C >£-'. "> /W 6 PB-283 714 A DIRECTORY OF CDmPUTER SDFTWflRE fiPPUCfiTOnS Administration & Management 1970-July, 1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-National Technical Information Service a a in PB-283 714 A DIRECTORY OF CDmPUTER SOFTWARE fippucmans Administration & Management 1970- July, 1978 / V % \ -3:Vl mm Sr ATES O* '*.> ' n Data bases. Microcomputers Computet programs. Computet program docu- mentation, Integrated systems Theses Idenlilion; 'Command management system '( lomputoi software. This report outlines an approach for the imple- mentation of a shipboard computer supported management information system The physical design specifications and design philosophy ,ne investigated The application ot mim-com- putei technology applied to the shipboard en- viMHimen! is presented. Specilic administrative lunctions aie recommended for automation (Author) AD-A028 444/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Programme For the Tailored Selection of Response Patterns Master s thesis Jeffrey Quentin Jackson. Jun 76, 35p Descriptors: "Personnel selection, "Test con- struction(Psychology). "Computer applications. Pattern recognition. Response, Per- formance(Human). Classification, Aptitude tests, Theses. Mathematical prediction. Com- puter programs. Criteria, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Pattern analysis. Predictors, TPAN computer program, ALGOL. The use of computer techniques to evaluate data in an attempt to find useful predictors of various criteria is of continuing interest. The use of stepwise pattern analysis to select pre- dictors has shown promising results. This paper presents a refinement of this technique for use in personnel selection, which allows the items selected to be tailored' to the various patterns of the previously selected items. This is followed by a discussion of the results obtained in selecting a four-item pattern, from the responses to an advancement examination, that best predicts performance on the general classification test. AD-A028 481/0CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Short Tour Rotation Indices for Identifying Airman Overseas Skill Imbalance Final rept. 15 Sep 74-15 Sep 75 John N. Taylor. May 76. 24p Rept no. AFHRL- TR-76-8 Descriptors: "Personnel management, Air Force personnel. Specialists, Overseas, Alloca- tions. Scheduling. Shortages. Mathematical prediction, Indexes(Ratios). Skills. Deployment, Attrition. Aviation personnel. Statistical dis- tributions, Computer programs. Identifiers: Air Force specialty codes. Job rota- tion. This report describes a methodology developed for identifying and predicting imbalanced Air Force specialties. A specialty is imbalanced if its airmen are not allowed at least a 24-month interval between involuntary short tours, or are required to serve more than two involuntary short tours during a 20-year career. The method produces an index for each specialty indicating its balance/imbalance status Also, a procedure is included which reduces the number of im- balanced specialties by simulating the move- ment of surplus airmen from balanced to im- balanced specialties. (Author) AD-A028 797/9CP PC A08/MF A01 General Research Corp Mclean Va Operations Analysis Div Two New Versions of the ELIM-COMPLIP System. Volume I. General Overview Betty W Holz, John J Emberger. David J. Gooon Winifred A Hunt and Michael J Maloney. Jun 76 152p Rept no. OAD-CR-r52 Contract DAAG39-75-C-0103 See also report dated Dec 73. AD-771 1 19 Descriptors 'Manpower. 'Linear programming 'Army personnel Planning Models. Forecast- ing Recruiting Identifiers. COMPLIP computer program. ELIM computer program The ELIM-COMPLIP System is one ot the key tools used for Army manpower planning The maior components of the system are ELIM (Enlisted Loss Inventory Model) which is used to monitor analyze and make the official forecast ot enlisted losses and COMPLIP (Computation of Manpower Programs Using Linear Programming) which is used to generate the official Army manpower program, as well as programs used to evaluate policy al- ternatives. Recently added to the system is a Gains Module, with the capability to forecast immediate reenlistments and the available quantities of various user-defined categories of supply-limited no-prior-service gains. Volume I of this report, which is a general overview of the system, discusses the purpose and develop- ment history, gives a brief description of the system, and discusses the operational ex- perience and some planned and proposed further developments. AD-A028 896/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Defense Systems Management School Fort Belvoir Va Real Time Visibility of Value-of-Work Completed for Development Contracts Study project rept. W. Jay Hofecker. May 75, 123p Descriptors: "Contract administration, 'Management information systems, "Management planning and control, Real time. Monitoring, Work measurement. Value. Project personnel. Dynamic response. Systems management. Scheduling, Job analysis. Indus- trial production. Electronic equipment. Cost estimates. Cost analysis. Military budgets. Computer applications. Resource manage- ment. Acquisition, Allocations, Costs, Graphs, Computer programs. Identifiers: Development contracts. Program management. Milestones, Status reporting. Background history and the need for a timely, comprehensive management information system to allow* effective control of costs and schedules of development programs are presented. Criteria for a good management in- formation system are delineated. The manage- ment information system presented is first defined as using contract deliverable data, hne- of-balance data, and contract deliverable hard- ware combined to form a complete set of pro- gram milestones directly related to the tasks/subtasks of the work breakdown struc- ture. Second, use of these milestones and their completion status at selected points in the per- formance of the contract to measure value-of- work to date is explained. No estimates to complete or estimates at completion are required from the functional elements of the or- ganization. Finally, the data collected during the performance of a major electronics development contract using the system is shown and a representative example is traced through the critical period of the contract. The system requires no additional program office personnel and all cost analysis is performed in the program office. Timely visibility of cost and schedule problems is demonstrated AD-A029 520/4CP CP T03 Army Audit Agency Falls Church Va Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique (AUDIT) Software Edwin Rappe 1 May 76. Mag tape DOD/DF- 76/007 Supersedes AD- 777 100. Price includes docu- mentation. AD-A029 521. AD-A029 522. AD- A029 523. Source tape is in EBCDIC character set Tape(s) can be prepared in most standard 7 or 9 track recording modes for one-half inch tape Identify recording mode desired by specifying character set. track density, and parity. Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions (No copies furnished by DDC) Descriptors: "Computer programs. 'Management information systems. 'Auditing. Army operations Compilers. Boolean algebra. Scheduling Magnetic tape Identifiers 'Software. 'AUDIT system. COBOL IBM-360/370 computers 9 AUDIT is a data retrieval system which features a user oriented specification language and precompiler which generates COBOL source programs tor compilation and execution in a batch processing environment Capabilities of AUDIT include: high level user language, field editing, algebraic computation. Boolean selec- tion logic, random sample extraction, statistical analysis of data fields, sorting, report genera- tion, extract file generation, multiple extrac- tion/reporting per file pass Source programs and JCL are for IBM 360 OS or DOS configura- tions however the system has been converted by other uses for operation on the Univac 494, Univac Series 70/45. Univac 1108 and Honeywell 6050 Included on the tape are the necessary COBOL programs (4) which com- prise AUDIT. Software Description This pro- gram is written in the COBOL programming language for implementation on IBM 360/370 computer with either the OS or DOS operating system The program requires 1 00K bytes of core storage for implementation. AO-A030 242/2CP PC A13/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics The WRM Information System Master's thesis Dennis A. Carlson, and Carlos M. Talbott, Jr Jun76. 293p Rept no. SLSR-15-76A Descriptors 'Management information systems, "War potential, "Logistics planning, "Computer programs. Computer files. Reserve equipment. Decision making, FORTRAN, Data acquisition. Inventory analysis, Stockpiles, Theses, Logistics support Identifiers "War reserve materiel. In this research, an information system was developed which analyzes MAJCOM WRM data files. The system manipulates data in the RCS. HAF LGS (M) 7107 report and the WCDO, WMP- V, and 2C data files to provide overage and shortage inventory information. Further, it pro- vides an ability to compute WRM requirements for any unplanned contingency force and to compare those requirements with on-hand status information The FORTRAN program was written to investigate the following research hypthesis: given changes in a USAF general war or contingency plan, the response time in determining the adjustments to be made in WRM stockpiles can be reduced by automated analysis of WRM data files Statistical and operational evaluations supported this hypothesis The research also addresses several management information system design considerations used in developing the prototype system The considerations dif- ferentiate data from information and suggest that automated analysis systems should produce information useful for managerial decision making Included with the research are the computer program and instructions for its implementation and operation. (Author) AD-A030 308/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 California State Univ Los Angeles Evaluation of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program Final rept 1 5 May 74-31 Mar 76 C Harold Stone. Jun 76. 77p Rept no TR-16 Contract N00014-74-A-0436-0001 Descriptors 'Job analysis. "Manpower utiliza- tion, 'Personnel management. "Marine Corps operations. "Computer programs. Marine Corps training. Classification, Skills, Time studies. Ef- fectiveness Sampling. Computer applications. Identifiers Observation. Interview. Data analy- sis computer program. Task inventory con- struction. Peace time tasks. War time condi- tions, CODAP(Comprehensive Data Analysis Program), Comprehensive data analysis pro- gram. The basic objective of this research project was to determine the effectiveness of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program (TA) as it has been conducted by the Office of Manpower Utilization. Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (OMU). This report summarizes the main findings and conclusions in the eight Research Areas into which the study was divided. (1) TA Observation and Interview Procedures; (2) Task Inventory Construction; (3) Occupational Field Sample Size; (4) Computer Procedures and Data Analysis, (5) OMU Organization and Per- sonnel; (6) Orientation, Training and Team Per- formance; (7) Peace-Time TA and Its Relation to War-Time Conditions; and (8) The Use of Worker Characteristics in Classification and As- signment. The over-all conclusion from our research is that the TA Program is a highly valu- able asset to the Marine Corps in improving and maintaining effective utilization of its human resources An Appendix to this Final Report contains an annotated list of the 15 Technical Reports that are end-products of this project (Author) AD-A030 334/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Person-Job Match Preliminary Forecasting Program Interim rept 18 Jan-30 Oct 75 William B. Solomon Jul 76, 19p Rept no AFHRL-TR-76-56 Descriptors; "Personnel selection. 'Volunteers, "Aptitude tests. "Contracts, Air Force person- nel, Enlisted personnel. Time series analysis, Scheduling, Job analysis. Forecasting. Seasonal variations. Computer programs. FOR- TRAN Identifiers: Enlistment contracts. A time series analysis program was developed to forecast the quality (i.e., means and standard deviations of aptitude scores) and quantity (i.e., total number of applicants) of the Air Force's future applicant pool Forecasting future talent of applicants facilitates optimal assignment solution as new recruits enter the applicant pool The program uses data compiled on sub- jects who had taken the Airman Qualifying Ex- amination from July 1971 through June 1974. The program computes trend and seasonal components. Applying these components to forecast for each month (a) means, (b) stan- dard deviations, and (c) total number of appli- cants Results are summarized as absolute deviations and squared deviations (Author) AD-A031 737/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Missile Facilities Career Ladder AFSCs 54130G, 54150G, 54170G, and 54190 Occupational survey rept 15 Oct 76. 50p Rept no AFPT-90-541-249 Descriptors: "Career ladders, 'Guided missile personnel. Air Force training, Surveys, Com- puter programs. Manpower utilization. Human resources. Skills. Job satisfaction. Reenlist- ment. Sampling. Test equipment. Specializa- tion. Power supplies. Inspection. Environmen- tal management. Electrical equipment, Quality assurance. Supervisors. Maintenance person- nel. Air Force facilities The majority of incumbents surveyed special- ized in the maintenance of either electrical, power production, or environmental control systems. Based on task performance data, the content of resident technical training. OJT, and supporting documents should be reviewed to insure training tailored to the specialized job performanc of career ladder members. Recent personnel utilization changes may reduce the technical specialization noted. Any reduction in job specialization since these data were col- lected could be determined by resurveying the career ladder after approximately two years. (Author) AD-A031 785/9CP PC A07/MF A01 B-K Dynamics Inc Rockville Md POM 78 MINI-NAMPS-Concept and Operation Christa L. Lake. 30 Sep 76. 1 26p Rept no. BKD- TR-3-208 Contract N00014-76-C-0726. N00014-72-C-0526 Descriptors. "Naval personnel. 'Manpower utilization, "Naval planning. 'Personnel management. "Data bases, Enlisted personnel Officer personnel. Computer programs. Data processing Identifiers: MINI-NAMPS system This document presents the concepts and operational features of the Mini Naval Man- power Planning System (MINI-NAMPS) It discusses briefly the evolution of MINI-NAMPS and its relationship to various Naval Offices and other ADP Systems; and in more detail outlines the system's concepts, functions, and its role in providing Military Manpower requirement and personnel information in support of the annual Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) as- sessment process. (Author) AD-A031 786/7CP PC A10/MF A01 B-K Dynamics Inc Rockville Md POM-79 MINI-NAMPS Function and Specifi- cation Gary D. Christie. 30 Sep 76, 218p Rept no BKD- TR-3-213 Contract N00014-76-C-0726, N00014-72-C-0526 Descriptors: "Naval personnel. 'Manpower utilization, "Programming manuals, "Data bases, "Naval planning. "Personnel manage- ment. Enlisted personnel, Officer personnel. Computer programs, Data processing. Identifiers: Mini-namps system The MINI-NAMPS Programmer s Manual is designed for the technical staff responsible for operating and maintaining the MINI-NAMPS System It describes the purpose, necessary preparation, and execution order of the various tasks comprising the system. Sample terminal sessions are included for those tasks executed in an interactive environment and sample out- puts are provided to clarify specific program capabilities. (Author) AD-A031 841/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif MINIFAST - An Interactive Model of the Navy's Enlisted Personnel System Richard W Butterworth. Aug 76. 39p Rept no NPS-55Bd76081 Descriptors: 'Naval personnel. 