*~- ' 'h~ \-A~-K. ' i NOAA Technical Report ERL 385-AOML 26 K ^TOF C J" W Q C ^Hl ^\ ^=5S / Sr 4TES 0* A Transformation Relating Temporal and Spatial Spectra Of Turbulent Kinetic Energy W. C. Thacker February 1977 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Research Laboratories Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/transformationreOOthac NOAA Technical Report ERL 385-AOML 26 rfggggW ^IHENTOPC^ A Transformation Relating Temporal and Spatial Spectra Of Turbulent Kinetic Energy W. C. Thacker Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Miami, Florida February 1977 > a o c o o U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator Environmental Research Laboratories Wilmot Hess, Director Boulder, Colorado CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE FROST-FREE TURBULENCE TRANSFORMATION 2 3. A COMPARISON WITH DATA 4 4. A COMPARISON WITH A DIMENSIONAL ARGUMENT 5 5. SHEAR DISPERSION 6 6. SUMMARY 8 7. REFERENCES 8 \ A TRANSFORMATION RELATING TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL SPECTRA OF TURBULENT KINETIC ENERGY W. C. Thacker ABSTRACT. A transformation is developed, based upon the scale dependence of turbulent diffusion, that relates temporal and spatial spectra of turbulent kinetic energy. The basic idea is that an eddy diffusivity is appropriate when scales of the flow smaller than a length t and a time/ are unresolved. An expression similar to Heisenberg's for eddy diffusivity is used to obtain the connection between ( and t necessary to transform temporal spectra into spatial spectra. This transformation reveals a close connection between Webster's Site D spectrum of turbulent kinetic energy in the ocean and Okubo's diagrams of oceanic mixing. Furthermore, all spectra obtained from dimensional arguments satisfy this transformation. 1. Introduction An important quantity in the theory of turbu- lence \sE(k), the spatial spectrum of kinetic en- ergy. To measure£(Ar) is difficult since it requires sampling the velocity field at many spatial points simultaneously. It is much easier to record a time series of the velocity at one point, from which (w), the temporal spectrum of kinetic energy, can be obtained. Therefore a transformation is needed that will allowE(it) to be calculated if (w) is known. The usual transformation is based upon Taylor's (1938) hypothesis of frozen turbulence, which is valid only if there is a strong mean flow. The purpose of this paper is to present a new transformation that should be valid in the absence of a mean flow. To stress the contrast with the idea of frozen turbulence the term "frost-free turbu- lence" is used. The frost-free turbulence transformation is motivated by the results of dye-diffusion experi- ments in the ocean as summarized by Okubo's (1971) diagrams. His first diagram, reproduced here as Figure 1, illustrates that the spatial and temporal scales of turbulence can be related. This is certainly necessary if there is to be a trans- formation that can relate $(oj) andE(A:). His sec- ond diagram, Figure 2, shows the scale depen- dence of the eddy diffusivity. An expression for scale dependent diffusivity, such as Heisen- berg's (1948) expression for eddy viscosity, is central to this transformation. The transformation is insensitive to the exact form of this expression because <&(&>) and E(k) fall off rapidly with in- creasing a; and k. This transformation is obtained in two ways. First 4>(w) and E(k) are related through the more general spectral density, S (k, a>), which expresses both spatial and temporal variations. A compari- son is made with the frozen turbulence case, and a more general transformation is suggested that has the limits of frozen turbulence and frost-free turbulence, depending upon whether advection or diffusion dominates. Then a heuristic derivation is given, based upon a mechanism for turbulent mixing. The idea here is that the mixing is due to shear dispersion on all scales. The results of a two-layer model for the shear effect are iterated over all scales to obtain expressions for the scale dependence of turbulent diffusivity from which the frost-free turbulence transformation follows. Because it is difficult