SS. A? . A//VFS CtfC ¥/? 419 / \ ^OF Co J&. \ Sf *ns of *• f NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 419 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae Eugene C. Bovee and Thomas K. Sawyer January 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quantity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, development and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and .economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publications that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management in- vestigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circulars are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the marine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from D825, Technical Information Division, Environmental Science Information Center, NOAA, Washington, D.C. 20235. Re- cent Circulars are: 365. Processing EASTROPAC STD data and the construction of ver- tical temperature and salinity sections by computer. By Forrest R. Miller and Kenneth A. Bliss. February 1972, iv + 17 p., 8 figs., 3 app. figs. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, D.C. 20402. 366. Key to field identification of anadromous juvenile salmonids in thp Pacific Northwest. By Robert J. MacConnell and George R. Snyder. •January 1972, iv + 6 p., 4 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 367. Engineering economic model for fish protein concentration processes. By K. K. Almenas, L. C. Durilla, R. C. Ernst, J. W. Gentry, M. B. Hale, and J. M. Marchello. October 1972, iii + 175 p., 6 figs., 6 tables. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 368. Cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory and study. Florida: Phase I, area description. By J. Kneeland McNulty, William N. Lindall, Jr., and James E. Sykes. November 1972, vii + 126 p., 46 figs., 62 tables. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 369. Field guide to the anglefishes (Pomacanthidae) in the western Atlantic. By Henry A. Feddern. November 1972, iii + 10 p., 17 figs. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, D.C. 20402. 370. Collecting and processing data on fish eggs and larvae in the California Current region. By David Kramer, Mary J. Kalin, Elizabeth G. Stevens, James R. Thrailkill, and James R. Zweifel. November 1972, iv + 38 p., 38 figs., 2 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 371. Ocean fishery management: Discussion and research. By Adam A. Sokoloski (editor). (17 papers, 24 authors.) April 1973, vi + 173 p., 38 figs.. 32 tables, 7 app. tables. 372. Fishery publications, calendar year 1971: Lists and indexes. By Thomas A. Manar. October 1972, iv + 24 p., 1 leg. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.F. Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 20402. 374. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Annelida: Oligochaeta. By David G. Cook and Ralph O. Brinkhurst. May 1973. iii + 23 p., 82 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 375. New Polvchaeta from Beaufort, with a key to all species recorded from North Carolina. By John H. Day. July 1973. xiii + 140 p.. 18 figs., 1 table. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402. 376. Bottom-water temperatures on the continental shelf. Nova Scotia to New Jersey. By John B. Colton. Jr. and Ruth R. Stoddard. June 1973. iii + 55 p., 15 figs., 12 app. tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 377. Fishery publications, calendar year 1970: Lists and indexes. By Mary Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorson. December 1972, iv + 34 p., 1 fig. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 378. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Protozoa: Ciliophora. By Arthur C. Borror. September 1973, iii + 62 p., 5 figs. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 379. Fishery publications, calendar year 1969: Lists and indexes. By Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. April 197.3, iv + 31 p.. 1 fig. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. :fH(). Fishery publications, calendar year 1968: Lists and indexes. By Marv Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorson. May 1973, iv + 24 p., 1 fig. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. Washington, D.C. 20402. 381 . Fishery publications, calendar year 1967: Lists and indexes. By Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. July 1973, iv + 22 p., 1 fig. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 20402. 382. Fisherv publications, calendar vear 1966: Lists and indexes. By Mary Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorson. July 1973. iv + 19 p.. 1 fig. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. Washington. D.C. 20402. 383. Fisherv publications, calendar vear 1965: Lists and indexes. By Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. July 1973, iv + 12 p.. 1 fig. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. 384. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Higher plants of the marine fringe. By Edwin T. Moul. September 1973. iii + 60 p.. 109 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402. 385. Fishery publications, calendar year 1972: Lists and indexes. By Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. November 1973. iv + 23 p.. 1 fig. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. Washington. D.C. 20402. 386. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Pyc- nogonida. By Lawrence R. McCloskey. September 1973. iii + 12 p.. 1 fig. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. 387. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern L'nited States. Crustacea: Stomatopoda. By Raymond B. Manning. February 1974. iii + 6 p.. 10 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Cnnl mued on inside hack cover NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 419 •^uS&fr Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae '^'Wo"'^ I Eugene C. Bovee and Thomas K. Sawyer January 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator Terry L. Leitzell, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries S National Marine Fisheries Service For Sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 003-017-00433-3 FOREWORD This issue of the "Circulars" is part of a subseries entitled "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." This subseries will consist of original, illustrated, modern manuals on the identification, classification, and general biology of the estuarine and coastal marine plants and animals of the northeastern United States. Manuals will be published at irregular intervals on as many taxa of the region as there are specialists available to collaborate in their preparation. The manuals are an outgrowth of the widely used "Keys to Marine Invertebrates of the Woods Hole Region," edited by R- 1. Smith, published in 1964, and produced under the auspices of the Systematics-Ecology Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Instead of revising the "Woods Hole Keys," the staff of the Systematics-Ecology Program decided to ex- pand the geographic coverage and bathymetric range and produce the keys in an entirely new set of expanded publications. The "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is being prepared in collaboration with systematic specialists in the United States and abroad. Each manual will be based primarily on recent and ongoing revisionary systematic research and a fresh examination of the plants and animals. Each major taxon, treated in a separate manual, will include an intro- duction, illustrated glossary, uniform originally illustrated keys, annotated check list with infor- mation when available on distribution, habitat, life history, and related biology, references to the major literature of the group, and a systematic index. These manuals are intended for use by biology students, biologists, biological oceanographers, informed laymen, and others wishing to identify coastal organisms for this region. In many instances the manuals will serve as a guide to additional information about the species or the group. Geographic coverage of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is planned to include organisms from the headwaters of estuaries seaward to approximately the 200-m depth on the continental shelf from Maine to Virginia, but may vary somewhat with each major taxon and the interests of collaborators. Whenever possible representative specimens dealt with in the manuals will be deposited in reference collections of major museums. After a sufficient number of manuals of related taxonomic groups have been published, the manuals will be revised, grouped, and issued as special volumes. These volumes will thus con- sist of compilations of individual manuals within phyla such as the Coelenterata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca, or of groups of phyla. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Diagnostic characters 1 Ecology 2 Collecting methods 2 Culture 2 Observational techniques 2 Common problems in determining the identity of marine Sarcodina 3 Glossary 3 Key to families and genera of Amoebae and descriptions of species 6 Annotated systematic list 49 Selected bibliography 52 Systematic index 54 Acknowledgments 55 Coordinating editor's comments 56 The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. in Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae EUGENE C. BOVEE 1 and THOMAS K. SAWYER 2 ABSTRACT This manual contains a key to 15 families of freshwater and marine amoebae, of which only one, the Echinamoebidae, does not contain a known marine species. Diagnostic features for 49 genera, of which 34 include marine species, also are given. Descriptions and illustrations for 76 species of marine amoebae and an annotated systematic list are provided. The basic key is designed to assist the user in the identification of recognized species of marine amoebae that have been described from waters of the northeastern United States. However, certain well-known families and genera of freshwater forms are included to assist in their identification should they be discovered in seawater in future investiga- tions. Information also is provided which includes comments on the general biology of the Amoebida, and techniques for microscopic observations and laboratory cultivation of many species. Most of the amoebae described in the key are free living, but a few are parasitic and known to be of considerable economic importance. One new free-living species, Vexillifera minutissima, was discovered in Chin- coteague Bay, Va., and is described herein for the first time. INTRODUCTION The amoebae are that group of Sarcodina (Protozoa) which move by means of subtle changes in the physical properties of their protoplasm. Probable gel-sol inter- conversions of their protoplasm produce extensions of the body mass to form pseudopods which are involved in both locomotion and feeding activities. The movement of the protoplasm may be cyclic in the body mass and in the pseudopods which conduct different specialized func- tions. The protoplasm is convertible from a slightly vis- cous fluid state (plasmasol) to a more viscous or rigid contractile jelly (plasmagel). The specific morphological appearance of various Sarcodina is a dynamic product of their protoplasmic activities and movements. The amoebae of the ocean resemble those of fresh- water ponds and streams, and the same group of charac- ters can be used to distinguish them. The amoebae of the ocean are not yet well known. A great many unknown species remain to be found, described, identified, and classified. However, enough of them are known to provide a basis for provisional identification to the generic level. Known species are included as examples. Since identification of amoebae classically depends mainly on their forms and activities while in loco- motion, observations must be made while they are ac- tive. Many marine amoebae are active at dawn or dusk, particularly the many small species found feeding on bacteria in bays and estuaries. Others are active mainly during midday. Observations at almost any time from dawn to dark, or even at night, may turn up an active amoeba. 'Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. 'Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS, NOAA, Oxford, MD 21654. Amoebae usually are difficult to preserve in their typical locomotive form. Sketches and photographs made by dependable taxonomists of amoebae are as yet the best sources for their identification, while fixed and stained specimens are useful for studying their nuclear structures. There are no extensive type collections, but a few protozoologists maintain certain species in con- tinuous culture. Photomicrographs are not an entirely adequate sub- stitute for illustration of type-specimens and descrip- tions should be supplemented with detailed sketches which are representative of the species being described; photomicrographs show only a planar section through the amoeba. Scanning electronmicrographs are not yet available for most amoebae, and, besides being costly to prepare, have the disadvantage of portraying fixed specimens whose contours are more or less distorted. Hence, few amoebae have been illustrated with scan- ning techniques and those available do not substitute for direct microscopic identification. Fixed and stained specimens may be prepared by us- ing routine cytological methods for staining cells (Alger 1966; Mitchell 1966); including such stains as iron- hematoxylin, Kernecht's-red, Feulgen's reaction, chromotrope-2R, or Biebrich's scarlet-fast-green. For electronmicroscopy and light microscopy, various modifications of combined osmic acid and glutaralde- hyde fixations have been used with success. DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS Members of the Sarcodina, usually considered to be a subphylum of the Protozoa, are typically single celled; but some are multinucleate, and others are plasmodial, that is, they can fragment into uninucleate cytoplasmic parts which may fuse again into a multinucleate cyto- plasmic mass. In most Sarcodina the nucleus is vesic- ular, i.e., round and bounded by its own membrane, and usually contains a round central endosome or nucleolus or both. The cytoplasm is motile within a mucoid outer coat (called a plasmalemma) and is extensible into lobes or threads, called pseudopods, which are also used in locomotive progress and feeding. The plasmalemma or outer coat may bear a fuzz-like layer which conforms to a glyco-calyx. The amoebae are usually divided into two groups, based on whether the pseudopods are filose (i.e., long, slender, and needlelike) or lobose (fingerlike, or as lobes). Members of either group may have, or lack, a shell, de- pending on the species. Families and genera of amoebae which have no shell are distinguished by the dynamic form and movement of the body and the pseudopods dur- ing steady locomotion and the structure of the nucleus. Those which have shells are distinguished by both the active form of the pseudopods and the structure of the shell, as well as structure of the nucleus. The Sarcodina, including the amoebae, are probably of several sources of evolutionary origin, i.e., are polyphy- letic. Their principal similarity is in the formation of pseudopods. Any classification of them is artificial and is useful mainly for the distinction and identification of a particular genus or species. This key is therefore ar- tificial and intended only for identification; it does not necessarily indicate phylogenetic relationships. ECOLOGY Most marine amoebae have been collected and ob- served from inshore areas, e.g., from intertidal zones, tide pools, brackish bays, or inlets. Some, e.g., Vannella mira and Acanthamoeba polyphaga, tolerate both fresh and seawater. Recent collections from the open ocean in- dicate, however, that some species are widely dis- tributed throughout ocean waters in the bottom sediments or near the surface as pelagic organisms. Many marine amoebae are free living and feed mainly on bacteria. Others feed on algae. Some scavenge organic detritus. A few are carnivorous, eating other Protozoa or small Metazoa. Probably most species are widely dis- tributed in the oceans owing to waves and ocean cur- rents, but some have been found only in a few restricted locations. Temperature of the water, its salinity, and the availability of suitable food are perhaps the main factors in their distribution. Some are parasites of diatoms, fishes, molluscs, or arthropods, a few being pathogenic, the others commensal; such species are, of course, found with their hosts. The importance of amoebae in the ocean has only recently begun to be assessed. The bacteria eaters and scavengers are important in maintaining the cleanliness of shallow, inshore waters and the surface waters of the open ocean. The pathogens — such as Paramoeba per- niciosa, which parasitizes blue crabs, causing the grey crab disease — are important in oysters and other molluscs, but their effects on such hosts have not been well determined (Sawyer et al. 1970). In any event, amoebae are important organisms in oceanic ecosys- tems. COLLECTING METHODS Amoebae may be found in almost any damp place — moist soil or sand, on aquatic vegetation, on wet rocks, in lakes, ponds, streams, glacial meltwater, tide pools, bays, estuaries, on the bottom of or afloat in the open ocean, or on (or in) littoral organisms. The easiest collecting method for shallow water species is to collect a sample of vegetation, with some soil or sand, and about a liter of water from around or near the plants. This, placed in a clean glass jar with a screw-cap lid, can be taken to the laboratory for observation. In the open ocean, where amoebae may be few, 1 or more liters of water may be taken with a water sampler at any depth. This water should be passed through a fine filter. Vacuum filtration at 3 to 4 lbs/in 2 , using millipore filters of 1.2 pm mesh and 47 mm diameter, is recom- mended. The filters can then be floated on unfiltered sea- water (from the original sample) in 60 mm plastic dishes. Dishes may be kept at about 23°C ("room temperature") for several days or weeks. Transfers from the dishes to nutrient agar plates will often produce growth of bac- teria and amoebae. Bottom samples may be taken with an Eckman or Petersen dredge. Some amoebae are hardy in the laboratory; others are not. Cultures will usually produce only the hardier species. Nonetheless, clonal cultures are sometimes the best way to accurately distinguish one species from another closely similar species. CULTURE Many species that eat bacteria may be grown on a moist nutrient agar which will support bacterial growth. Seawater known to contain, or potentially containing, amoebae can be used as an overlay for a 1V&% agar base; or 1% agar plates can be used without a water overlay, but must be kept in a moist chamber. These, when in- oculated, will yield growth of some species. For brackish water organisms, brackish water should be used. Aerobacter aerogenes is a bacterium which many amoebae will eat. Amoebae which eat algae may be grown with the algae in a similar fashion. Carnivorous amoebae should be cultured in clean (preferably filtered) seawater. Their prey should be grown separately and fed to them daily in amounts suf- ficient to support good growth, but without overfeeding. Reference to methods successfully used by others in culturing amoebae is useful in setting up cultures (Saw- yer 1975a, Page 1976). OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUES Most marine amoebae are so small that they require the use of a compound microscope to be seen. Some are so tiny or translucent as to be virtually invisible by bright-field microscopy. The best means of observing them is with a phase-contrast microscope of good quality with 10X, 40X, and 100X objectives. Wide-field eye- pieces of at least 10X magnifying power are very beneficial, and a binocular microscope is much easier and less tiring to use than a monocular one. Amoebae tend to attach to and crawl on surfaces. They are most easily found in organic detritus on the bottom of a sample at the mud (sand) and water boundary. They may also be squeezed out of detritus or plant material more easily than they can be pipetted out of a sample. The squeezed material may be agitated with a glass nee- dle after a drop of it has been placed on a clean micro- scope slide causing many amoebae to float out