863, 139 7, 215, 494 6, 647, 645 ! 271, 494 1 10,532,925 1 708, 962 1 9,823,963 7, 454, 767 13, 482, 236 6, 828, 346 6, 653, 890 771, 176 10, 309, 807 1,426,800 8, 883, 007 12, 428, 669 13, 126, 783 8, 036, 522 5, 090, 261 776, 414 15, 692, 909 2, 810, 162 12, 882, 747 12,441,985 13, 310, 687 7, 097, 194 6, 21.3, 493 713, 563 17, 262, 894 1, 867, 656 15, 395, 238 451, 705 13, 624 8,058 5, 566 16,266 418, 046 27, 889 390, 157 2, 563, 394 110, 768 56, 240 54, 528 182, 368 1, 576, 868 121, 370 1, 455, 498 1,141 123 73 50 1,742 807 771 36 12, 262, 427 1,048,498 680, 728 367, 770 513,936 3, 385, 313 485, 026 2, 900, 287 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5, 752, 648 7, 434, 190 151, 834 6, 538, 560 236, 002 6, 302, 558 3, 587, 048 5,623,916 109, 066 6, 472, 957 624,061 5,848,896 5, 674, 932 5, 032, 240 195, 712 8, 907, 478 1,270,045 7, 637, 433 5, 759, 148 6,611,636 169, 431 9,841,403 716, 782 9, 124, 621 190, 015 7,589 8,114 198, 491 11,014 187,477 964,.942 47, 289 74, 527 690, 755 39,216 651, 539 620 56 1,090 431 399 32 2, 578, 050 314, 165 99, 144 977,211 99, 591 877, 620 51 52 53 54 55 56 10 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920- 1910- Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5, 000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1825: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy ..1925. 1920- 1910- Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related-. Per cent of otiier tenants related . FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, ]925--_acres Per cent in farms All land in farms__1925 acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop laud, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924-acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowablc pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodlandnotusedforpasture. acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners . _ acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers .ocres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants .acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers ..acres. Tenants. _. ...acres. Cash tenants .acres. Other tenants .acres. South Atlantic Division— Continued West Vir- ginia 90,380 87,289 96, 685 182 6. 595 6, 923 19, 544 26, 228 18, 669 6,760 4,132 1,042 294 11 90, 380 70, 203 4,740 662 14, 775 6,133 8,642 16.3 16.2 20.5 15, 374, 080 58.4 8, 979, 847 9, 569, 790 10, 026, 442 99.4 1, 921, 139 1, 676, 570 27, 754 216, 815 4, 288, 452 1,726,130 905, 058 1, 657, 264 2, 263. 565 506, 691 6, 960, 333 522, 493 325, 945 196, 548 211,191 1, 285, 830 460, 912 824, 918 1, 269, 310 111,932 41, 455 253, 873 68, 624 IS."), 249 North Carolina 283, 482 269, 763 253, 725 313 21,402 44, 332 93,817 63, 129 37,611 10, 643 5, 525 1,347 348 15- 283, 482 132,610 22, 195 423 128, 254 7,520 120, 734 4.5.2 43. 5 42.3 31, 193, 800 59.6 18, 593, 670 20, 021, 736 22, 439, 129 05.6 6, 856, 933 5, 574, 921 14.5, 338 1, 136, 074 2,817,046 881,893 1, 386, 759 548, 394 7, 069, 724 1, 849, 967 11,254,022 1, 278, 669 843, 776 434, 893 232, 169 5,828,810 443, 150 5, 385, 660 2, 482, 997 476, 995 35, 750 2, 579, 179 141,191 2, 437, 988 South Carolina 172, 767 192, 693 176, 434 28 13, 679 32, 728 69, 777 30, 996 15, 446 4, 946 3,477 1,203 453 34 172, 767 52, 401 7,568 368 112, 430 16,401 96, 029 65.1 64.5 63.0 19, 510, 800 54.5 10, 638, 900 12, 426, 675 13, 5] 2, 028 61.6 5, 035, 956 4,311,136 92, 450 632, 370 1, 637, 431 310, 566 1, 008, 359 318, 506 2, 562, 006 1, 403, 507 5, 487, 499 499, 564 323, 087 176, 477 293, 204 4, 358, 633 620, 999 3, 737, 634 1, 463, 181 217, 689 41,781 2, 588, 485 314,117 2. 244, 368 Georgia 249, 095 310, 732 291,027 93 8,332 20, 261 93, 303 64, 638 36, 537 12, 877 8,820 3,084 1,099 51 249, 095 81, 108 7, 572 1,407 159, 008 19,018 139, 990 66.0 65.6 37, 584, 000 58.4 21. 945, 490 25, 441, 061 26, 953, 413 10, 695, 817 8, 127, 577 111,992 2, 456, 248 3, 848, 939 811, 562 2, 324, 250 713,127 4, 721, 663 2, 679, 177 11,121,240 767, 836 497, 528 270, 308 799, 591 9, 256, 829 1, 387, 573 7,869,256 2, 776, 259 310, 077 223, 800 4,817,441 621. 794 4, 195, 647 Florida 59,217 54,005 50, 016 727 7, 196 9,698 19, 798 10, 103 6,820 2, 195 1,719 .5^6 302 63 59,217 43, 378 2,203 1,010 12, 621 4,412 8,209 21.3 25.3 35,111,040 16.7 5, 864. 519 6,046,691 5, 253, 538 99.0 2,022,284 1, 369, 050 35, 443 617, 791 1, 489, 070 257, 788 793, 782 437,500 1, 498, 301 854,864 3, 768. 843 188. 686 111,453 77, 233 1, 260, 090 646, 900 225, 465 421, 435 880,416 70, 575 100, 281 317, 778 110,576 207,202 CENSUS OF AGRICUI/rrrHE: l'J25 — SULIMAKY Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Coiitiuued 11 East South Central Division West South Central Division Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahonui 258, 524 252, 669 237, 031 257, 228 221, 991 132, 450 197, 218 1 270, G26 252, 774 256, 099 272, 101 232, 604 135,463 191, 988 2 259, 185 246, 012 262, 901 274, 382 214, G78 120, 548 190, 192 3 526 200 102 48 50 287 59 4 24, 993 18, 040 9,807 11,333 8.1^17 7, 701 3, 689 5 33, 205 35, 801 26, 262 64, 177 36, 369 30,170 6,532 6 60, 368 78, 143 104, 030 103, 689 84, 740 55, 649 34, 988 7 09, 155 63, 000 53, 667 36, 755 46,778 19, 8S0 47, 375 8 47, 279 38, 258 27, 885 24, 737 30, 874 10, 911 85, 102 9 14, 208 11, 566 8,255 8,170 8, 586 3, 394 14, 965 10 7,073 6,161 5,356 6,782 4, 903 2,738 19, 201 11 1,428 1,222 1,616 1,811 1,173 1,111 4, 054 12 279 268 632 696 357 677 1,120 13 10 10 19 30 14 32 135 14 258, 524 252, 669 237, 631 257, 228 221, 991 132, 450 197, 218 16 155, 013 128, 305 79 282 74, 541 81, 540 47, 913 60, 764 18 20, 429 20, 322 13, 666 0,267 13, 930 4,473 20, 462 17 281 324 448 678 616 603 494 18 82, 801 103, 718 144, 235 175, 742 125, 899 79, 561 115,498 19 7, 168 10, 442 42, 303 18, 932 9, 078 8, 742 12, 561 20 75, 633 93, 276 101, 932 156, 810 116, 821 70, 819 102, 937 21 32.0 41.0 60.7 68.3 £6. 7 60.1 58.6 22 33.4 41. 1 57.9 66.1 51. 3 67.1 51.0 23 33.9 41.1 60.2 66.1 60. 65.3 64.8 24 25 26 25, 715, 840 20, 679, 680 32, 818, 560 29, 671, 680 33, 616, 000 29, 061, 760 44. 424, 960 27 77.4 67.1 61.0 64.1 46.5 30.4 69.6 28 19, 913, 104 17, 901, 139 16, 739, 139 16, 053, 243 15, 632, 439 8, 837, 502 30, 868, 965 29 21,612,772 19, 510, 856 19, 576, 866 18, 196, 979 17, 466, 750 10. 019, 822 31, 951, 934 30 22, 189, 127 20, 041, 657 20, 732, 312 18, 557, 633 17, 416, 075 10, 439, 481 28, 859, 353 31 77.0 70.8 70.4 02.4 70.4 66.7 166.6 32 6, 827, 373 7, 588, 500 7, 691, 713 6, 708, 892 7, 323, 199 4, 279, 628 15, 837. 735 33 6, 183, 7C2 6, 209, 428 6, 641, 356 5, 661, 671 6, 226, 830 3, 484, 753 14, 548, 6S3 34 131, 553 110, 907 101, 649 157, 782 174,210 216, 038 761, 527 35 1, 512, 118 1, 268, 171 948, 709 889, 439 922, 159 578, 737 527, 525 36 7, 746, 432 4, 697, 449 3, 644, 364 4,291,459 3, 084, 063 1, 709. 231 13, 015, 006 37 5, 500, 897 2, 588, 462 1, 129, 151 1,412,430 956, 369 784, 503 3, 878, 844 38 1, 207, 516 1, 364, 386 1,928,087 2,027,011 1, 675, 675 674, 327 2, 971, 895 39 1, 038, 019 74^,601 487, 116 851, 418 432, 129 250, 401 6, 164, 4.67 40 3, 627, 902 4, 198, 111 3, 855, 958 3, 419, 486 3,717,325 1, 731, 892 458, 078 41 1,711,397 1, 417, 073 1,647,114 1, 633, 406 1, 627, 852 1, 116, 851 1, 658, 14G 42 14, 323, 641 11,518,843 8, 918, 679 9, 512, 283 8, 701, 647 6,128,019 9, 289, 422 43 1, 605, 705 1, 503, 602 1,167,216 598, 075 1, 325, 291 495, 958 8, 319, 365 44 1,032,911 1, 001, 904 771,918 408, 635 907, 521 330, 674 3, 452, 108 45 472, 794 504, 698 395, 298 187, 640 417, 770 165, 284 2, 867, 257 48 137, 200 124, 365 245, 483 41.5, 828 318, 439 689, 854 1, 327, 447 47 3, 946, 568 4, 761, 329 6, 407, 761 5, 529, 057 5, 287, 062 2, 623, 671 13, 932, 731 48 523, 092 615,093 2, 020, 653 918, 521 638, 866 383, 401 1, 946, 537 49 3,423,466 4, 136, 236 4, 387, 208 4, 610, 536 4, 748, 196 2, 240, 270 11, 986, 194 50 3, 062, 364 3, 018, 255 2, 191, 337 1, 839, 872 2, 437, 280 1, 284, 768 4,146,405 51 612, 693 619,861. 439, 304 175, 109 524, 855 209, 044 2, 730, 933 52 22, 732 29, 799 65, 340 79, 452 93, 582 168, 596 81, 376 53 1, 585, 913 2, 541, 613 3, 955, 374 3, 567, 238 3,171,113 1, 822, 346 7, 589, 969 54 115,258 262, 643 1, 143, 859 444, 946 244, 752 207, 87() 752, 183 55 1,470,655 2, 278, 870 2,811,515 3, 122, 292 2, 926, 361 1, 614, 469 6, 837, 786 66 12 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table I. — Farms and Farm 40 IT KM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy. .1925. 1920. 1910. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms.. Alllandin farms.. 1925 acres. 1920 acres. 1910. acres. Average per farm, 1925. acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Cropland, total acres. Cropland harvested in 1924 .acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land .acres. Pasture land , total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers.. ...acres. Tenants... acres. Cash tenants.. ...acres. Other tenants. acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners aere^. Managers acres. Tenants.. acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. West South Central Di- vision— Con. Texas 465, 646 436, 033 417, 770 474 11, 582 30, 258 122, 636 120, 983 99, 099 32, 085 26, 803 11,725 7,562 2,439 465, 646 156, 090 26, 886 1,445 281, 225 11,317 269, 908 60.4 53.3 52.6 167, 934, 720 65.3 109, 674, 410 114, 020, 621 112,455,067 235.5 29, 368, 716 27, 074, 869 1, 229, 460 1, 064, 387 75, 067, 8C2 13, 617, 251 11, 230, 062 50, 220, 549 1, 460, 762 3, 777, 070 45, 665, 446 20, 785, 621 10, 728. 792 10, 056, 829 9, 762, 231 33,461,112 8, 595, 989 24, 865, 123 8,641,829 2, 341, 974 201,312 15, 889, 754 469, 222 15,420,532 Mountain Division Montana Idaho Wyoming 46,904 57, 677 26, 214 206 479 423 1,285 1,972 6,392 2,610 16, 146 11,467 5,36o 561 46, 904 23,861 12, 420 367 10, 256 2,137 8,119 21.9 11.3 10.8 12.4 93, 523, 840 35.0 32, 735, 723 35, 070, 656 13, 545, 603 697.9 8, 474, 224 6, 416, 335 307, 874 1, 750, 015 22,714,811 4, 124, 050 1,311,615 17, 279, 146 234, 158 1, 312, 530 10, 165, 432 15,199,810 7, 458, 202 7, 741, 608 1,911,682 5, 458, 799 1, 246, 676 4,212,123 2, 247, 879 2, 576, 701 152, 931 1, 438, 824 192, 287 1,246,537 40, 592 42, 106 30, 807 185 1,736 1,783 7,697 8.625 315 216 186 40, 592 24, 957 5,238 511 9,886 2,217 7,669 24.4 15.9 10.3 12.6 18.2 53, 346, 560 15.2 8, 116, 147 8, 375, 873 5, 283, 604 199.9 3, 714, 336 2, 578, 799 371, 980 763, 557 3, 553, 774 363, 740 646, 139 2, 543, 895 97, 422 750, 615 3, 792. 526 2, 392, 458 l,12i,227 1, 268, 231 271, 775 1, 659, 388 433, 871 1, 225, 517 1,243,645 599, 103 61, 986 674, 065 101,205 572, 860 15, 512 15, 748 10, 987 112 95 84 326 2,257 868 3,540 4,114 2,673 553 15, 512 8,342 4,203 191 2,776 814 1,962 17.9 12.5 8.2 10.9 12.7 62, 430, 720 29.9 18, 663, 308 11,809,351 8, 543, 010 1. 203. 2 1, 877, 879 1, 572, 625 150, 981 154, 273 16, 313, 347 2, 200, 974 370, 749 13, 741, 624 74,412 397, 670 4,149,798 10,912,260 4, 572, 663 6, 339, 597 1, 939, 095 1, 662, 155 721, 822 940, 333 604, 659 617, 660 65, 351 284, 955 65, 376 219, 579 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMARY Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 13 Mountain Division— Continued Pacific Division Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washing- ton Oregon California 58, 020 59, 934 46, 170 31, 687 29, 844 35, 676 10, 802 9,975 9,227 25, 992 25, 662 21, 676 3,883 3,163 2,689 73, 267 66, 288 56, 192 55,911 50, 206 45, 602 136, 409 117,670 88, 197 1 2 3 399 3,202 2, 565 4,480 5,872 326 3,984 3,007 3,728 2,503 3S7 810 875 2,196 1,886 762 2,415 2,461 6,608 5.143 102 124 156 572 631 653 11,427 11,936 17, 567 9,506 446 6,059 6,065 10, 837 9,093 4,001 19,916 24, 092 38, 312 15, 917 4 5 6 8 10, 750 3,859 15, 140 8,224 3,196 333 4, 735 1,102 5,171 4,202 2,205 724 2,328 413 742 523 372 270 3,753 1.609 1,817 807 521 96 776 265 489 354 318 96 8,522 2,902 5,003 3,601 2,018 132 9,203 3, 664 4,960 3,176 2,198 210 12, 684 4,959 7,320 4,713 3, 867 628 9 10 11 12 13 14 58, 020 29, 292 10, 225 585 17, 918 2,889 15,029 31. 687 21,415 4,590 256 5,426 1,082 4,344 10,802 6,908 1, 271 296 2,327 805 1,522 25. 992 18, 777 4,236 90 2,889 821 2,068 3,883 3,251 212 114 306 178 128 73, 267 53, 440 6,949 935 11,943 5. 193 6,750 55,911 39, 465 6,422 618 9,406 4,566 4,840 136, 409 101,261 8, 393 6,709 20, 046 9, 495 10, 551 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30.9 23.0 18.2 17. 1 12.2 5.5 21.5 18.1 9.3 11.1 10.9 7.9 7.9 9.4 12.4 16.3 18.7 13.7 16.8 18.8 15.1 14.7 21.4 20.6 22 23 24 11.1 14.9 7.2 14.8 5.8 12.1 20.0 36.4 14.6 18.8 11.3 27.1 16.3 27.8 7.9 13.8 25 26 66, 341, 120 36.4 78, 401, 920 35.5 72, 838, 400 15.2 52, 597, 760 9.5 70, 285, 440 5.8 42, 775, 040 29.5 61, 188, 480 23.1 99, 617, 280 27.6 27 28 24, 167. 270 24,462,014 13, 532, 113 27, 850, 325 24, 409. 633 11. 270, 021 11,065,291 5, 802. 126 1, 246, 613 5, 000, 724 5,050,410 3, 397, 699 4, 090, 586 2, 357, 163 2, 714, 757 12.610,310 13,244,720 11,712,235 14, 130, 847 13,542,318 11,685,110 27, 516, 955 29, 365, 667 27, 931, 444 29 30 31 41G.5 878.9 1, 024. 4 192.4 1, 053. 5 172.1 252.7 201.7 32 7, 199, 300 5, 948, 437 832, 274 418, 589 1, 784, 851 1, 345, 705 249, 730 189, 416 578, 246 456, 948 29, 320 91, 978 1, 424, 686 1, 024, 566 100, 645 299, 475 533, 614 362, 552 131, 491 39, 671 6, 083, 649 3, 262, 824 491, 268 2, 329, 557 4, 227. 337 2, 592, 219 457. 098 1, 178, 020 8, 401, 342 5, 722, 800 984, 900 1, 693, 642 33 34 35 36 15, 350, 783 5. 113, 819 1. 114, 461 9, 122, 503 24. 049, 460 5, 358, 041 2, 144. 857 16,546,562 10, 101, 361 143, 440 389. 389 9, 568, 532 3, 067, 251 138, 512 97, 357 2, 831, 382 2, 973, 821 81, 882 63, 069 2, 828, 870 5, 202, 358 444, 156 1, 317, 170 3, 441, 032 8, 803, 000 598. 869 2, 144, 963 6, 059, 168 16, 871, 635 3, 033, 414 4. 227, 934 9, 610, 287 37 38 39 40 238, 506 1, 378, 681 170, 138 1, 845, 876 47,397 338, 287 63, 871 444, 916 6,553 576, 598 538,413 785, 890 519, 674 580, 836 437, 489 1, 806, 489 41 42 8, 789, 276 8, 597, 504 4, 046, 625 4, 550, 879 1, 284, 724 6, 495, 766 997, 592 4,498,174. 6, 938, 511 12, 861, 845 4, 091, 759 8, 770, 086 4, 732, 575 3,317,394 2, 160, 188 1, 157, 206 1,986,062 5, 594, 226 2, 092, 992 3, 501, 234 2, 515. 273 969, 730 714, 882 254, 848 3,417,517 1, 051. 739 552, 464 499, 275 184, 442 347, 026 105, 495 241, 531 1,649,259 1, 043, 433 464, 773 578, 660 1, 207, 821 190, 073 151. 262 38,811 1 4,729,186 4, 312, 392 2, 130, 904 2,181,488 360, 265 3, 208, 467 572, 170 2, 636, 297 6. 590, 260 4, 262, 455 2, 348, 790 1, 913, 665 901. 469 2, 376, 663 806, 146 1, 570, 517 11,145,322 6, 526, 315 2, 735, 049 3, 791, 266 4, 717, 860 5, 127, 468 2, 593, 148 2, 534, 310 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 2,039,502 1, 749, 482 142, 772 2, 016, 681 160, 939 1, 855, 742 657, 345 329, 213 46, 588 312, 559 33, 975 278, 584 179, 451 71,811 86, 759 118, 927 29,418 89, 509 659, 763 231, 225 14, 187 119, 391 26, 018 93, 373 243,527 ' 57, 403 39, 060 22, 562 11, 882 10, 680 1, 154. 530 944, 595 104, 706 1, 058, 993 129. 003 929, 990 1, 193, 939 650, 279 81, 366 666, 645 157, 763 508, 882 2, 675, 998 792, 415 837, 619 1, 416, 768 382, 912 1,033,856 51 52 53 54 55 56 14 CENSUS OF AGrJCULTUKE: 1925 SUIMMAKY State Table I. — Supplemental — Farmers, by Color and Tenure, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) NUMBER OF FARMERS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, 1825 Total White..- Colored.. Full owners White Colored.. Part owners W hite Colored.. Managers White Colored.. Tenants White Colored.. Cash tenants White Colored.. Croppers White Colored-. Other tenants : White Colored.. FARMS OPERATED BY CROPPERS Allland in farms, 1925 acres.. Crop land harvested, 1824 acres.. Value of land and buildings, 1925 dollars.. Value of implements and ma- chinery, 1925 1 dollars.. The Soute 2, 299, 963 831, 4551 173, 778; 159,651 150, 875 1 34, 889' 10, 259 G67 965, 051 636, 248 103, 854; 78, 760 278, 736 344, 322 582, 461 213, 166 22, 985, 660 16, 093, 431 1, 133, 205, 380 39, 871, 615 Geographic Divisions South Atlantic 782, 003 326, 058 471, 040 78, 941 41, 095 18, 228 5,720 417 264, 148 228, 472 36, 230 25, 841 90, 643 119, 767 137, 275 82, 864 8, 550, 314 5, 166, 635 370, 446, 922 12, 520, 417 East South Central 725, 225 280, 827 West South Central 792, 735 224, 570 398. 213 38,928 51, 403 9,281 1, 607 124 274, 002 232, 494 34, 614 44, 231 90, 230 128, 147 149, 158 60, 116 6, 071, 743 4, 548, 734 287, 143, 445 133 304, 525 41, 782 58, 377 7,380 2,932 126 426, 901 175, 282 33, 010 8,688 97, 863 96, 408 296, 028 70, 186 8, 363, 603 6, 378, 062 475, 615, 013 17, 371, 065 NUMBER OF FARMERS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, 1925 Total Whit8___. Colored. Full owners White.. . Colored. Part owners W hite. _ _. Colored- Managers White.. - Colored. Tenants White... Colored. Cash tenants W hite. . . Colored. Croppers White... Colored. Other tenants White... Colored. FARMS OPERATED BY CROPPERS All land iji farms, 1925 acres. Crop land harvested, 1 924 acres . Value of land and buiidini^s, 1925 dollars. Value of implements and machinery, 1925 dollars. South Atlantic Division— Con. Georgia 165, 018 84, 077 Florida 47, 205 12,012 71,076 10, 032 5,857 1,715 1,283 124 86, 802 72, 206 11,296 7,722 41, 142 47,613 34, 364 16,871 4, 290, 907 2, 712, 283 126,107,829 4, 181, 658 37, 339 6, 039 1,425 783 968 42 7,473 6,148 2,328 2,084 2,755 1,625 2,390 1,439 222, 672 123, 356 7, 296, 719 344, 810 East South Central Division Ken- tucky 247, 807 10, 717 151, 195 3,818 19, 293 1,136 265 16 77, 054 5,747 7,022 146 21, 963 3,851 48, 069 1,750 754, 058 441,490 41,306.175 1, 456, 996 Tennes- see 218, 022 34, 647 121,219 7,086 18, 191 2,131 306 18 78,306 25,412 7,784 2,658 25, 725 14, 848 44, 797 7,906 1, 221, 812 864, 961 66, 622, 707 2, 610, 097 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 SUMMARY 15 AND Farms Operated by Choppers, for the Southern States: 1925 ITEM (See definitious in Introduction) NUMBER OF FARMERS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, 1925 Total White..- Colored-. Full owners White — Colored-. Part owners White.... Colored-. Managers White — Colored-. Tenants White.... Colored-. Cash tenants Wliitc Colored-. Croppers White Colored-. Other tenants White.— Colored-. FARMS OPERATED BY CROPPERS All land in farms, 1925 acres.. Crop land harvested, 1924. acres.. Value of land and build- inss, 1925 dollars.. Value of implements and ma- chinery, 1925 ...dollars.. South Atlantic Division Dela- ware 9,426 831 Mary- land 42, 280 6,721 5, 985 334 1G8 23 64 10 3,209 459 402 39 80 61 2,727 359 11,694 5,939 752, 150 48, 062 Dist. of Co- lum- bia Virginia 113, 576 50, 147 30, 060 3,711 972 395 831 105 10, 417 2,510 1,6GS 253 852 613 7, 957 1, 644 147, 371 62, 841 9, 396, 793 508, 524 101,602 28, 515 8,842 4,628 1, 162 76 31, 970 16, 928 4,607 1, 643 8,672 6, 991 18, 891 8, 294 699, 336 283, 784 35, 262, 75; West Virginia 89, 836 714 North Carolina 202, 516 80, 966 South Carolina 82, 186 90, 581 69, 699 504 4, 709 31 657 5 14, 601 174 6, 058 77 1,209 17 7,336 80 107, 657 28, 555 117,285 15,325 15, 439 6,756 403 20 69, 389 58, 865 4,i 2,632 21, 940 30, 479 42, 561 25, 754 1, 651, 671 970, 508 37, 925 14, 476 3,676 3,892 334 34 40, 251 72,179 5, 012 11,389 13,993 32, 368 21, 246 28, 422 1,419,006 979. 369 4,738,539 113,632,309' 831 1,307,495 164,639 3,699,499 2,255,730 NUMBER OF FARMERS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, 1925 Total White..- Colored-. Full owners White Colored-. Part ov.-n8rs White Colored-. Managers White Colored-. Tenants White Colored-. Cash tenants White.... Colored-. Croppers White.... Colored-. Other tenants White. . .. Colored.. FARMS OPERATED BY CROPPERS All land in farms, 1925 acres. Crop land harvested, 1924-. .acres. Value of land and build- ings, 1925 dollars. Value of implements and ma- chinery, 1925 dollars. East South Cen- tral Division— Con Alabama 152, 310 85, 321 Missis- sippi 107, 088 150, 142 West South Central Division Arkansas 68, 329 10, 953 9,895 3,771 390 58 73, 696 70, 539 13, 900 28, 403 25, 127 25, 296 34, 669 16, 840 1, 831, 2' 1, 374, 290 57, 470 17, 071 4,024 2,243 646 32 44, 946 130, 796 5, 908' 13, 024 17, 415 84, 152 21, 623 33, 620 2, 264, 580 1, 867, 993 55,694,115 124,620,448, 1,828,233 4,184,807 158, 708 63, 283 Louisiana 72, 937 59, 513 Okla- homa 177, 170 20, 048 72, 045 9,495 12, 368 1,568 577 39 73, 718 52, 181 6,386 2,692 20, 429 35, 322 46, 903 14, 167 39, 419 8, 494 3,397 1,076 473 30 29, 648 49, 913 4,428 4,314 9,073 25, 001 IC, 147 20, 598 53, 152 7,612 19, 386 1,076 482 12 L04, 150 11,343 11, 938 603 10, 209 2,920 81. 983 7,825 1,360,570 796,941 1,030,670 5,175,422 1,114,795 658,221 639,251 3,965,795 78, 650, 989 37, 700, 957:43, 734, 228 315, 528, 839 2,547,413 1,328,241 1,736,276 11,759,135 Te.\a, 383, 920 81, 726 139, 909 16, 181 23, 226 3,660 1, 400 45 219, 385 61,840 10, 238 1,079 58, 152 33, 165 150, 995 27, 596 16 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 ..dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings. dollors. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms .dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, perfarm, 1925- Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners-.- dollars. Part owners ..dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants doll ars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants. dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars. Full ovv^ners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants. dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number- Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt ...dollars. Average per acre- Value ofland and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased _ - - dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.-- Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road. 1925: Total number of farms. -. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road - Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) United States 49, 467, 647, 287 66,316,002,602 34, 801, 125, 697 57,017,740,040 37,721,018,222 11,746,629,065 2, 691, 703, 629 4, 858, 389, 124 8,949 7,764 53.52 69.38 39.60 40.81 49, 467, 647, 287 24, 208, 740, 333 6, 807, 888, 005 1, 600, 950, 300 16, 850, 068, 559 3, 369, 998, 427 13, 480, 070, 132 2, 691, 703, 629 1, 482, 014, 710 385, 289, 993 58, 672, 959 765, 725, 967 159, 134, 897 606, 591, 070 3, 868, 332 1, 395, 026 36.1 3, 313, 490 1, 128, 207 172, 182, 218 10, 790, 244, 351 4, 517, 258, 689 41.9 9, 564 4,004 62.67 26.24 750, 444, 560 3, 190, 739 230, 528, 446 2, 184, 056 864, 982, 384 2, 536, 721 166, 775, 379 1, 203, 868 858, 284, 387 75. 971, 169 505, 933 284, 006 377, 961 6, 371, 640 156, 434 316, 527 946, 057 1,998,704 2, 747, 732 206,186 Geographic Divisions I New England i 905, 627, 334 917,468,584 718, 544, 808 1,091,545,181 413, 932, 298 491, 695, 036 82, 333, 578 103, 584, 269 6,844 5,678 57.11 64.00 36.45 26.10 905, 627, 334 747, 901, 567 40, 473, 765 66, 817, 043 50, 434, 959 28, 819, 434 21, 615, 525 82, 333, 578 69, 879, 971 4, 367, 519 4, 131, 620 3, 954, 468 2, 092, 889 1,861,579 148, 159 49, 864 33.7 143, 563 47,817 4, 836, 614 272, 769, 326 109, 360, 671 40.1 5,704 2,287 56.40 22.61 64, 821, 537 130, 968 16,336,211 74,289 41,245,110 77, 313 5, 594, 307 37, 166 20. 745, 326 5,709,116 7,844 19,005 19, 973 159,489 2,066 19, 074 38, 936 35, 656 60, 808 2,949 Middle Atlantic 2, 799, 833, 755 3, 002, 137, 754 2, 442, 949, 103 3, 478, 716, 324 1, 332, 457, 179 1, 467, 376, 570 333, 489, 806 345, 392, 763 8,305 6,684 74.68 73.99 56.56 35.54 2, 799, 833, 755 2, 005, 973, 390 144, 873, 4G8 117,296,232 531, 690, 665 174, 598, 042 357, 092, 623 333, 489. 806 247, 875, 857 19, 780, 1.56 7,864,917 57, 968, 876 15, 048, 923 42, 919, 953 348, 179 110,810 3L8 332, 080 104,317 , 474, 503 , 005, 441 , 333, 847 4L1 6,672 2,745 73.46 30.22 122, 164, 790 320, 362 31, 393, 261 2.'S0, 649 80, 797, 4-t9 214, 879 14,118,975 98, 210 50, 273, 909 7, 376, 663 49,864 45,812 73, 149 418, 868 26,048 66,883 33,832 63,270 208. 958 19, 877 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMARY AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 17 Geographic Divisions— Continued East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain 11,023,659,414 16, 530, 890, 649 4, 098, 944, 308 2, 480, 829, 540 4,959,433,415 2, 172, 981, 933 1 14, 937, 641, 671 24,469,495,169 5, 201, 773, 472 3, 663, 693, 363 6, 291. 188, 072 3, 163, 187, 783 2 8, 873, 991, 594 11,614,665,870 2, 486, 436, 474 1, 738, 397, 839 3, 128, 596, 882 1, 319, 396, 873 3 12, 592, 988, 426 18,879,177,729 4,659,176,540 2, 898, 526, 297 5, 696, 759, 575 2, 758, 216, 923 4 7, 969, 004, 450 13, 303, 047, 569 2, 980, 771, 175 1, 827, 822, 538 4,176,964,450 1, 838, 980, 242 5 3, 054, 654, 964 3, 227, 843, 080 1,118,173,133 653, 007, 002 782, 468, 965 334, 001, 691 6 567,871,153 816,332,838 195, 638, 639 123, 549, 753 252, 865, 838 129,256,763 7 1, 001, 457, 859 1, 531, 954, 242 364, 593, 593 294,147,004 484, 460, 324 455, 977, 227 8 11,975 16,988 4,205 2,881 5,600 11,818 9 10,483 14, 875 3,699 2,466 4,875 9,310 10 97.77 66.64 46.28 35.34 30. 05 16.50 11 126. 87 95.22 53. 20 46.44 36.27 26.96 12 75.25 49.92 23.96 21.32 18. 50 22.16 13 70.68 53.62 33.65 25.89 25.31 13.96 14 11, 023, 659, 414 16, 530, 890, 649 4, 098, 944, 308 2. 480, 829, 540 4,959,433,415 2, 172, 981, 933 15 5, 450, 452, 153 6, 498, 037, 553 2, 533, 960, 036 1, 457, 397, 820 1, 962, 968, 496 980, 205, 350 16 1, 346, 621, 739 3, 209, 642, 573 190, 376, 812 157, 298, 077 560, 940, 477 681, 212, 622 17 207, 680, 696 172, 920, 413 194, 728, 386 40, 794, 824 165,311,450 115,855,473 18 4, 018, 904, 826 6, 650, 290, 110 1,179,889,074 825, 338, 819 2, 270, 212, 992 495, 708, 488 19 721, 196, 973 1, 533, 991, 840 162,169,219 140, 557, 073 221, 202, 336 90, 928, 863 20 3, 297, 707, 853 5,116,298,270 1, 017, 719, 855 684, 781, 746 2,049,010,656 404, 779, 625 21 567, 871, 153 816, 332, 838 195,638,639 123, 549, 753 252, 865, 836 129,256,763 22 327,731,112 340, 143, 083 131,218,403 77, 374, 163 112,458,730 64, 258, 939 23 68, 890, 044 177, 675, 649 11, 057, 797 9, 153, 318 30, 762, 436 34, 184, 228 24 7, 754, 302 6, 889, 875 6, 223, 966 1, 866, 672 5, 069, 645 4, 073, 535 25 163, 495, 695 292,624,231 47, 138, 473 35,155,600 104, 585, 025 26, 740, 061 26 33, 085, 431 69, 298, 972 6, 579, 052 7, 142, 812 9, 451, 176 4, 804, 352 27 130,430,264 223, 325, 259 40, 559, 421 28, 012, 788 95, 133, 849 21,936,709 28 771, 876 68.5, 797 609, 304 497, 825 412, 064 179, 198 29 305, 046 3.50, 991 126, 838 119,931 147, 212 84, 939 30 39.5 51.2 20.8 24.1 35.7 47.4 31 667, 737 505, 712 549, 981 437, 141 346, 307 136, 803 32 255, 246 239, 431 113, 567 103, 782 117, 523 69, 368 33 24, 991, 066 46, 492, 222 13,243,946 12, 022, 614 31, 035, 436 19, 868, 322 34 2, 290, 825, 230 3, 660, 024, 504 670, 906, 025 482, 813, 108 924, 782, 017 643, 823, 120 35 1, Oil, 941, 975 1, 642, 123, 709 249, 234, 854 202, 449, 238 345, 422, 882 234, 898, 772 36 44.2 44.9 37.1 41.9 37.4 43.2 37 8,975 15, 286 5,908 4,652 7,869 9,160 38 3,965 6,858 2,195 1,951 2,939 3,957 ■69 91.67 78.72 50.66 40.16 29.80 27.39 40 40.49 35.32 18.82 16.84 11.13 n.83 41 119,625,205 173, 730, 878 49, 769, 841 35, 582, 920 72, 778, 489 31, 637, 625 42 605,911 600, 966 402, 747 368, 694 486, 710 107, 395 43 22, 139, 610 3, 092, 167 110,472,100 25, 890, 608 11, 461, 382 378,113 44 315, 639 44, 007 842, 966 446, 613 178, 496 4,077 45 126, 504, 258 186, 963, 867 73, 335, 933 26, 016, 333 119,705,023 68, 350, 305 46 472, 301 608,112 306, 598 193, 262 386, 280 128,868 47 32, 508, 768 53, 544, 798 11, 848, 072 6, 789, 420 19,318,211 7, 751, 612 48 248, 387 357, 827 100, 334 71, 981 138, 661 61, 809 49 145,068.090 292, 354, 272 73, 376, 620 49, 827, 199 75, 724, 191 35, 043, 394 50 15, 688, 188 26, 740, 405 4, 968, 028 2,691,511 2, 702, 699 1, 709, 581 51 146, 665 1G1.5.59 31,075 14, 097 34, 688 19, 935 52 69, 291 88, 529 12, 636 6,484 16, 130 6,923 53 189,684 68, 799 10, 655 4,840 1,146 4,003 54 1,051,572 1,111,314 1,108,061 1,006,062 1, 017, 305 233, 392 55 52, 298 8,735 24, 644 6,495 7,548 4,833 56 101,231 6,420 30, 672 64, 227 7,753 ^31 57 339, 076 115,906 42, 703 152, 680 112,573 30, 954 58 188, 522 495, 410 385, 994 281,337 410, 785 82, 777 59 337, 794 450, 338 589, 343 472, 522 452, 117 102, 245 60 32, 651 34, 505 34, 705 28, 891 26, 529 11,752 61 18 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mohtgacb Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. -1925 dollars 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm properly, 1325 dollars Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms _- ..dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Fitrra values, by tenure, ii;25: Land and buildings, total dollars Full owners dollars Part ow ners dollars Managers dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants dollars Other tenants _. dollars Implements and machinery, total dollars Full owners dollars Part owners dollars Managers dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants dollars Other tenants dollars FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1;125 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Percent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars Amount of mortgage debt dollars Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings. dollars Mortgage debt dollars Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) ._ dollars Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only; dollars Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars Farms repoiting Cofperative marketing, 1S24: Value of farm products sold ..dollars Value of supplies purchased. ...dollars Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for siluge) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road. Macadam road (Jravel road.. Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) GEOGRArnic Divs.— Con. New England Division Pacific Maine New Hampshire 4,495,446,939 197, 269, 810 86, 632, 599 4, 669, 416, 734 204, 108, 971 89, 995, 870 2, 478, 146, 254 159, 619, 626 85, 916, 061 4, 962, 634, 045 245, 869, 106 107, 084, 055 3, 878, 038, 321 97,524,014 37,225,831 617, 408, 618 99, 745, 790 49, 406, 768 190, 365, 263 24,491,250 8, 988, 419 276, 821, 843 24,108,040 11,463,037 18, 686 4,914 5,084 16, 926 3,943 4,113 82.85 38.22 38.30 83. 16 37.62 34. 56 48.28 25.35 26.44 7L47 18.89 16.46 4, 495, 446, 939 197, 209, 810 86,632,599 2, 571, 853, 968 182, 564, 385 77, 675, 893 576, 448, 472 4, 155, 007 1,971,931 519, 545, 873 4, 454, 730 3, 525, 975 827, 598, 626 6,095,688 3,458,800 296, 534, 647 4, 085, 053 2, 604, 500 631, 063, 979 2, 010, 635 854, 300 190,365,263 24, 491, 256 8, 988, 419 111,074,452 22,815,315 8, 070, 574 29,428,846 653, 451 276, 714 15, 798, 427 436, .533 337, 204 34, 063, 538 585, 957 303, 927 11, 651, 290 382, 533 211,052 22, 412, 248 203, 424 92, 875 215,930 47,984 19, 895 99, 395 11, 925 4,716 46.0 24.9 23.7 194, 166 47, 249 19. 520 87, 156 1 11,632 4,591 10, 227, 495 1,401,325 482, 732 1, 248, 295, 580 59, 644, 160 18, 263, 876 435, 492, 741 24, 619, 293 7, 209, 218 34.9 4L3 39.5 14,323 5,128 3,978 4,997 2,117 1,570 122. 05 42.56 37.83 42. 58 17.57 14. 93 80, 333, 275 11,907,509 7,467,404 166,980 37. 257 17, 228 9, 365, 094 7, 095, 555 440, 634 27, 320 25, 437 6, 983 142,064, 106 6, 799, 791 3,014,673 149, 108 23, 641 9, 2«J2 15,301,216 986, 028 635,728 89, 493 10,687 4,563 115,871,386 3, 823, 291 375, 303 9, 384, 978 025, 998 911,434 40, 206 1,774 531 19, 196 3, 493 2,366 5,712 2,267 1,674 265, 587 60,033 21,065 23,767 131 108 19, 436 1,669 2.780 79, 497 14, 155 4,879 54, 953 12, 391 3,874 73, 607 20, 835 9,281 14, 327 852 143 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMARY Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 19 i New England Division— Continued Middle Atlantic Division Vermont Massachu- setts Rhode Island Connecti- cut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania 137, 270, 849 254. 602, 941 27, 920. 365 201, 930, 770 1, 367, 125, 391 262, 536. 810 1. 170, 171, 554 1 159, 117, 159 247.587,831 26,387,926 190, 270, 827 1.426.061,740 250, 323, 986 1, 326. 752. 028 2 112,588,275 194. 168, 765 27, 932, 860 138,319,221 1, 184, 745, 829 217. 134. 519 1, 041, 068, 755 3 180,911,645 293, 405, 059 ?3. 446, 425 230. 828, 891 1. 706, 929. 770 311,084.284 1, 460, 702, 270 4 f53, 864, 783 110,437,431 13.543,136 91. 337. 103 646, 980, 203 130.331,427 555, 145, 649 6 73,406,086 144, 165, 510 14. 377, 229 110.693,667 720, 145, 188 132, 205, 383 615. 026, 005 6 18, 129, 968 17,043.842 2, 0fi3, 716 11,616,377 169,385,252 23. 452, 261 140, 652, 293 7 25.510,828 21,758,276 3, 462, 344 17,281,744 170, 419, 127 25,095,213 149, 878, 423 8 6,611 8,770 8,552 9,932 9, 043 10, 484 7,287 9 4,940 7,611 7,139 8,689 7. 243 8,848 5,838 10 34.97 107. 63 90. 35 110.22 70.95 136. 42 71.81 11 37. 56 99.26 79.58 100. 20 69.07 109. 67 75.14 12 24.14 67.61 63.01 63.28 53.78 84. 36 66. 01 13 16.27 46.64 43.83 49.85 33.57 67.72 34.07 14 137, 270, 849 264, 602, 941 27, 920. 3G5 201, 930. 770 1, 367, 125, 391 262. 536, 810 1, 170, 171. 654 16 111.347,522 201. 235, 406 19, 856, 482 156, 221, 879 972,416,449 194, 733. 296 838, 824, 645 16 5, 700. 163 12, 096, 376 1. 897. 324 14, 652, 964 98. 605, 512 10, 625, 378 35, 642, 578 17 4, 415, 529 31, 177, 832 3, 339, 808 19, 903, 169 66, 204. 366 11,699,276 39, 392, 591 18 15. 807, 635 10, 093, 327 2. 826, 751 12,152,758 229. 900. 066 45, 478, 860 256,311,740 19 4, 149, 660 7. 278, 105 2, 647, 683 8, 054. 433 80,186,671 17,271,OyO 77,141,281 20 11, 857, 975 2, 815, 222 179, 068 4, 098, 325 149, 714. 394 28, 207, 770 179. 170, 459 21 18, 129, 968 17, 043, 842 2,063,716 11, 616, 377 169, 385, 252 23, 452, 261 140, 652, 293 22 15, 206, 302 13. 373, 552 1, 443, 478 8, 970. 750 126, 062, 991 17, 024, 341 105, 788, 626 23 863, 481 1, 259, 558 221,410 1, 092, 905 13, 868, 274 993, 245 4,918.637 24 413, 832 1, 819, 250 183,964 940, 837 4, 117, 620 803,319 2. 944, 078 26 1. 646, 353 591, 482 214, 864 611, 885 26, 336, 467 4, 631, 366 27, 001, 053 26 469. 228 430, 507 198, 349 401. 220 7, 527, 701 1, 460, 441 6, 060, 781 27 1, 177, 125 160, 975 16, 515 210, 665 18, 808, 766 3, 170, 915 20, 940, 272 28 24, 889 30, 870 3,263 21, 258 159, 949 24. 635 163,695 29 10, 850 12, 248 946 9,179 61, 906 10, 118 38, 787 30 43.6 39.7 29.0 43.2 38.7 4L2 23.7 31 24,047 29, 694 3,033 20, 120 149, 761 23, 875 158, 444 32 10,431 11,660 869 8,634 57, 245 9,824 37, 248 33 1, 579, 494 721, 452 64, 808 596, 803 5, 885, 551 555. 515 3, 033, 437 34 51, 883, 350 76, 361, 938 5, 184. 887 61,431,115 397,889,114 81, 964, 208 216, 152, 119 35 24, 057, 241 28, 401, 580 1,971,250 23, 102, 089 165, 622, 443 31.893,412 88, 817, 992 36 46.4 37.2 38.0 37.6 4L6 38.9 4L1 37 4,974 6,549 5,966 7,115 6, 961 8,343 5,803 38 2,306 2.436 2,268 2,676 2,893 3,246 2, 385 39 32.85 106. 84 94.60 102. 93 67.60 147. 65 71. 26 40 15.23 39.37 35.97 38.71 28.14 57.41 29.28 41 10,034,490 19, 776. 434 3,046.410 12, 590, 290 62, 075, 138 16,469,00V 43, 620, 645 42 23, 287 28, 853 3,633 20, 710 145, 614 24, 906 149, 842 43 793, 793 3, 336, 237 301,414 4, 368, 578 11, 606, 671 8,597.114 11,189,476 44 13, 006 15, 146 2,184 11.533 102, 403 20, 191 128, 055 45 4. 559, 726 14,374,649 1, 894. 161 10, 602. 210 42, 236. 628 14,186,113 24, 375, 708 46 14, 822 15, 788 2.159 11,611 101, 091 15. 478 98, 310 47 495, 511 1. 693, 621 299, 109 1,684,310 6, 988, 009 2,282,876 4.848,090 48 6,078 8.386 1,451 7,101 49, 429 10, 643 38, 138 49 3, 876, 575 4, 144, 690 670, 669 7, 954, 808 37,944.617 2, 309, 49I 10,019,901 50 1, 485, 455 1, 461, 873 122, 670 1, 101, 686 3, 927, 479 956, 753 2,492,431 51 1,668 2,212 318 1,441 25, 681 4,4l9 19, 764 52 2,778 6,434 1,246 2,688 24, 623 6.256 14, 933 53 8,085 3,619 449 3,879 44, 570 1.871 26, 708 54 27.786 33, 454 3,911 23, 240 188, 754 29. 671 200, 443 55 83 792 68 894 12, 202 2.378 11,468 56 208 8,834 1,232 4, 351 42, 787 4,608 19. 488 57 10, 176 7,177 237 2,312 16, 767 7,785 9,280 58 6,385 7,738 1, 315 3,953 30, 986 2.421 29, 863 59 10,725 8,619 1,005 10, 343 80, 846 10,310 117, 802 60 209 294 64 1,387 5,166 2,169 12,542 61 20 CENSUS OF AGRIOULTUKE: 1925 — SUMMAEY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars. 1920 .dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars Livestock on farms .dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.-. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total ._ dollars Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars Managers dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants ..dollars. Other tenants. .dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars Full owners dollars Part owners dollars Managers ...dollars Tenants ..dollars Cash tenants dollars Other tenants .dollars FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total niunber Number reporting mortgage debt Percent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt.. dollars. Average per acre — Value f land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt ...dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of su ppl ies purchased .dollars Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms ..- Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms — Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road - Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road. All other (including not reported) .-. East North Central Division Ohio 1, 945, 630, 975 2, 661, 435, 919 1,654,152,406 2, 236, 901, 636 1, 299, 024, 004 646, 606, 971 97, 892, 575 193, 378, 086 9,141 7, 951 87. 57 113. 18 68.62 58.46 1, 945, 630, 975 1,094,956,690 186, 591, 791 40, 828, 604 623, 253, 890 121, 376, 024 501, 877, 866 97, 892. 575 66,536,010 10, 368, 633 1, 338, 619 29, 649, 313 5, 494, 972 24, 154, 341 181,347 47, 800 26.4 163, 421 41,110 3, 330. 006 307, 622, 105 134, 738, 266 43.8 7,483 3,278 92.38 40.46 26, 086, 571 142, 395 9,081,666 137, 207 22, 026, 027 92, \90 4, 660, 391 40,900 27, 991, 322 3, 590, 298 30,905 15,916 25, 666 244, 703 17, 954 55, 307 66, 647 16, 408 77, 463 10,924 Indiana 1, 695, 740, 931 2, 653, 643, 973 1, 594, 275, 596 1, 931, 742, 483 1, 268, 776, 607 426, 964, 324 79, 739, 572 156, 261, 980 9,867 8,661 85.15 125. 98 74.85 63.71 1, 695, 740, 931 770, 188, 316 249, 292, 372 30, 818, 688 645,441,555 55,021,792 590, 419, 763 79, 739, 572 39, 019, 496 12, 722, 155 1, 027, 245 26, 970. 676 2, 579, 293 24,391,383 137, 429 49, 960 36.4 114,378 38, 734 3, 538, 654 300, 319, 652 119,620,955 39.8 7,753 84.87 33.80 Illinois 4, 199, 459, 312 5, 997, 993, 566 3, 522, 792. 570 4,627,964,933 3, 426, 4.54, 956 773, 004, 356 147, 103, 640 281, 401, 981 20, 514 18.615 136. 65 1S7. 59 108. 32 111.49 4, 199, 459, 312 1,339,743,119 635, 220, 044 78,177,264 2,146.318.885 368, 265, 838 1,778,053,047 147, 103, 640 52, 594, 821 23, 364. 327 2, 156, 230 68. 988. 262 13, 829, 616 55,158,646 129, 074 45, 814 35.5 96,200 31,354 3.848,741 535, 833, 037 218, 543, 788 40.8 17,090 6,970 139.22 56.78 19,065,687 102, 795 5,711,549 76,950 14,648,159 66,430 3, 893. 549 32, 255 17, 212, 911 1, 774, 005 23, 567 8,663 16, 873 195, 786 6,887 29,783 105, 947 9,337 39, 778 6,054 32, 871, 062 128. 484 2, 238, 465 21, 559 43, 146, 174 124, 543 8, 377, 203 54,870 52, 827, 619 2,978,752 43, 325 27, 436 21, 248 225, 601 13, 026 3,443 32, 473 81. 150 90. 479 5.030 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 21 East North Central Division— Continued West North Central Division Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota 1, 284, 061, 996 1. 898, 766, 200 2, 393, 741, 745 4, 954, 446, 248 2, 003, 286, 226 1, 020, 103, 052 1, 437, 288, 133 1 1, 436, 686, 210 2. 187, 881, 973 3, 301, 168, 325 7. 601, 772, 290 3, 0(i2, 967, 700 1, 488, 521, 495 2, 472, 893, 681 2 901, 138. 299 1. 201, 632, 723 1, 262, 441, 426 3, 257, 379, 400 1, 716, 204, 386 822, 656, 744 1, 005, 080, 807 3 1, 523, 976, 902 2, 272, 402, 472 2, 761, 684, 227 5, 602, 077, 895 2,286,639,415 1, 191, 036, 966 1, 658, 921, 488 4 764, 871, 311 1, 209, 877, 572 1, 796, 599, 840 3, 969, 814, 499 I, 562. 725, 398 813,721,777 1, 201, 014, 940 5 619. 190, 685 688, 888. 628 597, 141, 905 984, 631, 749 440, 560, 828 206, 381, 275 236, 273, 193 6 96, 252, 746 146. 882, 620 137, 965, 971 227, 282, 362 75, 955, 231 76, 631, 015 75,411,143 7 143, 662, 160 226, 753, 652 229, 976, 511 420, 349, 285 207, 397, 958 94, 302, 899 146, 222, 212 8 7,924 11, 765 14, 672 26, 240 8,779 15, 678 20, 857 9 6.676 9,830 12, 717 23, 207 7,691 13, 428 18,071 10 7L20 86.90 79.63 148. 87 6L37 29.72 44.89 ]1 75.48 98.78 109. 23 227. 09 88.08 41.10 71.40 12 47.58 57.06 45.62 96.00 49.61 28.94 38.63 13 42.41 55.37 59.77 119. 28 47.87 23.70 37.51 14 1. 284, 061. 996 1.898,766,200 2, 393, 741, 745 4, 954, 446, 248 2, 003, 286, 226 1, 020, 103, 052 1, 437, 288, 133 15 854, 039, 714 1, 391, 524, 314 1, 209, 877, 653 1, 941, 287, 522 1, 052, 194, 873 334, 811, 847 386, 213, 503 16 150, 989, 556 124, 527, 976 362, 707, 069 646, 258, 274 299, 355, 087 347, 765, 049 449, 984, 797 17 32, 086, 236 25, 769, 904 19, 930, 054 62, 966, 903 27, 444, 773 9, 907, 749 13, 639, 055 18 246, 946, 490 356, 944, 006 801, 226, 969 2, 313, 933, 549 624, 291, 493 327, 558, 407 587, 450, 778 19 61, 988, 771 114, 544, 548 193, 783, 717 852, 397, 204 124, 259, 438 13, 107, 899 64, 041, 288 20 184, 957, 719 242, 399, 458 607, 443, 252 1, 461, 536, 345 500, 032, 055 314, 450, 508 523, 409, 490 21 96, 252, 746 146, 882, 620 137, 965, 971 227, 282, 362 75, 955, 231 76, 631, 015 75, 411, 143 22 67, 025, 896 112, 554, 889 74, 878, 718 97, 895, 423 42, 008, 993 26, 758, 153 22, 215, 037 23 12, 547, 063 9, 887, 866 22, 501, 069 31, 098, 136 12, 397, 599 28, 649, 399 25, 242, 191 24 1, 662, 273 1, 569, 935 951, 714 1, 530, 670 743, 422 638, 307 442, 258 25 15, 017, 514 22, 869, 930 39, 634, 470 96, 758, 133 20, 805, 217 20, 585, 156 27, 611, 657 26 3, 207, 005 7, 954, 545 10, 541, 153 38, 691, 822 4, 291, 6.55 952, 770 3, 226, 197 27 11, 810, 509 14, 915, 385 29, 093, 317 58, 066, 311 16, 513, 562 19, 632, 386 24, 285, 460 28 161. 974 162, 052 136, 382 116,444 174, 383 49, 513 46, 160 29 70, 853 90. 619 66, 319 64, 781 76, 970 31, 602 28, 813 30 43.7 55.9 48.6 55.6 44.1 63.8 62.4 31 143, 161 150, 577 112, 906 92, 705 141, 794 26, 348 24, 768 32 60, 707 83, 341 52, 184 49, 744 69, 494 15, 597 13, 511 33 5, 252, 889 9, 020, 776 7, 548, 504 7, 486, 942 7, 901, 829 5, 896, 687 4, 320, 265 34 351, 798, 790 795, 251, 646 612, 428, 182 1, 272, 036, 170 493, 792, 667 200, 549, 220 234, 806, 612 35 149, 683, 403 389, 355, 563 267, 026, 995 625, 629, 106 220, 264, 574 82, 410, 569 100, 305, 874 36 42.5 49.0 43.6 49.2 44.6 4L1 42.7 37 5,795 9,542 11, 736 25, 572 8,300 12, 858 17, 379 38 2, 466 4,672 5,117 12, 577 3,702 5,284 7,424 39 66.97 88.16 8L13 169. 90 62.49 34.01 54.35 40 28. 50 43.16 35.37 83.56 27.88 13.98 23.22 41 14, 599, 725 27, 002, 160 14, 638, 502 49, 281, 009 33, 841, 346 3, 845, 079 8, 737, 496 42 95, 302 136, 935 95, 044 134, 282 144, 742 26, 260 30, 411 43 3, 970, 662 1, 137, 268 453, 944 537, 703 1, 497, 843 76, 291 51, 838 44 61, 874 18, 049 4,989 6,382 27, 924 341 309 45 19, 847, 287 26, 836, 611 27, 463, 229 35, 529, 168 18, 631, 739 33, 502, 659 15, 492, 334 46 85,213 103, 925 104, 924 119, 753 94, 715 62, 050 49, 540 47 6, 134, 987 9, 442, 638 9, 526, 222 11, 881, 542 5, 201, 472 4, 956, 084 6, 364, 497 48 48, 719 71, 643 63, 635 74, 119 47, 755 35, 166 34, 199 49 19, 552, 039 27, 484, 199 73, 260, 576 81, 290, 503 32, 574, 506 17, 031, 768 18, 651, 404 50 3, 606, 650 3, 738, 483 3, 843, 614 6, 581, 022 4, 587, 598 1, 362, 873 1, 451, 212 51 19, 217 29, 651 26, 739 37, 230 12, 745 17, 483 17, 426 52 9,028 8,248 11. 770 23, 645 17, 591 4,729 4,866 53 33, 906 91, 991 31, 060 21, 124 4,014 2,819 2,653 54 192, 327 193, 155 188, 231 213, 490 260, 473 75, 970 79, 537 55 7,338 8,093 1,183 2, 286 2,397 12 7 56 7,331 5,367 258 466 4,510 9 55 57 72, 766 61, 243 54, 998 21, 157 28,299 1.234 4.197 58 34, 829 46, 798 72, 155 85, 419 93, 930 38. 882 40, 824 59 66. 210 63, 864 54, 951 99, 623 122, 658 31, 107 32, 048 60 3,853 7,790 4,686 4,539 8,679 4,726 2,406 61 22 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 .dollars. All farm property, 1925 doilfirs. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars- Livestock on farms ...dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 11)25: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants ...dollars. Implements and machinery, total. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants _. .dollars, .dollars, -dollars. _ dollars, -dollars. Cash tenants ..dollars.. Other tenants dollars... FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 AH farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by fuH owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Acreage of farms reporting debt ..- Value (land and buildings) .dollars. . Amount of mortgage debt dollars. .. P^atio of debt to value, percent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime)..- dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of sui)plies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms r Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported).. West North Central Division— Continued .dollars. Nebraska 2, 524, 073, 626 3,712,107.760 1, 813, 346, 935 2, 874, 477, 959 2,125,791,904 395,281,722 111,799,086 238, 605, 247 22, 504 19, 760 60.06 87.91 46.95 50.58 2, 524, 073, 626 857,113,636 534, 985, 877 24, 594, 395 1,107,379,718 187, 583. 236 919, 790, 482 111,799,086 40, 100, 101 25, 329, 418 900, 375 45, 469, 192 7, 514, 870 37, 954, 322 Kansas 2,197,951,619 2,830,063,918 1, 737, 556, 172 2, 504, 339, 779 1,833,379,211 364. 572, 408 111,288,030 195, 100, 130 15, 097 13, 250 50. 26 62.30 40. 05 41.93 2,197,951,619 716, 538, 519 508, 586, 420 24, 377, 484 888, 449, 196 98, 819, 058 789, 630, 138 111,288,030 36, 280, 658 32, 457, 837 683, 129 41, 860, 406 4, 080. 505 37,779,901 67. 766 38, 279 56.5 45, 493 23,631 7, 398, 519 512,905,858 216,255,910 42.2 21, 705 9, 151 69.33 29.23 34, 309, 338 71,092 132, 890 815 22,560,194 74, 950 8, 507, 590 53, 594 32, 740, 682 3, 715, 237 18, 765 12, 739 2,135 127, 734 501 24 2,254 73, 735 46. 559 2,661 95, 149 44, 227 46.5 61.698 25, 270 5, 939, 576 333, 505, 795 130, 230, 681 39.0 13, 198 5, 154 56.15 21.93 29,078,108 99, 135 341,058 3.247 33, 784, 544 102, 180 7,117,391 49, 360 36, 804, 833 4, 198, 849 31,171 13, 189 4, 994 165, 879 2,349 1,098 3,767 88, 465 63, 392 SOUTH Atlantic Division Delaware 59, 675, 666 64, 755, 631 53, 155, 983 72, 798, 416 34, 434, 964 25, 240, 702 5, 906, 223 7, 216, 527 7,097 5,818 66. 33 68. 56 51. 17 38.28 59, 675, 666 30, 179, 410 759, 275 2, 787, 920 25, 949, 061 3, 489, 265 22, 459, 796 5, 906, 223 3, 499, 684 116.900 153. 545 2, 136. 094 277, 939 1,858,155 6,515 1,748 26.8 6,319 1,723 139, 363 9,873,845 4, 325, 566 43.8 5.731 2,510 70.85 31.04 1,935,095 6,926 1, 142, 487 7,836 1,768,536 4,426 257, 378 2,566 121,602 135, 506 694 342 261 10,257 1,502 679 121 2, 939 4,643 373 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 23 South Atlantic Division— Continued Maryland Dist. of Columbia Virginia Wpst Virginia North Carolina FoiUli Carolina Georgia 341,361.453 4, 795, 436 886.814,019 356, 153, 669 926, 026, 507 457, 622, 361 587, 554, 329 1 386,596,850 5,577,369 1, 024, 435, 025 410,783,406 1, 076, 392, 9G0 813.484,200 1, 13S, 298, 627 2 241, 737, 123 8, 231, 343 532, 058, 062 284, 390, 954 466, 624, 607 332, 888, 081 479, 204, 332 3 397. 092, 670 5, 002, 875 999, 465, 839 411,159,152 1,050.015,835 623, 084, 383 686,673,248 4 207, 274, 0€8 3, 564, 054 600, 675, 835 251,792,653 686, 424, 921 347, 086, 734 433, 649, 074 5 134, 087, 385 1, 231, 382 286, 138, 184 104,360,916 239, GOO, 586 110,635,627 153,905,255 6 22, 885, 470 107, 501 40,021,254 15, 686, 848 46, 436, 784 23,105,321 26, 985, 675 7 32, 845, 747 99, 938 72,630,566 39, 318, 735 77, 663, 644 42, 356, 701 72, 133, 244 8 8,104 35, 992 5,159 4,549 3,704 3,028 2,757 9 6,966 34, 500 4,578 3,941 3,267 2,649 2, 359 10 77.00 1, 257. 65 51.53 39.66 49.80 43.01 26. 77 11 81.25 984. 01 55. 19 42.93 63. 76 65. 46 44. 74 12 47.80 1,357.64 27.29 20.37 20. 36 24. 64 17.78 13 46.75 934. 71 34.90 28.04 36.92 32.62 19. 76 14 341,361,453 4,795,436 886,814,019 356, 153, .569 926,026,607 457, 622, 361 587, 554, 329 15 206, 786, 103 1,496,700 636, 192, 600 271,365,876 621, 000, 801 218, 068, 960 280, 837, 714 16 8, 094, 843 83, 900 50, 767, 279 19,353,670 58, 136, 120 20.459,014 23,316,531 17 24, 769, 678 2,573,936 35, 797, 910 11,799,915 11,027,209 9. 293, 789 26, 388, 839 18 101, 710, 829 640, 9C0 164, 056, 330 53, 634, 108 335,861,377 209, 800, 5e8 257,011,215 19 12, 727, 271 628, 900 26, 087, 803 29, 720, 456 23, 236, 780 25, 008, 599 38, 592, 389 20 88,983,558 112,000 137,968,527 32, 913, 052 312,625,597 184, 791, 999 218, 418, 846 21 22,885,470 107,501 40, 021, 254 15, 686, 848 46, 436, 784 23, 105, 321 26, 985, 675 22 15, 275. 685 22, 250 29, 782. 630 12, 572, 997 29, 856, 304 13.453. 577 15,335.221 23 713, 525 4,100 2, 487, 153 934, 984 3, 387, 653 1,393,, 135 1,413,079 24 834,714 70, 776 1, 328, 726 432, 136 606. 861 427, 975 1, 226, 787 25 6, 061, 546 10,375 6, 442, 745 1,746,731 12, 686, 966 7, 830, 634 9,010,688 26 576, 156 9,175 884, 495 647, 641 1,016,421 1, 299, 640 1,416,087 27 6,485,390 1,200 5,558,250 1, 099, 090 11,669,546 6, 530, 994 7, 594, 501 28 35, 138 81 143,587 74, 943 154, 805 59, 969 88, 680 29 10,513 19 27, 075 9,104 29, 918 15,521 24, 083 30 29.9 23.5 18.9 12.1 19.3 25.9 27.2 31 33, 771 74 130,117 70, 203 132, 610 52, 401 81.108 32 10,118 16 24, 269 8,409 24, 983 13,669 22, 024 33 875,177 205 2, 789, 3G5 984, 109 2, 286, 431 1,671,973 3.588,087 34 69, 717, 045 221,800 159, 208, 162 38,632,755 119.995,960 80, 251, 307 122, 227, 863 35 29, 574, .563 76, 900 55, 889, 960 13, 827, 637 43, 621, 054 32, 563, 897 51,076,188 36 42.4 34.7 35.1 35.9 36.4 40.6 41.8 37 6, 890 13, 863 6, 560 4,582 4,803 6, 871 5,650 38 2,923 4,806 2,303 1,644 1,746 2,382 2,319 39 79. 66 1, 081. 95 57.08 39. 15 52.48 48.00 34.07 40 33.79 375. 12 20.04 14.05 19.08 19.48 14.24 41 7, 599, 600 201, 497 10, 366, 783 6. 962, 121 8, 674, 786 2,321,975 6, 305, 053 42 32,544 100 91,333 51,466 107, 359 26, 741 62, 682 43 5, 125, 701 39, 104 13, 082, 775 1, 049, 207 32,001,784 24, 306, 494 21, 100, 035 44 35, 595 89 128,373 28, 945 2.38, 319 155, 650 212,214 45 9, 833, 006 322, 480 15, 237, 301 3,761,022 8,096,123 8, 158, 892 11,928,126 46 24, 665 78 60, 427 24, 300 69, .551 39, 531 60, 345 47 1,298,160 9.151 3, 025, 948 964, 965 2, 166, 987 1, 478, 820 1, 602, 692 48 10, 703 21 27, 660 8,539 18,522 11,753 15, 083 49 7, 297, 676 20, 912, 352 919, 188 13,017,567 450. 013 8, 922, 354 335, 269 2.906 9,081 592 50 909, 891 1, 256, 068 6,750 320, 138 1,860 304, 178 4, 145 51 4,026 8 7,909 52 2,779 36 3,715 1,741 1,357 '867 1,293 53 2,022 8 4,702 2,415 616 72 488 54 49,001 139 193, 723 90, 380 283,482 172, 767 249,095 55 3,681 12 1,984 2,980 8,661 1,502 1,735 56 6.353 52 12, 806 3,388 2,651 67 593 57 4,254 28 11,204 1,153 12, 240 4,316 7,034 68 6,162 15 42,112 12,318 119,590 70,315 115,283 59 26,741 23 119,675 65, 573 130, 990 93, 970 118,752 GO 1,810 9 6,042 4,968 9, 300 2, 607 5, 698 Gl 51028- 24 CENSUS OF AGKIOULTUKE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars.. 1920 dollars.. 1910 dollars.. All farm property, 1925 dollars.. Land, excluding buildings ..dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars.. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.- Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners.. dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants... dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. Implements and machinery, total dallars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full ov/ners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings). ...dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings. dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime)... dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms... Kadio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road.. Unimproved dirt road. All other (including not reported) South Atlantic Div.— Con. Florida .dollars.. 478,941,968 281. 449, 404 118,145,989 513.884,122 415,868,872 63, 073, 096 14, 503, 563 20, 438, 691 8,678 8,088 8L67 46.55 22.49 70.91 478, 941, 968 368, 021, 972 9, 406, 180 70, 289, 190 31,224,626 11,778,746 19, 445, 880 14, 503, 563 11,440,055 f,07, 268 1,242,446 1, 213, 794 451, 498 762, 296 East South Central Division 45, 586 8, 857 19.4 43, 378 8, 356 909, 256 70, 877, 288 18, 279. 099 25.8 8,482 2,188 77.95 20.10 6, 402, 931 23, 591 12, 624, 513 37, 945 14, 232, 447 23, 275 1, 14:3, 971 5,487 13,104,289 1, 256, 975 2,777 506 71 59, 217 2,597 4,093 2, 353 17,260 29,076 3, 838 Kentucky 847, 426. 312 1,305,158,936 635, 459, 372 963, 568, 916 616, 213, 797 231,212,515 30, 629, 365 85, 513, 239 3,727 3,278 42. 56 60.39 28.64 30.95 847, 426, 312 582, 987, 932 58, 340, 273 8, 174, 110 197, 923, 997 26, 473, 884 171,450,113 30, 629, 365 21, 347, 538 2, 544, 572 240, 372 6, 496, 883 785,811 5,711,072 175, 442 34, 688 19.8 155, 013 29, 782 3, 082, 687 150, 922, 957 65,402,917 43.3 5,068 2,196 48.96 2L22 9, 183, 075 94, 052 2, 278, 874 71,874 8,880,839 54, 870 2, 105, 213 19,992 27, 515, 129 603, 625 4,994 2,878 2,524 258, 524 1,203 42, 039 26, 927 51, 631 127,861 9, 863 Tennessee 759, 426, 372 1,024,979,894 480, 522, 587 883, 646, 221 555, 943, 346 203, 483, 026 40, 746, 371 83, 473, 478 3,497 3,006 I 42.42 52. 53 23.98 31.06 759, 426, 372 471,517,719 58, 746, 734 8, 106, 627 221,05.5.292 32, 463, 427 188, 591, 865 40, 746, 371 26, 576, 586 3. 655, 522 .301, 014 10, 213, 249 1, 697, 846 8. 515, 403 148, 627 30, 703 20.7 128,305 i 25, 770 i 2, 671, 680 I 131, 288, 354 ' 53, 889, 737 41.0 5.095 2, 091 49.14 20.17 8,701.231 92, 139 2, 785, 751 86. 082 7, 096, 679 56, 341 1, 703. 434 20,611 7, 181. 922 445, 590 4. 767 1 , 939 1,918 252, 669 1,729 18, ICO 38, 886 74, 340 114,015 5, 599 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY 25 Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued East South Central Division -Con. W EST South Central Division Mountain Division Alabama JMississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Montana 414, 858, 647 459,118,209 540, 727, 221 324, 678, 074 1,048,767,322 3.045,270,798 465, 394, 887 1 543, 657, 755 789, 896, 778 753,110,666 474, 038, 793 1,363,865,294 3,700,173,319 776, 767, 529 2 288, 253, 591 334, 162, 289 309,160,813 237, 544, 450 738, 677, 224 1,843,208,395 251,626,930 3 500, 740, 322 650, 570, 838 628, 846, 351 385,910,844 1, 210, 134, 914 3, 471, 867, 466 574, 897, 007 4 308, 663, 620 347, 001, 775 420, 734, 822 251,737,972 879, 334, 827 2,625,156,829 389, 514, 071 5 106,195,027 112,116,434 119, 992, 399 72, 940, 102 169, 422, 496 420,113,969 65, 880, 816 6 23, 850, 657 28, 323, 360 31, 254, 570 21,332,945 58, 379, 199 141,899, 122 30, 632, 871 7 62,031,018 63, 129, 269 56, 864, 560 39, 899, 825 102, 998, 393 284, 697, 548 88, 889, 249 8 2,107 2,140 2,833 2,914 6, 136 7,456 12, 257 9 1,746 1,785 2,436 2,451 5,318 6,540 9,709 10 24.78 28.60 34.59 36.74 33.97 27.77 13.91 11 27.77 43.41 43.14 47.31 42.68 32.45 22.15 12 13.90 18.01 17.75 22. 76 26.60 16.39 18.68 13 18.44 21.62 26.91 28.49 28.49 23.94 11.90 14 414, 858, 647 459,118,209 640, 727, 221 324,678,074 1,048,757,322 3,045,270,798 455, 394, 887 15 201, 894, 427 200, 997, 742 247,957,008 164, 393, 120 347,492,665 1, 203, 126, 703 173, 844, 989 10 27, 489, 951 12, 721, 119 39, 014, 812 18, 724, 296 177,580,605 326, 620, 764 171,111,509 17 7, 868, 355 16, 645, 732 20, 486, 626 25, 538, 165 14, 217, 446 10.5,069,214 17, 281, 009 18 177,605,914 228,753,616 233, 2G8, 776 116,022,493 509,466,606 1.411,4.55,117 93, 157, 380 19 51,096,250 30, 523, 506 22. 462, 385 J 7, 998, 050 61, 004, 487 119,747,414 16, .571, 339 20 126, £09, 658 198,230,110 210, 816, 391 98, 024, 443 448, 462, 119 1,291,707,703 76, 586, 041 21 23, 8.50, 657 28, 323, 360 31. 254, 570 21,332,945 68, 379, 199 141,899,122 30, 632, 871 22 13, 455, 590 15,994,449 15; 796, 113 12, 170, 866 21,713,946 62, 777, 805 12,621,447 23 1, 842, 630 1,110,294 3,074,983 1,621,021 11, 734, 641 14,321,891 11, 3C2, 285 24 399, 994 925, 292 1,129.319 1, 587, 373 480, 340 1,831,613 697, 952 25 8, 152, 143 10, 293, 325 11,263,155 6, 953, 685 24,450,372 02,917,813 5,951,187 26 2, 719, 044 1,940,111 1, 370, 400 1, 108, 868 3, 130, 940 3, 840, 968 1,119,293 27 5,433,099 8, 353, 214 9, 892, 755 4, 844, 817 21,319,432 69, 078, 845 4,831,894 28 92, 948 80, 808 95, 476 52, 386 81,226 182,976 36, 281 29 27,790 26. 750 31,419 14, 424 39, 263 62, 106 19,818 30 29.9 3.3.1 32.9 27.5 48.3 33.9 54.6 31 79, 282 74, 541 81, 540 47,913 60, 764 156,090 23, 861 32 23, 659 24, 571 26, 489 12, 958 27, 366 50, 710 11,764 33 2,830,441 3, 437, 806 2, 978, 861 1,728,245 5. 009, 205 21, 319, 135 5, 412, 992 34 79, 540, 639 121,001, 158 115,470,870 70, 563, 554 184,012,526 554,736,067 95, 174, 264 35 33, 327, 875 49, 828, 709 46, 283, 220 30, 270, 230 73, 079, 296 195, 790, 136 42, 565, 206 36 41.9 41.2 40.1 42.9 39.7 35.3 44.7 37 3,362 4,927 4,369 5,446 6,724 10, 939 8,097 38 1,409 2,028 1,747 2,336 2,670 3,861 3,621 39 28.10 35. 21 38.76 40.83 36.73 26.02 17. 58 40 11.77 14.49 15.54 17.52 14.59 9.18 7.86 41 7,082,886 10, 655, 748 12, 378, 669 _ 10, 120, 935 15, 617, 722 34, 661, 163 3,578,073 42 86, 606 95, 897 111, 809 66, 910 106, 305 201, 886 16, 40() 43 14, 564, 214 6,261,669 ! 2. 995, 267 4, 139, 756 202, 664 4, 123, 705 6, 001 44 1S4, 079 104, 578 66,828 54, 412 2,235 65, 021 132 45 5, 503, 444 4, 635, 371 1 9, 677, 517 11, 855, 948 26. 238, 224 71,933,334 15, 13.5, 729 40 52, 892 29,169 1 ■ 62,223 27, 191 94,978 201, 888 30, 40-S 47 1, 302, 134 1,678,639 J 1, 798, 166 1, 640, 452 3, 884, 400 11,99.5,193 1, 397, 880 48 14, 610 16, 788 20, 174 13,006 31, 564 73, 917 11, 943 49 7,028,647 8, 101, 501 7, 119, 097 8, 604, 125 20, 854, 280 39,146,689 3, 080, .564 60 1,021,328 720, 968 459, 424 782,417 606, 886 793, 972 134,927 51 2,465 1,87! 3,476 3,482 10,950 16,780 6,602 52 739 928 1, 245 448 2,707 11,730 1,941 53 186 212 314 103 425 304 362 54 237, 631 257,228 221, 991 132,450 197, 218 465, 646 46,904 55 356 3,207 3, 664 299 1, 222 2, 373 34 56 2,211 1,877 2,346 152 175 5,080 27 57 24, 973 62, 794 21,045 31,816 3,760 55, 952 2,391 58 71, 966 83, 400 76,293 38, 592 91,369 ^^04, 531 18, 676 £9 128,315 102, 331 112,666 60, 126 92, 681 186, 644 23, 125 60 9, 810 3,619 5,987 1,405 8,011 11,066 2,652 61 26 CENSUS OF AGEICULTTJRE : 1925 SUMMAEY State Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Mountain Division— Continued Idaho Wyoming Colorado FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 dollars- 1910-. dollars. All farm property, 1925-._ dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenuie, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants ...dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, percent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt-. dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting , Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting ...! Cooperative marketing, 1C24: Value of farm products sold. dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kipdof road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road. Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road.. Unimproved dirt road. All other (including not reported) 373, 325, 868 581,511,964 245,065,825 451,884,713 309, 768, 601 63, 557, 267 26, 526. 166 52,032,679 11, 132 9,197 46.00 69.43 46.38 38.17 373, 325, 868 194, 145, 417 73, 467, 076 10, 380, 263 95,333,112 16, 767, 225 78, 565, 887 26, 526, 166 15, 056, 776 5,381,712 522, 556 5, 565, 122 1,041,602 4, 523, 520 172, 576, 266 234, 748, 125 97,915,277 240, .396, 413 148,168,212 24, 508, 054 9, 171, 734 58, 548, 413 15, 497 11,132 9.25 19.88 11.46 7.94 172, 676, 266 61, 076, 792 75, 409, 444 10, 623, 933 25, 566, 097 6, 603, 225 18, 962, 872 9, 171, 734 3, 967, 907 3,463,792 393, 112 1, 346, 923 332,617 1,014,306 30, 195 16, 509 54.7 24, 957 12, 997 2, 168, 622 121,916,655 54, 912, 222 45.0 9,380 4,225 56.22 25.32 12, 545 6,088 48.5 8,342 3,653 1, 947, 932 33, 654, 025 14, 865, 340 44.2 9,213 4,069 17.28 7.63 5, 494, 083 19, 360 59, 423 633 9, 293, 6SS 22.811 1, 366, 534 12, 366 2,712,165 144, 434 1, 927 805 817 40, 592 152 341 10, 625 18, 242 10, 084 1,148 2, 587, 228 7, 050 7,044 45 5, 733, 408 7,012 661, 207 4,542 1,008,912 225, 785 1, 323 623 100 15, 512 53 15 630 4,165 8, 656 1,993 592, 455, 108 866, 013, 660 408, 518, 861 712, 284, 622 493, 973, 938 98, 481, 170 33, 472, 740 86, 356, 774 12, 277 10,211 24.51 35.40 30.19 20.44 592, 455, 108 241,271,812 133, 222, 903 23, 987, 678 193, 972, 715 24, 009, 195 169, 963, 520 33, 472, 740 14, 848, 779 7, 954, 433 820, 777 9,848,751 1, 140, 794 8, 701, 957 39, 517 20,997 53.1 29,292 14,444 4,927,112 144, 065, 345 61, 408, 229 42.6 9,974 4,251 29.24 12.46 10, 370, 591 29,598 127,118 1,182 16, 853, 544 33, 749 2, 306, 228 16, 704 21,090,458 883,318 6.693 2,426 1,846 68,020 800 71 8,049 24, 960 22,243 1,S97 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 27 Mountain Divij lOxN— Continued Pacific Division New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washington Oregon California 174, 916, 929 144,014,017 192,201,306 67, 997, 492 726, 889, 847 616,068,770 3, 152, 4S8, 322 1 221,814,212 172, 325, 321 243,751,758 66, 255, 214 920, 392, 341 676,213,284 3,073,811,109 2 111,830,999 47,285,310 117,545,332 39, 609, 339 571, 968, 457 455, 576, 309 1,450,601,488 3 236, 300, 563 194, 048, 696 250,317,551 98, 088, 358 823, 437, 940 714,410,119 3,424,785,986 4 152, 033, 329 126, 78S, 335 159, 702, 760 59, 030, 996 584, 385, 864 505,141,430 2,788,511,027 5 22, 883, 600 17, 225, 682 32, 498, 6C6 8, 966, 496 142, 503, 983 110,927,310 363, 977, 295 6 8,712,473 6, 928, 123 10,097,318 3, 715, 338 41, 234, 948 35, 642, 615 113,487,700 7 52, 671, 161 43, 106, 556 48, 018, 867 26,373,528 55, 313, 145 62, 698, 734 158, 809, 964 8 7,457 17, 964 9,631 25.260 11,239 12, 778 25, 107 9 5,520 13, 332 7,395 17,512 9,921 11,019 23,111 10 6.28 13.01 38.43 16.62 57. 64 43.60 114.57 11 9.09 29.70 48.26 28.11 69.49 49.86 104. 67 12 9.92 37.93 34. 60 14.69 48.84 38. 99 61.93 13 5.46 11. 46 31.94 14.43 46.34 35. 75 101. 34 14 174, 916, 929 144,014,017 192,201,366 67, 997, 492 726, 889, 847 616, 0G8, 770 3, 152, 488, 322 15 74, 341, 561 62, 087, 373 130, 648, 380 42, 789, 026 393,751,368 341, 860, 819 1, 836, 241, 791 16 62,057,918 28, 497, 881 38, 547, 089 8, 898, 802 138,410,886 122.391,300 315, 646, 286 17 16,347,190 22,917,835 2, 700, 090 11,616,875 29,811,635 24,012,299 465, 721, 939 18 32, 170, 260 30, 510, 928 20, 305, 207 4,692,789 164,915,968 127, 804, 352 634, 878, 306 19 9, 841, 579 9, 032, 390 5, 447, 901 2, 656, 009 42,536,316 48, 454, 440 205, 543, 891 20 22,328,681 21,478,538 14,857,306 2, 036, 780 122,379,652 79, 349, 912 329, 334, 415 21 8, 712, 473 6, 928, 123 10,097,318 3,715,338 41, 234, 948 35, 642, 616 113, 487, 700 22 4, 521, 822 3, 640, 505 6, 927, 723 2, 673, 980 22, 100, 391 19,863,371 69,110,690 23 2, 167, 097 1, 258, 757 2, 135, 152 461, 000 8, 715, 688 7, 805, 444 12, 907, 714 24 448, 891 728, 270 74, 350 387, 627 1, 342, 165 982, 299 13,473,963 25 1, 574, 663 1,300,591 960, 093 192, 731 9, 076, 704 6, 991, 501 17, 995, 333 26 359, 680 441, 244 264, 152 98, 970 2, 159, 968 2, 313. 803 7,177,519 27 1, 214, 983 859, 347 695, 941 93, 761 6, 916, 736 4, 677, 698 10,817,814 28 26,005 8,179 23,013 3,463 60,389 45, 887 109, 654 29 6,897 3,276 10,190 1,164 27, 604 20, 990 60, 801 30 26.5 40.1 44.3 33.6 45.7 45.7 46.3 31 21,415 6,908 18, 777 3,251 63,440 39, 485 101,281 32 4,828 2,628 7,990 1.068 23,412 17, 393 46,351 33 2,583,582 408, 775 1, 657, 122 752,185 2,403,852 3,497,481 4, 326, 1(,2 34 31, 214, 602 36, 330, 205 59,171,979 22, 296, 055 199, 424, 509 174, 196, 410 874, 674, 661 35 11,578,571 13, 321, 429 26, 1S3, 953 10, 083, 822 74,211,518 65,592,417 295, 688, 806 36 37.1 36.7 44.2 45.2 37.2 37.7 33.8 37 6,465 13,824 7,400 20, 876 8,518 10, 015 18, 871 38 2,398 5,009 3,272 9,442 3,170 3,771 6,379 39 12.08 88.88 35.71 29.64 82.96 49.81 202. 18 40 4.48 32.59 15.79 13.41 30.87 18.76 68.35 41 3, 346, 644 2, 412, 776 2, 502, 090 1, 346, 140 17, 161, 087 10, 166, 094 53,016,114 42 15, 349 6,139 11,313 2,180 61,230 35,381 80, 376 43 88, 101 45,706 42,396 2,324 635, 143 458, 498 8,371.453 44 1,127 252 684 22 4,891 5,883 16,546 45 4, 933, 522 7, 286, 868 5, 145, 466 3,968,080 21, 726, 903 14,990,831 105, 346, 372 46 11,823 6,820 14,917 2,328 36, 155 28.117 84, 836 47 571, 748 435,448 743,042 269,525 4,209,235 2, 754, 529 8, 337, 452 48 6,012 2,172 6,613 1,457 31, 992 23, 329 34, 172 49 3,253,861 1,514,115 2,367,733 15,588 20,564,340 8, 061, 738 87, 245, 308 50 138,526 64,883 115, 952 1,756 3,470,491 1, 159, 743 4, 754, 744 51 1,080 1,239 850 221 4,490 5,768 29, 948 52 286 302 386 154 2,691 3,251 13, 254 53 252 183 410 43 1,657 2,959 1,096 54 31, G87 10, 802 25,992 3,883 73, 267 55, 911 136,409 55 333 1,584 1,764 113 5,312 1,782 16, 673 56 66 72 220 19 1,664 6,633 11,139 57 2,455 650 6,604 550 32,216 20, 753 26,528 58 5,053 3,365 7,136 1,181 10, 391 5,043 39,519 59 21, 827 4,338 10,213 1, 759 19,561 17, 234 36,812 60 1,953 793 1,055 261 4,123 4,466 5,738 61 28 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January ITEM (Seo definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value.- dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers _ Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy covv s Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars Goats: Total number Total value dollars Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age -. Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value ..dollars Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons 1919 gallons Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds Cream sold, 1924-_. gallons Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons Value of dairy products, 2 1924 dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds 1919 pounds Value of wool, 1924 dollars Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Moliair produced, 1924... pounds Value of mohair, 1924 dollars Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,* 1924.. dozens 1919 dozens Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars Chickens raised, 1 1924 number 1919 number Value of chickens raised, 1924 .dollars , Geographic Divisions i N 1 1 ■■ 3W England Middle Atlantic i 4,858,389,124 103, 584, 269 345, 392, 763 16, 400, 623 1,088,039 15,312,584 1,001,520,679 259, 340 4, 100 255, 234 29, 705, 067 906, 905 19, 174 887, 731 89, 669, 713 5,680,897 374, 737 5, 306, 160 449, 520, 074 3,028 240 2,788 299, 280 65, 161 2,628 62, 533 6, 688, 361 60, 760, 866 12, 952, 145 6, 942, 104 3,069,197 3, 872, 907 32, 553, 845 17, 644, 867 14, 908, 978 6, 903, 472 1,408,800 2,019,488,987 1, 119, 008 132, 308 134, 138 128, 597 5,541 808, 291 791,711 16, 580 11, 799 32, 472 56, 798, 613 3,309,248 349, 382 340, 813 317, 522 23, 291 2, 415, 732 2, 352, 155 63, 577 92, 644 110, 677 177, 950, 375 35, 590, 159 9, 197, 774 24, 591, 302 1, 801, 083 354, 485, 355 154, 357 32, 100 116, 484 5,773 1, 321, 648 893, 385 214, 068 578, 393 100, 924 9, 262, 264 3,370,218 10, 249, 786 2,065 16, 576 4, 842 39,564 50, 853, 526 21, 906, 574 8, 907, 334 20,039,618 614, 951, 004 193, 240 102, 325 28, 346 62, 569 2, 970, 016 1,049,508 581, 595 125, 192 342, 721 15, 204, 026 409, 290, 849 379,011,450 8, 138, 168 12,033,218 34. 828, 835 44,212,113 29, 161, 789 439, 851 2. 366, 347 20, 899, 647 16,511,235 4, 388, 412 768, 433 756, 336 12, 097 2, 338, 089 2, 293, 823 44, 266 9, 198, 303, 635 7, 805, 143, 792 440 402. 764. 905 385, 638, 607 524 1,264,501,693 1, 248, 168, 026 541 642, 803, 267 1,061,062.363 45, 735, 694 2,666,011,999 1, 260, 777, 798 18, 195, 661 32,824,811 1, 790. 981 205, 539, 848 86, 324, 013 53, 544, 935 36, 014, 220 1, 819. 720 883, 181. 342 207, 390, 909 29, 859, 162 227, 105, 177 228, 795, 354 88, 630, 257 130. 921 858, 789 1,399,736 340, 167 738, 648 5, 496. 697 6, 853, 016 2, 364, 648 2, 207. 426 8, 425, 942 4,491,452 j 128 466 185 324 1,136 548 1, 913, 245, 129 1, 654, 044. 932 571, 938, 492 56, 539, 947 37,631,896 26, 550, 876 216, 632, 168 151,453,438 82, 242, 018 545,848,035 473,200,699 1 419,380,528 . 13, 439. 439 8, 376, 100 16, 477, 005 39, 778, 894 31, 059, 165 42, 775, 894 ^Including estimates for incomplete reports, CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY 1, 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 29 GEOGRAPniC Divisions— Continued East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific 1,001,457,859 1,531,954,242 364, 593, 593 294, 147, 004 484, 460, 324 455, 977, 227 275, 821, 843 1 3, 302, 710 148, 692 3, 154, 018 247, 634, 352 5, 967, 706 431,946 5, 535, 760 341, 258, 476 805, 668 36, 305 769, 303 60, 060, 326 768, 261 43,437 724, 824 42, 274, 692 1, 759, 526 113,673 1,645.853 71, 990, 500 1,850,272 239. 509 1, 610, 703 69, 153, 784 780, 235 51,077 729, 158 49, 773, 769 2 3 4 5 314, 942 36, 936 278, 006 23,983,780 891, 864 145, 071 746, 793 61, 175, 477 1,022,883 11,441 1,011,442 109, 523, 095 1, 276, 758 49, 055 1, 227, 703 102, 427, 472 1, 892, 699 96, 392 1,796,307 130, 840, 924 112,230 20, 907 91,323 5, 982, 394 101,332 12, 067 89, 265 8, 599, 291 6 7 8 9 9, 656, 437 1,625,111 1, 176, 958 850, 165 326, 793 5,921,311 5, 027. 084 894. 227 678. 007 255, 050 444, 964, 195 19,204,479 4, 833, 536 2,217,995 719, 159 1,498,836 8, 817, 794 3, 684, 059 5, 133, 735 2, 879, 841 455,313 640, 524, 543 4, 135, 170 726, 177 497, 576 213,311 284, 265 2, .357, 178 1,335,669 1, 021, 509 461,018 93, 221 108, 055, 487 3, 636, 140 796, 8f^3 436, 321 222, 052 214,269 2, 038, 640 1, 370, 837 667. 803 297, 770 66, 546 78, 294, 157 9, 009, 408 2, 099, 230 875, 400 269, 615 605, 785 4. 760, 486 1.460,736 3, 299, 750 1, 095, 040 179, 252 183, 342, 397 7,405,814 1, 805, 976 840,313 128, 630 711, 683 3, 698, 386 594, 075 3,104,311 909, 427 151,712 195, 540, 651 3,284,662 583, 562 422, 590 220, 146 202. 444 1, 736, 027 1, 028, 541 707, 486 477, 926 64, 557 134, 018, 569 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4, 478, 538 1. 206, 090 2, 970, 730 301, 718 46,828,022 4, 006, 745 1, 390, 529 2, 504, 577 111.639 41, 248, 023 1.077,085 ' 159, 058 831, 713 86,314 8, 946, 070 1,154.917 136, 392 925, 759 92, 766 9, 055, 599 3, 358, 974 840, 188 2, 056, 127 462, 659 28, 506, 151 15, 130, 172 4.001,848 10, 661, 027 467, 297 158, 296, 518 5, 335, 986 1, 217, 501 3, 946, 492 171, 993 51,021,060 21 22 23 24 25 18,407 97, 696 136, 799 423, 193 170. 478 252, 921 233, 825 377, 386 1, 979, 259 6, 964, 021 598, 905 2, 263, 327 225, 638 815,202 26 27 11, 774, 248 6, 089, 201 1,932,371 3, 752, 676 144,317,473 24, 600, 317 8, 730, 354 4, 899, 514 10, 970. 449 334, 687, 897 4, 175, 886 2,028,462 599, 889 1, 547, 535 36, 516, 133 3, 452, 941 1, 659, 390 459, 661 1, 333, 890 30, 541, 372 3,451,290 1, 608, 169 614, 691 1,328,430 28, 009, 7S6 1, 310, 798 652, 566 219,317 438,915 13, 513, 372 845, 298 454,512 128, 353 262, 433 9, 190, 929 28 29 30 31 32 89, 622, 590 88,978,220 123, 100, 703 105, 631, 558 41, 120, 216 37, 652, 423 34, 969. 207 28, 348, 262 43, 835, 263 32, 270, 747 12, 299, 206 9, 301, 827 21,376,661 20, 583, 082 33 34 4, 654, 221 7, 005. 075 3, 587, 138 2, 828, 064 3, 535. 798 1,925.354 2, 819, 941 35 5, 260, 401 4. 789, 317 471, 084 5, 577, 612 3, 342, 272 2,235,340 1, 655, 652 1, 267, 200 388, 452 1, 600, 413 1, 287, 259 313, 164 1, 873, 058 1,262,093 610, 965 802, 815 545, 584 257, 231 1,023,174 967, 351 55, 823 36 37 38 2,614,916,747 2, 246, 679, 781 497 2, 275, 078, 885 1,718,410,014 408 567,849,112 517,728,377 343 499,611.940 458, 942, 467 312 588, 776, 723 459, 370, 676 314 362, 430, 806 260,412,164 451 622,372,824 509, 793, 680 608 39 40 41 87, 892, 352 368, 344, 794 12, 550, 500 920, 994, 131 370, 229, 282 124,118,907 424, 377, 351 15, 779, 470 167. 103, 255 252, 496, 031 108, 097. 220 8, 519. 976 1.738.000 120, 956, 254 78,310,155 107, 259, 492 18, 702, 691 2, 569, 078 47, 540, 610 56, 815, 889 109,151,437 23, 508, 283 2, 813, 404 64, 553, 220 68,746,393 21, 708, 732 52, 609, 070 3, 079, 985 54, 858, 102 44, 828, 280 12,834,531 96, 161, 151 3, 594, 556 201,385,237 95, 638, 846 42 43 44 45 46 3, 819. 490 29, 781, 796 34, 544, 603 12, 237, 202 3.021,090 22, 350, 604 29, 305, 710 8,212,483 937, 937 4, 60o, 125 5, 268, 497 1,846,072 1,04^1,038 4,437,073 5, 057, 984 1, 732, 139 2,937,513 20, 983, 580 16, 282, 327 8, 721, 190 12, 466, 722 98, 518, 330 93.818,531 38, 527, 719 4,762,893 40, 072, 177 36, 264, 950 14, 648, 637 47 48 49 50 4,743 15, 251 5,688 65, 261 182,316 77, 848 5,067 13,772 5, 9G4 7,767 IS, 230 5,484 1.670,234 6, 465, 907 3, 622, 697 301.542 1, 120, 893 494, 662 152, 360 607, 971 278,376 61 52 53 441, 681, 820 400,445,456 130,732,118 543, 558, 419 474, 591, 975 141, 660, 520 153, 799, 112 144,662,300 48,252,468 113,735,495 138, 152,110 31,027,455 160,424,644 157, 008, 422 41,100,752 66, 278, 236 49,993,154 18, 545, 956 160,595,288 100. 106, 181 51,826,329 54 56 56 113,867,391 99, 251. 552 96, 555, 151 158,864.101 126, 762, 874 113,308,073 66, 752, 054 65, 374. 047 48, 500, 050 51, 103, 093 51,071,455 33, 754, 606 60, 998. 189 57, 328, 795 36, 819. 579 15, 537, 395 13,037,295 10, 022, 547 25, 507, 479 20,939.416 21,167,023 57 58 59 a Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 30 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 20 21 22 23 24 25 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars.. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value .dollars.. Mules: Total number... Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value... dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beefcows Steers 1 year old an d over Bulls 1 year old and dver Total value .dollars.. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total Dum.ber Total value dollars.. Swine: Total numljer Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number . Total value dollars.. Other livestock, est. value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked -. B-eef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons 1919 gallons Av. per cow milked, 1924 gallons Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds Cream sold, 1924 gallons AVhole milk sold, 1924 gallons Value of dairy products,'' 1924.. dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924.. Wool produced,"' 1924 pounds 1919.. ..pounds Value of wool, 1924 dollars Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 luuiiuls Value of mohair, 1924 .dollars Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924.. dozens 1919.. dozens Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars Chickens raised,' 1924 ..number 1919 ..number Value of chickens raised, 1924.. dollars New England Division Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massa- chusetts Rhode Island 24, 108, 040 11,463,037 25,510,828 21, 758, 276 3, 462, 344 82, 096 1.237 80, 859 9, 783, 485 31, 457 449 31,008 3, 247, 282 62,819 1,448 61,371 6,517,803 43, 537 564 42, 973 5, 279, 366 5,368 56 5,312 641, 080 568 81 487 57, 861 283 23 260 24, 152 685 74 611 56, 487 525 25 500 53, 675 93 3 00 9,135 236, 446 34, 199 32, 524 29, 966 2, 558 158, 260 151,277 6, 983 4, 6r^5 6, 768 10, 199, 162 121,064 14. 632 16, 199 15, 225 974 84, 319 81, 504 2,815 2,582 3, 332 6, 105, 058 393, 274 51, 204 46, 586 45, 734 852 281, 583 279. 448 2.135 1,565 12. 336 16,799,811 188, 157 16,003 19,494 18,999 495 146, 835 144, 898 1, 937 739 5. 086 11, 699, 999 27,203 1,%2 2,240 2,219 21 22, 104 21,961 143 145 752 2, 081, 441 84, 680 17, 021 65, 182 2,477 697, 226 16, 055 3, 464 11,616 975 140,620 34, 670 7,144 26, 454 1,072 298, 273 10,114 2, 556 6,915 643 100, 484 1,897 381 1, 254 262 16,487 221 1,547 368 2,208 179 716 891 8.910 53 371 54, 435 31,510 7, 353 15, 572 810, 497 15,928 9,433 1,714 4,781 219, 406 43,864 25, 865 .5,715 12, 284 583, 482 57. 821 25, 260 10. 515 22. 046 980, 309 4,175 2,079 587 1,.509 79, 126 1,900,008 2,470,012 1,207,034 1,689,847 941,014 1,185,677 2,029.810 3,511,587 361.303 610, 755 88, 250 34, 464 68. 579 123. 946 23,049 149, 736 146, 281 3,455 77.652 76, 173 1, 479 268,122 264, 922 3,200 141,234 139. 524 1,710 21. 855 21, 667 188 70,948,840 77,076,881 474 38,149,067 42, 556, 285 491 127, 956. 052 122,095,734 477 86, 575, 083 76, 316, 309 613 13,-503,758 12,099,111 618 9,241.414 5, 265, 675 698, 3'Jtt 18, 288, 780 12, 662, 882 2, 469, 862 1,315,383 241,832 21, 026, 575 7, 791, 159 3,402.114 24, 802. 339 379, 698 40.356,641 23, 788, 584 1, 456. 488 1, 057. 097 267, 986 65, 848. 748 21,645,011 131,872 7,501 16, 325 11.392,075 3, 525, 889 72, 421 459, 152 065, 453 174,478 13, 550 88, 302 161,681 36. 203 29, 124 212. 164 417.955 89, 109 8. 756 5.5. 033 88.358 22, 013 1,420 8,684 13,488 3,473 35 160 63 45 109 44 2 5 2 28 91 36 11 81 32 13.612.813 9, 977, 349 5,717,381 8.181,291 5. 005, 302 3, 599, 769 6.371.751 5. 166, 689 2, 548, 699 14,324,666 9, 604, 274 7,592,071 2, 274, 701 1,536.858 1,205,591 2. 837, 654 1, 908. 466 2, 922, 784 2.441,812 1,071.014 2. 856, 921 1.330.275 1,015.742 1,433,023 3.631,388 2,401.068 5, 120, 256 519,211 433, 668 726,894 i Including estimates for incomplclo reports. CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 31 New 1 England D IV. -Con. I Middle Atlantic Division East North Central Division Connect- t. icut ^ ^ew York New Jersey Pennsyl- vania Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan 1 17,281,744 r 10, 419, 127 25, 095, 213 149, 878, 423 193, 378, 086 156,261,980 281, 401, 981 143, 662, 160 1 34,063 352 33,711 4, 236, 051 A 440, 203 7,417 432, 786 L5, 817, 001 57, 137 796 56, 341 5, 567, 686 409, 565 10, 961 398, 604 3S, 285, 126 630,012 25, 179 604, 833 50, 201, 115 556, 078 22, 931 533, 147 35, 957, 190 1, 029, 909 62, 129 967, 780 70, 956, 317 482, 441 14, 182 468, 259 40, 063, 169 2 3 4 6 874 34 840 97, 970 7,062 482 6,580 701, 319 4,966 137 4,829 563, 906 53, 133 2,009 61,124 5, 423, 076 32, 831 3,441 29. 390 2, 716, 333 100, 976 9,717 91, 259 7, 199, 040 167, 760 22, 056 145, 706 12, 985, 257 6,979 645 6,334 674, 963 6 8 9 152, 864 14, 308 17,095 16, 454 641 115, 190 112, 623 2,567 2,073 4,198 9, 913, 142 { 1, 836, 900 196, 884 186, 752 181,951 4,801 1,387,710 1, 370, 060 17, 650 10, 037 65, 517 )6, 270, 742 153, 492 11, 072 12,586 12,212 374 124, 750 122, 384 2,366 139 4,945 11,299,002 1, 318, 856 141, 426 141,475 123, 359 18, 116 903, 272 859, 711 43, 561 82, 468 60, 215 70, 380, 631 1, 652, 594 263, 297 197, 895 128, 561 69, 344 1,016,937 839, 880 177, 067 133, 697 40, 768 74, 567, 634 1,281,810 225, 231 162,588 95, 039 67, 549 762, 021 596, 379 165, 642 102, 387 29, 583 57, 028, 536 2, 305, 073 428, 238 271, 000 136, 285 134, 715 1, 236, 994 833, 097 403, 897 308, 196 60, 646 103, 282, 886 . 1, 406, 467 249, 927 168, 682 137,713 30, 969 876, 090 806, 201 69, 889 82, 340 29, 428 66, 633, 315 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6,941 1,534 5,063 344 68, 558 472,616 133, 197 325, 520 13, 899 5, 457, 397 5,684 1,394 4,046 244 52, 083 415, 085 79, 477 248, 827 86, 781 3, 752, 784 1, 941, 023 447, 577 1, 276, 701 216, 745 18, 482, 101 595, 461 144, 844 429, 555 21,062 6,625,197 566, 079 192, 056 352, 465 21, 568 6, 148, 347 1,066,217 346, 944 688, 974 30, 299 12, 498, 921 21 22 23 24 25 353 2,824 2,542 22, 798 764 5,735 1,536 11,031 2,001 11, 863 3,995 16,084 8,503 45, 259 1,015 6,796 26 27 17,017 8,178 2,462 6,377 297, 196 259, 189 145, 207 37, 341 76, 641 3, 820, 356 55, 854 27, 987 7,993 19, 874 879, 024 734, 465 408, 401 79, 858 246, 206 10, 504, 646 2, 367, 570 1, 490, 306 347, 357 529, 907 24, 556, 269 2, 939, 074 1, 709, 809 434, 153 795, 112 31, 907, 645 4, 249, 101 1, 732, 761 714, 370 1, 801, 970 61, 075, 315 856, 368 516, 203 129, 330 209, 835 10, 232, 318 28 29 30 31 32 1, 698, 900 2, 565, 340 3, 408, 720 L7, 349, 790 4, 113, 622 6, 540, 660 17,306,493 20, 321, 663 20, 927, 460 22, 015, 333 17, 355, 369 16, 710, 745 26, 738, 132 26, 416, 933 12, 678, 979 12, 962, 306 33 34 100, 663 979, 724 187, 157 1, 199, 466 827, 438 757, 543 1,491,667 790, 372 35 109,834 107, 769 2,065 1, 347, 975 1, 330, 604 17,371 117,099 115,685 1,414 873, 016 847, 534 25, 481 931,717 814, 639 117, 078 658, 898 579, 210 77, 688 943, 799 763, 237 180, 562 823, 118 780, 807 42,311 36 37 38 65, 631, 205 7 64, 894, 287 7 598 il, 983, 208 56, 045, 942 650 7n, 245, 204 70, 490, 729 651 416,273,281 421, 631, 356 611 425, 834, IfiO 396, 317, 787 457 270, 962, 875 238, 793, 861 412 435, 132, 997 370, 486, 981 461 424,235,994 382, 822, 631 515 39 40 41 1, 493, 911 ; 376, 816 186, 744 48, 627, 029 5 16,910,488 1 22, 106, 207 L9, 451, 054 916, 439 52,804,111 18, 303, 772 944, 720 1, 214, 990 37, 176 60, 908, 267 15, 087, 874 30, 494, 008 15,3^8,176 866, 106 269, 468, 964 73, 999, 263 23, 308, 705 45, 735, 740 2, 937, 236 159,815,746 62, 125, 816 14, 171, 886 39, 051, 637 2, 307, 388 66, 061, 653 34, 667, 574 22, 889, 130 32, 521, 831 3, 423, 039 196, 567, 169 62, 828, 092 20, 350, 351 51, 567, 824 1,717,211 144, 910, 956 68, 098, 869 42 43 44 45 46 5,650 35, 454 52, 801 14,891 370, 970 2, 699, 164 3, 350, 824 1, 174, 698 4,156 24, 666 58, 219 12, 338 363, 522 2, 772, 867 3, 443, 973 1, 177, 612 1, 749, 089 14, 100, 742 15, 264, 513 6, 185, 369 471, 214 3,415,846 4, 069, 378 1,321,397 462, 947 3, 364, 149 4,183,214 1, 261, 531 869, 572 6, 867, 389 7, 835, 658 2,719,640 47 48 49 50 7 20 8 126 484 220 15 38 18 183 614 310 534 1,896 779 635 2,331 893 2,996 9,067 3,173 113 410 144 51 52 53 11, 774, 725 6,341,424 5, 887, 365 37, 167, 262 52, 175, 162 33, 020, 981 27, 417, 182 13, 280, 104 11, 515, 217 102,047,724 75, 998, 172 37, 705, 820 112,893,410 102, 377, 143 36, 474, 028 86, 974, 603 83, 101, 293 24, 923, 976 113, 020, 993 105, 757, 907 32, 286, 697 68, 208, 777 55, 986, 999 20, 604, 319 54 55 56 2, 670, 099 \ 1, 546, 142 i 3, 417, 727 1 1 14, 940, 905 11,872,644 15, 432, 527 5, 491, 704 3, 522, 776 7, 248, 127 19, 346, 285 15,663,745 20, 095, 240 26, 937, 309 22, 458, 227 24, 397, 833 25, 266, 884 22, 618, 296 20, 842, 292 32,203,811 29, 893, 565 27, 560, 014 15, 275, 548 12,441,555 12, 934, 751 57 58 59 ' Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 32 CENSUS OF AGRICIILTXJEE : 1925 — SUMMARY State Table III. — Livestock on Farms. January 1, ITEM (See defmitions in iDlroduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock doUars.. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of ag;e IToiscs 2 years old and over Total value... dollars. . Mules: Total number MuIg colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over. ... Total value... dollars.. Cntiie: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars.. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number. Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars. . Chickens: Total number. Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. _ LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 ... Dairy cows milked... Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons.. 1919 gallons. - Average per cov^ milked, 1924... gallons.. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds.. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds.. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. . Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons.. Vidua of dairy products,2 1924 dollars. . Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds _. 1919 pounds.. Value of wool, 1924 dollars.. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds.. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. . Et;:gs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, 1 192-1 dozens.. 1919 dozens.. Value of chicken eggs, 1924. dollars.. Chickens raised, 1 1924 number.. 1919 number.. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars^. East North Central Div.— Con. Wisconsin W'EST Noi'.TH Cp:ntral Division Minnesota Iowa 22C, 753, 652 604, 270 24, 271 579, 999 50, 456, 561 6,396 1,078 5,318 608, 187 3, 010, 493 458, 418 376, 793 352, 577 24,216 2, 029, 269 1, 951, 627 77, 742 51, 387 94, 626 143, 551, 824 309, 758 74, 669 223, 035 12, 054 3, 073, 456 2,893 17, 594 1, 363, 135 640. 122 307, 161 415, 852 16, 485, 926 13, 022, 650 11,872,903 787, 201 1, 904, 889 1,851,424 53, 445 1, 058, 750, 721 858, 258, 521 556 7, 172, 280 199, 437, 762 2, 165, 626 353, 648, 608 142, 508, 931 276, 668 2, 043, 670 3, 191, 940 749, 265 465 1,547 699 60, 584, 037 53,222,114 17, 444, 098 14, 193, 839 11,839,909 10, 820, 261 229,976,511 834, 680 45, 827 788, 853 62, 292, 271 12, 601 2,509 10, 092 951, 217 2, 853, 465 596, 395 357, 863 253, 105 104, 758 1, 657, 560 1,311,879 345, 681 144, 237 97, 410 109, 381, 396 378, 972 82, 648 282, 616 13, 708 3, 831, 974 2,082 12, 597 2, 715, 074 865, 050 672, 941 1, 177, 083 39, 153, 051 16, 408, 080 13, 319, 488 1.034,517 1, 407, 219 1, 183, 805 223, 414 663, 638, 164 475, 506, 689 472 16, 825, 069 156, 397, 756 2, 432, 860 50, 828, 940 81, 351, 771 299, 510 2, 346, 777 3, 054, 384 821, 582 875 3.206 1,283 76, 321, 570 60, 249, 543 20, 955, 638 20, 352, 255 15, 062, 386 13, 867, 950 420, 349, 285 1, 18C, 139 98, 352 1,081,787 84, 840, 032 96, 691 15, 695 80, 996 8, 031, 837 4, 264, 493 1, 142, 049 477, 041 132, 020 345, 021 1, 825, 209 690,411 1, 134, 798 719,010 101, 178 163, 139, 915 818, 403 233, 379 501, 561 23,463 9, 384, 824 5,435 32, 010 8, 567, 131 2, 887, 403 1, 780, 209 3, 899, 519 124,402,313 30, 275. 338 29, 143, 910 1,373,844 Missouri 207, 397, 958 708, 122 42, 757 665, 365 31, 549, 590 371, 568 50, 760 320, 808 25, 120, 529 2, 372, 335 515, 325 263,880 100, 703 163, 177 1, 149, 641 516, 787 632,854 399, 434 44, 055 77, 412, 802 893, 611 185, 511 675. 279 32, 821 8, 688, 181 118,316 315, 725 3, 501, 941 1, 825, 424 504, 986 1,171.531 36, 350, 751 28, 222, 087 25, 986, 271 1.974,109 1, 202, 142 631, 309 570, 833 515,909,461 361, 426, 362 429 23,328,119 98, 687, 719 4, 593, 103 35,378,913 69, 685, 699 642, 764 5, 123, 594 6, 967, 566 1, 903, 566 2,361 9,110 3,645 133,776.386 120,697,319 34, 841, 094 38,184.909 31.076,091 30, 448, 966 808, 732 503, 877 304, 855 273, 956, 020 228, 907, 721 339 25, 937, 470 31,743,518 2, 687, 383 30, 297, 484 28, 638, 424 866, 558 5, 633, 244 7, 705, 993 2, 132, 677 60, 342 164, 058 70, 545 129, 290, 535 117,203,569 35, 242, 474 34, 596, 179 29, 363, 102 25,151,724 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY 1925: AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 33 West North Central Division— Continued So UTH Atlantic Divisio 1 ! North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Delaware 1 Maryland Dist. of Columbia Virginia 94, 302, 899 146, 222, 212 238, 605, 247 195, 100, 130 7, 216, 527 32, 845, 747 99, 938 72, 630, 566 1 731, 089 62, 334 678, 765 40, 394, 052 720, 060 68, 109 651, 951 33, 165, 015 862, 333 61, 069 801, 264 47, 214, 3S9 931,283 63, 498 867, 785 41, 803, 127 22, 496 833 21, 663 1, 659, 711 110, 711 7,508 109, 203 8, 642, 188 249 15 234 17, 025 260, 182 13,386 246, 795 18, 068, 739 2 3 4 5 9, 495 2,621 6,874 549, 574 21, 349 6, 256 15, 093 1, 224, 892 119, 997 20, 060 99, 937 8, 62G, 971 260, 163 47. 170 212, 993 16, 070, 457 9,451 114 9,337 846, 030 30, 733 1,174 29, 559 2, 762, 064 30 3 27 2,310 102, 482 3,859 98,623 9, 463, 120 6 7 8 9 1,341,018 376, 430 178, 629 72, 557 106, 072 640, 462 312, 035 328, 427 109, 876 35,621 36,934,318 2, 022, 189 566, 405 252, 180 48, 942 203, 238 885, 964 243, 336 642, 828 272, 865 44, 775 61, 290, 180 3, 282, 690 869, 588 351, 040 38, 065 312, 975 1, 355, 660 229, 461 1, 126, 199 638, 338 68, 064 102, 370, 717 3, 068, 289 767, 344 337, 382 73, 767 263, 595 1, 303, 298 380, 150 923, 148 596, 075 64, 210 89, 995, 215 46, 100 2,616 .5, 365 4, 941 424 36, 253 33, 793 2,460 235 1,691 2, 573, 889 272, 509 25, 763 27, 687 23, 792 3,895 191, 741 172, 581 19, 160 16, 767 10, 551 13, 474, 770 907 115 177 177 806, 524 127, 608 86, 054 37, 522 48, 532 425, 617 291, 551 133, 966 154, 010 13, 235 28, 253, 190 10 11 12 13 14 592 589 3 15 16 17 18 23 47, 693 19 20 310, 527 74, 496 228, 993 7, 038 3, 110, 710 1,064 7,448 784, 396 246, 780 205, 025 332, 591 9, 568, 362 643, 555 181, 188 444, 904 17, 403 0, 476, 157 1, 369 8,913 2, 599, 568 591, 511 630, 398 1, 377, 661 37, 570, 256 646, 783 508, 971 131, 003 8, 809 6, 771, 652 2,952 17, 976 314, 894 126, 336 180,221 8, 337 2, 984, 525 5,581 27, 924 2, 196, 569 1,112,470 295, 814 788, 285 25, 312, 458 1, 749 155 1,501 93 15, 633 138 622 91, 878 17, 159 71, 589 3, 130 908, 842 608 2, 859 187, 656 110, 656 23, 672 53, 328 1,966,277 350, 850 43, 101 291, G33 16, 116 3, 300, 565 5,774 26, 443 582, 193 350,971 77, 962 153, 260 5, 662, 224 21 22 23 ?,4 ?,5 '?6 27 4, 235, 638 1,201,716 810. 143 2, 223, 779 62, 330, 706 24, 106 15, 928 2,649 5,529 285, 984 999 350 70 579 13, 048 28 29 30 31 32 5, 181, 246 3, 373, 206 7, 905, 661 6, 045, 301 13, 499, 515 10, 602, 436 21, 608, 776 17, 160, 946 1, 365, 032 1, 733, 591 4, 198, 305 4, 697, 526 16, 492 19, 461 9, 220, 882 8, 971, 9G5 33 34 365, 229 441. 498 670, 400 1, 145, 478 101, 067 391, 221 401 884, 320 35 • 446, 695 262, 641 184, 054 451, 751 203, 480 248, 271 666, 619 209, 769 356, 850 694, 454 347, 391 347, 063 32, 589 32, 280 309 173, 170 163, 579 9,591 682 681 1 375, 594 279, 613 96, 081 36 37 38 199, 037, 293 138, 606, 540 446 172, 968, 181 124, 424, 918 383 197, 600, 789 168, 083, 367 349 251, 968, 977 221, 454, 417 363 13, 037, 034 11,356,313 400 74, 042, 696 58, 754, 193 428 480, 732 612, 074 826 127, 447, 037 110, 942, 113 339 39 40 41 14, 772, 928 33, 258, 971 988, 219 3, 038, 394 18, 595, 769 10, 925, 914 33, 746, 807 1, 214, 416 5, 145, 089 18, 653, 164 15, 036, 616 31, 243, 257 1, 719, 078 13, 875, 829 19, 567, 890 17, 292, 791 39, 299, 333 2, 144, 411 28, 538, 606 26, 103, 314 812, 014 181, 463 23, 851 8, 551, 531 2, 356, 628 5, 255, 281 1, 891, 383 245, 581 42, 982, 724 13, 408, 598 6,319 24, 232, 134 2, 910, 576 601, 096 24, 240, 781 16, 244, 974 42 43 1,080 438, 783 117, 401 44 45 46 226, 345 1, 845, 536 1, 826, 352 644,233 124 536 214 538, 335 4, 174, 615 5, 112, 798 1, 589, 269 311 1,075 431 251, 008 1, 832, 320 2, 562, 280 640, 271 196, 570 1, 394, 518 2, 076, 337 480, 885 1,127 3,885 1,551 1, 545 1 9, 624 15, 875 3,946 70, 627 429, 914 551, 194 169, 488 301, 768 1, 441, 323 1, 520, 109 669, 615 47 -IS Aq 50 121 446 179 21 54 19 246 829 316 1,338 3,501 1,400 51 5"^ 53 20, 987, 697 20, 820, 407 4, 869, 964 35, 103, 838 30, 351, 984 8, 786, 213 54,811,233 49. 132, 537 13, 346, 068 93, 267, 160 76, 136, 616 23, 619, 069 6, 380, 888 3, 908, 463 2, 360, 929 20, 068, 986 15, 085, 691 6, 945, 803 68, 788 42, 932 23, 388 39, 043, 832 36, 551, 269 11, 631, 573 54 65 56 5, 721, 854 6, 324, 137 3, 173, 473 10, 607, 376 7, 637, 808 7, 003, 365 20,310,433 15, 796, 750 13, 994, 525 29, 091, 095 22, 502, 600 19, 668, 080 1, 582, 186 1, 204, 793 1, 582, 186 6, 025, 180 5, 257, 655 5, 597, 445 10, 192 14, 103 9,988 15, 892, 037 14, 227, 483 11, 829, 989 57 58 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 34 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 SUMMAKY State Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value ..dollars. Cattle: Total number ._. Calves imder 1 year of age_- Heifers 1 year old and under 2 D airy hel fers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef CO ws Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value.... dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number... Pigs under 6 m.onths of i _ Breeding sov/s, C months and over. All other hogs. Total value _ dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924_ Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced.i 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 ..pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924. _. gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, '1924 dozens 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised, 1 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. South Atlantic DmsiON— Continued West Virginia 39, 318, 735 142, 620 7, 203 135,357 10,141,234 15,117 1,240 13, 877 1, 206, 947 567, 769 109, 307 68, 136 16, 326 51,810 266, 945 137, 323 129, 622 114,960 8,421 17, 708, 639 441, 401 64, 481 345, 353 31,567 3, 855, 648 3,994 21, G58 177,012 110,828 25, 373 40, 813 1, 739, 041 4, 349, 406 4, 164, 255 483, 313 219, 342 138,815 80, 527 76, 621, 074 73, 690, 103 349 16, 055, 084 1, 282, 066 243, 304 10,425,163 9, 074, 181 400, 031 2,118,096 2, 442, 090 900, 201 2,854 7, 653 3,445 22,124,842 21,708,279 6, 975, 982 5,305,124 4, 873, 287 4. 245, 643 North Carolina 77, 553, 544 130, 963 2,447 128,516 10, 728, 073 279, 767 1, 898 277, m) 32, 206, 208 538, 780 91, 531 67, 659 39,816 27, 843 337, 284 252, 387 84, 897 31,107 11,199 16, 500, 837 66, 557 12, 173 48, 632 5,752 462, 776 15, 959 42, 241 871, 787 418, 191 119,664 333, 932 9, 026, 762 8, 558, 145 7, 184, 101 802, 546 296, 805 242, 869 53, 936 108, 151, 634 95, 747, 638 364 25, 359, 789 974, 793 169, 057 11,221,900 14, 095, 407 60,929 282, 889 342, 302 102, 800 171 629 25, 587, 169 24,841,021 7, 783, 439 15,057,400 14.047,006 10, 337, 442 South Carolina 42, 356, 701 49, 116 1,735 47, 381 4, 024, 501 199, 078 1,3.54 197,724 21,814,920 340, 625 70, 6C4 46, 376 31, 384 14, 992 206, 947 146, 556 60, 391 7, 855 8,783 8, 246, 755 14, 418 2,729 11, 099 590 56,947 16,395 25, 033 534, 642 243, 005 72, 479 219, 158 4, 546, 400 4, 238, 254 3, 340, 655 301, 430 163, 233 137, 755 25, 478 49,981,899 52, 954, 637 306 12, 556, 096 325, 748 84, 320 3,214,479 5, 852, 427 11,935 47, 357 67,913 15, 660 61 136 62 11, 109, 184 12,812,143 3, 277, 540 7, 829, 998 9,01,5,952 5, 140, 671 Georgia 72, 133, 244 54,483 1, 555 52, 928 4, 274, 602 343, 569 1,210 342, 359 36, 193, 500 905, 679 19.3.472 116,486 50, 518 65, 968 529, 638 257, 151 272, 487 43, 460 22, 623 15, 657, 721 50, 503 9,340 30, 661 10, 502 161,414 90, 606 99,645 1,299,711 553, 613 187, 249 558, 849 9, 921, 224 7, 043, 403 5, 395, 105 430, 033 331, 397 234, 866 96, 531 98, 822, 152 101, 615, 773 298 22, 277, 037 906, 061 347, 401 11,309,536 12, 332, 730 41.903 141,158 166, 720 44,031 326 739 332 19, 838, 439 23, 181, 939 5, 709, 027 12, 283, 568 14,588,012 7. .159, 621 J Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 SUMMARY 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 35 South Atlantic East South Central Division West South Central Division Div.— Con. Florida Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma 20, 438, 591 85, 513, 239 83,473,478 62, 031, 018 63, 129, 269 56, 864, 560 39, 899, 825 102, 998, 393 1 28,848 307, 163 242, 349 87, 464 131,285 181,978 131,369 608, 210 2 1,623 15, 547 14, 708 4, 686 8,496 8, 776 8, 463 39, 594 3 27, 225 291,616 227, 641 82, 778 122, 789 173, 202 122, 9G6 568, 616 4 2, 504, 193 14, 978, 430 13, 762, 978 5,607,054 7, 926, 230 8, 172, 238 6, 984, 958 23, 940, 124 5 42, 656 294, 069 352, 335 302, 708 327, 646 340, 865 173,458 368,037 6 589 15, 266 21, 766 4,072 7, 951 9,719 3,480 39, 030 7 42,067 278, 803 330, 569 298, 636 319,695 331, 146 169. 978 329, 007 8 5, 027, 996 18, 825, 097 26, 000, 084 28,695,223 28,907,068 23, 265, 449 14, 570, 447 22, 318, 882 9 656, 217 904, 983 986,083 822,093 922, 981 810, 156 696, 571 1, 656, 763 10 105, 101 153, 658 207, 184 193, 990 242, 031 201, 309 163, 190 409, 890 11 79, 636 197, 381 123, 199 101,681 104,060 97, 752 82, 874 184, 663 12 8,835 45, 288 57, 647 58, 370 60, 747 54,220 17, 963 68,615 13 70, 801 62,093 65, 552 43,311 43, 313 43, 532 64,911 116,048 14 362, 161 521,650 518, 750 469, 725 528, 515 440, 187 394, 815 843, 725 15 43, 638 387, 592 358, 530 304, 660 320,055 271, 157 97, 791 360, 297 16 318, 523 134, 058 160, 220 165, 065 208, 460 169, 030 297, 024 483, 428 17 92, 624 109, 090 120,711 37, 366 30, 603 56, 851 43, 554 185, 586 18 16, 695 13, 204 16, 239 19, 331 17, 772 14, 057 12, 138 32, 8P9 19 7, 593, 993 26, 337, 849 21,944,305 14, 468, 330 15,543,673 13, 364, 830 11,207,333 36, 139, 898 20 59, 729 695, 962 289, 577 55, 554 113, 824 51,156 108, 581 62, 108 21 9,920 66,087 41, 530 9,814 18, 961 9, 269 18, 267 15, 658 22 31, 245 597, 584 229, 941 34, 980 63, 254 36, 163 67, 071 42, 817 23 18, 564 32. 29] 18, 106 10, 760 31, 609 5, 724 23, 243 3,633 24 184, 245 6, 596, 785 1, 940, 240 ■ 199, 777 318, 797 214, 747 345, 120 512, 350 25 36,944 33, 255 63, 154 72,469 64, 947 95, 731 59, 767 32, 436 26 34,420 89, 343 121, 828 90, 751 75, 466 146, 291 72,780 89, 209 27 497, 780 919,304 1, 009, 062 826, 833 697, 742 847, 427 517, 551 920, 059 28 224, 922 490, 469 540, 473 334, 449 293, 999 388, 836 198, 623 483, 993 29 90,771 125, 689 127, 453 109, 522 95, 997 134, 586 100, 36S 130, 842 30 182, 087 303, 146 341, 136 382, 862 306, 746 324. 005 218, 560 305, 224 31 2, 755, 173 8,085,609 9, 138, 528 7, 914, 603 5, 402, 632 6, 235, 798 3, 601, 171 8, 467, 872 32 2, 130, 297 11, 035, 942 11,860,926 6,284,460 5, 787, 879 7, 164, 091 3,907,076 13.023,482 33 2, 145, 764 9, 645, 243 9, 665, 002 4, 560, 561 4,477,456 4, 894, 688 2, 855, 914 10, 721, 973 34 192, 807 954, 883 900,515 494, 719 477, 947 570, 519 262, 102 808,085 35 62, 940 469, 194 447, 597 325, 578 358,044 332, 241 164, 896 526, 681 36 36, 942 385, 743 350, 578 272, 437 278, 501 237,486 78, 952 328, 623 37 25, 998 83,451 97, 019 53, 141 79, 543 94, 755 85,944 200,058 38 19, 264, 854 165, 920, 669 148, 759, 109 95, 364, 944 89, 567, 218 98, 768, 944 37, 870, 207 177, 596, 933 39 12, 155, 533 146,561,464 130, 285, 644 93, 903, 677 88, 191, 682 87, 623, 651 32, 972, 720 135, 820, 769 40 306 354 332 293 250 297 230 337 41 1,544,466 28, 595, 430 32,461,009 27, 704, 745 18, 498, 308 23,962,463 4, 319, 489 25, 518, 814 42 47,886 9, 619, 210 5,209,089 966, 677 2,907,715 2,072,637 76, 027 16, 310, 590 43 22, 310 1, 332, 229 698, 253 194, 705 343, 891 416, 155 33, 797 1,476,209 44 8, 571, 357 17, 495, 212 15, 590, 822 7,128,429 7, 326, 147 5, 757, 778 10, 934, 828 12, 358, 321 45 4, 827, 809 18, 225, 120 15, 817, 925 11,890,324 10, 882, 520 10, 737, 461 5, 823, 639 18, 742, 360 46 49, 199 635,423 262, 116 49, 153 97, 346 44,794 91, 932 50,067 47 135, 764 2, 890, 802 1,055,650 168, 114 322, 507 199, 993 298, 864 371,747 48 162,294 3, 001, 263 1,329,315 247, 241 480, 165 374, 595 402, 430 604, 824 49 40, 331 1, 168, 370 399, 562 55, 211 108, 996 64,047 87, 142 105, 667 50 50 5,433 1,757 314 263 13, 952 227 11, 564 51 231 12, 126 4,270 926 908 33,217 388 28,623 52 104 3,648 1,285 278 273 11,627 117 11,448 53 9, 576, 984 37,044,562 41,038,754 19,466,770 16, 185, 409 23, 922, 940 10,472,248 51,477,222 54 6, 530, 563 42, 224, 720 48, 707, 146 23,436,979 23, 783, 265 28, 188, 285 13, 136, 046 45,440,017 55 3, 544, 787 10, 071, 935 11, 067, 127 5, 363, 107 4, 525, 286 6, 457, 999 2, 998, 619 12, 707, 030 56 2, 766, 369 16,445,420 16,148,484 9,527,321 8, 981, 868 9, 869, 664 5, 433, 938 19, 670, 036 57 2, 145, 756 15, 506, 845 15,554,496 10, 179, 698 9, 830, 416 9,111,223 6,670,587 16, 817, 261 58 2,397,065 12, 502, 192 10, 531, 788 5,370,724 5, 349, 902 5, 554, 988 1 3,420,097 12, 876, 328 59 * Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. ;36 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1 36 ITKM (See definitions in Introduction) West South Centkal Div.— Con. Texas UVESTOCK, 1925 .dollars Value of all livestock. Horses: Total number. Colts under 2 years of age Horsv^s 2 years old and over Total value dollars. . Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2. Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over ... Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars.. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 3^ear old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. _ Goats: Total number Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars... Other livestock, estimated value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 1924. Milk produced,! 1924 gallons.. 1919 gallons.. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons.. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds..! Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds., i Cream sold, 1924 gallons. . I Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons..! Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars..; Wool: I Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924.. Wool produced,' 1924 pounds..! 1019 .pounds..' Value of wool, 1924 dollars.. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924.. Mohair produced, 1924 pounds.. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars.. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced.i 1924... dozens.. 1919... dozens.. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. . Chickens raised, 1 1924. number.. 1919... number.. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars.. 284, 697, 546 837, 969 56, 840 781, 129 32, 893, 180 1, 010, 339 44, 163 966, 176 70, 686, 146 5, 845, 918 1, 324, 341 510,111 128, 817 381, 294 3, 081, 759 731, 491 2, 350, 268 809, 049 120, 158 122, 630, 336 3, 137, 129 796, 994 1, 910, 076 430, 059 27, 433, 934 1, 791, 325 5, 855, 741 1, 166, 253 536. 717 148, 895 480, 641 9, 704, 915 19,740,614 13, 798, 172 1,895,092 MouNT.^iN DnasiON 849, 240 619, 032 230, 208 274, 540. 639 202, 953, 536 323 55, 350, 671 5, 049, 029 887, 243 35,502,293 33, 442, 933 2, 750, 720 20,112,976 14,900,478 8, 464, 334 1, 644. 491 6, 403, 679 3, 599, 505 74, 552, 234 70,264,074 18, 937, 104 26, 024, 551 25, 829, 724 14, 968. 166 Montana Idaho Wyoming 88, 869, 249 594, 173 86, 303 507, 870 21, 053, 309 10, 452 2, 753 7,099 470, 974 1, 321, 604 357, 298 157, 138 19, 648 137, 490 590, 432 102, 769 487, S63 194, 336 22, 400 37, 960, 609 2, 187, 928 520, 322 1, 612. 887 54, 719 24, 239, 845 1,475 7,375 277, 693 129, 778 53, 810 94, 015 3, 098, 859 2, 544, 698 1, 854, 923 183, 355 52, 032, 679 232, 546 23,216 209, 330 9, 826, 437 7,845 1. 922 5, 923 425, 145 605, 604 155, 916 79, 103 32, 4IS 46, 685 291, 630 138, 768 152, 868 67,430 11, 539 17,638,765 1, 745, 789 279, 969 1, 416, 307 49, 493 19, 833, 718 1,602 9,800 276, 323 150, 558 43, 948 81,817 2, 603, 880 2. 028, 805 1,455,016 239, 918 167. 967 94, 285 73, 682 73, 185, 407 51, 251, 095 436 5, 416, 455 9, 885, 641 788, 876 6, 175, 063 8, 043, 005 1, 948, 784 16, 714. 389 18.- 267, 200 6, 852, 649 875 4,464 2,009 13, 403, 326 11,858,042 3, 493, 476 3, 067, 280 3, 226, 538 1,881,254 151, 722 131, 295 20, 427 78, 505. 003 52, 365, 498 517 3, 661, 728 14, 489, 694 473, 572 8. 804, 739 9, 110, 184 1,644,999 14, 025, 808 17,860,527 5,379,611 502 2,283 981 11, 707, 941 8, 604, 809 3, 185, 424 2, 539, 708 2, 250, 489 1, 537, 203 58, 548, 413 199, 560 32, 605 166, 955 5, 916, 581 5,106 1, 483 3,623 265, 973 783, 398 215,914 93, 080 6, 555 86, 525 346, 025 32, 882 313. 143 114.433 13, 946 23, 148, 645 2,507,012 513, 739 1, 920, 840 72, 433 27, 464, 490 1. 152 6,912 99, 869 49. 776 19, 220 30, 873 1, 022, 047 808, 994 602. 737 122, 028 57, 849 29,276 28,573 24, 318, 067 14, 542, 841 420 1, 700, 471 3, 524, 476 202,249 2.112,486 2, 934, 239 2,258,315 18, 727, 834 18,411,773 7, 303, 856 177 628 253 4, 336, 912 3, 165, 743 1, 201, 996 1,121,118 893. S57 744. 876 Including estimates for incomplete reports. . ..^Duff ^p fj^ 3-.r) ,^li.ii 111 sjjIrV « CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY 1925; AND Livestock Pkoducts, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 37 Mountain Division— Continued Pacific Division Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washington Oregon California 86,356,774 52, 671, 161 43, 106, 556 48, 018, 867 26, 373, 528 55,313, 145 62, 698, 734 158,809,964 1 365, 425 33,597 331,828 15, 090, 758 186, 573 24, 459 162, 114 6, 373, 075 111,601 17, 674 93, 927 3,921,492 110, 172 13,515 96, 657 5, 155, 772 50, 222 8,200 42, 022 1, 817, 360 242, 099 16, 226 225, 873 14,355,404 223,848 19, 856 203, 992 11, 705, 237 314,288 14, 995 299, 293 23, 713, 128 2 3 4 5 38, 073 7,037 31,036 2,092,090 30,837 4,918 25, 919 1, 575, 722 12, 134 948 11, 186 762, 911 3,693 929 2,764 181, 402 4,090 917 3,173 208, 177 26, 417 3,289 23, 128 1, 849, 616 19, 062 3,312 15, 750 1, 188, 876 55, 853 5,466 50, 387 5,560,800 6 7 8 9 1, 436, 150 340,467 167, 919 32, 394 135, 525 683, 133 159, 226 523, 907 215, 833 28, 798 37,773,216 1, 266, 688 306, 772 110, 145 7,391 102, 754 731, 055 39,383 691, 672 88, 128 30, 588 27,817,851 1, 068, 727 215, 747 108, 455 8,353 100, 102 613, 460 32, 337 581, 123 104, 422 26, 643 25, 439, 854 504, 368 113,577 67, 134 16, 575 50, 559 251, 570 71,330 180, 240 62, 286 9,801 14, 520, 711 419, 275 100, 285 57, 339 5,296 52, 043 191, 075 17, 380 173, 695 62, 579 7, 997 11, 241, 000 681,714 120,317 75, 689 53,184 22, 505 337, 793 266, 216 71,677 34, 500 13,415 25, 692, 644 784, 469 177, 602 94, 303 39, 581 54, 722 413, 174 205, 057 208, 117 81,687 17, 693 26, 465, 271 1,918,489 285, 643 252, 598 127,381 125,217 985, 060 557, 268 427, 792 361, 739 - 33,449 81, 860, 654 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 2, 243, 869 1,397,958 814, 224 31, 687 22, 740, 036 1,743,079 355, 409 1,317,076 70, 594 14, 633, 453 1, 163, 905 213, 855 857, 630 92, 420 10, 899, 605 2, 355, 038 434, 739 1, 862, 338 57, 961 26,063,260 1, 183, 572 285, 857 859, 725 37, 990 12, 422, 111 515, 798 90, 938 405, 260 19, 600 5,499,386 1,775,093 413, 760 1,312,761 48, 572 17, 447, 463 3,045,095 712, 803 2,228,471 103, 821 28, 074, 211 21 22 23 24 25 21, 525 107,625 240, 067 840, 245 281, 564 985, 478 48, 292 289, 752 3,228 16, 140 6,586 54, 721 121, 193 366,045 98, 859 395, 436 26 27 492, 962 239, 055 76, 301 177, 606 5, 248, 245 65,431 26, 537 8,798 20, 096 519, 153 19, 234 9,247 2,949 7,038 169, 453 63, 921 35, 016 9.732 19, 173 583, 725 25, 455 12, 599 4,559 8,297 268, 010 197, 975 110, 563 29, 530 57, 882 2, 419, 247 216, 065 128, 997 30, 472 56, 596 2,095,376 431, 258 214, 952 68,351 147, 955 4,676,306 28 29 30 31 32 3, 751, 618 2, 852, 991 937, 041 744, 474 635, 877 649, 274 1, 366, 873 933, 600 225, 300 208, 812 5,363,262 4, 997, 042 3, 228, 887 3, 028, 100 12, 784, 512 12, 557, 940 33 34 451, 813 167, 188 278, 489 290, 645 191,918 445, 085 403, 367 1, 971, 489 35 229, 700 142, 679 87, 021 60, 594 34, 378 26,216 33,317 29, 561 3,756 82, 898 68, 044 14, 854 18, 768 16, 066 2,702 276, 010 259, 390 16, 620 206, 869 188,351 18, 518 640, 295 519,610 20, 685 36 37 38 96, 649, 262 79,492,631 421 19, 026, 659 12,737,649 314 18, 415, 661 14,370,833 553 40, 847, 359 29, 339, 512 493 11,483,388 6,312,105 612 169,846,011 140, 524, 518 615 112, 218, 008 92, 844, 946 542 340, 308, 805 276, 424, 216 630 39 40 41 5, 245, 186 14,081,331 851, 437 17, 703, 304 11, 548, 629 1,706,880 1, 218, 835 238, 964 3, 986, 956 2, 805, 190 760j 803 1, 728, 488 109, 818 6, 834, 784 3,383,215 2,912,900 5, 650, 760 287, 598 7, 506, 524 5,253,108 244,309 2,029,851 127,471 1, 734, 246 1,748,710 5,089,838 27, 216, 673 810,507 45,819,308 22, 640, 322 3, 900, 837 18, 990, 419 647, 090 25, 598, 001 14, 576, 451 3, 843, 856 49, 954, 059 2, 136, 959 130, 467, 928 58, 422, 073 42 43 44 45 46 938,036 6, 473, 969 9,755,312 2,367,086 1,501,072 9,775,521 8,300,804 3,315,741 880, 132 6, 906, 773 3, 130, 795 2, 717, 115 2, 261, 428 18, 795, 805 11, 690, 303 7, 433, 348 1,033,956 8, 098, 237 6,401,817 3, 158, 313 430, 050 4, 243, 059 5, 008, 945 1, 463, 571 1, 604, 742 14, 749, 743 16, 039, 048 5,391,931 2,728,011 21, 079, 375 15, 216, 957 7, 803, 135 47 48 49 50 7,169 24, 216 10, 655 127, 235 462, 775 175, 854 133,974 491, 899 245,951 29,814 127, 727 56, 199 1,796 6,901 2,760 1,619 5,800 2,611 101, 101 413,441 196, 916 49,640 188, 730 78, 849 51 52 53 18,561,043 14, 172, 375 4,075,394 3 062 790 3,740,638 2,524,832 1,324,935 9, 016, 514 5, 709, 076 2,518,304 1, 436, 468 895, 487 518, 937 42, 030, 281 21,356,676 13, 920, 080 20, 657, 682 14, 625, 720 6, 290, 972 97, 907, 325 64, 123, 885 31,615,277 54 55 5,094,348 1,208,536 56 6, 005, 977 3, 880, 873 3, 343, 769 1, 122, 742 920, 979 755, 134 755, 853 569, 325 581, 794 1, 644, 266 1, 107, 446 933, 074 280,451 187, 788 245, 443 7,059,059 4, 860, 217 5, 222, 093 4,065,559 3, 150, 155 3, 136, 601 14,382,861 12, 929, 044 12, 808, 329 57 68 59 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 88 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is preseuled in two sections, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars, ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres, bushels. Cut for silage .acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. H ogged off acres . Wheat acres- bushels. Winter wheat acres. bushels. Spring wheat acres . bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Buckwheat acres. bushels. Rice (rough) ..acres. bushels- Sorghums harvested for grain... ...acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Peanuts acres. bushels. Velvet beans acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed ._ .acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annuallegumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms .acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: C otton acres. bales. Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Sugar cane for sugar or sirup acres. (Louisiana only) tons. Sorghum for sirup acres. Tobacco acres. pounds. Potatoes, white acres. , bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams ...acres. ; ' " bushels. Strawberries J..^^.^.^ acres. United States I 7. 472, 534, 858 12, S59, 640, 389 98, 82, 1, 823, 4, 28, 6, 5, 50, 800, 34, 553. 16, 247, 37, 1, 304, 3, 6, 159, 3, 55, 3, 28, 401, 627 328, 843 880, 173 227,812 407, 960 672, 646 172, 326 862, 230 876, 659 359, 532 377, 236 502, 698 499, 423 650, 155 599, 083 169, 149 766, 980 139, 124 743, 562 673, 814 435,115 245, 739 716, 588 003, 699 744, 033 525, 643 525, 667 700, 092 990, 312 104, 678 899, 079 475, 951 637, 069 74, 095, 942 9,461,237 21,111,874 3, 675, 701 1,309,356 10, 402, 431 7, 452, 404 3, 087, 608 2, 572, 615 15, 022, 716 5 88, 384, 249 39,204,319 13, 682, C99 742, 984 6, 989, 249 3 326, 388 1, 664, 018 184, 115 1,537,843 1, 106, 339. 883 2, 910, 780 352, 462, 200 466, 832 37, 443, 870 193, 175 Geographic Divisions New Middle England Atlantic 115,700,960 235, 807, 864 201, 166 41, 976 1, 789, 862 131,376 1,351,901 26, 166 1,648 5,408 118,679 1,357 34, 873 4,051 83,806 164, 634 6, 023, 120 63,623 6,932 198, 644 2,291 40, 735 15, 763 366, 100 8,982 3, 557, 151 409, 268 1, 501, 025 22, 812 2,084 9, 333 1, 499, 367 43, 371 172 69, 719 3, 369, 818 36, 379 49, 277, 445 192, 794 47, 460, 636 3,397 401, 206, 435 776, 752, 303 2, 123, 487 1,335,443 48, 097, 591 584, 651 4, 935, 939 186, 626 16, 767 1, 480, 921 25,011,215 1, 473, 247 24, 870, 335 7,674 140, 880 1,864,402 62, 070, 053 115, 947 97, 216 2, 868, 986 205, 807 3, 044, 485 43 348 427, 656 8, 088, 472 300 6,164 1,288 4 70 156, 502 8, 390, 307 1, 959, 374 4,804, 106 251,088 13, 973 297, 878 891, 291 41, 283 10, 193 121, 121 9, 844, 995 2 46, 677 58, 509, 607 549, 082 C9, 564, 497 13, 205 1, 720, 249 15. 565 1 Includes the value of an undetermined tonnage of sorghums cut for hay in 1924, no corresponding value being shown for 1919. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY 39 AND Production of Principal Croi\s: 1924 the second section beginning on p. 48] GEOGRAPnic Divisions— Continued East North West North South East South West South Mountain Pacific Central Central Atlantic Central Central 1,234,143,672 2,139,354,014 848, 819, 304 694, 750, 944 1, 390, 898, 517 342,892,085 304,708,927 1 2, 566, 135, 489 3, 438, 992, 714 1, 740, 117, 574 1,132,324,055 1,865,930,056 504,028,782 599,551,552 2 20, 205, 134 42, 429, 425 10, 597, 156 10, 787, 355 9, 579, 360 2,300,617 177, 927 3 15,428,897 34,059,116 10, 205, 589 10,414,318 9, 319, 749 1, 452, 314 71, 441 4 470, 158, 996 812, 166, 368 149, 505, 537 180, 705, 368 143,570,815 15, 718, 004 2, 167, 632 5 2,151,198 1, 046, 361 112,246 56, 095 17,851 76, 740 51, 288 6 13, 395, 827 6, 850, 191 756, 700 347, 507 73, 703 308, 947 387, 245 7 1, 533, 160 3,916,352 233, 357 236, 899 145, 171 364, 974 29, 941 8 1,091,879 3, 407, 596 45, 964 80, 043 96, 589 406, 583 25, 257 9 6, 582, 427 26, 940, 402 1, 749, 773 481, 092 4, 854, 738 5, 802, 740 2, 964, 731 10 117,271,457 429, 538, 644 23, 515, 984 4, 8G4, 884 75, 724, 381 80, 686, 931 44, 164, 484 11 6, 504, 979 14, 733, 875 1,748,708 480, 263 4, 794, 742 2, 463, 012 2, 159, 349 12 115,712,306 240, 897, 375 23, 501, 078 4, 858, 952 75, 126, 079 32, 459, 710 35, 916, 528 13 77, 448 12,206,527 1,065 829 59, 994 3, 339, 728 805, 382 14 1, 559, 151 188, 641, 269 14, 906 5,932 598, 302 48, 207, 221 8, 247, 956 15 11,119,020 20, 274, 190 334, 012 128,454 2, 302, 233 978, 444 484, 766 16 425, 526, 633 702, 342, 774 6, 665, 533 2,321,748 60, 335, 207 25, 019, 848 14, 294, 167 17 335, 659 710,419 805,270 378, 170 516, 991 164, 800 78, 270 18 784, 960 3, 997, 571 31, 963 14, 972 377, 118 578, 737 877, 511 19 23, 687, 066 94,571,853 754, 909 263, 143 6, 480, 581 11,081,630 19, 232, 312 20 832, 922 2, 329, 679 133, 812 27, 312 32, 090 164, 124 15, 525 21 11,470,011 37, 818, 770 1, 155, 646 251, 857 287, 513 1, 435, 841 168, 956 22 7,760 3,174,911 575 251, 732 94 23 84,982 26, 400, 729 2,455 313 1, 756, 655 14 570 24 125, 794 78, 768 59,"703" ' §,'553' 24 25 1, 717, 400 854, 400 865, 616 106, 329 4,999 90 233 20 1,517 60, 420 6,818 100, 336 288 4,268 663, 769 25, 800, 253 71, 641 3, 560, 266 27 28 483' 1, 185, 195 . 1, 943 3,964 2, 118, 190 179,' 753" 35, 833 29 6,160 19, 469, 908 16, 667 36, 678 35, 378, 995 2, 842, 099 943, 421 30 6,862 1, 220, 641 50, 513 149, 120 2, 157, 326 395, 819 8,457 31 33 166 749, 467 281, 130 73, 752 90 36 32 644 2,679 19, 905, 076 5,789,812 1, 198, 030 1,946 822 33 353 204 1, 043, 434 376, 898 54, 889 173 34 643,472 18, 185 28, 627 9,559 8,678 554,"9ii' 208, 153 35 15, 746, 554 26,347,475 3, 344, 524 3, 294, 340 2, 600. 2^0 6, 988, 628 3, 846, 696 36 3, 601, 885 2, 410, 266 428, 027 315, 386 45, 345 234, 112 57, 574 37 • 7, 387, 885 4, 975, 917 1, 072, 463 527,200 104, 071 491, 044 248, 163 38 1, 799, 871 1,071,616 134, 394 195, 571 20, 007 52, 204 128, 138 39 137, 407 611,909 43, 495 2G9, 109 131,030 81, 082 14, 267 40 1,088,464 3, 869, 582 72, 401 87, 500 323, 550 3, 420, 887 1, 232, 827 41 724, 341 1, 337, 945 518, 341 1,022,145 766, 671 444, 757 247, 546 42 111, 650 441,432 92, 636 75, 651 126, 339 496, 310 1, 659, 036 43 595, 323 175, 772 876, 451 676, 713 235, 664 1,355 972 44 299, 828 11,453,036 101, 316 125,065 847, 583 1, 746, 875 258, 173 45 19,484,909 27, 696, 791 3,242,679 2, 896, 472 5, 127, 181 10, 142, 218 6, 579, 186 46 15,645 477, 066 6, 661, 910 6,937,288 24, 682, 862 285, 501 144, 047 47 3,294 194, 948 2, 803, 130 2, 474, 598 7, 960, 078 168, 103 78, 548 48 186, 762 111,733 353 377, 419 3, 766, 324 66, 717 668, 196 49 1, 408, 196 1, 144, 976 1,557 50 ' '36,019" ' 'i7,'967" 3 272, 402 51 1, 664, 018 62 3,'746" i7,"395' ' '34,' 120' 82,' 773' 44, 077 " i,"726' 276" 63 114, 355 5,206 761, 009 573, 258 959 64 92, 092, 233 4, 714, 582 452, 918, 089 448, 412, 648 415,279 55 672, 028 741, 467 288, 305 95, 169 80, 746 i7i,'8ii' 119,' 384" 66 73,499,958 73, 676, 612 33, 771, 843 7, 768, 959 5, 105, 827 24, 321, 822 17, 292, 046 67 4,712 11,381 225, 803 114, 144 93, 295 800 3,492 58 414, 767 1, 091, 881 20, 066, 335 8, 194, 251 5, 593, 173 83,845 279, 369 59 26, 560 22, 288 40, 828 33, 511 33,057 2,568 15, 401 60 5 Included in the hay production on line 46 is an undetermined tonnage of sorghums cut for hay, the acre- age of which is included in the acreage shown for " Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder" on line 31, 8 Acreage in Louisiana, 265,157. 51623—27 4 40 CENSUS OF AGRTCtTLTURE: 1.925 SUMMAEf State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is presented in two sections. ITEM definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars... Value of same crops in 19iy_ dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTIO?., 1924 Grain and foraj,;o <;rops: Corn, total aeroaRC--- llarvested lor grain. acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off acres.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Winter wheat acres.. bushels.. Spring wheat acres. . bushels.. Oats threshed for grain ..acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye ...acres.- bushels.. Flaxseed acres.. bushels.. Buckwheat acres.. bushels. . Rice (rough).-. ...acres.. bushels. . ' Sorghums harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres.. Peanuts acres.. bushels.. Velvet beans acres.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone.: acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres. . Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay.. acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms... acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and Vv'ild tons.. Miscellaneous crops : Cotton. acres.. ])alcs.. Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Sugar cane for sugar or sirup acres.. (Louisiana only) tons.. Sorghum for sirup acres.. Tobacco ...acres.. pounds.. Potatoes, white.- ...acres.. bushels.. Sweet potatoes and yams acres.. bushels.. Strawberries.- acres.. New Engl.\nd Di\asioN Maine New Hamp- shire 32, 795, 897 10, 195, 93, 302, 143 20, 115, 720 11, 329 1,390 55, 132 7,350 80, 126 2,429 160 3,506 78, 707 497 15, 267 3,009 63, 440 103,898 938, 124 16, 264 1,837 53, 789 134 2,967 12,447 295, 848 3,894 1, 260, 757 135, 399 563, 111 6,825 608 1,219 536, 633 3, 909 23 13, 030 1, 013, 480 135,402 40, 121, 881 12, 998 2,830 135, 884 8, 174 95, 460 1,810 184 72 2,156 50 1,617 22 539 4,092 101,306 6,516 129 3,219 101 1,404 128 2,914 Vermont 22, 929, 604 40, 582, 590 79, 495 8, 046 363, 885 59, 639 581, 560 11,432 378 1,307 27, 446 400 9,660 907 17, 786 51, 368 , 749, 748 24, 335 4,619 133, 546 221 5,625 2,310 49, 887 650 477, 823 44, 429 161,371 1,658 141 754 246, 574 5,696 60 17, 144 403, 967 930, 180 134, 582 649, 673 6,671 701 3,711 203, 094 18, 743 69 13, 036 1, 025, 799 159 217, 196 9.838 1, 365, 812 193 295, 235 18, 607 2, 523, 462 IMassa- chusetts 22, 503, 786 38, 319, 241 2, 204, 218 4, 240, 205 39, 454 9,454 425, 780 23, 953 252, 933 5,586 461 216 4,028 172 3,214 43 814 2,250 82, 668 5,330 205 5,118 599 9,947 643 11, 847 33 172 477, 794 56, 374 138, 448 4,020 342 1,273 256, 647 8,001 24 12, 665 501, 423 Rhode Island 8,077 2,807 112, 421 3,933 36, 413 1,251 86 18 365 18 366 16, 366 1,771 98 2,101 184 3,869 10 170 101 48, 013 3, 75 i 14, 147 299 25 123 25, 781 1.112 2,775 48,281 10, 035 14, 074, 166 12, 909 1, 686, 390 261 1,373 2,110 254, 373 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY '4^ AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued the second section beginning on p. 48] New 1 England Middle Atlantic Division ] East North Central Division Div.— Con. 1 Connect- icut New York New Jersey Pennsyl- vania Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan 25, 071, 560 172, 140, 512 32, 539, 549 196, 586, 374 240, 972, 102 208, 698, 038 447, 249, 928 153, 584, 853 1 39, 247, 966 345, 119, 170 66, 004, 523 365, 628, 610 545, 678, 637 461, 743, 963 816, 962, 339 342, 464, 299 •2 49, 813 652, 716 190, 549 1.280,222 i 3, 362, 926 4, 361, 021 8, 778, 334 1, 580, 789 3 17, 449 166, 697 158, 059 1, 010, 687 2, 692, 555 3, 595, 810 7, 778, 700 782, 642 •4 ■ 696, 760 6, 081, 326 5, 254, 918 36, 761, 347 74, 149, 004 99, 853, 733 259, 545, 250 22,087,155 5 28, 327 359,633 24, 684 200, 334 245, 896 190,337 317,491 325, 770 b 305, 409 3, 174, 740 190, 293 1, 570, 905 1,471,330 1, 073, 307 2, 077, 534 2,129,441 V 3,658 119.972 7,072 59, 582 203, 212 ?i4, 646 357,712 376, 358 8 379 6, 414 734 9. 619 221, 283 360, 228 324, 431 76, 019 y 290 313, 792 53,311 1, 113, 818 1, 818. 522 1, 605, 117 2, 250, 385 792, 985 lU 5,977 5, 841, 393 1, 002, 823 18, 166, 999 33, 233. 421 26, 407, 631 38,032,643 18, 842, 976 11 220 309, 269 52, 845 1,111,133 1,815,280 1, 601, 585 2, 222, 821 789, 672 12 4,750 5, 754, 875 997, 084 18, 118, 376 33, 172, 625 26, 350, 991 35,484.594 18, 775, 355 13 70 4,523 466 2,685 3,242 3,532 27, 584 3,293 14 1,227 86, 518 5,739 48. 623 60, 796 56, 640 548, 049 67, 621 15 2,577 869, 168 41, 060 954, 176 1, 513, 446 1, 627, 247 4, 074, 839 1,443,063 16 74, 908 28, 829, 906 1,116,315 32, 123, 832 62,010,180 59, 104, 893 169, 582, 831 57, 470, 383 17 9,407 86, 516 6,680 22, 751 51, 683 95, 058 123, 029 24, 789 18 44 86, 070 758 10, 388 51, 328 18, 206 220, 196 107, 827 19 871 2, 590, 852 13, 743 264, 391 1, 417, 336 422. 604 7, 109. 803 3, 189, 853 20 1,052 35, 851 48, 565 123, 391 55, 111 133, 165 80, 853 231. 202 ;ji 16, 923 639, 919 771,181 1, 733, 385 750, 449 1, 640, 884 1, 171, 045 3, 354, 943 22 43 348 206,964 74 693 34, 287 305 3,016 2,776 881 6, 980 50,478 '.H 24 325 217, 819 2, 873 15, 864 25 6,494 4, 294, 815 61, 740 3, 741, 917 520, 468 209, 873 32,-522 673, 529 26 27 28 175 3,792 752 11 113 120 2,259 607 29 889 53 596 311 3,175 3,171 W 30 117 29 1,320 1,856 83 31 2 39 1 21 1 10 9 196 272 1,089 , 21 379 32 13 81 2,285 33 34 179 154, 233 1, 007 1, 282 2,830 624, 763 35 362, 584 5, 015, 603 281, 532 3, 093, 172 3. 327, 936 2, 352, 692 3,802,115 2, 947, 491 36 34, 733 908, 874 61, 323 989, 177 1, 198, 967 825. 507 972, 110 361, 231 37 74, 275 2, 934, 679 144, 926 1, 724, 501 1, 519, 760 870, 901 862, 139 1, 876, 473 38 3,439 1 lis, 074 3,892 129, 122 315, 383 450, 555 606, 881 229, 795 39 267 5,965 1, 564 6, 444 27, 346 16, 591 45, 093 34, 278 40 2,253 198, 031 22, 880 76, 967 152,031 110, 067 218. 945 321, 401 41 230, 638 739, 290 25, 739 126, 262 J 3, 992 71, 861 472, 247 69, 899 42 5,910 28, 181 3,182 9,920 24, 905 24, 403 17, 361 18, 805 43 1 846 1,723 6 624 38, 541 7,011 164 904 369 580 5,778 44 11, 069 80, 663 16, 303 24, 155 17, 903 37, 759 40, 033 45 376,862 5, 720, 765 411, 379 3, 712, 851 4, 152, 594 2, 678, 637 14 3, 890, 899 15, 631 3, 498, 824 46 47 5 6,592 3,289 3,231 48 46, 767 347, 546 112,279 4Q 44, 314 32, 536 867, 356 50 51 5? 2 324 1, 619 1,663 21 53 25 992 1 897 44, 7S0 65, 353, 741 68 317 20 678- 333 54 34, 690, 858 2, 155, 866 40,926,811 97, 108 18,413,137 229, 980 55 14, 028 285, 586 62, 201 201, 295 43, 638 56, 852 241, 232 56 1, 508, 718 38, 805, 641 8, 514, 815 22, 244, 041 8, 165, 213 3, 983, 073 5, 996. 628 28, 871, 597 57 4 12,441 1, 662 610 760 612 1, 194 2,999 7 'iS 1 203 67. 436 35, 366 114 896 263 929 576 59 1 609 5,430 6,488 ?, 647 b.lW 5,010 9, 626 60 42 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMAKY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is presented in two sections, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 ._. dollars. ACKEAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops : Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons- Cut for fodder... acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Winter wheat acres. bushels. Spring wheat.- acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Buckwheat acres. bushels. Rice (rough) acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Peanuts acres. bushels. Velvet beans acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth, .acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan, .acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres . Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres. bales. Sugar beets for sugar ...acres. tons. Sugar cane for sugar or sirup acres. (Louisiana only) tons. Sorghum for sirup acres. Tobacco acres. pounds. Potatoes, white -.- acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries . acres; E. North Central Div.— Con Wisconsin 185, 638, 751 399, 286, 251 2, 142, 064 579, 190 14, 523, 854 1, 071, 704 6,644,215 381, 232 109, 938 115,438 2, 754, 786 75, 621 1, 928, 741 39, 817 826, 045 2, 460, 425 87, 378, 346 41, 100 387, 404 11, 567, 470 332, 591 4, 552, 690 6,700 75, 293 22, 389 281, 008 520 432 3 56 12, .505 3, 516, 320 444, 070 2, 258, 612 197, 257 14, 099 286, 020 76, 342 26, 276 16, 622 197, 122 5, 263, 955 17, 893 116, 444 219 35, 027 32, 522, 305 233, 200 26, 484, 447 3,422 West North Central Division Minnesota Iowa 308,232,457 420,063,715 249,120,835 465,657,777 838,320,957 1508,762,880 Missouri 4, 594, 745 2, 657, 689 70, 415, 687 411,712 2, 991, 363 1, 140, 347 384, 997 1, 643, 682 36, 513, 521 140, 893 3, 850, 487 1, 502, 789 32, 663, 034 4, 546, 661 189, 071, 696 40, 455 915, 472 27, 805. 776 608, 158 12, 241, 327 683, 270 7, 478, 974 55, 421 619, 658 135 2,626 2,378 9,223 4, 349, 258 389, 221 1, 086, 575 202, 288 102, 771 220, 258 229, 829 46, 388 3,618 2, 068, 310 4, 649, 905 26, 115 223, 126 681 656 644, 150 326, 273 36, 384, 534 2,465 10, 906, 696 8, 761, 141 248, 544, 341 312, 045 2, 214, 758 682, 687 1, 150, 823 446, 128 9, 972, 944 420, 499 9, 537, 543 25, 629 435, 401 5, 702, 250 224, 578, 096 71, 787 135, 876 4, 031, 320 39, 430 658, 989 7,889 78, 114 3,867 43, 710 338 6,641 4,879 22 i,"ii4' 3, 885, 622 670, 526 2, 076, 642 388, 907 38, 271 289, 190 74, 343 16, 693 13, 055 317, 995 4, 938, 291 12, 169 106, 415 1,288 27 24, 235 78, 245 8, 978, 097 1.325 91,555 1,898 6, 0.54, 554 5, 482, 203 128, 954, 889 61, 234 360, 638 312, 618 198, 499 1, 439, 448 19, 131, 037 1, 435, 127 19, 075, 620 4,321 55, 417 1, 162, 547 24, 333, 307 351. 781 7,317 137, 822 13, 506 138. 557 2.368 15, 184 397 3,798 1. 517 60, 420 44. 777 656. 529 155, 204 126 1,971 204 2,208 3, 625, 134 1.111,613 1, 425, 937 299, 404 25, 015 188, 525 226. 927 48, 891 151, 248 147, 574 3, 512, 434 476, 234 194, 792 10, 024 4, 517 4, 040. 587 53, 755 4, 978, 329 6,225 597. 463 15, 489 CENSUS OF AGRICULTXJKE: 1925 SUMMARY AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued the second section beginning on p. 48] 43 West North Central Division— Continued 1 South Atlantic Division North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Delaware Maryland Dist. of Co- lumbia Virginia 284, 549, 783 286, 249, 403 188,496,840 292, 642, 718 314, 493, 139 600,321.639 374,397,245 547, 037, 340 11,418,279 17, 412, 631 49, 544, 369 90, 702, 461 42,034 131,267 139, 445, 360 256. 807, 084 1 2 1, 320, 202 253, 177 4, 852, 546 70, 787 251, 975 668, 814 327,424 8, 322, 558 123,010,149 84, 876 1, 276, 092 8, 237, 682 121, 734, 057 2, 524, 380 76, 021, 334 91, 198 1, 468, 344 34, 083, 246 1, 243. 889 19, 684, 127 1,873,744 13,944,829 8, 259 72,417 4,815,162 3.460,120 71, 197, 907 64, 061 307,711 606, 913 694, 068 2, 364, 447 33, 669, 913 105, 170 1,687,737 2, 259, 277 31, 982, 176 2, 799, 488 98, 508, 576 34,837 788, 600 18, 698, 992 236, 620 3, 294, 722 548, 236 4, 542, 158 9,913 107, 900 8, 717, 642 7, 979, 871 169, 377, 327 35, 708 200, 622 176,410 625, 553 3,007,217 65, 687, 684 2, 839, 087 64, 009, 591 168, 130 1, 678, 093 2, 287, 941 61,003,610 61, 130 235, 600 4, 138, 210 158. 538 1, 563, 250 2,840 9,152 864 6,485 6, 020, 624 5. 464, 915 118, 823, 671 100, 814 623, 124 328, 563 126, 232 9, 716, 922 151,553.396 9, 708, 223 151, 460, 305 8, 699 93, 091 1, 260, 923 28, 826, 155 69, 231 446, 362 6, 676, 487 30, 538 337, 798 56, 564 332, 318 47 432 136, 214 133, 182 3, 176, 414 1,876 16,327 962 194 96, 703 1,698,481 96, 401 1, 692, 283 302 6,198 2, 084 61, 373 944 54 793 2,972 31, 108 515, 538 480, 801 13, 345, 718 18,311 127, 752 13,118 3,308 484, 659 7, 664, 394 484, 659 7,664,394 279 130 3,079 143 1,249 6 1,436,149 1,336,172 27, 726, 988 64, 268 383,039 38. 903 6,806 599, 161 8,009.276 699, 151 8, 009, 276 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 146 10 146 10 11 12 13 14 15 40, 135 1, 173, 397 6,392 10, 783 288, 522 14,610 183, 675 10 168 6 57, 273 1,097,215 89, 276 14, 796 359, 344 33, 304 324, 809 16 17 18 19 20 20 140 21 22 ?3 9A 1,967 22, 486 6,948 118, 625 16, 689 223, 066 ?5 26 ?7 ?8 209 2,244 3,171 1 18 1,647 22, 401 9,099 7,880 93, 292 164, 264 2 31 1, 130, 209 18,686,176 881, 646 37 637 9 129 182 174 2,612 4,028 115,306 3, 414, 658 274 9,258 905, 664 122, 240 378, 460 42, 058 16, 251 33, 757 111,557 25, 589 159, 984 15, 668 940, 794 108, 408 46,343 ?9 30 17 5 80 87 1,640 76, 292 8,906 37, 034 3,507 7,247 3,805 1,685 1,397 10,110 1,601 90, 365 31 3? 33 284 4,284 416, 455 68, 244 249, 019 21,480 8,227 18, 748 15.428 4,623 26, 751 4,035 629, 320 34 973 2, 913, 643 75,634 34, 145 12, 664 168, 502 116, 279 321, 276 210, 073 431 1, 974, 639 2, 590, 246 920 4, 038, 805 70, 897 92, 084 11,333 93, 323 709, 578 75, 348 45, 626 404 2,940,312 3, 030, 939 3,163 4, 965, 127 25, 202 164,411 86, 466 115. 606 1,364,946 185, 380 31,617 536 3, 001, 063 5, 196, 962 584 2, 569, 886 67, 173 106, 123 70, 554 68, 521 980, 806 224, 842 42, 244 6,480 1,003,143 3, 778, 014 832 156 7,244 67, 672 35 465 99 23 2 36 37 38 39 40 128 84 89 20 20 827 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 48 2,564 24,474 2,051 16,913 61, 590 716, 476 49 50 51 5? 618 4,884 6 5,610 41, 393 4, 288, 938 3,411 373, 626 1,870 5 2 31,700 22, 473, 735 36, 501 3, 408, 106 6,683 941,314 11,995 1,972 194, 974 116, 626, 407 112,882 17, 134, 931 28, 595 3, 856, 496 9,885 51 51 55 107, 283 8, 219, 746 53,189 4, 025, 091 81, 329 6, 801, 877 420 29,237 382 5, 027 498, 596 4,964 704, 073 4,888 72 5,501 74 8,318 1 56 57 58 59 69 116 60 44 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is presented in two sections, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars- Value of same crops in 1919 ^^.. -dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Winter wheat acres. bushels- Spring wheat acres - bushels- Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. B arley acres. bushels. Rye acres- bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Buckwheat acres. bushels. Rice (rough) acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Peanuts acres. bushels- Velvet beans acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed .acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. ..acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. .acres. Alfalfa acres. ther tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for haj' acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total o.uantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres. bales. Sugar beets for sugar .acres. tons. Sugar cane for sugar or sirup acres. (Louisiana only) tons. Sorghum for sirup .acres. Tobacco acres. pounds. Potatoes, white ...acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. South Atlantic Division— Continued West Virginia 42, 405, 700 82, 456, 801 438, 286 403, 201 9, 375, 248 19, 072 142, 637 13, 222 2,791 111,319 1, 369, 253 110,556 1, 360, 545 763 8,708 60, 558 1, 399, 738 79, 249 1,201 21, 477 10, 224 99, 376 27, 384 412, 497 87 1,019 1,003 15 70 3,250 770, 492 211,038 353, 828 12,389 1,090 7,372 128, 838 11,198 33, 233 11,506 754, 671 North Carolina 236, 582, 967 444, 991, 304 South Carolina Georgia 140, 296, 823 207, 191, 093 366, 571, 479 446, 171, 076 2, 009, 048 1,930,678 30, 547, 920 8,5C3 47, 551 62, 242 7,565 336, 793 3, 688, 190 336. 793 3, 688, 190 60, 009 932, 766 140, 374 4, 339 76, 191 51,879 390, 817 1, 195 7,767 5, 681, 477 31,283 2, 662, 695 1,023 70, 101 838 6, 715 88, 942 1 25 22 113 7,845 166, 400 6, 598, 976 4, 020 4,422 483, 477 12, 480 52, 479 53, 422 12, 997 4,522 107, 731 26, 400 169, 172 44, 274 419, 852 1, 733, 244 855, 028 7,072 407, 228 237, 436, 496 44, 304 4, 492, 928 51,063 4, 455, 480 6,779 1, 599, 397 1, 547, 120 18, 651, 052 1,440 7,708 45, 609 5,228 52, 070 525, 977 52, 070 525, 977 58, 670 187, 590 286, 032 508 6,312 6, 438 49, 939 4,461 63, 028 245 2,518 7, 305 18, 772 306, 739 59, 974 265, 958 1,794 482 277 T, 097 2,120 47, 220 9,651 200, 073 3,244 158, 242 2, 023, 926 844, 224 1,802 4,652 78, 459 38, 497, 602 20, 660 2, 398, 280 34, 467 2, 355, 681 428 3, 871, 084 3, 793, 139 39, 776, 457 7,269 25, 649 56, 576 14, 100 69, 003 559, 532 69, 003 559, 532 54, 209 799, 21 7 194, 035 282 2,270 14, 131 74, 199 1,682 25, 694 1,301 8,759 29, 305 387, 931 8, 545, 695 890,716 2,021 344, 225 2,957 1,076 1,223 1,391 1,911 81,051 12, 705 224, 379 17, 532 294, 151 2, 708, 151 1,036,741 21, 868 18, 499 35, 545 27, 807, 967 9, 255 741, 793 79, 195 6,016,916 1,015 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: ]925 — SUMMARY 45 AND Production of PRiNcirAi. Crops: 1024 — Continued the second section beginning on p. 48] South Atlantic East South Central Division West South Central Division Div.-Con. Florida Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma 21,832,679 1 164, 839, 538 171,878,708 181, 026, 321 177, 006, 377 198,020,989 106, 611, 297 330, 160, 246 1 34, 873, 591 315, 963, 525 279, 733, 042 253, 685, 687 282, 941, 901 293. 773, 296 185, 315, 205 486, 368, 768 2 592, 161 2, 898, 307 2, 984, 027 2, 788, 773 2, 116, 248 1, 990, 762 1, 172, 382 2, 729, 635 3 581, 166 2, 751, 045 2, 872, 599 2, 754, 448 2, 036, 226 1, 918, 525 1, 1 19, 640 2, 666, 10] 4 6, 902, 661 62, 844, 742 60, 248, 771 32, 999, 894 24,611,961 29, 449, 148 12, 403, 070 47, 575, 170 5 1,304 25, 354 22, 954 3,592 4, 195 \ 3,079 2,798 7,678 6 4,788 176,811 139, 363 17, 344 13, 989 1 8,983 9,871 38, 534 7 2,719 94, 632 52, 056 27, 254 63,057 ! 54, 389 23, 877 29, 497 8 6,972 27, 376 36,418 3,479 12, 770 1 14, 769 26, 167 26, 359 9 65 184, 168 287,614 6,070 3,240 32, 702 886 3, 509, 372 10 735 1, 875, 284 2, 892, 296 61, 055 36, 249 334, 854 6,836 64, 602, 175 11 65 183, 339 287, 614 6,070 3,240 32, 702 886 3, 488, 326 12 735 1, 869, 352 829 2, 892, 296 61, 055 36, 249 334, 864 5,836 54, 239, 674 21,046 13 14 5,932 262, 501 1, 019, 886 Ti 1,064 49, 533 52, 176 11,167 15, 578 63, 096 6,434 16 14, 069 958, 354 954, 459 162, 201 246, 734 1, 166, 552 132, 496 22, 984, 886 17 8,962 172, 684 94, 894 73, 686 36, 906 161, 971 10, 703 160, 427 18 4,756 10, 059 145 12 756 37 210, 199 3, 628, 953 19 93, 847 167, 600 1,611 85 ' 9,338 790 "^0 234 1,683 15, 164 161, 453 11, 744 87, 329 398 3,012 8 63 653 6,860 26, 154 222, 913 ''I 99 573 ?3 2,429 88 0/\ 6,431 2,122 n •"i 80, 930 25, 399 97 865 9|g 674 236 52 166, 249 351, 594 97 11, 589 3,428 840 7, 107, 917 12, 289, 275 99 105 996 1,570 850 548 4,336 101 914, 020 29 1,517 9,770 15, 959 6,226 4,723 43, 863 813 12, 227, 244 30 828 46, 169 61, 556 23, 867 17, 528 93, 647 2,108 696, 878 31 61, 053 55 21, 903 253, 827 5,345 9,381 2,801 6,110 3? 1, 039, 013 833 787, 917 4,918,817 82, 245 143, 106 43, 267 93, 868 33 87, 409 839 944 310, 872 64, 243 9,527 39, 319 186 34 3,752 3,983 3,326 2,109 141 1,746 169 2,304 35 82, 596 1, 110, 835 1, 363, 026 508, 949 311, 630 684, 719 238, 363 1, 017, 293 36 269 237, 138 72, 153 3,253 2,842 23, 216 1,239 8,434 37 62 276, 672 246, 238 2,579 1,711 91, 766 741 10, 479 38 36 72, 300 119, 849 2,322 1,100 16, 843 758 2,074 39 195 22, 071 143, 485 12, 169 91, 384 69, 780 41, 338 17,811 40 38 60, 613 12, 581 3,866 10, 440 42, 310 11, 697 225, 171 41 24, 747 317,816 425, 127 164, 125 116, 077 187, 941 32, 870 180, 069 42 1,084 24, 936 40, 101 8,896 ],718 47, 160 764 32, 049 43 52, 729 77, 037 256, 902 292, 438 50, 336 69, 966 136, 218 10, 348 44 3, 436 22, 252 46, 590 19, 301 36, 922 146, 737 12, 848 630, 858 45 54, 467 1, 068, 106 1, 164, 858 372, 631 290, 877 749, 640 223, 337 1, 625, 789 46 88, 181 37, 463 940, 312 2, 948, 072 3, Oil, 441 2, 776, 934 1, 434, 630 3, 812, 942 47 21, 794 11,836 358, 943 983, 673 1, 120, 146 1, 090, 259 502, 197 353 1,557 265, 157 1, 664, 018 529 1, 511, 480 48 10 50 12, 349 11,216 6,761 324 'il 5*? 723 14, 297 27, 802 25, 034 15,640 26, 218 9,720 63 5,336 449, 140 124, 054 56 8 318 602 23 54 4, 495, 405 349, 747, 909 98, 632, 358 31, 182 1,199 163, 681 230, 100 12, 136 65 27, 721 41, 274 32, 358 16, 695 4, 842 23, 229 17,071 23, 389 56 2,429,014 3, 802, 374 2, 248, 203 1, 438, 529 279, 853 1, 637, 648 763, 148 1, 537, 052 57 19, 749 10, 719 26, 832 48, 443 28, 150 20, 537 38, 608 9,296 58 1, 657, 956 777, 248 2, 399, 353 3, 673, 118 1, 444, 632 1, 657, 375 1, 716, 034 786, 547 59 5,001 4,791 24, 628 3,125 967 20, 003 9,999 1,088 60 46 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreacje [This table is presented in two sections, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) West South Central Div.— Con. Mountain Division Texas Montana Idaho W^yoming 1 2 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage 756, 105, 985 900, 472, 787 95, 932, 717 65, 182, 578 53, 566, 308 116,745,032 18, 889, 391 28, 688, 940 3 3, 686, 581 3, 615, 583 54, 143, 427 4,296 16, 315 37, 408 29, 294 1,311,776 20,881,516 1, 272, 828 20, 545, 715 38, 948 335, 801 1, 212, 817 36, 052, 273 193, 890 166, 126 2, 841, 500 5,283 57, 750 2 26 214 4,037 145, 926 6, 403, 061 1, 199, 734 23, 107, 075 1,364,693 55, 460 917,799 5,857 4, 459 659, 894 12, 456 1,085 332 2,101 44, 481 365, 791 46, 376 29, 132 158, 140 2, 528, 415 16, 658, 356 4, 856, 142 398, 420 80, 120 1, 121, 734 7,819 20, 968 148, 050 162, 431 3, 102, 879 44,058,012 609, 688 9,729,711 2, 493, 191 34, 328, 301 455, 385 11,815,924 83, 863 93, 327 1, 889, 177 36, 725 471, 971 244, 398 1, 733, 260 63,324 36, 551 1, 121, 202 7,810 53, 402 8,624 10, 339 809, 204 13, 241, 306 414, 579 6, 225, 922 394, 625 7, 015, 384 132, 442 3, 479, 381 13,096 116,910 2, 826, 538 2,596 18, 931 355 2,051 179, 523 82, 732 868, 289 2,576 8,700 36, 679 57, 536 136,253 1,651,150 25, 856 348, 749 110,397 1, 302, 401 104, 268 2, 446, 754 16,764 21, 493 439, 749 44, 452 322, 303 642 1,958 4 6 6 7 8 9 1? 12 liarvested for grain Cut for silage Cut for fodder Hogged off Wheat.. Winter wheat acres.. bushels.. acres.. tons.. acres.. acres.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. 13 14 Spring wheat bushels.. . ..acres.. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?5 Oats threshed for grain Oats cut and fed unthreshed. Barley Rye Flaxseed Buckwheat Rice (rough) Sorghums harvested for grain Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder. Peanuts Velvet beans Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: Total acreage. . . . .... bushels.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. acres.. bushels. . acres.. bushels.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. acres.. ?6 n . ?K 29 89 799 2, 865 195 1,004 3,061 30 31 3? 33 34 35 3r, 22, 188 1, 872, 994 100, 117 157, 186 8,979 41, 350 699, 128 102, 544 190, 372 65, 221 1, 162, 332 56, 241 97,083 38, 197 6,143 724, 733 33, 415 107, 430 332 98, 758 1,879,747 8,333 1, 017, 205 28,944 74, 277 1,871 12,863 387, 601 74,929 67, 122 122 379,476 1, 177, 675 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed Clover— red, alsike, and mammot Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japj Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay Annual legumes cut for hay Wild grasses cut on farms Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild Miscellaneous crops: Cotton Sugar beets for sugar... Sugar cane for sugar or sirup (Louisiana o Sorghum for sirup Tobacco - Potatoes, white Sweet potatoes and yams Strawberries acres.. acres. . h.. acres. - n.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. tons.. acres.. bales.. 46 46 47 673, 318 2,087,773 48 1 i - .. .. 49 32, 589 333, 110 38,881 260, 574 23,316 230,673 50 tons 51 acres.. aly) tons 6,921 52 53 acres.. acres. - pounds.. acres.. bushels. . acres.. bushels.. acres.. 7, 610 16 9,362 17,057 1, 168, 079 24, 854 1, 433, 217 1,967 8 54 55 56 57 r.8 19, 576 1, 703, 471 60,694 10, 147, 181 10, 391 932, 510 59 60 282 397 52 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMAKY AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued the second section beginning on p. 48J 47 MOUNTAIN Division— ( I^ontinued Pacific Division Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washington Oregon C^ilifornia 90, 778, 958 24, 925, 591 23, 740, 092 26, 603, 195 8, 455, 833 91, 950, 590 67, 874, 738 154, 883, 599 1 159, 606, 290 30, 475, 378 36,587,811 53,113,307 13, 629, 446 205,481,464 111,491,005 282. 579, 083 2 1,396,019 215,811 30, 693 15, 102 1,725 40, 383 58,131 79,413 3 1,062,751 165, 354 16,943 7,289 574 15,795 19,867 35, 779 4 10, 024, 991 2, 175, 042 225, 691 166, 702 14, 353 470, 130 600, 137 1, 097, 365 5 48, 402 3,507 3,280 2, 836 516 11,061 23, 022 17, 205 6 162, 159 12, 822 22,216 25, 025 3, 655 99,886 144, 590 142, 769 V 123, 572 37, 942 7,300 2,634 173 10, 497 9, 672 9,872 8 161, 294 9,008 3,170 2,343 462 3,030 5, 670 16, 557 9 1,306,208 207, 632 32, 162 194, 540 13,862 1,746,653 859, 541 358, 537 10 15,342,775 2,331,586 489, 900 3, 236, 264 315, 938 24, 764, 991 14, 270, 348 5, 129, 145 1] 1 , 086, 054 167,371 28,831 126,970 3, 663 1,114,870 764,249 280, 230 12 12, 059, 561 1, 898, 851 431, 429 1,691,917 73, 570 19, 028, 538 12, 839, 673 4, 048, 317 13 220, 154 40, 261 3,331 67, 570 10, 199 631, 783 95, 292 78, 307 14 3,283,214 432, 735 58.471 1,544,347 242, 368 6, 738, 453 1,430,676 1, 080, 828 15 195, 214 35. 034 4,850 49, 420 1,831 146, 125 259, 604 79, 037 16 4,947,043 648, 107 108,070 1,618,651 55,918 5, 635, 108 7, 221, 278 1,437,781 17 26, 872 19, 433 2,555 1,956 261 22, 208 14, 955 41,107 18 302, 868 7,648 16,899 13, 773 5,819 66, 877 58, 703 751, 931 19 4, 758, 804 90, 600 448, 665 398, 383 229, 714 1, 490, 878 1,282,878 16, 458, 556 20 75, 360 754 172 3,869 196 5, 567 8,475 1.493 21 585, 124 7,271 2,028 25, 613 2,600 46, 711 104. 566 18,679 22 6,332 19,310 14 90 5 13 81 V3 76 106 464 24 2 14 22 219 25 26 71, 641 3, 560, 266 27 ?,8 37, 027 318, 279 134, 069 2,325,993 155,030 8.365 8 4 35, 829 ?9 195, 904 120 100 943, 321 30 228, 176 6,264 348 75 64 83 8, 310 31 5 no 72 1,422 13 414 4 70 32 752 3? 33 63 948 120 206, 276 34 278, 283 175, 033 5,565 278 10 930 35 1,621,702 204, 780 149,432 607, 499 332, 682 965, 824 1, 059, 249 1,821,623 36 28, 514 3.615 601 8,349 7,731 37, 926 15, 663 3, 985 37 125,335 3,616 629 20. 159 12, 759 161,613 66, 683 19,867 38 1,934 262 31 897 33 19,373 106, 621 3,144 39 14,765 1,279 688 2,346 1,648 3,050 6,391 4,826 40 874, 776 117, 537 109, 951 466, 506 140,665 249,116 244, 254 739, 457 41 126, 346 25,893 8,005 33. 267 40, 358 69, 273 102, 420 85, 853 42 88, 169 19, 971 26, 031 6,775 1,440 408, 546 399, 661 850,829 43 201 361, 662 532 32, 075 168 70,032 767 26, 160 162 118,394 43 113,619 44 3,496 128, 058 46 2, 510, 279 475, 081 108, 488 386, 984 177, 013 1, 168, 793 465, 886 1,462,532 1, 483, 865 3,632,789 144,047 46 47 58, 584 109, 519 78, 648 48 205, 647 1,419 76, 667 1,287 66, 430 4Q 2,387,287 1 6,144 648, 636 8,263 659, 933 60 61 52 1,084 479 88 67 18 258 63 54 56 64, 560 1,198 2,061 9,916 3, 415 46, 047 31,112 43, 225 56 9,591,064 51, 200 89,312 1, 368, 533 448, 551 6, 715, 134 2, 980, 386 7, 596, 526 57 16 1,332 550 60, 391 234 22, 122 26 1,210 3,466 278, 159 5K 69 7Qn 9f> 5C 964 25 6,485 6,327 3,589 60 48 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is presented in tv/o sections, iTf:M (See definitions in Introduction) ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924— Continued Vegetables grown for sale : Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons.. acres. Lettuce.-- acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes .acres. "Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits an-d nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches. trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes ..vines of all ages. Oranges trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Lemons trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Grapefruit trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Pecans trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. United States 165, 914 121, 518 70, 034 86, 998 402, 505 420, 025 367, 836 34, 299, 348 103, 697, 180 152, 967, 082 89, 035, 019 47, 755, 377 23. 198, 479 37, 630, 839 381, 491, 116 8, 601, 729 21, 735, 073 365, 384 3, 292, 081 1, 543, 123 3, 483, 182 4, 439, 477 4, 434, 495 Geogeaphic Divisions New England 4, 918 407 1, 158 3, 936 30,817 3, 455 102 1, 957, 946 5, 890, 634 9, 786, 121 841, 640 273, 390 314, 674 153, 049 801, 091 Middle Atlantic 47, 361 6,931 8,415 11,399 82, 708 63, 160 3,218 5, 327, 703 17, 616, 870 29,010,516 9, 476, 545 5, 935, 288 4, 619, 034 1,910,954 44, 533, 434 East North Central 32, 537 15, 145 2,092 25. 717 126, 094 68.115 17, 297 8, 323, 164 20, 015, 976 19, 389, 477 13, 075, 292 1, 967, 196 3,134,313 2, 074, 649 29, 938, 157 1,642 193 43, 624 78, 207 West North Central 8,715 7,474 1,104 6.559 67, 982 35, 474 29,256 3. 979, 819 9, 341, 288 9, 893, 262 4, 121, 158 918, 379 956, 626 2, 077, 383 10, 459, 814 117. 460 157, 013 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924— Continued Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn. acres.. Tomatoes... acres.. Watermelons... acres.. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. Oranges trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Lemons.- ...trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Grapefruit trees not o f beari ng age. . trees of bearing age.. Pecans trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. New England Division— Con, Rhode Connect- Island icut 212 28 55 42 200 260 11 57, 481 165,856 271,307 58,413 27, 407 18, 659 4,110 69, 836 1,075 167 173 270 4,360 1,178 31 295, 939 701, 160 , 349, 222 406, 915 209, 212 90, 658 26, 943 518, 417 Middle Atlantic Division New York 34, 675 1, 608 5. 492 7,908 34, 021 14, 525 146 2, 422, 156 9, 468, 661 19, 055, 965 3, 297, 454 1, 954, 480 3, 331, 601 974, 982 34, 874, 038 New Jer- 5,089 4,550 2,061 2,429 20, 815 41,313 2,438 827, 078 1, 421, 736 2, 667, 510 2, 425, 728 2, 357, 680 431, 799 41, 343 1,880,116 Pennsyl- vania 7,597 773 862 1,062 27, 872 7,322 634 2, 078, 469 6, 726, 473 7, 287, 041 3, 753, 363 1, 623, 108 855, 634 894, 629 7, 779, 280 374 63 183 1,085 94 CENSUS OF AGBICULTUHE: 1925 — SUMMARY 40 AND pR<')T)ucTioN OF PRINCIPAL Crops: 1924 — Continucfl the first section beginning on p. 38] Oeogeafhic Divisions— Continued New England Division South At- lantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Maine New Hamp- shire Vermont Massa- chusetts 28, 668 10,433 17, 642 5,929 9,711 590 254 216 2, 571 1 21, 306 5,213 18,050 13,440 33, 662 33 16 19 144 2 6,410 445 2,691 14,448 33, 371 67 40 23 800 3 4,197 2,128 17,064 4,920 11,078 64 62 86 3,422 4 63, 669 6,298 8,568 4,560 11,809 12, 674 2,182 2,039 8,462 6 151,254 38, 089 29, 890 6,693 23, 896 180 123 96 1,618 6 165, 160 40,224 96, 121 4,980 11,478 4 7 11 38 7 6,485,550 3^246,458 2, 304, 744 479, 743 2, 194, 221 435, 091 236, 602 176, 936 756, 897 8 21,483,280 7,153,475 3, 923, 230 5, 176, 875 13, 095, 562 2,441,937 620, 412 559, 046 1,402,223 9 30, 695, 575 10, 921, 862 5,058,878 6, 065, 822 32, 166, 569 2, 946, 198 1,327,820 865,454 3, 006, 120 10 26,358,763 8,713,511 10, 807, 298 1,414,987 14, 165, 825 7,222 69, 373 3,309 306, 408 11 14, 160, 109 5,049,966 6,128,449 1,658,035 11,764,585 631 3,116 144 32, 880 12 1, 706, 894 903, 8i0 932, 186 383,262 ! 10,187,680 31, 681 26, 996 16,319 131,361 13 947,405 712, 075 1,282,434 987, 544 27,485,346 33,276 17,337 20, 664 50,719 14 3, 113, 186 1,281,031 6,813,864 2, 168, 928 282, 381, 611 12,461 19, 369 11, 690 169, 318 15 6,048,473 416, 235 320, 809 64, 185 1,762,027 16 7, 306, 922 274, 095 206, 792 77, 246 13,870,018 17 68, 963 725 11, 310 386 284, 000 18 84, 295 1,032 8,828 1,467 3, 196, 469 !... . 19 952, 921 5,534 318,484 14, 668 251,610 ''O 2, 970, 753 2,442 166, 737 38, 988 304, 262 '>^ 1, 830, 926 775, 192 1,639,390 23, 467 7,776 99 1,383,237 554, 185 2, 255, 270 1,300 6,090 ?3 1 East Noeth Central Division Wkst North Central Division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wiscon- sin Minne- sota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota 6,707 2,203 3,844 6,853 13,930 3,848 1,670 1,040 261 554 1 2,560 5,833 2,455 3,778 619 1,208 1,376 1,625 65 136 2 786 200 504 401 195 355 97 387 53 31 3 7,151 8,345 5,286 3,513 1,422 2,299 2,608 453 258 196 4 34, 061 24, 322 43, 965 15, 6C3 8,183 20, 706 32, 855 3,937 297 660 5 13,240 42, 169 8,139 3,795 772 1,004 3,243 28, 170 94 141 f) 1,830 7,472 6,210 1,176 609 652 3,852 13, 332 279 658 7 2,066,338 1 , 046, 302 2,636,634 1,871,434 702, 456 354, 197 744, 429 1,772,077 14, 533 79, 560 8 5,354,089 2 ,783,391 4, 129, 330 5,544,840 12,204,326 1,370,059 2,254,715 3, 659, 886 23, 197 213, 103 9 5,778,020 1 ,573,267 5, 629, 149 5,360,966 i 1,148, 075 745, 214 2,408,310 3, 634, 725 14, 091 124, 955 10 3,655,354 2 , 046, 657 4, 139, 100 3, 229, 145 5,036 1,060 344, 535 2, 785, 647 447 11 751, 026 194, 389 638, 378 382, 587 816 295 2,479 713, 059 5 12 687, 771 388, 394 771, 671 1, 249, 246 37,231 1,873 147,277 480, 878 363 1,544 13 587,835 276,411 395, 266 564, 911 250, 226 320, 380 481,494 614,381 68, 746 176, 093 14 8,779,993 1 ,406,611 2,311,864 17,219,054 220, 636 121,783 2,115,303 5, 188, 667 2,496 33,418 15 18 17 18 --- - 8,613 34, 951 ^"I"I"Ij"IIIII]" 1, 021 73^^161" 19 20 21 99 28 5, 900 72. 279 826 100, 890 93 1 1 50 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage [This table is presented in two sections, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924— Continued Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons. acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes... acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age- bushels harvested. Peaches ...trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes... trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Oranges trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Lemons trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Grapefruit... trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Pecans trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. West North Central Div— Con. Ne- braska 583 398 57 336 5,130 734 1,455 330, 460 697, 957 927, 785 136, 493 2,100 67, 240 180, 055 963,317 515 27 769 2,777 124 509 4,397 2,088 9,028 684, 563 1,122,371 2,038,182 852, 976 200, 441 257, 451 236,231 2, 034, 830 South Atlantic Division Dela- ware 42, 763 55, 270 171 1,745 19 35 4,259 18, 158 959 242, 976 824, 348 1,037,183 501,111 355, 802 205, 501 5,320 595, 362 144 Mary- land 2,418 5,903 303 298 43, 051 52, 892 2,115 488, 554 1, 696, 549 1,734,056 1, 042, 883 544, 138 285, 981 50, 867 328, 839 1,288 436 Dist. of Co- lumbia 31 34 40 11 84 104 1 1,496 1,625 247 5 429 285 4,552 Virginia 9,506 1,601 374 1,581 4,541 23.550 3,598 2, 272, 786 8, 010, 777 13, 248, 948 2, 196, 238 1,355,087 404,800 173, 768 692, 961 9,826 5,141 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924— Continued Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages ..acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn .acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing agC- bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested - Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Oranges trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Lemons... ..trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age- Grapefruit.. .trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Pecans trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. West South Central Division Arkansas 610 6,446 67 284 1,005 12, 068 9,470 1,081,331 2, 695, 820 3, 697, 867 4, 344, 322 2, 518, 281 176, 684 307, 112 4, 312, 406 45,233 31. 534 Louisi- ana Okla- homa 2,744 j 832 [ 720 I 1,458 i 2,155 1,193 5,120 37, 937 31,217 27, 638 413. 881 203, 847 62,911 92, 175 43, 807 135,931 137, 456 699 433 2,790 7,161 184, 855 175, 577 568 3,021 129 821 2,871 2,304 14, 324 434, 450 919, 490 1,063,962 2, 350, 907 1, 768, 869 223, 763 253, 598 1, 637, 764 347, 092 Texas 13, 820 7,751 1,675 14, 501 2,537 14, 325 67, 207 151,026 276, 703 269.411 3, 758, 188 1, 637, 652 468,828 629,549 819, 887 184, 878 69, 336 10.611 8,395 315, 694 159, 576 1,062,210 1, 350. 333 Moun- tain Div. Mon- tana 375 113 86 230 582 65 107 31.796 710, 9()0 268,153 1,388 21 4,263 18,813 1.741 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued the first section beginning on p. 38] 51 South Atlantic Division— Continued East South Central Division West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Ken tuck J ^ Tennes- see Alabama Missis- sippi 1,310 3, 132 3, 028 2,407 6,065 642 1,964 3,090 4,737 1 206 4,252 1,504 5,173 888 1,279 2,009 1,318 607 2 159 1,167 1,249 172 2, 927 1 121 159 110 55 3 499 608 313 530 422 ! 864 694 448 122 4 2,603 3,644 773 2,119 2,595 2,130 2,862 982 324 5 2,377 1,770 3,282 6,638 42,483 6,905 13,888 2,250 15,046 6 730 11,918 18,462 88,511 38,866 3,262 8,567 20, 608 7,797 7 1,361,390 1,162,694 258, 913 693,030 5,109 1,488,544 1,175,214 426, 342 156,358 8 6,480,350 3,693,388 369, 530 1,404,250 2,592 3,278,263 2,887,806 798, 070 189,336 9 6, 895, 824 5, 749, 678 562, 243 1,464,618 1,402 5,132,240 4,536,931 1,002,683 ■ 250,008 10 1,788,502 4, 116, 566 1,453,161 14,969,465 290, 590 1,994,033 3,798,917 1,849,990 1,070,571 11 901,413 2, 302, 833 726, 825 7,852,520 121,486 1, 130, 150 2, 162, 200 1,116,935 640,681 12 141, 754 287, 863 100, 747 240, 898 92, 921 255,160 273, 359 217, 726 167, 575 13 208,004 156,212 50, 848 220. 246 81,855 263, 323 268,308 99, 308 91,136 14 284,460 675, 969 160, 593 203, 961 366,489 501, 919 467, 503 239,221 72,388 15 2,212 6,046,261 369, 126 57, 109 16 1,200 7, 305. 722 262, 689 11,406 17 54 22 68, 909 84, 273 647 1,022 78 10 18 19 1,012 951 . Q09 3,187 2,347 '>() 843 2,969:910 1 1,714 728 9A 735 61, 972 ill, 702 1, 327, 590 317, 530 6,942 13,039 406,271 348, 940 22 39 41,842 88, 705 1,040,370 206, 500 8,768 10, 566 303, 399 231,462 23 Mountain Division— Continued j Pacific Division 1 Idaho Wyo- ming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Ne- vada Washing- ton Oregon California 248 100 4,213 329 274 347 43 1,810 1,835 6,066 1 232 48 7,326 1,950 2,725 383 663 1,788 521 31,243 2 1,500 78 5,386 1,239 5,978 134 47 1,053 608 31, 650 3 587 136 3,063 191 326 314 67 1,100 1,219 8,759 4 800 207 1,591 243 607 428 102 2,512 1,962 7,335 5 158 34 2,287 219 290 3,608 32 869 630 22, 396 6 479 66 1,181 715 1,904 467 61 786 810 9,883 7 127, 894 10, 018 84, 162 80, 291 26, 401 104, 620 14, 561 1,049,949 257, 819 886,453 8 1,760,648 40, 554 1, 389, 712 596, 603 71, 760 558, 106 48, 632 6,781,852 2, 773, 293 3,540,407 9 1,911,945 47, 974 2,424,421 750, 343 62,817 563, 513 36, 656 .7, 890, 109 5, 989, 885 8, 285, 575 10 147, 631 147 407, 950 131,973 93, 182 622,021 10,695 666, 141 348, 334 13,151,350 11 66,264 715,341 54, 643 31,511 688,010 2,246 400, 692 159. 605 11,204,288 12 71, 177 206 186, 244 38,846 16, 749 59, 903 5,874 1,476,093 1,314,131 7,397,456 13 719,008 11, 748 73,223 56,431 37, 703 63,948 6,670 1,491,228 6, 677, 689 20,316,429 14 114, 748 529 199,284 451,576 868,422 54, 186 435, 668 96,960 1,094,423 648,514 -2 80, 638, 674 1,762,027 15 16 _ . 77, 246 ' 13, 870, 018 17 " 386 1,457 1 284,000 3, 196, 469 251,616 18 ::.:::::: |. 19 14, 563 ?0 38, 988 304, 262 ?1 1,118 22, 203 42 104 1 7,776 5,090 ?? 254 1, 005 26 15 1 0"^ 1 52 CENSUS OF AORTCULTUKE: 1925— summary State Table V. — Farm Population SY ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . M ale Female Population on owned farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 j-ears of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on managed farms. Under 10 j^ears of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on tenant famis... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male.. Female United States 28, 981, 668 7, 394, 441 21, 587, 227 11,298, 393 10, 288, 834 24, 475, 849 6. Ill, 616 18,364,233 9, 675, 334 8, 688, 899 4, 505, 819 1, 282, 825 3, 222, 994 1, 623, 059 1, 699, 935 17, 386, 392 3, 875, 4.25 13, 510, 967 7, 067, 009 6, 443, 958 16, 079, 708 3, 539, 722 12, 539, G86 6, 577, 228 5, 962, 758 1, 306, 684 335, 703 970, 981 489, 781 481, 200 329, 016 86, 152 242, 804 136, 361 106, 503 230, 604 59, 800 170, 798 97,610 73, 188 98, 412 26, 346 72, 066 38, 751 33, 315 11, 266, 260 3, 432, 864 7, 833, 396 4, 095, 023 3, 738, 373 8,165,537 2, 512, 088 5, 653, 449 3, 000, 496 2, 652, 953 3, 100, 723 920, 776 2,179,947 J , 094, 627 1, 085, 420 Geographic Divisions New- England 657, 755 130, 429 527, 326 277, 566 249, 760 656, 204 130,071 526, 133 276, 904 249, 229 1, 551 358 1,193 662 531 600, 382 115,474 484, 908 254, 662 230, 246 599, 101 115,164 483, 937 254, 125 229, 812 1,281 310 971 537 434 16, 654 3,627 13, 027 7,299 5,728 16, 501 3,607 12, 894 7,223 5,671 153 20 133 76 57 40, 719 11,328 29, 391 15, 605 13, 780 40, 602 11,300 29, 302 15, 556 13, 746 117 28 89 49 40 Middle Atlantic 1,817,602 388, 471 1,429,131 752, 814 676,317 1,805,771 385, 602 1, 420, 169 747, 798 672, 371 11,831 2,869 8, 662 5, 016 3, 946 1, 472, 490 294, 443 1, 178, 047 618, 335 559, 712 1, 463, 609 292, 322 1, 171, 287 614, 637 556, 650 2,121 6,760 3,698 3,062 29, 255 7,082 22, 173 12, 210 9,963 28, 726 0.959 21, 767 11, 954 9,813 529 123 400 256 150 315, 857 86, 940 228, 91 1 122, 2()9 106, 642 313,436 86, 321 227, 115 121, 207 105, 908 2,421 625 1.796 1,062 734 East North Central 4,511,148 1, 015, 798 3, 405, 350 1. 845, 260 1, 650, 090 4,489,014 1, 010, 770 3, 478, 244 1, 836, 138 1, 642, 106 22, 134 5, 028 17, 106 9,122 7,984 3, 238, 969 652, 342 2, 586, 627 1. 363, 540 1, 223, 087 3, 225, 872 649, 469 2, 576, 403 1, 358, 084 1,218,319 13, 097 2,873 10, 224 5,456 4,768 38, 442 10, 150 28, 292 15, 348 12, 944 36, 051 9,548 20, 503 14, 434 12,069 2,391 602 1,789 914 875 1, 233, 737 353, 306 880, 431 466, 372 414, 059 1,227,091 361, 763 875, 338 463, 620 411,718 0,646 1,553 5, 093 2, 752 2,341 West North Central 4, 924, 437 1, 218, 867 3, 705, 570 1,987,106 1, 718, 404 4, 868, 803 1,204,338 3, 664, 465 1,965,316 1, 699, 149 55, 634 14, 529 41,105 21, 850 19, 255 3. 075, 752 653, 270 2, 422, 482 1, 294, 223 1, 128, 259 3, 050, 297 646, 871 2, 403, 426 1,284,115 1,119,311 25, 455 6,399 19, 056 10, 108 8, 948 29, 712 8,190 21, 522 11,757 9, 765 27, 648 7,686 19,962 10, 959 9,003 2,064 504 1,560 798 762 1, 818, 973 557, 407 1, 261, 566 681, 186 580, 380 1, 790, 858 549, 781 1,241,077 670, 242 570, 835 28.115 7,626 20, 489 10, 944 9,545 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 SUMMARY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 53 Geographic Divisions- -Continued New England Division South Atlantic East Sout Central 1 WPSt South Central Mountain Pacific Maine New Hamp- shire Ver- mont Massa- chusetts 5, 660, 560 1, 603, 758 4, 056, 802 2, 059, 535 1, 997, 267 4,631.856 1, 262, 641 3,369,21^ 1,711,222 ],657,99C 4, 736, 241 1, 290, 607 3, 445, 634 1, 797, 245 1,648,389 191, 062 38, 807 152, 255 79, 866 72,389- 77, 450 13, 322 64, 128 33, 275 30, 853 114, 188 . 23,860 90, 338 48, 280 42, 068 149, 238 28, 203 121, 035 63, 423 57, 612 266,911 745, 189 412, 205 332, 984 216, 956 813, 013 456. 380 357, 633 2 3 4 5 3,731,910 1,025,229 2, 706, 681 1,384,611 1, 322, 070 3,325,59? 905, 20C 2, 420, ^Q'^ 1, 240, 027 1, 180, 365 3, 663, S 997, 9 2, 665, 8 1, 400, 1 1, 265, 7 09 17 92 59 33 957, 095 252, 225 704, 870 391,095 313, 775 977, 645 200, 258 777, 387 433, 286 344, 101 190, 933 38, 784 152, 149 79. 804 72, 345 77, 403 13, 304 64, 099 33, 258 30, 841 114,114 23, 830 90, 284 48, 248 42, 036 148, 526 28, 024 120, 502 63, 128 57, 374 6 7 8 9 10 1,928,650 578. 529 1,350.121 674, 924 675, 197 1, 306, 25S 357, 43S 948, 82C 471, 195 477, 625 1, 072, 432 292, 690 779, 742 397, 086 382, 656 55, 005 14, 686 40,319 21, 110 19, 209 52, 324 16, 698 35, 626 22, 094 13, 532 129 23 106 62 44 47 18 29 12 74 20 54 32 22 712 179 533 295 238 11 12 13 14 15 3, 101, 460 782, 283 2,319,177 1,174,003 1, 145, 174 2,363,632 573, 119 1. 795, 513 Gil, 18: 884, 33C 1, 992, 367 464, 263 1, 528, 104 791, 880 736, 215 742, 097 186, 140 555, 957 307, 359 248, 598 794, 243 154,091 640, 152 351,815 288, 337 181, 666 35, 980 145, 6S6 76, 379 69, 307 72,041 11, 959 60, 082 31,092 28, 990 99, 853 19, 800 80, 053 42, 704 37, 349 13.5, 925 25, 405 110, 620 57, 749 52, 771 16 17 18 19 20 2, 446, 5S5 605, lr;7 1,841,418 934, 921 906, 497 2, 091, 284 507, 63S 1, 583, 62;: 805, 36S 778, 257 1, 706, 221 394, 808 1,311,615 682, 463 629, 152 724, 764 181,374 543, 390 300, 715 242, 675 771, 995 147, 110 624, 885 342, 800 282, 085 181, 540 35, 957 145, 583 76,319 69, 264 71,999 11, 943 60, 056 31, 077 28, 979 99, 798 19, 784 80, 014 42, 679 37, 335 135, 289 25, 236 110, 033 67, 484 52, 649 21 22 23 24 25 654, 875 177, 116 477, 759 239, 082 238,677 277, 368 85, 48C 211,888 105,815 106, 073 286, 146 69, 657 216, 489 109, 426 107, 063 17,333 4,766 12, 567 6, 644 5,923 22, 248 6,981 15, 267 9,015 6,252 126 23 103 00 43 42 11 55 16 39 25 14 656 169 487 265 222 26 27 28 29 30 62, 702 18,373 44. 329 23, 071 21, 258 11,969 3,171 8, 79? 4,71c 4,089 SO, 674 11,003 28, 671 15. 920 12, 751 45, 520 11,050 34, 470 19, 070 15, 400 55, 088 13, 606 41,582 26, 976 14, 606 1,933 496 1,437 793 044 948 182 764 456 308 1,912 481 1, 431 812 619 6,500 1,175 5,325 2.963 2,362 31 32 33 34 35 36, 329 10,832 25, 497 13,379 12, 118 ■ 7,811 2, 149 5,662 2,975 2,687 22,9 6,6 16,2 9,1 7,1 15 35 80 69 11 13, 865 3,221 10, 644 6,940 3,704 40, 758 9,169 31, 689 20, 577 11, C12 1,933 496 1,437 793 644 948 182 764 456 308 1, 908 481 1,427 811 616 6,469 1, 168 5,301 2,948 2,353 35 37 38 39 40 26, 373 7, 541 18.832 9, 692 9,140 4, 158 1,022 3,136 1, 73c 1,401 16,7 4,3 12,3 6,7 59 68 91 51 31,655 7,829 23,826 12, 130 11, 696 14, 330 4,337 9,993 6,399 3,594 4 31 7 24 15 9 41 42 4 1 3 43 44 5,640 4F, 2,496,398 803, 102 1, 693,296 862, 461 830, 835 2,251,255 686, 35'i 1,564,901 795. 329 769, 572 2, 704, 200 81,5, 341 1, 888, 859 989, 438 899, 423 224, 483 69, 721 154, 762 85, 776 68, 986 180,638 49,369 131,279 76, 689 64, 690 7.463 2,331 5,132 2,694 2,438 4, 463 1,181 3,282 1,727 1,655 12,423 3, 56,9 8,854 4,784 4,090 6,813 1,623 5,190 2,711 2,479 46 47 48 49 50 1,248,996 409, 230 839, 766 436,311 403, 455 1, 228, 523 395, 41S 831, 105 431, 684 399, 421 1,934,673 596, 676 1,337,997 708, 527 629, 470 218, 466 67, 630 150, 836 83,440 67, 396 164, 892 43, 979 120,913 69, 909 51, 004 7,460 2,331 5,129 2,692 2, 437 4, 458 1,179 3,279 1,725 1,554 12,408 3,565 8,843 4,758 4,085 6,788 1,620 5,168 2,696 2,472 51 52 53 54 55 1, 247, 402 393,872 853, 530 426, 150 427, 380 1, 024, 732 290, 93 S 733, 796 363, 645 370, 151 769, 527 218, 665 550, 862 280, 909 269, 953 6,017 2,091 3,926 2, 336 1,590 15, 746 5,380 10, 386 6,680 3,686 3 5 2 3 2 1 15 4 11 6 5 25 3 22 15 7 56 57 3 2 1 58 59 60 ' 54 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AM) TKNURK (See definitions in Introduction) 37 38 I 39 ' 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 62 63 54 65 56 57 68 69 60 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . . Male Female-- White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.-. Male Female-- Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female Population on owned farms.-. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. - . M ale Female-- - White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over-.. Male Female-- Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female-- Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over- . . Male—. Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male... -- Female--- Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female- Population on tenant farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male—. Female-- - White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male. Female. Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. - . Male Female New England Division— Con. Rhode Island 18, 663 3, 502 15, 161 7,961 7,200 18, 498 3,471 15, 027 7,890 7,137 165 31 134 71 63 15, 166 2,648 12, 518 6, 673 5,945 15, 052 2,633 12, 419 6,518 5,901 114 15 99 55 44 1,015 193 822 427 395 991 189 802 418 2,482 661 1,821 961 2,455 649 1,806 954 852 27 12 15 7 Con- necticut 107,154 22, 745 84,409 44, 761 39, 648 106, 730 22, 658 84, 072 44, 576 39, 496 424 87 337 185 152 95, 731 19, 682 76, 049 40,165 35, 884 95. 443 19,611 75, 832 40, 048 35, 784 288 71 217 117 100 4,348 1,100 3,248 1,848 1,400 4,254 1,091 3,163 1,797 1,366 94 9 85 61 34 7,075 1,963 5,112 2,748 2,364 7,033 1, 956 5,077 2,731 2,346 42 7 35 17 IS Middle Atlantic Division New York 767, 500 152, 605 614, 895 326, 441 288, 454 763, 553 151, 659 611,894 324, 791 287, 103 3,947 946 3, 001 1, 650 1,351 633, 395 118, 777 614, 618 272, 428 242, 190 630, 069 117,999 512, 070 271, 040 241, 030 3,326 778 2,548 1,388 1,160 14, 259 3,092 11, 167 6,198 4,969 14, 146 3, 008 11,078 6, 144 4,934 113 24 89 54 35 119, 846 30, 736 89,110 47,815 41,295 119, 338 30, 592 88,746 47, 607 41, 139 508 144 364 208 156 New Jersey 139, 255 27,040 112,215 59,884 52, 331 135, 264 26, 063 109, 201 58,119 51, 082 3,991 977 3,014 1,765 1,249 111, 981 20, 530 91, 451 48, 448 43, 003 109, 163 19, 832 89, 331 47, 255 42, 076 2,818 698 2,120 1,193 927 3,646 872 2,774 1,575 1,199 3,429 824 2,605 1,456 1,149 217 48 169 119 60 23,628 5,638 17,990 9,861 8,129 22, 672 6,407 17,265 9,408 7,857 956 231 725 4.53 272 Pennsyl- vania 910, 847 208, 826 702, 021 366, 489 335, 532 906, 954 207, 880 699, 074 364,888 334, 186 3,893 946 2,947 1,601 1, 346 727,114 155, 136 571, 978 297, 459 274, 519 724, 377 154, 491 569, 886 296,342 273, 544 2,737 645 2,092 1,117 975 11, 350 3,118 8,232 4,437 3,795 11,151 3, 067 8,084 4,354 3,730 199 51 148 83 65 172,383 50,572 121,811 64,593 57, 218 171, 426 50,322 121, 104 64,192 66,912 957 250 707 401 306 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 55 East North Central Division— Con. West North Central Division Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minne- sota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota 798, 157 996, 368 791, 553 893, 352 875, 749 951, 558 1, 094, 037 372, 886 361, 779 1 169, 302 226, 724 181, 044 218, 331 214, 964 235, 188 251, 022 104, 142 98, 807 2 628, 855 769. 644 610, 509 675, 021 660, 785 716, 370 843, 015 268, 744 262, 972 3 326, 196 405, 804 326, 991 363, 565 361, 354 381, 034 441, 900 148, 012 144, 800 4 302, 659 363. 840 283, 518 311,450 299. 431 335, 336 401, 115 120, 732 118, 172 6 795, 835 990, 317 789, 162 889, 212 873, 335 950, 974 1, 062, 862 369, 050 351,016 6 168, 833 225, 465 180, 547 217, 135 214, 276 235, 080 243, 353 102, 877 95, 734 7 627, 002 764, 852 608, 615 672, 077 659, 059 715, 894 819, 509 266, 173 265, 282 8 325, 182 403, 229 325. 935 362, 098 360, 467 380, 770 429, 233 146, 679 140, 802 9 301, 820 361, 623 282, 680 309, 979 298, 592 335, 124 390, 276 119, 494 114, 480 10 2,322 6,051 2,391 4,140 2,414 584 31, 175 3,836 10, 763 11 469 1,259 497 1,196 688 108 7,669 1,265 3,073 12 1,853 4,792 1,894 2,944 1,726 476 23, 506 2,571 •7,690 13 1,014 2,575 1,056 1,467 887 264 12, 667 1, 333 3,998 14 839 2,217 838 1,477 839 212 10, 839 1.238 3,692 15 539, 493 556, 160 656, 278 751, 988 638, 066 623, 592 715, 488 253, 671 218, 920 16 96, 470 102, 921 141, 068 175, 504 140, 682 103, 661 141, 454 64, 211 62, 804 17 443, 023 453, 239 615, 210 676, 484 497, 384 419, 931 674, 034 189, 460 166, 116 18 228, 871 237. 192 276, 067 310, 286 271, 998 222, 125 299, 078 104, 019 90, 922 19 214, 152 216, 047 239, 143 266, 198 225, 386 197, 806 274, 956 85, 441 75, 194 20 538. 022 553. 324 654, 250 750, 127 635, 890 523, 240 707, 786 250, 762 210, 021 21 96, 208 102, 327 140, 663 174, 900 140, 073 103, 601 139, 942 63, 299 50, 277 22 441, 814 450, 997 513, 587 575, 227 495, 817 419, 639 567, 844 187, 463 159, 744 23 228, 228 235, 994 275, 158 309, 666 271, 198 221, 965 295, 658 102, 987 87, 609 24 213, 586 215, 003 238, 429 265, 561 224, 619 197, 674 272, 186 84,476 72, 135 25 1,471 2,836 2,028 1,861 2,176 352 7,702 2,909 8,899 26 262 694 405 604 609 60 1,512 912 2.627 27 1,209 2,242 1,623 1,257 1,567 292 6,190 1,997 6,372 28 643 1,198 909 620 800 160 3,420 1,032 3,313 29 566 1,044 714 637 767 132 2,770 965 3,059 30 6,626 10,384 6,520 7,919 3,731 8,407 5,511 1,758 2,166 31 1,772 2,839 1.744 2,050 996 2,395 1,510 409 605 32 4,854 7,545 4,776 5,869 2,735 6,012 4,001 1,349 1.661 33 2,574 4,194 2,624 3,145 1,566 3,206 2,119 764 876 34 2,280 3,351 2,152 2,724 1,169 2,806 1,882 686 685 35 6,560 10, 330 6,478 5,841 3,720 8,392 6,296 1,766 1,629 36 1,763 2,825 1,738 1,514 990 2,394 1,452 409 480 37 4,797 7,505 4.740 4,327 2,730 6,998 3,844 1,346 1,149 38 2,539 4,173 2,602 2,373 1,563 3,196 2,035 763 663 39 2,258 3.332 2,138 1,954 1,167 2,802 1,809 683 486 40 66 64 42 2,078 11 16 215 3 637 41 9 57 14 40 6 36 636 1,542 6 5 1 14 58 167 125 412 42 §" 43 35 21 22 772 3 10 84 1 213 44 22 19 14 770 2 4 73 2 199 45 252, 038 429, 824 128, 755 133. 445 233. 952 419, 559 373, 038 117, 457 140. 693 46 71, 060 120,964 38,232 40, 777 73,286 129, 132 108, 058 39, 522 45, 398 47 180, 978 308, 860 90,523 92, 668 160, 666 290. 427 264, 980 77, 935 95, 295 48 94. 751 164, 418 48. 300 60,134 87, 790 155, 703 140, 703 43, 229 63,002 49 86, 227 144, 442 42,223 42.534 72, 876 134, 724 124, 277 34, 706 42,293 60 251, 253 426, 663 128, 434 133, 244 233, 725 419, 342 349, 780 116, 533 139, 366 51 70. 862 120. 313 38, 146 40, 721 73, 213 129, 085 101, 959 39, 169 44, 977 52 180, 391 306, 350 90, 288 92, 523 160, 512 290, 257 247, 821 77,364 94. 389 63 94, 415 163, 062 48, 175 50, 059 87, 706 155, 609 131. 540 42,929 62, 530 64 85, 976 143, 288 42, 113 42,464 72,806 134, 648 116, 281 34, 435 41, 859 55 785 3,161 321 201 227 217 23,258 924 1,327 56 198 651 86 56 73 47 6,099 353 421 57 587 2,510 235 145 154 170 17, 159 671 906 58 336 1,356 125 75 84 94 9,163 300 472 59 251 1,154 110 70 70 76 7,996 271 434 60 51623—27 56 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total-.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male : , Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years o f age . . . 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population. .. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on managed farms . Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female.. White farm population... Under 10 years of age.. . 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male Female... White farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population. . Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male .- Female West North Cen- tral Division— Con. Nebraska Kansas 566, 660 146, 880 419, 780 226, 295 193, 485 564, 431 146, 242 418, 189 225, 475 192, 714 2,229 638 1,591 820 771 316, 593 69, 251 247, 342 132, 562 114, 780 316, 175 69, 155 247, 020 132, 395 114, 625 418 96 322 167 155 4,612 1,276 3,336 1,830 1,506 3,360 964 2,396 1,360 1,036 1,252 312 940 470 470 245, 455 76, 353 169, 102 91, 903 77, 199 244, 896 76, 123 168, 773 91.720 77, 053 559 230 329 183 146 701, 768 167, 864 633, 904 283, 771 250, 133 697, 135 166, 776 530, 359 281, 890 248, 469 4,633 1,088 3,545 1,881 1,664 409, 422 81, 207 328, 215 173, 519 154, 696 406, 423 80,524 325, 899 172, 303 153, 596 2,999 683 2,316 1,216 1,100 3,527 999 2,528 1,396 1,132 3,496 997 2,499 1,379 1,120 31 2 29 17 12 85, 658 203, 161 108, 856 94, 305 287, 216 85, 255 201,961 108, 208 93, 753 1,603 403 1,200 648 552 South Atlantic Division Delaware 44, 662 9,625 35, 037 18, 523 16, 514 Maryland 249, 319 59,202 190,117 99,591 90,526 38, 933 8,219 30, 714 16,115 14, 599 5,729 1,406 4,323 2,408 1,915 26, 547 5, 039 21, 508 11,238 10, 270 24, 042 4,484 19, 558 10, 176 9,382 2,505 555 1,950 1,062 630 153 477 255 222 523 123 400 217 183 107 30 77 38 39 17, 485 4,433 13, 052 7,030 6,022 14, 368 3,612 10, 756 6,722 6,034 3,117 821 2,296 1,308 988 201, 001 45, 923 155, 078 80, 809 74, 269 48, 318 13, 279 35, 039 18, 782 16, 257 Dist. of Colum- bia 170, 148 36, 530 133,618 69, 379 64, 239 141, 741 29, 255 112,486 68. 209 54, 277 28, 407 7,275 21, 132 11.170 9,962 7,421 2,215 6,206 2,758 2,448 5.933 1,794 4,139 2, 164 1,975 1,488 421 1,067 694 473 71, 750 20, 457 61, 293 27, 454 23,839 53, 327 14, 874 38, 453 20,436 18, 017 18, 423 6,683 12, 840 7,018 6, 822 682 127 555 332 223 614 119 495 294 201 68 8 60 38 22 359 67 292 155 137 321 64 257 134 123 38 3 35 21 14 158 22 136 105 31 143 22 121 95 26 15 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMAKY Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — -Continued 57 South Atlantic Division— Continued East South Central Division West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Missis- sippi 455, 204 1, 446, 881 911,885 1, 309, 584 262,181 1, 163, 001 1, 17.3, 316 1, 166, 432 1,129,107 1 119, 696 431, 368 276, 062 376, 864 69, 351 312, 323 312, 489 328. 733 309, 099 2 335, 508 1,015,513 635, 823 932, 720 192, 830 850, 678 860, 827 837, 699 820, 008 3 173, 500 513, 754 319, 154 471, 234 98, 229 439, 387 437, 552 419, 732 414, 551 4 162, 008 501, 759 316, 669 461, 486 94, 601 411,291 423, 276 417, 967 405, 457 5 450, 730 987, 001 382, 593 785, 241 188, 766 1, 110, 666 1, 005, 506 730, 145 479, 281 6 118, 620 287, 006 113, 552 223, 322 48, 778 299, 408 266, 746 207, 833 131,219 7 332, no 699, 995 269, 041 561,919 139, 988 811,268 738. 760 522, 312 348, 062 8 171, 728 356, 100 138,114 286, 699 72,016 418, 665 376, 270 266, 221. 178, 871 9 160, 382 343, 895 130, 927 275, 220 67, 973 392, 593 362, 490 266, 091 169, 191 10 4,474 459, 880 529, 292 524, 343 73,415 52, 336 167, 810 436, 287 649, 826 11 1.076 144, 362 162, 510 153, 542 20, 673 12,916 45, 743 120, 900 177, 880 12 3,398 315, 518 366, 782 370, 801 52, 842 39. 420 122, 067 315, 387 471,946 13 1,772 157, 654 181, 040 184, 535 26, 214 20, 722 61, 282 153, 611 235, 680 14 1,626 157, 864 185, 742 186, 266 26. 628 18, 698 60. 785 161, 876 236, 266 15 372, 240 796, 603 335, 194 482, 727 193, 745 796, 276 704, 737 475, 330 393, 290 16 92, 653 212,119 90, 987 119,032 47, 967 193, 552 165, 923 117, 492 96,1.52 17 279, 587 584, 484 244, 207 363, 695 145, 778 601, 723 638, 814 357, 838 297, 138 18 144, 185 294, 348 122, 050 182, 640 74, 298 308, 641 271, 972 180, 050 150, 520 19 135, 402 290, 136 122, 157 181, 055 71, 480 293, 082 266, 842 177, 788 146, 618 20 368, 919 659, 444 198, 370 367, 414 150,127 768, 190 663, 265 384, 251 285, 558 21 91, 839 174, 732 51, 392 88. 726 36, 634 187, 801 154,004 95, 660 70, 174 22 277, 080 484, 712 146, 978 278, 688 113, 493 580, 389 499, 261 288, 591 215, 384 23 142, 885 245, 002 74, 527 140, 062 68. 171 297, 484 262, 208 145, 964 109, 712 24 134, 195 239, 710 72, 451 138, 626 56, 322 282, 905 247, 063 142, 627 105, 672 25 3,321 137, 159 136, 824 115,313 43, 618 27, 085 51, 472 91, 079 107, 732 26 814 37, 387 39, 595 30. 306 11,333 5,761 11,919 21,8.32 25, 978 27 2,507 99, 772 97, 229 85, 007 32, 286 21,334 39, 653 69, 247 81,754 28 1,300 49, 346 47, 523 42, 578 16, 127 11, 1.57 19, 764 34,086 40, 808 29 1,207 50, 426 49, 706 42, 429 16, 168 10, 177 19, 789 36, 161 40, 946 30 4,111 3,636 5,724 20, 431 9,509 1,878 2,738 4,023 3, 330 31 1,210 1,112 1,689 5,937 2,775 443 790 1,067 881 32 2,901 2,524 4,035 14, 494 6,734 1,435 1,948 2,966 2,449 33 1,523 1,328 2,070 7,315 3,633 785 1,046 1,573 1,306 34 1,378 1,196 1,965 7,179 3,101 660 902 1,393 1,143 35 4,044 2,487 1,839 7,341 5,391 1,520 2,257 2,016 2,018 36 1,198 778 561 2,230 1,468 370 679 658 542 37 2,846 1,709 1,288 5,111 3,923 1,150 1,578 1,458 1,476 38 1,494 891 673 2,588 2,143 614 839 767 756 39 1,352 818 615 2.523 1,780 636 739 691 721 40 67 1,149 3,885 13, 090 4,118 368 481 2,007 1,312 41 12 334 1,138 3,707 1,307 73 111 499 339 42 65 815 2,747 9,383 2,811 285 370 1,508 973 43 29 437 1,397 4,727 1,490 171 207 806 551 44 26 378 1,350 4,666 1,321 114 163 702 422 45 78, 853 646, 642 570, 967 806, 426 58, 927 366. 848 466, 841 687, 079 732, 487 46 25, 833 218, 137 183, 386 251, 895 18, 609 118,328 146, 776 210, 184 212, 066 47 53, 020 428, 505 387, 581 554, 631 40,318 247, 620 320, 066 476, 895 620, 421 48 27, 792 218, 078 195, 034 281, 279 20, 298 129, 961 164, 634 238. 109 262, 725 49 25, 228 210,427 192, 547 273, 262 20, 020 117,, 559 155, 531 238, 786 257, 696 50 77, 767 325, 070 182, 384 410, 486 33, 248 340, 956 349, 984 343, 878 191, 705 61 25,583 111, 496 61, 609 132, 366 10, 676 111,237 112,063 111,615 60, 603 62 62, 184 213, 574 120, 775 278. 120 22, 672 229, 719 237, 921 232, 263 131, 202 63 27, 349 110, 207 62, 914 144, 049 11, 701 120, 567 123, 223 119,490 68, 404 54 24,835 103, 367 57, 861 134, 071 10, 871 109, 162 114, 698 112, 773 62, 798 55 1,086 321, 572 388, 583 395, 940 25, 679 24, 892 116. 857 343, 201 640, 782 56 250 106, 641 121, 777 119, 529 7, 933 7,091 33,713 98, 569 161, 563 67 836 214, 931 266, 806 276,411 17, 746 17, 801 82, 144 244, 632 389,219 58 443 107, 871 132, 120 137, 230 8,597 9,394 41,311 118,619 194, 321 69 393 107,060 134, 686 139, 181 9,149 8,407 40, 833 126, 013 194, 898 60 58 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population U nder 10 years o f age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on owned farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on tenant farms. _. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over ... Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.. Male Female West Soi'th Central Division Arkansas 999, 840 272, 789 727, 051 375,541 351,510 726, 840 202, 224 524, 616 272, 899 251, 717 273, 000 70, 565 202, 435 102, 642 99, 793 452, 597 110,302 342, 295 175,884 166, 411 393, 014 96, 167 296, 847 153, 096 143, 751 59, 583 14, 135 45, 448 22, 788 22, 660 4,566 1,148 3,418 1,887 1,531 2,875 836 2,039 1,101 1,691 312 1,379 78() 593 642, 677 161, 339 381, 338 197, 770 183, 568 330, 951 105, 221 225, 730 118,702 107, 028 211,726 56,118 155, 608 79, 068 76,540 l/ouisiana Oklahoma 696,179 201, 383 494, 796 252,281 242,515 380, 259 110,073 270, 186 139, 354 130, 832 315, 920 91,310 224, 610 112,927 111,683 301, 757 78, 488 223, 269 113,856 109, 413 226, 378 59, 089 167, 289 85, 629 81, 660 75, 379 19, 399 55, 980 28, 227 27, 753 21, 788 6,239 15, 549 8,230 7,319 8,751 2, 706 6,045 3,201 2,844 13, 037 3, 533 9,504 5,029 4,475 372, 634 116,656 255, 978 130, 195 125, 783 145, 130 48, 278 96, 852 50, 524 46, 328 227, 504 68, 378 159, 126 79, 671 79, 455 925, 690 255, 240 670, 450 355, 450 315, 000 827, 646 227, 348 600, 298 319, 063 281, 235 98, 044 27, 892 70, 152 36, 387 33, 765 376, 802 86, 248 290, 554 153, 446 137, 108 334, 269 74, 935 259, 334 137, 400 121, 934 42, 533 11,313 31, 220 16, 046 15, 174 3,153 958 2,195 1,186 1,009 2,773 853 1,920 1,046 874 380 105 275 140 135 545, 735 168,034 377, 701 200,818 176,883 490,604 151, 560 339, 044 180,617 158, 427 55, 131 16, 474 38, 657 20, 201 18, 456 Texas 2, 114, 532 561, 195 1, 553, 337 813, 973 739, 364 1, 729, 064 458, 272 1, 270, 792 668, 843 601, 949 385, 468 102, 923 282, 545 145, 130 137. 415 861,211 189, 225 671, 986 348, 703 323, 283 752, 560 164,415 588, 145 306, 338 281, 807 108, 651 24,810 83,841 42, 365 41,476 10,167 2,658 7,509 4,617 2,892 8, 516 2,240 6, 276 3,821 2,455 1,651 418 1,233 796 437 1, 243, 154 369, 312 873, 842 460, 653 413, 189 967, 988 291,617 676, 371 358. 684 317,687 275. 166 77, 695 197,471 101, 969 95, 502 Moun- tain Division Montana CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 59 Mountain Division— Continued Idaho 172,216 46, 142 126, 074 69, 064 57,010 168, 268 45,018 123, 250 67, 561 55, 689 3,948 1,124 2,824 1,503 1,321 126, 851 31, 543 95, 308 52, 272 43, 036 124, 574 30. 943 93, 631 51, 388 42, 243 2,277 600 1,677 . 884 793 2,932 789 2,143 1,178 965 2,054 582 1,472 854 618 878 207 671 324 347 42, 433 13, 810 28, 623 15, 614 13, 009 41. 640 13, 493 28, 147 15,319 12, 828 793 317 476 295 181 Wyo- ming 61, 181 15, 041 46, 140 26, 812 19, 328 60, 450 14, 858 45, 592 26, 503 19,089 731 183 548 309 239 48, 471 11,449 37, 022 21, 364 15, 658 47, 820 11.299 36, 521 21,088 15, 433 651 150 501 276 225 1,383 204 1,179 920 259 1,379 204 1,175 916 259 11, 327 3,388 7.939 4,528 3,411 11,251 3,355 7,896 4,499 3,397 76 33 43 29 14 Colorado 250. 492 64, 189 186, 303 102, 084 84,219 247, 330 63, 041 184, 289 100, 968 83, 321 3,162 1,148 2,014 1.116 166, 073 38, 547 127, 526 69, 663 57, 863 164, 868 38, 191 126, 677 69, 214 57. 463 1,205 356 400 3,567 920 2,647 1.580 1, 067 3,368 861 2,507 1,497 1,010 199 59 140 83 67 80. 852 24, 722 56, 130 30, 841 25, 289 79, 094 23, 989 55, 105 30, 257 24, 848 1,758 733 1,025 584 441 New Mexico 147, 482 40. 708 106. 774 57,515 49, 259 134, 618 37, 351 97, 267 52, 649 44, 618 12, 864 3,357 9,507 4,866 4,641 113.232 30, 898 82, 334 44, 322 38, 012 110, 602 30, 146 80, 456 43, 386 37,070 2,630 752 1.878 936 942 11,328 2,752 8,576 4,580 3,996 l.< 331 .307 859 448 2,421 7,269 3,721 3,548 22, 922 7,058 15, 864 8,613 7,251 22, 378 6,874 15, 504 8,404 7,100 544 184 ■ 360 209 151 Arizona 71,954 18,615 53, 339 29. 370 23. 969 48, 820 12, 901 35, 919 20, 276 15, 643 23, 134 5,714 17, 420 9,094 8,326 Utah 108, 856 31.256 77, 600 41, 195 36, 405 106. 640 30, 549 76, 091 40, 357 35, 734 2.216 707 1.509 838 671 38, 669 9,742 28. 927 16. 239 12, 688 35, 053 8.819 26, 234 14, 752 11, 482 3,616 923 2,693 1,487 1,206 20, 031 4,985 15, 046 7,822 7,224 2,328 631 1.697 1,054 643 17, 703 4,354 13. 349 6,768 6,581 13, 254 5,309 4,057 11,439 3,451 7,988 4,470 3, 518 815 437 378 839 539 97, 130 27, 249 69, 881 37, 004 32, 877 96. 074 26, 913 69, 161 36. 599 32, 562 1,056 336 720 405 315 928 237 691 393 298 392 104 536 133 403 204 10, 798 3,770 7,028 3,798 3,230 10, 174 3,532 6,642 3,569 3,073 624 238 386 229 157 Nevada 17, 034 3,678 13, 356 8,225 5,131 15, 242 3,197 12, 045 7.481 4,564 1,792 481 1,311 744 567 14, 404 3,095 11,309 6, 862 4,447 13, 087 2.731 10, 356 6,327 4,029 1,317 364 953 535 418 1,299 231 1,068 771 297 130 758 591 167 411 101 310 180 130 1,331 352 979 592 387 1,267 336 931 563 368 64 16 48 29 19 Pacific Division Washing- ton 288, 673 60, 830 227, 843 124, 663 103, 180 281, 100 58. .504 222, 596 121, 888 100, 708 7,573 2,826 5,247 2,775 2,472 230, 924 44,410 186, 514 101,712 84, 802 227, 455 43, 452 184. 003 100, 402 83, 601 3,469 958 2,511 1,310 1,201 6.057 1,596 4,461 2,537 1,924 4,218 1.083 3,135 1,871 1,264 1,839 513 1,326 666 660 51, 692 14, 824 36. 868 20, 414 16, 454 49, 427 13, 969 35, 458 19, 615 15, 843 2,265 855 1,410 799 611 Oregon 210, 288 43, 348 166, 940 92, 437 74, 503 206, 842 42. 242 164, 600 91, 147 73, 453 3,446 1,106 2,340 1,290 1,050 168,315 32,019 136, 2 21,450 24,004 14, 236 11,967 3,036 9,746 1,606 772 442 2,024 33 11, 134 22, 417 9,947 7,992 3,472 4,620 1,377 539 386 2,459 34 5,194 13, 982 6,701 12, 258 3,073 3,178 63 29 19 183 36 2,585 3,514 928 2,035 2,665 3,617 306 115 74 740 36 7,652 7,624 3,987 6,277 3,098 2,988 248 168 162 1,419 37 19,458 22, 185 3,658 6,669 4,070 6,341 8,393 2,094 965 5,299 38 18,457 50, 644 25, 048 17, 936 4,315 4,860 631 339 223 2,035 39 11,188 48, 409 32, 928 41,661 2,989 2,536 12 11 9 68 40 97, 596 196, 678 128, 518 94, 584 42,039 71, 613 20, 104 8,477 3,131 14, 858 41 515, 230 536. 979 402, 637 157,530 50, 931 110, 121 35, 561 14, 057 18, 064 27, 792 42 227,438 454, 703 367, 202 267, 277 22,804 63, 095 900 2,807 245 8,601 43 172, 857 282, 426 187, 859 113,283 21, 296 86, 756 8,734 6,030 4,132 16, 570 44 243, 990 155, 024 103, 843 95,616 28, 655 92, 009 7,463 3,728 3,556 8,916 45 241, 344 287,018 163, 983 70, 727 11,305 61,322 4,075 4,743 2,869 10, 992 46 23,969 2,676 7,442 616 22, 362 47 2,652 107 1,738 240 11,115 48 12, 536 503 3,003 439 5,384 49 6,770 87, 187 52, 859 78, 261 433 704 50 1,024,640 885,021 816, 853 873, 911 208, 105 173, 968 37,374 15,265 23,548 22,057 51 644, 213 309, 917 314, 172 360, 132 107, 761 33, 869 4,528 1,501 1,476 950 52 549, 917 576, 245 599, 154 484, 732 110,088 147, 433 37, 671 14, 798 23, 673 23,196 63 322, 955 156, 674 222, 805 278, 367 64, 440 72, 189 15, 127 6,682 16, 357 8,037 64 992,106 764, 894 769, 842 731,117 169, 760 163, 864 38, 859 15, 263 24,044 23, 774 65 101, 398 43, 836 45, 208 18, 950 25, 710 16, 304 6,717 928 1,561 510 56 10, 492 17, 105 19, 503 21, 979 4,387 11, 107 65 79 61 196 57 838, 850 660, 712 556, 819 502, 092 113,237 66, 656 18, 067 5,401 10, 768 6,010 68 1,017,008 964, 410 856, 725 842, 589 183, 352 191, 144 37, 168 14, 999 22, 146 26,017 59 722, 992 797, 291 743,578 1,005,554 81,925 167, 647 15,844 607 2,135 3,181 60 75, 917 117,801 105, 546 91,980 6,507 27, 388 2,000 164 314 756 61 755, 858 2, 848, 737 2, 396, 945 1, 325, 136 14, 793 190, 478 4,241 633 866 7,487 62 14, 844 45, 486 48, 938 24, 979 643 4, 596 408 53 77 405 6;^ 4,498,718 8, 520, 830 6, 518, 269 4, 506, 7^J 346, 618 1,231,851 609, 518 279, 102 406,607 323,923 64 340, 765 661,365 526, 207 365, 639 23, 215 72, 487 34, 940 14,714 20, 118 17, 673 66 62 CENSUS OF AGRICTTLTURE : 1925 SUMMARY State Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Woodland 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Total number of farms, 1925 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain. Cut for silage Winter wheat Spring wheat Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed Barley Rye. Flaxseed Buckwheat Rice (rough)... Sorghums of all kinds Soy beans.. Cowpeas Peanuts ._ Velvet beans... Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. Alfalfa Other tame grasses.. Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton... Sugar beets for sugar.. Sugar cane for sugar or sirup Tobacco >... Potatoes, white Sweet potatoes and yams Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons AH other crops Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees Peach trees Pear trees Plum and prune trees Grapevines Orange trees Lemon trees Grapefruit trees . Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK. 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle Dairy cows Dairy bulls and (or) calves Cows milked Sheep Goats Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 ..acres. Farms reporting number. Woodland burned over, 1924 .acres. Farms reporting number. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords. P'arms reporting ..number. New England Div.— Con. Rhode Island 3,911 1,650 953 56 500 1,203 42 7 35 2,123 367 3,387 205 246 30 93 64 893 334 23 1,315 3,029 1,428 2,147 887 1,627 Connect- icut 23,240 11,322 6,870 3,879 3,585 26 562 203 "13" 173 3,587 6,494 556 64 411 14, 491 1,941 20, 859 2,774 14, 753 953 220 412 843 3.280 1,802 60 7,807 18, 762 7,218 11, 143 6,451 9,104 2,771 162 2,993 1,051 3,086 109 21 739 3,415 416 101 2,930 118 38, 329 2.036 1,323 17,712 6,978 18, 439 342 105 4,251 20,003 5,580 884 5,336 379 248, 513 15,058 Middle Atlantic Division New York 188, 754 109, 883 43, 346 44, 570 32,287 1,421 113, 787 16, 468 5,705 39, 334 312 638 758 11 20,084 62, 823 129, 056 12, 424 706 20, 926 36, 036 6,699 172, 711 543 140, 610 7 5,933 15, 777 1,428 2,477 3,812 13, 460 8,114 207 35, 998 147, 816 27, 385 81, 659 66,400 52, 963 156, 502 8,926 151,371 82,320 154, 961 13, 548 1,053 59, 188 160, 043 10,929 2,183 16, 726 838 1,904,322 106,818 New Jersey 29,671 17, 619 16, 362 1,871 5,250 67 6,604 121 3,708 576 15 456 618 878 4,993 11, 853 472 167 2,755 1,853 659 17, 486 12,041 3,918 4,223 4,421 2,465 1,829 2,006 6,518 9.829 1,430 13, 565 19, 873 10, 639 12, 799 6,857 12. 