51.11 'AC -J- PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY DEC 01 1994 DOCUMENTS COLLECTION U.S Depository Copy ^ Publications 9*m. M ~ *'»Tli<^ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161 (703)487-4650 About NTIS Tlic National Technical Intbmiation Service (NTIS) is /Resource for U.S. and foreign govemment-spoasored R&D results, business infomiation. and engineering solutioas. To inform scientists, researchers, engineers, and managers about this information, NTIS: • .-Vnnounces sumniaries of approximately 75.000 completed and more than 120,000 ongoing U.S. and foreign govemment-spon.soretl R&D and engineering activities each year. These .summaries detail the knowledge and technology generated through the U.S. government's $60 billion R&D effort. • Pro\ides complete technical repons for most of these results. • Gives U.S. finiis access to more tlian 15,000 foreign government research and engineering programs each year. NTIS is a unique U.S. government agency sustained only by its sales revenue. The costs of NTIS salaries, marketing, postage, and all other operating costs are paid for from this revenue. Costs are not covered by tax-supp>orted Congressional appropriatioas. Receive a free copy of the i\TIS Catalog of Products and Sendees - write NTIS or call (703) 4874650 and ask for PR-827CDJ. About the CALS Information Center The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) operates the Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) Information Center with the support of the Defense CALS and EDI Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Acquisition. The Center was established in July 1991. The CALS Information Center promotes the widespread understanding, acceptance, and use of CALS principles through an effective flow of CALS-related technical information. The Center provides a public source of CALS-related information, including standards and specifications, technical repons, training materials, computer datafiles, and the CALS electronic bulletin" board .system. Adding Documents to the CALS Information Center's Collection The CALS community is widespread and diverse, making identifying and obtaining relevant documents difficult. If you know of, or ha\-e any, d(xiiments that you believe should be added to thLs collection, please call the CALS Information Center at (703) 487-4823. If You Have Questions About CALS Call the CALS Information Center at (703) 487-4823, or fax your inquires to (703) 321-8199. If more convenient, write: CALS Information Center, 5285 Port Royal Road, Room 306F, Springfield, VA 22161. fe.. CALS Electronic Bulletin Board Get CALS Information Online Free Via Internet or Dial-Up Access The Center operates the CALS Electronic Bulletin Board Sy.stem (BBS) as a component of FedWorld , the NTIS electronic marketplace. By using the CALS BBS, memlx;rs of the CALS community can exchange information by sending personal or group messages, po.sting and reading bulletins and online newsletters, and downloading files containing data or the fijll text of reports. Users are responsible for the cost of their equipment, software, and telephone charges. To Access the CALS BBS: By Modem Set modem parity to none, data bits to 8 and stop bit to 1. Set terminal emulation to ANSI. Set duplex to ft.ill. Then .set your communication to dial FedWorld at (703) 321-8020. By Internet Telnet to fedwodd.gov ( For Internet File Tran.sfer Protocol (FTP) services, connect to ftp.fedworld.gov (192.23992.205). For World Wide Web services, point your Mosaic client or other Web browser to http://www.fedworld.gov ( Choose Subsystems/Databases from the main FedWorld menu for the CALS Database. Free Catalogs To receive a copy of these free catalogs, please write NTIS or call (703) 487-4650 and quote the reference number provided. Ref. No. Title Ref. No. Title PR 959 CALS Videotapes PR 898 CALS Information Services from NTIS Publications CALS Publications provides a quick overview of the latest CALS and CALS related studies, reports, standards, and specifications acquired by the Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) Information Center from U.S. government and industry sources. CALS Publications is published irregularly; this issue contains references to all information on the following topics received by the CALS Information Center at the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) through July 1994: Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support Program (CALS) CALS Test Network (CTN) Reports CCITT Group 4 Raster Graphics Standard Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS) Concurrent Engineering (CE) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) Product Data Exchange Specification Using STEP (PDES) Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) For a complete index, see pages 49-65. How to Order Reports Listed in CALS Publications Most items cited in CALS Publications are available from NTIS. For fastest service CALL (703) 487-4650. Cite the NTIS order number noted in each citation. RUSH service is available, for an additional fee. by telephone only. For RUSH service, call 1-800-553-NTIS. Do not mail in orders for RUSH ser\-ice. (For more details, refer to the order form on the last page). American Express, VISA, and MasterCard are accepted. To order by mail, return the order form with payment instructions. If more convenient, \ou may fax the order form with credit card information to NTIS at (703) 321-8547. CONTENTS CALS Publications 1994 1 1993 1 1992 8 1991 17 1990 26 1989 34 1988 40 1987 43 1986 45 1985 and earlier 46 Index 49 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/calspublicationsOOunit CALS Publications 1994 CALS-Automated Interchange of Technical Information Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962000CDJ Standing Order CALS-Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Functional Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962600CDJ Standing Order CALS-Department of Defense Computer Aided Acquisition Logistic Support ( CALS) Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962500CDJ Standing Order CALS-Digitai Representation for Communication of Product Data - IGES Application Subsets Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962100CDJ Standing Order CALS-Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Date - CGM Application Profile Irregular Repts National Inst . of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg. MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962400CDJ Standing Order CALS-Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specifications for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange of Text Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962200CDJ Standing Order CALS-Raster Graphics Representation Binary Format Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1994 open series Order number PB94-962300CDJ Standing Order Concurrent Engineering. (Latest Citations from the Manufacturing Technology Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland, CT. Jan 94 84 citations minimum Order number PB94-863164CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Concurrent Engineering. (Latest Citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland. CT. Jan 94 127 citations minimum Order number PB94-861788CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Electronic Data Interchange - Business Communications. (1-atest Citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland, CT. Mar 94 136 citations minimum Order number PB94-871076CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Intelligent Automated Process Planning and Code Generation for Computer- Controlled Inspection, (Final Report, August 1991 - January 1993) Master's thesis Case Western Reserve Univ.. Cleveland. OH. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics. Ruegsegger, S. M. Jan 94 149p Order number AD-A275 346/5CDJ Price ccxie PC A07/MF A02 1993 Advanced Life Support Study. Modification 10 - ECLSS Logistical Support Analysis for Space Station Freedom Final Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Spectra Research Systems, Huntsville, AL. 30 Jan 93 9p Order number N93-25888/7CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Air Force CALS Business Practices Technical rept RfO Enterprises, Inc., Dayton, OH. 20 Apr 93 l66p Order number AD-A264 789/9CDJ Price code PC A08/MF A02 Application Protocol for CAD to CAD Transfer of Electronic Information National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington. DC; Naval Command. Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego, CA. RDT and E Div. Azu, C. C. Feb 93 lOp Order number N93-22154/7CDJ (Order as N93-22149/ Application Protocol for CAD to CAD Transfer of Electronic Information Professional Paper Naval Command. Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego. C4. RDT and E Div. Azu, C. C. Mar 93 13p Order number AD-A264 554/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Automated Assembly Center (AAC) Abstract Only National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ]X'ashington. DC; Air Force Systenvs Command. Washitigton, DC. Stauffer. R. J. Feb 93 538p Order number N93-32097/CDJ PC A23/MF A04 CALS Publications Best Value Acquisition Symposium and Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support (CALS) Update Held in Eatontown, New Jersey on November 17- 18. 1993 Army Coinnuiiiications-Electronics Command. FoU Monmouth. Xf. 18 Nov 93 260p Order number AD-A274 575/OCDJ Price code PC A12/MF A03 Briefing to Address Liveware Integration Needs Final Rept. Mar 91 -Dec 92 Institute for Defense Analyses. Alaxandria, VA; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria. VA. Alluisi. E. A. Mar 93 48p Order number AD-A268 243/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS Information Technology Briefing - CALS EXPO '91. Held in Phoenix, Arizona on November 12, 1991 National Security Industrial Association, Washington. DC; CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 1993 296p Order number PB93-148880CDJ Price code PC A13/MF A03 CALS-Automated Interchange of Technical Information Irregular Repts Sational Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithershurg. MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962000CDJ Standing Order CALS-Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Functional Requirements Irregular Repts Sational Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962600CDJ Standing Order CALS-Department of Defense Computer Aided Acquisition Logistic Support ( CALS) Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962500CDJ Standing Order CALS-Digital Representation for Communication of Product Data - IGES Application Subsets Irregular Repts Sational Inst, (f Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962100CDI Standing Order CALS-Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Date - CGM Application Profile Irregular Repts Sational Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962400CDJ Standing Order CALS-Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specifications for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange of Text Irregular Repts Sational Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 open series Order number PB93-962200CDJ Standing Order CALS-Raster Graphics Representation Binary Format Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. 1993 op)en series Order number PB93-962300CDJ Standing Order CALS/CE Bulletin Board User Guide, January 1993 Department cf Commerce, Washington, DC. Technology Administration. Jan 93 53p Order number PB93-128833CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS/CE Government and Industry Meeting. Minutes and Proceedings. Held in San Diego, California on December?, 1992 CAIS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 31 Jan 93 6lp Order number PB93-148906CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Computational Simulation for Concurrent Engineering of Aerospace Propulsion Systems Sational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH. Lewis Research Center. Chamis, C. C. ; Singhal, S. N. Feb 93 23p Order number N93-23746/9CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS). (Latest Citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland, CT. Apr 94 164 citations minimum Order number PB94-880945CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Test Requirements Document (Update) Rept. for Oct 92-Sep 93 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Rosenthal, L. S. Apr 93 58p Order number PB93-198273CDJ Price ccxie PC A04/MF AOl Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). (Latest Citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland, CT. Jun 93 156 citations minimum Order number PB93-875268CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics. Military Specification. Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Data - CGM Application Profile Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. 11 May 93 6lp Order number FIPS PUB 128-lECDJ Price ccxie PC $35. CALS Publications Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics. Part 4. Clear Text Encoding Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. 11 May 93 70p Order number FIPS PUB 128-lDCDJ Price code PC $77. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics. Part 3. Binary Encoding Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. 11 May 93 87p Order number FIPS PUB 128-lCCDJ Price code PC $80. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics. Part 2. Character Encoding Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. 11 May 93 106p Order number FIPS PUB 128-lBCDJ Price code PC $85. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics. Part 1. Functional Specification Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg. MD. Benigni, D. R. 11 May 93 354p Order number FIPS PUB 128-lACDJ Price code PC $150. Computer Graphics Standards. (Latest Citations from INSPEC - The Database for Physics, Electronics, and Computing) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC. Inc.. Tolland. CT. Oct 93 163 citations minimum Order number PB94-851557CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Concurrent Architectures for VLSI Signal and Image Processing Final rept. Mar 90-Sep 93 Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC; Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Parhi, K. K. 1 Nov 93 7p Order number AD-A276 124/5CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Content Data Model Final Technical Rept. Mar 90-Mar 92 RfO Enterprises, Inc., Dayton, OH. Reser, T.; DeDoncker, R.; Caporlette, B. J. Jul 93 24p Order number AD-A269 483/4CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DARPA DICE Manufacturing Optimization Quarterly Rept. No. 4, 1 Oct-31 Dec 92 Raytheon Co., Tewksbury, MA. Missile Systems Labs. Lapointe, L. J. ; Laliberty, T. J. ; Bryant, R. V. Jan 93 60p Order number AD-A262 227/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Data Format Standardization within the Defense Commercial Communications Office Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Smith, J. A.; Henderson, M. M.; McEwen. M. P. Apr 93 73p Order number AD-A272 908/5CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Data Probe User's Guide. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithershurg, MD. Sauder, D. A. Mar 93 6lp Order number PB93-178655Cnj Price code PC A04/MF AOl Defense Commissary Agency - A Business Case for Electronic Data Interchange Final Rept Logistics Management lust.. Bethesda, MD. Hardcastle, T. P.; Hazan, R. I. Sep 93 105p Order number AD-A272 128/OCDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Design of Parallel Systems for Signal Processing California Univ., Berkeley. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Lee, E. A. 3 Sep 93 18p Order number AD-A275 490/lCDJ Price ccxJe PC A03/MF AOl Detailed Design Specification for Conformance Testing of Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Interpreter Products Rept. for Oct 91 -Oct 92 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL). Gaithershurg. MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Benigni, D. R. Mar 93 57p Order number PB93-178580CDJ Price ccxie PC A04/MF AOl Developments in Agile Manufacturing Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.. Kansas City. MO. Kansas City Div. Clinesmith, M. G. Sep 93 29p Order number DE94001376CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Dimensional Inspection Planning Based on Product Data Standards. National PDES Testbed Report Series National hist, of Standards a)id Technology (MEL). Gaithenburg. MD Factory Automation Systetns Div. Feng, S. C. 18 May 93 34p Order numl->er PB93-198455CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Distribution of Information - How to Select the Appropriate Technology Canada Communication Group. Publishing. Ottawa (Ontario). Fleury, C; Bernatcliez, V. C1993 191p Order number MIC-9-l-010"'lCnj Price ccxie PC H12 .\1F EOl DOD Electronic Commerce (EC)/ Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Contracting Report Office of the I luicr Secretary of Defense (Acquisition). Washington. DC 20 Dec 93 321 p Order number AD-A2""5 298 8CDJ Price code PC Al4, MF A03 CALS Publications DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 838 Trading Partner Profile (Registration) (Version 003020) Rnal Rept Lo^istus Miiiiui>c»u'nt J/i>l.. Bethesda. MD. Luster. S. : Mociro^ski, R. jan 93 ^8p Order number AD-A263 350/lCDJ Price code PC A05 MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logislics Management Inst.. Bethesda. MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 122p Order number AD-A263 351/9CDJ Price ccxle PC A06/MF A02 DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 856 Ship Notice/Manifest (Version 003030) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Jan 93 50p Order number AD-A263 353/5CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 864 Text Message (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 81p Order number AD-A263 354/3CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 997 Functional Acknowledgement (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst . Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Jan 93 70p Order number AD-A263 355/OCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 836 Contract Award (Version 003010) Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 70p Order number AD-A263 404/6CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 860 Purchase Order Change (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 126p Order number AD-A263 405/3CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 824 Application Advice (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 89p Order number AD-A263 443/4CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 810 Invoice (Public Voucher) (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 89p Order number AD-A263 444/2CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 838 Trading Partner Profile (Confirmation) Version 003020 Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 64p Order number AD-A263 445/9CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 810 Invoice (Progress Payment) (Version 003010) Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Jan 93 66p Order number AD-A263 455/8CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 129p Order number AD-A263 476/4CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 843 Response to Request for Quotation (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 84p Order number AD-A264 469/8CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 841 Specifications/Technical Information (Solicitation Technical Documentation) (Version 003030) Draft Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S.; Modrowski, R. Jul 93 76p Order number AD-A272 232/OCDJ Price ccxle PC A05/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 841 Specifications/Technical Information (Response) (Version 003030) Draft Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S.; Modrowski, R. Jul 93 BOp Order number AD-A272 231/2CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl 4 CALS Publications DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 841 Specifications/Technical » Information (Reference) (Version 003030) Draft Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Luster, S.; Modrowski, R. Jul 93 74p Order number AD-A272 109/OCDJ I Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 841 Specifications/Technical Information (Request) (Version 003030) Draft Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Luster, S.; Modrowski, R. I Jul 93 72p Order number AD-A272 108/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 841 Specifications/Technical Information (Furnish) (Version 003030) Draft Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Luster, S.; Modrowski, R. » Jul 93 73p Order number AD-A272 107/4CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 850 Purchase Order (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 124p Order number AD-A264 468/OCDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 858 Freight Government Bill of Lading Shipment Information (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Creedon, M. A. Feb 93 364p Order numlx^r AD-A264 646/lCDJ Price code PC A16/MF A03 DoD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention. ASC XI 2 Transaction Set 840 Request for Quotation (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. Jan 93 113p Order number AD-A264 461/5CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Doing Business with DOD Using Electronic Data Interchange - An Information Package for Freight Carriers Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Bridges, W. M. ; Yee, T. Mar 93 31p Order number AD-A264 757/6CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Doing Business with DoD Using Electronic Data Interchange - An Information Package for Freight Carriers. Revised Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Bridges, W. M.; Yee, T. Sep 93 31p Order number AD-A272 147/OCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Effects on Weapon Systems' Producibility of Suspending System Development After Advanced Technology Demonstration Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA. Varnado, F. Mar 93 143p Order number AD-A263 440/OCDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Efficient Approach to Systems Evolution (EASE) Naval Undersea Warfare Center Div., Newport, RI. Choinski, T. C; DePrimo, J. G. 6 Aug 93 9p Order number AD-A269 216/8CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Category - Software Standard; Subcategory - Electronic Data Interchange Final Rept National h^st . of Standards and Tecbfiology (CSLJ, Gaithersburg, MD Saltman, R. G. 19 Apr 93 lip Order number FIPS PUB I6I-ICDJ Price code PC EOl Electronic Data Interchange - Business Communications. (Latest Citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland. CT. May 93 128 citations minimum Order number PB93-866564CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Electronic Data Interchange Software. (Latest citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Service. Springfield, VA; NERAC, Inc., Tolland, CT. Dec 93 229 citations minimum Order number PB94-857935CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Electronic Data Interchange Software. (Latest citations from The Computer Database) National Technical Information Senice. Springfield. VA; NERAC. Inc.. Tolland. CT. Apr 93 210 citations minimum Order number PB93-864403CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Electronic Payment in DOD Contracting Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey: CA Smith. D. J. Jun93 260p Order numl:>er AD-A269 738/lCDJ Price ccxle PC A12/MF A03 Empirical Study of Logistics Organ Electronic Linkage and Performance Doctoral Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech.. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Currie, K. W. 1993 162p Order number hD-\r=> ill. ""CDJ Price code PC A08/MF A02 CALS Publications Expp - An EXPRESS Pretty Printer. National PDES Testbed Report Series Xaiiuiuil lust. o/Statuiarcis and Technology (MEL). Gaitheryhurg, AID. Factory Automation Systems Div. Ubes, D. 8 Nov 93 18p Order nunil-)er P1394-120797CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Feature-Based Tolerancing for Intelligent Inspection Process Definition Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.. Kansas City. MO Kansas City Div. Brown, C. W. Jul 93 13p Order number DE93017984CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Government/Contractor Development Teams Boeing Co.. Hiintsville, AL. NoblitlJ. P. 1993 259p Order number N94-l6l29/6CDJ PC A12/MF A03 Government/Contractor Development Teams Boeing Co., HuntsiHlle, AL. Noblitt, J. P. 1993 259p Order number N94-16129CDJ PC A12/MF A03 Heterogeneous SuperConcurrent Parallelism (HeSCP) Professional Paper Naval Command. Control and Ocean Sunvillance Center, San Diego, CA. RDT and E Div. Freund, R. F. Mar 93 14p Order number AD-A265 (X)4/2CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl ICES 4.0 to LCAD Translator for CSG Models Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground. MD Anderson, J. R.; Weaver, E. P.; Muu.s.s, S. L. Dec 93 24p Order number AD-A274 013/2CDJ Price code PC A03/.MF AOl Implementation of Electronic Data Interchange in the Department of Defense - Lessons Learned from Private Industry Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey, CA. Turner, R. B. Ijun93 123p Order number AD-A269 532/8CDJ Price ccxie PC A06/MF A02 implementing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with Small Business Suppliers in the Pre-Award Acquisition Process Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Sergeson, R. B. Jun 93 106p Order number AD-A271 767/6CDJ ^ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Industry Sector Analysis, Canada - Electronic Data Interchange Export Trade Information International Trade Administration, Ottawa (Ontario). U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service. Falconer, 1. Mar 93 27p Order number PB93-177087CDJ Price code PC A03 Industry Sector Analysis, Hong Kong - Electronic Data Interchange Export Trade Information International Trade Administration, Washington. DC. U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service. 1993 14p Order number PB93-159804CDJ Price code PC A03 Industry Sector Analysis, Hong Kong - Inventory Control Software Export Trade Information International Trade Administration, Washington, DC. Office of the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong. 1993 17p Order number PB94-107281Cnj Price code PC A03 Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Hybrid Microcircuit Application Protocol Technical Note (Final) National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Caithershurg. MD. Automated Electronics Mfg. Programs. Parks, C. ; McCollugh, R. ; Azu, C. ; Savage, L. ; Toomey, P. Jan 93 199p Order number PB93-175404CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A03 Integration of Design, Thermal, Structural, and Optical Analysis, Including Thermal Animation National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA. Langley Research Center. Amundsen, R. M. Feb 93 9p Order number N93-25561/CDJ PC A22/MF A04 Integration of Rapid Prototyping into Design and Manufacturing Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Atwood, C. L; McCarty, G. D.; Pardo, B. T.; Bryce, E. A. 1993 12p Order number DE94001201CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Investigation of Integrated Product Development Teams of the F-22 Program Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech.. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Wagner, G. F.; White, R. L. Sep 93 83p Order number AD-A275 932/2CDJ Price ccxie PC A05/MF AOl Iridium (Tm) System - Personal Communications Anytime, Anyplace National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Motorola, Inc., McLean, VA. Hatlelid, J. E.; Ca.sey, L. 1993 593p Order number N94-22735/2CDJ PC A25/MF A06 CALS Publications NASA Procurement - Planning for Pilot Test of New Procurement Procedures Is Adequate. Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, US Senate General Accounting Of/ice, Washington, DC. National Security and International Affairs Diu. Nov 93 14p Order number N94-20236/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Navy/Marine Corps Manager's Desktop Guide for CALS Implementation. 2nd Edition CALS Resource and Implementation Cooperative, Indianapolis, IN. 30 Jun 93 400p Order number AD-A272 420/lCDJ Price code PC A17/MF A04 NIST EXPRESS Toolkit - Introduction and Overview. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Libes, D. 25 Oct 93 12p Order number PB94-120664CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of a Parallel Ada Simulation System Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright -Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Belford, J. T. Nov 93 113p Order number AD-A274 n9/7CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Proceedings of the AP Validation Workshop. Held in Seattle, Washington on April 13-14, 1992. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Mitchell, M.; Parker, J.; Jan 93 130p Order number PB93-158715CDI Price code PC A07/MF A02 Promoting Freight Carrier EDI Participation with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Indianapolis Center Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Bridges, W. M.; Yee, T. Jul 93 33p Order number AD-A272 126/4CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Prototype Application Protocol for Ready-to-Wear Pattern Making Interim Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (MEL), Gaithersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Diu. Lee, Y. T.; Moncarz, H. T. Jan 93 35p Order number PB93-158665CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Quality Process Approach to Electronic System Reliability - Handbook Procedure. Volume 1 Final Rept. May 90-Aug 93 McDonnell Dougkis Aerospace, St. Louis, MO. Hugge, P. B.; Johnson, B.; Malmberg, E. Nov 93 205p Order number AD-A274 556/OCDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A03 Quality Process Approach to Electronic System Reliability - Supplier Quality Assessment Procedure. Volume 2 Final Rept. May 90-Aug 93 McDonnell Dougkis Aerospace, St. Louis, MO. Hugge, P. B; Johnsn, B.; Malmberg, E. Nov 93 107p Order number AD-A274 557/8CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and Implementation Guide National Inst, of Standards a>id Technology (CSL). Gaithersburg, MD. Spielman, F. E.; Sharpe, L. H. Jan 93 136p Order number PB93-145233CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and Implementation Guide National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Spielman, F. E.; Sharpe, L. H. Jan 93 137p Order number PB93-152171CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Recent Results from the Spacecraft Fabrication and Test MODIL Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. Saito, T. T. Apr 93 15p Order number DE93040548CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Report on Scoping the Apparel Manufacturing Enterprise Interim Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (MEL), Gaithersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Moncarz, H. T.; Lee, T. Y. Jan 93 33p Order number PB93-152163CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Science and Technology Perspectives Volumes, Number 10, October 31, 1993 Central Intelligence Agency, Washington. DC. 31 Oct 93 25p Order number PB93-924204CDJ Price code PC A03 Security Management of Electronic Data Interchange Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey. CA. Pao, H. F. Jun 93 139p Order number AD-A272 962 2CDJ Price ccxie PC AO^MF A02 SGML DTD for the STEP Integrated Resource Parts. National PDES Testbed Report Series National lust. ofStandanLi and Technology (MEL). Gaitheryburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div Bodarky. S,: Paisley. S. \V. 8 Jul 93 36p Order numl->er PB94-1 HSOICDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 7 CALS Publications SGML Tables for the PHIGS Slide Set RiilfxT/orci .Appleton Lib.. Chilton (tngUimi). Tlionias. R. E. May 93 32p Order nunilxT l'B93-195840CDJ Price code PC EOS MF E05 Shtolo-Converting STEP Short Listings to Annotated Listings. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Tecbnolog}: Gaitbosbitrg. MD. Libes. D. 8 Nov 93 l4p Order numt->er PB94-120623CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Strategic Plan for Electronic Commerce, Defense Personnel Support Center Final Rept Logistics Management Inst.. Betbesda. MD. Nolan. R. T.: Handy, J. B.; Miller, R. E. Jul 93 81p Order number AD-A274 243/5CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Strategic Plan for the Factory Automation Systems Division National Inst, of Standards and Tecbnolog}' (MEL). Gaitbershurg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Bloom, H. M. Mar 93 6lp Order number PB93-189801CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Systems Design Analysis Applied to Launch Vehicle Configuration National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Huntsville. AL. George C Marshall Space Flight Center. Ryan, R.; Verderaime, V, Jan 93 37p Order number N93-18141/0CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technology for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Safety (MPTS) Trade-Off Decisions Armstrong Laboratory. Wrigbt-Fatterson AFB. OH: Systems Exploration, Inc., Dayton. OH. Miller, T. Feb 93 51 p Order number AD-A264 934/lCDJ Price Cfxie PC A04/MF AOl Tinkertoy (Trade Name) Transactions Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh. PA. Dept. of Computer Science. Haines, N.; Kindred, D.; Morri.sell, J. G.; Nettles, S. M.; Wing, J. M. Dec 93 20p Order number AD-A275 271/5CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Using Electronic Data Interchange to Report Product Quality Final Rept Logistics Management Inst.. Betbesda, MD. Egan, D. F.; Frank, D. T. Mar 93 l65p Order number AD-A271 843/5CDJ Price code PC A08/MF A02 Workshop on Security Procedures for the Interchange of Electronic Documents - Selected Papers and Results Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaitbershurg, MD. Saltman, R. G. Aug 93 128p Order number PB94-101854CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 1992 3D Piping IGES Application Protocol, Version 1.1 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (BFRL), Gaitbershurg. MD. Palmer, M. E.; Reed, K. A. Mar 92 282p Order number PB92-187061CDJ Price ccxle PC A13/MF A03 Achieving a System Operational Availability Requirement (ASOAR) Model Technical Rept Army Communications-Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Price, B. C. Jul 92 l6p Order number AD-A262 288/4CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Achieving a System Operational Availability Requirement (ASOAR) Model Version 3 User's Manual Technical Rept Army Com mun ications-Electron ics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Shin, C. ; Price, B. C. Jul 92 lOlp Order number AD-A262 324/7CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Assessing Federal and Commercial Information Security Needs National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaitbershurg, MD. Computer Security Div. Ferraiolo, D. F.; Gilbert, D. M.; Lynch, N. Nov 92 45p Order number PB93-138956CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Avoin EDI (Open EDI) Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, Espoo (Finland). Palomaeki, A.; Peuranen, P.; Veijalainen, J. cApr92 72p Order number N94-22734/5CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS EXPO '92 - IDEF Modeling. A Method for Process Improvement Tutorial Coe-Truman Technologies, Inc., Alexandria, VA. 7 Dec 92 153p Order number PB93-154946CDJ Price code PC A08/MF A02 CALS Expo' 92 (5th). 'Catalyst for Competitiveness' Conference and Exposition. Held in San Diego, California on December 7-10, 1992 Annual Rept National Security Industrial Association, Washington, DC. Dec 92 746p Order number PB93-128676CDJ Price code PC $84. /MF A06 CALS Mailing List (for Microcomputers) Data File Department of Defense, Washington, DC. Apr 92 1 diskette Order number PB92-501956CDJ Price code CP D04 CALS Publications CALS Test Network Sacramento Air Logistics Center CALS/EDI Transfer Test Number 2 - Quick Short Test Report Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 3 Mar 92 12p Order number DE93010482CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS Testing - Programs, Status and Strategy Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Kemmerer, S. J. 1992 7p Order number PB93-151165CDJ Not available NTIS CALS-CE Industry Steering Group (ISG) Meeting. Held in Phoenix, Arizona on November 10, 1991 - Minutes and Proceedings CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 2 Jan 92 139p Order number PB92-160480CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 CALS-Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Functional Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1992 open series Order number PB92-962600CDJ Standing Order CALS-HSC Data Element Dictionary Final Rept. Mar 91 -Oct 92 Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria. VA; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Alluisi, E. A. Oct 92 113p Order number AD-A261 560/7CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 CALS/CE Bulletin Board User Guide Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. Technology Administration. May 92 42p Order number PB92-173657CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS/CE Industry Steering Group (ISG) Integrated Spring Workshop. Minutes and Proceedings. Held in Washington, DC. on March 17-19, 1992 CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 1992 266p Order number PB92-167980CDJ Price code PC A12/MF A03 CALS/CE Industry Steering Group (ISG) Summer Business Meeting. Minutes and Proceedings. Held in Arlington, Virginia on July 8-10, 1992 CALS/CE Industry Steering Group. Washington, DC. 27 Jul 92 300p Order number PB93-148872CDJ Price code PC A13/MF A03 Changing Nature of Design Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby (England). Ford, D. A. 7 Mar 92 3p Order number N93-11334/8CDJ Price code PC AOl/MF AOl Charter of the CALS-CE Industry Steering Group (ISG) National Security Industrial Association, Washington, DC. 1 Dec 92 lip Order number PB93-148914CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CIRP International Workshop on Concurrent Engineering for Product Realization (1st) Held in Tokyo, Japan on June 27 -28, 1992 Illinois Univ. at Lfrbana-Champaign. Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 5 Nov 92 28p Order number AD-A257 800/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Comparison of ISO 10303 Part 47 Draft with ANSI and ISO Tolerancing Standards for Harmonization and Completion of Part 47. National PDES Testbed National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg. MD. Feng, S. C. 8 Jan 92 41 p Order number PB92-148238CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Compendium of Occasional Papers by the CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, (ISG) Committee on Systems/Data Protection (S/DP) CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. Savage, T. R. Mar 92 236p Order number PB92-182310CDJ Price code PC All/MF A03 Composites - Materials of the Future Final rept. 1 Jan 92-30 Apr 93 California Univ., Santa Barbara Dept. of Materials. Evans, A. G. 31 Oct 92 7p Order number AD-A268 945/3CDJ Price ccxle PC A02/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Implementation Strategy Assistant Secretary ofDefcmse (Production and Logistics). Washington. DC Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. Jul 92 28p Order number PB93-193019CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Intertace Requirements Report Final Rept. Mar-Sep 90 Army Research Inst, for the Behaiioral and Social Sciences. Alexandria. \A: Dynamics Research Corp., Wilmington. MA. Park, J. S. May 92 120p Order number AD-A252 377/7CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support - Rights in Technical Data Final Rept Logistics Management Inst.. Betbesda. MD. Stewart, W. G. ; Clark. P. W. Feb 92 129p Order number AD-A260 785 ICDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 CALS Publications Computer-Aided Acquisition and Loistic Support (CALS) Testing - Programs, Status, and Strategy National lust . o/Stanchinh and Technolo^v (CSL). Gaitbershiir}>. MD. Keinnierer. S. J. Oct 92 11 Op Order numtxfr PB93-12S029CDJ Price ccxie PC A(Xi MF A02 Computer-Based Instructional Technology in the AEGIS Training Program Master's thesis Saial Pustgraduale School. Monterey. CA. Bowen, B. M. Sep 92 93p Order number AD-A261 829/6CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Concurrency Control in Rule-Based Software Development Environments Doctoral Thesis Columbia L'nii.. Sew York. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Barghouti. N. S. 1992 286p Order number AD-A267 829/OCDJ Price code PC A13/MF A03 Considerations for the Transformation of STEP Physical Files. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Kohout, R.; Clark, S. N. 10 Mar 92 20p Order number PB92-172782CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CTN Summary of DSREDS, EDCARS, EDMICS CALS Readiness Testing Air .Matenel Command. Wright-Patterson AFB. OH. Mitschkowetz, N. ; Vickers, D. L. 5 Oct 92 34 p Order number DE93009455CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DARPA Initiative in Concurrent Engineering (DICE) Phase 4. Electronics Pilot Project Final Technical Report Rept. for 30 Sep 91-15 Oct 92 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, MD. Lucas, M.; Qudsi, U.; Brence, P.; Garber, W.; Michaels, R. 30 Nov 92 118p Order number AD-A258 927/3CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Data Object Classification - A Necessary Step Toward Information Integration. A White Paper Final Draft CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. Mar 92 54p Order number PB93-203545CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Database Language SQL - Integrator of CALS Data Repositories National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSLj, Gaithershurg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Gallagher, L.; Sullivan, J. Sep 92 64p Order number PB93-113637CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Database Management Systems in Engineering National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Morris, K. C; Mitchell, M.; Dabrowski, C; Fong, E. Dec 92 56p Order number PB93-146454CDI Price code PC A04/MF AOl Department of the Navy CALS Architecture/Implementation Plan Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. 1992 89p Order number PB92-120369CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Description of CE Technology for the Manufacturing Optimization (MO) System Final Rept Raytheon Co., Teu'kshury, MA. Missile Systems Dit'. Laix)inte, L. }.; Br>'ant, R. V. 19 Mar 92 52p Order number AD-A249 713/9CDJ Price ccxie PC A04/MF AOl Design Knowledge Management System (DKMS) Beta Test Report Interim rept. Nov 90-Jun 92 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc., College Station, TX. Mayer, R. J. ; Biinn, T. M. ; Browne, D. C. ; Grisius, M. A. ; Keen, A. A. Nov 92 73p Order number AD-A261 453/5CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Design Knowledge Management System (DKMS) Technology Impact Report Final Rept. Nov 90-Jun 92 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.. College Station, TX. Mayer, R. J. ; Blinn, T. M. ; Browne, D. C. ; Grisius, M. A. ; Keen, A. A. Nov 92 32p Order number AD-A261 512/8CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 869 Order Status Inquiry (Version 003020) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Dec 92 45p Order number AD-A263 352/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 810 Invoice (Commercial) (Version 003010) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; James, W. T. Sep 92 69p Order number AD-A263 3S6/8CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl 10 CALS Publications DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 832 Price Sales Catalog (Version 003030) Draft Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Dec 92 42p Order number AD-A263 442/6CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DOD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Convention - ASC X12 Transaction Set 870 Order Status Report (Version 003020) Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Luster, S. ; Modrowski, R. ; James, W. T. Dec 92 42p Order number AD-A263 446/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Draft Handbook of Concurrent Engineering for l\Aanufacturing CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 1992 81p Order number PB92-160456CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DREAM 2.0. User Manual Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung m.b.H. Bonn, St. Augustin (Germany, F.R.). Goettke, T.; Fankhauser, P. C1992 41p Order number PB92-229269CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Electronic Commerce Removing Regulatory Impediments Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Drake, D. J.; CiuCDJ J. A.; Ledder, W. R. May 92 62p Order number AD-A252 691/lCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Electronic Commerce Strategy for MTMC's Guaranteed Traffic Program Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Creedon, M. A. Oct 92 46p Order number AD-A264 299/9CDI Price code PC A03/MF AOl Electronic Commerce User Manual Lawrence LiL>ermore National Lab., CA. 10 Apr 92 293p Order number DE92013067CDJ Price code PC A13/MF A03 Electronic Data Interchange in U.S. Navy Contracting Activities Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Jensen, P. T. Dec 92 132p Order number AD-A261 870/OCDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Electronic Data Interchange Opportunities in Defense Procurement Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Drake, D. J. May 92 60p Order number AD-A252 664/8CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange Prototype for Exchanging Personal Property Shipment Information Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Bridges, W. M. ; Frohman, H. L. Mar 92 25p Order number AD-A260 908/9CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange. (Latest Citations from the INSPEC - Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities Database) Rept. for Jan 75-Oct 88 National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. Order number PB92-859776CDJ Price code PC NOl/MF NOl Engineering Data Transfer Test with EDCARS Using MIL-R-28002 (Raster). Laboratory Acceptance Test and User Application Test Lawrence LiLer PB93-962101CDJ Price ccxie PC A02/MF AOl Military Specification - Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Data. CGM Application Profile (Amendment 1) Depanmcnt of Defense. Washington. DC. 14 Aug 92 6p Order numlx-r PB92-962402CDJ Price code PC A02 13 CALS Publications Military Specification - Raster Graphics Representation in Binary Format, Requirements for (December 14, 1992) OffHirtnu'iit oj Defense. Washington. DC U Dec 92 73p Order number PB93-962301CDJ Price ccKie PC A04/MF AOl Military Specification. Data Base, Revisable - Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals, for the Support of (November 20, 1992) Depmtment uf Defense. Washington. DC. 20 Nov 92 105p Order numl^er PB93-145225CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Military Specification. Digital Representation for Communication of Product Data - IGES Application Subsets and IGES Application Protocols Depailment of Defense. Washington. DC. 10 Feb 92 44p Order number PB92-962102CDJ Price ctxie PC A03/.MF AOl Military Specification. Manuals, Interactive Electronic Technical - General Content, Style, Format, and User-Interaction Requirements (November 20, 1992) Depanmeni of Defense. Washington. DC. 20 Nov 92 73p Order number PB93-144616CDJ Price code PC A04/.V1F AOl Military Specification. Quality Assurance Program - Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals and Associated Technical Information; Requirements for (November 20, 1992) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 20 Nov 92 36p Order number PB93-144608CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Military Standard - Automated Interchange of Technical Information, Novembers, 1992 Department of Defense. Washington, DC. 3 Nov 92 47p Order number PB93-962CX»lcnj Price code PC A03/MF AOl Military Standards for CITIS - Preliminary Draft Dated 18 May 1992 Satiunal Seciihty Industrial Association, Washington, DC; CALS Industry Steering Group. Washington. DC. 19 May 92 25p Order number PB92-182591CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Multimedia Electronic Mail - Standards and Performance Simulation Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Choi. N. J. Mar 92 94p Order number AD-A250 047/8CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl NASA-IGES Geometry Data Exchange Standard National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Moffett Field, CA. Ames Research Center. Blake, M. W.; Qiou, J. J.; Kerr, P. A; Tlxirp, S. A. Apr 92 529p Order number N92-24397/1CDJ Price code PC A23/MF A04 NATO Industry Advisory Group Report on the Applicability of CALS to the NATO Countries CALS/CE Industry Steering Group, Washington. DC. 1992 lOlp Order number PB92-160472CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Next Generation Documents National Inst, (f Standards and Technology (NCTL). Gaithershurg. MD. Office Systems Engineering Group. Wilson, R. B.; Sies, R. F. Apr 92 20p Order number PB92-187103CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST EXPRESS Toolkit - Lessons Learned Final Rept National Inst, (f Standards and Technology (MEL), Gaithershurg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Libes, D.; Clark, S. 1992 13p Order number PB93-153450CDJ Not available NTIS NIST Express Working Form Programmer's Reference. (Revised April 1992). National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, (f Stcuulards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Clark, S. N.; Litxjs, D. 3 Apr 92 63p Order number PB92-181023CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fundamentals. National PDES Testbed Report Series. Revised April, 1992 National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Clark, S. N.; Libes, D. 3 Apr 92 33p Order number PB92-187038CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Operational Concept Document for the Manufacturing Optimization (MO) System Final Rept Raytheon Co., Tewkshury, MA. Missile Systems Lahs. Lapointe, L. J.; Bryant, R. V. Mar 92 23p Order number AD-A250 262/3CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Overviews of the Document Style Semantics and Specification Language and the MIL-M-28001 A Output Specification National Inst. . J. ; Klement, M. A. ; McManus, J. C. ; Markowitz, S. E. Nov 92 nip Order number AD-A265 143/8CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 RAMP Product Data Translation System Printed Wiring Assembly Product Data Definition Document Draft Rept ENSR Consulting atid Engineering, Floretice. AL. 31 Jan 92 103p Order number AD-A251 560/9CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Ramp Technology and Intelligent Processing in Small Manufacturing National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington. DC: South Carolina Research Authority. North Charleston. Rentz, R. E. Apr 92 205p Order number N92-24987/9CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A03 Rapid Acquisition of Manufacturing Parts (RAMP) Product Data Translation System (RPTS) for Printed Wiring Assemblies (PWA). IDEFO Activity Model Draft Rept ENSR Consulting cuul Engineering, Floretice. AL. Fletcher, R. 10 Apr 92 39p Order numl->er AD-A251 559 ICDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Raster Data Transfer Test Using DATA DEVELOPMENT Inc. Produced Data - MIL-R- 28002 Type I Raster. Quick Short Test Report Air Materiel Command. Wright-Patterson AFB. OH. 18 Mar 92 2^p Order numl->er DE9201893"'CDJ Price ccxle PC A03 MF AOl 15 CALS Publications Raster Graphics Validation S'atiotud lust, of Staiuiarcis and Tochuoloii)'. Cciithershiiri^. MD. Spielman. F. E. May 92 6Sp Order nunii->er PB92-196070CDI Price axle PC .\(M MF AOl Release and Installation Notes for Version 4.0 of the RAMP Product Data Translation System (RPTS) Small Mechanical Parts (SMP) for Rock Island Interim Rept E\SR Consiiltuii> and tnfiineering. Florence. AL. r Apr 92 13p Order numl-)er AD-A251 558/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Report on the Potential Legal Issues Arising from the Implementation of CALS by the DOD CALS^CE Industry Steering Group, Washington. DC. 1992 17p Order number PB92-160464CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Report on the Raster Capabilities of MIL-R-28002A and MIL-D-28003A National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Rosenthal, L. S. Nov 92 26p Order numlx;r PB93-140820CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Requirements and Recommendations for STEP Conformance Testing. National PDES Testbed Report Series (Revised) National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg. MD. Kemmerer, S. J. Jun92 59p Order numloer PB92-213503CDJ Price c(x]e PC A04/MF AOl Requirements and Recommendations for STEP Conformance Testing. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg. MD. Kemmerer, S. J. 30 Jan 92 44p Order number PB92-158294CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Research and Development Strategies for Human Centered and Group Support Technologies Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, \A; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria. VA. Richter, K. J.; Barnett, D. S.; Alluisi, E. A. May 92 226p Order number AD-A254 366/8CDJ Price code PC All/MF A03 SGML Encoding for Technical Reports Oak Ridge National Uib.. TN. Mason, J. D. 1992 7p Order number DE93003087CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl SGML in Practice - The PHIGS Slide Set Rutherford Appleton Lab., Chilton (England). Thomas, R. E. Nov 92 33p Order number PB93-150647CDJ Price code PC E05/MF E05 Simulation-Based Approach to Testing Embedded Software Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, Oulu (Finland). Computer Technology Lab. Honka, H. cl992 120p Order number PB93-165041CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Software and Design Document for the Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts (RAMP) Small Mechanical Parts (SMP), Generative Process Planning Environment (GPPE). Version 1.5 Interim Rept ENSR Consulting and Engineering, Florence, AL. 15 Apr 92 106p Order number AD-A251 557/5CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Software Design Specification for the Manufacturing Optimization (MO) System Raytheon Co., Tewkshury, MA. Missile Systems Labs. Lapointe, L. J.; Laliberty, T. J.; Bryant, R. V. Dec 92 171p Order numlx;r AD-A259 707/8CDJ Price ccxle PC A08/MF A02 Spacecraft Fabrication and Test Integration - Leveraging Existing Information Lawrence Livermore Natioiuil Ixib., CA. Sanders, D. ; Storcli, N. ; Sliarick, T. ; LeClair, S. Apr 92 8p Order number DE93012483CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Status Report for First Quarter, FY 92 (October 1 through December 31, 1991). National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst. ofStattdards and Technology (MEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Bloom, H. M. Mar 92 55p Order number PB92-172758CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Status Report for Second Quarter FY92 (January 1 through March 31, 1992). National PDES Testbed Report Series Status Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (MEL). Gaithersburg. MD. Bloom, H, M. 9 Oct 92 68p Order number PB93-1 13603CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl STELAR - An Experiment in the Electronic Distribution of Astronomical Literature Abstract Only National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Hughes STX, Inc., Green belt, MD. Warnock, A.; Vansteenburg, M. E.; Brotzman, L. E.; Ga.ss, J.; Kovalsky, D. 1992 126p Order number N94-22438/3CDJ PC A07/MF A02 STEP Development Methods - Specification of Semantics for Information Sharing Product Data Integration Technology, Long Beach, CA; National Inst, of Standards and Technology (MEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Fabrication Technology Div. Danner, W. F; Yang, Y. Sep 92 26p Order number PB93-113686CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 16 CALS Publications Symbolic Model Checking. An Approach to the State Explosion Problem Doctoral Thesis Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. Dept. of Computer Science. McMillan, K. L. 1992 206p Order number AD-A250 924/8CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A03 Technical Assessment of the Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) and the Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics System (JCALS). Version 1.0 Final Rept Defense Information Systems Agency, Arlington, VA. Center for Information Management. Bennis, J. Nov 92 87p Order number AD-A262 638/OCDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Technical Program of the Factory Automation Systems Division 1992 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (MEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Bloom, H. M.; Masters, L. W. May 92 43p Order number PB92-205392CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technologiemodellierung fuer die rechnerintegrierte Produktion. Abschlussbericht. (Technology Modelling for the Computer Aided Manufacturing. Final Report) Techniscbe Hocbschule Aachen (Germany). Lab. fuer Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebslehre; GERFEMA Gesellscbaft fuer Rationalisiening, Forscbung und Entwicklung im Maschinenbau m.h.H., Chemnitz (Germany). Eversheim, W. May 92 76p Order number TIB/A93-01921CDJ Price code PC E09 Textiles and Composites '92. Symposium Held in Tampere, Finland on June 15- 18, 1992 Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, Tampere (Finland). Tekstiililaboratorio. Meinander, H. C1992 345p Order number PB93-164770CDJ Price code PC A15/MF A03 Transformr - A Prototype STEP Exchange File Migration Tool National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Oct 92 l6p Order number PB93-120764CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl TRW CALS COTS Product Guide, Second Edition TRW, Inc., Redondo Beach, CA. 31 Jan 92 249p Order number PB92-182583CDJ Price code PC All/MF A03 Use of Information and Manufacturing Technologies as Turnaround Strategies Technical Rept Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Dept. of Administrative Sciences. San Miguel, J. G. 21 Oct 92 24p Order number AD-A259 855/5CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Use of STEP in an Integrated Manufacturing Environment Oak Ridge Y- 12 Plant, TN. Cain, W. D. 1992 lOp Order number DE92008417CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl User's Guide for the Apparel STEP Translator for PC Compatible Computers National Bureau of Standards (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Machine Intelligence Group. Murphy, T.; Moncarz, H. T. Jan 92 18p Order number PB92-158286CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Using Object-Oriented Databases for Implementation of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey. CA. Chelouche, E. Mar 92 102p Order number AD-A248 13S/6CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Validation Testing System - Reusable Software Component Design. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Morris, K. C; Sauder, D.; Ressler, S. Oct 92 38p Order number PB94-109220CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 1991 Achieving a System Operational Availability Requirement (ASOAR) Model Methodology Technical Rept A rmy Commu n icatio ns-Electron ics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Price, B. C. Jun91 59p Order number AD-A262 406/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Advanced Materials Aspects of Concurrent Engineering Final Rept. Aug-Oct 91 Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA; Institute for Defense Analyses. Alexandria, VA. Mayer, G. Oct 91 29p Order number AD-A245 437/9CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd). Held in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 20- 21, 1991. Volume 1. Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support CALS Industry Steering Group. Washington. DC. 1991 243p Order number PB91-22021OCDJ Price ccxle PC All/MF A03 Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd). Held in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 20- 21, 1991. Volume 2. Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support CALS Itidustry Steering Group. Washington. DC 1991 2aSp Order number PB91-220228CDJ Price code PC A13/MF A03 17 CALS Publications Annual Technical Symposium (28th) - Achieving Technical and Management Excellence. Held in Arlington, Virginia on April 11, 1991 Xatxil Sc'd Systems Command, \X'(ishington, DC. Johnston..!.; O'Colman. D.; Matiiai, C. 1991 2S^p Order numlx-r PB91-189134CDJ Price code PC A12/MF A02 Apparel STEP Translator National Bureau of StancUirds (NED, Gaithersburg. AID. Machine Intelligence Group. Moncarz. H. T.; Lee. Y. T. Jun 91 19p Order number PB91-216663CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Architectural Guidelines for Multimedia and Hypermedia Data Interchange - Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support/ Concurrent Engineering ( CALS/CE) and Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Korzyk, A. D. Sep 91 106p Order number AD-A246 201/8CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Architecture for the Validation Testing System Software Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Stancktrds and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Morris, K. C. Dec 91 27p Order number PB92-143734CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Assessment of the ModSim/TWOS Parallel Simulation Environment Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Rich, D. Or.; Michei.sen, R. E. 1991 27p Order number DE910114OOCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Automated Logistics Support Analysis Tool, Version 1.0, User's Manual. Battle Damage Assessment and Repair (LSA Subtask 303.2.11) Final Rept American Power Jet Co.. Ridgefield. NJ. Duicos. R. Apr 91 83p Order number AD-A259 380/4CDJ Price ccKJe I'C AOS/MF AOl Automated Logistics Support Analysis Tool, Version 1 .0 User's Manual, LSA Task 101 , Early LSA Strategy Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duicos, R.; Shepherd, N. May 91 125p Order number AD-A259 382/OCDJ Price ccxle PC A06/MF A02 Automated Logistics Support Analysis Tool, Version I. 0, User's Manual - Functional Requirements Risk Identification (LSA Subtask 301.2.3) Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duicos, R.; Shepherd, N. May 91 53p Order number AD-A259 537/9CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Automated Logistics Support Analysis Tool, Version 1.0. Executive User's Manual Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duicos, R.; Shepherd, N. May 91 117p Order number AD-A259 641/9CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Aviation Diagnostics and Maintenance (ADAM) System Preliminary Concept of Operation and Functional Description Final Rept. Oct 90-Sep 91 David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda. MD. Le Beau, R. P.; Kramer, M. T.; Carlberg, J. R.; DePriest, M. S.; Eikel, H. A. Sep 91 76p Order number AD-A242 598/lCnj Price code PC A05/MF AOl Aviation Diagnostics and Maintenance System Preliminary Concept of Operation and Functional Description (Test and Evaluation Report) Final Rept Daind Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD. Le Beau, R. P.; Kramer, M. T.; DePrest, M. S.; Eikel, H. A. Sep 91 74p Order number PB92-120401CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CAD Product Data Exchange - Conversions for Curves and Surfaces Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands). Vries-Baayens, A. E. C1991 188p Order number PB92-150994CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A02 CALS - Making It Happen. Proceedings of CALS Expo '91 Conference and Exposition. Held in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11-14, 1 991 . The 4th Annual CALS Progress Report National Security Industrial Association, Washington, DC. 1991 689p Order number PB92-107655CDJ Price code PC $77./MF A06 CALS 101 - An Introductory Overview of CALS Intergraph Corp., Huntsville, AL. Ross, E.; Lamb, J.; Fulton, R.; Gociow.ski, J. 1991 121p Order number PB92-120393CDJ Price ccxle PC A06/MF A02 CALS Architecture Study. Report to the Joint Logistics Commanders. Volume 1. Version 1.0 Joint CALS Management Office, Washington, DC. 30 Jun 91 66p Order numlx-r PB92-107630CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl CALS Architecture Study. Report to the Joint Logistics Commanders. Volume 2. Version 1.0 Joint CALS Management Office, Washington, DC. 30 Jun 91 318p Order number PB92-107648CDJ Price code PC A14/MF A03 18 CALS Publications CALS Data Protection Matrix for Data Exchange CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 22 Feb 91 69p Order number PB92-120245CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS Database Usage and Analysis Tool Study Final Rept IIT Research Inst., Rome, NY. Cook, J. H.; Szwedo, E. J. Sep 91 71p Order number AD-A243 205/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS Industry Steering Group (ISG) IVIeeting. Held in Arlington, VA. on July 17-19, 1991. Minutes and Proceedings CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 1 Aug 91 355p Order number PB91-221747CDJ Price code PC A16/MF A03 CALS Standards Overview Gentex Corp., Carbondale, PA. Moliere, J. P. 1 May 91 20p Order number PB91-204370CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS Test Network Handt)ook, July 1991 CALS Test Network Office, Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. Jul 91 102p Order number PB91-228619CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 CALS Test Network MIL-D-28003 COM Test Packet Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 25 Nov 91 52p Order number DE92018935CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS-Automated Interchange of Technical Information Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithcrshurg, AID. 1991 open series Order numlier PB91-962000CDJ Standing Order CALS-Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Functional Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1991 open series Order number PB91-962600CDJ Standing Order CALS-Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Functional Requirements, 1991. Military Specification National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 31 Mar 91 46p Order number PB91 -96260 ICDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS-Department of Defense Acquisition Guide for Implementation of Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS-ACQ-GUIDEA) Draft Rept Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 1 Apr 91 17p Order number PB92-962801CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS-Department of Defense Computer Aided Acquisition Logistic Support ( CALS) Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1991 open series Order number PB91-962500CDJ Standing Order CALS-Digital Representation for Communication of Product Data - IGES Application Subsets Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1991 open series Order number PB91-962100CDI Standing Order CALS-Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Date - CGM Application Profile Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1991 open series Order number PB91-962400CDJ Standing Order CALS-Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specifications for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange of Text Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 1991 open series Order number PB91-962200CDJ Standing Order CALS-Raster Graphics Representation Binary Format Requirements Irregular Repts National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg. MD. 1991 of)en series Order number PB91-962300CDJ Standing Order Canadian Participation in the Development of EDI Standards National Office. Port Information Systems, Ottawa (Ontario). Malhotra, S. C1991 178p Order number MIC-91-03861CDJ Price code PC E12/MF EOl CGVU - A CGM Viewer and Editor requirements Document - Version 1.2 Lawrence Lii'ermore National Lab.. CA. Handeli, D.; Rowe, J.; Johnson, K.; Long, J.; Kelleher, T. Nov 91 30p Order numl^er DE92006430CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Change of Course - The Importance to DoD of International Standards for Electronic Commerce RAND Corp., Santa Monica. CA. Payne, J. E. 1991 78p Order number AD-A253 \99 4CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program Fiscal Year 1988. Volume 2. Graphics, CGM MIL SPEC Interim Rept. Oct 87-Sep 88 National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg. MD. Morgan, R. S. Mar 91 468p Order number AD-A261 261 2CDJ Price code PC A20 MF A04 19 CALS Publications Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program, Fiscal Year 1988. Volume 2 of 3. Graphics, CGM MIL- SPEC Rept. for Oct 87-Sep 88 Mational Inst, of StatuUircls and Technology (SCSL). Gaitheisburg. MD. Morgan. R. S. Mar 91 482p Order number PB91-178897CDJ Price ccxie PC A21/.MF A03 Computer Assisted Data Acceptance Procedures Draft Rept Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington. DC. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. 25 Jan 91 62p Order number PB92-120252CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Computer Simulation Analysis of the USAF Vehicle Allowance/Authorization Process Master's Thesis A ir Force Inst, of Tech . . Wright-Patterson AFB. OH. School of Systems and Logistics. Duller. C. T. Sep 91 106p Order number AD-A246 730/6CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Telecommunications Security Plan Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Doby. J. S. Jan 91 39p Order number AD-A234 558/5CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Telecommunications Planning Concepts Final Rept Lcjgistics Management Inst., Bethesda. MD. Lycas. J.; .McEwen, M. P. Jan 91 96p Order number AD-A234 564/3CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS). Benefits Working Group, 1990-1991 Report CALS/CE Industry Steering Group. WcL^hington. DC. Mar 91 71p Order number PB92-156520CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) Benefits Working Group Report CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. Sep 91 21p Order number PB92-119437CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Conceptual Architecture for a Mechanical Parts Production System Based on STEP National PDES Testbed Rept. Series Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT; National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaitbersburg, MD. Baikmeyer, E. J.; Fowier, J, E.; Magleby, S. P. 27 Sep 91 39p Order number PB92-112234CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Concurrent Engineering National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Cleveland. OH. Lewis Research Center. Chamis, C. C; Leger, L.; Hunter, D.; Jones, C; Sprague, R. May 91 620p Order number N91-28235/0CDJ Price code PC $77. Concurrent Engineering - A New Paradigm Study Project Army War Coll., Carlisle Barracks, PA. Neel, T. E. 15 Mar 91 50p Order number AD-A237 994/9CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Concurrent Engineering for Composites Final Rept Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC; Delaware Univ., Newark. Center for Composite Materials. Wilkins, D. J.; Kaibhari, V. M.; Heasliaw,J. M. Oct 91 184p Order number AD-A244 714/2CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A02 Concurrent Engineering in Design of Aircraft Structures Messersch m itt-Boelkow-Bloh m G. m . b. II. , Munich (Germany, F.R.). Krammer, J.; Sen.sburg, Or.; Vil.smeier, J.; Berchtold, G. c27Sep91 36p Order number N92-29650/8CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Concurrent Engineering Technical Interface Process Flow. Report of the CE Technical/Administrative Interface Task Group of the CALS/CE Industry Steering Group Technical Rept CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 9 Jul 91 73p Order number PB92-102532CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Concurrent Engineering through Product Data Standards National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NHL), Gaitbersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Carver, G. P.; Bloom, H. M. May 91 77p Order number PB91-193367CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Configuration Management Concepts Document. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaitbersburg, MD. Katz, S. B. 26 Apr 91 33p Order number PB91-194480CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Configuration Management of the STEP Documents - Procedures and System Requirements. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaitbersburg, MD. Katz, S. B. 10 Jul 91 20p Order number PB91-222620CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 20 CALS Publications Control System Software, Simulation, and Robotic Applications National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD. Goddard Space Flight Center. Frisch, H. P.; Mar 91 4l6p Order number N91-23021/9CDJ Price code PC A18/MF A03 Data Communication Networks Message Handling Systems. Recommendation X.435. Message Handling Systems - Electronic Data Interchange Messaging System (Re- Announcement of PB92-210509) International Telecommunication Union, Geneva (Switzerland). International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee. 1991 123p Order number PB93-980608CDJ Price code PC $60.00 Decision Support Environment for Concurrent Engineering Requirements Final Technical Paper Air Force Human Resources Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Hill, R. R. Jan 91 6lp Order number AD-A230 899/7CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Department of Defense Corporate Information Management Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence), Washington, DC. Apr 91 38p Order number PB92-120237CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Department of the Air Force CALS Architecture/Implementation Plan. Parti Draft Rept CALS Test Network Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. 1991 108p Order number PB92-120286CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Development of Data File Standards for Automated Ultrasonic Scanning Systems. Exchange Methods for Digital Ultrasonic Inspection Data Final Rept. Jul 89-Jul 91 Industrial Quality, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD. Berger, H.; Jones, T. S.; Gaynor, E. S.; Hsieh, T. M. 26 Jul 91 55p Order number AD-A240 075/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Development Plan - Application Protocols for Mechanical Parts Production. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Stark, C; Mitchell, M. 2 Jul 91 36p Order number PB91-222596CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development Plan - STEP Conformance Testing Service. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst . of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Kemmerer, S. J. Aug 91 43p Order number PB92-191238CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Distributed Publishing of Electronic Newspapers and Mail Order Catalogues Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung m.b.H. Bonn. St. Augustin (Germany, F.R.). Weber, A.; Neuhold, E.J. C1991 30p Order number PB92-109784CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Distributed Publishing of Electronic Newspapers and Mail Order Catalogues Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik urui Datenverarfx'itung m.b.H. Bonn. St. Augustin (Germany, F.R.). Weber, A.; Neuhold, EJ. Sep 91 27p Order number TIB/B92-00=)8'7Cnj Price code PC E09 DOD Implementation Guidelines for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Volume 2 Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Henderson, M. M.; Lewis, A. P. Dec 91 446p Order number AD-A246 614/2CDJ Price code PC A19/MF A04 DOD Implementation Guidelines for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Volume 1 Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Henderson, M. M.; Lewis, A. P. Dec 91 134p Order number AD-A246 613/4CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 DoD's Technical Information Publishing - A Strategy for Evolution Rnal Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda. MD. Lindstrom, K. W.; Gilbane, F; Giles. J. E. Feb 91 45p Order number PB91-227850CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Draft Military Specification - MIL-D-IETMDB Data Base, Revisable - Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals, for the Support of Draft Rept David Taylor Research Center. Bethesda. MD. Fuller, J. J.; Holloway, S; Jorginsen, E. L.; Gunning, D.; Stevens, P. 1 Apr 91 105p Order number PB91-228577CDJ Price code PC A06/'MF A02 Draft Military Specification - MIL-M- GCSFUI Manuals, Interactive Electronic Technical - General Content, Style, Format, and User- Interaction Requirements Draft Rept David Taylor Research Center Betheuki. .MD. Fuller. J. J.; Holloway, S.; Jorgen.sen. E. L; Gunning. D.. Stevens. P. 1 Apr 91 48p Order number PB91-228569CDJ Price code PC A03MF AOl 21 CALS Publications Draft Milrtat7 Specification - MIL-Q- lETMQA Quality Assurance Program - Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals and Associated Technical Information; Requirements for Draft Rept Daiid Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD. Fuller, J. J.; Holloway, S.; Jorgensen, E. L.; Gunning, D.; Stevens, P. 1 Apr 91 35p Order number PB91-228601CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Draft Report on Backfitting Programs to Reflect CALS Initiatives CALS/CE Industry Steering Group. Washington. DC. 15 Aug 91 lOp Order number PB92-160662CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Electronic Commerce and Competitive Procurement Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Drake, D. J.; CiuCDJ J. A. Jun 91 60p Order number AD-A238 831/2CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Electronic Commerce Program for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service- Columbus Center Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Hardcastle. T. P; Ledder, W. R. May 91 91p Order number AD-A237 636/6CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange Master's Thesis Naual Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Chung, J. D. Mar 91 85p Order number AD-A242 959/5CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Using Electronic Commerce to Enhance Defense Logistics RAND Corp., Santa Monica, CA. Payne, J. E.; Anderson. R H. 1991 130p Order number AD-A238 559/9CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Electronic Data Interchange Final Rept Sational Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithershurg. MD. Saltman, R. G. 29 Mar 91 lOp Order number FIPS PUB 161CDJ Price code PC A02 Electronic Data Interchange in Message Handling Systems National Inst, of Standards and Technology (CSL), Gaithershurg, MD. Markovitz, P. Jun 91 39p Order number PB91-216622CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Emerging Hypermedia Standards - Hypermedia Marketplace Prepares for HyTime and MHEG Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. C1991 19p Order number PB92-120328CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Enabling Technologies for Unified Life-Cycle Engineering of Structural Components Rept. for 1987-1990 National Materials Advisory Board (NRC), Washington, DC. 22 Mar 91 lOBp Order number AD-A248 638/9CDJ Price ccxle PC A06/MF A02 Extracting STEP Geometry and Topology from a Solid Modeler - Parasolid-to- STEP National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Kramer, T. R. 2 May 91 56p Order number PB91-194449CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl First Principles of Concurrent Engineering - A Competitive Strategy for Electronic Product Development. CALS/ Concurrent Engineering Task Group - Electronic Systems Technical Rept CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC Linton, L.; Hall, D.; Hutciiison, K.; Hoffman, D.; Evanczuk, S. 30 Sep 91 IHlp Order number PB92-102524CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A02 Framework for Concurrent Engineering. Report of the CE Framework Task Group of the CALS/CE Industry Steering Group Technical Rept CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC 13 Mar 91 59p Order number PB92-102516CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Gateway to Total Participation Allied-Signal Aerospace Co., Kansas City, MO. Kansas City Div. Cooper, B. R. Dec 91 6p Order number DE92003129CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Government Document Processing Requirements Report National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCTL), Gaithershurg, MD. Office Systems Engineering Group. Sies, R. R Apr 91 l6p Order number PB91-187773CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Guide to EDI Translation Software Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Frohman, H. L. 1991 121p Order number AD-A233 053/8CDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Guidelines for the Transfer of AutoCAD Release 10c7 Drawings to CADAM via the IGES Format Oak Ridge Y-1 2 Plant, TN. Walton, K. A. Jan 91 17p Order numix-r DE930O4685CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl 22 CALS Publications IGES/PDES Organization Document Tracking System Final Rept. Jul 90-Oct 91 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaitbersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Wellington, J. Oct 91 17p Order number PB92-148246CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl lis, Ce, Cals du Concept a la Mise en Oeuvre (ILS, CE, CALS, from Design to Operation) CEP Systemes, Paris (France). 1991 I40p Order number N92-30950/9CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Implementation of OLTRS within DND. Business Case Rockwood Informatics Corp., Ottawa (Ontario). 9 Jul 91 104p Order number PB91-227843CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Information Logistics - A Production- Line Approach to Information Services National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Wasbington, DC; Houston Univ., TX. Adams, D.; Lee, C. 1991 189p Order number N92-12497/CDJ PC A09/MF A02 Information Resources Management Plan of the Federal Government Annual Rept Office of Management and Budget, Wasbington, DC. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. 20 Nov 91 323p Order number PB92-147198CDJ Price code PC A14/MF A03 Innovative Life Cycle Management Systems for Composites. Phase 1 Final Rept. 1 Sep-7 Dec 91 Army Materials Technology Lab., Watertoum, MA Analyttx Group. Houston, 7X. Gutowski, F. D. Dec 91 82p Order number AD-A246 018/6CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Internal Control in an EDI Environment Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Bae, D. H. Dec 91 85p Order number AD-A245 869/3CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Joint CALS-CE Industry-Government Steering Group Meeting. Held in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11, 1991 - Minutes and Proceedings CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 6 Jan 91 74p Order number PB92-160498CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl L'Ingenierie Concourante (Concurrent Engineering) Mentor Graphics (France). Leboulbar, M. 1991 12p Order number N92-30952/5CDJ (Order as N92-30950/ Lessons Learned for Composite Structures National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Northrop Corp., Hawthorne, CA. Whitehead, R. S. Jan 91 17p Order number N93-30444/2CDJ (Order as N93-30428/ Maximization of Automatic Payment of Invoices (API) in the Contract Payment Function Final Rept Defense Contract Management Region, Chicago, IL. Boyce, J. M.; Curtis, J. R.; Nkxlic, E. J.; McKinney, J. S.; Sep 91 75p Order number AD-A242 131/lCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Military Specification - Digital Representation for Communication of Illustration Data. CGM Application Profile (November 1991) Department of Defense. Washington. DC. 15 Nov 91 SOp Order number PB92-962401CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Military Specification - Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specification for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange of Text (Amendment 1) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 1 Oct 91 80p Order number PB92-962201CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Model Risk Assessment of CALS Information Resources and Facilities. CALS Quick Reaction Task Order 1080 Final Rept World Energy Conference. Oslo (Norway). Norwegian National Committee. Mar 91 127p Order number PB92-120294CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Modernization of Defense Logistics Standard Systems (MODELS). Volume 1. Establishing the Functional Baseline Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Egan, D. F.; Featherstone, H. L; James, W. T.; Luster, S.; McEwen, M. P. Sep 91 119p Order number AD-A243 213/6CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Multi-Enterprise Concurrent Engineering through International Standards National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL). Gaitbersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Carver, G. P.; Bloom. H. M. Oct 91 27p Order number PB92-123058CDJ Price code PC A03'MF AOl National Initiative for Product Data Exchange (Implementation Plan), November 12, 1991 National Initiatiivfor Product Data Exchange. Gaitbersburg. MD 12 Nov 91 106p Order number PB93-145332CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 23 CALS Publications National PDES Testbed Mail Server User's Guide. National PDES Testbed Report Series .\(itiotial lust. ufSkithhirds cind Technvlog}: Caitbenburg, AID. Ressler, S. 31 Jan 91 lOp Order number PB91-159756CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl NIAG Report on the Applicability of CALS to the NATO Countries AssLer AD-A226 394/5CDJ Price code PC A16/MF A02 27 CALS Publications Data Management Standards in Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Siitu>ti(il Aeronautics itnd Space Adtniuistratwn. Washington. DC; National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg. MD. JetTerson, D. K. 1990 544p Order numl-)er N93-27704/CPJ PC A23MF A04 Data Management Standards in Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL). Gaithersburg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Jefferson, D. K. 1990 30p Order number PB91-158832CDJ Not available NTIS Data Model Development and Validation for Product Data Exchange National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NED. Gaithersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Mitchell, M. J.; Yang, Y.; Ryan, S.; Manin, B. Feb 90 17p Order number PB90-162108CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Data Model Development for Context Driven Integrated Model (CDIM) Application B3 Final Rept PDES. Inc., Charleston, SC. Blaney, D.; Bkx^m, B.; Burkett, B.; Goosen, T.; Ludwig, R. 23 Feb 90 67p Order number PB90-226267CDJ Price code PC A04/ MF AOl Data Model for the PDES, Inc. Context- Driven Integrated Model A1 Exchange of 3-D Product Design Data in a Configuration Controlled Environment Final Rept PDES, Inc.. Charleston, SC. 13 Feb 90 577p Order number PB90-226317CDJ Price code PC A25/MF A04 Data Model for the PDES, Inc., Context Driven Integrated Model B3, Exchange of 3-D Product Data to NC Programming Systems Final Rept PDES, Inc.. Charleston, SC. 13 Feb 90 727p Order number PB90-226309CDJ PC A99/ MF A04 Datamaerkning - Att Paketera Ihop Data och Attribut (Data Marking - To Packet Data Together with Attributes) Foersvarets Forskningsanstalt. Linkoeping (Su 'eden). Huvudavdeln ing foer Informationsteknologi. Bengtsson, A. Nov 90 41p Order number PB91-165290CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Design Evaluation for Personnel, Training, and Human Factors (DEPTH) Interim Technical Paper Dec 89-Jun 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, 7X. Boyle, E. S.; Easterly, J. A.; lanni, J. D. Jul 90 23p Order number AD-A224 757/5CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Design for Producibility. A Design Producibility Algorithm Ballistic Missile Office. Norton AFB, CA. Mar 90 35p Order number AD-A241 418/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Design Knowledge Management System (DKMS) Final Rept. Sep 89-Aug 90 Air Force Human Resources Lah.. Brooks AFB, ITX; Knowledge Based Systems, Inc., College Station, TX. Mayer, R. J. Dec 90 143p Order number AD-A230 266/9CDJ Price ccxle PC A07/MF AOl Development Plan - Configuration Management Systems and Services National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Res.sler, S.; Katz, S. Sep 90 26p Order number PB91-107615CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development Plan - Product Data Exchange Network. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Frechette, S.; Jurrens, K. Sep 90 29p Order number PB91-107227CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development Plan - Step Production Cell. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Fowler, J. E. Sep 90 33p Order number PB91-107243CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development Plan Configuration Management Systems and Services. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Ressler, S. ; Katz, S. Sep 90 33p Order number AD-A261 324/8CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development Plan Validation Testing System. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Mitchell, M. J. Sep 90 39p Order number PB91-107581CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Digital Representation for Communication of Product Definition Data American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. cl990 550p Order number PB93-213023CDJ Price code PC A23/MF A04 Digital Representation for Communication of Product Definition Data. Revision American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. 30 Apr 90 565p Order number AD-A269 960/lCDJ Price code PC A24/MF A04 28 CALS Publications DTD Creation for the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) Program Technical Rept. (Final) IBM Federal Sector Div., Gaithershurg. MD. Kutoroff, S. 23Jun90 18p Order numl^er AD-A228 475/OCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl EDI's Role in a Strategy for Digital Data Exchange Evaluation Rept Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Prog ra m . 12 Mar 90 53p Order number PB93-203552CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange in Procurement Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Drake, D. J.; CiuCDJ J. A.; Milbrandt, B. Apr 90 88p Order number AD-A221 112/6CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on Aerospace and Defence Research and Development Held in the Technical Information Panel Specialists' Meeting, Brussels, Belgium on 17th-19th October 1989 Adiisory Group for Aerospace Research and Deielopment, Neuilly-sur-Seine (France). cMar90 189p Order number AD-A221 596/OCDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Engineering Data Integration - Problems and Solutions Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby (England). Bamkin, R. clO Dec 90 15p Order number N93-23370/8CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Engineering Drawing Transfer Test with the Air Force Ogden Air Logistics Center - MIL-D-28000 Class II (IGES). Quick Short Test Report Lawrence Liivrmore National Lab., CA. 16 Feb 90 4p Order number DE90010180CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Evaluation of an Interdigitated Gate Electrode Field-Effect Transistor for Detecting Organophosphorus Compounds Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech.. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Brothers, C. P. Dec 90 247p Order number AD-A230 161/2CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 Examination of Various Methods Used in Support of Concurrent Engineering Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. /^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. PenneIl,J. P.; Akin, W. E. Mar 90 64p Order number AD-A222 713/OCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Extending the Standard for the Exchange of Product Data to Represent Two- Dimensional Apparel Pattern Pieces National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithershurg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Lee, Y. T. Jun90 28p Order number PB90-247438CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Fed-X - The NIST Express Translator National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Clark, S. N. Aug 90 18p Order number PB90-269507CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Fed-X - The NIST Express Translator. Revised, November 1990 National Inst, of Statuianls and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Clark, S. N. Aug 90 18p Order number PB91-132126CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Framework for Developing a CALS Data Dictionary National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSLJ, Gaithershurg, MD. Jefferson, D. K. Jul 90 25p Order number PB90-257585CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Graphics Standards in the Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support ( CALS) Program, Fiscal Year 1989. Volume 2. MIL-D-28003 Revisions, CGM Registration Progress rept. Oct 88-Sep 89 National Inst, of Standards and Technology' (NCSLJ, Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. May 90 333p Order number PB90-228016CDJ Price code PC A15/MF A02 Graphics Standards in the Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support ( CALS) Program, Fiscal Year 1989. Volume 1. Test Requirements Document, Extended CGM (CGEM) Rept. for Oct 88-Sep 89 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL). Gaithershurg, MD. Benigni, D. R. May 90 340p Order number PB90-257759CDJ Price code PC A15/MF A02 Guidelines for the Transfer of AutoCAD Release 10c7 Drawings to the IGES Format Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. TN. Walton, K. A. Dec 90 21 p Order number DE9300-4683CDI Price ccxie PC A03 MF AOl IGES Efficiency Evaluation Lawrence Liivrmore National Lab.. CA. Christensen, M.; Farrell. J.; Green, S. Jul 90 3Sp Order numlx^r DE90015192CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 29 CALS Publications Incentives and Funding Mechanisms. CALS QRTO 1060. Final Report Science Applications International Corp., McLean, VA. Jun 90 84p Order number FB91-n5786CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Initiative in Concurrent Engineering (DICE). Phase 1 Final Rept. 1 Jul 88- 30 Sep 89 General Electric Co., Cincinnati, OH. Aircraft Engines. Singh. K. J. 9 Feb 90 36lp Order number AD-A219 638/4CDJ Price code PC A16/MF A02 Instructional Systems Development Decision Support Interim Technical Paper Sep 89-Sep 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab.. Brooks AFB, TX; Dynamics Research Corp., Andover, MA. Sorensen, H. B.; Park. J. S. Nov 90 21 p Order number AD-A228 052/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Integrated Information Support System (IISS). Volume 8. User Interface Subsystem. Part 41. Electronic Documentation System (EDS) Parser Unit Test Plan Final Rept. 1 Apr 87-31 Dec 90 Wright Research and Development Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Control Data Corp.. Fairhorn, OH. Integration Technology Services. Barker, S.; Giandorf, F. 30 Sep 90 25p Order number AD-A248 979/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Integrated Information Support System (IISS). Volume 8. User Interface Subsystem. Part 40. SGML Tagger Unit Test Plan Final Rept. 1 Apr 87-31 Dec 90 Wright Research and Development Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Control Data Corp., Fairhorn, OH. Integration Technology Services. Barker, S.; Giandorf, F. 30 Sep 90 56p Order number AD-A248 978/9CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Integration of the Air Force Content Data Model and MIL-STD-1388-2B Final Rept. Jan-Sep 90 David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD. Chen. R.; Oct 90 212p Order number PB91-175919CDJ Price ccxie PC AlO/MF A02 Introduction to the NIST PDES Toolkit. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Techftology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Jul 90 14p Order number PB90-257734CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Joint DoD/lndustry Study on Opportunities in Integrated Diagnostics Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria. VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Brown, H. R.; Rolfe, R. M. Jan 90 109p Order number AD-A221 939/2CDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Meta-Design. An Approach to the Development of Design Methodologies Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Rogan, J. E.; Cralley, W. E. Jan 90 170p Order number AD-A222 003/6CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl Military Handbook - Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program Implementation Guide Depariment of Defense, Washington, DC. 28 Sep 90 233p Order number PB91-962501CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 Military Specification - Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specification for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange of Text Depariment of Defense, Washington, DC. 20 Jul 90 411p Order number PB91 -96220 ICDJ Price code PC A18/MF A03 Multidisciplinary Modeling and Design of a Space Structure Master's Thesis Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Cassiday, B. K.; Gatschet, L L.; Tester, J. T; Gaines, S. Or.; Moya, M. N. Dec 90 263p Order number AD-A230 626/4CDJ Price ccxle PC A12/MF A02 National PDES Testbed Strategic Plan 1990. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. McLean, C. R. Oct 90 83p Order number PB91-107177CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl National Technical Report, Vol. 36, No. 5, October 1990. Special Issue on - Information and Communication Equipments and Systems (I). October 1990 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., Moriguchi (Japan). cOct 90 144p Order number PB91-166207CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Navy CALS Vision. Draft 2.0 Draft Rept John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Oct 90 25p Order number PB92-120310CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Navy CALS Vision. Draft 2.0. Volume 25 Tra)isportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Oct 90 25p Order number AD-A265 328/5CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Neutral Format for HMA Manufacturers NTIS Tech Note Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Mar 90 Ip Order number NTN90-0263CDJ Not Available NTIS 30 CALS Publications New Video Describes CALS Program NTIS Tech Note Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Jun90 Ip Order number NTN90-0464CDJ Not Available NTIS NIST Express Working Form Programmer's Reference. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst . of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. 5 Sep 90 56p Order number PB90-269531CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl NIST Express Working Form Programmer's Reference (Revised November 1990). National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst . of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Dec 90 52p Order number PB91-157164CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fundamentals. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Jul 90 30p Order number PB90-250093CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fundamentals. National PDES Testbed Report Series (Revised) National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Nov 90 30p Order number PB91-132159CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST SQL Database Loader - STEP Working Form to SQL. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Nickerson, D. A. Jul 90 12p Order number PB90-256868CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST Step Class Library (Step Into the Future) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Mfg. Engineering. McLay, M. J.; Morris, K. C. Sep 90 24p Order number PB91-107235CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST STEP Working Form Programmer's Reference. National PDES Testbed National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N.; 11 Jun90 31p Order number PB90-250077CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST STEP Working Form Programmer's Reference. National PDES Testbed Report Series (Revised) National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. 29 Nov 90 27p Order number PB91-144378CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST Step Working Form Programmer's Reference. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Jul 90 28p Order number AD-A261 273/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST Working Form for STEP - National PDES Testbed National Inst, of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Iljun90 12p Order number PB90-250044CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl NIST Working Form for STEP - National PDES Testbed Report Series (Revised) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSLJ, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. 19 Nov 90 lip Order number PB91-132183CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl NIST Working Form for STEP National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. Dec 90 lOp Order number AD-A261 330/5CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Overview of the Product Data HyperStandard CD-ROM Prototype National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Ressler, S. Nov 90 l6p Order number PB91-132258CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl PDES (Production Data Exchange Specification) Physical File Exchange Testing In the PDES Validation System National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL). Gaithersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Fowler, J. E. 8 Feb 90 31p Order number PB90-183294CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Planning Model for Unifying Information Modeling Languages for Product Data Exchange Specification (PDES) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL). Gaithersburg. MD. Factor^' Automation Systems Div. Tyler, J. Jan 90 12p Order number PB90-160375CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 31 CALS Publications Poet Revealed - A Future for Human- Centered Design Technical Paper Air f'orct' IliiuHDi Resources Uih.. Brooks AFB. T\. Boyle. E.; Sep 90 17p Order number AD-A226 648/4CDJ Price ccxle PC A03 MF AOl Port Information Systems Around the World Department of CominutiiccUions. Ottawa (Ontario). Port Information Systems. Malhotra, S. C1990 132p Order number MIC-90-06956CDJ Price code PC E12/MF EOl Potential Military Application of Commercial Intermodal Equipment Advancements - An Alternative to the Stockpiling of National Defense Features Rept. for Aug 89-Oct 90 Presearch. Inc.. Arlington. VA. Byrne, W. A.; Dillman, T. A. 5 Oct 90 130p Order number PB91-117408CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Proceedings of the 'Managing the Industrial Modernization Process' Conference Defense Systems Management Coll.. Fort Belvoir. VA. 5 May 90 l62p Order numtx^r An-A228 737/3CDJ Price code PC A08 /MF AOl Proceedings of the Annual Academic Apparel Research Conference on Advanced Apparel Manufacturing Technology Demonstration (1st) Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 14-16 February 1990. Volume 2 Army Satick Research Deivlopment and Engineering Center, MA. 16 Feb 90 134p Order number AD-A250 897/6CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Processing SGML Documents Vrije Univ., Amsterdam (Netherlands J. Suhfaculleit Wiskunde en Informatica. Warmer, J.; van Vliet, H. Jan 90 25p Order number PB90-210212CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Product Structure Configuration Management (PSCM) Model for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item PSCM Model Final Rept PDES. Inc.. Charleston. SC. 13 Feb 90 88p Order number PB90-226234CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Production Definition Data Automation Plan Final Rept John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Cambridge, MA. Apr 90 109p Order number PB92-120229CDJ Price ccxle PC A06/MF A02 Proposed Draft Military Specification for Revisable Data Base for Support of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals OETMs) Final Rept. Oct 89-May 90 David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MB. Rainey, S. C.;Jorgense, E. L.; Fuller, J. J. Jul 90 l6lp Order number AD-A227 279/7CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl Proposed Integration Framework for Step (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Building Technology. Danner, W. F. Apr 90 29p Order number PB90-207358CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl QDES Administrative Guide - National PDES Testbed National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Clark, S. N. 21 May 90 19p Order number PB90-250069CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl QDES User's Guide. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, (f Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg. MD. Clark, S. N. Jul 90 41p Order number PB90-250085CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Raster Data Transfer test Using Formtek Produced Data - MIL-R-28002 Type 1 (Raster). Quick Short Test Report Laurence Liivrmore National Lab., CA. 14 Jun 90 22p Order number DE91007607CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Raster Data Transfer Test Using GTX Produced Data - MIL-R-28002 Type 1 (Raster). Quick Short Test Report Lauretice Liivrmore National Lab., CA. 14 Jun 90 21p Order number DE91007608CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Raster Data Transfer Test Using Optigraphics Produced Data - MIL-R- 28002 Type 1 (Raster). Quick Short Test Report Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 14 Jun 90 20p Order number DE91007606CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Relationship Between CALS and Concurrent Engineering Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Wood, J. D.; Winner, R. I. cl Mar 90 47p Order number PB91-175836CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Report of the First Annual Airborne Weapons Training Technology Review Progress Rept Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, TN. Snyder, C. E.; Payne, G. B.; Treitler, I. E.; Jan 90 56p Order number DE90007189CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Sample Tailoring of 2167A DIDS for Software-First Life Cycle Final Rept IBM Federal Sector Div., Gaithersburg, MD. Blumberg, M. 14 Aug 90 130p Order number An-A228 487/5CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl 32 CALS Publications SGML Lessons Learned for the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) Program Final Rept IBM Federal Sector Div., Gaithersl^urg, MD. Kutoroff, S. 12 Jul 90 20p Order number AD-A228 478/4CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl SGML Product Review for the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) Program Final Rept IBM Federal Sector Div., Gaithersburg, MD. Kutoroff, S. 1 Jul 90 39p Order number AD-A228 476/8CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Software and Computer Integrated Manufacturing National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NED. Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Bloom, H. M. Nov 90 lip Order number PB91-132142CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Software Product Data (SPD) Current Environment Report Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Apr 90 193p Order number AD-A241 984/4CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A03 Software-First Life Cycle Final Definition for the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems Final Rept IBM Federal Sector Div.. Gaithersburg. MD. Blumberg, M.; Ward, M. C. 15 Jan 90 91p Order number AD-A228 483/4CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). (Latest Citations from the INSPEC - Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities Database) National Technical Information Service. Springfield. VA. Sept 93 171p Order number PB93-890408CDJ PC NOl/MF NOl Status of PDES-Related Activities (Standards and Testing). National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg. MD. Furlani, C; Wellington, J.; Kemmerer, S. Oct 90 22p Order number PB91-112888CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl STEP Production Cell Technical Development Plan National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Fowler, J. E. Sep 90 34p Order number AD-A260 947/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Structured Analysis - Review of ILS Element E13 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Final Rept American Power fet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Mar 90 51p Order number AD-A259 422/4CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis and Structured Design for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Tasks, LSA Subtask 402.2.5, Plans for the Problem Resolution Final Rept American Power Jet Co.. Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R. May 90 65p Order number AD-A254 741/2CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis/Design LSA for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Tasks, LSA Subtask 402.2.2, Sources of Manpower and Personnel Skills Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield. NJ. Duclos, R.; Shepherd, N. Oct 90 63p Order number AD-A2S4 895/6CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Structured Documents - Concepts and Formatting Issues Vrije Univ.. Amsterdam (Netherlands). Subfaculteit Wiskunde en Informatica. Heeman. F. C. May 90 19p Order numl-)er PB91-1 14793CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl Submicron Systems Architecture Project Final Rept. 16 Mar-30 Sep 90 California Inst, of Tech., Pasadena. Dept. of Computer Science. Seitz, C. L. I Oct 90 146p Order number AD-A272 726/lCDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Technical Publication Transfer Test Using ATT Technology Systems Provided Data - MIL-M-28001 (SGML) and MIL-R-28002 (Raster), Type I. Quick Short Test Report Test Rept CALS Test Network, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. 5 Sep 90 18p Order number AD-A267 586/6CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test Using GTE Government Systems Provided Data - MIL-M-28001 (SGML) and MIL-R-28003 (CGM). Quick Short Test Report. Revised Final Rept CALS Test Network Office. Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. ElwocKJ, G.; Lammers, G. 25 Oct 90 33p Order number PB91-228528CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test Using Raytheon Service Company Provided Data - MIL-M-28001 (SGML) and MIL-R-28002 (Raster). Quick Short Test Report Final Rept CALS Test Network Office, Wright- Patterson AFB. OH. Elwood, G.; Smith, J. II Oct 90 19p Order number PB91-228536CDJ Price ccxle PC A03 MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test Using AT and T Technology Systems Provided Data - MIL-M-28001 (SGML) and MIL-R-28002 (Raster), Type 1. Quick Short Test Report Final Rept CALS Test Network Office. Wright- Patterson .AFB. OH Elwcxxi. G,; Limmers. G. 5 Sep 90 18p Order number PB91 -22855 ICDJ Price code PC A03MF AOl 33 CALS Publications Technical Publication Transfer Test with Texas Instruments - MIL-M-28001 ( SGML) and MIL-D-28000 Class I (IGES). Quick Short Test Report, September 18, 1990 Final Rept Laurence Liiermore National Lcih.. CA. Farrell..!.; Howells. J. 18 Sep 90 12p Order number PB91-228544CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test with Litton Data Systems - MIL-M-28001 ( SGML). Quick Short Test Report Final Rept CALS Test Setwork Office. Wright- Patterson AFB, OH. Elwood. G.; Lammers, G. 22 Oct 90 ISp Order number PB91-228593CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test with Boeing Computer Services - MIL-M- 28001 (SGML) and MIL-D-28000 Class I (IGES). Quick Short Test Report Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 23 Mar 90 7p Order number DE9OO10173CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test with Pratt and Whitney - MIL-M-28001 ( SGML) and MIL-D-28000 Class I (IGES). Quick Short Test Report Laurence Livermore National Lab., CA. 16 Feb 90 5p Order number DE90010186CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test with Vitro Corporation - MIL-M-28001 ( SGML) and MIL-D-28000 Class 1 (IGES). Quick Short Test Report Lawrence Livermore National Lab.. CA. 18 Sep 90 20p Order number DE91007609CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Technical Publication Transfer Test with McDonnell Aircraft Company - MIL-M- 28001 (SGML) and MIL-D-28000 Class 1 (IGES) Laurence Livermore National Lab . CA. 25Jun90 37p Order number DE91007610CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Test Report for Context Driven Integrated Model A1 Final Rept PDES, Inc., Charleston, SC Skeels, J. Feb 90 68p Order number PB90-226242CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Test Report for Context Driven Integrated Model (CDIM) Application B3 Final Rept PDES. Inc., Charleston, SC. Schachtner, S.; Maretta, M. Feb 90 24p Order number PB90-226275CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Tolerance Model Version 2 for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item Tolerance Model Final Rept PDES, Inc., Charleston, SC. Buckett, W. C. 13 Feb 90 260p Order number PB90-226283CDJ Price code PC A12/MF A02 Training Systems for Maintenance (TRANSFORM) User's Manual Final Rept. Dec 88-Mar 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX; Dynamics Research Corp., Andover, MA. Sorensen, H. B.; Park , J. S.; Awtry, P. May 90 188p Order number AD-A222 982/lCDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Translating Express to SQL - A User's Guide. National PDES Testbed Report Series National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Morris, K. C 8 May 90 23p Order number PB90-265273CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl U.S. GOSIP - The Challenge Ahead Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Systems and Network Architecture Div. Mills, K. L 1990 5p Order number PB93-129666CDJ Not available NTIS 34 U.S. Joint Service Systems Approach to Training Design Interim Technical Paper Jan 88-Apr 90 Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX; Dynamics Research Corp., Andover, MA. Sorensen, H. B.; Park, J. S. Sep 90 23p Order number AD-A226 960/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl VMS Uses PDES to Integrate CAD/ CAM NTIS Tech Note Department of the Navy, Washington, DC. Jun 90 Ip Order number NTN90-0508CDJ Not Available NTIS 1989 AMRF Part Model Extensions National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Barnard, A. 5 Oct 89 32p Order number PB90-129446CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Annotated Reading List for Concurrent Engineering Final Rept Institute for Defense A nalyses. Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Pennell,J. P.; Slusarczuk, M. G. Jul 89 23p Order number AD-A213 550/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Applications of Concurrent Engineering to Mechanical Systems' Design. Final Report of the Reliability and Maintainability Mechanical Design Study CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 16 Jun 89 lllp Order number PB91-175760CDJ Price ccxJe PC A06/MF AOl Baseline Architecture Analysis of Weapon System. Technical Information - Air Force Draft Rept Johtt A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Sep 89 51p Order number PB92-120377CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl I I CALS Publications Baseline Architecture Analysis of Weapon System. Technical Information - Army, Navy and Air Force Draft Rept John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Sep 89 55p Order number PB92-120385CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Benefit Analysis Report, United States Air Force Technical Order Management Systems (AFTOMS) Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Smith, R. Aug 89 83p Order number AD-A241 659/2CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl CALS (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) Test Network Information Exchange - User's Manual Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 12Jun89 18p Order number DE89016700CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS Baseline Architecture Analysis of Weapons System. Technical Information - Air Force. Draft. Volume 7 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Sep 89 50p Order number AD-A265 330/lCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl CALS Baseline Architecture Analysis of Weapons System. Technical Information - Army, Draft. Volume 8 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Sep 89 58p Order numl^er AD-A265 329/3CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS EXPO '89. 'CALS Impact - A Changing Culture'. Held in Orlando, Florida on December 5-7, 1989 CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 5 Dec 89 70p Order number PB9M75810CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 Class II Reference Drawing Packet - Revision C Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Laivrence Liuer more National Lab., CA. 27 Jan 89 152p Order number DE89012246CDJ Price code PC A08 CALS Test Network Strategic Plan. Final Draft Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 15 Sep 89 63p Order number PB91-175729CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Catalog of Training and Education Sources in Concurrent Engineering Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Nash, S. H. Nov 89 129p Order number AD-A220 493/lCDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). (Latest citations from the Computer Database) Rept. for Jun 84-Oct 89 National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. Order number PB90-854316CDJ Price code PC NOl/MF NOl Computer-Alded Acquisition And Logistic Support Telecommunications Plan Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Doby, J. S. Aug 89 173p Order number AD-A214 042/4CDI Price code PC A08/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) and Small Business CALS Small Business Task Group. Washington. DC. 17 Nov 89 9p Order number PB93-139343CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Gateway Development Final Rept Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Lycas, J. Sep 89 42p Order number AD-A215 529/9CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support. Benefits Working Group Report CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 8 Sep 89 66p Order number PB91-175695CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) DOD/lndustry Steering Group Program Acquisition Manager's Guidelines for Implementing CALS Communications CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. Delaura, F.; Heafner, J.; Lukasik, V.; Ringer, D.; Weinman, M. 1 Apr 89 69p Order number PB92-119445CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Computer-Aided Design for Built-in- Test (CADBIT)-Technical Issues. Volume 1 Final Rept. Sep 86-Sep 88 Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, NY; Grumman Aerospace Corp.. Bethpage, NY. Monahos, T. J. Oct 89 I64p Order number AD-A215 737/8CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl Computer-Aided Design for Built-ln- Test (CADBIT)-BIT (Built-in-Test) Library. Volume 2 Final Rept. Sep 86-Sep 88 Rome Air Development Center. Griffiss AFB, N^'; Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, NY. Baluta. H. Oct 89 315p Order number AD-A215 738 6CDJ Price code PC A14/MF A02 35 CALS Publications Computer-Aided Design for Built-in- Test (CADBIT)-Sottware Specification. Volume 3 Final rept. Sep 86-Sep 88 Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, NY; Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N^'. Kelly. T. Oct 89 146p Order number AD-A215 739/4CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Concurrent Life Cycle Analysis for Launch Vehicle Design Final Rept. on Phase 1 KDT Industries, Inc., Austin, TX. Bilby, C. Aug 89 nip Order numt^er PB93-151462CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Considerations for the Development and Implementation of PDES (Product Data Exchange Specification) within a Government Environment Interim Rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 88 Air Force Wright Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB. OH; Universal Technology Corp., Dayton, OH. Henghold, W. M.; Shumaker, G. C; Baker, L. Feb 89 90p Order number AD-A205 991/3CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Content Data Model (CDM) and Improved Technical Data System (ITDS) Compatibility Analysis Interim Rept. Jan-Jul 88 Air Force Human Resources Lah., Brooks AFB, TX; RJO Enterprises, Inc., Dayton, OH. Schroder, R,; Teall, T. A.; Millhouse, R. Feb 89 77p Order number AD-A205 916/OCDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Cost Considerations of an Integrated Design-Manufacturing-Support System Final Rept Institute for I x-fcnse Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Cheslow, R. T.; McCuliough.J. D. Jun89 sap Order number AD-A21 1 181/3CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Data Exchange Strategy. Part 1. Review of Digital Data Exchange Technology Final Rept David Taylor Research Center, Betbesda. MD. Computation. Mathematics and Logistics Dipt. Brainin, J.; Deeds, L.; Chen, R.; McCarthy, M.; Battey, R Sep 89 108p Order number AD-A218 506/4CDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Data Model and Test Criteria Development for Context Driven Integrated Model A1 Final Rept PDES, Inc.. Charleston, SC. Anderson, B.; Grout, S.; Kimura, K.; Krishnaswami, R.; Langenbach, C. 26 Oct 89 2l6p Order number PB90-226184CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A02 Defense Logistics Agency Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support Security Measures Final Rept KOH Systems, Inc.. Alexandria, VA. Systems Technology Div. 29 Sep 89 71p Order number AD-A238 025/lCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Department of Energy/Contractor Electronic Data Interchange Taskforce - Automated Transportation Management Strategic Plan Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA. Ponsmouth, J. H.; Genoni, S. K. Sep 89 l66p Order number DE90004789CDJ Price code PC A08 Electronic Delivery of Automated Technical Information for Logistics Support of Navy Weapon Systems - Potential, System Description and Status Final Rept Daind Taylor Research Center, Betbesda, MD. Rainey, S. C; Fuller, J. J.; Jorgensen, E. L.; Feb 89 125p Order number AD-A21 1 757/OCDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Engineering Drawing Transfer Test Between Tracor and NAVSEACOMBATSYSENGSTA (Naval Sea Combat System Engineering Station) - MIL-D-28000 Class II (IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)) Lawrence Livermorc National Lab., CA. 10 Oct 89 59p Order number DE90005754CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Engineering Drawing Transfer Test with Douglas Aircraft Company - MIL-D- 28000 Class II (IGES) (Initial Graphics Exchange Specifications) Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 2 May 89 40p Order number DE89012810CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Generic Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing Software Based on the Product Data Exchange Specification National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Fowler, J. E. Sep 89 29p Order number PB90-112459CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl Geometry Model Version 1 B for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item Geometry Model Final Rept PDES Inc., Charleston, SC. Judd,J. 18 Jul 89 281 p Order number PB90-226200CDJ Price code PC A13/MF A02 Geometry Model, Version 1 A for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item Geometry Model Final Rept PDES, Inc., Charleston, SC. Ganus, F.; Ziolko, G.; Fremgen, D.; Kiggans, B.; Yang, Y. 24 Feb 89 181p Order number PB90-226218CDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl 36 CALS Publications Graphics Application Programmer's Interface Standards and CALS (Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Skall, M. W.; Kemmerer, S. J. Oct 89 17p Order number PB90-133091CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Greater Buyer Effectiveness through Automation Final Rept. Logistics Management Inst., Betbesda, MD. Drake, D. J. Jan 89 I47p Order number AD-A206 701/5CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Guidelines for the Specification and Validation of IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Application Protocols Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM; National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NED, Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Building Technology. Harrison, R. J.; Palmer, M. E. Jan 89 lllp Order number PB89-166102CDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Integrated Document, Version 2 for the PDES, Inc. Configuration Item Integrated Model 2 Final Rept PDES, Inc., Charleston, SC 15Jun89 90p Order number PB90-226226CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Interpretation of CAD (Computer Aided Design) Models through IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Interface Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. Nnaji, B. Or.; Kang, T. S. 1989 58p Order number PB90-121294CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Investigation of IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) for CAD/CAE Data Transfer National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Missouri Univ.-Rolla. Dept. of Computer Science. Zobrist, G. W. Oct 89 420p Order number N90-16686/9CDJ Price code PC A18/MF A03 Investigation of IGES for CAD/CAE Data Transfer Final Rept. Jun-Aug 89 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cocoa Beach, FL.fohn F. Kennedy Space Center. Hosier, R.; Armstrong, D. W.; Zobrist, G. W. Oct 89 32p Order number AD-A260 148/2CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl LSAR Seminar. MIL-STD-1388-2B National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. 3 Aug 89 228p Order number PB91-175737CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 Management of Risk and Uncertainty in Product Development Processes Final Rept. Apr-Sep 88 Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Tse, E.; Cralley, W. E. Jun 89 98p Order number AD-A211 196/lCDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl National Institute of Standards & Technology Establishes PDES Testbed NTIS Tech Note Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD. May 89 Ip Order number NTN89-0382CDJ Not Available NTIS New Testbed' will Aid CAD/CAM, Logistics NTIS Tech Note Department of Commerce. Washington. DC; National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg. MD. Apr 89 Ip Order number NTN89-0293CDJ Not Available NTIS OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study Concept Paper. Configuration Management John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Oct 89 25p Order number PB92-120187CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study Concept Paper. Indexing John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Jun 89 27p Order number PB92-120195CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study. Concept Paper. Indexing. Volume 30 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Jan 89 27p Order number AD-A265 325/lCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study. Data Dictionary. Concept Paper. Draft Version 1.2. Volume 29 Transportation Systems Center. Cambridge, MA. Oct 89 25p Order number AD-A265 285/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study. Concept Paper. Security. Volume 38 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge. AM. Jul 89 22p Order number AD-A265 284/OCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study. Concept Paper. Configuration Management. Volume 28 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge. .\LA. Oct 89 25p Order number AD-A265 326/9CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 37 CALS Publications OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan Study. Data Dictionary Concept Paper. Draft Version 1.2 John A Volpc Sational Trarisportatioti Systems Center. Cambridge. MA. Oct 89 26p Order number PB92-120179CDJ Price ccxie PC A03 MF AOl OSD CALS Architecture Master Plan. Study Concept Paper. Security John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Cambridge, MA. 17 Jul 89 22p Order number PB92-120203CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Overview of the IGES/PDES Testing Project. Version 1 .0 National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NED. Gaithersbiirg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Pearson, M. R.; Palmer, M. E.; Crusey, J. L.; Bracken, C. L; Mankins, L. A. Dec 89 33p Order number PB90-150368CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Parser That Converts a Boundary Representation into a Features Representation Catholic Univ. of America, Washington, DC. Kramer, T. R. Feb 89 22p Order number PB89-l60634CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Parser That Converts a Boundary Representation into a Features Representation Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Kramer, T. R. 1989 lOp Order number PB91-203356CDJ Not available NTIS Position of Sandia National Laboratories with Respect to Product Definition Standards Department of Energy. Washington. DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. 12 Oct 89 3p Order number DE90002832CDJ Pnce code PC A02/MF AOl Preliminary CALS Phase 2 Architecture. (D-779-89-01 2) Appleton (D.) Co.. Inc.. Ining. TX; Assistant Secretary of Defe)ise (Production and Logistics). Washington, DC. Cotnputer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. 3 Jul 89 l42p Order number PB92-120344CDJ Price C(xie PC A07/MF A02 Preliminary CALS Phase II Architecture. Volume 19 Appleton (D.) Co.. Inc., Irving. TX. 3 Jul 89 148p Order number AD-A265 340/OCDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 Presentations at CALS Conference (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support). Phase 1.2. Conferences. A DoD/lndustry/NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) Conference. Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Apr 20, 1989, Anaheim, California on Apr 27, 1989 and Gaithersburg, Maryland on May 2, 1989 National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg, MD. Computer Aided Logistics System Support Office. 2 May 89 224p Order number AD-A213 937/6CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A02 Presentations at the Institute for Defense Analyses Concurrent Engineering Workshops, May-June 1988 Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Slusarczuk, M. M. Jun 89 503p Order number AD-A213 412/OCDJ Price code PC A22/MF A03 Proceedings of CALS EXPO '89. 