to measure E(k), it is difficult to test the validity of this transformation directly. Two indirect tests are discussed here. The first is a comparison of a temporal spectrum of kinetic energy of turbulence in the ocean ob- tained by Webster (1969) with the diffusion data displayed by Okubo (1971). It should be em- phasized that no theory is presented for the ob- served shape of this spectrum. That is a dynami- cal problem, and the transformation discussed here should be regarded as kinematical. The 1 comparison shows that the two types of data are in excellent agreement. The second test is pro- vided by a dimensional argument. If it is assumed that only one dimensional constant is important, then consistent forms for E(k) and $>(&>) can be obtained. Again, it should be emphasized that it is unimportant whether such a dimensional argu- ment can be applied to real data. What is impor- tant is that the forms for £ (it) and $(oj) obtained from the dimensional argument are indeed re- lated through the frost-free turbulence transfor- mation. 2. The Frost-Free Turbulence Transformation A turbulent velocity field can be considered to be a random function of space and time. If the turbulence is statistically homogeneous, iso- tropic, and stationary, then the variance in the velocity field (u 2 (x,t)) can be represented in terms of spectral density, S(k,w). The temporal and spatial spectra are obtained fromS(£,w) by integrating over wavenumbers and frequencies, respectively: <£>(uj) E(k) dk S{k,o>) du> S{k, oj) (1) Thus, is related to E through S{k,w). In general, a single frequency does not correspond to a single wavenumber. Neverthe- less, it is clear that high frequencies correspond to high wavenumbers and low frequencies to low wavenumbers. For example, oceanic motion with a scale of hundreds of kilometers is expected to correspond to time variations on the scale of months, not seconds. Therefore, it should be reasonable to assume that, for any wavenumber, S(k,oj) is sharply peaked at a single frequency and, for any frequency, S(k,co) is peaked at a single wavenumber. This can be expressed in two ways, S(k,co) = E(k)b(u)-f(k)) S(k, oj) = (aj)8(k-g((o)) (2) which are equivalent if the functions/ and g are the inverses of each other. The Dirac delta func- tions can be considered as approximating more general distributions with finite widths. 10" 1 1 ' I i 1 i i ® Rheno A 1964 V t" / D 1962 II -North Sea / " O 1962 II ® / 1961 I 10" — / — # No 1 ■ ♦ No 2 1 A No. 3 - ♦ No. 4 Off - Cape ® / ^® 1 a No 5 Kennedy 10 12 - O No. 6_ - © New York Bight ® = a" a' r - ® = b ® / O = c Off i £ i 10 11 ® = d California afi/ — ' e = e *® ^ <_> » = f_ 1 b" S Banana River M* - 6 $ lO'o _ v Manokin River 9 Aw - - - - / 8 - e& ^ 109 * / aP o a - 8 / 10« / - I f - ® Hourft /« Day Week Month 10? I*/ , 1, , ,1 , ,1 , ^ 100 km - 10 km - 1 km 100 m 103 10" 10 5 Time (sec) 10 6 10? Figure 1. Variance of dye concentration (size of dye patch) versus diffusion time (time elapsed since the dye was introduced as a point source). (After Okubo, 1971.) Using (1) with (2), transformations connect- ing E and

(w) E(k) (f(k)) (3) g'(M)) Thus, the frost-free turbulence transformation will depend upon the form of the function/, its inverse g, and their derivatives/' and g' . Clues for the form of / can be found in Okubo's (1971) dye diffusion diagrams. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the width of a dye patch and the duration of the dye diffusion exper- iment. This is the connection between space and time scales that is to be expressed by/. The fact that the slope of the line drawn through the data is greater than one indicates that turbulent diffusion expression for the scale dependence used here is 10? 106 105 103 102 T © Rheno A 1 964 V D 1962 III O 1962 II O 1961 I . # no. r North Sea ♦ No A NO. <> No. a No O No Off Cape Kennedy B New York Bight Off California ® = b O = c ® = d e = e a> = f_ a Banana River r > ®e/a <^o 103 104 10 ! 