567 22,664 1,393 18, 792 6,962 19, 338 254 298 7,901 25, 977 2,944 590 2,557 198 94, 572 10, 666 CENSUS OF AGBICULTUBE: 1925 — SUMMARY 63 Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestocki Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Continued East North Central Division West North Central Division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wiscon- sin Minne- sota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota 244, 703 195, 786 225, 601 192, 327 193, 155 188, 231 213, 490 260, 473 75, 970 79, .537 1 197, 463 165, 170 199, 988 144, 743 156, 597 151, 330 198, 313 216, 386 47, 629 70, 898 2 173, 874 148, 740 187, 508 91,235 59, 439 97, 417 188, 388 204, 760 12, 753 58, 190 3 25, 666 16, 873 21, 248 33, 906 91,991 31,060 21, 124 4,014 2,819 2,663 4 120, 222 72, 092 65, 031 68, 858 15, 427 10, 263 19, 537 50, 216 1,107 2,860 5 371 215 4,069 1,192 10, 213 61, 820 2,649 360 66, 014 30, 885 6 127, 183 91, 113 140, 022 129,346 155, 759 150, 781 165, 255 99, 679 63, 342 60, 251 7 6,854 2,048 15,821 20, 727 57,931 63, 182 9,574 662 41, 749 25, 624 8 6,767 11, 038 5,276 26, 139 29, 379 35, 221 3,397 1,466 22, 441 7,149 9 22 14 114 1,751 37, 779 583 115 40, 949 14, 410 480 10 5,418 1,719 287 9,180 4,291 4,526 452 66 12 43, 220 338 11 1? 804 1,788 1,867 52 489 673 1,707 308 906 13 13, 896 29, 160 31,301 2,097 7,216 2,958 10, 913 24, 432 147 484 14 770 11,812 27, 510 930 1,356 297 350 14. 479 28 13 15 10 29 1,055 12 32 70 580 51 17 16 242 85 2,355 4 Ifi 17 1,230 56, 994 3,294 2,221 407 247 367 18 91, 491 51, 585 68, 402 28,312 38, 782 25, 954 37, 584 65, 356 3,296 3,832 19 111,317 59, 275 50, 790 116, 462 141, 999 70, 271 102, 181 68, 081 1,331 4,866 20 28, 784 33, 150 39, 842 20, 366 20, 718 19, 470 23, 763 24, 966 667 685 21 2,937 1,525 3,314 3,925 1,932 7,201 2,870 2,021 6,865 5,456 22 22, 076 15, 015 27, 179 35, 361 37, 165 33, 374 31,932 21, 948 6,967 36, 051 23 4,846 8,299 22, 825 6,461 10, 205 19, 045 6,805 23, 387 18, 219 4,476 24 4,143 3,469 1,746 4,282 6,178 7,107 2,003 6,429 9,911 2,476 25 193, 659 138, 587 6 168, 622 1,021 481 162, 410 180, 323 168, 361 173, 599 176,315 21, 877 62,080 67, 801 26 ?7 4,148 608 12, 876 3,010 1,603 476 139 63 '>8 ?Q 16, 407 9,139 218 9,642 266 17 2,086 SO 116, 123 78, 771 115, 881 134, 686 152, 506 133, 496 127, 033 134, 627 45, 647 40, 492 31 1,688 3,183 6,176 21 730 20, 422 '^9 5,861 3,968 4,646 10, 270 5,595 3,391 3,986 10, 862 151 213 33 6,564 2,699 3,239 4,708 6,239 4,159 1,670 1,968 960 472 34 1,790 1,854 1,410 2,137 571 841 621 1,461 131 162 36 1, 112 443 937 694 630 771 234 668 341 95 36 2,682 2,460 2,457 2,417 1,840 2,844 1,166 1,118 850 339 37 12, 848 6,801 5,641 7,179 3,363 4,478 6,205 3,549 706 560 38 9,640 11, 626 4,851 3,681 1,396 1,814 1,722 10, 471 397 270 39 1,208 2,628 1,797 1,080 485 784 1,051 3,965 404 461 40 21, 501 21, 660 21, 449 42, 157 34, 944 23,644 20, 495 26, 312 4,535 4,221 41 180, 962 138, 321 148, 355 143, 061 132, 988 87, 447 142, 739 153, 071 3,906 16,427 42 104, 257 86, 131 97, 227 38, 988 836 165 29, 691 135, 264 92 4S 110, 550 84, 040 78, 109 74, 008 12, 353 352 32, 603 82, 504 40 196 44 86, 471 55, 174 67, 056 56, 835 41, 498 36,316 62, 461 84, 185 3,371 10, 064 45 116, 212 93,453 105, 008 61, 787 21, 303 11,209 72, 667 104, 130 309 2,216 46 47 48 4Q 24 996 3,747 148 4,776 50 207, 756 169, 194 209, 110 163, 749 173, 672 169, 133 199, 760 231, 901 72, 551 76, 457 51 62, 137 48, 114 83,642 32, 507 13, 529 51, 584 149, 177 131, 698 46,632 58, 340 52 182, 479 150,634 155, 568 153, 365 171, 135 140, 763 95, 431 132, 097 39, 266 29,880 53 73, 707 58, 172 75, 285 78, 276 136, 061 109, 572 52, 985 56, 285 29,944 18, 263 54 214, 841 173, 502 204, 602 162, 998 177, 486 170, 515 199, 895 224, 488 67, 306 68, 724 55 49, 480 26, 043 22, 992 27, 433 17, 254 19, 348 25, 753 31,778 6,888 7,401 56 584 1,112 1,508 292 887 603 1,276 5,038 357 412 67 145, 793 133, 899 162, 809 99, 228 125, 587 135, 901 182, 907 176, 819 57, 282 66,317 58 224, 151 180. 931 212, 419 167, 408 174, 198 167, 806 202, 782 236, 828 67, 329 71, 473 59 33, 859 44,632 44,412 159, 514 343, 472 363, 341 46,946 285, 867 7,356 1,464 60 5, 736 7,043 5,945 19, 966 47, 156 36, 789 5,571 29,831 516 178 61 13, 877 27, 621 56,445 48, 394 115,391 39, 984 8,462 691, 872 1,678 586 62 983 1,244 1.937 1,620 3,941 1,536 587 12, 069 75 40 63 1, 146, 830 1,059,305 672, 300 1, 397, 212 1, 858, 066 1, 154, 410 770, 934 1, 966, 962 62, 431 42, 812 64 68, 136 64, 846 52, 051 72,990 115, 645 87, 340 62, 059 128, 763 3,660 5,280 65 64 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Woodland 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood 60 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Total number of farms, 1925 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain Cut for silage Winter wheat Spring wheat Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed Barley ... Rye Flaxseed Buckwheat Rice (rough) Sorghums of all kinds Soybeans Cowpeas Peanuts Velvet beans Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops : Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed... Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds Miscellaneous crops: Cotton Sugar beets for sugar Sugar cane for sugar or sirup Tobacco Potatoes, white Sweet potatoes and yams Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale : Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons__ Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons All other crops Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees Peach trees Pear trees Plum and prune trees Grapevines Orange trees Lemon trees Grapefruit trees Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle Dairy cows ' Dairy bulls and (or) calves Cows milked Sheep Goats Swine Chickens ._ WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres. Farms reporting number. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres. Farms reporting number. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 ...cords_ Farms reporting number. West North Cen- tral Div.— Con. Nebraska Kansas 116,329 112, 639 2, 135 52, 487 3,681 79, 222 11,951 5,611 68 16, 181 647 1,813 5,499 5,717 7,130 75, 408 17, 062 ),691 106, 450 1,540 71, 426 514 823 426 141 482 1,732 924 839 4,921 48, 255 10, 376 13, 337 18, 505 17, 658 25 121, 521 99, 071 42, 138 20, 490 114,474 4,217 1, 295 106, 764 118, 116 6, 830 1,008 3, 394 182 178, 322 20, 773 135,001 127, 391 4, 994 89, 830 153 71, 625 16, 204 1,946 2,700 10 96, 369 2,408 881 133 191 5,292 7,032 5,214 5,083 71, 324 22, 536 3,015 122, 736 58 204 5 68, 529 3,742 2,188 1,092 1,552 345 854 3,228 2,859 3,684 13, 468 63, 385 51,850 43, 825 29, 088 33, 165 1,821 163, 327 108,911 70, 342 35, 426 146, 705 6,013 1.512 112,860 152. 674 11,188 2, 025 9,882 346 343. 847 32, 890 South Atlantic Div. Dela- ware 10, 257 Mary- land 49, 001 8,904 8,814 261 3,979 21 575 6 456 "289' 1,479 2,004 12 53 491 814 2,796 639 1,409 809 318 345 6,306 5,979 2,994 2,570 269 948 25 62 659 5,419 314 2,685 7,209 3,361 3,847 865 2,635 3,252 7,342 1,890 7,523 66 17 4,802 9,518 845 162 937 95 59. 661 6,128 38. 470 37, 028 2,022 20, 018 7,912 1,755 2,471 1.617 59 4,453 4,130 17 105 1,500 18, 175 2,336 1,472 2,897 2,103 1,145 30, 359 6,773 25, 963 5,949 6,748 2,260 2,835 416 521 6,841 13, 662 990 12, 230 36, 602 19,010 24. 848 12. 691 21, 626 263 41, 287 8,795 33. 272 11,790 36,687 3,636 147 24, 712 44, 788 Dist.of Colum- bia 9,946 1,963 9,195 475 339, 282 27,901 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 SUMMAEY 65 Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Continued South Atlantic Division— Continued East South Central Division Virginia West Vir- ginia North S Carolina Ci oath irolina Georgia Florida Kentucky Tennes- see Ala- bama Missis- sippi 193,723 90, 380 283, 482 1 72, 767 249, 096 59, 217 258, 524 252, 669 237, 631 257, 228 1 164. 052 69,617 254, 431 1 58, 280 230, 770 35. 607 220, 508 217,910 222. 167 204, 166 2 158,860 66, 239 247, 244 1 54, 894 228. 664 35, 142 215, 404 213,714 220, 818 197,012 3 4,702 2.415 616 72 488 71 2,524 1,918 186 212 4 66, 788 10, 572 162 29 946 47, 810 13. 079 14, 907 6 13, 051 87 34, 404 24, 959 810 345 5 6 31,404 54,838 55, 463 34, 740 1,289 23, 220 18, 324 8,200 7 2.374 5, 990 196 1,791 1,009 13, 811 86 1,474 66 2,320 473 1. 648 1.192 1,911 22 114 2 4 8 24 9 10 3,917 6,954 2, 136 928 668 11 1 2,772 1, 129 487 135 30 12 4,243 2,175 14, 691 9,333 32, 7<2 793 35, 551 49, 433 35. 273 18,619 13 19.912 10, 901 31, 073 1, 776 8,922 110 7,959 31,688 20. 932 6,063 14 24. 217 1,006 28, 722 52, 020 41, 788 6,226 14, 930 27, 978 39. 627 24, 204 16 12, 574 18 27, 818 7, 051 75,617 21, 035 207 4,450 47, 550 10, 608 16 109 25 1,075 5,832 62, 867 10, 298 274 217 30, 177 7,400 17 3,208 3,159 2, 427 752 1,210 3,275 2,023 791 53 IS 11, 509 21, 051 2,166 305 377 61 25, 246 8,454 446 316 19 34, 121 32, 357 8,579 60 163 7 24, 106 22, 584 283 204 20 7,498 2,122 10.337 66 191 9 8,017 11,688 338 123 21 4,166 214 3,477 199 193 14 2,534 14, 996 1.297 10, 637 22 5,771 1,278 1,116 664 422 13 9,586 1.771 273 739 23 15, 521 13, 689 23, 138 8,791 11.510 4,714 35, 901 47, 008 19. 053 11,256 24 6,504 2,380 8,354 2,120 2,397 86 3,706 6, 587 2,167 258 26 88, 914 63, 362 84, 067 41, 394 61, 333 10, 599 101, 402 122, 988 69, 195 32, 769 26 17, 790 176, 737 1 55, 642 194, 194 9,532 3,412 87, 475 206, 596 224, 228 97 98 6,096 31, 019 10, 623 777 23. 880 11.421 99 49, 596 5,062 94, 274 19, 281 8,594 120, 163 39. 042 145 30 30 81, 182 60, 259 67, 375 8,241 15,204 4, 785 93, 693 81,708 25, 132 10,010 31 39. 611 4,186 89, 782 56, 659 100, 558 18, 472 41, 343 .53, 905 83. 413 38, 633 32 5,798 1, 225 4,737 695 847 2,478 3,478 8,385 1,951 422 33 5, 910 3,210 4,437 1,360 2,336 2,606 841 2,085 3,829 3,192 34 1,746 403 3,820 1,569 2,191 444 999 L808 1,981 913 35 458 691 467 291 223 889 143 368 342 76 36 2,393 1,666 1,149 406 767 667 852 1,206 L734 195 37 3. 500 3,806 4,070 831 1,457 968 946 1,493 947 272 38 12.312 3,837 2,818 1,911 4.379 6,231 3,955 10, 023 4,004 7,066 39 2,954 486 8,273 8,160 21, 786 5,444 2,295 6,850 16. 301 7,482 40 36, 122 16, 869 50, 829 19, 312 42,328 16, 190 42.313 38, 118 28, 392 19. 695 41 140, 551 77, 442 157,710 43, 624 72, 638 1,263 149, 177 138,351 76, 222 38, 887 42 92, 342 46, 879 132, 862 51. 504 92, 656 16, 086 106,614 119,847 87, 116 63, 625 43 77,912 30, 591 74, 896 24. 412 40, 333 6,557 57, 863 64, 856 38, 047 27, 093 44 42, 851 28, 625 38, 032 11.776 16, 385 3,884 42, 707 41,609 12, 561 6,966 45 64, 184 38, 379 86, 797 26, 305 38. 230 440 31 8.838 23. 529 2,621 59. 657 61, 190 30, 611 1.693 77 12, 525 983 30 46 47 48 247 12, 289 383 120 49 2,387 69 15, 930 14, 703 40. 849 12, 947 1,662 3,588 26, 181 21, 638 50 150. 836 69, 050 222, 740 1 36, 364 216, 466 38, 920 209, 051 197, 871 196, 697 213, 334 51 58. 845 49. 682 59, 050 36. 879 72, 866 22, 813 89. 905 96, 144 63, 461 66, 662 52 117, 341 49, 579 143, 581 88, 019 126, 181 10, 884 168, 463 156, 648 151,110 123, 933 53 18, 650 9,865 30, 603 29, 092 49, 260 6,004 29, 268 43, 390 76. 889 73, 258 64 156, 493 80, 126 177, 007 1 07, 607 176, 121 23, 382 214. 010 208, 155 183, 366 164,311 65 14, 306 17, 677 6,308 724 1,738 381 26, 806 14, 083 1.693 2,626 66 908 230 3,184 3,535 7,145 1,939 2,721 6,900 6, 017 4,865 67 113,439 47, 698 172. 154 1 08. 094 161,313 28, 479 126, 756 140, 607 150, 216 139, 240 68 175, 538 81,412 245, 372 1 46, 901 216, 303 44,504 224, 486 221. 922 207. 795 202, 522 59 167, 376 67. 693 210, 009 66, 830 148, 538 126, 052 154. 563 181,314 231. 764 175. 937 60 28, 108 10. 987 39, 168 9,981 17,438 9,993 25, 686 27, 592 31.362 20, 906 61 68, 474 61, 492 224,435 3 02. 585 1, 463, 480 728. 139 142, 563 238, 402 1,192,354 823, 626 62 2,773 1,987 7,971 5.121 20, 037 7,027 3,879 6, 655 23, 282 15, 122 63 1,864,509 620, 685 2,534,991 1,1 52. 059 1. 807, 943 241, 627 1,523,275 2. 305, 359 1,442,538 1, 247, 097 64 134, 970 35, 144 184. 995 96, 407 151.738 25, 078 105, 666 155,318 140, 768 124. 455 65 66 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Woodland 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) West South Central Division Arkan- Louisi Okla- homa Texas Moun- tain Div. Total number of farms, 1925 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain Cut for silage Winter wheat Spring wheat Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed _ Barley Rye Flaxseed _. Buckwheat Rice (rough) Sorghums of all kinds. ._ Soy beans Cowpeas Peanuts Velvet beans Dry edible beans (navy, etc.)-- Hay crops: Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds Miscellaneous crops: Cotton Sugar beets for sugar Sugar cane for sugar or sirup Tobacco Potatoes, white Sweet potatoes and yams Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn Tomatoes :. Watermelons All other crops Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees Peach trees Pear trees Plum and prune trees Grapevines Orange trees Lemon trees Grapefruit trees Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules... Cattle: Beef cattle Dairy cows Dairy bulls and (or) calves Cows milked Sheep. Goats Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924--- acres.. Farms reporting num ber. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting- number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting ..number.. 221, 991 132, 450 197, 218 465, 646 173, 773 167, 617 314 2,981 98, 657 94, 531 103 117 34, 096 83 128 1,226 46, 468 2,916 31,419 14, 880 1,393 1,770 2,754 8,131 2,161 6,041 5,432 24, 086 7,869 77, 660 176, 198 620 889 61, 334 41, 295 6,810 1,023 3,945 155 629 1,139 5,031 7,614 23, 735 67, 195 73, 034 24, 270 23, 407 24, 953 5,789 185, 437 70, 079 111,916 57, 912 159,655 3,641 6, 045 116,359 184, 256 363, 712 40, 257 553, 674 12,117 1,702,141 127, 120 140, 743 137, 607 425 43, 470 593 61, 667 11,510 1,269 22 4,715 1, 231 4,029 20, 878 6,039 4,230 187 131 49 34 1,648 549 2,157 100 15, 343 103, 673 25 11,490 67 11,214 25, 624 3,304 1,275 798 474 1,000 654 210 377 )6, 296 572 6,217 3,297 40 742 783 241 1,658 16, 664 19, 287 3,322 79,001 133.! 1 4 9,250 9,196 22, 412 11,928 6,578 3,284 3,974 162 489 18, 152 95 36, 884 10, 967 776 1,804 3,424 538 2,254 2,501 3,903 8,492 29, 553 50,239 68,008 30, 532 28, 622 23, 699 18, 362 107, 821 64, 775 30, 008 18, 022 73, 574 2, 669 3,790 70, 264 108, 253 179, 634 86, 180 9,510 311,054 5, 953 572, 167 45, 951 119.811 10, 623 258, 171 2,217 757, 837 59, 930 296, 497 290,939 304 17, 389 620 66, 035 6,820 250 1 14 675 158, 649 356 20,276 19, 040 1,004 1,716 1,665 133 63 164 2,897 34, 937 5,376 159, 442 410, 144 3.194 26 24, 848 27, 3.50 1,077 3,890 4,091 868 2,394 1,375 7,792 21, 178 32, 046 30,900 93, 823 46, 553 36, 909 18, 791 3,468 1,576 2,514 35, 958 401,019 85, 430 139, 848 103,212 239, 596 55, 747 146, 686 162,915 334,973 1,948 10, 692 2, 291 9,853 106, 907 208, 562 173,629 376, 451 435, 851 31,590 202, 237 4,692 1, 474, 608 132, 638 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUBE: 1925 SUMMARY 67 Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Continued Mountain Division— Dontinued Pacivic Division Idaho Wyo- ming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washing- ton Oregon Cali- fornia 40, 592 15,512 58, 020 31, 687 10. 802 25, 992 3,883 73, 267 55,911 136, 40'J 1 7,361 5, 866 28,151 15,878 1,929 3,497 269 7,883 11, 022 4,400 2 4,642 3,089 20, 535 12, 427 868 2,132 97 3,411 4,936 1,680 3 817 100 1,846 252 183 4]0 43 1,657 2,959 1,096 4 5.948 821 ] 1,608 2,061 623 3, 568 232 9, 145 12, 470 2,212 5 14, 446 3,955 9,145 4,403 235 9,370 552 6,485 4,196 665 6 9,668 5, 352 13, 177 3,383 412 7,666 153 10, 432 13, 849 2,985 7 6,988 1,392 11, 084 570 469 2,508 266 2,429 2,936 4,877 8 140 909 2,176 61 12 224 13 255 557 82 9 22 19 170 2 2 4 2 13 8 10 11 294 2,580 1? 270 10,635 7,174 1,311 132 28 19 13 13 90 409 47 204 495 29 17 326 3 352 4 17 54 14 15 15 8 21 14 12 4,811 16 2 371 17 2,369 783 9,075 7,429 688 183 13 280 18 2,319 708 998 312 15 517 139 2,497 1,118 114 19 3,289 772 2,103 216 13 1,010 148 15, 538 2,905 472 20 3,094 73 107 21 4 76 2 2,846 9,000 236 21 400 722 755 91 74 249 34 400 568 120 22 25, 236 7.124 25, 966 8,604 3,675 20, 461 2,427 14, 020 8,543 31, 086 23 865 1,109 4,162 1,718 307 1,028 325 5,471 7,602 3,185 24 6,201 2,697 5,207 1,773 1,081 588 143 23, 160 23, 485 25, 157 25 32, 305 11,385 40, 301 16, 878 3,795 102 4,758 3,675 21, 592 3,005 49, 705 40, 176 53, 060 2,358 26 ?7 3,463 823 8,297 7.561 214 687 *>« ?S( 30 13, 217 5.548 10, 445 579 425 7,316 955 25, 935 18,211 4,409 31 25 159 130 26 664 'A?, 617 142 761 33 34 975 38 4,322 4,200 1,224 33 430 228 1.413 328 211 330 87 1,409 1,064 2,147 34 156 n. ^-•1.096 687 389 413 152 842 464 1,872 35 542 135 1.049 1.030 280 315 361 244 152 450 37 87 696 846 393 629 2,528 1,513 36 506 191 37 643 247 1,230 261 326 638 134 2,309 1,631 2,401 38 233 118 1,523 274 279 1,688 62 1,036 806 3.018 39 21& 96 620 621 662 569 69 460 441 1,635 40 8,771 2,090 11,045 4,773 945 7,310 483 28, 256 22, 038 21,219 41 16, 251 1,364 10, 395 7.418 2.148 8,005 1,300 46, 240 31, 002 32, 879 42 5,486 12 3,042 5,827 2.885 4,838 535 11,807 11,175 40, 113 43 8,388 46 2, 636 3,137 1.708 3,855 812 33,871 23, 119 29, 766 44 10. 237 634 4,855 4,203 2,070 4,366 822 30, 641 24, 705 36, 663 45 2.387 75 2,481 2,563 1,745 616 1,683 235 7,038 11,356 42, 928 22, 362 11,115 5.384 46 47 240 439 48 49 121 291 18 3 704 50 35, 506 14, 501 51, 707 27, 922 8,777 22, 243 3,361 49,023 41, 561 83, 384 51 10, 771 9,683 27, 206 16. 520 3,923 9,107 1,796 9,223 9,866 14, 780 52 26, 902 5,079 28. 008 8,465 5,267 16,914 1,867 50, 057 38, 258 59, 118 53 18, 234 3,008 15, 726 4,606 2,710 9,095 1,372 27, 753 21, 046 23, 390 54 31, 931 11,427 45, 771 16, 443 6,438 20, 854 2,515 54, 879 43, 345 65, 630 55 6,075 2,503 3,542 2,194 575 6,469 800 2,768 7, 828 5,708 56 316 177 1,101 1,794 374 235 187 850 3,714 6,543 57 22, 216 7,759 31, 064 10,065 1,975 13. 648 1,597 23, 419 21. 698 20, 539 58 31, 669 12, 069 49.316 22, 116 7,681 19, 706 2,744 57.571 44, 812 88, 761 59 27, 536 1,948 10, 499 16,483 4,477 2,082 747 66, 922 49, 042 51,683 60 2,843 170 918 618 195 150 14 14, 959 8,743 3.686 61 4.114 533 443 881 576 1,841 73 42. 745 33, 270 114,463 62 291 7 34 39 15 17 6 2,296 1.410 890 63 96, 174 22, 688 66,624 47. 646 21,551 4,704 2,877 411,902 498, 856 321,093 64 5.672 1,869 4,615 3,665 1,483 572 143 28, 935 23,209 20, 343 65 68 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms, certain group combinations ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) United States All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage.- Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres. 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 924, 319, 352 10, 155, 966 46, 405, 872 101, 906, 927 185, 709, 779 258, 362, 359 99, 229, 559 222, 548, 890 344, 549, 267 7,341,717 29, 384, 156 50, 199, 410 88, 502, 671 117,874,075 32, 556. 688 18, 690, 550 467, 647, 287 , 483, 819, 786 , 263, 134, 933 403, 630, 353 038, 360, 359 837, 852, 837 336, 193, 398 . 104, 655, 621 746, 629, 065 . 012, 915, 544 282, 952, 996 263, 951, 574 312,801,421 079, 228, 604 504, 771, 379 290, 007, 547 Geographic Divisions New England 15, 857, 927 285, 582 951, 444 2, 682, 336 4, 664, 735 5, 727, 036 978, 534 568, 260 4, 447, 837 159, 496 378, 977 901,411 1, 389, 970 1, 394, 014 161, 908 62, 061 905, 627, 334 121, 153, 636 137, 221, 956 184, 229, 654 213, 390, 114 203, 951, 127 31,417,369 14, 263, 478 491, 695, 036 80, 324, 378 81, 061, 149 101, 847, 270 110,378,395 98, 999, 674 14,111,169 4, 973, 001 Middle Atlantic 37, 490, 939 691,611 2, 360, 734 8, 417, 061 13, 760, 533 10,851,615 995, 529 413, 856 16, 481, 600 402, 336 1, 270, 984 4,315,055 6,311,025 3, 906, 915 226, 291 48, 994 2, 799, 833, 755 291, 983, 851 356, 886, 171 723,118,819 844,451,844 517, 174, 256 50, 814, 301 15, 404, 513 1, 467, 376, 576 181, 326, 809 191, 859, 457 380, 153, 321 435, 247, 302 253, 028, 299 20, 463, 600 5, 297, 788 East North Central 112, 752, 458 894, 965 5, 896, 204 23, 983, 509 41, 162, 935 36, 919, 674 3, 128, 180 766, 991 59, 114, 159 422, 059 2,886,811 12, 662, 848 22, 199, 925 19, 555, 264 1,210,212 177, 040 11, 023, 659, 414 355,767,113 701, 795, 909 2, 231, 072, 996 3, 815, 925, 694 3, 602, 432, 037 264, 899, 160 51, 766, 505 3, 054, 654, 964 181, 200, 648 271, 163, 389 772, 047, 642 1, 052, 390, 821 727, 005, 953 43, 612, 715 7. 233. 796 item and size group New England Division Maine New Hampshire YeWf^ Massachusetts 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 5,161,428 56, 943 263, 633 1, 027, 187 1, 759, 871 1, 704, 716 232, 183 116,895 1, 605. 576 35. 922 114.321 380, 409 574, 300 445, 183 39, 199 16, 242 197, 269, 810 12,513,315 18, 403, 782 44, 688, 913 64, 687, 631 50, 107, 927 4, 956, 442 1,911,800 99, 745, 790 8, 727, 380 11,245,772 24,187,859 31,363,426 21, 897, 597 1,883,712 440, 050 2, 262, 064 35, 307 117, 189 345, 432 606, 013 835, 272 193, 052 129, 799 523, 386 20, 716 45, 738 106, 546 153,517 159, 077 25, 457 12, 335 86, 632, 599 9, 537, 570 10, 789, 364 16, 382, 042 19, 673, 889 23, 127, 769 4, 646, 715 2,475,250 49, 406, 768 6,871,598 6, 880, 285 9, 777, 676 11,031,423 11,940,236 2,025,300 880, 250 3, 925, 683 32,817 94, 095 360, 798 1, 085, 062 1, 923, 543 291, 264 138, 104 1, 127, 004 20, 778 41, 185 128, 228 344, 305 520, 750 57, 560 14, 198 137, 270. 849 8,212.566 8,211,780 16,517,288 37, 966, 231 56, 735. 614 7, 154, 097 2, 473, 273 73, 406, 066 5, 805. 806 5, 148. 234 9.347.912 20. 333. 722 28, 634, 742 3,415,950 719. 700 2, 367, 629 97,714 263, 153 477, 393 599, 555 678, 357 153, 654 97, 803 625,068 51,036 98, 395 145, 333 157, 293 142, 179 21,344 9,488 254, 602, 941 56, 363, 780 52, 954, 707 52, 782, 480 44. 193, 072 36, 978. 263 7, 617, 733 3, 712, 906 144, 165, 510 37,091,812 31, 121, 355 29, 486, 476 23, 426, 382 18,111,040 3, 550, 619 1,377,826 ? Under 20 acres... ... 3 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres .. .. 5 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over . . ... q Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage in 11 20 to 49 acres 1? 50 to 99 acres 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres. 15 500 to 999 acres 16 1,000 acres and over. . . 17 Land and buildings. 1925: Total value, dollars. 18 Under 20 acres iq 20 to 49 acres '>0 60 to 99 acres ?i 100 to 174 acres. 99 175 to 499 acres ?3 500 to 999 acres 9/| 1,000 acres and over ?5 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars ?6 27 98 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres ?9 100 to 174 acres. . ... •^o 175 to 499 acres ^1 500 to 999 acres S'' 1,000 acres and over CENSUS OF AGEICTJLTTJRE : 1925 — SUMMARY 69 Value op Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Farm: 1925 have been made. For details, see County Table VII for each State] Geographic Divisions — Continued West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific 248, 081, 143 88, 569, 458 70, 606, 625 165, 013, 316 131, 689, 374 54,258,112 1 531,305 2, 536, 400 2, 634, 401 1, 633, 003 219, 230 729, 469 2 3, 118, 709 11,050,782 10, 615, 117 9, 473, 786 896, 463 2, 042, 033 3 13, 032, 836 17, 330, 910 15, 422, 446 16, 537, 812 2, 036, 672 2, 463, 345 4 50,345,011 20, 190, 150 17, 520, 254 27,899,441 5, 918, 850 4, 247, 870 5 104,811,368 23, 427, 887 16, 976, 568 30, 884, 757 20,114,001 8, 649, 453 6 40, 320, 103 6, 978, 915 4, 206, 436 12, 326, 474 22, 266, 426 8, 028, 962 7 35,921,811 7, 054, 414 3, 231, 403 66, 258, 043 80, 237, 732 28. 096, 380 8 130, 978, 827 27, 211, 743 23, 696, 156 51, 335, 135 19, 705, 967 11, 577, 843 9 259, 103 1, 862, 461 2, 196, 779 1, 437, 670 140, 866 460, 947 10 1, 621, 185 6, 848, 135 7, 145, 697 7, 511, 458 546, 751 1, 174, 158 11 7, 204, 177 6, 761, 369 5, 814, 924 10, 230, 343 1, 155, 091 1, 154, 192 12 30, 707, 728 5, 513, 037 4, 487, 795 14, 184, 744 2, 324, 356 1, 384, 091 13 63, 404, 147 4, 742, 724 3, 219, 797 12, 687, 963 6, 384, 833 2, 578, 418 14 19, 747, 232 939, 098 546, 835 3, 151, 988 4, 687, 877 1, 885, 247 15 8, 035, 255 544, 919 284, 329 2, 130, 969 4, 466, 193 2, 940, 790 16 16, 530, 890, 649 4, 098, 944, 308 2, 480, 829, 540 4, 959, 433, 415 2, 172, 981, 933 4, 495, 446, 939 17 238, 768, 664 380, 660, 490 220, 596, 296 160, 067, 534 83, 712, 636 631, 109, 566 18 364, 962, 662 752, 137, 233 487, 421, 436 538, 805, 070 132, 833, 452 791, 071, 044 19 1, 242, 499, 220 865, 285, 440 536, 322, 623 838, 862, 024 205, 774, 248 576, 465, 329 20 4, 756, 716, 417 832,359,413 524, 628, 063 1, 217, 293, 525 304, 673, 885 528, 921, 404 21 7, 728, 296, 810 860, 568, 722 609, 088, 235 1, 133, 923, 428 520, 778, 774 761, 639, 448 22 1, 534, 915, 961 223, 512, 221 124, 262, 941 346, 706, 147 339, 507, 405 420, 157, 893 23 664, 730, 915 184, 420, 789 78, 509, 946 723, 775, 687 585, 701, 533 786, 082, 255 24 3, 227, 843, 080 1, 118, 173, 133 653, 007, 002 782, 468, 965 334, 001, 691 617, 408, 618 25 116,650,876 134, 572, 238 77, 688, 044 49, 895, 867 31, 790, 270 159, 466, 414 26 120, 431, 949 211,603,869 133, 143, 919 112,166,884 30, 432, 200 131, 090, 180 27 337, 442, 350 246, 513, 830 150, 042, 428 157, 046, 271 37, 286, 404 81, 572, 058 28 1, 018, 563, 139 236, 012, 467 138, 961, 368 202, 083, 099 50,651,423 68, 513, 407 29 1,331,224,919 219,770,313 117, 434, 603 167, 821, 551 80, 329, 252 83, 614, 040 30 228, 350, 576 46, 180, 667 23, 717, 834 43, 901, 888 45, 221, 941 39, 210, 989 31 75, 179, 271 23, 519, 749 12, 018, 806 49, 553, 405 58, 290, 201 63, 941, 530 32 New England Division— Con. Middle Atlantic Division - East North Central Div. Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio 309, 013 1, 832, 110 19, 269, 926 1, 924, 545 16, 296, 468 22, 219, 248 1 9,885 52, 916 268, 100 83, 907, 339, 604 298, 604 2 28,045 185, 329 908, 220 208, 840: 1, 243, 674 1, 446, 549 3 66, 688 404, 838 3, 562, 465 475, 590 4, 379, 006 6, 001, 662 4 80, 956 533, 278 6, 893, 944 680, 099 6, 186, 490 8, 472, 610 5 88, 182 496, 966 6, 840, 086 385, 782; 3, 625, 747 5, 443, 239 6 16, 265 92, 116 602, 418 52, 559 340, 552 449,303 7 18, 992 66, 667 194, 693 37, 768 181, 395 107, 381 8 69, 368 497, 435 8, 290, 335 907, 754 7, 283, 511 10, 703, 042 9 4,713 26,331 164, 034 40, 780 197, 522 132, 824 10 10, 378 68, 960 498, 792 105, 684 666, 508 698, 009 11 18, 013 122, 882 1, 808, 568 247, 081 2, 259, 406 3, 107, 480 12 17, 920 142, 635 3, 115, 755 335, 487 2, 859, 783 4, 173, 974 13 15, 155 111, 670 2, 532, 622 156, 375 1, 217, 918 2, 392, 712 14 1,688 16, 660 147, 932 12, 208 66, 151 171, 090 15 1,501 8,297 22,632 10, 139 16, 223 26,953 16 27, 920, 365 201, 930, 770 1, 367, 125, 391 262, 536, 810 1, 170, 171, 554 1, 945, 630, 975 17 4, 657, 804 29, 868, 601 125, 066, 266 52, 970, 802 113, 946, 783 111,327,039 18 5, 025, 902 41, 836, 421 153, 446, 884 47, 271, 424 156, 167, 863 182, 614, 048 19 6,211,740 47, 647, 191 319,033,352 58, 574, 970 345, 510, 497 544, 697, 972 20 5, 373, 120 41, 496, 171 416, 894, 830 61, 386, 338 366, 170, 676 662, 435, 074 21 5, 387, 239 31,614,315 316,242,627 34, 110, 465 166, 821, 164 396, 291, 816 22 920, 385 6, 121, 997 29, 647, 243 4,694,411 16, 472, 647 35, 163, 870 23 344, 175 3, 346, 074 6, 794, 189 3, 528, 400 5, 081, 924 •13, 101, 156 24 14, 377, 229 110, 593, 667 720, 145, 188 132, 205, 383 615, 026, 005 646, 606, 971 25 2, 849, 424 18, 978, 358 77, 243, 030 32, 013, 087 72, 070, 692 58, 221, 914 26 2, 742, 053 23, 923, 450 81, 470, 921 23, 587, 864 86, 800, 672 73, 309, 966 27 3, 157, 675 25, 889, 672 166, 647, 067 28,678,081 184, 828, 173 195, 994, 626 28 2, 600, 239 21, 623, 203 220, 349, 594 29, 182, 937 185, 714, 771 207, 593, 424 29 2, 555, 838 15, 860, 221 159, 934, 597 15,742,331 77,351,371 103, 427, 032 30 321, 000 2, 914, 588 11,692,110 2,168,183 6, 603, 307 6, 748, 739 31 151,000 1, 404, 175 2, 807, 869 832, 900 1, 657, 019 1,311,270 32 70 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms, certain group combinations ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) East North Central Division— Continued Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Cropland harvested, 1924 Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres l,ObO acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres. _ 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres. ._^ 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 19, 915, 120 195, 473 1, 154, 712 4, 494, 889 7, 191, 220 6,253, 119 562,017 63, 690 10, 615, 744 81,438 562, 209 2, 432, 313 3, 937, 246 3, 333, 562 246, 922 22, 054 1, 695, 740, 931 57, 402, 138 115,256,241 378,395,155 582, 389, 865 513, 045, 420 44, 318, 492 4, 933, 620 426, 964, 324 30, 313, 100 43, 201, 267 111,252,165 139, 675, 271 94, 996, 865 6, 909, 306 616, 350 30, 731, 947 154, 809 854, 073 3, 551, 102 10, 564, 364 14, 331, 474 1, 117, 283 158, 842 19, 755, 447 70, 504 437, 045 2, 141, 366 7,041,147 9,431,304 554, 607 79, 474 4, 199, 459, 312 87, 270, 897 136, 817, 035 425, 435, 149 1, 409, 502, 642 1, 977, 862, 184 141,311,600 21, 259, 805 773, 004, 356 38, 532, 212 42, 137, 356 108, 689, 440 270, 481, 899 293, 517, 922 17, 302, 927 2, 342, 600 18, 035, 290 143, 700 1, 485, 430 5, 129, 234 6, 457, 894 4, 053, 295 480, 227 285, 510 8, 501, 903 76, 579 751, 232 2,684,155 3, 170, 107 1, 690, 975 101, 852 27,003 284, 061, 996 53, 298, 946 154, 549, 187 394, 228, 110 423, 551, 532 232, 899, 235 17, 858, 814 7, 676, 172 519, 190, 685 27, 659, 347 65, 341, 918 163, 463, 254 169, 020, 927 86, 284, 479 5, 571, 983 1. 848, 777 21, 850. 853 102, 379 955, 440 4, 806, 722 8, 476, 847 6, 838, 547 519, 350 151, 568 9, 538, 023 60, 714 438, 316 2, 297, 534 3,877,451 2,706,711 135, 741 21, 556 1, 898, 766, 200 46, 468, 093 112,559,398 488, 316, 610 738, 046, 581 482, 333, 382 26, 246, 384 4, 795, 752 26, 474, 075 47,172,882 192, 648, 157 265, 619, 300 148, 779, 655 7, 079, 760 1, 114, 799 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924 Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres. 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres.. 1,000 acres and over W. North Cen- tral Div.— Con. Kansas 43,729,129 79, 229 313, 694 1, 593, 528 6, 990, 968 18, 889, 387 8, 372, 359 7, 489, 964 22,381,618 40, 180 181,498 975, 770 4, 372, 061 11,288,950 3, 933, 321 1, 589, 838 2,197,951,619 36, 338, 678 43, 744, 270 129,040,193 475, 249, 108 1,024,581,412 310,539,947 178,458,011 364, 572, 408 16,841,759 13, 623, 837 32, 055, 420 91,584,651 155, 526, 486 39, 040, 965 15, 899, 290 South Atlantic Division Delaware 899, 641 15, 332 76, 864 204, 873 303, 840 259, 216 39, 516 404, 209 9,286 39, 428 91, 496 137, 868 116, 165 59, 675, 666 4, 395, 405 7, 396, 245 13,495,544 17,697,322 14, 264, 750 2, 426, 400 25, 240, 702 2, 657, 050 3, 828, 415 6. 233. 838 7,176,529 4, 816, 220 528, 650 Maryland 4, 433, 398 109, 225 288, 142 724, 387 1, 397, 066 1, 654, 278 222, 706 37, 594 1, 777, 513 55, 771 133, 904 312, 275 598, 725 619, 646 52, 360 4,832 341, 361, 453 39, 144, 819 39, 479, 491 60, 538, 291 92,231,703 97, 768, 838 11, 070, 648 1, 127, 663 134, 087, 385 19, 925, 472 17,519.131 24,470.410 35, 982, 884 32,513.501 3, 394, 984 281,000 District of Columbia 3,813 815 1,174 791 1,033 2,197 520 712 406 559 4, 795, 436 1, 656, 100 1, 738. 900 672, 500 727, 936 1,231,382 514, 250 406,900 154,496 155, 736 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUBE: 1925 SUMMABY n Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by 1925— Continued have been made. For details, see County Table VII for each State] West North Central Division Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska 30,059,137 33,280,813 32, 641, 893 34, 327, 410 32, 017, 986 42,024,775 J 81,918 111,573 201, 592 4,649 10, 966 41,378 2 629, 749 429, 905 1,536,511 23. 344 48, 070 137. 436 3 2, 726. 187 2, 678, 221 4, 863. 162 86, 025 237, 652 848, 061 4 9, 789, 715 12,191,863 10, 101, 282 1, 746. 644 2, 889, 898 6, 634, 641 5 14, 880, 307 16, 603, 291 13,084.283 14, 453, 673 12, 801, 374 14,099,053 6 1, 677, 229 1, 194. 919 2,071,232 12, 462, 737 7, 974, 693 6, 566, 934 7 274,032 71,041 783, 831 5, 550, 338 8, 055, 333 13, 697, 272 8 17,929,704 21, 466, 350 13, 720, 574 19, 877, 232 15, 792, 987 19, 810, 362 9 40, 564 44, 647 105, 189 2,406 5,265 20, 852 10 265, 088 227, 802 822, 063 12, 488 29, 444 82, 802 11 1, 384, 925 1, 714, 963 2. 293, 597 49, 988 168, 121 616, 813 12 5, 672, 149 8. 237, 489 4, 533, 026 1,096,499 1,947,472 4, 849, 032 13 9, 457, 682 10, 636, 441 6, 245, 364 9, 328, 522 8, 298, 574 9,148,614 14 983, 485 582, 873 593, 396 7,252,211 3, 820, 306 2. 581, 640 15 125, 811 22, 135 127, 939 2, 135, 118 1, 523, 805 2, 510, 609 16 2, 393, 741, 745 4, 954, 446, 248 2, 003, 286, 226 1,020,103,052 1, 437, 288, 133 2, 524, 073, 626 17 39, 976, 767 68,310,447 61,023,528 1. 348, 239 5, 770, 268 26,000,737 18 65,774,015 86, 639, 397 130, 379, 560 1, 650, 314 7, 094, 020 29, 681, 086 19 240, 676, 210 417,441.124 313, 842, 529 3, 596, 731 24, 305, 616 113,596,817 20 800, 729, 741 1,844,426,072 603, 035, 227 60, 697, 265 224,700,061 747, 878, 943 21 1,133,627,453 2, 381, 905, 673 751, 780, 836 476, 220, 220 765, 969, 806 1,194,211,410 22 100, 397, 221 149, 271, 735 110, 638. 723 357, 489, 938 279, 488, 991 227,089,406 23 12, 560, 338 6, 451, 800 32, 585, 823 119,100,345 129, 959, 371 185, 615, 227 24 597, 141, 905 984, 631, 749 440, 560, 828 206, 381, 275 236, 273, 193 398, 281, 722 25 21,291,314 34, 573. 736 27, 785, 074 793, 845 3, 136, 950 12, 228, 198 26 26, 116, 859 30, 663, 459 37, 577, 977 664, 535 2, 474, 242 9,311,040 27 80, 345, 490 112,219,446 81, 239. 261 1,084,560 5, 820, 861 24, 677, 312 28 214, 082, 359 387, 972, 253 134, 825, 967 15, 580, 902 45, 959, 673 128, 557, 334 29 236, 901, 683 398, 287, 993 139,280,031 103, 310, 405 126,011,722 171, 906, 599 30 16. 548, 595 20, 224, 362 16,007,088 66. 527, 640 38,906,034 31,095,892 31 1. 855, 605 690. 500 3, 845, 430 18. 419, 388 13, 963, 711 20, 505, 347 32 South Atlantic Division— Continued Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida 17, 210, 174 8, 979, 847 18, 593, 670 10, 638, 900 21, 945, 496 5, 864, 519 1 477, 068 131, 622 760, 741 549, 751 335, 318 156, 528 2 1, 482, 097 653, 071 2, 953, 093 2,070,641 2, 890, 763 634, 937 3 2, 915, 712 1, 837, 384 4, 634, 518 2, 053, 728 4, 237, 574 721, 943 4 4, 121, 009 2, 363, 200 4, 678, 163 1, 918, 846 4, 490, 909 917, 117 6 5,592,047 2, 797, 740 4,054.165 2, 223, 780 5, 769, 802 1,075,826 6 1, 604, 465 698, 598 931, 621 805, 218 2,087,973 588, 818 7 1.017,776 498. 232 581, 369 1, 016, 936 2, 133, 157 1. 769, 350 8 3, 968, 570 1, 676, 570 5, 574, 921 4,311,136 8, 127. 577 1, 369, 050 9 262, 223 56. 235 603, 630 485, 305 283, 578 105, 913 10 596, 397 180, 093 1, 730, 490 1. 602, 251 2. 221. 134 343, 726 11 820, 260 413, 676 1. 529, 881 1, 005, 236 2, 290, 747 297, 392 12 952, 138 476, 303 1,023,083 591, 133 1, 494, 418 239, 369 13 1,038.754 450, 823 576, 456 443, 260 1, 272, 705 224, 356 14 205, 650 70, 171 79. 293 115, 142 344, 187 62, 329 15 93, 148 29. 269 32,088 68, 809 220, 808 95, 965 16 886,814,019 356, 153. 569 926.025,507 457, 622, 361 587, 554, 329 478,941.968 17 71, 471. 409 25, 280, 676 82, 825. 393 40, 857, 841 26,094,862 88, 933, 985 18 108, 552, 711 39, 463, 605 214,872.290 125. 118, 357 110, 213, 372 105, 302. 262 19 161, 358. 541 75, 762, 609 243, 712, 049 104, 105, 835 133, 795, 636 71, 844, 435 20 194, 719. 370 86, 781, 350 195, 687, 868 72,681,257 112, 755. 237 59, 805, 306 21 246, 597, 461 96, 391, 834 146, 841, 093 72,225.011 122, 826, 948 62, 924, 851 22 67, 389, 617 20. 847, 332 29, 361, 578 23, 352, 451 44, 923. 222 24, 140, 973 23 36, 724, 910 11, 626, 163 12, 725, 236 19, 281, 609 36,945,052 65. 990, 156 24 286, 138, 184 104, 360. 916 239, 600, 586 110,535,627 153, 905, 255 63,073,096 25 34, 278. Oil 11. 794, 740 27, 212, 182 11,513,388 10, 522, 247 16, 154, 898 26 40, 237, 875 14, 145, 702 58,511,725 29, 998, 295 31, 869, 981 15,085,845 27 53, 695, 494 24, 192, 654 65. 139, 737 25,811,131 37. 005, 525 9, 810, 545 28 62, 698, 248 25, 337, 612 48, 769, 725 18,028,524 30, 113, 854 7, 905. 091 29 71, 310, 004 23, 720, 8C0 32. 588, 895 17,249.112 29, 254, 289 8, 161, 753 30 16, 310, 642 3, 847. 840 5, 365, 482 4, 754, 230 9, 386, 149 2, 592, 690 31 7, 607, 910 1, 321, 568 2,012,840 3, 180, 947 5, 753, 210 3.362,274 1 32 51623- -27 6 72 CENStrS OF AGRICtJLTXTRE : 1925 — SUMMARY State Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms, certain group combinations ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres- 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres .-... 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres : 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres.. 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres.. 1,000 acres and over East South Central Division Kentucky 19, 913, 104 597, 991 1, 933, 464 4, 782, 913 5, 896, 260 5, 302, 665 1, 018, 125 381, 686 5, 183, 702 428, 788 852, 103 1, 326, 481 1, 352, 779 1, 053, 286 144, 809 25, 456 847, 426, 312 60, 851, 535 105, 669, 494 186, 361, 621 216, 255, 613 217,187,090' 45, 944, 839 15, 156, 120 231, 212, 515 25, 062, 947 33, 367, 880 54, 136, 645 57, 126, 799 49, 777, 711 8, 952, 703 2, 787, 830 Tennessee 17, 901, 139 614,011 2, 445, 561 4, 331, 076 4, 800, 718 4, 466, 227 834, 006 409, 480 6, 209, 428 461,319 1,518,177 1, 670, 107 1, 393, 150 1, 002, 111 131, 157 33, 407 759, 426, 372 62, 133, 835 133, 140, 937 184, 225, 879 177, 790, 875 163, 752, 365 29, 051, 696 9, 330, 785 203, 483, 026 24, 249, 952 37,913,287 51,881,477 46, 309, 941 36,358,116 5, 120, 521 1, 649, 732 Alabama 16, 739, 139 429, 242 3, 250, 550 3, 713, 314 3, 587, 784 3, 533, 721 1,110,415 1, 114, 113 6, 641, 355 384, 745 2, 465, 544 1, 862, 470 1, 052, 044 632, 621 136, 182 107, 749 414, 858, 647 23, 901, 192 112, 036. 986 105,110,026 73, 856, 590 60, 439, 445 19, 402, 892 20,111,516 106, 195, 027 8, 731, 553 30, 310, 842 26, 862, 054 19, 254, 716 14, 389, 231 3, 943, 616 2,703,015 Mississippi 16,053,243 993, 157 2, 985, 542 2, 595, 143 3, 235, 492 3, 673, 955 1, 243, 830 1, 326, 124 5, 661, 671 921, 927 2, 309, 873 955, 866 689, 822 531, 779 134, 687 117, 717 459, 118, 209 73, 709, 734 136, 574, 019 60, 625, 097 56, 724, 985 67, 709, 335 29, 863, 514 33, 911, 525 112, 116, 434 19, 643, 592 31, 551, 910 17, 162. 252 16, 269, 912 16, 909, 545 6, 700, 994 4, 878, 229 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Mountain Division— Continued Wyoming Colorado New Mexico All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage... Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924 Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres.-.. 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 663. 1, 11, 68, 336, 449, 848. 1, 572, 626 799 ,806 582 ,229 ,031 470 709 6, 38, 130, 367. 333, 695, 24, 167, 270 49, 029 148, 233 441, 128 1, 600, 258 6, 258, 718 6, 752, 489 9, 917, 415 5, 948, 437 31, 760 95, 795 282, 021 789, 405 235, 923 493, 489 2, 1, 1,020,044 592, 455. 108 29, 934, 544 26, 434, 362 49, 192, 884 98, 871, 245 174, 168. 080 102, 846, 388 111,007,605 98, 481, 170 12, 260. 436 7, 189, 858 9, 514, 649 16, 545. 446 27, 035, 425 13, 712, 949 12, 222, 407 27, 850, 325 62, 345 117,673 178, 444 709, 790 2,077,711 2, 891, 957 21, 812, 405 1,345,706 42, 696 65,648 76, 108 157, 577 453, 555 307, 503 242, 718 174, 916, 929 9, 776, 916 10. 243. 545 10, 925, 058 15, 603, 399 28. 654. 368 23, 021, 693 76, 691, 950 22, 883, 600 2, 990, 214 2, 092, 555 1,910,838 2, 678, 975 4, 349, 644 2, 998, 620 5, 862, 754 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE: 1925 — SUMMARY 73 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings by 1925— Continued have been made. For details, see County Table VII for each State] West South Central Division Mountain Division Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Montana Idaho 15, 632, 439 8, 837, 502 30, 868. 96^ 109,674,410 32, 735, 723 8, 116, 147 1 571,305 475, 546 105. m 481.013 8,041 31,640 2 2, 659, 286 1,645,035 1, 199, 242 3, 970. 222 44, 975 262, 847 3 3, 366, 541 1, 372, 640 3,451.115 8, 347, 519 149, 101 649, 958 4 4, 101, 256 1,414,265 9,521,113 12, 862. 807 962, 605 1,341.618 5 3, 439, 556 1, 666. 814 9, 907, 07^ 15. 871, 309 6, 278, 088 2, 496, 946 6 824, 61 1 774, 139 2,761,864 7, 965, 860 8, 131, 177 1, 478, 787 7 669, 884 1, 489, 063 3. 923, 4ie 60, 175,- 680 17,161,736 1, 854, 351 8 6, 226, 830 3,484,753 14, 548, 683 27, 074, 869 6, 416, 335 2, 578, 799 9 521, 373 423, 751 82, 95C 409, 590 4,473 17, 845 10 1, 975, 027 1, 216, 044 915, m 3, 405, 322 20,316 155, 535 11 1, 499, 218 609, 529 2, 149, 637 5,971,959 68, 081 385, 952 12 1, 165, 33& 409. 229 5, 021, 043 7, 589, 136 359, 686 555, 688 13 795, 175 379. 237 4, 960, 343 6, 553. 208 2, 069, 373 872, 717 14 175, 558 162, 239 1, 020, 20£ 1, 793, 986 2, 026, 836 366, 087 15 95, 143 284, 724 399,434 1, 351, 668 1, 867, 570 224, 976 16 640, 727, 221 324, 678, 074 1,048,757,322 3, 045, 270, 798 455, 394, 887 373.325,868 17 45, 375, 150 34, 866, 733 16,116,105 63, 709, 546 3, 328, 325 12, 120, 043 18 138, 637, 651 75, 756, 953 58.915,586 265, 494, 880 4, 224, 390 35, 476, 356 19 115,852,079 48, 320, 696 144, 438, 467 530, 250, 782 9, 032, 933 67, 512, 570 20 97,338,531 39, 907, 952 371, 566, 202 708, 480, 840 32, 603, 831 81, 879, 780 21 86,398,112 50,374,516 340, 984, 531 656, 166, 269 116, 643, 753 102, 757, 180 22 31. 153, 401 27, 429, 960 68, 194, 203 219,928,583 114,267.220 41,308,937 23 25, 972, 297 48, 021, 264 48, 542, 22? 601,239,898 175, 294, 435 32, 271. 002 24 119,992,399 72, 940, 102 169, 422, 495 420,113.969 65,880,816 63.567,267 25 12, 183, 288 9, 994, 677 6, 785, 854 20, 932, 048 1,451,728 5, Oil, 020 26 30,648,862 17, 514, 970 13, 024, 804 50,978,248 1,416,785 8, 765, 076 27 28,211,770 11, 490, 286 26, 254, 136 91, 090, 079 2, 320, 477 12, 833, 224 28 23, 770, 453 9,581,181 60, 189, 479 108,541,986 6, 569, 874 13. 538, 345 29 17, 564, 813 10. 445, 347 49, 278, 541 90, 532, 850 19, 773, 793 14, 854, 385 30 4, 599, 965 5, 028, 214 9, 126, 217 25, 147, 492 15, 551, 397 5, 089, 309 31 3, 013, 248 8, 885, 427 4, 763, 464 32. 891, 266 18, 796, 762 3, 465, 908 32 Mountain Division— Continued Pacific Division Arizona Utah Nevada Washington Oregon California 11, 065, 291 5. 000, 724 4, 090, 586 12,610,310 14, 130, 847 27, 516, 955 1 15, 541 47, 984 2,868 208, 855 111,297 409, 317 2 70, 883 220, 830 19, 363 547, 881 351,351 1, 143, 401 3 137, 748 363, 714 47, 982 687, 642 657, 480 1, 118, 223 4 341, 167 511,813 115,246 1, 212, 970 1, 279, 513 1, 755, 387 6 347, 075 974, 526 231, 848 2, 454, 262 2, 541, 192 3, 653, 999 6 354, 767 561, 487 246, 846 2, 572, 842 2,219,513 3, 236, 607 7 9, 798, 110 2, 320, 370 3, 426, 433 4, 925, 868 6, 970, 501 16, 200, 021 8 456, 948 1, 024, 566 362, 552 3,262,824 2, 692, 219 6, 722, 800 9 9,141 33,049 1,203 99, 044 68, 223 303, 680 10 46, 984 146, 973 8,695 211, 990 162, 042 800, 126 11 79, 184 203, 807 21, 356 239, 882 267, 233 647, 077 12 103, 949 198, 546 29, 276 310,480 378, 796 694, 816 13 79, 628 251, 610 54, 996 750, 556 645, 348 1, 182, 514 14 33, 322 89, 054 38, 116 785, 453 408, 078 691,716 15 104, 740 101, 527 208, 910 865,419 672, 500 1, 402, 871 16 144, 014, 017 192, 201. 366 67,997,492 726, 889, 847 616,068,770 3, 152, 488, 322 17 8, 092, 644 18, 704, 266 1, 148, 876 109, 872, 921 62, 837, 537 468, 399, 108 18 16, 549, 777 36, 588, 138 2, 241, 529 113,342,498 67, 283, 576 610, 444, 970 19 21, 228, 118 38, 883, 631 4, 779, 749 85, 703, 928 81, 133, 007 409, 628, 394 20 25, 299, 964 30, 570, 317 6, 747, 164 84, 179, 521 93, 089, 824 351. 652. 059 21 20, 467, 183 35, 262, 908 11,515,362 131, 657, 694 135, 244. 843 494,736,911 22 8,531,051 11,719,415 7, 007, 328 98, 104, 370 71, 988, 783 250, 064, 740 23 43, 845, 280 20, 472, 691 34, 557, 484 104, 028, 915 114, 491, 200 567, 662, 140 24 17,225,682 32, 498, 606 8, 966, 496 142, 503, 983 110.927,340 363, 977, 295 25 2,466,179 6, 745, 877 573, 816 37, 628, 441 18, 900, 496 102, 937, 477 26 2,640,575 7,440,699 642, 027 29, 966, 122 16, 848, 324 84, 275, 734 27 2, 469, 845 6, 320, 078 890, 740 18, 622, 656 17, 420, 236 45, 529, 166 28 2. 926, 621 4, 470, 627 1, 134, 153 16, 071, 430 17,755,010 34, 686, 967 29 2, 340, 848 4,702,110 1, 919, 136 19, 502, 375 21, 206, 566 42, 905, 099 30 903, 186 1, 330. 800 958, 233 11,271,094 8, 469, 220 19, 470, 675 31 3,478,428 1,488,415 2,948,391 9, 441, 865 10,327,488 34, 172, 177 32 74 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — SUMMARY State Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. Owners dollars. Managers... dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants.. number. United States 858, 284, 387 582, 622, 977 22, 347, 268 253, 314, 142 884, 207 602, 364 5,023 276, 820 75, 971, 169 58, 2.54, 834 2, 024. 222 15,692,113 362, 745 266, 089 2,180 94, 476 Geographic Divisions New England 20, 745, 326 18, 528, 108 602, 475 1, 614, 743 10, 845 9,931 166 748 5, 709, 116 5, 106, 098 330, 536 272, 482 10, 787 9,989 204 594 Middle Atlantic 50, 273, 909 41, 281, 781 940, 532 8, 051, 596 39,295 32,964 334 5,997 7, 376, 663 6, 198, 417 163, 608 1, 014, 638 24, 716 20, 912 248 3,556 East North Central 145, 068, 090 95, 757, 131 1, 788, 246 47, 522, 713 205, 409 144, 902 968 59, 539 15, 688, 188 12, 055, 255 177, 034 3, 455, 899 103, 199 77, 599 503 25, 097 item and tenure New England Division— Continued Vermont Massa- chusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers. number. Tenants number. Purchases : Value of supplies purchased dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants.. number. 3, 876, 575 3, 053, 622 207, 907 615, 046 2,745 2,339 49 357 1, 485, 455 1, 211, 423 168, 391 105, 641 3,186 2,853 4, 144, 690 3, 802, 138 178, 950 163, 602 2,091 1,950 57 84 1, 461, 873 1, 323, 149 94, 874 43, 850 2,278 2,089 85 104 570, 659 419. 123 9,987 141, 549 235 186 4 45 122, 670 114, 649 3,576 4,445 213 188 5 20 7, 954, 808 7, 208, 226 142, 811 603, 771 2,791 2,567 33 191 1, 101, 686 1,015,650 14, 817 71,219 1,513 1,410 18 85 ITEM AND TENURE Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased ...dollars. O vvners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners. number. Managers. number. Tenants number. West North Central Division Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota 73, 260, 576 51, 636, 682 330, 745 21, 293, 149 81, 290, 503 47, 826, 565 397, 204 33, 066, 734 32, 574, 506 25, 216, 217 189, 347 7, 168, 942 17,031,768 12, 530, 705 35,283 4,465,780 79, 891 56, 521 258 23, 112 72, 639 40, 077 266 32, 296 60, 860 46, 034 139 14, 687 12, 913 9,138 25 3,750 3, 843, 614 2,861,811 14, 741 967, 062 6, 581, 022 4, 292, 859 56, 571 2, 231, 592 4, 587, 598 3,772,006 25,320 790, 272 1, 362, 873 1,026,889 2, 385 333, 599 26, 066 19, 002 65 6,999 34, 034 20, 141 110 13, 783 33, 343 26, 111 64 7,168 5,527 4,049 8 1,470 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUBB: 1925 SUMMARY 75 Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924 Geographic Divisions— Continued New England Division West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Maine New Hamp- shire 292, 354, 272 193, 727, 405 1. 133, 473 97, 493, 394 73, 376, 620 49, 588, 330 2. 225, 931 21, 562, 359 49, 827, 199 31. 994, 805 276, 867 17, 555, 527 75, 724, 191 42, 235. 732 974. 669 32, 513, 790 35, 043, 394 20, 498, 279 562, 058 13, 983, 057 115, 871, 386 89,011,406 13,843,017 13, 016, 963 3, 823, 291 3, 700, 862 45, 545 76, 884 375, 303 344, 137 17, 275 13, 891 1 2 3 4 303, 190 197, 049 793 105, 348 90, 879 59, 718 563 30, 598 91, 073 58, 146 108 32, 819 67, 715 37, 754 142 29, 819 24, 581 17, 155 122 7,304 51, 220 44, 745 1,827 4,648 2,555 2,486 17 52 428 403 6 19 5 6 7 8 25, 740, 405 18, 559, 742 118, 804 7, 061, 859 4, 968, 028 3, 913, 744 183, 248 871, 036 2, 691, 511 2, 023. 330 38, 326 629, 855 2, 702, 699 1, 810, 813 32, 874 859, 012 1, 709, 581 1,321.821 57, 674 330, 086 9, 384, 978 7, 265, 614 922, 118 1, 197, 246 625. 998 606, 164 5, 513 14, 321 911, 434 835, 063 43, 365 33, 006 9 10 11 12 140, 588 95, 579 305 44,704 20,830 15, 791 262 4,777 21, 293 14, 636 54 6,603 17, 720 11, 746 68 5,906 8,000 6,310 49 1,641 15, 612 13, 527 487 1,598 1,896 1,844 9 1 43 1,701 1,605 28 68 13 14 15 16 Middle Atlantic r )IVISION East Nob TH Central Division ( New York New Jersey Penn- sylvania Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 37, 944, 517 31, 048. 689 716, 083 6, 179, 745 2. 309, 491 1, 801, 670 77, 246 430, 575 10, 019, 901 8, 431, 422 147. 203 1, 441, 276 27, 991, 322 18,911.008 355. 032 8, 725, 282 17,212,911 11, 299, 753 153, 338 5, 759, 820 52, 827, 619 27,602,224 778, 779 24, 446, 616 19, 552, 039 15, 712, 930 246, 800 3, 592, 309 27, 484, 199 22, 231, 216 254, 297 4, 998, 686 1 2 3 4 26, 586 22, 293 238 4,055 1,401 1,076 21 304 11, 308 9,595 75 1,638 39, 995 27, 318 149 12, 528 28, 550 19, 671 122 8,757 52. 606 28, 173 294 24, 139 38, 730 31, 764 202 6,764 45, 528 37, 976 201 7,351 6 6 7 8 3, 927, 479 3,396,037 82, 643 448, 799 956, 753 740, 786 24, 932 191, 035 2, 492. 431 2, 061, 594 56, 033 374, 804 3, 590, 298 2, 618, 652 31, 734 939, 912 1, 774, 005 1, 247, 798 15. 458 510, 749 2, 978, 752 1, 807, 106 39, 640 1, 132, 006 3, 606, 650 3, 131, 964 58, 641 418, 045 3, 738, 483 3, 249, 735 33, 661 455, 187 9 10 11 12 12. 509 10, 788 114 1,607 1,606 1,242 25 339 10, 601 8,882 109 1,610 24, 711 17, 551 109 7,051 14, 558 10, 230 58 4,270 17, 471 10, 034 86 7,351 25, 124 21, 497 154 3,473 21, 335 18, 287 96 2,952 13 14 15 16 West North Central Division— Con. South Dakota 18, 651, 404 11, 957. 550 41, 501 6, 652, 353 17, 769 10, 454 19 7,296 1, 451, 212 1, 015, 121 1,643 434, 448 8,835 5,530 8 3,297 Nebraska 32, 740, 682 20, 493, 770 52, 077 12, 194, 835 28, 139 15, 912 40 12, 187 3, 715, 237 2, 622, 782 2, 848 1, 089, 607 15, 461 9,518 16 5,927 Kansas 36, 804, 833 24, 065, 916 87, 316 12, 651, 601 30, 979 18, 913 46 12, 020 4, 198, 849 2, 968, 274 15, 296 1, 215. 279 17, 322 11, 228 34 6,060 South Atlantic Division Delaware Maryland J^l^t^!, 121. 602 79, 356 8,400 33, 846 193 126 3 64 135, 506 77, 392 3,175 54, 939 415 257 3 155 7, 297, 676 4, 853, 922 236. 342 2, 207, 412 6,121 4,171 86 1,864 909, 891 675, 789 27, 109 206, 993 3,817 2,683 85 1,049 Columbia Virginia 20. 912, 352 11, 762, 985 95, 613 9, 053, 754 27, 560 16, 759 71 10, 730 1, 256, 058 1,022,116 29, 868 204, 074 5,768 4,806 75 887 West Virginia 919, 188 784, 643 38, 474 96, 071 3,106 2,691 20 395 320, 138 281, 102 11,937 27, 099 2,769 2,524 32 213 76 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 SUMMARY State Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products BY Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars- Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number . Owners number . Managers number. Tenants.. number . Purchases : Value of supplies purchased dollars- Owners dollars - Managers dollars - Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number . Owners number - Managers number - Tenants number - South Atlantic Division— Continued North Carolina 13, 017, 567 9, 202, 850 56, 024 3, 758, 693 22, 167 15, 430 30 6,707 450, 013 347, 630 3,147 99, 236 2,791 2,144 7 640 South Carolinf 8, 922, 354 6, 213, 329 183, 176 2, 525, 849 10, 601 5,979 44 4,578 335, 269 231, 137 8,345 95, 787 819 459 5 355 Georgia 9,081,592 5, 973, 536 327, 939 2, 780, 117 13, 376 7,939 104 5,333 304, 178 183, 631 9,016 111,531 2,388 1,057 22 1,309 Florida 13, 104, 289 10, 717, 709 1, 279, 963 1, 106, 617 7,755 6, 623 205 927 1, 256, 975 1, 094, 947 90, 651 71, 377 2,063 1,861 33 ITEM AND TENURE Mountain Division Montana Idaho Wyoming Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars- Managers ..dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales. number- Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars- Owners dollars - Managers dollars- Tenants dollars- Farms reporting purchases... number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. 3, 080, 564 2, 493, 570 15, 883 571,111 2,899 2,317 7 575 134, 927 103, 839 1,257 29,831 708 566 4 138 2, 712, 165 2, 122, 250 29, 662 560, 253 3,272 2,485 22 765 144, 434 128, 209 2,439 13, 786 1,040 903 5 132 1, 008, 912 757, 598 141, 170 110, 144 1,231 262 225, 785 176, 553 25, 320 23, 912 512 432 CENSUS OF AGRIOULTUEE: 1925 SUMMARY 77 Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, 1924 — ^Continued East South Central Division West South C entral Division Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 27, 515, 129 17, 275, 836 89, 165 10, 150, 128 7,181,922 5, 009, 057 12, 151 2, 160, 714 7, 028, 647 4,976,317 66, 330 1, 986, 000 8, 101, 501 4, 733, 595 109, 221 3, 258, 685 7,119,097 4, 315, 559 309, 790 2, 493, 748 8, 604, 125 5, 192, 408 491, 651 2, 920, 066 20, 854, 280 12, 600, 605 58, 843 8, 194, 832 39, 146, 689 20, 127, 160 114,385 18, 905, 144 1 2 3 4 53, 704 34, 673 47 18,984 15, 303 10, 544 16 4,743 11,365 7,572 28 3,765 10, 701 5,357 17 5,327 8,861 5,831 48 2,982 10,114 5,856 36 4,222 19, 049 10, 821 26 8,202 29,691 15, 246 32 14,413 5 6 7 8 503, 625 404, 230 1,672 97, 723 445, 590 338, 773 2,055 104, 762 1, 021, 328 762.164 18, 649 240, 515 720, 968 518, 163 15,950 186, 855 459, 424 334, 384 3,705 121, 335 782, 417 578, 820 17,455 186, 142 666, 886 468, 825 1,237 196, 824 793, 972 428, 784 10, 477 354, 711 9 10 11 12 3,308 2,789 4 515 4,490 3,133 8 1,349 7,640 4,989 24 2,627 5,855 3,725 18 2,112 3,910 2,851 19 1,040 4,393 3,036 38 1,319 4,878 3,182 5 1,691 4, 539 2,677 6 1,856 13 14 15 16 Mountain Division— Continued Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah 21, 090, 456 9, 629, 474 209, 800 11,251,182 10, 828 6,051 61 4,716 883, 318 643, 859 19, 235 220, 224 3,703 2,669 1,015 3, 253, 861 2, 374, 239 95, 342 784, 280 2,014 1,516 7 491 138, 526 112,818 4,335 21, 373 829 645 178 1, 514, 115 1, 047, 442 51, 062 415,611 523 438 11 74 64, 883 45, 160 4,970 14, 753 222 172 5 45 2, 367, 733 2, 058, 907 19, 139 289, 687 3,775 3,354 5 416 115,952 109, 785 118 6,049 974 913 1 60 Nevada 15, 588 14, 799 789 1,756 1,598 158 Pacific Division Washington Oregon California 20, 564, 340 16,441,315 1, 084, 771 3, 038, 254 13, 205 11,433 122 1,650 3, 470, 491 2, 992, 838 154, 810 322, 843 6,500 5,654 88 758 , 061, 738 , 645, 792 474, 430 941, 516 5,590 4,829 83 678 1, 159, 743 969, 710 99, 256 90, 777 2,858 2,496 67 295 87, 245, 308 65, 924, 299 12, 283, 816 9, 037, 193 32, 425 28, 483 1,622 2,320 4, 754, 744 3, 303, 066 668, 052 783, 626 6,254 5,377 332 545 MONTANA 79 < z < I- z o 2 '^/JVVni'' 80 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — MONTANA 81 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1925 1920 1910 Number of farms, total.. 46, 904 36, 281 23, 861 12,420 367 10, 256 2,137 8,119 93, 523, 840 32, 735, 723 25, 365, 242 10, 165, 432 15, 199, 810 1,911,682 6, 458, 799 1,246,676 4,212,123 574,897,007 455, 394, 887 389, 514, 071 65, 880, 816 30, 632, 871 88, 869, 249 594, 173 10, 452 1, 321, 604 102, 769 2, 187, 928 277, 603 2, 544, 698 57, 677 50,271 38,431 11,840 899 6,507 1,757 4,750 1 93, 523, 840 35, 070, 656 28, 952, 950 16,422,825 12, 530, 125 2, 859, 873 3, 257, 833 941, 238 2, 316, 595 985, 961, 308 776, 767, 529 691, 912, 265 84, 855, 264 55,004,212 154, 189, 567 668, 723 9,462 1, 268, 516 127, 581 2, 082, 919 167,060 2,055,120 26, 214 Operated by- Owners . 23, 365 Full owners 21,525 Part owners 1,840 Managers 605 Tenants 2,344 Cash tenants 790 Other tenants... . 1,554 Approximate land area of State... Land in farms, total In farms operated by- Owners. acres.. - acres.. 93, 568, 640 13, 545, 603 10, 640, 902 (2) 1, 429, 990 1, 474, 711 (2) 347,828,770 251, 625, 930 226, 771, 302 24, 854, 628 10, 539, 653 85, 663, 187 315, 956 Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants . Cash tenants. Other tenants Value of all farm property Land and buildings Land, excluding buildings Buildings Implements and machinery Livestoclf on farms.. Principal kinds of livestock: Horses acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. . number.. Mules number 4,174 Cattle .. number.. 943, 147 Dairy cows Sheep Swine.. Chickens ...number.. ...number.. ...number.. ...number.. 64,468 5, 380, 746 99, 261 922, 540 1 The decrease in land area of State was due to the construction of reservoirs in connection with irri- gation projects. 2 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM 1924 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Corn cut for silage ..acres.. tons.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye. acres.. bushels.. Flaxseed acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay. acres.. tons.. Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Strawberries ..acres.. Cabbages, grown for sale acres.. Sweet corn, grown for sale acres.. Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Livestock products: bushels harvested.. Dairy products- Milk produced 2... gallons.. Butter made on farms pounds.. Butterfat sold .pounds.. Cream sold.. gallons.. Whole milk sold. gallons Wool- Sheep shorn 2 number.. Wool produced 2 pounds.. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 2 .dozens.. Chickens raised 2 number.. 80, 120 1, 121, 734 7,819 20, 968 3, 102, 879 44, 058, 012 455, 385 11,815,924 93, 327 1, 889, 177 36, 725 471, 971 244, 398 1, 733, 260 22, 188 1, 872, 994 2, 087, 773 32, 589 333, 110 19, 576 1, 703, 471 282 375 582 31, 796 710, 960 268, 153 73, 185, 407 5,416,455 9, 885, 641 788, 876 6, 175, 063 1, 948, 784 16, 714, 389 13, 403, 326 3, 067, 280 18, 717 159,410 1,917 7,769 1, 698, 531 7, 799, 647 191, 096 2, 583, 908 29, 330 346, 972 75, 979 227, 948 128, 851 325, 838 2,297 1, 334, 336 8,600 73, 824 22, 178 1, 659, 017 155 195 240 69, 328 1,059,198 673, 716 51, 251, 095 5,961,336 2, 909, 284 926, 842 5, 101, 542 2, 116, 214 18, 267, 200 11, 858, 042 3, 226, 538 9,514 274, 103 Q) (1) 258, 377 6,251,945 333, 195 13, 805, 735 27,242 753, 268 6,034 111,214 37, 647 447, 484 342 1, 133, 975 1, 689, 763 8,710 108, 776 20, 710 3, 240, 696 265 (0 1, 308, 066 696, 753 567, 054 26, 436, 707 2,820,574 652, 097 274, 979 3, 584, 689 » 4, 724, 747 37, 669, 031 5, 950, 015 1, 366, 835 1 Not separately reported. 2 including estimates for incomplete reports. 3 Number of fleeces. 82 CENStJS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — MOKTANA County Table I.— Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 1920 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants. Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910.. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classiflcation of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total... .acres. Crop land harvested in 1924... acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture ...acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture.. acres. All other land in farms acres. All farmland, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land ...acres. Managers. acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. Tenants. .acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants. acres. The State Beaver- head 1 Big Horn 2 Blaine 3 Broad- water 46, 904 789 1,260 1,135 321 57, 677 642 791 1,761 466 26, 214 536 390 206 6 8 16 3 6 1 479 2 2 423 2 1,285 7 125 4 1 1,972 20 167 10 13 6,392 111 238 74 41 2,610 37 84 32 29 16, 146 229 196 422 96 11,467 179 259 399 72 5,363 165 129 163 61 561 37 32 21 6 46, 904 789 1,260 1,135 321 23, 861 585 778 581 158 12, 420 137 180 343 84 367 8 10 23 7 10, 256 59 292 188 72 2,137 32 67 49 19 8,119 27 225 139 63 21.9 7.5 23.2 16.6 22.4 11.3 7.2 24.4 5.4 16.3 8.9 10.3 13.6 10.8 6.3 1.5 12.2 42.1 12.4 7.4 8.4 7.9 13.2 '3 93, 523, 840 3, 620, 480 3, 178, 240 2, 706, 560 771, 840 35.0 27.6 36.6 33.1 33.9 32, 735, 723 998, 380 1, 164, 302 895, 995 261, 290 35, 070, 656 637, 009 748, 749 1, 159, 056 304, 483 13, 545, 603 697.9 461, 315 1, 265. 4 183, 887 924.0 789.4 814.0 8, 474, 224 255, 599 148, 669 180,496 69, 727 6, 416, 335 217, 546 119, 076 133, 616 45, 447 307, 874 20, 964 2,207 6,484 2,515 1, 750, 015 17, 089 27, 386 40, 396 21, 765 22,714,811 736, 003 1, 001, 758 677, 612 185, 499 4,124,050 65, 681 82, 194 137, 137 13, 786 1,311,615 3,042 20, 853 6,081 26, 284 17, 279, 146 667, 280 898, 711 534, 394 145, 429 234, 158 3,228 986 330 3,487 1, 312, 530 3,550 12, 889 37, 557 2,577 10, 165, 432 373, 652 255, 889 331, 846 74, 036 15, 199, 810 544, 752 453, 613 385, 401 140, 272 7, 458, 202 339, 447 150, 070 204, 776 78, 747 7, 741, 608 205, 305 303, 543 180, 625 61, 525 1,911,682 46, 966 184, 752 63, 334 4,447 5, 458, 799 33, 010 270, 048 115, 414 42, 535 1, 246, 676 16, 455 164, 528 36, 694 13, 950 4, 212, 123 16, 555 105, 520 78, 720 28,585 2, 247, 879 87, 133 38, 124 45, 740 16,534 2, 576, 701 106, 825 30, 565 53, 855 18, 142 152, 931 14, 497 9,714 15, 453 870 1, 438, 824 9,091 40, 673 18, 568 9,901 192, 287 5,613 4,460 4,926 3,033 1, 246, 537 3,478 36, 213 13,642 6,868 1 Part of Madison annexed in 1911. 2 Organized from parts of Rosebud and Yelljowstone in 1913. 8 Organized from part of Chouteau in 1912; part taken to form part of Phillips in 1915. * Part taken to form part of Stillwater in 1913; part annexed to Yellowstone and part of Yellowstone annexed in 1919. » Organized from part of Fallon in 1917. 6 Part taken to form part of Judith Basin in 1920. 7 Parts taken to form Blaine and Hill in 1912, and parts of Liberty and Pondera in 1919; part annexed to Teton in 1921. CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 83 Carbon * Carter « 1,095 1,353 1.264 2 11 38 60 321 140 320 152 1,095 679 163 2 251 44 207 22.9 14.6 14.7 15.9 14.5 770 855 1 1 2 2 21 18 222 255 230 18 770 347 342 1 80 45 35 10.4 4.6 15.6 34.3 cascade. C^o- 1,257 1,703 1,502 6 15 8 34 36 196 96 349 294 198 25 1,257 635 293 19 310 97 213 24.7 13.6 9.7 11.3 14.1 1,649 2,573 1,818 7 1 2 5 10 125 53 740 462 232 12 724 482 23 420 35 385 25.5 7.5 2.6 Custer 8 Daniels » Dawson i" 716 941 1,622 6 5 13 15 56 24 229 209 133 26 716 406 187 20 103 32 71 14.4 6.6 5.2 3.1 9.9 1,020 10 53 33 600 255 59 1 1,020 397 296 1 326 65 261 32.0 3.1 7.3 1,105 1,195 1,947 4 3 2 4 14 81 19 490 337 141 10 1,105 405 351 3 346 73 273 31.3 13.6 2.8 16.4 19.4 Deer Lodge 1 202 171 3 13 8 5 14.0 12.9 26.9 12.5 20.0 Fallon i« 659 758 6 35 23 197 242 149 6 659 199 278 182 17 165 27.6 11.3 17.6 23.0 1, 318, 400 30.3 399, 154 446, 386 364.5 139, 822 118,308 1,291 20, 223 233, 798 22, 757 6,760 204, 281 2,847 22, 687 204, 584 121, 988 68, 055 63, 933 1,800 70, 782 11,205 59, 577 63, 248 27, 879 785 26, 396 3,243 23, 153 2, 160, 000 40.5 874, 404 557, 495 1,135.6 106, 860 93, 948 2,427 10, 485 752, 169 145, 610 13, 765 592, 794 2,360 13, 015 190, 775 625, 861 294, 270 331, 591 1,280 56, 488 36, 921 19, 567 30, 071 54, 189 200 9,488 5,154 4,334 1, 733, 120 61.1 1, 058, 147 1, 252, 282 1, 001, 534 841.8 279, 570 192, 481 13, 996 73, 093 760, 004 73, 307 12, 965 673, 732 2,013 16,560 322, 185 403, 845 236, 706 167, 139 135, 837 196, 280 71,818 124, 462 72, 767 65, 272 9,567 44, 875 10, 596 34, 279 2, 542, 720 46.2 1, 174, 577 1, 508, 898 1, 000, 621 712.3 411, 661 247, 762 26,511 137, 388 612, 562 279, 239 8,420 324, 903 25, 584 124, 770 444, 159 434, 760 193, 347 241,413 74, 772 220, 886 18, 357 202, 529 86, 097 97, 393 5,825 58, 447 3,295 55, 152 2, 394, 240 39.1 935, 151 997, 169 931, 581 1, 306. 1 72, 091 1,680 20, 709 820, 936 86,915 18,616 715,405 6,918 12, 817 224, 878 345, 139 181, 164 163, 975 122, 901 242, 233 35, 477 206, 756 28, 763 24, 639 7,014 11, 675 1,933 9,742 926, 080 54.5 505, 495.2 248, 725 211,783 1,178 35, 764 213, 640 99, 662 700 113, 278 3,183 39, 518 138, 054 218, 747 104, 935 113. 812 3,580 144, 685 29, 679 115, 006 58, 914 85, 572 ■996 66, 301 12, 904 53, 397 1, 509, 760 48.8 736, 538 747, 993 607, 078 666.6 233, 310 203, 050 7,731 22, 529 465, 283 107, 139 3,605 354, 539 1,318 36, 627 183, 825 359, 723 176, 767 182, 956 2,440 190, 550 43, 975 146, 575 54, 424 87, 957 451 60, 218 7,548 52, 670 476, 800 16.3 77, 506 58, 484 70, 994 833.4 20, 890 18, 715 53, 788 2,863 7,199 43, 726 1,064 1,764 39, 072 8,689 7,230 1,459 22, 510 7,235 3,600 3,635 12, 941 2,029 2,247 1,498 1,029,120 57.5 591, 749 576, 754 897.9 161, 077 142, 704 1,579 16, 794 400, 765 123, 058 25 277, 682 1,891 28, 016 144, 950 324, 189 140, 905 183, 284 122, 610 10, 052 112. 558 30, 599 71, 590 518 40, 515 3,048 37, 467 8 Parts taken to form Fallon in 1913, part of Prairie in 1915, and Powder River in 1919. « Organized from parts of Sheridan and Valley in 1920. 10 Parts taken to form Richland and part of Wibaux in 1914, part of Prairie in 1915, and Garfield and part of McCone in 1919; part annexed to Wibaux in 1917. 11 Part annexed to Silver Bow in 1917. 12 Organized from part of Custer in 1913; parts taken to form part of Wibaux in 1914, part of Prairie in 1915, and Carter in 1917. 13 Includes 126,720 acres in Yellowstone National Park (part of), not shown in detail. 84 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Fergus Flathead 2 Gallatin Garfield 3 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 1920.... 1910.... Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres. 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5.000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants .... 1,918 4,226 2,310 Percentage of tenancy__1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 .acres.. Per cent in farms All land in farms._1925 acres.. 1920 acres.. 1910.. acres.. Average per farm, 1925 acres.. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres.. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure... acres.. Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total acres.. Plowable pasture acres.. Woodland pasture. acres.. Other pasture acres.. Woodland not used for pasture... acres.. All other land in farms acres.. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres.. Part owners. acres.. Owned land acres.. Rented (hired) land.. ...acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants ...acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants.. acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants.. acres.. 138 115 679 666 292 11 1,918 749 643 7 619 51 27.1 13.4 5.7 U.8 10.7 1,238 1,923 1,189 1 52 38 147 191 450 136 164 43 13 3 1,238 822 169 4 243 101 142 19.6 14.9 14.9 18.8 33.1 1,026 1,349 1,260 2 19 20 28 58 207 131 318 164 78 1 1,026 495 135 6 390 49 341 38.0 26.6 22.9 8.2 15.2 1,312 1,530 3 5 64 16 729 378 1,312 940 245 9.7 3.2 3, 832, 960 35.1 1,346,699 2, 573, 981 1, 201, 831 702.1 446, 540 323, 177 7,799 115,564 832, 034 200, 626 54, 877 576, 531 7,493 60, 632 415, 543 539, 654 271, 433 268, 221 28, 392 363,110 58, 000 305,110 96, 239 126,610 3,610 96,718 6,773 89, 945 3, 310, 720 7.9 262, 984 470, 283 239, 445 212.4 90, 740 76, 283 2,032 12,425 144,512 11,288 96, 105 37, 119 14, 640 13,092 124, 543 85, 901 34, 024 51,877 11,505 41,035 14, 495 26, 540 40, 214 19, 276 604 16,189 4,182 12, 007 1, 604, 480 27.6 443, 145 783, 189 631, 902 431.9 203, 941 138, 099 6,203 69, 639 224, 228 22, 670 24, 080 177, 478 3,419 11,557 167, 863 86, 651 39, 155 47, 496 11,750 176,881 18.497 158, 384 55, 098 22, 460 1,064 59, 477 3,639 55, 838 23.5 12.9 3, 095, 680 22.9 710, 333 874, 129 541.4 128, 187 104, 694 5,030 18,463 529, 960 208, 481 7,756 313, 723 3,238 48, 948 394, 803 241,323 111,013 130, 310 74,207 29, 433 44, 774 64, 837 30, 655 9, 202 2,182 7.020 iPart annexed to Meagher in 1911, and parts taken to form part of Musselshell in 1911 and part of Judith Basin in 1920. 2 Part annexed to Missoula in 1917 and part taken to form part of Lake in 1923. 3 Organized from part of Dawson in 1919. * Organized from part of Teton in 1919. » Organized from part of Musselshell and Sweet Grass in 1920. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 85 Vaner« ^--^^^'^ ^^' J«ff^^^«- I SH Lake« ^^^^^Inr^ 492 4 61 18 186 156 65 2 492 195 157 4 136 13 123 27.6 7.7 8.1 227 354 295 1 1 1 7 45 21 55 42 51 3 227 141 30 2 54 23 31 23.8 9.3 7.5 26.1 12.9 1,421 2,257 7 149 48 647 433 122 2 1,421 619 497 9 296 25 271 20.8 4.0 4.0 16.6 446 555 301 3 4 18 28 98 37 123 84 50 1 446 290 69 4 83 36 47 18.6 10.8 8.6 5.6 8.5 783 7 8 54 54 238 256 160 783 227 280 2 274 19 255 35.0 5.3 7.8 15 17 90 222 262 114 154 67 21 2 964 468 272 9 215 70 145 22.3 5.7 13.8 id'ciark Liberty. Lincoln 543 855 529 4 5 3 18 31 85 29 120 113 106 543 268 132 34 109 56 53 20.1 13.7 14.4 14.3 17.0 446 515 15 10 220 128 446 279 118 11.0 3.5 33.3 19.6 583 341 298 3 28 21 73 82 255 40 55 18 583 465 55 5 58 32 26 12.5 15.4 778, 240 40.3 313, 345 636. ! 99, 724 79. 255 5,356 15, 113 210,309 17, 743 4,393 188, 173 40 3,272 85, 231 141, 774 69, 335 72, 439 4,238 82, 102 6,101 76, 001 24, 200 33, 200 514 21, 341 489 20, 852 16.8 184, 393 254, 148 134, 807 812.3 32, 573 29, 123 1,400 2,050 138, 407 12, 688 7,909 117,810 13, 145 110, 363 45, 249 25, 725 19, 524 1,920 26, 861 11,354 15, 507 16, 122 6,094 195 6,712 3,352 3,360 1, 850, 880 42.6 789, 391 1, 107, 399 343, 745 223, 725 20, 267 99, 753 366, 801 218, 648 552 147, 601 261 78, 584 239,911 400, 441 182, 300 218, 141 6,461 142, 578 11, 579 130, 999 66, 392 111,962 3,124 42, 247 1,572 40, 675 1, 044, 480 21.1 220, 553 281, 494 124, 437 494.5 52, 593 31,621 5,086 15, 886 156, 384 12, 780 11,404 132, 200 1,023 10, 553 108, 992 60, 877 33, 755 27, 122 5,071 45, 613 12, 337 38, 276 16, 358 7,432 1,057 6,774 1,933 4,841 1, 190, 400 55.2 656, 824 963, 840 25.4 244, 589 838.! 258, 779 179, 338 6,854 72. 587 393, 862 73, 997 4,422 315, 443 1,598 2,585 150, 077 334, 977 170, 819 164, 158 1,370 170, 400 19, 425 150, 975 37, 442 84, 514 181 57, 201 2,459 » 54, 742 253.7 94, 931 69, 422 4,300 21, 209 140, 212 17, 750 20, 339 102, 123 2,990 6,456 71,111 108, 870 53, 229 55, 641 19, 482 45, 126 11, 238 33, 888 21,441 30, 049 457 17, 475 3,008 14, 467 2, 206, 080 36.0 793, 536 754, 135 494, 278 1, 461. 4 88, 967 71, 249 6,517 11, 201 671, 575 66, 934 92, 742 511, 899 12,311 20, 683 140, 576 412, 541 250, 726 161,815 167, 206 73, 213 34, 132 39, 081 19, 955 31, 091 8,272 11,931 4,720 7,211 928, 640 34.2 317, 813 310,742 2, 319, ; 712. 107, 629 60, 886 11,428 35, 315 201, 526 152, 179 49, 347 260 8,398 160, 976 131, 499 71,015 25, 338 780 24, 558 27, 675 26, 028 7,183 55 7,128 4.3 99, 356 65, 050 64, 056 170.4 17, 371 14, 103 1,383 1,885 40, 761 1,638 21, 234 17, 889 33, 921 7,303 65, 301 18, 205 10, 078 8,127 4,840 11,010 4,458 6,552 8,469 3,269 514 1,851 473 1,378 6 Organized from part of Chouteau in 1912; parts taken to form part of Toole in 1914 and part of Liberty in 1919. ' Organized from parts of Cascade and Fergus in 1920. * Organized from parts of Flathead and Missoula in 1923. « Organized from parts of Chouteau and Hill in 1919. 86 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) McCone i Madison ^ Meagher 3 Mineral * Missoula » 1 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1,072 1,284 715 901 730 310 447 400 103 95 673 1,323 670 2 134 61 67 46 139 38 88 67 40 2 673 463 63 6 142 79 63 21.1 15.6 12.8 10.1 25.4 ? 1920 a 1910.. 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 18 1 1 3 2 55 19 526 366 78 3 1,072 526 317 3 226 67 159 21.1 6.9 5 3 to 9 acres... 1 3 18 31 116 56 206 163 104 17 715 459 148 12 96 41 56 13.4 15.9 16.2 9.8 25.5 fi 10 to 19acres 1 2 2 35 14 79 81 63 33 310 170 105 1 34 13 21 11.0 4.5 3.8 38.5 14.3 2 6 12 32 14 22 13 2 7 20 to 49 acres 8 60 to 99 acres 9 100 to 174 acres.... . . 10 175 to 259 acres n 260 to 499 acres __.. 12 500 to 999 acres u 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 103 68 15 16 Full owners 17 Part owners 18 Managers 19 Tenants 20 13 7 19.4 11.6 ?.o Cash tenants .. ?A Other tenants ?.?. Percentage of tenancy 1925.. ?R 1920..::::::::::::.: ?4 1910 . ?.?> Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related. Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LANI Approximate land area, 1925 Per cent in farms. 9.0 13.2 7.7 14.3 ?fi ) AREA ...acres.. 27 ?8 1,692,800 35.1 593, 547 668, 686 2,318,080 25.3 587, 442 564, 516 421, 271 821.6 103, 057 85, 523 8,060 9,474 476, 671 32, 737 7,034 436, 900 84 7,630 234, 970 285, 807 155, 364 130, 443 23,209 43, 456 12,210 31,246 41,794 29, 593 2,656 11,580 3,407 8,173 1, 516, 160 52.9 802, 227 801,801 710, 332 2, 587. 8 72, 650 51,790 4,814 16,046 725, 275 95,447 91, 509 538, 319 785 3,517 209, 360 539, 795 381,344 158, 451 2,640 50, 432 11,800 38, 632 13,481 32, 081 1,000 6,228 1,132 4,096 787, 200 3.3 26, 270 20,209 1, 665, 920 12.6 207, 611 388, 408 185,294 308.6 53,016 38, 435 1,275 13,306 125, 743 6,677 55, 055 64,011 9,728 19, 124 119,992 35, 582 23, 435 12, 147 10,839 41, 198 12,766 28,442 24, 139 6, 556 690 7,050 2,473 4,677 29 30 31 Allland in farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924... Crop failure Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture ...acres.. ...acres.. acres 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ... acres. - ...acres.. ...acres.. 553.7 194, 520 160, 157 4,682 29, 681 373, 461 175, 430 3,522 194, 509 4,138 21, 428 205, 048 276, 759 135, 356 141,403 3,640 108, 100 35, 294 72, 806 62, 357 64,483 962 32, 355 9,120 23, 235 255.0 4,611 3,401 242 968 17, 681 989 16, 455 237 3,099 879 13, 699 4,885 2,385 2,500 41 42 43 Woodland not used for pasture. All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners ...acres.. ...acres.. 44 Part owners . acres 45 Owned land _ . 46 47 Rented (hired) land Managers Tenants Cash tenants.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. 48 49 7, 786 4,100 3,686 1,783 790 50 51 62 53 Other tenants... acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners.. acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. 54 55 66 828 564 264 1 Organized from parts of Dawson and Richland in 1919!! 2 Part annexed to Beaverhead in 1911. 3 Part of Fergus annexed in 1911; parts taken to form part of Musselshell in 1911 and part of Wheatland in 1917. < Organized from part of Missoula in 1914. « Part taken to form Mineral in 1914; part of Powell annexed in 1915; parts of Flathead and Powell annexed in 1917, and part taken to form part of Lake in 1923. 6 Organized from parts of Fergus, Meagher, and Yellowstone in 1911; part taken to form part of Golden Valley in 1920. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE : 1925 MONTANA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 87 Mussel- shell 6 Park 1 Phillips 7 Pondera s Powder River « 1 Powell 10 Prairie " Ravalli Richland i 650 019 1,427 794 838 360 560 1,039 1,429 1 1,604 756 730 1,914 1,060 833 476 377 1 2 2 6 673 1,231 1,055 1,577 2 3 1 3 1 4 ! 2 48 2 3 16 4 "23" 4 3 3' 35' 69 189 5 -. i ""Y 1 1 6 ' ^'3" 9" 7 4 17 11 21 , .... 18 5 206 52 8 84 74 117 119 1 74 57 27 241 177 9 26 37 36 80 16 23 16 112 61 10 238 171 676 272 238 86 187 114 630 11 164 163 463 225 299 77 182 48 333 12 122 107 112 59 193 62 129 24 104 13 7 20 6 6 14 26 10 1 3 14 650 619 1,427 794 838 360 560 1,039 1,429 15 280 284 921 238 523 206 200 639 702 16 207 148 324 302 269 86 242 136 335 17 1 13 4 11 1 8 4 18 4 18 162 174 178 243 45 60 114 246 388 19 27 44 47 22 22 35 36 108 46 20 135 130 131 221 23 25 78 138 342 21 24.9 28.1 12.5 30.6 5.4 16.7 20.4 23.7 27.2 22 11.1 16.7 12.5 27.3 3.1 11.2 2.3 10.5 10.9 20.0 8.9 24.9 12.0 7.4 12.0 23 24 11.1 8.5 18.2 9.1 11.1 19.6 25 12.6 9. 2 9.9 14.0 13.0 4.0 7.7 10.9 11.7 26 1, 162, 880 1, 703, 040 3, 313, 920 1, 061, 120 2, 135, 680 1, 490, 560 1, 114, 880 1, 530, 240 1, 345, 920 27 42.3 39.1 ' 26.3 43.5 38.8 38.3 46.7 13.5 51.4 28 492, 421 666, 059 870, 349 461, 635 828, 275 570, 888 521, 008 207,211 692, 068 29 999, 389 613, 597 523,317 1, 084, 725 629, 995 597, 056 520, 065 370, 984 548, 989 245, 965 209, 266 . 812, 194 30 31 757.6 1, 076. 609.9 581.4 988.4 1, 585. 8 930.4 199.4 484.3 32 113, 346 113, 656 175, 626 207, 836 80, 795 85, 018 119, 906 71,919 276, 258 33 86, 413 77, 858 150, 312 131, 963 66, 455 70,241 103, 661 57, 302 229, 402 34 2,438 3,611 3,891 9,264 4,588 5, 528 3,821 8,471 3,295 35 24, 495 32, 187 21,423 66, 609 9,752 9,249 12, 424 8,146 43, 561 36 323, 877 533, 317 651, 081 242, 996 730, 958 467, 880 368, 556 108, 755 361, 359 37 73, 636 20, 222 39, 710 45, 437 83, 148 5,160 77, 040 8,230 89, 790 38 153, 267 36, 032 4,364 497 17, 404 78, 156 1,533 45, 872 7,073 39 96, 974 477, 063 607, 007 197, 062 630, 406 384, 564 289, 983 54, 653 264, 496 40 6, 383 5,154 6,827 90 2,824 7,477 1,775 4,486 8,416 41 48,815 13, 932 36, 815 10,713 13, 698 10, 513 30, 771 22, 051 46, 035 42 155,005 150, 882 402, 570 94, 567 290, 132 145, 505 1 126,318 1 129, 996 263, 618 43 195, 955 355, 696 382, 742 233. 771 509, 045 361, 910 311,826 28, 662 263,355 1 44 84, 904 183, 325 199, 071 103, 355 257,812 205, 786 151,906 14, 179 131,121 45 111,051 172, 371 183, 671 130, 416 251, 233 156, 124 159,920 1 14, 483 132, 234 46 1,111 33, 320 1,906 27, 189 6,225 30, 468 8,960 5,978 11, 730 47 140, 350 126, 161 83, 131 106, 108 22, 873 33, 005 73,904 i 42, 575 153, 365 48 47, 752 23, 202 23, 949 15,355 12, 200 19, 075 26,409 i 15, 688 16, 846 49 92, 598 102, 959 59, 182 90, 753 10,673 1 13, 930 47, 495 26, 887 136, 519 50 27, 055 26, 297 71, 730 28, 978 30,215 23, 572 27, 661 32, 762 94, 933 51 37, 818 24, 000 57, 720 60, 854 33, 086 35, 565 58,603 ! 8,926 81, 512 52 377 2,525 762 10,888 651 3,263 834 ! 1,304 714 53 21, 163 25, 036 20, 100 31, 243 2,503 7,841 16,563 14,310 52, 243 54 3,637 2,953 ! 4,320 2,442 1,318 4,435 3,966 { 4,985 4,109 55 17, 526 22, 083 15, 780 28, 801 1,185 3,406 12,597 9,325 48,134 56 " Organized from parts of Blaine and Valley in 1915. 8 Organized from parts of Chouteau and Teton in 1919. « Organized from pkrt of Custer in 1919. " Parts annexed to Missoula in 1915 and 1917. " Organized from parts of Custer, Dawson, and Fallon in 1915. " Organized from part of Dawson in 1914; parts taken to form part of Wibaux in 1914 and part of McCone in,1919. 51623—27 7 88 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Roosevelti Rosebud 2 Sanders Sheridan 3 Silver Bow 4 1 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925... 1,267 1,215 792 1,136 961 3 1 1 7 12 55 28 300 242 106 37 792 421 215 9 147 26 121 18.6 7.7 6.2 15.4 11.6 669 667 211 1,487 2,408 180 331 230 1 1 2 11 14 57 46 23 17 1 180 141 16 3 20 15 5 11.1 11.5 7.4 ? 1920. 8 1910. 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 7 2 3 38 39 145 77 579 285 90 2 1,267 639 382 9 237 42 195 18.7 10.6 3 1 8 12 124 70 785 386 90 1 1,487 665 431 2 389 39 350 26.2 11.3 S 3 to 9 acres . 3 7 42 81 210 79 118 76 53 R 10 to 19 acres 7 20 to 49 acres 8 50 to 99 acres q 100 to 174 acres . . 10 175 to 259 acres 11 260 to 499 acres.. _ 1? 500 to 999 acres 1R 1,000 to 4,999 acres... 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 669 414 188 2 65 26 39 9.7 9.1 8.5 7.7 12.8 Ifi Full owners 17 Part owners.. 18 Managers 19 Tenants ?0 Cash tenants ?1 Other tenants ?? Percentage of tenancy.. 1925.. ^I^ 1920 ?4 1910 ?5 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related 4.8 16.9 10.3 9.4 ?fi Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND Approximate land area, 1925 Per cent in farms. AREA ..acres.. 27 ?8 1,505,920 50.1 754, 441 673, 936 3, 195, 520 29.3 935, 352 1,608,235 900,810 1,181.0 133, 689 112,095 1,520 20,074 794, 799 71,566 82,480 640, 753 2,130 4,734 279, 688 432, 242 237,209 195,033 108,072 114,750 22, 553 92, 197 37,453 43, 133 11,003 20, 506 2,085 18.421 1,831,040 12.9 236, 030 175, 088 55, 917 352.8 37, 147 24, 996 2,576 9,575 183, 247 13, 922 49, 571 119, 754 7,865 7,771 93, 692 123.317 60, 339 62, 978 420 18, 601 5,518 13,083 11,048 11,284 30 2.634 794 1.840 1,072,000 68.3 731, 778 1,155,859 404. 640 16.3 75, 847 100, 170 54, 592 421.4 11,936 9,196 1,287 1,453 62, 116 863 7,424 53, 829 386 1,409 54. 648 13. 609 7,689 5,920 804 6.786 3.161 3. 625 6,318 1.733 345 800 366 434 29 30 31 All land in farms,. 1925.. 1920 1910 Average per farm, 1925... Classification of farm land, 1925: Cropland, total... Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure Idle or fallow land ..acres.. ..acres.. acres 32 33 34 35 3fi ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres., -.acres.. ..acres.. .acres.. ..acres.. ..acres., acres 595.5 264, 630 230,887 1,237 32, 506 419. 788 48, 274 4,743 366, 771 6,041 63, 982 226, 798 414. 067 140. 091 273. 976 7.700 105. 876 15, 656 90,220 74, 997 107,011 1,582 47, 297 7,124 40, 173 492.1 381,339 326, 023 3,297 52,019 301,224 132,893 159 168, 172 1,179 48, 036 238,370 320, 542 163, 335 157, 207 900 171,966 16, 137 155, 829 120,266 124, 973 585 80, 199 6,857 73, 342 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture. Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture.. All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure. 1925: Full owners Part owners 45 46 47 48 49 50 Owned land Rented (hired) land... Managers Tenants Cash tenants ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 24: ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 51 Crop land harvested, by tenure, 19 Full owners 52 63 54 Part owners Managers 55 56 Cash tenants Other tenants.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 1 Organized from part of Sheridan in 1910. 2 Parts taken to form part of Big Horn in 1913 and Treasure in 1919. 3 Organized from part of Vallcv in 1913; parts taken to form Roosevelt in 1919, and part of Daniels in 1920. * Part of Deer Lodge annexed in 1917. s Organized from parts of Carbon, Sweet Grass, and Yellowstone in 1913; part annexed to Sweet Grass in 1915. '* Parts taken to form part of Stillwater in 1913, part of Wheatland in 1917, and part of Golden Valley in 1920; part of Stillwater annexed in 1915. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1D25 — MONTANA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 89 Stillwater* Sweet Grass ^ Teton ? Toole 8 Treasure « Valley lo Wheat- land 11 Wibaux" Yellow- Stone 13 946 632 1,089 605 299 1,925 386 466 1,960 1 1,370 863 1,135 933 330 2,169 688 530 2,211 2 473 1,187 1,946 17 4 4 26 1, 812 3 2 8 17 7 93 94 162 4 i 3 8 5 i 7 i" 4 1 6 -- .. 4 7 25 8 18 2 21 33 3 3 253 8 110 70 160 42 44 233 55 59 406 9 34 20 53 14 21 98 24 15 146 10 333 184 371 284 59 817 141 178 420 11 801 177 320 162 88 518 91 139 272 12 127 146 145 87 50 164 46 51 103 13 4 19 17 11 5 11 22 1 4 14 946 632 1,089 605 299 1,925 386 466 1,960 15 371 294 341 360 131 1,105 153 140 873 16 300 227 504 169 68 568 112 146 352 17 4 271 3 108 11 233 2 98 4 248 4 117 3 177 19 716 18 76' 19 25 32 19 8 15 38 19 22 108 20 246 76 214 68 83 210 98 . 155 608 21 28.6 17.1 21.4 12.6 32.8 12.9 30.3 38.0 36.5 22 14.8 12.5 10.7 3.6 18.5 6.1 10.5 20.0 21.1 23 5.7 3.0 5.3 13.6 7.1 7.9 15.2 8.2 4.6 5.1 24 8.0 10.2 25 ""9."2" ---- i3.'3' io'2 il's 26 1, 137, 280 1, 176, 960 1, 461, 760 1, 253, 120 614, 400 3, 207, 040 903, 040 565, 120 1, 671, 040 27 53.4 58.6 55.9 37.8 36.0 34.6 54.4 46.6 41.1 28 607, 083 689, 546 817, 682 474, 064 221, 188 1,109,017 491,412 263, 198 686, 184 29 660, 996 645, 120 613, 506 570, 163 237, 133 1,126,872 589, 827 336, 167 1, 067, 425 30 457, 715 1,091.1 530, 714 750.9 576, 130 576.1 1, 215, 046 350.1 31 641.7 783.6 739.8 1,273.1 564.8 32 213, 143 104, 904 271, 162 129, 414 41, 469 344, 107 98, 131 119, 962 270, 720 33 146, 545 79,181 173, 229 60, 654 36, 448 256, 849 71, 569 101, 039 207, 220 34 5,983 3,058 12, 752 15, 715 810 8,184 3,536 661 9,396 35 60, 615 22, 665 85, 181 53, 045 4,211 79, 074 23, 026 18, 262 54, 104 36 377, 759 565, 269 519, 481 324, 331 173, 083 685, 526 388, 569 99, 878 364, 185 37 64. 868 79, 579 166, 681 71, 818 29, 790 218, 178 68, 788 34, 528 70, 184 38 13,182 47, 947 11,893 180 20, 698 7,113 8,190 770 40, 276 39 299, 709 437, 743 340, 907 252, 333 122,595 460, 235 311,591 64, 580 253, 725 40 1.792 3,305 750 1,080 1,224 6,933 131 115 2,566 41 14, 389 16, 068 26, 289 19, 239 5,412 72, 451 4,581 43. 243 48, 713 42 177, 014 164, 228 123, 569 191, 874 68, 585 393, 881 93, 994 46, 227 228, 178 43 270, 031 429, 485 493, 821 224, 136 103, 256 587,^34 261, 694 120, 555 232, 337 44 119,605 227, 785 225, 199 121,713 54, 021 251, 648 151, 744 45, 598 105, 590 45 150, 426 201, 700 268, 622 102, 423 49, 235 335, 986 109, 950 74, 957 126, 747 46 4,310 4,087 58, 593 i,3ef 1,195 58, 583 4,000 16, 349 47 155, 728 91, 746 141, 699 """'58,'654" 47,9c. 126, 307 77, 141 92, 416 209, 320 48 7.762 39, 339 22, 670 12.900 14,22S 22, 360 29. 170 9,262 19, 216 49 147, 966 52, 407 119,029 45, 154 33, 759 103, 947 47,971 83, 154 190, 104 50 40. 387 22, 419 30, 866 29, 839 12, 999 109,016 20, 545 19, 654 68, 048 51 63, 089 40, 914 100, 463 21,713 12, 106 113,462 28, 327 42, 484 58, 393 52 734 735 5,177 93 330 2,602 1,111 3,617 53 42, 335 15, 113 36, 723 9,"i02" 11,250 34,041 20, 095 37, 790 77, 162 54 1,490 3,178 3, 538 1,403 877 4,370 2,068 1,978 4,950 55 40, 845 11,935 33, 185 7,699 10, 373 29, 671 18, 027 35,812 72, 212 56 7 Part taken to form part of Toole in 1914; parts taken to form Glacier and part of Pondera in 1919 and part of Chouteau annexed in 1921. 8 Organized from parts of Hill and Teton in 1914. ' Organized from part of Rosebud in 1919. 10 Parts taken to form Sheridan in 1913, part of Phillips in 1915 and part of Daniels in 1920. 11 Organized from parts of Meagher and Sweet Grass in 1917. 12 Organized from parts of Dawson, Fallon, and Richland in 1914; part of Dawson annexed in 1917. " Parts taken to form part of Musselshell in 1911 and parts of Big Horn and Stillwater in 1913; part annexed to Carbon and part of Carbon annexed in 1919. 90 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) i The State Beaver- head Big Horn Blaine Broad- { water 1 2 3 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. 1920. dollars.. 1910 ..dollars.. All farm property, 1925 ..dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars.. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925. 455, 394, 887 776, 767, 529 251, 625, 930 574, 897, 007 389,514,071 05,880,816 30, 632, 871 88, 809, 249 12, 257 9,709 13.91 22.15 18.58 11.90 455, 394, 887 173, 844, 989 171,111,509 17,281,009 93,157,380 16,571,339 76,586,041. 30,632,871' 12, 621, 447 11,362,285 697, 952 5, 951, 187 1,119,293 4,831,894 15, 482, 587 17,064,937 8,598,332 21,644,926 13, 530, 142 1, 952, 445 909, 153 5, 253, 186 27, 433 19,623 15.51 26.79 18.64 13.55 15,482,587 6,407,311 7, 282. 007 988, 335 804, 934 398, 800 406, 134 909, 153 409, 230 390, 123 42, 800 67, 000 36, 200 30, 800 9,184.909 8,615,711 12,578,266!l6,995,177 5,3)2.759 8,752.536 3, 7 i9, 158 6, 600, 218! 4,575,0171 727, 722' 352, 7401 944, 739i 20, 561 16,519 20.29 28.75 20.33 17.51 1 5, 302, 739' 1,804,406 2,385,691, 120, 062 992, 580j 370, 300 622, 280 352, 740| 149, 5551 120,940| 7, 575; 74. 6701 30, 100 44, 570: 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 12,061,219,11,946,878 8,050,320! 7,330,521 1,134, .589 1,285,190 608. 939, 585, 473 2,267,3711 2,745,694 9, 572 10, 526 7, 290 7, 591 7. 89 9. 62 16.80 14.66 10 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 11 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 12 1920.... 13 1910.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925... Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners... dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants .dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. Implements and machinery, total. .dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants ..dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars. . FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number 6.91 9, 184, 909 2, 746, 796 2,600.196 875, 900 2, 962, 017 837, 794 2,124,223 608, 939 232, 581 166, 245 25, 430 184, 683 28, 995 155, 688 8.18 8,615,711 3, 435, 387 3, 146, 868 748, 588 1, 284, 868 375, 060 909, 808 585, 473 224, 780 229,040 56, 158 75, 495 22, 815 52, 680 29 36, 281. 19.818 54.6 23,861 11,754 5, 412, 992 95, 174, 254 42, 565, 206; 44.7, 8.097 3,621 17. 58 7.86 722 372 51.5 585 303 201, 951 3, 571, 989 1,826,153 51.1 11,789 6,027 17.69 9.04 958 239 24.9 778 148 88, 247 987, 113 596, 909 60.5 6,670 4,033 11.19 6.76 924 530 57.4 581 287 147.006 1, 628, 935 765, 145 47.0 5,676 2,666 11.08 5.20 1 242 130 53.7 158 79 41,750| 1, 071, 696! 493,143! 46.0 13,566 6, 242 25.67 n.8i 30 Number reporting mortgage debt 31 Per cent of total 3:^ Farms operated by fuH owners: Total number. ... 33 Number reporting mortgage debt 34 Acreage of farms reporting debt 35 36 37 Value (land and buildings) dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent 38 39 40 41 Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt ..dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars.. Farms reporting. . 42 43 i 3, 578, 073 16,406 6,001 132 15,135,729 30,408 1, 397, 880 11,943 3,080,564 134,927: 6,602 1,941 352, 46, 904* i 34, 27 2,391 18, 675 23, 125 2,652 208, 602 421 28 2 870, 181 444 50, 058 205 10 55, 083 295 11 1 383,178 799 13,414 103 20, 147 540 139 30 2 1,260 43, 464 300 27 1 306,046 722 37, 756 317 68, 983 718 117 74 14 1,135 42, 599 198 44 Fertilizer (including lime)... .dollars.. Farms reporting.. 45 46 47 Farm labor (money wages only) ...dollars.. Farms reporting 146,747 229 12, 613 107 48 49 Lumber, posts, firewood, etc. .dollars.. Farms reporting 50 Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: ■■ Tractors on farms 51 165 74 10 1 321 5:^ 63 23 53 ^ Radio outfits, farms reporting 54 " Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage)... Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms. S5 789 56 Farms located on- Concrete or brick road 57 1 Macadam road 58 ■ Gravel road . 59 543 651 7 33 391 570 141 3 231 86 1 59 ' Improved dirt road 216 568 5 60 ' Unimproved dirt road.' _ 61 • All other (including not reported). CENSUS OF AGPJCULTUEE : 1925 MONTANA AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 91 Carbon Carter Cascade Chouteau Custer Daniels I>^^^°^ ' Sdge Fallon 10,644,881 16,008,415 10,333,714 13, 009, 180 8,959,526 1, 685, 355 701, 820 1, 662, 479 11,881 9,721 26.67 35.86 36.25 22.45 10, 644, 881 5, 992, 596 2,118,760 122, 500 2,411,025 305, 600 2, 105, 425 701, 820 405, 600 152, 335 12, 000 4,911,130 6, 430, 245 17, 391, 471 42, 172, 213 11, 729, 351 34, 463, 617 13, 748, 099 14, 920, 625 10, 258, 221 1,471,130 931, 636 2, 259, 638 9,048 7,113 9.99 22.84 13.74 8.73 11,729,351 4, 535, 642 3, 970, 053 649, 663 2, 573. 993 166, 220 2,407,773 931, 636 375, 560 328, 586 19, 420 208, 070 12, 510 195, 560 6, 986, 281 11,384,486 11, 263, 618 9, 084, 329 5, 776, 584 1, 209, 697 331, 178 1, 766, 870 12, 688 9,757 7.47 n.42 12.09 6.18 6, 986, 281 2,211,119 2, 093, 132 1, 540, 520 1, 141, 510 156, 890 984, 620 331,178 149, 825 93, 867 39, 531 47, 955 10, 930 37, 025 6, 535, 387 9,547,887 1,576,234 12,897,269 1,992 789 6,171,627 8, 817, 988 ? 15, 476, 058 21, 697, 851 14, 882, 918 2, 508, 553 1, 134, 040 3, 172, 340 17, 262 13, 836 16.44 33.68 15.45 9,677,152 1,628,930 12,176,544 2,048,822 8,095,776 1,300,884 1,452,111 275,350 754, 856 97, 525 1,873,801 375,063 1 11, 019! 22, 030 8,641! 16,949 12. 96 20. 34 17. 24; 34. 07 15. 94 22. 94 10. 99 16. 78 9,547,887 1,576,234 2, 632, 291 921, 134 4,250,686, 141,900 62, 800: 363, 000 2, 602, 110 150, 200 454, 190 79, 300 2, 147, 920 70, 900 754, 856 97, 525 202,414: 55,325 344, 532 8, 300 8, 500 : 20, 800 199,410 13,100 29, 380 8, 750 170, 030 4, 350 8 7, 749, 653 4, 133, 390 777, 740 398, 020 2, 440, 503 10, 064 6,378 5.62 11.53 8, 246, 602 5, 514, 012 1, 021, 375 725, 710 985, 505 8,085 6,407 12.94 ;." 7, 717, 902 5, 301, 647 869,980 519, 528 1, 026, 747 11,712 9,365 10.43 15.29 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 13 4.73 4, 911, 130 1, 360, 776 3, 158, 070 7,400 384, 878 203, 203 181, 675 398, 020 126, 390 233, 890 1.000 14.07 17, 391, 471 6, 480, 689 5, 789, 228 1, 549, 640 3,571,914 1, 017, 474 2, 554, 440 1, 134, 040 490, 638 379, 167 43, 000 221, 235 53, 505 167, 730 10.92 6,535,387 1,962,969 2, 581, 153 55, 000 1, 936, 265 359, 000 1, 577, 265 725, 710 206, 105 291, 600 ■ 2, 000 226, 005 51,315 174, 690 8.96 6,171,627 1,752,684 2, 946, 732 14 15 16 17 18 1,472,211 118,060 1, 354, 151 519, 528 123, 508 266, 310 19 20 21 22 23 24 '^5 131, 885 36, 740 27, 0251 18, 780 104, 860! 17, 960 129, 710 10, 550 119, 160 26 27 28 842 447 53.1 e.79 354 108, 802 3, 420, 120 1, 648, 582 48.2 9,661 4,657 31.43 15.15 689 331 48.0 347 147 84, 749 645, 060 277, 693 43.0 4,388 1,889 7.61 3.28 928 565 60.9 635 354 201,493 4, 210, 903 1, 886, 229 44.8 11,895 5,328 20.90 9.36 1,206 712 59.0 724 385 199, 107 2,250,418 1,422,105 63.2 5,845 3,694 11.30 7.14 593 286 48.2 406 182 121, 956 1, 264, 970 543, 620 43.0 6,950 2,987 10.37 4.46 693 460 66.4 397 264 91, 765 1, 390, 029 579, 990 41.7 5,265 2,197 15.15 6.32 756 454 eoa 405 228 107, 976 1,594,426 668,924 35.7 6,993 2,495 14.77 5.27 77 23 29.9 68 21 10,815 276, 540 103, 125 37.3 13, 169 4,911 25.57 9.54 477 337 70.6 199 131 80, 480 963, 497 397, 486 41.3 7,355 3,034 11.97 4.94 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3b 39 40 41 70, 318 366 38,124 256 130, 028 443 150 60, 854 432 42, 744 140 34, 309 270 38, 778 356 59, 430 70 19, 212 182 42 43 44 :.: : : 1 45 357, 829 705 27, 632 181 16. 271 136,060 345 28, 727 242 4.315 578, 909 869 51, 153 507 21, 265 100 306 37 6 1,257 524, 636 1,290 23, 155 238 46,872 4,030 326 59 4 1,649 149, 310 555, 638 271 929 10,632 63,069 70 460 19, 039, 39, 460 829 650 46 221 23j 75 12 14 716j 1, 020 j 244, 619 865 39, 852 378 213, 195 2,103 207 41 72, 886 67 5,650 33 207, 492 593 16, 709 165 73,684 1,400 114 37 2 659 46 47 48 49 ."^0 3, 549i 133 51 66 28 9 1,095 38 49 1 770 14 52 53 14 1,105 54 93 2 55 56 1 57 75 747 267 6 140 686 337 94 1 362 348 5 17 4, 34 114 270 241 58 98 639 33 199 1,087 362 486 290 244 476 582 30 81 6 59 60 61 92 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925— MONTANA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 39 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910... dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings. ..dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners ...dollars. Managers .dollars. Tenants. dollars. Cash tenants.. dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers... dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Fergus 26, 440, 359 79, 259, 653 28, 509, 569 .130,926,947 .124,000,199 .1 2,440,160 .! 1,165,255 .[ 3,321,333 .i 16,125 13,785 .1 19.63 .1 30.79 23.72 17.82 Flathead MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS .dollars. Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed.. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). ..dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting. Cooperative marketing. 1924: Value of farm products sold. dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities. 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. Kindofroad, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road 1 Improved dirt road... Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 10,571,071 18, 194, 163 10, 979, 845 12,139,562 8, 382, 510 2, 188, 561 703, 951 864, 540 9,806 8,539 40.20 38.69 45. 86 31.87 26,440,359 10,571,071 9,264,643 , 6,145,571 8, 942, 763 664, 320 7, 568, 633 815,080 6, 753, 553 1, 165, 255 429, 485 424, 970 8,320 302, 480 33, 220 269, 260 2, 322, 410 78, 000 2, 025, 090 611,230 1,413,860 703, 951 426, 024 151, 302 3,700 122, 925 42, 660 80, 265 1,392 915 65.7 749 447 261,968 6.120,805 2, 499, 040 40.8 13, 693 5,591 23.36 9.54 991 443 44.7 822 347 56, 664 3,094,015 1, 200, 238 38.8 8,916 3,459 54.60 21.18 53,323 369 50 1 485,415 1,044 35, 393 306 177, 784 365 72 4 1,918 2 97, 541 665 423 16 167,678 601 35,413 444 138, 501 21, 759 53 30 13 1,238 i Gallatin 18, 274, 934 37,111,748 18,319,384 Garfield 5, 000, 282 8,741,902 Glacier 4, 276, 770 5, 667, 949 20,835,497 7,967,040 6,042,264 15,432,809 4,349,937 3,870,695 2,842,125 1 650,345 1 406,075 1,060,425 I 484,230 204,195 1,500, 138 2,482,528 1,561,299 20, 308 17,812 41.24 47.39 34.44 34. 83 18, 274, 934 8,405,518 2, 838, 286 115,400 6, 915, 730 469, 580 6, 446, 150 1, 060, 425 507,615 185, 000 4,650 363, 160 32, 585 330, 575 6,072 3,811 7.04 10.00 17, 565 12, 432 4.03 10.40 6.12 5, 000, 282 2, 933, 632 1,581,680 484, 970 169, 220 315, 750 484, 230 317, 300 129, 400 S7 .^sn 12, 360 25, 170 3.65 4, 276, 770 761,220 1,453,550 1, 927, 240 134, 760 30, 500 104,260 204, 195 91,360 92, 425 8,000 12, 410 2,950 630 362 57.5 495 269 106, 358 4, 854, 615 2, 154, 651 44.4 18,047 8,010 45.64 20.26 1,185 ! 478 40.3 940 366 157, 635 1,215,960 512, 994 42.2 312 101 32.4 214 49 22, 778 246, 740 137, 775 55.8 3, 322 5, 036 1,402 2,812 7.71 3.25 1 10.83 6.05 142, 439 577 251 8 435, 769 769 46, 003 346 5,975 20 124 34 58, 570 296 100,013 47 5 791 1,117 1,026 8 10 183 669 133 23 146,430 I 168,633 837 : 219 35,101 I 13,976 343 I 141 66, 569 6, 255 3,087 j 76 I 25 39 I 10 11 I , 1,312 I 344 I 41 264 71 966 I 220 81 12 2 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA 93 AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued Golden Valley Granite Hill Jefferson Judith Basin Lake Lewis and Clark Liberty Lincoln 3,815,989 3,122,885 7, 323, 245 7, 859, 364 22, 040, 065 3, 854, 230 6, 827, 010 2, 369, 290 4, 868, 409 3, 138, 146 716, 084 255, 970 758, 209 10,916 8,642 17.48 24. 25 19.04 14.23 3, 854, 230 2, 089, 098 757, 887 126, 000 881, 245 329, 700 551, 545 255, 970 141,560 70, 450 7,000 36, 960 9,660 27, 300 16, 280, 236 6, 873, 392 9, 240, 210 13, 905, 519 3, 402, 743 6, 085, 353 2, 219, 935 1, 932, 688 1, 532, 860 2,691,447 1,730,750 489, 185 181, 895 289, 617 4,617 3, 808 22. 34 29.71 23.93 17.42 2, 219, 935 1,485,135 370, 9.50 74, 200 289, 650 125, 250 164, 400 181, 895 137, 895 28, 660 2,950 12, 390 5,800 6,590 1 2, 671, 535 5, 922, 583 s 4,711,546 3, 259, 031 556, 958 203, 775 691, 782 9,576 7,756 12.18 3, 965, 881 2, 732, 030 390, 855 164, 430 678, 566 17,471 13, 757 16.94 28 81 10, 133, 685 6, 687. 239 1, 172, 125 834, 737 1, 439, 584 7.131 5. 531 9.66 19.90 18, 953, 783 14, 661, 151 1, 619, 085 823, 582 1, 849, 965 24, 207 20, 792 24.79 8, 223, 466 5, 588, 177 1,285,215 417,180 932, 894 8,531 7,130 28.10 12, 053, 435 7, 855, 844 1, 384, 366 548, 384 2, 264, 841 22, 198 17,017 11.64 18.44 4, 232, 669 2, 995, 293 i 407, 450 254, 010 575, 916 9, 490 7,629 10.71 19.58 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 19.82 14.82 3, 122, 885 2,010,495 570, 690 9.Q sno L __ 11.98 9.90 9, 240, 210 2, 687, 021 3, 926, 843 1, 488, 486 1, 137, 860 586, 330 541, 530 548, 384 204, 717 179, 755 72, 327 91, 585 50, 500 41, 085 13 10.40 3, 815, 989 1, 143, 605 1, 421. 270 57, 000 8.47 7, 859, 364 2. 744, 821 3, 586, 822 74, 036 1, 453, 685 115.100 1, 338, 585 834, 737 300, 970 353, 790 25, 450 154, 527 20, 605 133, 922 22.32 16, 280, 236 3, 886, C46 7, 736, 773 24, 020 4, 633, 397 289, 550 4, 343, 847 823, 582 202, 452 381, 505 1,500 238, 125 20, 275 217, 850 22.85 6, 873, 392 2,611,750 2, 779, 252 172. 300 1, 310, 090 314, 340 995, 750 417, 180 165, 480 169, 305 5,920 76, 475 28, 215 48, 260 9.42 3, 402, 743 1,869,093 1, 244, 870 14 15 16 17 18 1,194,114 ! 5n,'96o 50, 960 278, 900 1,143,154 233,000 203,775 164,430 72, 955 109, 630 75, 400 30, 300 1, 300 3. 200 288, 780 11, 000 277, 780 254, 010 188, 725 99, 860 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?5 54, 120 - 3,060 51, 060 21, 300 8,850 12, 450 15, 425 675 14, 750 26 27 28 352 230 65.3 195 124 55, 514 712, 525 423, 267 59.4 5,746 3,413 12.84 7.62 171 90 52.6 141 77 54, 318 1, 082, 400 558, 878 51.6 14, 057 7,258 19.93 10.29 1,116 703 63.0 619 351 144, 356 1, 525, 021 787, 090 51.6 4,345 2,242 10.56 5.45 359 130 36.2 290 100 43, 851 848, 425 376, 068 44.3 8,484 3,761 19.35 8.58 507 365 72.0 227 152 95, 315 2, 294, 636 1, 172, 100 51.1 15,096 7,711 24.07 12.30 740 385 52.0 468 213 35, 101 1, 307, 380 557, 095 42.6 6,138 2,615 37.25 15.87 400 177 44.3 268 113 69, 522 1, 320, 756 540, 551 40.9 11, 688 4,784 ■ 19. 00 7.78 397 254 64.0 279 162 89, 059 922, 190 399, 065 43.3 5,693 2,463 10.35 4.48 520 157 30.2 465 134 23, 460 626, 830 220. 998 35. 3 4,678 1,649 26.72 9.42 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 10, 933 92 17, 955 92 75, 544 575 117, 245 258 6 2 101, 967 228 12, 556 95 1,000 100 48 14 2 446 44, 197 252 50 1 411,012 566 29, 912 248 120, 118 13, 080 50, 838 400 417 6 164, 026 542 28, 467 360 680 1, 125 105, 676 361 610 2 410,421 352 32, 972 168 4,296 34 55, 502 367 25 1 33, 994 158 11,766 112 72 42 43 44 4 = 34, 651 148 3,240 19 4,774 75 81 18 6 492 107, 077 137 4,758 39 13 10 24 1 312, 577 1,087 15,869 181 50, 968 3,362 241 75 1 1,421 29, 474 107 3,897 23 12,500 2,000 61 6 13 446 46 47 48 49 50 95 51 280 34 16 74 19 8 543 11 8 52 53 54 227 783 964 1 583 55 56 8 166 272 78 19 57 54 84 85 4 38 304 995 84 7 383 49 4 513 264 2 88 348 511 16 38 353 171 21 58 352 133 7 103 332 11 59 60 61 94 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, 39 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. 1920 dollars.. 1910 dollars.. All farm property, 1925. dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars.. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920.. 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars. . Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. Implements and machinery, total. .dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants. dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt. Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) .dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt.. .dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt ...dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars.. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting. Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.. Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) McCone , 473, 846 , 320, 223 9, 085, 576 5, 554, 936 918,910 658, 550 1, 953, 180 8,475 6,039 10.91 12.44 9.36 6, 473, 846 2, 285, 567 3, 047, 870 37, 500 1, 102, 909 313, 720 789, 189 658, 550 263, 910 275, 235 2,100 117, 305 35, 105 82, 200 843 539 63.9 526 319 127, 241 , 364, 140 580, 173 42.5 4,276 1,819 10.72 4.56 44, 552 277 267, 736 893 28, 225 314 70, 458 121 90 1 1,072 206 638 227 Madison I Meagher Mineral 10,795,284 8,287,429 16,403,533 111,010,485 9,261,903 I 7,456,718 13, 940, 956 9, 304, 234 1, 491, 050 506, 705 2, 638, 967 19, 498 15, 098 18.38 29.06 2L99 15.84 10, 795, 284 4, 995, 299 4, 107, 210 502, 700 1, 190, 075 383, 305 806, 770 506, 705 249, 360 188, 035 20, 225 49, 085 13, 865 35, 220 607 251 4L4 459 186 99, 077 2, 358, 616 1, 124, 547 47.7 12, 681 23.81 1L35 122, 572 280 40 2 301, 624 408 25, 079 130 3,459 346 10, 560, 705 7, 571, 054 716, 375 313, 968 1, 959, 308 34, 067 26, 734 10.33 13.73 10.50 9.44 8, 287, 429 2, 180, 916 5, 655, 013 52, 800 398, 700 108, 400 290, 300 313, 968 104, 337 174, 651 2,000 32,980 4,305 28, 675 544, 485 566, 665 648, 798 393, 624 150, 861 40, 255 64,058 6,299 5,286 20.73 28.04 14.98 544, 485 297, 670 92, 040 6, 230, 545 14, 640, 900 7, 679, 596 154, 775 99,400 55, 375 40, 255 25, 030 9.550 5,675 3,475 2,200 275 135 49.1 170 71 152, 361 1, 581, 210 470, 123 29.7 22, 271 6,621 10.38 3.09 65, 424 192 296, 985 170 12, 995 84 310 83 35 42.2 26 6,251 135, 160 ! 43,960 i 32.5 ! 198 2L62 7.03 12, 618 72 10, 416 38 1,045 11 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 MONTANA 95 AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued Mussel- shell Park Phillips Pondera Powder River Powell Prairie Ravalli Richland 4, 657, 689 10,408,482 8, 101, 540 9, 826, 575 5, 543, 762 8, 568, 684 4, 736, 339 12, 459, 691 10, 194, 498 1 23,731,031 17, 104, 710 9,526,062 12, 893, 243 15, 089, 419 17, 515, 100 6,784,443 12, 930, 255 5, 433, 630 8, 039, 907 15,604,423 16, 850, 473 16, 086, 710 2 8 6, 182, 767 11,147,862 12, 169, 709 7,931,923 10, 726, 133 6, 229, 965 14, 317, 747 12,615,550 4 4, 028, 569 8,630,491 7, 206, 025 8, 662, 065 4, 885, 387 7, 423, 224 4,112,054 9, 570, 192 8, 525, 810 5 629, 120 1, 777, 991 895, 515 1, 164, 510 658, 375 1, 145, 460 624, 285 2, 889, 499 1, 668, 688 6 394, 654 518, 075 573, 290 585, 228 329, 628 389, 947 344, 330 615, 550 955, 094 7 1,130,424 1, 966, 686 2, 473, 032 1, 757, 906 2, 058, 533 1, 767, 502 1, 149, 296 1, 242, 506 1,465,958 b 9,512 20, 829 7,812 15, 327 9,465 29, 795 11, 125 13, 780 8,828 9 7,166 16, 815 5,677 12, 376 6,615 23, 802 8,458 11, 992 7,134 10 9.46 15.63 9.31 21.29 6.69 15.01 9.09 60.13 14.73 11 23.75 27.88 18.20 12.96 13.91 27.80 11.36 24.86 14.65 13.00 14.64 63.44 80.52 46.19 19.81 12 18 8.18 8.28 18.76 5.90 7.89 12.32 14 4, 657, 689 10, 408, 482 8, 101, 540 9, 826, 575 5, 543, 762 8, 568, 684 4, 736, 339 12, 459, 691 10, 194, 498 15 1, 644, 518 3, 906, 349 3, 528, 679 2, 249, 427 2, 377, 252 2, 674, 655 1, 284, 085 8, 630, 394 4, 136, 059 16 1, 725, 231 3, 949, 906 3, 729, 726 4, 590, 019 2, 975, 870 4, 896, 856 2, 548, 929 1, 414, 075 3, 503, 494 17 15, 000 293, 700 26, 500 528, 686 45. 000 319, 675 120, 000 208, 800 40, 000 18 1, 272, 940 2, 258, 527 816, 635 2, 458, 443 145, 640 677, 498 783, 325 2, 206, 422 2, 514, 945 19 395, 400 369, 869 172, 145 172, 754 68, 960 364, 680 254, 025 752, 900 391,840 20 877, 540 1, 888, 658 644, 490 2, 285, 689 76, 680 312, 818 529,300 1, 453, 522 2, 323, 105 21 394, 654 518, 075 573, 290 585, 228 329, 628 389, 947 344, 330 615, 550 955, 094 22 140, 537 185, 761 305, 895 158, 681 151,331 159, 560 105, 460 421, 055 417, 512 23 169, 845 178, 355 197, 430 253, 208 165, 367 185, 195 182, 875 79, 925 344, 158 24 1,000 36, 000 2,100 23, 657 3,000 7,929 4,200 7,000 1,200 25 83, 272 117, 959 67, 865 149, 682 9,930 37, 263 51, 795 107, 570 192, 224 26 18, 075 28, 844 24, 255 21, 670 5,245 25, 968 14, 775 43, 395 20, 055 27 65, 197 89, 115 43, 610 128, 012 4,685 11, 295 37, 020 64, 175 172, 169 28 487 432 1, 245 540 792 292 442 775 1,037 29 318 198 600 418 264 116 227 374 664 30 65.3 45.8 48.2 77.4 33.3 39.7 5L4 48.3 64.0 31 280 284 921 238 523 206 200 639 702 32 183 129 406 173 157 75 95 303 423 33 88, 946 66,317 178, 264 68, 140 111,515 35, 390 74, 630 55, 786 176, 192 34 1, 013, 658 1, 822, 220 1, 544, 233 1, 785, 247 1, 019, 923 860, 970 600, 184 3, 182, 700 2, 662, 947 35 531, 075 873, 041 731,311 885,811 449, 767 410, 550 294, 205 1, 286, 231 1,191,717 36 52.4 47.9 47.4 49.6 44.1 47.7 49.0 40.4 44.8 37 5,539 14, 126 3,804 10, 319 6,496 11, 480 6,318 10, 504 6,295 38 2,902 6,768 1,801 5,120 2,865 5,474 3,097 4,245 2,817 39 11.40 27.48 8.66 26.20 9.15 24.33 8.04 57.05 15.11 40 5.97 13.16 4.10 13.00 4.03 11.60 3.94 23.06 6.76 41 20, 456 73, 351 38, 141 46, 148 21,315 126, 683 31, 169 103, 162 72, 150 42 211 303 18 3 333, 973 311 371 165 227 30 1 350, 741 153 441 864 10 223, 451 565 43 44 45 100, 887 286, 198 277, 554 106, 194 160, 360 632, 672 46 377 438 862 654 314 235 441 521 1,196 47 7,394 31, 501 43, 826 20,096 15, 384 7,925 22, 364 19, 531 47, 299 48 89 142 471 194 146 59 159 163 428 49 18, 031 6,141 63, 093 159, 297 3,622 124 93, 996 62, 807 90, 278 50 912 650 10, 717 3,292 125 5,895 73 1,892 60 1,878 51 116 94 83 155 40 35 189 52 29 18 61 45 16 2 26 31 79 53 4 12 2 3 12 54 54 650 619 1,427 794 838 360 560 1,039 1,429 55 56 6 87 145 57 81 299 1 157 2 299 250 387 58 383 159 178 561 59 180 234 1,095 475 672 118 272 396 707 60 87 5 174 18 7 4 110 6 161 61 96 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 MONTANA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Roosevelt Rosebud Sanders Sheridan FARM VALUES i Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. i 8,172,635 , 8,196,042 1920 dollars.. 13,490,039 [17,496,424 1910 dollars.. 7,315,035 All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone.. dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. .| Other tenants dollars.. Implements and machinery, total. dollars.. I Full owners dollars.. j Part owners dollars..! Managers dollars..! Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 ! All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt... Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars Amount of mortgage debt dollars Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime). dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). ..dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold ..dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). _ Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on — Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 10,859,436 6,921,240 1,251,395 816, 325 ! 1,870,476 8,571 6,450 10.83 20.02 9.17 8, 172, 635 3, 045, 280 3, 581, 425 92, 100 1, 453, 830 157, 050 1, 296, 780 816, 325 300, 845 369, 290 7,100 139, 090 28, 375 110, 715 10, 837, 473 7, 208, 152 987, 890 439, 608 2, 201, 823 13, 684 10. 349 8.76 10.88 8.12 7.71 8, 196, 042 3, 043, 594 3, 132, 460 892, 743 1, 127, 245 102, 000 1, 025, 245 439, 608 150, 623 158, 555 68, 810 61, 620 8,610 53, 010 4, 384, 073 5, 636, 615 1, 840, 480 5, 322, 114 3, 507, 393 876, 680 302, 546 635, 495 7,955 6,553 18.57 32.19 32.91 14.86 4, 384, 073 2, 156, 735 1, 851, 228 11, 000 365, 110 131, 460 233, 650 302, 546 147, 588 127, 798 150 27, 010 5,550 21, 460 11, 628, 927 24, 104, 780 1,021 618 60.5 330 117, 529 1, 549, 790 578, 371 37.3 4,696 1,753 13.19 4.92 86, 051 385 543, 233 982 66, 574 515 517, 301 30, 180 232 102 50 1,267 1,023 26 636 308 48.4 421 194 135, 481 1, 866, 315 670, 250 35.9 9,620 3,455 13.78 4.95 29, 494 141 50 2 189, 464 360 9,843 46, 107 92 22 3 792 1 315 473 3 602 313 52.0 414 192 53, 182 118, 010 417, 344 37.3 5,823 2,174 21.02 7.85 55, 929 392 804 54 48, 268 305 16, 564 285 704 584 20 11 669 49 461 153 14, 280, 138 9, 518, 676 2,110,251 1, 202, 257 1, 448, 954. 9,603 7,820 15.89 20.85 1,135,405 I 2, 135, 179 1,088,538 ' 1,517,935 833,480 I 301,925 109,687 I 272,843 13.01 11,628,927 1,135,405 4,358,751 i 4,504,790 i 9,000 ; 2,756,380 I 199,630 j 2,556,750 I 1,202,257 i 499,746 I 454,068 I 900 I 247,543 1 23,465 I 224,078 I 1,096 687 62.7 665 394 145, 953 2, 833, 132 1, 220, 788 43.1 7,191 3,098 19.41 8.36 43, 005 357 150 1 721, 518 1,336 64,781 548 1,487 7 547 905 28 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 97 Stillwater Sweet Grass Teton Toole Treasure Valley Wheat- land Wibaux Yellow- stone 9, 033, 800 18,211,581 8, 239, 661 15,441,720 8, 354, 362 10, 876, 884 7, 042, 541 1,197,120 501,210 2, 136, 013 17,210 13, 037 1L95 23.94 18.25 10.21 8, 239, 661 2, 186, 954 4, 603, 962 94, 900 1, 353, 845 446, 925 906, 920 501,210 167, 183 257,317 9,000 12, 724, 252 16, 603, 179 7, 647, 798 15, 340, 571 11,297,942 1,426,310 882, 715 1, 733, 604 14, 087 11, 684 15.56 27.06 14.41 13.82 12, 724, 252 2,231,646 7, 436, 535 633, 300 2, 422, 771 273, 780 2, 148, 991 882, 715 187, 780 512, 030 1 F:. .550 5, 017, 159 10, 561, 692 2,835,110 3,710,304 12, 770, 597 16,477,854 7, 646, 905 16, 648, 661 11,094,837 1, 675, 760 1, 222, 316 2, 655, 748 8,649 6,634 n.52 14.62 13.27 10.00 12, 770, 597 5,363,441 5,743,416 27, 995 1, 635, 745 191,480 1, 444, 265 1, 222, 316 503, 464 687, 547 625 130, 680 18, 325 112,365 6, 736, 525 14, 890, 423 4,419,127 7, 633, 102 17,960,130 29, 899, 600 16, 704, 303 21, 398, 149 14,651,555 3, 308, 575 1, 193, 830 2, 244, 189 10,917 9, 163 26.17 28.01 13.75 2L35 17, 960, 130 7,041,027 3, 581, 623 365, 560 6,971,920 988, 910 5,983,010 1, 193, 830 527, 250 272, 477 14, 150 379, 953 42, 055 337, 898 1 2 3 11,178.977 7, 735, 624 1,298,176 642, 168 1, 503, 009 11,817 9,549 14.88 27.55 6,402,673 4, 335, 033 682, 126 371, 545 1, 013, 969 10, 583 8,293 10.58 18.52 3, 698, 357 2, 464, 070 371, 040 206, 945 656, 302 9)482 12.82 15.65 8,741,627 5, 998, 765 737, 760 357, 255 1, 647, 847 22, 647 17, 452 13.71 25.25 5, 420, 4.54 3, 684, 907 734, 220 366, 175 635, 152 11,632 9,483 16.79 22.71 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12.74 9, 033, 800 3, 380, 220 3, 204, 090 77, 400 2, 372. 090' 162, 650 2, 209, 440 642, 168 234, 330 230, 093 1,150 176,595 11,320 165, 275 9.14 5, 017, 159 2, 405, 555 1, 975, 904 n.i4 2, 835, 110 1, 000, 908 953, 100 14, 840 866, 262 152, 495 713, 767 206, 945 76, 320 70, 525 500 59, 600 5,775 53, 825 12.21 6, 736, 525 1,462,740 3, 405, 756 682, 800 1, 185, 229 329, 600 855, 629 357, 255 112,816 145, 924 38, 000 60, 615 7,015 53, 500 14.00 4,419,127 968, 290 1, 849, 457 51, 800 1, 549, 580 93, 080 1, 456, 500 366, 175 78, 740 165, 240 3,125 119, 070 7,460 111,610 14 16 16 17 18 635, 700 124,400 511,300 371, 545 181. 000 139, 240 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?5 67,710 ! 167,3.55 12,690 1 16,920 55,020 i 150,435 61, 305 4,940 46, 366 26 27 28 671 408 60.8 371 199 110, 537 1,937,455 876, 045 45.2 9,736 4,402 17.53 7.93 521 338 64.9 294 167 105, 301 1. 504, 616 746, 591 49.6 9,010 4,471 14.29 7.09 845 546 64.6 341 191 69, 444 1, 337, 985 702, 285 52.5 7,005 3,677 19.27 10.11 529 369 69.8 360 244 139, 268 1, 655, 585 744, 407 45.0 6,785 3,051 11.89 6.35 37,844 196 199 115 67.8 131 72 41,043 617, 360 260, 730 40.6 8,574 3,482 15.04 6.11 1,673 991 59.2 1,106 696 239, 920 3, 306, 290 1, 356, 065 41.0 6, 555 2,279 13.78 5.66 265 180 67.9 153 103 75,864 1,108.390 644, 665 49.1 10, 761 6,287 14.61 7.18 286 201 70.3 140 91 36,410 743, 440 296, 477 39.9 8,170 3,258 20.42 8.14 1,225 693 66.6 873 445 120, 677 3, 942, 509 1, 668, 683 42.3 8,860 3,750 32.67 13.83 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 34, 335 293 92 2 164,817 524 9,222 114 23,309 7,838 117 24 5 946 80, 520 255 60, 095 551 27,488 103 67, 360 453 19, 287 60 10, 122 89 248, 357 910 270 6 790, 666 1,445 51,486 339 38, 551 1,065 239 60 13 1,960 1 42 43 44 4fi 251, 532 447 20, 258 205 ■ 3,273 80 139 25 2 632 245, 626 676 31, 882 298 40, 935 322 314 72 7 1,089 149, 593 433 15, 802 182 3,968 442 105 13 2 605 131, 887 227 6,373 67 377, 239 1,167 80, 029 659 44,346 2,260 304 120 9 1,925 184, 786 225 8,542 46 2,667 196, 487 412 13, 111 89 271, 779 2,251 108 17 7 466 46 47 48 49 60 61 39 12 2 299 128 14 5 386 52 53 54 55 56 57 4 666 267 9 6 357 269 36 499 632 22 10 142 421 32 62 161 82 14 1 415 1,429 80 32 211 142 1 34 214 142 76 201 1,102 616 40 58 59 60 61 I 98 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January L ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock.- dollars Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age,-. Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value.- dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars- - Goats: Total number—. Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding so-^s, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value doUars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924--- Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 .gallons. 1919 gallons- Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons- Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds- Cream sold, 1924 gallons- Wliole milk sold, 1924 gallons- Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars- Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924 Wool produced, 1 1924 pounds- 1919 pounds- Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 1919... number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 doUars- The State 88, 869, 249 594, 173 86, 303 507, 870 21,053,309 10, 452 2,753 7,699 470, 974 1,321,604 357, 298 157, 138 19, 048 137, 490 590, 432 102, 769 487, 663 194, 336 22, 400 37, 960, 609 2,187,928 520, 322 1,612,887 54, 719 24, 239, 845 1,475 7,375 277, 603 129, 778 53, 810 94,015 3,098,859 2, 544, 698 1, 854, 923 183,355 Beaver- head 167, 967 94, 285 73, 682 73,185,407 51,251,095 5,416,455 9, 885, 641 788,876 I 6,175,063 I 8,043,005 j 1,948,784 ' 16,714,389 18, 267, 200 6,852,649 I ! 13,403,326 I 11,858,042 I 3,493,476 [ 3,067,280 ! 3,226,538 1,881,254 I 5, 253, 186 19, 874 2,796 17, 078 576, 950 284 110 174 11,982 97, 799 21, 876 11,723 134 11,589 42, 305 1,041 41,264 20, 305 1,590 156, 574 28, 568 123, 400 4,606 1, 900, 768 73 385 6,178 2,294 1,211 2,673 66, 627 35, 215 27, 468 Big Horn 2,760 1,036 1,724 1, 327, 560 567, 354 481 105, 515 183, 949 23, 951 67, 425 161, 168 165,438 1,285,159 1,751,727 539, 767 253, 700 138, 160 73, 573 42, 892 28, 083 28, 309 2, 267, 371 16, 437 3,142 13, 295 442,838 222 27 195 10, 701 36, 639 9,196 4,270 514 3,756 14, 824 2, 355 12, 469 7,762 587 1, 100, 979 58,050 19,039 37, 932 1,079 595, 014 6,714 3,130 1,207 2,377 77, 022 47,017 33, 382 7,435 Blaine 2, 745, 694 14, G34 2,094 12, 540 544, 527 112 24 88 5,384 28, 985 7,952 3,423 437 2,986 12, 928 3,428 9,500 4,276 406 832, 665 115, 974 25, 545 88, 395 2,034 1,258,084 2,419 2,045 374 950, 667 389, 226 393 90, 690 101,617 3,789 30, 780 80,417 41,912 399, 384 12,988 163, 747 231,512 127, 264 55, 563 61, 639 46, 927 37, 600 5,760 2,743 1,093 1,924 65, 494 49, 860 37, 894 1,646 3,545 3,395 150 1,513,715 1, 106, 427 427 130, 617 191,896 14, 898 17, 098 138, 625 106, 232 784, 796 1,083,256 313,918 263,211 233, 482 68, 435 49, 012 66, 699 29, 897 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — MONTANA 1925: AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 99 Carbon | darter Cas- cade Chou- teau Custer Dan- iels Daw- son Deer Lodge Fallon Fergus Flat- head ! 1,662,479 2,440,503 3,172,340 2,259,638 1,766,870 985, 505 1,873,801 375,063 1,026,747 3,321,333 864,540 1 9,960 12,608 12, 280 16, 027 14, 491 12, 646 21,773 1,038 10, 595 22, 228 5,026 2 801 2,410 1,039 1,312 3,021 1,847 3,563 103 1,551 2,590 284 3 9,159 10, 198 11,241 14, 715 11,470 10, 799 18, 210 935 9,044 19, 638 4,742 4 410, 658 339, 680 471,459 615,496 386,394 448,041 716, 131 48, 810 293, 034 839, 910 280, 716 5 194 j 267 415 397 112 205 116 3 112 401 77 6 38 I 101 56 86 34 85 57 52 43 19 7 156 i 166 359 311 78 120 59 3" 60 358 58 8 9,058 11,294 19, 642 19,063 4,930 8,935 4,226 156 4,516 19,240 3,586 9 20,030 33, 244 46, 236 37, 606 32, 328 14,388 29, 802 4,039 17,602 49, 790 14,110 10 5,901 9,404 13,151 11,385 8,749 4,333 7,970 1,023 5,064 15,085 3,455 11 2,147 4,136 4,981 4,132 3,988 1,764 3,572 422 2,411 5,924 1,816 12 664 192 850 390 217 172 184 49 108 348 744 13 1,483 3,944 4,131 3,742 3,771 1,592 3,388 373 2,303 5,576 1,072 14 9,844 13, 306 21, 781 16, 077 13, 769 6,335 12, 504 2,005 7,204 21,819 7,284 15 3,090 873 4,273 3,745 1,598 1,830 871 508 620 1,521 3,303 16 6,754 12,433 17,508 12,332 12,171 4,505 11,633 1,497 6,584 20, 298 3,981 17 1,744 5,925 5,541 5,377 5,417 1,737 5,276 496 2,635 6,081 1,178 18 394 473 782 635 405 219 480 93 288 881 377 19 581,805 963,058 1,370,907 1,057,871 952, 031 386,098 863, 557 118, 450 509, 902 1,411,161 437, 287 20 40,458 94,836 99, 766 39, 735 33, 135 6,578 12, 675 18, 902 11,904 69,507 3,848 21 10,861 18,073 29, 005 9,338 10,867 1,503 2,765 5,770 2,513 17,707 822 22 27,288 1 74,272 68, 835 28,317 21, 548 2,818 9, 607 12, 646 9,051 50, 105 2,931 23 2,309 j 2,491 1,926 1 2,080 720 2,257 303 486 340 1,695 95 24 474,354 '1,004,803 1,186,802 429, 979 339, 844 66,461 123, 058 191,031 125, 593 821, 650 39, 504 25 9 1 10 1 27 11 30 4 11 40 26 45 5 50 5 135 55 150 20 55 200 27 9,991 7,495 6,848 5,234 4,630 4,193 9,893 625 5,145 12, 801 3,854 28 5, 090 3,384 3,558 1,635 2,487 1,290 3,265 300 2,044 6,598 1,854 29 2,220 1,816 1,155 1,138 1,347 729 1,599 81 1,249 2, 857 667 30 2,681 2,295 2,135 2,461 796 2,174 5, 029 244 1,852 3,346 1,333 31 108,077 87,157 72, 350 66, 175 50, 181 49, 794 122, 055 7,218 62,453 137, 107 43,385 32 94,216 : 42,560 84,424 90,337 42, 829 35, 742 62, 843 9,733 42, 843 112, 037 66,394 33 61,240 1 30,218 63,318 68, 656 30,409 24, 662 42, 733 8,176 30,419 84,028 57, 099 3 17,242 4,288 7,812 2,393 2,946 1,459 1,891 1,222 810 8,182 2,763 35 4,309 2,832 6,332 4,271 2,305 2,631 4,566 482 3,169 7,821 3,830 36 2,888 756 3,853 3,690 1,578 1,615 747 425 596 1,403 3,093 37 1,421-. 2,076 2,479 581 727 1,016 3,819 57 2,573 6,418 737 38 1,835,634 957, 216 2,881,060 1,734,026 885, 120 965, 577 1,689,420 303, 178 1,109,150 3,910,500 1,803,930 39 1,593,591 323,374 2,172,843 1,313,044 659,491 952, 207 267, 889 835,408 3,980,110 1,944,180 40 426 338 455 406 384 ""367" 370 629 350 500 471 41 156,592 ! 81,839 194, 143 132, 723 60,237 123, 083 150,434 11, 037 79, 763 261, 958 126, 622 42 329,095 ! 113,888 361, 115 266, 009 60, 553 76, 689 247, 002 2,997 234, 285 534,911 197, 648 43 3,662 ' 13,560 26,465 18,804 19,491 16, 151 27, 889 9,907 12, 457 53, 630 15, 759 44 83,322 1 3,650 630,191 1 22,571 169, 527 25, 075 .76,935 184, 260 3,180 201,000 198, 760 45 197,673 [ 88,722 390,609 1 172,858 111,949 92,343 190,399 65,047 129, 697 406, 966 192,443 46 30,342 '' 87,628 93,281 30, 914 46, 886 4,993 9,316 13,487 9,785 54, 772 3,990 47 301,563 797,381 709, 935 271, 152 393, 246 40, 784 75, 822 122, 180 69, 829 478, 903 30, 699 48 447,526 460,434 697, 356 389, 946 204, 761 125, 388 7,912 57, 196 964, 132 83,325 49 132,688 , 326,926 283, 974 108,461 161,231 'i6,'3'i4' 31,087 48. 872 28, 630 191, 561 12,280 50 561,810 ! 183,221 444, 155 422, 506 222, 283 181,319 317,231 74, 156 199, 220 561,305 322, Oil 51 383,797 1 117,380 457, 629 466, 937 161, 747 255, 825 50, 595 156, 943 997, 475 398, 969 52 151,689 1 43,973 115, 480 109, 852 53,348 '4i,'763' 69, 791 23, 730 47, 813 145, 939 99, 823 53 89,317 54,817 103, 926 124,304 62, 530 34, 134 81, 947 8,069 ~47,470 149,457 78, 810 54 104,229 1 38,471 124, 056 142, 213 58, 049 75, 702 15, 093 43, 791 277, 856 101,813 55 50,911 33,438 67, 552 75, 825 38, 143 'i9,'n5' 42,612 1 5,810 28,957 97, 147 60, 684 56 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 100 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 MONTANA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) UVESTOCK, 1925 Galla- tin Value of all livestock Horses: Total number ..dollars.. Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value ..dollars.. Mules: Total number .. Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 ])airy heifers Beef heifers . Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows -.. Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value... ... .dollars.. Sheep: Total number.: Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and o Total value ver .dollars.. Goats: Total number .dollars.. Swine: Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value. -dollars.. Chickens: Total number . . Total value .dollars.. 11,500,138 11, 259 1, 10, 171 460, 201 270 69 201 12, 252 21, 033 6,606 2,575 913 1,662 10, 721 4,571 6,150 1,644 487 640, 290 14, 941 4,039 10, 522 380 173, 558 73 365 14,202 6,728 2,112 5,362 160, 521 75, 777 49, 255 Gar- field Glacier ^"^ifg^y^, Granite HUl I 2, 482, 528j 1,561,2991 691,782 678,5661.439,584 22, 685 1 8, 6701 4, 858 5, 075 1, 8151 478 17, 610 6, 855 4, 380 720,235! 311,408 185,238 Other livestock, estimated value dollars..! LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds . Value of wool, 1924... dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produc d,' 1924 .dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised, • 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 5,113 3, 1,220 2, 520, 709 2, 236, 285 ! 493 149,1 354, 580 65, 241 204, 414 320, 778 13, 289 99, 989 218, 955 43, 995 293, 939 429, 910 79, 364 92, 296 106, 798 52, 609 35, 977 11, 178 4,108 87. 4,021 14, 769: 554' 14, 215: 5, 312' 610! 1, 014, 014' 1 65, 7271 13, 802, 50, 376 1, 549 1 638, 891 1 I 43 19 24 1,842 23, 553 4,865 2,577 2,577 8, 652 149 8,503 7,062 397 665, 486 1 49, 191 1 4, 498! 43, 500 1, 193; 552, 7991 7l. 35'. 241 39 202 11, 254 10, 859 3,595 1, 271: 47! 1,224 4, 839 313 4,526 965; 189, 303, 082j 11, 875! 2, 795' 8, 875! 205 j 140, 771 6,805 3,0811 1, 286 1, 438; 61, 840 56, 603; 38, 490 2, 296! 542j 1, 754! 870, 184 637, 304' 379: 85,501' 62,864: 9, 885! 4, 658; 63, 738! 69, 286, 495,6471 703,257 203, 215{ 312, 335! 207, 225; 68, 714i 78, 112| 64, 456 1 40, 618' 1, 405 641 535 289, 17, 345 2,618 1, 962| 541 115 22, 563 15, 863! 36, 218| 12, 056! 27, 164| 328; 1, 710! 2, 635 351] 2,284 121, 220; ! 92: 22' 70 4, 266 I 14, 259 3, 762 1, 592 141' 1,451 7,204 1, 064 6, 140 1, 458 1 243 403, 237i 12, 424 3, 416! 8, 378i 630! 126, 9031 li 5 1,228 757 134 337 12, 753 11, 166; 9, 379 15, 091 1,761 13, 330 569, 301 166 14 162 8,476 19, 389 6,492 2,326 454 1,872 9,086 3,516 6,671 2,144 341 572, 603 18, 130 3,851 13,831 448 197, 167 35 3,550 1,624 1,082 844 41, 280 48, 709 8131 2, 013 257f 149 108 2, 211 259 1. 952 1, 259 970 289 4,377 3,428 949 73, 245' 839, 177 601,802 1,759,564 126,834 576,886'l,311,228 285 380! 4781 402 12, 693 5,179 81 7, 800 8, 243! 58,499 133, 649 14, 600 71, 654 40, 256 113,400 3,806 45,085 74. 183; 66,766 7,944' 11,033 528,016! 86,942 91,217 115,444 184,566 211,206 34,777 36,487; I ' i 76,809 188,008 67,353 38,374 69,829 19,970, 48,882, 21,553; I 11,025 45,236 13,410 6,692 15,794 6,725 29,403 9,655 166, 425 193, 450 31,031 139, 527 204, 212 15, 374 134,416 81, 746 53, 766 454, 405 344,311 118, 145 80, 626 90, 369 49, 182 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA 101 1925; AxNTD Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued Jeffer- son Judith Basin T,ake Lewis and Clark Liberty Lincoln McCone Madison Meagher Mineral Missoula 758, 209 1,849,965 932, 894 2, 264, 841 675, 916 289, 017 1, 953, 180 2, 638, 967 1, 959, 308 64, 058 001,321 1 3,796 8,827 6,053 6,253 5, 051 1, 853 25,404 8,639 4,755 378 3,207 2 329 953 449 758 726 171 5,721 877 704 25 239 3 3,467 7,874 5,604 5,495 4,325 1,682 19, 683 7,762 4,051 353 2,968 4 145, 589 334,973 334,012 235, 718 187, 883 100, 976 805, 845 255, 531 176, 824 18, 150 153, 180 5 139 276 98 399 19 7 81 114 60 15 91 6 46 26 119 1 1 11 28 13 4 23 7 93 250 ' 98 280 18 6 70 86 47 11 68 8 5,939 13, 327 5,096 17,353 984 342 3,541 5,052 2,725 684 4,180 9 15, 740 29, 161 13,457 30, 716 9,417 5,242 27,011 32, 893 23,421 1,069 11,509 10 3,586 8,430 3, 541 7, 515 2, 700 1,161 7,707 8,717 6,708 303 2,705 11 1,990 3,318 2,004 3, 346 1, 159 1,454 3,115 3,963 2,398 151 1,343' 12 434 224 1,118 318 72 1,061 15 267 280 70 415 13 1, 556 3,094 886 3, 028 1,087 393 3,100 3,696 2,118 81 928 14 8,260 12, 527 6,722 13, 259 3,652 2,269 10, 738 15,464 9,592 545 6,027 15 2, 265 1, 122 4,303 1,963 899 910 358 1,516 1,227 273 2,233 16 5, 995 11,405 2,419 11, 296 2, 753 1,359 10,430 13,948 8,365 272 3,794 17 1, 623 4,427 939 6,098 1,807 277 5,052 4,139 4,274 45 1, 218 18 281 459 251 498 99 81 349 610 440 25 210 19 491, 895 824, 690 424, 663 913,407 262, 715 152, 539 768, 915 896, 954 679, 551 32,421 350, 140 20 5,843 49,068 5,181 87, 593 9,964 201 28, 252 110,751 89, 937 522 1,716 21 410 16, 907 1,582 22,457 2,529 43 6,876 10, 438 22, 328 155 539 22 5,284 30, 856 3,478 63, 154 7,268 153 20, 740 97,412 65, 573 348 1,144 23 149 1,305 121 1,982 167 5 636 2,901 2,036 19 33 24 72, 329 567, 197 52,451 1,034,479 107, 083 2,064 273, 160 1, 369, 2.59 1, 064, 355 5,296 17, 292 25 3 24 124 106 69 17 48 1 19 26 15 2,499 120 5,663 620 5,595 530 3,107 45 613 345 1,329 85 7,282 240 2,253 330 95 3, 526 27 5,879 28 1,567 3,130 2,739 1,879 359 713 2,448 3,528 1,167 232 2,218 29 359 806 897 564 66 139 1, 245 1,097 394 61 683 30 573 1,727 1,959 664 188 477 2,186 2,657 692 37 625 31 23, 913 57, 881 62,438 30, 576 6,410 14, 153 68,515 72, 072 23, 863 3,247 36, 910 32 23, 040 49, 617 58, 870 35, 212 13, 826 22, 108 46,447 41, 987 13, 552 4,903 44, 759 33 17, 280 37, 213 50, 628 26, 409 10, 508 19, 013 31, 584 32, 750 10, 164 4,119 37, 598 34 1,249 4,554 2,986 6,369 288 185 1,620 7,264 1,586 136 1,926 35 1 2,291 3, 377 4,372 3, oir 1,075 999 2, 541 2,984 1,280 338 2,636 36 1,880 974 3,909 1,867 873 880 333 1,322 846 225 1,877 37 411 2,403 463 1,145 20i 119 2,208 1,662 434 113 759 38 1, 216, 521 1, 502, 765 2, 190, 372 1, 527, 084 402, 05G 526,473 866,481 1, 295, 056 449, 280 139, 932 1,370,720 39 825 785 1, 057, 386 507 276, 53C 374 292, 659 540, 439 988, 105 434 353, 667 351 87 153 1 781 4.58 40 '531 445 501 '527 '341 '414 520 41 56, 624 98, 723 103,331 92, 530 50, 458 50, 339 97, 939 122, 306 38, 660 15, 117 69, 641 42 75,337 157, 182 432, 699 135, 474 46, 655 20, 805 87, 121 195, 081 36, 763 7,452 112, 183 43 14,448 50, 457 1,714 33. 386 15C 7,087 257 2,544 7,510 2, 575 15, 177 44 458, 128 12, 583 18, 595 298.017 4, 175 94,413 4,710 97, 120 1,300 24, 020 406,215 45 181, 132 163, 938 208, 674 201,475 35, 206 59, 553 62, 499 149, 177 37, 226 17, 884 190, 503 46 8,217 39, 402 3,487 74, 279 8,091 147 24,212 104,438 88, 954 492 1,368 47 65, 960 353, 290 34, 065 703, 109 74, 501 1,185 195,476 884, 014 752, 609 3,486 12,417 48 60, 060 824, 819 281, 244 45, 746 204 95, 489 834, 990 371,286 1,175,447 301, 044 6,212 83, 540 49 26, 384 "'i4i,"3io """i3,'626 29, 800 474 80, 145 1,394 4,967 50 108, 910 273, 588 284, 754 185, 004 84, 71i 130, 194 231, 167 187, 934 72, 273 32, 860 235, 298 51 123, 335 28,317 1 197 339 76 98:- 61,004 155, 497 50, 857 235, 050 54, 501 68, 540 18, 791 16, 803 10, 515 358, 342 75, 295 52 """71,133 """88,'274 48; 101 221025 40^ 360 53 26, 865 54, 678 70, 938 41,691 16, 605 30,001 55, 783 46, 774 12, 603 4,128 45, 520 54 36, 665 45, 787 20,404 15, 197 59, 138 65, 726 13, 578 3,90C 2,972 90, 083 32, 774 55 17, 462 """35," 541 |"""54,"622 27, 099 10, 12s 23, 101 29, 007 30, 871 8, 192 1 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 102 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 MONTANA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Mussel- shell Park Phillips Pondera Powder River Powell LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars.. Horses : Total number.. Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over. Total value .dollars.. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Cattle: Total number... Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers .-. Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows.. Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars.. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value.-- ...dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs.. Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value.. dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS 1,130,424 9,041 1,384 7,657 335, 344 28 168 9,240 19, 142 5,424 2,177 162 2,015 8,361 739 7,622 2,843 337 551, 182 10, 850 2,475 7,997 378 129, 524 7 35 5,879 2,824 927 2,128 64, 012 51,033 38, 275 2,812 7,367 938 6,429 296, 145 148 27 121 6,954 24, 634 6,666 2,930 322 2,608 12, 099 2,010 10, 089 2,508 431 696, 110 72, 466 8,058 63, 054 1,354 864, 385 3,742 1,096 2,146 74, 301 40, 395 26, 257 2,514 Dairy products: Number of cows milked. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 1924. Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924.. gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924... pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924.. .dollars. Wool: Nurnber of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1921 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, 1 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised, 1 1924 number. 1919... number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 2,545 685 1,860 1,076,535 1, 429, 828 423 93, 380 126, 027 9,671 53, 085 103, 929 12, 181 106, 003 174, 280 42, 401 295, 991 367, 605 76, 958 66, 037 98, 013 42, 924 3,424 1, 845 1,579 2,473,032 24,271 4,808 19, 463 837, 677 182 106 11,207 31, 594 9,473 3,675 230 3,445 13, 774 3,489 10, 285 4,050 622 849, 959 69, 457 15, 263 52, 965 1,229 668, 941 4 20 5,966 2,394 1,397 2,175 67, 651 52, 741 36, 391 1,186 1,757,906 20, 504 2,606 17, 898 769, 343 362 60 302 17, 806 16, 672 4,779 2,389 405 1,984 7,089 2,853 4,236 2,116 299 484, 100 37, 347 11,857 24, 799 691 394, 266 59 295 4,593 2,003 717 1,873 53, 471 47,035 35, 747 2,878 2,058,533:1,767,502 4,020 3, 307 713 1,568,1921,443,180 1,159,7621,396,827 458i 359 112.838 223, 014 15, 397 168.504 182, 332 66, 201 590, 743 917, 270 259, 927 205, 813 181.261 55, 570 45, 727i 50, 276 26, 064 135, 363 239. 706 7, 7971 39, 2351 141,791 3,028 2,671 357 1, 347, 460 666. 579 445 98. 552 261, 523 2,555 46, 410 142, 836 13,111 2, 524 10, 587i 352, 946 I74I 74! 100 7,172 46, 867 13, 454 5,839 104 5,735 19, 613 421 19, 192 7,252 709 1, 347, 770 24, 023 3,848 19, 524 651 256, 320 5, 957 3,551 1,217 1,189 61, 106 44,065 31, 286 1,933 60,983' 23,865 438,829| 207,351! 636, 259| 75. 490 175, 532 82. 940 273, 673 286, 180 62, 945 62, 287 70, 481 34, 881 245.099 207, 872 63, 726 49, 716! 49,8181 30, 3271 1,898 419 1,479 563, 706 237, 046 297 34, 925 31,837 15, 196 624 44, 766 21.212 182.214 236, 359 74, 708 212, 702 133, 709 51,048 59, 047 41,059 36,019 5,108 711 4,397 234, 070 79 45 34 3,028 20, 984 5,004 2,187 321 1,866 9,926 1,475 8, 451 3,433 434 602, 360 84,457 15,948 66, 703 1,806 867, 392 3,323 1,925 377 1,021 35, 554 28, 155 23, 650 1,448 2,043 1,237 806 1,060,317 763, 122 519 61,845 109. 328 25, 940 150,993 137, 873 84, 204 803, 767 911,9031 321, 507 137,650 167, 265 •44,048 28, 183 31,011 20,292 Including estimates for incomplete reoorts. CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1025 MONTANA 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 103 Prairie Ravalli Rich- land Roose- velt Rose- bud San- ders Sheri- dan Silver Bow Still- water Sweet Grass Teton 1,149,296 1, 242, 50f 1, 465, 958 1, 870, 476 2, 201, 823 636, 495 1, 448, 954 272, 843 1, 503, 009 2, 136, 013 1, 733, 604 1 11, 150 5,356 18, 040 17, 45' 14, 608 3,620 16, 514 1,296 8,363 6,120 12, 413 2 2,256 326 2,012 2,776 2,501 359 1,847 176 775 783 1,677 3 8,894 5,03C 16, 028 14, 68] 12, 107 3,261 14, 667 1,121 7,588 6,337 10, 736 4 358, 536 258, 02C 611,212 614, 50J 398, 224 196, 318 595, 025 37, 726 342, 569 245, 934 463, 819 5 112 174 335 20t 104 29 199 40 607 267 297 6 29 66 186 3f 42 9 78 10 84 62 57 7 83 108 149 174 62 20 121 30 423 206 240 8 4,614 7,464 11, 765 10, 22C 4,338 1,310 8,771 1,770 24, 009 12, 263 14, 430 9 18, 610 19, 342 22, 102 38, 67C 34, 022 11, 143 22, 864 4,930 21, 170 26, 625 27, 364 10 5,586 5,033 6,240 6,42C 10, 429 2,865 6,880 1,024 6,440 6,891 7,293 11 1,967 2,424 2,709 3,92t 3,951 1,653 2,986 688 2,882 3,191 2,876 12 137 1,420 436 194 147 499 686 237 604 341 685 13 1,830 1,004 2,273 3,735 3,804 1,054 2,300 351 2,378 2,850 2,291 14 7,742 9,823 9,801 24, 044 14, 889 5,190 10, 248 2,832 9, 207 10, 239 11,718 15 601 6,552 1,994 111 950 2,345 2,795 1,663 1,739 1,496 2,786 16 7,141 3,271 7,807 23, 267 13,939 2,845 7,453 1,169 7,468 8,743 8,933 17 3,032 1,663 2,816 3,897 4,219 1,327 2,322 381 2,178 4,872 5,068 18 283 399 636 380 534 218 428 105 463 432 409 19 531, 204 616, 860 651, 674 1, 114, 163 980, 387 335, 392 610, 742 164, 672 583, 826 709, 636 784, 639 20 18, 728 18, 881 5,940 1,488 72, 443 5,562 12, 086 4, 732 35, 058 93, 424 37, 290 21 5,426 1,185 3,111 408 29, 100 1,348 3,260 576 9,801 16, 712 12, 859 22 13, 067 17, 439 2,738 1,000 41,442 3,997 8,284 4,031 24, 636 76, 482 23, 718 23 235 257 91 80 1,901 207 542 126 621 1,230 713 24 179, 494 197, 116 54, 871 14, 266 730, 835 66, 999 116, 805 58, 166 405, 669 1, 099, 394 390, 615 25 2 10 4,752 20 100 8,076 4 20 7,239 19 95 6, 506 328 1,640 1,601 4 20 6,342 22 110 394 12 60 9,028 171 865 3,657 8 40 3,117 26 27 4,364 28 2,035 3,470 2,337 2,011 2,226 788 2,468 243 6,216 1,869 1,452 29 913 1,264 2,122 1,514 1,093 272 1,466 111 1,236 515 529 30 1,804 3,342 2,780 2,981 1,045 441 2,419 40 2,677 1,273 1,136 31 54, 721 97, 082 91, 393 78, 187 48, 364 16, 361 72, 505 3,679 92, 342 39,944 35, 625 32 29, 099 62, 721 62, 187 48, 871 61, 034 29, 400 63, 684 7,898 76, 308 34, 904 54, 916 33 19, 787 52, 686 , 42, 287 33, 721 36, 234 25, 284 43, 942 6,160 49, 600 22, 688 41, 736 34 930 13, 178 2,736 5,316 3,451 2,191 2,144 561 4,944 5,309 2,700 36 2,171 6,840 3,937 3,490 2,649 2,640 6,257 1,671 4,103 3,192 3,762 36 506 6,331 1,806 679 964 2,346 2,200 1, 629 1, 592 1,407 2,634 37 1,665 509 2,131 2,811 1,686 294 3,057 42 2,511 1,785 1,228 38 746, 824 4, 363, 920 1, 728, 343 1, 280, 830 879, 468 1,465,200 2, 023, 945 834, 378 1, 579, 655 1,391,712 1, 426, 798 39 i 519, 079i 2, 447, 349 1, 214, 252 1, 063, 695 901, 169 675, 071 2, 393, 426 801, 065 1, 192, 735 746, 786 675, 378 40 344 638 439 367 332 655 385 631 385 436 379 41 58, 475 52. 354 162, 678 156, 650 90, 341 77, 244 248, 633 19, 272 140, 043 91, 909 125, 002 42 84, 027 927, 042 203, 377 152, 846 97, 041 299, 429 184, 434 300 277, 748 268, 297 247, 437 43 20, 068 17, 819 12, 683 2,886 4,613 1,219 37, 994 5.497 5,379 2,596 3,623 44 14, 424 622, 028 46, 585 31, 940 23, 160 31, 486 28, 185 677, 916 38, 300 27, 783 23, 674 46 78, 982 551, 577 150,607 111,026 77, 759 151, 170 198, 146 184, 423 164, 710 134, 816 142, 429 46 14, 982 19, 598 3,332 1,256 65, 996 4,497 9,645 6,323 24, 506 73, 805 29, 869 47 116, 076 167, 984 31, 856 10, 063 612, 723 42, 101 66, 891 36, 625 221, 321 648, 643 252, 379 48 141, 332 286, 410 35, 071 13, 188 727, 770 39, 042 38, 167 42, 979 274, 964 498, 154 324, 169 49 47, 591 67, 194 13, 061 4,025 251, 216 16, 840 26, 766 15, 341 97, 381 285, 403 100, 952 50 135, 339 317, 306 294, 704 228, 228 283, 645 184, 220 333, 449 32, 595 318, 357 207, 365 330, 430 51 109, 542 337, 172 338, 609 254, 728 231, 605 129, 287 501, 878 55, 587 374, 773 175, 589 208, 557, 52 29, 775 101, 538 64, 835 62, 492 68, 051 57, 108 76, 693 9,453 85, 956 55, 989 85, 912 53 42, 106 80,973 75, 557 58, 059 62, 976 33, 839 61, 646 7,487 78, 292 41, 047 62, 000 54 37, 350 84, 393 90, 917 50, 374 66, 742 36, 693 112, 347 15, 404 100, 368 46, 614 53: 099 55 21, 895 58, 301 39, 290 32, 513 38, 416 26, 056 34, 522 4,941 44, 626 23, 397 37, 820 i 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 8 104 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE : 1925 MONTANA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars.. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age. Horses 2 years old and over Total value.. dollars.. Mules: Total number.. Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age.. Heifers 1 year old and under 2.. Dairy hei fers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 j^ear old and over... Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. . Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value-- dollars.. Other livestoclc, estimated value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced.i 1924 gallons.. 1919 gallons.. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons.. Butter made on farms, 1924. pounds.. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds.. Cream sold, 1924... gallons.. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons.. Value of dairy products,2 1924 dollars.. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds.. 1919 pmmds.. Value of wool, 1924 dollars.. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens.. 1919 ..dozens.. Value of chicken eggs, 1924... dollars.. Chickens raised,' 1924 ...number.. 1919 number.. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars.. Toole Treas- ure VaUey Wheat- land Wi- baux 1,013,969 656,302 Yellow- stone 6, 762 951 1 5,8111 251, 936 57 5 52 2,906 11,801 3,440 1,437 97 1,340 5,247 1,496 3,751 1,488 189 337, 646 34, 988 7, 525 25, 737 1,726 380, 651 7 35 1,655 450 298 907 21, 372 3,1 I 2,916 97, 112 87 25 62 3,862 10, 279 2,954 1,240 11 1,229 4,310 71 4,239 1,644 131 294, 949 20, 457 4,845 15, 396 216 213, 831 12 60 2,958 1,539 604 815 32, 451 25,009 17,871 19, 007 12, 088 1,349 1,' 1,476 433 628, 061 410,377 329 55, 752 104, 504 830 25. 830 04, 197 2, 655, 748 1, 647, 847 635, 152 2, 244, 189 I 28, 278 4,516 23, 762 995, 082 346 118 228 15, 628 33, 205 9, 825 4,171 208 3,963 14, 331 969 13,362 4,320 558 869, 517; 65, 438 14, 696 48, 657 2,085 631,055 44 1 220! I 8,012 2, 756^ 1,854' 3,402 94, 190 4, 564 473 4,091 173,573 169 33 1 7,759 20, 678 5,745 2,276 116 2,160 7, 996 1,491 6, 505 4,418 243 600, 783 67, 296 13, 354 52, 472 1,470 806, 283 1 5 3,45' 1,788 778 891 36, 985 66, 865 27, 465 46, 137 20, 599 3,919 1,860 4, 592 738' 3,854 1,865 1,444 421 397,6021,873,536 630,370 263,486!l, 158, 625 530,217 398 408 338 28, 551 22. 047 20, 178 5,343 47, 229 30,160 16,529 258,841^ 139,865 278, 035 57. 358 103,536 57,345 128,971! 92, 792: 96, 700 74, 432 205, 15Si 200, 770 11,915 29, 139' 153, 819, 50, 233 12, 756 40, 343 21,725 83,582 33, 532 23, 208 31,9111 20,605 27, 537, 22, 764 19,466 12,569 52. 743 50, 472 417, 887; 494, 760 435, 201 1 483,023 167, 155| 197, 904 354,050 112,524 307,097; 159,175 81,432 29,256 79, 569 25. 158 93,571 42,040 44, 559 16, 353 I 7,276 781 6,495 247, 097 115 14 101 5,061 9, 594 2,642 1, 233 187 1,046 4,150 849 3,301 1,381 188 281, 859 3,037 815 2,176 46 29. 217 3 15 4,325 1,814 926 1,585 50, 304 30, 373 20, 654 945 1,975 726 1,249 15,916 1,812 14, 104 644, 524 463 108 355 21, 237 28, 725 7,041 3,415 1,237 2,178 14, 457 5,856 8,601 3,271 541 876, 791 46, 225 32, 546 13, 139 540 492, 758 13 65 9,440 4,415 1,698 3,327 106, 856 138, 485 90, 015 11,943 6,829 5,518 1,311 831,475 3,291,578 501, 406 2, 513, 610 421 482 75, 015 152, 282 4,091 4.200 82, 558 i 2,8031 21, 930, 10, 699! 8, 991 1 177. 378 141,498 39, 023 38. 877 40,871 20, 216 195, 931 467, 870 14, 408 500, 160 380, 261 31, 2iM 324, 361 530,187 142, 71 1 900,568 597, 060 243, 153 214,652 177,980 122, 352 > Including estimates for incomplete reports. 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA 105 County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage and Production of Principal Crops: 1924 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. V^lue of same crops in 1919 .dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage.. Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder ._ acres.. Hogged ofT acres.. The State Wheat. 19 ' 20 i 21 I 22 I acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres..! bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres..! bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Flaxseed acres.. bushels..! Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres.. I Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: I Total acreage Timothy alone acres..! Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres.. Alfalfa acres.. 29 Other tame grasses acres. 30 [ Small grains cut for hay acres. 31 I Wild grasses cut on farms : acres. 32 ! Total quantity of hay of all kinds, ' both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar. acres. tons- Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Strawberries. acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes ..acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Plums and prunes. ...trees of all ages. 95, 932, 717 tt5, i»Z, i)iii 398, 420 80, 120 1,121,734 7,819 20, 968 148,050 162, 431 3, 102, 879 44, 058, 012 455, 385 11,815,924 83, 863 93, 327 i 1,889,177. 36, 725 471,971, 244,398 1, 733, 260, 2, 805 22, 188' 1, 872, 994 100, 117 157, 186 8,979 41, 350: 599, 128 1 102, 544' 190, 372i 673, 318' Beaver- head Big Horn Blaine 2, 565, 814 1, 796, 12912, 099. 104 3, 862, 093:1, 229, 854:1, 167, 170 31, 796 710, 960 268, 153 18, 813 2, 1761 33 487| 5,747 151, 172 290 1,322 26, 591 206, 258 4,788 9,079 26, 158 1,077 848 164,; 2, 087, 773 176, 807 1 32, 589, 333, 110 19. 576 1,703,47L 282; 133 14, 671 9,363 6,088 4,111 445 50, 106 7,558 25 241 150 531 1,179 2,165 4,048 3,237 44, 448 61, 948 712, 820| 912, 860 11,828 282, 520 3,626 1,421 25, 433 2,637 26, 714 7,429 215, 563 684 2,510 49, 547 175 2,802 6,946 26, 320 39 1,708 42, 408 921 2,037 11 264 21, 893 1,462 2,524 13, 296 51,614 2,763 27, 193 201 13, 768 11 6,262 46, 376 580 38, 982 771 1, 975 40 790 11,125 2. 651 5, 460 16, 170 45. 253 77 818i 413 28, 452 2 Broad- water 737, 526 1, 080, 705 14| 13 26: 4001 238 16 200 100 300 64 58 15,428 226, 613 5,424 193, 062 119 891 19, 609 316 3,338 22, 856 603 992 36 156 13, 152 1,655 828 5,434 33, 484 157 16, 820 2 13 1 1 9 39! 1 2! 3! 123 4,684 4,419 508 106 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919. dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage.. Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. j tons.. Cut for fodder acres..! Hogged off acres.. I I Wheat... acres..! bushels..; Oats threshed for grain acres..! bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres..] bushels.. Rye acres..; bushels.. Flaxseed-. acres..! bushels..! Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres.. | Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres- - Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres. - Timothy and clover mixed acres.. CJlover — red, alsike, and mammoth. .acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres.. Alfalfa acres..! Other tame grasses.. acres..' Small grains cut for hay acres.. j Wild grasses cut on farms.. ..acres..! Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild .tons..! 1 Miscellaneous crops: ! Sugar beets for sugar .*. acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels..' Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. ...acres- Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce ..acres- Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age- bushels harvested. Plums and prunes ..trees of all ages. Carbon Carter 2,614,428 766,039 2,686, 155; 132, 871 6,970 3,388 74, 715 96 468 1,865 1,621 13,844 4,455 53, 557 30 100 3. 5,973 Cas- cade Chou- teau Custer Daniels 2, 633, 156,3, 554, 444^719, 066 4, 192, 583 1,238,668 522,293 533,5971 44,632 13,862 915, 581 161, 532 6,873 859 10, 460 187 290 1,583 4,244 13, 387 2,029 25, 619 125 200 5,639 5,594 106,911 197,144 18,127 141,723 1, 431, 051 2, 387, 352 214, 687;2, 518, 391 15, 007 4,688 51, 564 323 2,117 5,902 4,094 5,092 311 323 1,176 3,605 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA AND Production op Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 107 Dawson ^^J^e ^^^1°° Fergus ^If^ Gallatin Garfield Glacier y^ney Granite Hill 2, 868, 441 663, 203 277, 451, 725 1, 871, 546 233, 102 5, 627, 656 2, 475, 927 1, 414, 848 2, 367, 556 2, 657, 562 4, 008, 932 1, 033, 030 517, 084 666, 005 114, 071 561, 402, 001 916, 859 3, 139, 146 506, 572 21, 4741 2, 221 1 35,678 353 1 896 i 10, 622 8, 278! 92,513] 1,353,319 22,4551 543, 883 2,676 2,350 48, 932 1,303 17, 739 26, 711 176, 271 269 329 13, 218 3,713 49, 128 27 51 5,381 4,097 32, 259 13 18 2,162 1,283 5,759 6,158 16, 866 28, 565 625 12, 803 722 22, Oil 6 307 4,750 55 400 13, 979 3,523 43, 991 73 24' 2,715 7, 76, 004 198, 157 )89, 320 3, 344, 255 16, 488 1,084 2,274 12 5,540 1,554 219 5,805 17, 179 10, 850 280, 630 2,072 4, 1821 85,623 3, 243 39, 710 9, 256 1 56, 072 39 16 15] 8661 845 j 2,2271 5, 303 12, 946 20, 225 25,; 621,: 1,076 4,431 91, 540 999 12, 032 1,383 8,329 1,042 85 1,762 161 533 395 401 28, 712 483, 674 7,772 221, 072 335 4,491 97, 053 307 2,940 218 45 511 111 76, 981 20, 658 1,312 197 6,087 25, 806 2,721 11, 242 8,958 89, 483 30, 110 3,128 4, 071 1,878 6,187 590 8,851 5,405 29, 604 80 57, 392 1, 013, 738 11, 987 453, 188 472 5,933 188, 525 816 36 49, 080 5,604 9, 168 1,971 563 26, 646 3,261 697 1,170 78, 336 18, i 3,296 40, 253 264 708 8,748 5,781 28, 458 330, 725 10, 614 211, 123 1,895 724 11,041 742 6,857 15, 952 80, 570 666 166 27, 524 27 87 6 1,451 7,255 4,639 10, 511 3,548 10,519i 2391 2, 105 196 130 5,837 4,247 19, 495 250, 931 3,632 82, 602 688 616 9,206 385 3,275 51,041 340, 565 5,972 62, 987 235 384: 2, 784' 20; 50 2231. 610;. 30!- 60 1,581 18, 418 1,097 37, 613 218 249 5,980 28 205 25, 079 10 40 184 195 1,895 22, 755 10, 635 310 45 15 810 4,788 964 1,558 2,147 25, 476 1,271 15, 594 12 5,235 5 269 3,090 28, 601 8,800 567 9,110 30 75 3,828 4,375 173, 752 1, 963, 262 11, 091 197, 763 4,072 4,074 55, 813 2,336 25, 811 2,016 8,425 20 90 15, 440 900 135 15 52 2,890 767 7,907 2,774 18, 843 464 491 37, 595 40, 501 214 18, 595 1 20 615 42, 946 4 2,166 152, 909 37 512 61, 404 19 351 20, 044 165 12, 442 64 3,770 10 2 51 76 I 634 21 - 18! ! 52 32 1 630 1,599 44, 298 36, 285 895 151 2,176 2,758 27, 256 91 125 631 245 390 37, 325 10 108 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: lf)25 MONTANA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage IT»M (See definitions in Introduction) Jeffer- son VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat. acres. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Flaxseed acres.. bushels.. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. .acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Strawberries acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn ..acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons acres.. dollars.. 350,739 855, 458 Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. bushels harvested.. Plums and prunes .trees of all ages.. 182 20 55 28 55 10 124 6, 74, 545 902 19, 747 98 292 4,702 583 5,126 22, 515 834 1,167 17 7,772 984 2,205 9,536 23, 680 349 21, 986 1 12 Judith Basin Lake 2,755,92711,125,681 429 12 200 81 131 150 186 125, 558 1, 779, 062 7,044 135, 505 133 3,283 48, 546 291 3,124 1,135 170 15 42, 225 6,327 564 23 1,593 14, 714 3,022 4,764 11,218 39, 578 951 291 5,035 277 383 34, 633 384, 550 5, 393 127, 84 1,817 28, 587 171 1,391 25 300 181 12, 006 23, 759 2,102 2,678 291 131 13, 941 884 2,672 1,060 35, 264 14 113 343 32, 603 11 4,! 25,946 25,080 2,996 Lewis and Clark 803, 331 1, 335, 988 902 135 2,490 133 290 163 471 14, 201 147, 072 3,635 79, 988 164 587 9,021 369 4,841 49, 810 2,289 3,035 26 219 21, 232 596 2,137 20, 276 51,413 677 84, 476! 5' Lib- erty 673, 851 182, 649 58, 107 346. 165 9,234 16 9 ""144 574 318 4,462 3,560 6,900 70 67 12 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA AiNTD Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 109 Mc- cone Madi- son Mea- gher Min- eral Mis- soula Mussel- shell Park Phillips Pon- dera Powder River Powell 2, 062, 904 935, 382 1,551,081 2, 836, 918 532, 126 868, 496 55,417 75, 706 636,911 2, 597. 606 909, 072 547, 248 1, 082, 744 1, 508, 932 1, 630, 895 1, 309, 992 2,071,130 594,754! 997,845 1,294,928! 330,689|1,779,663 1 2 19, 441 1,951 34, 628 35 3 2 30 50 6 210 5 10 13 26 712 9,268 283 6,633 35 20 220 317 21 485 37 13, 522 2,241 20,433 54 6 2 60 25, 488 5,320 69, 329 424 780 9,909 9,835 62, 081 800, 025 11,985 242, 462 4,599 1,101 17, 542 472 6,032 4,041 24, 444 131 460 39, 565 1,863 232 4,860 10, 052 3,547 42, 131 8 14 2,421 4,076 6, 459 89, 897 4,767 112, 231 667 467 7,591 269 3,089 620 4 3 40 3 4 5 6 30 2701 66 73 i 4.908 7 12, 529 4,926 69, 223 999, 255 14, 744 316,611 3,420 823 13, 184 394 5,806 24, 757 124, 195 426 16 26, 842 3 411 1,220 93, 050 1, 140, 142 7,446 154, 841 815 6,331 119,832 85 1,278 839 1 8 1 186 10, 354 104, 988 4,476 95, 530 28 576 7,893 70 637 6,319 46, 721 521,657 7,127 126, 525 772 711 7,803 262 1,942 71 316 183 16, 825 59 4 21, 727 290,999 5,062 157, 660 250 3,430 62, 377 157 1,999 q 11, 598 185, 545 4,976 170, 718 516 866 20, 351 261 2,647 145 925 "" 4,743 44, 458 2,081 41, 152 275 685 7,990 218 2,153 178 242 4,144 47, 767 3,011 64,900 172 687 9,449 90 705 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ,^ 19 2, 496 4. 483 ?n 82 427 41, 793 38 215 6 350 21, 229 1,930 4,176 13, 849 43, 186 ?i 7 20, 690 3,682 n 65, 121 2,873 7,078 67 218 35, 921 2,588 1,674 14, 702 82, 088 43, 530 5,466 8,383 37 6,055 6,028 1,274 16, 287 48, 917 2,144 66 794 139 25 640 3 449 28 2,483 44, 893 fi 474- 20, 750 950 57 175 835 11, 007 277 2,206 5,243 27, 558 61, 629 2,249 26,312 54 23 ?4 5,511 401 9' 211 65 55 1,005 7,765 845 4,385 25,445 37, 758 187 1,336 265 24, 355 1 1 25 20 2,008 4,571 3,628 6,495 10, 117 24, 154 170 211 5,109 2,014 2,282 1,711 26, 686 115 99 1 184 958 26 97 4,384 1,149 6,006 3,888 14, 612 23, 312 202 1,675 2,962 63, 422 6,660 1,599 1,189 23, 566 68, 940 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 263 20, 812 499 57, 275 125 6,702 94 8,404 3 2 371 47, 336 15 23 1 200 9, 725 414 41,482 6 3 442 18,003 2 15 217 14, 079 1 575 66, 571 1 14 35 36 37 1 7 3 38 39 i 7 1 6 6 52 1 1 40 ll 40 2 4 1 6 3 1 1 2 19 68 37 52 41 5 1 1 5 I 35 11 1 3 39 3 s 4?: ::::.::: i 43 1 44 165 5,074 3,245 5 6 10 265 1,929 797 185 3,316 36, 319 50, 874 937 1 449 11 26 45 12 5.421i 2 "'-"lis 12 46 5, 5141 1 77 Of. 47 106 14 48 i no CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Prairie VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage _ Harvested for grain : acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder ...acres. Hogged off... acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley- -. .acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels- Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone , ^ acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms .acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce ..acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes... acres. Watermelons .acres. Orchard fruits: Apples.. ...trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age- bushels harvested. Plums and prunes... ...trees of all ages. Ravalli Rich- land Roose- velt Rose- bud San- ders 1,285,799 1,219,12814, 484, 143 4, 310, 063|1, 373, 143 385, 038 205,352 3,589,274 1, 683, 666|1, 704, 4651, 045, 389,604, 677 14, 551 4, 671 60, 385 145 210 4,124 5,611 54, 160 671, 141 8,639 200, 484 1,462 1,088 20, 099 377 4,446 9,701 45, 676 239 40 15 20 392 714 1,826 804 14, 451 1 100 1 4, 0351 122j 957 100 1291 27, 584 5,292 94, 080 1,105 2,405 5,400 15, 787 6,998 112,743 131, 573|2, 100, 698 4, 1741 173,0321 347 1 2, 558 [ 71,941 70 113,019 11,052 510, 055 68, 380 399 22, 724 762, 397 1,834 2,603 73, 273 1,563 1,011 26,983 14, 712 132, 767 91 72 1, 099 37, 267 48 140 21 4,375 9,448 7,579 4,253 11, 403 42, 884 5, 0451 48, 147' 449 45, 919 158! 164 108. 1, 580 i 19, 988 15, 190 277 1,854 6, 184' 84 28, 616 67,112 1,727 1,457| 74: 89 2, 494; 145! 337 7,063 5, 559 73 9,614 3,373 31 26, 153; 40,034 6,181 178,883 533,6821 69, 646 20,051 9,612 1,509 )64, 7901 237,795} 31, 584 4, 276 635 103 1,410 831 384 37, 830i 12,106 5,882 4, 605i 1, 168 197 81,170 13,0331 15, 952: 148, 127i 107 45 1,847 2,550 3,843 3,225 24, 578 35,002 337 27, 868 4 330 761 624 2, 742 191 1,131 41,462 15,586 215 568 I 4,870 297 1,111 2, 084 17, 462 234 146 6,758 254 1,560 1,196 50,2171 17,654 474 6, 109 424 27, 151 38 300 23,8911 81 2,063 14,038 9,262 1, 374 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 MONTANA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 111 Sheridan Silver Bow Still- water Sweet Grass Teton Toolo Treasure Valley Wheat- land Wibaux Yellow- stone 6, 166, 303 3, 353, 531 112,187 231, eo9 1, 895, 874 1,480,340 1,045,19512,179,892 1,257,170 576,155 652, 954 63, 423 652, 184 3, 881, 203 333,317|1,937,510 606, 064 703, 328 1,499,525'4,259,150 457,935,4,215,416 1 2 13,093 171 3,110 250 1,750 6,945 5,727 197, 172 3,469,560 27, 766 909,322 8,691 2,890 69, 059 4,746 75,421 41, 053 363, 940 15 34 27, 093 35 9 225 1,200 136 5,791 6, 257 13,440 30,450 ::::::: 128 1,685 212 5,850 28 18 320 132 530 8,558 620 1,373 30 "l'026 591 614 4,304 7,599 7,445 695 13, 585 88 459 4,137 2,525 90, 933 1,023,816 9,591 173, 709 462 2,768 46, 889 337 3,668 34 114 10 536 31, 723 2,047 3,706 88 1,261 19,423 651 2,858 1,689 41, 990 1,238 12, 172 351 29, 117 5 6 2 1 1 10 3 1 46 4,039 4,563 246 1,333 151 1,910 32 64 715 435 28, 927 352, 709 5, 060 121,376 452 1,018 19, 879 36 410 1,443 5,656 2,748 87 883 60 968 1,616 114, 523 1, 176, 863 8,832 167, 375 738 2,630 43, 518 50 405 375 2,071 2,150 76 1,343 28 53 1,151 895 41, 909 380, 983 2,619 51,011 2,088 941 13, 722 293 2,537 323 1,555 6,229 1,434 20, 625 66 140 1,043 3,686 12, 923 216, 176 2,429 91, 377 222 929 21, 759 94 1,224 19 146 15 139 10, 737 24 5 1 207 8,733 964 280 523 13, 562 2,123 23, 092 78 5,900 17, 167 2,348 47, 083 363 1,015 10, 376 4,080 148, 182 2,256,425 19, 362 505, 182 11,350 2,796 50, 646 1,263 13, 569 16,430 128, 613 137 116 37, 999 44 14 10 1,173 9,228 4,324 3,725 19,481 35, 016 2,421 477 3,190 114 77 583 1,247 37, 832 248, 312 4,506 67, 568 1,704 1,176 11, 794 20 358 66 250 6,629 786 12, 165 132 554 2,244 3,467 53, 883 736, 482 12, 447 348, 437 976 1,790 43, 278 343 4,276 11,191 75, 144 22, 539 8,129 124, 556 191 1,329 5,412 8,807 97, 269 1, 554, 005 12, 325 384, 430 955 2,566 64, 085 184 2,033 1,139 3,417 136 11, 909 40, 322 188 147 171 793 33, 669 816 2,473 2,065 71, 862 15, 590 159, 923 588 67, 751 29 27 29 3 25 63 12 13 3,244 7,959 8,378 3,499 3 4 5 6 7 I .0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?,1 2 40, 522 2,713 1,887 92 1,364 26, 823 215 3,612 3,816 57, 442 32 43, 081 1,120 31 79 1,624 6,260 1,919 5,024 27, 024 38,409 1 12, 781 22 13 *>? 9,721 23, 780 1,127 2,867 180 452 10, 526 935 1, 099 6,594 25, 150 23 99 25 ?6 112 147 193 3,827 5,343 6,414 471 395 1,515 6,888 3,477 12, 329 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 i 34 415 38, 108 41 3,039 194 16, 874 275 17, 940 3 1 230 14, 597 524 49, 325 8 3 65 5,041 201 19, 882 35 36 37 3 5 1 2 38 39 2 8 9 5 4 4 56 12 40 1 3 6 10 1 4 28 1 41 1 1 4?. 1 1 11 6 43 2 59 116 254 173 44 108 101 359 3,707 2,929 166 5 8 ■ 3 37 5 12 5 6 31 5 142 45 46 47 293 6 139 48 112 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Beaver- head Big Horn Blaine Broad- water Carbon 1 2 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 vears of age and over 182, 885 47, 282 135, 603 77, 940 57, 663 3,089 645 2,444 1,547 897 4,839 1,281 3,558 1,965 1,593 4,699 1,222 3,477 2,033 1,444 1,275 283 992 600 392 5,040 1,220 3,820 2,147 1,673 4 5 Male Female.. fi 175, 727 45, 310 130, 417 75, 300 55, 117 7,158 1,972 5,186 2,040 2,546 3,085 645 2,440 1,543 897 4 ' 4" 4 3,006 782 2,224 1,302 922 1,833 499 1,334 663 671 3,809 989 2,820 1,699 1,121 890 233 657 334 323 1,275 283 992 600 392 5,002 1,208 3,794 2,133 1,661 38 12 26 14 12 7 8 9 10 11 Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female Colored farm population.. ^?. Under 10 years of age 13 10 years of age and over 14 15 Male Female Population on owned farms Ifi 137, 267 33,617 103, 650 59, 633 44, 017 132, 686 32, 332 100, 354 57, 961 42,393 4,581 1,285 3,296 1,672 1,624 4,052 932 ! 3, 120 i 1,826 1,294 1,818 i 378 1, 440 1 980 I 460 2,234 i 554 1 1, 680 1 846 i 834 : 41,566 12,733 , 28, 833 16,481 1 12,352 1 41, 223 12, 600 28,623 16,359 , 12, 264 343 133 210 ' 122 88 2,791 572 2,219 1,411 808 2,787 572 2,215 1,407 808 4 4" 4 61 11 50 32 18 61 11 50 32 18 237 62 175 104 71 237 62 175 104 71 3,428 806 2,622 1,419 1,203 1,690 344 1,346 - 787 559 1,738 462 1,276 632 644 64 16 48 33 15 60 14 46 32 14 4 2 2 1,347 459 888 513 375 1,256 424 832 483 349 91 35 56 30 26 3,091 782 2,309 1,363 946 3,044 762 2,282 1,346 936 47 20 27 17 10 890 217 673 352 321 59 9 50 40 10 831 208 623 312 311 718 223 495 318 177 706 218 488 313 175 12 5 7 6 2 971 191 780 476 304 971 191 780 476 304 24 6 18 8 10 24 6 18 8 10 3,759 836 2,923 1,632 1,291 3,737 829 2,908 1,624 1,284 22 15 8 7 12 5 12 T 5 17 Under 10 years of age.- . ... 18 19 20 21 10 years of age and over Male Female White farm population... 22 Under 10 vears of age 23 24 25 26 9.7 10 years of age and over Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 28 29 30 31 10 years of age and over Male Female Population on managed farms 32 Under 10 years of age 33 34 35 36 37 10 years of age and over... Male Female White farm population.. Under 10 years of age.. 38 39 40 10 years of age and over... Male Female 41 Colored farm population. 42 Under 10 vears of age 43 10 years of age and over 44 Male... 45 Female .. 46 Population on tenant farms 280 86 194 116 78 280 86 194 116 78 1,269 384 885 508 377 1,253 379 874 502 372 16 5 ' 11 6 5 47 Under 10 years of age 48 10 years of age and over 49 Male 50 Female 51 White farm population 5? Under 10 years of age.. 53 10 years of age and over . 54 Male 55 Female 56 Colored farm population 57 Under 10 years of age 58 10 years of age and over 59 Male 60 Female CENSUS OF agriculture: 1&25 MONTANA BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 113 Carter Cas- cade Chou- teau 1 Custer Daniels Daw- son Fergus Flat- head Galla- tin Gar- field 3,038 802 2,236 1,275 961 5,294 1,162 4,132 2,431 1,701 5,283 1,344 3, 939 2,284 1,655 2,561 606 1, 955 1,165 790 3,625 1 1,037 2,588 1,529 1,059 4,390 1,177 3,213 1,810 1,403 1 422 i 85 337 1 197 1 140 2,717 773 1,944 1, 075 869 7,645 1,965 5,680 3,271 2,409 4,732 1,030 3,702 2,056 1,646 4,446 1,121 3.325 1,883 1,442 4,213 1,181 3,032 1,844 1,188 1 2 3 4 5 i 3.038 802 2, 236 1,275 961 5,290 1,162 4,128 2,428 1,700 4 5,277 1,341 3,936 2,282 1 654 6 3 3 2 1 2,561 606 1,955 1,165 790 3,625 ! 1, 037 2,588 1,529 1,059 4,390 1,177 3,213 1,810 1,403 421 85 336 196 ! 140 1 2,717 773 1,944 1,075 869 7, 610 1,957 5,653 3,257 2,390 35 8 27 14 13 4,719 1,024 3,695 2,051 1,644 13 6 7 5 2 4,445 1,121 3,324 1,882 1,442 1 4,213 1, 181 3,032 1,844 1,188 5 8 9 10 11 I"?, 4 ' j ] 1 1 1 13 i 3 ! 1 14 15 2,695 688 2,007 1,142 ! 865 1 ! 2, 695 i 688 2,007 1,142 865 1 3,839 777 3,062 1,772 1,290 3,838 777 3,061 1,771 1,290 1 3,919 973 2,946 1, 691 1,255 3,918 973 2,945 1,690 1,255 1 2,007 446 1, 561 920 641 2,007 446 1,561 920 641 2,578 713 1,865 1,086 779 2,578 713 1,865 1,086 779 3,039 771 2,268 1,279 989 3,039 771 2,268 1,279 989 328 68 260 145 115 328 68 260 145 115 1,972 525 1,447 800 647 1,972 525 1,447 800 647 5,365 1,283 4,082 2,341 1,741 5, 336 1,276 4,060 2,330 1,730 29 7 22 11 11 25 4 21 15 6 25 4 21 15 6 3,745 754 2,991 1,657 1.334 3,732 748 2,984 1,652 1,332 13 6 7 5 2 12 1 11 8 3 12 1 11 8 3 2,716 588 2,128 1,197 931 2,715 588 2,127 1,196 931 1 3,815 1,073 2,742 1,674 1,068 3,815 1,073 2,742 1,674 1, 068 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' 1 ?7 1— — -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?8 ?9 30 1 3 i 3 1 f 2 125 17 108 87 21 125 17 108 87 21 84 12 72 54 18 84 12 72 54 18 121 17 104 73 31 121 17 104 73 31 13 7 6 4 2 13 7 6 4 2 14 3 11 6 5 14 3 11 6 5 27 3 24 20 4 26 3 23 19 4 1 :::::::: 20 7 13 8 5 20 7 13 8 5 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ! 49, I 1 1 1 43 i " 44 1 45 ' 340 114 226 132 94 340 114 226 132 94 1,330 368 962 572 390 1,327 368 959 570 389 3 1,280 359 921 539 382 1,275 356 919 538 381 5 3 2 1 1 433 143 290 172 118 433 143 290 172 118 1,034 317 717 439 278 1,034 317 717 439 1 278 1,337 403 934 525 409 1,337 403 934 525 409 67 14 53 32 21 67 14 53 32 21 i 745 248 497 275 222 745 248 497 275 222 2,255 678 1,577 915 662 2,249 677 1,572 912 660 6 1 5 3 2 975 275 700 391 309 975 275 700 391 309 1,710 526 1,184 678 506 1,710 526 1,184 678 506 398 108 290 170 120 398 108 290 170 120 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 .. 57 3 2 1 { 58 59 60 1 114 CENSUS OF AGRICULTTJRE : 1925 MONTANA County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, 37 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Population on oAvned farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female "White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female.. Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female... Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male. Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over, Male Female Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.. Male. Female.. White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male. Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Glacier 1,652 387 1,265 697 568 781 166 615 383 232 871 221 650 314 336 1,476 351 1,125 603 522 130 478 290 188 221 647 313 334 Golden Valley 1,983 576 1,407 805 602 Gran- ite 1,' 576 ,406 804 602 1,327 376 951 • 660 326 376 950 559 107 25 82 45 37 104 25 79 44 35 637 197 440 235 205 637 197 440 235 205 822 174 648 379 822 174 648 379 269 627 116 511 305 206 627 116 511 305 206 186 56 130 70 56 130 70 Hill Jeffer- 4,966 1, 262 3,704 2,132 1,572 666 365 301 756 545 4,893 1,239 3,654 2,107 1,547 73 23 50 25 25 1,663 365 1,298 754 544 Judith Basin 3,481 808 2,613 1,534 1,079 3,478 868 2,610 1,532 1,078 3,856 944 2,912 1,681 1,231 303 727 418 1,016 295 721 415 306 14 8 6 3 3 1,285 257 1,028 598 430 2,305 512 1,793 1,069 724 3,847 ' 1,283 2,303 939 : 257 j 512 2,908 i 1,026 ; 1,791 1,679 597 I 1,067 1,229 429 ! 724 370 106 264 153 111 369 106 263 152 111 1,169 353 816 463 353 1,168 353 815 463 352 Lake 3,853 1,034 2,819 1,575 1,244 3,414 893 2,521 1,425 1,096 439 141 298 150 148 2,830 691 2,139 1,187 952 2,450 582 1,868 1,051 817 380 109 271 136 135 59 23 36 20 16 59 23 16 964 320 644 368 276 905 288 617 354 263 59 32 27 14 13 CENSUS OF agriculture; 1925 MONTANA Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 115 Lewis and Clark Liberty Lin- Mc- Madi- Mea- Min- Mis- Mus- Park Phil- Pon- coln cone son gher eral soula selshell lips dera 2,353 1,393 1,940 3,826 2,599 1,264 405 2,843 2,568 2,806 4,621 3,446 1 497 363 409 1,226 512 284 80 685 675 703 1.308 964 2 1,856 1,030 1,531 2,600 2,087 980 325 2,158 1,893 2,103 3.313 2,482 3 1,149 589 887 1, 517 1,194 636 179 1,209 1,075 1,185 1,962 1,430 4 707 441 644 1,083 893 344 146 949 818 918 1,351 1,052 5 2,322 1,393 1,940 3,826 2,594 1,262 405 2,754 2,568 2,806 4,576 3,093 6 494 , 363 409 1,226 512 284 80 661 675 703 1,288 878 V 1,828 1,030 1,531 2,600 2,082 978 325 2,093 1,893 2, 103 3,288 2,215 8 1,129 589 887 1,517 1,189 634 179 1,173 1,075 1,185 1,948 1, 294 9 699 441 644 1,083 893 344 146 920 818 918 1,340 921 10 31 3 28 20 8 5 2 89 24 65 36 29 45 20 25 14 11 353 86 267 136 131 n ]•?. 5 5 2 2 13 14 15 1,693 1,213 1,721 3,064 2, 127 1,094 316 2,174 1,898 1,848 4, 061 2,156 16 340 313 351 985 400 246 56 483 467 402 1,133 599 17 1,353 900 1,370 2,079 1,727 848 260 1,691 1,431 1,446 2,928 1,557 18 825 530 794 1,204 998 547 145 944 807 823 1,733 917 19 1 528 370 576 875 729 301 115 747 624 623 1,195 640 20 1, 670 1,213 1,721 3,064 2,123 1,092 316 2.111 1,898 1,848 4,016 2,148 21 339 313 351 985 400 246 56 469 467 402 1,113 599 22 1,331 900 1.370 2,079 1,723 846 260 1.642 1,431 1,446 2,903 1,549 23 810 530 794 1,204 994 545 145 918 807 823 1.719 912 24 ! 521 370 576 875 729 301 115 724 624 623 1, 184 637 25 1 23 1 1 i 22 i 15 7 232 4 ' 63 14 49 26 23 21 45 20 25 14 11 21 8 .- 5 3 382 ?fi ?7 4 4 2 2 ■78 ?,9 30 17 9 54 4 8 127 31 1 43 i 189 5 12 1 8 10 44 4 17 2 6 37 90 8 13 , 89 293 3? 4 33 1 131 8 7 24 4 13 4 58 7 153 34 58 232 4 17 1 9 20 54 4 21 2 8 32 127 6 21 140 39 35 4 36 43 189 5 12 1 8 10 44 .- 4 17 2 6 37 90 8 13 3 36 37 38 131 8 7 24 4 13 4 58 7 24 39 58 4 1 20 4 2 32 6 12 343 86 257 129 128 908 40 41 :::::::::::::::::::::: 49. 1 43 "1 44 45 428 180 202 753 418 166 89 648 662 831 539 46 114 50 53 240 102 38 24 198 206 264 167 276 47 314 130 149 513 316 128 65 450 456 567 372 632 48 193 59 85 306 172 85 34 252 264 304 222 360 49 121 71 64 207 144 43 31 198 192 263 150 272 50 420 180 202 753 417 166 89 622 662 831 539 906 51 112 50 53 240 102 38 24 188 206 264 167 276 52 308 130 149 513 315 128 65 434 456 567 372 630 53 188 59 85 306 171 85 34 242 264 304 222 358 54 120 71 64 207 144 43 31 192 192 263 150 272 55 8 2 6 5 1 1 26 10 16 10 6 2 56 57 1 1 i 2 2 58 59 60 ] i"" r 116 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 J9 20 1 21 ! 22 ! 23 I 24 ; 25 I 26 27 28 29 I ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over- Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male. Female Powder! River Powell 2,874 786 2,088 1,218 870 2,874 786 2,088 1,218 870 1,483 277 1,206 718 Prairie 2,324 692 1,632 930 702 1,483 277 1,206 718 Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 2,674 707 1,967 1,152 815 White farm population j 2,674 Under 10 years of age i 707 10 years of age and over | 1, 967 Male i 1, 152 Female [ 815 Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age. .. 10 years of age and over. Male. Female 1,246 216 1,030 615 415 1,246 216 1,030 615 415 Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.. Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female.. Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male... Female. Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 3 I 2,324 692 1,632 930 702 Ravalli 4,321 888 3,433 1,833 1,600 4,309 3,425 1,829 1,596 1,912 553 1,359 765 594 I ! 1,912 i 553 1,359 • 765 594 3,131 547 2,584 1,379 1,205 3,119 543 2,576 1,375 1,201 12 4 8 4 4 40 7 33 22 11 40 7 33 22 1 11 i Rich- land 5,530 1,558 3,972 2,236 1,736 Roose- velt 5,054 1,482 3,572 2,040 1,532 Rose- bud 5,528 1,558 3,970 2,235 1,735 4,116 1,183 2,933 1,708 1,225 938 299 639 332 307 197 79 118 63 55 197 79 118 63 55 215 58 157 90 67 215 58 157 90 67 392 133 259 156 103 392 133 259 156 103 1,150 334 816 432 384 1,150 334 816 432 384 3,938 1,046 2,892 1,624 1,268 1,046 2,890 1,623 1,267 1,585 512 1,073 608 465 1,585 512 1,073 608 465 4,082 1, 197 2,885 ! 1,649 I 1,236 I 3,207 I 915 2, 292 1,345 947 ! 875 282 593 304 289 942 279 663 376 287 263 628 356 272 51 16 35 20 15 4,177 1,013 3,164 i 1,780 ! 1,384 i 3, 170 i 763 2,407 1,399 1,008 1,007 I 250 i 757 I 381 ' 376 ; 2,518 : 565 ; 1,953 ' 1, 138 \ 815 } 2, 498 562 ! 1,936 ! 1, 127 I 1,018 254 764 387 9 377 18 31 5 7 13 24 1 7 17 i 6 7 ! 12 987 1 247 11 740 8 370 370 641 194 447 255 192 641 194 447 255 192 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 1925 MONTANA Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 117 San- ders Sheri- dan SUver Bow Still- water Sweet Grass Teton Toole Treas- ure Valley Wheat- land Wibaux^Sr 2,330 503 1,827 1.064 763 6,207 1,944 4,263 2,387 1,876 665 104 561 329 232 3,706 1,035 2,671 1,513 1,158 2,662 650 1,912 1,116 796 3,615 923 2,692 1,598 1,094 1,952 502 1,450 875 575 1,157 305 852 497 355 6,673 1,937 4,736 2,716 2,020 1,676 437 1,2J9 724 515 1 1,999 1 8,785 560 2,380 1,439 6,405 803 i 3,561 636 j 2,844 1 2 3 4 5 2,225 475 1,750 1,028 722 105 28 77 36 41 6,190 1,938 4,252 2,379 1,873 17 638 96 542 315 227 27 3,685 1,031 2,654 1,504 1,150 21 4 17 9 8 2,557 650 1,907 1,113 794 5 3,580 914 2,666 1,584 1,082 1,951 502 1,449 874 575 1 1,157 305 852 497 355 6, 466 1,869 4,597 2,641 1, 956 207 68 139 75 1,676 437 1,239 724 515 1,999 560 1,439 803 636 8,744 2,363 6,381 3,547 2,834 41 17 24 14 10 6 7 8 9 10 n 6 i 8 11 19 8 1 14 3 I 5 ; 9 5 I 26 3 14 2 12 T> i 1 13 14 64 15 2,065 444 1,621 951 670 1,960 416 1,544 915 629 105 28 77 36 41 4 1 3 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 4,703 1 579 1,430 84 3,273 i 495 1,829 ! 287 1,444 : 208 4,689 j 567 1,425 1 80 3,264 i 487 1,823 1 282 1,141 i 205 14 12 2,532 641 1,891 1,094 797 2,513 637 1,876 1.086 790 19 2,109 501 1,608 937 671 2,104 '501 1,603 934 669 5 .. 3 2 4 .. 3 1 4 2,765 666 2,099 1,249 850 2,743 661 2,082 1,240 842 22 5 17 9 8 67 22 45 29 16 64 22 42 27 15 3 1,718 438 1,280 775 505 1,717 438 1,279 774 505 1 738 179 559 334 225 738 179 559 334 225 5, 857 1,720 4,137 2,360 1,777 5,650 1,652 3,998 2,285 1,713 207 68 139 75 64 7 1 6 2 4 7 1 6 2 4 1,140 258 882 523 359 1,140 258 882 . 523 359 1,223 328 895 498 397 1,223 328 895 498 397 5,208 1,229 3,979 2,199 1,780 5,184 1,219 3.965 2,191 1,774 24 10 14 8 6 75 21 54 38 16 72 21 51 35 16 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 4 i 4 9 8 ; 15 6 5 i 8 3j 3i 7 5 19 ! 25 1 3 ! 12 ?7 1 ?8 ?9 30 7 61 12 49 34 15 61 12 49 34 15 14 i6 6 4 14 4 10 4 31 ^9 4 1 3 5 1 16 i 13 9 ! 5 7 i 8 1 19 1 25 3 12 7 4 3 7 33 34 35 36 37 4 1 16 ! 13 ! 4 1 1 9 ! 5 3 3 1 7 i 8 1 :::::::: 7 4 3 38 39 40 41 I 1 A'> i —-\ 3 2 1 783 235 548 320 228 773 231 542 317 225 in 3 3 Js 1 1 44 1 45 261 58 203 111 92 261 58 203 111 92 1 1,499 513 986 557 429 1,496 512 984 555 429 3 1 2 2 67 1 1,149 17 i 382 50 , 767 33 1 414 17 353 52 ! 1,147 13 ; 382 39 i 765 24 1 413 15 ! 352 15 ' 2 449 149 300 176 124 449 149 300 176 124 234 64 170 100 70 234 64 , 170 100 70 412 126 286 159 127 412 126 286 159 127 i 809 216 593 354 239 809 216 593 354 239 475 167 308 167 141 475 167 308 167 141 762 228 534 299 235 762 228 534 299 235 3,502 1,130 2,372 1.324 1,048 3,488 1.123 2,365 1,321 1,044 14 7 7 3 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 56 4 ! 1 ! 4 11 i 2 1 ! 6 9 1 1 i i 3 2 ! 11 3 1 "' 57 j 58 59 1 1 60 1 i 1 1 1 i 118 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Beaver- head Big- Horn Blaine Broad- water Carbon 1 Total number of farms, 1925 . . 46, 904 789 1,260 1,135 321 1,095 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes . ... 9. 17, 091 4,923 352 7,492 28, 066 23, 232 5,431 1, 375 5,646 281 1, 379 2,525 3,045 487 2,308 15, 293 4, 368 9,900 32, 229 1, 223 19, 253 436 450 i04 109 275 591 138 133 6,622 4,050 - 179 714 1,468 136 _. 94 1 151 1.....''. i -. 51 64 3 231 8 40 563 --- 11 2 6 47 3 495 305 2 214 515 500 147 15 4 6 90 29 22 1 14 629 69 149 937 88 177 6 6 2 3 6 15 3 2 44 16 393 55 14 25 785 642 109 77 210 14 2 1 80 152 162 51 10 344 190 9 155 691 651 184 6 2 3 61 107 214 19 24 815 28 74" 987 187 413 25 9 1 4 6 7 4 2 491 234 1 4 33 5 ?, Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage -.- -.. 5 Winter wheat fi Spring wheat. ... 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed .. 8 9 10 11 Barley Rye Flaxseed Sorghums of all kinds ]?. 57 19 34 2 33 177 101 265 621 14 379 2 20 I 5 27 t 33 3 28 21 3 8 197 36 51 259 ""206' 7 '2 ' 114 U Hay crops: Timothy alone 14 15 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth Ifi 17 \lfalfa 18 Other tame grasses n Small grains cut for hay ?0 ?1 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?.?. ??, Strawberries ?4 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages ?5 ?fi Lettuce ?7 ?« Sweet corn ?P 30 81 Watermelons 3? Orchard fruits: Apple trees 33 Peach trees. . .. .. .. 34 Pear trees 35 Plum and prune trees :::::::: I 3 28 3fi Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 37 44,088 28,755 ' 17, 586 9, 689 ; 34,381 4, 552 203 24,913 38,051 755 561 124 65 537 129 13 328 548 1,227 567 559 347 680 39 1,061 671 720 176 743 134 311 200 145 74 267 55 3 180 270 1,070 001 600 471 961 124 6 737 995 38 Cattle: Beef cattle 39 40 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 41 Cows milked . . 4? Sheep 43 Goats 44 Swine.. . _ .... 501 784 564 853 45 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops. 1920-1924 ....acres.. Farms reporting .number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting .number. . 46 47 48 18, 153 1,599 6,332 234 84, 354 5, 196 22 200 1 353 28 57 6 26 2 92 16 2 1 1,948 68 73 i 103 10 49 50 51 1,241 105 717 54 1 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 MONTANA 119 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Carter Cas- cade Chou- teau Custer Daniels Daw- son Deer Lodge Fallon Fergus Flat- head Galla- tin Oar- field 770 1,257 1,649 716 1,020 1,105 93 659 1,918 1,238 1,026 1,312 1 518 212 328 401 94 57 97 3 14 4 9 2 70 222 233 188 704 ""296" 338 87 6 517 746 517 167 30 3 675 132 4 729 1,131 444 36 30 15 534 211 12 90 299 338 30 21 40 19 20 4 246 --- 19 934 835 97 29 495 2 3 3 809 175 14 87 871 821 113 52 536 23 22 2 25 25 5 4 14 16 2 44 8 19 87 492 216 2 245 575 489 193 93 248 6 5 10 1 1 63 61 155 226 539 656 174 4 725 1,501 1,253 263 53 43 169 21 13 262 485 407 295 25 25 9 ""232" 470 545 • 274 22 801 226 11 97 611 589 66 43 435 55 58 3 3 3 111 325 274 493 946 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 263 17 4 57 743 24 415 989 22 646 4 10 9 3 12 184 46 291 612 7 437 22 5 288 727 75 542 1,515 7 138 200 154 466 39 645 1,043 12 165 212 52 24 652 66 52 849 12 13 14 25' 274 106 124 507 1 19 5 104 115 368 2 132 78 362 325 884 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?1 346 417 4 12 12 3 12 13 14 11 125 39 1 1 45 1 386 799 49 401 3 4 1,043 1 614 5 55 421 31 12 1 6 16 18 725 6 13 --- 61 22 ?3 ' 12 5 6 3 11 8 1 2 6 2 37 .. 25 25 8 24 ?5 7 7 15 8 - — .-.. i' 51 3 26 2 2 5 5 2 2 '3' 27 28 29 1 174 7 172 5 1 11 1 2 1 88 10 1 1 ■ 4 10 33 255 31 i' 33 13 30 1 10 18 1 63 9 409 494 14 107 138 1' 296 122 - 1 1 5 31 32 33 1 ■ 5 1 2 1 34 1 '« 1 3 2 12 3 2 1 35 36 758 572 188 144 625 165 1 504 679 1,192 748 514 320 1,035 160 4 641 1,118 1,535 983 955 272 1,093 77 1 706 1,302 671 429 314 157 514 109 3 359 584 910 629 454 106 737 35 4 552 787 1,052 930 114 53 874 82 3 732 936 91 51 53 33 62 11 40" 82 639 545 81 60 508 53 2 428 582 1,879 1,558 209 168 1,600 211 5 1,225 1,722 1,066 355 759 464 969 51 8 508 1,022 969 462 624 452 883 123 11 684 922 1,275 998 109 57 672 173 1 605 998 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 80' 1 253 22 163 34 710 8 40 1 211 11 2 1 3,597 1 \ SQfi 191 26 9 4 4,833 274 488 18 172 5 839 80 46 47 437 24 13, 641 587 48 4Q 1,341 128 64 6 1,479 117 11 2 10 1 2,437 228 50 51 51623—27- 120 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Glacier Golden Valley Granite Hill Jeflfer- son Judith Basin Lake 1 Total number of farms, 1925 344 492 227 1,421 446 783 964 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes 2 332 11 6 251 364 236 27 2 6 1 1 8 3 1 37 165 37 73 274 is" 27 59 16 3 10 159 1 66 1 14 201 550 66 1 . 58 1,252 742 247 86 71 2 8 18 5 1 9 61 37 395 554 16 3 2 51 75 82 27 29 30 2 304 650 342 155 122 39 """289" 310 269 114 13 1 8 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage .. 5 Winter wheat 221 51 fi Spring wheat. . 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed-. 8 Barley... 9 Rye 10 11 Flaxseed Sorghums of all kinds... .. .... » ^?, Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) . 38 74 2 217 16 130 364 2 134 17 2 67 323 40 179 597 6 102 117 21 10 538 29 186 761 3 305 24 .. 1 2 12 3 1 201 472 99 267 298 29 u Hay crops: Timothy alone ' 14 Timothy and clover mixed 15 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth 16 17 Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 2 15 3 96 207 18 Other tame grasses 19 Small grains cut for hay ?.o Production of hay of all kinds . ?A Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ??, Potatoes, white.. .... 233 55 85 734 146 1 12 322 2 VS Strawberries ?4 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages.. . . ... 3 8 ?.5 Cantaloupes and muskmelons . . ?,6 Lettuce 2 6 11 2 ?,7 Onions (dry) ?,8 Sweet corn . 11 ?9 1 30 Watermelons 31 3? All other crops Orchard fruits: Apple trees . 1 2 2 28 2 21 53 1 1 4 30 33 Peach trees 34 Pear trees . ... . .. 35 Plum and prune trees 5 1 3fi Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle.. 37 38 333 299 42 476 403 36 29 392 41 ""'313" 432 210 128 109 69 179 36 1 117 183 1,321 761 751 248 950 77 3 630 1,097 415 217 203 140 304 28 2 219 354 761 569 198 140 1 669 1 120 518 713 { 879 287 665 491 768 36 18 545 833 39 40 Dairy cows. Dairy bulls and (or) calves. .. 41 42 43 44 45 Cows milked Sheep Goats Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres 74 118 2 223 286 1 46 147 18 55 4 990 61 """176" 21 445 33 35 2 1,346 112 71 7 """"184" 16 613 72 149 8 L641 116 47 48 Woodland burned over, 1924 acres 1 49 i 50 51 Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting ..number.. 2 1 288 27 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE : 1925 MONTANA 121 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Lewis and Clark Lib- erty Lin- coln Mc- cone Madi- son Mea- gher Min- eral Mis- soula Mussel- shell r-^ ^ Pon- dera 543 446 583 1,072 715 310 103 673 650 619 1,427 794 1 73 23 8 82 225 198 41 14 84 11 13 2 340 109 21 7 30 11 2 --- 41 49 16 7 743 160 1 117 781 702 58 19 523 37 6 1 .- 119 170 255 328 776 3 2 8 2 1 13 26 24 2 40 9 5 56 155 165 38 11 514 121 4 251 488 380 45 15 4 1 10 5 3 4 86 167 87 276 480 3 1 63" 305 272 150 11 161 163 6 27 410 13 93 554 830 250 12 12 968 840 95 24 153 23 52 4' 3 55 199 71 217 748 18 366 5 3 112 23 710 349 20 2 3 4 52 268 259 82 8 3 20 65 64 19 8 6 5 6 7 8 9 in 11 2 42 63 4 14 332 17 140 458 1 5 2 .. 17 9 170 207 89 217 33 13 121 8 204 458 1 84 180 13 16 302 50 171 545 1 12 49 111 3 14 494 25 100 610 70 73 2' 76 53 57 228 6 44 9 4 36 1 34 87 15 3 2 39 344 12 91 449 "'"158' 1 5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 281 18 8 90 269 43 11 485 318 147 73 15 8 281 25 37 2 11 33 42 7 92 312 12 13 22 ?3 6 4 3 24 ?5 5 6 6 4 " 1 9 1 3- 2 3 8" 2 6 3 2 5 26 3 • 8 3 ?7 7 4 3 18 3 4 1 28 ?9 30 136 53 2 2 1 1 245 166 3 39 49 1 242 61 39 1 24 66 291 298 4 47 114 2 3 2 87 150 7 3 7 4 31 32 33 20 33 1 .- 2 9 34 4 3 1 2 35 36 511 347 180 125 445 91 3 245 t60 430 296 245 56 297 23 5 144 309 443 157 256 139 302 8 5 146 392 1,045 874 87 4 739 97 '""em 853 664 486 212 123 585 147 4 388 597 290 186 117 75 232 83 8 126 232 97 51 45 33 " 84 541 249 316 147 514 26 3 283 557 639 510 125 84 541 51 3 470 600 582 367 292 187 530 109 4 376 542 1,319 1,009 685 106 848 81 71? 1,027 746 436 545 256 607 109 2 405 672 100 1 85' 4 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 167 19 110 6 1,398 149 2,644 335 598 86 5,179 399 1,532 45 232 7 407 18 '""350" 15 56 3 1,910 5 1,634 105 533 45 10 1 1,734 90 812 80 982 11 4,976 266 225 9 79" 10 99 22 30 2 5,589 289 20 1 35 2 430 32 46 47 48 49 50 51 122 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Total number of farms, 1925. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain Cut for silage Winter wheat Spring wheat Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed.. Barley Rye Flaxseed Sorghums of all kinds Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops : Timothy alone -.. Timothy and clover mixed Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan. Alfalfa—. Other tame grasses. Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar. Potatoes, white Strawberries... Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons. Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn.. Tomatoes Watermelons. 31 All other crops. Orchard fruits: Apple trees. Peach trees Pear trees Plum and prune trees. Grapevines Powder T3„,„„ni River I Po^^" 838 360 503 216 I 2 ' 46 1 255 311 I 34 17 38 11 40 129 217 376 3 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle. Dairy cows. Dairy bulls and (or) cah Cows milked Sheep Goats.- Swine.. Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting .number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 48 128 37 41 159 3 103 13 65 321 163 2 799 662 85 63 533 74 487 659 790 56 285 31 2,006 97 Prairie 560 Ravalli 443 171 3 67 417 362 65 19 230 1 1 25 62 125 100 359 74 14 12 31 348 328 169 9 315 2 25 354 496 61 104 874 309 40 24 458 560 5 18 31 2 Rich- land 1,429 348 54 208 991 956 138 63 418 10 129 4 1 4 214 405 247 1,049 151 632 33 Roose- velt 1,267 544 952 1,370 441 255 959 81 844 398 55 628 256 438 936 1,067 60 107 39 1 6 4 375 633 815 483 885 1,111 726 154 50 62 934 123 374 8 135 229 189 453 3 13 6 4 6 18 5 7 100 354 26 172 6 5,525 321 604 26 247 8 1,139 31 1,197 872 107 79 705 25 3 644 922 194 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — MONTANA 123 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes op Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. San- ders Sheri- dan Silver Bow Still- water Sweet Grass Teton Toole Treas- ure Valley Wheat- land Wi- baux Yellow- stone 669 1,487 180 946 632 1,089 605 299 1,925 386 466 1,960 1 49 566 351 107 238 128 201 807 72 268 1,024 2 17 23 62 19 14 10 72 175 11 63 489 3 6 5 5 2 7 2 2 9 5 7 13 4 106 21 2 417 105 47 6 116 24 44 108 609 6. 109 1,351 9 710 388 913 419 105 1,442 301 402 941 ti 123 1,260 13 548 308 489 211 144 1,219 212 364 828 7 39 156 2 161 72 145 36 44 182 55 81 197 8 12 100 6 7 4 5 13 10 66 3 11 12 9 846 4 29 14 15 3 472 2 216 8 10 .. . 1 5 1 23 2 12 18 27 12 528 11 1 5 1 12 63 4 12 102 86 24 3 4 16 2 7 13 224 2 34 103 43 2 3 1 20 2 8 14 21 13 1 7 5 5 1 1 2 11 15 15 59 46 69 98 7 13 71 24 25 58 16 314 16 21 624 443 220 10 194 268 119 39 1,162 17 25 314 27 34 7 19 8 58 164 19 89 47 18 156 311 30 146 176 302 146 23 175 40 234 137 19 555 918 137 761 47 541 541 642 205 216 52 146 866 226 350 1,310 631 548 20 ?1 315 665 25 367 438 259 801 53 308 22 36 16 14 10 10 6 3 10 41 28 V3 7 6 1 2 24 8 3 5 14 12 3 92 6 12 4 22 66 29 13 641 ?5 1 28" -- 6 4 3 4 2 2 4 ! ?6 7 5 19 3 7 172 1 97 2 26 r 287 1 ?8 ?9 ::::::: 5 6 101 30 301 35 2 23 31 368 3 3 58 164 4 3 16 8 3 6 296 32 39 195 209 1 1 13 1 1 3 211 33 1 7 34 13 3 3 14 12 5 35 22 1 1 3 2 7 36 601 1,403 172 908 605 982 576 276 1,750 371 453 1,847 37 241 919 50 681 451 578 408 251 1,287 294 322 809 38 429 489 109 276 215 495 318 13 171 238 141 1,223 39 301 363 90 210 153 284 65 5 103 181 109 674 40 502 1,175 116 827 512 784 415 234 1,164 324 390 1,573 41 50 53 14 128 202 102 62 27 172 78 28 97 42 5 4 9 3 4 2 2 3 6 1 2 7 43 235 895 41 632 341 443 224 174 891 258 321 1,073 44 516 1,235 139 851 538 838 458 248 1,341 347 396 1,701 45 2,511 168 60 84 39 58 1,028 9 46 223 581 37 3,813 12 15 1 157 7 87 3 4,413 15 "4," 077' 4 80 1 265 3 37 28 4 1,069 3 10 1 665 47 48 . 49 1,474 450 50 330 14 177 243 31 119 72 19 ^ 51 124 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, BY Size of [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) The State ! Beaver- j head Big Horn Blaine Broad- water 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 32, 735, 723 8,041 44, 975 149, 101 962, 605 6, 278, 088 8, 131, 177 17, 161, 736 6, 416, 335 4,473 20, 316 68, 081 359, 686 2, 069, 373 2, 026, 836 1, 867, 570 455, 394, 887 3, 328, 325 4, 224, 390 9, 032, 933 32, 603, 831 116, 643, 753 114, 267, 220 175, 294, 435 65, 880, 816 1, 451, 728 1, 416, 785 2, 320, 477 6, 569, 874 19, 773, 793 15,551,397 18, 796, 762 i 998, 380 36 212 I 1, 555 1 17. 084 1 87, 879 126, 564 765, 050 1 217, 546 30 135 ! 642 4, 124 16, 345 25, 071 171, 199 15, 482, 587 7, 700 16, 900 81, 330 443, 093 1, 482, 215 2, 275, 261 11, 176, 088 1, 952, 445 3,900 6,200 24, 990 89, 688 267, 425 376, 450 1, 183, 792 1, 164, 302 242 4,505 12, 477 33, 434 89, 208 175, 920 848, 516 119, 076 125 1,812 5,966 14, 446 26, 910 22, 394 47,423 9, 184, 909 31,900 154, 425 384, 401 1, 173, 298 1, 674, 664 1, 504, 440 4, 261, 781 1, 134, 589 16, 875 42, 015 66, 571 186, 633 251, 840 199, 255 371,400 895, 995 47 140 750 11,479 152, 848 280, 218 450, 513 133, 616 31 66 217 3,196 37,638 45, 874 46, 594 8,615,711 4,000 4,575 12, 900 248, 540 1, 774, 056 2, 601, 190 3, 970, 450 1, 285, 190 2,100 1,150 3,100 47, 875 282, 060 310,305 638, 600 261, 290 162 ?, Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres. 978 6,323 41,880 48, 031 164, 016 45,447 148 5 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 9 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage . . . . _ . . 10 Under 20 acres 11 20 to 49 acres. 12 50 to 99 acres 455 2,304 11, 778 12, 014 18, 848 5, 302, 739 1 15, 962 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres 16 1,000 acres and over... 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 18 Under 20 acres. . 19 20 to 49 acres 20 50 to 99 acres - 49, 000 206, 150 1, 200, 941 1, 216, 280 2, 614, 406 727, 722 18,312 21 100 to 174 acres ?,?, 175 to 499 acres. 23 500 to 999 acres 24 1,000 acres and over. .. 