of the debris. These "floaters" eventually settle to the slide where they will resume a typical locomotive form. The edges of the coverslip placed over the drop should be sealed with petroleum jelly. Observations should be made as soon as possible after the samples are collected. Some marine amoebae sur- vive transfer to the laboratory for only a few minutes to a few hours after collection. Hardier species often may ap- pear in large numbers after several days of culture, and others may appear and disappear at intervals for several weeks. COMMON PROBLEMS IN DETERMINING THE IDENTITY OF MARINE SARCODINA Most major taxa of marine Sarcodina are in need of reexamination with modern equipment such as phase contrast and electron microscopic techniques. Descrip- tions based on specimens grown in pure clonal culture also are highly desirable for species with several com- mon morphological characteristics. We have attempted to compose a key to the Amoebida to include both morphological and ecological data, reinforced with ap- propriate literature citations, which should enable most investigators to recognize the principal genera and species of marine forms. Certain genera and species which so far have not been reported from marine habitats, or from waters of the United States, are in- cluded in the key to facilitate their identification should they be discovered by other workers. Since amoebae probably have received less comprehensive treatment than other groups of marine Protozoa, it would be short- sighted for us to assume that the present key includes most or all of the genera that are likely to be encoun- tered in seawater samples. Rather, the marine amoebae so far discovered in waters of the northeastern United States possibly represent the "common" species which have little or no niche specificity. Protozoa from aquatic habitats other than fresh water often are cited as being marine or brackish water species. Natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes may cause large intrusions of fresh water to dilute nearshore brackish or high salinity waters to the extent that their normal flora and fauna undergo shifts in species com- position and abundance. Hurricane Agnes in the sum- mer of 1972 had such a drastic effect on Chesapeake Bay, Md., that large species of Testacea and Heliozoa, or- dinarily found in fresh water, were present in bloom proportions in the upper reaches of the bay. Historical records showed that the water usually ranged from 5 to 10 %o salinity but dropped to 2-3% after the hurricane. Thus, studies on brackish water protozoans in Chesapeake Bay yielded unusual findings in late 1972 and illustrate the importance of knowledge of environ- mental data before attempting to characterize the biota of a typical brackish water habitat. Some of the species of Testacea and Heliozoa encountered after the hurricane are illustrated herein as atypical Sarcodina in waters of the northeastern United States. The increasing interest in marine Sarcodina may be noted in recent literature concerning their role in polluted and nonpolluted waters, in marine food webs, as parasites of marine hosts, and their suitability as models for study in molecular and cellular biology. Biologists who attempt to isolate and culture marine Sarcodina for study are likely to find genera and species that previously have not been reported from waters of the United States, including some which may belong to the Testacida, Foraminiferida, Proteomyxida, etc. — groups which are not included in the present key. Standard texts on the Protozoa are adequate for determining the appropriate class or order of most marine protozoans; however, there remains a major need for new keys to marine Sarcodina other than the Amoebida. While the present key was in preparation an excellent key to freshwater amoebae was published by Page (1976) which included culture procedures and observational techniques. Page (1976) also provided several important references to recent publications on freshwater and soil amoebae, and includes a proposed reclassification of the subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862. We accept the families Mayorellidae, Paramoebidae, and Coch- liopodiidae as valid taxa while Page abolishes Mayorel- lidae and excludes Cochliopodiidae from the Amoebida. No attempt is made here to resolve or dispute existing problems in the taxonomy or systematics of the Amoebida. We have prepared the key to assist the user in determining the correct genera and species of marine amoebae with the idea that higher taxa be a matter of in- dividual preference. A useful background on the tax- onomy and systematics on the principal genera of amoebae may be obtained from the following pub- lications, Greeff (1866, 1874), Chatton (1910), Volkonsky (1931), Singh (1952), Page (1967a, 1967b, 1968, 1969, 1972b, 1975, 1976), Bovee (1970), Singh and Das (1971), Bovee and Jahn (1973), Jahn et al. (1974), Sawyer and Griffin (1975). GLOSSARY acentriolar Lacking a centriole at the poles of the mitotic spindle during cell division. algivorous Feeding on algae or diatoms. amphosome A "secondary body" adjacent to the nucleus of amoebae in the family Paramoebidae Poche. 1 r * # w ' 4 ■' ' .< Wi Figure 1. — Heliozoa and Testacea from upper Chesapeake Bay, Md., on protargol-stained cover slips, X5G0. A. Acanthocystia sp. B. Actinophry8 sp. C. Centropyxis sp. D. Difflugia sp. chromatin granules Small darkly staining granules usually displaced peripherally under the nuclear mem- brane. chromatoid body Elongate refractile rod-shaped bodies which stain deeply with hematoxylin; often seen in cysts of Entamoeba. clavate Club-shaped. commensal An association in which an organism, the commensal, is benefited, while the host is neither harmed nor benefited. cruciform Shaped like a cross. cyst A stage in the life cycle of certain Protozoa in which a one- or more-layered membrane protects it during periods of inactivity; may resist dessication. cytivorous Feeds on cells or tissues of other organisms. dentate Having a toothlike form. digitate Having a fingerlike form. ectocyst The outer layer or membrane of a cyst. ectoplasm The outer clear, nongranular protoplasm of an amoeba. endocyst The inner layer or membrane of a cyst. endoplasm the inner, granular protoplasm of an amoeba. endosome The distinct inner mass of a nucleus of an amoeba, often called a nucleolus; may be spherical or fragmented. filopod A slender thread- or needlelike pseudopod. filose Like a needle or a thread. flagellipod A slender, motile pseudopod which resembles, but is not, a flagellum. flagellum A slender, fibrous, undulating or flexible or- ganelle of a protozoan; used in swimming. helical Coiled, as if around a cylinder. hemolymph The internal fluids of an insect, crustacean, or other invertebrate metazoan. herbivorous Feeds on plant materials. light -re fractile The ability of an object to bend light rays as they pass through it. limaciform Shaped like a slug or snail's foot. linguliform Shaped like a tongue. lobopod A wide, rounded pseudopod; lobe-shaped. lobose Like a lobe. mesomitotic Type of nuclear division in which the nu- cleolus (endosome) dissolves as the spindle forms. The nuclear membrane disappears prior to telophase and centrioles are absent. metamitotic Similar to mesomitosis but the nuclear membrane dissolves as the spindle forms. Centrioles or centriolelike bodies are formed. morulate Shaped like a berry, a cluster of more or less globular parts. multiform Having many forms. nucleolus A compact mass of material within the nu- cleus of a cell. omnivorous Feeds on a variety of plant or animal foods. operculum A plug or cap which covers an opening through the membrane(s) of a cyst. palmate Having the form of a hand and fingers. populate Having many small, rounded projections. paranuclear Located beside the nucleus (the ampho- some of Paramoeba, for example). pathogen Any organism which causes a disease. pelagic Floating in a moving current of water. pharopod A flat, wide, clear, ectoplasmic pseudopod. plasmalemma That part of the living ectoplasm which serves as a covering for the body of an amoeba. polygonal Having many sides. polymorphic Having more than one form. promitotic A type of nuclear division in which the nu- cleolus (endosome) divides to form two polar caps, membrane is intact throughout nuclear division (as applied to amoebae). pseudopod Any extension of cytoplasm which is used in locomotion or feeding. punctate Marked with many points or dots, or having many points or depressions. ramose Branching or having branches. Sarcodina Those Protozoa which form pseudopods used in locomotion and feeding. saprozoic Feeding by absorption of dissolved material. scur A pseudopod shaped like a flake or a scale. serrate Having form like a row of saw teeth. shell An external covering of organic material with at- tached or imbedded mineral material. secondary nucleus A questionable term for an ampho- some or paranuclear body; adjacent to the nucleus of certain amoebae. subspherical Oblate; not quite, but nearly spherical. symbiont An association of two species of organisms that is mutually beneficial. test An external, usually close fitting, covering of inor- ganic or organic material; usually with a small opening. truncated Having the top or tip absent or removed. uroid The posterior trailing protoplasm of an amoeba in active locomotion; bulbous, morulate, filose, filamen- tous, etc. vesicle Any globular structure in the cytoplasm which is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane; may contain fluid, food, minerals. vesicular Like a vesicle. water-expulsive vesicle That vesicle which collects water from the cytoplasm and expels it; also known as a pul- sating vesicle or a contractile vacuole. KEY TO FAMILIES, GENERA, AND SPECIES OF MARINE AMOEBAE The diagnostic characters used in the couplets do not stand alone as singular distinctive features. Lobose, filose, or conical pseudopods may be common to more than one family or genus and are used in various combinations with other diagnostic features to provide a specific diagnosis. Thus, a primary character may be assigned to both members of a cou- plet when the members are closely related, and secondary characters are used to distinguish them from one another. 1 Body naked with pseudopods monopodial, polypodial, or transient and indefinite in number; lobose, conical, filose, or broad and variably discoid, ovoid, or ellipsoid. Uninucleate, or multi- nucleate with nuclear endosome entire or fragmented. Cysts present or absent, with or without operculae 2 1 Body naked with dorsal surface covered with microscopic granules produced via Golgi appara- tus. Anterior and posterior margins smooth or with delicate thin pseudopods. Shape usually discoid or broadly ovate, little change in shape during locomotion Cochliopodiidae ... 45 1 Body naked, polymorphic in locomotion with pseudopods forked, branched, or plasmodial. In- dividual pseudopods blunt-tipped, lobose, or broadly tapered. Mononucleate or multinucleate Stereomyxidae ... 46 (/) Body in locomotion tubulate, limaciform, palmate, or clavate. Pseudopods few to many, lobose and more or less eruptive; clear or with clear hyaline caps. Posterior uroid temporary, semiperma- nent, or absent. Uninucleate, or multinucleate, with endosome entire or fragmented. Two to four flagella are transient in a few genera; cysts present or absent 2 (1) Body in locomotion triangulate, ovate, or ellipsoidal. Pseudopods one to many, conical, spiny, filose, or hemispherical and smooth with longitudinal ridges or temporary transverse ripples or waves. Uroid present or absent. Uninucleate, rarely binucleate, endosome entire or fragmented 18 3 (2) Body in locomotion tubulate or cylindroid with rounded lobose pseudopods, usually polypodial. Shape palmate to clavate in locomotion, pseudopods granular with clear hemispherical tips. Uroid temporary. Uninucleate with submembranal endosomal granules, or rarely multinucleate, or with central endosome. Flagella and cysts absent Amoebidae ... 4 3 (2) Body in locomotion more or less tubular, limaciform; pseudopods granular, more or less hemi- spherical and eruptive. Uroid semipermanent. Uninucleate, or multinucleate, with or without central endosome 8 4 (3) Pseudopods multiple, tubulate, rarely ridged; do not meld at bases during locomotion; one serves as main channel of protoplasmic flow. Usually uninucleate; nucleus discoid, without central endosome Amoeba lescherae Figure 2. -Amoeba lescherae: A — locomotive, with uroid; B- after Taylor and Hayes (1944). -locomotive, without uroid; Amoeba lescherae Size: Rounded, about 300^m diameter; polypodal in locomotion, 250 to 400 nm long, 200 to 300 Mm wide; clavate in locomotion, 500 to 600 /jm long, 100 to 150 nm wide. Pseudopods: Cylindroid, rarely ridged, slightly tapered with dis- tinct, clear caps, tips. Uroid: Temporary, lobate. Ectoplasm: Clear 4 to 5^m thick over entire body; thicker at uroid and at pseudopodial caps. Endoplasm: Granular, cascades over pseudopodial tip during advance. Nucleus: Ellipsoid, sometimes twisted, 30 by 50 ^m with granules adjacent to membrane, with a clear, oval or band-shaped endosomal mass. Vesicles: Few, small, 8 to lOf^m diameter; water-expulsive vesicle, when present, 40 to 50^ m diameter. Crys- tals: Square, prismatic, or deeply truncated bipyramids, 1.0 to 2.0 y.m square. Cyst: Gelatinous, 30am diameter. Feeding: A scavenger, on detritus. Habitat: Marine, brackish tide pools. Distribution: Known from British Isles; probably widely distributed. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Taylor and Hayes (1944). 4 (3) Pseudopods few or multiple, cylindroid; one or more serve as main channel of protoplasmic flow. Uroid temporary or absent. Uninucleate or multinucleate, with or without central endosome 5 5(4) 5(4) Pseudopods multiple with conspicuous ridges or grooves in the ectoplasm; do not meld at bases. Endoplasm filled with bipyramidal crystals. Multinucleate, without central endosome. No marine species known Chaos Pseudopods few, without ridges or grooves extending into ectoplasm; may or may not meld at bases. One or more pseudopods serve as main channel of protoplasmic flow. Uninucleate with or without central endosome 6 6 (5) One large pseudopod functions as main channel of protoplasmic flow. Granular endoplasm fills entire amoeba except for extreme tips of pseudopods; pseudopods do not meld at bases. Nucleus without central endosome. No marine species known Metachaos 6 (5) One or more large pseudopods serve as main channel of protoplasmic flow; pseudopods may or may not meld at bases, without ridges or grooves. Uninucleate, with or without central endosome 7 7 (6) Pseudopods meld at bases, one or more serves as main channel of protoplasmic flow. Uninu- cleate without central endosome. No marine species known Polychaos 7 (6) Pseudopods do not meld at bases, subcylindrical, not ridged. Mononucleate with central endo- some. Parasites of coelenterates (Hydra). No marine species known Hydramoeba 8 (3) Uroid semipermanent. Uninucleate or multinucleate, without central endosome. Often with bacterial symbionts or containing particles of organic matter Pelomyxidae . . . 9 8 (3) Uroid more or less permanent, or absent. Uninucleate with central endosome. No apparent bac- terial symbionts 10 9 (8) Large, multinucleate, nuclei without central endosome. Usually with bacterial symbionts Pelomyxa ostendensis Figure 3. — Pelomyxa ostendensis: A — rounded, at rest; B — active, flattened; C, D — locomotive, "sausage" forms; after Kufferath (1952). 20 jum Pelomyxa ostendensis Size: Rounded, 25 to 30,um diameter; locomotive, like a truncated cone 35 to 40 [j.m long, 28 to 30> m diameter an- teriorly. 20 to 22um diameter at rear, or sausage-shaped 45 to 50 (*m long, about 20[xm diameter anteriorly, about 15[xm diameter at rear. Pseudopods: Eruptive, clear hemispheres formed anteriolaterally, invaded and filled by granular endoplasm; no others formed. Uroid: Not described. Ectoplasm: Distinct, clear, about 2m m thick over entire body. En- doplasm: Very granular. Nucleus(i): Multinucleate, described as obscured by granules and food vesicles. Vesicles: Numerous, mainly food vesicles of various sizes to lOpim or more diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Cyst: None known. Feeding: Herbivorous, on algae. Habitat: Marine; coastal tide pools. Distribution: Known from west coast of Europe, Atlantic Ocean, and North Sea, probably more widely distributed. References: Kufferath (1952). 9(8) Large, uninucleate with central endosome; no apparent symbionts Trichamoeba schaefferi Figure 4. — Trichamoeba schaefferi: A, B — locomotive; C — at rest; after Radir (1927). Trichamoeba schaefferi Size: Subspherical, 150 to 175Mm; polylobate, 175 to 250Mm; clavate, 225 to 300nm. Pseudopods: Semi-eruptive lobes. Uroid: Semipermanent bulb or group of small lobes. Ectoplasm: Thin; distinct. Endoplasm: Clear; agranular. Nucleus: Spherical; 30 [xm; with cup-shaped cluster of endosomal granules. Water-expulsive vesicle: None. Food vesicles: Rare. Crystals: As truncated pyramids in pairs with smaller ends apposed. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Her- bivorous; eats diatoms. Habitat: Marine; in quiet bays and estuaries. Distribution: Known from Pacific coastal waters, United States, California, probably widely distributed. References: Morphology; description; Radir (1927). 10 (8) Body more or less clavate or variable. Uroid bristlelike or papulate, more or less permanent, or absent Saccamoebidae ... 11 10 (8) Body elongate and more or less cylindrical or flattened. More or less monopodial with clear erup- tive pseudopods. Uroid filamentous or absent. Nuclear division mesomitotic or promitotic. Forms resistant cysts. Flagellate stage present or absent 12 11(70) Body clavate, uroidal filaments bristlelike when present Saccamoeba . . . A A (11) Uroid bristlelike S. gumia A (11) Uroid papulate S.fulvum Figure 5.— Saccamoeba gumia: A, B— locomotive; after Schaeffer (1926). Saccamoeba gumia Size: Locomotive, 60 to lOOp m long; 30 to 40/U m wide. Pseudopods: Eruptive, at anterior end in locomotion. Uroid: Semipermanent, with bristlelike filaments to 10p m long. Ectoplasm: Smooth; thin; clear. Endoplasm: Granular; fluid. Nucleus: Spherical; 12/u m diameter; with endosome, 7 to 10/j m diameter, central. Water-expulsive vesicle: None. Other vesicles: Few; clear; to lO^m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous, on algae. Habitat: Marine; in tide pools. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). Figure 6. -Saccamoeba fulvum: A — afloat; B — locomotive; C — at rest; after Schaeffer (1926). 100 jam Saccamoeba fulvum Size: Rounded, 40nva; radiate, body 20Mm, pseudopods 20 to SOfim long; clavate, 50 to 70jum long by 25 to 30Mm wide. Pseudopods: Locomotive, as short, blunt lobes; of radiate state, cylindroid with rounded ends. Uroid: Temporary, papulate. Ectoplasm: Smooth, clear. Endoplasm: Flocculently granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 9 pm diameter; central endosome dense, 7 pm diameter. Water-expulsive vesicle: None. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Food vesicles: 2 to 5pm diameter; contain brown granules. Feeding: Herbivorous, on diatoms. Habitat: Marine. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 11 (10) Body variable, triangulate or fan-shaped to clavate or subcylindrical. Uroidal filaments pro- nounced and more or less adhesive Rhizamoeba ... A A (11) Uninucleate or multinucleate R. polyura A (11) Uninucleate B A Figure 7. — Rhizamoeba polyura: A — biextended form; B — morulate, afloat; C — attached, contracted; D — beginning locomotion; E, F — locomotive, with uroid; G — locomotive, without uroid; after Page (1972a). 50 jam Rhizamoeba polyura Size: Contracted, irregular 30 to 100 pm across; rounded, afloat, 22 to 43p m diameter; locomotive, club-shaped, 25 to 135p m long (mean, 75p m), 20 to 30 (im broad near anterior end, tapered to 6 to 12pm wide, at rear end. Pseudopods: Eruptive, granular, hemispherical, at anterior end, or at periphery of nonlocomotive state. Uroid: Temporary, clear, rounded, 6 to 12p m with attached, stretched, tapered filaments 10 to 12pm long. Similar filaments at periphery of con- tracted nonmotile stage. