NOAA TR EDS 10 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NOAA Technical Report EDS 10 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Data Service BOMEX Temporary Archive Description of Available Data TERRY DE LA MORINIERE SILVER SPRING, MD. January 1972 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS Environmental Data Service Series The Environmental Data Service (EDS) archives and disseminates a broad spectrum of environmental data gathered by the various components of NOAA and by the various cooperating agencies and activities throughout the world. EDS is a "bank" of worldwide environmental data upon which the researcher may draw to study and analyze environmental phenomena and their impact upon commerce, agriculture, industry, aviation, and other activities of man. EDS also conducts studies to put environmental phenomena and relations into proper historical and statistical perspective and to provide a basis for assessing changes in the natural environ- ment brought about by man's activities. EDS series of NOAA Technical Reports is a continuation of the former series, ESSA Technical Report, EDS. Reports in the series are available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Sills Bldg., 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151. Price: $3.00 paper copy; $0.95 microfiche. Order by accession number shown in parentheses at end of each entry. ESSA Technical Reports EDS 1 Upper Wind Statistics of the Northern Western Hemisphere. Harold L. Crutcher and Don K. Halligan. April 1967. (PB-174 921) EDS 2 Direct and Inverse Tables of the Gamma Distribution. H. C. S. Thorn, April 1968. (PB-178 320) EDS 3 Standard Deviation of Monthly Average Temperature. H. C. S. Thorn, April 1968. (PB-178 309) EDS 4 Prediction of Movement and Intensity of Tropical Storms Over the Indian Seas During the October to December Season. P. Jagannathan and H. L. Crutcher. May 1968. (PB-178 497) EDS 5 An Application of the Gamma Distribution Function to Indian Rainfall. D. A. Mooley and H. L. Crutcher. August 1968. (PB-180 056) EDS 6 Quantiles of Monthly Precipitation for Selected Stations in the Contiguous United States. H. C. S. Thorn and Ida B. Vestal. August 1968. (PB-180 057) EDS 7 A Comparison of Radiosonde Temperatures at the 100- , 80-, 50-, and 30-mb Levels. H. L. Crutcher and F. T. Quinlan. August 1968. (PB-180 058) EDS 8 Characteristics and Probabilities of Precipitation in China. Augustine Y. M. Yao. September 1969. (PB-188 420) EDS 9 Markov Chain Models for Probabilities of Hot and Cool Days Sequences and Hot Spells in Nevada. Clarence M. Sakamoto. March 1970. (PB-193 221) dpATMOSft^ r ^ENT Of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maurice H. Stans, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE Thomas S. Austin, Director NOAA Technical Report EDS 10 BOMEX Temporary Archive Description of Available Data TERRY DE LA MORINIERE Office of the Associate Administrator for Science and Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration P o o o 1 SILVER SPRING, MD. January 1972 UDC 551.506.2:551.46.065(263.5) (083.8) M 1969.05/07 M BOMEX 551.46 Oceanography .46.065 Ocean expedition data 551.5 Meteorology .506.2 Complex expedition data (083.8) Inventories (263.5) Western Tropical Atlantic "1969.05/07" May-July, 1969 BOMEX BOMEX The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration does not approve, recommend, or endorse any product except for its own use, and naming of a product or a manufacturer is solely for purposes of identification. The evaluation and test results shall not be used in advertising, sales pro- motion, or to indicate in any manner, either implicitly or explicitly, endorsement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price $2.25. 11 CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0.0 BOMEX FIXED-SHIP DATA ACQUISITION . 7 1.1.0 FIXED-SHIP RAWINSONDE DATA (INCLUDING RADIOMETERSONDE DATA BOTH FROM THE SHIPS AND FROM ISLAND LOCATIONS) ... 17 1.1.1 Rawlnsonde and Radiometersonde Instrumentation and Observation Procedures 17 1.1.2 Rawinsonde Data Processing 21 SCARD Analog Digitization 21 Data Reduction Programs and Procedures (Including Examples of 35-mm Microfilm Output) 24 Computations Used in the "A " Rawinsonde Data Processing 30 1.1. 2. A Manual Inputs and Preparation for Use in "Aq" Rawinsonde Data Processing .... 45 Characteristics of the "A " Rawinsonde Data To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis 47 "Aq" Rawinsonde Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 50 1.1.3 Radiometersonde Data Processing and Archive Magnetic Tape Format 51 Processing Procedures 51 Radiometersonde Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 52 1.2.0 BOOM SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS 53 1.2.1 Instrumentation and Observation Procedure 53 1.2.2 Boom Data Processing 55 SCARD Analog Digitization 55 Data Reduction Programs and Procedures . . 56 Characteristics of the "A " Boom Surface Meteorological Measurements To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis ... 57 "A " Boom Surface Meteorological Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 67 iii CONTENTS (continued) Page 1.3.0 BOMEX MARINE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND SURFACE-PRESSURE - MARINE MICROBAROGRAM DATA 68 1.3.1 Observation Procedures and Parameters Measured ... 68 1.3.2 Processing Procedure and Archive Magnetic Tape Format 89 Processing Procedure 89 BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observa- tions Archive Magnetic Tape Format .... 89 1.4.0 FIXED- SHIP OPERATIONS DATA 91 1.4.1 Parameters Recorded 91 1.4.2 Fixed-Ship On-Station and Underway Operations . 93 USC&GSS Oceanographer Ship Operations and Navigation 94 USC&GSS Mt. Mitchell Ship Operations and Navigation 95 USC&GSS Rainier Ship Operations and Navigation 96 USC&GSS Discoverer Ship Operations and Navigation 96 USCGC Rockaway Ship Operations and Navigation 97 1.4.3 Fixed-Ship Operations Data Processing 99 1.4.4 Fixed-Ship Operations Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 99 1.5.0 BOMEX FIXED-SHIP EVENT LOG 102 1.5.1 Contents of the Event Log 102 1.5.2 BOMEX Fixed-Ship Event Log Archive Format 102 1.6.0 DISCOVERER WEATHER RADAR PHOTOGRAPHS AND RADAR LOG .... 104 1.6.1 Radar Photographic Data 104 1.6.2 Discoverer Weather Radar Log 105 1.6.3 Discoverer Weather Radar Photograph and Radar Log Archive Formats 105 IV CONTENTS (continued) Page 1.7.0 STD (SALINITY-TEMPERATURE-DEPTH) SENSOR DATA AND' SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE DATA 106 1.7.1 STD Observation Procedures 106 1.7.2 STD 8-sps Data Reduction and Processing 108 Digitization 109 Conversion and Processing 114 STD 8-sps Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 117 1.7.3 STD Support Data and Archive Format 121 1.7.4" Radio Transmission Log for STD Observations and Archive Format 126 1.7.5 Naval Oceanographic Office "C" Temperature Log and Archive Format 128 2.0.0 BOMEX AIRCRAFT-ACQUIRED DATA 129 2.1.0 RFF AIRCRAFT DATA 146 2.1.1 Original Data 146 2.1.2 CONVERT Tape and Original Tape Listing 147 2.1.3 NHRL Processing of RFF Data . . 151 AUTO Listing and NNV Data Cards 152 NNV BCD Tape Record 155 NNV Binary Tape Record 165 2.1.6 RFF Aircraft Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format . . . 169 2.1.7 RFF Photographic and Radar Data and Archive Format 177 2.1.8 RFF Flight Folder 177 2.1.9 RFF Photographic Quality Review Log 179 2.2.0 NAVY AND AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT DATA 180 2.2.1 RECCO Data 180 RECCO Data Processing 191 Characteristics of Navy and Air Force Data To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis 192 Navy and Air Force RECCO Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format 192 CONTENTS (continued) Page 2.2.2 Navy WC-121 Aircraft Radar Photographs and Archive Format 193 2.2.3 Air Force WB-47 Aircraft Radar Photographs and Archive Format 211 2.2.4 Air Force WC-130 Aircraft Dropsonde Data and Archive Magnetic Tape Format 214 3.0.0 ISLAND DATA ACQUISITION 220 3.1.0 ISLAND RADAR DATA 220 3.2.0 ISLAND RAWINSONDE DATA 223 3.3.0 ATS-3 DATA 224 4.0.0 DATA ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS AND COSTS 225 TABLES No. Page 1-0 Contents of the BOMEX Temporary Archive 3 1-1 Geographic positions of BOMEX fixed ships 8 1-2 Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX 11 1-3 Fixed-ship basic observation system 15 1-4 BOMEX rawinsonde instrumentation 18 1-5 Calibration correction for rawinsonde temperature 35 1-6 Calibration corrections for rawinsonde relative humidity .... 38 1-7 Measurements from boom sensors 54 1-8 Transfer equations and constants for conversion of measured voltage to scientific units 58 1-9 Ship's barometer and Rosemount heights above sea surface .... 66 1-10 Barometer change characteristics in the last 3 hours 71 Vi TABLES (continued) No. Page 1-11 Dew-point temperature 72 1-12 Relative humidity 73 1-13 Wave or swell heights in half-meters 75 1-14 Code table for clouds of types Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Cumulonimbus 76 1-15 Code table for low cloud height; height of base of lowest cloud (Cl or C^) above sea 77 1-16 Code table for clouds of types Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Nimbostratus 78 1-17 Code table for clouds of types Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus 80 1-18 Code table for visibility 82 1-19 Code table for present weather 83 1-20 Code table for past weather 87 1-21 Code table for orientation of cloud band axis with respect to true north 88 1-22 BOMEX STD sensor characteristics 107 1-23 Digitizing resolution 114 2-1 Call signs and other identifiers for BOMEX aircraft 130 2-2 Fixed reporting points used in BOMEX 131 2-3 BOMEX line integral aircraft missions 132 2-4 RFF airborne instrumentation systems supporting BOMEX 133 2-5 RFF airborne recording systems 138 2-6 Navy WC-121 aircraft basic observation system 139 2-7 Navy WC-121 aircraft meteorological instrumentation 140 2-8 Special synoptic aircraft missions 141 vii TABLES (continued) No. Page 2-9 Air Weather Service WB-47 basic meteorological instrumentation 144 2-10 Air Weather Service WC-130 basic meteorological instrumentation 145 2-11 Air Weather Service RB-57 basic meteorological instrumentation 145 2-12 RFF original tape calibration constants 149 2-13 Abbreviations of parameters used with AUT, SMT, CQN, or REP cards for NNV Program 154 2-14 NHRL NNV-BOMAP Binary Tape Record format 166 2-15 Logical record of NHRL NNV-BOMAP Binary Tape 167 2-16 Variables in data record 171 2-17 RECCO data archive format 195 2-18 Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file 198 2-19 Characteristics of APS-20 radar 210 2-20 Characteristics of AN/APN-59B radar 213 2-21 Code table for tenths and sign indicator 218 2-22 Code table for dew-point depression 219 3-1 Characteristics of AN/MPS-34 radar (long pulse) 221 4-1 Reference information to aid in preparation of data request 229 4-2 Fixed-ship observed data availability Ship: Oceanographer 235 4-3 Fixed-ship observed data availability Ship: Rainier 238 4-4 Fixed-ship observed data availability Ship: Mt. Mitchell 241 viii TABLES (continued) No. Page 4-5 Fixed-ship observed data availability Ship: Discoverer 244 4-6 Fixed-ship observed data availability Ship: Rockaway 247 4-7 RFF aircraft observed data availability 250 4-8 Navy and Air Force aircraft observed data availability 252 4-9 Island observed data availability 255 4-10 Support data inventory 258 4-11 Fixed-Ship Rawinsonde Data inventory 259 4-12 Radiometersonde Data inventory 261 4-13 Boom Surface Meteorological Measurements inventory 262 4-14 BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations and Surface Pressure - Marine Microbarogram Data inventory 264 4-15 Fixed-Ship Salinity/Temperature/Depth and Sea Surface Temperature Data inventory 265 4-16 RFF Meteorological and Renavigated Flight Track Data inventory. 267 4-17 Island, Discoverer , Air Force WB-47, Navy WC-121, RFF DC-6 39C, RFF DC-6 40C, and RFF DC-4 82E Radar Data inventory 273 4-18 RFF Aircraft Cloud Photograh Data inventory 285 4-19 Navy and Air Force RECCO Data and Air Force WC-130 Dropsonde Data inventory 291 4-20 Island Rawinsonde Data inventory 293 4-21 ATS-3 Data inventory 298 xx FIGURES No. Page 1-1 Fixed-ship array during Periods I, II, and III 9 1-2 Fixed-ship array during Period IV • 10 1-3 Example of" 35-mm microfilm tabulation of 5-sec rawinsonde data 27 1-4 Five-second temperature and humidity data versus pressure 1 - temperature; 2 - relative humidity 28 1-5 U and V components of measured wind versus pressure 1 - W/E; 2 - S/N; 3 - height 29 1-6 Diagram relating the terms used in wind computations 43 1-7 Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 30-sec data 62 1-8 Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 10-min averages 63 1-9 Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 30-min averages 65 1-10 Surface Observations Form 69 1-11 Ship Operations Form 92 1-12 BOMEX Event Log 103 1-13 Separation and signal conditioning of the recorded signal prior to input for digitization 110 1-14 Flow counter hardware arrangement Ill 1-15 Input waveforms and system timing during a typical counting operation 112 1-16 First record for STD cast 118 1-17 Format of STD first card image 120 1-18 STD data record , 122 1-19 STD Observation Form 123 1-20 Radio Transmission Log for Salinity, Temperature, Depth, and Sound Velocity Data 127 FIGURES (continued) No. Page 2-1 NHRL NNV BCD Tape Record 157 2-2 Header information that precedes each RFF mission 170 2-3 RECCO Code form 181 2-4 Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding 185 2-5 WB-47 aircraft flight track for radar photography 212 2-6 BOMEX Dropsonde Recording Form 215 4-1 Sample data request 228 xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Establishment of the BOMEX Temporary Archive would not have been possible without the invaluable help of the many organizations and individuals who played an important role in the processing of BOMEX data and who continue to take part in the still ongoing data reduction. For overall support, the author is grateful to R.E. Hallgren, Associate Administrator for Environmental Monitoring and Prediction, NOAA; Jackson Balch, Director of NASA's Mississippi Test Facility; Thomas S. Austin, Director, Environmental Data Service, NOAA; William H. Haggard, Director, National Cli- matic Center, NOAA; R.V. Ochinero, Director, National Oceanographic Data Center, NOAA; H. Stewart, Jr., Director, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories, NOAA; and R.C. Gentry, Director, National Hurricane Research Laboratory, NOAA. Deeply appreciated is the management assistance and guidance provided by Joshua Z. Holland, Director, and Arnold H. Glaser, of the BOMAP Office (now Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis) , NOAA. For major contributions to the description of the data contained in the BOMEX Temporary Archive, the author's thanks go to the following: Lee Nybo, C.R. Ramsey, Elwyn Graham, Kenneth Savistano, Raymond L. Joiner, Melvin H. Craddock, Frank T. Quinlan, Mortimer Buckwald, John Sheldon, Warren Wisner, Willard W. Shinners, Feodor Ostapoff, Orville E. Scribner, Scott Williams, and Calvin E. Anderson, who played a major role in the reduction of the ship data; Loran A. Weaver, Harry F. Hawkins, Billy M. Lewis, Eugene M. Page, Howard A. Friedman, Marshall G. Hatch, Harlan W. Davis, Gerald Conrad, Robert H. Sourbeer, and Richard Rutkowski, who made substantive contributions in processing and quality control of the data collected by NOAA's Research Flight Facility and who provided the documentation for these data; John McHugh and Lt. Victor E. Delnore (NOAA Corps), who were responsible for the reduction and archiving of STD data; Lt. Cdr. Charles Waldron (U.S. Navy), Eugene M. Rasmusson, Robert W. Reeves, and Leslie D. Sanders, who provided descriptions and quality control of the Navy and Air Force aircraft data, with Robert W. Reeves and Leslie D. Sanders being responsible for the dropsonde data; Michael D. Hudlow and Wolfgang Scherer, who processed the radar data; and Vance A. Myers, who scrutinized the photographs taken by high-altitude aircraft and by satellites. Acknowledgment is also due Frances Burkholder for tabulating the data placed in the archive, May Laughrun for editing the text, and Patricia Mentzer and James Knox for typing the manuscript. XII BOMEX TEMPORARY ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE DATA Terry C. de la Moriniere* Office of the Associate Administrator for Science and Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Md . 20852 ABSTRACT This report describes the data available from the BOMEX Temporary Archive, a depository for data collected during the Barbados Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX) during May, June, and July 1969. Procedures used in processing these data, inventories of the archived data, and ordering instructions and costs are given. INTRODUCTION Effective February 1, 1971, a temporary archive was established to ser- vice requests for processed data products resulting from the Barbados Oceano- graphic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX) , conducted in the summer of 1969. Not all BOMEX data have been assembled. The temporary archive repre- sents data selected by the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Analysis Project (BOMAP) Office** that were acquired from the fixed-ship, aircraft, and island-based acquisition systems under the operational control of the BOMEX Field Headquarters. Various BOMEX principal investigators (responsible for experiments other than the BOMEX Core Experiment) acquired data during BOMEX, but these data will not be placed in the temporary archive since most are still in the possession of the investigators for processing and analysis. The temporary archive is defined as such since it contains preliminary , unvalidated data that are being made available at an early stage in the BOMAP processing activity. It will be replaced by a permanent archive when the data-processing cycle is finished (late 1972). Validated data are defined as processed data for which the quality has been effectively demonstrated, and limitations as to space resolution, time resolution, and accuracy have been *Formerly a staff member in the BOMAP Office and now affiliated with the Office of the Associate Administrator for Environmental Monitoring and Prediction, NOAA. **Now Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis (CEDDA) . clearly documented. Such conclusive information is not available at this time because of continuing BOMAP efforts in data-processing software develop- ment, scientific test computations, calibration studies, and intercomparison studies of data obtained from the various types of BOMEX acquisition plat- forms . Those requesting BOMEX data from the temporary archive should there- fore be prepared to perform such quality and accuracy tests as may be required prior to use for scientific research . The BOMAP Office staff stands ready to assist in answering users' questions concerning the processing or quality of the temporary archive data products (telephone (301) 496-8871) . Table 1.0 lists the data products available through the temporary archive. This table defines the acquisition platforms or locations where the data were obtained, specifies the archive product as observed data or support documents for use in evaluating the observed data, and the form in which these data products can be obtained from the temporary archive. The various archived data types are discussed in the text that follows in the order in which they are listed in table 1-0. -2- - I H B 1 O .H m •H -H CO en a x-i •u cj 3 T3 •o O a) U X (0 a B M 0) 3 co > Dh J3 o CD ID o 3 S B 0J tr fi O u cj o u i •H J4 C CJ •H O CO OS as i-H 60 CO CO M l-i o. 1-1 ^ O •H 01 >.« J= H r-l CO 01 CD B ja > o u "d o . 8 m J« 0) X 0) Ml 3 •H •H SI'S O hi Q as i B •H OJ a •o CO B PS o CO a co u •H 4J 41 Si CO 4-1 C/J O 1 I •a cu o CD T3 •H CO X B T3 4-1 % 3 CJ CO iH MH CO M U 3 -H C/l 60 O CO BH 4J O O B o n cu sol •S HI o B 33 60 X! O CO g^ § O t-" -H CO o u CO M 61 l-i 1 CO u CD a. O o. CO ■H 4-1 J3 CO en a T> to m 6 X O a •H 3 60 X 00 •H o ti, -J X 4J s c 11 o > en M rn SO •H 4-) 4-1 e H CD CD 5 .5 3 2 4-1 05 4-1 T3 -H T3 tfl P, CO £ 3 > O co m X a. u co -o w oj -o oj SCO u o o o .c -H pa -h h cj 3 4J -H D" S o O U 41 1 co 14 w 1-4 c 0) to 1-1 o o > CO 4-1 Q •H C X! •H 4J 0) cu CO Q C j3 O 4-1 •r-4. >. a ^, co 4-1 0) 4-1 in ■H a •H •g C •H „ O O in .-t 0) rH C CO 1-1 OJ CO t/} D > U 4J H u CO -a O u O <4-l 01 •H o. o •a O0 s en to o CD Bi J H ^) — CM —.CM U crj -H O KtH 00 C ■H 4J CO H C4-4 fa CO H CO 1-1 CO T3 4-» CJ CJ OJ n) 1-4 •H u n •H &0 ttj < O 60 X .-H •H O fa O > co i l-i CO M O C H ■a B o m a 1 O rH lO -H -H w n s M-i 4-J u 3 -o T3 0) u .e to a. O T) C n a> 3 to o to •H 4-1 4-1 C o> h It > u O 3 H a bH « w ex to co J3 3 P> .0 O ID II O •u C to o to H Tl O O.U n -a to -a a) c o M O O O J3 ■H ss to O CM 1 -3- 00 O Q \£> -4" h 1 1 a c_> u 01 tu o •u O to to u to rH •H .H 0) ■H IU 01 D. 0) t-1 3 U a •V ■u rH 4-1 U-l •H (0 WH 1 MH to 1 o o o 01 n o CO 4-1 rH •J} f rH i-l e •H O. iH "0 tO iH •H c > 4J UH tO to i-l 3 u j; to a o u u rH to (0 >« o rH a o a J3 o u o> o PI *-< Q *D ^r rK 1 1 H h O u 3 r^ o >, .c 4J PL, -H Cj UH -r4 to tO 4J l-i to u to > o tO X Z &4 i So D. u tO 4J to 4J CO -0 co oo *o T> C X) •H 73 CU 4J 4J 0> s ^ to ;> O 3 in 01 D.r-1 XI O 0] 0) o X o. 4J a T3 1 CO 73 01 c o 1-4 o o o x: •H CQ •H r-1 O 4-1 *H 3 M-l •H U XI CJ en O 3 CO TO U O J-l QJ 2 (d Uh U-i [3 CJ nj 3 a cu 01 u -a M c tu CO 1-1 o ■H u < a CO C 73 o s ■H tO X 1-1 01 5S A •u O 4J o> oa CO 0) 0) > 0) 3 C J3 U xi ff o o o CO 73 u HI I-l CJ tO T-l 4J 1-1 Xi 4J M-l o to o M4 0) XI i-H tO CO M-l c •H o < tO 4-1 to 01 l-i CO to 3 ca o 3C M-l O C O 73 $?§ l-i i-l to co Oh M <0 01 tj > •H •H ■H 4-1 £ CO 00 i 73 01 o C M-l 01 to tH CU CO P> CU c •H ■H T-l 4-1 XI 60 -H to •H CO r-l l-i o •H O a CO > M-l c < o •H to XI 01 U CO to 3 ca o m M-l O c -a 00 CO § 1-1 r-4 to CO Oh r-l x: n oo cu 3 04 33 w 1.0.0 BOMEX FIXED-SHIP DATA ACQUISITION Five ships occupied fixed positions during the four BOMEX Observation Periods (table 1-1). For the Core Experiment, which covered Period I (May 1 through 15), Period II (May 24 through June 10), and Period III (June 19 through July 2), the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey* ships Rainier , Oceano- grapher , Mt. Mitchell , and Discoverer occupied positions ALFA, BRAVO, DELTA, and ECHO, respectively, at the corners of the BOMEX square, and the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Ro ckaway occupied position CHARLIE at the center of the fixed-ship array (fig. 1-1). For the Tropical Convection Program during Period IV (July 11 through 28), the five ships were stationed in a staggered pattern of fixed positions (fig. 1-2). Because some of the ships departed designated positions a day or two early and others occupied positions a day or two late owing to operational problems, the dates given above do not coin- cide exactly with the operations of each ship. A chronological listing of operations is given in table 1-2. During all four periods, the fixed ships made sea-surface and oceanogra- phic measurements and surface and upper air observations. Special instrumen- tation included: the signal conditioning and recording device (SCARD) ; rawin- sondes to measure temperature, humidity, and pressure during their ascent and to provide tracking targets for wind direction and speed; radiometersondes to measure upward and downward radiation; a special boom extending from the bow of each ship and carrying instruments to measure dry-bulb, wet-bulb, and sea-surface temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and radiometers to measure incident, reflected, and total radiation; salinity/ temperature/depth (STD) sensors; the boundary layer instrument package (BLIP), released from all ships except the Ro ckaway , suspended below a tethered balloon or parafoil kite, and carrying sensors to measure temperature, humidity, and horizontal and vertical wind speed. Basic observation systems aboard each fixed ship are identified in table 1-3. Each ship was equipped with a free-fall, deep-sea mooring system to raaintain its position. However, the Rainier 's mooring system failed on May 1, the Mt. Mitchell's on May 3, the Ro ckaway 's on May 25, and the Discoverer 's and Oceanographer ' s on June 21. All wind speed and direction data acquired after mooring failure — during periods of steaming and periods of drift — must therefore be corrected for ship motion. Observation systems were standardized for the fixed ships, with some variation in special instrumentation for the program to be served. Data were acquired in the form of analog magnetic-tape, strip-chart, punched paper-tape, manually logged, and photographic or filmed records. * Now the National Ocean Survey. -7- Table 1-1. Geographic positions of BOMEX fixed ships Ship Position Latitude Longitude Periods I, II, and III (square array) Rainier Oceanographer Rockaway Mt . Mitchell Discoverer ALFA (A) BRAVO (B) CHARLIE (C) DELTA (D) ECHO (E) 16°50 'N 17°36'N 15°00'N 12°23'N 13°08'N 59°12*W 54°34'W 56°30'W 58°23'W 53°51'W Period IV (staggered array) Rainier Rockaway Discoverer Mt . Mitchell Oceanographer BRAVO (B) CHARLIE (C) ECHO (E) LIMA (L) GOLF (G) 17°30'N 15°00 'N 13°00'N 10°30'N 7°30'N 54°00»W 56°30'W 54°00'W 56°30'W 52°42'W Figure 1-1. Fixed-ship array during Periods I, II, and III. Figure 1-2. Fixed-ship array during Period IV. 10 Table 1-2. Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX Date Ship activity* 1969 Oceano- Disco- Mt. grapher verer Mitchell Rainier Rock aw ay April 30 In port at In port at In port at Arrived at En route to Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown Station "A" Station "C" May 1 En route to ii Arrived at Deep sea; Arrived at Station "B" Station "D" moor, failed Station "C" 2 Arrived at it Moored on On Station Moored on Station "B" Station "D" "A" Station "C" 3 Moored on Station "B" ii Deep sea; moor, failed n ti Arrived at Station "E" and moored Moored on Station "E" Medical eva- cuation to Bridgetown On Station llT.ll Moored on Station "B"; M&C Day Moored on Station "E"; M&C Day On Station "D";M&C Day On Station Moored on "A"; M&C Day Station "C"; M&C Day 9-14 Moored on Station "B" Moored on Station "E" On Station "D" On Station Moored on "A" Station "C" 15 Departed Departed Departed Departed Departed for Bridge- for Bridge- for Bridge- for Bridge- for Bridge- town town town town town -11- Table 1-2. Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX (continued) Date Ship activity* 1969 Ocean o- Disco- Mt. grapher verer Mitchell Rainier Rock aw ay May 16 Arrived in Arrived in Arrived in Arrived in Arrived in Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown 17-21 In port at In port at In port at In port at In port at Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown 22 In port at Departed In port at Departed Departed Bridgetown Bridgetown for Sta- tion "E" Bridgetown Bridgetown for Sta- tion "A" Bridgetown 23 Departed Arrived and Departed Arrived at Arrived and Bridgetown moored on Station "E" Bridgetown Station "A" moored on Station "C" 24 Arrived and Medical eva- Arrived on On Station Moored on moored on cuation to Station "D" "A" Station "C" Station "B" Bridgetown 25 Moored on Arrived at On Station ii Deep sea; Station "B" Bridgetown; departed "D" moor, failed 26 ii En route to Station "E" ii ii On Station "C" 27 it Arrived and moored on Station "E" ii ii it 28 ii Moored on Station "E" Departed for Bridgetown; returned to Station "D" it ti May 29 Moored on Moored on On Station On Station On Station to Station "B"; Station "E"; "E"; 5/29 "A"; 5/29 "C" 5/29 June 5/29 M&C 5/29 M&C M&C Day M&C Day M&C Day 9 Day Day -12- Table 1-2. Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX (continued) Date 1969 Ship activity* Ocean o - grapher Disco - verer Mt. Mitchell Rainier Rockaway June 10 Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown 11 Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown 12-18 In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown 19 Departed Bridgetown Departed Bridgetown Departed Bridgetown Departed Bridgetown Departed Bridgetown 20 Moored on Station "B" Moored on Station "E" On Station On Station "A" On Station "C" 21 Deep sea; moor, failed Deep sea; moor, failed 22-25 On Station On Station tlT?H 26 Departed "D" to recover buoy, then returned 27 On Station "B"; M&C Day On Station "E"; M&C Day On Station "D"; M&C Day On Station "A"; M&C Day On Station "C"; M&C Day 28 On Station ■ IT)!! On Station IIt-M On Station "D" On Station "A" On Station iir>M 29 Departed "D" to recover BLIP, then returned 30 Departed "B" for Bridge- town On Station llr\ll -13- Departed "C" for "B," ar- rived at "B" Table 1-2. Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX (continued) Date Ship activity* 1969 Oceano- grapher Disco- verer Mt. Mitchell Rainier Rockaway July 1 Arrived in Bridgetown On Station On Station iijjii On Station "A" On Station tig.. 2 In port at Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown Departed for Bridgetown 3 H Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown Arrived in Bridgetown 4-8 ii In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown In port at Bridgetown 9 Departed Bridgetown for "G" Departed Bridgetown for "E" Departed Bridgetown for "D" Departed Bridgetown for "B" Departed Bridgetown for "C" 10 En route to Station "G" Arrived at Station "E" Arrived at Station "L" En route to Station "B" Arrived at Station "C" 11 M On Station "E" Departed for Bridgetown, then returned Arrived at Station "B" On Station "C" 12 Arrived at M On Station Mt II On Station llrjll ii 13-15 On Station H/-.U 16 On Station "G"; M&C Day On Station "E"; M&C Day On Station M L"; M&C Day On Station "B"; M&C Day On Station M&C Day 17-23 On Station II /-ill On Station ll-pll On Station ll T II On Station „ B „ On Station M/-.II -14- Table 1-2. Chronology of ship operations during BOMEX (continued) Date 1969 Oceano- Ship activity 5 Disco- grapher verer Mt. Mitchell Rainier Rockaway July 24 25-27 On Station On Station "G"; M&C "E"; M&C Day Day On Station On Station "G" "E" On Station On Station On Station "L"; M&C "B"; M&C "C"; M&C Day Day Day On Station On Station On Station IIt II llTJ II lip II 28 Departed for Departed for Bridgetown Bridgetown Departed for Departed for Departed for Bridgetown Bridgetown Bridgetown * M&C Day — Maintenance and calibration day. Table 1-3. Fixed-ship basic observation system Ship SCARD Rawinsonde* Boom** STD BLIP SITS Oceanographer x Scanwell WFSS x x Rainier Scanwell WFSS (x) Mt. Mitchell x Scanwell WFSS Discoverer x Selenia radar Rockaway x AN/SPS 29 radar (x) *Wind direction and speed acquired as slant range and azimuth. **Parentheses indicate inclusion of instrumentation for radiation -15- SCARP (Signal Conditioning and Recording Device) was the primary recording unit aboard each of the fixed ships. Developed, operated, and maintained in the field by NASA's Mississippi Test Facility, it recorded on analog mag- netic tape the main body of data derived from the observations. Exceptions were some manually recorded surface meteorological observations, punched paper-tape records of the Selenia radar rawinsonde positions, photographs of radar precipitation observations, STD strip charts, and analog strip-chart records of rawinsonde data that served as quality control.. -16- 1.1.0 FIXED-SHIP RAWINSONDE DATA (INCLUDING RADIOMETERSONDE DATA BOTH FROM THE SHIPS AND FROM ISLAND LOCATIONS) 1.1.1 Rawinsonde and Radiometersonde Instrumentation and Observation Procedures Instrumentation . Rawinsonde balloons carried two instrument pack- ages aloft for each observation: a temperature sonde equipped with a thermis- tor and a humidity sonde with a hygristor. All sondes and telemetry units were of standard National Weather Service type with these exceptions: (a) Temperature sondes were specially wired to yield only signals for temperature, "low reference" (190 Hz), and a special midreference value (95 Hz) which replaced every fifth "low reference" in the sequence. This allowed more frequent reference signals and hence more precise corrections for variations in sonde characteristics — enhancing accuracy. Selected precalibrated thermistors were used. (b) Pressure sensors for temperature sondes were specially selected and precalibrated twice at the factory (once "up" and once "down," re- jecting sensors that showed large differences) for better pressure accuracies . (c) Humidity sondes were modified to yield an almost continuous humidity signal, interrupted only occasionally for a "low reference" signal. Because the humidity data are much less sensitive to minor sonde/ battery variation than the temperature data, there was no need for frequent reference checks. A more sensitive uncalib rated pressure commutator was substituted for the usual baroswitch, to further shorten the time occupied by reference signals. All pressure data were taken from the temperature sonde and time-correlated to the humidity data. The net result was extraordinarily fine vertical resolution in the humidity profile. Table 1-4 summarizes the instrumentation and sonde frequency used by each fixed ship during the four BOMEX periods. Temperature sonde and humidity sonde signal output was acquired by separate receivers aboard ship and re- corded by SCARD, and on strip charts for quality control. Two types of balloon-tracking systems were used: Scanwell Wind Finding at Sea System (WFSS) and radar wind finding system. The Oceanographer , Mt . Mitchell , and Rainier carried the Scanwell WFSS. By means of rotary potentiometers mounted within the Scanwell balloon track- ing instrumentation, continuous slant range and azimuth values of balloon position were acquired for the purpose of computing upper air wind directions and speeds. These data were recorded on SCARD and also on strip charts for quality control. -17- The Discoverer was equipped with Selenia radar, METEOR 200-RMT-2S (3.2-cm wavelength). Slant range and azimuth data, for computation of upper air winds, were recorded on punched paper tape at 15-sec intervals, with a printed paper tape for quality control. Table 1-4. BOMEX rawinsonde instrumentation Fixed ships Period I Period II Period III Period IV Oceanographer Mt. Mitchell Rainier* Temperature Same as I 403/1680 MHz Humidity 72.2 MHz Same as I Same as I Discoverer* Temperature 403 MHz Humidity 403 MHz low level** FM sondes high level*** pulsed sondes Same as I S ame as I Same as I except all pulsed sondes used Rockaway * Temperature 403 MHz Humidity 403 MHz low level** FM sondes high level*** pulsed sondes Same as I Same as I except all pulsed sondes used Temperature 403 MHz Humidity 72.2 MHz *Suomi-Kuhn 403-MHz FM-FM (upward and downward IR) radiometersondes flown at 0000 GMT daily. **Planned termination at approximately 400 mb . ***From surface to burst. 18 The Rockavay used an AN/SPS-29 radar. Slant range and azimu ments were obtained visually by the radar operator at 1-min inter recorded manually for subsequent conversion to punched cards. Radiometersonde observations were obtained at 0000 GMT each the Discoverer , Rainier , and Rockaway during all four BOMEX perio Suomi-Kuhn economical net radiometer to measure upward and downwa radiation was attached to the rawinsonde. Observation Procedures . The procedures for making rawinsond tions were essentially the standard ones used by the National Wea An exception was that the frequency of observations, i.e., observ every 1 1/2 hours, required termination at 400 mb. The requireme increased accuracy and nearly continuous resolution in humidity d dictated the use during BOMEX of two sondes on the same balloon t that measured temperature only, the other humidity only. The temperature sonde was not baselined because individually ted thermistors were used. Although there was no baseline check, standard pref light check and inspection were performed. The sond assembled in the normal fashion, except that no hygristor was ins After external checks of the instrument had been completed, the t sonde ground equipment was turned on and allowed to warm up and t activated batteries were placed in the sonde for a 2- to 3-min wa period. By alternate touching of the two test leads with a commo the low reference and midscale reference respectively were transm The low reference signal was maintained long enough to set the re ordinate 95.0. After the reference had been tested and set on th chart, the temperature singal was checked for proper or expected The sonde transmitter was adjusted to the desired frequency; alte flights were tuned to different frequencies to minimize possibili abandoned flight interfering with preflight operations for the ne tion. Under normal circumstances, the sonde transmitter was neve the limits of the equipment frequency range, since some latitude for post-release frequency drifts. With the external switching c and the test leads clipped off, the temperature sonde baroswitch to a position corresponding to the nearest 0.1 contact representi ambient pressure read on the ship's precision aneroid barometer, procedures used to set the baroswitch were those suggested in Fed Meteorological Handbook 3. The humidity sonde was inspected and reference-checked in th way as the temperature sonde, and the transmitter was tuned to th frequency. Following this, baseline measurements were made in th baseline check box. The baseline wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatu conditions were established to the nearest .1°C and the corespon relative humidity was determined. With the humidity stabilized a 35 percent (normally around 33 percent) , the baseline conditions recorded on a special Rawinsonde Observation Form (BOMEX Card #0) in later data processing. The baseline measurements were conside for only 30 min. If release did not occur within 30 min, a fresh humidity element was installed and a new baseline check performed -19- the baseline check, the baroswitch was set. The humidity sonde baroswitch was set to either contact number 3 or 8, whichever was closest to the original pen arm position. Since the humidity sonde baroswitch was not used for pres- sure measurement, setting the baroswitch according to ambient station pressure was not required. Only the temperature sonde baroswitch was used for pressure measurements . Setting the pen arm as indicated ensured that relative humidity data were transmitted at release and a low reference shortly thereafter. A 300-gm balloon was used for flights to 400 mb at the 1 1/2-hour re- lease frequency. For all 0000 GMT observations and flights released at the 6-hour release frequency, a 600-gm balloon was used. With two instrumenta- tion packages, the ascent rate was nominally 200 m/min for the 300-gm balloon and 300 m/min for the 600-gm balloon. During BOMEX Observation Period I (May 3 to May 15), the two sondes were strapped together (back to back), but signal interference between the two instruments occurred occasionally and such flights were not processed. Therefore, the sondes were separated on the train by 1 1/2 to 2 m, with the temperature sonde nearest the balloon. For flight, the arrangement was balloon, train regulator (15 to 20 m of line included), sondes spaced 1 1/2 to 2 m apart, 3 1/2 m of line, and target (for the Discoverer and Rockaway only) . Just before release, all ground equipment was rechecked and the SCARD operators were notified to prepare for release. Immediately before release, the humidity sonde external "low reference" wire was grounded to the sonde for at least 5 sec, and this connection was broken as the balloon was re- leased. The resulting shift in signal frequency was used in later data reduction as indication of "lift-off." After release, the usual procedures for monitoring rawinsonde ground equipment were followed, and the observation was terminated as scheduled or as soon as sonde failure occurred in flight. The same preflight check and procedure used for the rawinsondes was used for radiometersonde observations. The radiometer was attached according to instructions given by Dr. P.M. Kuhn, Environmental Research Laboratories, N0AA, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Detailes concerning the radiometer, attach- ment to the sonde, and preflight check can be obtained from Dr. Kuhn. -20- 1.1.2 Rawlnsonde Data Processing The rawinsonde data were processed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Mississippi Test Facility (NASA/MTF) and the Slidell Computer Complex. After early review of the digitized SCARD analog data, it became evident to the BOMAP Office that, because of inconsistencies in obser- vational techniques, operational difficulties, and other problems (such as digital noise), a comprehansive set of rawinsonde processing software could not be constructed without some intermediate processing step that would pro- duce sufficiently complete output for review and for design of final rawin- sonde processing software. The BOMEX Temporary Archive rawinsonde data are the output of this intermediate processing step and are called "A Rawinsonde Output." These data include the processed rawinsonde observations for all four BOMEX Observation Periods. The processing technique developed at MTF made it possible to retrieve a considerable amount of data that would have been judged unusable if one were to examine only the usual strip-chart re- cordings. Much of the noise that occasionally hides data on the strip charts was filtered out by the techniques described