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars ^6 Under 20 acres ?7 20 to 49 acres ?8 50 to 99 acres 12,400 30, 750 165, 860 .153, 950 356, 450 29 100 to 174 acres. 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres. 32 1,000 acres and over ITEM AND PIZE GROUP Fergus Flathead Gallatin : Garfield Glacier 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage. . . 1, 346, 699 262, 984 746 5,320 14, 769 66, 391 87, 157 29, 456 59, 145 76, 283 425 1,742 5, 361 23, 989 32, 652 6,859 5,255 10, 571, 071 270, 750 456, 495 874,110 3, 358. 231 4, 162 990 876, 895 571,600 2, 188, 561 137. 800 157, 290 241,610 722, 401 732, OcO 123,260 74, 150 443, 145 364 931 4,498 31,511 144, 095 114,223 147, 523 138, 099 184 522 2,259 15, 738 59, 157 35, 495 24, 744 18, 274. 934 142, 300 127, 100 457, 400 2,476,230 8,349,866 4, 006, 868 2, 715, 170 2,842,125 65. 850 47, 250 125, 890 460, 020 1, 269, 215 535,400 338, 500 710, 333 20 121 441 : 9, 832 243, 326 260, 947 195, 646 104, 694 6 73 157 2,995 51, 937 34, 545 14, 981 5, 000, 282 2 050 2,800 8,800 174, 570 1,955,036 1, 660, 526 1 , 196, 500 650, 345 200 700 1,075 21,275 314.095 197, 700 1 115,300 j 1, 060, 670 1 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 3 325 444 21, 574 276, 353 474, 927 573, 076 323, 177 4 5 6 3 241 3,228 68,418 44, 453 944, 330 49, 989 7 500 to 999 acres... 8 1,000 acres and over 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 10 Under 20 acres... 11 20 to 49 acres. - 3 148 223 7,665 87, 899 128, 370 98, 872 26, 440, 359 Y92" 1,197 17, 010 10, 133 21, 557 4, 276, 770 12 50 to 99 acres.. 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres. Ifi 1,000 acres and over... . 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 18 Under 20 acres... 19 20 to 49 acres .. 3 23, 100 15, 470 470, 840 5, 328, 374 9, 705, 397 10, 897, 178 2, 440. 160 20 50to99acres. 3 2, 600 37, 950 665, 080 368, 220 3, 202, 920 406, 075 21 100 to 174 acres . ?.?. 175 to 499 acres 23 500 to 999 acres 24 1,000 acres and over . 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 26 27 20 to 49 acres 3 6, 2f'.0 4.500 92, 645 657, 175 817, 985 861, 595 28 50 to 99 acres .. 3 1, 600 11,250 188, 725 77, 650 126, 850 29 100 to 174 acres 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres 32 1,000 acres and over ' Includes the group "20 to 49 acres." » Includes the groups " Under 20 acres " and "50 to 99 acres. CENSUS OF AGBICLTLTURE: 1925 MONTANA 125 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, Farm: 1925 group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Carbon 399, 1.54 173 1, 392 4, 4C7 48, 357 143, 577 107,400 93, 788 118,308 119 873 2,213 23, 424 51, 385 27, 759 12, 535 ,10, 644, 881 33. 800 102, 390 275, 845 2, 349, e09 4,414,130 2, 179, 025 1,290,082 Carter 874, 404 2 250 3,213 84,281 182,701 603. 959 93, 948 2 96 1,012 19,529 28, 381 44,930 Cascade 1, 058, 147 197 1,191 2,857 30, 066 152,378 203, 721 667, 737 192,481 77 507 1, 432 11,084 49, 261 52, 534 77, 526 Chouteau Custer 1, 174 77 37 180 785 19,582 272, 724 328, 646 552, 623 247, 762 6 35 433 6,924 82, 564 88, 893 68,907 Daniels 4,911,130 17,391,471 11,729,351 2 6,815 '"'28,'88fy 679, 861 1,221,337 2, 974, 237 12, 050 33. 550 67, 650 403, 815 688, 740 307, 800 171, 750 95, 14; 146, 270 145,760 784, 813 3,228,915 3, 922, 267 9, 068, 301 1,685,355 777,740 2,508,553 1,471,130 2 2,240 "'mso' 142. 210 200, (340 427, 200 44, 800 48,800 35, 750 195,280 617, 103 634, 600 932, 220 3, 5.50 1, 975 16, 825 251, 180 3, 096, 855 3, 633, 379 4, 72.5, 587 2,600 425 3,690 .57, 190 488, 555 4.54, .305 464, 465 935, ] 51 114 433 l,0fJ8 8,465 I 83,707 1 1.51,062 I 690,302 72,091 44 291 508 I 2, 999 ! 18, .548 19,711 29, 9(J0 6, 986, 281 .5.5, 375 72, 130 87, 200 252, 900 1,221,372 1,12.5,367 4, 171, 937 1, 209, 697 29, 300 31, 750 22, 350 78, 200 418,657 17.3, 835 455. 605 505. 066 Dawson 342 737 8,172 21.5,673 177,310 102, 832 211.783 Deer Lodge 189 483 4, 663 104, 015 73, 351 29, 082 6, 535, 387 '""28,'i.50' 12, 1.50 117,200 3. 0.5.3, 313 2, 2.58, 414 1, 066, 160 1,021,375 3,900 2,730 19, 145 485, 650 352, 2.50 157, 700 736, 638 49 125 1,046 , 12, .508 ! 179,294 I 246, 799 I 296, 718 I 77,606 J 60 203, 0.50 24 33 391 6, 940 72, 382 77, 478 46, 802 497 2,920 10,215 13, .504 60, 310 18, 715 1 11 176 677 3,610 3,845 10, 396 9,647,887 1,676,234 4,5.50 3,375 I 22,210 I 232, .535 I 2,867,095 1 3,299,146 3,118,976 1,452,111 3,250 2, 200 6, 050 51, 425 .531, 370 491, 366 360, 450 800 25, 500 90, 300 284,284 28.5, 8.50 880, 600 275, 360 16,300 Fallon 691, 749 18 .391 .5,413 7.5, .540 179, 6.57 330, 730 142, 704 16 302 2, 349 30, 169 57, 684 62, 186 171,627 6, 700 10, 000 2.5, 0.50 84, 100 40, 200 109. 700 8. .500 98, 0€0 1 , 048, 805 2, 096, 573 2, 913, 989 869, 980 1.400 1, 1.50 21, 675 189,3.55 323, 605 332, 795 Golden Valley 313,345 Granite Hill Jefferson Judith Basin Lake 184, 393 292 9,680 72,642 114,851 116,080 79, 255 144 2,832 26,008 29,694 20, 577 3 36 530 6,946 24, 496 30, 421 121, 966 29. 123 322 325 1,632 6, 437 7,297 13. 410 789, 391 5 339 626 23, 280 2.38, 171 307, 983 219, 087 223, 725 1 158 258 7,718 79, 785 92, 489 4.3, 316 220, 553 58 603 2,097 14, 472 61, 6.35 59, 686 92, 0(J2 31, 621 44 267 724 2,893 8,627 8,240 10. 826 3, 815, 989 3, 122, 885 7, 869, 364 3, 864, 230 5,900 126, 040 859, 959 1,312,690 1,511,400 556, 958 3 3, 160 27,500 19.3,900 658, 580 706, 495 1, 533, 250 2,700 17, 690 18, 660 326, 580 2, .540, 130 2,818,313 2, 13.5, 301 21,600 51, 200 119, 700 399,416 986, 432 %fj, 644 , 309, 239 656,824 ! 244,589 ! 276 3, 298 17,277 37, 344 80, 897 47, 539 280 636 8,286 100, 21 1 178. 858 368, 553 Lewis and Clark Liberty 793,536 317,813 67 . 674 I... 2,322 12,891 ! 2,188 .50,296 \ 7H,rM 79,218 ! 92,399 .57,958 648,168 144,692 Lincoln 1,850 31, 425 174, 178 197, 905 151, 600 390,855 1,172,125 716,084 »700 6,000 32,850 99, 955 86,600 164, 750 700 7,050 4, 1.50 89, 230 466, 200 372, 745 232, 0.50 1.5,500 16, 250 29, 700 90, 705 192, 575 164, fXX) 206,454 179,338 I 69,422 i 71,249 j 60,886 j 138 j 36 85 I 1,214 1 183 310 I 7,688 : 982 3,179 I 13,828 I 3,627 , 820 40,601 29, .562 11,305 19,510 64,190 12,689 14,169 21,518 70,973 4,303 ; 40,947 19,038 16,280,236 6,873,392 9,240,210 .3,402,743 j 98,645 21,260 8, 100 I 240,400 38,600.. 19,800 846,930 173,081 244,805 1,402,407 ' 5.32,470 2.5,800 .3,007,371 2, .50^3,885 , 1,422,797 1,079,143 .5, 149, 616 1, 216, 485 1, 310, 9.58 1, 049, 100 7, 8.50, .544 .561, 640 , 5, 741, 148 1, 248, 700 1,619,085 1,28.5,215 1,384,366 407,450 45,8.50 17,930 3,125 77,095 1.5,760 2,800 201,700 60,901 44,300 284, .520 136,275 .5,275 .378,660 372,225 348,960 1.36,285 52.3,400 ■ 159,425 230,640 116,400 666, 800 ; 144, 400 ' 573, 900 | 149, 490 j 99,356 I 403 2, 512 6, 161 .37,7.53 27,151 11,044 14,332 14,103 I 122 462 858 4, 533 4, 969 1,617 1,642 2, 219, 935 63,000 131, 6.50 160, 750 721, 635 637, 100 2:35, 200 270, 600 489, 186 27, 625 45, 725 46, 450 168, 435 110,6.50 34,800 56,600 » Includes the group " Under 20 acres 126 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, BY Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) McCone Madison Meagher Mineral Missoula 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 593, 547 36 100 587, 442 46 635 2,398 17, 325 86, 860 111,537 368, 641 85, 523 25 344 1,008 6,208 22, 818 18, 931 36, 189 10, 795, 284 7,500 31, 120 90, 660 537, 989 2, 326, 092 2, 050, 496 5, 751, 427 1, 491, 050 4,250 9,050 21, 050 107, 930 392, 550 262, 210 694, 010 802, 227 26, 270 207,611 1,419 1,855 3,443 21, 156 40, 068 46, 981 92, 689 38, 435 892 997 1,342 3,936 10, 947 10, 032 10,289 6, 230, 545 947, 248 289, 220 235, 575 564, 180 1, 284, 962 1, 164, 860 1, 744, 500 1, 271, 123 367, 263 85, 300 59, 670 117,890 214, 900 182,400 243, 700 '}, Under 20 acres... 8 20 to 49 acres 2 230 3 263 885 4,745 10, 404 » 9, 973 4 50 to 99 acres 5 100 to 174 acres 4 8, 637 184, 410 257, 739 142, 625 160, 157 18 80 5,520 30, 715 57, 045 708, 717 51, 790 fi 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 9 3,401 10 Under 20 acres. 11 20 to 49 acres 2 68 3 53 158 746 1,505 «939 1? 50 to 99 acres 13 100 to 174 acres 4 3, 078 66, 729 68, 339 21,913 6, 473. 846 1,200 1,400 1,146 3,135 6,449 40, 992 8, 287, 429 14 175 to 499 acres...- l.-i 500 to 999 acres 16 1,000 acres and over. 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. 544,485 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres.. 2 9, 120 3 14, 385 25, 200 118,040 218, 840 « 168, 020 «n 50 to 99 acres ?i 100 to 174 acres 4 132, 610 2, 216, 884 2, 646, 702 1, 475, 150 918, 910 500 100 70, 444 333, 884 655, 462 7, 218, 519 716, 375 ?,^ 175 to 499 acres. ?8 500 to 999 acres ?4 1,000 acres and over 5^5 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 150, 861 ?fi Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 2 5, 800 3 7,945 9,200 36, 266 66, 825 » 30, 625 ?8 50 to 99 acres ?9 100 to 174 acres... ^22,750 385, 440 351, 570 158, 550 17, 750 64, 725 96, 210 531, 890 30 175 to 499 acres... 81 500 to 999 acres.... 3? 1,000 acres and over ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Roosevelt Rosebud Sanders Sheridan Silver Bow ; 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres _ 754, 441 52 1,395 2,825 21, 634 226, 614 201,994 299, 927 230, 887 29 775 1,272 10, 937 102, 146 73, 477 42, 251 8, 172, 635 9,050 29, 160 39, 240 305, 260 3,151,440 2, 581, 305 2, 057, 180 1,251,395 6,210 12, 190 8,520 70, 565 532, 655 411,770 209, 485 935, 352 18 278 979 8,281 107, 340 171,061 647, 395 112, 095 10 205 557 3,443 27, 897 30, 014 4b, 909 8, 196, 042 1,920 18, 450 37, 960 269, 440 1,174,830 1,772,274 4, 921, 168 987, 890 1,000 4,050 7,450 59, 125 184, 080 224, 625 507, 560 236, 030 115 1,526 6,351 30, 871 59, 362 49, 508 88, 297 24, 996 52 403 1,324 4,913 9,242 4,994 4,068 4, 384, 073 17,110 86, 430 238, 150 787, 805 1, 418, 230 867, 320 969, 028 876, 680 7,000 29, 600 58, 975 183, 065 318,715 154, 720 124, 605 731, 778 30 300 861 18, 949 291, 444 273, 120 147, 074 326, 023 9 121 467 10, 617 151,848 116,342 46, 619 11,628,927 8,150 12, 300 18, 780 365, 785 5, 179, 016 4, 223, 891 1, 820, 945 2,110,251 5,800 6,750 5,875 78, 106 1, 053, 200 678, 970 281, 550 75,847 i 39 ; 411 988 8,735 1 16,936 1 15,900 32,838 9,196 1 20 1 65 : 321 1 1,626 i 1, 792 2, 166 ! 3,206 1, 135, 405 12,110 29, 900 21,085 187, 360 269, 920 240, 070 374, 960 301, 925 9,440 13, 600 8,735 72, 000 83, 000 52, 350 62,80 8 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres . . ."i 100 to 174 acres fi 175 to 499 acres _ . 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage... .... . . ... 10 Under 20 acres _ 11 20 to 49 acres 1? 50 to 99 acres 18 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres 16 17 18 19 ?0 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres ?1 100 to 174 acres 22 23 ?4 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres ?.'i Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 26 Under 20 acres _ 27 20 to 49 acres 28 50 to 99 acres 29 100 to 174 acres 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres 32 1,000 acres and over ........ . > Includes the group "20 to 49 acres." 2 Includes the groups "Under 20 acres, and "50 to ' 3 Includes the group " Under 20 acres.' CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 MONTANA 127 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, 1925 — Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Mussel- shell 492, 421 3 136 327 13, 405 91, 465 118, 311 268, 777 86, 413 3 71 119 5,259 25. 685 27, 718 27, 561 4, 657, 689 3 5, 000 7,300 187, 760 1, 001, 858 1, 134, 450 2, 321, 321 629, 120 3 1, 900 2,100 46, 875 176, 950 152, 845 248, 450 Park 666, 059 177 107 1,336 11,325 72, 776 116, 767 463, 571 77, 858 92 44 446 3,083 19, 350 24, 707 30, 136 10, 408, 482 115, 675 21, 000 73, 100 413, 480 2, 022, 489 2, 677, 815 5,084,923 1, 777, 991 54, 700 10, 150 18, 800 74, 875 349, 770 511, 685 758, Oil Phillips 870, 349 3 123 867 17,944 234, 542 325, 045 291, 828 150, 312 3 120 388 6,413 59, 149 53, 973 30, 269 8, 101, 540 3 5, 600 21, 685 419, 625 2,176,055 2, 506, 571 2, 972, 004 895, 515 3 100 5,335 59, 575 318, 925 305, 230 206, 350 Pondera 461, 635 14 347 1,570 18, 468 118,178 159, 930 163, 128 131, 963 7 197 763 8,176 46, 334 49, 248 27, 238 9, 826, 575 5,200 24, 550 92, 864 696, 510 3, 586, 159 3, 228, 796 2, 192, 496 1,164,510 3,500 7,375 18, 800 120, 265 455, 400 390, 920 168, 250 Powder River Powell 828, 27S 570, 888 45 240 1,325 2 11, 847 8, 579 86, 189 35, 921 207,349 : 55,315 522,890 469,463 66, 455 2 4,084 13, 395 18, 183 30, 793 6, 543, 762 2 210, 606 712, 977 1, 192, 715 3, 427, 464 658, 375 2 41, 195 116,045 157, 060 344, 075 70, 241 36 85 445 2,270 9,484 11,615 46, 306 8, 568, 684 15, 500 25, 200 64, 380 241, 451 951,815 1, 174, 212 6, 096, 126 1, 145, 460 7,500 10, 700 23, 350 61, 275 194, 800 171, 950 675, 885 Prairie 521, 008 1 57 350 4,138 68, 359 136, 139 311, 965 103, 661 125 120 1,781 24, 858 36, 905 39, 972 4, 736, 339 1 1, 745 11, 170 76, 371 726, 168 1, 345, 744 2, 575, 141 624, 285 1 1, 050 5,775 13, 670 126, 430 214, 585 262, 775 Ravalli Richland 207,211 1,060 6,052 15,014 34, 101 62, 590 32, 564 55, 830 57, 302 525 2,892 6,686 12, 907 19, 852 7,706 6,734 12, 459, 691 342, 300 944, 615 1, 516, 400 2, 151, 490 3, 139, 002 2, 214, 345 2, 151, 539 2, 889, 499 168, 473 340, 445 486, 955 526, 200 670, 725 394, 601 302, 200 692, 068 101 567 3,952 26, 090 232, 251 238, 674 190, 433 229, 402 42 370 2,742 12, 960 94, 294 80, 365 38, 629 10, 194, 498 10, 200 35, 675 245, 865 829, 660 3, 843, 669 3,165,234 2, 064, 195 1, 668, 688 4,300 11, 550 60, 275 171,755 673, 093 483, 000 264, 715 Stillwater 607, 083 44 276 1,887 16, 820 128, 683 216, 973 242, 400 146, 545 32 144 933 6,634 41, 050 56, 808 40, 944 9, 033, 800 10, 600 30, 500 163, 260 594, 640 2, 589, 955 2, 990, 120 2, 654, 725 1, 298, 176 4,400 11, 400 34, 400 104, 000 399, 951 412, 525 331, 500 Sweet Grass 689, 546 568 10, 708 71, 151 126, 800 480, 030 79, 181 3 75 85 2,849 14, 183 23, 180 38, 809 239, 661 3 12„ 100 18, 900 279, 326 1, 149, 695 1, 670, 905 5, 108, 735 1, 197, 120 3 4, 800 4,850 60, 975 189, 405 267, 565 669, 525 Teton 817, 682 3 158 1,403 25, 363 153, 061 228, 701 408, 996 173, 229 Toole 474, 064 3 106 783 10, 279 47, 268 58, 649 56, 144 12, 724, 252 3 11, 700 61, 980 681, 610 3, 018, 292 3, 785, 094 5, 165, 576 1, 426, 310 3 3, 600 10, 375 114, 280 415, 195 439, 935 442, 925 6 6, 715 103, 157 118,509 245, 683 60, 654 Treasure 6 1, 746 21,031 I 19, 321 18, 556 5, 017, 159 6 80, 605 1, 330, 210 1, 327, 139 2, 279, 205 682, 126 6 15, 840 196, 236 166, 945 303, 105 221, 188 9 110 1,631 6,706 24,973 61, 791 125, 968 36, 448 1 82 1,117 3,114 8,401 12, 498 11, 235 2, 835, 110 500 5,800 112, 850 254, 910 576, 702 822, 347 1, 062, 001 371, 040 300 1,100 25, 700 46, 350 78, 135 103, 755 115, 700 V->>ey nS'- 1, 109, 017 81 937 2,489 34, 896 304, 708 369, 401 396, 505 256, 849 18 446 954 12, 460 104, 927 91, 031 47, 013 12, 770, 597 11,810 35, 475 51, 053 680, 031 4, 355, 708 4, 297, 421 3, 339, 099 1, 675, 760 4,650 10, 850 13, 330 97, 125 656, 170 542, 880 350, 755 491,412 151 209 8,756 57, 336 64,025 360, 935 71, 569 85 3,981 20, 725 19, 387 27, 322 6, 736, 525 10, 100 7,864 196, 450 1, 099, 105 1, 124, 075 4, 298, 931 737, 760 4,600 2,000 35, 100 219, 400 142, 510 334, 150 Wibaux 263,: 70 241 9,269 67, 530 100, 700 85, 388 101, 039 153 179 5,549 33, 135 41, 292 20, 831 4, 419, 127 14,080 5,250 251, 290 1, 368, 120 1, 737, 885 1, 052, 502 734, 220 1 1, 700 70, 025 260, 605 253, 190 148, 700 Yellow- stone 686, 184 1,654 5,381 19, 361 59, 331 178, 579 191, 787 230, 091 207, 220 1,101 3,531 13, 188 33, 703 68, 600 54, 273 32, 824 17, 960, 130 916, 650 898, 330 2, 020, 050 4, 251, 766 5, 235, 427 2, 500, 016 2, 137, 891 3, 308, 575 357, 450 274, 395 444, 300 742, 265 926, 595 337, 495 226, 075 * Includes the group "50 to 99 acres." « Includes the group "1, 000 acres and over." * Includes the groups "Under 20 acres," "20 to acres," and "50 to 99 acres. 128 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTAISIA County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products BY Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Beaver- head Big Horn Blaine Broad- water Carbon 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold... dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales ..number.. Owners... number.. Managers number.. Tenants number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases...number.. Owners. number.. Managers number.. Tenants ..number.. 3,080,564 2,493,570 15,883 571,111 2,899 2,317 7 575 134,927 103, 839 1,257 29, 831 708 566 4 138 10 10 20, 147 11, 409 68,983 58, 998 16,271 14, 871 4 5 6 7 1 1 8,738 23 12 9,985 163 138 1,400 20 19 8 9 10 11 11 540 315 25 718 623 165 125 1 3,549 49 12 13 14 15 225 9 95 15 14 40 3 2 3,500 3 1 16 1 1 1 2 ITEM AND TENURE Glacier Golden VaUey Gran- ite Hill Jeffer- son Judith Basin Lake 1 2 8 Sales: Value of farm products sold... dollars.. Owners doUaj-s.. Managers dollars.. 6,255 5,005 4,774 4,165 13 13 50, 968 42^548 1,000 1,000 120, 118 56, 566 680 680 4 6 6 7 Tenants... dollars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. 1,250 7 5 609 7 6 1 1 8,420 78 64 1 1 63, 552 50 26 6 6 8 9 Tenants .number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars .. 2 1 76 24 10 10 14 3,362 2,602 100 100 24 13, 080 5,940 1,125 248 877 5 4 1 10 Owners dollars.. n 1?, Tenants dollars.. ■ ■ 51 4 2 1 1 760 12 '8 1 1 7.140 31 14 13 Farms reporting purchases... number.. 14 Owners number . 15 Managers number 16 Tenants number . 2 4 " ITEM AND TENURE Pow- der River Powell Prairie Ravalli Rich- land Roose- velt Rose- bud 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold. Owners Managers Tenants... Farms reporting sales Owners Managers... Tenants.... Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases.. Owners Managers Tenants ..dollars.. ..dollars.. dollars 3,622 3,622 124 124 93, 996 87,934 62, 807 51, 574 90, 278 77, 676 517. 301 426, 581 200 90, 520 280 226 1 53 30, 180 27,298 83 2,799 202 172 1 29 46, 107 37, 700 "8,'407" 57 45 12" 4 dollars 6,062 112 97 11, 233 98 83 12, 602 88 68 6 6 7 .number., .number., number 9 9 1 1 8 .number.. 15 5,895 5,395 15 1,892 412 20 1,878 1,878 9 10 11 ..dollars.. .. dollars. - 125 125 ^?. dollars 500 10 9 1,480 6 4 8 8 13 14 15 .number., .number.. 2 2 16 number 1 2 ::: :: CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 MONTANA 129 Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, 1924 Carter Cas- cade Chou- teau Custer Daniels Dawson Deer Lodge Fallon Fergus Flat- head Gal- latin Gar- field 4,315 3,497 21, 265 17, 865 46, 872 42, 078 19, 039 11,360 6,229 1,450 27 23 2 2 829 600 229 2 1 1 39, 460 30, 816 213, 195 178, 661 73, 684 63, 534 177, 784 145, 597 138, 501 104, 129 8,126 26, 246 134 103 2 29 21,759 1 17, 827 5,975 5,900 66, 509 63, 602 1" 2 818 21 16 3,400 10 9 4,794 36 30 8,644 53 38 34, 534 249 200 10, 150 73 66 32, 187 95 80 75 4 3 2,967 126 113 4. 5' & 7 5 133 63 1 100 100 6 4,030 3,202 15 550 500 49 2,103 1,797 7 1,400 200 15 884 284 1 20 20 13 3,087 3,077 8 9 10 11 70 2 1 1 1 1 828 23 17 50 4 3 306 43 34 1,200 3 1 600 3 2 3,932 95 79 1 1 10 17 16 12 13 14 15 1 6 1 9 2 1 16 1 16 Lewis and Clark Liberty Lin- coln Mc- cone Madi- son Mea- gher Min- eral Mis- soula Mus- selshell Park Phil- lips Pon- dera 12, 500 12, 500 72 72 70,458 66, 898 3,459 3,234 18, 031 18, 660 6,141 6,141 63, 093 46, 079 68 16. 946 159, 297 127, 174 1,260 30, 863 243 180 1 62 3,292 2,918 1 ?. 3 3,560 107 98 225 9 7 1,371 19 17 4 2 2 2 2 3 i 59 5 3 41 1 17 6 7 9 60 60 2 346 196 2 912 912 8 2,000 2,000 95 95 650 i 10,717 1 650 8.051 1 q in 68 2,598 37 11 150 3 2 374 29 24 1? 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 4 2 13 2 23 1 14 1 13 15 1 5 16 San- ders Sheri- dan 1 Silver Bow Still- water 1 Sweet Grass Teton Toole Treas- ure 1 Valley Wheat- land Wibaux Yellow- stone 704 704 407, 878 376, 461 23, 309 15, 227 3,273 3,273 40, 935 38, 685 3,968 3,968 44, 346 41, 138 1 2,657 2,657 271, 779 159, 449 38, 551 25, 735 1 2 3 4 4 31,417 204 180 8,082 59 42 9 9 i 2,250 i 3,208 : 62 ! 4 57 4 112,330 159 S3 12, 816 47 36 4 72 58 5 5 5 6 7 584 584 24 4,424 3,924 17 7,838 5,598 80 50 14 322 322 5 2,260 2,260 : 76 2,251 1,929 11 1,065 1,034 8 442 442 9 10 11 6 6 500 30 23 2,240 28 20 30 3 2 1 " 322 18 14 31 11 9 1? 4 4 7 7 Itl::::::;: 13 14 7 8 1 1 4 2 16 IDAHO 131 IDAHO Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains I OENEWAH I / % ?^\^ CLEARWATER" .— ^V^."«-: J -l-v - 132 CENSUS OF AQEICULTUBE : 1925 — ^IDAHO 133 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Operated by- Owners Full owners Part owners Tenants . .. .. .. . .. Cash tenants Other tenants - - Approximate land area of State i ..acres.. acres.. In farms operated by- Owners acres.. Full owners .acres. Part owners acres.. Tenants acres Cash tenants acres . Other tenants .. . ..... acres Value of al! farm property Land and buildings Land, excluding buildings.... Buildings dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. Implements and machinery Livestock on farms dollars.. dollars.. Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. Mules Cattle number Dairy cows..... Sheep. — number Swine number.. Chickens 1 number.. 1925 1920 1910 40, 592 42, 106 30, 807 30, 195 34, 647 27, 169 24, 957 30, 299 24,940 5,238 4,348 2,229 511 758 450 9,886 6,701 3, 188 2,217 2,089 807 7,669 4,612 2,381 53, 346, 560 53, 346, 560 53, 346, 560 8,116,147 8, 375, 873 5, 283, 604 6,184,984 6, 798, 893 4, 446, 313 3, 792, 526 5, 077, 304 (') 2, 392, 458 1, 721, 589 (0 271, 775 385, 718 270, 234 1, 659, 388 1, 191, 262 567, 057 433, 871 303, 131 (1) 1, 225, 517 888, 131 (') 451,884,713 716,137,910 305, 317, 185 373, 325, 868 581,511,964 245, 065, 825 309, 768, 601 511,865,869 219,953,316 63, 557, 267 6P, 646, 095 25, 112, 509 26, 526, 166 38, 417, 253 10, 476, 051 52, 032, 679 96, 208, 693 49, 775, 309 232, 546 293, 123 197, 772 7,845 7,735 4,036 605, 604 714, 903 453, 807 138, 768 115, 336 69, 628 1, 745, 769 2, 356, 270 3,010,478 276, 323 240, 030 178, 346 2, 028, 805 1, 654, 771 1,012,431 • Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 1924 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Corn cut for silage acres.. tons.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Barley... acres.. bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) ...acres..; Hay. acres..' tons..! Sugar beets for sugar ..acres..! tons.. Potatoes, white.. acres.. bushels.. Strawberries _ acres.. Lettuce, grown for sale acres.. Apples ..trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches... ..trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears.- trees of all ages..! Plums and prunes trees of all ages..| Grapes. vines of all ages..| Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 2 gallons.. Butter made on farms pounds.. Butterfat sold pounds.. Cream sold .."gallons.. Whole milk sold gallons. - Wool— Sheep shorn 2 number.. Wool produced 2 pounds.. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 2 dozens.. Chickens raised 2 number.. 36, 551 1, 121, 202 7,810 53, 402 809, 204 13, 241, 306 132, 442 3, 479, 381 116,910 2, 826, 538 2,596 18, 931 65, 221 1, 162, 332 1,879,747 38, 881 260, 574 60, 694 10, 147, 181 397 1,500 127, 894 1, 760, 648 1,911,945 147, 631 66, 264 71, 177 719, 008 114, 748 78, 505, 003 3, 661, 728 14, 489, 694 473, 572 8, 804, 739 1, 644, 999 14, 025, 808 11,707,941 2, 539, 708 1919 1909 23, 277 640, 569 8, 527 55, 256 1,141,295 17, 877, 113 141, 507 3, 069, 132 67, 871 1,348,876 11,937 81,854 33, 941 1,169,871 2, 247, 758 37, 334 260, 309 43, 196 : 6,300,835 I 469 I 27 I- 144,088 1 2,380,523 i 3,645,640 205, 082 279,101 95,991 j 633,080 I 87,221 j 52, 365, 498 4, 540, 364 4,951.818 780, 310 6, 302, 891 8, 604, 809 2, 250, 489 9,194 318, 181 (') (») 399, 234 10, 237, 609 302, 783 11, 328, 106 132.412 4, 598, 292 3,295 40, 241 1,915 731, 688 1, 579, 514 15, 598 179, 638 28,341 4, 710, 262 1, 539, 896 1, 005, 668 659, 959 286, 075 18, 734 142, 052 400, 872 193, 075 30, 981, 341 3, .542, 135 1,191,867 319, 542 2,060, 111 2, 170, 133 I 3 2, 250, 570 17,860,527 16,377,265 6, 433, 840 1, 588, 794 1 Not separately reported. Including estimates for incomplete reports. » Nurrber of 134 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres. 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres. 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total. Full owners.. ...t Part owners Managers. Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related. . Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms The State 592 106 807 185 736 783 697 625 315 216 089 186 694 1 24.4 15.9 10.3 12.6 18.2 All land in farms.. 1925 acres.. 1920 acres.. 1910 acres.. Average per farm, 1925.. acres.. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres.. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure acres.. Idle or fallow land... acres.. Pasture land, total ..acres.. Plowable pasture.. acres.. Woodland pasture acres..! Other pasture.. acres. „ Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners. acres. Part owners. acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners ...acres. Part owners... acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. 13 53, 346, 560 15.2 8, 116, 147 8, 375, 873 5, 283, 604 199.9 3, 714, 336 2, 578, 799 371, 980 763, 557 3, 553, 774 363, 740 646, 139 2, 543, 895 97, 422 750, 615 3, 792, 526 2, 392, 458 1, 124, 227 1,268,231 271, 775 1, 659, 388 433, 871 1, 225, 517 1, 243, 645 599, 103 61,986 674,065 101, 205 572, 860 Ada 2,193 2,198 1,503 15 346 283 636 511 268 62 53 15 2 2 2,193 1,321 166 45 661 234 427 30.1 20.9 20.1 13.2 17.6 Adams i 437 484 8 16 28 39 111 68 92 52 21 2 437 288 84 4 61 23 14.0 7.6 21.7 18.4 738, 560 21.7 160, 151 203, 651 136, 067 73.0 874, 240 17.3 151, 313 156, 849 85, 738 75, 638 4,684 5,416 52, 003 8,250 705 43,048 157 22, 253 70, 206 33, 428 11,355 22, 073 6,024 50, 493 10. 864 39, 629 33, 849 8,743 3,266 29, 780 5,554 24, 226 346.3 39, 595 28, 758 5,369 5,468 103, 565 7,723 19, 228 76, 614 771 7,382 73, 067 60, 893 27, 373 33, 520 427 16, 926 5,951 10, 975 14, 734 9,909 245 3,870 1,465 2,405 Bannock^ 2,214 1,719 1,395 5 55 38 522 176 649 194 421 126 28 2,214 1,618 190 30 376 118 258 17.0 9.4 3.5 11.0 19.0 1, 175, 680 37.1 435, 852 453, 710 307, 403 196.9 234, 585 127,012 28, 693 78, 880 122, 622 24,172 2,993 95, 457 971 77, 674 288, 676 74, 809 39, 757 35, 052 9.983 62, 384 11,896 50, 488 83, 598 22, 202 2.378 18, 834 3,988 14, 846 1 Organized from part of Washington in 1911. 2 Part annexed to Franklin in 1918; part taken to form Caribou in 1919. 3 Organized from part of Kootenai in 1915. * Part taken to form Bonneville in 1911, and parts of Power in 1913 and of Butte in 1917. 5 Part annexed to Elmore in 1911, parts taken to form part of Power in 1913, and to form Camas and part of Butte in 1917. 9 Parts taken to form parts of Gem in 1915 and of Valley in 1917, CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 135 Bene- wah' Bing- ham < Blaine 5 Boise 6 Bonner ? Bonne- ville 8 Bound- ary « Butte " Camas " Canyon" 477 573 2,293 2,144 2,287 286 473 869 200 238 773 1,107 1,051 1,068 1,540 1,480 304 373 288 432 251 354 3,145 2,660 2,912 1 2 3 16 104 64 790 688 390 90 108 34 7 2 2,293 1,392 207 16 678 123 555 1 1 1 2 7 13 55 27 48 31 15 11 44 39 231 633 341 100 170 51 16 4 1,540 804 149 62 535 100 436 3 1 3 8 189 211 1,137 1,063 416 80 31 10 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 49 53 172 48 82 24 5 45 74 275 202 323 85 73 26 2 2 1,107 982 27 5 93 69 34 8 12 40 51 115 30 32 11 5 1 17 63 96 36 44 24 4 17 37 78 35 69 30 18 1 286 178 48 3 57 10 47 4 13 38 18 82 61 31 477 317 45 7 108 29 79 200 163 13 304 256 6 4 38 24 14 288 174 35 1 78 8 70 251 125 87 3, 146 1,960 226 30 929 158 771 24 12 12 39 9 30 22.6 20.8 29.6 14.4 13.5 11.4 15.7 19.9 14.0 6.3 20.0 21.3 12.0 7.6 4.3 8.3 58.3 8.4 7.5 3.3 3.4 14.7 34.7 18.6 12.5 16.3 27.1 10.9 15.5 5.9 29.5 19.4 11.4 8.2 11.8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10.3 5.1 14.0 24.6 11.1 13.3 35.7 17.1 503, 040 19.2 1, 397, 760 18.5 1, 790, 080 6.2 1, 177, 600 6.4 1, 118, 720 13.7 1,218,560 24.6 816, 640 7.0 1, 310, 720 6.0 684, 800 19.4 378, 880 56.9 96, 704 118, 649 258, 242 284, 924 305, 704 110, 224 134, 100 210, 255 74, 868 81, 636 170, 282 153, 699 164,366 183, 082 300, 056 286, 877 67, 552 66, 962 65, 998 80, 851 132, 792 132, 963 215, 634 199, 427 272, 164 29 30 31 202.7 112.6 385.4 374.3 138.8 194.8 189.3 229.2 529.1 68.6 32 40, 304 28, 700 1,560 10. 044 127, 328 112,514 6,516 8,299 42, 481 23, 583 12, 477 6,421 13, 092 8,476 3,507 1, 109 30, 860 24, 830 2,862 3,168 146, 788 108, 085 8,234 30,469 14, 328 13, 845 ■64 429 38, 067 24, 673 6,330 7,064 70, 946 36, 633 16, 437 18, 876 148, 183 126, 701 8,306 14, 177 33 34 35 L 36 40, 277 1,332 33, 291 5,654 85, 540 14, 229 951 70, 360 64, 102 1,474 4,739 57, 889 58, 555 1,387 9,365 47, 803 96, 512 1,269 88, 748 6,495 126, 740 19, 863 42, 179 64, 698 34, 690 5, 961 23, 231 . 5,508 24, 666 3,200 57, 666 7,280 326 60, 051 33, 131 18, 371 272 14, 488 37 38 39 40 21,366 9,823 6,300 377 44,997 283 3,358 1,001 2,220 11, 136 16, 191 341 26, 187 6,943 1,691 36 3,339 111 4,079 482 33, 838 41 42 49, 187 16, 246 7,232 9,014 1,360 29,911 4,183 25, 728 128, 143 65, 408 15, 329 50, 079 5,226 59, 465 9,977 49, 488 54, 789 36, 723 22, 677 14, 046 2,495 16,217 1,980 14, 237 61,967 5, 618 2,785 2,833 124, 599 7,942 5,007 2,935 7,840 13,318 6,275 7,043 120, 966 52, 913 23, 893 29, 020 6,476 119, 701 73, 841 45, 860 41. 376 .;842 922 920 3,437 10, 897 5,250 5,647 39, 470 11,308 6,061 6,247 1,440 13, 780 1,000 12, 780 44, 520 69, 767 36, 156 33, 611 116,414 26, 469 12,421 13, 048 4,267 69, 484 7,710 61, 774 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 7,283 3,733 3,550 18, 506 2,118 16, 387 9,907 5,997 454 12, 342 545 11, 797 60, 762 15, 213 2,694 33, 845 4,696 29, 149 12, 421 5,957 225 4,980 696 4,284 6,654 538 20, 242 1,086 492 3,010 1,392 1,618 52, 702 16,941 3,636 35, 906 5,365 30, 551 9,441 532 718 3,154 1,496 1,658 15, 281 2,566 1,315 5,522 359 5,163 11,736 17, 734 66, 040 15, 281 2,030 42,350 3,688 38, 662 51 52 53 54 55 56 1,284 674 610 6,163 783 6,380 ' Part taken to form Boundary in 1915. 8 Organized from part of Bingham in 1911. ' Organized from part of Bonner in 1915. 1° Organized from parts of Bingham, Blaine, and Jefferson in 1917. 1' Organized from part of Blaine in 1917. 12 Parts taken to form part of Gem in 1915, and to form Payette in 1917. 13 Includes 23,040 acres of Yellowstone National Park (part of) not shown in detail. 51623—27- -10 136 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 10 i 11 i 12 j 13 ! 14 I i 15 j 16 I 17 I 18 1 19 i 20 21 22 23 24 25 j 26 I 37 FARMS Number of farms. .1925 1920... . 1910.... Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres. . 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.- 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 259 acres. 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners... Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms. .1925 acres. 1920. acres. 1910... .acres. Average per farm, 1925 ...acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land. acres. Pasture land, total .acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture : acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants ...acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Caribou 191 368 4 1 28 26 70 38 22 2 191 107 55 5 24 10 14 12.6 7.3 Cassia* I Clark 3 1,380 : 1,568 , 777 L 150 398 10.0 14.3 23 35 262 440 262 115 147 66 20 1 1,380 775 198 17 390 54 336 28.3 10.6 5.7 13.0 13.7 808, 320 13.5 109, 172 122, 803 571.1 34, 892 30, 096 1,679 3,117 70, 651 3,236 Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres..! Managers acres..! Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres..! 67, 415 20 36, 764 43, 178 19, 485 23, 693 14, 740 14, 490 7,510 6,980 12, 128 11,602 2,290 4,076 1,811 2,265 1, 660, 800 14.6 242, 391 285, 214 166, 768 175.6 121, 558 86, 031 12, 728 22, 799 86, 508 22, 073 60 64, 375 104 34, 221 110, 766 56, 123 27, 627 28, 496 11.651 63, 851 18, 435 45,416 41, 105 18, 994 2,530 23. 402 2, 492 20, 910 1, 137, 920 19.9 226, 973 183, 006 Clear- water '■ 438 521 4 22 3 64 35 16 5 150 95 27 13 15 3 12 10.0 1.8 33.3 33.3 1,513.2 30, 977 14, 238 10, 088 6,651 192, 633 6,058 710 185, 865 4 5 37 78 175 42 75 22 Custer 333 379 315 438 286 59 6 87 38 49 19.9 15.7 18.4 28.6 1, 605, 120 5.1 82, 260 91, 841 3,363 38,992 ' 117,262 I 28,628 ; 88,634 63.749 I 6,970 I 1,280 I 6,051 4,612 1,475 2,100 205 1,895 187.8 24,200 21,901 709 1,590 49, 745 403 37, 756 11,586 6,675 1,640 44, 395 19, 247 10, 580 8,667 2,408 16, 210 6,647 9,563 10, 240 5,608 549 5,504 1,623 3,881 128 44 90 28 14 1 333 260 20 5 48 13 35 14.4 11.1 6.0 7.7 8.6 3, 149, 440 3.5 109, 933 99, 365 73, 556 330.1 46, 116 32,416 8,156 5,544 50, 703 661 2,336 47, 706 5 13, 109 76,062 11, 275 6,432 4,843 9,506 13,090 3,414 9,676 23, 316 2,398 2,246 4,456 1,058 3,398 > Organized from part of Bannock in 1919. 2 Part taken to form part of Power in 1913. 3 Organized from part of Fremont in 1919. * Organized from part of Nez Perce in 1911. ' Part of Blaine annexed in 1911. 6 Organized from part of Oneida in 1913; part of Bannock annexed in 1918. ' Parts taken to form Jefferson and Madison in 1914 and Clark in 1919. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 — IDAHO 137 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued Elmore » Frank- lin 6 Fre- mont 7 Gem 8 Good- ing 9 Idaho 10 Jeffer- son 11 Jerome 12 Koo- tenai 13 Latah 407 1,031 1,207 636 901 1,508 1,163 785 1,288 1 1 1, 286 ; 1 502 910 1,101 770 874 1, 667 1,071 685 1,396 1,876 2 374 4 22 3,091 4 37 1,684 1 15 1,444 3 115 1,951 3 ........ 58 4 27 I 3 10 4 " 52" 23 5 19 45 32 42 31 18 31 7 163 35 1 6 48 145 118 148 181 84 234 117 181 169 1 7 42 177 192 128 316 123 377 276 173 210 8 74 268 385 129 204 371 328 248 366 475 i 9 30 122 153 43 52 201 52 74 96 159 i 10 61 144 185 53 41 413 58 47 143 176 : 11 68 65 59 51 10 191 23 3 41 36 112 28 4 35 10 7 83 6 1 7 3 |13 11 407 7 1,207 1 636 1,508 2 1,163 |14 1, 031 901 786 1,288 1,286 il5 271 781 565 395 i86 823 769 267 933 939 16 77 122 165 96 108 351 102 134 185 118 17 3 7 22 15 22 11 10 6 8 3 18 56 121 455 130 285 323 28,2 378 162 226 19 16 25 112 34 46 106 58 36 66 45 20 40 96 343 96 239 217 224 342 96 181 21 13 8 11.7 37.7 20.4 31.6 21.4 24.2 48.2 12.6 17. 6 22 12.2 7.0 18.9 14.8 16.8 17.7 13.7 25.4 13.8 22.2 23 8.0 18.8 8.3 3.6 11.8 22.6 11.7 7.6 16. 8 24 44.0 2.9 15.2 20.7 19.4 15.6 25 12.5 34.4 26.5 10.4 7.1 30.0 26.8 6.7 15.6 24.9 26 I, 797, 120 355, 840 1, 183, 360 362, 880 473, 600 5, 464, 960' 700, 160 387, 840 801, 920 685,440 27 14.3 60.5 27.6 32.9 20.8 11.1 22.1 24.6 23.1 31.1 28 257, 648 179, 817 32;6, 668 119,515 98, 293 606, 612 154, 839 95, 492 185, 356 213,299 i29 121, 830 173, 790 278, 768 143, 144 104, 491 604, 468 160, 948 76, 488 221, 161 345,326 130 78, 880 526, 236 418, 831 228, 807 340,432 31 633.0 174.4 270.6 187.9 109.1 402.3 133.1 121.6 143.9 165.9 :32 32, 605 95, 523 153, 365 36, 388 60, 783 192, 548 74, 646 71, 763 66, 407 134,071 !33 20, 285 58, 245 97, 345 28, 217 44, 695 141, 906 59, 735 v62. 111 47, 823 105, 689 1 34 8,111 13,196 23, 821 5,090 9,831 7,306 7,490 12, 595 3,531 2,843 t35 4,209 24, 082 32, 199 3,081 6,257 43, 336 7,321 7, 057 15, 053 25,539 36 218, 634 66, 282 133, 545 72, 890 13, 723 368, 555 61, 257 6,441 101, 562 56,961 37 9,665 4,230 2,559 6,727 1,641 13, 615 15, 062 2,694 3,267 3,008 38 1,260 1,279 4,312 817 67 94, 629 5,116 32 94, 147 36,807 !39 207,709 60, 773 126, 674 65, 346 12, 015 260,311 41, 079 3,716 4,148 17,146 40 61 413 6,136 310 367 i 10, 017 615 54 11,048 9,250 [41 6,348 17, 599 33, 622 9,927 23, 420 35, 492 18, 421 17, 234 6,339 13,017 42 72, 094 128, 679 109, 169 66, 339 47, 847 214, 188 88, 283 26, 089 109, 120 129,795 '43 174 5f<7 28, 781 68, 371 33, 820 13, 659 285, 227 16, 941 21, 134 41,835 36,409 44 48, 433 16, 975 29, 870 17, 854 7,071 150, 422 8,7C8 10, 680 21, 933 17,197 ;45 126, 134 11,806 38, 501 15, 966 6,588 134, 805 8,233 10, 454 19, 902 18,212 46 1,056 2,113 2,855 3,349 7,762 5,381 14, eco 1,613 2,905 640 .47 9,931 20, 244 146, 273 16, 007 29, 025 101,816 35,015 46, 666 31,496 47,455 '48 1,586 4,035 84, 173 3,090 3,771 27, 081 8,726 4,347 6,813 6,126 49 8,345 16, 2C9 62, ICO 12,917 25, 254 74, 735 26, 289 42, 309 24, 683 41,329 60 8,957 41,478 41, 923 11, 862 20, 161 52, 101 33, 006 16,031 23, 944 61,924 51 8,787 9,127 20, 698 7, 745 7,057 52, 679 7,673 10, 739 13, 201 18,172 62 189 1,102 1,386 2,4C4 2,395 1,895 2,005 864 865 297 53 2,352 6,538 33, 338 6,2C6 15,082 36, 231 17, 051 25, 477 9,813 25, 296 54 257 933 4,443 679 1,427 6,037 3,744 2,133 1,131 3,245 65 2,095 5,605 28, 895 5,527 13, 655 29, 194 13, 307 23, 344 8,682 22,061 56 s Organized from parts of Boise and Canyon in 1915. ^ Organized from part of Lincoln in 1913; part taken to form part of Jerome in 1919. 1" Part annexed to Lemhi and part of Lemhi annexed in 1911; part taken to form part of Valley in 1917. 11 Organized from part of Fremont in 1914; part taken to form part of Butte in 1917. 12 Organized from parts of Gooding, Lincoln, and Minidoka in 1919. " Part taken to form Benewah in 1915. 138 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lemhi 1 Lewis 2 Lin- ! coin 3 ! Madi- son * 1 Mini- j 1 doka 5 1 FARMS Number of farms . 1925 t 495 535 363 8 2 9 26 57 149 52 115 54 23 622 606 352 418 1,566 i 5 4 1 61 84 112 41 35 6 3 881 943 928 i 1, 024 ? 1920 ;^ 1910. ._ 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 12 54 36 174 214 155 70 92 45 29 ■; " I 1 6 1 26 i 26 261 i 481 i 114 1 22 14 1 5 3 to 9 acres.. 6 10 24 45 140 97 202 74 24 fi 10 to 19 acres 7 20 to 49 acres . 8 50 to 99 acres. q 100 to 174 acres. - in 175 to 259 acres 11 260 to 499 acres.. 1? 500 to 999 acres 13 1,000 to 4,999 acres 14 5,000 acres and over ... l.-i Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.. - 495 371 29 20 75 32 43 15.2 10.5 10.2 9.4 14.0 622 252 160 352 203 49 2 98 12 86 27.8 15.6 5.4 8.3 8.1 881 466 '^I 244 105 139 27.7 16.2 I 943 ' 523 1 100 ! 314 36 ! 278 33. 3 16.1 Ifi Full owners . 17 Part owners 18 Managers .... 19 Tenants 210 24 186 33.8 32.5 90 Cash tenants .. ?1 Other tenants .... . . .. 22 -23 ?A Percentage of tenancy. -1925 1920... 1910__ Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related . . 9.^ 17.1 40.3 1 19.4 1 6.5 ?6 Per cent of other tenants related 31.2 FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms 27 28 2, 942, 080 5.3 154, 770 159, 192 98, 730 312.7 53, 432 47, 471 1,656 4,305 83, 353 4,098 4,687 74, 568 339 17, 646 97, 303 22, 723 13, 037 9,686 12, 441 22, 303 7,867 14, 436 29, 208 5,565 5,082 7,616 2,821 4,795 300,800 71.0 213, 630 202, 028 760, 320 7.2 54, 437 64, 784 164, 147 154.7 36, 921 20,802 11,660 4,459 6,837 437 30 6,370 89 10, 590 25,986 12,572 7,268 5,304 860 15, 019 1,206 13,813 9,637 4,475 290 6,400 559 5,841 307, 840 55.0 169, 194 217, 591 i j 483,840 1 14.8 71, 764 1 91, 028 29 30 31 Allland in farms. 1925 1920 1910. Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture All other land in fa/ms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners Owned land Rented (hired) land Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924 Full owners Part owners... Managers Tenants ..acres.. .. acres. - ..acres.. ..acres.. .. acres. - ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. .. acres. - ..acres.. .acres., .acres., .acres., .acres., .acres., .acres.. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 343.5 127, 474 98, 563 2,493 26, 418 52, 368 3,477 20, 098 28, 793 4,198 29, 590 65, 708 91, 629 46, 523 45, 106 192,0 120, 120 62,888 18,991 38, 241 28,687 3,214 5,585 19, 888 761 19, 626 63, 939 60, 079 30,067 30, 012 405 44, 771 19, 133 25,638 27, 021 17,612 228 18, 027 7,982 10,045 76.1 47, 058 40, 652 4,291 2,115 6,316 4,107 1 2,208 155 18,235 36,293 11, 268 5,758 5,510 401 23, 802 2,035 21, 767 20,344 5, 774 233 14, 301 1,142 13, 159 48. 49 50 51 52 53 56, 293 3,670 52, 623 31, 239 37, 479 54 55 29, 845 1,070 28, 775 56 Other tenants.. ' Part annexed to Idaho and part ol Idaho annexed in 1911. 2 Organized from part of Nez Perce in 1911. 3 Parts taken to form Gooding and Minidoka in 1913 and part of Jerome in 1919. * Organized from part of Fremont in 1914; part taken to form Teton in 1915. * Organized from part of Lincoln in 1913: part taken to form part of Jerome in 1919. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 IDAHO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 139 Nez Perce « Oneida' Owyhee Payette' Power » Shoshone Teton '0 Twin Falls Valley " Wash- ington >2 1,165 1,022 786 768 794 118 550 2,499 334 1, 025 1 1,291 1,041 785 763 784 126 541 2,746 309 1,119 2 2,667 1 119 1,786 348 98 1, 295 1 458 3 t 2 58 8 5 8 106 1 2 8 49 4 --- 1" -- 5 82 25 9 117 2 5 2 113 2 75 6 ]02 61 117 303 186 15 17 563 11 200 7 100 83 127 143 48 19 66 878 20 138 8 257 232 225 79 116 58 183 566 85 175 9 136 118 78 30 52 6 80 133 42 70 10 224 336 100 16 194 8 148 90 312 169 11 102 121 100 12 140 3 42 35 49 111 12 35 7 1,165 30 16 3 786 8 43 10 6 1 2,499 9 1 334 28 • 2 1,025 13 14 1,022 768 794 118 550 15 561 722 541 496 411 104 335 1,253 153 610 16 245 181 84 85 189 3 125 315 113 174 17 11 1 10 21 10 3 4 42 1 21 18 348 118 151 166 184 8 86 889 67 220 19 82 22 27 27 35 5 17 158 16 41 20 266 96 ]24 139 149 3 69 731 ■51 179 21 29.9 11.5 19.2 21.6 23.2 6.8 15.6 35.6 20.1 21.5 22 27.1 5.1 13.5 20.2 11.0 7.9 10.2 26.0 12.9 14.3 23 16.1 8.5 2.1 18.2 7.8 11.1 6.1 5.9 22.0 12.7 6.4 17. ] 24 11.1 2.9 18.8 25 38.3 31.3 12.9 21.6 13.4 11.6 10.0 21.6 21.8 26 544, 640 773, 760 5, 091, 840 264, 960 890, 240 1,662,080 296, 320 1, 252, 480 2, 418, 560 946, 560 27 62.2 40.2 4.3 24.1 29.5 1.0 47.8 21.7 6.4 27.9 28 338, 988 310, 770 217, 279 63, 925 262, 830 16, 294 141, 763 271,329 153,714 263, 930 29 417, 461 308, 414 140, 464 72, 254 311,571 17,099 130, 756 276,179 87, 038 299, 526 30 575, 050 382, 045 71,528 13, 962 150, 385 242, 008 31 29]. 304.1 276.4 83.2 331.0 138.1 257.8 108.6 460.2 257.5 32 163,373 184, 657 57, 404 28,413 180, 363 2,817 93, 162 193, 201 40, 293 82, 926 33 120, 363 91, 390 41, 024 21, 279 83, 075 2,693 57, 488 169, 988 31, 601 45,316 34 6,561 16, 943 11, 412 4,254 12, 994 75 7,667 10, 255 3,770 19, 793 35 36, f 49 76, 324 4,968 2,880 84, 294 49 28, 007 12, 958 4,922 17,817 36 154, 633 93, 131 125, 792 23, 750 71,206 10, 491 37, 274 54, 091 110,651 169, 043 37 13, 076 10, 225 2, 835 4,867 9,404 439 4,927 15, 593 27, 743 36. 759 38 22, 137 1,501 3,905 300 974 9,708 3,880 29 63,119 1,476 39 119, 420 81, 405 119,052 18,583 60, 828 346 28, 467 38, 469 19, 789 130,808 40 4,080 1,800 638 141 371 2,521 428 263 884 1,479 41 J 6, 902 31, 182 33, 445 11,621 10, 890 465 10,899 23, 774 1,886 10, 482 42 92, 060 174,800 140,359 34, 986 66, 817 13, 325 70, 098 1 10, 414 34, 454 117,780 43 151, 874 103, 002 51,304 13,326 117,631 1,248 49, 130 51, 092 97, 584 89, 380 44 85, 102 57, 418 18,143 7,637 58, 871 938 24, 162 26, 575 34, 378 51, 827 45 66, 772 45, 584 33, 161 5,689 58, 760 310 24, 968 24, 517 63, 206 37, 553 46 9,912 1,700 4,323 1,869 3,454 321 1. 487 20, 016 80 16, 093 47 85, 142 3), 268 21, 293 13, 744 74, 928 1,400 21, 048 89, 807 21,596 40, 677 48 14,749 4,366 3,554 1,274 15, 040 989 4,244 9,677 3, 089 10,017 49 70, 393 26, 902 17, 739 12, 470 59, 888 411 16, 804 80, 130 18, 507 30, 060 50 32, 762 56, 467 24, 046 11, 579 21,369 2,039 28, 365 70, 146 10, 173 21,335 51 45, 957 25, 981 6,898 3,750 35, 449 240 19, 314 30, 018 13,363 12, 904 52 3,639 25 712 494 1,425 245 870 6,205 60 1,065 53 38, 005 8.917 9,368 5, 456 24, 832 169 8,939 63, 619 8,005 10, 012 54 5,843 1,533 1,670 575 4,252 93 2,030 7,056 742 1,285 55 32, 162 7,384 7,698 4,881 20, 580 76 6,909 56, 563 7,263 8,727 56 6 Parts taken to form Clearwater and Lewis in 1911. 7 Parts taken to form Franklin and part of Power in 1913; part annexed to Power in 1916. * Organized from part of Canyon in 1917. s Organized from parts of Bingham, Blaine, Cassia, and Oneida in 1913; part of Oneida annexed in 1916. " Organized from part of Madison in 1915. " Organized from parts of Boise and Idaho in 1917. " Part taken to form Adams in 1911. 140 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — ^IDAHO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt^ ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES lAnd and buildings.. 1925 dollars 1920 dollars 1910. dollars. AH farm property, 1925. dollars. Land, excluding buildings.. dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms.. dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 1920 1910 Land, excluding bidgs., per acre, 1925... Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants.. dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and mach'y, total.. .dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants- dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings. . .dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings. . .dollars. Mortgage debt .dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed .dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only).. dollars. P'arms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) . . Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on — Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road.. All other (including not reported) The State 373,325,868 581,511,964 245, 065, 825 451,884,713 309, 768, 601 63, 557, 267 26, 526, 166 52, 032, 679 11.132 9,197 46.00 69.43 46.38 38.17 373, 325, 868 194,145,417 73, 467, 076 10, 380, 263 95,333,112 16, 767, 225 78, 565, 887 26, 526, 166 15, 056, 776 5, 381, 712 522, 556 5, 565, 122 1, 041, 602 4, 523, 520 30, 195 16, 509 54.7 24, 957 12, 997 2, 168, 622 121,916,655 54, 912, 222 45.0 9,380 4,225 56.22 25.32 5, 494, 083 19, 360 59, 423 633 9, 293, 688 22,811 1, 366, 534 12, 366 2, 712, 165 144, 434 1,927 805 817 40, 592 152 341 10, 625 18, 242 10, 084 1,148 Ada 19, 375, 903 28, 925, 139 18, 954, 922 22, 674, 466 15, 186, 973 4, 188, 930 1, 042, 875 2, 255, 688 10, 339 8, 835 120. 99 142. 03 139. 31 94.83 19, 375, 903 10, 705, 270 1, 774, 538 833, 000 6, 063, 095 1, 677, 050 4, 386, 045 1, 042, 875 653, 610 88, 655 21,810 278, 800 97, 175 181, 625 1,487 725 48.8 1,321 622 35, 404 5, 750, 550 2, 330, 240 40. S 9,245 3,746 162. 43 65. 82 486, 510 1, 389 5,119 38 524, 046 1,237 105, 422 1,071 315,831 5,384 67 55 210 2,193 30 1,122 534 . 338 169 Adams 4, 146, 071 5, 745, 305 4, 972, 137 3, 504, 065 642, 006 294, 891 531, 175 11,378 9,488 27.40 36.63 23.16 4, 146, 071 1, 782, 323 1, 882, 148 41, 800 439, 800 141, 500 298, 300 294, 891 106, 580 159, 141 1,775 27, 395 13, 165 14, 230 Bannock 15, 035, 357 20, 507, 690 7, 620, 255 18, 505, 761 12, 688, 168 2, 347, 189 1, 206, 435 2, 263, 969 8,359 6,791 34.50 45.20 24.79 29.11 15, 035, 357 9, 739, 692 2, 050, 365 287, 450 2, 957, 850 928, 600 2, 029, 250 1, 206, 435 858, 090 184, 040 13, 920 150, 385 41, 155 109, 230 Bear Lake 5, 627, 958 7, 144, 622 3, 983, 119 7, 086, 673 4, 502, 513 1, 125, 445 448,858 1, 009, 857 7,044 29.59 35.21 23.81 23.68 5, 627, 958 4, 132, 963 1, 095, 425 86, 450 313, 120 73, 450 239, 670 448, 858 337, 903 82, 825 4,030 24, 100 3,760 20, 340 372 181 48.7 134 40, 326 1, 027, 638 450, 400 43.8 7,669 3,361 25.48 11.17 948 52.4 745 324 43.5 802 257 194, 996 73, 632 6,459,670 1,951,860 2, 780, 336 941, 316 43. 48. 2 8,054 3,467 33.13 14.26 7,595 3,663 26.51 12.78 52, 188 279 133, 020 240 12, 684 163 3,922 38 20 7 437 177, 489 742 570 5 389, 563 1,082 50, 397 356 8,992 813 79 11 3 2,214 12 279 140 18 511 1,133 548 10 49, 193 301 120 . 2 82, 453 329 8,331 101 74 30 43 12 799 1 184 444 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 IDAHO AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 141 Benewah Bingham Blaine Boise Bonner Bonne- ville Bound- ary Butte Camas 4, 197, 665 5, 885, 197 18, 156, 570 26, 660, 626 19,744,230 22, 071, 329 15, 043, 400 3, 113, 170 1, 284, 706 2, 630, 053 9,626 7,918 70.31 93.57 64.59 58.25 18, 156, 570 10,189,490 2, 475, 400 397, 600 5, 094, 080 748, 200 4, 345, 880 1,284,706 782, 400 173,110 23, 000 306,196 39, 556 266, 640 3, 746, 595 6, 639, 086 6, 707, 765 4, 944, 280 3, 086, 820 659, 775 205, 130 992, 555 17, 288 13, 100 33.99 49.51 31.90 28.00 3, 746, 595 2, 144, 695 822, 650 101, 000 678, 250 75, 700 602, 550 205,130 124, 900 49, 380 2,600 28, 250 4,225 24, 025 1,311,242 1, 638, 845 4, 045, 950 1, 580, 697 1, 069, 122 242, 120 93, 950 175,505 7,903 6,556 17.51 20.08 23.76 14.28 1,311,242 1,081,332 58, 330 5, 144, 245 5, 810, 695 5. 579, 080 5, 959, 961 3, 760, 585 1, 383, 660 376, 680 439, 036 5,384 4,647 33.47 35.35 30.47 24.47 5, 144, 245 4, 288, 225 203, 250 134,600 518,170 218, 770 299, 400 376, 680 324, 325 17,505 6,925 27, 925 14,200 13, 725 15,451,007 24, 875, 717 1,723,195 2, 353, 132 2, 898, 605 5, 596, 671 3, 442, 908 5,219,475 1 2 3 4, 731, 086 3, 638, 225 559, 440 265, 134 268, 287 9,918 8,800 43.41 49.60 18, 836, 812 13, 040, 697 2,410,310 1, 179, 354 2, 206, 451 12, 232 10. 033 51.49 86.71 2, 081, 005 1,411,450 311, 745 154, 423 203, 387 6,845 5,668 29.94 35.14 4, 488, 181 2, 461, 555 437, 050 221. 948 1, 367, 628 15,584 10, 065 43.92 69.22 4, 083, 508 2, 991, 528 451,380 309, 194 331, 406 16,269 13,717 25. 93 39.26 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 37.62 4,397,665 ], 725, 225 863, 690 51, 400 1, 557, 350 120, 050 1, 437, 300 265, 134 131, 367 43, 255 4,410 86,102 10, 012 76, 090 43.46 15,451,007 7,717,957 1, 817. 430 372, 850 5, 542, 770 910,090 4, 626, 680 1, 179, 354 622, 420 179, 208 22, 396 355, 330 63, 400 291, 930 24.52 1,723,195 1,288,185 43, 000 77, 810 314, 200 150, 900 163, 300 154,423 127, 093 4, 900 3,400 19, 030 5,180 13, 850 37.30 2, 898, 605 1, 718, 261 318, 640 200, 000 661, 704 49, 300 612, 404 221, 948 134, 771 29, 635 6,000 51,542 2,107 49, 435 22.53 3, 442, 908 1,220,713 1,718,595 ""503," 600" 60, 100 443, 500 309,194 98, 452 163, 252 14 15 16 17 18 171,580 96, 900 74, 680 93, 950 80, 095 5,575 19 20 21 22 23 24 8,280 4,610 3,670 47, 490 4,500 42, 990 26 27 28 362 116 32.0 317 94 16, 201 609, 890 237, 065 38.9 6,488 2,522 37.65 14.63 1,599 888 55.5 1,392 740 77, 330 7, 049, 305 3, 030, 492 43.0 9, 526 4,095 91.16 39.19 226 160 70.8 178 132 41, 499 1, 566, 400 799, 303 51.0 11,867 6,055 37.75 19.26 176 84 47.7 163 75 33, 062 598, 252 195, 195 32.6 • 7,977 2,603 18.09 5.90 1,009 468 46.4 982 449 56, 283 1, 924, 890 693, 169 36.0 4,287 1,544 34.20 12.32 953 590 61.9 804 501 69, 168 5, 657, 901 2, 583, 450 45.7 11, 293 5,157 81.80 37.35 262 83 31.7 256 81 17, 534 445, 200 162, 765 36.6 5,496 2,009 25.39 9.28 209 118 56.5 174 99 21, 138 1,097,700 585, 830 53.4 11,088 5,917 51.93 27.71 212 109 51.4 125 53 21, 285 702, 160 258, 895 36.9 13, 248 4,885 32.99 12.16 29 30 31 32 3a 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 35, 540 248 1,732 11 49, 594 158 11,045 102 54 240, 131 697 2,780 18 476, 060 1,328 73, 444 585 299, 970 4,474 63 30 128, 629 164 19, 140 128 126 2 13, 825 72 2,878 53 2,461 100 8 5 134,325 775 2,144 73 84, 439 361 37, 385 348 4,717 17, 833 24 7 5 1,107 178, 269 677 5,958 26 524, 053 1,083 45, 012 403 74, 532 4,177 79 23 2 1,540 13 5 259 908 318 37 39, 948 149 749 29 44, 126 105 8,478 41 14 278 19 2 43,812 113 170 2 85, 450 145 10, 997 66 80 45, 264 137 42 43 44 45 97, 260 194 8,947 71 317 295 49, 015 162 6,574 63 2,190 46 47 48 49 50 51 18 2 21 5 41 4 52 53 54 477 2,293 2 286 200 304 288 1 251 55 56 57 27 330 117 3 368 1, 205 682 36 20 3 124 53 117 600 362 28 43 165 96 11 171 96 9 58 " 272- 8 6 215 23 13 59 60 61 142 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 IDAHO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 39 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars 1920 dollars 1910.. dollars All farm property, 1925 dollars Land, excluding buildings ..dollars Buildings alone ...dollars Implements and machinery.. .dollars Livestock on farms dollars Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars Full owners ..dollars Part owners dollars Managers dollars Tenants. dollars Cash tenants ..dollars Other tenants dollars Implements and machinery, total— dollars Full owners... dollars Part owners dollars Managers... dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants dollars Other tenants ....dollars FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings)... .dollars Amount of mortgage debt dollars Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt... dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Canyon 24, 568, 207 ,36,006,110 28,687,911 29, 072, 678 19,319,381 5, 248, 826 1,453,655 3,050,816 9,244 7,812 113.93 180. 55 105. 41 89.59 24, 568, 207 13, 856, 022 2, 530, 910 560, 400 7, 620, 875 884, 355 6, 736, 520 1, 453, 655 940, 574 155, 275 25, 717 332, 089 51, 040 281, 049 .dollars.. Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage)... Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road M acad am road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported).. 2,186 1,327 60.7 1,960 1,167 75, 476 9, 546, 165 4, 266, 729 44.7 8,180 3,656 126. 48 56.53 439, 036 1,585 3,768 31 603, 164 1,709 149, 051 1,557 327, 000 29, 402 101 100 139 3,145 7 2, 150 16J 631 Caribou 1, 777, 035 3, 483, 780 2,346,116 1, 500, 105 276, 930 129, 159 439, 922 ^ 12, 283 9,304 16.28 28.37 13.74 1, 777, 035 800, 100 547, 955 198, 500 230, 480 121, 060 109, 420 129, 159 64, 735 44, 975 2,550 16, 899 7,774 9.125 162 85 52.5 107 53 19, 543 415, 700 176.812 42.5 7,843 3,336 21.27 9.05 37, 389 56 62, 918 131 3,243 23 Cassia 10, 349, 985 20, 208, 301 5, 932, 070 13, 778, 109 8, 383, 336 1, 966, 649 962, 583 2, 465, 541 9,984 7,500 42.70 70.85 35.57 34.59 Clark 3, 319, 379 5, 186, 910 4, 625, 229 2, 950, 199 369, 180 177, 218 1, 128, 632 30,835 22, 129 14.62 28.34 13.00 10,349,985 3,319,379 5, 466, 695 1, 777, 080 361, 900 2, 744, 310 363, 720 2, 380, 590 962. 583 564, 115 169, 225 9,200 220, 043 20,500 199. 543 901, 073 1, 625, 954 600, 552 191, 800 42, 600 149, 200 177, 218 105, 843 47, 525 13, 900 9,950 1,200 8,750 973 530 54.5 775 407 60, 600 3,151,845 1, 624, 706 51.5 7,744 3,992 52.01 26.81 122 56 45.9 95 42 20, 368 569, 780 252, 439 44.3 13, 566 6,010 27.97 12.39 118,317 588 1,558 6 306, 198 870 31,846 255 39, 773 2,223 48 33 3 1,380 73, 102 106 75, 823 88 6,242 150 21, 703 2.868 438 718 ' 252 383 27 122 27 1 5 13 343 65 12 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — IDAHO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 143 Custer Elmore Franklin Fremont Gem Gooding Idaho Jefferson 3, 335, 723 4, 005, 694 8, 992, 610 10, 666, 505 6, 294, 225 8, 473, 105 18, 529, 507 9, 888, 919 1 4, 822, 675 4, 593, 193 12, 486, 874 18, 299, 845 8, 147, 993 14, 059, 910 27, 176, 730 13, 482, 347 2 2,451,415 4, 673, 042 3, 598, 300 5, 417, 582 21, 385, 451 13, 670, 589 13, 193, 899 3 10, 714, 156 7, 700, 871 10, 779, 746 21,870,800 11,810,022 4 2, 974, 568 3, 359, 019 7,196,420 9, 218, 130 5, 232, 059 6, 833, 770 ] 5, 994, 279 8,400,114 5 361,155 646, 675 1,796,190 1,448,375 1,062,166 1,639,335 2, 535, 228 1,488,805 6 233, 400 289, 620 775, 453 1,241,302 392, 831 551,306 1,175,501 607, 292 7 1,103,919 1,122,268 946, 093 1, 762, 782 1,019,815 1,755,335 2,165,852 1,313,811 8 14, 033 13,311 10, 392 11,326 12,118 11,964 14, 503 10,155 9 10,017 9,842 8,722 8,837 9,897 9,404 12, 287 8,503 10 30.34 15. 55 50.01 32. 65 52.66 86.20 30. 55 63.87 11 48.53 37.70 71.85 65. 65 56.92 134. 56 44.96 83.77 12 33 33 45 62 40 64 31.50 13 27.06 13.04 40.' 02" 28.22 43.' 78' 69.' 52' 26.37 54.'25' 14 3, 335, 723 4, 005, 694 8, 992, 610 10, 666, 505 6, 294, 225 8, 473, 105 18, 529, 507 9,888,919 15 2, 442, 323 1,879,185 6, 818, 600 4, 751, 560 3, 184, 210 4,147,615 7, 224, 567 5, 822, 564 16 248, 850 1,680,259 1, 122, 480 1, 909, 745 1,425,265 1,175,480 6, 845, 653 1,138,830 17 206, 500 39, 500 123, 500 175, 700 509, 400 626, 600 357, 829 425, 500 18 438, 050 406, 750 928, 030 3, 829, 500 1,175,350 2, 523, 410 4,101,458 2, 502, 025 19 97, 250 63, 700 137, 650 1, 207, 200 190, 400 326, 350 822, 025 554, 950 20 ' 340, 800 1 343, 050 790, 380 2, 622, 300 984, 950 2, 197, 060 3, 279, 433 1,947,075 21 233, 400 289,620 775,453 1,241,302 392, 831 551, 306 1,175,501 007, 292 22 181, 050 134, 630 599,118 662, 069 245, 095 306, 049 496, 968 399, 402 23 13, 100 126, 135 88,360 192, 345 78, 910 87, 800 421,035 09, 370 24 10, 250 1,900 7,950 24, 750 22, 900 26, 225 28, 328 11,200 25 29,000 26, 955 80, 025 362, 138 45, 926 131,2.32 229,170 127, 200 26 4,400 5,325 11,400 92, 500 5,100 29,010 50, 765 34, 090 27 24, 600 21, 630 68, 625 269, 638 40, 826 102, 222 178, 405 92, 570 28. 280 348 903 730 491 594 1,174 871 29 126 155 646 480 312 391 640 501 30 45.0 44.5 71.5 65.8 63.5 65.8 54.5 57.5 31 260 271 781 565 395 486 823 709 32: 114 114 556 352 245 301 387 430 3a 41, 968 36, 439 95, 971 70,047 41,579 33, 445 116, 508 52, 921 34 1, 410, 039 1, 066, 530 4, 702, 300 3, 886, 140 2, 287, 991 3, 201, 125 4, 316, 087 4, 165, 559 35 631, 520 401, 536 2, 170, 115 1, 950, 420 880, 100 1,632,580 2, 226, 242 1,997,762 36 44.8 37.6 46.2 50.2 38.5 51.0 51.6 48.0 37 12, 369 9,356 8,457 11,040 9,339 10, 635 11,153 9,687 38- 5,540 3,522 3,903 5,541 3,592 5,424 5,753 4,646 39 33.60 29.27 49.00 55.48 55.03 95.71 37.05 78.71 40 15.05 11.02 22.61 27.84 21.17 48.81 19.11 37.75 41 57, 719 280, 749 59, 326 144, 927 133,981 198, 746 98, 583 90, 331 42 199 205 484 681 340 509 619 489 43 58 1,060 4 2,270 4 4,325 11 468 44 2 23 1 5 45 99,"997" 215, 252 187, 496 339, 686 266, 498 182, 878 303,' 925' 208, 151 46 179 160 699 949 329 413 861 670 47 8, 277 8,452 45, 583 27, 805 84, 576 21, 480 57, 603 36, 542 48 85 73 277 235 428 245 629 313 49 9,500 294 3,385 22, 859 772 93 170 99, 255 338 153, 406 9,860 105 49, 624 274 50- 410 2,683 37 •51 16 12 37 98 23 37 52 13 11 6 26 16 15 22 15 53 1 407 4 1,031 1 1 1,207 28 636 36 901 32 1,508 54 333 1,163 55. 56 "T 38 i' 342 22' 52 57 " "'"24" ---- 326' 'ill' 326' 58. 131 160 388 638 399 456 730 651 59- 171 104 312 542 106 90 624 191 ea 7 12 4 13 92 12 80 1 61 144 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 IDAHO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920... dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925... Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920. 1910 Land, excluding bldgs., per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and mach'y, total... dollars. Full owners. dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants ..dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants. dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by.owners: Total number .*. Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt. Acreage of farms reporting debt..^ Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt. dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS .dollars Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed Farms reporting... Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). dollars.. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms- reporting corn cut for silage). Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Jerome 10, 060, 720 13,073,021 11,623,419 8, 552, 930 1, 507, 790 524, 660 1, 038, 039 14, 807 12,816 105. 36 170. 92 89.57 10, 060, 720 3, 033, 925 1, 844, 875 189, 000 4, 992, 920 581, 750 4, 411, 170 524, 660 194,715 115, 282 9,600 205, 063 23, 684 181, 379 401 319 79.6 267 205 19, 973 2, 490, 200 1, 154, 573 46.4 12, 147 5,632 124. 68 57.81 118,872 332 152, 131 434 22, 067 194 48, 003 431 24 19 25 785 214 359 205 7 Kootenai Latah 8,189,555 14,714,105 10,636,165 30,619,531 10,368,722 17,698,778 9, 334, 332 6,159,960 2, 029, 595 600, 199 544, 578 7,247 6,358 44.18 48.09 45.32 33.23 8, 189, 555 5, 013, 495 1, 876, 210 117,700 1, 182, 150 247, 350 934, 800 600, 199 407, 924 120, 773 8,530 62, 972 17, 502 45, 470 1,118 468 41.9 933 377 51, 858 2, 309, 250 706, 039 30.6 6,125 1,873 44.53 13.61 16, 359, 862 12,344,800 2, 369, 305 876, 007 769, 750 12, 722 11,442 68.98 88.67 51.99 57.88 14, 714, 105 9. 139, 905 2, 145, 245 47, 500 3, 381, 455 409, 650 2, 971, 805 876, 007 564, 035 128, 010 2,250 181,712 27, 347 154, 365 1,057 271 25.6 939 224 31, 026 2, 042, 280 826, 535 40.5 9,117 3,690 65.82 Lemhi Lewis 5,150,479 10,643,632 8,378,265 1 14, 464, 058 4,222,570 ! 7, 262, 134 4, 457, 784 692,695 374,335 ! 1, 737, 320 1 14,671 ! 10,405 j 33. 28 I 52.63 42.77 I. 28. 80 I 5,150,479 ' 3, 440, 329 543, 500 470, 400 696, 250 253, 950 442, 300 374, 335 259, 460 33, 740 30, 700 50, 435 21,955 28, 480 11,980,277 9, 483, 802 1, 159, 830 703, 549 633, 096 19, 261 17, 112 49.82 7L59 44.39 10, 643, 632 3, 423, 669 4, 146, 813 3, 073, 150 183, 200 2, 889, 950 703, 549 242, 981 278, 323 182, 245 5,950 176, 295 400 179 44.8 371 165 55, 572 2, 116, 750 953, 415 45.0 12,829 I 5,778 I 38.09 ! 17. 16 I 412 271 65.8 252 146 44,356 2, 236, 100 1, 130, 060 50.5 15, 316 7,740 50.41 25.48 170, 228 929 3,490 93 110,473 508 49, 484 484 43, 443 22, 361 64 30 54 1,288 10 972 217 15 68, 016 374 1,972 91 190, 604 727 25, 722 437 300 715 77 26 11 1,286 958 249 1 81, 636 282 170 2 223, 558 281 19,296 181 20,248 124 i J 24 I 495 61 197 196 41 24,151 152 2,425 I ^ i 139,917 361 ! 21,991 293 131, 723 20, 710 71 21 622 2 24 533 55 8 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 IDAHO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 145 Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power 3, 275, 010 9, 201, 560 6, 375, 475 16, 402, 971 7, 082, 736 6, 804, 983 7, 405, 930 5, 373, 435 1 6, 059, 996 17, 362, 058 14,812,495 23, 753, 935 10, 332, 040 9, 322, 602 9, 077, 329 8, 928, 469 2 11,669,494 20, 804, 464 10, 233, 252 2, 809, 490 3 4, 203, 302 11,101,327 7, 873, 075 18, 488, 739 8, 755, 371 9. 577, 099 8, 535, 477 6, 852, 088 4 2, 645, 585 7, 798, 255 5, 044, 034 14, 208, 080 6, 097, 446 5,821,833 5, 583, 645 4, 509, 775 5 629, 425 1,403,305 1,331,441 2, 194, 891 985, 290 983,150 1,822,285 863, 660 6 254, 082 711,362 465,617 995, 700 617, 595 504, 864 504,817 617,318 7 674, 210 1,188,405 1,031,983 1,090,068 1, 055, 040 2, 267, 252 624, 730 861,335 8 11,941 12,601 8,349 15, 870 8,567 12, 185 11,114 8,630 9 9,304 10, 444 6,761 14, 080 6,930 8,658 9,643 6,768 10 60.16 54.38 88.84 48.39 22.79 31.32 115. 85 20.44 11 93.54 79.79 162. 72 56.90 33.50 66.37 125. 63 28.66 12 71.09 36.18 26.79 39.28 13 48.60 46." 09" 70"29" 41.91 19.62 26.79 87.'35" i7."i6" 14 3, 275, 010 9, 201, 560 6, 375, 475 16. 402, 971 7,082,736 6, 804, 983 7, 405, 930 5, 373, 435 15 1,639,645 4, 377, 790 3, 524, 800 5, 184, 600 4, 707, 558 4,011,388 4, 663, 740 1,725,475 16 615,340 2, 379, 710 748, 425 5, 796, 475 1,604,268 1,246,975 961,990 2, 084, 750 17 40, 125 42, 300 38, 000 704, 496 2,000 124, 600 223, 500 101,450 18 979, 900 2,401,760 2, 064, 250 4,717,400 768, 910 1, 422, 020 1, 556, 700 1,461,760 19 82, 800 994, 360 212, 300 689, 400 201,610 185, 600 146, 900 309, 460 20 897, 100 1, 407, 400 1,851,950 4, 028, 000 567,300 1, 236, 420 1,409,800 1,152,300 21 254. 082 711,362 465, 617 995, 700 617, 595 504, 864 504, 817 617,318 22 1 131, 082 359, 587 296, 282 335, 665 405, 828 323, 128 340, 527 167, 570 23 1 58. 950 180, 715 65, 065 359, 825 165,617 78, 908 71,330 265, 206 24 1 2, 500 1,500 900 54, 125 250 10, 760 12, 050 13, 600 25 61, 550 169, 560 103, 370 246,085 45, 900 92, 068 80, 910 170, 942 26 4,850 81,560 13, 180 32, 960 10, 975 15. 525 7,450 29, 200 27 56, 700 88, 000 90, 190 213, 125 34, 925 76, 543 73, 460 141, 742 28 ' 252 633 623 806 903 625 581 600 29 ! 192 418 393 452 538 233 342 236 30 76.2 66.0 63.1 56.1 59.6 37.3 58.9 39.3 31 203 466 523 561 722 541 496 411 32 147 308 322 288 409 199 280 115 33 19, 273 51,122 23, 631 54,099 110,822 48, 771 22, 765 37, 735 34 1, 344, 678 3,064,885 2, 490, 550 3, 537, 625 2, 784, 197 2, 213, 782 2,911,695 980, 535 35 742, 129 1, 517, 554 1, 260, 737 1,459,090 1,451,014 998, 974 1,063,935 367, 980 36 55.2 49.5 50.6 41.2 52.1 45.1 36.5 37.5 37 9,147 9,951 7, 735 12, 283 6,807 11,125 10, 399 8,526 38 5,048 4,927 3,915 5,066 3,548 5,020 3, 800 3,200 39 69.77 59.95 105. 39 65.39 25.12 45.39 127. 90 25.98 40 38.51 29.68 53.35 26.97 13.09 20.48 46.74 9.75 41 116, 787 110, 321 84,110 79, 104 97, 138 252, 745 74, 550 47, 726 42 202 377 372 446 452 411 423 297 43 331 265 10, 655 386 835 1,751 65 44 4 219, 179 4 165, 055 95 387, 959 4 165, 784 9 313, 520 16 188, 081 2 147, 305 45 """125," 361' 46 130 567 618 641 682 522 423 407 47 11,868 9,328 12, 208 52, 566 17, 786 35, 971 28, 827 20, 904 48 141 111 149 548 141 258 314 215 49 16, 048 20, 301 1,027 2,215 162, 848 343 41, 152 156, 714 50 923 300 5,664 215 4,220 4,168 51 17 25 6 72 63 22 60 28 52 4 4 8 39 14 18 34 7 53 1 881 9 943 31 1,165 3 786 79 768 1 794 54 352 1,022 55 2 1 5 394 56 '"""113" 133 57 "74" ---- "620" " 333" ---- ---- 58 240 502 170 491 331 178 187 390 59 33 140 146 352 354 463 152 276 60 5 12 76 4 13 29 7 61 146 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Shoshone Teton Twin Falls V3„ey jW^s^htag. FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925. dollars 1920. dollars 1910.. ..dollars All farm property, 1925 dollars Land, excluding buildings dollars Buildings alone dollars Implements and machinery dollars Livestock on farms dollars Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding bldgs., per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners. .dollars. Managers ...dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and mach'y, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants... dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Percent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt..^ dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of laud and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt ...dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 685, 508 721, 200 521, 850 837, 378 437, 583 247, 925 76, 295 75, 575 7,096 5,809 42.07 42.18 37.38 26.86 685, 508 539, 090 79, 653 29,000 37, 765 25, 765 12, 000 76, 295 58, 945 13, 900 1,200 2,250 1,600 650 4, 259, 950 6, 366, 060 5, 372, 183 3,661,025 598, 925 391, 290 720, 943 9,768 7,745 30.05 48.69 25.82 4, 259, 950 2, 354, 460 1, 278, 390 55, 800 571,300 84, 900 486, 400 391, 290 221, 975 121,990 3,400 43, 925 10,250 i 33,675 i 34, 055, 863 64, 552, 440 13, 735, 921 38, 978, 094 28, 569, 678 5, 486, 185 2, 237, 041 2, 685, 190 15, 597 13, 628 125. 52 233. 73 91.34 105. 30 34, 055, 863 15, 624, 218 5, 529, 165 1, 021, 100 11, 881, 380 1, 570, 480 10, 310, 900 2, 237, 041 1, 137, 320 383, 367 55, 521 660, 833 96, 195 564, 638 2,910,070 1 7,650,350 2,355,045 12,154,996 11,116,917 3,490,954 9,687,007 2, 382, 380 j 6, 125, 695 527.690 ; 1,524,655 279, 193 1 518, 474 301.691 ' 1,518,183^ 9,451 7,464 10, 452 8,713 18.93 27.06 15.50 107 26 24.3 104 24 3,226 177, 400 48, 735 27.5 7,392 2,031 54.99 15.11 289 62.8 335 204 44, 855 1,581,110 671, 000 42.4 7,751 3,289 35.25 14.96 1,568 1,077 68.7 1,253 826 76, 365 11, 999, 336 5, 432, 497 45.3 14, 527 6,577 157. 13 7L14 .dollars, .dollars. Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime)... Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). .dollars. Farms reporting... Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms_ Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms ■ Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road... Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road... All other (including not reported) 68, 373 87 1,215 5 37, 461 44 5,521 28 63, 134 265 98, 704 348 10, 748 111 27, 500 3 50 5 118 550 360, 957 1,267 2,739 16 838, 513 1,696 98, 614 674 353, 805 755 110 141 841 1,038 341 28 , 910, 070 979, 525 319, 630 2,560 608, 355 81, 100 527, 255 279, 193 103, 358 119, 460 350 56, 025 4,575 51, 450 40. 58 45.94 23.21 7, 650, 350 4, 292, 960 1, 610, 440 278, 450 1, 468, 50a 248, 300 1, 220, 200 518, 474 307, 150 107, 100 11,594 92,630 10, 275 82, 355 266 128 48.1 153 67 17, 687 429, 780 158. 862 37.0 784 46& 59.7 610 354 71, 147 2, 940, 225 1,441,731 49.0 6,415 8,306 2,371 I 4,073 i 24.30 I 41.33 8.98 20.26 40, 764 190 12, 143 109 334 1 238 63 32 258, 427 682 138 6 312,719 598 44, 259 343 153, 833 272 39 14 35 1,025 392 355 272 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — ^IDAHO 147 County Table III. -Livestock on Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 The State .dollars.. Value of all livestock Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age. . . Horses 2 years old and over. . Total value Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers.. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value... dollars.. Sheep: Total number *. Lambs under 1 year of age. Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over. Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value ...dollars.. i Swine: i Total number i Pigs under 6 months of age { Breeding sows, 6 months and over \ All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: ' I Total number Total value... dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value. dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS dollars..! 52,032,679 232, 546 23, 216 209, 330 9, 826, 437 7,845 1,922 5, 923 425, 145 605, 604 155, 916 79, 103 32, 418 46, 685 291, 636 138, 768 152, 868 67, 410 11, 539 17, 638, 765 1, 745, 769 279, 969 1, 416, 307 49, 493 19, 833, 718 1.602 9,800 276, 323 150, 558 43, 948 81,817 2, 603, 880 2, 028, 805 1, 455, 016 239, 918 Dairy products: Number of cows milked. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 1924. Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons Whole milk sold, 1924... gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924 doUars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924... .dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, 1 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924. dollars. Chickens raised,* 1924 number 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 151, 722 131, 295 20, 427 78, 505, 003 52, 365, 498 517 3, 661, 728 14, 489, 694 473, 572 8, 804, 739 9, 110, 184 1, 644, 999 14, 025, 808 17, 860, 527 5,379,611 11,707,941 8, 604, 809 3, 185, 424 2, 539, 708 2, 250, 489 1, 537, 203 Ada 2, 255, 688 391 6,289 220, 864 206 46 160 10, 546 30, 140 6,873 4, 539 3,336 1,203 16, 100 12, 950 3,150 1,961 667 957, 017 78, 326 13, 452 63, 732 1,142 869, 546 63 315 009 816 586 5, 1, 1,607 73, 761 141, 442 103, 253 20, 386 13, 028 12, 580 448 7, 582, 296 5, 065, 218 582 79, 460 1, 659, 318 50, 412 1, 782, 478 1, 106, 786 74, 410 612,431 900, 279 233, 336 937, 478 539, 942 243, 744 207, 920 153, 421 143, 465 Adams 531, 175 2,459 176 2,283 94, 488 103 29 74 4,541 12, 608 3,454 1, 383 219 1, 164 5,076 1,230 3,846 2,423 272 320, 683 7,560 1,087 6,305 168 78, 047 28 140 2,385 1, 508 405 472 20, 684 14, 589 10, 212 2,380 2,089 1,330 759 906, 626 603, 266 434 33, 181 185, 269 13, 350 6,904 101, 907 12, 498 97, 786 64, 884 36, 670 78, 751 78, 378 20, 475 21, 373 22, 743 12,824 Bannock Lake 2, 263, 969 13, 056 1,587 11,469 567, 249 229 97 132 10, 329 30, 629 8,004 3,971 1,094 2,877 15, 104 7,104 8,000 3,024 526 938, 898 54, 876 15, 396 37, 974 1,506 580, 103 170 850 10, 746 5,807 1,703 3,236 99, 591 83,604 61, 867 5,082 1, 009, 857 4,813 502 4,311 210, 856 22 7 15 1,041 18, 257 4,551 2,343 810 1, 533 8,679 3,011 5,668 2,389 295 535, 617 19, 184 3,440 15, 020 724 207, 455 21 105 2,837 1,389 279 669 20, 659 43, 974 32,541 1, 583 6,564 6,182 382 3,157 2,574 583 3, 380, 460 2, 481, 872 515 1, 603, 756 1,317,412 508 173, Oil 496, 177 13, 087 663, 495 362, 157 93,819 259, 621 28, 637 84, 741 179, 231 36, 547 I 18, 186 348,737 151,707 261, 392 ! 238, 043 132, 520 I 57, 649 426, 046 ! 236, 272 377, 976 i 185, 007 115, 032 j 63, 793 81,681 i 44,106 85, 615 32, 201 40,841 22,053 ! Including estimates for incomplete reports. 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 148 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) i Bene- 1 wah 35 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of alllivestock dollars.. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value- ..dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age.. Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars.. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value .dollars.. Swine: Total number.. Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number.. Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value .dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produce^!,' 1924 1919 Average per cow milked, 1924. .gallons- .gallons. .gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924.. .pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924... pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 .gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924. .dollars. Wool: Number of sReep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds- Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, ' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924... number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 268, 287 1,992 81 1,911 112,863 102 9 93 6,945 3,154 835 484 208 276 1,678 86 71 105, 386 530 121 349 60 5,191 82 574 1,783 747 225 811 21,315 18, 693 15, 328 2,630,053 992,555 11,719 i 1,213 10,506 j 499,456 I 152 I 80 72 I 6,440 I 25,462 I 5,171 3,420 1 1,577 1,843 12,955 1 6,287 i 6,668 3,579 337 782, 531 94, 217 14, 385 77, 421 2,411 1, 098, 017 685 1,159 812 347 620, 065 651, 405 535 37, 280 26, 680 13, 002 156, 618 76, 143 321 3,112 1,477 1,183 94, 792 111,458 29, 386 21,815 27, 288 15, 271 Bing- ham Blaine 7 35 17, 681 7,956 2,874 6,851 169, 034 2,837 384 2,453 111,474 64 27 37 3,269 8,557 2,569 945 222 723 3,829 1,030 2,799 1,054 160 229, 092 50, 366 • 5, 953 42, 848 1,565 599, 927 33 165 3,687 2,004 656 1,027 35, 265 94,780 i 15,983 55,920 i 10,868 18, 620 2,495 6,213 6,103 110 2, 963, 601 2,283,112 477 232, 443 432, 798 12, 935 275, 450 299, 664 79, 990 748. 177 690, 307 288, 796 534, 085 429. 178 138, 862 114,589 100, 717 52.711 1,484 957 527 691, 544 530, 191 466 45, 716 111,107 2,347 80, 181 76, 693 46, 689 374,119 349, 470 144, 036 73, 985 94, 408 19, 976 14, 832 19, 844 8,158 Boise 175,505 1,155 75 1,080 39,075 123 50 73 5,350 4,757 1,396 577 59 618 2,066 280 1,786 626 92 113, 600 317 92 203 22 3,581 30 768 425 230 113 7,617 6,489 5,256 702 308 394 263, 952 277, 848 376 17, 602 43, 977 40 662 23, 368 262 2,273 89, 953 26, 670 38, 775 7,201 9,785 10, 251 6,556 I iiyiuding estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE ; 1925 — ^IDAHO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 149 Bonne- ville Bound- ary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clear- water Custer 2, 206, 451 203, 387 1, 367, 628 331, 406 3, 050, 816 439, 922 2, 465, 541 1,128,632 265, 508 1, 103, 919 ; 10, 081 846 2,701 2,587 10, 899 1,965 8,490 3,274 1,570 3,663 2 1,059 59 359 270 573- 193 974 590 70 575 3 9,022 787 2,342 2,317 10, 326 1,772 7,516 2,684 1,500 3,088 4 429, 288 47, 121 113, 288 103, 254 361, 398 86, 337 337, 100 133, 760 88, 750 117, 855 5. 131 9 39 47 345 52 248 50 38 60 6. 32 99 -- 4 35 10 37 80 265 12 40 75 173 7 43 6 32 13 47 7 8 6,437 639 2,049 2,725 17, 585 2,556 13, 645 2,582 2,500 2,792 9 18, 154 3,816 9,735 5,481 30, 936 5,522 32, 721 6,225 3,966 25, 513 10 4,409 1,089 2,698 1,482 7,541 1,364 8,672 1,765 1,072 7,133 11 2,114 463 1,193 616 4,576 888 3,617 844 534 3,274 12 759 241 240 166 3,810 252 975 64 126 190 13 1,355 222 953 450 766 636 2,642 780 408 3,084 14 8,733 1,948 4,343 2,402 16, 719 1,945 16, 994 2,554 1,812 11, 739 15 3,531 1,167 869 899 14,811 973 5, 117 260 675 1,128 la 5,202 781 3,474 1,503 1,908 972 11,877 2,294 1,137 10,611 17 2,558 256 1,348 884 1,364 1,218 2,848 949 453 2,900 18 340 60 153 97 736 107 590 113 95 467 19. 531, 070 128, 764 257, 062 151,414 1, 002, 939 160, 730 916, 662 156, 995 119, 999 609, 025 20 85, 738 629 81, 535 4, 955 120, 824 15, 714 87, 220 68, 797 1,212 29, 078 21 21, 244 13 14, 321 180 37, 144 1,602 10, 744 6,694 375 2.381 22 61, 786 610 65, 258 4,674 79, 991 13, 681 74, 824 55, 606 762 25, 895 23 2,708 6 1,956 101 3,689 431 1,652 6,497 75 802 24: 979, 537 6,278 945, 356 60, 044 1, 293, 129 173, 132 1,037,141 817,925 11, 670 343, 718 25 9 45 9 63 6 30 52 260 8 40 13 65 2 10 389 2,723 1 5 26 27 20, 855 683 3,830 734 23, 004 1,041 11,514 899 2,096 1,920 28 7,817 446 1,658 436 15, 498 704 6,445 424 1,058 1,112 29 3,792 150 484 185 3,677 200 1,796 166 297 286 30 9,246 87 1,688 113 3,829 137 3,273 309 741 522 31 209, 425 6,704 36, 786 6,650 182, 422 8,664 108, 260 8,510 23, 396 17, 730 32- 74, 066 15, 789 13, 195 9,431 233, 717 10, 504 58, 661 6,033 18, 087 14, 297 33. 43, 699 12, 947 7,785 6,413 170, 613 7,773 39, 889 3,559 14, 831 11, 581 34 6,950 871 5,272 906 22, 470 690 12, 779 5, 2 91 1,639 1,213 3&. 4,950 913 1,284 1,231 14, 463 976 5,585 950 1,039 1,624 36i 3,297 869 781 757 14, 216 790 4,978 293 700 811 37 1,653 44 503 474 247 186 607 657 339 813 38 2, 123, 550 423, 632 728, 028 582, 263 8,591,022 514, 352 2, 675, 215 399, 000 433, 263 867, 216 39, 1, 370, 220 302, 927 453, 784 429, 585 4,141,711 441, 271 1, 668, 762 239, 831 242, 296 506, 028 40., 429 464 567 473 594 527 479 420 417 534 41 169, 373 41, 434 ! 43, 756 29, 061 95, 477 25, 896 161, 850 23, 056 44,044 54, 166 42: 329, 784 59, 969 ! 88, 166 132, 217 1, 697, 740 96, 032 565, 220 77, 964 43, 740 157, 410 43 10, 222 1,560 : 3, 374 104 40, 297 573 1,902 1,020 384 2,172 44 229, 531 25, 710 1 169, 030 4,370 1, 808, 403 77, 765 108, 340 25, 682 14, 620 117, 150 45. 229, 128 46, 945 78, 817 59, 661 1, 119, 362 56, 437 289, 313 41, 355 37, 847 105, 995 46: 72, 706 686 70, 772 3,293 82, 281 22, 298 70, 997 72, 374 824 33, 149 47 701, 423 5,502 580,366 30, 310 732,073 185, 504 627, 112 629,011 6,641 318, 259 48. 388, 578 5,739 i 580,871 64, 830 1, 384, 575 181, 472 711, 709 989, 120 10, 310 245, 690 49. 270, 749 2,091 \ 224, 021 11, 669 278, 920 70, 492 241, 438 242, 798 2,524 124, 121 50 323, 594 85, 813 117, 251 60, 447 1, 562, 866 41, 567 304, 099 34, 938 77, 447 94, 555 51 349, 125 45, 839 ] 111, 848 76, 332 630, 615 68, 048 254, 723 47,448 58, 161 85, 496 52-. 84, 134 '26,602 30, 485 16, 321 406, 345 11, 223 82, 107 9,084 24,009 25, 530 53 75,918 17, 889 ' 15, 346 12, 185 319, 024 12, 111 69, 807 5,688 20, 040 15, 798 54 90, 720 14, 971 i 23, 306 15, 668 189, 244 12, 942 59, 209 13.611 20, 142 19, 741 55. 34, 922 12, 522 7, 059 6,702 220, 127 6,056 38, 394 2,616 14, 028 10, 585 56. ' Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 150 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 35 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Elmore LIVESTOCK, 1925 } Value of all livestock ...dollars..,!, 122, 268 Horses: j Total number i 2,636 Colts under 2 years of age. ' 391 Horses 2 years old and over ' 2, 245 Total value... .dollars..! 83,368 Mules: I Total number 112 Mule colts under 2 years of age 14 Mules 2 years old and over 98 Total value ...dollars.. 6,020 Cattle: Total number 11,836 Calves under 1 year of age. 3, 158 Heifers 1 year old and under 2 1,606 Dairy heifers 116 Beef heifers 1, 490 Cows 2 years old and over. 4, 771 Dairy cows. 657 Beef cows 4, 114 Steers 1 year old and over 2, 051 Bulls 1 year old and over 250 Total value .dollars.. 288, 210 Sheep: Total number 64,542 Lambs under 1 year of age. 7, 372 Ewes 1 year old and over 55, 680 Rams and wethers 1 year and over.. 1, Total value.. dollars.. 726,258 Goats : Total number. 34 Total value dollars.. 170 Swine: Total number. Pigs under 6 months of age. 403 Breeding sows, 6 months and over 142 All other hogs 146 Total value dollars.. 6,043 Chickens: Total number 14,331 Total value dollars.. 10, 462 1,737 Other livestock, estimated value. .dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced, 1 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 .gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924..-. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 ...pounds. Cream sold, 1924.. ...gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, • 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds. 1919. .pounds. Value of wool, 1924 .dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924.. dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 1,115 637 478 527, 395 356, 721 473 30, 104 75, 999 160 82, 230 58, 653 93, 241 719,874 561,112 274, 272 94, 694 60,046 24, 620 17, 598 17, 396 12, 143 Franklin 946, 093 5,779 793 4,986 249, 181 17 2 15 876 11,522 2,848 1,606 1,335 271 6,035 5,127 908 848 185 412, 494 17, 824 1,731 15, 651 442 196, 642 11 55 5,339 2,734 785 1,820 50, 507 45, 866 33, 941 Fremont Gem 2,397 4,857 4,759 2, 807, 346 2, 044, 794 578 55, 997 689, 353 3,993 146, 260 290, 985 12, 281 116,034 63, 624 44, 093 196, 765 194, 897 53, 127 1, 762, 782 738 6,908 327, 096 114 7 107 6,102 9,348 2,361 1,309 657 652 4,519 2,839 1,680 1,002 157 292, 203 89, 662 17, 937 68, 781 2,944 1, 035, 224 40 7,53» 3,151 1.323 3,065 73, 679 42, 565 25, 113 3,325 1, 019, 815 3,024 281 2,743 98, 320 366 61 305 19, 276 10, 153 2,944 1,272 602 670 4,750 2,611 2,139 992 195 281, 596 50, 725 9,402 40,440 883 561, 025 8 40 3,931 2,662 610 659 31, 027 33, 670 24, 579 3,952 3,115 2,744 371 2,835 2,400 435 1,485,855 :1, 550, 745 3,085,182 988,760 il, 063, 537 1,518,235 477 ; 547 589 135, 256 206, 233 6,991 60, 991 141, 773 53,927 378, 049 615 49, 017 180, 213 78,544 49,761 562,539 394,133 407,613 1,449,923 217, 140 1 150, 165 202,795 1 222,727 178,482 163,416 52,727 57,909 44,123 ! 43,672 53,300 41,237 I 50,083 46,826 22,062 20,089 I 36,777 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 — ^IDAHO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 151 Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi Lewis Lincoln Madison Minidoka 2, 165, 852 1,313,811 1,038,039 544, 578 769, 750 1, 737, 320 633, 096 674, 210 1, 188, 405 1,031,983 1 11,345 6,649 3,960 3,218 6,156 6,899 5,272 2,201 6,166 3,741 2 981 699 248 101 ■292 1,111 530 290 640 230 3 10,364 5,950 3,712 3,117 5,864 5,788 4,742 1,911 6,526 3,511 4 625, 637 283, 128 161,360 183,311 347, 412 221, 467 288, 286 86,642 262, 760 162, 522 5 540 51 118 86 283 117 186 80 125 180 6 87 11 32 8 55 33 74 21 50 49 7 453 40 86 78 228 84 112 59 76 131 8 35, 469 2,541 6,614 5,842 18, 278 5,322 10, 764 4,607 5,675 10, 083 9 26,290 13, 160 7,680 6,721 7,842 30, 227 6,081 5,890 9,937 7,565 10 7,527 3,599 2,098 1,602 1,957 8,116 1,779 1,532 2,116 1,770 11 3,137 2,331 1,200 879 1,122 3,811 737 741 1,189 982 12 359 899 1,071 701 465 266 224 456 663 881 13 2,778 1,432 129 178 657 3,545 513 285 626 101 14 11,332 5,718 3,952 4,016 4,428 14,033 2,880 2,722 4,648 3,836 15 2,044 3,364 3,763 3,369 2,248 1,502 1,416 2,113 2,756 3,537 16 9,288 2,354 189 647 2,180 12, 531 1.464 609 1,893 299 17 3,764 1,318 217 77 152 3,674 562 755 1,874 804 18 530 194 213 147 183 593 123 140 111 173 19 722, 960 388, 857 243, 130 268, 166 265, 690 730, 876 192, 023 177, 558 309, 046 242, 319 20 50, 016 42, 829 43, 260 1,187 1,490 60, 946 3,777 29, 596 44, 066 46, 092 21 3,290 7,817 2,354 387 304 7,222 649 560 2,168 6,387 22 45, 809 33, 554 39, 857 774 1,108 52, 387 3,043 26, 209 40, 898 39, 342 23 917 1.458 1,049 26 78 1,337 85 2,826 1.000 363 24 496, 471 496, 447 522, 280 11,354 14, 552 712, 895 36, 946 361, 299 624,677 545,933 25 146 8 10 54 135 4 24 13 4 26 1,022 40 50 378 945 20 168 65 20 27 20, 610 10, 856 8,409 1,822 6,206 4,761 6,883 3,388 6,436 4,463 28 11, 969 4,540 6,278 1,190 3,102 2,597 3,164 2,125 2.932 2,693 29 3, 145 1,704 1,267 387 1,125 695 1,137 518 1,060 634 30 5,496 4,612 1.864 245 1,979 1.469 2.582 746 2,443 1,236 31 215, 585 105, 758 73. 355 17, 875 69, 656 45. 366 79, 781 29, 670 61, 324 40,015 32 80, 493 47, 982 38. 618 67, 628 61,047 18, 993 29. 811 17, 702 36, 216 50, 268 33 66, 004 28,309 26, 260 55, 455 50, 059 15, 384 24, 445 12, 037 20, 777 34, 182 34 2,704 8,731 4,990 2,197 3,158 5,990 683 2,632 4,157 6,909 35 4,597 3,505 3,770 3,275 3,636 2,261 1,740 2,096 2,986 3,628 36 1,894 3,118 3,747 3,100 2,112 1,567 1,294 2,038 2,694 3,612 37 2,703 387 23 175 1,524 694 446 57 292 16 38 1, 443, 458 1, 612, 300 2, 220, 530 1, 745, 575 1, 919, 808 861,441 856, 080 1,122,920 1, 606, 468 1, 944, 608 39 1, 455, 882 985,507 902, 220 1, 617, 871 1, 603, 007 623, 696 506, 682 470, 460 1, 168, 678 1, 276, 616 40 314 460 589 533 528 381 492 536 538 636 41 149, 615 88, 812 58, 205 142, 843 171,186 64, 240 74, 280 42, 741 120, 268 53, 663 42 235,838 259, 415 538, 227 179, 148 107, 859 119,399 112,378 255. 928 231, 897 428, 334 43 2,797 15, 861 1,610 27, 018 66, 104 17, 035 5.171 3,355 12, 903 3,071 44 12, 537 59, 658 35,305 148, 930 171, 923 61, 887 27, 600 67,325 159, 049 286. 183 45 156, 013 155, 405 225, 195 194,313 238,110 105,577 85, 451 126. 538 169, 175 236, 090 46 47, 765 41, 715 36, 814 789 1,204 60, 702 3,180 29, 950 43, 704 49, 042 47 398, 978 371,285 321,249 5,758 11,771 564, 726 29, 479 223, 916 371, 040 382, 379 48 283, 813 252, 184 424,348 5, 935 31. 842 777, 231 23,658 469, 932 480, 088 406, 484 49 151,612 143, 316 123, 681 2,188 4,473 220, 243 11,202 86, 208 143, 221 147,216 60 405,604 235,448 200, 775 374, 186 239, 548 95, 459 156, 657 128, 360 161,637 312, 566 61 311,090 219, 137 169, 530 238, 362 403, 847 108, 202 104, 961 81, 704 195, 443 192, 703 52 125, 737 61, 216 54,209 115, 998 74, 260 25, 774 48, 564 34, 657 42. 026 84, 393 53 91,521 55,611 50, 744 87, 578 71, 303 24, 658 36, 429 21, 579 36, 484 56, 903 54 94, 747 58, 724 46, .533 60, 444 98, 009 26, 543 26, 656 26, 365 40, 662 50, 796 55 64, 065 25, 581 27, 909 61, 305 49,912 16.454 25. 500 11,868 16.783 31.297 66 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 11 152 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 35 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Nez Perce LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars Horses : Total number. , Colts under 2 years of age , Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number , Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers.. Beef heifers... Cows 2 years old and over. Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value ..dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number.. Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value. dollars. Chickens: Total number.. Total value. dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows mUked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919. gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924.. gallons. Vl^hole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,! 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,! 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Oneida 1,090,068 I 1,055,040 7,350 440, 950 546 70 476 36, 456 11, 458 2,789 1,321 440 881 5,310 2,318 2,992 1,815 223 361, 620 8,184 483 7,550 151 81, 315 161 10, 671 6,064 1,760 2,847 112, 911 62, 820 51, 512 5,143 2,930 2,191 739 1, 309, 710 1, 152, 123 447 135, 617 154, 125 8,679 68, 748 139, 403 5,901 57, 484 154, 838 21, 844 332, 381 252, 185 103, 038 87, 194 78, 143 61, 036 7,841 841 7,000 343, 025 294 145 149 12, 831 12, 619 3,099 1,717 312 1,405 6,367 1,475 4,892 1,244 192 357, 326 23, 831 3,437 19, 922 472 260, 227 3 15 5,051 2, 453 549 2,049 48, 550 41,511 30, 718 Owyhee 2, 267, 252 9,717 1,646 8,071 304, 042 257 58 199 13, 141 10, 444 4,495 421 4,074 17, 621 2,008 15, 613 5,787 651 956, 835 81, 693 6,720 73, 231 1,742 926, 733 20 100 4,011 2,342 575 1,094 34, 557 31, 156 22, 744 9,100 Payette ! Power 624,730 ! 861,335 2,816 6,713 183 I 829 2,633 5,884 92,816 291,389 311 71 240 15, 881 10, 218 2,192 1,155 745 410 4,772 3,281 1,491 1,919 180 307, 181 12, 114 4,623 7,112 379 127, 123 19 I 95 4,321 2,884 654 ' 783 34, 409 56,764 41, 438 5,787 123 373 24,201 • 9,358 2,391 1,207 337 870 4,415 1,958 2,457 1,175 170 282, 517 20, 257 5,446 14, 402 409 214, 881 10 50 2,094 966 471 657 20, 738 31, 141 23,044 4,515 2,271 1,208 1,063 378 987, 885 I 1, 182, 852 742,282 ! 533,715 435 ' 522 89, 275 97, 867 19, 431 162, 053 120, 416 21, 639 176, 397 112,301 67, 031 195, 475 207, 198 52, 778 56, 496 45, 704 28,248 53, 098 231, 861 4,275 43, 519 126, 885 84, 062 702, 887 1, 992, 784 267, 800 233, 016 108, 836 60, 584 39, 225 28, 340 27,065 3,147 I 3,100 ! 47 j 1,727,703 ' 1,424,405 549 25, 198 438, 698 1,271 9,273 185, 057 8,746 67,764 256, 147 25, 814 409, 325 191, 536 106, 425 75, 553 51, 313 52, 132 2,079 2,022 57 881, 496 644, 766 424 58, 013 145, 875 8,083 34, 370 89, 343 13, 025 118, 483 181, 902 45,024 159,442 199, 361 43,049 43, 193 49,44? 21, 597 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — •Continued 153 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Sho- shone Teton Twin Falls Valley Wash- ington LIVESTOCK, 1925 ! Value of ail Uvfestock..^...^...^ dollars.. HorseSt ! Total number_ 1 Colts under 2 years of age .-. Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over.. Total value-. dollars., Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age. Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers. Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over ... Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number... Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars- Goats: Total number. Total value doUars. Swine: Total number. Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over. All other hogs Total value... dollars. Chickens: Total number. Total value... dollars. Other livestock, estimated value.. dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924... Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924... gallons. 1919. gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924. gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 .. dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn.^ 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919. pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,* 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,» 1924 number. 1919 ...number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 75, 575 397 5 392 22, 861 24 2 22 1,638 1,082 285 99 76 23 663 585 78 10 25 43, 871 167 43 110 14 1,624 22 154 143 92 30 21 1,416 4,309 3,533 478 720, 943 3,972 420 3,552 169, 080 71 15 56 3,545 6,574 1,752 843 639 204 3,397 2,722 675 483 99 219, 999 24, 962 4,483 19, 819 660 289, 261 2 10 2,748 1,087 575 1,086 27, 374 17, 967 10, 601 1,073 2, 685, 190 12, 912 958 11, 954 523, 144 804 139 665 47, 673 31, 005 7,603 4,385 3,005 1,380 15, 069 10, 375 4,694 3,277 671 69, 064 12, 582 54,615 1,867 810, 988 37 185 26, 315 15, 836 3,460 7,019 236, 365 171, 962 116,934 16, 095 511 481 30 313, 754 328, 935 614 7,947 300 4,214 221, 587 55, 726 157 1,334 513 507 9,478 18, 462 2,938 4,106 4,376 2,874 2,796 2,709 87 1, 196, 688 1, 000, 098 428 53, 674 278, 541 30 40, 075 123, 802 22, 330 220, 733 122, 547 85, 203 102, 519 25, 865 17,841 25, 592 8,207 10, 107 9,809 298 5, 397, 138 3, 426, 081 534 299, 077 1, 171, 836 11, 746 276, 350 607, 224 60, 845 557, 277 1, 093, 843 214, 552 1, 136, 841 718, 402 306, 947 224, 410 178, 141 123, 426 301, 691 2,158 180 1,978 72, 290 75 18 57 3,462 7,500 1,954 1,106 529 577 3,225 2,035 1,190 1,067 148 204, 393 423 137 247 39 4,759 13 65 1, 518, 183 6,720 758 5,962 252, 124 362 125 237 15, 475 17, 163 4,642 2,280 923 1,357 8,169 4,343 3,826 1,739 333 486, 441 62, 151 5,034 55, 447 1,670 650, 732 645 195 59 11, 371 9,211 145 300 6,582 4,262 1,152 1,168 56, 267 60,987 42, 691 14, 153 2,079 1,968 111 1, 180, 872 532, 075 568 51, 730 221, "40 3,291 188,045 144, 657 4,703 4,088 615 2, 647, 789 1, 593, 805 563 8c^531 618, 523 3,791 84,180 288, 563 612 \ 83,655 4,640 ! 694,600 8,646 I 318,942 1,810 260,476 64, 746 30, 937 17, 481 10, 450 8,440 7,002 416, 509 240,129 108, 292 103, 495 92, 717 62, 097 a 3 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 154 CENSUS OF AGPvICULTUKE : 1926 IDAHO lyc^r.n: CoUNTY TaBLE IV.- — VaLUE OF CrOPS AND ACREAGE ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919_.. dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain... acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat ...acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed. .acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye... acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. .acres.. Alfalfa.-. acres.. Other tame grasses ..acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild... tons.. MisceUaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white .acres.. bushels.. Strawberries .-. .acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn acres.. Tomatoes... acres.. Watermelons acres.. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches trees of all ages. . bushels harvested.. Pears .trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. The St.\te 53, 566, 308 116,745,032 63,324 36, 551 1,121,202 7,810 53, 402 8,624 10, 339 809, 204 13, 241, 306 132,442 3, 479, 381 13.096 116,910 2, 826, 538 2.596 18, 931 355 2,051 65. 221 1, 162, 332 56, 241 97. 083 38. 197 6,143 724, 733 33.415 107, 430 332 98, 758 1, 879, 747 38, 881 260. 574 60.694 10,147,181 397 248 232 1,500 587 800 158 479 127,894 1, 760, 648 1,911.945 147.631 66. 264 71,177 719.008 114,748 Ada 1, 824, 933 5, 594, 634 4,976 1,847 52. 975 1.997 15, 289 419 713 9.699 253, 524 2.981 108, 899 272 4.304 134, 002 452 1,707 Adams Bannock 674,995 2,349,625 1,315,093 3,702.509 22 46,549 4 340 5,394 67 38, 839 161 1,316 428 95, 509 387 166 3,441 95 632 81 45 2,697 28,237 813 24,058 295 353 7,110 38 500 22, 331 1,102 7,513 265 34 10, 266 674 1,591 265 202 2,550 13 102 32 18 60,215 723,200 4,653 136, 232 130 4,398 70,531 170 872 Bear Lake 782, 806 1,622,172 51, 307 1,630 5,728 12' 37, 154 567 856 611 81, 829 5, 462 111.954 186, 870 6.426 1,129 3. 577 282. 096 14, 528 21, 394 1 3 117 11,281 8,777 154.850 340, 360 13,728 26, 704 6,139 1,800 865 5,360 96, 823 2,531 14, 779 2,121 376, 565 17 25 1,731 16, 633 10,005 734 287 1,144 2,413 14, 195 175, 686 2,511 62, 613 165 3,134 46, 443 11 100 44, 876 3,163 2,446 2 46 14, 092 6,138 274 19, 715 51, 259 291 1,475 147 10, 646 5 5,397 2,616 519 1,161 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 * 155 Benewah'' Bingham Blaine Boise Bonner Bonneville Bound- ary Butte Camas Canyon 626, 968 1, 238, 755 3, 913, 043 6, 679, 282 325,4 1, 048, £ 67 21 94, 583 308, 456 354, 123 772, 697 3, 681, 009 6, 290, 429 245, 776 398, 736 391, 008 867, 601 286, 678 698, 251 3, 682, 075 10, 539, 504 1 2 115 12 198 375 172 6,027 2 52 27 450 64 3 55 35 250 25 1 580 9,836 629 20, 718 267 15 139 46 6 370 20 258 6 14 31, 672 630,973 8,256 226, 183 536 2,167 66, 625 21 280 49 28 585 12, 856 9,210 260, 789 1,143 8, 683 1,048 1, 455 21, 626 623, 385 3,785 131, 564 230 9,952 320, 060 91 1,733 3 4 5 6 : :: 7 69 34 12, 722 214, 830 2,666 66, 240 1,427 359 5,799 61 142 19, 187 489, 989 6,682 192, 660 337 2,816 88, 280 46 377 2 10 16 746 11, 324 723 27, 442 22 136 2,154 3 27 20 1 1,004 27, 635 1,518 78, 130 2 35 724 5^ 8 q 2,376 30, 083 1,258 20, 900 182 651 9,759 2,496 41, 392 864 24, 344 147 1,162 24, 092 22, 055 147, 033 661 5,197 15 1,019 10, 026 30 200 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 60 600 19 ?0 79 47, 264 154 103 688 129 41, 423 1,773 379 3 10, 550 1,776 950 70 168 616 527 520 220 66,043 37 204 7,031 169 57, 155 384 820 3 240 148,784 ?1 10, 419 3,836 2,205 120 9 422 161 2,862 14 800 11, 322 18, 872 279 962 57 603 15, 459 579 173 6,687 444 1,372 10 146 4,215 26 399 22, 202 3,686 12, 354 1,005 77 677 1,063 1,704 40, 374 362 573 830 38 33, 246 1,060 3,546 91,044 5,186 43, 469 12, 368 2, 218, 192 13 2 19, 680 11,811 246 467 30 11 7,319 499 2,160 22 ?3 ?4 ?5 77 18, 173 632 133 26 27 28 29 30 2,615 117, 210 7,346 58, 357 12, 756 2, 337, 752 8 9 1 4 9 8 2 13 3,519 44, 991 12, 459 16 2 617 2,788 10 26,4 '60 125 76 4,906 1,636 17, 533 6,923 9,262 666 31,695 1,089 7,468 31 32 33 34 308 25, 027 6 12 78 4,104 52 4,053 2 1 457 37, 358 25 9 206 16, 502 7 7 130 8,104 1 1 27 1,303 5,850 966, 129 17 10 13 341 226 132 3 28 25,918 222, 536 178, 742 22, 150 9,883 8,288 95, 322 41, 794 35 36 37 6 6 38 3«> 2 3 11 6 5 3 2 2 62 5 6 3 1 5,455 30,862 24, 922 330 22 1,986 2,308 280 7 6 2 1 1 1 7 1 3 40 1 1 41 1 12 42 43 2 1,349 5,714 4,356 218 23 432 983 106 44 237 2,053 180 101 1,572 1,168 406 96 158 315 188 2,221 30, 047 14, 220 23 20 948 1,790 12 672 9,384 4,671 76 73 266 49 292 30 46 46 47 48 4q 30 65 440 349 13 2 50 60 177 51 156 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Caribou Cassia VALUE OF CROPS i Value of crops with production reported i in 1924 dollars.. 328,903 2,148,156 Value of same crops in 1919... dollars..} 489, 199 5, 158, 584 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 \ Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage t Harvested for grain acres..] bushels..! Cut for silage acres..!, tons.. I Cut for fodder .acres..! Hogged oflf— acres.. Wheat acres..! 5, 429 bushels..! 68,901 Oats threshed for grain. ...acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed ...acres.. Barley.. acres.. bushels.. Rye .acres.. bushels.. Flaxseed— acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mLxed.. acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grain scut for hay.- .acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay... acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms.. acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Strawberries. acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn. Tomatoes Watermelons .acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. 1,446 34, 030 85 6,098 97, 579 134 1,178 16,850 262 1,068 15 4,907 821 1,586 8,191 16, 098 10 488 2,353 762 17, 715 22 132 300 1,269 19, 707 328, 945 1,650 55, 001 58 2,916 86, 278 156 1,560 205 285 1,369 1,363 710 35, 203 6,010 1,622 9 3,128 95,830 3,885 20,341 3,624 726, 124 4 1,795 17,099 12, 398 3,029 1,836 1,775 6,628 284 Clark 109, 989 464,649 640 3,494 413 7,887 67 ! 145 1.971 Clear- water 344, 731 581, 767 12, 678 3,145 230 5 6,113 849 309 2,027 10, 558 2,134 43 1,321 438 11, 665 179 1,033 200 62 3,848 69, 107 2,269 57, 564 49 689 15, 542 12, 105 3,160 2,763 332 16 1,923 61 3,640 3 207 9.493 274 25, 491 22 10, 387 15, 334 500 84 1,746 1,803 1,349 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 — ^IDAHO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 167 Elmore Franklin Fremont Gem Gooding Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah 245,338 979, 646 1, 241, 322 1, 955, 363 1, 572, 080 1, 773. 291 728,471 1, 974, 814 664, 740 2, 254, 057 2, 594, 891 3, 885, 614 1, 328, 555 2, 619, 261 1, 178, 962 i 970, 693 2, 287, 814 2,649,774 1,686,264 6,099,581 5,379 24 72 25 27 3,185 23,354 116 1,229 45 263 5,863 16, 162 149 1,118 240 1 11, 922 50 1,716 20, 680 177 13, 138 1 265 2,948 976 486 323 235 1,225 357 67 10 245 23 195 3 31 27, 323 349, 781 1,999 60, 177 76 1,836 36, 603 79 20, 936 227 574 19,468 38 146 394 46, 625 5,124 32, 508 397 45, 564 5 560 17, 159 9,572 8,660 1,551 958 2,361 764 36 1 30 15 150 19 1 46,049 617, 761 10, 630 190, 333 704 1,993 28, 196 47 137 140 675 22, 412 1,803 1,412 57 397 15, 156 647 917 4 2,019 29, 612 352 2,772 2,567 417, 666 8 433 4,523 2,673 146 640 1,966 1,459 41, 757 373 2,736 83 51 2,677 48, 793 1,426 48, 632 50 1,240 33,542 16, 977 4 1,610 1,361 36 12, 265 221 1,033 668 501 166 32, 197 3 104 32 7 31 2 160 2,034 98, 395 135, 804 36, 662 8,967 3,697 90,593 13, 852 1,460 761 21, 253 298 2,269 70 321 2,214 35, 746 21, 812 38 3,190 68, 484 22 2,705 841 18, 313 385 1,226 1,010 67, 986 1, 188, 391 7,867 176, 850 652 16, 956 326, 383 56 526 35, 167 1,142 118 33, 614 44 203 48, 683 347 32, 897 2 2,268 23,727 4,168 6,909 883 1,037 5,470 10,645 16 132 83 43, 488 7,270 2,446 1,466 296 7,840 742 22, 236 29 1,164 34, 025 682 48,421 3,039 37, 227 23, 180 1,691 896 4,062 6,723 6,116 8,843 199, 377 3,340 90, 103 199 1,007 24, 308 31, 290 200 20 481 28, 132 216 631 1,710 66, 887 2,955 20, 761 3,666 435, 191 4 16 1,231 26,964 12, 236 32 20 1,213 2,684 2,216 1,102 36, 676 261 1,789 234 619 238, 000 759 23, 560 15 5,179 168, 327 36 400 1,636 144 2,- 675 442 1,518 830 120 13, 751 192, 583 4,850 86,354 1,028 208 2,756 117 866 2, 662 I 30, 946 80 2,368 44 28, 173 35 243 2 52,640 348 922 788 178, 666 20, 266 2,114 4,666 1,077 327 1,997 84 9,466 65 470 16, 391 4,593 22, 303 10, 366 1,509 1,419 828 2,074 281 976 66, 808 10, 765 162, 416 3,314 2,751 1,328 948 366 8,666 191 795 317 74 43, 036 1, 072, 875 14,911 419, 114 1,235 1,260 30, 699 1 22 7,281 31, 603 4,626 4,019 379 377 16, 562 123 6,346 126 56 30,884 746 78, 761 23 1,481 23, 908 13, 670 763 129 4,244 6,966 127 158 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — IDAHO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lemhi Lewis Lincoln Madison i Mini- dolra 1 2 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924.... dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. acreage and production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Com, total acreage Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres 871, 245 1, 489, 435 1,886,043 3, 090, 694 284.136 1,338,222 1,218,279 1,666,717 1,277,487 3,325,894 3 4 5 5 4 65 1,385 231 4,680 181 1, 035 550 423 59,582 1,002,221 4,914 120,452 201 10, 102 224,057 100 54 308 3,597 17,931 3,084 651 119 184 1,258 59 12,511 4 61 14,794 43 39 995 7 3,414 2,114 47,968 67 510 247 986 3,523 83,693 988 34,538 95 1,962 65,761 18 256 6 5 50 2 25,607 297, 376 4,810 143.108 21 1,267 20,087 7 tons 8 Cut for fodder ...acres 1 3 3,965 70, 477 590 11,750 115 894 19, 955 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hogged off... - acres.. Wheat. ..acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain.. acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye ...acres.. bushels.. 1 1,797 40,420 2,082 69,027 2,946 60 18 19 H692 2 30 17,813 4 15 71" 17, 110 75 318 2 218 36,622 3,416 28,985 1,346 176,225 2 ?n bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothv alone. acres 1 41,454 782 12,726 222 49 17,484 5,933 566 2 3,690 62,760 21 22 23 1,182 22,893 ?4 Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses .acres.. Small grains cut for hav acres 25 1? 28 29 274 126 14,132 32 128 1,854 66 20,753 46 174 fif) Annual legumes cut for hay acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres 31 32 33 13,626 63,304 3,426 16,912 2,639 438,603 20 3 34 tons ::.: ..::... 25 36 37 38 Potatoes, white. .acres.. bushels.. Strawberries acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. 431 78,513 6 3 517 34,561 2 1 2 13 1 5 618 15,029 6,290 280 279 951 1,063 122 179 34,489 2 3<> 40 Lettuce .acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons ...acres.. Orchard fruits: Apples. trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches.- trees of all ages.. bu-'hels harvest^.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. 1 1 3 1 1 559 9,683 5,468 33 36 480 1,036 31 1 2 2 i 41 42 43 44 1 1 3 8 7 45 46 47 46 49 50 51 52 213 2,228 5,533 62 20 191 867 6 410 18,758 26,485 12 25 246 1,165 1,428 18,007 1,559 608 23 1,122 3,058 449 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUBE: 1925 — IDAHO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 159 Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Sho- shone Teton Twin Falls Valley Wash- ington 2, 310, 314 5, 314, 921 1, 365, 952 1,795,857 1, 078, 123 2, 829, 197 756,836 3, 872, 291 1, 070, 175 1, 200, 302 36, 256 104, 903 836, 452 703, 684 4, 209, 615 12, 255, 495 259, 019 460, 258 852, 937 3. 010, 494 1 2 7,070 3,566 85, 778 506 1,946 2,200 798 59, 356 1, 079, 344 6,128 148, 618 181 8,949 184, 103 101 893 3 1,481 1,077 37, 605 22 186 170 212 1,263 38,604 427 15, 535 43 1,053 47, 495 74 1,250 2,557 1,741 64. 302 597 4,435 81 138 2,841 71,411 1,035 38, 638 155 1,318 38, 859 49 834 267 73 1,580 9 20 10 175 62,813 594, 356 617 17, 163 35 1,547 25, 057 346 2,085 2 1 10 10, 935 8,231 335, 719 533 5,545 361 1,810 28, 138 907, 962 2,285 99, 030 193 8,805 341, 926 19 77 5 110 2, 515 1,703 51,466 374 2,647 131 307 12, 260 141, 641 569 20, 220 177 3,525 76, 651 116 855 s -1 5 (S 7 1 8 3 64,978 740, 449 743 25, 949 29 1,401 20, 803 304 1.080 1 2,028 16, 629 6,367 116,319 2,618 365 6,095 37 195 65 272 q 5 90 63 1,015 8 4 100 25, 656 310, 349 10, 497 201, 990 568 925 20, 301 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "0 8,875 25, 497 1,553 1,084 781 385 7,445 58 14, 134 19 38 25, 149 1 22,436 61 61 50 93 35, 190 1,723 2,766 27 98 22, 192 595 131 6 10, 260 39 145 2,003 105 6,594 197 1,039 10 128 26, 896 25 16, 097 39, 240 61, 928 214 401 6,791 272 51, 804 247 520 23 1,656 143, 094 3,153 16. 634 3,227 781, 251 22 15 2 7 133 10 3 76 9,604 201,963 150, 020 16. 895 4, 975 5,904 26, 603 12, 667 14 24,359 99 613 285 83 17, 392 359 5,134 4 390 43, 206 79 481 180 24, 409 2 14 11 25 12 24 4 33 1,556 72, 649 88, 855 3,641 1,678 489 30, 440 1,303 ■^l 2,466 900 1,178 7 8 84 '"'231' 4 54 2,047 20, 512 1,317 7,642 148 44 7,456 737 1, 450 19, 238 6,473 6,457 251 22 ?3 314 33 100 7,032 607 4,375 24 25 ''6 15, 294 702 1,569 221 474 2,489 15 2,858 13, 431 27 28 29 30 4,609 33,261 788 2,185 110 9,259 7,658 85, 183 3,636 22, 040 1,718 25, 907 31 32 3S 177 7,489 3 4 ^4 661 54, 760 16 9 35 688 12 36 79 70 8,339 52, 076 64. 331 11,915 1,796 4,158 18, 587 3, 754 855 200, 770 2 1 3 54 2 5 221 39, 185 10 4 24 145 8 249 2 14 17, 325 260, 641 210, 565 1,496 330 1,809 107, 130 1,896 174 23, 259 1 3 58 3,253 10 9 276 40, 590 35 36 ^7 1 1 38 39 1 1 1 40 7 2 3 1 41 2 49 43 1 39 807 477 21 27 55 304 7 1,913 15, 707 12, 216 2,571 50 2,273 3,364 1,542 44 919 4,955 6,828 394 220 1,484 1.387 6 144 334 406 45 1 46 85 45 50 55 46 47 48 49 449 612 183 235 79 50 51 5'' 160 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 IDAHO County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Ada Ad- ams Ban- nock Bear Lake Bene- wah Bing- ham Blaine Boise 1 2 3 4 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 vears of age and over Male .- 172, 216 46, 142 126, 074 69, 064 57, 010 8,600 1,862 6,738 3,574 3,164 1,741 354 1,387 799 588 8,238 2,583 5,655 3,074 2,581 4,076 1,182 2,894 1,530 1,364 1,853 428 1,425 820 605 10, 398 3,166 7,232 3,935 3,297 1,390 387 1,003 566 437 777 179 598 346 252 5 Female White farm population 6 168, 268 45, 018 123, 250 67, 561 55, 689 3,948 1,124 2,824 1,503 1,321 8,538 1,853 6,685 3,524 3,161 62 9 53 50 3 1,741 354 1,387 799 588 7,502 2,368 5,134 2,791 2,343 736 215 521 283 238 4,076 1,182 2,894 1,530 1,364 1,800 407 1,393 804 589 53 21 32 16 16 9,670 3,002 6,668 3,621 3,047 728 164 564 314 250 1,379 387 992 558 434 11 777 179 598 346 252 7 8 q Under 10 years of age.. 10 years of age and over Male 10 Female .... 11 1? Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over Male 13 14 ii 8 3 15 Female Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male 16 17 18 19 126, 851 31, 543 95, 308 52, 272 43, 036 124, 574 30, 943 93, 631 51, 388 42, 243 2,277 600 1,677 884 793 2,932 789 2,143 1,178 965 2,054 582 1,472 854 618 878 207 671 324 347 42, 433 13, 810 28, 623 15,614 13, 009 41, 640 13, 493 28, 147 15, 319 12, 828 793 317 476 295 181 5,518 990 4,528 1 2,375 1 2, 153 ' 5,518 990 4,528 2,375 2,153 1,446 279 1,167 686 481 1,446 279 1,167 686 481 6,785 2,058 4,727 2,574 2,153 6,189 1,902 4,287 2,339 1,948 596 156 440 235 205 61 19 42 24 18 43 12 31 17 14 18 7 11 7 1,392 606 886 476 410 1,270 454 816 435 381 122 52 70 41 29 3,848 1,091 2,757 1,458 1,299 3,848 1,091 2,757 1,458 1,299 21 6 15 8 7 21 6 15 8 7 207 85 122 64 58 207 85 122 64 58 1,328 279 1,049 607 442 1,300 269 1,031 598 433 28 10 18 9 9 11 1 10 7 3 8 g- 6 2 3 1 2 1 1 514 148 366 206 160 492 138 354 200 154 22 10 12 6 6 7,321 2,054 5,267 2,866 2,401 6,651 1,909 4,742 2,576 2,166 670 145 525 290 235 53 13 40 30 10 53 13 40 30 10 1,118 301 817 457 360 1,114 301 813 454 359 4 679 146 533 313 *z20 679 146 533 313 220 ?.o Female 21 22 23 ?4 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 25 Female 26 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 27 28 4 3 1 15 4 11 5 6 15 4 11 5 6 29 30 Female . Population on managed farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 31 32 33 34 176 55 121 66 55 176 55 121 66 55 1 4 11 3 8 4 4 35 Female 36 37 38 39 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.. .. . . 40 Female 41 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 2,906 817 2,089 1,133 956 2,844 808 2,036 1,083 953 62 9 53 5? 3 284 72 212 109 103 284 72 212 109 103 3,024 1,099 1,925 1,039 886 2,966 1,080 1,886 1,015 871 58 19 39 24 15 257 82 175 104 71 250 82 168 99 69 7 98 33 65 33 32 98 33 65 33 32 50 Female 51 52 53 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 55 Female 56 57 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male 58 59 7 5 2 60 Female CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 IDAHO BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 161 Bon- ner Bonne- ville Bound- ary Butte Cam- as Can- yon Cari- bou Cassia Clark Clear- water Cus- ter El- more Frank- lin 4,148 948 3,200 1,847 1,353 7,040 2,186 4,854 2,676 2,178 1,187 289 898 501 397 1,254 335 919 529 390 926 248 678 372 306 12,879 3,134 9,745 5,226 4,519 797 245 552 317 235 7,099 2,250 4,849 2,652 2,197 668 175 493 280 213 1,940 503 1,437 816 621 1,477 365 1,112 666 446 1,328 298 1,030 621 409 5,271 1,681 3,590 1,872 1,718 1 2 3 4 5 4,148 948 3,200 1,847 1,353 6,789 2,062 4,727 2,604 2,123 251 124 127 72 55 1,187 289 898 501 397 1,254 335 919 529 390 926 248 678 372 306 12,816 3,118 9,698 5,206 4,492 63 16 47 20 27 786 243 543 312 231 11 2 9 5 4 7,089 2,247 4,842 2,649 2,193 10 3 7 3 4 668 175 493 280 213 1,837 472 1,365 781 584 103 31 72 35 37 1,477 365 1,112 666 446 1,325 298 1,027 618 409 3 5,271 1,681 3,590 1,872 1,718 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 3 13 14 15 3,672 807 2,865 1,658 1,207 3,672 807 2,865 1,658 1,207 39 12 27 16 11 39 12 27 16 11 437 129 308 173 135 437 129 308 173 135 4,681 1,363 3,318 1,826 1,492 4,620 1,325 3,295 1,814 1,481 61 38 23 12 11 88 32 56 33 23 80 28 52 31 21 - 8 4 \ 2 2,271 791 1,480 817 663 2,089 709 1,380 759 621 182 82 100 58 42 1,027 247 780 436 344 1,027 247 780 436 344 907 224 683 393 290 907 224 683 393 290 789 204 585 324 261 789 204 585 324 261 8,473 1,802 6,671 3,582 3,089 8,434 1,797 6,637 3,569 3,068 39 5 34 13 21 181 55 126 69 57 181 55 126 69 57 672 208 464 270 194 663 206 457 266 191 9 2 7 4 3 14 1 13 8 5 14 1 13 8 5 5,054 1,516 3,538 1,947 1,591 5,054 1,516 3,538 1,947 1,591 562 145 417 241 176 562 145 417 241 176 1,436 349 1,087 625 462 1,411 336 1,075 619 456 25 13 12 6 6 95 23 72 36 36 19 6 13 8 5 76 17 59 28 31 409 131 278 155 123 407 130 277 154 123 2 1 1 1 1,177 269 908 538 370 1,177 269 908 538 370 _ 1,115 231 884 637 347 1,114 231 883 536 347 1 4,761 1,487 3,274 1,701 1,573 4,761 1,487 3,274 1,701 1,573 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 — -. 1 1 28 29 30 24 5 19 11 8 24 5 19 11 8 4 84 34 50 27 23 84 34 50 27 23 51 15 36 19 17 51 15 36 19 17 54 15 39 24 15 54 15 39 24 15 3 3- 2 1 3 3" 2 1 27 8 19 10 9 27 8 19 10 9 31 32 4 4 33 34 35 4 36 37 4 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 I 44 45 136 37 99 54 45 136 37 99 54 45 343 111 232 132 100 343 111 232 132 100 137 44 93 48 45 137 44 93 48 45 4,225 1,277 2,948 1,575 1,373 4,201 1,266 2,935 1,568 1,367 24 11 13 7 6 111 36 75 39 36 109 36 73 38 35 2 -- 1 1 1,961 700 1,261 678 583 1,951 697 1,254 675 579 10 3 7 3 4 55 15 40 20 20 55 15 40 20 20 246 81 165 104 61 246 81 165 104 61 210 67 143 82 61 208 67 141 80 61 2 483 186 297 161 136 483 186 297 161 136 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2 2 58 59 ' [ 1 fiO 1 I 162 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Fre- mont Gem Good- ing Idaho Jeffer- son Je- rome Koo- tenai Latah Lem- hi 1 2 3 4 All farm populatioi\^ total-- Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male - 4,375 1,240 3,135 1, 752 1,383 2,736 643 2,093 1,168 925 1 3,690 975 2.715 1,474 1,241 6,071 1,566 4,505 2,547 1,958 5,368 1,643 3,725 2,031 1,694 3,577 1,092 2,485 1,358 1,127 4,798 987 3,811 2,108 1,703 6,097 1,114 3,983 2,158 1,825 2,053 470 1,583 945 638 fi Female White farm population . 6 4,336 1,226 3,110 1,738 1,372 39 14 25 14 11 2,730 642 2,088 1,165 923 6 1 5 • 3 2 3,690 975 2,715 1,474 1,241 5,797 1,492 4,305 2,454 1,851 274 74 200 93 107 5,332 1,633 3,699 2,014 1,685 36 10 26 17 9 3,577 1,092 2,485 1,358 1,127 4,786 987 3,799 2,101 1,698 12 6,092 1,114 3,978 2,155 1,823 5 2,050 470 1,680 944 636 3 7 8 9 Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male-- TO Female 11 Colored farm population 12 Under 10 years of age- 10 years of age and over Male-— 13 14 12 7 5 5 3 2 3 1 2 M\ Female . _ . Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.- 16 17 18 19 3,105 818 2,287 1,262 1,025 3,105 818 2,287 1,262 1,025 2,034 416 1,618 904 714 2,028 415 1,613 901 712 6 1 5 3 2 68 15 53 32 21 68 15 53 32 21 2,271 561 1,710 924 786 2,271 661 1,710 924 786 147 28 119 72 47 147 28 119 72 47 4,699 1,130 3, 569 2,037 1,532 4,539 1,091 3,448 1,981 1,467 160 39 121 56 65 130 42 88 46 42 38 14 24 15 9 92 28 64 31 33 1,242 394 848 464 384 1,220 387 833 458 375 22 7 15 6 9 4,118 1,205 2,913 1,588 1,325 4,112 1,203 2,909 1,586 1,323 6 2 4 2 2 48 16 32 16 16 48 16 32 16 16 1,682 445 1,237 664 573 1,682 445 1,237 664 573 4,091 788 3,303 1,831 1,472 4,088 788 3,300 1,828 1,472 3 4,116 809 3,307 1,796 1,511 4,111 809 3,302 1,793 1,509 5 1,615 352 1,263 769 494 1,612 352 1,260 768 492 3 20 Female , 21 22 23 24 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 25 Female 2fi Colored farm population 27 Under 10 years of age. 28 10 years of age and over 3 3 5 3 2 8 1 7 6 1 8 1 7 6 1 3 1 2 97 20 77 47 30 97 20 77 47 30 29 Male-- W Female. 31 32 33 34 Population on managed farms. - Under 10 years of age.- _ 10 years of age and over Male-. . 174 59 115 66 49 174 59 115 66 49 23 4 19 11 8 23 4 19 11 8 27 7 20 11 9 27 7 20 11 9 35 Female 36 37 38 39 White farm population.- - Under 10 years of age-- - 10 years of age and over Male 40 Female. 41 Colored farm population 42 Under 10 years of age. 43 10 years of age and over 44 Male 45 Female .- "" 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male- 1,096 363 733 424 309 1,057 349 708 410 298 39 14 25 14 11 634 212 422 232 190 634 212 422 232 190 1,272 386 886 478 408 1,272 386 886 478 408 1,202 422 780 427 353 1,172 414 758 412 346 30 8 22 15 7 1,872 643 1,229 683 546 1,872 643 1,229 683 646 680 192 488 266 222 671 192 479 262 217 9 973 304 669 356 313 973 304 669 356 313 341 98 243 129 114 341 98 243 129 114 ,50 Female 51 52 53 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.-.. 55 Female 56 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 57 58 9 4 5 59 m Female CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 IDAHO Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 163 I Lewis Lin- coln Madi- son Mini- doka Nez Perce Onei- da Owy- hee Pay- ette Power Sho- shone Teton ?SS valley Wash- ington 2,801 G55 2,146 1,163 983 ,335 394 941 525 416 4,356 1,440 2,916 1,580 1,336 4,113 1,129 2,984 1,612 1,372 5,604 1,295 4,309 2,292 2,017 4,503 1,405 3,098 1,647 1,451 3,055 779 2,276 1,347 929 3,151 671 2,480 1,301 1,179 2,619 699 1,920 1,051 869 539 114 425 240 185 2,200 679 1,521 809 712 11,333 3,015 8,318 4,484 3,834 1,478 341 1,137 683 454 4,277 998 3,279 1,770 1,509 1' 2' 3 4 5 2,642 618 2,024 1,105 919 159 37 122 58 64 1,335 394 941 525 416 4,224 1,377 2,847 1,537 1,310 132 63 69 43 26 4,082 1,113 2,969 1,604 1,365 31 16 15 8 7 4,913 1,143 3,770 2,033 1,737 691 152 639 259 280 4,496 1,402 3,094 1,645 1,449 7 3 4 2 2 2,857 690 2,167 1,288 879 198 89 109 59 50 3,151 671 2,480 1,301 1,179 2,332 636 1,696 935 761 287 63 224 116 108 639 114 425 240 185 2,200 679 1,521 809 712 11,304 3,000 8,304 4,477 3,827 29 16 14 7 7 1,478 341 1,137 683 454 4,269 996 3,273 1,766 1,507 8 2 6 4 2 6 7 8 9 10 IT 1? 13 14 h'V 1,921 372 1,549 841 708 1,770 - 341 1,429 784 645 151 31 120 57 63 848 222 626 346 280 848 222 626 346 280 7 3 4 3 1 7 3 4 3 1 3,352 1,062 2,290 1,229 1,061 3,343 1,059 2,284 1,225 1,059 9 3 6 4 9 5 4 2 2 9 5 4 2 2 2,536 581 1,965 1,050 905 2,523 674 1,949 1,047 902 13 7 6 3 3 24 10 14 7 7 24 10 14 7 7 3,425 695 2,730 1,478 1,252 3,420 695 2,725 1,475 1,250 5 4,194 1,299 2,895 1,534 1,361 4,192 1,299 2,893 1,633 1,360 2 2,387 586 1,801 1,077 724 2,189 497 1,692 1,018 674 198 89 109 59 50 25 3 22 18 4 25 3 22 18 4 2,374 424 1,950 1,026 924 2,374 424 1,950 1,026 924 63 20 33 18 15 53 20 33 18 15 1,899 458 1,441 768 673 1,628 403 1,225 657 568 271 65 216 111 105 26 6 20 13 7 26 6 20 13 7 481 98 383 217 166 481 98 383 217 166 1,956 590 1,366 721 645 1,956 590 1,366 721 645 6,952 1,643 5,309 2,852 2,467 6,943 1,639 6,304 2,849 2,455 9 4 5 3 2 190 55 135 70 65 190 56 135 70 65 1,200 264 936 567 369 1,200 264 936 567 369 3,226 676 2,651 1,377 1,174 3,223 676 2,548 1,375 1,173 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 97 5 3 2 707 155 552 267 285 26 6 21 12 9 681 160 631 255 276 1,472 445 1,027 547 480 1,467 443 1,024 546 478 5 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 i" 1 1 -. 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 119 28 91 53 38 119 28 91 53 38 '>S 9q 30 19 5 14 9 5 19 5 14 9 5 16 6 10 6 4 16 6 10 6 4 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 \f 43 441 45 880 283 597 322 275 872 277 595 321 1 274 8 6 2 1 1 480 169 311 176 135 480 169 311 176 135 995 373 622 349 273 872 313 559 310 249 123 60 63 39 24 1,553 538 1,016 555 460 1,535 529 1,006 550 456 18 9 9 5 4 308 106 202 112 90 303 103 200 111 89 5 3 2 1 1 643 190 453 262 201 643 190 453 252 201 724 227 497 257 240 724 227 497 257 240 694 236 469 270 189 678 227 451 265 186 16 8 8 5 3 39 11 28 14 14 39 11 28 14 14 228 83 145 82 63 228 83 145 82 63 4,191 1,317 2,874 1,562 1,312 4,171 1,306 2,865 1,568 1,307 20 11 9 4 5 276 77 199 116 84 276 77 199 115 84 932 295 637 340 297 927 293 634 338 296 5 2 3 2 1 46 47 48 49 50 61 62' 53 64 65 67 "iS 1 59 60 164 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 IDAHO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Ada Adams Ban- nock Bear Lake Bene- wah Bing. ham 1 Total number of farms, 1925 40, 592 2,193 437 2,214 799 477 2,293 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: ? 7,361 4,642 817 5,948 14, 446 9,668 6,988 140 22 90 409 2,369 2,319 3,289 3,094 400 25, 236 865 6,201 32, 305 3,463 13, 217 617 430 156 542 506 643 233 219 8,771 16, 251 5,486 8,388 10, 237 2,387 673 343 210 57 658 351 436 6 80 47 16 19 47 62 30 3 39 18 3 594 692 395 252 9 25 3 122 62 3 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage 5 Winter wheat . . 58 310 205 152 2 82 74 153 11 66 1,369 946 347 3 6 Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed » Barley 9 Rye 10 Flaxseed n Soy beans 8 2 1 3 16 17 10 2 78 8 1,854 26 46 1,896 840 1,440 8 9 1 4 10 9 4 3 769 598 5 128 194 1 ^'> Cowpeas 5 4 1 13 405 6 1,504 10 113 1,620 """177' 56 25 16 37 52 61 25 12 681 1,221 800 643 912 435 13 12 58 118 19 6 287 25 100 386 1 174 29 20 8 ....... 21 11 6 181 273 102 145 163 70 3 55 106 .. 1,214 21 69 1,291 171 399 20 11 ........ 14 Hay crops: Timothy alone. 140 4 549 106 27 687 82 152 11 4 165 124 15 4 56 15 168 402 ""186' 13 16 15 Timothy and clover mixed 16 17 18 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 1Q Other tame grasses ?n Small grains cut for hay ?i Production of hay of all kinds ??. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?3 Potatoes, white ?A Strawberries ?5 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages ?fi ?7 Lettuce ... ... 12 18 9 g- 1 8 12 ?.R Onions (dry) W Sweet corn 30 Tomatoes 31 Watermelons 1 142 189 45 100 106 12 3? AH other crops 192 387 44 189 240 97 255 '""119" 149 33 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 34 Peach trees 35 Pear trees . . . . 36 Plum and prune trees 37 Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 38 35, 506 10, 771 26, 902 18, 234 31,931 6,075 316 22, 216 31, 669 1,704 282 1,778 1,248 1,856 244 17 913 1,852 388 211 219 144 362 106 7 226 355 1,942 472 1,139 775 1,236 300 8 1,034 1,242 738 309 520 410 646 115 3 489 618 404 178 236 142 361 31 5 186 359 2,118 452 1,666 1,165 1,701 392 4 1,408 1,686 3Q Cattle: Beef cattle.. 40 Dairy cows 41 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 4? Cows milked 43 Sheep 44 Goats . ... 4fi Swine 46 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 47 48 49 27, 536 2,843 4,114 291 96, 174 5,672 96" 18 309 42 41 3 2,396 174 2,867 202 771 22 6,760 289 1 6' 1 12 3 50 61 52 36 6 12 2 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 IDAHO 165 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Blaine Boise Bonner Bonne- viUe «°-*- Butte Camas Canyon Cari- bou Cassia Clark Clear- water 286 200 1,107 1,540 304 288 251 3,145 191 1,380 150 438 1 2 14 Ifi ■0 2 2 116 923 727 187 3 31 12 1,410 1,063 139 104 1,349 530 912 12 ... 84 67 91 8 240 98 3 103 734 302 344 11 8 12 21 10 141 76 22 46 99 110 34 2 9 2 3 5 82 22 105 5 4 3 101 65 36 17 26 33 14 1 21 44 46 7 1 7 101 66 64 97 117 32 34 1 5 6 7 I 1 10 1 21 25 10 31 4 15 619 11 2,565 23 105 2,678 10 28 i" 108 20 66 152 1 16 55 9 32 109 29 1,074 96 85 1,194 297 643 11 7 11 11 ::::: i:: ::::: 2 3 77 80 9 16 76 10 114 272 1 42 3 i' 45 15 14 103 3 71 127 106 24 5 123 3 262 387 12 13 13 15 3 3 224 9 10 241 17 40 2 2 141 3 32 160 131 713 67 11 99 38 223 935 17 15 68 3 1,160 18 52 1,217 369 880 13 4 -. 243 6 12 250 13 9 2 2 131 10 59 173 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 68 1 54 6 2 569 96 53 206 18 21 55 1 1 34 10 699 9 14 15 87 109 43 8 16 296 1,474 1,076 781 1,047 721 14 16 138 10 6 2 3 6 13 10 13 76 283 51 238 242 49 23 24 25 26 1 3 46 37 37 23 2 518 641 74 347 348 34 4 6 6 4 5 3 15 5 2 i' -- 4 ?7 1 - - 9 5 28 29 30 31 20 51 48 92 34 37 49 15 526 508 4 165 214 1 222 120 16 86 71 2 6 11 3 14 300 639 270 387 508 27 4 15 .. 8 1 32 33 34 9 ! 1 1 2 35 36 37 1 778 160 743 483 798 26 4 296 802 1,389 527 830 572 1,212 331 1,060 1,211 249 67 205 177 220 11 1 138 231 263 119 148 116 240 91 5 193 231 214 111 127 92 201 53 """129' 192 2,667 280 2,614 1,821 2,680 391 28 1,637 2,639 175 65 120 82 157 54 2 107 150 1,242 430 1,052 711 1,169 370 9 931 1,140 133 101 43 32 133 35 2 90 112 390 209 241 122 349 53 17 234 366 273 182 i 144 119 I 254 i 110 207 1 260 184 124 63 34 150 26 4 84 162 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 1 201 18 5,365 56 700 1 7 1,247 ISfi 4 1 6 2 1,371 47 1 184 438 48 653 1 545 i 4Q 52 . 22 4.136 275 1 42 3 32 6,706 357 50 10 1 1,103 64 15,820 840 741 73 35 3 167 20 8 1 43 7 51 52 166 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 IDAHO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Woodland 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Custer El- more Frank- lin Fre- mont Gem Good- ing Idaho 1 Total number of farms, 1925 333 407 1,031 1,207 636 901 1,508 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes ? 50 42 1 21 30 9 13 16 4 4 425 288 300 214 3 1 4 1 1 77 715 472 98 3 4 217 182 28 68 109 127 103 222 147 36 9 209 86 262 3 2 302 123 32 606 604 432 457 5 3 1 24 38 422 174 90 , 13 538 46 1,057 1,366 s 4 Cut for silage f) 6 54 68 31 6 Spring wheat 7 .Oats threshed or cut when ripe and 8 Barley q Rye 10 Flaxseed n Soy beans 1? Cowpeas 1 40 34 5 12 669 31 69 648 33 297 18 . 10 21' 26 33 15 463 227 49' 92 .. 1 50 125 5 407 19 96 509 3 2 78" 6 769 2. 35 785 13 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 1 13 24 I- 834 3 18 853 386 158 12 5 3 .. 15 7 7 94 370 72 188 240 9 14 Hay crops: 10 90 3 2 228 8 44 305 8 23 13 1 256 4 31 290 Ti Timothy and clover mixed 16 17 18 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa iq Other tame grasses ''O Small grains cut for hay _ _ ?1 Production of hay of all kinds ?? Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?3 Potatoes, white 130 61 2 3 96 14 12 28 17 16 26 6 37 125 279 131 110 180 53 153 4 2 2 5 6" 184 412 269 220 288 104 1 028 17 25 18 8 17 26 15 18 232 1,117 201 783 850 129 ?4 Strawberries . ?f) Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 3 ?6 ?7 Lettuce 3 3 6 3 2 1 1 13 52 23 23 18 12 ?8 Onions (dry) W Sweet corn .• 30 Tomatoes. , 31 Watermelons 1 22 48 3? All other crops — . 33 Orchard fruits: 34 Peach trees 35 20 21 3fi Plum and prune trees. . 37 Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 38 321 218 118 95 285 102 1 167 276 309 161 134 89 234 56 7 99 243 888 127 850 640 863 147 4 686 748 1,004 270 608 393 743 155 4 632 674 586 169 449 349 565 101 5 385 560 767 123 692 662 704 186 14 620 687 1,387 961 654 310 1,196 185 21 874 1,268 3Q Cattle: Beef cattle.-- - . 40 Dairy cows . . 41 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 4? Cows milked 43 Sheep--. 44 Goats 4fi Swine 4fi Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924. acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 47 48 49 164 10 2 1 1,629 107 74 5 64 6 728 44 60 2 431 49 5 1 3 1 175 29 1 63 6 2,648 313 816 58 13, 125 762 50 61 62 251 19 196 25 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE : 1925 — IDAHO 167 Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Continued Jeffer- son Jerome Koote- nai Latah Lemhi Lewis Lin- coln Madi- son Mini- doka Nez Perce Oneida Owy. hee 1,163 785 1,288 1,286 495 622 352 881 943 1,165 1,022 786 1 5 3 * 6" 595 395 101 245 131 25 16 443 110 387 1 357 55 54 214 88 197 13 8 134 55 11 727 216 696 96 1 4 3 5' 125 156 70 2 9 8 3" 158 70 74 2 -. 81 455 398 76 514 349 9 16 336 172 222 3 402 195 31 405 360 280 192 6 1 ""677" 255 104 91 9 168 132 3 3 101 67 73 5 112 24 9 357 383 208 214 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 1 1 96 2 3 .. 651 10 45 667 310 316 6 12 10 2 34 1 184 1 24 4 140 304 180 65 364 15 644 987 1 67 200 302 260 48 39 890 8 458 1,209 5' 2 22 244 17 5 308 103 74 459 1 ::::::: 25' 182 ""m 6 831 4 22 857 289 535 13 6 2 11 198 120 73 57 22 607 5 640 889 ""513' 16 15 21 159 15 25 43 32 265 694 310 443 516 78 11 5 61 90 34 10 9 73 4 607 554 ' i "17" 7 319 4 14 321 1 1 6 5 1 517 18 78 614 81 66 1 1 2" 1 11 31 38 3 6 ■ 463 10 12 602 ""172" 6 4 5 17 2 8 12 13 1 3 22 914 8 37 944 357 602 12 12 1 159 7 718 3 16 732 23 129 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 815 77 20 669 13 18 213 25 7 196 2 8 1 1 4 22 4 5 27 397 20 199 215 6 34 2 23 24 25 2 7 9 5" 10 11 39 3- 21 6 6 10 4 2 148 222 7 82 121 3 i" 1 12 11 19 10 6' 10 7 27 28 29 SO 1 771 957 233 727 693 73 558 565 134 371 385 20 1 16 38 6 19 27 8 14 216 149 117 130 54 ^l 517 426 2 221 225 2 306 169 161 204 19 9 42 6 22 22 1 370 312 1 61 104 47 515 130 221 316 36 32 33 34 35 36 37 1,029 301 838 568 939 209 2 806 865 728 65 687 560 693 190 4 562 683 1,040 141 927 564 992 37 9 407 1,082 1,173 668 638 290 1,152 68 16 720 1,132 475 312 226 149 391 174 3 283 399 575 297 376 211 619 32 4 402 541 307 93 280 212 291 80 5 212 267 805 189 647 396 722 176 "■"579' 665 828 54 783 547 789 210 4 536 792 992 461 664 335 924 85 12 707 1,032 875 419 345 191 650 112 1 549 662 724 330 408 251 522 131 5 308 539 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 206 21 27 6 316 36 5,835 514 493 51 11,901 731 2,274 246 66 17 9,448 552 791 64 29 7 2,749 206 1,171 41 2 3,811 151 263 25 650 61 92 9 4,548 217 20 1 24" 4 265 24 10 1 2,561 169 47 48 4q 50 1,128 114 3 1 51 52 51623—27- -12 168 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood* LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- stock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords OF Wood Cut and Acreage'of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Pay- ette Power Sho- shone Teton Twin Falls Valley Wash- ington 1 Total number of farms, 1925. . 768 794 118 550 2,499 334 1,025 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes 7 308 233 79 68 193 155 127 5 31 16 1 330 150 57 68 8 2 1 1,139 959 57 63 1,289 306 770 2 6 5 60" 36 202 30 6 6 308 3 4 Harvested for grain Cut for silage 239 35 5 Winter wheat 9 1 200 241 313 63 114 fi Spring wheat . .-. 249 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 63 H Barley 176 q Rye 9 10 Flaxseed 11 Soy beans 1 4 2 4 16 183 16 466 17 98 570 40 13 1,266 3 11 463 15 2,070 19 43 2,162 216 550 22 11 4 10 50 14 6 22 382 1,246 814 700 750 236 1? Cowpeas i 11 T 2 222 20 163 409 3 3 137 121 17 24 13 114 290 ""155' 15 14 7 4 125 30 5 6 12 1 1? Dry edible beans (navy etc ) 4 14 Hay crops: Timothy alone 28 77 3 2 14 34' 109 40 153 7 3 180 17 71 345 11 If) Timothy and clover mixed 28 16 17 18 19 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay 18 5 661 20 224 ?1 Production of hay of all kinds 785 *>? Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar 8 23 24 ?,5 Potatoes, white Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages .. ""i24" 13 9 10 42 7 60 170 473 148 99 314 97 59 3 6 56 16 10 38 149 9 15 21 Lettuce . 4 2 1 17 ?8 Onions (dry) 20 ?Q Sweet corn 7 33 SO Tomatoes 10 31 Watermelons All other crops Orchard fruits: Apple trees Peach trees 14 32 33 84 44 89 50 53 5 71 3 38 40 16 7 1 80 375 125 BR Pear trees . 77 86 Plum and prune trees • 158 37 Grapevines .- NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 73 88 626 108 664 430 676 51 13 426 661 738 180 424 206 435 86 5 332 466 98 22 79 60 94 2 92 453 81 383 249 403 107- 2 307 353 2,315 248 2,202 1,589 2,284 408 16 1,533 2,243 ■ 311 225 268 187 287 65 268 .. 911 8P Cattle: Beef cattle 269 40 41 Dairy cows - Dairy bulls and (or) calves 770 556 4? Cows milked .. - 863 43 44 45 46 Sheep Goats Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops 1920-1924 acres ! 181 18 603 863 47 10 1 283 61 5 1.350 89 2 1 406 40 65 2 2,760 i 239 48 49 Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres. . Farms reporting number . . Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting.... number.. 1 50 1 51 52 356 45 416 9 31 .4 68 2 733 56 - CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO 169 County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, ; Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 (To avoid disclosing data forindividual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over The State 8, 116, 147 31, 640 262, 847 649, 968 1,341,618 2, 496, 946 1, 478, 787 1,854,351 2, 578, 799 17,845 155, 535 385, 952 555, 688 872, 717 366, 087 224, 975 373, 325, 868 12,120,043 35,476,356 67, 512, 570 81,879,780 102, 757, 180 41,308,937 32, 271, 002 63, 557, 267 5, Oil, 020 8, 765, 076 12, 833, 224 13, 538, 345 14,854,385 5,089,309 3, 465, 908 Ada 160, 151 5,191 21, 760 37, 417 36,490 31, 737 9,760 17, 796 75, 638 2,506 12, 555 23, 100 20, 424 14,458 2,312 283 19,375,903 2,951,940 4, 225, 618 5, 269, 610 3, 934, 750 2,614,985 i 311,200 67,800 4, 188, 930 1, 184, 750 1, 104, 795 973,455 , 555,055 327,275 ! 32,500 { 11, 100 Adams 161,313 232 965 3,071 16,501 48, 661 36, 074 45, 809 28, 758 149 371 1,344 4,812 10, 971 4,970 6,141 4, 146, 071 55, 150 118, 800 247,300 513, 889 1, 189, 336 527, 196 1, 494, 400 642,006 21, 050 34,500 40, 250 93, 950 201,330 63, 958 Bannock 435, 852 773 13, 021 13, 260 98,273 191, 005 83, 091 36, 429 127, 012 344 5,828 6,098 27, 738 54, 816 22,244 9,944 15, 035, 357 258, 040 1, 289, 177 973, 140 3, 521, 585 5, 718, 540 2, 258, 075 1, 016, 800 2, 347, 189 88,799 198, 645 151, 620 553, 840 913, 065 300, 220 141, 000 ITEM AND SIZE GEOUP Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine Boise 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage. .. 190, 177 821 3,061 8, 924 21,373 79,379 40, 577 36, 042 66, 025 480 1,779 5,034 9,562 27, 722 11, 657 9,791 5, 627, 958 198, 170 286, 545 529,290 783, 135 2, 123, 723 920,975 786, 120 1,125,445 101,276 89, 125 143, 795 160, 975 403, 000 144, 175 83,100 96,704 416 1,665 3,986 26,486 40,384 16,367 7,400 28,700 201 580 913 5,598 13,249 6,372 1,787 4,197,665 123, 225 145, 150 174, 260 878, 890 1, 770, 840 790, 100 3J5, 200 559,440 58, 125 39,430 42,630 186,590 160, 065 49, 500 23,100 258, 242 1,403 25, 989 49,968 53,806 55,390 23,274 48, 412 112, 514 880 18, 289 35, 103 29, 150 19,800 6,327 2,965 18, 156, 570 528, 125 3, 079, 820 5, 643, 550 4, 507, 270 2, 882, 075 990, 280 525, 450 3, 113, 170 214, 825 650, 655 1, 004, 065 667,375 428, 150 75,100 73,000 110, 224 74, 868 35 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 1601 2,858 11, 541 32, 799 20,965 41,460 23, 583 252 4 50 to 99 acres . 1,015 8,408 22,372 21, 457 21, 329 8,476 24 .^ 100 to 174 acres « 176 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres « 1,000 acres and over 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage... 10 Under 20 acres. 11 20 to 49 acres 1305 1,340 3,817 7,701 4,070 6,350 3, 746, 595 i igq 12 50 to 99 acres... 13 100 to 174 acres... 1,338 3,858 1,834 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres.. 16 1,000 acres and over 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 1,311,242 4,600 11,800 32,000 181, 080 486, 460 337, 702 257,600 242, 120 900 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres .. 1 42, 300 195, 975 579, 565 1, 129, 120 701, 710 1, 097, 925 659, 775 20 50 to 99 acres 21 100 to 174 acres... 22 175 to 499 acres 23 500 to 999 acres-... 24 1,000 acres and over . 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 26 Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 1 12, 950 55,475 128,500 205, 200 113, 050 144, 600 3,600 8, 925- 45.255 28 50 to 99 acres.. 29 100 to 174 acres 30 175 to 499 acres 99 990 31 500 to 999 acres . 45,450 38,000 32 1,000 acres and over 1 Includes the group "Under 20 acres." 170 CENSUS OF AGEIGULTUEE: 1925 IDAHO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested^ BY Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Bonner Bonneville Boundary Butte All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924 Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 153, 699 1,113 10, 212 15, 868 47, 074 42, 364 17, 373 19, 695 24, 830 504 2,525 2,971 8,039 7,371 1,553 1,867 5, 144, 245 233, 730 701, 875 715, 400 1, 564, 420 1, 278, 380 • 376, 440 274, 000 1, 383, 660 117, 735 227, 965 213, 115 401, 190 290, 805 72, 850 60, 000 300,056 745 8,608 40, 240 47, 893 81,610 35, 690 85,270 108, 085 448 6,600 29,896 28, 601 29,830 8,066 4,644 15, 451, 007 313, 765 1, 244, 460 4, 882, 615 4, 455, 975 3, 357, 211 793, 826 403, 155 2, 410, 310 142, 065 267, 270 826, 730 619,395 432, 600 75,250 47,000 57, 552 208 1,489 4,069 17,183 17,509 7,794 9,300 13»845 99 294 726 3,387 5,041 2,948 1,350 1,723,195 39, 925 72, 750 154, 050 500, 560 492, 110 295,800 168, 000 an, 745 20,325 19,180 32,580 122, 300 86,015 20, 070 11, 275 65. 13 5,067 14, 292 23,374 16, 093 6,540 24, 673 3 313 2,650 5,766 9,180 3,806 2,955 2, 898, 605 400 39, 350 326, 390 726, 840 1, 016, 725 387, 000 401, 900 437, 050 300 10, 450 48, 375 124, 000 169, 375 51, 000 33, 550 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Franklin Fremont Gem Gooding All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over > Includes the group "60 to 99 acres 179, 817 907 5,128 12, 531 37, 116 76, 814 42, 466 6,856 58, 246 613 2,852 5,946 14, 919 23,074 9,966 975 8, 992, 610 287, 590 659, 120 1, 126, 330 2, 385, 590 3, 086, 390 1, 261, 390 186, 200 1, 796, 190 136, 925 170, 950 252, 575 476, 695 573, 545 170,600 15, 000 326, 668 594 4,156 14, 226 55,389 97, 711 39, 427 115, 166 97, 345 434 2,524 9,058 27, 842 41, 165 11, 956 4,366 10, 666, 506 146, 060 392, 250 1, 139, 960 2, 882, 060 3, 690, 600 1, 077, 096 1, 338, 600 1, 448, 376 77, 625 89, 900 171, 725 413, 975 452, 350 174, 260 68, 650 119,515 734 4,803 9,068 18>376 29,288 35, 682 21, 664 28,217 408 3,022 5,420 6,797 6,768 2,824 2,978. 6, 294, 225 247, 610 969, 400 1, 309, 975 1, 324, 601 1, 333, 282 525, 90T 583, 460 1, 062, 166 91,900 221, 976. 206, 600 189, 300 188, 376 67, 466 96, 650 98, 293 671 6,685 24, 392 27, 816 24,342 6,129 8,35S 44,695 32a 3,822 13, 622 13, 245 9,637 2,184 2,065. S, 473, 105 176, 700 729, 035 2, 353, 750' 2,422,835 1, 784, 285 683, OOQ 423, 60ft 1, 639, 335 74, 735 203, 610 629, 025 371, 665 272, 70O 129, 200 68,600 » Includes the group "Under 20 acres.' CENSUS OF AGEIOTJLTURE : 1925 IDAHO 171 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, 1925— Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer Elmore 1 132,792 14 140 989 5,934 35,484 42,837 47,394 ; 36, 633 5 20 208 1,778 10, 734 11,084 11, 804 3,442,908 1,400 7,420 27, 150 184,700 985,383 1,080,585 1, 156, 270 451, 380 900 3,500 3,775 31,780 139, 975 131, 900 139, 550 215, 634 3,595 40, 760 81, 121 55, 697 27,652 6,809 109, 172 242, 391 567 9,717 33,409 36, 819 77, 703 43, 542 40,634 86,031 383 6,402 21, 502 17, 925 24, 441 9,706 5,672 10,349,986 123, 815 1, 070, 426 3, 115, 160 2, 038, 924 2,437,290 938, 700 625, 670 1, 966, 649 61,031 264,010 706,093 345,476 382, 166 148, 225 69, 660 226,973 82, 260 90 1,353 6,073 25, 701 34, 953 14,090 109, 933 267, 648 366 1,669 3,233 10, 605 28, 127 47, 619 166, 129 20, 286 208 840 1,735 2,624 4,651 4,337 5,890 4, 005, 694 120, 410 209, 450 318, 150 460, 900 730, 166 691, 040 1, 486, 589 646, 676 61, 600 65, 150 103, 950 69,300 118, 200 89,350 139, 225 1 2 1200 344 1,470 19, 360 40, 568 18, 894 29, 297 32,416 3 2 301 3,401 22,771 23,768 176,742 14,238 4 4,244 30,460 26,896 48, 372 30,096 5 6 7 8 125, 701 1,811 25, 994 62, 383 30,708 12, 603 2,302 21, 901 28 432 2,167 6,479 8,836 - 3, 970 9 10 1113 100 484 6,026 13, 621 6,136 7,050 3,335,723 n 2 83 1,459 4,156 3,883 4,667 3,319,379 12 2,006 11, 130 8,192 8,655 1,777,036 13 14 16 16 24, 568, 207 1,323,020 5,796,963 9,262,046 5,450,714 2,208,550 526,925 2, 625, 321 12, 460 76, 680 273,300 829, 650 1,031,900 402, 341 17 18 1 8, 600 13, 100' 68, 750 614, 344 1,292,700 526, 260 830, 679 361, 166 19 2 31, 505 103, 600 466, 886 499, 500 2, 218, 894 369, 180 20 118, 100 663, 925 445, 480 540, 930 276,930 21 22 23 24 5, 248, 826 641, 760 1,436,400 1,846,401 986,660 380, 665 58, 150 487,491 4,800 21, 900 67,000 173,820 168, 460 61, 521 25 26 1 3, 180 2,900 8,060 97, 545 151,910 46, 660 54, 100 27 3 18, 600 18,900 96, 360 88, 150 147, 280 28 22, 500 118, 950 66, 600 65, 800 29 30 31 32 Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi Lewis Lincoln 606,612 316 2,821 9,175 54,964 191, 457 129,415 218, 464 141,906 183 1,012 2,979 15, 792 68,807 33, 574 19, 559 18, 529, 507 61, 140 191, 860 384, 950 1,870,429 8,096,474 4,426,476 3, 499, 179 2,535,228 29, 850 73, 450 91,400 383, 120 1,000,649 603, 605 353, 254 154,839 690 8,532 27,703 46,794 i 30,317 1 15, 757 25,046 59,735 388 6,720 16,710 18, 388 11, 619 4,630 2,280 9,888,919 135,430 916, 500 2, 698, 925 2, 893, 625 1,882,080 738,680 723, 779 1,488,805 51,665 195, 940 461, 155 427, 565 246, 100 74, 300 32, 100 95,492 157 4,490 21,414 33, 702 32, 197 3 3, 532 186,356 2,512 5,714 13,187 54,456 71, 183 27,029 11,275 47,823 1,685 2,389 3,735 10, 399 20, 520 6,849 2,246 8, 189, 565 927,075 735, 700 829,340 1, 850, 755 2,574,286 964, 400 308, 000 2, 029, 595 383,310 246, 060 235, 610 499,525 486,050 147, 250 31,800 213,299 641 6,268 16, 229 69, 285 94,863 21, 946 4,078 105,689 370 3,374 8,120 34, 652 46, 795 10, 973 1,405 14,714,105 135,385 548, 610 1, 149, 450 4, 672, 470 6,165,740 1,808.660 233,900 2,369,305 62,575 161, 660 286,400 868, 150 858,330 116,700 15, 600 154,770 127 906 4,136 22,189 62, 510 36,413 38,490 47,471 47 383 1,349 6,588 18, 972 10. 809 9,323 6,150,479 18. 810 70,400 177, 250 762, 389 1,939,325 1, 321, 600 860,705 692, 696 8,500 16, 775 45, 400 124, 765 241. 195 162, 710 93, 350 213,630 165 838 3,419 21,675 94, 177 48, 686 44, 680 98,563 74 405 1,835 12, 110 48, 926 21, 578 13, 635 10,643,632 32, 860 61,200 207, 000 1, 191, 150 5,277,350 2,236,720 1, 637, 362 1, 159, 830 13, 475 11,580 37, 250 187, 860 674, 530 191, 100 144, 045 54,437 46 2,406 6,608 15, 608 20, 431 4,078 5,260 20,802 19 1,196 3,355 6,847 ■ 6,568 1,165 1,662 3,275,010 19, 500 224,275 519, 100 1, 110, 446 1,111,390 139, 900 150,400 629, 425 10, 500 43, 460 91, 825 192, 450 210, 400 22, 800 68, 000 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 52, 111 73 2,756 12, 882 18, 779 15,803 3 1, 818 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10,060,720 90,460 683, 680 2, 472, 200 3,645,390 2,936,000 3 333,000 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 1,607,790 49, 800 128, 160 404, 265 515, 100 394, 175 3 16, 300 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ^ Includes the group " 1,000 acres and over." 172 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage [N Crop Land Harvested^ BY Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida 1 AH land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 169, 194 717 6,157 16, Oil 21, 205 48, 338 32, 245 44,521 62,888 429 4,443 10,300 11,756 16, 033 8,843 11,084 9, 201, 560 173, 450 808, 950 1, 796, 975 1, 965, 975 2,386,410 990, 250 1, 079, 550 1, 403, 305 64, 880 172, 375 291, 225 294, 600 355, 825 111,050 113, 350 71,764 437 9,725 37, 123 15, 141 9,338 338,988 1,576 3,323 7,480 37, 361 109, 083 68, 899 111, 266 120, 363 1,254 1,806 3,892 16, 880 48, 210 27, 309 21,012 16, 402, 971 960,355 510, 450 618, 350 1, 880, 380 5, 993, 120 3, 281, 020 3, 159, 296 2, 194, 891 336, 875 142,800 115, 260 299, 105 698, 120 333, 250 269, 481 310, 770 436 1,967 6,254 35,151 145, 385 79, 755 41,822 91,390 266 1,208 3,513 13,429 46, 052 19, 134 7,788 7,082,736 83,400 260, 150 383, 140 1, 124, 570 3,439,795 1, 301, 807 489, 874 985, 290 31, 750 50, 150 65, 560 140, 125 462, 961 156, 639 78, 105 ? Under 20 acres _ .. 3 20 to 49 acres _ 4 5 6 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres. - 8 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres . ... 9 10 11 40, 652 327 6,354 22,941 7,801 3,229 1? 50 to 99 acres.. 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres. - 15 500 to 999 acres . 16 1,000 acres and over 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 6, 375, 475 138,000 1, 171, 300 3, 516, 375 1, 148, 800 401, 000 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres . ?.o 50 to 99 acres _...... ?1 100 to 174 acres.. 9? 175 to 499 acres ?3 500 to 999 acres.. ?4 1,000 acres and over ?5 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars . 1, 331, 441 53, 350 302, 771 691, 350 214, 545 69, 425 ?6 Under 20 acres 9.7 20 to 49 acres.- . . . ... . ?8 50 to 99 acres ?q 100 to 174 acres.- . 30 175 to 499 acres - SI 500 to 999 acres 3? County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing- -Value of Farm Products Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Ada Adams Ban- nock Bear Lake 74 74 Bene- wah 54 54 Bing- ham 299,970 253, 823 500 45.647 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants.. dollars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners ..number.. Managers ..number.. Tenants .number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars. . Tenants dollars.. * Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners number. . Managers number.. Tenants... number.. 2, 712, 165 2, 122, 250 29, 662 560, 253 3,272 2,485 22 765 144, 434 128, 209 2,439 13, 786 1,040 903 5 132 315, 831 209, 656 10,085 96, 090 268 187 4 : 77 ! 5,384 4,413 1 3,922 2,897 8,992 8,992 4 1,025 16 13 5 6 7 11 11 2 2 1 1 309 244 1 8 3 38 38 64 9 10 11 813 813 30 30 4,474 3,774 1? 97i ! 55 45 700 73 59 13 14 15 2 2 33 33 1 1 16 1 '' 14 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — IDAHO 173 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, 1925 — Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 217, 279 63, 925 262, 830 16, 294 141, 763 271, 329 153, 714 263,930 1 170 1,806 58 98 38 1,984 40 1,248 2 4,480 9,252 4,234 511 656 20, 460 394 6,617 3 9,769 10, 134 3,551 1,408 5,096 66, 962 1,598 10, 145 4 32, 497 10, 370 17, 787 8,451 27, 716 78, 559 13, 091 25, 838 5 51, 632 11,958 84, 600 3,838 69,547 58, 933 50,445 75, 267 6 67, 337 8,275 97, 577 1,988 27, 918 22, 991 31, 576 77, 707 7 51, 394 12, 130 55, 023 10, 792 21, 440 56, 570 67, 108 H 41,024 21,279 83, 075 2,693 57, 488 169, 988 31,601 45, 316 9 78 880 16 47 11 1,288 2 660 10 2,219 5,315 1,085 182 360 15, 425 76 4,185 11 4/943 5,509 1,925 223 2,430 51, 695 481 5,263 12 9,968 4,037 5,554 1,150 12, 026 57, 296 4,224 7,973 13 16, 340 3,747 27, 490 831 29, 119 35, 999 17,057 15, 988 14 5,104 959 30, 582 260 9,202 6,409 7,647 7,543 15 2,372 832 16, 423 4,340 1,876 2,114 3,704 1« 6,804,983 7,405,930 5, 373, 435 685, 508 4, 259, 950 34, 055, 863 2, 910, 070 7, 650, 350 17 34, 150 884, 700 12,400 25, 700 6,250 794, 583 4,600 435,700 1 18 380, 725 2, 547, 300 180, 725 66, 800 32, 800 3, 865, 652 21, 700 1, 108, 500 19 748, 110 1,616,070 214, 000 96, 150 198, 550 10, 730, 925 47, 360 1, 048, 700 20 1, 638, 500 1, 102, 850 516, 360 302, 440 880, 710 10, 894, 675 361, 140 1, 112, 760 21 2, 247, 888 775, 990 1, 707, 780 117, 500 2,095,180 6, 438, 528 1, 354, 005 2, 048, 590 22 866, 710 224, 020 1, 782, 570 76, 918 745, 460 1, 026, 400 787,990 1,008,050 23 888, 900 255, 000 959, 600 301, 000 305, 100 333, 275 888, 050 24 983, 150 1,822,285 863, 660 247, 925 598, 925 5, 486, 185 527, 690 1, 524, 655 25 14, 900 333, 800 7,450 14, 900 3,300 341, 000 2,835 195,000 i 26 83, 450 774, 650 23, 485 29, 150 11,250 881, 620 8,550 265,840 1 27 128, 150 348, 310 40, 810 36, 900 33, 300 1, 768, 715 13,225 192, 505 28 229, 360 201, 125 91, 195 98, 825 157, 525 1, 450, 025 72, 400 236, 260 29 293, 960 112,200 267, 445 27, 600 293, 150 882,850 258, 430 370, 585 30 76, 280 21, 700 315, 600 40, 550 70, 800 114, 575 104,050 135, 065 31 157,050 30, 500 117, 675 29, 600 47,400 68, 200 129,400 3? Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924 Blaine Boise Bon- ner Bonne- ville Bound- ary Butte Camas Canyon Cari- bou Cassia Clark Clear- water Cus- ter El- more 317 317 2,461 2,361 4,717 4,717 74, 532 54, 475 14 14 80 80 2,190 2,140 327,000 251, 563 700 74, 737 415 317 1 97 29,402 27, 621 800 800 39, 773 37, 773 21, 703 15, 373 9,500 7,243 1 2 3 2 2 100 7 6 19 19 20, 057 70 52 50 12 11 1 1 2,000 54 47 6,330 28 21 2,257 19 16 4 2 2 1 1 5 6 1 100 100 17,833 17, 528 40 265 109 104 1 4 18 4,177 4,088 1 7 2,223 365 1,858 7 2,868 2,437 3 294 243 8 295 295 278 278 9 10 11 89 34 31 1,781 88 69 431 30 25 51 11 10 1? 2 2 1 1 21 21 7 6 1 13 14 1 15 3 19 5 1 16 174 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — IDAHO County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Frank- lin Fre- mont Gem Good- ing "»»» f"^- Je- rome Koo- tenai 1 2 8 Sales: Value of farm products sold... dollars- Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. 3,385 3,385 22,859 22,363 93, 170 69, 068 4,000 20, 102 164 118 1 45 2,683 2,183 500 99,255 71, 802 2,459 24,994 198 127 2 69 338 338 153,466 49,624 120,464 '45,033 48,003 38,368 1,100 43,443 38, 208 4 Tenants . _ dollars- 496 13 12 33,002 1 4.591 8,535 j 5.235 5 6 7 Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. Managers ...number.. 5 5 75 55 73 60 99 76 1 22 431 381 54 47 8 Tenants.. number 1 772 772 20 : 13 9,860 ! 274 8,716 i 258 7 9 10 11 Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... dollars.. Owners ..dollars.. Managers dollars 410 410 22,361 20, 315 ^9. Tenants dollars.. 1,144 16 48 4 36 3 50 6 5 2,046 13 14 15 Farms reporting purchases... number. . Owners number.. Managers number . 4 4 3 3 18 17 1 5 5 217 205 Ifi Tenants.. . _ number 1 12 i 1 1 12 ITEM AND TENURE Latah Lemhi Lewis Lin- coln Mad- ison Mini- doka Nez Perce Onei- da 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold...dollars.- Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. 300 130 20,248 20, 248 131,723 112,898 16,048 14,614 20,301 16, 301 2,215 2,198 162,848 118,285 715 43, 848 200 161 3 36 5,664 3,578 343 343 4 5 6 7 Tenants doUars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. Managers . number . 170 3 1 2 2 18, 825 91 67 1,434 43 36 4,000 9 8 17 4 3 4 4 8 9 10 11 Tenants number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. 2 715 615 124 124 24 20,710 18, 132 7 923 882 16 25 24 22 1 1 1 1.027 827 1 300 300 1 215 165 12 13 14 15 Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases. „ number.. Owners number.. 100 3 2 1 1 2,578 94 75 200 6 5 1 • 2.086 26 17 50 i ' 16 Tenants _ .number.. ' 19 1 9 \ 1 ITEM AND TENURE Owy- hee Pa3^- ette Pow- er Sho- shone Teton Twin Falls Valley Wash- ington 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. .dollars.. Owners dollars- 41,152 36,989 156, 714 121.808 2,040 32,866 436 329 3 104 4,168 3,186 25 957 65 51 1 13 27,500 27,500 353, 805 270.634 6,000 77, 171 179 132 1 46 755 702 153, 833 ? 119,259 3 2,063 4 Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales number- Owners number.. Managers number 4,163 45 34 32, 611 5 5 5 333 6 250 7 5 8 Tenants number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... dollars.. Owners dollars.. 11 4,220 4,027 78 q 3 3 272 10 272 11 1? Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases number 193 17 53 16 14 13 1 6 14 Owners number 14 1 6 IS 16 Tenants ..number.. 3 2 WYOMING 175 ciiZL'...*^ J CENSUS Oi? AGBlCtTLTUEE : 1925 — WYOMING 177 State Table 1, — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1925 1920 1910 Number of farms, total. 15, 512 15, 748 10, 987 Operated by — Owners. 12,645 13, 403 9,779 Full owners . 8,342 10, 681 8,677 Part owners 4,203 191 2,722 377 1,102 Managers 311 Tenants 2, 776 1,968 897 Cash tenants 814 1,962 604 1,364 266 Other tenants.. 631 Approximate land area of State. acres.. 62,430,720 1 62, 430, 720 62, 460, 160 Land in farms, total acres.. 18, 663, 308 11, 809, 351 8, 543, 010 In farms operated by- Owners, acres.. 15, 062, 058 9,359,517 5, 152, 581 Full owners acres.. 4, 149, 798 5, 263, 391 (2) Part owners.. acres.. 10,912,260 4, 096, 126 («) Managers acres.. 1, 939, 095 1, 465, 993 2, 862, 992 Tenants.. ..acres.. 1, 662, 155 983, 841 527,437 Cash tenants.- _ acres.. 721, 822 940,333 347, 984 635,857 (^) Other tenants.. acres.. (2) Value of all farm property dollars.. 240, 396, 413 334, 410, 590 167, 189, 081 Land and buildings dollars.. 172, 676, 266 234, 748, 125 97,915,277 Land, excluding buildings dollars.. 148, 168, 212 210, 947, 494 88, 908, 276 Buildings dollars.. 24,508,054 23, 800, 631 9,007,001 Implements and machinery dollars.. 9, 171, 734 11,777,949 3, 668, 294 Livestock on farms... dollars.. 58, 548, 413 87,884,516 05, 605, 510 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. 199, 560 198, 295 156, 062 Mules number.. 5,106 3,415 2,045 Cattle number.. 783, 398 875, 433 767,427 Dairy cows number.. 32,882 34,997 27, 499 Sheep number.. 2, 507, 012 1, 859, 775 5, 397, 161 Swine number.. 99,869 72, 233 33,947 Chickens number.. 808, 994 620, 734 324, 984 1 The decrease in the land area of the State was due to the building of the Pathfinder and Shoshone Reservoirs. 2 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM 1924 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres. bushels. Corn cut for silage acres. tons. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay acres. tons. Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white ...acres. bushels. Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Livestock products: Dairy products — Milk produced ' gallons. Butter made on farms ...pounds. Butterfat sold _ pounds. Cream sold .gallons. Whole milk sold gallons Wool- Sheep shorn ^ number. Wool produced » pounds. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced * dozens. Chickens raised * number. 82, 732 868, 289 2,576 8,700 136, 253 1, 651, 150 104, 268 2, 446, 754 21, 493 439, 749 44, 452 322, 303 642 1,958 3,061 ■ 8,333 1, 017, 205 1, 177, 675 23,316 230, 673 10, 391 932, 510 10, 018 40,554 47, 974 11, 748 24, 318, 067 1, 760, 471 3, 524, 476 202, 249 2, 112, 486 2, 258, 315 18, 727, 834 4, 336, 912 1, 121, 118 38, 575 388, 512 1,199 6,450 181, 420 1, 445, 227 58, 622 1, 006, 552 7,970 115,624 41, 879 192, 532 1,212 3,136 1,431 1,046 795, 640 873, 685 9,935 96, 994 11, 791 851, 253 34, 197 50, 302 29, 999 15, 918 14, 542, 841 1, 422, 822 1, 005, 907 204, 273 2, 144, 590 2, 127, 857 18,411,773 3, 165, 743 893, 857 9,268 176, 354 0) 0) 41, 968 738, 698 124, 035 3, 361, 425 8,561 189, 057 1,516 20, 479 1,110 5,983 0) 273 581, 765 847, 448 1,181 13,234 8,333 932, 162 84,024 27, 773 17, 836 12, 039 9, 744, 302 1, 192, 122 67, 303 46, 680 1, 377, 607 8 5,115,789 42, 827, 866 2, 070, 799 494, 768 Not seoarately reported. * Including estimates for incomplete reports. 'Number of fleeces. 178 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table I. — Farms and Farm 32 40 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. . 1925. 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres- 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 : 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925.— acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925... acres. 1920.... acres. 1910... acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classificationof farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 .acres. Crop failure ..acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total.. ...acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture .acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms.. acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners.. acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land. acres. Managers... acres Tenants .acres C ash tenants.. acres Other tenants acres Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres Par t owners acres Managers... acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres The State 15,512 15, 748 10,987 112 95 84 326 2,257 868 3,540 4,114 2,673 553 15, 512 8,342 4,203 191 2,776 814 1,962 17.9 12.5 8.2 10.9 12.7 9 62, 430, 720 29.9 18, 663, 308 11, 809, 351 8, 543, 010 1, 203. 2 1, 877, 879 1, 572, 625 150, 981 154, 273 16, 313, 347 2, 200, 974 370, 749 13, 741, 624 74, 412 397. 670 4, 149, 798 10, 912, 260 4, 572, 663 6, 339, 597 1, 939, 095 1, 662, 155 721, 822 940, 333 604, 659 617, 660 65, 351 284,955 65, 376 219, 579 Albany 483 441 453 4 1 1 4 14 41 18 74 151 129 46 483 230 162 5 se 46 40 17. » 14.1 6.2 13.0 7.5 2, 815, 360 34.9 981, 550 847, 732 1, 069, 782 2, 032. 2 90, 142 3,464 3,054 872, 922 13, 391 15, 339 844,192 Big Horn 759 998 1,078 10 59 154 264 110 111 31 13 759 419 120 8 212 33 179 27.9 17.1 13.3 15.2 15.6 2,645 1 9, 323 I 1, 990, 400 7.9 156, 598 190, 445 253, 570 206.3 65, 402 54, 868 2,066 58, 595 9,635 5,627 43, 333 1,090 31,511 177, 724 76, 306 639, 516 33, 339 319, 166 16, 359 320, 350 16, 980 51, 880 3,928 112, 430 43, 025 78, 470 6,506 33, 960 36,519 26,588 45,487 4,820 13,247 8,159 5.088 26,605 10, 787 1,050 16, 426 1,580 14, 846 Campbell » 1 Parts taken to form Park in 1911, Washakie in 1913, and part of Hot Springs in 1913. 2 Organized from parts of Crook and Weston in 1913. 8 Part taken to form Niobrara in 1913. * Part taken to form part of Campbell in 1913. CENSUS or agriculture: 1925 — Wyoming Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 179 Carbon Converse ' Crook * Fremont * Goshen s Hot Springs ' • Johnson Laramie * 528 413 486 923 864 684 1,048 1,093 1,341 778 969 846 1,734 1,511 215 197 467 624 338 918 1,178 1,933 1 2 3 5 3 3 4 5 7 3 9 11 45 133 4 7 8 10 86 4 2 1 4 8 4 4 3 5 7 6 5 1 2 9 6 7 4 1 2 7 8 79 19 94 131 130 59 46 21 140 392 239 63 51 30 279 357 295 24 214 76 113 78 69 27 313 107 602 406 176 15 68 28 46 31 18 5 26 18 91 156 132 37 78 14 322 272 173 38 9 10 11 12 13 14 528 298 129 46 55 ! 16 1 39 923 485 322 11 105 49 56 1,048 514 364 15 155 71 84 778 451 151 10 166 43 123 1,734 732 484 5 513 121 392 215 135 39 4 37 6 31 467 245 139 6 77 23 54 918 355 309 12 242 63 179 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10.4 9.4 13.0 11.4 6.3 2.5 14.8 7,8 4.7 21.3 22.3 9.7 29.6 13.1 17.2 22.8 16.5 6.3 16.6 26.4 20.3 7.8 22 23 24 12.5 12.8 6.1 17.9 11.3 19.0 7.0 4.9 9.9 10.5 21.7 9.3 9.5 8.9 r>'^ 16.1 26 5,124,480 40.7 2, 645, 120 63.3 1,834,240 62.8 5, 904, 000 16.8 1, 399. 040 73.2 1,296,000 13.4 2, 664, 960 33.2 1,713,920 87.5 27 38 2, 084, 369 843, 520 1, 707, 961 3, 947. 7 1,673,066 770,484 551, 370 1,151,438 949, 975 648, 834 993, 755 449, 331 320, 502 1,023,747 890, 778 173,541 117,309 884, 299 472,611 322, 094 1,499,825 1,008,343 1 , 682, 032 29 30 31 1, 812. 6 1,098.7 1,277.3 590.4 807.2 1, 893. 6 1,633.8 32 105, 887 98,497 3,272 4,118 86,242 62, 293 16, 529 7,420 104, 712 87,811 6,185 10, 716 61,992 55, 392 2,025 4,575 200, 226 153, 876 27, 575 18, 775 21,137 18, 589 770 1,778 74, 974 57, 508 3, 350 14,116 173, 703 146,412 17,448 9,843 33 34 35 36 1,957,260 31, 261 14, 519 1,911,480 1, 543, 141 173,987 11,314 1, 357, 840 1, 023, 294 113,289 139, 125 770, 880 882, 483 16, 280 2,812 863, 391 789, 585 331,345 12, 590 445,650 143, 410 109 773, 210 110,942 11, 274 650, 994 1,319,621 323, 854 1,4G7 994, 300 37 38 39 143, 301 40 5,273 15, 949 15, 978 27, 705 8,414 15,018 926 48,354 5,058 28, 878 1,495 7,499' 6,726 29, 389 3,000 3,501 41 42 248, 836 762, 719 524, 499 238, 220 1,019,831 52, 983 19, 701 33, 282 313,931 1,171,760 416, 520 755, 240 35, 277 152, 098 77,406 74, 692 311,336 691, 687 364, 521 327,166 38,430 109, 985 57, 104 52, 881 104, 597 664, 763 95, 240 569, 523 146,726 77, 669 11,767 65, 902 277, 793 512, 957 238,467 274,490 8,856 224, 141 98, 259 125, 882 50, 077 106, 104 16, 852 89, 252 4,876 12,484 2,663 9,821 227, 665 552, 654 158,975 393, 679 20, 330 83, 650 29, 836 53, 814 214, 794 687, 900 374, 661 313, 239 428,473 1C8, 658 77, 372 91,286 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 34, 888 36,439 14, 846 12, 324 2,794 9,530 17,877 34, 075 1,335 9,006 3,493 5,513 30, 764 42, 663 2,753 11,631 5,461 6,170 23,657 17,412 916 13,407 2,245 11,162 45, 782 60, 538 1,311 46, 245 8,315 37, 930 12, 550 2,103 269 3,667 451 3,216 25, 608 18,460 2,955 10,485 2, 954 7,531 37, 806 63, 542 10, 605 34, 399 5,361 29, 038 51 52 53 54 55 56 » Parts taken to form part of Hot Springs in 1913 and part of Sublette in 1923. « Organized from part of Laramie in 1913. "> Organized from parts of Big Horn, Fremont, and Park in 1913. * Parts taken to form Goshen and Platte in 1913. « Includes 1,886,720 acres in Yellowstone National Park (part of), not shown in detail. 180 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lincoln i Natrona Niobrara » Park 3 1 FARMS Number of farms 1925 661 923 404 183 269 16 13 7 6 2 19 7 31 204 68 31 404 303 91 682 739 693 839 624 ? 1920 3 1910 4 Farms, by size, 1925: 8 3 6 43 85 178 79 135 62 54 8 661 501 100 7 53 13 40 8.0 2.7 (i 3 to 9 acres . fi 10 to 19 acres. .. 1 37 167 199 82 109 57 35 6 693 366 172 1 154 20 134 22.2 19.9 5.3 7 20 to 49 acres 1 2 21 8 176 287 154 33 682 373 211 6 92 32 60 13.5 5.0 8 50 to 99 acres . q 100 to 174 acres in 175 to 259 acres.. 11 260 to 499 acres 1? 500 to 999 acres 13 1,000 to 4,999 acres 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total . 16 Full owners 17 Part owners . 18 19 Tenants... 10 10 20 Cash tenants . ?1 Other tenants ?,? Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 2.5 12.0 3.0 ?3 1920 ?4 1910 ?5 Relationship to landlord, 1925: 46.2 40.0 12.5 16.7 ?fi Per cent of other tenants related 11.9 FARM ACREAGE AND LAND Approximate land area, 1925 Per cent in farms.. 27 AREA ...acres.. 2, 705, 280 15.1 409, 323 441, 212 3, 406, 080 20.0 680,021 220, 062 260,045 1,683.2 17, 707 12, 866 2,101 2,740 658,437 56, 756 1,044 600,637 108 3,769 178, 559 480, 858 105,499 375, 359 1, 666, 560 58.6 975, 340 633,708 3, 332, 480 11.4 380,899 286, 193 253, 394 549.6 79, 702 70, 319 1,212 8,171 282,781 10, 256 92 271,696 1,177 17, 239 154,909 199,492 95, 758 103, 734 320 26, 178 4,237 21,941 31,612 25, 696 111 12,900 1,366 11,534 29 30 31 All land in farms.. 1925 1920. 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure... .. -acres. - ...acres.. acres 32 33 34 35 ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. 619.2 95,473 80, 973 4,088 10,412 310, 302 5,475 8,220 296, 607 1,107 2,441 130, 687 235, 194 150,342 84, 852 12, 950 30, 492 7,153 23, 339 40,997 22, 638 5,350 11,988 3,486 8,502 1,430.1 76,068 56, 655 13,466 5,947 889, 073 122, 591 16,564 749,918 3,050 7,149 244, 147 608, 977 194, 967 414,010 44,680 77, 536 39, 712 37, 824 21, 355 25, 730 1,662 7,908 1,847 6,061 36 Idle or fallow land. . . acres 37 38 Pasture land, total. Plowable pasture... ...acres.. ...acres.. 3<) Woodland pasture acres 40 Other pasture ...acres.. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Woodland not used for pasture All other land in farms... All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners. Part owners Owned land. Rented (hired) land Managers Tenants Cash tenants ...acres.. ...acres.. ! ...acres..! ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. 48 49 20, 604 20,604 50 Other tenants Crop land harvested, by tenure, 192 Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. ...acres.. 51 52 53 6,771 6,095 54 55 56 1 Organized from part of Uinta in 1913, and parts taken to form Teton and part of Sublette in 1923. * Organized from part of Converse in 1913. 3 Organized from part of Big Horn in 1911, and part taken to form part of Hot Springs in 1913. * Organized from part of Laramie in 1913. * Organized from parts of Fremont and Lincoln in 1923. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1926 — WYOMING Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 181 Platte * Sheridan Sublette » Sweetwater Teton 6 Uinta 7 Washakie 8 Weston 9 989 1,146 862 972 799 14 29 15 36 18 72 58 216 214 162 28 862 375 231 10 246 86 160 28.5 20.4 20.5 8.1 11.3 279 213 139 203 27 2 231 426 408 1,286 6 1 2 9 24 99 38 130 70 39 8 426 337 44 11 34 18 16 8.0 5.6 4.6 5.6 12.5 329 318 580 721 647 2 1 1 a 2 13 10 17 77 119 57 271 214 185 24 989 388 347 16 238 69 169 24.1 12.9 3 4 1 1 20 .62 129 23 46 30 11 2 329 244 7 7 71 4 67 21.6 30.2 4 6 6 2 4 19 63 10 29 20 28 11 213 133 44 2 34 16 18 16.0 8.6 8.4 3 7 87 28 69 29 8 7 1 28 17 139 212 160 20 580 329 188 2 61 19 42 10.5 3.2 2.2 15.8 23.8 8 50 5 64 64 86 5 279 193 'I 11 7 4 3.9 : 9 10 11 12 13 14 231 188 18 1 24 7 17 10.4 15 16 17 18. 19 20 21. 22 ?3 ?4 14.6 12.4 28.6 35.3 ?5 11.1 9.0 ?6 1, 360, 000 65.3 887, 834 974, 429 1, 647, 360 70.0 1, 153, 047 625, 796 421, 543 1, 337. 6 107, 139 98, 437 1,629 7,073 1, 036, 217 56, 865 8,307 971, 045 1,247 8,444 173, 642 797, 797 347, 804 449, 993 33, 518 148, 090 50, 471 97, 619 24, 824 38, 990 4,220 30,403 6,836 23, 567 3, 173, 760 8.7 276, 457 6, 716, 800 4.1 274, 368 61, 245 122, 790 1, 288. 1 19, 331 16, 584 1,742 1,005 253, 148 669 144 252, 335 158 1,731 37, 647 225, 472 124, 925 100, 547 1,655 9,594 5,554 4,040 8,157 6,665 445 1,317 235 1,082 1, 788, 800 4.2 74,545 1, 340, 160 19.5 261,468 324, 475 574,528 613.8 52, 768 48, 771 2,083 1,914 151, 253 2,682 5,640 142, 931 47 57, 400 158, 780 68, 105 53, 486 14, 619 22, 343 12, 240 7,172 5,068 34, 489 7,953 2,955 3,374 1,946 1,428 1, 434, 240 6.6 94, 027 93, 379 1, 537, 920 46.5 714, 795 747, 576 354, 665 1, 232. 4 47, 738 33, 471 6,690 7,577 650, 534 112,331 43, 949 494, 254 3,137 13, 386 193, 381 434, 471 175, 185 259, 286 11, 700 75, 243 44, 468 30, 775 1.2, 736 15,988 1,147 27- 28 2a 30 31 897.7 123, 352 101, 533 13, 692 8,127 732, 983 90, 125 20, 401 622, 457 6,366 26, 133 155, 290 591, 518 253, 274 338, 244 26, 905 114, 121 41, 897 72, 224 23, 445 50, 900 2,931 24, 257 3,847 20, 410 990.9 93, 257 88, 740 4,395 122 180, 618 2,840 24 177, 754 899 1,683 131, 243 120, 646 70, 691 49, 955 10, 777 13, 791 4,391 9,400 46, 035 34, 160 3,885 4,660 1,190 3,470 322.7 32, 947 24, 991 2,797 5,159 36, 750 2,997 6,174 27, 579 243 4,605 58, 845 7,470 3,828 3,642 1,200 7,030 1,610 5,420 21, 174 1,986 285.8 28, 172 25, 718 342 2,112 56,999 3,272 80 53, 647 208 8, 648 60, 719 7,242 4,169 3,073 13, 280 12, 786 552 12,234 16, 997 821 1,693 6,207 88 6,119 32 33- 34 35 3a 3t 38 39 40 41 42. 43 44 45: 46 4T 48. 49. 5iy 51. 52 53 1,831 251 1, 580 3,600 1,118 2,482 54 65 56 ■ « Organized from part of Lincoln in 1923. 7 Part taken to form Lincoln in 1913. 8 Organized from part of Big Horn in 1913. • Part taken to form part of Campbell in 1913 182 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — WYOMING County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery ..dollars. Livestock on farms. .- dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925... 1920... 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners. dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers .dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants. dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners.. dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants. ..dollars. Other tenants. dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number.. Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total. Farms operated by full owners: Total number. Number reporting mortgage debt... Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt. dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt .dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting... Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting... Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road... Unimproved dirt road. All other (including not reported) The State 172, 676, 266 234, 748, 125 97, 915, 277 240, 396, 413 148, 168, 212 24, 508, 054 9, 171, 734 58, 548, 413 15, 497 11,132 9.25 19.88 1L46 7.94 172, 676, 266 61, 076, 792 75, 409, 444 10, 623, 933 25, 566, 097 6, 603, 225 18,962,872 9, 171, 734 3, 967, 907 3, 463, 792 393, 112 1, 346, 923 332, 617 1, 014, 306 12,545 6,088 48.5 8,342 3,653 1, 947, 932 33, 654, 025 14, 865, 340 44.2 9,213 4.069 17.28 7.63 2, 587, 228 7,050 7,044 45 5, 733, 408 7,012 661, 207 4,542 1, 008, 912 225, 785 1,323 623 100 15, 512 53 15 630 4,165 8,656 Albany Big Horn 9, 141, 868 10, 377, 150 8, 197, 026 11,810,137 7, 979, 946 1,161,922 331, 375 2, 336, 894 24, 452 18,927 9.31 12.24 7.66 8.13 9, 141, 868 2, 387, 195 4, 887, 451 439, 000 1, 428, 222 570, 640 857, 582 331, 375 135, 970 146, 380 8,100 i 40,925 I 24,840 1 16, 085 392 176 44.9 230 80 86, 151 1, 647, 807 629, 100 40.6 19, 348 7,864 17.97 7.30 5, 783, 645 11, 234, 209 8, 538, 050 7, 681, 956 4, 659, 405 1, 124, 240 468, 735 1, 429, 576 10, 121 7,620 36.93 58.99 33.67 29.75 5, 783, 645 3, 019, 295 1, 033, 780 134, 800 1, 595, 770 166, 070 1, 429, 700 468, 735 247, 150 93, 160 10, 950 117, 475 11, 380 106, 095 539 295 64.7 419 230 41,915 1, 750, 775 814, 230 46.6 7,612 3,640 41.77 19.43 164, 516 326 1,100 2 197, 519 267 15, 275 136 131,321 38, 683 32 25 1 483 2 77 92 222 90 78, 098 394 1,995 5 189, 975 454 24,003 264 87, 355 4,876 36 6 769 46 244 461 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — WYOMING AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 183 Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen Hot Springs Johnson Laramie 11,234,982 9, 882, 816 9, 777, 086 7, 308, 119 14, 892, 664 2, 577, 578 7, 435, 070 12, 889, 248 1 9, 696, 940 10, 990, 291 11, 797, 892 12, 549, 636 22, 196, 687 2,915,682 10, 416, 285 21, 799, 123 2 9, 048, 156 18,448,707 5, 982, 168 6, 964, 627 5, 649, 552 5, 380, 142 18, 692, 315 3 13, 108, 358 12, 444, 384 11,235,789 18, 249, 873 4,032,779 10, 989, 135 16, 307, 176 4 10, 157, 401 8,690,021 8, 741, 248 5, 833, 364 12,816,414 2, 258, 878 6, 478, 351 11,329,433 5 1, 077, 581 1, 192, 795 1, 035, 838 1, 474, 755 2, 076, 250 318, 700 956, 719 1, 559, 815 6 544, 262 419, 421 523, 973 484, 380 817, 510 152, 575 351, 495 501, 440 7 6, 669, 463 2, 806, 121 2, 143, 325 3, 443, 290 2, 539, 699 1, 302, 626 3, 202, 570 2, 916, 488 8 34, 941 14, 202 11,874 14, 442 10, 525 18, 757 23, 531 17, 764 9 21, 278 10, 707 9,329 9,393 8,589 11,989 15, 921 14, 041 10 5.39 5.91 8.49 7.35 14.55 14.85 8.41 8.59 11 11.50 14.26 12.42 27.93 24.92 24.85 22.04 21.62 12 5.30 4.87 10.85 5.19 10.73 7.59 17.63 5.87 16.70 7.33 11.11 7.55 13 i2."52" i3."62" 14 11,234,982 9, 882, 816 9, 777, 086 7,308,119 14, 892, 664 2, 577, 578 7, 435, 070 12, 889, 248 15 3, 846, 529 2, 754, 074 2, 683, 925 2, 814, 612 4, 584, 734 1, 470, 578 3, 385, 688 2, 751, 294 16 3,694,900 5, 694, 857 5, 837, 451 2, 662, 775 5, 773, 140 604, 150 2, 603, 183 5, 429, 569 17 2, 797, 953 266, 420 277, 680 408, 100 166, 600 66, 500 296, 000 2, 697, 350 18 895, 600 1, 167, 465 978, 030 1, 422, 632 4, 368, 190 436, 350 1, 150, 199 2,011,035 19 257, 130 442, 260 488, 830 246, 097 1, 005, 790 112, 700 415, 905 607, 190 20 638, 470 725, 205 489, 200 1, 176, 535 3,362,400 323, 650 734, 294 1,503,846 21 544, 262 419,421 523, 973 484, 380 817,510 152, 575 351, 495 601, 440 22 191, 381 134, 354 181, 226 203, 590 276, 915 93, 600 184, 110 130, 960 23 189, 596 215, 480 250, 987 193, 320 297, 205 30, 150 110, 185 231, 953 24 124, 775 13, 660 27, 970 14, 300 3,800 4,700 10, 400 56, 147 25 38,610 55,927 63, 790 73, 170 239, 590 24, 125 46, 800 82, 380 26 9,815 22, 387 31,705 12,845 40,455 2,550 17, 150 21, 580 27 28,695 33, 540 32, 085 60, 325 199, 135 21, 575 29, 650 60, 800 28 427 807 878 602 1,216 174 384 664 29 180 333 412 229 682 96 177 442 30 42.2 41.3 46.9 38.0 56.1 55.2 46.1 66.6 31 298 485 514 451 732 135 245 355 32 117 164 231 151 381 78 102 212 33 146,821 95, 930 156, 699 46,005 165, 032 27, 076 130,440 123, 360 34 1,985,813 1,235,426 1, 273, 580 1, 550, 235 2, 913, 881 1, 033, 785 2, 252, 072 1, 828, 816 35 965, 230 431, 502 495,027 642, 599 1,204,874 474, 450 1, 284, 050 680, 620 36 48.6 34.9 38.9 41.5 41.3 45.9 57.0 37.2 37 16, 973 7,533 5,513 10, 266 7,648 13,254 22, 079 8,626 38 8,250 2,631 2,143 4,256 3,162 6,083 12, 589 3,210 39 13.53 12.88 8.13 33.70 17.66 38.18 17.27 14.83 40 6.57 4.50 3.16 13.97 7.30 17.52 9.84 5.52 41 298, 123 94, 771 65,936 153,095 199, 238 106, 736 87,419 144, 372 42 3'60 426 384 323 661 125 196 307 43 149 190 133 10 44 5 159, 499 2 403, 410 5 355, 773 1 94, 770 45 ""849,'833' ""2i6,'838' ""274,' 751" 236,' 272" 46 339 284 435 383 689 113 242 282 47 29, 925 37, 852 12, 393 36, 207 73, 295 25, 785 33, 783 44, 102 48 159 280 152 171 606 49 140 254 49 365,492 20, 267 4,200 8,837 29, 064 481 368 35, 782 60 98, 372 469 448 861 11, 083 406 192 1,450 51 22 74 69 67 134 18 72 170 52 24 33 52 34 51 18 18 49 53 1 7 9 3 7 3 2 14 54 528 923 1,048 778 1,734 215 467 918 56 56 67 '"8 is' " 12' '""16 --- ' 39" '" 22" "75' 58 158 208 261 345 120 9 51 204 59 344° 605 594 384 1,329 132 371 473 60 18 92 181 33 195 35 23 166 61 51623—27- -13 184 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1&25 WYOMING County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings., 1925 dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925. dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920. 1910. Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. . Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants. dollars. Cash tenants. dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total— dollars. Full owners — dollars. Part owners.. dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value Gand and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings. dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed ...dollars. Farms reporting. Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.. Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Lincoln 5,475,537 12, 216, 251 8, 448, 116 4, 585, 947 889, 590 361, 680 2, 610, 899 12, 781 8,284 13.38 27.69 1L20 5, 475, 537 2, 957, 040 1, 855, 215 149, 200 514, 082 144, 232 369, 850 361, 680 201, 055 114, 525 7,850 38, 250 9,900 28, 350 Natrona 3, 527, 170 2, 356, 685 3,424,621 7, 840, 072 2, 909, 865 617, 305 165, 931 4, 146, 971 19, 406 8,731 5.19 10.71 13.17 4.28 3, 527, 170 2, 020, 630 1, 395, 040 111,500 111, 500 165, 931 85,945 74, 036 5,950 5,950 Niobrara 8, 351, 153 8, 691, 776 10,323,100 7,321,973 ; 1, 029, 180 I 464,715 I 1,507,232 ! i 16, 137 12, 245 8.56 13.66 7.'5i" 8, 351, 153 2, 473, 179 4, 922, 930 292, 800 662,244 278, 884 383, 360 464, 715 205, 555 193, 900 24,500 40, 760 12, 165 28, 595 601 316 52.6 501 249 67, 830 1, 491, 740 664, 286 44.5 5,991 2,668 2L99 9.79 394 65 16.5 303 48 24, 619 610, 650 236, 885 38.8 12, 722 4,935 24.80 9.62 156, 082 350 236, 335 301 22, 914 190 4,157 625 38 12 661 48 461 137 15 584 301 51.5 373 163 118, 251 1, 304, 051 436, 930 33.5 8,000 2,681 11.03 132, 673 150 900 2 257, 467 110 20,815 63 21, 447 17, 790 19 9 4 404 22 63, 138 261 92,1 23, i 210 ,989 206 601 108 682 41 141 156 44 167 316 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 WYOMING Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 185 Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 10, 665, 806 25, 899, 679 14, 270, 865 16, 601, 486 9, 599, 429 4, 191, 656 2, 184, 116 1,091,015 824, 665 5, 376, 717 1,889,116 295, 000 202, 240 2, 990, 361 2, 260, 775 4, 093, 105 6, 346, 623 7, 196, 741 6,068,296 3, 370, 855 722, 250 237, 630 1, 737, 561 3, 827, 425 5, 351, 240 3, 404, 820 8, 089, 221 3, 343, 421 4, 747, 569 ! 2,930,412 474, 408 197, 783 1,144,966 1 ? S 13, 908, 764 9, 114, 792 1, 551, 014 452, 206 2, 790, 752 17, 560, 904 12, 195, 485 2, 075, 380 696, 655 2, 693, 384 6,616,382 3, 796, 481 395, 175 220, 155 2, 204, 571 2, 868, 324 1, 832, 476 428, 300 221, 905 385, 644 5, 941, 856 2, 937, 435 889, 990 347, 065 1, 767, 366 4 5 6 7 8 14,063 10, 784 12.01 26.58 20, 372 16, 556 12.38 26.53 22.77 10.58 23,715 15,024 15.16 25, 243 10, 254 7.96 17.81 6.72 6.89 12, 417 9,787 30.33 14, 245 9,608 15.65 19.56 12.53 12.89 18,060 11,634 40.71 57.31 8, 185 5,870 4.76 10.82 9.43 4.10 9 10 11 12 13 10.27 13.73 24.58 31.24 14 10,665,806 2, 425, 150 5, 636, 331 392, 630 2,211,695 389, 350 1, 822, 345 14, 270, 865 2,990,705 7, 692, 748 823, 440 2, 763, 972 710, 681 2,053,291 4, 191, 656 2, 242, 493 1, 560, 868 236, 560 151, 735 45, 735 106, 000 2, 184, 116 894, 386 1, 095, 130 21, 000 173, 600 67, 100 106, 500 2, 260, 775 1,900,825 171,450 18, 000 170, 500 37, 500 133, 000 4, 093, 105 2, 617, 460 738, 590 501, 100 235, 955 140,195 96, 760 3, 827, 425 2, 360, 425 192, 500 311,000 963, 500 22, 500 941, 000 3, 404, 820 989, 786 1, 816, 850 301, 200 296, 984 78, 364 218, 620 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 452, 206 124, 445 220, 260 . 8,925 98, 576 20, 875 77, 701 596, 655 191, 270 227, 005 24, 780 153, 600 44, 815 108, 786 220, 155 131, 405 75, 925 5,005 7,820 3,210 4,610 202, 240 77, 970 111,920 1,100 11, 250 5,200 6,050 221, 906 200, 505 11,395 237, 630 164, 220 47, 560 15, 350 10, 500 6,650 4,850 347, 065 242, 590 14. 000 20, 500 69, 975 3,300 66, 676 197, 783 74, 598 97, 670 6,700 18, 815 6,650 12, 166 22 23 24 25 10,005 1,650 8,355 26 27 28 735 414 56.3 606 352 58.1 263 138 52.6 177 58 32.8 206 97 47.1 381 199 52.2 251 123 49.0 517 267 61.6 29 30 31 388 193 81, 166 1, 418, 979 586, 383 41.3 375 209 108, 602 1, 995, 237 910, 509 45.6 193 96 86, 341 1, 443, 325 910, 080 63.1 133 39 10,977 409, 240 216, 520 52.9 188 89 33, 366 1,116,325 517, 964 46.4 337 169 80, 961 1, 539, 560 713, 733 46.4 244 119 29, 843 1,361,085 588, 082 43.2 329 137 90, 218 492, 810 262, 328 53.2 32 33 34 35 36 37 7,352 3,038 9,547 4,357 15,036 9,480 10,493 5,552 12, 532 5,820 9,110 4,223 11, 43S 4,942 3,597 1,915 38 39 17.48 7.22 18.37 8.38 16.91 10.66 37.28 19.72 33.43 15.62 19.02 8.82 46. 61 19.71 5.46 2.91 40 41 174, 814 426 1,975 11 251, 878 457 34, 370 284 95, 772 433 54, 126 161 123, 134 127 28, 348 143 40 1 57, 274 131 13, 866 83 77, 457 274 24, 083 35 25 1 189, 090 145 2,820 20 44, 006 214 40 2 67, 094 149 12, 092 107 42 43 44 45 316,810 513 43, 353 306 212, 860 182 8,852 74 386, 699 112 6,981 25 126, 029 304 15,629 125 46 47 48 49 141, 353 25, 967 5,742 18, 567 63 41 16, 194 600 3,158 140 1 360 275 860 496 50 1 51 108 41 31 989 120 34 3 862 16 10 16 4 23 8 19 5 11 8 33 18 1 I 580 62- 53 54- 279 213 231 426 1 329 55 31 1 56 2 39 241 624 83 9 23 151 209 34 1 57 33 268 495 35 1 i 223 1 1 58 42 231 6 67 111 35 81 140 10 106 424 50 59 60 61 186 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — WYOMING County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 25 35 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age. Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number... Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number _ Calves under 1 year of age. Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over. Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value.. dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age... Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked. Milk produced,! 1924... gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924.. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924. gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 .dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn,i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds, 1919 pounds Value of wool, 1924... dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 .dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars Chickens raised,i 1924.. number 1919 number Value of chickens raised, 1924.. dollars The State 58,548,413 199, 660 32, 605 166, 955 5, 915, 581 5,106 1,483 3,623 265, 973 783, 398 215, 914 93, 080 6,555 86, 525 346, 025 32, 882 313, 143 114, 433 13, 946 23, 148, 645 2, 507, 012 513, 739 1, 920, 840 72, 433 27,464,490 1,152 6,912 49, 776 19, 220 30, 873 1, 022, 047 808, 994 602, 737 122, 028 57, 849 29, 276 28,573 24, 318, 067 14, 542, 841 420 1, 760, 471 3, 524, 476 202, 249 2,112,486 2, 934, 239 2, 258, 315 18, 727, 834 18,411,773 7, 303, 856 4, 336, 912 3, 165, 743 1, 201, 996 1, 121, 118 893, 857 744, 876 Albany Big Horn 2, 336, 894 9,549 1,852 7,697 291, 330 17 1 71 I 4,841 I 47,253 12,037 ' 5,343 I 223 I 5,120 22,412 I 1,502 I 20,910 6,469 I 992 I 1,405,638 55,537 I 9,899 44,416 ! 1,222 608, 068 82 492 614 252 114 248 6,942 19,322 I 18,742 I 841 1, 429, 576 7,246 890 6,356 223, 098 134 15 119 7,947 18, 459 5,446 2,395 655 1,740 8,645 2,739 5,906 1,604 369 657, 667 48, 273 8,556 37, 773 1,944 557, 690 34 204 3,140 1,368 555 1,217 32,354 43, 516 29, 156 21, 460 2,204 1,144 1,060 1, 020, 452 405, 312 463 77,289 121, 006 14, 233 183, 843 164, 743 51, 372 406, 253 470, 075 158, 439 104,918 . 47,535 34, 623 24, 326 11,376 18, 245 3,130 2,339 791 1, 561, 870 1, 086, 513 499 143, 155 221,430 5,764 42,024 155, 254 41, 901 420, 796 1, 241, 536 164, 110 268, 363 249, 144 72, 458 53, 177 65, 364 30, 843 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS or AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — WYOMING 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 187 Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen Hot Springs Johnson Laramie 6, 669, 463 2, 806, 121 2, 143, 325 3, 443, 290 2, 539, 699 1, 302, 626 3, 202, 570 2, 916, 488 1 12, 689 12, 568 11,299 12, 451 13, 234 3,802 9,052 10, 665 2 2,313 2,455 1,562 2,403 1,497 719 1,883 1, 358 3 10, 376 10, 113 9,737 10, 048 11,737 3,083 7,169 9,297 4 389, 792 337, 760 313, 978 377, 677 436, 244 112, 524 257, 653 348, 481 6 165 272 299 174 1,028 104 173 422 6 27 42 91 65 360 19 57 97 7 138 230 208 109 668 85 116 325 8 9,228 15, 060 15, 210 8,490 51, 548 5,925 8,845 22, 735 9 62, 525 41, 237 42, 330 30,956 52, 762 12, 177 41, 245 46, 868 10 17, 100 12, 157 12,711 8,664 14, 272 3,625 11,478 13, 479 11 7,777 4,490 5,154 4,296 6,560 1,361 5,389 5, 076 12 195 424 117 452 606 101 151 349 13 7,582 4,066 5,037 3,844 5,954 1,260 5,238 4,727 14 26, 656 18, 073 18, 135 14, 692 22, 795 6,068 19, 292 20, 169 15 1,138 1,460 741 1,633 2,940 617 816 3,648 16 25, 518 16,613 17, 394 13,059 19, 855 5,451 18, 477 16, 521 17 9,890 5,713 5,591 2,662 8,260 1,002 4,344 7,233 18 1,102 804 739 642 875 221 742 911 19 1, 820, 556 1, 165, 806 1, 200, 958 925, 633 1, 588, 064 347, 588 1, 187, 108 1,438,578 20 402, 674 112, 803 47, 547 186, 222 14, 755 70, 187 141,913 81, 547 21 70, 739 26, 576 7,780 31, 624 12, 204 11,268 22, 984 14,880 22 320, 855 81, 454 38, 563 149, 369 2,462 55, 590 116, 575 62, 987 23 11,080 4,773 1,204 5,229 89 3,329 3,354 3,680 24 4, 420, 371 1, 228, 962 511, 189 2, 062, 589 134, 749 815, 431 1, 670, 167 880, 132 25 77 30 4 27 33 27 14 42 26 462 180 24 162 198 162 84 252 27 850 2,605 7,645 2,847 21, 857 937 6,348 15, 455 28 405 1,490 3,768 1,423 10, 275 415 3,171 7,076 29 172 637 1,867 672 3,481 265 1,471 2,160 30 273 478 2,010 752 8,101 257 706 6,229 31 9,105 23, 805 75, 738 27, Oil 235,380 9,806 50, 269 168, 141 32 18, 023 41, 871 40, 924 38, 468 106, 597 11,718 33, 225 68, 044 33 17, 482 28, 891 24, 964 34, 621 83,146 7,851 26, 916 53,074 34 2,467 5,657 1,264 7,107 10,370 3,339 2,528 5,095 35 1,682 3,179 3,537 1,600 5,949 697 1,563 5,642 36 1, 025 1,266 710 1,204 2,562 577 684 3,295 37 657 1,913 2,827 296 3,387 120 869 2,347 38 755, 218 1, 255, 705 1,411,263 837, 000 2,421,243 306, 680 646, 048 2,008,562 39 248, 787 414, 817 846, 736 679, 912 1, 748, 456 146,619 319, 776 1, 502, 719 40 449 395 399 558 407 440 416 356 41 93, 549 94,714 111,423 68, 400 153, 247 24, 406 52, 403 83,956 42 61, 694 114, 466 166, 083 61,819 442, 569 9,847 46, 408 398, 293 43 3,940 19,565 12, 052 26, 115 12, 650 3,112 6,435 2,230 44 59, 199 228, 560 23,133 101, 002 68, 598 107, 875 110, 166 280, 108 45 89, 673 177, 131 120, 470 126, 441 242, 427 56, 144 86, 867 261, 461 46 376, 500 93, 330 42, 174 172, 442 13, 752 70, 748 122, 329 80, 324 47 2, 983, 412 804, 215 319,663 1,468,733 135, 067 615,119 1, 074, 565 589, 829 48 2, 909, 575 1,224,487 518, 528 1, 758, 513 153, 819 705, 596 1, 040, 767 470, 762 49 1,163,531 313, 644 124, 630 572, 806 52, 676 239, 896 419, 080 230, 033 50 93, 918 234, 603 259, 650 221, 883 439, 499 66, 996 187, 356 308, 648 51 67, 557 125, 181 192, 049 234, 216 300, 164 42, 697 130,339 295, 488 52 30, 993 65, 689 64,913 77, 659 118,666 17, 819 50, 586 83,335 53 31.378 67, 705 67, 402 39, 083 168, 403 15, 796 44, 289 82, 605 54 16. 167 38, 106 69, 553 46, 638 108, 976 14, 076 34, 947 81,112 65 23, 534 41, 977 39, 093 33,611 110, 882 9,162 31, 446 67, 824 66 2 Value of mills:, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 188 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock. dollars.. Horses: Total number. Colts under 2 years of age , Horses 2 years old and over. Total value dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over.. j Total value dollars. .i Cattle: j Total number. Calves under 1 year of age I Heifers 1 year old and under 2 i Dairy beifers. } Beef beifers.. Cows 2 years old and over. { Dairy cows Beef cows ] Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over. Total value. dollars..! Sheep: i Total number.. | Lambs under 1 year of age__ ; Ewes 1 year old and over... I Rams and wethers 1 year and over j Total value.- ..dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number... Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 1924. Milk produced.i 1924. gallons.. 1919.. gallons.. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons.. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds.. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds.. Cream sold, 1924.. gallons.. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons.. Value of dairy products,^ 1924. dollars.. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, • 1924 ! Wool produced,! 1924. pounds.. 1919 pounds.. Value of wool, 1924. dollars..] Eggs and chickens: i Chicken eggs produced,n924 dozens.. 1919 dozens..! Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars..} Chickens raised, 1 1924 number.. 1919 number.. Value of chickens raised, 1924. dollars.. 2, 610, 899 5,848 854 4,994 178,466 125 9 116 7,605 24, 695 6,068 3,375 1,092 2,283 11, 579 4,105 7,474 3,240 433 840, 298 143, 857 27, 015 112, 054 4,788 1, 536, 321 13 78 2,849 1,625 499 725 28, 697 20, 059 14, 041 5,393 4,494 3,720 774 2, 395, 302 1, 923, 573 533 i 49,423 [ 637,274 5,507 I 81, 840 296, 783 162, 845 1, 237, 643 1, 328, 648 482, 642 99,011 171,086 28, 713 18, 996 28, 125 12, 537 4, 146, 971 6,307 1,180 5,127 192, 018 81 6 75 21,500 4,903 2,153 16 2,137 8,942 250 8,692 5,181 321 653, 508 301, 562 67, 617 225, 211 8,734 , 284, 816 40 240 264 136 59 2,481 8,457 7,611 1,617 312 198 114 118, 872 165, 598 381 4,126 325 1, 507, 232 10, 498 2,010 8,488 282,780 277 131 146 12, 690 34, 403 9,133 3,533 272 3,261 13, 205 1,244 11,961 8,065 467 990, 197 14, 673 2,403 11, 636 634 163, 053 14 84 3,440 1,783 1,025 632 33, 005 35, 274 24, 339 1,084 81, 131 30, 208 267, 184 2, 188, 739 1, 394, 272 853, 608 31,545 22, 983 11, 041 11,485 4,619 9,877 2,850 1,161 1,689 971, 850 465, 075 341 81, 290 185, 835 1,769 8,400 91, 028 12,664 110, 266 172, 021 43,004 183, 117 104, 199 51, 273 52, 135 34, 924 32, 324 2, 422, 682 7,382 1,095 6,287 223, 896 228 36 192 13, 176 20,104 5,436 2,581 347 2,234 10, 198 1,773 8,425 1,520 369 590, 697 130, 883 20, 750 106, 239 3,894 1, 516, 523 3,012 1,471 700 841 30, 259 52, 218 34, 986 12, 557 2,381 1,654 727 1, 085, 736 660, 230 456 74, 132 164, 183 6,290 48, 015 111,874 117,533 1,105,176 1,052,836 431,019 307, 930 313,484 83,141 59, 111 61, 687 34, 284 i Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — WYOMING 189 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 2, 790, 752 2, 693, 384 2, 204, 571 2,990,361 385, 644 1, 737, 561 1, 767, 366 1, 144, 966 1 8,556 10, 588 6,833 3,722 2,021 3,899 3,814 8,286 2 1,033 1,192 999 861 281 620 337 1,452 3 7,523 9,396 5,834 2,861 1,740 3,279 3,477 6,834 4 280, 866 318, 552 208, 506 103, 606 61,916 113, 608 119, 796 225, 348 5 599 293 34 76 37 47 86 85 6 209 73 1 22 10 7 53 30 7 390 220 33 54 27 40 33 55 8 30,060 15, 757 2,112 3,954 2,031 2,650 3,669 4,200 9 36, 486 52, 403 61, 081 9,789 8,945 25, 625 10, 855 22, 775 10 9,594 14, 327 17,024 2,306 2,681 6,656 2,909 6,752 11 4,158 6,112 7,277 1,169 1,411 2,964 1,390 2,884 12 370 418 16 65 107 204 186 42 13 3,788 5,694 7,261 1,104 1,304 2,760 1,204 2,842 14 17, 522 23, 161 26, 039 4,669 3,214 11, 707 6,059 9,690 15 1,878 2,157 165 322 505 1,132 1,029 351 16 15, 644 21, 004 25, 874 4,347 2,709 10, 575 5,030 9,339 17 4,559 7,838 9,717 1,460 1,518 3,846 218 3,073 18 653 965 1,024 185 121 452 279 376 19 1,100,369 1, 542, 882 1, 803, 887 296, 363 269, 730 770, 254 321, 209 645, 085 20 115,393 64, 688 16, 407 244, 221 3,622 78,024 115,319 21, 405 21 34, 993 23, 707 1,851 50, 424 545 15, 509 32,064 2,883 22 77, 811 39, 666 14, 080 187, 477 2,929 60,417 80, 639 17, 797 23 2,589 1,315 476 6,320 148 2,098 2,616 725 24 1, 204, 387 713, 211 178, 357 2, 569, 246 39, 118 822, 684 1, 293, 130 231, 937 25 244 56 17 181 15 11 14 55 26 1,464 336 102 1,086 90 66 84 330 27 10, 356 5,221 207 391 562 1,135 1,017 2,164 28 5,701 2,594 109 134 364 580 350 1,128 29 1,371 1,080 19 145 118 2r.o 118 646 30 3,284 1,547 79 112 80 295 549 390 31 104,031 51,875 2,119 4,659 5,374 11, 805 11,007 21, 333 32 67, 434 57, 305 7,050 7, 050 9,402 15, 892 21,044 26, 231 33 52, 599 44, 698 4,935 6,909 6,581 15, 574 14, 099 16, 001 34 16, 976 6,073 4, 553 4,538 804 920 4,372 732 35 4,034 3,551 841 576 1,020 1,754 970 2,019 36 1,729 2,218 170 292 486 981 946 319 37 2,305 1,338 671 284 534 773 24 1,700 38 1, 512, 750 1, 825, 214 200, 999 217, 728 482, 460 784, 038 480, 150 635, 985 39 1, 192, 784 1, 106, 980 56, 136 232, 975 314,428 363,421 40 375 514 239' 378 ' "473' 447 495 315 41 111,681 139, 449 43, 877 10, 955 41, 701 61, 807 50, 199 64, 279 42 273, 280 148, 587 3,955 822 59, 656 101, 373 55, 991 97, 009 43 6,398 32, 479 1,106 2,077 5,697 11, 904 200 2,124 44 54, 425 290, 624 1,048 114, 146 68, 038 87, 365 44, 200 4,850 45 157, 940 262, 588 21, 503 47, 518 71, 887 107, 402 54, 443 61, 650 46 95, 315 56, 408 13,355 220, 287 2,760 65, 540 84, 068 19, 243 47 763, 094 354, 426 112,880 1, 862, 674 28, 346 577, 768 748, 190 159, 938 48 1, 123, 370 199, 941 162, 237 695, 048 916, 563 194, 440 49 297, 607 138, 226 44,' 023" 726,443 ii,"055' 225, 330 291, 794 62, 376 50 333,461 299, 877 50,802 26,980 65,622 86, 151 161, 323 148,835 51 228, 261 261, 199 25, 110 66, 414 114,306 43, 557 93, 181 52 90, 034 80,967 i4;733' 8,634 i9;030' 27, 568 37,209 53 107, 018 83, 264 5,365 6,423 9,004 28, 177 26, 200 44, 042 54 79, 599 86, 913 5,582 17,330 26,263 15, 196 27, 672 55 74, 913 59, 117 si'sii" 4,689 5," 943' 20, 569 25, 544 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 190 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage. Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder. acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat— acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed. acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye... acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth, .acres. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan. ..acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay. acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar. acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons. acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Plums and prunes.. trees of all ages. The State 18, 889, 391 28, 688, 940 179, 623 82, 732 868, 289 2,576 8,700 36, 679 57, 536 136, 253 1, 651, 150 104, 268 2, 446, 754 16, 764 21, 493 439, 749 44,452 322,303 642 1,958 3,061 8,333 1, 017, 205 28, 944 74, 277 1,871 12, 863 387, 601 74, 929 57, 122 122 379, 476 1, 177, 675 23, 316 230, 673 10, 391 932, 510 100 48 78 136 207 34 10, 018 40, 654 47, 974 11, 748 Albany 683, 560 1, 074, 079 10 200 60 398 8,052 1,346 31, 266 213 340 8,000 112 751 25 86, 856 473 607 116 8,188 212 916 76, 345 65, 336 434 37, 213 Big Horn 1, 119, 133 3,402,160 1,774 868 21, 318 116 819 147 643 3,399 67,888 6,306 184, 555 214 543 14, 850 12 100 5 990 36, 380 36 85 317 2,705 31, 585 154 617 881 60, 703 3,863 42, 089 336 42, 786 6 5 1 5 14 3 1,944 21, 175 26, 828 4,289 Campbell CElssCrS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 — WYOMING AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 191 Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen Hot Springs Johnson Laramie 1, 567, 606 604, 265 788, 637 887, 682 2,269,012 242, 298 658, 719 1,047,949 1 1,961,682 1, 147, 323 528, 926 2, 450, 584 2,751,048 349, 590 1,110,921 1,430,716 2 76 9,395 16,433 433 44, 787 391 4,215 33, 599 3 43 1,838 3,739 158 30, 398 153 1,923 18, 141 4 400 12, 247 48, 876 4,379 316, 903 2, 712 18, 834 139,730 5 20 103 154 63 125 67. 42 790 6 30 144 375 209 442 220 222 991 7 12 4,935 5,290 98 4,447 98 738 4,937 8 1 2,519 7,250 114 9,817 73 1,512 9,731 9 352 5,020 8,138 3,022 23, 543 533 5,209 24, 346 10 5,381 26,421 103, 069 67, 198 216, 677 11, 875 83, 578 184, 792 11 1, 506 4,245 4,847 5,409 12,964 1,223 5,028 10, 783 12 30, 652 62, 108 90, 725 197, 549 276, 229 42, 153 158,086 116,295 13 351 666 714 257 1,176 19 341 3, 253 14 163 92 1,663 1,135 3, 705 211 1,044 2, 659 15 3,631 1,835 26, 738 32, 998 64,107 5,513 27, 648 26, 987 16 100 1,188 526 15 6,699 5 19 29, 979 17 407 6,063 5,111 4 44 4 29 90 52, 015 25 175 214, 400 403 792 805 2,619 18 19 '>0 284 306 1 31 698 1,516 ''I 1 128 102 22 94, 143 39, 986 54, 602 44, 005 46,473 15, 270 40,428 37, 447 23 811 998 2,510 1,387 420 431 515 V4 32, 642 1,890 664 958 1, 133 435 1,215 ?5 48 121 17, 643 104 782 24, 181 49 616 19, 567 64 2,057 30, 219 5 800 21, 074 ?.(y 311 30, 412 259 . 3, 915 ?7 12,746 28 2,078 899 1,577 2,344 96 1,699 7,648 ^9 527 3,356 7,988 991 5,119 235 1,648 8,261 30 4 40, 269 2 7,774 8 8,321 31 21, 631 17, 131 640 .5, 492 15, 634 32 165, 183 49, 694 49, 086 53, 696 60, 924 23, 389 52, 965 35, 330 33 238 763 9, 199 86, 649 2,406 26 34 2,105 7,063 259 208 35 250 450 303 159 227 942 36 14, 580 16, 787 16, 840 30, 493 328, 501 16, 715 22, 142 34, 101 37 3 1 6 8 2 7 1 38 2 2 9 16 3 2 844 8 5 6 14 4 6 799 3 2 2 7 7 30 5 16 177 39 1 1 2 40 2 1 60 17 2 2 1,728 * 41 7 1 3 28 4? 43 2 290 44 36 3 45 52 175 1,077 3, 805 1,035 318 745 46 83 9 295 445 845 113 2,967 569 1,117 2,273 197 79 1,083 1,325 47 21 48 192 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 37 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 doUars. ACREAGE and production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage. Harvested for grain.. acres. bushels. Cut for silage. * acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley. _ acres. bushels. Rye. acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) ,... Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone. acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa.- acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms.. acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild.. tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white. _ acres. bushels. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. _ acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Plums and prunes.. trees of all ages. Lincoln 896, 821 2, 461, 725 2,773 32, 668 4,723 99, 262 1,324 1,821 30, 463 33 70, 260 2,070 2,660 260 120 25, 612 18, 939 1,225 19, 374 68, 707 80 6,817 38 200 129 17 Natrona 148, 310 213,065 832 275 2,724 75 91 339 143 22 321 126 3,383 52 22 120 11,543 301 50 25 8,028 402 589 2,148 13, 448 5,195 12 22 200 130 74 Niobrara 360, 889 596, 871 10, 030 2,743 21, 785 3,350 3,937 6,320 38, 395 4,631 53, 672 673 228 2,530 2,879 16, 982 113 34 30, 522 340 500 14 1,232 7,746 1,050 5,353 14, 287 19, 103 947 39, 318 20 28 261 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — WYOMING AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 193 Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweet- water Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 1, 201, 715 1, 525, 424 1,449,973 1, 590, 325 852, 656 189, 454 165, 407 352, 346 526, 403 889, 971 759, 961 1, 426, 658 302, 792 452, 294 1 ? 20, 414 11,216 144, 285 783 3,900 3,197 5,218 14, 779 155, 993 8,362 162. 689 2,098 781 10, 617 1,652 12,448 6,499 2,317 28, 946 50 125 703 3,429 15, 479 330, 047 8,706 306, 954 315 2,189 60, 691 458 6,700 1 8 32 175 63, 664 7,540 6,745 160 161 30, 911 1,395 1,901 90 14, 761 83, 249 1,261 11, 075 513 45, 934 11 11 1 8 43 7 14 1,239 4,994 8,967 327 66 66 920 395 200 6,013 6,368 774 8,732 30 30 3,353 2,211 5,037 69, 576 2,323 36, 284 411 995 12, 168 158 1,077 3 1 4 : r 5 6 7 151 44 917 24, 857 3,520 144, 669 136 1,441 58, 223 17 116 8 9 130 1,481 1,167 26, 562 148 74 1,245 9 145 547 9,812 2,203 47, 522 684 199 3,401 654 9,835 1,198 30, 747 168 295 7,590 7 105 in 11 137 1,789 217 90 1,307 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 84 994 50, 194 114 311 30 2,047 28, 403 2,156 3, 257 14 87 15, 278 282 95 547 9 17, 152 1,308 264 14 59 5,200 908 4,184 ?1 ?■? 88, 304 2,776 3,073 100 14, 801 431 114 5 95 5,780 130 590 5 7, 651 14, 856 21, 223 2,593, 7,415 509 29 5,423 79 961 46, 293 2,701 5,600 106 123 9,762 2,320 268 23 24 25 45 14, 189 42 48 ?7 791 24, 972 136 28 29 30 31 13, 876 56, 983 2,026 18, 419 238 12, 252 2 3 56, 456 77, 034 4,214 27, 592 25, 413 43, 680 577 33, 356 3,579 38, 333 153 24, 171 10 9 6,215 15, 726 32 33 34 . 35 39 2,400 61 4,499 5 28 2,224 1 109 8,184 1 228 10, 671 4 2 1 2 3 3 2 25 151 83 50 36 37 38 39 1 2 2 1 1 40 1 2 14 22 3 7 105 386 697 354 41 4? 43 1 1,575 2,117 532 981 44 28 30 20 2 5 1 7 12 45 46 47 48 194 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State O a c o PQ Campbell Carbon 1 > a 8 Crook Fremont 1 1 1 2 3 4 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 61, 181 15,041 46, 140 26, 812 19,328 1,850 435 1,415 830 585 3,711 1,083 2,628 1,451 1,177 4,414 2,343 1,083 410 3,331 1,933 1, 898 1, 320 1, 433 613 3,188 726 2,462 1,462 3,931 3,065 939 739 2,992 2,326 1.702 1.393 6,220 1,618 4,602 2. 574 5 Female 1 . 000 1 . 290 9SS 9 n9« White farm population 6 60,450 14, 858 45, 592 26, 503 19, 089 731 183 548 309 239 1,846 435 1,411 826 585 4 3,692 1,073 2,619 1,447 1,172 19 10 4,411 1 2,336 1,083 1 410 3,328 1,926 1,896 1,313 1,432 613 3 7 3, 187 1 3, 916 2, 476 6, 181 726 937 595 : 1,602 2,461 2,979 i 1,881 , 4,579 1,461 ! 1,693 ! 1,154 | 2,557 1,000 1 1.286 727 i 2.022 7 8 9 Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male— 10 Female 11 1? Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 1 1 i 15 589 39 2 144 16 13 445 1 23 9 239 1 17 4 206 ! 6 13 14 ■-"T "9 4 1 4 - 5 3 7 2 1 7 1 1 15 1 Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 16 17 18 IQ 48, 471 11,449 37, 022 21, 384 15, 658 47, 820 11, 299 36, 521 21, 088 15,433 651 150 501 276 225 1,383 204 1,179 920 259. 1,379 204 1,175 916 259 4 1,483 322 1,161 675 486 1,479 322 1,157 671 486 4 -- 4 25 3 22 17 5 25 3 22 17 2,665 717 1,948 1,069 879 2,653 712 1,941 1,066 875 12 ? 3 4 48 15 33 21 12 48 15 33 21 4,099 994 3, 105 1,770 1,335 4,096 994 3,102 1,768 1,734 330 1,404 904 500 1,731 330 1,401 901 2,710 600 2,110 1,266 844 2,709 600 2,109 1,265 844 1 3,351 789 2,562 1,445 1,117 3,339 789 2,550 1,437 1,113 12 2,319 4,240 525 ( 1,033 1,794 1 3,207 1, 072 1 1, 746 722 1,461 1, 730 4, 232 381 1,032 1,349 ! 3,200 833 i 1,741 516 ! 1,459 589 8 144 i 1 445 1 7 239 \. 5 206 1 2 ?0 21 22 23 ^4 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male . - ?5 1,334 1 500 3 3 . .. 1 . . 26 ?7 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male 28 ?9 3 3 2 3 1 1 12 8 4 49 9 40 29 30 Female 31 32 33 34 Population on managed farms.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 1 410 31 379 327 52 406 31 375 323 33 9 24 16 63 5 58 47 11 63 5 58 47 11 34 7 27 17 10 34 27 17 10 '35 Female 8 11 36 37 38 3q White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.. 33 9 24 1 49 9 40 29 11 40 Female 5 12 52 41 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 4 4? 43 10 years of age and over Male 4 4 ! 4 4 44 45 Female \ 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 11,327 3,388 7,939 4,528 3,411 11,251 3,355 7,896 4,499 3,397 76 33 43 29 14 342 110 232 138 94 342 110 232 138 94 998 351 647 361 286 991 346 645 360 285 314 89 225 127 98 314 89 225 127 98 199 49 150 89 61 199 49 150 89 61 445 117 328 180 531 141 390 228 683 209 474 274 200 683 209 474 274 200 1,946 578 1,368 811 557 1,915 563 1,352 799 553 31 50 Female ... 148 162 445 1 528 117 139 328 ' 389 180 1 227 148 162 51 52 53 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 55 Female... 56 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 7 5 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 57 15 1 58 16 12 4 59 60 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING 195 BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 1 •i CO c3 2 M § n 03 •d 1 1 8J .2 o o o 3 3 ^ ^ fS 1 -S Ph rn ^ 1 t< P ^ ^4< 855 1,925 3,600 3,140 1,143 2,320 3,099 3,874 3,919 1,013 928 994 2,062 1,462 2,125 1 18H 444 814 994 189 547 785 973 897 203 192 271 598 404 509 2 667 1,481 2,786 2.146 954 1,773 2,314 2, 901 i 3, 022 810 736 723 1,464 1,058 1,616 3 426 899 1,630 1,176 632 1,018 1,3Q1 1, 571 1, 732 474 559 418 817 617 912 4 241 582 1,156 970 322 755 1,013 1,330 1,290 336 177 305 647 441 704 5 855 1,925 3,600 3,131 1,142 2,313 3,081 3,874 3,900 1,013 928 994 2,062 1,462 2,125 6 188 444 814 994 189 547 779 973 892 203 192 271 598 404 509 V 667 1,481 2,786 2,137 953 1,766 2,302 2,901 3,008 810 736 723 1,464 1,058 1,616 8 426 899 1,630 1,172 631 1,014 1,293 1,571 1,723 474 559 418 817 617 912 9 241 582 1,156 965 y 322 1 752 7 1,009 18 6 12 8 4 1,330 1,285 19 5 14 9 5 336 177 305 647 441 704 10 11 1 12 9 4 5 1 1 7 4 3 13 14 15 1 679 1,539 2,504 2,871 1,111 1,977 2,451 2,812 ! 2,578 925 765 885 1,874 1,022 1,877 16 138 345 557 t06 186 453 592 664 510 173 136 226 532 266 455 17 541 1,194 1,947 1,965 925 1,524 1,859 2,148 2,068 752 629 659 1,342 756 1,422 18 345 727 1,106 1,072 609 865 1,048 1,150 1,187 442 495 382 748 447 794 19 196 467 841 893 316 659 811 998 881 310 134 277 594 309 628 20 679 1,539 2,504 2,862 1,110 1,974 2,450 2,812 2,573 925 765 885 1,874 1,022 1,877 21 138 345 557 906 186 453 592 664 510 173 136 226 532 266 455 22 541 1,194 1,947 1,956 924 1,521 1,858 2,148 2,063 752 629 659 1,342 756 1,422 23 345 727 1,106 1,C68 608 863 1,047 1,150 1,184 442 495 382 748 447 794 24 196 467 841 888 9 316 1 658 3 811 1 998 879 5 310 134 277 594 309 628 25 26 27 9 4 5 31 1 1 3 2 1 30 1 1 5 3 2 89 ?,S w t 30 19 52 237 6 62 36 11 3 61 54 29 31 5 5 20 10 4 3 12 13 14 3 1 20 9 6 32 14 47 217 21 26 3 50 76 22 8 2 41 45 23 33 10 32 191 14 19 2 34 51 12 3 1 26 31 19 34 4 15 26 7 7 1 16 25 10 5 1 15 14 4 35 19- 52 237 31 30 6 62 89 36 11 3 61 54 29 36 5 5 20 10 4 3 12 13 14 3 1 20 9 6 37 14 47 217 21 26 3 50 76 22 8 2 41 45 23 38 10 32 191 14 19 2 34 51 12 3 1 26 31 19 39 4 15 26 7 7 1 16 25 10 5 1 15 14 4 40 41 42 43 157 334 859 238 32 313 642 1,000 1,252 52 152 106 127 386 219 44 45 46 45 94 237 78 3 90 190 297 374 16 53 44 46 129 48 47 112 240 622 160 29 223 462 703 878 36 99 62 81 257 171 48 71 140 333 90 23 134 251 387 494 20 61 35 43 139 99 49 41 100 289 70 6 89 201 316 384 16 38 27 38 118 72 50 157 334 859 238 32 309 625 1,000 1,238 52 152 106 127 386 219 51 45 94 237 78 3 90 184 297 369 16 53 44 46 129 48 52 112 240 622 160 29 219 441 703 869 36 99 62 81 257 171 53 71 140 333 90 23 132 244 387 488 20 61 35 43 139 99 54 41 100 289 70 6 87 4 197 17 6 11 7 4 316 381 14 16 38 27 38 118 72 55 56 :::::: : :::: 57 4 2 2 58 ::::::: e 3 59 60 196 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 WYOMING County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords 38 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Total number of farms, 1925. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain Cut for silage Winter wheat. _ Spring wheat Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed Barley Rye Flaxseed Sorghums of all kinds Cowpeas Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar Potatoes, white Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons All other crops Orchard fruits: Apple trees Peach trees. Pear trees Plum and prune trees Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle Dairy cows Dairy bulls and (or) calves Cows milked Sheep - Goats - Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres. Farms reporting number. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres. Farms reporting. _ number. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords. Farms reporting number. The State 15, 512 5,866 3,089 100 821 3,955 5,352 1,392 909 19 270 15 783 708 772 73 722 7,124 1,109 2,697 11, 385 823 5,548 142 223 76 135 191 247 118 1,364 12 634 75 14, 501 9,683 5,079 3,008 11,427 2,503 177 7,759 12, 069 1,948 170 533 7 22,688 1,S69 Albany 483 8 "is' 151 9 75 411 462 316 118 80 357 85 14 125 354 2 '388' Big Horn 759 Camp- bell 1,310 Carbon 258 160 45 247 400 49 1 2 1 122 671 5 52 183 359 14 266 348 15 225 15 717 314 495 381 687 141 10 472 689 397 7 38 460 63 30 12 27 2 13 7 4 41 382 137 390 897 742 5 172 1,238 965 141 89 924 136 6 745 315 32 1, 562 1, 107 128 140 528 20 195 4 11 213 14 38 439 212 120 12 501 315 201 96 367 184 13 168 377 170 17 614 80 CENSUS OF AGBICULTUBE: 1925 WYOMING 197 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Crook Fre- mont Goshen Hot Springs John- son Lara- mie Lin- coln Na- trona Nio- brara Park Platte Sheri- dan 1,048 778 1,734 215 467 918 661 404 682 693 989 862 1 618 55 1,075 41 183 594 1 40 336 106 624 358 2 200 23 827 25 91 387 15 116 60 422 174 3 9 3 7 3 2 14 4 1 31 3 4 87 8 156 59 11 86 47 » 3 10 6 46 73 5 270 228 414 194 352 138 1 180 256 292 436 6 290 296 589 62 206 379 311 10 184 333 413 440 7 107 102 180 25 70 76 120 11 86 48 160 8 32 1 190 1 2 407 3 2 85 1 49 21 9 1 2 5 51 1 7 10 2 65 1 1 2 8 4 9 11 1 19 1 13 2 18 ""m 1 1 4 22 1? 132 18 8 10 121 70 13 132 43 9 16 2 46 6 4 21 6 109 14 18 29 9 10 3 63 2 2 54 5 107 15 5 40 7 93 i 65 3 2 2 2 38 3 39 1 99 11 12 16 17 14 17 546 599 629 153 233 114 456 72 226 584 432 577 18 92 90 7 45 79 132 16 42 30 82 76 19 361 78 236 22 96 196 85 34 216 48 160 124 20 930 680 949 181 381 383 692 126 428 655 647 769 21 36 296 243 328 """120' 1 215 ' 110 339 98 132 42 424 ?,? 522 310 126 42 302 23 10 5 16 27 3 6 4 5 47 1 18 13 8 13 2 48 37 ','4 12 25 15 22 34 2 4 9 47 50 2 4 9 1 i" 20 5 23 26 8 6 6 10 27 4 6 28 2 " 3" 93 41 22 19 173 8 5 6 124 9 4 7 10 61 32 7 186 15 2 1 12 1 2" 26 10 4 72 3 l' 38 49 26 23 534 29 30 31 6 3 32 73 75 69 15 66 1 18 6 15 143 130 281 33 1 1 -- 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 4 34 2 1 1 1 35 22 32 67 11 11 4 3 4 12 38 81 60 36 2 4 15 7 6 11 37 1,012 751 1,562 202 454 863 607 328 651 662 914 822 38 865 311 1,085 106 331 719 241 161 474 376 643 675 39 148 280 523 115 110 456 399 31 167 412 319 365 40 46 198 351 68 74 102 310 8 ,114 244 197 174 41 849 389 1,241 142 355 776 646 63 498 601 802 678 42 167 171 45 52 122 57 221 113 58 169 101 116 43 3 4 20 9 6 13 7 4 5 13 11 7 44 644 282 1,009 77 246 601 360 34 374 355 601 496 46 884 559 1,280 168 392 797 478 144 663 615 833 738 46 440 156 10 201 6 9 216 47 35 10 1 16 1 2 14 48 1 1 8,238 5 1 743 10 1 31 10 1 1,485 2 1 665 49 sn 392 93 5 1,101 1,665 206 61 686 33 9 71 2 75 3 101 13 87 121 52 198 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- stock, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Sublette Sweet- water Teton Uinta Wash, akie Weston 1 Total number of farms, 1925 279 213 231 426 329 580 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes '. Harvested for grain Cut for silage ? 2 71 31 260 3 56 4 1 5 Winter wheat 12 24 75 18 10 70 108 1 7 88 175 88 3 72 fi Spring wheat i 51 11 1 92 7 8 q Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed Barley Rye Flaxseed— _.. . 17 4 122 60 11 10 11 Sorghums of all kinds 1 2 52 ^?. Cowpeas 1 j 13 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 6 8 6 7 14 Hay crops: Timothy alone 21 15 1 4 3 1 3 94 2 21 144 52 100 8 3 121 3 56 214 88 114 A 209 55 29 404 51 M^ 5 16 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth 1 17 2 266 5 1 284 107 100 6 18 Alfalfa 19 81 8 255 134 19 Other tame grasses 55 ?.o Small grains cut for hay. 197 ?,1 Production of hay of all kinds _. . . 391 9.?. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?3 Potatoes, white.- 48 45 38 4 4 119 270 ?4 Strawberries _ ?5 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages... 6 3 9 10 7 ?,e> Cantaloupes and muskmelons .. .. 3 ?,7 Lettuce • 3 4 3 2 1 3 ?8 Onions (dry) 5 12 5 8 4 26 5 ?Q Sweet corn 2 RO Tomatoes 3 81 Watermelons 4 3? AH other crops . . . . 11 13 5 79 3 9 33 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 20 34 Peach trees 35 Pear trees 1 21 1 36 Plum and prune trees. 1 1 5 37 Grapevines 1 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules -. 38 267 234 45 5 220 47 3 69 215 177 116 48 28 120 74 3 42 129 209 153 60 46 193 26 2 91 177 397 247 145 108 306 136 4 196 293 306 102^ 230 116 238 85 3 105 247 561 39 Cattle: Beef cattle 448 40 Dairy cows 62 41 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 40 4? Cows milked 435 43 Sheep 62 44 Goats 11 45 Swine... 295 46 Chickens 466 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres 47 1 1 353 27 55 1 674 46 13 48 Farms reporting... number.. 4 49 50 Farms reporting number 51 Firewood cut on farms, 1924 .cords.. Farms reporting number.. 3§ 6 70 7 438 49 2,424 5? 121 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 192S — WYOMING 199 County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, BY Size of Farm: 1925 [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] 1 2 3 4 ; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres-- 50 to 99 acres-- 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres- 500 to 999 acres-- 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres- 20 to 49 acres-- 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres-- 175 to 499 acres-- 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres-- 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres-- 175 to 499 acres- 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dWlars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres-- 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres-- 500 to 999 acres-- 1,000 acres and over The State 18, 172, 1, 4, 13, 31, 30, 91, 24, 663, 308 1,782 11,659 68, 597 336, 353 , 449, 089 , 848, 916 , 946, 912 , 572, 625 799 6,805 38, 582 130, 229 367, 031 333, 470 695, 709 676, 266 607, 022 075, 355 219, 305 098, 185 309, 940 805, 373 561, 086 508,054 291, 000 344, 625 026, 653 787, 382 353,911 677, 447 027, 136 Albany 981, 550 21 131 1,084 6,328 30, 142 105, 088 838, 756 90, 142 6 58 702 1,590 8,603 13, 142 66, 141 9, 141, 868 3,450 9,150 47, 580 142, 477 677, 980 1, 320, 727 6, 940, 504 1, 161, 922 2,600 2,650 14, 590 26, 385 125, 475 281, 887 708, 335 Big Horn 156, 598 171 2,228 11, 726 38, 360 63, 546 20, 257 20, 310 93 1,128 6,864 15, 789 23, 264 4,643 4,097 5, 783, 645 35, 400 151, 600 652, 730 1, 598, 910 2, 388, 956 535, 900 420, 260 1, 124, 240 17, 860 43, 860 172, 900 332, 425 407, 375 92, 400 57, 440 Campbell 1, 858, 996 17 100 230 1,961 93, 593 439, 753 1, 323, 352 88, 179 10 32 78 374 11,268 34, 038 42, 389 11,671,091 1,660 7,900 3,200 18, 020 998, 430 3, 316, 381 7, 325, 610 1, 366, 686 600 3,160 1,300 4,660 139, 650 423, 276 794, 160 Carbon 2,084,369 5 261 334 12, 223 37, 061 94, 718 1, 939, 767 98, 497 136 162 3,149 9,243 14, 275 71, 532 11, 234, 982 250 15, 340 7,100 293, 860 768, 825 1, 410, 801 8, 738, 806 1, 077, 681 100 5,900 1,200 46, 850 99, 960 196, 997 726, 584 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting^ by Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Albany Big Horn Camp- bell Carbon 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold Owners. Managers Tenants- Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers. Tenants Farms reporting purchases Owners- Managers. Tenants dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. number.. number,. number.. number.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. number.. number.. number.. number.. 1,008,912 757, 598 141, 170 110, 144 1,231 960 9 262 225, 785 176, 553 25, 320 23, 912 512 432 9 71 131,321 118, 738 87, 355 66, 376 3,395 17, 584 276 203 3 70 4,876 4,821 99, 974 86, 093 365,492 218, 417 132, 775 4 5 6 7 12, 583 30 22 13, 881 187 161 14, 300 50 42 4 8 9 10 11 8 38, 683 30, 283 26 1,009 1,009 4 98, 372 69, 052- 23, 420 \?, 8,400 38 29 56 18 16 6,900 13 14 15 9 9 65 55 5 16 9 2 5. 51623—27 14 200 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GEOUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924 Total acreage.. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres ... 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Converse 1, 673, 066 69 200 534 6,828 56, 319 261, 735 1, 347, 381 62, 293 28 58 199 1,776 7,633 13, 938 38, 661 9, 882, 816 18, 450 5,545 13, 515 218, 840 814, 962 1, 986, 894 6, 824. 610 192, 795 6,700 925 1,650 38, 975 144, 300 258, 065 742, 180 Crook 1,151,438 172 705 7,917 108, 197 247, 582 786,965 87, 811 125 126 1,476 15, 159 23,010 48, 015 9, 777, ( 1 3, 290 11, 900 77, 195 923,087 1, 966, 108 6, 795, 506 1, 035, 838 1 2, 250 4,800 16, 440 138, 425 225, 953 647, 970 Fremont 993, 755 197 1,587 10, 515 31, 347 55, 382 54, 968 839, 759 55, 392 128 879 4,581 11, 930 17, 720 6,926 13, 228 7,308,119 68, 400 114, 275 413, 405 1, 336, 082 1,963,116 986, 938 2, 425, 903 1, 474, 755 27, 100 36, 225 82, 450 257, 652 383, 275 234, 278 453, 775 Goshen 1,023,747 138 362 6,674 47, 282 231, 969 288, 264 449,058 153,876 58 240 4,066 18, 279 56, 286 40,904 34, 043 14, 892, 664 49, 150 28, 940 433, 825 1, 781, 185 4, 861, 908 3, 584, 716 4, 152, 940 2, 076, 250 23,650 • 3, 800 91, 240 345, 120 779, 565 397, 985 434,890 Hot Springs 173, 541 26 125 627 9,915 21,828 20, 889 120, 131 18, 589 16 94 287 3,956 5,786 2,381 6,069 , 577, 578 2,600 14, 500 31, 210 424, 861 734, 325 390, 682 979, 400 318, 700 1,200 4,400 10, 450 72, 200 95, 750 39, 500 95, 200 1 Includes the group "Under 20 acres.' * Includes the group "50 to 99 acres. County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Converse Crook Fremont Goshen 1 2 Sales: Value of farm products sold Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers Tenants. Farms reporting purchases Owners Managers Tenants dollars.. dollars.. dollars 20, 267 15, 379 4,200 4,200 8,837 8,437 29,064 18,870 4 dollars.. number.. number.. number.. 4,888 29 22 400 4 3 10, 194 76 53 5 6 7 11 11 8 number.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars 7 469 469 1 861 861 23 11,083 8,483 100 2,500 44 34 9 9 10 11 448 448 1? dollars.. 13 14 number.. number.. number 6 6 8 8 2 2 16 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING 201 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by 1925— Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Johnson 884, 299 4 3152 3,775 36, 525 108, 376 735,467 57,508 3 80 1,507 9,260 11, 976 34, 685 7,435,070 3 8,500 190, 230 1,393,130 4, 949, 249 956, 719 3 4, 700 65, 805 128, 325 189, 575 668, 314 Laramie 1,499,825 74 225 483 12, 203 121,297 194,713 1, 170, 830 146, 412 14 143 196 5,812 41, 266 40, 470 58, 511 12, 889, 248 23, 050 19, 920 15,000 242, 450 1,971,416 2, 353, 763 8, 263, 649 1, 559, 815 12, 200 7,650 5,100 66, 500 337,405 391, 160 749, 800 Lincoln 409, 323 108 1,499 6,363 26,025 64, 760 43, 924 266, 644 80, 973 23 923 3, 611 10,618 23,011 10, 745 32,042 5, 476, 537 17, 100 66, 345 279, 270 685, 280 1, 528, 317 800, 880 2, 098, 345 889, 590 9,860 20, 976 66,420 140, 225 272, 970 113,950 276, 200 Natrona 680,021 175 2 330 2,925 12, 806 134, 771 629, 014 12, 866 34 2 67 854 3,222 8,303 3, 627, 170 61, 850 2 94, 000 128, 400 182, 580 1, 190, 960 1, 869, 380 617, 305 24, 100 2 37, 500 21, 300 62, 900 233, 660 247, 845 Niobrara 976, 340 3 200 3,180 64, 807 203, 634 703, 519 56, 656 3 10 762 10, 363 18, 673 26,947 , 361, 163 46,000 769, 388 1, 949, 165 5, 576, 800 1,029,180 3 4, 360 9,100 155, 910 301, 746 558,075 Park 380, 899 1 1,468 12, 814 28, 206 55, 716 39,436 243, 260 70, 319 1 1, 200 8,709 14, 681 22, 332 7,216 16,181 7, 829. 671 1 176, 300 1,061,775 1,692,933 2, 426, 495 689, 460 1,784,708 1,795,161 161,000 296, 538 409, 560 529, 813 101,450 406, 800 Platte 887, 834 204 604 6,107 17, 339 106, 803 149, 039 607, 738 101, 533 101 403 4,350 9,713 27, 761 19, 767 39,438 10, 665, 806 112,282 83,050 617, 225 1,106,387 2, 884, 281 1,587,028 4, 376, 663 1,561,014 64,460 27, 260 97, 666 179, 490 386, 620 267, 376 628, 163 Sheridan 1,153,047 391 1,155 1,384 10, 762 91,009 160, 927 897,419 98, 437 218 694 720 4,077 25,461 21, 596 46, 781 14, 270, 865 176, 990 166,250 86, 710 494, 080 2, 219, 507 1, 869, 686 9, 258, 642 2,075,380 79, 500 63, 550 26, 760 130, 576 404, 975 345, 365 1,034,666 3 Includes the group " 20 to 49 acres." Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924— Continued Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park Platte Sheridan 481 300 368 318 35, 782 27,502 2,200 6,080 79 67 1 21 1,460 1,434 4,157 1,667 21,447 21,447 501 423 31, 936 26, 503 141, 353 121, 133 2,800 17,420 207 157 1 5,742 5,202 1 2 3 181 50 3 2 2,500 4 3 78 4 3 5,433 173 134 540 43 36 4 3 1 11 11 6 6 7 2 m m 1 192 192 1 625 25 600 1 108 40 39 49 7 18, 667 15, 037 1,200 2,330 63 50 2 11 8 17,790 16,440 3,327 3,068 25, 967 22, 998 9 10 11 65 14 13 16 25 24 1,360 36 33 68 3 2 259 53 44 2,969 111 90 ^?. 3 3 2 1 13 14 15 1 1 2 1 9 21 16 202 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 WYOMING County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 — Continued [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Sublette Sweet- water Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 1 AH land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 276, 457 183 274, 368 34 160 1,495 9,865 12, 306 14, 208 236, 300 16, 584 74,545 261, 468 43 285 1,776 15, 068 55,043 48, 653 140, 600 48, 771 18 191 742 5,563 15, 721 12,964 13, 572 4,093,105 9,600 28,450 73, 400 386, 050 1, 115, 565 1, 067, 900 1, 412, 140 722, 250 6,500 9,700 22, 775 92, 075 192, 350 227,850 171, 000 94,027 22 767 4,766 18, 895 20, 600 19, 612 29, 365 25, 718 14 469 3,139 9,480 7,857 2,158 2,601 3, 827, 425 13, 000 80, 000 440, 700 1,473,760 1, 055, 625 331,940 432, 400 889, 990 8,000 33, 100 103,900 385,865 215, 325 63, 100 80, 700 714, 795 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 tc 49 acres 100 542 13, 578 31,054 19, 187 10, 084 24, 991 4 50 to 99 acres 2 86 5 100 to 174 acres 7,902 24, 398 45, 754 198, 320 88, 740 138 4,479 53, 929 143, 428 512, 873 33,471 6 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage in Under 20 acres n 20 to 49 acres 94 764 2,143 3,399 2,895 7,289 2, 184, 116 13, 700 9,500 82, 500 220, 590 350, 500 264, 900 1, 242, 426 295, 000 6,400 300 15, 400 41,850 48, 850 32,700 149, 500 71 194 4,567 10, 701 5,858 3,600 2, 260, 775 12 50 to 99 acres.. 2 12 iR 100 to 174 acres. 1,869 8,242 14, 139 64, 452 4, 191, 656 1 1, 200 732 14 175 to 499 acres 5,961 8,634 18, 132 3, 404, 820 1o 500 to 999 acres Ifi 1,000 acres and over 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres 2,100 22, 100 375, 100 997, 450 515, 775 348, 250 428, 300 20 50 to 99 acres 2 7,860 36, 740 358, 192 21 100 to 174 acres . .. 128, 755 426, 075 681, 045 2, 954, 581 395, 175 1200 22 175 to 499 acres 23 500 to 999 acres 610, 594 2, 391, 434 474, 408 24 1 ,000 acres and over ... 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 2fi Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 450 5,400 85, 750 191, 700 80,300 64,700 28 50 to 99 acres 2 6, 975 6,750 60,293 113, 665 286, 725 29 100 to 174 acres 21, 940 62, 710 65, 210 245, 115 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres . .. 32 1,000 acres and over 1 Includes the group "20 to 49 acres." 2 Includes the group " Under 20 acres." County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting,^ by Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sub- lette Sweet- water Teton Uinta Wash- akie Weston 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Owners dollars . . Managers dollars. . 63 63 16, 194 12, 162 3,158 3,158 '.'."'.'.'/. 360 360 860 860' 4 Tenants dollars 4,032 17 15 5 6 7 Farms reporting sales... number.. Owners number.. 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 8 Tenants number 2 600 600 9 10 11 Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Owners dollars. . Managers dollars 41 41 140 140 275 275 496 496 1? 13 14 15 Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners ..number.. Managers number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9^ 16 1 COLORADO 203 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO 205 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1925 1920 1910 Number of farms, total 58, 020 59, 934 46, 170 Operated by — Owners 39, 517 45, 291 36, 993 Full owners 29, 292 35, 553 32, 474 Part owners .. . .--.... 10, 225 9,738 4,519 Managers 585 880 787 Tenants 17,918 13, 763 8,390 Cash tenants ... 2,889 3,375 2,211 Other tenants 15, 029 10, 388 6,179 Approximate land area of State acres.. 66, 341, 120 66, 341, 120 66, 341, 120 Land in farms, total acres.. 24, 167, 270 24, 462, 014 13, 532, 113 In farms operated by- Owners acres.. 17, 386, 780 18, 621, 678 10,134,797 Full owners acres.. 8, 789, 276 10, 633, 109 (1) Part owners... acres.. 8, 597, 504 7, 988, 569 G) Managers .acres.. 1, 284, 724 1, 595, 853 1, 140, 446 Tenants acres.. 5, 495, 766 4, 244, 483 2, 256, 870 Cash tenants.. ...acres.. 997, 592 1, 259, 349 G) Other tenants acres.. 4, 498, 174 2, 985, 134 0) Value of all farm property dollars.. 712, 284, 622 1, 076, 794, 749 491, 471, 806 Land and buDdings ..dollars.. 592, 455, 108 866, 013, 660 408, 518, 861 Land, excluding buildings dollars.. 493, 973, 938 763, 722, 716 362, 822, 205 Buildings dollars.. 98, 481, 170 102, 290, 944 45, 696, 656 Implements and machinery dollars.. 33, 472, 740 49, 804, 509 12, 791, 601 Livestock on farms dollars.. 86, 356, 774 160, 976, 580 70, 161, 344 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses... number.. 365, 425 420, 704 294,035 Mules.. number.. 38, 073 31, 125 14, 739 Cattle number.. 1, 436, 150 1, 756, 616 1, 127, 737 Dairy cows number.. 159, 226 192, 234 119, 029 Sheep number.. 2, 243, 869 1, 813, 255 1, 426, 214 Swine... number.. 492, 962 449, 866 179, 294 Chickens number.. 3, 751, 618 2, 874, 721 1, 644, 471 1 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 1924 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain.. ..acres. bushels. Corn cut for silage acres. tons. Wheat .acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain ...acres. bushels. Barley ..acres., bushels. Rye acres. bushels., Sorghums harvested for grain ..acres. bushels.. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay acres., tons.. Sugar beets for sugar acres., tons.. Potatoes, white ..acres.. bushels.. Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 2 gallons.. Butter made on farms pounds.. Butterfat sold pounds.. Cream sold .gallons.. Whole milk sold gallons Wool- Sheep shorn 2 number.. Wool produced 2 pounds.. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced ' dozens.. Chickens raised «... _ number.. 1, 062, 751 10, 024, 991 48,402 I 162,159 I 1,306,208 15,342,775 195,214 1 4,947,043 \ 302,868 4,758,804 75,360 585, 124 I 37,027 i 318,279 228, 176 I 278,283 I 1, 621, 702 2, 510, 279 205, 647 2, 387, 287 64, 560 9, 591, 064 84, 162 1, 389, 712 2, 424, 421 407, 950 715, 341 96, 649, 262 5, 245, 186 14, 081, 331 851, 437 17, 703, 304 938, 036 6, 473, 969 18, 561, 043 5, 005, 977 752, 637 10, 105, 627 56, 126 238, 346 1, 328, 616 18, 260, 663 174, 189 4, 535, 527 153, 015 2, 801, 498 133, 131 1, 088, 564 92, 126 1, 544, 879 342, 341 66, 236 1, 637, 741 2, 702, 462 165, 840 1, 658, 167 77, 337 8, 874, 783 183, 315 1, 777, 737 3, 417, 682 479, 101 721, 480 79, 492, 631 5, 775, 602 5, 804, 055 1, 381, 758 16, 086, 983 1, 564, 636 9, 755, 312 14, 172, 375 3, 880, 873 326, 559 4, 903, 304 (J) 340, 729 7, 224, 057 275, 948 7, 642, 855 71,411 1, 880, 342 15,715 198, 025 11,971 139, 234 G) 5,040 1, 179, 604 2, 042, 569 108, 005 1, 230, 718 85, 839 11, 780, 674 1, 972, 914 1, 688, 425 3, 559, 094 1, 399, 373 692, 258 51, 670, 038 5, 856, 132 1, 087, 681 440, 257 10,037,067 » 1, 253, 686 7, 563, 219 10, 577, 829 2, 585, 132 1 Not separately reported. » Including estimates for incomplete reports. ' Number of fleeces. 206 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table I.— Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Adams Ala- mosa 1 Arapa- hoe Archu- leta 1 FARMS Number of farms. .1925- 58, 020 59, 934 46, 170 399 3,202 2, 565 ' 4,480 ! 5, 872 10,750 3, 859 15, 140 j 8, 224 3,196 333 58,020 29, 292 ; 10, 225 585 17, 918 2, 889 ' 15,029 30.9 23.0 18.2 11.1 14.9 1,873 1,753 1,357 8 265 246 220 195 334 94 275 164 69 3 1,873 977 316 21 559 139 420 29.8 27.7 23.7 14.4 14.8 300 302 1,174 1,025 948 14 299 143 117 66 97 44 194 136 56 8 1,174 630 185 23 336 121 215 28.6 23.6 19.0 6.6 11.2 329 420 282 2 1920 3 1910 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres. -_ 5 3to9acres 1 2 5 21 105 16 81 42 21 6 300 175 59 3 63 18 45 21.0 24.2 6 10 to 19 acres 2 7 21 130 32 76 37 21 3 329 226 37 2 64 22 42 19.5 11.9 19.5 18.2 16.7 7 20 to 49 acres 8 50 to 99 acres 9 100 to 174 acres.. 10 175 to 259 acres- 11 260 to 499 acres 12 500 to 999 acres 13 1,000 to 4,999 acres 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 16 Full owners 17 Part owners 18 Managers. . 19 Tenants 20 Cash tenants 21 Other tenants 22 Percentage of tenancy ^1925 23 1920 24 1910 25 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related . ... 5.6 11.1 26 Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms... 27 28 66, 341, 120 36.4 24, 167, 270 24, 462, 014 13, 532, 113 416.5 7, 199, 300 5, 948, 437 832, 274 418, 589 15,350,783 5,113,819 1,114,461 9, 122, 503 238, 506 1, 378, 681 8, 789, 276 8, 597, 504 4, 046, 625 4, 550, 879 1, 284, 724 5, 495, 766 997, 592 4, 498, 174 2, 039, 502 1, 749, 482 142, 772 2,016,681 160,939 1,855,742 807, 715 57.6 465, 526 452, 115 363, 785 248.5 207, 535 164, 993 23, 742 18, 800 230, 994 180, 236 649 50, 109 263 26, 734 130, 490 153, 262 72, 353 80, 909 36, 326 145, 448 23,296 122, 152 48, 438 50, 705 4.607 61, 243 4,832 56,411 465, 280 64.2 298, 677 236, 847 538, 880 74.0 398, 870 343, 005 284, 917 339.8 129, 518 106, 900 14, 101 8,517 261, 205 178, 857 859 81, 489 4 8,143 98,528 124, 638 69, 221 55,417 53, 398 122, 306 30, 094 92, 212 29, 462 30, 983 7,706 38, 749 6,349 32,400 780, 800 21.5 168, 142 146,028 85, 130 511.1 23, 777 18, 932 1,279 3,566 133, 879 2,320 89, 015 42, 544 3,571 6,915 86,200 43, 237 30, 822 12,415 730 37, 975 22,648 15, 327 9,493 4,160 390 4,889 1,724 3,165 29 30 31 All land in farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure- ..acres.. -. acres. - ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres., -.acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. .. acres. - ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. .. acres - - ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres., -.acres.. ..acres.. 32 33 34 35 995.6 57, 535 54, 260 1,902 1,373 235, 493 6,918 3,737 224, 838 2,064 3,585 52, 945 189, 373 62, 327 127, 046 35, 540 20, 819 4,999 15,820 20, 121 21, 947 3,694 8,498 2,265 6,233 36 37 38 39 40 Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture. 41 Woodland not used for pasture 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners Owned land Rented (hired) land... Managers Tenants Cash tenants .• Other tenants Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners. _ Part owners Managers Tenants... Cash tenants Other tenants > Organized from parts of Conejos and Costilla in 1913. CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 207 Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee Chey- enne Clear Creek Cone- jos 1 Cos- tilla 1 Crow- ley 2 Custer Delta 1,706 1,858 540 900 1,056 463 1,492 1,420 1,181 247 326 230 625 674 791 16 27 29 680 814 756 329 443 387 622 743 367 353 249 1,636 1,707 1,741 1 2 3 1 2 2 21 13 30 99 29 262 143 160 288 2 14 35 100 124 1 20 17 80 150 3 14 7 77 159 494 390 4 5 7 16 25 11 24 68 72 5 1 1 5 1 1 2 6 16 22 7 8 149 59 878 418 152 9 230 73 270 122 34 6 351 112 99 27 20 1 71 36 55 21 11 49 20 309 168 66 6 4 2 2 1 3 174 77 82 48 21 3 59 33 33 12 8 9 131 38 90 63 28 4 69 30 103 107 34 5 302 84 87 31 4 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,706 860 445 2 399 35 364 900 429 133 10 328 43 285 1,492 836 124 5 527 146 381 247 184 21 1 41 19 22 625 251 190 3 181 13 168 16 8 2 2 4 3 1 680 411 118 4 147 28 119 329 250 39 622 217 112 9 284 20 264 367 275 43 1 48 25 23 1,636 1,040 154 19 423 83 340 15 16 17 18 40 10 30 19 20 21 23.4 10.3 3.0 36.4 21.9 32.8 35.3 28.7 34.3 16.6 22.4 14.3 29.0 14.1 0.5 25.0 22.2 6.9 21.6 18.6 19.6 12.2 25.1 19.9 45.7 29.1 13.1 13.6 17.7 25.9 25.1 13.0 22 23 24 28.6 15.9 7.0 9.8 9.6 26.0 5.3 31.8 7.7 10.7 "ioo.'o' 17.9 15.1 15.0 10.2 24.0 30.4 10.8 12.4 ?5 6.7 26 1, 633, 280 58.3 975, 360 62.5 488, 960 39.0 693, 120 10.3 1, 137, 280 37.7 249, 600 4.5 801, 280 25.3 758, 400 80.7 517, 120 37.3 478, 080 46.1 768, 640 22.6 27 28 952, 472 1,051,279 257, 344 609, 822 433, 970 168, 297 190, 744 221, 202 190, 922 71, 544 65, 407 37, 286 428, 432 490, 382 216, 210 11, 274 15, 402 16, 076 202, 470 231, 938 188, 650 611,714 434, 410 159, 366 193, 032 263, 265 220, 280 197, 360 90, 709 173, 350 169, 768 142, 193 29 30 31 558.3 677.6 127.8 289.7 685.5 704.6 297.8 1, 859. 3 310.3 600.2 106.0 32 274, 571 205, 193 57, 201 12, 177 86, 380 66, 946 16, 125 3,309 96, 755 86, 563 4,071 6,121 22, 686 18, 537 982 3,167 145, 508 117, 747 23, 661 4,100 717 646 1 70 79, 427 62, 061 5,972 11, 394 38, 439 32, 504 2,496 3,439 49, 314 35, 545 11,639 2,130 33, 986 25, 895 4,057 4,034 63, 819 58, 459 2.396 2,964 33 34 35 36 645, 630 558, 033 1,525 86, 072 504, 609 10, 587 973 493, 049 81, 256 5,392 25, 643 50, 221 44, 055 1,369 16, 846 25, 840 278, 614 226, 672 7 51, 935 10, 446 80 10,201 165 112, 096 15, 575 12, 560 83, 961 568, 363 7,557 208, 508 352, 298 135, 808 57, 214 374 78, 220 183, 867 12, 581 56, 182 115, 104 61, 119 2,881 8,973 49, 265 37 38 39 40 2,476 29, 795 1,057 17, 776 718 12, 015 685 4,118 3 4,307 20 91 843 10, 104 215 4,697 83 7,827 85 2,342 2, 133 46, 279 41 42 362, 138 409, 040 204, 961 204, 079 4,900 130, 709 345, 706 70, 589 275, 117 53, 548 84, 629 32, 575 16, 115 16, 460 3,723 50, 817 9,930 5,552 4,378 1,500 179, 292 148, 799 82, 939 65, 860 7,140 1,633 460 230 230 6,572 81, 263 71, 672 29, 905 41, 767 21, 580 481, 574 123, 308 9,500 113,808 43, 104 82, 816 33, 469 49, 347 12, 915 131, 695 54, 481 29, 869 24, 612 300 92, 059 24, 683 11, 505 13, 178 14, 854 43 44 45 46 47 176, 394 15, 838 160, 556 79, 859 11, 196 68, 663 69, 817 11, 566 58, 251 9,297 3,776 5,521 93, 201 6,315 86, 886 2,609 2,450 159 27, 955 5,268 22, 687 6,832 2,473 4,359 54, 197 6,143 48, 054 33, 804 12, 688 21, 116 41, 754 6,963 34, 791 48 49 50 89, 938 70, 744 80 44, 431 2,723 41, 708 21, 666 10, 884 2,602 31, 794 2,654 29, 140 34, 419 8,719 900 42, 525 4,525 38, 000 13, 216 2,237 35, 129 50, 108 681 31, 829 1,755 30, 074 200 19 175 252 237 15 32, 239 16, 642 564 12, 616 2,129 10, 487 24,918 4,162 7,253 7,266 514 20, 512 796 19, 716 13, 106 5,369 300 7,120 3,142 3,978 31, 066 8,026 2,382 16, 985 2,030 14, 955 51 52 53 3,084 1,087 1,997 3,424 904 2,520 54 65 56 Organized from part of Otero in 1911. 208 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE : 1925— COLORADO County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Den- ver Do- lores Doug- Eagle Elbert El Paso 25 27 37 40 FARMS Number of farms 1925.- 307 239 235 54 193 23 19 8 2 5 3 1920.. 1910-. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres . ... 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 to 4,999 acres 6,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 307 238 31 2 36 24 12 Full owners Part owners.- . . . Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants 177 186 31 401 462 418 350 301 248 1,281 1,308 1,150 Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920- 1910. 11.7 28.0 29.4 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related. Per cent of other tenants related. 8.3 177 142 30 5 2 3 2.8 1.6 16.1 50.0 33.3 FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms— , 48 28 107 114 75 3 401 257 24 5 115 66 59 28.7 21.2 244 350 234 32 4 24 56 22.9 19.6 16.9 4.2 12.5 16 20 154 73 527 290 1,281 561 297 5 418 79 339 32.6 20.1 6.1 10.1 16.2 1,580 1,571 1,285 57 41 29 46 66 178 120 564 322 150 17 1,580 690 351 38 501 123 378 31.7 240 15.2 6.5 15.6 All land in farms--1925 acres.. 1920 acres-. 1910 acres-- Average per farm, 1925 -acres.- Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total- acres-. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure ..-acreS-. Idle or fallow land acres-- Pasture land, total - --acres. - Plowable pasture acres,. Woodland pasture acres-. Other pasture. acres.. Woodland not used for pasture acres.. All other land in farms acres.. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Owned land acres.. Rented (hired) land acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants .acres.. Other tenants ...acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. 37, 085 13.3 4,940 4 287 2,763 16.1 ,959 ,065 389 505 667,520 540,800 9.3 58.4 61,941 315,800 57,889 i 362, 033 5,578 '342,018 349. 787.5 10, 185 61, 512 5, 766 41, 282 3, 222 5, 094 1, 197 5, 136 247 201 734 1,527 1,747 402 1,345 140 1,526 1,129 397 846 1,077 128 1,014 692 322 32, 068 20 6,438 25, 610 3,043 16, 645 41, 067 18, 646 9,589 9,057 2,228 360 1,868 3,926 1,567 273 71 202 255, 196 25, 477 18, 647 211,072 2,678 6,414 185, 591 23, 353 13, 481 9,872 21,490 85, 366 43, 198 42,168 23, 894 3,336 1,287 12, 765 5,453 7,312 1, 036, 800 10.8 111, 505 80, 874 62, 899 318.6 32, 375 30,287 729 1,359 56, 026 3,280 8,782 43, 964 3,167 19. 937 66, 462 23,323 9,601 13, 722 1,982 19, 738 7,408 12, 330 15, 321 7,505 273 7,188 1,719 5,469 1, 188, 480 80.0 950, 970 1,011,533 682, 281 742.4 198, 320 171,718 14, 787 11,815 695, 338 307, 868 9,076 378, 394 14, 028 43. 284 341, 936 365, 006 213, 291 151,715 • 17, 920 226, 108 40, 250 185, 858 65, 077 60, 743 1,160 54 738 7,149 47, 589 1, 357, 440 67.1 910, 276 919, 013 728, 445 576.1 194, 796 150, 554 30, 583 13, 659 680, 841 278, 479 47,612 354, 750 7,433 27, 206 263, 603 323, 988 144, 709 179, 279 75, 942 246, 743 6G, 760 179, 983 46, 223 46, 772 4993 62, 666 8,909 43, 657 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 209 Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gun- nison Hins- dale Huer- fano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa 1,127 1,014 1 896 928 930 965 47 41 43 269 265 249 358 376 277 38 40 24 1,003 954 462 156 182 178 1,951 1,446 1,417 692 668 646 1 2 3 27 394 145 140 47 69 31 117 112 36 9 1,127 755 168 10 194 92 102 6 35 49 115 129 233 89 174 68 28 2 928 618 79 13 218 94 124 18 14 12 63 81 224 . 87 278 138 80 8 1, 003 730 113 6 154 45 109 3 32 621 404 245 147 191 59 120 91 39 2 1, 951 1,380 155 44 372 208 164 4 1 4 16 3 2 39 18 86 69 31 1 269 181 45 3 40 11 29 5 1 4 6 106 43 110 66 22 6 3 5 7 3 15 8 5 I 76 24 329 181 72 4 692 291 170 6 225 30 195 7 3 12 2 12 8 1 8 14 4 27 45 53 10 156 97 30 13 16 9 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 47 31 6 358 297 25 2 34 18 16 38 24 10 1 3 15 16 17 18 10 6 4 19 20 3 21 17.2 16.5 12.9 8.7 18.6 23.5 19.0 16.8 6.4 8.9 21.3 24.4 9.3 16.7 25.0 14.9 15.8 5.6 36.4 10.3 9.5 9.0 9.4 5.6 25.0 7.9 2.5 15.4 10.1 11.9 15.6 26.6 10.3 6.6 6.7 19.1 23.6 26.4 8.2 17.7 32.5 15.9 4.5 10.0 24.6 22 23 7A 25 33.3 28.6 26 996, 480 33.6 1, 988, 480 11.3 84, 480 22.6 1, 194, 240 12.5 2, 034, 560 7.1 621, 440 2.2 960, 000 46.4 1, 044, 480 22.6 517, 120 50.2 1, 150, 720 ■41.6 27 28 334, 573 229, 397 146, 866 223, 885 211, 875 156, 720 19, 088 14, 871 13, 323 149, 761 119, 436 113, 287 144, 489 121, 579 83, 282 13, 442 10, 633 5,436 444, 972 386, 354 161, 834 236, 377 234, 214 200, 278 259, 712 249, 922 224, 686 478, 711 430, 985 219, 660 29 30 31 296.9 241.3 406.1 556.7 403.6 353.7 443.6 1, 515. 2 133.1 691.8 32 29, 188 21, 486 2,959 4,743 66, 498 60, 622 1,728 4,148 1,929 1,616 94 219 28, 711 26, 612 1,008 1,091 44, 407 43, 264 525 618 3,095 2,908 77 110 61, 348 40, 895 13, 613 6,840 83, 132 82, 977 . 115 40 64, 784 53, 846 5,145 5,793 115, 122 97, 996 9,545 7,581 33 34 35 36 260, 276 5,446 6,606 248, 224 119, 235 3,548 10, 676 105, Oil 13, 693 109, 686 588 12, 995 96, 103 83, 841 2,582 3,673 77, 586 8,958 680 3,712 4,566 331, 509 87, 301 33, 480 210, 728 149, 420 5,940 8,722 134, 758 161, 677 19, 113 78, 922 63,642 349, 116 242, 445 10 106, 661 37 38 13, 333 360 39 40 6,914 38, 195 1,958 36, 194 3,218 248 2,207 9,157 1,410 14, 831 170 1,219 6,829 45, 286 50 3,775 22, 933 10, 318 15 14, 458 41 42 127, 660 154, 880 52, 482 102, 398 4,950 130, 683 39, 324 19, 886 19, 438 7,819 12, 610 3,882 2,777 1,105 79, 363 50, 582 26, 296 24, 286 3,135 110,984 19, 951 10, 690 9,261 520 6,524 5,358 3,507 1,851 160 261, 224 130, 432 73, 675 56, 757 8, 160 75, 966 75, 155 47, 125 28, 030 65, 650 120, 539 58, 480 29, 412 29, 068 28, 657 140, 778 148, 690 76, 842 71, 848 84, 360 43 44 45 46 47 47, 083 29, 129 17, 954 46, 059 20, 713 25, 346 2,596 1,536 1,060 16, 681 ' 4,540 12, 141 13, 034 7,648 5,386 1,400 45, 156 15, 623 29, 533 19, 606 7,800 11, 806 52, 036 21, 625 30, 411 104, 883 13, 500 91,383 48 49 1,400 50 10, 504 5,902 1, 114 36, 242 8,277 2,278 915 348 14, 628 5,890 1, 142 31, 835 5,639 175 1,542 1,111 24, 553 8,145 ■ 995 30, 006 21,312 23, 220 24, 376 8,160 5,467 30, 671 35, 079 1,540 51 52 53 3,966 1,019 2,947 13, 825 4,691 9,234 353 180 173 4,952 1,371 3,581 5,615 2,878 2,737 255 255 7,202 1,654 5,548 8,439 3,675 4,764 15, 843 4,550 11,293 30, 706 1,580 29, 126 54 55 56 210 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table I. — Farms and Farm 27 32 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. .1925. 1920- 1910. Kit Carson Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 1,500 1,461 1,767 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres... 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total-- Full owners Part owners.. Managers Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy. .1925. 1920. 1910- Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related-. Per cent of other tenants related- FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms All land in farms-. 1925 acres. 1920. acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 .acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land...., acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture .acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture. All other land in farms ^. acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners .acres. Part owners. acres. Owned land... .acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. 15 148 78 736 391 113 2 1,500 457 431 603 37 566 40.2 22.9 2.5 13.5 16.6 1,381,760 54.8 757, 673 729, 849 566, 587 505.1 339, 393 272, 296 55, 523 11, 574 371, 013 272, 525 353 98, 135 264 47, 003 191, 300 288, 936 150, 699 138, 237 6,240 271, 197 18, 915 252, 282 67,543 103, 388 1,445 99, 920 4,373 95, 547 Lake 22.2 20.0 15.8 50.0 237, 440 5.7 13, 526 12, 862 20, 948 501.0 4,179 4,043 111 25 7,241 748 820 1,286 3,984 630 3.354 2,556 2,556 2,184 835 1,024 1,024 La Plata 973 069 735 154 112 187 973 592 127 1 253 75 178 26.0 21.4 17.0 13.3 14.6 1,184,640 22.7 268, 784 305, 003 151, 709 276.2 61, 149 60,640 3,612 6,897 184, 243 11, 664 42, 829 129. 750 Larimer 1,816 1,921 1,830 33 180 119 196 304 438 154 199 94 82 17 1,816 925 206 28 657 80 577 36.2 30.4 32.7 16.3 19.4 1,682,560 34.1 572, 990 730, 533 505, 524 315.5 167, 053 151, 382 7,807 7,864 376, 826 25, 197 48, 865 302. 764 3, 102 4, 774 20,290 I 24,337 145, 148 72, 835 30, 681 42. 154 50,321 14, 785 35, 536 26, 498 10,336 161 13,646 3,611 10, 034 173, 782 ,227, 093 144,535 82,558 43, 825 128,290 14, 784 113, 506 51, 344 27,433 4,378 68,227 3,517 64, 710 Animas 1,943 2,286 954 1 37 56 112 111 249 79 642 470 163 23 1,943 1,294 299 14 336 86 250 17.3 15.7 21.2 6.8 17.2 3, 077, 760 38.3 1, 177, 655 1, 302, 849 445,298 136, 420 60,493 69, 862 6,075 954, 518 369, 033 40, 998 554, 487 7,795 78, 922 599, 150 404, 938 171, 626 233, 312 24,237 149,330 I 184,603 83,542 36,079 65,788 ! 148,524 31, 273 13, 803 1,981 13, 436 2,216 11,220 mi Organized from part of Routt in 1911. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 211 Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 1 Monte- zuma Mon- trose Morgan Otero ' Ouray Park 1,916 1,874 1,359 2,199 2,207 2,348 17 175 319 623 419 27 34 33 712 1,023 728 904 1,004 1,423 1,368 1,138 1,692 1,720 1, 075 1,419 1,486 1,498 162 180 189 219 286 194 1 2 3 1 15 11 21 102 6 1 1 2 5 2 4 4 57 119 4 45 66 342 351 6 104 93 220 306 4 48 32 48 250 2 2 7 26 5 1 6 1 2 7 5 8 379 195 778 319 87 8 1,916 515 523 17 323 98 135 58 32 12 1 3 2 6 60 26 313 237 57 4 712 529 113 3 226 96 161 45 13 1 728 438 124 2 385 84 104 29 13 382 155 474 232 69 2 1,692 602 342 13 242 65 179 158 35 11 1,419 743 216 11 35 15 31 21 22 1 162 106 23 2 36 12 35 53 66 11 219 122 60 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 2,199 1,351 362 26 27 18 2 2 1,423 774 125 6 15 16 17 18 1 861 43 818 460 111 349 5 1 4 67 10 57 164 40 124 518 71 447 735 50 685 449 71 378 31 12 19 34 20 14 19 20 21 44.9 32.7 13.4 20.9 21.3 11.0 18.5 17.6 3.0 9.4 7.1 22.5 17.1 10.1 36.4 27.9 22.1 43.4 27.2 21.4 31.6 31.0 35.6 19.1 18.9 19.0 15.5 14.3 14.9 22 23 24 9.3 10.8 14.4 13.5 20.0 14.0 15.0 7.3 7.0 7.8 10.0 12.1 11.3 11.1 25.0 26.3 10.0 28.6 25 26 1, 166, 080 72.0 2, 024, 320 12.9 554, 240 3.1 2, 981, 120 13.7 1, 312, 640 14.1 1, 448, 960 12.9 823, 040 69.2 805, 760 53.2 332, 160 23.6 1, 434, 880 23.4 27 28 839, 114 857, 359 409, 487 261, 662 232, 225 174, 584 17, 153 17, 129 18,646 407, 003 461, 777 184, 636 192, 703 159, 204 186, 776 218,255 151, 375 569, 888 555, 890 233, 269 428, 531 334,293 254, 185 78,434 73, 010 48, 833 335, 608 239, 862 181, 199 29 30 31 438.0 119.0 635.3 571.6 253.6 131.3 336.8 302.0 484.2 1, 532. 5 32 443, 525 362, 174 65,327 16, 024 85, 244 71, 080 3,869 10, 295 3,137 2,877 48 212 67, 087 39, 523 11,646 15, 918 45, 175 37, 808 4,394 2,973 76, 181 68, 742 2,100 5,339 234, 367 197, 563 30, 702 6,102 91, 142 68,476 13, 778 8,888 14, 219 13, 296 268 655 44,811 42, 058 1,824 929 33 34 35 36 329, 034 85, 070 1,396 242, 568 122, 216 6,220 13, 266 102, 730 13, 303 161 2,039 11, 103 331, 070 27, 291 5,832 297, 947 77,619 6,529 11,431 59, 659 49, 918 2,106 2,735 45, 077 312, 095 52, 890 3,851 255, 354 310,411 85, 561 897 223, 953 53, 068 823 13. 170 39, 075 282, 640 3,199 55, 055 224, 386 37 38 39 40 3,280 63, 275 7,337 46, 865 295 8,551 4,087 57, 755 929 59, 748 1,436 21, 990 278 26,700 161 10, 986 1,936 6,221 41 713 42 170, 587 360, 632 174, 655 185, 977 30, 480 144, 785 60,606 35, 194 25, 412 9,627 8,178 4,874 1,000 3,874 3,461 231, 206 131, 685 64, 626 67, 059 4,340 106, 922 49, 745 28, 734 21, Oil 282 95, 843 28, 044 13, 290 14, 754 2,760 166, 520 199, 706 96, 299 103, 407 4,093 154, 724 193, 512 77, 439 116, 073 3,892 40, 955 13, 546 9,615 3,931 4,320 87, 374 197, 664 76, 784 120, 880 23, 720 43 44 45 46 47 277,415 12, 250 265, 165 46, 644 14, 957 31, 687 640 160 480 39, 772 8,960 30, 812 27, 687 6,118 21, 569 60, 129 4,904 55, 225 199, 569 16, 731 182, 838 76, 403 25, 511 50, 892 19, 613 3,797 15, 816 26, 850 16, 658 10, 192 48 49 50 70, 846 136, 442 5,524 37,232 16, 560 1,611 1,957 544 210 19, 664 13, 053 370 18,454 9,219 113 33, 095 8,530 664 52, 088 58, 632 1,347 21, 442 14, 785 2,607 7,675 1,983 340 15, 438 18, 090 1,910 51 52 53 149, 362 3,585 145, 777 15, 677 2,624 13, 053 166 30 136 6,436 1,606 4,830 10, 022 1,315 8,707 26, 453 1,951 24, 502 85,496 3,300 82, 196 29,642 1,607 28, 035 3,298 971 2,327 6,620 5,080 1,540 54 55 56 * Part taken to form Crowley in 1911. 212 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: ■COLORADO County Table I. — Farms and Farm 25 32 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 _- 1920._ 1910.- Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 400 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres— 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners. Part owners Managers. Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy. .1925. 1920. 1910. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related _ Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925. 1920- 1910- - acres, .acres. . acres - Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classilication of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total . acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total acres . Plowable pasture acres . Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture. ..acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned laud acres . Rented (hired) land acres. Managers. acres . Tenants acres . Cash tenants acres . Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners.- .acres. Managers. Tenants acres . Cash tenants acres . Other tenants acres. Phillips 843 680 508 122 55 401 180 40 843 209 250 378 15 363 44.8 36.8 18.1 13.3 26.7 440, 320 81.9 360, 610 300, 320 216, 346 248, 839 201, 126 41, 395 6,318 100, 399 73, 491 3,191 23, 717 11, 363 73, 762 143, 875 71, 652 72, 223 1,985 140, 988 3,773 137. 215 38, 917 77, 748 1,380 83, 081 2.101 Pitkin 166 179 191 166 108 19 39 9 30 23.5 16.8 8.9 22.2 13.3 652, 160 7.9 51, 468 49, 389 45, 286 310.0 14, 606 14, 212 36 358 31, 141 515 882 29, 744 5,452 34, 194 6,996 3,994 3,002 10, 278 3,526 6,752 8,447 1,805 3,960 717 3,243 Prowers 1,194 1,469 1 17 16 54 113 254 79 402 1,194 461 276 4 453 43 410 37.9 j 29.1 26.7 18.6 9.3 Pueblo Rio Blanco 1,043,200 46.8 1,534 1,826 1,103 34 i 87 130 225 182 208 85 336 151 73 23 1,534 770 257 479 144 335 31.2 19.6 23.2 10.4 11.0 422 537 341 1, 557, 120 55.3 488, 674 861, 347 669, 262 993, 226 630, 114 250, 317 409.3 169, 370 134, 280 23, 465 11, 625 300, 875 191,017 371 109, 487 155 18, 274 150, 028 188, 260 84, 848 103, 412 15, 032 135,354 17,373 117,981 45, 687 37, 729 2,687 48, 177 3,246 44, 931 561.5 116, 253 89, 757 18, 767 7,729 649, 024 138, 647 29, 889 73, 262 22, 808 150, 640 358, 003 118,648 239, 355 81, 852 270. 852 103, 688 167, 164 29, 780 23, 035 5,095 31,847 5,145 26, 702 90 30 131 107 50 422 304 53 7 58 14 44 13.7 7.3 10.9 14.3 2.3 2, 062, 720 10.9 224, 849 223, 649 104, 386 532.8 44, 507 711 172, 206 3,709 25, 829 142, 668 578 7,558 154, 473 41, 623 24, 744 16, 879 8,328 20, 425 5,338 15, 087 26, 697 6,253 1,474 5,374 1,370 4,004 Part t&ken to form Moffat in 1911. CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 213 Routt 1 Saguache San Juan 2 San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller Wash- ington Weld Yuma 834 926 1,113 346 432 363 366 334 140 632 487 448 69 72 96 186 250 208 1,984 2,057 1,346 5,610 5, 765 3,981 2,303 2,179 1,829 1 2 3 7 15 8 16 18 1 2 2 9 12 2 . 1 10 115 151 358 1,091 4 1 1 11 49 20 16 24 58 5 1 6 14 1 3 15 35 6 1 3 3 7 7 8 193 70 315 141 45 6 834 480 131 31 192 52 140 96 24 87 50 51 12 346 186 58 4 98 19 79 83 20 148 70 20 2 366 298 41 1 26 7 19 182 44 223 94 24 3 632 223 96 8 305 8 297 24 3 24 9 5 31 23 62 40 17 3 186 114 41 1 30 15 15 192 83 908 559 181 7 1,984 654 721 7 602 27 575 1,762 470 1,112 395 129 17 5,610 2,153 573 61 2,823 169 2,654 213 148 980 615 224 5 2, 303 783 663 17 840 32 808 9 10 11 12 13 14 69 59 15 16 17 18 10 5 5 19 20 21 23.0 14.3 11.9 28.3 26.6 26.7 7.1 10.5 14.3 48.3 34.5 25.7 14.5 6.9 9.4 16.1 24.0 16.8 30.3 18.2 3.6 50.3 35.4 34.9 36.5 21.3 8.3 22 23 24 5.8 20.7 5.3 15. 2 12.5 9.1 6.7 20.0 18.5 18.6 11.8 14.6 9.4 18.3 ?5 15.8 9.P, - 1 1, 477, 760 25.7 2, 005, 120 20.2 289, 920 824, 320 21.7 339, 840 79.0 415, 360 6.6 350, 080 31.8 1, 613, 440 69.6 2, 574, 080 58.1 1, 514, 880 82.7 27 28 379, 494 360, 787 330, 233 404, 903 436, 024 282, 741 178, 645 128, 492 35, 600 268, 587 234, 537 159, 289 27, 523 26, 155 24,844 111,485 122, 631 80, 313 1, 122, 859 1, 088, 706 551, 198 1, 495, 456 1, 756, 973 914, 220 1, 252, 489 1, 203, 781 658, 318 29 30 31 455.0 1, 170. 2 488.1 425.0 398.9 599.4 566.0 266.6 543.9 32 91,301 77, 858 4,000 9,443 102, 187 94, 677 3,106 4,404 26, 200 22, 404 1,151 2,645 131, 231 123, 173 5,525 2,533 8,042 7,886 126 30 13, 587 10, 497 1,255 1,835 509, 056 437, 563 50, 575 20, 918 754, 272 614, 325 78, 924 61, 023 518, 893 459, 486 45, 156 14, 251 33 34 35 36 272, 040 7,186 17, 990 246, 864 225, 638 13, 912 7,583 204, 143 147, 923 1,024 21, 262 125, 637 99, 565 47, 490 325 51, 750 19, 254 30 4,263 14, 961 95, 391 2,753 «40, 313 52, 325 589, 655 343, 892 474 245, 289 575, 062 330, 470 9,443 235, 149 702, 868 239, 989 5,653 457, 226 37 38 39 40 3,416 12, 737 18, 605 58, 473 1,892 2,630 485 2,022 315 23, 833 5,247 160, 875 7,444 23, 284 41 37, 791 227 42 168, 504 107, 852 53, 227 54, 625 47, 807 116,453 108, 486 49, 823 58, 663 135, 560 118, 367 50, 901 32, 839 18, 062 480 85, 688 53, 128 25, 365 27, 763 38, 234 23, 620 49, 302 31, 683 17, 938 13, 745 8,900 282, 459 552, 524 280, 278 272, 246 14, 730 464, 332 374, 104 171,621 202, 483 74, 874 338, 094 517, 227 305, 164 212, 0«3 15, 847 43 44 45 46 47 55, 331 9,282 46, 049 44, 404 6,905 37, 499 8,897 3,412 5,485 91, 537 3,325 88, 212 3,903 2,615 1,288 21, 600 6,180 15, 420 273, 146 14, 111 259, 035 582, 146 58, 215 523, 931 381, 321 23, 822 357, 499 48 49 50 35, 888 17, 136 6,264 44, 393 22, 729 9,528 14, 771 5,375 34, 949 29, 807 3,223 6,911 5,757 2,419 240 104, 062 204, 494 3,312 202, 903 101, 060 11, 188 114,974 177, 564 3,328 51 5?r 53 18, 570 2,344 16, 226 18, 027 2,137 15, 890 2,258 855 1,403 55, 194 1,392 53, 802 975 685 290 2,081 601 1,480 125, 695 2,568 123, 127 299, 174 9,857 289, 317 163, 620 2, 672 j 160,948 54 55 56 * No farms reported. 214 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — COLORADO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars 1920 dollars 1910 dollars All farm property, 1925 dollars Land, excluding buildings. ..dollars Buildings alone ...dollars Implements and machinery dollars Livestock on farms dollars Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars Full owners dollars Part owners dollars Managers dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants .dollars Other tenants. dollars Implements and machinery, total dollars Full owners dollars Part owners dollars Managers dollars Tenants ..dollars Cash tenants dollars Other tenants dollars FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars Amount of mortgage debt dollars Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings ...dollars Mortgage debt dollars Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed.. ^ dollars Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). dollars Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold. dollars .Value of supplies purchased dollars Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe 592, 455, 108 866, 013, 660 408,518,861 712, 284, 622 493, 973, 938 98, 481, 170 33, 472, 740' 86, 356, 7741 12,277 10,211 24. 51 1 35. 40 30. 19 20.44 592, 455, 108 241,271,812, 133, 222, 903 i 23, 987, 678 193, 972, 715 24, 009, 195 169, 963, 520 33, 472, 7401 14, 848, 7791 7,954,4331 820, 777! 9,848,751 1, 146, 794' 8, 701, 957: 20, 871, 989' 26,901,211! 14,289,360 6,140,557, 15,022,102 6,164,4151 17,174,405 10,170,705 I' ll 23,433,838 7,388,412 16,936,193 17,401,203 5,414,522 11,209,376 3, 470, 786 726, 035 3, 812, 726 953, 480 252, 080 809, 190 1, 608, 369 995, 775 1, 104, 901 39, 5171 20, 997 53.11 29, 292 14, 444 4, 927, 112 144, 065, 345 61, 408, 229 42.6 9,974 4,251 29.24 12. 46 10, 370, 591 29, 598 127, 118 1,182 16, 853, 544 33, 749 2, 306, 228 16, 704 21, 090, 456 883, 318 6,693 2,426 1,846 58, 020 800 71 8,049 24, 960 22, 243' 1,897 12,511 11, 144 44.84 59.50 39.28 37.38 20, 871, 989 8, 777, 675 4, 001, 844 963, 480 7, 128, 990 1, 279, 480 5, 849, 510 953, 480 460, 440 213, 697 19, 475 259, 868 43, 160 216, 708 24,628 20, 469 20.56 26.03 1,293 710 54.9 977 506 81, 162 5, 656, 955 2, 542, 379 44.9 11, 180 5,024 69.70 31.32 18.13 6, 140, 557 2, 641, 312 1, 955, 585 773, 600 770, 060 208, 360 561, 700 252, 080 125, 435 81, 050 5,000 40, 595 14, 725 25. 870 234 141 60.3 175 99 30, 939 1, 666, 120 657, 745 39.5 16, 829 6,644 53.85 21.26 561, 318 1,199 16, 124 178 617, 646 1,159 108, 162 576 798, 454 7,775 257 128 148 1,873 91 4 276 1,056 435 11 40, 462 144 101, 842 203 21,000 112 19, 746 2,519 15 300 14,426 12, 796 37, 50.07 35.70 28.10 15, 022, 102 5, 913, 145 2, 822, 930 1, 352, 550 4, 933, 477 1, 829, 250 3, 104, 227 809, 190 324, 350 229, 150 40, 095 215, 595 55, 195 160, 400 815 461 56.6 630 341 69, 360 3, 082, 990 1, 483, 187 48.1 9,041 4,350 44.45 2L38 395, 368 718 1,081 24 391, 860 702 73, 144 373 49, 861 10 174 128 92 1,174 45 407 442 272 8 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 215 51623—2'; -15 216 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 ..dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 ...dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings.- ...dollars. Buildings alone ...dollars. Implements and machinery .dollars. Livestock on far ms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 — Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920.. 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. . Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners ...dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants .dollars. Cash tenants .dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total... dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt , Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings). dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. . Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased... dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.. Radio outfits, farms reporting.. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road. 1925: Total number of farms.. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road.. Macadam road.. Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Custer Delta 2,633,295 11,598,269 3,218,293 14,371,545 1,571,500 18,887,390 3, 292, 342 2, 114, 645 518, 650 199, 395 459, 652 8,971 7,175 11.95 16.31 17.32 2, 633, 295 1, 561, 690 618, 290 14, 000 539, 315 236, 440 302, 875 199, 395 132, 165 36, 350 1,000 29, 880 18, 670 11, 210 318 118 37.1 275 97 47, 990 560, 400 299, 300 45.3 3,086 13.76 6.24 13, 865, 474 9, 323, 430 2, 274, 839 730, 725 1, 536, 480 8,475 7,089 66.91 84.65 132. 83 53.78 11, 598, 6, 800, 774 1, 256, 600 658, 500 2, 882, 395 334, 750 2, 547, 645 730, 725 458, 609 95, 820 33, 400 142, 896 18, 875 124, 021 Denver Dolores 31,238 60,061 151 4,433 394 367 1,194 566 47.4 1,040 485 43, 795 3, 560, 765 1, 500, 109 42.1 7,342 3,093 81.31 34.25 3, 495, 100 3, 107, 646 3, 204, 480i 3, 721, 761 1, 980, 200t 1, 514, 9001 146, 855 79,806 12,123 11, 3851 707. 51| 724. 90| 1, 159. 78 400. 851 3, 495, 100 2, 626, 500 375, 600 39, 000 454, 000 356, 500 97, 500 I 146, 855 114, 180 11, 475 1, 600 . 19, 600| 15, 2251 4, 375 308, 130 753, 480 67,100 490,154 245,285 62,845 35,040 146, 984 2,769 1,741 4.97 13.02 12.03 3 308, 130 215, 680 70, 950 21,500 4,000 17,500 35,040 25, 840 8,225 106 39.4 238 98 433 1, 077, 300 276, 704 25.7 10, 993 2,824 2, 487. 99! 639. 041 172 25 14.5 142 20 6,862 40,900 21,300 52.1 2,045 1,065 5. 3.10 203, 338 1,014 2,474 59 507, 466 1,154 62, 349 586 128,611 23,383 38 82 20 1,636 256 ,049 294 37 122, 734 194 10, 522 46 247, 659 163 52, 401 53 10, < 15,660 109 5,416 53 2,618 40 177 95 30 133 401 7 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 217 Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunni- son Hins- dale Huer- fano 3, 976, 970 15, 709, 525 16, 918, 582 6, 347, 550 8, 296, 290 174, 875 2, 812, 890 3, 429, 575 306, 920 4, 500, 547 4, 233, 125 27, 590, 814 21,631,734 6,140,674111,271,300 193, 985 3, 284, 240 4, 235, 182 353, 800 7,071,363 2 2, 473, 590 7, 754, 052 11,131,215 6,132,4201 9,115,070 1 155, 930 1, 905, 340 2, 289, 530 70, 100 2, 602, 210 3 4, 923, 394 18, 166, 409 19, 294, 696 7,499,280 10,734,495 208, 301 3, 508, 270 4, 900, 267 431, 699 5,875,899 4 3, 214, 334 13, 421, 607 13, 860, 102 4, 618, 950 6, 788, 140 138, 100 2,311,980 2,751,125 254, 270 3,792,890' 5 762, 636 2, 287, 918 3, 058, 480 1, 728, 600 1, 508, 150 36, 775 500, 930 678, 450 52, 650 707,657 6 293, 197 805, 820 819, 442 353, 310 507, 437 9,130 161, 235 238,013 22, 985 260,404 7 653, 227 1, 651, 064 1, 556, 672 798, 420 1, 930, 768 24, 296 534, 145 1, 232, 679 101, 794 1,114,948 8 14, 067 14, 181 12, 212 6,654 11,567 4,432 13, 042 13, 688 11,361 5,8581 9 11, 363 12, 263 10, 708 5,632 8,940 3,721 10, 457 9,580 8,077 4, 487i 10 35.67 16.52 18.59 18.97 37.06 9.16 18.78 23.74 22r83 10. 11 11 52.34 27.28 23.54 26.77 53.20 13.04 27.50 34.83 33. 27 18. 30 12 39.33 11.36 15.28 41.76 58.16 11.70 16.82 27.49 12.90 16. 08 13 28.83 14.11 15.23 13.81 30.32 7.23 15.44 19.04 18.92 8. 52| 14 I 3,976,970 15, 709, 525 16, 918, 582 6, 347, 550 8, 296, 290 174, 875 2, 812, 890 3, 429, 575 306, 920 4, 500, 547 15 2, 401, 165 6, 418, 254 6, 270, 512 3, 480, 535 4, 933, 140 126, 590 1, 642, 440 2, 651, 135 164, 340 2, 774, 758! 16 601, 350 5, 056, 803 4, 020, 845 1, 580, 665 1, 298, 300 24, 035 709, 900 383, 600 23, 500 82, 080 909, 4131 17 94. 000 265, 600 1, 815, 300 207, 040 291, 500 • 87, 000 2,500 87, 200 18 880, 455 3, 968, 868 4,811,925 1, 079, 310 1, 773, 350 ""24," 250 373, 550 371, 340 58, 000 729, 176 19 223, 000 751, 820 1, 420, 170 502, 500 654, 200 14, 750 91, 700 196, 800 208, 4951 2ft 657, 455 3, 217, 048 3, 391. 755 576, 810 1, 119, 150 9,500 281, 850 174, 540 """58,"6o5 520, 681 21 293, 197 805, 820 819, 442 353, 310 507, 437 9,130 161, 235 238, 013 22, 985 260, 404' 22 192, 077 333, 145 350, 286 216, 780 345, 422 5,885 95, 925 198, 838 14, 150 165, 213: 23 41, 150 270, 620 175, 350 81,610 61,515 1,350 38, 690 18, 975 7,185 54, 020 24 5,150 4,000 78, 765 10, 140 12, 600 5.700 4,250 500 2,850 25 54,820 198, 055 215, 041 44, 780 87, 900 '"""i,"895 20, 920 15, 950 1,150 38,321 26 14, 925 27, 690 66, 845 18, 240 30, 565 1, 165 5,715 8,750 10,470 27 39, 895 170, 365 148, 196 26, 540 57, 335 730 15, 205 7,200 """"i,"i50 27, 851 28 266 858 1,041 923 697 37 226 322 34 1 i 843 29 136 534 582 379 353 4 99 182 19 299 30 51.1 62.2 55.9 41.1 50.6 10.8 43.8 56.5 55.9 35. 5 31 234 561 690 755 618 31 181 297 24 730 32 117 328 364 294 308 2 80 163 14 255 33 38, 059 207, 134 152, 642 41, 259 74, 837 707 41, 000 68, 552 3,621 114, 506 34 1, 605, 790 3, 851, 615 3, 503, 074 1, 438, 160 3, 155, 095 11, 500 826, 420 1, 918, 745 81, 300 1, 377, 499 35 722, 555 1, 501, 156 1, 427, 660 577, 806 1, 520, 539 3,000 307, 642 1, 003, 395 32, 050 636, 556 36 45.0 39.0 40.8 40.2 48.2 26.1 37.2 52.3 39.4 46. 2 37 13, 725 11, 743 9,624 4,892 10,244 5,750 10, 330 11,771 5,807 5, 402 38 6,176 4,577 3,922 1,965 4,937 1,500 3,846 6,156 2,289 2, 496! 39 42.19 18.59 22.95 34.86 42.16 16.27 20.16 27.99 22.45 12.03 40 18.99 7.25 9.35 14.00 20.32 4.24 7.50 14.64 8.85 5. 56, 41 44, 633 135, 123 378, 095 169, 551 91, 626 7,739 30, 977 53, 039 3,163 1 93, 855 42 155 609 844 750 382 32 198 259 24 501 43 580 4 150, 712 275 3 245, 351 4,535 31 306, 443 10,099 72 164, 806 300 2 254, 529 175 1 64, 510 5 1 7,487 628 i 44 6 102, 888 45 ""'i,'564 ""i22,'oi9 46 240 824 699 554 582 16 169 240 23 369 47 20, 239 72, 516 107, 359 27, 055 15, 807 774 10, 703 11, 438 316 18, 105 48 93 447 632 237 166 11 77 109 3 154 49 34, 063 487, 211 1,865 224 47, 156 17, 905 2,100 162, 386 50 6,553 191, 969 225 89 6,295 54,584 51 4U 13 234 98 159 86 .14 44 63 19 21 17 5 9 1 2 84 10 52 3 53 136 1,281 112 1,580 8 3 266 706 10 1,127 1 4 928 4 1,003 54 350 47 269 358 38 55 66 i 13 355 20 5 189 57 "" 95 497 "■ 36 507 i 42 4 202 58 141 16 16 59 ■ 191 805 544 511 367 27 208 123 22 671 60 18 107 53 23 18 4 18 29 118 61 218 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Jackson FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 . 1920- 1910- - dollars., .dollars., -dollars -- All farm property, 1925 dollars- Land, excluding buildings --dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total.. ..-dollars- Full owners dollars- Par t owners dollars - Managers I - .dollars. Tenants dollars . Cash tenants .doUars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars - Full owners dollars- Part owners dollars- Managers dollars- Tenants dollars - Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars- FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) doUars- Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent - - Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars _ Mortgage debt doUars- Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars - Mortgage debt.- dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars- Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars . Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars- Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased doUars- Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road.. - Macadam road - Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 3, 131, 620 5, 680, 992 2, 970, 305 -i 4,386,366 .1 2,703,020 J 428,600 . 158,606 .1 1,096,140 J 28, 118 20,074 .1 13.251 .1 24.26! .1 14.831 .1 11.441 Jefferson 21, 873, 245 19, 286, 253 16, 067, 009 23, 574, 030 16, 310, 465 5, 562, 780 734, 575 966, 210 12,083 11,211 84.22 77.17 71. 51 62.80 -! 3,131,6201 21,873,245 12,640,020 2, 561, 100 1, 871, 150 4, 800, 975 1, 880, 500 2, 920, 475 1, 316, 900 805, 950 685, 170 323, 600 149, 600 174, 000 158, 606 67, 235 53, 521 24, 950 12, 900 6,450 6,450 127 85 66.9 97 62 58, 161 1, 075, 460 653, 155 60.7 17, 346 10, 535 18.49 11.23 69, 535 128 25 1 136, 776 ir 6,832 41 156 734, 575 438, 585 91, 605 58, 920 145, 465 53, 230 92, 235 1,535 654 42.6 1,380 588 46, 283 5, 979, 725 2, 094, 553 35.0 10, 170 3,562 129. 20 45.26 358, 405 1, 325 13, 187 431, 558 1,064 116,240 483 39, 850 12,557 96 175 74 1,951 107 Kiowa Kit Carson 5,841,300; 13,742,318 8, 160, 370i 20, 550, 988 2,135,6151 6,140,696 7,183,507! 16,230,493 5, 182, 4251 12, 036, 558 658, 875' 1, 705, 760 373, 9151 9.54, 449 968, 292 1, 533, 726 10, 381 i 8, 441 1 12. 20 18.931 9.72' 10.831 5, 841, 300 2, 067, 180 1, 510, 520 862, 400 1, 401, 200 150, 600 1, 250, 600 373, 915 142,315 120, 825 9,400 101, 375 9,830 91, 545 461 289 62.7 291 177 97, 815 1, 480, 280 591,090 39.9 8,363 3, 339 15.13 6.04 57, 498 218 1,002 555 283 249 16,615 102 49, 430 1,101 123 27 3 10, 820 9,162 18.14 28.16 10.84 15. 13, 742, 318 3, 638, 050 4, 948, 655 121, 600 5, 034, 013 268, 865 4, 765, 148 954, 449 243, 050 368, 058 6,825 336, 516 13, 322, 607 68.4 45 278 123,841 2, 362, 650 939, 150 39 8,499 3,378 19, 7.58 96. 461 465 50 388,426 16. 345 376 31 21 1,.500 156, 300 221, 800 382, 370 203, 1541 119,050 37, 250 14, 295, 32, 559| 2.361 4.30 35 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 219 La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Min- eral Moffat Monte- zuma Mon- trose 5, 514, 565 30, 360, 443 8, 798, 980 16,871,410 23, 634, 566 12, 990, 574 289, 215 4, 127, 395 3, 478, 623 8, 374, 103 1 7, 310, 267 39, '"20, 3251 14, 064, 697 24, 078, 168 41,462,007 16, 034, 577 359, 300 8, 394, 431 5, 543, 230 13, 690, 795 2 4, 574, 820 22,513,241 A 649 484 4, 849, 327 8, 702, 263 27, 762, 100 444, 600 5, 721, 250 11, 652, 235 3 7, 026, 099 38,182,453 11,654,295 19, 278, 979 27,511,816 16, 061, 100 418, 881 5, 475, 512 5, 017, 078 10, 524, 119 4 4, 195, 120 25, 803, 740 7, 635, 351 15, 307, 702 20, 247, 218 9, 745, 965 228, 990 3, 426, 540 2, 722, 808 6, 295, 044 5 1, 319, 445 4, 556, 703 1, 163, 629 1, 563, 708 3, 387, 348 3, 244, 609 60, 225 700, 855 755,815 2, 079, 059 6 298, 695 1, 582, 892 444, 808 689, 612 1, 450, 900 981, 843 25,010 306, 480 201,760 655, 901 7 1,212,839 6,239,118 2, 410, 507 1,717,957 2, 426, 350 2, 088, 683 104, 656 1, 041, 637 1, 336, 095 1,494,115 8 7,221 21, 026 5,998 15, 073 14, 359 7,304 15, 514 7,690 6,892 7,396 9 5, 6681 16, 718 4,529 13, 191 12, 335 5,907 10, 712 5,797 4,778 5,885 10 20. 52 52. 99 7.47 16.54 28.17 49.65 16.86 10.14 18.84 44.84 11 23. 97! 53. 96 10.80 19.93 48.36 69.05 20.98 18.18 28.77 62.73 12 30.16 15.61 44.53 45.03 10.44 6.48 11.33 15.01 21.25 24.13 159. 02 37.25 23.84 13.35 35.94 14.75 76.98 33.70 13 8.'42 14 5, 514, 565 30, 360, 443 8, 798, 980 16, 871, 410 23, 634, 566 12, 990, 574 289, 215 4, 127, 395 3, 478, 623 8, 374, 103 15 3, 098, 655 11, 740, 104 4, 418, 165 4,211,499 4, 930, 440 7, 975, 144 179, 500 2, 237, 770 1, 859, 425 4, 356, 830 16 997, 910 4, 427, 399 2, 064, 650 7, 932, 926 8, 154, 151 2, 334, 010 4.5, 475 1, 285, 625 789, 680 5,718 761, 133 17 11,000 1, 260, 400 308, 340 982, 620 614, 420 431, 400 48, 540 72, 000 78, 000 18 1, 407, 000 12, 932, 540 2, 007, 825 3, 744, 365 9, 935, 555 2, 250, 020 15, 700 532, 000 823, 800 3, 178, 140 19 364, 3001 841, 850 490, 690 584, 270 463, 380 368, 560 1,500 134, 200 144, 200 277, 600 20 1, 042, 700 12, 090, 690 1, 517, 135 3, 160, 095 9, 472, 175 1, 881, 460 14, 200 397, 800 679, 600 2, 900, 540 21 298, 695 1,582,892 444, 808 689, 612 1,450,900 981, 843 25, 010 306, 480 201, 760 655, 901 22 170, 625 675, 592 237, 721 213, 792 363, 250 615, 136 18, 250 181, 365 117,710 374, 409 23 77, 835 238, 260 99, 975 306, 330 477, 018 216, 637 2,280 91, 595 37, 255 93, 350 24 500 19, 015 11, 125 6,375 24, 075 18, 375 2,635 1,700 350 4,450 25 49, 735 650, 025 95, 987 163, 115 586, 557 131, 695 1,845 31,820 46, 445 183, 692 26 14, 255 53, 900 27, 847 12, 065 24, 010 25, 040 185 12, 260 5,775 20, 393 27 35, 480 596, 125 68, 140 151, 050 562, 547 106, 655 1,660 19, 560 40, 670 163, 299 28 719 1,131 1,593 914 1,038 1, 713 20 642 562 899 29 309 639 540 646 723 841 4 224 208 476 30 43.0 56.5 33.9 70.7 69.7 49.1 20.0 34.9 37.0 52.9 31 592 925 1, 294 426 515 1,351 18 529 438 774 32 234 512 402 292 323 633 3 176 159 403 33 63, 777 105, 357 203, 954 143, 702 117, 993 85, 728 1,000 76, 434 43, 991 50, 452 34 1,586,840 7, 710, 374 1, 666, 270 2, 962, 304 3, 575, 305 4, 007, 620 25, 500 959, 400 1, 002, 905 2, 479, 852 35 747, 612 3, 367, 679 651, 504 918, 180 1, 655, 580 1, 719, 036 8,650 448, 065 448, 779 1, 331, 732 36 47.1 43.7 39.1 31.0 46.3 42.9 33.9 46.7 44.7 53.7 37 6,781 15, 059 4,145 10, 145 11,069 6,331 8,500 5,451 6,308 6,153 38 3,195 6,577 1,621 3,144 5,126 2,716 2,883 2, 546 2,823 3,305 39 24.88 73.18 8.17 20.61 30.30 46.75 25.50 12.55 22.80 49.15 40 11.72 31.96 3.19 6.39 14.03 20.05 8.65 5.86 10.20 26.40 41 .56, 295 1, 254, 952 258, 338 109, 936 274, 041 282, 068 10, 855 74, 563 73, 227 148, 998 42 281 1,296 957 601 821 1,352 25 364 350 753 43 75 774 7 2,803 22, 631 6,940 44 1 96, 671 * 15 1, 072, 143 1 171,805 19 794, 224 152 564, 638 109 439, 815 45 ""i59,"665 "i5,"552 """74,"662 "■"75,"070 360 46 399 1,330 366 683 1,396 1,497 20 265 1,015 47 12, 764 102, 652 24, 723 85, 026 85, 892 64, 346 1,188 10, 668 5,525 60, 891 48 126 671 302 760 695 539 10 128 96 609 49 5,730 1,921,348 223, 435 161,415 1, 846, 949 676, 820 516 23,026 120 120, 781 50 1,914 15, 879 40, 755 18, 393 12, 888 162, 161 87 10,711 438 19, 825 51 35 221 70 304 387 69 3 52 25 73 52 16 91 17 73 82 72 5 29 21 57 53 13 134 12 34 14 21 19 24 13 54 973 1,816 1,943 1, 279 1,916 2,199 27 712 728 1,423 55 99 1 709 1 9 139 27 15 3 56 57 64 " 28 332 162 5 "24 24 l23 58 363 666 279 628 1,069 1,321 17 171 356 736 59 440 334 1,282 517 465 593 3 506 317 237 60 106 7 233 106 23 108 2 11 31 24 61 220 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES 1 1 Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. 18,064,011 2 1920 dollars.. 27,648,440 3 1910 dollars.. 9,994,795 Morgan 9 10 11 12 i 13 i 14 ; 15 \ 16 i 17 ' 18 19 20 21 j 22 i 23 I 24 I 25 26 27 61 All farm properly, 1925 dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone.. dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms .dollars.. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910.... Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925... Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total.. ..dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers.. dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants. _ dollars.. Implements and machinery, total. dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants... .dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt } Value (land and buildings).. dollars..' Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Alortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars.. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only).. dollars. . Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. P'arms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold. dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage)... Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road.. Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 22, 720, 611 15, 065, 041 2, 998, 970 1, 172, 956 3, 483, 644 13, 428 10, 676 31.70 49.74 42.85 26.44 18, 064, Oil 6, 181, 124 3, 419, 327 205, 920 8, 257, 640 367, 990 7, 889, 650 1, 172, 956 422, 991 225, 440 6,650 517, 875 20, 935 496, 940 Otero Ouray 14, 455, 534 20, 067, 756 16, 693, 393 17, 306, 241 11, 730, 057 2, 725, 477| 927, 872 1, 922, 835 12, 196! 10, 1871 33. 73 60. 03! 65. 67t 27. 37i 14, 455, 534! S, 429, 570; 3, 160, 774 447, 250! 5, 417, 940! 473, 550; 4, 944, 390j 927, 872! 410, 587 171, 040 23, 500 322, 745, 25, 925 296, 820; 1, 579, 750 1, 925, 035 1, 334, 455 1, 978, 704 1, 277, 150 302, 600 98, 395 300, 559 12, 214 9,752 20.14 26.37 27.33 16.28 1, 579, 750 946, 450 183, 200 80, 000 370, 100 96,000 274, 100 98, 395 66, 675 15, 600 900 15,220 7,450 7,770 Park 3, 424, 420 3, 505, 286 2, 143, 109 4, 632, 984 2, 737, 184 687, 236 255, 634, 952, 930i 21, 1551 15, 637 10. 20 14.61 11.83 161 Phillips 13, 541, 085 21, 154, 427 5, 316, 070 15, 365. 670 11, 423, 930 2, 117, 155 885, 100 939, 485 18, 227; 16, 0631 37. 55| 70. 44' 24.57 31.68! 3,424,420 13,541,085' ■ "" ■ 153,690 751, 805 96, 250 539, 340 155, 650 383, 690 1, 248, 490 1, 375, 250 378,000 422, 680 298, 980 123, 7001 255, 634 118,610! 89, 709; 15,800 31, 515 27, 265 4.250 885, 100 196, 181 365, 111 5,775 318, 033 5,804 312. 229 9441 620! 65.7 602 391 110, 274 4, 690, 340 1, 949, 162 41.6 11, 996 4,985 42. 53! 17. 959 501 52. 2j 743 369 67, 191 3, 446, 110 1, 326, 613 38.5 9, 339| 3, 595! 61.29! 19.74 466, 687 793 2,470 8 803, 193 981 32, 977I 215i 2, 612, 084! 7, 374| ! 85! 65 26 1291 661 51.2! I 1061 53 18, 536! 466, 850 223, 235 47.8 4, 212! 25. 19; 12. 041 182 74 40.7 122 51 44, 752 657, 370 299,400 45.5 12,890 5,871 14.69 459 305 66.4 209i 120 44, 951 2, 511, 591 720, 756 28.7 20, 930 55. 87 16. 03 463, 265 1, 140 7, 069i 67 697, 251 936 24, 206 104, 737 26,902 22, 119 85 26,020 174 1,419 24!. 28,0411 108 1, 153 23 1,192 l: 162 131, 9821 136 8,003 40; 16! — ! 219: 34, 342 171 834 7 137, 343 482 37,077: 237! 255, 602 16, 364 363 36 4 843 204! 494 643 54 > No farms reported. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1025 COLORADO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 221 Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan 1 San Miguel Sedgwick 1, 561, 790 2, 000, 210 1, 519, 485 11,895,403 21, 321, 622 11,827,254 14, 059, 494 27, 664, 475 8, 191, 850 4, 240, 905 5, 755, 348 2, 548, 355 10, 176, 085 17, 340, 043 9, 367, 048 7, 432, 145 10, 763, 065 8, 415, 525 7, 458, 834 10, 954, 145 7, 700, 460 2, 434, 540 2, 165, 750 904, 250 9, 003, 295 13, 012, 585 4, 593, 598 1 2 3 1, 967, 908 1, 318, 040 243, 750 114, 720 291, 398 14, 004, 684 10, 174, 623 1, 720, 780 557, 718 1, 551, 563 16, 336, 351 11,823,044 2, 236, 450 718, 040 1, 558, 817 5, 999, 903 3, 442, 895 798, 010 294, 660 1, 464, 338 12, 085, 759 8, 333, 907 1, 842, 178 664, 153 1, 245, 521 9, 643, 922 6, 276, 965 1, 1.55, 180 505, 857 1, 705, 920 9, 591, 678 6,571,414 887, 420 358, 658 1, 774, 186 3, 315, 258 2,006,015 428, 525 174, 995 705, 723 10,226,617 7, 648, 345 1, 354, 950 483, 350 739, 972 4 5 6 7 8 11,855 9,408 30.34 40.50 33.55 25.61 11, 729 9,963 24.34 31.86 47.25 20.82 10, 650 9,165 16.32 27.85 13.00 13.73 14, 218 10, 050 18.86 25.73 24.41 15.31 22, 590 19, 021 62.52 87.03 62. 57 51.20 11, 563 8,911 19.58 29.83 25.48 16.54 27, 722 21, 557 18.42 25.12 27.24 16.23 9,058 6,652 13.63 16.86 25.40 11.23 16, 181 14, 246 33. 52 55.48 28.84 28.48 9 10 11 12 13 14 1, 561, 790 939, 490 164, 300 11, 895, 403 4, 149, 985 2, 478, 031 352, 800 4, 914, 587 367, 930 4, 546, 657 14, 059, 494 4, 982, 224 3, 361, 945 1, 299, 255 4, 416, 070 1, 225, 110 3, 190, 960 4, 240, 905 2, 942, 605 651, 000 169, 000 478, 300 110, 800 367, 500 10, 176, 085 5, 578, 060 1, 549, 250 457, 685 2, 591, 090 421. 160 2, 169, 930 7, 432, 145 3, 661, 950 1, 786, 980 640, 000 1, 343, 215 198, 740 1, 144, 475 7, 458, 834 3, 296, 994 1, 601, 830 1, 256, 000 1, .304, 010 152, 100 1, 1.51, 910 2, 434, 540 1, 751, 920 486, 270 3,500 192, 850 79, 500 113, 350 9, 003, 295 2, 868, 700 1, 698, 100 686, 400 3, 750, 095 160,600 3, 589, 495 15 16 17 18 458, 000 74, 500 383, 500 19 20 21 114, 720 79, 545 12, 125 557, 718 206, 374 135, 159 11, 600 204, 585 16, 005 188, 580 718, 040 310, 415 146, 650 74, 865 186, 110 43, 840 142, 270 294, 660 208, 685 46, 850 7,250 31, 875 4,900 26, 975 664, 153 367, 971 109, 975 34, 402 151, 805 28, 775 123, 030 505,857 281, 397 110,455 34, 880 79, 125 13, 185 65, 940 358. 658 178, 704 89, 725 16, 540 73, 689 8,839 64, 850 174, 995 140, 125 24,220 500 10, 150 6,200 3,950 483. 350 163, 305 107, 960 9,230 202, 855 4,350 198, 505 22 23 24 25 23, 050 5,450 17, 600 26 27 28 127 72 56.7 737 494 67.0 1,027 508 49.5 357 186 52.1 343 208 60.6 611 308 50. 4 244 131 53.7 339 100 29.5 319 197 61.8 29 30 31 108 59 22, 457 648, 900 313, 110 48.3 461 295 94, 588 2, 831, 260 1, 038, 657 36.7 770 369 72, 464 2, 297, 975 1, 004, 067 43.7 304 159 97, 652 2,102,885 996, 651 47.4 285 165 53, 483 3, 617, 630 1, 566, 804 43.3 480 230 88, 474 2, 159, 700 965, 505 44.7 186 99 63, 651 1, 698, 930 779, 479 45.9 298 86 39, 178 682, 125 345, 225 50.6 223 126 45, 020 1,673,900 566, 648 33.9 32 33 34 35 36 37 10, 998 5,307 9,597 3,521 6,228 2,721 13, 226 6,268 21, 925 9,496 9,390 4,198 17, 161 7,874 7,932 4,014 13, 285 4,497 38 39 28.90 13.94 29.93 10.98 31.71 13.86 2L53 10.21 67.64 29.30 24.41 10.91 26.69 12.25 17.41 8.81 37.18 12.59 40 41 8,854 43 180, 420 677 1,976 10 287, 950 696 52, 952 456 397, 123 849 3,843 89 394, 618 871 70, 483 501 40, 484 147 120, 895 369 147, 901 395 530 3 175, 161 448 40, 352 167 87, 961 252 221 2 248, 179 257 27, 092 150 78, 192 127 78, 320 165 42 43 44 i 45 46, 199 115 2,161 29 104, 891 221 10, 887 90 345, 768 423 17, 694 137 1 53,516 149 5,539 60 227, 663 413 9,549 54 46 47 48 49 15, 549 4,107 58, 381 15, 682 12, 122 3,575 247, 893 42, 487 22, 805 2,196 111,371 21, 157 ! 35 1 35 726, 231 10,' 149 50 51 11 2 164 48 31 1,194 125 25 78 1,534 38 19 103 19 56 29 49 12 1 .-1 16 3 166 632 52 53 54 166 422 535 834 346 366 55 3 134 16 207 275 802 100 56 j ::::::::::"': i 57 169 481 472 m 8 313 94 7 18 355 134 28 27 507 274 26 4 18 1 . . 76 140 413 3 58 102 63 1 176 112 78 1 59 60 61 222 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 ..dollars.. 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars.. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and mactiinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Laud and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925. . Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars . Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars- Implements and machinery, total.. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars- Managers dollars . Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars . FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars- Amount of mortgage debt dollars - Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars- Mortgage debt dollars- Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars- Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - dollars - Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed Farms reporting.- Fertilizer (including lime) dollars- Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). --dollars - Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farras reporting - Cooperative marketing, 1924: 'Value of farm products sold dollars- Value of supplies purchased dollars . Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). - Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms- - Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road- Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Summit Teller Washing- ; ton ! Weld Yuma 753, 800 741, 250 422, 425 1, 295, 540 1, 575, 701 920, 530 21,299,529 32, 740, 702 6, 283, 289. 69, 978, 120 112,249,669 49,944,741 24, 144, 908- 40, 181, 355 7, 999, 96& 944, 186 610, 850 142, 950 46, 525 143, 861 1,654,311 1,045,945 249, 595 96, 745 262, 026 25,060,2641 18,627,450 2, 672, 079; 1,334,048 2, 426, 687 j 84,835,165 59, 480, 778 10,497,342 3, 760, 667 11,096,378 28, 171, 239 21,021,648 3, 123, 260 I,485,52& 2, 540, 802 13, 684 10, 925 27. 39 8,894 6,965 11.62 12,631 10,736 18.97 15, 122 12,474 46.79 12, 232 10, 484 19. 28 28.34 17.00 22.19 753, 800 693, 300 60, 500 40, 000 20, 500 46, 525 44, 425 12.85 11.46 9.38 30.07 11.40 16. 59 63. 89 54. 63 39.77 33.38 12.15 16.78 1, 295, 540 1 21, 299, 529 1 710, 380 i 5, 246, 334: 978, 120; 24, 144, 908 2,100 1,300 800 59 35 59.3 59 35 16,571 223, 46.0 13, 903 6,400 29.36 13.52 249, 460 100, 000 235, 700 60, 600 175, 100 96, 745 51,325 26, 990 1,500 16, 930 9,250 155 55 35.5 114 42 20, 875 340, 530 109, 000 32.0 8,108 2,595 16.31 5.22 9, 962, 195! 258, 680' 5, 832, 320 j 230, 250, 5, 602, 070; 1,334,048 404, 232] 617, 233! 12, 650! 299,933 13, 250 286, 683! 22,911,157; 7, 699, 278 1,479,960 37, 887, 725i 1, 369, 100 36, 518, 625j 3, 760, 667| 1, 404, 696 489, 165 48, 340' 1,818,4661 71,886 1,746,580 1, 027, 398 9, 269, 220 209, 300 7, 638, 990 226, 320 7, 412, 670 1, 485, 529 430, 55a 606, 445 10, 65a 437, 881 12, 525 425, 356 36, 229 162 1, 375 i 977: 71.] 654' 412 193, 0061 3, 776, OlOi 1, 628, 862; 43.1 9, 165, 3,954 19. 56 8.44' 2,726 1,627 59.7 2, 153 1,231' 264,491 15,701,684! 7,323,161! 12, 755' 5, 949j 59. 37J 27. 69 1,446 92S 63.8 454 205, 640 4, 005, 825 1, 683, 235 42.0 8,82a 3,708 19.48 8.19 18, 526 46 1,429! 22 22,4811 78! 42 186 66 2 1, 130, 522 626 495 6 382, 906 1,349 130, 486 1,171 295, 270 24, 395 495 1,984 226 526 1,226 6 1,319,1231 2,741; 7, 8021 46: 3, 048, 000' 3.1" 171,770 1, " 7, 602, 100 30,889 780 209 294 5,610 119 1 802 3,280 1,398 10 181,07a 718 515 3 452, 933 1,377 104, 672 72& 1, 087, 71^ 60, 585 345 120 12 2,303 301 739 1,261 2 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO 223 County Table III.- -LivESTOCK ON Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 I 20 i 21 I 22 I 23 i ^4 I ■25 UVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over... Total value dollars Cattle: Total number. Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers _.. Beef heifers.. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value .dollars Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars Goats: Total number Total value dollars Swine: Total number ^ Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars Chickens: Total number Total value _ dollars Other livestock, estimated value .dollars LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS D^ry products: 36 Number of cows milked, 1924. 37 I Dairy cows milked 38 Beef cows milked 45 Milk produced,! 1924 ..gallons. 1919 .gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 ...pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,2 1924.. dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 ...dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 .pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 ...dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,i 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924_. .dollars. Chickens raised,i 1924 ..number. 1919 ..number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. The State 86, 356, 774 365, 425 33, 597 331, 828 15, 090, 758 38, 073 7,037 31, 036 2, 092, 090 1, 436, 150 340, 467 167, 919 32, 394 135, 525 683, 133 159, 226 523, 907 215, 833 28, 798 37, 773, 216 2, 243, 869 1, 397, 958 814, 224 31, 687 22, 740, 036 21, 525 107, 625 492, 962 239, 055 76, 301 177, 606 5, 248, 245 3, 751, 618 2, 852, 991 451, 813 229, 700 142, 679 87, 021 96, 649, 262 79, 492, 631 421 5, 245, 186 14, 081, 331 851, 437 17, 703, 304 11,548,629 938, 036 6, 473, 969 9, 755, 312 2, 367, 086 7,169 24, 216 10, 655 18, 561, 043 14, 172, 375 5, 094, 348 5, 005, 977 3, 880, 873 3, 343, 769 Adams 1, 608, 369 9,376 747 8,629 385, 987 676 120 556 38, 672 22, 263 3,826 3,262 1,300 1,962 12, 695 6,589 6,106 2,019 461 732, 546 7,337 4,747 2,518 72 74, 197 300 1,500 23, 193 12, 835 4,099 6,259 255, 573 132, 492 J, 926 Alamosa Arapahoe 995, 775 1, 104, 901 5,088 298 4,790 206, 842 7,664 6,532 1,132 2,293 122, 066 231 13 218 15,715 26, 296 4; 726 2,145 228 1,917 8,454 655 7,799 10, 612 359 659, 548 12, 846 800 11, 694 352 133, 186 81 405 4,610 1,497 841 2,272 50, 235 16, 504 11, 553 3,067 1,462 534 4, 437, 456 1 633, 046 2,986,606 i 380,979 579 433 107, 574, 643, 911 435,917 173, 856 195, 426 122, Oil 134, 844 33, 965 72, 998 23, 589 111, 735 99, 440 6,860 46, 567 94, 221 16,904 455 77 378 23,324 17, 206 3,730 2,515 1,791 724 9,748 7,933 1,815 704 509 484, 904 18, 206 1,917 15, 981 308 204, 423 164 820 8,739 5,070 1,487 2,182 84, 985 109, 260 88, 501 11, 102 7,368 7,249 119 3, 993, 456 2, 498, 194 542 87, 061 551, 388 17, 433 1, 584, 701 565, 995 17, 277 88, 809 213, 024 31, 527 71,050 58, 504 20, 605 17,511 16, 115 10, 507 639, 062 338, 060 178, 937 137, 121 85, 655 95, 985 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. - Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 224 CENSUS OF AGPJCULTUI^E : 1925 — COLORADO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers -. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age. Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over... All other hogs Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924... Dairy cows milked ..•_ Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 .gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made* on farms, 1924. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924.. pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919.. pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 .dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919. dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Archu- leta Baca 620, 609 , 1, 577, 122 2, 186 326 ! 1,860 I 100,172 51 i 3 48 ; 3,465 j 12,501 : 3,852 I 1,035 i 123 912 4,905 660 4,245 2,435 274 314, 214 16, 443 3,672 12, 335 436 170, 840 2,632 13, 160 1,291 567 330 394 10, 929 8,875 5,769 2,060 13,442 1,636 11,806 508, 232 3,164 584 2,580 171, 736 29, 803 7,810 3,473 237 3,236 15, 794 1,465 14, 329 2,196 530 683, 784 3,873 784 2,974 115 40, 076 440 10, 010 5,488 1,320 3,202 96, 916 91, 997 3,940 1,061 536 525 392, 570 304, 037 370 22, 626 67, 580 998 22, 827 38, 577 20, 860 104, 692 176,780 39, 574 1,062 48, 733 68, 663 14, 620 8,618 13, 626 5.688 7,056 1,372 5,684 1, 834, 560 1, 610, 550 260 118, 350 322, 162 21,710 10,715 183, 495 3,114 25, 682 47, 872 9,246 1 5 2 479, 120 369, 555 134, 154 141,215 126, 106 91, 790 Bent Boulder Chaffee 2, 493, 928 6,125 723 5,402 231, 986 1,237 296 941 65, 044 22, 225 4,239 2,290 455 1, 835 13, 292 2,224 11,068 2,106 298 547, 383 157, 033 128,213 26, 078 2,742 1, 536, 197 37 185 5,422 2,978 1,099 1,345 52, 443 59, 773 44, 830 15, 860 1,540,040 5,840 416 5,424 241, 552 371 76 295 20, 950 27, 499 4,275 2,907 1,431 1,476 14, 535 6,772 7,763 5,237 546 906, 878 19, 123 15, 041 4,025 57 191, 773 110 550 4,384 2,477 732 1,175 47, 851 135, 083 112,119 18, 367 2,838 2,089 1, 180, 608 1,509,108 416 49, 891 52, 551 25, 791 501, 659 171,768 35, 484 266, 130 290, 859 95, 807 306, 934 257, 829 85, 942 87, 926 70, 798 57, 152 6,397 5,925 472 3, 217, 691 2, 706, 960 503 145, 855 607, 127 8,848 516, 428 388, 205 6,624 49, 680 26, 697 17,388 21 55 24 788, 479 462, 695 212, 889 206, 947 127,^24 142, 793 49, 809 62, 339 14,943 22, 815 14,612 15, 971 ' Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO 225 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Coiitiimed Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas 896, 436 12, 498 1, 661, 549 604, 623 527, 742 459, 652 1, 536, 480 79, 806 146, 984 722, 846 1 4,646 389 4,257 186, 185 107 9 98 4,608 3,323 478 2,845 153, 722 1,824 270 1,554 84, 180 3,450 287 3,163 132, 834 2,008 149 1,859 96, 526 6,388 453 5,935 300, 781 300 1 299 12, 877 746 83 663 34, 976 2,838 250 2,588 113,446 2 3 4 5 823 259 564 38, 836 2 2 140 276 21 255 18, 585 113 6 107 7,700 406 77 329 21, 973 63 5 58 4,235 401 82 319 24, 398 42 7 35 2,415 70 9 61 4,585 111 15 96 5,796 6 7 8 9 20, 303 5,487 2,421 86 2,335 8,350 530 7,820 3,721 324 441, 375 154 35 6 3 3 91 25 66 17 5 4,371 17, 461 4,089 3,010 228 2,782 9,049 849 8,200 989 324 415, 648 7,460 2,131 1,068 69 999 3,735 213 3,522 378 148 170, 854 10, 517 2,192 1,013 204 809 5,261 1,403 3,858 1,922 129 260, 685 12,076 3,157 1,436 59 1,377 6,038 255 5,783 1,174 271 281, 532 32, 431 9,107 3,940 854 3,086 14, 724 4,673 10, 051 3,987 673 844, 441 918 75 169 169 2,867 473 199 41 158 862 200 662 1,283 50 78, 720 21,314 4,470 2,265 981 1,284 10, 730 5,811 4,919 3,410 439 549, 488 10 11 12 13 14 653 648 5 15 16 17 18 21 37, 762 J9 20 7,007 954 5,850 203 78, 094 275 37 198 40 3,066 95, 766 15,829 77, 388 2,549 971, 902 26, 117 5,810 19, 6'67 640 261, 720 2,769 527 2,211 31 28, 632 5,653 421 5,095 137 58, 400 21,305 4,032 16, 749 524 236, 178 550 400 150 1,966 7 1,902 57 21,610 850 543 269 38 8,399 21 22 23 ?4 5,535 25 1 5 671 3,355 279 1,395 9 45 47 235 214 1,070 10 50 7 35 23 115 26 27 9,871 4,744 1,717 3,410 104, 981 1 1 ........ 7,595 4,139 1,704 1,752 70, 687 6,919 2,886 583 3,450 69, 179 4,595 2,364 685 1,546 45, 994 999 548 145 306 9,112 5,787 2,985 991 1,811 53, 825 316 109 46 161 4,075 455 227 123 105 3,660 2,311 1,482 341 488 21, 125 28 29 30 31 32 54, 941 44, 502 419 289 27, 926 19, 548 11, 786 8,250 36, 992 27, 744 11,884 8,319 66, 847 48, 130 20, 154 16, 728 4,488 2,917 27, 806 22, 523 33 34 2,458 19 8,102 1,345 9,835 1,293 27, 657 364 481 1,954 35 2,916 548 2,368 36 22 14 2,158 929 1,229 569 184 385 1,917 1,216 701 1,122 221 901 5,041 4,408 633 662 662 331 181 150 5,470 4,923 547 36 37 38 912, 708 1, 185, 169 313 11,448 19, 340 318 664, 664 410, 570 308 255, 295 176, 542 449 699, 705 752, 770 365 336, 600 330, 088 300 2, 313, 819 1, 946, 936 459 547, 474 942,330 827 93,011 25, 159 281 2, 877, 220 2, 366, 074 526 F. S 62, 894 172,111 8,959 12, 230 92,431 1,195 112 50 2,035 1,061 55, 500 62,282 18, 776 12, 131 71, 964 21, 444 12,390 10, 780 11,400 30, 274 43, 808 73, 615 18, 707 37, 475 74, 047 35,904 47, 604 373 5,980 32, 200 165, 905 421, 205 9,628 111,387 237, 033 10, 221 32, 490 7,957 2,747 1,546 115 5.824 9,162 736, 452 28, 295 331, 645 351, 720 42 386, 800 92, 838 45 46 7,063 43,955 58, 296 15, 604 327 3,050 50 1,113 89, 733 620, 085 938, 681 225, 091 193 502 221 175, 962 142,833 51, 029 23, 140 157, 381 260, 121 57, 129 75 150 66 37, 562 65, 732 10,893 2,406 13, 261 3,640 4,774 3,632 29, 963 615 10, 877 18 90 40 48, 213 54, 977 13,982 26, 615 196, 279 189, 530 74, 586 102 375 165 367, 057 393, 455 102, 776 481 3,254 1,452 1,139 1,718 11,631 11,375 4,397 587 3,982 6,088 1,414 47 48 49 50 'i'> "i? 250, 861 154, 566 70, 241 1,875 3,971 563 189, 399 133, 436 53, 032 104, 680 71, 970 28,264 17, 063 15,202 5,119 124, 126 132, 531 34, 755 54 55 56 67, 852 41, 124 47,496 270 993 189 23,458 26, 561 14,075 21, 144 13, 343 12, 686 63, 478 43,016 41, 261 10, 232 16, 462 6,139 94, 722 99, 576 58, 728 22, 472 18, 120 15, 506 5,170 5,936 3,412 39,429 33, 508 27, 600 57 58 59 > Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 226 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 COLORADO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all li v^estock dollars Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars Goats: Total number Total value dollars Swine: Total number - - . Pigs under 6 months of age— Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars Chickens: Total number Total value .dollars Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924. ..gallons Butter made on farms, 1924.. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 .gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924... .dollars Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars Chickens raised,' 1924 number 1919 number Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars Eagle 653, 227 2,897 245 2,652 135, 338 61 3 58 4,043 18,410 4,763 2,938 162 2,776 8,028 972 7,056 2,281 400 458, 624 2,397 325 2,010 62 26, 950 73 365 1,681 782 282 617 16, 197 14,923 10, 745 965 1,172 451, 220 409, 773 385 40, 777 64, 378 7,098 24, 093 50, 917 1,347 7,292 13, 145 2,771 17 83 37 77, 689 74, 177 21,753 13, 192 14, 251 8.179 Elbert El Paso ! Fremont ' Garfield 1,651,064 I 1,556,672 798,420 1, 8,216 623 7,593 330, 743 1,292 147 1,145 68, 236 31,425 8,180 2,838 674 2,164 16, 496 3,442 13, 054 3,190 721 736, 460 30, 288 5,747 22, 755 1,786 333, 052 53 265 11,367 6,515 1,570 3,282 110,830 67,591 ; 3,887 7,538 552 6,986 303, 900 1,762 166 1,596 94, 024 38, 077 7,772 4,490 1,415 3,075 19, 030 5,543 13, 487 5,968 817 923, 112 325 50 262 13 3,606 310 1,550 11,710 i 6, 175 ! 1,516 ! 4,019 118, 935 130, 701 105, 868 5,677 2,884 197 2,687 125, 249 149 10 139 10, 080 20, 753 4,740 2,429 182 2,247 11, 747 1,645 10, 102 1,334 503 547, 862 4,849 33 4,659 157 55, 278 286 1,430 1,669 1,038 246 385 15, 094 58,304 40, 230 3,197 7,304 760 6,544 337, 376 9,339 2,946 3, 586, 176 3, 657, 866 384 115, 054 899, 915 3,256 156, 214 368, 953 24, 230 189, 694 180, 760 67,341 10, 315 5,382 4,933 3, 785, 605 3, 732, 606 367 88, 715 474, 924 6,577 1, 674, 521 545, 370 274 2,071 45, 371 735 487,325 582,012 262,280 387,608 136,451 162,963 101, 220 84, 100 70, 854 162, 200 108, 246 113,540 HI 311 137 1,484 2,737 402 810 943,000 1,670,637 581,417 1,155,563 500 471 80,164 70,099 : 4,998 205,614 113,298 i 3,380 i 29,857 20,662 193,763 623 270,224 7,542 73,630 340,420 217,954 208, 945 235, 306 102, 126 61, 027 86,640 58, 186 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 227 Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake 1 24,296 534, 145 1,232,679 101,794 1,114,948 1,096,140 966, 210 968, 292 1,533,726 32, 559 I 142 2,116 3,245 361 4,415 4,490 4,670 4,909 12,477 193 2 9 1 187 280 59 463 761 276 505 1,016 14 3 133 i 1,929 2,965 302 3,952 3,729 4,394 4,404 11,461 179 4 6,183 1 89,797 151,445 16,398 208,712 179,981 203, 802 187, 270 500, 666 8,363 5 1 1 32 76 4 227 93 195 856 1,736 4 6 12 64 46 181 28 65 24 171 189 667 509 1,227 1 3 7 i" 32' i" 8 70 1,696 4,748 280 14,280 4,145 12, 810 45, 501 82, 964 246 9 539 12,995 33,274 2,580 19,316 31,965 18, 220 20,418 26,000 822 10 90 4,127 10, 593 801 4,631 8,958 3,615 4,608 6,707 188 11 59 1,892 4,011 343 1,808 3,855 2,451 2,266 3,105 92 12 17 190 108 3 166 62 1,284 532 800 . 6 13 42 1,702 3,903 340 1,642 3,793 1,167 1,734 2,305 86 14 334 5,770 15, 870 1,340 11,462 15,092 10, 292 8,905 13, 260 473 15 133 1,066 698 28 1,382 364 5,666 2,731 4,492 69 16 201 4,704 15, 172 1,312 10,070 14, 728 4,626 6,174 8,768 404 17 40 960 2,030 34 960 3,389 1,414 4,314 2,432 51 18 16 246 770 62 465 671 448 325 496 18 19 16,076 348, 918 806,430 62,249 482, 640 860,400 545,384 500, 237 622,344 21, 747 20 ! 16 8,502 22, 573 2,154 35, 227 4,609 4, 584 12, 898 1,277 168 21 1 4 320 1,800 466 5,478 391 70 3,094 168 15 22 11 7,977 20,056 1,633 28, 758 3,969 4,505 9,622 1,086 135 23 1 205 717 55 991 149 9 182 23 8 24 173 86,434 257, 631 22, 413 358,424 45, 531 52, 094 132, 826 14, 254 1,769 25 81 38 117 4 354 22 1,172 40 10 1 26 405 190 585 20 1,770 110 5,860 200 50 5 27 34 225 567 8 2,479 267 2, 807 5,888 19, 722 7 28 23 97 247 5 1,128 157 1,682 3,347 9,717 2 29 3 8 43 85 137 183 454 897 51 59 310 915 1,199 1,342 3,149 6,856 .. 30 " 3" 31 287 2,363 5,639 57 24, 562 2,406 27, 053 55, 854 207, 240 88 32 1,517 5,652 7,381 511 30, 908 4,460 143, 922 58,318 121,363 429 33 1,047 4,331 5,314 332 21,636 3,479 99,306 43, 739 98, 304 296 34 55 416 887 45 3,024 88 19, 901 2,665 7,904 46 35 173 1,470 1,465 135 2,314 756 5,851 3,171 6,539 136 36 132 1,037 673 36 1,123 328 5,059 1,988 3,248 60 37 41 433 792 99 1,191 428 792 1,183 3,291 86 38 63, 552 621,810 603, 580 38, 120 802,958 305,424 3,645,706 941, 787 1, 870, 154 64,083 39 28, 312 400, 638 487,394 44, 985 610, 338 195, 825 2,860,320 986,435 1,888,709 63, 676 40 367 423 412 282 347 404 606 297 286 476 41 4,668 44,664 57, 947 3,991 60, 197 31,831 102, 900 63,867 141, 168 1,952 42 122, 103 89, 203 4,832 89, 172 47, 780 331, 608 188, 167 289, 799 2,902 43 "2,'i77' 2,041 837 605 2,601 156 11,454 260 22,384 1,664 44 24,444 30,341 68, 680 2,836 124,876 13, 670 1, 737, 463 4,550 13,579 31, 890 45 10, 886 66, 828 65, 518 4,674 88, 789 30,640 607, 854 87, 604 176,369 12,070 46 8 12,098 21,941 1,883 30, 577 3,788 4,488 9,854 1,199 156 47 70 86, 508 142, 278 13,154 219, 006 27, 122 42, 439 79, 129 7,925 1,534 48 16 38,692 32,104 2,433 258, 712 39,519 48, 892 78, 826 29, 458 1,108 49 26 32, 614 54, 066 30 150 66 34, 514 4,972 79,499 32 98 43 116, 770 10, 225 10 48 21 23,745 15,490 400 1,560 686 905, 557 28, 486 2,813 660 50 51 52 53 8,062 33, 945 3,049 241, 903 495, 525 2,714 54 4,125 29,409 45, 858 1,881 137, 595 16, 973 500,420 146, 826 470, 932 2,211 55 2,419 9,505 9,664 915 33,863 6,649 271,667 67, 733 138, 747 814 56 1,138 7,145 9,226 637 40, 149 5,281 209, 982 78, 554 142, 359 134 57 1,594 6,940 8,873 654 75, 068 4,925 128, 936 43,519 99, 180 232 58 797 4,501 5,720 420 24, 089 3,327 146, 987 51,060 99, 651 94 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 228 CENSUS or AGRICULTUriE : 1925 — COLOUADu County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) La Plata LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age - Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over... Dairy cows . Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over . Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number . Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919.- gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 ...pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. V^'ool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 .pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,! 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 ...number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Larimer 1, 212, 839 5,427 675 4,852 255, 250 190 37 153 12, 005 24, 729 7,398 2,987 662 2,325 12,115 3,035 9,080 1,658 571 642, 108 20, 571 3,226 16, 938 407 216, 938 2,039 10, 195 4,979 2,758 816 1,405 37, 809 42, 309 27, 501 11,033 6,239,118 10, 237 717 9,520 423, 700 759 186 573 42, 036 43, 491 8,065 4,529 1,266 3,263 20, 850 5,992 14, 858 9,158 889 1, 335, 766 422, 324 396, 555 24, 060 1,709 4, 196, 640 60 300 9,761 5,082 1,121 3,558 110,438 Las Animas Lincoln Logan 2,410,507 ,1,717,957 12,426,350 11,577 1,626 9,951 433, 812 1,366 304 1,062 72, 536 46, 754 9,302 4,748 428 4,320 26, 988 2,581 24, 407 4,688 1,028 1,121,321 64, 571 12, 362 50, 088 2,121 668, 991 3,463 17, 315 3,627 2,148 563 916 33, 569 8,914 808 8,106 355, 804 15, 556 1,108 14, 448 612,312 1,438 , 1,473 171 ; 341 1, 267 i 1, 132 75, 740 ! 77, 127 41, 469 10, 615 4,980 662 4,318 18,311 3,533 14, 778 6,860 703 940,986 11,184,022 43, 351 9,066 4,302 1,121 3,181 16, 771 4,688 12,083 12, 522 6,264 1,000 5,048 216 69, 428 120,631 I 71,305 100, 124 { 53, 479 340 17, 138 7,977 2,512 6,649 184, 066 109, 795 88, 934 3,258 2,594 637 27 31,930 73 365 33, 382 15, 038 5,662 12, 692 383, 369 172, 024 123, 867 30, 114 484 2,659 I 13,368 3,613 2,495 1,118 1, 741, 466 1, 153, 063 482 143, 731 328, 767 3,973 69, 590 185, 445 18, 761 130, 770 235, 375 49, 431 5,978 i 4,894 5,415 1 2,312 563 j 2,582 2,749,880 11,624,808 2,197,263 1,400,959 460 I 332 192, 116 261, 161 5,769 843, 718 341, 922 102, 544 201, 656 35, 313 263, 957 206, 682 25,036 50,365 187,770 ! 363,793 448,332 I 279,130 65,720 130,965 655 2, 095 922 207, 187 226, 338 62, 156 49, 544 52, 568 32, 699 590, 609 460,039 159,464 163, 576 124, 934 112,867 220 450 291,851 265, 958 81,718 101, 824 102, 494 66, 186 6,514 3,028 3,486 6,653 3,705 2.948 2, 136, 592 2, 940, 626 2,216,214 2,016,757 328 442 127, 079 383, 056 31, 799 43,215 221, 294 222, 018 421, 517 29,604 140, 255 280, 453 5, 913 670 44,167 6,097 92,918 24,859 15,679 : 2,225 453,344 817,630 325, 585 I 543, 118 126,936 ; 204,408 133,950 ' 227,244 75,260 i 148,264 93,765 149,981 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 229 Mesa Mineral Moffat Monte- zuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips 2,088,683 104, 656 1, 041, 637 1, 336, 695 1, 494, 115 3, 483, 644 1, 922, 835 300, 559 952, 930 939, 485 1 8,085 288 6,252 3,845 6,953 12, 835 8,145 1,183 2,316 5,957 2 791 52 990 471 586 881 1,075 103 213 443 3 7,294 236 5,262 3,374 6,367 11,954 7,070 1,080 2,103 5,514 4 374, 808 12, 944 252, 630 179, 062 324, 875 505, 972 306, 450 56, 266 99, 321 234,048 5 770 8 199 389 285 945 1,302 20 84 915 6 77 693 65 134 72 317 39 246 129 816 260 1,042 6 14 6 78 231 684 7 "s" 8 49, 665 560 8,727 24, 710 18, 015 52, 443 70,060 1,190 5, 670 47, 277 9 46, 487 2,209 19, 682 18, 327 29, 193 34, 633 23, 388 8,523 16, 446 11, 607 10 12, 707 505 5, 569 5,090 7,726 6,058 4,389 2,687 4,419 2,476 11 5,484 207 2,359 2,037 3,347 4,997 1,363 1,386 1,616 2,661 12 1,263 8 96 548 762 526 977 53 78 642 13 4,221 199 2,263 1,489 2,585 4,471 386 1,333 1,538 2,019 14 22, 283 1,169 8,398 8,614 14,094 12, 699 10, 229 4,126 7,288 5,115 15 6,352 26 393 1,977 3,564 2,918 3,809 308 579 2,163 16 15, 931 1,143 8,005 6,637 10, 530 9,781 6,420 3,818 6,709 2,952 17 4,965 281 2,901 2,192 3,389 10, 495 6,762 157 2,804 1,068 18 1,048 47 455 394 , 637 384 645 167 319 287 19 1, 219, 080 56, 861 531, 443 479, 012 764, 742 937, 023 605, 588 204, 024 412, 640 318, 283 20 24, 146 3,194 21, 372 55, 197 21,411 166, 417 74, 839 2,558 37, 984 69 21 1,987 618 1,348 10, 415 3,766 143, 752 41, 279 169 2,444 27 22 21, 478 2,505 19, 386 43, 679 17, 118 22, 413 32, 950 2,325 34, 572 36 23 681 71 638 1,103 527 252 610 64 968 6 24 275, 285 33, 395 216, 539 577, 387 238, 184 1, 641, 631 749, 268 27, 651 427, 636 651 25 4,107 8 40 1,696 111 17 240 14 34 47 26 20, 535 40 200 8,480 555 85 1,200 70 170 235 27 5,856 33 1,242 5,180 9,752 20, 638 10, 109 795 260 24, 126 28 2,944 4 694 2,767 4,871 10, 486 5,235 384 116 11, 000 29 690 2 201 824 1,288 2,729 1,124 42 30 4,264 30 2,222 27 347 1,589 3,593 7,423 3,750 369 114 8,862 31 54, 510 352 11,517 40, 060 91, 197 223, 883 100, 856 6,399 2,827 275, 880 32 98, 515 678 23, 389 28, 331 60, 089 139, 806 110, 097 6,591 5,727 83, 958 33 70,931 441 18. 243 18, 415 43, 264 100, 660 82, 573 4,284 3, 952 60, 450 34 23,869 63 2,338 9,569 13, 283 21, 947 6,840 675 714 2.661 35 6,854 88 2,230 2,615 3,865 6,252 4,832 635 760 3,348 36 6,053 22 470 1,665 3,277 2, 575 3,471 277 575 2,472 37 801 66 1,760 950 588 3,677 1,361 358 185 876 38 3,344,752 36, 100 776, 040 998, 930 1, 638, 760 2, 175, 696 2, 014, 944 272, 415 243, 960 1, 513, 296 39 2, 771, 792 26, 276 581, 634 1, 015, 406 1, 364, 366 2, 014, 052 1, 728, 359 267, 806 201, 126 701, 942 40 488 410 348 382 424 348 417 429 321 452 41 219, 126 4,823 85, 133 87, 640 127, 543 116, 999 128, 325 21, 537 27, 022 122, 499 42 580, 637 2,450 107, 310 165, 072 243, 924 419, 381 111,525 37,794 23, 401 94, 731 43 15, 244 362 5,208 1,436 12, 682 3,680 52, 290 3,485 2,739 75,222 44 248, 217 7,177 29, 940 29, 388 64, 923 116,387 518, 517 30, 427 13, 591 163, 882 45 345, 096 5,121 80, 094 95, 923 158, 314 203, 569 259, 742 33, 991 25, 655 212, 104 46 22, 794 4,585 16, 863 44, 820 28, 798 23, 415 41, 604 2,862 39, 731 50 47 199, 422 37, 099 128, 018 284, 982 95, 365 175, 612 312, 030 16, 294 283, 968 361 48 379, 138 55, 457 136,003 353, 915 609, 323 444, 704 267, 120 19, 330 331, 504 71 49 75, 780 14, 023 48, 263 107, 723 . 36, 239 64, 098 112, 331 6,159 103, 648 132 50 3,604 24 77 24 30 7 51 12, 552 96 280 90 150 28 52 5,523 42 123 40 66 12 53 610, 793 4,531 109, 620 129, 331 362, 637 544, 964 582, 285 27, 702 27, 740 306, 866 54 472, 609 2,049 155, 248 198, 802 325. 610 438, 773 335, 867 38, 284 30, 432 190, 336 55 171,022 1,359 30, 694 38, 799 101, 538 136, 241 163,040 8,311 8,322 76, 717 56 129, 744 572 31, 599 35, 867 78, 657 214, 323 166, 797 6,354 5,091 112, 727 57 122, 663 421 40, 851 46, 858 74. 312 114,762 193, 040 7,401 6,168 50, 348 58 80, 441 378 19,907 23, 672 48, 767 141, 453 108, 418 4,194 3,564 74, 400 1 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 230 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 COLORADO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock. dollars.. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Mules : Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over.. Total value.. dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers --- Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over — :. Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over. .. Total value .dollars.. Sheep: Total number -. Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value dollars.. Swine: Total number .- Pigs under 6 months of age .. Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs --.- Total value dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,^ 1924 gallons. 1919 ...gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 .gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 ..dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, 2 1924 Wool produced,2 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924.. dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,^ 1924 dozens, 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised, 2 1924 number. 1919 ..number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 ..dollars. Pitkin 291, 398 1,232 133 1,099 56, 777 24 24 1,632 8,027 2,359 1,069 66 1,003 3,876 591 3,285 538 185 201, 255 1,249 253 933 63 13, 843 14 70 1,311 642 205 464 12, 394 6,894 4,964 463 740 532 208 329, 300 178, 364 445 21, 768 45, 664 8,895 20, 695 39, 703 959 9,025 9,462 3,430 Prowers 1, 551, 563 9,842 1,221 8,621 371, 702 1,720 396 1,324 90,924 23, 358 6,011 2,338 453 1,885 10,912 2,755 8,157 3,685 412 560, 920 36,511 25, 621 10, 610 280 360, 587 33 165 5,135 1,100 2,614 82, 926 96, 563 72, 422 11,917 5,317 2,172 3,145 2, 100, 215 2, 175, 323 395 108, 282 144, 263 23, 950 853, 426 291, 163 13,412 100, 590 150,373 36, 212 Pueblo 1, 558, 817 8,117 803 7,314 310, 226 663 77 586 37, 393 31,343 6,055 2,989 1,002 1,987 14, 982 5,825 9,157 6,658 659 809, 842 20, 325 4,800 15, 272 253 209, 346 252 1,260 10, 156 5,656 1,338 3, 1C2 97, 477 113,715 85, 286 6,700 5,174 1,526 3, 216, 000 2, 324, 835 480 112,647 285, 393 13,831 1,508,740 457, 571 16,910 129, 104 103, 978 46. 477 15,077 34, 600 4,222 6,411 7,359 3,975 3 15 7 520, 668 401, 577 145, 787 131, 229 104,617 85, 299 609, 854 405, 318 170, 759 148, 398 130, 499 96, 459 Rio Blanco 1,464,338 4,728 621 4, 107 194, 751 282 52 230 13, 490 41, 969 11,354 4,242 125 4,117 17, 249 1,339 15, 910 8,411 713 1,147,812 7,311 2,193 4,965 153 I 71,232 1 5 1,861 828 295 738 19, 266 18, 303 14, 276 Rio Grande 3,506 1, 245, 521 3,360 327 3, 033 159,498 51& 36 482 35, 000 18,412 4,603 2,278 464 1,814 9,873 2,046 7,827 1,169 489 474, 916 35, 457 13, 505 21,318 634 342, 675 588 2,940 19, 364 7,296 2,578 9,490 201, 438 36, 520 25, 564 3,490 1,537 1,181 356 617, 323 472, 425 402 50, 021 100, 810 5,795 11,090 61,210 6,916 55, 527 22, 622 20, 934 66, 184 99, 099 18, 532 32, 195 28, 902 20,283 2,340 1,889 461 1, 036, 620 718,819 443 76, 117 169, 191 10, 421 109, 775 130, 259 29, 997 217,883 658,111 79, 092 507 2,010 884 120, 845 141,036 35, 045 35, 790 39, 930 21.474 » No farms reported. Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — COLORADO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 231 Routt Sa,uaohe jj- , mI^sI wS' 1,705,920 '1,774,186 7,201 775 6,426 301, 570 3,; 39, 894 10, 025 4,512 542 3,970 15,716 3,101 12,615 8,818 823 121,209 21, 707 1,414 19, 601 692 219, 910 158 790 3,172 1,656 603 913 30, 564 35, 219 27, 471 1,057 3,659 452 6,207 171, 198 340 69 271 21, 385 38, 832 10,217 4,336 173 4,163 19, 426 748 18, 678 3,867 986 907, 154 57, 533 6,355 49, 686 1,492 590, 369 750 3,750 6,404 2,606 1,251 2,547 65, 948 16, 118 11, 283 3,099 705, 723 2,404 188 2,216 114,936 100 21 79 6,265 15, 372 3,677 1,804 179 1,625 6,943 1,042 5,901 2,698 250 15, 244 929 I 13, 935 380 164, 982 93 465 1,796 1,011 448 337 13, 599 9,455 6,146 1.036 739, 972 5,385 233 6,152 215, 426 480 122 358 24, 774 11,530 2, 755 1,429 23 1,406 5,561 147 5,414 1,649 136 295, 308 2,786 2,780 27,854 2 10 10, 639 3,549 1,770 5,320 135, 084 53, 231 38, 326 3.190 143, 861 46 593 27, 697 2 1 1 105 4,080 1,122 493 103 390 1,981 383 1,598 413 71 104, 749 789 759 21 117 63 25 1,167 1,486 1,025 262, 026 1,150 114 1,036 49, 128 79 12 67 5,110 7,432 1,516 707 130 577 770 2,918 1,396 125 199, 589 272 250 18 4 2,503 5 25 190 100 38 52 1,914 5,089 3,511 246 W^Ung- ^,„ 2, 426, 687 18, 194 1,486 16, 708 711, 776 1,575 413 1,162 80, 871 32, 966 8,586 4,183 573 3,610 15, 799 4,685 11,114 3,730 668 889, 453 19, 684 7,933 11,385 366 185, 272 29 145 37, 147 17, 441 5,604 14, 102 418, 570 181,014 130, 330 10, 270 11,096,378 37, 301 2,675 34, 626 1, 542, 418 3,897 586 3,311 225, 792 99, 058 16, 197 12, 659 4,305 8,354 47, 483 18, 326 29, 157 21, 024 1,695 3, 131, 930 541,857 507. 085 32, 129 2,643 5,385,513 201 1,005 36, 998 17, 098 5,144 14, 756 438. 086 382, 828 317, 747 53, 887 Yuma 2, 540, 802 1,133 15, 857 670, 531 2,833 502 2,331 153, 414 41,368 11,541 5,111 403 4,708 18, 596 2,284 16,312 5,389 731 1,059,220 157 27 92 38 1, 459 57 285 43, 078 18, 442 6,838 17, 798 504, 289 136, 274 15,330 135 3,844 2,855 1, 699, 048 1,200,514 442 121, 770 317,913 7,419 67, 050 175, 226 12, 243 93, 666 119,948 35,312 78 356 157 242,201 170, 716 67, 816 43,848 49, 328 27, 624 1,004 600 404 363, 448 419, 814 362 31,453 50, 190 6,277 14, 278 41,813 69, 327 387, 312 613, 377 140, 594 392 1,431 630 64, 166 77, 474 18, 608 18, 181 22, 495 10, 909 1,354 837 517 572, 742 421, 736 423 43, 264 22, 203 108, 297 98,091 12, 988 69,802 21, 966 26,385 25 100 44 60, 172 51, 350 18, 052 10,098 11,857 6,665 2,334 119 2,215 1,073,640 496,989 460 85, 173 98, 913 45, 736 17, 775 127, 700 5,225 25 389 248 141 202,830 159, 680 521 17,383 38, 110 1,659 14, 560 26, 115 1,562 8,360 75 3,051 677 12 209, 595 327, 216 304 20, 994 4,269 6,818 54, 227 32, 407 22 165 113 60 8,360 4,145 4,215 2, 800, 600 2, 582, 135 335 198, 592 475, 764 9,655 29, 265 237, 734 13, 148 113,073 124, 175 41, 272 23,606 16, 822 6,784 11,024,002 7, 601, 222 467 458, 934 1, 643, 955 79, 268 2, 434, 437 1, 359, 492 34, 772 264, 267 932, 650 92, 493 9,018 36 2,463 37 6, 555 j 38 3,002,994 139 3,104,571 40 333 41 209, 168 493, 976 14,002 44, 879 256, 573 70 652 5,915 221, 920 155, 404 55, 480 64, 303 39, 765 42, 440 9,015 7,505 2,705 1,024 1,933 717 22, 783 30, 700 6,835 5,262 6,813 3,683 936, 747 695, 992 234, 187 211,967 144, 226 139, 898 2,019,418 1, 425, 802 545, 243 525, 623 396, 031 362, 680 669, 823 719, 973 167, 456 235, 261 174, 938 155. 272 * Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 16 232 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table IV.— Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. The State Adams Alamosa 90, 778, 958 | % 298, 856 706, 347 159, 606, 290 13, 433, 352 1,348,633 bushels.. 15,342,775 558,064 i 37,180 Oats threshed for grain. acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Flaxseed acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder- Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) - - Hay crops : Total acreage. Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth... acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan... acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar tons.. Sorghum for sirup acres.. Potatoes, white acres. . bushels.. Strawberries acres . . Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres . . Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn acres. . Tomatoes acres. . Watermelons acres . . Orchard fruits: Apples ..trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. bushels harvested. . Peaches trees of all ages.. bushels harvested. . Pears. ...trees of all ages_. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. 84,162 1,389,712 2, 424, 421 407, 950 715,341 186, 244 73, 223 199. 284 Arapahoe 1, 261, 677 1, 982, 297 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 233 Baca 1 1 Bent i Boulder Chaffee ! Chey- enne i Clear Creek Conejos Costilla 315,480 616, 859 Crowley 889,068 1,814,062 Custer 285, 898 760, 715 i 1,310.785 2, 524, 129 i 1,419,511 1 2,931,580 i 2,423,756 j 3,588,936 327, 504 712,322 1,213,013 687,457 i 7,784 23,218 831, 606 2,010,401 i 1 ; 2 39, 359 35,124 296, 151 85 240 2,926 1,224 63, 495 439,458 180 1,995 212 6,784 58, 146 826 5,433 - 1 21,664 1 15,434 i 316, 505 308 1 754 i 3,209 i 2, 713 4,300 1 118,042 I 946 32, 277 163 1,398 43,814 8,726 2, 822 40, 639 3, 674 . 14, 545 1,149 1 1,081 20, 683 i 562, 393 5,441 169,588 368 4,604 123, 621 166 2,523 30 300 ul 25 76 35,340 301 1,563 7 372 28,562 705 257 1 10 1 j 1 53, 309 ] 50, 996 1 541,838 1 698 ! 934 1 1,504 111 33,439 317,676 805 8,441 60 10, 741 97,079 513 4,203 327 1,264 579 3,675 15,594 157 2,786 ! i":::::: 1 1 1 67 10 ' 400 6 20 51 32 18 171 1 9,320 6,082 80, 107 178 2,074 2,082 978 440 10,983 648 17,222 136 1,177 26, 976 794 437 3,060 3 4 5 6 7 10 287 70 967 14, 958 2,227 39, 730 710 676 12, 721 157 1,209 8 14 2,675 41,651 1,279 33,302 72 2,631 60, 114 54 640 9 1,179 23, 916 1,587 49, 874 191 1,184 32, 321 7 90 1-.— ... ::::.... :::::::: 5,853 105, 866 1,995 58, 269 31 5,818 144,363 20 550 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 : ::! : ?.o 23,441 192, 118 33. 642 803 i 3,493 1 20 1 1,744 13,009 6,578 378 24, 281 255 524 1,331 1,310 12, 801 5 50 57 6 19,100 240 6 21 ?.?. 23 7 11,398 88 2,538 172 42 5, 792 1,024 427 548 4 273 322 38,965 59 274 73 3,195 13, 816 4,075 2,243 5 15, 225 41, 613 28 165 230 12, 145 24 25 26 339 15 27 22 25 1,435 1,118 720 28 99 23,646 356 11 264 314 1,209 156 10 833 15, 803 --15- ""119" "■"137" 570 253 6,896 100 685 33 12,485 95 173 36 2,449 15,080 1,236 29 30 31 32 33 153 20, 151 169 53, 508 3,396 35,266 506 1 150 3,573 59,434 8,479 90, 539 1,315 15,178 3,872 17, 760 25 200 1 14 1,175 53 21, 591 34 26 092 5,852 55, 845 35 36 37 312 6 111 38 ---- 6,804 35 189 30 7 13 110 45 60 2,918 32,236 30,439 102 : 1 58 1 1,414 , 8,951 ! 256 24, 698 8 75 '2,254 6 195 1,307 175, 594 29 476 346 9,662 39 40 41 1 13 809 } 17 2 . 23 581 : 3,509 3,171 j 639 I 250 i 70 914 i 659 ! 1 1 1 1 1,706 1 4? 1 43 1 416 ^1 52 117 1 2 34 319 1 44 i::::::::::: 1 1 34 90 934 1 15,909 i 12,596 101 j 45 ! -- 1 46 47 - 1.168 964 ! 474 i 3, 790 1 449 1 567 i 2,055 1 1,220 i ' 485 31 30 376 48 i 103 10,880 13.884 "1 68 168 261 262 973 1,239 42 669 508 13 h 49 50 51 52 53 16 ' 51 ; 70 1,492 i 613 9 i 26 30 41 6,488 54 55 56 234 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — COLORADO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. acreage and production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage -. Harvested for grain ...acres. bushels. Cut for silage .acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain .acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed ..acres. Barley ..acres. bushels. Rye ...acres. bushels. F lax seed acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain... ..acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder ..acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan... acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses .acres. Small grains cut for hay .acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms... acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild ...tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ..acres. tons. Sorghum for sirup acres. Potatoes, white ..acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages .acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons .acres. Lettuce ..acres. Onions (dry) .acres. Sweet corn .acres. Tomatoes .acres. Watermelons ..acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Delta 2,774 1,995 52, 550 162 1,103 284 333 3,299 78, 321 2,436 77, 006 308 467 12,217 11 130 2 35 6 205 35, 078 833 601 14 62 32, 263 253 899 2 151 78, 762 4,271 39, 447 1,641 222, 990 25 7 17 4 619 20 26 18 14, 253 468, 941 1,051,045 138, 056 209, 376 8,408 10, 009 28, 306 Denver 20 200 43 18 1,074 1,013 41 ""'26' 2.211 35 308 4 225 3 37 1,143 1,910 24 25 I 2 150 Dolores Douglas 29,892 523,720 161,245 1,021,154 2,680 513 5,855 2,112 55 326 2,390 77 714 448 57 231 17 60 445 23 1,308 189 31 563 20 361 144 1,681 91 2,972 631, 951 1, 718, 162 14,249 1,476 14, 980 6,058 10, 321 6,086 629 5,045 75, 583 2,982 49, 426 1,035 363 3,997 1,101 12, 254 1,095 34, 579 2,434 121,717 238 271 7,214 364 256 205 15, 323 15 3,590 57 29 8,107 139 2,361 1,025 22, 970 83 1,484 22, 922 955 7,665 15 6 9,178 4,007 727 369 37, 290 59 532 1,862 284,649 27 2,105 2,240 2 1,152 2 111 932 1,755 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 235 Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gil- pin Grand Gunni- son Hins- dale Huer- fano Jackson Jefferson 1, 046, 717 2, 333, 025 797, 636 2,634,971 603, 730 1,440,972 1. 383, 505 3, 249, 573 16, 941 4^, 789 245, 163 750, 280 554, 252 1,324,727 43, 069 95, 690 511,095 1,213,523 584, 958 1,421,754 1, 141, 948 2, 208, 498 1 2 48, 420 23, 611 190, 185 5,722 8,674 11, 506 7,581 22, 942 245, 487 4,458 54, 527 2,791 4,546 56, 605 6,386 56, 182 1,389 4,113 81 1,222 4,422 49, 879 25. 259 157 284 54, 553 33, 143 208, 714 4,063 8,164 14, 103 3,244 3,908 46, 721 6,371 69, 244 2,424 394 4,309 2.785 23, 143 418 1,291 18 167 3,556 44, 650 29, 249 43 1,763 2,952 1,856 30, 800 188 690 725 183 753 14, 134 564 18, 410 237 208 5,434 14 90 1.251 403 8,136 52 232 612 284 5,607 133, 491 2,818 101, 543 354 506 11,193 51 424 9 5 100 6,595 3,721 21, 252 121 166 701 2,052 3,246 29, 231 1,672 31,718 274 1,225 27, 373 224 2,339 4,466 947 15, 062 2,097 6,297 1,096 327 9,716 231, 428 2,668 78, 584 913 1,334 33, 973 61 968 50 400 ? 4 «; e, 7 8 4 196 2,194 346 6,858 98 88 1,222 9 -- 64 1,672 191 3, 428 148 19 233 20 100 10 n 29 860 96 12 220 20 400 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ''0 1 16 10 55 43, 366 670 289 8 I 605 1,912 23, 971 1,182 604 '>] 99 9 85 13, 195 310 2 1 29 8,080 97 1,973 57 66 28,728 197 2,481 119 160 21, 888 580 1,828 n '^ 1,459 79 190 1 25, 951 1,663 13, 160 42, 562 722 9,410 141 2,808 60 1,531 82, 721 340 1,240 26 26 27 423 14, 033 1,338 2,320 378 8,893 5,632 6,240 107 15, 623 2,284 1,049 20 9() 41,212 252 515 16 "'436' 434 205 337 2,168 21,919 649 28 156 6 SO 1,686 50 31 32 33 6,704 27, 678 6,300 29, 435 410 2,532 6 524 8,780 1 51 1 51 12 87 10 ] 692 2,818 957 118 15 96 773 114 2,703 22, 423 420 72, 625 2,043 17, 267 743 1,094 10, 152 30, 367 7,553 59, 686 1,087 3,908 3,222 38, 286 159 1,092 79, 386 74, 658 V 1,485 47, 667 545 3,316 34 35 36 37 38 408 10,920 1 1 254 8,032 18 45 45 161 25 70 23 6 6,154 120, 694 252, 410 1,132 1,037 1,366 2,295 30, 607 3,411 489, 256 25 4 7 39 5 8 6 11 2,517 66,927 60, 899 8,393 7,234 885 3,502 16, 036 79 1,708 63 4,093 205 12, 948 12 881 95 3,211 ......... 1,576 299 12,007 489 291 7 195 46 515 209 1 6,427 42, 928 50, 816 21 39 40 41 1 6 5 9 43 4 49 43 4 428 44 61 44 4^ 5 46 47 2 265 393 91 45 1 64 555 83 11 950 5,006 5,130 12 1 51 276 12 48 49 650 1,230 5 10 sn •il ^"^ 53 87 8,768 17, 302 'i'l 5 6 5^) 56 236 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE : 1925— COLORADO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage 37 Kiowa ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 -dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage - 43,431 Harvested for grain acres. . 39, 440 bushels..: 517,225 Cut for silage acres..! 100 tons.. I 265 Cut for fodder acres.. 3,015 Hogged off acres.. 876 Wheat acres.. 23,239 bushels.. 287,670 Oats threshed for grain acres. . 170 bushels.. I 2,475 Oats cut and ted unthreshed acres.. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Kit Carson 1,139,436 1,987,345 654,936 2,652,145 Lake La Plata 36,716 930,818 50,198 2,449,938 Flaxseed .acres. . bushels.. Sorghums harvested for grain acres . . ! bushels.. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres..; Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres... Hay crops: Total acreage ! Timothy alone acres . . ! Timothy and clover mixed acres..! Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres..! Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres.. Alfalfa acres. - Other tame grasses. acres.. Small grains cut for hay.. .acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. . i Wild grasses cut on farms... acres..! Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons..' Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ..acres, .i tons..! Sorghum for sirup acres. .1 Potatoes, white acres. . bushels..} Strawberries acres. . i Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn .acres . . Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons acres. . Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches .trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages . Grapes vines of all ages.. 4,327 57. 205 420 4,530 160 270 2,771 24, 493 20, 240 125 103, 193 77, 836 567, 782 512 1,224 4,859 97, 803 763, 387 4,199 42, 522 1,420 38, 354 307, 764 3,717 27, 106 553 994 364 3,030 11,197 514 10, 167 1,586 1,005 14, 786 392 2,214 92 8,344 143, 105 4,707 123, 407 194 1,094 27, 030 38 392 Larimer 4, 679, 254 4, 928, 912 399 1,484 101 267 4 25 342 1,422 5,892 1,190 4,043 10 894 .■28 200 10,406 1,292 I 3,111 15,929 2,740 71 11 375 258 10, 543 13 1 "25" 371 25 437 40 35 1,045 394 23 162 260 20 547 4 50 ,625 408 109 287 I 32, 793 706 2,077 15 164 26, 719 492 1, 535 1,085 51,338 575 281 49, 190 32, 439 7 13 1 22 1 3 4,996 8,285 22, 659 70, 225 28,027 121.112 543 81 177 22 1,482 97 1,691 2,056 798 919 1 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 COLORADO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 237 Las Animas Lincoln __. 1,851,441 2,072,592 Logan Mesa ^^f{ Moffat Monte- zuma Mon- . trose Morgan Otero Ouray 573, 932 1,891,890 \ 4,508,154 2,473,032 7.563,992 j5,4l7,553 23, 423 59,108 337, 116 1,018,438 710, 616 1,879,392 2,196,888 5,885,049 4,286,425 2,200,199 5,.569,808 14,485,753 241,612 580, 828 I 2 13, 448 7,254 52, 622 232 666 3,863 2,099 12, 269 69, 569 1,590 33, 490 1, 813 360 8,249 51 1,260 69, 480 55, 926 463, 827 627 1,489 6,665 6,262 56, 759 736, 700 2,765 33, 664 264 15, 635 199, 133 4,246 38, 667 2,396 7,716 258 1,614 12, 402 25, 065 16, 365 23 67 93 460 4,025 4,746 1,539 118,318 92, 523 668. 052 445 913 5,069 20, 281 118, 629 1, 071, 973 11, 774 278, 624 652 29, 103 416, 773 6,801 47, 787 5,676 4,375 103, 578 227 1,240 624 450 3, 401 82, 030 2,114 70, 890 244 444 12, 119 164 1,965 ""'26' 2,890 651 2,576 345 490 1,357 537 3,798 33, 046 2,185 37, 893 102 318 4,739 649 4,219 90 520 15 75 322 88 28, 276 1,053 1,911 124 223 10, 204 '2,967 7,184 4,908 2,396 31, 632 288 1,063 2,022 202 4,310 70, 752 2,542 71, 579 88 727 16, 014 76 1,050 2,679 2,164 46,931 127 727 165 223 8,177 228, 698 4,396 132,751 188 255 6,560 15 105 73, 537 62, 415 599, 348 710 2,381 2,708 7,704 22, 524 177, 777 3,161 115, 632 243 10,985 299, 633 1,991 20, 049 12, 270 6,654 150, 945 1,228 10, 691 1,508 2,880 2,915 86, 853 3,209 140, 345 238 1,082 34, 796 11 398 8 1,132 19, 703 1,058 31, 096 76 411 3,339 2 22 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ?0 300 J, 647 2,796 5,919 20, 699 1,859 1,330 169 2,974 10, 421 6,720 38, 627 18 300 207 1,772 41, 506 472 350 6 87 38, 946 556 795 2,816 140 765 31 176 332 286 23, 008 190 1,428 22 120 19, 550 263 1,314 30 79 102 822 6,994; 1,767 15,816 1 1,071 36,012 22,820 10, 197 630 2,076 12" 2,392 3,576 197 ?,1 ?? 9-^ 1,069 36, 664 504 1,497 49 161 32, 874 854 526 24 25 ?6 76 97 132 244 21,436 3,932 1,382 61 33 22, 147 62 155 0^ 85 15, 505 1,055 335 159 28,972 1,479 1,743 5 3,578 65, 931 23 274 29 30 31 32 3"^ 530 34, 588 176 1,343 12 9 154 5,412 19, 737 ii, 501 54,804 17, 509 190, 200 5 540 30, 510 294 86, 364 4,404 32, 866 2 3,022 358, 126 47 21 114 7 17 105 523 51 4,939 243, 398 389, 540 234, 558 473, 796 169, 177 6,056 45, 477 1,497 2,610 4,610 30, 608 121 40, 993 199 74, 556 4, 188 362 48, 740 19 818 1,314 15, 373 28 177 ■""262" 25, 938 5 ........ 40 533 415 1 2" 18 34 35 36 33, 165 . 1 7,611 1,232,427 on 300,959 ; 14i;468 10 j 42 657 ! 6 135,699 : 220 1 5 ,7! 15 2 X 996 37 -- 240 12 461 18, 790 38 576 22, 859 467 29, 588 2 3S 40 41 13 14 7 11 19 12 4 510 2,337 1,529 231 2 60 367 33 9 16 4 2 7 19 1 1 ^9 -13 17 1 1.478 J 44 3 9 8 19 790 1,012 481 198 5 2 7 " i" 4 4*1 9 ! 8 5 7 5 ! 37 11 314 •16 47 15 457 151 19 365 2 1 229 185 278 7 18 2,718 55, 625 57, 345 6,053 12, 228 912 1,883 13, 410 1 6,935 133, 066 152, 730 7,199 9,439 1,109 1,696 8,258 7 686 1,496 472 41 285 827 23, 866 91, 894 1,044 57 104 2,302 12,991 48 49 50 51 52 49 919 196 247 4,438 175 12 137 20 21 2,805 148 1 54 55 56 238 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Park VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 - -. dollars.. 458,863 Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. . 692,904 acreage and production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage. ..- Harvested for grain. ..acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres.. I 19 bushels., i 175 Oats threshed for grain.. acres.. I 344 bushels..! 4,223 Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres..! 13 Barley acres.. 195 bushels..: 1,692 Rye acres.. 47 bushels..' 188 Flaxseed Sorghums harvested for grain. ...acres. bushels. ...acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: Total acreage. Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. .acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan. .acres.. Alfalfa acres.. 40, 876 68 829 8 3 52 Other tame grasses acres..! 24 Small grains cut for hay acres.. 2,505 Annual legumes cut for hay.. acres.. _. Wild grasses cut on farms acres..!37, 387 Total quantity of hay of all kinds, | both tame and wild tons.. '33, 297 Miscellaneous crops: i Sugar beets for sugar tons.. Sorghum for sirup '. acres. . Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Strawberries ..acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce.. acres. Onions (dry).. acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches ..trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. 430 10, 486 54 Phillips Pitkin 1,805,811 1332,491 3,734,524 990,644 79, 868 70, 411 671, 203 70 158 1,570 7,817 71, 752 695, 105 11, 650 140, 117 689 7,619 82, 232 4,262 31, 905 204 1,865 5,085 508 17,644 119 250 140 945 1,848 7,627 6,011 150 554 17, 802 29 146 ,048 Prowers 2,327,448 3,979,017 528 15, 391 1,706 72, 456 27 113 3,158 12 124 27,599 21, 194 327, 761 646 5,014 3,755 2,004 28, 795 377, 307 1,936 90, 489 615 4,496 75, 814 147 1,168 Pueblo 1,668,602 3,620,754 10, 651 2,539 3,688 4,034 5,144 60, 933 18, 839 210 36,278 27 31, 752 45 ! 1, 163 191 709 i 154 1 2,579 17, 391 83, 681 103 33 25 89 7 20 503 31 10 456 484 5,212 47, 197 35 2 135 22, 735 14, 213 169, 914 1,942 8,176 3,968 2,612 11, 175 139, 424 2,132 63,625 358 1,109 29,408 109 1,721 147 1,181 2,880 10,683 31, 480 561 216 1,167 3,926 5,710 1,910 940 110 1,478 93 28,642 340 393 10 1,225 72.239 4,120 47,804 1 5 117 4 106 232 34 57 94 113 229 6,777 16, 467 21, 724 176 139 1,828 3,336 No farms reported. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 239 Rio Grande Routt Sa- guache San I San Juan' Miguel Sedg- wick Sum- mit Teller Wash- ington Weld Yuma 1,969,390 7,016,108 1,035,696 2,933,721 1,059,123 2,483,996 319,423 1609,131 1 1,723,025 111, 135 2,547,850 .238, 480 85, 715 309, 739 3,281,873 5,711,172 16,551,176 15,029,343 19,606,498 18,322,983 1 2 1 '6 636 294 3,565 48, 686 32,978 285,893 143 275 814 14, 751 39, 623 455, 751 9,026 181, 745 180 5,360 97, 243 3,153 24, 904 18 124, 166 107, 155 774, 952 130 306 6,558 10, 323 201,971 1,423,606 7,890 102, 090 719 47, 348 502,991 8,014 52, 919 76 232 200 980 19, 494 7,547 18, 138 95, 520 55, 485 495, 290 5,519 32, 689 9,698 24, 818 107, 635 1,900,004 26, 641 919, 373 1,814 40, 203 994, 432 8,413 72, 638 ... 997 10, 118 70, 067 152, 086 19 334 94 766 126, 233 7,566 4,844 201, 694 ■ 193,584 1,964,416 510 3,290 3,775 3, 825 163,795 2, 100, 798 7,162 119,258 904 19, 100 258, 606 17, 260 115,663 70 236 651 4,789 26, 478 1,200 16, 781 209 3 4 5 -. .. - 1- 6 1 7 6 286 56 968 17, 208 825 18, 875 102 i 18 8 1 5,808 123, 368 ft, 981 196,793 146 2,056 43, 351 25 341 1 • ! 9 6,410 80, 156 9,685 210, 012 835 2,293 39, 227 121 1,012 96 570 2,911 47, 949 3,565 79, 853 360 996 19, 692 27 209 147 1,134 43 29 238 16 70 4 45 629 8,454 90 101 952 59 314 10 11 12 13 14 1,784 18, 810 18 210 15 16 17 18 19 j— ----- - ?0 1 j - - ^1 ?2 .0 1,236 1 9,437 i ?» 18 26, 461 231 2,234 8 694 10, 091 661 1,642 1 69, 617 304 946 22 237 8,512 1,101 1,260 ?A 56, 125 2,028 38, 004 349 20 6,492 1,112 3,703 ! 17,789 1 2,246 1,657 j 7,484 350 5,702 8,738 92 128 25 ?6 ?7 ?R 1 63 9,032 t 306 1 4,394 36 4,505 1,799 12 'i" 83' 14 137 71 6,214 175 4,660 6,284 3,233 328 4,362 4,775 1,091 7 6,009 31,018 8 90 18 445 19, 381 1 29 30 31 32 S3 10, 900 30,998 11 125 4,417 93, 459 57, 235 65, 161 ! 91 ! ; 24,135 - 1 3,085 12, 317 6,142 71, 986 1,318 8,117 2,082 5, 449 3,786 25, 755 1,587 18, 010 12, 230 266, 106 72, 573 938, 843 2 16, 099 3, 007. 446 5 2,072 125 4 430 99 574 100 1,653 5,306 6,795 68 3 34 35 36 1 37 1 423 38, 528 9 2 38 13, 205 2,314,042 15 3,707 474, 734 i 76 i 3,310 1 3li 34, 266 34 1,410 402 7,751 208 7,885 2 4 1 39 4a 41 1 = A? i 1 43 850 810 3 3 126 23 214 44 1 2 1 20 289 745 74 288 2 45 3 1 2 46 47 ! 5 696 1,440 285 1,019 49 4» 4 264 542 60 37 135 101 13 219 382 20 782 58 2 35 50 10 46 16 13 50 7 49 50 51 .•i^ 53 5 1 17 3 14 157 2,206 148 90 1,779 ■41 186 1,501 344 54 122 6 Hh 56 1 240 CENSUS OF AGKlCULTUi^E: 1925 — COLORADO County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Adams Ala- mosa Arap- ahoe Archu- leta Baca Bent Boul- der 1 All farm population, total 250, 492 64, 189 186, 303 102, 084 84, 219 8,138 2,011 6,127 3, 364 2,763 1,379 341 1,038 578 460 4,780 988 3,792 2,138 1,654 1,538 484 1,054 578 476 6,765 1,980 4,785 2,610 2,175 3,680 1,019 2,661 1,461 1,200 6,852 1,522 5,330 2,837 2,493 2 Under 10 years of age 3 4 5 10 years of age and over Male Female White farm population 6 247, 330 63, 041 184. 289 100, 968 83, 321 3,162 1,148 2,014 1,116 898 7,794 1,854 5,940 3,258 2,682 344 157 187 106 81 1,369 337 1,032 575 457 10 4 6 3 3 4,741 976 3,765 2,124 1,641 39 12 27 14 13 1,535 484 1,051 577 474 3 6,759 1,98Q 4,779 2,607 2,172 6 3,567 965 2,602 1,430 1,172 113 54 59 31 28 2,046 490 1,556 847 709 2,041 489 1,552 845 707 5 1 4 2 2 115 36 79 44 35 110 33 77 43 34 5 3 2 1 1 1,519 493 1,026 570 456 1,416 443 973 542 431 103 50 53 28 25 6,664 1,445 5,219 2,773 2,446 188 77 111 64 47 4,185 752 3,433 1,812 1,621 4,128 726 3,402 1,796 1,606 57 26 31 16 15 40 11 29 18 11 40 11 29 18 11 2,627 759 1,868 1,007 861 2,496 708 1,788 959 829 • 131 51 80 48 32 7 Under 10 years of age 8 9 10 years of age and over 10 Female 11 Colored farm population n Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. n 3 1 2 6 3 3 14 15 Male Female Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age ... 16 17 166, 073 38, 547 127, 526 69, 663 57, 863 164, 868 38, 191 126, 677 69, 214 57,463 1,205 356 849 449 400 3,567 920 2,647 1,580 1,067 3,368 861 2,507 1,497 1,010 199 59 140 83 57 80, 852 24, 722 56, 130 30,841 25,289 79,094 23, 989 55, 105 30,257 24,848 1,758 733 1,025 584 441 5,558 1,215 4,343 2,380 1,963 5,460 1,174 4,286 2,351 1,935 98 41 57 29 28 i 135 20 115 76 39 123 1 19 104 66 38 i 12 ! A 1 10 1 1 1 1 2, 445 i 776 1,669 908 761 1 2,211 661 1,550 841 709 234 115 119 67 62 1,060 242 818 451 367 1,050 238 812 448 364 ^l 6 3 3 21 10 11 28 7 21 10 11 3,208 595 2,613 1,449 1,164 3,176 585 2,591 1,439 1,152 32 10 22 10 12 126 23 103 66 37 126 23 103 66 37 1,285 410 875 475 400 1,282 410 872 474 398 3 5,238 1,505 3,733 2,026 1,707 5,232 1,505 3,727 2,023 1,704 6 18 19 . lOyearsof age and over... Male.. 20 Female 21 White farm population.. 22 Under 10 years of age 23 24 10 years of age and over Male.. 2,5 Female 26 Colored farm population . 27 28 29 10 years of age and over Male... 3 1 2 8 2 6 4 2 8 2 6 4 2 I 4 ...... 3 1 4 4* 3 1 30 Female 31 32 Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age. 33 34 10 years of age and over Male.. 35 Female 36 White farm population 37 Under 10 years of age. . .. 38 39 10 years of age and over Male. 40 Female 41 42 Under 10 vears of age 43 10 years of age and over Male 44 45 Female. - 46 47 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 291 92 199 117 82 291 1,446 370 1,076 623 453 1.439 245 72 173 99 74 245 72 173 99 74 1,523 475 1,048 581 467 1,523 475 1,048 581 467 48 49 10 years of age and over Male... 50 Female 51 White farm population 52 Under 10 years of age 92 368 199 1,071 117 619 82 452 ; 7 2 5 t 4 ! 1 53 54 55 56 10 years of age and over . , Male Female 57 Under 10 years of age 58 10 years of age and over Male 59 60 I ■ CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 COLORADO BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 241 1 Chaf- fee Chey- enne Clear Creek Cone- jos Cos- Crow- tilla ley Custer Delta Den- ver Do- lores Doug- las Eagle Elbert 1,098 261 837 456 381 2,632 758 1,874 1,027 847 48 5 43 25 18 3,855 1,217 2,638 1,352 1,286 1, 777 1 2, 647 510 i 772 1, 267 ! 1, 875 676 i 1,018 591 1 857 1,358 299 1,059 590 469 6,978 1,607 5,371 2,877 2,494 1,303 208 1,095 638 457 542 130 412 225 187 1,752 353 1,399 781 618 1,251 285 966 566 400 6,286 1,221 4,065 2,256 1,809 1 2 3 4 5 1,095 260 835 455 380 3 1 2 2,632 758 1,874 1,027 847 48 5 43 25 18 3,855 1,217 2,638 1,352 1,286 1,768 510 1,258 667 591 9 2,580 ! 1,346 745 I 294 1,835 ! 1,052 996 1 585 839 j 467 67 12 27 ' 5 6,885 1,576 5,309 2,844 2,465 93 31 1,287 202 1,085 633 452 16 6 10 5 5 542 130 412 225 187 1,747 353 1,394 778 616 5 1,239 281 958 560 398 12 4 8 6 2 5,280 1,218 4,062 2,254 1,808 6 3 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 9 40 i 7 1 62 22 5 1 33 18 : 2 i 29 5 3 2 13 1 14 1 15 877 189 688 376 312 874 188 686 375 311 3 1,832 468 1,364 746 618 1,832 468 1,364 746 618 31 3 28 15 13 31 3 28 15 13 3,131 977 2,154 1,098 1,056 3,131 977 2,154 1,098 1,056 1,597 458 1,139 609 530 1,588 458 1,130 600 530 9 1,300 334 966 525 441 1,279 328 951 517 434 21 6 15 8 7 50 19 1,141 253 888 500 388 1,129 248 881 495 386 12 5 7 5 2 6 9. 4,854 1,008 3,846 2„046 1,800 4, 780 . 978 3,802 2,024 1,778 74 30 1,166 185 981 560 421 1,156 182 974 657 417 10 3 521 125 396 214 182 521 125 396 214 182 1,244 234 1,010 565 445 1,239 234 1,005 562 443 5 954 207 747 436 311 952 207 745 435 310 2 3,675 766 2,909 1,601 1,308 3,669 763 2,906 1,599 1,307 6 3 3 2 1 31 13 18 14 4 31 13 18 14 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 27 2 .. 9 9 44 7 22 i 3 22 1 4 128 1 5 3 2 25 2 23 14 9 25 2 23 14 9 2 1 1 14 ....... 10 4 14 ""11' 10 4 28 1 4 29 „. 30 14 7 31 1 '. 3 3 1 11 2! 6 1 j 5 4 j 14 1 ! 3 3 1 11 2 6 1 1 5 37 91 53 . 38 127 82 7 5 2 7 31 4 15 i 2 16 2 50 fi 1 1 33 34 35 1 36 19 31 15 2 4 2 37 90 37 I 2 1 38 52 1 39 16 ! 2 i 38 1 40 41 1 1 4*? -.1... 1 i 1 43 1 t 44 1 45 217 i 786 71 ' 287 146 ! 499 78 ! 275 68 ! 224 217 ' 786 71 : 287 146 499 78 275 68 224 10 2 8 5 3 10 2 8 5 3 724 240 484 254 230 724 240 484 254 230 180 52 128 67 61 180 52 128 67 61 1,297 211 419 i 44 878 1 167 478 ! 88 400 1 79 1 1,251 211 398 ; 44 853 : 167 464 1 88 389 79 46 ! 21 25 1- 14 ....... 1,996 562 1,434 778 656 1,978 561 1,417 768 649 18 1 17 10 7 136 23 113 77 36 130 20 110 - 75 35 6 3 3 2 1 21 5 16 'I 21 5 16 11 5 483 117 366 202 164 483 117 366 202 164 283 78 205 120 85 273 74 199 115 84 10 4 6 5 1 1,580 442 1,138 641 497 1,580 442 1,138 641 497 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 53 :::::::::::::: 57 "SH 1 ^iP fV) 1 1 242 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925— COLORADO County Table V. - — Farm Population by Age, 31 32 i 33 34 35 36 37 ' 38 i 39 I 40 41 42 ! 43 ] 44 I 45 j 46 i 47 48 I 49 { 50 51 52 I 53 i 54 I 55 I I 56 i 57 58 I ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) El Paso All farm population, total-- j 6,408 Under 10 years of age ! 1,480 10 years of age and over I 4,928 Male i 2,722 Female | 2,206 White farm population 6,380 Under 10 years of age ' 1,479 10 years of age and over I 4,901 Male ...| 2,709 Female I 2,192 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over- Male Female Population on owned farms.. _ 4,212 Under 10 years of age j 845 10 years of age and over 3,367 Male .1 1,838 Female i 1,529 White farm population j 4, 191 Under 10 years of age \ 844 10 years of age and over i 3,347 Male ! 1,830 Female j 1,517 Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age..- 10 years of age and over. Male.. Female Colored farm population . Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male.. Female White farm population Under 10 years of age.... , 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 205 62 143 84 59 205 62 143 84 59 Fre- mont 4,349 903 3,446 1,874 1,572 4,349 903 3, 446 1,874 1,572 3,494 680 2,814 1,524 1,290 3,494 680 2,814 1,524 1,290 1,991 573 1,418 800 618 1,984 573 1,411 795 616 812 216 596 327 812 216 596 327 269 Gar- field 3,852 800 3,052 1,708 1,344 3,851 800 3,051 1,708 1,343 1 2,807 523 2,284 1,278 1,006 2,807 523 2,284 1,278 1,006 978 265 713 398 315 977 265 712 398 314 Gil- pin 115 17 ! Grand I 824 181 385 258 Qun- 1,259 265 994 585 Hins- dale Huer- fano 116 22 94 55 39 115 17 I 816 179 637 380 257 1, 255 265 990 582 408 116 22 94 55 39 130 538 321 217 130 538 321 217 1,141 235 538 1,137 235 902 535 367 135 43 92 55 37 127 41 86 50 36 112 28 84 45 39 112 28 84 45 39 12 3 ! 4,622 1,250 3,372 1,877 1,495 4,607 1,247 3,360 1,870 1,490 15 3 12 102 . 3,958 19 t 1,056 83) 2,902 48 ! 1,616 35 [ 1,286 102 3,946 19 1,053 83 ' 2,893 48 ' 1,611 35 1,282 651 191 460 256 204 648 191 9 1 457 6 1 254 3 I 203 CENSUS OF AGHICULTUEE: 1925 COLORADO Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 243 Jack- ! Jeffer- I-r-:™,, son son p'owa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Lari- mer Las Animas ^o\n Logan Me-i^ir Mof- fat 1 2 3 4 5 580 7, 510 115 ! 1,452 465 1 6,058 278 i 3,247 187 j 2,811 2,804 801 2,003 1,123 880 6,273 1,786 4,487 2,454 2,033 115 21 94 54 40 4,261 1,051 3,210 1,765 1,445 8,289 1,987 6,302 3,418 2,884 8,044 2,181 5,863 3,195 2,668 5,381 9,011 1,472 2,702 3,909 1 6,309 2,144 3,423 1, 765 i 2, 886 8,924 2,188 6,736 3,576 3, 160 105 18 87 56 31 2,642 690 1,952 1, 130 822 580 7,472 115 1 1,438 465 I 6,034 278 ; 3, 234 187 i 2,800 1 38 14 1 24 1 13 ! 11 2,804 801 2,003 1,123 880 6,273 1,786 4,487 2,454 2,033 115 21 40 3, 973 977 2,996 1,652 1,344 288 74 214 113 101 8,280 1,985 6, 295 3,414 2,881 9 8,023 2,180 5,843 3,183 2,660 21 5,369 i 8,945 1,467 i 2,667 3,902 ; 6,278 2,141 1 3,404 1,761 ! 2,874 12 66 5 ! 35 7 1 31 3 i 19 4 1 12 8,889 2,181 6,708 3,560 3,148 3^ 28 16 12 105 18 87 56 31 2,642 690 1,952 1,130 822 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 ' 1 7 20 4 j 12 3 ! 8 1? 13 14 15 426 84 342 205 137 426 84 342 205 137 5,718 996 4,722 2,501 2,221 5,710 996 4,714 2,497 2,217 8 1,889 507 1,382 769 613 1,889 507 1,382 769 613 4,011 1,046 2,965 1,596 1,369 4,011 1,046 2,965 1,596 1,369 88 12 76 44 32 88 12 76 44 32 3,043 663 2,380 1,307 1,073 2, 762 590 2,172 1,198 974 281 73 208 109 99 7 3 4 2 2 7 3 4 2 2 4, 758 935 3,823 2,068 1,755 4,758 935 3,823 2,068 1,755 138 35 103 60 43 138 35 103 60 43 6,411 1,693 4,718 2,576 2,142 6,390 1,692 2^564 2,134 21 1 20 12 8 77 20 57 37 20 77 20 57 37 20 3,802 969 2,833 1,542 1,291 3,790 964 2,826 1,539 1,287 12 5 7 3 4 56 8 48 28 20 56 8 48 28 20 4,675 1,249 3,426 1,850 1,576 4,658 1,240 3,418 1,845 1,573 17 9 8 5 3 6,828 1,537 5,291 2,807 2,484 6,808 1,534 5,274 2,799 2,475 20 3 17 8 Q 76 10 66 44 22 76 10 66 44 22 2,333 603 1,730 1,008 722 2,333 603 1,730 1,008 722 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ?6 ?,7 1 8 j 4 :::::::l::::::: 28 ?Q 4 30 94 1 281 19 j 65 75 I 216 44 130 31 86 94 281 19 1 65 75 1 216 44 130 31 1 86 37 9 28 17 11 37 9 28 17 11 45 17 28 15 13 45 15 13 73 ' 105 13 1 28 60 1 77 35 ! 43 25 i 34 73 105 13 { 28 60 77 35 1 43 25 34 10 3 7 4 3 10 3 7 t 20 9 11 8 3 20 9 11 8 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ::.:::::::::::: 1 ]o 1 4S j '.. 44 4'i 60 1,611 12 391 1 48 1, 120 [ 29 1 616 ! 19 504 60 1,481 12 377 48 1, 104 29 ' 607 19 497 30 i 14 ! 16 878 285 593 337 256 878 285 593 337 256 2,217 723 1,494 843 661 2,217 723 1,494 843 651 27 9 18 10 8 27 9 18 10 8 1,211 385 826 456 370 1,204 384 820 452 368 7 3,393 1,017 2,376 1,290 1,086 3,384 1,015 2,369 1,286 1,083 9 1,556 468 1,088 582 506 1, 556 . 468 1,088 582 506 1,523 495 1,028 574 454 1,523 495 1,028 574 454 4,263 1,440 2,823 1,538 1,285 4,214 1,414 2,800 1,524 1,276 49 1,991 623 1,368 726 642 1,976 619 1,357 718 639 15 4 11 8 3 19 5 14 8 6 19 5 14 8 6 289 78 211 114 97 289 78 211 114 97 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 1 2 6 7 4 4 2 3 26 23 14 9 ■ 57 58 59 60 ■ . /i ■ 244 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 COLORADO County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE See definitions in Introduction) I Mon- te- zuma AH farm population, total.. Under 10 years of age. .. 10 years of age and over. Male Mon- trose Mor- gan 3,290 2,421 1,306 Female i 1,115 White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over Male Female 6,444 1,612 4,832 2,619 2,213 3,205 848 2,357 I 1,274 1,083 j 85 I 21 I 64 32 32 2,374 571 1,803 981 822 Colored farm population. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over Male Female Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female White farm population. Under 10 years of age 10 j^ears of age and over Male.-. Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female White farm population.. . Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female... Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age. .. 10 years of age and over. Male Female 6,360 1,586 4,774 2,586 2,188 84 26 58 33 25 8,179 2,215 5,964 3,240 2,724 8,100 2,195 5,905 3,210 2,695 79 20 59 30 29 4,004 891 3,113 1,702 1,411 3,976 882 3,094 1,692 1,402 28 9 19 10 43 10 33 23 10 33 6 27 19 8 10 4 6 4 2 2,397 711 1,686 894 792 2,351 698 1,653 875 778 4,323 997 3,326 1,807 1,519 4,283 990 3,293 1,790 1,503 40 7 33 17 16 65 15 50 25 25 65 15 50 25 25 3,791 1,203 2,588 1,408 1,180 3,752 1,190 2,562 1,395 1,167 Otero 6,672 1,793 4,879 2,614 2,265 1,589 4,507 2,403 2,104 576 204 372 211 161 4,046 969 3,077 1,640 1,437 3,895 927 2,968 1,582 1,386 151 42 109 58 51 270 87 183 95 186 57 129 62 Ou- ray 560 104 456 263 193 560 104 456 263 193 84 30 54 33 21 2,356 737 1,619 879 740 2,015 605 1,410 759 651 I 341 1. 132 I. 209 j. 120 1. 89 . 454 83 371 213 158 454 83 371 ; 213 i 158 I Park Phil- lips 3,481 191 944 670 2, 537 387 I 1,376 283 I 1, 161 859 3,481 191 I 944 668 I 2,537 385 1,376 283 I 1, 161 153 545 316 229 691 149 542 314 708 144 564 319 245 708 144 564 319 245 2,010 480 1,530 832 2,010 480 1,530 - 832 546 107 439 254 185 104 21 104 21 29 i 27 5 22 17 5 124 42 82 49 33 124 42 82 49 33 1,444 456 536 452 ,444 456 536 452 152 46 106 62 44 146 42 104 61 43 > No farms reported. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 COLORADO Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 245 Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Sa- guache San Juani San Mi- guel Sedg- wick Sum- mit Tel- ler Wash- ington Weld Yuma 6,704 1,492 5,212 2,901 2,311 1,604 458 1,146 669 477 2,709 758 1,951 1,074 877 2,997 626 2,371 1,368 1,003 1,575 388 1,187 666 521 1,170 285 885 490 395 2,882 801 2,081 1,128 953 268 52 216 133 83 681 160 521 297 224 8,401 2,405 5,996 3,280 2,716 27,051 7,403 19, 648 10, 778 8,870 9,781 2,720 7,061 3,836 3,225 1 2 3 4 5 6,683 1,485 5.198 2,894 2,304 21 7 14 7 7 1,603 458 1,145 668 477 1 .- 1 2,698 756 1,942 1,069 873 11 2 9 5 4 2,995 626 2,369 1,367 1,002 2 1,566 388 1,178 658 520 9 1,170 285 885 490 395 2,817 767 2,050 1,112 938 65 34 31 16 15 268 52 216 133 83 681 160 521 297 224 8,379 2,399 5,980 3,271 2,709 22 6 16 9 7 26, 323 7,108 19,215 10, 542 8,673 728 295 433 236 197 9,781 2,720 7,061 3.836 3,225 6 7 8 9 10 n 1? 2 1 1 9 8 1 13 14 1'> 4,646 998 3,648 1,999 1,649 4,634 994 3,640 1,995 1,645 12 4 8 4 4 167 29 138 100 38 167 29 138 100 38 1,322 353 969 571 398 1,321 353 968 570 398 1 1,808 492 1,316 725 591 1,801 492 1,309 721 588 7 2,190 401 1,789 1,031 758 2,188 401 1,787 1,030 757 2 1,151 283 868 488 380 1,142 283 859 480 379 9 1,060 246 814 450 364 1,060 246 814 450 364 1,410 329 1,081 580 501 1,398 323 1,075 577 498 12 6 6 3 3 38 13 25 16 9 38 13 25 16 9 246 49 197 119 78 246 49 197 119 78 553 122 431 244 187 553 122 431 244 187 5,940 1,614 4,326 2,354 1,972 5,929 1,614 4,315 2,348 1,967 11 12, 393 2,822 9,571 5, 227 4,344 12, 228 2,763 9,465 5, 172 4,293 165 59 106 55 51 301 90 211 117 94 301 90 211 117 94 6,475 1,702 4,773 2,600 2,173 6.475 1,702 4,773 2,600 2,173 82 26 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '>6 '>7 1 1 39 10 29 17 12 39 10 29 17 12 7 4 3 56 12 44 30 14 56 12 44 30 14 2 1 1 142 31 111 72 39 142 31 111 72 39 9 8 1 33 2 31 21 10 33 2 31 21 10 11 6 5 30 8 22 11 11 98 oq 30 7 1 6 3 3 7 1 6 3 3 1 31 •^9 1 1 56 1 33 33 ! 34 23 i 35 1 30 8 1 82 { 36 26 37 1 1 22 11 11 56 33 23 38 39 40 41 4? i 43 44 4'> 1,891 465 1,426 802 624 1,882 462 1,420 799 621 9 3 6 3 3 243 95 148 81 67 243 95 148 81 67 845 254 591 319 272 841 252 589 318 271 4 2 2 1 1 665 194 471 265 206 665 194 471 265 206 391 103 288 157 131 391 103 288 157 131 103 38 65 37 28 103 38 65 37 28 1,434 459 975 532 443 1,381 431 950 519 431 53 28 25 13 12 22 3 19 14 5 22 3 19 14 5 127 38 89 52 37 127 38 89 52 37 2,431 783 1,648 915 733 2,420 777 1,643 912 731 11 6 5 3 2 14. 357 4,491 9,866 5,434 4,432 13, 794 , 4,255 9,539 5,253 4,286 563 236 327 181 146 3,224 992 2,232 1,203 1,029 3,224 992 2,232 1,203 ],029 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 63 54 00 ' 57 ■ 58 i 59 fin 246 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1&25 COLORADO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) j 1 The State | Ad- ams Ala- mosa i Arap- ahoe chu-' leta j Baca Bent Boul- der 1 58,020 1,873 300 1,174 329 1,706 900 1,492 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING ' CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: | Corn for all purposes Harvested for grain..- 2 3 4 1 28, 151 1 20,535 1, 846 ; 11,608 9, 145 1 13, 177 11,084 : 2, 176 j 170 ! 2 10, 635 47 8 9,075 998 2,103 107 755 25,966 4, 162 1 5,207 1 40,301 8,297 10, 445 25 761 1,413 1,096 1,049 1,030 1,230 1,523 620 11, 045 10, 395 3,042 2,636 4,855 2,481 916 i 509 148 484 330 298 330 60 7 2 ...... 105 125 1 65 i 1 586 333 92 300 129 124 204 35 8 46 36 ...... 80 71 23 2 1,031 906 524 1 135 17 1 208 I 23 1 1 556 427 9 164 10 80 101 607 259 230 392 390 518 346 8 1 5 Winter wheat i Spring wheat .. .. . 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley _ .. 9 Rye . - 10 Flaxseed ... . .-. . 11 Buckwheat { 1 1?, 339 1 - 208 :::::;U-_-\ 1,113 204 3 8 13 Soy beans 14 15 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.)- Hay crops: 408 1 1 I 232 21 26 93 3 2 173 11 110 279 98 36 9 26 37 1 16 1,120 36 38 1,212 394 60 16 17 Timothy and clover mixed 3 1 4 651 17 69 836 27 10 18 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth... Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa I 47 74 32 868 ...... 439 17 3 575 164 1 19 6 i06 827 ! 252 : 56 1 6 96 18 ! ?1 Other tame grasses ?,?, 23 94 Production of hay of all kinds Miscellaneous crops: 1,131 326 39 286 ! 8 1 143 1 9.F, Potatoes, white 61 8 '>f) g-^yggl; potatoes and yams ?7 Strawberries 32 261 48 59 'It 162 52 6 1 4 18 61 29 9 47 50 48 10 218 310 7 17 84 34 56 62 31 21 30 89 66 29 275 773 23 23 118 125 ?.H Vegetables grown for sale: 3 31 1 2 4 4 14 61 104 53 17 45 21 W Cantaloupes and muskmelons Lettuce .. 30 1 31 3^ 33 Tomatoes 34 34 26 2 9 17 3 814 180 250 77 156 84 35 461 1 64 36 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 215 7 5 106 26 ! 29 1 i ...... 37 Peach trees. .. .. 38 39 Plum and prune trees 40 Grapevines. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 41 51, 707 27, 206 28, 008 15, 726 45, 771 3,542 1,101 31,064 49, 316 1 1, 566 284 416 219 1, 123 73 434 1 '56 835 114 859 510 883 30 25 442 1,043 297 212 88 55 i 227 ! 63 67 189 264 1,581 1,376 223 148 1,423 19 22 1,057 1,431 813 354 500 ' 272 670 161 13 429 744 1,171 287 1,186 658 1,276 51 23 512 1,365 4?. Cattle: Beef cattle 43 Dairy cows... . 44 45 Cows milked 1,285 17 1 57 752 1,610 244 40 6 185 247 46 Sheep ... . . 47 Goats 48 Swine . 49 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREV "Woodland cleared and made for crops, 1920-1924 1 30 1 110 4 i 659 59 40 1 2,485 185 1 73 17 50 suitable 10, 499 918 443 34 66, 624 4,615 51 Farms reporting. number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. 5'> 53 54 55 Firewood cut on farms, 1924. _. Far ms reporting i ..cords. - mmber.. 23 3 5,110 13 211 16 140 17 j 151 1 5 1,138 129 CENSUS OF AGEIOULTUBE: 1925 COLORADO 247 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live« OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Chaf- fee Chey- enne Clear Creek Cone- C jos ti os- 11a Crow- ley Custer Delta Den- ver Do- lores Doug- las Eagle Elbert 247 625 16 680 329 622 367 1,636 307 177 401 350 1,281 1 3 542 10 325 48 624 35 105 343 1,101 2 534 8 205 20 514 9 21 42 609 3 27 9 20 6 133 136 4 ""i09" 212 3 9 175 20 10 20 72 67 386 7 3 4 8 117 40 4 106 294 159 5 295 6 114 33 4 122 70 63 146 365 12 29 164 141 321 7 79 211 249 133 89 78 65 3 3 25 39 147 8 3 22 7 2 2 13 2 2 52 205 42 9 10 11 462 1 1 62 3 1 6 2 1 76 3 47 20 357 12 1 13 1 948 14 8 14 104 59 85 3 9 9 10 2 15 10 66 1 10 4 17 2 31 16 9 3 1 52 43 139 5 19 16 6 5 1 17 4 5 157 3 4 9 1,369 6 4 227 2 1 182 27' 487 18 14 19 2 118 299 14 205 4 372 4 66 19 68 16 20 34 24 64 6 11 151 26 5 12 53 65 21 23 8 5 142 43 9 71 164 8 23 112 91 148 22 221 465 15 550 249 403 237 1,410 74 41 337 317 881 23 17 211 18 9 239 7 ""'127' 355 644 3 2 6 190 ""192" 24 100 34 5 92 11 25 26 9 10 43 19 23 10 120 37 50 23 545 3 38 1 18 10 21 15 6 2 1 1 27 1 2 ... 1 148 i" 1 16 16 81 3 ""65' 1 103 ?.H 29 79 5 6 3 21 ] ... 3 .... 115 1 i" 30 31 1 32 33 101 1 8 1 18 34 371 143 159 41 33 84 35 120 38 23 75 72 23 958 33 5 53 29 65 36 5 33 12 6 1 3 2 671 461 1 1 . 1 1 -- 12 12 37 4 4 38 9 48 7 6 20 3 547 8 1 6 52 39 19 23 403 1 7 40 229 581 15 611 311 568 341 1,434 122 152 389 326 1,213 41 148 521 6 484 240 219 276 470 2 46 135 201 819 42 83 74 7 141 38 376 33 1,165 84 81 308 205 411 43 48 25 5 97 26 188 24 711 16 59 232 81 269 44 201 516 12 497 223 511 212 1,306 84 119 362 276 1,122 45 13 19 2 209 77 7 7 82 1 6 11 45 45 46 7 1 49 13 6 5 19 4 2 5 8 15 47 151 459 1 436 239 335 173 768 10 75 219 174 845 48 216 533 13 558 273 559 262 1,364 179 125 360 272 1,140 49 191 18 2 1 130 ... 30 12 296 46 83 7 148 8 477 45 50 16 ... 51 6 3 809 4, 100 1 537 45 4 1,092 2 1 941 ""142' 5? 5S 1,123 333 3 2,195 623 665 54 64 14 60 12 1 181 193 69 56 113 19 56 51623—27- -17 248 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 — COLOEADO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) El Paso Fre- mont Gar- field Gil- pin Grand Gun- nison Hins- dale Huer- fano 1 Total number of farms, 1925 1,580 1,127 928 47 269 358 38 1,003 ? NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes > 1,129 726 112 64 82 253 17 102 14 329 231 10 22 50 78 29 2 195 99 4 39 385 355 64 8 2 1 363 213 4 59 114 139 105 23 3 Harvested for grain .. 4 Cut for silage f) 1 4 1 21 3 1 7 11 37 16 6 Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed. 8 Barley 9 Rye 10 Flaxseed. 11 Buckwheat 1? 299 1 1 890 5 57 3 2 41 18 Soy beans 14 Pganuts ^fl Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 22 18 1 1 4 660 10 181 786 73' 19 43 12 1 232 48 25 ifi Hay crops: Timothy alone 6 7 1 24 165 34 96 2 1 20 17 Timothy and clover mixed 18 Clover — red alsike, and mammoth IP Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 10 244 354 271 920 25 177 7 446 75 116 617 8 26 ?n 795 6 69 815 114 490 2 ■"32' 41 27 3 31 231 101 128 85 331 2 4 3 33 ?i Other tame grasses ??: ?3 Production of hay of all kinds •>4 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?5 Potatoes, white . . .. 29 70 127 7 *>« Sweet potatoes and yams ?7 3 29 3 31 14 44 9 2 75 123 17 7 70 12 30 44 20 71 26 62 48 3 660 683 45 264 248 360 29 7 8 7 7 10 14 16 316 495 199 153 249 109 ?« Vegetables grown for sale: 1 4 9 11 11 7 5 90 Cantaloupes and muskmelons 30 4 47 11 31 Oninns fflrv"> 39 Sweet corn 33 T'nmntfip*? 3^1 12 70 187 2 9 13 3 3'i All other crops 29 59 28 2 1 6 36 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 37 38 Pear trees 39 1 1 -10 Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING UVESTOCK, 1925 41 1,399 971 540 325 1,296 15 57 872 1.397 796 263 537 165 679 8 32 222 847 881 340 613 387 781 96 9 591 799 42 18 20 9 33 1 3 9 30 224 171 121 62 197 28 10 75 184 332 254 108 64 275 60 10 138 255 35 28 6 3 27 10 1 4 20 877 620 215 109 603 139 24 401 726 4? Cattle: Beef cattle 43 Dairy cows .. 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 45 46 Sheep 47 Goats . 48 Swine . . 49 Chickens 60 51 52 53 54 65 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 ..acres.. Farms reporting. ..number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 67 3 3 1 1,542 95 "i,"275' 130 221 27 5 1 2,872 226 41 12 38 490 39 17 2 1,038 68 372 30 40 1 637 53 50 3 152 28 81 11 1,373 170 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — COLORADO 249 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Jack- son Jeffer- son Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Lari- mer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Min- eral Moffat 156 1,951 692 1,500 27 973 L816 1,943 1,279 1,916 2,199 27 712 I 300 583 1,204 151 575 584 1,073 1,412 1,059 167 2 111 500 1,059 113 208 321 919 1,192 839 32 3 74 3 21 13 134 12 34 14 21 19 4 207 158 718 30 317 144 390 854 224 29 5 206 2 60 464 420 51 158 509 239 76 6 4 294 6 217 368 699 269 132 591 380 1 110 7 2 95 101 748 132 422 29 391 842 83 25 8 1 8 1 14 4 110 11 7 12 4 129 62 155 11 25 3 9 m 1 50 11 4 508 588 14 2 159 713 663 31 12 2 3 238 2 4 13 14 12 8 76 40 84 646 260 333 17 15 5 4 ...... 12 122 5 10 1 56 87 3 14 25 45 5 14 99 39 2 3 5 29 2 21 17 10 1 5 s 4 27 33 7 11 1A 1 1 21 17 18 23 19 1,108 25 53 786 1,350 445 204 634 1,587 257 20 9 28 9 263 13 .28 34 25 327 211 51 87 21 4 182 10 53 3 126 84 21 69 64 138 12 310 22 149 1,296 504 793 26 856 1,468 701 899 1,139 1,624 24 533 23 "■"25" 38 192 802 71 15 7 ""'305' 383 366 367 927 ?4 4 131 340 4 361 25 11 64 35 95 8 15 142 265 56 ?6 ...... 344 207 8 81 55 341 258 4 12 4 37 35 5 4 30 50 36 3 97 23 11 15 18 17 14 6 3 7 7 ?8 2 ?<) 3 5 30 5' 5 7 4 11 31 1 4 2 1 3? 33 6 4 1 34 897 12 14 370 336 41 13 72 650 2 208 35 846 30 44 321 614 106 71 150 1,005 35 36 6 37 43 67 12 20 35 26 577 3 37 24 7 14 193 12 9 16 23 788 4 38 355 49 84 198 112 31 80 203 511 17 39 131 23 14 18 18 4 16 23 463 5 40 153 1,258 652 1,354 27 920 1,497 1,793 1,209 1,813 1,847 27 667 41 128 278 303 798 21 454 402 1,276 813 1,026 432 21 514 42 57 1,058 379 644 4 471 1,382 398 504 914 1,591 6 95 43 23 420 276 416 2 343 768 173 335 618 834 3 61 44 140 1,254 593 1,204 21 773 1,514 1,054 1,116 1,623 1,731 23 519 45 28 18 16 16 4 97 274 116 46 14 111 8 73 46 6 73 6 9 1 50 19 55 17 24 44 2 4 47 74 240 451 1,103 4 569 876 581 950 1,417 986 6 237 48 842 1,616 1,397 1,145 1,725 1,831 20 540 49 22 ' 2 "'128' 270 54 1 1 4,267 38 149 30 136 9 3 1 3,622 551 77 28 8 4,367 327 77 5 141 13 ^0 51 4 2 77 1 40 7' 5? 53 1,611 2,313 73 403 54 12 324 8 231 178 202 2 2 4 46 55 250 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUBE; 1925 — COLORADO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wooi> STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Mon- te- zuma Mon- trose Mor- gan Otero Ouray Park Phil- lips Pit- kin 1 Total number of farms, 1925... 728 1,423 1,692 1,419 162 291 843 166 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes ? 280 146 24 23 229 195 85 6 498 431 13 103 642 586 33 2 1,202 1,034 26 216 98 240 510 63 722 473 63 166 54 332 103 6 1 745 691 4 573 32 402 238 109 5' 61 105 13 2 3 Harvested for grain.. 4 Cut for silage. 5 Winter wheat 10 83 89 17 1 5' 20 20 4 6 Spring wheat- . 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed _ _ ?, Barley.- . . . . . q Rye 10 Flaxseed . ....... 11 Buckwheat . 1? Sorghums of all kinds .. . 56 1 4 2 209 13 30 9 16 1,229 21 66 1,275 354 910 391 104 383 t 7 1 IS Soy beans 14 1 522 15 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 65 15 54 2 13 493 12 145 570 151 10 6 13 12 51 148 282 295 640 61 70 102 2 33 161 3 124 16 Hay crops: Timothy alone 26 44 86 67 23 149 2 88 9 20 2 2 4 1 126 211 17 Timothy and clover mixed 1 ....... 840 78 87 1,241 617 79 9 8 894 11 22 912 572 3 14 11 18 385 6 29 43 128 84 539 348 108 32 165 152 18 19 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 91 ?9 Small grains cut for hay ?3 94 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?5 420 100 112 '^fi Sweet potatoes and yams ?7 10 8 10 16 4 2 2 253 17 10 4 645 554 289 186 240 132 3 4 3 3" 4 6 5 99 112 12 5 118 19 6 2 4 1 2 '>f>, Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 3 ?q 80 Lettuce .. ....... 2 23 31 5 11 12 12 255 264 136 87 147 65 3? Sweet corn 1 1 33 Tomatoes 34 Watermelons 35 All other crops 32 39 1 1 1 18 18 19 5 33 6 8 24 10 3fi Orchard fruits: Apple trees. ... .. . 37 Peach trees 38 Pear trees. . . . 3P Plum and prune trees 40 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 41 686 309 381 304 610 109 8 434 622 1,218 373 952 545 1,100 103 17 803 1,172 1,597 981 687 426 1,467 142 9 1,108 1,533 1,249 418 893 494 1, 212 51 33 659 1,214 154 112 44 36 131 11 5 104 136 212 155 119 62 189 37 10 81 172 789 487 578 317 761 26 10 723 769 162 110 99 51 147 36 4 131 . 154 4? Cattle: Beef cattle 43 Dairy cows .. 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 45 Cows milked ... 46 Sheep 47 Goats 48 Swine 49 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting .number. . Woodland bvirned over, 1924 acres 50 51 fi? 367 27 245 22 2 1 15 3 811 38 36 5 95 1 1,183 68 ■? 6 1 99 17 ""'266" 24 53 54 55 Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number. . 956 83 1,424 91 35 4 214 34 642 59 No farms reported. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 COLORADO 251 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Prow- ers Pueb- lo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Sa- guache San Juan 0) San Miguel Sedg- wick Sum- mit Tel- ler Wash- ing- ton Weld Yuma 1,194 1,534 422 535 834 346 366 632 69 186 1,984 5,610 2,303 I 834 665 31 387 51 114 219 10 1,012 721 78 163 112 227 94 11 10 5 1 1 43 21 497 344 4 343 113 327 198 78 2 1,653 1,487 8 1,355 249 383 1,141 218 3 2,674 1,587 294 1,099 1,217 1,977 1,916 226 -. 359 4 1,966 1,933 12 1,174 127 391 566 366 2 'i,"475' .- 70 6 "■'22' 217 343 42 1,295 1 395 2 3 4 16 128 144 23 13 4 237 313 128 3 43 179 337 143 6 5 9 99 136 59 24 50 58 59 3 2 4 14 5 1 ...... 15 12 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 603 4 191 1 1 25 87 1,054 12 13 14 20 364 15 9 1 109 60 2 282 10 131 388 '""i96' 7 10 62 2 24 295 19 129 428 3 393 50 458 5 1 217 29 190 684 2 8 14 2 6 163 9 47 269 4 52 16 1 302 2,338 2 7 3 40 3,429 300 228 4,017 2,686 1,143 15 3 57 11 4 16 17 18 5 480 82 35 775 226 4 6 889 39 32 1,046 326 4 2 133 8 147 276 5 168 94 1 336 146 38 2 '"'13" 60 1 8 3 174 180 19 183 419 164 1,215 52 202 :9 20 21 22 23 ?4 231 165 36 21 108 25 3 17 -- 7 9 18 219 160 158 29 138 48 4 110 107 56 88 88 138 137 337 412 48 31 158 61 1 2 7 2 6 2 2 2 3 3 8 30 85 27 26 113 18 3 367 85 5 117 54 204 67 466 317 12 10 146 8 3 3' -- .- 56 132 81 37 117 26 27 6 4 ?« ?,<» 53 121 1 2 12 8 47 30 31 2 1 3? 33 34 245 23 7 159 23 1 232 11 138 19 25 7 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 52 35 36 37 1 1 38 3 1 39 40 1,155 764 381 208 1,002 62 11 692 1,046 30 1 1,391 439 899 456 1,209 25 28 791 1,332 402 282 268 134 361 23 1 210 346 1,507 76 494 222 360 255 460 107 16 385 481 10 4 758 458 458 272 655 81 22 429 641 1,032 64 328 228 127 82 224 78 20 199 292 60 3 :::::: 330 191 111 85 241 22 6 160 238 478 22 5 1 629 571 27 20 582 4 2 478 598 63 42 27 21 51 5 3 34 38 183 105 152 109 157 2 4 58 131 1,892 1,315 796 340 1,667 59 15 1,538 1,755 5,206 2,107 3,381 2,076 4,719 469 50 3,020 4,987 2,167 1,861 547 123 1,921 24 1,770 2,029 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4 1 46 6 750 53 38 3 3,032 165 50 51 5'' '^^ 42 3 1,009 68 1,629 187 1,407 62 1,222 129 313 18 5,309 299 93 11 135 28 7 4 54 55 252 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 COLORADO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, BY Size [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe • Archu- leta 1 All land in farms, 1925: 24, 167, 270 49, 029 148, 233 441,128 1, 600, 258 6, 258, 718 6, 752, 489 9, 917, 415 5, 948, 437 31,760 95, 795 282, 021 789,405 2. 235, 923 1, 493, 489 1, 020, 044 592, 455, 108 29, 934, 544 26, 434, 362 49, 192, 884 98, 871, 245 174,168,080 102, 846, 388 HI, 007, 605 98, 481, 170 12, 260. 436 7, 189, 858 9, 514, 649 16, 545, 446 27, 035, 425 13, 712, 949 12, 222, 407 465, 526 4,480 7,224 14,317 48,494 117, 626 115, 526 157, 859 164,993 2,628 4,620 9,591 29,477 54,069 36,899 27, 709 20,871.989 2, 234, 305 1, 639, 649 2, 272, 185 4, 396, 195 298, 677 398. 870 168, 142 ? Under 20 acres 26 ! 3, 268 170 i 3. ."iSl 8 20 to 49 acres 1308 1,617 20, 185 34, 525 25,373 86, 134 18, 932 4 50 to 99 acres 1,645 16, 667 33, 528 30,473 216, 168 54,260 14 56 827 8,239 14, 361 9,934 20, 829 6, 140, 557 11,500 20, 450 104, 300 1. 013. 085 4,815 14, 213 80, 064 97, 339 195, 590 106, 900 2,175 2,511 3,472 7,863 34, 136 35, 534 21, 209 15, 022, 102 2, 854, 380 1, 281, 380 5 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: 10 Under 20 acres 11 20 to 49 acres 156 322 3,362 5,904 4,610 4,678 1, 992, 736 n 50 to 99 acres 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres. Ifi 1,000 acres and over ._ . 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres 1 7 ssn 7.0 50 to 99 acres 999,545 33^275 1, 286, 020 309, 179 3,776,055 1 548,442 1, 838, 740 460, 950 2, 985, 982 633, 540 3,812,726 32.'i. 115 21 100 to 174 acres. 22 175 to 499 acres 5, 441, 295 i 1, 663. 025 2,373,940 i 1,102,112 2,514,420 1 2,226,085 3,470,786 : 726,035 816,595 1 3,350 444,636 i 6,300 431, 905 : 20, 750 637, 640 168, 185 750,210 1 242,450 226,825 112,600 162, 975 172, 400 23 500 to 999 acres 24 1,000 acres and over, _ 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 26 Under 20 acres 1, 211, 260 386, 025 211,200 262, 000 795, 856 280, 785 665, 600 27 20 to 49 acres 11,510 7,875 60, 680 107, 850 91, 000 56, 200 28 50 to 99 acres.. 29 100 to 174 acres. . 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres. ... 32 1,000 acres and over ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas 1 AH land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 220, 280 173, 350 2,554 16,323 28,204 42, 085 48,144 21, 229 14,811 58, 459 1,738 9,976 14, 373 14, 528 12,983 3,520 1,341 11, 598, 269 881, 160 2,650,640 2, 864, 220 2, 413, 439 1, 830, 910 644, 300 313, 600 2,274,839 302, 275 634,800 576, 970 434, 154 233, 040 73,600 20,000 4,940 1,192 582 »821 61,941 315,800 42 352 990 7,357 46, 549 80, 031 180,479 41,282 18 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 1141 1,111 10, 502 44, 095 72, 520 91, 911 25, 895 4 50 to 99 acres 240 6,490 38, 206 6,857 10, 148 5,766 fi 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres. 2,345 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. 3,065 708 298 8 554 10 Under 20 acres. 11 20 to 49 acres 142 195 1,836 7,956 8,951 6,915 2, 633, 295 186 12 50 to 99 acres 45 1,119 3,997 380 225 308, 130 484 2,118 11,707 13,048 13, 721 6, 214, 090 9,900 28,430 58,440 176, 430 1,242,620 1,997,115 2, 701, 155 1, 238, 245 7,650 12, 560 26, 360 57, 475 266, 850 436,350 4.')i nno 13 100 to 174 acres 14 175 to 499 acres. . 1,505 15 500 to 999 acres 16 1,000 acres and over 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. . . 3,495,100 2, 089, 600 429,000 » 229, 000 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres 1 17, 100 40, 550 190, 795 723, 600 849, 910 811,340 518, 650 20 50 to 99 acres 2,300 53, 730 197, 450 34, 000 20, 650 62, 845 21 100 to 174 acres.. 22 175 to 499 acres... 747, 500 23 500 to 999 acres.. 24 1,000 acres and over 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. . . 1,514,900 1, 151, 150 188, 050 » 36, 700 26 Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 1 13, 200 17, 650 50, 325 159, 225 127, 200 151,050 28 50 to 99 acres 700 14,600 35, 945 7,800 3,800 29 100 to 174 acres 30 175 to 499 acres... 139,000 31 600 to 999 acres 32 •1,000 acres and over . ' 1 » Includes the group "Under 20 acres." » Includes the groups "Under 20 acres" and "20 to 49 acres." CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 COLORADO 253 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, OF Farm: 1925 group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Baca 952, 472 13 554 1,731 23, 056 317,213 293, 660 316, 245 205, 193 8 412 901 9,073 94, 467 68, 205 32, 127 8, 229, 333 1,600 11,970 22, 701 269, 325 3, 077, 418 2, 534, 363 2, 311, 956 947, 975 700 4,140 5,052 45, 555 424,411 281, 357 186, 760 Bent Boulder Chaffee ^J|^^' pll^L Conejos Costilla Crowley 609, 822 260 1,088 7,526 34, 779 108, 757 86, 219 371, 193 66, 946 119 715 5,484 21, 420 26, 822 8,747 10, 618, 705 85, 600 160, 400 941, 200 3, 243, 600 3, 456, 105 1, 116, 320 1, 615, 480 1, 374, 712 52, 125 48, 500 163, 372 465, 410 431, 145 133, 760 80, 400 190, 744 3,066 5,008 22, 059 49, 551 57, 565 18, 488 35, 007 86, 563 1,720 3,206 15, 549 32, 026 27, 077 3,783 3,202 18, 617, 630 2, 385, 775 1, 254, 960 3, 417, 905 5, 731, 565 4, 425, 165 620, 700 781, 560 4, 028, 005 1,119,400 382, 270 685, 080 962, 475 637, 805 104, 075 136, 900 71, 544 120 534 1,830 10, 979 26, 796 13,919 17, 366 18, 537 83 273 647 3,587 7,997 3,634 2,316 2, 515, 745 27, 0.50 82, 220 104, 415 464, 190 1, 040, 870 438, 800 358, 200 576, 200 10, 400 37, 200 24, 200 101, 350 236, 050 91, 400 75, 600 enne Creek 428, 432 2 419 7,695 113,386 120, 067 186, 865 117, 747 3,545 43, 922 41, 455 28, 557 380, 467 2 9, 575 212, 325 487, 403 704, 919 666, 245 889, 150 2 970 35, 750 367, 205 288, 800 196, 425 11,274 2 176 611 3 1, 675 8,812 2 92 144 3 85 325" 252, 400 2 14, 900 35, 000 3 67. 500 135, 000 67,000 2 7, 500 8,500 3 18,500 32,500 202, 470 576 3,370 9,363 25, 716 45, 053 33, 874 84, 518 62, 061 386 1,956 4,972 11, 041 20, 500 9,762 13, 444 6, 680, 017 28, 320 129,724 350, 252 1, 030, 577 1, 936, 152 959, 687 2, 245, 305 732, 323 9,750 38, 935 66, 493 161, 630 254, 745 83, 445 117, 325 611,714 392 2,209 5,129 7,820 18, 074 9,096 568, 994 32, 504 259 1,200 2,478 4, 061 7,830 2,227 14, 449 4, 346, 954 25, 790 115,415 323, 690 474, 160 1, 035, 150 265, 880 2, 106, 869 445, 470 7,585 21, 790 49, 835 57, 360 111, 550 67, 250 130, 100 193, 032 311 2,851 11,219 18, 438 38, 977 44, 324 76, 912 35, 545 164 2,084 i 8, 156 i 10, 567 \ 9,491 : 3,429 ' 1,654 I 6,380,020 114,015 429, 275 1, 440, 195 1, 759, 515 1,512,415 542, 175 582, 430 745, 380 45, 325 84, 935 193, 400 184, 515 145, 200 42, 025 Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale 111, 505 128 196 2,509 15, 576 40, 487 30, 259 22, 350 30, 287 82 90 875 4,829 10, 450 6,603 7,358 3, 976, 970 21, 500 14, 200 123, 445 638, 195 1, 468, 380 1, 031, 800 679, 450 762, 636 11, 100 3,400 24, 831 122, 255 260, 300 155, 750 186, 000 950, 970 86 485 1,572 23, 900 212, 128 202, 601 510, 198 171, 718 58 273 752 9,150 67, 778 48, 148 45, 559 15, 709, 525 17, 850 26, 825 43, 500 489, 458 4, 239, 086 3, 803, 465 7, 089, 341 2, 287, 918 9,950 14,045 10, 625 109, 775 816, 004 604, 569 722, 950 910, 276 661 1,449 4,233 26,804 233, 683 222, 078 421, 368 150, 554 277 676 1,770 9,836 63, 220 45, 170 29, 605 16, 918, 582 696, 720 281, 075 320, 475 740, 190 4, 716, 658 4, 074, 744 6, 088, 720 3, 058, 480 374, 000 138, 900 100, 645 169, 085 887, 405 612, 725 775, 720 334, 573 3,845 4,300 3,283 10, 214 47, 128 76, 673 189, 130 21, 486 2,835 2,977 1,591 2,028 4,771 3,778 3,506 6, 347, 550 2, 394, 350 921, 900 418, 800 339, 240 757, 390 589, 145 926, 725 1, 728, 600 914, 535 248, 650 94, 050 79, 800 151, 050 106, 615 133, 900 223, 885 828 3,908 9,360 34, 126 79, 513 43, 397 52, 753 60, 622 546 2,422 4,928 11,386 23, 355 9,356 8,629 8, 296, 290 283, 300 469, 400 762, 375 1, 523, 055 2, 957, 910 1, 088, 750 1, 211, 500 1, 508, 150 112, 060 118, 450 154, 875 275, 780 546, 085 160, 400 140, 500 19, 088 ""{77 1,047 6,011 5,094 6,479 1,616 149, 761 187 M80 144, 489 13,442 125 157 253 506 329 174, 875 5,939 37, 277 49, 023 67, 155 26, 612 126 492 1 132 496 16, 118 48, 041 45, 543 34, 159 43, 264 240 1,817 4,481 6 6,904 1 5, 235 8,200 14, 300 55,840 30, 500 60, 800 36, 775 1,698 8,976 8,053 7,667 2, 812, 890 14, 875 * 13, 400 175 166 4,141 17, 857 13, 031 7,994 3, 429, 575 60 418 1,150 6 1. 280 306, 920 1 3, 550 2,350 2,600 11, 325 4,600 12, 350 159, 945 810, 495 875, 350 938, 825 500, 930 1,175 4 2, 000 1 17, 820 24, 490 405, 260 1, 378, 125 1, 034, 260 569, 620 678, 450 9,000 46, 800 94, 040 6 157, 080 52, 650 54, 475 168, 930 142, 100 132, 250 1 3, 100 8,900 87, 125 267, 975 224, 700 86, 650 3,000 15, 850 15,700 6 18, 100 8 Includes the group "500 to 999 acres. * Includes the group "50 to 99 acres." » Includes the group "100 to 174 acres." 6 Includes the group "1,000 acres and over. 254 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — COLORADO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested^ Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size- ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake 1 AUlandin farms, 1925: Total acreage .... 444, 972 271 2,217 6,016 34, 173 • 116,379 91, 824 194, 092 40, 896 102 967 1,781 6,640 13,471 7,437 11,497 4, 600, 547 44, 315 91, 127 146, 160 478, 741 1, 301, 936 957, 076 1, 481, 193 707, 667 22, 660 21, 720 28, 645 100, 686 219, 842 119, 765 194,450 236, 377 3 259, 712 7,922 7,267 10, 994 27, 670 56, 342 61,016 88, 601 53, 846 5,007 4,235 6,281 11, 396 13, 536 6,665 6,726 21, 873, 246 6, 946, 605 2, 897, 800 2, 195, 250 3, 086, 050 2, 947, 290 1, 790, 800 2, 009, 660 5, 562, 780 2, 632. 585 812, 550 472, 700 622, 365 498, 175 256, 800 268, 606 478,711 767, 673 105 211 1,169 23, 065 289, 130 272, 550 171, 453 272, 296 73 156 738 9,622 113, 308 97, 398 61, 002 13, 742, 318 30, 160 9,100 34, 953 521, 460 5, 619, 780 4,986,236 2, 640, 640 1, 705, 760 16, 100 3,100 9,750 83, 290 833, 095 521, 725 13, 526 2 Under 20 acres . . 8 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres-. 1349 11, 686 1 121, 602 132, 166 213, 018 97, 996 5 100 to 174 acres . 2,148 11,627 32, 605 189, 994 82, 977 1 1, 143 2,678 3 9, 706 fi 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over. . . 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 4,043 10 Under 20 acres. .. 11 20 to 49 acres .. ^?, 50 to 99 acres.. 1 183 4,431 36, 836 37, 676 18, 970 5, 841, 300 13 100 to 174 acres 338 4,669 14, 238 63, 732 3, 131, 620 1269 1,175 : 3 2,599 14 175 to 499 acres . 15 500 to 999 acres 16 1,000 acres and over . 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... 166, 300 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres ?0 60 to 99 acres. - 1 7, 900 173, 500 1, 674, 080 1, 890, 820 2, 195, 000 668, 876 ?.] 100 to 174 acres 26, 500 216, 100 601, 830 2, 287, 190 428, 600 122,000 40,700 3 93,600 37,250 ■ ??. 175 to 499 acres . 23 500 to 999 acres 24 1,000 acres and over 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars . 9f> Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres. - 28 50 to 99 acres 1 1, 825 33, 425 266, 825 189,450 167, 350 29 100 to 174 acres. - 6,060 29, 650 68, 260 326, 750 16,350 9,900 3 22,000 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres. - 3? 238,70 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Mon- trose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 186, 776 1,136 11, 962 26, 513 54, 665 61,951 18, 741 21,918 68, 742 810 8,039 14, 850 22, 373 16, 051 3,893 2,726 8, 374, 103 336, 510 1, 458, 066 1, 806, 266 2, 449, 140 1, 667, 183 469, 910 287,040 2, 079, 059 138, 750 445, 352 470, 367 669, 440 326, 500 75, 300 53. 360 569, 888 618 1,718 19, 467 67, 499 205, 062 163, 848 121, 686 197, 563 397 1,191 16, 001 36, 492 83, 076 46,315 16, 091 18,064,011 398, 600 257, 130 2, 526, 130 4, 657, 432 6, 301, 740 2, 538, 499 1,384,480 2, 998, 970 198,300 69, 775 512, 500 752, 540 1, 004, 940 330, 065 130. 850 428, 531 1,739 7,254 22, 633 34, 816 74, 662 106, 664 181, 863 68, 476 1,296 6,039 17, 462 19, 170 14,913 6,523 4,074 14, 456, 634 964, 666 1, 768, 925 3, 638, 525 3, 146, 960 2, 726, 465 1, 008, 594 1, 201, 400 2, 725, 477 398, 855 430, 916 690, 650 461, 445 409, 062 227, 000 207, 560 78, 434 43 264 2,038 5,179 14, 379 16, 088 41,443 13, 296 23 i 146 1,186 2,057 4,171 2,132 3,682 j 1, 579, 750 1 9, 600 ; 18,400 1 134, 200 238, 060 366, 900 236, 000 676, 700 302, 600 5,500 7,600 43, 760 64, 650 79, 160 42,450 59, 000 335, 608 360, 610 173 155 902 19,171 ; 169, 841 124, 940 55, 428 201, 126 113 117 626 12, 190 97, 173 69, 438 21, 469 13,541,085 106, 600 25,960 43,460 1, 126, 110 6,634,420 4,461,085 1, 244, 660 2,117,155 75, 605 11,000 10,400 216, 450 1,033,250 605, 350 165.200 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres. 4 50 to 99 acres .. «382 5,586 15, 133 37, 713 276, 795 42, 058 5 100 to 174 acres.. fi 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres.. 8 1,000 acres and over. . 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage... _. 10 Under 20 acres.. 11 20 to 49 acres . 12 50 to 99 acres »152 1,266 2,627 7,213 30, 801 3, 424, 420 13 100 to 174 acres . 14 175 to 499 acres 1ft 500 to 999 acres.. Ifi 1,000 acres and over. . . 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars ... 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres . 20 50 to 99 acres » 16, 700 145, 550 327, 900 520, 000 2, 415, 270 687, 236 21 100 to 174 acres . 22 175 to 499 acres... . . 23 500 to 999 acres . 24 1,000 acres and over 2ft Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars ?fi Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 28 60 to 99 acres. * 6, 900 62, 900 88,236 123, 650 406, 650 29 100 to 174 acres . 30 175 to 499 acres 31 600 to 999 acres. - 32 1 1,000 acres and over 1 t > Includes the group "20 to 49 acres.' Includes the group ''500 to 999 acres". CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 COLOEADO 255 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by 1925 — Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mineral Moffat Monte- zuma 268, 784 275 3,392 11,944 46, 291 89, 243 43, 828 73, 811 50, 640 161 1,827 5,304 14, 432 20, 865 4,699 3,352 5, 614, 565 42, 125 180, 030 525, 920 1, 428, 940 2, 023, 140 537, 540 776, 870 1, 319, 445 21, 750 65,900 146, 465 327, 250 477, 280 121, 250 159, 550 572, 990 2,430 6,324 23, 093 63, 576 103, 964 66, 476 307, 127 151, 382 1,617 4,467 16, 844 45, 908 48, 824 15, 008 18, 714 30, 360, 443 1, 851, 684 1, 719, 550 3, 826, 700 9, 140, 270 8, 439, 130 1, 757, 140 3, 625, 969 4, 556, 703 663, 395 350, 050 662, 895 1, 306, 753 1, 023, 210 196, 500 353, 900 1,177,655 986 3,873 8,106 37, 015 236, 123 318, 299 673, 263 60, 493 462 1,640 2,558 6,518 25, 422 12, 954 10, 939 8, 798, 980 149, 485 218,710 281, 320 845, 416 2, 550, 240 1, 952, 921 2, 800, 888 1, 163, 629 64, 581 60, 030 49, 225 147, 575 362, 279 204, 980 274. 969 1, 019, 886 62 225 490 13,288 212, 674 293, 925 499, 231 207, 172 12 119 250 6,333 80, 712 79, 979 39, 767 16, 871, 410 13, 730 13, 650 12, 950 398, 365 4, 442, 302 6, 405, 958 6, 584, 466 1, 663, 708 9,600 6,960 4,400 67, 700 565, 310 493, 223 426, 525 839, 114 212 734 7,920 67, 123 330, 301 225, 689 217, 235 362, 174 103 386 5,267 35, 695 173, 605 104, 059 43, 169 23, 634, 666 90, 150 98, 950 621, 975 2, 833, 286 10, 052, 960 6, 014, 294 3, 922, 962 3, 387, 348 51, 900 32, 366 116,176 491, 160 1, 570, 348 708, 335 417, 075 261, 662 5,008 19, 839 29, 356 44, 926 69, 277 39, 692 63, 665 71, 080 3,505 12, 458 16, 763 15, 984 15, 226 4,660 3,484 12, 990, 574 2, 392, 635 3, 102, 349 2, 329, 240 2, 024, 190 1, 958, 350 618, 260 565, 660 3, 244, 609 867, 866 951, 600 561, 834 406, 440 299, 780 91, 350 76, 750 17. 153 407, 003 1200 1,858 2 2. 745 12, 360 2,877 1460 9,293 113,681 169, 689 123, 864 39, 623 13 175 302 2 410 ""2,'090" 289, 216 1 135 2,135 14, 062 11,379 11, 799 127, 395 11, 000 1 6, 800 37, 900 2 58, 475 186, 040 60, 225 1 21, 900 244, 650 1, 292, 266 1, 281, 250 1, 276, 430 700, 856 7,160 1 2, 850 12, 225 2 12, 600 32, 650 12,300 50, 125 246, 866 213,346 181, 070 184, 636 81 2,069 9,208 33, 434 76, 096 32, 671 31, 077 37, 808 34 1,116 4,402 9,882 16, 673 3,879 1,922 , 478, 623 14, 600 136, 123 463, 900 913, 196 , 368, 410 336, 416 246, 980 755, 816 8,200 42, 225 112, 225 192, 590 271,325 87, 350 41,900 Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan< San Miguel 51,468 488,674 284 1,992 8,638 36, 812 166, 918 136, 201 147, 829 134, 280 131 1,448 6,866 24, 672 51, 958 31, 152 18,064 11,895,403 76,300 200, 075 851, 200 2,663,860 4, 060, Oil 1, 870, 046 2, 173, 912 1, 720, 780 40, 100 53, 800 149, 300 422, 980 611, 860 230, 660 312, 100 861,347 2,372 7,404 13, 043 29. 618 136, 069 105, 324 667, 517 89, 767 1,781 5,571 9,128 11, 480 32,833 17,011 11,953 14, 059, 494 982, 080 1, 480, 075 1, 802, 100 1, 690, 625 3, 106, 154 1,618,030 3, 480, 530 2,236,460 375,210 353, 955 272, 600 290, 980 497, 180 225, 025 221, 500 224,849 162, 772 216 724 2,352 28, 919 69, 264 31, 822 29, 485 81,697 118 244 1,131 18, 617 38,813 14, 246 8,529 10,176,085 47, 730 68, 330 165,900 2, 289, 240 4, 724, 962 1, 772, 100 1, 127, 823 1, 842, 178 22, 330 22, 690 37,800 507, 700 854, 466 262, 180 146, 013 379,494 207 547 1,367 30,039 127, 860 99,263 120, 211 77,858 125 288 596 8,457 35, 232 18, 496 14, 665 7,432,145 24, 640 39,600 61, 700 808, 675 3, 104, 940 3,647,590 1, 746, ICO 1, 166, 180 1,650 7,900 12, 870 142, 060 474, 770 272,330 243, 600 404, 903 29 292 940 15,267 36, 690 36,399 315, 296 94,677 16 134 345 8,448 16, 850 11,940 56, 944 7,458,834 4,900 12, 526 47, 900 691,839 1,320,120 990, 920 4, 390, 630 887, 420 2,660 6,350 12, 360 134, 125 209, 795 140,000 382, 150 178, 645 18 236 1,072 13, 052 55, 561 47,783 60, 933 22,404 15 110 515 3,134 7,326 5,617 6,687 2, 434, 540 5,000 10,400 66, 700 295, 130 795,420 628, 710 644, 180 428, 626 2,000 3,786 18, 850 74, 220 149, 420 110, 750 69,500 1 ? »296 1,027 6,867 19, 723 18,483 5,082 14, 212 »196 635 14,012 53,608 74, 642 81, 756 39, 798 .H 4 ,«> 6 7 8 9 10 4 170 466 2,459 5,699 4,912 506 1, 661, 790 i 50 280 3,216 12. 250 11,882 12, 120 4, 240, 906 11 ^?, 13 14 15 16 17 18 » 19, 400 56,300 281, 060 612, 250 496, 780 97,000 243, 750 »7,200 24, 100 348, 650 1,224,115 1, 246, 040 1, 390, 800 798, 010 19 ?n ?i ?? ?,3 ?4 ?6 ?fi « 3, 950 9,360 37, 050 110, 700 71, 700 11,000 » 3, 100 4,400 70,485 248, 775 234, 150 237,100 97 ?8 ?9 30 31 3? * Includes the group "1,000 acres and over.' * No farm^ reported. » Includes the group "Under 20 acres. 1 256 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — COLOEADO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested^ Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, BY Size of Farm: 1925 — Continued [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Sedgwick Summit Teller Washing- ton Weld Yuma All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage. Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres anu over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 268, 587 27, 523 111,485 1388 3,891 27, 586 91, 282 63, 783 81, 657 123, 173 2 289 3,789 9,536 6,197 7,712 7,886 129 497 4,593 26, 809 27, 797 51, 660 10, 497 1303 3,283 20, 095 53, 218 32, 431 13, 843 , 003, 295 2 60 1.024 2,348 1,878 2,576 753, 102 3,972 2,347 3,021 1, 295, 540 192,600 469, 000 797, 800 394, 445 781, 450 468, 000 1, 354, 950 2 5, 000 76, 300 249, 500 169, 000 254, 000 142, 950 2,600 6,900 71, 690 451, 760 298, 110 464, 480 249, 595 1 39, 300 80,300 297, 930 575, 770 253, 850 107, 800 2 1,700 17, 550 57, 700 34, 000 32, 000 750 1,625 19, 225 88, 095 48, 250 91, 650 1, 122, 859 42 539 2,708 29,790 358, 883 400, 355 330, 542 437, 563 23 259 1,697 16, 571 174. 064 169, 934 75, 015 21, 299, 529 9,500 50, 700 175, 475 1. 106, 312 7, 696. 509 7, 789, 016 4, 472, 017 2, 672, 079 4,350 19, 600 38, 800 156, 239 1. 107. 080 894, 360 451, 650 1, 495, 456 2,435 12. 178 83,864 263, 781 486, 102 275, 572 371, 524 614, 325 1,764 9.625 67,547 181, 833 228, 632 81, 274 43, 650 69, 978, 120 1, 097, 200 2, 399, 150 11, 733, 545 24, 642, 977 20, 664, 959 5, 247, 886 4, 192, 403 10, 497, 342 432, 650 509, 200 2, 094, 910 3. 647, 195 2, 704, 697 727, 440 381, 250 1, 252, 489 311 786 4.280 32, 491 396, 426 432, 382 385, 813 459, 486 116 368 2.473 18,356 193, 151 164, 461 80,561 24, 144, 908 107, 550 58,020 169, 903 855, 010 9, 366, 180 8,664,480 4, 923, 765 3, 123, 260 46,435 17,500 48, 650 135, 060 1, 335, 795 1, 043, 295 496> 525 1 Includes the group "Under 20 acres. 2 Includes the group "20 to 49 acres." CENSUS OP AGEICIJLTUEE : 1925 COLORADO 257 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars- Farms reporting sales number- Owners number- Managers number- Tenants number. Purchases : Value of supplies purchased dollars- Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars- Farms reporting purchases -..number. Owners number. Managers. number. Tenants number. The State 21,090,456 9, 629, 474 209, 800 11,251,182 10, 828 6,051 61 4,716 883, 318 643, 859 19, 235 220, 224 3,703 2,669 19 1,015 Adams 798, 454 466, 573 7,607 324, 274 451 283 2 166 7,775 7,276 Alamosa 19, 746 18, 901 845 2,519 2,239 280 Arapahoe 49, 861 29, 604 20, 257 16 Archu- leta ITEM AND TENURE Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne 1 2 Sales: Value of farm products sold Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners.-.. Managers Tenants... Farms reporting purchases Owners. Managers Tenants dollars. - dollars.. dollars.. ....dollars.. ...number.. ...number.. ... number. - ...number.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. 65, 951 57,846 31, 830 19,852 28 11,950 59 30 28 6,283 4,691 749, 540 291,810 63, 866 56,376 84, 942 70, 192 500 4 5 6 7 8,105 131 107 457,730 401 190 7,490 79 68 14,250 109 84 1 8 9 10 11 24 388 388 211 162 162 11 1,822 1,332 24 85 25 12 1,592 16 9 490 16 14 60 13 14 15 ...number.. ...number.. ...number.. ...number.. 6 6 4 4 2 1 16 7 2 1 ITEM AND TENURE Clear Creek Conejos Cos- tilla Crow- ley Custer Delta 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold Owners.. Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases Owners.- Managers Tenants - dollars.. 15, 133 14,412 126 126 4,433 3,387 128, 611 96,490 550 2 dollars.. 3 dollars.. 4 dollars.. 721 24 21 1,046 5 2 31, 571 95 5 --number.. 2 2 6 ..number.. 76 7 ..number.. \ 8 ..number.. 3 2,623 2,188 3 394 311 18 9 dollars. - 23, 383 16, 471 100 10 ...dollars.. 11 dollars . 12 ...dollars.. 435 23 20 83 5 3 6,812 71 13 number 14 .. number. - 57 15 ..number.. 1 16 ..number.. 3 2 13 258 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 COLORADO County Table VIIL — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products BY Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. Owners.. Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants... Purchases : Value of supplies purchased. Owners... Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases.. Owners Managers Tenants ...dollars.. ...dollars.. dollars 10, 993 10,993 2,940 2,140 34,063 31, 421 487, 211 349, 912 3,600 133, 699 378 270 1 107 191, 969 139, 589 1,500 50,880 360 257 1 102 1,865 195 1,141 529 8 3 1 4 225 225 5 5 4 ...dollars.. 800 6 5 2,642 47 39 5 6 1 ..number.. ..number.. number 6 6 K 1 140 100 8 6,553 5,759 9 dollars 10 ...dollars.. 11 dollars \7 ...dollars.. 40 4 3 794 47 40 n 14 ..number.. Ifi 16 -.number.. 1 7 ITEM AND TENURE Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies pxirchased. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases. . Owners Managers Tenants — dollars.. ...dollars.. 188, 426 130, 006 5,730 5,730 1, 921, 348 815, 751 22, 757 1,082,840 837 392 8 437 15, 879 7,475 223, 435 138, 515 2,273 82,647 188 119 1 68 40, 755 31,310 480 8.965 64 48 1 15 161, 415 116, 685 "44,"735' 141 102 39" 18,393 11, 033 "7."360" 84 59 26* 4 ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. number 58,420 212 140 5 6 7 6 6 8 ..number.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. dollars 72 16,345 12, 820 9 10 11 1,914 1,914 1? ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. 3,525 135 97 8,404 20 15 13 14 lf> 3 3 1« ..number.. 38 5 ITEM AND TENURE PhiUips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers. ._ Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased. Owners. Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases.. Owners Managers Tenants — dollars.. ...dollars.. 255, 602 162, 917 15, 549 13, 219 58,381 34,064 12, 122 6,922 2,000 3,200 19 14 4 3,575 2,365 30 1,180 25 18 1 6 247, 893 185, 189 496 62,208 190 120 1 69 42,487 30, 989 372 11. 126 160 101 1 58 ? 8 4 ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. 92, 685 252 150 2,330 14 12 24, 317 105 69 f) 6 7 8 .. number. - ...dollars.. ...dollars.. 102 15, 364 11, 222 2 4,107 3,547 36 15,682 9,282 9 in 11 1? ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. 4,142 118 78 560 28 22 6,400 94 61 13 14 IR 1ft ..number.. 40 6 33 ' No farms reported. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE : 1925 COLORADO 259 Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, 1924 — Continued Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunni- son Hinsdale Huer. fano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa =1 224 150 47, 156 32, 6Sl 4,449 10,026 63 49 2 12 6,295 5,455 17, 905 17, 905 2,100 2,100 162,386 147, 580 39,850 24, 256 49,430 38,410 1 ?, 3 74 3 2 14,806 179 150 15, 594 46 31 11,020 62 47 4 '.'.'.'"." 20 20 7 7 5 (( 7 1 89 15 29 64,584 49,028 15 12, 557 514 12,000 43 15 12 1 2 15 1,101 879 » 12 12 9 10 11 74 2 1 840 49 39 5,556 223 194 222 18 14 1? 1 1 13 14 1 1.*) 1 10 1 29 4 1f> 1 Logan Mesa Mineral Moflfat Monte- zuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park 1,846,949 767, 788 31, 975 1,047,186 861 457 5 399 12,888 10, 389 676,820 625,015 5,628 46, 177 446 384 55 162, 161 149, 751 1,470 10, 940 429 371 5 53 516 485 23,026 18, 969 120 120 120, 781 74,403 24 46,354 255 159 1 95 19,&J5 12,821 2,512,084 790, 353 15,845 1,705,886 624 248 5 371 7,374 6,487 104, 737 15,061 1,192 1,192 1 2 3 31 4 3 4,057 90 76 89, 676 105 41 4 1 1 3 3 5 6 7 1 87 10 14 10,711 8,615 64 26,902 3,645 8 438 438 86 86 9 10 11 2,499 131 91 77 2 1 2,096 166 144 7,004 212 141 887 27 22 23,257 60 26 1? 2 2 2 2 :::::::; 13 14 15 40 1 22 71 5 34 16 Routt Saguache San Juan 1 San Miguel Sedg- wick Sum- mit Teller Wash- ington Weld Yuma 22, 805 16, 202 111,371 50, 679 25, 000 35, 692 96 56 1 39 21,157 9,457 1,400 10,300 70 39 1 30 35 35 726,231 265,887 6,035 454,309 264 107 2 155 10, 149 3,670 183 40 295, 270 180, 754 2,125 112, 391 277 197 1 79 24, 395 17, 554 500 6,341 138 106 1 31 7, 602, 100 2, 670. 623 68, 667 4, 862. 910 2,715 1,058 15 1.642 30,889 10. 577 621 19. 691 232 92 2 %8 1,087,719 759, 658 9.100 318, 961 833 572 4 257 60, 535 50, 031 450 10,054 480 -361 2 117 1 9 s 6,603 31 18 143 4 1 4 1 1 fj f> 7 13 2,196 1,647 312 237 20 12 2 6 3 20 20 s 35 35 q 10 11 6,479 84 34 1'> 1 1 1 1 IS 14 15 50 16 NEW MEXICO 261 NEW MEXICO Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains Wiic^ GRANT -=t;< 1?*'*'-'"' r >'■ I 'T-%^^ 1 •/HIDALGo't^ — I I , ^ Ivi? ^Z ^\--V.: t 262 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO 263^ State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 1935 1920 1910 Number of farms, total Operated by- Owners Full owners Part owners ... Managers . Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Approximate land area of State Land in farms, total acres-- acres.. In farms operated by — Owners acres Full owners Part owners . acres Managers Tenants .■ acres Cash tenants. acres.. Other tenants Value of all farm property Land and buildings Land, excluding buildings Buildings dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. Implements and machinery Livestock on farms dollars.. dollars-- Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. Mules Cattle.. number Dairy cows Sheep number Swine. number.. Chickens.. - . number.. 31, 687 26, 005 21,415 4,590 256 5,426 1,082 4,344 78, 401, 920 27, 850, 325 19, 800, 356 6, 938, 511 12, 861, 845 4, 732, 575 3, 317, 394 2, 160, 188 1, 157, 206 236, 300, 563 174, 916, 929 152, 033, 329 22, 883, 600 8, 712, 473 52, 671, 161 186, 573 30, 837 1, 266, 688 39, 383 1, 743, 079 55, 431 937, 041 29,844 25,756 21, 533 4,223 433 3,655 894 2,761 78, 401, 920 24, 409, 633 17, 854, 006 8, 949, 423 8, 904, 583 3, 862, 989 2, 692, 638 1, 862, 612 830, 026 325, 185, 999 221, 814, 212 196, 341, 050 25, 473, 162 9, 745, 369 93, 626, 418 182, 686 20, 369 1, 300, 335 37, 805 1, 640, 475 87, 906 713, 937 35, 676 33, 398 30, 417 2,981 321 1, 957 440 1,517 78, 401, 920' 11, 270, 021 7,095,901 0) 0) 3,195,759 978, 361 0) 0) 159, 447, 990 111,830,999 98,806,497 13, 024, 502 4, 122, 312 43,494,679 179, 525. 14, 937 1, 081, 663 42, 445 3, 346, 984 45, 409 509, 890^ ' Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM 19U 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain .acres. bushels. "Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Barley acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels- Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) ...acres. Hay acres. tons. Cotton ..acres. bales. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams. acres. bushels. Apples trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches ...trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced ' . gallons. Butter made on farms pounds. Butterfat sold ..pounds. Cream sold ^ gallons. Whole milk sold. gallons. Wool— Sheep shorn i number., • Wool produced * pounds.. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced i dozens. Chickens raised i number.. 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. 51623—27 18 165, 354 2, 175, 042 207, 632 2, 331, 586 35, 034 548, 107 7,648 90, 600 134, 069 2, 325, 993 175, 033 204, 780 475, 081 108, 488 58, 584 1,198 51, 200 550 60, 391 80, 291 596, 603 750, 343 131, 973 54, 643 19, 026, 659 1, 706, 880 1, 218, 835 238, 964 3, 986, 956 1, 501, 072 9, 775, 521 4, 075, 394 1, 122, 742 227, 167 4, 737, 182 135, 185 2, 437, 213 40, 029 1, 085, 311 8,976 194, 059 151, 685 3, 783, 617 112,419 223, 621 394, 007 10, 666 5,399 3,070 110, 740 605 67, 987 167, 097 687, 799 939, 102 191, 891 198, 346 12, 737, 649 1, 404, 138 682, 973 198, 098 1, 626, 479 1, 462, 180 8, 300, 804 3, 062, 790 920, 979 85, 999. 1, 164, 970 32, 341 499, 799. 33, 707 720, 560^ 2,131 43, 490> 63, 570' 543, 350 20, 766 177, 377- 331, 68a, 790 206 6,23a 295, 255. 211 13, 831 914, 254- 542, 528 417, 143. 320, 657 32, 533 10, 959, 063 1, 477, 617 11, 248 9,679 1, 036, 922 » 3, 092, 784 16, 994, 017 352 831 2 Number of fleeces. 264 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table I. — Farms and Farm 27 40 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State FARMS Number of farms. -1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres , 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total : Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres 1920 .acres, 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 .acres Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres Crop land harvested in 1924 acres Crop failure acres Idle or fallow land acres Pasture land, total ..acres Plowable pasture acres Woodland pasture acres Other pasture acres Woodland not used for pasture All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners .acres Owned land acres Rented (hired) land acres Managers acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres Part owners ...acres Managers acres Tenants. acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres 31, 687 29,844 35, 676 326 3,984 3,007 3,728 2,503 4,735 1,102 5,171 4,202 2,205 724 31, 687 21, 415 4,590 256 5,426 1,082 4,344 17.1 12.2 5.5 7.2 14.8 78, 401, 920 35.5 27, 850, 325 24, 409, 633 11, 270, 021 878.9 1, 784, 851 1, 345, 705 1 249, 730 189, 416 24, 049, 460 5, 358, 041 2, 144, 857 16, 546, 562 170, 138 1, 845, 876 6,938,511 12, 861, 845 4, 091, 759 8, 770, 086' 4,732,575: 3, 317, 394' 2, 160, 188 1, 157, 206 657, 345 329, 213 46,588 312, 559 33, 975 278. 584 Berna- lillo 1,234 1,200 925 1,234 1,126 31 9 68 32 36 6.5 6.5 4.6 6.3 27.8 776, 960 28.2 219, 082 220, 708 112, 774 177.5 24, 668 20, 942 1,831 1,895 165. 897 18, 036 29, 015 118, 346 1,869 27, 148 86, 677 104, 019 13,419 90,600 24, 454 3,932 929 3.003 17,223 864 1,587 1,268 334 934 Catron ' 462 462 393 37 3 29 5 24 6.3 20. 4, 506, 880 17.1 771, 440 9,462 6,253 2,821 753, 860 438, 258 2,658 312, 944 3,356 4,762 159. 104 607, 094 38, 707 568, 387 3 5,239 2,920 2.319 ^,524 978 Chaves* 955 744 2,487 955 410 215 10 320 56 264 33.5 26.3 6.0 Colfax 8.9i 8.3 812 1,052 2 13 6 29 85 132 68 199 138 97 44 812 369 182 17 244 S9 205 30.0 19.2 16.3 5.1 15.6 3, 866, 880(2, 430, 720 44. Oj 77. 9 1,702,9321,893,759 1,924,1791,952,760 1, 049, 606 1, 375, 846 1, 783. 2i 2, 332. 2 49, 509 100, 475 44,167' 69,386 2, 880 19, 661 2, 462 11, 428 1,594, 52411,704, 431 11, 018! 208, 477 855 185,518 1,582,6511,310,436 2,026 56, 873 150, 429 1,414,111 418,944' 995, 167 1, 963 136, 429i 97, 545 1 38.884 14, 803 10, 296 1,055 18, 013 1,569 16.444 33, 516 55,337 280, 495 771, 549 415, 541 356, 008 705, 886 135,829 54, 748 81. 081 20, 719 21, 107 5,792 21, 768 2,119 19. 649 1 Organized from part of Socorro in 1921. 2 Parts taken to form parts of De Baca and Lea in 1917; part annexed to Roosevelt in 1917. 3 Organized from parts of Chaves, Guadalupe, and Roosevelt in 1917. * Part taken to form part of Lea in 1917. » Part taken to form Hidalgo in 1919* CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — NEW MEXICO 265 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Curry 1 DeBaca3 Dona Ana Eddy* Grant* Guada- lupe* Hard- ing' Hidalgos Lea» Lincoln Luna 1,169 396 1,537 1,045 560 865 765 301 766 677 233 1 1,174 477 1,054 785 545 982 238 686 640 287 2 2,134 6 851 1,411 627 1,760 641 340 3 2 2 11 19 11 18 1 6 24 4 16 4 294 33 19 89 2 20 4 5 10 9 282 77 25 44 i 4 3 26 8 6 8 28 504 304 46 60 12 29 5 37 18 7 16 19 234 219 40 31 10 21 3 38 18 8 215 32 150 187 111 67 120 31 32 94 66 9 68 8 24 46 31 29 36 6 4 36 7 10 528 58 26 80 85 161 285 36 186 106 37 11 239 112 11 38 106 198 164 100 256 204 26 12 56 87 6 34 55 144 111 44 203 81 22 13 7 37 4 16 23 31 26 10 73 29 13 14 1, 169 396 1,537 1,045 560 865 765 301 766 677 233 15 585 212 815 338 378 646 396 189 383 487 144 16 211 104 63 83 82 165 217 70 284 129 43 17 3 4 10 13 13 12 5 2 8 6 6 18 370 76 649 611 87 42 147 40 91 55 40 19 41 40 111 35 24 15 18 13 48 15 28 20 329 36 538 576 63 27 129 27 43 40 12 21 31.7 19.2 42.2 58.5 15.5 4.9 19.2 13.3 11.9 8.1 17.2 22 17.9 7.8 32.5 37.3 22.6 4.6 10.1 5.7 14.1 18.1 23 4.1 ""22."8 23.4 1.8 4.6 12.7 8.6 4.2 17.5 12.5 15.9 4.1 6.7 18.5 8.7 6.7 20.0 6.2 24 15.0 22.2 33.3 23.3 7.7 25.9 8.3 26.6 25 26 899, 840 1, 636, 000 2, 445, 440 2, 716, 800 2, 547, 840 1, 939, 840 1,362,960 2, 206, 080 2, 801, 920 3,058,560 1, 904, 640 27 63.2 60.7 20.5 26.5 24.8 73.1 70.8 31.6 64.4 35.6 14.6 28 568, 487 931, 611 501, 283 720, 339 632, 740 1, 418, 784 958, 018 696, 246 1, 803, 672 1, 088, 882 277, 988 29 740, 969 1, 233, 305 195, 316 794, 543 474, 169 986, 406 242, 479 1, 690, 776 495, 543 1, 032, 827 30 502, 111 84, 535 326.1 352, 758 689.3 176, 449 1,129.9 507, 650 1, 640. 2 157, 716 1, 608. 4 96, 402 1, 193. 1 31 486.3 2, 352. 6 1, 252. 3 2, 313. 1 2, 354. 7 32 227, 385 21, 040 53, 785 56, 353 14, 227 26, 089 97, 527 5,448 37, 629 18, 901 4,390 33 202, 795 6,940 49, 452 48, 547 7,631 14, 812 73, 028 3,374 18, 620 7,748 3,692 34 12, 172 5,282 2,804 4,399 2,956 6,171 14, 892 673 11, 978 7,270 335 35 12, 418 8,818 1,529 3,407 3,640 4,106 9,607 1,401 7,131 3,883 363 36 311, 162 907, 589 435, 043 623, 767 573, Oil 1, 369, 206 806, 973 411, 942 1, 768, 515 1, 062, 354 80, 913 37 287, 993 208, 370 77, 574 3,598 8,600 152, 555 204, 061 47, 141 505, 293 96, 067 789 38 1,246 352, 858 389 32, 534 69, 293 4,694 152 34, 935 276, 162 400 39 "23," 169 697, 973 4,611 619, 780 531, 877 1, 147, 358 598, 228 364, 649 1, 218, 287 681, 135 79,724 40 73 40 141 34, 718 1,075 10, 226 11, 234 1,446 6,027 540 41 29, 867 2,942 12, 314 5,501 44,427 14, 263 42, 284 277, 411 1,501 17, 087 "i92,'685 42 266, 729 139, 449 41, 954 110, 967 163, 263 247, 367 168, 115 80, 405 321, 906 276, 411 36, 015 43 137, 315 522, 630 89, 188 340, 214 245, 361 606, 264 639, 963 304, 233 1, 060, 714 680, 499 156, 817 44 85, 288 163, 215 7,860 20, 473 118, 132 223, 470 282, 525 50, 353 364, 855 153, 267 22, 791 45 52, 027 359, 415 81, 328 319, 741 127, 229 382, 794 357, 438 253, 880 695, 859 427, 242 134, 026 46 5,760 115, 520 338, 104 167, 358 158, 882 80, 480 42, 600 298, 533 221, 980 178, 083 60, 897 47 158, 683 154, 012 32, 037 101, 800 65, 234 484, 673 107, 340 13, 075 199, 072 63, 889 34, 259 48 28, 500 144, 774 5,514 49, 049 58, 494 474, 809 65, 520 6,302 138, 949 37, 062 12, 201 49 130, 183 9,238 26, 523 52, 751 6,740 9,864 51, 820 6,773 60, 123 16, 827 22, 058 50 93, 860 2,608 23, 391 13, 667 5,019 8,165 26, 949 1,446 8,383 3,912 1,401 51 50, 598 2,793 2,844 5,540 1,163 5,155 32, 083 1,088 7,944 2,578 1,131 52 340 57, 997 10 1,529 1,247 21, 970 1,401 27, 939 219 1,230 452 1,050 740 13, 256 214 626 315 943 6 1,164 53 ""2,193 54 3,926 391 3,723 691 209 206 480 139 657 263 710 55 54, 071 1,138 18, 247 27, 248 1,021 1 844 12, 776 487 1,636 680 444 56 * Part taken to form part of De Baca in 1917. " Organized from parts of Mora and Union in 1921. ^ Organized from part of Grant in 1919. ^ Organized from parts of Chaves and Eddy in 1917. 266 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 192^— KEW MEXICO County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) McKin- ley Mora Otero Quay Rio Arriba Roose- velt' 32 60 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres.-. -. 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.-- 668 574 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres... 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.. Full owners Part owners.. Managers Tenants. Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920. 1910. 18 15 210 8 35 57 15 25 386 313 34 7 32 20 12 8.3 33.7 0.9 1,576 1,911 1,988 1 117 200 370 238 228 102 148 84 69 19 1,576 1,233 196 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related . 16.7 147 18 129 9.3 7.7 3.3 16.7 17.1 565 459 705 38 54 41 55 58 143 30 54 49 31 12 565 330 84 18 133 38 95 23.5 11.8 10.9 10.5 29.5 1,356 1,423 3,117 185 45 447 320 278 42 1,356 709 420 5 222 77 145 16.4 9.6 2.1 6.5 14.5 2,420 2,063 1,542 14 841 416 301 157 1,279 1,117 3,200 21 115 163 23 2,420 2,078 192 9 141 29 112 5.8 3.5 3.0 24.1 36.6 24 31 46 64 194 60 410 276 146 28 1,279 637 300 6 336 55 281 26.3 12.1 2.2 5.5 20.6 FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 ..acres.. Per cent in farms... All land in farms. .1925. 1920. 1910. Average per farm, 1925 ..acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure .acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms... .acres- All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners -acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers. acres . Tenants - ...acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. 3,523,840 23.5 828, 137 177, 952 56, 685 2, 145. 4 21,462 15, 947 3,117 2,398 770, 559 7,674 115, 240 647, 645 865 35, 251 209, 173 362, 489 98, 513 263, 976 105, 151 151, 324 147, 156 4,168 7,004 1,724 6,430 789 515 274 1,186,560 51.6 612, 799 1,013,981 601, 515 48, 938 37, 866 8,111 2,961 476, 041 133, 935 67, 721 274, 385 3,673 84, 147 361, 272 173, 183 81, 001 92, 182 78, 344 16,547 61, 797 23,675 8,470 5,721 470 5,251 4,280,960 11.5 493, 132 251, 796 147, 734 872.8 15, 904 10,060 2,058 3,786 473, 230 671 38,539 434, 020 2 3,996 55, 276 102, 609 35, 022 67, 587 314,418 20, 829 5,785 15,044 4,479 1,631 1,587 2,363 315 2,048 1,859,200 75.4 1,402,150 1,331,897 730, 937 1, 034. 157, 682 140. 548 11,473 5,661 1,095,467 703,918 9,505 382, 044 1,835 147, 166 380, 868 809, 046 372, 771 436, 275 27, 200 185,036 113,916 71. 120 65, 749 54,919 103 19, 777 3,414 16, 363 (,757,440 12.8 479, 855 364,881 223,870 198.3 45,411 28,225 10, 894 6,292 375, 260 12, 032 158, 676 204, 552 21, 470 37. 714 375, 719 79, 695 13, 808 65, 887 5,861 18, 580 7,167 11,413 18, 909 2, 317 4,384 2,615 412 2,203 1,591,680 60.6 964, 131 1,205,920 740, 825 753.8 142, 735 104, 483 15,572 i 22,680 777,591 ! 722,013 51 ' 55,527 j 62 43.743 I 270, 283 497, 839 259, 652 238, 187 14, 380 181, 629 86,055 95, 674 44, 633 31, 993 375 27,482 3,144 24. 338 1 Part taken to form part of Harding in 1921. 2 Part taken to form part of De Baca in 1917; part of Chaves annexed in 191/ CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO 267 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued Sandoval San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro « Taos Torrance Union i Valencia 965 783 2,186 1,120 343 1,070 1,190 1,514 1,796 1,361 1 1,110 874 1, 643 896 395 1,191 1,116 1,365 2,652 1,097 2 1,237 924 1,468 1,297 363 1,122 986 2,069 1,923 1,292 3 12 2 13 3 7 63 5 1 3 16 4 209 52 213 379 45 277 392 4 437 5 160 88 300 135 37 228 284 21 i" 271 6 155 188 259 82 47 142 232 98 13 199 7 103 173 206 51 25 51 102 100 22 67 8 160 146 519 158 67 80 79 227 194 177 9 15 42 119 19 9 13 14 62 87 17 10 45 53 286 153 29 48 26 542 774 53 11 92 27 131 111 38 92 48 357 412 60 12 9 11 107 23 26 36 6 80 251 26 13 5 1 33 6 13 40 2 22 39 38 14 966 783 2,186 1,120 343 1,070 1,190 1,514 1,796 1,361 15 853 528 1,866 900 225 835 986 1,035 938 1,078 16 40 47 157 143 52 129 119 217 374 170 17 8 11 16 9 3 12 1 1 19 10 18 64 197 147 68 63 94 84 261 465 103 19 20 80 26 8 12 23 39 33 58 26 20 44 117 121 60 51 71 45 228 407 77 21 6.6 25.2 6.7 6.1 18.4 8.8 7.1 17.2 25.9 7.6 22 5.1 17.0 4.9 4.7 7.6 13.7 3.9 12.5 13.0 6.8 23 2.6 11.4 5.2 1.8 11.3 9.4 5.4 3.6 1.1 4.8 24 10.0 25.0 5.0 3.4 7.7 30.6 17.9 31.1 3.0 14.5 6.9 15.2 25 8.'3' ■""ii.T 9.'9" 28.'6' 26 2, 477, 440 3, 504, 640 3, 132, 160 1,262,720 1,995,520 5, 137, 920 1,441,280 2, 156, 160 2, 481, 280 3, 621, 760 27 20.3 3.5 56.4 29.4 28.3 28.0 8.2 47.9 63.2 38.6 28 501, 779 124, 101 1, 767, 957 370, 838 565,275 1,436,859 118,417 1,033,052 1, 567, 663 1, 398, 917 29 135, 595 78, 877 1, 452, 379 522, 788 330, 872 1, 180, 546 84, 873 776, 789 2, 515, 522 1, 000, 985 30 349, 299 100, 289 1, 044, 726 236, 279 507, 636 626, 670 95, 540 369, 774 814,011 208, 385 31 520.0 158.5 808.8 331.1 1,648.0 1, 342. 9 99.5 682.3 872.9 1, 027. 9 32 25, 259 27, 397 65, 631 55, 266 6,252 14, 677 23,221 143, 751 218, 515 26, 862 33 15, 330 23, 828 47, 422 17, 923 3,614 10, 559 18, 018 109, 824 166, 116 18, 655 34 5, 154 1,089 9,709 13, 222 464 3,242 2,358 26, 674 36, 299 4,169 35 4,775 2,480 8,500 24, 121 2,174 876 2,845 7,253 16, 100 4,038 36 466, 746 85,100 1,675,905 306,099 368,989 1,190,380 45, 734 734,950 1,296,349 1, 362, 373 37 6,669 2,154 580, 318 124, 312 2,698 43, 638 1,630 304, 259 426, 263 19, 047 38 150, 838 1,375 144, 368 75,643 5,000 51, 137 5,952 233, 441 35, 175 61, 487 39 309, 239 81,571 951, 219 106, 144 361, 291 1, 095, 605 38, 152 197, 250 834, 911 1, 281, 839 40 2,356 17 6,760 2,284 113 1,610 5,734 11, 144 2,063 3,864 41 7,418 11, 587 19, 661 7,189 189, 921 230, 192 43, 728 143, 207 50,736 5,818 42 182, 615 61, 838 467, 471 255, 884 51, 191 359, 848 100, 467 396, 369 537, 683 343,268 43 23, 499 18, 265 313, 626 95, 694 295, 601 558, 276 11,829 428, 533 699, 040 812, 650 44 3,171 7,386 170, 895 34, 705 35, 658 31, 848 5,226 114,456 366, 353 82, 464 45 20, 328 10, 879 142, 731 60,989 259,943 526,428 6,603 314, 077 332, 687 730, 186 46 119, 265 10, 480 889, 417 1,835 203, 825 372, 500 600 320 63, 840 212, 980 47 176,400 33, 518 97, 443 17, 425 14, 658 146, 235 5,521 207, 830 267, 100 30,019 48 173, 786 24, 374 69, 702 1,786 7,032 122, 546 3,717 138, 752 52, 798 21, 753 49 2,614 9,144 27, 741 15, 639 7,626 23, 689 1,804 69, 078 214, 302 8,266 50 8,241 11, 836 35, 633 11, 729 2,318 8,099 14,311 67, 954 77, 151 9,564 51 616 1,672 5,982 3,365 477 1,165 2,149 21, 057 43, 032 2,482 52 5,544 5,050 1,518 913 156 80 50 1,881 5,139 53 929 5,270 4,289 1,916 819' 1,139 1,478 20, 763 44, 052 1,470 54 403 1,628 1,205 91 124 506 773 1,125 4,078 395 55 526 3,642 3,084 1,825 695 633 705 19, 638 39, 974 1,075 56 3 Part taken to form Catron In 1921; 268 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and bull dings.. 1925. .dollars.. 1920 dollars.. 1910 dollars.. AH farm property, 1925... dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars. . Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm. 1925. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners dollars. . Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars. . Tenants.. dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants .dollars.. Implements and machinery, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners doUars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars. . FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total... Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars.. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. . Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc... dollars.. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road.. Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) The State 174, 916, 929 321,814,212 111,830,999 236, 300, 563 152, 033, 329 22, 883, 600 8, 712, 473 52, 671, 161 7,457 5,520 6.28 9.09 9.92 5.46 174, 916, 929 74, 341, 561 52, 057, 918 16, 347, 190 32, 170, 260 9, 841, 579 22, 328, 681 8,712,473 4, 521, 822 2, 167, 097 448, 891 1, 574, 663 359, 680 1, 214, 983 Bernalillo 26, 005 6,897 26.5 21,415 4,828 2, 583, 582 31, 214, 602 11, 578, 571 37.1 6,465 2,398 12.08 4.48 3,346,644 15, 349 88, 101 1,127 4, 933, 522 11, 823 571, 748 6,012 3, 253, 861 138, 526 286 252 31,687 333 66 2,455 5,053 21, 827 1,953 4, 891, 383 5, 971, 057 2, 267, 785 5, 738, 651 3, 817, 146 1, 074, 237 285, 797 561,471 4,650 3,964 22.33 27.05 20.11 17.42 4, 891, 383 3, 737, 394 376, 936 403, 128 373, 925 194, 680 179, 245 285, 797 238, 867 21, 230 14, 110 11, 590 4,940 6,650 Catron Chaves 2, 700, 361 4, 741, 227 2,389,431 310, 930 85, 933 1, 954, 933 10, 262 5,845 3.50 3.10 2, 700, 361 1, 057, 346 1, 554, 670 1,157 142 12.3 1,126 137 9,651 1, 096, 370 409, 731 37.4 8,003 2,991 113. 60 42.45 174, 394 692 4,498 62 121,917 371 30,000 291 125, 892 794 16 10 1,234 245 169 231 538 51 88, 345 11,545 76,800 85, 933 61, 208 22, 170 2,555 880 1.675 430 28 6.6 393 25 10, 338 240, 950 77, 695 32.2 9,638 3,108 23.31 7.52 10, 214, 684 15, 785, 341 15, 884, 358 14, 124, 862 8, 580, 998 1, 633, 686 494, 127 3,416,051 14,790 10, 696 6.00 8.20 15.13 5.04 10, 214, 684 3, 368, 590 3, 834, 724 196, 600 2, 814, 770 421, 400 2,393,370 494, 127 177,265 158, 460 8,175 150, 227 18, 400 131, 827 625 228 36.5 410 135 58, 799 1, 733, 025 647, 757 37.4 12,837 4,798 29.47 11.02 39,375 257 26 1 66,930 i 157 7,635 i 46,878 720 2 7 1 462 16 10 414 22 171, 190 673 17, 677 108 627, 234 590 33,487 214 1, 510, 163 17,272 70 32 955 97 298 510 50 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 NEW MEXICO 269 AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Colfax Curry De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guada- lupe Harding Hidalgo 13,358,010 9, 962, 562 3, 224, 728 10, 897, 968 8, 621, 925 3.881,690 5, 436, 827 5,101,036 1,586,574 1 20, 234, 873 13, 887, 095 5, 286, 539 8, 062, 465 8,941,192 4, 646, 836 5,316,613 1,461,176 2 10, 756, 653 15, 964, 843 5, 186, 847 4, 017, 534 9, 437, 970 2,879,511 4, 070, 729 3 11,464,556 4, 216, 773 12, 477, 866 10,900,175 6, 972, 633 7,309,116 6, 643, 435 3,090,476 4 12, 268, 158 8, 845, 910 2, 928, 173 9, 263, 791 7, 508, 370 3, 184, 150 5, 0C8, 022 4, 632, 516 1,416,904 5 1, 089, 852 1,116,652 296, 555 1, 634, 177 1,113,555 697, 540 428, 805 468, 520 169, 670 6 511,271 538, 020 83, 890 643, 686 555, 289 212, 765 127, 483 320, 555 75, 575 7 2, 095, 562 963, 974 908, 155 936, 212 1, 722, 961 2, 878, 178 1, 744, 806 1,221,844 1, 428, 327 8 19,661 9,807 10,648 8,118 10,431 12, 451 8,450 8,684 10,267 9 16,451 8,522 8,143 7,090 8,251 6,932 6,285 6,668 5,271 10 7.05 17.52 3.46 21.74 11.97 6.13 3.83 5.32 2.28 11 10.36 7.82 6.48 18.74 10.33 15.56 4.29 41.28 47.53 18.48 11.25 26.75 10.42 9.80 16.32 5.03 5.39 8.02 3.53 6.03 12 13 3."i4" 4.'84' 2.' 04" 14 13,358,010 9, 962, 562 3, 224, 728 10, 897, 968 8, 621, 925 3, 881, 690 5,436,827 5,101,036 1, 586, 574 15 2, 944, 426 4, 936, 547 701, 202 5, 507, 108 3, 203, 685 1, 676, 808 1,347,625 1, 266, 840 487, 480 16 5, 641, 619 2, 199, 345 1, 592, 585 825, 000 1, 027, 742 1, 167, 987 1, 833, 502 2, 997, 396 599, 164 17 3, 053, 353 36, 200 323,360 329. 000 764,445 744, 310 246, 500 184, 940 333, 000 18 1, 718, 612 2, 790, 470 607, 581 4, 236, 860 3, 626, 053 292, 585 2, 009, 200 651, 860 166, 930 19 367, 225 305,400 413, 200 800,350 191,200 169, 184 1, 929, 100 213, 100 43, 330 20 1, 351, 387 2, 485, 070 194,381 3,436,510 3,434,853 123,401 80, 100 438, 760 123, 600 21 511,271 538, 020 83,890 643, 686 555, 289 212, 765 127,483 320, 555 75, 575 22 160, 535 271, 032 31, 770 345, 487 234, 509 108, 174 67, 093 124, 300 30, 995 23 201,451 138,417 33, 640 50,325 84,153 67,382 47, 390 140, 290 25, 730 24 54, 040 525 1,350 36, 300 20, 175 19, 240 2,925 7,725 8,200 25 95,245 128, 046 17, 130 211, 574 216, 452 17, 969 10, 075 48, 240 10, 650 26 20, 800 7,050 7,085 49, 657 25, 690 11, 045 7,775 3,285 3,815 27 74, 445 120, 996 10, 045 161, 917 190, 762 6,924 2,300 44, 955 6,835 28 551 796 316 878 421 460 811 613 259 29 286 546 129 280 193 93 136 386 60 30 51.9 68.6 40.8 31.9 45.8 20.2 16.8 63.0 23.2 31 369 585 212 815 338 378 646 396 189 32 169 390 68 250 156 73 81 230 45 33 136,312 173, 663 37, 586 16,949 73, 026 44, 485 49, 698 113, 136 9,476 34 1,428,400 3,365,795 262, 815 2, 955, 520 2, 032, 430 594,300 279, 070 909, 230 256, 550 35 576,732 1, 103, 553 98, 144 1, 036, 665 743,476 269, 920 104, 980 389, 169 91, 610 36 40.4 32.8 37.3 35.1 36.6 45.4 37.6 42.8 35.7 37 8,452 8,630 3,865 11, 822 13,028 8,141 3,445 3,953 6,701 3& 3,413 2,830 1,443 4,147 4,766 3,698 1,296 1,692 2,036 3& 10.48 19.38 6.99 174. 38 27.83 13.36 5.62 8.04 27.07 40 4.23 6.35 2.61 61.16 10.18 6.07 2.11 3.44 9.67 41 129,410 69,414 61, 653 231, 709 244, 321 123,387 105,213 78, 210 26, 282 42 435 375 264 713 672 272 464 363 120 43 128 851 15, 675 27, 626 161 640,042 942 830 44 2 262, 948 5 183, 215 109 747, 753 13 126, 694 9 100,953 45 ""33,'545' ""i59,"9i2" "'54,"3i5" 46 367 750 103 942 611 181 282 382 97 47 16, 689 55, 253 6,633 47, 028 28, 392 10, 020 19, 553 13, 783 15, 795 48 203 552 85 317 182 57 150 146 34 49 19, 196 136, 893 2,083 424, 832 536, 680 3,350 400 71,216 5,520 50 1,546 3,827 27, 867 25, 142 1,775 1,285 51 93 157 3 86 47 7 7 120 6 52 14 13 812 13 7 1,169 1 31 33 1, 537 23 4 1,045 4 4 865 18 2 765 1 3 301 53 5' 560 54 396 55- 1 81 6 56 57 """"•"77' 158 ' 35' 111 20' 55 538' 145 340 ir 168 '" ir 59 24' 14 58 97' 59 557 905 302 670 415 329 756 648 244 60 19 118 19 103 211 43 33 20 19 61 270 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lea Lincoln Luna McKinley ! Mora 61 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920— dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings. dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910.. Land, excluding bldgs., per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total. dollars. Full ovs^ners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants. dollars. Implements and mach'y, total.. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers.. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 AH farms operated by owners: Total number... Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners : Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings... dollars. Mortgage debt. dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings... dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) . Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road.. All other (including not reported) 8,854,559 8, 392, 602 11,559,831 8, 222, 604 631, 955 195, 781 2, 509, 491 15, 091 11, 559 4.91 4.96 4.56 8, 854, 559 2, 088, 651 5, 255, 088 559, 640 951, 180 672, 340 278, 840 195, 781 68, 268 102, 568 5,475 19, 470 9,450 10, 020 3, 21A 738 5, 394, 701 1, 883, 715 5, 235, 841 2, 816, 603 399, 135 145, 433 1, 874, 670 7,734 4,750 2.95 10.89 1L94 2.59 3, 215, 738 1,340,971 1, 374, 247 309, 500 191, 020 93, 300 97, 720 145, 433 61, 286 69, 190 9,150 5,807 922 4,885 1,279,485 7, 022, 681 1, 226, 380 2, 279, 608 991, 145 288, 340 158, 620 841, 503 9,784 5,491 4.60 6.80 12.72 3.57 1, 279, 485 564, 055 396, 180 82, 600 236, 650 139, 900 96, 750 158, 620 74, 365 41, 970 6,750 35, 535 27, 985 7,550 2,246,898 4,443,569 1,701,236 10,115,711 368, 476 4, 378, 826 5,801,869 1,979,988 266, 910 188, 765 3, 366, 206 15, 031 5,821 2.71 9.56 6.50 2.39 2, 246, 898 654, 034 642,064 622, 840 327, 960 282, 270 45, 690 188, 765 83, 290 27, 430 43,900 34, 145 29, 320 4,825 5,904,933 3, 969, 797 473, 772 179, 573 1, 281, 791 3,747 2,820 7.25 4, 443, 569 2, 815, 369 1, 009, 505 667 324 48.6 383 159 172, 413 933, 446 349, 840 37.5 5,871 2,200 5.41 2.03 616 109 17.7 487 71 45, 493 264, 905 147, 376 55.6 3,731 2,076 5.82 3.24 187 33 17.6 144 20 9,453 187, 475 82, 690 44.1 9,374 4,135 19.83 8.75 347 35 10.1 313 30 12,538 138, 550 68,885 49.7 4,618 2,296 n.05 5.49 87, 680 404 58, 508 174 17,294 174 123, 654 766 101, 225 322 450 2 131, 146 293 8,880 76 849 58 18 10 677 51, 730 156 34 1 61, 245 102 4,152 37 25, 376 31, 334 11 5 233 46, 745 329 26, 957 59 1,640 23 26 45 677 18 16 91 610 41 36 151 5 25 119 233 9 618, 695 97, 590 521, 105 179, 573 116, 820 37, 081 25, 672 3,290 22, 382 1,429 170 n.9 1,233 130 147, 646 997, 903 454, 085 45.5 7,676 3,493 6.76 3.08 60, 056 339 300 13 90,237 420 6,604 113 1,940 284 16 5 19 1,576 36 43 163 289 45 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEW MEXICO Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 271 Otero Quay Rio Arriba Roosevelt Sandoval San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra 3,492,524 9,206,837 4,153,389 9, 567, 790 3,051,221 4,039,290 9,303,024 3,173,363 1,510,341 , 2, 806, 704 9,777,411 5,126,854 8, 720, 657 2,820,867 3,220,109 14,268,149 4,018,811 2,531,134 2 2,649,272 5, 521, 760 2,330,203 6, 679, 363 2,364,645 4,392,450 7, 248, 855 2,721,376 2,058,396 3 5,483,751 11,439,876 6, 519, 255 11,365,908 4,004,495 6, 327, 865 12,002,391 3, 929, 098 2,543,478 4 2,885,234 8, 160, 937 3,298,274 8,680,240 2,469,806 3,281,925 8, 159, 500 2,184,484 1,300,836 5 607,290 1,045,900 855,115 887, 550 581,415 757, 365 1, 143, 524 988, 879 209, 605 6 127,420 483, 949 344, 771 381, 939 175,211 207, 635 422,095 192, 236 110, 876 7 1,863,807 1,749,090 2,021,095 1,416,179 778,063 2,080,940 2, 277, 272 563,499 922,261 8 9,706 8,436 2,694 8,887 4,150 8,082 5,491 3,508 7,415 & 6,181 6,790 1,716 7,481 3,162 5,159 4,256 2,833 4,403 la 7.08 6.57 8.66 9.92 6.08 32.55 5.26 8.56 2.67 11 11.15 7.34 14.05 7.23 20.80 40.82 9.82 7.69 7.65 12^ 17.93 7.55 10.41 9.02 6.77 43.80 6.94 11.52 4.05 la 5.85 5.82 6.87 9.00 4.92 26.45 4.62 5.89 2.30 14 3,492,524 9,206,837 4,153,389 9, 567, 790 3,051,221 4,039,290 9, 303, 024 3, 173, 363 1,510,341 15 1,289,405 3,165,906 3,144,935 3,588,439 1, 919, 675 2,389,870 4,262,047 2,418,400 686,488 16 452, 851 4,715,046 420, 245 4, 016, 336 123, 620 316,400 1,300,641 518,285 378, 361 17 1,279,000 98,940 304,347 85,920 569,310 393, 100 3,046,426 79, 133 259,602 18 471, 268 1, 226, 945 283,862 1,877,095 438, 616 939, 920 693,910 157, 545 185, 890 19 106, 720 595, 900 55, 665 574,820 312,236 370,020 304, 110 11, 900 45,660 20' 364, 548 631,045 228, 197 1, 302, 275 126,380 569,900 389,800 145,645 140, 230 21 127,420 483,949 344, 771 381,939 175, 211 207,635 422, 095 192, 236 110,876 22 69, 915 201, 074 231, 726 192,840 123, 240 133, 185 279,444 139, 132 45,067 23. 26,465 227,995 44,655 110, 689 5,597 17,900 41,738 35,220 36,309 24 16, 220 325 40,880 900 33,089 16,950 35, 565 5,571 3,300 25- 14,820 54,555 27, 510 77,510 13, 285 39, 600 65,348 12, 313 26,200 2& 2,995 11, 305 2,780 15, 890 5,025 16, 805 26,426 840 1,900 27 11,825 43,250 24, 730 61, 620 8,260 22, 795 38,922 11,473 24,300 28 414 1,129 2,270 937 893 575 2,023 1,043 277 29' 114 673 158 626 41 153 256 126 35 aa 27.5 59.6 7.0 66.8 4.6 26.6 12.7 12.1 12.6 31 330 709 2,078 637 853 528 1,866 900 225 32 91 376 130 408 37 136 225 94 26 33- 16,288 188, 944 122, 204 186,012 71,989 18,047 123, 803 29,490 6,501 34 538, 090 1, 724, 582 333,258 2,410,034 262, 045 926,000 883,043 563, 830 130,691 35- 199, 969 526, 091 174, 565 725, 251 121, 682 310, 115 317,468 206, 232 50,701 36 37.2 30.5 52.4 30.1 46.4 33.5 36.0 36.6 38.8 37 5,913 4,587 2,564 5,907 7,082 6,809 3,925 5,998 5,027 38 2,197 1,399 1,343 1,778 3,289 2,280 1,411 2,194 1,950 3» 33.04 9.13 2.73 12.96 3.64 51.31 7.13 19.12 20.10 40 12.28 2.78 1.43 3.90 1.69 17.18 2.56 6.99 7.80 41 171,055 129,336 82, 161 142,056 27,604 49, 174 135,661 119, 368 36,460 42 286 639 1,130 704 354 278 1,031 716 119 4a 1,397 1,125 1,088 202 4,503 252 1,352 977 115 44 11 4 59 6 162 4 30 47 2 45 98,445 176, 623 89, 673 94,279 74,476 76, 706 190, 601 53,869 32,057 46 213 579 759 567 389 320 633 384 96 47 5,833 26, 501 17, 621 64, 762 7,963 6,251 28,919 8,201 3,665 48 66 280 326 517 199 82 289 118 26 49 22, 808 52, 073 5,315 33, 176 49,402 2,749 6,371 1,198 6,800 50 5,237 328 3,180 196 728 255 13,479 4 600 51 3 93 18 29 2 7 44 19 1 52 5 2 2 9 6 6 1 2 6 6 15 40 8 9 3 53 '3' 54 565 1,356 2,420 1,279 965 783 2,186 1,120 343 55 56 101 2' 27 57 175' 29' 215' 32' 3" ' iof 79" 58 78 332 333 159 46 232 517 215 8 59 304 956 1,798 990 709 399 1,415 801 280 60 8 39 74 98 207 32 153 25 26 61 272 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925. dollars. 1920. dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925.. dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding bldgs., per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners.. ..dollars. Managers.. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and mach'y, total dollars. Full owners. ..dollars. Part owners ...dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt ...dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars- Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed.. dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime)... dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). .dollars- Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars- Farms reporting-- Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road _. Improved dirt road... Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported). Socorro 3, 101, 986 5, 981, 829 1,981,411 5, 391, 113 2, 673, 553 428, 433 146, 309 2, 142, 818 5,038 2,899 2.16 5.07 3.16 1.86 3, 101, 986 1, 542, 710 593, 448 711,152 254, 676 157, 980 146, 309 83,246 41, 728 9,405 11, 930 6,575 5,355 964 32 3.3 835 17 3,261 129, 380 55, 600 43.0 7,611 3,271 39.67 17.05 76, 544 488 3,320 83 124, 717 285 17, 524 384 5,046 719 5 3 4 1,070 9 118 111 655 177 Taos 2, 105, 023 2, 816, 449 2, 076, 648 3, 025, 476 1,712,987 392, 036 151, 225 769, 228 2,542 1,769 17.78 33.18 2L74 14.47 2, 105, 023 1, 695, 495 261, 634 4,000 143, 894 78, 024 65, 870 151, 225 122, 683 20, 907 400 7,235 2,115 5,120 1,105 98 8.9 89 8,440 226, 572 70, 563 31.1 2,546 26.85 8.36 21, 952 300 3,782 214 31, 403 287 23, 120 428 902 1.190 73 161 897 69 Torrance 5, 956, 156 5, 790, 336 3, 183, 167 7, 464, 761 5, 276, 264 679, 892 377, 653 1, 130, 952 4,930 3,934 5.77 7.45 8.61 5.11 5, 956, 156 3, 234, 057 1, 548, 769 3,200 1, 170, 130 397, 860 772, 270 377, 653 229, 813 80, 175 50 67, 615 6,085 61, 530 1,252 530 42.3 1,035 418 184, 738 1,761,861 698, 350 34.0 4,215 1,431 9.54 3.24 327, 165 1,322 445 6 102, 902 633 9,108 146 1,514 24 39 1,406 46 Union 11, 269, 755 27,311,671 4, 368, 959 14, 388, 906 9, 924, 320 1, 346, 435 490, 215 2,628,936 8,012 6,275 7.19 10.86 5.37 6.33 11, 269, 755 4, 805, 052 3, 763, 388 309, 520 2, 391, 795 398, 690 1, 993, 105 490, 215 230, 294 153, 490 6,050 100, 375 24,610 75, 765 Valencia 5, 068, 233 4,403,113 1, 895, 710 7, 987, 495 4, 201, 263 866, 970 298, 376 2, 620, 886 5,869 3,724 3.62 4.40 9.10 3.00 5, 068, 233 2, 500, 951 1, 321, 140 1, 014, 124 232, 018 86, 880 145, 138 298, 376 184, 899 55, 346 42, 146 15, 985 4,940 11, 045 1,312 817 62.3 562 350, 838 3, 209, 302 1, 411, 504 44.0 6,711 2,612 9.15 4.02 172, 793 807 235 4 128,600 633 21, 945 339 17, 460 1,779 97 24 14 1,796 276 1,310 102 1,248 60 4.8 1,078 50 152, 365 439, 180 168, 172 36.0 8,784 3,163 2.88 1.04 63,321 325 271 10 165, 720 264 7,497 91 16, 639 117 14 6 5 1.361 133 406 759 63 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — -ITEW MEXICO 273 County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Bernalillo Catron Chaves 1 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock Horses: Total number ..dollars.. 62, 671, 161 186, 573 24, 459 162, 114 6, 373, 075 30, 837 4,918 25, 919 1, 575, 722 1, 266, 688 306, 772 110, 145 7,391 102, 754 731, 055 39, 383 691, 672 88, 128 30, 588 27, 817, 851 1,743,079 355, 409 1, 317, 076 70, 594 14, 633, 453 240,067 840, 245 55, 431 26, 537 8,798 20,096 519, 153 937, 041 744, 474 167, 188 1 561,471 3,533 341 3,192 127,093 213 10 203 12, 540 9,536 1,881 630 1 345 285 6,380 1,765 4,615 350 295 239, 842 16, 071 1,247 14, 672 152 1 135,513 1,558 6,453 1,360 450 187 723 14,402 28, 200 23, 124 3,504 i; 954, 933 4,112 605 3,507 133, 635 333 14 319 16, 342 42, 655 10,082 4,330 36 4,294 22, 972 84 22,888 3,806 1,365 890, 213 108, 109 10,718 95, 913 1,478 898, 932 495 1,733 761 397 164 200 6,862 7,561 6,041 1,175 3, 416, 051 6,369 3 Colts under 2 years of age . 746 4 Horses 2 years old and over _ 5,623 5 6 Total value Mules: Total number. . . ..dollars.. 270, 193 1,512 7 Mule colts under 2 years of age 305 8 Mulefe 2 years old and over _ .,. . 1,207 9 10 Total value Cattle: Total number ..dollars.. 86, 716 78, 250 11 Calves under 1 year of age.. ... ... 20, 842 1? Heifers 1 year old and under 2 9, 440 13 14 Dairy heifers... Beef heifers 290 9,150 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?,1 Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value Sheep: Total number ..dollars.. 44, 667 1,606 43, 061 1,806 1,495 1, 750, 565 143, 146 ?? 37, 245 23 24 25 26 Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value Goats: Total number ..dollars.. 100, 353 5,547 1, 239, 001 5,167 27 28 Total value... Swine: Total number ..dollars.. 18,085 1,269 29 Pigs under 6 months of age 499 :30 Breeding sows, 6 months and over . 183 31 All other hogs 687 32 33 Total value Chickens: Total number ..dollars.. 13, 275 33, 178 34 35 Total value.... Other livestock, estimated value _,..„„„ LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 ..dollars.. ., dollars.. 23, 666 14, 660 36 60, 594 34, 378 26, 216 19,026,659 12,737,649 314 1, 706, 880 1,218,835 238, 964 3,986,956 2, 805, 190 1, 501, 072 9, 775, 521 8, 300, 804 3, 315, 741 127, 235 462, 775 175,854 4, 075, 394 3, 062, 790 1, 208, 536 1, 122, 742 920, 979 755, 134 1,564 1,638 26 846, 124 621, 987 641 18, 330 6,220 4,420 601, 020 226, 687 13,806 91, 798 194, 620 31, 211 196 250 95 149, 573 141, 250 56,838 32, 204 57, 147 22, 221 279 69 210 43, 246 2,084 37 Dairy cows milked... 1,396 38 Beef cows milked 688 39 40 Milk produced,! 1924 1919. Average per cow milked, 1924. Butter made on farms, 1924 Butterfat sold, 1924 Cream sold, 1924 Whole milk sold, 1924 Value of dairy products,^ 1924... Wool: Number of sheep shorn, ^ 1924__ ..gallons.. ..gallons., .-gallons.- ..pounds.. ..pounds., .-gallons.. ..gallons.. ..dollars.. 768,996 554, 677 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 166 4,654 966 116 267 2,361 99, 136 655, 897 369 118, 453 28,001 2,145 204, 600 129, 425 130, 691 48 49 Wool produced,! 1924 1919... Value of wool, 1924 Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 ..pounds., .pounds.. ..dollars.. 1, 257, 958 857, 536 60 61 209, 887 435 1,115 424 17, 299 452, 866 5,536 19, 617 7,454 148, 704 109, 750 52 53 54 55 Mohair produced, 1924 Value of mohair, 1924 Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,^ 1924... 1919 Value of chicken eggs, 1924. Chickens raised,i 1924 1919 Value of chickens raised, 1924 ..pounds.. ..dollars.. ..dozens.. .. dozens. - -- dollars -- -number„ .number-. ..dollars-. 56 6,401 8,344 43, 124 54, 711 20, 658 59 5,674 32, 827 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. ^ Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 274 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Colfax Curry De Baca Dona Ana LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock... dollars Horses: Total number.. Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over... Total value. dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age _, Mules 2 years old and over , Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age.. Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over _ Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value. dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age. Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value. dollars. Chickens: Total number , Total value.. dollars Other livestock, estimated value dollars LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cow^milked, Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 1924. Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per co^ milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924.. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 .gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924... dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, i 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924... dollars. Chickens raised, 1 1924 .number. 1919.. number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. 2, 095, 562 6,177 603 5,574 223, 269 740 100 640 41, 500 65, 192 15, 005 5,670 627 5,043 39, 518 3,786 35, 732 3,064 1,935 1,466,030 33, 940 5,587 27, 005 1,348 291, 089 778 2,723 3,800 1,679 581 1,540 37, 852 38,42il 29,584 3,515 963,974 5,517 201, 068 3,174 450 2,724 162, 870 18, 721 6,265 1,287 539 748 8,732 3,430 5,302 2,184 253 450, 694 713 173 477 63 6,078 20 70 5,355 2,693 601 2,061 50,858 104, 635 87, 893 4,443 908, 155 2,619 388 2,231 84, 681 501 96 405 25, 059 28,875 6,429 2,846 83 2,763 17, 400 653 16, 747 1,603 597 621, 314 18, 682 4,085 14, 184 413 158, 830 798 2,793 484 259 37 188 4,415 11,616 9,757 1,306 936, 212 4,834 374 4,460 157, 624 977 44 933 23, 754 5,350 1,042 543 499 16, 473 2,856 13,617 353 536 624, 829 2,276 724 1,509 43 17, 549 3,348 11,718 875 316 83 476 8,046 48, 885 43, 997 13, 063 1, 722, 961 3,497 3,155 342 1, 167, 998 802,895 334 71, 637 130, 094 8,258 276, 877 181, 223 29, 087 186, 670 222, 797 61,601 170, 474 183, 478 51, 142 42, 340 62, 696 29, 215 4,118 2,736 1,382 1, 363, 058 1, 125, 649 331 187, 730 110, 200 22, 234 75, 735 167, 542 542 5,476 67, 984 1,971 5 18 7 532, 278 273, 286 138, 392 123, 365 89, 506 87,589 1,150 569 581 267, 950 177, 108 233 27, 383 33, 236 425 13,886 27, 494 19, 168 190, 930 380. 415 68, 735 595 1,617 614 50, 657 37, 006 13, 171 18,458 16, 153 13, 105 2,804 2,705 1,831,012 688, 900 653 27,352 I 1,183 j 1,359,944 ! 486,788 i 3,364 I 17,186 ' 88,410 5,792 , 2,015 I 6,050 2,299 ( 229, 613 174,097 82,661 I 66,804 49, 170 39, 195 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO 1925: AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 275 Grant Guada- lupe Harding Hidalgo Lea Lincoln Luna McKin- ley Mora 2, 878, 178 1, 744, 806 1, 221, 844 1, 428, 327 2, 509, 491 1, 874, 670 841, 503 3, 366, 206 1, 281, 791 1 4,763 536 4,227 157, 057 4,429 681 3,748 142, 757 5,263 596 4,667 178, 144 4,524 955 3,569 141, 150 5,544 757 4,787 232, 826 5,180 846 4,334 160, 892 2,290 386 1,904 73, 202 15, 709 3,284 12, 425 493, 987 5,258 583 4,675 178,211 2 3 4 5 403 22 381 13, 013 777 122 655 39, 563 1,099 134 965 52, 136 351 57 294 10, 842 1,249 334 915 69, 335 531 133 398 29, 331 298 82 216 8,768 754 216 538 32, 948 435 62 373 20, 448 6 7 8 9 125, 831 30, 304 11,396 237 11,159 74, 812 827 73, 985 6,050 3,269 2, 620, 625 38, 637 10, 831 2,876 49 2,827 20, 237 142 20, 095 3,766 927 803, 446 38, 935 9,936 4,292 161 4,131 20, 163 1,011 19, 152 3,692 852 843, 076 57, 046 9,608 5,682 69 5,613 37, 545 276 37, 269 2,937 1,274 1, 216, 150 76, 729 19, 586 6,003 127 5,876 46, 125 1,151 44, 974 3,323 1,692 1, 736, 553 52, 919 10, 253 4,146 212 3,934 34, 134 611 33, 523 3,373 1,013 1, 222, 063 32, 819 8,108 2,721 85 2,636 19, 748 389 19, 359 1,339 903 688, 322 28, 269 6,578 2,524 20 2,504 16, 747 115 16, 632 1,519 901 597, 922 19, 339 4, 756 1,681 32 1,649 11, 635 224 11,411 792 475 418, 910 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 735 126 583 26 5,886 85, 131 16, 695 66, 691 1,745 728, 205 10, 085 1,764 8,015 306 92, 425 1,203 307 825 71 9,401 52, 149 13, 867 37, 470 812 450, 547 49, 927 6,390 42,429 1,108 408, 737 5,586 1, .324 4,109 153 43, 949 256, 491 58, 924 188. 257 9,310 2, 072, 261 67, 621 12, 335 53, 561 1,725 617, 833 21 22 23 24 25 13, 251 46, 379 3,468 12, 138 665 2,328 7,837 27,430 793 2,776 9,232 32, 312 3,259 11, 407 42, 473 148, 656 3,641 12, 744 26 27 1,716 786 453 477 15, 582 409 218 69 122 3,815 • 3, 031 1,525 425 1,081 27, 341 1,479 746 381 352 12, 896 449 243 51 155 4,099 862 536 193 133 6,676 330 182 29 119 2,568 662 150 206 306 7,331 1,712 823 327 562 15, 883 28 29 30 31 32 17, 853 15. 354 14, 068 11,817 35, 955 24,090 10,053 8,646 14, 468 10, 272 12, 940 11,646 14, 765 12, 698 7,642 6,114 22, 897 15, 341 33 34 4,282 3,065 2,304 1,812 3,083 3,013 589 6,987 2,421 35 1,142 637 505 1,499 157 1,342 2,786 945 1,841 779 242 537 1,536 1,016 520 1,467 547 920 487 366 121 404 123 281 1,500 194 1,306 36 37 38 407, 694 353, 033 357 227, 848 147, 020 152 738, 290 189,297 78, 818 243 364, 032 267, 890 237 387, 288 252, 034 264 198,209 219, 811 407 101, 404 55, 722 251 301, 500 502, 374 201 39 40 41 265 20, 683 1,338 2,113 250,203 98, 857 25, 629 12, 088 295 4,644 16,008 46, 398 60, 234 29, 979 67, 697 104, 378 17, 665 9,910 1,294 44, 400 27, 534 63,093 23, 013 62 1,475 32, 633 37, 076 8,131 728 106, 215 55, 129 23, 123 8,808 12, 378 30, 423 907 3,390 17,809 42 43 1,125 68, 975 34, 503 252 28, 439 13, 654 44 45 46 509 3,344 6,471 1,104 64, 104 543, 476 361, 548 195, 651 9,591 68, 316 1,122 7,977 7,535 2,632 47, 351 462, 666 208, 455 166, 560 43, 786 350, 587 624, 360 118, 148 4,402 34,114 5,106 11, 258 240, 332 886, 689 303, 349 283, 740 57, 545 327, 691 239, 018 114,692 47 48 49 50 23, 911 14, 088 58,425 22, 202 311 1,439 547 6,433 29, 948 11,380 43, 117 26, 519 18, 109 662 1,632 620 7,515 24,433 9,285 50,841 58, 278 18, 303 2,937 11, 065 4,205 67, 358 71, 149 28, 290 3,245 12, 969 4,928 34, 221 24, 256 12, 662 43 133 51 83, 070 187, 383 20, 768 51 52 53 54 55 56 89, 622 57, 482 37, 641 64, 544 34, 194 16, 781 121,312 73, 261 46, 178 21, 246 30, 328 21, 923 20, 039 17, 319 15. 095 13, 187 10, 717 40, 126 12, 958 9,427 10, 237 34, 824 34, 096 20,894 17,417 18, 430 12, 018 15, 341 7,297 12, 119 7,810 3,880 5,311 25, 370 38, 140 14, 968 57 58 59 23, 674 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 276 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January I, 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) UVESTOCK, 1925 "Value of all livestock dollars Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers , Beef heifers... _ Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over. Bulls 1 year old and over_ Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value ..dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs. Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value.. .dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked ,... Beef cows milked Milk produced,' 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924.. gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 .pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924. _ gallons. Value of dairy products, ' 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924. pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, 1 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,* 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Otero 1, 863, 807 9,723 1,705 8,018 299, 892 1,104 350 754 62, 982 14, 106 4,014 120 3,894 29, 275 789 28, 486 4,013 1,574 1, 188, 727 17, 074 3,387 13, 441 246 136, 736 41, 633 145, 716 456 112 418 8,402 20, 846 18, 761 6,575 1,364 782 582 414, 656 178, 337 304 58, 843 2,175 1.260 92, 674 57, 321 12, 208 93, 873 20, 825 31, 635 37, 063 152, 884 68, 096 120, 505 64, 767 43, 382 23,723 8,195 16, 369 Quay 1,749,090 7,408 649 6,759 247, 598 3,109 523 2,586 157, 397 63, 608 14, 467 4,451 287 4,164 30,911 1,823 29, 088 2,809 970 1, 148, 176 1,416 6,410 1,260 79, 888 267 935 4,851 2,769 618 1,664 42, 921 80, 730 67, 813 4,362 4,125 1,500 2,625 1, 175, 625 927, 889 285 130, 511 94, 319 21, 168 54, 077 131, 168 59, 641 92, 529 21,471 17 70 27 404, 942 177, 943 105, 285 109, 631 65, 380 77,838 Rio Arriba 2, 021, 095 9,843 1,581 8,262 343, 995 364 56 308 20,216 22, 311 6,765 2,023 37 1,986 12, 887 315 12, 572 1,136 500 466, 270 126, 677 26, 694 96, 664 3,219 1, 064, 992 20, 525 71,838 2,'509 961 536 1,012 26, 406 27, 622 21, 269 7,109 Roosevelt 1,506 260 1,246 316, 260 216, 167 210 16, 496 18, 148 13,017 110, 608 638, 851 779, 124 177, 821 5,082 14, 296 6,432 74, 773 89,911 22, 432 20, 993 20, 280 14, 485 1,416,179 6,076 691 6,484 201, 987 2,975 660 2,415 149, 065 41, 475 11,924 2,731 724 2,007 23,475 3,454 20, 021 2,526 820 930, 912 2,657 202 1,255 1,100 23, 848 95 333 3,065 1,450 332 1,283 29, 944 89,833 75, 460 4,630 Sandoval 6, 137 I 3,165 2,972 ! 1,798,141 i 1, 229, 454 293 I I 146,032 j 161,463 I. 90, 519 j 8,765 241,795 ' 3,316 j 26,260 I 24,954 i 9,454 I 53I 285 I 300, 671 149, 383 78, 174 101, 601 10, 741 62, 553 13, 132 72,137 7,411 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 — NEW MEXICO 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 277 San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Torrance Union Valencia 2, 080, 940 2, 277, 272 563, 499 922, 261 2, 142, 818 769, 228 1, 130, 952 2, 628, 936 2,620,886 1 7,303 8,761 3,117 3,290 5,606 3,922 5,269 11, 409 7,787 2 1,309 926 373 499 772 265 457 1,058 1,026 3 5,994 7,835 2,744 2,791 4,834 3,657 4,812 10, 351 6,761 4 253, 952 289, 967 110, 613 106, 168 183, 086 144, 001 176, 189 390, 622 255, 103 5 482 697 443 248 248 70 1,659 3,458 406 6 93 49 47 48 37 9 133 621 97 7 389 648 396 200 211 61 1,526 2,937 309 8 22, 240 37, 061 25,452 7,560 11, 586 3,939 87, 787 161, 969 18, 166 9 15, 730 72, 702 7,691 31, 078 53, 205 4,845 16, 135 68,771 33,510 10 4,140 18, 579 2,083 6,816 11,014 1,311 4,112 18, 041 8,572 11 1,550 6,722 714 1,903 3,542 481 1,736 5,609 2,591 12 231 228 139 27 24 34 515 1,214 144 13 1,319 5,494 575 1,876 3,518 447 1,221 4,395 2,447 14 8,121 40, 734 4,570 17, 607 28,343 2,900 9,431 33,222 19, 807 15 871 1,760 831 210 161 193 2,542 5,734 415 16 7,250 38,974 3,739 17, 397 28, 182 2,707 6,889 27,488 19, 392 17 1,599 5,522 139 3,793 9,111 75 433 10, 589 1,399 18 320 2,145 185 959 1,195 78 423 1,310 1,141 19 348, 645 1, 563, 827 171, 936 653, 335 1, 129, 771 103, 215 390, 975 1, 667, 510 712, 700 20 160,840 33,856 26, 611 10,304 93, 020 56, 450 60, 008 38, 980 195, 041 21 31, 959 6,254 8,317 624 14, 730 11, 905 11,988 5,698 41,011 22 111, 442 25, 459 17, 910 9,099 77, 192 42, 664 32, 316 32, 484 145, 365 23 17, 439 2,143 384 581 1,098 1,881 6,704 798 8,665 24 1,358,944 292, 266 210, 673 84, 949 761, 604 477, 724 428, 146 360, 511 1, 586, 466 25 9,241 13, 333 5,923 16, 559 11, 651 2,450 1,989 1,983 2,877 26 32,344 46, 666 20, 731 57, 957 40, 779 8,675 6,962 6,941 10, 070 27 2,722 1,616 721 657 568 2,003 846 8,061 1,030 28 1,406 763 304 291 199 1,029 481 3,874 488 29 422 397 108 122 266 606 163 1,090 103 30 894 456 309 244 103 469 202 3,097 439 31 22, 581 16, 246 7,140 5,858 6,137 18, 399 7,649 74, 165 9,227 32 29, 591 31, 724 17, 202 6,185 10, 709 13, 926 35, 053 92, 942 20, 254 33 20, 122 26, 648 14, 106 5,319 8,567 10, 723 29, 446 62, 271 16, 203 34 22, 112 4,591 2,848 1,115 1,288 2,652 3,799 4,957 12, 961 35 1,732 1,950 1,244 347 523 813 2,631 8,131 1,222 36 746 1,325 779 160 143 191 2,182 6,147 411 37 986 625 465 187 380 622 449 2,984 811 38 753, 420 512, 850 427, 936 96, 466 129, 181 132,519 812,979 2, 211, 632 276, 172 39 422, 166 297, 115 252, 857 43, 595 136, 203 89, 339 464, 066 2, 104, 340 107, 938 40 435 263 344 278 247 163 309 272 226 41 62, 937 29, 648 19, 438 8,311 11, 226 5,906 167, 652 242, 249 12, 647 42 85, 259 5,784 22, 438 55, 638 329, 599 43 2,447 14, 977 4,323 515' ""eo" 24,007 230" 44 86, 783 134, r,35 138, 881 ""27,"660' 18, 195 9,004 5,"365' 45, 542 56, 526 45 87, 557 81, 380 69, 899 12, 839 11,355 6,479 85, 059 256, 965 24, 912 46 122, 882 28,541 17, 936 12,293 74, 602 44, 878 36, 256 35, 901 162, 274 47 592, 213 194, 740 135, 131 102, 741 588, 258 260, 686 314, 350 234, 426 1, 038, 398 48 388, 366 204, 444 164, 465 107, 386 465, 538 252, 754 646, 016 212, 204 839, 005 49 195, 430 70, 106 45, 945 33,905 188, 243 86, 026 113, 166 82, 049 332, 287 50 7,461 607 330 18, 547 7,062 441 265 37 340 51 17, 969 2,424 1,000 56, 380 31,312 1,464 1,165 117 613 52 6,828 921 380 21, 424 11,899 556 443 44 233 53 113, 215 115, 444 81, 279 26, 429 26, 269 49, 159 166, 081 384, 873 78,302 54 84, 290 72, 619 54, 726 25, 058 59, 512 68, 672 107, 421 475, 833 38, 902 55 33, 965 30, 015 30, 886 11, 100 9,720 14, 748 43, 181 96, 218 28, 972 56 39, 889 46, 761 18, 939 5,573 9,884 11, 823 40, 591 106, 790 15, 859 57 13, 702 22, 502 15,292 10, 780 18, 336 15, 042 30,830 143, 260 16, 597 68 21, 939 33, 200 13, 068 4,403 6,721 8,158 28, 820 63, 006 10, 784 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 278 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919... .dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain. acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage... ...acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off acres.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain ...acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed ..acres.. Barley... ...acres.. bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Sorghums harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder. ..acres.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone... acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth. .acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.-acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres. bales. Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Sorghum for sirup acres. Potatoes, white ...acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons ..acres. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears. .trees of all ages. Plums and prunes .trees of all ages. Qrapes- vines of all ages. The State 24, 925, 591 30, 475, 378 .trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. 215,811 165, 354 2, 175, 042 3,507 12, 822 37, 942 207, 632 2,331,586 35, 034 548, 107 19, 433 7,648 90,600 754 7,271 134, 069 2, 325, 993 155, 030 175, 033 204, 780 3,615 3,616 262 1,279 117, 537 25, 893 19, 971 532 32, 075 475, 081 108, 488 58, 584 1,419 6,144 479 1,198 51, 200 560 60, 391 20 329 1,950 1,239 191 243 219 715 80, 291 596, 603 750, 343 131,973 54, 643 38, 846 56, 431 451, 576 Berna- lillo 281,428 673, 790 1,118 254 4,949 2,289 27,882 219 1,328 2,411 30 738 9,460 219 2,822 317 26 308 124 7,231 6,108 13 56 4,773 143 173 950 12, 642 408 7,594 13, 782 9,469 8,252 654 2,014 1,887 84,066 Catron 86, 931 2,978 1,916 25, 191 2 10 997 63 28 332 213 4,219 799 52 792 13 158 3 30 213 425 1.510 5 671 91 210 525 2,356 Chaves 2, 448, 866 1, 841, 848 2,281 2,084 58, 670 37 285 106 54 108 3,010 828 33, 353 152 107 3,530 813 18, 515 2,364 229 15, 594 3 50 10 147 15.086 56 30 11 201 39, 620 18, 739 10,468 923,538 2,111,105 27 972 1 12 2 96 ,729 376 520 41 63 324 176 7 1,228 161 163, 347 274, 405 4,946 1,224 1,442 344 6,660 S 11 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEW MEXICO 279 AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 Curry De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guada- lupe Harding Hidalgo Lea Lincoln 3, 385, 415 3, 855, 879 115,954 208, 750 3,508,417 1, 609, 633 3, 265, 945 2, 648, 934 182, 642 479,007 164, 850 279, 987 665, 783 115,996 175,529 239, 810 99, 943 135,.4.'i9 436, 155 2 11,425 10, 653 195, 599 204 1,112 529 39 66, 585 845, 209 8,313 90, 217 4,306 1,370 13,310 20 136 63, 679 1,328.342 29, 849 832 3,265 652 536 8,046 3,257 2, 644 68,118 276 2,378 266 71 466 8,096 21 900 58 25 805 888 742 18, 573 17 112 111 18 45 618 122 4,490 103 35 340 3,035 3,027 41, 759 376 1,675 294 239 276 4,782 38 354 22 24 479 4,201 3,061 30, 200 47 91 933 160 75 170 5 30 48 10 80 16.957 15, 744 166, 185 30 90 941 242 30, 903 255, 746 348 2,847 342 107 879 843 697 19, 205 8 75 41 97 428 10, 806 43 1,970 5 39 1,380 1,766 1,312 10, 391 2, 059 1,442 18,910 54 295 555 8 23 375 95 2,131 57 143 1,880 14 127 65 865 521 1,969 2,285 3 4 5 6 7 116 381 73 22 76 8 q in 11 ]?. 13 14 15 16 17 18 575 8,283 3,524 313 1,136 27 445 859 234 15, 204 40 650 768 34 13, 602 92 750 310 527 1,875 1,472 19,212 3, 067 3,443 1,981 1, 252 16, 238 9,718 9,310 2,148 106 1,627 310 178 995 1, 590 12, 984 8, 836 296 79 19 20 21 22 23 94 7 38 10 '^^ 10 128 16 27 1,186 177 *>« 14 14, 665 174 15 13, 299 203 10 ?7 47 2,616 323 74 205 30, 517 2,834 ■336 1,002 92 1,314 262 78 8 165 4,045 59 15 1,098 151 64 3 665 5,543 36 3 598 38 6 " "5 63 1,316 68 421 28 29 30 31 32 3,787 357 46 40 47, 841 26, 407 21, 020 75 33, 766 32, 286 21, 294 614 9,488 466 42 353 2,207 244 159 11 5,620 5,331 892 480 3,660 2 1 32 33 34 35 36 S7 1 13 117 14 3 8 14 1.077 55 87 3 42 4 55 5,365 2 11 38 39 20 119 16, 541 78 1,552 29 19 14 17 36 10, 171 25, 622 202 6,825 535 7,113 2.012 68, 204 767 83 40 61 6,366 1 3 150 5 113 1 41 12 1 1 1 4? 43 1 • 7 4 6 7 1 6 14 3, 546 19, 290 14, 349 3,842 108 1,651 1,305 2,358 2 12 1 2 71 1 3 9 7 44 27 3 45 46 1 1 14 46 764 18, 742 4, 057 1,210 253 758 305 3,436 3 3 3 56 940 5,884 2,923 2,779 110 1,148 2,057 4,002 5 2 1 4 330 477 2 47 2 1 48 7 7 4,797 48, 087 47, 808 3,437 650 940 1,381 1,808 33 71 49 8 1,573 3,438 1, 625 7,574 1,860 569 2.283 2,119 18 395 952 83 1,756 272 230 1,115 745 1 1 1,474 3.222 1,621 8,168 4,067 677 6, 916 7,094 93 5 50 4,152 24, 599 30, 143 2,031 331 900 1,596 632 20 2 51 52 53 935 25 112 377 1,430 14 3 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 60 51623—27- -19 280 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars- Value of same crops in 1919 .dollars. acreage ANET production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain ...acres. bushels. Cut for silage ..acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain.. acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed... ...acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain... ..acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage... Timothy alone.. acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses .acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay .acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton.. acres. Luna 98, 138 227, 670 Sugar beets for sugar.. acres. tons. Sorghum for sirup. acres. Potatoes, white .acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages.. acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry).. acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes •. acres. Watermelons.. .acres. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Pecans trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. 238 127 3,070 39 317 71 1 1,043 310 8, 355 3J2 1,087 399 292 1 395 1»701 490 317 31 3,907 10 1,672 152 362 10 2,983 8 244 244 3,026 13 27 Me- Kinley 226, 344 182, 023 3,202 2,431 28, 429 45 425 695 31 3,578 30. 842 2,649 47, 355 332 53 727 7 55 65 820 1,490 125 1,640 2 639 4,101 435 12,623 48 13 1,150 950 2 26 10 Mora Otero i Quay 428,840 278,312 1,901,238 2,128,243 469,650 1,992.352 8,997 7,947 73, 749 372 468 593 85 6,873 61, 438 4,636 60, 759 834 209 2,056 52 194 2,016 2,500 11, 048 695 343 10 2,128 1,742 31, 098 13 110 323 7,127 1,620 39,914 199 134 3,848 32 725 51 900 249 296 3,865 -- 3,944 916 1,549 8 3,583 13, 114 1 1,721 521 1,618 5,550 127 7 612 20 1,279 8,428 10, 861 65 9 317 1,947 2 15 19 1,530 4 275 9,781 52, 541 58, 899 11, 404 2,258 3.974 3,409 5,546 42 40 8,493 7,767 98, 046 97 112 544 85 55, 670 592, 815 1,308 13,314 856 1,993 15, 823 136 977 15, 601 234, 702 36, 024 3,438 19 94 433 316 9 150 33, 124 6,223 1,212 53 20 1,875 1,458 1,327 4,347 1, 955 632 2,036 1,504 12 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 NEW MEXICO 281 t AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued Roosevelt Sand- oval San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Tor- rance Union Valencia 1, 559, 586 319, 153 633, 009 498, 994 184, 106 109,711 219,437 346, 165 218, 902 1, 448, 314 386, 274 1 1,380,037 491, 486 1, 022, 710 731, 264 406, 072 182, 762 529, 3;W 527, 977 692, 201 3,5.6,402 561, 818 2 10, 363 3,767 7,874 14, 427 4,398 1,124 1,973 1,138 19, 976 48, 129 4,348 3- 9,422 3,021 6,984 8,286 1,346 990 1,629 970 6, 664 42, 933 3,621 4 130, 683 48, 528 166,568 118, 824 13, 107 18, 326 31, 793 11,757 66, 934 434, 923 45, 745 & 7 43 109 007 94 18 9 213 284 26 6 17 122 370 895 129 12 33 1,372 323 146 7 136 637 454 4, 850 2,890 116 320 145 12, 426 3,028 601 8 798 66 327 684 68 18 6 14 673 1,884 40 9 804 2,420 707 4,146 665 548 1,218 3,779 132 11,902 2,848 10 8,877 28, 651 11,453 35, 423 8,103 14, 068 25, 044 59, 174 1,132 101,715 41,978 11 557 305 2.653 31 6 3 1,010 29 1,320 484 1? 8,544 7,187 43, 246 431 60 20 23, 522 672 325 11 164 7,436 630 ^^ 374 117 3,995 349 5 24 971 1,836 639 14 66 159 187 9 19 12 288 5 24 \f> 1,474 3,528 2,455 175 1,361 298 2,b34 1,989 7,591 190 385 190 4,045 100 4,587 110 746 19, 107 213, 821 31,456 29, 704 360 70 500 28.662 454, 435 18, 330 1,923 21 266 327 9,044 3 50 4 90 84 202 46 740 160 1,749 1,814 82, 654 17 " t 1H \ 35 510 1 10 97 861 16 108 60 2,790 2 15 9 1,032 19 '^'0. ?r 979 22 6, 730 6,722 11,571 10,112 2,281 1,096 3,947 9,199 4,093 12, 788 8,208 23 100 41 12 304 7 68 76 12 4 ?4 26 1,586 2 12 1 4 2 17 4,698 •^5 io" 223 17 478 3,362 "^(^ 17 139 8 4,299 21 11, 174 11 5,017 ^'1 4, 582 1,839 969 2,217 28 3,632 517 113 929 343 65 379 1,652 955 6,209 314 ?9 3 859 -- 221 1,319 122 1,268 58 8 14 54 30 1,765 60 925 1,422 630 659 30 ^1 2,839 972 30 8 1,252 1,483 2,080 2,203 32 32, 562 11,816 23, 605 13, 284 4,919 2,505 6, 635 12, 823 6,801 40, 347 12, 361 33 14,534 2,613 309 64 3 1 41 15 '1 ?5 36 135 57 4 ?6 37 54 1 --- 9 78 17 28 8 1 2 73 20 3S 85 38 39 o^^ 748 4,649 339 12 398 4,576 20 1,009 397 40 1 329 33, 479 3 1 50 2 J 41 20 1 4'> 4 2 1 43 ttM- 2 15 17 30 4 38 13 38 5 8 §■ 2 1 1 2 2 7 70 44 1 4ft 2 9 7 1 6 31 922 33 32 1 10 7 1 r 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 46 2 5 47 1 4H 13 49 771 4 30 2,330 12 97 3,505 2 16 1.415 2 2 5,573 1 7 284 2 5 1,488 1 3 2,112 3 43 2,356 4<> 1 1,436 "iO 1.364 5T 8,013 7,828 80.541 10, 889 21. 118 2.391 8,114 13.117 2, 875 2,432 7,112 5? 799 7.358 112, 204 8, 482 51. 303 3,982 5.985 23, 462 413 1.973 7. 737 53; 8,058 8,347 10. 026 2, 535 4,026 1,813 4,767 381 943 7,292 5, 059 54 666 3,573 16, 060 2.300 3, 755 156 867 473 33 364 917 Rft 643 1,347 4,124 743 1,290 411 3,698 352 212 951 763 5f> 2,771 2,928 1,611 2,034 1,424 722 5.761 1,865 605 2,414 861 57 10, 512 176,016 24, 200 366 2,194 5,715 10, 160 309 2,689 3,715 21, 124 58 70 1 1 2 3 9 5<> ' _ 2 60 1 1 1 1 282 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Whi te farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm, population Under 10 years of age.. . 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over- Male Female The State 147, 482 40, 708 106, 774 57, 515 49, 259 134. 618 37, 351 97, 267 52, 649 44; 618 12, 864' 3, 357 9, 507: 4.866 4. 64l! Ber- Ca- nal illo tron White farm population.. . Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on m.anaged farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female... Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male .-, Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female... 113,232' 30, 898i 82, 334 j 44, 322 38, 012 110, 602 30, 146 80, 456 43, 386 37, 070 2,630 752 1,878 936 942 11,; 2,752 8,576 4,580 3,996 6, 226 1,702 4,524 2,408 2,116 1,! 449 1, 359 766 593 5, 324 1. 506. 3,818' 2, 020 1,798' 1,359 902' 196 706 388 318 5,026 1,429 3, 5971 1, 897 1, 700: 5, 023' 1, 429 3, 594' 1,895' 1, 699 3 2. 1, 929' 194 735 403 332 1,638 38 331 1 1,307 37 859: 20i 448 17 9, 690 891 2, 421 1 193 7, 2691 698! 3,721 383 3, 548; 315 22, 922; 271 7, 0581 791 15, 864' 192 8,613' 108 7, 251 84 22, 378 263 6, 874 76 15, 504' 187 8,404; 105 7,100 1 82 544, 8 184 3] 360 5I 209 3 151, 2 1,669 411 1,258 712 546 1,669 411 1, 258 712 546 Cha- 4,310 1,035 3,275 1,835 1,440 4,144 1,002 3,142 1,762 1,380 166 33 133 73 60 2,140 1,211 929 2,603 585 2,018 1,144 874 146 24 122 67 55 9 38 59 30 29 93 37 56 29 27 4 1 3 1 2 1,464 388 1,076 594 482 1,448 380 1,068 589 479 Colfax Curry 4,009 1,093 2,916 1,606 l,3i0 3,972 1,083 2,889 1,592 1,297 37 10 27 14 13 2,611 691 1,920 1,056 864 2,609 691 1,918 1, 055 863 2 1 1 318 64 254 129 125 284 54 230 117 113 34 10 24 12 12 1,080 338 742 421 321 1,079 338 741 420 321 1 4,888 1.272 3,616 1,924 1,692 4.888 1,272 3,616 1,924 1,092 De Baca Dona Ana 1- 1, 334! 3121 1, 022 572 450! 1, 334 3121 1, 0221 572 450i 3, 365 800 2, 565 1,349 1,216 3, 365 800 2, 565 1,349 1,216 1,515 468 1,047 572 475 1,515 468 1,047 572 475 1, 0481 2421 806[ 4451 361 1, 048' 242 806 445 3611 272 2,862j 925 206 1.937 1201 1, 069 86 8681 272 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEW MEXICO 283 BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 Eddy Grant Gua- da- lupe Hard- ing Hi- dalgo Lea Lin- coln Luna Mc- Kin- ley Mora Otero Quay Rio Arriba Roose- velt Sand- oval 5,341 2,220 3,905 3,237 1, 116 2,784 2,996 823 4,976 7.360 2,849 5,493 12, 786 5,738 5,476 1 1, 655 565 1,106 852 264 581 789 148 1, 292 2,228 706 1,360 3,990 1.549 1,560 2: 3. 786 1,655 2,799 2, 385 852 2,203 2,207 675 3,684 6,132 2.144 4,133 8,796 4,189 3.9251 3 2, 057 957 1,533 1,293 506 1,214 1, 251 411 1,860 2,697 1,144 2, 259 4,672 2,207 2,066; 4 1. 729 698 1, 266 1,092 346 989 956 264 1.824 2,436 1,000 1,874 4,124 1.982 1,859 6 6' 5,131 2,201 3, 905 3,231 1,116 2,784 2,974 813 960 7,358 2,285 5,483 11,790 5,731 4,276 1, 47fi 55c 1,106 851 264 681 784 146 239 2,228 669 1, 360 3,719 1,546 1, 256 7 3,655 1, 643 2,799 2,380 852 2,203 2,190 667 721 6, 130 1,716 4,123 8,071 4,185 3, 020 8- 1,989 94i. 1, 533 1.293 506 1, 214 1,240 405 417 2,696 931 2,249 4,289 2,205 1, 603 9' 1, 666 694 1, 236 1,087 346 989 950 262 304 2,434 785 1,874 3,782 1,980 1,417 10 210 19 6 22 10 4,016 2 564 10 996 7 1,199 11 79 1 5 ? 1, 0.53 136 271 3 294 ^?. 13] 68 63 12 & 4 5 .. 17 11 6 8 6 2 2, 963 1,443 1,520 1 1 428 213 216 10 10 725 383 342 4 2 2 906 463 442 13 14 5 15 16 2,079 1,753 3, 676 2, 695 897 2,434 2,697 666 1,893 6,678 1,734 4,615 11,094 4,163 4,018 470 445 1,049 689 214 487 709 122 523 2,012 431 1, 109 3,483 1,038 1,181| 17 1,609 1,30S 2,627 2,006 683 1,947 1,988 643 1,370 4,666 1,303 3,606 7,611 3,116 2,837 18 883 731 1,421 1,088 399 1,079 1,112 330 69? 2,457 690 1,918 4,042 1,643 1,5051 19 V26 577 1,206 918 284 868 876 213 677 2,209 613 1,688 3,569 1,472 1,332 20 1,939 1,737 3,676 2, 691 897 2,434 2,689 655 805 6,676 1.731 4, 605 11, 081 4,148 4,014 21 iX4 438 1,049 688 214 487 709 120 200 2,012 431 1,109 3,476 1,036 1,180 22 1,52: 1,299 2,627 2,003 683 1,947 1,980 635 605 4,664 1,300 3.496 7,606 3,113 2,834 23 839 726 1,421 1,088 399 1, 079 1,106 324 349 2,456 688 1,908 4,040 1,643 1,503 24 686 573 1,206 915 284 868 874 211 266 2,208 612 1,688 3,566 1,470 1, 331 25 140 16 4 8 10 1,088 2 3 10 13 6 4 ?fi 56 84 44 9\V."'.'. 5 1 3 2 8 6 323 765 344 7 6 2 3 2 1 3 2 97 8 6 2 1 3 2 10 10 '>8 ?9 40 41. 3 2 2 421 1 1 4 2 1 30 88 1351 43 35 103 20 56 15 2,932 680 9 997 24 1,200 31 19 20 9 18 2 6 731 161 2 268 3 293 32 69 115 26 85 18 49 15 2,201 519 7 729 21 907 33 34 103 12 59 12 36 12 1,105 279 5 385 11 465 34 35 12 11 14 26 6 13 3 1,096 240 2 344 10 442 35 88 1341 43 35 103 20 55 16 20 134 9 14 24 5 36 19 20! 4 9 18 2 6 3 I7I 25 2 4 3 37 69 114 39 26 85 18 49 15 109 7 10 ^ 5 38 34 102 28 12 59 12 36 12 121 74 6 4 11 4 39 35 12 11 1 14 26 6 13 3 5 2,912 35 546 2 983 10 1 1,195 40 41 1 728. 136 264 293 i?. ll 2,184 410 719 902 43 ll 1,093 206 381 461 44 1,091 161 206 338 441 45 3,174 332 186 507 116 330 244 143 682 436 869 695 1,661 257 46 1,066 100 63 154 32 92 74 26 38 216 113 249 239 608 76 47 2,108 232 133 353 84 238 170 117 113 466 322 620 456 1,053 181 48 1,140 123 84 193 48 123 103 69 62 240 175 336 246 653 96 49 968 109 49 160 36 115 67 48 51 226 147 284 211 500 86 50 3,104 330 186 505 116 330 230 143 135 682 420 869 695 1,559 267 51 1,043 100 53 164 32 92 69 26 36 216 113 249 239 508 76 52 2,061 230 133 351 84 238 161 117 99 466 307 620 456 1,051 181 53 1,116 121 84 193 48 123 98 69 56 240 169 336 245 561 96 64 945 109 49 158 36 115 63 48 43 226 138 284 211 500 85 55 70 2 2 14 16 15 2 56 23 47 24 23 5 9 5 4 2 8 57 ' ' '2:::::: 2 15 6 9 2 2 5S 2 5Q 2 60 1 1 1 284 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1.925 NEW MEXICO County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925— Continued ITEM (See deflnitioDS in Introduction) San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra So- corro Taos Tor- rance Union Valen- cia 1 All farm population, total.. 4,726 1,244 3,482 1,870 1,612 8,947 2,549 6,398 3,436 2,962 4,872 1,358 3,514 1,872 1,642 1,569 405 1,164 642 522 3,704 6,388 908 1, 868 2, 796 4, 520 1, 534 2, 385 5,414 1,583 3,831 2 066 7,032 1,933 7,838 9! 98n ? 3 4 10 years of age and over Male 5, 099 5! 558 2, 742| 2, 921 2. 357 2, 637 fi Female 1,262 2,135 1,765 White farm population C) 3,169 851 2,318 1,284 1,034 1,557 393 1,164 586 578 8,945 4. 753 1,523 390 1, 133 621 512 46 15 31 21 10 3, 704 5, 734 5. 408 7, 020 6, 040 1,931 1,793 7 Under 10 years of age 2,549! l'329 908 1, 703 2,796; 4,031 1,534 2,135 1,262 1,.896 1 654 165 489 250 239 1,583 3,825 2,061 1,764 6 " 6 5 1 8 9 10 years of age and over Male 6,396 3, 434 2,962 2 2 2 3,424 1,825 1,599 119 29 90 47 43 5, 089i 4, 247 2, 737 2. 251 10 Female . 2,352 12 2 10 5 1,996 11 Colored farm population 1,798 ]?. Under 10 years of age 487 13 14 10 years of age and over Male 1,311 670 15 Female 641 Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age ' 16 17 2,246 577 1, 669 917 752 2, 246 577 1,669 917 752 8,260 4,583 2, 339i 1, 284 5,921! 3,299 3,1661 1,763 2, 755^ 1, 536 8,258' 4,583 2,339| 1,284 5,919 3,299 3,164[ 1,763 2,755 1,536 2 1,276 331 945 509 436 1,230 316 914 488 426 46 15 31 21 10 16 1 15 13 2 16 1 15 13 2 3,321 6,039 8l3i 1,756 2,508 4,283 1, 357i 2, 261 1, 151 2, 022 3,321 5,385 813 1, 591 2,508 3,794 1,357 2.011 4, 573j 5, 117 1,334! 1,322 3,239i 3,795 l,746l 2.056 5,909 1 762 18 19 10 years of age and over Male 4,147 2 195 ?n Female 1,493 4,567 1,334 3,233 1,741 1,492 6 1,739 5,107 1,320 1,952 ?i White farm population 5,563 ?? Under 10 years of age 1 . 659 23 ?A 10 years of age and over Male 3,7871 3; 911 2, 052 2, 076 ?f> Female. 1,151 73 13 1,783 654 165 489 250 239 1 1, 735I 1, 835 ?fi Colored farm population 101 346 ?7 Under 10 vears of age i 2 110 ?8 10 years of age and over i!::::::: 6 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 8 4 4 76 30 46 27 19 76 30 46 27 236 ?9 Male 119 80 Female 117 31 3? Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age . 1,641 412 1,229 635 594 84 19 65 49 16 1,557 393 1,164 586 578 839 255 584 318 266 839 255 584 318 266 124 24 100 74 26 124 24 100 74 26 563 186 377 196 181 563 186 377 196 181 139 34 105 55 50 21 5 16 9 7 118 29 89 46 43 150 40 110 54 56 149 40 109 53 56 1 1,456 375 33 34 10 vears of age and over. Male 60 1 •^ - 73' 1 1,081 556 3.'i Female . 525 3fi White farm population 1 37 Under 10 years of age 13 60 51 9 i 1 4 38 39 10 years of age and over Male 14 9 40 Female. 19 5 41 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 1,438 371 1,067 547 520 473 14:^ 4? 43 10 years of age and over. Male 44 45 Female .. 46 47 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 277 73 204 120 84 277 73 204 120 84 310 82 228 126 102 310 82 228 126 102 348 112 236 123 113 348 112 236 123 113 838 248 590 319 271 838 248 590 319 271 1,839 681 48 49 10 years of age and over Male 1, 258 330 659 170 50 Female 599 160 51 White farm population t 1, 837 459 5? Under 10 years of age 581 137 53 54 10 years of age and over Male 1, 2561 322 658 166 55 Feriiale 598 156 56 Colored farm population 2 14 57 Under 10 years of age 6 8 58 10 years of age and over 1 1 2 59 Male 1 1 4 fin Female. 4 CENSUS OF AGBICULTUEE : 1925 NEW MEXICO 285 County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Berna- lillo Catron 462 Chaves Colfax Curry 1 Total number of farms, 1925 _ 31, 687 1,234 955 812 1,169 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: ? 15, 878 12, 427 252 2,061 4,403 3,383 570 61 7,174 204 495 29 7,429 312 216 21 91 8,604 1,718 1,773 16, 878 3,795 102 579 159 33 328 687 280 315 261 274 621 4,773 7,418 5,827 3,137 4,203 2,563 121 623 271 24 34 78 69 222 135 1 1 6 73 7 3 43 225 191 6 12 2 66 4 413 296 13 165 63 282 7o 12, 789 ^ Harvested for grain 758 4 Cut for silage 7 ^ Winter wheat . . .... . 511 f\ Sprin? wheat 96 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed . . 340 8 Barley 60 q Rye 25" 1 10 Sorghums of all kinds 190 1,049 11 1? Cowpeas 3 3 6 1? Peanuts 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 369 3 71 33 1 2 1 8 380 4 3 467 505 161 23 7 81 15 Hay crops: Timothy alone Ifi 1 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 18 7 621 11 46 649 1 44 10 22 132 19 236 108 152 521 19 3 •?n Other tame grasses. . . . 136 1>1 Small grains cut for hav 9 ?.?. Production of hay of all kinds 821 ?3 Miscellaneous crops: 121 ?4 Sugar beets for sugar 95 19 ?,5 Potatoes, white 14 1 2 9 5 7 6 9 7 7 6 35 32 17 29 9 1 5 9.(] Sweet potatoes and yams 8 6 1 ?.7 Strawberries 2 ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 37 73 14 41 47 57 84 293 386 289 190 196 243 1 16 27 16 21 17 28 39 84 240 71 56 32 22 8 7 2 99 Cantaloupes and muskmelons 2 30 Lettuce 37 4 3 31 Onions (dry) 3? Sweet corn. 1 33 Tomatoes 34 Watermelons 7 35 All other crops. . 72 97 8 15 15 331 3fi Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees. 227 37 Peach trees... _ 315 38 Pear trees 90 39 Plum and prune trees 199 40 Grapevines 130 41 Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules. . 4?, 27, 922 16, 520 8,465 4,606 16, 443 2,194 1,794 10, 065 22, 116 1,018 247 425 148 446 23 22 127 737 415 351 17 13 67 48 12 148 332 831 388 519 220 700 67 17 193 745 758 267 511 318 585 89 16 365 658 1,050 43 Cattle: Beef cattle 474 44 Dairy cows. .... .. 636 45 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 481 4fi Cows milked 973 47 Sheep . 15 48 Goats 7 49 Swine . 695 50 Chickens 1,030 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 .acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 ..cords.. Farms reporting number.. 51 16, 483 618 881 39 47, 646 3,665 865 40 5 3,483 137 16 3 9 1 10 1 52 53 54 55 1,156 115 1,032 38 597 43 66 286 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 — NEW MEXICO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) ,De Baca Dona Ana Eddy 1 Grant Guada- lupe Hard- ing Hi- dalgo 1 1 Total number of farms, 1925 396 1,637 1,045 560 865 765 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes ? 81 69 560 479 33 24 56 14 4 96 80 4 18 3 252 210 5 9 9 5 3 459 358 4 2 7 1 504 457 2 6 64 57 3 26 11 8 6 3 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage 5 Winter wheat R Spring wheat.. .... 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley __ q Rye in Sorghums of all kinds 156 1 131 3 67 54 250 461 39 11 1? 1 5 1 325 13 4 32 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 92 8 92 337 17 T) Hay crops: 1R Timothy and clover mixed 1 2 1 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover — sweet crimson and Japan 1 8 1 3 94 11 474 21 64 3 2 78 27 18 2 836 44 25 889 1,082 342 5 2 374 834 19 Alfalfa 45 2 99 15 7 151 6 208 24 4 451 3 ?n Other tame grasses ?i Small grains cut for hay ?? Production of hay of all kinds 165 27 ?3 Miscellaneous crops: Cotton ?4 ?'i Potatoes, white 1 35 2 26 183 12 11 13 13 23 211 262 195 120 90 147 25 i" 13 3 19 ?« 26 2 ?7 Strawberries ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages ._ 2 '5' 7 14 129 54 29 31 24 10 8 4 2 10 2 6 14 42 189 187 137 139 74 3 5 19 2 3 2 ?9 Cantaloupes and muskmelons.. 30 SO 81 Onions (dry). 3 2 23 29 63 63 23 29 25 9 8 7 47 110 216 222 142 156 66 i' 9- 48 92 128 49 78 42 1 6 3 4 6 18 60 63 28 44 30 3^ Sweet corn 83 Tomatoes 84 Watermelons.. 85 All other crops . 3fi Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees 37 Peach trees 88 Pear trees 89 Plum and prune trees. . „ . ... . _ . 40 Grapevines 41 Pecan trees 4? NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK. 1925 360 276 112 76 261 23 7 92 291 1,163 168 745 225 788 22 13 258 916 848 276 435 167 669 43 19 122 615 498 379 81 52 212 9 24 172 377 790 638 39 18 436 123 81 153 670 724 585 142 93 553 38 20 429 635 268 226 68 47 211 9 14 97 211 43 Cattle: Beef cattle 44 Dairy cows . 45 Dairy bulls and (or) calves . _ 4fi 47 Sheep 48 Goats 49 Swine 60 Chickens. WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for 23' 4 688 63 223 20 3 1 961 73 212 13 10 1 886 70 61 1,471 39 25 2 945 20 62 63 64 5") 234 8 277 20 h(\ Farms reporting nnrpher CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO 287 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Lea Lin- coln Luna Mc- Kin- ley Mora Otero Quaj' Rio Arriba Roose- velt Sand- oval San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe 766 677 233 386 1,576 565 1,356 2,420 1,279 965 783 2,186 1,120 1 198 194 47 224 889 209 806 1,042 774 452 514 1,578 663 2 126 128 19 179 834 156 738 890 737 356 415 1,077 356 3 6 5 2 19 2 9 6 2 3 6 40 9 4 2 5 4 2 18 17 364 21 18 8 40 37 10 5 1 36 840 3 15 973 162 20 448 193 6 13 75 550 53 118 234 82 40 565 66 7 12 3 51 6 66 93 7 21 29 3 8 "■'340' 2 87 ....... l ""93' 2 75 8 1,107 8 10 2 1,042 12 266 36' q 6 17 10 2 141 16 129 24 357 90 11 .- 3 64 12 10 n 2 1 2 T? n 45 118 60 167 160 83 209 366 126 13 991 322 14 47 98 163 50 16 3 4 2 21 40 4 6 15 i 16 2 4 7 1,124 1 17 1 128 2 3 2 23 4 506 2 580 18 2 106 39 26 343 379 456 19 5 10 7 5 69 23 19 160 155 29 8 101 66 20 47 1 84 185 124 15 392 1 73 52 100 24 21 299 211 57 112 785 284- 920 1,668 912 617 601 800 511 22 225 1 28 16 308 - 545 93 1 3 6 4 -. 94 23 149 9 123 1 24 102 ?S 4 10 1 4 5 1 58 5 1 2 26 3 3 ?7 32 5 3 45 1 17 4 26 13 31 12 28 2 16 4 8 74 14 25 33 101 25 9q 3 4 1 5 4 10 3 145 3 30 2 6 4 3 5 34 5 33 13 39 28 81 4 8 2 9 5 8 5 11 29 41 12 32 19 4 3 8 18 12 28 6 5 10 328 33 S4 1 31 11 33 76 58 34 34 21 42 47 38 31 33 115 326 511 635 94 261 331 35 272 217 27 4 450 299 148 684 252 268 457 459 376 36 412 1G5 65 2 13 253 218 478 369 263 284 277 283 37 134 133 22 1 93 192 64 218 125 168 262 154 164 38 297 149 33 2 164 186 121 378 247 210 205 231 145 39 289 33 42 2 83 95 64 230 199 212 27 45 40 25 7 3 1 1 10 1 12 1 1 41 715 589 192 376 1,415 450 1,287 2,151 1,191 893 640 2,019 922 42 634 489 142 265 1,005 249 1,013 1,449 641 445 470 1,278 663 4?> 289 129 98 29 47 262 355 127 573 110 177 369 203 44 123 88 56 17 20 115 264 33 395 29 100 156 100 45 558 391 138 116 588 416 1,105 847 1, 051 281 521 587 375 46 67 53 8 184 197 11 40 275 22 66 90 86 50 47 17 56 16 169 134 35 12 311 8 117 60 205 62 48 172 108 34 66 609 157 711 884 627 165 325 489 298 49 595 441 184 168 1,136 416 1,183 1,616 1,088 555 603 1,414 789 50 3,033 2,143 8 33 177 * 2,154 1,421 4 51 79 55 3 7 36 97 81 1 52 3 15 15 100 15 144 63 54 55 1 1,210 1 2,119 3 4,925 1 2,022 3- 1 2,439 5 14, 855 """i43" 1,816 1,051 6 226 68 192 490 31 2 204 2 204 1,214 13 56 288 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- stock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Sierra Socorro Taos Tor- rance Union Valen. cia 1 Total number of farms, 1925 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes 343 1,070 1,190 1,514 1,796 1,361 2 204 179 423 404 4 9 308 5 3 387 356 8 59 643 419 77 1,000 358 10 3 21 68 1 4 207 1,374 1,227 14 143 77 114 20 6 1,189 612 3 Harvested for grain 531 4 5 f) Winter wheat 21 107 2 4 1 40 23 214 6 Spring wheat 202 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed... 58 8 Barley- 3 q Rye in 11 3 5 n Soy beans 51 109 1? Cowpeas 13 Peanuts 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.)-- 83 186 1 1 112 25 3 2 5 644 147 180 893 1,201 857 1 231 i.") Hay crops: 2 ifi Timothy and clover mixed 17 1 26 57 301 28 1,054 18 Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan 1 21 98 115 494 2 19 Alfalfa 166 12 4 182 40 436 37 5 495 1 694 ?0 Other tame grasses .. 10 ?.\ Small grains cut for hay 60 2,?. Production of hay of all kinds . 811 ?3 Miscellaneous crops: Cotton 6 ?4 Sugar beets for sugar ?5 Potatoes, white 8 1 18 1 20 19 ?fi 1 ?7 ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 4 3 3 8 3 6 4 4 13 ?.9 8 4 3 16 30 Lettuce 3 5 4 31 Onions (dry) 8 3 5 7 21 185 164 84 84 77 1 13 3? Sweet corn 2 3 11 50 117 138 74 103 40 1 2 3 6 299 345 453 161 278 168 10 33 Tomatoes 11 34 4 14 142 108 43 84 38 2 14 35 All other crops 131 477 46 72 156 8 228 3fi Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees .... 253 37 Peach trees ... 209 38 Pear trees . . 87 39 Plum and prune trees 92 40 Grapevines 99 41 1 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 4? 312 232 59 26 117 12 20 144 252 873 591 45 16 219 61 41 235 557 1,087 713 110 19 468 161 99 543 687 1,216 349 697 508 871 81 61 273 933 1,633 999 866 622 1,447 69 44 997 1,448 1,238 43 Cattle: Beef cattle 718 44 Dairy cows 190 4.') Dairy bulls and (or) calves 61 46 Cows milked 546 47 Sheep 152 48 Goats 75 49 Swine . . 377 fiO Chickens.. 934 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. W^oodland burned over 1924 acres 61 25 4 106 15 41 12 873 60 58 12 2 1 205 25 4,265 110 480 6 4,021 191 250 fi? 1 R3 ft4 65 56 Firewood cut on farms, 1924 ...cords.. Farms reporting number.. 285 24 760 99 754 45 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE I 1925 NEW MEXICO 289 County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group) ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) The State Bernalillo Catron Chaves 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage . .... . 27, 850, 325 62, 345 117, 673 178, 444 709. 790 2,077,711 2, 891, 957 21, 812, 405 1, 345, 705 42, 596 65, 648 76, 108 157, 577 453, 555 307, 503 242, 718 174, 916, 929 9, 776, 916 10, 243, 545 10, 925, 058 15,603,399 28, 654, 368 23, 021, 693 76, 691, 950 22, 883, 600 2, 990, 214 2, 092, 555 1,910,838 2, 678, 975 4, 349, 644 2, 998, 620 5, 862, 754 219,082 5,148 6,724 8,664 24,755 16, 096 14, 355 143, 340 20, 942 3,492 3,581 2,891 5,375 2,484 1,603 1,516 4,891,383 1, 554, 615 792, 210 680, 426 763, 223 286, 485 350, 594 463, 800 1, 074, 237 399, 679 195, 793 166, 155 155, 570 55, 690 54, 700 46, 650 771, 440 169 1,054 3,397 15, 245 18, 456 101, 922 631, 197 6,253 119 424 975 1,370 962 1,196 1,207 2, 700, 361 17, 600 67, 175 102, 595 221, 166 211,200 335, 760 1, 744, 865 310, 930 6,045 14, 645 18, 215 40, 755 48, 050 105, 320 77, 900 1, 702, 93:?" Under 20 acres 1,002 ; 20 to 49 acres . . ... . . 6, 682- 4 60 to 99 acres 10, 191 5 100 to 174 acres .. 141 9^g n 175 to 499 acres 39, 459 7 500 to 999 acres 80, 488 K 1,000 acres and over . . 1,551,112 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 44, 167 10 Under 20 acres 715 11 20 to 49 acres 4,606 1? 50 to 99 acres 7,347 13 100 to 174 acres 8,108 14 175 to 499 acres 12, 616 15 500 to 999 acres 4,908 Ifi 1,000 acres and over . . . . . 6,867 17 Land and buildings, 1925: 10, 214, 684 18 Under 20 acres 362, 650 19 20 to 49 acres 932, 290 ?n 50 to 99 acres 1, 230, 400 ?i 100 to 174 acres 1,184,910 ?,? 175 to 499 acres . .... 2, 010, 265 ?3 500 to 999 acres 944, 525 ?4 ■ 1,000 acres and over 3, 549, 644 ?.'i Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. 1, 633, 686 ?fi Under 20 acres 173, 480 ?7 20 to 49 acres 258, 845 28 50 to 99 acres 236, 831 29 100 to 174 acres 183, 300 an 175 to 499 acres 253, 110 31 32 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over . 109, 525 418, 695 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Colfax Curry De Baca Dona Ana 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 1, 893, 759 134 1,016 6.424 18, 976 83, 853 94, 262 1, 689, 094 69, 386 46 397 3,509 6,970 20, 979 13, 930 23, 555 13, 358, 010 46, 730 48, 765 313, 083 509, 874 1,511,097 1,049,180 9, 879, 281 1,089,852 29, 950 14, 585 74, 600 86, 770 217, 100 135, 385 631,462 568, 487 205 257 1,183 33, 313 210, 463 166, 850 156, 216 202, 795 124 119 892 19, 042 96, 697 65, 307 20, 614 9, 962, 562 116,387 35, 000 38, 100 841, 710 3, 927, 700 2, 833, 230 2, 170, 435 1, 116, 652 58, 837 17, 800 9,515 163, 200 508, 440 261, 960 96,900 931, 611 143 830 1,309 4,599 22, 693 77, 614 824, 423 6,940 73 496 734 708 1,275 1,406 2,248 3, 224, 728 20, 950 94, 360 126, 400 101,415 140, 796 309, 320 2, 431, 487 296, 655 5,360 18, 285 21, 100 19, 660 18, 500 42, 420 171, 230 601, 283 2 Under 20 acres . 6,508 3 20 to 49 acres. 16, 072 4 50 to 99 acres . 16, 381 5 100 to 174 acres 19, 679 6 175 to 499 acres _. 13, 872 7 500 to 999 acres 6,690 8 1,000 acres and over... 423, 081 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. 49, 462 10 Under 20 acres 4,542 11 20 to 49 acres 12, 264 12 50 to 99 acres 11,838 13 100 to 174 acres 11, 127 14 l.'i 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 7,165 1,100 16 1,000 acres and over 1,416 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 10, 897, 968 18 Under 20 acres 1, 078, 815 19 20 to 49 acres 2, 561, 653 20 50 to 99 acres _ 2,501,130 21 100 to 174 acres 2, 383, 950 22 175 to 499 acres 1, 683, 770 23 500 to 999 acres . 189, 300 24 1,000 acres and over , 499, 350 2F, Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 1, 634, 177 26 Under 20 acres 278, 945 27 20 to 49 acres 407, 252 28 50 to 99 acres .... . . 364,565 29 100 to 174 acres 303, 165 30 175 to 499 acres 231, 400 31 500 to 999 acres . 21, 260 32 1,000 acres and over 27,600 290 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Eddy 720, 339 1, 236 10, 005 15.361 26, 215 37, 869 26, 033 603, 620 48, 547 1,033 8, 975 12,177 12, 274 11,132 1,938 1,018 , 621, 925 338, 250 . 194, 323 , 577, 670 , 914, 630 , 760, 442 564. 590 , 272, 020 ,113,555 141, 640 146, 700 179, 080 246, 125 244, 210 54, 650 101, 150 Grant 632, 740 474 1,417 2,870 16, 704 35, 955 72, 077 503, 243 7,631 330 634 824 1,604 2,379 9.53 907 Guadalupe Harding 881,690 70, 870 104, 426 194, 263 337. 304 634, 163 481,686 058, 978 697, 540 21, 755 33, 810 41, 700 91, 660 167, 820 110,860 229, 935 1, 418. 784 1,077 1,958 I 2,253 10, 166 63, 652 135, 430 1, 204, 248 14, 812 606 719 468 586 2,637 4,521 5,275 5, 436. 827 100, 166 96. 795 58, 666 95, 898 279, 521 577. 834 4, 227, 947 428, 805 26. 135 19, 310 8,095 16, 593 43, 257 81. 780 233, 635 958,018 1435 800 18, 594 109, 235 116,612 712, 342 73, 028 1 178 283 4, 464 25. 918 22, 635 19, 550 5, 101, 036 1 3, 450 4,840 169.427 856. 759 885. 406 3,181,154 468, 520 >825 580 26, 485 130. 160 108. 820 201, 650 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Rio Arriba Roosevelt Sandoval San Juan All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 479, 855 9,752 9,303 11,332 54, 588 43. 434 106. 782 244, 664 28, 225 6,497 4,133 2,275 5,139 2,308 3. 573 4,300 4,153,389 998. 896 534, 497 284, 455 642. 385 349. 566 478, 775 864, 815 855, 115 282, 455 120, 575 64, 170 132, 290 59, 875 123, 665 72, 085 964, 131 502 1,408 4,708 29, 850 163. 965 198. 403 565, 295 104, 483 356 983 2. 869 11,578 42. 667 28, 764 17, 266 9, 567, 790 146. 855 174.300 242, 400 620. 020 2. 373. 233 2.122.039 3, 888, 943 887, 550 59. 930 59, 425 54.415 101, 728 268. 782 165, 620 177, 650 1 501,779 3,334 4, 494 7,147 23, 270 18.931 60, 074 384, 529 15. 330 1,848 1,640 1,305 2, 035 2,164 3,218 3,120 3,051,221 404, 055 314,420 307, 625 359, 955 337, 374 625, 598 802, 194 581,415 112,885 78. 380 65, 045 91, '205 57. 835 58, 745 117,320 124, 101 1,439 6.353 12,416 20, 580 26. 525 19,055 37, 733 23, 828 9.59 3, 235 4.724 5. 787 4, 119 674 4,330 4, 039, 290 460. 480 656. 350 830, 400 862, 600 708. 240 171, 280 349, 940 757, 365 154. 675 138. 345 146, 745 101. 525 119,300 24, 975 71,800 ?. Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres f, 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1.000 acres and over... 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 10 Under 20 acres .. 11 20 to 49 acres 12 50 to 99 acres... 13 100 to 174 acres.. 14 175 to 499 acres 15 500 to 999 acres... 16 1.000 acres and over. 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres . . 20 50 to 99 acres.. 21 100 to 174 acres. . 22 175 to 499 acres ?3 500 to 999 acres. 24 1,000 acres and over ?.!=, Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 26 Under 20 acres... 27 20 to 49 acres.. 28 50 to 99 acres 29 30 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 31 32 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over » Includes the group "Under 20 acres. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEW MEXICO 291 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by 1925— Continued •group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Hidalgo Lea Lincoln Luna McKinley Mora Otero Quay 696, 24r. 1, 803, 672 1, 088, 882 277, 988 828, 137 612,799 493, 132 I, 402, 150 1 85 49 461 142 4 3, 528 878 2 1,088 176 1,328 515 588 11,629 ■ 1, 745 ilis' 3 1, 330 230 2, 796 1,415 1, 095 16.383 4, 200 1,689 4 4, 596 5,106 14, 103 8, 887 33, 540 32, 028 21,495 29, 130 5 15,127 64, 348 45, 812 14, 870 13, 844 73, 634 24, 579 174, 636 6 68, 222 18.5,739 134.969 17, 567 38, 517 54, 652 33, 492 231. 348 7 605, 792 1,548,024 889, 413 234, 592 740, 549 420, 945 406, 743 964, 899 8 3,374 18, 520 7,748 3,692 15, 947 37, 866 10, 060 140, 548 9 47 18 246 40 2 2, 007 421 10 682 49 417 9]2 377 4,164 ■ 689 {In 11 674 106 582 359 608 4.126 1,097 893 12 604 581 1,097 808 2.816 4,443 2, 756 9, 957 13 521 5. 287 1, 451 1, 455 2, 963 8,289 2,456 44, 288 14 340 6, 757 1,613 193 2,394 4,375 955 44, 558 15 606 5,722 2, 342 625 6,787 10, 462 1, 686 40, 681 16 !, 586, 574 8, 854, 559 3, 215. 738 1, 279, 485 2. 246, 898 4, 443, 569 3, 492. 524 9, 206, 837 17 14, 100 2 390 49, 150 42, 350 45. 125 900 144 491 361, 788 18 104^ 350 3! 740 74, 860 28, 000 264, 689 219, 945 """1' 22,' 674" 19 136. 100 2,200 77, 500 68, 500 26, 600 276, 319 244, 900 23, 685 20 137, 550 56, 190 201.644 171, 800 173,160 299, 182 561, 680 336,015 21 151, 000 524, 51 1 382.315 308, 060 188,510 606,414 447, 840 1, 708, 165 22 215,930 1,243,754 570, 976 116, 970 346, 744 364, 988 19,5, 100 1, 992. 299 23 827, 544 7, 021, 774 1, 859, 293 526, 680 1, 482, 984 2, 487, 486 1, 461, 271 5, 123. 999 24 169, 670 631.955 399, 135 288, 340 266, 910 473. 772 607, 290 1, 045, 900 25 4,000 1, 100 10, 125 20, 500 400 34, 353 132,060 26 6, 050 1,600 8, 695 18, 350 6,685 55. 726 59, 715 1' 13,' 206' 27 10, 750 900 12. 995 18,200 8,525 48, 330 41, 775 8, 050 28 M. !!(M) 12. 095 36,310 45, 650 31, 255 44, 825 100, 140 86, 260 29 22. 87'^ 88. 940 65, 765 79, 850 48, 705 87, 728 69. 900 283. 790 30 29, 225 141.950 77, 575 18, 740 66, 840 44, .595 34, 935 257, 165 31 81, 870 385. 370 187. 670 87, 050 104, 500 158, 215 168, 765 397, 435 32 San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Torrance Union Valencia 1, 767, 957 370, 838 565, 275 1, 436, 859 118,417 1, 033, 052 1, 567, 663 1, 398, 917 1 5,321 3,789 783 4,815 5, 899 334 18 6,116 2 8,482 2, 493 1, 455 4,306 6,880 3,283 480 5,769 3 15, 247 3.6G9 1.792 3.723 7,189 7,091 1,653 4,500 4 79, 507 . 24, 429 10, 309 11, 993 11,024 34, 406 30. 358 27, 347 5 124, 507 59.048 12, 190 18, 610 11,806 204, 877 292. 623 22, 742 6 89.712 73, 608 26, 275 60, 859 30, 697 238, 555 291. 676 39.422 7 1,445,181 203, 802 512, 471 1, 332, 553 44, 922 544, 500 950, 855 1, 293, 021 8 47, 422 17. 923 3,614 10. 5.59 18,018 109, 824 166, 116 18, 655 9 3.890 2.398 625 3.094 4,968 228 15 3, 857 10 3.720 839 741 1,778 4, 438 1.934 222 2, 931 11 4, 269 931 512 823 2, 673 3,174 717 1, 453 12 9,338 2, 352 838 596 2,096 11. 025 10. 296 1,807 13 10, 364 6,119 440 965 1.302 54.116 76, 728 1,309 14 4,045 4, 039 231 2,595 1,047 32, 915 44, 024 1, 696 1& 11, 796 1,245 227 708 1,494 6,432 34, 114 5,602 16 9, 303, 024 3,173,363 1, 510. 341 3,101,986 2, 105, 023 5, 956, 156 11,269,755 5, 068, 233 17 438. 537 974, 295 123, 250 437, 138 640, 076 8, 487 3,250 819, 395 18 396, 130 231, 080 90, 175 196, 502 471, 579 38, 719 6.370 439. 563 19 556,912 176,420 62. 700 134. 069 327, 278 88, 435 18, 950 212, 037 20 776, 622 256, 031 211,554 164. 962 248, 284 406. 096 332. ,500 261, 662 21 789. 314 540, 667 147. 650 193, 063 148, 480 2, 122, 305 3. 104, 085 221, 378 22 408, 487 4.56. 050 191. 079 321.992 125, 270 1, 734, 846 2, 597, 274 320, 817 23. 5, 937, 022 538, 820 683, 933 1, 654, 260 144, 056 1, 557, 268 5, 207, 326 2. 793, 381 24 1, 143, 524 988, 879 209, 505 428, 433 392, 036 679, 892 1,345,435 866, 970 25 143, 205 359, 115 26, 745 96. 395 166,295 3.920 2, 125 238, 105 26 76, 435 82. 485 11,875 33, 339 89, 1.50 i 9.770 3,155 91,750 27 77. 646 55, 655 9,700 29, 590 59, 736 16, 450 2,710 59, 015 2S 180, 365 74,915 33,550 20, 909 35, 320 1 69, 980 69,210 63, 260 29 156, 191 158, 776 30.010 32, 685 18,215 262, 630 467,660 52, 395 30 72, 450 141. 233 30, 730 47,527 15, 510 176, 105 299. 510 ■ 84, 855 31 437, 232 116, 700 66,895 167, 988 7, 810 ; 1 141,037 501, 065 , 1 277,590 32 292 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 NEW MEXICO County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Valite of Farm Products Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. O wners dollars . Managers • dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners. number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. Owners .dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants. dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners number. Managers. number . Tenants number. The State 3, 253, 861 2, 374, 239 95, 342 784, 280 2,014 1,516 7 491 138, 526 112, 818 4,335 21, 373 829 645 178 Bemahllo Catron 125, 892 112,773 46, 878 41, 863 13, 119 270 254 5,015 27 21 16 794 794 6 720 720 8 8 1 1 Chaves Colfax 1,510,163 1, 144, 370 35, 900 19, 196 10,606 329,893 276 17S 8,590 48 28 95 17, 272 14, 192 25 20 1,546 809 3,055 101 86 1 737 32 16 14 16 ITEM AND TENURE McKin- ley Mora Otero Quay Rio Arriba 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners.. Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers Tenants. Farms reporting purchases Owners Managers. Tenants dollars.. 1,940 1,868 22,808 19, 196 52, 073 47, 148 5,315 4,758 ? dollars 3 dollars 4 . . dollars.. 72 25 23 3,612 46 32 4,925 98 85 557 32 27 5 .number . fi .number 7 ...number.. 8 -number 2 284 254 14 5,237 4,873 13 32S 328 5 3,180 2,997 9 dollars . 10 dollars n dollars.. l?r -dollars 30 7 6 364 33 22 3 3 183 40 36 13 ... number . 14 number 15 .. -number -- 16 .number 1 •11 4 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEK: 1925 NEW MEXICO 293 Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924 Curry De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guada- lupe Hard- ing Hidal- go Lea Lin- coln Luna 136,893 117,862 2,083 1,378 424,832 231,771 57,542 135, 519 197 129 3 65 27,867 16, 573 2,000 9,294 106 80 1 25 536, 680 301,044 1,900 233, 736 224 101 1 122 25, 142 19,211 260 5,671 156 63 2 91 3,350 3,350 400 400 71,216 60, 349 5,520 5,320 123, 654 123,491 849 849 25, 376 19,401 1 2 3 19,031 147 115 705 11 7 10,867 88 69 200 15 14 163 45 43 3 3 5,975 26 20 4 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 32 3,827 3,787 4 19 1,775 1,715 i 1,285 1,150 2 58 58 6 31,334 27, 669 2,050 1,615 81 70 2 9 8 q 10 11 40 12 11 60 13 12 135 14 13 12 .2 2 'n 14 15 1 1 1 16 j Eoose- velt Sand- oval San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Tor- rance Union Valen- cia 33, 176 1 26,921 1 49,402 47,013 2,749 2,749 6,371 6,371 1,198 1,198 6,800 6,400 5,046 4,756 902 902 17,460 14,493 15, 639 15,639 1 2 3 6,255 138 106 2,389 105 97 400 5 4 290 34 31 2,967 94 69 4 4 4 32 32 4 4 9 9 9 9 5 6 7 32 196 178 8 728 728 1 600 600 3 719 635 25 1,779 1,767 8 255 255 13,479 13,404 4 4 117 117 9 10 11 18 3 2 75 169 168 84 11 10 12 13 12 16 16 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 13 12 4 14 15 1 1 1 1 16 ARIZONA 51623—27 20 295 ARIZONA Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains ^ KAIB I TO o ,0 PLATEAU ,f I, PLATEAU y?-:'Jr.^"':J/cS^ COCONINO ggtalt t5/A|^ip^'"' %'". 1 * • i*;^ I SANTA CRUIZ ,■;;;■: 1 « gisbee !;rii 296 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE : 1925 ARIZONA 297 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1935 1920 1910 Number of farms, total 10, 802 9,975 9,227 Operated by- 8,179 7,869 8,203 7,759 444 Full owners . . . .... 6,908 6,970 899 Part owners 1,271 296 305 163 Tenants 2,327 805 1,801 853 861 Cash tenants 466 Other tenants.. 1,522 948 395 Approximate land area of State acres.. 72, 838, 400 72, 838, 400 72, 838, 400 Land in farms, total ..acres.. 11,065,291 5, 802, 126 1, 246, 613 In farms operated by — Owners acres.. 7, 580, 288 3, 819, 651 874, 914 Full owners acres.. 1, 986, 062 1, 582, 183 0) Part owners acres-- 5, 594, 226 2, 237, 468 0) Managers acres.. 2, 515, 273 1, 390, 949 264, 798 Tenants acres.. 969, 730 591, 526 106, 901 Cosh tenants ...acres.. 714, 882 418, 594 0) Other tenants acres.. 254, 848 172, 932 0) Value of all farm property dollars.. 194, 048, 696 233, 592, 989 75, 123, 970 Land and buildings dollars.. 144,014,017 172, 325, 321 47, 285, 310 Land, excluding buildings dollars.. 126, 788, 335 156, 562, 606 42, 349, 737 Buildings... '...dollars.. 17, 225, 682 15,762,715 4, 935, 573 Implements and machinery dollars.. 6,928,123 8, 820, 667 1, 787, 790 Livestock on farms dollars.. 43, 106, 556 52, 447, 001 26, 050, 870 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. 111,601 136, 167 99, 578 Mules number.. 12, 134 11, 992 3,963 Cattle number.. 1, 068, 727 821, 918 824, 929 • Dairy cows number.. 32, 337 31,619 23, 170 Sheep number.. 1, 163, 905 881, 914 1, 226, 733 Swme number.. 19,234 49, 599 17, 208 Chickens number.. 635, 877 495, 065 252, 657 ' Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain. acres. bushels. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain ..acres. bushels- Barley acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain ..acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) ..acres. Hay .acres. tons. Cotton acres. bales. Potatoes, white ..acres. bushels. Apples. trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age- bushels harvested. Peaches ...trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Grapes. vines of all ages. Oranges. trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. Grapefruit .trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Livestock products: Dairy products — Milk produced i gallons. Butter made on farms pounds. Butterfat sold ..pounds. Cream 'sold gallons. Whole milk sold gallons. Wool- Sheep shorn i number. Wool produced i .pounds. Eggs and chickens — Chicken eggs produced i. dozens. Chickens raised i number. 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. 1924 1919 1909 16, 943 22, 150 15, 605 225, 691 446, 208 298, 664 32, 162 37, 131 20, 028 489, 900 835, 374 362, 875 4,850 11, 862 5,867 108, 070 377, 785 189, 312 16, 899 21, 748 32, 897 448, 665 656, 835 1, 008, 442 8,365 33, 608 801 195, 904 849, 994 18, 739 5,565 9,438 2,301 149, 432 152, 600 97, 244 386, 984 393, 156 235, 991 177,013 106, 283 19 109, 519 59, 351 11 2,061 2,505 1,151 89, 312 174,301 97, 141 26, 401 35, 977 53, 884 71, 760 70, 273 62, 027 62, 817 120, 765 72, 814 93, 182 128, 536 83, 977 31,511 138, 361 50, 102 868, 422 117,923 216, 089 54, 185 13, 362 56, 982 77, 246 46, 652 33, 373 14, 568 12, 768 2,187 38, 988 18, 819 818 18, 415, 661 14, 370, 833 11,227,318 760, 803 593, 446 325, 980 1, 728, 488 762, 599 665, 850 109, 818 92, 089 37. 744 6, 834, 784 6, 707, 170 3, 347, 723 880, 132 698, 978 : 918, 690 5, 906, 773 3, 130, 795 5, 503, 800 3, 740, 638 2, 524, 832 1, 731, 872 755, 853 569, 325 374. 241 » Number of fleeces. 298 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 ARIZONA County Table I. — Farms and Fai ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.- 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure. Total Full owners Part owners Managers 1925: Tenants Cash tenants. Other tenants- Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms ._. All land in farms.. 1925. acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture acros. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants. acres. Other tenants. acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: F all o w ners acres. Part ow ners acres. M; Tenr.nts acres. Casli tenants. acres. Other tenants acres. The State 10,802 9,975 9,227 387 810 875 196 2,328 413 742 523 372 270 10, 802 G, 908 1,271 296 2,327 805 1,522 21.5 18.1 9.3 5.8 12.1 72, 838, 400 15.2 11, 065, 291 5, 802, 126 1,024.4 578, 246 456, 948 29, 320 91, 978 10, 101, 361 143, 440 389, 389 9, 568, 532 Apache 595 337 803 37 23 50 99 187 33 43 49 26 42 595 400 115 11 69 17 52 11.6 6.8 3.1 Cochise Coconino Gila 47,397 ! 338, 287 1,986,062 5, 694, 226 2, 092, 992 3, 501, 234 2, 515, 273 969, 730 714, 882 254. 848 179, 451 71,811 86, 759 118,927 29, 418 89, 509 7, 282, 560 17.5 1, 272, 240 717, 898 104, 859 2, 138. 2 25, 381 14, 868 1,278 9,235 187, 717 1, 510 27, 621 158, 686 472 58, 670 77, 036 953, 761 161,174 792, 587 137, 230 104, 213 959 i 1,251 I 1.042 ! 240 36 184 122 143 61 959 609 231 113 58 55 11.8 7.7 4.0 3.4 5.5 587 362 656 274 16 45 21 9 23 587 I 491 ! 45 ! 9 ! 42 : 10 32 I , 948, 800 45.0 1, 776, 801 998, 242 309, 985 1, 852. 8 23, 790 10, 455 5,053 8, 282 1, 704, 858 9,870 15, 549 1, 679, 439 8, 846 39. 307 222, 663 1,413,709 482, 348 931,361 47, 036 93. 393 48, 789 75, 256 55. 424 ! 18. 137 5,061 5, 175 3,211 1,421 240 1,181 6,337 2, 548 30 1,540 363 1,177 346 289 515 18 12 18 58 61 136 15 15 9 I 3 1 346 290 10 8 38 19 19 11.0 7.3 4.5 6.3 I 5.3 10.5 11,918,720 13,007,360 10. 2 ! 3. 1, 219, 067 164,«669 29, 054 91, 428 35, 752 22, 006 2, 076. 8 I 264, 2 31,095 18, 980 4, 549 7,566 1,182,115 7,062 24, 996 1, 160, 057 861 4,996 381, 570 826, 856 604, 429 322, 427 4,595 6,046 1,182 4,864 12,311 2,193 3, 265 1,211 401 810 11,095 7,182 2,119 1,794 79, 091 1,107 1,211 76, 773 278 964 33, 928 49, 462 47,817 1,645 3,593 4,445 1,963 2,482 3, 962 84 2,550 596 194 402 'Part of Graham taken to form Greenlee in 1911. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 ARIZONA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 299 Graham i Green- lee 1 Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 887 235 4,026 208 403 521 381 245 732 677 1 870 262 3,930 130 341 434 293 248 698 630 2 889 36 2,229 38 111 95 977 8 405 38 614 23 176 2 522 26 288 16 3 4 4 97 8 499 3 11 56 10 4 29 30 5 79 18 539 5 27 67 11 4 34 30 6 222 51 1, 255. 13 50 94 34 13 103 151 7 198 62 861 4 33 74 36 19 104 186 8 133 71 524 31 95 92 106 71 187 181 9 33 10 108 9 26 11 24 17 37 38 10 41 7 108 22 52 27 54 58 56 31 11 26 4 59 14 29 29 62 28 76 5 12 15 7 887 26 9 4,026 2 10 208 30 42 403 22 21 621 21 10 381 17 12 246 50 31 732 8 1 677 13 14 235 15 594 167 2,437 168 239 325 207 132 507 342 16 95 16 287 8 112 76 40 59 92 85 17 8 1 137 4 5 20 26 2 35 25 18 190 51 1,165 28 47 100 109 62 98 225 19 34 18 397 14 24 40 43 17 69 55 20 156 33 768 14 23 60 66 35 39 170 21 1 21.4 21.7 28.9 13.5 11.7 19.2 28.6 21.2 .3.4 33.2 22 1 14.7 19.5 25.7 9.2 7.9 14.3 23.6 15.3 13.5 23.5. 23 15. 6 1 i 11.8 28.8 18.3 6.3 11.6 0.9 3.2 4.2 26.1 7.7 2.9 2.3 7.6 17.6 13.2 10.2 5.1 8.0 10.9 4.7 24 5.G 9.1 25 14.1" 8.6' 26 2, 963, 200 1,201,920 5, 690, 240 8, 569, 600 6,335,360 6, 083, 200 3,443,200 786, 560 5, 216, 000 6,391,680 27 8.3 2.0 13.4 4.0 18.8 13.3 10.5 84.8 42.2 1.6 28 244, 560 23, 961 784, 692 341,948 1,188,249 808, 175 359, 950 666, 956 2,202,405 104, 859 29 165, 691 24, 383 802, 396 31,022 1,213,629 413, 278 152, 643 150, 593 874,490 57, 440 30 72, 760 248, 271 4,090 105, 589 71, 937 43, 199 51, 874 150, 434 3,008.8 32, 555 154.9 31 275.7 102.0 189.9 1, 644. 2, 948. 5 1,551.2 944.8 2, 111. 3 32 35, 103 5,845 255, 801 3,418 21,161 39, 582 41,057 12, 906 21, 823 60, 189 33 27, 022 4,505 230, 679 1,586 15, 606 28, 030 27, 172 6,662 16, 120 49, 181 34 1 3, 001 443 2, 516 421 1,707 1,755 2,957 766 2,301 464 35 5,080 897 22, 606 1,411 3,948 9,797 10, 928 5, 488 4,402 544 36 192, 544 13, 342 470, 432 324, 038 1,120,345 765, 920 226,051 661, 215 2, 164, 002 19, 691 37 3,616 376 50, 643 2,744 14,328 18, 639 6,511 17, 546 7, 567 1,931 38 23, 045 263 77, 944 640 7,893 67, 216 88, 221 11,241 43, 123 426 39 165, 883 12, 703 341,845 320, 654 1,098,124 680, 065 131,319 622,428 2,113,322 17,334 40 734 357 671 11,521 12, 107 902 1,127 114 9,246 161 41 16.179 4,417 37, 788 2,971 34, 636 1,771 91,715 2,721 7,334 34, 818 42 61, 638 19, 020 171,651 86, 808 123, 167 38, 440 50, 181 409, 239 280,395 30, 326 43 150, 799 1,499 422, 261 134, 010 686, 176 249. 237 144, 870 173, 104 369,411 19, 071 44 61,767 724 296, 334 82, 989 133, 536 38, 042 13, 748 56, 430 204, 716 8,938 45 89, 032 775 125, 927 51. 021 552, 640 211,195 131, 122 116,674 164, 696 10, 133 46 3,615 195 52, 557 430 92, 024 491, 266 110, 338 4G0 1,539,502 32, 442 47 28, 508 3,247 118,223 120, 700 286, 882 29, 242 54, 561 84, 153 13, 097 23, 020 48 12, 072 1,329 34, 971 119,917 283, 757 . 3, 521 41, 802 76, 034 8,830 5, 459 49 16,436 1,918 83, 252 783 3,125 25, 721 12, 759 8,119 4,267 17, 561 50 15, 251 2,787 91, 227 1,011 4, 234 4,977 5,266 2,853 8,169 16,015 51 3,783 574 29, 102 65 3,541 4, 732 4,451 1,831 3,718 10, 014 52 408 7 37,239 150 6, 874 14, 740 9,608 265 1,328 7,084 53 7,580 1,137 73, 111 360 857 3,581 7,847 1,713 1,905 16,068 54 506 136 19, 239 102 183 734 3,600 401 1,093 2,226 55 7,074 1,001 53,872 258 674 2,847 4,247 1,312 812 13, 842 56 300 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — ARIZONA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars. 1920.. dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings. dollars. Buildings alone. dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars- Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1926. 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925... Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners ..dollars. Part owners ...dollars. Managers. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants ..dollars. Implements and machinery, total. .dollars. Full owners.. doUars. Part owners. dollars. Managers .dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants ...dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt ..dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt ..dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt ...dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc.. dollars. Farms reporting. Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold.. dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) The State Apache Cochise Coconino Gila 144,014,017 4, 205, 696 7, 123, 228 4, 427, 970 1, 681, 268 172, 325, 321 3, 622, 045 8, 904, 334 2,456,512 1,383,112 47, 285, 310 194, 048, 696 1, 286, 877 3, 103, 346 687, 428 623,230 9, 788, 572 10,035,35610,500,025 3, 891, 090 126, 788, 335 3, 580, 820 6, 054, 997 3, 756, 105 1,179,968 17, 225, 682 624, 876 1, 068, 231 671, 865 401, 290 6, 928, 123 165, 661 473, 188 241, 725 132, 652 43, 106, 556, 5, 417, 215| 2, 438, 940 5, 830, 330 2, 177, 180 17, 964' 16, 451 10, 464 17, 888 11, 246 13,332 7,068 7,428 7. 543 4,570 13.01 3.31 4.01 3.63 17.30 29.70 5.05 8.92 14.92 38.69 37.93 12.27 10.01 23. 66 23.78 11.46 2.81 3.41 3.08 12.91 144, 014, 017 4, 205, 696 7, 123, 228 4, 427, 970 1, 581, 258 62, 087, 373 1, 243, 400 2, 970, 573 1, 899, 250 1, 007, 075 28, 497, 881 1, 947, 145 3, 243, 135 2, 273, 630 86, 900 22, 917, 835 722, 531 212, 600 151, 050 330, 783 30, 510, 928 292, 620 696, 920 104, 040 156, 500 9, 032, 390 58, 440 376, 190 29, 840 85,800 21, 478, 538 •234, 180 320, 730 74, 200 70,700 6,928,123 165, 661 473, 188 241, 725 132, 652 3, 640, 505 78, 414 280, 737 159, 480 106, 387 1, 258, 757 59, 237 144, 821 60,090 2,225 728, 270 14, 425 4,300 15, 305 11,090 1, 300, 591 13, 585 43 330 6,850 12, 950 441, 244 3,540 17, 890 2,075 10, 876 859, 347 10, 045 25, 440 4,775 2,075 8,179 515 840 536 300 3,276 128 272 130 41 40.1 24.9 32.4 24.3 13.7 6,908 400 609 491 290 2,628 86 188 106 41 408, 775 18,012 74, 073 59, 772 5, 153 36, 330, 205 479, 830 1,051,205 493, 800 191,910 13, 321, 429 199, 180 336, 991 241, 435 105, 199 36.7 41.5 32.1 48.9 54.8 13, 824 5, 579 5,592 4,658 4,681 6,069 2,316 1,793 2,278 2,666 88.88 26.64 14.19 8.26 37.24 32.59 11.06 4.55 4.04 20.42 2,412,776 35, 842 276, 939 139, 489 93, 589 6,139 198 725 313 154 45, 706 621 2,755 6 75 252 5 14 1 1 7, 286, 868 107, 541 162, 873 502, 321 53, 164 5,820 139 335 245 88 435, 448 5,614 31, 529 16, 088 7,007 2,172 66 239 51 50 1,614,115 1,235 11, 776 1,625 587 64, 883 1,239 32, 291 197 11 27 34 2 302 3 18 5 9 183 10, 802 11 959 3 587 6 346 595 1,684 72 650 6 124 21 17 9 3,365 212 324 227 78 4,338 238 589 262 244 793 21 19 81 15 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 ARIZONA AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 301 1 Graham Green- lee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 7, 146, 268 1, 255, 900 69, 454, 672 863, 722 4, 289, 725 9, 471, 332 6, 399, 994 3, 768, 971 10, 726, 338 13, 298, 943 1 8,420,381 2, 896, 220 91, 749, 898 804, 105 13,993,424 6, 896, 829 6,440,000 2, 046, 938 8, 543, 213 14,168,310 2 4, 843, 130 28, 064, 647 77, 923, 719 108, 165 866, 366 8, 245, 798 1, 480, 251 1, 359, 568 8, 697, 646 782, 670 1, 671, 707 2, 507, 925 14, 760, 227 3 9, 803, 274 2, 583, 238 3, 084, 448 12, 901, 169 4, 762, 417 17,071,717 4 6,151,098 1, 029, 935 61,366,112 712, 429 3, 736, 180 8, 447, 668 5, 865, 069 3,421,471 9,351,730 12,134,753 5 995, 170 225, 965 8, 088, 560 151, 293 553, 545 1,023,664 534, 925 347, 500 1, 374, 608 1, 164, 190 6 411,305 76, 133 2,960,310 74, 154 166, 190 517, 816 421, 714 166, 613 481, 224 639, 438 7 2, 245, 701 1, 251, 205 5, 508, 737 2, 146, 572 3, 789, 883 2, 912, 021 1, 875, 938 826, 833 5, 864, 155 821, 846 8 11,052 10, 993 19, 355 14, 829 20, 461 24, 762 22, 828 19, 438 23, 322 21, 802 9 8,057 5,344 17, 252 4,153 10, 644 18, 179 16, 798 15, 384 14, 653 19,644 10 29.22 52.41 90.83 2.53 3.61 11.72 17.78 5.65 4.87 126. 83 11 50.82 118. 78 114.34 25.92 11.53 16.69 42.19 13.59 9.77 246. 66 12 66.56 25.15 113. 04 80.25 26.45 2.08 8.21 3.14 20.58 10.45 31.47 16.29 15.09 5.13 11.11 4.25 77.04 115.72 13 '""42." 98 14 7, 146, 268 1, 255, 900 69, 454, 672 863, 722 4, 289, 725 9,471,332 6, 399, 994 3, 768, 971 10, 726, 338 13, 298, 943 15 4, 084, 603 841, 250 34, 604, 455 438, 526 963, 144 2,221,842 2, 024, 970 1, 808, 340 3, 362, 290 4, 617, 655 16 1,211,225 190, 200 8, 819, 090 153, 544 1,925,116 1,710,320 1, 229, 005 1, 344, 831 2, 037, 780 2, 325, 960 17 138, 000 15,000 7, 169, 485 64, 562 631, 237 4, 788, 700 1, 527, 609 21, 600 4,649,428 2, 495, 250 18 1, 712, 440 209, 450 18, 861, 642 207, 090 770, 228 750, 470 1,618,410 594, 200 676, 840 3, 860, 078 19 149, 200 46, 000 5,117,900 151, 780 693, 190 217, 450 649, 560 448, 650 428, 640 579, 750 20 1, 563, 240 163, 450 13, 743, 742 55, 310 77, 038 533, 020 968, 850 145, 550 248, 200 3, 280, 328 21 411,305 76, 133 2, 960, 310 74, 154 166, 190 517, 816 421,714 166,613 481, 224 639, 438 22 258, 905 58, 888 1, 636, 141 46, 955 59, 047 199, 260 121,015 69, 505 247, 648 318, 123 23 58,015 6,730 348, 240 4,650 56, 173 130,511 71, 275 68, 720 106, 990 141, 080 24 3,100 150 298, 046 9,224 36, 950 120, 525 84, 669 5,000 66, 636 58, 850 25 91, 285 10, 365 677, 883 13, 325 14, 020 67, 520 144, 755 23, 388 59, 950 • 121,385 26 21, 305 4,090 209, 134 6,625 8,275 25, 230 63, 775 10, 445 36, 730 21, 255 27 69, 980 6,275 468, 749 6,700 5,745 42,290 80, 980 12, 943 23,220 100, 130 28 689 183 2,724 176 351 401 247 191 599 427 29 302 66 1,511 9 93 194 72 74 156 228 30 43.8 36.1 55.5 5.1 26.5 48.4 29.1 38.7 26.0 53.4 31 594 167 2,437 168 239 325 207 132 507 342 32 244 57 1,314 6 55 141 57 53 113 167 33 25, 083 6,135 96, 917 2,150 47, 986 9,619 12, 022 20, 155 17, 980 13, 718 34 2,248,370 566, 500 24, 547, 605 36, 800 249, 730 1, 270, 122 937, 550 293, 700 924, 203 3, 038, 880 35 823, 282 279, 000 8, 487, 104 12, 800 93, 420 563, 906 350, 200 123, 875 380, 323 1,324,714 36 36.6 49.2 34.6 34.8 37.4 44.4 37.4 42.2 41.2 43.6 37 9,215 9,939 18, 682 6,133 4,541 9,008 16, 448 5,542 8,179 18, 197 38 3,374 4,895 6,459 2.133 1,699 3,999 6,144 2,337 3,366 7,932 39 89.64 92.34 253. 28 17.12 5.20 132. 04 77.99 14.57 51.40 221. 53 40 32.82 45.48 87.57 5.95 1.95 58.62 29.13 6.15 21.15 96.57 41 87, 463 30, 699 878, 672 32, 041 68,089 241, 475 103, 560 47,954 268, 675 108,289 42 353 135 2,332 70 172 370 268 179 528 341 43 300 345 32, 071 22 121 684 1,155 389 323 6,839 44 1 4 143 1 3 6 4 5 6 58 45 335,335 61, 843 3, 745, 178 46, 630 156, 054 409,068 344,416 57, 429 374, 261 930, 755 46 496 123 2,710 48 130 292 229 114 326 545 47 16, 131 3,651 201, 859 1,577 8,758 37, 792 19, 444 9,079 20, 525 56,394 48 97 48 878 15 79 182 89 62 111 205 49 1, 201, 517 8,585 6,444 2,047 68 20, 085 28 687 261, 574 50 7,920 1,855 356 189 51 47 4 791 3 8 52 22 47 123 52 11 4 133 1 3 23 14 10 38 30 53 16 887 2 235 58 4,026 35 403 34 521 1 381 7 245 10 732 54 208 677 55 94 1,372 5 107 56 7 43 1,311 2 5 206 63 22 186 57 42 375 107 91 134 48 -- 73 53 32 209 58 54 59 339 81 1,046 67 198 280 245 96 457 196 60 37 38 247 87 23 23 26 39 34 103 61 302 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — ARIZONA County Table III. — Lives jock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age. Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over. Total value dollars Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age.. Ileifers 1 year old and under 2 , Dairy heifers Beef heifers.. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows. _ Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep: Total number under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over. . All other hogs .".. Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Num ber of cows milked , 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 ..gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 .pounds. Cream sold, 1924 .gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds. 1919 j)ounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of THohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. The State Apache Cochise Coconino j Gila 43, 106, 556 111.601 17, 674 93, 927 3, 921, 492 12, 134 948 11, 186 762, 911 5,417,215 14, 131 2,391 11,740 498, 292 350 21 329 12, 040 1, 068, 215, 108, 8, 100, 613, 32, 581, 104, 727 747 455 353 102 460 i 337 123 I 422 26, 643 25, 439, 854 1,163,905 213, 855 857, 630 92, 420 10, 899, 605 281, 564 985, 478 19, 234 9, 247 ! 2,949 7,038 169, 453 635, 877 649, 274 278, 489 66, 15, 6, 6, 36, 35, 6, 1, 1, 461, 304, 403 30, 405 225, 592 48, 406 3, 199, 903 61, 006 213, 521 325 140 223 6,795 10, 225 11,759 13, 240 33,317 29, 561 3,756 18,415,661 14, 370, 833 553 760, 803 1, 728, 488 109, 818 6, 834, 784 3, 383, 215 880, 132 5, 906, 773 3, 130, 795 2,717,115 133.974 491, 899 245, 951 3, 740, 638 2, 524. 832 1, 324, 935 755, 853 569, 325 581, 794 984 312 672 260, 760 186, 163 265 2, 438, 940 5,996 737 5,259 167, 351 817 93 724 38, 990 58, 2, 56, 5, 2, 2, 073, 7,022 1, 906 4,912 204 52, 772 5,580 19, 530 1,168 610 178 380 9,680 55, 215 55, 215 21,611 5, 830, 330 16. 678 2,734 13, 944 660, 288 787 89 698 51, 530 89, 490 15, 988 5,185 100 5, 085 50, 127 562 49, 565 15, 901 2,289 2, 198, 120 297, 869 66, 880 217,680 13, 309 2, 713, 652 50, 392 176, 372 597 370 124 103 5,274 10, 845 10, 845 14. 249 2,334 1, 581 753 586 549 37 36, 801 32 389 14, 487 22, 713 58, 556 34; 835 4,399 380, 620 181, 822 179, 774 1, 0^3, 539 671, 603 484, 628 6, 084 39, 148 5. 525 18, 008 4,390 10, 745 5,373 5,875 28,940 14, 470 36,156 38. 206 11,462 323, 891 225, 888 129, 556 10, 082 7,943 8,670 83, 816 52, 763 58,671 921, 930 264, 872 812,815 190,826 395 I 452 20, 226 410 115, 994 53, 633 233, 855 1, 638, 280 665, 793 753, 609 9,100 38, 000 19,000 72, 692 43, 007 29, 077 11.973 8,988 10, 177 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 ARIZONA 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 303 Graham Greenlee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 2, 245, 701 1,251,205 5,508,737 2, 146, 572 3, 789, 883 2,912,021 1, 875, 938 826, 833 6, 864, 155 821, 846 1 4,605 474 4,131 149, 799 3,174 554 2,620 97, 794 13, 854 1,805 12, 049 581,915 3,164 608 2,556 108, 320 14, 731 4,230 10, 501 470, 800 ! 14, 647 ! 1, 501 13, 146 412,392 4,928 1,187 3,741 194, 459 2,059 i 339 1,720 55, 668 4,943 340 4,603 211,215 2,853 235 2,618 121,805 2 3 4 5 284 34 250 18, 860 335 37 298 22, 340 4,906 255 4,651 357, 750 251 47 204 11, 548 521 83 438 17, 405 875 1 113 1 762 ! 41, 490 674 55 619 48, 350 246 9 237 12, 120 490 39 451 32, 740 1,201 44 1,157 70, 828 6 7 8 9 82, 478 18, 572 9,293 475 8,818 49. 293 2,362 46, 931 3, 805 1,515 1, 900, 617 49, 496 13, 270 3,722 64 3,658 29, 078 390 28, 688 2,099 1,327 1, 102, 125 95, 212 16, 656 10, 696 6,542 5,154 45, 315 18, 809 26, 506 20, 756 1,789 3, 047, 646 72, 121 9,992 8,218 19 8,199 43,118 114 43, 004 9,117 1,676 1, 540, 870 51,536 12, 104 5, 054 112 4,942 29,217 610 28,607 3,735 1,426 1, 144, 801 101, 217 16, 927 ! 10, 257 296 9,961 61,453 1,808 69, 645 10, 001 I 2, 579 i2, 366, 365 60, 573 14. 037 7,004 202 6,802 32, 446 791 31, 655 5,506 1,580 1,418,269 31,654 5,466 2,948 178 2,770 20, 242 717 19, 525 2,210 788 742, 840 169, 768 34, 74G 19,168 433 18, 735 102, 968 1,868 101, 100 8,473 4.413 4, 022, 051 21, 445 3,989 2,342 236 2,106 9,608 1,466 8,142 4,909 597 525, 219 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3,229 621 1,660 948 31, 226 131 31 97 3 1,007 121, 511 25, 043 89, 673 6,795 1, 026, 926 56, 318 3,630 52, 022 666 447, 946 213, 888 55,815 140, 855 17,218 1, 988, 519 432 79 332 21 3,672 10, 952 2,287 8,115 550 92, 094 102 144, 216 25, 802 114,171 4,243 1, 312, 879 3,711 1,335 2,328 48 27, 114 21 9? 100 2 920 23 24 25 22, 417 78,460 2,425 8,488 841 2,944 6,357 22, 250 38,807 135, 825 2,847 9,965 18, 842 65, 947 107 375 59, 865 209, 528 66 231 26 27 1,554 900 147 507 12, 045 763 370 127 266 6,508 6,893 3,153 1,124 2,616 59, 877 341 157 78 106 3,440 729 427 137 165 6,525 1,407 823 191 393 11,011 1,944 774 237 933 17, 683 237 87 91 59 2,365 1,069 353 145 571 11, 997 911 411 76 424 8,555 28 29 30 31 32 41, 966 41, 966 10, 483 10, 483 314, 443 323, 876 3,539 3,539 11,482 13, 204 56, 941 56, 941 23, 613 24,321 10, 903 10, S03 43, 991 43, 991 31. 621 31, 621 33 34 12, 728 2,460 107, 803 8,659 12, 804 10,185 14, 815 1,642 19, 754 36, 473 35 2,392 2,252 140 582 379 203 17, 707 17, 111 596 138 116 22 1,005 563 442 1,789 1,711 78 1,025 855 170 855 542 313 2,099 1,972 127 1,377 1,275 102 36 37 38 1,196,000 687,418 500 215,340 11,456,429 168,730 110,119,000 370 I 647 42, 642 52, 507 309 375, 870 195, 953 374 1, 007, 207 510, 974 563 438, 700 206, 591 428 234, 270 114, 577 274 940,352 525, 930 448 805, 546 449, 730 685 39 40 41 116, 454 154, 091 1,092 158, 615 170, 138 19. 047 10, 491 932 64, 460 36,629 325, 449 1, 401, 649 82, 286 3, 984, 988 2, 048, 282 4,277 800 34, 694 5,871 352 132, 429 63, 096 10, 313 5,106 1,523 828, 186 257,473 27, 843 23, 634 1,079 154, 545 70,309 10, 315 15, 733 1,498 87, 042 39,342 27, 066 14, 375 4,590 548, 504 233, 435 61, 746 61, 591 10, 663 172, 134 131, 579 42 43 11 4,810 4,367 45 46 3,093 21, 757 4,031 10,008 135 1,143 105 526 110, 575 854, 708 594, 019 393, 166 55, 361 319, 661 2,552 147, 044 168, 972 981, 746 736, 469 451, 603 381 4,257 1 80,858 1 1,958 7,634 61,792 61, 167 23,824 100 988 112, 633 925, 723 305, 165 425, 833 2,439 12,963 3,456 5,963 47 48 49 454 50 20, 817 91, 645 45,823 172, 606 150, 526 66, 960 2,020 3,900 1,950 53, 107 34, 472 17, 525 6,205 17, 654 8,827 12, 953 10, 638 4,922 18 72 36 69, 236 60, 400 27, 694 1,642 2,898 1,449 388, 395 103, 078 155, 358 18, 108 1 61,635 1 30,818 1 133, 886 69, 615 44, 182 10 30 15 56, 014 43, 842 22, 406 56, 389 188, 080 94, 040 290, 912 130, 995 116, 365 "il 52 "i? 1, 907, 097 1, 494, 352 629, 342 163, 354 109, 804 67, 174 54 55 56 55, 353 45, 332 30, 444 13, 450 10,814 , 7.398 356,264 304, 885 285, Oil 5,195 4,217 4,676 12, 975 11, 454 11,029 62, 407 21,602 i 49,926 26, 848 15, 131 21, 478 13, 105 10, 879 10, 484 53, 933 33, 824 45, 843 38, 293 29, 953 31, 400 57 58 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 304 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 ARIZONA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder. acres. Hogged off ...acres. Wheat. acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain... .acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley. acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels. Sorghums for silage, hay, or fodder .acres. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa.. - - .acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild ..tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres. bales. Potatoes, white .acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams.. ..acres. bushels. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears ..trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Oranges trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Lemons trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Grapefruit... ..trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age- Pecans trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age- The State 23, 740, 092 30,587,811 Apache Cochise Coco- nino 30, 693 16, 943 225, 691 3,280 22, 216 7,300 3,170 32, 162 489, 900 4,850 108, 070 2,555 16, 899 448, 665 172 2,028 8,365 195, 904 6,264 5,565 149, 432 601 629 31 688 109, 951 8,005 26, 031 3,496 386, 984 177, 013 109, 519 2,061 89, 312 234 22, 122 274 2, 725 5,978 326 607 290 1,904 26, 401 71, 760 62, 817 93, 182 31,511 16, 749 37, 703 868, 422 54, 185 77, 246 386 1,457 14, 568 38, 988 22, 203 1.005 306, 403 467, 569 216, 764 733. 582 2,816 1,991 28. 600 795 30 463 6,399 2, 350 38, 453 260 365 7,249 2 45 6 120 228 371 6,563 20 23 168 4,017 575 330 1,430 9.236 68 4.953 1,647 4,312 1,481 4,235 1,850 745 1,679 306 1,460 739 9,099 183 531 437 101 223 4,164 16 503 221 359 5,524 1,493 25, 416 1,640 841 2,797 11 1,357 602 637 190 5,294 448 182 19 738 38 3,162 25 45 3 138 83 37 81 3,817 9,774 5,059 15, 983 5,172 1,460 2,608 15, 831 407, 416 705, 766 3,156 2,495 30, 378 43 140 590 28 438 3,662 825 16, 205 120 17 200 156 1,543 16 120 484 1,204 10, 635 40 1,183 18 9,289 100 8,483 1,512 51, 284 4 5 113 2,151 7,098 16, 543 3,344 4,420 346 508 953 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — ARIZONA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 305 Graham Green- lee Maricopa Mo- have Navajo Pima p- „, Santa ^^°^^ Cruz Yava- pai Yuma 1, 630, 303 . 2, 472, 029 154, 544 318, 563 14, 787, 905 21, 040, 269 61, 967 71, 546 263, 976 347, 013 1, 055, 405 579, 662 i 1,003,540 115,754 1,350,480 240,240 466, 613 826, 296 3,186,876 7, 258, 686 1 2 940 656 16, 722 119 567 58 107 1,883 50, 974 1,020 752 17,900 30 250 16 222 673 14, 699 124 4,925 51 282 8,486 2,698 814 11, 496 1, 035 10, 598 518 331 9,460 192, 797 744 25, 406 439 10, 140 266, 124 4 40 3,475 107, 818 872 265 68, 998 467 5 151 48 1,393 20" 83 62 1,060 26 565 21 28 700 8,065 5,106 57, 946 427 1,953 2,332 200 253 4,229 494 13, 707 813 3 95 2,313 295 3,456 899 0,700 710 409 12, 405 125, 500 469 ' 1,581 426 1,078 4,645 : 14,878 10 ^ 170 20 i 590 S,594 1,115 15, 591 203 739 965 1,311 34 482 244 7,356 85 45 1,100 173 13 200 3 4 5 6 7 29 4 5,614 76, 943 15 450 42 3,411 79, 597 175 158 76 930 64 96 267 4,950 12 500 12 120 2,155 8 9 10 11 12 13 111 1,929 74, 555 10 400 241 2.322 110 86 12, 347 25 45 880 127 46 608 14 15 16 17 18 2 75 74 53 1,584 2\ 1 941 15" 8 122 297 1,208 3,306 16 16 26 354 2,320 72 130 372 5,682 404 10, 842 207 237 6,424 58 468 8,309 38 119 6,360 713 9,041 959 519 2,504 251 3,421 397 411 8,630 1,148 26, 229 333 19 20 21 22 16, 499 23 24 5 385 25 26 43 60, 955 3,118 4,139 271 220, 247 121, 620 71,458 112 12, 316 117 13,057 128 2,357 5,490 105 255 109 605 2,043 1,388 1,106 22, 298 5,200 5,424 19, 244 388,057 52, 979 76, 964 356 1,440 12, 801 38, 888 17, 501 833 ""484' 126 321 2,117 69 19 2 105 8l 11 23" 21 218 419 369 1,510 1,008 169 198 14,047 10 1,845 1,134 3,192 185 11,321 7,089 5,138 94 5,825 13 895 15 53 67 20 8 21 147 271 101 3 9,970 19 1,407 1,422 22, 271 66 4,596 829 2,319 820 14, 380 27 12, 137 30 158 22 47,484 8,984 6,273 6 335 11 1,307 4 22 1,297 54 228 2,760 828 2,383 4 10, 183 8,314 4,274 7 330 13 865 10 30 176 8 30 6 77 501 5,879 3,195 3,159 2,507 725 2,586 223,491 118 106 9 8 62 76 90 22 518 370 1,600 16 3,648 15, 610 146 743 28 29 30 31 3,785 509 191 7 736 11 855 15 6 42, 214 29, 936 21,954 7 482 711 2 31 218 4 8 10 228 24 5 32 33 34 86 5,333 12 284 4 180 6 4 2 6 3 4 17 988 1,727 548 1,426 139 302 1,280 201 85 5,274 17 799 27 29 11 9 76 52 80 6,695 29, 029 21, 885 15, 033 2,620 3,343 2,534 28, 203 35 36 37 38 14 58 3 15 63 15 325 2,534 3,967 6,748 3,009 4,435 428 693 1,224 39 40 41 3 1 5 79 1,178 2,655 2,328 4,664 377 448 992 4,646 6 5 5 25 665 2,670 2,153 3,594 2,677 617 1,686 1,428 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 673 214 710 105 166,421 1,088 172 20 8 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 56 57 1 1 702 58 24 4,325 96 59 112 32 2 1 144 2 6 5 5 60 61 306 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 ARIZONA County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) 1 All farm population, total—. 2 Under 10 years of age.... 3 10 years of age and over. 4 Male... 5 Female... White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.. Male Female. White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female.. Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.. Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male- Female - Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.. Male Female. White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female .- Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 ARIZONA BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 307 Graham Green- lee Mari- , copa /lohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 4,506 1,446 3,060 1,611 1,449 1,137 330 807 477 330 26, 917 6,910 20, 007 11,062 8,945 640 185 455 268 187 4,313 1 162 6,116 1 589 3,021 812 2,209 1.258 951 1,084 310 774 425 349 2,809 588 2,221 1,383 838 4,491 1,046 3,445 1,979 1,466 1 2 3,151 1,670 1,481 4,527 2.382 2,145 3 4 5 4,494 1, 446 3, 048 1,601 1,447 12 1, 085 310 775 456 319 52 20 32 21 11 20, 550 5,364 15. 186 8,385 6,801 6, 367 1,546 4,821 2,677 2,144 548 164 384 231 153 92 21 71 37 34 1,565 473 1,092 638 454 2,748 689 2,059 1,032 1,027 2,760 739 2,021 1,104 917 3,356 850 2, 506 1,278 1,228 1,988 543 1.445 852 593 1,033 269 • 764 406 358 1,076 307 769 422 347 8 3 5 3 2 2,784 587 2.197 1.366 831 25 1 24 17 7 3,236 844 2,392 1,403 989 1, 255 202 1,063 576 477 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 12 10 2 13 14 15 3, 519 1,087 2,432 1,282 1,150 3,512 1,087 2,425 1,275 1,150 7 891 248 643 391 252 839 228 611 370 241 52 20 32 21 11 5 3 2 1 1 1 15, 496 3,707 11, 789 6,477 5,312 13, 269 3,225 10, 044 5,497 4,547 2,227 482 1,745 980 765 3,727 1,022 2,705 1,484 1,221 1,039 301 738 451 287 2, 688 721 1,967 1, 033 934 7,694 2,181 5,513 3,101 2,412 6,242 1, 838 4,404 2,437 1,967 1,452 . 343 - 1,109 . 664 . 445 . 455 137 318 188 130 445 136 309 183 126 10 1 9 5 4 91 24 67 36 31 9 4 5 4 1 82 20 62 32 30 94 24 70 44 26 94 24 70 44 26 1,389 432 957 548 409 1,379 427 952 544 408 10 5 5 4 1 2,760 684 2,076 1, 050 1,026 22 2,198 533 1.665 940 725 1,908 451 1,457 816 641 290 82 208 124 84 3.347 870 2,477 1,249 1,228 330 116 214 117 97 3,017 754 2,263 • i, 132 1,131 571 186 385 193 192 522 172 3.'>0 171 179 49 14 35 22 13 1,233 315 918 522 396 1,152 284 868 498 370 81 31 50 24 26 920 235 685 3.57 328 143 41 102 61 41 777 194 583 296 287 868 262 606 379 227 693 218 475 293 182 175 44 131 86 45 815 228 587 315 272 812 228 584 313 271 3 2,187 473 1,714 1,026 688 2,178 472 1,706 1,022 684 9 I 4 4 261 30 231 179 52 251 30 221 172 49 10 2,046 491 1,555 934 621 1,881 444 1,437 866 571 165 47 118 68 50 1,326 223 1,103 .595 508 334 98 236 128 108 992 125 867 467 400 1,119 332 787 450 337 1,021 302 719 409 310 98 30 68 41 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 7 7 3 2 1 19 5 14 7 7 19 7 7 28 29 ?0 39 12 27 18 9 39 12 27 18 9 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 22 22 38 39 40 2,738 684 2, 054 1,028 1,026 164 46 118 72 46 164 46 118 72 46 41 4? 10 7 3 361 85 276 178 98 355 85 270 172 98 6 43 44 45 948 347 601 311 290 943 347 596 308 288 5 241 79 162 85 77 241 79 ir,2 85 77 250 77 173 103 70 245 102 69 5 3 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 56 _ _ 57 5 3 2 6 6 58 59 60 308 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 ARIZONA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Livestock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Total number of farms, 1925. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING i CROPS, 1924 j Grain and forage crops: i Corn for all purposes I Harvested for grain Cut for silage ..I Winter wheat _! Spring wheat I Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un threshed Barley... Rye Sorghums of all kinds Peanuts Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. Alfalfa Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay Production of hay of all kinds. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton Potatoes, white Sweet potatoes and yams. Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons. Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn Tomatoes Watermelons All other crops. Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees Peach trees Pear trees Plum and prune trees.. Grapevines Orange trees.* Lemon trees Grapefruit trees. , Pecan trees.. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules Cattle: Beef cattle Dairy cows. Dairy bulls and (or) calves. Cows milked Sheep. _ Goats.. Swine Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. P'arnis reporting .num ber . . Woodland burned over, 1924... acres.. Farms reporting .number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 10, 802 1,929 8f)8 183 623 235 412 469 12 1,311 21 15 13 4 74 3,675 307 1,081 4,758 3,675 425 130 34 211 389 361 244 326 279 662 945 2,148 2,885 1,708 2,070 1,745 616 240 439 291 8,777 3,923 5,267 2,710 6,438 675 374 1,975 7,681 4,477 195 576 15 21,551 1.483 Apache Cochise 595 262 150 111 28 2 60 105 23 187 32 21 265 180 115 91 83 29 538 373 106 67 338 165 98 183 343 170 16 514 49 178 75 11 223 16 116 31 47 209 349 404 214 258 261 837 629 299 166 553 8 26 176 762 Coconino 58 20 1 1,222 157 587 48 2 302 301 130 519 ! 325 177 76 195 53 10 76 245 33 1| 150 5 66 204 190 18 200 1 185 14 CENSUS or AGBICULTUEE: 1925 ARIZONA 309 Woodland Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes op Cords of Wood Car and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Graham ricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 887 235 4,026 208 403 521 381 245 732 677 1 167 114 191 28 1 226 140 17 110 256 15 2 130 81 52 14 65 28 10 70 107 2 3 16 130 1 2 41 14 58 357 51 35 11 36 34 5 3 1 34 1 7 6 1 10 4 9 5 16 8 5 5 4 19 69 7 120 1 3 5 14 4 7 114 27 221 3 1 3 48 3 1 7 8 1 32 1 416 Q 26 9 53 62 25 88 62 141 10 1 1 27 4 1 67 1 61 11 7 21 100 4 1 1 97 2 2 3 37 141 4 1*^ IS 1 3 i 14 15 3 1,567 1 127 4 216 16 605 105 35 86 14 446 17 7 3 94 2 10 31 11 6 62 12 18 12 16 240 29 12 90 85 36 111 38 19 521 130 1,732 56 201 194 142 55 327 472 20 479 6 38 15 2, 477 20 6 3 83 18 85 9 470 8 '>) 60 6 30 22 15 9 41 10 50 2 11 7 12 6 1 15 10 42 7 1 3 ^^3 '^4 5 11 3 11 15 5 25 25 8 142 12 12 37 23 4 39 9 26 259 9 17 17 3 18 16 97 8 10 68 14 17 12 4 19 5 ?8 4 5 122 11 21 6 16 4 51 3 29 8 6 57 2 13 29 12 4 53 10 30 55 14 226 22 24 74 33 7 66 29 31 9 19 412 36 89 79 27 2 71 27 32 132 93 424 33 148 46 38 118 375 5 33 150 104 1,067 43 88 137 88 124 353 27 34 72 54 583 29 76 50 42 64 259 32 35 95 90 824 25 76 81 69 65 255 17 36 55 41 831 575 220 403 182 32 41 93 85 18 9 15 13 25 142 54 22 9 18 48 37 38 1 1 3 39 40 11 14 2 4 41 734 218 3,035 148 352 384 328 223 614 551 42 229 124 523 143 278 185 159 164 424 127 43 591 105 2,629 30 133 211 191 66 272 394 44 324 72 1,374 16 75 114 120 41 108 131 45 634 169 2,788 38 234 229 235 166 337 428 46 18 4 153 33 43 9 16 1 40 28 47 14 12 61 7 11 42 33 2 43 16 48 323 74 538 21 137 88 72 47 106 79 49 669 183 3,072 72 231 401 302 196 525 476 50 52 17 1,392 563 743 88 76 126 43 51 5 5 17 41 36 300 20 8 6 4 3 4 2 5'> 53 9 1,927 1 222 1 3,061 1 454 54 6C1 1,412 1 5 507 1,358 30 55 41 128 824 1 6 37 21 41 158 1 56 310 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 ARIZONA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Intro- duction) 925: All land in farms, Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres-. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres ,20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over The State Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. 11, 065, 291 15. 541 70, 883 137, 748 341, 167 347, 075 354, 767 9, 798, 110 456, 948 9,141 46, 984 79, 184 103, 949 79, 628 33, 322 104, 740 144,014,017 8, 092, 644 16, 549, 777 21,228,118 25, 299, 964 20, 467, 183 8, 531, 051 43, 845, 280 17, 225, 682 2,466,179 2, 640, 575 2, 469, 845 2, 926, 621 2, 340, 848 903, 186 3, 478, 428 Apache 1, 272, 240 500 1,700 7,446 28, 443 21,917 34, 361 1, 177, 873 14, 868 274 667 1,200 2,947 2,857 1,941 4,982 Cochise , 776, 801 299 2,201 5,253 37, 020 72, 689 84, 383 574, 956 10, 455 76 661 828 2,820 2,797 1,204 2,069 Coconino 205, 096 115,880 114,405 191, 530 528, 340 511,890 352, 266 391, 385 624, 876 55, 615 29, 080 51, 880 107, 945 77, 090 46, 950 256, 316 7, 123, 228 67, 450 168, 150 240, 450 1, 103, 241 1, 035, 780 689, 468 3, 818, 689 1,068,231 , 35,300 ! 44, 960 62, 100 225, 426 208, 625 129, 805 362, 015 1, 219, 067 261 1,280 5,907 41, 688 19, 537 14,810 1, 135, 584 18, 980 447 1,792 8.236 3.846 2,801 1,770 4, 427, 970 29, 190 56, 650 181,800 727, 050 375, 400 206, 620 2, 851, 260 671, 865 9,500 20, 000 53, 215 172, 075 110,525 69, 750 236, 800 Gila 91, 428 358 1,933 4,195 19, 844 8, 366 5, 964 50, 768 7,182 78 391 807 2, 659 595 153 2,499 , 581, 258 104, 275 157, 350 198, 500 542, 150 167, 900 52, 000 359, 083 401, 290 48, 575 51, 900 56, 550 153, 075 52, 050 17,400 21, 740 Graham 244, 560 1,627 7,372 14,099 17,913 21, 384 18,165 164, 000 27,022 1,168 5,042 8,826 6,878 4,308 585 ! 215 7, 146, 268 531.825 1, 281, 025 1, 973, 380 1, 521, 405 959, 300 287, 933 591, 400 995, 170 185, 225 205, 750 225, 485 199, 480 79, 655 24, 425 75, 150 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing- Value OF Farm Products Tenure: ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Sales: Value of farm products sold ...dollars.. O wners _ dollars . . Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. Managers '. number. . Tenants... number.. Purchases : Value of supplies purchased ..dollars.. Owners .dollars.. M anagers dollars . . Tenants dollars. . Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners number. . Managers number . . Tenants number.. hi L' : 1, 514, 115 1,047,442 51, 062 415,611 523 438 11 74 64, 883 45, 160 4,970 14, 753 222 172 5 45 Apache | Cochise 1,235 1,235 11, 776 9,176 2,600 32, 291 27, 675 2, 000 2,616 99 82 1 16 Coco- nino 1,625 1,625 Gila 587 587 197 197 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE : 1925 ARIZONA 311 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Farm: 1925 Greenlee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 23,961 764, 692 341,948 1, 188, 249 808, 175 359, 950 666, 956 2, 202, 405 104, 859 1 302 9,104 183 456 992 208 72 622 557 2 1,711 39,241 382 1,655 3,032 1,146 421 3,328 5,481 3 4,371 62, 539 320 2,292 5,408 2,800 1,402 7,519 14, 197 4 10,499 73,260 4,732 14, 108 13, 178 15, 627 10, 865 28, 109 25,881 5 4,687 59, 527 9,245 23, 748 11,418 23,848 24,435 27, 398 18, 876 6 2,391 39, 145 8,702 20, 154 19, 110 34, 070 19,474 50, 545 3,493 7 481,876 230, 679 318,384 1,586 1, 125, 836 15, 506 755, 037 28, 030 282, 251 27, 172 610, 287 6,662 2,084,884 15, 120 36, 374 49, 181 S 4,505 9 129 5,818 41 290 349 106 58 242 424 10 843 30, 090 195 812 1,580 537 139 1,195 4,385 11 1,762 45, 620 71 696 3,065 944 460 2,373 10, 740 12 1,278 46, 343 653 2,032 4,025 3,364 1,560 3,989 17, 165 13 441 36, 423 489 2,567 2,353 6,963 1,781 2,784 11, 424 14 52 20,084 84 595 779 2,989 932 765 358 15 46, 301 53 8,514 15, 879 12, 269 1,732 3,772 4,685 16 1, 255, 900 69, 454, 672 863, 722 4. 289, 725 9, 471, 332 6, 399, 994 3, 768, 971 10, 726, 338 13, 298, 943 17 75, 250 5, 886, 050 43, 210 94, 502 459, 482 58, 370 12, 260 324, 350 290, 550 18 179, 650 12, 022, 585 38, 381 161, 771 533, 925 135, 825 24,490 451, 320 1, 224, 250 19 360, 800 13, 347, 312 11, 500 101, 081 863, 550 284, 400 93. 800 698, 812 2, 681, 203 20 339, 600 12, 736, 830 138, 447 253, 503 889, 660 934, 070 223, 000 1, 057, 288 4, 305, 380 21 281, 600 9, 863, 135 204, 160 378, 305 861, 650 1, 634, 810 372, 595 963, 968 2, 856, 690 22 19, 000 4, 562, 700 84,200 143. 289 450, 795 982, 160 178, 300 405, 820 116, 500 23 11, 036, 060 343, 824 3, 157, 274 5, 412, 270 2, 370. 359 2, 864, 526 6, 824, 780 1, 824, 370 •?A 225, 965 8, 088, 560 151, 293 553, 545 1, 023, 664 534, 925 347, 500 1, 374, 608 1, 164, 190 25 23, 050 1, 521, 280 32, 460 34, 945 223, 614 24, 595 5,100 156, 475 110, 445 26 33,930 1, 762, 215 8,200 35, 975 112, 425 34, 150 6,700 110, 725 184, 565 27 66, 400 1, 344, 195 6,200 26, 975 143, 220 40, 475 22, 325 147, 375 223, 450 28 57, 860 1, 103, 695 37, 031 49, 714 126, 755 81, 800 47,200 229. 460 335, 105 29 42, 100 890, 700 29, 450 77, 675 134,900 135, 375 104, 175 158, 053 240, 475 30 2,625 305, 500 16, 211 25, 600 30, 350 87, 550 52, 600 82, 920 11. 500 31 1, 160, 975 21, 741 302, 661 252,400 130, 980 109, 400 489, 600 58, 650 3?, Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924 Graham Green- lee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yava- pai Yuma 1, 201, 517 784, 420 28, 100 388, 997 312 257 7 48 7,920 7,156 8,585 6,935 6,444 3,312 3,000 132 9 7 1 1 22, 047 7,732 2,970 11, 345 49 26 4 19 20, 085 17, 889 687 687 261, 574 221, 576 19, 962 20, 036 98 82 3 13 189 189 1 ? 3 1,650 23 20 2.196 40 35 4 6 6 5 6 7 3 1,855 1,855 5 28 8 356 356 q 10 11 764 50 41 28 1 1? 12 12 4 4 2 2 1? 14 15 9 1 16 ! 51623—27- -21 UTAH 313^^ UTAH Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains IRON fey .-'J"^ " " ^-'' ' "^ ^ Ny l}f re^'S^T?"' .' KANE \ V iT k_z™:2^3L;: .:*££aJr!-_:i -) 314 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 UTAH 315 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Operated bj- — Owners .• Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Approximate land area of State Land in farms, total acres.. acres In farms operated by- Owners acres.. Full owners.. acres Part owners acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants .acres.. Cash tenants. acres.. Other tenants acres Value of all farm property. Land and buildings Land, excluding buildings.. Buildings . . dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. . dollars Implements and machinery. Livestock on farms . dollars.. dollars Principal kinds of livestock: Horses.. number.. Mules J number.. Cattle number Dairy cows number.. Sheep . . number Swine. number.. Chickens .number.. 1925 25, 992 23,013 18, 777 4,236 90 2,889 821 ?{068 52, 597, 760 5, 000, 724 4, 469, 256 3,417,517 1, 051, 739 184, 442 347,026 105, 495 241, 531 250, 317, 551 192, 201, 366 159, 702, 760 32, 498, 606 10,097,318 48, 018, 867 110, 172 3,693 504, 368 71, 330 2, 355, 038 63, 921 1, 366, 873 1920 1910 25, 662 21,676 22, 579 19, 762 19, 134 17, 176 3,445 2,586 296 194 2,787 1,720 1,176 490 1,611 1,230 52, 597, 760 52, 597, 760 5, 050, 410 3, 397, 699 4, 062, 508 2,888,090 3, 177, 971 (0 884, 537 G) 615,734 315, 376 372, 168 194, 233 126, 799 0) 245, 369 (1) 311, 274, 728 150, 795, 201 243, 751. 758 117, 545, 332 210, 997, 840 99, 482, 164 32, 753, 918 18, 063, 168 13, 514, 787 4,468,178 54,008,183 28, 781, 691 125, 471 115,676 2,793 2,277 505, 578 412, 334 66, 724 62, 602 1, 691, 795 1,827,180 99, 361 64, 286 954, 695 673, 662 1 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM 1924 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres.. 7,289 13, 848 7,267 bushels.. 166, 702 265, 361 169, 688 Corn cut for silage acres.. 2, 836 3,890 0) tons.. 25, 025 31, 380 (0 Wheat acres.. 194, 540 268, 457 178, 423 bushels.. 3, 236, 264 4, 100, 979 3, 943, 910 Oats threshed for grain... acres.. 49, 420 61, 825 80, 816 bushels.. 1,618,651 1, 724, 392 3, 221, 289 Barley acres.. 13, 773 15, 938 26, 752 bushels.. 398,383 365, 186 891,471 Rye..- ...acres.. 3,869 10, 378 5,234 bushels.. 25, 613 72, 507 65, 754 Hay acres.. 607, 499 538, 295 402, 248 tons.. 1, 158, 793 978, 332 977, 265 Sugar beets for sugar acres.. 75, 567 93, 359 27, 442 tons.. 548, 536 930, 427 413,811 Potatoes, white acres.. 9,916 12, 047 14, 210 bushels.. 1, 358, 533 1, 648, 400 2, 409, 093 Strawberries - .acres.. 964 254 719 Tomatoes, grown for sale ....acres.. 3,608 3,648 (0 Apples.- ..trees not of bearing age.. 104, 620 80, 304 789, 260 trees of bearing age.. 558, 106 726, 471 517, 039 bushels harvested.. 563, 513 759, 696 350,023 Peaches trees of all ages.. 622, 021 582, 753 1, 195, 547 bushels harvested.. 688, 010 883, 950 143, 237 Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 2 gallons.. 40, 847, 359 29, 339, 512 26,306,070 Butter made on farms pounds.. 2, 912, 900 2, 876, 675 2, 497, 366 Butterfat sold pounds.. 5, 650, 760 1, 049, 559 914, 133 Cream sold 287, 598 7, 506, 524 291, 659 9, 051, 137 270, 225 Whole milk sold ..gallons.. 8,471,713 Wool- Sheep shorn 2 number.. 2,261,428 1, 569, 169 3 1,663,074 Wool produced 2 pounds.. 18, 795, 805 11,690,303 12, 102, 220 Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 2 dozens.. 9,016,514 5,709,076 4, 644, 829 Chickens raised 2 number.. 1, 644, 266 1,107,446 946, 647 1 Not separately reported. 2 including estimates for incomplete reports. Number of fleeces. 316 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUBE: 1925 UTAH County Table I. — Farms axd Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy. .1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms..l925 .acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres. Crop faOure acres. Idle or fallow land.. acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture. acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres., All other land in farms acres., Ail farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land... acres.. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres., Cash tenants acres., Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners.. acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres.. Tenants .acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. The State 25, 992 •25, 662 21, 676 762 2,415 2.461 6,608 5,143 3,753 1,609 1,817 807 521 25, 992 18, 777 4,236 90 2,889 821 2,068 11.1 10.9 7.9 20.0 36.4 52, 597, 760 9.5 5, 000, 724 5, 050, 410 3, 397, 699 192.4 1, 424, 686 1, 024, 566 100, 645 299, 475 3, 067, 251 138, 512 97, 357 2, 831, 382 63, 871 444, 916 3, 417, 517 1, 051, 739 552, 464 499, 275 184, 442 347, 026 105, 495 241, 531 659, 763 231, 225 14, 187 119,391 26, 018 93, 373 Beaver Box Elder Cache 504 373 319 54 11 32 129 81 34 j 46 I 14 5 504 ! 375 74 65 8 47 10.9 13.7 10.0 37.5 42.6 1, 702, 400 3.7 63, 293 52, 626 45, 986 125.6 24, 687 17, 087 2,192 5,408 29, 862 19, 268 40 10, 554 2 8,742 42, 094 13,844 6,837 8,007 7,356 2,067 6,288 10, 787 4,063 2,237 79 2,158 1,921 1,859 1,527 110 121 470 373 279 136 194 117 73 14 1,921 1,229 373 54 319 19.4 15.1 8.2 22.2 28.8 2,483 2,242 1,907 52 305 249 607 504 346 161 172 64 19 4 3, 484, 160 17.0 593, 694 542, 348 343, 186 309.0 180, 686 110, 327 12, 750 57, 608 366, 743 17, 263 5,226 344, 254 5,469 40, 707 300, 774 163, 644 64, 014 99,630 62, 749 76, 427 33, 361 43, 066 68,670 23,864 1,368 16, 425 1,921 14.504 733 519 1 230 69 161 9.3 8.1 7.3 29.0 43.5 744, 960 46.7 340, 153 317, 698 294, 160 137.0 164, 052 110, 170 9,722 44, 160 139, 329 11, 262 3,743 124, 334 14, 659 22, 113 249, 644 69, 872 43,000 26, 872 70 20, 667 5,282 16,285 31,408 35 10,641 2,572 8,069 > Organized from part of Uintah in 1918. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — UTAH Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 317 Daggetti Davis Du- chesne 2 Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard 49 37 1,238 1,172 1,302 19 187 203 438 250 968 1,248 787 759 666 31 23 24 138 192 494 540 409 19 17 24 70 79 129 114 172 39 4 5 12 14 536 646 373 14 8 20 71 81 479 419 507 14 12 26 53 92 266 229 166 65 14 16 25 20 1,436 1,038 736 90 16 33 368 396 1 2 3 1 I 153 215 4 5 6 2 1 7 8 19 7 7 4 7 2 84 23 24 4 3 3 332 117 89 39 13 4 201 94 58 16 9 1 129 60 58 24 13 1 31 8 5 6 4 1 89 74 72 59 41 7 106 52 57 34 31 2 22 13 32 36 22 1 269 95 114 43 11 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 49 33 5 1 10 1 9 1,238 796 248 6 188 104 84 968 563 220 787 564 130 4 89 17 72 494 406 58 2 28 4 24 129 102 7 5 15 7 8 536 393 95 479 374 64 4 37 8 29 266 239 17 1,436 1,152 158 7 119 17 102 15 16 17 18 185 88 97 48 3 45 10 1 9 19 20 21 20.4 10.8 15.2 12.7 7.1 19.1 17.3 11.3 6.7 5.7 5.7 8.1 13.7 11.6 10.5 2.9 9.0 7.7 9.9 7.7 5.3 1.8 3.8 1.7 1.2 8.3 10.4 6.9 22 23 24 27.9 47.6 5.7 17.5 5.9 19.4 75.0 41.7 28.6 25.0 33.3 44.4 100.0 88.9 11.8 30.4 ?5 22.2 27.6 26 544,000 6.3 176, 000 64.2 2,090,240 11.6 2,849,920 4.3 3,349,760 3.7 2, 362, 880 1.3 2,083,840 11.1 2, 176, 640 7.0 2, 697, 600 3.6 4, 199, 040 4.7 27 28 34, 052 18, 665 112,974 98, 732 127,257 91.3 242, 566 252, 031 122, 506 105, 268 96, 708 124, 506 113,712 59, 973 30, 560 42, 656 62, 089 230, 796 278, 671 88,027 430.6 153, 241 105, 741 108, 564 319.9 98, 167 71,851 24, 773 199, 433 185, 197 166, 627 29 30 31 694.9 250.6 155.7 252.0 236.9 369.0 138.9 32 6,710 5,422 469 819 35, 980 31, 565 2,284 2,131 63, 614 45, 048 6,529 12,037 39, 950 31, 392 1,601 6,957 28, 410 20, 826 2,166 5,418 5,355 4,399 431 525 33, 023 23, 671 2,746 6,606 56, 022 28, 188 3,156 24, 678 6,629 4,401 928 1,300 100, 115 65, 208 5,382 29, 525 33 34 35 36 21,441 33 550 20,858 72, 216 1,361 2,223 68, 632 147, 536 5,970 1,483 140, 083 18,226 922 2,586 14, 718 83, 839 4,119 5,527 74, 193 13,092 985 260 11, 847 185, 681 1,647 1,321 182, 713 89, 431 1,977 5,160 82, 294 91, 207 2,143 561 88, 503 68, 261 21, 209 2,808 44, 244 37 38 39 40 83 5,818 468 4,310 818 30, 598 41 64,289 517 11, 740 10, 592 1,521 3,094 8,998 2,363 5,425 1,464 29, 593 41 331 42 20, 985 8,442 5,020 3,422 1,150 47, 675 15, 918 8,077 7,841 41, 050 164, 148 57, 637 32, 484 25, 153 72, 797 26, 601 13, 423 13, 178 8,870 92, 452 24, 969 12, 893 12, 076 3,186 22, 996 2,429 1,243 1,186 2,466 169, 379 55, 232 38, 444 16, 788 102, 711 30, 436 14, 590 15,846 5,143 14, 951 3.572 11, 379 74, 273 22, 964 16, 400 6,564 141, 204 26, 156 14, 846 11,310 17, 800 43 44 45 46 47 3,475 160 3,315 8,331 4,084 4,247 20,781 8,435 12, 346 14, 238 1,944 12, 294 3,899 368 3,531 2,669 803 1,866 6,185 1,205 4,980 930 320 610 14, 273 2,610 11,663 48 49 50 3,545 842 300 735 20 715 17, 368 8,216 317 5,664 3,153 2,511 23,290 14, 145 19,229 7,410 510 4,243 540 3,703 14, 625 4,669 148 1,384 145 1,239 2,023 774 740 862 223 639 16, 059 5,441 21, 001 4,535 372 2,280 178 2,102 3,651 447 45, 682 10, 208 2,595 6,723 1,172 5,551 51 52 S3 7,613 2,932 4,681 2,171 74 2,097 303 35 268 54 55 56 » Organized from part of Wasatch in 1915; part of Uintah annexed in 1917. 318 CENSUS OF AGRICT31.TUIIE : 1925 — UTAH County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 t<) 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners. Part owners... Managers Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925.. acres. 1920... acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total... acres. Crop laud harvested in 1924 acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land... acres. Pasture land, total... Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture. acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners... acres. Part owners. acres. Owned land... acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants ...acres. acres, acres, acres - Morgan 189 239 242 .acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners Part owners.. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. 189 157 19 3 10 4 5.3 16.3 50.0 50.0 400, 640 9.4 37, 589 117,230 95, 648 198.9 9.684 24,061 255 659 23, 147 729 3,115 33, 211 3,250 2,222 1,028 720 417 303 717 296 350 160 190 Piute 238 246 198 238 153 45 1 39 4 35 16.4 4.9 12.1 54.3 488, 320 7.0 34, 382 35, 093 25, 869 144.5 14,088 13, 262 94 732 11,417 177 580 10, 660 28 8,849 18, 605 9,731 4,843 4,888 120 5,926 943 4,983 7,368 3,511 40 2,343 210 2.133 Rich 199 224 219 199 157 32 10 5 5 5.0 7.1 7.8 100.0 40.0 659, 840 33.2 219, 088 236, 971 149, 509 1, 100. 9 41, 309 38, 736 367 2,206 175, 470 2,370 960 172, 140 100 2,209 183, 732 32, 103 23, 149 8,954 3,253 1,728 1,525 31, 359 5,779 995 603 Salt Lake 2,359 2,438 2,180 72 671 429 751 261 101 26 29 10 2,359 1,896 206 4 253 113 140 10.7 16.6 12.7 11.5 22.1 483,840 29.9 144, 864 317, 281 169, 262 61.4 64,307 48, 986 2,704 12, 617 55, 433 3, 259 604 51, 570 1,796 23, 328 102, 736 10, 645 4,881 5,764 16, 106 15, 377 2,639 12, 738 35, 133 6,294 103 7,456 1,360 6,096 8,754 2,270 1, 826 1,166 """i,"l66 ' Part of Summit annexed in 1917. * Part annexed to Rich and part of Uintah anne;!ced in 1917. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — UTAH Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 319 Sanpete Sevier Summit * Tooele Uintah 3 Utah Wa- satch * Wash- ington Wayne 1 Weber 1,515 1,813 1,708 1,063 1,108 1,059 476 521 447 421 417 320 1,132 899 675 3,354 3,237 2,873 432 507 964 750 738 598 274 272 246 1,745 1, 687 1,535 1 2 3 15 71 89 341 378 19 53 70 307 341 1 8 20 73 109 3 25 21 51 51 9 47 52 260 260 88 487 574 1,155 572 2 5 41 106 105 20 64 108 1'4 1.9 25 1 5 36 70 23 244 259 602 366 4 5 6 7 8 245 123 137 64 49 3 1,515 1,052 352 1 110 15 95 141 50 48 14 16 4 1,063 655 274 2 132 28 104 95 45 57 30 23 15 476 399 57 2 18 8 10 80 50 . 67 45 26 2 421 315 65 1 40 17 23 271 79 112 22 19 1 1,132 804 139 9 180 61 119 215 98 77 50 31 7 3,354 2,389 606 10 349 70 279 61 23 35 9 35 10 432 306 105 1 20 4 16 99 65 79 30 12 77 35 21 3 1 145 47 42 10 6 I 1,745 1,272 224 10 239 95 144 9 iO 11 12 13 14 750 601 110 274 205 51 15 16 17 18 39 5 34 18 ' is' 19 20 21 7.3 8.3 4.6 12.4 9.4 6.3 3.8 9.6 5.8 9.5 9.1 8.1 15.9 17.1 10.7 10.4 10.1 7.1 4.6 8.3 7.5 5.2 4.2 2.3 6.6 4.0 4.5 13.7 11.4 13.2 22 23 24 20.0 48.4 39.3 47.1 50.0 50.0 29.4 56.5 4.9 16.8 21.4 49.5 20.0 47. 1 23.2 41.0 ';,5 43.8 38.9 26 1, 034, 240 31.5 1, 265, 920 13.1 1, 196, 800 22.7 4, 383, 360 3.3 2, 748, 160 6.9 1, 301, 760 27.4 746, 880 33.5 1, 577, 600 6.8 1,584,000 2.2 346, 240 65.9 27 28 326, 095 391, 007 261, 771 166, 072 113,005 122, 332 271, 578 271, 778 261, 056 144, 320 163, 375 88, 332 189, 187 126, 151 82, 072 357, 316 318, 133 234, 717 250, 185 150, 536 154, 083 108, 034 127, 899 50, 273 34,413 33, 551 31,617 228, 189 259, 566 148,359 29 30 31 215. 2 156.2 570.5 342.8 167.1 106.5 579.1 144.0 125. 6 130.8 32 91,082 67, 859 11, 209 12, 014 54, 331 50, 199 1,768 2,364 30, 608 28, 803 753 1,052 40, 965 22, 857 3,178 14, 930 60, 943 46, 178 6.122 8,643 113, 330 89, 295 7,017 17, 018 20, 517 18, 807 1,212 498 28, 564 14, 371 4,433 9,760 14, 335 11,615 739 1,981 51, 022 42, 942 3,281 4,799 33 34 35 36 220, 603 7,579 10, 057 202, 967 96, 573 1,857 21, 607 73, 109 237, 737 2,751 6,083 228, 903 87, 466 6,025 2 81, 439 111, 682 3,447 1,502 106, 733 185, 000 5,607 12,025 167, 368 227, 358 5,605 5,135 216, 618 65, 707 3,524 1,237 60, 946 8,763 1,038 85 7,640 162,691 981 639 161,071 37 38 39 40 1,587 12, 823 699 14, 469 211 3,022 350 15, 539 885 15, 677 10, 853 48, 133 2 2,308 580 13, 183 338 10, 977 1,574 12,902 41 42 212, 500 91, 294 55, 332 35, 962 160 96, 501 57, 810 26, 928 30, 882 1,065 204, 600 57, 957 29,424 28, 533 3,128 101, 204 30, 186 9,751 20, 435 201 128,871 31,512 14, 313 17, 199 6,616 270, 107 62, 439 31, 372 31,067 2,653 161,651 77, 466 38, 031 39, 435 2,120 87, 078 18. 893 12, 274 6,619 24, 427 7,953 4,061 3,892 198, 602 17,591 9,417 8,174 721 43 44 45 46 47 22, 141 2,242 19, 899 10, 696 3,924 6,772 5,893 3,383 2,510 12, 729 5,818 6,911 22, 189 5,802 16, 387 22, 117 2,892 19, 225 8,948 7,720 1,228 2,063 28 2,035 2,033 11,275 2,900 8, 375 48 49 2,033 50 42, 646 20, 449 40 ' 4, 724 - 653 4,071 27, 516 . 16,407 585 5,691 1,204 4,487 22, 134 4,113 635 1,921 1,219 702 15, 632 3,455 161 3,609 1,321 2,288 27, 660 7,759 1,414 9,345 2,277 7,068 54, 746 22, 529 1,291 10,729 1,584 9,145 11, 809 6,014 275 709 86 , 623 10, 626 2,930 7,591 3,202 28, 872 7,998 281 5,791 1,512 4, 279 51 62 63 815 24 791 822 54 56 822 56 8 Parts annexed to Duchesne and Sumniit in 1917; part taken to form Daggett in 1918. 1 9 750 16! ■'i't 47€ r 432 274 1,74^ 65. 43 3C 1 37 1 36^ 3 52( I 174 F,f>. 2 7 171* 57 8« 27C 199 i ) 180 59 774! 68 337 52f 7t 77 573 1,17( ) 174 384 158 292 59' 937 43? m 14C 526 1,17. ) 64 343 26 271 60. lOS 3] { £ 31 in i 14 14 31 63 61 324 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 UTAH County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See deflmitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 VaJueof all livestock dollars.. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over.. Total value- dollars.. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value.. dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over... Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over. Bulls 1 year old and over. Total value.... dollars. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over.. Total value dollars. Goats: Total number. Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age.. Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs.. Total value dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked... Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919... .gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924.. pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924.. gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn.i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924... Mohair produced, 1924 pounds.. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,! 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised, 1 1924.. number. 1919... number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars.. The State 48, 018, 867 110, 172 13,515 96, 657 5, 155, 772 3,693 929 2,764 181, 402 504, 368 113,577 67, 134 16, 575 50, 559 251, 570 71, 330 180, 240 62, 286 9,801 14,520,711 2, 355, 038 434, 739 1, 862, 338 57, 961 26, 063, 260 48, 292 289, 752 63, 921 35, 016 9,732 19, 173 583, 725 1, 366, 873 933, 600 290, 645 82,898 68, 044 14, 854 40, 847, 359 29, 339, 512 493 2. 912, 900 5, 650. 760 287, 598 7, 506, 524 5, 253, 108 2, 261, 428 18, 795, 805 11,690,303 7, 433, 348 29, 814 127, 727 56, 199 9, 016, 514 5, 709, 076 2, 518, 304 1, 644, 266 1, 107, 446 933,074 1, 610, 206 1,959 324 1,635 88, 230 62 16 46 3,240 335, 104, 411 20, 446 80, 563 3,402 ,147,894 396 2,376 1,727 1,032 356 339 13, 144 14,453 8,672 11, 130 1,904 1,243 661 849, 184 447, 930 446 83, 932 92, 260 4,078 203, 595 122, 638 102, 740 873, 816 175, 200 332,050 235 1,118 492 91, 849 43, 360 25, 718 12, 227 7,270 6,114 Box Elder Cache 2,654,777 2,385,394 11, 956 10, 140 1, 641 1, 096 10,315 ' 9,044 501,918 I 479,600 200 93 107 8,861 30, 670 6,552 3,931 1,045 2,886 14, 039 5,007 9,032 5,726 422 940, 383 96, 810 17, 924 76, 078 2,808 1,069,371 21 126 5,482 3,156 1,065 1,261 52, 565 112, 520 73, 138 8,415 5,281 4,667 614 2, 334, 202 1, 891, 547 442 192, 662 211,679 103, 556 165,513 341, 282 718, 427 416, 700 287, 371 727, 667 396, 599 196, 470 156,965 82, 353 87,900 235 104 131 10, 718 27, 421 5,969 4,926 4.168 758 14, 502 13,011 1,491 1,580 444 1,160,008 55, 162 10, 708 43, 101 1,353 606, 975 6 36 4,427 2,295 728 1,404 44, 346 116, 028 77, 739 5,972 12,315 12, 243 72 7, 844, 655 5, 190, 592 637 103, 633 2, 126, 875 6,634 163, 998 955, 389 48, 322 528, 231 180, 492 216, 575 806, 163 502, 404 225, 726 76, 557 97, 983 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 — UTAH 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 325 Daggett Davis Duchesne Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard 268, 068 1, 684, 846 1, 322. 269 !l, 492, 784 1, 971, 497 1,779,817 2, 206, 930 1, 217, 520 727, 466 3, 410, 126 1 616 ! 130 1 486 27,550 4.112 399 3,713 195, 625 5,237 782 4,455 242, 300 4, 553 674 3,879 210, 800 2,628 390 2,238 109, 290 983 109 874 46, 425 2,226 274 1,952 103, 080 3,836 718 3.117 173, 800 883 64 819 38, 263 5,869 724 6,146 275, 350 2 I 5 i 2 27 1 26 1,538 142 32 110 7,010 328 82 > 246 16, 154 203 27 176 9,475 266 18 248 14,216 61 6 55 3,480 188 106 82 7,690 38 9 29 1,675 374 104 270 17, 970 6 7 i 2 110 8 9 1 2, 802 , 638 i 337 1 9 1 328 1,551 61 1,490 226 1 50 66, 886 12, 045 2,509 1,529 850 679 6,238 3,702 2,536 1,596 173 446, 868 22, 695 5,315 2,784 540 2,244 10,009 2,549 7,460 4,195 392 573, 610 22, 703 5, 629 2, 577 218 , 2, 359 12, 823 1,477 11, 346 1,054 620 593, 107 25, 806 6,209 3,199 84 3,115 13, 349 426 12, 923 2,407 642 531, 228 14, 503 3,672 1,524 59 1,465 8,771 255 8,516 165 371 358, 913 13, 577 3,076 1,774 235 1,539 7,001 1,042 5,959 1,433 293 332, 976 12, 213 2,662 1,869 143 1.716 6,243 882 4,361 2,218 231 335, 401 6,451 1,308 908 38 870 3,211 206 3,005 865 169 137, 707 27, 416 6,824 3,673 1,149 2,524 13, 485 4,694 8,791 3,020 414 842, 841 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15, 534 2,863 12, 410 261 170, 836 88, 214 18, 022 68, 588 1,604 966, 009 37, 947 6,037 30. 876 1,034 421, 382 54, 838 19, 741 34, 549 548 673, 059 122, 529 22, 883 96, 379 3,267 1, 287, 338 117, 956 5,337 108, 633 3,986 1, 352, 442 154, 725 19, 585 130, 837 4,303 1, 731, 341 56, 508 8,501 47, 092 915 651, 088 46, 880 9,980 35, 641 1,259 488, 888 186, 985 28, 312 155, 277 3,396 2, 154, 916 21 22 23 24 25 1 6 1 6 195 1,170 2,224 13, 344 2,503 15, 018 5 30 2,041 12, 246 10 60 9,700 58, 200 13 78 26 27 140 71 26 43 1,183 3,684 1,684 522 1,478 38, 626 2,410 1,367 483 560 19, 351 2,960 1,699 431 830 24, 457 1,522 842 314 366 11,214 347 231 67 49 2,596 1,362 822 183 357 10, 407 1,069 625 195 249 9,210 192 132 19 41 1,229 6,310 3,454 552 2, 304 66, 125 28 29 30 31 32 1,739 1,200 43, 923 29, 428 25, 653 17, 701 39, 607 32, 478 10, 912 6,220 4,016 3,293 13, 234 7,940 36, 260 26, 107 1,843 1,051 55, 676 40, 015 33 34 297 6,746 39, 745 29, 385 1,714 1,902 5,460 14, 164 443 22, 830 35 1 162 55 107 3,580 3,546 34 3,689 2,393 1,296 2,133 1,387 746 1,572 506 1,066 270 235 35 1,415 980 435 1,088 998 90 330 206 124 4,548 4,443 105 36 37 38 38, 394 28, 855 1 237 1, 997, 640 1, 722, 520 558 1, 530, 935 1, 155, 277 415 774, 279 478, 826 363 595, 788 451, 606 379 87, 120 108, 215 323 594, 300 555, 269 420 476, 466 284, 198 437 98, 670 199, 667 299 2, 014, 764 1, 062, 547 443 39 40 41 6,837 1,982 119, 516 238, 181 540 666, 097 269, 699 134, 262 293, 864 865 19, 843 156, 961 165, 636 24, 502 8,343 24, 120 87, 816 73, 872 28, 056 5,522 75, 560 61, 524 10, 060 78, 111 43, 273 7,493 35, 085 64, 964 77, 822 53, 197 812 3.010 51, 064 15, 885 143, 760 380, 990 2,462 144, 825 230, 900 42 43 2,025 6,510 8,185 942 3,293 7,795 44 171 3,194 46 46 12, 085 96, 653 69, 181 36, 728 88, 302 729, 265 185, 077 298, 999 33, 393 315, 340 298, 337 119, 829 53, 577 516, 464 184, 241 201, 421 135, 640 1, 123, 591 657, 259 426, 965 116,069 928, 078 85, 472 361,950 1 175, 598 1, 386, 288 1, 176, 500 526, 789 49, 568 386, 967 104, 800 160, 917 80, 866 552, 465 660, 907 209, 937 140, 052 1, 263, 084 165, 626 492, 603 47 48 49 60 1 5 2 266 1,071 471 925 2,800 1,232 1,900 8,930 3,929 1,309 5,077 2,234 71, 053 61, 706 19, 895 10 30 13 9,200 36, 400 16, 016 3 15 7 61 6? 63 9,485 5,790 2,656 282, 996 203, 538 79, 239 177, 339 198, 979 49, 655 243, 489 194, 632 73, 047 45, 372 69, 861 11, 343 27, 763 32, 375 8,329 241, 383 75, 819 67, 587 15, 113 19,318 3,778 309, 336 239, 914 86, 614 64 55 56 1,640 1,523 935 61, 624 64, 244 35, 742 26, 089 46, 524 14, 871 41, 270 32, 875 26, 826 7,246 8,744 3,913 3,506 6,129 2,279 9, 528 12,242 4,764 30, 857 12, 786 17, 897 1,216 4,710 657 55, 576 35, 293 32, 234 57 58 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 326 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — UTAH County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Morgan Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan 1 1 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock Horses: Total number. ..dollars.. 211,462 866 82 784 41, 250 2 373, 132 1,188 172 1,016 49, 504 16 ^l 750 8,314 2,105 971 101 870 3,913 427 3,486 1,162 163 180, 150 11,862 1,865 9,736 261 125, 540 802 4,812 978 568 130 280 7,062 6,721 3,831 1,483 1,105,943 2,149 262 1,887 100, 900 37 11 26 1,838 20, 067 4,782 2,816 86 2,730 8,946 420 8,526 3,225 298 554, 855 41, 102 15, 289 25, 255 558 428, 760 :i 1,101 471 190 440 11, 836 10, 154 6,803 939 2, 654, 607 4,724 284 4,440 229, 100 49 15 34 2,422 10, 638 1,737 1,407 1,258 149 7,025 6,313 712 278 191 498, 317 158, 871 34, 909 120,849 3, 113 1,733,186 407 2,442 3,503 1,198 534 1,771 39, 992 207, 964 139, 336 9,812 1,985,029 2,961 514 2,447 120, 909 225 32 193 11, 575 26,184 7,064 3,071 210 2,861 14, 032 718 13,314 1,156 861 614, 263 109,482 9,382 94, 340 5,760 1, 192, 284 5,442 32, 652 789 576 169 44 4,691 5,944 3,685 4,970 3 Colts under 2 years of age 4 Horses 2 years old and over. 5 6 Total value Mules: Total number ..dollars.. 7 Mule colts under 2 years of age. . 8 Mules 2 years old and over... 2 116 4,688 1,328 720 125 595 1,943 444 1,499 593 104 137, 3S4 1,500 417 1,023 60 16,210 2 12 833 576 158 99 7,212 13, 604 9,115 163 9 in Total value Cattle: Total number. ..dollars.. 11 Calves under 1 year of age ^?, Heifers 1 year old and under 2 13 Dairy heifers 14 Beef heifers 15 Cows 2 years old and over 16 Dairy cows 17 Beef cows 18 Steers 1 year old and over.. 19 Bulls 1 year old and over 20 Total value... Sheep: Total number. ..dollars.. m Lambs under 1 year of age.. 28 Ewes 1 year old and over. _ _ ?4 Rams and wethers 1 year and over. Total value. Goats: Total number 25 ?fi ..dollars.. 27 ?8 Total value Swine : Total number.. ..dollars.. ?9 Pigs under 6 months of age. 30 Breeding sows, 6 months and over.. All other hogs 31 32 33 Total value Chickens: Total number ..dollars.. 34 35 Total value Other livestock, estimated value LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 3fi 758 374 384 473, 750 393, 418 625 25, 928 52, 005 23, 360 61,830 76, 304 1,085 8,790 7,498 3,604 977 411 566 422, 064 377, 644 432 28, 164 73, 468 385 23, 550 41, 809 11,352 100, 198 49, 405 38, 075 1,029 351 678 448, 644 350, 669 436 30, 294 75, 721 290 78, 205 58, 555 35, 677 237, 405 211, 163 97, 336 6,307 6,182 125 3, 147, 193 2,768,006 499 228,021 48, 374 2,907 1, 982, 894 478, 873 150, 451 1,119,882 777, 741 459, 152 638 607 31 235, 998 162,085 370 32, 762 37 Dairy cows milked 38 Beef cows milked .., 39 40 41 42 43 Milk produced,! 1924 1919 Average per cow milked, 1924 Butter made on farms, 1924 Butterfat sold, 1924.. Cream sold, 1924. Whole milk sold, 1924.... Value of dairy products,^ 1924 Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924. ..gallons.. ..gallons.. ..gallons.. .pounds., .pounds.. ..gallons.. ..gallons.. ..dollars.. 44 45 46 47 7,548 20, 050 26, 973 45, 763 302, 608 147, 970 114, 991 300 1,000 440 33,447 39, 571 10,034 6,081 8,446 3,527 48 49 50 51 Wool produced,! 1924.... 1919.... Value of wool, 1924 Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 .pounds., .pounds.. ..dollars.. fi? Mohair produced, 1924... Value of mohair, 1924 Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 1919 Value of chicken eggs, 1924 Chickens raised,' 1924 1919 Value of chickens raised, 1924 5S dollars 54 55 56 57 58 59 ..dozens.. ..dozens.. ..dollars.. .number., .number.. ..dollars.. 70, 890 82,351 19, 849 17, 576 12, 080 10, 194 41, 932 46, 428 10, 483 5,847 6, 529 3,157 67,839 53, 058 18, 995 9,626 9,234 5,583 1, 407, 916 768,444 394, 216 225, 641 170, 753 130, 872 > Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 UTAH 327 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued Sanpete Sevier Summit Tooele Uintah Utah Wasatch Wash- ington Wayne Weber 2, 383, 591 2, 260, 169 982, 342 1, 555, 467 2, 267, 127 3, 464, 979 1, 394, 756 1,170,055 864, 235 1, 796, 975 1 6,246 4,709 2,254 2,397 6,547 8,988 2,147 2,774 1,643 4,673 2 711 580 249 359 907 840 287 332 248 291 3 5,535 4,129 2,005 2,038 5,640 8,148 1,860 2,442 1,395 4,382 4 325, 755 244, 495 106, 475 99, 967 304, 675 473, 340 100, 175 128, 740 68, 231 226, 375 5 119 64 41 147 274 175 9 96 132 91 6 40 17 20 47 44 69 22 1 10 7 79 47 21 100 230 106 '"9' 74 131 81 8 5,942 3,304 1,755 7,004 13, 970 8,494 495 5,100 6,575 4,998 9 24, 439 27,978 14, 263 11,932 23, 972 33, 592 12, 488 23, 525 11,378 16,323 10 5,718 5,379 3,169 2,937 6,434 7,292 2,644 4,069 2,428 2,527 11 3,110 2,732 1,982 1,754 3,151 5,278 1,740 2,816 1,401 3,006 12 626 550 372 213 305 1,886 274 341 77 1,266 13 2,484 2,182 1,610 1,541 2,846 3,392 1,466 2,475 1,324 1,740 14 12, 161 10, 580 6,260 6,075 12, 488 17,426 5,956 13, 278 6,566 7,118 15 3,736 2,921 1,971 926 1,284 7,970 1,541 1,722 375 5,745 16 8,425 7,659 4,289 5,149 11,204 9,456 4,415 11, 556 6,191 1,373 17 3,050 8,818 2,563 922 1,389 3,079 1,825 2,786 784 3,469 18 400 469 289 244 510 517 323 576 199 203 19 759, 366 844, 022 367, 837 332, 255 573, 350 1,138,402 322, 537 593, 365 244, 635 632, 110 20 106, 345 101, 750 43, 079 95, 380 119, 256 136, 235 82, 858 35, 353 47, 975 75, 521 21 31, 499 47, 845 6,426 14, 668 19, 926 20, 518 5,885 5,091 8,111 17,494 22 72, 357 52, 565 35, 613 78, 609 96,464 113, 531 75, 891 29, 214 39, 150 56, 095 23 2,489 1,340 1,040 2,103 2,866 2,186 1,082 1,048 714 1,932 24 1, 191, 599 1, 082, 825 479, 251 1, 060, 227 1,320,264 1,582,010 938, 459 393, 907 505, 177 822, 772 25 120 104 10 3,539 482 19 20 4,375 3,701 18 26 720 624 60 21, 234 2,892 114 120 26, 250 22, 206 108 27 3,741 3,386 874 1,649 1,581 6,023 1,685 1.026 1,465 3,033 28 2,041 1,850 498 854 837 3,609 969 667 769 1,810 29 505 , 550 164 315 256 867 192 138 295 231 30 1,195 986 212 480 488 1,547 524 221 401 992 31 36, 551 33, 154 7,002 16, 569 13, 113 56, 317 13, 437 7,505 11,133 28, 213 32 75,854 57, 890 27, 579 24, 146 29, 632 266, 320 25, 725 17, 756 8,290 103,943 33 53,098 40, 523 19,030 15, 695 20, 446 186, 424 17, 750 10, 654 4,725 69, 642 34 10, 560 11, 222 932 2,516 18, 417 19, 878 1,783 4,534 1,553 12, 757 3& 4,400 3,163 3,067 1,077 3,615 8,416 1,997 1,864 972 5,561 36 3,584 2,813 1,926 874 1,251 7,665 1,424 1,586 338 5,446 37 816 350 1,141 203 2,364 751 573 278 634 115 38 2, 134, 000 1, 622, 619 1, 604, 041 428, 365 1, 182, 105 4, 081, 760 966, 548 807, 112 338, 568 3, 308, 795 39 1, 767, 774 1, 145, 166 1, 140, 196 359, 654 594, 439 2, 889, 299 715, 839 580, 657 231, 382 2,091,408 40 485 513 523 398 327 485 484 433 348 595 41 203, 571 143, 907 74,037 48, 268 104, 150 442, 471 76, 364 115,685 38, 674 94, 765 42 352, 806 235, 514 273, 531 26, 077 215, 739 222, 237 88, 536 65, 062 22, 288 397, 049 43 7,894 4,180 3,757 807 1,099 25, 284 38, 190 1,931 4,880 14, 492 44 224, 690 125, 379 408, 855 86, 649 14, 472 1, 296, 307 160, 686 17, 834 39, 631 1, 249, 971 45 ,275, 978 180, 493 221, 686 49, 286 117,871 582,024 148, 903 75, 195 37, 671 448, 823 46 179, 183 79, 263 43,079 94, 998 104, 707 121, 794 80, 704 33, 515 42, 314 66, 081 47 1, 588, 263 733, 516 363, 673 785, 168 933, 774 943, 427 632, 787 268, 400 394, 738 548, 207 48 1, 822, 609 445, 510 240,815 601, 255 1, 068, 102 677, 034 474, 071 289, 500 265, 482 265, 829 49 667, 070 308,077 138, 196 314,067 354, 834 396, 239 240, 459 101, 992 150, 000 224, 765 50 71 70 9 2,916 332 4,312 2,925 51 355 386 30 12, 998 1,244 17,948 14, 300 52 156 170 13 5,719 150, 019 547 181, 318 7,897 76, 630 6,292 42, 370 53 464, 909 366, 559 219,336 1,920,700 174, 518 713,881 54 471,971 242, 693 101, 992 91, 442 140, 748 850, 503 106, 918 84, 862 40, 327 501, 242 55 130, 175 102, 637 61,414 40, 505 50, 769 537, 796 48, 865 21,456 10, 593 199, 887 56 64, 476 55, 574 33, 150 24, 798 39, 470 390, 691 29, 841 19, 088 6,756 129, 929 57 61,812 34, 828 19, 382 18, 962 38, 630 179,019 22, 047 16,215 6,747 100, 964 58 35, 462 30, 566 18, 896 13, 887 22, 498 214, 880 17, 009 9,544 3,648 75, 359 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 22 328 CENSUS OF AGRICULTLTKE : 1925 — UTAH County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage 27 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage..- Harvested for grain ...acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off acres.. The State 26, 603, 195 53, 113, 307 Wheat... acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley..-. acres.. bushels.. Rye ..acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.)-- acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth. .acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild. tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Strawberries... acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce.. acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons ..acres.. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches .trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes.. vines of all ages.. 15, 102 7,289 166, 702 2,836 25, 025 2,634 2,343 194, 540 3, 236, 264 49, 420 1, 618, 651 1,956 13, 773 398, 383 3,869 25, 613 278 607, 499 8,349 20, 159 897 2,346 466, 506 33, 267 5,775 168 70,032 1, 158, 793 75, 567 548, 536 9,916 1, 358, 533 964 347 383 134 314 428 ,608 467 104, 620 558, 106 563, 513 622, 021 688, 010 59, 903 63, 948 435, 668 369, 715 622, 793 2, 768, 437 6,308,370 443 82 1,570 155 1,185 60 146 1,015 18, 535 620 15, 995 23 217 5,565 74 453 Box Elder 3,402,432 6, 338, 159 14, 354 300 445 8 12, 329 142 125 1,005 21, 921 146 16,569 331 1,975 2,882 190 25 266 502 10 374 126 3,667 165 1,955 76 7 45, 371 579, 781 3,236 145, 122 103 1,895 48, 425 226 821 57 42, 309 840 1,017 66 110 32, 489 3,413 403 26 3,945 92,878 13, 179 64,419 651 112, 906 68 27 67 2 14 34 227 87 3,767 51,900 45, 587 159, 806 228, 459 1,322 7,345 20, 176 Cache 599 98 2,517 442 4,246 37 22 37,543 594, 896 4,899 180, 738 93 2,208 51, 140 44 360 10 46, 036 499 1,619 85 75 38, 281 1,412 237 37 3,791 111, 400 15, 169 114, 247 570 94, 628 1,945 41,115 70, 361 4,627 5,095 1,001 2,300 769 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 UTAH AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 329 Dag. gett Davis Duchesne Emery Gar- field 347, 532 687, 829 Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard 76, 726 93, 925 1, 525, 430 2, 651, 510 520, 813 1, 840, 547 661, 585 1,151,485 130, 526 320, 855 554, 954 914, 437 592, 334 677, 976 89, 026 258, 699 1, 452, 6G1 2, 288, 089 1 2 89 1,268 241 5,284 13 19 468 4,973 16 32 1 "3,' 003' 1,189 3 561 73 1,573 390 4,068 70 28 4,346 105,458 495 20, 133 56 750 25,952 5 60 17 13,202 109 355 38 5 12, 083 134 11 560 428 9,863 1,324 777 26, 624 125 807 292 130 4,038 78, 382 3,544 92, 766 48 92 2,826 829 300 4,857 782 754 25, 138 1,559 551 8,349 82 610 392 534 1,863 35, 001 1,345 39, 739 70 86 2,614 89 1,085 210 11 145 171 1,181 28 499 374 2,754 714 306 5,982 79 554 45 284 6,235 96, 089 1,805 44,777 77 610 14, 184 2,584 16, 656 3 4 5 6 7 98 34 3,454 55, 028 2,017 43, 248 82 68 1,546 23 244 <2 27, 111 223 389 15 378 25, 464 131 251 172 357 1,212 18, 667 2,250 48, 051 191 24 651 121 871 6 15, 717 137 582 68 28 57 68 267 3,472 381 5,897 8 q 7 60 56 1,600 15, 310 201, 113 386 11, 960 10 11 12 13 14 2 70 180 5,319 84 510 1 30 80 720 15 16 17 18 6 19, 794 35 471 20 353 17, 840 443 77 19 3,023 17, 739 41 48 122 56 16, 229 172 286 10,991 3,112 265 49, 325 20 ?1 4 m 6 69 8,665 144 210 ?3 158 46, 826 35 1,557 94 12, 703 1,632 244 2,880 68 5 2,568 90 179 25 26 27 729 6,293 36" 4,360 r 65 22 42 6 4' 15 467 39, 634 6,235 73, 903 1,603 277, 389 118 >0 "I 106 159 1,420 109 4,573 23,592 25, 051 39, 066 42, 668 1,400 2, 731 52, 839 260 34, 983 555 27, 991 10 32 300 32,704 1 4 29 3 5 6 9 53 1,633 30, 152 19, 514 3,719 1,727 2,057 1, 595 1,906 351 24, 661 70 5,810 101 603 27 1,273 1 1 3 785 32, 301 1,897 19, 257 538 1,828 6 431 10 6,303 745 87, 107 3,117 15, 175 168 15, 598 3 1 2 1 6 8 2 6 2,544 9,363 15, 861 4,196 4,921 1,315 1,457 1,311 29 30 31 3? 166 20,816 98 6,663 171 16, 717 30 3,145 33 34 35 2 1 36 37 38 1 5 1 2 2,176 6,029 3,220 793 220 452 2,026 411 1 1 39 40 1 5 249 4,163 8,278 756 1,579 1,621 202 2,711 41 1 4? 267 850 1,716 320 305 140 359 10 524 1,499 2,117 241 242 74 392 24 5,847 6,411 20,475 1,820 1,291 59 198 9 174 1,238 2,582 304 159 155 299 97 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 330 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — UTAH County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage 27 37 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 - ...dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley. acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone. acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut lor hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons. acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches ..trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Morgan 283, 693 630, 172 1,376 36, 723 622 24, 301 14 359 16, 880 4,302 1,018 61 2,685 134 36 12, 917 4,074 128 15, 355 93 Piute 237, 892 511,693 1,822 1,682 5 15 201 1,390 28,912 1,154 35, 800 29 74 1,608 14 10, 535 28 34 7,603 239 58 2,573 14, 875 1,167 1,457 28 5 82 913 Rich 531, 724 837, 267 Salt Lake 1, 855, 873 4, 383, 232 827 14, 953 1,250 39, 848 84 858 18, 369 35, 357 247 1,324 16 4,959 831 27, 882 38,702 61 ,803 163 2,137 1,703 179 425 440 157 4,123 180 1,801 103 11,668 212, 455 1,332 53, 519 32 1,052 39, 575 44 320 25, 507 20 91 87 50 24, 277 55 47 1 879 78, 359 5,385 44,537 1,159 169, 610 24 8 24 23 44 161 20 6,218 57,202 34, 382 29,946 25,747 4,505 3,859 19,549 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 UTAH AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 331 Sanpete 1, 404, 791 3, 105, 373 Sevier 1, 833, 442 2, 955, 862 Summit 489, 603 958, 643 Tooele 450, 929 725, 205 Uintah 809, 310 1, 121, 320 Utah Wasatch 3, 194, 210 7, 080, 535 372, 034 855, 842 Washing ton 399, 641 990, 796 Wayne 227, 342 481, 356 Weber 1, 596, 022 3, 275, 507 92 27 350 34 290 10,712 172, 969 4,860 142, 194 70 882 24, 132 205 1,244 43, 837 58 1,803 3 63 32, 739 17 6,972 65,811 5,306 30, 973 331 27, 316 20 701 18, 513 14, 884 1,732 738 450 1,682 18 420 100 2,153 171 1,700 20 129 5,816 183, 243 3, 752 142, 940 119 241 10, 646 2 26 32, 849 307 349 47 95 28, 623 1,208 146 2,074 84, 803 6,475 55, 484 234 25, 077 1 734 8,630 25, 743 4,825 4,610 1,128 1,904 348 119 99 1,877 13 76 1,504 30, 849 1,243 51,224 47 245 7,548 6,753 76, 037 671 23, 001 142 622 18, 509 147 1,003 25, 537 1,242 3,976 147 13, 439 22 346 5,502 13, 088 92 5 10, 578 1,490 37, 660 19 1,426 256 "'2,' 232' 24, 733 324 1,444 26, 217 2 57 1,241 248 91 194 3,857 20, 077 20, 024 3,912 3,572 1,179 2,305 3,269 1,314 899 19, 832 53 445 144 218 3,660 77, 455 2,655 73, 999 128 100 2,492 5 70 34, 068 396 364 478 30, 427 1,017 256 1,130 54, 715 211 24, 551 1,756 10, 655 6,792 1,523 351 616 3,027 240 1,346 621 17, 786 519 4,708 181 25 17, 593 387, 982 4,179 159, 646 183 1,671 59, 581 13 125 31 43, 459 277 728 42 318 34, 473 148 2 6,472 105, 890 12, 499 87, 951 1,289 157, 092 516 94 24 31 58 28 494 51 57, 005 193, 400 179, 450 227, 298 206, 881 32, 026 20, 669 52, 592 1,413 34, 982 1,178 40, 216 16 118 3,842 15, 367 455 4,282 34 5 7,243 2,919 380 25,. 149 158 1,449 62 5,849 55 5,047 3,729 2 1 30 142 1 1,029 388 7,129 148 253 269 224 1,703 25, 136 157 4,452 10 172 4,871 32 238 91 1 854 402 106 87 20, 915 4,958 8,931 9,598 36, 408 28, 734 4,170 3,101 180, 598 137 81 1,270 27 29 1,031 23, 367 1,286 35, 165 21 505 9,521 8,474 124 366 14 74 6,392 74 233 85 1,112 13, 307 72 5,750 229 1,126 2,404 731 1,648 214 467 144 343 153 3,490 85 1,014 90 15 4, 680 93, 189 2,622 111,001 121 673 20, 631 60 558 20, 851 1,005 579 25 34 17, 505 437 268 6,293 50,911 1,704 253, 116 110 42 55 28 36 58 1,238 53 3,738 44, 844 39, 151 97, 051 126, 013 4,119 5,101 98, 329 332 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 — UTAH County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Bea- ver Box Elder Cache Car- bon gett Davis Du- chesne Em- ery 1 2 3 4 AH farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male- 108, 856 31, 256 77, 600 41, 195 i 36,405 1 1,940 505 1,435 801 634 8,617 2,648 5,969 3,177 2,792 12, 029 3,159 8,870 4,621 4,249 1,396 353 1,043 575 468 266 74 192 106 86 6,309 1,752 4,557 2,362 2,195 4,423 1,426 2,997 1, 635 1,362 1,979 579 1,400 711 689 fi Female White farm population Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male... 6 7 8 9 106,640 30,549 76,091 1 40, 357 35, 734 2,216 1 707 1. 509 1 838 671 1,940 505 1,435 801 634 8,297 2,523 5,774 3,072 2,702 320 125 195 105 90 11, 966 3,134 8,832 4,598 4,234 63 25 38 23 15 1,396 353 1,043 575 468 266 74 192 106 86 6,017 1,646 4,371 2,241 2,130 292 106 186 121 65 4,271 1,390 2,881 1,574 1,307 152 36 116 61 55 1,979 579 1,400 711 689 10 Female 11 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 12 13 14 15 Female Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male .. 16 17 18 19 97, 130 ! 27, 249 69, 881 37, 004 32, 877 96, 074 26, 913 69, 161 36, 599 32, 562 1,056 336 720 405 315 928 237 691 393 298 392 104 288 189 99 536 133 403 204 199 10, 798 3,770 7,028 3,798- 3,230 10, 174 3,532 6,642 3,569 3,073 624 238 386 229 157 1,714 430 1,284 715 569 1,714 430 1,284 715 569 7,348 2,189 5,159 2,738 2,421 7,239 2,152 5,087 2,700 2,387 109 37 72 38 34 43 8 35 21 14 43 8 35 21 14 11, 180 2,859 8,321 4,330 3,991 11, 166 2,854 8,312 4,325 3,987 14 5 9 5 4 10 4 6 4 2 10 4 6 4 2 1,237 301 936 515 421 1,237 301 936 515 421 217 57 160 89 71 217 57 160 89 71 5,495 1,503 3,992 2,048 1,944 5,382 1,456 3,926 2,003 1,923 113 47 66 45 21 22 4 18 9 9 22 4 18 9 9 3,765 1,193 2,572 1,404 1,168 3,625 1,160 2,465 1,348 1,117 140 33 107 56 51 1,673 484 1,189 598 591 1,673 484 1,189 598 691 19 3 16 10 6 j 19 3 16 10 \ 6 20 Female 21 22 23 24 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male ^5 Female 26 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male ?7 28 29 30 Female 31 32 33 34 Population on managed farms.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 18 4 14 9 5 18 9 5 5 1 4 3 1 5 1 4 3 1 35 Female. . 36 37 38 39 White farm population. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 40 Female. . 41 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 4? 43 44 1 45 Female 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male . 226 75 151 86 65 226 75 151 86 65 1,226 451 775 418 357 1,015 363 652 351 301 211 88 123 67 56 839 296 543 287 256 790 276 514 269 245 49 20 29 18 11 141 48 93 51 42 141 48 93 51 42 44 16 28 14 14 44 16 28 14 14 T.2 245 547 305 242 613 186 427 229 198 179 59 120 76 44 658 233 425 231 194 646 230 416 226 190 12 3 9 5 4 287 ' 92 195 ; 103 , 92 287 92 195 103 , 92 """ 50 Female... 