'CALS Impact: A Changing Culture'. Held in Orlando, Florida on December 5-7, 1989 CALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. Dec 89 908p Order number PB91-175828CDJ Price code PC $98.00/MF E06 Product Data Exchange - The PDES Project-Status and Objectives National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL). Gaithersburg. MD. Factor}' Automation Systems Div. Smith, B. M. Sep 89 12p Order number PB90-112426CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Product Definition Data (PDD) Current Environment Report Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Smith, R. May 89 27 Ip Order number AD-A242 659/lCDJ Price code PC A12/MF A03 Product Definition Data System Concept Plan. Version 2.0 John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. May 89 202p Order number PB92-120211CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A03 Product Shape Interface Model for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item Product Shape Interface Model PDES, Inc.. Charleston, SC. Yang, Y. 13 Feb 89 230p Order number PB90-226291CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 Production and Logistics Strategic Plan (Department of Defense) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. May 89 35p Order number PB91-175653CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Publishing Standard Allows for the Transfer of Documents from Author to Publisher NTIS Tech Note Department (f Commerce, Washington, DC; National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg. MD. May 89 Ip Order number NTN89-0342CDJ Not Available NTIS 38 CALS Publications Publishing Systems Structured Test No. 1 - Summary Report SYSCON Corp., San Diego, CAADepartment of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. 10 Aug 89 59p Order number DE89016683CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Reiationship Between Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS) and Concurrent Engineering Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA.^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Wood,;. D.; Winner, R. I. Nov 89 51p Order number AD-A222 714/8CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No. 149. Data Exchange Experiment Between Different CAD Systems by IGES Mechanical Engineering Lab., Sakura Qapan). Sekiguchi, H. C1989 82p Order number PB90-267568CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Role of the National Institute of Standards and Technology as It Relates to Product Data Driven Engineering National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Bloom, H. M. Jul 89 39p Order number PB90-161720CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Second Generation Computer Graphics Standards Leeds Univ. (England); Science and Engineering Research Council, Chilton (England). Rutherford Appleton Lab. Brodlie, K. W.; Hopgood, F. R. A.; Duce, D. A. Sep 89 I4lp Order number PB90-209966CDJ Price code PC E07/MF E07 Structured Analysis and structured Design for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Tasks, LSA Task 302, Support System Alternatives'; LSA Subtask 302.2.1, Viable Support Alternatives; and LSA over Subtask 302.2.2, Alternative Support Concept Update' Final Rept American Power fet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R.; Shepherd, N. Sep 89 51p Order number AD-A257 776/5CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task and the Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element, Structured Analysis - ILS Element E14, Support Management and Analysis Final Rept American Power fet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R. ; Shepherd, N. May 89 71p Order number AD-A260 714/lCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task and the Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element, Structured Analysis - LSA Task Subtask 301.2.5, 'Participate in Formulating Design Alternatives' Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Dulcos, R.; Shepherd, N. Apr 89 30p Order number AD-A259 536/lCDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Structured Analysis for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task and the Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element - Structured Analysis, ILS Review Element El 5, Cost Analysis and Funding Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield. NJ. Duclos, R. Jun 89 68p Order number AD-A259 637/7CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis for the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task and the Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element. Structured Analysis - ILS Assessment Element Ell. Design Influence Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R. Jan 89 lOlp Order number AD-A260 077/3CDJ Price code PC A06/MF A02 Topology Model Version 1 A for the PDES, Inc., Configuration Item Topology Model Final Rept PDES, Inc., Charleston, SC. Ganus, F. Or. 23 Oct 89 153p Order number PB90-226192CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl Transmission of Technical Information Specified in MIL-STD-1840A through the Use of XI 2 EDI Transaction Set 841 Draft Rept National Inst . of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Advanced Systems Div. Saltman, R. G.; Su, D. H. Sep 89 28p Order number PB91-175745CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Use of GKS (Graphical Kernal System) and CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) for the Display of Graphics Products Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab.. CA. Walker, H.; Freis. R. P.; Williams, D. N.; Wimple, C. D. Jan 89 22p Order number DE89006734CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Use of GMAP (Geometric Modeling Applications Interface Program) Software as a PDES (Product Data Exchange Specification) Environment in the National PDES Testbed Project National Inst. ofStandanis and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg. MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Perlotto. K. L. Jun 89 26p Order numl^r PB89-21S198CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 39 CALS Publications Use of the IRDS (Information Resource Dictionary System) Standard in CALS (Computer-Alded Acquisition and Logistic Support) .\atwtutl Inst of StciiuUinls ami Technology (NCSL), Gaitherstnirg. MD. Ieffers(>n. D K.; Furlani. C. M. Sep 89 16p Order number PB90-112467CDJ Price code PC A03/.MF AOl Use of the IRDS Standard In CALS (Revised) Scitwtial hist, of Standards and Technology (NCSL). Gaithershurg. MD. Jefferson, D. K.; Furlani. C. M. Sep 89 I6p Order number PB91-132209CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 1988 Air Force Tech Order Management System (AFTOMS). Automation Plan- Final Report. Version 1.0 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Smith, R. Feb 88 127p Order number AD-A241 661/8CDJ Price code PC A07/MF A02 CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Productivity through Integration' Conference. Held in Gaithersburg, Maryland on October 4-6, 1988 (Presentations from) National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Oct 88 228p Order number PB9M75794CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Productivity through Integration' Conference. Held in Gaithersburg, Maryland on October 4-6, 1988 (Speaker Biographies, Program and Demonstration Schedules) National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Gaithershurg, MD. Oct 88 60p Order number PB91-175802CDJ Price code PC A04/.MF AOl CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Registration for CALS Requirements - A Technical Study Completed for the Computer-Alded Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program - Fiscal Year 1987. Volume 3 National Bureau of Standards (ICST). Gaithersburg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Kemmerer, S. J. Mar 88 298p Order number PB88-192778CDI Price code PC A13/MF AOl Challenges in Product Definition Management Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. Trost, S. R. 14 Apr 88 5p Order number DE88009050CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program Fiscal Year 1987. Volume 4 Technical Rept. Oct 86-Sep 87 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Kemmerer, S. J. Mar 88 425p Order number AD-A261 193/7CDJ Price code PC A18/MF A04 Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program - Fiscal Year 1987. Volume 1 National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Kemmerer, S. J. Mar 88 428p Order number PB88-192752CDJ Price code PC A19/MF AOl Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program - Fiscal Year 1987. Volume 2 National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg. MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Kemmerer, S. J. Mar 88 475p Order number PB88-192760CDJ Price code PC A20/MF AOl Collection of Technical Studies Completed for the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) Program - Fiscal Year 1987. Volume 4 National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg, MD. Information Systems Engineering Div. Wright, T. Mar 88 156p Order number PB88-192786CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl Comparison of CDJTT Group 4 Compression with Wrap-Around and Standard CDJTT Group 4 Compression Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. Garner, B. L.; Lammers, M. 29 Feb 88 66p Order number PB91-175711CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support. Report to the Committee on Appropriations of the United States House of Representatives Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Logistics), Washington, DC 31 Jul 88 57p Order number AD-A265 183/4CDJ Price ccxle PC A04/MF AOl Converting the AMRF Part Model Report to a PDES/STEP Subset - A Preliminary Implementation National Bureau (f Standards (NED, Gaithersburg, MD. Machine Intelligence Group. Lee, Y. T.; Ressler, S. Jul 88 42p Order number PB88-239769CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 40 CALS Publications DARPA Concurrent Design/Concurrent Engineering Worltshop Held in Key West, Florida on December 6-8, 1988 Final Rept Charles Stark Draper Lab., Inc., Cambridge, MA. Dec 88 249p Order number AD-A225 128/8CDJ Price code PC All/MF A02 Demonstration of Interfaces Between Automated Deployment Systems iVIaster's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Breidert, J. E.; Smart, M. J. Mar 88 82p Order number AD-A195 387/6CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Difficulties in Parsing SGML Final Rept National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Systems and Software Technology Div. Heath,;.; Welsch, L. 1988 7p Order number PB91-189456CDJ Not available NTIS DLA Preprovisioning Prototype - A Successful CALS (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) Demonstration Project Final Rept. Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Pincus, B. A.; Dec 88 53p Order number AD-A206 985/4CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Documentation Preparation Under the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) Program - A Review of Applicable Standards Final Rept Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. McDonald, C. W. Sep 88 22p Order number AD-A243 088/2CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DOE (Department of Energy) Data Exchange Format Specification, Mechanical Products/Drafting - Version 1 .3, CADCAM-045 Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Jan 88 36p Order number DE88005495CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl DOEDEF (Department of Energy Data Exchange Format) Software System, Version 2.2 - Operational Instructions Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Meirans, L. Nov 88 271p Order number DE89004455CDJ Price code PC A12/MF AOl DSMC (Defense Systems Management College) CALS (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) Briefing - Program Manager Course Final Rept Evaluation Research Corp., Arlington, VA. Nov 88 91p Order number AD-A207 533/lCDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl DSMC (Defense Systems Management College) CALS (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) Briefing - Management of Acquisition Logistics Course Final Rept Evaluation Research Corp., Arlington, VA. Dec 88 146p Order number AD-A207 534/9CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Electronic Future for Defense Transportation Management Final Rept. Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Heard, T. W.; Bridges, W. M. Jan 88 125p Order number AD-A194 248/lCDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl Exchange Standards for Electronic Product Data Final Rept. Sep 85-Aug 87 Institute for Defense Analyses. Alexandria. VA.^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria. VA. Brei, M. Oct 88 335p Order number AD-A205 729/7CDJ Price code PC A15/MF AOl Global Model for Building-Project Information - Analysis of Conceptual Structures National Bureau of Standards (SELJ, Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Building Technology. Danner, W. F. Apr 88 45p Order numh>er PB88-201546CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Industrial Insights on the DoD Concurrent Engineering Program Pymatuning Group, Inc., Arlington, VA. Oct 88 42p Order number AD-A204 715/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Information Resource Dictionary System -An Integration Mechanism for Product Data Exchange Specification National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NEL), Gaithersburg. MD. Center for Mfg. Engineering. Bloom, H.; Furlani, C; Mitchell, M.; Tyler, J.; Jefferson, D. Oct 88 19p Order number PB89-113559CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Information Resources Management - Systems Communicating with Systems. A Session Especially Designed by Senior Managers for Senior Management Officials. Viewgraphs and Presentations. Intensive One-Day Symposium (Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 3, 1 987) General Senices Administration. Washington, DC 22 Feb 88 203p Order numl^r ED-296 699CDJ Not available NTIS Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) Version 4.0 Final Rept. 1986-1988 National Bureau of Standards (NEL), Gaithersburg. MD. Smith, B.; Rinaudot. G. R.; Reed. K. A.; Wright, T. Jun 88 548p Order number PB88-235-452CDJ Price code PC A23/MF AOl 41 CALS Publications Integration of R and M into the Automated Design Process. Report of the CALS R and M Summer Study on Complex Electronics Jomt DoD ami CUS Industry Skx'hng Committee, Washington. DC. Reliability and Maintai)uihilit}' Integration Task Group. 17 Mar 88 "Ip Order number PB91-175703CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Integration of R and M into the Automated Design Process. Report of the CALS R and M Summer Study on Complex Electronics. Technical Report GALS Industry Steering Group, Washington, DC. 25 Mar 88 59p Order number PB91-175778CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company Technical Order Transfer Tests SYSCOS Corp., San Diego, CA. ^Department of Energy. Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab.. CA. 15 Dec 88 67p Order number DE89008092CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Military Specification - Digital Representation for Communication of Product Data. IGES Application Subsets (Amendment 1) Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 20 Dec 88 41p Order number PB92-962101CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Nuclear Weapons Complex Department of Energy Data Exchange Format (DOEDEF) - Documentation Deliverables for Phase 2.0 Functional Objective, ModelA/iew/Draw Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Ltvermore National Lab., CA. Christensen, M. JunSB 38p Order number DE89001469CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Perspectives, Key Themes, and Remaining Issues Deriving from the CALS Senior Strategy Forum Pymaturiiug Grr/up, Inc , Arlington, VA. Jun88 71p Order number AD-A215 081/lCDJ Price code PC A04/.V1F AOl Presentations at CALS Conference (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support). Phase 1.1. Core Requirements Held in Gaithersburg, Maryland on April 26,1988 National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg, MD. Computer Aided Logistics System Support Office. 26 Apr 88 21 Ip Order number AD-A198 630/6CDJ Price ccxle PC AlO/MF AOl Product Data Exchange Specification - First Working Draft Interim Rept. National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NED, Gaithersburg, MD. Factory Automation Systems Div. Smith, B.; Rinaudot, G. Dec 88 2513p Order number PB89-144794CDJ Price code PC $210./MF $6l. Product Definition Initiative in the Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Complex Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. Wapman, P. D. 17 Aug 88 lOp Order number DE89001495CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Report to the Committee on Appropriations of the United States House of Representatives. Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Program. 31 Jul 88 54p Order number PB92-120351CDJ I'rice code PC A04/MF AOl Report to the Committee on Appropriations of the United States House of Representatives Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics), Washington, DC. 31 Jul 88 60p Order number PB91-175679CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Role of Concurrent Engineering in Weapons System Acquisition Final Rept. Institute for Difetise Analyses. Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Winner, R. I.; PennellJ. P.; Bertrand, H. E.; Slusarczuk, M. M. Dec 88 186p Order number AD-A203 615/OCDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Federal Information Processing Standards (Final) National Inst, of Standards and Technology (NCSL), Gaithersburg, MD. Welsch, L. A. c26 Sep 88 230p Order number FIPS PUB 152CDJ Price code PC E19 Standard Generalized Markup Language - A New User's Perspective Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, IN. Dole, J. 1988 6p Order number DE89000658CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Strategies for Implementing IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) for the Operations of NAVFAC (Naval Facilities Engineering Command) Final Rept. National Bureau of Standards (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Building Technology. Palmer, M. E. Jan 88 44p Order number PB88-157680CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Structured Analysis of the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task, 'Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Assessment Maintenance Planning E- 1 Element' (APJ 966-204) Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R.; Shepherd, N. Oct 88 84p Order number AD-A257 682/5CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl 42 CALS Publications structured Analysis of the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Tasit, and Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element, LSA Subtask 301.2.4.2, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCIVI) Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Riclgefielcl, NJ. Dulcos, R. Jun88 88p Order number AD-A257 690/8CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Structured Analysis of the Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) Task 303, Evaluation of Alternatives and Trade- off Analysis, Subtask 303.2.7, Level of Repair Analysis Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ, Dulcos, R.; Shepherd, N. Aug 88 71p Order number AD-A257 729/4CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured Analysis of the Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) Task, and Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Element, 'Standardization and Interoperability (S and I)' Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R.; Shephed, N. Nov 88 62p Order number AD-A257 775/7CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Structured LSA Task 301 . Functional Requirements Identification. Subtask 301.2.4.1. Failure Mode, Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R.; Shepherd, N. Apr 88 194p Order number AD-A257 781/5CDJ Price code PC A09/MF A03 United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition Logistics Support (CALS) - CAD/CAM/CAE Technology Assessment (1988 - 1998) Version 3.0 Final Draft Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Nov 88 33p Order number AD-A242 309/3CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition Logistics Support (CALS) - CAD/CAM/CAE Current and Future Environment (1988 - 1998). Version 3.0 Final Draft Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Nov 88 53p Order number AD-A242 305/lCDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS) Evolution of Computer integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Technologies Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Nov 88 62p Order number AD-A241 873/9CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS). Logistics Support Analysis Current Environment. Volume 2 Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Smith, R. Oct 88 206p Order number AD-A241 825/9CDJ Price code PC AlO/MF A03 United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS). Logistics Support Analysis Current Environment. Volume 1 Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Smith, R. Oct 88 34 p Order number AD-A241 824/2CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS). Air Force Tech Order Management System (AFTOMS). Automation Plan Final Rept Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA. Feb 88 129p Order number AD-A206 777/5CDI Price code PC A07/MF AOl 1987 28-Entity IGES Test File Results Using Computervision Cadds 4X National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, Houston Univ. at Clear Lake City, TX. Kuan, A.; Shah, S.; Smith, K. Aug 87 39p Order number N91-13099/7CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl After Ten Years of Metafiles - Where Does the Computer Graphics Metafile Fit Department of Energy, Washington. DC; Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Reed, T. N. 1987 8p Order number DE88001840CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Assessment of DoD and Industry Networks for Computer Aided Logistics Support (CALS) Telecommunications Final Rept. Logistics Management Inst.. Bethesda, MD. DeLaura, F. L; Sharp, S. J.; Clark. R. Jun 87 150p Order number AD-A188 562/3CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Boundary Integral Technique for Performing Analysis of Two- Dimensional Volumes of Revolution Department of Energy. Washington. DC; Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Dolin, R. M. Aug 87 80p Order number DE87013053CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl CADCAM-005 - An Introduction to the Data Exchange Process Using IGES Department of Energy. Washington. LXJ: Sandia National Labs.. Albuquerque. NM. Kelly, J. C; Parks. R. E.; Saylors, D. B. Mar 87 36p Order number DE87008079CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl 43 CALS Publications Computer Aided Logistics Support - A Program Overview Associdtion of Scientists and Engineers of the Xiiidl Sc'd S\stcms Commaml. Washington. DC. Calogero. R.; DeTolla.J. Mar 87 22p Order nunilxr AD-A183 948/9CDI Price axle PC A02/MF AOl DOE (Department of Energy) Data Exchange Format Specification, Mechanical Products/Drafting - Version 1.2.2 - CADCAM-045 Department of Energy, Washington. DC; Sandia National Labs.. Albuquerque. NM. Sep 87 38p Order numlier DE88001923CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Electronic Data Interchange In Defense Transportation Final Rept. Logistics Management Inst.. Bethesda, MD. Heard, T. W.; Ledder, W. R. Oct 87 185p Order number AD-A196 468/3CDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Final NBS (National Bureau of Standards) Report for CALS (Computer Aided Logistic Support), FY86 Sational Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg. MD. Center for Programming Science and Technology. Kemmerer, S. J. May 87 547p Order number PB88-113394CDJ Price code PC A23/MF AOl IGES Electrical Test - CADCAM-035 Defxirtment of Energy. Washington. DC Sandia Sational Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Parks, R. E. Mar 87 43p Order number DE87007525CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Initial Graphics Exchange Specifications (IGES) Standard Expanded for CAD Data NTIS Tech Note Lk'/Kinnicnl 'f Commerce. Washington. DC; Sational Bureau of Standard's, Gaithersburg, MD. Jan 87 Ip Order number NTN87-0008CDJ Price code Introduction to MIDS. Materials and Parts Availability Control Information Data System Army Materiel Den'lopment and Readiness Command. Alexandria, VA. 15 Feb 87 37p Order number PB91-175646CDI Price code PC A03/MF AOl LSATask. Subtask 301.2.1. 'Operational and Support Functional Requirements Identification Task Report'; and Subtask 301.2.2, 'Unique Functional Requirements' Final Rept American Power Jet Co., Ridgefield, NJ. Duclos, R.; Shepherd, N. Dec 87 53p Order number AD-A257 777/3CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Navy Acquisition Streamlining Course and Instructor's Guide Advanced Technology, Inc., Reston, VA. Jan 87 378p Order number PB90-780255CDJ Price code PC A17/MF A02 NBS (National Bureau of Standards) Research Reports, December 1987 National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD. Dec 87 37p Order number PB88-170022CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Product Definition Management - The Next Challenge Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Lawrence Litvrmore National Lab., CA. Trost, S. R. 10 Mar 87 l6p Order number DE87011920CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Recreation of the 28-Entity IGES Test RIe Using the Computervision Cadds 4X National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC; Houston (hiiv. at Clear Lake City, TX. Kuan, A.; Shah, S.; Smith, K. Aug 87 73p Order number N91-13100/3CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Reference Guide for IGVIEW, an IGES- Compatible (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Geometry System DepartmetU of Energy, Washington, DC; Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Dolin, R. M; Jaeger, D. L. Aug 87 128p Order number DE87013441CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Reference Implementation for SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) (for Microcomputers) Software National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD. Systems and Software Technology Div. Heath, J. Sep 87 2 diskettes Order number PB87-235115CDJ Price code $140. Strategic, Organizational and Standardization Aspects of Integrated Information Systems. Volume 6 Final rept. Sep 86-Jan 88 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Gupta, A.; Madnick, S. Dec 87 259p Order number AD-A195 855/2CDJ Price code PC A12/MF AOl United States Air Force Computer- Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support ( CALS) Technical Order System Description Final Technical Rept. Transportation Systems Ccmter, Cambridge, MA. LaPointe, J. Oct 87 96p Order number AD-A206 842/7CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Wilson-Fowler Spline in a Global IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Coordinate Frame Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Los Alamos National Ixtb., NM. Dolin, R. M. Sep 87 109p Order number DE88001942CDJ Price code PC A06/MF AOl 44 CALS Publications 1986 CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) - It All Starts with Product Definition Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, TN. Stephens, A. E. 29 Dec 86 l6p Order number DE87004198CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl CIM - It All Starts with Product Definition Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN. Stephens, A. E. 29 Dec 86 19p Order number AD-A261 291/9CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Comparison of SDF (Standard Data Format) and IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Translators for PATRAN/CADAM Communication Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN. Bradley,;. P.; Cain, W. D.; Chipley, K. K.; Domm, T. C; Gray, W. H. 1986 20p Order number DE88007256CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Category - Software Standard. Subcategory - Graphics Federal Information processing standards (Final) American National Standards Inst., New York; National Bureau of Standards (ICST), Gaithersburg, MD. Benigni, D. 1986 343p Order nuinber PIPS PUB 128CDJ Price code PC El 3 DOE DEF RIM-To-IGES. File Writer Documentation Manual Department ofEncrgv. Washington, DC; Allied Corp.. Kansas City, MO. Bendix Kansas City Div. Fritsche, K. L.; Leaier AD-A265 439/OCDI Price ccxle PC A06MF A02 Report to the Committees on Appropriations of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Automated Logistic Systems. Part 1 and Part 2 Assistant Secrctufy of Defense (Acquisition and Logistics). Washington. DC. 28 Mar S6 106p Order numtx-r PB91-rS66lCDI Price code PC A06, MF AOl 45 CALS Publications Text Standard Generalized Markup Language. Automated Technical Order System (ATOS) Technical Rept Ckitalogics. Inc.. Chicago, IL 23 May 86 187p Order number AD-A168 137/8CDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl 1985 and earlier Analysis of Three-Dimensional Splines and Their Application to the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Depiirtmcnt uf Energy: Washington, DC; Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Dolin, R. M. Aug 85 234p Order number DE86(X)1241CDJ Price code PC All/MF AOl Automated Carrier Interface Project - An Application of Electronic Data Interchange in Ocean Transportation. Volume 1. Executive Summary Final Rept. Jun 81-Jul85 Council of American-Flag Ship Operators, Washington. DC. Troup, K. Jul 85 24p Order numl:>er PB86-144151CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl COMPRS;DECOMP; Text Compression of IGES Files Software Bendix Corp., Kansas City, MO. Christensen, N. C. 1985 mag tape Order number DE86057865CDJ Price code T12 Electronic Exchange of Transportation Shipment Information Logistics Management Inst., Bethesda, MD. Heard, Thomas W.; Ledder, WiJliam R. Nov 85 39p Order number AD-A161 899/OCDJ Price cfxle PC A03/MF AOl IGES (Initial Graphic Exchange Specification) Translator Analysis for Autofact '85 Department of Energy, Washington. DC; Allied Corp., Kansas City. MO. Bendix Kansas City Div. Bradford, J. Oct 85 36p Order numlx?r DE86001296CDJ Price ccxie PC A03/MF AOl IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) T, E, and S Test Outline Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Allied Corp., Kansas City, MO. Bendix Kansas City Div. Theilen, D. Jul 85 9p Order number DE85016929CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl IGES/RIM Parser & Converter; IGES to RIM DBMS Software Sandia Labs., Livermore, CA. Isler, R. E. 1985 mag tape Order number DE860577 1 2CDJ CPT99 IGES/RIM Parser/Converter Users Guide Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Livermore, CA. Isler, R. E. May 85 6lp Order number DE85011965CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Making IGES Work for CAD/CAM Data Exchange Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Ames, A. L.; Fletcher, S. K. 1985 6p Order number DE85015570CDJ Price ccxie PC A02/MF AOl PDES; FIPS Standard Data Encryption Algorithm Software Lawrence Liix'rmore National Lab., CA. Nessett, D. N. 1985 mag tape Order number DE86057839CDJ Price code T12 Product Data Exchange Standard (PDES) Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Kelly, J. C. 1985 77p Order number DF85017637CDJ Price code PC A05/MF AOl Reference Guide for Using IGVIEW, an IGES Compatible Geometry Display, Editing, and Analysis System Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Dolin, R. M.; Jaeger, D. L Dec 85 46p Order number DE86007190CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Report of the Joint Industry - DoD Task Force on Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS). Volume 1. Summary Final Rept. Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. ^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Riddell, Frederick R.; Gunkel, Richard A.; Beiser, George; Goldstein, Siegfried; Lepisto, Bruce Jun 85 182p Order number AD-A161 777/8CDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Report of the Joint Industry - DoD Task Force on Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS). Volume 2. Report of Policy and Legal Constraints Subgroup Final Rept. Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA.^Shared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Riddell, Frederick R.; Gunkel, Richard A.; Beiser, George; Goldstein, Siegfried; Lepisto, Bruce Jun 85 175p Order number AD-A161 778/6CDJ Price ccxie PC A08/MF AOl 46 I CALS Publications Report of the Joint Industry - DoD Task Force on Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS). Volume 3. Report of Architecture Subgroup Final Rept. Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VAAShared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Riddell, Frederick R.; Gunkel, Richard A.; Beiser, George; Goldstein, Siegfried; Lepisto, Bruce Jun85 327p Order number AD-AI6I 779/4CDJ Price code PC A15/MF AOl Report of the Joint Industry - DoD Task Force on Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS). Volume 4. Report of information Requirements Subgroup Final Rept. Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VAASbared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Riddell, Frederick R.; Gunkel, Richard A.; Beiser, George; Goldstein, Siegfried; Lepisto, Bruce Jun85 195p Order number AD-AI6I 780/2CDJ Price code PC A09/MF AOl Report of the Joint Industry - DoD Task Force on Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS). Volume 5. Report of Technical issues Subgroup Final Rept. Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VAASbared Bibliographic Input; Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA. Riddell, Frederick R.; Gunkel, Richard A.; Beiser, George; Goldstein, Siegfried; Lepisto, Bruce Jun 85 264p Order numlier AD-AI6I 781/OCDJ Price code PC A12/MF AOl Report on Standards and Specifications for the Rapid Acquisition of {Manufactured Parts National Bureau of Standards (NEL), Gaithersburg, MD. Center for Mfg. Engineering. 14 Oct 85 133p Order number PB91-175687CDJ Price ccxle PC A07/MF AOl Solid Modeling and IGES Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Allied Corp., Kansas City, MO. Bendix Kansas City Div. Christen.sen, N. C. Sep 85 4p Order number DE86000528CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl SPLPKG;WFCi\/IPR;WFAPPX; Wilson- Fowler Spline Use Software Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Fletcher, S. K. 1985 mag tape Order number DE86057736CDJ Price code T12 Standard Generalized Markup l-anguage - A Technique for Document Interchange Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. Mason, J. D. 1985 6p Order number DE86011504CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Approach to Interfacing Data Bases In WWMCCS ADP Master's Thesis Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. McCoy, S. K. Mar 84 67p Order number AD-A146 350/4CDJ Price code PC A04/MF AOl Architectural Relationships Between SGML and ODA/ODIF Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Oak Ridge National Lab., IN. Mason, J. D. 1984 14p Order number DE85000986CDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification), a Key Interface Specification for CAD/CAM Systems Integration Final Rept. National Bureau of Standards (NEL). Gaithersburg. MD. Automated Production Technology Dir. Smith, B.; Wellington, j. 1984 8p Order number PB86-209897CDI Not available NTIS Impact of IPAD (Integrated Program for Aerospace Design) on CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer- Aided Manufacturing) Database University Research Military Academy, West Point, NY. Leach, L. M.; Wozny, M.J. 1984 17p Order number AD-P003 183/lCDJ Price code PC A02/MF AOl Initial Graphics Exchange Specification For Solid Models Is Extended NTIS Tech Note Department of Commerce, Washington, DC Dec 84 Ip Order number NTN84-0958CDJ Not available indivi Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) Version 2.0 Rept. for May 80- Nov 82 Air Force ICAM Program, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; National Bureau of Standards. Washington, DC. National Engineering Lab. Smith, Bradford; Brauner, Kalman; Kennicott, Philip; Liewald, Michael; Wellington, Joan Feb 83 341p Order number PB83-137448CDJ Price code PC A15/MF AOl Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Test Library, Version 1 .3 Rept. for 30 Sep 81-28 Feb 83 Air Force ICAM Program. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; National Bureau of Standards. Washington. DC. National Engineering Lab Smith, B.; Liewald, M. Sep 83 225p Order number PB84-10214-1CDJ Price ccxle PC AlO MF AOl Spline Transfer Through IGES - CADCAM-001 Departmetu of Energy. Washington. DC; Sandia National Labs.. Albuquerque. NM. Fletcher, S. K. Oct 83 26p Order number DE84002^57CDJ Price ccxle PC A03/MF AOl 47 CALS Publications IGES Data Exchange Between Dissimilar CAD-CAM Systems lX'p(irtmcnt of tlnergy; Washington, DC; Bendix Corp.. Kansas City, MO. Theilen, D. F; Jones, J. F. Apr 82 28p Order number DE82013885CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl IGES Data Exchange Between Dissimilar CAD-CAM Systems Department of Energy; Washington, DC; Bendix Corp.. Kansas City, MO. Theilen, D. F. Jun82 37p Order number DE82016948CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl A Technical Briefing on the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) Rept. for Jan 80-Jun 81 Air Force ICAM Program. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. National Engineering Lab. Kelly, J. C; Wolf, Robert; Kennicott, Philip; Nagel, Roger N.; Wellington, Joan Jul 81 136p Order number PB81-238719CDJ Price code PC A07/MF AOl Evaluation Report on the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) Laurence Livermore National Lab., CA. 5 Jan 81 44p Order number AD-A956 155/6CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Evaluation Report on the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification OGES) Department of Energy, Washington, DC; California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. 5 Jan 81 44p Order number ADA-956155CDJ Price code PC A03/MF AOl Development of an Electronic Data Interchange System for Port and Public Marine Terminal Management Final rept. 30 Sep 78-30 Sep 79 Maritime Administration. Washington, DC. Office of Port and Inter modal Development; Aritic Research Corp., Annapolis, MD. Pruitt, G. C1979 173p Order number PB80-124134CDJ Price code PC A08/MF AOl 48 Index Access Configuration Management Concept 20 Accounting Data Format Standardization with 3 Acquisition Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd) 17 Best Value Acquisition Symposium 2 CALS Architecture Study. Report 18 CALS Baseline Architecture Analy 35 CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Prod 40 CALS-HSC Data Element Dictionary 9 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 35 Data Exchange Strategy. Part 1 36 Effects on Weapon Systems' Produ 5 Electronic Data Interchange in U 11 Implementing Electronic Data Int 6 Improving Supply Management -Th 12 Industrial Insights on the DoD C 41 Introduction to MIDS. Materials 44 Military Handbook - Computer-Aid 30 Paperless Material Inspection an 24 Perspectives, Key Themes, and Re 42 Presentations at the Keynote Ses 24 Proceedings of CALS EXPO '89. 'C 38 RAMP Produa Data Translation Sy 15 Rapid Acquisition of Manufacturi 15 Acquisition Logistics Potential Improvements in the Lo 24 ADAM (Aviation I>iagnostics and Maintenance) Aviation Diagnostics and Mainten 18 Advanced Composites Innovative Life Cycle Management 23 Aerospace Industry Government/Contractor Developmen 6 Air Force Planning Software Product Data (SPD) Cun 33 Air Force Procurement Baseline Arcliitecture Analysis or 34 Department of tlie Air Force CALS 21 Production Definition Data Autom 32 United States Air Force Computer 43, 44 Air Force Systems Command Integrated Infomution Sup[X)rt S 30 Air Force Training Training Systenxs for Maintenance 34 Aircraft Components Engineering Drawing Transfer Tes 36 Aircraft Construction Materials Lessons Learned for Composite St 23 Aircraft Design Changing Nature of Design 9 Concurrent Engineering in Design 20 Lessons Learned for Composite St 15 Aircraft Maintenance Aviation Diagnostics and Mainten 18 Aircraft Production Government/Contractor Developmen 6 Aircraft structures Concurrent Engineering in Design 20 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) DOD Implementation Guidelines fo 21 AP (Application Protocol) Validating STEP Application Mode 26 Aperture Cards Comparison of CDJTT Group 4 Comp 40 Apparel Manufacturing Proceedings of the Annual Academ 32 Application Protocols Initial Graphics Exchange Specif 6 Proceedings of the AP Validation 7 Prototype Application Protocol f 7 Shtolo-Converting STEP Short lis 8 Architecture (Computers) Entwurf Fines Modells der Verarb 11 Generic Architecture for Compute 36 Armed Forces Procurement DSMC (Defense Systems Management 41 Army Procurement Baseline Architecture Analysis o 35 DSMC (Defense Systems Management 41 Astronomy STELAR - An Experiment in the El l6 Australia Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 9 Automated Manufacturing Research Facility AMRF Part Model Extensions 34 Parser That Converts a Boundary 38 VMS Uses PDES to Integrate CAD/C 34 Automatic Maximization of Automatic Paymen 23 Automatic Control Evaluation of Automated Decision 45 L'Ingenierie Concourante (Q^ncur 23 Automatic Indexing OSD CALS Architecture Master Pla 37 Automation CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Prod 40 CALS EXPO '89. 'CALS Dnpact - A 35 CALS-Markup Requirements and Genl, 2, 19 Electronic Data Interchange in P 29 Lnproving Pixxtirement through Pr 12 Intelligent Automated Prcxess Pi I Paperless Material Inspection an 24 Paf:)erless Procurement - Tlie Impa 14 Prcxluct Definition Data (FDD) Cu 38 Prcxluction Definitic)n Data Autom }>1 Re[X)rt on StandiircLs and Si">ecil~ic 47 Report to tlie Comminees on Appr 45 Strategic Plan for tlie Fattor\- A 8 Teclutical Program of tlie Factory 17 Autonomy Avoin EDI (Open EDI) 8 Auxiliary Equipment (Computers) National Teclinical Report. Vol 30 B Ballistic Missile Defense Recent results from llie Spacecra 7 Spacecraft fabrication and te.st 16 Benchmarking Initial Grapliics Exchange Specif 47 Benefit Cost Analysis Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 20 Implementation of OLTRS witliin D 23 Benefits Benefit Analysis Report, United 35 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 Bibliographies Annotated Reading List for Concti 34 Computer Aided Acquisition and L 2, 27 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 35 Computer Graphics Standards. (La 3 Concurrent Engineering. (Latest 1 Electronic Data Interchange - Bu 1, 5 Electronic Data Interchange Soft 5 Electronic Data Interchange. (La 11 Manufacturing Standards. (Latest 13 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 33 Binary Data Military Specification - Raster 14 Bioengineering Control System Software, Simulat 21 BSM (Business Scenario Modelling) Traasfoniiing Cross- Industry Prac 26 Building Global Model for Building-Projec 41 Business Gateway to Total Participation 22 Businesses Electronic Data Interchange. (La 11 Traasfoniiing Cro.ss- Industry Prac 26 c CCodes CALS Te.st Nct^\ork .\lIL-D-28003 CG 19 CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) Integration of R and M into tlie -il Calibrating New \'ideo Describes CALS Program 31 CALS Air Force Tech Order Management 40 Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd) 17 Applications of CxMiairrent Engin 34 A\T;ition Diagnastics and Mainten 18 Ba.seline .-Vaiiitecture .Analysis or 34, 35 Benefit Analysis Report, United 35 Best Value Acxqulsition Syinjxxsium 2 CALS - Making It Hap|XMi. Paxeed 18 CALS - Tlie Time Is Now. C\LS EXP 2~ CALS 101 - An Introductorv" 0\&t\ IS CALS ArcliitectuR? Study. Report 18 CALS Dat;t Protection Matrix for 19 49 Index CALS Database Usage aiul An.il\-sis 19 C\LS EXIK:) 88. -Qualilv and PrkI 40 CA.LS HXl^O W, CALS liiipatl - A 35 CMS ExjxV 92 (5tJi). 'Qualyst t" 8 CAiS EXPO 92 - IDEF Nkxleling. A 8 CALS Industn- Steering Group (IS 19 CALS Intbnii.ili()n Tctlinology Brie 2 CALS Inlrastnittua' .\nalysLs 27 CALS Mailing list (for Microcomp 8 CALS Phase 2 - Data Security Lss 27 CALS Standards Overview 19 CALS Test Network Handtxxik, July 19 CALS Test Netv^ork .\ULD-28003 CG 19 CALS Test Network Strategic Plan 35 CALS Testing - Programs. Status 9 CALS Traijiing Criteria Fomiulate 27 CALS-Aulonuted Interchange of Te 19 CALS-CE Industry- Steering Group 9 CALS-Contraaor Integrated Techn 9, 19 CALS-Department of Defense Acqui 19 CALS-Deparunent of Defease Compu 19 CALS-Digital Representation for 19 CALS-Markajp Requirements and Gen 19 CALS-Raster Graphics Representat 19 CALS/CE Bulletin Board User Guid 2, 9 CALS/CE Government and Industry 2 CALS CE IndiLstry Steering Group 9 Charter of the CALS-CE Industry 9 Collection of Technical Studies 20, 27 (Comparison of CDJTT Group 4 Q)mp 40 ([ximix^ndium of Occasional Papers 9 Cxjmputer Aided Acquisition and L 2, 27 Computer Aided Logistics Support 44 Computer Assisted Data Acceptanc 20 Computer-Aided Acquisition ... 9, 10, 20, 35 Concurrent Engineering Technical 20 CTN Summary^ of DSREDS, EDGARS, E .... 10 Data Object Classification -A N 10 Database Language SQL - Integrat 10 Depanment of Defease Corporate 21 Department of tlie Air Force CALS 21 Department of tlie Navy CALS Arch 10 Detailed De.sign Specification fo 3 Development Plan - STEP (Zonforma 21 DoDs Ttx:hnical Informatif)n Publ 21 Draft Uandl"xx)k of Q)n(.\irrent Eng 11 Draft .Military Sjxxification - M 21, 22 Draft Report on Backfming Prog 22 DSMC (Defease Systems Management 41 EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Emerging Hypermedia Standards - 22 Engineering Data Transfer Test w 11 Engineering Data TraasfeiTest wi 11 Enhanced Evaluation. Selection a 11 First Principles of 0)ncurrent E 22 Framewf)rk for Developing a CALS 29 Graphics .Standards in the Q)mput 29 iLs. Cm. C^Ls du Qjncept a la Mi 23 Implementation of OI.TR.S within D 23 ImprfAing Supply .Management - Th 12 Incentives and Funding Mechanism 30 Incorporating CALS Requirements 12 Integration of R and M into tlie 42 Integr.ition of iJie Air Force Q)n 30 Introtiutlion to Graphical User I 13 joint CALS-CE lndastry-(3overnmen 23 LSAR Seminar, MIL-STD-1388-2B 37 Military- .S]X"tification - Digital 13, 23, 42 Military Sixxiilcation - Markup 23 Military Sjxxification - Raster 14 Military Specification. Data Bas 14 Military Sixxrification. Digital 14 Military Si^cihcation. Manuals 14 Militarv' Specification. Quality 14 Military Standard - Automated In 14 Military Standards for CITIS - P 14 Model Risk Asses.sment of CALS In 23 National Initiative for Prcxiua 23 NATO Industry Advisc:)ry Group Rep 14 Navy CALS Visioa Draft 2.0 30 Next Generation Documents 14 NIAG Report on tlie Applicability 24 NIST CGM Infomiation Pack for Te 24 NIST Support of tlie CALS Program 24 OSD CALS Arclaitecture Master Pla 37, 38 Overview of the Document Style S 14 Perspectives, Key Tliemes, and Re 42 Preliminary CALS Plia.se 2 Arcliite 38 Premieres Conclusions d'UN Group 24 Presentations at CALS (inference 38 Presentations at the Keynote Ses 24 Prcxedures Manual for Testing CG 15 Proceedings of CALS EXPO '89. 'C 38 Proceedings of the AP Validation 7 Produa Data Exchange Ba,seline A 15 Produa Definition Data (PDD) Cu 38 Prcxiua Definition Data Standard 45 Product Definition Data System C 38 Production and Logistics Strateg 38 Prcxluaion Definition Data Autom 32 Que.stioas and Aaswers You May Ha 15 Ra.ster Data Transfer Test Using 15 Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and 7 Ra.ster Grapliics Validation l6 Relatioaship Between CALS and Co 32 Relatioaship Between Computer-Ai 39 Report on Standards and Specific 47 Repon on tlie Potential Legal Is 16 Report on tlie Ra.ster Capabilitie 16 Report to tlie Committee on Appro 42 Report to the Committees on Appr 45 Requirements and Recommendatioas 16 Results of tlie Work of the Inter 25 SQL3 Support for CALS Applicatio 25 Status Report for Second Quarter 16 Survey of CALS Manpower and Pens 25 Survey of Training fX'vcMopment S 26 Technical Publication Transfer T ..26, 33, 34 Traasforming Cros.s- Industry Prac 26 Traasformr - A Prototype STEP Ex 17 TRW CALS COTS Product Guide, Sec 17 United .States Air Force 0)mputer 43 Use of tlie IRDS (Information Res 40 Use of the IRDS Standard in CALS 40 50 CALS (Computer-AJded Acquisition and Logistic Air Force CALS Business Practice 1 CALS Ba.seline Architecture Analy 35 CALS EXI^O '88. 'Quality and Prod 40 CALS Infra.structure Analysis. Dr 27 CALS-Aulomaled Interchange of Te 1, 2 CALS-Q:)ntractor Integrated Teclin 1 , 2 CALS-Department of Defense Compu .... 1, 2 CALS-Digital Representation for 1, 2 CALS-HSC Data Element Dictionary 9 CALS-Markup Requirements and (jen .... 1, 2 CALS-Raster Graphics Representat 1 , 2 Collection of Teclinical Studies 19, 40 computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 40 DSMC (Defease Sy.stems Management 41 Integration of R and M into the 42 Navy CALS Visioa Draft 2.0. Vol 30 Navy/Marine Q)r[>s Manager's De.sk 7 OSD CALS Architecture Ma.ster Pla 37 Preliminary CALS Plia.se II Arcliit 38 Pre.sentatioas at CALS Conference 42 Technical Publication Transfer T 26, 33 Canada Industry Seaor Analy.sis, Canada 6 Cargo Handling Doing Business with DoD U.sing El 5 Cargo Transportation Potential Military Application or 32 Catalogs (Publications) Distributed Publishing of Electr 21 CD ROM Overview of tlie Product Data Hyp 31 CE (Concurrent Engineering) CALS-CE Industry .Steering Group 9 Draft Handlxx)k of (Concurrent Eng 11 Joint CALS-CE Industry-Govemmen 23 CeramicMaterials composites - Materials of tlie Fu 9 CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Collection of Technical Studies 19, 27 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 3 Detailed De.sign Specification fo 3 Incorjxirating CALS Recjuirements 12 NIST CGM Infonnation Pack forTe 24 Procedures Manual for Testing CG 15 Chemically-Sensitive Microsensor Evaluation of an Interdigitated 29 Chips (Electronics) MCM/Chip Conctirrent Engineering 13 CIM (Corporate Information Management) lOepamnent of Defense COiporate 21 Circuit Testers •Symbolic Mcxlel Checking. An Appr 17 CIRP (International Institute for Production International Workshop on Concur 13 cms (Contractor Integrated Technical Inform CALS-Contractor Integrated Index Techn 1, 2, 9, 19 Enlianced Evaluation, Selection a 11 Guide for Specifying and Buildin 12 Introduction to Graphical User I 13 Military Standards for CITIS - P 14 Clothing Prcxeedings of tlie Annual Academ 32 Clothing Industry Apparel STEP Traaslator 18 Extending the Standard for tlie E 29 Information Technology Vision fo 13 Prototyjoe Application Protcxx)l f 7 Report on Scoping tlie Apparel Ma 7 User's Guide for tlie Apparel STE 17 CMS (Configuration Management System) Q)nfiguration Management Concept 20 Conunand and Control Raster data transfer test using 32 Command and control systems Approach io Interfacing Data Bas 47 Commerce Electronic Data Interchange 22 Implementation of Electronic Dat 6 Strategic Plan for Electronic Co 8 Commercial Aircraft Process and Assembly Plans for L 24 Commercial Communications Data Format Standardization with 3 Security Management of Electroni 7 Communication Equipment Efficient Approach to Systems Ev 5 National Teciinical Repc:)rt, Vol 30 Cooununication Satellites Iridium (Tm) System - Personal C 6 Communications Modernization of Defense Logisti 23 Comparison Comparison of ISO 10303 Part 47 9 Compensation Data Format Standardization with 3 Competition Use of Information and Manufactu 17 Complex Systems Fuzzy Simulation in Conc\irrent E 12 Composite PDES Application Protcx'ol Suite 24 Composite Materials Advanced Materials AsjiecLs of Co 17 Composites - Materi;ils of tlie Fu 9 Concurrent Engijieering for ComjX) 20- Lessons Learned for Com[x\site St 23 PDES Application Protcx-ol Suite 15 Textiles and Composites '92. Sym 17 Composite Structures Innovative Life Cycle Maiugement 23 Lessons Learned for Comjxxsite St 23 Process and Assembly Phins for L 24 Compressed Air Energy Storage Prefeasibility Study c^n Compress 24 Compression COMPRS 46 Computational fluid dynamics NASA- IGES Geometry Data Exchange 14 Computer Aided design 28-Entity IGES Test File RestjlLs 43 3D Piping IGES Application Proto 8, 26 A Technical Briefing on tlie Init 48 Apparel STEP Traaslator 18 Application Protcxol for CAD to 1 Bidirectional Traaslator Between 26 CAD Product Data Exchange - Conv 18 CAD/CAM Product Data Standards 27 CADCAM-005 - An Intrcxluction to 43 CALS-Q)ntractor Integrated Techn 19 CALS-Digital Representation for 1, 2, 19 CALS-RSC Data Element Dictionary 9 CALS- Raster Graphics Representat ... 1, 2, 19 CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) 40 Challenges in Prcxlua Definition 40 Collection of Technical Studies 19, 40 Comparison of SDF (Standard Data 45 Computer-Aided AcquLsition and L .... 20, 40 (Computer- Aided Design for Built- 35, 36 Conctirrent Engineering Teclinical 20 Cxjncurrent Engineering. (Latest 1 Concurrent Life Cycle Analysis f 36 Design Evaluation for Personnel, 28 Design Knowledge Management Syst 10, 28 Digital Representation for Commu 28 DOE (Department of Energy) Data .... 41, 44 DOEDEF (Department of Energy Dat 41 DOEDEF KERNEL User's Guide. Vers 45 Draft Handtxx)k of Concurrent Eng 11 Draft Report on Backfitting Prog 22 Enabling Technologies for Unifie 22 Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Engineering Drawing Transfer Tes 29 Evaluation Rei^art on llie Initial 48 Exchange Standards for Electroni 41 Feature Modelling and Conversion 11, 12 Fed-X - Tlie NIST Express Traasla 12 Fiail NBS (Naticmal Bureau of St 44 Graphic Standirds — ^Tlie Cuaent S 45 Guidelines ior tlie Specification 37 IGES (Initial Grapliics Exchange 47 IGES 4.0 to LCAD Translator for 6 IGES Efficiency Evaluation 29 IGES Electrical Test - CADCAM-03 4h Us, C^, Cals du Q)ncept a la Mi 23 Impact of IPAD (Integrated Progr 47 Initial Grapliics Exchange Si-)ecif 13, Hi. 44, 47 Integraticm of Design, Tlienaal 6 Inter]->retation of CAD (Qimputer 37 Intrcxluction to tlie NIST PDES To 30 bive.stigation of IGES (Initial G 37 Investigation of \G¥S for CAD/CA 37 L'Ingenierie Q)ncourante (Q')ncur 23 MCM/Cliip Conaiaent Engineering 13 Militarv- Sixjcitlcation. Digital l4 NASA-IGES Geometrs' Data E\cli;inge l4 Navy CALS VLsion. Draft 2.0. \bl 30 Neutral Foriiut for Hi\L\ .Manufacai yj New Testbed' will Aid CAD/CAM, 37 NIST Expre.ss Working Form Progra ... 14, 31 NIST STEP Working Fomi Programme 31 NIST Step Working Fonn Programme 31 NIST Working Fomi for STEP. NaU 31 Nuclear Weapons Cbmplex Departme 42 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 Premieres Conclusions d'UN Group 24 Presentations at the Keynote Ses 24 Product Data Exchange - The PDES 38 RAMCAD (General Dynamics, San Di 15 Recreation of tlie 28-Entity IGES 44 Report of Meclianical Engineering 39 Requirements and Recommendatioas 16 Software Design Specification fo 16 Solid Modeling and IGES 47 Spline Traasfer Tlirough IGES - C 47 SPU^KG 47 Status Report for First Quarter, 16 Strategies for Implementing IGES 42 Teclinical Publication Traasfer T 34 Technology for Manpower, Personn 8 Test Plan for Validating a Conte 26 Tolerance Model Version 2 for th 34 United States Air Force Computer 43 User's Guide for die Apparel STE 17 Validation Testing Laboratory Us 26 VMS Uses PDES to Integrate CAD/C 34 Computer Aided Engineering Investigation of IGES for CAD CA 37 United States Air Force Computer 43 Computer Aided Instruction CALS Baseline Architecture Analy 35 Cbmputer-Based Instructional Tec 10 Instructional Systems Developmen 30 Training Systems for Maintenimce 34 Computer Aided Manufacturing AMRF Part Model Exteasioas 3^ CAD/CAM Produa Data Standards, 27 CADCAM-005 - An Intrcxluction to 43 CALS Industry- Steering Group (IS 19 CGM (Computer Graphics .Metafile) 40 CIM (Cx)mputer-Integrated .Manufac 45 CIM - It All Starts v-itii Paxiuct 45 Qillection of Technical Studies 19. 40 Q)mputer-Aicied Acquisition and L 20 Qmceptual .'Architecture for a .Me 20 Conctirrent Engineering Teclinic~al 20 Concurrent Engineering tJircxigh P 20 Qmcurrent Engineering. (Lite.st 1 Q^ithguration .Management c^f tlie 20 D.-VRl^A DICE .Manufacturing Optimiz 3 Design Knc")wledge Management Syst 28 DeveU^pment Pl;in - .\pplication P 21 Digital Representation for Qimmu 28 DOE (Deixiriment of Energ\) Data .... 41. 44 DOEDEF KERNEL U.sers Guide. Vers 45 Draft LLindlxxik of Cxincunent Eng 11 Draft Rejxirt on Backfitting Prog 22 Effect.s on W'eajxm S\"stems' Prtxiu 5 Evaluation Rei^^n on ilie Initial 48 Extendint; tlie .'^andial for tlie E 29 51 Index Feature Mcxlell inj^ and Conversion 11 Fed-X - Ttie MST Express Traasia 12 Firul \BS (Natioi-uii Bureau of St 44 Generic .Vrchittxtua' tor Q^npute 36 lDEF-4 Obiect-Onented Design Met 12 IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange 47 IGES ElTicienty Evaliuition 29 IGES Eleclncal Test - CADCAM-03 44 IGES RIM Parser Qinvener Users 46 Inlbnnation Integration for Cone 13 Initial Graphites Exchange Specif 13, 41, 45, 47 Introduction to the NIST PDES To 30 Multi-Enterj-)rise Conciinent Engi 23 Neutral Fomiat for HMA Manufactu 30 New Testbed' v.ill Aid CAD/CAM, 37 NIST Express Working Fonn Progra ... 14, 31 MST PDES Tcx)Lkit - Technical Fu 14, 31 NIST STEP Working Fonn Programme 31 NTST Step Working Fonn Programme 31 NIST Working Fonn for STEP - Nat 31 MST Working Fonn for STEP Nati 31 Parser 7liat Converts a Boundary 3^ PDES (Producl Data Exchange Stan 45 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 Position of Sandia National Labo 38 Presentatioas at the Keynote Ses 24 Product Data Exchange Standard ( 46 Producl Definition Management - 44 Prototype Application Protocol f 7 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Ramp Technology and Intelligent 15 Report of Meclianical Engineering 39 Report on Scoping tlie Apparel Ma 7 Requirements and Recommendations l6 Software and Computer Integrated 33 Software Design Specification fo 16 SQL3 Support for CALS Applicatio 25 Status Report for First Quarter, 16 STEP Production Cell Teclinical D 33 Strategic Plan for the Faaory A 8 Technologieinodelliemng Fuer Die 17 Test Plan for Validating a Conte 26 United States Air Force Computer 43 Use of GMAP (Geometric Modeling 39 Use of STEP in an Integrated Man 17 Validation Testing Laboratory Us 26 VMS Uses PDF.S to Integrate CAD/C 34 Computer Applications Automated Logistics Support Anal 18 Briefing DTD User's Guide for tli 26 CALS (■Q)mputer- Aided Acquisition 35 Collection of Technic"al Studies 40 Computer-Aided Acquisition And L 35 Data Management Standards in Com 28 Defease Loglstic^s Agency Q)mpute 36 Dlstnbuted Publishing of FlecU 21 DL\ Preprovisiorung ProtfXype - 41 DOD Electronic Commerce (EC)/Ele 3 DSMC (Defease Systeras Management 41 Electrr^nic Commerce User Manual 11 Intelligent Automated Process Pi 1 MST Support for tlie Computer- Ai 24 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 R;ister Data Transfer Te.st Using 32 Repair Level Analysis Software 25 SGML Lessoas Learned for the Sof 33 SGML Producl Review for the Soft 33 Teclinical Publication TraasferT 34 Computer Architecture Architectural Guidelines for Mul 18 Cx)mputer- Aided Acquisition And L 35 Department of tlie Air Force CALS 21 Prelimiruir>' CALS Pha.se II Archit 38 Report of tlie Joint Industry - D 47 Submicron Sy.stenis Architecture P 33 Computer Commiuiications Assessment of DoD and Industry N 43 Business Case for Electronic Q)m 27 Change of Course - Tlie Importanc 19 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L .... 20, 35 Digital Representation for Commu 28 DOD Implementation Guidelines fo 21 Doing Business with DOD Using El 5 Doing Basiness with DoD Using El 5 Electronic Data Interchange 22 Electronic Transfer of Informati 29 Empirical Study of Logistics Org 5 Implementation of Electronic Dat 6 Lssues in Open EDI 13 Publlsliing Standard Allows for t 38 Research and Development Strateg 16 Security Management of Electroni 7 Computer Files After Ten Years of Metafiles - W 43 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 40 Development of Data File Standar 21 Evaluation Report on the Initial 48 MST Working Form for STEP Nati 31 Tiled Raster Graphics and MIL-R- 26 Computer Gateways Technical Support Task Report fo 26 Computer Graphics 28-Entiry IGES Test File Results 43 After Ten Years of Metafiles - W 43 Analysis of Three-Dimeasional Sp 46 Boundary Integral Technique for 43 CADCAM-005 - An Intrcxluction to 43 CALS-Digital Repre.sentation for 1, 2, 19 CALS- Ra.ster Graphics Repre.sentat ... 1, 2, 19 CGVU - A CGM Viewer and Editor R 19 Collection of Technical Studies 20 COMPRS 46 Qjmputer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 45 (Computer Graphics Standards. (La 3 DOE DEF RIM-To-IGES. File Writer 45 Feature McxJeUing and Conversion 11 Final MiS (National Bureau of St 44 Generic Architecture for Q)mpute 36 Graphic Standards — The Cuaent S 45 Graphics Application Programmer' 37 Graphics Standards in the Q)mput 29 IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange 47 IGES/RIM Parser & Converter 46 52 Incorporating CALS Requirements 12 Initial Graphics Exchange Specif 13, 44, 45, 47 Interactive Interface for Nation 13 IntrcxJuction to Graphical User I 13 Investigation of IGES (Initial G 37 Making IGES Work for CAD/CAM Dat 46 MST Supjxirt for die Computer-Ai 24 Raster Graphics Q)nibnnance Test 25 Recreation of tlie 28-Entiry IGES 44 Reference Guide for IGVIEW, an I 44 Reference Guide for Using IG'^EW 46 Second Generation Q)mputer Graph 39 SGML in Praaice - Tlie PHIGS Sli 16 Solid Modeling and IGES 47 Use of GKS (Grapliical Kernal Sys 39 Computer Graphics Metafile (Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 35 Computer Graphics Software Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 35 Computer InfcwTnation Security Compendium of Occasional Papers 9 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Generic Architecture for Q)mpute Status of PDES- Related Aaivitie Computer Networks CALS (Computer-Aided Acqui.sition CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 CI DOD Implementation Guidelines fo Electronic Delivery of Autoinated Engineering drawing transfer tes IGES Data Excliange Between Dlssi Implementation of Electronic Dat Infonnation Resources Management Making IGES Work for CAD/CAM Dat Technical Publication Traasfer T 26, U.S. GOSIP - The Challenge Aliead Computer Program Verification Detailed Design Specification fo Initial Grapliics Exchange Specif Simulation- Based Approach to Tes Computer Programming Q)ncuaenc7 Q)ntrol in Rule-Base Documentation Preparation Under Interpretation of CAD ((Computer Structured Analysis for the Logi Computer Security Q)ilection of Teclinical Studies OSD CALS Architecture Ma.ster Pla Workshop on Security Procedures 8 Computer Software Indu.stry Sector Analysis, Canada 6 Information Re.sources Management 41 Oven/iew of tlie IGES/PDES Testin 38 Software and Q:)mputer Integrated 33 Computer Storage Management COMPRS 46 Computer Systems Design Ramp Technology and Intelligent 15 Computer Systems Programs Architecture for tlie Validation 18 Validation Testing System - Reus 17 36 33 35 35 21 36 36 48 .6 41 46 33 34 .3 47 16 10 41 37 39 27 38 J Index Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Supp Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 9 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 35 How CALS Can Improve the DOD Wea ... 12 Raster Graphics Conformance Test 25 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 25 Computer-Aided Design Guidelines for the Transfer of A 22, 29 IGES Data Exchange Between Dissi 48 IGES/RIM Parser/Converter Users 46 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Feature-Based Tolerancing for in 6 Computerized Simulation Assessment of the ModSim/TWOS pa 18 Computerized Simulation Computational Simulation for Con 2 Computer Simulation Analysis of 20 Control System Software, Simulat 21 Effects on Weapon Systems' Produ 5 Evaluation of Automated Decision 45 Feature Modelling and Conversion 11 Computers Efficient Approach to Systems Ev 5 National Technical Report, Vol 30 Technical Publication Transfer T 34 Concurrent Engineering Advanced Materials Aspects of Co 17 Annotated Reading List for Concu 34 Applications of Concurrent Engin 34 CALS/CE Bulletin Board User Guid 2, 9 CALS/CE Government and Industry 2 CALS/CE Industry Steering Group 9 Catalog of Training and Educatio 35 Charter of the CALS-CE Industry 9 CIRP International Workshop on C 9 Concurrency Control in Rule-Base 10 Concurrent Engineering - A New P 20 Concurrent Engineering for Compo 20 Concurrent Engineering Teams. Vo 27 Concurrent Engineering through P 20 Concurrent Engineering. (Latest 1 DARPA Initiative in Concurrent E 10, 27 Decision Support Environment for 21 Description of CE Technology for 10 Examination of Various Metiiods U 29 Feature Modelling and Conversion 11, 12 First Principles of Concurrent E 22 Framework for Concuirent Enginee 22 Fuzzy Simulation in Concurrent E 12 IDEF4 Objed-Oriented Design Met 12 lis, Ce, Cals du Concept a la Mi 23 Information Integration for Cone 13 Innovative Life Cycle Management 23 Integration of R and M into the 42 Intelligent Automated Process Pi 1 International Workshop on Concur 13 Investigation of Integrated Prod 6 L'Ingenierie Concourante (Concur 23 MCM/Chip Concurrent Engineering 13 Multi-Enterprise Concun-ent Engi 23 Open Architecture for Electronic 24 Presentations at tine InstitiJte f 38 RAMCAD (General Dynamics, San Di 15 Relationship between GALS and Co 32 Relationship Between Computer- Ai 39 Role of Concurrent Engineering i 42 Software Design Specification fo 16 Symbolic Model Checking. An Appr 17 Tinkertoy (Trade Name) Transactio 8 Use of STEP in an integrated man 17 Configuration Management Development Plan Configuration M 28 IGES/PDES Organization Document 23 OSD CALS Architecture Master Pla 37 Conformance Testing Development Plan - STEP Conforma 21 Requirements and Recommendations 16 Contract Administration CALS-ConU^ctor Integrated Techn 19 Electronic Commerce Program for 22 Electronic Commerce Removing Reg 11 Electronic Data Interchange in U 11 Greater Buyer Effectiveness thro 37 Maximization of Automatic Paymen 23 Program Manager -Journal of the 25 Structured Analysis of the Logis 43 Contract Management NASA Procurement - Planning for 7 Contractors Draft Military Sp)ecification - M 22 Engineering Information System ( 11 Government/Contractor Developmen 6 Contracts Electronic Payment in DOD Contra 5 Final NBS (National Bureau of St 44 Maximization of Automatic Paymen 23 Controllers Development Plan - Step Producti 28 Cost analysis Benefit Analysis Report, United 35 Concurrent Life Cycle Analysis f 36 Cost Considerations of an Integr 36 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 Process and Assembly Plans for L 24 Structured Analysis for the Logi 39 Cost Engineering Department of Defense Corporate 21 Costs Proceedings of the Advance Plann 15 COTS (Commercial Ofi^The ShelO TRW CALS COTS Prcxluct Guide, Sec 17 CT (Conformance Testing) Requirements and Recommendatioas 16 CTN (CALS Test Network) CALS Test Network Handbook, July 19 Teclinical Publication TraasferT .. 