below. The archive products consist of magnetic tapes and 35-mm microfilm, each containing all processed rawinsonde observations for one ship observation period, i.e., all rawinsonde data for one fixed ship for one BOMEX Observa- tion Period. In either form, the data represent a time series of 5-sec data points (averaged over a 5-sec period) from launch to termination of process- ing. For the inventory of available data and instructions for ordering, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs. The "A " rawinsonde data processing is described in the sections that follow: SCARD Analog Digitization ; Data Reduction Programs and Procedures (Including Examples of 35-mm Microfilm Output) ; Com- putations Used in the "Ap" Rawinsonde Data Processing ; Manual Inputs and Preparation for Use in "A n " Rawinsonde Data Processing ; Charac- teristics of the "An" Rawinsonde Data To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis ; and "A n " Rawinsonde Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format . SCARD Analog Digitization Temperature- and humidity-sonde signals for all ships were recorded as frequency-modulated signals on SCARD. Slant range and azimuth from the Scanwell WFSS balloon- tracking equipment installed on the Oceanographer , Mt . Mitchell , and Rainier were also recorded on SCARD, but as amplitude-modulated signals. All these parameters were frequency-multiplexed on one of the seven SCARD recording channels. The temperature- and humidity-sonde input signals from ground-station receivers aboard the fixed ships were designed to vary between 10 and 200 Hz, but in many cases exceeded 200 Hz. The slant range and azimuth input voltages from the Scanwell WFSS varied between and 5 v D.C The slant range was a ramped signal representing successive 2,000-m increments of measured slant range. The azimuth input from Scanwell consisted of two inputs, one voltage (0 - 5 v D.C. ramp) representing the range from to 360° (called AZ360) , the other (0 - 5 v D.C. ramp) representing successive to 20° ranges (called AZ20) . These two azimuth voltages, derived from precision -21- potentiometers mounted within the Scanwell antenna servo-drive train, were necessary to achieve the appropriate resolution in measured azimuth. On the Discoverer , slant range and azimuth were acquired by a Selenia radar, Model METEOR 200 RMT-2S, at 15-sec intervals and recorded digitally on punched paper tape and on a hard-copy printout. On the Rockaway , slant range and azimuth were acquired by an AN/SPS-29 radar and recorded manually at 1-min intervals . Digitization of the above signals required a two-pass operation: a first pass that converted the analog FM/FM (frequency modulated) and FM/PAM (pulse amplitude modulated) signals to digital form at 16 times real-time recording speed, resulting in 10 samples per second (10 sps) digital values of frequency and D.C. voltages; and a second pass that edited, formatted, scaled, and reduced the 10-sps digitized SCARD data to 2 sps and produced as output one reel of magnetic tape containing all measured frequency values and D.C. voltages gathered in one 24-hour period (0000 GMT through 2400 GMT) for one fixed ship. The first pass was made by an SDS 930 Automatic Tele- metry Reduction System — a program-controlled system in which an AMPEX FR-1400 analog tape unit, time-code-generator decoder, 18 discriminators, two cycle counters, input/output tie-in crossbar units, five levels of a priority interrupt system, three digital tape units, and other peripheral input/output devices were used. The second pass was made by an IBM 7094 program that created SDS 930-compatible 2-sps tape from a 10-sps tape. This equipment and the programs were operated and managed by the NASA Slidell Computer Complex, Slidell, La. Conversion of the rawinsonde data through the first pass and second pass is described below. First pass digitization method used for temperature- and humidity-sonde data For each element, the demodulated output was input to a zero detection unit. At each positive-going crossover, the following took place: (a) The appropriate counter was updated by one. (b) The contents of a 312.5-kHz clock (recorded on SCARD as 3.125 kHz, then multiplied for system control) was transferred to the appro- priate storage register. At the expiration of each 1/10 sec, the output for each element (temperature/temperature references or humidity /humidity references) was computed by V = t/c, where V = recorded value, t = the time (in units of 312.5-kHz clock), and (c) = the integral number of positive crossover. Thus, a time series of 10-sps values (one 10-sps series for the temperature sonde and one for the humidity sonde) were formed as input to the second pass . Each 10-sps time series contained measured temperature or humidity values and their respective reference values in the se- quence of normal occurrences during the observation. -22- Second pass method used for temperature- and humidity-sonde data The 10-sps samples were converted to Hz values for each 1/10 sec by dividing the output (v above) of digitizing into 3,125,000. Following con- version to Hz, a noise elimination averaging technique was applied to the 10-sps data within one 1/2-sec period (i.e., five 1/10-sec data points) to form the 2-sps time series. Selective averaging was accomplished by compar- ing the new arithmetic average of the input data set with the previously averaged point for this variable. If the difference between these two values exceeded the tolerance as specified on the noise tolerance manual input card to the second pass program (+ .5 Hz for temperature-sonde data and + 1.0 Hz for humidity-sonde data) , the point deviating most from the arithmetic mean was discarded, and the previous average was replaced with a new arithmetic mean of (n-1) 1/10-sec points. The process was then repeated until the cor- rect tolerance was established or until only two points remained; the average of these two points was then accepted as the average for one 2-sps data point. Following averaging, the digitizing system calibrations were applied to the 2-sps data points. First pass method used for slant range, azimuth 360, and azimuth 20 For each channel (one for slant range, one for azimuth 360, and one for azimuth 20), the signals were demodulated through a discriminator giving a D.C. voltage nominally in the range of + 7.5 v. At the beginning and end of each SCARD tape, the calibration outputs were taken for each channel and re- corded separately. Each 1/10 sec, the three discriminated voltage outputs were multiplexed to an analog-to-digital converter at the rate of 50 ysec per channel. The converter was capable of digitizing in the range of + 10 v with significance to approximately 0.01 v. Thus, a slant range, azimuth 360, and azimuth 20 10-sps time series was formed for each variable for input to the second pass program. Second pass method used for slant range, azimuth 360, and azimuth 20 The 1/10-sec values were scaled to 10,000 counts (where - 5 v = - 10,000 counts) as follows: Counts = 10,000 (A t - L c ) / (H c - L c ) , where L c and H c are low reference calibration and high reference calibration, respectively, as recorded on SCARD. The calibrations represented the average of the beginning and ending calibrations on one SCARD tape, and A t is the variable sample. The 10-sps values were then reduced to 2-sps values by the noise elimination averaging used for rawinsonde temperature and humidity, with the tolerances for slant range and azimuth 360 being 60 counts and for azimuth 20 being 250 counts. At this point, the 2-sps time series of slant range, azimuth 360, and azimuth 20 were ready for the next stage of processing. -23- 1 . 1. 2 . 2 Data Reduction Programs and Procedures (Including Examples of 35-mm Microfilm Output) The 2-sps digitized data base was used in processing and reduction of rawinsonde observations from voltages and frequency 2-sps samples to 5-sec averages of meteorological units. Only the steps involved in this processing are described here; computational details and manual inputs are discussed in sections and, respectively. The first step was to review the 2-sps tape for discrepancies in time (time of day, GMT) caused by malfunctions in the time code generator input recorded on SCARD analog tape or injected during the decoding and digitiza- tion of the analog signal. Such errors normally represented read-write errors as a shift of data within a record. This was done with a Tape Edit/ Tape Copy procedure according to the following specifications, by which parity errors were also edited: (1) When there were no parity errors during a read operation and time progressed by consistent time differences (deltas), the end product was a copy of the original tape. (2) When a parity error was found, the record was skipped, "parity error" was printed out, and a total kept of how many there were on each 2-sps tape. (3) When a sync error occurred, the record was skipped, "sync error" was printed out, and a record kept of how many sync errors occurred on the tape. A "sync error" was defined as follows: (a) millisecond in real time work greater than 999, (b) seconds greater than 86,399, and (c) any bit greater than 11 in the flag word. (4) When there was a gap in time (i.e., difference between successive time samples being different from the expected delta of .5 sec) - whether this gap was on the original 2-sps tape, was due to skipped record because of parity or sync error, or was deleted by the Tape Edit/Tape Copy procedure - the times before and after the gap and the time difference (delta) were printed out. (5) Forward jumps in time (i.e., increasing time with a delta of more than .5 sec) with consistent time differences of .5 sec or more after the jump forward were kept. When followed by a backup in time so that the time sample going back in time when compared with the jump forward established a consistent delta from the sample preced- ing the forward jump, a forward jump was deleted. (6) Time samples and the associated variable samples that progressed with inconsistent deltas were deleted by defining the time sample as a dead word. Each deleted time sample was printed out. -24- (7) All time backups were deleted although time progressed by consis- tent time differences from the sample that moved back in time. Note ; In "A " outputs, TG ("time gap") in the tabulated data indi- cates deletion of data by the Tape Edit/Tape Copy procedure. From this point on in the processing of the "A " rawinsonde data, the "time-edited" 2-sps data and manually derived "processing" start time and stop time were used in data reduction, as follows: (1) Five-second averages of the humidity- and temperature-sonde data were computed by a reference detection and noise elimination averag- ing technique similar to the one used in averaging 10-sps data to 2 sps (see sec. Note : No attempt was made to distinguish the radiometer signals in the 0000 GMT observations on the Discoverer , Rainier , or Rockaway . (2) Thirty-second averages of slant range and 60-sec averages of azimuth each 30 sec were computed. Azimuth bias corrections were made at this point. (3) A reference pattern check for data consistency was performed as follows : (a) When four low references occurred between two midreferences, a normal pattern was defined. (b) When three low references occurred between two midreferences, an additional low reference was inserted at the midpoint of the longest time period between successive midreferences. (c) When eight low references occurred between two midreferences, a midreference was inserted between the fourth and fifth low references. (d) Any other reference pattern resulted in termination of processing of this particular sounding. The above steps resulted in a working tape that served as input to the next series of tasks by which the averaged data were adjusted or corrected: (1) The 5-sec averaged raw frequencies for temperature were adjusted for midreference and low reference drift and converted to resistences. (2) The 5-sec averaged raw frequencies for humidity were adjusted for low reference drift. -25- (3) Continuous 5-sec samples of temperature and humidity frequencies were obtained by linear interpolation over areas of data that were missing because of time gaps or by loss during the "noise elimina- tion" averaging routine or during times of midreferences or low references . At this point, the 5-sec temperature resistances (temperature in terms of resistance), humidity frequencies, the 30-sec averages of slant range, and two series of 60-sec azimuth averages were converted to scientific units of temperature, humidity (relative and specific), pressure, height, and wind components (U and V) at 5-sec intervals. Input calibration data required in addition to the 5-sec, 30-sec, and 60-sec averages discussed above were: (1) Baseline data for the humidity sonde, release pressure contact num- ber, and balloon size (300 or 600 gm) taken from the BOMEX Rawinsonde Observation Form (Card #0) . (2) Surface temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind direction and speed taken from the Surface Observation Form (Card #1) . The observation selected for use as the surface condition was the observation closest to 45 min after release. (3) Latitude and longitude of the ship taken from the Ship Operations Form (Card #4) . (4) Pressure contact table taken from the temperature-sonde baroswitch pressure-calibration chart. (5) Azimuth and slant range data obtained by the Selenia radar on the Discoverer (recorded on punch paper tape) and by the AN/SPS-29 radar on the Rockaway (recorded manually) . Figure 1-3 is an example of the 35-km microfilm tabulation of the 5-sec rawinsonde data. Figure 1-4 shows graphically the 5-sec temperature and humidity data versus pressure, and figure 1-5 displays the U-component and V-component of the measured wind versus pressure, including a pressure- height curve. -26- •HIP DAT ITS »C«I At MO 1 0*7*0 • ALLOC* WT « RECOROEO ELAMEO TINC TINC TEMPERATURE NNMM SCC3 OC* C LAUNCH TINE S3 IS 23 IS 00 23 IS OS 23 IS 10 23 IS IS 23 IS 20 23 IS 2S 23 IS 30 23 IS 3S 23 IS 40 23 IS 4$ 23 IS SO 23 IS SS 23 I* 00 23 1* OS 23 1* 10 23 1* IS 23 1* 20 23 1* 2* 23 1* 30 23 1* 3S 23 1* 40 23 1* 4S 23 i* 90 23 1* SS 23 17 00 23 17 OS 23 17 10 23 17 19 23 17 20 23 17 29 23 17 30 23 17 39 23 17 40 23 17 43 23 17 90 23 17 99 23 10 00 23 1* OS 23 1* 10 23 It 19 23 1* 20 23 1* 29 23 1* 30 23 1* 39 23 1* 40 23 I* 4S 23 1* SO 23 10 SS 23 I* 00 23 1* OS 23 12 10 23 It'll 23 I* 20 23 It 2S 23 It SO S to IS 20 2S 30 3S 40 45 SO SS to •9 70 7S to 09 to 09 too 109 110 119 120 129 130 139 140 149 190 199 too 1*9 170 179 too 109 ltO 109 200 209 210 21S 220 22S 230 23S 240 24S 2S0 2SS 2*0 2*S 270 27.30 27.71 27.4* 27.00 2*. 03 2*. St 2*. 34 2*. 10 23. tS 2S.73 2S.40 23.23 29.01 24.7* 24. «4 24.40 24.09 23.02 23.90 23. 9t 23.39 23.23 23.00 22.77 22.09 22.94 22.42 22.32 22.20 22.0t 21.27 21.74 21.74 21.91 21.40 21.20 21.17 21.03 20.03 20. *0 20.30 20.13 10.03 10.71 lt.M 1%.2T 10.0* it.ts 10.73 lt.*2 It. SI It. 41 It. 30 lt.Ot RCLATIVC MUNI 01 TV PERCENT •3.00 7S.37 7S.St 7*. 31 77.22 7t.lS tO. 12 tl.St t2.3t 03. *1 tS.10 tS.4t *7.37 00.12 tt.l* tt.41 tt.t* tt.39 M. 94 tl.ll tl.04 tO. 00 tt.*7 tt.t* tO. 45 tO. 01 tt.l* tt.l* tt.7t tt.47 tt.93 tt. 03 00.20 tt.33 tt.4« tt.73 •0.01 00.4t •0.5* tl.17 M.t7 •1.2* •1.31 • t7.t4 t*.7« t*.IO •S.S7 PREMURE MILLIBAR* 1010. 30 101*. 32 1014.34 1012.3* 1010.30 lOOt. 20 1005.53 1002.27 1000.20 M7.S3 tt4.t7 ttt.3« 944.9* 0*3.7* tto.t* •7*. 32 07*. 03 •T3.T5 t7l .47 t*4.33 t«l.*l tst.t* •5*. 12 293.37 990. tO t4t.3t 049. tt •43.57 241.17 t3t.7S •3*. 21 •33. «7 •31.13 •tt.St •2*. 05 023.91 021.22 tit. 14 •17.00 •14.0* tit. 71 210.39 007.00 •03. 04 •00.90 tt7.3t t04.*0 ttl.tS ttt.27 ttt.*0 Ml. 43 MEICMT METER* • .23 25.55 42. tt •0.25 77. *3 t«.*4 120.31 143.24 1*7.40 191.02 214. *t 23t. 75 2*3.70 2tt.*t 313.75 330. t* 3*2.*1 3*3.13 403. *7 424.2* 444. tt 4*9.99 4tt.7t 513.75 S30.77 9*3.09 •12.(4 •34. Tt «9«.tt «7t.2t 701.91 723.2* 747. S7 771.23 704<04 •It. TO •42.32 t*«.3t M7.31 •07.52 •2T.T5 •40.02 94*. 32 tOO.TT 1021. T4 1092. TO 1003.03 1115.1* 1141.3* 11*7.10 1102.** 121*. Tt 12*t.O* PROCE** OATE 072270 WIND ttECiriC CONPONENT HUNIOITV W-E *-N «/** M/* N/* 1*.«0* 1T.2*« 17.107 1*.*10 1*.7S7 K.7SS 1*.7*3 l«.T«t 1*.772 17.005 1*.»*7 17.030 17.134 17.011 17.142 17.11* 1«.»S0 1«.TS« 1*.«03 19.T4* 1*.*20 1«.«S» l«.37» l*.4t* U.413 l«. 15* l*.02t 1«.021 1«.03« IS. MS 1S.T32 IS. 4*4 15.524 13.223 15. 1*4 15.110 14.244 14.21T 14.773 14.*2« 14.314 14, 494 14.37* 14.2*7 14.23* 14.0*7 13. »U 13. *2* 13.7*3 13.*7* 13.330 13.117 12. tO* 12.7*3 12. *27 -7.10 -7.74 -*.3t -t.02 -t.*7 -10.31 -10. tS -10. tl -10. t7 -10. *4 -10. *0 -10.7* -10.73 -10.7* -10. 44 -10. tt -10. ts -11.01 -u.o* -11.1* -11.25 -11.33 -11.44 -11.33 -Il.«3 -11. •« -11.70 -11.74 -11.77 -11. tl -It .04 -11. TT -11. •• -11. «2 -11.54 -11.4* -11. St -11.24 -11.10 -10. ts -10. to -10.** •10. SI -10. ST -10.22 -10.0* -*.ts -t.Tt -t.*4 -*.S2 -t.3t -t.t* •t.14 -t.Ol •t.*t -1.25 -LOT -.** -.TO -.52 -.34 -.1* -.10 -.05 .01 .0* .11 .IT .1* • It .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .23 .2* .2* .29 .31 .33 .35 • ST .40 .42 .44 .51 • ST .*4 .TO .TT .•S .tt 1.01 1.10 1.1* 1.2t l.ST 1.4t l.*l 1.T3 t.ts 2.10 2.2T 2.44 2.*0 2.TT 2.24 3.11 Figure 1-3. Example of 35-mm microfilm tabulation of 5-sec rawinsonde data. -27- »HIF- OCEANOCRAPHER TE»T BATE- 1T2 LAUNCH TINC - JJIS- 300 SOO •00 TOO •00 •00 1000 occs c 20 •0 «0 PER CENT 100 Figure 1-4. Five-second temperature and humidity data versus pressure, 1 - temperature; 2 - relative humidity. -28- SMIF- OCEAHOCRACHER TE»T DATE- 172 LAUNCH TIME - 231 J' JOO IOOO •000 5000 METERS 1000 Figure 1-5. U and V components of measured wind versus pressure. 1 - W/E; 2 - S/N; 3 - height. -29- Computations Used in the "A n " Rawlnsonde Data Processing The computations, signal detection techniques, and averaging tech- niques are discussed here in the order in which they were mentioned in the preceding section. The preparation of manual inputs will be discussed in section "Noise elimination averaging" of temperature and humidity' 2-sps frequency values to form 5-sec averages and detection technique for separating tempera- ture or humidity frequencies from the associated low and midref erences Inputs for this operation consisted of ten 2-sps samples of temperature- or humidity-sonde values (containing both temperature or humidity frequencies and reference frequencies) making up a 5-sec time period for the average and the last available average for temperature or humidity, and the last average reference (midref erence and low reference for temperature sonde; low reference only for humidity sonde). The sequence followed is described below. (1) Temperature or humidity frequencies were separated from the reference values based on the following logic: Let the absolute value of a 2-sps digital sample being considered equal X; then (a) the sample was placed in the low-reference array if X > 180.0, (b) the sample was placed in the midref erence array if: * during the first midref erence after launch 85.0 "^ X ^ 101.0, during the second midref erence after launch (M^ - 4.0)^1 X ^. (M X + 4.0), during the third midref erence after launch (M2 - 2.0) ^- X <^ (M 2 + 2.0), during the fourth midref erence after launch (M3 - 1.0) <■ X ^- (M 3 + 1.0), or during the i tn midref erence after launch (M^_^ - 0.5)^ X^. (M^_-^ + 0.5), where M = midref erence value, and i = 5, 6, 7, . . . , n. (c) If X met none of the above conditions, it was placed in temperair ture or humidity array. *This step was not used in processing the humidity 2-sps data since no mid- reference occurred. -30- (2) When either the low reference or midreference arrays contained four or more detected 2-sps reference samples, the reference arrays were averaged first, then the temperature arrays. This was also the se- quence for humidity data. Once an array had been selected for averaging, the arithmetic mean of the array was computed. (3) The new average — the one computed in step (2) above — was intended to be compared with the previous average. However, because of the way in which entry was made to this subroutine, the new average was compared with either zero or a very large number, which forced the following logic to be applied: (a) The 2-sps sample farthest from the new 5-sec average was elimi- nated. If this changed the value of the 5-sec average by less than 0.3 Hz for temperature or 1.0 Hz for humidity, the result- ing average was accepted as the average for the 5-sec period. Otherwise the step was repeated. (b) When all except one element were eliminated, a "dead word" (no data indicator) was reported as the average. This constituted a missing data point that was filled by linear interpolation between adjacent 5-sec samples for which an average other than dead words were reported. Azimuth averaging and azimuth bias elimination Azimuth measurements from the Scanwell WFSS on the Oceanographer , Mt. Mitchell , and Rainier were recorded from two potentiometers, one for the full range, to 360°, and one for the 20° sector, constituting the coarse and fine azimuths, respectively. These two ranges were used to achieve the necessary resolution in azimuth for wind computations. The coarse azimuth was used in determining for which 20° sector the fine azimuth was valid and to estimate the azimuth bias error. The first step was to convert the azi- muth 2-sps voltage values to degrees of azimuth, as follows: CAZ = 0.36 V c , FAZ = 0.002 V F , where CAZ = coarse azimuth (deg.), FAZ = fine azimuth (deg.), Vq = coarse azimuth voltage in voltage counts (0 - 10,000 counts = - 5 v D.C.), and Vp = fine azimuth voltage in voltage counts. -31- If at some time, t, either a coarse azimuth or fine azimuth did not exist, there was no conversion to scientific units. In such instances, the 2-sps values were replaced by "dead words" (no data indicator) and not considered or used in any subsequent averaging. After conversion of CAZ and FAZ to degrees, the bias correction was applied. In practice, it was impossible to zero the two potentiometers measuring azimuth (CAZ and FAZ; FAZ = or 20° when CAZ = or multiple of 20°). Therefore, an adjustment for relative bias was necessary before combining the two azimuth readings into a measured azimuth value. The maximum relative bias tolerated was 10° and included an allowance for backlash in the antenna drive gears to which the CAZ and FAZ potentiometers were attached. The azimuth bias routine was based on the assumption that the fine azimuth was correct and that the error was less than 10°. The following Fortran routine was used to compute the measured azimuth from CAZ and FAZ and to apply bias correction: A = CAZ - FAZ IA = A/ 20 A = A - 20 * IA IF (A-10) 2, 2, 1 1 IA = IA + 1 2 A = FAZ + 20 * IA IF (A-360) 4, 3, 3 3 A = A - 360 4 CONTINUE As one can see, this method fails when the relative bias reaches 10°. This happened occasionally and caused faulty azimuth values in the "A " wind com- putations. Following the above manipulation of the 2-sps azimuth values, the re- sulting values were averaged to form two series of 60-sec averages of azimuth. In one, 60-sec averages were centered on the minute, and the other on the half-minute. These two series were used alternately in the wind computations. Scanwell WFSS slant range processing technique Slant range from the Scanwell WFSS on the Oceanographer , Rainier , and Mt . Mitchell was recorded as a ramped voltage, where m = v D.C. and 2,000 m = 5 v D.C. Thus, during any one observation, slant range measurements consisted of repeating voltages in the range of to 5 v D.C. every 2,000 m of slant range. This field of digital voltages was first converted from 2-sps Voltage "counts" to 2-sps slant range values in meters as follows: S = 0.2 v , -32- where S = slant range, in meters, modulo 2,000 m, and v = voltage in counts. Following conversion, 30-sec averages were calculated by the method described below. (1) Five-second averages were formed from the 2-sps data and 30-sec averages were formed from the 5-sec averages. Displacement between each 5-sec average and the preceding 30-sec average was checked, with an acceleration of 20 to 25 m/sec/min allowed. (2) After a 30-sec average had been obtained, the 5-sec averages con- tained in it were checked again, as in (1) above, but against the 30-sec average for these 5-sec data points rather than the preceding 30-sec average. (3) Values were linearly interpolated for any missing 30-sec averages. If data for more than 3 min were missing, wind computations were terminated. Adjustment of raw temperature 2-sps values for low-reference and midreference drift Thermistor resistances at 30°C were individually measured by the manu- facturer (Viz Mfg. Co.) and furnished to BOMEX, eliminating the need for a temperature baseline check. In addition, all thermistors were required to conform to a standard calibration curve with an RMS error of less than 0.1°. The low reference correction (a correction for nonstandard battery voltages) to temperature, humidity, and temperature-sonde midreference 5-sec average frequencies was as follows: 190 where : LR f = corrected temperature, humidity, or temperature-sonde midreference 5-sec average frequency, f^ = uncorrected temperature, or humidity, 5-sec average frequency, or temperature-sonde midreference 5-sec average, ^LR = l° w reference, linearly interpolated in time between low-reference frequencies on either side of the f^, and * = multiplication. -33- The internal resistances of the temperature sondes were computed from the midreference frequency obtained by switching a precision 50,000-ohm resistor into the circuit (every fifth reference contact being a midreference, the other four low reference) . The internal resistance in ohms was calculated from f ms * 50,000 190 - f ms f ms> where B = internal resistance in ohms, f ms = midreference (midscale) frequency corrected for low-reference drift, as described above, and * = multiplication. With the above midreference correction, sensor frequency representing tempera- ture in terms of resistance in ohms was calculated from R = 19 ° * < B + f) - (B + f) , where R = sensor resistance in ohms representing measured temperature, B = internal resistance in ohms, f = temperature frequency corrected for low-reference drift, and * = multiplication. Calculations required to compute temperature (°C), humidity (relative and specific), pressure, height, and wind computations (U and V) at 5-sec inter- vals from temperature resistances (temperature in terms of resistance) , humidity frequency, 60-sec azimuth values, and 30-sec slant range averages , Conversion of thermistor resistance to temperature in degrees Celsius ; The temperature and thermistor resistances are related by the equation (furnished by Viz Mfg. Co.): i _JL /o-7 ^m 16,949.6 _ ,„-,.„ 1Og 10 R 3Q = p-3710 + t+ ' 273 . 00 - 9.12742, -34- where R = thermistor resistance, Roq = resistance of thermistor at 30°C, and t = temperature in °C. Solving for t, we have t- 16 > 949 - 6 2 273.0 . (9.12742 + log in —-) - 27.3710 ±u R 3Q Following this solution for t, a calibration correction was applied as shown in table 1-5. Table 1-5 Calibration corrections for rawinsonde temperature (the manufacturer supplied the corrections based on actual tests with thermistor and hygristor used in the experiment) Indicated temperature, t Correction, C (°C) (°C) 30.00 +0.00 20.18 - .18 10.21 - .21 .18 - .18 - 19.92 - 0.08 (used as +0.08 "a "\ for A Q ) -40.14 +0.14 - 60.07 + 0.07 - 70.04 + 0.04 Note: t c = t + C, where t c = corrected temperature 5-sec average (°C) , t = uncorrected temperature, and C = correction. For values of t not shown in the table, a correction was linearly interpolated. Conversion of humidity 5-sec average frequencies to 5-sec humidity (relative and specific) : The first step was to convert the corrected humidity 5-sec average fre- quencies to humidity resistance values, as follows: R = 190 * 33 percent and 0.03 if H fc < 33 percent. If the correction term was less than 0.5 percent (the usual case) i ,H25 was assumed equal to H t . Then H25 was substituted in the following equations (developed by the BOMAP staff): A = log 10 |2- = 4.733 - 2.500 log 10 (110 - H 25 ) , R33 = R H /10 A , -36- where R„ = hygristor resistance, determined as above from humidity-signal baseline frequency, and Roo = hygristor resistance at 33 per- cent relative humidity. Relative humidity for 5-sec average frequencies during the sounding was computed by a three-step method ; Step_l / 4.733 - log 10 - where H 25 = 110 " antilog 10 \ 27500~ Ru = hygristor resistance at some tem- perature t, computed as above, R03 = hygristor resistance at 33 percent (from baseline computation) , and H 25 = relative humidity at 25°C. Step 2 The relative humidity at temperature t was calculated from c l (H25 " 33 > (t " 25) where H t " H 25 + " ~H^~ C^ = 0.25 for H 2 5 33 percent, C-l = 0.30 for H25 33 percent, and H t = measured relative humidity at ambient temperature t. Step 3 Following this computation, a calibration correction was applied to H t to obtain the corrected relative humidity. The calibration corrections are shown in table 1-6. Note that these particular corrections apply only for the computation of relative humidity as described above; they include both calibration corrections proper and corrections for errors in these simplified equations. The procedures described above are expected to give an RMS error of less than 3 percent relative humidity (not including errors due to hygris- tor exposure and thermal lag) . -37- The procedure for computation of relative humidity was found to be un- stable at low resistance values (i.e., low measured relative humidities). Thus the solution was limited at H25 equal the larger of (a) H25 computed as above or (b), where t is the ambient temperature. Minimum values of relative humidity obtained by this scheme ranged from 2.2 percent at +20°C to 13.0 percent at -60°C. No insolation correction (due to radiation effects on the hygristor) or lag correction was applied to the relative hu- midity data. Table 1-6. Calibration corrections for rawinsonde relative humidity (to be used only with BOMEX hygristor and BOMEX humidity equations) Indicated relative humidity, H t (percent) Correction, C (percent) - 4.5 - 4.5 - 1.0 + 1.2 + 2.5 + 3.9 + 3.6 + 1.7 - 0.3 + 0.3 + 2.5 + 0.0 14.5 24.5 27.0 31*8 37.5 46.1 56.4 68.3 80.3 89.7 95.0 100.0 Note : H = H t + C, where H = corrected humidity, H t = calculated humidity, and C = correction from above for a given H£. (If H t differed from the above, a correction was linearly interpolated.) -38- Computation of specific humidity was accomplished by VP - 6.11 fjL * !0 C 3 , where Then, where VP = vapor pressure 5-sec value, RH = relative humidity 5-sec value, r a * t t = temperature 5-sec value, °C, a = 7.5, b = 237.3, and * = multiplication. q - .622 p - .378 * VP q = 5-sec specific humidity, VP = vapor pressure, and p = ambient pressure at the 5-sec point in question. (Pressure computation is discussed below.) Computation of ambient pressure from temperature-sonde reference pattern : Location of pressure reading in time was specified by references through the temperature-sonde baroswitch pressure-calibration table provided by the manufacturer. During reference detection, the time of reference occurrence was associated with the value of the reference. Baseline station pressure was entered at time zero. The selection of the initial pressure contact for relating the references to the baroswitch pressure-calibration table was performed as follows. (1) If the first reference encountered after launch was a midrefer- ence, it was contact #5 on the pressure-calibration table. (2) If the second reference was a midref erence, the first reference was #4 . (3) If the third reference was a low reference, the fourth a low reference, and the fifth a midref erence, then the first contact after launch was #6. -39- No other conditions were tolerated, based on a review of all baroswitch cali- brations and the range of surface pressure in the BOMEX observation area. After the pressure equivalent of the first temperature-sonde reference after launch had been identified, the following edit was made by comparing the station pressure at launch with the pressure found at the first contact: (1) If the station pressure was greater, the flight was computed normally. (2) If the station pressure was equal to or less than the first reference pressure, then the flight was not processed when the difference was more than 2 mb or the time of recognition of the first reference was more than 15 sec after release. Otherwise, a new pressure was computed for the first contact by subtracting from the first contact pressure a factor that equaled twice the difference between the station pressure and the first contact pressure. Pressures at the 5-sec points were obtained by linear interpolation in this time-reference pressure field. No other changes or corrections were made to pressures from the baroswitch pressure-calibration table. Computation of layer thicknesses for altitude computations : The virtual temperature was calculated first; then the layer thickness was computed in geopotential meters as follows: where where TV = T (1 + 0.61 q), TV = 5-sec virtual temperature (°R) , T = ambient 5-sec temperature (°K) , and q = 5-sec specific humidity (gm/kg) ; TV? + TVi Pi DELH = 67.442 — -^ log 10 ~ ' P-L, TV;l = pressure, virtual temperature at one 5-sec point, and ?2* TV 2 = pressure, virtual temperature at the next 5-sec point; and ALTp = ALTp + DELH -40- where ALTp„ = the altitude in geopotential meters at P]^, TV2, and ALTp. = the altitude at P]_, TV]_ in geopotential meters. Computation of upper air winds : Inputs to rawinsonde wind computations were slant range (30-sec averages) , azimuth angle (two series of 60-sec averages, one for averages centered on the minute, one centered on the half-minute), altitude (from thickness computation and converted to geometric units), and surface wind (from Surface Observation Form, Card #1) . These input parameters for the Oceanographer , Mt . Mitchell , and Rainier were processed to this point as described in the preceding para- graphs of this section. The Discoverer used the selenia radar Model METEOR 200 RMT-2S for bal- loon tracking, with output consisting of printed and punched paper tape con- taining slant range, azimuth angle, and elevation angle at 15-sec intervals. The punched paper tape was converted to magnetic tape and a printout of the results prepared, which was scanned and compared with the printed paper tape. Observers' comments on the printed paper tape were used to edit the data. For instance, such a comment as "balloon lost" was used to delete bad data. After deletion from the magnetic tape of records proven to be bad, a computer edit of alternate 15-sec data points was performed as follows: (1) The time difference between alternate samples was first edited for consistent changes (30-sec apart). "Dead words" or missing data indicators were inserted for unrecognizable or inconsistent times and the associated slant ranges and azimuths. (2) For i = 30, 60, 90, , , n sec, successive second dif- ferences were computed for slant range or azimuth from M = S t .-2 (S t .,, ) + S t . + 2, where S t . = slant range or azimuth at time t^. (3) The following logic was used to edit the data: (a) Until the first value of M less than 100, the value of S t . was replaced with a "dead word." After M of 100 was found, the value of S t . remained unchanged. (b) After the first value of M less than 100 and whenever a value of M greater than 100 was detected, the value of Sj-. + 2 was replaced with a "dead word." (c) Whenever a "dead word" was encountered in S t -, S*.. , , , or S t .,~, the value of M could not be computed and was irrelevant. The dead word was left in the table; condition 3(a) above was reverted to. -41- The results of this edit were values of slant range and azimuth sampled at 30-sec intervals and, depending on the edit, containing periods of time when no values existed for one or more 30-sec periods. No wind computations were made unless two or more consecutive 30-sec values of slant range and azimuth were found. The Rockaway used an AN/SPS-29 radar for balloon tracking. Slant range and azimuth measurements were usually made at 1-min intervals and recorded manually on a BOMEX form. These data were then punched on cards directly from the form and transferred to magnetic tape. Since the measurements were made at 1-min, rather than 30-sec, intervals, linear interpolation was used to supply the intermediate 30-sec values of slant range and azimuth. The slant range, azimuth angle, and altitude values described above for all fixed ships were used to compute horizontal distance out to the balloon and the S-N and W-E coordinates of that distance for each 30-sec point. At each 30-sec point, t, the 1-min movement from point t - 30 sec to t + 30 sec along each coordinate (divided by 60, giving units in meters per second) gave the zonal and meridional components at time t. Linear interpolation was used to derive components at 5-sec intervals. The terms used in the computations are listed below and shown in figure 1-6 as related to wind computations. HDO = horizontal distance out. SLR = slant range. GH = height of balloon. H = height of ship's deck (release point). CR = earth's radius = 6,375,000 m. R = 6337838 ) . _ , . _. factors for relating geometric SR -■ 6327368 and 8 eo P otential height at 15°N. AZ = azimuth angle. WWE/ t \ = W-E wind component. WSN/ t \ = S-N wind component. -42- HDO Xc = HDO sin AZ Z c = HDO cos AZ Figure 1-6. Diagram relating the terms used in wind computations. -43- The following equations were then used: CRH = CR + H, YS = CR + GH, FXX = 2 2 2 CRH + YS - SLR 2(CRH) (YS) (Note: FXX = cos 2 e) = tan 1/ FXX" FXX) (Note : Numerator = sin^9; fraction = tan^9) HDO = YS (sin 0) , X c = HDO (sin(AZ)) , Z c = HDO (cos(AZ)) , WWE WSN (t) (t) x C t+ 3Q- x C t -30 f 60 Z C - ■— -z t+30 Ct-30 , 60 The following ship deck heights, H, were used Oceanographer Rainier Mt. Mitchell Discoverer Ro ckaway 8.230 m 9.144 m 9.144 m 6.706 m 7.010 m -44- Manual Inputs and Preparation for Use In "A n " Rawinsonde Data Processing Rawinsonde calibration data were entered manually on preprinted forms by shipboard personnel. The following titles and card numbers identify the types of data entered: Rawinsonde Observation Form Card code Surface Observation Form Card code 1 Ship Operations Form Card code 4 These data sheets were punched on cards for use in machine reduction of rawinsonde observations. Before processing began, a procedure was devised that helped to verify the accuracy and consistency of the data. As a first step, data for each ship observation period were machine listed. Simple scanning of the columns on the listing dosclosed most of the punching errors, omlssons, and duplications. Corrections to the cards were made and the data relisted. An effort was then made to verify the accuracy of the card code entries . A three-man team checked the data on the recorder strip charts, the card code forms, and the card code machine listing for inconsistencies in the following entries : Date/ time of release. Rawinsonde serial number (temperature sonde) . Thermistor serial number (resistance in ohms) . Precision aneroid pressure (station pressure) . Humidity baseline data — dry bulb, computed relative humidity, and humidity ordinate. The actual baseline humidity traces on the recorder strip charts were examined at this time to ensure that the correct value had been read. For reconciliation of any inconsistency noted, all other available entries were used. For example, when station pressure entries for an observation were inconsistent, the corresponding sea-level pressure entry on the Surface Obser- vation Form and the preceding and following observations were checked to help establish the most reasonable value. Questionable rawinsonde serial numbers were corrected by examining the appropriate pressure-contact calibration chart, where both instrument number and release date/time were entered. -45- Errors in humidity baseline entries were corrected by using the set of values that resulted in the proper relationship between dry-bulb and wet-bulb depression, and relative humidity. Discrepancies in thermistor resistance entries were more difficult to correct as there was no other source to turn to for corroborative evidence. Inconsistencies of about 100 ohms or less were corrected by arbitrarily selecting the card code entry as the proper value. Many larger inconsistencies were easily resolved since one of the entries was an obviously impossible value, beyond the limits of the "Table for Ordinate Setting on W/B Temperature Evaluator for Radiosonde." Some inconsistencies, however, could not be resolved because both values were reasonable. In these instances, the card code entry was used in the "A " process but the observation was noted for future attention. In order for computer operations to begin for the "A" and future proc- essing, it was necessary to select, as accurately as possible the start time of each rawinsonde observation. Based on plots and listings of two-samples- per-second (2-sps) data, times were selected in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds of what appeared to be the moment of release. Normally, the start time could easily be determined from the 2-sps data when a clearly de- fined transition from low reference to humidity at release was made. For some releases a zero-to-humidity or a low reference-to-temperature procedure