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, forms uroid and eruptive state of pseudopods. Endoplasm: Granular, fluid. Nucleus: Spherical, 5 to 6p m diameter, with central endosome 2.5 to 3.5pm diameter, both elastic, dif- ficult to see; division acentriolar, mesomitotic; sometimes bi- to multinucleate; endosome may have adjacent granular mass. Vesicles: Few, small. Crystals: None; but many granules, about 1.0 to 2.0pm, in endoplasmic rows. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow estuaries. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Page (1972a). B(A) Uninucleate, nucleus lOp m in diameter R. pallida B(A) Uninucleate, nucleus 3.5p m in diameter R. sphaerarum Figure 8.— Rhizamoeba pallida: A— afloat, radiate; B— flattened, contracted; C, D- locomotive, with uroid; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 wm Rhizamoeba pallida Size: Rounded, about 30 (itn; locomotive, clavate, 50 to 60pm long by 25 to 30p m wide. Pseudopods: Slowly eruptive, at anterior end in locomotion. Uroid: Always present in locomotion, as several fine, ectoplasmic filaments 3 to 12pm long. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear, as thin anterior cap and as uroidal bulb and filaments. Endoplasm: Finely granular, with a few granules 1 to 2pm. Nucleus: Spherical, 10p m, with distinct central endosome, 5pm. Vesicles: Several food vesicles 3 to 8^m diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). Figure 9.— Rhizamoeba sphaerarum: A— rounded, at rest; B, C— locomotive, with uroid; after Schaeffer (1926). 20 jum Rhizamoeba sphaerarum Size: 8 to lip m diameter; locomotive, clavate, 20 to 30pm long by 10 to 15p m wide. Pseudopods: Eruptive waves at anterior margin. Uroid: Nearly always present in locomotion, of posterior ectoplasmic filaments 2 to 5pm long, less than 0.5pm diameter. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, thin. Endoplasm: Clear, finely granular; about 50 to 100 other granules, about 0.5 to 1.0pm diameter. Nucleus: Spherical, 3.5 pm diameter; endosome indistinct. Vesicles: Several food 10 vesicles, 1.0 to 4.5pm; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous, eats small algae, bacteria. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 12 (10) Nuclear division mesomitotic; paranuclear amphosome present or absent. Flagellate stage ab- sent. Cysts without operculae Hartmannellidae ... 13 12 (10) Nuclear division promitotic. Flagellate stage present or absent. Ectocysts with or without oper- culae Vahlkampfiidae ... 16 13(22) Nuclear division mesomitotic, paranuclear amphosome absent; uninucleate. Cysts smooth . . Hartmannella Figure 10. — Hartmannella tahitiensis: A — two amoebae in the intestinal epithelium of an oyster; B-E— active amoebae, stained; after Cheng (1970). 20 jum Hartmannella tahitiensis Size: Rounded 6 to 10pm; locomotion, clavate to triangulate, 8 to 13pm long by 4 to 10/im wide. Pseudopods: More or less lobose, eruptive, clear. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior one-fourth to one-third of locomotive body and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 2. Op m, with endosome 0.8 to 1.0pm (with or without a peripheral layer of fine granules). Vesicles: Several, with food, 1.5 to 3p m diameter. Crystals: None; but several en- doplasmic granules, 0.5 to 1.0pm. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous; cytivorous. Habitat: Reported from gut of moribund oysters, Crassostrea commercialis. Distribution: Reported from Tahiti; perhaps worldwide. References: Morphology; ecology; etiology; description; Cheng (1970). 13(72) Similar to Hartmannella but binucleate. Meiosis present or absent in cysts 14 14(13) Binucleate in locomotive form and cyst. No meiosis within cysts. No marine species known . . Hartmannina 14 (13) Similar to Hartmannina, meiotic division within cysts, or absent. Paranuclear amphosome present or absent 15 15 (14) Meiotic division within cysts. Paranuclear amphosome absent. No marine species known Glaeseria 15 (14) Similar to Hartmannella but paranuclear amphosome present. No meiotic divisions, cysts un- known. Parasitic in chaetognath worms (Sagitta sp.) Janickina ... A A(15) Endoplasm strongly granular, many vesicles posteriorly J. pigmentifera A(15) Endoplasm with few granules, vesicles few and dispersed J. chaetognathi 11 Figure 11. — Janickina pigmentifera: A — feeding; B, C — locomotive; after Janicki (1912). 20 jum Janickina pigmentifera Size: Locomotive, 25 to 50p m long when clavate, average length 34pm; radiate, body 25p m diameter; with pseudopods, to 50pm diameter. Pseudopods: Locomotive, more or less eruptive lobes; radiate, stubby, rounded. Uroid: Temporary. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear. Endoplasm: Strongly granular. Nucleus: 15 by 18p m, with adjacent, oval, paranuclear body (amphosome), 9 by lip m, divides synchronously with nucleus; nuclear division, mitotic. Vesicles: Many, at rear. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Commensal, saprozoic. Habitat: Testicle; marine chaetognath worms (Sagitta). Distribution: With hosts in Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. References: Morphology; ecology; distribution; Janicki (1912). Figure 12. — Janickina chaetognathi: A, B — locomotive; C — rounded, at rest; after Janicki (1912). 20 jam Janickina chaetognathi Size: Locomotive, 25 to 30fxm long, average 27pm; rounded, 20pm average diameter. Pseudopods: Locomotive, more or less eruptive lobes. Uroid: Temporary, when present. Ectoplasm: Clear, as thin plasmalemma and eruptive pseudopods. Endoplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Subcylindroid, 13 by 11 [xm, lacks endosome; with indistinct, elliptical, adjacent, paranuclear body (amphosome), 9 by 7fxm, divides synchronously with nucleus; nuclear division, mitotic. Vesicles: Few, refractile, dispersed. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Commensal, saprozoic. Habitat: Testicle; marine chaetognath worms (Sagitta). Distribution: With host in Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. References: Morphology; ecology; distribution; division; Janicki (1912). 16 (12) Pseudopods eruptive and explosive, locomotion rapid. Ectocyst smooth or rippled. Flagellate stage absent Vahlkampfia ... A A(16) Uroidal filaments weak to absent V. baltica A(16) Uroidal filaments in multiples B 12 Figure 13. — Vahlkampfia baltica: A — radiate, afloat; B — rounded, at rest; C, D — beginning locomotion; E — two locomotive amoebae, with uroid; F — flattened well-fed forms; G — two cysts; after Schmoller (1961). 20 jim Vahlkampfia baltica Size: Rounded, 8 to 9.5 p mdiameter; locomotive, monopodial, 17 to 20pm long by 4to5pm wide. Pseudopods: Eruptive from anterior margin with thin barely recognizable hyaline border. Uroid: Absent. Ectoplasm: Clear, as thin plasma- lemma and indistinct cap around pseudopods. Endoplasm: Finely granular and pale. Nucleus: Spherical, about 2.5 to 3 (im, distinct with spherical endosome. Vesicles: Few, containing bacteria; distinct water-expulsion vacuole. Crystals: None. Cyst: Irregular shape with thin double wall, and 3, 4, or 5 shallow points; not typical of the genus Vahlkampfia. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from European Atlantic waters. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schmoller (1961). B(A) Filaments clear and slender, 5-15pm long V. salina B(A) Filaments clear and small, 1-3 pm V. longicauda Figure 14. — Vahlkampfia salina: A — rounded, at rest; B-D- after Hamburger (1905). ■locomotive, with uroid; E — cyst; 20 jum Vahlkampfia salina Size: Rounded, 6 to 8pm; locomotive, more or less clavate, 8 to 12pm long by 6 to 8pm wide, with uroid to 25pm long. Pseudopods: Eruptive, clear, hemispherical at advancing margin or periphery. Uroid: Several slender, clear filaments, 5 to 15 pm long, tapered from a base about 0.6pm diameter to barely visible tips, originating from a clear, posterior bulb about 3/im diameter; uroid usually present. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear, except as pseudopods. Uroid: Uroidal bulb and filaments present. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, about 2.5pm diameter, indistinct, with central en- dosome about l.Op m diameter, also indistinct unless stained. Vesicles: Few, containing bacteria; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Smooth, spindle-shaped with terminal knobs, 6 by 4pm with visible nucleus, one or two vesicles, few granules; bilaminar, terminal knobs part of ectocyst; endocyst spindle-shaped. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters, tidal pools. Distribution: Probably worldwide; known from Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal waters of Europe and Atlantic coastal waters of United States. References: Description; Ham- burger (1905). 13 Figure 15.- -Vahlkampfia longicauda: A — beginning locomotion; B — rounded, at rest; C, D — loco- motive, with uroid; after Schmoller (1964). 10 jam Vahlkampfia longicauda Size: Rounded, 5 to 11^ m diameter; locomotive, clavate, 7.5 to 20um long by 3 to 6jum wide, usually 10 to 15 by 4pm. Pseudopods: Clear, eruptive, from anterior margin. Uroid: Usually present, as fine filaments, 1 to 3Mm long,0.3pm diameter, barely visible. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear, as anterior clear zone, one-fifth to one-third body length, eruptive pseudopods and uroidal filaments. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, about 1.0/j m diameter, with dis- tinct endosome, 0.6pm diameter. Vesicles: Small, seldom present, 1.0 to 2.0pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: Absent. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters of Europe and United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schmoller (1964). 16 (12) Similar to Vahlkampfia but with a temporary amoeboflagellate stage 17 17(26) Two flagella in flagellate stage, cysts smooth with operculae. No marine species known Naegleria 17 (16) Similar to Naegleria, 4 flagella in flagellate stage. Amoeboflagellates of two different sizes. Cysts without operculae Heteramoeba clara Figure 16.— Heteramoeba clara: A— large flagellated form; B— small flagellated form; C — large ameboid form; D— small, actively locomo- tive form; E— feeding form; F— cyst; after Droop (1962). Heteramoeba clara 50 jum Size: Flagellate stage, rounded, 20 to 30 um, with collar and gullet, 2 flagella, each about 60 um long. Ameboid, rounded, 12 to 40am; locomotive, more or less elongated, clavate, 20 to 70um long by 10 to 30 um wide. Pseudopods: Clear, more or less eruptive bulges from anterior margin in locomotion. Uroid: Often present as several clear filaments, 5 to 10 um 14 long from slightly bulbous rear end. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear, as anterior one-fifth to one-fourth of locomotive body and eruptive pseudopods, uroidal bulb and filaments. Endoplasm: Clear, granular, many refractile granules 3 to 5(jim diameter. Nucleus: Spherical to ovate, about 7p.m diameter; no endosome; chromatin in patches adjacent to nuclear membrane; division promitotic. Vesicles: Many, as light-refractile bodies; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Round, 10 to 20p-m diameter; endocyst round, smooth, thick, no operculae; ectocyst, thin wrinkled, often torn. Feeding: Herbivorous; on algae and bacteria. Habitat: Marine; shallow waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, Europe; possibly worldwide. References: Morphology; growth; division; description; Droop (1962). 18 (2) Body in locomotion variably triangulate or ovoid. Pseudopods few to many, conical or filose and spiny; originate from advancing margin, body surfaces, or both. Posterior uroid temporary, semipermanent, or absent. Mononucleate, rarely multinucleate, endosome round and distinct. Division by mesomitosis or metamitosis. Paranuclear body ("Nebenkorper") adjacent to nu- cleus, present or absent. Single transient flagellum present in one family. Cysts present or absent .19 18 (2) Body in locomotion variably discoid, ovoid, triangulate, or trapezoidal. Monopodial with more or less smooth anterior and posterior margins. Dorsal surface smooth or with longitudinal ridges or folds, or transverse ripples or waves of clear protoplasm. Uroidal filaments few and delicate, or absent. Usually uninucleate with spherical or fragmented endosome. Division mesomitotic with nuclear membrane sometimes persisting until late anaphase. No flagellate stage. Cysts usually absent 36 19 (18) Pseudopods clear, conical, pointed, with more or less blunt tips; usually long and slender on body surface, broad based and short on clear advancing margin. Nucleus vesicular with spheri- cal endosome, and adjacent, dense, paranuclear body. Free living or parasitic in decapods. Cysts and flagellates absent Paramoebidae ... 20 19 (18) Pseudopods clear, elongate and conical, or short and spiny. Nucleus spherical with distinct endosome; dense paranuclear body absent. Cysts present or absent. Flagellate stage in one family 21 20(79) With characters of the family, free living A A(20) Large (70 to 90 t*m); feeds on diatoms Paramoeba eilhardi A(20) Small(10to40p.m);bactivorous B Figure 17 .—Paramoeba eilhardi: A, B— locomotive forms; after Grell (1961). 100 jum Paramoeba eilhardi Size: Rounded, 40to50[jim diameter; locomotive, 70 to 90pm long by 50 to 65 pm wide, temporarily to 100 pm long by 20 to 30pm wide. Pseudopods: From advancing clear margin, usually in pairs, 5 to 10 pm long, 3 to 5pm basal diameter tapered to tips 2pm diameter. Uroid: Temporary, if present. Ectoplasm: Clear, distinct at anterior margin. En- doplasm: Vesicular and granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 6 to 7pm, with central endosome, 4pm diameter; with one to three secondary, dense, ovoid paranuclear units, 8 by 4pm, possibly parasites adjacent to true nucleus. Vesicles: Many, 2 to 4p.m diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Cyst: Reported as mucilaginous. Feeding: Herbivorous, on algae. 15 Habitat: Marine; in coastal waters. Distribution: Known from European Atlantic coast, and Atlantic coast of the United States. References: Morphology; description; ecology; division; Schaudinn (1896), Grell (1961). B(A) Small (20 to 40p:m); resembles Mayorella P. pemaquidensis B(A) Smaller than P. pemaquidensis (10 to 20/um); resembles a duck's foot P. aesturina Figure 18. — Paramoeba pemaquidensis: A, B — radiate, afloat; C — beginning locomotion; D, E — actively locomotive; after Page (1970b). 20 jum Paramoeba pemaquidensis Size: Contracted, irregular, about 10 pi m across; afloat, irregular 7 to 10 /j m; radiate, body mass 8.5 pi m diameter, with pseudopods to 60 pm across; locomotive, 14 to 37. 5 pm long (mean, 21/" m) by 12 to 48pm across, usually longer than broad. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 25 to 30pm long, usually straight, sometimes twisted, tapered, 3.0pim basal diameter to 2.0pi m diameter at rounded tips; locomotive stage, from clear, anterior margin, bluntly conical, 3 to 6pm long. Uroid: Temporary, morulate, of old pseudopods. Ectoplasm: Clear, forms anterior margin and pseudopods. En- doplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 3.5 to 5pm, with central endosome 2.0 to 2.5pim diameter; division, mesomitotic; with attached, paranuclear structure 2.5 to 3.5 p m. Vesicles: Several, 2 to 3 pi m, contain bacteria. Crys- tals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Waters of sandy beaches; marine. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; description; division; Page (1970b). Figure 19. — Paramoeba aesturina: A — radiate, afloat; B — extended on substrate; C — extended, active form; D — fan-shaped, locomotive form; after Page (1970b). 20 jum Paramoeba aesturina Size: Rounded, 8 to 10 fx m across; afloat, irregular 10 to 12 pi m across or radiate, body mass 7 to 8pi m diameter, with pseudopods to 60 p< m across; locomotive, 10 to 20 pi m long by 7 to 14pim wide, mean length about 13.5pim. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 20 to 25p< m long, tapered, about 1.5pim basal diameter to about l.Opi m at tips; of locomotive stage, 1.5 16 to 3.5p m long, bluntly conical 1.5 to 2. Op m wide, from anterior clear margin. Uroid: Temporary, bulbous or morulate, of old retracted pseudopods. Ectoplasm: Clear, forms distinct anterior border and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Granular, clear. Nucleus: Spherical, 2.5 to 3pm, with central endosome 1.0 to 1.5pm diameter; division, mesomitotic; has at- tached, dense, secondary paranuclear structure 1.5 to 2.5 pm. Vesicles: Few, small. Crystals: None. Cyst: None. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; coastal salt marshes. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; division; description; Page (1970b). 20(29) With characters of the family, parasitic Paramoeba perniciosa Figure 20. — Paramoeba perniciosa: after Sprague et al. (1969). 20 jm Paramoeba perniciosa Size: Rounded 15 to 20p m; locomotive, 40 to 50pm long by 30 to 50pm wide. Pseudopods: Few, one to three at anterior margin as clear, blunt, conical or tonguelike lobes of clear ectoplasm, 3 to 5p m long. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Vesicular and granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 3pm diameter with central endosome 1.75p m diameter; also with ovoid, dense, secondary paranuclear unit, 3 by 1.5pm, possibly parasitic, adjacent to true nucleus. Vesicles: Many, 1.5 to 3pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Parasitic; perhaps cytivorous. Habitat: Hemolymph of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus; marine coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States. Distribution: Known from Virginia and Maryland, probably more widely distributed. References: Parasitism; Sprague and Beckett (1966); physiology; pathogenicity; Sawyer (1969); taxonomy; description; distribution; Sprague et al. (1969). 21 (19) Pseudopods clear and conical, more or less broad based and short to elongate; rigid or waving. Monoflagellate stage present or absent. Do not form cysts 22 21 (19) Pseudopods numerous, short and spiny; originate from advancing margin, body surface, or both. Cysts smooth or wrinkled, with or without operculae. No flagellate stage 32 22(21) Single, long, anterior flagellum present Mastigamoebidae Figure 21. — Mastigamoeba aspera: A — ameboid form with flagel- lum; B — ameboid form without flagellum; after Page (1970a). 50 ym 17 Mastigamoeba aspera Size: Rounded, 45 to 50p m; locomotive, 75 to 150pm long; clavate, broadest near the rear, 30 to 50 pm, narrow near anterior end, 20 to 30/um. Pseudopods: Many, formed at anterior end, clear, conical, round-tipped, extend to 20 to 25pm long, 3jjmat base tapered to pointed tips, moved along body basally to rear; absorbed. Often with many attached bac- teria along pseudopodial lengths. Also, usually, one flagellum present, 20 to 25 p m long. Uroid: Temporary, of retract- ing pseudopods at rear. Ectoplasm: Clear; as rounded anterior end and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Clear; granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 10 to 15 ju m, with central endosome 8 to 10p m diameter. Vesicles: Many food vesicles, 5 to 20p m diameter; many chromatophores of prey in small vesicles; water-expulsive vesicle 16 to 22 p m in fresh water; absent in seawater. Crystals: None, when amoeba in seawater. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; eats algae. Habitat: Freshwater or marine; in shallow pools. Distribution: Known from estuarine tide pools, Atlantic coast, United States (Maine); probably cosmopolitan. References: Description; Schulze (1875); marine; ecology; Page (1970a). 22 (21) Flagellate stage absent Mayorellidae ... 23 23 (22) With characters of the family. Elongate rigid pseudopods from body surfaces, do not swing in an arc. Pseudopods of radiate stage stellate, more or less rigid Mayorella . . . A A(23) Length less than 100p m, crystals present B A(23) Length 30-170pm, crystals absent C B(A) Length 25-30p m, crystals few M. crystallus B(A) Length 40-50pm, crystals numerous M. gemmifera Figure 22.— Mayorella crystallus: after Schaeffer (1926). 25,um Mayorella crystallus Size: Locomotive, 25 to 30pm long. Pseudopods: From clear anterior end and body surface; clear, slightly tapered with rounded ends; 2 to 10p m long, 2 to 3^m basal diameter, tips about l.Oju m diameter. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, thin; distinct at advancing margin. Endoplasm: Flocculent; grayish. Nucleus: Spherical, 6 to 8pm diameter; with cen- tral endosome, 3 to 4pm diameter. Vesicles: None. Granules: None. Crystals: Several; square, thin, 3 by 3 by 1.0pm. Feeding: Carnivorous; eats small flagellates. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mex- ico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; distribution; description; Schaeffer (1926). Figure 23.— Mayorella gemmifera: A— radiate, afloat; B— wrinkled, at rest; C— ac- tively locomotive; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jam 18 Mayorella gemmifera Size: Locomotive, 40 to 50 /j m long. Pseudopods: Locomotive; few, short, bluntly conical, from clear, anterior wavelike bulges; long, slender in radiate stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear; distinct at anterior, advancing margin. En- doplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 10/-im diameter; with central endosome, 5^m diameter. Water-expul- sive vesicle: None. Food vesicles: Usually present. Other vesicles: Few; form and shrink. Crystals: Many; about 1.0 n m long, probably bipyramidal with bases apposed. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous, on algae. Habitat: Marine; in warm, coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). C(A) Length over 100/um, no crystals M. conipes C(A) Length lOOyu m or less, no crystals D Figure 24. — Mayorella conipes: A — afloat, radiate; B, C, D — loco- motive; after Schaeffer (1926). 100 jam Mayorella conipes Size: Rounded, 30 to 40a< m; radiate, body 20 to 30 ^m, with pseudopods, to 70 /um; locomotive, 100 to 170 n m long. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, with rounded tips; 5 to 20 Aim long, basal diameter 3 to 10/im, tips 1 to 3 Aim. Ectoplasm: Clear, distinct at anterior end. Endoplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Spherical; 10 to 20pm diameter, with central endosome 4 to 9(im diameter; division mitotic. Uroid: None. Water-expulsive vesicle: None. Food vesicles: Usually present, to 5 jjm diameter. Crystals: None. Feeding: Herbivorous, on algae. Habitat: Marine; in coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Florida to New York. References: Morphology; ecology; descrip- tion; Schaeffer (1926). D(C) Length 50- 100 pm; nucleus 5/im in diameter M. corlissi D(C) Length 30-40m m; nucleus indistinct M. smalli 19 Figure 25. — Mayorella corlissi: A — radiate, afloat; B — beginning locomotion after floating; C, D — locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975a). 50 jum Mayorella corlissi Size: Locomotive, 50 to 100 p long (mean 60pm); width 28 to 40pm (mean 34pm). Radiate stage with 8 to 12 tapered pseudopods; body globular, about 20pm diameter; with pseudopods to 90 p m tip to tip. Pseudopods: Locomotive, clear from clear anterior margin, 4 to 7p m long, 3 to 4pm basal diameter, 1.5 to 2^m diameter at rounded tips. Of radiate stage, clear, 30 to 35p m long, basal diameter 3 to 4pm, at tips about 0.5 pm diameter. Uroid: Temporary. Ectoplasm: Clear, thin; distinct at advancing end as clear margin. Endoplasm: Granular; vesiculated in locomotive stage. Nucleus: Spherical, 5pm diameter; with central endosome, 3p m diameter. Water-expulsive vesicle: None. Crystals: None. Food vesicles: Usually present. Other vesicles: Usually present; sometimes numerous. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Her- bivorous, on algae. Habitat: Marine; shallow waters of bays and estuaries. Distribution: Known from Virginia (Chin- coteague Bay) to Massachusetts (Salt Pond at Woods Hole). References: Morphology; ecology; distribution; Sawyer (1975a). Figure 26.— Mayorella smalli: A, B, C— locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975a). 25 ;om Mayorella smalli Size strate : Locomotive, 30 to 40p m long, 10 to 15p m wide, limaciform. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, in contact with sub- ;e, 1 to 2p m diameter at base, about 1.0/j m at tip, may spread to 2.0/um at tip when contacting substrate. Uroid: 20 Temporary. Ectoplasm: Clear, evident at bases of pseudopods. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Not described. Vesicles: Not described. Crystals: None described. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Probably bactivorous. Habitat: Marine bays. Distribution: Atlantic coast of United States, Virginia, northward, extent unknown. References: Morphology; ecology; Sawyer (1975a). 23 (22) With characters of the family, similar to Mayorella but with multiple, elongate, pseudopods as long as or longer than body mass 24 24 (23) Elongate pseudopods swing laterally from bases during retraction Vexillifera ... A A(24) Length less than 50pm; bactivorous B A(24) Length 60-80pm; herbivorous V. aurea Figure 27. — Vexillifera aurea: A— rounded, at rest; B-E— locomotive; after Schaeffer (1926). 100 jim Vexillifera aurea Size: Rounded, 25 to 30pm; subspherical 30 to 40pm with 2 to 4 long, tapered pseudopods; locomotive, ovoid, 60 to 80 pm long, 20 to 60 p m wide with many pseudopods. Pseudopods: Clear, conical with round tips, 60 to 100pm long, 2 to 5 pm diameter at bases, 1 to 3pm at tips. Uroid: Absent. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 15pm with central, round endosome 6pm. Vesicles: None. Crystals: None; but many yellowish granules. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on diatoms. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). B(A) Length 15-45p m; bactivorous V. telmathalassa B(A) Length 30p m or less; bactivorous C Figure 28. -Vexillifera telmathalassa: A — radiate, afloat; B — at rest, attached; C, D — locomotive; after Bovee (1956). 50 jim '21 Vexillifera telmathalassa Size: Rounded, 8 to lOp m; radiate, body 6 to 8p m diameter, with pseudopods to 45pm; locomotive, 15 to 45a m long. Pseudopods: 5 to 30p m long, from margin or body surface, 1 to 2pm diameter at bases, about 0.5pm at rounded tips, slightly flattened on contact with substrate. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 3pm diameter, with central endosome, 2pm. Vesicles: None. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast of United States, Florida to Massachusetts; also, Pacific Coast, southern California. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Bovee (1956), Mitchell and Yankofsky (1969). C(B) Length 18-27pm; nucleus 5.6pm V.ottoi C(B) Length less than 25pm; nucleus 3pm or smaller D Figure 29. — Vexillifera ottoi: A— radiate, afloat; B, C— active, locomo- tive; D — beginning locomotion after floating; after Sawyer (1975a). 20 jim Vexillifera ottoi Size: Afloat, irregular body 10 to 15pm diameter, with pseudopods to 60pm; locomotive, 18 to 27pm long (mean, 21 pm), 12 to 18pm wide (mean, 13.5pm). Pseudopods: Afloat, tapered, 20 to 60pm long, about 1.5 to 2.0pm basal diameter, less than l.Op m at tips; locomotive, from periphery or body surface, 2 to 15pm long, 1.0 to 2.0pm basal diameter, less than 1.0pm at tips, slightly flattened on contact with substrate. Uroid: Temporary, when present, lobate or of short, fine filaments. Ectoplasm: Thin, pale, clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical; distinct, 5 to 6pm diameter, with central endosome, 3 to 5p m diameter; division, mesomitotic. Food vesicles: Few to several, 3 to 5 pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Shallow coastal waters; in bays, estuaries. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975a). D(C) Length 14- 18pm; nucleus ovate V. pagei D(C) Length less than 25pm; nucleus spherical, 3p m or less E Figure 30.— Vexillifera pagei: A, B— radiate, afloat; C— beginning locomotion after float- ing; D, E — locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975a). 20 jum 22 Vexillifera pagei Size: Rounded 5 to 6pm; radiate, body 5 to 6pm diameter with pseudopods to 35pm; locomotive, 14 to 18pm (mean, 16 pm), width 7 to 14pm (mean, 10pm). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, to 15pm long, less than 0.5pm tips; locomotive, 1.5 to 8pm long, about 1.0pm diameter at bases, tapered to about 0.5pm at tips somewhat flattened in contact with sub- strate, 2 to 3pm wide with round tips, from body surface or margin, bend and swing as retracted. Uroid: None. Ecto- plasm: Thin, pale, clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Ovate 3pm long, 2 to 7pm wide, with central endosome 2pm diameter; division mesomitotic with small polar granules. Vesicles: Absent. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays and estuaries. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast of United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975a). E(D) Length 14-23pm; nucleus 2. 5-3pm V. browni E(D) Length 5-8 (jm; nucleus 1pm V. minutissima n. sp. Figure 31. — Vexillifera browni: A, B— floating stages; C— beginning locomotion after floating; D — locomotive form; after Sawyer (1975a). 20 jmn Vexillifera browni Size: Rounded, 10 to 12pm; afloat, body 8 to lOp m diameter, with pseudopods 40 to 80pm; locomotive, 14 to 23pm long (mean, 16.5pm), 7 to 14pm wide (mean, 11pm). Pseudopods: Slender, tapered, clear; of radiate stage, irregular, sometimes twisted, 10 to 50 pm long; of lomotive stage, from periphery or body surface, 8 to 30 pm long, 1.0 to 2.0pm diameter at bases, less than 1.0pm at tips. Uroid: Temporary, filamentous. Ectoplasm: Clear, pale, thin. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 2.5 to 3.0pm diameter, with central endosome, 2 pm diameter; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Several, mostly food vesicles, 2 to 10pm diameter; water-expulsive vesicle absent. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; in shallow bays, backwaters. Distribution: Atlantic coast. United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975a). Figure 32.— Vexillifera minutissima: A— radiate, afloat; B— rounded, with attached bacteria; C— beginning locomotion; D, E — locomotive forms. 10 jim Vexillifera minutissima n. sp. Size: Rounded, 3 to 4pm diameter; afloat, radiate, body mass 3p m diameter, with 20 to 24 slender, radiate pseudopods; motile, 5 to 8pm long by 3 to 5pm wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, barely visible, less than 0.5pm diameter, 8 to 10 pm long; of locomotive stage, in clear, conical pairs from a clear anterior projection or projections, 2 to 3pm long, 0.5p m diameter at bases, 0.3p m or less at tips, or slender, filose, from body surface, 2 to 10pm long, wave as retracted. Uroid: 23 None. Ectoplasm: Clear, in pseudopods and advancing margin. Endoplasm: Light-refractile, faintly granular. Nucleus: Spherical, l.Op m diameter or slightly less; endosome indistinct, less than l.Op m diameter. Vesicles: One or two vesicles, often none. No water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous; attached bacteria digested at end attached. Habitat: Discovered in shallow water (bays, estuaries) Chincoteague Bay, Va. Dis- tribution: Known from Virginia to Massachusetts, U.S.A. 24 (23) Similar to Vexillifera but with several slender pseudopods originating from a common base 25 25 (24) Pseudopods in groups of 2, 3, or 4 all arise from a common base on clear anterior advancing mar- gin, or from body surfaces Triaenamoeba Figure 33. — Triaenamoeba jachowskii: A — extended form; B, C- locomotive form; after Sawyer (1975a). -floating forms; D — 20 ixm Triaenamoeba jachowskii Size: Afloat, irregularly rounded, body 9 to 10pm diameter, with pseudopods, 40 to 50pm diameter, or body irregular with pseudopods to 60p m diameter; locomotive, 13 to 22.5 pm long (mean, 17 pm), by 7 to 12pm wide (mean, 9pm). Pseudopods: Clear, tapered; of locomotive stage, from body or periphery, one to several from common, moundlike base, 5 to 15p m long, slightly tapered, about l.Op m diameter at base, less at the tip, flatten somewhat on contact with sub- strate; of radiate stage, numerous, less than 1.0pm diameter, 2.0 to 15.0pm long. Uroid: None, or a few temporary filaments. Ectoplasm: Pale, refractile, clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, about 3.0 m diameter, with central endosome 2.0pm diameter; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Few; food vesicles, 2 to 3pm diameter; no others. Crystals: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975a). 25 (24) Pseudopods in groups of 2 or more, originate only from clear advancing margin. Body limaciform in rapid locomotion; without conical pseudopods except in slow locomotion or while changing from radiate floating form 26 26 (25) Stellate floating form. Changes to spread form with conical pseudopods when beginning loco- motion, and to limaciform in forward locomotion Striolatus tardus 24 Figure 34. — Striolatus tardus: A — radiate, afloat; B — beginning locomotion; C — feeding, active stage; D — slowly locomotive; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jum Striolatus tardus Size: Contracted, 30 to 40 pm across, discoidal; radiate, body 15 to 20pm, with pseudopods to 60 pm diameter. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, clear, conical 15 to 20p m long, basal diameter 8 to 10p m, tips 2 to 3pm diameter; of ac- tive stage, clear, conical 5 to 40pm long, basal diameters 2 to 10pm, tips 1 to 3pm; of locomotive stage, slowly formed, clear bulges at anterior end, 20 to 25pm diameter. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, distinct, glossy. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Mononucleate or binucleate; each spherical, 10pm diameter, with endosome 5pm diameter. Vesicles: Several, clear 10 to 15pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None, but many bright granules. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; eats diatoms. Habitat: Marine; in shallow, coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Florida to New Jersey. References: Morphology; ecology; descrip- tion; Schaeffer (1926). 26 (25) Body flattened, limaciform to oblong with longitudinal ridges and short conical pseudopods, or somewhat rounded with many relatively long, clear pseudopods from peripheral body surface 27 27 (26) Large, oblong amoebae with longitudinal ridges and short bristlelike, pointed pseudopods aris- ing from anterior and lateral margins of body Pontifex maximus Figure 35. — Pontifex maximus: after Schaeffer (1926). 100 jum 25 Pontifex maximus Size: Rounded, 100 to 150pm; radiate, 100 to 150p m diameter; locomotive, 100 to 500pm long, trapezoidal, with 2 to 5 dorsal, longitudinal ridges. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, short, bristlelike. Of locomotive stage, few, spinelike, mostly 10 to 12^m long; from anterior margin and sides. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, peripheral. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Obscured. Vesicles: 5 to 10 pm, containing brownish food masses; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; eats brown algal detritus. Habitat: Marine; shallow, cool waters. Distribution: Coastal waters, northeastern United States; also reported from coral reefs of Madagascar. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 27 (26) Large amoebae of variable shape, numerous, long, clear pseudopods arise from body surface and advancing margin. Nucleus large, spherical, and with distinct endosome which may be obscured by refractile, ingested, plant debris 28 28 (27) Similar to Mayorella and Vexillifera, broadly triangulate in shape with multiple, very long, conical pseudopods Dinamoeba Figure 36. -Dinamoeba acuum: A — radiate form; B — active form; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 irni Dinamoeba acuum Size: Rounded, 20 to 30pm; radiate, body 20p m across, with pseudopods, to 140pm across. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, round-tipped from advancing margin and body, 10 to 60p m long, 5 to 10pm basal diameter, tapered to round tips, 2 to 3 nm, wrinkle, coil in retraction. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior margin and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Clear, finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 10 to 12p m diameter, with endosome 5 to 6 pm diameter. Vesicles: Numerous, 2 to 10pm diameter; also brownish globules, 3 to 5pm. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on small algae. Habitat: Marine; shallow, muddy, coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 28 (27) Pseudopods very long and slender, multiple or few. Body form variable .29 29 (28) Pseudopods multiple and elongate, retract quickly in presence of light. Locomotive form un- known Boveella obscura Figure 37 .—Boveella obscura: A — contracted, after light; B — extended, in darkness; after Sawyer (1975a). 50 jam 26 Boveella obscura Size: Contracted, ovoid, 20 by 30 /j m; radiate form, body 20 p m diameter, covered by debris and diatoms, with pseudopods to 100 u m between tips of opposite filose pseudopods; locomotive stage, unknown. Pseudopods: Of con- tracted state, remnants of long pseudopods; of radiate stage, 40 to 50 v m long, clear, conical, basal diameter 3 to 4 m m, tapered to about 1.0 n m at tips; pseudopods from upper surface when attached, radiate from entire body when afloat. Ectoplasm: Clear, thin. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Unknown, due to debris on body. Vesicles: Also un- known. Crystals: Unknown. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Probably herbivorous; on diatoms. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays, under bottom detritus. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, reported from Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; distribution; Sawyer (1975a). 29 (28) Pseudopods elongate, few in number with one usually much longer than others 30 30 (29) Several long pseudopods which are actively waved; one may anchor to substrate with rest of amoeba flowing into it before resuming locomotion. No marine species known Oscillosignum 30 (2.9) Similar to Oscillosignum but body awl-shaped in active locomotion. Anterior-most pseudopod long and may resemble a broad based flagellum 31 31 (30) Posterior portion of body expanded and wider than anterior portion. Awl-shaped in locomotion with one broad based, clear, conical, anterior pseudopod. No marine species known Subulamoeba 31 (30) Similar to Mayorella, body not awl-shaped. Long, thin, vibratile anterior pseudopod very much like a flagellum. No marine species known Flagellipodium 32 (21) Pseudopods numerous, short, and spiny; single or in groups along anterior margin and on all body surfaces. Form triangulate or elongate in locomotion. Uninucleate with distinct round en- dosome; division by mesomitosis or metamitosis. Cysts round, polygonal, or stellate; ectocyst wrinkled, rippled, or nearly smooth, with or without distinct operculae Acanthamoebidae . . . A A(32) Cysts polygonal A. gigantea A(32) Cysts stellate A. griffini Uz Figure 38. — Acanthamoeba gigantea: A, B — locomotive forms; C — cyst; after Schmoller (1964). 20 nm Acanthamoeba gigantea Size: Rounded, 7 to 20 m m (mean, 15 u m); locomotive, trapezoidal to triangular, 15 to 40 u m long by 7 to 20 /j m wide (mean, 30 by 16^ m). Pseudopods: Eruptive bulges at anterior margin; also slender, tapered, clear, 5 to 7 /um long, singly or in groups of 2 to 4 from clear, advancing margin and body. Uroid: Temporary, when present. Ectoplasm: Clear, as ad- vancing margin and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 5 to 6/jrn, with endosome 3.5 to 4 Mm; large forms multinucleate. Vesicles: Food vesicles, food globules, 2 to 5jum; water-expulsive vesicle in brackish or fresh water, 8 to 10a/ m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: 13 to 22/um diameter, usually 15 to 17^ m; two-layered; ectocyst wrinkled, thin; endocyst stellate, 5 or 6 sided, with operculae. Feeding: Bactivorous; scavenging. Habitat: Marine; shal- low coastal waters; tolerates fresh water. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters of Europe and United States; probably worldwide. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schmoller (1964). •11 Figure W.—Acanthamoeba griffini: A— cyst, in distilled water; B— cyst in 27 % ( , sea water; C — cyst in 35%o seawater; D, E— locomotive forms; F— rounded precystic forms; after Sawyer (1971). 20 jam Acanthamoeba griffini Size: Rounded, 10 to 15 a/ m; locomotive, 23 to 41 n m long by 9 to 16 fj m wide (mean, 29.5 by 13.0 /j m), more or less triangular. Pseudopods: Blunt, eruptive bulges from clear margin in locomotion; also, slender, tapered 3 to 10p m long, singly or in groups of 2 to 5 from body and clear margin. Uroid: An ectoplasmic bulb, temporary. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior margin and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 5 to 7 pm, with endosome 3 to 5/um; division mesomitotic, no centrioles. Vesicles: Small food vesicles and food globules, 2 to 4/jm; water-expulsive vesicle in brackish water, 7 to 10/j m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Mean diameter, 15.8pm; endocyst thick, stellate, 3 to 6 rays; ectocyst thin, wrinkled. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine or brackish shallow water; tolerates fresh water. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters. United States, Virginia to Connecticut, probably cosmopolitan. References: Morphology; growth; division; description; Sawyer (1971). 32 (21) Similar to Acanthamoebidae. Several to many fine pseudopods; short, slender, and produced mainly from advancing margin but not from body surfaces. Numerous uroidal filaments may extend posteriorly in locomotive forms. Cysts round with operculae, or absent 33 33 (32) Body usually longer than broad in locomotion. Pseudopods few to many, thin and short; usually produced from clear advancing margin. Cysts round, smooth, and without operculae. No marine species known Echinamoebidae ... 34 33 (32) Body usually broader than long in locomotion. Pseudopods few to many, thin and short or long; usually produced from clear advancing margin and from trailing posterior border. Cysts absent, or as spherical pseudocysts which do not resist drying Flabellulidae ... 35 34 (33) Pseudopods few, produced mainly from anterior margin. Anterior margin not entirely bordered by clear hyaline zone. No marine species known Echinamoeba 34 (33) Pseudopods thin, numerous; produced from anterior and lateral borders of advancing margin. No marine species known Filamoeba 35 (33) Pseudopods of locomotive form numerous and short; anterior margin irregular or serrate with a few deep scurs. Uroid pronounced, formed by trailing posterior filaments Flabellula . . . A A(35) Length 15-75/j m, anterior margin with deep scurs. Uroidal filaments pronounced, numer- ous. Nucleus 4-6pm in diameter F. citata A(35) Length less than 50 y m; uroidal filaments variable. Nucleus less than 5 p m B 28 Figure 40.— Flabellula citata: A— radiate, afloat; B, C, E — loco- motive forms; D — lobed form when disturbed; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 }m Flabellula citata Size: Rounded, 8 to 12pm diameter; radiate, body 6 to 10pm diameter, with pseudopods to 35p m; locomotive, fan- shaped with clear, broad, fan-shaped anterior, 15 to 75p m long by 25 to 55p m wide. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, round- tipped, from margin and body, 5 to 10pm long, 2 to 3p m diameter at base, 1 to 1.5pm at tips. Uroid: Of several to many filaments at rear of body. Ectoplasm: Clear, distinct in pseudopods and anterior margin. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 4 to 6p m diameter, with endosome, 2 to 3p m; division, mesomitotic. Water-expulsive vesicle: None in seawater; 5 to 6p m in brackish water; no other vesicles. Crystals: None. Granules: Several, 1 to 2pm, light- refractile. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; brackish waters of shallow bays and estuaries. Dis- tribution: Known from Atlantic coas'\ United States, Florida to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; dis- tribution; Page (1971a), Schaeffer (1926), Bovee (1965). B(A) Length variable, 8-22pm; uroidal filaments few, short. Nucleus 2-3pm F. calkinsi B(A) Length 20-40 p m; uroidal filaments variable. Nuclear diameter variable C E Figure 41. — Flabellula calkinsi: A — contracted form; B — dividing form; C, D, E — locomotive forms; after Hogue (1914). Flabellula calkinsi 20 ^m Size: Contracted, irregularly rounded, 5 to 10 p m; radiate, body 4.5 to 7.0 u m across, with pseudopods to 25 p m; locomotive, fan-shaped, 8 to 22pm long, by 12 to 35pm wide. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, 2 to 5p m long, or as scurs at irregular anterior margin. Uroid: Few, short filaments at rear. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior margin and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 2 to 3pm, with central endosome 1.0 to 1.5Mm; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Few. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; bays and estuaries. Dis- tribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters. United States, Maryland to Maine. References: Morphology; descrip- tion; ecology; Hogue (1914), Page (1971a); division; Page (1971a). C(B) Length 21pm or slightly more or less; uroidal filaments few; nucleus 5pm F. patuxent C(B) Length 25-40p m; uroidal filaments numerous. Nucleus less than 5pm D 29 Figure 42. — Flabellula patuxent: A, B, C — locomotive forms; D — presumed cyst; after Hogue (1921). 20 ym Flabellula patuxent Size: Rounded, 10 to 13pm; locomotive, mean size 21 ju m long by 13pm wide, generally fan-shaped. Pseudopods: Clear, conical, or as blunt scurs from clear, anterior margin in locomotion. Uroid: Of several filaments at trailing end. Ec- toplasm: Clear, as anterolateral margin of fan-shaped body. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, about 5 p m, with endosome about 3 um. Vesicles: Numerous food vesicles, 3 to 6pm diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Round, 3 to 18 n m, 3-layered. Feeding: Bactivorous; scavenging. Habitat: Commensal in gut of oysters; also free living. Dis- tribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States. References: Morphology; culturing; description; Hogue (1921). D(C) Length 20-40pm; uroidal filaments numerous, trailing. Nuclei 15-20 in number, diameter 1.5^m F. pellucida D(C) Length 13-27 pm; uroidal filaments variable. Nucleus single, 4-4. 5pm E Figure 43. — Flabellula pellucida: A — locomotive, with long uroid; B — broad, locomotive form; after Schaef- fer (1926). 50 jum Flabellula pellucida Size: Rounded, 30 to 40 p m diameter; locomotive, 20 to 40p m long, 60 to 100p m wide. Pseudopods: Short, blunt, 3 to 6 pm long, at periphery. Uroid: Several filaments derived from old, trailing pseudopods. Ectoplasm: Pale, clear, peripheral. Endoplasm: Pale, clear, faintly granular. Nuclei: 15 to 20, each spherical, 1.5pm diameter. Vesicles: Ab- sent. Crystals: Absent. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). E(D) Length 16-25 p m; uroidal filaments numerous, short. Nucleus 4pm F. reniformis E(D) Length 13-27 p m; uroidal filaments numerous, long, and trailing. Nucleus 4.5 p m. Forms nonre- sistant round pseudocysts F. hoguae 50 jm Figure 44.— Flabellula reniformis: after Schmoller (1964). 30 Flabellula reniformis Size: Rounded, 10 to 20pm diameter; radiate, body 10 to 20pm diameter, with pseudopods to 60 pm diameter; locomotive, 16 to 25p m long, by 16 to 45p m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, tapered, round-tipped, 10 to 20pm long; of locomotive stage, from clear, anterior margin, conical, 2 to 5pm long, with round tips. Uroid: Temporary, of filaments. Ectoplasm: Clear, mainly at anterior margin. Endoplasm: Clear, finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 4m m diameter, with central endosome, 2pm diameter; division intranuclear, mitotic. Vesicles: Few; food vesicles, 3 to 5 p m diameter; no others. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Coastal brackish water, with algae. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters; Europe. References: Morphology; ecology; growth; description; Schmoller (1964). D Figure 45. — Flabellula hoguae: A, B — radiate, afloat; C, D — locomotive; after Sawyer (1975a). 50 jum Flabellula hoguae Size: Rounded, 10 to 12pm; radiate, body 9 to 11pm, with pseudopods to 75p m; locomotive, fan-shaped 18 to 27p m long (mean, 26pm), width 18 to 45p m (mean, 34pm). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, clear, conical, 10 to 50pm long, basal diameter 3 to 4pmm, tips 1.5 to 2.0pm; locomotive, as short cones from body or advancing margin, 2 to 5pm long; advanc- ing margin clear, with serrate edge and scurs. Uroid: A few filaments, up to 25 p m long. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, about 4.5p m diameter, with central endosome 3 to 3.5p m or of 2 or 3 separate smaller granules; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Water-expulsive vesicle absent in seawater; 3 to 5pm in brackish; some food vesicles, 2 or 3 p m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shal- low bays and estuaries; shallow coastal waters on rocks. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975a). 35 (33) Pseudopods numerous, short; produced from anterior margin and body surface. Width of body much greater than length. No uroidal filaments or cysts Flamella magnifiea A JuJLu. <" JU V i Figure 46.— Flamella magnifiea: A-C— locomotive forms; after Schaeffer (1926). 20 jam 31 Flamella magnifica Size: Locomotive. 30 to 60/u m long, 30 to 60 um wide, outline rapidly changeable. Pseudopods: From margin and body surface, clear, conical, 1 to 10/j m long, fuse with clear, advancing margin, like veins. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Pale, clear. Endoplasm: Faintly granular. Nucleus: Indistinct; not described. Vesicles: Food vesicles, 3 to 5/um diameter; no others. Crystals: Few, small, bipyramidal to 2.0 n m. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on algae. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 36 (18) Body in locomotion discoid or broadly ovoid with central or postcentral granular hump sur- rounded completely, or almost completely, by a clear, flattened, hyaline zone; with or without longitudinal ridges extending beyond body margins. Uninucleate with large central endosome, rarely binucleate; nucleus spherical or slightly ellipsoid Hyalodiscidae . . . 37 36 (18) Body in locomotion variable ovoid, oblong, or trapezoidal with more or less thickened flexible plasmalemma or "pellicle." Dorsal surface smooth, rippled, or with longitudinal ridges or folds. Pseudopods indistinct in locomotion or as lobate bulges. Nucleus round with endosome entire or fragmented. Cysts absent Thecamoebidae ... 39 37 (36) Granular endoplasm as postcentral mound, dragged by movement of anterolateral protoplasmic flow. Body sometimes with dorsal ridges which extend beyond body margins Hyalodiscus Figure 47.— Hyalodiscus angelovici: A, B— radiate, floating forms; C— locomotive form; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 jum Hyalodiscus angelovici Size: Rounded, 25 /urn diameter; radiate, body mass about 20 /u m diameter, with pseudopods to 70 nm diameter; locomotive, broadly ovate 24 to 38 /urn long by 22 to 34 /um wide (mean dimensions, 32 by 29 /urn). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, cylindroid, 20 to 25/u m long, 3.5 to 6.0/um diameter; none formed in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, distinct as broad, anterolateral margin. Endoplasm: Granular, as postcentral raised hump. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 4.0 to 4.5|i m diameter, with endosome 3.0 to 3.5/u m; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Several, when in brackish water; none to few in seawater. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays, estuaries. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). 37 (36) Similar to Hyalodiscus, body in locomotion more or less triangulate. Short, slender pseudopods along anterior margin, cylindrical in shape and used for feeding; may flow posteriorly to form temporary weak uroids 38 38 (37) Anterior pseudopods pincerlike as food cups for feeding. Uroidal filaments localized at midpoint of posterior margin Gibbodiscus ... A A(38) Length 35-40/um; nucleus 5/um. Crystals few G. gemma A(38) Length 18-24,um; nucleus 4. 5/um. Crystals absent G.newmani 32 Figure iS.— Gibbodiscus gemma: A— medusa-like floating form; B— locomotive form; after Schaeffer (192G). 50 pm Gibbodiscus gemma Size: Rounded, 15 to 20p m; radiate, body 15pm diameter, short pseudopods at one side; locomotive, 35 to 40pm long, 25 to 30pm wide, with clear peripheral margin, widest anteriorly. Pseudopods: Clear, conical 5 to 30p m long, 2.0 to 4.5p m basal diameter, 1.0 to 1.5 p m diameter at tips, formed anteriorly, diverted to sides. Uroid: Filamentous; temporary. Ec- toplasm: Pale, clear, as peripheral margin. Endoplasm: Flocculent, appears "milky," as postcentral region, about 40 pm diameter in locomotion. Nucleus: Spherical, 5pm, with central endosome, 3pm. Vesicles: None. Crystals: Few; square, 1.0 to 5.0pm, about 0.5 to 1.0pm thick. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; in tide pools. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). Figure 49. — Gibbodiscus newmani: A — radiate, afloat; B — feeding form with cup- like phagopods; C — locomotive form; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 jam Gibbodiscus newmani Size: Contracted, 8 to lOp m diameter; radiate, body 6 to 8pm diameter, with pseudopods, to 35pm; locomotive, fan- shaped, 18 to 24p m long by 16 to 29pm wide (means, 21 by 23pm). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, cylindroid, 18 to 25 pm long, 6 to 8p m diameter, clear, bluntly rounded tips. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, forms anterolateral margin. En- doplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 4.5 pm, with central endosome, 3.5 to 4.0 pm diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Several, 3 to 8pm diameter; food vesicles, 2 to 5p m diameter; forms water-expulsive vesicle in brackish water, about 6 to 7p m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays, estuaries. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Florida to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). 38 (37) Anterior margin smooth, forms shallow, endocytic, food vesicles for feeding; short, tubular or cylindrical tubes may form along lateral margins for feeding. Posterior margin irregular Unda ... A A(38) Length 50pm or greater; nuclear diameter 4pm U. maris A(38) Length less than 50pm: nuclear diameter 4-4. 5pm B :v.\ Figure 50. — Unda maris: A — radiate, afloat; B — feeding form with cuplike phago- pod; C — locomotive form; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jim Unda maris Size: Rounded, 20 to 25pm; radiate, body mass 18 to 20pm diameter, with pseudopods, to 25pm; locomotive, 20 to 40 pm long by 25 to 45p m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, short, cylindroid, 2 to 3pm long, 1.5pm diameter, clear, round-tipped; of locomotive stage, flat, tonguelike extensions of clear anterior margin, 10 to 15 pm long by 10 to 15pm broad, or as food cups of similar dimensions. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as series of waves at advancing margin, one over another. Endoplasm: Granular, clear. Nucleus: Spherical, lOp m; with endosome, 5pm diameter. Vesicles: Several, small, 1 to 3p m; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None; but numerous greenish granules LOpm or less. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; in tide pools, shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Florida to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). B(A) Length 20-40p m; nuclear diameter 4pm U. elegans B(A) Length 13-27 p m; nuclear diameter 4.5 jj m U. schaefferi Figure 51.— Unda elegans: A — radiate, afloat; (1926). B — locomotive form; after Schaeffer 50 >jm Unda elegans Size: Rounded, 20 to 30p m; radiate, body mass 20pm diameter, with pseudopods to 40pm; locomotive, 50 to 60pm long by 60 to 70pm wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, clear, cylindroid, 6 to 10pm long, about 1.5pm diameter, round- tipped; none formed by locomotive stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as peripheral margin, and successive anterior waves in locomotion, one over another. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Pale, spherical, 4pm; with central en- dosome, 1.5pm diameter. Vesicles: None. Crystals: None; but many yellowish granules, less than 1.0pm. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; in tidal pools. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, known from Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 34 Figure 52. -Unda schaefferi: A — radiate, afloat; B — locomotive, with pseudopods; C- motive form; after Sawyer (1975b). loco- 20 jum Unda schaefferi Size: Rounded, 8 to 10p m; radiate, body mass 5.5 to 6pm diameter, with pseudopods to 25pm; locomotive, ovate to broadly fan-shaped, 20 to 27p m long by 22 to 29pm wide (mean, 23 by 24p m). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 8 to 12pm long, cylindroid, 1.5 to 2pm diameter, blunt-tipped; of locomotive stage, broad waves or tongues which flow over anterior margin, appear as temporary ridges, 3 to 5pm wide. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, light-refractile. En- doplasm: Granular, as condensed, ovoid mass behind clear, anterior margin; posterior margin often irregular. Nucleus: Spherical, 4.5 pm diameter; with central endosome 1.5 to 2 pm diameter (often of two smaller spheres in granular matrix); division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Several, 2 to 4pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None; but many tiny granules. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; division; ecology; description; Sawyer (1975b). 39 (36) Body usually large, more than 100 u m; long, trapezoidal with distinct, parallel, longitudinal, dorsal ridges or folds when in locomotion Thecamoeba Figure 53. — Thecamoeba terrieola: A — radiate, at rest; B — usual locomotive form; C — locomotive, cornucopia-shaped; after Glaser (1912). Thecamoeba terrieola (= verrucosa) Size: Rounded, 60 to 150pm; radiate, 100 to 300pm across, more or less cruciform; locomotive, 100 to 350pm long, 50 to 170pm wide (mean, 125 by 65pm). Pseudopods: Rarely formed except as blunt bulges. Uroid: Temporary, morulate, or wrinkled, rarely with filaments. Ectoplasm: Thick, clear, glossy; in locomotion, much wrinkled at rear, more or less parallel ridges over the body; bulges of ectoplasm anteriorly. Endoplasm: Granular, grayish to yellowish, with piers of gel underneath ridges. Nucleus: Ellipsoid, 40 to 60p m by 20 to 30 ju m; granules next to membrane; center, clear; no en- dosome. Water-expulsive vesicle: Present in fresh or brackish water, 40 to 60 pm diameter; absent in seawater. Other vesicles: Some "glycogen spheres," 8 to 12pm diameter; many food vesicles. Crystals: Truncated bipyramids, 2 to 4pm long. Cyst: Resembles rounded state, wrinkled. Feeding: Omnivorous; eats Protozoa, algae, small invertebrates. 35 Habitat: Fresh water, adaptable to seawater, in moist earth on mosses; brackish water on bottom or submerged vegeta- tion. Distribution: Unknown, but reported from scattered marine collections; potentially worldwide. References: Morphology; ecology; taxonomy; descriptions; Leidy (1879), Penard (1902, 1905); growth; disivion; Glaser (1912). 39 (36) Body usually small, less than 100pm. Ovate in locomotion, or spatulate and variable. Dorsal sur- face with more or less distinct, longitudinal ridges or transverse, transient ripples. Pseudopods of radiate stage long and slender, papulate to stubby or absent 40 40 (39) Dorsal ridges distinct, more or less permanent. Body a hyaline flattened disc. Floating stage with or without stubby radiating pseudopods Striamoeba ... A A(40) Length 50pm or less; nucleus 10pm. 3-4 dorsal ridges. Herbivorous S.munda A(40) Length 80p m or less; nuclear diameter 10p m or less. Body ellipsoidal or round. Dorsal ridges numerous or few. Herbivorous or bactivorous B B Figure 54. — Striamoeba munda: A, B — locomotive forms; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 pm Striamoeba munda Size: Rounded, 30 to 35 p m; radiate, body mass 25 to 30p m, with pseudopods to 40p m; locomotive, ovate, 40 to 50p m long by 30 to 40pm wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, short, stubby, about 5p m long, 3 to 4pm diameter, round- tipped, numerous; no pseudopods formed by locomotive stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Pale, clear, forms 3 or 4 dorsal ridges in locomotion and clear, anterolateral margin. Endoplasm: Clear, finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 10pm; with endosome as a ring between 2 polar caps. Vesicles: Food vesicles, 6 to 8pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on blue-green algae. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic coastal waters, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). B(A) Length 50-80 p m; nucleus ellipsoidal, 10 p m long by 5-6 u m wide. 10-12 dorsal ridges. Herbivor- ous S. hilla B( A) Length 80 p m or less; nuclear diameter 10 p m or less, spherical. Dorsal ridges 3-4 to numerous. Bactivorous C B Figure 55. -Striamoeba hilla: A— lobate floating form; B, C— locomotive forms; A, B— after Schaeffer (1926); C— after Page (1971b). 