'Enlisted per- sonnel, 'Operations research. "Military force levels. "Mathematical models. "Naval planning. Personnel retention. Promotion(Advancement). Interactive graphics, Personnel selection. Mili- tary doctrine, Matrices(Mathematics). Gain. Losses, Decision making. Computer programs. Identifiers Minifast computer program. Per- sonnel overages. Personnel shortages. Person- nel retirement. Personnel models. This report documents the MINIFAST model of the Navy's enlisted personnel system. The as- sumptions made and formulas used in compu- tations are presented in detail, along with a general view of the modelling approach The model, beginning with the selection of a subject rating, calculates an estimate of the yearly gams and losses of personnel, the promotions within, and the new recruits to the rating. A pol- icy affecting the personnel system can be quickly evaluated for its effect on overages and shortages of personnel, its effect on the ad- vancement system, and the need for new per- 10 sonnel. for multiple years in the future. Thus MINIFAST is an interactive planning model for rapid policy evaluation. (Author) AD-A031 880/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Federal Aviation Administration Washington D C Office of Aviation Medicine Education as a Factor in the Selection of Air Traffic Controller Trainees Bart B Cobb, Carol L Young, and Barbara L. Rizzuti. Jun 76, 38p Rept no FAA-AM-76-6 Descriptors: 'Air traffic controllers, "Personnel selection, "Education, Training, Predictions, Job analysis, Personnel retention. Cour- ses(Education), Careers, Attrition. This longitudinal study of 2,352 air traffic con- trol specialist recruits (1,858 En Route and 494 Terminal) who entered the FAA Academy basic training phase in 1969 examined the validity of educational level, recency of education, and major areas of college study for the prediction of success in air traffic control (ATC) training All educational variables, both before and after consideration of age effects and pre-FAA ex- perience, were found to be negligibly and/or in- versely related to ATC success. College majors listed by 925 of the 1 ,265 recruits who attended college revealed little potential for prediction of ATC success; even those 53 recruits whose majors were judged to be aviation related had a retention rate of only 56.6 percent compared to the 56.7 percent retention rate of all recruits in- dicating college work. None of the education variables had a significant interaction effect on the validities of other selection factors. Moreover, all types of aviation-related ex- perience except ATC were found to be unrelia- ble for prediction of training outcomes AD-A032 052/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Management Science Systems Inc Falls Church Va ASQMD; Development of the Automated Squadron Manpower Document System Final rept. 1 Jul 75-30 Jun 76 Kenneth B Rhodes, and James M. Ladd. 30 Jun 76, 96p Rept no. 357601 Contract N00014-75-C-1 142 Descriptors: 'Billets(Personnel), "Pilots, "Computer applications, Computer programs. Personnel management, Manpower, Squadrons, Naval planning, Requirements, Au- tomation, Standards, Naval personnel, Military personnel, Systems analysis. Identifiers: Navy manpower requirements system. This study of aircraft squadron manpower was performed to develop standards and an auto- mated procedure for computing manpower requirements. In the process of development, many new standards were approved by OP-124 to systematize the computations that had previ- ously relied on considerable application of manpower analyst experience and judgment. These standards were incorporated into the au- tomated system developed by MSS. AD-A032 053/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Management Science Systems Inc Falls Church Va The Relationship of Manpower and Opera- tional Tasking for Ships; Development of the SHIP ROC/Watchstation Subsystem of the Navy Manpower Requirements System Final rept. 24 Nov 75-24 Jul 76 David R Benbennick, Patricia P. Bruce, and Edward W. Lull. 24 Jul 76, 168p Rept no. 357602 Contract N00014-76-C-0473 Descriptors: 'Billets(Personnel). "Ship person- nel, "Computer applications, Naval personnel. Military personnel, Watch(Duty), Manpower, Naval planning. Automation, Computer pro- grams, Requirements, Personnel management, Systems analysis. Identifiers. Watch standing, Navy manpower requirements system Tasking levels for ships are expressed as Required Operational Capability (ROC), which are published by the Office of the CNO for each class of ships. The Billet Derivation (BILDER) process of NMRS requires detailed watchsta- tion and watchstander information as an opera- tional workload input to process with main- tenance workload requirements and other fac- tors to determine billets. Thus, the need to re- late the ROC for ships with manpower as well as provide BILDER with the necessary operational workload information were merged into the requirements for a subsystem of NMRS called the SHIP/ROC Watchstation Module. AD-A032 090/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif The Constrained Officer Force Progression Model: A Steady-State Mathematical Model of the U.S. Air Force Officer Sructure Herbert J. Shukiar, Sidney H. Miller, and Laura Critchlow Sammis. Sep 76, 187p Rept no. R- 1982-PR Contract F44620-73-C-001 1 Descriptors: "Air Force personnel, 'Computerized simulation. Officer personnel. Military personnel. Air Force planning. Long range(Time), Steady state, Policies, Military strategy. Computer programs, Numerical methods and procedures Identifiers: Constraints. The model described is one of a set of com- puter-based models designed to provide per- sonnel planners with broadly based aggregated data and detailed officer inventories and flows reflecting the effects of policies and conditions under investigation. Air Force personnel plan- ners often face policy alternatives that lead to changes in the size of the officer force, the rated officer force, accessions, training rates, loss rates, promotion policies, or augmentation opportunities. When the planner inputs these alternatives into the constraints model, the model then estimates the effects of these changes on the number of officers who are lost, promoted, augmented, or who are otherwise changing from one state to another. The report presents several highly simplified numerical ex- amples and compares this model with other models in the set. (Author) AD-A032 489/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics Criteria for Predicting Manpower Required for the AFPRO Contractor Quality Assurance Function Master's thesis Lyman K BBarney, David W Carpenter, and Oren D Samuels, Jr. Sep 76, 82p Rept no SLSR-41-76B Descriptors "Manpower utilization, "Quality as- surance. Contracts, Weapon systems, Costs, Computer programs, Data processing, Regres- sion analysis, Theses. Identifiers Contractors. In order to adequately administer the contracts for its large weapons systems, the Air Force colocates a detachment of Air Force personnel, predominantly civilian, in the contractor's facility The majority of these personnel are quality assurance (QA) specialists and quality engineers. Historically the Air Force, as well as the other Department of Defense components, have had difficulty in determining the number of Air Force QA people required to accomplish the QA functions and tasks This thesis at- tempts to identify significant variables which can be used to arrive at an optimum number of personnel. For purposes of research, the 20 Air Force Plant Representative Offices under the cognizance of Hq Air Force Contract Manage- ment Division (AFCMD) were selected for study Variables to be tested were jointly developed by the researchers and Hq AFCMD The required data were gathered from the AFPROs by Hq AFCMD and forwarded to the research team for study Computer regression analyses, using the BMD02R Program, were accomplished and statistical significance of the variables was determined Study results indicate that three variables were significant. Those variables were the number of production ans spares contracts, the total contract dollar value and the number of material review actions accomplished. (Author) AD-A033 392/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ Ithaca N Y Dept of Operations Research An Analysis of Weighted Voting Systems Using the Banzhaf Value Technical rept. Eleanor Ann Walther. Sep 76. 48p Rept no. TR- 309 Contract N00014-67-A-0077-0014, NSF-MPS- 75-02024 Descriptors: "Game theory, "Weighting func- tions, Computer programs, Political science, Mathematical analysis. Identifiers: "Banzhaf value, Voting systems. In 1962, the Supreme Court in its decision of Baker v. Carr opened the door for reapportion- ment by population. In 1967, the New York Courts ruled that weighted voting systems could be implemented in reapportionment schemes. The New York Courts have also ac- cepted the Banzhaf value as a measure of vot- ing power. This thesis defines the Banzhaf value and discusses some of its properties. An analysis of existing weighted voting schemes for four New York counties are presented. New schemes are proposed. The appendix presents the method used to compute the Banzhaf value. The computer programs are also included in the appendix. (Author) AD-A033 949/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Dot Systems Inc Vienna Va Development of an Inventory of Operational Data Bases. Volume I. Narrative Discussion Final rept. 16 Aug 75-1 Feb 76. 1 Feb76.42p Contract N00014-74-C-0281 See also Volume 2. AD-A033 950 Descriptors: "Data bases, 'Management infor- mation systems. Computer program documen- tation, Medical services. Navy, Marine Corps, Management planning and control, Planning programming budgeting. Surgery, Dentistry. Medical computer applications. This study documents Navy and Marine Corps automated data bases which are managed at the Departmental level and are currently opera- tional This documentation is to provide an in- ventory of selected data bases which have a potential for use in planning, programming, and budgeting by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) The following are among the conclusions based on the study: (1) There is a need to develop and make available non- technical systems documentation for use by managers and staff personnel who are not trained in automated data processing; (2) The NAVCOSSACT automated listing of Navy auto- mated data systems appears to provide the most promising source for initially identifying systems relevant to a specific information requirement; (3) The large number of systems and the diverse methods for maintaining systems documentation inhibit functionally oriented managers from maintaining a current awareness of systems applications; and (4) 11 There is a requirement within BUMED for a comprehensively documented inventory of both internally and externally managed auto- mated data processing systems and their re- lated data bases for use by medical and dental functional managers. AO-A033 950/7CP PC A10/MF A01 Dot Systems Inc Vienna Va Development of an Inventory of Operational Data Bases. Volume II. Inventory of Opera- tional Data Bases Final rept. 16 Aug 75-1 Feb 76. 1 Feb 76, 21 5p Contract N00014-74-C-0281 See also Volume 1 . AD-A033 949. Descriptors: "Data bases. "Management infor- mation systems. Computer program documen- tation. Medical services. Navy, Marine Corps, Catalogs, Management planning and control, Planning programming budgeting. Surgery, Dentistry, Medical computer applications. This volume contains the inventory of BUMED selected Navy and Marine Corps operational automated data processing systems and their data bases. Section I contains a keyword index of system applications by subject and function (manpower requirements, personnel account- ing, facility specifications, etc.) and title of re- lated systems. Section II contains descriptions of those systems selected by the Surface Medicine Division (Code 52), BUMED. for detailed documentation in Phase 2 of the con- tract effort. Section III contains descriptions of those systems identified as possible candidates for detailed documentation in phase 2, but which were not selected for Phase 2 documen- tation. AD-A034 327/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Programs (CODAP): Use of REXALL to Identi- fy Divergent Raters Interim rept. May-Sep 76 Kenneth Goody. Oct 76, 19p Rept no. AFHRL- TR-76-82 Descriptors: 'Job analysis. 'Performance(Human), Efficiency, Air Force personnel, Medical services. Ratings, Super- visors, Assessment. Computer programming. Identifiers: CODAP(Comprehensive Occupa- tional Data Analysis Programs). Comprehensive occupational data analysis programs, REXALL computer program. REXALL is a very powerful and flexible program within the CODAP (Comprehensive Occupa- tional Data Analysis Programs) system. It was designed primarily for analysing judges' task- factor ratings, and may be used for identifying divergent raters. Divergent raters are those whose ratings are significantly different from the other raters ratings. They may be the non- cooperative raters who simply generate an ar- bitrary pattern of responses rather than try to follow the instructions, or they may invert the rating scale or they may actually perceive the tasks differently. Some divergent raters must be eliminated from the study to preserve the validi- ty of the task means computed from the ratings. This report uses data from an actual study to show how REXALL is used to detect divergent raters, and to decide whether or not to delete them from the study. It then uses the raw data from the study to verify the validity of the deci- sions made on the basis of the REXALL output. AD-A034 529/8CP PC A04/MF A01 School of Infantry Netheravon (England) Trial and Development Wing Information/Historian and Radio/Television Broadcasting Career Ladders, AFSCs 79130, 79150, 79170, 79130A, 791 50A, 791 70A, 79131, 79151, 79171, and 79191 Occupational survey rept. Reginald D. Nolte. and James B. Keeth . 1 5 Dec 76. 62p Rept no. AFPT-90-791-279 Descriptors: 'Historians, "Radio broadcasting, "Career ladders, 'Air Force personnel, Job anal- ysis. Job satisfaction. Information, Television systems. Surveys, Computer programs. This is a report of an occupational survey of the Information/Historian and Radio/Television Broadcasting career ladders, AFSCs 791XO/XOA/X1, conducted by the Occupa- tional Survey Branch, USAF Occupational Mea- surement Center, from October 1975 through November 1976. The report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; (2) summaries of tasks performed by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with current career field structure documents; and (4) recommended actions for further study. AD-A034 530/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Still Photographic Career Ladder AFSCs 23132, 23152, 23172, and 23192 Occupational survey rept. Aug 75-Dec 76. 31 Dec 76, 41 p Rept no. AFPT-90-231 -234 Descriptors: 'Photography, "Career ladders, 'Air Force personnel. Job analysis, Job satisfac- tion. Training, Surveys, Air Force research. Computer programs. Identifiers: Still photography. This is a report of an occupational survey of the Still photographic career ladder AFSCs 23132, 23152. 23172, and 23192, conducted by the Oc- cupational Survey Branch, USAF Occupational Measurement Center, from August 1975 through December 1976. The report describes: (1) development and administration of the sur- vey instrument; (2) summaries of tasks per- formed by airmen grouped by skill level, ex- perience level, and similarity of tasks per- formed; (3) comparisons with current training and career field structure documents; and (4) recommended actions for further study. AD-A034 984/5CP PC A02/MF A01 Rowland and Co Haddonf ield N J Support of Technical Development Plan 43- 03X - Education and Training Annual rept. 16 Nov 75-15 Nov 76 on Phase 5 Edward Marlowe, and George E. Rowland. 15 Nov 76. 