was used. These also resulted in easily determined time data once a consis- tent pattern for a ship had been established. Unfortunately, instances were noted where the above procedure was not followed or where noise or interference at release resulted in the loss of some definition. On these occasions the start time was classified as "indef- inite." The best possible time estimate was made from records available in addition to the 2-sps plots and listings, such as card entries of baroswitch setting and release contact, appearance of traces on the rawinsonde strip charts, time measurements of the interval between release contact and the first reference, etc. Whenever possible, start times were selected for all rawinsondes actually released regardless of whether usable data were recorded aloft. Temperature stop time, which signaled the actual end of the sounding, was selected for each observation. Stop times were assigned only when there was no possibility of recovering data for a given flight beyond that time. Stop times for wind and/or humidity observations were assigned only if they preceded the temperature stop time. -46- Characteristics of the "Ap" Rawinsonde Data To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis The following is to be noted regarding the "A " rawinsonde data: (1) No lag corrections have been applied to the recorded temperature and humidity signals. (2) Experiments have shown that, due to insolation and other effects, daytime humidities are recorded too low. Efforts to determine appro- priate corrections are underway. The characteristics of this error are described in the following papers: Teweles, Sidney, "A Spurious Diurnal Variation in Radiosonde Humidity Records," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society , September 1970; Morrissey, James F., and Frederick T. Brousaides, "Temperature-Induced Errors in the ML-476 Humidity Data," Journal of Applied Meteorology , October 1970; and Harney, Patrick J., "Differing Moisture Profiles in Radiosondings at Barbados," presented at the AGU/AMS meeting in Washington, D.C., in April 1970. (3) Wind data were computed by a method analogous to that used for manual computations accomplished by Weather Bureau * observing personnel. (4) Ship motion has not been added to wind data (see sec. 1.4.2). (5) Interpolation over reference and data gaps in the record are linear. (6) "A " programs could not detect radiometer data. When radiometers were flown on either temperature sonde or humidity sonde, radiometer signals were accepted as signals from the host sonde (0000 GMT sound- ings , Rainier , Discoverer , and Rockaway ) . - (7) No completely satisfactory procedure for unambiguously identifying all references was developed prior to the "A " processing. The great- est difficulty occurred during that portion of each flight when the temperature frequency curve passed through the point where a mid- reference was expected — generally in the neighborhood of 400 mb . While a majority of these cases were handled properly, the pressure, and/or temperature continuity for some flights was adversely affected, (8) A characteristic of the humidity equipment (72-Mc ground equipment) was occasional "frequency doubling," for short periods of time, re- sulting in humidities evaluated too low by a factor of exactly 2. (9) On some occasions (mostly during Observation Periods I and II) inter- ference between the temperature and humidity signals, or from some other radio source, was observed, resulting in small shifts in one or the other. *Now National Weather Service. -47- (10) The baroswitch on the humidity sonde was designed to transmit ref- erence signals only each fifth contact, and to transmit humidity signals at all other times. Occasionally small shifts in the re- ceived humidity signal were noted between those portions normally transmitting humidity and those normally transmitting the other four references. (11) The pressure-contact relationship tables furnished to the computer during "Aq" processing were terminated at the 75th contact (approx- imately 300 mb) . On a few occasions the entire table was recomputed because of a discrepancy in the contact-pressure relationship at release. In these cases, the "A " may have processed the flight to normal termination. (12) Manually recorded surface pressure, temperature, and humidity data were used as the release data during the "A " process. The "surface pressure" used was station pressure at humidity-baseline time. (13) The "A " programs were not designed to output any data if humidity signals (or humidity references) were missing. (14) On some flights, the humidity reference signal was received below the reference detection threshold and was accepted as recorded humidity. (15) On the Oceanographer during Periods I and II, portions of the record are affected by a capacitor on the slant range input to SCARD, resulting in nonlinear response. The slant range on the Mt . Mitchell was also occasionally interrupted by slippage of the gears, mostly during Period IV. (16) The typical operator adjustment for reference drift to maintain the pen at ordinate 95 (190 cycles) did not affect the recorded signal. Occasionally, the true reference drifted above 200 cycles (ordinate 100), which was the cutoff for digitizing. These cases have been redigitized, but not reprocessed to develop "A " output. (17) During processing, the proper sequence of four low references and one midreference was tested. If only one reference of a set was missed, it was inserted, but more than one caused termination of processing. In a few cases exactly five consecutive references (or six, causing one insertion) were lost, in which case processing continued but resulted in erroneous pressures and displacement of temperature and humidity data. (In case six references were lost, one was inserted, and the same procedure followed.) -48- (18) Plotting of the Rainier Observation Periods III and IV upper air wind data (U and V) has indicated a discrepancy of 30° to 40° when compared with the other fixed ships on a synoptic grid and with air- craft data. BOMAP is investigating the characteristics of this discrepancy. (19) The Rockaway upper air wind data suffered from several serious deficiencies that compromised their resolution and accuracy. (a) The balloon target could not be acquired before 6 to 10 min after launch. (b) There was a positive bias of approximately 5,000 yards in all slant-range measurements. This was not discovered by BOMAP in time to be included in the "A " data-processing program with- out Also the bias apparently increased (5,000 yards plus) as the experiment progressed. (c) An automatic tracking aid was used by the radar observers in following the balloon radar target on the PPI. This had the effect of making the computed wind change at a uniform rate for periods of time up to several minutes; then the rate would abruptly switch to a new value. This completely masks any small wind shifts and displaces the location of apparent shear zones, generally upward. There is no way to correct this in processing the data. (d) Slant range was recorded to the nearest 100 yards and azimuth to the nearest degree to conform to limits of resolution of the PPI display. This coarse resolution adds some random fluctua- tions to the apparent wind, which, however, do not mask the effect of the automatic tracking aid. (e) A gross error in the radar synchroreceiver was detected on June 2, 1969, which affected all azimuth measurements from the radar. Failure date/time and degree of error is not known due to the nature of the failure. -49- "A n " Rawlnsonde Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format Data from one ship for one BOMEX Phase (or Period) are on one mag- netic tape. The first file on each tape contains card image records describ- ing the data. In this file, the first record is "BOMEX A-ZERO RAWINSONDE DATA" (28 characters). The second record gives ship name, ship number, BOMEX Phase, and inclusive dates of observations. Example: "OCEANOGRAPHER, SHIP NUMBER 0, PHASE III, JUNE 20 - JULY 3, JULIAN DAYS 171-184." The ship number is character 27; the Julian days are in characters 69-71 and 73-75. Additional records give details on format of data files. The second and successive files contain data for one sounding each. One end-of-file mark separates adjacent files. There is a triple end-of-file mark after the last data file on each tape. The first record in each data file gives ship name and number, Julian day, nominal time of sounding in hours and minutes, actual release time of sonde in hours, minutes, and seconds, latitude in degrees and minutes, and longitude in degrees and minutes. The format is: H20, 4110, 2F10.2. Exapp-le: OCEANOGRAPHER 172 1313 131015 . . . 17.36 . . . 54.34. There are eight data words per scan and the format is: F10.0, F10.2, 6F10.1 (80 characters). Each record except the last contains 50 scans (4,000 characters). The last record will normally contain less than 50 scans. Data elements are: Scan Word Data Format 1 elapsed time from launch, hours, minutes, seconds F10.0 2 temperature, degrees C F10.2 3 relative humidity, percent F10.1 4 pressure, millibars; pressure at time is station F10.1 pressure at baseline time 5 height, meters; height at time is barometer height F10.1 6 specific humidity, grams /kilogram F10 . 1 7 W-E wind component, meters per second F10.1 8 S-N wind component, meters per second F10.1 -9999. is used as a no-data indicator. -50- 1.1.3 Radiometersonde Data Processing and Archive Magnetic Tape Format Observations taken with Suomi-Kuhn 403-MHz, FM-FM, radiometers attached to the rawinsondes at 0000 GMT daily aboard the Discoverer , Rainier , and Rockaway were processed from strip-chart records by Dr. P. Kuhn, Environ- mental Research Laboratories, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado. The user is encouraged to contact Dr. Kuhn (telephone, FTS, 303-499-6208) concerning questions left unanswered by the brief description presented here. Processing Procedures Standard procedures were used for processing the temperature and humidity data from strip charts. The radiation values were used in two sets of computations. The first set consisted of computations that were made di- rectly from the values read from the strip-chart records without adjustments and that included temperature readings from top and bottom plate sensors of the radiometer as well as air temperature values from the rawinsonde thermis- tor. The second set of computations consisted of a five-point polynomial fit to the radiation and cooling values only. It included a warming profile for the layer defined by the pressure preceding and following the cooling value, which, in effect, was a warming value, negative denoting cooling and positive denoting warming. Humidity values remained untouched since they were read at one point. The data included in the temporary archive are in the form of punched- card images on magnetic tape and contain the following parameters: Pressure, millibars. Time from launch, minutes. Ambient temperature, degrees C. IR radiation upward, langleys/minute. IR radiation downward, langleys/minute. Net IR radiation, langleys/minute. Warming, degrees C/day. Mixing ratio, grams /kilogram. Relative humidity, whole percent. -51- Radlometersonde Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format The magnetic tape format consists of six separate files, of which the fifth one constitutes the radiometersonde data. When the radiometersonde data on magnetic tape are requested, all six files will be sent, not only the radiometersonde data. The six files of information on this tape are separated from each other by an end-of-file mark and followed by a double end-of-file. All information is in binary-coded-decimal (BCD) format, even parity, 800 bits per inch. The first file consists of 80-column card images, one card image per record, describing the formats of the data files. The other five files contain data that were either recorded manually or were read manually from strip-chart recordings; the data are in BCD card images, 50 cards (4,000 characters) per record. The second file contains BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations (see sec. 1.3.0); the third file contains Ship Operations Data (see sec. 1.4.0); the fourth file contains hand-tabulated STD Support Data (see sec. 1.7.3); the sixth file contains Dropsonde Data (see sec. 2.2.3). The Radiometersonde Data, as noted above, constitute the fifth file. Each sounding is preceded by a header card with 1 in column 1 indicating beginning of the sounding. The header card gives ship's name and the date of the sounding. The data cards, where column 1 is the left blank, follow the header cards with data elements in the following order on each card: Pressure, millibars. Time from launch, minutes. Temperature, degrees C. IR radiation upward, langleys /minute. IR radiation downward, langleys /minute. Net IR radiation, langleys /minute. Warming, degrees C/day. Mixing ratio, grams /kilogram. Relative humidity, whole percent. The format is: 3F8.1, 3F8.4, F8.1, F8.3, 18. -52- 1.2.0 BOOM SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS Surface meteorological observations included standard marine meteorolo- gical observations and measurements from instruments mounted on a boom fixed to and extending 10 m beyond the bow of each fixed ship; weather surveil- lance was provided by radar aboard the Discoverer . Also part of surface data acquisition, but not pertaining to meteorological parameters, were ship navigation data: true heading, speed relative to the water, and position. Included under the title Boom Surface Meteorological Measurements are the data from the instruments mounted on the boom, surface pressure from a capa- citive-type barometer, and ship's heading from the gyro. 1.2.1 Instrumentation and Observation Procedure Meteorological data obtained from the instruments mounted on the boom approximately 10 m above the sea surface were automatically recorded on SCARD at 30-sec intervals. Dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, sea-surface temperature, wind speed, and wind direction were measured aboard all ships. In addition, boom instrumentation on the Discoverer , Rainier , and Rockaway included radiometers and pyranometers that yielded data on incident, reflected, and net radiation. Table 1-7 lists all parameters measured, identifies the sensors used for each measurement, and gives the output range for each. Barometric pressure was also recorded automatically on SCARD. For these measurements, the Oceanographer , Rainier , Mt. Mitchell , and Rockaway used the Rosemount Engineering Company's capacitive pressure sensing unit, Model 1101- A33BADB (999.0 to 1,010 mb = to 5 v D.C.). The Discoverer carried the NCAR DPD barometer, developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Ship's true heading was also recorded on SCARD from the output of a precision potentiometer mounted to a repeater which was slaved to the master gyro (0° to 360° =0to5vD.C.) on each of the fixed ships. Since these boom, gyro, and barometric pressure measurements were recorded automatically on SCARD, no observing procedure was followed other than routine maintenance and calibration, which was usually performed daily for the boom sensors and during two of the four in-port periods for the ship's gyro and Rosemount barometer. The NCAR barometer was calibrated before the BOMEX field operations and after the barometer had been returned to NCAR. The calibration data derived from these tests have not been incorporated in the "Ap" processing of boom data . Calibration and intercomparison studies to provide final corrections to the boom, gyro, and barometric pressure measurements are underway at the BOMAP Office. -53- Table 1-7. Measurements from boom sensors Measurement Sensor Remarks Air dry-bulb temperature Thermivolt thermometer, Model #752-10, Yellow Springs Instruments, Inc. 20°C to 35°C Air wet-bulb temperature Thermivolt thermometer, Model #752-10, Yellow Springs Instruments, Inc, 20°C to 35°C Sea-surface temperature Thermivolt thermometer, Model #752-10, Yellow Springs Instruments, Inc, 20°C to 35°C Relative humidity Wind speed rela- tive to ship Relative humidity transducer, Model No. 15-7012, Hydrodynamics, Inc. Wind speed transmitter, F420 series, U. S. Weather Bureau 0.0% to 100% mps to 30 mps Incident solar radiation Pyranometer, Model 15, Eppley Laboratory Spectral range up to 2.5 y Incident terres- trial radiation Net total radiation Pyranometer, Model 15, Eppley Laboratory Suomi-Fransilla-Izlitser ventilated net radiometer Spectral range up to 2.5 y Spectral range 0.5 to 40 y Precipitation Rain gage Manually recorded -54- 1.2.2 Boom Data Processing The boom, gyro, and barometer data were processed by NASA/MTF, the products representing the output of an intermediate, "A ," processing step (see discussion of rawinsonde data, sec. 1.1.2). These data, processed for all four BOMEX Observation Periods, are included in the BOMEX Temporary Archive. The archive products consist of magnetic tapes or 35-mm microfilms con- taining daily tabulations of the boom parameters, ship's true heading, and barometric pressure for one ship observation period (i.e., all processed data for one fixed ship for one BOMEX Observation Period) . In either form, the data represent 30-sec time series, 10-min averages, and 30-min averages (10-min and 30-min averages on microfilm only) for each BOMEX observation day. The inventory of available archive data products and instructions for ordering are contained in section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs. The documentation for "A " boom, gyro, and barometer data processing will be presented in the sections that follow: SCARP Analog Digitization ; Data Reduction Programs and Procedures (including examples of 35-mm microfilm output); Characteristics of the "A n " Boom Surface Meteoro- logical Measurements To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis ; and "Ap" Boom Surface Meteorological Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format . SCARP Analog Digitization The boom measurements, gyro heading, and barometric pressure were re- corded on SCARD as voltage-modulated frequencies. The boom and gyro measure- ments were recorded as 30 commutated samples on one SCARD channel, i.e., each of these measurements were sampled for approximately 1 sec every 30 sec. Thus, two samples 750-800 msec in duration per minute were recorded on one of the seven SCARD channels. During BOMEX Observation Period I, barometric pressure was recorded the same way. After the first observation period, the barometer output was assigned a separate SCARD channel and recorded continuously because of multiplexer loading of the barometer. Digitization of the boom surface data required a two-pass processing procedure. A general description of the two-pass operation is given in section 1.1.2. The boom surface data digitization is discussed in detail below. First-pass digitization method used for boom, ship's gyro, and barometer data . For each channel (one for all boom parameters, including gyro, and one for barometer), the signals were demodulated through a discriminator giving a D.C. voltage nominally in the range of ±7.5 v. At the beginning and end of each SCARD analog tape, the recorder channel calibrations were recorded separately. Each 1/10 sec, the two discriminated voltage outputs were multiplexed to an analog-to-digital converter at a rate of 50 ysec per channel . The converter was capable of digitizing in the range of ±10 v, with significance to approx- imately 0.01 v. Thus, a time series of 10-sps digital values for the boom parameters, gyro heading, and barometric pressure formed the input to the second-pass program. -55- Second-pass method used for boom parameters and gyro heading . Since the boom parameters and gyro heading were serially recorded as approximately 1-sec samples of each of the seven parameters (10 including radiation) , and the sampling sequence was repeated every 30 sec, the first step was to separate the 10-sps samples for each parameter. Each parameter was recognized by the preassigned position of that parameter in relation to the reference pulse that initiated the start of a 30-sec sampling sequence. The position was defined as a change in voltage from a zero or base level,. The number of changes in level defined a particular position. The sample time for each parameter was defined as the time at which the reference pulse occurred. Thus, individual parameters were actually acquired from 2 to 13 sec after the reference pulse. Following separation, the 1/10-sec samples were scaled to voltage counts (where 0-5vD.C. = - 10,000 voltage counts) . After calibra- tion had been applied as described in section 1.1.2, the four to seven 1/10-sec samples were averaged by the noise elimination averaging technique discussed in section 1.1.2 in connection with rawinsonde temperature and humidity. The noise tolerance limit was + .05 v. The result of the 1/10-sec sample average was to form a time series of 30-sec readings for each parameter. Second-pass method for Rosemount and NCAR DPP barometer . From the 1/10-sec time series, data were selected at 1/2-sec intervals to form a 2-sps time series of 1/10-sec samples. The 2-sps time series was scaled to counts as described above. Following this, sixty 1/2-sec values were averaged by the noise elimination averaging technique cited above; a tolerance of +0.05 v was used. Data Reduction Programs and Procedures Following the Time Edit/Tape Copy procedure discussed in section 1.1.2, the 30-sec time series for each parameter was converted to scientific units. The transfer equations and constants used in converting measured voltages to scientific units for each fixed ship and BOMEX Observation Period are shown in table 1-8. At this stage, the wind direction was converted from measured relative wind direction to true wind direction by the inclusion of ship's heading. For ship's gyro (true) heading, it was necessary to add a further correction because of voltage reduction at the sensing potentiometer by the SCARD recording electronics (a loading effect) . This correction was applied to the gyro voltage before conversion to engineering units. The following equation* was used for the correction: v = v ± (1.00000 + 5.10204 x 10~ 10 [v ± (10,000 - v ± )]) t Thxs equation is an approximation. Its derivation will be given in a later publication. ■56- where v = corrected voltage in counts, and v^ = recorded voltage in counts. As the last step, 10-min and 30-min averages of the parameters were computed. Note that all 30-sec samples were processed, regardless of the operational status of the instrumentation, which means that data were processed from instruments that failed. No restrictive edit was performed on "Ao" boom data. Figures 1-7, 1-8, and 1-9 show examples of the 35-mm microfilm listing of the boom 30-sec data, 10-min averages, and 30-min averages, respectively. In figures 1-8 and 1-9, the column entitled "Number 30-sec samples" shows the number of 30-sec samples used to form the 10-min and 30-min averages. All 10- and 30-min averages of wind direction and speed were formed as vector averages of the 30-sec wind speeds and directions. Characteristics of the "Ao" Boom Surface Meteorological Measuremen ts To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis . For the fixed ship Discoverer , the transfer equation for the NCAR barometer used in "A " processing was wrong. The correct equation is as follows : V = 0.149 (P - 1000.5) , or P = 6.72 V + 1000.5, P = 2000.75 - 0.968 ^ , where V = NCAR barometer output in volts, P = station pressure in millibars, and P w = incorrectly calculated pressure for processed "Aq" BOMEX NCAR DPD baro- meter data. Other aspects of the Boom Surface Meteorological Measurements to be noted by the user are: (1) All barometric pressures represent station pressures calculated at the barometers' heights shown in table 1-9. (2) As noted previously, the "A " processing included all data. Periods of equipment failure and/or inoperative conditions are not indicated. For instance, Rockaway 's Rosemount barometer failed early in the first period and was not repaired until Period II. -57- m o c o ■H CO fH C o cj u 1/5 o 4-1 <4h ■H c CO 3 fJ c CJ rt •H 4-1 <4H o C cj cu •H TJ u G to a o CO ±-> c O CD •H bfl 4-> 03 rt 4-1 3 i — i cr O CD > Ph 13 (D CD <4H Ph t/1 3 PS '71 rt 03 Ph CD t- E CO o3 H u o « r — n cj 4h CN CO ^ 03 + (L> to o v 1 o CN o 0) M CM (H ^^ 3 + CO +-> Ph 4-> 03 > O O Ph i— i 1 — 1 CD M M P. e II II ^\ 03 + CO fn Ph 4-> O O P i— 1 1 — 1 e ^4 M CD H II II E- E- U o ^ CM OQ a + v — ' o O O Ph r— 1 f— 1 E ,*! M CD E- II II E- E- Ph ■ H X CO o o Oi O o O "* LO LO LO i— i i-H i-H i-H + + + + r — i r-> r — \ ( ( to to to CO 4-> +J 4-J +-> ,^ — , CJ O O u ^ T3 \ I » ' v — > Ph O O •H O o O o s Ph ^r ** co Ph ii II II II •H •H 4h E-< H H H CD o o o 4-> C7> o D> O b0 "3" LO "3- LO IS i— I 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 ■H Ph + + + + 3 T3 ifl CO CO CO o +J 4-i 4-> 4-> ,- — ^ O O a cj U ^ CN v — ' v — ' v — ' ^—' Ph O O o o o o :s 4-> ^r -r -t -t r— 1 i — i 1 — 1 i-H +-> CM O o o O o r^ O o o o -a -3 CD II II II II •H 13 b0 E- H E- H 1 — ' 03 O o o o a> O O o i — i r— 1 <* LO l/j LO CD r— 1 1 — 1 r— < 1 — 1 O + + + + ■M ■H CO to CO t/1 4-> +J 4-1 +-> f — \ • O CJ u u M <-*l *. — / 1 — ' v -' v — ' O SI o o O o i *tf ^t- -r <* 1— ( 1 — 1 ^H i-H •M o o o o O o o o o T3 II II II II ■H H H E- H v — ' Ph PJ 03 Ph bo o c 03 o CJ O ^H i — 1 CD Ph -C CD CJ Ph X 4-1 CD o3 ■ H > ^ S O o3 o M CO O 4-> • H o s Q cc o o o o o o O O O O o o O O O CM CM CM CM CN + + + + + CO CO co CO co •M +-> +-> +-> +-> O o o CJ CJ O o o o o ^r ^r "St *fr "«* t— i i-H i-H i-H i-H o O o o o o o o o o II II II II II H H H H E- o o o o O O O O O o o O O O CM CM CM CN CM + + + + + h- 1 co (/) CO t/1 CO hH 1 — 1 +-> ■M 4-> 4-i ■p I-H o O O CJ o a Q o O l-H o o o o o i — i a: "* -t -r •^t «tf OS PJ 1 — 1 1 — 1 i — i i-H i-H LU 0- o o o o o a, o o o o o ii II II II II H E-i H H E-i o o o o O o o o O O o o o o CM ri CN ri CM + + + + + co CO '/) (0 co +-> 4-1 4-1 ■M +-> o O CJ o CJ o o O o o ■^- "* -1- rf t— 1 i — i i — I ^H i-H o o o o o o o o o o II II II II II E- H H H H i Ph CD Ph W) o c rt a) cj o ^H ^H CD Ph X u Ph X +-> CD 03 •H > 2 >: O 03 o ^ • CO CJ 4-1 •H o s a OS > a o i — i OS LU Oh O •H Ph CD C0 03 CD E 03 CO CO p •H 10 13 o •H Ph CD Ph C •H CO 03 co P CO ■58- Table 1-8. Transfer equations and constants for conversion of measured voltage to scientific units (continued) Ship WS k 1 (cts)/2000+k 2 WD = k 1 (cts)/2000+k 2 G = kj (cts)/2000+k2 PERIOD I Oceanographer WS = . 002522 (cts)+l . 03m/s Rainier WS = . 002510(cts)+l . 03m/s Mt. Mitchell WS = . 002466(cts)+l . 03m/s Discoverer WS = . 002476(cts)+l . 03m/s Rockaway (did not work) WD = -.036(cts)+167° G WD = -.036(cts)+162° G WD = -,036(cts)+162° G WD = -.036(cts)+179° G (did not work) G .036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+280 ( ,036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+0° PERIOD II Oceanographer WS = . 02522 (cts)+l . 03m/s WD Rainier WS = . 002510(cts)+l . 03m/s WD Mt. Mitchell WS = . 002466 (cts) + l . 03m/s WD Discoverer WS = .002476(cts)+l .03m/s WD Rockaway (did not work) WD 036(cts)+167° G = 036(cts)+167° G = 036(cts)+162° G = 036(cts)+179° G = 036(cts)+167° G = .036(cts)+5° .035(cts)+0° .036(cts)+290° .036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+0° PERIOD III Oceanographer WS = Rainier WS = Mt . Mitchell WS = Discoverer WS = Rockaway WS = 002522(cts)+1.03m/s WD 002510(cts)+1.03m/s WD 002466(cts)+1.03m/s WD 002476(cts)+1.03m/s WD ,004375(cts)+2.00kts WD ,036(cts)+167° G = ,036(cts)+167° G = ,036(cts)+162° G = ,036(cts)+179° G = ,036(cts)+167° G = .036(cts)+5° .036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+290° .036(cts)+0° .036(cts)+0° PERIOD IV All ships same as in Period III 59 > c c o o O o >_> Jh CO o +J <+h •H e to 3 -t-J c o rt •r-t +J 4-1 to •H c +-> o c o o •H 13 cj c 01 rt o to 4-> c o CD •H CJ) 4-> rt o3 4-> 3 .—I cr o a> > u -a QJ c+h !h co D e to 03 03 Sh CD H £ CO i ■8 J3 S CD f-t 3 en 1/1 U o e CD co O oS c*p +-> •H T3 0) OS Ph CO CM + > i—i fN ^ o o o CN fJ CJ OS a. rg + > I— I X 2 CM O o o 33 2 -i en e O o co o E Cn Oi OS < u 2 E E o o to • to VO O cn + + / — \ (0 10 4-> 4-> O O *— ' o o o O LO o n- to n- to to to o o o o o o OS Oh o. OS o, II T3 OS OS T3 Oh a, ^— ' o + o + o + CO +J CJ CO +-> o CO •M CJ u o 3 X OS X OS OS < u 2 <■ < XI E x> -O X) o ,o E E E to E o o o to o o cn en en I—I en en en en en en a> en + en CO +-> O CO O o o o o "3- '* to to o o o o OS a, OS Oh o o rr to o o OS Oh 00 r^ ^r to o o os 0h o o to o o OS Cu a o i— i OS UJ Oh a o >— i OS UJ O- o o + + o o + + o + (0 10 4-> +-> o o CO ■p o t/1 o o o II II o o II II o II T3 o •H u cd 0h co o3 3 S o 03 CJ M • to u ♦J •H o 2 a OS a> ocT u tJO o c 03 CD o o r—( ^H CD fH X CD CJ ^4 X ■M 5 s O 03 o ^ • (fl O •(-> •rH o 3S Q OS ■60- tw o / — > C X o OJ •H 3 G u •H CD +-» > c a o o o o ^^ (t lo o p «4H •H c «/) 3 •M G o aj •H +J «« en • H C •M o c o ■H M +-> 03 rt ■l-» 3 i— i cr O o> > fH TJ 0) CD iw tH lo 3 C lo cd 03 5m 4-> 4-> 4-» +-» +J •l-> ■M u .5 o u O O U o o o o \ o o o o o LO o o LO V r-> to a> o CT> a> o CT» a> o oi e f X to o tn to LT, i-H to LO 1— I O 0) J -3- LO *t ■«t CN CN ■^i- CJ Csl •H C pH (NI CM CN (N i — i i-H o o O O o O O o o ,5 g o o o o o o o o o os 5 o o o o o o o o o i— i • • • • • • • • • o o o o o o o o o II II II II II II II II II u cu y^ *P* Z z z J2 z z z u u 2 2 OS OS OS 2 OS OS os > o o o o o o o o o o o o LO 00 i-H + + + + + + + + •H Q ■p f — % f — s f — \ f N / — \ t — \ / — \ f—> 03 L0 L0 lo LO LO L0 1 — \ L0 L0 a> +J •M *-> +J +-> ■p ^i ■(-> +-> X fo ^ c o o u o u o I-H u o o +-> o fH T3 -H v — / 1 — ' 1 — ' 1— 1 * — ' v — ' v — ' I-H o ' — ' v — ' > CN CD 6 I-H I-H l—l 2 1 — 1 ^ ■M +J \ LO lo LO LO LO LO LO LO O X cd o lo a IT) ^r 1— 1 a to "* r— 1 a •M <* 1—1 Q tH 03 6 IO to o CT> LO to o O LO to o 13 O 1-H CD i— i \£> \D CM »— i \0 \D CN h- 1 C vO CM 1 — 1 +J •H <4-l "-H Otf o o i— ( os o o i— 1 os o 1—1 OS 03 C T3 CD bO w o o o U-l o o o UJ T3 o o UJ A O rt fn C Oh o o o a. o o o a, •H o o Oh 4-> OS w o3 o o o o o o T) o o bo i—i • • • • • • "- — ' ■ • 4-j q o o o o o o o o cu-h 4) C II II II II II II II II X -H OS OS OS OS OS OS as OS CD M OS OS OS OS OS OS OS os CD o o o o o o O o o o 13 + + 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13 23 17 43 23 16 13 23 16 43 23 19 13 23 19 43 23 20 13 23 20 43 23 21 23 21 23 22 23 22 43 23 23 13 23 23 43 23 24 13 23 24 43 23 2S 13 23 25 43 23 26 13 23 26 43 23 27 13 23 27 43 23 26 13 13 43 13 OAT DRY BULB DEO C 27.03 27.02 27.04 27.03 27.06 27.02 26.67 26. 95 26.95 26.94 27.04 26.99 26.96 27.11 26.99 26.96 27.00 27.01 27.02 26.99 26.95 26.93 26.96 27.01 27.05 27.02 27.04 27.04 27.04 27.04 27.02 27.10 27.15 27.10 27.06 27.06 27.06 27.06 27.20 27.06 27.13 27.19 27.07 27.13 27.26 27.24 27.27 27.15 27.23 27.27 27.21 27.24 27.24 27.25 27.15 27.16 172 WET BULB DEC C 24.93 25.01 25.07 25.04 25.13 25.11 25.13 24.96 24.98 24.86 25.12 24.97 24.86 25.17 25.06 25.03 25.22 25.17 25.17 25.15 25.11 25.00 24.99 24.97 24.95 25.06 25.04 25.04 24.98 24.98 24.95 25.06 25.20 25.22 25.06 25.18 24.99 25.09 25.24 2S.10 25.09 25.27 25.06 24.94 25.10 25.16 25.14 25.07 25.00 25.00 25.10 25.07 23.20 25.23 25.23 25.07 BOOM SEA TEMF DEC C 26.93 26.96 26.96 26.99 26.99 26.96 26.91 26.92 26.88 26.86 26.91 26.90 26.90 26.96 26.96 26.95 26.99 27.01 26.96 26.99 26.94 26.69 26.95 26.98 27.03 27.02 27.05 27.05 26.95 27.06 27.07 27.08, 27.10 27.04 26.96 27.06 27.04 27.05 27.10 27.06 27.09 27.20 27.10 27.06 27.14 27, 27. 16 18 27.11 27.13 27.23 27.20 27.17 27.21 27.22 27.17 27.14 30 -SECOND WIND SFD M/S 7.73 7.55 7.64 7.01 6.99 7.43 8.54 7.78 8.78 8.22 8.39 8.17 7.95 7.20 8.04 7.67 8.54 8.32 7.69 7.43 7.54 6.16 7.97 8.23 9.05 7.44 8.53 8.46 6.87 8.69 6.89 7.89 6.94 6.54 8.69 7.86 8.24 7.91 6.86 8.17 7.95 7.99 7.71 8.88 7.89 8.71 7.94 9.34 9.32 6.96 9.71 7.85 8.S0 7.66 6.21 9.93 DATA WIND DIR DEC 87.4 86.7 102.2 65.6 89.3 82.6 75.4 79.6 86.9 80. 5 76.2 71.2 74.4 74.0 73.3 80.7 83.4 79.2 76.8 76.0 71.4 82.3 83.4 77.9 76.5 70.0 71.8 71.6 70.8 73.2 76.0 72.1 101.9 78.5 75.9 88.9 91.6 65.2 65.3 81. 5 93.6 90.7 82.2 89.1 94.0 93.8 91.7 90.7 93.6 100.6 88.6 91.4 73.6 66.1 77.4 66.7 PROCESS DATE 071770 SHIP CYR0 DEC 88.2 82.2 81.2 79.4 81.1 79. 74. 74. 75. 76, 81, 66. 96.9 104.6 105.2 104.5 99.1 93.3 91.9 91.2 94.3 97.1 100.6 103.6 105.1 106.8 110.1 110.8 109.9 107.2 104.0 98.7 93.7 83.9 61.2 78.4 80.5 79.8 77.6 73.5 72.2 69.4 66.5 67.4 65.4 63.6 66.1 70.3 78.0 85.7 67.4 63.8 78.5 71.7 64.1 56. 5 REL HUM FCT 81.5 81.7 81.8 81.7 82.7 82.2 82.4 81.5 81.6 81.5 82.0 81.4 60.9 82.2 82.4 82.2 82.5 82.7 82.8 83.3 83.3 81.9 81.4 81.7 81.8 62.5 81.9 81.4 81.4 81.5 81.2 61.8 82.7 82.4 82.2 81.8 81.3 81.5 82.6 81 81 62 61 eo 81 61 61.2 80.7 80.4 80.5 60.6 80.5 61.5 61.6 61.5 60.3 AMB PRESS MBARS 1018.07 1016.07 1016.07 1018.07 1018.07 1018.09 1018.09 1018.09 1018.09 1018.11 1018.11 1018.09 1018.07 1018.05 1018.07 1018.07 1016.07 1016.09 1018.09 1016.07 1016.07 1016.07 1016.05 1016.02 1016.02 1018.02 1018.00 1018.02 1018.05 1018.05 1018.09 1018.11 1018.16 1018.18 1018.16 1018.16 1016.16 1018.18 1018.16 1016.16 1018.16 1018.16 1018.16 1018.16 1018.18 1018.16 1018.20 1016.22 1016.22 1016.24 1016.27 1016.27 101*. 27 1016.24 1016.24 1016.18 Figure 1-7. Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 30-sec data. 62 SH1F DAY 173 BOOM 10-MINUTE AVERAGES PROCESS DATE 071770 END INC DRY WET SEA WIND WINO SHIP REL A MB NUMBER TINE BULB BULB TEMP SFD DIR GYRO HUM PRESS 30-SEC HH MM SS DEO C DEC C DEC C M/S DEO DEG PCT MBARS SAMPLES 00 09 4 3 27.18 25.02 27.15 9.57 85.5 102.7 80.0 1018.26 20 00 19 43 26.96 24.84 26.90 9.84 92.6 73.6 80.1 1018.33 20 00 29 43 27.04 24.73 27.01 6.56 90.4 91.6 78.9 1018.37 20 00 39 43 27.05 24.90 27.02 9.12 94.0 92.2 79.7 1018.37 20 00 49 43 26.99 24.97 26.96 9.26 91.8 92.9 81.1 1018.46 20 00 59 4 3 26.96' 24.91 26.94 8.73 83.8 93.4 81.1 1018.45 20 01 09 43 26.92 24.77 27.54 8.92 88.5 92.5 80.0 1018.47 20 01 19 43 26.77 24.81 27.61 9.12 89.7 93.2 81.2 1016.51 20 01 29 43 26.73 25.03 27.58 8.27 84.4 89.8 84.4 1016.52 20 01 39 43 26.93 24.95 27.56 8.69 91.4 92.2 82.3 1018.55 20 01 49 43 27.13 24.91 27.56 9.80 84.5 92.4 79.9 1018.65 20 01 39 43 27.13 24.90 27.54 9.60 88.0 93.0 79.5 1018.69 20 *« «* «« - TIME GAP - 02 39 43 26.94 24.70 27.53 10.23 80.8 82.2 79.8 1018.44 5 02 49 43 26.95 24.61 27.50 10.18 85.6 78.7 78.4 1018.41 20 02 59 43 26.90 24.62 27.44 10.53 81.2 81.5 78.6 1018.30 20 03 09 43 26.94 24.72 27.46 9.88 83.0 85.4 79.5 1018.24 20 03 19 43 26.92 24.64 27.47 9.96 81.6 87.6 78.7 1018.24 20 03 29 43 26.92 24.73 27.49 9.81 79.1 87.2 79.6 1018.12 20 03 39 43 26.91 24.55 27.51 10.12 80.3 94.4 78.4 1017.93 2D 03 49 43 26.96 24.62 27.49 10.44 71.2 134.0 78^2 1017.66 20 03 59 43 26.96 24.52 27.43 10.03 84.5 87.3 77.6 1017.73 20 04 09 43 26.88 24.67 27.50 9.40 8i.l 69.0 79.2 1017.61 20 04 19 43 26.69 24.57 27.48 10.06 82.5 86.8 78.8 1017.49 20 04 29 43 26.88 24.59 27.47 9.73 77.1 95.1 78.7 1017.37 20 04 39 43 26.85 24.41 27.44 9.31 79.7 97.1 77.5 1017.26 20 04 49 43 26.83 24.57 27.48 8.84 82.3 87.9 78.7 1017.18 20 04 59 43 26.61 24.54 27.48 8.82 72.5 92.7 78.6 1017.10 20 05 09 43 26.76 24.45 27.47 9.24 73.2 89.7 78.3 1017.07 20 05 19 43 26.75 24.62 27.47 9.04 74.2 90.1 79.8 1016.97 20 OS 29 43 26.83 24.80 27.48 8.71 80.3 89.5 81.0 1016.88 20 05 39 43 26.88 24.75 27.45 9.25 80.4 87.6 80.3 1016.77 20 05 49 43 26.86 24.39 27.46 9.00 78 .€ 89.5 77.0 1016.69 20 05 59 43 26.82 24.63 27.48 8.40 72.3 91.3 79.4 1016.63 20 06 09 43 26.78 24.67 27.47 8.59 73.3 88.7 80.2 1016.64 20 06 19 43 26.77 24.59 27.46 8.83 71.3 86.9 79.7 1016.66 20 06 29 43 26.76 24.64 27.46 9.35 69.5 90.3 79.9 1016.65 20 06 39 43 26.76 24.60 27.45 9.33 76.3 91.7 79.8 1016.59 20 06 49 43 26.72 24.53 27.42 9.19 80.7 88.6 79.5 1016.53 20 06 59 43 26.68 24.57 27.46 8.89 73.2 90.5 80.2 1016.48 20 07 09 43 26.69 24.53 27.44 9.46 77.4 88.4 79.9 1016.41 20 07 19 43 26.73 24.57 27.41 9.81 84.1 88.6 79.8 1016.47 20 07 29 43 26.71 24.53 27.45 9.58 74.0 99.9 79.7 1016.43 20 07 39 43 26.74 24.60 27.42 10.02 67.5 102.6 79.9 1016.45 20 07 49 43 26.77 24.57 27.43 9.93 77.3 89.5 79.6 1016.62 20 07 59 4 3 26.84 24.57 27.39 10.08 83.7 88.8 78.7 1016.67 20 08 09 4 3 26.87 24.66 27.42 9.72 80.1 90.4 79.4 1016.66 20 08 19 43 26.80 24.75 27.40 9.72 73.9 90.1 80.6 1016.67 20 08 29 4 3 26.80 24.64 27.42 9.34 79.4 89.7 79.8 1016.72 20 08 39 43 26.85 24.56 27.40 9.15 84.1 86.2 78.8 1016.82 20 08 49 43 26.83 24.55 27.33 9.75 90.8 79.4 78.7 1016.83 20 06 39 43 26.83 24.61 27.43 9.52 85.3 92.7 79.2 1016.94 20 09 09 43 26.87 24.50 27.40 9.22 86.4 93.7 78.2 1016.97 20 09 19 43 26.87 24.31 27.40 9.80 83.3 111.5 76.5 1016.99 20 09 29 43 26.65 24.33 27.38 9.76 84.5 110.1 76.7 1017.17 20 09 39 43 26.66 24.28 27.30 9.69 81 .2 114.3 76.0 1017.27 20 Figure 1-8 Exan iple of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 10-min average -63- SHIF Q CAY 172 BOOM 10-MINUTE AVERAGES PROCESS DATE 071770 END 1 NO DRY WET SEA WINC WIND SHIF REL AMB NUMBER TIME BULB BULB TEMP SPD DIR CYRO HUM PRESS 30- SEC HH MM SS DEC C CEO C DEC C M/S DEO DEO FCT MBARS SAMPLES 21 01 4 3 27.44 24.80 27.11 10.18 80.6 172.3 75.7 1016.77 20 21 11 43 27.46 24.68 27.36 9.95 01.2 175.6 74.9 1016.02 20 21 21 43 27.40 24.82 27.32 9.69 77.6 169.7 76.3 1016.09 18 21 31 43 27.35 24.83 27.22 8.30 09.7 90.2 76.6 1017.24 20 21 41 43 27.33 24.86 27.24 8.94 01.0 91.4 77.3 1017.30 20 21 51 43 27.16 24.81 26.99 9.37 76.5 105.3 77.6 1017.39 20 22 01 43 27.03 24.93 27.01 9.53 09.0 11.1 79.9 1017.64 20 22 11 43 27.11 24.99 27.01 9.92 09.5 34.1 79.7 1017.81 20 22 21" 43 26.65 24.67 26.60 8.37 70.3 139.2 01.4 1017.87 20 22 31 43 26.99 24.85 26.93 9.41 04.7 139.0 00.7 1017.81 20 22 41 43 27.01 24.89 26.93 9.26 03.4 111.0 00.1 1017.94 20 22 51 43 26.96 25.03 26.92 8.74 77.1 149.4 02.0 1017.87 20 23 01 43 26.90 24.97 26.93 8.25 70.4 103.9 01.6 1018.00 19 23 11 43 26.99 25.06 26.94 7.86 79.1 09.5 02.1 1010.00 20 23 21 43 27.08 25.08 27.06 8.06 00.4 90.9 01.0 1010.11 20 23 31 43 27.24 25.01 27.17 9.32 90.0 68.2 80.1 1018.20 20 23 41 43 27.34 25.03 27.31 9.12 04.1 107.6 70.7 1018.17 20 23 51 43 27.25 25.05 27.24 9.52 77.7 116. 5 79.7 1010.11 20 00 01 43 27.22 25.02 27.22 10.03 74.1 126.7 79.6 1010.03 17 Figure 1-8. Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 10-min averages (continued) 64 SHIF G DAY 172 BOOM 30-MINUTE AVERAGES PROCESS DATE 071770 END INC DRV WET SEA WIND WIND SHIP REL AMB NUMBER TIME BULB BULB TEMP SPD OIR CTRO HUM FRESS 30-SEC HH MM ss OEG C DEC C DEC C M/S 0E6 DEC PCT MBARS SAMFLES 23 30 00 27.08 25.05 27.67 7.67 90.5 128.8 79.6 1016.22 16 GO 00 00 27.13 24.95 27.67 7.56 98.8 92.2 78.1 1018.44 60 00 30 00 26.96 24.99 27.65 7.36 89.8 110.8 79.8 1018.63 60 01 00 00 26.93 25.08 27.66 7.64 90.5 10*. 2 61.8 1018.83 60 01 30 00 27.01 25.04 27.65 7.87 95.8 101.6 80.1 1019.01 59 02 00 00 26.93 25.06 27.64 8.44 100.6 109.8 81.2 1019.03 60 «* *« ** - TIME GAP - 03 00 00 26.98 25.04 27.61 8.34 98.6 108.8 80.5 1018.52 42 03 30 00 26.98 25.04 27.60 8.41 97.4 116. 3 80.5 1016.32 60 04 00 00 26.95 25.06 27.60 8.35 95.3 117.3 81.1 1018.00 60 04 30 00 26.90 25.12 27.58 8.65 103.2 90.3 82.1 1017.62 60 03 00 00 26.87 25.13 27.57 8.72 102.5 95.9 82.3 1017.28 60 OS 30 00 26.62 25.17 27.58 7.85 101.4 113.0 83.6 1016.83 60 06 00 00 26.04 24.66 27.56 9.57 97.2 130.8 84.9 1016.47 60 oe so 00 24.76 24.31 27.53 11.07 114.7 90.1 93.8 1016.47 60 07 00 00 23.66 24.73 27.52 7.92 104.4 104.5 94.1 1016.53 60 07 30 00 25.04 24.46 27.51 9.13 101.7 90.3 93.2 1016.61 SO OS 00 00 26.55 24.84 27.51 9.15 101 . 1 120.1 86.2 1016.42 60 06 30 00 27.06 24.97 27.51 9.94 101.5 110.0 81.6 1016.49 60 09 00 00 26.89 24.95 27.52 10.21 9f.4 115.4 82.4 1016.75 60 09 30 00 26.92 24.74 27.49 10.91 101.5 103.0 80.6 1017.42 60 10 00 00 27.17 24.69 27.49 10.67 106.8 109.3 77.2 1017.82 60 10 30*00 27.27 24.60 27.47 10.59 107.4 108.2 75.6 1018.01 59 11 00 00 27.36 24.65 27.51 10.36 1H6.6 118.0 74.7 1018.17 60 11 30 00 27.31 24.65 27.53 10.41 100.9 120.9 74.9 1018.52 60 12 00 00 27.20 24.77 27.52 9.63 96.9 115.9 76.9 1018.81 60 12 30 00 27.25 24.67 27.52 9.13 101.2 113.1 75.9 1018.99 58 13 00 00 27.36 24.59 27.51 8.99 102.9 115.8 74.2 1019.03 60 13 30 00 27.36 24.61 27.53 8.62 99.7 119.0 74.2 1019.15 60 14 00 00 27.39 24.67 27.53 8,74 91.9 124.9 74.5 1019.05 30 ** ** ** - TIME CAP - 16 00 00 27.56 25.34 30.40 9.57 81.0 175.3 76.4 1017.54 4 16 30 00 27.63 25.19 30.40 10.28 81.7 177.8 75.3 1017.57 2 17 00 00 27.72 25.16 29.85 9.55 95.7 134.1 73.6 1017.70 15 17 30 00 27.84 25.12 30.20 8.96 99.5 125.0 72.3 1017.. 