Public Support for Coastal Zone Management Programs: The Implementation of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 A Report by the Coastal Zone Management Advisory Committee *<°709. (a) The Secretary shall conduct a continuing review of the management programs of the coastal states and of the performance of each state. (b) The Secretary shall have the authority to terminate any financial assistance extended under section HOfi and to withdraw any unexpended portion of such assistance if (1) he determines that the state is failing 1o adhere to and is not justified in deviating from the program approved by the Secretary; and (2) the state has been given notice of the proposed termination and withdrawal and given an opportunity to present evidence of adherence or justification for altering its program. RECORDS Sec. 310. (a) Each recipient of a grant under this title shall keep such records as the Secretary shall prescribe, including records which fully disclose the amount and disposition of the funds received under the grant, the total cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective audit. (b) The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, docu- ments, papers, and records of the recipient of the grant that are perti- nent to the determination that funds granted are used in accordance with this title. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sec. .'ill. (a) The Secretary is authorized and directed to establish a Coastal Zone Management Advisory Committee to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Secretary on matters of policy concerning the coastal zone. Such committee shall be composed of not more than fifteen persons designated by the Secretary and shall per- form such functions and operate in such a manner as the Secretary may direct. The Secretary shall insure that the committee member- ship as a group possesses a broad range of experience and knowledge relating to problems involving management, use, conservation, pro- tection, and development of coastal zone resources. (b) Members of the committee who are not regular full-time employees of the United States, while serving on the business of the committee, including traveltime, may receive compensation at rates not exceeding $100 per diem; and while so serving away from their 47 homes or regular places of business may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for individuals in the Govern- 80 Stat. 499; ment service employed intermittently. 83 Stat. 190. ESTUARINE SANCTUARIES Sec. 312. The Secretary, in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by him, is authorized to make available to a coastal state grants of up to 50 per centum of the costs of acquisition, development, and operation of estuarine sanctuaries for the purpose of creating natural field laboratories to gather data and make studies of the natural and human processes occurring within the estuaries of the coastal zone. The Federal share of the cost for each such sanctuary shall not exceed $2,000,000. No Federal funds received pursuant to section 305 or section 306 shall be used for the purpose of this section. Federal share. ANNUAL REPORT Sec. 313. (a) The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the Presi- dent for transmittal to the Congress not later than November 1 of each year a report on the administration of this title for the preceding fiscal year. The report shall include but not be restricted to (1) an identifi- cation of the state programs approved pursuant to this title during the preceding Federal fiscal year and a description of those programs; (2) a listing of the states participating in the provisions of this title and a description of the status of each state's programs and its accom- plishments during the preceding Federal fiscal year; (3) an itemiza- tion of the allocation of funds to the various coastal states and a breakdown of the major projects and areas on which these funds w T ere expended ; (4) an identification of any state programs which have been reviewed and disapproved or with respect to which grants have been terminated under this title, and a statement of the reasons for such action; (5) a listing of all activities and projects which, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) or subsection (d) of section 307, are not consistent with an applicable approved state management pro- gram ; (6) a summary of the regulations issued by the Secretary or in effect during the preceding Federal fiscal year; (7) a summary of a coordinated national strategy and program for the Nation s coastal zone including identification and discussion of 'Federal, regional, state, and local responsibilities and functions therein; (8) a summary of outstanding problems arising in the administration of this title in order of priority; and (9) such other information as may be appro- priate. (b) The report required by subsection (a) shall contain such recom- mendations for additional legislation as the Secretary deems necessary to achieve the objectives of this title and enhance its effective operation. RULES AND REGULATIONS Sec. 314. The Secretary shall develop and promulgate, pursuant to section 553 of title 5, United States Code, after notice and oppor- tunity for full participation by relevant Federal agencies, state agencies, local governments, regional organizations, port authorities, and other interested parties, both public and private, such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. Stat. 383. 48 AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 315. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated — (1) the sum of $9,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and for each of the fiscal years 1974 through 1977 for grants under section 305, to remain available until expended ; (2) such sums, not to exceed $30,000,000, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, and for each of the fiscal years 1975 through 1977, as may be necessary, for grants under section 306 to remain available until expended ; and (3) such sums, not to exceed $6,000,000 for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1974, as may be necessary, for grants under section 312, to remain available until expended. (b) There are also authorized to oe appropriated such sums, not to exceed $3,000,000, for fiscal year 1973 and for each of the four succeed- ing fiscal years, as may be necessary for administrative expenses incident to the administration of this title. Approved October 27, 1972. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY ; HOUSE REPORTS: No. 92-1049 accompanying H.R. 14146 (Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries) and No. 92-1544 (Comm. of Conference) . SENATE REPORT No. 92-753 (Comm, on Commerce). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 118 (1972): Apr. 25, oonsidered and passed Senate. Aug. 2, oonsidered and passed House, amended, in lieu of H.R. 14146. Oct. 12, House and Senate agreed to conference report. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 8, No. 44: Oot. 28, Presidential statement. O 49 Public Law 94-370 94th Congress, S. 586 July 26, 1976 Sin Slct To improve coastal zone management in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and. House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1976". SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Section 302 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451) is amended — ( 1 ) by inserting "ecological," immediately after "recreational," in subsection (b) ; (2) by striking out — (A) the semicolon at the end of subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e),and (f), respectively, and (B) "; and" at the end of subsection (g), and inserting in lieu of such matter at each such place a period; and (3) by inserting immediately after subsection (h) the follow- in g : "(i) The national objective of attaining a greater degree of energy self-sufficiency would be advanced by providing Fecferal financial assistance to meet state and local needs resulting from new or expanded energy activity in or affecting the coastal zone.". SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. Section 304 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1453) is amended — (1) by redesignating paragraph (a) as paragraph (1), and by amending the first sentence of such paragraph (1) (as so redesignated) — (A) by striking out "'Coastal" and inserting in lieu thereof "The term 'coastal"; and (B) by inserting immediately after "and includes" the following : "islands," ; (2) by redesignating paragraph (b) as paragraph (2), and by amending such paragraph (2) (as so redesignated) — (A) by striking out "'Coastal" and inserting in lieu thereof "The term 'coastal"; and (B) by striking out "(1)" and "(2)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(A)" and "(B)", respectively; (3) by striking out "(c) 'Coastal" and inserting in lieu thereof "(3) The term 'coastal"; (4) by inserting immediately before paragraph (d) thereof the following : "(4) The term 'coastal energy activity' means any of the following activities if, and to the extent that (A) the conduct, support, or facili- tation of such activity requires and involves the siting, construction, expansion, or operation of any equipment or facility; and (B) any technical requirement exists which, in the determination of the Secretary, necessitates that the siting, construction, expansion, or Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1976. 