1 1 p Rept no. R/C-76-1 2-1 23 Contract N00014-74-C-0269 Descriptors: 'Flight training, 'Data manage- ment, Management information systems, Naval aviation. Individualized training. Pilots, Com- puter programs. Data bases. Personnel management. This is a report on a phase V of a multi-phase program to develop a Data Management System and a Student Management System. The Data Management System is a software package that supports online man-computer operation in an interactive mode. It supports the creation of a database, update of a database, search of the database and does it with full english language man-computer di- alog. The combination of a Data Management System and a low cost minicomputer makes available a resource that can support the rapid development and operation of an information management system to serve diverse types of organizations and their needs. The Student Management System was to be a specification document. It incorporates management feed- back concepts, student naval pilot record con- cepts, record analysis techniques, and sample data outputs which can be used to promote greater individualization of student training treatments. AD-A035 397/9CP PC A12/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Computer Science The Reformulation Model of Expertise Doctoral thesis William Scott Mark. Dec 76, 251 p Rept no. MIT/LCS/TR-172 Contract N00014-75-C-0661 Descriptors: 'Mathematical models, 'Artificial intelligence, "Problem solving, 'Computer pro- gramming, Automatic, Modular construction, Management information systems, Advisory ac- tivities, Computer logic, Formulations, Self or- ganizing systems. Feedback, Flow charting, Trends, Policies, Theses. Identifiers: Expertise, Consultation, Reformula- tion, Computer aided management. This research develops a methodology for im- plementing a class of expert problem-solving programs which must create models of the problems they are given before they can apply their expert knowledge to those problems — i.e., given a problem in their domain of exper- tise, these programs 'reformulate' the problem description in terms of their built-in abstract models of the domain. The implementation methodology provides the following capabili- ties: (1) Pieces of expert knowledge can be added to the program in a fairly independent manner without regard to their control struc- ture implications; (2) Programs can delve through irrelevant information in the problem description to pick out only the facts needed for problem-solving; (3) Programs can model the input problem at various levels of detail, as required by the problem-solving task; and (4) Programs can tailor their expert models to the problem at hand. This is accomplished by con- trolling the general procedure which maps pieces of the expert model into pieces of the input with feedback information taken from the model of the input so far. AD-A035 924/0CP PC A06/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Software Acquisition Management Guide- book: Statement of Work Preparation J. B. Glore, and W. R. Bjerstedt. Jan 77, 104p MTR-3194, ESD-TR-77-16 Contract F19628-77-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Acquisition, 'Management, Computer program documentation, Computer program verifica- tion. Computer program reliability. Main- tenance. Identifiers: 'Computer software, Statements of work. This report is one of a series of guidebooks for software acquisition management. The guide- books are being prepared for use by Air Force Program Office personnel responsible for planning and managing the development of software. This guidebook covers the prepara- tion of Statements of Work (SOWS) for acquisi- tion of Electronic Systems that include soft- ware. AD-A036 490/1CP PC A14/MF A01 Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (Army) Washington DC The Women in the Army Study Group Final rept. Eugene A. Fox, Franklin D. Alexander. Jacquelin J. Kelly, George R. Kleb, and Reinhard M. Lotz. 1 Dec 76. 325p Descriptors: "Army personnel, "Manpower utilization. Females, Policies, Personnel management, Army, Human resources. Officer 12 i>i>r,onm.'i Enlisted personnel. Specialists I'li'ijnancy. Military dependents. Army training 13 i:,it; training, Attitudes(Psychology). Military ii •< jU'i i-irn nls. Army planning. Computerized simulation. luentitiets 'Women. Military occupational spe- cialties'. WELM computer program The Women in the Army Study Group was established as ^n ad hoc group to revalidate the Aimy s program for women. This report reviews current and planned policy on the utilization ot women in the Aimy. In this regard eleven distinct areas art; discussed in separate chap- ters with conclusions and recommendations provided concerning each AD-A037 153/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ Pittsburgh Pa School of Urban and Public Affairs Demographic and Upward Mobility Con- siderations in Using An Equal Employment Opportunity Model Research rept .I A Burroughs S Korn.K A Lewis, and R J Niehaus Oct 76, 33p OCP-RR-29 Contract N00014 76-C-0932 Descriptors 'Manpower utilization. 'On line systems. Personnel management Computer applications. Demography. Promo- hon(Advancement). Models. Computer pro- grams. Planning Identifiers: Equal opportunity. Upward mobility This paper extends previous numerical results of the" CEO goal programming model developed hy Charnes Cooper, Lewis and Niehaus. One purpose is to document in more detail the EEO goal-setting procedures Another is to provide .in initial numerical example with actual Navy data of the extended version of the model which includes flexibility features In this ver- sion the internal promotion and upward mobili- ly considerations can be evaluated explicitly With the extended prototype in hand, a discus- sion is provided of the implementation and con- tinuing research possibilities. (Author) AD-A037 396/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Cornell Univ Ithaca N Y School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Some Approximations in Multi-Item, Multi- Echelon Inventory Systems tor Recoverable Items Research rept. John A Muckstadt Sep 76. 34p Rept no TR- JV', Conn, ict N00014-75-C-1 172 Descriptors 'Inventory control. Inventory anal- ysis Algoiithrns. Computer programs Air force logistics command Air force procurement. Mathematical programming Supply depots. Approximation) Mathematics). Identifiers METRIC model Almost a decade ago Sherbrocke formulated Hie well known METRIC model for determining optimal stock levels for recoverable items for two echelon inventory systems Subseguently F ox and Landi proposed a Lagrangian ap- proach for obtaining item stock levels for each location In this paper we develop a method for e'ilimaling the; value of the optimal Lagrangian multiplier used in the Fox-Landi algorithm pi i", on I alter native ways for determining system slock levels and compare these proposed ap- pio.ir.hes with the Fox-Landi algorithm and oIIicji solution technigues The conclusion of lliis study is that the proposed approximation methods significantly reduce computation time lor determining system stock levels without degrading the quality of the solution (Author) AD-A037 824/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Logistics Management Inst Washington D C Contractor Financial Data Retrieval and Anal- ysis System (FINANDAS) Josephus O Parr and Robert B Werner Jan 77. 57p Rept no. LMI-75-11 Contract SD-321 Descriptors 'Contract administration. 'Computer programs. Finance. Time sharing. Procurement Data management Information retrieval. Data banks, Monitoring. Department ot Defense Identifiers 'Finandas computer program. This report presents the Contractor Financial Data Retrieval and Analysis System (FINANDAS), a timesharing computer system to assist DoD financial analysts in evaluating the financial condition of a contractor or potential contractor Its primary uses will be in procure- ment pre-award financial reviews, source selec- tion negotiation post-award monitoring, and in analysis of contract finance policy. FINAN- DAS reports the annual and quarterly financial data included in the Compustat data bank for approximately 900 companies It also provides extensive ratio and trend analysis of those data The same analysis can be prepared with FINAN- DAS for companies not in the data bank if the data are entered by the user A projection rou- tine linked to the historical data is also part of the system. This report describes FINANDAS and its analytical output. Applications to DoD financial analysis also are described A plan is presented for implementation Appendices contain sample FINANDAS output, a descrip- tion of the system components, analytical methodology used, and a selected bibliog- raphy (Author) AD-A037 895/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif A Management Approach to the Development of Computer-Based Systems R Turn M R Davis, and R. N. Reinstedt. Jul 76, 8p Rept no P-5686 Descriptors "Data processing. "Management planning and control. Computers. Computer programs, Acguisition, Efficiency. Manage- ment. Systems analysis. Cost effectiveness. Many organizations have experienced serious difficulties in developing complex computer- based systems especially their software com- ponents The problems include large cost over- runs, schedule slippages inadequate per- formance, and inability to use the system as originally envisioned. One major reason for such lack of success has been the inability of the management of the organization or the development effort to understand the need for a total-system management approach. In particu- lar, acquisition of software and hardware separately with the hope of integrating them later does not work in complex systems. This paper outlines a management approach to acquiring computer systems which encom- passes the whole system, with emphasis on the software, from the initial concept formulation to the support of the operational system Ex- pected improvements in the development process and organizational implications of this management approach are discussed (Author) AD-A037 909/9CP PC A03 MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif A Patrol Car Allocation Model Jan M Chaiken. and Peter Dormont Jun 76 38p Rept no P-5594 Descriptors 'Police. "Computer programs Spatial distribution Computerized simulation. Allocations Patrolling A computer program has been designed for specifying the number of police patrol cars that should be on duty in each geographical com- mand of a city at various times of day on each day of the week. The program is a synthesis of the best features of previous patrol car alloca- tion models, with several improvements, in- cluding the capability to prescribe allocations when one tour in each day in each geographical command overlays two other tours The pro- gram was designed to be inexpensive and readily transferable (Author) AD-A037 983/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Defense Systems Management Coll Fort Belvoir Va Impact of DODD 5000.29, Management of Computer Resources in Major Defense Systems', on the Naval Air Systems Com- mand (NAVAIR) Study project rept. Victor E Skullman, Jr, Nov 76. 43p Descriptors 'Management information systems. 'Computers, Computer programs. Defense systems, NAVAL AVIATION, Depart- ment of Defense Policies. The purpose of this study was to assess the im- pact of DODD 5000 29 on the Naval Air Systems Command and to determine what steps and ac- tions should be taken to implement the policy contained therein Existing service component instructions and guidance documents relating to the management of computer resources were examined for compliance with DODD 5000 29 and as a source of new ideas for use at NAVAIR in preparing new NAVAIR guidance documents Applicable Military Standards and Specifications were reviewed as well as com- puter resources reports of studies performed by DOD and the Navy This report sets forth the history of DODD 5000 29, the present situation at NAVAIR. and an examination of existing Ser- vice Component Policy and guidance docu- ments. The author's conclusions and recom- mendations are set forth in the final section of this report. The recommendations include the updating of the existing computer resources re- lated NAVAIR instructions and certain NAVAIR program management guidance documents Recommendations for inclusion of additional material into a draft NAVAIR Software Manage- ment Manual are presented. (Author) AD-A038 804/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Center for Cybernetic Stu- dies A Policy Evaluation Model and Prototype Computer-Assisted Policy Evaluation System for Naval Personnel Management Final rept. for period ending FY 1976 Fred Glover David Karney. and Darwin Klingman. Apr 77, 67p NPRDC-TR-77-27 Contract N001 23-74-C-2272 Descriptors "Personnel management. 'Naval personnel. Mathematical programming. Poli- cies Decision making. Computer applications. Management planning and control Naval operations. Manpower. Allocations Bil- lets(Personnel). Computer program documen- tation. Networks. Algorithms. Weighting func- tions Personnel selection, Rotation Enlisted personnel Identifiers CAPE computer program Priorities This study develops a prototype Computer- Assisted Policy Evaluation (CAPE) system for solving Naval personnel assignment problems The CAPE system utilizes a new mathematical formulation for m ultiobjective function assign- ment problems which is capable of evaluating a number of important personnel management problems. The computer program documenta- tion forthe CAPE system is included. (Author) AD-A038 811/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Shipboard Report Origination System Utiliz- ing a Microcomputer Master s thesis 13 Joseph Glade Holyoak. Dec 76, 80p Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Management information systems, Reports, Editing, Ship- board, Error analysis. Disks, Memory devices, Computer programs. Theses. Identifiers. Report generators. Interactive systems, Report origination systems. A Report Origination Systems (ROS) has been implemented, using an inexpensive microcom- puter system, to help ease the administrative burden facing Navy shipboard managers. The system is an interactive line editing system, with optional prompting, which enables a person who is unfamiliar with the report format to respond to queries in order to edit a highly for- matted report. Automatic error checking is per- formed using a previous edition of the report as a basis. The system allows creation of new for- matted reports. The use of a general purpose microcomputer system makes the editing system affordable to a large number of users and also provides a general computing facility for other uses (Author) AD-A038 911/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Advanced Degree Requirements Information System Master's thesis Matthew B. Waldron Mar 77, 167 Rept no. AFIT/GCS/MA/77M-3 Descriptors: "Information systems, 'Education, Air Force personnel, Universities, Officer per- sonnel. Curriculum, Computer programs, Data management, Data bases, Programming manuals. Identifiers: Theses. The Advanced Degree Requirements Informa- tion System (ADRIS). an interactive computer- based data retrieval system, was updated, validated, optimized, and documented. ADRIS was implemented for use by noncomputer oriented Air Force Institute of Technology faculty and staff at time-sharing terminals. The ADRIS Inventory and Requirements data bases can be queried for information about Air Force graduate degree officers and Advanced Academic Degree job positions The ADRIS system was analyzed, tested, and altered to in- sure correct operation and reliable output re- ports. A successful validation effort was con- ducted with the Air Force Data Services Center using two separately developed computer pro- grams to compare results AD-A039 306/6CP CP T04 Navy Occupational Development and Analysis Center Washington D C Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Programs (CODAP) Software Robert Groover Apr 77, mag tap DOD/DF- 77/003 Supersedes report dated 1 974. AD-773 233. Availability. Source tape is in EBCDIC character set. Tape(s) can be prepared in most standard 7 or 9 track recording modes for one-half inch tape Identify recording mode desired by speci- fying character set. track, density, and parity Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions. Price includes documentation available only in draft form. Descriptors: 'Job analysis. Magnetic tape. Data processing. Input. Statistical analysis. Com- puter programs. FORTRAN. Identifiers: CODAP computer program. IBM 360 computers CODAP is a series of computer programs for occupational analysis which; permit the trans- formation of job data into machine input form: allow certain mathematical and summary processes to occur; and present reports relative to job organization and statistical information related to defined job areas. The Export version of CODAP is contained on one reel of magnetic tape. It produces a single sheet of installation instructions and a punched deck containing these instructions. The tape contains detailed instructions and user job stream for installa- tion, plus certain modules, CODAP execution procedures, and selected utility procedures. ...Software Description: The system is written in the FORTRAN and IBM-ALC programming lan- guages for implementation on an IBM 360/40 or larger computer using the OS Ref.21.7, MVT level operating system. 