77 IS 16 00 00 27.61 25.16 29.64 9.31 82.6 139.0 78.9 1017.32 16 16 30 00 27.66 25.39 30.52 9.50 76.0 134.6 76.3 1017.23 42 19 00 00 26.26 25.64 28.59 10.52 81.4 75.6 78.5 1017.04 SO 19 30 00 26.62 25.77 30.00 9.39 82.1 138.7 76.7 1016.82 SO 20 00 00 27.93 25.35 27.74 9.66 79.7 122.9 77.4 1016.72 59 20 30 00 27.40 24*87 27.71 10.05 77.2 126.6 77.2 1016.63 60 21 00 00 27.42 24.78 27.54 10.20 81.1 152.0 76.1 1016.78 60 21 30 00 27.41 24.77 27.31 9.38 61.5 152.8 75.8 1016.94 58 22 00 00 27.19 24.67 27.09 9.10 82.1 73.5 78.2 1017.41 60 22 30 00 26.92 24.64 26.64 9.12 62.6 96.6 80.5 1017.83 60 23 00 00 26.99 24.95 26.93 8.92 79.8 125.2 81.1 1017.92 59 23 30 00 27.06 25.06 27.04 8.16 83.3 84.4 81.6 1016.12 60 00 00 00 27.26 25.02 27.25 9.57 79.9 112.5 79.2 1018.11 60 00 30 00 27.20 25.07 27.21 10.34 75.5 138.6 80.0 1018.02 1 Figure 1-9. Example of 35-mm microfilm listing of boom 30-min averages 65 (3) The 10- and 30-min averages are arithmetic means; no attempt was made to eliminate occasional discrepancies in the data. The time assigned to these averages is the time at the end of the average period. (4) Time breaks - periods for which the time-code generator signal could not be deciphered (see discussion of Time Edit/Time Copy procedure in sec. 1.1.2) - of less than 10 min or 30 min will not appear on the microfilm tabulations of the Boom Surface Meteor- ological Data. The 30-sec samples during a time break were not included in the averages. (5) Boom wind speeds were not corrected for ship motion (see sec. 1.4.2). (6) All processed Boom Surface Meteorological Data have not been corrected for instrumental bias. (7) The wet-bulb sensor was apparently affected by heating or drying of the water reservoir. (8) Periods during which the sea-surface temperature probe was re- moved from the sea while the ship was underway are not indicated . in the output. (9) The wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature circuits were adjusted during the day (usually around 1400 to 1600 GMT) but calibra- tion data of this type were not used for correction during "A " processing. Table 1-9. Ship's barometer and Rosemount heights above sea surface Ship Height above sea surface Barometer Qceanographer 27 30 ft Rainier ft Mt. Mitchell 30 ft Discoverer 22 ft 12 ft Rock aw ay 23 ft 8.230 m Rosemount and aneroid 9.144 m Rosemount and aneroid 9.144 m Rosemount and aneroid 6.706 m Aneroid only 3.658 m NCAR barometer only 7.010 m Rosemount and aneroid -66- (10) All net radiation values must be adjusted by a factor of (200/ 120). This is the first estimate for the correction. Additional information about the nature of this correction can be obtained from Dr. P. Kuhn, Environmental Research Laboratories, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado 80302. (11) Rockaway wind directions during Observation Periods I and II should be disregarded. These data are in error. (12) From Mt . Mitchell 30-sec gyro values that exceed 360°, 360° should be subtracted. (13) Rockaway wind speeds are in knots, not meters per second. "Ap" Boom Surface Meteorological Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format Data for one ship for one BOMEX Phase (or Period) are on one magnetic tape. The first file on each tape contains card image records describing the data. In this file, the first record is "BOMEX A-ZERO SURFACE DATA" (25 char- acters) . The second record gives ship name, ship number, BOMEX phase, and inclusive dates of observations. Example: "OCEANOGRAPHER, SHIP NUMBER 0, PHASE III, JUNE 20 - JULY 3, JULIAN DAYS 171-184." The ship number is char- acter 27; the Julian days are in characters 69-71 and 73-75. Additional records give details on the format of the data files . The second and successive files contain data for one day each. One end- of-file mark separates adjacent files. There is a triple end-of-file mark after the last data file on each tape. There are 12 data words per scan and the format is: F10.0, 4F10.2, 3F10J3, F10.1, 3F10.3. Each record, except the last, contains 33 scans (3,960 char- acters). The last record will generally have less than 33 scans. Data ele- ments are: Scan Word Data Format 1 time, day, hours, minutes, and seconds 2 dry-bulb temperature, degrees C 3 wet-bulb temperature, degrees C 4 sea-surface temperature, degrees C 5 wind speed, meters per second 6 wind direction, degrees true 7 ship's heading (gyro), degrees true 8 relative humidity, percent (from boom sensor) 9 surface pressure, millibars 10 incident radiation, langleys /minute 11 reflected radiation, langleys /minute 12 net radiation, langleys /minute -9999. is used as a no-data indicator. -67- F10. F10 2 F10 2 F10 2 F10 .2 .F10 .0 F10 .0 F10 .0 F10 .1 F10 .3 F10 .3 F10 .3 1.3.0 BOMEX MARINE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND SURFACE-PRESSURE - MARINE MICROBAROGRAM DATA In additon to the surface observations recorded automatically by the boom instrumentation on the five fixed ships (see preceding section) , conventional manual observations were made from the ships' decks and/or by permanently installed shipboard instruments. These data should be used with the same caution one would apply to routine marine observations, because data were obtained by crewmen or technicians with varying degrees of skill and dedication, the exposure of the sensors was usually not optimum, and the observations were influenced by the usual perturbations caused by the mass of the ship, while the boom arrangement discussed in the preceding section was designed to minimize such deficiencies. These surface meteoro- logical observations, which were not recorded automatically on SCARD, were entered on the Surface Observations Form shown in figure 1-10. The parameters involved and the method of entering the data on the form are discussed in the section that follows; section 1.3.2 deals with the procedures for processing the data and with the archive magnetic tape format. For the inventory of the data products available in the archive and ordering instructions, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instrutions and Costs. 1.3.1 Observation Procedures and Parameters Measured . Each parameter is discussed here in the order in which it was entered by the observer on the Surface Observations Form (see fig. 1-10) , an 80-column punch ed-card format. NOTE ; As the sample form in figure 1-10 shows, the columns were misnumbered, i.e., column 46 is not indicated and two columns are numbered 58. In recording, this deficiency was taken into account, and the parameters were recorded in the order in which they are described below. Card Code - Column 1 . Code 1 was used on each form to identify it as being a surface meteorological observation. Card Code - Column 2 . The following codes identify the ship from which observations were made: 0, Oceanographer ; 1, Rainier ; 2, Mt. Mitchell ; 3, Discoverer ; 4, Rockaway . Date and Time - Columns 3 through 9. Julian day and time of observation in GMT to the nearest minute, not exceeding 5 min before or after the beginning or end of the surface observation sequence. -68- 1 « s o . or US >>, ■S^» . " i - i : .* ~r £ ; ;■ c ■ s <">i 3 S x> '« S ^ ''*^ i \°*» I : ; ,y '/\. : v/*«?* y s y^s*. * s \v\l 5 ~ — Sv^s : : Vs ; 1 ; 1 =N$Ns s 1 cNS"v - ~?x55s. s '^Sv :- ^JS^*^ , | /V/^N^ ; %x i : - S N^f > : T . ; S 7- i, ' N 5 '" K \\ ^ V\ : ^\" T '''J^s | Vfi* g \. #/ ff ?. 5 \" ' .-. HX S ; T^N. - : e '«Jn - «. fJ >*]> <>s> i S/v. ■ : ^\v\ s Vn£ =©"■ • ! '''*, - "'♦ ~ — ''«fc S> > ^^*. ■; Vs. S N V *** - X s • - - ^s&v - ^#v .- - 2 i J ■ s 8 | s 1 s 1 1 1 1 3 s 5 * = s si! 11= II s 8l s sis 1= 11 = sis - ^ = I E u o EL, tfl 5 •H «-) > o s o rt 4n u ~ o i— i i GO • H 69 Sea-Level Atmospheric Pressure - Columns 10 through 17 . Pressure was deter- mined from a precision aneroid barometer and read to the nearest 0.1 mb, estimating for values between scale graduations and applying correction recorded on the face of the instrument, and then entered in columns 10 through 14 to the nearest . 1 mb . Values less than 1,000.0 mb are preceded by a zero, i.e., 998.2 mb is recorded as 09982. Pressure tendency was determined from a marine microbarograph by finding the net amount of pressure change over a 3-hour period through determination to the nearest 0.1 mb of the difference in pressure between the beginning and the end of the period. The appropriate code was entered in column 15 on the form in accordance with the codes shown in table 1-10. The amount of 3-hour change in pressure was entered in millibars and tenths in columns 16 and 17. Temperature - Columns 18 through 25 . Dry-bulb temperature as measured by an ordinary thermometer exposed to the free air on the windward side of the ship, under conditions that eliminated as completely as possible the effects of extraneous sources of heat, was entered in columns 18, 19, and 20 in degrees and tenths. Wet-bulb temperature, representing the lowest temperature secured by evaporating water from a muslin-covered bulb of a thermometer at a specified rate of ventilation, was entered in columns 21, 22, and 23 in degrees and tenths . When the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures were known, the dew point was determined from table 1-11. By subtracting the wet-bulb temperature from the dry bulb, the wet-bulb depression was obtained. The nearest depression across the top of the table and the nearest wet-bulb temperature along the side were then located, and the value at the inter- section of the two was entered in columns 24 and 25 in whole °C. Relative Humidity - Columns 26 and 27 . Relative humidity to the nearest whole percent as determined from table 1-12, which was used in the same manner as table 1-11. True Wind - Columns 28 through 32 . Aboard the fixed ships, the true wind could not be read directly from the anemometer: indicator. Since "north" on the indicator represents the ship's bow or heading, a reading of 320° would indicate an apparent wind of 040° off the port bow. The apparent wind relative to the bow of the ship was converted to a true compass bearing by adding the apparent wind direction to the ship's heading if the wind was off the starboard bow and by subtracting the apparent wind direction if the wind was off the port bow. Wind speed was read directly from the anemometer indicator and entered in knots. Aboard the roving ships, the computation of true wind direction and speed was somewhat more complicated and was done by use of a shipboard wind plotter. -70- Table 1-10. Barometer change characteristics in the last 3 hours DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERISTIC NOMINAL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Code Figure PRIMARY UNQUALIFIED REQUIREMENT ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (For Coding Purposes) A B c D E F G H HIGHER Atmospheric pres- sure now higher than 3 hours ago. Increasing, then decreasing. A \£\ r r^ Zi /^ J± \J Increasing, then steady; or increasing, then increasing more slowly. r /~ /- rst /sA» n. 1 zl r S J Increas Steadily / *L j/ f 2 Uns teadily ^ \S v \1 \s Decreasing or steady, then in- creasing, or _ increasing, then increasing more rapidly. V _/ y V jj A ' A A / 3 J__ y yJ \r v U \f\fv v \f THE SAME Atmospheric pres- sure now same as 3 hours ago. Increasing, then decreasing. A z\ iA r^\ JS \/ Steady or un- steady 4 Decreasing, then increasing. V r\ r\ 5 V ^j w V LOWER Atmospheric pres- sure now lower than 3 hours ago. Decreasing, then increasing. V r\ r\ 5 "\7 X ^v V V w Decreasing, then steady; or decreasing, then decreasing more slowly. \_ /"\ f\ <-\ _ . A 6 v_ V W V H/w \yv\* V V K V V Decreat \ r\ *"\ 7 Ste ling aany Unsteadily A, "\ V w> Steady or increas- ing, then decreas- ing; or A *\ O r\ *\ V\ 8 Z>. S u \ A \J \ decreae rapidly "•6- ing more "A ^ ^ 71 Table 1-11. Dew-point temperature? Wet- Wet-bulb dep >ression, ° C bulb o m o m o m o m o m o m m in temp. °C •"• rt CM CM CO CO ^r •<*< m m CD c- r- CO 00 o> 10 10 10 09 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 03 02 02 01 00 11 11 11 10 10 09 09 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 04 04 03 03 02 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 09 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 09 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 09 09 08 08 07 07 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 09 09 08 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 15. 15 15 15 14 14 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 ,18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 '20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 21 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 -25 25 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 28 28 28 28- 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 28 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 33 1 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 34 |34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 35 35 35 35 35 I 35 L— . -. 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 -72- Table 1-12. Relative humidity Dry- bulb Wet-bulb depression, >C temp. C 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 10 98 95 93 90 88 86 83 81 79 77 74 72 70 68 66 63 61 59 11 98 95 93 91 89 86 84 82 80 78 75 73 71 69 67 65 62 60 12 98 96 93 91 89 87 85 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 13 98 96 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 14 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 79 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 15 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 73 71 69 67 65 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 16 95 90 85 81 76 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38 34 30 26 23 19 17 95 90 86 81 76 72 68 64 60 55 51 47 43 40 36 32 28 25 21 18 95 91 86 82 77 73 69 65 61 57 53 49 45 41 38 34 30 27 23 19 95 91 87 82 78 74 70 65 62 58 54 50 46 4 5 39 36 32 29 26 20 96 91 87 83 78 74 70 66 63 59 55 51 48 44 41 37 34 31 28 21 96 91 87 83 79 75 71 67 64 60 56 53 49 46 42 59 36 32 29 22 96 92 87 33 80 76 72 68 64 61 57 54 5 47 44 40 37 34 31 23 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 69 65 62 58 55 52 48 45 42 39 36 33 24 96 92 88 84 80 77 73 69 66 62 59 56 53 49 46 4 3 40 37 34 25 96 92 88 84 81 77 74 70 67 63 60 57 54 50 47 44 41 39 36 26 96 92 88 85 81 78 74 71 67 64 61 58 54 51 49 46 43 40 37 27 96 92 89 85 82 78 75 71 68 65 62 58 56 52 50 47 44 41 38 28 96 93 89 85 82 78 75 72 69 65 62 59 56 53 51 48 45 42 40 29 96 93 89 86 82 79 76 72 69 66 63 60 57 54 52 49 46 43 41 30 96 93 89 86 83 79 76 73 70 67 64 61 58 55 52 50 47 44 42 31 96 93 90 86 83 80 77 73 70 67 64 61 59 56 53 51 48 45 43 32 96 93 90 86 83 80 77 74 71 68 65 62 60 57 54 51 49 46 44 33 97 93 90 87 83 80 77 74 71 68 66 63 60 57 55 52 50 47 45 34 97 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 69 66 63 61 58 56 53 51 48 46 35 97 94 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 69 67 64 61 59 56 54 51 49 47 36 97 94 90 87 84 81 78 75 73 70 67 64 62 59 57 54 52 50 48 37 97 94 91 87 84 82 79 76 73 70 68 65 63 60 58 55 53 51 48 38 97 94 91 88 84 82 79 76 74 71 68 66 63 61 58 56 54 51 49 39 97 94 91 88 85 82 79 77 74 71 69 66 64 61 59 57 54 52 50 40 97 94 91 88 85 82 80 77 74 72 69 67 64 62 59 57 54 53 51 -73- Waves - Columns 33 through 46 . The wave data, as entered on the Surface Observations Form consist of the direction, height, and period of wind waves and swells. Wind waves, or "sea," are those raised by the local wind blowing at the time of observation; waves due either to winds blowing at a distance or to winds that have ceased to blow are known as swells. The direction from which the waves were coming was determined visually or, more accurately, by sighting from a compass along the wave crests and adding or subtracting 90°. Ship's heading was also used as a guide. The averages of several observations were recorded to the nearest degree in col- umns 33, 34, 35 for wind waves and in columns 40, 41, 42 for swells. When no wind waves were present, three zeros were entered. If the waves were from directly north, 360 was used, and if the sea was confused and direction could not be determined, 9's were used. Wave height as recorded on the form is an average of the estimated heights of the larger well-formed waves. Estimates were made by an observer from the best available point on the ship that permitted the height of the waves to be compared with the height of the ship. Heights in feet were con- verted to half-meter codes in accordance with table 1-13 and entered in columns 26, 27, and 43, 44, respectively. Wave period, the interval in seconds between passage of two successive wave crests of well-formed waves past a fixed point, was determined through observation of at least 15 well-formed waves, by (a) selecting a distinctive patch of foam or a small floating object at some distance from the ship, (b) noting the elapsed time to the nearest second between the moments when the object was on the crest of the first and the last wave in the group and noting also the number of crests that passed under the object during the interval, and (c) adding the elapsed times of the various groups together and dividing the total by the number of waves to obtain the average period. The wave period thus obtained was entered in columns 38, 39, and 45, 46 to the nearest second. A calm sea or the absence of either wind or swell is indicated by 00; 99 was used for confused sea. Clouds - Columns 47 through 52 . Total cloud amount, or "sky cover," was estimated in terms of eighths of sky covered by clouds. A few clouds or frag- ments of clouds were entered as 1 in column 47; if the sky was completely overcast, the amount entered is 8; 7 indicates a few patches of blue sky visible; when blue sky or stars were seen through fog or analogous phenomena, total cloud amount is reported as 0; and when clouds were observed through fog or similar phenomena, their amount is reported as though these phenomena had not been present; 9 indicates that the sky was obscured by fog, rain, or other phenomena, not clouds. Low cloud amount, recorded in eighths of sky in column 48 was estimated in the same way as total cloud amount. Low cloud type is indicated in column 49 by the appropriate code chosen from table 1-14. When several types were present in equal amounts, the code entered is that for the type whose base is at the greatest height above the sea, except (a) when types coded 1 and 2 only were present, code 2 was entered, -74- Table 1-13. Wave or swell heights in half-meters Half- Half- Half- Half- meters code Feet meters code Feet meters code Feet meters code Feet figure figure f i gure figure 01 2 21 34 41 67 61 100 02 3 22 36 42 69 62 102 03 5 23 38 43 71 63 103 04 7 24 39 44 72 64 105 05 8 25 41 45 74 65 107 06 10 26 43 46 76 66 108 07 12 27 44 47 77 67 110 08 13 28 46 48 79 68 112 09 15 29 48 49 80 69 113 10 16 30 49 50 82 70 115 11 18 31 51 51 84 71 117 12 20 32 52 52 85 72 118 13 21 33 54 53 87 73 120 14 23 34 56 54 89 74 121 15 25 35 57 55 90 75 123 16 26 36 59 56 92 76 125 17 28 37 61 57 94 77 126 18 30 38 62 58 95 78 128 19 31 39 64 59 97 79 130 20 33 40 66 60 98 80 131 regardless of amount, and (b) when types coded 3 or 9 were present, 3 or 9 was chosen, as appropriate, regardless of the amount of low cloud. Height of the bases of the low clouds was determined relatively closely by taking the elapsed time between release and disappearance of the rawinsonde balloon times the ascent rate. The height thus obtained is indicated in col- umn 50 by the appropriate code taken from table 1-15. Type of middle cloud is indicated in column 51 by the appropriate code from table 1-16, except (a) when altocumulus were present in a chaotic sky, regardless of amount, code 9 was used; (b) when the sky was not chaotic but tufted or turreted altocumulus were present, code 8 was used; (c) clouds observed when the sky was visible through fog or analogous phenomena were recorded as though these phenomena had not been present; and (d) when conden- sation trails caused by high-flying aircraft persisted and/or cloud masses that had obviously developed from such trails (but not rapidly dissipating trails) were observed, they were reported as middle clouds when they resembled such clouds. Type of high cloud is indicated in column 52 by the appropriate code taken from table 1-17 for the predominant type present. When several types were present in equal amounts, the code for the type whose base was at the 75 Table 1-14. Code table for clouds of types Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Cumulonimbus Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications No C L clouds. 1 Cumulus humilis, or Cumulus fractus other than of bad weather, or both. 2 Cumulus mediocris or congestus, with or without Cumulus of species fractus or humilis, or Stratocumulus; all having their bases at the same level. Cumulonimbus calvus , with or without Cumulus, Stratocumulus or Stratus. Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, 5 Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus. 6 Stratus nebulosis or Stratus fractus other than of bad weather, or both. 7 Stratus fractus or Cumulus fractus of bad weather or both (pannus) usually below Altostratus or Nimbostratus. 8 Cumulus and Stratocumulus, other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, with bases at different levels. No Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Strato- cumulus or Stratus. Cumulus with little vertical extent and seemingly flattened, or ragged Cumulus other than of bad weather, or both. Cumulus of moderate or strong vertical extent generally with protuberances in the form of domes or towers, either accompanied or not by other Cumulus or by Stratocumulus; all having their bases at the same level. Cumulonimbus the summits of which, at least partially, lack sharp outlines, but are neither clearly fibrous (cirrif orm) , nor in the form of an anvil; Cumulus, Stratocumulus or Stratus may be present. Stratocumulus formed by the spreading out of Cumulus; Cumulus may also be present. Stratocumulus not resulting from the spreading out of Cumulus. Stratus in a more or less continuous sheet or layer, or in ragged shreds or both, but no Stratus fractus of bad weather. Stratus fractus of bad weather or Cumulus fractus of bad weather or both (pannus) usually below Alto- stratus or Nimbostratus. Cumulus and Stratocumulus, other than those formed from the spreading out of Cumulus ; the base of Cumulus is at a different level than that of the Stratocumulus. -76- Table 1-14. Code table for clouds of types Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Cumulonimbus (continued) Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications 8 Cumulus and Stratocumulus, other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, with bases at different levels. 9 Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil) , with or without Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Strato- cumulus, Stratus or p annus . Clouds Ql not visible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena. Cumulus and Stratocumulus, other than those formed from the spreading out of Cumulus ; the base of Cumulus is at a different level than that of the Stratocumulus . Cumulonimbus, the upper part of which is clearly fibrous (cirriform) often in the form of an anvil; either accompanied or not by Cumulonimbus without anvil or fibrous upper part, by Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus, or pannus . No Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Strato- cumulus or Stratus visible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena. Note : "Bad Weather" denotes the conditions which generally exist during precipitation and a short time before and after. Table 1-15. Code table for low cloud height; height of base of lowest cloud (Cl or C^) above sea Code fig- ure Height in feet _ 149 150 - 299 300 - 599 600 - 999 1 ,000 - 1 ,999 2 ,000 - 3 ,499 3 ,500 - 4 ,999 5 ,000 - 6 ,499 6 ,500 - 7 ,999 8 ,000 or higher or no clouds Height in meters - 49 50 - 99 100 - 199 200 - 299 300 - 599 600 - 999 1,000 - 1,499 1,500 - 1,999 2,000 - 2,500 2,500 or higher or no clouds Height cannot be reported owing to darkness or other reason -77- Table 1-16. Code table for clouds of types Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Nimbostratus Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications No C,. clouds M No Altocumulus, Altostratus or Nimbostratus . Altostratus translucidus Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus. Altostratus, the greater part of which is semi transparent; through this part the sun or moon may be weakly visible as through ground glass . Altostratus, the greater part of which is sufficiently dense to hide the sun (or moon) , or Nimbo- stratus . Altocumuls translucidus at a single level. Patches of Altocumulus translucidus (often lenti- cular) , continuously changing and occurring at one or more levels. Altocumulus translucidus in bands, or one or more layers of Altocumulus translucidus or opacus progressively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole. Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi transparent ; the various elements of the cloud change only slowly and are all at a single level. Patches (often in the form of almonds or fishes) of Altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi transparent; the clouds occur at one or more levels and the elements are continually changing in appearance. Semi transparent Altocumulus in bands or Altocumulus in one or more fairly continuous layers (semi transparent or opaque) progressively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole. -78- Table 1-16. Code table for clouds of types Altocumulus Altostratus, and Nimbostratus (continued) Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications Altocumulus cumulogenitus (or cumulonimbogenitus) . Altocumulus resulting from the spreading out of Cumulus (or Cumulonimbus) . Altocumulus trans lucidus in two or more layers, or Altocumulus opacus in a single layer, not progress- ively invading the sky, or Altocumulus with Altostratus or Nimbostratus. Altocumulus in two or more layers usually opaque in places and not progressively invading the sky; or opaque layer of Altocumulus not progressively invading the sky; or Altocumulus together with Altostra- tus or Nimbostratus. Altocumulus castellanus or f loccus . Altocumulus with sproutings in the form of small towers or battle- ments, or Altocumulus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts. Altocumulus of a chaotic sky, generally at several levels. Altocumulus of a chaotic sky, •generally at several levels. Clouds C M not visible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds . No Altocumulus, Altostratus or or Nimbostratus visible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds. -79- Table 1-17. Code table for clouds of types Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications No Cfl clouds No Cirrus, Cirrostratus, or Cirrocumulus . Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the sky. Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem .to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus ; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus. Cirrus in the form of filiments, strands or hooks, not progressively invading the sky. Dense Cirrus in patches or entangled sheaves which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper parts of Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus with sproutings in the form of small turrets or battlements or Cirrus having the appearance of cumuli- form tufts. Cirrus spissatus cumulonim- bogenitus . Dense Cirrus often in the form of an anvil, being the remains of the upper parts of Cumulonimbus. Cirrus uncinus, or fibratus, Cirrus in the form of hooks or or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole. filaments or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally become denser as a whole. Cirrus, often in bands, and Cirrus, often in bands converging and Cirrostratus, or Cirro- towards one point or two opposite stratus alone, progressively points of the horizon and Cirro- invading the sky; they stratus, or Cirrostratus alone; generally thicken as a whole, in either case they are progressive- but the continuous veil does ly invading the sky, and generally not reach 45° above the growing denser as a whole, but the horizon. continuous veil does not reach 45° above the horizon. -80- Table 1-17. .Code table for clouds of types Cirrus, Cirrostratus , and Cirrocumulus (continued) Code fig- ures Technical language specifications Plain language specifications Cirrus, often in bands, and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostra- tus alone, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the continuous veil extends more than 45° above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered. Cirrostratus covering the whole sky . Cirrus, often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon, and Cirro- stratus, or Cirrostratus alone; in , either case they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole; the continuous veil extends more than 45° above the horizon, without the sky being completely covered. Veil of Cirrostratus covering the celestial dome. Cirrostratus not progressive- Cirrostratus not progressively invad- ly invading the sky, and not ing the sky, and not completely entirely covering it. covering the celestial dome. Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirro- Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus cumulus predominant among accompanied by Cirrus or Cirrostra- the cirriform clouds. tus or both, but Cirrocumulus is predominant. Clouds Cu not visible owing to No Cirrus, Cirrostratus or Cirrocu- 'H darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand or other similar phenomena, or because of a continuous layer of lower clouds . mulus visible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds. -81- greatest height above the sea was used, except (a) clouds observed when the sky was visible through fog or analogous phenomena were reported as though these phenomena had not been present, and (b) persistent condensation trails caused by high-flying aircraft and/or cloud masses obviously developed from such trails were reported as high clouds when they resembled such clouds. Visibility - Columns 53 and 54 . Visibility, or the greatest distance from an observer that an object of known characteristics can be seen and identified was determined, whenever possible, based upon objects whose distance from the observer was known (the horizon or other ships). Appropriate codes from table 1-18 were entered in columns 53 and 54. When the visibility was not the same in all directions, the highest value common to one-half or more of the horizon circle was used; when the visibility was between two of the distances listed in table 1-18, the code for the lesser distance was used. Table 1-18. Code table for visibility Code figures Visibility range 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Less than 50 yards (50 meters) 50 yards (50 meters) 200 yards (200 meters) 1/4 nautical mile (500 meters) 1/2 nautical mile (1,000 meters) 1 nautical mile (2,000 meters) 2 nautical miles (4,000 meters) 5 nautical miles (10 kilometers) 10 nautical miles (20 kilometers) 25 nautical miles (50 kilometers) or more ^ Present Weather - Columns 55 and 56. "Present weather" refers to the state of weather at the time of, or within 1 hour before, the observation. The appropriate codes listed in table 1-19 were entered in columns 55 and 56. When more than one code appeared to be required, the highest was entered. Past Weather - Column 57 . "Past weather" refers to the state of weather since the last scheduled observation (either 1 1/2 hours or 3 hours before observation time) . The appropriate codes from table 1-20 were used. When two or more codes appeared to be required, the highest code was used. -82- Table 1-19. Code table for present weather 00-49 No Precipitation at the Station at the Time of Observation, 00-19: No Precipitation, Fog, Ice Fog, Duststorm, Sandstorm, Drifting or Blowing Snow at the Station (or Ship) at the Time of Observation, Except for 09 and 17, or During the Preceding Hour. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 T3 § -(07 0) r & o 6 in u o CO 3 Q CO 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Characteristic change of the state of sky during the past hour. Cloud development not observed. Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed. State of sky on the whole unchanged. Clouds generally forming or developing. Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g., from veldt or forest fires, indus- trial smoke, or volcanic ashes. Haze. Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station (or ship) at the time of observation. Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station (or ship) at the time of observation, but no well developed dust whirl (s) or sand whirl (s) and no duststorm or sandstorm seen. Well developed dust whirl (s) or sand whirl (s) seen at or near the station (or ship) within last hour, but no duststorm or sandstorm. Duststorm or sandstorm within sight of station (or ship) or at sta- tion (or ship) at time of observation or during the last hour. Light fog, visibility 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) or more. Patches of . More or less continuous Shallow fog or ice fog at the station (or ship) not deeper than about 2 meters (6 1/2 feet) on land or 10 meters (33 feet) at sea [visibility less than ) 1,000 meters (1,100 yards)]. Lightning visible, no thunder heard. Precipitation within sight, but not reaching ground or surface of the sea. Precipitation within sight, reaching ground or surface of the sea, but distant [i.e., estimated to be more than 5 kilometers (3 miles) from station (or ship)]. Precipitation within sight, reaching ground or surface of the sea, near to but not at the station (or ship) . Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation. Squall (s) ) within sight during Funnel cloud (s)* (tornado or waterspout) J the past hour. -83- Table 1-19. Code table for present weather (continued) 20-29: Precipitation, Fog or Ice Fog or Thunderstorm at the Station (or Ship) During the Preceding Hour But Not at the Time of Observation. not falling as showers. 20 Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains 21 Rain (not freezing) 22 Snow 23 Rain and snow or ice pellets 24 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain 25 Shower (s) of rain 26 Shower(s) of snow, or of rain and snow. 27 Shower(s) of hail, or of hail and rain. 28 Fog or ice fog [visibility less than 1,000 meters (1,100 yards)]. 29 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation). 30-39: Duststorm, Sandstorm or Drifting or Blowing Snow. 30 Slight or moderate duststorm } has decreased during the preceding or sandstorm J hour. 31 Slight or moderate duststorm ] no appreciable change during the or sandstorm / preceding hour. 32 Slight or moderate duststorm 1 has begun or increased during the or sandstorm J preceding hour. 33 Severe duststorm I , . , . , , r has decreased durxng the preceding hour, or sandstorm J ore 34 Severe duststorm | .-,-,, , , r no appreciable change during the preceding hour, or sandstorm I rr e & r » 35 Severe duststorm ( , , . , , . . ,. , V has begun or increased during the preceding hour, or sandstorm J 36 Slight or moderate drifting snow. ) Drifting snow 10 meters (33 feet) 37 Heavy drifting snow. / or below at sea. 38 Slight or moderate blowing snow. ] Blowing snow above 10 meters 39 Heavy blowing snow. J (33 feet) at sea. 40-49: Fog or Ice Fog at the Time of Observation [visibility less than 1,000 meters (1,100 yards)]. 40 Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station (or ship) during the last hour, the fog extending to a level above that of the observer. 41 Fog or ice fog in patches. 42 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible ] has become thinner during the 43 Fog or ice fog, sky not discernible J preceding hour. 44 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible j no appreciable change during 45 Fog or ice fog, sky not discernible J the preceding hour. 46 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible 1 has begun or has become thicker 47 Fog or ice fog, sky not discernible J during the preceding hour. 48 Fog, depositing rime, sky discernible. 49 Fog, depositing rime, sky not discernible. -84- Table 1-19. Code table for present weather (continued) 50-99 Precipitation at the Station (or Ship) at the Time of Observation. 50-59: Drizzle at Time of Observation. 50 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent 51 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous 52 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent 53 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous 54 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent 55 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous 56 Drizzle, freezing, slight. 57 Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58 Drizzle and rain, slight. 59 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy. slight at time of observation. moderate at time of observation, heavy (dense) at time of observation. 60-69: Rain at Time of Observation, 60 Rain, not freezing, intermittent 61 Rain, not freezing, continuous 62 Rain, not freezing, intermittent 63 Rain, not freezing, continuous 64 Rain, not freezing, intermittent 65 Rain, not freezing, continuous 66 Rain, freezing, slight. 67 Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy. 68 Rain or drizzle and snow, slight. 69 Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80-99: slight at time of observation, moderate at time of observation, heavy at time of observation. 70-79: Solid Precipitation Not in Showers at Time of Observation. slight at time of observation, moderate at time of observation, heavy at time of observation. Intermittent fall of snowflakes Continuous fall of snowflakes Intermittent fall of snowflakes Continuous fall of snowflakes Intermittent fall of snowflakes Continuous fall of snowflakes Ice prisms (with or without fog). Snow grains (with or without fog). Isolated starlike snow crystals (with or without fog) . Ice pellets (i.e., frozen raindrops or largely melted and refrozen snowflakes) . Showery Precipitation, or Precipitation With Current or Recent Thunderstorm. 80 Rain shower (s), slight. 81 Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy. 82 Rain shower (s), violent. 83 Shower (s) of rain and snow, mixed, slight. 84 Shower (s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85 Snow shower(s), slight. 86 Snow shower (s), moderate or heavy. -85- Table 1-19. Code table for present weather (continued) 87 Shower (s) of snow pellets or ice pellets* with or without rain or rain and snow mixed 88 Shower(s) of snow pellets or ice pellets* with or without rain or rain and snow mixed 89 Shower (s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and ' snow mixed, not associated with thunder 90 Shower (s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder 91 Slight rain at time of observation 92 Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation 93 Slight snow or rain and snow mixed or hail* at time of observation 94 Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail* at time of observation 95 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail* but with rain and/or snow at time of observation 96 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail* at time of observation 97 Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail* but with rain and/or snow at time of observation **98 Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm — at time of observation. 