50 jim 36 Striamoeba hilla Size: Contracted, irregular, 35 to 45 p m across; locomotive, ovoid, 50 to 80 p m long by 30 to 50 p m wide; afloat, morulate, 30 to 40pm across. Pseudopods: None in locomotion, irregular bulges in radiate stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, thick, as anterolateral margin in locomotion, with 10 to 12 linear, dorsal and lateral ridges. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Ellipsoid to kidney-shaped, lOp m long by 5 to 6pm wide, with endosome 10 by 4pm. Vesicles: Water-expulsive vesicle in brackish water, 10pm diameter; several food vesicles 3 to 8pm. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; diatoms, other algae. Habitat: Shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from At- lantic coastal waters, United States, Gulf of Mexico to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926); ecology; division; Page (1971b). C(B) Length 60-80pm; nuclear diameter 9pm. Numerous dorsal ridges. Bactivorous S. rugosa C(B) Length 50p m or less; nuclear diameter variable. 2-4 dorsal ridges. Bactivorous D Figure 56. -Striamoeba rugosa: A — lobate floating form; B, C- form; after Schaeffer (1926). locomotive 50 /im Striamoeba rugosa Size: Contracted, irregular, 40 to 50pm across; ovate, locomotive, 60 to 80pm long by 35 to 50pm wide. Pseudopods: None. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy with many, linear, dorsal ridges. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 9 to 10 p m diameter, with central spherical endosome, 6pm diameter. Vesicles: One or more food vesicles, 3 to 5 jj m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal waters, United States. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). D(C) Length 40-50 p m; nuclear diameter 4 p D(C) Length 22-42 p m; nuclear diameter 10 p m. 3-4 dorsal ridges. Bactivorous S. orbis m. 2-3 dorsal ridges. Ectocommensal on fish gills . . . S. hoffmani Figure 57. — Striamoeba orbis: A— radiate, afloat; B, C — locomotive forms; A, C — after Page (1971b); B— after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jam 37 Striamoeba orbis Size: Rounded. 10 to 12 pm; radiate, body mass7^m across, with pseudopods to 18pm across; locomotive, ovoid, 40 to 50 pm long by 40 to 50/u m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, several, blunt, digitate, 3 to 6pm long, 2 to 3pm diameter; none in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, as anterior three-fifths of locomotive body in locomotion with 3 or 4 longitudinal ridges; forms digitate pseudopods of radiate stage. Endoplasm: Clear, granular, as posterior two- fifths of locomotive body. Nucleus: Spherical, 4p m diameter with round, central endosome, 2pm. Vesicles: Small, 2 to 3p m, as food vesicles; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Maine. References: Morphology; description; Schaeffer (1926); ecology; division; Page (1971b). Figure 58. — Striamoeba hoffmani: A — an amoeba in the gill filaments of a fish; B — locomotive form; after Sawyer et al. (1975). 40 jam Striamoeba hoffmani Size: Ovoid, 21.6 to 40.8pm long (mean, 31.0pm) by 16.8 to 28.0pm wide (mean, 23.1pm) when fixed and stained. Pseudopods: Noneruptive, clear, anterior bulges in slow locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterolateral margin and several longitudinal ridges or folds. Endoplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 10pm diameter with en- dosome, 6pm diameter; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Several, containing food. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous, perhaps cytivorous. Habitat: On gills of fingerling salmonid fish. Distribution: West coast of the United States, Oregon and Washington, hatcheries in Michigan. Considered free-living as well as opportunistically parasitic, and perhaps worldwide. References: Description; ecology; division; Sawyer et al. (1975). 40 (39) Dorsal ridges absent, or present as transient single or double ridges which originate posteriorly and flow anteriorly to disappear upon reaching anterior margin. Body ovate or variably spatu- late. Pseudopods of floating form numerous, longer than central body mass, straight or bent 41 41 (40) Pseudopods of floating form as long as or longer than diameter of central body mass. Body form changeable in locomotion. Radiating pseudopods of floating form in multiples of two, bent or kinked along axis Clydonella ... A A(41) Length 8-12pm; nuclear diameter 2pm C.vivax A(41) Length up to 40pm B 38 B Figure 59. — Clydonella vivax: A, B — floating forms; C — beginning locomotion after floating; D, E, F— locomotive forms; A, D, E— after Schaeffer (1926); B, C, F— after Sawyer (1975c). 20 jum Ch'donella vivax Size: Rounded, 6 to 8pm; radiate, body mass, 5 to 6pm, with pseudopods to 30pm across; locomotive, long ovoid to fan- shaped, 8 to 12pm long by 8 to 12 ^m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, clear, straight, tapered; round-tipped, 6 to 10 pm long, 1.0pm basal diameter, less than 0.5pm at tips; no pseudopods in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: As clear anterolateral part, one-half to two-thirds of body in locomotion; with lateral folds along body mass. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, pale, 2.0pm diameter, with central endosome, 1.0pm. Vesicles: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926); Sawyer (1975c). B(A) Length 21-40pm; nuclear diameter 4.5pm C. sindermanni B(A) Length 20p m or less C Figure 60. -Clydontlla sindermanni: A, B— floating forms; C, D— loco- motive forms; after Sawyer (1975b). Clydonella sindermanni 20 jim Size: Rounded, 10 to 13pm; radiate, irregular body mass about 5p m across, with pseudopods to 50pm across; locomotive, ovoid, 21 to 40 p m long by 18 to 37 p m wide (mean, 28 by 27 p m). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, irregularly 39 twisted, cylindroid, 3 to 5m m diameter, bluntly round-tipped; none in locomotive stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, anterior two-thirds of body, formed as waves, ripples, or forked waves over anterior portion. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Distinct, spherical, 4.5 Mm diameter, with central endosome 3 to 4m m diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, small, 2 to 3/u m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine: shallow bays. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; culturing; ecology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). C(B) Length 14-19/um; nuclear diameter 4. 5m m Clydonellarosenfieldi C(B) Length 14-20 /j m; nuclear diameter 3-3. 5m m Clydonella wardi Figure 61. — Clydonella rosenfieldi: A — floating form; B — locomotive form; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 jam Clydonella rosenfieldi Size: Rounded, 7 to 8 /u m; radiate stage, body mass 5 to 6 m m, with pseudopods to 40 m m diameter; locomotive, 14 to 19 Mm long by 14 to 19^m wide (mean, 17 by 16^/m). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 10 to 16//m long, cylindroid to slightly tapered, round-tipped, 1.5 to 2^m diameter; none in locomotive stage. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, forms anterior area as wide as two-thirds the length of the body in locomotion, as broken or forked ripples or waves which move forward over the clear anterior toward the front. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 4.5m m diameter, with central endosome 2.0 to 2.5m m diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, small, 1.0 to 2.0pm; no water-ex- pulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; culturing; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). Figure 62. — Clydonella wardi: A— floating form; B, C— locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 jam 40 Clydonella wardi Size: Rounded, 8 to 10 p m; radiate, body mass 4 to 5 p m diameter, with pseudopods to 30 p m across; locomotive, 14 to 20 P m long by 13 to 19/j m wide (mean, 18 by 16p m). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, clear, cylindroid, slender, 20 to 25p m long, 1.5pm diameter; locomotive stage, no pseudopods formed. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior two-thirds to three-fourths of body length, formed as advancing ripples, which may fork, or shallow waves which disappear at the anterior margin. Endoplasm: Finely granular, as posterior one-third to one-fourth of body mass. Nucleus: Clear, dis- tinct, spherical, 3.0 to 3.5 P m diameter, with central endosome 2.5 p m diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, 0.5 to 3p m diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Dis- tribution: Atlantic coastal waters, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; culturing; division; descrip- tion; Sawyer (1975b). 41 (40) Pseudopods of floating form much longer than diameter of central, body mass, or short and stubby with blunt, rounded tips 42 42 (41) Pseudopods of floating form long, thin, and stellate; may coil like a helix near tip. Body triangu- late with either dimension the greater of the two Vannella ... A A(42) Length 50-75pm; nuclear diameter 15pm V. crassa A(42) Length less than 50p m B D Figure 63.- Vannella crassa: A, B— floating forms; C, D — locomotive forms; after Schaeffer (1926). 50jam Vannella crassa Size: Rounded, 20 to 30pm diameter; radiate, body 15 to 20pm, with pseudopods to 60pm; locomotive, with clear, in- cised anterior margin, 50 to 75pm long, 50 to 75p m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, bluntly conical, 5 to 18pm long, 4 to 5 p m basal diameter, 2 to 4 p m diameter at tips; of locomotive stage, few, from body surface, short, blunt. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 15p m diameter, with central spherical endosome, 6p m. Vesicles: Several, pale, 2 to 5p m diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; in tide pools. Distribution: Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida, U.S.A. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). B(A) Length 15-25pm; nuclear diameter 4-6pm V. mira B(A) Length 13-20pm; nuclear diameter 3pm V. sensilis Figure 64. — Vannella mira: A— radiate, afloat; B— beginning locomotion after floating; C, D— locomotive forms; A, B, D— after Bovee (1950); C— after Schaeffer (1926). 20 jam 41 Vannella mira Size: Rounded, 8 to 10 p m; radiate, body irregularly round, 5 to 6 p m, with pseudopods to 30 p m diameter; locomotive, fan-shaped, 15 to 25 p m long by 15 to 25 p m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 12 to 20 u m long, clear, conical, bases partly granular; of locomotive stage, conical, from body, rarely formed, broad clear anterior margin forms none. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear. Endoplasm: Finely granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 4 to 6^m diameter, with central endosome, 2 to 3 p m diameter; division, mitotic. Water-expulsive vesicle: None in seawater; 3 to 6 p m in brackish or fresh water; no other vesicles. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; coastal waters, tide pools, on algae. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Maine; Pacific Coast, southern California; coral reefs, Madagascar. References: Morphology; ecology; distribution; description; Schaeffer (1926), Page (1971a). Figure 65. — Vannella sensilis: A, B, C — floating forms; D — beginning locomotion after floating; E — semiradiate, disturbed stage; F, G, H — locomo- tive forms; after Bovee (1950, 1953). 20 jum Vannella sensilis Size: Rounded, 8 to lOp m; afloat, wrinkled, 10 to 15pm across, or radiate, body mass 8 to 9pm, with pseudopods to 18 p m across; locomotive, fan-shaped, 13 to 20 p m long by 15 to 24 p m wide. Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 3 to 5 p m long, basal diameters 2 to 2.5p m, tapered to round tips about 0.8pm diameter; no pseudopods formed in locomotion, but edge of advancing clear margin often finely dentate. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, smooth, as anterolateral, clear margin and as radiate pseudopods; wrinkled in irregular floating stages. Endoplasm: Clear, finely granular; a few greenish ir- regular granules 0.8 to 1.5pm. Nucleus: Spherical, 3,um, with round or slightly irregular endosome, 1.5pm diameter; division, mesomitotic. Vesicles: Food vesicles, 2 to 5pm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on small algae and bacteria. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters, bays, tide pools. Distribution: Known from Atlantic and Pacific coastal waters, United States, probably worldwide. References: Morphology; ecology; description; Bovee (1950, 1953), Sawyer (1975c). 42 (41) Pseudopods of floating form short and stubby, or absent; few in number. Body a flattened ovoid, teardrop shaped, or lingulate 43 43 (42) Body ovoid or disc-shaped with broad, smooth, anterior margin and granular posterior endo- plasm. Transient, lateral ridges or folds present or absent. Pseudopods of floating form short and stubby Platyamoeba ... A A(43) Length 19-35pm; nuclear diameter 3. 5-5pm. Transient lateral folds P. mainensis A(43) Length less than 20pm; nuclear diameter 2-4.5 pm B 42 _ Figure 66.- -Platyamoeba mainensis: A — radiate, afloat; B — lobed radiate form; C, D- locomotive forms; after Page (1971b). 20 jum Platyamoeba mainensis Size: Rounded, 10 to 12pm; radiate, body mass 8pm across, with pseudopods to 22pm across; locomotive, broadly ovate a little longer than broad, 19 to 35pm long (mean, 25pm). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, bluntly digitate, 5 to 7pm long, about 1.5pm diameter with rounded tips; no pseudopods in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, as anterior portion in locomotion, and pseudopods. Endoplasm: Faintly granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 3.5 to 5pm diameter; with central endosome, 2.75 to 3pm; division, mitotic without polar caps. Vesicles: Few, with food, 3pm. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays and estuaries. Distribution: Known from At- lantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Maine. References: Morphology; ecology; description; division; Page (1971b). B(A) Length 12-15pm; nuclear diameter 4.5pm. Transient transverse ripples or waves P. douvresi B(A) Length less than 15pm; ridges lateral or absent C Figure 67.- -Platyamoeba douvresi: A — rounded, at rest; B — radiate, afloat; C, D- locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 jim Platvamoeba douvresi Size: Contracted, 7 to 8ium\ radiate, body mass 8 to 9pm diameter, with pseudopods, 25 to 27p m across; locomotive, 12 to 15/um long by 10 to 16pm wide (mean, 13 by 12^ m). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, cylindroid, 7 to 8/um long, 1.5pm diameter, round-tipped; none formed in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Pale, glossy, as anterior part of locomotive body, with moving transverse waves. Endoplasm: Faintly granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 4.5pm diameter, with central endosome 2.0 to 2.5 fin diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, small, about 1.0pm diameter. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; divi- sion; description; Sawyer (1975b). C(B) Length ll-12pm; nuclear diameter 3-3. 5pm P. weinsteini C(B) Length 7-13 pm; nuclear diameter 2pm; ridges absent D 13 Figure 68. — Platyamoeba weinsteini: A, re- floating forms; C, D- (1975b). -locomotive forms; after Sawyer 20 jim Platyamoeba weinsteini Size: Contracted, 7 to 8 p m; radiate, body mass 4 to 5 p m across, with pseudopods to 22 p m across; locomotive, ovoid, 11 to 12pm long by 12 to 16pm wide (mean, 12 by 13pm). Pseudopods: Of radiate stage, 7 to 8pm long, cylindroid, 1.75/um diameter with rounded tips; no pseudopods in locomotion; blunt tongues in descent to substrate. Uroid: None. Ec- toplasm: Clear, refractile in pseudopods and as anterior half of body with temporary, distinct, transient, lateral folds. Endoplasm: Faintly granular. Nucleus: Distinct, spherical, 3.0 to 3.5pm, with spherical or elliptical endosome slightly smaller; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Rare, small. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massa- chusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). D(C) Length 8-13 pm; nuclear diameter 2 p m; nucleus indistinct P. murchelanoi D(C) Length 7-12/^m; nuclear diameter 2pm; nucleus distinct P. langae Figure 69. -Platyamoeba murchelanoi: A, B — floating forms; C, D- yer (1975b). -locomotive forms; after Saw- 20 jum Platyamoeba murchelanoi Size: Contracted, 5 to 6pm diameter; afloat, irregular, crumpled, 5 to 6p m across; locomotive, ovoid, 8 to 13p m long by 6 to 11pm wide (mean, 11 by 9pm). Pseudopods: Seldom formed, as irregular short, blunt lobes. Uroid: None. Ec- toplasm: Pale, clear as anterior one-half of the locomotive body, with faint transient, lateral ridges. Endoplasm: Faintly granular. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 2.0pm diameter, with central endosome 1.0 to 1.5pm diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, tiny when present. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). 44 Figure 70. — Platyamoeba langae: A — "tent-peg" floating form; B — beginning locomotion after floating; C, D — locomotive forms; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 yaa Platyamoeba langae Size: Rounded, 3.5 to 4.5pm; afloat, awl-shaped or twisted, 18 to 23pm long, 2.5pm at blunt end, tapered to 1.5pm at narrow end; locomotive, ovoid, 7 to 12pm long by 5 to 10pm wide (mean, 9 by 8pm). Pseudopods: Formed in descent from floating as blunt bulges; none formed in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, pale, as anterior part of body in locomotion, rarely with delicate transient lateral folds. Endoplasm: Clear, faintly granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 2pm diameter, with central endosome, 1.0 to 1.5pm diameter, indistinct; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few, small, about 1.0pm. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow coastal waters. Dis- tribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). 43 (42) Body dimensions about equal, or length 2 or 3 times longer than width in locomotion; ridges or folds absent. Floating form irregular without radiating pseudopods 44 44 (43) Length and width equal; radiate floating stage absent. Ridges, folds, or ripples absent. No marine species known Discamoeba 44 (43) Body 2 or 3 times longer than wide in locomotion; ridges, folds, or ripples absent. Floating form without radiating pseudopods Lingulamoeba leei Lingulamoeba leei Figure 71. — Lingulamoeba leei: A — beginning locomotion; B — radiate, afloat; C, D — loco- motive forms; after Sawyer (1975b). 20 ym Size: Contracted, 7 to 8p m; afloat, irregular, wrinkled 8 to 9pm across; locomotive, lingulate, 16 to 23pm long by 12.5 (jm wide (mean, 20 by 14.5pm). Pseudopods: Few, when disturbed, cylindroid, often bent, 6 to 8pm long, 1.5pm diameter, round-tipped, clear; none formed in locomotion. Uroid: Temporary, tubelike for expelling bacteria. Ec- toplasm: Clear, pale, oblong, as anterior half of body. Endoplasm: Granular, as trailing, triangular half of locomotive body. Nucleus: Indistinct, spherical, 3.5 pm, with central endosome, 2.5 pm diameter; division by mesomitosis. Vesicles: Few; small, food vesicles contain bacteria. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. References: Morphology; ecology; division; description; Sawyer (1975b). 45 45 (1) Body discoid to broadly ovoid with more or less rigid plasmalemma; more or less constant body form in locomotion. Anterior margin clear, smooth or with short, fine pseudopods; posterior margin smooth or with short trailing uroidal filaments. Hyaline plasmalemma covered with small granules or scales produced from Golgi complex Cochliopodium ... A A(45) Body diameter 40/um; nuclear diameter 6. 