16 USC 1451 note. 50 operation of such equipment or facility be carried out in, or in close proximity to, the coastal zone of any coastal state ; "(1) Any outer Continental Shelf energy activity, "(ii) Any transportation, conversion, treatment, transfer, or storage of liquefied natural gas. "(hi) Any transportation, transfer, or storage of oil, natural gas, or coal (including, but not limited to, by means of any deep- water port, as defined in section 3(10) of the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (33 U.S.C. 1502(10))). For purposes of this paragraph, the siting, construction, expansion, or operation of any equipment or facility shall be 'in close proximity to.' the coastal zone of any coastal state if such siting, construction, expansion, or operation has, or is likely to have, a significant effect on such coastal zone. "(5) The term 'energy facilities' means any equipment or facility which is or will be used primarily — "(A) in the exploration for, or the development, production, conversion, storage, transfer, processing, or transportation of, any energy resource ; or "(B) for the manufacture, production, or assembly of equip- ment, machinery, products, or devices which are involved in any activity described in subparagraph (AJ. The term includes, but is not limited to (i) electric generating plants; (ii) petroleum refineries and associated facilities; (iii) gasification plants; (iv) facilities used for the transportation, conversion, treat- ment, transfer, or storage of liquefied natural gas; (v) uranium enrichment or nuclear fuel processing facilities; (vi) oil and gas facilities, including platforms, assembly plants, storage depots, tank farms, crew and supply bases, and refining complexes; (vii) facilities including deepwater ports, for the transfer of petroleum ; ( viii) pipe- lines and transmission facilities; and (ix) terminals which are asso- ciated with any of the foregoing." ; (5) by striking out "(d) 'Estuary' " and inserting in lieu thereof "(6) The term 'estuary' "; (6) by redesignating paragraph (e) as paragraph (7) and by amending such paragraph (7) (as so redesignated) — (A) by striking out " 'Estuarine" and inserting in lieu thereof "The term 'estuarine", and (B) by striking out "estuary, adjoining transitional areas, and adjacent uplands, constituting" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "estuary and any island, transitional area, and upland in, adjoining, or adjacent to such estuary, and which constitutes" ; (7) by striking out paragraph (f ) and inserting in lieu thereof the following : "(8) The term 'Fund' means the Coastal Energy Impact Fund Post , p. 1019. established by section 308(h). "(9) The term 'land use' means activities which are conducted in, or on the shorelands within, the coastal zone, subject to the require- Post, p. 1018. ments outlined in section 307(g). "(10) The term 'local government' means any political subdivision of, or any special entity created by, any coastal state which (in whole or part) is located in, or has authority over, such state's coastal zone and which (A) has authority to levy taxes, or to establish and collect user fees, or (B) provides any public facility or public service which is financed in whole or part by taxes or user fees. The term includes, but is not limited to, any school district, fire district, transportation authority, and any other special purpose district or authority." ; 51 (8) bv striking out "(g) 'Management" and inserting in lieu i hereof " ( 11 ) The term 'management" ; (9) by inserting immediately after paragraph (11) (as redesig- nated by paragraph (8) of this section) the following: "(12) The term 'outer Continental Shelf energy activity' means any exploration for, or any development or production of, oil or natu- ral gas from the outer Continental Shelf (as defined in section 2(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 (a) ) ) , or the siting, construction, expansion, or operation of any new or expanded energy facilities directly required by such exploration, development, or production. "(13) The term 'person' means any individual; any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity organized or existing under the laws of any state; the Federal Government; any state, regional, or local government ; or any entity of any such Federal, state, regional, or local government. "(14) The term 'public facilities and public services' means facili- ties or services which are financed, in whole or in part, by any state or political subdivision thereof, including, but not limited to, highways and secondary roads, parking, mass transit, docks, navigation aids, fire and police protection, water supply, waste collection and treat- ment (including drainage), schools and education, and hospitals and health care. Such term may also include any other facility or service so financed which the Secretary finds will support increased population. "(15) The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Commerce."; (10) by striking out "(h) 'Water" and inserting in lieu thereof "(16) The term 'water"; and (11) by striking out paragraph (i). SEC. 4. MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT GRANTS. Section 305 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1454) is amended to read as follows : "management program development grants "Sec. 305. (a) The Secretary may make grants to any coastal state — " (1 ) under subsection (c) for the purpose of assisting such state in the development of a management program for the land and water resources of its coastal zone ; and "(2) under subsection "(d) for the purpose of assisting such state in the completion of the development, and the initial imple- mentation, of its management program before such state qualifies for administrative grants under section 306. Post > P- 1017. "(b) The management program for each coastal state shall include Requirements, each of the following requirements: "(1) An identification of the boundaries of [he coastai zone subject to the management program. "(2) A definition of what shall constitute permissible land uses and water uses within the coastal zone which have a direct and significant impact on the coastal waters. "(3) An inventory and designation of areas of particular con- cern within the coastal zone. "(4) An identification of the means by which the state proposes to exert control over the land uses and water uses referred to in 52 paragraph (2), including a listing of relevant constitutional pro- visions, laws, regulations, and judicial decisions. "(5) Broad guidelines on priorities of uses in particular areas, including specifically those uses of lowest priority. "(6) A description of the organizational structure proposed to implement such management program, including the responsi- bilities and interrelationships of local, areawide, state, regional, and interstate agencies in the management process. "(7) A definition of the term 'beach' and a planning process for the protection of, and access to, public beaches and other public coastal areas of environmental, recreational, historical, esthetic, ecological, or cultural value. "(8) A planning process for energy facilities likely to be located in, or which may significantly affect, the coastal zone, including, but not limited to, a process for anticipating and managing the impacts from such facilities. "(9) A planning process for (A) assessing the effects of shore- line erosion (however caused), and (B) studying and evaluating ways to control, or lessen the impact of, such erosion, and to restore areas adversely affected by such erosion. No management program is required to meet the requirements in para- graphs (7) , (8) , and (9) before October 1, 1978. "(c) The Secretary may make a grant annually to any coastal state for the purposes described in subsection (a) (1) if such state reason- ably demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such grant will be used to develop a management program consistent with the Post , p. 1017. requirements set forth in section 306. The amount of any such grant shall not exceed 80 per centum of such state's costs for such purposes in any one year. No coastal state is eligible to receive more than four grants pursuant to this subsection. After the initial grant is made to any coastal state pursuant to this subsection, no subsequent grant shall be made to such state pursuant to this subsection unless the Secretary finds that such state is satisfactorily developing its management program. "(d) (1) The Secretary may make a grant annually to any coastal state for the purposes described in subsection (a) (2) if the Secretary finds that such state meets the eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph (2). The amount of any such grant shall not exceed 80 per centum of the costs for such purposes in any one year. Eligibility. "(2) A coastal state is eligible to receive grants imder this subsec- tion if it has — "(A) developed a management program which — "(i) is in compliance with the rules and regulations pro- mulgated to carry out subsection (b) , but "(ii) has not yet been approved by the Secretary under section 306; "(B) specifically identified, after consultation with the Secre- tary, any deficiency in such program which makes it ineligible for approval by the Secretary pursuant to section 306, and has established a reasonable time schedule during which it can remedy any such deficiency ; "(C) specified the purposes for which any such grant will be used ; "(D) taken or is taking adequate steps to meet any require- Post, p. 1018. ment under section 306 or 307 which involves any Federal official or agency ; and 53 '•(E) complied with any other requirement which the Secretary, by rules and regulations, prescribes as being necessary and appro- priate to carry out the purposes of this subsection. "(3) No management program for which grants are made under this subsection shall be considered an approved program for purposes of section 307. Post, p. 1018. a (e) Grants under this section shall be made to, and allocated among, Rules and the coastal states pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by regulations, (ho Secretary; except that — ■ u (l) no grant shall be made under this section in an amount which is more than 10 per centum of the total amount appropri- ated to carry out the purposes of this section, but the Secretary may waive this limitation in the case of any coastal state which is eligible for grants under subsection (d) ; and "(2) no grant shall be made under this section in an amount which is less than 1 per centum of the total amount appropriated to carry out the purposes of this section, but the Secretary shall waive this limitation in the case of any coastal state which requests such a waiver. "(f) The amount of any grant (or portion thereof) made under this section which is not obligated by the coastal state concerned during the fiscal year for which it was first authorized to be Obligated by such state, or during the fiscal year immediately following, Shall revert to the Secretary who shall add such amount to the funds available for grants under this section. "(g) With the approval of the Secretary, any coastal state may allo- cate to any local government, to any areawide agency designated under section 204 of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966, to any regional agency, or to any interstate agency, a portion of any grant received by it under this section for the pur- pose of carrying out the provisions of this section. "(h) Any coastal state which has completed the development of its management program shall submit such program to the Secretary for review and approval pursuant to section 306. Whenever the Secretary Infra, approves the management program of any coastal state under section 306. such state thereafter — 4 '(1) shall not be eligible for grants under this section; except that such state may receive grants under subsection (c) in order to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (7), (8), and (9) of subsection (b) ; and "(2) shall be eligible for grants under section 306. "(i) The authority to make grants under this section shall expire on September 30, 1979/'. SEC. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE GRANTS. Section 306 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1455) is amended — (1) by amending subsection (a) to read as follows: "(a) The Secretary may make a grant annually to any coastal state for not more than 80 per centum of the costs of administering such state's management program if the Secretary (1) finds that such pro- gram meets the requirements of section 305(b), and (2) approves such Ante , p. 1015. program in accordance with subsections (c), (d), and (e)."; (2) by amending subsection (c)(2)(B) by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the follow- ing : " ; except that the Secretary shall not find any mechanism to be 'effective' for purposes of this subparagraph unless it includes each of the following requirements: 54 Expiration date. Notice. "(i) Such management agency is required, before imple- menting any management program decision which would conflict with any local zoning ordinance, decision, or other action, to send a notice of such management program decision to any local government whose zoning authority is affected thereby. "(ii) Any such notice shall provide that such local govern- ment may, within the 30-day period commencing on the date of receipt of such notice, submit to the management agency written comments on such management program decision, and any recommendation for alternatives thereto, if no action is taken during such period which would conflict or interfere with such management program decision, unless such local government waives its right to comment. "(iii) Such management agency, if am such comments are submitted to it, with such 30 day period, by any local government — "(I) is required to consider any such comments, "(II) is authorized, in its discretion, to hold a public hearing on such comments, and k '(III) may not take any action within such 30-day period to implement the management program decision, whether or not modified on the basis of sueh comments."; (3) by amending subsection (c) (8)tO read as follows — "(8) The management program provides for adequate consid- eration of the national interest involved in planning for, and in the siting of, facilities (including energy facilities in, or which significantly affect, such state's coastal zone) which are necessary to meet requirements which are other than local in nature. In the case of such energy facilities, the Secretary shall find that the state has given such consideration to any applicable interstate energy plan or program."; (4) by amending subsection (g) to read as follows: "(g) Any coastal state may amend or modify the management pro- gram which it has submitted and which has been approved by the Sec- retary under this section, pursuant to the required procedures described in subsection (c). Except with respect to any such amendment which is made before October 1, 1978, for the purpose of complying with the Ante, p. 1015. requirements of paragraphs (?), (8). and (9) of section 305(b), no grant shall be made under this section to any coastal state after the date of such an amendment or modification, until the Secretary approves such amendment or modification.". SEC. 6. CONSISTENCY AND MEDIATION. Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 197'2 (10 U.S.C. 1456) is amended — (1) by striking out "interagency" in the title of such section; (2) by striking out the last sentence of subsection (b) ; (3) by amending subsection (c) (3) by inserting "(A) "immedi- ately after "(3)", and by adding at the end thereof the following: "(B) After the management program of any coastal state has been Ante, p. 1017. approved by the Secretary under section 300, any person who submits to the Secretary of the Interior any plan for the exploration or devel- opment of, or production from, any area which has been leased under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) and regulations under such Act shall, with respect to any exploration, development, or production described in such plan and affecting any land use or water use in the coastal zone of such state, attach to such plan a certification that each activity which is described in detail in such plan complies with such state's approved management program and will be carried out in a manner consistent with such program. No Federal official or agency shall grant such person any license or permit for any activity described in detail in such plan until such state or its designated agency receives a copy of such certification and plan, together with any other necessary data and information, and until — "(i) such state or its designated agency, in accordance with the procedures required to be established by such state pursuant to subparagraph (A), concurs with "such person's certification and notifies the Secretary and the Secretary of the Interior of such concurrence ; "(ii) concurrence by such state with such certification is con- clusively presumed, as provided for in subparagraph (A) ; or "(iii) the Secretary finds, pursuant to subparagraph (A), that each activity which is described in detail in such plan is consistent with the objectives of this title or is otherwise necessary in the interest of national security. If a state concurs or is conclusively presumed to concur, or if the Secretary makes such a finding, the provisions of subparagraph (A) are not applicable with respect to such person, such state, and any Federal license or permit which is required to conduct any activity affecting land uses or water uses in the coastal zone of such state whicn is described in detail in the plan to which such concurrence or find- ing