99 Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail* at time of observation, j slight. moderate or heavy. slight. moderate or heavy. thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation. thunderstorm at time of observation. Hail, ice pellets, i.e. snow pellets. pellets of snow encased in a thin layer of ice, ** In reporting code figure 98, the observer is allowed considerable latitude in the presumption that precipitation is or is not occurring if it is not actually visible. -86- Precipitation - Columns 58 through 68 . The amount of precipitation was recorded by a Weather Bureau shielded precipitation gage //D101 mounted on the boom of each fixed ship and graduated in millimeters. With care taken to allow for ship movement, the amount of precipitation during, or 1 1/2 or 3 hours before, the observation was read to the nearest millimeter and entered in columns 58, 59, and 60. If precipitation fell, but was too small to be measured, 001 was entered. If no precipitation was observed, 000 was used. The times of beginning and ending of precipitation were recorded in GMT to the nearest minute in columns 61 through 64 and 65 through 68, respective- ly. If precipitation began or ended more than once during the observation period, the time of the first beginning and last ending was entered, and the appropriate codes for showery or intermittent activity were entered in the present- and past-weather columns. Table 1-20. Code table for past weather Code figure Past weather Clouds covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout period 1 Clouds covering more than 1/2 of the sky during part of period, and less than 1/2 during part of period 2 Clouds covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout period 3 Sandstorm, duststorm, or drifting or blowing snow 4 Fog, or ice fog, or thick haze 5 Drizzle 6 Rain 7 Snow, rain and snow mixed, or ice pellets 8 Shower(s) 9 Thunders torm(s) , with or without precipitation -87- Orientiatlon of Low Clouds - Columns 69 through 71 . When cumulus clouds arranged in bands or several bands separated by clear spaces (streets) were observed, their presence was recorded by entering code 1 in column 69 of the form; was used if they were not present. The orientation of the cloud street axis with respect to true north is indicated in columns 70 and 71 in accordance with table 1-21. (This information was not reliably reported. If columns 69 through 71 are blank, no observations of this type were made.) Remarks - Columns 72 through 80 . These colums were left open for the observer to record any information he considered pertinent to the observa- tion not allowed for in the form, such as wind shifts, gusting wind, waterspouts, hail, second swell group at least 30° different from the one reported, reasons for missing data or unreliability of some data, and whether the observation was transmitted to the Barbados Control Center, indicated by TRANS. The GMT for all such entries in the remarks column is given. The observer's initials appear in the last column of the Surface Observations Form. Table 1-21. Code table for orientation of cloud band axis with respect to true north Code figure Orientation of band axis with respect to true north along a line 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 From 0° 1 :o 180° 10° ' 190° 20° 1 200° 30° 1 210° 40° ' 220° 50° * 1 230° 60° 240° 70° 250° 80° ' 260° 90° 270° 100° 1 280° 110° ' ' 290° 120° ' 1 300° 130° 1 310° 140° 1 320° 150° ' 330° 160° 340° 170° • 350° -88- 1.3.2 Processing Procedure and Archive Magnetic Tape Format Processing Procedure The data logged on the Surface Observations Form (fig. 1-10, sec. 1.3.1) were punched on cards and edited for punching errors. No corrections to these data were attempted during the edit for punching errors nor when the punched cards Were written onto magnetic tape for the archive. Time-series plots of the thermodynamic parameters by the BOMAP Office have revealed the usual inconsistencies expected in manually recorded observations and some indications (though not conclusively proven) that heating effects of the ship influenced temperature measurements. This suspected influence became evident when the rawinsonde dry-bulb (150-m sample), boom dry-bulb, and surface ob- servation dry-bulb temperatures were compared in a time-series format. BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations Archive Magnetic Tape Format The magnetic tape format consists of six separate files, of which the second one constitutes the BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations. When these data are requested, all six files will be sent, not the marine meteoro- logical observations alone. The six files of information on this tape are separated from each other by end-of-file mark and followed by a double end- of-file. All information is in binary-coded-decimal (BCD) format, even pari- ty, 800 bits per inch. The first file consists of 80-column card images, one card image per record, describing the formats of the data files. The other five files contain data that were either recorded manually or were read manually from strip-chart recordings; the data are BCD card images, 50 cards (4,000 characters) per record. The third file contains Ship Operations Data (sec. 1.4.0); the fourth file contains hand-tabulated STD Support Data (sec. 1.7.3); the fifth file contains Radiometersonde Data (sec.; the sixth file contains Drop- sonde Data (sec. 2.2.3). As noted above, the second file contains the BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations. The format is as follows: Character Element 1 Card code, should always be 1 2 Ship code - Oceanographer 1 - Rainier 2 - Mt . Mitchell 3 - Discoverer 4 - Rockaway 3-5 Modified Julian day (day of year) -89- 6-7 Hour, GMT 8-9 Minute 10-14 Station pressure, millibars and tenths 15 Three-hour pressure tendency (see table 1-10, sec. 1.3.1) 16-17 Three-hour pressure change, millibars and tenths 18-20 Dry-bulb temperature, degrees and tenths Celsius 21-23 Wet-bulb temperature, degrees and tenths Celsius 24-25 Dew-point temperature, degrees Celsius 26-27 Relative humidity, percent 28-30 Wind direction, degrees true 31-32 Wind speed, knots 33-35 Direction from which wind waves come, degrees true 36-37 Wind-wave height, half-meters 38-39 Wind-wave period, seconds 40-42 Direction from which swell comes, degrees true 43-44 Swell height, half-meters 45-46 Swell period, seconds 47 Total cloud amount, eighths 48 Low cloud amount, eighths 49 Low cloud type (see table 1-14, sec. 1.3.1) 50 Low cloud height (see table 1-15, sec. 1.3.1) 51 Middle cloud type (see table 1-16, sec. 1.3.1) 52 High cloud type (see table 1-17, sec. 1.3.1) 53-54 Visibility (see table 1-18, sec. 1.3.1) 55-56 Present weather (see table 1-19, sec. 1.3.1) 57 Past weather (see table 1-20, sec. 1.3.1) 58-60 Precipitation amount, millimeters 61-62 Hour precipitation began, GMT 63-64 Minute precipitation began 65-66 Hour precipitation ended, GMT 67-68 Minute precipitation ended, 69-80 Remarks -90- 1.4.0 FIXED-SHIP OPERATIONS DATA Ship operations and navigation data were recorded manually on the Ship Operations Form shown in figure 1-11. The method of entering the data is discussed in the section that follows; section 1.4.2 deals with ship opera- tions, section 1.4.3 with data processing, and section 1.4.4 with the archive magnetic tape format. For the inventory of data products available in the temporary archive and instructions for ordering, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs. 1.4.1 Parameters Recorded On the Ship Operations Form (fig. 1-11), observations were re- corded as follows: Card Code - Column 1 . Code 4 was used on each form to identify it as per- taining to ship operations and navigation data. Ship Code - Column 2 . The following codes were used to designate the ship from which observations were made: 0, Oceanographer ; 1, Rainier ; 2, Mt . Mitchell ; 3, Discoverer ; 4, Rock away . Date and Time - Columns 3 through 9 . Julian day and time of observation in GMT was entered to the nearest minute. Latitude - Columns 10 through 14 . The actual latitude in degrees and minutes for the ship's position at the time of observation was entered in columns 10 through 13. Code 1 for north and code 2 for south were used in column 14. Longitude - Columns 15 through 20 . Actual longitude in degrees and minutes for the ship's position at the time of observation was entered in columns 15 through 19. Code 3 was used for east and code 4 for west in column 20. Means of Navigation - Column 21 . The method used for determining the ship's latitude and longitude at the time of observation was indicated by choosing the appropriate code from the following: 1, Dead reckoning (DR) ; 2, Astro; 3, Omega; 4, Loran A; 5, Loran C; 6, Satellite; 7, Radar; 8, Visual. True Speed - Columns 22, 23, and 24 . As determined from the navigational plot, the ship's true speed was recorded in knots and tenths. If the speed had changed during the preceding hour, the speed at the time of observation was used. -91- a. s O - 2 5 1 i : J £ 2 r i s 3 I S 2 Z i r. s :.- s s s 5 ~ 5 g ; ? | ; | 1 „ j ; ! i £ | 1 : I ; 1 ; ] I 1 s I 1 • 1 t : £ s • g s s s s s .-. - K -. ■ • 5 -.. f :. - - s = S c « - « „ S^K . \>&>^ „ - NW - | 8 8 | g s o 1 , f 8 1 § I S 1 | < 3 9 o mil £ =i. JS S2*i a u o Pn co c o ■H •u CO u 0) D, O CU •H a) t-i 3 bO •H En -92- True Course - Columns 25 through 28 . The ship's heading was recorded to the nearest degree and tenth of a degree. This was done at the actual time of the observation. Indicated Speed - Columns 29, 30, and 31 . The ship's speed as indicated by the pit log or other device at the time of the observation was entered in knots and tenths. System Status - Columns 32 through 43 . These entries indicate the status of the following ship observation systems: rawinsonde; Scanwell WFSS; radar wind; meteorological boom instrumentation; surface observation system; BLIP; STD; AEC air, rain, and water sampler; Niskin water sampler; Braincon current meter; ship navigation system; and SCARD. For each of these, code was entered if the system was operational, code 1 if it was partly operational, code 2 if it was nonoperational but reparable, and code 3 if it was nonopera- tional and nonreparable. Columns 44 and 45 . Not used. Ship's Gyro Correction - Columns 46 through 49 . The ship's gyro correction was indicated in column 46 by a plus or a minus sign and recorded in columns 47, 48, and 49 in degrees and tenths. Final two columns of the form. Observer's initials. 1.4.2 Fixed- Ship On-Station and Underway Operations For a chronological listing of ship operations, refer to table 1-2, section 1.0.0. As mentioned in that section, each fixed ship was equipped with a free-fall, deep-sea mooring system to maintain its position. However, the Rainier 's mooring system failed on May 1, the Mt_. Mitchell 's on May 3, the Rockaway's on May 25, and the Discoverer 's and Oceanographer ' s on June 21. All wind speed and wind direction data acquired after mooring failure — during "steam and drift" periods — must be corrected for ship motion. Renavigation studies are underway, but no corrections for ship motion have been applied to wind data acquired from the fixed ships after mooring failure. A user who needs to develop such corrections should check not only the Fixed-Ship Operations Data (latitude, longitude, and speed), but also the ship's gyro heading from the Boom Surface Meteorological Measurements described in section 1.2.0, and the BOMEX Fixed-Ship Event Log described in section 1.5.0. As expected, the Fixed-Ship Operations Data contain discrepancies attri- butable to manually logged data and navigation errors normally associated with the conventional navigation systems used. To aid the user in assessing the quality of the navigation data and procedures used aboard the fixed ships, summaries of each ship's operation follow. These summaries were extracted from reports submitted by the commanding officers of the BOMEX fixed ships at the end of the experiment . -93- USC&GSS Oceanographer Ship Operations and Navigation The Oceanographer occupied two BOMEX array positions — station BRAVO for Observation Periods I through III and station GOLF during Period IV. The ship arrived on station and deployed its mooring system on May 3. On June 21, approximately 24 hours after the ship had moored upon arrival on station, the anchor cable failed and the ship, still made fast to the buoy, started to drift. Divers sent out to disconnect the mooring cable reported that the cable had broken about 7 ft below the Miller swivel. Wind at the time of failure was from the east and tension was 6,000 lbs. It is believed that the failure was gradual from strain of previous moorings. Navigation can be divided by two distinct methods — that required for running track line to and from the stations (at the beginning and end of each Observation Period) and that used for "drift and steam" operation after loss of the mooring on June 21 and while the ship was on station GOLF, where no mooring was available. During the first three Observation Periods, when the ship occupied station BRAVO, Omega navigational control was not only adequate, but was the only control available except celestial. It is estimated that during periods other than sunrise and sunset the accuracy was within 1/2 mi. At sunrise and sunset the fixes would be off about 3 mi. At station GOLF, Omega was com- pletely worthless and the ship relied on satellite fixes, which were accurate within 1/2 mi or less at all times. The main limitations on satellite fixes are having the pass angle of orbit within the prescribed limits and a minimum number of Doppler returns. At least 80 percent of the fixes are usable and the others close enough for general location. During Periods I and II, the Oceanographer was tied to the anchored mooring system, which minimized on-station movement, although there was move- ment of as much as 4 mi during a day as the wind and current changed. The effect of this movement on recording instruments was considered minimal. After loss of the mooring on station BRAVO, and on station GOLF, the ship had to go into a "steam and drift" mode of operation in order to remain within the prescribed distance from the station. The best procedure was found to be drifting for 1 hour and steaming for 1/2 hour. A fix was taken at the beginning and end of the run period, producing control sufficiently accurate to take out both the drift and steam components of recorded data. On station GOLF it was somewhat difficult to take fixes at the preferred times, particularly when the schedule required rawinsonde observations to last 110 min every 3 hours. The satellite navigation system was available at varying times and during some of these times the fixes were not accurate due to low or high pass angles. The best solution was to try to hold within 4 mi of the station by taking satellite fixes whenever possible and steaming back to position between rawinsonde observations. Fortunately, winds on station GOLF were of less force, which required far less steaming than found necessary on BRAVO. Even though the fixes could not be taken at the beginning and end of the steaming times it is believed that the increased accuracy of the satellite fixes during drift periods minimized errors introduced by using dead-reckoning positions. -94- Navigation presented no problem during BOMEX except for the lack of Omega control on GOLF, which was compensated for by the satellite equipment. USC&GSS Mt. Mitchell Ship Operations and Navigation The Mt. Mitchell occupied two BOMEX array positions during the four Observation Periods — station DELTA (12°23'N, 58°23 ! W) during Periods I, II, and III, and station LIMA (10°30'N, 56°30'W) during Period IV. The ship arrived on station DELTA on May 1. The free-fall mooring system was deployed that day but failed on May 3. The ship then began to operate in a mode con- sisting of steaming at steerageway speeds and of drifting with engines secured. This mode of operation was maintained not only at DELTA but was also used at station LIMA. On May 1, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Laurel established a current sta- tion within a few yards of position DELTA, consisting of a "plank-on edge" mooring buoy that was lighted and fitted with a radar reflector. A series of several dozen celestial observations fixed the position of the buoy at 12°21'N and 58°23'W with a high level of confidence. During Periods I, II, and III, with the buoy as a reference, the Mt_. Mitchell obtained visual bearings and/or radar bearings and radar ranges to position the ship relative to the buoy. The position of the buoy was checked daily by Omega fixes and when possible by celestial observations. During BOMEX Period IV, at station LIMA, 10°30'N and 56°30'W, no buoy was planted and the ship had to rely on Omega for hourly positions with celestial verification mornings and evenings. A general plan of drifting 3 to 4 hours and then returning to station was contemplated, but because of the slow drift and the inaccuracy of Omega this drifting period was extended in some cases and a celestial fix was taken before steaming toward the station, At both stations the ship would bracket the station position either by steaming very slowly "up current" or by securing the engines and drifting "down current," the current being the result of both ocean current and wind effects on the ship. The distance in this "steam and drift" mode of opera- tion was held within 3 n mi when possible. Omega rates A-D, A-C, and B-D picked on the basis of available Omega tables for the BOMEX area were used and were found to have mediocre inter- sections. This had the effect of increasing Omega error. The rate B-D (Trinidad - New York) was inaccurate due to ground-wave mixing from Trinidad. This problem was solved by generating on-the-spot sky-wave corrections. These corrections, which are the heart of Omega navigation because they de- termine position accuracy, were generated by the USC&GSS Rainier during each in-port period between BOMEX Observation Periods for rates A-D and A-C. The Mt . Mitchell generated its own corrections for B-D at station DELTA, but due to the distance between station LIMA and Bridgetown these, corrections were found to be below standard. The combination of unreliable sky-wave correc- tions and weak intersection of the Omega rates increased unadjusted position error from approximately 2 mi (minimum) to 6 mi (maximum) in some cases. -95- USC&GSS Rainier Ship Operations and Navigation The Rainier was operated in a "drift and steam" mode throughout the four BOMEX Observation Periods. The ship occupied position ALFA (16°50'N, 59°12'W) during Observation Periods I through III and position BRAVO (17°30'N, 54°00'W) during Observation Period IV. The initial plan for the fixed ships was to use deep-sea anchoring systems to eliminate slow speed running to hold station* After failure of its mooring, the Rainier adopted a slow speed steaming mode running generally NE and SE, quartering the expected wind and currents. The intent to use just enough power to remain stationary in one position did not always prove effec- tive because of unexpected current velocities. This procedure was used for Periods I and II; however, during Period III, the ship would shut down both main engines and lay in the trough of the sea, a procedure that was largely effective. Power was applied to the ship when necessary to change the ship's heading for rawinsonde tracking or STD lowerings, or to return to station ALFA. Before Period IV, a change in the Operations Plan established a "steam and drift" mode for all ships, a procedure that was tried throughout Period IV, when the Rainier was positioned at station BRAVO. Due to the requirement to change ship's heading for rawinsonde tracking, the port main engine was kept on the line throughout most of this period. Omega receiving systems, Tracor Series 599, were furnished for all fixed ships. The equipment functioned quite well during the entire BOMEX project. Due to insufficient data on sky-wave corrections within the array, serious jumps in position were experienced at sunrise and sunset. During each in-port period, Omega stations A, B, C, and D were monitored and average hourly corrections were provided to the other four ships. However, the corrections did not prove usable over the entire 90,000 mi^ covered by the BOMEX array. Because of fairly heavy cloud cover, celestial control was im- possible to obtain. Some adjustment of Omega positions will be necessary to smooth out spurious values obtained at sunrise and sunset. USC&GSS Discoverer Ship Operations and Navigation The Discoverer occupied position ECHO during all four BOMEX Observa- tion Periods. The ship was moored from May 6 to June 20. On June 21, the mooring failed, and the ship began a "steam and drift" mode of operation. The mooring was established in approximately 2,800 fathoms of water. It held the ship in winds to 25 kt during the first two Observation Periods. During these periods, the wind and current were in different directions. Tension in the anchor cable normally ran 2,500 lbs, 3,500-4,000 lbs, and 5,000-7,500 lbs with a wind speed of 15 kt , 20 kt, and 25 kt , respectively. When the tension reached 7,000 lbs, the ship would steam ahead dead slow on one engine to ease the strain down to 4,500 lbs. During this time the ship lay at an angle of from 30° to 90° to the anchor cable. For one period of approximately 20 hours it lay directly north of the buoy with less than 500 lbs of tension, despite an easterly wind of 15 kt, indicating a good current setting to the east. -96- During Period III, the wind and current were in the same direction, indicated by the fact that the ship headed directly toward the anchor cable and tension built up to 7,500 lbs with wind less than 20 kt . Despite steam- ing on the wire, the cable parted after approximately 18 hours. It parted about 1,500 to 1,800 fathoms down from the buoy, judging by the depth of the buoy at first launch and before and after failure. The cause of failure is unknown, but is believed to be that the current drag on the cable and the ship's tension on the buoy were in the same direction, as opposed to Periods I and II, when the current and direction of ship's tension were in two dif- ferent directions. When the mooring failed, an attempt was made at first to keep the ship directly on station by steaming slowly (20 to 55 turns on one shaft) into the wind. If accurate control had been available, this would probably have been the most desirable procedure, since the wind, current, and ship's steaming would nullify one another, and the ship would be stationary. How- ever, the only control available other than celestial was Omega, which did not furnish control to the necessary accuracy. Jumps of as much as 8 to 10 mi occurred from hour to hour. The Omega readings would plot in two or three different positions within a 20-mi area without definite lane identification, which the Discoverer 's Omega did not have. Readings on different frequencies did not resolve the ambiguity of position. The direction and velocity of current on the station site were not constant, adding to the difficulty of attempting to maintain station or making good courses steered. After 6 days, the ship abandoned the attempt to remain on station by continuous steaming. A procedure was adopted of drifting for approximately 6 or 7 hours, and then steaming for 1 or 2 hours back to and past the station. By this procedure enough time was allowed during drifting to obtain an approx- imate drift rate and direction even with erratic fixes. The ship would then proceed back at the maximum speed that would not disrupt the instrumented boom extending from the ship's bow. Steaming times were selected that would interfere least with the observations being made. By this procedure the ship might have drifted as much as 15 mi off station, but relative movements could be approximated by using the Omega readings only. Celestial fixes and lines of position kept track of absolute position but could not be combined with Omega for drift rates. USCGC Rockaway Ship Operations and Navigation The Rockaway occupied BOMEX array position CHARLIE throughout all four BOMEX Observation Periods and was operated in two modes — one moored, and the other steaming and drifting to maintain position on station. The Rockaway 's deep-sea mooring system was deployed on May 2, 1969. The launch position of the system was determined by Florida State University's Triton buoy previously moored at position CHARLIE by the USCGC Laurel . Because of a practical requirement for the Rockaway to be outside the radius of the Triton's mooring, the ship's anchor was dropped 300 yards downwind from the Triton. The ship was made fast to the buoy paying out a 350-ft catenary 97 through the bullnose. The ship was 400 ft from the mooring buoy, since the 350-ft nylon mooring line was attached to a 50-ft pendant at the mooring buoy. While the ship was moored, its position was always known with a very high degree of confidence. Triton's position was confirmed each day by celestial fix, and once every 30 min the Rockaway confirmed its position with reference to the Triton by a radar range and bearing. By means of a Universal Plotting Sheet (UP-OS) , with a scale change so that 1 inch equalled 1 n mi, the ship's position was reported once every hour on the BOMEX Ship Operations Form (fig. 1-11, sec. 1.4.1). The ship rode comfortably — even though stopped it did not lie in the trough — during high seas and wind conditions with 8-ft swells and 25-kt winds, which were the worst encountered during Period I. The moor- ing was used from May 2 to May 14. On May 25, after returning to station CHARLIE from the in-port period between BOMEX Observation Periods I and II, the mooring system was remade, and mooring was tried after the ship had been on station for 35 hours, during which rough seas discouraged small-boat operations necessary for mooring to the buoy. During the first 4 hours after mooring, the ship's drift rate remained constant (tension remaining steady at approximately 1,350 lbs) and the range between the Rockaway and the Triton buoy opened up from 5,400 yards to 10,600 yards. At first the ship's navi- gator thought that the excessive range between the Triton and the ship was attributable to the fact that the Triton's drift about the scope of its moor- ing was the result only of ocean currents, while the Rockaway 's drift was a result of both ocean currents and wind effects. However, the range continued to open up, and eventually the Triton was lost on radar. A celestial fix 14 hours after the attempt to moor was made indicates the ship was 13 mi off station (as defined relative to the Triton). In the next 24 hours, the ship had drifted to a total of 30 mi off station. The mooring buoy was then sunk and the ship proceeded back to station. After the mooring failure during Period II, and during the subsequent BOMEX Observation Periods, a continuous plot of the ship's position and movement, whether underway or adrift, was kept. Except as modified by small- boat operations, the daily routine during Periods II, III, and IV was to drift downwind each day from 0830 to 1930 GMT and from 2100 to 0700 GMT. (During Period I small-boat operations occurred every day except one. During Periods II, III, and IV, small-boat operations occurred once every 4 days.) During the remaining two periods of 1 1/2 hours, the ship would be underway, proceeding upwind. A revised plotting grid provided an accurate chart with a scale of 1 inch to the nautical mile. The Triton was always placed at the center and the coordinates of the chart and the ship's position were plotted relative to the Triton. A geographic plot was maintained on this chart and accurate ship's positions were always available. The true velocity and direction of the ship's movements, whether underway or adrift, were determined by the navigator from these plots on a locally prepared form titled Ship Motion and Position Data. The position data were taken from this form and entered as required on the Ship Operations Form (fig. 1-11, sec. 1.4.1). 98 The Omega navigation system did not serve a useful purpose. Celestial fixes were usually available, and, when on station, the ship was either moored or keeping station on the anchored Triton buoy. During Period III, the ship relieved the Oceanographer on station BRAVO for a few days (see table 1-2, sec. 1.0.0). The ship was not moored at BRAVO and the Triton was left at station CHARLIE. Thus, Omega was the only source of position data available for station keeping. The Omega lines for rates A-D, B-C, A-C, and B-D were laid down on a locally prepared chart with a scale of 1 inch equalling 1 n mi. Positions were plotted every 30 min. While these positions, based on an updated lane count, were satisfactory for off-shore trackline navigation, they proved useless for station keeping be- cause of excessive variability in fix quality when compared with the suspected dead-reckoning position. 1.4.3 Fixed-Ship Operations Data Processing The Fixed-Ship Operations Data were manually logged on the Ship Operations Form (see fig. 1-11, sec. 1.4.1). This form was converted to punched cards, listed, and edited for punching errors. No other corrections have been applied to the data. 1.4.4 Fixed-Ship Operations Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format The magnetic tape format consists of six separate files, of which the third one constitutes the Ship Operations Data. When these data on mag- netic tape are requested, all six files will be sent, not the Ship Operations Data alone. The six files of information on this tape are separated from each other by end-of-file mark and followed by a double end-of-file. All information is in binary coded decimal (BCD) format, even parity, 800 bits per inch. The first file consists of 80-column card images, one card image per record, describing the formats of the data files. The other five files contain data that were either recorded manually or were read manually from strip-chart recordings; the data are in BCD card images, 50 cards (4,000 characters) per record. The second file contains BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations (sec. 1.3.0); the fourth file contains hand-tabulated STD Support Data (sec. 1.7.3); the fifth file contains Radiometersonde Data (sec.; the sixth file contains Dropsonde Data (sec. 2.2.3). As noted above, the third file contains Ship Operations Data. The for- mat is as follows: 99 Character Element 1 Card code, should always be 4 2 Ship code - Oceanographer 1 - Rainier 2 - Mt . Mitchell 3 - Discoverer 4 - Rockaway 3-5 Modified Julian day (day of year) 6-7 Hour, GMT 8-9 Minute 10-11 Latitude, degrees 12-13 Latitude, minutes 14 Should always be 1 for north 15-17 Longitude, degrees 18-19 Longitude, minutes 20 Should always be 4 for west 21 Means of navigation 1 DR 2 As t ro 3 Omega 4 Loran A 5 Loran C 6 Satellite 7 Radar 8 Visual 100 22-24 True speed, knots to tenths 25-28 True heading, degrees true to tenths 29-31 Indicated speed, knots to tenths 32-45 System status for the last hour - operational 1 - partly operational 2 - nonoperational, reparable 3 - nonoperational, nonreparable 32 Rawinsonde 33 Scanwell 34 Radar wind 35 Boom 36 Surface 37 BLIP 38 STD 39 AEC 40 Niskin 41 Braincon 42 Ship navigation system 43 SCARD 44-45 Not used 46 Sign of ship's gyro co plus or minus 47-49 Ship's gyro correction, degrees to tenths 101 1.5.0 BOMEX FIXED-SHIP EVENT LOG The BOMEX Fixed-Ship Event Log is a plain-language record kept by the ships' personnel to document the chronology of a day's observational and operational activity. For the inventory of the available data archive products and instructions for ordering, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs. 1.5.1 Contents of the Event Log The BOMEX Event Log was designed as an aid in verifying the completeness of the data obtained, and all events, whether routine or special, were recorded on it. A new Event Log sheet was begun with each SCARD tape change, several sheets being required for one SCARD analog tape recording period. As the sample in figure 1-12 shows, the Event Log consists of the following: Heading - Ship's name; day, month, year; and the SCARD magnetic tape number, Time - Julian Day and hours and minutes in GMT. Sequential No . - A sequential number assigned to each observation type, starting with 1 and successive numbers thereafter until the end of the BOMEX Observation Period. Event - Hand-written description of event. Summary - Checked ( BOMEX EVENT LOG b. TIME c. SEQ.NO. LOG EACH EVENT AS IT OCCURS AND IS REPORTED DAY HOUR MI^ d. EVENT e. SUM: I . INIT: /2$ oz. — 30 3 ~75<=:c/aj Scrfgp /s?/*^ V" y^ /2A- 03 00 3-Z- X /^ tsJ/A/ '/z'ct- &?s X -w \/24- 03 3o 3 6 TB ■ 1 Figure 1-12. BOMEX Event Log. 103 1.6.0 DISCOVERER WEATHER RADAR PHOTOGRAPHS AND RADAR LOG Weather radar data were obtained aboard the Discoverer from the southeast corner of the BOMEX fixed-ship array by a Selenia radar, Model METEOR 200 RMT-2S , whenever this radar was not being used for rawinsonde balloon tracking. During weather radar surveillance, 35-mm photographs were taken of the PPI on a VD-2 repeater displaying maximum ranges of up to 200 n mi. The photographs were taken every 12 sweeps for one-sweep exposures (12 sec) . In addition, every 30 min, usually, an attenuation-elevation sequence was taken, for which the camera mounted on the VD-2 repeater was set to take one frame every other sweep (rotation of the radar antenna) . With the tilt angle held at 0°, the receiver gain was attenuated in calibrated steps. The first step was 15 dB ; the remaining steps were 6 dB . The antenna was tilted in 1 or 2° steps at normal receiver gain until all echoes had disappeared. At the conclusion of the altitude sequence the antenna was returned to 0°. For the inventory of available data products and ordering instructions, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs. 1.6.1 Radar Photographic Data On each roll of 35-mm film the following code is included: "STC" means STC is on. Gain attenuation: dB Light 3 3,4 6 1,2 9 1,2,3 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 1,3 1 1,4 2 2,3 3 2,4 33 4 If light #5 is on, add 33 dB . The normal attenuation sequence begins with 15 dB and increases in 6-dB steps until all echoes disappear. Elevation: Lights 1,2,3,4 are on if elevation is not zero. The normal elevation sequence consists of 1° steps from 0° until all echoes disappear. Before 2230Z, 6/20/69 (Frame #9562), 2° elevation steps were used. Range: Maximum up to 200 n mi. On the average, one photograph of weather activity was taken every 144 sec when, as noted earlier, the radar was not used for rawinsonde balloon tracking. 104 1.6.2 Discoverer Weather Radar Lor This log describes the daily weather radar operations. Each page is labeled with date, data ID code, and page number. A new page was usually begun at the start of each GMT day. Each entry is prefaced by GMT time, frame number, and film roll number. The entries are: (1) Camera on or off with indication of photograph frequency (2) Start to finish of attenuation-elevation sequence. (3) Change of photograph frequency. (4) Winding and setting of data chamber clock. (5)" Calibration sequences. (6) Magazine changes . (7) Start or stop of precipitation on station. (8) Hourly synopsis of activity observed. (9) Error or changes in normal operations procedure. (10) Any other item the operator felt was significant to the project. These logs are available in 35-mm microfilm form. 1.6.3 Discoverer Weather Radar Photograph and Radar Log Archive Formats The radar photographs are archived as registered copies of the original radar film, and the radar logs are archived as microfilm copies of the original hand-written logs. One reel of 35-mm radar photograph film contains approximately 2 days of Discoverer radar photographs . The radar logs are arranged in chronological order for Observation Periods II, III, and IV; there are no logs sheets for Period I. All dates, beginning times, and ending times for each reel of 35-mm radar film in table 4-17, section 4.0.0, are as read from the film by the BOMAP staff. In some instances, these entries may not appear correct, e.g., the time period of radar data does not coincide with the ship operations period. Such anomalies can usually be corrected by the remarks or notes contained in the Discoverer Weather Radar Log, described in the preceding section. 105 1.7.0 STD (SALINITY-TEMPERATURE-DEPTH) SENSOR DATA AND SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE DATA Bissett-Berman salinity-temperature-depth (STD) sensors, Models 9006 and 9040, were used during BOMEX for measuring salinity and temperature of sea water and depth of sensor. The instrument's underwater signals were frequency-multiplexed so that salinity, temperature, and depth measurements were transmitted through the lowering cable as a single composite wave form, which was direct-frequency recorded on SCARD aboard ship. The incoming signal was also separated into salinity, temperature, and depth frequencies, which were strip-chart recorded as a quality control measure and to control operation of the underwater unit. A summary of STD equipment aboard each of the five fixed ships is given in table 1-22. The observed data archive products consist of processed salinity- temperature-depth data (8-sps STD) and the Radio Transmission Logs for Salinity, Temperature, Depth, and Sound Velocity. (No sound velocity measurements were made.) The STD Support Data contain surface and '1,000-m salinity and temperature information for comparison with the 8-sps data. Two-hourly sea-surface temperature (bucket temperatures) observations are included in the archive. For the inventory of available data products and ordering instructions, see section 4.0.0, Data Ordering Instructions and Costs . 1.7.1 STD Observation Procedures STD observation procedures during BOMEX on each of the five fixed ships were developed to (a) support the data recording and computer processing of STD data from magnetic tape, (b) insure that all STD data were collected by the same method, and (c) insure that the results from one ship would be consistent with and could be correlated with those from the other ships. These procedures included a two-bottle Nans en cast, physically attached to the STD cable, twice daily (at 0000 and 1200 GMT) for quality control; and reducing and logging sea-surface temperature and STD information for radio transmission to Barbados in support of the oceanographic forecast program on the island (see sec. 1.7.3). Two basic types of STD observations were made: "Rainy Day" observa- tions for investigation of the influence of rain water on ocean surface water (0 to 15 m) and STD casts to a depth of 1,000 m. 106 Table 1-22. BOMEX STD sensor characteristics Ship STD model number Sensor input Range of mesurement System 1 System 2 (primary) (backup) Oceanographer 9006 Discoverer 9006 Rockaway Rainier Mt. Mitchell 9006 9040 9040 temperature salinity depth 1 depth 2 temperature salinity depth 1 depth 2 temperature salinity depth 2 temperature salinity depth 2 temperature salinity depth 2 -2 to +35°C 28 to 38°/oo to 300 m to 2,000 m -2 to +35°C 28 to 38° /oo to 300 m to 4,000 m -2 to +40°C 30 to 40°/oo to 1,500 m -2 to +39°C 30 to 40°/oo to 3,000 m -2 to +39°C 30 to 40°/oo to 3,000 m -2 to +35°C 30 to 40°/oo to 300 m to 2,000 m -5 to +35°C 28 to 38°/oo to 300 m to 4,000 m -2 to +39°C 30 to 40° /oo to 3,000 m -2 to +39°C 30 to 40° /oo to 3,000 m "Rainy Day" STD Observations . This routine began when confirmed precipita- tion over an area greater than 2 n mi across approached the ship. "Rainy Day" observations were interrupted for the scheduled 1,000-m casts and were resumed after these casts had been completed. Time mark in Julian Day and hours, minutes, and seconds in GMT for the start of the observation and elapsed time since the time mark were recorded on a Rainfall/Salinity (R/S) coding form. Salinity was recorded as an analog frequency on SCARD magnetic tape. In summary, the "Rainy Day" routine consisted of the following steps : (1) Establishing a level below the surface from which the STD was to be lowered to a depth of 15 m. (2) Soaking at this starting level and recodinj surface salinity on magnetic tape for 5 min. (3) Taking bucket temperature and salinity, lowering the sensor at a rate not exceeding 10 m/sec,and recording the elaps time to cover 15 m and wire angle during lowering. 107 (4) Establishing a salinity signature for 5 min at 15 m. (5) Retrieving sensor to starting level and establishing surface salinity signature for 5 rain; taking bucket sample every 30 min. (6) Repeating steps 4, 3, and 5 and recording the beginning and ending time of each step on the R/S form. (The R/S forms have not been placed in the temporary archive. Copies of the original handwritten forms can be obtained from the BOMAP Office upon request.) 1,000-m STD Observations . Deep STD observations were made from the Discoverer , Oceanographer , and Rockaway eight times per day (0100, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1300, and 2100 GMT) and from the Mt. Mitchell and Rainier four times per day (0100, 0600, 1200, and 1800 GMT), within + 30 min of the scheduled times. For calibration purposes, two Nansen bottles were attached to the STD cable 10 and 15 m from the sensor package during the 0100 and 1200 GMT casts; during all other casts, surface temperature and salinity were determined from a bucket sample. The upper Nansen bottle was tripped at approximately 1,000 m after soaking for 12 min. After it had been brought aboard, the lower bottle was tripped, having soaked for 5 min. The bottle thermometers were read to the nearest hundredths °C, and salinities were determined within + 0.003°/oo on successive readings by a calibrated salinometer. In summary, the operational sequence was as follows: (1) Systems check (leaking sensor and sensor connections; proper winch and STD operation; information logged in on STD Observation Form described in section 1.7.3). (2) Preparing analog strip-chart recorder and SCARD. (3) Placing the STD in the water; obtaining surface bucket sample. (4) After a 2- to 5-min soak and logging the appropriate information and timing marks, lowering the STD package at a rate of 20 m/min for the first 100 m and at a higher rate down to 1,000 m; annotating during lowering the scale changes on the analog recorder, along with the wire angle and timing and event marks that would assist in documenting the STD observation program. (These lowering rates were not always adhered to and were often higher than specified. ) (5) Terminating the cast at 1,000 m. When Nansen bottles were attached, a messenger was sent down to trip the upper bottle. (6) Retrieving the cast; tripping the lower Nansen bottle (if attached) and bringing package aboard. 1.7.2 STD 8-sps Data Reduction and Processing The STD output was recorded as mixed analog frequencies on one channel of the seven-channel tape recorder contained in SCARD. The 108 frequencies of che signals varied from 1.5 kHz for the low-range depth sig- nals to slightly over 10 kHz for the high-range depth signals. In addition, a reference signal of 3.125 kHz was recorded on another channel for tape speed control during playback. Digitization The SCARD analog tapes were digitized at NASA's Mississippi Test Facility (NASA/MTF) . The analog tapes were played back at the nominal re- cording speed of 1 7/8 ips (inches per second) on one of the SCARD decommu- tation tape transports. The composite STD signal, the 3.125-kHz reference signal, and the AMRB1 (Atlantic Missile Range B-l Time Code) time signal were filtered and then inputed to a Beckman Model 420 computer via the Beckman Model 210 data acquisition system for digitization. The tape speed on play- back was controlled by a velocity servo that provided for relatively low tape speed accelerations. Exact correction for instantaneous tape speed changes was provided computationally (see sec. Figure 1-13 shows the signal conditioning, separation, and shaping which was used between the SCARD unit and the Beckman 210 data acquisition system. The bandpass filters are identical to those used in the Bissett- Berman Model 9040 or 9006 deck unit. These have been augmented with SKL (Spencer Kenedy Laboratories, Inc.) Model 308A (24 dB/octave), and Model 302 (18 dB/octave) active filters operated in the high-pass mode with cutoff frequencies as shown. The filter outputs were passed to the Tektronix oscilliscope amplifiers that also provided a visual indication of signal level and noise content. The trigger outputs of these amplifiers, overdriving the Dana Model 2200 D.C. amplifiers, provided a heavily clipped signal of about 2 v PP to drive the period counters. The 3.125-kHz reference frequency was amplified and clipped before being counted. The AMRBl time code was converted to a bipolar signal by the 5.4-kHz discriminator and introduced into the computer, where it was decoded by an analog-to-digital converter that is part of the Beckman system. STD signals from the amplifier outputs were counted in the so-called "flow counters" in the Beckman Model 210 data acquisition system. A separate counter was used for each signal. Figure 1-14 shows the counter hardware arrangement. Figure 1-15 shows system timing during a typical counting operation. The Schmidt trigger has a dead band of about 2 v PP around zero volts, which gives some noise immunity without noticeably affecting sensiti- vity, since the signal at this point is usually ^20 v PP. The trigger output is synchronized with the system's 250-kHz clock so that a pulse one clock- period long is produced for every negative-going zero crossing in the input signal. This reduces the resolution of the system to 4 ysec despite the fact that a 1-ysec clock is subsequently counted. This was unavoidable because major rework in the system logic would have been required to substitute a 1-MHz clock. 