51 52 63 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male... 55 Female 56 Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 57 58 59 60 CENSUS OF AGIUCULTURE: 1925 — UTAH BT Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 333 Gar- field Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard Mor- gan Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete Sevier 727 443 844 2,015 702 7,010 942 791 872 11, 160 1,538 2,797 2,747 1 239 128 285 483 236 2,207 265 251 296 2,909 458 850 860 2 488 315 559 1,532 466 4,803 677 540 576 8,251 1,080 1,947 1,887 3 279 191 304 838 255 2,580 360 278 326 4,303 601 1,029 1,003 4 209 124 255 694 211 2,223 317 262 250 3,948 479 918 884 b 727 443 844 1,972 702 6,950 942 782 872 11, 095 891 2,777 2,747 6 239 128 285 469 236 2,189 265 250 296 2,886 287 840 860 V 488 315 559 1,503 466 4,761 677 532 576 8,209 604 1,937 1,887 8 279 191 304 824 255 2,557 360 275 326 4,274 357 1.022 1,003 9 209 124 255 679 211 2,204 317 257 250 3,935 247 915 884 10 43 14 29 14 15 60 18 42 23 19 9 1 8 3 5 65 23 42 29 13 647 171 476 244 232 20 10 10 7 3 n 12 13 14 16 689 347 739 1,887 683 6,325 883 674 830 10, 079 926 2,681 2,499 16 222 93 250 446 227 1,961 243 211 283 2,532 296 770 769 17 467 254 489 1,441 456 4,364 640 463 547 7,647 630 1,811 1,730 18 266 152 267 788 249 2,341 340 237 310 3,918 356 966 918 19 201 102 222 653 207 2,023 300 226 237 3,629 274 855 812 21 689 347 739 1,849 683 6,289 883 665 830 10, 056 759 2,566 2,499 21 222 93 250 435 227 1,953 243 210 283 2,522 246 762 769 22 467 254 489 1,414 456 4,336 640 455 547 7,534 614 1,803 1,730 23 266 152 267 775 249 2,326 340 234 310 3,911 292 950 918 24 201 102 222 639 207 2,010 300 221 237 3,623 222 863 812 26 38 11 27 13 14 6 36 8 28 15 13 32 8 9 1 8 3 5 5 23 10 13 7 6 9 167 51 116 64 52 526 16 8 8 6 2 6 ?fi 27 28 29 30 9 32 31 5 4 11 21 7 25 3 5 5 4 127 399 4 2 32 6 5 33 2 15 3 19 4 3 2 215 1 34 2 6 3 6 1 2 2 184 1 36 9 32 6 28 8 5 9 46 6 36 5 4 11 21 7 21 3 5 5 4 7 39 4 2 37 6 5 38 2 15 3 15 4 3 2 35 1 39 2 6 3 6 4 1 2 2 4 480 120 360 180 180 86 1- 40 41 1 42 4 4 43 1 44 45 29 64 105 122 19 653 51 112 42 1,072 216 242 46 12 24 35 37 9 239 19 40 13 372 35 80 87 47 17 40 70 85 10 414 32 72 29 700 51 136 165 48 11 24 37 47 6 220 16 38 16 383 30 73 84 49 6 16 33 38 4 194 16 34 13 317 21 63 71 50 29 64 105 117 19 633 51 112 42 1,030 86 212 242 61 12 24 35 34 9 229 19 40 13 359 35 78 87 52 17 40 70 83 10 404 32 72 29 671 51 134 156 53 11 24 37 46 6 216 16 38 16 361 30 72 84 54 6 16 33 37 5 3 2 1 1 4 188 20 10 10 4 6 16 34 13 310 42 13 29 22 7 21 62 4 2 2 1 1 71 55 66 67 68 69 1 60 334 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — UTAH County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure; 1925— Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sum- mit Too- ele Uin- tah Utah Wa- satch Wash- ington Wayne Weber 1 2 3 4 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 2,520 665 1,855 993 862 2,406 685 1,721 942 779 5,465 1,672 3,793 2,077 1,716 14, 463 4,099 10, 364 5,429 4,935 1,417 422 995 525 470 3,871 1,174 2,697 1,412 1,285 816 266 550 299 251 8,351 2,310 6,041 3,183 !^ Female 2,858 Whi te farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 6 7 8 q 2,520 665 1,855 993 862 2,347 668 1,679 920 759 59 17 42 22 20 5,159 1,578 3,581 1,952 1,629 306 94 212 125 87 14, 458 4,096 10, 362 5,428 4,934 5 3 2 1 1 1,417 422 995 525 470 3,827 1,161 2,666 1,397 1,269 44 13 31 15 16 816 266 550 299 251 8,220 2,259 5,961 3,138 in Female 2,823 131 11 Colored farm population 1?, Under 10 years of age 51 13 10 years of age and over . 80 14 Male 45 Ifi Female . . 35 Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age lOyears of age and over Male Female.. White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 2,433 640 1,793 962 831 2,433 640 1,793 962 831 2,102 588 1,514 827 687 2,101 588 1,513 826 687 1 4,625 1,386 3,239 1,768 1,471 4,327 1,294 3,033 1,645 1,388 298 92 206 123 83 42 14 28 21 7 42 14 28 21 7 13, 073 3,611 9,462 4,944 4,518 13, 073 3,611 9,462 4,944 4,518 1,354 399 955 503 452 1,354 399 955 503 452 3,711 1,124 2,587 1,356 1,231 3,667 1,111 2,556 1,341 1,215 44 13 31 15 16 777 253 524 287 237 777 253 524 287 237 7,284 1,929 5,355 2,822 2,533 7,236 1,909 5,327 2,808 9.F, Female 2,519 ?R Colored farm population.. ._ 48 ?.7 Under 10 years of age. . 20 ?8 10 years of age and over 1 1 28 9q Male 14 30 Female - . 14 31 Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 6 1 5 3 2 6 1 5 3 2 54 13 41 21 20 2 2 1 1 52 13 39 20 10 250 84 166 94 72 244 80 164 93 71 I 2 1 1 42 12 30 16 14 42 12 30 16 14 10 2 8 4 4 10 2 8 4 4 24 3? 9 33 15 34 8 35 Female 7 30 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male .. ?4 37 9 38 15 3P g 40 Female 7 41 Colored farm population 4? Under 10 years of age 43 10 years of age and over 44 Male 45 Female 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 81 24 57 28 29 81 24 57 28 29 798 272 526 288 238 790 270 520 286 234 8 2 6 2 4 1,348 476 872 469 403 1,343 473 870 468 402 5 3 2 1 1 53 21 32 18 14 53 21 32 18 14 160 50 110 56 54 160 50 110 56 54 39 13 26 12 14 39 13 26 12 14 1,043 372 671 353 50 Female. 318 61 52 63 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 960 341 619 322 55 Female 297 56 Colored farm population 83 57 31 58 10 vears of age and over 52 59 Male-..- 31 60 Female 21 CENSUS OF AGEICUIiTtTRE: 1926 — UTAH 335 County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Beav- er Box Elder Cache Car- bon Dag- gett Davis Du- chesne 1 Total number of farms, 1925 25, 992 504 1,921 2,483 292 49 1,238 968 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes . ? 3,497 2,132 410 3,568 9,370 7,666 2,508 224 2 132 17 326 183 517 1,010 76 249 20, 461 1,028 588 21, 592 7,561 7,316 975 330 413 152 450 638 1,688 569 7,310 8,005 4,838 3,855 4,366 1,683 18 74 30 19 13 143 111 53 6 92 44 24 560 502 382 232 8 105 26 59 602 708 783 269 7 2 60 42 2 19 73 64 10 1 ...... 18 4 124 42 65 144 260 165 137 2 171 8 Harvested for grain 134 4 Cut for silage... 5 Winter wheat- 56 fi Spring wheat 426 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed . 320 8 Barlev 21 q Rye... .- 3 10 Flaxseed n Sorghums of all kinds... 3 ^'> Soy beans 4 5 13 47 166 14 12 2,026 86 24 2,121 1,248 485 122 33 15 34 62 127 122 41 730 905 194 294 430 62 IS Cowpeas 2 14 25 ...... 365 4 7 379 '"i40" 2 2 ...... I 5 11 115 35 52 63 4 64 11 41 74 4 8 1,396 89 40 1,462 867 454 85 20 74 4 22 52 119 105 490 432 418 122 223 108 1 5 12 11 37 8 1 959 18 5 979 584 571 139 12 138 7 102 131 481 121 686 463 430 206 285 217 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 1 6 2 ...... 209 1 1 223 39. 152 3 2 1 42 11 1 47 ""23" 4 MS Hay crops: Timothy alone .. 13 16 Timothy and clover mixed 23 17 18 1Q Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 1 39 786 ■^o Other tame grasses 11 ?1 Small grains cut for hay... 33 m Production of hay of all kinds 802 ?3 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar.. '?4 Potatoes, white... 284 ?,'i Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages... ?fi 5 6 ?7 Cantaloupes and muskmelons... 5 ?8 Lettuce .. 9,9 Onions (dry) ,. . 2 5 2 .-..-- 2 30 Sweet corn .. 6 31 Tomatoes. 4 3? Watermelons 6 33 All other crops. . 53 59 40 57 53 2 8 1 1 4 452 34 Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees 271 35 Peach trees .. 98 36 Pear trees. 111 37 Plum and prune trees 169 38 Grapevines... 47 3Q Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules.. 40 22, 243 9,107 16, 914 9,095 20, 854 5,469 235 13, 648 19, 706 404 276 219 137 354 199 14 260 320 1,658 435 1,271 737 1,448 274 6 1,013 1,395 2,072 239 2,104 1,444 2,139 220 3 1,035 1,871 253 183 40 16 202 79 15 127 205 47 36 13 9 43 17 1 26 45 1,036 91 963 433 984 67 1 558 1,000 875 41 Cattle: Beef cattle 528 4?, Dairy cows 470 43 Dairy bulls and (or) calves.. 336 44 Cows milked . 755 45 Sheep.. 276 46 Goats 35 47 Swine ... . 546 48 Chickens.. 777 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 ..cords.. Farms reporting number.. 49 50 51 2,082 150 1,841 17 4,704 572 1 36 1 ""20' 1 11 4 254 1 39 7 44 7 14 3 26 5 274 9 45 52 3 53 54 344 81 40 2 189 21 173 14 336 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 ^UTAH County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords op ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Em- ery Gar- field Grand Iron Juab Kane Mil- lard Mor- gan 1 Total number of farms, 1925... . ... 787 494 129 536 479 266 1,436 189 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes.. V, 329 190 14 4 488 453 24 119 66 69 : 66 1 196 118 7 88 175 188 25 4 35 3 20 290 33 72 47 4 1 45 35 \ 6" 29 34 1 1 182 120 19 384 246 237 121 128 ""25' 134 128 107 3 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage 5 Winter wheat 6 157 210 7 8 -- 4 ' 1 fi Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley 9 Rye 10 Flaxseed 11 Sorghums of all kinds. .. 10 1? Soy beans 1 13 Cowpeas 14 3 6 50 3 42 686 35 15 709 2 299 1 12 29 7 18 17 29 42 222 242 130 137 123 4 6 11 20 2 15 Hay crops: Timothy alone - - - - 3 4 2 5 449 15 17 467 15 2' 79 24 5 177 10 "■i84' 54 76 60 8" 16 127 68 1 2 2 16 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 1 5 347 13 3 365 48 8 18 165 5 14 171 ""59' 9 1,229 3 101 1,250 208 248 11 2 8 1 8 14 10 17 61 374 257 268 252 84 19 388 47 22 405 75 3 1 79 2 20 3 \ ?n Other tame grasses ?1 Small grains cut for hay ?? Production of hay of all kinds ?3 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?4 Potatoes, white ''5 Strawberries ?fi Vegetables grown for sale: 97 Cantaloupes and muskmelons ?8 ?9 Onions (dry) 3 2 30 31 Tomatoes 71 45 31 26 38 1 3 4 49 64 58 50 45 43 3? 33 All other crops . ... 38 58 20 23 42 1 59 55 31 18 26 2 44 58 27 29 39 8 34 Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees 35 Peach trees.. 3fi Pear trees _ 37 Plum and prune trees 38 Grapevines 39 Pecan trees. 40 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 722 563 429 195 679 233 21 523 670 450 430 115 38 401 176 3 329 342 848 46 2 1 178 21 127 65 71 48 80 67 2 49 80 43 3 497 292 308 190 445 299 13 328 386 418 205 330 116 356 134 1 268 356 1 105 4 40 3 154 15 212 144 63 43 100 57 6 81 83 7 1 1,263 475 1,123 780 1,165 331 6 913 1,006 177 119 72 54 155 20 2 115 168 71 16 3 1 630 76 41 Cattle: Beef cattle 4? Dairy cows 43 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 44 Cows milked . . 45 Sheep 4fi Goats. 47 Swine 48 Chickens 49 60 61 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres. . 1 Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 52 53 64 399 23 20 2 44 6 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 UTAH 337 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Pi- Rich Salt San San- Se- Sum- Too- Uin- Wash- Wayne Web- Utah ute Lake Juan pete vier mit ele tah satch mg- ton er 238 199 2,359 263 1,515 1,063 476 421 1,132 3,354 432 750 274 1,745 1 6 174 86 29 126 49 325 674 1 248 29 149 2 1 96 52 10 55 42 240 474 1 142 19 84 3 32 210 2 57 5 167 23 19 ....... 4 118 8 120 82 317 4" 9 149 .. 16 157 4 5 5 159 57 793 7 857 696 146 78 440 1,726 256 93 129 546 6 141 90 389 28 765 616 181 91 397 1,038 187 28 127 419 7 11 49 228 1 144 71 73 88 34 402 35 63 61 189 8 4 4 1 18 1 9 2 2 5 6 9 in 22 ""u 3 2 7 2 10 1 7 9 32 14 6 1 83 1 11 1 3 6 15 22" 3 15 1 174 10 81 12 20 13 11 15 30 59 4 14 5 15 5 12 58 1 15 4 31 10 4 86 23 140 12 9 47 123 8 16 68 16 1 6 6 ...... 2 8 2 8 4 12 52 1 1 .. 4 13 3 3 17 1 32 18 219 134 1,729 128 1,275 940 277 361 897 2,596 299 654 229 1,424 19 9 7 10 4 97 43 254 35 46 104 23 4 41 20 11 10 7 7 48 29 12 27 32 20 16 19 34 32 21 225 194 1,779 131 1,386 982 455 363 934 2,744 411 655 238 1,452 22 848 613 "'11' 513 386 590 341 "■'29' 43 156 ■"'462' 1,569 1,079 45 91 901 628 93 91 65 91 108 24 96 29 4 8 2 2 8 11 4 398 46 3 18 9 85 33 '^5 16 1 17 26 8 1 6 2 6 40 40 4 32 27 24 4 2 2 25 5 5 24 28 34 58 3 7 14 13 10 2 7 7 9 12 65 39 11 46 13 18 50 67 ?9 30 117 1 12 11 6 276 65 9 418 31 16 5 10 5 7 61 79 4 41 32 40 43 652 45 194 168 16 59 692 1,063 189 300 47 707 33 53 59 890 34 249 274 123 217 403 1,473 61 537 74 351 34 6 618 27 70 128 143 74 1,153 2 491 26 329 35 23 36 537 27 103 152 31 162 154 611 3 418 38 164 36 35 41 473 29 136 185 38 161 240 596 10 392 52 184 37 202 20 4 15 58 19 282 1 362 7 132 38 18 39 214 186 1,710 256 1,365 943 436 371 1,024 2,753 405 661 264 1,444 40 152 150 243 97 705 479 344 166 768 907 229 392 192 202 41 79 43 1,661 178 1,101 786 224 272 2A6 2,422 258 602 99 1,352 42 54 31 691 136 470 404 119 109 170 1,048 151 342 67 727 43 193 173 1,690 187 1,363 874 424 348 894 2,713 387 680 235 1,387 44 94 61 185 59 725 421 223 136 356 350 151 108 99 52 45 2 1 6 8 14 5 4 8 22 12 3 13 4 6 46 153 139 862 129 1,008 720 255 245 514 1,712 329 412 205 794 47 164 156 1,756 173 1,252 844 388 360 901 2,534 364 614 216 1,290 48 1 121 2 135 7 87 53 15 136 44 2 49 1 7 1 5 2 6 8 2 11 7 1 "in 2 5 15 1,475 5 415 51 1 566 1 168 1 64 5? 2 23 22 56 187 893 8 70 53 1 6 39 3 9 36 17 11 40 126 2 13 54 338 CENSUS OF A.GRICULTURE : 1925 UTAH County Table VII.— Acreage of Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) AH land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres.. 1,000 acres and over The State 000, 724 47, 984 220, 830 363, 714 511,813 974, 526 561, 487 320, 370 024, 566 33, 049 146, 973 203, 807 198, 546 251,610 89, 054 101, 527 201, 366 704, 266 588, 138 883, 631 570, 317 262, 908 719,415 472, 691 498, 606 745, 877 440, 699 320, 078 470, 627 702, 110 330, 800 488, 415 Beaver 63, 293 540 4,458 7,009 11,207 22, 595 9,604 17, 087 318 2,692 3,504 3,876 5,205 1,186 306 2, 895, 564 69, 688 422, 522 543, 075 605, 900 931, 575 205, 604 117, 200 354, 470 21, 000 68, 390 79, 370 60, 885 110, 525 11,200 3,100 Box Elder 593, 594 2,328 15, 868 26, 100 38, 606 96, 651 81, 258 332, 783 110,327 1,681 11,561 16, 320 16, 980 31, 936 17, 236 14, 613 18, 179, 309 833, 345 2, 650, 474 3, 271, 163 2, 975, 089 4, 040, 816 1, 814, 655 2, 593, 767 2, 630, 175 287, 070 479, 275 495, 910 459, 860 518, 985 212, 425 176, 650 Cache 340, 153 5,082 20, 329 35, 398 45, 974 94, 337 43, 610 95, 423 110,170 3,367 14, 094 20, 673 23, 762 32, 903 10, 844 4,527 23, 543, 701 2, 145, 781 4, 075, 195 5, 044, 225 4, 676, 116 5, 249, 906 1, 414, 238 938, 240 5, 109, 903 926, 800 1, 030, 565 1,117,548 856, 140 861, 400 190, 450 127, 000 Carbon Daggett 38, 504 306 2,396 4,320 9,317 9,643 4,322 8,200 10,640 179 1,120 2,165 2,509 2,343 424 1,900 1, 308, 955 107, 325 239, 150 280, 385 278, 655 223, 640 74, 500 105, 300 207, 680 33, 225 53, 150 51, 955 35, 850 25, 700 3,300 4,500 34, 052 1 142 2,821 3,936 2,830 24, 323 5,422 60 883 1,058 588 2,833 503, 550 '"i"5,'656' 76,000 83, 000 29, 500 310, 000 63, 925 1,450 17, 300 4,150 2,950 38, 075 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres , 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Morgan Piute 37, 589 91 1,932 ! 3,544 i 2,892 ! 9,676 ! 4,990 I 14, 464 8,296 83 1,519 2,317 1,224 2,429 464 260 1, 586, 656 23, 100 292, 300 423, 900 200, 150 405, 605 111,600 130, 000 375, 100 11,950 86, 000 115,200 43, 600 90,800 19, 050 8,500 34, 382 157 1,792 4,236 5,929 16, 664 2 5, 604 Rich 13, 262 118 1,420 2,577 2,544 5,652 2 951 1, 440, 414 13, 205 138, 881 282, 182 278, 567 606, 749 2 120, 830 171,275 3,450 18, 185 25, 775 38, 995 74, 120 2 10, 750 219, 088 43 543 1,835 6,266 18, 214 14, 630 177, 557 38, 736 31 395 1,224 3,102 8,351 6,368 19,275 2, 292, 321 5,900 58, 570 116, 660 220, 905 460, 980 299, 921 1, 129, 385 269. 175 3,000 16, 000 21, 250 38, 775 72, 300 32, 750 85, 100 Salt Lake 144, 864 9,338 23, 760 17, 700 12, 979 15, 635 6,707 58, 745 48, 986 6,084 17, 058 10, 955 7,085 4,723 1,526 1,555 18,870,112 6, 104, 277 6, 227, 445 3, 286, 685 1, 466, 530 710, 150 215, 220 859, 805 4, 540, 693 2, 220, 200 1,372,113 574, 900 213, 900 107, 680 32,900 19, 000 San Juan 105, 067 140 713 1,564 8,780 30, 152 15, 118 48, 600 14, 016 100 226 405 1,898 3,892 2,359 5,136 1, 385, 350 22, 400 31,075 47, 125 150,880 360, 280 254, 690 518, 900 205, 115 11,975 8,835 8,585 14,955 36, 740 44, 525 79, 500 Sanpete 326, 095 1,745 11,782 26, 958 31, 703 74, 317 43, 423 136, 167 67, 859 1,262 7,753 15, 838 13, 232 17, 883 6,086 5,806 11,619,924 327, 945 1, 308. 760 2,454,119 2, 028, 449 2, 848, 866 1,021,178 1, 630, 607 1, 313, 526 126, 125 225, 700 292, 865 217, 890 262, 855 72, 900 115,200 1 Includes the group "50 to 99 acres. CENSUS OF AGKICULTXJEE : 1925 UTAH 339 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Farm: 1925 size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] 1 Davis Duchesne Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard 112,974 242, 566 122, 506 124, 506 30, 560 230, 796 153, 241 98, 167 199, 433 1 3,877 50 488 442 142 328 445 365 628 2 14, 301 5,990 4,839 2,187 389 2,390 1,810 864 13, 568 3 17, 117 16, 691 13, 689 5,797 1,093 5,789 6,583 1,262 29, 420 4 11,294 47, 876 27, 456 18, 806 4,569 12, 221 14, 517 3,296 35, 892 5 12, 525 55, 999 39, 524 33,844 3,511 40,412 31,915 13, 923 59, 315 6 2,388 •27. 454 10, 513 16, 854 4, 180 1 41, 182 24, 568 25, 864 29,972 7 51, 472 88, 506 25, 997 46, 576 16, 686 128, 474 73, 403 62, 693 30, 638 8 31, 565 45, 048 31, 392 20, 826 4,399 23, 671 28, 188 4,401 65, 208 9 2,828 11 342 307 64 271 325 226 323 10 10, 208 3,031 2,640 1,301 238 1,551 1,143 402 8,405 11 9,998 7,200 5,903 2,627 542 2,970 3,405 557 16, 995 12 4.561 16, 131 8,929 4,705 1,206 3,706 5,640 474 16, 026 13 3,229 14, 365 9,118 6,221 1,143 7,733 8,640 1,352 15, 136 14 441 2,746 2,412 2,266 725 4,033 3,789 669 5,287 16 300 1,564 2,048 3,399 481 3,407 6,246 731 3, 036 16 10, 819, 554 4, 753, 182 3, 383, 350 2, 570, 640 626, 700 4, 429, 186 3, 646, 673 1, 142, 416 10, 789, 685 17 1,770,059 3,495 118, 075 45, 686 17, 600 39, 550 86, 760 39, 406 113,000 18 3, 525, 425 262, 355 330, 340 138, 660 58, 500 222, 510 162, 295 83, 230 1, 491, 640 19 3, 067, 020 681, 985 652, 100 250, 640 65, 900 429, ] 05 425, 785 76, 225 2, 751, 410 20 1, 301, 035 1, 515, 145 854, 085 485, 475 151, 000 483, 116 616, 413 72, 075 2, 391, 325 21 1 708, 500 1, 425, 173 858, 550 709, 940 100, 300 1, 186, 660 975, 128 246, 160 2, 488, 346 22 1 107, 700 353, 952 211, 200 301, 660 99, 000 766, 655 442, 839 228, 660 853, 715 23 339, 815 511, 077 ,359, 000 638, 580 134, 400 1, 302, 591 936, 463 396, 770 700, 250 24 2, 060, 819 527, 935 462, 385 247, 300 65, 900 331, 400 534, 803 193, 835 1, 442, 555 25 606, 709 895 43, 250 9,390 4,800 575 40, 250 8,750 46,420 26 657, 575 39, 525 64, 925 9,135 14, 025 12, 120 41, 640 15, 900 311,926 27 471, 585 102, 305 110, 775 19, 280 5,160 34, 090 93, 080 19, 176 383, 230 28 191, 150 177, 300 111, 535 57, 040 16, 725 42, 250 110,493 14, 525 289, 980 29 101, 300 154, 060 101, 850 75, 035 13, 800 97, 646 126, 516 62, 366 280, 925 30 10, 300 26, 375 9,850 32, 950 8,000 97, 860 46, 760 32, 220 85, 375 31 22, 200 27, 475 20, 200 44, 470 3,400 46, 970 77, 075 50,900 45, 700 32 Sevier Summit Tooele Uintah Utah Wasatch Washing- ton Wayne Weber 166,072 271, 578 144, 320 189, 187 367, 316 260, 185 108, 034 34,413 228, 189 1 1,308 351 453 975 10,749 554 • 1,929 103 6,027 2 10, 680 2,466 1,748 9,251 36, 760 3,505 5,602 1,341 19,434 3 23, 617 7,580 3,796 19, 262 38, 672 7,085 7,048 5,172 26, 377 4 18, 338 12, 529 11, 691 38, 291 28,325 7,842 13, 516 10,361 18, 629 5 26, 819 31, 007 34, 036 56, 050 47, 402 17, 131 40, 786 14, 227 24, 280 6 9,472 21,015 29,253 16, 053 32,922 7,477 19,973 2 3, 209 7,042 7 75,838 196, 630 63, 443 49, 305 162, 496 206, 591 19, 180 14,371 128, 400 8 50, 199 28,803 22,857 46, 178 89,296 18,807 11, 615 42, 942 9 926 229 318 615 7,906 408 1,406 46 3,375 10 8,426 1,653 730 5,009 26,783 2,326 2,899 706 11, 624 11 16,605 4,469 1,422 9,724 24,0/6 4,280 2,084 2,533 12,439 12 8,891 5,551 3,460 13, 644 11,351 3,555 2,238 4,007 7, 376 13 8,737 8,661 8,162 12, 797 12, 070 3,809 4,201 3,834 6,027 14 1,993 2,685 4,714 2,164 4,488 587 694 2 489 861 15 4,621 5,555 4,051 2, 325 2,621 3,842 849 1,240 16 8, 178, 257 4,747,765 3, 368, 152 5, 808, 604 22, 180, 363 3, 691, 199 3, 692, 916 1, 240, 960 13, 506, 920 17 215, 835 58,340 114, 175 149, 126 3,730,054 80, 850 436, 672 6,310 2, 027, 320 18 1,369,605 263,480 155, 800 720, 160 7, 289, 691 362, 870 688, 820 79, 666 3, 933, 780 19 2, 725, 649 589,360 284, 640 1, 201, 146 6,242,073 628, 175 475,230 222,996 3, 364, 675 20 1,390,329 774, 750 416, 685 1, 493, 970 2, 316, 105 684, 850 542,719 387, 760 1,837,240 21 1,332,912 1,159,477 1,043,226 1, 636, 675 2,207,365 593, 350 1,013,025 469, 630 1,288,025 22 324,092 490,846 539, 160 229,646 628, 175 114, 740 224, 550 2 74, 800 166,200 23 819,835 1,411,512 816, 466 477, 884 766, 900 1,326,364 399, 810 312, 900 889, 680 24 818,976 766,299 731, 700 846, 986 4, 290, 125 822, 697 173, 910 2, 541, 136 25 63,900 26, 650 60, 760 60,440 1,311,976 18, 850 136, 168 476 662, 846 26 140,066 83,800 60,050 145, 530 1, 426, 405 52,785 178,976 18, 820 807,836 27 293, 760 136,319 80, 650 186,340 771, 225 89, 325 128, 450 24, 635 587, 356 28 135, 626 150, 275 102, 050 207, 676 319,000 98, 960 128,424 47, 380 272, 200 29 110, 500 198,900 222, 450 185, 850 296, 696 74,800 189, 115 74, 800 180, 450 30 28,325 59, 155 104,300 17,400 70,375 11,700 31,775 2 7, 800 18, 100 31 46,800 111, 200 101,460 42, 850 94,560 63,400 30,800 12,360 32 2 Includes the group "1,000 acres and over." 340 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 UTAH County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Beaver Box Elder Cache Car- Dag- bon gett Davis 1 2 Sales: Value of farm products sold. .dollars.. Owners .dollars.. Managers dollars. . Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. Managers number.. Tenants number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased. .dollars. . Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases.. number.. Owners number.. Managers number.. Tenants... ...number.. 2, 367, 733 2, 058, 907 19, 139 289, 687 3,775 3,354 5 416 115, 952 109, 785 118 6,049 974 913 1 60 2,680 2,480 ""200" I 185, 657 150, 134 16, 079 19,444 225 189 3 33 13, 315 12, 735 535, 239 466, 640 200 200 _ 371,235 273, 160 4 68, 699 906 810 98, 073 425 347 5 6 7 1 1 8 q 96 8,281 8,170 78 4,663 3,879 118 666 76 65 1 10 10 11 1? 580 56 50 111 70 66 13 14 15 16 6 4 item and tenure Du- chesne Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane 1 1 2 Sales: Value of farm products sold, .dollars.. Owners dollars. Managers dollars 14, 680 12,491 2,185 2,185 228 228 700 700 15,818 79,897 15,818 1 79,690 4 Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers... number. 2,189 48 40 j 207 5 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 31 i 31 46 44 8 Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased, .dollars. Owners. dollars. Managers dollars 8 733 678 1 9 9 10 n 50 50 153 153 30 30 1,309 1,309 5,636 5,571 1? Tenants dollars. Farms reporting pur chases., number.. Owners number. Managers number 55 9 8 j 65 13 14 15 1 1 3 3 i 4 i 4 9 9 25 24 16 Tenants number. 1 1 ITEM and tenure Millard Mor- gan Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete Sevier 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold-dollars.. Owners dollars. . Managers dollars.. Tenants .dollars . . Farms reporting sales number.. Owners .number.. Managers .number.. Tenants number . . Purchases: Value of supplies purchased. dollars.. Owners dollars . . Managers dollars 153, 736 140, 591 800 12, 345 300 270 1 29 5,730 4,665 70, 258 67,058 100 100 123, 240 118,873 135, 099 ? 115, 907 3 2, 260 4 3,200 65 60 1 1 4,367 253 237 16, 932 5 261 6 224 7 1 8 5 5,846 5,846 25 25 16 2,274 2,174 36 q 10, 099 10 9,854 11 1? Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases-number. . Owners number.. ]VT fl n fi gpr55 nnmhpr 1,065 91 86 100 23 22 245 13 28 28 1 1 137 14 130 15 16 Tenants number. . 5 1 7 d CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — UTAH 341 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sum- mit Too- ele Uin- tah Utah Wa- satch Wash- ing- ton Wayne Weber 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold. dollars- Owners dollars- Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number- Purchases: Value of supplies purchased.dollars- Owners dollars. Managers ...dollars- Tenants. dollars- Farms reporting purchases.number- Owners number. Managers.. number- Tenants number- 20, 620 20, 620 712 712 17,698 13,648 269,459 257, 590 1,340 1,340 1,936 1,861 9,812 9,812 355, 206 307, 069 4 4,050 87 71 11,869 396 367 3 3 75 16 15 32 32 48, 137 5 6 7 26 26 2 2 637 571 8 16 817 799 29 30,043 28, 851 540 540 1 133 114 - 66 9 10 11 13, 651 13, 651 215 185 12,409 10, 506 12 13 14 15 34 34 30 10 9 18 10 8 1,192 292 279 4 4 19 8 7 1,903 83 75 16 1 2 13 1 8 NEVADA 51623—27 23 - 343 NEVADA Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains :U4 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA 345 State Table 1.- — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1925 1920 1910 Number of farms, total.- 3,883 3,163 2,689 Operated by— Owners— 3,463 2,699 2,175 Full owners . 3,251 2,493 2,061 Part owners 212 114 206 168 114 Managers . . .. 181 Tenants 306 178 128 70, 285, 440 296 168 128 70,285,440 333: 191 Other tenants 142 Approximate land area of State. acres-. 70, 285, 440 Land in farms, total.. .-.acres.. 4, 090, 586 2, 357, 163 2, 714, 757 In farms operated by- Owners acres-- 2, 692, 692 1,419,531 1, 032, 432: Full owners acres-- 1, 649, 259 1,021,008 (0 Part owners . acres.. 1, 043, 433 398, 523 (0 Managers acres-. 1, 207, 821 796, 477 1, 524, 130 Tenants.. - acres-. 190,073 141,155 158, 19f Cash tenants acres.. 151, 262 77, 853 (') Other tenants. acres.. 38.811 63, 302 (0 Value of all farm property dollars-- 98, 086, 358 99, 779, 660 60, 399, 365 Land and buildings --dollars.. 67, 997, 492 66, 255, 214 39, 609, 339 Land, excluding buildings.- dollars.. 59, 030, 996 59, 362, 239 35, 276, 599 Buildings dollars.. 8, 966, 496 6, 892, 975 4, 332, 740 Implements and machmery dollars.. 3, 715, 338 3, 630, 927 1,576,096 Livestock on farms dollars.. 26, 373, 528 29,893,525 19, 213, 930 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. 50, 222 50, 486 68, 453 Mules.. - number.. 4,090 2,450 2. 786 Cattle number.. 419, 275 356, 390 449, 681 Dairy cows --- number-. 17, 380 13, 349 13, 837 Sheep number.. 1, 183, 572 880, 580 1, 154, 795. Swine - .number. - 25, 455 26, 645 23, 160 Chickens. — - number.. 225, 300 155, 197 126, 599 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres.. 574 bushels.. 14,353 Corn cut for silage acres.. 516 tons.. 3,655 Wheat-- acres-. 13,862 bushels.. 315,938 Oats threshed for grain ..acres.. 1,831 bushels.. 55,918 Barley acres.. 5,819 bushels.. 229,714 Rye... acres.. 196 bushels.- 2,660 Hay -.- -- -.. acres.. 332,682 tons.. 465,886 Potatoes, white.. acres.. 3, 415 bushels.. 448,551 Cantaloupes and muskmelons, grown for sale acres.. 663 Apples... trees not of bearing age.. 14,561 trees of bearing age.. 48, 532 bushels harvested-- 36,656 Peaches.. - trees of all ages.. 10,695 bushels harvested.. 2,245 Pears trees of all ages.. 5, 874 Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. 6, 670 Grapes vines of all ages.. 96, 960 Livestock products: ! Dairy products— , Milk produced 2 gallons..! 11,483,388 Butter made on farms pounds.. 244,309 Butterfat sold ..pounds.. 2,029,851 Cream sold.. gallons.. 127,471 Whole milk sold. gallons.. 1, 734, 246 Wool- Sheep shorn 2... number-. 1,033,956 Wool produced 2.. pounds.. 8,098,237 Eggs and chickens— ' Chicken eggs produced 2.. dozens.. 1,436,468 Chickens raised 2 number...: 280, 451 547 14, 714 179 1,677 21, 984 464, 151 2,973 75, 000 5,599 148, 216 573 4,111 352, 786 545, 639 3,639 490, 727 38 9,265 42, 612 52, 619 9,661 5,868 7,678 7,262 77, 931 , 312, 105 266, 027 718, 438 77, 003 800, 533 872, 467 , 401, 817 895, 487 187, 788 585 20, 779 (1) (0 14, 260 396, 075 7, 853 334, 973 12, 200 412, 149 43 880 350, 401 521, 184 4,864 766, 826 16,868 74,454 74, 449 11,378 3,171 6,161 9,871 34,548 6, 543, 172: 403, 885 209, 003 150, 775 1,192,835 8 891, 598 6, 273, 667 862, 655 181, 274 Not separately reported. 2 including estimates for incomplete reports. » Number of fleeces. 346 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1D25 NEVADA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State FARMS Number of farms. .1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, ] Under 3 acres. 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres.. 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres. - 925: 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 259 acres 2G0 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers... Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy--1925 1920. 1910.... Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related ^ FARM ACREAGE AND LAND Approximate land area, 1925 Per cent in farms AREA acres.. All land in farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres Crop land harvested in 1924 . Crop failure acres.. acres Idle or fallow land... Pasture land, total Plowable pasture. Woodland pasture Other pasture acres.. acres.. acres.. acres.. acres Woodland not used for pasture All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners .. . acres.. acres.. ..acres Part owners ..acres.. Owned land ..acres . Rented (hired) land M anager s acres.. acres Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners . . acres Part owners acres Managers acres Tenants ..acres Cash tenants. acres.. Other tenants acres.- 3,883 3,163 2,689 102 124 156 572 631 776 265 489 354 318 3,883 3,251 212 114 306 178 128 7.9 9.4 12.4 14.6 18.8 Churchill 558 498 354 1 1 8 113 226 70,285,440 5.8 4, 090, 586 2, 357, 163 2, 714, 757 1, 053. 5 533, 614 362, 552 131,491 39, 571 2, 973, 821 81, 882 63, 069 2, 828, 870 ,553 576, i 649, 259 043, 433 464, 773 578, 660 207, 821 190, 073 151, 262 38,811 243, 527 57, 403 39, 060 22, 562 11,882 10, 680 J 20 40 27 15 558 455 33 12 58 30 28 10.4 7.8 6.8 13.3 3.6 Clark i Douglas 212 162 146 I I 165 129 132 35 212 188 7 4 13 7 6.1 6.2 6.2 14.3 16.7 165 146 14 2 1.8 5.4 18.9 33.3 3, 232, 000 4.1 132, 712 108, 307 113,183 237.8 38, 397 33, 111 2,165 3,121 8,790 1,704 500 6, 586 295 85, 230 67, 934 69, 613 4,182 55,431 7,855 7,310 4,252 3,058 23, 223 4,031 3,390 2, 467 1, 128 j 1, 339 5, 148, 800 0.3 15. 301 13,544 20, 721 469, 120 45.9 215, 441 119,211 84, 194 72.2 1,305.7 6,688 4,586 192 1,910 3,754 820 20 2,914 4 4,855 10,034 469 315 154 2,715 2,083 318 1,765 3,485 333 376 392 116 276 21,241 20, 565 496 180 176, 897 5,827 54, 801 116,269 2,281 15,022 84,173 129,286 59,064 70, 222 ],827 155 155 13, 696 6,695 100 ' Mineral organized from part of Esmeralda in 1911. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEVADA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 347 Elko 1 Esme- I ralda i 538 543 422 45 j. 82 I 28 77 80 ! 120 30 I 538 443 21 11 10 3.9 8.1 5.9 34 19 105 2.9 10.5 2.9 Eureka 4.9 6.7 5.9 10.0 Hum- boldt 2 289 132 312 252 9 20 2.8 6.8 10.3 Lander 49 40 2 3 4 2 2 8.2 6.3 7.3 Lincoln 179 145 135 23 3 7 34 22 ! 43 17 17 10 3 Lyon 179 158 12 5 7 6.7 5.5 9.6 80.0 85.7 471 297 208 471 372 23 12 64 41 23 13.6 15.5 19.5 8.7 Mineral i Nye 128 I 92 1 128 114 2 4.7 4.3 100.0 182 152 116 6.0 9.2 6.0 37.5 10, 917, 760 15.1 1, 644, 619 718, 102 926, 385 3, 056. 9 175, 40S 124,524 I 43,915 6,969 ; 1,449,099 ! 9.459 1 2, 184, 320 0.8 17, 453 13, 977 33, 212 513.3 2,286 1,221 625 440 15, 070 3,257 436, 383 15, 070 281 19, 831 97 509, 338 349, 635 182,719 166, 916 724, 465 13, 688 160 65 95 3,600 61,181 48, 032 5 13, 149 5 78, 921 28, 659 13, 002 771 25 425 3,942 1,214 2,728 2, 660, 480 4.1 110, 364 86, 197 73, 625 1, 345. 9 20, 445 15, 272 3,284 1,889 45, 408 10, 113 138 35, 157 165 44, 346 101, 336 325 320 5 4,858 845 845 11, 999 20 1,103 2,150 2,150 6, 274, 560 550, 519 393, 865 1, 904. 84, 154 17, 998 61, 158 4,998 356, 428 3,436 189 352, 803 1,128 108, 809 106, 556 166, 063 14, 323 151, 740 273, 861 4,039 1,920 2,119 7,246 1,180 9,122 450 120 330 3, 661, 440 3.4 124, 957 133, 566 249, 736 2, 550. 1 15, 625 11,977 2,968 680 102, 784 19, 540 83, 244 6,459 43, 991 3,061 2,640 421 75, 400 2,505 1,505 1,000 8,502 350 2,200 925 745 180 6, 727, 040 0.5 32, 634 31, 105 29, 958 182.3 5,901 5,335 202 364 9,557 1,145 7 8,405 17, 176 29, 971 1,052 568 484 ,273 338 ,742 304 289 190 965, 760 15.7 152, 075 145, 371 105, 562 322.9 37, 300 26, 309 4,351 6,640 58, 054 5,809 1,920 50, 325 150 56, 571 94, 357 10, 578 5,965 4,613 32, 091 15, 049 8,694 6,355 17, 227 2,554 2,000 4,528 2,822 1,706 2, 572, 160 1.2 30, 374 27, 621 237.3 7,735 2,710 4,897 128 1.5, 860 3,343 11, 708, 160 0.8 98, 900 95, 002 94, 614 543.4 16, 553 13, 013 1,508 2,034 60, 827 2,119 2 6,777 16, 084 6,240 4,220 2,020 5,344 2,706 1,520 1,186 274 133 405 235 170 j 41 21,520 42 78, 422 8,306 5,296 3,010 10, 338 43 44 45 46 47 1, 834 48 654 I 49 1, 180 50 10, 302 534 2,012 165 ; 54 3 I 55 162 56 ' Part taken to form Pershing in 1919. 348 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 NEVADA County Table I. — Farms and Farm Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Con. ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe White Pine 1 FARMS Number of farms 1925 59 49 45 1 1 1 3 9 16 8 11 6 3 161 115 1 4 i 3 40 13 15 15 14 6 161 144 2 1 14 2 12 8.7 11.3 14 14 1 21 566 481 367 24 65 52 67 62 68 36 86 59 29 18 566 470 19 18 59 50 9 10.4 12.1 20.4 6.0 22.2 196 ? 1920. 211 3 1910 203 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres... 1 ,5 3 to 9 acres i 1 1 i 4 1 5 3 6 10 to 19 acres 3 7 20 to 49 acres 11 8 50 to 99 acres.. 33 9 100 to 174 acres 43 10 175 to 259 acres 21 11 260 to 499 acres 1 1 49 u 500 to 999 acres . 18 u 1,000 to 4,999 acres 11 14 5,000 acres and over... 3 I.*) Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 59 55 1 2 1 1 14 11 196 16 Full owners 152 17 Part owners 12 18 Managers. 8 19 Tenants 3 1 2 21.4 28.6 9.5 24 W Cash tenants 12 ?1 Other tenants. . .... 12 ?.?, Percentage of tenancy. .1925. 1.7 20.4 24.4 12.2 ?H 1920 9.5 ?A 1910... 19.2 ?^ Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related 25.0 ?,(\ Per cent of other tenants related 58.3 8.3 FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms _ 27 2H 99, 840 17.9 17,843 9,972 10,472 302.4 2,647 1,566 1,041 40 11,116 932 510 9,674 899 3,181 16, 880 430 280 150 360 173 173 3, 873, 920 5.1 199, 151 130, 968 160, 640 1.2 1,964 1,833 1,498 140.3 493 421 52 20 433 428 5 4, 000, 640 15.2 607, 502 230, 052 195, 286 1,073.3 40, 168 38,227 1,267 674 562, 147 1,573 67 560,507 74 5,113 235, 104 238, 452 124,601 113.851 55, 738 78,208 76,002 2,206 23, 978 ' 8,801 2.307 3,141 2,517 624 5, 628, 800 2.5 29 30 31 All land in farms. .1925.... 1920.. 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924. Crop failure Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 138, 777 98,470 109, 631 32 33 34 35 36 37 88 1, 237. 36, 937 28,715 982 7,240 12,959 12,010 6 943 1 149, 254 194,033 290 190 100 1,177 3,651 40 3,611 26, 295 215 708.0 21, 636 17,002 2,390 2,244 84, 638 3,624 39 40 Woodland pasture Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners Owned land Rented (hired) land Managers. Tenants.... Cash tenants Other tenants 1,649 79, 365 41 1,184 42 43 44 1,038 1,689 31,319 55, 669 69, 473 45 60, 025 46 9,448 47 8,192 48 49 50 275 1 100 ' 175 236 ! 5,443 2,779 2,664 51 5? Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924 Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants. Cash tenants. Other tenants ..acres., acres 1,531 9,475 3,428 53 .acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 20 15 15 i 2,870 54 55 56 2,205 28 2,177 185' 60 : 125 j 1,229 465 764 » Organized from part of Humboldt in 1919. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA 349 County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Churchill Clark Douglas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925.. 1920 1910 All farm property, 1925 Land, excluding buildings.. Buildings alone Implements and machinery.. Livestock on farms.. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 ... . ..dollars.. ..dollars., -.dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 67, 997, 492 66, 255, 214 39, 609, 339 98, 086, 358 59,030,996 8, 966, 496 3, 715, 338 26, 373, 528 25, 260 17,512 16.62 28.11 14.59 14.43 67, 997, 492 42, 789, 026 8, 898, 802 11,616,875 4, 692, 789 2, 656, 009 2,036,780 3, 715, 338 2, 673, 980 461, 000 387, 627 192, 731 98,970 93, 761 6.661,276 6,794,706 3,008,420 8,426,7fll 1 5,841,506 819, 770 383, 720 1, 381, 795 15,102 11,938 50.19 62.74 26.58 44.02 6, 661, 276 4, 840, 534 644, 542 677, 200 499,000 232, 100 266,900 383, 720 1 296, 030 j 35, 565 35,000 17, 125 8,300 8,825 1, 529, 525 1, 037, 520 1,380,370 1, 810, 729 1, 312, 800 216, 725 79, 965 201, 239 8,541 7,215 99.96 76.60 66.62 85.80 1, 529, 525 1, 125, 870 71, 500 162, 355 169, 800 34, 800 135,000 79, 965 64, 825 4,040 4,500 6,600 1,400 5,200 5,691,275 5, 380, 025 3, 058, 515 7,131,114 4, 868, 550 822, 725 331, 060 1, 108, 779 43, 219 10 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925.. 34, 493 11 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 26.42 1? 1920 45.13 18 1910 36.33 14 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total Full owners. Part owners Managers Tenants... Cash tenants... Other tenants Implements and machinery, total Full owners... Part owners Managers... Tenants. Cash tenants Other tenants FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 192 All farms operated by owners: Total number 22.60 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?1 ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 5 5, 691, 275 3, 881, 501 1, 762, 060 32, 714 15, 000 15, 000 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 331, 060 255, 810 73, 500 1,000 750 750 29 3,463 1,164 33.6 3,251 1,068 752, 185 22, 296, 055 10, 083, 822 45.2 20, 876 9,442 29.64 13.41 488 236 48.4 455 219 31,757 2, 966, 476 1, 270, 648 42.8 13, 546 5,802 93.41 40.01 195 99 50.8 188 95 6,085 705, 270 284, 235 40.3 7,424 2,992 115. 90 46.71 160 30 Number reporting mortgage debt 94 31 Per cent of total... 58.8 32 Farms operated by full owners: Total number 146 33 Number reporting mortgage debt 85 34 Acreage of farms reporting debt 44, 080 35 36 37 Value (land and buildings) Amount of mortgage debt Ratio of debt to value, per cent ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 2, 386, 271 1, 249, 980 52.4 38 39 40 41 Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings Mortgage debt Average per acre — Value of land and buildings Mortgage debt MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed Farms reporting .. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 28,074 14, 706 54.14 28.36 42 43 1, 346, 140 2,180 2,324 22 3,968,080 2,328 269, 525 1,457 15. 588 1,756 221 154 43 3,883 113 19 550 1,181 1,759 261 124, 985 348 984 5 345, 923 367 51,113 306 16,065 71 125 4 31, 281 82 438 8 14. 683 1,479 51, 175 85 44 Fertilizer (including lime) Farms reporting ..dollars.. 45 46 47 Farm labor (money wages only) Farms reporting ..dollars.. 306, 014 140 48 49 Lumber, posts, firewood, etc Farms reporting ..dollars.. 35, 243 138 50 Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold Value of supplies purchased Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms > ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 51 52 26 31 558 1 18 67 235 210 27 28 53 Radio outfits, farms reporting 1 26 212 16 54 Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms 55 165 56 Farms located on- Concrete or brick road . 7 57 Macadam road 58 Gravel road 111 65 32 4 137 .59 Improved dirt road. .. 60 Unimproved dirt road 9 61 All other (including not reported). 12 350 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Elko Esme- ralda Eureka Humboldt Lander 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925. dollars.. 1920 .dollars.. 1910. dollars.. All farm property, 1925... dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars.. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 14, 934, 991 15, 876, 559 9,061,292 21,616,075 13, 306, 020 1, 628, 971 758, 876 5, 922, 208 40, 179 27, 760 9.08 22.11 9.78 8.09 14, 934, 991 7, 244, 619 2, 902, 335 4, 234, 937 553, 100 204, 200 348, 900 758, 876 447, 706 185, 800 104, 250 21, 120 5,820 15, 300 342, 620 492, 155 884, 360 510, 528 275, 000 67, 620 28, 510 139, 398 15,016 10,077 19.63 35.21 26.63 15.76 342, 620 237, 220 5,000 100,000 400 1,863,100 1, 494, 083 830, 930 3, 407, 426 1,692,575 170, 525 135, 705 1,408,621 41,554 22, 721 16.88 17.33 11.29 15.34 1, 863, 100 1, 751, 700 10, 000 40, 000 61, 400 61,400 135, 705 131,855 1,270 1,500 1,080 1,080 5,462,438 5,447,480 5, 870, 730 8, 847, 039 4, 778, 607 683, 831 341,320 3, 043, 281 30, 613 18, 901 9.92 13.83 8.81 8.68 5,462,438 2, 281, 060 251, 400 2, 840, 978 89, 000 33,000 56, 000 341,320 211, 820 14, 450 107,400 7,650 4, 950 2,700 1, 133, 535 1, 869, 690 2, 080, 503 2, 255, 394 1,023,720 109,815 56,392 1,065,467 46,028 23, 133 9.07 14.00 8.33 8.19 1, 133, 535 580,305 50,000 459,000 44, 230 35, 150 9,080 56, 392 38, 062 3,200 12, 500 2,630 2,530 100 in Land and buildings, per farm, 1925.. ... ... 11 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 1? 1920. . 13 1910 14 15 16 17 18 19 90 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners. dollars.. Managers dollars. . Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. Implements and machinery, total... dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars. . Cash tenants ...dollars.. Other tenants .dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT. 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number 21 22 23 24 25 26 71 400 28, 510 22, 710 1,200 4,500 100 ?8 100 ?,9 507 158 31.2 443 130 259. 263 4, 160, 024 2,636,413 63.4 32, 000 20, 280 16.05 10.17 31 3 9.7 30 2 6,536 116,000 5,300 4.6 58, 000 2,650 17.75 0.81 77 13 16.9 76 12 8,116 232, 000 60,800 26.2 19, 333 5,067 28.59 7.49 261 35 13.4 252 34 29, 202 1,112,500 500, 675 45.0 32, 721 14, 726 38.10 17.15 42 13 31.0 40 12 17,471 294,415 161, 900 55.0 24, 535 13, 492 16.85 9.27 30 Number reporting mortgage debt 31 Percent of total 3? Farms operated by full owners: Total number . . 33 Number reporting mortgage debt 34 Acreage of farms reporting debt 35 36 37 Value (land and buildings) dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent . 38 39 40 41 Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt .dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for- Feed ...dollars.. Farms reporting. 42 43 259, 894 311 105 2 702, 697 287 28, 130 160 905 277 37 27 6,602 25 19, 276 49 25 1 110,998 50 2.905 209, 599 155 14, 535 36 44 Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. 4") 46 47 Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting 21,950 12 2,256 9 419, 392 133 28,869 95 108, 151 38 5,928 15 48 49 Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting. "iO Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold .dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms 51 5? 3 1 ' \ 13 9 5 1 53 Radio outfits, farms reporting . ')4 55 Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms 538 34 82 289 49 "ifi Farms located on- Concrete or brick road 57 ::::::::::::::::: 58 23 215 212 88 1 1 71 9 15 48 197 29 1 8 39 1 59 Improved dirt road... 2 1 60 Unimproved dirt road 61 All other (including not reported) . CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 351 Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe WhitcPine 1, 014, 481 1, 060, 765 570, 360 1, 948, 540 860, 061 154, 420 59, 650 874, 409 10, 886 5,667 31.09 34.10 19. 04 26.35 1, 014, 481 916, 281 45, 700 7, 735, 155 7, 389, 060 3, 390, 892 9, 631, 129 6, 886, 748 848, 407 355, 912 1, 540, 062 20, 448 16, 423 50.86 50.83 32.12 45.29 7, 735, 155 4, 889, 855 645, 900 987, 600 1, 211, 800 750, 300 461, 500 355, 912 253, 510 32, 650 29, 252 40, 500 25, 400 15, 100 761, 872 1, 015. 530 1, 575, 094 2, 363. 390 1, 077, 700 3, 052, 336 1. 335, 574 239, 520 123, 063 1, 354. 179 16, 771 8,654 15.93 24.88 11.39 13.50 1, 575, 094 1, 229, 094 117, 900 187, 600 40,500 24, 200 16, 300 123, 063 94, 345 11,418 13, 280 4,020 3,000 1,020 556, 266 544, 660 528, 400 732, 105 427, 908 128, 358 40, 520 135, 319 12, 409 9,428 31.18 54. 62 50.46 23. 98 656, 266 535, 107 3,000 15, 200 2,959 2,959 4,085,811 4, 985, 942 94, 982 122, 250 75, 550 117,714 83, 831 11,151 6,301 16, 431 8,408 6,784 48.36 66.69 50.43 42.68 94, 982 65, 982 ""29,'000" 10, 000 19, 000 6,301 5,622 10, 741, 094 7, 653, 706 6, 474, 865 14,919,283 8, 887, 132 1, 903, 962 543, 835 3, 634, 354 26, 359 18,977 17.68 33.27 33.16 14. 55 10, 741, 094 7, 484, 494 1, 118, 400 807, 700 1, 330, 500 1,116,000 214, 500 543, 835 439, 465 41, 000 24,000 39, 370 32, 220 7,150 3, 813, 977 2, 727, 693 1,316,452 6, 177, 410 3, 188, 541 625, 436 237, 909 2, 125, 524 31, 517 19, 459 27.48 27.70 12.01 22.98 3,813,977 1, 558, 012 1, 153, 465 942, 100 160,400 65, 500 94, 900 237, 909 139, 572 34, 207 44, 925 19, 205 7,115 12, 090 1 2 3 1, 567. 219 658, 806 103, 066 60, 480 744, 867 12, 244 5,952 25.08 36.77 - 5, 935, 526 3, 653, 617 432, 194 172, 120 1, 677, 595 36, 867 25, 378 20.52 38.07 i8.'35' 4, 085, 811 3, 676, 370 28, 500 40, 241 340, 700 4,200 336, 500 172, 120 149, 998 2 000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21.69 761, 872 491, 022 89, 100 89, 250 92, 500 37, 000 55, 500 60, 480 32, 380 15, 350 3,450 9,300 4,000 5.300 14 15 16 17 18 52, 500 30, 200 22, 300 59, 650 51, 100 5,350 19 20 ?1 40, 520 39, 170 22 23 ?4 1,250 820 ?5 3,200 1,800 1,400 100 100 19, 302 205 19 097 679 300 S79 26 27 98 167 25 15.0 158 24 5,177 175, 900 71, 050 40.4 7,329 2,960 33.98 13.72 395 161 40.8 372 147 48, 804 3, 515, 500 1, 439, 465 40.9 23,915 9,792 72.03 29.49 116 4 3.4 114 3 4,560 131. 200 59, 000 45.0 43, 733 19, 667 28.77 12.94 158 32 20.3 145 29 24,096 515, 350 204, 991 39.8 17, 771 7,069 21.39 8.51 56 16 28.6 55 16 4,983 177, 070 87, 850 49.6 11,067 5,491 35.53 17.63 146 70 47.9 144 69 166, 671 1, 847, 950 454, 360 24.6 26, 782 6,585 11.09 2.73 11 2 18.2 11 2 320 15, 145 11, 000 72.6 7,573 5, 500 47.33 34.38 489 148 30.3 470 139 81, 042 3, 463, 924 1, 410, 684 40.7 24, 920 10, 149 42.74 17.41 164 55 33.5 152 60 14, 122 481, 060 175, 471 36.5 9,621 3, 609 34.06 12.43 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 11, 600 55 133, 108 205 56, 483 49 26, 243 103 16, 794 31 54, 088 135 905 1,166 12 281, 891 386 60 62. 636 124 120 1 342, 705 134 12,995 86 42 43 44 8 1 45 45, 900 62 309, 894 327 10, 992 59 66, 214 43 4,038 10 170, 523 114 10, 529 52 39, 594 32 7,202 51 302, 884 151 18, 671 119 6,514 11 371 9 637, 446 345 49, 845 322 46 47 48 49 50 •ii 4 2 8 179 24 10 1 3 15 7 4 2 16 5 2 161 30 29 3 566 101 12 9 5? 53 54 471 128 182 59 4 14 196 55 56 1 19 9 116 16 57 51 41 253 7 16 154 5 52 23 208 212 22 2 116 73 5 58 5 114 9 14- 59 109 19 167 10 1 2 60 fJl 352 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Churchill Clark 1 Douglas 1 2 3 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value o( all livestock Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age ..dollars.. I 26,373,528 50,222 8, 200 ' 42,022 j 1,817,360 ! 4,090 917 ! 3,173 I 208,177 419, 275 1 100,285 1 57, 339 5,296 52, 043 191,075 17,380 173, 695 62, 579 7,997 11,241,000 ; 1, 183, 572 ' 285,857 859, 725 37, 990 12,422,111 , 3,228 16, 140 25,455 12,599 4,559 8,297 268,010 225,300 208, 812 191,918 18,768 16,066 2,702 11,483,388 6, 312, 105 612 1 244, 309 2, 029, 851 127, 471 1, 734, 246 1, 748, 710 1, 033, 956 8, 098, 237 6,401,817 3,158,313 1, 436, 468 895, 487 518, 937 280, 451 187, 788 245, 443 1,381,795 3,270 469 2,801 151, 775 500 128 372 34,880 14, 590 3,240 1,857 1,399 458 6,718 4,408 2,310 2,454 321 605, 973 42, 314 6,752 34, 417 1,145 469, 218 74 370 1,608 933 346 329 16,415 36, 628 34, 064 69, 100 201. 239 898 117 781 36, 783 30 --- 1,800 5,947 1,323 1,303 150 1,153 2,327 569 1,758 889 105 140, 138 105 30 66 9 1,053 418 2,090 668 374 89 205 5,692 8,410 10,092 3,591 1, 108, 779 1,570 150 1,420 ; 74, 750 1 113 54 59 6,880 16, 132 4,276 2,636 902 1,734 6,291 2,109 4,182 2,611 318 549, 541 37, 128 6,642 30, 029 457 408, 189 114 570 4,444 2,166 446 1,832 48, 058 18,245 16, 968 3,823 4 Horses 2 years old and over 5 Total value Mules: Total number -.dollars.. 7 Mule colts under 2 years of age 8 Mules 2 years old and over.. 9 10 Total value. Cattle: Total number . ..dollars.. 11 1? Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2. . .. ... 13 Dairy heifers 14 Beef heifers 15 Cows 2 years old and over Ifi Dairy cows.. - 17 18 19 20 ?.\ Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over.. Total value Sheep: Total number ..d'oflars.. ?.?. Lambs under 1 year of age 23 24 25 26 Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over. . . Total value Goats: Total number. ..dollars.. 27 28 Total value. Swine: Total number ..dollars.. 29 Pigs under 6 months of age.. 30 Breeding sows, 6 months and over 31 All other hogs.. _ 32 33 Total value Chickens: Total number . . ..dollars.. 34 35 Total value Other livestock, estimated value LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 3fi 4,068 4,021 47 2, 855. 736 794, 049 702 22, 997 793, 977 4,929 49, 513 398, 516 36, 559 260, 273 582, 432 101, 506 243,833 99, 253 90, 218 50, 254 27, 677 39, 701 592 567 25 304, 288 217, 843 514 16,347 8,610 7,971 76, 150 44,862 103 902 10,818 352 43, 917 23,695 17, 567 15, 163 12, 692 15, 163 2,030 2,030 37 Dairy cows milked 38 Beef cows milked :. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Milk produced,! 1924 1919 Average per cow milked, 1924 Butter made on farms, 1924 Butterfat sold, 1924.. Cream sold, 1924. Whole milk sold, 1924. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924. .. gallons. - .-gallons., --gallons.. . -pounds. - ..pounds-- . -gallons.. .. gallons. - -.dollars.. 1, 619, 940 1, 194, 645 798 1,711 464, 939 2,335 30, 508 227, 348 34, 046 266, 690 181,979 104,009 100,858 61,026 37,317 19,048 9,913 15,048 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 65 56 Wool produced.i 1924 1919 Value of wool, 1924 Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 1919 Value of chicken eggs, 1924 Chickens raised, i 1924 1919.. Value of chickens raised, 1924. .. pounds- - .-pounds— --dollars-. ..dozens.. ..dozens., .-dollars-- .number-. -number., --dollars.. Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA 1925: AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 353 Elko Esme- ralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye 5, 922, 208 139, 398 1, 408, 621 3, 043, 281 1, 065, 467 874, 409 1, 540, 062 744, 867 1, 354, 179 1 16, 804 410 3,239 5,985 1,916 1,120 2,454 605 2,228 2 3,336 56 454 1,028 389 70 259 74 319 3 13, 468 354 2,785 4,957 1,527 1,050 2,195 531 1,909 4 524, 756 14, 348 118,210 208, 926 66, 915 48, 230 116,225 21, 362 81,464 5 856 67 210 349 206 116 153 80 192 6 346 14 15 84 58 4 19 10 16 7 510 53 195 265 148 112 134 70 176 8 34, 150 3,600 10, 125 16, 565 8,850 6,840 11,480 4,500 9,200 9 131, 520 4,546 17, 310 62, 383 14, 692 19, 996 19, 291 10, 800 28, 144 10 35, 314 749 3,494 15, 147 3,627 4,168 3,795 2,180 6,590 11 18, 370 530 2,552 8,961 1,458 2,423 3,495 1,255 3,091 12 351 5 6 41 7 47 1,067 24 18 13 18,019 525 2,546 8,920 1,451 2,376 2,428 1,231 3,073 14 56, 228 2,314 8,204 29, 750 6,912 10, 464 7,072 5,714 14, 043 15 1,442 31 221 290 21 195 3, 066 73 123 16 54, 786 2,283 7,983 29, 460 6,891 10, 269 4,006 5,641 13, 920 17 19, 160 892 2,823 7,420 2,447 2,400 4, 695 1,486 3,809 18 2,448 61 237 1,105 248 541 334 165 611 19 3, 295, 055 105, 754 438, 223 1, 620, 284 362, 250 434, 163 692, 619 250, 578 610, 680 20 185, 894 327 87, 009 110, 366 62, 290 37, 458 51,211 46, 924 63, 182 21 41, 541 103 34, 966 27, 352 15, 980 11, 586 3,758 19, 353 16, 769 22 133, 222 220 50, 915 81, 760 45, 132 22, 496 46, 537 26, 107 45, 280 23 11,131 4 1,128 1,254 1,178 3,376 916 1,464 1,133 24 2, 020, 215 3,245 830, 128 1, 176, 612 618, 218 372, 446 579, 943 451, 357 638, 577 25 94 400 4 122 59 27 299 1,033 107 26 470 2,000 20 610 295 135 1,495 5,165 535 27 2,016 239 326 734 404 608 6,013 495 623 28 977 123 67 221 90 366 2,792 184 273 29 522 32 152 317 47 107 973 93 145 30 517 84 107 196 267 135 2,248 218 205 31 21, 974 2,310 4,332 9,557 5,030 4,976 67, 013 5,333 6,060 32 18, 172 1,782 2,992 10, 249 3,142 5,382 21, 226 4,477 6,297 33 16,718 1,782 2,992 8,507 3,142 6,458 19, 740 4,477 6,297 34 8,870 6,359 4,591 2,220 767 1,161 51, 547 2,095 1,366 35 2,015 39 241 616 153 456 3,038 88 310 36 1,082 29 181 217 19 189 3,038 62 116 37 933 769, 730 10 27, 527 60 99, 774 399 253, 792 134 44, 621 267 166, 580 26 38, 632 194 143, 790 38 1, 844, 956 39 654, 350 20, 161 44, 010 S\, 297 37, 487 89. 280 945, 238 59, 639 75, 923 40 382 706 414 412 292 365 607 439 464 41 47, 875 744 8,837 13, 634 4,245 20, 616 14, 448 906 10, 921 42 41,341 11,074 522, 791 5, 552 ---- 43 16, 061 139, 594 45' 23, 500 ""«1,"535" 82, 310 244 22, 525 1,205 18, 050 100 4.400 29, 330 44 '""iisoo" 45 105, 291 4,775 11, 183 33, 404 i,'953" 19, 896 254, 642 4,265 13, 778 46 194, 259 260 52, 640 121, 392 51, 763 19, 366 51, 723 25, 667 48, 271 47 1, 387, 885 2,189 400, 937 973, 450 411,239 123, 611 471, 448 221,012 403, 480 48 1, 178, 101 1,270 232, 313 483, 166 429, 987 103, 578 291, 402 334, 859 581, 843 49 541, 275 854 156, 365 379, 646 160, 383 48, 208 183, 865 86, 195 157,357 50 101, 291 16, 804 9,781 62, 283 8,593 18, 627 106, 406 38, 851 44, 312 51 101, 840 6,345 10, 169 12, 641 4,519 23, 476 114, 679 6,499 41, 035 52 33, 426 6,386 3,326 21, 799 2,922 7,451 39, 370 14, 763 16, 839 53 24, 387 2,358 2,286 13, 775 2,514 4,930 25, 089 4,468 5,768 54 20, 173 814 2,369 7,681 1,610 6,332 21,316 2,387 5,173 55 23, 168 1,769 2,012 12, 535 2,212 4,930 19, 820 3,351 5,768 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 354 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — NEVADA County Table III.- — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued ITKM (See definitions in Introduction) Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe White Pine 1 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock.. Horses: Total number... ..dollars.. 135,319 229 21 208 10, 925 15 2 13 1,120 1,230 305 168 98 70 531 302 229 199 27 47,898 5,886 1,136 4,621 129 64,604 17 85 403 113 50 240 5,128 6,258 4,890 669 1, 677, 595 1,927 268 1,659 68, 402 342 23 319 17,597 18, 216 3,126 1,571 209 1,362 6,935 644 6,291 6,340 244 532, 699 102, 417 55, 299 42, 455 4,663 995, 907 21 105 3,096 1,795 548 753 31, 005 12, 176 10, 106 21, 774 16,431 51 7. 44 2,375 18 6 12 1.200 164 67 16 16 3,634,354 5,356 778 4,578 197, 124 670 117 553 31, 160 31, 531 6,241 4,316 871 3,445 16, 766 3,142 13, 624 3,481 727 999, 756 205, 932 18, 164 182,398 5,370 2,318,069 375 1,875 2,124 1,167 333 624 21,045 60,608 53,335 11,990 2, 125, 524 2,160 8 Colts under 2 years of age 405 4 Horses 2 years old and over 1,755 5 6 Total value Mules: Total number ..dollars.. 74, 790 173 7 Mule eolts under 2 years of age . 21 8 Mules 2 years old and over 152 9 in Total value Cattle: Total number ..dollars.. 8,230 22, 783 11 Calves under 1 year of age 6,643 1? Heifers 1 year old and under 2 3,337 13 Dairy heifers 85 14 Beef heifers 3,252 15 Cows 2 years old and over 72 58 14 2 7 6,696 497 266 192 39 5,015 1 5 71 60 14 7 643 467 434 63 10, 734 Ifi Dairy cows 686 17 Beef cows . 10,048 18 Steers 1 year old and over 1,571 19 Bulls 1 year old and over 498 20 Total value-.-. ..„ Sheep: Total number.. ..dollars.. 548, 693 144, 632 ??, Lambs under 1 year of age 26, 160 ?3 Ewes 1 year old and over 113,878 ?4 Rams and wethers 1 year and ov Total value Goats: Total number 3r 4,594 25 ?6 ..dollars.. 1,469,315 63 27 28 Total value Swine: Total number.. . ..dollars.. 315 1,583 29 Pigs under 6 months of age 908 30 Breeding sows, 6 months and ove All other hogs 345 31 330 32 33 Total value-... Chickens: Total number .. dollars. - 13,439 9,789 34 35 Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. . LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 8,810 1,932 36 290 290 538 474 64 408,880 191,468 760 13,465 35, 723 23, 809 34, 325 68,416 48, 375 364, 502 230, 695 142, 156 86, 229 45, 787 30, 180 14, 039 6,137 12, 775 55 55 3,498 3,082 416 2, 343, 660 1, 510, 060 670 33,336 84,863 65, 140 1,112,721 485,382 207,991 1,615,948 716,515 630, 220 473, 591 274,864 165, 757 80,487 48, 291 72,438 741 37 Dairy cows milked 614 38 Beef cows milked 127 39 40 41 42 43 44 Milk produced,! 1924. 1919 Average per cow milked, 1924.-.. Butter made on farms, 1924 Butterfat sold, 1924.- Cream sold, 1924 Whole milk sold, 1924 Value of dairy products,^ 1924 Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 ..gallons.. ..gallons.. ..gallons.. .pounds., .pounds.- .. gallons.. 227, 296 177, 885 784 3,450 32, 996 40, 750 50, 145 741 2,084 1,549 2,856 5,030 7,506 224 1,344 149 524 3,038 10, 676 1,124 448 1,903 354 293, 436 168,625 396 28,693 26,436 1,125 45 46 47 ..gallons.. ..dollars.. 88, 605 43, 416 5,074 38, 730 21,573 15, 105 24, 313 13, 335 8,996 4,943 2,682 3,905 2,885 24,077 136, 243 18 49 50 61 62 ^3 54 65 66 Wool produced,! 1924 1919 Value of wool, 1924 Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced, i 1924 1919. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 Chickens raised,! 1924 1919 Value of chickens raised, 1924 .pounds., .pounds-. ..dollars.. . -dozens. - .. dozens. - ..dollars.. .number., .number., -.dollars.. 1, 154, 597 1,021,137 450, 293 53,741 45,648 21,496 10,494 10,638 10, 494 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. i Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA 355 County Table IV. -Value op Crops and Acreage and Production op Principal Crops: 1924 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Churchill Clark Douglas 1 2 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops wvth production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage 8,455,833 13, 629, 446 1, 440, 302 1, 692, 735 146, 038 231, 549 630, 798 1, 204, 829 ^ 1,725 574 14, 353 516 3,655 173 462 13, 862 315, 938 1,831 55, 918 261 5,819 229, 714 196 2,600 332, 682 7,731 12, 759 33 1,648 140, 655 40, 358 1,440 128,058 465, 886 3,415 448, 551 25 43 663 47 67 102 32 61 14, 561 48, 532 36,656 10, 695 2,245 5,874 6,670 96, 960 219 1 112 2, 787 11 32 67 29 3,416 74, 825 74 1,834 9 263 6,343 340 5 220 167 1,083 21 147 800 17, 176 7 180 4 •i bushels.. Cut for silage.--. acres.. tons.- Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged ofT acres.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye.. .acres.. bushels.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres. . Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth ..acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres. . Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay... acres.. Wild gi-asses cut on farms acres. . Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild.. tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white-- acres.. bushels.. Strawberries.- acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn.. acres. . Tomatoes-. acres.. Watermelons acres. . Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. . Grapes vines of all ages.. fi 7 ^ q 10 11 12 13 14 1,404 24, 677 331 13, 091 150 15 16 17 507 14, 736 1,149 68, 827 18 19 28, 299 12 325 2,123 17,443 33. ?1 2,202 ?9 ?3 i 200 26, 278 128 201 1,155 83, 482 152 18,378 1 9 394 19 7 27 3 9 4,808 5,036 720 1,546 8 1,037 927 3,416 24 25 26 97 1,963 4 156 11,435 3,502 192 79 28 29 30 31 7,096 16 303 31,426 67 13,470 32 5 132 21 4 33 34 35 36 37 6 35 1,153 989 600 5,445 1,430 377 397 75, 786 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 472 2,125 1,782 102 1 327 407 356 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 NEVADA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) ] VALUE OF CROPS i I Value of crops with production reported I in 1924 dollars. 2 i Value of same crops in 1919 doUars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Elko 1, 571, 029 61, 440 2,308,113 104.662 Esme- ralda Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat. .._ acres, bushels. Oats threshed for grain. acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye .- ..acres. bushels. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone ..acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses... .acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, w^hite Strawberries. .- .acres, bushels. ...acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages .acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce . acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn .acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons.- acres. Orchard fruits: Apples .trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested- Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears ...trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Eureka 215, 65^ 254. 404 Hum- I boldt Lander 8 8 220 12,249 495 10, 979 3 213 4,406 111 1,405 122, 933 6,538 8,310 3 18 15, 133 13, 244 222 79, 465 104, 027 276 884 7,128 7,823 133 19 689 732 50 1,206 5 160 20 24 370 2 I 90 j 7 i. 106 ;. 400 \. 21 230 10 437 1,091 14,774 25 . 12 40 650 17,889 11 236 278 508 47 4,550 100 247 71 66 5 61 87 29 3,049 2,303 41 9,344 13, 843 51 3,334 1 7,328 279 22, 005 64 14, 396 986 ,524 22 16 2,602 3,563 1,982 727 91 497 ol6 314 351, 133 i 216, 983 1,008,629 290,957 3,294 33 33 8,112 13, 865 29 3,293 21 547 194 11 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 NEVADA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 357 Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe White Pine 141, 304 232, 928 772, 434 2, 312, 564 96, 468 272, 195 243, 594 346, 651 37, 146 103, 046 1, 170, 690 1, 329, 662 16, 056 27, 516 911, 925 1, 326, 525 432, 839 582, 481 1 2 674 219 7,945 257 1,825 18 180 34 1,070 34 690 23 7 148 34 14 100 315 199 2,908 28 65 2 50 63 495 22 16 123 3 4 5 18 220 10 6 7 20 15 101 107 1,876 120 3,102 17 160 2,470 2 5 457 10, 141 565 19, 175 13 93 2,367 23 195 15, 382 7 57 8 q 1,354 23, 413 14 360 25 250 76 873 3,700 115, 302 7 320 20 460 1,389 30, 570 159 5,360 4 187 6,069 22 350 34, 839 978 736 10 11 1? 13 14 610 15, 634 25 556 2,400 104, 893 15 405 15 16 17 : :: : 18 4,405 23. 084 2,516 12, 023 1,419 22, 511 88 290 30 823 18, 352 10 63 2,855 57, 594 64 2,301 369 19 ?0 2 132 115 10 ?1 ?? 594 21, 643 7 126 714 36, 050 1,029 117,575 3 3 4,231 229 86 7,342 14, 252 124 7,719 10 9,125 1,949 133 4,101 23, 635 278 26, 555 1 4 1 1 2 8 1 1 822 3,357 2,255 421 208 352 866 24 •^s 1,778 2,051 24 550 8,172 64 7,608 1,646 240 19 611 3,164 114 31, 954 679 621 4 359 13, 518 15, 758 46 3,803 41, 346 979 168, 308 18 11 6 37 15 2 1,460 15, 700 11,480 560 18 833 1,079 330 24 ?5 ?6 ?7 1,799 46 3,285 852 15 633 28 29 30 "^1 i 2 1 3 8 1 3 11 3 6 844 3,869 3,165 801 179 922 684 14, 318 ?,'> 1 116 33 34 2 2 1 1 270 1,018 1 1 1 1 1 35 2 36 37 3 1 133 ! 1, 490 1, 615 1 332 226 192 272 1,161 1 190 560 280 284 54 135 77 890 38 196 537 1,223 27 107 221 457 10 6 19 26 23 3Q 1,159 1,485 40 40 41 168- 42 43 227 297 616 83 139 53 73 39 44 45 46 358 ('EN8US OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — NEVADA County Table V. — Farm Populatioi^ ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male... Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . . Male -. Female- Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Population on owned farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . . Male Female Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . . Male. Female Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . . Male Female Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . Male Female Population on tenant farms.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. . Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . Male Female Colored farm population — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over . . Male.. Female The State 17, 034 3,678 13, 356 8,225 5,131 15, 242 3,197 12, 045 7,481 4,564 1,792 481 1,311 744 567 14, 404 3,095 11, 309 6,862 4,447 13, 087 2,731 10, 356 6,327 4,029 1,317 364 953 535 418 1,299 231 1,068 771 297 130 758 591 167 411 101 310 180 130 1,331 352 979 592 387 1,267 336 931 563 368 64 16 48 29 I 19 Churchill 2,086 449 1,637 966 671 2,051 441 1,610 948 662 35 8 27 18 9 1,775 381 1,394 802 592 1,756 377 1,379 794 585 19 4 15 215 59 156 95 61 204 55 149 90 59 11 4 7 5 2 Clark 1,110 359 751 397 354 345 721 382 339 318 672 354 318 314 670 353 317 Douglas Elko 874 2,454 183 533 691 1,921 429 1,227 262 694 739 2,056 133 400 606 1,656 380 1,083 226 573 135 . 398 50 133 85 265 49 144 36 121 Esme- ralda 852 183 669 412 257 717 133 584 363 221 135 50 85 49 36 2,147 485 1,662 1,026 636 1,768 358 1,410 890 520 379 127 252 136 116 229 29 200 163 37 210 23 187 155 32 27 6 7 4 5 2 2 1 17 7 •10 1 1 6 4 13 1 6 i 1 4 3 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 NEVADA BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 ' 359 Hum- boldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe White Pine 1,222 270 952 647 305 354 87 267 178 89 786 154 632 375 257 1,824 415 1,409 858 551 517 103 414 258 156 892 157 735 463 272 208 39 169 108 61 663 118 545 322 223 42 10 32 18 14 2,496 479 2,017 1,249 768 1,072 262 810 483 327 1 2 3 4 5 969 194 775 558 217 253 76 177 89 88 284 63 221 151 70 70 24 46 27 19 786 154 632 375 257 1,785 415 1,370 822 548 39 215 40 175 127 48 302 63 239 131 108 668 98 570 375 195 224 59 165 88 77 183 39 144 88 56 25 629 118 511 288 223 34 42 10 32 18 14 2,312 434 1,878 1,177 701 184 45 139 72 67 1,037 255 782 468 314 35 7 28 15 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]?: 39 36 3 25 20 5 34 34 13 14 15 865 214 651 416 235 684 155 529 356 173 181 59 122 60 62 331 47 284 219 65 259 30 229 190 39 72 17 55 29 26 26 9 17 12 5 26 9 17 12 5 304 68 236 158 78 247 49 198 135 63 57 19 38 23 15 28 9 19 13 6 21 7 14 10 4 7 2 5 3 2 22 10 12 7 5 16 7 9 6 3 6 3 3 1 2 735 141 594 355 239 735 141 594 355 239 1,452 315 1,137 686 451 1,430 315 1,115 665 450 22 400 72 328 202 126 161 28 133 100 33 239 44 195 102 93 78 22 56 38 18 30 7 23 '? 48 15 33 22 11 39 9 30 18 12 24 5 19 11 8 15 4 11 7 4 781 132 649 414 235 579 83 496 333 163 202 49 153 81 72 72 16 56 33 23 56 8 48 28 20 16 1 5 3 39 9 30 16 14 33 7 26 14 12 6 2 4 2 2 177 39 138 84 54 170 39 131 79 52 7 607 106 501 296 205 575 106 469 264 205 32 28 5 23 14 9 28 5 23 14 9 1,988 368 1,620 1,009 611 1,984 368 1,616 1, 005 611 4 904 219 685 403 282 880 212 668 394 274 24 7 17 9 8 59 16 43 34 9 58 16 42 33 9 1 i' 1 109 27 82 46 36 99 27 72 41 31 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ?6 ?7 22 21 1 58 9 49 39 10 49 9 40 30 10 9 7 5 2 29 32 32 4 4 ?,R W SO • 2 243 56 187 106 81 63 11 52 38 14 180 45 135 68 67 265 55 210 134 76 265 55 210 134 76 31 i\'> 29 23 6 11 2 2 33 34 35 36 . 37 ... 8 3 18 38 39 40 2 41 4? 9 9 18 15 3 2 2 2 43 44 45 51 13 38 20 18 51 13 38 20 18 314 91 223 133 90 306 91 215 127 88 8 54 12 42 24 18 54 12 42 24 18 14 5 9 4 5 14 5 9 4 5 46 47 2 1 1 2 48 49 50 51 5? 2 1 1 53 54 55 56 57 8 6 2 10 5 5 58 59 60 51623—27- -24 360 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 NEVADA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Church- ill Clark Doug- las Elko Esme- ralda 1 3,883 558 212 165 538 34 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: ? 269 97 43 232 552 153 266 13 28 13 139 148 2 34 2,427 325 143 3,005 955 38 87 152 37 87 134 62 69 483 1,300 535 812 822 235 3 67 37 4 80 116 8 23 92 3 26 102 1 3 48 1 3 3 3 Harvested for grain 4 fi Winter wheat 19 45 23 47 3 45 28 19 7 2 1 1 6 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed un- threshed 8 Barley . 9 Rye in Sorghums of all kinds 1 27 n Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) ^?. Hay crops: Timothy alone 2 7 1 33 103 70 1 4 203 70 19 441 167 4 4 12 2 13 6 3 4 13 Timothy and clover mixed 14 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth .. 15 Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan 15 525 9 19 533 61 2 10 65 6 5 21 4 9 110 233 124 148 120 50 16 17 18 Alfalfa Other tame grasses. Small grains cut for hay 150 1 20 152 11 106 34 12 144 52 1Q Production of hay of all kinds 20 ?1 Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white— Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages Cantaloupes and muskmelons 22 V3 4 36 9 5 ?4 Lettuce Onions (dry) Sweet corn 25 9.e, 2 1 2 4 3 3 7 6 I ?7 Tomatoes Watermelons All other crops Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees 5 30 112 47 41 39 29 67 1 ?:R 29 30 89 18 66 74 26 161 17 91 92 4 31 3? Peach trees Pear trees 33 Plum and prune trees . . 34 35 Grapevines. Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules . . 3fi 3,361 1,796 1,867 1,372 2,515 800 187 1,597 2,744 456 87 405 328 416 61 18 213 412 191 42 150 104 159 5 4 112- 155 146 91 134 127 134 62 20 119 145 498 423 141 120 349 124 13 210 362 30 24 7 3 12 3 1 6 18 37 Cattle: Beef cattle... 38 3P Dairy cows.. 40 41 42 43 Cows milked Sheep Goats 44 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting. ..number. . Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting- .number.. 45 747 ]t 6 2,877 143 1 1 649 8 10 1 714 32 4f) 1 47 t 30 1 661 22 48 49 50 748 41 20 2 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEVADA 361 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Eure- ka 1 num- boldt 1 T/ander j Lin- coln 1 Lyon Min- eral Nye 1 Ormsby 1 Persh- ing Storey Washoe White Pine 82 289 i « 179 471 128 182 ! 59 161 14 566 196 1 6 [ 45 6 27 I 3 ' 4 16 ? 1 22 8 2 4 9 3 3 23 2 3 1 105 13 18 70 48 21 3 : 1 \ 2 3 50 1 31 :::::::: 3 ' 2 4 3 4 2 2 \ 1 3 84 2 37 2 2 2 15 11 8 1 ^ 5 2 2 4 2 3 p 7 1 3 8 1 2 1 3 ! q 1 10 1 8 ! 4 1 I 1 1 3 11 1 3 3" 1 1 3 6 1 9 143 1 27 16 1? 1 3 i 13 14 15 1 330 87 1 97 [ i- 46 108 32 106 14 12 297 ' 159 16 21 8 2 60 1 1 5 15 1 66 31 17 5 4 4 4 5 2 19 1 4 3 20 18 72 164 49 143 333 96 126 31 146 12 368 182 ,19 ' 50 54 18 42 59 4 73 5 5 6 211 ; 132 20 1 5 3 25 20 12 14 39 38 28 2 38 1 3 ! 12 5 6 9 28 3 4 88 ?1 ' 11 6 2 1 10 12 3 8 16 10 11 41 ?? 1 16 ?^ ?4 2 7 11 1 2 2 7 7 6 4 16 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 ?5 4 ?fi ?7 1 IP 9 1 30 ?H 29 25 83 36 76 8 77 16 22 s 311 92 30 3 44 3 29 36 7 46 1 4 1 115 40 31 7 59 9 26 56 5 54 11 8 6 158 62 32 9 53 9 26 51 2 47 11 11 6 198 78 33 n 1 21 13 1 34 4 1 2 16 1 7 34 - -. 35 1 76 226 48 178 361 113 169 45 156 13 468 188 36 60 156 47 133 96 76 132 17 96 3 161 152 37 42 25 5 47 289 7 28 35 75 9 333 135 38 17 12 1 19 229 5 13 24 66 8 220 76 39 59 134 39 115 289 14 86 35 95 9 391 179 40 19 62 18 25 93 13 35 8 63 6 113 90 i 41 1 10 9 3 ■ 29 4 6 2 5 1 40 22 42 24 67 26 66 229 20 64 21 91 7 191 131 43 58 154 45 127 328 51 125 39 110 9| 443 163 44 40 1 1 i 1 58 5 45 1 " 1 46 12 2 165 10 21 2 16 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 47 ! 48 113 12 325 3 6 8 1 2| 1 1 89 i 15 : 49 50 1 362 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEVADA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP CSee definitions in Introduction) The State Churchill 132, 712 127 4,299 17, 697 17,139 17. 674 10. 286 65,490 33,111 68 2,170 8,133 7, 368 6,801 4,129 4,442 6, 661, 276 26, 085 445, 650 1, 521, 485 1,366.736 1, 472, 1.59 876, 375 952, 786 819, 770 5,400 102, 525 236, 380 191.500 152,770 84, 900 46. 295 Clark Douglas Elko Esme- ralda 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage . 4,090,586 2.868 19. 363 47, 982 115,246 231,848 246, 846 3, 426, 433 362, 552 1,203 , 8.695 21. 356 29, 276 54, 996 38.116 208,910 67,997,492 1. 148, 876 1 2.241.529 4,779,749 1 0, 747. 164 11,515.362 7, 007, 328 34, 557, 484 8, 966, 496 573, 816 542, 027 890, 740 1, 134. 153 1.919.136 958, 233 2, 948, 391 15,301 574 2,792 2.431 3, 551 2,533 13,420 215, 441 112 461 1,346 4,198 14, 194 13,911 181,219 20, 565 67 301 912 1,915 5,668 2,770 8,932 5, 691, 275 75, 750 111,220 283, 000 574. 894 1, 391, 244 801, 269 2, 453, 898 822, 725 34, 100 29, 000 61,300 119,225 237, 900 133, 400 207,800 1; 644, 619 16 2,710 3,520 12,479 34, 105 57, 476 1, 534, 313 124, 524 10 1.035 1,389 2,513 8,199 8,745 102, 633 14, 934, 991 1.250 57, 600 112,110 345, 925 1, 020, 780 975, 594 12, 421, 732 1,628,971 700 14, 450 25, 176 76, 735 192, 275 190, 782 1, 128, 853 17,453 28 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres 4 50 to 99 acres 5 100 to 174 acres 800 1,889 3,236 11 500 6 175 to 499 acres.. 7 500 to 999 acres 8 1,000 acres and over ... 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. .-. 4,586 337 1,519 855 973 697 1205 1.221 2 10 Under 20 acres... 11 20 to 49 acres 12 50 to 99 acres 13 100 to 174 acres 28 14 175 to 499 acres 80 15 500 to 999 acres 234 16 1,000 acres and over 877 17 18 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars. Under 20 acres 1, 529. 525 107.470 318.100 297, 200 332. 255 297, 000 1177,500 342,620 3,920 19 90 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 21 22 ?3 11, 100 24, 000 18. 600 24 1,000 acres and over .. 285 000 25 Buildings, 1925: - Total value, dollars 216, 725 37. 930 64. 770 50. 825 39, 100 16, 900 1 7, 200 67, 620 26 Under 20 acres . 3.220 27 20 to 49 acres. 28 50 to 99 acres ?9 100 to 174 acres 2,700 7,400 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres 2,300 3? 1,000 acres and over 52,000 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Eureka Hum- boldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Mineral 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage.- . .. 110,364 550.519 356 492 450 12, 424 15, .576 22. 887 498. 334 17, 998 161 95 81 451 1,213 1,819 14. 178 5, 462. 438 27. 550 39, 200 18.200 229, 900 390, 000 413.540 4,344,048 683.831 9,281 22, 500 5. 375 60, 775 83, 450 68.400 4.34.0'-iO 124, 957 32, 634 126 1,128 1.529 6,355 9,728 7,201 6, 567 5,335 77 494 442 994 1,813 415 1,100 1,014,481 15,900 78, 050 94,300 181,785 290, 500 145, 460 208,486 154,420 6,100 22,200 23,930 33, 900 4.5, 750 11,300 11.240 152, 075 121 1.916 8,093 21.040 30, 619 18, 897 71, 389 26, 309 34 647 3,400 4,554 7,153 3,883 6,638 7, 735, 155 36,423 258,150 912,951 1,283,580 2,088,360 939,000 2, 216, 691 848, 407 17,100 45, 677 138, 907 165, 228 254, 330 87, 465 139. 700 30, 374 2 Under 20 acres 17 3 20 to 49 acres 2 151 396 2,063 7,327 14, 543 85, 884 15. 272 3 256 1,660 4 50 to 99 acres . 272 5 100 to 174 acres 1.032 3,717 5,263 114,689 11,977 1,996 6 175 to 499 acres 2,985 7 500 to 999 acres 3,384 8 1,000 acres and over 20,060 9 Cropland harvested, 1924: Total acreage. . 2,710 10 Under 20 acres . 11 20 to 49 acres . ... 2 5 196 336 1,135 2.660 10. 940 1,863,100 »86 804 1? 50 to 99 acres 89 13 100 to 174 acres.. 291 1,070 1,708 8.822 1,133,535 200 14 175 to 499 acres 298 15 500 to 999 acres. 74 16 1,000 acres and over . 1,245 17 Land and buildings, 1925: 761,872 18 Under 20 acres 17,500 19 20 to 49 acres 2 6, 500 19, 500 34. 300 143. 800 233,000 1,426.000 170,525 ' 6, 350 169, 165 20 50 to 99 acres 25,500 21 100 to 174 acres 24. 400 66. 330 162,397 874. 058 109.815 39,700 ?2 175 to 499 acres ... 63,250 23 500 to 999 acres. 45,200 24 1,000 acres and over . 401, 557 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. . 103,066 ?6 Under 20 acres 14, 850 27 20 to 49 acres 2 1, 525 4.200 7. 700 21.200 38.600 97. 300 3 1,400 13,390 28 50 to 99 acres 8,370 29 100 to 174 acres 3,325 10. 850 25. 000 69.2*0 5,350 30 175 to 499 acres 10, 250 31 500 to 999 acres 6,100 32 1,000 acres and over 44, 756 1 Includes the group "1,000 acres and ovir." 2 Includes the group "Under 20 acres." ' lucliides the groups " Under 20 acres" and "50 to 99 acres.' CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 NEVADA 363 County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 — Continued [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE CROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Nye Ormsby Pershing Storey Washoe White Pine 1 AH land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 98, 900 88 486 775 6,442 17, 746 18, 093 55, 270 13,013 26 141 100 821 3,035 2,676 6,214 1, 575, 094 28, 300 27,800 13, 550 145, 350 353, 609 325, 160 681, 325 239, 520 15, 750 5,600 2,900 45, 070 68, 750 37, 350 64, 100 17, 843 23 115 717 2,212 5,814 4,027 4,935 1,566 199, 151 57 234 3,402 5,969 8,078 11,016 170, 395 28, 715 39 193 2,445 3,310 3,693 3,240 15, 795 4, 085, 811 13, 400 30, 294 381, 839 465, 333 619, 060 629, 098 1, 946, 787 432, 194 6,205 5,390 76, 853 67, 740 136, 584 53, 616 85,806 1,964 155 607, 502 1,108 2,272 4,548 9,687 38, 791 40, 217 510, 879 38, 227 329 1,086 2,038 3,203 9,879 3,870 17, 822 10, 741, 094 762, 950 659, 900 865, 720 1, 230, 800 2, 483, 000 962, 500 3, 776, 224 1, 903, 962 410, 300 200, 350 205, 730 197, 000 440, 982 126, 900 322, 700 138, 777 ? Under 20 acres CO s 20 to 49 acres 391 4 50 to 99 acres 300 2 1, 609 2,506 5 100 to 174 acres . 6,250 6 175 to 499 acres 21, 072 7 500 to 999 acres 12, 989 8 1,000 acres and over ._ 95, 509 9 Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. 421 112 17, 002 10 Under 20 acres ... 41 11 20 to 49 acres 5 197 414 480 290 180 556, 266 12, 545 7,100 50, 675 130, 451 165, 470 56, 225 133, 800 128, 358 4,000 2,750 10, 588 29, 050 47, 420 14, 550 20, 000 114 1?, 50 to 99 acres 86 2323 993 18 100 to 174 acres 1,582 14 175 to 499 acres 3,782 15 500 to 999 acres 1,398 9,092 3,813,977 14, 800 Ifi 1,000 acres and over 17 Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars 94, 982 J 5, 033 18 Under 20 acres 19 20 to 49 acres 20, 450 20 50 to 99 acres 16, 519 2 73, 430 167, 200 21 100 to 174 acres 277, 225 22 175 to 499 acres 646, 800 ?.S 500 to 999 acres.. . . 246, 410 24 1,000 acres and over . 2,435,092 625, 436 25 Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars ._ 11,151 1 1,080 2fi Under 20 acres 7,800 27 20 to 49 acres 10, 500 28 50 to 99 acres 2,106 2 7, 965 38, 100 29 100 to 174 acres 81, 790 30 175 to 499 acres 192, 325 31 500 to 999 acres 70, 370 224, 551 32 1,000 acres and over •1 Includes the group "20 to 49 acres. 2 Includes the group " 175 to 499 acres. ' 364 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 NEVADA County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Church- ill Clark Douglas Elko Esme- ralda 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars . . 15, 588 14, 799 1 14, 683 14, 034 905 765 ? 3 4 Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales. _ .number.. Owners number.. Managers number. . 789 39 34 649 30 26 ... 140 9 8 5 6 7 8 Tenants. — number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Owners dollars. . Managers dollars. . 5 1,756 1,598 4 1,479 1,321 1 277 277 q in 11 1? Tenants dollars. . Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners number.. Managers number . 158 12 10 158 8 6 13 4 4 14 15 16 Tenants number.. '\ 2 ITEM AND tenure Eureka Hum- boldt Lander 1 Lincoln Lyon ( Mineral i 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. Owners Managers Tenants. Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased.. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting purchases... Owners Managers Tenants dollars ?. 3 dollars 4 .. -dollar s.- 5 ..number.. 1 6 number , ' i " 7 ..number.. i ! 8 .number i ; . q dollars 1 ! ! : 10 11 dollars " 9 13 1 1 14 number i . ! :._ . 15 1. 16 number ! ' i ITEM AND tenure Nye Ormsby Persh- ing Storey Washoe White Pine 1 Sales: 1 9 Owners dollars 3 1 4 Tenants dollars ^ Farms reporting sales number (] Owners number 7 1 H Tenants number i q Purchases: i i 10 11 Managers dollars 1? 13 14 15 Managers number 16 1 WASHINGTON 365 o X CO < 5 366 i CENSUS or AGKIOULTURE : 1925 WASHINGTON 367 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1925 1920 1910 73, 267 66, 288 56, 192 Operated by- Owners 60, 389 52, 701 47, 505 FuUowners 53, 440 44, 832 41, 729 Partowners _. 6,949 7,869 5,776 Managers 935 1,168 961 Tenants . . ..... 11,943 12, 419 7,726 Cash tenants... .... .. 5,193 5,830 3, 089 Other tenants 6,750 6,589 4,637 Approximate land area of State... - acres.. 42, 775, 040 42, 775, 040 42, 775, 040 Land in farms, total acres.. 12, 610, 310 13, 244, 720 11, 712, 235 In farms operated by— Owners- acres.. 9, 041, 578 9, 259, 800 9, 115, 171 Full owners.. acres.. 4, 729, 186 5,231,884 0) Part owners acres.. 4, 312, 392 4, 027, 916 0) Managers acres.. 360, 265 541, 136 529, 082 Tenants acres.. 3, 208, 467 3, 443, 784 2, 067, 982 Cash tenants . acres.. 572, 170 724, 121 0) Other tenants acres.. 2, 636, 297 2, 719, 663 0) Value of all farm property .dollars.. 823, 437, 940 1, 057, 429, 848 637,543,411 Land and buildings dollars.. 726, 889, 847 920, 392, 341 571, 968, 457 Land, excluding buildings.... dollars.. 584, 385, 864 797, 651, 020 517, 421, 998 Buildings dollars.. 142, 503, 983 122, 741, 321 54, 546, 459 Implements and machinery - .dollars.. 41, 234, 948 54, 721, 377 16, 709, 844 Livestock on farms .... dollars. 55, 313, 145 82, 316, 130 48,865,110 Principal kinds of livestock: Horses number.. 242, 099 296, 381 280, 572 Mules number.. 26, 417 23, 091 12, 185 Cattle ... number.. 581, 714 572, 644 402, 120 Dairy cows L. .number.. 266, 216 238, 270 153, 206 Sheep-. number.. 515, 798 623, 779 475, 555 Swine ..number.. 197, 975 264, 747 206, 135 Chickens number.. 5, 363, 262 3, 547, 604 2, 204, 114 1 Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM 1924 1919 1909 Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain acres.. 15, 795 34, 799 26, 033 bushels.. 470, 130 901, 905 563, 025 Corn cut for silage acres. - 11,061 22, 540 0) tons.. 99, 886 154, 832 0) Wheat. acres.. 1, 746, 653 2, 494, 160 2, 118, 015 bushels.. 24, 764, 991 41, 837, 909 40, 920, 390 Oats threshed for gram acres. . 146, 125 191, 673 269, 742 bushels.. 5, 635, 108 8, 073, 481 13, 228, 003 Barley acres.. 66, 877 84, 568 171, 888 bushels.. 1, 490, 878 2, 249, 856 5, 834, 615 Hay - acres.. 965, 824 1,008,871 730, 724 tons.. 1, 462, 532 1, 750, 420 1, 349, 834 Potatoes, white. acres.. 45, 047 55, 132 57, 897 bushels.. 6, 715, 134 5, 866, 710 7,667,171 Strawberries acres.. 5,485 3,087 3,283 Cantaloupes and muskmelons, grown for sale.. acres.. 1,788 512 G) Lettuce, grown for sale acres.. 1,053 489 (0 Sweet com, grown for sale... acres.. 2,512 1,477 0) Apples .trees not of bearing age.. 1, 049, 949 755, 898 4, 862, 702 trees of bearing age. . 6,781,852 7, 964, 167 3, 009, 337 bushels harvested.. 17, 890, 109 21, 568, 691 2, 672, 100 Peaches... trees of all ages . 666, 141 699, 339 2 1, 565, 016 bushels harvested.. 400, 692 1, 544, 859 2 84,494 Pears trees of all ages.. 1, 476, 093 1, 049, 980 908, 430 Plums and prunes. trees of all ages.. 1, 491, 228 1, 184, 593 945, 994 Grapes. vines of all ages.. 1, 094, 423 546, 422 693, 740 Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 3 gallons.. 169, 846, Oil 140, 524, 518 92, 185, 335 Butter made on farms pounds.. 5, 089, 838 5, 899, 678 6, 751, 575 Butterfat sold pounds.. 27, 216, 673 9, 738, 094 4, 386, 283 Cream sold gallons.. 810, 507 1, 586, 806 1,911,261 Whole milk sold.. gallons.. 45, 819, 308 63, 575, 339 25, 524, 209 Wool- Sheep shorn 3 number.. 430, 050 566, 217 < 322, 444 Wool produced 3 pounds.. 4, 243, 059 5, 008, 945 3, 135, 348 Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 3... .dozens.. 42,030,281 21, 356, 576 16, 373, 740 Chickens raised 3 number.. 7, 059, 059 4, 860, 217 3, 610, 589 1 Not separately reported. 2 Includes nectarines. 3 Including estimates for incomplete reports. * Number of fleeces. 368 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 WASHINGTON County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 37 40 50 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres.- 10 to 19 acres.. 20 to 49 acres.. 60 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres.. 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres.... 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants Percentage of tenancy. -1925-_ 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres 1920 acres 1910 acres Average per farm, 1925 acres Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total. acres Crop land harvested in 1924 acres Crop failure acres Idle or fallow land acres Pasture land, total acres Plowable pasture acres Woodland pasture acres Other pasture. acres Woodland not used for pasture acres All other land in farms .acres All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres Part owners acres Owned land acres Rented (hired) land .acres Managers acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners .acres Part owners .acres Managers-. acres Tenants acres Cash tenants acres Other tenants acres The State Adams Asotin Benton 73, 267 66, 288 56, 192 817 1,084 1,263 534 578 555 1,841 1,519 1,239 653 11, 427 11, 936 17, 567 9,506 1 3 3 5 6 3 174 40 22 12 6 256 638 635 166 8,522 2,902 5,003 3,601 2,018 132 28 8 166 345 244 8 35 19 72 88 66 3 71 20 46 38 60 16 73, 267 53,440 6,949 935 817 198 250 21 534 355 92 5 1,841 1,163 264 102 11, 943 5,193 6,750 348 12 336 82 17 65 312 91 221 16.3 18.7 13.7 42.6 40.2 21.8 15.4 12.1 11.2 16.9 15.5 6.& 11.3 27.1 8.3 34.2 35.3 43.1 11.0 8.1 42, 775, 040 29.5 1, 223, 680 68.1 387, 840 59.5 1, 069, 440 32.7 12, 610, 310 13, 244, 720 11, 712, 235 833,915 938, 395 979, 455 230, 593 259, 233 189, 987 349, 631 371,811 260,044 172.1 1,020.7 431.8 189.9 6, 083, 649 3,262,824 491, 268 2, 329, 557 614, 147 226, 325 75, 134 312, 688 78, 842 36,881 7,223 34, 738 139, 787 48, 231 38,203 53,353 5, 202, 358 444, 156 1, 317, 170 3, 441, 032 201, 134 18, 517 1,265 181, 352 149, 534 1,770 3,409 144, 355 167, 570 27,718 40 139, 812 538, 413 785, 890 765 17, 869 702 1,515 486 41,788 4, 729, 186 4,312,392 2, 130, 904 2, 181, 488 360, 265 111, 685 361, 185 188, 470 172, 715 30, 741 87,088 98, 296 64, 783 33, 513 4,713 61, 173 161, 370 37,974 123, 396 7,246 3, 208, 467 572, 170 2, 636, 297 330, 304 20,097 310, 207 40,496 837 39, 659 129,842 64,730 65,112 1, 154, 530 944, 595 104, 706 35, 478 85, 899 7,475 15, 233 12, 165 603 17,384 13, 324 2,250 1, 058, 993 129, 003 929, 990 97, 473 872 96,601 8,980 136 8,844 15, 273 1,070 14,203 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — WASHINGTON Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 369 Chelan 2,172 2,095 1,661 31 566 563 428 146 214 78 98 33 14 1 2,172 1,691 125 102 254 40 214 11.7 12.5 22.5 22.4 Clallam 732 607 607 2 50 101 210 157 141 40 29 1 1 732 630 30 5 67 56 11 9.2 15.3 14.7 16.1 9.1 Clarke 1,856,000 I 1,104,640 8.5 I 158,244 i 235,621 i 152,613 j 72.9 I 46,679 I 35,810 I 3,364 1 7,505 I 72,779 I 2,838 I 24,971 1 44,970 I 8,553 30,233 96, 121 30,397 14, 745 15, 652 9,308 22,418 5,065 17,353 23,074 4,371 3,544 4,821 692 4,129 5.4 59, 747 58,043 62, 248 81.6 15, 308 14, 150 247 911 17,474 4,794 8,488 4,192 3,420 3,066 2,515 5 425 601 1,193 665 393 79 46 11 2 3,420 2,735 270 22 282 111 11.5 14.1 11.6 13.8 27.9 405, 760 192, 444 194, 309 186, 929 Columbia Cowlitz 565 i 622 ! 703 I 2| 50 ! 28 I 35 I 32 i 110 125 77 7 1,154 1,066 909 3 82 94 369 292 242 42 23 6 1 Douglas 565 251 120 22 172 14 158 30.4 33.1 31.3 21.4 1,154 1,000 11.8 11.8 17.7 37.5 56.3 64, 662 60, 241 769 3,652 93, 646 6,029 51, 650 35, 967 11,407 16,264 15,558 I 17,872 47,739 4,181 1,905 2,276 I 970 131,726 25,453 12, 720 12,733 3,627 6,857 i 31,638 4,979 24,223 1,878 7.415 10, 758 1,066 1,840 1,493 347 42,431 8,175 991 8,644 6,155 2,489 549,120 I 58.6 I 321,774 I 326,330 314,557 I 569.5 I 189,771 89,434 i 9,331 ■ 91,006 > 117,663 ' 17,072 15,328 85,263 I 2,015 i 12,3^5 ; 70, 365 12^, 118 68, 704 53,414 18, 942- 110,349 7,426 102, 923 19, 155 26, 768 3,284 40, 227 1,415 38. 812 737, 920 12.6 93, 210 110, 259 106, 553 80.8 19,812 18, 776 293 743 46, 148 1,746 30,473 13, 929 16, 554 10, 696 77, 247 4, 6^3 2,751 1,872 240 11, 100 9,436 1,664 15,176 927 78 2,595 2.077 518 1,349 1,623 1,730 2 131 167 99 29 116 41 296 305 161 2 1,349 748 297 34 270 10 260 20.0 19.3 10.8 27.3 Ferry 602 730 590 3 7 7 33 74 237 83 117 34 602 445- 85 2 70 39 31 11.6 13.2 7.3 7.7 12.9 Franklin 348 414 620 348 152 25.6 22.0 8.4 54.9 628,200 ! 892,223 I 711,831 465.7 407, 892 153, 067 60, 777 194, 048 178, 459 15,216 5,707 157, 536 1,052 40, 797 188,538 281, 994 135, 393 146, COl 6,579 151,089 3,046 148, 043 45,719 58, 531 2,411 46,406 162 46, 244 1,420,800 10.0 771, 840 50.5 142, 557 162, 888 101,050 390,011 456, 056 387, 832 236.8 1, 120. 7 34, 616 23, 546 4,171 6,899 192, 354 57, 800 36, 201 98, 353 97, 826 1,959 192, 975 21, 901 47, 806 48, 061 171,074 Garfield 4,267 5,848 85, 218 34, 747 19, 096 15,651 8,187 14,405 8,140 6,265 3,954 7,490 2,206 1,449 757 4,682 56, 965 230, 234 110, 730 119, 604 5,147 97, 665 3,750 93, 915 7,474 29, 681 1,453 19, 192 470 18, 722 440 413 504 4 2 17 11 50 24 98 133 96 5 440 171 108 2 159 8 151 36.1 35.1 29.0 25.0 43.7 444, 160 79.3 352, 347 314, 182 314, 609 175, 536 84, 837 5,672 85, 027 171,895 4,207 5,815 161, 873 2,223 2,693 92, 628 110, 173 62, 864 47,309 2,300 147, 246 2,483 144, 763 19,396 25,313 500 39, 628 92 39, 536 25 370 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 192& — WASHINGTON County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Grant Grays Harbor J Island Jefferson ! 1 FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 903 1,110 1,607 13 24 43 58 36 130 19 171 233 166 10 903 411 248 26 220 19 201 24.4 21.3 6.4 21.1 17.9 1,279 1,064 742 10 167 183 399 226 182 50 .51 4 950 763 458 7 136 183 354 144 67 32 24 2 1 350 348 262 2 33 44 82 ! 73 74 26 12 3| M 2 1920 3 4 1910 Farms, by size. 1925: Under 3 acres.- 5 3 to 9 acres 6 10tol9acres .. 7 20 to 49 acres 8 50to99acres .. 9 100 to 174 acres 10 175 to 259 acres 11 260 to 499 acres 12 500 to 999 acres 18 1,000 to 4,999 acres 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total 1,279 1.093 45 950 819 58 2 71 49 22 7.6 24.5 40.9 350 300 9 4 37 30 7 10.6 12.4 11.1 10.0 28.6 16 Full owners 17 Part owners .. 18 Managers.. . . 19 Tenants. 141 127 14 11.0 15.5 14.8 11.8 57.1 20 Cash tenants . 21 Other tenants . . 22 Percentageof tenancy.. 1925 23 1920 24 1910 . . 25 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related 2fi Per cent of other tenants related FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925.... acres.. Per cent in farms 27 28 1,740,800 38.1 663, 800 743, 518 647, 999 735. 1 361, 012 126, 960 64, 383 169, 669 285, 148 62, 508 1,732 220, 908 426 17, 214 183, 713 311, 969 128, 960 183, 009 16, 620 151,498 8,227 143, 271 25,090 55, 552 3,617 42, 701 567 42, 134 1, 196, 160 7.9 94, 320 94, 767 84, 347 73.7 18, 837 17, 884 106 847 42, 619 7,901 18, 800 15, 918 26, 589 6,275 73,810 4,825 2,369 2,456 133, 120 37.4 49, 776 51,932 38, 976 52.4 14, 736 13, 697 108 931 20, 129 2,864 15, 603 1,662 10, 602 4,309 36, 350 4,314 2,304 2,010 470 8,642 5,145 3, 497 9,843 1,414 90 2,350 1,145 1,205 1, 155, 200 2.8 32,015 35, 917 31,518 91.5 5,474 5,235 1 144 1 95 11,580 2,140 6,469 2,971 11,518 3,443 26,063 1,220 590 630 574 4,158 3.659 499 4,284 130 132 689 544 145 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 All land in farms.. 1925.. 1920.... 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land , total Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture. All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. -.acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. .. acres. - ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres., acres 45 46 47 Rented (hired) land Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants. Other tenants ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. ..acres.. 48 49 50 51 52 53 15, 685 14, 010 1,675 14, 150 1,102 54 55 56 2,632 2,178 454 Name changed from Chehalis in 1915. CENSUS OF A(JKI( ULTURE: 1925 WASHINGTON 371 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific 5, 125 3,801 3,287 2,359 1,535 950 818 928 871 1,262 1,177 1,641 3,259 3,030 2,261 1,595 1,860 2,139 544 483 385 2,496 2,856 2,173 524 453 347 1 2 3 129 1,869 1,176 1,250 439 13 669 811 663 137 4 35 48 75 177 4 36 74 183 1.52 21 419 429 966 757 1 18 22 29 31 4 215 290 343 208 6 80 64 114 93 4 34 82 189 98 5 6 7 8 188 49 19 4 2 53 6 7 230 92 92 32 20 13 818 476 116 14 212 83 129 218 84 189 184 124 14 1,262 789 253 35 185 54 131 468 121 65 13 128 54 370 600 335 7 1,595 576 443 18 558 32 526 89 31 18 2 1 520 194 430 214 75 3 2,496 1,816 333 34 313 93 220 97 40 18 8 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 5, 125 4,172 121 53 779 679 100 2,359 2,170 34 1 154 110 44 3, 259 2,774 147 4 334 262 72 544 492 9 524 446 18 4 56 45 11 15 16 17 18 43 27 16 19 20 21 15.2 24.2 18.5 6.5 9.6 6.3 25.9 22.8 18.1 14.7 13.9 9.0 10.2 11.8 10.2 35.0 32.3 19.4 7.9 11.2 6.5 12.5 12.4 4.2 10.7 13.0 13.8 22 23 24 3.8 20.0 27^3 19.3 20.9 3.7 26.0 U.I 37.5 12.5 37.5 5.4 10.5 11.1 18.2 ?5 43.8 26 1, 351, 040 10.4 237, 440 21.7 1, 490, 560 29.6 1, 168, 000 59.5 1, 516, 160 14.2 1, 473, 280 84.1 595, 200 7.0 3, 341, 440 17.5 572, 800 9.1 27 28 , 140, 332 151, 562 148, 417 51, 453 43, 885 42, 332 440, 689 215,918 262, 605 694, 970 562, 331 530, 291 215, 122 226, 162 214, 872 1, 238, 757 1, 329, 405 1, 209. 910 41, 667 40, 867 42, 928 586, 281 689, 796 379, 766 52, 092 48, 804 47, 092 29 30 31 27.4 21.8 538.7 550. 7 66.0 776.7 76.6 234.9 99.4 32 39, 089 34, 430 346 4. 313 13, 127 10, 295 696 2,136 71, 845 65, 167 2,511 4,167 191, 890 89, 772 14,760 87, 368 61, 842 58, 935 917 1,990 779, 480 394, 649 38, 198 346, 633 6,431 5,623 164 644 171, 061 87, 718 27, 536 55, 807 6,938 6,710 130 33 34 35 36 63, 485 20, 046 29, 525 13, 914 17, 170 2,404 12, 437 2,329 358, 753 10, 429 49, 020 299, 304 448, 218 11,229 145, 055 291, 934 116, 043 8,721 77, 535 29, 787 387, 090 6,313 27, 825 352, 952 17, 709 1,347 14,412 1,950 358, 987 13, 531 67, 926 277, 530 27, 428 4,125 12, 934 10, 369 37 38 39 40 1 24, 431 13, 327 14, 728 6,428 921 9,170 17, 542 37, 320 26, 138 11,099 7,673 64, 514 9,353 8,174 7,814 48, 419 9,516 8,210 41 42 97. 775 ' 8. 091 ! 4. 204 3, 887 7. 666 46, 244 1.770 900 870 30 94, 903 293, 595 165, 533 128, 062 13, 451 198, 349 380, 137 163, 589 216, 548 16, 923 161, 030 20, 730 10, 026 10, 704 800 315, 229 456. 249 249, 703 206, 546 42, 480 36,351 1,470 785 685 307, 756 183, 435 91, 589 91, 846 18, 731 35, 636 2.647 1.550 1,097 227 it 45 46 47 26, 800 23, 806 I 2. 994 3,409 2,636 773 38, 740 12, 590 26, 150 99, 561 20, 495 79, 066 32, 562 23, 876 8,686 424, 799 21,370 403, 429 3,846 2,743 1,103 76, 359 24, 410 51, 949 13, 582 8, 065 5,517 48 49 50 24. 013 2.074 1.583 9,062 393 8 29, 750 15, 096 1,020 35,611 35, 025 2, 336 43, 583 6,363 381 88. 497 145, 970 8,349 4, 853 217 39, 303 24, 358 13,048 4,932 330 93 51 52 53 : 6. 760 1 6. 070 ' 690 832 622 210 19, 301 5,056 14, 245 16, 800 1,685 15, 115 8,608 5, 963 2,645 151, 833 2,317 149. 516 553 395 158 11,009 2,308 8,701 1,355 976 379 54 55 56 372 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 WASHINGTON County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Pend Oreille i Pierce San Juan Skagit Skama- nia 1 FARMS Number of farms .1925 605 586 4,321 3,159 2,970 169 1,309 1,166 1,044 350 197 51 29 6 566 535 483 1 39 41 138 111 130 43 51 10 2 2,858 2,401 1,897 11 407 545 1,101 432 257 60 36 I 310 284 232 9, 1920 3 1910 4 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 5 3 to 9 acres .. ... .. 6 6 72 83 215 41 63 15 4 19 45 85 72 53 16 16 3 1 6 10 to 19 acres 7 20 to 49 acres 8 50 to 99 acres 9 100 to 174 acres.-.- 10 175 to 259 acres n 260 to 499 acres 1? 500 to 999 acres 13 1,000 to 4,999 acres 14 5,000 acres and over 15 Farmers by tenure, 1925: Total 505 438 12 2 53 37 16 10.5 7.5 4,321 3,831 111 18 361 293 68 8.4 15.1 12.2 7.5 19.1 566 504 22 2 38 19 19 6.7 16.8 11.2 31.6 5.3 2,858 2,218 181 10 449 320 129 15.7 16.7 15.9 19.7 42.6 310 210 30 21 49 29 20 15.8 12.0 9.5 13.8 5.0 16 Full owners ...--. 17 Part owners. 18 Managers .. .. 19 Tenants ?0 Cash tenants.. ?1 Other tenants . . ?? Percentage of tenancy 1925 ?3 1920 ?4 1910... . ?5 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related 13.5 12.5 ?fi Per cent of other tenants related. . FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms 27 ?8 871, 040 10.0 86, 680 119,496 1, 088, 640 11.8 128, 191 118,754 156, 590 29.7 30, 066 27, 552 962 1,552 60, 335 12, 402 42, 153 5,780 13, 284 24, 506 103, 537 5,792 2,888 2,904 2,321 16, 541 14, 584 1,957 22, 649 1,478 455 2,970 2, 504 466 113, 920 58.9 67, 042 68, 513 66, 612 118.4 14, 342 13,419 200 723 40, 444 5,247 25, 932 9,265 6,781 5, 475 54, 764 4,933 2,837 2. 096 488 6, 857 2,238 4,619 11,056 987 6 1, 370 695 675 1, 135, 360 12.1 137,681 136, 350 118, 118 48.2 56, 169 54, 781 699 689 57, 177 16, 922 36, 675 3,580 10, 431 13,904 87, 244 17, 565 9,740 7, 825 1,789 31,083 17, 627 13, 456 30, 287 7,969 688 15, 837 7,820 8,017 1, 078, 400 2.7 29,283 25, 757 25, 631 94.5 5,050 4,538 80 432 12, 191 599 7,839 3,753 8,427 3,615 18, 945 3,508 1,706 1, 802 2,068 4,162 3,347 815 2,801 577 443 717 542 175 29 30 ^1 All land in farms.. 1925 1920.... 1910 Average per farm, 1925 Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total Crop land harvested in 1924 Crop failure Idle or fallow land Pasture land, total Plowable pasture Woodland pasture Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture All other land in farms All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners .acres., .acres., acres 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 .acres.. .acres., .acres-, .acres., .acres.. .acres., .acres., .acres., .acres.. .acres., .acres. - .acres., .acres., .acres.. 171.6 20,411 14, 003 3,879 2,529 34, 638 1,310 29, 103 4,225 22, 533 9,098 68, 427 4,804 2,668 2,136 2,750 10, 699 5, 350 5,349 10,011 1,082 319 2,591 1,205 1,386 45 Owned land . 46 47 48 49 50 ■il AT auagers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners -acres.. .acres., .acres., .acres.. .acres., .acres., .acres.. .acres., acres 52 53 54 55 Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants 56 Other tenants .acres.. ' Pend Oreille organized from part of Stevens in 1911 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 WASHINGTON Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 373 Snoho- mish Spokane Stevens i Thurston Wahki- akum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima 4,740 3,095 1,813 5,035 4,830 3,947 2,643 2,727 3,196 2,069 1,490 1,173 395 373 229 1,415 1,502 1,383 3,763 3,369 2,413 2,858 2,957 3, 096 6,351 5,755 3,341 1 2 3 21 1,320 1,057 1,422 554 89 786 602 778 615 3 300 483 579 306 1 27 46 107 96 14 256 220 236 118 30 455 666 1,492 760 7 L54 90 134 142 33 782 1,268 2,251 1,245 4 73 72 316 444 5 6 7 8 258 67 30 9 2 835 382 638 259 51 1,056 296 308 62 15 1 2,643 2,041 180 12 218 87 68 19 6 83 21 12 2 96 60 118 131 153 13 1,415 787 228 22 280 59 12 8 370 305 922 535 194 5 2,858 1,140 543 31 432 132 99 52 44 13 6, 351 3,966 756 181 9 10 11 12 T3 1 3,763 3,028 259 16 T4 4,740 4,122 176 14 5, 035 3,208 756 69 2,069 1,733 60 12 395 341 14 3 15 16 17 18 428 355 73 1,002 384 618 410 171 239 264 185 79 37 22 15 378 97 281 460 324 136 1,144 89 1,055 1,448 607 841 19 20 21 9.0 11.5 10.6 19.9 20.8 15.5 15.5 12.8 6.0 12.8 11.9 13.6 9.4 11.5 11.8 26.7 31.0 26.6 12.2 14.4 8.8 40.0 42.0 29.2 22.8 23.4 17.7 22 23 24 15.5 30.1 12.5 33.8 12.9 22.6 5.9 15.2 18.2 20.0 15.5 27.4 14.8 29.4 . 30.3 32.3 5.3 15.8 25 26 1,320,960 12.8 1,123,840 68.2 1,603,200 27.3 453, 760 31.4 170,880 19.1 809, 600 73.9 1,332,480 13.5 1,349,120 87.6 3, 237, 760 18.5 27 28 168, 528 151,584 118,328 765, 973 811,206 682, 330 437, 572 472, 490 521,259 142,479 140, 040 151,243 32. 612 33, 209 29, 030 598, 261 703, 251 739, 699 179,834 177, 742 ' 145,747 1,182,121 1,252,485 1, 187, 966 600, 106 479, 629 320, 921 29 30 31 35.6 152.1 165.6 68.9 82.6 422.8 47.8 413.6 94.5 32 40,584 38, 846 229 1,509 406,342 253,034 20, 655 132, 653 121,987 89, 249 12,422 20,316 31,444 25, 233 769 5,442 3,854 3,829 3 22 390, 766 197,797 11,657 181,312 57, 578 56, 267 378 933 931, 519 524, 291 23,098 384, 130 252,369 193,812 24, 885 33, 672 33 34 35 36 69,881 14, 541 38, 245 17, 095 294, 209 18, 736 181,229 94, 244 198, 228 7,493 138, 644 52,091 83, 038 15,436 49, 178 18,424 9,920 1,597 4,006 4,317 153,163 8,257 9,801 135, 105 89,488 12,417 62, 674 14,397 209, 175 27, 183 10,725 171,267 229,009 24, 691 6,741 197,577 37 38 39 40 35,090 22, 973 29, 177 36, 245 63, 028 54,329 19,015 8,982 17,565 1,273 5,799 48, 533 17,919 14, 849 2,916 38, 511 54, 909 63, 819 41 42 122, 873 14,437 8, 355 6,082 3,342 310,961 220, 933 111,789 109, 144 30, 148 304, 516 47, 090 24, 838 22, 252 9,699 104,358 7,539 3,715 3,824 3,242 25, 808 2,270 1,018 1,252 280 183, 939 216. 145 126, 779 89, 366 16, 279 130, 127 20, 843 10, 335 10, 508 1,644 309, 339 345, 896 170,115 175, 781 49, 802 194, 646 265, 414 111,884 153, 530 19, 841 43 44 45 46 47 27, 876 20, 656 7,220 203, 931 40, 875 163,056 76, 287 26, 025 50, 242 27, 340 18, 198 9,142 4,254 2,134 2,120 181, 898 2,724 179,174 27, 220 16, 536 10, 684 477,084 18, 403 458, 681 120,205 58, 229 61,976 48 49 50 26, 862 3,793 784 85, 601 83, 276 10, 344 56, 235 9,720 5,151 18,937 1,486 710 3,033 192 53 50,063 68, 201 6,278 38,817 7,037 655 123,473 157, 538 8,522 80, 560 43,061 9,176 51 52 53 7,407 5,902 1,505 73, 813 8,830 64,983 18, 143 5,111 13, 032 4,100 3,068 1,032 551 257 294 73, 255 1,301 71, 954 9,758 5,889 3,869 234, 758 10, 651 224, 107 61,015 29, 319 31,696 54 55 56 374 CENSUS OF agriculture: 192.^ -WASHINGTON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 27 FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925. dollars. 1920 ...dollars. 1910. dollars. All farm property, 1925... dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars- Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910.. Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total ...dollars. Full owners ..dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants... dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers ..dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants ...dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number j Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings)... ..dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings ...dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings. ...dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc ..dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1 924 : Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms. Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms.-. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road M acadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported).. The State 726, 889, 847 920, 392, 341 571, 968, 457 823, 437, 940 584, 385, 864 142, 503, 983 41, 234, 948 55, 313, 145 11, 239 9,921 57.64 69.49 48.84 46.34 726, 889, 847 393, 751, 358 138, 410, 886 29, 811, 635 164, 915, 968 42, 536, 316 122, 379, 652 41, 234, 948 22, 100, 391 8, 715, 688 1, 342, 165 9, 076, 704 2, 159, 968 6, 916, 736 60, 389 27, 604 45.7 53, 440 23, 412 2, 403, 852 199, 424, 509 74, 211, 518 37.2 8,518 3,170 82.96 30.87 17, 161, 067 51, 230 535, 143 4,891 21, 726, 903 36, 155 4, 209, 235 31,992 20, 564, 340 3, 470, 491 4,490 2,691 1,657 73, 267 5,312 1,664 32, 216 10, 391 19,561 4,123 Adams Asotin 18, 522, 549 34, 435, 448 26, 103, 779 21, 155, 222 16, 288, 865 2, 233, 684 1, 409, 919 1, 222, 754 25, 894 22, 671 22.21 36.70 26.65 19.53 18, 522, 549 3, 279, 301 7, 086, 767 638, 186 I 7,518,295 I 140, 575 7, 377, 720 1,409,919 288,963 527,055 43,926 549,975 ! 5,815 i 544, 160 6, 530, 760 10, 113, 177 5, 451, 115 7, 517, 553 5, 412, 880 1,117,880 393, 935 592, 858 14, 078 12, 230 28.32 39.01 28.69 23.47 6, 530, 760 3, 283, 655 1, 864, 175 150,000 1, 232, 930 60, 900 1, 172, 030 393, 935 193, 370 133, 875 1,350 65, 340 2,810 62, 530 448 280 62.5 104 66,344 2, 017, 845 954, 734 47.3 19, 402 9,180 30.41 14.39 447 250 55.9 355 193 60,045 2, 279, 755 991,716 43.5 11,812 5,138 37.97 16.52 Benton 13, 136, 454 17, 585, 680 13, 199, 968 15, 622, 391 10, 404, 424 2, 732, 030 942, 066 1, 543, 871 7,135 37.57 47.30 50.76 29.76 13, 136, 454 6, 807, 164 2, 363, 000 1, 633, 800 2, 332, 490 553, 050 1, 779, 440 942, 066 491, 766 179, 280 98, 770 172, 250 42, 310 129, 940 91, 162 379 5 1 430, 281 602 61, 629 513 30, 033 25 72 27 817 292 322 11 1,427 887 62.2 1,163 713 31, 155 4, 729, 527 1, 972, 728 41.7 6,633 2,767 151.81 63.32 45, 413 340 1,908 28 120, 455 365 28, 983 364 24,715 190 24 22 4 534 210 103 194 313, 554 1,230 12, 018 145 462, 915 1,013 98,868 837 168, 614 36, 852 55 63 1,841 2 2 860 371 551 55 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 — WASHINGTON AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 375 Chelan Clallam Clarke Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield 30, 735, 515 5, 244, 580 25, 938, 551 17, 443, 255 6, 032, 455 17, 669, 657 2, 098, 442 4, 747, 155 13, 393, 835 1 34, 819, 730 5,313,895 23, 613, 688 27, 012, 338 7, 037, 969 35, 559, 017 3, 204, 360 7, 989, 678 17, 860, 383 2 24, 020, 855 3, 199, 800 15, 527, 862 13, 216, 920 4, 120, 833 20, 064, 830 2, 142, 026 7, 246, 536 9, 664, 788 3 32, 957, 025 6, 216, 209 29, 077, 581 19, 429, 744 7, 235, 001 19, 828, 469 3,117,312 6, 074, 225 15,069,461 4 24, 477, 365 3, 995, 795 19, 257, 618 15, 872, 655 4, 408, 270 15, 300, 372 1, 655, 246 4, 036, 505 11, 991, 105 5 6, 258, 150 1, 248, 785 6, 681, 033 1, 670, 600 1, 624, 185 2, 369, 285 443, 196 711,650 1, 402, 730 6 1, 760, 628 324, 939 1,206,331 1, 022, 603 395, 876 1, 195, 895 243, 807 600, 530 892, 900 7 460, 882 646, 750 1, 932, 699 963, 886 806, 670 962, 917 775, 063 826, 640 782, 726 8 15, 174 8,492 8,502 34, 389 6,269 14, 699 5,178 17, 466 34,249 9 14, 151 7, 165 7,584 30, 873 6.227 13, 098 3,486 13, 641 30, 441 10 194. 23 87.78 134. 78 54. 21 64.72 28.13 14.72 12.17 38.01 11 147. 78 91.55 121. 53 82.78 63.83 39.86 19.67 17.52 50. 85 12 157. 40 51.40 83.07 42.02 38.67 28.19 21.20 18.68 30.69 13 154. 68 66.88 100. 07 49.33 47.29 24.36 11.61 10.35 34.03 14 30, 735, 515 5, 244, 580 25, 938, 551 17, 443, 256 6, 032, 455 17, 669, 657 2, 098, 442 4, 747, 155 13, 393, 835 16 21, 650, 800 4, 010, 100 18, 447, 851 4,110,490 4, 879, 670 7, 529, 092 1, 254, 240 1,318,345 3, 534, 625 16 2, 306, 995 330, 800 3, 207, 725 5,867,815 321, 600 4, 891, 290 437, 020 1, 976, 160 4, 120, 235 17 3, 681, 950 116,330 449, 300 834, 800 22, 000 1, 918, 000 219, 982 156, 250 82, 500 18 3,095,770 787, 350 3, 833, 676 6,630,150 809, 285 3, 331, 275 187, 200 1, 297, 400 5, 656, 475 19 299, 370 617, 200 2, 690, 325 273, 476 695, 235 26, 650 109, 200 22, 300 32, 300 20 2, 796, 400 170, 150 1, 143, 350 6, 366, 676 114,050 3, 304, 626 78, 000 1, 275, 100 5, 624, 175 21 1, 760, 628 324, 939 1,206,331 1, 022, 603 395, 876 1, 195, 896 243, 807 600, 530 892, 900 22 1, 305, 633 259, 842 887, 618 249, 003 326, 546 494, 290 146, 629 119,065 202, 040 23 135, 655 21, 787 142, 896 367, 290 24, 466 380, 490 48, 705 221, 386 278, 650 24 142, 560 2.000 23, 860 35, 770 2,260 71, 374 30, 865 7,600 ■2,000 25 176, 780 41,310 151, 967 370, 640 42, 616 249, 741 17, 618 162, 480 410, 210 26 28, 200 31, 510 104, 847 26, 750 37, 905 2,600 10, 401 3,400 2,000 27 148, 680 9,800 47, 120 343, 790 4,710 247, 241 7,217 149, 080 408, 210 28 1,816 660 3,006 371 1,049 1,045 530 251 279 29 1,045 259 1,332 190 345 635 200 178 141 30 57.6 39.2 44.3 6L2 32.9 60.8 37.7 70.9 50.6 31 1,691 630 2,735 251 1,000 748 445 152 171 32 964 240 1,195 116 328 407 166 111 86 33 55, 026 16, 193 59, 946 36, 812 25, 528 101, 069 36, 191 36, 634 46, 046 34 12, 105, 136 1, 629, 300 8, 760, 810 2,113,392 1, 868, 960 4, 734, 885 620, 140 1, 074, 235 1, 887, 400 35 4, 676, 083 608,471 2, 946, 206 842, 755 564, 845 2, 152, 553 226, 939 398, 250 804, 826 36 37.8 37.3 33.6 39.9 30.4 46.5 36.4 37.1 42.6 37 12, 557 6,789 7,331 18, 219 6,668 11,634 3,736 9,678 21, 947 38 4,747 2,535 2,466 7,265 1,722 6,289 1,361 3,588 9,368 39 219. 99 100. 62 146. 16 67.41 72.82 46.85 17.62 30.15 41.90 40 83.16 37.58 49.15 22.89 22.13 2L30 6.42 11.18 17.87 41 288, 451 159, 280 727,416 87, 159 218, 662 107, 489 37, 871 88, 412 45, 900 42 1,560 527 2,614 353 829 670 340 208 208 43 64, 092 1,610 25, 181 33 674 24, 726 90 2,386 13 44 477 30 218 3 21 167 2 24 2 45 2, 270, 664 116, 116 432, 509 566, 891 62,317 782, 882 30, 191 211, 423 332, 844 46 1,703 242 1,352 411 341 825 194 234 346 47 127, 827 22, 909 166, 334 46, 720 46, 214 166, 561 7,066 37, 814 39, 896 48 933 158 1,320 306 269 779 90 172 268 49 3, 206, 321 366, 484 411, 887 20, 740 7,504 390, 628 2,000 23, 062 28, 218 60 576, 917 12, 003 14, 370 2,620 31, 073 69, 302 6,300 26 5,027 61 308 48 279 42 63 90 4 33 36 62 115 20 316 40 27 64 14 13 26 63 11 2,172 388 3,420 9 666 27 1,154 7 602 5 348 54 732 1,349 440 55 153 7 1,044 263 30 1,754 1 133 48 101 7 483 73 10 324 20 6 108 56 " 2 476 ' "55" 2 57 " "47" 68 269 22 111 11 140 227 206 9 109 59 655 191 762 365 311 689 340 181 270 60 44 41 500 7 112 26 10 24 4 61 51623—27- -25 376 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 WASHINGTON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and 61 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 ...dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 ...dollars. Land, excluding buildings ...dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms... dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925.. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 19 25: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants... dollars. Cash tenants... dollars. Other tenants ..dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number... Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value Gand and buildings) ..dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) ...dollars. Farms reporting. Farm labor (money wages only).. dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased ..dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms. Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. Kind of road, 19 25: Total number of farms Farms located on — Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Grant 12, 437, 991 21,098,841 16, 588, 947 14, 500, 024 10, 855, 035 1, 582, 956 742, 813 1, 319, 220 16, 058 13, 774 18.74 28. 38 25.60 16.35 12, 437, 991 3, 675, 725 4, 798, 561 825, 600 3, 138, 105 71, 465 3, 066, 640 742, 813 174, 290 319, 821 47,500 201, 202 9,714 191, 488 657 301 45.8 411 156 97, 175 366, 600 590, 995 37.0 11, 965 4,429 19.21 7.11 129, 552 442 3,035 18 372, 493 498 54, 321 446 176, 579 45, 201 50 31 3 903 350 118 26 Grays Harbor 8, 924, 030 8, 089, 600 4, 562, 332 10, 472, 468 6,371,920 2, 552, 110 618, 732 929, 706 8,188 6,977 94.61 85.36 54.09 67.56 8, 924, 030 7, 239, 175 373, 155 1,311,700 1, 149, 000 162, 700 618, 732 505, 777 34, 440 78, 515 55, 325 23, 190 1,138 441 38.8 1,093 422 31,123 3, 126, 085 1, 168, 348 37.4 7,408 2,769 100.44 37.54 378, 233 1,053 2,931 65 116, 885 , 403 63, 989 472 394, 259 14,050 97 26 1 1,279 118 1,067 14 74 Island 5, 340, 380 4, 965, 690 2, 853, 845 6, 244, 550 3, 882, 135 1, 458, 245 352, 053 552, 117 6,573 5,621 107.29 95.62 73.22 77.99 5, 340, 380 4, 073, 230 441, 600 114, 000 711, 550 380, 050 331, 500 352, 053 275, 949 28. 031 900 47, 173 17, 173 30,000 877 327 37.3 819 298 16, 140 1, 779, 565 605, 016 34.0 5,972 2,030 110. 26 37.49 360, 728 727 1,337 38 86,531 409 41, 519 387 221, 213 207, 650 950 605 87 225 33 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 — WASHINGTON Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 377 King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific 37, 109, 179 8, 784, 711 14, 175, 230 15, 079, 046 21, 042, 925 39, 344, 424 2, 745, 075 17, 265, 498 3, 394, 435 1 39,116,428 7, 692, 817 15, 874, 727 17, 021, 784 19, 586, 682 66, 647, 020 2, 354, 430 22, 709, 014 3, 703, 280 2 32, 658, 809 4, 468y 952 12, 856, 875 14, 707, 406 11, 276, 510 37, 280, 527 1, 838, 047 13, 301, 545 2, 183, 125 3 41, 569, 685 9, 934, 219 16, 607, 781 17, 541, 377 24, 283, 133 43, 731, 134 3, 211, 190 20, 893, 527 4,116,803 4 26, 329, 427 6, 275, 436 11,795,538 12, 573, 162 15, 453, 545 34, 803, 093 1, 928, 925 14, 562, 812 2, 430, 710 5 10, 779, 752 3, 509, 275 2, 379, 692 2, 505, 884 5, 589, 380 4,541,331 816, 150 2, 702, 686 963, 725 6 1, 611, 060 460, 214 806, 482 958, 138 1, 190, 570 2, 353, 967 185, 009 1, 165, 064 268, 722 7 2, 849, 346 689, 294 1, 626, 069 1, 504, 193 2, 049, 638 2, 032, 743 280, 506 2, 472, 905 463, 646 8 8.111 4, 211 20, 303 13, 900 7,451 27, 418 5,903 8,371 7,856 9 7,241 3,724 17, 329 11,949 6,467 24, 667 6, 046 6, 917 6,478 10 264. 44 170. 73 32.17 2L70 97.82 3L76 65.88 29.45 65.16 11 258. 09 175. 29 73.52 30.27 86.60 50.13 57. 61 32.92 75.88 12 220. 05 105. 57 48.96 27.73 52. 48 30.81 42.82 35.03 46.36 13 187. 62 102. 53 26.77 18.09 71.84 28.10 46. 29 24.84 46.66 14 37, 109, 179 8, 784, 711 14, 175, 230 15, 079, 046 21, 042, 925 39, 344, 424 2, 745, 075 17, 265, 498 3, 394, 435 15 27,318,857 7, 958, 161 6, 664, 350 6, 982, 166 16, 240, 765 10, 114, 150 2, 461, 475 11, 032, 285 2, 536, 835 16 1, 434, 214 220. 100 3, 999, 365 5, 236, 155 1, 839, 900 13, 848, 067 76, 000 2, 932, 738 143, 300 17 1, 699, 307 15 000 257, 500 769, 700 - 248, 300 1, 014, 525 1, 558, 625 41,000 18 6, 656, 801 591, 450 3, 254, 015 2, 091, 025 2, 713, 960 14, 367. 682 "■257,'605' 1,741,850 673, 300 19 6, 010, 801 455, 900 920, 420 386, 325 1,967,490 364; 250 127, 500 421, 700 624, 300 20 646, 000 135, 550 2, 333, 595 1, 704, 700 746, 470 14, 003, 432 80, 100 1, 320, 150 149, 000 21 1, 611, 060 460, 214 806, 482 958, 138 1, 190, 570 2, 353, 967 185, 609 1, 155, 064 258,722 22 1. 213, 053 414, 559 420, 947 435, 371 922, 486 656, 173 166, 004 716, 824 191, 308 23 86, 736 12, 980 180, 500 357, 030 122, 928 887, 330 5,300 227, 700 7,613 24 73, 615 7,875 31,977 21, 300 40, 264 98,415 2,600 25 237, 656 ""32," 675" 191, 160 133, 760 123, 856 770, 200 '"""14,105' 112, 125 57, 201 26 207, 696 28, 880 66, 325 20, 930 89, 966 14, 900 10, 350 25, 440 36, 625 27 29, 960 3,795 124, 835 112, 830 33, 890 765, 300 3,955 86, 685 20, 676 28 4,293 2,204 592 1.042 2,921 1,019 601 2,149 464 29 1,495 436 301 498 1,248 626 154 1,111 151 30 34.8 19.8 50.8 47.8 42.7 61. 4 30.7 61.7 32.5 31 4,172 2,170 476 789 2,774 576 492 1,816 446 32 1,433 425 235 336 1,173 319 151 920 142 33 35, 889 9,587 52, 227 95, 578 72, 038 205, 930 11,901 163, 570 13,383 34 9, 556, 962 1, 626. 450 3, 759, 675 3, 329. 223 7, 654, 865 6, 333, 470 721,825 6, 357, 680 834, 470 35 3,160,919 447, 146 1, 560, 960 1, 319, 487 2, 518, 490 2, 978, 333 203, 394 2, 422, 668 340, 138 36 33.1 27.5 4L5 39.6 32.9 47.0 28.2 38.1 40.8 37 6,069 3,827 15,999 9,908 6,526 19, 854 4,780 6, 911 5,877 38 2,206 1, 052 6,642 3,927 2,147 9,336 1,347 2,633 2,395 39 266. 29 169. 65 7L99 34.83 106. 26 30.76 60.65 38.87 62.35 40 88.07 46.64 29.89 13.81 34.96 14.46 17.09 14.81 25.42 41 2, 619, 274 758, 881 232, 326 156, 113 614, 290 160, 199 127, 903 256, 170 148,919 42 4,251 1,761 440 728 2, 347 819 429 1,396 433 43 134, 169 17, 133 2,048 10, 391 5, 881 4,243 1,007 8,000 443 44 632 176 24 113 92 11 41 98 24 45 1, 326, 073 88, 253 557, 920 522, 292 197, 987 719, 659 24,290 674, 148 114,365 46 2,012 484 584 782 1,120 1, 109 137 1,293 263 47 342, 408 68, 609 65, 439 77, 149 168, 693 128, 731 20, 971 96, 665 22. 081 48 2,390 549 354 619 1,261 1,026 128 930 J83 49 1, 484, 196 266, 546 195, 571 67, 559 765, 800 151,466 38, 293 650, 365 131, 788 50 307, 909 140, 775 3,873 16, 033 57, 574 92,704 16, 286 154, 590 27, 111 51 218 23 134 160 223 127 41 97 45 52 197 79 20 79 52 55 21 70 19 53 145 5,125 16 2, 359 9 818 9 1,262 59 3,259 5 1,595 48 2,496 54 544 524 55 709 9 3,490 4 36 444 218 99 1,762 6 1 346 15 68 56 r 632 72' 126 " 43' 490 57 329' 278" 68 83 670 40 679 61 605 31 247 17 59 523 889 287 319 728 578 130 1, 682 78 60 311 167 7 66 391 69 39 34 83 61 378 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. 1920 dollars.. 1910 dollars.. 2, 714, 200 i6, 750 All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms __ dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925-. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. Farm values, by tenure, 19 25: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners... dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers.. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants.- dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and mach'y, total dollars. Full owners.. dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants. -- dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants. dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total. _ Farms operated by full owners: Total number.- Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt. dollars.. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings .dollars.. Mortgage debt ..dollars. . MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed .dollars.. Farms reporting. Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. . Farms reporting.. Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.. Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) . .. Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms.. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road.^ Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Pend Oreille 084, 388 166, 105 548, 095 171, 907 198, 281 6,108 5,375 31.31 30. 52 24.99 2, 714, 200 2, 065, 200 168, 500 104,500 376, 000 170, 000 206, 000 171, 907 134, 392 11,095 5,600 20, 820 9,295 11, 525 450 199 44.2 438 190 32, 614 1, 013, 680 313, 866 31.0 5,335 1,652 31.08 9.62 Pierce 25, 349, 013 21, 042, 890 19,119,971 28, 674, 835 17, 938, 995 7, 410, 018 1, 226, 642 2. 099. 180 5,866 197. 74 177. 20 122. 10 139. 94 25, 349, 013 20, 288, 380 1, 194, 870 550, 913 3, 314, 850 2, 931, 000 383, 850 1, 226, 642 976, 185 76, 462 18, 720 155, 275 142, 535 12, 740 San Juan 3, 906, 332 3, 994, 510 2, 743, 900 4, 540, 333 2, 853, 866 1, 052, 466 229, 370 404, 631 8,022 6,902 58.27 58.30 41.19 42.57 3, 906, 332 3, 271, 232 215, 100 85,000 335, 000 161, 700 173, 300 229, 370 198, 305 16, 625 100 14, 340 7,710 6,630 Skagit 22, 381, 589 25, 273, 537 15, 939, 740 25,881,102 16, 510, 784 5, 870, 805 1,421,021 2, 078, 492 9, 05'6 7,831 162. 56 185. 36 134. 95 119. 92 22, 381, 589 14, 540, 779 2, 457, 400 233, 800 .5, 149, 610 2, 932, 785 2, 216, 825 1, 421, 021 941, 901 175, 070 18, 050 286, 000 149, 005 136, 995 71, 329 362 580 4 28, 984 133 7.598 700 1,683 505 105 220 3,942 1,311 33.3 3,831 1,270 35, 219 7, 955, 309 2, 519, 334 31.7 6,264 1,984 225. 88 71.53 2, 158, 754 3,635 80, 537 664 1, 022, 748 1,953 241, 581 2,101 1, 889, 017 198, 169 130 103 39 4,321 574 4 2,214 444 722 363 526 215 40.9 504 201 25,208 1, 580, 720 509,061 32.2 7,864 2,533 62.71 20.19 2,399 1,049 43.7 2,218 947 41,290 6, 984, 897 2, 580, 181 36.9 7,376 2,725 169. 17 62.49 Ska- mania 1, 848, 450 1, 841, 845 449, 785 084, 831 378, 665 469, 785 102, 106 134, 275 6,725 5, 963 63.12 71.51 56.56 47.08 1, 848, 450 1, 187, 700 202, 350 225, 200 233, 200 187, 500 45,700 102, 106 63,096 13, 820 15, 670 9, 520 7,790 1,730 78, 874 406 2,350 54 54,028 243 13, 880 121 49, 539 8,076 54 30 666 624, 952 2,333 13, 837 246 572, 198 1,533 158, 781 1,389 1, 350, 849 21, 533 235 81 78 2,858 444 9 1,663 28 464 250 240 107 44.6 210 86 7,503 419, 700 165, 218 39.4 4,880 1,921 55.94 22.02 49, 219 238 2,785 32 71,417 134 8,185 111 5,660 16 18 16 310 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 WASHINGTON 379 Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued Snoho- mish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahki- akum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima 29, 587, 189 51. 056, 138 14, 936, 580 11,688,020 2, 803, 650 38, 267, 907 24,825,127 72, 837, 860 75, 639, 295 1 22,972,111 ! S8, 305, 652 18, 922, 767 9, 972, 893 2, 869, 820 58, 473, 700 24, 947, 470 123,082,972 79, 426, 929 2 11,807,689 i43,725,541 1 1 i 16, 774, 240 6, 769, 375 1,214,350 35, 678, 101 12, 859, 250 59, 402, 045 14, 279, 347 3 33,279,943 ' 56, 261, 330 17, 510, 386 13, 438, 791 3, 239, 656 42,119,819 28, 944, 634 80,684,116 35,122,224 4 21,142,995 40, 377, 365 11,789,564 8, 690, 360 1. 962, 194 34,081,852 17, 796, 666 64, 808, 266 52, 260, 761 5 8, 444, 194 , 10, 678, 773 3,147,010 2, 997, 660 841,456 4,186,055 7, 028, 461 8, 029, 595 13, 378, 634 6 1,215,600 1 2, 650, 347 964, 584 636, 913 111,651 1, 936, 709 1, 375, 509 3, 930, 874 4, 180, 967 7 2, 477, 148 2, 554, 845 1, 609, 222 1, 113, 858 324, 255 1, 915, 203 2, 743, 998 3,815,382 5, 301, 962 8 7,021 11, 174 6,625 6,495 8,201 29, 767 7,692 28, 196 13,403 9 6,242 i 10, 140 5,651 5,649 7,098 27, 044 6,597 25, 486 11,910 10 175.56 '. 66.66 34.14 82.03 85.97 63.97 138. 04 61.62 126. 04 11 151. 55 j 84.20 40.05 71.21 86.42 83.15 140. 36 98.27 165. 60 12 99.79 64.08 32.18 44.76 41.83 48.23 88.23 60.00 137. 98 13 125.46 i 52.71 26.94 60.99 60.17 56.97 98.96 64.82 103. 75 14 29, 587, 189 51,056,138 14,936,580 11,688,020 2,803,650 138,267,907 24, 825, 127 72,837,860 75, 639, 296 15 22, 777, 022 23, 523, 610 10, 304, 295 8, 866, 140 2,253,950 113,662,631 18, 252, 612 20, 182, 204 44, 567, 081 16 2, 076, 625 12, 979, 943 1, 322, 810 430,650 142,800 ill, 058, 391 2,408,250 21,321,026 12, 264, 544 17 437, 292 2, 217, 055 757, 955 236, 400 23,000 i 1,659,800 361,300 1,643,610 4, 894, 666 18 4, 296, 250 12,335,530 2, 551, 520 2, 154, 830 383, 900 11,887,085 3, 802, 965 29, 791, 020 13,913,016 19 3,320,800 2, 373, 255 796,925 1, 638, 930 182, 900 735, 800 2,385,415 1, 433, 616 4, 806, 450 20 975, 450 9, 962, 275 1, 754, 595 515, 900 201, 000 11,151,285 1, 417, 560 28, 357, 505 9, 106, 566 21 1, 215, 606 2, 660, 347 964, 584 636, 913 111,651 1, 936, 709 1, 376, 509 3, 930, 874 4, 180, 967 22 947, 713 1, 175, 903 705, 259 521,918 95, 326 606, 567 1, 041, 703 1, 059, 473 2, 488, 485 23 101, 375 751, 684 88, 055 34, 605 5,850 623, 587 132, 185 1, 221, 762 723, 646 24 10, 280 97, 600 38, 805 11,095 350 59, 475 15, 660 79, 104 183, 505 25 156, 238 625, 160 132, 465 69, 295 10, 125 647, 090 185,961 1, 670, 635 785, 331 26 127, 878 117, 780 55, 035 50, 350 6,165 26, 175 115,966 80,877 374, 550 27 28,360 507, 380 77,430 18, 945 3,960 620, 915 70, 005 1, 489, 658 410, 781 28 4,298 3,964 2,221 1,793 355 1,015 3,287 1,683 4,722 29 2,070 1,975 997 776 106 577 1,560 948 2,811 30 48.2 49.8 44.9 43.3 29.9 56.8 47.2 56.3 59.5 31 4,122 3,208 2,041 1,733 341 787 3,028 1,140 3,966 32 1,972 1,545 900 747 99 428 1,421 663 2,331 33 58, 956 164, 064 ] 44, 744 42, 972 9,738 101, 588 61,013 186, 902 110,370 34 11,241,424 12, 416, 665 5,188,528 3, 959, 625 867, 950 7, 893, 919 8,869,612 12,531,484 27, 137, 451 35 3, 635, 968 4, 702, 358 1, 962, 133 1, 295, 758 356, 470 3, 212, 990 3, 149, 463 5, 283, 196 9,828,453 36 32.3 37.9 37.8 32.7 41.1 40.7 36.5 42.2 36.2 37 5,701 8,037 5,765 5,301 8, 767 18, 444 6,242 22, 258 11,642 38 1,844 3,044 2,180 1,735 3,601 7,507 2,216 9,384 4,216 39 190. 67 75.68 35. 85 92.14 89.13 77.71 145. 37 67.05 245. 88 40 61.67 28.66 13.56 30.15 36.61 31.63 51.62 28.27 89.05 41 1,479,210 938, 754 207,092 458, 988 80, 993 369, 665 1, 395, 765 285, 446 724, 604 42 3, 929 3,323 1,439 1,579 371 1,040 3,089 1, 220 3,901 43 12,022 17, 762 205 6,359 70 15, 796 19, 334 6,679 32, 808 44 270 165 9 121 3 151 316 104 298 45 497, 566 920, 159 203, 052 123, 076 35, 703 1, 319, 426 296, 053 1,731,019 4, 206, 206 46 1,749 2,574 871 627 157 985 1,498 2,219 4,683 47 235, 870 253, 953 55, 371 88, 573 16, 682 101, 579 209,094 196, 866 622, 240 48 1,826 2,303 582 726 148 753 1,626 1,823 3,608 49 1,400,788 417, 829 38, 768 144, 747 81,943 510, 468 2, 417, 182 52, 782 2, 910, 602 50 122, 558 32, 035 5,655 15,483 34, 768 62, 392 736, 035 33, 349 348, 042 61 170 265 68 78 19 113 168 241 565 52 139 150 50 61 15 87 87 171 258 53 203 71 28 25 3 36 100 30 210 54 4, 740 5,035 2, 643 2,069 395 1,415 3,763 2,858 6,351 55 784 1 3, 023 183 342 1,603 97 158 353 304 862 1 2,445 20 147 495 459 164 2,706 56 "89' 309 '35" 95 57 i,"i77" 58 87 1,785 1,045 95 1 188 13 983 748 59 623 983 . 1,139 557 100 381 309 1,180 1,977 60 242 138 • 61 142 164 31 133 33 297 l!! 380 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age.. Horses 2 j'^ears old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over.. Total value -..dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over. Bulls 1 year old and over Total value .dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over. Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs... Total value .dollars. Chickens: Total number ..* Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 , Dairy cows milked. Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons 1919 gallons Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds Cream sold, 1924 gallons Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds 1919.- -- pounds Value of wool, 1924.. dollars Egrs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 ...dozens 1919.. dozens Value of chicken eggs, 1924... dollars Chickens raised,' 1924 number 1919 number Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars 55,313,145 ; 242,099 16,226 225,873 • 14,355,404 i 26, 417 I 3,289 I 23, 128 ! 1,849,616 I 581, 714 i 120,317 75,689 53, 184 22,505 337,793 266,216 71,577 34,500 ' 13,415 i 25,692,644 ; 515,798 I 90,938 ! 405, 260 ; 19,600 i 5,499,386 i 5,586 54,721 I 197, 975 110, 563 29,530 57,882 2, 419, 247 I 5, 363, 262 ! 4,997.042 j 445,085 276, 010 259, 390 16, 620 169, 846, Oil 140,524,518 615 5, 089, 838 27, 216, 673 810, 507 45, 819, 308 22, 640, 322 430, 4,243, 5, 008, 1, 453, 42, 030, 21, 356, 13, 920, 7, 059, 4, 860, 5,222, Adams Asotin Benton 1, 222, 754 592, 858 ; 1, 543, 871 11, 057 733 10, 324 555, 906 2,602 451 2,151 173, 259 7,096 1,889 858 3,666 2, 223 1,443 553 130 245, 647 13, 268 597 9,309 3,362 156,777 8 56 3,766 1,827 428 1,511 46, 336 54, 286 38,000 4,363 356 4,007 193, 222 116 i 12, 030 I 7, S17 I 1, 698 I 886 i 113 I 773 3, 594 I 769 2,825 1,488 151 ; 242,091 I 1,051 5,142 76 35, 064 22 4,793 2,441 583 1,769 55, 770 27, 569 23, 434 1,071 5,828 320, 903 316 31 285 20, 620 9,735 2,358 1,393 1,177 216 5,327 4,800 527 422 235 393, 643 58,308 8,337 47, 426 2,545 641, 878 11 4,790 2,659 679 1,452 53, 728 105, 597 93, 981 19, 030 2,247 2,078 1,187 677 510 885, 318 ! 573, 321 956, 882 ! 316, 610 394 i 483 84, 596 57, 158 26, 467 j 57, 337 I 103, 130 I 7, 629 i 55,301 I 117, 596 1 18, 526 I 263, 559 I 341,385 ' 68, 525 i 87, 618 i 95,601 66, 952 j 42, 998 45, 500 514 57, 085 47, 108 5, 993 55,092 156, 676 18, 731 165,111 154, 758 42, 929 39, 258 34, 790 27,481 4,925 4,789 136 2, 728, 450 1, 580, 496 554 143, 768 634, 807 8,992 47, 351 324, 266 46, 355 510, 195 566, 718 178, 568 738, 908 484, 795 236, 470 132, 630 99, 864 104, 778 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 — WASHINGTON 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 381 Chelan Clallam Clarke Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield 460, 882 646, 750 1, 932, 699 963, 886 806, 670 962, 917 775, 063 826, 640 782, 726 1 2.797 1,098 5,522 5,981 1,910 10, 568 5,826 3,318 7,747 2 137 43 154 467 41 889 618 193 488 3 2,660 1,055 5,368 6,514 1,869 9,669 5,208 3,125 7,259 4 138, 948 97, 397 502, 126 265, 319 174, 150 525, 902 327, 930 167, 518 346, 114 5 275 22 160 2,954 33 805 167 1,489 1,200 6 11 5 3 342 3 149 28 172 200 7 264 17 157 2,612 30 656 139 1,317 1,000 8 16, 159 2,120 11, 134 211, 290 2,244 53. 252 11,461 102, 333 84, 000 9 5,022 9,106 22, 513 5,830 11, 137 7,838 12, 391 3,794 8,137 10 1, 158 1,773 3, 404 1, 529 1,938 2, 035 3,182 948 2,191 11 604 1,259 3,353 666 1,597 971 1,415 444 885 12 452 1,182 2,970 189 1, 260 596 329 167 76 13 152 77 383 477 337 375 1,086 277 810 14 3,017 5,590 14,800 2,793 6,853 4,096 5,444 1,857 3,675 15 2,533 5,201 14, 206 1,267 6, 753 2,886 1, 954 820 536 16 484 389 594 1,526 1,100 1,210 3, 490 1,037 3,139 17 117 247 423 712 380 686 2,140 473 1,227 18 126 237 533 130 369 151 210 72 169 19 196, 090 461, 229 1, 109, 867 196, 018 513, 022 281, 874 377, 828 126, 462 237, 623 20 2,484 1,438 1,671 17, 826 360 2,170 1,688 35, 633 3,973 21 217 405 437 2,944 76 429 220 6,347 1,846 22 2,129 990 1,157 14, 517 259 1,671 1,316 24, 055 2,023 23 138 43 77 365 25 70 52 5,231 104 24 28, 429 13, 247 15,384 185, 305 3,347 23, 141 15, 295 394, 472 38, 233 25 31 6 622 26 65 11 41 6 6 26 248 72 4,354 208 455 77 287 42 40 27 1,875 2,576 5,773 6,178 2, 661 2,274 1,829 1,509 4,245 28 958 1,732 4,234 3,248 1,525 1,048 i. 178 867 1,899 29 328 412 709 1,039 326 640 339 181 646 30 589 432 830 1, 891 810 686 312 461 1,701 31 22, 211 31, 286 59, 703 72, 531 31, 398 29, 398 21, 847 17, 329 52, 088 32 67, 476 38,906 227, 116 33, 490 70, 494 65, 045 23, 359 21,829 27,914 33 53, 981 36, 961 218,031 28, 467 67, 674 45, 532 18, 220 16, 280 23, 727 34 4,816 4,438 12, 100 4,748 14, 380 3,741 2,195 4,104 1,001 35 2,666 5,375 14, 579 1,467 5,751 2,927 2,496 1,031 1,248 36 2,446 5,327 14, 278 1,228 5,648 2,663 1,892 758 546 37 220 48 301 239 103 264 603 273 702 38 1, 319, 670 4, 160, 250 8, 207, 977 724, 698 3, 071, 034 1, 036, 168 905, 685 630, 966 524, 160 39 1, 344, 020 2, 439, 697 6, 813, 567 547, 445 2, 784, 510 1, 197, 597 875, 154 336, 224 276, 847 40 495 774 563 494 534 354 363 516 420 41 107, 821 37, 128 192, 199 85, 668 60, 532 80, 361 69, 845 34, 286 55,311 42 124, 546 995, 373 1, 547, 555 64, 870 380, 179 109, 181 144, 764 56, 196 65, 416 43 7,610 79, 086 14,916 3, 480 102, 389 34, 183 12, 576 9, 890 3, 946 44 262, 554 333, 220 2, 082, 697 50, 214 835, 860 36, 146 10, 237 109, 740 19, 665 45 154, 290 604, 999 1, 073, 897 74, 274 465, 452 130, 810 102,941 70, 908 67, 194 46 2.223 1,641 1,888 16, 703 220 1,154 1,717 28, 079 3,341 47 I 19, 353 12, 778 13, 943 208, 760 1,605 11,481 14, 481 298. 783 32,511 48 70, 534 11,443 10, 195 190, 801 18, 319 25, 708 28, 701 418, 674 168, 996 49 6,619 4,383 4,880 70, 978 562 3,846 6,184 100, 092 11, 064 50 368, 419 320, 508 1, 516, 454 161, 154 629, 652 414, 532 130, 468 117, 025 137, 036 51 294, 861 168, 058 764, 831 171, 949 221, 228 406, 827 139, 384 92, 829 86, 573 52 117, 894 105, 768 515, 594 41, 900 214, 082 107, 778 39, 137 30, 427 36, 629 53 113, 832 52, 795 316, 600 46, 350 95, 801 102,316 28, 007 31, 587 ^ 38, 196 54 88, 227 35, 802 175, 045 41, 341 61, 009 120, 588 30, 395 30, 776 ' 34, 864 55 77, 406 39, 596 250, 114 32, 445 75, 683 66, 605 19, 045 20, 532 26, 737 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. L 382 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Grant Grays Harbor Island 25 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value.- dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value.. dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age... Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value.. dollars. Goats: Total number Total value ..dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value ..dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value — dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked. _ Milk produced,! 1924 .gallons 1919 gallons Average per cow milked, 1924 .gallons Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds Cream sold, 1924 gallons Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds 1919 pounds Value of wool, 1924 dollars Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,i 1924.. dozens 1919 dozens Value of chicken eggs, 1924 ...dollars Chickens raised,! 1924 number 1919 number Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars 1, 319, 220 9,515 898 8,617 471, 432 627 137 490 40, 702 10, 254 2,790 1,397 486 911 4,731 2,284 2,447 1,114 222 334, 367 37, 880 9,845 27, 641 394 393, 934 43 301 3,512 2,002 606 904 41,068 45, 438 31, 807 929, 706 1,500 87 1,413 131, 999 16 2 14 1,524 12, 017 2,032 1,576 1,363 213 7,740 7,027 713 333 336 640, 050 1,042 207 813 22 10, 037 42 588 2,354 1,385 419 550 31, 118 95, 081 97, 933 16, 457 652, 117 1,024 65 959 90,009 35 2 33 3,730 4,874 890 723 714 9 3,118 3,085 33 11 132 258, 892 2,621 548 2,002 71 24,505 33 396 1,255 881 181 193 14, 857 163, 534 155, 357 4,371 2,460 2,063 397 1, 220, 160 862, 301 496 82, 894 202, 697 10, 210 56, 796 136, 813 30, 531 289, 668 333, 788 97, 039 320, 565 282, 673 83, 347 75, 336 75,815 48, 968 6,811 6,718 93 4, 406, 717 3, 264, 604 647 100, 839 826, 375 19, 085 959, 851 593, 053 1,089 8,532 9,383 2,713 750, 284 373, 600 270, 102 127, 599 80, 860 3,079 3,058 21 2, 167, 616 1, 770, 173 704 58, 916 495, 879 1,279 114, 055 256, 178 2,173 16, 182 15, 778 5,550 1,375,812 470, 273 454, 018 232, 382 76, 194 174, 287 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 WASHINGTON 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 383 King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific 2, 849, 346 689, 294 1, 626, 069 1, 504, 193 2, 049, 638 2, 032, 743 280, 506 2, 472, 965 483, 646 1 3,633 1,119 5,274 6,833 4,809 20, 296 686 16, 639 743 2 65 12 480 487 250 1,512 26 1,578 12 3 3,568 1,107 4,794 6,346 4, 559 18, 784 660 14, 061 731 4 324, 728 100, 296 373, 950 343, 141 432, 853 1, 016, 080 51, 843 754, 983 67, 896 5 54 21 68 355 112 3,068 6 401 6 6 2 52 16 52 29 326 19 93 494 2,574 -- 98 303 7 ""21' " 6" 8 5,400 2,142 4,896 23,328 7,422 206, 686 612 21, 022 420 9 29, 472 5,178 16, 447 15, 076 25, 441 16, 098 3,492 46, 987 7,831 10 4,054 723 4,036 3,931 4,530 4,145 637 11,562 1,466 11 3,237 669 2,253 1,927 3,294 1,866 428 6,110 1,024 12 3,173 640 1,261 515 2,884 752 334 1,764 860 13 64 29 992 1,412 410 1,114 94 4,356 164 14 21,319 3,695 8,688 7,018 16, 614 8,547 2,098 20, 187 4,907 15 21, 069 3,582 5,029 2,873 15, 171 4,418 1,625 8,060 3,958 16 250 113 3,659 4,145 1,443 4,129 473 12, 127 949 17 101 8 1,109 1,930 302 1,193 237 7,373 230 18 761 83 361 270 701 347 92 755 206 19 1, 727, 900 296, 860 657, 342 605, 144 1, 221, 044 660, 823 168, 655 1, 385, 105 356, 963 20 568 180 45, 532 46, 237 1,807 9,229 136 11,884 278 21 248 33 9,177 12, 367 443 1,050 39 1,864 61 22 296 143 36,049 33,434 1,266 7, 951 90 9,766 213 23 24 4 306 436 98 228 6 255 14 24 5,218 1,740 482,739 488, 594 16, 689 100, 689 1,280 132, 315 2,589 25 533 122 31 . 665 390 9 103 178 64 26 7,462 1,708 341 6,320 2,730 63 1,442 1,424 448 27 7,789 1,837 4,168 8,546 6,941 5,761 562 8,058 791 28 4,129 1,138 2,619 4,685 4,389 3,333 401 4,606 486 29 673 196 608 1,356 1,134 797 75 1,382 139 30 2,987 503 941 2,505 1,418 1,631 86 2,170 166 31 102, 962 23, 047 47,938 96, 605 79,350 66, 277 6,670 91, 649 9,212 32 638, 868 247, 303 46, 722 43, 937 278, 698 108, 019 42, 261 86, 961 26, 746 33 658,034 254, 722 37, 378 39, 104 267, 550 75, 613 43, 529 69, 669 25, 676 34 17, 642 8,779 21,485 2,957 22,000 17, 512 6,476 16,898 1,442 35 21,318 3,723 4,652 3,640 15, 183 5,024 1,640 10,099 3,726 36 20, 909 3,609 4,457 2,704 14, 580 3,936 1,623 8,049 3,586 37 409 114 95 836 603 1,088 117 2,050 140 38 16,457,496 2,412,504 2,567,328 1, 614, 240 8, 912, 421 2, 326, 112 815, 080 4, 150, 689 2, 086, 660 39 16, 869, 044 1, 727, 395 1, 819, 893 983, 748 8, 062, 444 2, Oil, 490 791, 682 3, 766, 924 1,647,071 40 772 648 564 456 587 463 497 411 560 41 222, 245 203, 796 51, 696 97, 338 222, 236 173, 772 37, 685 201, 398 46, 546 42 2, 501, 440 141, 809 685, 701 310, 277 1,318,787 271, 373 133, 664 923, 596 201, 928 43 32, 626 27, Oil 6,007 10, 576 63, 917 12, 719 6,304 7,011 4,443 44 6, 580, 383 719, 938 140,006 72, 506 2,833,163 343, 656 126, 072 115,038 1, 075, 783 45 2, 386, 600 313,267 345, 600 187, 303 1, 199, 648 259, 201 104, 112 501, 005 296, 502 46 534 151 41, 889 41, 197 1,615 6,774 151 9,103 212 47 4,002 1,003 443, 345 447, 204 13, 175 58, 899 1,174 85, 933 1,538 48 4,499 2,962 421, 187 399, 704 19, 014 26, 145 2,126 101, 384 1,578 49 1,273 319 152, 067 156, 521 4,611 19, 731 373 29, 389 538 50 6, 133, 772 2,304,864 355,321 273, 596 2, 149, 319 665, 459 350, 766 576, 378 218, 301 51 2, 592, 626 1, 134, 800 193, 010 219,964 953, 673 550, 321 191, 378 461, 776 106, 574 52 2, 208, 158 829, 751 110, 150 87, 551 730, 768 170, 419 126, 276 184, 441 74, 222 53 836, 278 305, 667 75, 643 56, 239 346, 979 181,256 57,348 136, 094 34, 629 64 502, 610 194, 795 57, 938 52, 104 240, 221 169, 580 32, 077 131,833 15, 186 55 635, 571 232, 307 55, 219 44, 429 274, 113 117,816 43, 584 92, 644 27, 278 56 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 384 CENSUS OF AGEICULTTJRE : 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Pend Oreille Pierce 1 San Juan Skagit LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock doUars.. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age... Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars.. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2. Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over. Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value.- dollars.. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age.. Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars.. Goats: Total number Total value doUars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs. Total value dollars. . Chickens: Total number Total value dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value. dollars.. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons.. 1919 gallons.. Average per cow mUked, 1924. gallons.. Butter made on farms, 1924... pounds. . Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds.. Cream sold, 1924.. gallons.. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons.. Value of dairy products, 2 1924 dollars..' Wool: Number of sheep shorn,i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924.. pounds.. 1919 pounds..! Value of wool, 1924 dollars..] Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,^ 1924.. dozens..' 1919 dozens..! Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars.. Chickens raised, 1 1924 number.. 1919.. number.. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars.. 198, 281 1,057 29 1,028 62, 405 22 6 16 1,422 3,188 961 388 212 176 1,616 1,111 505 140 83 108, 702 248 112 112 24 2,292 2 14 378 106 185 8,395 18, 660 14, 555 496 2, 099, 180 3,130 50 3,080 279, 975 7 33 3,702 21, 349 3,389 2,786 2,586 200 14, 578 13, 790 788 106 490 1, 187, 337 2,266 427 1,772 67 21,900 328 4,592 5,293 2,757 699 1,837 71, 751 495, 209 510, 065 19, 858 404, 631 862 40 822 76, 256 11 11 1,210 3,723 534 534 516 18 2,536 2,467 113 203, 321 7,932 1,511 6,210 211 74, 446 576 1,131 734 205 192 14, 045 33, 504 31, 829 2,948 2, 078, 492 3,925 234 3,691 345, 505 52 8 44 5,240 27, 419 4,337 3,571 3,466 105 18, 537 18, 094 443 125 849 1, 490, 418 956 278 639 39 8,815 81 972 3,523 1,828 649 1,046 47, 681 171, 790 163, 201 16, 660 1,204 1,084 120 571, 900 671, 473 475 46, 555 74, 757 3,237 56, 422 62, 812 140 1,405 1,584 503 108, 750 83, 093 32, 625 24, 053 20, 220 16, 350 13, 992 13, 318 674 2,463 2,405 58 10,494,000 1,453,170 8,709,955 1,132,750 750 590 287, 409 923, 203 68,044 5, 097, 576 1, 525, 899 1,666 14, 174 6,803 4,507 4, 376, 657 1,882,416 1, 575, 597 670, 018 316,815 509, 214 51, 323 345, 481 5,380 21, 980 179, 309 51,740 44, 587 17, 747 232, 987 174, 628 76, 886 56, 153 38, 805 42,115 17, 576 17, 317 259 13, 533, 520 12, 059, 058 770 110, 015 3, 099, 845 18, 724 2, 552, 598 1, 820, 696 761 6,211 8,663 2,130 1, 237, 747 774, 095 408, 457 180, 723 143, 782 135, 542 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1925 WASHINGTON 385 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahki- akum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima 2, 477, 148 2, 554, 845 1, 609, 222 1, 113, 858 324, 255 1, 915, 203 2, 743, 998 3, 815, 382 5, 301, 962 1 3,688 16, 590 8,408 2,231 424 9,448 4,301 30, 837 18, 701 2 94 755 614 89 1 573 120 2,237 1,219 3 3,594 15,835 7,894 2,142 423 8,875 4,181 28, 600 17, 482 4 328, 809 893, 575 486, 490 197, 720 38, 970 422, 575 383, 118 1, 640, 110 1, 347, 720 5 90 668 211 40 4,981 59 4,202 1,012 6 7 83 9,480 44 624 47, 936 23 188 14, 951 6 34 3,756 259 4,722 365, 805 13 46 5,710 587 3,615 290, 990 60 962 78, 920 7 8 9 30, 635 24, 982 26, 623 13, 292 5,089 12, 927 33, 306 26, 036 45, 403 10 5,333 5,104 6,351 2,315 843 3,009 5,722 6,810 9,500 11 3,774 3,205 3,242 1,715 639 1,630 4,528 3,450 6,745 12 3,744 2,772 1,624 1,480 635 989 4,485 1,580 6,043 13 30 433 1,618 235 4 641 43 1,870 1,702 14 20, 616 15, 703 13,317 8,703 3,422 6,643 22, 062 13, 404 24, 233 15 20, 485 14,046 7,973 8,077 3,406 4,494 21, 782 7,675 19, 030 16 131 1,657 5,344 626 16 2,149 280 5,729 5,203 17 18 416 3,399 259 12 1,332 117 1, 738 4,029 18 894 554 314 300 173 313 877 634 896 19 1,665,762 1, 165, 628 901, 226 715, 815 266, 824 491, 166 1, 793, 807 997, 566 1, 990, 299 20 504 2,435 4,979 2,711 101 41, 205 1,792 23, 176 124, 538 21 165 907 1,205 211 26 3,455 479 4,609 18, 712 22 299 1,468 3,615 2,261 70 35, 891 1,109 18, 123 103. 589 23 40 60 159 239 5 1,859 204 444 2,237 24 4,659 24, 486 47, 178 27, 023 931 438, 262 16, 934 243, 602 1, 342, 445 25 384 459 162 261 51 63 161 67 274 26 4,608 3,213 1,134 3,654 357 504 1,932 399 3,014 27 3,455 11,163 6,833 3,117 1,087 8,144 3,485 34, 240 20, 737 28 2,139 4,960 4,354 2,167 756 4,207 2,295 18, 015 11, 676 29 379 1,592 1,161 426 186 1,291 469 5,524 2,801 30 937 4,611 1,318 524 145 2,646 721 10, 701 6,260 31 42, 916 152, 351 81,619 37, 552 11, 837 95, 800 42, 424 442, 718 249, 681 32 425, 250 297, 583 88, 687 112, 739 12, 966 95, 650 504, 008 200, 133 276, 980 33 403, 988 258, 897 69, 176 116, 121 12, 447 81, 303 478, 808 174, 116 221, 684 34 16, 926 8,759 7,448 12, 217 2,889 19, 788 21, 266 25, 882 68, 299 35 20, 664 13, 952 9,575 7,919 3,515 4,751 22, 412 9,328 19, 004 36 20, 297 13, 560 7,354 7,770 3,501 4,609 22, 162 7,417 18, 686 37 367 392 2,221 149 14 142 260 1,911 418 38 14, 650, 776 7, 715. 456 4, 777, 925 4, 553, 425 2,418,320 2, 346, 994 15, 979, 756 4, 664, 000 11, 673, 436 39 12, 976, 220 5, 887, 759 3, 741, 879 3, 539, 483 1, 830, 163 2, 101, 987 13, 536, 148 3, 238, Oil 6, 542, 034 40 709 553 499 575 688 494 713 500 609 41 222, 818 371, 238 298, 438 190, 691 42, 823 108, 715 84, 9G3 256, 425 471, 907 42 1, 439, 229 484, 682 844, 646 646, 004 665, 967 368, 950 2, 851, 106 792, 504 2, 191, 251 43 24,247 51, 905 29, 524 25, 109 600 1,666 17, 344 28, 154 30, 699 44 8, 294, 498 3, 395, 504 508, 744 1, 383, 626 192,917 399, 713 5, 261, 521 418, 781 1,029,166 45 2, 147, 828 1, 088, 970 587, 590 638, 848 308, 321 272, 254 2, 163, 307 537, 802 1, 362, 479 46 416 3,185 4,357 2,643 89 32, 428 2,159 18, 773 104, 238 47 3,175 26, 795 38, 239 18, 435 692 331, 700 15, 212 187, 494 939, 888 48 2,978 18. 653 61, 335 17, 303 2,767 385, 760 21, 229 317. 829 1, 000, 829 49 1,089 9,110 13, 690 5,862 242 112, 778 5,218 63, 748 322, 38? 50 3, 595, 103 1, 993, 211 629, 855 868, 767 125, 031 503, 502 4, 553, 712 1, 202, 399 1, 817, 543 51 1, 102, 119 1, 079, 359 450, 382 623, 691 65, 435 400, 283 1, 785, 373 866, 962 1, 126, 789 52 1, 186, 384 512, 852 558, 099 396, 976 188, 957 312, 756 42, 511 130,911 130, 562 1, 502, 725 534, 248 336, 672 280, 987 563, 438 370, 045 63 137, 199 147, 237 11, 890 64 243, 829 301, 661 123. 661 103, 335 9,864 111,182 329, 621 286, 205 336, 437 55 384, 639 277, 883 93, 295 111,900 9,393 91,393 400, 688 196, 691 270, 133 66 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 386 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage 1924 Harvested for grain Cut for silage.. acres.. bushels.. acres.. tons.. acres.. Hogged off.. acres.. Wheat acres.. VALUE OF CROPS 1 Value of crops v.-ith production reported in 1924 dollars.. bushels. Oats threshed for grain.. acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley ...acres. bushels. Rye... .acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) .acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone. acres. Timothy and clover mixed.. acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses.. acres. Small grains cut for hay... acres. Annual legumes cut for bay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms... acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale : Cabbages.. ..acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce .acres. Onions (dry). acres. Sweet corn.- acres. Tomatoes.. acres. Watermelons. .acres. The State Adams Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age- bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. 91,950,590 I 2,302, 205,481,464 j; 9,442, 40, 383 15, 795 470, 130 11,061 99, 886 10, 497 3,030 1, 746, 653 24, 764, 991 146, 125 5, 635, 108 22, 208 66, 877 1, 490, 878 5,557 45, 711 930 965, 824 37, 926 161,613 19, 373 3,050 249, 116 59, 273 408, 546 767 26, 160 1, 462, 532 1,287 8,263 45, 047 715, 134 5,485 1,810 1,788 1,053 1,100 2,612 869 785 1, 049, 949 6, 781, 852 17, 890, 109 666, 141 400, 092 1, 476, 093 1, 491, 228 1, 094, 423 202, 399 1, 605, 621 133 2,065 12 269 2,620 265 1,165 23,909 300 611 590 22, 248 160 12, 199 136 5,722 Asotin Benton 496, 815 2,115,770 727, 952 ,278,114 1,261 2,427 130 144 7 1,579 162 519 221 160 2,897 48 195 13 24, 183 228,915 132 j 2,267 ! 39 1,584 20, 531 5 60 9,679 138 10 5 1,637 3 B,407 5,946 10 1,201 16, 151 28, 601 20, 449 6,441 1,999 3,888 10, 267 2,090 1, 519 60,184 303 3,395 196 72 19, 664 93, 420 161 5,370 11 212 3,889 45 360 29 20, 055 45 22 11 17, 058 85 2,604 230 61, 875 1,202 246, 767 332 4 208 6 22 45 4 67 28,500 366, 388 265, 870 52, 521 9,111 65, 882 32, 752 239, 451 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 WASHINGTON 387 AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 Chelan Clallam Clarke Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield 9, 244, 182 423, 452 1, 612, 968 2, 831, 883 561, 171 2, 859, 157 368, 213 580, 472 2, 002, 003 1 12, 485, 502 862, 760 3, 033, 088 6, 546, 624 1, 419, 033 7, 204, 371 614, 551 2, 430, 882 4,010,397 2 1,573 3,772 644 293 329 953 165 118 3 341 4,280 342 9,099 221 5,136 5 120 15 184 379 5,181 83 2, 9G0 88 2,080 4 211 481 939 2, 410 30, 033 957 153 988 172 181 1, 219 107 52 142 434 35 321 33 6 7 2 112 28 8 82 63 98 202 88 14 2 9 1, 881 536 2, 823 70,416 874 112. 506 3,764 45, 286 66, 990 10 20, 006 21, 558 71, 339 1, 832, 744 20, 308 763, 489 32, 594 274, 527 1,312,436 11 144 1,620 646 33, 021 5,962 194, 854 312 9,634 1,103 49, 981 1,082 12, 356 1,154 6, 805 88 2,410 1? 13 85 33 295 169 1,417 153 28 4,279 1,307 226 335 747 191 175 5,482 14 27 15 720 6,208 4,306 108, 169 8, 857 6, 168 1, 435 1, 700 111,220 16 49 475 25 230 42 873 . 4 37 627 2, 442 286 2,629 230 680 A 17 18 13 10, 285 29, 493 13 12, 757 ' 74 16, 107 19 10, 649 12, 782 31, 674 11,409 11,719 20 405 708 277 5,574 337 5,697 32 107 108 3,066 798 340 28 12 '>] ?.? 10 305 5,051 1 2,152 9 2 13 23 45 1,240 88 406 27 3, 242 3 16 23 4,079 i,"89e" 10 1,280 ?4 5,790 544 25 34 789 4,742 128 3,761 198. 82 9 19 26 3, 195 2,235 12, 208 9,241 3,288 30, 792 10, 134 9,509 10, 322 27 2 141 13, 927 952 44, 116 ^8 184 21, 5G9 4 19, 770 363 22, 893 140 10, 148 042 13, 357 35 13, 975 9q 11,053 30 31 ' 434' 295" 3,l49" ""198" "683" "461' 521 164" ---- 62 33 28, 914 36, 673 351, 422 21, 121 64, 044 16, 842 31,013 29, 703 9,563 34 13 3 19 3 405 74 7 2 81 6 3 1 13 4 79 7 '-i5 2 36 9 1 2 29 7 106 43 86 3 4 3 12 20 1 1 3 1 69 20 6 8 9 37 2 1 8 38 11 16 2 12 39 5 40 6 21 183, 449 6 21 6 11,016 1 10 7,422 1 2 6 55, 473 1 4 1,796 6 7 320 41 28 397 ^O' 2,486 1,628 43 1, 277, 141 10, 595 57, 408 39, 585 25, 562 375, 522 8,974 13, 762 5,791 44 6, 892, 918 11,807 77, 227 62, 592 32, 395 1, 293, 439 14, 477 3,620 4,377 45 31,615 65 12, 999 1,967 545 19, 164 933 1,241 6,426 46 7,719 36 4,410 51 142 9,030 74 1,600 6,105 47 148, 537 1,342 27, 751 1,012 4,240 18, 672 415 731 6,197 48 20, 194 1,737 860, 511 1,448 6,523 4,398 520 1,113 1,197 4& 17,917 30 27, 441 4, 483 1,040 2,188 518 52, 719 10, 971 50 388 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925* — WASHINGTON County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM definitions in Introduction) Grant Grays Harbor Island VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Ilarvested for grain ...acres. bushels. Cut for silage— acres. tons. Cut for fodder ..acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat .acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed .acres. Barley ...acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed .acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild. tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons. Potatoes, white.. acres. bushels. Strawberries.. .acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce.- acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn - acres. Tomatoes... - acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches .trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears.. trees of all ages. Plums and prunes .trees of all ages. Grapes.- vines of all ages. 1, 258, 727 4, 425, 776 583, 417 1, 182, 020 394, 041 885, 517 282 34 822 19 110 23 206 82, 998 363, 459 817 42, 012 28 138 515 790 1,766 37, 983 286 45 3,393 222 32, 665 1,372 19, 215 27, 896 4 7,073 177, 592 286, 042 5,168 6,169 17,042 2,524 9,338 11 1 35 2 10 5 3 618 18, 261 1,734 93, 297 700 25 719 6 85 12,008 378 6,616 634 56 10 1,642 2,511 30 131 22,464 598 90, 403 195 3,170 14, 854 30,884 35 18 2,654 3,566 90 29 224 31 30 2,822 109, 149 1,561 75, 342 123 376 15, 930 8 87 2,257 497 40 141 642 811 92 8,440 645 60,141 202 2,677 12, 447 9,909 144 15 2,619 2,359 212 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 WASHINGTON 389 AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific 1, 097, 573 2, 551, 029 273,863 570, 702 1,944,839 3, 832, 189 2, 339, 003 4, 270, 796 1, 507, 182 3, 272, 358 4, 543, 468 15, 649, 957 155,383 282, 422 3, 228, 039 5, 491, 744 206, 044 345, 777 1 2 1,101 6 125 865 10, 218 212 18 204 5,409 1,450 85, 214 1,031 94 3,630 97 4 70 52 564 37 4 127 2,612 103 3,371 277 2 70 1 20 143 208 17 116 37 253 88 66 51, 551 736, 412 1,042 44, 463 101 960 14, 536 306 2,039 2 29, 077 1,330 1,888 625 119 7,201 223 17,017 497 27 1,020 288 2,523 166 16 3,768 87, 145 10,453 368, 981 4,234 460 14, 255 242 3,968 1 33, 581 941 12, 178 1,900 14 80 6,180 11,959 1,194 396 3, 301 114 312 544 140 327, 541 2, 698, 197 3,118 74, 848 418 7,580 93,029 120 1,560 12 2,004 720 16, 343 625 1,990 509 150 20, 387 234, 036 2,840 32, 093 1,028 375 4,533 605 5,302 24 49, 465 1,795 1,464 119 78 18, 999 709 19, 995 1 3 4 5 141 1,190 2 6 7 12 1 8 q 8,021 237, 168 6,870 375, 127 46 2,981 88, 437 74 669 118 2,522 445 16, 195 154 12 484 4 80 1 4,085 29 1,666 99 14 326 232 9,802 169 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 10 19, 247 765 11,316 649 45 165 2,635 3,088 18 566 37, 193 19 7,025 46 1,412 600 6 6 2,632 2,109 6 308 10, 568 45, 314 7,752 6,891 123 222 16,024 10, 756 1,942 58, 725 709 1,554 M7. 977 127 1 20 21 22 ?3 19 2,302 638 52, 391 ?4 8 999 1,127 ?5 1,995 1,644 26 27 1,604 90, 828 674 27,433 329 54,499 1,112 39, 342 157 5,879 6,306 60, 672 696 9,835 29 30 31 3? 1,423 210, 316 717 350 2 404 48 320 135 433 54,229 417 13 568 42,309 4 9 1 1 1 3 2 2 5,132 51,700 91,754 1,892 731 4,708 2,273 388 268 17, 427 193 9 25 1 11 21 38 11 16, 601 241, 293 634, 022 19, 671 6,166 29, 763 3,394 35, 830 1,592 140, 207 341 26 1 7 5 58 5 594 20, 901 4 4 14 1 5 40 9 32 2,534 36, 844 59, 109 9,400 2,178 5,596 1,737 2,937 200 22, 773 33 9 962 79, 080 19 11 8 2 7 18 73 12 166, 557 432, 404 1, 066, 966 22,492 4,074 28,357 28, 160 20, 735 134 16,527 25 8 33 34 35 36 37 "■ 30 5 39 30 4 5 31 15 1 38 39 3 40 41 /\0 19, 859 105, 282 129, 877 4,523 1,572 24, 938 23, 657 25, 222 5,181 40, 489 30, 995 966 207 7,982 6,170 12, 819 17, 937 60, 293 62, 157 777 139 10, 125 20, 150 713 2,075 12, 177 18,959 146 46 2,213 3,834 32,445 1,519 8,552 15, 446 36 68 1,321 1,990 18 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 390 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. acreage and production, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rye acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa Pend Oreille 202, 352 367, 407 Other tame grasses ..acres. Small grains cut for hay ".acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar. acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages... acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn. acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches ..trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Pierce 610, 114 1, 639, 939 San Juan 276, 642 543, 542 34 2 290 2,761 1,109 22, 090 102 1 19 11 105 11, 945 3,579 3,404 392 56 619 140 2,657 8,131 20, 214 1,305 7,366 5,405 148 14 552 625 99 351 1 40 257 225 87 200 3,769 1,015 32, 420 1,319 17 475 5 72 13, 135 368 5,023 867 74 41 2,366 3,416 19 961 19, 695 1,152 132, 010 437 225 1 142 34 199 12,511 85, 735 102, 652 1,273 403 13, 337 15, 472 5,725 1,065 29, 891 1,594 61, 456 125 141 5,149 46 553 7,802 141 4,049 381 24 16 2,020 191 ,810 112 13,066 12 1,715 32, 736 38,600 680 2 10, 070 5,162 24 Skagit 2, 202, 363 5, 087, 406 526 3 27 316 4,019 193 14 1,787 72, 388 17, 792 , 426, 338 753 445 23, 161 12 308 12 26,004 2,594 20, 225 485 25 308 2,140 146 81 62, 006 289 2,988 1,324 241, 031 215 103 6,899 34, 701 43, 821 547 377 6,998 10, 657 1,890 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 WASHINGTON AND Production of Pbincipal Crops: 1924 — Continued 391 Snohomish 1, 353, 003 2, 540, 400 Spokane 5, 829, 260 14, 087, 958 Stevens 1, 683, 148 3, 602, 070 Thur- ston 519, 856 1, 181, 267 Wahki- akum 168, 566 269, 170 Walla Walla 6, 010, 398 15, 189, 449 Whatcom 1, 534, 459 3, 077, 393 Whitman 11,624,948 30, 306, 047 Yakima 17, 033, 361 28, 842, 100 3 78 998 11,397 164 23 226 7,665 3,786 284, 269 2,089 89 3,764 31 748 25, 049 774 18,867 351 952 3,629 26 294 56, 197 805 1,354 206, 098 393 77 19 9 155 9 13, 069 59, 934 74, 742 1,416 52 31, 765 17, 858 4,155 4,467 599 10, 601 1,029 3, 406 2,634 205 125, 630 2, 230, 269 21,214 426, 920 1,573 3,326 51, 536 501 4,415 54 58, 667 2,091 2,517 521 331 8,528 3,576 39, 951 113 1,039 54, 479 7,697 471, 447 352 534 219 58 86 163 33 29, 676 753, 542 077, 570 9,374 1,952 28, 250 26, 570 21, 226 3,780 1,915 25, 641 308 1,047 1,328 229 9,688 138, 891 4,930 126, 575 1,175 431 6,448 303 3, 351 104 63, 174 5,747 7,130 998 379 30, 908 1,313 15, 826 3 870 54, 032 270 8 150 193 1,331 61 994 20, 075 2,623 72, 373 539 127 3,906 381 6,112 16, 746 165 3,418 751 165 15 4,527 1,239 20, 542 1,542 89, 535 31 39 71 2 17 73 15 116 10, 031 160, 039 193, 915 8,723 1,338 7,104 8,246 5,637 524 ,100 457 5,104 29, 585 36, 613 607 100 10, 491 12, 393 1,841 3,580 287 150 2,701 352 84 223 108 19, 124 1 596 4,560 8,295 67 32 858 1,507 49 1,147 758 24, 262 253 2,115 94 42 159, 583 , 665, 727 521 13,511 140 4,430 146, 265 2 60 26, 332 106 15, 273 217 400 66, 100 187 761 567 102, 594 163 25 73 495 56 25 23 15, 962 137, 912 59,924 4,454 44 2,661 88, 574 42, 242 643 13 272 344 4,398 273 13 1,038 26, 157 9,062 439, 566 989 537 21, 512 17 380 37 38, 022 2,671 28, 071 788 14 136 763 62 252 ,065 132 1,227 1,000 148, 796 196 197 7,170 58, 401 60, 329 579 49 21, 144 20, 721 451 1,832 250 4, 543 379 1,704 531 672 377, 048 7, 322, 453 36, 877 1, 022, 859 598 26, 154 570, 334 254 2,091 26 64, 694 2,641 1,237 235 893 17, 159 191 41,447 337 554 72,311 1,373 93. 429 8,404 78, 428 63, 868 33, 796 19, 733 14, 051 33, 461 4,677 9,978 7, 765 287, 898 1,287 13, 069 379 547 19, 443 469, 289 3,698 151, 166 518 4,781 145, 208 255 2,944 505 97, 212 257 381 320 125 89, 932 803 4,285 1, 109 315,385 599 2,482 12, 472 3, 474, 351 49 54 1,076 133 240 228 186 327 387, 266 1, 893, 270 5, 857, 928 390, 377 310, 283 900,211 198, 672 496, 803 51623—2'; -26 392 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table V. — Farm Population ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total-.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age. .. 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female... White farm population... Under 10 years of age. .. 10 years of age and over. Male Female... Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male Female The State White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population... Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 288, 673 60, 830 227, 843 124, 663 103, 180 281, 100 58, 504 222, 596 121, 888 100, 708 7,573 2,326 5,247 2,775 2,472 230, 924 44, 410 186, 514 101,712 84, 802 227, 455 43, 452 184, 003 100, 402 83, 601 3,469 958 2,511 1,310 1,201 6,057 1,596 4,461 2,537 1,924 4,218 1,083 3, 135 I 1,871 ! 1,264 i 1,839 I 513 ! 1,326 I 666 i 660 ! I 51,692 1 14,824 1 36,868 20,414 I 16,454 i 49,427 1 13,969 i 35,458 I 19,615 1 15,843 i Ad- AsotinBenton 3,760 953 2,807 1,563 1,244 3,760 953 2,807 1,563 1,244 2,265 855 1,410 799 611 2,118 452 1,666 917 749 2,118 452 1,666 917 749 1,561 478 1,083 612 471 1,561 478 1,083 612 471 2,276 505 1,771 992 779 2,276 505 1,771 992 779 1,506 843 663 1,892 386 1,506 843 663 6,362 1,332 5,030 2,724 2,306 6,342 1,324 5,018 2,717 2,301 20 8 12 7 5 4,811 908 3,903 2,098 1,805 3,901 2,097 1,804 365 114 251 139 112 365 114 251 139 112 2 1 1 325 120 205 114 91 317 116 201 112 304 922 512 410 Chelan 8,459 1,847 6,612 3,588 3.024 8,449 1,847 6,602 3,583 3,019 10 1,216 300 916 508 6,856 1,415 5,441 2.959 2,482 1,415 5,433 2,955 2,478 8 4 4 570 169 401 224 177 570 169 401 224 177 Clal- lam 2,874 589 2,285 1,282 1,003 Clarke 12, 896 2,436 10,460 5,707 4,753 2,687 546 2,141 1,205 936 187 43 144 77 67 1,033 263 770 405 365 1,031 263 768 404 364 2,434 469 1,965 1,106 859 2,366 457 1,909 1,074 835 1 5 3 2 116 31 85 42 43 318 88 230 131 12, 844 2,420 10, 424 5,681 4,743 52 16 36 26 10 315 88 227 128 99 11,033 1,943 9,090 4,948 4,142 11.021 1,941 9,080 4,942 4,138 12 2 10 1,774 468 1,306 i 719 587 1,736 455 1,281 699 582 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 WASHINGTON BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 393 Cow- litz 4,843 1,006 3,837 2,087 1,750 Doug- las 4,705 1,054 3,651 2,005 1,646 Ferry 2,671 597 2,074 1,157 917 Frank lin 1,501 376 1,125 628 497 Gar- field 2,103 492 1,611 898 713 Grant 3,218 772 2,446 1,419 1.027 Grays Harbor 5,519 1,237 4,282 2,277 2,005 Island 3,339 656 2,683 1,477 1,206 Jeffer- son 1,372 239 1,133 654 479 King 20, 098 4,017 16, 081 8,820 7.261 Kitsap 7,801 1,403 3,564 2.834 Kitti- tas 3,351 715 2,636 1,490 1,146 4,843 1,006 3,837 2,087 1.750 4,705 1,054 3,651 2,005 1.646 4,365 887 3,478 1,895 1,583 4,365 887 , 3,478 1,895 1,583 472 116 356 190 166 472 116 356 190 166 3,494 716 2,778 1,519 1,259 3,494 716 2,778 1,519 1,259 191 37 154 90 64 301 719 396 323 1,020 301 719 396 2,091 451 1,640 941 580 146 434 216 218 1,500 376 1,124 627 497 1 2,103 492 1,611 898 713 3,218 772 2,446 1,419 1,027 5,438 1,210 4,228 2,251 1,977 81 27 54 26 3,339 656 2,683 1,477 1,206 1,342 235 1,107 638 30 1,869 388 1,481 843 1,817 377 1,440 823 617 52 11 41 20 21 537 130 407 205 202 17 10 7 520 130 390 195 195 265 79 186 109 77 257 74 183 108 75 8 5 3 1 2 1,093 259 834 463 371 1,092 259 833 462 371 1 380 106 274 154 120 380 106 274 154 120 277 991 660 431 277 991 560 431 2,284 471 1,813 1,038 775 2,284 471 1,813 1,038 775 127 48 79 53 26 127 48 79 53 26 826 213 613 334 279 826 213 613 334 279 807 253 554 328 807 253 554 328 4,878 1,051 3,827 2,028 1,799 4,806 1,029 3,777 2,004 1,773 72 22 50 24 26 455 249 206 632 181 451 247 204 18,484 3,371 15,113 8,303 6,810 1,614 517 451 7,531 1,291 6,240 3,475 2,765 270 112 158 2,994 554 2,440 1,345 1,095 2,994 554 2,440 1,345 1,095 334 97 237 129 108 334 97 237 129 108 1,192 188 1,004 584 420 1,163 184 410 29 4 25 15 10 14 3 11 4 7 16, 022 2,766 13, 256 7,169 6.087 15, 623 2,617 13, 006 7,039 5,967 149 250 130 120 114 355 253 102 366 60 306 225 81 103 54 49 28 21 3,607 1,137 2,470 1,398 1,072 2,495 694 I 1,801 I 1,039 i 762 I 1,112 I 443 I 7,145 1,196 5,949 3,331 2,618 7,049 1,164 5,885 3,293 2,592 310 651 206 445 232 213 477 126 351 181 170 174 80 94 51 43 3,334 711 2,623 1,481 1,142 17 4 13 2,408 469 1,939 1,105 834 2,393 465 1,928 1,097 831 15 4 11 8 20 883 226 657 364 293 I 50 881 226 655 363 292 60 394 CENSUS OF AGPJCULTUKE : 1925 WASHINGTON County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) AJl farm population, total — Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male... Female White farm population Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of ago 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male -. Female White farm population.... Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male..-- -. Female. Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over.. . Male Female White farm population.... Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male Female Klicki- tat 4,407 950 3,457 1,952 1,505 4,317 914 3,403 1,925 1,478 90 36 54 27 27 Lewis 13, 566 3,008 10, 558 5,679 4,879 13, 459 2,985 10, 474 631 843 107 23 84 48 36 3,607 725 2,882 1, 025 1,257 3,562 711 2,851 1,611 1,240 45 14 31 14 17 107 21 86 51 35 107 21 86 51 35 Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male , Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female 204 489 276 213 648 182 466 263 203 45 22 23 13 10 11,977 2,545 9,432 6,076 4,356 11,870 2,522 9,348 5,028 4,320 107 23 84 48 36 29 10 19 13 1,560 453 1,107 590 517 1,560 453 1,107 590 617 Lin- coln 6,448 1,546 4,902 2,766 2,136 6,448 1, 546 4,902 2,766 2,136 Mason 1,974 358 1,616 886 730 1,850 330 1,520 830 124 28 4,211 862 3,349 1,883 1,466 4,211 862 3,349 1,883 1,466 2,166 674 1,492 843 2,166 674 1,492 843 Okano- gan Pacific 9,616 2,249 7, 367 4,038 3, 329 8,759 2,038 6,721 3.723 2,998 857 211 646 315 331 1,794 304 1,490 817 673 1,676 278 1,398 762 636 118 26 92 55 37 7,498 1,638 5,860 3,238 2,622 7,225 1,675 5, 650 3,141 2,509 273 63 210 97 113 737 197 540 268 272 199 63 136 66 70 538 134 404 202 202 1,381 414 967 532 435 1,335 400 935 516 419 46 14 32 16 16 2,083 420 1,663 911 752 2,077 418 1,659 909 750 1,820 383 1,457 801 656 1,814 361 1,453 799 654 Pend Oreille Pierce 1,751 372 1,379 807 572 16, 800 3, 041 13, 759 7,480 6.279 1,751 15.827 372 2,766 1,379 I 13,061 807 I 7, 102 572 5,959 i 973 275 '.'.y.y.'.l 378 1 320 260 57 203 108 95 260 57 203 108 95 1,542 310 1,232 727 505 1, 542 310 1,232 727 505 199 60 139 75 64 139 75 64 14, 914 2,477 12, 437 6,723 5,714 14, 397 2,375 12, 022 6,503 5,519 I 517 102 415 220 I 195 ■ 108 25 83 59 24 108 25 83 59 24 1, 778 I 539 1,239 ' 698 I 541 I 1,322 i 366 I 956 I 540 i 416 456 173 283 158 125 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 395 San Skagit Ska- Snoho- Spo- Ste- Thur- Wahki- Walla What- V/hit- Yak- Juan mania mish kane vens ston akum Walla com man ima 2,008 12, 107 1,139 18, 847 18, 412 10, 439 8,122 1,868 6, 033 15, 384 12,218 26, 052 1 399 2,253 226 3,687 3,661 2,239 1,770 432 1,334 3,186 3,102 5, 850 2 1,609 9,854 913 15, 160 14, 751 8,200 6,352 1,436 4,699 12, 198 9,116 20, 202 3 886 5,264 500 8,202 8,082 4,593 3,477 776 2,667 6,566 4,920 10, 905 4 723 4,590 413 6,958 6,669 3,607 2,875 CGO 2,032 5,632 4,196 9,297 5 2,008 12,076 1,139 18, 689 18, 362 9,859 8,071 1,868 5,972 14, 941 12, 211 24, 889 6 399 2,246 226 3,642 3,638 2,091 1,749 432 1,334 3,040 3,102 5,495 7 1,609 9,830 913 15, 047 14, 714 7,768 6,322 1,436 4, 638 11,901 9,109 19, 394 8 886 5,252 500 8,145 8,059 4,375 3,464 776 2,606 6,415 4,913 10, 487 9 723 4,578 413 6,902 6,655 3,393 2, 858 660 2, 032 5,486 4,196 8,907 10 31 158 60 580 51 61 443 7 1,163 11 J 45 113 23 37 148 432 21 30 146 297 .- 355 808 12 61 13 12 57 23 218 13 61 151 7 418 14 12 56 14 214 17 146 390 15 1,843 10, 021 903 16, 692 14, 105 8,214 6,849 1,716 4,312 13, 231 7,115 18, 951 16 343 1,729 166 3,069 2,486 1,617 1,406 397 898 2,529 1,537 3,917 17 1,500 8,292 737 13, 623 11,6]9 6,597 5,443 1,319 3,414 10. 702 5. 578 15, 034 18 825 4,393 400 7, 357 6,327 3,716 2,942 708 1,902 5, 754 3,026 8,074 19 675 3,899 337 6,266 5,292 2,881 2,501 611 1,512 4,948 2,552 6,960 20 1,843 10,000 903 16, 550 14, 068 8, 111 6,806 1,716 4,304 12, 808 7,115 18, 079 21 343 1,725 166 3,028 2,473 1,589 1,391 397 898 2,393 1, 537 3,662 22 1,500 8,275 737 13, 522 11, 595 6,522 5,415 1,319 3,406 10,415 5,578 14,417 23 825 4,385 400 7,307 6,312 3,676 2,930 708 1,894 5,608 3,026 7,758 24 675 3,890 337 6,215 5,283 2,846 2,485 611 1,512 4,807 2,552 6,659 25 21 142 37 103 43 8 423 872 26 4 17 41 101 13 24 28 75 15 28 136 287 255 617 27 8 28 8 50 15 40 12 8 146 316 29 2 9 32 65 51 93 9 323 35 511 16 56 141 64 170 301 822 30 5 112 31 5 14 11 79 124 14 1 23 15 40 234 32 2 27 51 82 244 387 42 4 89 49 130 588 33 2 16 27 44 159 198 24 2 54 28 76 324 34 11 24 38 85 189 18 2 35 21 54 264 35 2 32 65 91 312 51 56 5 112 64 170 743 36 5 14 11 73 9 14 1 23 15 40 196 37 2 27 51 80 239 42 42 4 89 49 130 547 38 2 16 27 43 156 25 24 2 54 28 76 304 39 11 24 37 2 83 11 6 5 3 2 3,984 17 460 115 345 173 172 1,714 18 2 35 21 54 243 79 38 41 20 21 6,279 40 41 1 4? 1 2 1 1 2,062 43 ■14 45 163 2,054 171 1,217 147 1,609 2,089 4,933 46 56 519 46 607 1,096 498 350 34 413 642 1,525 1,699 47 107 1,535 125 1,455 2,888 1,216 867 113 1,196 1,447 3,408 4, 580 48 59 855 73 801 1,5S6 679 511 66 711 784 1,818 2,507 49 48 680 52 654 1,292 537 356 47 485 663 1,590 2,073 50 163 2,044 171 2,048 3,972 1,697 1,209 147 1,556 2,069 4,926 6,067 51 56 516 46 603 1,092 493 344 34 413 632 1, 525 1,637 52 107 1,528 125 1,445 2,880 1,204 865 113 1,143 1,437 3,401 4, 430 53 59 851 73 795 1,591 674 510 66 658 779 1,811 2, 425 54 48 677 52 650 1,289 530 355 47 485 658 1,590 2, 005 55 1 10 14 12 17 8 53 20 7 212 56 3 7 4 10 4 8 5 12 6 2 10 10 7 62 150 57 53 58 4 6 5 5 1 53 5 7 82 59 3 4 3 7 1 5 68 60 396 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Ad- ams Aso- tin Ben- ton Che- lan Clal- lam Clarke 1 Total number of farms, 1925 73, 267 817 534 1,841 2,172 732 3,420 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: ? 7,883 3,411 1,657 9,145 6,485 10, 432 2,429 255 4 2 19 3 352 4 280 2,497 15, 538 2,846 400 14,020 5,471 23, 160 49, 705 214 25, 935 4,322 1,409 842 696 846 2,309 1,036 460 28, 256 46,240 11, 807 33, 871 30, 641 7,038 4 2 '"459" 493 12 10 7 28 20 4 158 40 19 54 1 560 424 63 89 85 15 13 2 186 45 11 24 27 20 4 4 2_ "■'69' 2 113 22 2 905 127 388 427 43 790 34 16 3 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage 5 Winter wheat 6 Spring wheat . . 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed-- 8 Barley.. q Rye 10 Flaxseed. 11 Buckwheat . _ ._ ^?, Sorghums of all kinds 6 1 3 2 7 -- 7 6 1,222 12 150 1,289 13 Sov beans 1 14 Cowpeas.. 3 1 1 3 If) 16 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 1 12 13 2 2 5 35 45 4 530 6 235 636 29 422 34 6 83 49 275 599 10 52 582 704 11 31 486 1,500 2,471 17 Hay crops: Timothy alone 18 Timothy and clover mixed 19 90 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa - ?1 25 3 483 502 222 """264" 438 ?2 Other tame grasses .. . ?3 Small grains cut for hay ?4 Production of hay of all kinds.. ?5 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?fi Potatoes, white _.. 145 3 2 3- 2 176 36 115 48 6 90 15 4 19 8 8 16 17 19 176 259 219 173 195 131 491 237 9 122 7 20 54 10 47 685 967 658 596 468 527 331 28 10 12 4 5 34 19 14 124 1,944 852 1,507 750 401 273 30 13 9" 7 19 4 409 518 22 328 326 7 1,496 359 58 10 22 34 80 37 9 1,723 1,968 523 1,498 1,846 485 ?7 Strawberries ?H Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. _ ?9 Cantaloupes and muskmelons. 30 Lettuce 31 Onions (dry) 3? Sweet corn 33 Tomatoes 34 Watermelons . . 3f) All other crops . 3fi Orchard fruits: Apple trees 37 Peach trees ... 38 Pear trees... . 39 Plum and prune trees 40 Grapevines. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules.. 41 49, 023 9,223 50, 057 27, 753 54, 879 2,768 850 23, 419 57, 571 789 150 690 326 737 5 553 760 394 205 254 92 403 50 16 271 468 1,387 108 1,273 723 1,330 94 6 701 1,340 1,134 156 1,047 296 1,133 38 13 374 1,477 476 62 578 415 596 39 5 331 596 2,737 109 2,618 1,308 2,697 55 72 ! 1,069 1 2,647 4? Cattle: Beef cattle- 43 Dairy cows 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 45 Cows milked-. 4R Sheep -.- 47 Goats.. 48 Swine—- 49 Chickens..- . .. . 50 61 52 63 64 55 WOODLAND AND FIREV/OOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acreS-. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting. number. . 66, 922 14, 959 42, 745 2,296 411,902 28,935 245 20 440 6 1,936 116 1 1 '"m 52 615 96 103 9 4,923 448 1,112 224 264 24 8,129 604 i 3,881 1,020 ! 2,041 1 102 1 11,312 1,840 1 1 CENSUS OF AGEIOULTUKE : 11)25 WASHINGTON 397 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1024, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland' Burned Over and Cleared Co- lum- bia Cow- litz Doug- las Ferry Frank- lin Gar- field Grant Grays Harbor Island Jeffer- son King Kitsap Kitti- tas 565 1,154 1,349 602 348 440 903 1,279 950 350 5,125 2,359 818 1 74 80 25 127 28 14 30 41 4 261 39 10 2 35 9 4 27 6 53 7 13 5 6 12 3 1 1 6 145 2 15 9* a 10 1 4 308 72 466 36 124 324 144 42 219 7 17 29 30 5 22 9 169 23 33 9 284 79 6 19 24 15 363 6 26 254 60 36 10 22 277 206 58 312 119 402 7 95 17 25 9 2 138 5 9 58 7 15 2 172 8 2 9 8 3 1 8 3 6 1 1 6 1 9 10 1 11 1 4 3 ^?, i 5 IS 1 1 2 9 2 3 14 15 12 9 2 1 1 7 1R 'M 5 12 29 4 7 40 29 4 55 18 245 17 7 282 25 2 1 551 314 235 1,602 348 134 18- 1 215 3 1 2 86 82 4 122 160 11 19 3 2 6 1 5 9 18 4 9 20 243 3 55 188 127 109 134 1 40 6 23 6 436 21 6 387 10 5 1 3 7 146 107 19 543 626 219 22 406 508 537 428 121 382 372 382 225 139 672 654 130 2» 485 982 592 499 240 390 493 925 597 288 2,467 1,383 721 24 99 579 278 338 83 196 142 570 339 137 1,458 1,032 193 26 9 135 8 19 15 8 159 155 23 385 242 8 27 3 12 3 11 4 7 11 18 12 181 52 8 28 4 3 9 3 1 34 5 8 6 5 3 177 37' 2 4 ?9 9 3 30 5 7 5 4 8 9 6 4 71 17 4 31 13 27 5 18 9 10 17 24 8 19 212 88 4 32 4 5 4 3 7 12 7 2 5 90 61 3 33 6 62 583 7 62 5 117 23 47 6 2 20 47 2 27 34 831 574 257 3,427 1,324 35 309 916 548 224 49 233 289 795 589 307 3,840 1,722 573 36 163 173 283 87 37 88 137 15 51 35 758 286 104 37 197 721 318 117 27 142 190 562 456 183 3,197 1,407 334 38 180 675 167 129 29 146 143 519 424 184 3,048 1,345 289 39 87 179 59 33 78 39 82 3 35 17 481 215 25 40 491 887 968 557 315 424 730 753 531 219 2,314 869 737 41 159 169 213 346 106 305 196 120 27 35 206 110 158 42 391 953 776 299 196 159 531 1,021 705 255 3,094 1,386 688 43 223 603 410 174 118 95 322 607 392 172 1,525 449 495 44 469 991 850 436 277 405 611 1,052 711 286 3,269 1,459 723 45 54 13 58 43 22 33 67 38 47 16 13 20 130 46 6 13 5 2 1 4 10 10 11 3 60 29 4 47 309 563 476 245 171 288 406 381 223 133 667 257 467 48 493 957 977 473 300 405 675 1,059 736 290 3,882 1,647 725 49 66 1,558 56 2,610 157 1,605 1,762 591 4, 596 1,493 447 50 8 388 7 215 18 437 428 155 1,404 612 46 51 384 770 149 473 558 177 1,007 335 133 52 65 25 3 42 78 7 179 ■ 89 5 53 1,548 10, 310 718 6,732 1, 241 81 14, 620 8,997 2,946 27, 765 14, 655 3,240 54 100 731 61 530 75 6 930 664 232 2,428 1,362 283 55 398 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE ; 1925 WASHINGTON County Table VI.^ — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords op ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Klick- itat Lewis Lin- coln Mason Okan- ogan Pacific Pend Oreille 1 Total number of farms, 1925 1,262 3,259 1,595 644 2,496 624 605 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes _ . .. . ? 43 6 9 389 77 82 46 8 154 14 59 381 253 1,151 77 13 102 31 5 417 1,121 161 207 6 8 g- 16 72 4 1 292 159 48 153 134 133 23 21 1 23 2 3 Harvested for grain. 4 Cut for silage .. 5 Winter wheat. 3 3 61 20 8 40 1 3 6 Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley- 9 Rye 10 Flaxseed... 11 Buckwheat 1 ^?. Sorghums of all kinds . 1 1 13 Soy beans... 1 14 Cowpeas i Ifi Peanuts 16 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 2 59 96 49 15 442 17 619 919 1 * 87 1,135 226 4 14 525 1,287 2,639 20 17 3' 145 21 1,328 1,406 2 6 166 24 4 132 163 389 8 71 70 19 9 957 47 739 1,612 17 Hay crops: Timothy alone. _ 2 68 19 1 "'2ii' 187 383 109 211 67 11 76 9 149 413 18 Timothy and clover mixed 19 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth ?.o Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan ?1 Alfalfa. ?,?, Other tame grasses . . 23 Small grains cut for hay 24 Production of hay of all kinds.- 95 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets for sugar ?fi Potatoes, white 313 72 19 16 4 13 34 28 11 85 627 233 370 303 154 1,413 259 49 4 26 26 82 24 1,881 2,613 215 2, 125 2,080 181 448 6 14 13 7 16 22 20 15 130 430 101 281 166 21 285 76 36 ....... 19 68 50 298 449 51 348 319 107 745 63 15 21 6 20 41 48 24 368 1,381 711 861 778 394 242 33 19 286 39 23 ?7 Strawberries.. 98 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. 29 Cantaloupes and muskmelons an Lettuce 2 ....... 9 14 2 31 Onions (dry) . . . 32 Sweet corn 33 Tomatoes. 34 Watermelons <\f) All other crops .. 293 379 14 285 281 1 85 228 23 86 96 6 3fi Orchard fruits: Apple trees 37 Peach trees ... 38 Pear trees 39 Plum and prune trees _ . 40 Grapevines.. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 41 962 456 645 300 879 155 43 655 913 2,103 334 2,603 1,516 2,749 83 35 1,190 2,662 1,514 553 1,090 622 1,400 105 6 866 1,455 299 80 383 170 416 8 5 141 437 1,954 852 1,375 826 1, 732 113 24 975 1,726 296 60 418 302 446 15 8 187 429 390 161 273 158 314 14 2 183 360 42 Cattle: Beef cattle 43 Dairy cows 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 4ri Cows milked 4fi Sheep 47 Goats 48 Swine 49 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924. acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 ...acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 ...cords.. Farms reporting number.. 60 51 52 63 64 55 1,567 218 78 10 8,779 495 5,328 1,329 3,099 243 32, 818 2,127 357 32 35 3 2,867 151 904 231 1,542 61 6,755 446 1,071 203 244 18 10, 354 682 1,008 243 1,164 36 3,688 301 1,930 298 2,787 39 11,840 351 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON 399 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Pierce San Juan Skagit Ska- mania Snoho- mish Spo- kane Stevens Thur- ston Wah- kiak- um Walla Walla What- com Whit- man Yak- ima 4,321 566 2,858 310 4,740 5,035 2,643 2,069 395 1,415 3,763 2,853 6,351 1 91 10 173 73 314 833 480 63 4 227 300 216 2,051 2 1 1 2 40 3 141 254 4 165 10 56 1,766 3 39 78 15 203 71 28 25 3 36 100 30 210 4 31 99 175 4 31 1,396 278 68 435 77 1,909 227 5 20 3 55 2 24 615 153 68 25 214 963 986 6 314 127 779 30 798 777 337 229 3 28 1,135 973 451 7 5 17 76 16 126 46 16 113 105 491 369 8 3 3 5 1 3 27 1 19 21 1 9 12 1 21 9 10 1 n 1 1 2 1? 1 150 1 42 195 13 5 29 12 1 2 158 12 3 2 101 3 14 15 10 312 2 13 22 175 18 329 2 16 3 100 33 16 68 17 1 7 17 814 246 1,788 54 2,517 202 543 266 39 6 2,632 86 26 18 190 37 61 50 103 127 120 129 27 115 18 37 19 17 16 4 9 23 19 55 1,104 33 1,733 46 6 1 6 791 4 30 73 1.106 16 4,042 ?() 7 34 21 407 107 43 55 184 155 78 337 287 16 123 12 70 22 652 206 529 117 956 2,632 1,109 703 69 443 1,066 2,030 413 23 1,878 467 2,331 212 3,207 3,129 2,317 1,241 362 1,026 3,180 2,414 4,183 24 76 949 '"i3i' 25 2,181 28 356 70 1,775 ""997" 15 1,795 25 1,379 190 2,218 1.331 438 193 26 462 12 184 57 429 242 51 183 5 86 168 14 56 27 119 3 29 11 126 228 46 10 1 152 29 22 39 28 2 73 204 46 20 11 60 89 1 11 8 9 271 26 29 4 7 48 4 30 29 3 37 85 28 3 205 21 18 92 31 185 22 53 11 281 386 49 19 1 65 169 28 121 32 75 2 8 8 22 232 37 13 50 30 17 82 33 61 1,830 32 875 51 410 1,993 19 430 89 1,000 34 2,912 239 1,227 167 2,585 1,017 52 35 2,703 421 2,150 246 3,888 2,886 1,542 1,252 342 485 2,680 1,535 3,777 36 416 24 150 66 622 782 582 184 35 278 144 399 2, 250 37 1,933 314 1,810 209 3,106 1,584 958 976 278 230 2,203 783 3,063 38 1,813 288 1,709 193 3,137 1,481 957 934 264 384 2,126 724 1,697 39 299 5 134 109 344 389 162 218 18 176 139 70 1,221 40 2,011 392 1,689 194 2,225 3,567 2,270 1,130 257 1,185 2,202 2,574 5, 097 41 358 31 153 33 91 364 846 99 16 143 129 1,088 446 42 2,498 449 2,318 218 3,380 3,284 1,653 1,533 365 1.096 3,140 1,943 4.479 43 1,248 225 1,485 121 2,187 1,682 ■ 994 768 289 587 2,024 1,137 2,367 44 2,828 464 2,386 230 3,505 3,432 2,135 1,578 372 1,144 3,213 2,561 4,660 45 46 112 1 66 7 51 114 136 50 12 116 58 285 352 46 34 11 1 22 23 76 90 25 31 3 17 31 18 71 47 746 211 527 100 819 1,466 1,126 679 195 622 679 1,919 2,448 48 3,093 469 2, 320 232 3,692 4,047 2,138 1.580 309 1,196 2,995 2,606 5,005 49 3,017 750 3,591 271 6,016 7,506 3.277 2.243 619 69 5.346 225 432 50 1,066 130 1 885 100 2,061 714 385 549 170 15 1,184 26 41 51 2,078 358 10,454 297 2,413 1,443 6.671 1,615 56 12 1,498 67 62 157 27 ! 88 13 450 72 132 89 6 1 215 2 63 27, 410 11,114 17,536 3,689 37, 806 32, 505 35, 147 15, 617 4,062 2,026 23, 293 1,426 3,801 54 2,113 447 1, 102 187 3,102 1,634 1,743 1,062 266 120 1,804 119 321 55 400 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 WASHINGTON County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over The State ,610,310 208, 855 547, 881 687, 642 , 212, 970 , 454, 262 , 572, 842 , 925, 858 , 262, 824 99, 044 211,990 239, 882 310, 480 750, 556 785, 453 865, 419 889, 847 872, 921 342, 498 703, 928 179, 521 657, 694 104, 370 028, 915 503, 983 628, 441 966, 122 622, 656 071, 430 502, 375 271,094 441, 865 Adams > Asotin 833, 915 52 119 466 4,360 68, 209 253, 766 506, 943 226, 325 7 58 i 130 ' 866 1 23, 753 84, 884 116,627 18, 522, 549 13, 375 12, 550 22, 000 85, 400 1, 929, 280 6, 751, 472 230, 593 1,404 665 861 5,306 31, 078 61, 527 129, 752 36,881 1,164 365 142 907 7,019 11,083 16, 201 16, 530, 760 11,098,555 213,000 I 43, 800 194, 350 1 836,350 1,440,865 Benton 9,708,472 2,703,850 233, 684 8,700 2,300 7,100 19, 325 344, 950 873, 640 977, 669 1,117,880 418,410 58, 400 11, 125 25,975 1 143, 160 205, 810 255, 000 349, 631 8,014 18, 690 10, 958 9,924 20, 732 28,410 252, 903 48, 231 4,342 10, 900 5, 950 2,739 4,176 4,966 15,158 13, 136, 454 2, 990, 220 4, 269, 769 1, 931, 065 912,870 1,319,010 440, 965 1, 272, 555 2, 732, 030 856, 845 981,015 337, 845 200, 900 175, 375 85, 900 94, 150 Chelan 158, 244 10, 275 12, 688 10, 331 30,864 51, 307 21,066 21,713 35, 810 7,884 6,963 3,379 5,482 7,983 2,910 1,209 Clallam 59, 747 1,471 6,948 11,284 19, 683 1 20, 361 14, 150 724 2,033 3,233 4,433 1 3, 727 30,735,515 5,244,580 12,412,475 7, 946, 075 2, 690, 650 2, 895, 300 3, 542, 025 1, 050, 220 198, 770 6, 258, 150 3, 106, 215 1, 452, 350 477, 400 503, 825 548, 010 127, 650 42, 700 434, 850 882, 850 1, 177, 950 1, 487, 410 11,261,520 1, 248, 785 149, 205 234, 560 290, 340 318, 650 1256,030 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.- 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.- 100 to 174 acres .- 175 to 499 acres.. 600 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over Island 49, 776 3,113 11, 194 9,926 8,510 14,814 2 2. 219 13, 697 1,059 3,110 2,865 2,214 4,174 2 275 340, 380 798, 640 266, 725 045, 100 666,915 437, 100 126, 000 , 458, 245 341, 230 415, 970 296, 080 133, 965 254, 500 2 16, 600 Jefferson 32, 016 703 2,730 6,321 10, 238 9,718 2 3, 306 5,235 289 703 1,016 1,504 1,451 2 272 1, 912, 365 215,575 279, 325 350, 690 483, 860 439, 700 2 143,215 646, 676 91, 700 107, 480 132,604 119,880 176,112 2 19. 000 King 140, 332 23, 662 38, 675 30, 951 25, 245 16, 332 2 5, 467 34, 430 8,995 10,204 7,073 4,376 2,842 2 941 37, 109, 179 15,119,832 9, 191, 300 6, 367, 697 3, 472, 350 2, 075, 260 2 882, 760 10, 779, 762 6, 703, 916 2, 652, 906 1, 185, 782 607, 350 373, 600 2 256, 200 Kitsap Kittitas 51,463 13, 136 18, 439 9,283 7,076 3,519 10, 296 4,043 3,968 1,284 769 231 8,784,711 4,253,510 2, 972, 201 896, 680 469, 320 193, 000 3, 509, 275 1, 926, 080 1,148,470 265, 375 119,750 49, 600 440, 689 835 2,440 13, 463 32, 766 51, 602 21, 733 317,871 65, 167 455 1,553 9,215 16,003 24, 097 6,146 8,698 14, 175, 230 386, 050 519, 300 2,215,920 3, 098, 546 4, 092, 760 933, 000 2, 929, 665 2, 379, 692 168,400 125, 075 447, 190 683, 590 671, 787 116,650 267. 000 Klickitat 694, 970 1,184 5,555 11,210 31,419 89, 548 130, 294 425, 760 89, 772 710 2,283 3,595 6,838 19, 563 26, 365 30, 418 16,079,046 392, 800 902, 748 924, 450 1,518,985 3, 171, 405 3, 292, 710 4, 875, 948 2, 505, 884 123, 750 240, 600 253, 830 353, 280 580, 730 466, 050 498, 744 » Includes the groups " 500 to 999 acres " and " 1,000 acres and over. J CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON 401 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Farm: 1925 group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Clarke Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Grays Harbor 192, 444 321, 774 93, 210 628, 200 142, 557 390,011 352, 347 663, 800 94, 320 1 9,736 569 1,682 2,843 125 495 53 706 3,150 2 38, 282 1,240 12. 736 2,937 L094 1,704 535 1,777 13. 223 3 47, 978 2,357 21, 052 2,031 5,688 1.108 857 2,546 16,121 4 ; 53, 428 8,064 34, 526 17, 785 35, 113 2,268 7,482 20, 068 24, 673 5 31, 104 50, 010 16, 699 122, 303 59, 199 14,417 43, 274 69, 807 28,104 6 2 11,916 84, 754 2 6, 615 217,117 22, 465 47, 751 92, 621 171, 820 4. 549 1 7 174, 780 89. 434 263, 184 153, 067 18, 873 23, 546 322, 268 57, 800 207, 525 84,837 397, 076 126, 960 4, 500 I 8 1 60, 241 18, 776 17,884 ' 9 5, 098 302 642 2,040 42 252 21 422 966 10 16, 451 507 3,648 1,413 299 994 124 850 3,237 ' 11 16, 309 835 5,395 848 1,152 466 134 730 3, 890 ! 12 14, 320 2,489 5,995 5,196 4.875 531 1,657 3,433 4, 832 ! 13 6,862 18, 742 2,856 30, 594 6,946 2,452 13, 063 18,360 4,603 ! 14 2 1, 201 30, 756 2 240 58, 562 2,127 n,452 29, 598 47, 190 238 1 15 35, 803 54, 414 8,105 41, 653 40, 240 55, 975 118 ' 16 25,938,551 17, 443, 255 6, 032, 455 17, 669, 657 2, 098, 442 4, 747, 155 13, 393, 835 12,437,991 1 8,924,030 t 17 1 4, 157, 991 290, 930 445, 230 2, 785, 550 14, 050 132, 450 15, 800 344, 425 1,095,500 1 18 7, 495, 465 220, 300 1, 114, 330 1, 709, 750 47, 550 349, 850 70, 750 440, 600 L 698, 900 i 19 5, 795, 580 228, 040 1, 450, 495 708, 275 132, 950 149, 470 38, 800 311.910 1, 716, 565 20 4, 856, 400 555, 300 1, 866, 850 1, 235, 450 594, 290 147, 500 294, 350 716, 070 2,065,815 21 2,98L840 3, 645, 630 1, 039, 850 2, 816, 355 728, 250 348, 685 2, 053, 680 1, 954, 170 2, 067, 250 1 22 2 651, 275 5, 653, 760 2 115,700 4, 191, 145 253, 000 585, 840 4, 510, 475 3, 485, 180 184, 000 1 23 6, 849, 295 4, 223, 132 328, 352 3, 033, 360 6, 409, 980 5, 185, 636 96,000 24 6, 681, 033 1, 570, 600 1, 624, 185 2, 369, 285 443, 196 711,650 1,402,730 1, 582, 956 2, 552, 110 1 25 1, 542, 710 95, 190 211, 725 486, 775 4,675 52, 575 7,700 74, 875 519, 175 26 2, 223, 288 61, 550 350, 485 289, 750 12, 500 92, 850 41, 900 79, 250 560, 585 27 1, 367, 910 60, 300 419, 725 87, 765 35, 600 29, 300 11, 600 35, 700 460,950 28 985, 425 82, 350 427, 350 145, 585 132, 440 19, 450 66, 480 115, 440 472,250 ! 29 486, 200 392, 760 188, 100 413, 275 123, 115 53, 700 261, 950 262, 485 466, 050 1 30 2 75, 500 407, 100 2 26, 800 527, 920 49, 150 85, 075 466, 800 454, 745 31, 700 j 31 471, 350 418, 215 85, 716 378, 700 546, 300 560, 461 41,400 32 Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific Pend Oreille Pierce San Juan Skagit 215, 122 1, 238, 757 41, 667 586, 281 52, 092 86, 680 128, 191 67, 042 137, 681 1 7,748 412 1,237 4,912 1,245 115 21, 023 752 9,290 2 32, 134 961 6,300 10, 634 3,959 2,612 31, 221 4,647 33, 899 3 55, 487 2,313 7,282 15, 448 6,835 6,393 25, 038 8,038 30,115 4 64, 008 19, 378 11,968 1 76, 669 13, 823 32, 198 26, 526 17, 833 33, 655 5 47, 306 157, 961 12, 480 1 196, 97] 14, 333 30, 605 20, 585 26, 192 24, 462 6 8,439 446, 742 2 2, 400 144, 410 5,447 9,642 3,798 2 9, 580 2 6, 260 7 610, 990 137, 237 6,450 5,115 8 58, 935 394, 649 5,623 87, 718 6,710 14, 003 27, 552 13, 419 54, 781 9 3,110 233 365 3,505 474 29 8,479 252 3,892 10 10, 215 439 1,204 5,267 839 412 7,473 1,439 12, 009 11 15, 919 486 1,171 3,735 1,229 1,057 4,754 2,158 11, 632 12 16, 339 4,878 1,123 11, 194 1,956 3,683 3,959 3,847 14, 241 13 11, 781 58, 428 1,535 26, 401 1,686 6,051 2,527 4,632 11,188 14 1,571 166, 416 2 225 16, 358 231 1,862 360 2 1, 091 2 1,819 15 163, 769 21, 258 295 909 16 21, 042, 925 39, 344. 424 2, 745, 075 17, 265, 498 3, 394, 435 2, 714, 200 25, 349, 013 3, 906, 332 22, 381, 589 17 2, 534, 205 160.920 298, 250 2, 270, 145 447, 300 14, 100 11,696,295 188, 250 3,074,415 18 4, 273, 385 158, 020 685, 000 2, 821, 660 454, 770 123, 050 5, 848, 52^ 503, 500 6, 301, 865 19 5, 305, 865 86, 331 515,000 1, 503. 813 549, 515 249, 300 3, 478. 670 612, 150 4, 496. 832 20 1 4,800,420 582, 680 576,325 1 2, 716, 800 722, 500 897, 850 2, 544, 060 1, 065, 900 4, 668, 627 21 3, 591, 350 6, 548, 083 585, 500 i 3, 713, 225 717, 350 929, 900 1, 566, 850 1,313,532 3. 250. 750 22 537, 700 15, 500, 505 2 85, 000 1 2, 501. 490 258, 000 329, 000 214, 613 2 223, 000 2 589, 100 23 16, 307, 885 I 1, 738, 365 245, 000 171, 000 24 1 5.589,380 4, 541, 331 i 816, 150 2, 702, 686 963, 725 548, 095 7, 410, 018 1, 052, 466 5, 870, 805 25 1. 094, 250 67, 745 115,425 360, 510 151,925 5,175 4,112,536 94, 050 1, 282, 675 26 1, 390, 240 45, 450 255, 925 406, 350 167, 350 41, 390 1, 658, 182 180, 806 2, 020. 205 27 1, 337, 465 30, 315 141, 400 261, 440 169, 900 60, 870 831, 720 192, 350 1, 085, 680 28 1, 021, 425 121, 875 155, 750 419,935 204, 550 195, 525 496, 200 248, 300 901, 245 29 686, 200 848, 572 138, 650 555, 695 150, 150 172, 200 253, 750 294, 260 517, 000 30 59, 800 1,811,300 2 9, 000 415, 131 82, 600 51, 435 57, 630 2 42, 700 2 64, 000 31 1, 616, 074 283, 625 37, 250 21, 500 32 i ""' " 2 Includes the group " 1,000 acres and over. 402 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 1925 — WASHINGTON County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 — Continued [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres.. 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres.. 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over Skamania 29, 283 4, 538 281 903 1,340 1,022 823 1, 848, 450 141, 900 334, 250 447, 750 378, 050 327, 000 1 219, 500 469, 785 50, 995 108, 840 121, 500 107, 000 75, 350 1 6, 100 Snohomish 168, 528 20, 0G5 43, 252 38, 529 34, 307 23, 795 1 8, 580 38, 846 6, 194 10, 473 9,700 6,422 4,926 1 1,131 29, 587, 189 8, 720, 887 7, 782, 135 5, 830, 635 3, 874, 010 2, 683, 022 1 696, 500 8, 444, 194 3, 534, 599 2, 345, 425 1, 344, 645 741, 125 406, 100 1 72, 300 Spokane 765, 973 11,335 24,503 46, 064 122, 337 312, 563 173, 129 76, 042 253, 034 5,788 9,522 15,761 36, 826 115, 108 55, 376 14, 653 51, 056, 138 6, 675, 715 3, 763, 445 3, 814, 455 7, 231, 454 18,077,819 8, 467, 495 3, 025, 755 10, 678, 773 3, 051, 715 1, 220, 845 915, 380 1, 364, 415 2, 684, 365 1,089,353 352, 700 Stevens 437, 572 1,307 11,313 34, 654 157, 895 169, 559 40,709 22, 135 89, 249 782 3,799 9,316 31, 293 33, 248 5,767 5,044 14, 936, 580 334, 710 794, 465 1, 664, 245 5, 023, 325 5, 256, 505 1, 402, 675 460, 655 3, 147, 016 141, 050 238, 900 408, 600 1, 099, 350 1, 010, 580 152, 225 96,311 Thurston 142, 479 7,576 18,281 22, 088 29, 772 41,816 12, 299 10, 647 25, 233 2,529 4,268 4,761 4,888 6,552 1,461 774 11, 688, 020 2, 277, 405 2, 142, 150 1, 832, 800 2, 109, 060 2, 452, 805 497, 800 376,000 2, 997, 660 839, 095 636, 035 461, 075 391, 700 491, 255 77, 900 100, 600 ITEM AND SIZE GROUP All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres.. 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres..-- 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.* Under 20 acres.. 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres ] ,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Wahki- akum 32, 612 819 3,111 7,151 11,711 2 9, 820 WallaWalla Whatcom 3,829 168 620 1,037 1, 251 2 753 , 803, 650 239, 300 468, 550 679, 200 884, 700 '531,900 841, 456 131,956 186, 275 207, 800 214, 726 ' 100, 700 598, 261 4,237 7,161 8,274 12, 986 67, 893 95, 814 411,896 197, 797 2,675 4,495 4,563 6,387 21,910 37, 536 121,231 38, 267, 907 3, 088, 375 2, 235, 100 1,559,190 1,854,150 4, 946, 301 7, 709, 401 16, 875, 390 4, 186, 055 920, 225 550, 300 342, 000 249, 350 513, 500 608, 530 1, 002, 150 179, 834 10, 796 46, 669 53, 402 36, 768 16, 255 115,944 56, 267 4,452 17, 357 18, 553 10, 160 4,229 1 1,516 24, 825, 127 3,811,390 7, 896, 792 7, 222, 965 3, 791, 680 1, 453, 500 1 648, 800 7, 028, 461 1,723,220 2, 466, 766 1,774,015 750, 350 249, 560 1 64, 650 Whitman 1, 182, 121 1,968 4,127 10, 772 55, 927 407, 013 361,372 340, 942 524, 291 1,247 2,314 5,913 30, 528 211. 445 169, 229 103, 615 72, 837, 860 708. 807 635, 745 1, 009, 930 4, 482, 295 29, 158, 648 22, 129, 365 14,713,170 8, 029, 595 374,415 227. 