applies. If such state objects to such certification and if the Secretary fails to make a finding under clause (iii) with respect to such certification, or if such person fails substantially to comply with such plan as submitted, such person shall submit an amendment to such plan, or a new plan, to the Secretary of the Interior. With respect to any amendment or new plan submitted to the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the preceding sentence, the applicable time period for purposes of concurrence by conclusive presumption under subpara- graph (A) is 3 months."; and (4) by adding at the end thereof the following new subsec- tion: "(h) In case of serious disagreement between any Federal agency and a coastal state — "(1) in the development or the initial implementation of a management program under section 305 ; or (2) in the administration of a management program approved under section 306 ; the Secretary, with the cooperation of the Executive Office of the Presi- dent, shall seek to mediate the differences involved in such disagree- ment. The process of such mediation shall, with respect to any disagreement described in paragraph (2), include public hearings which shall be conducted in the local area concerned.". SEC. 7. COASTAL ENERGY IMPACT PROGRAM. The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 is further amended by redesignating sections 308 through 315 as sections 311 through 318, respectively; and by inserting immediately after section 307 the following : "coastal energy impact program "Sec. 308. (a)(1) The Secretary shall administer and coordinate, as part of the coastal zone management activities of the Federal Gov- ernment provided for under tnis title, a coastal energy impact program. Such program shall consist of the provision of financial 56 Ante , p. 1015. Ante , p. 1017. 16 USC 1457- 1464. 16 USC 1456a. Post , p. 1030. Rules and regu- lations. 16 USC 1463. Calculations. assistance to meet the needs of coastal states and local governments in such states resulting from specified activities involving energy devel- opment. Such assistance, which includes — "(A) grants, under subsection (b), to coastal states for the purposes set forth in subsection (b) (4) with respect to conse- quences resulting from the energy activities specified therein; "(B) grants, under subsection (c), to coastal states for study of, and planning for, consequences relating to new or expanded energy facilities in, or which significantly affect, the coastal zone ; "(C) loans, under subsection (d) (1), to coastal states and units of general purpose local government to assist such states and units to provide new or improved public facilities or public serv- ices which are required as a result of coastal energy activity; "(D) guarantees, under subsection (d)(2) and sut>jeet to the provisions of subsection (f), of bonds or other evidences of in- debtedness issued by coastal states and units of general purpose local government for the purpose of providing new or improved public facilities or public services which are required as a result of coastal energy activity; "(E) grants or other assistance, under subsection (d)(3), to coastal states and units of general purpose local government to enable such states and units to meet obligations under loans or guarantees under subsection (d) (1) or (2) which they are unable to meet as they mature, for reasons specified in subsection (d)(3); and "(F) grants, under subsection (d) (4), to coastal states which have suffered, are suffering, or will sutfer any unavoidable loss of a valuable environmental or recreational resource ; shall be provided, administered, and coordinated by the Secretary in accordance with the provisions of this section and under the rules and regulations required to be promulgated pursuant to paragraph (2). Any such financial assistance shall be subject to audit under section 313. "(2) The Secretary shall promulgate, in accordance with section 317, such rules and regulations (including, but not limited to, those required under subsection (e) ) as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section. "(b) (1) The Secretary shall make grants annually to coastal states, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. "(2) The amounts granted to coastal states under this subsection shall be, with respect to any such state for any fiscal year, the sum of the amounts calculated, with respect to such state, pursuant to subpara- graphs (A), (B), (C),and (D): "(A) An amount which bears, to one-third of the amount appropriated for the purpose of funding grants under this subsec- tion for such fiscal year, the same ratio that the amount of outer Continental Shelf acreage which is adjacent to such state and which is newly leased by the Federal Government in the immedi- ately preceding fiscal year bears to the total amount of outer Continental Shelf acreage which is newly leased by the Federal Government in such preceding year. "(B) An amount which bears, to one-sixth of the amount appropriated for such purpose for such fiscal vear, the same ratio that the volume of oil and natural gas produced in the immediately preceding fiscal year from the outer Continental Shelf acreage which is adjacent to such state and which is leased by the Federal 57 Government bears to the total volume of oil and natural gas pro- duced in such year from all of the outer Continental Shelf acre- age which is leased by the Federal Government. "(C) An amount which bears, to one-sixth of the amount appropriated for such purpose for such fiscal year, the same ratio that the volume of oil and natural gas produced from outer Con- tinental Shelf acreage leased by the Federal Government which is first landed in such state in the immediately preceding fiscal year bears to the total volume of oil and natural gas produced from all outer Continental Shelf acreage leased by the Federal Government which is first landed in all of the coastal states in such year. "(D) An amount which bears, to one-third of the amount appropriated for such purpose for such fiscal year, the same ratio that the number of individuals residing in sucn state in the imme- diately preceding fiscal year who obtain new employment in such year as a result of new or expanded outer Continental Shelf energy activities bears to the total number of individuals residing in all of the coastal states in such year who obtain new employment in such year as a result of such outer Continental Shelf energy activities. "(3) (A) The Secretary shall determine annually the amounts of the grants to be providea under this subsection and shall collect and evaluate such information as may be necessary to make such deter- minations. Each Federal department, agency, and instrumentality shall provide to the Secretary such assistance in collecting and evaluat- ing relevant information as the Secretary may request. The Secretary shall request the assistance of any appropriate state agency in collect- ing and evaluating such information. "(B) For purposes of making calculations under paragraph (2), outer Continental Shelf acreage is adjacent to a particular coastal state if such acreage lies on that state's side of the extended lateral seaward boundaries of such state. The extended lateral seaward boundaries of a coastal state shall be determined as follows: "(i) If lateral seaward boundaries have been clearly defined or fixed by an interstate compact, agreement, or judicial decision (if entered into, agreed to, or issued before the date of the enactment of this paragraph) , such boundaries shall be extended on the basis of the principles of delimitation used to so define or fix them in such compact, agreement, or decision. "(ii) If no lateral seaward boundaries, or any portion thereof, have been clearly defined or fixed by an interstate compact, agree- ment, or judicial decision, lateral seaward boundaries shall be determined according to the applicable principles of law, includ- ing the principles of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, and extended on the basis of such principles, "(iii) If, after the date of enactment of this paragraph, two or more coastal states enter into or amend an interstate compact or agreement in order to clearly define or fix lateral seaward bound- aries, such boundaries shall thereafter be extended on the basis of the principles of delimitation used to so define or fix them in such compact or agreement. "(C) For purposes of making calculations under this subsection, the transitional quarter beginning July 1, 1976, and ending Septem- ber 30, 1976, shall be included within the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976. J 58 "(4) Each coastal state shall use the proceeds of grants received by it under this subsection for the following purposes (except that priority shall be given to the use of such proceeds for the purpose set forth in subparagraph ( A) ) : "(A) The retirement of state and local bonds, if any, which are guaranteed under subsection (d)(2); except that, if the amount of such grants is insufficient to retire both state and local bonds, priority