130K bytes of core storage are required to operate the model. AD-A040 592/8CP PC AC4/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Center for Cybernetic Stu- dies Improved Computer-Based Planning Techniques Research rept Fred Glover, John Hultz, and Darwin Klingman. Feb 77, 53p Rept no. CCS-283 Contract N00014-75-C-0616, N00014-76-C-0383 Descriptors: 'Computer applications, 'Network analysis(Management), 'Management planning and control, Linear programming, Graphs, Transportation, Mathematical models, Al- gorithms, Scheduling, Routing, Optimization, Computer programs. Management Science has responded recently to the needs of practitioners by contributing two new technologies. These are network com- puter implementation technology and NET- FORM (network formulation) technology. In this paper we show how these new technologies have been used to model and solve real-world problems. In addition, we attempt to give the practitioner insights into how these important policy evaluation tools may be applied to his unique management problems. (Author) AD-A040 694/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif MODIA: Volume I. Overview of a Tool for Planning the Use of Air Force Training Resources Interim rept. Polly Carpenter-Huffman. Mar 77, 28p Rept no. R-1700-AF-Vol-1 Contract F49620-77-C-0023 Descriptors: 'Air Force training, Cour- ses(Education), Education, Air Force planning, Computer programs. Identifiers: Training management, *MODIA(Method of designing instructional al- ternatives) A description of MODIA (a Method of Designing Instructional Alternatives), a system developed to help Air Training Command (ATC) plan technical courses. This, the first in a series of five reports, introduces the series by describing MODIA s rationale, structure, and support requirements and by discussing the results of ATC s evaluation of its effectiveness as an aid to course planning. Technical training offers both the potential for effecting substantial improve- ments in training efficiency and ample opportu- nities to improve efficiency through redesign of courses. MODIA helps the Air Force achieve these goals by (1) systematically relating quan- titative requirements for training resources to the details of course design and operation dur- ing the planning stage and (2) computerizing course design to encourage the examination of alternative designs. ATC s evaluation of MODIA showed that it does help planners design more efficient courses Its potential value to ATC. however, hinges on management issues, which ATC is currently addressing in a follow-on evaluation. (Author) AD-A040 771/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Gaertner (W W) Research Inc Stamford Conn Impact of Structured Programming Standards on Small Government Contractors. Volume I Final technical rept. Aug 76-Feb 77 Wolfgang W. Gaertner. May 77, 50p RADC-TR- 77-162-Vol-1 Contract F30602-76-C-0390 See also Volume 2, AD-A040 828 and Rept. no. RADC-TR-74-300-Vol-1 , AD-A01 6 771 . Descriptors: "Contract administration, "Computer programming, Standards, Com- puter programs, Quality control. Business, Contracts, United States Government, Com- puter program verification. Computer program reliability. A study of the impact of the structured pro- gramming standards on small government con- tractors. How they can reasonably meet such requirements within the normal environment of the small contractor. (Author) AD-A040 828/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Gaertner (W W) Research Inc Stamford Conn Impact of Structured Programming Standards on Small Government Contractors. Volume II Final technical rept. Aug 76-Feb 77 Wolfgang W. Gaertner. May 77, 239p RADC-TR- 77-162-Vol-2 Contract F30602-76-C-0390 See also Volume 1 , AD-A040 771 . Descriptors: "Contract administration, "Computer programming. Standards, Business, Contracts, United States Government, Com- puter program verification. Computer program reliability, Instructions, Computer programs, Quality control. Volume II contains the detailed comments prepared during a line-by-line review of the en- tire Structured Programming Series. Analyses, clarifications and recommendations are pro- vided wherever the original text is not self-ex- planatory. In addition, examples for the imple- mentation of the various requirements in the Structured Programming Series are presented in all cases where the effort required was minimal. AD-A040 832/8CP PC A19/MF A01 Army Concepts Analysis Agency Bethesda Md Officer Dual Specialty Allocation System (ODSAS) Documentation Rept. for Jan 76-May 77 Joseph D. Thomas, and George E. Armstrong. May 77, 447p Rept no. CAA-D-77-1 Descriptors: "Personnel management. "Officer personnel. Specialization, Army personnel. Al- locations, Optimization, Manpower utilization. Military requirements. Specialists, Personnel development, Linear programming. Computer program documentation. Management infor- mation systems. Computer applications, Army planning, Military force levels. Instruction manuals. Identifiers: ODSASfOfficer Dual Specialty Allo- cation System), Officer dual specialty allocation system. User manuals. In 1974 the Army adopted the Officer Personnel Management System (OPMS). replacing the earlier career branch system under which the officer corps had been managed. Under OPMS each officer is assigned two specialties--a basic entry specialty (BES), and an alternate. Goals of OPMS include improving the match between the officer's qualifications and the Army's requirements and providing discrete career development patterns for the individual officer in both his BES and alternate specialty This agency (CAA) has developed ODSAS. a com- puter-based system, to assist OPMS managers in satisfying Army officer personnel require- ments. The ODSAS-derived solution is driven 14 by requirements associated with any force structure specified by the user. The method used computes the optimum number of officers for allocation to specific OPMS specialty pairings, consistent with the specified force structure requirements. The system treats of- ficer grades from lieutenant through colonel, inclusively, over a period of time (up to 9 years). This report comprises the user's and technical manual for operating the automated informa- tion systems by which the methodology is im- plemented and results displayed. AD-A041 169/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Forecasting the Numbers and Types of En- listed Personnel in the United States Marine Corps: An Interactive Cohort Model Technical rept. Kneale T. Marshall. May 77, 35p Rept no. NPS55-77-24 Descriptors: "Marine Corps personnel, "Forecasting, "Manpower, Enlisted personnel. Mathematical prediction, Mathematical models, Computer programming. Personnel retention, Recruiting, Computer programs. This report develops a model to forecast the total enlisted Marine Corps strength at the end of each quarter for one or two years into the fu- ture. The method involves a simple cohort model The model is programmed in APL with a number of features which allow the user to in- teract in the forecasting procedure. He can in- troduce further projected retention policy changes or changes in the recruit population which might affect future predictions. AD-A041 217/1CP PC A09/MF A01 IBM Corp Cape Canaveral Fla Design of Training Systems. Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM). Volume 1 Final rept. Aug 76-May 77 Larry R. Duffy, Robert B. Miller, and James D. Staley. May 77, 193p TAEG-40-Vol-1 Contract N61339-73-C-0097 See also Volume 2, AD-A041 261 . Descriptors: "Decision making, "Naval training, "Management planning and control, Mathe- matical models. Computer applications, Naval planning, Systems analysis. Resource manage- ment, Military requirements. Systems manage- ment, Courses(Education), Individualized train- ing, Effectiveness, Assessment, Data bases, Computer programs. Technology, Training devices. Automation, Decision theory, Manage- ment information systems. Identifiers: "Training management, Scenarios, ETAM(Educational Technology Assessment Model), Educational Technology Assessment Model, ETAM model. This report summarizes the analysis, design and development activities associated with the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM) It contains relevant background infor- mation and results of prior studies leading to the finalized ETAM procedures and compu- terized routines. A comparison of the manual versus the automated approach is included Data base structures and the ETAM program flow are described and related to each other. The overall design-of-training-systems objec- tive is to provide Naval Education and Training Command (NAVEDTRACOM) management with additional tools in the form of computerized mathematical models to assist in predicting the quantitative impact of training resource deci- sions. The planning process will be enhanced by providing decision makers with the capabili- ty to economically and rapidly consider a wider range of alternatives. AD-A041 261/9CP PC A17/MF A01 IBM Corp Cape Canaveral Fla Design of Training Systems. Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM). Volume 2 Final rept. Aug 76-May 77 Larry R. Duffy, Robert B. Miller, and James D. Staley. May 77, 376p TAEG-40-Vol-2 Contract N61339-73-C-0097 See also Volume 1 , AD-A041 217. Descriptors: "Decision making, "Naval training, 'Management planning and control. Effective- ness, Assessment, Mathematical models, Com- puter applications. Naval planning, Systems analysis, Resource management, Military requirements. Systems management, Cour- ses(Education), Job analysis, Cost analysis. Time dependence. Computer programs, Train- ing devices, Automation, Computer program documentation. Data bases. Decision theory, Management information systems. Identifiers: "Training management, ETAM(Educational Technology Assessment Model), Educational technology assessment model. This volume contains six appendices. They in- clude the results of a study on the indexing of innovations and the assignment of taxonomic descriptors to courses, job/tasks, and instruc- tional vehicles. Also included are program documentation on the ETAM Range-of-Effect, bibliographic references, and additional infor- mation supporting the ETAM design. AD-A041 308/8CP PC A04/MF A01 DRC Inventory Research Office Philadelphia Pa Retail Stockage Policy under Budget Con- straints Final rept. Alan J. Kaplan. Jun 77, 64p Rept no. IRO-241 Descriptors: "Inventory analysis, "Cost effec- tiveness, Probability, Stochastic processes, Op- timization, Budgets, Retail, Inventory control, Retention(General), Computer programs. Retail level units are subject to budgetary con- straints when they order support items. At the same time, the stockage policies under which they operate do not attempt to relate stockage quantities to funds available. This study found that cutting reorder points was substantially more cost/effective than cutting operating levels in that there is a smaller impact on fill rates for each dollar cut. Modifying stockage list retention criteria worked very well for one DSU unit, and very poorly for another, and therefore could not be recommended generally despite its potential. In doing the study a Budget/Performance Evaluator (B/PE) was programmed. This is a computer program which can project budgetary requirements and fill rates for any retail unit, using input data about each item managed and the stockage policies to be followed. The input data is the same data needed for day to day management of the items The B/PE differs from comparable programs already available in that it was designed to be accurate over the short term (eg 3 to 6 months) (Author) AD-A041 383/1CP PC A04/MF A01 B-K Dynamics Inc San Diego Calif Documentation on the FAST Model Utilities Technical rept. 1 Jul 76-31 Mar 77 Edward H Rowley. 1 Apr 77, 65p Rept no BKD- TR-3-231 Contract N00014-76-C-0726 Descriptors "Personnel management. "Enlisted personnel. Naval personnel. Ratings. Salaries. Time, Subroutines. Models. Identifiers: FAST computer program. Length of service. The FAST Utilities are a family of processes which constitute a key element of the Force Analysis and Simulation Technique Model (FAST). The forecasted gains and losses to in- ventory within the Navy enlisted personnel force structure are derived within the FAST Utilities. These forecasted gains and losses are the product of independently derived predic- tion coefficients and corresponding base in- ventories. Within the FAST Utilities, the forecasts are also subject to user options, management directed alternatives, integeriza- tion, internal normalization, and inner-con- sistency constraints. (Author) AD-A041 798/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Defense Systems Management Coll Fort Belvoir Va Interactive Computer Graphics: A Responsive Planning and Control Tool for DoD Program Management Research rept. Joseph E. Callahan, Carlton F. Roberson, and George H. Perino, Jr. Jan 77, 56p Rept no. DSMC-RR-77.1 Descriptors: "Interactive graphics, "Management planning and control, "Executive routines, "Cost analysis. Networks, Computer programs, Pert, Cathode ray tube screens. Dis- play systems, Computer applications. Depart- ment of defense. State of the art, Feasibility stu- dies. Identifiers: "Program management. This report summarizes the methodology, con- duct and findings of the Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) research study of Interactive Computer Graphics (ICG) as a tool for program management planning and control. The study was conducted in four phases to meet four objectives: to determine the feasibili- ty of representing and interrogating a pro- gram/project network on a graphics console; to determine the feasibility of developing an In- teractive Computer Graphics Networking System (ICGNS) software prototype for pro- gram management planning and control; to ex- amine the affordability of implementing an ICGNS in the PMO; and to assess the state-of- the-art in industry and DOD regarding existing and/or proposed ICG managerial applications. AD-A042 286/5CP PC A02/MF A01 George Washington Univ Washington D C Pro- gram in Logistics Solving Inventory Problems using the Fac- torable Nonlinear Programming Language Scientific rept. Garth P. McCormick. 1 Jun 77, 17p Rept no. Serial-T-357 Contract N00014-75-C-0729 Descriptors: "Programming languages. 'Inventory analysis. 'Nonlinear programming, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Optimization, Algorithms, Logistics. This memorandum is intended to aid the lo- gistics practitioner in setting up his algebraic statement of an optimization model in such a way that it can be automatically processed and solved by a canned nonlinear programming al- gorithm The example used is the Schrady- Choe optimal inventory model The model al- gorithm interface is accomplished by a new ver- sion of the factorable nonlinear programming language which allows for symbolic input (Author) AD-A042 287/3CP MF A01 George Washington Univ Washington D C Pro- gram in Logistics Forecasting the Retention of Navy Pilots S Zacks. 9 Jun 77. 34p Rept no. Serial-T-358 Contract N00014-75-C-0729 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Personnel retention. "Pilots. "Manpower, Mathematical prediction, Naval 15 personnel, Officer personnel. Statistical dis- tributions, Estimates, Confidence level. Adap- tive systems. Forecasting, Naval planning. Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Com- puter programs. This paper develops a methodology for forecasting the size of specific officer groups (pilots) that will stay in service during specified future epochs (six months, twelve months, etc.). The statistical procedure is that of determining confidence intervals to the unknown retention probabilities, based on the observed retention rates, and applying these confidence intervals to obtain tolerance (prediction) intervals for the yet unobserved values of the group's size. The methodology developed is applied on actual Navy data of pilots' retention, according to their source code and date of completing the minimum service requirement FORTRAN pro- grams are given for computer installment of the procedure. AD-A042 314/5CP MF A01 Office of the Project Manager Selected Ammu- nition Dover N J A Computer Program for Tracking Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria Final rept. Louis M. Smith. Jun 77, 98p Rept no. PMSA-2-5 Availability Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Cost models. "Computer pro- grams, "Contract administration, Scheduling, Control systems, Mathematical models. Digital computers, Change detection, Tracking, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Cost control, CDC 6500 computers, CDC 6600 computers, "Contractor performance evaluation. Report describes a computer program that pro- vides a means for tracking contractor's per- formance where Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria are utilized. The program was specifically designed for the CDC 6500/6600 computer at USA Armament Research and Development Command, Dover, NJ. Input data are those normally found in a contractor s Cost Performance Report. Program output is a series of Cost and Schedule Performance Index graphs, a summary variance graph, and a set of tables. (Author) AD-A042 405/1 CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren Lab Va Computer Model for Life Cycle Costing. User's Guide Technical rept. Wayne McLaughlin May 77. 