109 5.4 kHz Discriminator SCARD PLAYBACK UNIT (SPEED= I 7/8 IPS) AMR B- TO "REALTIME" TO CYCLE COUNTERS FOR DIGITIZING SKL 302 (2 SECTIONS USED) CD FILTERED AND £! SHAPED DEPTH t Q or o FILTERED AND SHAPED Ll TEMP ERATURE rr UJ ERED AND SHAPED o SALINITY UJ _) o > o FILTERED AND SHAPED DEPTH DANA MODEL 2200s (over-driven by TEKTRONIX 555 amps) o h- Figure 1-13. Separation and signal conditioning of the recorded signal prior to input for digitization. 110 o c\j o o LiJ CD O o UJ CD o A 1- — 1 1 1 — - "- h- — or ■"■ ~ZL "■■ UJ MM Z> — SING OUNT Dits) "- a> o h- Z> O U C0 ^™ * — O cn ^ or ^ — ^" 3 a. ■ -3| M — ' Q m >3 3 Cl 3 ^ (J o 3 O . O _i ^ ^^^ O LL — o — or = — o — UJ „_ ^^ . N — CJ , -♦— 3 a> Q. (/> C i"«y. CD o ro 3 Cl. Q) C w O ^— (/) w. -•— I •*— 3 2^ if) "5 a. Q. O >-2 ^3 CO o | ~i ^. Q a o CO o _c ^ _) o a < -o 1 o o 2 CD c 3 o o LJ _j o CO o X CD M o _i£ O X CD 1 o H CO ^ 0_ O H — C\J 1 Z5 Cl OXi o-— o _l o c I t>0 u u cd 0) M c3 X! U cu ■u C O u P^H 01 3 Ml •H ro ill W 112 The pulses generated by the synchronizer served two purposes. They were counted in the zero crossing counter, which keeps track of the total number of cycles of the signal being measured. This counter was not reset and was allowed to overflow to zero as necessary. The pulse generated by the synchronizer were also used to reset the clock period accumulated so that it always contained the number of clock pulses that had occurred since the last zero-crossing pulse. Both counters were strobed into the data acquisition system's output buffer whenever an output pulse occurred, in which case it occurred synchronously with one of the 250-kHz clock pulses but asynchronously with the zero crossings of the input signal. Defining the terms T = the time between output pulses in microseconds, Zn-l) = count in zero-crossing register at output pulse i-1, Z(±) - count in zero-crossing register at output pulse i, C ei_i ) = count in clock period accumulator at output pulse i-1, representing the time in microseconds since the last zero-crossing pulse, and C(i) = count in clock period accumulator at output pulse i, we obtain for the measured frequency F^, in hertz, of the signal during the interval between output pulses i-1 and i: z i ~ z (i-l) . Fi " (T s + (C^ - C ± ) x 1CT 6 Because of the synchronism, C-^ = O^ODULUS 4* Because of design constraints of the Beckman data acquisition system, it was not possible to have the counting periods for all signals start and stop simultaneously. The system imposed a minimum of 100-ysec separation between adjacent channels and the nature of the counter adds a random vari- ation that may be as much as one cycle of the signal. In the worst case as much as 1 percent of the counting period may not be common to any two sig- nals. From an oceanographic standpoint, this is not important and the meas- urements may be considered simultaneous. However, it may affect the tape speed correction (see sec. The above computation for frequency was made in the Beckman 420 computer, which uses an 18-bit word. Because of this, the term (T s +Ci-i-Ci) must be less than 131071 (i.e., 2^'-l) . The fact that the unit of measure is micro- seconds and the basic cycle of the acquisition program is 40 msec sets the value of T s at a maximum of 120 msec. This value was chosen because it yields maximum resolution. The computation was carried out so that the least significant bit in the frequency represented .1 Hz. (Dictated by the word size of the machine.) 113 Table 1-23 shows the resolution of the system in terms of both frequency and parameter at the maximum frequency for each measured STD parameter, based on a change of 4 ysec in the quantity C^_j - C-^ (the minimum detectable change). If AF is less than . 1 Hz , .1 Hz is used as the effective resolution. Table 1-23. Digitizing resolution Measured STD parameter AF corresponding Maximum frequency to a 4- ysec (F) of measured change in C-j__]_ parameter (Hz) - C, at F (Hz) Resulting A parameter in scientific units Salinity 7,901 0.26 0.0009 PPT Temperature 4,193 0.14 0.0025 °C Depth 1 1,956 0.06 (0.1) 0.13 decibars Depth 2 (1,500 m) 11,288 0.38 0.36 decibars Depth 2 (2,000 m) 11,288 0.38 0.48 decibars Depth 2 (3,000 m) 11,288 0.38 0.72 decibars Depth 2 (4,000 m) 11,288 0.38 0.96 decibars Conversion and Processing The MTF digitized 8-sps magnetic tape data were sent to the BOMAP Office for further processing. They total 134 tapes, containing frequencies analogous to salinity, temperature, and pressure, and a time track and tape-speed control track, with each tape covering 4 to 20 casts. These data were processed through the following three-step data reduction sequence: PASS 1 Program . At BOMAP, each MTF tape is read by the PASS 1 Program, a Fortran program written for the CDC 6600 Computer, which does the following: (1) reads and reproduces all header information; (2) obtains sensor serial number and calibration data based on the header information; (3) unpacks the MTF records and converts the frequencies to salinity, temperature, and pressure, compensating for tape-speed variations; (4) identifies the beginning and end of each cast; (5) filters the temperature and depth signals to remove the effects of quantizing noise; and (6) inspects the data to flag unlikely rates of change in the parameters; (7) provides an output tape for further processing. 114 The basic philosophy in designing the PASS 1 Program was to avoid any operations on the data that could not be justified in terms of either the physics of the STD instrument or the characteristics of the recording and digitizing system. As a result, the final data should represent the true ocean environment, modified only by the transfer function of the STD. Several processes were used to compensate for deficiencies in the re- cording and digitizing system. The first of these processes compensates for variations in tape speed during playback. As mentioned in section, a 3.125-kHz tone was recorded on the SCARD tape and included as an output quantity of the digitization. Had the playback speed been exactly the same as the original recording speed, all measurements of this signal would have been exactly 3125.0 Hz. The. ratio between output value and 3.125 gives the deviation in tape speed for a given sample; thus for all parameters, 3125.0 — i 1 ^ true "" ^measured v . n . „ . r control track If the measurement periods were exactly synchronous, the correction would be perfect. However, since exactly synchronous counting periods were not pos- sible, it was necessary, as noted in section, to minimize tape accelerations by the use of the velocity servo on the playback and avoid the use of capstan phase lock. The second process was the application of a digital filter to the depth and temperature signals. As noted above, the resolution of the digitization of Depth 2 varies between 0.36 and 0.96 decibars. Inspection of the depth signals after the control track correction had been applied showed a scatter band of about 2 decibars. Since the STD will move only 0.12 decibars in one sample interval (at 60 m/min) , this is unsatisfactory. A double-running mean filter was chosen that passes periods of 4 sec or more with a response of 98 percent of more while reducing the scatter by a factor of 35. The cutoff is thought to be high enough to pass all significant package motions induced by ship or wave motion without attenuation. Inspection of the tem- perature trace in isothermal regions also showed evidence of noise on the order of 0.005°C that appeared to be inconsistent with the time constant of the temperature probe ( ^ 300 msec) and a three-point running mean filter was applied to the temperature signal. The effect of this filter is practi- cally unnoticeable in areas of high temperature gradient. Cast detection was incorporated into the PASS 1 Program to identify the start and end of a cast. A cast is considered to have started when the STD is in the water and the temperature and salinity values are as would be ex- pected for 5 sec or more. A cast is terminated approximately 10 sec after the 1,000-decibar point is crossed or when end-of-file occurs on the MTF tape. Records of the salinity, temperature, and pressure values at the sur- face and at 1,000 decibars are produced automatically for comparison with the Nansen and bucket values. 115 The detection of noise in the data is one of the major functions of the PASS 1 Program. To a large extent, it has proven possible to discrimin- ate true noise (i.e., electrical interference, cable snaps, tape dropouts, etc.) from ocean phenomena, such as sharp wave motion, step changes in temperature, etc. The filter routine includes two checks for noise. For each point filtered, Pp, a point is added to the filter series at a distance ahead determined by the width of the filter. This point is tested against the following criteria: Pp_2 = the previous filtered point. Pf = the point being tested. a = the standard deviation of the unfiltered points in the region of Pp (computed for the previous frame of 20 points and used during this frame) , n^ = the number of points between Pj?_i and P^, n2 = the number of consecutive points that have been rejected, and AP = the maximum variation considered reasonable between P F and P F+1 . If then, P F-1 " P T < 4a + (n-L + n 2 2 ) AP, n 2 = 0; compute P-p using P™, otherwise, add 1 to n 2 ; substitute Pt^-i for Prr.; and plot frame containing error and surrounding frames . The n 2 term prevents lockup in the event of a long series of unexpected- ly large changes in P . AP values of 0.4 decibars (200 m/min) for pressure and 0.15°C for temperature have been used with good results. All substituted points cause a page printer plot of at least 20 points on either side of the substitution for inspection by BOMAP. The values of the rejected and sub- stituted points are printed along with a message. After filtering, a test is made to see if |Pp - Pp+]J<-AP. If not, a message is printed and a plot is created. The salinity and time signals, which are not filtered, are tested similarly. AP for salinity is about 116 0.15°/oo. These tests set a maximum limit for noise in the output that will not be called to attention in the subsequent EDIT Process, discussed below. Since electrical noise often affects all parameters, only one parameter caught by the PASS 1 program leads to inspection of all parameters during the EDIT Process. EDIT Process . Plots and error messages produced by the PASS 1 Program are inspected by editors who have the following options : (1) delete the bad point or points from the cast: (2) interpolate across the bad point or points; (3) make a linear transformation on the entire cast; (4) make a linear transformation on several points; or (5) alter or add header information. Steps (2) - (4) are applied to individual parameters. The usual procedure is to delete only at the beginning or end of the cast. Interpolations are visually restricted to one or two points, primarily pertaining to salinity, since the corresponding points in temperature and pressure are substituted by the filter routine in the PASS 1 Program. If there is strong evidence of calibration shift, the calibrations may be altered. This is seldom done except for pressure, which sometimes shows negative values during the soak period at the beginning of a cast. When this occurs, the pressure offset is adjusted to force the soak depth to approximately 2 m and a comment is added to the header. Comments are also inserted to call attention to inoperative or excessively noisy sensors or to any other unusual feature noticed by the editor. Further Processing . The output of the EDIT Process is considered a final time-series tape, with all series noise removed and with headers containing accurate time, position, and calibration information. No effort has been made so far to compensate for salinity spikes or other sensor transfer characteristics, although there are several programs at BOMAP that will do this and produce either time or depth series. These routines will be described in a separate publication. The EDIT output tapes are reformated and converted to BCD to provide the 8-sps STD archive tapes. STD 8-sps Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format Tapes are written in binary coded decimal (BCD) notation, even parity, 1,600 characters per record. Each file contains records for one STD cast. A double end-of-file mark follows the last file on a tape. Tape density is 556 bits per inch (7 track) . The first record (see fig. 1-16) for each cast contains one card image (80 characters) of fixed-format information about the cast and 19 card 117 3 Cl o c- Q q (0 .-h S3 o H H Cm H Pi CJ CO W Q O c_> W o o s Q 1- t/0 CD cu 00 ►J rO H Cm fe LL H o H O c_> w Pi MM o z: o H H 3 CO S3 o M H l-i Q Z o 1— ( Q. CD '/> O o -+- -O ->p Q CD s ■^ ^ S3 <: o W H Cm O w <; Cm Pm O H O z w .-J > O CO z o l-l % u o N > .a • X S3 H Z w w w > w .J o z o c CO a o O H l-i o 13 U o o 0) CO n •H ^D 0) 3 00 •H 118 images of additional information. Some card images may be blank. The format of the first card image is as follows (see fig. 1-17): Position Data Format 1 Carriage control character II 2 "BOMEX STD" 10H 12 Ship name, left adjusted 14H 26 "YEAR" 4H 30 Year 15 35 "DAY" 4H 39 Modified Julian day, day of year (starting time) 14 43 "TIME" 5H 48 Hour of start of cast 13 51 IX 52 Minute of start of cast 12 54 "GMT" 4H 58 "LAT." 5H 63 Latitude, degees 12 65 IX 66 Latitude, minutes 12 68 Direction of latitude, always "N" 1H 69 "LON." 5H 74 Longitude, degrees 13 77 IX 78 Longitude, minutes 12 80 Longitude direction, always "W" 1H 119 00 CO T) $8 c o c^ C5 T5 S3 o 2 M H § H o PS u u M en s W n § o u «J -*«* •xi i. cd d4 d o O i- VP Cl < i o CD -4 i. w US H c H o o w Pi o o H H < co z o M H M g o U L £*> „ T- "tf Z. ^ (3 1 M < H w 55 <* •+■ o 3- T3 4- 5 4- *>< •4 3 J" U 3 § w P § <2 w +• " « Q ■54) T c <5 s <3 i. G -4- i •si 3 o o to 3 ST < X Ui a) E c or 2 > Ui r o o -*- c ZL < O ■a "2 2 G o A 1U o X, p 4 Q. vi) J c J cQ -C > ?■ » < i < I 1/3 S. < < J vO _j o . . u *A J 5 w o O H .. . p V" X X X Lr> X a- X rO X cJ x X ^ X a X X CO X d 2 M W O « HO) Zg H o T 3" H cr H L/> H "*- H !f !/> H H ■r— ir> H v- H V- H < < O — ' ~~~ 3 m ^ m PQ CO ^ M • •> M o pi w w u H Ah Q W V H >-* O Cd, CD •JlHSfc H Pi < O W H Ph C_) ^ W < Pi fe "S. g) 33 %, \ H O -O / Z W .-1 " a '% O £ * lO 4r a- lO rt ^*- ^ * \r> a T— c* T- ITS ro T- c4 «- a) •u z o M H < u >, -f- _.»- ^ +- o! >J> o In ro tx> d ^* oo <-<■> \c vs o^ tr a- 1 — O0 o hJ *- Z W W hJ W Q hJ z w < 120 Remaining card images in the header records (there may be more than one item per card) contain the following: Description of data records. Instrument model number. Instrument serial number. Transfer equation for sensors. Serial numbers for sensors. Transfer constants for sensors. Units output by the transfer equation with constants as given. The data records (see fig. 1-18) contain data for 100 scans each. The format is 100 (16,215). The elements are: pressure in millibars, salinity in parts per million, and temperature in thousandths °C. Zero-fill is used in the final record of each cast. The time of the first data scan is assumed to be at sec of the hour and minute given in the first card image of the header record. Successive scans are 0.120 sec apart. 1.7.3 STD Support Data and Archive Format An STD Observation Form (see fig. 1-19) was used for logging the information necessary for identifying and reducing the STD data recorded on SCARD. The entries on this form are as follows : Card Code - Column 1 . Code 3. Ship Code - Column 2. The following codes were entered to identify the ship from which observations were made: Oceanographer - 0, Rainier - 1, Mt . Mitchell - 2 , Discoverer - 3 , and Rock aw ay - 4 . Descent Time - Columns 3 through 9 . Julian Day, followed by GMT hour and minute of the beginning of an STD observation. STD Sensor Identification - Columns .10 through 19 . 9006 (for Bisset-Berman Model No. 9006) was entered in columns 10 through 13 if the platform used was the Oceanographer or Discoverer ; 9040 (for Bissett-Berman Model No. 9040) was used for the Rock away , Mt . Mitchell , and Rainier . Sensor serial number on the body of the mounting frame for the sensors was indicated in columns 14 through 19. 121 co a to .H Q a CO w 60 .J cO l-H Oi fe •J o ,-1 w SB H O H O CJ s O Z O H-l 3 s M CO z Q. O M CD H M in o CJ tp 1 ^> 2 ^ --^- «l -V- '4- ^ T o ^-/ -O ■o Z v> -d M < H a '±1 o Xi 5*J W Z g W **■". 1 ^ ? -f z >-j < w £ c> _5 W Ph V> ^r ' ' o o < CO ^ =5 > .- V) Q X a. 3 ( O 2 ? N U. o fc m *3 ^J W CJ -+. O H ~D -O o CO W CJ •> 2 c WM2Z -*■ o H < 2 O DfflJH m co M » - M V J pi W W CJ Q ■* H P* O W - ■* H >-< O Pi — *. •< H S P< CQ 2 a 5 H PS <3 4- < O v ^>. <4> VI *- *J ■U « H -*- +. - S c *e a CJ Z W ^? _o -jO -O 5* \~ * 3 S J^ i- \n ►J •3 u? \r> cs 01 -4- z o t— 1 J =5 3 s ■^ J3 H -Q _o _o of VI s. < CJ o ►J \ V r- o! i -a ft, is ■4- ^> Z iJ w H > 3 7 -+ d) ^ u. U. o Z W v-l s Ql CJ Ck^ o W i-J hJ z V". X "5 "* H H ol ai w < ( l~ V5 l- T3 U O a cu co ■u cd 13 P H en 00 I M •H 122 'hi •« X V * '**,, '*» 'X = o o c o CO > u 0) CO € n H C/D cr. 0) •h SIssS 123 Sensor Serial Numbers - Columns 20 through 49 . Serial numbers of tempera- ture and salinity sensors were recorded in columns 20 through 25 and 26 through 31, respectively. Columns 32 through 37 indicate serial number of sensor cast to Depth 1 (0 to 300 m from the Oceanographer and Discoverer ) and Depth 2 (0 to 200 m from the Oceanographer , to 4,000 m from the Discoverer , to 1,500 m from the Rockaway , and to 3,000 m from the Rainier and Mt . Mitchell ) . Sound Velocity - Columns 44 through 4 9. Not entered, since neither of the STD models carried sound-velocity sensors. Calibration Information - Columns 50 through 65. Temperature to a precision of hundredths of °C was entered in colums 50 through 53; salinity in parts per thousands to the hundredth part in columns 54 through 57; and depth in meters and tenths in columns 58 through 62. To indicate the source of sample (surface bucket sample, Nansen cast, or STD cast), 1 was entered in the appropriate column (63, 64, or 65). Observations Recorded on SCARP Magenetic Tape - Column 66 . If at the conclusion of the STD observation, the SCARD team had confirmed successful magnetic-tape recording, 1 was entered in column 66. Observer's Initials - Columns 62 through 69 . The STD team leader's initials after check of completeness of the observation. The magnetic tape format consists of six separate files, of which the fourth one constitutes the STD Support Data. When these data on magnetic tape are requested, all six files will be sent, not the STD Support Data alone. The six files of information on this tape are separated from each other by end-of-file mark and followed by a double end-of-file. All information is in binary-coded-decimal (BCD) format, even parity, 800 bits per inch. The first file consists of 80-colum card images, one card image per record, describing the formats of the data files. The other five contain data that were either recorded manually or were read manually from strip-chart recordings; the data are in BCD card images, 50 cards (4,000 characters) per record. The second file contains BOMEX Marine Meteorological Observations (sec. 1.3.0); the third file contains Ship Operations Data (sec. 1.4.0); the fifth file contains the Radiometersonde Data (sec.; the sixth file contains Dropsonde Data (sec. 2.2.3). As noted above, the hand-tabulated STD Support Data constitute the fourth file. The format is as follows: 124 Character 1 Card code, should always be 3 2 Ship code - Oceanographer 1 - Rainier 2 - Mt . Mitchell 3 - Discoverer 4 - Rock aw ay 3-5 Modified Julian day (day of year) 6-7 Hour, GMT 8-9 Minute 10-13 STD model number 14-19 STD instrument package serial number 20-25 Temperature sensor serial number 26-31 Salinity sensor serial number 32-37 Depth 1 sensor serial number 38-43 Depth 2 sensor serial number 44-49 Sound velocity sensor serial number 50-53 Calibration temperature, degrees Celsius to hundredths 54-57 Calibration salinity, parts per thousand to hundredths 58-62 Calibration depth, meters to tenths 63-65 Indicators for type of calibration data 1 - used - not used 63 Bucket sample 64 Nansen cast 65 STD cast 66 1 if observation recorded on magnetic tape if observation not recorded on magnetic tape 125 1.7.4 Radio Transmission Log for STD Observations and Archive Format A Radio Transmission Log for Salinity-Temperature-Depth (STD) and Sound Velocity Data was used for transmission of STD data to Barbados twice daily to support up-to-date forecasts for use in the BOMEX area. After the 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 GMT observations had been logged and checked, the data were transmitted to the island. As the sample log in figure 1--20 shows, across the top the following was entered: ship's name and code ( Oceanographer - 0, Rainier - 1, Mt. Mitchell -- 2, Discoverer - 3, Rockaway - 4); country (USA); institute (BOMEX); cruise number (BOMEX Field Observation Period 1, 2, 3, or 4); station number (A - ALFA, B - BRAVO, C - CHARLIE, D - DELTA, or E - ECHO); and sheet number (sheet 1 representing the first STD observation and numbered sequentially thereafter) . Under Radio Message Information, the following is indicated: ship's international radio call sign; a message indicator (in each case HISTD) ; day represented by numerals 01-31; month represented by numerals 01-12; and year represented by the last two digits (69 for 1969) ; the time at which observa- tion began in GMT hour and minute; quadrant (7 for the BOMEX area); and latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes. Depth to bottom was left blank and no environmental information was carried. Under Radio Message Data, the symbols 2, 3, 4, and 5 running vertically were radio transmitted to identify each group. Sound velocity data were not recorded. When observations were not made to the significant digit provided for on the log, a zero was entered and transmitted. Depths were recorded at 0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 m. Surface temperature was recorded to a precision of hundredths of °C. Salin- ity was entered in parts per thousands to the nearest hundredth part. The log sheets are reproduced on 35-mm microfilm for distribution from the archive. These data (one sheet per STD cast) for four casts per day during all BOMEX Observation Periods are being supplied in lieu of the miss- ing BOMAP 8-sps STD data. The procedure for selecting the data points from strip charts or STD plots was in accordance with standard National Oceano- graphic Data Center (NODC) instructions for this log. The log sheets are organized by BOMEX Observation Period, i.e., Period I first, followed by the sheets for Periods II, III, and IV. Within each period, all the sheets for the Oceanographer come first, followed by those for the Rainier , Mt . Mitchell , Discoverer , and Rockaway . 126 => < UJ I- »- < < O UJ K u. O 2g 2 z i/» < «/> _ |i 2 s < Q O 5 < sQ VI Ik "I 1 ? o. \ % I \ %, \ fv su Z »o o X ►- 1 3 < ^ 5 d „!: Of o «-, 1 t (J. m z o < i < n a z S 5» I 1 g„ 5*1 2 Q lX y w» z * LU a . X 3 Ih * a p- im ,0 3^ *2 ^° ^ JO *■" ■^ O -al |o UJ z -• •*■ 3 5 CO S ■<*• s \P ^° •O _|o Z o 3 Z I _° ~S ^° t*"> < < O a .° c- ^° — o ovno o" c- z I o <6 a O 0^ < I O s5 Cb c^ m u o H M W CU d CO u c 01 s u •u 03 d H C o • •H > ■u >H CO Q 60 •H |J > (1, CU CO CJ ^ d Pi U CD H -i CX 4J CU CMC O >* CO Q 03 CJ § g # i •H 1 •H 1 ■UrH H rH d CU CO 03 0) 03 1 •H • •H • o • H 3 •H >. CJ . X X) -O X 1 M CO M Pn o ■H 03 ^H CO 0) CO CU •u Jd CU • CJ CU Pm Xi >>E- to 7 4J X) 4-1 X 03 4-1 4-1 rH C/3 ex 2 en O • u N QJ CO •H CD •H O •H 3 CO CO e-? o > > ex S a, 4-1 o 03 M rH IH PC CO rH o rH E fi . vD . u 3 iH J-l rH u XI X) o CU 3 m d d CJ 4-1 O w o cx cx cu . CU a e S • & CU o • d ° rtd CO ^ M S-i ■u -u 4-1 •H M 4-1 o •H CO X CO "■^ d ""^s. d 3 J3 3 XI r-l JS o ^ 43 >H o 4J H •H O CU 03 rH 4-3 o CU cx * s~\ E CU o CO 4-1 XI 2 M M-l 3 O CO CO 4-1 rJ Ph V-l -H ,-N CJ 4J CU H M SO a •H rH 3 H 4-1 O CO cj 00 CO •H >-i > H cO CJ 03 03 CO I 5! en X 03 0) CX CO X % o 1-1 o X X X 4J r*i M /-> O LO m /-s C/3 • 4J CJ3 o, rSrf ^ + B^S 6-? rH en CN • • • CN1 O O +1+ •w^ 4-1 M 4J (/> J2 en |3 en 3 o M SS5 W Z W 2 W o o o o o o o o #t r> O O O O O O rH i cr> oo CTn 00 (3 S •H 6 CO O rH o o CU u rH 4-1 o rH CO -H CO 1 T3 PQ 1 cd CU o 0) rH a cQ rH CU > cO 00 01 e h O co o 4-> (3 CO CU rH >■> = E •H -H 4-1 CO o • o 0) 00 M o CO CU o vO Pi •H 3 vO >, 3 Pd = CO s-< T3 X) co CO o X X X X X X X X X X X X 4-1 •-s AJ fa u fa o o fa o M-l m x_ » ■ — i H rH 4-1 P o o o 4-1 CN M rH rH CN M V O &<; • • • o rH o,o, o. co fa O m ^ +1+1 +1 + pq Hh rH fa A C^ 43 /-n O rH 4-> en ■U rH r* • •H O ft r-l o o CT\ >w/ V—^ O ti o o vD CN CT\ o m CO 1 1 co > CD CD 3 cO CU >-l 4-1 4-1 CO 00 CN 1 X c_) CO «i 3 -^ m CN CN rH rH ^ M H 1 00 1 00 00 fa CU *■ 4-1 Z 55 •z, 2= rH S 4-1 P-j < 5! 3 51 1 CU -H 2 +J S 00 rH -^ -e- 3 CU 43 ^ •H > a /~s CO 4J u CU O 4J 3 O rH 3 P co 3 •H O U rH •H O oo ffi cO S P CJ <3 u S^ 134 X CO M u co S MH X) 'd cu cu ,£ C CO •H -H CO rH 4-1 & & G O O. X I u CU CJ 4-1 -H rH 4J CO CO ,£> . I O O 4-1 rH rH O a -h • cu p. E 0) rH W CU 4-J I n y in o 00 CO >^ CU * g co co cu > o ■9 o c CU QJ CO * CU > o ■8 cu 4-1 o c cu co # 1 XI •H CU CU ,£) X> (3 > CO •H •H CO J2 4-1 CO > OH H X> CJ CO U 1 1 C CU . H Cu O • tD ,C XI 0J rH CU • 1) 0) CJ CU 4-1 O G co QJ en CO ^ E o M O 0) a U ■u S ti ■n^ •H 4-1 C 4J o c J3 43 4-t 14-1 O # Cu 0) 00 u-< OJ ^ CJ CO 1 cu i co CQ •H M OJ -X 4-1 N O CO o cu * rH CU CO * •H •H O 0) 00 M * MH Pi •K w> Ph rH LO u X X X X o PQ 60 (3 •H 4-1 M O Cu Cu G CD CO M O M •H < X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5-S CO CO a o •H ^ 4-J X) CO CU 4J 3 C G CU -H E 4-1 G CI 5h O 4-> CJ CD ^ c ■H CU 8 o 5-1 •H CO CN CU ■s 1-4 o M 1-4 w 0) 00 CI CO 4-1 c cu E u 4-1 co C w o o CO 00 CO 3 c cO ■i LO ■i o in I o LO o 1 CD CU u cu Sh rH CU H O LO 3 lo 13 LO co C •H CO G M •H 4-1 a c cu CO u •H G ■i o +1 LO +1 4-1 lo + 1 4-1 + 1 O co 4-1 4-1 4-1 43 A! M Jjj O E O O O O O O O ^ O 0- O CN 1 1 O 1 1 O LO 1 O n LO M LO 10 O cu OJ M 5-1 CJ CJ cu CU G 3 4-1 4-1 X) X) QJ CU CN CO CN co E E H C H e •H LO cO LO CO 3 CO 4J LO M LO M < ^ in 4-1 LO 4-1 H H S-4 CO •H cu •H 0J G CI cu G C i-l CI l-i cO cO CJ CO •H G •H 3 E E G E c CO CI CO CO co XI CO CI CO a CO rH rH C rH CO cu CO cu rH rH cO rH •H (H •H 5-4 O O 5-i O O a, O Cu X X 4-1 X o CN I LO + 1 ¥l -a a; •H LW •H « co co LO 1 cO rH O H cu u G a rH TJ 5-1 H C QJ LO cO a LO M u LO •w CO 3 •H a) 1 C H 4-1 CTn •H 3 5-4 LO C CO CO ^ c CO 5 1 cO cu a) 2 •H 5-1 4J Ph O CL, CO < 5h 0) 4-1 CU E CO 5h cO Ph 1 0) u CO G •H co 5h CO CO ^N cu r* P^ 5-4 •^ a. O > •H S 4-t CO 4-1 w a co CU 5) CO -H CO QJ QJ Q Pi X QJ CO 3. o D, CO QJ M CJ 0) I o m X CJ • a QJ u u o QJ o 42 M 4-1 13 0) • »\ o • CO O rH CO 3 QJ s CN CO 3 QJ CO CJ s o I 4-1 T3 >H QJ •H pu (3 H •H X) CO 4J CO QJ > QJ 1 QJ QJ s en O S cr CO rH N CO I •H -*-^ QJ OJ rH O •H 0) CN 4-1 H Q M < > CO 5-i X U QJ O 60 *4-i 3 CO O J3 QJ O CO O O rH CTi I O CO X QJ CO O cO °" . CO *-" CO a) QJ a) M 4-» £ co 3 CJ CO 4J QJ 4-1 CO CO H | .« QJ • O OJ D.U rH B 6 o- ) ti mo ( 4J 4-1 A o 00 c •H 4J to o ex ex 3 co QJ 4-1 CO >> co 3 o •H /~s 4-1 T3 CO QJ 4J 3 3 3 QJ -H 4J CJ CO v — ' 3 ■H QJ a fi o 43 i-i •H CO i CN ■a CJ m o M W QJ 00 3 cfl Pi 3 QJ B 3 Vj 4J CO (3 X X u u o o + o 4-1 O co I I 4J S O > •H 00 TJ I c S" QJ S X X u o o o sr o 4-1 00 QJ I 4J O* *-" 5 ° QJ O O O B u Pn QJ Pi 4J X X CJ o O + o 4-1 o ^ CO 3 o B QJ CO p5 x X u CJ Bs; o o m m CJ m • • o 1 o o H, o + 1 + 1 + 1 CO o i-l CO I o E 4-> QJ l-l •H I 4-1 o 42 QJ c •H > QJ X X 5-i QJ 4J QJ I i-i 00 Pi i-i x x CJ o CN + 1 6-? c sq m •H Cq X H 4-1 •H M-4 & O co l U S o O 1) + o CN ,-n o CO 4J O 3 4-1 rH o eu m o *~> l QJ 4-» CO >^ CO U QJ QJ 00 4-> T3 QJ •h a u o •S H 6 oo CO >y CJ 42 u QJ 4-1 QJ B CO l-i CO Pm X w QJ H 4-1 s^ 1-1 o QJ > M s— ' 3 4-1 4J CO C l-l OJ QJ •H Ch ,o B 1 QJ <3 4-1 I 5-i QJ I QJ QJ ^-v O H CO c/3 M-4 CO 5-1 ^ ■ 3 CO QJ I CO QJ cn QJ 4J ^ 4-1 5-i 3 4-1 3 /-s 3 O •H •H Q 4-) CJ TJ O H CO ■H P-s_/ }-i 5-1 g QJ QJ 3 /-s QJ a 4-J ^-s 42 4-t S-i S CO CJ CO 3 QJ & JS QJ O 4-> 4-1 13 4-1 5-1 CO T3 w 3 MH U rH •H rH v_^ QJ CO 3 4-1 o & 4-1 cr 3 CO ^ s O •H QJ 42 QJ QJ H J 4J < n 4J 136 X o 60 u o cu 3 CO cu 4-t CO r*. CO c o •H ^ 4-1 T3 to ai 3 •H 4J C O u c cu n 4-1 CO C •H CU C u o •s a I CN ■8 CO M u cd a cu PS w CN CO cd cj h o o o- u •H as en u o i-i w cu oi 4J d cu E 1-4 4J CO C i-i cu 4-1 cu E CO M CO CM XI X hJ J-i cj T3 O 81 CU MH 1 4-1 CU u CO TJ M CU >^ U CU 3 4.) ^ CU CO CO CO a 3 «o £ T3 o cu CU ••> g m 4J E hJ O CO cu a, x) US'H 4J CU co ex 3 fX >, >s CO cu o w ,a u e X X X X X 6-S o rH 00 CO +1 o 4-1 o u o Ph CO > X cu CJ 3 1 cu U 1-1 CO cu 1-4 4H 1-1 m 1-4 4-1 «4-l o M >> g u CO i-i 3 cj CO cO cu 5 CU CO •H J3 rH o 4-J CO H hJ 4-1 cu u cu cu CJ CJ CO CJ S 1-4 Ph >> CJ 4-1 3 3 a •H 4-J co 1 CO 1-1 cu H cu CJ CO CU -3 3 o 4J 1-1 cu o •H o iH u 4-1 CJ co CU u 3 > cu 3 rH •H 4-1 CO 4J cu 3 CJ CJ X> cu •H CO X 4-1 3 l-i CU u 1-4 o IH ^N u •H CU •H CU 2 H <3 > 4-1 pd v ' 3 ,fl 1 rH JZ •H CO u •HI 4-1 O 1 4J cd 4-J rH -H O M-l 3 o rH CO 1-4 3 o cu > -— > O •H ^tni a) CO • • co • X CU o 4-J •H -U 1 p, B H H o H CU a CJ rO rH -H E E X Ph Ph 1-1 Ph CO CO -:c O 4-4 > CJ vH o Ph Ph CJ Ph 3J ex X X X 31 CJ E o O o m o + CO *> o CM ■ 4-J 1 o 00 CN CN 1 << H 3 1 O O •H 3 CO CO •H 1-1 CJ !^ a> a. r4 P. rH CO >^ r4 CU 4-t !-H rH CJ CU a. OJ 4-1 Oh Ph CU W CO E 3 O •H 4-J CO •H -3 CO U U CO rH o CO X S^* ►v* *X* >?N *>S f*S XXX X X X O •H •H •H •H O E E E 6 O CO 3 3 3 3 o o 4J 3 O o o O CM 3 o Ln CN! o 1 o CN rH CN o CJ •H 6 S s E O CJ CJ a u H-H CN ^ > X O a >> crj i— l CX CO •H P 01 -o }-i O CJ CU PS •u 43 00 •H M •U IH CU H • • • * • ID H CN m * s •N^ cO > > > M-l Mh u 14-1 > . X CJ a CO 5-i m m o H o> •H 3 A rH 1 (3 Ph 5-i o CN cq rH o M S #s 0) 1 5-1 CO I P 1 3 CO H OJ P-i CJ O X r» o rH X) 1 3 r-i w >, •H O CU 5-4 4-1 X OJ X •H W J3 4J S R O 4-1 cO ^ cO 43 O CO cO CJ 0) 6 •H S • •H GOO CU •H rH O r-l o r4 CO X -a (3 \D c CO £ +-> rH 4-1 •H c/: o cO CO m o •H 0) 5 •H 3 CO w B pS CO IS 5-1 0) X < i 01 X 1 B 6 < CO* g 6 CJ CJ 5-4 5-1 •H 5-i 5-i m •H •H GO O O CO O VD CU ro 4-J 4-) O CJ CJ ij-i rH rj CU u OJ Sh rH OJ OJ *> g CO »v 3 CU 13 CU CO 5-1 •*"*S 5-4 CO g #N «■. CJ CO GOX bO XI 3 • cO CO GO cO cO !-i CO J-j CO 4J a 4-1 5-i m 5-1 c rH 5-1 a o e O 5-: •H 5-i 0) CO 0) •H 0) CU w o CJ **-s CO cO S £ 4*! c E CU aj e> 5-1 JB CO 43 cO *N CO o cO CO .-1 t-i H u i— i 0) CJ CJ CJ X CJ o CX CJ CO CO PS X) 1 X 1 0) rH 1 4-1 /-N 4J /—^ H 5-i CX c ex X 4-1 X o 6 5-4 ■H CU ■H 0) s_^ O •H CO ■H 3 3 3 X 4-J B cO GO CX M ex CJ 5-1 5-i o 3 o 5-1 o X •H CO •H CO 2 aj 4-1 SO 4-1 rH o rH CO 43 m CO P 4J P 4-1 E 5-1 CO » — ' CO CJ s CJ S P-, CO Pi O O LO *\ • •* Pn 5-4 E CU X PS CX ■p •H >, CO y -° OJ cO r-\ • ex, X ex CO CO QJ S 4-) O -H CO 13 4H CO cu W». H C X 01 3 •H O 4-) 5-i V B QJ 4-J rH rH CO R B CX cs o cu B •H 4-1 O OS to CJ <-{ >^ cO • CO o •H 60 • m • CJ 3 H rH CO OJ •H 1 co 60 4-1 CX X CJ C c cO CO 5-t CU -H •H X O CO 60 X HH CJ •H 5-i r~\ o OJ B r4 CJ O O CJ n S 4-> 5-i cu ^-^ 0) 3 4J \D 5-1 4-1 CX c 1^ • 60 CO 4J CU 43 MH O >> D B +j a o rH CO o cu cO C cO 5-i •H >, c X *s 3 CO 4-1 cO 3 >, CO CU 5-i •H rH r-\ CO > CU rH MH <4H CO OJ O rx •H o 3 B B 43 5-4 o CO CO CO o 3 C CU -u ex r-i CX 13 o CX -H cO OJ cO •H •H CO 43 CJ c > 4-1 4-1 H •K c a CO * O * cO 5-4 o •H o J^ OJ CJ X CN a 4-1 CO • • CO c 5-i 43 Mh 43 o & X ■U O ■u CN !-i )-i 60 60 OJ O cO C >^ (3 X 43 CJ rH CU 4J 0) 5-i 4J QJ o rH -H rH O 5-1 CO CO a 4H C (3 C OJ O O X •H CU •H 5-i 4-) C X CO CO 43 43 O 4J X O +J a 4-1 c CU PS CO -H CO OJ CO H CU 43 0) X C3 £> QJ o 5-i CO 43 CO CO ex O r4 4J 5-i 3 B • IW CU -H CU o 0) 4J & •u OJ u ex X a CJ 43 >> 0) CO X cO r-{ 4J CO r4 C 5-i O CO 3 CO O CO CO 3 5-1 43 a 43 rH X 0) 5H CJ CU a CO •H 4J CU CO > OJ X Q P c •H B 5-i CJ u u CO X o O PQ CU P3 CJ 13 3 CJ &. •H CO 0) o O E > 5-i m en m QJ X <-{ rH u rH 4-J 5-i cO CJ cu co O 00 >H CU J-J CU >! CJ 4-J JH O 5-4 co OJ 6 cO cO cO CO 5-i cO 4J U 0) CO co co CO • O 43 O X 43 X X 4-1 1 5-4 5-i CJ 5-i a 4-1 4J O O o X 43 O O Q CJ o CU 60 OJ CU U 0) CU CO •H rH PS PQ PS CO £> J W CN oo in 138 Table 2-6. Navy WC-121 aircraft basic observation system Parameter measured Sensor or method of recording Temperature (total) Temperature (ambient) Dew point Wind direction at flight level Wind speed at flight level Radar altitude Ambient pressure Cloud cover Sea state Sea-surface temperature Subsurface seawater temperature Radar precipitation areas (horizontal) Radar precipitation areas (vertical) Weather Icing Date Time Octant of globe Lattidue and longitude True airspeed True heading Ground speed Drift angle Compass AMR-42 potentiometer DY2861A Cambridge systems 137-C3 dew pointer APN-153 Doppler, ASR-41 adapter APN-153 Doppler, ASR-41 adpter APN-159 potentiometer Rosemount transducer Manually recorded Manually recorded Barnes PRT-4A SSQ-36 bathythermograph APS-20 CR-1A camera APS -45 CR-1A camera Manually recorded Manually recorded Manually recorded Clock ASN-41 adapter ASN-41 adapter AX-606 TAS computer ASN-41 adapter APN-153 Doppler APN-153 Doppler CGRS 139 Table 2-7. Navy WC-121 aircraft meteorological instrumentation System Description Data acquisition logging system (DALS) Baththermograph system Radiosonde system Airborne radiation thermometer system SSQ-36 BT probe (0.5°F) ARR-58 receivers (+ 1°F ) XN-1&3 Rustrack recorder (+0.275°C) AMT-6 radiosonde (+ 0.2 mb) AMR-3 radiosonde deceptor MA-1 radiosonde dispenser MH-1 radiosonde adapter sleeve PRT-4A radiation thermometer (+0.2°C) 680 Mosely strip-chart recorder (+0.55°C) AMQ-17 aerograph set AMA-2 indicator recorder Pressure transducer (+ 0.2°C) Temperature humidity probe (+0.5°C, +3%) Instruments dials at or near Metro panel Absolute altitude indicators MA-1 Kollsman pressure altimeter AMQ vortex thermometer C-3 Cambridge dew pointer (+ 1°C) True heading indicator Ground speed indicator True airspeed indicator True wind speed indicator Drift angle indicator FA-112 barometer (+0.5 mb) Clock SCR-718 radio altimeter (+ 50 ft) APN-159 radar altimeter (+ 10 ft) Navigation aids APN-70 Loran APN-153 Doppler ARN-21 TACAN ARN-14 OMNI ASN-41 navigation computer Sextant BDHI 140 03 U o u •H nj O ■H ■W CW o c to •H CO CO I CM ■a o CO iH I U i o CO 4-» •H 4= M GO td -H (X H O u u •H C ■H & 6 cd en 0) C 4J O 42 CO 00 o c Q C /■> O >> co cd O >«-"' M Q 00 C •H H CX 6 03 CO •H >-. 42 D. 03 M 00 O 4-1 o Cm 00 c •H •H D, < 6 CO M 03 X! Kyl kyl kyl s> kyl kyl fN »^S k'S kN kS k*N K> S^ S^ 1 Kyi S«^ S^ K*^ k*N rN e>S rN fN ?S ?S kS kyl kvi kyi KS i^S k*S kyl Kyi Kyl Kyi kS KN kS i^S Kyl K,> iv* Kyi ►**N t^S K'N KS kyl Kyi Kyi Kyi Kyi Kyi kyl Kyi kyl Kyi Kyi Kyi t^S K"*t KN K'N k-*n k*^! k*N e^N k*N r*N k*N kN Kyl Kyl Kyl Kyl kyl »-*N *^N r^i K'N KS Kyl Kyl Kyl Kyl K'N kN k^N k>N x Kyl Kyl ky* kyl kyj KS kN K*N K'N KS kyl Kyl kyl kyl Kyl kS k"N K'N K*i rS kyl kyl kyl Kyl t-> kyl KN K'N K*N K'N K*N K'N X X x x 0) o> •u l£> 03 r^co^ CD 03 •H U 0) a. 00 I CN •a m i C o en 4J •hx u 00 nJ -h diH n-i o u oo c •H MM •h a. < B cd en cu C W ox CO oO CX-H o c Q cu -a o >^ CO cfl M O 00 c •H U H ■H O- 4J v£> cfl o> Q H X X! X X X X S> K> k^ i"*N t^N )^S X X XX X SiH s^ s*^ s^* k"S k>S f>N t^S x X X X X £*n ^s k*N ^S Ps S^< s^t k„^ s<^ t^S kS k*-h kS X X x x kS kS k> i^j* k> k>i t^S rS rN rN I in ^r LO vO r^ 00 a^ o rH 0) ^j CXJ CM CM CM CN ro e >-> in 142 •u m cti H a n ■H ca O ^ •H T3 4-1 0) a 3 o c c -H w C o rH U co w •H a OJ ex CO ■a O co CJ 3 u-i I C o CO 4-J •H 4= CO -H B <4-l O o a) C 4-1 O .G co 60 O C P aj -a a ^-s o >, en co d T3 o w !-l P M C •H M H •H CU < B CO to x: a CO M o 4J o 60 C •H H H •h a, CO en CO CO p2 0) cr\ 01 ■u ^o G CO 0> 3 P H ►-3 X X S^< k^-l k^J KjI PS PS PS PS PS Ps k^M Kv< S> PS PS PS X) X SP KP SP PS PN PS K^4 kj* K^fl K^A PS KN PS PS X K> k J k > kS PN k*N X k/4 k^«4 k> PS PS PS X PS PS PS Kj4 k^ k>j PS **S PS X KP SP 1 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS k> r^. J i-s* K> kj* PS PS PS PS PS KP SP SP SP SP KP t-*N PS PS PS PS PS KP k^> k> PS PS PS X »yf4 Kjji* kj* Kjl PS PS PS PS PS PS X X X SP kj>i kj* SJ K,^ k> e*S; f*N **N PN PS PS k> k^) k^ PS PS PS K^A K^M k> PS PS PS PS PS X vO CO CN CO CM CM CM CN CM CM CM CN CO H 3 1-3 143 Table 2-9. Air Weather Service WB-47 basic meteorological instrumentation Measurement Instrument Precipitation areas Altitude Wind speed and direc- tion at flight level Temperature (total) D-value Particulate air sampling Cloud cover Present weather Past weather Turbulence Icing AN/APS-64 search radar AN/APN-42A radar altimeter MA-1 pressure altimeter AN/APN-102 Doppler Rosemount probe AN/APN-42, MA-1 altimeter U-l foil Visual observation Visual observation Visual observation Subjectively manual Visual observation 144 Table 2-10. Air Weather Service WC-130 basic meteorological instrumentation Measurement Sensor Temperature (total) Wind direction Wind speed Altitude Radar precipitation Dropsonde temperature pressure humidity Particulate air sampling Rosemount probe AN/APN-147 (V) Doppler AN/APN-147 (V) Doppler AN/APN-133A or SCR-718 radio altimeter MA-1 STD AC aneroid AN/APN-59 radar system AN/AMT-6 system ML-419/AMT-4 rod thermistor aneroid cell ML-476/AMT carbon strip U-l foil Table 2-11. Air Weather Service RB-57 basic meteorological instrumentation Measurement Sensor Color photographs of cloud cover Particulate air sampling Temperature Wind direction and speed at flight level Altitude F-415P Fairchild camera system U-l foil Rosemount probe Doppler, APN-102 MA-1 pressure altimeter 145 2.1.0 RFF AIRCRAFT DATA Because of the importance for the user to fully understand the processing of the data, a detailed description is given here of step-by-step procedures followed in data reduction, from original recording to final archive product. The original data obtained by the RFF aircraft were recorded at 200 bits per inch (BPI) on magnetic tape in binary coded decimal (BCD) format at the rate of one complete record per second, including all parameters. These BCD records were edited by RFF for long, short, and noise records and for parity and/or illegal characters. The tape was then rewritten minus the unreliable records onto a higher density (556 BPI) IBM-compatible CONVERT Tape. There are a number of optional programs designed by RFF and the National Hurricane Research Laboratory (NHRL) , NOAA, Miami, Fla. , which are tailored to perform specific functions, i.e., analysis of calibration patterns for true airspeed and drift angle correction and the application of computed cor- rections to the original wind data. These optional programs were used by NHRL in processing the CONVERT Tape to generate the NNV Tape, which was revised by the BOMAP Office for the BOMEX Temporary Archive. Before any attempt is made to use the NNV data, it is recommended that the Flight Folder described in section 2.1.8 be reviewed thoroughly for an understanding of the nature of the mission, or proposed patterns and deviations from them and of the in-flight status of the equipment. Remarks in the Flight Folder pertaining to instruments used in recording data of particular interest to the user may be significant . A convenient published abstract of the Flight Folder information, including a description of RFF participation in BOMEX, instrumentation, types of missions, and abbreviated logs with route maps of each aircraft flight, is contained in "The NOAA Research Flight Facility's Airborne Data Collection Program in Support of the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment," NOAA Technical Report ERL 198-RFF 4, October 1970. A few refinements to the information contained in that report have been incor- porated into the BOMEX Temporary Archive. The BOMAP Office (now Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis, NOAA, Rockville, Md. 20852; tel: 301-496-8871) is willing to assist in resolv- ing any difficulties encountered by users of the NNV data. Sections 2.1.1 through 2.1.5 should also be reviewed carefully for an understanding of the methods used in collecting the data and the process through which the NNV product was filtered into final form. 2.1.1 Original Data The data collected by the RFF aircraft were assigned a flight identification (ID) number for every mission flown. This number is made up of the year, month, and day, and a letter designating a particular aircraft. 