550 250, 400 770, 400 3, 293, 480 2, 055, 050 1, 058, 300 Yakima 600, 106 20, 117 68,685 90, 788 59, 252 63,515 36, 493 261, 256 193,812 15, 132 49, 279 59, 156 32, 025 23, 839 5,129 9,252 75, 639, 295 15, 792, 844 24, 516, 753 16, 647, 195 8, 358, 305 6, 620, 654 1, 402, 864 2, 300, 680 13, 378, 534 3, 687, 030 4, 688, 1C5 2, 472, 680 1, 184, 950 839, 619 270, 300 235, 950 Includes the group " 1,000 acres and over." » Includes the group "500 to 999 acres. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 — WASHINGTON 403 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners dollars. Managers ..dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners ..number. Managers .number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased- ..dollars. Owners. dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases. ..number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants .number. The State 20, 564, 340 16, 441, 315 1, 084, 771 3, 038, 254 13, 205 11, 433 122 1,650 3, 470, 491 2, 992, 838 154, 810 322, 843 6,500 5,654 758 Adams 30, 033 22, 184 7,838 11 11 9 1 1 Asotin 24, 715 23. 010 1,705 190 190 Benton 168, 614 146, 076 7,975 14, 563 300 260 7 33 36, 852 32, 823 977 3,052 144 124 4 16 Chelan 3, 206, 321 2, 570, 778 399, 716 235, 827 539 461 25 53 576,9.17 455, 161 79, 767 41. 989 512 434 25 53 Clal- lam 366, 484 291, 998 74. 486 349 317 32 12, 003 9,266 2,737 ITEM AND TENURE Clarke Colum- bia Cow- litz Douglas Ferry Frank- lin Gar- field 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers ., Tenants Farms reporting purchases.. Owners Managers Tenants ...dollars.. .. dollars. - ..dollars.. ..dollars.. .number., .number., .number., .number.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 411, 887 381, 542 400 29, 945 336 315 1 20 14,370 13, 484 20, 740 7,340 7,504 7,004 390, 628 301, 774 53,000 35, 854 123 98 3 22 69, 302 53, 101 9,076 7,125 101 81 3 17 2,000 2,000 3 3 6,300 5,000 23,062 17,962 2,825 2,275 41 33 I 25 25 28, 218 12,027 4 5 6 7 13,400 5 3 600 23 22 16, 191 4 2 8 9 10 11 2 2,520 1,076 1 31,073 29, 728 620 726 59 64 1 4 2 5,027 1,457 12 13 14 15 ..dollars.. -number., .number., number 886 142 134 1,445 6 3 300 19 18 1 1 3,570 9 6 16 .number.. 8 3 1 4 ITEM AND TENURE Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars. Owners.. dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Grant Grays Harbor Island Jeffer- son King 176, 579 116, 797 62, 600 7,182 66 66 4 6 45, 201 40, 189 4, 365 647 98 86 4 8 394, 259 342, 373 221, 213 195, 140 28, 305 28, 205 1, 484, 196 776, 196 99, 890 608, 110 779 573 9 197 307, 909 261, 843 2,660 43, 406 520 433 2 85 51, 886 277 249 26,073 216 200 100 34 33 28 14 050 12, 950 16 207, 650 188, 940 1 8,793 8,547 1,100 40 38 18, 710 263 247 246 25 23 2 16 2 Kitsap 266, 646 223, 596 42, 950 194 167 27 140, 775 133. 702 7.073 25 404 CEKSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 WASHINGTON County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold— dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Terants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies pur chased, dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants... dollars. Farms reporting pur chases, number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants.. number. Kitti- tas 195, 571 145, 135 1,200 49,236 210 160 1 49 3,873 3,258 615 31 Klick- itat 67, 559 56, 059 11, 500 16, 033 11, 733 4,300 Lewi 765,800 151,466 699,080 122,043 150 325 66, 570 Lincoln 859 788 1 70 57, 574 92, 704 55,645 59,359 374 1,929 32,971 230 223 155 103 2 50 Mason 38, 293 38, 293 15, 286 15, 096 190 28 Okan- ogan 650, 365 432, 633 189, 410 28,322 Pacific 187 165 7 15 131, 788 108, 228 10. 750 12, 810 109 100 2 154, 590 27, 111 119,061 I 24,871 28,093 1,460 7,436 780 156 I 139 I 7 10 ITEM AND TENURE Sales: Value of farm products sold..dollars. Owners dollars. Managers ...dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases : Value of supphes purchased. dollars. Owners dollars. Managers.. dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases. number. Owners number. Managers ...number. Tenants number. Fend Oreille 700 700 1,683 1,683 Pierce 1, 889, 017 1, 655, 872 12, 133 221, 012 1,397 1,258 2 137 190, 543 2,500 5,126 517 468 1 48 San Juan 49, 539 45, 724 3,815 8,076 8,076 Skagit 1, 350, 849 1, 039, 972 3,797 307, 080 1,348 1,149 4 195 21, 533 19, 509 2,024 110 Ska- 44, 730 1,500 750 13 11 1 1 5,560 5,560 Snoho- I Spo- mish kane 1,400,788 417,829 1,196,350 336,694 4, 206 ' 4, 940 200, 232 76, 195 1,321 1,210 3 108 473 390 76- 122,558 i 32.035 117, 4,865 28,293 250 3,492 50 249 36 215 ...! 1 14 33 ITEM AND TENURE Sales: Value of farm products sold-.dollars. Owners ...dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners... number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased. dollars. Owners .dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants. dollars. Farms reporting pur chases, number. Owners. number. Managers ..number. Tenants number. Ste- vens 38, 768 29, 262 9,506 5,655 5,145 510 Thur- ston 144, 747 122, 144 1,703 20, 900 179 153 2 24 15, 483 13, 055 315 2,113 Wahki- akum 81, 943 73, 443 2,800 5,700 68 62 2 4 34, 768 31, 553 420 2,795 Walla Walla 510, 468 371, 698 2,651 136, 119 317 245 3 62, 392 46, 243 260 15, 889 218 160 2 56 Whatcom I Whit- 2, 417, 182 2, 110, 270 17, 907 289, 005 1,928 1.721 736, 035 662, 847 1,820 71,368 1,116 1,001 4 111 52, 782 35, 561 17, 221 33, 349 24,311 18 9,020 164 115 1 48 Yakima. 2, 910, 602 2,311,422 195, 555 403, 625 143 923 23 197 348, 042 301, 798 17, 535 28,709 813 708 22 83 OREGON 405 OREGON Counties, Principal Cities, Rivers, and Mountains 406 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 — OBEGON 407 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM 1935 1920 1910 Number of farms, total * 55, 911 50,206 45, 602 Operated by- 45, 887 39, 863 37, 796 Full owners 39, 465 33, 300 32. 982 Part owners 6,422 6,563 4:814 Managers 618 916 847 Tenants.. 9,406 9,427 6,869 Cash tenants . _. 4,566 4,382 3,037 Other tenants 4,840 5,045 3,822 Approximate land area of State .acres.. 61, 188, 480 61,188,480 61,188,480 Land in farms, total .acres.. 14,130,847 13,542,318 11, 685, 110 In farms operated by- Owners. _ .acres.. 10, 852, 715 10, 017, 262 9,036,370 Full owners. acres.. 6,590,260 6, 814, 426 0) Part owners acres.. 4,262,455 3,202,836 (1) Managers acres.. 901,469 837,924 766, 007 Tenants acres.. 2, 376, 663 2, 687, 132 1,882,733 Cash tenants acres.. 806, 146 903, 545 (0 Other tenants. acres.. 1, 570, 517 1, 783, 587 (0 Value of all farm property dollars.. 714,410,119 818, 559, 751 528, 243, 782 Land and buildings dollars.. 616, 068, 770 675, 213, 284 455, 576, 309 Land, excluding buildings dollars.. 505,141,430 586,242,049 411, 696, 102 Buildings. dollars.. 110,927,340 88, 971, 235 43,880,207 Implements and machinery -dollars.. 35,642,615 41, 567, 125 13, 205, 645 Livestock on farms dollars.. 62, 698, 734 101,779,342 59, 461, 828 Principal liinds of livestock: Horses number.. 223,848 271,659 ""kl^ Mules number.. 19, 062 14, 375 Cattle number.. 784,459 851, 108 725,255 Dairy cows number.. 205, 057 180,462 143,846 Sheep -number-. 1.775,093 2,002,378 2, 699, 135 Swine-. number-. 216, 065 266, 778 217, 577 Chickens number.. 3,228,887 2, 500, 123 1, 753, 224 State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 1921 1919 1909 Principal crops : Corn harvested for grain .acres— bushels.. Wheat .acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain .acres.. bushels.. Barley ..acres.. bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white .acres.. bushels.. Strawberries acres.. Apples .trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches.... trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes.. trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. Livestock products: Dairy products- Milk produced 2 gallons.. Butter made on farms pounds.. Butterfat sold pounds.. Cream sold.. .gallons.. Whole milk sold gallons.. Wool- Sheep shorn 2 number.. Wool produced 2 pounds.. Eggs and chickens- Chicken eggs produced 2 dozens.. Chickens raised 2 number.. 19, 867 600, 137 859, 541 14, 270, 348 259, 604 7, 221, 278 58, 703 1, 282, 878 8,475 104, 566 948 1, 059, 249 1,483,865 31,112 2,980,386 6,327 257,819 2, 773, 293 5, 989, 885 348, 334 159, 605 1,314,131 5, 677, 689 648, 514 112,218,008 3, 900, 837 18, 990, 419 647, 090 25, 598, 001 1, 604, 742 14, 749, 743 20, 657, 682 4, 065. 559 31, 972 846, 642 1, 080, 051 19, 526, 765 284, 152 8,357,406 66, 595 1, 429, 073 42, 476 312, 463 3,569 1, 177, 215 1,908,393 40, 055 3, 538, 930 2,812 500, 322 3, 315, 093 6, 921, 284 442, 847 504, 441 941, 967 4, 331, 086 397, 054 92, 844, 946 4, 177, 628 10, 835, 785 1,106,341 22, 878, 290 1, 916, 588 16, 039, 048 14, 625, 720 3, 150, 155 17, 280 451, 757 763, 187 12, 456, 751 339, 162 10, 881, 286 108, 847 2, 377, 735 12, 913 147, 024 562 928, 572 1,521,634 44, 265 4, 822, 962 2,941 2, 240, 636 2, 029, 913 1, 930, 926 1 781, 341 1 179, 030 1,069,211 2, 192, 505 849, 900 71, 953, 350 5, 667, 964 5,211,133 827, 541 14, 640, 108 8 2, 125, 717 18, 841, 862 11, 835, 462 2, 554, 583 Includes nectarines. 51623—27 27 Including estimates for incomplete reports. 8 Number of fleeces. 408 CENSUS OF AGBICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON County Table I. — Farms and Farm 32 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. 1925. 1920. 1910- Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres... 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy. .1925. 1920- 1910- Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925. ..acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms. .1925 acres. 1920 ..acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925. Classification of farm land, 1925: ^ Crop land, total acres.. I Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure acres.. Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total acres.. Plowable pasture -.. acres. . Woodland pasture .acres.. Other pasture acres . . Woodland not used for pasture acres-. All other land in farms acres.. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres. . Owned land acres. . Rented (hired) land acres.. Managers... acres.. Tenants .acres.. Cash tenants .acres. . Other tenants acres . . Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full w ners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants. acres.. . Other tenants... acres.. 1 Part annexed to Marion in 1911. 2 Parts taken to form JolTerson in 1915 and Deschutes in 1916. 3 Organized from part of Crook in 1916. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 1925 — OREGON 409 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 Colum- bia Coos Crook 2 Curry De- schutes' Doug- las 4 Gil- liam Grant Harney Hood River Jack- son 5 1,695 1,273 412 278 670 2,551 366 591 «81 1,123 2,142 1 991 1,178 561 339 751 2, 275 454 728 589 878 1.720 2 813 1,128 1,355 292 2,124 432 773 443 744 1,714 3 3 182 3 137 3 30 . 38 1 1 150 28 252 4 - 9 142 4 5 307 102 1 12 9 227 - 7 2 279 227 6 556 189 18 24 159 403 17 10 447 435 7 257 219 43 32 163 378 3 16 20 148 383 8 190 326 67 73 162 620 15 73 136 72 451 9 38 123 28 39 37 267 9 39 36 7 147 10 45 131 70 37 62 355 42 110 160 17 141 11 15 30 83 34 37 172 108 149 159 2 54 12 2 13 84 17 8 86 173 152 103 23 13 17 412 1 - 278 1 2,661 13 365 24 591 17 681 1,123 1 2,142 14 1,595 1,273 670 15 1,354 989 274 224 611 1,883 151 389 540 853 1,696 16 72 46 75 19 46 282 106 147 60 70 146 17 4 7 4 3 5 40 6 7 20 73 6i 18 1 165 231 59 32 108 346 102 48 71 127 339 19 134 171 18 27 33 192 3 24 22 62 185 2tt 31 60 41 6 75 154 99 24 49 65 154 21 10.3 18.1 14.3 11.5 16.1 13.6 27.9 8.1 10.4 11.3 16.8 22 13.2 21.1 8.7 15.0 14.0 16.9 30.6 8.8 8.0 13.3 16.7 23 10.7 10.4 17.9 11.7 5.6 22.2 11.0 18.5 13.1 14.1 20.4 7.6 8.3 6.8 9.1 5.4 4.8 9.3 16.7 24 3.0 25 19.4 13.3 14.6 20.0 14.7 24.0 ""24.'2 26.0 20.4 10.8 16.6 26 423, 680 1, 041, 920 1, 877. 769 1, 031, 680 1, 961, 600 3, 194, 240 768, 640 2, 892, 800 6,357,120 345, 600 1, 788, 160 27 24.9 17.5 24.4 10.0 5.5 18.1 74.3 26.2 10.8 13.5 15.5 28 105,619 182, 743 458, 816 103, 243 108, 629 679,060 570, 774 758, 948 689, 338 46, 660 277, 826 29 89, 889 206, 565 554, 960 103, 057 144, 979 666, 305 486, 941 750, 160 524, 678 38, 075 312, 936 30 91, 372 202, 102 571, 600 106, 772 677, 428 434, 277 445, 170 662, 204 38, 049 297, 171 31 66.2 143.6 1,113.6 371.4 162.1 227.0 1, 663. 8 1, 284. 2 1,012.2 41.5 129.7 32 20,006 21,017 54, 588 7,615 40, 419 83,099 246, 798 61, 640 169, 721 20, 074 93, 668 33 18, 770 18, 718 28, 857 4,856 22, 270 70, 597 99, 705 43, 861 63, 747 18, 501 75, 026 34 288 246 10,420 65 4,165 1, 124 22, 601 6,793 97, 741 231 5,877 35 948 2,053 15,311 2,694 13, 984 11,378 123, 492 10, 886 18, 233 1,342 12, 755 36 70, 284 99, 789 393, 835 82, 505 45, 423 441, 146 318,461 688, 664 506, 359 12, 746 94, 707 37 5,420 10, 675 5,697 6,811 7,212 43, 471 7,692 30, 674 7,576 965 13, 258 38 45, 749 59, 345 12, 781 51, 936 5,762 284, 399 940 89, 730 3, 070 8,668 51, 946 39 19, 115 29, 769 375, 457 23, 758 32, 449 113, 276 309, 829 568, 260 494, 713 3,223 29, 503 40 8,102 39, 538 4,034 6,986 962 37, 293 60 2,638 611 8,680 36, 604 41 7,227 22, 399 6,359 6,137 21, 825 17, 522 6,466 6,106 13, 647 6,260 52, 857 42 74, 657 131, 779 208, 744 60, 784 67, 498 362, 131 178, 204 281, 050 336, 403 31,321 166, 664 43 8,657 11,225 220, 571 10, 780 18, 027 107, 050 242, 623 415, 952 80, 583 4,609 38, 968 44 3,909 4,324 134, 667 5,103 8,978 52, 128 156, 682 231. 969 44, 210 2,707 23,004 45 4,748 6,901 85, 904 5,677 9,049 54, 922 85, 941 183, 983 36, 373 1,802 16,964 46 5,333 2,652 1,243 17, 517 2,680 20, 960 17, 022 39, 186 182, 926 5,281 20, 628 47 16, 972 37, 087 28, 258 14,162 20, 424 88, 919 132, 925 22, 760 89, 426 5,549 61, 666 48 13,331 28, 198 7,191 13, 095 4,562 46, 576 5,755 13, 633 61, 444 2,361 29, 284 49 3,641 8,889 21, 067 1,067 15, 862 42, 343 127, 170 9,227 37, 982 3,188 22, 382 50 13, 740 12, 904 16, 483 3,289 15, 378 44,572 26, 097 19,821 26, 427 12, 036 43, 547 61 1,869 1,238 8,321 429 2,115 12, 409 39, 099 17, 950 5,981 2,103 9,388 52 308 149 344 268 242 2,606 690 2,998 14, 536 2,293 8,009 53 2,853 4.427 3,709 870 4, 535 11,010 33, 819 3,092 6,803 2,069 14. 082 64 2,190 3,280 650 719 992 6,408 263 1,365 2,764 914 6,472 65 663 1, 147 3,059 151 3.543 5,602 33. 566 1,727 4,039 1,155 7,610 66 * Parts annexed to Jackson and Lane, and parts of Jackson and Lane annexed in 1915. 5 Part annexed to Douglas and part of Douglas annexed in 1915. 410 CENSUS OF AGRICULrTURE : 1925 — OREGON County Table I. — Farms and Farm ,. ITEM (See definitions in Introd;-'ction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925; Under 3 acres. 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over- Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants - Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms. .1925 ...acres.. 1920 acres.. 1910 acres.. Average per farm, 1925 acres.. Classification of farm land, 1925: Cropland, total acres.. Cropland harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure acres.. Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total... acres.. Plowable pasture acres.. Woodland pasture. acres.. Other pasture acres.. Woodland not used for pasture acres.. All other land in farms acres.. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Owned land acres.. Rented (hired) land ..acres..! Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. Jeffer- son ' Josephine 4631 572 10.6 48.4 26.7 1, 138, 560 43.1 491, 190 440, 926 119, 282 43, 192 19, 973 56, 117 366, 621 4,517 10,209 351, 895 5, 211 126, 736 271, 907 163, 024 108, 883 61,600 30, 947 2,014 28,933 12,014 21, 376 2,498 7,305 77 7,228 945 727 855 13 130 113 193 174 197 58 53 11 3 945 779 62 12 92 60 32 9.7 16.9 9.1 20.0 25.0 1, 047, 680 91, 501 97,299 121, 845 23, 434 17, 413 1,821 4,200 28,659 4,222 19, 272 5,165 24, 425 14, 983 64, 541 9, 3371 4, 940 4, 397, 4,561 13, 062 6, 955i 6. 107; 12, 487, 2, 153| 464 2, 309 1,164 1, 145 t Klamath Lake 789 992 926 77 156| ise! 56 1461 88| 59' 789i 556; 136 49 87 17.2 13 9.7 8.9 341, 048 357, 333 454, 340 432.3 103, 254 52, 999 28, 018 22, 237 188,024 37, 945 70, 036 80, 043 8,643 41. 127 159, 297 105, 943 49, 174 56, 769 35, 482 40, 326 19, 084 21, 242 30, 480 10, 380 2, 557 9,582 3,083 6, 499; 119 1 50 27 23 10.5 8.4 6.5 22.2 5, 068, 800 9.6 484, 676 526, 218 401, 555 1,014.0 113,369 35,850 62, 958 14, 561 368, 782; 9, 693 49, 669 1 309, 420 167 2,358 219, 0341 187, 939 95,280 92, 659 50,000 27, 703 20,477 7,226 21, 235 10, 492 ' 3001 3, 8231 2, 083j 1. 740 1 Organized from part of Crook in 1915. 2 Part annexed to Douglas in 1915; parts of Douglas and Linn annexed in 1915. 3 Part annexed to Lane in 1915, and part of Marion annexed in 1913. * Part of Clackamas annexed in 1911; part annexed to Linn in 1913. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 411 Lincoln Linn» Malheur Mar- ion* Morrow Mult- nomah Polk Sher- man Tilla- mook Uma- tilla » Union « 752 3,308 1,331 4,833 694 1,988 1,850 417 846 2,484 1,218 1 767 3,041 1,322 3,681 692 1,828 1,761 460 797 2,353 1,279 2 961 2,751 801 3,490 614 1,478 1,557 466 661 2,005 1,309 3 4 74 11 9 124 3 7 9 6 4 26 240 46 745 12 664 137 i 43 297 119 5 23 247 64 773 9 392 205 4 50 308 106 6 102 541 207 1,143 68 434 383 6 191 463 134 7 155 638 238 913 50 206 333 3 223 224 113 8 262 766 240 706 28 84 363 7 235 202 176 9 72 397 89 . 275 22 34 191 4 49 111 114 10 92 367 131 213 88 28 178 59 44 260 218 11 17 93 151 43 162 20 54 168 4 301 151 12 3 15 81 10 1,331 10 1 4,833 223 23 694 2 13 164 289 20 2,484 80 3 1,218 13 1 417 846 14 752 3,308 1,988 1,850 15 586 2,117 857 3,673 357 1,347 1,220 107 664 1,501 787 16 66 487 130 425 156 152 278 106 43 362 175 17 1 12 40 35 8 10 29 6 1 35 11 18 99 692 304 700 173 479 323 198 138 596 245 19 84 341 84 287 23 418 114 5 66 126 72 20 15 351 220 413 150 61 209 193 72 471 173 21 13.2 20.9 22.8 14.5 24.9 24.1 17.6 47.5 16.3 24.0 20.1 22 15.0 25.0 16.1 18.9 16.3 32.2 19.3 43.7 20.8 24.2 18.6 23 7.9 21.2 10.9 17.9 16.6 26.0 21.6 40.1 16.4 20.0 15.4 24 13.1 21.1 15.6 21.6 26.1 9.1 20.2 20.0 7.6 16.8 27.8 25 40.0 35.6 13.2 31.6 24.0 39.3 28.7 19.7 30.6 33.1 39.9 26 645, 120 1,445,120 6,325,120 763. 620 1,296,000 277, 760 453, 760 636,040 720,000 2, 049, 920 1, 284, 480 27 18.0 32.3 7.7 60.6 71.6 28.7 52.3 78.4 11.8 60.3 32.7 28 115, 975 467, 353 484,820 386, 234 926, 252 79, 617 237, 332 419, 578 85,029 1,236,093 420,029 29 118, 758 472, 469 465, 851 367, 788 781, 613 100, 495 239, 621 408, 001 91, 827 1, 075, 400 441, 736 30 158,282 462,337 230, 175 394, 415 673,997 86, 262 260, 367 372, 526 94,493 1,050,258 395, 769 31 154.2 141.3 364.3 79.9 1, 334. 7 40.0 128.3 1,006.2 100.5 497.6 344.9 32 10, 709 177, 655 107,630 189, 152 323, 846 32,781 111,245 281,878 11,122 614, 740 147, 136 33 10, 376 159, 535 66, 153 165, 104 127, 401 29, 971 95, 354 124, 834 10, 602 309, 035 99, 223 34 113 3,368 26, 136 3,624 36, 447 851 2,913 16,943 76 30, 229 5,770 35 220 14, 752 15, 341 20,424 159, 998 1,959 12, 978 141, 101 444 275, 476 42, 143 36 60, 123 235, 760 349,847 168,446 584,471 28,460 111,195 125, 337 37,408 558, 786 252, 639 37 5,405 70, 436 11, 360 25, 032 14,020 5,191 16, 609 11, 091 7,482 23, 242 8,600 38 31, 273 118,224 173 96, 956 8,367 11,473 69, 722 2,517 19, 826 84, 720 86, 591 39 23, 445 47, 100 338, 314 36,458 562, 084 11, 796 24, 864 111,729 10, 100 450, 824 157, 448 40 40,916 18, 669 381 19,037 642 8,372 6,176 2,510 21,980 4,254 6,936 41 4,227 35, 269 26, 962 19, 599 17,293 10, 004 8,716 9,853 14, 519 58, 313 13, 318 42 82, 870 239, 015 314, 778 248, 834 330, 397 33, 128 108, 063 82,321 61,934 452, 632 200, 088 43 18, 040 110, 283 71,904 62, 598 329, 213 10,512 60, 020 149, 038 5,268 440, 382 125, 393 44 9,804 52, 087 39, 682 34, 897 170, 766 4,373 30, 549 65, 746 2,889 242, 106 63, 700 45 8,236 58, 196 32, 222 27, 701 158, 467 6,139 29, 471 83, 292 2,379 198, 276 61,693 46 1,320 5,932 48,842 4,895 73, 308 1,359 4,941 7,630 600 58, 223 6,698 47 13, 745 112, 123 49, 296 69, 907 193,334 34, 618 64, 308 180, 589 17, 227 284, 856 87, 850 48 10,753 48, 730 11,915 22, 560 61,073 29, 614 19,723 874 6,528 33, 544 14, 489 49 2,992 63, 393 37, 381 47, 347 132, 261 6,004 44, 586 179, 715 10, 699 251. 312 73, 361 50 7,504 70, 858 36, 473 100, 182 43,709 13, 107 42, 843 21,679 7,308 78, 524 42, 491 51 1,530 41, 657 9,212 30, 207 39, 648 4,406 24, 208 42, 509 778 109, 785 26, 738 52 81 1,137 4,274 2,799 3,917 551 2,223 1,706 50 5,295 1,403 53 1,261 45, 883 16, 194 31,916 40, 227 11,907 26,080 58,941 2,466 115, 431 28, 591 54 941 14, 794 3,536 8,726 1,742 10, 492 7,129 72 893 11, 164 5,143 55 320 31, 089 12, 658 23,190 38,485 1,415 18, 951 58, 869 1,673 104, 267 23, 448 56 « Part annexed to Union and part of Union annexed in 1913. « Parts annexed to Umatilla in 1913 and Wallowa in 1915; and parts of Umatilla and Wallowa annexed in 1913 and 1915, respectively. 412 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE: 1926 OREGON County Table I. — Farms and Farm Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Con. ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms. .1925. 1920- 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1, 000 to 4,999 acres. - 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total Full owners Part owners Managers "i;: Wallowa 1 19 Tenants 20 Cash tenants.. 21 Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy.. 1925. 1920. 1910- Relationship to landlord, 1925 i Per cent of cash tenants related. . Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925... acres. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres.. 1920 acres. - 1910 acres.. Average per farm, 1925 acres.. Classiflcation of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total ..acres.. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure acres. . Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total acres. _ Plowable pasture acres.. W oodland pasture acres . . Other pasture acres.. Woodland not used for pasture acres.. All other land in farms acres.. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres . . Part owners ...acres.. Owned land acres.. Rented (hired) land acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants... ..acres.. C ash tenants acres . . Other tenants.. acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers ^. acres.. Tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres. . Other tenants .acres. . 961 1,149 1,058 214 83 235 173 84 5 961 573 166 11 211 59 152 22.0 19.1 11.2 22.0 23.7 2, 028, 160 27.4 556, 722 524, 029 354, 732 579.3 117,932 74, 098 7,861 35, 973 392, 792 10, 830 134, 931 247, 031 32, 227 13, 771 204, 684 132,969 66, 771 66, 198 116,416 102, 653 27, 375 75, 278 32,438 . 18, 130 1,873 21, 657 3,368 18, 289 Wasco 1,283 1,339 1,331 31 71 66 159 111 202 83 238 197 107 18 1,283 835 195 223 49 174 17.4 15.4 13.1 20.4 28.2 1, 499, 520 46.2 692, 104 728, 226 543, 754 539.4 183, 074 85, 127 11, 895 86, 052 489, 987 8,442 59, 220 422, 325 7,412 11,631 314, 532 270, 135 169, G99 100, 436 12, 262 95,175 7,630 87, 545 38, 471 23,316 2,457 20, 883 1,000 19. 883 W^ash- ington Wheeler 3, 876 3,090 2,871 643 1,013 840 455 136 78 13 1 359 387 J, 876 J, 772 481 19 604 417 187 15.6 17.8 14.9 23.3 33.7 288 177 75 30 20 10 10.4 5.6 8.3 15.0 20.0 467, 840 48.9 228, 975 223, 406 240,328 59.1 116,549 110, 548 1,484 4,517 76, 124 5,989 58, 999 11, 136 20,550 15, 752 129, 608 47, 132 24,012 23,120 2, 379 49, 856 31.314 18, 542 57, 859 25, 809 1.253 25, 627 16, 005 9,622 1,090,560 52.9 577, 437 485,178 415, 576 2, 005. 33, 891 19, 508 3,839 10, 544 527, 196 8,496 72, 019 446, 681 9,513 6,837 189, 351 305, 600 192, 9G6 112,634 20, 940 61, 546 55, 201 6,345 8, 883 7, 486 358 2,781 1,698 1,083 1 Part annexed to Union and part of Union annexed in 1915. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 11)25 OREGON 413 County Table IL — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars.. 1920... dollars.. 1910 dollars.. All farm property, 1925 ..dollars.. Land, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms.. dollars.. Average values (dollars); All farm property, per farm, 1925.. Land and buildings, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per acre, 1925... 1920... 1910 :... Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total. _ dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners.. dollars.. Managers.- dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants. dollars.. Other tenants.. dollars.. Implements and machinery, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers.. dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants .dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number... Number reporting mortgage debt.. Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings). ..dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed-. dollars.. . Farms reporting Fertihzer (including lime).. dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars.. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road.. All other (including not reported) The State 616, 068, 770 675, 213, 284 455, 576, 309 714,410,119 505,141,430 110, 927, 340 35, 642, 615 62, 698, 734 12, 778 11,019 43.60 49.86 38.99 35.75 616, 068, 770 341,860,819 122,391,300 24, 012, 299 127, 804, 352 48, 454, 440 79,349,912 35, 642, 615 19,863,371 7, 805, 444 982, 299 6,991,501 2, 313, 803 4, 677, 698 45,887 20, 990 45.7 39, 465 17, 393 3, 497, 481 174, 196, 410 65,592,417 37.7 10, 015 3,771 49. 81 18.75 10, 156, 094 35, 381 458, 498 5,883 14, 990, 831 28, 117 2, 754, 529 23, 329 8,061,738 1, 159, 743 5, 768 3, 251 2,959 55,911 1,782 6,633 20,753 5, 043 17, 234 4,466 Baker 16, 343, 073 20, 698, 966 12, 079, 591 20, 303, 050 13, 779, 623 2, 563, 450 828, 143 3, 131, 834 13, 868 11,163 29.14 41.97 40.58 24.57 16, 343, 073 9, 506, 893 2, 672, 350 665, 200 3, 498, 630 1, 033, 560 2, 465, 070 828, 143 501, 268 150,415 32, 160 144, 300 43, 955 100, 345 1,139 627 55.0 520 172, 702 691, 878 701, 191 47.5 10, 946 -5,195 32.96 15.64 430, 337 972 4, 885 18 455, 183 968 71, 707 670 48, 219. 38 34 13 1,464 19 266 195 962 22 Benton 14, 576, 560 15, 555, 773 10, 503, 714 , 450, 993 11,515,740 3, 060, 820 821, 998 1, 052, 435 12, 017 10, 648 67.84 66.64 44.60 53.60 14, 576, 560 8, 019, 520 2, 632, 070 8G7, 000 3, 057, 970 1, 399, 705 1, 658, 265 821,998 467, 215 157, 033 38, 150 159, 600 64, 850 94, 750 1,104 562 50.9 950 476 54, 390 4, 357, 470 1, 503, 090 34.5 9,154 3,158 80.12 27.64 185, 033 799 6,374 167 214, 620 528 55, 704 545 40, 002 60 76 1,369 89 128 717 57 284 94 Clack- amas 38, 275, 256 34,992,015 26, 969, 404 42,841,091 29, 504, 251 8,771,005 2,150,873 2, 414, 962 8,527 7,618 127. 55 122. 39 89.60 98.32 38, 275, 256 26, 069, 526 5, 495, 560 388, 300 6, 321, 870 4, 249, 020 2, 072, 850 2, 150, 873 1,523,889 323, 405 21,475 282, 104 180, 739 101,365 4,273 1,698 39.7 3,793 1,474 76,731 10, 246, 665 3, 722, 331 36.3 6,952 2,525 133. 54 48.51 789, 662 3,475 47, 836 702 571,853 2,631 256, 158 2,227 219, 941 23,948 338 463 362 554 2,350 166 1,174 •511 414 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 — OREGON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 29 FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars 1920 dollars 1910 dollars All farm property, 1925 dollars Land, excluding buildings dollars Buildings alone dollars Implements and machinery dollars Livestock on farms dollars Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910. Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars Full owners dollars Part owners. ..dollars Managers dollars Tenants ..dollars Cash tenants ..dollars Other tenants dollars Implements and machinery, total. dollars Full owners dollars Part owners dollars Managers.. dollars Tenants dollars Cash tenants.... ..dollars Other tenants ..dollars FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number.. Number reporting mortgage debt. Per cent of total....... , Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt.. . Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt. dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt ..dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime)... .dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only).. dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value ofsupphes purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Columbia Coos Clatsop Crook Curry 1 i 5, 072, 935 8, 654, 665 11, 114, 165 5,411,087 3, 543, 660 5, 363, 744 7, 307, 240 11,552,905 8, 753, 037 3, 376, 200 2,297,610 4, 072, 320 7, 706, 824 10,724,860 1, 965, 970 5, 972, 971 9, 886, 764 12, 866, 641 7, 051, 08G 4, 212, 193 3, 675, 485 6, 467, 452 8, 512, 915 4, 810, 538 2, 985, 310 1, 397, 450 2, 187, 213 2, 601, 250 600, 549 558, 350 361, 857 423, 902 682, 095 290, 520 207, 954 538, 179 808,197 1, 070, 381 1,349,479 460, 579 ! 11, 123 6,199 10, 107 17, 114 15, 152 9,447 5,426 8,731 13, 134 12, 747 94.52 8L94 60.82 1L79 34.32 103.12 81.29 55.93 15.77 32.76 42.37 44.57 38.13 18.76 18.41 * 6a 48 61. 23 46.58 10.48 28.92 5, 072, 935 8, 654, 665 11, 114, 165 5,411,087 3, 543, 660 3, 736, 535 6, 150, 841 7, 861, 815 3, 137, 846 2, 599, 940 249, 300 898, 694 717, 050 1,612,011 286,720 280, 000 299, 325 100, 000 83, 000 145,000 807, 100 1, 305, 805 2, 435, 300 578, 230 512,000 713, 000 1, 003, 250 1, 770, 050 162, 100 395, 000 94, 100 302, 555 665, 250 416, 130 117,000 361, 857 423, 902 682, 095 290,520 207, 954 279, 165 303, 947 488, 245 171, 710 139, 739 30, 117 52, 650 47, 175 70, 515 30,550 6,600 8,500 2,200 3,250 4,325 45, 975 58, 805 144, 475 45, 045 33, 340 39, 775 49, 475 100, 060 9,400 23, 865 6,200 9,330 44, 415 35, 645 9,475 457 1,426 1,035 349 243 213 572 411 199 95 46.6 40.1 39.7 57.0 39.1 437 1,354 989 274 224 204 531 388 152 86 16, 757 34, 126 61, 900 138, 102 25,976 2, 038, 675 2, 617, 705 4, 017, 100 2, 053, 930 988, 540 718, 351 912,850 1, 438, 848 813, 273 283, 648 35.2 34.9 35.8 39.6 28.7 9,994 4,930 10, 353 13, 513 11,495 3,521 1,719 3,708 5,350 3,298 121. 66 76.71 64.90 14.87 38.06 42.87 26.75 23.24 5.89 10. 92 219,833 234,035 163, 453 90,004 40,151 468 1,166 844 186 197 1,559 958 4,184 1,355 190 48 27 57 15 6 85, 655 103, 234 170, 143 134, 228 41,429 190 450 437 230 84 32, 645 61, 205 44,327 21, 613 14,617 176 410 315 184 76 183, 514 27, 802 5,068 752 20 5,321 44 215 175 737 73 88 22 18 18 58 28 18 14 2 66 163 6 537 1,595 1,273 412 278 43 21 499 13 38 163 1 61 339 487 83 87 11 18 9 7 23 89 538 492 321 100 170 180 234 1 67 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 415 De- schutes Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney 11 Jackson Jefferson Josephine 4, 647, 190 22, 427, 108 11,324,834 7, 578, 792 11, 501, 477 12, 067, 535 23, 150, 620 5,241,686 5, 774, 890 1 5,120,960 23,088,860 12, 373, 967 9,033,953 9, 943, Oil 12, 589, 197 20, 191, 785 6,026,310 6,672,837 2 16,981,837 8, 708, 745 13, 606, 387 4, 993, 294 10, 173, 692 7, 432, 950 13, 937, 296 28, 846, 705 5, 742, 350 3 5,636,012 25,820,216 15, 760, 176 13, 178, 938 26, 157, 914 6, 551, 460 6, 594, 105 4 3,798,835 18,195,580 10, 178, 760 6, 453, 557 10, 531, 387 8, 903, 745 18, 506, 136 4, 676, 375 4, 466, 760 5 848,355 4,231,528 1, 146, 074 1, 125, 235 970, 090 3, 163, 790 4, 644, 484 565,311 1, 308, 130 6 350, 887 1, 257, 871 928, 190 436, 357 472, 703 889, 672 1,289,339 485, 133 369, 647 7 637, 935 2, 135, 237 1, 353, 363 2, 158, 543 3, 785, 996 221, 731 1, 717, 955 824, 641 449, 568 8 8,412 1 10,122 37, 278 17, 214 23, 143 11, 735 12, 212 14, 150 6,978 9 6, 936 8, 791 31, 027 12,824 16, 889 10, 746 10, 808 11,321 6,111 10 42.78 38.73 19.84 9.99 16.68 258. 63 83. 33 10.67 63.11 11 35.32 40.77 25.41 12.04 18.95 330.64 64.52 13.67 68.58 12 29.41 31.42 20.05 17.83 11.22 8.50 13.22 15.28 366. 30 190. 82 97.07 66.61 47.13 48.82 13 ""34.'97" ' 9.'52" 14 4, 647, 190 22, 427, 1C8 11, 324, 834 7, 578, 792 11,501,477 12,067,535 23, 150, 620 5, 241, 686 5, 774, 890 15 3, 390, 825 14, 904, 340 3, 564, 648 3, 486, 462 6, 542, 437 8, 295, 815 13, 814, 585 1, 445, 032 4,311,165 16 415, 300 3,725,018 4, 079, 046 3, 379, 920 908, 610 1, 120, 000 2, 532, 460 2,792,439 559, 950 17 87, 000 766, 000 421, 745 316, 200 2, 839, 650 1, 469, 400 3,317,900 567, 471 227, 500 18 754, 065 3, 031, 750 3, 259, 395 396, 210 1, 210, 780 1, 182, 320 3, 485, 675 436, 744 676, 275 19 196, 165 1, 586, 110 74,800 202, 910 560,300 497, 070 1, 262, 350 16, 310 303, 800 20 557, 900 1,445,640 3, 184, 595 193, 300 650, 480 685, 250 2, 223, 325 420, 434 372, 475 21 350, 887 1,257,871 928, 190 436, 357 472, 703 889, 672 1,289,339 485, 133 369, 647 22 275, 842 858, 161 260,450 224, 567 320, 128 642, 668 859, 871 147, 644 286, 259 23 24, 275 207, 700 371, 012 171, 420 44, 300 89,465 146, 885 244, 651 35, 895 24 5,425 54, 925 25, 900 8,250 37, 425 80,120 146, 520 28, 608 9,540 25 45,345 137, 085 270, 828 32, 120 70,850 77,419 136,063 64, 230 37, 953 26 17, 195 75, 635 1,450 22, 650 26, 250 35, 644 57, 683 890 15, 358 27 28, 150 61,450 269,378 9,470 44,600 41, 775 78, 380 63, 340 22, 595 28 557 2,165 257 536 590 923 1,742 409 841 29 363 857 203 279 209 527 722 186 339 30 65.2 39.6 79.0 52.1 35.4 57.1 41.4 45.5 40.3 31 511 1, 883 151 389 540 853 1,596 244 779 32 334 722 111 194 188 473 649 82 304 33 44, 727 151, 740 144, 351 160, 381 111, 909 17, 555 74, 685 57, 902 27, 709 34 2,576,750 6, 649, 795 2,741,366 2,042,128 2, 172, 450 5,434,205 6, 733, 735 682, 308 2,054,415 35 907, 676 2, 349, 454 1, 027, 249 865, 017 935, 785 1, 911, 839 2, 158, 115 286, 693 646, 077 36 35.2 35.3 37.5 42.4 43.1 35.2 32.0 42.0 31.4 37 7,715 9,210 24, 697 10, 526 11,556 11, 489 10, 376 8,321 6, 758 38 2,718 3,254 9, 254 4,459 4,978 4,042 3,325 3,496 2, 125 39 57.61 43.82 18.99 12.73 19.41 309. 55 90.16 11.78 74.14 40 20.29 15.48 7.12 5.39 8.36 108. 91 28.90 4.95 23.32 41 146, 509 216, 407 74, 389 153, 566 380, 794 169, 851 269, 699 47, 527 91, 150 42 456 1,538 164 337 457 819 1,419 176 645 43 16, 627 9, 493 3,650 66 15 58, 606 28, 609 641 6,637 44 333 139 3 3 1 452 396 5 174 45 . 85,190 430, 177 340, 545 264, 656 323, 136 969, 410 850, 815 139, 212 146, 263 46 325 1,159 286 342 283 796 1,036 205 426 47 36, 786 104, 220 43, 201 24, 475 19, 751 75, 869 99, 704 20, 737 46, 299 48 279 893 269 257 191 616 724 203 359 49 100 259,001 4,110 22, 719 236 2, 729, 335 192, 515 2,434 49, 835 50 467 29, 754 2,091 97 628, 466 42,097 282 45 24, 205 74 51 6 426 72 8 20 163 34 52 21 107 16 12 20 116 81 12 48 53 1 670 72 2,551 365 1 591 16 1,123 51 2,14^ 1 463 30 945 54 681 55 191 23 1,243 60 123 657 88 64 990 37 2 313 56 44' 51 27' 61 57 i04" 37 35" 58 90 283 48 53 180 51 335 64 153 59 481 706 228 38g 426 189 544 364 397 60 4 105 1 46 38 43 121 43 61 416 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925. dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery ..dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total. .dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers .dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total-dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants.. dollars. Cash tenants.. dollars- Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Katio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buUdings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed .dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) ...dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only). .dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms.. Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road.. Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Klamath Lake Lane 10,724,966 6,932,635 11,286,742 8,767,904 9,857,286 6,286,217 32, 622, 121 30, 737, 688 21, 421, 025 13, 213, 082 9, 031, 681 1, 693, 285 806, 544 1. 681, 572 16, 747 13, 593 3L45 31. 59 21.70 26.48 10, 724, 966 6, 490, 423 1, 804, 845 972, 508 1, 457, 190 524, 400 932, 790 806, 544 527, 558 159, 661 9,600 109, 725 39, 285 70, 440 313 48.2 556 265 81, 643 3, 383, 675 1, 241, 026 36.7 12, 769 4,683 41.44 15.20 9,692,931 136,771,244 6,137,585 125,748,441 795.050 I 6,873,680 432,635 1,836,502 2,327,661 I 2,312,621 20, 278 14, 503 14.30 16.66 15.65 12.66 6, 932, 635 3, 742, 080 2, 059, 055 500, 000 631, 500 379, 900 251, 600 432, 635 233, 660 149, 760 3,000 46, 215 23, 690 22, 525 8,822 7,827 63.13 61.86 44.14 49.83 Lincoln Linn i32, 622, 121 120, 753, 966 6, 214, 105 557, 800 5, 096, 250 2, 331, 260 2, 764, 990 1, 836, 502 1, 163, 174 390, 414 34, 335 248, 579 103, 129 145, 450 427 228 53.4 308 153 93, 356 1, 893, 810 786, 308 41.5 12, 378 5,139 20.29 8.42 235, 017 536 2,953 18 245, 250 498 68, 477 422 9,030 1,261 63 27 2 789 312, 927 339 1,318 18 255, 029 239 18, 586 195 478 33 1 11 191 61 249 173 287 227 29 6 4,052,555 3,896,805 3, 580, 165 4, 782, 324 3, 226, 560 825, 995 216, 508 513, 261 6,359 5,389 34.94 32.81 22.62 27.82 4, 052, 555 2, 892, 705 549, 600 25, 000 585, 250 425, 950 159, 300 216, 508 149, 970 39, 270 700 26,568 23, 843 2,725 31,276,294 33, 592, 695 23, 726, 777 35, 787, 916 '24, 750, 979 6, 525, 315 1,809,365 2, 702, 257 10, 819 9,455 66.92 7L10 51.32 52.96 31, 276, 294 16, 698, 869 7, 122, 610 315,250 7, 139, 565 2, 771, 920 4, 367, 645 1, 809, 365 1,008,081 398, 493 22,400 380, 391 153, 235 227, 156 3,547 1,454 41.0 3,082 1,243 141, 294 9, 891, 942 3, 267, 444 33.0 7,958 2,629 70.01 23.13 652 283 43.4 244 35, 932 1,570,420 492, 940 31.4 6,436 2,020 43.71 13.72 540, 492 66, 170 2,608 527 12, 296 1,068 276 34 489, 552 25, 469 1,612 199 172, 093 18,911 1,641 183 515,796 128, 374 408 135 4,168 i 151 L 1,100 I 1,547 249 j 894 I 227 I 9,281 3,708 12 24 15 752 135 32 24 453 108 2,604 1,121 43.0 2,117 872 101, 731 7, 419, 314 2, 904. 306 39.1- 8,508 3,331 72.93 28.55 252, 602 1,606 7,932 353 291,639 1, 360' 116,461 1,259 137, 430 5,653 477 153 330 3,308 11 47 2,591 68 448 143 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1025 — OREGON Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 417 Malheur Marion Morrow Mult- nomah Polk Sherman TUla- mook Umatilla Union 13, 795, 710 48, 091, 231 14, 854, 494 26, 539, 090 21, 918, 614 15, 592, 205 11,076,883 56, 598, 024 19, 395, 535 1 19, 062, 114 46, 393, 558 16, 836, 048 26, 083, 842 25, 356, 308 20, 587, 428 9, 997, 653 77, 176, 844 23, 990. 052 2 8, 775, 559 32. 906, 949 8, 890, 745 21, 960, 678 15, 782, 963 9, 972, 125 6, 893, 848 35, 001, 037 14, 599, 073 3 19, 627, 804 53, 144, 108 18, 506, 799 28, 536, 324 24. 517, 612 17, 723, 959 12,418,029 64,358,171 21, 971, 995 4 11, 912, 716 38, 038, 183 13, 244, 566 21, 430, 235 17,562,419 114,014,165 9, 059, 198 50, 234, 935 16, 197, 985 5 1, 882, 994 10, 053, 048 1, 609, 928 5, 108, 855 4, 356. 195 1, 578, 040 2, 017, 685 6, 363, 089 3, 197, 550 6 843, 775 2, 451, 517 1, 120, 643 1, 037, 025 1, 287, 449 1, 336, 664 362, 004 3, 564, 149 1, 085, 405 7 4,988,319 2, 601, 360 2, 531, 662 960, 209 1,311,549 795, 090 979, 142 4. 195, 998 1, 491, 055 8 14, 747 10. 996 26, 667 14, 354 13, 253 42, 503 14, 679 25, 909 18, 039 9 10, 365 9.951 21, 404 13, 350 11, 848 37. 391 13, 093 22. 785 15, 924 10 28.46 124.51 16.04 333. 33 92.35 37.16 130. 27 45. 79 46.18 11 40.92 126. 14 21.54 259. 55 105. 82 50.46 108. 87 71.77 54.31 12 38.13 83.43 13.19 254. 58 60.62 26.77 72.96 33.33 36.89 13 24.57 98.48 14.30 269. 17 74.00 33.40 106.54 40.64 38. 56 14 13, 795, 710 48, 091, 231 14, 854, 494 26, 539, 090 21, 918, 614 15, 592, 205 11,076,883 56, 598, 024 19, 395, 535 15 8, 137, 915 32, 353, 106 5, 972, 875 13, 093, 195 11, 660, 562 3, 200, 575 7, 879, 658 19, 977, 859 9, 591, 680 16 1, 636, 245 6, 949, 480 4, 771, 996 2, 791, 765 4, 963, 962 5, 313, 580 863, 550 17, 984, 125 4, 910, 040 17 1, 316, 750 892, 620 627, 600 617, 700 551, 260 164, 800 50, 000 1, 295, 900 327, 000 18 2, 704, 800 7, 896, 025 3, 482, 023 10, 036, 430 4, 742, 830 6,913,250 2, 283, 675 17, 340, 140 4,566,815 19 639, 800 2, 441, 485 527, 210 9, 042, 130 1, 404, 920 29, 500 781, 450 2, 110, 005 916,400 20 2, 065, 000 5. 454, 540 2, 954, 813 994, 300 3. 337, 910 6, 883, 750 1, 502, 225 15, 229, 535 3,650,415 21 843, 775 2, 451, 517 1, 120, 643 1, 037, 025 1, 287, 449 1, 336, 664 362, 004 3, 564, 149 1, 085, 405 22 530, 795 1,659,857 436,450 531. 091 680, 576 263, 445 249. 537 1, 282, 984 548, 812 23 100, 475 347, 523 402, 253 146, 945 324, 700 495, 640 40, 235 1,162,891 299, 198 24 59, 300 36, 615 31, 335 36, 175 33, 725 6,000 1,000 36, 950 12, 525 25 153, 205 407, 522 250, 605 322, 814 248, 448 571, 579 71, 232 1, 081, 324 224,870 26 45,435 160, 426 19, 325 282, 429 68, 970 4,400 26,235 147, 245 53, 320 27 107. 770 247, 096 231, 280 40, 385 179, 478 567, 179 44, 997 934, 079 171, 550 28 987 4,098 513 1,499 1.498 213 707 1,853 962 29 498 1,617 337 611 723 169 417 1,011 543 30 50.5 39.5 65.7 40.8 48.3 79.3 59.0 54.6 56.4 31 857 3,673 357 1,347 1,220 107 664 1,501 787 32 421 1,401 226 541 571 76 391 776 428 33 147, 921 91, 964 243,289 13, 924 53, 818 66, 770 37, 258 286, 690 130. 085 34 5,375,020 .13, 086, 186 4, 551, 106 4, 715, 971 6, 108, 260 2, 679, 630 5, 607, 038 11, 831, 881 6, 473, 940 35 2, 364, 032 4,747,232 1, 833, 932 1, 386, 378 2, 183, 189 1, 123, 708 2, 102, 653 4, 829, 555 2, 558, 638 36 44.0 36.3 40.3 29.4 35.7 41.9 37.5 40.8 39.5 37 12, 767 9,341 20, 138 8,717 10, 697 35, 258 14, 340 15, 247 15, 126 38 6,615 3,388 8,115 2,563 3,823 14, 786 5,378 6,224 5,978 39 36.34 142.30 18.71 338. 69 113. 50 40.13 150. 49 4L27 49.77 40 15.98 51.62 7.54 99.57 40.57 16.83 56.43 16.85 19.67 41 562, 615 463, 964 168, 428 768, 640 242, 500 58, 543 378, 544 683, 462 153, 255 42 789 2,703 340 1,429 1,142 223 720- 1,731 688 43 1,656 85, 152 74 61, 220 16, 581 331 1,154 6,892 3,157 44 12 649 2 393 181 3 20 56 82 45 559, 347 1, 318, 042 478, 539 914, 196 806, 095 320, 276 115, 737 1, 420, 047 379, 105 46 796 2,499 491 1,177 1,063 350 334 1,584 789 47 44,466 218, 593 77, 252 140, 367 77,247 53, 283 48, 761 137, 697 59, 926 48 441 1,973 533 1,196 753 343 277 1,107 588 49 99, 187 367, Oil 14, 632 254, 072 214 286 1, 358, 270 78, 640 279, 967 63, 329 50 1,731 17,508 811 13, 232 8,128 468 62, 479 7,278 51 75 541 91 139 95 16 246 119 52 34 283 21 240 100 39 23 141 44 53 31 1,331 465 4,833 1 694 117 1,988 145 1,850 1 417 17 2,484 28 1,218 54 846 55 146 837 44 389 55 60 63 99 44 188 56 145" Ill' 53' 115' 57 174 2,226 32 838 1 1, 154 34 463 590 198 68 359 99 147 23 67 153 18 223 351 59 556 667 358 258 344 168 132 1,299 532 60 97 858 16 436 170 9 71 140 22 61 418 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 42 43 44 45 i 46 ; 47 I 48 49 50 51, 52 58 54. 55 I 56 i 57. ! 58 ! 59 I ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. AH farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings ...dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery. dollars. Livestock on farms I .dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925. 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925.. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers. .dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total. .dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers. dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants .dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number. Number reporting mortgage debt." .... Per cent of total.. Farms operated by full owners: Total number.. Number reporting mortgage debt... I. ..I. Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) .dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm — Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt... dollars. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt.. dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Wallowa -dollars. 61 Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting, Farm labor (money wages only). ..dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting.. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) . . Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road.. Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 11,448,301 17,735,411 7, 931, 301 14, 276, 910 9, 704, 036 1, 744, 265 699, 631 2, 128, 978 14,856 11,913 20. 56 33.84 22.36 17.43 11,448,301 5, 245, 106 3, 153, 130 440, 170 2,609,895 582, 500 2, 027, 395 699, 631 343, 693 156, 299 24, 602 175, 037 39, 880 135. 157 739 448 60.6 573 331 140, 662 3, 635, 773 1,795,120 49.4 10, 984 5,423 25.85 12.76 Wasco 143, 388 526 120 2 268, 830 552 26, 159 278 13, 229 5,250 47 13 8 961 223 628 106 15, 223, 258 20, 356, 180 13,215,855 18, 273, 666 12,671,712 2, 551, 546 1,116,004 1,934,404 14, 243 11,865 22.00 27.95 24.30 18.31 Washing- ton Wheeler 35,319,405 4,621,267 34,225,867 6,200,296 26,410,224 4.112,464 39, 126, 694 27, 689, 370 7, 630, 035 1.739,557 2, 067, 732 10, 095 9,112 154. 25 153. 20 109. 89 120. 93 15,223,258 35,319,405 7,684,903 21,029,405 3,838,375 \ 6,514,970 840,700 I 534,400 2,859,280 I 7,240,630 429,890 i 4,735,090 2,429,390 I 2,505,540 1,116,004 ! 1,739,557 557,922 1,017,562 270, 836 61, 950 225, 296 29, 745 195, 551 354, 318 21,060 346, 617 206, 072 140, 545 6, 294, 663 4, 048, 420 572, 847 260, 956 1,412,440 21,856 16,046 8.00 12.78 9.90 7.01 Yamhill 29, 280, 649 30, 289, 089 21,288,548 32, 322, 199 23, 475, 795 5, 804, 854 1,389,141 1,652,409 11,286 10,224 104. 22 118. 23 77.62 83.56 4,621,267 29,280,649 1,851,493 1, 882, 324 288, 700 598, 750 498, 300 100, 450 16, 766, 219 4,991,045 853, 450 6, 609, 935 2, 456, 230 4, 213, 705 260,956 1,389,141 129, 83, 325 5,425 ■42,570 33,645 8,925 797, 800 285, 745 32,229 273, 367 88,620 184. 747 533 51.7 835 404 188, 880 4, 524, 296 1,946,350 43.0 11, 199 4,818 23.95 10.30 3,253 1,360 41.8 2,772 1,157 55, 829 9, 132, 165 3, 377, 933 37.0 7,893 2,920 163.57 60.50 223,819 714 19,976 j 174 1 543,708 801 99,799 ! 643 j 272,528 I 59,558 141 62 1,283 7^ i 154 89 384 552 ! 33 ; 252 184 i 73.0 i 177 128 151,214 1,262,106 587, 540 46.6 9,860 4,590 8.35 3.89 2,358 1,078 45.7 2,013 877 63, 578 7, 954, 762 2, 882, 646 36.2 9,070 3,287 125. 12 45.34 820, 333 2,799 35,147 I 779 I 579,881 1 1,884 214,236 I 1,801 ; 58,411 134 393 4 176,262 163 25, 143 132 155, 360 I 652 1,915 ^ 422 16 504 I 11 500 j.. , 3,876 288 143 I 1,193 1 1,097 57 341 I 72 895 ' 154 207 I 5 320, 584 1,709 9,393 281 478,078 1,350 108,054 1,171 •512,015 4,710 441 247 217 2,864 243 227 1,415 77 799 103 CENSUS or AGBICULTURB: 1925 — OKEGON 419 County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, 1925; and Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over.. Total value dollars. Mules: Total number -. Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value.. dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 - Dairy heifers . Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Reef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value ..dollars. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value. dollars. Goats: Total number . Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars. Chickens: ' ot-^l number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked. Milk produced,! 1924.. gallons. 1919 gallons- Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 ...gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924 dollars. Wool: Number cf sheep shorn, 1 1924 Wool produced, 1 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,i 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,* 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 .dollars.. The State 62, 698, 734 223, 848 19, 856 203, 992 11,705,237 19, 062 3,312 15, 750 1, 188, 875 784, 459 177, 602 94, 303 39, 581 54, 722 413, 174 205, 057 208,117 81,687 17, 693 26, 465, 271 1, 775, 093 413, 760 1,312,761 48, 572 17,447,463 121,193 i 365,045 i 216, 065 128, 997 30, 472 66, 596 2, 095, 376 3, 228, 887 3, 028, 100 403, 367 206, 869 188, 351 18, 518 112,218,008 92, 844, 946 542 3, 900, 837 18, 990, 419 647, 090 25, 598, 001 14, 576, 451 1, 604, 742 14, 749, 743 16, 039, 048 5,391,931 101,101 413, 441 196, 916 20, 657, 682 14, 625, 720 6, 290, 972 4, 065, 569 3, 150, 165 3.136,601 Baker 3,131,834 11, 772 1,266 10, 506 417, 840 671 253 418 33, 935 59, 094 13, 746 6,878 1,633 5,245 26, 860 7,791 19, 069 10, 449 1,161 1, 723, 922 76, 812 21, 591 63, 654 1,567 791, 929 47 188 9,626 6,448 1,462 2,716 96, 282 63, 203 54, 987 13, 761 Benton 1, 052, 436 3,392 145 3,247 209, 723 74 13 61 4,799 10, S69 2,044 1,485 1,150 335 6,774 5,643 1,131 327 339 Clacka- mas 2, 414, 962 7,846 237 7,609 635, 433 147 5 142 10, 616 23, 703 4,234 3,087 2,785 302 15,319 14, 063 1,256 486 577 435,529 11,115,279 8, 716 6,886 1,830 25, 679 6,595 18, 250 834 246, 336 7,706 23, 118 4, 046 2,805 652 689 37, 041 98, 514 90, 633 6,256 13, 522 2,912 10, 162 448 127, 335 5,526 16, 578 16, 942 10, 842 2,039 3,061 147, 197 345, 951 346, 961 16, 573 5, 368 14, 322 5, 276 13, 840 92 482 4,122,668 12,404,864 7,003,458 2,314,998 12,316,286 6,073,092 473 I 448 489 130, 306 947, 455 13, 841 374,442 490, 723 59, 299 547, 362 1,036,872 194, 861 24 120 54 324, 105 266, 887 103, 714 85, 008 79, 795 ' 57, 805 106, 199 430, 764 24, 113 315, 764 298, 635 22, 649 183, 220 109, 558 69, 807 6,166 26, 552 12, 009 643, 493 620, 018 205, 918 120, 089 126, 388 92, 469 335, 891 1, 101, 536 18, 394 1, 629, 467 892, 606 10,818 84, 946 126, 946 32,704 4, 386 16, 848 8,087 2, 232, 422 1, 376, 638 669, 727 457, 693 257, 363 366.154 Clatsop 638, 179 724 36 688 58, 162 10 2 8 684 8,609 1,356 972 867 115 6, 744 5, 164 580 252 285 411,656 617 56 642 19 6,011 217 651 1,380 871 221 288 13, 486 43, 996 43, 995 3,534 4,662 4,613 39 2,591,164 1,946,631 667 44, 873 396, 741 20, 025 921, 893 372, 175 114 977 6,101 376 282 1,009 484 390, 104 129, 846 117, 031 49, 098 21, 934 39, 278 ' Including estimates for incomplete reports. ' Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 420 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, Jandaky 1, ITKM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value ...dollars. Goats: Total num.ber Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age ..i... Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value .dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value dollars. Other livestock, estimated value., .dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924.gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924... ..pounds. Cream sold, 1924 ..gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 .gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924... dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn,' 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919. pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 ..dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,* 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924.. number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raisedf 1924 dollars. Colum- bia 808, 197 1,852 48 1,804 150, 256 50 4 46 3,558 11, 399 J,952| 1, 450 1,347 1031 7,549 7,177 372 130 318 551, 398 467 21 417 29 4,595 329 987 1,999 1,133 287 579 20, 682 67, 240 67, 240 9,481 Coos 6,861 6,732 129 3, 629, 469 2, 950, 561 529 116,879 542, 414 10, 303 1. 072, 030 470, 969 444 2,993 16, 084 1,152 166 586 281 444, 725 201, 184 133, 418 89, 362 45, 388 71,490 1, 070, 381 2,416 99 2,317 165, 714 36 2 34 2,356 20, 945 3,777 2,577 1,998 579 12,806 10, 747 2,059 1,241 544 762, 944 4,838 994 3,624 220 40,: 449 1,347 3,503 1,910 668 925 34, 152 57, 050 54, 768 8,211 10, 846 10, 370 476 6, 626, 906 6, 221, 501 611 66, 183 1, 249, 604 46, 811 1, 947, 463 917, 530 3,246 24, 766 46, 706 9,287 331 1,367 656 329, 236 209,946 108, 648 60, 131 43, 367 48,706 Crook 1, 349, 479 4,342 596 3,746 152, 480 149 18 131 5,907 27, 564 7,820 3,012 308 2,704 12, 422 1,842 10, 580 3,771 539 757, 947 37, 349 7, 28, 504 849 403, 149 19 1,391 842 323 226 13, 431 17, 335 12, 3,661 1,913 1,437 476 1,096,149 521, 068 573 39, 702 240, 655 8,586 22, 935 127, 130 34, 884 294, 422 320, 079 103, 048 1 6 3 102, 138 87, 366 30,641 21,287 21,320 15. 965 Curry 460, 579 720 55 665 48,508 8, 473 1, 902 1,061 556! 505i 4, 529i 3,071j 1, 458 780 201 277, 907| 9, 162| 2, 567i 5,849 746 76, 921 De- schutes 2,103 6,309 3,304 1,468 333 1,503 34, 397 9, 940! 9, 542j 2,797: 637,935 2,858 288 2,570 102, 556 43 8 35 1,650 10, 809 2,699 1, 405 880 525 5,569 3,664 1,905 904 232 397, 113 8,730 4,055 4,502 173 87, 634 44 176 1,689 947 320 422 16,800 37, 335 27, 628 4,378 Doug- las 2, 135, 237 1 5, 240' 199 5,041 359,954, 204| 193! 13, 360, 18, 710| 4,005 2,208: 977 1,231 10, 224 5, 573 4,651 1, 803 470 598, 778 98, 772 25, 436 68, 289 5, 0471 J 831, 129; 30, 626^ 91, 878 7, 549 4,704i 1,040 1,805, 67, 624| 133, 528: 128, 187| 44. 327! 3, 073| 3, 555 2, 821 i 3, 354 2521 201 6, 519 5,178 1.341 02,44212,012,130 2,913,993 1, 420, 573 1, 186, 628|2, 922, 473 554I 566: 447 32, 059! 75, 994j 23, 737 1,191,687 280,241 50, 934 445, 368 8, 913 253,881 258,531 239, 7751 343, 152; 38, 059 297, 248 333, 595 9, 675! 7, 824 94, 624i 72,435| 72,813] 659,303 100, 696| 93, 032| 434, 041 27,163 25,485l 247,239 1, 894; 7,060j 3, 389| 48, 378| 43,5641 15. 965i 8,033i 7, 399! 32j 141 227, 893 142, 035| 68, 368| 51,634 30, 492 38, 726 27,871 111,435 53, 489, 709, 835' 572, 623i 234, 246, 155, 827; 136, 668! * 126, 220; > Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — OREGON 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 421 GiUiam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson Jefler- son Joseph- ine Kla- math Lake Lane 1, 353, 363 2, 158, 543 3,785,996 221,731 1, 717, 955 824, 641 449, 668 1,681,572 2,327,661 2,312,621 1 7,001 7,701 15, 427 1,177 4,868 4, 326 1,514 6,572 5,946 7,494 2 720 1,172 2,422 13 241 490 30 745 966 234, 3 6,281 6,529 13, 005 1,164 4,627 3,836 1,484 5,827 4,991 7,260 4 391,027 268,026 426, 480 69, 045 332, 470 154, 098 104,948 211, 156 186, 407 465,710: 5 1,602 519 999 45 262 290 97 346 947 280 6 316 209 227 2 41 48 7 123 271 16 7 1,286 310 772 43 221 242 90 223 676 264 8 115,836 17, 723 45,365 3,522 16, 406 11,244 6,303 16, 394 44,628 19,320 ' 6,018 36, 924 71, 291 2,203 35, 239 9,631 8,487 30, 653 40, 784 29, 004 10 1,292 9,940 18, 900 441 8,090 2,358 2,159 7,574 9,728 6,054 11 798 4,267 6,223 286 4,818 1,323 1,103 3,544 5,392 3,383 12 146 118 142 273 1,273 146 618 845 334 2,393 13 652 4,149 6,081 13 3,545 1,177 585 2,699 6,058 990j 14 3,055 15, 407 39, 325 1,409 17, 008 3,902 4,343 12,397 19, 213 17,518 15 846 698 820 1,368 5,456 815 2,328 3,623 1,123 12,951 16 2,209 14, 709 38, 505 41 11,552 3,087 2,015 8,774 18, 090 4,567 17 731 6,618 5,192 11 4,636 1,892 702 6,594 6,690 1,267 18 142 692 1,651 56 687 156 180 544 861 782 19 204, 322 962, 041 1, 835, 081 104, 634 1,017,858 271, 706 260, 501 873, 739 1, 082, 635 1,094,108 20 61, 516 78, 035 148, 105 124 12, 939 33, 467 1,689 54, 363 102, 788 32, 098 21 11,394 13, 096 37, 458 38 2,988 9,413 492 22,001 22,464 6,176 22 48, 962 63, 279 107, 694 80 9,321 23,087 1,031 31, 329 77, 052 24, 617 23 1,160 1,660 2,953 6 630 967 166 1,033 3,272 1,305 24 586, 675 852, 967 1, 440, 214 1,145 109, 121 354, 832 14, 165 498, 279 973, 671 310, 516 25 16 39 24 162 7,085 33 728 69 149 15, 763 26 64 156 96 648 21, 255 • 132 2,184 276 696 47, 289 27 1,953 3,008 2,061 907 9,034 1,169 2,177 4,027 2,209 11, 672 28 1,014 1,737 961 497 4,275 662 1,200 2,402 1,381 8,020 29 335 465 472 139 1,040 173 316 685 433 1,696 30 604 806 628 271 3,719 334 661 940 395 1,967 31 20, 492 29, 193 18, 791 9,210 92, 103 11, 442 20, 886 35, 840 19, 299 106, 014 32 23, 748 24, 119 15, 483 35, 567 123, 964 16, 485 36, 624 42, 895 16,683 275, 366 33 20, 898 17, 848 11, 922 31, 299 119, 005 12, 199 35, 159 42, 895 16, 683 253, 337 34 14, 049 10, 589 8,047 2,228 9,737 8,988 5,423 3,993 3,742 16, 327 35 1,030 2,297 1,704 1,430 5,773 1,181 2,561 4,008 2, 106 13, 389 36 708 723 724 1,400 5,051 788 2,238 3,269 963 12, 498 37 322 1,574 980 30 722 393 323 749 1,143 891 38 401,700 698, 288 574, 248 780, 780 3, 244, 426 412, 169 1, 152, 450 2, 040, 072 764,478 6, 547, 221 39 322, 399 603, 740 297,455 650, 968 1,919,862 535, 644 774,326 1, 169, 390 595, 804 6, 339, 752 40 390 304 337 546 562 349 450 509 363 489 41 31, 451 56, 513 26,978 44,448 162, 811 28, 801 68, 853 45, 741 31, 137 346, 684 42 37, 256 85, 950 66, 729 94, 701 427, 051 45, 491 192, 046 473, 046 163, 048 1, 021, 789 43 4,334 3,495 12, 940 1,490 63, 539 9,745 5,108 5,635 214 20, 671 44 51, 520 22, 758 65, 048 39, 073 124, 337 476, 016 8,346 132, 187 220, 352 5,019 1, 142, 236 45 45,541 67, 328 85, 817 405, 931 45, 109 131, 772 265, 189 77, 072 756,446 46 70, 805 77, 453 107, 820 75 11, 257 34, 103 1,120 44, 523 97, 308 28, 503 47 677, 968 768, 489 911, 734 568 90, 457 339, 322 9,359 421, 160 865, 333 214, 383 48 660,975 743, 909 908, 834 1,135 131, 544 191, 820 13, 056 912, 277 800, 834 156, 278 49 258, 306 268, 971 316, 372 216 33, 921 118, 763 3,510 154, 141 316, 712 81, 680 50 1 32 9 67 5,581 10 633 64 76 12, 846 51 2 103 60 226 23, 239 50 1,943 271 443 66, 639 52 1 46 27 102 11, 155 23 933 122 199 26, 620 53 118, 123 107, 613 94, 663 216, 745 936, 176 73, 381 238, 679 268, 866 101, 850 1, 942, 432 54 115, 759 91, 362 73, 434 137, 465 439, 553 128, 620 143, 942 215,488 60, 823 1,037,899 55 31, 893 32, 284 24, 612 58, 521 308, 938 22, 014 78, 764 86, 037 32, 592 621, 578 56 28,854 23, 034 20, 453 51, 999 168, 467 24,826 48, 380 67, 780 16, 616 340, 077 57 29,606 24, 809 15, 188 29, 726 121, 089 27, 086 37, 734 48, 057 14, 040 225, 688 58 21,063 17, 276 13, 499 37, 969 136, 458 18,620 39, 188 47, 380 13, 625 261, 859 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 422 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 OREGON County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Lincoln LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars.. Horses: Total number ._ Colts under 2 years of age... Horses 2 years old and over I Total value .dollars. Mules : Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2... Dairy heifers Beef heifers i Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep : Total number. Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars- Goats : Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars- Chickens: Total number Total value .-_dollars- Other livestock, estimated value., dollars - LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS ; Dairy products: 36 ; Number of cows milked, 37 Dairy cows milked 38 Beef cows milked Milk produced,! 1924.. ...... gallons- 1919 . gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924.. gallons - Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924.._. pounds. Cream sold, 1924 ..gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 ......gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924.... dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn," 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds- Value of wool, 1924 ...dollars- Mohair : Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced , 1924 pounds . Value of mohair, 1924... .dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924... number. 1919 number - Value of chickens Raised, 1924 dollars. 613, 261 1,279 30 1,249 79, 755 37 6 31 2,417 1,902 1,189 935 254 5,176 4,482 354 267 346, 697 2,001 524 1,315 162 19, 148 8,043 24, 129 1,502 916 252 334 15, 179 22, 739 20, 920 5,016 Linn Malheur 2,702,257 4,988,319 9,087 8,691 561, 631 18, 455 2,701 15,754 513, 135 131 19 112 8, 6361 56, 734 1,371 502 29,419 5,686 4,202 3,056 1,146 17,414 13, 765 3,649 1,304 813 Marion Morrow 2,601,36012,531,662 I 8, 514' 8, 802 311' 774 8, 203 8, 028 687,730 495,634 209 2, 210 26, 257 183 1, 953 14, 659 1G6, 777 53, 218 12, 859 6, 757 1 1,0271 5, 730] 23, 144 4, 5471 18, 597| 9,717 741 1 1,130,4321,419,83611, I 57, 7861 293, 933 9, 572; 72, 002 46, 1331 217, 148 2, 081 4, 783 561, 671 2, 863, 340 24, 028! 4,415 3,211 2,770 441 15,262 13, 776 1,486 489 651 116,698 10,233 2,590 1,177 400 777 4,511 1, 746 2,765 1,764 191 347, 203 27,531 152,054 5, 510l 38, 500 21,031' 111,011 1, 040] 2, 543 260,7561,424,290 4,342 4,210 132 10, 780 32, 340 14, 9601 9, 909 2,062 2,989 141, 781 269, 270 247, 728 57 7, 4861 228 22, 458 6,793 4,607 1,006 1, 1801 50, 863 66, 148 50, 934 18, 736 12, 472 2,674 3,590 176, 201 302, 801 49, 626 302, 801 43, 671 22 3,424 1,910 361 1,153 33, 657 18,038 33,249 20,057| 20,342 13, 9771 5, 064 12, 943| 4, 515 1, 034 549 2, 188, 368 7, 002, 477 1,592,6615,693,897 504 501 86, 750 476, 880 898 184,615 252, 157 1,767 14, 457 26, 432 5,508 270, 605l 1,749,142 24, 529 420, 135 894, 962 2, 380, 080 1,177,604 470 103, 870 482, 176 17, 259 51,319 277, 959 46, 864 274, 239 368, 790 2, 385, 854 303, 401 2, 894, 146 140,5091 82" '"' I 8, 782 37, 255| 17, 510 148. 395 1,702.3251 88,657il,249,4211 47,486j 544,744 24, 5131 17,0611 18,875 277, 348 224,003 213, 558 24 111 50 398, 939 269, 818 103, 724 96, 510 70, 355 63, 697 10, 4791 2, 094 10, 2271 1, 730 252! 364 7, 261, 947 5,912,827 693 246, 573 1 1,139,4291 60, 0651 1,631,2271 936, 5541 766, 404 653, 182 360 59,341 101,754 2, 096 30, 585 74, 921 21, 982j 141, 106 172,823 1.563.875 165,722 1,502,956 66,537! 595,836 I 6,3741 26,427 12,6851 2,088,721' 224,756 1,375,2031 191.915 626, 616 60, 684 376, 079 362, 702 .•300, 863 5G, 623 47, 140 4.1. 335 Mult- nomah 960^209; 2, 180 38 2, 142 177, 4871 82 76l 5,848j 11,5071 1,1441 1,014| 8, 995! 8,728! 267 i 119' 235' 606,866| 1,010 67 927 16! 9, 9151 375i 1, 125! I 4,553 1,820 248 2,485 53, 397, 99,901; 99,901; 5, 670 7, 962 5^613,210 6, 075, 618, 705 78,926 99, 476 27, 916 477,806 918, 450 1,029 8,625 7,067 3,321 180! 588| 282; 713,393 603, 860 214,018; 142, 858 159,934 114, 286 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 423 Polk Sher- man Tilla- mook UmatUla Union WaUowa Wasco Washing- ton Wheeler YamhiU 1, 311, 549 795, 090 979, 142 4, 195, 998 1, 491, 055 2, 128, 978 1, 934, 404 2, 067, 732 1, 412, 440 1, 652, 409 1 4,412 7,648 1,072 16, 431 9,516 9,461 8,102 6,328 3,583 5,790 2 172 842 13 1,255 901 1, 095 648 101 374 214 3 4,240 6,806 1,059 15, 176 8,615 8. 3661 7,454 6,227 3,209 5,576 4 356, 022 425, 467 87, 469 911, 583 469, 063 460, 655 458, 189 515, 513 128, 300 467, 611 5 88 475 18 5,722 265 553, 550 195 202 117 6 67 408 it 408 5,314 101 164 128 425 105 445 19 176 75 127 5 7 ...„....- 112 8 6,424 35, 387 1,222 404, 242 12, 340 28, 234 39, 905 13, 798 7,022 8,426 9 12, 685 4,864 16,044 29, 212 19, 862 26, 673 13, 507 23, 398 14, 700 15, 712 10 2,464 1,330 2,152 6.931 4,935 7, 282 3, 456 3,526 3,945 2.914 11 1,775 469 1,543 3,737 2,365 2, 843 1,602 3,163 1,841 2, 143] 12 1,629 208 1,469 1,519 913 519 413 3,072 65 1, 939; 13 146 261 74 2,218 1,452 2,324 1,189 91 1,776 204 14 7,787 2,567 11, 783 14, 439 9,402 12, 266 6,802 15, 948 6, 359 9, 946 15 7,234 1,259 11, 594 7,476 4,721 3, 210 2,471 15, 527 .400 9, 358 16 553 1,308 189 6,963 4,681 9,056 4,331 421 5,959 5881 17 302 398 67 3,428 2,761 3, 563 1,363 86 2,314 282 18 357 587, 810 100 499 677 399 719; 284 675 241 427; 19 176, 910 827, 368 998, 966 638, 858 773, 773 464, 365 1, 164, 043 385, 875 740, 473 20 14, 577 8,933 274 146, 935 21, 422 63, 653 85, 819 3,173 80, 446 14, 424 21 3,210 2.840 52 24, 372 2,665 13, 525 19, 484 421 19, 412 3,861 22 10, 962 5,074 214 118, 553 18, 254 46,990 63, 237 2,644 68. 986 10, 037 23 405 1.019 8 4,010 503 3, 138' 3,098 108 2,048 526 24 137, 141 82, 230 2,599 1, 637, 984 217, 897 637, 982 809. 480 30. 559 862, 125 133,833 25 11. 692 26 497 84 25 8l| 463 1,385 22 9, 021 26 35, 076 104 1,491 420 100 324 1,852 4,155 88 27,063 27 6,872 3,792 2, 677 8,124 10. 157 18, 863; 9,750 6,166 1,410 9, 740! 28 4,409 2,142 1,636 4,440 5, 788 9, 634 5,066 3,987 894 6, 248 29 970 668 446 1,211 1,439 2,593 1,438 731 199 1, 276 30 1,493 982 595 2,473 2,930 6, 636; 3,246 1,448 317 2,216 31 66, 174 38, 386 26, 709 91, 114 99, 617 192, 587 101, 098 58, 761 12,917 93, 574 32 112, 996 31, 944 28, 266 141, 889 67, 816 39, 308; 61, 536 268, 325 15, 288 166, 009| 33 112, 996 28, 111 28, 266 117, 768 49, 506 28, 695 54, 152 268, 325 11, 313 166, 009 34 9,906 8,495 4, 018 33, 921 3,674 6, 728; 5,363 12, 578 4,800 15, 420 35 6,768 1,243 9,665 7,339 4,874 4, 077 i 2,882 15, 133 842 8.824 36 6,664 1,140 9,638 6,743 4,372 3,16li 2, 354 14, 889 364 8,646 37 104 103 27 596 502 916: 528 244 478 178 38 3, 431, 376 488, 499 8, 572, 855 3, 449, 330 2, 485, 740 1.834,050 1, 337, 248 9, 730, 519 261, 862 4, 694, 368 39 2, 898, 524 408, 611 7, 432, 482 2, 748, 731 2, 186, 986 1, 726, 375 1, 148, 747 8, 873, 689 ' 204,432 4, 028, 529 40 507 393 887 470 510 450: 464 643 311 532 41 98, 939 63, 839 6,198 234, 167 117, 964 87, 099 87, 344 179, 325 24.451 159, 228 42 695, 119 13. 670 2,409,472 549, 182 381, 224 395, 536 158, 023 861, 627 15, 675 1, 081, 245 43 6,338 30, 923 1,629 13, 845 63, 135 14, 748, 9,244 26,374 3,038 4,600 44 728, 760 14, 510 845, 059 475, 271 338, 929 45, 562 220, 137 5, 277, 748 26, 190 581, 495 45 457, 318 76, 663 1, 120, 761 417, 888 355, 992 218,591 161, 391 1, 404, 144 25, 246 606, 166 46 13,557 6,360 249 152,959 19, 258 59, 201 1 62. 305 2,833 72, 241 12, 188 47 123, 759 68, 981 1,903 1, 453, 481 184, 422 536,531 723, 969 24, 229 769, 466 106. 579 48 120, 436 164, 803 1, 526 1, 439, 764 168, 004 625, 708, 734, 360 43, 172 838, 104 132, 672 49 47, 647 26, 282 733 563, 951 65, 101 189, 395 275, 832 9,328 269, 313 41, 033^ 50 10, 223 364 18 1 64 367 900 20' 7,24151 43, 037 1,379 100 4 265j 1,081 2,995 73, 27, 824^ 52 20, 658 724, 530 167, 195 662 164, 847 45 735, 978 2 119| 486 1,438 1, 899, 204 33, 13, 356: 53 375, 904 182, 625' 313. 095 63, 353 1, 203, 565 54 575, 312 136, 520 132, 009 691, 333 381. 620 188,531 339. 599 1, 287, 697 62, 020 957. 753 55 217, 359 45, 143 49. 454 206, 074 105; 253 51, 135i 84,536 569, 761 19, 006^ 361,070 56 137, 629 39, 930 27, 333 190, 273 87. 076 49, 764' 77, 043 361, 165 20,043 221, 622 57 100, 332 36, 742 24, 949 158, 181 80, 901 60, 616 69, 968 216. 078 20, 178 157,344 58 110, 103 29, 149 21, 866 129, 386 53, 987 30, 854 56, 241 288, 932 15, 032 177, 298 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 28 r 424 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 OREGON County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off Wheat. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres. . bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed .acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rye ..acres.. bushels. - Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Thk State Baker 57,874,738 2,080,767 111,491,005 14,156,991 Hay crops: Total acreage. Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. .acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.-acres. Alfalfa Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. . Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white .acres.. bushels. - Sweet potatoes and yams acres.. bushels.. Strawberries .acres. . Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. .acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce... acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. Sweet corn acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons .acres.. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. ' Pears .trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes ..trees of all ages.. Grapes.- vines of all ages.. 58, 131 19, 867 600, 137 23, 022 144, 590 9,672 5,670 859, 541 14, 270, 348 259, 604 7,221,278 14, 955 58, 703 1,282,878 8,475 104, 666 948 1, 059, 249 15, 663 66, 683 105, 621 6,391 244,254 102, 420 399, 661 162 118, 394 1,483,865 31,112 2, 980, 386 26 1,210 6.327 521 668 1,219 1,962 630 810 257, 819 2, 773, 293 5,989,885 348, 334 159, 605 1,314,131 5, 677, 689 648, 514 574 383 13, 170 65 613 71 65 10,956 6,031 185, 191 349 2,410 73, 151 338 2,750 79, 947 2,347 15, 687 437 281 39, 176 4,981 4,934 12,104 121,830 480 40, 127 4,557 24,633 17,948 21, 771 20,041 1,602 4,130 4.931 Benton Clacka- 1,131,100 '2,432,579 2,354,615 15,262,501 1,348 376 12, 562 705 4,316 227 40 9,924 184, 973 12,408 319, 687 371 1,370 31,837 131 1,944 58 22, 261 104 487 3,900 35 83 5,099 12,084 28,641 623 41, 518 123 3,080 64,895 119,171 9,283 6,105 15,610 106,493 9,354 4,893 1,065 29, 896 2,175 10, 936 1,263 390 16, 298 403,908 23,228 739, 294 670 664 15,720 132 2,261 40, 223 479 2,700 17, 730 273 121 2,935 15, 617 2 51, 737 5,378 376, 963 13 535 675 307 15 68 116 266 42 18 13, 766 126, 878 113,869 15, 710 3,857 22, 191 202, 696 104,968 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 OREGON AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 425 Colum- bia Coos Crook Curry De- schutes Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River 521, 773, 181 1,291,048 503, 689 1,310,007 161,713 277, 071 576 18 516 435 ,096 110 13 25, 108 1,595 63, 977 198 105 3,440 13 252 27 12, 360 91 1,598 1,473 17 78 4,181 2,506 2,416 18, 437 861 90,468 92 5,860 37,008 62, 336 720 72 5,046 8,397 1,428 82 2.905 937 11,436 358 51 139 3,426 237 10, 300 693 340 19, 089 21 412 13,017 179 1,594 483 160 47 4,729 5,663 39 123 29, 248 589 86, 592 3,142 45, 559 71, 955 1,744 827 2,855 4,290 418 1,476 19, 772 634 17,098 22 758 12, 123 321 2.452 25, 477 18 8 42 15 11, 428 4,028 6,590 3,348 34, 984 175 11,095 314 387 1 189 78 2,072 46 310 2 35 18 719 70 33 633 3,771 30 84 512 40 161 1,250 1.611 83 7,279 124 15, 938 1,500 7,925 I 14,582 531 ! 296 I 990 1,765 559, 486 997, 180 1, 332, 980 2, 515, 644 1,003,914 2, 572, 877 670, 545 1,231,201 561,368 1, 703, 498 5,266,118 3, 678, 023 25 307 9, 634 61 157 3,703 319 1,850 19, 505 155 169 36 16, 047 79 2,914 105 34, 697 899 79,034 23 193 5,502 3,120 51 118 205 50 3,847 2,560 69, 944 501 3,279 297 489 623 ! 6,331 11,353 106,042 8,113 188, 201 454 620 12, 040 84 1,087 28, 517 84 451 629 127 1,155 2,015 23, 572 6 478 37, 697 401 35, 520 2 75 122 5,538 195, 310 244, 550 21, 651 11,084 88,005 157, 672 39, 282 110 34 1,140 31 343 15 30 85, 096 674, 701 14 100 20 1,299 9,382 101 485 12, 807 40 1,729 105 10, 933 12, 396 61 383 1,431 1,197 439 22 459 482 132 131 21 135 10 90 1,648 24,807 26, 244 101 367 6,508 327 3,287 991 7,548 1,303 18, 577 20 795 11,769 284 3,245 39, 224 1,247 12, 951 35 26 5,283 3,877 11, 562 4,243 46, 302 15, 963 923 14, 101 10,422 1,145 370 1,173 3,267 109 49, 863 29 1,250 704 10 10, 595 3,237 4,473 3 29, 562 45, 780 104 ,970 23 7 16 20 2 515 2,277 3,646 61 10 142 334 44 202 69 2,537 59 581 67 7 93 2,227 3,349 256 17 650 4,509 158 375 695 23 2,387 178 596 97 8,503 473 65, 687 752 67, 534 623, 773 , 368, 932 4,879 1,583 191,396 148 1,929 J49 2,851 50 47 426 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 OREGON County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Jackson Jeffer- son Joseph- ine math Lake Lane 37 43 44 45 I 46 47 48 49 50 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION," 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage.-. Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off .acres . . Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain.. ...acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley ..acres.. bushels.. Rye acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed acres.. Clover- Red, alsike, and mammoth. acres.. Sweet, crimson, and Japan.acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses.. acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. W il d grasses cut on f arms acres . Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres . bushels - Strawberries acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce ._ acres. Onions (dry) .acres. Sweet corn .acres. Tomatoes acres. Watermelons acres . Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears. .trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes.. vines of all ages. 2, 015, 229 2, 489, 786 379,753 476,174 1,223,183 433,368 2,080,130 1,161,736 744,220 12,480,104 12,093,915 4,039,487 8,023 I 248,237 I 380,794 I 57,691 ! 27.012 I 669,335 I 9,536 I 48,669 i 4 3 3 1 i 3 1 ! 1 5 2 193 2,482 1,617 1,188 41 473 707 171 1,907 34, 353 28, 931 12, 725 6,816 72, 130 5,136 160, 892 558 503 103 147 214 521 2 727 12,454 2,149 698 23 544 675 62 59 36 17 20 104 10,112 162, 049 225, 149 17,631 8, 675 51, 537 310, 803 19,429 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 427 Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow ^^ah°" ^°^^ Sherman ^^Jj^ ^?J}|' i, 427, 422 5,791 1,835 56, 735 2,730 13, 664 891 335 27, 959 509, 104 48, 317 1, 080, 506 1,004 5,278 109, 325 780 12, 160 104 56, 354 179 297 15,034 122 210 16, 563 22, 167 87 1,695 65, 968 1,127 97, 082 2, 087, 160 4, 842, 259 !, 446, 126 ), 741, 306 4,567 3,426 129, 867 329 2,336 257 555 4,936 139, 375 3,020 95, 745 4,165 19, 083 1,075 1,129 28, 444 676, 978 1, 321 41, 231 55,301 |1, 262, 430 70 3,216 95, 861 556 3,421 95 47, 671 87 1,234 2,380 144 25, 803 2,529 3,337 12, 157 100, 747 1,681 372, 567 10 163 4,201 106, 743 76, 707 6,833 3,561 2,950 61, 830 1,422 3,600 1,095 33, 607 398 8,523 42, 536 467 1,187 16, 060 3,047 235 4,175 16, 621 6 738 66, 123 4,316 317, 470 3 165 1,813 47 12 13 552 66 13 37 16, 215 89, 810 85, 944 28, 241 7,282 44, 792 1, 104, 004 24, 893 1, 342, 288 2, 837, 051 816, 473 1, 866, 962 1, 682, 028 3, 640, 887 210 161 5,457 4 57 19 26 651, 057 75 1,000 495 2,068 23, 566 90 590 33, 524 70 10 36, 785 42 4,550 818 5,083 729 1,608 542 1,612 3,351 1,482 102 3, 662 1,040 9,600 309 31 945 24, 168 2,820 105, 381 599 338 10, 853 13 317 11, 366 281 2,394 2,573 89 435 678 3,455 1,460 18, 963 2,621 321, 926 397 1,119 100 212 41 "586 164 6 6,002 42, 767 43, 827 6,358 2,235 9,394 14, 886 32, 424 2,779 554 17, 766 1,409 7,673 409 407 19, 551 399, 220 22, 015 643, 066 294 991 22, 074 62 34 26, 891 37 136 6,826 49 72 3,913 15, 208 1,916,862 310,091 4,881,233 530,310 67 10 106, 721 1, 467, 518 156 2,088 20 970 12, 018 15 125 8, 476, 713 15,280,244 420 650 3,252 371 28, 166 16, 746 104 16, 547 356 95 10, 222 27 1,028 3,661 92, 057 93, 216 10, 176 6,309 32, 368 691,300 10, 148 9,695 27 96 92 2 1 3,448 286 644 19, 026 133 11, 136 12, 232 213 1,400 213 78 221, 771 813 18, 949 384 13, 740 217, 616 242 1,946 121 68, 496 936 337 118 45 32, 868 270 33, 483 440 119, 330 1,190 110, 883 105 11 67 13 7 53 42 126 44, 873 171, 683 160, 312 22, 554 3,051 12, 513 340, 895 22, 436 428 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON County Table IV. — Value of Crops AiNd Acreage and Production op Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 ...dollars. Value of same crops in 1919 ...dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage Harvested for grain ...acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder _. acres. Hogged off acres. Wheat acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed ..acres. Barley .acres. bushels. Rye ...acres. bushels. Dry edible (navy, etc.)- acres. acres. Hay crops: Total acreage.. Timothy alone Timothy and clover mixed.. Clover — Red, alsike, and mammoth... acres. Sweet, crimson, and Japan acres. Alfalfa acres. Other tame grasses acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams .acres. bushels. Strawberries. acres. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres. Cantaloupes and rauskmelons. acres. Lettuce acres. Onions (dry) acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes .acres. Watermelons .acres. Union Wal- lowa 2, 295, 806 1, 341, 520 1, 903, 251 2, 798, 017 4, 381, 15412, 630, 255 4, 270, 869 5, 650, 558 Wash- ington Orchard fruits: Apples... trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. bushels harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of ail ages. Grapes vines of all ages. 556 118 2,304 233 1,289 155 50 43, 738 831,716 7,798 214,967 432 i 5,387 i 123,858 813 8,797 I 33 37,100 2,886 2,400 241 17, 486 i 1,161 i 7,016 ' 10 5.840 671 79 1,425 105 350 467 20 26, 382 392, 153 5,435 187, 265 449 5, 018 170, 186 326 5,077 33, 698 2,538 1,982 1,035 83 10, 836 1,216 14, 848 5 1,155 50,672 i 45,051 450 I 47.561 i 337 27, 952 36 52 I 4 I 8,345 99, 343 265, 140 2, 507 1,407 12, 965 56, 500 146 1,333 17, 548 10, 980 1,420 813 1,369 2,627 600 Wheel- er 345, 629 724, 458 Yam- hill 2, 216, 433 4, 619, 190 369 ! 69 1,145 106 418 173 21 52, 147 879, 265 621 14, 880 64 2,431 55, 856 79 108 352 16 4 3,347 240 15, 681 150 24. 300 549 24. 175 11 68 11 4 34 51 270 5,022 225, 054 225, 250 48, 755 34,297 12, 532 43, 543 67, 434 4,584 272 7,226 3,253 31, 870 909 150 19, 814 508, 214 26, 157 959, 149 579 704 132 72 981 17. 28 503 70 23 37 2,941 43, 592 47 820 25 388 6,307 602 5,668 40, 437 ' 15, 161 1,923 ' 183 3,978 , 415 I 15,214 ! 1.223 I 167 j 3,976 3, 167 I 174 14, 026 ! 8, 176 3 ' 736 2,237 57,071 ' 20,162 3,340 I 79 282.618 j 6.997 500 48 5 17 347 100 20 12 11,309 72, 758 102, 435 16, 396 1,933 15,617 310, 050 65, 555 4,493 1,111 31, 921 2,047 9,939 841 21, 459 480, 222 22,988 622, 448 1,216 981 22, 347 235 3, 435 38, 496- 32» 11,931 78. 61 3, 348 21, 861 409 '51, 6I0 899 66,906 248 737 7,216 9,029 1,162 405 785 1,039 204 116, 255 164, 260 18, 978 4,699 23. 863 996, 201 8,731 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 OREGON 429 County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Baker Benton Clack- amas Clat- sop Co- lumbia Coos 1 All farm population, total 210> 288 43, 348 166, 940 92, 437 74, 503 5,523 1,236 4,287 2,384 1,903 5,097 1,059 4,038 2,215 1,823 18, 106 3,457 14, 649 7,966 6,683 2,290 395 1,895 1,054 841 6,475 1,459 5,016 2,771 2,245 5,382 ? 1,009 s 10 years of age and over 4,373 4 Wl Co Po \ c Poi Male-- 2,421 5 Female 1,952 6 206, 842 42, 242 164, 600 91, 147 73, 463 3,446 1,106 2,340 1,290 1,050 5,515 1,235 4,280 2,379 1,901 8 1 7 5 2 5,078 1,050 4,028 2,211 1,817 19 9 10 4 6 17,900 3,389 14,511 7,879 6,632 206 68 138 87 51 2,290 395 1,895 1,054 841 6,474 1,459 5,015 2,771 2,244 1 5,382 7 Under 10 years of age. . 1,009 8 10 years of age and over.. .. . . .. 4,373 q Male... 2,421 in Female 1,952 11 ored farm population 1? Under 10 years of age ... 13 10 vears of age and over. 1 14 Male M^ Female . 1 [>uIation on owned farms Ifi 168, 315 32, 019 136, 296 75, 173 61, 123 166, 162 31,422 134, 740 74, 348 60, 392 2,153 597 1,556 825 731 2,980 682 2,298 1,431 867 2,939 670 2,269 1,412 857 41 12 29 19 10 38, 993 10, 647 28, 346 15, 833 12,513 37, 741 10, 150 27, 591 15, 387 12, 204 1,252 497 755 446 309 4,201 873 3,328 1,858 1,470 4,194 872 3,322 1,854 1,468 7 1 6 4 2 90 22 68 42 26 90 22 68 42 26 4,002 769 3,233 1,752 1,481 3,983 760 3,223 1,748 1,475 19 9 10 4 6 97 35 62 40 22 97 35 62 40 22 15, 155 2,712 12, 443 6,749 5,694 15, 085 2,690 12, 395 6,720 5,675 70 22 48 29 19 74 8 66 39 27 70 8 62 35 27 4 1,932 325 1,607 891 716 1,932 325 1,607 891 716 5,743 1,254 4,489 2,467 2,022 5,742 1, 254 4,488 2,467 2,021 1 4,181 17 Under 10 years of age.. 705 18 10 years of age and over 3,476 19 Male... 1,929 m Female 1,547 ,>1 Vhite farm population 4,181 ?,?, Under 10 years of age 705 Z3 10 years of age and over. 3,47& ;^4 Male- 1,929 ;^5 Female. 1,547 ?.e> /olored farm population ?7 Under 10 years of age . . ?.H 10 years of age and over 1 Z9 Male... W Female 33 8 25 17 8 33 8 25 17 8 1 18 2 16 10 6 18 2 16 10 ^1 [)ulation on managed farms . . 21 ^? Under 10 years of age W 10 years of age and over. 21 ^4 C Poi Male 14 ^5 Female . 7 ^6 Vhite farm population 21 ^7 Under 10 years of age ^8 10 years of age and over 21 ^9 Male... 14 iO Female 7 ♦1 olored farm population . i?. Under 10 years of age ♦3 10 years of age and over 4 4 ♦4 Male ♦,') Female. tfi lulation on tenant farms 1,232 341 891 484 407 1,231 341 890 483 407 1 998 255 743 423 320 998 255 743 423 320 2,877 737 2,140 1,178 962 2,745 691 2,054 1,124 930 132 46 86 54 32 325 62 263 146 117 325 62 263 146 117 714 203 511 294 217 714 203 511 294 217 1,180 ♦7 Under 10 years of age. . 304 W 10 years of age and over 876 t9 c Male 478 W Female 398 ■il V^hite farm population 1,180 1?, Under 10 years of age 304 ^3 10 years of age and over. 876 i4 Male 478 ^5 Female 398 56 olored farm population 57 Under 10 years of age.. 58 10 years of age and over.. 1 1 59 Male..... in FerngQe 430 CENSUS OF AGRICUT.TURE : 1925 — OREGON County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Crook Curry De- schutes Doug- las Gil- liam Grant Har- ney Hood River Jack- son 2 3 4 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male- 1,541 350 1,191 685 606 1,112 250 862 504 358 2,524 662 1,962 1,121 841 9,436 1,892 7,544 4,162 3,382 1,668 443 1,225 760 465 2,496 501 1,995 1,143 852 2,296 359 1,937 1,305 632 4,804 1,178 3,626 1,948 1,678 7,193 1,211 5,982 3,249 2,733 5 Female . White faiin population R 1,541 350 1,191 685 506. 1,050 231 819 477 342 62 19 43 27 16 2,517 662 1,955 1,118 837 7 7' 3 4 9,402 1,883 7,519 4,148 3,371 34 9 25 14 11 1,668 443 1,225 760 465 2,494 501 1,993 1,141 852 2 2,293 359 1,934 1,303 631 3 4,351 974 3,377 1,813 1,564 453 204 249 135 114 7,182 1,207 5,975 3,246 2,729 11 4 7 I 7 8 9 Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over...... Male... 10 Female 11 Colored farm population 1? 13 10 years of age and over 2 2 3 2 1 U Male 15 Female.. 16 17 18 19 Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male 1,250 254 996 579 417 1,250 254 996 579 417 950 200 750 445 305 899 185 714 423 291 51 15 36 22 14 18 ....... 12 6 18 ....... 12 6 2,005 411 1,594 905 689 1,998 411 1,587 902 685 7 7 3 4 36 12 24 15 9 36 12 24 15 9 7,869 1,502 6,367 3,497 2,870 7,847 1,497 6,350 3,487 2,863 22 5 17 10 7 162 32 130 70 60 162 32 130 70 60 1,219 313 906 561 345 1,219 313 906 561 345 2,270 446 1,824 1,046 778 2,268 446 1,822 1,044 778 2 1,782 286 1,496 968 528 1,779 286 1,493 966 527 3 3,905 938 2,967 1,601 1,366 3,541 769 2,772 1,494 1,278 364 169 195 107 88 366 94 272 137 135 350 90 260 131 129 16 4 12 6 6 533 146 387 210 177 460 115 345 188 157 73 31 42 22 20 5, 699 860. 4,839 2,600 2,239 5,699 860 4,839 2,600 2,239 '.'.""J 289 78 211 134 77 289 78 211 134 77 1,204 273 932: 515 417 l,19i 269 925. 512 413 11 4 7 3 4 W) Female 21 22 23 24 White farm population Under 10 years of age.. 10 years of age and over Male ?.•> Female. - ?fi Colored farm papulation . 27 Under 10 years of age 28 10 years of age and over 2 2 3 2 1 145 13 132 111 21 145 13 132 111 21 29 Male 30 Female. - 31 32 33 34 Population on managed farms. . . Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 17 9 8 4 4 17 I 4 4 14 4 10 8 2 14 4 10 8 2 38 9 29 17 12 38 9 29 17 12 35 Female. _ 36 37 38 39 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 40 Female 41 Colored farm population... . 42 Under 10 years of age -. 1 .- 43 10 years of age and over...... i 44 Male 45 Female 1 46 47 48 49 Population on tenant farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male 274 87 187 102 85 274 87 187 102 85 144 60 94 47 47 133 46 87 42 45 11 4 7 5 2 483 139 344 201 143 483 139 344 201 143 1,405 358 1,047 595 452 1,393 354 1,039 591 448 12 4 8 4 4 435 126 309 191 118 435 126 309 191 118 188 46 142 80 62 188 46 142 80 62 389 60 309 226 83 369 60 309 226 83 50 Female 51 62 53 54 White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male- 55 Female _ 56 Colored farm population 57 Under 10 years of age 58 10 years of age and over 59 Male 60 Female.. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — OREGON Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 431 Jeffer- son Joseph ine Kla- math 3,063 ! Lake ! Lane Lin- coln 1 Linn i Mal- heur Mar- ion Mor- row Mult- nomah Polk Sher- man 1,737 3,388 1,768 15, 105 2,955 12, 404 5,090 18, 041 2,867 7,968 6,896 1,655 1 410 673 640 373 3,108 609 2,611 1,165 3,701 654 1,563 1,462 400 2 1,327 2,715 2,423 1,395 11,997 2,346 ! 9,793 3,925 14, 340 2,213 6,405 5,434 1,265 3 783 1,485 1,399 ' 900 6,492 1 1, 293 5, 240 2,355 7,692 1,319 3,594 2,951 700 4 544 1,230 1,024 1 495 5,505 1, 053 4,553 1,570 6.648 894 2,811 2,483 566 5 1,403 3,388 2,731 j 1,759 15, 097 2.847 \ 12,397 5,090 17, 833 2,866 7,357 6,787 1,666 6 300 673 575 371 3,108 580 1 2,608 1,165 3,625 654 1,309 1,431 400 7 1,103 2,715 2,156 1 1,388 11,989 2,261 9,789 3,925 14,208 2,212 6,048 5,356 1,255 8 665 1,485 1,256 1 895 6,486 1,245 5,237 2,355 7,607 1,318 3,380 2,913 700 y 438 1,230 900 ! 493 5,503 1,016 ; 4,552 1,570 6,601 894 2,668 2,443 556 10 334 332 1 9 8 108 7 208 1 611 109 11 110 65 1 2 23 3 76 254 31 12 224 267 1 ' 8 85 4 132 1 357 78 13 118 143 5 6 48 3 85 1 214 38 14 106 124 2 2 37 1 47 143 40 16 1,521 2,971 2,522 1,508 12, 593 2,473 9,539 3,500 14, 809 2,093 6,556 5,405 839 16 361 565 507 318 2,419 474 1,836 689 2,778 434 906 1,047 164 17 1,160 2,406 2,015 1,190 10, 174 1,999 7,703 2,811 12, 031 1,659 4,650 4,358 675 18 674 1,311 1,154 749 5,492 1,107 4,110 1,726 6,443 984 2,543 2,366 378 19 486 1,095 861 441 4,682 892 3,593 1,085 5,588 675 2,107 1,992 297 20 1,210 2,971 2,219 1,504 12, 585 2,368 9,532 3,500 14, 774 2,092 5,464 5,304 839 21 263 565 448 318 2,419 452 1,833 689 2,767 434 874 1,018 164 22 947 2,406 1,771 1,186 10, 166 1,916 7,699 2,811 12, 007 1,658 4,590 4,286 675 23 561 1,311 1, 024 746 5,486 1,060 4,107 1,726 6,427 983 2,510 2,332 378 24 386 1,095 747 440 4,680 856 3,592 1,085 5,680 675 2,080 1,954 297 25 311 303 4 8 105 7 35 1 92 101 26 98 213 59 244 22 83 \ 11 24 .. 32 60 29 72 27 4 8 28 113 130 3 6 47 3 16 1 33 34 29 100 114 1 2 36 1 8 27 38 30 58 59 33 91 85 1 45 178 243 67 36 138 17 31 8 50 17 42 5 28 4 87 20 65 10 35 42 136 70 173 10 57 .1 43 95 3 14 3V 1 33 40 23 21 80 37 1 19 80 100 46 16 52 9 34 10 52 ,: 19 59 7 '33 7 86 28 85 16 45 56 178 73 235 11 67 16 34 43 138 17 36 1 36 4 17 5 2 20 10 42 68 10 4 43 3 37 48 42 28 84 65 1 35 136 167 57 30 95 14 38 39 23 21 78 37 1 19 80 96 46 14 52 9 39 9 6 4 2 1 1 158 19 1 6 5 2 3 2 1 169 28 16 66 71 8 2 6 4 2 2,989 11 16 2 43 5 40 41 42 1 2 2 43 r 44 """ — 1'" 45 358 508 2,427 481 . - 2,820 1,412 707 2,376 1,363 799 46 41 91 128 51 669 135 765 434 853 210 653 372 233 47 117 267 380 118 1,758 346 2,055 978 2,136 497 ],723 981 566 48 69 151 224 71 963 185 1,111 549 1,149 289 1,036 533 313 49 48 116 156 47 795 161 944 429 987 208 688 448 253 60 141 358 479 169 2,427 478 2,820 1,412 2,824 707 1,859 1,346 799 61 33 91 122 51 669 134 765 434 790 210 431 370 233 62 108 267 357 118 1,758 344 2,055 978 2, 034 497 1,428 976 566 53 65 151 211 71 963 184 1,111 649 1,084 289 856 629 313 54 43 116 146 47 795 160 944 429 960 208 572 446 253 65 17 8 9 4 5 29 6 23 13 10 3 \ 1 1 165 63 102 66 37 517 222 295 179 116 8 I 4 2 56 57 58 59 60 1 432 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — OREGON County Table V. — ^Farm Population by Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1926- Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Tilla- mook Uma- tUla Union Wal- lowa Wasco Wash- ington Wheeler Yam. hUl 1 2 3 4 All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male.- 3,466 831 2,635 1,449 1,186 9,592 2,051 7,541 4,261 3,280 4,654 920 3,734 2,061 1,673 3,611 877 2,734 1,538 1,196 4,507 986 3,521 2,014 1,507 14, 366 2,717 11,649 6,337 5,312 1,275 291 984 597 387 9,937 1,945 7,992 4,289 5 Female 3,703 White farm population 6 3,466 831 2,635 1,449 1,186 9,180 1,984 7,196 4,083 3,113 412 67 345 178 167 4,652 920 3,732 2,059 1,673 2 3,611 877 2,734 1,538 1,196 4,143 875 3,268 1,893 1,375 364 111 253 121 132 14. 285 2,686 11,599 6,307 5,292 81 31 50 30 20 1,275 291 984 597 387 9,883 7 8 9 Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male.. 1,926 7,957 4,273 in Female 3,684 11 Colored farm population 54 }?. Under 10 years of age.. 19 13 10 years of age and over. ^ 35 14 Male 16 15 Female... 19 Population on owned farms Under 10 years of age. 10 years of age and over Male. 16 17 18 IP 2,846 657 2,189 1.207 982 2,846 657 2,189 1,207 982 7,102 1,338 5,764 3,247 2,517 6,740 1,284 5,456 3,089 2,367 362 54 308 158 150 149 32 117 75 42 149 32 117 75 42 3,668 672 2,996 1,649 1,347 3,666 672 2,994 1,647 1,347 2 2,741 617 2,124 1,201 923 2,741 617 2,124 1,201 923 3,493 688 2,805 1,617 11,941 2,068 9,873 5. S58 1,103 246 857 514 343 1,103 246 857 514 343 14 1 13 10 3 14 1 13 10 3 7,929 1,387 6,542 3,495 ?n Female 1, 188 • 4, 515 3,247 11,933 631 i 2,064 2,616 : 9,869 1,530 1 5,356 1, 086 4, 513 246 < 8 57 4 189 4 87 2 102 2 102 ' 64 23 15 79 1 49 42 ': 27 37 22 102 64 23 [ 15 79 49 42 27 37 22 3,047 21 22 23 24 White farm population... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male-- 7,907 1,380 6,527 3,488 ?5 Female 3,039 ?f\ Colored farm population ... 22 27 Under 10 years of age 7 28 10 years of age and over 2 2 15 29 Male- 7 30 Female 8 31 32 33 34 Population on managed farms. ._ Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male - 8 4 4 3 1 8 4 4 I 48 14 34 19 15 48 14 34 19 15 56 12 44 35 9 56 12 44 35 9 70 19 51 26 35 Female.. 25 36 37 38 39 40 41 White farm population. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male- Female 70 19 51 26 25 49 Under 10 years of age ' 43 44 Male 1 45 1 " 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 56 Population on tenant farms. 612 Under 10 years of age 170 10 years of age and over 442 Male--.. 239 Female 203 White farm population 612 Under 10 years of age 170 10 years of age and over 442 Male. 1 239 Female 20? 2,341 681 1,660 939 721 2,291 668 1,623 919 704 50 938 234 704 393 311 938 234 704 393 3U 814 248 566 302 264 814 248 566 302 264 912 2,361 275 634 637 1, 727 355 952 282 ' 775 794 2, 288 221 607 573 1, 681 321 ; 924 252 1 757 118 i 73 158 44 114 73 41 158 44 114 73 41 1,938 539 1.399 768 631 1,906 527 1,379 759 620 32 57 Under 10 vears of age. 13 37 20 17 54 64 34 30 27 46 28 18 12 58 10 years of age and over- 20 59 Male ' 9 60 Female 11 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKB: 1925 OREGON 433 County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Livestock, 1925, and Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Baker Benton Clack- amas Clatsop Colum- bia Coos 1 55, 911 1,464 1,369 5,024 537 1,595 1,273 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORT- ING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Com for all purposes . 1 11,022 4,936 2,959 12, 470 4, 196 13, 849 2,936 557 13 8 13 17 54 2 371 1,118 2,905 9,000 568 8,543 7,602 23, 485 40, 176 18, 211 26 4,200 1,064 464 393 629 1,631 806 441 22, 038 31,002 11, 175 23, 119 24, 705 11,356 111 79 13 48 303 294 139 24 259 104 76 326 152 483 91 13 1,304 374 362 1,690 153 1,947 107 52 1 7 .. 16 1 69 5 162 15 66 161 29 242 18 6 314 s Harvested for grain 36 4 163 ■i 15 e, Spring wheat . .- 16 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthrcshed 148 8 Barley . - 39 q Rye 2 ■m 11 Buckwheat 1 T' 2 1? Soy beans 4 1 2 14 1 20 15 Velvet beans 16 17 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Hay crops: 56 279 20 9 883 84 282 1,198 380 14 11 54 206 4 20 294 653 934 437 87 353 1,989 44 17 478 1,999 3,650 2,351 9 442 120 23 51 67 199 59 15 2,451 3,902 1,063 3,241 3,338 2,029 6 56 19 3 2 296 202 442 285 12 23 230 337 5 18 592 489 1,247 1,057 5 23 18 170 19 20 ?1 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. Alfalfa- 59 14 14 ?■> Other tame grasses 524 ?8 631 24 ?5 Production of hay of all kinds Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white. 974 500 ''fi Sweet potatoes and yams 5 27 Strawberries 20 19 7 14 16 36 19 6 294 707 226 357 429 93 102 27 22 11 7 58 33 8 490 1,016 335 756 760 384 43 9 2 5 139 18 116 ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 40 9q Cantaloupes and muskmelons.. Lettuce 30 2 11 31 Onions (dry) 17 3? Sweet corn 4 19 1 62 33 Tomatoes . . 19 34 ^Vatermelons ,,, All other crops 358 271 11 182 179 5 1,009 1,302 240 1,098 1,059 253 579 36 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 861 37 202 38 Pear trees 564 3q 540 40 Grapevines 97 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORT- ING LIVESTOCK, 1925 41 41, 561 9,866 38, 258 21, 046 43, 345 7,828 3,714 44', 812 1,32© 664 877 600 1,220 221 15 833 1,200 1,000 127 1,076 577 1,120 271 174 520 1,145 3,399 312 3,744 1,853 3,923 494 308 1,921 4,083 356 38 486 361 497 12 12 214 448 949- 52 1,285 702 1,339 28 25 480 1,309 962 4? Cattle: Beef cattle 220 43 944 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 663 45 Cows milked . 1,048 46 Sheep 98 47 Goats. ... .. 37 48 Swine 432 49 Chickens 928 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number. . 50 51 52 53 54 55 49,042 8,743 33, 270 1,410 498, 856 23, 209 948 127 298 12 4,554 228 1,534 233 682 40 21, 939 695 5,685 1,328 2,501 178 62, 893 2,789 663 144 113 16 4,195 319 2,044 632 1,762 74 11,494 1,032 2,704 317 3,455 79 11,387 683 434 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 — OREGON County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number op Cords of ITEM Crook Curry Des- chutes Doug- las Gil- liam Grant Har- ney Hood River (See definitions in Introduction) 1 Total number of fanns, 1925.. 412 278 670 2,551 365 591 681 1,123 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes 2 1 54 30 11 4 12 2 1 4 69 50 24 9 781 631 72 429 104 539 63 10 12 6 3 243 26 2 32 4 18 3 1 40 58 68 43 26 4* 27 19 26 9 78 37 16 5 -,~ 3 3 Harvested for grain 4 Cut for silage 5 Winter wheat 9 63 44 33 15 6 Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley. . 9 Rye. 10 Flaxseed. - 11 Buckwheat-. J. 1 . .| 12 Sorghums of all kinds 1 ^ 13 Soy beans j 1 1 2 14 Cowpeas... Velvet beans 1 1 ' 1 15 16 Dry edible beans (navv, etc.) 11 4 9 35 19 124 175 248 172 ....... 23 6 481 5 180 544 264 15 12 44 87 20 162 185 1,663 1,833 549 2 179 67 21 10 16 81 76 35 1,120 1,737 1,025 1,360 1,623 845 1 ^ " , 17 Hay crops: Timothy alone 2 1 9 1 211 43 157 350 70 ...... 45 2 175 204 51 56 154 4 2 171 63 303 527 245 5 21 2 1 175 39 137 390 101 27 58 132 9 383 40 J^ 3«7| 18 Timothy and clover mixed 19 20 21 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa. -- 22 Other tame grasses 23 Small grains cut for hay 24 Production of hay of all kinds. 2f) Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white ?fi Sweet potatoes and yams 27 S tr aw berries 3 3 19 5 3 41 16 ""J 17 88 93 9 27 33 1 3 5 2 ...... 3 3 5 89 35 62 66 21 47 11 25 214 14 1 28 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages 29 30 Lettuce ....... 6 2 2 113 377 157 291 333 28 14 17 25 6 31 Onions (dry) . . . . . 3 7 6 3 193 231 60 175 196 58 ^2 Sweet corn 33 Tomatoes. _ . 34 Watermelons 35 All other crops 1 14 1 4 70 87 10 30 41 3 1 220 885 420 i 802 1 368 ! 281 1 36 Orchard fruits: Apple trees 37 Peach trees 38 Pear trees 39 Plum and prune trees.. 40 Grapevines NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Korses and (or) inules . . 41 397 185 218 169 346 115 8 235 352 238 114 182 133 222 65 ' 29 118 252 574 82 502 366 538 71 12 291 548 1,917 771 1,491 704 1,925 865 504 866 2,152 347 178 200 75 313 93 10 176 313 566 430 142 97 508 189 8 334 528 642 456 109 79 394 135 4 217 451 621 48 627 217 655 6 33 201 748 42 Cattle: Beef cattle 43 Dairy cows 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 45 Cows milked. 46 Sheep 47 Goats 48 Swine 49 Chicliens... WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting... number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 50 61 62 53 54 55 1,293 44 2 1,920 87 ; 1,368 i 145 1,347 1 28 ; 4.311 1 264 875 58 126 15 1,255 102 2,538 434 1,913 103 37,634 1,670 10 "'so' 7 400 57 2,274 11 6,964 343 200 11 12 2 265 30 457 147 137 19 7,105 366 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON 435 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. Jack- son Jef- ferson Joseph- ine Kla- math Lake Lane Lin- coln Linn Mal- heur Marion Mor- row Mult- nomah Polk Sher- man 2,142 463 945 789 478 4,168 752 3,308 1,331 4,833 694 1,988 1,850 417 1 386 3 216 5 916 53 1,058 412 1,712 41 245 447 4 2 ! 240 1 148 2 533 8 492 341 889 35 40 181 3 51 1 30 2 208 15 330 31 465 1 117 145 1 4 279 190 81 2 9 585 2 1,086 22 1,579 329 129 615 368 5 64 36 31 88 41 558 1 719 299 280 9 25 119 10 6 89 7 135 39 11 1,144 33 1,710 127 1,985 6 382 709 9 7 167 9 43 36 24 193 1 384 231 125 32 35 94 29 8 4 7 14 24 5 35 5 64 1 22 44 3 4 5 10 4 1 9 10 1 3 2 1 11 1 i 1 7 I? 1 1 -.....- 3 4 i 3 1 28 13 1 2 1 1 14 " 1*^ 16 44 79 ' 35 14 3 6 16 18 1 9 14 7 5 3 22 6 68 3 39 4 17 163 3 29 46 29 44 37 27 17 140 1 261 9 18 24 2 105 4 22 565 56 883 172 1,289 363 333 19 8 7 3 1 11 1 6 16 243 16 4 20 1 1,103 37 377 382 161 48 1 29 811 37 237 40 6 10 21 i 68 4 78 11 6 789 431 963 76 548 2 87 296 ?.?. 773 231 329 285 105 2,385 438 1,491 156 1,694 352 520 961 342 ?,S 1,597 259 637 632 319 2,906 637 2,561 1,006 3,129 520 991 1,248 344 24 355 48 229 185 110 1,444 310 993 257 1,813 69 759 412 27 25 1 . 52 4 364 3 886 2 ''6 45 8 9 29 207 6 230 135 27 29 2 27 15 10 94 9 27 4 76 205 15 28 29 3 21 5 49 27 2 16 11 64 6 1 29 16 49 5 9 ...... 29 25 3" 6 13 40 11 20 116 85 40 ?n 3 7 5 31 54 3 40 5 6 154 8 47 27 82 234 34 3? 1 68 10 8 89 21 31 109 15 33 i 48 j 4 26 1 7 21 21 4 24 18 6 3 1 34 549 6 365 69 35 1,977 554 1,203 116 2,333 13 1,432 835 7 35 1 i V^ 76 511 159 138 2,311 570 2,227 363 2,406 205 1,097 872 33 36 498 27 341 18 55 956 58 780 154 849 117 233 326 24 37 ! 965 42 473 41 88 1,892 348 1,666 123 1,799 121 829 601 29. 38 412 53 337 78 86 2,026 365 1,733 187 2,363 159 852 973 22 39 ' 363 6 282 1 6 1,045 24 1,046 86 1,115 65 412 310 15 40 1 1,549 437 624 688 447 2,856 578 2,613 1,231 3,251 656 1,028 1, 366 400 41 479 219 224 335 282 560 155 ' 687 519 292 205 41 131 128 42 1,265 187 570 428 139 3,045 628 2,658 868 3,495 474 1,108 1,410 335 43 660 122 331 321 127 1,540 467 1,551 606 1,632 323 410 800 200 44 1,622 310 680 589 350 3,303 661 2,921 1,012 3,601 584 1,136 1,440 376 45 199 42 66 18V 152 631 58 1,001 320 610 211 22 247 49 46 148 7 51 19 27 500 84 398 13 351 11 46 316 8 47 ! 663 1,648 183 335 292 747 354 620 209 374 1,570 338 1,787 634 1,900 333 308 728 262 48 631 2,945 1,033 3,770 607 1,355 1,493 380 49 ! 814 :2. 2,230 710 326 3,852 1,323 2,423 10 4,274 958 1,547 50 i 129 13 331 49 14 814 335 429 1 705 241 259 "il 1 377 3,567 1,359 1,000 3,262 463 790 1,061 717 318 5? 1 14. 112 13 1 160 69 85 88 34 25 'i^ 16,776 2,075 10,573 3,583 853 46,744 11,239 36, 362 494 50,622 194 8,400 26,661 G3 54 1 976 51 558 191 53 2,215 728 1,696 56 1,814 13 470 890 6 55 436 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — OREGON County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood- land Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- stock, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords of Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Con. ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Tilla- mook Uma- tilla Union Wal- lowa Wasco Wash* ington Wheel- er Yam- hiil 1 Total number of farms, 192.5 846 2,484 1,218 961 1,283 3,876 288 2,864 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: ? 3 204 142 17 673 112 49 238 7 100 33 28 365 309 337 159 34 1 62 10 8 240 266 252 184 16 87 19 11 444 43 44 "I 1,120 103 500 1,440 83 1,555 84 17 1 ""67" 15 15 26 38 813 s Harvested for grain 389 4 Cut for silage 217 ^ Winter wheat . 974 6 Spring wheat. 82 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 80 1, 138 8 97 q Rye . 25 10 9 1 1 Buckwheat 1 P Sorghums of all kinds .. . 1 1 1 3 3 1 41 1 13 14 1 i I') 16 16 34 19 12 2 1,196 27 923 1,829 305 13 167 104 9 12 664 33 413 950 327 6 121 89 % 321 48 548 783 421 1 12 109 9 210 261 111 5 17 Hay crops: 3 9 19 1 1 572 51 640 373 .12 231 17 i 380 4 1 1,456 2 95 287 I 65 97 18 Timothy and clover mixed 33 19 20 ''I C'lover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover—sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 713 12 •A) 22 ^3 Other tame grassses • Small grains cut for hav _ . . . 17 641 777 233 467 1,772 2,880 1,811 302 1,690 94 2,123 ''R Miscellaneous crops: Potatoes, white .. .. 790 Ofi Swppt potatoes and yams 97 78 5 71 15 40 13 13 49 54 62 331 999 592 495 805 266 60 26 ....... 22 73 9 316 678 249 367 421 30 28 25 3 4 10 34 8 4 227 353 111 236 272 32 42 17 52 22 9 40 49 390 39 11 13 98 94 31 5 4 2 190 ?8 Vegetables grown fbr sale: Cabbages. . . . 47 9q 33 30 31 Onions (dry) 3 4 11 5 14 187 94 128 134 26 6 ^9 Sweet corn 93 33 58 S'l Watermelons 42 1 20 54 35 282 410 1 146 198 2 480 420 2,580 2,691 1,323 36 Orchard fruits: Apple trees . . 1,753 37 Peach trees .. 368 1 780 309 1 2, 164 336 2, 268 252 1,260 750 38 Pear trees . 1,325 39 Plum and prune trees.. 1,656 40 Grapevines 614 41 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 574 37 771 619 779 12 38 407 713 2,068 374 1,786 1,012 1,948 276 24 921 1.991 1,060 345 884 476 980 148 12 659 978 885 446 505 316 724 251 10 623 749 1,023 2,647 365 ! 130 661 1 2,920 296 1. 544 844 1 3,001 168 [ 106 59 ; 109 487 : 1.054 922 3, 174 273 200 96 51 233 111 5 139 254 2,008 49 Cattle: Beef cattle . 135 -13 Dairy cows 2,143 44 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 1,056 45 Cows milked 2,203 46 Sheep .- 298 47 Goats - . 299 48 Swiie 1, 019 49 Chickens. 2,287 50 51 52 53 54 55 WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1 920-1 924 acres. . Farms reporting. number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reportipg number.. 1,053 163 485 47 8,467 408 180 37 25 2 5,653 214 564 58 174 9 6,873 3or 990 88 2,767 28 6,844 356 .S -■; ;■ 1,132 170 369 23 7,629 390 i !'■• 4,151 897 1,643 94 42, 071 1,888 38 3 20 1 3,292 94 1,623 329 251 27 28,402 ■1*221 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — OREGON 437 County Table VII. — ^Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Size of Farm: 1925 [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924 Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925; Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over The State 14, 130, 847 111,297 " 351,351 657, 480 1,279,513 2,541,192 2,219,613 6, 970, 501 2, 592, 219 58, 223 162, 042 267, 233 378, 795 645, 348 408, 078 672, 500 616, 068, 770 52, 837, 537 67, 283, 576 81,133,007 93, 089, 824 135, 244, 843 71, 988, 783 114,491,200 110,927,340 18, 900, 496 16, 848, 324 17, 420, 236 17, 755, 010 21, 206, 566 8, 469, 220 10, 327, 488 Baker 560, 915 1,012 4,863 13, 094 43, 179 140,315 120, 995 237, 457 102, 446 446 2,429 6,742 14, 755 40, 715 16,329 21,030 16, 343, 073 379, 970 640, 700 1, 383, 900 2, 449, 895 6, 167, 152 2, 382, 886 2, 938, 570 2. 563, 450 190, 860 160, 575 296, 950 456, 445 869, 410 268, 300 320, 910 Benton 214, 858 2,446 7,684 14, 879 38, 970 84, 545 34,474 31,860 56,094 1,182 3,447 5,432 12, 423 22, 563 6,754 4,293 14, 576, 560 1, 241, 200 1, 225, 500 1,486,675 2, 577, 400 5, 342, 115 1,538,340 1, 165, 330 3, 060, 820 518, 625 378, 845 375, 350 578, 150 853, 600 196, 750 159, 500 Clackamas 300, 084 13, 862 46, 336 82,454 88, 372 60, 448 8,612 103, 932 6,554 20, 190 33, 146 27, 342 15, 577 1, 123 38, 275, 256 6, 617, 936 8, 316, 625 10,155,465 7, 932, 800 4, 683, 380 569,050 8,771,005 2, 198, 960 2, 101, 920 2, 174, 715 1, 505, 895 756, 415 33, lOO item and size group All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924; Total acreage. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925 Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Clatsop Columbia 53, 672 1,072 3,437 9,073 18, 008 15, 798 1,684 4,600 8,215 329 880 1,855 2,595 2,024 132 400 5, 072, 935 466, 950 614, 925 1,135,970 1, 355, 690 1,082,400 73, 000 344, 000 1, 397, 450 218, 600 191, 100 319, 475 332, 575 261,400 13, 500 60, 800 105, 619 4,976 17, 632 18, 435 26, 865 23, 419 2 14, 292 18, 770 1,812 4,270 3,817 3,876 3,673 2 1,322 8, 654, 665 1, 180, 346 1, 957, 770 1,649,429 1, 478, 240 1, 465, 555 2 923, 325 2, 187, 213 463, 433 601, 885 418, 870 354, 125 266, 700 2 82, 200 Coos 182, 743 2,088 6,431 16, 171 45, 960 71, 349 19, 560 21,184 18, 718 742 1,612 3,173 5, 557 6,259 847 528 11,114,165 746, 865 969, 810 1, 674, 720 2, 919, 670 3, 575, 500 705, 600 522, 000 2, 601, 250 298, 905 257, 525 432. 570 709, 650 710,600 149, 500 42, 500 'rook 458, 816 1721 3,241 9,630 32, 200 58, 151 354, 873 28, 857 1329 1,737 3,527 6,336 4,210 12, 718 Curry •710 5, 411, 087 1 74, 600 330, 400 603, 100 992, 526 718, 770 2, 691, 691 600, 549 1 17, 550 . 58,644 88,815 125, 555 101,885 208, 100 103, 243, 245 862 2,391 11,015 21, 721 22, 724 44, 285 4,856 96 195 289 944 1,460 930 942 3, 543, 660 98, 700 86, 400 133,190 496, 750 832, 600 1, 012, 020 884, 000 558, 350 27, 250 27, 500 29, 750 100, 850 185, 850 108, 050 79,100 1 Includes the group "Under 20 acres. 2 Includes the group " 1,000 acres and over. 438 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — OREGON County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, BY Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP I definitions in Introduction) Deschutes Douglas Gilliam All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage.. Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage.- Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres. -. 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres. , 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres.. 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars , Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 108, 629 262 6,137 12, 769 23, 476 29, 025 25, 500 11,460 22, 270 89 2,651 5,365 7,138 5,686 948 393 4, 647, 190 93, 965 608, 800 1,072,075 1, 255, 400 1, 034, 550 384, 900 197, 500 848, 355 47, 165 161, 635 200, 825 208, 725 156, 605 50, 200 23, 200 579, 060 3,753 13,154 27,817 72, 240 183, 746 118,364 159, 986 70, 597 1,922 5,231 7,959 11,818 25, 395 11,151 7,121 22, 427, 108 1, 244, 330 1, 983, 255 2, 483, 830 3, 294, 980 7, 149, 088 3, 451, 180 2, 820, 445 4, 231, 528 457, 560 497, 665 572, 660 668, 160 1,209,133 460, 400 365, 950 570, 774 2 223 2,108 17,836 78, 061 471, 946 99, 705 2 98 416 4,004 18, 190 76, 997 11, 324, 834 Grant Harney 2 25, 400 80, 230 485, 301 2, 069, 354 8, 664, 549 1, 146, 074 2 10, 100 17, 230 78, 042 248, 250 792, 452 758, 948 109 555 1,149 11.045 48, 655 106,800 590, 635 43, 861 47 207 432 2,161 5,748 8,264 27,002 7, 578, 792 34, 843 51, 970 77, 750 292, 465 824, 376 1, 262, 508 5,034,880 1, 125, 235 19, 000 15, 950 20,300 72, 240 173, 225 200,800 623, 720 09 I 366 I 1,661 ! 21,099 65, 725 110,484 490, 040 53, 747 i 603 3,965 9,806 8,913 30, 355 11, 501, 477 9,350 37,500 116,000 580, 217 1, 498, 201 1, 316, 224 7, 943, 985 970, 090 5,700 15,800 17,400 121, 740 252, 910 191,440 365, 100 ITEM AND SIZE GEOUP 1925: All land in farms. Total acreage.. Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres. _- 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres... 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres.. 1,000 acres and over .. Buildings. 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres. -- 175 to 499 acres.. 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Malheur .! 1, 484,820 1,084 7,178 17, 241 33, 874 65, 814 104, 586 255, 043 66, 153 608 4,355 9,627 13, 364 15, 973 9,569 12, 657 795, 710 306, 900 136, 430 946, 120 577, 605 110, 930 038, 135 680, 590 882, 994 126, 775 261, 120 324, 700 363, 405 371, 786 213, 568 221, 650 Marion 386, 234 13, 976 36, 240 64, 473 92, 549 130,416 27, 439 21, 141 165, 104 8,034 20, 446 32, 961 37, 958 50, 178 10, 740 4,787 48, 091, 231 6, 125, 240 7, 906, 155 9, 180, 480 9, 281, 392 11,534,749 2,447,015 1, 616, 200 10,053,048 2, 180, 508 1,901,015 1, 977, 013 1, 780, 800 1, 697, 150 307, 550 209, 012 Morrow Mult- nomah 926, 252 205 2,309 3,696 3, 945 38, 659 119,064 758, 374 127, 401 102 1,122 1,420 824 7,806 32, 100 84, 027 14, 854, 494 60, 150 371, 380 428, 180 194, 980 1, 073, 042 2, 575, 346 10, 150, 816 1, 609, 928 26, 090 101, 875 70,200 36,010 166, 050 287, 225 921, 878 79, 617 8,454 13,023 14, 189 11, 179 16, 487 * 16, 285 29, 971 4,850 7,246 6,888 3,882 4,663 * 2. 442 26, 639, 090 8,619,096 4, 722, 794 4, 036, 400 2, 955, 900 3, 866, 800 J 2, 338, 100 Polk 5, 108, 855 2,800,940 880,946 532, 070 289, 450 603, 950 < 101, 500 237, 332 3,415 12, 285 23, 470 47, 363 100, 562 33,484 16, 753 95,354 1,868 6,227 10, 730 21,627 41,790 10,408 2,804 21, 918, 614 1, 163, 990 2, 171, 627 3, 046, 765 4, 650, 143 7, 620, 774 2, 198, 815 1, 066, 600 4, 356, 195 430, 750 543, 945 724, 575 964,060 1,191,115 304, 150 197, 600 ' Includes the group " Under 20 acres." 2 Includes the groups "Under 20 acres" and "20 to 49 acres." CENSUS OF agriculture: 1926 OEEGON 439 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, 1925 — Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Hood River Jackson Jefferson Josephine Klamath Lake Lane Lincoln Linn 46, 660 4,312 13, 374 10, 199 10, 264 3 8,511 277, 826 4,283 14, 231 27, 935 63, 337 79, 796 34, 939 53, 305 75, 026 2,611 7, 603 11, 994 18, 743 ; 20, 818 [ 6, 185 7,072 23, 150, 620 2, 050, 025 3, 381, 220 4, 117, 230 4, 523, 745 5, 272, 700 1, 984, 700 1, 821, 000 4, 644, 484 814, 380 915, 150 763, 429 858, 570 854, 955 282, 700 155, 300 491, 190 ! 91, 501 ! 2, 193 6,401 12, 846 27, 585 30, 529 6,857 5,090 17, 413 937 1,843 3,117 4,553 5,746 512 705 5, 774, 890 764, 000 785, 275 1, 089, 125 1, 236, 700 1, 375, 540 179, 250 345, 000 1,308,130 248, 535 221, 905 241, 700 288, 025 243, 055 21, 910 43, 000 341, 048 137 2,791 11,800 26, 637 65, 569 59, 552 174, 562 52, 999 46 1,463 5,400 8,471 12, 094 9,037 16, 488 10, 724, 966 52, 427 273, 595 925, 900 1, 535, 800 2, 381, 960 1, 781, 975 3, 773, 309 1, 693, 285 28, 500 99, 500 224, 925 375, 050 403, 910 266, 050 295, 350 484, 676 79 354 2,727 13, 174 44, 521 66, 941 356, 880 35, 850 50 144 1,104 4,194 8,561 5,104 16, 693 6, 932, 635 20, 050 25, 510 161, 280 566, 100 1, 321, 805 935, 790 3, 902, 100 795, 050 10, 400 6,200 26, 460 65, 400 207,340 148, 050 331, 200 516, 735 8,719 25, 161 54, 929 108, 533 199, 022 69, 354 51, 017 115, 496 4,621 10, 826 19, 767 26, 423 42, 160 8,839 2,860 32, 622, 121 3, 506, 257 3, 955, 410 5, 351, 439 6,422,845 9, 626, 335 2, 464, 435 1, 295, 400 6, 873, 680 1, 287, 995 1, 043, 075 1, 262, 985 1, 217, 330 1, 555, 645 309, 850 196, 800 115,975 467,353 467 ' 4,574 3,726 17,982 11,688 46,544 38,374 104,347 47,345 209,170 10,735 61,218 3,640 i 23.518 1 i 1157 400 10, 246 56, 576 100, 107 323, 704 43, 192 3 4 5 6 7 8 18, 501 2,718 10, 376 147 556 1,560 3, 625 3,580 665 243 4, 052, 555 109, 070 273, 900 594, 810 1, 282, 850 1, 416, 425 260, 500 115, 000 825, 995 48, 470 73, 025 132, 325 256, 970 272, 005 34, 200 9,000 159, 535 1,965 7,060 20, 188 39, 709 77, 337 11, 274 2,002 31, 276, 294 1, 467, 150 2, 290, 760 4, 215, 185 7, 306, 302 12, 738, 592 2, 732, 305 526, 000 6, 525, 315 666, 330 723, 695 1, 104, 885 1, 578, 445 2, 094, 510 315, 350 42, 100 9 10 7,784 4,157 2, 591 3 1, 251 ! 144 j 66 ! 1, 405 8, 130 15, 906 17, 641 ' 5,241,686 11 12 13 14 15 16 12, 067, 535 2,398,290 4, 939, 755 2,725,640 1 1,339,950 1 3 663,900 17 18 1 7, 540 15, 020 119, 410 808, 123 [ 1,356,412 2, 935, 181 565,311 19 20 21 22 ?3 ?4 3, 163, 790 1 860, 700 ■ 1,237,355 667, 075 267, 410 , 3 131,250 25 ?6 1 5, 550 6,730 21, 240 102, 380 148, 950 280, 461 27 28 29 30 31 1 39 i ""' Sherman Tilla- mook Umatilla Union Wallowa Wasco Washing- ton Wheeler Yamhill 419, 578 49 175 243 1,030 24, 743 122, 327 271,011 124,834 2 25 32 192 7,948 43,588 73,047 15,592,205 18, 235 16, 200 32,000 ! 51,000 ! 1,095,285 ; 5,168,785 i 9,210,700 1,578,040 8,500 ! 5,900 9,000 16, 500 162,085 553,805 822, 250 85,029 927 6,263 16,094 33,860 24, 958 2,927 1,236,093 5,559 14,298 15, 625 28, 890 119,056 216,295 836, 370 309,035 2,513 6,946 7,042 10, 210 43,072 76, 546 162,706 56,598,024 3,684,881 3, 632, 530 2,345,056 2,462,190 7,886,882 12, 962, 120 23, 624, 365 6,363,089 1,083,285 760, 189 420, 875 367,485 961, 715 1,136,602 1,632,938 420,029 1,966 4,193 8,333 25,067 103,850 102, 145 174,475 99, 223 1,209 2,508 3,923 9,692 34,295 26,080 21,516 19,395,535 976,825 844,450 991, 190 1,771,480 5,857,605 4,492,440 4,461,545 3, 197, 550 426, 500 216,475 237,050 339,450 964,715 608,300 405,060 556, 722 447 1,751 4,963 32, 125 104, 343 121,455 291,638 74,098 128 714 2,088 11,366 23, 542 19, 232 17,028 11,448,301 111,500 160, 805 403,210 1,567,215 3,013,032 2,469,998 3, 722, 541 1,744,265 58,200 47,865 107, 775 309, 375 536, 295 346,905 337,850 692, 104 1,290 5,258 8,194 29,230 105,484 141,209 401,439 85, 127 765 2,287 2,263 4,567 17,885 25,258 32, 102 228, 975 12,217 32, 740 60,872 59,641 54, 503 4 9,002 577,437 24 323 211 5,231 22,300 47,402 501,940 19, 508 9 44 71 801 2,297 3,288 12, 998 280,962 7,032 22,960 37, 551 61,065 94, 190 25,889 32, 275 114,805 4,453 12,861 18,469 26,735 40, 273 8,669 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10,602 198 1,224 3,093 3,559 2,431 97 110, 548 7,161 17,177 30, 625 27,887 24,272 4 3,426 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11,076,883 447,650 1,950,015 3,381,068 3, 227, 260 1,861,890 209,000 15,223,258 673,840 942, 525 843,320 1,055,420 2, 825, 207 3,284,395 ■ 5,598,551 2,551,546 265,680 240,615 176,925 213,786 462,365 ; 488,925 703,250 35,319,405 5, 652, 997 6,474,680 8,747,550 7,049,445 . 6,291,333 n, 103,400 4,621,267 29,280,649 7,300 2,508,209 17,850 ! 4,435,415 7,750 1 4,823,485 102,970 1 6,492,285 307,620 8,160,970 532,725 i 2,065,985 3,645,052 1 794,300 572,847 5,804,854 4,400 919,005 4,825 , 1,170,565 1,400 ; 1,080,270 28,225 i 1,154,764 61,675 ! 1,156,150 91,265 223,700 381,057 ! 100.400 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 94 2,017,685 130, 670 416,245 623, 640 555, 360 267, 270 24,500 7,630,035 2,027,825 1 1,543,340 ' 1,776,620 1,193,300 939,150 M49,800 i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3? 1 ajincludes the group "500 to 999 acres." ^^Includes the group "1,000 acres and over.' 51623—27- -29 440 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 OREGON County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Product& Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by Tenure: 1924 ITEM AND TENURE ThE (See definitions in Introduction) State Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. 8, 061, 738 Owners .dollars.. 6,645,792 Managers .dollars.. 474,430 Tenants dollars.. 941, 516 i Farms reporting sales number. . j 5, 590 Owners number.. 4, Managers number.. 83 Tenants number.. Purchases : Value of supplies purchased dollars. . 1, 159, 743 Owners dollars..! 969,710 ; Managers dollars.. 99,256 I Tenants dollars.. 90, 777 Farms reporting. purchases number.. 2, 858 Owners '.number.. 2,496 Managers number.. 67 Tenants number.. 295 Baker Benton Clacka- 48, 219 I 40, 062 41,065 1 36,048 3,500 I 3,654 I 4,014 383 600 219, 941 188.211 31.730 281 236 453 I "453' t" 13 ! 11 23,948 20,585 3,363 142 122 20 Clatsop 183, 514 153, 663 1,450 28, 401 181 154 1 26 5, 321 5,083 158 32 29 1 2 Co- lumbia 27,802 27,091 711 105 215 150 65 ITEM AND TENURE Coos Crook Curry De- schutes Douglas Gilliam 1 2 8 Sales: Value of farm products sold... Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... Owners... Managers... Tenants Farms reporting purchases Owners Managers Tenants... ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars . 5, 068 3,868 752 752 20 20 100 100 259, 001 243, 029 3,747 12, 225 291 261 2 28 29, 754 28, 399 175 1.180 194 173 4 17 4,11a 3,970 4 ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. ..number 1,200 8 7 140 5 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 5 8 ..number.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. 1 175 175 9 10 11 737 237 500 467 297 2,091 500 ^?: dollars 170 5 4 1,591 13 14 15 ..number.. ..number.. 2 2 3 2 1 16 ..number.. 1 ITEM AND TENURI Sales: Value of farm products sold. dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting sales number. Owners. number. Managers number. Tenants number. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases number. Owners .number. Managers .number. Tenants number. Grant 22, 719 22, 497 Har- ney 236 236 Hood River 222 2, 729, 335 2, 273, 508 315,431 140, 396 426 34 38 Jackson 192, 615 149, 128 33,020 10, 367 145 122 10 13 Jeffer- son 2,434 2,375 628,466 42,097 522, 452 I 35, 150 77,424 I 5,360 28,590 I 1.687 467 392 29 36 155 138 6 11 Joseph- ine 49,835 34,462 13,500 1,873 130 113 14 24,205 19, 096 4,090 1,019 214 194 5 15 CENSUS OF ACifilUULTUEE : 1926 OEEGON 441 County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number, of Farms Reporting, by Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Klamath .Lake Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur 1 2 Sales: Value of farm products sold... Owners.. Managers.. Tenants.. Farms reporting sales. Owners.. Managers Tenants- Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... Owners.. . Managers Tenants .' Farms reporting purchases — Owners Managers.... Tenants ...dollars.. ...dollars.. 9,030 9,030 515, 796 459, 580 23,000 33, 216 839 751 5 83 128, 374 113, 860 2,810 11, 704 618 553 6 59 9,281 6,337 137, 430 113,050 8,000 16, 380 157 137 1 19 5,653 5,288 99, 187 74, 649 580 4 ...dollars.. 2,944 23 18 23, 958 5 6 7 ..number.. ..number.. 9 9 _ 167 123 2 8 ..number.. 5 3,708 3,395 42 9 10 11 ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. 1, 261 1,015 216 30 11 9 1 1 1,731 1,222 100 12 13 14 Ti 313 11 9 365 39 36 409 13 10 1 "l 2 ' 2 ITEM AND TENURE Marion Mor- row Mult- nomah Polk Sher- man Tilla- mook 1 2 3 4 Sales: Value of farm products sold... Owners Managers Tenants. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. 367,011 252, 970 24, 168 89, 873 14, 632 13, 302 '"i,'335' 254,072 182, 714 16,070 55, 288 214, 286 175, 255 707 38, 324 1, 358, 270 1, 072, 067 2,055 284, 148 5 6 7 8 Farms reporting sales.... Owners Managers Tenants ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. 531 474 4 53 30 25 5' 228 195 3? 240 195 3 42 '.'.['.'.'.'. 593 484 1 108 9 10 11 Purchases: Value of supplies purchased... Owners Managers.. Tenants.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. . dollars 17, 508 15, 810 811 731 13, 232 7,477 8,128 7,538 78, 640 63,827 200 12 ...dollars.. 1,698 80 5,755 590 14,613 13 14 15 Farms reporting purchases Owners Managers Tenants ..number.. ..number.. number 82 76 12 10 90 79 47 41 190 160 1 16 ..number.. 6 2 11 6 39 ITEM AND TENURE Umatilla Union Wal- lowa Wasco Wash- ington Wheeler Yam- hill 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold.. Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales.. Owners.. Managers.- Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased. . Owners.. Managers.. Tenants.. Farms reporting purchases... Owners.. Managers Tenants ...dollars.. ...dollars.. ...dollars.. 279, 967 213, 119 63, 329 50, 365 5,000 7,964 73 60 1 12 7,278 6,372 13, 229 13,071 -Hi- 13 12 i' 5,250 5,250 272, 528 221,893 18, 997 31, 638 166 138 9 19 59, 558 44,973 7,065 7,520 162 131 8 23 155, 360 142, 337 652 330 612,015 465, 700 5,205 4 5 6 7 ...dollars... ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. 66,848 149 130 13,023 120 112 322 2 1 41, 110 475 431 3 8 9 10 11 -.number.. ...dollars., ...dollars- ...dollars.. ...dollars.. -.number.. ..number.. ..number.. ..number.. 19 62, 479 53, 789 636 8,054 261 236 3 22 8 1,915 1,836 1 41 4,710 4,225 12 13 14 15 906 23 18 6 6 79 It 485 47 41 16 5 2 '.'.'.'.'."'. 6 CALIFORNIA 443 CALIFORNIA Counties, Principal Cities, PvIvers, and Mountains S,SK,you ^V. TIfj --"S^fe-. ' MODOC '''"^ ' Eureka \ ^ ^Sy uis Obispo«'C,;'''^.r,oX''v7'yL ySBakersSeld,..-,."'' -"•fl*'^ ri-fe \ INYO 4":''.'^\ V //K SAN BERNARDINO- ' LOS ANGELES '^IS^/I Sonto f Santa Barbara ^ ^ , .,...„>, -v -r 1 "7 .p' J San Bernardino4,^ ...eeRNARDiNo V' crc^z I. Los Angeles/RTX "'"fside ''',.*, ^-Vg^ Angeles/^ ^ Sonto CaCalino SonNlcclos I. 444 J CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA 445 State Table 1. — Farms and Farm Property: 1925, 1920, and 1910 1925 1920 1910 Number of farms, total Operated by — Full owners Managers . . . Tenants Cash tenants . . . . Approximate land area of State Xiand in farms, total acres.. acres.. In farms operated by- acres.. Full owners ... . acres . acres.. Managers acres.. Tenants acres.. Cash tenants . . . acres Other tenants.. acres.. Value of all farm property. _ Land and buildings.. Land, excluding buildings Buildings dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. dollars.. Implements and machinery Livestock on farms.. Principal kinds of livestock: Horses dollars.. dollars.. . number Mules number.. Cattle _ number Dairy cows number.. Sheep . _ number Swine number.. Chickens number.. 136, 409 117, 670 88, 197 109, 654 87,580 1 66, 632 101,261 75,882 56,500 8,393 11,698 10, 132 6,709 4,949 3,417 20,046 25,141 18, 148 9,495 14, 230 9,737 10, 551 10,911 8,411 99, 617, 280 99, 617, 280 99. 617, 280 27, 516, 955 29,365,667 i 27, 931, 444 17, 671, 637 17, 196, 215 15,125,339 11,145,322 10,303,841 0) 6,526,315 6,892,374 (») 4, 717, 860 5,485,447 6, 604, 972 5,127,458 6,684,005 6, 201, 133 2, 593, 148 3,659,035 0) 2, 534, 310 3,024,970 (') 3,424,785,986 3,431,021,861 1, 614, 694, 584 3,152,488,322 3,073,811,109 1, 450, 601, 488 2, 788, 511, 027 2,783,054,977 1,317,195,448 363,977,295 290, 756, 132 i 133,406,040 113, 487, 700 136,069,290 ! 36, 493, 158 158,809,964 221,141,462 ! 127,599,938 314,288 402,407 . 468,886 55, 853 63,419 69, 761 1,918,489 2,008,037 2, 077, 025 557, 268 502, 415 382, 427 3,045,095 2,400,151 2,417,477 431, 258 909, 272 766, 551 12, 784, 512 10, 426, 648 5, 665, 964 J Figures not available. State Table 2. — Crops and Livestock Products: 1924, 1919, and 1909 ITEM Principal crops: Corn harvested for grain.. acres.. bushels.. Wheat-. acres.. bushels.. Barley. -. acres.. bushels.. Rice (rough) acres.. bushels.. Hay acres.. tons.. Cotton acres.. Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Apples ...trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches.. ...trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes. trees of all ages.. Grapes.. vines of all ages.. Oranges trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Lemons trees not of bearing age.. 'Livestock products: t^^es of bearing age.. Dairy products- Milk produced ' gallons.. Butter made on farms. pounds.. Butterfat sold pounds.. Cream sold gallons.. Whole milk sold gallons.. Wool- Sheep shorn 2 number.. Wool produced 2. pounds.. Eggs and chickens— j Chicken eggs produced '.. dozens.. I Chickens raised ' number..! 1924 35, 779 1, 097, 365 358, 537 5, 129, 145 751, 931 16, 458, 556 71,641 3, 560, 266 1, 821, 623 3, 632, 789 144, 047 78, 548 65,430 659, 933 43, 225 7, 596, 526 886, 453 3, 540, 407 8, 285, 575 13,151,350 11,204,288 7, 397, 456 20, 316, 429 280, 638, 674 1, 762, 027 13, 870, 018 284, 000 3, 196, 469 340, 308, 805 3,843,856 49, 954, 059 2, 136, 959 130, 467, 928 2, 728, Oil 21, 079, 375 97, 907, 325 14, 382, 861 1919 116,740 3, 448, 459 1,086,428 16, 866, 882 987, 068 21, 897, 283 130, 367 6, 926, 313 2,138,412 4,111,688 87, 308 46, 418 88, 257 666, 866 63, 305 8, 217, 937 1, 143, 947 3, 128, 386 7, 842, 017 10, 424, 701 15, 969, 073 4, 484, 172 14, 005, 581 174, 583, 859 2, 598, 759 10, 297, 593 781, 535 2, 884, 770 276, 424, 216 5, 757, 759 37,618,426 3,116,736 77,938,332 2,259,239 15,216,957 64,123,885 12.929.044 1909 51, 935 1, 273, 901 478, 217 6, 203, 206 1, 195, 158 16, 441, 954 2, 503, 467 4, 175, 933 324 183 78, 671 843, 269 67, 688 9, 824, 005 1, 054, 107 2, 482, 762 4, 935, 073 1 12, 238, 573 1 9, 267, 118 1,808,998 8, 768, 644 183,623,989 2, 093, 410 6,615,805 379, 676 941, 293 229, 460, 012 15,301,871 19,176,719 3, 397, C61 45, 333, 432 8 2, 562, 800 14,064,703 40, 735, 238 7, 849, 231 1 Includes nectarines. > Including estimates for incomplete reports. 3 Number of fleeces. 446 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUBE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925 1920 1910 Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres,.. 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres 5,000 acres and over Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total... Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Cash tenants Other tenants Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres 1920 acres 1910 acres Average per farm, 1925 ...acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total.. ...acres. Crop land harvested in 1924 ...acres Crop failure. acres. Idle or fallow land .acres. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture .acres. Other pasture acres Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners .acres. Part owners acres. Owned land. acres. Rented (hired) laud... acres. Managers acres. Tenants.. ..acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. The State 136, 409 117, 670 88,197 4,001 19, 916 24,092 38,312 15,917 12, 684 4,959 7,320 4,713 3,867 136, 409 101, 261 8,393 6,709 20, 046 9,495 10, 551 14.7 21.4 20.6 7.9 13.8 99, 617, 280 27.6 27, 516, 955 29, 365, 667 27, 931, 444 201.7 8, 401, 342 5, 722, 800 984, 900 1, 693, 642 16, 871, 635 3, 033, 414 4, 227, 934 9, 610, 287 437, 489 1, 806, 489 11, 145, 322 6, 526, 315 2, 735, 049 3, 791, 266 4, 717, 860 5, 127, 458 2, 593, 148 2, 534, 310 2, 675, 998 792,415 837, 619 1, 416, 768 382, 912 1, 033, 856 Alameda 3,149 2,778 2,422 591 925 560 446 196 166 72 108 57 26 2 3,149 2,360 227 496 259 237 15.8 29.6 26.7 9.3 11.8 47.9 224, 171 359, 742 311, 327 71.2 91, 224 65, 742 19, 752 5,730 116,957 29, 670 27, 207 60, 080 2,317 13, 673 94, 546 55, 612 15, 258 40,354 10,984 63, 029 39, 327 23,702 30, 158 11,372 3,307 20, 905 10, 279 10, 626 Alpine Amador 4.3 14.3 19.0 496, 640 3.4 16, 959 10, 042 32, 004 737.3 1,723 1.715 14,394 36 262 14, 096 485 357 7,469 4, 928 1,448 3,480 4,150 412 412 1,373 252 362 479 537 362 265 41 31 10 11.3 18.0 16.6 9.7 10.0 384, 640 67.0 257, 538 312, 106 291, 730 711.4 10, 910 9,210 471 1,229 226, 360 29, 051 193, 578 3,731 200 20, 068 92, 722 120, 219 87, 817 32, 402 30, 106 14, 491 10, 973 3,518 5,224 2,547 293 1,146 1,011 135 ' Part of Qlcnn annexed to Butte in 1915. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 CALIFORNIA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910 447 Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldorado a Fresno Glenn i Humboldt Imperial 622 606 632 1,139 816 667 1,938 1,675 1,465 1.53 130 114 883 729 716 10,462 8,917 6,245 1,544 1,320 663 2. 258 1,756 1,.534 3,191 2,843 1,322 1 2 3 1 11 17 61 47 52 59 105 316 122 15 324 334 462 211 4 42 51 111 136 60 612 1,391 5,935 1,296 32 86 193 529 197 21 183 230 614 394 6 137 191 864 821 4 1 4 19 33 5 6 8 136 62 97 99 82 9 622 427 143 10 105 65 109 82 113 11 1,139 739 125 46 207 106 156 73 48 2 1,938 1,446 115 47 35 19 17 17 8 192 94 127 64 59 3 883 721 75 28 563 145 200 135 95 30 10,462 8,818 247 600 120 69 123 103 79 24 1,544 1,022 268 61 375 148 136 76 72 10 2,268 1,456 72 64 698 166 235 59 13 1 3,191 1,248 97 356 9 10 11 12 13 14 153 91 10 2 15 1-6 17 18 42 30 12 229 73 156 330 107 223 50 45 5 59 43 16 797 227 670 213 79 134 677 620 57 1,490 686 806 19 20 21 6.8 9.4 10.9 20.1 29.7 30.1 17.0 32.8 34.3 32.7 28.5 26.3 6.7 12.6 9.5 7.6 15.0 11.8 13.8 17.6 20.4 30.0 33.2 32.4 46.7 49.3 31.8 22 23 24 13.3 33.3 9.6 28.8 9.3 16.1 22.2 20.0 27.9 18.8 3.5 14.2 17.7 21.6 6.1 14.0 2.6 4.7 25 26 657, 280 53.8 729, 600 61.5 456, 960 63.1 655, 360 6.3 1,111,680 25.8 3,808,000 39.5 855, 680 64.9 2,288,000 21.4 2, 616, 960 14.5 27 28 353, 607 366, 195 271,401 448, 976 438,417 522, 376 288, 415 375,065 406, 433 41,004 43, 830 35, 947 286, 767 240, 265 210, 881 1, 505, 713 1,319,531 1,106,616 655, 630 524, 407 491, 198 490, 676 717,174 642, 636 378, 639 347, 485 223, 602 29 30 31 568. 5 394.2 148.8 268.0 324.8 143.9 369.9 217.3 118.7 32 15, 324 10, 295 3,263 1,766 234, 906 159, 230 15,511 60, 165 153,211 103, 876 28, 647 20, 688 4,765 4,631 132 2 21,843 14, 502 1,317 6,024 482, 638 348, 297 65, 041 69, 300 228, 955 124, 163 19, 899 84, 893 42, 796 35, 282 1,762 5,752 254,019 213, C31 6,870 34, 118 33 34 35 36 321,318 29,211 99, 964 192, 143 199,321 75, 651 82,064 41,606 126, 435 27, 343 11,635 87,457 20, 089 7,708 7,601 4,780 220, 922 28, 089 143, 391 49,442 988, 839 146, 682 88, 136 756, 021 300,217 153, 914 96, 224 50, 079 374,134 78, 438 155, 661 140, 036 83, 655 74, 838 2,326 6,491 37 38 39 40 3,597 13, 368 1,592 13, 157 367 8,402 10, 259 5,891 12, 897 31. 095 5, 203 29, 033 4,809 21, 649 44, 822 28, 924 166 40, 799 41 42 132, 637 177, 173 98,043 79, 130 16,125 120, 108 112,675 43, 120 69,555 41,815 108, 764 45, 164 18, 74i 26,423 47, 991 16, 732 4, 550 1,782 2,768 1,500 161, 5i9 87, 974 34, 758 53,216 10, 290 476, 655 212,492 . 91, 688 120, 804 536, 641 170, 209 202, 335 73, 261 129, 074 78, 252 223, 917 37,311 16,931 20, 380 105, 223 128,342 17,211 8,255 8,956 65, 170 43 44 46 46 47 27, 672 16,268 11, 404 174,378 63,961 110,427 86, 496 25, 022 61,474 18, 222 17, 150 1,072 26, 914 22,815 4,099 279, 925 185, 016 94. 909 104, 834 26, 814 78, 020 124,225 76, 317 47, 908 167,916 60, 427 107,489 48 49 50 5,626 3,981 354 43, 091 43, 784 17, 432 48,491 11,057 7,768 1,994 514 122 11,177 1,669 656 226, 983 15, 696 78, 624 43, 369 44, 539 6,467 19, 768 1,712 1,900 66, 352 9,204 38, 266 51 52 53 334 145 189 54, 923 3,504 51,419 36, 560 6,372 30, x88 2,001 1,821 180 1,000 714 286 27, 194 6,499 21,695 29, 788 2,248 27, 640 11,902 10, 826 1,076 99, 209 30, 193 69,016 54 56 56 2 Part annexed to Placer, and part of Placer annexed in 1913. 448 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres.. 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 60 to 99 acres Inyo 482 521 438 Kerni 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres...... 260 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres. 1,000 to 4,999 acres. . 6,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure. Total Full owners Part owners Managers 1925: Tenants Cash tenants. . Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925. Per cent in farms 39 50 112 71 26 44 29 19 4 482 348 48 67 42 15 11.8 16.7 16.7 13.3 All land in farms.. 1925 acres. 1920 acres. 1910 acres..! Average per farm, 1925 acres.. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total .acres.. Crop land harvested in 1924 ...acres..} Crop failure acres.. Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total. acres..! Plowable pasture. acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture acres. Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers. acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants.. acres. , 394, 240 2.3 144, 182 140, 029 110, 142 299.1 21,002 19, 369 719 914 90, 646 1,654 121 88, 971 4,693 27, 841 36, 624 38, 493 16, 583 21, 910 44,247 24, 818 18, 131 6,687 10, 678 3,740 3,083 2,793 2,020 1,167 194 313 1,045 432 321 59 123 136 84 17 2,793 1,918 124 166 585 238 347 20.9 18.2 22.6 6.9 5.5 1,868 1,044 824 5, 121, 920 25.2 1, 291, 193 1, 497, 045 1, 403, 350 462.3 271, 517 141, 310 19, 555 110, 652 839, 538 29, 072 135, 333 676, 133 667 179, 471 292, 514 304, 665 101, 965 202, 700 550, 245 143, 769 98, 418 46, 351 67, 111 6,156 39, 442 38, 601 12, 459 26, 142 Kings Lake> 2,359 2,171 I 1,837 , 33 I 69 ' 199 i 978 I 978 ! 771 ! 1 79 138 265 147 315 131 69 61 94 74 45 50 44 40 17 2 359 978 764 118 761 79 391 35 103 187 204 59 44 16.6 24.9 21.2 10.6 16.1 17.7 1.1 13.7 18.6 36.4 426 606 502 2 7 7 17 18 70 36 110 79 66 13 426 323 62 7 43 21 22 10.1 13.4 14.1 28.6 13.6 741, 760 66.3 792,320 I 2,899,840 27.5 ! 16.3 491,946 218,283 I 472,917 505,653 241,899 ; 741,220 373,823 217,464 296,728 208. 5 i 223. 2 1, 112. 7 203,949 37,986 109,423 i 26,894 65,051 3,406 29,475 7,686 274,499 129,775 180,680 10,893 8,526 j 38,173 85,293 [ 80,709 265 ! 10,313 13,233 40,209 135, 421 173, 834 34,289 139, 545 70,600 112, 091 46, 979 65, 112 112, 648 65,828 32, 562 33, 266 14, 275 25, 632 18, 265 7,367 48,785 16,769 11,186 I 4,885 19,566 j 1,712 29,886 I 3,528 6,840 1,932 23,046 1,696 63,785 39, 774 17,154 6,857 48, 632 9,665 338, 191 7,056 6,588 205, 150 207, 719 75, 190 132, 529 44,405 15, 643 8,836 6,807 24,299 9,722 2,378 3,375 2,042 1,333 » Part annexed to San Bernardino, and part of San Bernardino annexed in 1917. * Part annexed to Mendocino, and part of Mendocino annexed in 1917. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 CALIFORNIA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 449 Los ABgeles 3 Madera Marin Mari- posa Mendo- cino * Merced Modoc Mono Monte- rey Napa 12, 381 12,444 7,919 1,721 1,402 573 761 718 498 276 367 330 1,809 1,759 1,356 3,722 2,846 1,856 670 743 736 91 74 9. 1,922 1,712 1,658 1,687 1,428 1,537 1 2 3 1,495 3,811 3,296 2,145 666 8 59 135 760 273 4 130 140 83 41 16 90 165 315 229 21 253 450 1,685 630 1 6 6 18 45 10 113 157 336 271 7 i 4 202 i 5 3 5 12 368 6 3 10 453 7 201 8 496 144 198 83 43 4 177 44 96 65 94 10 44 38 88 105 87 1 51 19 84 47 50 5 364 116 197 123 165 29 286 99 99 98 78 23 144 61 156 122 95 16 25 11 16 10 11 5 290 140 217 179 178 31 164 65 84 72 63 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12,381 9,368 289 803 1,721 1,273 92 79 761 446 20 10 276 200 40 5 1,809 1,366 144 42 3,722 2,550 282 210 670 457 104 12 91 77 5 7 1,922 1, 145 133 103 1,687 1,370 66 55 15 16 17 18 1,921 1,059 862 277 84 193 285 267 18 31 13 18 257 159 98 680 341 339 97 45 52 2 2 541 265 276 196 95 101 19 20 21 15.5 25.5 24.9 16.1 15.9 22.9 37.5 43.2 58.4 11.2 10.4 10.3 14.2 16.9 17.7 18.3 23.8 21.2 14.5 14.7 15.6 2.2 5.4 14.3 28.1 33.8 32.2 11.6 14.9 19.3 22 23 24 3.2 3.7 4.8 9.8 7.9 38.9 7.7 33.3 9.4 25.5 7.6 10.3 13.3 28.8 10.6 15.2 16.8 34 7 25 26 27 28 2,633,600 19.3 1, 351, 680 34.7 338, 560 78.3 936,320 24.2 2, 264, 960 39.0 1,270,800 60.5 2, 446, 720 20.7 1,939,200 7.2 2,131,200 44.9 501, 120 63.3 508, 153 882, 333 757, 985 468, 870 536, 726 620, 663 264, 950 290, 148 263,442 226, 641 235, 849 206, 059 883, 929 923,087 721,325 772, 570 1, r22, 550 1,162,167 505, 847 596, 757 410, 134 138, 828 42,034 115,672 957, 692 1,104,048 1,147,416 317,016 29 293,925 |30 360, 580 I 31 41.0 272.4 348.2 821.2 488.6 207. 6 755.0 1,525.6 498.3 187.9 32 310,951 239, 791 27, 944 43,216 213,168 117,812 15,410 79, 946 30, 024 27, 887 1,065 1,072 18, 837 4,003 2,287 12, 547 57, 266 50, 109 2,521 4,636 290, 732 151,436 61, 533 77, 763 136, 642 87,009 31, 159 18,474 7,221 6,346 219 656 274, 058 157,788 55, 934 60, 336 61,627 51, 9S5 4,536 5,106 33 34 35 36 103, 179 36, 812 9,403 56, 964 238,336 55,316 89, 564 93, 456 198, 830 28, 706 37, 465 132, 659 204, 664 19, 709 79,448 105, 507 715,487 70,497 304, 112 340, 878 422, 041 140, 034 10, 377 271, 630 336, 957 30, 551 43, 020 263, 386 121, 545 1,864 432 119, 249 624,423 45, 884 117, 501 461,038 198,143 30, 223 110, 857 57, 063 37 38 39 40 6,257 87, 766 2,963 14, 403 23, 950 12, 146 1,077 2,063 42,413 68, 763 1,562 58, 235 3,511 28, 737 618 9,444 12, 525 46, 686 19, 845 37,401 41 42 273, 737 32,496 17, 572 14, 924 87,206 163, 473 92, 774 35,319 57, 455 54, 095 63, 558 5,858 3,129 2,729 8,644 104, 752 91,885 49, 528 42, 357 3,680 439, 567 179, 199 87, 041 92, 158 126, 930 313,499 169, 048 63, 960 105, 088 121,407 249, 851 146, 493 78, 453 68, 040 58, 178 34, 801 6,176 3,076 3,100 97, 371 481,134 137, 590 78, 288 59, 302 147, 124 171,345 55, 988 28, 736 27, 252 14, 763 43 44 45 46 47 114, 714 50,785 63, 929 158, 528 35, 748 122, 780 186. 890 182, 792 4,098 26, 324 15, 690 10, 634 138,233 83,220 55,013 168, 616 87, 846 80, 770 51,325 26, 892 24, 433 480 480 191,844 89, 224 102, 620 53, 700 14,165 39, 087 74, 920 54,643 20, 277 34,434 4,964 3,674 48 49 50 121,336 14,312 42, 817 44, 034 13,161 6,873 8,-546 635 3,412 2, 774 701 225 29, 807 7,675 3,097 67, 062 17, 960 27, 650 44, 973 17,445 6,432 2,540 470 3,299 51 52 53 61,326 18, 984 42, 342 53, 744 2,272 51,472 15, 294 13, 757 1,537 303 7 296 9, 530 5, 697 3,833 38, 764 17, 088 21, 676 18, 159 11,519 6,640 37 37 50, 836 18, 028 32, 808 8,913 54 3,216 '55 5, 697 56 3 Parts annexed to San Bernardino and Ventura, and parts of San Bernardino and Ventura annexed in 1919. * Parts annexed to Lake and Sonoma, and parts of Lake and Sonoma annexed in 1917. 450 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table I. — Farms and Fa RM ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres 3 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 174 acres. 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres. . 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants , Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy. . 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM acreage AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 1920.. .acres. 1910 .acres- Average per farm, 1925 acres. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total. acres. Crop land harvested in 1924... acres. Crop failure acres. Idle or fallow land acres. Pasture land, total .acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. All farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners , Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land.. acres. Managers, acres. Tenants. -. acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants .acres. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers , Tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Other tenants Nevada 481 544 2 12 33 65 56 67 45 70 38 18 2 72 4 23 15 8 5.6 12.3 10.1 20.0 623, 360 20.9 130,047 198, 441 176, 398 318.7 16, 503 6,796 930 8,777 3,490 78, 107 16,811 1,322 13, 814 58,586 61, 652 26, 048 35, 604 1,845 7,964 6,587 1,377 4,106 1,970 310 410 307 ' 103 Orange 1 Placer 4,466 4,188 3,165 87 1,337 1,442 1,029 237 115 65 51 4,466 3,582 241 229 414 143 271 9.3 11.8 16.0 7.0 9.2 1,448 1,280 1,062 175 502 294 176 58 72 36 35 2 1,448 1,036 87 158 167 66 101 11.5 33.1 27.4 15.2 14.9 508,800 56.2 325, 703 371, 692 64.1 178, 196 162, 663 7,123 8,510 903,040 25.1 226, 630 233, 153 248, 080 156.6 78, 357 56, 832 1,879 19,646 86,103 136,401 12,978 42,430 8,357 47,271 63,768 46,700 90 22, 710 111,675 41,017 16, 102 24, 915 36, 766 1,966 10, 906 86, 463 68, 286 26, 214 42, 071 36, 270 96,642 i 36,622 18, 518 11, 206 78, 124 25, 416 58, 716 19, 201 16, 838 67,809 4,877 62,932 24, 175 14, 669 8,331 9,757 1,530 8,227 Plumas 181 150 221 29 21 33 34 35 2 181 138 20 11 12 12 21.3 12.7 50.0 1, 669, 620 8.1 134, 608 101, 653 134, 259 743.7 28, 331 17, 192 11, 037 102 98,398 2,960 20, 831 74, 607 5,399 2,480 85, 877 20,584 13, 919 6,665 13, 167 14,990 14, 990 11,508 2,706 1,798 1,181 1,181 I Part annexed to Eldorado, and part of Eldorado annexed in 1913. ' Part annexed to San Bernardino, and Dart of San Bernardino annexed in 1919. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUKE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA 451 Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued Sacra- mento 3, 921 2, 975 1,601 5 G61 1,053 992 437 309 146 160 79 3,921 3,130 149 555 265 290 14.2 35.3 33.2 2.6 6. a San Benito 997 945 921 5 64 174 254 100 75 33 94 85 92 21 130 70 60 13.0 19.3 25.3 21.4 16.7 San Ber- nardino ■' San Diego 5,697 4,023 2, 949 108 1,581 1,778 1,151 375 380 66 175 44 31 8 5, 697 4, 856 237 3l9 285 167 118 5.0 7.6 5.4 13.6 3,967 3,200 2,298 323 913 684 693 310 425 160 231 128 81 3,967 3,124 283 161 399 172 227 10.1 20.2 15.7 San Fran- cisco San Joaqiiin 37.8 43.9 5, 640 4,500 3,286 52 5i4 939 1,877 787 513 319 372 177 85 5 5,640 3,863 392 327 1,058 332 18.8 24.1 24.3 6.0 12.5 San Luis Obispo 2, 055 1,803 1,714 13 205 180 278 208 250 161 264 262 216 28 2,055 1,065 283 113 594 309 285 28.9 32.1 35.9 19.1 26.0 San Mateo 979 624 665 54 216 159 168 104 85 48 60 56 548 28 120 283 226 28.9 63.3 47.5 7.1 14.0 Santa Barbara Santa Clara 1,363 1,485 1,355 16 95 98 194 175 .221 157 195 105 84 23 1,363 680 1 54 63 466 123 343 34.2 41.3 37.2 6.5 10.8 6, 959 5,016 4,731 127 1, 434 2,195 1,912 616 334 114 106 67 39 15 6,959 6, 205 99 185 470 206 264 13.1 18.5 ~1.9 12.9 629, 120 71.1 447, 339 555, 503 473,044 114.1 254, 245 198, 396 5,490 50, 359 171,287 61,262 24, 373 85, 652 19, 769 205, 374 93,139 37,911 55, 228 59,668 89, 158 30, 916 58, 242 84,188 29,041 31,129 54, 038 12, 674 41,364 890,880 ;i2,912,000 3.4 576, 301 539, 378 440, 721 415, 738 544,301 ' 208,396 i 578.0 i 77.4 80, 796 28,217 32, 825 19, 754 461, 560 71,450 7,060 383, 050 1,649 32, 296 245, 534 142, 480 95, 289 47, 191 105, 956 82, 331 54,656 27, 675 15,816 3,004 5, 628 l]l53 2,616 181,083 153,450 5,812 21,821 214, 359 61, 266 925 152, 168 1,775 43. 504 238, 252 90,918 10,551 80, 367 74, 049 37, 502 17,877 19, 625 16,111 38,413 12,061 5, 525 6,536 2,701,440 29.0 782, 445 925, 192 834, 426 197.2 173,698 109, 976 10,019 53, 703 425, 017 142, 229 86, 643 196, 145 3, 362 464, 267 108,944 45, 820 63, 124 84, 631 124, 603 77, 213 47, 390 58, 425 15, 286 11,958 24, 307 7, 536 16, 771 26, 880 0.5 926, 720 76.1 138 705,207 1, 295 706, 308 2, 091 763, 048 B. 1 130 130 125.0 511,332 396, 989 46, 971 67, 372 162, 562 86, 935 I 34, 048 2, 133, 760 62.5 1, 334, 347 1,377,536 1,588,660 649.3 266, 340 107,556 71,023 87, 761 978, 915 64,511 70, 87i 41,579 \ 843,533 8 30, 324 138 268,377 I 160,255 1 62,622 I 97,633 i 79,955 i 8,940 80, 152 300,024 351, 782 127,676 224, 106 355, 866 196,620 i 326,675 36,188 i 168,470 160,432 i 158,205 130 159, 621 47,348 56,784 133, 236 21,767 111,469 28, 032 17,864 23, 502 38, 158 16,713 21,445 286, 080 58.9 168,491 117,109 160, 655 172.1 50, 309 3,629 1,151 79, 941 33, 481 2,797 43, 663 11,256 22,205 49, 629 10, 008 1,562 8, 446 41,913 66, 941 52, 977 13, 964 16, 293 18,299 14, 664 3,635 1,753,600 41.7 730, 657 869, 781 1,120,475 536.1 164, 973 121,734 23, 912 19,327 510,509 45, 509 210,611 254, 389 5,525 49, 650 219, 290 130. 962 67, 622 63, 340 189, 284 191,121 74,444 116,677 35, 550 16, 424 7,291 62, 469 11,252 51,217 849, 920 79.3 674, 249 576, 812 734, 819 189, 353 165, 169 12,835 11,349 429, 190 24, 748 143, 784 260, 658 25, 400 30, 306 397, 829 79, 317 24, 506 54, 811 140,894 56, 209 41, 181 15,028 127, 754 4,503 15,257 17, 655 9,182 8,473 3 Parts annexed to Kern in 1917, and to Los Angeles and Riverside in 1919; part of Kern annexed in 1917 , md parts of Los Angeles and Riverside in 1919. 452 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table I. — Farms and Farm ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARMS Number of farms.. 1925. 1920. 1910. Farms, by size, 1925: Under 3 acres.. 3 to 9 acres... 10 to 19 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres Santa Cruz 100 to 174 acres 175 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 4,999 acres.. 5,000 acres and over. Farmers, by tenure, 1925: Total.... Full owners Part owners Tenants Cash tenants.. Other tenants. Percentage of tenancy.. 1925 1920 1910 Relationship to landlord, 1925: Per cent of cash tenants related.. Per cent of other tenants related. FARM ACREAGE AND LAND AREA Approximate land area, 1925 acres.. Per cent in farms All land in farms.. 1925 acres., 1920 acres. 1910 acres. Average per farm, 1925 acres.. Classification of farm land, 1925: Crop land, total acres.. Crop land harvested in 1924 acres.. Crop failure acres Idle or fallow land acres.. Pasture land, total acres. Plowable pasture acres. Woodland pasture acres. Other pasture Woodland not used for pasture acres. All other land in farms acres. AH farm land, by tenure, 1925: Full owners Part owners Owned land acres. Rented (hired) land acres. Managers Tenants. Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. Crop land harvested, by tenure, 1924: Full owners acres.. Part owners acres.. Managers Tenants Cash tenants acres.. Other tenants acres.. 2,232 1,759 1,466 209 565 334 498 312 179 49 54 16 13 3 2,232 1,847 55 51 279 171 108 12.5 22.5 22.4 7.0 18.5 278, 400 57.1 159, 096 144, 751 157, 308 71.3 60,883 45, 262 1,370 4,251 69, 148 11, 360 17, 389 30, 409 18, 669 30, 396 86, 625 30, 646 6,376 24,270 17, 144 25, 682 16, 021 9,661 28, 436 3,839 2,928 10, 059 6,297 4,762 Shasta 1,195 949 1,010 13 59 83 180 124 212 . 101 179 117 106 21 1,195 896 139 32 128 87 41 10.7 13.6 15.2 10.3 12.2 2,469,120 26.0 641, 957 566, 235 389, 218 537.2 66, 201 38, 348 12, 614 16, 239 646, 229 35, 848 299, 727 209, 654 17, 164 13, 373 259, 783 306, 396 87,918 218, 477 26, 686 49, 093 38, 061 11, 032 22, 334 9,848 1,123 6,043 2,646 2,397 Sierra 4.4 10.4 10.9 590, 720 10.4 61, 712 60, 667 84, 220 907.5 12, 345 10, 969 814 562 44,662 13,525 8,259 22, 868 3,098 1,617 33, 570 26, 360 16, 892 9,468 1,782 1,782 7,936 2,743 290 290 Siskiyou 952 1,052 1,114 11 20 118 128 186 89 163 128 952 711 72 22 147 102 45 15.4 13.5 11.6 10.8 11.1 4, 003, 840 12.6 602, 935 537, 396 455, 876 528.3 121, 606 63, 187 30, 889 27, 429 286, 966 29,813 28,206 228,948 46, 933 47, 631 320, 530 62, 460 34, 682 27, 778 54,086 65, 859 42,988 22,871 38, 408 9,929 3,104 11,746 7,546 4,200 » Part annexed to Mendocino, and part of Mendocino annexed in 1917. CENSUS OF AGKICULTUBE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA Acreage: 1925, 1920, and 1910— Continued 453 Sonoma » Stanis- laus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuol- umne Ventura ^ Yolo Yuba 6,350 5,739 4,772 5,177 4,566 2,687 1,694 1,437 873 i,785 1,414 1,006 223 377 308 7,106 6,372 4,021 578 363 386 1,647 1,643 1,293 1,852 1,613 1,255 704 487 436 1 2 3 111 1,622 1,343 1,367 654 44 582 898 2,208 688 8 80 312 547 228 35 120 308 493 173 62 409 961 3,051 1,197 2 68 50 67 48 22 136 201 331 250 21 85 211 486 277 19 27 58 126 81 4 5 2 13 25 6 7 8 502 226 288 131 97 9 296 85 133 122 106 15 196 97 99 77 45 5 138 62 142 128 140 46 67 j8 53 23 16 658 194 261 i46 147 20 101 46 86 59. 38 13 262 139 160 80 56 10 281 137 177 102 62 13 131 47 86 62 57 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 6,350 5,248 228 152 5,177 3,720 464 167 1,694 1,197 225 63 1,785 1,270 274 57 223 184 26 2 7,106 5,269 431 637 578 423 89 18 1,647 1,103 128 148 1,852 1,064 183 137 704 449- 92 59 15 16 17 18 722 467 255 826 351 475 209 44 165 184 108 76 11 8 3 769 335 434 48 37 11 268 24 244 468 216 252 104 59 45 19 20 21 11.4 16.3 18.6 16.0 22.1 16.4 12.3 19.9 20.7 10.3 13.5 16.3 4.9 8.5 8.8 10.8 14.7 12.3 8.3 9.1 8.8 16.3 23.3 26.8 25.3 29.3 25.9 14.8 22.4 22.0 22 23 24 14.3 32.2 12.3 16.8 18.2 18.8 8.3 18.4 25.0 66.7 3.0 12.0 21.6 45.5 20.8 25.4 9.7 27.0 16.9 13.3 25 26 1,012,480 67.2 928, 000 74.5 389, 120 77.1 1,872,000 64.0 1,981,440 7.7 3, 107, 840 32.7 1,401,600 25.4 1, 189, 120 38.6 648,960 69.1 404,480 83.1 27 28 680, 057 748, 147 744, 644 691,620 748, 678 649, 392 299, 919 288,940 385, 462 1,198,148 1, 124, 502 915, 227 153, 356 130, 290 91,310 1, 016, 991 1, 084, 234 1,045,231 355, 350 220, 730 193,072 458, 770 384, 865 550, 199 448,346 398, 165 463,383 336, 022 228, 797 249, 108 29 30 31 107.1 133.6 177.0 671.2 687.7 143.1 614.8 278.5 242.1 477.3 32 152,431 137, 858 3,672 10, 901 3.51, 138 216, 256 57, 292 77, 590 197, 655 154, 853 6,456 36, 346 108,248 65, 053 12,273 30,922 8,328 8,020 135 173 431, 555 251,272 78,941 101,342 12,761 9,224 684 2, 853 188,433 113,379 35, 609 39, 445 275, 736 205, 769 16, 823 53, 144 58, 861 45, 809 1,453 11,599 33 34 35 36 470, 012 111, 588 173,893 184, 531 318, 908 81, 523 76,429 160, 956 83, 952 47, 539 12,436 23, 977 1,039,731 126, 888 301, 944 610, 899 143, 956 6,843 81,446 55, 667 547, 269 169,641 112,080 265, 548 336, 977 33,493 211,112 92,3/2 220, 676 12,070 4,159 204,447 157, 708 50, 210 42, 676 64, 822 267, 733 39, 867 109, 012 118, 854 37 38 39 40 24, 110 33, 504 2,101 19,473 6,019 12, 293 3,093 47, 076 402 670 1,570 36, 597 2,832 2,780 5,633 44,028 148 14, 754 2,944 6,484 41 42 407, 135 72,089 46,461 25, 628 67, 355 272, 253 178, 726 75, 151 103, 575 107, 853 99, 370 98,964 35, 070 63, 894 44, 918 409, 015 417, 197 177, 485 239, 712 212, 591 107, 155 18, 266 10, 842 7,424 25, 100 487,248 259, 154 142,043 117,111 146, 301 89, 513 246,468 88, 226 158,242 4,772 182, 146 77,437 33, 555 43, 882 97,616 151,644 70, 660 31,746 38, 914 109, 509 103,649 151,779 44, 237 107, 542 31, 387 43 44 45 46 47 133, 478 104, 874 28, 604 132, 788 54, 768 78,020 56, 667 6,298 50,369 159, 345 130, 554 28, 791 2,835 2,495 340 124, 288 64,009 60, 279 14, 597 11,799 2,798 101, 571 10,355 91,216 116, 533 36, 230 80,303 49, 207 31,845 17,362 48 49 50 95, 993 10,305 11,114 113, 785 34, 858 19,473 53, 862 44, 085 23, 953 25, 370 21,678 11,677 6,424 904 345 147,452 19,496 51,000 5,667 2,335 319 57, 139 17,508 18,969 77, 576 28, 862 38, 298 15,281 13,645 7,235 51 52 53 20,446 12, 680 7,766 48, 140 13,460 34, 680 32, 953 1,434 31,519 6,328 1,437 4,891 347 293 54 33, 324 15, 364 17,960 903 502 401 19, 763 795 18, 968 61,033 11,4.56 49, 577 9,648 1,943 7,705 54 55 56 2 Part annexed to Los Angeles, and part of Los Angeles annexed in 1919. 454 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings. .1925 dollars. 1920.— ....dollars. 1910— dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery.. dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925... Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920.. 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total.. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants.. dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total. Farms operated by full owners: Total number , Number reporting mortgage debt. Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars Mortgage debt dollars MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The State Farm expenditures, 1924, for— .dollars. Farms reporting... Fertilizer (including lime) Farms reporting... Farm labor (money wages only) Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold. Value of supplies purchased Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage). Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms. Farms located on- Concrete or brick road. Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) , .dollars. .dollars. .dollars. 3, 152, 488, 322 3,073,811,109 1, 450, 601, 488 3, 424, 785, 986 2,788,511,027 363, 977, 295 113,487,700 158, 809, 964 25, 107 23,111 114. 57 104.67 5L93 101. 34 3, 152, 488, 322 1, 836, 241, 791 315, 646, 286 465, 721, 939 534, 878, 300 205, 543, 891 329, 334, 415 113, 487, 700 69, IIQ, 690 12,907,714 13, 473, 963 17, 995, 333 7, 177, 519 10, 817, 814 .dollars, -dollars..! Alameda 109,654 50,801 46.3 101, 261 46,351 4,326,162 874,674,661 295,688,806 33.8 18, 871 6,379 202. 18 68.35 53, 016, 114 80, 375 8, 371, 453 16,546 105, 346, 372 84,836 8, 337, 452 34, 172 87, 245, 308 4, 754, 744 29, 948 13, 254 1,096 136,409 16, 673 11, 139 26,528 39, 519 36,812 5,738 53, 951, 208 50, 998, 317 34, 000, 763 58, 362, 070 44, 404, 998 9, 546, 210 1, 861, 403 2, 549, 459 18, 534 17, 133 240. 67 141. 76 109.21 53, 951, 208 32, 920, 253 7, 455, 875 2, 599, 000 10, 976, 080 6, 144, 850 4, 831, 230 1,861,403 1,180,690 250, 366 90,010 340, 337 214, 055 126, 282 2,587 903 34.9 2,360 822 19, 198 9,049,730 3,428,278 37.9 11,009 4,171 471. 39 178.57 1,831,673 2,308 62, 701 250 1, 832, 133 1,582 246, 937 773 983,763 326,863 248 735 3,149 486 791 1,004 430 405 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 CALIFORNIA AND Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 455 Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldorado Fresno 5, 520, 577 39, 841, 878 6, 018, 855 41, 671, 255 44, 608, 519 3, 079, 850 8, 152, 925 171, 516, 766 1 6, 346, 421 47, 412, 322 7, 060, 642 36,738,253 42, 780, 923 2, 907, 150 6, 472, 151 279, 861, 191 2 3, 842, 820 21, 685, 995 3, 040, 303 17, 270, 815 29, 079, 535 1, 529, 680 3, 093, 676 81, 997, 943 3 6, 514, 164 44, 386, 228 7, 373, 276 46, 821, 964 48, 013, 964 3, 711, 083 9, 391, 619 186, 332, 480 4 4, 919, 358 34, 311, 158 4, 994, 484 37, 927, 170 38, 877, 122 2, 618, 950 6, 601, 235 151,082,317 5 601, 219 5, 530, 720 1,024,371 3, 744, 085 5, 731, 397 460, 900 1, 551, 690 20, 434, 449 6 230, 592 2, 077, 254 214, 045 2, 003, 582 1, 395, 466 147, 425 436, 760 6, 605, 643 762, 995 2, 467, 096 1, 140, 376 3, 147, 127 2, 009, 979 483, 808 801, 934 8, 210, 071 8 17, 995 18, 007 11,854 41, 108 24, 775 24, 255 10, 636 17, 810 9 15, 250 16, 163 9,677 36, 586 23, 018 20, 130 9.233 16, 394 10 21.44 85.27 17.02 92.81 154. 67 75.11 28.43 113.91 11 20.33 102. 04 19.28 83.80 114. 06 66.33 26.94 212. 09 12 13.17 44.19 11.20 33.06 71.55 42.55 14.67 74.10 13 19.10 73.43 14.12 84.47 134. 80 63.87 23.02 100. 34 14 5, 520, 577 39, 841, 878 6, 018, 855 41, 671, 255 44, 608, 519 3, 079, 850 8, 152, 925 171, 516, 766 15 2, 492, 678 22, 062, 994 2, 597, 928 14, 177, 310 24, 075, 190 1, 372, 350 6, 014, 835 118, 535, 208 16 2, 193, 409 6, 561, 039 2, 676, 712 8, 229, 645 5, 024, 850 391, 000 1, 021, 430 8, 189, 885 17 395, 850 6, 320, 000 268, 850 7, 127, 100 3, 320, 000 45, 000 367, 100 29, 918, 723 IS 438, 640 4, 897, 845 475, 365 12, 137, 200 12, 188, 479 1, 271, 500 749, 560 14, 872, 950 19 349, 640 1, 123, 990 293, 240 1, 599, 100 2, 313, 150 1, 146, 500 555, 960 5, 395. 050 20 89, 000 3, 773, 855 182, 125 10, 538, 100 9, 875, 329 125, 000 193, 600 9, 477, 900 21 230, 592 2, 077, 254 214, 045 2, 003, 582 1, 395, 466 147, 425 436, 760 6, 605, 643 22 143, 087 1, 115, 501 125, 305 668, 895 750, 713 78, 700 332, 805 5, 007, 858 23 54, 910 421, 990 73, 640 545, 132 213, 430 17, 150 45, 970 326, 523 24 5,365 310, 082 5,175 225,630 110, 655 900 24, 975 838, 930 25 27, 230 229, 681 9,925 563, 925 320, 668 50, 675 33, 010 432, 332 26 22, 930 34, 703 3,525 66, 000 65, 635 45, 075 24, 975 66, 846 27 4,300 194, 978 6,400 497, 925 255, 033 5,600 8,035 365, 486 28 314 2,143 570 864 1,561 101 796 9,065 29 62 919 132 342 580 49 260 5,844 30 19.7 42.9 23.2 39.6 37.2 48.5 32.7 64.5 31 265 1,914 427 739 1,446 91 721 8,818 32 52 807 85 285 528 43 232 5,682 33 22.047 73, 435 36, 047 56,104 40, 250 9,649 51, 905 264, 280 34 662,575 9, 634, 130 607, 640 6, 551, 215 9, 977, 170 732, 700 2,683,980 80, 331, 352 35 173, 980 3, 626, 654 236, 580 2, 087, 860 3, 235, 455 251, 250 748, 459 37, 744, 008 36 26.3 37.6 38.9 31.9 32.4 34.3 27.9 47.0 37 12, 742 11,938 7,149 22, 987 18, 896 17, 040 11, 569 14, 138 38 3,346 4,494 2,783 7,326 6,128 5,843 3,226 6,643 39 30.05 131. 19 16.86 116. 77 247. 88 75.94 51.71 303. 96 40 7.89 49.39 6.56 37.21 80.38 26.04 14.42 142. 82 41 80, 242 315, 148 87, 533 215, 858 663, 624 78,800 111, 686 2, 006, 293 42 243 1,499 491 406 909 144 635 6,572 43 25 68,624 853 10, 822 4,055 105 8,635 69, 690 44 1 35] 11 6 34 7 97 334 45 115, 079 1, 476, 743 91, 951 1, 317, 523 842, 141 98, 415 191, 860 8, 119, 085 46 162 1,614 224 781 922 88 377 7,816 47 18, 910 140, 933 16, 101 80, 626 117, 068 5,073 42, 103 354, 118 48 95 1,004 130 298 408 48 291 2,279 49 1,720 1, 144, 518 17,407 716, 512 244, 145 412, 877 6, 550, 957 52, 465 50 25 18, 372 70 2,000 79, 631 25" 79, 943 51 24 735 23 529 411 30 46 1,695 52 14 160 34 92 287 5 51 279 53 4 362 10 2,465 1 1,139 3 1,938 13 153 1 883 54 622 10, 462 55 164 ._ 125 314 60 773 347 39 58 307 1,207 16 548 265 640 " 84" "29' ---- 53" 168 195 448 159 55 2 527 8,182 59 101 415 144 234 567 18 236 845 60 9 177 1 57 97 1 7 276 61 51623—2'; -30 456 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 ...dollars. 1910 ....dollars. All farm property, 1925 dollars. Land, excluding buildings dollars. Buildings alone dollars. Implements and machinery dollars. Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920.... 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total.. dollars. Full owners dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers... dollars. Tenants... dollars. Cash tenants doUars. Other tenants dollars. Implements and machinery, total doUars. Full owners.. dollars. Part owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 AH farms operated by owners: Total number.. Number reporting mortgage debt.. Per cent of total. Farms operated by full owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt .dollars. Average per acre — Value of land and buildings. ...dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for — Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) dollars. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars. Farms reporting. Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting com cut for silage) Kind of road, 1925: Total number of farms Farms located on — Concrete or brick road Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo 37, 128, 722 38, 939, 002 14. 535. 435 I 42,799,489 I 32,439,343 4,689,379 ' 1,705,313 3,965,454 j 27,720 : 24,047 66.82 74.25 29.59 58.38 37, 128, 722 18,025,113 9, 463, 780 3, 409, 920 6, 229, 909 1, 031, 725 5,198,184 . 1,705,313 790,018 j 444,510 133,600 \ 337, 185 ' 34,695 302,490 i 37, 636, 223 32, 682, 744 18, 432, 557 44, 155, 411 31, 434, 428 6, 201, 795 1, 656, 268 4, 862, 920 19, 555 16, 668 76.70 45.57 28.69 61,117,960 ' 8,616,910 58,118,264 , 11,856,255 20,597,325 5,769,326 37, 636, 223 20, 432, 017 1, 300, 780 3, 451. 210 12,452,216 11, 497, 626 954,590 1, 656, 268 980, 089 61, 175 61, 760 563, 244 522, 709 40, 535 1,280 I 725 56.6 1,022 ! 556 i 69,427 ; 9,532,495 ; 3, 346, 194 35.1 I 17, 145 ' 6,018 ; 137.30 I 48. 20 1,527 357 23.4 1,455 337 45, 706 4, 508, 192 1, 423, 751 3L6 13, 377 4,225 98.63 3L15 69, 400, 477 57, 346, 248 3,771,712 2,488,995 , 5,793,522 | 21,749 ; 19, 153 I 161.41 I 167. 25 ! 92. 12 ! 151. 45 j 61,117,960 i 21,904,880 i 2,214,225 : 11,436,580 ! 25, 562, 275 , 10, 517, 415 15,044,860 2, 488, 995 } 979, 156 i 118,425 425,014 966,400 540,310 I 426,090 1 10, 222, 348 7,609,020 1,007,890 348,468 1, 256, 970 21,208 17, 877 59.76 84.67 52.38 52.77 8, 616, 910 5, 238, 450 1, 548, 730 1, 079, 250 750, 480 326, 780 423,700 348, 468 215, 793 56,525 50,250 25,900 15. 700 9.200 1,345 779 57.9 1,248 711 71, 338 12, 776, 129 4, 714, 222 36.9 17, 969 6,630 179. 09 66.08 126 31.8 348 111 13, 119 2, 262, 250 688, 455 30.4 20,381 6,202 172. 44 52.48 345, 744 887 8,651 42 859, 624 785 120, 932 694 305, 533 301 465 ! 85 7 I 1,544 I 816 469 165 34 709, 379 1,777 11,808 94 960, 251 1,300 114, 160 1,020 58. 377 235 I 140 ; 10 ! 2,268 i 70 62 . 1,447 134 ! 495 60 I 648, 877 1,718 89, 683 185 5, 058, 697 2,316 323, 481 546 1, 300, 938 48,867 773 99 56 3,191 170 81" 218 2,614 108 100, 942 243 1,325 3 205, 919 233 8,374 6,584 1,035 46 482 12 25 11 396 30 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 457 Kern Kings Lake Lassen 1 1 Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa 66, 588, 708 48, 890, 904 14, 645, 345 9, 270, 748 1 388, 905, 984 35, 802, 010 16, 465, 974 2, 788, 920 1 65, 159, 396 60. 335, 988 11,278,010 15, 347, 737 374,677,663 34, 790, 497 15, 612, 630 4, 045, 207 2 25, 214, 341 28, 153, 566 5, 575, 215 7, 097, 292 1 192, 153, 071 13, 035, 233 10, 541, 455 2, 093, 280 3 77, 286, 211 55,208,415 15, 965, 878 12, 020, 196 403,772,358 39, 556, 098 20.083,193 3, 650, 032 4 61, 155, 638 43, 925, 343 12, 727, 145 7, 932, 083 ! 350, 094, 524 32, 623, 453 13,448,832 2,488,300 5 5, 433, 070 4, 965, 561 1, 918, 200 1, 338, 665 ; 38,811,460 3, 178, 557 3, 017, 142 300, 620 6 2, 926, 640 2, 203, 216 639, 123 503, 348 ; 8, 135, 513 1, 492, 347 998, 125 207, 720 7 7, 770, 863 4, 114, 295 681, 410 2, 246, 100 ! 6, 730, 861 2, 261, 741 2, 619, 094 653, 392 8 27, 671 23, 403 16, 325 28, 283 i 32, 612 22, 984 26, 391 13, 225 9 23,841 20, 725 14, 975 21,814 1 31,412 20, 803 21, 637 10, 105 10 5L57 99.38 67.09 19.60 765. 33 76.36 62.15 12.31 11 43.53 119. 35 46.62 20.71 424. 64 64.82 53.81 17.15 12 17.97 75.31 25.64 24.00 253. 51 21.00 40.01 10. 16 13 47.36 89.29 58.31 16.77 1 688. 95 69.58 50.76 10.98 14 66, 588, 708 48,890,904 14, 645, 345 9, 270, 748 ^ 388,905,984 35, 802, 010 16, 465, 974 2, 788, 920 15 28, 434, 455 24, 153, 615 9, 809, 945 5, 568, 090 i 244, 047, 982 19, 567, 880 5, 820, 365 1, 419, 370 16 4, 150, 600 4, 764, 360 2, 053, 025 2, 160, 800 I 16, 606, 300 2, 600, 880 413, 600 943, 200 17 23, 205, 378 9, 755, 200 1, 193, 200 901, 508 57, 228, 322 4, 962, 150 899, 699 57, 200 18 10, 798, 275 10, 217, 729 1, 589, 175 640, 350 71, 023, 380 8, 671, 100 9, 332, 310 369, 150 19 3, 976, 525 3,027,729 889, 575 285, 750 1 29, 170, 680 1, 911, 200 8,836,810 207, 850 20 6, 821, 750 7,190,000 699, 600 354, 600 1 41, 852, 700 6, 759, 900 495, 500 161, 300 21 2, 926, 640 2, 203, 216 639, 123 503, 348 8, 135, 513 1, 492, 347 998, 125 207, 720 22 1, 838, 170 1, 217, 233 429, 387 308, 715 5, 486, 013 1,005,607 393, 945 167, 235 23 142, 180 229, 425 100, 136 116, 850 407, 150 118, 650 35, 050 26, 715 24 431, 240 274, 020 68, 775 51, 558 1, 177, 905 84, 540 77, 977 3,300 25 515, 050 482, 538 40, 825 26, 225 1, 064, 445 283, 550 491, 153 10, 470 26 178, 255 96, 805 22, 555 13, 980 561, 250 46, 185 471, 853 3,285 27 336, 795 385, 733 18, 270 12, 245 503, 195 237, 365 19,300 7,185 28 2,042 1,882 840 375 9,657 1,365 466 240 29 1,110 904 358 165 3,796 819 183 94 30 54.4 48.0 42.6 44.0 39.3 60.0 39.3 39.2 31 1,918 1,764 761 323 9,368 1,273 446 200 32 1,037 834 318 135 3,652 758 177 75 33 90, 790 62,494 52, 066 95, 022 80, 540 71, 546 33, 102 41,930 34 16, 858, 550 13, 608, 670 4,446,915 2, 901, 550 96, 987, 929 12, 718, 800 3,047,535 620, 060 35 5, 605, 431 5, 284, 066 1, 320, 495 1, 000, 822 24, 271, 977 5, 243, 840 1, 241, 800 257, 635 36 33.2 38.8 29.7 34.5 25.0 4L2 40.7 4L6 37 16, 257 16, 317 13, 984 21, 493 26, 557 16, 779 17, 218 8,267 38 5,405 6,336 4,153 7,413 6,646 6,918 7,016 3,435 39 185. 69 217. 76 85.41 30.54 1, 204. 22 177. 77 92.06 14.79 40 61.74 84.55 25.36 10.53 301. 37 73.29 37.51 6.14 41 673,736 484, 264 74, 588 198, 649 9, 854, 125 220, 516 1, 584, 501 48, 897 42 1,666 1,109 434 212" 7,302 931 673 228 43 44,023 2,970 3,086 230 1, 886, 886 3,563 16,867 15 44 95 18 64 2 3,167 41 44 2 45 2, 575, 967 1,847,042 340,612 379, 257 9, 967, 879 963, 097 672, 393 25, 364 46 1,752 1,394 600 194 8,052 864 481 82 47 212, 657 69, 413 57, 496 29,227 553,931 72, 828 76, 756 7,243 48 525 417 280 176 1,522 429 250 47 49 2, 045, 057 80,123 985, 265 2,703 437 133, 238 3,965 197 600 14,146,470 1 1,124,820 2,181 620, 440 5,879 263 585, 526 6,754 85 50 51 52 62 29 107 81 67 16 2,483 47 ,87 6 53 13 1 2,793 9 2,359 9 978 2 425 108 12, 381 6 1,721 13 761 54 276 55 393 6 42 1,342 230 42 1 969 1,841 2,882 2,048 1,807 40 66 40 633 30 11 391 122 56 67 ---- 239 "" 52" 183 58 179' 69 702 896 233 188 3,390 863 183 96 60 308 221 48 2 413 79 24 1 61 458 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono FARM VALUES 1 Land and buUdings..l925 ...dollars.. 26, 932, 190 75,009,154 11,978,400 2, 476, 435 2 1920 :.... ...dollars.. 25, 714, 581 87, 305, 443 17, 006, 955 1,960,580 3 1910.- ..dollars.. 12, 590, 574 42,385,911 8, 383, 265 1, 742, 513 4 All farm property, 1925 .-dollars.. 31, 294, 796 83, 232, 146 15, 963, 525 3, 168, 780 b Land, excluding buildings ...dollars.. 22,926,555 66, 853, 055 10, 457, 505 2, 258, 685 6 Buildings alone ...dollars.. 4, 005, 635 8, 156, 099 1, 520, 895 217, 750 7 Implements and machinery -.dollars.. 1, 262, 083 2, 536, 560 647, 768 93, 015 8 Livestock on farms _ Average values (dollars): -.dollars.. 3, 100, 523 5, 686, 432 3, 337, 357 599, 330 9 All farm property, per farm, 1925 17, 300 22, 362 23, 826 34, 822 lU Land and buildmgs, per farm, 1925.. 14, 888 20, 153 17, 878 27, 214 li Land and buildmgs, per acre, 1925.. 30.47 97.09 23.68 17.84 1 12 1920.. 27.86 77.77 28.50 46.64 i 13 1910... 17.45 36. 47 20.44 15.06 1 14 Land, excluding buildings, per acre. Farm values, by tenure, 1925: 1925 25.94 86.53 20.67 16. 27 15 Land and buildings, total ...dollars.. 26, 932, 190 75, 009, 154 11,978,400 2, 476, 435 16 Full owners .-dollars.. 16, 597, 220 35, 510, 569 6, 688, 575 1, 225, 780 IV Part owners .. .dollars. - 3, 582, 580 8, 826, 205 2, 714, 640 147, 000 18 Managers ... dollars - - 2, 624, 810 13, 193, 885 887, 875 1, 070, 655 19 Tenants . --dollars- - 4, 127, 580 17, 478, 495 1, 687, 310 33, 000 2U Cash tenants . --dollars - - 2, 105, 230 8, 876, 575 849, 430 33,000 21 Other tenants Implements and machinery, total. . .--dollars-- .- -dollars -- 2. 022, 350 1, 262, 083 8, 601, 920 2, 536, 560 837, 880 647, 768 22 93, 015 23 Full owners .. dollars - - 738, 825 1, 365, 532 377, 855 71,790 24 Part owners .. -dollars- - 307, 034 355, 405 141, 193 3,150 26 Managers .--dollars-. 75, 890 323, 103 40, 000 13,875 ! 26 Tenants .--dollars.. 140, 334 492, 520 88, 720 4, 200 ' 27 Cash tenants ... dollars. - 81, 869 180, 620 40, 095 4,200 28 Other tenants FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, ..dollars.. 1925 58,465 311, 900 48, 625 All farms operated by owners: 29 Total number 1,510 2,832 561 82 30 Number reporting mortgage debt 564 1,469 280 21 31 Per cent of total 37.4 5L9 49.9 25.6 Farms operated by full owners: 3',? Total number 1,366 497 2,550 1,318 457 214 77 20 33 Number reporting mortgage debt. _. 34 Acreage of farms reporting debt 182, 707 127, 559 146, 348 11,095 35 Value (land and buildings) .--dollars-. 7, 485, 790 22, 297, 732 5, 178, 410 540, 300 36 Amount of mortgage debt .--dollars.- 2, 464, 701 8, 677, 464 2, 121, 049 219, 866 37 Ratio of debt to value, per cent 32.9 38.9 4L0 40.7 Average per mortgaged farm- 38 Value of land and buildings ... dollars-. 15, 062 16, 918 24, 198 27,015 39 Mortgage debt Average per acre- -..dollars-. 4,959 6,584 9,911 10, 993 40 Value of land and buildings . -dollars. - 40. 97 174. 80 35.38 48.70 41 Mortgage debt dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 13.49 68.03 14.49 19.82 Farm expenditures, 1924, for— 42 Feed.-.. .- -dollars.. 326, 418 867, 973 209, 147 41,312 43 Farms reporting 1,218 1,798 420 43 44 Fertilizer (including lime).. Farms reporting ...dollars-- 7,327 82 731,918 45, 195 574 1, 495, 564 20 1 127, 927 45 46 Farm labor (money wages only) ---dollars-. 320, 208 47 Farms reporting. 795 89.463 1,705 150, 896 373 39, 733 64 5,035 48 Lumber, posts, firewood, etc ---dollars.. 49 Farms reporting 491 888 329 23 Cooperative marketing, 1924: 50 Value of farm products sold ...dollars.. 156,036 992,993 41,986 13,800 51 Value of supplies purchased Farm facilities, 1925: ...dollars.. 8,912 23, 264 3,352 1,475 52 Tractors on farms 246 618 70 11 53 Radio outfits, farms reporting 88 147 20 4 54 Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silase) 36 41 1 Kind of road, 1925: 55 Total number of farms 1,809 3,722 670 91 Farms located on- 56 Concrete or brick road 25 44 342 720 361 106 750 831 57 58 (Iravel road 128 267 1 66 59 Improved dirt road 60 Unimproved dirt road 619 1,549 269 21 61 All other (including not reported) 59 125 6 4 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUHE : 1925 — CALIFORNIA Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 459 Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento 49, 891, 408 31,548,431 3, 996, 105 202, 988, 725 23, 020, 972 3, 576, 965 110,405,098 80,399,382 1 53,131,338 26,183,391 4, 153, 795 168,330,541 20, 394, 038 3, 327, 686 88,311,891 79, 894, 423 2 30, 063, 728 16,452,126 2,481,817 60, 613, 550 9, 147, 584 2, 733, 810 43, 030, 341 33, 630, 820 3 56, 237, 716 34, 259, 861 4,641,843 208, 656, 353 24,933,916 4,219,459 116,024,610 86, 314, 465 4 44, 282, 544 25,500,017 3, 040, 180 188,830,662 19, 559, 755 2, 750, 240 99,193,733 69, 736, 235 5 5, 608, 864 6,048,414 955, 925 14,158,063 3,461,217 826, 725 11,211,365 10, 663, 147 6 2,499,367 1,352,384 196, 940 3, 839, 704 927, 469 225, 655 2, 833, 612 3, 055, 607 7 3, 846, 941 1,359,046 448, 798 1,827,864 985, 475 416, 839 2, 785, 900 2,859,476 8 29, 260 20, 308 11,377 46, 721 17,220 23,312 23, 392 22,013 9 25, 958 18, 701 9,794 45, 452 15,898 19, 762 22, 259 20, 505 10 52. 10 99.52 30. 73 709. 51 101.58 26.57 209. 17 179.73 11 48.12 89.08 20.93 516. 82 87.47 32.74 130. 58 143. 82 12 26.20 45.63 14.15 163. 07 36.87 20. 36 82.62 71.09 13 46.24 80.44 23.38 660. 02 86.31 20.43 187. 93 155. 89 14 49,891,408 31,548,431 3, 996, 105 202, 988, 725 23, 020, 972 3, 576, 965 110,405,098 80, 399, 382 15 22, 200, 902 22, 719, 355 2,315,905 144,173,140 12,850,152 2, 320, 475 55, 956, 272 40, 603, 227 16 4, 440, 001 2,112,600 1,162,400 20,771,850 2, 640, 535 520,320 20, 567, 783 6, 381 , 740 17 8, 876, 140 1,677,641 317,400 18,944,525 4, 514, 105 415,000 19, 977, 523 15,643,450 18 14, 374, 365 5,038,835 200, 400 19,099,210 3, 016, 180 321, 170 13, 903, 520 17,770,965 19 6, 358, 105 2, 355, 560 143, 000 4, 178, 600 749, 600 321, 170 2, 170, 645 4, 692, 850 20 8,016,260 2, 499, 367 2, 683, 275 1, 352, 384 57,400 196, 940 14,920,610 2, 266, 580 11,732,875 2, 833, 612 13,078,115 21 3, 839, 764 927, 469 225, 655 3, 055. 607 22 1,088,070 1, 006, 134 125, 595 2, 690, 932 564, 964 164,455 1, 488, 363 1,853,678 23 332, 550 117,475 49, 120 492, 353 132, 120 25, 200 573, 273 214, 875 24 294, 195 79, 635 17, 325 266, 607 116,485 20, 600 469,435 376, 645 25 786, 552 149, 140 4,900 389, 872 113,900 15, 400 302, 541 610. 409 26 305, 322 59,110 4,000 66, 402 31, 225 15, 400 46,491 218,234 27 481,230 90, 030 900 323, 470 82, 675 256, 050 392, 175 28 ■ 1,278 1,436 381 3,823 1,123 158 4,048 3, 279 29 522 534 104 1,892 489 51 1,986 1,287 30 40.8 37.2 27.3 49.5 43.5 32.3 49.1 39.2 31 1,145 1,370 309 3, 582 1,036 138 3,571 3,130 32 457 506 79 1,734 461 39 1,714 1, 223 33 189,450 59, 364 21,942 30,315 33,011 33, 357 87, 508 55, 180 34 11,020,491 9,463,000 755, 675 62, 375, 973 6,017,425 637, 900 26, 713, 962 16,842,160 35 3,781,390 2, 948, 430 192, 594 17, 598, 509 1,832,338 301, 200 8, 432, 300 6, 006, 515 36 34.3 31.2 25.5 28.2 30.5 47.2 31.6 35.7 37 24, 115 18, 702 9, 566 35,972 13, 053 16. 356 15, 586 13,771 38 8,274 5,827 2,4.38 10, 149 3,975 7, 723 4,920 4,911 39 58.17 159.41 34.44 2, 057. 59 1S2. 29 19.12 305. 27 305. 22 40 19.96 49.67 8.78 580. 52 55.51 9.03 90.36 108. 85 41 786, 370 592, 563 86, 102 1,497,206 415, 661 70, 602 1,601,200 1,214,445 42 1,180 1,193 361 2, 316 1,172 104 2,692 2,052 43 10, 025 11,311 2,877 1,059,998 87, 805 200 846, 981 94, 78i 44 69 70 30 1,721 358 1 909 330 45 2,275,113 1, 010, 795 78, 632 3, 844, 619 1,185,890 101, 893 4, 128, 588 5, 105, 373 46 1,214 1,169 168 3,353 894 105 3,412 2,266 47 108,769 109, 706 18, 083 140, 052 224, 032 12,719 313, 192 378, 398 48 817 556 119 497 679 74 1,140 831 49 162, 903 652, 624 86, 706 12,052,171 256, 398 2, 126, 824 464, 961 4,264,139 1,652,785 50 31,267 10,216 14, 582 286, 763 301, 045 51 i 581 398 15 1,674 194 27 899 984 52 215 238 27 980 101 8 373 237 53 7 8 5 38 1 79 19 54 1.922 1,087 408 4,466 1,448 181 4, 960 3, 921 55 94 305 13 1,270 83 488 70S 56 262 158 17 110 86 ... 379 350 57 357 838 75 723 79 472 224 58 666 109 76 1,383 816 94 1,536 1,597 59 482 268 226 601 376 44 1,833 967 60 61 9 1 379 8 252 75 61 460 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUBE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 dollars. 1920 dollars. 1910 dollars. San Benito All farm property, 1925 dollars.. Laud, excluding buildings dollars.. Buildings alone dollars.. Implements and machinery dollars.. Livestock on farms dollars.. Average valuea (dollars) : All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925. Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers. dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars. . Implements and machinery, total dollars.. Full owners dollars.. Part owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants. dollars.. Cash tenants dollars.. Other tenants dollars.. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt... Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number.. Number reporting mortgage debt... Acreage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars.. Amount of mortgage debt... dollars.. Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt dollars.. Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars.. Mortgage debt... dollars.. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars.. Farms reporting. Fertilizer (including lime) dollars.. Farms reporting Farm labor (money wages only) dollars.. Farms reporting } Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars..! Farms reporting | Cooperative marketing, 1924: j Value of farm products sold dollars..! Value of supplies purchased dollars.. Farm facilities, 1925: ' Tractors on farms i Radio outfits, farms reporting Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage).. KIndof road, 1925: i Total number of farms j Farms located on- Concrete or brick road.. Macadam road.. Gravel road Improved dirt road I Unimproved dirt road , .\11 other (including not reported) 24, 587, 626 28, 903, 673 12,609,011 26, 928, 590 21, 558. 931 3, 028, 695 726,830 1, 614, 134 27, 010 24, 662 42.66 53.59 23.17 37.41 24, 587, 626 14, 638, 524 2, 977, 257 3, 965, 550 3, 006, 295 1, 190, 150 1, 816, 145 726, 830 491, 290 90, 350 54, 325 90, 865 49, 470 41. 395 796 375 47.1 727 342 89, 223 337, 690 406, 899 32.8 21,455 7,038 82.24 26.98 352, 116, 748 579 16, 366 141 320, 068 616 34, 777 176 934 793 318 64 5 997 26 140 268 254 268 41 San Bernardino San Diego Francisco 131,595,850 93, 233, 337 65, 920, 206 137, 832, 932 117,577,597 14, 018, 253 3. 127, 540 3, 109, 542 24, 194 23, 099 298. 59 224.26 316. 32 266. 78 131, 595, 850 89, 724, 100 10, 241, 400 25, 187, 750 6, 442, 600 3, 194, 650 3, 247, 950 3, 127, 540 1,918,116 286, 915 741, 843 180, 666 107, 995 72, 671 57,510,104 I 213,000 56,918,847 t 1,556,070 27, 272, 114 I 2, 423, 900 5,093 2,272 44.6 4,856 3,124 2,118 1,234 65, 282 91, 259 39, 981, 950 15,935,830 12, 681, 773 4, 933, 720 3L7 31.0 18, 877 6,988 612. 45 194. 26 1, 849, 133 2,618 2, 015, 574 2,295 4, 808, 856 4,177 558, 594 747 6, 283, 108 245, 139 900 628 120 6,697 1,193 801 589 1,639 1,134 341 63, 236, 469 47, 517, 482 9, 992, 622 2, 033, 805 3^692, 560 15, 941 14, 497 73.50 61.52 32.68 60.73 57, 610, 104 38,411,712 6, 484, 750 6, 050, 262 7, 663, 380 3, 220, 305 4, 343, 075 2,033,805 1, 374, 674 222, 500 197, 113 239, 518 75, 129 164, 389 228,298 160, 760 ' 62,240 14,450 , 848 I 13,429 ! 12,529 ! 1,543.48 ! 1,20L60 ; 1,159.21 : 1, 164. 93 j 213,000 i 213,000 I 3,407 1,363 40.0 12, 914 3,998 174. 62 6106 2, 054, 183 2,512 258, 687 690 1, 861, 522 1,727 290, 782 852 1, 436, 004 308, 358 600 309 3,967 759 25 75 1.187 1,534 387 14,450 ! 14,450 i 17 i CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE : 1925 CALIFORNIA Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 461 San Joaquin San Luis Obispo 134, 931, 206 127, 517, 683 61,685,549 145, 522, 633 121,278,311 13, 652, 895 5, 517, 592 5, 073, 835 25, 802 23, 924 191. 34 180. 54 80.71 171. 98 134, 931, 206 70, 480, 780 12, 902, 63] 17, 408, 775 34, 139, 020 8, 337, 720 25, 801, 300 6, 517, 592 2, 849, 266 546, 651 782, 334 1, 339, 341 426, 730 912, 611 San 53, 167, 850 28, 407, 382 52, 689, 576 16, 742, 010 26,881,822 19,454,985 4,255 2,097 49.3 3,863 1,877 117,981 34, 240, 862 12, 038, 351 35.2 18,242 6,414 290. 22 102. 04 59,292,706 ! 48,111,845 5,056,005 1,894,193 I 4,230,603 j 28,853 I 25,872 I 39.85 I 38.25 ; 16.92 36.06 53, 167, 850 16, 682, 808 8, 017, 190 11, 582, 575 16, 885, 277 8, 917, 210 7, 968, 067 1, 894, 193 739, 340 314, 703 144, 995 695, 155 312, 685 382, 470 31,339,917 23, 685, 462 4, 721, 920 1, 698, 209 1, 234, 326 32, 012 29, 017 168. 60 142. 96 12L 10 140. 57 28,407,382 12, 359, 210 1, 521, 900 9, 395, 300 5, 130, 972 4, 127, 372 1, 003, 600 1, 698, 209 748, 080 66, 610 630, 055 253, 464 193, 185 60, 279 1,348 500 37.1 1,065 372 100,450 I 6, 948, 140 2, 358, 838 33.9 18, 678 6,341 69.17 23.48 576 101 17.5 548 93 7,482 1, 715, 300 496, 950 29.0 18, 444 5,344 229. 26 66.42 Santa Barbara 58, 472, 771 61, 695, 451 38, 561, 272 62, 483, 432 53,835,116 4, 637, 655 1, 626, 630 2, 384, 031 45,843 42, 900 80.03 70.93 34.42 73.68 58, 472, 771 22, 717, 489 8, 074, 748 7, 718, 204 19, 962, 330 5, 920, 900 14, 041, 430 1, 626, 630 711, 251 292, 000 160, 884 462, 495 122, 420 340, 075 834 244 29.3 182 39, 748 7, 683, 375 2, 469, 715 32.1 42, 216 13, 570 193. 30 62.13 Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta 174, 568, 244 138, 920, 013 62, 008, 243 183, 888, 126 150, 842, 420 23, 725, 824 6, 667, 239 2, 652, 643 26, 425 25, 085 258. 91 240. 84 84.39 223. 72 174, 568, 244 140, 903, 968 4, 640, 900 15, 548, 096 13, 475, 280 7, 138, 030 6, 337, 250 6, 667, 239 5, 605, 420 198, 051 494, 574 369, 194 205, 173 164, 021 6,304 3,007 47.7 6,205 2,956 184, 487 65, 298, 954 22, 437, 854 34.4 22, 090 7,591 353. 95 121. 62 32, 215, 660 24,555,410 16, 403, 605 34,311,876 25, 666, 010 6, 549, 650 1, 083, 345 1, 012, 871 15, 373 14, 434 202. 49 169. 64 104. 28 16L 32 32, 215, 660 23, 267, 920 1, 910, 300 1, 810, 950 5,226,490 3, 216, 730 2, 009, 760 1, 083, 345 798, 838 55, 430 47, 405 181, 672 131, 690 Sierra 15,294,430 1,688,650 12,617,500 '• 1,451,600 254, 829 1, 224, 700 1,902 712 37.4 1,847 687 31, 739 9,453,600 2, 851, 263 30.2 13, 761 4,150 297. 85 89.83 18, 024, 202 12, 923, 150 2, 371, 280 720,945 2,008,827 I 15,083 i 12,799 1 23.82 22. 32 1 16.07 ! 20.13 15, 294, 430 9, 339, 030 3, 642, 540 960, 550 1, 352, 310 825, 010 527, 300 720, 945 487, 630 108, 490 47, 650 77, 175 37, 650 39, 525 1,035 404 39.0 344 96, 341 4, 732, 880 1, 706, 788 36.1 13, 758 4,962 49.13 17.72 2. 087, 181 1, 334, 225 354, 425 138, 805 259, 726 30, 694 24, 833 27.36 23.93 14.54 2L62 1, 688, 650 1, 209, 050 423, 800 55, 800 55,800 138, 805 109,005 24, 700 5,100 5,100 65 24 36.9 54 16 9,973 472, 000 172, 900 29, 500 10, 806 47.33 17.34 1, 344, 173 3,035 328, 962 376 5, 146, 730 3,239 377, 909 1,646 1, 365, 314 16, 203 1,586 353 29 5,640 142 1,498 402 633 2,436 529 862, 352 1,512 15,481 1 81 ,243,543 I 1,095 174, 182 i 697 : 276,310 : 14,543 ; I 384 j 115 ! 29 I 2,055 948, 731 410 129, 352 187 1, 467, 157 536 60, 138 151 1,113,857 22, 393 161 120 4 979 296 149 2 202 442 ; 413 563 ! 48 615 ; 123 137 ; 44 640, 469 884 35, 683 117 1, 351, 998 911 104, 855 313 710, 758 26, 891 1,363 191 99 62 320 472 219 2, 989, 518 3,756 115, 732 621 5, 526, 844 5,404 405, 824 2,026 2, 908, 552 58, 854 2,177 1,582 1 6,959 1,203 718 2,866 1,028 1,049 95 1, 001, 759 1,487 24, 416 118 979, 265 966 67, 913 364 807, 867 169, 837 190 214 2,232 233 186 371 413 954 75 172, 179 775 17, 723 56 327, 746 500 66, 852 52, 780 218 114 46 4 1,195 79 1 412 231 459 13 31, 560 42 52 42,412 55 8,245 32 1,500 68 37 ! 59 26 60 5 61 462 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE I 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table II. — Farm Values, Mortgage Debt, and ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus FARM VALUES Land and buildings.. 1925 doUars. 1920 --dollars. 1910 dollars. All farm property, 1925 doUars. Land, excluding buildings dollars- Buildings alone dollars- Implements and machinery.. .dollars- Livestock on farms dollars. Average values (dollars): All farm property, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per farm, 1925 Land and buildings, per acre, 1925 1920. 1910 Land, excluding buildings, per acre, 1925 Farm values, by tenure, 1925: Land and buildings, total.. dollars. Full owners - dollars- Part owners dollars. Managers dollars- TenantS-- dollars. Cash tenants dollars. Other tenants ..dollars. Implements and machinery, total dollars. Full owners.. .dollars. Part owners dollars- Managers dollars- Tenants - -doUarS- Cash tenants --- -doUarS- Other tenants - -..dollars. FARM MORTGAGE DEBT, 1925 All farms operated by owners: Total number Number reporting mortgage debt Per cent of total Farms operated by full owners: Total number --- - Number reporting mortgage debt A cr eage of farms reporting debt Value (land and buildings) dollars. Amount of mortgage debt dollars- Ratio of debt to value, per cent Average per mortgaged farm- Value of land and buildings dollars- Mortgage debt ---dollars- Average per acre- Value of land and buildings dollars. Mortgage debt dollars. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Farm expenditures, 1924, for— Feed dollars. Farms reporting Fertilizer (including lime) -dollars . Farms reporting -- Farm labor (money wages only)- dollars. Farms reporting Lumber, posts, firewood, etc dollars. Farms reporting Cooperative marketing, 1924: Value of farm products sold dollars. Value of supplies purchased ..dollars. Farm facilities, 1925: Tractors on farms Radio outfits, farms reporting. Silos (farms reporting corn cut for silage) Kind of road, 19 25: Total number of farms Farms located on- Concrete or brick road.. Macadam road Gravel road Improved dirt road Unimproved dirt road All other (including not reported) 14, 106, 689 16, 614, 845 11, 764, 745 16, 979, 039 12, 423, 939 1, 682, 750 606, 269 2, 366, 081 17, 835 14, 818 28.06 29.06 25.81 24.70 14, 106, 689 9, 675, 639 1, 137, 000 1, 681, 300 1, 712, 850 1, 216, 350 496, 500 506, 269 320, 099 100, 380 17, 950 67, 840 42, 805 25,035 41, 314, 034 44, 032, 075 25, 303, 621 46, 311, 706 36, 294, 696 6, 019, 338 2, 025, 922 2, 971, 750 30,428 27, 145 11L90 107. 86 53.29 98.31 41, 314, 034 20, 846, 666 6, 697, 720 6, 459, 108 8,310,640 2, 728, 785 5, 581, 856 2, 025, 922 906, 310 339, 760 279, 990 499, 862 194, 845 305, 017 783 288 36.8 711 248 158, 608 4, 400, 549 1, 747, 632 39.7 17, 744 7,047 27.76 n.03 203, 512 677 354, 706 471 29, 351 189 91 20 2 952 2 1 44 279 622 4 109, 048, 730 98, 670, 937 60, 271, 493 120, 297, 254 87, 092, 892 21, 955, 838 4, 243, 366 7, 005, 168 18, 944 17, 173 160. 35 131. 89 67.61 128.07 109, 048, 730 81, 072, 296 6, 065, 220 7, 544, 234 14, 366, 980 8, 681, 080 5, 686, 900 243, 366 262, 666 251, 610 181,639 I 547,451 343,540 I 203,911 99, 984, 449 96, 245, 539 38, 644, 718 109, 268, 663 86, 634, 014 13, 360, 436 3, 855, 314 6, 428, 800 21, 107 19, 313 144.57 128. 65 59.51 126. 26 99, 984, 449 57, 916, 867 14, 920. 310 8, 469, 699 18, 678, 673 6, 285, 123 12, 393, 550 3, 855, 314 2, 353, 864 604, 420 238, 970 658, 060 203, 250 454, 810 1,225 372 30.4 1.086 310 56, 492 7, 072, 082 2, 168, 719 30.7 22, 813 6,996 127. 44 5,476 2,621 47.9 5,248 2,486 161, 759 38, 357, 050 12, 557, 188 32.7 15, 429 5,061 252. 76 32.74 4,184 2,366 66.3 3,720 2,040 133, 339 35, 222, 592 12, 135, 722 34.5 17, 266 5,949 264. 16 i 91.01 i 651, 031 898 19, 646 74 2, 493, 184 978 103,211 465 1,630,016 181,048 1,522 139 148 501 150 488 96 7, 247, 961 4,928 111, 162 573 3, 166, 000 3,892 541. 440 2,201 5, 053, 747 128, 724 1,190 761 25 6,360 874 537 2,676 383 1,697 1, 083, 596 2,708 59, 255 879 , 2, 063, 249 2,714 296, 325 1,578 1,062,894 18, 939 719 297 5,177 810 55 601 1,925 1,661 225 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE : 1925 CALIFORNIA Miscellaneous Items: 1925, 1920, and 1910 — Continued 463 Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba 52, 871, 187 29, 921, 539 2, 045, 856 160, 246, 974 4, 943, 820 115, 705, 790 67, 384, 779 17, 396, 688 1 45, 466, 586 28, 376, 996 2, 107, 362 180,546,028 3, 861, 620 91, 214, 201 59, 227, 255 12, 042, 270 2 16,901,777 14, 166, 821 1, 175, 115 68, 651, 006 2, 231, 425 44, 191, 260 28, 483, 987 5, 600, 176 3 57, 016, 010 35, 783, 039 2,711,832 175, 070, 251 5,979,943 121,628,603 74, 267, 908 19, 688, 318 4 47, 947, 437 26, 243, 845 1, 586, 436 144, 345, 280 3, 794, 405 106, 833, 534 60, 509, 236 15, 608, 165 5 4, 923, 750 3, 677, 694 459, 420 15,901,694 1, 149, 415 8, 872, 256 6, 875, 543 1, 788, 523 6 2, 674, 247 1, 203, 812 98,415 7, 060, 293 350, 580 4, 227, 573 3, 400, 594 819, 282 7 1, 470, 576 4, 657, 688 567, 561 7, 762, 984 685, 543 1, 695, 240 3, 482, 535 1, 472, 348 8 33, 658 20, 047 12, 161 24, 637 10, 346 73, 849 40, 101 27, 966 9 31,211 16, 763 9,174 22, 551 8,553 70, 252 36, 385 24, 711 m 176. 28 24.97 13.34 157. 57 13.91 252. 21 150. 30 51.77 11 157. 36 25.24 16.17 166. 52 17.49 237. 00 148. 75 52.63 12 43.85 15.48 12.87 65.68 11.56 80.32 61.47 22.48 13 159. 87 21.90 10.34 141. 93 10.68 232. 87 134. 96 46.45 14 52, 871, 187 29, 921, 539 2, 045, 856 160, 246, 974 4, 943, 820 115,705,790 67, 384, 779 17, 396, 688 15 26, 581, 244 13, 761, 568 1, 669, 926 96, 357, 204 2, 643, 600 61, 158, 055 27, 188, 598 5, 438, 749 16 9,899,933 6, 843, 647 238,380 15, 099, 775 1, 772, 250 14, 362, 167 10, 319, 510 4, 533, 179 17 9, 102, 425 5, 870, 124 72, 000 31, 952, 300 195, 860 23, 260, 258 12, 278, 570 4.045,900 18 7,287,585 3,446,200 65, 550 16, 837, 695 332, 110 16,925,310 i 17,598,101 3, 378, 860 19 541,400 1, 714, 540 57, 550 7, 430, 050 254, 210 838, 160 4, 876, 906 1,337,950 20 6, 746, 185 1,731,660 8,000 9, 407, 645 77, 900 16, 087, 150 12, 721, 195 2, 040, 910 21 2, 674, 247 1, 203, 812 98, 415 7,060,293 350, 580 4, 227, 573 3, 400, 594 819, 282 22 1, 494, 182 677, 760 82, 745 4, 714, 152 220, 140 2, 225, 021 1, 854, 856 382, 327 23 646, 085 260, 475 8,020 641, 710 80, 950 507, 159 500, 615 205, 740 24 201, 710 167, 512 3,150 1,112,922 20,800 945, 578 365, 848 101, 160 25 332, 270 98, 065 4,500 591, 509 28, 690 549, 815 679, 275 130,055 26 27, 340 49,680 4,250 229, 144 20,015 29,850 213, 569 46, 670 27 304, 930 48, 385 250 362, 365 8,675 519,965 465, 706 83, 385 28 1,422 1,544 210 5,700 512 1,231 1,247 541 29 738 783 55 3,403 103 548 548 172 30 5L9 50.7 26.2 59.7 20.1 44.5 43.9 31.8 31 1,197 1,270 184 5,269 423 1,103 1,064 449 32 610 612 47 3,130 85 470 453 133 33 49, 873 186, 261 63, 024 230, 625 22, 003 61, 808 80, 207 18, 620 34 14, 735, 788 8,091,153 581, 776 58,283,077 793,000 26, 193, 150 13,863,154 3, 326, 774 35 4, 828, 775 2, 547, 409 183, 500 20, 540, 078 217, 230 7, 825, 253 4, 829, 141 992, 890 36 32.8 3L5 31.5 35.2 27.4 29.9 34.8 29.8 37 24, 157 13,221 12, 378 18, 621 9,329 55, 730 30, 603 25, 013 38 7,916 4,162 3,904 6,562 2,556 16, 649 10. 660 7,465 39 295. 47 43.44 9.23 252. 72 36.04 423.78 172. 84 178. 67 40 96.82 13.68 2.91 89.06 9.87 126. 61 60.21 53.32 41 208, 576 260, 308 18, 666 1,645,533 95, 304 992, 143 270, 257 135, 966 42 795 • 1, 070 131 4,032 363 1,171 675 452 43 25, 542 11,629 27 461, 137 448 243, 552 7,485 10, 507 44 182 76 4 704 7 286 54 24 45 1, 855, 199 800, 770 41, 820 5, 797, 388 98, 979 3, 421, 191 2, 595, 565 694, 717 46 1,343 888 81 4,685 244 1,352 1,447 349 47 168, 052 81, 224 8,257 329, 278 26, 176 102, 763 140,475 50,001 48 716 563 33 1,947 117 405 605 194 49 381, 828 404, 355 156 4, 185, 854 4,500 6, 799, 545 210, 117 76,422 50 25, 448 3,729 331 95, 463 2,239 2,275 14 193, 249 934 3,795 887 2,171 227 51 1,051 6 52 119 77 13 339 33 295 225 29 53 6 1,694 3 1,785 105 7,106 6 1,647 13 1,852 1 704 54 223 578 55 206 202 1,041 52 28 691 240 54 56 169 74 44 41 20 57 825 772' 128 159 291 1,167 297 58 64 404 iir 4,362 184 60 118 88 59 386 366 104 1,344 130 484 253 224 60 44 41 2 179 3 77 33 21 61 464 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock dollars. Horses : Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value .dollars. Mules: Total number- Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value dollars. Cattle: Total number Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2.. Dairy heifers Beef heifers. Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over Total value dollars. Sheep : Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats : Total number Total value... dollars. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age... Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value. dollars. Chickens: Total number Total value ...dollars. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked.. Beef cows milked Milk produced,' 1924 gallons. 1919.. gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924.. pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,' 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924 Wool produced,' 1924 pounds. 