52p Rept no. NSWC/DL-TR-3645 Descriptors: "Life cycle costs, Mathematical models, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Weapon systems. Acquisition. Cost analysis, Al- gorithms, Data processing. Identifiers Interactive systems. CDC 6700 com- puters. This report provides instructions for operating the computer program which models life cycle costs for equipment acquisitions. The program, written in the Fortran IV Extended pro- gramming language, was implemented on the CDC 6700 computer under the SCOPE 34 operating system at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren. Virginia, in January, 1977. Designed for use from an intercom terminal in an interactive manner, the model has a wide variety of built in capabilities which can greatly facilitate the task of performing life cycle cost analysis A detailed discussion concerning the use of each feature is presented. This is then expanded into an overall description of the pro- gram's operating sequence, to aid the potential user in ascertaining if the model can be used to meet his specific needs. The remainder of the report is devoted to the actual operation of the program. Execution involves the sequential dis- play of requests by the terminal for input, fol- lowed by responses typed by the operator. Thorough coverage is given to the choices available to the user in each situation, including examples of input and output. (Author) AD-A042 664/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Systems and Logistics An Algorithm for Determining Optimum Stock Levels in a Multi-Echelon Inventory System Technical rept. John A. Muckstadt. Apr 71 , 33p Rept no. AFIT- SLTR-13-71 Descriptors: "Inventory control. Algorithms, Optimization, Resource management, Alloca- tions, Mathematical models, Statistical distribu- tions, Computer programs. Identifiers Multiechelon inventory systems, Metric computer program, Stockpile manage- ment. Many mathematical models for controlling in- ventory were developed during the past decade. One of the models, called METRIC, was designed specifically for Air Force use in deter- mining appropriate base and depot inventory levels for a class of items called recoverable items METRIC can be used in three ways in determining stock levels for these items. First, the model can be used to assist in the initial procurement-allocation problem. The objective is to determine both base and depot stock levels so that the sum of the expected backor- ders is minimized over all recoverable items at all bases having a particular weapon system, where the optimization is performed subject to a constraint on system investment. Second, METRIC can be used to redistribute stocks in an optimal manner The objective in the redis- tribution problem is to find base and depot stock levels for each item that minimizes the ex- pected total base backorders, given the availa- ble system stock Last, the model can be used as an analysis tool. It can be used to assess system performance and investment cost for any distribution of assets. The objective of this report is to present an algorithm that can be used to obtain the solution to the redistribution problem. (Author) AD-A042 859/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks Pa Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems Individual study project rept. George L. Wooley. 3 Jun 77, 74p Descriptors "Research management, "Electronics. Advanced systems, Technology, Department of Defense, Life cycles, Life ex- pectancy. Information transfer, Matnces(Mathematics). Development tests. Systems approach, Acquisition, Computers, Computer programs. Assessment, Risk analy- sis. The intent of this investigative research effort was to perform a critical appraisal of the De- partment of Defense technological innovation process in the light of recent research in private industry technological innovation. The study focuses specifically on Research and Develop- ment and technological innovations for elec- tronic systems The focus is directed toward electronic systems because of the thesis that electronic technology is progressing rapidly enough to make the life span of technologies less than the optimun DOD system acquisition cycle time The study concludes that more DOD electronic systems will be fielded with obsolete computer subsystems unless changes are made in the military R and D approaches. The first recommendation 's that Department of Defense establish a program of joint service evaluation of competing technologies as part of electronic systems development projects. The study also recommends the establishing of a more meaningful incentive program for govern- ment and contractor personnel that is unique to technological innovation. AD-A043 080/1CP PC A02/MF A01 A'r Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Predicting Job Difficulty in High Aptitude Career Ladders with Standard Score Regres- sion Equations Interim rept. 1 Apr 71-28 Feb 77 Kenneth G. Koym. Jun 77, 12p Rept no. AFHRL- TR-77-26 Descriptors: "Job analysis, "Career ladders. Scoring. Difficulty, Predictions, Computer pro- grams, Aptitudes, Regression analysis. Hierarchies, Standards, Policies, Equations, Reliability, Skills. Identifiers: Job attributes. Job difficulty. This report was designed to validate a method for evaluating the difficulty levels of Air Force enlisted jobs. Multiple regression equations which captured the job difficulty evaluation pol- icy of supervisors in two electronics and two general career ladders were produced. The equations yielded predicted difficulty values for 250 jobs from each career ladder. These values correlated above .81 with supervisory rankings of job difficulty validating the findings of previ- ous job difficulty studies conducted in 12 Air Force career ladders. Various constant stan- dard weight equations were developed and compared. Of these, an equation derived from all 16 career ladders offered valid predictions when it was applied in the electronics area. Although this 1 6-ladder equation showed no significant improvement over the 12-ladder equation, it has wider applicability than the 12- ladder equation currently in use. The 16-ladder equation is recommended as a replacement because it is based upon results from all four aptitude areas and because it has been suc- cessfully applied in career ladders with both high and low aptitude entrance requirements. (Author) AD-A043 301/1 CP PC A09/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md The Query System - A Component of the DTNSRDC Personnel Data Management System Research and development rept. Philip E. Battey. Jan 77, 187p Rept no. DTNSRDC-77-0078 Descriptors: "Management information systems, "Data storage systems, "Information retrieval, Data bases. On line systems, Sorting, Computer program documentation, Interactive graphics, Subroutines, FORTRAN Identifiers: Personnel information systems. QUERY system, CAPMIS(Centralized Auto- mated Personnel Management Information System), Centralized automated personnel management information system, COBOL Personnel Information at the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center is maintained on a computer disk storage system. The QUERY System, a software system used in maintaining the data base, and in deriv- ing desired personnel information from that data base, is described QUERY produces re- ports and tables based on the contents of the data base. (Author) AD-A043 743/4CP PCA11/MFA01 Human Resources Research Organization Alex- andria Va ProsLab -- A Method for Pretesting Printed Army Recruiting Advertisements Consulting rept. 16 T R Wilson, and T H. Rosen. May 73. 228p Contract DAHC19-73-C-0004 Descriptors "Recruiting, 'Entosted personnel, Motivation, Decision making, Army personnel, Computerized simulation. Human factors en- gineering, Recruits, Assessment, Effectiveness, Linear regression analyses, Mathematical pre- diction, Questionnaires, Computer program documentation. Personality tests. Identifiers 'Advertising, Publicity. The principal objective of this report was to design and implement a printed advertising pretest prototype facility for the U S. Army Recruiting Command. The goal of ProsLab is the identification of those recruiting ads which will result in increased enlistments in the Army. The two immediate objectives are Selection of ads which will yield high coupon responses from the target audience; and Identification of the motivational variables related to ad response and enlistment A total of 29 recruit- ing magazine advertisements were evaluated, each of these ads had been printed in several magazines so that performance data existed for each ad To develop a method of predicting success of recruiting ads from ProsLab evalua- tions a statistical analysis was carried out on the data from the 29 ads. The analysis deter- mined the best set of predictors of ad per- formance among the data being collected at ProsLab The procedures for collecting and summarizing ProsLab data are described in detail in this report including computer docu- mentation AD-A043 844/OCP MF A01 Joint Conventional Ammunition Program Coor- dinating Group Rock Island II Decision Models Directorate Users' Manual for the Multiple-Bid Evaluation Model for Procurement Planning and Place- ment Final rept. FY76-77 J B Todaro. Aug 77, 71p Rept no JCAP-DM- T711 Availability Microfiche copies only. Descriptors 'Army procurement, "Ammunition, Computer programs, Multimode, Economics. Costs, Logistics support, Logistics planning. Computerized simulation. Operations research Input, Output, Manuals, User needs. Identifiers Bids, Multiple bid evaluation model This report provides useful information to am- munition managers on the Multiple-Bid Evalua- tion Model The purpose of the Multiple-Bid Evaluation Model is to enable management to evaluate the economic and base protection im- pacts of available alternative solutions for com- plex procurement actions involving large num- bers of multiple bidders, multiple bid levels, and multiple buy periods. The model can be used for single or multiple item buys. The sequence of steps by which the model achieves this ob- jective is as follows Input data-for the model in- cludes the procurement -objectives (items, quantities, and time periods), bidder informa- tion (all costs associated with selecting a specilic bidder), and base protection costs Those base protection costs are total costs of layaway and maintenance of Government- furnished equipment at those facilities which ;n<> not selected for a portion of the contract The data conversion module accepts the verified input data and converts it into usable torni for the main processing module The main processing module uses dynamic programming techniques to identify least-cost and alternative solutions Dynamic programming is an efficient solution technique for multi-stage problems. In (ho model, the method used employs an ap- piouch in which any two bidders are con- sidered Then, only those bids made which can enter into the final solution are carried forward as ,i combination to compete against the next biddei This procedure is repeated until a final combination is obtained. This final combination represents the least-cost solution AD-A043 846/5CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Space Systems Command and Con- trol Operator/Technician Career Ladder, AFSC's 30830, 30850, 30870, and 30890 Thomas J. O'Connor, Hendnck W. Ruck, and Raymond E. Chnstal 15 Jun 76, 151 Rept no AFPT-90-XXX-222 Availability Microfiche copies only Descriptors 'Operators(Personnel), 'Career ladders, "Electronic technicians, Command and control systems, Computer programs, Job anal- ysis. Work measurement Identifiers Air Force personnel. This report presents a summary of the results of a detailed Air Force Electronics Principles sur- vey of the Space Systems Commmand and Control Operator/Technician career ladder. AD-A043 867/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Joint Conventional Ammunition Program Coor- dinating Group Rock Island II Decision Models Directorate Priorities Modeling using Goal Growth Pro- gramming Final rept. 1976-1977 Daniel R Turk. Aug 77. 68p Rept no JCAP-DM- T701 Descriptors: 'Goal programming, 'Decision making. Mathematical models. Computer pro- gramming. Integer programming. Computer programs, Scheduling, Cost analysis, Manage- ment planning and control, Budgets, Trade off analyses. FORTRAN Identifiers Zero base budgeting The JCAP Priorities Model is a group of pro- grams which evaluates and orders decision al- ternatives, such as various schedules of pro- jects, for maximum planned growth to multiple goals in accordance with goals and priorities established by the manager himself or by higher authority. The purpose is stated simply as to develop and rank decision alternatives for maximum achievement of overall management goals, both economic and non-economic. The model answers questions of how, when, where and in what amounts should resources be al- located to competing options in situations where multiple objectives prevail The Priorities Model in achieving this objective, utilizes new technique - GOAL GROV.'TH PROGRAMMING - - to develop target goal growth paths that reflect both short-range and long-range management priorities. The model then resolves the trade-offs involved so that the final solution does represent the best attainable goal growth plan from among the many combina- tions of alternatives available AD-A044 119/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Minuteman Missile Mechanic Career Special- ty AFSC's 44330G, 44350G, 44370G, 44390 Occupational survey rept 15 Jul 77 65p Rept no AFPT-90-443-242 Descriptors "Guided missile personnel. 'Mechanics "Surface to surface missiles. 'Skills Maintenance personnel. Ground sup- port. Air Force personnel. Surveys Question- naires, Data acquisition Computer programs Inventory, Jobs Job analysis. Job satisfaction. Job training Careers, Enlisted personnel. Career ladders Identifiers Occupational surveys. Air Force Specialty codes Minuteman Missile Mechanic Specialty. This is a report of an occupational survey of the Minuteman Missile Mechanic specialty (AFSCs 44330G. 44350G, 44370G. and 44390), con- ducted by the Occupational Survey Branch, USAF Occupational Measurement Center The report describes (1) development and adminis- tration of the survey instrument, (2) summaries of tasks performed by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with current career field structure and training documents; and (4) conclusions (Author) AD-A044 120/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Automatic Tracking Radar Repair Career Ladder AFSC 303X3 Occupational survey rept. 26 Aug 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-303-222 Report on Electronic Principles. Descriptors 'Electronic technicians, 'Skills, "Job analysis, Radar tracking, Maintenance personnel, Repair, Radar equipment. Elec- tronics. Inventory, Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel. Careers. Jobs, Career ladders, Sur- veys. Questionnaires, Computer programs. Data acquisition. Identifiers Occupational surveys. Air Force Specialty Codes. Automatic Tracking Radar Repair Specialty This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Automatic Tracking Radar Repair Specialty (AFSC 303X3). The data for this report were collected during the period January through May 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument: and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. (Author) AD-A044 123/8CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Avionic Communications Career Ladder, AFSC 328X0 Rept. for Dec 76- Mar 77. 15 Jun 77, 56p Rept no. AFPT-90-328-222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors "Electronic technicians. 'Skills, 'Job analysis. Avionics, Communication equip- ment. Inventory, Air Force personnel, Careers, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer pro- grams. Data acquisition, Enlisted personnel. Career ladders. Identifiers Occupational surveys. Air Force Specialty Codes. Avionic Communications Career Specialty. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Avionic Communica- tions Specialty (AFSC 328X0) The data for this report were collected during the period December 1976 through March 1977 This re- port describes (1) development and adminis- tration of the survey instrument; and (2) elec- tronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and as- signed to selected major commands (Author) AD-A044 124/6CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Electronic Warfare Systems Career Ladder. AFSC 328X3 Rept for Oct 76-Jan 77 29 Jul 77. 52p Rept no AFPT-90-328-222 Availability Microfiche copies only 17 Descriptors: 'Electronic technicians, "Skills. "Job analysis, Electronic equipment, Electronic warfare. Electronics. Inventory, Air Force per- sonnel, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Sur- veys, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Data acquisition, Training devices, Career lad- ders. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force Specialty Codes, Electronic Warfare Systems Specialty This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Electronic Warfare Systems Specialty (AFSC 328X3). The data for this report were collected during the period Oc- tober 1976 through January 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument: and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands (Author) AD-A044 179/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 46130, 46150, 46170, and 46190 Occupational survey rept. (Final) Thomas P. Jones. 29 Jul 77, 59p Rept no AFPT- 90-461-243 Descriptors: "Maintenance personnel, 'Ammunition, "Skills. "Job analysis, Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel, Ordnance, Han- dling, Careers, Career ladders, Jobs, Inventory, Air Force training, Job satisfaction, Reenlist- ment. Job training. Surveys. Questionnaires, In- terviewing, Data acquisition. Computer pro- grams. Identifiers Occupational surveys. Air Force Specialty Codes, Munitions Maintenance Spe- cialty This is a report of occupational survey of the Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder, (AFSCs 46130, 46150. 