146 The letter "A" was used for the DC-6 39C; "B" for the DC-6 40C; and "E" for the DC-4 82E. An extra digit at the end of the flight ID number indicates the number of missions flown in one day, e.g., flight number 690526B1 means that the DC-6 40C was flown on May 2.6, 1969. Of primary interest to the user of BOMEX data are the RFF original flight data recorded on magnetic tape, because it is essentially from these that the data tapes in the BOMEX Temporary Archive were derived. These original data were recorded aboard the aircraft at the rate of one record every second. Each record consists of 150 characters (seven-track BCD) written on magnetic tape at 200 BPI. There are approximately 10 to 12 hours of data, i.e., 36,000 to 44,000 records, per flight. No record counts are available, but each observation is distinguished by time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Most of the parameters contained in each record must be calibrated, based on constants provided by RFF to convert counts to engineering units. The DC-6 "A" and "B" aircraft use the APN-82 Doppler radar navigation system as the primary source for basic navigational parameters. During BOMEX, an APN-153 Doppler radar navigation system was included and used for the first time on RFF aircraft because of its better response at altitudes below 1,000 ft. Normally, the "A" and "B" aircraft tape records are identical. When the APN-153 was used, the PITCH and ROLL in the tape record were replaced by GS-153 and DA-153. (See table 2-4, sec. 2.0.0, for parameter abbreviations.) The DC-6 "A" aircraft operated with the APN-153 on all flights, but the "B" aircraft did not use it until late in May 1969. The "E" aircraft used the APN-153 only; it did not use its APN-82 to record data on tape. The "E" tape record did not contain TAS , DDD, FFF, LONG, LAT , and MVAR; all these elements were derived during subsequent data processing (see sec. 2.1.3). PITCH, ROLL, LWC, TR, and TD were also missing and could not be derived. Another parameter unavailable on the DC-4 "E" aircraft data tape is the memory on/off indicator. On the DC-6 aircraft, the APN-82 system goes into a memory mode when the return radar signal is too weak to compute a ground speed or drift angle (usually the result of hitting very smooth sea surfaces or the aircraft being in a tight turn). In such cases, the last reliable DDD and FFF are stored in the memory and are combined with the TAS and MHDG + MVAR for computation of GS and DA. When the memory is on, a switch on the DC-6 "A" and "B" records indicates this. Because the "E" aircraft record has no memory switch, the user must interpret a memory-on situation when GS-153 and DA-153 do not change over a short period of time. 2.1.2 CONVERT Tape and Original Tape Listing As noted in section 2.1.0, RFF provides a parity error-free copy, called the CONVERT Tape, of the original data tape. On the CONVERT Tape, all records with parity errors, short lengths (records less than 150 characters), or long lengths (records exceeding 150 characters) have been deleted. The CONVERT Tape has the same format as the original tape, except for the inclu- sion of two new parameters: the actual record count and the original record count. These two counts are used to show when records have been deleted. An error summary sheet is also provided to enable the user to decide for himself 147 the relative merit of each flight. A CONVERT Tape record is expanded to 162 characters on seven-track BCD at 556 BPI. The RFF Original Tape Listing is an every 10-sec record printout in engineering units from the CONVERT Tape. It is a valuable asset in pre- processing the data and gives the user a first look at instances where data are erroneous. It also indicates whether the APN is on memory or not. The parameters recorded on the original magnetic tape aboard the RFF aircraft are in "count" units; for their mnemonics, see table 2-4 in section 2.0.0. RFF provided the National Hurricane Research Laboratory (NHRL) with the conversion constants listed in table 2-12, which were used in the NHRL data processing program (see sec. 2.1.3) to convert the count units to meteorological and engineering units, with the exception of the infrared hygrometer (IRH) and liquid water count values. For IRH and liquid water, RFF furnished NHRL with calibration curves for the DC-4 aircraft. NHRL obtained equations by the method of least squares to relate the IRH count values to absolute humidity at 1,015 mb for each of the DC-6 aircraft. The equations are listed below. DC-6 "A" aircraft H = counts IRH for 1015 mb = .119 x 10 » + H * (-.443 x 10 -2 + H * (.374 x 10" 4 + H * (-.749 x 10~ 7 + H * (.792 x 10~ 10 + H * (-.390 x 10~ 14 + H * .739))))) DC-6 "B" aircraft H = counts IRH for 1015 mb = .89 + H * (-.535 x 10~ 2 + H * (.336 x 10~ 4 + H * (-.401 x 10 7 + H * (.230 x 10" 10 + H * -.448 x 10" 14 )))) 148 Table 2-12. RFF original tape calibration constants Parameter mnemonics (name) Aircraft "A" "B" "E" Range of count Conversion Units LAT (latitude) X X LONG (longitude) X X GS-153 (ground speed) XXX DA-82 (drift angle) X X DA-153 (drift angle) XXX DDD (wind direction X X FFF (wind speed) X X DTC (distance travelled count) X X PITCH (pitch) X X ROLL (roll) X X MHDG (magnetic heading) XXX MVAR (magnetic variation) XXX APRESS (ambient pressure) XXX DPRESS (differential pressure) X X X X X X X X TAS (true airspeed) RA (radar altitude) TEMP (vortex temperature) TD (CS1 dew point tempt) X TR (Rosemount temperature) X X X X (COUNT-100000) *0.001 COUNT *0.001 COUNT *0.27 78 (COUNT-500) *0.1 (COUNT- 500) *0.1 COUNT *0.1 COUNT *027778 COUNT *0.001 (COUNT-500) *0.1 (COUNT-500) *0.1 COUNT *0.1 < 1000 -( COUNT) *0. 18 > 1000 (2000-COUNT) *0.18 (COUNT+1000) *0.05 COUNT *0. 01381 COUNT *0. 01379 COUNT *0.1376 COUNT *0.4 COUNT (COUNT-1200) *0.05 (800-COUNT) *0.05 < 1005 (COUNT-1005) *0 . 05443 > 1005 (COUNT-1005) *0.0504 < 1010 (COUNT- 1010) *0.055 > 1010 (COUNT- 10 10) *0.05 ( CO UNT*0 .05071-60 . 14) 0.0001319*TAS deg deg kt deg deg deg kt n mi deg deg deg deg deg mb mb mb mb kt ft deg deg deg deg deg deg deg X = available • = unavailable * = multiply blank = ignore 149 DC-4 "E" aircraft The "E" aircraft conversion of IRH counts to absolute humidity at 1,015 mb was approximated by means of a series of straight line curves: H = counts IRH for 1015 mb = .0070*H - .70 (100 1 H< 450) IRH for 1015 mb = .0084*H -1.33 (450 < H< 700) IRH for 1015 mb - .010*H -2.52 (700 1 H< 1050) IRH for 1015 mb = .0128*H -5.34 (1050 ± H < 1350) IRH for 1015 mb = .0166*H -10.46 (1350 <_ H < 1600) IRH for 1015 mb = .0280*H -28.70 (1600 <_ H < 1800) IRH for 1015 mb = .0360*H -43.10 (1800 i— CO O — ' C\J co CO Q o_ _J o UJ o UJ UJ o_ o_ *—< LU \— D_ CC •=C Q co CO < o_ co o co o >=a- lo co -3- «3- u_ u_ Q 1— O Q_ • <£ O- =_: I— CO O • O (— LU e£ co __: or '!— o u_ o cvj cc •-• o <=t _l 1— —1 -_: o O Li_ O CO <— ^CM ■ — «•"-* LO CM CO CO CO -~„--x I CO LO LO "- »-—» CO CO *— s CM O- >— «•* — C\J CM LO LO .— » CMCOO-a_Q_o_cocOi— 1— cm LO «=£ LU <=C LU s — ^^^_-s — CO <— '30_0_0_D.QLL.QLl_ >C03333QU_QLl._0 I I I I I I I I I I I rrtLfuDNCoaiOr- cmco CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCOCOCO 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — Oi — 1 — O 1 — :nco-3--3--d-«-i--4-!— "-J--4-I— LO «=C Q h- O. «=E O Q CJ) LU h- O- rn CD D_ >—i LU _l Q u_ < Q_ 1— U_ CO O H-. 5- LU O- Q- o I— CC CM CM CM C_) CO .— - < wOOCOCO -—> -—»«"—. 1— < o_ 1— 1 3- I— O •LUcaTcC'CCi — 1 — 1 — CM _C CJ> ' -O * 'LO Q-ea; _ct— ■ o_ co < 3 co «=t 3 — ' Q-00__ll— CD Q CO CD O CO Q • __: cu — 1 o_ co co lu 2: o_ Q-LULU CD Q "=a: CO CO I— LU I— 1 c_L-aLO CJ> I I I I I I I I I I I o <=Ci — CMCO-3-LOVOr^COCr>Or— CM O LU 1— 1— CO CD o LO o en o M O QJ (0 a> -a o 0) c o •H •U CO o M-l •H aj 13 tfl a) PC CN CN a) u 60 'H 170 Table 2-16. Variables in data record No. Variable Format Field positions 1 Time into the day from 00 GMT, sec 2 Corrected latitude 3 Corrected longitude 4 Heading, degrees true 5 Radar altitude, whole meters 6 Pressure altitude, whole meters 7 Pressure altitude, mb and tenths 8 Vortex temperature, °C 9 Rosemount temperature, °C 10 Potential temperature, °K 11 Specific humidity (IRH) , gm/kg 12 Specific humdiity (CSI) , gm/kg 13 Relative humidity, % 14 Liquid water, counts 15 True airspeed, m/sec 16 Ground speed (APN-82) , m/sec 17 Drift angle (APN-82) , deg 18 Memory switch (APN-82) , 1 - operating - on memory 19 Ground speed (APN-153) , mps F4.1 77-80 20 Drift angle (APN-153), deg F4.1 81-84 21 Memory switch (APN-153), II 85 1 - operating - on memory 171 F5.0 1-5 F4.2 6-9 F5.2 10 - 14 F5.2 15 - 19 F5.0 20 - 24 F5.0 25 - 29 F5.1 30 - 34 F5.1 35 - 39 F5.2 40 - 44 F5.2 45 - 49 F3.1 50 - 52 F3.1 53 - 55 F4.1 56 - 59 F4.1 60 - 63 F4.1 64 - 67 F4.1 68 - 71 F4.1 72 - 75 11 76 Table 2-16. Variables in data record (continued) No. Variable Format Field posit] F5.1 86 - 90 F5.1 91 - 95 11 96 F5.1 97 - 101 F5.1 102 - 106 F5.1 107 - Ill F5.1 112 - 116 F4.1 117 - 120 F4.1 121 - 124 F4.1 125 - 128 F4.1 129 - 132 F5.1 133 - 137 F5.1 138 - 142 F5.1 143 - 147 F5.1 148 - 152 F4.2 153 - 156 F5.2 157 - 161 A3 162 - 164 F4.1 165 - 168 F4.1 169 - 172 F4.1 173 - 176 F4.1 177 - 180 22 U wind component (APN-82 or APN-153) , mps 23 V wind component (APN-82 or APN-153), mps 24 Indicator for U and V components (0 = APN-82, 1 = APN-153), mps 25 Wind parallel (APN-82) , mps 26 Wind perpendicular (APN-82) mps 27 Wind parallel (APN-153) , mps 28 Wind perpendicular (APN-153), mps 29 Wind direction (APN-82), deg 30 Wind speed (APN-82), mps 31 Wind direction (APN-153), deg 32 Wind speed (APN-153), mps 33 U wind component (APN-82), mps 34 V wind component (APN-82), mps 35 U wind component (APN-153), mps 36 V wind component (APN-153), mps 37 Absolute humidity (IRH) 38 Dew point (CSI) 39 Corridor indicator 40 True airspeed correction (APN-82) 41 Drift angle correction (APN-82) 42 True airspeed correction (APN-153) 43 Drift angle correction (APN-153) 172 690509B1 . Navigation error within + 0.1 n mi. APN-82 short period on memory around 1800. 690509E1 . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Short period on memory between 1530 and 1533 and at end of flight. Occasional bad radar altitude and D-values . 690510A1 . Navigation error within + 3.2 n mi. Considerable APN-82 memory con- ditions and occasional APN-153 memory conditions. 690511A . Navigation error within + 2.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1161 to 1945 and APN-153 on memory short periods of time. 690511B . Eight navigation errors within + 2.0 to + 4.0 n mi, with maximum differences of 5.6 n mi. Period of Doppler memory between 1234 and 1332. 690511E . Navigation errors within + 1 n mi. Data missing from 1319 to 1335. Last navigation fix before missing data at 1236. 690512A . Navigation error of + 9.6 n mi at 171030. APN-82 on memory during short periods of time during flight. APN-153 on memory near the end of the flight. 690512B . Navigation error of + 6.2 n mi in latitude and +8.6 n mi in longi- tude at 184340. Short periods of memory throughout the flight. 690514A. Navigation error of + 12.8 n mi in longitude at 140820. APN-82 on memory from 1247 to 1320, 1501 to 1533, 1629 to 1645, and 1725 to 1742. 690517A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi except for longitude error of +2.7 n mi at 172254. APN-82 on memory from 1631 to 1654 and 1740 to 1803. 690522A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 2236 to 2248. 690524A . Navigation error within + 1.6 n mi. Data on tape ends at 012330, but navigation log indicates flight over at 014707. APN-82 on memory from 1942 to 2105, 2159 to 2246, and 2346 to 0059, in addi- tion to other short periods during flight. APN-153 on memory from 2007 to 2014, 2038 to 2046, and 2048 to 2056. 690526B . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi except for + 6.2-n-mi difference at 121834. APN-153 on memory short periods of time during flight. APN-153 no good until 140340. 690526E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Occasional memory conditions on Dopplers. Pressure altitude shows erroneous values occasionally. 173 690527A . Navigation good. APN-82 on memory from 1341 to 1430, 1515 to 1533, 1600 to 1628, 1726, to 1804, 2019 to 2101, and 2127 to 2131. 690527B . Navigation within + 1.0 n mi except for an error of + 2.0 n mi at 201515. APN-82 on memory for short periods of time. 690527E . All navigation errors within + 1.5 n mi. No APN-153 winds after 1752. 690529A . Pressure malfunctioned throughout flight. Pressure shows a constant value of 908.5 mb throughout flight. 690601A1 . Navigation error within + 1.5 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1338 to 1500 and APN-153 from 1444 to 1452 and other shorter periods. 690601A2 . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1805 to 1905, 2001 to 2106, and other short periods. APN-153 on memory from 1827 to 1833, 1852 to 1904, 2023 to 2034, and 2057 to 2104. 690601B . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1506 to 1510, 1618 to 1630, 1638 to 1648, 1813 to 1824, and 1850 to 1855. APN-153 shows no memory. 690601E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Occasional instances of Doppler memory. 690602E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Occasional Doppler memory periods . 690603A . Navigation error within + 1.8 n mi. APN-153 shows few memory condi- tions, but APN-82 on memory from 1340 to 1356, 1411 to 1430, 1503 to 1520, 1555 to 1619, 1635 to 1652, 1720 to 1818, and 1845 to 1902. 690603E . Navigation error within + 1.6 n mi. Occasional Doppler memory condition. 690607A . Navigation error within + 10.0 n mi. Sporadic Doppler memory con- ditions throughout flight. 690607B . Navigation error within + 1.5 n mi, except at 194610, with a lati- tude error of + 18.2 n mi and a longitude error of + 41.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory for short periods of time; APN-153 on memory from 1124 to 1134, 1317 to 1337, 1346 to 1415, and 1429 to 1437. A W to NW wind at beginning of flight. 690609A . No winds or navigation after 1400. Flight began at 1007 and ended at 2153. Pressure maintained a constant value throughout flight. 690609B . Navigation error within + 2 n mi except for a + 10.6-n-mi longitude error at 203730. Few short periods of Doppler memory. 174 69Q609E . Navigation error within + 1 n mi except for + 9.8-n-mi longitude error on last position of flight. 690621A . Navigation error within + 1 n mi. APN-153 on memory only occasion- ally; APN-82 on memory from 1904 to 2004 and 2012 to 2106. 690622A . Navigation error less than + 1 n mi except for + 9.8-n-mi error at 1412. APN-153 on memory only occasionally, but APN-82 on memory from 1142 to 1223, 1409 to 1428, and 2025 to 2116. 690622B . Navigation error within + 2.2 n mi, with an error of + 5.2 n mi at 183850. Few Doppler memory conditions. 690622E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Very few Doppler memory condi- tions . 690623A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-153 on memory very few times, but APN-82 on memory from 2324 to 0010. 690623E . Navigation error within + 2.0 n mi with + 3.8-n-mi error at 002246. 690625B . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Very few Doppler memory condi- tions. 690625E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. From 2353 to 0001, winds appear to be above average velocity from the north. Few Doppler memory conditions. 690628A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 winds appear bad from 1529 to 1825, but Doppler not on memory. 690628E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Data on tape end at 201330, while flight ended at 2026. Time jump from 180820 to 183431 due to in-flight tape change. 690629A . APN-82 and APN-153 equipment malfunctioned throughout flight. No navigation data or winds available. Pressure at constant value throughout flight. 690629B . Last longitude in error by + 4.0 n mi. Time 1330 should read 1230. 690629E. Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi except for longitude error of + 9.6 n mi at 1650. No periods of Doppler memory. 690630A . Navigation error within + 2.0 n mi except for + 9.4-n-mi error in latitude and + 10.0-n-mi error in longitude at 2140. APN-82 on memory from 1457 to 1508, 2058 to 2133, and other short periods. 690630B . Navigation error within + 1.6 n mi. A few short periods of Doppler memory conditions. 175 690702A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi with a + 3.2-n-mi error in longi- tude at 200930. APN-82 Doppler memory conditions from 1504 to 1623, 1639 to 1643, 1651 to 1721, and other shorter periods. 690713A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 memory conditions from 1541 to 1619, 1712 to 1726, and 1802 to 1811. APN-153 memory condi- tions from 1700 to 1711, 1742 to 1754, 1854 to 1805, and 1938 to 2011. Bad winds from APN-82 from 2042 to 2114. ■ 690713B . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1338 to 1437, 1508 to 1512, 1525 to 1532, 1652 to 1646, and 1659 to 1710. APN-153 on memory from 1659 to 1713, 1744 to 1818, 1854 to 1906, 1930 to 2011, and other shorter periods. 690713E . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. All equipment shut down at 1551. 690714A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. 690714B . Navigation error within + 2.0 n mi. APN-153 on memory from 1439 to 1448, 1510 to 1525, and 1851 to 1900. APN-82 winds bad last few minutes of flight. 690720A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. Few Doppler memory conditions. Flight data on tape begin at 154652. 690720B . Navigation error within + 1.2 n mi. APN-153 on memory from 1556 to 1613, 1707 to 1716, 1749 to 1804, 1941 to 1949, and 1958 to 2002. 690721E . Navigation error within + 0.6 n mi. Very few Doppler memory condi- tions . 690723A . Navigation error within + 0.6 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1451 to 1554, 1702 to 1831, and 2040 to 2150. APN-153 on memory from 1733 to 1746. 690726A . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-82 on memory from 1336 to 1339, 1344 to 1350, and 1501 to 1509. 690726B . Navigation error within + 1.0 n mi. APN-153 on memory from beginn- ing of flight to 1200, from 1228 to 1352, 1427 to 1445, and 1447 to the end of the flight. APN-82 on memory from 1411 to 1423. 176 2.1.7 RFF Photographic and Radar Data and Archive Format Radar scope photographs taken by RFF aircraft are available for selected days in 35-mm black and white positive film with synchronized time reference appearing on each frame. Data from the following radar scopes are available: APS-20E 10-cm radar PPI scope (RRR DC-6 39C and 40C only). WP-101 5.6-cm radar PPI scope (RFF DC-6 39C and 40C only). RDR-ID 3.2-cm radar RHI presentation (RFF DC-6 39C and 40C only). APS-42A 3.2-cm radar PPI scope (RFF DC-4 82E only). Cloud photographs of cloud systems along the flight tracks of the DC-6 39C and 40C were. taken by: (a) One 16-mm forward-viewing camera time-lapsed to expose 1 frame every 2 sec with time synchronized data chamber appearing on each frame. Record is in Ektochrome color. (b) Two 35-mm side-viewing time-lapsed cameras recording 90° each side of the heading of the aircraft with wide-angle lenses exposing 1 frame every 5 sec. Record is in 35-mm black and white positive film. Synchronized clocks appear on each frame. The archived radar photographs are registered copies of the original film. The original cloud photographs (forward and side-viewing) are stored at the BOMAP Office. Registered copies of the originals will be made upon request. The date, beginning time, and ending time of each reel of 35-mm radar film in table 4-17, section 4.0.0, was read from the film by the BOMAP staff. In some instances, these entries may not appear correct. For example, the time period of the radar data does not coincide with the actual flight time of the aircraft. Such anomalies can be corrected by the user through review of the preceding sections, describing the procedures followed in processing the RFF data, and of the RFF Flight Folder (sec. 2.1.8) and the RFF Photo- graphic Quality Review Log (sec. 2.1.9). 2.1.8 RFF Flight Folder A folder was prepared for each RFF flight, containing a complete history of the day's operation. The following is included in the folder: Detailed Flight Program - RFF-1 Work Form . Lists date and takeoff and landing times; proposed flight patterns and actual flight patterns; takeoff data from aircraft for comparison with meteorological ground observation; and remarks pertinent to the mission. Flight Information - RFF-2 Work Form . Contains navigation information and Event Light assignments; and crew list. 177 Flight Data - RFF-3 Work Form . Equipment log for meteorological and photo- graphic equipment; recorder operations log; and dropsonde data. Digital Station Log - RFF-4 Work Form . Contains camera operation log; digi- tal operation; inventory of data outputs; and remarks on interruptions, power outages, etc. Radar Station Log - RFF-5 Work Form . Log of the operation of all radar equipment and operation, with pertinent remarks. RFF Time Check Form . Log of data chamber and clock times from radar and cloud cameras versus digital time from digital recorder with corrections for synchronization with total data package. Electronic Status and Meteorological Systems In-Flight Data Log . Lists electronic outages and malfunctions at beginning, during, and at end of flight. Event Log . A chronological log kept by the flight meteorologist, reporting mission progress and the time of significant events. (Useful in locating specific information on the NNV tape for programming or special interest.) Navigation Log . A record of the aircraft position with a Doppler correction record for updating the Doppler to true position. (The corrections have been incorporated into the NNV tape.) The RFF Flight Folders are archived on 35-mm microfilm. It is important for any user to review these folders when evaluating data from a mission. Each sheet has a flight (mission) ID number somewhere near the top of the page, as shown in the following example: where 90502A, 9 - CY 1969 05 = May (06 for June; 07 for July) 02 = Day of month (May 2) A = DC-6 39C (B for DC-6 40C; E for DC-4 82E) 178 2.1.9 RFF Photographic Quality Review Log Following the field phase of BOMEX, RFF personnel reviewed all cloud, photopanel, and radar film acquired aboard the RFF aircraft. These log sheets indicate the quality of the processed film, any discrepancies found, and corrections of discrepancies for each mission flown during May and June. The log sheets are archived on 35-mm microfilm and should be used in conjunction with the appropriate RFF Flight Folder (see sec. 2.1.8). The Quality Review Log sheets are arranged in chronological order. Each mis- sion is identified in accordance with the following example: where 90504APP, 9 = CY 1969 05 = May (06 for June; 07 for July) 04 = Day of month (May 4) A = DC-6 39C (B for DC-6 40C; E for DC-4 82E) PP = Photo panel (F for nose camera; R for right- side camera; L for left-side camera). 179 2.2.0 NAVY AND AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT DATA Weather reconnaissance data obtained by the Navy WC-121 and the Air Force WB-47, RB-57, and WC-130 were recorded on the BOMEX RECCO Code (Aerial Meteor- ological Reconnaissance Reporting Code) Form. Radar scope photographs were taken by the Navy WC-121 aircraft and the Air Force WB-47 aircraft, and drop- sonde data were obtained by the Air Force WC-130. 2.2.1 RECCO Data The RECCO Code form, shown in figure 2-3, was hand-tabulated by the flight crews aboard all the Navy and Air Force aircraft. These forms were forwarded to the BOMAP Office, where they were transcribed on regular coding forms, on which the original 71 columns from RECCO were preserved in- tact, and only columns 72 through 80 were redesignated, as follows: Columns 72, 73, and 74 . Sea surface temperature (degrees, tenths of °C) . Column 75 . Pressure indicator. If columns 34 through 36 on RECCO showed pressure in millibars, code 1 was entered in column 75 on the transcription form. Column 76 . Altitude indicator. Group 9xxx9 at the top of the page indicated the number to be entered. For example, 97779 was coded as 7 in column 76 of the transcription form. Column 77 . Aircraft identifier: Code 3 for Navy A/C 141323; 6 for Navy A/C 137896; 8 for Navy A/C 143198; 1 for earlier or only Air Force flight for that day; and 2 for second Air Force flight for that day. Columns 78, 79, and 80 . Date, e.g., 522 for May 22. The notes referred to by number at the bottom of the form, which served as guides in encoding tha data are listed below. The tables referred to just below the column head on the form, which were also used in the encoding, are shown in figure 2-4. Notes 9. GGgg and Y - The time the aircraft is on the vertical axis of the obser- vation cylinder is reported for "GGgg." All elements are observed, inso- far as practicable, when the aircraft is at the point of observation or in proximity thereto. The actual time of observation is the time at which the observing of all elements is completed. All times (GGgg) and the day of the week (Y) are given in Greenwich Mean Time. The day report- ed for Y is the day on which the observation is taken and NOT the day on which it is transmitted. 180 ao ■ 1 r^- *) ^ o* m # 5 U a EQ •X * ^ n 5" CO M n -o CN ^** S, N 1> ^ ^"^^^ rtSo< o-J f /!~~--i a «■) ~ ^^ ""^r^^^r ■sZf/O^Zlf u, N /.T^^s^ '''Ofc^^^r^^^r^i "- ^ o o >o CN u-i CO CN >o s ^^^°'v .^\/° '• • *S^ ^^^^ J fir. *\ 9 to ^"^^- I X ■*T 1 m CM » O*^^'*'^^^** V ro 9 to ^^"^ X X -c ^ rs 1 CO cn u-> w P3 X X ^J CM 1 § i u ro z" z z cn J CN X X X O -. P E O o i O co CO rv = O = uO CM -o •u CO iO o -o K Nl ^ '*" ''It, %Oll -c -C -C CO — - O CM •5 o - O o ''•I**. ^~^^r^*>^"« , '■■-'.'' > o ^t p *77 s N Sfc °0 > n o ^^V s CN u-> » o o o : ' ■■;!::: . J CO •< 1- Ul u o X 1 J 8 a a < o 0) -a o U o o u CO I CM 0) 60 •H fa 181 10. L a L a L a and L L L - The latitude and longitude of the point, at which the flight level observation is made, are reported for "L a L a L a " and "L L L ," respectively. Tenths of a degree are obtained by dividing the number of minutes by 6, disregarding the remainder. The hundreds digit is omitted from longitudes 100° to 180°, inclusive. 12. f ' - The average flight condition existing during the time required to make the flight level observation is reported for "f^." 13. hhh - The true altitude of the aircraft at the time of the flight level observation is reported to the nearest 100-ft or 30-m level (e.g., when the aircraft is 50 ft or more above a 100-ft level, the next higher level is reported for "hhh") . 14. dt - When code figure 9 is reported, the distance over which the wind is averaged is added at the end of the message in plain language. 15. d a and ddfff - When code figure 8 is reported for "d a ," five solidi (i.e., /////) are reported for the "ddfff" group. The complete specifi- cations for d (see table 8, fig. 2-4) are: a. 90% to 100% reliable. Multiple drift with closed wind star, or small open star when winds are 50 kt or greater. Short radar wind runs. 75% to 100% reliable. Multiple drift with small open star or double drift or single drift with average ground speed by timing. Short radar run. 80% to 100% reliable. Fix-to-fix winds using the following pin-point visual fixes, radar fixes or accurate Loran fixes using good ground waves. 75% to 90% reliable. Fix-to-fix winds using two or three lines of positions (LOPs), either Loran, celestial, radio or sight bearings, or any combination of the above three when all lines of position are considered reliable. 60% to 80% reliable. Winds obtained using single drift and single LOP (speed line), air plot, etc. 50% to 75% reliable. Fix-to-fix winds using two or three lines of position, either Loran, celestial, radio or sight bearings, or any combination of the above three when one of the lines is not considered reliable. Less than 50% reliable. Winds obtained by any of the above methods which the navigator believes to be inaccurate or of questionable accuracy.. 182 7 No reliability. Assumed or estimated winds. 8 No wind. Navigator unable to determine a wind. 9 Not used. 16. TT - Free-air temperature (corrected for calibration, installation, and dynamic heating effects) at flight level (hhh) at the time of observa- tion is reported for "TT" to the nearest whole degree Celsius. When the temperature is below zero, 50 is added to the absolute value of the temperature and the sum is reported for "TT." The hundreds figure, if any, resulting from this addition is disregarded. 17. T^T^ - When the wet-bulb temperature is below -35°C, "//" is reported for "TdTd." Dew point is used to indicate the moisture content of the air in United States RECCO reports (see note 16) . 18. w - The specification most descriptive of the weather existing at the time of observation is reported for "w." Code figure 2 is reported when the total amount of cloud above or below the aircraft is 7/8 or more. 19. m - The information which best amplifies the present weather reported for "w" is reported for "m." 20. lk n NxN2N3 - If data on more than three layers of cloud are reported, a second lk n N]^N2N3 group plus the required number of ChhHH groups are inserted in the message following the last of the first three ChhHH groups. The additional number of layers (i.e., exclusive of the first three layers) being reported is given for "k n " in the second lk n N^N2N3 group. The coverage of the additional cloud layers is reported for N]_, N2, and N3 in the second group, as required. When no clouds exist, the lk n NiN2N3 and ChhHH groups are omitted from the message. 21. k n - When clouds are present in indefinite layers (chaotic sky), code figure 9 is reported for "k^." If it is impossible to determine that clouds exist (due to darkness or for other reasons) a "/" is reported for "k n ." When a cloud layer is present but data on the type, the ex- tent of coverage, and altitude can not be observed, "/'s" are reported for N, C, hh, and HH, as appropriate; however, the layer will be in- cluded in the number of layers reported for "k n " (see note 22) . 22. N]_, N2, N3 - The amount of cloud reported for N]_, N2, etc., is the amount in the individual layer as though no other clouds were present; i.e., the summation concept is not used. The cloud layers are reported in the message in ascending order according to altitude of the base. When code figure 9 is reported for "k n ," the value reported for "N^" is the total amount of cloud coverage present and "//" is reported for "N2N3." When a "/" is reported for '%," "999" is reported for "N^N^" (see note 21) . 183 23. ChhHH - This group is included in the message for each layer of clouds reported by "k^ 1 and described by N]_, N2, etc. 24. C - The type of cloud predominating in the layer is reported as "C." 25. hh and HHH - The average altitude of both the base and top of the cloud layer reported for "C" is reported for "hh" and "HH," respectively. 26. 4ddff and 5DFSD^ - Surface data are reported in this group. Surface wind data are included in each low-level report. Either or both of the groups may be included in the message if required. 27. dd - The estimated direction (true) from which the surface wind is blowing is reported for "dd" (see note 28) . 28. ff - The estimated speed of the surface wind is reported for "ff." In the range of 100-199 kt, inclusive, the hundreds figure is omitted and the tens and the units values are reported for "ff" and 50 is added to the value normally reported for "dd." For speeds in excess of 199 kt, "//" is reported for "ff" and the actual speed is reported in plain language at the end of the message. 29. D - The estimated direction (true) from which the surface wind is blowing is reported for "D." 30. F - The estimated force of the surface wind is reported. When the speed exceeds Force 9, code figure 9 is reported for "F" and a plain-language remark is added at the end of the flight level portion of the message giving the actual Beaufort Force as "GALE TEN," "STORM ELEVEN," or "HURRICANE TWELVE." 31. Djr - The true direction FROM which the swell is moving is reported for "Dk-" Code figure is reported for "no swell" and code figure 9 is reported to indicate "confused" swell. When the waves are from several directions, the direction from which the wave of longest period is trav- traveling is reported. 32. 6W S S S W C D W - Two 6-groups may be included in the message to report two significant weather changes, and/or two weather phenomena off course, or two combinations thereof. 33. W s - Significant weather changes which have occurred since the last observation, or in the preceding hour (whichever period is shorter) along the track of the aircraft are reported for "W s ." 34. S s - The distance from the present position back to the location of the significant weather change (W g ) is reported for "S s ." 35. W_ - Any off-course weather condition of importance which is not included or implied in the specification reported for present weather, will be reported for "W c ." The information reported for "W c " supplements the present weather (w) (see notes 2, 18, 54, and 55). 184 Table 2 u °C, No humidity report 1 °C, Relative humidity 2 °C. , Diff. between dry bulb and wet bulb temp. 3 °C. , Diff. between dry bulb and dew point temp. 4 °C. , Dew point Table 3 1 Sunday 2 Monday ! 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday Table 4 0° - 90°W~> 1 90° - 180°W / North 2 180° - 90°E j Lati- 3 90° - 0°E J tude 4 5 0° - 90°W> | 6 90° - 180°W / South 7 180° - 90°E Lati- 8 90° - 0°E J tude Table 6 f c Total amount of cloud less than 1/8 1 Total cloud amount at least 1/8, with either 1/8 - 4/8 above or 1/8 - 4/8 below, or combinations thereof 2 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and 0-4/8 below 3 Cloud amount - 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below 4 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below 5 Chaotic sky - many undefined layers 6 In and out of clouds, on instruments 25% of time 7 In and out of clouds, on instruments 50% of time 8 In and out of clouds, on instruments 75% of time 9 In clouds all of the time, continuous instrument flight / Impossible to determine due to darkness Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding. 185 Table 7 Spot wind 1 Winds averaged 2 Winds averaged 3 Winds averaged 4 Winds averaged 5 Winds averaged 6 Winds averaged 7 Winds averaged 8 Winds averaged 9 Winds averaged over 100 naut . over 200 naut . over 300 naut. over 400 naut. over 100 naut . over 200 naut. over 300 naut . over 400 naut. over more than miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last miles preceding last 400 nautical miles fix > Last fix fix ( 25 naut. miles fix | prior to this fix J position fix"^ Last fix fix ( 75 naut. miles fix f prior to this fixj position Table 8: d a 90% to 100% reliable 1 75% to 100% reliable 2 80% to 100% reliable 3 75% to 90% reliable 4 60% to 80% reliable 5 50% to 75% reliable 6 Less than 50% reliable 7 No reld .ability 8 No wind 9 Not use :d (see note 15) Table 9 Clear (no cloud at any level) 1 Partly cloudy (scattered or broken) 2 Continuous layer(s) of cloud(s) 3 Sandstorm, duststorm, or storm of drifting snow 4 Fog, thick dust, or haze 5 Drizzle 6 Rain 7 Snow or rain and snow mixed 8 Shower(s) 9 Thunderstorm (s) Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding (continued) . 186 Table 10 m No remarks 1 Light intermittent 2 Light continuous 3 Moderate intermittent 4 Moderate continuous 5 Heavy intermittent 6 Heavy continuous 7 With rain 8 With snow 9 With hail Table 11 Surface pressure in whole millibars, 6 Altitude of 200 mb surface in thousands figure omitted decametres or tens of feet 1 Altitude of 1,000 mb surface : Ln deca- 7 Altitude of 100 mb surface in metres or tens of feet; if nega- decametres or tens of feet tive add 500 8 True altitude (radio altimeter or 2 Altitude of 850 mb surface in deca- other method) minus pressure metres or tens of feet; if nega- altitude (set at 1,013 mb) in tive add 500 tens of feet; if negative add 3 Altitude of 700 mb surface in deca- 500 to absolute value (e.g. -- metres or tens of feet (minus) 100 is reported as 600) 4 Altitude of 500 mb surface in deca- 9 Altimeter sub-scale reading in metres or tens of feet whole millibars, thousands 5 Altitude metres of 300 mb surface in or tens of feet deca- figure omitted Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on KECCO Code form that were used in encoding (continued) . 187 Table 12: N, , N 9 , N. Table 13: C Zero Zero 1 1/10 or less, but not zero 1 Okta or less, but not zero 2 2/10 and 3/10 2 Oktas 3 4/10 3 Oktas 4 5/10 4 Oktas 5 6/10 5 Oktas 6 7/10 and 8/10 6 Oktas 7 9/10 or more, but not 10/10 7 Oktas or more, but not 8 Oktas 8 10/10 8 Oktas 9 Sky obscured, or cloud amount •oannot be estimated Cirrus (Ci) 1 Cirrocumulus (Cc) 2 Cirrostratus (Cs) 3 Altocumulus (Ac) 4 Altostratus (As) 5 Nimbostratus (Ns) 6 Stratocumulus (Sc) 7 Stratus (St) or Fractostratus (Fs) 8 Cumulus (Cu) or Fractocumulus (Fc) 9 Cumulonimbus (Cb) / Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Table 14: hh, HH, h^, H^ 00 Less than 100 ft : (30 m) 57 7,000 i Et (2,100 m) 01 100 ft (30 m) etc . 02 200 ft (60 m) 78 28,000 ft (8.400 m) 03 300 ft (90 m) 79 29,000 ft (8.700 m) 04 400 ft (120 m) 80 30,000 ft (9,000 m) 05 500 ft (150 m) 81 35,000 ft (10,500 m) etc • 82 40,000 ft (12,000 m) 49 4,900 ft (1,470 m) etc . 50 5,000 ft (1,500 m) 87 65,000 ft (19,500 m) 51 Not specified 88 70,000 ft (21,000 m) etc • 89 Above 70,000 ft 1 55 Not specified (21,000 m) 56 6,000 ft (1,800 m) // Unknown Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding (continued) . 188 Table 15: D, D„, D r- K. W Table 16 Calm or stationary (or at the station) 1 NE 2 E 3 SE 4 S 5 SW 6 W 7 NW 8 N 9 All directions, no definite direction, or unknown, or no report — — — — — Calm 1 1 - 3 knots 2 4 - 6 knots 3 7 - 10 knots 4 11 - 16 knots 5 17 - 21 knots 6 22 - 27 knots 7 28 - 33 knots 8 34 - 40 knots 9 41 - 47 knots or over* *S ee No1 :e 30 Table 17 Table 18: W Calm (glassy) 1 Calm (rippled) ( o - 1 ft ) 2 Smooth (wavelets 0(1- 2 ft ) 3 Slight ( 2 - 4 ft ) 4 Moderate ( 4 - 8 ft ) 5 Rough ( 8 - 13 -ft ) 6 Very rough (13 - 20 ft ) 7 High (20 - 30 ft ) 8 Very high (30 - 45 ft ) 9 Phenomenal* (Over 45 ft ) *As might exist at the center of a hurricane s No change 1 Marked wind shift 2 Marked turbulence begins or ends 3 Marked temperature change (not with altitude) 4 Precipitation begins or ends 5 Change in cloud forms 6 Fog bank begins or ends 7 Warm front 8 Cold front 9 Front, type not specified Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding (continued) . 189 Table 19: S , S, , S s b e No report 1 Reported at previous position 2 Occurring at present position 3 20 nautical miles 4 40 nautical miles 5 60 nautical miles 6 80 nautical miles 7 100 nautical miles 8 150 nautical miles 9 More than 150 nautical miles Table 20 c No report 1 Signs of hurricane 2 Ugly, threatening sky 3 Duststorm or sandstorm 4 Fog or ice fog 5 Waterspout 6 Cs cloud shield or bank 7 As or Ac cloud shield or bank 8 Line of heavy cumulus 9 Cb heads or thunderstorms Figure 2-4. Tables referred to on RECCO Code form that were used in encoding (continued) 190 36. Dw - Code figure 9 indicates "in all directions." 44. 8d r d r S r e 8w e a e c e i e - When radar data are observed, both the 8-groups shall be included in the report. The 8-groups may be repeated as often as necessary to report essential data. 54. Plain-language remarks may be added at the end of the message to supple- ment the coded data or to supply additional information of importance not provided for in the code. For example: Time of occurrence of sig- nificant weather (W ), past weather, etc. 55. If information on past weather is added as a plain-language remark, the most significant weather encountered since the last report, or in the last hour, whichever period of time is shorter, shall be described by the remark. RECCO Data Processing After the transcription sheets had been completed, cards were punched and verified. The data were then checked for the following gross errors: 1. Missing time or date; time ± 2369 and date >^ 501, <_ 731. 2. Latitude must be between 0.0° and 20.0°, longitude between 45.0° and 68.0°. 3. Flight condition must be from through 9. 4. Wind directions between 00 through 36 and wind directions of 99 are good; wind speed j< 100 kt. 5. Temperature and dew point were checked for positive values between 00.0 through 30.0 and for negative values >_ 50.0. Sea temperature was checked for values between 20.0 through 35.0. 6. Altitude indicator must be 1, 2, 6, or 7; with an altitude indicator = 2 or 7, the value of altitude must be 2 and 999 decameters, respec- tively. With altitude indicator = 1 or 6 and aircraft indicator = 1 or 2, altitude must be between to 60,000 ft; with an altitude indi- cator = 1 or 6 and aircraft = 3, 5, 6, or 8, altitude must be between to 10,500 ft. 7. Humidity indicator must be between through 4. 8. Day of the week must be between 1 through 7. 9. Octant must equal only. 10. Pressure field checked for the first 32 files on tape. If pressure indicator = 1, pressure field must lie between >^ 700 and _< 999. If pressure indicator = 2, pressure field is pressure altitude >^ 350. 191 11. Clouds were checked for continuity. Layers should ascend, i.e., no third layer unless second layer present, and no second layer unless a first layer present. Height of the top of cloud should be greater than height of bottom. 