106 10? (cm) Figure 2. A diffusion diagram for apparent diffusivity ver- sus scale of diffusion. (After Okubo, 1971.) is scale dependent. Okubo obtains a scale de- pendent diffusivity K from these data using the expression P 2Kt (4) to relate the width of the dye patch / to the dura- tion of the experiment t. Figure 2 shows K plotted against ( . Eguation (4), plus an expression for the scale dependence of K, gives the relation be- tween spatial and temporal scales necessary to define the functions/ and g. It is easy to understand why turbulent diffu- sion should be scale dependent. The spreading of the dye patch can be due only to those eddies that are smaller than the dye patch. Larger eddies serve only to advect and to distort the dye patch. At a later time when the dye patch is larger, larger eddies are available to contribute their energy to the mixing. Thus, the mixing proceeds faster as the dye patch gets larger. Those eddies smaller than the dye patch, having wavenumbers greater than *jf, are para- meterized by the diffusivity K As ( gets larger, so does K Thus, K is a function of k 2tt The A E(k')dk' k' 2 1/2 (5) where C is a dimensionless constant of propor- tionality of order one. This is an expression quite similar to that used by Heisenberg (1948) for eddy viscosity, and is exactly that found by Tchen (1973, 1975) and Nakano (1972) from their dynamic theories of turbulence. A heuristic deri- vation of this expression, based upon the idea that the mechanism of turbulent mixing is shear dispersion on all scales, is given below. The parameter A", evaluated according to (5), accounts for the effects of eddies with wavenum- bers larger than k = —where / is the width of the dye patch. The basic assumption made here is that these eddies correspond to frequencies greater than to where t is the duration of the dye experiment corresponding to the width and k that is necessary to transform (oo) into E(k). This should be thought of as a statistical assumption for several reasons. First, since, in general, there is no one-to-one relationship be- tween frequencies and wavenumbers, the rela- tionship expressed by (6) must be statistical in the sense that it is a "most likely" relationship. Second, it is statistical since the parameter K is assumed to represent the average effect of the small scales. It is clear that (6) should be valid only when the small scales can be described by an eddy diffusivity. Finally, implicit in (6) is the idea of ergodicity: a spatial average, a temporal average, and an ensemble average should all be equivalent. A time series of length / determines O(crj) for ay > y^. Likewise, a spatial profile of length / determines E(k) for k > =^. If the time series is measured simultaneously with the dye experiment, it seems most reasonable to relate w and k according to (6). Clearly, the results for each experiment should vary somewhat, but it is reasonable to think of a most likely result that represents the average of an ensemble of experi- ments. It is in this way that (6) should be inter- preted. By substituting (5) into (6), the expression for / is determined; /(*) = 77- 'Jt- cC*n dk > J, *' 2 (7) The corresponding expression for g is found by inverting/. The simplest way to do this is to take advantage of the fact that E(k) is simply a trans- formation of (a;). This implies that A can also be expressed as an integral of {io) over frequencies greater than w, and that expression can be used in (6) to obtain g. To obtain that expression, first write (5) in differential form as dK = - C E i k ,)f! i , 2Kk 2 and then use (6) and the identity E(k)dk = (a>)da> to obtain dK = - £- ®H d(t > . This can be inte- grated to give A 2tt 0) ^{(o')d(o' Now, (8) and (6) yield C g(v) 2tt 2 (i> <$>(a)')du}' (o' (8) (9) Equations (7) and (9), together with (3), de- termine the frost-free turbulence transformation. It is simplest to write this in terms of A, $(&))= Eiky- 2,KE{^ 7TO) -ce( TTO) 4kK 2 A 4kK 2 <$>{TT- x Kk 2 ) 2TrK+C(TT- l Kk 2 (10) where A is given by (5) and (8), respectively. Equations (5) and (8) will be discussed further in section 5. Equations (10) will be compared with results of experiments in section 3 and with re- sults of dimensional arguments in section 4. Equations (2) can be used to obtain the frozen turbulence transformation also. For that case, /(A:) = Uk and g{co) = oj/U, where V is the mean velocity that advects the frozen