46170 and 46190), conducted by the Occupational Survey Branch, USAF Occu- pational Measurement Center The report describes (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; (2) summaries of tasks performed bv airmen grouped by skill level, ex- perience level, and similarity of tasks per- formed: (3) comparisons with current career field structure and training documents: and (4) conclusions (Author) AD-A044 180/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Minuteman Hardened Intersite Cable Main- tenance Career Ladder Cable Installa- tion/Maintenance Career Ladder Outside Wire Installation and Maintenance Superin- tendent (AFSCs 361X1, 361X2, and 36194) (Formerly AFSCs 361X3 and 361X4) Occupational survey rept. (Final) Mar-Apr 76 James B Keith, and Hendnck W. Ruck. 15Jun 77, 48p Rept nos. AFPT-90-361-203, AFPT-90- 361-204 Descriptors: "Guided missile personnel, "Maintenance personnel. 'Skills, "Job analysis, Liquid filled coaxial cables. Splices. Air Force personnel. Enlisted personnel. Surface to sur- face missiles. Ground support. Communication equipment. Careers. Career ladders. Super- visors, Inventory, Surveys. Questionnaires, Computer programs, Data acquisition. Inter- viewing, Hardening. Identifiers: Occupational surveys. Air force spe- cialty codes, Minuteman hardened cable main- tenance specialty, Cable installa- tion/maintenance specialty, Outside wire in- stallation and maintenance superintendent specialty. This is a report of an occupational survey of the Missile Systems Cable Maintenance/Splicing (AFSC 361X3) and Cable Maintenance/Splicing (AFSC 361X4) Career Ladders, conducted by the Occupational Survey Branch of the USAF Occupational Measurement Cente r during March and April 1976. The previous survey of these career ladders was completed during January 1970. In April 1977. several minor changes were made to AFM 39-1 , Airman Clas- sification Manual, to more clearly reflect cur- rent duties, responsibilities, and terminology. As part of this change, the title for AFSC 361X3 was changed to Minuteman Hardened Intersite Cable Maintenance and the AFSC was changed to AFS 361X1. In addition, the title for AFSC 361X4 was changed to Cable Installa- tion/Maintenance and the AFSC became AFSC 361X2 Since the old AFSCs 361X3 and 361X4 were in effect during the administration of this survey, they have been used throughout this re- port. (Author) AD-A045 083/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Decisions and Designs Inc Mclean Va Decision Analysis as an Element in an Opera- tional Decision Aiding System (Phase IV) Contract technical rept. 1 Jul 76-28 Feb 77 Cameron R. Peterson, L awrence D Phillips, L. Scott Randall, and William H. Shawcross. Apr 77, 79p Rept no. PR-77-4-6 Contract N00014-74-C-0263 See also Phase 3. AD-A034 037, Descriptors: 'Command and control systems, 'Decision making, "Naval operations, "Computer graphics. Interactive graphics, Prototypes, Computer programs, Computer ap- plications, Threat evaluation. Risk analysis, Statistical inference, Bayes theorem, Hierarchies, Mission profiles. This paper reports the results and status of con- tinuing investigations to the Navy's operational decision environment. Focus has remained on the development of prototype decision aids in a computer-graphic form as an element of a larger command and control system serving the tactical support needs of operational comman- ders and their staffs Several decision aid specifications as well as several software imple- mentations have been developed. An initial prototype aid is designed to cope with uncer- tainty and employs probabilistic inference and multiple-value criteria. This prototype has been designated TACAID and is currently in a demonstration mode at the Project testbed AD-A045 117/9CP MF A01 Consad Research Corp Pittsburgh Pa An Overview of the Prototype Integrated Simulation Evaluation Model of the Air Force Manpower and Personnel System. Appendix A. A Source Listing of the Program Code for ISEM-P Final rept Charles R. Eisele. and Charles D. Laidlaw 27 Apr 77, 90p AFOSR-TR-77-1006 Contract F44620-76-C-0125 Appendix A to report dated 27 Apr 77. AD-A045 101 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Manpower, 'Computerized simu- lation. "Air Force personnel. Air Force planning. Personnel management. Military requirements. Allocations. Skills. Military force levels. Air Force training Policies, Missions. Effective- ness. Assessment, Integrated systems. Digital computers. Modular construction. Computer program documentation. Identifiers: ISEM computer program. Military force structures. No abstract available. AD-A046 053/5CP Decision Systems Dayton Oh MF A01 The Inventory System Simulator (INSSIM). Volume II Program Listings and Narratives Technical rept. W Steven Demmy. Aug 77. 1 19p RM-77-03, AFOSR-TR-77-1235 Contract F49620-77-C-0063 Availability. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Inventory control. "Procurement. Resource management, Policies, Decision making, Forecasting, Computerized simulation. Fortran, Computer program documentation. Subroutines. Identifiers: INSSIM computer program. Economic order quantity. The Inventory System Simulator (INSSIM) is a FORTRAN-based model of a general single- echelon inventory system. The model was specifically designed to evaluate alternative forecasting and inventory management policies proposed for use in the EOQ Buy Computation System (D062). Volume I of this report describes the philosophy, organization, and input/output features of INSSIM. Volume II documents the statement listings of each INSSIM program, and provides narratives describing the function of each of these rou- tines. Documentation for each routine consists of a program narrative, and a listing of the FOR- TRAN code for that routine Additional com- ments are included as a part of the FORTRAN code for the more complex routines. AD-A046 508/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analysis of the Ships Parts Control Center Inventory Model and a Possible Alternative Model Master s thesis Keith Wayne Lippert. Jun 77, 75p Descriptors: "Inventory control, "Spare parts, "Ships, Inventory analysis, Mathematical models. Cost effectiveness, Decision making, Logistics support, Optimization, Statistical analysis, Computer programs, Theses. The inventory model implemented is a so- phisticated, stationary, continuous-review, constrained reorder-level, reorder-quantity model. In accordance with DOD Instruction 4140.39, the goal of this model is to minimize the total of variable inventory order and holding costs subject to a constraint on time-weighted, essentiality-weighted requisitions short. SPCC attempts to accomplish this goal by using vari- ous probability distributions to estimate de- mand during leadtime. The purpose of this the- sis is to examine this existing model, to discuss the validity of its underlying assumptions when applied to a military supply system, to offer a possible alternative model using distribution free assumptions, and finally to evaluate the models. AD-A046 578/1 CP MF A01 Decision Systems Dayton Ohio The Inventory System Simulator, (INSSIM). Volume I. Model Description Technical rept. W Steven Demmy. Aug 77. 1 19p RM-77-02 AFOSR-TR-77-1 244-Vol-1 Contract F49620-77-C-0063 See also Volume 2. AD-A046 053 Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Inventory control. "Procurement. 'Computerized simulation. Computer pro- grams. Fortran. Input. Output Identifiers: Economic order quality INSSIM model. INSSIM computer code. This report describes the features of the Inven- tory System Simulator (INSSIM), a FORTRAN- based simulation model of a general single-lo- cation inventory system The model was specifi- cally designed to evaluate alternate forecasting 18 and inventory management policies proposed for use in the EOQ Buy Computation System (D062). Volume I of this report describes the philosophy, organization, and input/output fea- tures of INSSIM. Volume II documents the For- tran statement listings of each INSSIM pro- gram, and provides narratives describing the functions of each routine. (Author) AD-A046 579/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Inventory Research Office Philadelphia Pa Requirements-Driven Repair Scheduling System for Secondary Items Final rept. Arthur Hutchison. Sep 77. 37p Rept no. IRO-250 Descriptors: 'Inventor/ control, 'Military equip- ment, 'Maintenance management, Repair, Maintenance, Military requirements. Computer programs, Supply depots, Costs, Cost effective- ness, Scheduling, Life cycles. This report describes the Army's secondary item rebuild system and points out major problem areas during execution. Recommen- dations made are designed to alleviate these * shortcomings and enable the depots to be responsive to MRC requirements. Additional emphasis is placed on reducing the Repair Cycle Time thereby decreasing the RO and an- nual buy. Recommendations are to be ad- dressed in a subsequent IRO project. (Author) AD-A046 586/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Joint Conventional Ammunition Program Coor- dinating Group Rock Island III Decision Models Directorate Analysts' Manual for the Multiple-Bid Evalua- tion Model for Procurement Planning and Placement Final rept. FY 1976-1977 John B. Todaro, and George B. Robinson. Nov 77, 66p Rept no. JCAP-DM-T710 See also AD-A043 844. Descriptors: 'Army procurement, 'Cost analy- sis, Ammunition, Dynamic programming. Lo- gistics management, Contracts, Selection, As- sessment, Allocations, Decision making, Mul- timode. Computerized simulation, Costs, Rank- ing, Computer program documentation. Mathe- matical models, Flow charting, Programming manuals, Army equipment, Military require- ments, Logistics planning, Management infor- mation systems, Operations research. Identifiers: 'Multiple bid evaluation program, Bids, MBEM computer program. Bid evalua- tion. This report documents the Multiple-Bid Evalua- tion Model (MBEM) as adapted and used by the JCAP Production and Mobilization Planning Division. The model uses dynamic pro- gramming to conduct bid analyses for selection of a combination of suppliers to be awarded portions of a total contract. These analyses in- clude the finding of least cost and next least cost solutions for the total requirement and for fractions of the total requirement. In the case of procuring a single item for a single buy period, the model can also find least and next least costs for each possible number of suppliers This additional analysis enables management to evaluate the costs of using additional sup- pliers in order to have a broader production base The model consists of four independent computer programs for the following situa- tions: (1) a single buy period and a single type item; (2) two buy periods, or two items for one buy period; (3) three buy periods, or three items for one buy period; and (4) a version of Program 1 which finds least cost and next least cost solutions for each possible number of bidders to be selected. This volume contains: MBEM mathematical formulations and the computa- tional methods used; Flowcharts for each pro- gram; and Computer listings complete with comments and identification of variables AD-A047 225/8CP MF A01 Cobro Corp Silver Spring Md AMSEC Users Guide Final rept. William Cook, Frank Brown, and Fred Zussman. Nov 76, 426p TSARCOM-77-5 Contract DAAJ01-75-C-0932 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors "Logistics management. "Systems management, Computerized simulation, Relia- bility, Maintainability, Life cycle costs, Cost ef- fectiveness, Failure, Operational readiness, Ex- ecutive routines, Estimates, Subroutines, Main- tenance management, Repair, Scheduling, Computer programs, Handbooks. Identifiers: Availability. AMSEC (Analytical Methodology for System Evaluation and Control) is comprised of three basic components: A RMAC model which develops estimates of system or subsystem re- liability, availability, and cost from real or postulated data describing the system design, the support parameters, and the plan for use; A field data transducer routine which accepts data routinely generated by the Army and con- verts it to RMAC model input parameters; and An executive routine which directs the RMAC model in a systematic search for optimal management actions. AMSEC can provide a rapid assessment of vehicle and subsystem re- liability, availability, and life-cycle support cost under the present framework of design, support and use parameters: it can search out improved maintenance plans, or search through alterna- tive product-improvement programs to select a preferred course of action; it can determine the preferred times for rebuilding major com- ponents of the vehicle, or for buying new, pro- vide estimates of optimal sparing levels for components, recommend cost-effective modifi- cations in tactics for use; and it can determine the most cost-effective route by which to adapt to changing needs imposed by a shift from peace-time to war-time operations. AD-A047 543/4CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Digital Flight Simulator Specialist AFSC 34154 Occupational survey rept. Apr-Jun 77. 25 Aug 77. 52 Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Availability; Microfiche copies only Descriptors: 'Electronic technicians, "Skills, 'Job analysis, Air Force personnel, Inventory, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Electronics, Surveys, Flight simulators. Digital simulation, Computerized simulation. Training devices. Data acquisition, Electronics, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Identifiers: Occupational survey, Air Force Spe- cialty Codes, Digital flight simulator specialist, AFSC 341 54 This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Digital Flight Simu- lator Specialists (AFSC 341 54). The data for this report were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. AD-A047 544/2CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Telecommunications Systems Control Career Ladder AFSC 307X0 Electronic Principles Occupational survey rept. 30 Jun 77. 54p Rept no AFPT-90-307-222 Availability Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Electronic technicians, "Skills, "Job analysis, Telecommunication, Career lad- ders, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel. Jobs. Electronics, Surveys, Data acquisition, Invento- ry, Careers. Identifiers: Occupational survey, Air Force Spe- cialty codes. Telecommunications Systems Control Specialty, AFSC 307X0. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Telecommunications Systems Control Specialty (AFSC 307X0). The data for this report were collected during the period November 1976 through March 1977. This report describes: (1) development and ad- ministration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. AD-A047 545/9CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Digital Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Specialist AFSC 34156 Occupational survey rept. Apr-Jun 77. 25 Aug 77, 53p Rept no. AFPT-90-341 -222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Electronic technicians, "Skills, "Job analysis. Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Electronics, Digital simulation, Navigation, Training devices, Questionnaires, Computer programs, Surveys. Identifiers: Occupational survey, Air Force spe- cialty codes, Digital Navigation/Tactics Train- ing Devices Specialists, AFSC 341 56. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Digital Naviga- tion/Tactics Training Devices Specialists (AFSC 34156). The data for this report were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and adminis- tration of the survey instrument; and (2) elec- tronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and as- signed to selected major commands. AD-A047 546/7CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electronics Principles Overseas Supplement to the Missile Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 31631L, 31651L, 31671L, and 31693 Occupational su rvey rept. 31 May 77, 121 Rept no. AFPT-90-31 6-222 See also Rept. no. AFPT-90-31 6-222 dated 5 Nov 76, AD-A032 844. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Guided missile personnel. "Mechanics, 'Skills, Maintenance personnel, Ground support. Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel, Guided missiles. Questionnaires. Jobs, Job satisfaction, Job training, Careers, Computer programs, Data acquisition. Job analysis, Surveys. Identifiers: Occupational survey, AFSC 31631 L, AFSC 31651 L. AFSC 31671 L. AFSC 31693. Mis- sile maintenance specialty. This report summarizes the results of an Elec- tronics Principles survey of Missile Main- tenance personnel assigned overseas and sup- plements the EPI report for the Missile Main- tenance career ladder (AFPT 90-316-222. dated 5 November 1976) which was restricted to a selected sample of CONUS personnel. AD-A047 547/5CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex 19 Electronic Principles Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Career Ladder AFSC 276X1 Occupational survey rept. 29 Jul 77. 