12. Surf ace- wind direction and force were checked against sea state and direction of swell for inconsistencies. > Approximately 150 to 200 observations were corrected. When an error was found, the original recording form was checked for error or data transposition between columns. A correction was made only if the inserted data could be proven correct by the BOMAP staff. If the correction could not be proven, the standard "no report" or "missing data" descriptors were used. Characteristics of Navy and Air Force Data To Be Considered Before Use in Analysis Although the RECCO data were checked for gross errors, as described in the preceding section, many errors of various types may have been over- looked. The user must be prepared to test the data quality thoroughly before use in scientific analysis . The user should also note the following: 1. The date (characters 78-90) on Navy WC-121-896 RECCO flight from 1615 to 0030 GMT on 7/22/69 does not change to 7/23/69 at 0000 GMT. 2. The observations between 1452 and 1534 on Air Force WC-130- 495 RECCO flight from 1400 to 2230 on 7/17/69 were written out of order. 3. The nominal frequencies of RECCO observations reported by the Navy and Air Force flight crews were: Navy WC-121 - Observations vary from one every 5 to 10 min in flight. Air Force WC-130 - Observations vary from one every 10 to 20 min in flight. Air Force WB-47 - Observations vary from one every 10 to 25 min in flight. Air Force RB-57 - Observations vary from one every 15 to 45 min in flight. Navy and Air Force RECCO Data Archive Magnetic Tape Format Approximately 6,000 RECCO data card images were written on the mag- netic tape. The tape begins with a BCD (alpha numeric) tape identification, "ORIGINAL Hand-Tabulated BOMEX RECCO Data, Phases 1-4," followed by a physical end-of-file mark. Immediately following the end-of-file mark are 119 RECCO data files. One or more RECCO missions by one aircraft type (WC-121, WC-130, 192 WB-47, or RB-57) can be found within one data fiie. Missions flown by dif- ferent aircraft types are never mixed within one file. All Navy RECCO data in chronological order by flight are first, followed by the Air Force WC-130, WB-47, and RB-57, in that order. The files are separated by an end-of-file mark, with two end-of-file marks following the last data file on tape. Con- tained within one data file are a variable number of records. Each record consists of 20 observations of 25 words per observation, with a 9999 written in the time word for the last record of a file and 9998 written in the time word for the last record in the last file on tape. Short records are filled with blanks (-0) . Table 2-17 is an example of the archive format for one observation. The tables referred to in the "Code reference" column are the tables shown in figure 2-4, section 2.2.1. Table 2-18 describes the contents of the archive magnetic tape. 2.2.2 Navy WC-121 Aircraft Radar Photographs and Archive Format Radar photographs were taken from the NAVY WC-121 aircraft by an APS-20 radar (frequency, 2,800 MHz) having the characteristics shown in table 2-19 . Calibration readings at the beginning of each flight were: mean peak power, 59.94 dB; sensitivity, 110.34 dBm. The scope had no range rings and no azimuth scale. A variable ring existed, however, which was maintained at 50 n mi, except where otherwise stated. The black line on the tube face pointed true north, while the electronic heading marker showed the bearing of the aircraft and could be used as a variable azimuth marker by switching the scope to "CURSOR" operation. A radar camera with a magazine containing Plus X negative film was used. The camera rate was every four scans throughout most of the flights, except during "range series," explained below, which were taken at a rate of one photograph every two scans. After 1710 local time, the rate was switched to one every 12 scans, since little activity remained. The camera shutter opened only for 1/500 of a second, which would make the photograph dependent on scope persistence only. In order to verify the scale of the presentation, a series of photographs were taken periodically, in which the range ring was moved out progressively from 25 n mi, at 25-n-mi intervals, to the maximum range of 200 n mi, at which the marker should not appear on the photograph at all, because it was barely visible at the edge of the scope. These "range series" were taken at the following local times: 1255; 1335; 1410 (first on 100-n-mi range, then on 200-n-mi range; several frames taken between the two with the marker at 100 n mi); 1453; 1550; 1620 (after an irregular series at 50-n-mi range with ring at 25, 35, 10, 20, 40, and again at 25 n mi); and 1900 (starting at 50 n mi because of sea clutter).* *To convert local time to GMT, add 3 hours and 55 min. 193 To illustrate the manner in which the crew made observations for taking radar photographs, the following single written description of one mission (July 21, 1969) is cited. "A band of small, disorganized echoes, about 100 n mi wide, extending through radar scope S of Barbados, with an orientation of about 290° - 70°. The aircraft crossed it southward after takeoff and flew along its southern edge until about 1330. "At 1241 a line of larger and more organized echoes was observed, at 150 to 200 n mi, SW, oriented 310° - 130° (over the coast of Venezuela). "Towards 1300 a line of strong and large echoes is in view, located between 11.0°N, 55.8°W, and 9.5°N, 55.4°W. Oriented 345° - 165°. "Another echo area has an edge extending from 10°N, 56.5°W, to 6°N, 52.8°W. It consists mostly of small echoes, but contains a few 20-n-mi echoes. Although some showers are visible through the window both from this and the previous (more intense) line, none of them seems to contain large visible clouds. Isolated echoes appear N of this line. "After 1500, it is observed that the echo formations curve towards the E. A line of moderately strong echoes is observed at 1526, centered at 6.5°N and 51.5°W, about 80 n mi long and oriented E-W. "Another echo line, again oriented NW-SE, extends from 9.0°N, 52.0°W southeastward, through 7.2°N, 48.8°W. It contains only small echoes and is about 50 n mi wide. Aircraft crosses it between about 1620 and 1635. "Widely scattered and small echoes still appear here and there, but or- ganized activity no longer visible, until aircraft turns W towards Barbados. "At about 1850, it is possible to define an edge, oriented N-S, lying at 53.3°W across our path, to an area of small echoes, which apparently extends from about 12°N to about 15°N. As we fly home along 13°N, they seem to pre- vail N of us, and are visible in all directions until arrival in Barbados." The archived WC-121 aircraft radar photographs are registered copies of the original film. All dates', beginning times, and ending times for each reel of 35-mm film in table 4-17, section 4.0.0, are as read from the film by the BOMAP staff. In some instances, these entries may not appear correct, e.g., the time period of radar data does not coincide with the in- flight period of the aircraft. These anomalies can usually be corrected by constraining the radar data to fit the appropriate flight period in the Navy WC-121 RECCO data, described in section 2.2.0, and correlating with the meteorological conditions encountered and reported in the RECCO data. 194 CO o m cu > ■H •s CO CO 4J CO o u u CM 0) rH ■a CU u C cu 0) 4-1 CU U 0) O U 4-1 CO 6 u o Pn o o o o o O o o o ^H H o Pm co Pm en Pn co pt< rH pK co Pn CM PH CM Pn CO PE4 en Pn CO pti CM Pn cO Q T3 M o 3 CN CN CN CM CN CN i 1 1 CN CM 1 CN 1 CM 1 CN 1 CM # . . • . . C>0 00 00 00 00 00 ■r-( -H •H •H •H •H M-l 4-1 4-1 4-1 •4-1 m •> ft * #■. n „ CM CO X> X hJ rJ XI X X X CO CO CO cfl o CO Xi CO CO T3 H H H hJ rJ H X H H T) 4-1 CM CM | 1 CN CN • 00 00 -H •H 4-1 <4H »v - O Cy> rH 01 01 H H rH rH • • X X> H H CO CO H H H H o H CO CJ •H c •H CU X O rH 00 CU -H 6 @ •H 3 44 01 0) 4-1 & o 4-1 4-1 o c CO >^ 4-1 CO o Q O J-l CU £ 4J CO 0) 3 X) G 4-1 co •H 3 C S CU o >-i CO ■H 4-1 d CU CU H o o x: V4 •H -a •H 4-j a T3 d to 4-1 0) CO fi •H 4-1 U T3 S-4 0J 3 0) O 5 •H CU » 0) •H •i-l 0) CU r-4 CU XI r-1 Pn < H PS |3 & H Q CX ftf CO co 195 0) a C 0) r< 0) MH 0> r4 0) xj o CJ CM I CN M •H rH 01 rH CO H CN I 60 •H i4H CN crj H CN i CN CN 1 CN 1 CN 1 CN 60 •H >4H (JO •r-l <4H 00 •H ■4H CO o- vt 0)0)0) iH rH rH X XI X cO cO CO H H H 00 s~\ CN r-i • «s CN r^ • CN CN *t . ^D CJ CN 01 CO CO CD 0> •u o> CN CN ^> CN CN iH • • • CN 50 00 • •H -H CN <+-l 4-1 . * #> CJ m vo vO CD rH rH CN CO CU CU 0) cu rH rH ■u 0) hO rO O CO XI <4H O CO CO Cd IS ^ x> <+-i Jz; ^ H H XJ CU 3 c •H •U c o CJ 4J CO CO 6 j-i o fa o H fa Cu Cu m fa m fa CO fa 0) > ■H ■s H CO CO ■u CO X O CJ CJ I CN ■8 CO Q r-s CO !_i H CN CN rH rH rH 4J O CO 4-1 X CO a XI 3 33 ^ •H •H CU 3 S X) 3 O 4J •H rH CN ro r4 0) 3 •iH O o CO o CJ •H 4J 4-J a, u M u rJ 4-J CO 5 CJ CU X 3 01 0) CD CU CO 14H CU CJ oo 3 O >, >, >> >> CD CJ u CD r4 r4 3 CO M CO cO CO CO CO a •H 3 CJ J-4 •H O •H MrH rH rH rH CO o X CO CO O XI MH 3 0) CU x> 4J <-\ rH 3 <4H •U •H x 4-1 XI 4-1 4J 4J Cu CJ CJ •H •4H S-l cO X) X) CO 3 3 3 3 C 3 >%MH <4H O 3 o 3 3 4-J 4-1 3 O 3 3 3 4-1 o o CO CO D4 CO •H •H «H M •H O rH O O O CO cO 3 3 X S 5 OJ 4-1 6 a £ X CD 01 O O <+4 3 a H CO CO c3 CO 3 X T3 0) 0) U •H o •H CU CU CO m O 3 3 i e 00 4-> o o X ^•- X o -a X -a rH 4J 4-1 cO CO CJ X3 o« CO CO 0) 3 3 3 3 CJ •H •H CO 10 CJ CD CD 3 MH MH X 33 O . O O O 4-1 4-1 fa U CD O u u C rH o rH rH rH rH rH <-i CN en CO •H a U 3 3 H 33 CJ 55 CJ CJ CJ CJ <3 < CJ CJ > n CO CJ CO CO X 1-1 o en m o oo CTi 196 o c 1-1 o oo 00 60 •H -H 0) •H «H •H »H IH IH O 4-i n-i 4-1 4-1 (0 •« « v — ' •I •* M « r- m 00 ON o m r-H r-1 VO .-1 r-t CM i-H CO /•s 01 Ol r-1 0) Ol 0> 01 HH 01 • r-H iH rH r-H -S -fi ti CM JO ^3 JO JO (0 ID O • CO CO CO CO H H 2 CM H H H H 4-1 CO B )-i o fa fa H O o o o ro rH .-1 H ro fa fa fa fa fa I CM ■8 CO •u CO Q Ol 0) u C <-> 0) 3 •H C CO 4-1 0) M cfl CO iH 0) )-i o» 3 u ^ 1-1 l-l 0) iH 00 l-i CO O o> o o o CO 0) C 3 u CJ (X 4-1 4-1 4-1 s M (0 U 3 e CO CO cO 4-1 CO O X o o 4-1 0) CJ CJ o 4-) O O U 4-1 4-1 •H •H •H 4-4 CO O TJ Tj T3 01 O O 4-1 4-1 4-t OJ C c c 4-1 •H C o 4-4 £^ a •H •H •H co c T3 CO O [5 cO 4J o C U OJ 4-1 QJ Ol 4J (0 *H •H •H O J-i 00 V-i 5-i -a 4-( 4-1 4-1 C 0) C 3 3 3 cO U CJ Cu •H CO J2 •H CO CO 4-1 )-i CO OJ 3 a -m 4-> r4 CO •H a OJ H H O 60 to CO CO CO 0> 4-1 u 4-1 3S *h >-i •i-l -H 0) 0> 0) >-< i-H •H CO < O o co O D£ pa CO fa <5 <* a O 9 o CM CM CM CO CM CM 197 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file Date Aircraft 1969 tail No. May 3-4 WC-121-896 4-5 " -323 9 " -198 9 " -896 10 - 11 " -198 11 - 12 " -896 12 - 13 " -198 26 " -896 26 - 27 " -896 27 - 28 " -896 31 - 6/1 " -896 June 1-2 " -896 3 " -896 3-4 " -896 7 " -896 7 " -198 9 " -896 9 " -198 Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. 2240 - 0710 1 2247 - 0853 2 1420 - 1935 3 1520 - 1925 4 2313 - 0811 5 2245 - 0914 6 2240 - 0758 7 0207 - 0835 8 2353 - 0846 9 2300 - 0708 10 2324 _ 0820 11 2359 - 0831 0001 - 0856 2350 - 0806 1215 - 1910 1055 - 2045 1035 - 2030 1035 - 2025 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 198 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date Aircraft 1969 tail No. June 22 WC-121-323 22 " -198 23 - 24 " -198 25 - 26 " -323 29 " -323 29 " -198 30 " -198 30 " -323 July 14 " -323 17 11 -323 19 - 20 " -896 21 " -896 22 - 23 » -896 26 " -896 May 1 WC-130-496 3 " -492 3 " -496 4 " -493 4 M -496 Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) 1055 - 2155 1056 - 2200 2250 - 0945 2237 - 0940 1032 - 2045 1040 - 2040 1145 - 2140 1145 - 2146 Physical data file No. 1400 - - 2300 1345 - - 2300 1345 - - 0000 1340 - - 17 58 1615 - - 0030 1015 ■ - 2025 1242 - - 1410 1139 - - 1827 0131 - - 0544 1210 - - 1917 0136 ■ - 0552 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 33 33 33 199 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. May 5 5 6 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 25 26 26 27 27 28 WC-130-495 -496 -494 -495 -496 -495 -494 -493 -495 -493 -494 -496 -493 -494 1245 0122 1138 1137 1217 1225 1136 0120 1131 0130 1139 0234 1134 1200 1211 1422 0122 1319 0119 1319 0118 1943 0542 1826 1530 1840 1833 1833 0528 1826 0539 1832 0638 1842 1530 1830 1820 0524 1721 0525 1714 0523 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 200 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. May 28 28 31 June 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 8 8 9 9 WC-130 -496 -493 -492 -494 -495 -493 -495 -495 1200 - 1530 1328 - 1719 1325 - 1720 0133 1318 0116 1317 0122 1321 0115 1317 1315 0119 1327 0122 1313 0541 1723 0522 1724 0529 1725 0518 1640 1718 0525 1748 0530 1717 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 201 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) 0117 - 0526 1233 - 1853 0115 - 0521 1123 - 1826 0114 - 0600 1126 - 1215 0115 - 0551 1128 - 1825 0120 - 0555 1130 - 1824 0057 - 0555 1201 - 1530 1141 - 1223 1140 - 1858 0157 - 0643 1200 - 1904 0116 - 0557 1052 _ 1828 Physical data file No. June 10 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 28 29 29 30 30 July 1 1 3 WC-130-494 -492 -493 -496 -496 -492 -496 -495 -494 -496 -495 -493 -496 -493 -496 -493 -496 -494 -493 -496 0144 - 0634 1125 - 1827 1921 - 2319 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 202 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. July 13 14 17 19 22 23 26 27 28 WC- 130-495 " -495 " -495 " -495 " -495 " -495 " -495 " -495 " -495 1415 1415 1400 1345 1400 1400 1145 1430 1500 2100 2100 2230 2300 2015 2015 1715 2015 1550 42 42 43 44 45 45 45 45 45 May 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 WB -47-412 -021 -412 -058 -412 -021 -412 -218 -058 -412 1402 - 1726 1400 - 1654 1256 - 1619 1349 - 1647 1247 - 1608 1347 - 1650 1414 - 1741 1407 - 1656 1255 - 1628 1256 - 1631 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 203 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. May 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 24 25 27 28 30 31 June 1 2 3 4 WB- 47- 1341 - 1638 -058 1347 - 1641 -021 1253 - 1629 -412 1347 - 1644 -218 1254 - 1616 -021 1347 - 1647 -058 1255 - 1627 -021 1257 - 1626 -046 1259 - 1623 -412 1345 - 1638 -021 1243 - 1557 -058 1247 - 1612 -058 1303 - 1626 -046 1257 - 1626 -412 1249 - 1621 ' -058 1300 - 1624 -412 1254 - 1626 -412 1253 - 1618 -412 1254 - 1626 ' -021 1254 - 1620 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 204 Table 2-18. Contents, of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end time of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. June 6 7 8 9 10 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 28 28 29 29 WB-47-412 -058 -058 -021 -058 -046 -417 -417 -058 -427 -417 -412 -427 -046 -046 -412 1258 1305 1305 1307 1259 1300 1340 1247 1347 1407 1358 1255 1415 1257 1333 1256 1344 1304 1349 1259 1411 1648 1618 1520 1624 1623 1628 1630 1602 1638 1716 1640 1623 1717 1628 1617 1619 1646 1627 1645 1630 1648 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 205 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) Date 1969 Aircraft tail No. Nominal beginning and end times of observation (GMT) Physical data file No. June 30 30 July 1 1 2 2 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 26 27 28 May 3 4 5 WB-47-417 -427 -427 -427 -427 -417 -417 -427 -427 -412 -417 -417 -412 -412 RB-57-288 " -288 " -298 1247 1338 1257 1347 1248 1348 1351 1430 1428 1644 1531 1123 1525 1430 1538 1437 1305 1612 1630 1625 1645 1557 1637 1710 1708 1758 1856 1755 1455 1834 1656 1747 1755 1516 1425 - 1715 1423 - 1700 1310 - 1748 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 63 64 206 Table 2-18. Contents of RECCO data archive magnetic tape file (continued) . . _. Nominal beginning _, . . , t Date Aircraft , , _° ° Physical data w, tO fO o IM T3 4-1 u o ■H 0) O u e * CO CD u o ■rl a. o u * CO CA UA c 4-J -O •H m J3 1 to aj AJ X> 4-J o to B c -a ■H >1 1A U-4 -o AH U •H 01 01 'J Ol > 0J a. 1 a. oi >. 3 CO CO AJ C 4-1 to c 4J 10 to 3 ■a o" OJ 13 H e 01 -o 3 > to S M ^4 ■H 0) •H c CO to El -o p> AJ 3 to ■H r-4 •a 3 to cr > 13 01 0) OJ IA > A< U to o 0) 4-1 CO to T3 J3 13 3 c 1 OJ C B (0 ^4 C Ol 3 .-1 •H Ol H O to a) J3 O > ^ to ra o -u •H 0) u-i s X. c o o 4-1 ■H n >*«-! c 4-1 •H 01 -H tO 4-1 r-4 4-1 u 0) ■H CO OJ Q ,o -a -c CO ■a CA OJ •H T3 ■o .c C 01 c/} O & 1 CO ■o c V OJ -H CO x s .42 •H CO o FX4 H CJ 3 •rA -a 3 0) U c AJ •H tO X. o •O c o CO t-4 A4 CO •H 60 013 ■H > CA 1 u to c AJ >A 9 u-i ^H 0) 01 111 6 ■H to V 13 CI ^H c a o. c £ CO CO o to 0) •H -c UA c 4-1 c CO 01 o 00 1-4 o o AJ CO B c ■H u c -O p. ^4 ■H 14-4 4J ■H IA4 o o ■r-* •M OJ c to AJ o u -C 13 1+4 0) •H CO c 01 OJ V) o O U to 0) 00 01 OJ 13 ■ H 1-1 AJ 13 01 AJ CA C OJ J-t Ol OJ c C CO s to o tO AJ CO C O 0) Pj s c o o CJ o CO XS o ^00 t4 4J •H 2 to [14 J oo Q X AJ 13 CO a c 01 01 c o o > •H ■H CQ PJ Cja AJ oo o ca 3 A4 -H o a j= Ja Ca to a) I J3 OJ CJ m 4J J-J H n CO .-1 00 -H a. m-j c H 3 o •H 13 C to .-1 r-4 •H AJ o 0) to CO o B Ol 4VJ -3 r-i A4 c i3 H AJ A- 0) o AJ ■H o c o £ A4 o B a AJ 01 ^H CA H M-l ■H 3 C B o 1A4 CO ■H CA Ol to B 01 AJ CA to 01 -3 c oi c oi 00 4-1 -H H CO 10 to -H S O 4-1 M-l 00 O D. 3 A4 -H a j= 1-1 CA 10 j: to 4-1 T3 01 01 , to to O •H co u-t -o UH rl C •H cd 0) i CJ > CD X 3 CD ti a S rH ex CD >> 3 O c/j 0) ■u C CJ CO a o> u a. r"N C -a •H . iJ 1-1 a CO c u m to 3 TJ cr 3 r-i u 01 i-H 'H 0) rH O CO CO X O > X CO n) o ■u en E£ U H U U OJ -H CO 4) cs x -a x 4J B X -o CO I 4-1 0) o m u •H ro oo co rH C -H C a MH *H i-H B 3 O C 3 ■O iH CO rH rH 0) 4-1 Q •• CD 4J CO CJ ri -H o x a u iH iH iH MH O au H -H 3 0) CO co 4J ■O C C co 00 00 O > 4J C to 1-4 O O 4J 01 CJ C CO a •Hlw O J3 *H 4-1 o o o x -a OJ CO o c 0) a) s i-t «u CO « V CO CO CO O C 0) S O 4J X O a I P. X -H O £ 00 CO O C C -H •H O 4J C -rl CO ■H 4J 5> CO nj U u S oi C W CO •H o a CO fe J U1 a X 4H •a CO g C CD c 01 X o > ■H •H cu W to 4-1 00 o a 3 1-1 1-1 O P. X )-i a- co X to 4J •o CD CD CM XI X 1 4-1 *H rH 4-1 0J -H 3d CO ■a -h ai > •• c 01 00 a. to co Q 01 I CO 01 r-| CD C O- O. -U O tc) S (in u 53 01 01 CD 00 .-I H C •H CJ MH C -H ■H OS 01 to o a WHO c o O U CO cj o to •H "O O tO B 3 «H » J II OH CO tH |H iH HH Otc X 1 oo o a 3 U -H a ax; i-< a CO X to 4-1 •a CD CD CN| x x 1 4-> -H 0) CJ CO cj ■H c CO 00 UH o ■H M 4-1 3 o CO C/1 1-1 o E B 0) 01 o 4-1 CO o CD X CO S o XI *x to I Eh -3- to iH 4-1 S O to O E !-H 1 CD iH o 4J MH 1-1 rl CO CJ 3 CO CJ g ■H B rH 1 t o o. UH iH X! am rH B to 3 m rH O •a CO M -O MH MH CD .. o 00 X B c CO -H i-H rH •H B MH •h a) C UH CD ■H U 01 O IH CO oox IH 4-1 O 4H CJ CD c u X I oo o o. 3 UH o ax u a co X « 4-1 T3 rH CO Xl ^> H CO I M h -a- a 230 4J > •H CO I CO 4-1 4J X 4J o co a c •O O -H >> IH UH T3 UH a) o> o > cu x 3 0) U o. B H a 4> >-. 3 o w in u c o u CO c y CO co 3 XI HI ■a rH 01 X 5 .5 CO CO ■8 S 01 I u u 3 CO •H rH X> 3 CO a- > -a 01 OJ 01 u uZ CO o 0> 4-1 ~-~ CO CO XI X -a c o 3 O 4-1 C/3 4J CO 1 B •O 3 01 c CO C 01 3 rH •H 01 rH o n) co xi o > X CO CO O 4J 01 •H 01 '-i-i B X c o 4-1 1 rl >.UH u c •H 01 •H CO 4-1 iH 4J Vj 01 •H CO 0> a J -o XI 4-1 4J CN X CO c Q. O o >> CO i-l o <-h h rH oi oo O.H 4J 3 0) CO 4-1 T3 01 B o u •h x S o rH 1-4 U •H 1 O. CO UH m O.T3 CI CO CO K M CJ o> 60 El c C UH * OJ O, CO X OO 3 M •H b rJ « a X 4-1 T3 01 1 c 0) c 01 X o o > ■H -rl CO w fc. 4-1 c o c CO § .. x IH CJ rH -4J CO O ■H •H OJ 01 oi a rH 4-1 rH 01 1-1 u § •H ■a CO a u •H •H 3 CO Ir rH 3 UH rH > CO 3 "O B CO O CO o XI 01 4-1 CJ 1 CO •• 1 X CO B •a 4-1 B "1 4-1 •O T3 01 01 1 ■-! m U 4-1 X IH •H 00 4-1 -H •H o 01 uh o; c i- x c 4J O C •H O 4J •o 3 3 l-i o c a. 1-1 O. a. o •H a oi •H e S*S CO 3 x X c o 4-1 0) 4-1 4-1 Ti O H-HH a. O. 4-1 rH •H 3 01 CO X •o p 00 00 01 0) •• CO B CU B -H CU ►, c CO a c o •a CO 0) 1H 4-1 (3 CO B »40 O 4J o C 1-1 O •H UH O UH 4J 4-1 O O 01 0) en C 01 01 4-1 60 4-1 O. 8 1-4 CQ CO CO S O 4J o CJ UH •rt O x co O. &H J c/l Q a 3 X 4-1 •a co Cfl S oi 01 C X o a o > •H -H H CQ bj ti- 4J ca iH CO CO 3 4J a >- 4J CO CO 4-1 co a •H u OO c Oi x: ■H auQ rH B O.H CO US co Crt OJ O 1-1 rH 4-1 o 4J CO CO u rH 6 •H 01 •H rH 0) T3 U D. t4 CO UH 3 1-1 •o 01 rH 00 Ul 1 1-H O. s IT) CO rH •H rH el X ■H 00 d (A <4H 0) c O c ■H •H -o 1-4 o C 01 0) S'SSI X 1 00 o a 3 H -H ax IH a. co X CO 4-1 T) 01 0> CN X X 1 4-1 iH B CU O a. 3 IH rJ « 01 T3 O f^Q C m >> C 41 3 4-1 O -H - O O -H •H C 01 W C O UH |4 — O CO rH 3 TJ rH ^^ •H IB 41 C B t/j co co Ml T] 4J > 01 231 CO co -H c 3 ^ co to O %4 xi u M U 0J 4J a XI 0) 01 H o s •H a. o u 3 £ c/3 P.uh 3 u >, to JjJ > •H CO 4-> c CO 03 4-1 3 co D"0 £ 4-1 u e o •H D. C p. •H 3 S. CO l nj ij 4-> m -u u_i j_i c •h QJ xi 3 m i4 p. E h QJ CJ 1 il c § CO > 3 M CI) -H ■H 0) rH O m CO J-3 o r> -O CO (0 O U CO 4J t-H 4J U OJ O 00 CO CD S CO CD C-J U H T3 C4-I CU C CO X 1 00 O O. 3 U i-t O O- .C M o. en £ to 4-4 -o cu OJ J 3 1-iC-) - o ^-~ o.> a CO 1 < W II -. 4J CO o to C O J3 1) 13 ■H M o •H c co U M-l 4J c 60 60 CO M cu o to C •H ■H ■a c ■H E ■H e tfl OJ •60 01 4-1 c 4-J CO CO CM 01 IJ to B CO c CO 3 c rH M o o 3 B u C -O o cu M eg cw O M :>, S o o o xi H C4_( o CO i-i c ai co o CO 4-> IJ cu CO H 4J rH 00 cu CO *H 4_) s cj > x: •H co 00 CO tu 60 a -h 4-1 & O IIH CO os ho: t. a O T> cu o- m •U | O. -H CO C 3 J3 CJ O CO 4_l •HI OOH cw u~l C C O ro -H CO B l-i C I 3 cj oj *h ai H •H C CO 4J O S O -u -h O •H CU CO rH CD CO O. 1-c -H 3 B a 3 o. cu CO ■H M > 60 0) O « rl I MW O O 0) *H ^ *H g 01 CU 1 c -H 1 C OJ o in CM O u M m o o o e O cu CU rH 4J 4-J M CU u d J3 •H CO cu o 3 60 -C cj 1-1 o •H 3 -H cu rH M rH 4J c U-l T3 P- 'M o C 3 1 03 4J CO T3 o 60 C CM o e o to u ,*: •• 00 *H -H i_i u e c ui u n co rH o; *h en m -a H ^ C A 'H -H -ri Ofl3 0«-fC D. CU o 4J 3 M -H CM T3 CO a 4-1 CO ■H u u B 1 S in rH o ■H ■H o s ^ IH -o Ul IJ 0) 01 CJ > 01 J3 01 H (X | D- 01 >* 3 CO CO 41 C >. J-4 41 D. ■H 4-1 ccl e <0 a 3 -o .-I H 0) iH •H 01 iH O CO CO ,0 O > J3 CO CO O U CO U H W M 01 -H CO 0) Q .43 13 J3 r. o a a m CJ .H B oi C_> .H O CO ^ p. 0) CO CO <-> CO C C £ 4-1 00 00 o o cO Ci O J3 g CO 0) 1-1 C CO 4-) O o 01 >s o 00 J3 V4 H tI 11 In 3 4J C ,43 CO O i-> «Tl •H-H O O CJ -H U 4-i Q.i-1 U 'H O m o IJ 11 O CJ CU 00 U ■H C C -H S O -H CO cn J3 iH O. C 01 O. 0) E 13 O C CO CU o 13 CO H c H ■41 e r^ c ■H CO •H ^4 -o o g 4-1 01 o DO CO ^H 41 00 n C > CO CO e H u H H ■H C 01 01 3 41 01 H CO > ■a 01 H CO J3 01 CO ■-4 •H S O 4-1 o CO 233 3 01 s u to to H c o 4J JO •H iH o CM 0) >, CO tO O 0> 0) >u -o w M o . co 4-> > •H co i O a) H to JO -H to JO I <0 4J -u jo J-i o to B c •O OH >s 1J CM T) tW H C ■H (U CU g o 5 o> jo s ti h a a h O. OI >, 3 O oo to -u c o u to C -u to to 3 -o 13 H CU JO •H ^H -a 3 to CX > -a 0) OJ 01 Id l-i t to O 01 u to id 13 jo 13 C to O 4-1 0) M 01 X O 0) 1-1 O- 3 Cu OJ 1 S ■a 3 c 1 01 B 1 to > r-l [4 01 3 H ■H 0) H O to to jo > jo to 4J iH 4J U •H 1 O .M O to 3 10 •H > CJ M CJ B to O CU •i-t a 4-1 c 0) c C J= CJO o 01 0) CJ •H CO u 0) c 4_i c H o to CD c •H CJ CM O ^H 4-1 •H 01 •H 10 to rH a 4-1 e 6 JO tO o 1-1 3 S 4-1 ■H o D. o c 4-1 M— t H 01 to c s tO 3 0) CO W •O 0) -a oo u o en 4J B B O H B O j= •H 1 4-1 0. cm m O PI i-H IJ M <0 CJ 01 00 T3 d 5 C 10 as 4J - CO X H 01 on •H i J= 4-1 o 4J CO 03 CO HI CI) > 01 ? c H 4J o, nj oi oi o -h o. oi c -O O. J3 O 1 (0 3 w i-l T3 4J IJ cu -O C CO CO O C O > J= CO Tl 1-1 C 4J 01 •• O 4-1 CO W 4J -H b ii j O. 4J CO 3 O •H U J3 O. l-i 3 CJ B 0) C U 10 sue iH C O > r-4 ■ tJ o- c 4J 3 en •H •H 13 i CO CO CU o H > a < •H E >> 4J CJ 11 CO o J3 c C 00<4-l a. 0) o 0> CO m C 01 M CO CM > 00 o. o •H o CO j3 4-1 4-1 § 0) 4J •H o 4-1 l-i CO J= 1-1 CO to O P-, 4-1 CJ 0) O. 4J CD W 4J O -H a, O. 4-1 3 l-i CO O a. oi o. JC 3 H CO 234 to M u 0) co -C T3 a co •a u a) bl > u c 01 a 01 a) £> a o o 01 d| )-. I « 3 J3 4-1 4J O u CO 3 1-14-1 « u o o. 10 S • 01 01 <0 -H os s 0) ^01 W CO 01 CO ■^. 3 u a u >\ 4-1 co en una 4-1 •H |x 00 O C CD X ■i-i a u q • .-i s a h o CO 0) 0) c/1 z c/l H Q ■— CO XI o OS O. JS co a i-i u CD 00 4-1 -C o o 4-1 4-1 CO • CD £ o 3 cu z m c i-c )-i o> S «H U O Sort oi U > 4-1 C x; o u o o O -H 4-> 1-1 c/} U I- 4-1 o 3 o a V 01 o 4-1 CO o 01 01 o 03 a 2 z OJ 4-1 £ c 4J CO § a •H 4H 4J o 01 CO ■1-1 -o > ■o c 1-1 CO o 01 oc; 01 z fl> CD 1 0) 73 J3 c c o o •H j in r^ cm in C r«. oo (^ O ih cn m o M c (U to en cu XJ u o o 4-1 AJ O O w ai o n) to e a) ii o CO H z 1 a) 00 c o to J M H c a o H O -H OO M CO CO CO 4-t to Q m •H H CO O c CD 00 t4H o X o o o u -u to fO o • ■H tu J3 O a 3 0-, z cu e >* n CU CJ to u C -r-l C CU ■H 00 O CO h o t< j: o 1-1 o o CU u to CO U -H 4J h to 00 C 3 4-1 o 0J o U r-i 8 £. O CU O CO to O O CU OS CO 21 CO X 3 t-i •rH CO CO (i, OS Q tu o^ u ^c to o^ IJ a ^H to "O tu c ^J 01 to H T3 M N IN (N •J r- co o> o .h »h to to h 4-1 u c 01 to (0 Ol .o o U M I to 3 M W U 00 0) O tO to E a) 01 o 00 H z 1 01 Ml c O to ►J u H C a o H <2"g i-i to to tO -^ 3 4J Q. U >» 4J 10 to 4J to Q •H 1^4 00 O C 111 X •H O. 4J O . to II v to z en h O ^ to 01 to 4-1 Ol c 1-1 1-1 h -H ao to a* 1-1 o -C to M u -l > «-i c * O 1-1 O o a 01 01 •H 4-1 0) 4-1 o BO as o to > u o to to OJ M U *H (-1 to I to 0) 4-1 J3 C 4-i to o o IV Q ■H E 4-1 4-1 OJ o tO -H XI £ T3 C 2 o o Ol to z to Cl 0) , to •H 13 -O c ft C 00 O •H 1 to IH 4-1 T> c o to 0) •H 10 > * 3 4J 1-1 ■H to to 0) (H M Q z to m o\ 4-1 \D to ON IH Q ^H to T3 0) c 4-1 0) to H T3 cm r*- C\ X N CN m co co ^ H CO CO CO CO co co oo O O^ O O H rH .-H CM \D r- 00 cm n <■ m vD o o o o o CM CM CN CM CM r*- oo on o in m ^ m 237 a) t~i CO -n TD (II >j I 0) ■H CO e • M 0) V 01 01 h z 0) c o O H .U It » 4J CO Q m •H M 00 O ■m tx u a • H B D. H O « u ii viz tn H Q ^ CO £} o as O. .C CO O. ^4 U cu GO M-) j= O 4_) 4-1 CO o • QJ Xi o 3 Dm Z (11 CO 4-1 c U IJ M cfl U o ,c CO >-• CJ >J CO 1 <4-» 1 0) CJ to u c •H c 0) •H ou o 01 l-i o ■H X> 5 o 4J CO O >-l i2 HH 1* O I 01 4-) 01 01 o ai J3 o CQ s O z 4-1 o r*. 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T3 Pi D. to 3 XI c tM 4J o o u to •H 3 1-1 M-l 4-1 en o> o to Q, > n) 1 >-< dj 01 o 0) to i H ■z. to 10 ao 4-1 c o 0) to J tO u u H d Q o H M-l o ■H oo o tO -H O O ~-~ 3 4J CL P>* 4J to CO 4-1 (0 a •H M 00 C •H 00 O CO 14 O t4 ^ X o i-i o o gs 0) O CO to M-l o a> o HI cs co 1-1 l-l M-l CN i-H o D CD 01 4-1 to . i-i to i tn CD 4-1 J3 C 4-1 to o o O CD O CO to O O CD X 3 4-1 ■H CO to CD Ol 4_1 vO CO CTi M Q rH to -a a) c 4-1 01 nj H -a m CNJ (S| CM vO I CN (N CM CM sO r» r- 00 ON O rH CJ\ CTi O. O O HH HCMCN iH CM CM i- 1 nmN nm cm ro o o o o o CM CM CM CM CM rv co on O H O O O -H >— ) CM CM CM CM CM i-h cm cn , U (0 (0 una H « cu u CO CO U 1-1 4J 1-1 to 00 c 3 IH o 01 o l-i f) B J3 3 4) en 1-1 U U-l o 3 O a 41 S3 s-s 41 u J3 c 4J cO 41 a ■H e IH 4J 41 CO •H •o t 13 c CO 6 01 OS 09 z CO a 41 1 10 •H •o XI s x: C o o Crt o •H I a cw 4-1 T> O to 4) ■H CO > X u l-l i-4 CO O 4) [* ai Q z CO 01 to tO cm m c^ r^ H to rx tn HCMCO s 0) en J3 4-J s a. n> 3 XI U-| xj o M n) 3 l-< U-4 (0 a) o ra e cu a) o t/1 H Z 01 a) OO +-» C o (11 « -J a Ij o H c Q o H IM O •H on o •H (0 ■H o. u Q -h S a h 91 OJ II Dl Z tn h Q •— a S « ai S cu u oi :-, X o u o o £2 a> o co n O -H U U « MC 3 4-1 O (D O u -h a j= 3 O X 3 4J • U •H ra to o tf <*■ T m , u a) co *-> CO Q •H l-i 00 C a J2 ■-( a 4J Q rH B a H to HI a) co en H Q -w K 9J ra ^ HI C u ^ >-. •H 00 CO Dm ^ O r co H o 01 2 CO o I ,a >H a I o to is I U 1 h C -H C O CO CO U iH 4J kl co 00 c 3 u-l o Ot o hH S JS 3 O 01 en M h >h o 3 E CD CO O i-t to o ai o to P. cu •h -a x a « • -h co to o fc«!QZ 0) CT\ U >£> CO C^ h Q ^1 CO ■a o> c u 01 CO ■H x> H iN n o> c^ r-l iH .— 1 £) N M30 O^O H ON ON ON O O -H .H i-t CM CM CM CM CM \£> CM CM CM CM CT* o o o o o CM CM CM CM CM O O O O ^H CM CM CM CM 243 a 01 M > 01 o en ■-w X O U o 1. 0> 4-1 0) O 1) XI CO s o z H 6 CJ 4-J a . o 01 01 o CQ S S3 Z 1) Q 5 n il) ■H XI XJ C 02 to z to D. 01 1 •H XJ XI x: c CO o I M u-t TJ c o cu ■H to X I i-1 •H to o [i, oa Q K 01 d\ 4-1 vD tO CT\ O H (0 •H >, H to 3 XJ C 4J OJ tO H XJ cn en in oo en OH CNI H iH H en h oo r- en m so -a 1 en en H vo m cn *H *3r o. oo h cm ONOOOtO H »j ■* *j c MH u o o U CO •rl 3 U 41 00 «H O X O u w u to to o • •H 01 X. a 3 Bl, Z •o a) 4) 41 B§ 4) 00 (0 o o a> o m u C -H C 4) ■H 00 O 01 on j 14 « 1 • u to •• 41 O 0) 01 CJ -rt *-> w tO 00 C 3 vu O 4) O m h 1 .c 3 O 41 c/) hi )h WH 3 B 41 01 4J tO 41 *-> £> c 4J to 1 Q •H M-l u O 41 o to •H •o e ■o c to o o 41 oe 01 z 01 O. 41 1 01 iH -O .o c JZ c o c/1 O •H 1 0) Uh ■u ■o c to 41 Tt to I •H to 4-1 to o 41 b- oi a z 01 •H !►, rH (0 3 T3 41 ON 4j ^ 10 on O rH N«O0 -3 -3 -3- -3 ■JHtONO OOHOXHlO ON GO o m oo on in «h n-jvo vOH \D ^ >J en <-h cm in -3 rH rH rH ON O 245 •H •• a .C Q. o 01 t-l o 1 Xi T3 t/i id 3 43 c U-l -u o o u a) •H 3 M U-l 4-J c/1 0) o CO a. > CO B u 0) a) , to u CO to CO 3 4-> CL CJ >1 4J CO CO 4-1 co O M-l •H u 00 o C 01 J3 ■H o. ■u Q >H e O. H o CO 0) OJ 00 •z. m H Q ^ CO J= o OS o-x CO O. CN CT\ M u - -3f X. o o U) O CO 4J HI C h h « S CO CJ | J3 M-l g£ CO 1 OJ CJ to U c •H c OJ ■H 00 o 01 >-< o ■H J3 CO rH 4-J O s o CO 1-4 > 4-1 X o u O a 0) OJ s 4-4 n o OJ J3 o CQ s O z. co .. OJ O 01 01 CJ -H U 1-1 CO 00 C 3 4-4 O CD O tyi u u m OJ Q ■H £3 U-l 4J OJ o CO m •o i> •H T3 X C x a w - •H H ID O In C4 Q Z OtNM WO CM CN CN O CM CM CN CN co Pv H is CM CM st ^o m st m cn cm st st on is \o co ,-t m o is m st st cm on m co *o co is is oo in o> is vo co m oo oo oo is h oo oo 3 u 5 CU M 01 u X s 0) H 91 D -O c >w 4-) o M <0 •H 9 M (H 4-1 05 01 o ra id o. E . fc 0) h> CO 01 to t g 01 M CO u JO 15 Bl a x a c B) 1-4 i j: o ■o to ^ ■s M 4 d} (a ^. 3 4J Q. 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OS a z CO •H >v ■h a 3 -O oo oo o6 oo oo H cm n>» in vo r*» oo cj\ o M N CNCN rt o m -a- r^ -a- *o rH cm f) -tf m \40 CN CN cn in CM !•) CI vO CN <•»•»•» -a- -a- en cm en i-i m oo oo oo CJ\ \0 00 CM 00 iH CM en CN CM iH CM 00 oo r* CN en ~ef m vO r- oo <^ O .H o o> O". CT. o> CJ\ o W o o H i-H i-H r-( rH iH i-l .-H CN CN C> vO 00 CN r*. o o o o o CM C\1 CM CM CM r-* oo o\ © O © CS) CM CN "»D r- 00 CT» o 249 CN h -O H jr, Q cu e uh ■• oo B tO tO tH Ck 1! UH NO CN co NO On i U H V It U *h nj 4J -a r-l NO rH O O won) ih rH rH ^ r-i H -H 00 .* O O 00 -H O M O > fl • •H rH CO M O < O C 4J z 0) CO X X X X X X 1 co o •o o j: z 3 4j a o o to h j: i< 41 c_> a oo T3 CO XI X X X X X O CN CO X X 5! ^^ r-l u m o o to iH o .c z 3 4J D. O n) H £ 1< '11 u a so •o •H CO X X X XX X X X X XX X O CN co 5! ^^ rH o M o ON to rH CI ■o 1 X w to 02 3 NO O I-l o i to 5 § X CO 1 1 4J M U tu jr. X! O H 00 to . •H i-H CO U O 3- m NO P-- 00 ON o H m to <■ m so r^ oo on o rH cn co >j m NO p~ 00 ON C H to 3 -a CM CNI CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CO co co co co ro CO CO CO CO -3" "»•»•»«*•* ^r -a- <■ *r it .-» iH i-H rH rH rH rH rH rH rH ■H rH rH rH rH rH i-H rH i-H rH rH rH i-H rH rH rH rH rH rH r- OJ. on -> co * is H CM co -3" m nO P^ 00 ON o rH CN co * CO i 1 250 4J CD '4-1 3 fl C h i-l O 4-1 U C •H O fl O CN u fl • •H i-l fl H O <; o c 4-i z HI CO X X X X X X 1 10 O ■D OX S5 3 4-> a. fl H^ h 0) a. 00 T3 •H CO O X X X X 1 to X XX X X X X 5! ^^ ■-H CJ m O o a rH - fl • 1-1 1-1 fl IJ < O C 4J Z 0) 1 10 to X X X X X X X X •a j= Z sua fl i-l ,C l-l 01 0- 00 ■a iH X X X X X tn CM 1 to X X X 5! ^^ ■H o I-l O on fl i-H CO •a 1 X X £ 0- 3 NO O i-H o 1 OS § X X X X x x in 1 1 4-1 I-l u cu js jr H 06 HI -H 4-1 4JTJH jB a a >w •• 00 Bra ra in ■0 4-1 1-1 4-1 i-H CU fl UH CO 00 i-H -a- 1-1 i-H CO no 00 14-1 ra 4j t3 fl ra i4H 00 O H on r* i-H CM i-H On M -H 00 A! O i-H i-H i-H i-H H 00 1-1 I-l > fl • •H iH fl l-i O CM CO -3" m NO r- 00 o» •— 1 CM CO *3" in NO r-- 00 ON O i-H cm co ^y in vo N co on 1-1 ra 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 01 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON O O 00000 OOO 3 -a i-IHHHH ■-H i-H i-H i-H i-H H HHCN 1 N CM CM CM CM CM CM CN CN a) on *> 4-1 fl a ° 1-4 H n cnst lo nd hi 00 on i-i cm co -j- m NO r~ 00 ON 1—) cm co -a- m nC 1-1 00 r " 1 i-H iH i-H i-H i-H i-H t-H i-H i-H CN CM CM CM CM CN CN CN CN C 4-1 a) fl >n i-H 13 i-H fl 3 !-) 251 £ Si CO c o •H 4J CO I OJ CO J3 O o 3 Total No. of flight flights hours HHrl so m r~ rH iH —• rH rH m m m \r> m rH rH rH iH iH IA IT) IT) SO VrO CM rH rH m rH HHrl rH m in m \d CM rH o co 1 o 3 to 3 IB & OJ c CO Q. u a CO 3 o •H u CO > 0) CO .a o 8 U Total No. of No. of observations flight flights hours •} vOCO .-1 H CM N rH o rH rH CM rH CO iH 00 >C vO o 8 u Total No. of hours flight of observa- hours tions C* f-l r-l o\ co CM O r-t iH IT) rH CM rH iH rH rH rH c CO •H !►, rH CO 3 -a T> M CO •O 01 c u OJ CO <-i -a CO o hn co>» m CM CM CM CM CM HCM CO-» Kl \D N CO ON O CM CM CM CM CO iH rH iH rH iH vo r^ oo ct> o rH rH CM CO o CM CM CM CM CO rH m CO 252 * ■a -as m «* »n in m m in m m o*fi^ «n m iA iO O ^ O z P o z (a •H Q 4-1 « at 2 c a) o 0) (0 J3 a O o H js 0) o to ao tj o •U -H 3 a iH O H >M J3 «£ ft H £ 1) 10 60 M U -H 3 O tH O h «-( j: 2 > -, ■P -H 3 O ^ O -a- in in -* oo ~a- <• oo NNNH ^ tO «oo co \£> in r^ iH .H m «*1 oi O >H -» •jflinvo CM CM CM CM C vO ono o o o 3 T» ID TJ J) C u •A" H M (O ^ ift vD 1^ 00 0\ O h m n «j m ^ONoooNOHCNcntinvorNco^o HHHHNM(MfMCNMCNM(NJNr r l 253 •H 3 O i-l o H M-l J3 to oo n •H 3 rH O H >« .c .h jS (0 00 •U i-l 3 o .h : H <" X •■h rH rH rH cn en 00 00 rH rH 00 .-i u-i 00 rH CO >H «N t*l -> \o \£> m m i m >x> r^ iH O N CO (7» O H ^K ON 0> O O ' HH M CM cm m CO !-i u C CU 0) o •U to •H 01 ja ■U e o CO o > •H 4-1 !-i "O O CU CO s . r0 o o 2 u •H cfl }-i CO (U c a o a •H 3 4-1 CU CO T3 T3 > C C M CO O CU rH a CO CO XI M ■H o CO 4-1 Pi o o CO a CO u o 4-> 3 •H Td CO o 4-1 c T3 x: Cfl CO U ^H r4 4-1 CU CO CO o a. H 13 o CO • U o 4-1 z O G Cfl •H >> rH cfl 3 13 1-3 Cfl C7\ Q rH cfl T3 CU C 4-1 CU cfl rH X) cfl CJ HHHHHHHHHHcgCMNHCMCMCM HHHHHHHHHHogCMHCONCSNCMCNCMCMCNHNtNcnHNNM COnOmOOCONCOCsl r-i rH rH rH H H (N rH CT> r^» rH H CM cncoroincTiHHc^nvOHN CM (N H HN H H rl N N nn u 0) 00 o U •H cd !-i 0) a 3 -a a CO cd 4-1 T3 CO a t3 CO rH U CO CO M T3 CO u CD CTi 4-J ^D CO ON Q H I O •u o 43 43 CW ex O CO M . 00 o 3 CO cu C -a O c •H o 4-1 CD CO CU £ 4J 0) 01 CO 6 rO o o •H 13 cw CO o Pi o 5 CO c o •H 4-1 0) CO T3 > O P3 CO o> a, o O M-l 23 O C CO •H >-, rH CO d -a u CO T3 CU C 4-J CU CO rH T> CO U NNNCVlCNiNCSlNCNCNNCNCNNCNCNICNCNNCNCNICNCNNCNCNCNCNCNCNl CNCNCNJCNICSICNCNNCNCNCNCNICNCNCSIMCSICNCNNNCNNNNCNNNCNICN CO iv O vD CN H CO CN t— I CM rH CN CN tH |v CTi CTi OcnvOcNHChCOiflNcnNlOOCO<*N HfMHCMNHHHHNNHCMHHCM cNcn.r>.oooo HCMn.cOffiOH Ol a 3 NCO*in^r»000\0 HHHHHHrlHNNNCMNNNCMNNn 256 cO 4-> 3 CO Q X! 60 CO 3 1 X t/3 H < I o +J o x; & 10 JS O cO fH • e>o o z w C o tU •H TJ 4-i c CO o en & S-i cu 01 CO ■u x 1-1 CO (3 +J OJ CO r-t T3 CO O CO i-H CO vO vD m cyir^r^oomm<— immr^ rovo rH t-Hi-HCsIi-Hi-Ht-HCMCM CMCNNCNNNCMNNNCMNCMNNNNN«J>*<'* OrHcMco>or>.ooo>OrHcMcO'-*inor^oo HHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNCM 3 257 Table 4-10. Support data inventory Order by designation tion in this col- umn Contents Dupli- cation cost Availabi- lity date for dis- tribution D0C.-1* BOMEX Fixed-Ship Event Log Tabulation of all Fixed-Ship Operations Data $ 9.00 2/1/71 DOC. -2 RFF Photographic Quality Review Log RFF Flight Folders $ 9.00 2/1/71 DOC. -3** Discoverer Weather Radar Log $ 9.00 2/1/71 STD Support All STD Support Data for all Data in STD casts from all five fixed punched- ships (one punched card per card form cast) $15.00 2/1/71 Listing of STD Support Data Computer tabulation of the STD Support Data from the punched cards of all STD casts from all five fixed ships $ 5.00 2/1/71 *Fixed-Ship Operations Data are also available on magnetic tape B9622 as one of five data files on this tape. Specify tape B9622, and one of the following: (a) 7 Channel; BCD; 200, 556, or 800 BPI; or (b) 9 Channel; ERDIC; 800 BPI. Cost is $60.00 (includes cost of magnetic tape). **This reel also includes the Surface Pressure - Marine Microbarograms and the CTEM Logs (see tables 4-14 and 4-15) . 258 co co co > T3 -H < T) -O o ■H 4-1 -o X C3 o # > u o tu 0) 03 (0 p-4 > J3 o .o z 4-1 CX O C O >-v ■H -H ^H O 4-> W CO CD o U CD 1) : • C BTJ h O 60 O, 3 *9- E 4-1 CJ O O O •-! vjO 0\ tn o o o o o o> LTi CM CM MC1H C H 3 3 tu -a CO c co nj o a) 4-i co u co c o -a -h a u « cu u 4-1 w CD cu PJ •H -a ■H IJ c 4-1 aj CO to to m > q -u U tu •H c ai d) 1 £ ■H C/l ^H •H CO -D •H H 1-4 (i O M-4 oo a, co co -4* u~l v£) CNJ CM CM i — . r^ r-^. o o o m ca ca H vj d\HCO >.«) >s>> 00 O ^O -H c*-t .h m , cu CO CO C S S 3 M M H > \D H H r^ O O O CM COvO O^O H O O O , ^ CU o% eg ro ct\ in^w h rH o H CM <)■ O tN CO jfl C H r S 3 3 O O m 0\ , >^ 0"\ CT\ CO , H m vo r* co co co co ro r^. r*- r^ r^ o o o o CQ « oQ CQ 259 >> C u o •H ■H r-l U u •H o 3 J3 •4-1 J= 19 —4 rH 11 h ■H U •h 18 CO i/> > TJ ■H < •o a, to 3 O O O +-> -O * o C •a o c3 in ■r-l to 19 CD rH > ♦J U 19 4-1 1> o o p. ■r4 X 4-J u c M T3 4J o C in • H at i- 4H ■H 19 ai 4-> u u nt 1H 11 a e tfl a tt C I c £> O O -H X 19 O I e-c o ai a) ca in on •o JJ 4J M 19 19 B* HI O 4H o4 U-l o II c U U HI -H o HI tJ 0) o •O • i-l % O JS a. O JZ u 3 Q rH 00 O o rH ^O o> m o o o O o as rH to IN 01 ID >, c C .-i 3 3 3 •-> ■-5 ■-) O O m cm cm co ^H CM ON CM rH ■3- O IN CM CM —1 >, HI r-l 3 01 J3 4-1 ^ ^ in i O H •§ ■§ U1 M a. o Pm o- "4-1 U-l -n o in § i/> to c u > > o c c •H •H s > u o •H 19 a. u r-l 10 3 3 19 > H .o i-i u T) s 19 0) ■4-1 C H T3 in o 19 i-h cm to o o o -3- -3- ~3- 04 04 PLI J.J4 -3 «3 © O m St CM CM r-* ^o o\ H H H rl M ^ fl> H CO X 3 3 3 T> i-3 >-) tOOlO mn in onto i-l O CM r-i ^J iO\0 r^ o o o o -3- -3 ~3 sf 04 04 04 04 -J J J J \0 H H Ov Q O O O 00 vO O O .H O O O -J !-> MO H -J O O <"H O o\tnoo •-h © o o rH M l-H > oo o> o >h O O H rH -3- S3- -3- ~3 04 04 04 04 J 3 J iJ U\ CM CO Cft m -3 CM i-H MSH H rH O rH CM -3 O CM 00 >. 01 >, >. « CHH £ 3 3 3 r)r)r) O O "1 ON rH CM rH rH M M M > CM CI ^- IT, rH rH rH rH -3 -3- st *3 04 04 04 04 J J J J m co vo cm •JOtnm N lOHi«l >.>> 19 (3 rH rH S 3 3 3 r)r)r) cj\ eft co oo m in cm cm t-H CM CO -3 rH O CM O r-v >% 01 ^ -1 >-) M rH M > 3 >> c? 3 t9 : r 10 N CO CA HHHrl «3 >3 a o 0) c 1 £> T3 O •H U ■H X CO M £ > CU PL, o 01 oa tfl co CD c MH •n O CI) 4-1 CO T3 CO ■u Bl en CU U-l * > O •H CO XI B 4J o 6 cO a ja CO CO •H T3 CM o U 3 o o CU H 5, OJ u ■U o o. c U) vO CO CO -H o a 4J W u on p~ o in CN CO en CO o ■N] CN o o O O ^H e*i CN m CD >. c C ^H 3 3 3 <-> l-> *-i \o cn m m cN o n no ►■5 <-> •H C C CD n -h o i-i r OJ o ■H ■H 01 a 4_) 01 U-l CI) m > OJ 1 U u P. H CO 0) CO H "O Bl u C m on a CO CO £ w -J Hid -J- CO - CU :>> S^ 5 § .-H 3 H 3 -) l"l 1-3 ^ m Oi o o cn co -j- rH CO rH CO O CN CNI CNI CO CO C H 2 S 5 3 M M H > CJ> O Cf H -4" m m in pn pn r* pn o o o o o co o a CN CO CN CN CO CO CM m co CN O CN CO CN 1T| O .-H CN 00 CN l CU C 3 fN .H 3 3 ^00>H O O -3- <-i H rven in OH N H 2 3 5^ M M M > CN CO O -) >-> >^ ^ o CO rN o CO o .H o CO .H m o CNI CN o CN ■* .-1 c-l CN CN rH ^ >> CU c>, S Jl t-H 3 ■o ■-) M M M > U~t vO CN r*. ^ m vo in r*» r^ r-» r^. o o o o DO CO rw m 262 r-l M U •H O 3 XI >H ,Q CO Cd CO <: -o O- 0} 3 O Q O o ,-, •H TD oo m O 3 ^H C O -H b 4-1 O C oi o u o 1 . C o AJ •H en U ra CO .-1 & •«* & I c O -H O is TJ tO 4-1 u e to O U TJ .-I O 41 C O 1-1 01 -H 91 h in •O ■ -H m >, o s: o .o z « o o o o o co r-~ o -a- iH rH o tu o» so C C "-H 3 3 3 i-) >-> >-3 v£> CM "0 fOINO INtO O | §3 0) C -rj to -H 6 1 E 1 1 O 1 O 0) m o en to iH -O U-l T3 O to tO So C 4J -O So o c - CO •H *H to to •o 4-> O 0) 0) CO O. 00 00 c ■H tO a) o 3 to M U ■H XI 4-1 01 OJ 4-1 to to > > CO H 13 to CO > N N CM •a- -» -3- 333 o o o O o CO CO O o 00 CM CO CM o CN IN ■-> •-) <■ CM *S> CO O CO I/O CO O CO CO r~- ^H CM CN o .-H CO ^H •-I CM CN r-t So So 0) So £S : 3 l-J ■-) sr m v^ r*>. CM CM CM CM -> <-> -1 , >> 1 pHH 2 3 3 3 >T> '-I i-J ■1 OOlH O O tr r-i O H to CM i-i r-- CM a. H So So a> So C iH 3 3 1-3 1-1 M M M > cm en -j i-j vO o CO r^ o CO o ^H o CO uo o CM rj O CM CO O H CM CM ^H So SO 0J ^ CO CO c H S S 3 3 >S -1 M M l-l > < vO t^ W CJ\ CO CO CO CO ~» a •* 3333 263 1) CJ CO ■4H r. 3 en & T3 o C 4-1 0) c 0) to > C c o •H •H 4J CVJ co 4J £ CO O 01 m s x> co o u 00 rH co m cj co •H J3 00 O O 1- iH cj O •H ri £ 01 U ■m c 01 ■H S U 0J £ c ■a H O 4J •H MH 3 •2 -° CO 0> *H •H CO 4J CO "O CO > -H < T> a. to 3 O a u -o o. 0) :>> & 4J 01 m m 4-1 jo CO o T3 •O 0) O 3 O. OH « a 0) (5 rn l-c ■H «J UH n QJ c C o o 0) 13 to O .o •H o ri 0) rH ft. CO CJ c •H o 60 -H O 4J rH CO O M 5 O 01 0) en u .o £ O >-h 0) .-i c CO X in O Si ca co C -H C rl MO h O-H CO i-| 4J S o co X O £ W cu oi e 01 o 4-> r. c <4H 0) 4-1 0) c o ■rH cj U-. 01 tn 4-1 c CD o rH •H a. 4J e CO > cj Ih 01 14-1 ft o £s o CO 01 "4-4 MH 3 O a v B 100. O C CO U •HJJ C4H IN o B CM o o oo U oi c Oh ffi -H *-> 0) 0> en rH g. oi 2 01 o 3 CO CO J3 CO o 01 IH u CJ ft. 2 0) CJ 0) CO c UH -H < 264 ns u U | 01 H H >% c VI O •rl U -rl ■H O 4J ■H i-l ■H 10 4J tO TJ GO > tH < "O tfl VI U CD •H O VI .O - o c T3 O E i .-1 H -O VI 4-1 O C 3= •a VI c M •rt as U VI •H to o (VI > 01 tJ h VI B) tw a> to a to o O J3 0)/-, T3 H 9 01 .H Oi O M O C •H -H u-i : VI <^ O o) C al vi 60 O. to a to o B vi o O CN CM CM O o o r-l m o o ■H O m o o m o o in Osl rH CO H 3 >1 tN tN ■■D tN C 0) to a. £2 1 C -H 60 J3 § u"l s c .-i 3 3 *1 -) o rH in vD r^ tN r-l a\ (^ Oi CO 03 CO 03 PQ co 03 u"> 00 CM CM CM CM 265 & g ■rH M •H rH 4J •H M-4 3 -O J3 nl 01 •H rH 4-1 r4 •H CO 4-1 co TD to > •H -C3 O C O 3= C ■u ■H CO 0) CO 4-t Ct) CD r-l S 0) 4-J 4-1 CO <4-4 CO CO S 1 M ■H J3 4-> O c -o 4-) o c= CO •H CO 1-1 4J •H CO 0) >4H > ■M IJ CO C4J 11) Q O CO C •H 1-1 Ml o .c 01 •H •H 4-1 -a 4-) u 01 CO c o T3 c •H H s a >, H 0) o CO H -a O ^^ u ■H r*. 01 n -O 4-1 D- 01 cO -H a. a c 4-1 •H cu Q. ^H rH cu -H rH CO .c .c < 03 CO CO 01 01 01 0) CO .c 1J a) CO £ .-i 4-1 J3 00 CO C+-) 4-1 -J O 0) s 01 0) UJ c 01 H o CJ rH rH >. 01 H CO 01 CO •H <4-l T1 01 H X rH •H < U^ Q C cu ° o o B ° m -h • CtJ 4-1 io HCO w oca e B (o co CBi -H cO o. a) J= 01 4-1 *j 1 00 •o ,9 r^ CJ rH CO r-l CU i? CO to 4-1 iH C lO 01 O '■ — 1 0) 0) ,W 3 C D* O "o-b CU i-l TH 1 -- 1 1-4 4-1 J3 . CO Bl >. rH r-l rH CO 3 « 3 iH-O r4 •"> cj CO CU 01 4-1 0. a cxi CO r4 g in CU c £ egs o CU "> «-» a. 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