shall be given to retiring local bonds. "(B) The study of, planning for, development of. and the carrying out of projects and programs in such state which are — "(i) necessary, because of the unavailability of adequate financing under any other subsection, to provide new or improved public facilities and public services which are required as a direct result of new or expanded outer Conti- nental Shelf energy activity; and "(ii) of a type approved by the Secretary as eligible for grants under this paragraph, except that the Secretary may not disapprove any project or program for highways and secondary roads, docks, navigation aids, fire and police pro- tection, water supply, waste collection and treatment (including drainage), schools and education, and hospitals and health care. "(0) The prevention, reduction, or amelioration of any unavoidable loss in such state's coastal zone of any valuable environmental or recreational resource if such loss results from coastal energy activity. "(5) The Secretary, in a timely manner, shall determine that each coastal state has expended or committed, and may determine that such state will expend or commit, grants which such state has received under this subsection in accordance with the purposes set forth in paragraph (4). The United States shall be entitled to recover from any coastal state an amount equal to any portion of any such grant received by such state under this subsection which — "(A) is not expended or committed by such state before the close of the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year in which the grant was disbursed, or "(B) is expended or committed by such state for any purpose other than a purpose set forth in paragraph (4). Before disbursing the proceeds of any grant under this subsection to any coastal state, the Secretary shail require such state to provide adequate assurances of being able to return to the United States any amounts to which the preceding sentence may apply. "(c) The Secretary shall make grants to any coastal state if the Sec- retary finds that the coastal zone of such state is being, or is likely to be. significantly affected by the siting, construction, expansion, or oper- ation of new or expanded energv facilities. Such grants shall be used for the study of, and planning for (including, but not limited to, the application of the planning process included in a management pro- A-ite p. 1015. gram pursuant to section 305(b) (8) ) any economic, social, or environ- mental consequence which has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur in such state's coastal zone as a result of the siting, construction, expansion, or operation of such new or expanded energy facilities. The amount of any such grant shall not exceed 80 per centum of the cost of such study and planning. Loans. "(d) (1) The Secretary shall make loans to any coastal state and to any unit of general purpose local government to assist such state or unit to provide new or improved public facilities or public services, or both, which are required as a result of coastal energy activity. Such loans shall be made solely pursuant to this title, and no such loan shall require as a condition thereof that any such state or unit pledge its full faith and credit to the repayment thereof. No loan shall be made under this paragraph after September 30, 1986. "(2) The Secretary shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (f), guarantee, or enter into commitments to guarantee, the payment of interest on, and the principal amount of, any bond or other evidence of indebtedness if it is issued by a coastal state or a unit of general purpose local government for the purpose of providing new or improved public facilities or public services, or both, which are required as a result of a coastal energy activity. "(3) If the Secretary finds that any coastal state or unit of general purpose local government is unable to meet its obligations pursuant to a loan or guarantee made under paragraph (1) or (2) because the actual increases in employment and related population resulting from coastal energy activity and the facilities associated with such activity do not provide adequate revenues to enable such state or unit to meet such obligations in accordance with the appropriate repayment sched- ule, the Secretary shall, after review of the information submitted by such state or unit pursuant to subsection (e)(3), take any of the following actions : "(A) Modify appropriately the terms and conditions of such loan or guarantee. "(B) Refinance such loan. "(C) Make a supplemental loan to such state or unit the pro- ceeds of which shall be applied to the payment of principal and interest due under such loan or guarantee. "(D) Make a grant to such state or unit the proceeds of which shall be applied to the payment of principal and interest due under such loan or guarantee. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if the Secretary — "(i) has taken action under subparagraph (A), (B),or (C) with respect to any loan or guarantee made under paragraph (1) or (2), and "(ii) finds that additional action^ under subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) will not enable such state or unit to meet, within a reasonable time, its obligations under such loan or guarantee and any additional obligations related to such loan or guarantee; the Secretary shall make a grant or grants under subparagraph (D) to such state or unit in an amount sufficient to enable such state or unit to meet such outstanding obligations. "(4) The Secretary shall make grants to any coastal state to enable such state to prevent, reduce, or ameliorate any unavoidable loss in such state's coastal zone of any valuable environmental or recreational resource, if such loss results from coastal energy activity, if the Secre- tary finds that such state has not received amounts under subsection (b) which are sufficient to prevent, reduce, or ameliorate such loss. "(e) Rules and regulations with respect to the following matters shall De promulgated by the Secretary as soon as practicable, but not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this section : "(1) A formula and procedures for apportioning equitably, among the coastal states, the amounts which are available for the provision of financial assistance under subsection (d). Such for- mula shall be based on, and limited to, the following factors: "(A) The number of additional individuals who are expected to become employed in new or expanded coastal Rules and regu- lations. Financial assist- ance, formula and procedures. 60 Criteria and pro- cedures for repay- ment. Interest rate. energy activity, and the related new population, who reside in the respective coastal states. "(B) The standardized unit costs (as determined by the Secretary by rule), in the relevant regions of such states, for new or improved public facilities and public services which are required as a result of such expected employment and the related new population. "(2) Criteria under which the Secretary shall review each coastal state's compliance with the requirements of subsection (g)(2). "(3) Criteria and procedures for evaluating the extent to which any loan or guarantee under subsection (d) (1) or (2) which is applied for by any coastal state or unit of general purpose local government can be repaid through its ordinary methods and rates for generating tax revenues. Such procedures shall require such state or unit to submit to the Secretary such information which is specified by the Secretary to be necessary for such evaluation, including, but not limited to — "(A) a statement as to the number of additional indi- viduals who are expected to become employed in the new or expanded coastal energy activity involved, and the related new population, who reside in such state or unit; "(B) a description, and the estimated costs, of the new or improved public facilities or public services needed or likely to be needed as a result of such expected employment and related new population ; "(C) a projection of such state's or unit's estimated tax receipts during such reasonable time thereafter, not to exceed 30 years, which will be available for the repayment of such loan or guarantee ; and "(D) a proposed repayment schedule. The procedures required by this paragraph shall also provide for the periodic verification, review, and modification (if necessary) by the Secretary of the information or other material required to be submitted pursuant to this paragraph. "(4) Requirements, terms, ana conditions (which may include the posting of security) which shall be imposed by the Secretary, in connection with loans and guarantees made under subsections (d) (1) and (2), in order to assure repayment within the time fixed, to assure that the proceeds thereof may not be used to pro- vide public services for an unreasonable length of time, and other- wise to protect the financial interests of the United States. "(5) Criteria under which the Secretary shall establish rates of interest on loans made under subsections (d) (1) and (3). Such rates shall not exceed the