turbulence. Using (3), the frozen turbulence transformation is given by ( E(k) = U{Uk + TT-'Kk 2 ) IttK + C is to be obtained, then the information concerning the mean velocity U is lost so the transformation given in (9) should be used. 3. A Comparison With Data A direct test of the frost-free turbulence trans- formation given by equations (10) is impossible since the data necessary to evaluate E(k) are un- available. Nevertheless, long time series of the velocity at one point in the ocean have been ob- tained, so a> c LU 480 96 24 8 3 1 .5 10 4 \ cJ 4/3 A / P I I 10 3 V aJ 5/3 10 2 10 1 1841 Site D 120 M Jun. 24 — Aug. 11, 1965 \ \ ■ 10° !\ .01 .1 1 Frequency, Cycles Per Hour (c.p.h.) Figure 3. Kinetic energy density spectrum on a log-log plot for a set of current measurements collected at 120-m depth. Minus-four-thirds and minus-five-thirds slopes are indicated. (After Webster, 1969.) obtained using equations (4) and (12), since Okubo uses (4) to transform the data from Figure 1 to Figure 2. In making this comparison, two equations were used, (6) and (8). These are the two equations that define frost-free turbulence transformation. Equation (6) relates frequencies to wavenumbers through the eddy diffusivity, and equation (8) ex- presses the scale dependence of the eddy dif- fusivity. The agreement found when these two sets of data are compared in this way is evidence that this transformation is indeed valid. 4. A Comparison With A Dimensional Argument A dimensional argument also provides a transformation connecting (aj) -- cu -2 . No attempt is made here to argue that a single dimensional constant is appropriate for the entire spectrum shown in Figure 3. Perhaps it is possible to divide the spectrum into subranges in which a single constant is important, but that is not assumed. The point is that if such a subrange does exist, then the dimensional argument for the subrange is in agreement with the frost-free turbulence transformation. Suppose that the one important dimensional constant Q has dimensions X"T h . Then E and must have the following forms in order to be di- mensionally correct: E(k)~Q "k la (-3 2 2Z> =- (^-+1), and calculate E(k) using the frost-free transformation (10). The result is E(k)~k y " +1 15) which is exactly what is given in (14) when lb + 1 Dimensional arguments can also be made for the diffusivity and for the width of the dye patch: 24 K~Q "t ~( 2p p+\ (- Q l t 2b ~ t p+\ (16) These results are also in agreement with frost- free turbulence, as can be seen from equations (5) and (6) with E{k) given by (15). 5. Shear Dispersion It is possible to derive the frost-free turbu- lence transformation using the idea that the mechanism for turbulent mixing is shear disper- sion on all scales. Such a derivation should clarify the idea of scale dependent diffusion that is intrinsic to the transformation described here. It should also clarify the manner in which the advection of small eddies by large eddies is in- corporated into the transformation. Shear dispersion was discussed by Taylor (1953, 1954) in the context of longitudinal disper- sion in pipes. He found that an enhanced dif- fusivity was needed to account for the dispersion of contaminant introduced into the flow. This enhanced diffusivity is appropriate in conjunction with the cross-sectional average of the contami- nant concentration. The enhancement is due to the combined action of shear and cross-shear mixing, features that are unresolved when we are dealing with cross-sectional averages, and whose effects are accounted for by the enhanced diffusivity. This shear dispersion relates to turbulent diffusion in two ways. First, the eddy diffusivity can likewise be considered as parameterizing the details of the flow that are averaged out. The value of the diffusivity appropriate to a given scale is determined by those details of the flow that are smaller than this scale. Second, the mechanism of turbulent mixing is shear dispersion on all scales. At any scale there are eddies that provide shear, and there are smaller eddies that provide mixing across this shear. As the scale is in- creased, the eddy diffusivity must be enhanced to account for the