26, 33, 34 Curriculum Development CALS Training Criteria Formulate 27 Damage Assessment Post-Dam System. Volume 2. Post- 15 DAP (Document Application Profile) Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and 7 Data Neutral Format for HMA Manufactu 30 Product Data Exchange - The PDES 38 Produrt Data Exchange Specificat 42 Data Acquisition CALS Database Usage and Analysis 19 CALS-Department of Defease Acqui 19 Computer-aided Acquisition and L 9 Data Format Standardization with 3 Incentives and Funding Mechanism 30 Premieres Conclusions d'UN Group 24 Software Product Data (SPD) Curr 33 Data Acquisition Systems CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 CI 27 Data Base Management IGES/RIM Parser/Converter Users 46 Produa Definition Management 44 Text Encoding for Retrieving Sci 26 Data Base Management Systems Database Management Systems inE 10 SQL3 Support for CALS Applicatio 25 Use of the IRDS Standard in CALS 40 Data Bases Approach to Interfacing Data Bas 47 CALS Database Usage and Analysis 19 Content Data Model 3 Content Data Model - Technical S 27 Data Model Development and Valid 28 Design Knowledge Management Syst 10 Draft Military Specification - M 21 Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Entwurf Fines Modells der Verarb 11 IGES/PDES Organization Document 23 Impaa of IPAD (Integrated Progr 47 Investigation of IGES (Initial G 37 Investigation of IGES for CAD/CA 37 Military Specification. Data Bas 14 OSD CALS Architecture Master Pla 37 PDES Application PrXcxtoI Suite 15 Planning Model for Linifving Inl'o 31 Proposed Draft Militarv' Specific 32 Ramp Technology and Intelligent 15 Report to the Committees on Appr 45 STELAR - An Exj-)eriment in tiie El 16 Using Object-Oriented Databases 17 Data Compilation Text encoding for retrieving sci 26 Data Conversion CAD Pnxiua Data Excliange - Conv 18 Data Converters Guidelines for tiie Specification 37 Data Dictionaries CALS-RSC Data Element Dictionary 9 Daui Objea Classification - A N 10 Framework for Developing a CALS 29 Information Resource Dictionary- 41 53 Index Integration of the Air Force Con 30 OSn CALS .Vrchitetlurt? Master Pla 37, 38 Data Displays IGUS (Ij^itul Grapliics Exchange 47 Data Encryption PDES 46 Data Exchange CAD Pnxiua Data Exchange - Conv 18 DOE (I>?partment of Energ>0 Data 44 Data File CALS Mailing List (for Microcomp 8 Data Interchange Initial Graplucs Exchange Specif 45, 47 Military' Specification - Digital 13 Militarv' Standard - Automated In 14 Data Links Empirical Study of LogLstic"s Org 5 Data Management AMRF Part Model Extensions 34 CALS Baseline Architecture Analy 35 CALS Infrastructure Analysis. Dr 27 Collection of Technical Studies 27 Data Management Standards in Com 28 Database Language SQL - Integral 10 EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Electronic Data Interchange in P 29 Electronic Future for Defense Tr 41 Impact of IPAD (Integrated Progr 47 Improving Supply Management -Th 12 Information Technology - A Force 13 Modernization of Defense Logisti 23 PDES Application Protocol Suite 15 Report to the Comminees on Appr 45 Sofhvare Produa Data (SPD) Cun 33 Structured AnaK-sLs and Structur 25 Data Management Systems Guide for Specify'ing and Buildin 12 Use of the IRDS (Infcjmiation Res 40 Data Probe Computer Program Data Protx.' Lser's Guide. Nationa 3 Data Processing Automated Carrier Interface Proj 46 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 3 Conceptual Architecture for a Me 20 Defense Commis,sary Agency - A Bu 3 EnrwrUrf Fines Modells der Verarb 11 Information Re,v)urces Management 23 MST Step Working Form Programme 31 Open Document Processing and the 24 Processing SG.ML I>K-umenLs 32 Data Processing Security Asses.sing Federal and Q)inmercial 8 Compendium of Occasional Papers 9 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 20 Datamaerkning - An Paketera Iho 28 Defense Logistics Agency Compute 36 OSD CALS Architecture Master Pla 37 PDES 46 Security Management of Eiectroni 7 Data Protection Cf;mjx-ndium of Occasional Papers 9 Data Storage Devices Comparison of CDJIT Group 4 Q)mp 40 I>ata Storage Systems Qintcnt Data Mcxlel 3 Data Structures Data Mcxlel for the PDES, Inc, C 28 Data Model for the PDES, Inc. Q) 28 Geometry Model, Version lA for t 36 Geometry Model Version IB for tli 36 Integrated Dcxtiment, Version 2 f 37 Product Shape Interface Model fo 38 Product Structure Configuration 32 Structured DcxtimenLs - Concepts 33 Test Report for Context Driven I 34 Topology Model Version lA for th 39 Data Tagging Text Stiindard Generalized Markup 46 Data Transfer (Computers) Avoin EDI (Open EDI) 8 Digital Representation for Commu 28 Enhanced Evaluation, Seleaion a 11 Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Incorporating CALS Requirements 12 Industry Seaor Analysis, Hong K 6 Prototype Application Protocol f 7 Data Transformation Considerations for the Transform 10 Data Transmission Application Protocol for CAD to 1 Avoin EDI (Open EDI) 8 Bidirectional Translator Between 26 Challenges in Produa Definition 40 Comparison of SDF (Standard Data 45 Computer-Aided Acquisition And L 35 DOE (Department of Energy) Data .... 41, 44 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 5, 22 Electronic Data Interchange in M 22 Electronic Data Interchange Soft 5 Electronic Data Interchange. (La 11 IGES (Initial Graphic Exchange S 46 Nuclear Weapons Complex Departme 42 Report of Mechanical Engineering 39 Data Transmission Systems CALS Test Network MIL-D-28003 CG 19 CALS Test Network Sacramento Air 9 CTN summary of DSREDS, EDGARS, E .... 10 DOD Electrcinic Data Interchange 5 Engineering data transfer te.st w 11 Engineering Data TransfeiTest wi 11 Implementing Electronic Data Int 6 Ra.ster Data Transfer Test Using 15 Ra.ster data transfer test using 32 Strategic Plan for Electrc:)nic Co 8 Technical publication transfer t 34 Transmission of Teclviical Infonn 39 Database Management Systems Q)ntent Data Model - Technical S 27 DDE (IMgital Data Exchange) EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Decision Making Evaluaiicjn of Automated Decision 45 Decision Support Systems Achieving A System Oixralional A 8, 17 Q)mputer-Aided AcciuLsition and L 9 Decision Sup(X)rt Environment for 21 Infomiation Ttxiinology - A Force 13 Instnictional Systems Developmen 30 Defense Commissary Agency Defense Q)mnii.ssary Agenc7 - A Bu 3 Defense Planning Program Maruiger -Journal of tlie 25 Defense Systems CGM (Q)mputer Graphics Metafile) 40 Collection of Technical Studies 40 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 9 DSMC (Defense Systems Management 41 Department of Defense Annotated Reading list for Concu 34 CALS InfrasLmcture Analysis. Dr 27 Data Format Standardization with 3 Department of Defense Corporate 21 DOD Electronic Data Interchange ... 4, 5, 10 DoD Electronic Data Interchange 5 DOD Implementation Guidelines fo 21 DoD's Technical Information Publ 21 Electronic Data Interchange Oppo 11 Forging a Partnersliip tlirough ED 12 How CALS Can Improve the DOD Wea ... 12 Implementation of Electronic Dat 6 Joint DoD/Indastry Study on Oppo 30 Paperless Material Inspection an 24 Quality Philo.sophy for Integrate 25 Report to tlie Committee on Appro 42 Technical Assessment of the Rese 17 Using Electronic Data Interchang 8 Deployment Demonstratk)n of Interfaces berw 41 Design Analysis Advanced Life Support Study. Mod 1 Concurrent Engineering in Design 20 Integration of Design, Thermal, 6 Prcxess and Assembly Plans for L 24 Systems Design Analysis Applied 8 Design Criteria 3D Piping IGES Application Prcxo 26 Design To Cost Prcxe.ss and Assembly Phias for L 24 Digital Computers Implementing Electronic Data Int 6 Digital Data CALS Standards Overview 19 EnhanccxI Evaluation, Selection a 11 Military Specificatk^n - Digital 13 PrxIuci Definition Data Standard 45 Digital Filters Q)nctinent Architectures for VLS 3 Digital Recording Systems Qjmputer-Aided Acquisition and L 40 Devek)pmcnt of Data File Standar 21 Digital Representation for Communication of Military ,Sixcification - Digital 13 54 Index Digital System Military Specification - Digital 42 Digital Technical Information Report to tlie Coirunitlee on Appro 42 Dimensional Measurement Dimensional Inspection Planning 3 Tolerance M(xJel Version 2 forth 34 Direct Engineering Concurrent Engineering. (Latest 1 Directories Guide to EDI Translation Softwar 22 Distributed Computer Systems Datamaerkning - Att Paketera Ilio 28 Distributed Data Processing Approach to Interfacing Data Bas 47 Distributed Publishing Distributed publishing of electr 21 DNOS (Dimensional Measuring Inter£ace Standar Dimeasional Inspection Planning 3 Document Retrieval Computer Aided Acquisition and L 27 Document Types Architectural Relationships betw 47 Documentation CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 CI 27 Computer Aided Acquisition and L 27 Entwurf Eines Modells der Verarb 11 Next Generation Documents 14 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 33 Documents Briefing DTD User's Guide for th 26 Defease Commissary Agency - A Bu 3 DTD Creation for the Software Te 29 Electronic Data Interchange 22 Entwurf Eines Modells der Verarb 11 Implementing Electronic Data Int 6 Interchangeability of SGML and O 13 Open DocTjment Processing and the 24 Processing SGML Documents 32 Publishing Standard Allows for t 38 Qwertz SGML Document Types. Vers 25 Security Management of Electroni 7 SGML DTD for tlie STEP Integrated 7 SGML Encoding for Tecltnical Repor 16 SGML Lessoas Learned for tlie Sof 33 SGML Produci Review for tlie Soft 33 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 25 Structured DcxximenLs - Concepts 33 Drafting (Drawing) Strategies for Lnplementing IGES 42 Dream Computer Program DREAM 2.0. User Manual 11 DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specifica Overview of the Document Style S 14 DTD (Document Type Definition) SGML DTD for tlie STEP Integrated 7 ECodes Engineering data transfer test w 11 Economic Analysis Business Case for Electronic Com 27 EDI (Electronic Data Exchange) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 5 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 5, 10, 11 EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Electronic Exchange of Transport 46 Electronic Future for Defease Tr 41 Empirical Study of Logistics Org 5 Forging a Partnership through ED 12 Industry Sector Analysis, Canada 6 Industry Sector Analysis, Hong K 6 Issues in Open EDI 13 Promoting Freight Carrier EDI Pa 7 Results of the Work of the Inter 25 Transforming Cross-Industry Prac 26 Using Electronic Data Interchang 8 Workshop on Security Procedures 8 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Convention DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4 EDI (Electronic Data Intercharge) Defense Commissary Agency - A Bu 3 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 10 Editing QDES Administrative Guide - Nati 32 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Education Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd) 17 Catalog of Training and Educatio 35 Navy Acquisition Streamlining Co 44 Efficient Approach To Systems Evolution Efficient Approach to Systems Ev 5 Electromagnetic Environments Electronic Data Interchange in D 44 Electronic Bulletin Boards CALS/CE Bulletin Board User Guid 2, 9 Electronic Commerce Electronic Q^mmerce and Competit 22 Electronic Commerce Removing Reg 11 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 22 Electronic Control Avoin EDI (Ojien EDI) 8 Electronic data interchange Canadian participation in tlie de 19 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 22 Electronic Data Interchange Soft 5 Electronic Data Interchange. (La 11 Liiplementation of Electronic Dat 6 Impiementijig Electronic Data Int 6 Interruil Cbntrol in an EDI Envir 23 Port infornution systems around 32 Electronic Data Interchanges Development of an Electronic Dat 48 Electronic Equipment Electronic Future for Defease Tr 41 Proposed Draft Military Specific 32 Electronic Funds Transfer Electronic Payment in DOD Contra 5 Implementation of Electronic Fun 12 Electronic Mail (Computer Simulation Analysis of 20 DOD Electronic Commerce (EC)/Ele 3 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 5 DoD Electronic Data Interchange 5 Doing Business with DOD Using El 5 Electronic Commerce Program for 22 Electronic Data Interchange in M 22 Electronic Data Interchange Oppo 11 Empirical Study of Logistics Org 5 Multimedia Electronic Mail - Sta 14 National PDES Testbed Mail Serve 24 Promoting Freight Carrier EDI Pa 7 Electronic Erinted Output Military Specification - Markup 23. 30 Electronic Publishing Government Document Processing R 22 Hypermedia Presentation Composer 12 Implementation of OLTRS within D 23 Individualized Electronic Newspa 12 Qwertz SGML Document Types. Vers 25 Electronic Recording Systems Electronic Commerce Program for 22 Paperless Material laspection an 24 Electronic Solicitations Electronic Commerce and Competit 22 Electronics Application Protocol for CAD to 1 DARPA Initiative in Concurrent E 10 Open Architecture for Electronic 24 Strategic Plan for Electronic Co 8 Electronics Industry First Principles of Concurrent E 22 Embedded Systems Simulation-Bxsed Approach to Tes 16 Engineering Database Management Systems in E 10 Industrial lasighLs on tlie DoD C 41 Initiati\'e in Concurrent Enginee 30 Engineering I>rawings 28-Entity IGES Te.st File Re.sulLs 43 CALS Test Ner^vork MIL-D-28000 CI 35 DOE (Department of Energ\-) Data 41 Engineering Dmwing Transfer Tes 36 Feature Mcxlelling and Conversion 11 Engineering Management L'Ingeniorie Qmcourante (Conctir H Engineering Personnel Text enccxiing for retrie\Tng sci 26 Engineers Engineering Infoniution S\-stem 11 Environmental Control AdxTinced Life Support StucK". Mod 1 Europe NIAG Re{X)rt on the Applicability 24 55 Index European Fighter Aircraft I'lHcnii.il liiiprowiiicnts in llie Lo 24 E>oiution (Developnient) Lnittx-i States Air Force Qimputer 43 Exchange Developnient Flan Q)nfiguration M 28 Expert Systems Fcxst-Dani System. Volume 2. Past- 15 R.imp TeehnologT,' and Intelligent 15 Export Trade Information Indusin- Setlor .\nalysLs, Canada 6 Industn- Setior Analysis, Hong K 6 EXPRESS Expp - .\n EXl'RRSS Prett>- Printer 6 EXPRESS Information Modelling Language Q^asiderations for tJie Traasfomi 10 EXPRESS Progranuning Language Fed-X - Tlie NIST Express Transla 29 NIST EXl^RESS Toolkit - Lessons L 14 Translating Express to SQL - A U 34 F Fabrication Integration of Rapid Prototyping 6 Facsimile Communication Iridium (Tm) System - Personal C 6 Feature Extraction Feature McxleUing and Q)nversion 12 Federal Acquistion Regulation Electronic Qjmmerce Removing Reg 11 Federal Government InJbrmalion Resources Management 41 Federal Information Processing Standard Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 45 Computer- Aidtxl Acquisition and L 35 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 5 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 22 Initial Grapliics Exchange Specif 13 PDES 46 Publishing Standard Allows for t 38 Reference Implementation for SGM 44 Standard CjeneraJized Markup Lang 42 Fedex Sql Computer Program Translating Express to SQL - A U 34 Hie Maintenance Initial Graphics Exchange Specif 45, 47 Traasformr - A Prtxotvpe STEP Ex 17 File Management Systems Configuration Management Concept 20 Hnance Management Hecironic G)mnierce Program for 22 Financial Management Implementation of Elcxironic Fun 12 Foreign Broadcast Information Service Science and Technology PerspectJ 7 Foreign Countries NATO Industry Advisory Grcxip Rep 14 Foreign Marketing Indastry Sector Analysis, Canada 6 Industry Sector Arulysis, Hong K 6 Foreign Technology Avoui EDI (Oix-n EDI) 8 C^rudian participation in the de 19 Changing Nature of Design 9 Computer- Aided Acquisition and L 9 Concurrent Engineering in Design 20 Dat:i Qjmmunication Networks Mess 21 Datamaerkning - Att Paketera Iho 28 Distributed Publishing of Electr 21 Distributed publishing of electr 21 Distribution of infonnation - Ho 3 DREAM 2.0. User Manual 11 Electronic Transfer of Informati 29 Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Entwurf Fines Modells der Verarb 11 Feature Modelling and Conversion 11, 12 Fuzzy SiiTiulation in Concurrent E 12 Hypermedia Presentation Composer 12 lis, Ce, Cials du Concept a la Mi 23 Implementation of OLTRS within D 23 Individualized Electronic Newspa 12 Issues in Open EDI 13 L'Ingenierie Q)ncourante (Concur 23 National Technical Report, Vol 30 NATO Industry Advisory Group Rep 14 Open Document Processing and the 24 Port information systems around 32 Prefeasibility .study on compress 24 Premieres Conclusions d'UN Group 24 Proce.s.sing SGML Documents 32 Qwertz SGML Document Types. Vers 25 Repcirt of Mechanical Engineering 39 Results of the Work of the Inter 25 Science and Technology Perspecti 7 Second Generation Computer Graph 39 SGML in Practice - The PHIGS Sli 16 SGML Tables for the PHIGS Slide 8 Simulation-Based Approach to Tes 16 Structured DcxtimenLs - Concepts 33 Technologiemodellierung fuer die 17 Telegraph and Mobile Services. M 26 Textiles and Compo.sites '92. Sym 17 Transforming Cro.ss-Industry Prac 26 Format Military Specification. Manuals, 14 Formats Data Format Standardization witli 3 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 10 Military Specification - Digital 42 Tiled Ra.ster Graphics and MIL-R- 26 Forms (Paper) Paperless Material Inspection an 24 Freight Carriers Doing Bu.sine,ss With DOD Using El 5 Functional Models Integration of rapid prototyping 6 Fuselages Prcxe.ss and Assembly I^lans for L 24 Fuzzy Systems Fuzzy Simulation in Q)ncTjrrent E 12 Geometry 28-Entity IGES Te.st File Results 43 Geometry Model, Version lA for t 36 Geometry Model Version IB for th 36 Recreation of tlie 28-Entity IGES 44 GOSIP U.S. GOSIP - Tlie Challenge Aliead 34 GOSIP (Government OSI Profile) Computer- Aided Acquisition and L 35 Government Procurement Electronic Data Interchange inP 29 Forging a Partnersliip through ED 12 NASA Prcx:urement - Planning for 7 Government/Industry Relations CALS/CE Government and Industry 2 Chaner of the CALS-CE Industry 9 Govemment/CZontraaor Developmen 6 Joint CALS-CE Industry-Govemmen 23 Graphics Military Specification - Digital 42 Grid Generation (Mathematics) NASA-IGES Geometry Data Exchange 14 Guided Missiles Design for Producibility. A Desi 28 H Handbooks Military Handbook - (Omputer-Aid 30 Heat Transmission Integration of Design, Tliermal, 6 High Level Languages Standard Generalized Markup Lang 42 Hong Kong Industry Sector Analysis, Hong K 6 Human Factors Engineering Briefing to Address Liveware Int 2 CA15-HSC Data Element Dictionary 9 Design Evaluation for Personnel, 28 Poet Revealed - A Future for Hum 32 Research and Development Strateg 16 Technology for Manpower, Personn 8 Hypermedia Emerging Hypermedia Standards - 22 Hypermedia Presentation Q)mpx).ser 12 Hypertext Individualized Electronic Newspa 12 I IDEF CALS EXPO '92 - IDEF Modeling. A 8 lETM (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Draft Military Specification - M 21, 22 EETMs (Interactive Electronic Technical Manua Military Specification. Data Bas 14 Military Specification. Manuals, 14 Military Specification. Quality 14 56 Index IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification 3D Piping IGES Application Proto 8 CALS-Digital Representation for 1, 2, 19 IGES/PDES Organization Document 23 Initial Graphics Exchange Specif 6, 13 Investigation of IGES for CAD/CA 37 Military Specification - Digital 13 Military Specification. Digital 14 Indexes OSD GALS Architecture Master Pla 37 Industrial Management lis, Ce, Cals du Q)ncept a la Mi 23 Industrial Plants Technical Program of the Factory 17 Industrial Production Design for Producibility. A Desi 28 Industries Best Value Acquisition Symposium 2 CALS-CE Industry Steering Group 9 NATO Industry Advisory Group Rep 14 Perspectives, Key Themes, and Re 42 Proceedings of the 'Managing the 32 Transforming Cross-Industry Prac 26 Industry Report of the Joint Industry - D 46, 47 Information Dissemination Baseline Architecture Analysis o 34, 35 CALS Architecture Study. Report 18 STELAR - An Experiment in tlie El l6 Information Distribution DLstribution of information - Ho 3 Information Exchange Approach to Interfacing Data Bas 47 Business Case for Eleclronic Com 27 Computer Simulation Analysis of 20 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 20 Coasideratioas for the Developme 36 Data Exchange Strategy. Part 1 36 Development of Data File Standar 21 Digital Representation for Commu 28 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 5, 10, 11 DoD Electronic Data Interchange 5 DOD Implementation Guidelines fo 21 Doing Business witli DOD Using El 5 DTD Creation for the Software Te 29 Electronic Data Interchange 22 Electronic Data Interchange in D 44 Electronic Data Interch;uige Opjx) 11 Electronic Data Interchange Prot 11 Electronic Future for Defense Tr 41 Engineering Infomiation System 11 Evaluation Re}>3rt on tlie Initial 48 Exchange Stimdartis for Electroni 41 IGES 4.0 to LOAD Traaslator for 6 Implementing Electronic Data Int 6 Infomiation Teclinology - A Force 13 Initial Grapliics Exchange S}')ecif 13 OSD CALS Arcliitettuit; Master Pla 37 Paperless Material laspeclion an 24 Security Management of Electroni 7 STEP Production Cell Teclinical D 33 Strategic, Organizational and St 44 Technical Publication TraasferT 26, 33 Tiled Raster Graphics and MIL-R- 26 Information Flow Information Logistics - A Produc 23 Information Management Application Protocol for CAD to 1 CALS Information Technology Brie 2 Information Logistics - A Produc 23 Information Resource Dictionary 41 Information Modeling Planning Model for Unifying Info 31 Information Models Validation Testing System - Reas 17 Information Processing Development Plan Configuration M 28 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 25 Structured Analysis for the Logi 39 United States Air Force Computer 44 Information Retrieval Computer Aided Acquisition and L 27 Overview of the Product Data Hyp 31 SGML Encoding for Technical Repor l6 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 33 Information Services CALS-Contractor Integrated Techn 1, 2, 9, 19 Implementation of OLTRS within D 23 Military Standards for CITIS - P 14 STEP On-line Information Service 25 Information Systems Application Protocol for CAD to 1 Automated Carrier Interface Proj 46 CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 CI 35 Coasiderations for the Developme 36 Content Data Model (CDM) and Imp 36 Content Data Model - Technical S 27 Data Management Standards in Com 28 Demoastration of Interfaces Betw 41 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 5 DOE (Department of Energy) Data 44 EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Electronic Data Interchange - Bu 1, 5 Electronic Delivery of AutoiruUed 36 Electronic Exchimge of Traasjxjrt 46 Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Engineering Data traasfer test w 11 Engineering Drawing Traasfer Tes 36 Information Re.sources Management 23 Locklieed Aeronautical Sy.stenis Co 42 Overview of tlie Product Data Hyp 31 PrcxJuct Definition Initiative in 42 Publishing Systems Strucaired Te 39 Riister Data traasfer Te.st Llsing 32 Standard Generalized Markup Lang -il STELAR - An Experiment in tJie El 16 Strategic, Organization;il and St 44 Use of tlie IRDS (InJ'omiation Res 40 Use of tlie IRDS Standird in CALS 40 Information Technology InformalicOT Re.vjurces Management 41 Information Technology Vision fo 13 Information Transfer Application Prcxcxol for CAD to 1 Change of Qjurse - The Impcjrtanc 19 Electronic Traasfer of Informati 29 Inve.stigation of IGES for CAD/CA 37 Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Guidelines for the Specification 37 Interpretation of CAD (Computer 37 Input Output Routines NIST Step Cla-ss Ubrary (Step in 31 Inspection Dimeasional laspection Planning 3 Feature-Based Tolerancing for In 6 Intelligent Automated Process Pi 1 Institute for Defense Analyses Presentations at tlie Lastitute f 38 Instruction Manuals Proposed Draft Military- Specific 32 Integrated Diagnostics Joint DoD/Industry Study on Oppo 30 Integrated Systems Design Knowledge Management Syst 10 Integrated Information Support S 30 Integration of R and M into the 42 Integration of the Air Force Con 30 Strategic, Organizational and St 44 Integration Architectural Guidelines for Mul 18 Interactive Graphics A Technical Briefing on tlie Init 48 Computer Graphics Standards. (La 3 Graphic Standards — ^Tlie Current S 45 Interactive Interface for Nation 13 Interactive Manuals Llsing Object-Oriented Databases 17 Interchange laterchangeability of SGML and O 13 Interfaces Coniputer-Aided Acquisition and L 9 NIST Working Fomi for STEP Nati 31 U.S. Joint Service Sy.stents Appro 34 Internal Control Internal Q)ntR)l in an EDI Emir 23 International Cooperation U.S. Ce. Gils du CxMicept a la Mi 23 Premieres QinclusicMts dlTs' Group 24 International Trade Indu.stry Sector .•Vnalysis. Hong K 6 Port Infomiation Systems Around 32 Inventories R;imp Technolog>- and Intelligent 15 Inventory Control Industn- Sector .\n.ily.sis. Hong K 6 Inventory Controls R;imp Tc\.linolog\- and Intelligent 15 Release and lastallation Notes f 16 Inventory Management Infomution LogLstJCS - A Produc 23 57 Index IPD (Intcj;radcd Product Development) ln\v.stij;.iiKMi ol Ink-graltxi I'rcxi 6 IRDS (Information Resource EHctionary S>'stem) Lseot the IRDS Standiai ui C\LS 40 Iridium Sy-stem Intiium (Tm^ System - lVix)nal C 6 ISG (Industry Steering Group) Charter of" tlie CALS-CE Industry 9 Computer-Aided Acquisition ;ind L 35 ISO (International Organization for Standardi Result-s of tlie Work of tlie Inter 25 rr (Information Technology) Assessing Federal and Qimmercial 8 J JCALS Teclinical Assessment of the Rese 17 Jet Fighters Investigation of Integrated Prod 6 Joint Military Activities U.S. Joint Service Systems Appro 34 Joint Ventures Report of the Joint Industry - D 46, 47 K Knowledge Based Systems Design Kno^^iedge .Management Syst 10 Knowledge Representation Design Knowledge Management Syst 28 L Labels Text Standard Generalized Markup 46 Laboratories Raster Graphics Q^nformance Test 25 Land Transportation Doing Business witli DOD Using El 5 Large Space Structures .MultidLsciplinary .\l(xleling and D 30 Launch Vehicle Configurations Systems Design Analysis Applied 8 Launch Vehicles Concurrent Life Cycle Analysis f 36 Systems Design Analysis Applied 8 Legal Aspects Repfjrt f)n tlie Potential Legal Is 16 Lessons Learned Ix-svjas Learned for Composite St 23 Libraries Interactive Interface for Nation 13 Life Cycle Costs Q)r)currc-nt Life Cycle Analysis f 36 Life Cycles PDES Application PrcXocol Suite 15 Sample Tailoring of 2167A DIDS f 32 Life Support Systems Advanced Life Support Study. Mod 1 Life (Durability) Inno\ati\e Life Cycle Management 23 Logistic Support CGM (Q)mputer Graphics Metafile) 40 Q^llection ofTecJmical Studies 40 Logistic Support Analysis Stniaured Analy.sls - review of 33 Staictured Analysis of tlie Logls 42 Logistics CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Prod 40 CALS EXPO '89. 'CALS Impaa - A 35 Comparison of CDjrT Group 4 Q^mp 40 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 22 Electronic Exchange of Traasport 46 Final NBS (National Bureau of St 44 Incentives and Funding Mechanism 30 Infomiation Logistics - A Produc 23 Military Sj^ecification - Digital 23 Poet Revealed - A Future for Hum 32 Produaion and Logistics Strateg 38 Relatioaship Betweea CALS aad Cb 32 Report on Standards and Specific 47 Report to the Committees on Appr 45 Structured Analysis and Structur 33 Logistics Management Air Force CALS Business Practice 1 Air Force Tech Order Management 40 Annual Technical Symposium (28th 18 Benefit Analysis Repon, United 35 CALS-Department of Defease Cbmpu 1, 2, 19 Chaage of Cour,se - Tlie Importanc 19 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 9 (Computer-aided Acquisition and L 9 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 11 DSMC (Defease Systems Management 41 Electronic Data Interchange in P 29 Electronic Data Interchange Prot 11 Implementation of Electronic Fun 12 Modernization of Defease Loglsli 23 Paperless Procuremeat -Tlie Impa 14 Perspectives, Key Theme.s, and Re 42 Presentations at CALS Q)nference 42 Promoting Freiglit Canier EDI Pa 7 Research and Development Strateg 16 Structured Analysis/Design LSA f 33 Teclinical Support Task Report fo 26 Logistics Planning Design Knowledge Management Sy.st 28 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 5 Management of Risk and Uncertain 37 Logistics Support Achieving a Sy.stem Ojxfrational A 8, 17 Air Force Tech Order Management 40 Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd) 17 Automated Logistics Support Anal 18 Best Value Acquisition Symposium 2 Briefing to Address Liveware Int 2 CALS (Computer- Aided Acquisition 35 CALS Architeclure Study. Report 18 CALS Baseline Architecture Analy 35 CALS Database Usage and Analysis 19 58 CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Prod 40 CALS Industry Steering Group (IS 19 Q)llection of Tcxhnical Studies 40 (Computer Aided Logistics Supj^xm 44 Computer-Aided Acqui.silion And L 35 Computer-Aided Acqulsitk)n and L 9, 35 Q)ncTjrrenl Engineering Technical 20 Qxst Q)asiderations of an Integr 36 Data Excliiinge Strategy. Part 1 36 Data Management Standards in Com 28 Defease Logistics Agency (Compute 36 DLA Preprovlsioning Prototype - 41 DSMC (Defease Systems Management 41 Electronic (Commerce and Competit 22 Electronic Delivery of Automated 36 Framework for QjncTjrrent Enginee 22 Graphics Standards in Llie Comput 29 How CALS Can Improve tiie DOD Wea ... 12 Improving Supply Management - Th 12 Instructional Systems Developmen 30 Integration of tlie Air Force Con 30 Introduction to MIDS. Materials 44 LSA Ta.sk. Subta.sk 301.2.1. 'Oper 44 Military Handbook - (Computer-Aid 30 National lastitute of Staadards 37 Navy CALS Vlsioa. Draft 2.0. Vol 30 Navy/Marine Qjrps Manager's De.sk 7 NIST Support for tlie Computer- Ai 24 OSD CALS Architecture Ma.ster Pla 37 Potential Improvements in the Lo 24 Preliminary CALS Pliase II Archit 38 Pre.sentatioas at CALS Coafereace 38 Presentatioas at the Keyaote Ses 24 Proceediags of CALS EXI'O '89. 'C 38 Proceedings of the Advance Plann 15 Proposed Draft Military Sf^ecific 32 RAMCAD (General Dynamics, San Di 15 Raster Data Transfer Test U.sing 32 Relatioaship Between Computer-Ai 39 Reliability Centered Maintenance 25 Repair Level Analy.sls Software 25 Report of the Joint Industry - D 46, 47 Report to the Committees on Appr 45 Structured Analy.SLS - Review of 33 Structured Analy.sls and Structur 25 Structured Analy.sls and .stnictur 39 Staictured Analysis for the Logi 39 Structured Analysis of the Logls 43 Structured Analy,sls/De.sign LSA f 33 Strtjctured LSA Task 301. Functio 43 Teclinical Publication Transfer t 34 Training Sy.stems for Maintenance 34 United States Air Force Qimputer 43, 44 LSA (Logistic Support Analysis) Tasks Structured Analy.sls and Structur 33 LSAR LSAR Seminar. MIL-STD-1388-2B 37 Index M Machine Parts Integration of rapid prototyping 6 Machining Development Plan - Step Product! 