current average market yield on out- standing marketable obligations of the United States with remaining periods to maturity comparable to the maturity of such loans. In developing rules and regulations under this subsection, the Secre- tary shall, to the extent practicable, request the views of, or consult with, appropriate persons regarding impacts resulting from coastal energy activity. "(f) (1) Bonds or other evidences of indebtedness guaranteed under subsection (d) (2) shall be guaranteed on such terms and conditions as the Secretary shall prescribe, except that — "(A) no guarantee shall be made unless the indebtedness involved will be completely amortized within a reasonable period, not to exceed 30 years ; 61 "(B) no guarantee shall be made unless the Secretary determines that such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness will— "(i) be issued only to investors who meet the requirements prescribed by the Secretary, or, if an offering to the public is contemplated, be underwritten upon terms and conditions approved by the Secretary ; "(ii) bear interest at a rate found not to be excessive by the Secretary ; and "(Hi) contain, or be subject to, repayment, maturity, and other provisions which are satisfactory to the Secretary; "(C) the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury shall be required with respect to any such guarantee, unless the Secretary of the Treasury waives such approval; and "(D) no guarantee shall be made after September 30, 1986. "(2) The full faith and credit of the United States is pledged to the payment, under paragraph (5), of any default on any indebted- ness guaranteed under subsection (d)(2). Any such guarantee made by the Secretary shall be conclusive evidence of the eligibility of the obligation involved for such guarantee, and the validity of any such guarantee so made shall be incontestable in the hands of a holder of the guaranteed obligation, except for fraud or material misrepre- sentation on the part of the holder, or known to the holder at the time acouired. "(3) The Secretary shall prescribe and collect fees in connection Fees, with guarantees made under subsection (d)(2). These fees may not exceed the amount which the Secretary estimates to be necessary to cover the administrative costs pertaining to such guarantees. "(4) The interest paid on any obligation which is guaranteed under subsection (d) (2) and which is received by the purchaser thereof (or the purchaser's successor in interest), shall be included in gross income for the purpose of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. 26 usc * «L The Secretary may pay out of the Fund to the coastal state or the unit *££: of general purpose local government issuing such obligations not more than such portion of the interest on such obligations as exceeds the amount of interest that would be due at a comparable rate determined for loans made under subsection (d) (1). "(5) (A) Payments required to be made as a result of any guaran- tee made under subsection (d) (2) shall be made by the Secretary from sums appropriated to the Fund or from moneys obtained from the Sec- retary of the Treasury pursuant to paragraph (6). "(B) If there is a default by a coastal state or unit of general pur- pose local government in any payment of principal or interest due under a bond or other evidence of indebtedness guaranteed by the Secretary under subsection (d) (2), any holder of such bond or other evidence of indebtedness may demand payment by the Secretary of the unpaid interest on and the unpaid principal of such obligation as they become due. The Secretary, after investigating the facts presented by the holder, shall pay to the holder the amount which is due such holder, unless the Secretary finds that there was no default by such state or unit or that such default has been remedied. "(C) If the Secretary makes a payment to a holder under subpara- graph ( B ) , the Secretary shall — "(i) have all of the rights granted to the Secretary or the United States by law or by agreement with the obligor ; and "(ii) be subrogated to all of the rights which were granted such holder, by law, assignment, or security agreement between such holder and the obligor. 62 Ante, P- 1017. Ante, P. 1015. 16 USC 1433. Such rights shall include, but not be limited to, a right of reimburse- ment to the United States against the coastal state or unit of general purpose local government for which the payment was made for the amount of such payment plus interest at the prevailing current rate as determined by the Secretary. If such coastal state, or the coastal state in which such unit is located, is due to receive any amount under sub- section (b), the Secretary shall, in lieu of paying such amount to such state, deposit such amount in the Fund until such right of reim- bursement has been satisfied. The Secretary may accept, in complete or partial satisfaction of any such rights, a conveyance of property or interests therein. Any property so obtained by the Secretary may be completed, maintained, operated, held, rented, sold, or otherwise dealt with or disposed of on such terms or conditions as the Secretary prescribes or approves. If, in any case, the sum received through the sale of such property is greater than the amount paid to the holder under subparagraph (D) plus costs, the Secretary shall pay any such excess to the obligor. "(D) The Attorney General shall, upon the request of the Secretary, take such action as may be appropriate to enforce any right accruing to the Secretary or the United States as a result of the making of any guarantee under subsection (d) (2). Any sums received through any sale under subparagraph (C) or recovered pursuant to this subpara- graph shall be paid into the Fund. "(6) If the moneys available to the Secretary are not sufficient to pay any amount which the Secretary is obligated to pay under para- graph (5), the Secretary shall issue to the Secretary of the Treasury notes or other obligations (only to such extent and in such amounts as may be provided for in appropriation Acts) in such forms and denomi- nations, bearing such maturities, and subject to such terms and con- ditions as the Secretary of the Treasury prescribes. Such notes or other obligations shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secre- tary of the Treasury on the basis of the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States on com- parable maturities during the month preceding the issuance of such notes or other obligations. Any sums received by the Secretary through such issuance shall be deposited in the Fund. The Secretary of the Treasury shall purchase any notes or other obligations issued under this paragraph, and for this purpose such Secretary may use as a public debt transaction the proceeds from the sale of any securities issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as now or hereafter in force. The purposes for which securities may be issued under that Act are extended to include any purchase of notes or other obligations issued under this paragraph. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time sell any of the notes or other obligations so acquired under this paragraph. All redemptions, purchases, and sales of such notes or other obligations by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be treated as public debt transactions of the United States. "(g) (1) No coastal state is eligible to receive any financial assist- ance under this section unless such state — "(A) has a management program which has been approved under section 306; "(B) is receiving a grant under section 305(c) or (d) ; or "(C) is, in the judgment of the Secretary, making satisfactory progress toward the development of a management program which is consistent with the policies set forth in section 303. 