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-276-222 Availability Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Electronic technicians. "Skills, "Job analysis, "Electronic countermeasures. Maintenance personnel. Electronic equipment. Air Force personnel, Enlisted personnel. Elec- tronics, Questionnaires. Surveys. Career lad- ders, Computer programs. Jobs, Data acquisi- tion, Inventory. Identifiers Occupational survey. Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Specialty, AFSC 276X1. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Specialty (AFSC 276X1). The data for this report were collected during the period March through June 1977 This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 7-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. AD-A047 607/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Technical Description and User's Guide for the Enhanced Total Objective Plan for Officer Procurement (TOPOPS) Final rept. Feb 75-Apr 77 Jon M. Knight, Paul R. Stefancyk. and Larry T. Looper Sep 77, 85p Rept no AFHRL-TR-77-41 See also Rept. nos. AFHRL-TR-73-73, AD-A001 . 577 and AFHRL-TR-73-76, AD-AOOO 052 Descriptors: "Officer personnel. "Personnel management, 'Air Force personnel, Optimiza- tion, Sources, Recruiting, Air Force training, Cost analysis, Manpower, Quality, Attrition, Air Force planning. Air Force budgets, Parametric analysis, Air Force procurement, Mathematical models, Linear programming. Computer pro- gram documentation, User needs, Pilots, Navigators Identifiers: TOPOPS computer program, Univac-1 108 computers. Officer procurement. This report documents an enhancement of the previously developed TOPOPS model. The TOPOPS model simulates, via the FMPS UNIVAC 1 108 linear programming package, the optimal numbers and types of Air Force officers to procure within a 5-year horizon It is designed to simulate officer accession and training and achieve optimal solutions in terms of either cost minimization or quality maximiza- tion This enhanced technical description discusses the expansion of the supply pool and training agency parameters, the increase in the allowable number of valid constraints, and the procedures whereby the model may be utilized. It enhances documentation on the previous TOPOPS model by expanding user flexibility in defining and managing model parameters Sample input forms, a sample problem, and as- sociated computer output are included. AD-A047 706/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Perceptronics Inc Woodland Hills Calif An Interactive Computer Aiding System for Group Decision Making Technical rept Steven Johnston, Steven Levin. Judea Pearl, Marcy Agmon, and Antonio Leal Dec 77, 84p Rept no. PQTR-1046-77-12 Contract MDA903-77-C-01 84, ARPA Order-3344 Descriptors: "Computer aided diagnosis, "Decision making, Interactive graphics, Man computer interface, Utilization. Computer pro- grams, Algorithms. Simulation, Military planning, Methodology Identifiers: Trees(Mathematics), Decision trees, Computer software. This report describes a program centered on the demonstration of an interactive computer aid for group decision making. The report in- cludes (1) Descriptions and theoretical bases for the system's principal decision analysis al- gorithms, (2) a report on the system software structure and major components, (3) scenario materials for evaluation studies, and (4) a com- parison of the group aiding system to the SRI Decision Aiding Program The next phase of the program will concentrate on operational testing and comparison of individual and group trees (Author) AD-A047 869/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Aircraft Electrical Systems Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 42350 Occupational survey rept. 27 Oct 77, 50p Rept no AFPT-90-423-222 Descriptors: "Electronic technicians, 'Skills, "Job analysis. Career ladders, Air Force person- nel, Jobs, Careers, Surveys, Questionnaires, Enlisted personnel, Data acquisition, Computer programs. Electronics, Inventory, Electrical equipment. Identifiers: Occupational surveys. Air Force specialty codes, Aircraft electrical systems spe- cialist, AFSC 42350. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Aircraft Electrical Systems Specialist (AFSC 42350). The data for this report were collected during the period July through September 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. (Author) AD-A047 983/2CP PC A04/MF A01 RAND Corp Santa Monica Calif A Dynamic Model for Optimum Bonus Management: Computer Program and Mathe- matical Analysis Interim rept. Ray Danchick. Oct 77. 65p Rept no. RAND/R- 1940/1 -ARPA Contract DAHC1 5-73-C-01 81 , ARPA Order-1 89 See also Rept. no. RAND/R-1940-ARPA dated Jan 77, AD-A038 360. Descriptors: 'Personnel management, "Manpower utilization, "Computer program documentation, "Dynamic programming, Mathematical analysis, Military personnel. Mili- tary requirements, Specialists, Motivation, Salaries, Economic analysis, Economic models, Optimization, Control systems. Cost analysis, Military training, Computer programs, Fortran, Subroutines. This report describes the mathematics and the computer program for solving the problem of optimum bonus management formulated in A Dynamic Model for Optimum Bonus Manage- ment' The problem of optimum bonus manage- ment is treated as a discrete linear control system with a quadratic cost function and solved by using Pontryagin's discrete maximum principle. The state of ihe system at discrete time is a vector of numbers of men in each of a set of year groups. The system evolves linearly in time under linear controls that are the bonuses paid to the men in a prescribed subset of the year groups. The program solves for the sequence of bonus values that drive a given ini- tial state of year groups to a prescribed final state and minimize a sum of quadratic bonus and penalty costs. The program, which consists of a main program and 22 subroutines, is writ- ten in FORTRAN IV double precision for the IBM37C-158. AD-A047 990/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Personnel Career Ladder AFSCs 73230, 73250, 73270, 73294 Occupational survey rept. 31 Oct 77, 120p Rept no. AFPT-90-732-245 Descriptors: "Electronic technicians. "Career ladders, "Job analysis, "Skills, Electronic equip- ment, Electronics, Inventory, Air Force person- nel. Enlisted personnel. Computer programs. Training devices, Jobs, Surveys, Job satisfac- tion, Reenlistment. Identifiers: Occupational survey, Air Force spe- cialty codes, AFSC 73230, AFSC 73250, AFSC 73270, AFSC 73294. This report describes: (1) development and ad- ministration of the survey instrument; (2) sum- maries of tasks performed by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with career field structure documents; and (4) recom- mended actions for further study. AD-A048 009/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electrician Career Ladder. AFSCs 54230, 54230F, 54250, 54250F, 54270, 54270F, and 54291 Occupational survey rept. 1 5 Oct 77, 57p Rept no. AFPT-90-542-088 Descriptors: "Technicians, "Career ladders, 'Electrical equipment. "Skills, Air Force person- nel. Enlisted personnel, Electrical equipment. Job analysis. Inventory, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force specialty codes, AFSC 54230, AFSC 54230F, AFSC 54250, AFSC 54250F. AFSC 54270, AFSC 54270F, AFSC 54291, Electrician specialty, Electricians. The report describes: (1) development and ad- ministration of the survey instrument; (2) sum- maries of tasks performed; by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with career field structure documents; and (4) recom- mended actions for further study. (Author) AD-A048 416/2CP PC A03/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Depot Maintenance Planning and Pro- gramming System (DMPPS). Volume 1 - Ex- ecutive Summary Final rept. Jul 74-Jul 77 Linda L. Lamatrice. Jan 78, 31 p Rept no. DTNSRDC-78/020-VOL-1 Descriptors: "Computer programs, 'Resource management, "Maintenance management, "Shipyards, Manpower utilization, Cost analy- sis. Naval budgets, Naval shore facilities, Naval operations, Feedback, Naval logistics, Fortran, Flow charting. The Depot Maintenance Planning and Pro- gramming System (DMPPS) is a large computer system developed over a period of two and a half years. The system was developed to project shipyard resource requirements (i.e., labor mandays and costs as well as material costs) by shipyard production shop and by ship work breakdown structure (SWBS). It enables management to assess the impact on the shipyards and ship systems of: Changes in depot-level maintenance/alterations policy; Major changes in force levels and/or composi- tion; and Budgetary constraints. 20 AO-A048 676/1CP MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Interactive Model to Compute the Officer Manpower Plan for the United States Marine Corps Technical rept. Kneale T. Marshall. Aug 77, 47p Rept no NPS55-77-37 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Marine Corps personnel, "Marine Corps planning, Manpower, Forecasting, Mathematical models, Interactive graphics, Computer programming. Programming lan- guages. Officer personnel, Military budgets, Computer programs. Identifiers: APL programming language. This report describes a mathematical model and a set of associated interactive APL func- tions which are used to calculate an officer manpower plan for the United States Marine Corps This plan is used during the budget preparation cycle and represents the future forecasted and planned force structure by rank. A complete plan can be calculated and printed in less than five minutes. This is a considerable induction from the times involved in hand cal- culations. This increase in speed, allows the planning officers to try many alternate plans in a short period of time, and do sensitivity analy- sis on certain data elements such as loss rates. (Author) AD-A048 678/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Spe- cialist AFSC 40350 Occupational survey rept. Jul-Sep 77. 26 Oct 77. 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-403-222 Descriptors: "Maintenance personnel. "Medical equipment, "Biomedicine, "Job analysis, Air Force personnel. Enlisted personnel, Careers, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer pro- grams. Data acquisition, Electronic equipment. Identifiers: Occupational surveys. Air Force specialty codes, Biomedical equipment main- tenance specialist, AFSC-40350. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Biomedical Equip- ment Maintenance Specialist (AFSC 40350). The data for this report were collected during the period July through September 1977. This report describes: (1) development and adminis- tration of the survey instrument; and (2) elec- tronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and as- signed to selected major commands. AD-A048 679/5CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Sen- sor Repair Career Ladder AFSC 309X0 Occupational survey rept Apr-Jul 77. 15 Oct 77 51 p Rept no. AFPT-90-309-222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Electronic technicians, "Skills. 'Job analysis, "Space surveillance systems. Maintenance personnel. Defense systems. Electronic equipment, Electronics, Air Force personnel. Career ladders. Jobs. Surveys. Questionnaires. Computer programs. Data acquisition. Training devices, Enlisted person- nel. Identifiers Occupational surveys. Air Force Specialty Codes. Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Sensor Repair. AFSC-309X0. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Sensor Repair Systems Specialty (AFSC 309X0) The data for this report were collected during the period April through July 1977. This report describes: (1) develop- ment and administration of the survey instru- ment, and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel assigned to selected maior commands. AD-A048 680/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Missile Pneudraulic Repairman Career Ladder AFSC 44250 Occupational survey rept. 28 Oct 77. 51 p Rept no. AFPT-90-442-222 Descriptors: "Maintenance personnel, "Skills, "Job analysis. Pneumatic devices. Hydraulic servomechanisms, Inventory, Air Force person- nel, Enlisted personnel, Career ladders, Jobs, Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Data acquisition. Training devices. Identifiers: Occupational surveys, Air Force Specialty Codes. Missile pneudraulic repair- man. AFSC-44250. This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Missile Pneudraulic Repairman (AFSC 44250). The data for this re- port were collected during the period April through June 1977. This report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level personnel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. AD-A048 681/1CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Weapons Maintenance Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 46250 Occupational survey rept Jul-Sep 77 28 Oct 77, 52p Rept no. AFPT-90-462-222 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Maintenance personnel, "Skills, "Job analysis, Weapon systems, Defense systems, Electronic equipment, Electronics, In- ventory, Career ladders. Air Force personnel. Enlisted personnel. Jobs, Surveys, Question- naires, Computer programs Identifiers Occupational surveys, Air Force specialty codes, Weapons maintenance spe- cialist, AFSC-4650 This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned as Weapons Main- tenance Specialty (AFSC 46250). The data for this report were collected during the period July through September 1977. This report describes (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected maior commands AD-A048 682/9CP MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFB Tex Electronic Principles Avionics Sensor Systems Career Ladder AFSC 329XOA/B Changed to 322X2 Occupational survey rept Jun-Aug 77 1 7 Oct 77 53 Rept no AFPT-90-329-222 Availability Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Electronic technicians. "Skills. "Jobs. Avionics Electronic equipment. Elec- tronics. Air Force personnel. Enlisted person- nel. Career ladders. Surveys, Questionnaires, Computer programs. Data acquisition. Identifiers: Occupational surveys. Air Force specialty codes. Avionics sensor systems spe- cialist. AFSC-322X2 This report summarizes the results of the ad- ministration of the Electronic Principles Inven- tory to airmen assigned to Avionics Sensor Systems Specialty (AFSC 329X0 A and B). The data for this report were collected during the period June - August 1977. This report describes (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; and (2) electronic principles used by DAFSC 5-skill level person- nel both CONUS and overseas and assigned to selected major commands. AD-A048 763/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Ketron Inc Arlington Va VP Data Base System Final rept. 1 Nov 76-31 Jul 77 Scott S. Shenton . 30 Sep 77. 