1919 pounds- Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924... pounds- Value of mohair, 1924 dollars - Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919. dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 1919 number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. The State : Alameda ; Alpine 158, 809, 964 314, 288 14, 995 299, 293 23, 713, 128 65, 853 5,466 50, 387 5, 560, 800 1, 918, 489 285, 643 252, 598 127, 381 125, 217 985, 060 557, 268 427, 792 361, 739 33, 449 81, 860, 654 3, 045, 095 712, 803 2, 228, 471 103, 821 28, 074, 211 395, 436 431, 258 214, 952 68, 351 147, 955 4, 676, 306 12, 784, 512 12, 557, 940 1, 971, 489 540, 295 519,610 20, 685 340, 308, 805 276, 424, 216 630 3, 843, 856 49, 954, 059 2, 136, 959 130, 467, 928 58, 422. 073 2,728,011 21, 079, 375 15,216,957 7, 803, 135 49, 640 188, 730 78, 849 97, 907, 325 64, 123, 885 31, 615, 277 14, 382, 861 12, 929, 044 12, 808. 329 2, 549, 459 186, 246 154 15 5,783 258 5,525 I 139 435, 745 10, 210 12 87 9,240 30, 613 3,475 3,522 2,099 1,423 15, 280 10, 718 4,562 7,858 478 1, 362, 497 17, 507 6,799 10, 511 197 152, 814 567 2,268 6,983 3,628 546 2,809 73, 771 516, 646 495, 980 17, 144 4 400 2,280 573 341 108 233 844 207 637 486 36 72, 789 11,744 4,018 7,615 111 98, 260 176 704 264 110 10 144 2,632 919 1,048 203 10, 180 9,748 432 6,291,240 6, 432, 308 618 109, 532 153, 354 18, 514 4, 566, 242 1, 189, 679 23, 722 97, 969 109, 507 38, 012 5 15 4, 310, 378 2, 480, 104 1, 379, 321 665, 957 S87, 300 659, 404 218 157 61 139, 956 119,067 642 34, 420 26, 180 19, 989 7,998 54, 527 4.002 19,630 150 600 226 Amador Butte 1,318 37 1,281 90,864 66 1 54 5,442 14, 105 2,159 1,143 102 1,041 7,843 742 7,101 2,732 228 465,406 15,317 i 673 I 14,461 ' 183 130, 691 2,002 8,008 3,644 1,745 425 1,474 35, 348 21, 341 24,329 3,017 762,995 2,467,096 4,514 207 , 4,307 I 317, 556 643 42 601 65, 037 24, 482 3,728 2,783 1,068 1,725 14, 412 5,441 8,971 3,146 413 , 001, 282 9,646 67,084 3,739 801, 438 1,093 4,372 10, 538 4,702 2,351 3,485 126, 290 113, 130 113, 130 37, 991 1, 242 I 7, 719 738 i 7,336 504 I 383 539, 028 3, 234, 261 623,467 3,208,939 434 419 22, 229 1,980 41, 398 16, 619 63, 358 16,941 129, 475 84, 674 46, 611 1,923 6,019 2,709 7,041 I 109,138 8, 502 106, 567 2, 394 37, 107 1,139 544 1,173 15, 878 22, 617 16, 364 77, 806 579, 099 51,611 449, 649 444, 610 74, 192 583, 722 263, 656 216, 561 637 1,651 660 796, 548 566, 789 238, 964 129, 194 131,877 111,107 ' Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 CALIFORNIA 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 465 Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldo- rado Fresno Glenn Hum- boldt Imperial 1,140,376 3, 147, 127 2, 009, 979 483. 808 801,934 8,210.071 3,965,454 4. 862, 920 5, 793, 522 1 1,801 76 1,725 123, 182 2,592 72 2,520 184,032 5, 534 281 5,253 415,721 494 35 459 36, 743 1.850 42 1,808 127,904 18, 865 522 18,343 1,449,546 3,493 190 3,303 244, 656 5,746 188 5,558 435,486 10,270 471 9,799 854, 110 2 3 4 5 63 6 57 5,952 2, 066 66 2,000 213,036 420 120 300 35, 400 15 4 11 1,170 107 10 97 10, 120 4,989 281 4, 708 507,266 1,643 206 1,437 160,361 282 32 250 23, 940 3,823 223 3,600 407, 596 6 7 8 9 21,687 4,929 2,313 103 2,210 9,532 629 8,903 4,554 359 665, 272 17, 122 2,785 2, 165 985 1,180 9,721 3, 292 6,429 2,105 346 682, 829 23, 935 1,834 2,282 780 1,602 14. 667 6, 324 8,343 4, 835 317 1.027,498 8,040 1,387 1,070 926 144 5,047 4,635 412 306 230 420, 913 12,919 2,592 1.605 343 1,262 6, 629 1.848 4,781 1,844 249 448, 632 95. 247 11,419 13,136 5,389 7,747 41,125 23, 208 17,917 28, 133 1,434 4, 037, 235 23,214 4,312 3,145 2,133 1,012 11,811 7,650 4,161 3,450 496 1,004.837 82, 381 10,941 17,870 10, 168 7,702 39, 887 25, 717 14, 170 12, 395 1,288 3, 553, 794 74, 606 10, 064 10, 869 10,277 592 31,408 28, 244 3,164 21,331 934 3, 551, 705 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 31, 903 7,342 23, 166 1,395 273,085 174,864 33,313 137. 679 3,872 1,710,287 36, 147 11,219 19, 933 4, 995 333,831 994 318 660 26 8,878 16. 059 2,347 13,376 336 136, 672 189, 180 45,800 136, 087 7 293 1,685,992 228, 391 33,841 185. 859 8,691 2,259,222 70,562 18,204 47, 599 4,759 642, 613 49, 535 21,734 27,455 346 422,432 21 22 23 24 25 3,255 13, 020 264 1,056 134 536 25 100 5,1S8 20,672 1,485 5,940 1,627 6,508 5,728 22, 912 1,337 5,348 26 27 2,858 1, 94 433 931 27, 032 19, 740 8,610 3.664 7.466 238,350 2,674 958 1,028 688 32, 346 524 300 73 151 5, 423 1,529 855 225 449 14, 028 12, 379 6,449 1,939 3,991 138. 028 10, 771 4,685 1,870 4,216 130, 171 5. 364 2.429 1,226 1,709 61,282 20, 664 10, 126 3,303 7,135 213,339 28 29 30 31 32 22, 272 25,390 58,069 58, 069 158,461 152, 123 8,626 9,057 32, 053 36,540 313, 788 301.236 105, 952 105, 952 103,005 108, 155 190, 656 192, 563 33 34 7,443 59,468 12, 524 1,524 7,366 84,828 53, 747 14, 738 146,429 35 1,144 470 674 3,162 2, 860 302 6,295 6.014 281 4,544 4,538 6 2,221 1,649 572 23, 064 22, 741 323 6,969 6,615 354 25, 310 24, 813 497 25. 255 25, 015 240 36 37 38 580, 008 366.440 507 2, 030, 004 1,519,780 642 4, 098, 045 4,645,478 651 3,080,832 2, 002, 578 678 850, 643 1,073.675 383 14, 507, 256 12,438,257 629 4, 062, 927 2, 964, 284 583 11,971,630 18, 749, 842 473 17,451,205 12, 061, 360 691 39 40 41 32, 677 57,471 4,953 33, 760 50, 885 38, 930 423,847 1,300 121, 776 224,473 38, 376 98. 797 32, 170 2, 925, 674 776,893 17,403 988, 088 42, 392 146, 553 1,351 60, 793 93, 561 339, 954 1,352,088 29, 867 6, 585, 334 2, 350, 285 40, 580 1, 047, 542 28, 630 82. 825 515, 359 59, 172 1,606,613 58, 910 6,119,825 2, 005, 110 185, 192 4,528,420 32, 550 2,404,475 2, 842, 754 42 43 44 10, 920 430,766 45 46 25,810 213,463 92,821 76, 847 155. 629 1. 161. 622 418,227 430, 962 27, 327 197, 833 183,971 76, 759 830 6,183 4,016 2,535 14,132 95, 985 66, 984 34. 555 169, 884 1, 406, 742 1,220.261 506.427 211,262 1, 531, 362 898, 781 568, 135 61, 389 474,318 379. 515 194,470 31,257 185,310 289, 664 66, 712 47 48 49 50 2,060 6,849 3,082 7 27 11 4,230 10.900 4,905 8 18 8 1,714 8,136 3,254 3.770 17,246 6,898 961.861 404, 883 307, 796 140 420 176 51 5'> ^S 127, 374 83, 833 43,307 449. 802 224, 225 134,941 1,312,691 883, 614 420, 061 81. 352 16,545 26,033 , 226, 839 134,488 77, 125 1,835,974 1,579,412 569. 152 626, 176 516, 599 187,853 876, 636 957, 793 298. 056 54 55 66 24. 299 31,334 25, 028 64,224 64,241 55,233 174,941 125.539 146, 950 8.686 4,503 8.686 41,861 35, 706 43,117 390. 352 418. 778 339, 606 139. 009 139. 975 119, 548 135,246 68, 850 135, 246 205, 527 244, 399 199,361 57 58 59 ^ Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 466 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 10 ! 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 35 47 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock... Horses: Total number .dollars.. Colts under 2 years of age . . Horses 2 years old and over Total value . . Mules: Total number. - .dollars.. Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over ... Total value Cattle: Total number. .dollars.. Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over ... Dairy cows. Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over Bulls 1 year old and over . Total value .dollars ., Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and wethers 1 year and over Total value. dollars__ Goats: Total number Total value. .dollars.. Swine: Total number Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value .. .dollars.. Chickens: Total number Total value .dollars.. Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked. Milk produced,! 1924 gallons. 1919 gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924... gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products, 2 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn.i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924. pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924.. .dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924.. pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,! 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. Chickens raised,! 1924 number. 1919.. number. Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Inyo Kern 1,256,970 7,770,863 . 3, 386 260 3,126 227, 140 695 65, 672 20, 651 4,743 3,509 509 3,000 8,235 1,687 6,548 3,738 426 657, 817 29, 069 8,697 19, 710 662 245, 386 157 919 402 348 ,355 9,914 595 9,319 748, 302 2,580 402 2,178 247, 182 124, 319 12, 749 8,129 2,245 5,884 60,693 10, 022 40, 671 51, 384 1,364 4, 692, 661 201, 236 61,971 137, 145 2,120 1, 757, 633 1,249 4,996 9,921 5,142 1,555 3,224 110,846 Kings 22,870 ! 160,017 26,072 i 153,616 24, 900 55, 627 1,882 1,653 229 8,965 8,780 185 1,223,300 \ 5,970,690 741,557 ! 3,242,063 650 55, 681 217, 080 5,199 231, 895 167, 735 32, 567 299, 275 287, 114 107, 739 44 201 90 142, 039 142, 625 48,293 29, 431 23, 592 30, 314 88, 429 637, 854 22, 370 2, 925, 128 1, 044, 298 174, 472 1, 092, 108 1, 143, 425 393, 159 140 600 270 872, 093 597, 799 270, 349 202, 582 147, 208 176. 246 4, 114, 295 7,124 331 6,793 541, 770 1,465 209 1,256 141, 494 40, 961 6,135 7,624 6,578 1,046 23,708 20, 141 3,567 2,621 873 2, 058, 163 125, 016 39, 703 81, 382 3,931 1, 101, 165 507 2,028 11, 378 7,203 1,922 2,253 116, 095 112, 175 107, 688 45, 892 19, 527 19, 281 246 13, 668, 900 10, 443, 563 700 18,080 3,165,405 19, 767 2,844,863 2,077,543 i Lake 681, 410 2, 246, 100 6,284 671 5,613 I 414,382 I 1,656 74 1,582 124, 774 243 53 190 21, 385 6,841 1,403 981 300 681 3,269 1,764 1,505 1,064 124 273, 154 18, 748 4,258 13, 757 733 167, 892 1,797 7,188 4,078 1,923 533 1,622 44,941 31,011 29,771 12. 305 326 663 76, 025 32, 713 7,859 4,493 424 4,069 15, 388 2,529 12, 859 4,350 623 1, 026, 405 75,528 9, 655 64, 065 1,808 675, 521 131 524 2,916 1,937 388 591 24, 075 24,280 17, 482 11,686 1,871 1,713 158 978, 533 956, 061 523 56. 183 196,413 553 41; 686 118, 755 2,829 2,272 557 1, 578, 582 1, 517, 549 658 23, 856 280,860 120,265 i 21,698 971,124 I 123,118 268, 021 92, 911 349, 605 47, 770 52 280 126 764, 473 800, 472 236, 987 144, 257 160, 265 125, 604 437 1,446 , 678 200,641 111,119 64,205 40, 376 34,843 33,916 418, 374 211,332 101, 132 728, 996 434, 784 263, 168 75 300 135 122, 930 124, 682 40, 567 34, 016 35, 060 24, 151 Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE : 1925 CALIFORNIA 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 467 Los Angeles Madera Marin Mari- posa Mendo- cino Merced Modoc Mono Mon- terey Napa 6,730,861 2,261,741 2, 619, 094 663,392 3,100,523 5,686,432 3, 337, 367 599, 330 3, 846, 941 1,359,046 1 11,296 500 10,796 940, 160 4,230 217 4,013 320,826 2,303 96 2,207 173,779 1,268 66 1,202 86, 262 4,135 192 3,943 311, 291 8,661 337 8,314 660, 624 8,681 1,037 7,644 568, 264 887 75 812 59, 240 10,477 500 9,977 788, 229 2,962 143 2,819 222, 783 2 3 4 5 1,890 191 1,699 196, 822 2,163 228 1,935 213, 663 87 2 85 8,590 289 47 242 26, 174 411 11 400 36, 495 1,978 131 1,847 199, 961 896 372 524 64, 660 74 7 67 6,994 890 116 774 82, 620 261 38 223 24, 010 6 7 8 9 54, 784 5,149 4,968 3,978 990 40,203 37, 160 3,043 3,344 1,120 3,331,336 28,040 4,048 2,526 1,463 1,063 15, 302 6,230 9,072 6,554 610 1, 177, 136 36, 244 4,275 5,448 5,216 232 25, 480 24, 974 506 343 698 2, 013, 272 12, 927 2,699 1,730 6 1,724 5,823 56 6,767 2,486 189 387, 844 29, 882 5,633 3,478 1,366 2,112 16, 067 7,920 8,147 4,102 702 1, 242, 545 69, 928 8,895 7,806 6,638 1,168 45, 241 34,590 10, 651 6,550 1,436 3, 574, 769 63, 593 16,051 7,988 436 7,653 28,958 2,386 26, 672 9,419 1,177 1, 909, 216 9,889 1,827 974 44 930 3,311 228 3,083 3,627 150 306, 481 68, 019 6,750 8,372 3,241 6,131 31, 769 19, 309 12, 460 10, 182 946 2, 648, 769 13, 748 1,831 1,399 688 711 8,417 4,589 3,828 1,853 248 607, 792 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7,697 2,251 5,268 178 66, 137 44,611 19, 234 24, 954 423 383,957 5,477 193 5,104 180 49, 769 9,271 1,158 7,960 153 78,837 128, 156 30, 792 84, 945 12, 418 1, 181, 462 103, 818 29, 221 72, 381 2,216 914, 006 80, 565 7,203 71,834 1,528 722,466 24, 736 3,974 20, 302 460 210, 109 14, 947 4,984 9,236 727 133,081 25, 564 5,076 18, 737 1,751 232, 144 21 22 23 24 25 3,557 14, 228 640 2,560 450 1,800 2,716 10, 864 4,812 19, 248 1,752 7,008 137 548 220 880 972 3,888 760 3,000 26 27 17,832 6,805 3,287 7,740 199,672 6,389 3,314 933 2,142 71,327 8,207 4,021 1,267 2,919 89, 010 4,565 1,917 812 1,826 46,868 14, 333 6,040 2,230 6,063 167,802 10,127 5,226 1,222 3,679 113, 159 4,655 2,440 606 1,610 43, 112 278 104 29 145 2,907 9,612 3,702 1,682 4,228 113,817 6,726 2,412 1,401 2,913 81, 340 28 29 30 31 32 1,788,369 1, 806, 253 79, 530 76, 349 288, 807 277, 255 9,920 11, 309 112, 645 118, 172 185,996 178, 566 20, 604 14, 835 8,666 9,868 167, 579 151,276 179, 244 172, 074 33 34 176, 253 15,923 5,619 5,244 23, 608 38,360 14, 266 2,851 25, 261 15, 903 35 36,024 35,316 708 6,920 5,555 365 25, 370 25, 140 230 320 52 268 7,656 7,393 263 32,022 31, 687 335 3,596 2,137 1,459 272 206 66 16, 852 16,354 498 4,193 4,106 87 36 37 38 26, 261, 496 15, 680, 767 729 3, 729, 600 2,856,801 630 13,446,100 9,960,157 630 88, 960 78, 809 278 3, 942, 840 3, 187, 312 615 23, 984, 478 19, 607, 727 749 1,880,708 1, 265, 998 623 100, 912 65, 163 371 11,290,840 8, 236, 041 670 2, 192, 939 2,390,747 523 39 40 41 96, 162 1,870,050 32,730 18,450,840 6, 447, 169 45, 982 677,283 17, 392 940, 936 559,899 33,065 8.994 2,059,013 '296 136,794 6,093,361 ; 2,900 2,484,669 , 4,571 106,015 869, 037 10,137 366, 996 498, 160 142, 341 6, 552, 031 2,243 2, 351, 408 3,447,257 57,034 420, 783 6,368 167, 234 241, 501 9,157 10, 582 150 27, 386 14,039 23, 410 263, 053 57, 733 9, 436, 503 2,373,583 77, 127 263, 580 30, 611 674, 153 344, 131 42 43 44 46 46 6,664 58,312 172,213 20,992 31, 674 261, 777 66,889 94,240 5,326 ■ 9,725 44,845 i 83,721 55,322 : 22,900 17,400 i 30,140 114, 827 875, 299 663, 465 358,873 88, 349 773, 236 546, 777 278,365 90, 556 611, 488 740, 036 220, 747 30, 140 254, 768 212, 389 91, 713 15, 739 108,994 66, 912 42, 290 20, 400 120, 126 108, 933 46, 609 47 48 49 50 5 10 4 11 22 10 144 485 218 2,523 8,604 3,442 859, 956 438, 386 275, 186 1,402 6,620 2,629 1, 282, 070 894, 091 397,442 178 969 432 186 430 194 146 302 121 284 1,094 438 ■il 'S'> 53 13, 825, 881 8,190,959 4, 700, 800 446, 959 207, 707 138, 557 2, 660, 256 , 48, 975 1,271,099 ! 53,718 851,282 ' 16,652 119, 029 127, 175 39, 280 69, 713 10, 647 23, 702 1, 304, 597 622, 332 417, 471 1, 142, 601 705, 003 365, 600 54 55 56 2,028,010 1, 571, 943 1,967,170 101, 719 76, 243 88,496 334,150 \ 12,152 174,308 12,168 280,686 ' 12,517 141,357 98,923 141, 357 202, 178 189, 350 176, 896 27, 795 31. 793 19, 734 7,065 3,336 7,267 182, 634 101, 107 153,413 181, 763 171, 538 152, 673 57 58 69 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 468 CENSUS OF AGKICULTUEE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) 50 I I 51 1 52 53 I 54 55 56 LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock... dollars. Horses: Total number Colts under 2 years of age Horses 2 years old and over Total value.. dollars. Mules: Total number Mule colts under 2 years of age Mules 2 years old and over Total value ...dollars. Cattle: Total number.. Calves under 1 year of age Heifers 1 year old and under 2 Dairy heifers Beef heifers Cows 2 years old and over Dairy cows Beef cows Steers 1 year old and over.. Bulls 1 year old and over Total value ...dollars. Sheep: Total number Lambs under 1 year of age. Ewes 1 year old and over Rams and v/ethers 1 year and over Total value dollars. Goats: Total number Total value dollars. Swine: Total number , Pigs under 6 months of age Breeding sows, 6 months and over All other hogs Total value dollars Chickens: Total number , Total value dollars Other livestock, estimated value .dollars, LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924. Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked Milk produced.i 1924.. gallons. 1919- _ .gallons. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons. Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924... gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. Wool: Number of sheep shorn, i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 .pounds. 1919 pounds. Value of wool, 1924... dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 pounds. Value of mohair, 1924 dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919... .dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. 57 Chickens raised, 1 1924 .number. .58 1 1919 number. 59 I Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars. Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riversidel 448, 798 1,827,864 985, 475 416,839 2,785,900 j 948 4,632 3,093 1,309 8,698 1 33 108 81 81 449 ! 915 4,524 3,012 1,228 8,249 i 65, 106 389,400 213, 432 88, 552 721,370 , 40 2,666 332 63 2,395 1 4 83 24 13 149 ] 36 2,583 308 50 2,246 3,768 288, 446 31, 808 5,270 254,808 7,287 17,785 6,850 8,205 22,478 ! 1,422 1,428 1,145 2,108 3,929 ' 929 1,715 748 1,127 3,357 ; 268 1,134 388 626 2,084 i 661 581 360 501 1,273 ; 4,027 7,606 4,134 3,198 12,470 ! 1,358 6,771 2,352 2,049 8, 460 j 2,669 835 1,782 1,149 4,010 751 6,820 684 1,574 2,275 158 216 139 198 447 264, 466 861, 707 286, 075 298, 259 1, 054, 246 7,846 1,330 36,077 1,306 16,629 j 1,998- 138 8,064 103 7, 107 ! 6,696 1,169 27, 392 1,153 8, 358 ! 152 23 621 50 1,164 i 66, 300 11, 398 305, 107 11, 801 146,003 1 1,475 608 1,834 14 3,970 1 5,900 2,432 7,336 56 15,880 1 1,240 850 1,801 871 4,991 608 206 969 577 3, 143 i 212 220 280 160 703 1 420 424 552 134 1, 145 12,090 10, 473 16, 846 7,206 46,785 24, 631 224, 796 90, 953 6,928 402, 139 28, 079 227, 044 103, 686 4,988 406, 160 3,089 36, 964 21, 185 707 140, 648 1,438 6,087 2,173 2,270 8,131 1,205 6,010 2,072 1,946 7,932 233 77 101 324 199 695, 992 4, 528, 728 1, 106, 057 1, 284, 820 5, 789, 272 767, 226 2, 054, 654 931, 594 1, 037, 779 2^700, 216 484 744 509 566 712 34, 999 66,831 39, 880 33, 842 106, 657 108, 708 240, 844 92, 484 311,774 502, 575 3,638 1,292 4,238 1,852 9,772 121, 092 3,027,895 399, 504 184,991 2,939,131 89, 291 1, 046, 223 140, 978 184, 094 1, 164, 549 5,939 1,766 30, 413 2,014 10,809 43, 192 10, 485 242, 798 13,797 87, 336 73,027 1,446 186, 556 33, 486 53,859 15, 549 3,775 87,407 4,981 31,441 1,267 345 1 1,303 4,043 718 4 2 167 1,819 160, 668 323 707, 796 2 35, 894 910 2, 660, 149 1, 749, 587 146, 912 1, 233, 742 389,880 31,900 1, 237, 544 54, 627 594,860 240, 651 11,845 904,451 24,311 260,089 111,599 9,588 421,040 29,353 201,816 112,826 9,952 289,253 25,040 252, 286 114,947 6,807 408, 409 > Including estimates for incomplete reports. CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA 469» 1925; AND Livestock Pkoducts, 1924 and 1919 — Continued Sacra- mento 2, 859, 476 8,345 239 8,106 592, 236 540 15 525 65, 815 27, 416 2,793 4,743 1,858 2,885 14, 613 9,924 4,689 4,837 430 1, 239, 681 43, 493 13, 909 22, 275 7,309 435, 994 741 2,964 3,876 1,637 690 1,549 47, 283 449, 058 449, 058 36, 445 8,530 8,003 527 4,648,850 , 451, 369 545 70, 574 265, 103 65, 277 2, 226, 795 717, 681 25, 400 115, 387 298, 990 42, 809 12 5 4, 787, 856 1, 285, 391 1, 436, 357 597, 696 502, 087 614, 019 San Benito 1, 614, 134 3,645 243 3,402 271, 674 36 6 30 3,270 974, 30, 684 9,019 21, 458 207 269, 666 493 1,972 2,954 1,422 32, 279 56, 673 54, 406 ,847 2,723 2,368 355 1, 568, 448 2, 254, 387 576 26, 175 291, 141 335 395, 041 226, 871 23,044 181, 833 101, 001 70, 551 186 455 182 456, 218 426, 031 145, 990 60, 243 56, 818 50, 604 San Ber- nardino 3, 109, 542 6,069 174 5,895 508,905 1,404 101 1,303 148, 582 37, 167 4,452 5,620 1,844 3,776 19,313 10, 325 8,988 7,092 690 1, 622, 791 1,880 1,070 797 13 16, 033 1,395 5,580 39, 110 27, 181 2,446 9,483 342, 611 317, 211 320, 383 144, 657 648 059 589 182 773 2, 004, 168 9,867 9,775 92 7, 419, 984 2, 905, 119 752 106, 977 1, 327, 568 1,398 2, 458, 452 1, 371, 763 1,395 10, 175 15, 688 3,663 41 102 43 2, 045, 377 1, 043, 234 695, 428 326, 410 278, 767 316, 618 San Diego San Fran- cisco 692, 560 7,973 610 7,363 663, 305 1,267 169 1,098 129, 568 2,580 439 2,043 98 22, 323 5,384 21, 536 6,387 2,555 800 3,032 69, 940 640, 260 646, 663 145,057 848 11 848 8,508 474 1,071,832 4, 520, 824 . 676 155, 237 177, 969 19, 801 4, 142, 220 1, 418, 550 1,917 13, 844 31, 744 4,984 2,460 3,700 1,554 5, 503, 675 2, 498, 363 1, 871, 250 747, 183 477, 055 724, 768 200, 693 25 20, 352 10, 264 San Joaquin 5, 073, 835 14, 844 303 14, 541 1, 145, 106 1,450 170 1,280 142, 220 50, 281 5,931 6,620 5,388 1,232 31,817 24, 908 6,909 4,772 1,141 2, 578, 571 79, 932 20, 331 58, 326 1,275 704, 157 449 1,796 12, 356 5,838 2,022 4,496 142, 906 327, 469 314, 370 44, 709 San Luis Obispo 4, 230, 663 9,648 571 9,077 721, 769 602 59 543 56, 955 77, 333 12, 308 7,972 3,950 4,022 36, 550 20, 162 16, 388 19, 137 1, 366 3,171,786 2,961 602 2,205 154 26, 706 1,474 5,896 9,191 4, 551 1,179 3,461 99, 227 136, 947 131, 469 16, 855 24, 033 18, 923 23, 009 18, 082 1, 024 841 15,933,879 8,647,811 12,303,728 7,312,686 663 457 78,499 1, 866, 158 42, 757 7, 775, 502 2, 758, 692 64, 425 494, 379 401, 971 177, 976 14 59 27 2, 238, 251 2, 837, 234 693, 858 75, 495 917, 005 70, 465 502, 154 294,008 2,656 17, 843 35, 721 6,923 198 596 238 782, 378 429, 439 250, 361 403,442 147,081 501,435 I 96,587 350,995 I 123,548 San Santa Mateo I Barbara 1,234,326 12,384,031 ! 2,535 , 7,979 104 590 2, 431 7, 389 191, 347 654, 615 309 091 877 559 318 606 209 397 396 339 259 19,454 8,652 j 9,968 ! 834 171,083 1,410 I 5,640 ! 2,200 i 730 I 274 1,196 27, 165 356 16 340 38, 232 35, 861 4,388 5,680 1, 783 3,897 18, 752 7,857 10, 895 6,298 743 1, 482, 580 6,198 1,379 4,767 52 52, 892 30, 883 29, 648 222 6,166 2,142 913 3,111 70, 074 75, 865 76, 624 4,489 I 8,126 ,201 ,015 5, 388, 057 3, 101, 145 667 13, 853 176, 441 20, 670 4, 395, 153 1, 121, 082 12, 275 100, 227 3,477 38, 888 2 4 2 195, 984 281, 232 62, 715 37, 245 67, 842 31, 286 7,103 6,952 151 3, 814, 311 2, 490, 851 637 96, 712 717, 264 2,224 955, 415 648, 855 5,144 43, 845 103, 222 15, 784 2 4 2 486, 674 376, 099 165, 469 75, 637 82, 001 73, 368 Santa Clara 2, 652, 643 8,455 207 8,248 643,376 38 350 36, 710 39, 734 4,903 5,388 2,448 2,940 18, 755 11,965 6,790 10, 070 618 694, 606 863 291 548 24 7,618 511 2,044 2,486 1,191 526 769 27, 219 220, 047 211, 245 29,925 12, 059 11, 960 !, 764, 834 », 730, 866 726 106, 136 32, 015 4,578 7, 033, 509 1, 684, 014 772 7,023 2,787 49 2,725 6a- 61 62' 63T 1,528,667 54 1,252,590 55 489,173 !56 484,543 !57- 520,514 [58 407, 016 ! 59 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 470 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table III. — Livestock on Farms, January 1, ITEM definitions in Introduction) Santa Cruz LIVESTOCK, 1925 Value of all livestock... dollars.. 1,012,871 Horses : Total number j 2,865 Colts under 2 years of age j 81 Horses 2 years old and over 2,784 Total value.. dollars.. 217, 608 Mules: Total number 85 Mule colts under 2 years of age 6 Mules 2 years old and over | 79 Total value dollars.. 8, 170 Cattle: Total number... ; 7,593 Calves under 1 year of age \ 954 Heifers 1 year old and under 2 ' 897 Dairy heifers 605 Beef heifers.. ; 292 Cows 2 years old and over \ 4, 163 Dairy cows ; 3,458 Beef cows i 705 Steers 1 year old and over I 1,373 Bulls 1 year old and over 206 Total value. dollars..! 364, 127 Sheep: | Total number .j 2,045 Lambs under 1 year of age 337 Ewes 1 year old and over 1, 667 Rams and wethers 1 year and over... I 41 Total value dollars..! 18, 279 Goats: I Total number i 982 Total value dollars.. 3, 928 Swine: i Total number ! 2,000 Pigs under 6 months of age. 922 Breeding sows, 6 months and over 287 All other hogs 791 Total value dollars.. 22,^242 Chickens; Total number 387,048 Total value dollars.. 371, 566 6,951 Shasta Sierra I Siskiyou | Solano I Other livestock, estimated value dollars. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy products: Number of cows milked, 1924 Dairy cows milked Beef cows milked 3,332 3,295 37 Milk produced.i 1924 gallons.. 12, 029, : 1919. Average per cow milked, 1924 gallons..] Butter made on farms, 1924 pounds. Butterfat sold, 1924 pounds. Cream sold, 1924 gallons. Whole milk sold, 1924 gallons. Value of dairy products,^ 1924 dollars. VV^ool: Number of sheep shorn,i 1924 Wool produced,! 1924 pounds. 1919 ...pounds. Value of wool, 1924 dollars. Mohair: Number of goats shorn, 1924 Mohair produced, 1924 ..pounds. Value of mohair, 1924... dollars. Eggs and chickens: Chicken eggs produced,' 1924 dozens. 1919 dozens. Value of chicken eggs, 1924 dollars. 57 i Chickens raised,' 1924 number. 58 ! 1919 number. 59 I Value of chickens raised, 1924 dollars _\ [ 1 Including estimates for incomplete reports. .gallons.. 1,793,686 609 38, 707 91,812 5,040 961, 941 284, 445 1,978 15, 777 11,408 6,121 350 1,692 677 3, 654, 120 1, 733, 230 1,169,318 408, 723 297, 424 343, 327 2, 008, 827 3,934 217 3,717 267, 351 332 29 303 28, 401 37, 267 7,657 5,261 594 4,667 16, 837 2, 488 14, 349 6,913 599 1, 151, 117 34, 455 7,538 26, 283 634 291, 001 4,456 17, 824 15, 903 5,389 2,911 7,603 179, 747 44, 954 42, 257 31, 129 "I 3,140 2,336 1, 635, 940 839, 864 .521 54, 012 289, 389 11, 198 171,622 192, 530 30, 010 236, 292 138, 943 89, 791 3,812 13, 891 6,251 303, 035 235, 986 96,971 80, 153 46, 968 66,527 259,726 2,366,081 !2, 971, 750 569 37 532 38.424 1,< 5,757 1,530 776 549 227 2,334 1,354 980 1,038 79 208, 935 501 269 214 18 4,196 20 80 344 228 42 74 2,867 2,565 2,924 632 ; 5.945 ! ' 542 I 5,403 ' . 396,096 { i 1 441 I 113 ! i 328 ; i 33,927 I 52,054 ! 11,367 j 7, 240 I 1, 168 ! 6, 072 : 22,346 ; 6,956 ! 15,390 I , 10,291 I 810 11,700,413 I 10, 331 i 1, 787 : 8, 159 385 88, 076 220 4,646 4,510 329. 616 9,648 4,866 1,223 3,559 94, 934 39,449 37,082 14, 673 73 925 100. 483 16, 841 2,756 2,011 1,392 619 10,586 6,687 3,899 1,146 342 774, 570 163, 697 27,925 131, 278 4,494 1, 608, 565 59 236 3,920 1,648 657 1,615 47, 888 94,049 94, 049 16,343 1.325 1,282 43 670, 450 770, 105 506 2,480 185. 885 168 7,660 80, 872 1,385 10,438 7,327 3.758 11, 707 15, 746 3,980 2,093 2,826 2,156 7,148 6,074 1,074 4, 410, 316 3, 494, 533 617 31, 937 954, 659 8,982 831, 048 591, 678 7,573 64, 238 96, 878 24, 410 454 204 5,786 5,277 509 3,558,390 3, 876, 398 615 41,100 217, 945 47, 209 2, 080, 605 629, 162 155, 676 1,388,642 753,462 616, 186 204, 504 602, 572 193, 296 399, 905 65, 441 180, 772 37,240 42,412 100,068 107,952 86,058 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 CALIFORNIA 1925; AND Livestock Products, 1924 and 1919 — Continued 471 Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuol- umne Ventura Yolo Yuba 7, 005, 158 5,428,800 1,470,576 4,657,688 567, 561 7, 762, 984 685, 543 1, 695, 240 3, 482, 535 1,472,348 1 9,394 235 9,159 714, 643 10,632 253 10, 379 818, 670 3,142 107 3,035 222, 372 5,062 329 4,733 352, 620 876 59 817 59, 137 16, 012 661 15, 351 1, 221, 174 1,794 136 1,658 120,412 7,323 680 6,743 599, 255 5,716 222 5,494 403, 660 2,526 119 2,407 177, 588 2 3 4 5 428 24 404 41,480 1,656 269 1, 387 158, 009 848 33 815 87, 093 1,535 160 1,375 151, 735 132 7 125 11, 523 4,266 296 3,970 430,466 89 21 68 7,682 2,461 183 2,278 260, 096 1,498 141 1,357 148, 971 343 47 296 33,242 6 7 8 9 42,960 5,620 6,276 5,394 882 28,802 25, 502 3,300 1,382 880 2, 247, 190 69, 217 8,658 10, 257 8,744 1,513 42, 620 37, 206 5,414 6,190 1,492 3, 624, 580 9,981 1,822 1,513 914 599 5,791 3,958 1,833 651 204 451, 869 41, 369 7,877 5,547 824 4,723 19, 450 3,410 16,040 7,812 683 1,473,422 13, 421 3,192 1,564 82 1,482 6,652 361 6,291 1,821 192 394, 648 100, 870 15, 114 13,472 7,865 5,607 47, 041 30, 223 16,818 23, 734 1,509 4, 412, 684 13, 502 2, 745 1,708 196 1,512 7,166 1, 033 6,133 1,584 299 441, 223 14, 078 1,628 1,246 542 704 5,866 3,015 2,851 5,240 198 582, 532 21,925 4,178 3,463 2,240 1,223 12, 133 8,782 3,351 1,695 456 990, 861 16, 292 3,596 2,337 731 1,606 8,303 2,557 5,746 1,793 263 608, 319 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 81,681 19, 945 56, 788 4,948 736,491 42, 174 14, 506 26,643 1,025 369, 160 53, 163 9,682 42, 457 1,024 520, 179 242, 230 45, 814 192, 696 3,720 2, 364, 739 4,307 1,125 2,199 983 38,997 113,016 30, 614 77, 781 4,621 1, 005, 014 4,573 659 3,692 222 39,429 6,828 1,263 5,367 198 58, 831 160, 398 50,864 106, 167 3,367 1, 537, 785 57, 353 3,749 52, 670 934 570, 709 21 22 23 24 25 1,399 5,596 1,648 6,592 159 636 16, 564 66, 256 499 1,996 1,065 4,260 4,400 17, 600 3,775 15, 100 531 2,124 394 1,576 26 27 9,821 5,750 1,480 2,591 97, 601 7,240 3,754 1,032 2,454 80,827 7,444 3,592 1,035 2,817 86, 776 10, 376 5,223 1,816 3,337 119, 009 4,771 1,830 1,009 1,932 52, 248 24, 062 13,070 4,579 6,413 264, 156 2,409 1,004 611 794 25,315 2,483 1,274 690 619 25, 783 23, 542 13, 473 4,726 5,343 255, 415 3,158 1,500 361 1,297 37, 028 28 29 30 31 32 3, 244, 125 3, 114, 360 348,839 334, 885 80, 690 80, 690 89, 780 89, 780 6,834 6.424 359,873 345, 478 25, 268 28,806 101, 118 102, 129 96, 584 96, 584 32,955 32, 955 33 34 47, 797 36, 077 20, 961 40, 127 2,588 79, 752 5,076 51, 514 47, 235 10, 931 35 26, 481 25,814 667 35, 347 34, 976 371 3,991 3,711 280 3,812 3,318 494 400 283 117 30, 013 29, 413 600 993 983 10 2,904 2,823 81 7,994 7,735 259 2,487 2,114 373 36 37 38 14,802,879 12, 578, 105 559 26, 298, 168 24, 494, 515 744 2,454,465 2, 914, 937 615 1, 795, 452 1, 665, 318 471 147, 200 237, 166 368 19,598,489 15,427,091 653 383, 298 318,402 386 1, 181, 928 981, 013 407 5. 116, 160 4, 187, 294 640 1, 397, 694 656, 872 662 39 40 41 240, 965 1, 957, 105 306, 130 4,561,651 2,417,514 103, 838 5, 144, 005 117,967 7,632,854 4, 242, 853 38, 082 503, 440 2,454 420, 764 324, 966 70, 513 381,714 480 132,386 221, 858 17,843 3,298 2,586 4,055 12, 971 200,962 3, 198, 233 544, 278 4, 302, 968 3, 203, 936 11,341 12, 703 4,548 132, 855 42, 241 29, 212 70, 378 4,650 257, 266 127,801 52, 942 207, 452 184, 140 2, 759, 832 957, 384 52, 886 217, 204 5,531 276, 034 182, 847 42 43 44 45 46 79,476 587, 531 506, 282 227, 962 27, 708 221, 793 195, 965 79, 845 50,824 413, 023 488, 746 153, 232 223, 821 1, 853, 786 1, 323, 113 687, 755 3,403 24, 683 13, 185 9,380 77, 149 742, 628 201, 461 267, 346 6,827 39, 186 10, 029 14, 107 6,889 53, 709 62, 080 19, 335 127, 196 1,077,393 691, 244 399, 713 56, 321 422, 405 436, 675 156, 712 47 48 49 50 769 1,612 645 636 1,314 591 11 32 13 13, 799 72, 982 29, 193 489 2,246 1,011 38 144 65 2,528 7,450 3,353 1,007 2,526 1,061 90 363 145 51 6? 53 26, 313, 098 20, 480, 588 8, 420, 191 3, 055, 830 1, 618, 699 947, 307 535, 378 394, 394 100, 613 558, 970 418, 621 167, 691 36, 869 50, 532 11,798 2, 170, 034 1, 756, 199 672, 711 148,348 77, 375 50, 438 639, 976 299, 597 217, 692 569, 556 571, 525 170, 867 180, 231 127, 080 54, 069 54 55 56 3,111,116 3, 461, 706 2.613,337 372, 560 371, 251 324, 127 86, 580 85, 634 74, 459 138, 351 118, 437 118,982 6,718 10, 019 5,576 401, 618 432, 361 349, 408 29, 513 20, 675 30, 398 91, 208 62, 638 88, 472 106, 049 100, 317 91, 202 38, 986 24, 514 33, 528 57 58 69 2 Value of milk, cream, and butterfat sold, and of butter made. 51623—27 31 472 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 I 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 61 62 ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars. Value of same crops in 1919... dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage.. Harvested for grain ..acres. bushels. Cut for silage acres. tons. Cut for fodder acres. Hogged off... Wheat ..acres. bushels. Oats threshed for grain ..acres. bushels. Oats cut and fed unthreshed ...acres. Barley acres. bushels. Rice (rough) acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain ...acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres. Hay crops : Total acreage Timothy alone acres. Timothy and clover mixed acres. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth. acres. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan-acres. Alfalfa ..acres. The State Other tame grasses .acres. Small grains cut for hay.. ...acres. Annual legumes cut for hay... acres. Wild grasses cut on farms ..acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres. bales. Sugar beets for sugar acres. tons- Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages. acres. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres. Lettuce .acres. Onions (dry) .acres. Sweet corn acres. Tomatoes .acres. Watermelons acres. Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing agc. bushcls harvested. Peaches trees of all ages. bushels harvested. Pears trees of all ages. Plums and prunes trees of all ages. Grapes vines of all ages. Oranges trees not of bearing age- trees of bearing age. Lemons trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Grapefruit trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. 154, 883, 599 282, 579, 083 79, 413 35,779 I 1, 097, 365 17, 205 142, 769 9,872 16, 557 358, 537 5, 129, 145 79, 037 1, 437, 781 41, 107 751, 931 16, 458, 556 71,641 3, 560, 266 35, 829 943, 321 206, 275 1, 821, 623 3,985 19, 867 3,144 4,826 739, 457 85, 853 850,829 ! 113,619 I 3, 632, 789 144, 047 78, 548 65, 430 659, 933 43, 225 596, 526 3,466 278, 159 6,066 31, 243 31, 650 8,759 7,335 22, 396 886, 453 3, 540, 407 8, 285, 575 13,151,350 11, 204, 288 7, 397, 456 20,316,429 280, 638, 074 1, 762, 027 13,870.018 284, 000 3, 196, 469 251, 616 304, 262 Alameda 1,599,411 4, 499, 211 54 25 730 875 17, 590 635 16, 955 378 2,584 84, 865 29, 623 549 1,802 9 8,234 144 18. 721 164 50, 727 353 3,452 601 30, 898 206 3 132 120 963 4,168 1 3, 263 10, 738 9, 463 68, 439 218, 157 114,893 233. 376 1, 477, 703 165 1, 465 564 1,140 31 I 26 I Alpine 43, 357 80, 469 Amador 235, 463 484, 991 156 43 1,334 113 275 174 3,777 500 .1 447 .1 11,091 4 100 586 12, 910 1,478 1,060 222 807 177 67 19 ! 2,918 2,272 1,660 : 7,431 2 358 28 3,603 40 2, 072 1, 233 7, 764 715 8, 926 18,375 j 11,214 61 : 7,384 120 27, 276 418,079 i 14 I 169 13 1 10 22 3 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 473 Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial 183, 880 438, 271 5, 244, 533 11, 796, 461 3, 606, 629 7, 508, 884 172, 790 246, 476 190, 238 457, 300 5, 828, 256 18, 765, 461 3, 484, 909 11,130,141 1, 342, 793 2, 079, 203 8,089,234 12, 616, 207 1 2 48 30 300 130 4,355 4,153 141, 040 30 190 81 91 1,801 44,975 100 1,540 91 27,328 896,814 496 8 147 162 656 309 17 42 21 345 3 20 2 16 103 839 268 6,301 187 41 316 1,772 421 7,034 706 464 10, 300 73 486 135 34 18, 555 260, 990 672 13, 556 20 59, 688 1,287,283 8,573 386, 220 1,697 44,447 478 127 3,385 31 194 245 75 196 3,809 567 15, 944 1,975 79 2,238 4,613 ?,400 42, 840 1,460 13, 600 333 420 1,490 38, 999 208 7,935 130 14, 240 572, 723 3 4 5 40 200 85 5 17, 494 369,802 80 1,500 . 6 7 770 581 7,962 105, 257 183 3,080 890 6,860 125,936 8 18 245 3,372 113 2,274 297 395 3,393 10 n 91 3,744 29 33 1,470 12 13 14 94, 928 2,312,668 15, 938 834, 451 112 2,220 391 13, 160 15- 1& 17 1R 63 530 1,742 28, 155 4 34 1 6,054 41 54 83 43 234 482 3,705 601 11, 890 99 79, 249 40 17 6 300 44 27,080 23 22 944 7 1,692 5,539 17, 198 10, 622 304, 772 214 51, 469 40 40 20 14 46, 775 966 3,492 3 120 158,022 73, 967 26, 732 1 12 1 90 51 3,365 266 491 20, 241 16,634 97 11 613 2,011 11 3 3 4,691 384 5,269 1,719 1, 842, 866 3,940 3,327 188 662 203, 257 51,396 !<>■ m 9 7,465 4 3,507 1 9 339 8 39 764 2,101 *>! 22,884 5 22 ?3 86 108 15 309 527 3,205 94 ?6 56 44,035 1,361 33, 385 66 16, 802 1,146 4,532 ?fT 9,832 252 3,026 9,146 2,338 16, 671 27 28 29 m 3,215 6,753 50 31, 210 16 16 246 6,647 1,412 5,799 355 172, 812 8,109 5,876 333 44, 196 1,756 53, 508 SI 60,624 32 33 34 20 190 4,204 687,873 35 36 48 7,050 87 10, 429 47 6,893 1 50 5 2 1 18 2,046 8 667 119 67 116 116 38 41 76 205 6,205 22, 673 9,442 1,552,911 1, 984, 697 31, 155 360, 492 95, 125, 479 13,307 179, 236 1,361 23,382 689 1,822 676 83, 486 37 3R 39 40 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 6 3 4 51 2 4 1 2 28 9 4 4,202 58, 048 70, 047 5,333 2,904 22, 681 13, 468 20, 987 41 20 10 76 185 31 288 19 21, 750 33, 194 36, 365 140, 674 78,016 433, 457 183, 434 2, 535, 362 149 291 32 98 6 30 42 4R 1 1 1 3 44 2 1 1 15 3 5 4,434 27, 310 19, 835 51, 085 17, 645 411, 033 80,090 258, 672 9 45 'I 12 4,948 11, 509 10,014 7,382 1,270 6,311 6,381 192, 710 . 31 374 6 36 7 8 8 638 1,270 1,322 13, 402 6,932 10, 060 359, 143 964, 210 313 3,141 79 40, 242 26 1 21 6,455 7,069 7,696 74, 620 31, 567 17, 401 219, 955 472, 835 7,369 53, 206 1,001 10, 754 3,067 1,817 46 47 4S 686 3,642 9,621 37 50 412 644 119 49 50 61 62 53 54 56 66 57 38 3 58i m m 61 103 1,069 j 6? 1 474 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUBE : 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table IV. — Value op Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Inyo VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.- 791,257 Value of same crops in 1919 ..dollars.. 1,439,585 ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage.. Harvested for grain. ..acres.. bushels..; Cut for silage.. acres.. tons-- Cut for fodder ..acres.. Hogged off acres.. Wheat.. acres..! bushels..! Oats threshed for grain ...acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rice (rough) ..acres. bushels. Sorghums harvested for grain acres. bushels. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) Other tame grasses.. ..acres. Small grains cut for hay acres. Annual legumes cut for hay. ..acres. Wild grasses cut on farms acres. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild ...tons. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton ...acres. Sugar beets for sugar.. acres. tons. Potatoes, white acres. bushels. Sweet potatoes and yams acres. bushels. Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce. acres.. Onions (dry).. acres.. Sweet corn.- acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons acres.. Orchard fruits: I Apples. .trees not of bearing age. . I trees of bearing age..i bushels harvested. - Peaches.- trees of all ages-.| bushels harvested.. Pears... trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. I trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Lemons trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Grapefruit trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. 1,632 781 24,476 770 6,268 45 847 21, 135 215 5,440 241 85 2,545 45 14, 032 Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone. acres. Timothy and clover mixed... .acres..! 342 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth, .acres.. 165 Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan, .acres.. 192 Alfalfa acres.. 10,967 545 393 1,428 28, 374 127 14,700 11 19 6 12 34 15 20 9,004 52, 621 37, 661 8,421 139 37, 753 2,662 86, 887 Kern 6, 106, 237 5, 519, 168 Kings 4, 095, 838 7, 548, 680 1,966 983 60, 313 238 1,505 235 510 17, 995 294, 683 1,000 40,000 1,037 6,233 119, 323 17 720 5,321 145, 370 215 48, 163 20 40 60 33,754 355 13, 422 522 124. 908 20, 925 19, 891 327, 449 46 7,654 27 101 2,258 420 108 115 109 1,061 27, 657 40, 739 54, 280 155,369 22, 010 84, 830 145, 911 10, 105, 620 2,714 99, 815 75 882 1,021 1.259 293 65 935 105 755 104 19 18,312 246, 310 20 840 34 9,168 221, 538 1,887 54, 142 10 41, 730 3 64 34,689 91 6,967 10 104, 604 7,465 5,192 75 12,700 37 6,610 4 1 4 1 4 467 2,457 5, 024 580, 836 988, 593 5,413 99, 623 8, 261, 186 1 223 Lake 436, 736 901,769 670, 067 1, 985, 708 268 5,060 41 144 55 1,506 21, 683 244 3,528 61 1,042 18, 273 41 668 99 11.975 10 5,363 395 5,110 1,044 15,128 100 12, 775 4 5 3 4 11 4 9 3,895 17,383 12, 994 12, 592 4,982 420. 435 158, 381 336, 324 2 61 3 1. CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 475 Los Angeles Madera Marin Mari- posa Mendo- cino Merced Modoc Mono Mon- terey Napa 5,748,449 il, 815, 118 13, 030, 137 3, 677, 053 881, 887 1, 282, 950 59, 926 208, 935 1, 179, 935 2, 066, 643 4, 216, 218 11,714,440 1, 661, 177 2, 384, 810 219, 873 212, 459 5, 500, 148 7, 898, 949 702, 533 1, 546, 315 1 2 2,796 230 6,136 2,031 23,756 417 118 21 245 294 4,692 3,897 410 7,633 190 28 710 52 618 29 81 21, 787 110,330 726 4,018 129 39, 099 298, 323 201 1 40 184 991 16 79 4 75 1 74 64 509 77 1,073 40 223 2,457 857 117 1,898 467 1,941 129 144 3,228 50, 001 2,040 62, 839 1,159 1,239 27, 037 673 30 1,061 408 3,405 80 20 327 72 1,578 52 361 193 10 5,289 58, 479 728 13, 520 250 15, 328 249, 3SG 499 212 4,168 122 884 91 74 1,376 25, 076 1,914 29. 075 672 1.111 15, 644 3 4 5 6 7 47 188 8 69 20 200 4 160 30" 460 9 5 100 1,202 39, 459 1,473 32 814 3,005 24,802 2,737 53,824 265 23, 886 269, 698 - -■- 1,860 16, 458 1,516 12, 350 10 821 18, 162 10 u 12 13 14 16 16 18 827 26, 367 48 16, 276 2,718 78, 859 2,929 62, 164 10 700 19 20 14, 247 67, 214 101 42 41 20, 768 200 49 3,076 143 25, 070 44 150 74 5 6,969 666 16, 941 1 79, 716 906 1,873 470 36 15, 012 12, 420 9,824 6,028 16, 611 70, 039 21 16, 536 9 22 23 1 388 10 5 2,688 717 49 24 1 2 8 52, 701 461 8,191 25 2,371 27,932 2,117 34, 643 13 12, 420 115 2,715 26 19 202 20, 337 41 300 2,520 26, 991 3,467 39, 397 40 144 118, 475 1,807 1, 376 13, 082 27 28 29 30 8 191,433 12 53, 763 1,329 922 10 30, 987 214 1,838 1,221 33, 781 801 157, 277 151 91 39, 177 78, 058 2,171 8,626 2G2 21, 448 31 32 33 34 8,382 64, 140 2,486 247, 796 276 15,948 .1,353 1,609 1,199 4,109 622 2,539 2,771 1,355 60,761 53, 896 54,258 423,902 132, 654 557,980 73,804 3, 302, 804 447, 055 3,061,342 83,936 860, 328 10,032 29,987 333 1,483 1,071 121, 752 22" 2,752 1 9 505 52, 425 14, 261 136, 750 824 59, 917 35 36 16 982 8 770 3 3 12 150 13 2 3 40 3,153 7,673 10, 117 251, 128 139, 309 4,257 89, 499 10,908,174 87 146 18 18 5 79 36 2,484 1,347 101, 251 17 27 315 14 26 8 220 424 1,587 3,766 4,596 1, 120, 504 532, 146 6,373 100, 886 10, 436, 692 1,164 662 79 44 31 24 195 22, 386 115 17,901 32 1,183 37 38 39 i6" 6 19 40 1 1 4 35 12 18 7 10 15 62 97 23, 427 97, 843 205, 327 15, 798 11, 783 335, 120 177, 114 3, 442, 709 18 28 I 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 1,353 17, 147 6,666 1,095 60 1,221 1,278 2 1 1 "l' 4 1 1 2,540 1,354 1, 465 172 11 1,862 129 4,919 83 88 46 41 42 43 2 488 I 13 44 20 2 3 f 219 103 224 33 40, 706 200, 161 1, 090, 376 20, 475 2, 367 165, 083 30, 184 133, 358 21,660 7 4,506 9 1 10 14 12 13 15, 241 65, 349 79, 457 41,968 32, 237 221, 176 1, 187, 866 6, 472, 266 40 423 33 82 8 44 45 46 47 48 1,146 7,991 8,367 2,871 1,458 22, 754 12,228 160,905 4,469 9,250 7,732 2,447 975 836 965 11, 734 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 8 85 1 16 58 50 4 60 61 1 5 62 476 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops with production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 dollars. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage — Harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off acres.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain. acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley acres.. bushels.. Rice (rough) acres.. bushels.- Sorghums harvested for grain acres.. bushels.. Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage Timothy alone acres.. Timothy and clover mixed. acres.. Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth.. acres.. Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan.. acres.. Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses. acres.. Small grains cut for hay .acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay — acres.. Wild grasses cut on farms acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres.. bales.. Sugar beets for sugar.. acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white. acres.. bushels.. Sweet potatoes and yams acres.. bushels.. Strawberries Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres Cantaloupes and muskmelons. acres Lettuce... .acres Onions (dry) ...acres Sweet corn acres.. Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons acres Orchard fruits: Apples trees not of bearing age.- trees of bearing age., bushels harvested.. Peaches.. trees of all ages.. bushels harvested.. Pears. trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes.. vines of all ages.. Oranges trees not of bearing age trees of bearing age Lemons trees not of bearing age trees of bearing age. Grapefruit trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. Nevada Orange 135,620 I 2,299,477 258, 417 3, 149, 766 55 3 115 18 203 32 2 8 100 33 4,621 2 47 70 19 332 392 2,323 1,436 4,834 60 8,177 974 13, 942 9,498 7,740 3,805 115,191 22, 231 71.940 35 >.. 1,346 162 6,957 864 6,754 245 75 3,375 44,590 250 7,500 483 11,115 239, 960 4 40 24,470 44, 107 1,465 6,775 1,812 34, 711 344 51, 386 160 40 7,284 68,191 191 14, 107 215 15, 539 14 545 133 303 28 512 1,395 51 8,594 23,001 6,985 9,306 516 6,776 2,172 153, 919 636, 940 2, 200, 041 22, 903 448,864 2,124 9,662 Placer 1, 427, 083 2, 667, 607 Plumas 241, 261 552, 420 49 5 120 10 53 17 17 9,337 117,013 j 3,875 ; 54,825 I 151 I 2,127 36,800 i 220 2,996 11, 106 20 151 1,274 30 10, 173 11 16,409 4,048 68 1,041 1,120 121 70 8,642 1,699 354 j 9,414 11,018 I 10,893 105 60 3,668 97 2,362 1,612 6 156 274 26 j 1 8 |. 4 1 17 i 12 16 9,845 32, 484 13, 363 735, 906 817, 293 682, 391 1, 168, 044 1,990,409 1,837 I 72,206 15,449 ' 1,526,433 172 ! I 13,354 757 1 369,895 36 i 10,698 556 i 40,315 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 CALIFORNIA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 477 Sacra- mento San Benito San Ber- nardino San Diego San Fran- cisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara 6, 196, 089 6, 154, 555 597, 146 1, 662, 198 3, 357, 874 4, 708, 013 1, 681, 205 2, 989, 441 4,785 8,446 14, 587, 417 23,806,854 1, 677, 827 6, 543, 731 707, 909 916, 419 2, 409, 311 2, 737, 857 2, 236, 138 3, 754, 659 1 2 4,888 4,596 110, 700 275 1,704 10 7 30,028 431, 855 6,681 127, 892 148 11, 941 291, 804 2,406 110.000 186 4,185 7,597 47,279 256 11 350 40 375 63 162 43 655 3,206 474 7,650 2,274 22, 688 403 56 79 1,850 175 3,500 2,637 376 14, 363 4,749 929 14, 429 1,883 13, 643 1,286 651 1,147 11, 908 311 7,671 1,539 4,290 70, 283 22, 069 14, 634 550, 216 442 3,392 310 6,673 30, 612 439, 818 11, 709 164,418 1,672 105, 024 2, 279, 211 2,066 653 6,409 464 2,655 381 558 8,789 51, 326 319 4,821 35 3,939 96, 500 202 23 355 170 1,120 9 4,415 152 3,211 127 781 137 3,999 324 5,670 2,410 27, 200 4,552 5,131 93, 830 190 45 590 12 180 88 45 10 170 301 5,014 43 2,524 42,896 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 61 913 6,897 83, 932 2,212 1,017 13,885 10 11 1? 13 14 15 16 17 18 192 3,797 997 47, 182 120 1,425 6,790 61, 434 28 1 1,312 21, 709 16, 336 92, 124 130 435 20 11 45, 743 4,107 40,868 19 ?n 13 10, 493 4,126 52, 608 221 18, 110 34, 657 48, 058 198 6 109 34, 870 21 22 9S ?4 50 1 17, 825 10, 737 18,268 ?J 4 19, 496 1,100 26, 442 31 4,073 1,164 56, 029 10 5,130 687 46, 733 48 8,377 818 25,020 ?6 3,753 806 4,166 678 2,722 14, 760 0,073 235 41,644 27 28 29 30 398 156, 832 1,768 16, 934 140 114, 236 108 52, 247 810 310, 667 148 61, 698 50 17, 674 3 61, 015 607 53, 812 31 32 33 34 3,411 39, 374 172 9,034 11 730 495 189 58 486 305 179 760 2 3,630 14, 590 27, 120 404, 885 453, 752 813, 380 688, 730 10,459,781 24, 253 102, 715 1,390 2,057 1,398 3,744 306 2,512 76 9,685 276 2,613 859 56, 810 303 28, 107 47 68 147 74 32 572 720 415 15, 207 351, 361 210, 900 865, 217 181, 715 123, 159 21, 298 13, 545, 467 193, 075 3, 128, 812 22,397 388, 332 11, 098 91, 433 495 4,950 1,365 117, 017 84 13, 184 18 165 284 384 111 451 914 283 17,035 39, 950 36, 338 131, 121 10, 883 23, 985 45, 302 2, 647, 939 50, 996 126,973 27, 009 324, 296 3,333 8,297 ""29' 4,360 1,793 23,361 20, 926 4,700,469 1,907 19, 544 235 12, 046 6,895 1.9n2 35 74,330 i 17.' 200 36 1,172 180,986 6 900 27 1,666 136 19,352 4 342 21 47 18 1,444 307 38 166 366 9,526 10, 146 3,705 42, 687 9,175 4,195 11, 264 72, 802 5,029 13, 402 21, 206 114, 774 107 554 221 6,902 37 38 39 2 10 33 61 27 332 3,233 105 1,478 139 2.039 3,424 3,250 679, 662 671, 022 252, 191 393, 297 19, 235, 416 148 6,078 17 48 3 293 30 29 1 206 51 69 89 11 17, 321 47, 698 20, 153 69,032 7,981 115,483 234, 663 411,997 89 834 64 810 13 22 40 2 6 260 175 7 377 379 619 2,854 3 14, 144 202, 168 271, 565 293, 103 438, 578 727, 501 6,386,246 6, 124, 444 227 1,223 119 670 31 61 41 42 43 180 29 14 116 3 1,861 13, 305 81, 405 65, 313 79, 537 95, 332 389, 223 265, 096 2 3 1 • 787 339 124 261 3 2,462 9,177 13, 529 12, 860 1,011 14, 050 12, 443 26, 369 187 40 166 13 90 9 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 63 64 65 56 57 58 69 60 61 62 478 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 CALIFORNIA County Table IV. — Value of Crops and Acreage ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Santa Cmz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano 1 2 VALUE OF CROPS Value of crops witti production reported in 1924 dollars.. Value of same crops in 1919 doUars.. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION. 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn, total acreage 4, 902, 202 5, 469, 231 881,768 1,560,963 133,661 307, 391 1, 503, 334 2,988,703 3,320,099 6, 662, 992 3 658 300 5,307 121 1,277 217 20 31 503 256 6,760 1,251 259 5,361 250 91 2,406 36 174 36 87 3,912 34, 429 74 910 39 552 7,191 82 49 1,219 20 105 2 11 8,341 88,828 925 32, 619 39 1,983 59, 341 200 99 4,398 30 76 71 4 Harvested for grain... acres.. bushels.. Cut for silage ...acres.. tons.. Cut for fodder acres.. Hogged off acres.. Wheat acres.. bushels.. Oats threshed for grain acres.. bushels.. Oats cut and fed unthreshed acres.. Barley ...acres.. bushels.. Rice (rough) acres 5 6 7 H Q 10 11 1? 2 10 22,278 463,428 1,615 27,086 42 22,863 665,641 13 14 Ifi Ifi 17 18 bushels 19 Sorghums harvested for grain acres 176 4,497 54 26, 417 317 2,729 168 90 7,351 2,121 8,184 31 295 5,733 28,147 ?0 bushels ?1 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) acres.. Hay crops: Total acreage... 548 11, 534 8 51, 190 1,020 2,305 93 7 27, 360 6,402 12, 719 ?,? 10, 914 1 2,333 20 60 1,053 2,494 430 ?™S Timothy alone ... . acres ?4 Timothy and clover mixed acres ?5 Clover — red, alsike, and mammoth... acres.. Clover — sweet, crimson, and Japan acres 1 ?fi 27 28 29 3(1 Alfalfa acres.. Other tame grasses acres.. Small grains cut for hay acres.. Annual legumes cut for hay acres 542 299 10, 290 6,221 422 21, 070 31 32 33 Wild grasses cut on farms.. ...acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild tons.. Miscellaneous crops: Cotton acres 402 15, 673 5,457 35, 420 4,523 5,856 1,284 61,837 434 48,946 34 bales S") Sugar beets for sugar acres.. tons.. Potatoes, white acres.. bushels.. Sweet potatoes and yams acres.. bushels.. Strawberries acres.. Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages acres.. Cantaloupes and muskmelons acres.. Lettuce 1 acres.. Onions (dry) acres.. 688 9,283 364 24, 080 5 560 183 57 6 963 76 56 320 5 115, 561 824,366 3, 814, 631 22, 053 29, 742 120, 941 130, 397 767, 567 31 229 119 283 6 11 4,364 47,180 230 100,433 3fi 37 38 ?9 161 22, 887 9 1,170 120 9 20 4 4 60 29 46 3,092 38, 251 17, 477 105, 302 39, 917 16, 451 157,059 304,994 22 126 2 24 2 18 21 2,673 190 17,376 40 41 42 43 44 1 1 1 11 7 8 4 5 7 8 9 1,627 9,985 1,782 3,866 688 3,840 5,347 2,046 6 14 6 47 400 35 363 21 6,000 5,287 8,645 241, 896 391,755 321,220 1, 169, 469 1,061,043 362 1,279 40 312 13 32 45 1 2 4ft Sweet corn . .. acres 47 Tomatoes acres.. Watermelons acres.. Orchard fruits: Apples ..trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. bushels harvested. - Peaches trees of all ages.. 49 50 61 60 1,338 661 12 11 68 49 56 53 64 65 56 67 bushels harvested.. Pears trees of all ages.. Plums and prunes trees of all ages.. Grapes vines of all ages.. Oranges trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Lemons trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. Grapefruit trees not of bearing age.. trees of bearing age.. 58 fi9 60 61 6? CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 CALIFORNIA AND Production of Principal Crops: 1924 — Continued 479 Sonoma 3, 866, 708 7, 531, 272 1,085 489 11,659 325 1,768 193 78 15, 448 1,547 40,420 2, 784' 683 10, 294 51,126 1 22 910 1,226 47, 144 Stanis- laus 7, 505, 142 12,657,457 2,660 194 4,457 792 7, 297 1, 301 373 8,935 106,186 12, 821 229, 264 1,221 37,034 680, 109 65 1,200 2,194 42,422 22, 107 75, 808 61, 225 1,588 12, 536 Sutter 4,843,059 7, 746, 866 599 439 7,359 55 630 72 33 20, 824 316, 555 5, 705 105, 919 300 58, 36G 1,438,277 7,485 450, 910 297 6,153 3,382 19, 768 Tehama 1, 195, 785 2. 829. 951 0. 125 353 13, 152 347 265 6,664 47 380 7 28 8, 534 88, 837 917 14,219 609 20, 756 194, 292 1, 154 29, 768 772 16,453 14 257 23 21 7,736 351 7,812 Trinity 144, 930 300, 238 38 35 645 Tulare 5, 648, 522 13, 377, 982 612 ,965 70 500 46 47 475 7,047 239 1,019 2 30 1,282 921 3,032 3, 559 970 27, 990 1,363 10, 858 1,061 165 4,094 68, 866 169 4,885 1,270 4,233 62,412 4, 258 130,490 191 67, 314 28 309 25 58, 029 1,326 7,502 Tuol- Ventura Yolo 236,721 1,349,363 361,519 2,071,116 20 715 10, 188 304 3,918 791 490 10, 640 245 77 1,407 137 1,100 15 16 30 360 4,435 5 8 87 17 383 333 2,568 4,415 400 4,000 33, 922 27, 668 5,956 3,225 18,479 7,411,322 9, 404, 575 216 196 1,772 8 12 21,374 399, 628 362 7,150 32 93, 902 2, 285, 105 14, 470 765, 133 17 458 5,138 35, 097 1 12 "23,'732 587 10, 350 Yuba 943, 098 1,3J7,700 25 14 200 .12 3 9, 414 ] 12, 783 3, 858 64, 656 80 5,103 134,061 1,945 112,830 273 5,335 1,281 11,743 1,917 433 7,616 1,823 67, 855 1,477 139, 955 60 18 20 59 420 15 306, 148 838, 515 769, 568 61, 346 72,487 324, 343 2, 152, 264 11,865,898 485 772 46 453 13 21 277 278, 271 130 34, 981 239 31,152 522 6,323 57 6,201 956 67, 628 23 40 5,858 56 32 41 723 1,614 14,413 2,820 2,810 1,107,248 1,011,310 32, 782 111,298 8, 830, 817 883 23, 453 62 201 476 39 1,891 20, 880 33 2,195 2 210 95 209,339 5,925 4,236 1,034 5,320 1,399 10, 428 6,498 1, 423, 902 985, 763 38, 971 796, 637 3,450,436 473 2,077 158 387 39 61 10 634 1 94 2 33 6 8 7 12 58 2,012 10,316 7,629 212, 343 186, 514 33,154 321, 227 453, 387 1,361 4,316 152 227 43 3,278 2 2 450 3,615 3,393 2,396 356 1,2x5 1,419 1,824 263 203 23, 853 14 2,775 23 45 113 128 40 47 99 246 22,318 34, 871 23,011 720, 410 847, 520 21, 704 1, 293, 445 38, 248, 316 161,022 2, 797, 006 3, 222 106, 904 2,487 54, 774 22 3,365 35, 443 40 36 5, 053 46, 500 37 1,644 415 97, 050 21,627 47, 989 63, 162 10, 773 6,583 16,401 1,309 114,380 57 79 1 5 1 14 90 64 1,301 61 55 1,365 22 4,641 8,437 2,149 11,328 616 20, 540 18,714 148, 929 93,440 368, 256 78,811 497, 764 81 5,974 5,304 86, 876 481 142,474 2 160 3 28 11 235 464 65 1,268 3,374 2,600 5,287 168, 394 147, 289 234,811 296, 710 1,724,556 1,456 14, 876 20 2,199 --• 4 5 1 2 1 4 2 112 2,278 5,301 2, 379 238, 026 78, 758 107, 837 172,518 1,491,521 828 580 26 105 363 52 677 57 2,928 22 54 14 22 480 CENSUS OF AGKICULTURE: 1J)25 — CALIFORNIA County Table V. — Farm Population 37 ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male-- Female-- White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male-- Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over- -. Male Female - Population on owned farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. _ Male- Female-- White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. .. Male -- Female-- Population on managed farms Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. _ . Male-- Female-- - White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over__. Male - Female-- Population on tenant farms... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male-- - Female-- - Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. .. Male Female The State 531, 008 112,778 418, 230 238, 280 179, 950 489, 703 99, 512 390, 191 220, 251 169, 940 41, 305 13, 266 28, 039 18, 029 10.010 395,004 77, 662 317, 342 174, 930 142, 412 378, 378 72, 236 306, 142 168, 050 138,092 16, 626 6,426 11, 200 6,880 4,320 46, 051 11, 228 34, 823 23,008 11,815 33, 601 7, 416. 26, 185 17, 294 8,891 12, 450 3,812 8,638 5,714 2,924 89,953 23,888 66, 065 40, 342 25, 723 77, 724 19, 860 57, 864 34, 907 22, 957 12, 229 4,028 8,201 5,435 2,766 Ala- meda Al- pine 12, 407 2,293 10, 114 5,643 4,471 114 20 94 65 29 11, 593 2,009 9,584 5,319 4,265 814 284 . 630 324 206 I 1= 109 20 9,918 1,693 8,225 4,461 3,764 9,450 1,515 7,935 4,282 3,653 468 178 290 179 111 490 278 113 311 50 261 192 179 49 130 86 44 501 1,498 904 594 1,832 444 1,388 845 543 167 67 110 51 106 18 88 62 26 103 18 85 59 Ama- dor 1,278 196 1,082 627 455 1,258 190 1,068 619 449 20 6 14 Butte 8,224 1,548 6,676 3,772 2,904 8,033 1,490 6,643 3,689 2,864 191 68 133 83 50 1,097 159 938 546 392 1,077 153 924 538 166 34 132 74 58 166 34 132 74 58 ! 6,930 1,231 5,699 3,176 2,523 6,810 1,200 5,610 3,120 2,490 120 31 446 115 331 216 116 395 97 298 195 103 51 18 33 20 13 848 202 646 381 265 193 635 374 261 20 9 11 7 4 Cala- Colusa 2,022 : 291 i 1,731 I 994 737 : ,999 287 ,712 982 730 23 4 19 12 7 1,842 263 1,679 1,824 262 1,562 888 674 18 1 17 11 132 24 108 66 42 127 21 106 66 41 5 3 2 1 1 CENSUS OF AGBICULTTJEE : 1925 — CALIFORNIA BY Age, Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 481 Contra Costa Del Norte Eldo- rado Fresno Glenn Hum- boldt Im- perial Inyo Kern Kings T,ake Lassen 7,573 769 2,965 41,362 5,648 9,960 14, 341 1,867 12,540 9,905 2,788 1,788 1 1,453 181 485 10, 308 1,160 2,191 3,822 415 3,074 2,564 494 329 2 6,120 588 2,480 31,054 4,488 7,769 10,519 1,452 9,466 7,341 2,294 1,459 1 3 3,601 359 1,445 17,082 2,584 4,279 6,402 747 5,554 4,143 1,255 877 4 2,519 229 1,035 13, 972 1,904 3,^90 4,117 705 3,912 3,198 1,039 582 6 6,899 763 2,940 38, 219 5,612 9,605 11,853 1,573 11,830 9,695 2,749 1,785 6 1,252 181 483 9,043 1,154 2,100 3,019 352 2,862 2,479 483 329 7 5,647 582 2,457 29, 176 4,458 7,505 8,834 1,221 8,968 7,216 2,266 1,456 8 3,301 354 1,430 15, 963 2,562 4,144 5,313 631 5,210 4,072 1,240 875 9 2, 346 228 1,027 13, 213 1,896 3,361 3,521 590 3,758 3,144 1,026 581 i 10 674 6 25 3,143 36 355 2,488 294 710 210 39 3 11 201 2 1,265 6 91 803 63 212 85 11 12 473 6 23 1,878 30 264 1,685 231 498 125 28 3 13 300 5 15 1,119 22 135 1,089 116 344 71 15 2 14 173 1 8 759 8 129 596 115 154 54 13 1 15 5,611 4C7 2,665 34, 304 4,568 6,366 5,169 1, 475 8,216 7,481 2,338 1,543 16 1,078 79 406 8,199 893 1,271 1,254 302 1,935 1,831 401 270 17 4,533 388 2,259 26, 105 3,675 5,095 3,915 1,173 6,281 5,650 1,937 1,273 18 2,525 230 1,316 14, 076 2,095 2,761 2, 267 600 3,526 3,107 1,060 768 19 2,008 158 943 12,029 1,580 2,334 1,648 573 2,755 2,543 877 505 20 5,251 461 2,644 32,437 4,544 6,020 4,901 1,184 7,913 7,342 2,313 1,540 21 939 79 404 7,457 891 1,183 1,175 240 1,837 1,777 394 270 22 4,312 382 2,240 24,980 3,653 4,837 3,726 944 6,076 5,565 1,919 1,270 23 2,397 225 1,303 13,417 2,079 2,630 2,154 485 3,395 3,060 1,049 766 24 1,915 157 937 11,563 1,574 2,207 1,572 459 2,681 2,505 870 504 26 360 6 21 1,807 24 346 268 291 303 139 25 3i26 139 2 742 2 88 79 62 98 54 7 .-- 27 221 6 19 1,125 22 258 189 229 205 85 18 3 28 128 5 13 659 16 131 113 115 131 47 11 2 29 93 1 6 466 6 127 76 114 74 38 7 1 30 406 14 101 3,576 238 276 2,190 152 1,459 646 113 63 iSl 51 6 23 1,070 64 45 661 53 333 176 21 8 i32 355 8 78 2,506 174 231 1,529 99 1,126 470 92 55 33 270 6 49 1,621 113 151 982 57 784 322 56 43 34 85 2 29 885 61 80 547 42 342 148 36 12 35 330 14 101 2,453 233 276 1,399 152 1,315 589 112 63 i36 40 6 23 601 62 45 375 53 302 151 21 8 37 290 8 78 1,852 171 231 1,024 99 1,013 438 91 55 38 221 6 49 1,224 111 151 659 57 694 303 55 43 39 69 2 .9 628 60 80 3C5 42 319 135 36 12 40 76 1,123 5 791 144 57 1 l41 11 65 469 654 I 286 605 31 113 25 32 42 43 1 49 . 397 2 323 90 19 1 144 16 1,556 257 3,482 1 * 842 3,318 182 6,982 240 23 2,865 13 1,778 45 46 288 199 337 182 324 96 56 1,039 203 875 1,907 60 806 557 72 51 47 1,232 192 143 2,443 639 2,443 5,075 180 2,059 1,221 265 131 48 806 123 80 1,385 376 1,367 3, 153 90 1,244 714 139 66 49 426 69 63 1,058 263 1,076 1,922 90 815 507 120 65 50 1,318 288 195 3,329 835 3,309 5,553 237 2,602 1,764 324 182 51 273 96 50 985 201 872 1,489 59 723 551 68 51 52 1,045 192 139 2,344 634 2,437 4,084 178 1,879 1,213 256 131 53 683 123 78 1,322 372 1,363 2,500 89 1,121 709 136 66 54 362 69 61 1,022 262 1,074 1,584 89 758 504 120 65 55 238 4 153 7 9 1,429 3 263 14 13 56 51 64 2 3 438 1 83 6 4 Pi7 187 T 99 5 6 991 2 lao 8 9 68 123 2 63 4 4 653 1 123 5 3 69 64 2 36 1 2 338 1 57 3 6 60 482 CENSUS OF AGEICULTURE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table V. — Farm Population by Age. ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) j Los 1 Angeles AH farm population, total Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male. 44,132 10, 199 33, 933 , 18,G91 Female I 15,242 White farm population. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male - Female Colored farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 37, 028 7,358 29, 670 16, 132 13, 538 7,104 2,841 4,263 2,559 1,704 Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age — 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population.. . Under 10 years of age — 10 j^ears of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Population on managed farms — Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over Male. Female White farm population — Under 10 years of age. . . 10 years of age and over. Male. Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female 30, 690 5,898 24, 792 13, 105 11.687 29, 400 5,419 23, 981 12, 625 11, 356 1,290 479 811 480 331 4,716 1,377 3,339 2,108 1,231 2,539 486 2,053 1,335 718 2,177 891 1,286 773 613 8,726 2,924 6,802 3,478 2,324 5,089 1, 453 3,636 2,172 1,464 3,637 1,471 2,166 1,306 Madera 6,538 1,516 5,022 2,857 2,165 1,400 4,680 2,653 2,027 458 116 342 204 138 5,069 1,166 3,903 2,168 1,735 4,691 1, 061 3,630 2,021 1,609 378 105 273 147 126 395 93 302 207 95 343 85 258 167 91 62 8 44 40 4 1,074 267 817 482 335 1,046 254 792 465 327 28 3 25 17 8 Marin 3,435 721 2,714 1,673 1.041 3,425 721 2,704 1,665 1,039 10 1,788 314 1,474 859 615 1,784 314 1,470 855 615 117 43 74 60 24 117 43 74 50 24 1,630 364 1,166 764 402 1,524 364 1,160 760 400 Mari- 1,012 198 814 495 319 942 182 760 465 295 70 16 54 30 24 863 165 698 419 279 817 153 664 402 262 137 31 106 68 38 113 27 86 66 31 24 4 20 13 7 Men- docino 7,170 1,469 5,701 3,250 2,451 6,797 1,372 5,425 3,091 2,334 373 97 276 159 117 307 762 431 331 1,057 303 754 426 328 12 4 Merced 14,504 3,592 10,912 6,293 4,619 Modoc Mono 3,072 661 2,411 1, 392 1,019 14, 148 3,451 10, 697 6,169 4,528 356 141 215 124 91 2,420 522 1,898 1,103 795 652 139 613 289 224 5,830 1,097 4,733 2,682 2,051 5,483 1,010 4,473 2,533 1,940 347 87 260 149 111 271 65 206 137 257 I 69 132 I 9,957 2,293 7,664 4,271 3,393 2,258 7,608 4,238 3,370 1,071 239 832 558 274 912 177 735 I 505 i 230 I 169 ! 62 ■ 97 53 44 3,476 1,060 2,416 1,464 952 3,370 1,016 2,354 1,426 928 106 44 62 38 24 2,090 I 443 i 1,647 I 953 ■ 694 1,S93 420 1,573 912 661 97 23 74 41 33 614 123 491 272 219 7 72 42 30 535 116 419 230 189 96 273 167 106 348 95 253 149 104 20 392 95 297 175 122 338 82 256 154 102 54 13 41 21 20 301 62 239 133 106 55 203 115 11 I 6 5 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 483 Mon- terey 9,181 1,504 7,677 6,056 2,621 Napa 5,754 949 4,805 2,749 2,056 Nevada 1,544 268 1,276 736 540 Orange 16,318 3,191 13, 127 6,830 6,297 Placer 6,085 1,396 4,689 2,731 1,958 Plu- mas 749 160 589 361 River- side 17,224 3,678 13, 646 7,401 6,245 Sacra- mento 17, 452 3,982 13, 470 8,018 5, 452 San Benito 3,656 687 2,869 1,657 1,212 San Bernar- dino 17, 502 3,282 14, 220 7,730 6,490 San Diego 14,411 2,746 11, 665 6,540 5,125 San Fran' Cisco 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 1» 20 21 22- 23 24 2& 26 27 28- 29^ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 3& 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 60 61 62 53 64 65 66 57 68 69 60 7,929 1,241 6,688 4,323 2,365 1^252 263 989 733 256 5,082 800 4,282 2,578 1,704 4,633 690 3,943 2,339 1,604 449 110 339 239 100 1,334 176 1,158 939 219 920 91 134 414 85 329 244 85 2,765 528 2,237 1,539 2,376 460 1,916 1,289 627 389 68 321 250 71 5,695 932 4,763 2,721 2,042 59 17 42 28 14 1,536 266 1,270 732 538 15, 789 3,018 12, 771 6,619 6,152 529 173 356 211 145 4,806 911 3,895 2, 235 1,660 1,279 485 794 673 125 548 338 210 15, 394 3,063 12, 331 6,667 6,664 1,830 616 1,315 734 681 13, 499 2,651 10, 848 6,149 4,699 3,953 1,331 2,622 1,869 753 3,265 619 2,646 1,.500 1,146 291 68 223 157 66 16, 672 3,072 13,600 7,315 6,285 830 210 620 415 205 4,893 761 4,132 2,353 1,779 4,839 746 4,093 2,327 1,766 54 15 39 26 13 181 32 149 156 524 303 221 676 154 522 302 220 4 2 2 1 1 1,437 241 1,196 687 509 1,429 239 1,190 683 507 13,423 2,461 10, 962 6,572 6,390 13, 214 2,405 10, 809 5,486 5,323 56 153 1,043 236 808 477 331 907 186 721 422 299 136 49 87 55 32 1,852 495 1,357 781 576 1,668 427 1,241 711 530 184 68 116 70 46 4,550 940 3,610 2,089 1,521 3, 884 698 3,186 1,822 1,364 666 242 424 267 157 300 584 348 236 314 69 245 140 105 570 231 339 208 131 651 156 495 294 201 144 464 273 191 43 12 31 21 10 654 138 516 317 199 109 479 296 183 12, 426 2,275 10, 151 5.384 4,767 11,990 2,132 9,858 5,216 4,642 436 143 125 1,930 455 1,475 861 614 1,198 308 732 147 685 340 245 2,868 848 2,020 1,156 864 2,206 623 1,583 930 653 662 225 437 226 211 13, 240 2,961 10, 279 5, 756 4,523 11, 259 2,206 9,053 4,975 4,078 1,981 756 1,226 781 445 946 174 772 600 172 422 69 363 267 524 115 409 333 76 3,266 847 2,419 1,662 757 1,818 386 1,432 907 525 461 987 756 232 2,710 491 2,219 1,262 957 2,533 445 2,088 1,163 925 177 46 131 99 32 266 67 209 120 245 54 191 111 80 580 139 441 275 166 487 120 367 226 141 93 19 74 49 25 13, 884 2,442 11, 442 6,048 5,394 13, 684 2,394 11, 290 5,962 5,328 200 48 152 2,435 669 1,866 1,149 717 1,866 424 1,442 847 695 569 145 424 302 122 1,183 271 912 533 379 1,122 254 868 506 362 61 17 44 27 17 12, 854 2,289 10,565 5,901 4,664 1, 557 457 1,100 639 461 11,368 1,979 9,389 5,182 4,207 10, 860 1,805 9,055 4,971 4,084 508 174 334 211 123 1,493 379 1,114 646 468 594 141 453 284 238 661 362 299 1,550 388 1,162 712 450 1,400 343 1,057 160 45 105 484 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE: 1925 CALIFOENIA County Table V. — Farm Population by Age, ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) All farm population, total... Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. Colored farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Population on owned farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female. -- Population on managed farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over... Male Female San Joaquin White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male Female Colored farm population.. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male Female.- Population on tenant farms. Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male. Female White farm population Under 10 years of age 10 years of age and over. Male... Female Colored farm population. Under 10 years of age.... 10 years of age and over. Male. Female 23,061 4,609 18, 452 11,886 7,066 20, 687 4,103 16, 584 9,887 2,374 506 1,868 1,499 369 15, 931 3,181 12, 750 7,244 5,506 15, 396 2,997 12, 399 7,017 6,382 535 184 351 227 124 2,189 378 1,811 1,445 1,165 218 947 708 239 1,024 160 864 737 127 4,941 1,050 3,891 2,697 1,194 4,126 888 3,238 2,162 1,076 815 162 653 535 118 San Luis Obispo 8,734 1,829 6,905 4,052 2,853 8,314 1,691 6,623 3, 848 2,775 420 138 282 204 78 5,131 871 4,260 2,424 1,836 5,011 862 4,149 2,332 1,817 120 9 111 92 19 791 158 633 448 185 727 126 601 427 174 64 32 32 21 11 2,812 800 2,012 1,180 832 2,576 703 1,873 1,089 784 236 97 139 91 48 San Mateo 5,652 1,132 4,520 3,090 1,430 5,228 976 4,252 2,914 1,338 424 156 268 176 92 Santa Bar- bara 5,914 1,253 4,661 2,753 1,908 5,602 1,201 4,401 2,551 1,850 312 52 260 202 2,815 612 2,303 1,489 814 2,712 473 2,239 1,441 798 103 39 64 48 16 1,441 307 1,134 867 267 1,239 236 1,003 784 219 202 71 131 83 1,396 313 1,083 734 349 1,277 267 1,010 689 321 119 46 73 45 Santa Clara 27, 398 5,384 22, 014 11, 892 10. 122 25, 817 4,882 20, 935 11, 262 9,673 1,581 502 1,079 630 449 S «»'«"• 8,101 1,417 6,684 3,702 2,982 7,631 1,214 6,417 3,533 2,884 470 203 267 169 4,487 3,579 2,068 1,511 3,483 677 2,806 1,601 1, 205 I 3, 362 653 I 2,709 1, 528 I 1, 181 ! 121 24 97 73 24 365 73 292 184 108 354 72 282 I 179 I 103 11 I 1 ' 10 1 5 I 5 i 2, 066 I 503 j 1,563 I 968 595 1,886 476 1,410 844 180 27 153 124 29 23, 940 4,585 19, 355 10, 197 9,158 22,971 4,237 18, 734 9,846 348 621 351 270 1,405 306 1,099 792 307 1,093 204 I 653 312 102 210 139 i 71 I i 2,053 ! 493 1, 560 i 903 657 1,753 441 : 1,312 1 763 I 549 300 52 248 140 108 6,438 988 6,450 4,263 853 3,410 1,981 1,429 224 56 169 87 82 3,804 738 3,066 2,888 j 1,738 2, 662 I 1, 328 6, 290 3, 695 921 5,369 2,840 2,529 148 67 81 48 33 352 107 245 170 75 240 54 186 I 133 I 53 I 112 I 53 I 59 I 37 I 22 \ i 1,311 i 322 I 989 I 644 i 345 ' 1, 101 i 239 i 862 i 560 . 302 210 ! 83 . 127 , 84 43 I 685 2,910 1,660 1,250 209 53 166 78 78 167 37 130 606 131 375 238 137 501 131 370 235 135 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1926 — CALIFORNIA Sex, Color, and Tenure: 1925 — Continued 485 Sis- kiyou Solano Sonoma Stanis- laus Sutter Te- hama i Trin- ity Tulare Tuol- umne Ven- tura 1 Yolo 1 Yuba 1 3,847 1 7,136 24,231 19, 523 6,917 6,451 926 27, 902 1,988 10,024 7,586 2,722 1 786 1,448 4,506 3,934 1,253 1,154 209 6,618 337 2,392 1,487 468 2 3,061 5,688 19, 725 15, 589 4,664 5,297 717 21, 284 1,651 7,632 6,099 2,254 3 1,809 3,549 10, 830 8,715 2,770 3,047 431 11, 746 969 4,285 i 3,752 1,410 4 ! 1,252 2,139 8,895 6,874 1,894 2,250 288 9,538 682 3,347 1 2,347 844 5 3,593 6,124 23, 833 19,338 5,524 6,091 848 26, 726 1,938 9,340 i 6,804 2,499 6 708 1,174 4,361 3,873 1,177 1,107 176 6,224 323 2,207 1,225 426 7 2,885 4,950 19, 472 15, 465 4,347 4,984 672 20, 502 1,615 7,133 1 6,579 2,073 8 1,714 3,023 10, 687 8,632 2,515 2,878 411 11,276 950 3,946 ' 3,391 1,262 9 1,171 1,927 8,785 6,833 1,832 2,106 261 9,226 666 3,187 2,188 811 10 254 1,012 398 185 393 360 78 1,176 50 684 1 782 223 11 78 274 145 61 76 47 33 394 14 185 1 262 42 12 176 738 253 124 317 313 45 782 36 499 1 520 181 13 95 526 143 83 255 169 20 470 19 339 361 148 14 81 212 110 41 62 144 25 312 17 160 169 33 15 3,206 5,223 20,442 15,321 4,899 5,308 881 20, 846 1,734 5,686 5,037 1,934 16 621 1,049 3,604 2,872 1,013 922 194 4,594 275 1,144 899 306 17 2,585 4,179 16,838 12, 449 3,886 4,380 687 16,252 1,459 4,542 4,138 1,628 18 1,521 2,492 9,153 6,836 2,278 2,456 413 8,808 852 2,484 2,457 988 19 1,064 1,687 7,685 5,613 1,608 1,930 274 7,444 607 2,058 1,681 640 20 2,985 4,654 20,114 15, 221 4,606 4,977 810 20,323 1,693 5,521 4,739 1,824 21 654 866 3,481 2,841 965 880 165 4,419 264 1,100 826 297 22 2,431 3,788 16, 633 12, 380 3,641 4,097 645 15, 904 1,429 4,421 3,913 1,527 23 1,439 2,227 9,033 6,789 2,076 2,307 393 8,606 836 2,406 2,290 898 24 992 1,561 7,600 6,591 1,565 1,790 252 7,299 694 2,015 1,623 629 25 221 574 328 100 293 331 71 523 41 165 298 110 26 67 183 123 31 48 42 29 175 11 44 73 9 27 154 391 205 69 245 289 42 348 30 121 225 101 28 82 265 120 47 202 149 20 203 17 78 167 90 29 72 126 85 22 43 140 22 145 13 43 58 11 30 98 723 839 736 410 427 5 3,299 64 3,162 734 383 31 16 161 189 147 98 61 ...... 893 13 939 115 70 32 82 562 650 589 312 366 2,406 51 2,223 619 313 33 54 411 379 386 209 278 4 1,432 31 1,302 475 224 34 28 151 271 203 103 88 1 974 20 921 144 89 36 98 463 835 689 348 416 5 2,984 56 2,687 640 284 36 16 103 189 131 86 61 ...... 796 10 812 89 40 37 82 360 646 558 262 355 2,188 45 1,875 661 244 38 54 265 376 368 169 268 4 1,295 29 1,068 428 176 39 28 95 270 190 93 87 1 893 16 817 123 69 40 260 4 47 62 11 315 9 476 94 99 41 58 16 12 97 3 127 26 30 42 202 "4" 31 50 ... 218 6 348 68 69 43 146 3 18 40 10 137 2 244 47 49 44 56 1 13 10 1 81 4 104 21 20 45 543 1,185 2,950 3,466 608 716 40 3,757 190 1,176 1, 815 405 46 149 238 713 915 142 171 15 1,131 49 309 473 92 47 394 947 2,237 2,551 466 545 25 2,626 141 867 1,342 313 48 234 646 1,298 1,493 283 313 14 1, 506 86 499 820 198 49 160 301 939 1,058 183 232 11 1,120 55 368 522 115 50 510 1,007 2,884 3,428 570 698 33 3, 419 190 1, 132 1,425 391 51 138 205 691 901 120 166 11 1,009 49 295 310 89 52 372 802 2,193 2,527 444 532 22 2,410 141 837 1,115 302 63 221 631 1,278 1,475 270 303 14 1,376 86 482 673 189 54 151 271 915 1,052 174 229 8 1,034 55 355 442 113 66 33 178 66 38 38 18 7 338 44 390 14 56 11 33 22 14 16 5 4 122 14 163 3 57 22 . 145 44 24 22 13 3 216 30 227 11 58 13 115 20 18 13 10 ...... 130 17 147 9 59 ' 30 24 6 9 3 86 13 80 2 60 486 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords c= ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) The State Ala- meda Alpine Ama- dor Butte Cala- veras t Colusa 1 Total number of farms, 1925. .. 136,409 3,149 23 362 2,465 622 1,139 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes ?! 4,400 1,680 1,096 2,212 665 2,985 4,877 82 294 2,580 14 12 4,811 114 472 236 120 31,086 3,185 25, 157 53, 060 2,358 687 4,409 664 1,224 2, 147 1,872 2,528 1,513 2,401 3,018 1,635 21,219 32, 879 40, 113 29, 766 36, 663 42, 928 22,362 11,115 5,384 704 13 5 10 6 4 28 1 35 25 1 35 13 10 102 57 63 236 1 4 1 r 13 30 14 4 i" 76 1 1 250 8 Harvested for giain 4 Cut for silage... 5 Winter wheat- 3 8 21 30 1 6 i" 6 Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed untbreshed 8 Barley.. . . . 9 Rye in Rice (rough)-. 1 11^ 89 1 71 15 11 Sorghums of all kinds . 1« Peanuts. 13 Velvet beans 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.).. 24 21 40 9 123 6 13 Ifi Hay crops: Timothy alone 16 Timothy and clover mixed 11 i' 4 1 3 482 40 545 954 6 18 3 50 41 224 421 252 9 124 347 1 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan. _. Alfalfa.- 18 1 255 15 502 787 19 5 3 1 15 51 4 154 239 20 Other tame grasses 21 Small grains cut for hay 22 Production of hay of all kinds 23 Miscellaneous crops: Cotton 24 Sugar beets for sugar 13 102 2 49 16 37 20 27 19 17 28 37 44 830 900 1,306 772 1,176 826 364 151 82 28 25 Potatoes, white 4 35 89 2fi Sweet potatoes and yams 27 Strawberries 8 289 1 46 46 208 267 1 1,027 809 711 890 861 301 120 101 12 1 3 8 2 3 3 11 10 3 11 7 7 8 9 14 17 8 289 441 418 415 305 394 t 3 2 3 4 3 5 5 6 154 240 279 229 310 246 162 99 46 4 28 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages... 29 Cantaloupes and muskmelons 30 Lettuce.. - 31 Onions (dry) 32 Sweet corn. 33 Tomatoes 34 Watermelons , . 35 All other crops 3fi Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees 23 8' 11 246 215 243 171 194 27 11 3 2 37 Peach trees 38 Pear trees. 39 Plum and prune trees 40 Grapevines. 41 Orange trees . _. 42 Lemon trees... 43 Grapefruit trees 44 Pecan trees NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 45 83, 384 !4, 780 59, 118 23, 390 65, 630 5,708 6,543 20, 539 88, 761 1,667 432 1,363 307 1,515 65 111 448 2,361 17 14 7 7 13 6 3 12 16 310 270 34 20 144 78 53 201 323 1,399 372 978 363 1,170 183 98 526 1,691 498 434 127 45 414 110 83 221 633 610 156 444 191 541 197 27 345 675 46 Cattle: Beef cattle ... 47 Dairy cows . .. 48 Dairy bulls and (or) calves.. 49 Cows milked 50 Sheep 51 Goats 5'> Swine 53 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1<)24.. acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 51,683 3, 686 114,463 890 321,093 20,343 281 27 9,372 29 6,355 259 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 12 108 2 2,877 331 10 1 ~"i79' 10 1,171 185 2,789 34 7,685 597 1,572 156 11,564 76 6,157 509 50 3 4 1 1,750 54 CENSUS OF AGEICULTUKE: 1925 — OALIFOENIA 487 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- OF Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared Contra Oosta Del Norte Eldo- rado Fresno Glenn Kern Kings Lake Lassen — Hum- boldt Impe- rial Inyo 1,938 153 883 10, 462 1,544 2,258 3,191 482 2,793 2,359 978 425 1 36 73 10 43 34 201 137 165 148 29 87 7 2 28 5 5 17 15 47 64 127 88 12 58 3 3 17 13 1 11 7 133 10 20 56 25 46 2 13 13 9 32 9 88 2 39 4 20 5 2 7 9 33 11 14 27 210 6 13 33 34 30 28 10 4 13 36 8 9 6 20 39 7 148 2 6 38 310 12 116 6 36 47 59 12 8 5 1 1 55 113 8 1 2 338 1 11 9 10 10 3 62 2 325 4 118 11 11 1 1 1^ 1 ia 22 1 2 13 18 13 20 27 1 4 14 1 2 7 13 2 2 2 3 9 2 1 r 1 1 1 3 ^'^ 4 3 16 26 1 15 11 44 1 1 1 5 9 3' 1 1 1 2 17 6 3 m 190 2 49 3,037 763 222 1,083 365 1,429 1,298 309 174 ig 41 79 83 102 67 676 29 12 27 12 34 12 20 237 123 301 399 202 1,261 72 48 305 266 265 107 21 429 147 447 3,363 65 939 1,704 1,130 787 1 1 384 1,582 619 1,417 75 491 300 22 9^ 2 24 ?4 108 63 15 499 45 169 2 31 84 2.5 2 8 7 31 9 34 8' 25 24 3 ?6 5 6 74 7 1 27 16 1 9 25 5 11 26 54 45 3 8 4 28 7 3 30 3 7 307 59 97 10 29 28 1 28 1 • 3 367 39 77 3 10 1 30 24 1 4 31 10 10 55 43 2 11 31 20 1 27 12 3 22 5 72 52 8 16 32 34 4 16 42 6 14 74 64 36 4 17 3» 4 4 31 12 8 97 54 152 4 10 4 34 137 103 133 97 390 1,278 254 80 286 10 364 12 35 649 123 591 1,189 573 883 5 351 724 285 476 170 36 638 11 491 3, 546 764 193 35 296 894 795 364 73 37 673 93 647 845 547 537 63 278 584 135 644 81 38 605 99 402 1,361 667 476 22 245 782 295 408 89 39 671 5 381 7, 805 599 198 224 243 1,279 1,079 273 10 40 87 15 1,505 570 118 126 5 5 41 58 4 672 403 97 46 2 42 17 312 213 330 50 1 1 4,S 7 30 30 9 14 15 6 2 44 1,110 136 650 7,365 1,001 1,872 2,489 389 2,083 1,941 543 394 46 214 22 303 480 182 609 182 109 387 94 186 207 46 832 142 393 4,720 921 1,677 1,594 268 1,525 1,592 478 247 47 214 125 177 1,345 561 887 899 174 665 892 173 169 48 871 146 544 4,959 1,046 1,898 1,666 337 1,564 1,626 630 336 49 64 17 89 229 213 207 30 83 177 142 99 88 50 54 4 141 355 64 234 65 32 124 62 51 8 51 266 81 226 1,063 492 427 373 125 433 701 227 220 52 1,330 145 639 6,955 1,159 1,912 1,959 336 1,859 1,739 635 381 53 11 807 2,506 771 273 1.107 22 59 363 1,344 46 54 2 86 239 58 38 207 4 7 28 154 4 55 237 9,138 641 387 2, 041 9 . 2,605 56 "i,"030' 35 4,730 97 11,656 7 7,470 8 3,167 41 12, 418 1 . 5,198 '4,'086' 27 6,673 '2,'583' 57 716 1,212 58 87 136 1 646 931 200 1,059 24 118 399 395 474 98 59 51623—27- -32 488 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE : 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table VI. — Number of Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords op ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) Los Angeles Ma- dera Marin Mari- posa Men- docino Merced Mo- doc 1 Total number of farms, 1925 12,381 1,721 761 276 1,809 3,722 670 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes ? 223 54 108 1 1 92 11 20 7 6 42 1 13 75 1 19 1 13 1 13 2 8" 111 31 36 106 20 237 86 74 4 41 22 28 40 168 4 "■"26" 45 4 17 13 s Harvested for grain . 4 Cut for silage... 5 Winter wheat . ft Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 78 3 8 11 2 8 Barley— q Rye in 11 Sorghums of all kinds 6 1 2 379 3 2 106 i" 1 2 239 3 1? Peanuts. 18 Velvet beans 14 Dry edible beans (navy, etc.) 7 5 1 6 19 4 6 4 1 342 69 970 1,165 257 i' 3 1,897 31 524 2,121 6 1 6 16 1 2 310 67 246 657 15 Hay crops: 16 Timothy and clover mixed . . 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth 1 18 Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 13 1,888 96 702 2,626 2 756 12 174 909 50 26' 10 13 5 5 8 5 3 5 13 14 481 829 429 596 1,141 47 19 8 6 19 3 13 451 499 14 29 133 149 ?n Other tame grasses ?\ Small grains cut for hay . ?? Production of hay of all kinds n Miscellaneous crops: Cotton ?4 114 251 67 260 610 282 708 253 585 492 145 2,162 1,581 2,483 1,366 1,368 1,487 4,232 2,206 962 79 1 128 34" 1 327 ?5 Potatoes, white 10 130 16 18 53 11 32 7 71 86 215 433 1,204 481 497 1,473 193 77 34 17 241 9' 6 3 3 6 9 7 4 40 335 116 212 205 2 2 ?fi ?7 Strawberries 3 2 8 46 23 7 17 16 20 20 24 501 1,094 539 864 681 526 ? " i ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages W 30 Lettuce 31 Onions (dry) . 8 1 2 -- 3? Sweet corn 33 Tomatoes 34 Watermelons 35 All other crops 138 110 64 91 60 76 2 2 1 11 149 151 128 98 85 9 7 3 3fi Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees . . . 37 38 Pear trees . . 3P 4n Grapevines 41 4? Lemon trees . 43 44 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 45 4,033 281 2,588 897 2,698 33 688 156 6,844 1,249 252 734 350 899 70 65 412 1,178 584 65 584 413 595 25 61 292 685 258 215 13 7 168 33 60 137 219 1,341 361 1,156 491 1,269 345 134 643 1,463 2,565 119 2,228 1,421 2,306 142 133 847 2,336 631 404 266 201 631 146 14 383 657 46 Cattle: Beef cattle . ... 47 48 49 Dairy bulls and (or) calves ■iO Sheep 51 Goats 5"^ Swine . 53 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 acres.. Farms reporting number. . Woodland burned over, 1924 acres. . Farms reporting .number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords. . Farms reporting number. . 54 56 56 57 58 59 25 6 270 1,134 105 1,330 96 9,191 40 2,481 262 157 11 4 2 3,239 225 1,380 73 12, 065 55 2,628 231 2,145 273 22,463 88 28,152 1,075 52 6 "i,"i37' 128 32 2 2 1 2,297 92 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA 489 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Contd. Mono Mon- terey Napa Ne- vada Orange Placer Plu- mas River- side Sacra- mento San Be- nito San Bernar dino 1 ! San Diego San Fran- cisco Ul 1,922 1,687 408 4,466 1,448 181 4,960 3,921 997 6,697 3,967 17 1 8 38 82 12 109 8 299 82 23 221 402 2 3 19 7 6 42 8 28 2 5 1 40 38 7 2 1 48 89 79 79 59 19 157 4 5 2 43 120 4 169 96 48 H 4 1 5 1 51 3 8 1 18 57 3 2 17 6 1 16 49 4 27 55 19 62 76 126 98 7 1 103 33 24 32 6 147 92 12 52 8 1 2 6 3 2 9 1 3 9 10 1 i" 1 6 1 2 233 3 45 1 36 4 34 11 1? 1 4 13 168 2 7 1 11 22 6 1 2 39 1 127 80 163 3 1 14 1ft 9 1 64 2 16 §" 1 I' 2 1 17 1 4 18 38 485 149 73 310 45 52 1,250 773 167 762 391 19 10 45 69 26 19 12 2 23 270 14 29 42 20 5 645 608 187 516 233 55 1,021 566 118 805 1,654 21 66 1,077 657 275 666 1 87 32 278 146 1,919 638 4 74 1,380 266 1,172 1,722 22 ?3 ....... 123 82 21 25 6 14 8 137 3 228 ...... ?4 9 63 7 30 26 1 5 §" 49 7 30 25 3 113 ....... 80 31 77 25 ?6 16 17 8 27 3 20 14 71 3 26 16 100 4 30 103 1 28 2 6 132 6 11 22 30 10 5 48 31 19 94 ....... 67 30 101 92 99 27 30 2 26 13 17 4 27 100 84 9 35 39 31 3 24 13 13 123 14 24 54 54 6 150 196 32 2 1 27 6 18 4 8 141 25 20 10 92 129 109 2 17 1 117 105 160 110 33 34 11 350 297 31 233 392 27 375 1,441 61 406 1,028 16 35 40 378 739 165 603 785 1 13 1,294 494 102 1,191 1,127 36 27 172 578 109 740 939 3 1,842 997 135 1,829 1,546 37 33 298 657 160 466 1,068 53 1,344 1,044 142 952 1,057 38 23 150 1,129 113 515 999 50 1,308 1,080 334 970 1,112 39 20 121 799 116 524 666 1,543 1,470 58 1,260 1,467 40 6 43 1 3,202 367 1,532 556 3 2,882 1,190 41 7 1 1 28 17 10 1,213 431 17 187 74 14 672 381 65 271 230 7 1 967 564 33 1,123 648 119 49 43 ^^ 68 1,559 1,011 326 1,729 1,129 168 2,494 2,194 684 2,008 2,204 7 45 29 607 175 126 155 139 73 342 492 264 249 364 46 35 825 883 262 989 631 112 1,764 1,627 361 1,216 1,524 47 17 373 199 140 241 165 100 510 240 123 391 460 48 44 959 924 313 1,059 684 142 1,892 1,774 478 1,263 1,644 49 17 85 76 47 7 64 17 41 77 65 13 24 50 6 90 62 47 241 109 1 388 157 31 412 303 61 16 557 182 174 96 146 95 207 343 190 134 179 52 46 1,280 1,234 346 2,317 982 150 2,839 2,655 429 2,453 2,599 53 270 78 769 2 4,163 172 6,580 11 201 2,650 2,029 64 28 14 115 2 366 21 144 2 16 113 74 66 447 360 771 1,105 769 2,133 8 100 1 1,029 56 6 4 15 6 21 16 2 1 10 67 401 5,509 7,842 9,411 1,639 8.223 2,110 1,943 3,383 1,626 1,307 3,365 68 8 361 445 335 194 573 92 230 109 1 1 171 124 259 59 490 CENSUS OF AGBICULTUEE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table VI. — Number op Farms Reporting Specified Crops, Wood STOCK, 1925, AND Woodland Cleared, 1920-1924; with Number of Cords op ITEM (See definitions in Introduction) San Joa- quin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Bar- bara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta 1 Total number of farms, 1925 5,640 2, 055 979 1,363 6,959 2,232 1,195 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CROPS, 1924 Grain and forage crops: Corn for all purposes. Harvested for grain 2 3 249 124 29 168 53 160 632 4 195 74 29 80 13 26 85 1 13 3 4 3 1 93 40 74 14 9 8 4 91 36 26 10 1 "i" 7 11 138 69 8 6 1 206 10 1 63 25 4 60 17 7 20 2 4 Cut for silage fi (\ Spring wheat 7 Oats threshed or cut when ripe and fed unthreshed 8 Barley 9 Rye 10 Rice (rough). n Sorghums of all kinds 116 1 1 1 3 44 u Peanuts... 13 Velvet beans. 1 282 2 16 1 2 2,001 161 935 2,640 1 149 14 43 444 3 1 33 34 24 8 80 18 11 366 84 334 723 15 Hay crops: 16 Timothy and clover mixed _ 17 Clover— red, alsike, and mammoth Clover— sweet, crimson, and Japan Alfalfa 1 58 19 701 702 18 1 337 34 989 1,152 3 404 47 764 1,079 19 31 63 267 325 156 14 647 751 ?0 Other tame gi'asses ?.^ Small grains cut for hay. . ?.?, Production of hay of all kinds ?3 Miscellaneous crops: Cotton 94 Sugar beets for sugar 11 132 1 20 41 14 63 162 43 144 46 672 309 1,299 476 765 2,335 166 46 13 12 27 79 1 35 30 71" 1 7 132 95" 63 29 29 1 639 187 135 147 129 82 66 63 41 2 67 34 5 4 24 17 56 39 31 26 13 218 456 448 400 365 229 196 249 68 9 21 60 3i" 67 6 92 62 123 282 3 370 1,058 1,269 1,226 6,031 1,116 329 251 37 6 11 103 3 49 44 7 98 32 37 62 3 506 1,422 628 860 553 414 62 92 10 3 "'"125" 8 67 17 31 8 13 83 69 63 ^332 599 443 340 367 316 33 13 10 2 ?.!} Potatoes, white ?,(\ Sweet potatoes and yams V Strawberries ?8 Vegetables grown for sale: Cabbages ?9 Cantaloupes and muskmelons 7 28 18 29 30 Lettuce 31 Onions (dry) 3? Sweet corn. 33 Tomatoes _ 25 11 34 Watermelons 35 226 874 843 752 696 532 160 162 19 36 Orchard fruits and nuts: Apple trees.. 37 Peach trees . 38 Pear trees 39 Plum and prune trees. _ 40 Grapevines 41 Orange trees. 4?, Lemon trees 43 Grapefruit trees. . 44 Pecan trees 2 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING LIVESTOCK, 1925 Horses and (or) mules 45 3,834 425 2,593 1.060 2,873 218 141 768 3,683 1,569 462 1,200 763 1,411 60 122 714 1,608 683 49 387 198 400 22 61 218 466 1,073 243 816 251 887 35 52 271 1,013 3,259 185 2,025 380 2,088 17 213 292 3,686 1,165 69 1,007 201 1,029 18 170 319 1,763 930 458 j 477 274 707 169 68 611 891 46 Cattle: Beef cattle 47 Dairy cows 48 Dairy bulls and (or) calves 49 Cows milked 50 Sheep 51 Goats.. 5? Swine 53 Chickens WOODLAND AND FIREWOOD Woodland cleared and made suitable for crops, 1920-1924 ..acres.. Farms reporting number.. Woodland burned over, 1924 acres.. Farms reporting number.. Firewood cut on farms, 1924 cords.. Farms reporting number.. 54 56 56 57 58 59 176 10 160 5 5,465 433 2,637 168 3,472 34 13, 946 1,045 90' 3 1,272 92 7,274 94 501 10 8,931 356 89 10 107 2 10,528 1,423 644 67 1,263 21 9,660 320 2,414 287 1,226 44 13,630 718 CENSUS OF AGRICULTXJBE : 1925 — CALIFORNIA 491 LAND Burned Over, and Firewood Cut, 1924, Specified Classes of Live- Wood Cut and Acreage of Woodland Burned Over and Cleared — Contd. Sierra Siski- you Solano Sono- ma Stanis- laus Sutter Teha- ma Trin- ity Tulare Tuol- umne Ven- tura Yolo Yuba 68 952 1,522 6,350 5,177 1,694 1,785 223 7,106 578 1,647 1,852 704 1 37 17 189 267 32 34 14 227 4 30 16 5 2 33 11 99 32 20 27 13 53 1 17 3 3 2 1 25 83 6 3 105 6 13 1 4 46 140 33 89 115 68 14 33 23 1 88 40 6 1 18 3 4 6 11 2 7 14 1 15 3 6 27 22 199 202 47 68 12 79 49 55 7 27 7 27 175 21 357 402 89 4 118 22 1 560 47 8 5 3 1 249 1 2 9 28 44 14 6 10 18 10 6 120 1 389 2 11 1? 2 53 2 113 1 451 13 18 8 1,210 14 5 20 79 39 14 I 17 1 1 2 14 1 1 1 15 24 69 2 1 5 30 7 3 28 16 1 6 6 4 2 26 2 21 17 1 18 2 493 7 2,941 291 2 437 1 96 1 2,417 2 75 18 173 109 212 636 114 19 21 134 9 89 80 16 19 9 65 39 88 19 21 20 15 295 4Q2 1,899 894 413 435 141 448 129 239 291 272 21 63 718 567 2,158 3,273 613 751 205 2,638 115 280 470 1 86 10 824 402 22 ?3 17 8 2 4 60 19 ""44" ?4 19 230 294 20 14 33 53 12 25 111 20 2 3 6 §' 15 21 3' 1 9 3 2 1 9 ?6 1 29 5 33 27 6 14 24 62 21 5 4 22 10 19 16 11 28 3 9 7 3 514 3 14 5 21 1 17 8 2 29 8 24 17 16 8 36 10 77 42 3 30 4 13 29 17 28 7 33 10 12 33 4 31 6 11 26 40 27 7 7 6 31 6 26 14 14 32 4 11 31 67 78 7 16 7 33 13 79 84 6 33 12 7 3 256 7 21 5 44 11 10 12 34 5 221 513 1,481 430 236 682 331 219 87 718 140 35 31 452 167 3,245 475 539 416 184 1,263 464 454 234 268 36 1 294 385 1,944 1,685 1,005 724 118 2.101 373 415 355 326 37 14 334 355 2,639 481 453 422 138 861 402 382 308 248 38 14 339 508 3,298 550 732 583 147 1,876 207 300 379 271 39 4 115 278 1, 862 2,077 669 479 68 3,608 339 252 350 241 40 16 18 188 103 22 9 372 122 45 14 441 294 71 27 224 146 71 10 1,737 527 446 46 35 4 1 4 639 560 163 20 126 58 23 2 71 30 13 6 41 49 43 44 64 801 1,044 4,186 3,667 886 1,181 206 4,952 427 1,157 1,317 487 45 39 553 268 428 163 224 466 148 506 209 141 189 211 46 49 343 564 3,331 3,371 603 828 88 3,940 271 880 1,019 286 47 38 246 214 985 1,797 241 364 45 1,536 108 161 440 135 48 60 638 777 3,542 3,455 775 1,035 129 4,091 278 923 1,125 455 49 14 101 362 225 99 105 258 33 160 41 13 262 102 50 4 21 22 237 276 47 89 16 249 75 63 40 27 51 46 493 192 780 897 329 440 153 1,304 139 163 665 169 52 61 769 1,037 5,171 3,873 1,115 1,293 194 4,817 425 1,107 1,307 543 63 1 1,161 21 1,450 104 839 567 298 317 644 115 93 651 64 1 87 5 82 12 28 40 42 28 68 15 4 65 56 750 2,783 687 4,372 1 70 1,246 944 10 2,868 302 10 4,089 56 8 35 5 29 2 8 6 7 2 32 3 1 7 57 1,517 9,125 3,427 22,283 1,780 2,178 8,905 4,660 10,947 6,166 4,850 4,541 3,714 58 42 487 246 1,153 241 75 469 214 697 450 177 80 279 69 492 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1&25 — CALIFORNIA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, Size of [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SUE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres .50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres.. 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over The State I Alameda 27, 516, 955 409,317 I 1,143,401 1,118,223 1,755,387 i 3, 653, 999 ! 3,236,607 i 16,200,021 ! 5,722,800 303,680 ■ 800, 126 ! 647,077 i 694, 816 j 1, 182, 514 691,716 1, 402, 871 152, 488, 322 468, 399, 108 610, 444, 970 409. 628, 394 351, 652, 059 494,736,911 250, 064, 740 567, 562, 149 363, 977, 295 102, 937, 477 84, 275, 734 45, 529, 166 34, 686, 967 42, 905, 099 19, 470, 675 34, 172, 177 224, 171 12, 761 13, 343 13, 449 22, 111 52, 468 39, 406 70,633 65, 742 8,706 8,649 8,113 9,048 18, 342 9,466 3,418 63, 951, 203 17, 910, 798 7, 945, 195 6, 413, 580 5, 863, 785 7, 831, 950 5, 660, 400 2. 325. 500 Alpine 1407 3,736 2,755 10, 061 1,715 Amador Butte 12 745 649 319 257,538 ' 181 , 687 3,040 11,297 1 33,694 1 29,307 179,332 9,210 48 119 555 1,258 3,243 1,746 2.241 421, 508 5, 520, 577 60,870 63,300 205,290 I 18, 048 1 484. 647 143, 460 I 1, 005, 120 100,000 I 635,540 160,000 t 3,065,810 9,546,210 65,984 j 601,219 5,994,005 21,930 1,277,780 ' ' 20,275 649,800 : 36,675 558, 750 I 1 3, 084 i 86, 4S0 716, 525 ' 37, 150 i 148, 225 221,000 13,500 108,834 128,350 12,250 178,800 467,268 8,086 20,851 17,642 I 34,037 I 71,086 I 60,787 i 254, 779 j I 138, 219 ! 5,926 I 14, 144 I 9,958 ! 11, 186 : 29,580 I 15,681 51,744 I 39,841,878 i 4, 009, 055 6, 935, 908 4, 120, 015 3, 393, 450 7,016,395 3, 150, 910 11, 216, 145 5, 530, 720 1,094,120 1, 230, 525 644, 485 425, 130 726, 735 313, 125 1, 096, 600 i ITEM AND SIZE GROUP Inyo Kern All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage Under 20 acres.. _ 20 to 49 acres.- 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage Under 20 acres 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres... 20 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars Under 20 acres... 20 to49acre5 50 to 99 acres 100 to 174 acres 175 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over 144, 182 835 3,429 5,221 12. 178 21,409 20, 450 80, 660 19, 369 468 1,840 1,767 3,909 4,428 2,953 4,004 , 616, 910 423, 850 997, 700 941,250 , 408, 180 , 910, 330 , 243, 500 , 692, 100 , 007, 890 113, 290 186, 575 135, 375 162, 400 171, 700 81, 100 157, 450 1, 291, 193 4,699 32, 399 31, 280 45, 629 64, 91G 91,973 1, 030, 297 141, 310 3,213 23, 534 20,090 22, 567 16, 340 22,023 33,543 66, 588, 708 2, 904, 925 11,643,600 8, 822, 005 9, 393, 870 7, 503, 180 6, 384, 750 20, 936, 478 5, 433, 070 654, 715 1, 581, 045 922, 060 765, 400 464, 630 275, 101 770, 119 Kings 491, 946 2,959 31, 740 35, 539 i 44, 336 47, 034 I 31, 559 298, 779 109, 423 1,557 16, 490 14, 639 15, 186 17, 227 11, 166 33, 168 48, 890, 904 1,301,900 8, 648, 149 7, 747, 030 7, 271, 150 7, 266, 625 3, 268, 000 13, 388, 050 4, 965, 561 338, 330 1,487,211 1, 028, 450 808, 650 623, 175 192. 370 487, 375 Lake 218, 283 2,196 8,256 10,240 18, 483 37, 113 34, 884 107, 111 26, 894 630 599 221 679 397 886 3,482 14, 645, 345 1, 248, 575 2, 895, 600 2, 244, 100 2, 489, 665 2, 771, 495 1, 068, 310 1, 927, 600 1, 918, 200 188, 650 437, 350 284,620 288, 110 389, 260 127, 960 202, 250 Lassen I Los Angeles 472, 917 141 646 1,385 10, 361 47, 693 54, 118 358, 573 39, 774 41 116 350 1,873 8,568 9,265 19, 561 508, 153 61, 115 61, 172 46,028 68, 761 96,887 54,950 119, 240 239, 791 50,206 48, 845 31, 752 26,797 40, 154 16, 511 25, 526 9,270,748 388,905,984 48,575 130,923,362 87, 150 87, 809, 287 160,400 I 49,262,400 631,750 I 34,332,302 1,793,660 46,256,493 1,467,673 1 16,463,840 5,081,550 I 23,858,300 1, 338, 665 27,900 25,100 41,600 123, 780 307, 985 240, 250 572. 050 38, 811. 460 22, 063, 456 7, 156, 045 3, 684, 550 1, 728, 466 1, 742, 489 1, 102, 826 1, 333, 628 > Includes the group "50 to 09 acres.' CENSUS OF AGKICirL,TURE : 1925 CALIFOENIA 493 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by Farm: 1925 • group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial 353, 607 448,976 288, 415 41,004 286, 757 1, 505, 713 555, 630 490, 676 378, 639 1 267 1,732 6,026 57 912 20, 179 3,030 4,111 3,003 2 1,931 9,164 13, 131 633 3,729 168, 231 15,917 19, 906 31,251 3 3,408 8, 676 14, 905 2,410 9,780 89, 442 13, 789 28, 469 62, 419 4 19, 771 14, 155 28,978 5, 096 26, 999 76, 617 16, 478 50, 939 102, 004 5 48, 912 54, 133 77, 977 10, 085 64,714 103, 040 56, 977 78, 592 114,828 6 67, 830 69, 034 50, 200 11,798 45, 130 93, 191 72, 389 51,516 40,204 7 211,488 302, 082 97, 198 10, 925 135, 493 955, 013 377, 050 257, 143 24,930 8 10, 295 159, 230 103, 876 4,631 14, 502 348, 297 124, 163 35, 282 213, 031 9 75 1,203 4,418 20 454 15, 757 1.967 1,626 1,659 10 356 6,710 9, 369 168 911 127, 457 9,752 6,741 19, 820 11 476 5,301 9,246 460 1,709 57, 225 6,824 6,828 34, 843 12 1,390 6,748 15, 185 944 2,802 37, 343 7,521 7,733 54, 849 13 2,616 24,351 29, 586 1,347 5,078 37, 409 23, 142 6,907 64,937 14 2,255 25, 020 18, 385 1,064 2,060 15, 163 22, 070 1,797 21, 968 15 3,127 89, 897 17, 687 628 1,488 57, 943 52. 887 3,650 14, 955 16 6, 018, 855 41, 671, 255 44, 608, 519 3. 079, 850 8, 152, 925 171,516,766 37, 128, 722 37, 636, 223 61, 117, 960 17 41,210 879, 600 4,169,220 20, 050 379, 780 10, 910, 419 1, 358, 945 2, 076, 300 1, 320, 410 18 148, 900 2, 958, 450 6, 546, 820 86, 000 616, 155 64, 055, 337 4, 854, 130 6, 190, 300 6, 676, 310 19 163, 300 2, 414, 150 4, 498, 040 310,000 819, 280 28, 032, 849 2, 820, 455 6, 550, 140 11,716,675 20 514, 280 2, 633, 920 4, 951, 740 528, 500 1, 389, 570 19, 109, 650 1, 898, 280 6, 928, 460 15, 950, 930 21 1, 173. 703 7, 022, 400 10, 632, 150 991, 300 2, 423, 030 18, 874, 173 6, 070, 913 7, 440, 116 16, 652, 685 22 1, 102, 585 5, 507, 895 6, 381, 820 664, 000 1, 015, 820 7, 519, 950 5,234,394 2, 551, 505 5, 243, 950 23 2, 874, 877 20, 254, 840 7, 428, 729 480,000 1, 509, 290 23, 014, 388 14, 891, 605 5, 899, 402 3, 557, 000 24 1, 024, 371 3, 744, 085 5, 731, 397 460, 900 1, 551, 690 20, 434, 449 4,689,379 6, 201, 795 3,771,712 25 22, 410 305, 200 1, 385, 920 7,400 130, 950 2, 339, 224 407, 655 969, 700 386, 025 26 56, 700 428, 235 1, 095, 450 16, 000 166, 350 10, 235, 715 1, 120, 215 1, 614, 500 668, 306 27 43, 800 360, 900 598, 163 58, 000 175, 275 3, 441, 205 481, 125 1, 242, 165 767, 155 28 117, 390 328, 150 631, 600 95, 900 299, 640 1, 773, 003 314, 186 1, 020, 380 826, 955 29 275, 806 716, GOO 1, 095, 000 145, 600 415, 625 1, 428, 767 548, 800 819, 950 744, 305 30 171,515 410, 800 452, 850 72, 500 194, 200 490, 615 592,300 259, 050 170, 200 31 336, 750 1,194,200 472, 414 65, 500 169, 650 725, 920 1, 225, 098 276, 050 228, 766 32 Madera Marin Mariposa Mendo- cino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa 468, 870 264, 950 226, 641 883, 929 772, 570 505, 847 138, 828 957, 692 317,016 1 1,994 2,488 34 2,607 7,222 106 ...\ 2.620 6,121 2 22, 724 2,487 180 9,986 51, 102 668 111 10, 424 13, 841 3 19, 092 2,890 950 16, 366 42, 957 3,285 715 18, 870 13, 757 4 25, 254 5,881 7,711 52, 024 36, 953 21, 247 3,829 39,005 22, 062 5 43, 725 38, 668 36, 197 94, 741 55,317 69, 677 7, 867 108, 138 45, 698 6 46, 214 74,310 31, 563 84, 807 66, 948 86, 175 7,175 1 124,068 48, 999 7 309, 867 138, 226 150, 006 623, 398 512, 071 324, 689 119,131 ' 654,567 166, 538 8 117,812 27, 887 4,003 50, 109 151, 436 87, 009 6,346 ; 157,788 51,985 9 1,296 954 23 1,328 4,726 24 1 1,888 4,184 10- 17, 180 829 23 3,783 32, 195 239 16 1 7,375 8,401 11 12, 610 747 29 5, 534 25, 556 1,381 185 13,053 6,898 12 7,884 1,318 344 9,900 18, 247 5,845 238 17,955 •6,004 13 8,412 5, 592 1,536 11,864 18, 162 18, 842 997 37,211 8,937 14 8,092 8,093 1,206 5,716 15, 153 18, 115 1,043 19,176 6,104 15 62, 338 10, 354 842 11, 984 37, 397 42, 563 3,867 61,130 11, 457 16 35,802,010 16, 465, 974 2, 788, 920 26, 932, 190 75, 009, 154 11,978,400 2,476,435 49,891,408 31, 548, 431 17 896, 050 1, 521, 555 3, 500 973, 075 3, 278, 323 36, 850 ! 1,709,770 4, 387, 750 18 7,962,400 765, 700 6,500 1,985,225 17, 021, 319 43, 500 6, 500 3, 496, 860 6, 035. 035 19 5, 528, 400 791, 425 22, 550 2, 427, 955 12, 470, 860 233,355 41, 600 6, 229, 880 4, 612, 050 20 3, 831, 670 779, 100 130, 170 4, 392, 650 8, 638, 225 835, 340 131,500 6,249,000 3, 472, 850 21 3, 640, 520 3, 536, 225 509, 620 4, 829, 120 9, 644, 267 2, 571, 545 522,140 10,595,450 4, 863, 220 22 2, 445, 500 4, 194, 265 485, 800 2, 978, 730 6, 690, 000 2. 178, 260 339,000 4,811,427 2, 426, 900 23 11, 497, 470 4, 877, 704 1, 630, 780 9, 345, 435 17, 266, 160 6, 079, 550 1,435,695 16,799,021 5, 750, 626 24 3, 178, 557 3, 017, 142 300, 620 4, 005, 635 8, 156, 099 1, 520, 895 217,750 5,608,864 6, 048, 414 25 251, 430 610, 125 1,550 281, 675 887, 630 17, 550 : 555,485 1, 335, 550 26 1, 027, 680 255, 450 2,050 440, 575 2, 710, 174 15, 400 2,700 650,565 1, 289, 465 27 556, 662 220,900 8,950 464, 365 1, 661, 100 51, 725 10, 650 822, 505 776, 300 28 332, 160 139, 540 34, 020 673, 660 883, 930 159, 775 24,350 ' 848,277 601,370 29 251, 050 506, 900 84,310 716, 110 818, 475 420, 520 78,700 1,272,002 922, 730 30 179. 425 541, 750 73, 700 438, 050 492, 690 315, 100 29,700 i 444,730 351,050 31 580, 150 742, 477 96, 040 991, 200 702, 100 540, 825 71,650 1,015,300 771, 949 32 494 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table VII. — Acreage in Farms, Acreage in Crop Land Harvested, • Size of Farm: [To avoid disclosing data for individual farms where only 1 or 2 of any size ITEM AND SIZE GROUP (See definitions in Introduction) Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacra- mento 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 130,047 543 2,158 4,171 9,431 34, 528 25, 726 53,490 1 6,796 1 286, 099 24,852 28,125 15,805 15,065 39, 095 34,082 129,075 162. 563 226, 630 2,751 15, 721 20,837 23, 698 38, 295 25,385 99, 943 56,832 1,424 8,848 9,276 6,911 8,295 5,965 16,113 23,020,972 1, 125, 700 4, 902, 125 5, 129, 340 3,417,159 3, 978, 178 1,143,795 3, 324, 675 3,461,217 422, 715 900,870 850, 540 485, 371 444, 821 130, 400 226, 509 134, 608 61 351 723 4,101 16,428 23,409 89, 535 17, 192 33 120 102 997 4,486 4,665 6,789 3, 576, 965 25, 100 29, 010 42, 250 181,650 801,265 764, 160 1,733,530 826, 725 12,400 8,365 1 18,750 i 58,350 1 199,710 205, 600 323, 550 527, 826 20, 353 34,700 36, 857 5-4, 955 93,564 77,809 209, 588 194,159 17, 031 25, 102 22,248 22,696 36, 265 22,475 48,342 110,405,098 20, 216, 777 17,726,425 12, 348, 825 9, 798, 153 15,301,810 11,724,230 23, 288, 878 11,211,365 4,243,380 2, 437, 000 1,177,945 967, 818 1,205,972 449, 200 730,050 447,339 15, 662 28,416 30, 355 40, 062 88, 713 54,083 1 190,048 i 198, 396 9,619 19, 838 i 20,567 24, 753 1 45, 482 19, 574 58, 563 80,399,382 ' 9,295,850 9,940,365 9,491,975 9, 736, 595 13,609,050 6,256,025 22,068,922 10, 663, 147 3, 142, 500 2, 013, 725 1,371,830 1,284,675 1,446,935 610,970 792, 612 9. Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres.. 4 50 to 99 acres 5 100 to 174 acres 6 175 to 499 acres . 7 500 to 999 acres 8 9 1,000 acres and over.. Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage in Under 20 acres 201 I 22,112 396 j 23,783 551 12,729 946 12,367 2,697 30,073 906 24,004 1,099 ' 37,495 3,996,105 1202,988,725 175,200 64.868.835 ! 11 20 to 49 acres... . . 1? 50 to 99 acres.. 13 100 to 174 acres. 14 175 to 499 acres.. 15 500 to 999 acres 16 17 1,000 acres and over Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... 18 Under 20 acres.. 19 20 to 49 acres.. . . 293, 250 330, 880 458,825 .1, 359, 390 605,310 767, 250 955, 925 81, 750 117,950 117,250 132, 725 311, 750 106,700 87, 800 54, 870, 925 20,990,650 14, 204, 955 13,316,100 7, 852, 650 26, 884, 610 14,158,063 7, 480, 264 3, 746, 740 1, 123, 575 599,150 432, 685 202,350 573,299 20 50 to 99 acres. 21 100 to 174 acres 22 175 to 499 acres.. 23 500 to 999 acres. 24 2. 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... . 26 Under 20 acres 27 20 to 49 acres 28 50 to 99 acres.. 29 100 to 174 acres 30 175 to 499 acres.. 4J1 500 to 999 acres -32 1,000 acres and over ITEM AND SIZE GROLT Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma 1 All land in farms, 1925: Total acreage 159,096 7,593 15, 826 21,427 22, 728 29,095 10, 106 52, 321 45, 262 5,047 9,156 9,898 8,801 7,931 1,000 3,429 32,215,660 7,971,020 6,497,690 6, 270, 950 4,692,850 4,117,150 719,000 1,947,000 6, 549, 650 3, 240, 710 1,083,500 891,570 478, 700 645,050 85, 620 124, 500 641, 957 1,407 5,508 9,331 30, 808 85,368 81,057 428,478 38, 348 689 2,225 1,947 4,386 11,429 6,899 10, 773 15,294,430 450, 600 1,059,950 882, 710 1,410,280 3, 550, 125 2,225,325 5,715,440 2,371,280 143,910 230, 275 191.800 295,835 569,410 385, 300 554, 760 61,712 52 2151 502, 935 335 4,013 9,090 26, 983 79,410 89, 595 293, 509 63, 187 163 1,468 3,150 4,790 15, 102 12,733 25, 781 14, 106, 089 60, 700 441,950 632, 830 1,085,609 2,885,750 2,482,590 6,517,200 1,682,750 24, 875 76,900 101,270 103,610 420, 345 299, 100 596, 650 369, 201 3,212 8,767 1 15, 567 i 29, 005 1 66,917 1 61,336 184,397 128, 944 1.832 6,449 11,219 17,716 29,820 18, 320 43, 688 41,314,034 1,262,700 2, 987. 390 4,451.060 5, 643, 000 8, 589, 100 5,297,920 13,182.864 5,019,338 400,455 705, 726 644,300 771,111 965, 987 428, 640 1,103,119 680,057 26, 573 41,921 45,000 68, 772 149,683 85,130 262, 978 137,858 14,890 26, 986 22, 610 20, 446 28,867 11,113 12, 946 109,048,730 24, 478, 226 22, 402, 820 15,854,460 13,495,780 18,320,715 6, 440, 040 8, 056, 689 21,955,838 8, 874, 423 4,414.390 2, h90, 400 2,019,221 2,025,865 720,440 711,099 2 Under 20 acres 3 20 to 49 acres.. 4 50 to 99 acres.. .5 100 to 174 acres 1,629 5,119 9,143 45, 618 10, 969 37 >39 6 175 to 499 acres.. 7 500 to 999 acres 8 9 1,000 acres and over. Crop land harvested, 1924: Total acreage 10 Under 20 acres 11 20 to 49 acres.. . . 1? 50 to 99 acres. 13 100 to 174 acres 168 898 2,412 1 7,415 1,688,650 8,750 » 14, 000 14 175 to 499 acres.. 15 500 to 999 acres 16 17 1,000 acres and over. Land and buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars... 18 Under 20 acres 19 1W 20 to 49 acres.. 50 to 99 acres.. ^r -' 100 to 174 acres 82, 300 251,500 341,300 990, 800 354, 425 4, 700 »5,075 22 175 to 499 acres.. 23 500 to 999 acres.. 24 25 26 1,000 acres and over Buildings, 1925: Total value, dollars.. Under 20 acres . . . 27 20 to 49 acres ^ 50 to 99 acres.. 29 100 to 174 acres 27, 700 54,950 90,000 172, 000 30 175 to 499 acres 31 500 to 999 acres.. . 32 1,000 acres and over Includes the group " 20 to 49 acres." > Includes the group " 50 to 99 acres CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE; 1925 — CALIFORNIA 495 Value of Farm Land and Buildings, and Value of Farm Buildings, by 1925— Continued group were reported, their acreage and value are included in another group] San Benito San Ber- nardino San Diego 576,301 440,721 : 782,445 2,617 : 7,651 1 6,550 ! 10,069 : 41,955 I 64,451 I 29, 227 32, 522 24, 969 54, 862 72, 597 29, 019 13, 919 21, 155 22,011 61, 051 115, 115 86,523 443,008 197,525 462,671 28,217 153,450 109,976 1,895 • 25,865 9,054 5,381 j 26,022 11,350 3,520 I 16,740 9,426 2,898 ! 18,779 13,482 5,920 i 23,491 29,589 2,509 9,679 16,437 6,094 32,874 20,638 24, 587, 626 jl31,595,850 |57, 510, 104 ■ 13,644,900 8, 921, 840 4, 692, 850 5,410,615 7, 932, 077 4, 700, 855 12, 208, 967 9, 992, 622 4, 309, 244 1, 638, 335 666, 290 889, 955 1, 000, 123 574, 375 914, 300 1,845,350 37,721,080 4,668,215 130,439,625 2,883,750 {16,298,940 1,998.300 10,513,055 3,160,440 12,902,140 2,220,984 6,267,920 7,810,587 117,453,090 3, 028, 695 425, 700 621, 075 334, 780 233, 215 359, 050 412, 175 642, 700 14, 018, 253 6, 177, 553 3, 396, 110 1, 339, 335 922, 280 908, 725 371, 159 903, 091 San Francisco 138 1138 130 130 213, 000 213, 000 San Joaquin 52, 240 52, 240 705, 207 14, 601 55, 534 54, 137 69, 205 200, 278 117, 148 194, 304 10, 792 43, 302 40, 231 44,542 128,440 61, 836 67, 846 134,931,206 8, 855, 585 23, 414, 640 17, 823, 480 15, 458, 500 37, 405, 745 15, 365, 910 il6,607,346 I 113,652,895 j 2,400,495 ! 3,623,642 i 2, 106, 530 1 1,376,550 2,566,208 775, 720 803, 750 San Luis Obispo 1, 334, 347 3,437 8,878 15, 066 34, 616 127, 745 180, 686 964, 019 107, 556 1,988 3,885 6,937 9,694 25, 552 17, 660 41, 840 53, 167, 850 2, 667, 135 2, 634, 247 3, 162, 955 3, 529, 775 10, 270, 930 8, 098, 825 22, 803, 983 5, 056, 005 985, 550 483, 905 408, 125 451, 030 950, 950 734, 095 1, 042, 350 Mateo 168, 491 3,294 5,105 6,969 10, 866 31, 183 37, 682 73, 392 50, 309 2, 516 3,783 5, 278 6,471 11, 109 8, 356 12, 796 28, 407, 382 4, 601, 800 3, 776, 400 4, 377, 260 4, 354, 000 4, 646, 822 2, 696, 900 4, 054, 200 721, 920 680, 925 611, 075 518, 500 445, 250 625, 650 358, 470 482, 050 Santa Barbara 730, 657 1,809 6, 457 12, 734 30, 578 102, 077 71,216 505, 786 121, 734 1,157 4,216 8,057 17, 174 48, 496 18, 921 23, 713 58, 472, 771 2, 795, 525 5, 427, 450 6, 871, 064 7, 678, 500 16, 074, 612 5, 872, 300 13, 753, 320 4, 637, 655 607, 875 576, 200 695, 536 627, 970 1, 064, 127 292, 550 773, 397 Santa Clara 674, 249 35, 596 56, 271 41, 770 43,394 60, 989 44,124 392, 105 165, 169 30, 391 46, 345 27, 972 21, 208 22, 711 7,115 9,427 174,568,244 41, 308, 343 47, 786, 925 27, 265, 500 19, 376, 200 18, 711, 686 8, 362, 700 11, 756, 890 23, 725, 824 10, 323, 298 6, 584, 166 2, 632, 015 1, 794, 705 1, 471, 065 423, 175 497, 400 Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuol- umne Ventura Yolo Yuba 691, 620 14, 766 63, 578 47, 116 37, 877 66, 187 83, 443 378, 653 216, 256 11, 537 51, 943 37, 294 25, 688 31, 962 25, 236 32, 596 99,984,449 10,829,712 29, 321, 645 18, 074, 433 10, 631, 030 11, 764, 160 6,932,360 12, 431, 109 13, 350, 435 3,078,105 5, 149, 165 2, 196, 060 976, 350 864, 300 428, 790 657, 665 299, 919 4,426 16, 015 15, 838 26, 619 55, 239 52, 558 129, 224 154, 853 3,560 12, 663 11, 500 17, 412 34, 430 30, 056 45, 232 52, 871, 187 2, 880, 149 8, 697, 272 5, 805, 508 7, 245, 880 10, 698, 973 6, 403, 220 11, 140, 185 4, 923, 750 527, 150 1, 289, 655 674, 935 742, 560 871, 300 344, 550 473, 600 1, 198, 148 4,274 14, 077 12,062 18, 831 64,241 87, 711 996, 952 65, 053 2,634 7,858 4,883 3,968 7,684 5,529 32, 497 29, 921, 539 1, 579, 130 4, 025, 363 2, 063, 715 1, 506, 190 2, 959, 215 2, 340, 232 15, 447, 694 3,677,694 463, 845 808, 710 337, 200 225, 260 389, 620 252, 350 1, 200, 709 153, 356 1, 016, 991 13, 734 90, 399 85, 380 90, 108 133, 380 101, 666 502, 324 251, 272 9,726 66, 820 51, 229 42, 444 41,416 17, 937 21, 700 160, 246, 974 8, 478, 100 42,841,990 30, 969, 275 24, 048, 480 24, 147, 335 10,448,985 19, 312, 809 15, 901, 694 1, 755, 310 5, 712, 409 3, 006, 300 1, 973, 040 1, 729, 407 735, 460 989, 708 355, 350 1,041 2,198 3, 643 14, 421 40,428 40, 068 253, 551 9,224 338 450 512 1,344 2,905 1,880 1,795 4,943,820 365, 500 254, 360 272, 400 579, 300 1, 047, 000 748, 460 1, 676, 800 1, 149, 415 201, 625 112, 350 91, 650 152, 790 272, 250 145, 150 173, 600 458, 770 3,475 10, 474 17, 515 35, 595 85, 562 51, 514 254, 635 113, 379 2,858 8,161 12, 434 16, 174 34, 315 14, 281 25, 156 115, 705, 790 6, 103, 950 13, 754, 825 15, 833, 800 17, 192, 430 30, 221, 267 10, 888, 610 21,710,908 8, 872, 256 979, 430 1, 289, 020 1, 037, 735 1, 195, 900 1, 836, 736 501, 000 2, 032, 435 448, 346 3,170 15, 269 19, 561 38, 877 91, 874 70, 008 209, 587 205, 769 2,198 11, 664 13, 740 23, 410 50, 948 30, 381 73,428 67, 384, 779 1, 560, 484 5, 761, 923 6, 095, 370 8, 098, 156 17, 026, 890 9, 608, 200 19, 233, 756 6, 875, 543 427, 175 1, 247, 525 1, 035, 200 975, 205 1, 520, 708 733, 475 936, 255 336,022 917 3,701 5,871 18, 670 40, 827 45, 324 220, 712 45,809 566 2,055 2,412 4,934 8,431 7,803 19, 608 17,396,688 315, 190 1, 030, 620 1, 029, 670 1, 969, 770 3, 593, 049 2, 712, 250 6, 746, 139 1, 788, 523 98,000 178, 440 171, 925 276, 155 424, 606 221, 720 417, 677 1 ?, 3 521 1,864 9,908 22, 785 14, 965 103, 313 8,020 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 157 265 1,462 2,820 1,208 2,108 2,045,856 11 12 la 14 16 16 17 18 3 40, 500 77, 460 301, 980 602, 562 328, 960 694, 394 459, 420 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 16, 000 29, 200 90, 050 137, 670 95, 850 90, 650 27 28 29 30 31 32 » Includes the group "Under 20 acres." 496 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA •County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Tenure: ITEM ANB TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) The State Alameda Alpine Ama- dor Butte Cala- veras 1 Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales... number.. Owners number.. Managers number.. Tenants.. number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. . Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners number.. Managers nrunber.. Tenants number.. 87, 245, 308 65, 924, 299 12,283,816 9, 037, 193 32,425 28,483 1,622 2,320 4, 754, 744 3,303,066 668,052 783, 626 6,254 5,377 332 545 983, 753 877,823 33, 175 72, 755 518 481 3 34 326, 863 1,720 1,720 _ _ _ 1, 144, 518 948, 352 73,043 123,123 566 515 15 36 18, 372 17, 565 350 457 152 140 4 8 ! 17,407 13,807 ? 3 4 :::::::: 3,600 4 3 5 2 2 6 7 8 70 1 70 i 9 25 10 313, 219 535 13, 109 376 352 2 22 aa 11 1? , 13 1 1 l\ 14 15 16 i ITEM AND TENURE T,a,ke Las- son Los Angeles Madera Marin Mari- posa Men- 1 docino j 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold dollars.. Owners dollars.. Managers dollars.. Tenants ...dollars.. Farms reporting sales. . .number.. Owners. number.. Managers number.. Tenants number.. Purchases: Value of supplies purchased dollars. . Owners dollars.. Managers dollars 133, 238 127, 442 5,162 634 160 150 6 4 3,965 3,665 600 600 1 1 14,146,470 10, 191, 513 . 1, 939, 338 . 2, 015, 619 4,103 3,602 265 236 . 1,124,820 568, 047 . 60, 099 496, 674 943 762 79 620,446 416, 652 122, 958 80, 836 665 464 35 66 5,879 6,579 585, 526 379, 342 156,036 145,400 4 5 6 7 206,184 142 107 10, 636 1 101 1 ^ 92 8 9 10 11 35 6,754 3,437 9! 1 8,912 8,674 163 75 33! 29 2| 2 I 12 13 14 15 Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting purchases number.. Owners. number.. Managers... . number.. 300 15 14 300 33 31 3,317 9 3 16 Tenants number.. 1 10 2 2 6 ITEM AND TENURE San Benito San Ber- nardino Sa° >mn San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo 1 2 3 Sales: Value of farm products sold- Owners Managers Tenants Farms reporting sales.. Owners Managers Tenants Purchases: Value of supplies purchased Owners Managers. Tenants Farms reporting purchases Owners Managers Tenants ..dollars.. ..dollars.. ..dollars.. 116,934 116, 874 6,283,108 5, 630, 892 560, 558 91, 658 1,829 1,692 110 27 245, 139 233, 336 11,603 200 348 333 13 2 1,436,004 ■ 1,108,780 239,369 87,855 441 ! 402 1 22 ' 17 308,358 ! 273,648 1 21,031 1,365,314 1,072,109 43, 801 249,404 484 417 7 60 16,203 15,716 55 432 65 58 ] 6 276, 310 158, 386 54, 510 63, 414 168 133 20 15 14,543 4,356 1,113,857 632, 122 200, 712 381,023 238 86 39 114 22, 393 12. 243 7,600 2,650 12 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 ..dollars.. .number., .number., number 60" 53 52 8 9 10 11 .number.. ..dollars.. ...dollars.. 793 753 12 13 14 .-dollars.. .number., .number., number 40 11 10 13, 679 244 234 4 10, 187 42 23 16 .number.. ' 6 19 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 — CALIFORNIA 497 Sold AxNd of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, by 1924 rnln<;a Contra Colusa I (-jQgj^ 716,512 268, 232 200, 000 248, 280 200 188 1 11 2,000 2,000 244, 145 196, 495 5,000 42,650 136 123 2 11 79, 631 72, 464 1,300 5,867 151 133 2 16 Del Norte Eldo- rado 412, 877 382, 135 24, 566 6,177 104 79, 943 75, 977 3,465 501 107 98 Fresno 6, 550, 957 6, 647, 802 899, 640 303, 516 5,754 5,177 270 307 52, 465 50, 129 853 1,483 233 216 7 10 Glenn 306, 533 253, 162 3,430 48, 941 206 190 3 13 301 301 Hum- boldt 58, 377 22, 786 1,300 34, 291 46 36 1 9 Im- perial 1,300.938 349, 676 207, 522 743, 840 250 118 14 118 48, 867 4,791 6,430 37,646 Inyo .584 684 47 15 I 4 I Kern Kings 2, 045, 057 1, 003, 182 792, 156 249, 719 985, 265 707, 614 102, 877 174, 774 603 429 62 112 644 650 25 69 80, 123 5,279 73,965 879 2,703 1,441 1,262 35 22 6 13 10 7 3 Merced Modoc Mono Mon- terey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plu- mas River- side Sacra- mento 992, 993 583, 756 198, 835 41, 986 10, 861 13, 800 13, 200 162, 903 140, 834 12, 000 10, 069 54 49 1 4 31, 267 30, 824 135 308 29 25 1 3 652, 624 570, 921 10, 525 71, 178 422 370 10 42 10, 216 10, 216 86, 706 68, 606 18, 100 63 60 3 14, 682 10, 545 4,037 12, 052, 171 10, 298, 174 1,029,171 724, 826 2,813 2,594 120 99 256, 398 202, 766 44, 387 9,245 514 496 14 4 2,126,824 1, 271, 947 665, 889 288, 988 529 395 76 58 464, 961 276, 756 131, 398 56, 807 624 389 76 69 4, 264, 139 3, 253, 768 866. 788 1, 652, 785 1, 327, 331 78, 954 246, 500 673 630 10 33 301, 045 278, 075 4,700 18, 270 170 160 3 7 1 2 3 210, 402 634 617 39 3i, i25 1 600 1 i43;583 i 1,176 1,092 1 46 38 286,763 213,542 ' 54,125 - i 19,096 280 250 14 16 4 5 6 7 78 23,264 7,001 16, 001 3,352 1,060 1 1,475 1,475 8 9 10 11 262 2. 292 }?, 80 69 7 1 6 i 2 6 I 2 1 13 13 44 1 13 14 15 4 1 16 Santa Santa Barbara Clara 710, 758 2, 908, 552 554, 725 2, 131, 029 96, 459 383, 021 59, 574 394, 502 203 1,689 169 1,539 18 28 16 122 26,891 58, 854 22,402 46, 192 2,765 3,146 1,724 9,517 50 237 33 169 7 6 10 62 Santa Cruz Shasta 807,867 ; 52,780 431,472 I 51,680 13,000 „. 363,395 ! 1,100 Sierra 1,500 1,500 206 158 42 169, 837 123, 452 500 45, 885 146 106 2 Sis- ! kiyou Solano 1 218 218 _,. I ! 1 1,530,016 1,144,745 280, 650 104, 621 370 320 19 31 181, 048 118, 006 53, 753 220 185 17 18 Sonoma Stan- islaus Sutter Tehama 5, 053, 747 1,062,894 381, 828 404,355 4, 659, 862 868, 807 300, 758 281, 352 68, 400 31, 993 46, 570 95, 383 425, 485 162, 094 34, 500 27, 620 1,801 678 207 259 1,641 689 191 234 22 14 6 12 138 75 10 n 128, 724 18, 939 25, 448 3,729 119, 313 17, 854 24, 102 1,838 700 50 630 1,800 8,711 1,035 816 91 242 138 204 20 210 125 191 17 4 2 5 2 28 11 8 1 498 CENSUS OF AGBICULTURE: 1925 — CALIFORNIA County Table VIII. — Cooperative Marketing — Value of Farm Products Sold and of Supplies Purchased, with Number of Farms Reporting, BY Tenure: 1924 — Continued ITEM AND TENURE (See definitions in Introduction) Sales: Value of farm products sold.. .dollars.. Owners dollars,. Managers.. dollars.. Tenants dollars.. Farms reporting sales number.. Owners number.. Managers number.. Tenants number.. Trin- ity Purchases: Value of supplies pur chased... dollars. Owners dollars. Managers dollars. Tenants dollars. Farms reporting purchases.. .number. Owners... number. Managers number. Tenants number. 156 166 Tulare 4, 185, 854 3,252,430 751, Oil 182, 413 2,351 2,010 198 143 95, 463 83,398 5,015 7,050 279 254 13 12 Tuol- lunne 4,600 4,500 2,275 2,275 Ventura 6, 799, 545 4,005,504 2, 516, 526 277, 515 743 617 77 49 193, 249 31, 577 157, 502 4,170 132 96 21 15 Yolo Yuba 210, 117 181, 562 11,400 17, 155 154 127 13 14 3,795 3,795 76,422 55,437 25 20,960 31 28 1 2 2,171 2,011 160 APPENDIX INSTRUCTIONS AND SCHEDULE FOR THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE, 1925 499 APPENDIX INSTRUCTIONS AND SCHEDULE FOR THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1925 The following pages contain copies of the instructions to enumerators and of the schedule (see pp. 509-512) used in the collection of statistics of agriculture at the census of 1925. Some of the most essential instructions were printed on the schedule itself, but all of the instructions, in detail, were included in two pamphlets entitled "Instructions to Enumerators" and "Supplemental Instruc-^ tions to Enumerators." INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Oath of office.— A certificate of appointment has been sent you, together with a blank form of oath or affirmation. You must take and subscribe to this oath in accordance with the instructions printed thereon, and return it to the supervisor by whom you were appointed, before you can begin work as enu- merator. After you have taken this oath you can not without justifiable cause neglect or refuse to perform the dutias of an enumerator. (See sec. 22 of the census act.) 2. Receipt of supplies.— The supervisor of your district will furnish you with the necessary schedules, blank forms, and other supplies. You should promptly acknowledge the receipt of these supplies on the card which is inclosed with them. 3. Identification.— The certificate of appointment which has been sent you contains a statement to the effect that you are a sworn employee of the Bureau of the Census. This certificate of appointment must be carried by you at all times and should be exhibited when its exhibition will aid you in obtaining the information you seek. 4. Method of handling schedules.— The portfolio furnished you is to be used in your daily canvass. It will not be necessary for you to carry in it, on any one day, more schedules than you will require for that day's work. The schedules may be doubled over as they are carried in your portfolio, but they should not be sharply folded or creased; and when not in the portfolio they should be kept flat. Schedules already completed and blank schedules not in use must be carefully put away where they will be kept clean and where they will not be in danger of examination by unauthorized persons. 5. Additional copies of schedule. — Whenever it becomes evident that the number of copies of the farm schedule sent to you is not sufficient for the work in your district, you must ask the supervisor at once for additional copies. 6. Enumeration district.— The limits of the district within which you are to take the farm census are stated on the inside of your portfolio. Outside of your district you have no authority and will have no census duties to perform. 7. Complete canvass required. — It is your duty to secm'e a complete report for every farm in your district. 8. Time allowed for enumeration.— The enumeration will commence on Monday, December 1, 1924, and in some districts at an earlier date. It must be completed as quickly as possible, in any case not later than Saturday, January 31, 1925. It is expected that the great majority of the enumerators will complete their work early in January. 9. Enumerators' rights. — You have the right to ask every question contained in the farm schedule and to obtain answers to each and all of them. You are cautioned, however, not to mention or emphasize the compulsory feature of the enumeration unless it is necessary. 10. Census schedules are confidential. — The information on the census schedules will be treated as strictly confidential under all circumstances. In particular, this information will not be used as a basis for taxation, nor will it be communicated to any tax assessor. Make these points clear, especially in deal- ing with persons who seem to be unwilhng to give the information requested. 11. Refusals to answer.— In case your authority is questioned, show your certificate of appointment, which you should carry with you for this purpose. It is of the utmost importance that your manner should always be com'teous and conciliatory. More can be done by tact and persuasion than by show of author- ity. If any person objects to answering any question on the schedule, explain that the information is strictly confidential and that it will be used only in compiling totals for the county. 12. Source of information.— Obtain the information with regard to a farm from the farm operator in every case where this is possible. If it is necessary to accept the statements of a member of his family or of some other person, be sure that this person is able to give you rehable information. 13. When you find a farm whose operator lives outside your district, or who is outside the district at the time of enumeration, so that it is not possible for you to see him personally, secure the information for this farm as best you may from a neighbor or from any other reliable source that may be available. It is essential that you turn in a completed schedule for every farm in your district. 501 502 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 APPENDIX 14. Obtain the information for a farm from the operator who is living on that farm at the time of your visit, even though this man may have recently moved onto the farm and may not have operated it dur- ing the preceding season. He will be able to give you the inventory items, of course, without any diflS- culty, and he can give you at least approximate figures for the previous year's crops and other products. Do not permit a man who has recently taken possession of his present farm to report the crops that he raised in 1924 on some other farm. 15. Enumeration of plantations.— In case of a plantation operated by tenants, go first to the owner or manager of the plantation and obtain, in addition to the schedule for the "home farm," at least a list of all the tenants on the plantation. If the owner or manager is able to give also the crop acreage and any other information with regard to the tenant farms, secure from him as much as possible of all the infor- mation required for the tenant schedules. 16. Transfer to an individual schedule the information received for each tenant, and then interview the tenants, wherever necessary. Obtain from each tenant the farm population figures (Questions 40 to 43) and any other items that are missing in the first part of the schedule, go over with him the figures you obtained from the plantation headquarters, and find out if any crops, domestic animals, or poultry have been omitted. It is essential that you obtain a full and complete report for every tenant. 17. Daily report cards.— Fill out a daily report card at the close of each day's work, entering on the card the date and the number of schedules obtained during the day, and mail this card at once to your supervisor. 18. Shipment of schedules to supervisor.— At the end of the first two days' work, you must immediately send to your supervisor by registered mail the schedules which you have filled out during those two days. He will examine these schedules at once and will advise you whether they are satisfactory or not, and will give you additional instructions if necessary. 1 9. Thereafter, at the end of each week you must send to the supervisor the schedules which you have completed during the week. Place the schedules upon one of the pieces of corrugated board which have been furnished you, wrap them carefully in paper, aflBx one of the labels addressed to the supervisor, and forward the package by registered mail. Do not roll or fold the schedules, as it makes them difficiilt to handle in the tabulation. 20. Completion of enumeration.— As soon as the work in your district is finished, you are required (1) to fill out and mail the certificate of the completion of the enumeration; and (2) to pack the schedules taken during the last week, together with your portfolio, containing your certificate of appointment, your final report, and all unused blank schedules and supplies, and return these to your supervisor by registered mail. 21. Payment for services.— The rate of compensation for the work of enumeration in your district Is stated in your certificate of appointment. Approximately at the end of each month's work the supervisor will send you a voucher based on the number of schedules which he has received from you, for your certifi- cation. As soon as you return the voucher to the supervisor, he will add his certification and forward it to the proper oflace for payment and the amount due you will be sent you by mail in the form of a United States Treasury draft payable to your order. 22. Use of mails.— The census law (sec. 29) provides that all mail matter (of whatever class or weight) relative to the census is to be transmitted free of postage, when properly indorsed. This provision is em- bodied in sections 487 and 869 of the Postal Laws and Regulations for 1924, quotations from which will be found pasted on the inside of your portfolio. If the postmaster refuses to receive such mail matter, refer him to these sections of the Postal Laws and Regulations, and in case of further trouble, report the facts to your supervisor. 23. Use of telegraph and telephone.— In communicating with the supervisor of your district, for all ordi- nary purposes the mails will be found suflScicnt; but should any emergency arise in which you need imme- diate counsel and instruction, use the telegraph or telephone. All telegrams should be sent to the supervisor "collect," and indorsed "Official business. Bureau of the Census." The supervisor will pay the charge and will be reimbursed through vouchers furnished him for that purpose. In case of emergency you may telephone to your supervisor, provided that the telephone company will collect the telephone charges from the supervisor. INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO THE FARM SCHEDULE 24. Illustrative schedule.— In addition to this book of instructions, which you should study carefully you have been provided with an illustrative example of the proper method of filling out the farm schedule. This example will show you exactly how the schedule is to be filled out for the farm described in the accompanying narrative. If any questions arise in your mind after you have studied carefully both this book of instructions and the illustrative example, you should apply to your supervisor for further instructions. 25. General method of filling out schedules.— Use black ink, take pains to write legibly and, in particular, to make figures so that they can be read at a glance. Be sure that you know the proper entry and where it should be made before making it, so as to avoid erasures. 26. Enumerator's record.— Fill out carefully the blank spaces for the enumerator's record on each schedule. The name of the "Incorporated city, town, or village" is, of course, required only when the farm is inside the limits of such an incorporated place. Date and sign every schedule in the spaces provided therefor. 27. Number the farms as you visit them, beginning with No. 1, and continuing in order through the enumeration district. Enter the number of each farm in the space provided for "Number of farm in order of visitation" at the top of each schedule. 28. The names of the State and county must be written in full in the proper space on each schedule. Abbreviations will not be permitted, but a rubber stamp may be used if convenient. 29. Code numbers on schedule.— Pay no attention to the figures in the columns headed " Code " nor to the sections marked "For office use only," which appear under Questions 26 and 36. 30. All questions to be answered in order. — Obtain and enter the information asked for on the schedule in the order of the inquiries. If farm records or accounts are kept, take figures from these, but if exact figures are not available obtain the best possible estimates. Where there are no crops or animals corre- sponding to names listed on the schedule, leave the spaces opposite such names blank. Do not leave any questions blank, however, by reason of difficulty in getting information. Even a rough estimate is better than a blank space. 31. Definition of a farm.— A farm, for census purposes, is all the land which is directly farmed by one person, either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The land operated by a partnership is likewise considered a farm. 32. A "farm" may consist of a single tract of land, or of a number of separate tracts, and these several tracts may be held under different tenures, as when one tract is owned by the farmer and another tract is rented by him. Thus, if a man who owns 100 acres rents an additional 10 acres from some one else and operates both the 100 acres and the 10 acres, then his "farm" includes the 110 acres. INSTEUCTIOl^S TO ENUMERATORS 503 33. When a landowner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers, or managers, the land operated l)y each is considered a farm. Thus, on a plantation, the land operated by each cropper or tenant should be reported as a separate farm, and the land operated by the owner or manager by means of wage hands should likewise be reported as a separate farm. Or, to take an example of a different kind, if a man owning 120 acres of land, rents 40 acres to a tenant and farms the remaining 80 acres himself, his "farm" is the 80 acres which he operates, not the 120 which he owns, while the 40 acres rented comprise a separate farm to be reported in the name of the tenant. 34. Small farms.— .ill market gardens, truck and fruit gardens, nurseries, greenhouses, poultry estab- lishments, and city or village dairies are to be considered farms if they use 3 acres of land or more, or if their 1924 products were valued at $250 or over. Do not report as a farm any tract of land of less than 3 acres, however, unless its products in 1924 were valued at $250 or over. 35. Institutional farms.— The lands utilized by public institutions, such as almshouses, insane hospitals, etc., for growing vegetables or fruit, or carrying on other agricultural operations, are, for census purposes, farms. Such farms include only the land used for agilcultural purposes, and their value is the value of that land, together with the value of such buildings only as are used mainly for agricultural purposes. Do not include with the farm population, as reported under Questions 40 to 43, any of the inmaies of public institutions. 36. Farm operator.— The term "farm operator" is employed by the Census Bureau to designate the person who directly works a farm, as owner, hired manager, tenant, or cropper, conducting agricultural operations either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or of hired em- plovees. Note especially that a farm should be returned in the name of such farm operator— that is, of the person actually conducting the agricultural operations— oven though he may be subject to incidental super- vision. Thus when land is rented, the tenant, not the owner, is the farm operator, even though the owner may exercise some supervision over the farming operations. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 37. Many of the questions are perfectly clear as they stand on the schedule and others are made clear by the notes which are printed on the schedule just below the question. No further comment will be made with regard to such questions. 38. Section I. Information concernmg farm operator. (Questions 1-4.) — All these questions must be answered on every schedule. 39- Question 3. Color or race.— Write "W" for white; spell out in full the name of any other race, using "Negro" for either black or mulatto. 40. Section II. Farm tenure. (Questions 5-11.)— Except on schedules where Question 10 is answered "Yes," figures should always be given for Question 5 or Question 6, or for both. 41. When figures are given for Question 6 and not for Question 5, then Questions 7, 8, and 9 should be answered. Where no acreage is reported under Question 5, Question 11 must be answered. 42. Question 5. Acres owned. — If the farm operator does not own any of the land in this farm but farms entirely as a tenant or manager, leave this question blank, even though he may own farm land elsewhere. 43. Farm land is regarded as "owned" not only where the operator holds direct title to it, but also where it is owned by bis wife, where the operator holds possession as an heir or one of the heirs to an undivided estate, v/here he is trustee or guardian for such heirs, where he has bought the land on a contract for a deed, or where he has pmxhased a farm sold for debt and holds it subject to redemption by the original owner. 44. Ranchers using public lands.— Public land used by a rancher without rental is not a part of the operator's farm, and where a rancher owns or leases no land but grazes animals entirely on public domain, write opposite Questions 6 and 12 "No land owned or leased." 45. Question 7. Rent paid.— It is very important that this question relating to the rent paid should be answered carefully and accurately. In particular it is important to know whether the tenant pays cash rent, a share of the crops, or a stated aviount of farm products. Be sure that your answer indicates clearly which form of rent is paid, even if you have to estimate the amount. 46. Section III. Farm acreage. (Questions 12-21.)— Question 12 must be answered on every schedule, except where the entry "No land owned or leased" is used, as directed in paragraph 44. In almost every case there should be an entry for Question 13, and usually there will be entries for several other questions in this section. 47. Question 12. Total farm acreage.— The acreage reported in answer to this question must include all the land on which the person named in answer to Question 1 conducts farming operations of any kind, whether such land is actually tilled, is lying idle or fallow, is used for pasture, or is in woodland or other unimproved land. Thus there may be included land which is detached from that on which the major portion of the farming operations are conducted and which may not be adapted to profitable farming; but if the land is a part of the farm as originally purchased by the owner, or if it is under the control of the tenant or manager, or is used by him in any way, it should bo included in the total acreage of the farm Such distinct tracts should not be shown separately, but in all parts of the schedule they should be regarded as a part of the farm and should be treated in the same manner as if all the land were in a single continuous tract. 48. The total acreage of the farm, as given in answer to Question 12, should equal the sum of the numbers of acres reported under Questions 13 to 21, inclusive. Fractions of an acre should not be entered in answer to any of these questions. 49. Where acres are shown for both Question 5 and Question 6, the sum of these two figures should equal the acreage shown under Question 12. Where Question 5 alone, or Question 6 alone, is answered, the answers should agree with the answer to Question 12. 50. Question 13. Land in crops harvested in 1924. — Do not include here land from which the crops were not harvested by reason of crop failure nor any land used exclusively for pasture. Do include, however, in addition to the classes named on the schedule, any land on which a crop of corn, cowpeas, velvet beans, or other crop \'7as raised to matm-ity and hogged or grazed off. 51. Question 14. Crop failure.— Do not include here crop land lying idle or land in cultivated summer fallow. 52. Questions 17-19. Pasture land. — Report here only land which was used exclusively for pasture during the year 1924. Do not include land which was pastured after the crop v/as harvested, nor grain fields which were pastured for a time in the winter or spring but which later produced a crop of grain. 53. Questions 18 and 20. Woodland.— All land occupied by trees or young growth which has or will have value as wood or timber should be classified as woodland. Report such land under Question 18 if it was used for pasture in 1924, or under Question 20 if it was not used for pasture. 51623—27 33 504 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUKE: 1925 APPENDIX 54. Section IV. Farm values.— (Questions 22-24.)— Question 22 must be answered in every case (except ■where a stock raiser uses public range only) and Questions 23 and 24 should also be answered in nearly every 55. Question 22. Total value of farm.— Give the value of the land reported in answer to Question 12, v.'hether such land is owned, rented, or managed by the farm operator, including the value of all buildings and improvements attached to the land. Do not include the value of implements and machinery or livestocl:. The farm operator's valuation must be accepted unless you have reason to believe that such valuation is below the actual value of the farm or is grossly exaggerated. In such cases give, as nearly as you can de- termine, the amount for which the farm, including buildings and improvements, would sell under normal conditions (not at forced sale). The appraiser's valuation, on which taxation of the farm is based, is not generally a safe guide, and it should be used only when it appears to be fair and reasonable. Make it clear to the farm operator that the values returned on the census schedule are not to be used for purposes of taxation and will not be seen by any persons except the employees of the Census Bureau. 56. Question 23, Value of farm buildings.— A fair estimate of the present value of the farm buildings is desiied, not a replacement value. 57. Factory equipment on farms.— Do not include, either here or under Question 22, the value of buildings such as creameries, canning factories, or sugar mills, which, though situated on the farm, are used for manu- facturing rather than for farm purposes, and do not include under Question 24 the value of any machinery used for such purposes. V/here any materials other than those produced on the farm are used, the establish- ment should ordinarily be considered a manufacturing establishment and the values should not be included on the farm schedule. A canning factory should not be included in any case, even though it uses only the products grown on the farm. 58. Question 24, Valueof implements and machinery.—Report the value of all implements, machinery, etc., used in operating the farm and permanently (or usually ) kept on the farm, whether they belong to the farm operator or not. Machinery owned cooperatively by a group of farmers should be reported on the schedule for the farm where it is usually kept; or if no "usual" place is provided, then on the schedule for the farm where it happens to be on January 1, 1925. Include all tools; wagons; carriages; harnesses; dairy equipment; cotton gins; threshing machines; apparatus for making cider, grape juice, sugar and sirup, or drying fruits; and all engines, motors, tractors, automobiles, motor trucks, and other machinery, so far as they are used in carrying on the farm business. Do not include the value of machinery used for manu- facturing purposes as defined in paragraph 57. 59. Section V. Farm debt, (Questions 25-27.)— If any farmers hesitate to answer the questions on farm debt, assure them that the figures will be kept absolutely confidential and that nothing except county totals will be published. It is very important to have complete returns for these questions. 60. Question 25. Mortgage debt.— This question must be asked of all farm operators, including tenants since considerable numbers of tenants own farm land elsewhere; or you may first ask a man operating rented land only, if he owns any farm land anywhere. If he answers "No," then, of course, he can have no mort- gage debt. 61. When you find out that a farm operator has no mortgage debt, write the word "None" in the space opposite Question 25. It is quite as important to have positive statements with regard to farms that are free from debt as it is to have the debt reported. 62. The debts which should be reported as mortgage debt include not only all debts secured by instru- ments locally called "mortgages," but also all debts represented by deeds of trust, judgment notes, con- fessions of judgment, deeds with vendor or lien clause, bonds or contracts for title, or any other legal instru- ments that partake of the nature of mortgages upon real estate. Do not include any debts represented by crop liens or mechanics' liens, nor any debt secured by mortgage or lien on livestock or on implements and machinery. 63. Where the mortgage on a farm covers buildings and land together (as it usually does), give the whole amount of the mortgage outstanding, and do not try to separate that part which is secured on the land only. 04. Question 26. Value of mortgaged land.— Whenever any mortgage debt is reported under Question 25, find out the value of the land covered by the mortgage. Usually this value will be the same as the value entered for Question 22, but it may be less, where only part of the "farm" is mortgaged, or it may be more, where the farm operator owns other farm land which is included under the same mortgage. 65. Question 27. Other debts.— This question must be asked of all farm operators, including tenants. Report here all debts which the farmer owes, which are not secured by mortgage on real estate. Include short-time loans, whether unsecured, or secured by mortgage on livestock, implements and machinery, crops or other chattels; vinpaid store and other accounts of more than 30 days' standing; interest due and unpaid; delinquent taxes; and other forms of indebtedness. 66. Section VI. Farm expenses. (Questions 28-33.)— Questions 28 to 31, relating to farm expenditures for feed, fertilizer, etc., will be answered frequently or infrequently according to the section of the country. 67. Question 32. Taxes on all farm property. — This question, which relates to the taxes on all farm property owned by the farm operator, should be asked of every farmer, including all tenants who own livestock or any other taxable farm property. 68. Do not include poll taxes or income taxes (which are not property taxes at all) nor taxes on prop- erty not used in the farm business, such as notes, stocks, bonds, city real estate, etc. 69. In irrigation districts do not include taxes or payments for obtaining water, either for construction charges, for purchase of water rights, or for maintenance and operation. In drainage districts do not include either drainage taxes or special assessments for drainage purposes. 70. Where taxes on property which is not used in the farm business, as mentioned above, appear on the same tax receipt in combination with taxes on farm property, obtain an estimate of the amount of taxes which relate to the farm property alone. This estimate can readily be made on tlie basis of the assessed valuation of the two classes of property. Thus if the farm property represents 80 per cent of the total assessed valuation, then 80 per cent of the total taxes should be counted as farm property ta.\es. 71. Question 33. Taxes on land and buildings in this farm.- This question, which calls for the taxes paid on the farm (land and buildings) to which the schedule relates, need bo answered only for full owners— that is, for farmers who own all the land which they operate. 72. The taxes reported here should include only the taxes paid on the land and buildings in this particular farm. The acreage covered by this tax should be identical with the acreage reported under Question 12. 73. If the taxes on this particular farm are included with the taxes on land rented to others, or with taxes on other property, obtain an estimate of the amount of the taxes on this farm alone. INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS 505 74. Section VII. Cooperation. (Questions 34 and 35.)— These questions will be answered frequently in localities where there are flourishing cooperative organizations and infrequently or not at all in localities where there are no such organizations. 75. Section VIII. Farm facilities. (Questions 36-39.)— Questions SG, 37, and 39 should be answered on every schedule. 76. Section IX. Farm population. (Questions 40-43.)— Report in this section, under the proper classi- fication, all persons living on the farm for which the schedule is made out. This will usually include at least the farmer himself and the members of his family. Wherever farm laborers or other persons live with the farm family or in separate dwellings on the farm, all such persons should also be included as a part of the farm population. When the farm operator lives in a near-by town or village and not on the farm, ho^YPver, neither he nor his family should be included in the farm population. Thus there will be an occasional farm schedule whicli will correctly show no farm population. 77. Do not include in the farm population the inmates of an institution, such as an insane hospital, reform school, or almshouse, located on a farm, even though they may do some work on the farm. 78. Section X. Crops harvested in 1924. (Questions 44-114.)— The crops to be reported in this section a: 3 the crops which were harvested in 1924 from the land which has alreadj^ been reported under Question 13, whether these crops were raised by the present operator or by his predecessor. Do not report on this schedule any crops raised by the farmer on oilier land which he may have been farming in 1924. Where there has been a change in farm operator since the 1924 crop season, the production record on the farm schedule is for the /arm and not for the farm operator. 79. Every reasonable effort should be made to obtain figures based on records, or if no records were kept, reliable estimates made by persons directly concerned with the growing of the crops. You should be well informed, however, with regard to the usual production per acre of various crops in your district, and other factors which will enable you to assist the farmer in making estimates, where this is necessary. Do not ofTer any assistance, however, unless it is clearly needed. 80. Unit of measure.- Report all quantities in the unit of measure printed on the schedule. Where quantities are reported to you in other units, reduce the unit reported to the one specified on the schedule. 81. Report both production and acreage.— Make sure that both production and acreage are reported wherever both are called for, and each in its proper column. In particular, see that there are no crops with acreage alone reported and the space for production (" Bu.," " Tons," etc.) left blank. Do not make any entries, however, in the spaces marked "XX X." 82. Corn.— In the section on corn, the sum of the acres reported for Questions 45 to 48, inclusive, should equal the acreage reported for Question 44. 83. Smal! grains. (Questions 49-58.)— Report as "cut for grain and threshed," the acreage and pro- duction of small grains cut but not yet threshed, estimating the number of bushels of grain that will be obtained when they are threshed. 84. Hay crops.— Tons of hay must be shown under Question 83 whenever acreage is reported under any of the following Questions: 55, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, or 82. 85. Do not report acreage for any hay crop unless the hay was actually cut in 1924. 86. Question 81. Other tame or cultivated grasses.— Include here old meadows, even though made up largely of plants other than those listed under the question on the schedule. The "wild grasses" entered under Question 82 should be those cut on strictly uncultivated land. 87. Questions 62-75. Annual legumes.— Where annual legumes are planted after oats, corn, or other crops have been harvested from the land, they are to be reported as "grown alone." In other words, they are to be reported as "grown with corn or other crops " only when the two crops are grown on the land at the same time. 88. Question 84. Cotton.— Cotton is to be reported in running bales. These bales weigh approxi- mately 500 pounds each. If the cotton has been packed in round bales, report its equivalent in square bales of 600 pounds each, counting two round bales as equivalent to one square bale. Where only a part of the cotton has been giimed, it will be necessary to estimate the number of bales yet to be ginned; this will include an estimate, in some cases, for cotton that has not even been picked. 89. Mixed crops.— Where two grain crops, such as oats and barley, or oats and wheat, were grown and harvested together, obtain from the farmer an estimate of the proportion of each crop and divide th© acreage accordingly. Thus, if he had 10 acres of oats and barley mixed and estimates that they were mixed in approximately equal parts, then enter 5 acres for oats and 5 acres for barley, and divide the production in accordance with the usual production of the two grains where they are grown separately. 90. Crops not named on schedule.— Do not try to report separately any crop, the name of which is not printed on the schedule. Report the total acreage of all such crops together under Question 98. 91. Section XI. Forest products. (Questions 115-117.)— Question 115 (cords of firewood cut) should be answered on practically every schedule in a locality where farmers depend on firewood cut on their own farms for fuel. In answering Question 116 (acreage of woodland burned over), include the acreage of wood- land burned over to destroy old grass and weeds in order to improve the grazing. 92. Section XII. Livestock and livestock products. (Questions 118-158.)— Report all domestic animals on the farm on January 1, 1925, whether they belong to the farm operator or not. The phrase on the farm (in the case of all farmers except those using the public range) means regularly kept on the farm. If a farmer hires his neighbor's team for a short time, this team is not to bo regarded as "on the farm" for census pur- poses and should not be included in that farm schedule, even though it may happen to be at work on the farm January 1, 1925. But horses or other animals belonging to the hired man or to others, which are boarded or cared for on the farm should be included. Breeding animals owned jointly by two or more farmiers and kept in turn on the various farms should be reported on the farm where they happen to be on January 1, 1925. In the case of ranchmen using public range, animals "on the farm" should be under- stood to mean all animals belonging to or under the care of the ranchman for whom the schedule is prepared. 93. Report number of animals for January 1, 1925. — When the farm is enumerated prior to the census date, January 1, 1925, you must find out if the farmer expects to add to his stock, or to sell or slaughter any stock, before January 1, 1925. If so, you must obtain an estimate of the numbers of animals which he expects to have on hand on January 1, 1925, and enter these figures on the schedule. This is especially important in sections where large numbers of animals are sent to market during the month of December, or where sheep are transferred to winter quarters at some distance from their summer pasture. 94. Questions 122-130. Beef and dairy cattle.— You are to classify all cattle either as beef cattle or as dairy cattle, according to the principal purpose for which they are kept. Cows kept principally for beef may be milked for considerable periods during the year, and cows kept principally for milk will, of course, eventually be slaughtered for beef. 506 CENSUS OF agriculture: 1925 APPENDIX 95. Questions 131-136. Dairy products.— Where dairy cows are reported under Question 130, Ques- tions 131 and 132 should be answered, and usually one or more of Questions 133 to 13G as well. Note, further, that there may be entries under " Dairy products " representing products obtained from beef cows. That is, cows, which are kept primarily for beef production often afford an important source of income through the incidental production of milk. 96. Question 131. Milk produced. — For this question enter the total number of gallons of milk pro- duced on the farm in 1924, including milk used on the farm in any way, as well as milk sold. Obtain from the farm operator either figures based on records or the closest possible estimate of the actual production. 97. When the amount of milk produced is reported in pounds it must be reduced to gallons before it is entered on the schedule. To make the reduction multiply the number of pounds bj' 0.116 (or multiply by 11.6 and divide by 100). Report only the whole number of gallons, omitting decimals. 98. Question 134, Butterfat sold.— Where milk or cream is sold on the basis of butterfat content, it should be reported as butterfat sold and not as milk or cream sold. To put it another way, if the farmer receives payment for a given number oi pounds of butterfat, it will be correct to report the product as butterfat sold. 99. Questions 135 and 136. Cream and milk sold. — Report under Questions 135 and 136, respectively, all cream and whole milk sold by the quart, gallon, or hundredweight. Where the farmer receives pay- merit for a given number of quarts, gallons, or hundredweight of cream or milk, it will be correct to report the product here, even though the price received varies somewhat T\'ith the butterfat content. 100. Questions 137-141. Sheep and wool.— Where sheep are reported under Questions 137 to 139, wool should ordinarily be reported under Question 140 and sheep shorn under Question 141. In certain sections of the country, sheep are^'Shorn twice during the year. In such instances report the number of sheep shorn during the year, not the number of fleeces cut, and write the words "shorn twice" on the margin of the schedule. 101. Questions 142-144. Goats and mohair.— Where goats are reported under Question 142, there may or may not be a report for mohair. Goats of short-haired varieties which do not yield mohair are often kept, especially where there are only a small number of goats. 102. Questions 148-150. Young animals raised. — Wherever any considerable numbers of either cattle, sheep, or hogs are reported as on hand on January 1, 1925, there should also be calves, lambs, or pigs reported under Questions 148, 149, or 150 as raised in 1921. 103. Questions 155-158. Chickens and eggs.— Where chickens are reported under Question 155, eggs should practically always be reported under Question 157, and chickens raised under Question 158. SAMPLE SCHEDULE AND SPECIAL ENUMERATION AREAS 104. Distribution of sample copies of farm schedule.— A large number of sample copies of the farm schedule will be distributed to farmers throughout the country through the rural mail carriers before the enumeration begins. The farmers will be asked to fill out these schedules and keep them until the enumer- ator calls for them, and not to mail them to the Census Bureau. Whenever you find that a farmer has filled out this sample schedule, go over it carefully, to make sure that he understands the questions and has answered them correctly and completely, and then copij the information to one of your regular schedules. 105. If the farmer says he has already mailed the schedule to the Census Bureau (in spite of instructions to the contrary), you must secure the information from him, just as if he had never had the sample. 106. Areas excluded from regular enumeration districts.— You must not secure schedules for farms on any portion of the national forest reserves or reclamation projects. All farms in these areas will be enumer- ated by persons regularly employed by the Forest Service and the Reclamation Sei-vice, respectively. Further, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs has requested the Indian agents to cooperate with the super- visors in enumerating Indian reservations where it is at all possible to do so. If there are any Indian reser- vations in your district, therefore, you should confer with the Indian agent with reference to the enumeration of the reservations and use great care to see that none of the work done by the Indian agent is duphcated by your enumerators. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS 107. Townships to be completed. — Where an enumeration district consists of two or more township^ districts, or other civil divisions of the county, the first township should be completed before the second is commenced, so far as this is practicable. 108. Abandoned farms. — No schedules are to be secured for abandoned farms, that is, for farms which were not operated in 1924 and which do not seem likely to be operated in 1925 or at any time in the near future. Farm land is considered as being "operated" not only when cultivated crops are raised on it but also when it is used for pasture or when hay is cut from it by the owner or by a man who has hired the land. 109. While no schedules are to bo secured for abandoned farms, you should keep a record of the number of such farms that come to your attention, so that you can report this number to your supervisor when you have finished the district. 110. You will find occasionally a farm which was left idle during 1924 for some accidental reason and which v^ill be operated again in 1925. For such a farm you should secure a schedule shov/iug the acreage, value, and other inventory items, writing across the crop section "No crops raised in 1924." 111. Ranches.— The census definition of a farm is intended to include the so-called ranches, where stock raising is the principal source of income, as well as those smaller farms where cultivated crops are important. 112. Livestock on range.— A flock of sheep or a herd of cattle being pastured on the public range or in the National Forest by a man who does not own any land should be reported on a farm schedule, as indi- cated in paragraphs 44 and 92 of the Instructions to Enumerators. In some States the number of cattle and sheep on the range is very important and every elTort should be made to get returns for all of this Stock. It is more important to get all of the stock reported, without duplication, than it is to make the schedule conform exactly to the plan used for the usual type of farm. 113. In some parts of tlie Mountain and Pacific States, where the numbers of sheep running on the range are very largo and where a single owner frequently owns a considerable number of flocks or bands of sheep, arrangements liave been made to have the owner make a single report for all of his sheep which are in one county, in place of trying to secure a schedule for each one of the separate flocks. Where this arrangement has been made you will be given special instructions by your supervisor. Unless you receiye such special instructions you should proceed to obtain a schedule for each flock of sheep which yon find in yoin- district, or if you find several flocks under one management, then a separate scheduler or each sepa- rate management. IISTSTRUCTIORS TO ENUMERATORS 507 114. Feed lots, — On many faims considerable numbers of animals v/ill be found in inclosures or feed lots where they are being fed iu preparation for the market or to keep them through the winter until the time when they can be returned to tlie range. This livestock will, of course, be reported on the schedule for such farms. Similar feed lots or inclosures will also be found where there are no other farming operations. Such feed lots should be reported as farms, since the feeding of animals under these conditions is strictly an agricultural operation. This would not, of course, include animals in stockyards where they are kept simply to await a convenient time for shipment, but only those animals which are being fed in order to increase their weight or otherwise improve their market condition. 115. Nurseriss and greenhouses.— Nursery and greenhouse establishments are to be coimted as farms and reported on the farm schedule, so far as the questions apply. There is no spccihc question calling for the products of either the nurseries or the greenhouses. It is important, however, that we have a report of the acreage and particularly of the value of such establishments. The acreage used for growing nursery and greenhouse products should be included (with the acreage of other crops, if any) under Question 13 and should also be entered under Question 98. The young trees in the nursery should not be reported under Questions 99, 102, etc., as these questions relate only to trees set out where they are expected to bear fruit. 116. Farms in two counties.— Where a farm is situated partly in one township or county and partly in another, it is to be enumerated as if it were all in that township or county where the operator's residence is located. In case of a very large farm lying partly outside the county for which it is enumerated, note on the margin of the schedule approximately the number of acres outside that county. 117. Farmers living In town.— There will be cases where a farmer lives in a town and operates a farm outside, perhaps several miles away (actually operates it himself, without having on it either a tenant or a manager), going out to the farm day by day as necessary. If such a farmer keeps no livestock at his place in the city or town and does not carry on any farming operations there, the residence is not a part of the farm. In a case of this kind, where the residence is in one township or county and the farm in another, the farm should be enumerated in the township where it is located, in spite of the fact that the farmer lives in another township. If possible, the enumerator should visit the owner and secure from him the information for the schedule. 118. Farms operated by owner and tenant. — A farm is sometimes operated by the owner and a tenant working together. In such a case, if the tenant has allotted to him a definite acreage of land, this should be reported as a separate farm in the tenant's name, even though the tenant spends a large part of his time in working on other land. If there is absolutely no separation of the acreage— that is, no land which can be considered as rented to the tenant— then one schedule should be made out in the name of the owner and the so-called tenant should be considered a hired hand. Every effort should be made, however, to obtain a separate schedule for the tenant wherever it is practicable. 119. Name of landlord.— Where a farmer hires land from more than one owner, report under Question 11 the name of the owner of the piece of land on which the farm operator lives, or in case of a part owner who lives on his own land, the name of the owner of the most important of the hired tracts. 120. Farm tenure.— Questions 7, 8, and 9 are to be answered for tenants only and not for part owners. 121. In cases where the rent paid does not exactly fit any one of the four cases, a, b, c, or d, explain briefly what the actual terms are. For example, if a son operating a farm belonging to his father pays no rent, write for Question 7, "Rent free." 122. Homestead land.— Land on which the farmer has settled under the homestead law, but has not yet proved up, should be reported as owned land. 123. Farm values. — The value of the farm must be reported by a tenant farmer as well as by a farmer operating his own land— though in case of a plantation this value may be secured from the landlord or his agent. See paragraphs 15 and 16 in the Instructions to Enumerators. 124. A part owner should report the value of all the land which he operates, including what he hires as weU as what he owns. 125. A tenant should report under Question 24 the value of the implements and machinery used in oper- ating his farm, even though he does not own them. 126. Farm mortgage debt.— No report of the mortgage debt on a tenant farm is expected. The tenant "Will occasionally report mortgage debt on some other farm which he owns, but he should not try to report the debt on the farm which he hires. Note the wording of Question 25: "Mortgage debt on all farm land and buildings owned by you." 127. Farm expenses.— The farm expenses to be reported under Questions 28 to 31 should include expenses incurred but not paid. For example, if a farmer used $300 worth of fertilizer on his farm in 1924, report $300 under Question 29, even though the fertilizer bill is not yet paid. Expenses other than those named in the questions need not be reported. 128. Where a tenant pays for only a part of the fertilizer used on his crops, he should report under Ques- tion 29 the total cost of the fertilizer, including the part paid by the landlord. 129. Taxes.— Question 32 should show the taxes paid or to be paid for the year 1924, where it is possible to get this figure. Where the farmer knows the amount of his 1924 taxes at the time of the enumerator's visit, he should report this amount, even though ho does not expect to pay the taxes until some time in ] 925. If he does not know the amount of the 1924 taxes, report the 1923 taxes, which will ordinarily be about the same in amount. 130. Cooperative sales.— In the case of tobacco, and possibly some other crops, it is the custom for some of the cooperative organizations to hold the crop a considerable period before seUing it cr making returns to the farmer. In cases of this kind, where the farmer has not received the returns for his crop, he should report the value of the tobacco or other product delivered to the association during the calendar year 1924, estimating the value, if necessary, on the basis of current prices. 131. Crops not listed on schedule. — A. number of crops and other products of considerable local impor- tance were omitted from the 1925 farm schedule by reason of the limited time and the limited approprialion provided for the taking of this census. Many requests have been received for a special enumeration of such items in areas where they happen to be important, but it has been found impracticable to make any such special enumeration, either by the use of a supplemental schedule, by writing the crops in on the regular schedule, or otherwise. 132. Potatoes not dug.— Potatoes which were not dug because the price was so low that it would not pay for the expense of digging, should not be reported under Question 83, but the acreage should be entered as "crop failure" imder Question 14. 133. Corn.— Sweet corn grown for silage should be reported under Question 46, in spite of the state- ment at the head of the corn section on the schedule, and its acreage should be included under Question 44. Other sweet corn should be reported under Question 95, or if not grown for sale, under Question 98, 508 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 APPENDIX 1 34. Small grains hogged off.— Small grains raised to maturity and then hogged or grazed off by any kind of livestock should be reported under Question 98, since they do not properly belong under Questions 49, 51, 52, 53, or 54, which call for grain cut and threshed, nor under Question 55, which calls for grains cut for hay, nor yet under Question 17, which calls for land usod for pasture. 135. Land in wheat or other small grains should be reported as pasture, under Question 17, only when the crop was pastured before ripening and then only in case the pasturing represented the only use to which the land was put in 1924. 136. Crops plowed under.— Crops grown on the land in 1924 and then plowed under for the fertilizing effect should be handled as follows: a. Where any other crop was harvested from the same land in 1924, report the land for the other crop and disregard the crop plowed under altogether. b. Where a grain crop was plowed under because it did not seem to be making satisfactory progress, report the land as "crop failure" under Question 14. c. If there are any cases where the sole use made of the land in 1924 was to raise a crop to be plowed under as green manure, report the laud under Question 15. (This land is not cultivated summer fallow b;it it serves somewhat the same purpose; and further, it will not be found in the same part of the country with actual cultivated summer fallow.) 137. Peanut hay.— Report under Question 72 the whole acreage from which peanut hay was saved or secured in any way, not limiting it to the acreage on which the hay was actually "cut." 138. Tonnage of hay.— Report under Question 83 the number of tons of hay of all kinds together that were cut on this farm, excluding wild hay or any other hay cut on land not owned or hired by the farm operator. This figure should include small grain hay and annual legume hay, as well as hay cut from the clovers and grasses listed under Questions 76 to 82. 139. Livestock products.— The total quantity of milk, eggs, and chickens to be reported under Ques- tions 131, 157, and 158 should include au estimate for the remainder of the month of December, v\'here the schedule is taken in December, 1924. Similar estimates should be made for young animals raised and animals slaughtered, Questions 148 to 154. The figures entered on the schedule should represent the cor rect answer to the question on January 1, 1925, as nearly as possible. CENSUS OF AGEICULTUEE : 1S>25 APPENDIX 509 [Page 1 of the Farm Schedule] DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON FARM SCHEDULE: 1925 ^^-^ ONITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE Inventory Items, January 1, 1925; Production Items, Calendar Year 1924 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD Number of farm in order of visitation . CJounty. Supervisor's difitrict. Enumeration district . Township or other division of county: Incorporated city, town, or village, if farm is inside the limits of any incorporated place Enumerated by me this . . day of . ., 192 Schedule examined and checked: Supervisor. DEFINITION OF A FARM A taim, tat eensca ptuposes. ts aS tbs land wblcb ts directir farmed br oae peresn, either br bis own labor eloae or witli the assistaiice ef members of his hoasahold. or hired employees. The land opotsted bj a partnereUp la likewise con^ered a tarwu A "tarra" maj consiat of a sbtgle tract of land, or ef a number ef separate tracts, and these eereral tracts may be held onder different tennres, ns when ona tract Is owned by tha fanner and another tract Is rented by him. When a iandewner has ona or more tenaots, renters, croppers, or monazera, the land operated by each ts considered a farm. TbQs en s plantation the land operated by each cropper or tenant shoidd be re- ported as a separate farm, and the land operated by the owner or manager by means of wage bands should likewise be reported ua a separate farm. De not report as a farm any tract of land of less than 8 acreab unless Its products In 1924 were rained at $250 or more. L ir-IFORMATION CONCERNING FARM OPERATOR 1. Name 2. Post office address 3. Color or race- 4. Date when you began to operate this farm Year Month , □ IL FARM TENURE, JANUARY 1, 1925 5. How many acres in this farm do you own? 6. How many acres in this farm do you rent from others? If yon rent all of this farm: 7. What do you pay as rent? __ a. If a sharels paid, give thefraction. as H, H. H, etc. b. If cash is paid, give tbo amount In dollars per acre. e. If both share and cash ait paid, give the share and the amount la dollars paid per acre. t. If a definite quantity (nof a shari) o( com,' cotton, or other prod cetsl spald. regardless of the yield, give the fixed amoont In btuhels, bales, pounds, eto. 8, Doea the person from whom you rent furw pish aiZ thia work animals? . ■ .- 9.. Do you rent this Jarm from your own or your wife's parent, grandparent, brother, or Bister? 10. Do you operate this farm for others hired manager? II. If you rent any farm land from others, or ,ge any farm land for others, give : and address of the owner of the land : IIL FARM ACREAGE, JANUARY 1, 1925 12. Total number of acres in this farm Acres^ Include all outlying or separate fields, meadows, pastures, woodiaad, or waste lands owned , reUted, or managed and operated by the person whose name is given under Question 1. Do not include on this schedule any land rented to or cropped by any ot her peraon. Secure a separate schedule tor each tenant, renter, or cropper. Crop land : 13. Land in crops harvested in 1924 Acret- Include all field crops, all tame and wild hay ent on ttiis farm, and gardens, orohards, \nd Tine- yards. Uo not count the same land twice, evea though two crops were harvested from it. 14. Land from which no crop was har- vested in 1924 because of crop /aiiwcordestructionfromtmy cause Aerea^ 15. Land in cultivated summer fallow Acres^ 16. Crop land lying idle all of 1924 Acres- Do not i ndudo any I and reported as crop faihiro nnder Question 14, any cultivated summer (ai> low, or any land used for pasture. Pasture land: 17. Land used only for pasture in 1924 which could be plowed and used for crops without clearing, draining, or irrigating Aerea^ 18. Woodland used for pasture in 1924 Acres- Include as woodland all farm woodlots, natural or planted, and cut-over land with young growth. Do not inciudo chaparral or woody shrubs. 19. All other land used for pasture in 1924 Acres- Other land: 20. Woodland not used for pasture , Acres- See definition of woodland nr^ dor QucstUHi 18. 21. All other land in this farm Acres- Include here all rough, swampy , or waste land neither inforect, pasture, or crops, and also the Note.— The sum ot Items 13 to 21, Inclusive, should equal the total oereage of the farm, as reported under Question 12. (Item 12 should also equal the sum ol Items 6 aad 6, except in case of a farm operated by a manager.) CODE 510 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1925 APPENDIX [Page 2 of the Farm Schedule] IV. FARM VALUES, JANUARY 1, 1925 Report all ealuei in DOLLABS, omitting cent* 22. Total value of tliis farm (land and buildings) _„ $___ Give the amount for which this larm wonid sell. Indudo theland operated by you as owner, tenant, or manager, and all buildings and improvemsnts, but notimplccnents and machinery, or Uvestoclr^ 23. Value of all buildings on this farm in- cluded above $ : 24. Value of implements and macliinery used in operating this farm, includ- ing automobUes $ Include all tools, wapons, dairycquipment. cotton gins, threshing machines, and other macblnery used In carryiDg on tba tai m business. See instructions. V. FAR]\1 DEBT, JANUARY 1, 1925 Report debt in DOLLARS, omitting centa 25, Amount of mortgage debt on all farm land and buildings owned by you (anywhere in the United States) $ 2S, Value of farm land and buildings cov- ered by mortgages reported above .. $_ 27. Total other debts, which you owe, not secured by mortgage on real If there Is no such debt, write "None^" VI. FARM EXPENSES Report^expenditure* In DOLLARS, omitting eente 2S. Amount expended in 1924 for hay, grain, mill feed, and other products (not raised on this farm) for use as feed for domestic animals and poultry $ 29. Amount expended in 1924 for manure and fertilizer, including lime and ground limestone ,_ $ Amount expended in 1924 for farm labor, exclusive of housework (money wages only, not including value of rent or board furnished) $_ Amount expended in 1924 for lumber, timber, wooden posts, poles, and fire- wood purchased for use on this farm. $_ 22. Total amount of taxes paid or payable by you for 1924 on farm property (anywhere in the United Staffs) — $_ Include reel estate tai, personal property tsr, end special assessments, but do not isclade taxes lor Irrigation or drainage districts, 33. How much of the taxes reported above were paid or payable on the land and buildings in this farm? $_ Include only taxes on tho laud reported nnder Question 12. Eeo instructions. • (3)-Item 22; (4)-Uem 12; (t)-X. VII. COOPERATION IN MARKETING IN 1924 Report amounta in DOLLARS, emitting eeatt 34. Value of products of this farm sold to or through a farmers' marketing organ- ization in 1924 $__ 35. Value of all farm supplies purchased for this farm from or through a farmera' organization in 1924 „ S VIII. FARM FACILITIES, J,\NUAEY 1, 1S2S 36. What kind of road adjoins this farm7__ Indicate whether concret?, brick, macadam, gravel, improved dirt, or unimproved dirt road. ; 37. Distance to nearest market town MiUa 38. Tractors oa this farm.^ Nvmher .. 39. Is there a radio outfit on this farm?. IX. FARM POPUUTION, JANUARY 1, 1923 Induda i n tho farm population not only the family of the farm operator, but also all other persons living on this farm— especially farm labprers and their families. Tho family of a tenant or cropper should b« reported on the schedule m^o out for his farm, not oa the Echedole lor Ul3 landlord's farm. ■ ■ 40. Number of white children under 10 years of age living oa this farm , T'^i"i 41. Number of white persons lOye.irs of ago and over living on this farm Af oZe_ 42. Number of colored chil- dren under 10 years of age living on this farm. Include Negro, Indian, Chinese, end Japanese children. 43. Number of colored per- sons 1 years of age and ovsrlivingoathisfarm. Male.. Indudo Negroes, Indians, Chinese, and Japaneso. Total X. CROPS HARVESTED IN 1924 Com grown on tMs farm in 1924: Do not Include sweet com, pop com, " Egyptian corn," or "mllo maize." Always report the quantity of corn harvested In bushels of shelled com. A bushel of shelled com weighs 66 pounds and Is equiva- lent to 70 pormds of dry com in the ear, or to 2 bushel baskets level full or 1) bushel baskets heaped of husked ear coro, or 6 level oc 4 heaped bushel baskets of unhaslccd ccm. 44. Total acreage of com for all purposes 45. Com snapped, husted, or to be husked, for grain 46. Com cut f or Eilage_ 47. Whole plant cut for green or dry fodder and not husked or snapped 48. Whole plant hogged or grazed oS by any kind of livestoek (none of the com husked or NoTS.— The stun of the acres reported under Items 45 to 48, Inclusive, Ehould equal the total acreage of com, as reported under Question 44. Small grains: 49. Winter wheat (fall-sown) cut for grain and threshed 60. Springwheat (spring-sown) cut for grain and threshed Inclada durum wheat. 5L Oats cut for grain and threshed. 62. Oats cut for grain when ripe or nearly rir>e and fed unthreshcd 53. Barley cutfor grain and threshed 64. Rye cut for grain and threshed- 55. Small grains cut for bay (in- cluding wheat, oats, barley, and rye) Do not include oats out ivhen ripe or nearly ripe and fed unthr«shcd. 'H'cse should be reported under Question 62. 56. Rax threshed for grain 57. Rice (rough) 58. Buckwheat Sorghums: 59. Sorghums harA-csted for grain (kafir, milo, feterita. durra, etc., threshed or fed in the head after cutting f romstalks) 60. All sorghums cut for silage, hay, or fodder (heads not cut oEF or threshed) 61. Sweet sorghum or sorgo cut for Bu. Bu. Bu. XXX CENSUS OF AGRICULTUHE : 1925 APPENDIX 511 [Page 3 of the Farm Schedule] Annual legumes: Soy beans grown alone - Acres- 63. Soy beans grown with corn or other crops Acres. 64. Soy beans cut for hay (whether grown alone or with other crops) Acres- 65. Soy beans — shelled beans harvested- Bu..~. 66. Cowpcas grown alone Acres- 67. Cowpeas grown with com or other crops Acres- 68. 69. Cowpeas — shelled peas harvester Cowpeas out for hay (whether grown alone or with other crops) . — Acres.. Bu. Peanuts grown alone Acres Peanuts grown with corn or other crops Acres Peanuts cut for hay (whether grown alone or with other crops) Acres. Peanuts — ripe nuts harvested. beans, grown alone or with ctner crops Acres. Navy, pinto, kidney, lima, and other ripe field beans Acres. Velvet , other crops Hay crops cut on this farm in 1924: The acTtagt of grain hay and annual legtuna hay bas already been reported above, undar Qnestions £5, 60, 64, 68, and 72, Timothy alone. Acres. 76. 77. Timothy and clover mixed Acres. Red, alsike, and mammoth clover Acres. Sweet clover, crimson clover, and Japan clover (lespedeza) Acres. Other tamo or cultivated grasses cut for hay Acres- Indude Bermuda, Johnron, crab, orchard, and Sudan grasses, red top, millet, etc. Wild, salt, or prairie grasses cut on this farm Acres.. Total quantity of hay of all kinds, both tame and wild_ Tons _ Kliscellaneous crops: 84. Cotton .. Sugar beets harvested for sugar. Sugar cane (not sorghum) har- vested for sugar or sirup 87- Tobacco , Irish or white potatoes Include potatoes grown for homo use as well as those grown lor sale. Strawberries Sweet potatoes and yams Includesn-eetpotatoesandyamsgrown lOrhome use as wellas those grown forsolo. Acra orfraction Bales^. s X I Ell Vegetables grown !n 1924 for eale, not for home use: 91. Cabbages 92. Cantaloupes and muskmelons 93. Lettuce 94. Onions . 95. Sweet corn 96. Tomatoes _ 97. Watermelons . ACTf$ harteiicd C-25' tr-iV C-27' C-28' C-23* C-33' C-3I' Other crops: 98. All other crops (Canada peas, turnip';, mangels, hemp, hops, broom-corn, pop corn, asparagus, celery, cuQum- bars, etc.) Acres. Fruits and nuts: 99, Apples — Trees not of bearing age. Number.. 100. Apples — Trees of bearing age Number.. lOL Apples — Total quantity harvested in 1924 Bu 102. Peaches — Trees of all ages ■... Nurribc. 103. Peaches — Total quantity harvest- ed in 1924 Bu 104. Pears— Trees of all ages. Number 105. Plums and prunes — Tress of all ages Number 106. Grapes — Vines of all ages Number 107. Oranges — Trees not of bearing age Number lOS.^ranges — Trees of bearing age Number. 109. Lemons — Trees not of bearing age Number. 110. Lemons — Trees of bearing ago Number.. 111. Grapefruit (pomeloes) — Trees not of bearing age Number. 112. Grapefruit (pomeloes) — Trees of bearing age Number. 113. Pecans (cultivated or wild) — Trees not of bearing age Number.. 114. Pecans (cultivated or wild) — Trees of bearing age Number... SI. FORESTS AND FCREST PRODUCTS 115. Quantity of firewood cut from this farm in 1924 Cords. Eoport in cords measuring 4 by 4 by 8 feet. 116. Forest or woodland in this farm burned over in 1924 Acres. 117. Forest or woodland in this farm cleared and made suitable for crops in the past five years , Acres.. 512 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUEE: 1025 APPENDIX [Page 4 of the Farm Schedule] xn. LTVEsrrocK and livestock products Indnde stock beloriclns to thb farm bat grazln» undor penal i&nfll forests, on bnd leased from States or railroad companlas, o ntaDs:e. Horses and mules on this farm Jan. 1, 1925: 118. Eorsesaiidcoltsuiider2year3ofage Number 119. Herses 2 years old and over Number Mules and mule col.s under 2 year3 of age .. Number.. 120. 121. Mules 2 years old and over Number. Beef catilo on this farm Jan. 1, 1925 (cattle kept mainly for beef production) : 122. Calves under 1 year of ag9_ Number.. Heifers 1 year old and under 2 years Number Cows and heifers 2 years old and over Number Steers 1 year old and over Number Icclnde both f teors bora of beef cows and sttei-s born of dairy c-jws. Bulls 1 year old and over Number Dairy cattle on tlils farm Jan. 1, 1925 (cattle kept mainly for milk production) : Eoport all Eveers undar beef catilo, Quostlon 125. Dairy bulla 1 year 6ld and over_ Number Dairy calves under 1 year of age Number Dairy heifers 1 year old r.nd under 2 years Number.. Dairy cows and heifers 2 years old and over Number.. Dairy prodacts in 192'1: 131. Total amount of milk croduced in 1924 Gals. _ Includa aD jnflk produced, whether soM, corisuiDed on farm, fed to animals, or othor- wiso dlposed of. 100 pounds equal ll.S gaUoos. 132. Total number of cows milked on this farm during all or any part of the year 1924 Number. 133. Butter made on farra in 1921 134. Butterfat sold in 1924 Lbs ,_ Lbs 135. Cream sold in 1 324 (not on a butter- fat basis) Gals 136. Whole milk r.old in 1924 (not on a butterfat basis) Gch Sheep on this farm Jan. 1, 1925: 137. Lambs under 1 year of age Numher,,,,, 138. Ewes 1 year old and over WttOTJ)er.__ 139. Pwams and wethers 1 year old and over Number Woo! shorn in 1924: 40. Total weight of wool (unwashed) Lbs. 141. Number of sheep shorn Goats on this farm Jan. 1, 1925: 142. Goats and kfds of all ajcs Number.. Mohair shorn in 1924: 143. Total weight of mohair 144. Number of goats shorn ... Lbs. Hogs and pigs on this form Jan. 1, 1925: 145. All pigs under 6 months old Number.. 146. Sows and gilts for breeding purposes, 6 months old and over Number.. 147. All other hogs 6 months old and over, including boars Number.. Young animals born and raised on this farm in 1924 : Indudo ^1 young animals born In 1924, which have been retained on tile farm, sold to others (including piss sold at weaning lime), or slangctered (or iood. 1)0 tot include any ycung animals purchased or any that died. 148. Calves raised Nuviber 149. Lambs raised. 150. Pii^s raised Number.. Number.. Domestic animals slaughtered on this farm for food in 1924: Indnde both those slaughtered for heme lue and thoso slanghterod for sala. 151. Calves slaughtered-- Number 152. Other cattle slaughtered , . Number 153. Sheep and lambs slaughtered Number 154. nogs and pigs slaughtered Number Poultry on this farm Jan. 1, 1925; 155. Chickens Number.. 156. Turkeys Number Poultry prodacts in 1924: 157. Chicken eggs produced in 1924 Dorana — Include all chiclrca ejrss prcdnced, whether cold, used, incu bated, orcthorwise disposed of. lES. Chickens raised in 1924 Number. Iccludo all chickens raised, whether feld, consumed, or on hand, cicjpt " b.iby chicks' * hatched and tnld. Includa baby chicles purchased and rs i °ed. GENESAL EXPLANATIONS AI"fD DJSTJiUCTIONS ConOJentiaL—The lafurmatlon reported on thij echcdola wUl be treated ns«(r/c(fi/con/{cien(fiH of taxation, cr comimuiicatc J to any assessor. All Questions to be Answered.— Obluiu answers to all qacctionj on llio Bchedale, so far as they apply. Whore crops are listed that were not raised on tills farm, leave tlio space blank opposite sncb cropg, and likewise for I.inds of animals not kept on this farm. If farm records aro keipt. take fiEures frem tl;f?m. IX such records arc not nvailaMe, obtain careful CMlraalcs in liU cases. Inability to obtain exact information does not Justify failure to answer a question. Farm Operator.— Ai\ ancwers on tbb schedule should relate to the farm occupied Jununo' 1, 1925, by tbo person named In answer to Question 1, who is hero called the **farm operator." Tholcxm **fam\ operator" tscinployod by Iko Census Bnicau to designate a person ^ho directly wori