63 "(2) Each coastal state shall, to the maximum extent practicable, provide that financial assistance provided under this section be appor- tioned, allocated, and granted to units of local government within such state on a basis which is proportional to the extent to which such units need such assistance. "(h) There is established in the Treasury of the United States the Coastal Energy Impact Fund. The Fund shall be available to the Sec- retary without fiscal year limitation as a revolving fund for the purposes of carrying out subsections (c) and (d). The Fund shall consist of — " ( 1 ) any sums appropriated to the Fund ; "(2) payments of principal and interest received under any loan made under subsection (d) (1) ; "(3) any fees received in connection with any guarantee made under subsection (d) (2) ; and "(4) any recoveries and receipts under security, subrogation, and other rights and authorities described in subsection (fj. All payments made by the Secretary to carry out the provisions of subsections (c), (d), and (f) (including reimbursements to other Government accounts) shall oe paid from the Fund, only to the extent provided for in appropriation Acts. Sums in the Fund which are not currently needed for the purposes of subsections (c) , (d) , and (f ) shall be kept on deposit or invested in obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States. "(i) The Secretary shall not intercede in any land use or water use decision of any coastal state with respect to the siting of any energy facility or public facility by making siting in a particular location a prerequisite to, or a condition of, financial assistance under this section, "(j ) The Secretary may evaluate, and report to the Congress, on the efforts of the coastal states and units of local government therein to reduce or ameliorate adverse consequences resulting from coastal energy activity and on the extent to which such efforts involve adequate consideration of alternative sites. "(k) To the extent that Federal funds are available under, or pur- suant to, any other law with respect to — "(1) study and planning for which financial assistance may be provided under subsection (b)(4) (B) and (c),or "(2) public facilities and public services for which financial assistance may be provided under subsection (b)(4)(B) and (d), the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, administer such sub- sections — "(A) on the basis that the financial assistance shall be in addi- tion to, and not in lieu of, any Federal funds which any coastal state or unit of general purpose local government may obtain under any other law ; and "(B) to avoid duplication. " ( 1 ) As used in this section — "(1) The term 'retirement', when used with respect to bonds, means the redemption in full and the withdrawal from circula- tion of those which cannot be repaid by the issuing jurisdiction in accordance with the appropriate repayment schedule. "(2) The term 'unavoidable', when used with respect to a loss of any valuable environmental or recreational resource, means a loss, in whole or in part — "(A) the costs of prevention, reduction, or amelioration of which cannot be directly or indirectly attributed to, or assessed against, any identifiable person; and Coastal Energy Impact Fund. Establishment. Definitions. 64 16 USC 1456b. Ante, p. 1015, 1017. Agreements or compacts. "(B) cannot be paid for with funds which are available under, or pursuant to, any provision of Federal law other than this section. " (3) The term 'unit of general purpose local government' means any political subdivision of any coastal state or any special entity created by such a state or subdivision which (in whole or part) is located in, or has authority over, such state's coastal zone, and which (A) has authority to levy taxes or establish and collect user fees, and (B) provides any public facility or public service which is financed in whole or part by taxes or user fees.". SEC. 8. INTERSTATE GRANTS. The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 is further amended by adding immediately after section 308 (as added by section 7 of this Act) the following: "interstate grants "Sec. 309. (a) The coastal states are encouraged to give high priority — "(1) to coordinating state coastal zone planning, policies, and programs with respect to contiguous areas of such states; and "(2) to studying, planning, and implementing unified coastal zone policies with respect to such areas. Such coordination, study, planning, and implementation may be con- ducted pursuant to interstate agreements or compacts. The Secretary may make grants annually, in amounts not to exceed 90 per centum of the cost of such coordination, study, planning, or implementation, if the Secretary finds that the proceeds of such grants will be used for purposes consistent with sections 305 and 306. "(b) The consent of the Congress is hereby given to two or more coastal states to negotiate, and to enter into, agreements or compacts, which do not conflict with any law or treaty of the United States, for — "(1) developing and administering coordinated coastal zone planning, policies, and programs pursuant to sections 305 and 306; and "(2) establishing executive instrumentalities or agencies which such states deem desirable for the effective implementation of such agreements or compacts. Such agreements or compacts shall be binding and obligatory upon any state or party thereto without further approved by the Congress. "(c) Each executive instrumentality or agency which is established by an interstate agreement or compact pursuant to this section is encouraged to adopt a Federal-State consultation procedure for the identification, examination, and cooperative resolution of mutual prob- lems with respect to the marine and coastal areas which affect, directly or indirectly, the applicable coastal zone. The Secretary, the Secretary of the Interior, the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Qual- ity, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, and the Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration, or their designated representatives, shall participate ex officio on behalf of the Federal Government whenever any such Federal-State consultation is requested by such an instrumentality or agency. "(d) If no applicable interstate agreement or compact exists, the Secretary may coordinate coastal zone activities described in sub- section (a) and may make grants to assist any group of two or more coastal states to create and maintain a temporary planning and coordinating entity to — 65 "(1) coordinate state coastal zone planning, policies, and pro- grams with respect to contiguous areas of the states involved ; "(2) study, plan, and implement unified coastal zone policies with respect to such areas; and "(3) establish an effective mechanism, and adopt a Federal- State consultation procedure, for the identification, examination, and cooperative resolution of mutual problems with respect to the marine and coastal areas which affect, directly or indirectly, the applicable coastal zone. The amount of such grants shall not exceed 90 per centum of the cost of creating and maintaining such an entity. The Federal officials specified in subsection (c), or their designated representatives, shall participate on behalf of the Federal Government, upon the request of any such temporary planning and coordinating entity.'". SEC. 9. RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. The Coastal Management Act of 1972 is further amended by adding immediately after section 309 (as added by section 8 of this Act) the following: Contracts or other arrange- ments. ''research and technical assistance for coastal zone management "Sec. 310. (a) The Secretary may conduct a program of research, J 6 USC 1456c study, and training to support the development and implementation of management programs. Each department, agency, and instrumentality of the executive branch of the Federal Government may assist the Secretary, on a reimbursable basis or otherwise, in carrying out the purposes of this section, including, but not limited to, the furnishing of information to the extent permitted by law, the transfer of personnel with their consent and without prejudice to their position and rating, and the performance of any research, study, and training which does not interfere with the performance of the primary duties of such department, agency, or instrumentality. The Secretary may enter into contracts or other arrangements with any qualified person for the pur- poses of carrving out this subsection. "(b) The Secretary may make grants to coastal states to assist such states in carrying out research, studies, and training required with respect to coastal zone management. The amount of any grant made under this subsection shall not exceed 80 per centum of the cost of such research, studies, and training. "(c)(1) The Secretary shall provide for the coordination of research, studies, and training activities under this section with any other such activities that are conducted by, or subject to the authority of, the Secretary. "(2) The Secretary shall make the results of research conducted pursuant to this section available to any interested person.". SEC. 10. REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE. Section 312(a) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as redesignated by section 7 of this Act (16 U.S.C. 1458(a) ) is amended to read as follows : " (a) The Secretary shall conduct a continuing review of — "(1) the management programs of the coastal states and the performance of such states with respect to coastal zone manage- ment ; and "(2) the coastal energy impact program provided for under section 308.". Ante, p. 1017. 