5-7/t/m C. clarum A(45) Body diameter 80,um; nuclear diameter 5 /urn C. gulosum Figure 72. — Cochliopodium clarum: A — radiate, afloat; B — radiate, on substrate; C, D — locomotive forms; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jum Cochliopodium clarum Size: Contracted, 35 to 4(V m across; afloat, about 30jum; locomotive, circular to slightly ovoid, 40 1 um across, with cen- tral mass, 25/jm. Pseudopods: Few, short, clear, digitate, 2 to 3/im long at edge of clear, peripheral skirt in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, as peripheral skirt 10 to 12jum wide, with numerous, regularly distributed granules about 1.5 to 2p m. Endoplasm: Clear; few granules. Nucleus: Spherical, 6.5 to 7. Op m, with central endosome, 5 fjm diameter. Vesicles: Several, nonexpulsive; no food masses. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bac- tivorous. Habitat: Marine; bays, harbors. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States (New York). References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). A Figure 73. — Cochliopodium gulosum: A— medusa-like floating form; B, C— locomotive forms; after Schaeffer (1926). 50 jum 46 Cochliopodium gulosum Size: Contracted, 60 to 70m m; locomotive, circular to slightly ovoid, 80m m across; central mass, 50Mm. Pseudopods: At periphery, 3 to 5//m long in locomotion. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, glossy, as peripheral skirt about 15m m wide, with numerous, regularly distributed granules, 1.5 to 2.0m m. Endoplasm: Clear, granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 15pm, with central endosome, 10m m diameter. Vesicles: None. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Herbivorous; on diatoms. Habitat: Marine; bays, coastal waters, on eel grass. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States (New York). References: Morphology; ecology; description; Schaeffer (1926). 45 (1) Similar to Cochliopodium. Anterior margin smooth and rounded. Posterior margin with several blunt rounded pseudopods. No marine species known Amphizonella 46 (1) Large, multilobed; uninucleate. Contracted when attached to substrate, branched and radiate when feeding or in locomotion; numerous branched or forked pseudopods with round tips . Stereomyxa ... A A(46) Pseudopods lobose with round tips; mononucleate S. angulosa A(46) Pseudopods tapered and branched; sometimes binucleate, otherwise mononucleate S. ramosa Figure 74. — Stereomyxa angulosa: A, B — extended, active, contracted; C, D — at rest; after Grell (1966). Stereomyxa angulosa Size: Rounded, 100 to 120m m diameter; locomotive, ramose, 150 to 300Mm long or wide. Pseudopods: Of contracted state, lobose. 25 to 45m m long, 6 to 8m m diameter, with clear, rounded tip, 10 to 15/im long; of locomotive stage, similar, but usually lack clear tip. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, thin except at tips of pseudopods. Endoplasm: Clear, with vesicles and granules. Nucleus: Mononucleate; not otherwise described. Vesicles: Many, small, 2 to 6Mm diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None; but many granules about 1.0m m. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Not described. Habitat: Marine; on reef corals. Distribution: Reported from coral reefs, Madagascar. References: Description; Grell (1966). Figure 75.— Stereomyxa ramosa: A— contracted; B— extended; after Grell (1966). 47 Stereomyxa ramosa Size: Contracted 250 to 300,um wide; locomotive, ramose, body mass 50 to lOO^m across, with pseudopods up to 1,000 Mm long. Pseudopods: Clear, tapered, branched, sometimes fused, up to 150^10 long, 10 to 12^m at bases, end branches 10 to 50^m long, 1 to 4^m at bases, tips rounded to pointed. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Thin, clear, with attached debris. Endoplasm: Clear, vesicular and granular. Nucleus: Spherical, 12/im diameter, with central endosome, 4 m diameter, sometimes binucleate. Vesicles: Many, small, 2 to 8fim diameter; no water-expulsive vesicle. Crystals: None; but many granules. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Not described. Habitat: Marine; on coral reefs. Distribution: Reported from reefs on Madagascar. References: Morphology; description; Grell (1966). 46 (1) Large, multinucleate with compact network-like plasmodial form; or minute, mononucleate, and forked or leaflike body form 47 47(46) Very large, multinucleate; not leaflike or forked Corallomyxa Figure 76.— Corallomyxa mutabilis: A— extended, feeding; B— contracted; after Grell (1966). Corallomyxa mutabilis Size: Contracted, irregular, 200 to 300^ m across; locomotive, ramose, 2,000 to 3,000p m across, body mass more or less cruciform. Pseudopods: Ramose, digitate, sometimes fused, 10 to 300jum long, 5 to 20/t/m wide at bases, rounded tips of terminal branches, 2 to 4,um. Uroid: None. Ectoplasm: Clear, gelatinous, thin, with attached diatoms and debris. En- doplasm: Clear, with vesicles and granules. Nucleus: Multinucleate (20 or more); each spherical, 10 to 12pm diameter, with central endosome, 3 to 4/Lim diameter. Vesicles: Many, small, 2 to 8/um diameter; large food vesicles; no water-ex- pulsive vesicle. Crystals: None; but many granules. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Not described. Habitat: Marine; coral reefs. Distribution: Reported from coral reefs, Madagascar. References: Morphology; description; Grell (1966). 47 (46) Minute, leaflike or forked, or stick-like; locomotion slow. Mononucleate, nucleus indistinct Stygamoeba Figure 77.— Stygamoeba polymorpha: A, B— contracted forms; C— afloat, radiate; D- tive forms; after Sawyer (1975a). 20 ^um 48 Stygamoeba polymorpha Size: Contracted 10 to 15/um across; radiate, body mass 8^m, with pseudopods, to -tO^m across; locomotive, multi- form, ramose 13 to 17^m across, or elongate to 30^m by 3 to 5yu wide. Pseudopods: Of contracted state, short, blunt, clear, 2 to 10/um long, 1 to 3/um wide, tips rounded; of radiate stage, 5 to 15/um long, 2 to 4/um diameter, somewhat twisted or bent; of locomotive stage, continuous with elongate body, which flows into them. Uroid: Absent. Ectoplasm: Clear, pale, glossy. Endoplasm: Clear, scarcely distinguishable from ectoplasm. Nucleus: Indistinct, round to ovoid, 1.5 to 2.0/um diameter; no endosome visible. Vesicles: None. Crystals: None. Cyst: Unknown. Feeding: Bactivorous. Habitat: Marine; shallow bays. Distribution: Known from Atlantic coast, United States, from Virginia to Massachu- setts. References: Morphology; description; Sawyer (1975a). ANNOTATED SYSTEMATIC LIST This list is arranged with reference to families, genera, and species of amoebae. Higher categories are a matter of dispute concerning the names and arrangements of classes and orders in the Phylum Protozoa, Subphylum Sarcodina (cf. Honigberg et al. 1964; Jahn and Bovee 1965; Bovee and Jahn 1965, 1966). All the amoebae here included would be assigned to the lobose amoebae whatever the names of the ordinal and class ranks may be in one or another of the recent taxonomic schemes (e.g.. Subclass Lobosia, Order Amoebida in Honigberg et al. 1964; but Subclass Cyclia, Superorder Lobida in Bovee and Jahn 1965, 1966); and Class Lobosia, Sub- order Gymnamoebia (Page 1976). Notes on habitat, dis- tribution, and general occurrence are given. References to important works are cited. FAMILY AMOEBIDAE (Diesing 1838) Amoeba lescherae Taylor and Hayes 1944. Found in brackish tide pools, British Isles; probably widely dis- tributed (Taylor and Hayes 1944). FAMILY PELOMYXIDAE (Poche 1931) Pelomyxa ostendensis Kufferath 1952. Reported from At- lantic coastal waters, northern Europe; not otherwise known (Kufferath 1952). Trichamoeba schaefferi Radir 1927. Reported from Mon- terey Bay, Calif.; probably more widely distributed (Radir 1927). FAMILY SACCAMOEBIDAE Bovee 1972 Saccamoeba gumia (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on algae, in tide pools, Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Saccamoeba fuluum (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on diatoms, Atlantic coastal waters, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Rhizamoeba polyura Page 1972. Bactivorous, in shallow estuaries. Known from Virginia to Massachusetts, Atlantic coastal waters, United States (Page 1972a). Rhizamoeba pallida (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Rhizamoeba sphaerarum (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on small algae, bacteria. Known from shallow coastal waters, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). FAMILY HARTMANNELLIDAE Volkonsky 1931 Hartmannella tahitiensis Cheng 1970. Bactivorous, cyti- vorous, possibly a commensal in oysters, Crassostrea commercialis. Reported from commercially developed oyster beds in Tahiti; perhaps widely distributed (Cheng 1970). Janickina pigmentifera (Grassi 1879). Parasitic, in testis of marine arrow worms (Chaetognatha). Reported from Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean (Janicki 1912). Janickina chaetognathi (Janicki 1912). Parasitic in testis of marine arrow worms (Chaetognatha). Reported from Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean (Janicki 1912). FAMILY VAHLKAMPFIIDAE Jollos 1919 Vahlkampfia baltica Schmoller 1961. Bactivorous, re- ported from shallow coastal waters, Europe (Schmoller 1961). Vahlkampfia salina (Hamburger 1905). Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters, tidal pools. Known from Medi- terranean and Atlantic waters, Europe and United States (Virginia), probably widely distributed (Ham- burger 1905). Vahlkampfia longicauda Schmoller 1964. Bactivorous, known from shallow Atlantic coastal waters, bays, Europe and United States (Virginia, possibly Massa- chusetts). Reference, Schmoller (1964). Heteramoeba clara Droop 1962. Herbivorous, on algae and bacteria, in shallow coastal waters. Reported from northern Atlantic waters, Europe; possibly widely dis- tributed (Droop 1962). FAMILY PARAMOEBIDAE Poche 1913 Paramoeba eilhardi Schaudinn 1895. Herbivorous on diatoms, in marine waters, crawling on substrate or floating. Known from Atlantic coastal waters, Europe, and United States; probably worldwide. References, Schaudinn (1896), Grell (1961), Sprague et al. (1969). 49 Paramoeba pemaquidensis Page 1970. Bactivorous, in shallow waters over sandy beaches. Known from At- lantic coastal waters, United States, Maine to Virginia (Page 1970b). Paramoeba aesturina Page 1970. Bactivorous, in marine coastal waters. Known from Atlantic waters, United States. Maine to Virginia (Page 1970b). Paramoeba perniciosa Sprague et al. 1969. Parasitic, perhaps cytivorous, inhemolymph of the blue crab, Callineetes sapidus, causing the "grey crab disease." Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia and Maryland; perhaps widely distributed. References, Sprague and Beckett (1966), Sawyer (1969), Sprague et al. (1969). FAMILY MASTIGAMOEBIDAE Goldschmidt 1907 Mastigamoeba aspera Schulze 1875 (emended by Page 1970). Herbivorous, on algae, in estuarine tidal pools, fresh water or marine, Atlantic coast, United States, Maine; probably cosmopolitan (Schulze 1875; Page 1970a). FAMILY MAYORELLIDAE Schaeffer 1926 coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975a). Vexillifera minutissima n. sp. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, estuaries, backwaters. Known from Atlantic coast. United States, Virginia to Massachusetts. Triaenamoeba jachowskii Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975a). Striolatus tardus Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on dia- toms, in shallow coastal waters. Known from Atlantic coast. United States, Florida to New Jersev (Schaeffer 1926). Pontifex maximus Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous, on brown algae, in shallow coastal waters, northeastern United States; also reported from coral reefs, Mada- gascar (Schaeffer 1926). Dinamoeba acuum (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on small algae, in shallow, muddy coastal waters. Known from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Boueella obscura Sawyer 1975. Herbivorous, on diatoms, in shallow bays under bottom detritus. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachu- setts (Sawyer 1975a). Mayorella crystallus Schaeffer 1926. Carnivorous on small flagellates. In coastal waters. Known from Gulf of Mexico; probably widely distributed (Schaeffer 1926). Mayorella gemmifera Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on marine algae. Known from Gulf of Mexico; probably widely distributed (Schaeffer 1926). Mayorella eonipes Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on algae, in coastal waters. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to New York (Schaeffer 1926). Mayorella corlissi Sawyer 1975. Herbivorous on algae, in shallow bays and estuaries. Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia to Massachu- setts (Sawyer 1975a). Mayorella smalli Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays and estuaries. Known from Atlantic coastal waters, United States, Virginia (Sawyer 1975a). Vexillifera aurea Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on dia- toms, in coastal waters. Known from Gulf of Mexico (Schaeffer 1926). Vexillifera telmathalassa Bovee 1956. Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters, tidal pools, sandy beaches. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Massachusetts; also the Pacific coast, California (Bo- vee 1956; Mitchell and Yankofsky 1969). Vexillifera ottoi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays and estuaries. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, from Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975a). Vexillifera pagei Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays and estuaries, Atlantic coast, United States, Vir- ginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975a). Vexillifera browni Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays and estuaries, backwaters. Known from Atlantic FAMILY ACANTHAMOEBIDAE Sawyer and Griffin 1975 Acanthamoeba gigantea Schmoller 1964. Bactivorous, scavenging in marine coastal waters; tolerates fresh water. Known from Atlantic coasts of Europe and United States; probably worldwide (Schmoller 1964). Acanthamoeba griffini Sawyer 1971. Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters; tolerates brackish or fresh water (Sawyer and Griffin 1975). Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Connecticut; probably cosmopolitan (Sawyer 1971). FAMILY FLABELLULIDAE (Bovee 1970) Flabellula citata Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters, bays, estuaries; tolerates brackish water. Known from Atlantic coast. United States. Florida to Maine (Schaeffer 1926; Bovee 1965; Page 1971a). Flabellula calkinsi (Hogue 1914). Bactivorous, in shallow bays, estuaries. Known from Atlantic coast. United States, Maryland to Maine (Hogue 1914; Page 1971a). Flabellula patuxent (Hogue 1921). Bactivorous, scaveng- ing, commensal in gut of oysters, also free living, in shallow bays, estuaries, Atlantic coast. United States (Hogue 1921). Flabellula pellucida Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in coastal waters. Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida (Schaeffer 1926). Flabellula reniformis (Schmoller 1964). Bactivorous, in brackish coastal waters, with algae. Known from At- lantic coastal waters (Schmoller 1964). 50 Flabellula hoguae Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, estuaries, coastal waters on rocks. Known from Atlantic coast. United States, Florida to Massachu- setts (Sawyer 1975a). Flamella magnifica Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on al- gae, in coastal waters. Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida (Schaeffer 1926). FAMILY HYALODISCIDAE Poche 1913 Hyalodiscus angelouici Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, estuaries. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Gibbodiscus gemma Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in tidal pools, Gulf of Mexico, Florida (Schaeffer 1926). Gibbodiscus newmani Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shal- low bays, estuaries, Atlantic coast, United States, Vir- ginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). [fnda maris Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in tidal pools, shallow coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Massachusetts (Schaeffer 1926). Unda elegans Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in tidal pools, Atlantic coastal waters, United States, New York (Schaeffer 1926). Unda schaefferi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massa- chusetts (Sawver 1975b). FAMILY THECAMOEBIDAE Schaeffer 192(i Thecamoeba terricola (Greeff 1866). Omnivorous on Protozoa, algae, small invertebrates. Fresh water, tolerates seawater, brackish water, in moist soil, detri- tus, on submerged vegetation. Reported from scattered marine collections; potentially cosmopolitan (Leidy 1879; Penard 1902, 1905; Glaser 1912). Striamoeba munda (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on blue-green algae, in shallow coastal waters, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Striamoeba hilla (Schaeffer 1926). Herbivorous on algae, in coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States, Flor- ida to Maine (Schaeffer 1926; Page 1971b). Striamoeba rugosa (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in coastal waters, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic coast, United States (Schaeffer 1926). Striamoeba orbis (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Maine (Schaeffer 1926; Page 1971b). Striamoeba hoffmani (Sawyer et al. 1975). Bactivorous, perhaps cytivorous, free living and opportunistic para- site on gills of fingerling salmonid fish. Known from Pacific coast, Oregon and Washington, hatcheries in Michigan, potentially cosmopolitan (Sawyer et al. 1975). Clydonella uivax (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in shal- low bays, estuaries, Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Massachusetts (Schaeffer 1926; Sawyer 1975b, 1975c). Clydonella sindermanni Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Clydonella rosenfieldi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shal- low bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Clydonella wardi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massa- chusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Vannella crassa (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in tidal pools. Known from Gulf of Mexico, Florida (Schaeffer 1926). Vannella mira (Schaeffer 1926). Bactivorous, in coastal waters, tidal pools, on algae. Known from Atlantic coast, United States, Florida to Maine; Pacific coast of Southern California; coral reefs of Madagascar (Schaeffer 1926; Bovee 1950; Page 1971a). Vannella sensilis (Bovee 1953). Herbivorous on small al- gae, bacteria in shallow coastal waters, bays, tidal pools. Known from Atlantic and Pacific coasts, United States (Bovee 1950, 1953; Sawyer 1975c). Platyamoeba mainensis Page 1971. Bactivorous, in shal- low bays and estuaries, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Maine (Page 1971b). Platyamoeba douvresi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shal- low bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Platyamoeba weinsteini Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Platyamoeba murchelanoi Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975b). Platyamoeba langae Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shal- low coastal waters, Atlantic coast, United States (Saw- yer 1975b). Lingulamoeba leei Sawyer 1975. Bactivorous, in shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, Virginia to Massa- chusetts (Sawyer 1975b). FAMILY COCHLIOPODIIDAE Taranek 1882 Cochliopodium clarum Schaeffer 1926. Bactivorous, in bays, harbors, Atlantic coast, United States, New York (Schaeffer 1926). Cochliopodium gulosum Schaeffer 1926. Herbivorous on diatoms, in bays, coastal waters, on eel grass, Atlantic coast, United States, New York (Schaeffer 1926). FAMILY STEREOMYXIDAE Grell 19fi« Stereomyxa angulosa Grell 1966. Known only from coral reefs, Madagascar (Grell 1966). 51 Stereomyxa ramosa Grell 1966. Known only from coral reefs, Madagascar (Grell 1966). Corallomyxa mutabilis Grell 1966. Known only from coral reefs, Madagascar (Grell 1966). Stygamoeba polymorpha Sawyer 1975. Reported from shallow bays, Atlantic coast, United States, from Vir- ginia to Massachusetts (Sawyer 1975a). SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ALGER. N. 1966. A simple, rapid, precise stain for intestinal protozoa. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 45:361-362. BOVEE. E. C. 1950. Some observations, based on the use of the phase-contrast microscope, concerning the taxonomy and morphology of certain free-living amoebas. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Calif., Los Angeles. 1953. Morphological identification of free-living Amoebida. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 60:599-615. 1956. Some observations on a marine ameba of intertidal zones, Vexillifera trlmathalassa n. sp. J. Protozool. 3:155-158. 1965. An emendation of the ameba genus Flabellula and a descrip- tion of Vannella gen. nov. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 84:217-227. 1970. The Lobose Amebas. I. A key to the suborder Conopodina Rovee and Jahn, 1966 and descriptions of thirteen new or little known Mayorella species. Arch. Protistenkd. 112:178-227. 1972. The Lobose Amebas. IV. A key to the order Granulopodida Bovee and Jahn 1966. and descriptions of some new and little- known species in the order. Arch. Protistenkd. 114:371-403. BOVEE. E. C, and T. L. JAHN. 1965. Mechanisms of movement in taxonomy of Sarcodina. II. The organization of subclasses and orders in relationship to the classes Autotractea and Hydraulea. Am. Midi. Nat. 73:293-298. 1966. Mechanisms of movement in taxonomy of Sarcodina. III. Orders. Suborders, Families, and Subfamilies in the Superorder Lobida. Syst. Zool. 15:229-240. 1973. Taxonomy and phylogeny. In K. W. Jeon, The biology of amoeba, p. 37-82. Academic Press, N.Y. CHATTON, E. 1910. Essai sur la structure du noyau et la mitose chez les Amoe- biens. Faits et theories ries. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 45:267-337. CHENG. T. C. 1970. Hartmannella tahitiensis sp. n.. an amoeba associated with mass mortalities of the oyster Crassostrea commercialis in Tahiti, French Polynesia. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 15:405-419. DROOP, M. R. 1962. Heteramoeba clara n. gen., n. sp., sexual biphasic Amoeba. Arch. Mikrobiol. 42:254-266. GLASER. H. 1912. Untersuchungen iiber die Teilung einiger Amoben, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie des Centrosomes. Arch. Protistenkd. 25:27-152. GREEFF, R. 1866. Ueber einige in der Erde lebende Amoben und andere Rhizo- poden. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat. 2:299-331. 1874. Pelomyxa palustris (Pelobius) ein amobenartiger Organis- mus des sussen Wassers. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat. 10:51-73. GRELL. K. G. 1961. Uber den "Nebenkorper" von Paramoeba eilhardi Schaudinn. Arch. Protistenkd. 105:303-312. 1966. Amoben der Familie Stereomyxidae. Arch. Protistenkd. 109:147-154. HAMBURGER. C. 1905. Zur Kenntnis der Dunaliella salina und einer Amobe aus Salinenwasser von Cagliari. Arch. Protistenkd. 6:111-130. HOGUE, M. J. 1914. Studies in the life history of an amoeba of the Umax group Vahlkampfia calkensi. Arch. Protistenkd. 35:154-163. 1921. Studies on the life history of Vahlkampfia patuxent n.sp., parasitic in the oyster with experiments regarding its pathogeni- city. Am. J. Hyg. 1:321-345. HONIGBERG, B. M., W. BALAMUTH, E. C. BOVEE, J. O. CORLISS, M. GOJDICS. R. P. HALL. R. R. KUDO, N. D. LEVINE, A. R. LOEBLICH, Jr., J. WEISER, and D. H. WENRICH. 1964. A revised classification of the phvlum Protozoa. J. Proto- zool. 11:7-20. JAHN, T. L., and E. C. BOVEE. 1965. Mechanisms of movement in taxonomy of Sarcodina. I. As a basis for a new major dichotomy into two classes, Autotractea and Hydraulea. Am. Midi. Nat. 73:30-40. JAHN, T. L„ E. C. BOVEE, and D. L. GRIFFITH. 1974. Taxonomy and evolution of the Sarcodina: A reclassification. Taxon 23:483-496. JANICKI, C. 1912. Paramoebenstudien (P. pigmentifera Grassi und P. chaeto- gnathi Grassi). Zietsch. Wiss. Zool. 103:449-518. KUFFERATH. H. 1952. Recherches sur le plancton de la mer flamande (Mer du Nord meridionale). II. Riddulphiaeae, Proteomyxa, Rhizomastigina, Heliozoa, Amoebina. Bull. Inst. Sci. Nat. Belg. 28(10):l-39. LEIDY, J. 1879. Freshwater rhizopoda of North America. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. 12:1-324. MITCHELL. H. L 1966. A simple method of permanent staining of intestinal para- sites, using dimethyl sulfoxide. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 45:363-364. MITCHELL, R., and S. YANKOFSKY. 1969. Implication of a marine ameba in the decline of Escherichia coli in seawater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 3:574-576. PAGE, F. C. 1967a. Taxonomic criteria for Umax amoebae, with descriptions of 3 new species of Hartmannella and 3 of Vahlkampfia. J. Proto- zool. 14:499-521. 1967b. Re-definition of the genus Acanthamoeba with descriptions of three species. J. Protozool. 14:709-724. 1968. Generic criteria for Flabellula. Rugipes and Hyalodiscus, with descriptions of species. J. Protozool. 14:9-26. 1969. Platyamoeba stenopodia n. g., n. sp., a freshwater amoeba. J. Protozool. 16:437-441. 1970a. Mastigamoeba aspera from estuarine tidal pools in Maine. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 89:197-200. 1970b. Two new species of Paramoeba from Maine. J. Protozool. 17:421-427. 1971a. Two marine species of Flabellula (Amoebida; Mayorelli- dae). J. Protozool. 18:37-44. 1971b. A comparative study of five fresh-water and marine species of Thecamoebidae. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 90:157-173. 1972a. Rhizamoeba polyura n. g.. n. sp., and uroidal structures as a taxonomic criterion for amoebae. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 91:502-513. 1972b. A study of two Mayorella specfes and proposed union of the families Mayorellidae and Paramoebidae (Rhizopodea, Amoe- bida). Arch. Protistenkd. 114:404-420. 1975. A new family of amoebae with fine pseudopodia. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 56:73-88. 1976. An illustrated key to freshwater and soil amoebae. Fresh- water Biological Assoc. Sci. Publ. 34, 155 p. Titus Wilson & Son Ltd., Kendal, England. PENARD, E. 1902. Faune Rhizopodique du Bassin de Leman. Kundig, Geneve, p. 1-714. 1905. Sarcodines. Kundig, Geneve, p. 1-164. RADIR, P. L. 1927. Trichamoeba schaefferi, a new species of large marine amoeba from Monterey Bay, California. Arch. Protistenkd. 59: 289-300. SAWYER, T. K. 1969. Preliminary study on the epizootiology and host-parasite relationship of Paramoeba sp. in the blue crab, Callinectes sapi- dus. Proc. Natl. Shellfish Assoc. 59:60-64. 1971. Acanthamoeba griffini, a new species of marine amoeba. J. Protozool. 18:650-654. 52 1975a. Marine amoebae from surface waters of Chincoteague Bay, Virginia: Two new genera and nine new species within the families Mayorellidae, Flabellulidae, and Stereomyxidae. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 94:71-92. 1975b. Marine amoebae from surface waters of Chincoteague Bay, Virginia: One new genus and eleven new species within the fami- lies Thecamoebidae and Hyalodiscidae. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 94:305-323. 1975c. Clydonella n. g. (Amoebida: Thecamoebidae) proposed to provide an appropriate generic home for Schaeffer's marine species of Rugipes, C. viuax (Schaeffer, 19261 n. comb. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 94:395-400. SAWYER, T. K., R. COX, and M. HIGGINBOTTOM. 1970. Hemocyte values in healthy blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, and crabs infected with the amoeba, Paramoeba perniciosa. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 15:440-446. SAWYER, T. K.. and J. L. GRIFFIN. 1975. A proposed new family, Acanthamoebidae n. fam. (order Amoebida), for certain cyst-forming filose amoebae. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 94:93-98. SAWYER, T. K.. J. G. HNATH, and J. F. CONRAD. 1975. Thecamoeba hoffmani sp. n. (Amoebida: Thecamoebidae) from gills of fingerhng salmonid fish. J. Parasitol. 60:677-682. SCHAEFFER, A. A. 1926. Taxonomy of the amebas. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 345, 116 p. SCHAUDINN, F 1896. liber den Zeugungskreis von Paramoeba eilhardi n.g. n.sp. Sitzsgungsber. Kgl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1896:31-41. (Re- printed in Schaudmn's Arbeiten, 1911, p. 31-41.) SCHMOLLER, H. 1961. Untersuchungen zur Ehrnahrungsphysiologie von Vahlkamp- fia baltica n. sp. Zeit. Allg. Mikrobiol. 1:192-300. 1964. Beschreibung einiger Kulturamoben mariner Herkunft. J. Protozool. 11:497-502. SCHULZE, F. E. 1875. Rhizopoden studien. Arch. Mikroskop. Anat. 11:583-596. SINGH, B. N. 1952. 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Gen. 72:317-339. 53 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Acanthamoeba gigantea 27,50 Acanthamoeba griffini 27, 28, 50 Acanthamoebidae 27, 28, 50 Amoeba lescherae 6, 7, 49 Amoebidae 6, 49 Amphizonella 47 Boveella obscura 26, 27, 50 Chaos 7 Clydonella 38 Clydonella rosenfieldi 40, 51 Clydonella sindermanni 39, 51 Clydonella vivax 38, 39, 51 Clydonella wardi 40, 41, 51 Cochliopodiidae 3, 6, 51 Cochliopodium 46, 47 Cochliopodium clarum 46, 51 Cochliopodium gulosum 46, 47, 51 Corallomyxa 48 Corallomyxa mutabilis 48, 52 Dinamoeba 26 Dinamoeba acuum 26, 50 Discamoeba 45 Eehinamoeba 28 Echinamoebidae 28 Filamoeba 28 Flabellula 28 Flabellula calkinsi 29, 50 Flabellula citata 28, 29, 50 Flabellula hoguae 30, 31, 51 Flabellula patuxent 29, 30, 50 Flabellula pellucida 30, 50 Flabellula reniformis 30, 31, 50 Flabellulidae 28, 50 Flagellipodium 27 Flamella magnifica 31, 32, 51 Gibbodiscus 32 Gibbodiscus gemma 32, 33, 51 Gibbodiscus newmani 32, 33, 51 Glaeseria 11 Hartmannella 11 Hartmennella tahitiensis 11, 49 Hartmannellidae 11, 49 Hartmannina 11 Heteramoeba clara 14, 49 Hyalodiscidae 32, 51 Hyalodiscus 32 Hyalodiscus angelovici 32, 51 Hydramoeba 7 Janickina 11 Janickina chaetognathi 11, 12, 49 Janickina pigmentifera 11, 12, 49 Lingulamoeba leei 45, 51 Mastigamoebidae 17, 50 Mastigamoeba aspera 17, 18, 50 Mayorella 16, 18, 21, 26, 27 Mayorella conipes 19, 50 Mayorella corlissi 19, 20, 50 Mayorella crystallus 18, 50 Mayorella gemmifera 18, Mayorella smalli 19, Mayorellidae 3, Metachaos Naegleria Oscillosignum Paramoeba Paramoeba aesturina Paramoeba eilhardi Paramoeba pemaquidensis Paramoeba perniciosa 2, Paramoebidae 3, Pelomyxa ostendensis 7 Pelomyxidae Platyamoeba Platyamoeba douvresi Platyamoeba langae 44, Platyamoeba mainensis 42, Platyamoeba murchelanoi Platyamoeba weinsteini 43, Polychaos Pontifex maximus 25, Rhizamoeba Rhizamoeba pallida Rhizamoeba polyura 9, Rhizamoeba sphaerarum Saccamoeba Saccamoeba fulvum 8 Saccamoeba gumia 8 Saccamoebidae Stereomyxa Stereomyxa angulosa Stereomyxa ramosa 47, Stereomyxidae Striamoeba Striamoeba hilla 36, Striamoeba hoffmani 37, Striamoeba munda Striamoeba orbis 37, Striamoeba rugosa Striolatus tardus 24, Stygamoeba Stygamoeba polymorpha 48, Subulamoeba Thecamoeba Thecamoeba terricola Thecamoebidae Triaenamoeba TYiaenamoeba jachowskii Trichamoeba schaefferi Unda Unda elegans Unda maris 33, Unda schaefferi 34, Vahlkampfiidae Vahlkampfia 12, Vahlkampfia baltica 12, Vahlkampfia longicauda 13, 54 Vahlkampfia salina 13, 49 Vannella 41 Vannella crassa 41, 51 Vannella mira 2, 41, 42, 51 Vannella sensilis 41, 42, 51 Vexillifera 21, 24, 26 Vexillifera aurea 21, 50 Vexillifera browni 23, 50 Vexillifera minutissima 1, 23, 50 Vexillifera ottoi 22, 50 Vexillifera pagei 22, 23, 50 Vexillifera telmathalassa 21, 22, 50 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeast- ern United States" is being coordinated by the following board: Coordinating Editor: Melbourne R. Carriker, College of Mar- ine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958. Editorial Advisers: Marie B. Abbott, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Arthur G. Humes, Boston University Marine Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Wesley N. Tiffney, Department of Bio- logy, Boston University, Boston, Mass. Ruth D. Turner, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Roland L. Wigley, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Mass. Robert T. Wilce, Department of Botany, University of Massachusetts, Am- herst, Mass. The Board, which established the format for the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States," invites systematists to collaborate in the preparation of manuals, reviews manuscripts, and advises the Scientific Editor of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Frederick C. Page and Joe L. Griffin contributed helpful com- ments and criticisms for the key. Illustrations were drawn by Eugene C. Bovee. The manuscript was typed by Elizabeth A. Bovee and Dorothy L. Sawyer. Preparation of the manual was aided by a one semester sabbatical leave to Eugene C. Bovee by the University of Kansas, and partial support by research grants from the Water Resources Research Institute to Eugene C. Bovee. Facilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service at Oxford, Md., Franklin City, Va., Sandy Hook, N.J., and Woods Hole, Mass., were made available to one or both authors during preparation of the manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge Carl Sindermann and Aaron Rosenfield, National Marine Fisheries Service, for their con- tinuous support of studies on amoebae in Chincoteague Bay, Va., and Melbourne R. Carriker for his invitation to prepare the manuscript. 55 COORDINATING EDITOR'S COMMENTS Publication of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the North- eastern United States" is most timely in view of the growing uni- versal emphasis on environmental work and the urgent need for more precise and complete identification of coastal organisms than has been available. It is mandatory, wherever possible, that organisms be identified accurately to species. Accurate scientific names unlock the great quantities of biological infor- mation stored in libraries, obviate duplication of research al- ready done, and often make possible prediction of attributes of organisms that have been inadequately studied. Eugene C. Bovee began his studies on amoebae as a graduate student at the State University of Iowa in 1947 and continued them during a doctoral degree program at the University of California at Los Angeles, 1948-50. He has continued his research on systematics of amoebae and amoeboid movements on both east and west coasts of the United States and at inland stations while holding appointments successively at the Univer- sity of Northern Iowa, the California State Polytechnic Univer- sity at San Luis Obispo, the North Dakota State University, the University of Houston, Texas, the University of Florida, the University of California at Los Angeles, and, currently, the University of Kansas, where he is Professor of Physiology and Cell Biology. Thomas K. Sawyer studied biology at the American Univer- sity, George Washington University, and the University of Maryland. He began government service as a parasitologist in 1953 and has held posts successively at the National Institutes of Health, the U.S.D.A., the U.S.P.H.S.. the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the Hazelton Laboratories, and, since 1964, with the National Marine Fisheries Service, as Senior Fisheries Biologist, at Oxford, Md. In that post he began studies of marine amoebae and their roles as parasites of shellfish and in environmental biodegradation. He has studied them in- tensively since 1966, receiving his doctoral degree in Zoology in 1973 from the University of Maryland for his studies on the amoebae of Chincoteague Bay. Those studies identified 3 new genera and 24 new species of marine amoebae. Preparation of this manual was supported in part by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Editorial Board of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." Work on the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" by the Coordinating Editor is sup- ported by the College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware. Manuals are available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The manuals so far published in the series are listed below. Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States: COOK, DAVID G., and RALPH 0. BRINKHURST. Annelida: Oligochaeta. BORROR, ARTHUR C. Protozoa: Ciliophora. MOUL, EDWIN T. Higher Plants of the Marine Fringe. McCLOSKEY, LAWRENCE R. Pycnogonida. MANNING, RAYMOND B. Crustacea: Stomatopoda. WILLIAMS, AUSTIN B. Crustacea: Decapoda. POLLOCK, LELAND W. Tardigrade. LARSON, RONALD J. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa. CAVALIERE, A. R. Higher Fungi: Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, and Basidiomycetes. COULL, BRUCE C. Copepoda: Harpacticoida. CUTLER, EDWARD B. Sipuncula. PAWSON, DAVID L. Echinodermata: Holothuroidea. HO, JU-SHEY. Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae and Sphyriidae. HO, JU-SHEY. Copepoda: Cyclopoids Parasitic on Fishes. CRESSEY, ROGER F. Crustacea: Branchiura. BOVEE, EUGENE C, and THOMAS K. SAWYER. Protozoa: Sarcodina: Amoebae. Circular No. 374 378 384 386 387 389 394 397 398 399 403 405 406 409 413 419 NTIS No. COM 73 50670 COM 73 50888 COM 74 50019 COM 74 50014 COM 74 50487 COM 74 51194 PB 257 987 PB 261 839 PB 268 036 PB 268 714 PB 273 062 PB 274 999 PB 280 040 PB 281 969 PB 222 923 PB 285 538 56 388. Proceedings of the first U.S. -Japan meeting on aquaeulture at Tokyo. .Japan, October 18-19, 1971. William N. Shaw (editor). (18 papers, 14 authors.) February 1974, iii + 133 p. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 389. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Decapoda. By Austin B. Williams. April 1974, iii + 50 p.. Ill figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office," Washington, D.C. 20402. 390. Fishery publications, calendar year 1973: Lists and indexes. By Mary Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorson. September 1974, iv + 14 p., 1 fig. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 391. Calanoid copepods of the genera Spinocalanus and Mimocalanu.s from the central Arctic Ocean, with a review of the Spinocalanidae. By David M. Damkaer. -June 1975, x + 88 p., 225 figs., 4 tables. For sale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 392. Fishery publications, calendar year 1974: Lists and indexes. By Lee C. Thorson and Mary Ellen Engett. June 1975, iv + 27 p., 1 fig. 393. Cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory and study — Texas: Area description. By Richard A. Diener. September 1975, vi + 129 p., 55 figs., 26 tables. 394. Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Tar- digrada By Leland VY. Pollock. .Vlav 197fi. iii + 25 p., figs. For sale In the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 204112. 395. Report of a colloquium on larval fish mortality studies and their relation to fishery research, January 1975. By John R. Hunter. May 197H, iii + 5 p. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF ROOM 450 1107 N E 45TH ST SEATTLE WA 98105 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDDTEOlfiTTE OFFICIAL BUSINESS NOAA SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was established as part of the Department of Commerce on October 3, 1970. The mission responsibilities of NOAA are to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth, and to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment. The six Major Line Components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical infor- mation in the following kinds of publications: PROFESSIONAL PAPERS— Important definitive research results, major techniques, and special in- vestigations. TECHNICAL REPORTS— Journal quality with extensive details, mathematical developments, or data listings. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS— Reports of preliminary, partial, or negative research or tech- nology results, interim instructions, and the like. CONTRACT AND GRANT REPORTS— Reports prepared by contractors or grantees under NOAA sponsorship. TECHNICAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS— These are publications containing data, observations, instructions, etc. A partial listing Data serials; Pre- diction and outlook periodicals; Technical manuals, training papers, planning reports, and information serials; and Miscellaneous technical publications. ATLAS — Analysed data generally presented in the form of maps showing distribution of rainfall, chemical and physical conditions of oceans and at- mosphere, distribution of fishes and marine mam- mals, ionospheric conditions, etc. '1«FN1 Ot Information on availability ot NOAA publication* can ba obtalnad from: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE INFORMATION CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 6009 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852