additional shear and cross- shear mixing that is averaged out. From the point of view of someone numerical- ly modeling the flow, this is clear. Eddy diffusivity is used to parameterize mixing due to sub-grid scale motion. For a coarser numerical grid, a larger value of diffusivity is needed to account for the mixing that would be explicitly resolved on a finer grid. A simple two-layer model of shear dispersion can show how the diffusivity is enhanced as the details of the shear are averaged over. This model is given by the eguations, and dt dC 2 dt + M, dCj dx dC 2 dx T 7 (C, - C,) + K (C 2 -C 1 )+K d 2 C, dx 2 d 2 C x dx 2 (17) governing the contaminant concentrations C, and C 2 in the layers of fluid with velocities «, and u s . The contaminant mixes from the more concentrated to the less concentrated layer with a mixing time T. Longitudinal diffusion within each layer is described by a diffusivity K. If both T and K are due to eddies that are unresolved in this two-layer description, then they should be related by f 2 = 2AT, (18) where / is the thickness of the layers. The reason for considering this model is to illustrate the relationship of the mean concentration, C =4- (Ci + Co), as determined by (17), and the solution of the advection-diffusion equation, dC dt + u dC dx A' d 2 C dx 2 which should be appropriate when the details of the two layers are averaged out. Here u =-i is the average velocity and K* is the enhanced diffusivity. Equations (17) can be combined to show thatC must satisfy V dt + u dx K dx r)H( + u£—K dx dx 1 -(*.)•-£-] c-o, (19) -I- W, (20) where Am it would be the same as (19) with u x - u 2 ). This is not exactly equation (19); however, if the first term were negligible, then K* =K 1 (Au) 2 T. (21) Careful analysis (Thacker, 1 975) can show that ignoring this first term is equivalent to resolving only those changes in C that are slower than the mixing time T and those spatial details thai are larger than a mixing length x = {2K*T) 112 . Note that T and x are related according to equation (4), the equation that relates length and time scales for the frost-free turbulence transformation. On the other hand, for small changes in time, the first term in equation (19) is important and the second term is negligible. The reason for this is that in a short enough time, a negligible amount of mixing between the layers occurs. In this limit, advection within each layer is important and an enhanced diffusivity parameter does not apply. However, each time a bit of contaminant crosses to the other layer, its direction reverses. This gives a long-term net effect of a random walk and diffusion-like behavior. Thus, shear dispersion is like either advection or diffusion, depending upon the scale of the observation. If all of the details of the flow are resolved, shear dispersion is differential advection. But if these details are ignored, which corresponds to filtering out high frequencies and high wavenumbers, then shear dispersion can be represented by an enhanced diffusivity. Equation (21 ) can be generalized to the case of turbulent mixing. The shear of the two-layer flow can be thought of as representing an eddy of arbitrary scale in a turbulent flow and the mixing as due to smaller eddies. If the resolution is decreased, then the eddy that represented the shear contributes to the mixing across the shear of a still larger eddy. Thus, the difference dK = K* - K can be thought of as the increase in eddy diffusivity associated with a decrease in resolu- tion. The factor (Am) 2 represents the energy in the scale of the shear, so it should be proportional to E(k)dk or {w)doj. The mixing time T = ^j is re- lated to the diffusivity through equation (4), I 2 = 2AT, if i = =£ is the scale of the shear. Thus, Ac (21) can be generalized to the differential equa- tions E(k)dk _ C (uj)da) 2Kk 2 2tt o) dK (22) These equations can be integrated to give equations (5) and (8). Equations (22) together with (6) are sufficient to determine the frost-free turbulence transforma- tion. To see this, differentiate equation (6) and substitute from (21 ) to get an equation relating dw and dk, tt" 1 \2Kk - C E(k) 2K (23) Now use (23) to eliminate d