28 IGES Data Exchange Between Dissi 48 Library of Material Removal Shap 13 Parser That Converts a Boundary 38 Maintainability Applicatioas of ConcTjrrent Engin 34 Computer Support for Conducting 27 Integration of R and M into the 42 Technology for Manpower, Personn 8 Maintenance Draft Military Specification - M 21, 22 Joint DoD/Industry Study on Oppo 30 Reliability Centered Maintenance 25 Structured Analysis of tlie Logis 42 Maintenance Management Computer Simulation Analysis of 20 Computer Support for Conducting 27 Repair Level Analysis Software 25 Structured Analysis of the Logis 43 Man Computer Interface Integrated InfomTation Support S 30 Introduaion to Graphical User I 13 Military Specification. Manuals, 14 Man Machine Systems Control System Software, Simulat 21 Management Challenges in Product Definition 40 Department of Energy/contractor 36 Development Plan - Configuration 28 Gateway to Total Participation- 12 Industrial Insights on the DoD C 41 Proceedings of tlie 'Managing tlie 32 Management Engineering Enabling Teclinologies for Unifie 22 Innovative Life Cycle Management 23 Management Information Systems Architectural Guidelines for Mul 18 Aviation Diagnostics and Mainten 18 CALS-Contractor Integrated Techn 19 Cost Considerations of an Integr 36 Department of the Air Force CALS 21 Design Knowledge Management Syst 10 Development of an Electronic Dat 48 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 5 DSMC (Defense Systenis Management 41 DTD Creation for tlie Software Te 29 Framework for Q^ncurrent Enginee 22 Greater Buyer EfTectiveness thro 37 Infonnation Logistics - A Produc 23 Infonnation Resources Management 41 Integrated InfonTuition Support S 30 Management of Risk and Uncertain 37 Meta-Design. An Approach to the 30 Na\7 CALS Vision. Draft 2.0. Vol 30 Premieres Conclusions d'UN Group 24 Present:itions at CALS Conference 38 Relationship Between CALS and Co 32 Relationship Between Computer-Ai 39 Re[X3rt of the Joint Industry - D 46, 47 Text Standard Generalized Markup 46 United States Air Force Computer 43 Using Electronic Data Interchang 8 Management Methods Information Logistics - A Produc 23 Management Planning and Control Concurrent Engineering - A New P 20 DARPA Initlitive in Concurrent E 27 Decision Support Environment for 21 Design for Producibility. A Desi 28 Quality Philosophy for Integrate 25 Quality Process Approach to Elec 7 Use of Information and Manufactu 17 Manipulators Evaluation of Automated Decision 45 Manpower Survey of CALS Manpower and Pers 25 Technology for Manpower, Personn 8 Manuals Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co 42 Manufacturing Concurrent Engineering for Compo 20 Description of CE Technology for 10 Design for Producibility. A Desi 28 Development Plan - Produa Data 28 Development Plan - Step Producti 28 Developments in Agile Manufactur 3 Enabling Technologies for Unifie 22 Final NBS (National Bureau of St 44 Funrtional Requirements and Meas 12 Gateway to Total Participation - 12 Impart of IPAD (Integrated Progr 47 Lessons Learned for Compasite St 23 Manufacturing Standards. (Latest 13 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Quality Process Approach to Elec 7 RAMP Produrt Data Traaslation Sy 15 Rapid Acquisition of Manufacturi 15 Spacecraft Fabrication and Test 1 6 Manufacturing Optimization Systems 0{:)erational Concept Dcx'ument for 14 Marine Engineering Annuiil Technical Sympxjsium (28t]i 18 Marine Terminals Development of an Electronic Dat 48 Marine Transportation Automated Qirrier Interface Proj 46 Potential Military Application o 32 Marketing Empirical Study of Logistics Org 5 Infomution Logistics - A Produc 23 Markup Requirements Military' Sjxxification - Markup 30 Mathematical Models Data Model Development for Conte 28 Geometry Model, Version lA for t 36 Geometry Mcxiel Version IB for tli 36 Integrated Doctiment, Version 2 f 37 Product Structure Q)nfiguration 32 Test Report for Context Driven I 34 59 Topology Model Version lA for th 39 Mechanical Components Software and De.sign Dcxtiment for l6 Mechanical Devices Conceptual Architecture for a Me 20 Development Plan - Application P 21 Mechanical Systems Applications of Conctirrent Engin 34 Meetings Annual CALS Supplier Forum (2nd) 17 Annual Technical Sympcxsium (28th 18 CALS EXPO '88. 'Quality and Prcxd 40 CALS EXPO '89. 'CMS Impart - A 35 CALS Expo' 92 6th). 'Catalyst f 8 CALS Industry Steering Group (IS 19 CALS-CE Indastry Steering Group 9 CALS/CE Government and Industry 2 C]ALS/CE Industry Steering Group 9 Compo.sites - Materials of the Fu 9 Joint CALS-CE Indastry-Govemmen 23 LSAR Seminar. MIL-STD-1388-2B 37 Proceedings of CALS EXPO '89. 'C 38 Proceedings of the Advance Plann 15 Proceedings of the Annual Academ 32 Proceedings of the AP Validation 7 Proceedings of the 'Managing tlie 32 Textiles and Composites '92. S>Tn 17 Workshop on Security Procedures 8 Mesh Generation Primitive Decomposition and the 45 Message Handling Systems Data Communication Networks Mess 21 Telegraph and Mobile Services. M 26 Message Processing Electronic Data Interchange in M 22 Metal Sheets Test Plan for Validating a Conte 26 Metals Composites - Materials of tlie Fu 9 Microcircuits Initial Gmphics Exchange Specif 6 Neutral Fonnat for ¥\M\ Manufactu 30 Military Air Facilities Post-Dam Sv-stem. Volume 2. Past- 15 Military Communications Ra.ster cbta traasfer test using 32 Military Engineering Post-Diun System, \bkuiie 2. Past- 15 Military Equipment CMS Te.st Network MIL-D-28000 CI 27 Engineering drawing transfer tes 29. 36 Military Facilities CALS Test Network Sacramento Air 9 Navy Acquisition Streamlining Qi 44 Teclinical Publication Tr.iast'er t 34 Military Modernization Teclinical Support Task Report fo 26 Military Pixxnirement Qmiputer-Aided Acquusition and L 9 Qmcurrent Engineering - A New P 20 Defease Logistics Agency Compute 36 DIA Prepro\Tsioning Prototype - 41 Index DOD Electmnic Cominenre (EO/Ele 3 Ele<.-ln>nic Data Inieah;inj;e Oppo 11 Greater Buyer EtTetiiveness duo 37 How CAIS C,in Improve die DOD Wea ... 12 Na\y GALS Vtsion. Draft 2.0. Vol 30 Paperless Procurement - The Impa 14 Preliminan- CALS Plia.se 11 Archit 38 Presentaiioas at tlie Institute f 38 Proceetlinj;.s of tJie Advance Plann 15 Release and Installation Notes f 16 Role of &)ncurrent Engineering i 42 Military Publications Te.xi St^incLial Generalized Markup 46 Military Requirements Military Specification - Digital 13, 23 Military Specification - Markup 23, 30 Militarv' Sf)ecificaiion - Ra.ster 14 Military- Standiird - Automated In 14 Program Manager - Journal of the 25 Report on ilie Raster Capabiliiie 16 Military Research D.\RPA Q)ncurrent Design/Concurre 41 Military Specifications Militarv' Specification - Digital 13 Military Standard 1388-2B Integration of the Air Force Con 30 LSAR Seininar MIL-STD-1388-2B 37 Military Supplies PDES Application Protocol Suite 24 Military Transportation Doing Business with DOD Using El 5 Doing Business with DoD Using El 5 Electronic Data Interchange in D 44 Electronic Exchange of Transport 46 Electronic Future for Defease Tr 41 Mobile Communication Systems Indium (Tm) Sy.stem - Personal C 6 Models Achieving a Sy.stem Operational A 8, 17 CALS EXl'O '92 - IDEF Modeling. A 8 Feature ModelJ ing and Conversion 12 Res-ults of tlie Work of the Inter 25 STEP - Standard for the Exchange 25 Test Plan for Validating a Conte 26 Validating STEP Application Mode 26 MODELS Project .M(xJernization of Defense LogLsti 23 Monitoring Using Electronic Data Interchang 8 MRSEVs (Material Removal Shape Element Volume Library of Material Removal Shap 13 N NASA Programs NAS,'\ Pn x.-ureinent - Planning for 7 National Defense DOD Electronic Data Interchange 5 National Government Information Resources Management 23 National Institute of Standards and Technolo Development Plan - Configuration 28 National PDES Testlx^d Strategic 30 NIST EXPRESS Toolkit - Introduct 7 Strategic Plan for the Faaory A 8 NATO NIAG Report on tlie Applicability 24 Naval Procurement Electronic Data Interchange in U 11 Navy/Marine Corps Manager's Desk 7 Software and Design Document for 16 Naval Training Computer-Based Instructional Tec 10 Navy Acquisition Streamlining Co 44 Needs Analysis PDES Application Protocol Suite 24 Network Analysis (Management) Assessment of DoD and Industry N 43 Engineering Information System 11 Newspapers DLstributed Publishing of Electr 21 NGD (Next Generation Documents) Next Generation Documents 14 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Tec NIST Support of the CALS Program 24 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) NATO Industry Advisory Group Rep 14 NTIPS (Navy Technical Information Processing Electronic Delivery of Automated 36 Nuclear Weapons Developments in Agile Manufactur 3 DOE (Department of Energy) Data 44 Product Definition Initiative in 42 o Object Oriented Design Object-Oriented Design and Imple 7 Software Design Specification fo l6 Object-Oriented Programming IDEF4 Object-Oriented Design Met 12 ODA (Office Document Architecture) Interchangeability of SGML and O 13 Ra.ster Graphics - A Tutorial and 7 On Line Systems Lnplementalion of OLTRS within D 23 STEP On-line Information Service 25 Open Architecture Open Archittxture for Electronic 24 Operational Effectiveness Greater Buyer Effectiveness thro 37 Technical Publication Transfer T 26, 33 Operational Readiness OSD CALS Architecture Ma.ster Pla 37 Optimization Q^ncurrent Engineering in De,sign 20 DARPA DICE Manufacturing Optimiz 3 Functional Requirements and Meas 12 60 Orders (Commitments) Text Standard Generalized Markup 46 P Paperwork Report to llie Comiiiittees on Appr 45 Paperless Communications Doing Business with DOD Using El 5 Parallel Processing Assessment of tlie ModSim/TWOS pa 18 Heterogeneous SuperConcurrent Pa 6 Parallel Processors Design of Parallel Sy.stems for S 3 Objea-Oriented Design and bnple 7 Parasolid Software System Exlraaing STEP Geometry and Top 22 Parsers Difficulties in Parsing SGML 41 DREAM 2.0. User Manual 11 Integrated Information Support S 30 NIST Working Fonn for STEP - Nat 31 NIST Working Fomi for STEP Nati 31 Parser Tliat Converts a Boundary 38 Reference Implementition for SGM 44 PAS-C (Protocol Suite for Composites) PDES Application Protcxol Suite 24 Pattern Recognition Feature Modelling and Conversion 11 Payment Systems Maximization of Automatic Paymen 23 PDD (Product Definition I>ata) Produa Definition Data Sy.stem C 38 Produaion Definition Data Autom 32 PDES Considerations for the Developme 36 Data Model and Test Criteria Dev 36 New Testbed' will Aid CAD/CAM 37 PrcxJuct Data Exchange - The PDES 38 Product Data Exchange Specificat 42 Role of the National Institute o 39 PDES (Product Data Exchange Specification) Fed-X - Tlie NIST Express Traasla 29 NIST Express Working Fonn Progra 31 NIST PDES T(X)lkit - Technical Fu 31 NIST STEP Working Form Programme 31 NIST Working Fonn for STEP - Nat 31 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Status of PDES-Related Activitie 33 PDES (Product Data Exchange Using STEP) Architecture for the Validation 18 IGES/PDES Organization Document 23 National PDES Testbed Mail Serve 24 NIST EXl'RESS Tcxjlkit - Lessons L 14 NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fu 14 NIST Step Working Fonn Programme 31 PDES Application Protcxol Suite 15 Status Report for First Quarter, 16 Validation Testing System - Reus 17 Index PDES/STEP Status Report for Second Quarter 16 Transformr - A Prototype STEP Ex 17 PDES/STEP (Product Data Exchange Using STEP) PDES Application Protocol Suite 24 Performance Evaluation IGES Efficiency Evaluation 29 Performance Testing Technical publication transfer t 34 Personnel CALS Mailing List (for Microcomp 8 Design Evaluation for Personnel, 28 Gateway to Total Participation- 12 Personnel Development Survey of G\LS Manpower and Pers 25 Piping Systems 3D Piping IGES Application Proto 8, 26 Planning Stnjctured Analysis of the Logis 42 Planning Progranuning Budgeting Air Force CAIS Business Practice 1 Polymers Composites - Materials of the Fu 9 Postattack Operations Post-Dam System. Volume 2. Post- 15 Power Generation Prefeasibility study on compress 24 PQDR (Product Quality Deficiency Report) Using Electronic Data Interchang 8 Pretty Print Expp - An EXPRESS Pretty Printer 6 Printed Circuit Boards Computer-Aided Design for Built- 35, 36 Printed Circuits IGES Electrical Test - CADCAM-03 44 Printers (Data processing) Expp - An EXPRESS Pretty Printer 6 Problem Resolution Structured Analysis and Structur 33 Process Control (Industry) Fuzzy Simulation in ConcTJirent E 12 Ramp Technology and Intelligent 15 Process Engineering Improving Procurement tlirough Pr 12 Processing SGML Lessoas Learned for tlie Sof 33 Procurement Electronic Commerce and Competit 22 Improving Procurement tlirougli Pr 12 Quality Process Approach to Elec 7 Procurement Management NASA Procurement - Planning for 7 Product Data Product Definition Data Standard 45 Product Data Exchange Development Plan - Configuration 28 Development Plan - Product Data 28 Development Plan - Step Product! 28 Fed-X - Tlie NIST Express Transla 29 National Initiative for Product 23 National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fu 31 NIST SQL Database Loader - STEP 31 NIST Step Class Library (Step in 31 NIST Working Fonn for STEP - Nat 31 Overview of the Product Data Hyp 31 Product Data Exchange Baseline A 15 Questions and Answers You May Ha 15 Product Data Exchange Specifications Context Model for the Context Dr 27 Data Model Development and Valid 28 Data Model Development for Conte 28 Data Model for the PDES, Inc., C 28 Data Model for tlie PDES, Inc. Co 28 Fed-X - The NIST Express Transla 29 National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 NIST Express Working Form Progra 31 PDES (Production Data Exchange S 31 Planning Model for Unifying Info 31 Product Data Exchange Specificat 25 Test Report for Context Driven I 34 Product Data Exchange Standards Overview of the IGES/PDES Te.stin 38 Product Data HyperStandard CD ROM Overview of the Produa Data Hyp 31 Product E>efinition Data Product Definition Data Standard 45 Product Development Changing Nature of Design 9 CIM - It All Starts with Produa 45 Configuration Management of the 20 Context Model for the Context Dr 27 Data Model and Test Criteria Dev 36 Data Model Development and Valid 28 Data Model Development for Conte 28 Data Model for the PDES, Inc., C 28 Data Model for the PDES, Inc. Co 28 Draft Handbook of Concurrent Eng 11 First Principles of Concurrent E 22 Geometry Model, Version lA for t 36 Geometry Model Version IB for th 36 Govemment/Contraaor Developmen 6 Integrated Document, Version 2 f 37 Multi-Enterprise Concurrent Engi 23 PDES (Prcxluct data Exchange Stan 45 Produa Data Exchange Specificat 42 Produa Definition Data System C 38 Prcxluct Shajoe Interface Model fo 38 Produa Structure Configuration 32 Produaion Definition Data Autom 32 Projxxsed Integration Framework f 32 Pro{X\sed Testing MetlKxlolog>' for 25 Questions and Ai^swers You May Ha 15 Requirements and Recommendatioas 16 Role of tlie National Iixstitute o 39 STEP Development MetlxxLs - Speci 16 Test Report for Context Driven I 34 Tolerance Model Version 2 for th 34 Topology Model Version lA for th 39 Product Information Teclinologiemodellierung fuer die 17 Product Inspection RecjuiremenLs and Recommendations 16 Production Prcxiuction and Logistics Strateg 38 Production Engineering CIRI^ International Workshop on C 9 DARl^A Concurrent Design/Concurre 41 DARl^A Initiative in Q^ncurrent E 27 First Principles of Qjncurrent E 22 Government/ Qjntraaor Developmen 6 Quality Philosophy for Integrate 25 Unified Life Cycle Engineering 26 Production Models Use of GMAP (Geometric Modeling 39 Production Planning L'Ingenierie Concourante (Conc\ir 23 Ramp Technology and Intelligent 15 Products Profile Produa Data Exchange Standard 46 Programming Languages DTD Creation for the Software Te 29 Expp - An EXPRESS Prett\' Printer 6 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 47 Tinkertoy (Trade Name) Transactio 8 Progranuning Manuals Expp - An EXPRESS Prett\' Printer 6 NIST STEP Working Fomi Programme 31 Project Management Concurrent Engineering 20 Development Plan - Configuration 28 NIST Support of tlie CALS Program 24 Project Planning National Initiative for Produa 23 Produaion and Logistics Strateg 38 Projects Produa Data Exchange Baseline A 15 Propulsion System Configurations Concurrent Engineering 20 Propulsion System Performance Concurrent Engineering 20 Protective Clothing Proceedings of tlie Aiinual Academ 32 Protocol (Computers) Application Protocol for CAD to 1 Protocols 3D Piping IGES Application Proto 8 Development Plan - Applioition P 21 Projxxsed Testing Metlxxk)log)' for 25 Prototypes Ch;uiging Nature of Design 9 DL^ Preprovwoning Prot(>rs-]-)e - 41 Integration of rapid prtMorvpmg 6 Object-Oriented De.sign .md bnple 7 STEP Production Cell Teclinic-al D 33 Publishing C-MS-Nkirk-up RequiremenLs and Gen 1. 2. 19 Distributed Publishing of Eleclr 21 Publishing Standard Allo^-s for t 38 61 Index Quality liiitkiiive in Qmairrenl Enginee 30 Pa^sentatioas at the Institute f 38 Quality Assurance Draft Miiitaiy Sixxilkation - M 22 Militar\' Sjxxillcation. Qiulity l4 Quality Control Aniiotateti Reading list for Concu 34 ConcT-urent Engineering Teams. Vo 27 Decision Supjxirt Em'ironment for 21 Premieres QjncliLsioas d'UN Group 24 Quality- Piiilasophy for Integrate 25 Query Languages Ent\s-urf Eines Modells der Veraib 11 R RAMP (Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts RAMP PrcxJua Data Traaslation Sy 15 Rapid Acquisition of Manufaauri 15 Release and Installation Notes f 16 Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts Report on Standards and Specific 47 Raster Graphics Militan- Six^cification - Raster 14 Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and 7 Raster Graphics Validation 16 Report on the Raster Capabilitie 16 Rasters Tiled Raster Graphics and MIL-R- 26 RCAS Teclinical Assessment of tfie Rese 17 RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Reliability Centered Maintenance 25 Recursive Filters Qincxirrent Architectures for VTS 3 Regulations Expp - An EXPRESS Pretty Printer 6 Relational Data Bases IGES RLNl Parser & Converter 46 IGF.S RIM Parser/ Q)nverter Users 46 Reliability Appl icaiions of Concurrent Engin 34 Integration of R and M into the 42 Reliability Centered Maintenance 25 TecIin(jlog>' for Man(y)vver, Personn 8 Reliability (Electronics) Quality Process Apprcrach to Elec 7 Requirements GMMimlraclor Integrated Teclin ... 1, 2, 9, 19 Military .Spc-cification. Data Bas 14 Military .Specification. Manuals, 14 Military Sp)ecificalion. Quality 14 Presentatioas at CALS Conference 42 Research Textiles and Cx)mpf)siles '92. Sym 17 Research and I>evek>pnient Concurrc-nl Engineering 20 Technical Program of the Faaory 17 Research Projects NBS CNatioail Bureau of Standard 44, 45 Resources Management Inibmialion Re.sources Management 23 Risk Automated Logistics Support Anal 18 Robotics Q:)ntrol System Software, Simulat 21 Evaluation of Automated Decision 45 Robots Interpretation of CAD (Computer 37 Rule Based Systems Q^ncurrency Control in Rule-Base 10 s Sandia Laboratories Making IGES Work for CAD/CAM Dat 46 Satellite Conununication Iridium (Tm) Sy.stem - Personal C 6 Satellite Networks Iridium (Tm) Sy.stem - Personal C 6 Satellite Transmission Iridium (Tm) Sy.stem - Personal C 6 Satellites Spacecraft fabrication and test 16 SBTG (Small Business Task Group) Computer- Aided Acquisition and L 35 Scientific Personnel Text enc(xiing for retrieving sci 26 Sectoral Analysis Industry Sector Analysis, Canada 6 Industry Seaor Analy.sis, Hong K 6 Security CALS Database Usage and Analysis 19 SGML Diffictilties in Parsing SGML 41 Reference Implementation for SGM 44 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) Interchangeability of SGML and O 13 Military Specification - Markup 23 Proce.s.sing SGML IXxTjments 32 Q^-enz SGML Dcxtiment Types. Vers 25 SGML DTD for the STEP Integrated 7 Standard Generalized Markup Lang ... 25, 33 Shape PrcxJuct Shape Interface McxJel fo 38 Shipping DOD Electronic Data Interchange 5 Electronic Data Interchange Prot 11 Ships Annual Technical Symposium (2Hih 18 Shops Ramp Teclmology and Intelligent 15 Signal Processing Design of Parallel Systems for S 3 Simulation Multimedia Electronic Mail - Sta 14 Slides SGML Tables for the PHIGS Slide 8 Small Businesses Q)mputer-Aidcxl Acquisition and L 35 Forging a Paitnerslup Tlvougli ED 12 Software COMPRS 46 IGES/RIM Parser & Converter 46 PDES 46 Reference Implementation for SGM 44 SPU^KG 47 Software Engineering CIM - It All Starts willi Prcxiuct 45 Q)lleclion of Technical Studies 40 DARl^A DICE Manufacturing Optimiz 3 Design Knowledge Management Syst 10 IDEF4 Object-Oriented Design Met 12 MCM/Chip OancTJirent Engineering 13 NASA-IGES Geometry Data Exchange 14 NIST Step Working Form Programme 31 Software and Design Document for 16 Soft^vare Design Sp)ecification fo 16 Software Produa Data (SPD) Cun- 33 Software-First Life Cycle Final 33 Unified Life Cycle Engineering 26 United States Air Force Computer 43 Software Libraries NIST Step Class Library (Step in 31 Software Tools Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 45 Data Probe User's Guide. Nationa 3 Fed-X - The NIST Express Traasla 12 Information Resource Dictionary 41 Introduction to tlie NIST PDES To 30 NIST EXPRESS Toolkit - Intrcxlua 7 NIST EXPRESS Toolkit - Lessoas L 14 NIST Express Working Form Progra ... 14, 31 NIST PDES Tcx)lkit - Technical Fu 14, 31 Shtolo-Converting STEP Short lis 8 Survey of CALS Manpower and Pers 25 Survey of Training Development S 26 Traasformr - A Prototype STEP Ex 17 TRW CALS COTS Prcxiuct Guide, Sec 17 Software (Computers) Industry Sector Analysis, Hong K 6 Solids Extracting STEP Geometry and Top 22 SOTA (State Of The Art) PDES Application PrtXtKol Suite 24 Space Station Freedom Advanced Life Support Study. Mcxl 1 Space Vehicles Recent results from the Spacecra 7 Spacecraft fabrication and test 16 Spacecraft Design Advanced Life Support Study. Mcxi 1 Spacecraft Propulsion Q)ncurrent Engineering 20 Specialized Training Navy Accjulsition Streamlining Co 44 Specifkrations CALS- Automated Interchange of Te .... 1, 2, 19 Content Data Mcxlel - Teclinical S 27 Draft Military Specification - M 21 62 Index Military Specification - Digital 13, 23 Military Specification - Markup 23, 30 Military Specification - Raster 14 Military Specification. Data Bas 14 Military Specification. Digital 14 Military Specification. Manuals, 14 Military Specification. Quality 14 National Institute of Standards 37 VMS Uses PDES to Integrate CAD/C 34 Spline Functions Analysis of Three-Dimensional Sp 46 Wilson-Fowler Spline in a Global 44 SQL Database Language Database Language SQL - Integrat 10 SQL3 Database Language SQL3 Support for CALS Applicatio 25 Standardization CAD/CAM product data standards, 27 Data Model and Test Criteria Dev 36 NASA-IGES Geometry Data Exchange 14 Neutral Format for HMA Manufactu 30 New Testbed' will Aid CAD/CAM, 37 Open Architecture for Electronic 24 Open Document Processing and the 24 Overview of the Produa Data Hyp 31 Product Data Exchange - The PDES 38 Product Data Exchange Specificat 42 Report on Scoping the Apparel Ma 7 Results of the Work of the Inter 25 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 42 Transforming Cross-Industry Prac 26 Validation Testing Laboratory Us 26 Standards CALS (Computer-Aided Acquisition 35 CALS Standards Overview 19 CALS Test Network Handbcxjk, July 19 CALS Test Network MIL-D-28000 CI 27 CALS Test Network Strategic Plan 35 CALS-Automated Intercliange of Te .... 1, 2, 19 Collection of Technical Studies 20 Comparison of ISO 10303 Part 47 9 Computer Graphics Standards. (La 3 Computer-Aided Acquisition and L 10 Conceptual Architecture for a Me 20 Concurrent Engineering through P 20 Configuration Management of tlie 20 Data Management Standards in Com 28 Data Object Classification - A N 10 Development Plan - Product Data 28 Development Plan - Step Prcxiucli 28 Digital Representation for Commu 28 Dimeasional Inspection Planning 3 Documentation Preparation Under 41 DOD Electronic Data Interchange 4, 5 DoD Electronic Data Interchange 5 DoD's Teclinical Infonnation Publ 21 Draft Military Specification - M 21 EDI's Role in a Strategy for Dig 29 Emerging Hypennedia Standards - 22 Engineering Drawing Traasfer Tes 36 Exchange Standards for Electron! 41 Extending tlie Standard for tlie E 29 Government Document Proce.ssing R 22 Graphics Application Programmer' 37 Graphics Standards in the Comput 29 Guide for Specifying and Buildin 12 Guidelines for tlie Specification 37 Incorporating CALS Requirements 12 Information Resources Management 41 Initial Graphics Exchange Specif 13, 44 Interchangeability of SGML and O 13 Introduaion to the NIST PDES To 30 Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co 42 LSAR Seminar MIL-STD-1388-2B 37 Manufacturing Standards. (Latest 13 Military Standard - Automated In 14 Military Standards for CITIS - P 14 Multi-Enterpri.se Concurrent Engi 23 Multimedia Electronic Mail - Sta 14 National Institute of Standards 37 National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 New Video Describes CALS Program 31 Next Generation Documents 14 NIST Express Working Form Progra 31 NIST PDES Toolkit - Technical Fu 31 NIST SQL Database Loader - STEP 31 NIST Step Class Library (Step in 31 NIST STEP Working Form Programme 31 NIST Support for the Computer-Ai 24 NIST Working Fonn for STEP - Nat 31 PDES 46 Position of Sandia National Labo 38 Procedures Manual for Testing CG 15 Product Data Exchange Specificat 25 Product Data Exchange Standard 46 Produa Definition Data Standard 45 Proposed Integration Framework f 32 Proposed Testing Methodology for 25 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Raster Data Transfer Test Using 32 Raster Graphics - A Tutorial and 7 Ra.ster Grapliics Validation 16 Requirements and Recommendations 16 Sample Tailoring of 2167A DIDS f 32 Second Generation Q^mputer Graph 39 SGML DTD for the STEP Integrated 7 Status of PDES-Related Activitie 33 STEP - Standard for the Exchange 25 STEP Development Metlicxis - Speci 16 STEP Produaion Cell Technical D 33 Technical Pn^gram of tlie Factory 17 Teclinical Publication Traasfer T ..26, 33, 34 Teclinical Publication Traasfer t 34 Traasmission of Teclinical Infomi 39 U.S. GOSIP - Tlie Ch;ilienge Aliead 34 Use of GKS (Graphical Kerail Sys 39 Use of STEP in an Integrated M;in 17 Use of the IRDS Standaal in CALS 40 STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) Apparel STEP Traaslator 18 Architecttire for tlie V^ilidation 18 Comparison of ISO 10303 Part 47 9 Concepaial Architecture for a Me 20 63 Configuration Management Concept 20 Q)nfiguration Management of the 20 Qjasiderations for tlie Traasform 10 Data Probe User's Guide. Nationa 3 Development Plan - Application P 21 Development Plan - Prcxluct Data 28 Development Plan - STEP Q)nforma 21 Development Plan - Step Produai 28 Development Plan Validation Te.st 28 Expp - An EXl^RESS Pretty Printer 6 Extending the Standard for the E 29 Extracting STEP Geometry and Top 22 National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 NIST SQL Databa.se Loader - STEP 31 NIST Step Class Library (Step in 31 NIST STEP Working Form Programme 31 NIST Working Fomi for STEP. Nati 31 PDES Application Protocol Suite 24 Produa Data Exchange Specificat 25 Proposed Testing Methodology for 25 QDES User's Guide. National PDES 32 Requirements and Recommendations 16 SGML DTD for the STEP Integrated 7 Shtolo-Converting STEP Short Lis 8 Status of PDES-Related Aaivitie 33 Status Report for First Quarter, 16 STEP - Standard for the Exchange 25 STEP Development Methods - Speci l6 User's Guide for the Apparel STE 17 Validating STEP Application Mode 26 Validation Te.sting Sy.stem - Reas 17 Stockpile Management Potential Military Application o 32 Strategy Il.s, Ce, Cals du Concept a la Mi 23 National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 Streamlining Navy Acquisition Streamlining Co 44 Structural Analysis Integration of Design, Thermal 6 Structural Components Enabling Technologies for L'nifie 22 Structural Design Q)ncurrent Engineering in Design 20 Structural Engineering Q)nc\irreni Engineering in Design 20 Structured Analysis StRicturtxi .\naly.sLs of tlie Logls 43 Stnittured LSA Ttsk 301. Funaio 43 Structured Design Structured AnaK'sls ;ind Stnictur 33 Structured Programming Engineering Data Integration - P 29 Subject Indexing OSD CALS .\Rliitecture Ma.ster Pla 37 Subroutines biteraaive Interface for Nation 13 Supply Depots Acliie\'ing a System Operatioai! A 8. 17 ProiiK^ing Freight Carrier EDI Pa 7 Supply Management Improving Supply Management - Th 12 Index Swcx'p Generators R-iMiT c>r.iphi<.-s Coiiloniuncc Test 25 S>'mposia lies! \'.iJiie Aa|iiLsitic)n S\iii[xxsium 2 LJcxlrDnic Traastcr of Inlbmuii 29 IVrsixtlives, Key nienies. and Re 42 Systems Analysis Autonuied l>c)gLsiics Support Anal 18 Content Data Mcxiel (CDM) and Imp 36 Repair Level /ViulysLs Software 25 Soft^^•are-First Life Cycle Final 33 Struaured Anal>'sLs fortlie Logi 39 Structured Analysis of the LogLs 43 Systems Engineering Advanccxl Matenals .-Vscjects of Co 17 Catalog of Training and Educatio 35 CIM - It All Starts witli Produa 45 ConcTirrent Engineering - A New P 20 Concurrent Engineering Teams. Vo 27 Coasiderations for tlie Developme 36 Decision Supp>ort Environment for 21 Design Knowledge Management Syst 10 Design of Parallel Systems for S 3 Exaniination of Various Methods U 29 L'Ingenierie Concourante (Concur 23 Management of Risk and Uncertain 37 Meta-Design. An Approach to the 30 Research and Development Strateg 16 Stnjciured Analysis and Struclur 25 Structured LSA Task 301. Functio 43 Systems Design Analysis Applied 8 United Slates Air Force Computer 43 Systems Management Examination of Various Methods U 29 Systems Simulation Computational Simulation for Con 2 T Task Forces Rej>)rt of ilie Joint Industry - D 46, 47 Teaching Methods U.S. Joint Service Sy.stems Appro 34 Technical Assessment Technical AssessnK'nt of the Rese 17 Technical Information 0\LS Iniorrruition Teclinology Brie 2 Tnaasmls.sion of Technical Inform 39 Technical Information Centers G\LS Baseline Architc-cture Analy 35 CALS Infrastaiclure Analysis. I>r 27 OSI) CALS .\rchitecture Master Pla 37 Technical Manuals I sing Ob)t-ci-<^3riented Databases 17 Technical Orders lienefit Analysis Report, L'nited 35 Technical Writing SGML EncfxJing for Technic^al Repcjr 16 Technology Assessment Lnilc-d States Air Ffuce C>)mputer 43 Technology Forecasting Prescntatioas at CALS Conference 38 Technology Transfer Technical Publication TraasferT 26, 33 Technology Utilization Inform.ilion Teclinology Vision fo 13 Telecommunications Data Q)mmunication Networks Me.ss 21 Data Fomiat StancUirdization witli 3 Information Resources Management 23 Telegraph and Mobile Services. M 26 Telephones Iridium (Tm) System - Personal C 6 Temperature Effects Integration of Design, Tliemial, 6 Test Beds National PDES Testbed Strategic 30 STEP Prcxluction Cell Technical D 33 Test Equipment Computer- Aided Design for Built- 35, 36 Test Facilities Use of GMAP (Geometric Modeling 39 Testing CALS Te.st Network MIL-D-28000 CI 27 Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co 42 Prcxredures Manual for Testing CG 15 Simulation-Based Approach to Tes 16 Tests Architecture for the Validation 18 CL\LSTest Network Handlxx)k, July 19 CALS Testing - Prograras, Status 9 Computer- Aided Acquisition and L 10 NIST CGM Information Pack for Te 24 Overview of tlie IGES/PDES Testin 38 PDES (Production Data Exchange S 31 Proposed Testing Methodology for 25 Raster Graphics Conformance Test 25 Raster Graphics Validation 16 Requirements and Recommendatioas 16 Status Rej^ort for Second Quarter 16 Technical Publication Traasfer T ..26, 33, 34 Test Report for Context Driven I 34 Validation Testing System - Reus 17 Text Editors Standard Generalized Markup Lang 47 Text Processing Q)llection of Technical Studies 27 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 3 SGML in Practice - The PHIGS Sli 16 SGML Tables for tlie PHIGS Slide 8 Standard Generalized Markup Lang 42 Textile Industry Information Technology Vision fo 13 Textiles Textiles and Composites '92. Sym 17 Texts Entwurf Fines Mc xJells der Verarb 11 Thermal Analysis Integration of Design, Tliermal 6 Three Dimensional Display Systems Oimputer Graphics Metafile (CGM) 2, 35 Three Dimensional Models Context Mcxiel for tlie Qmtext Dr 27 Extracting STEP Geometry and Top 22 64 ITP (Technical Information Publishing) DoD's Technical Inlbnnalion Publ 21 Tolerances (Mechanics) Tolenmce Mcxiel Version 2 for th 34 Topology Tc)i-K)logy Model Version lA for th 39 Total Quality Management Initiative in Q)ncuaent Enginee 30 Quality Process Approach to Elec 7 Sy.stems De.sign Analy.sls Applied 8 Trade Electronic Q)mmerce User Manual 11 Trade Off Analysis Structured Analy.sls of the Logls 43 Technology for Manpower, Personn 8 Traffic Electronic Commerce Strategy for 11 Training CALS - The Time Is Now. 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