.'AJ^i/cZ Order Form Publications Issued in the NSRDS Series How to Order NSRDS and Related NBS Publications from the Superintendent of Documents You may use this listing as your order form by check- ing the proper box of the publication(s) you desire or by providing the full identification of the publication you wish to purchase. The full letter symbols with each publication number and full title of the publication and author must be given in your order, e.g. NSRDS-NBS-17, (C1 3.48:1 7) Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequen- cies, Part 3, by T. Shimanouchi. Pay for publications available from the Superin- tendent of Documents by check, money order, or Superintendent of Documents coupons or deposit ac- count. Make checks and money orders payable to Superintendent of Documents. Foreign remittances should be made either by international money order or draft on an American bank. Postage stamps are not acceptable. No charge is made for postage to'btesUnations in the United States and possessions, Canad|/Vlexico, and certain Central and South American countries. To other countries, payments for^docurnemG^rQjst covjer postage. Therefore, ane-fourttl^-of- the price of the jpublication should be aqgled for postage. N^HQhafl Bureau^f Standards I WashingtonTTTc. 20234. Publications List Publications Issued in the NSRDS Series □ NSRDS-NBS-1, (C13.48:1) National Standard Reference Data System — Plan of Operation, by E. L. Brady and M. B. Wallenstein, 1964 (15 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-2, (C1 3.48:2) Thermal Properties of Aqueous Uni-univalent Electrolytes, by V. B. Parker, 1965 (45 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-3, Sec. 1, (C13.48:3/Sec. 1) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic En- ergy Levels and Multiplet Tables, Si n, Si lit. Si iv, by C. E. Moore, 1965 (35 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-3, Sec. 2, (C13.48:3/Sec. 2) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic En- ergy Levels and Multiplet Tables, Si i, by C. E. Moore, 1967 (20 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-4, (C13.48:4/Vol. I) Atomic Tran- sition Probabilities, Vol. I, Hydrogen Through Neon, by W. L Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Glennon, 1966 ($2.50). □ NSRDS-NBS-5, (C1 3.48:5) The Band Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide, by P. H. Krupenie, 1966 (70 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-6, (C13.48:6/Pt. 1) Tables of Mo- lecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 1, by T. Shimanouchi, 1967 (40 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-7, (C13.48:7/Pt. 1) High Tempera- ture Properties and Decomposition of Inor- ganic Salts, Part 1. Sulfates, by K. H. Stern and E. L. Weise, 1966 (35 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-9, (C1 3.48:9) Tables of Bimolec- ular Gas Phase Reactions, by A. F. Trotman- Dickenson and G. S. Milne, 1967 ($2.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-10, (C13.48:10) Selected Values of Electric Dipole Moments for Molecules in the Gas Phase, by R. D. Nelson, Jr., D. R. Lide, Jr., and A. A. Maryott, 1967 (40 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-1 1, (C13.48:11 /Pt. 2) Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 2, by T. Shimanouchi, 1967 (30 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-12, (C13.48:12) Tables for the Rigid Asymmetric Rotor: Transformation Co- efficients From Symmetric to Asymmetric Bases and Expectation Values of P z , P^ and Pf, by R. H. Schwendeman, 1968 (60 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-13, (C13.48:13) Hydrogenation of Ethylene on Metallic Catalysts, by J. Horiuti and K. Miyahara, 1968 ($1.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-14, (C1 3.48:1 4) X-Ray Wave- lengths and X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels, by J. A. Bearden, 1967 (40 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-15, (C13.48:15/Vol. 1) Molten Salts: Vol. 1, Electrical Conductance, Density, and Viscosity Data, by G. J. Janz, F. W. Dam- pier, G. R. Lakshminarayanan, P. K. Lorenz, and R. P. T. Tomkins, 1968 ($3.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-16, (C13.48:16/Pt. 2) Thermal Conductivity of Selected Materials, Part 2, by C. Y. Ho, R. W. Powell, and P. E. Liley, 1968 ($2.