66 SEC. 11. AUDIT OF TRANSACTIONS. Section 313 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as redesig- nated by section 7 of this Act (16 U.S.C. 1459), is amended— (1) by inserting "and audit" after "records" in the title of such section ; (2) by amending subsection (a) — (A) by inserting immediately after "grant under this title" the following: "or of financial assistance under section 308", and (B) by inserting after "received under the grant" the fol- lowing : "and of the proceeds of such assistance" ; and (3) by amending subsection (b) to read as follows: "(b) The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall — "(1) after any grant is made under this title or any financial Ante , p. 1017. assistance is provided under section 308(d) ; and "(2) until the expiration of 3 years after — "(A) completion of the project, program, or other under- taking for which such grant was made or used, or "(B) repayment of the loan or guaranteed indebtedness for which such financial assistance was provided, have access for purposes of audit and examination to any record, book, document, and paper which belongs to or is used or controlled by, any recipient of the grant funds or any person who entered into any trans- action relating to such financial assistance and which is pertinent for purposes of determining if the grant funds or the proceeds of such financial assistance are being, or were, used in accordance with the provisions of this title.". SEC. 12. ACQUISITION OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC BEACHES AND OTHER PUBLIC COASTAL AREAS. Section 315 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as redes- ignated by section 7 of this Act (16 U.S.C. 1461), is amended to read as follows: "ESTUARINE SANCTUARIES AND BEAClt ACCESS "Sec. 315. The Secretary may, in accordance with this section and in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Secretary shall promulgate, make grants to any coastal state for the purpose of — "(1) acquiring, developing, or operating estuarine sanctuaries, to serve as natural field laboratories in which to study and gather data on the natural and human processes occurring within the estuaries of the coastal zone; and "(2) acquiring lands to provide for access to public beaches and other public coastal areas of environmental, recreational, historical, esthetic, ecological, or cultural value, and for the pres- ervation of islands. The amount of any such grant shail not exceed 50 per centum of the cost of the project involved; except that, in the case of acquisition of any estuarine sanctuary, the Federal share of the cost thereof shall not exceed $2,000,000.". SEC. 13. ANNUAL REPORT. The second sentence of section 316(a) of the Coastal Zone Manage- ment Act of 1972, as redesignated by section 7 of this Act (16 U.S.C. 1462(a) ), is amended by striking out "and (9)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(12)"; and by inserting immediately after clause (8) the following: "(9) a description or the economic, environmental, and 67 social consequences of energy activity affecting the coastal zone and an evaluation of the effectiveness of financial assistance under section 308 in dealing with such consequences; (10) a description and evaluation of applicable interstate and regional planning and coordination mechanisms developed by the coastal states; (11) a summary and evaluation of the research, studies, and training conducted in support of coastal zone management; and". SEC. 14. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Section 318 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as redesig- nated by section 7 of this Act (16 U.S.C. 1464), is amended to read as follows : "authorization of appropriations "Sec. 318. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary — "(1) such sums, not to exceed $20,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, and Septem- ber 30, 1979, respectively, as may be necessary for grants under section 305, to remain available until expended ; "(2) such sums, not to exceed $50,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, Septem- ber 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be necessary for grants under section 306, to remain available until expended ; "(3) such sums, not to exceed $50,000,000 for each of the 8 fiscal years occurring during the period beginning October 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1984, as may be necessary for grants under section 308(b); Ante , p. 1017. "(4) such sums, not to exceed $5,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, Septem- ber 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be neces- sary for grants under section 309, to remain available until Ante , p. 1028. expended ; "(5) such sums, not to exceed $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, Septem- ber 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be neces- sary for financial assistance under section 310, of which 50 per centum shall be for financial assistance under section 310(a) and 50 per centum shall be for financial assistance under section 310(b), to remain available until expended; "(6) such sums, not to exceed $6,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, Septem- ber 30. 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be neces- sary for grants under section 315(1), to remain available until expended ; "(7) such sums, not to exceed $25,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, September 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be neces- sary for grants under section 315(2), to remain available until expended ; and "(8) such sums, not to exceed $5,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1977, September 30, 1978, Septem- ber 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980, respectively, as may be necessary for administrative expenses incident to the adminis- tration of this title. "(b) There are authorized to be appropriated until October 1, 1986, to the Fund, such sums, not to exceed $800,000,000, for the purposes of 68 Ante , p. 1017. Ante, p. 1015, 1017, 1028, 1029. 15 USC 1511a. 15 USC 1511a note. 5 USC 5332 note, 16 USC 1462 note. Report to Congress. carrying out the provisions of section 308, other than subsection (b), of which not to exceed $50,000,000 shall be for purposes of subsections (c) and (d)(4) of such section. "(c) Federal funds received from other sources shall not be used to pay a coastal state's share of costs under section 305, 306, 309, or 310.". SEC. 15. ADMINISTRATION. (a) There shall be in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration an Associate Administrator for Coastal Zone Manage- ment, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Such Associate Administrator shall be an individual who is, by reason of background and experience, especially qualified to direct the implementation and administration of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.). Such Associate Administrator shall be compensated at the rate now or here- after provided for level V of the Executive Schedule Pay Rates (5 U.S.C. 5316). (b) Section 5316 of title -5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph : "(140) Associate Administrator for Coastal Zone Manage- ment, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.". (c) The Secretary may, to carry out the provisions of the amend- ments made by this Act, establish, and fix the compensation for, four new positions without regard to the provision of chapter 51 of title 5, United States Code, at rates not in excess of the maximum rate for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of such title. Any such appointment may, at the discretion of the Secretary, be made without regard to the provisions of such title 5 governing appoint- ments in the competitive service. SEC. 16. SHELLFISH SANITATION REGULATIONS. (a) The. Secretary of Commerce shall — ( 1 ) undertake a comprehensive review of all aspects of the molluscan shellfish industry, including, but not limited to, the harvesting, processing, and transportation of such shellfish; and (2) evaluate the impact of Federal law concerning water qual- ity on the molluscan shellfish industry. The Secretary of Commerce shall, not later than April 30, 1977, sub- mit a report to the Congress of the findings, comments, and recom- mendations (if any) which result from such review and evaluation. 69 (b) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall not pro- Analysis, mulgate final regulations concerning the national shellfish safety pro- publication. gram before June 30, 1977. At least 60 days prior to the promulgation of any such regulations, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, shall publish an analysis (1) of the economic impact of such regulations on the domestic shellfish industry, and (2) the cost of such national shellfish safety program relative to the benefits that it is expected to achieve. Approved July 26, 1976. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 94-878 accompanying H. R. 3981 (Comm, on Merchant Marine and Fisheries) and No. 94-1298 (Comm. of Conference), SENATE REPORTS: No. 94-277 (Comm. on Commerce) and No. 94-987 (Comm. of Conference). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 121 (1975): July 16, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 122 (1976): Mar. 11, considered and passed House, amended, in lieu of H.R. 3981. June 29, Senate agreed to conference report. June 30, House agreed to conference report. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS: Vol. 12, No. 31 (1976): July 26, Presidential statement. 70 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Zone Management Advisory Committee Washington, D.C. 20235 ADD007D c jM4fl77 210 Third Class— Bulk Rate