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-17, (C13.48:17/Pt. 3) Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 3, by T. Shimanouchi, 1968 (30 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-18, (C1 3.48:1 8) Critical Analysis of the Heat-Capacity Data of the Literature and Evaluation of Thermodynamic Properties of Copper, Silver, and Gold from to 300°K, by G. T. Furukawa, W. G. Saba, and M. L. Reilly, 1968 (40 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-19, (C13.48:19) Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia as an Ideal Gas, by L. Haar, 1968 (20 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-20, (C1 3.48:20) Gas Phase Reac- tion Kinetics of Neutral Oxygen Species, by H. S. Johnston, 1968 (45 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-21, (C13.48:21) Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Unimolecular Reactions, by S. W. Benson and H. E. O'Neal, 1970 ($7.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-22, Volume II, (C13.48:22/Vol. II) Atomic Transition Probabilities, Vol. II, Sodium Through Calcium, by W. L. Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Miles, 1969 ($4.50). □ NSRDS-NBS-23, (013.48:23) Partial Grotrian Diagrams of Astrophysical Interest, by 0. E. Moore and P. W. Merrill, 1968 (55 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-24, (013.48:24) Theoretical Mean Activity Coefficients of Strong Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions from to 100°C, by Walter J. Hamer, 1968 ($4.25). □ NSRDS-NBS-25, (C13.48:25) Electron Impact Excitation of Atoms, by B. L. Moiseiwitsch and S. J. Smith, 1968 ($2.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-26, (C1 3.48:26) Ionization Poten- tials, Appearance Potentials, and Heats of Formation of Gaseous Positive Ions, by J. L. Franklin, J. G. Dillard, H. M. Rosenstock, J. T. Herron, K. Draxl, and F. H. Field, 1969 ($4.00). □ NSRDS-NBS-27, (C13.48:27) Thermodynamic Properties of Argon From the Triple Point to 300 K at Pressures to 1000 Atmospheres, by A. L. Gosman, R. D. McCarty, and J. G. Hust, 1969 ($1.25). □ NSRDS-NBS-28, (C13.48:28/Vol. 2) Molten Salts: Vol. 2, Section 1. Electrochemistry of Molten Salts: Gibbs Free Energies and Excess Free Energies From Equilibrium-Type Cells, by G. J. Janz and Chr. G. M. Dijkhuis; Section 2. Surface Tension Data, by G. J. Janz, G. R. Lakshminarayanan, R. P. T. Tomkins, and J. Wong, 1969 ($2.75). □ NSRDS-NBS-29, (C1 3.48:29) Photon Cross Sections, Attenuation Coefficients, and Energy Absorption Coefficients From 10 keV to 100 GeV, by J. H. Hubbell, 1969 (75 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-30, (C13.48:30/Pt. 2) High Tem- perature Properties and Decomposition of In- organic Salts, Part 2. Carbonates, by K. H. Stern and E. L. Weise, 1969 (45 cents). □ NSRDS-NBS-31, (C13.48:31) Bond Dissocia- tion Energies in Simple Molecules, by B. deB. Darwent, 1970 (55 cents). □ NSRDS-UCRL-20000 YN, A Compilation of YN Reactions, by the Berkeley Particle Data Group, January 1970. □ NSRDS-UCRL-20030 ttN, ttN Partial-Wave Am- plitudes, by the Berkeley Particle Data Group, February 1970. Other NBS Compilations of Data □ NBS Tech Note 270-3, (C13.46:270-3) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Proper- ties, Tables for the First Thirty-Four Elements in the Standard Order of Arrangement, by D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, V. B. Parker, I. Halow, S. M. Bailey, and R. H. Schumm, 1968 ($1.25). □ NBS Tech Note 270-4, (C1 3.46:270-4) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Proper- ties, Tables for Elements 35 Through 53 in the Standard Order of Arrangement, by D. D. Wag- man, W. H. Evans, V. B. Parker, I. Halow, S. M. Bailey, and R. H. Schumm, 1969 ($1.25). □ NBS Tech Note 438, (C1 3.46:438) Compendium of ab-initio Calculations of Molecular Energies and Properties, by M. Krauss, 1967 (70 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 474, (C1 3.46:474) Critically Evaluated Transition Probabilities for Ba i and ii, by B. M. Miles and W. L Wiese, 1969 (30 cents). D NBS Tech Note 482, (C1 3.46:482) Supercon- ductive Materials and Some of Their Proper- ties, by B. W. Roberts, 1969 ($1.25). □ NBS Tech Note 484, (C1 3.46:484) A Review of Rate Constants of Selected Reactions of In- terest in Re-Entry Flow Fields in the Atmos- phere, by M. H. Bortner, 1969 (60 cents). D NBS Monograph 94, (C13.44:94) Thermody- namic and Related Properties of Parahydro- gen from the Triple Point to 100°K at Pres- sures to 340 Atmospheres, by H. M. Roder, L. A. Weber, and R. D. Goodwin, 1965 (75 cents). □ NBS Monograph 70, Vol. I, (C13.44:70/Vol. I) Microwave Spectral Tables, Diatomic Mole- cules, by P. F. Wacker, M. Mizushima, J. D. Petersen, and J. R. Ballard, 1964 ($2.00). □ NBS Monograph 70, Vol. Ill, (C13.44:70/Vol. III) Microwave Spectral Tables, Polyatomic Molecules With Internal Rotation, by P. F. Wacker, M. S. Cord, D. G. Burkhard, J. D. Petersen, and R. F. Kukol, 1969 ($4.25). □ NBS Monograph 70, Vol. IV, (C13.44:70/Vol. IV) Microwave Spectral Tables, Polyatomic Molecules Without Internal Rotation, by M. S. Cord, J. D. Petersen, M. S. Lojko, and R. H. Haas, 1968 ($5.50). □ NBS Monograph 70, Vol. V, (C13.44:70/Vol. V) Microwave Spectral Tables, Spectral Line List- ing, by M. S. Cord, M. S. Lojko, and J. D. Peter- sen, 1968 ($4.75). Nondata Publications from NSRDS Related Projects □ NBS Misc. Publ. 277, (C13.10:277) Photonu- clear Data Index, prepared by the Photonu- clear Data Group, NBS Radiation Physics Divi- sion, 1966 (55 cents). □ NBS Misc. Publ. 277— Supplement 1, (C13.10: 277/Suppl. 1) Photonuclear Data Index, pre- pared by the Photonuclear Data Group, NBS Radiation Physics Division, 1967 (45 cents). □ NBS Special Publication 320, (C13.10:320) Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabili- ties, Jan. 1916 through June 1969, by B. M. Miles and W. L. Wiese, 1970 ($1.25). □ NBS Misc. Publ. 281, (C13.10:281) Bibliography on Flame Spectroscopy, Analytical Applica- tions, 1800 to 1966, by R. Mavrodineanu, 1967 ($2.00). □ NBS Misc. Publ. 289, (C13.10:289) Bibliography of Low Energy Electron Collision Cross Sec- tion Data, by L. J. Kieffer, 1967 (50 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 290, (C13.46:290) Information Handling in the National Standard Reference Data System, by F. L. Alt, 1966 (25 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 291, (C1 3.46:291) A Bibliog- raphy on Ion-Molecule Reactions, January 1900 to March 1966, by F. N. Harllee, H. M. Rosen- stock, and J. T. Herron, 1966 (30 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 444, (C1 3.46:444) Reform: A General-Purpose Program for Manipulating Formatted Data Files, by Robert C. McClenon and Joseph Hilsenrath, 1968 (40 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 446, (C13.46:446) PRECISE: A Multiple Precision Version of Omnitab, by Alfred E. Beam and Joseph Hilsenrath, 1968 (55 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 448, (C1 3.46:448) Status Report — National Standard Reference Data System, April 1968, E. L. Brady, Editor, 1968 (70 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 464, (C13.46:464) The NBS Alloy Data Center: Function, Bibliographic System, Related Data Centers, and Reference Books, by G. C. Carter, L. H. Bennett, J. R. Cuthill, and D. J. Kahan, 1968 ($1.25). □ NBS HANDBOOK 101, (C13.11:101) OMNITAB A Computer Program for Statistical and Nu- I merical Analysis, by Joseph Hilsenrath, Guy G. ; Ziegler, Carla G. Messina, Philip J. Walsh, and Robert J. Herbold, Revised January 1968 5 ($3.00). § □ NBS Special Publication 306-1, (C13.10:306-1) J Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic ^ Spectra, Section 1 !H- 23 V, by Charlotte E. 5 Moore, 1968 ($1.00). □ NBS Special Publication 306-2, (C1 3.1 0:306-2) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 2 24 Cr- 41 Nb, by Charlotte E. Moore, 1969 (60 cents). □ NBS Special Publication 306-3, (C1 3.1 0:306-3) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 3 42 Mo- 57 La 72 Hf- 89 Ac, by Charlotte E. Moore, 1969 (50 cents). □ NBS Special Publication 306-4, (C1 3.1 0:306-4) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 4 57 La- 71 Lu 89 Ac-"Es, by Charlotte E. Moore, 1969 (55 cents). □ NBS Tech Note 500, (C13.46:500) Edit-lnsertion Programs for Automatic Typesetting of Com- puter Printout, by C. G. Messina and J. Hilsen- rath, 1970 ($0.60). PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDQTDIblDI Ui CO CO o o Q Q. CO CO O © CD |o o g .C CO O O C a 3 (0 o a. -a c w © o Q. CO w CO Q) ■a < a) ■D O O CL N ■D C CO & § CO b CO •a (0 CD O CO o « c ® LU Q- O o o < (0 o Q. CD Q CD E> CO x: O D) c a. c CD E c > O O CO D CD Q. D CO