29p Rept no KFR- 131-77 Contract N00014-77-C-0145 Descriptors: "Management information systems, "Data bases. Patrol aircraft. Antisub- marine aircraft. Missions, Performance, Atlantic Ocean, Coaslai i«yions, Fliyht crews. Pilots. Tactical data systems. Message processing. Computer programs, Data management, FOR- TRAN, Effectiveness. Data processing security. Systems management. Identifiers: P-3 aircraft, P-3C aircraft. This report briefly describes a prototype VP Data Base System (VPDBS) developed for COMPATWINGSLANT, and recommends that the system be installed for regular use. Alterna- tive host computer sites are evaluated; and a dual-site implementation is recommended. Requirements and limitations of a much larger and more complex Advanced VPDBS are ex- amined. (Author) AD-A048 876/7CP MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex Predicting Powered Support Equipment and Associated Maintenance Manpower Require- ments Final rept. 22 Jul 75-1 Feb 77 Robert N. Deem. Verlesta Hicks, Guy N. Faucheux, and Sharon R. Nichols. Aug 77, 70p Rept no AFHRL-TR-77-43 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Manpower, "Logistics support, 'Maintenance management, "Aircraft main- tenance. Maintenance personnel. Digital simu- lation, Ground support equipment. Mathemati- cal prediction. Air Force planning, Computer programs, Logistics planning, Military require- ments, Instruction manuals, Jet fighters, Attack bombers. Identifiers CDC 6600 computers. User manuals. There is a need for a more responsive method for predicting the ground equipment (SE) requirements and the related SE maintenance manpower requirements associated with newly developing weapon systems. A study was con- ducted whose purpose was to develop such a method by first establishing the basic analytical rationale, and then by creating a users' guide for the method. A computer program was developed from an existing maintenance data collection program. It processes maintenance data on operational SE in order to produce the information needed to conduct a Logistics Composite Model simulation of proposed SE work centers for newly developing aircraft. Pri- mary inputs are the standard 6-month main- tenance tapes kept at base level, and completed AF Forms 864 which provide records of SE utilization The program is currently in opera- tion on the Aeronautical Systems Division's CDC 6600 computer (Author) AD-A048 983/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Human Resources Lab Brooks AFB Tex 21 Creating Mathematical Models of Judgment Processes: From Policy-Capturing to Policy- Specifying Final rept 1 Jul 75-1 Jul 76 Joe H. Ward, Jr. Aug 77, 78p Rept no. AFHRL- TR-77-47 Descriptors: *Air Force personnel, "Personnel selection, "Mathematical models. Recruiting, Enlisted personnel, Trade off analyses, Job analysis, Skills, Management planning and con- trol, Computerized simulation, Computer pro- grams, Aptitudes, Decision making. Policies, Management information systems. Planning for a computer-based personnel job opportunities system for the Air Force led to a requirement for a procedure to generate a payoff or value' of the assignment of each person to each possible job. This report discusses three methods of weighting different information to form a single indicator of payoff or value', explicit weighting and two implicit weighting methods-policy-capturing and pol- icy-specifying. The two implicit weighting methods are combined into a more comprehen- sive method referred to as policy-development. The policy-capturing process presents a series of decision situations to one (or more) policy makers and the policy maker assigns to each situation a number which reflects the value' or payoff. Then a mathematical model is derived by obtaining the regression equation that best predicts the policy maker's judgments. Policy- specifying, which is the main focus in this re- port, does not depend on a sample of actual judgments to determine the regression weights. but attempts to translate into mathematical form a policy maker's more global statements about the general properties that the mode! should have. The mixing of policy-capturing and policy-specifying leads to a process called policy-development. (Author) AD-A049 419/5CP PC A02/MF A01 Rice Univ Houston Tex PLANET: A Simulation Approach to PERT Kenneth W Kennedy, and Robert M. Thrall. 1976. 13p ARO-12414.1-M Contract NAS9-1 1669, Grant DAHC04-74-G- 0223 Availability: Pub in Computers and Operations Research. v3 n4-D p313-325 1976. Descriptors: 'PERT, 'Statistical distributions, 'Network analysis(Management). Algorithms, Computer applications, Simulation, Budgets, Allocations, Monte Carlo method, Reprints. Identifiers: PLANET computer program PLANET is a modification of PERT which per- mits use of arbitrary activity duration distribu- tions in Monte-Carlo simulations which provide approximate distributions for completion times for proiect milestones and which identifies three classes of slacks for activities: total slack, free slack, and incremental slack (a new con- cept). The concept of critical path is supple- mented by that of probability of criticality for each activity. This provides an improved basis for reallocation of resources using a rob Peter to pay Paul principle. The algorithms used are designed to have running times linearly propor- tional to the size of the underlying PERT net- work so PLANET should execute efficiently, even on large networks (Author) AD-A049 785/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Alternative Automated Data Processing System Concepts for Support of the FMF (1980-1990). Volume III. ADPS Technology Estimate for the 1980s Final rept L S Peters. C. G. Kerns. K R Ausich. E B. Shapiro, and G. F. Wallace Jun 77. 95p Contract N00014-76-C-0582 See also Volume 4. AD-A049 81 5. Descriptors: "Management information systems. "Marine Corps planning. 'Data processing, "Technology forecasting, Data processing equipment, Computer architecture, Data management, Information processing, Input output devices, Computer communica- tions, Computer files, Computer programs, Computers, Memory devices, Mass storage, Telecommunication, Data transmission systems, Military force levels, Marine Corps operations. See AD-A049 81 3 for abstract. AD-A049 954/1 CP PC A05/MF A01 CACI Inc-Federal Arlington Va Executive Aids for Crisis Management Final technical rept 1 Dec 76-31 Aug 77 Leo A. Hazlewood. 31 Aug 77, 86p Rept no. CAC361B Contract N00014-77-C-01 35, ARPA Order 2928 Descriptors 'Crisis management, "Decision making. "Computer applications. Military planning, Computer programs, Data reduction, Management planning and control, Computer aided design, National security. International relations, Problem solving, Data acquisition, Optimization, Performance(Human), At- titudes) Psycho logy) This Final Technical Report documents research on developing a prototype executive aid for crisis management. The report contains four chapters, four appendices, and a bibliog- raphy. Chapter 1 describes the effort in the con- text of ARPA's Crisis Management Program. Chapter 2 reviews the structure of the prototype executive aid, while Chapter 3 considers the role of data in the aid and the types of data required. Chapter 4 summarizes aid evaluation and transfer. The four appendices highlight various facets of the research, including the sample for which data have been collected, the types of data gathered, and the weighted objec- tives solution algorithm. (Author) AD-A050 240/1 CP PC A08/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Study of the System Development Process Master s thesis Gabriel Oswaldo Flores Prado. Dec 77, 166p Descriptors: "Management information systems. "Decision making, Computer applica- tions. Management planning and control, Systems analysis. Information transfer. Com- puter programs, Flow charting, User needs, Theses. Management information is of critical im- portance in modern decision making. The role of the computer in this process is rapidly ex- panding, creating challenging goals for data processing specialists and functional area spe- cialists alike. A totally integrated computer based management information system (MIS) requires long term planning and design efforts coupled with detailed analysis of information system requirements The MIS development generally follows a master plan: this master plan contains three major phases: MIS Analysis. MIS Design, and MIS Implementation. The dif- ferent phases through which the master plan evolves are known as the system development process. This thesis describes the development of the master plan. (Author) AD-A051 846/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Massachusetts Univ Amherst Dept of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research A Computer Manpower Scheduling System (CMSS) Users Manual Richard J. Giglio. and Phillip Chong. Dec 76. 26p Contract DAAG1 7-75-C-0012 Descriptors: 'Computer applications, "Manpower utilization. "Scheduling. Manuals, Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Users manuals, Shift workers, Com- puter manpower scheduling system, SCHED computer program, MANPOW computer pro- gram. The Computer Manpower Scheduling System (CMSS) is designed to schedule employees to different shift and days-off patterns when the demand for services and hence the minimum employee requirements, fluctuate from hour to hour and day to day. A shift pattern (or shift) is simply a set of hours which an employee is ex- pected to work. For example, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 12 noon to 4 p.m. Full-time shifts are normally defined to be eight hours, part-time shifts are anything less than eight hours. A contiguous shift is one in which there is no break specifi- cally scheduled (this is often the case in the food service industry). A split shift is one in which there is an hour or more between the as- signed working hours for the employee, eg., 9- 12 and 2-6. Typical operations requiring man- power scheduling of the type described above include service operations like telephone directory assistance, turnpike toll collection, and food service operations. The manual is di- vided into two sections. The first section is devoted to explaining the detailed conditions under which the employees are scheduled in SCHED along with instructions on how to use the program. A sample problem including its output is provided. Similarly, the second sec- tion is devoted to explaining how and when to use the program MANPOW. A sample problem is again provided. AD-A051 910/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Anne Research Corp Santa Ana Calif ICBM Program Office Engineering Directive for Integrated Logistic Support Requirements for MX Weapon System Technical note A. N. Winter. A. J. Fremer, and W W. Amos 1 Jul 77, 39p Rept no. W77-1953-TN02 Contract F04606-76-A-0087 Descriptors: "Logistics support. 'Surface to surface missiles, "Contract administration. Mili- tary requirements. Test methods. Weapon systems. Military planning, Maintenance. Main- tenance management, Computer programs. Records. Identifiers 'MX missiles, Design. This Engineering Directive delineates the criteria and requirements for the implementa- tion of Associate Contractor logistic support activities during the design, development, and testing of the missile system and support equip- ment for the Missile-X (MX) Program. The scope of compliance with this directive shall be limited by the referencing paragraph in the con- tract statement of work and by the Contract Data Requirements List (DDform 1423). AD-A052 138/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Occupational Measurement Center Lackland AFBTex Weapon Control Systems Career Ladder, AFSCs 32132/A/N/P/Q/S, 32152/A/C/N/P/Q/S, 32172/A/C/N/P/Q/S. and 32192 Occupational survey rept. 30 Dec 77. 81 p Rept no AFPT-90-321 -258 Descriptors: 'Personnel management, 'Air Force personnel. Weapon control. Computer programs. Job satisfaction. Reenhstment. Air- borne. Radar equipment. Sonar equipment. Identifiers 'Career ladders This report presents the results of a detailed Air Force Occupational Survey of the Weapon Con- trol Systems career ladder (AFSCs 32132/A/N/P/Q/S. 32152/A/C/N/P/Q/S. 22 32172/A/C/N/P/Q/S, and 32192). This project was directed by USAF Program Technical Training, Volume 2, dated January 1976. Authority for conducting specialty surveys is contained in AFR 35-2. Computer outputs from which this report was produced are available for use by operating and training officials. Com- puter programs for analyzing the occupational data were designed by Dr. Raymond E. Christal, Occupational and Manpower Research Divi- sion, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL), and were written by the Project Analy- sis and Programming Branch, Computational Sciences Division, AFHRL. Because volume reproduction of this report is not feasible, dis- tribution is made on a loan basis to air staff sec- tions and major commands upon request to the USAF Occupational Measurement Center, at- tention of the Chief, Occupational Survey Branch (OMY), Lackland AFB, Texas 78236. This report has been reviewed and is approved. AD-A052 592/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Navy Personnel Research and Development Center San Diego Calif Forecasting the Numbers and Types of En- listed Personnel in the United States Marine Corps. An Interactive Cohort Model Final rept. FY75-FY77 Kneale T. Marshall. Mar 78, 35p Rept no. NPRDC-TR-78-14 Descriptors: "Marine Corps personnel, 'Manpower, Marine Corps planning. Personnel retention. Computer programs, Mathematical prediction. This report describes the development of a model to forecast the total enlisted Marine Corps strength at the end of each quarter for 1 or 2 years into the future. The method involves the use of a simple cohort model, which has been implemented interactively and allows users to forecast the effects of changes in the recruit 2-3-4 year mix, education level, racial mix, or any combination. It also allows for gam- ing of the continuation rates, and provides long-range or steady-state results of a particu- lar recruitment policies. (Author) AD-A052 712/7CP PC A10/MF A01 Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity Washington DC Level of Test Model User's Guide W. Dudzik, and G. Gauld. 1 Apr 76, 21 5p Descriptors: 'Cost models, 'Test methods, Computer applications. Cost effectiveness, Mathematical models, Computer program documentation, Computer programs. The model selects the lowest cost combination of test equipment configurations and test periods which will result in the desired proba- bility that the item tested will operate properly when used. It is particularly applicable to items, such as missiles, which can not be tried to see if they work. The model will be most useful when used early in a program so that it can influence test equipment design. Nevertheless, if the test equipment has already been purchased, the model can be used to determine the least costly test periods. The model can be used to evaluate the advantages of one location of a particular test echelon over another. For example, the model can be used to decide which is the best economic choice, shipboard test or test at a weapons station AD-A052 714/3CP PC A02/MF A01 Anne Research Corp Santa Ana Calif Development of on-Line Software Package for Calculating Acquisition Costs Rept for Mar-Apr 77 P. J Orth. Apr 77, 20p Rept no. W77-1974-TN01 Contract F33657-77-D-0029 Descriptors: 'Air Force procurement, 'Cost analysis, 'Computer programs, Subroutines, Computer printouts, Acquisition, Costs, Modifi- cation, Programming manuals, User needs. Military requirements. Identifiers: Scenarios, On line systems ARINC Research assisted the ALCM Program Office by developing an on-line computer pro- gram that allows a large spectrum of potential users, including those not familiar with com- puter programming, to calculate acquisition costs for a wide range of scenarios. The pro- gram provides outputs in a generalized format as specified by each user. Users have available a large selection of routines that can be called into operation as needed, and which will operate on input data as specified by the user. The program is now operational at the com- puter facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. AD-A052 914/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Study of Critical Factors in the Develop- ment of Air Force Computerized Management Information Systems Master's thesis Jere Wayne Retzer. Dec 77, 125p Rept no. AFIT/GSM/SM/77D-28 Descriptors: 'Management information systems, 'Computer applications, Management planning and control, Data bases, Data management. Data processing, Decision mak- ing. Computer programs, Literature surveys, Air Force research, Air Force planning, Formats, Predictions, Variables, Regression analysis, At- titudes(Psychology), Human factors engineer- ing, Theses. A number of the factors important to MIS were found to vary with System Size, Difficulty and Contractor Involvement. Factor analyses of the sample and two subsets each revealed three factors: User Involvement; Capabilities of the Project Organization; and Planning and Con- trol. Several predictive models were developed for system success, the best of which explained 43% of the variance in success for the total sample, and 52% of the variance in more strongly contracted efforts. It was concluded that six factors are critical to MIS, the three fac- tor analysis factors plus: Size and Difficulty; Criteria for Continuing the Project; and Test Time. A process model, consistent with the data, of the initial stages of a MIS was proposed. (Author) AD-A053 229/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Construction Engineering Research Lab (Army) Champaign III Supervision and Administration Cost/Rate Forecasting System. Volume I. User's Manual Special rept. Michael J. O Connor, and Robert Lidral. Mar 78, 19p Rept no CERL-SR-P-87 Descriptors. "Cost models, 'Management infor- mation systems. Management planning and control. Military engineering. Instruction manuals. Computer programs. Statistical data. Regression analysis. Data bases. Statistical analysis. Supervision. Supervisors, Administra- tive personnel. Mathematical prediction. Con- struction. This volume describes the use of the Supervi- sion and Administration (S and A) Cost/Rate Forecasting System to maintain S and A data, to update the S and A forecasting model, and to forecast future S and A costs and rates. Volume II. the Programmers Guide, contains software documentation. (Author) AD-707 096/CP HC E01 MF A01 Air Force Logistics Command Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Operations Analysis Office Time-Sharing Inventory Analysis (RCTVIC13). Operations analysis technical memo. Richard C. Trepp, and Victor J. Presuitt, Jr. Jun 70, 28p Rept no. OATM-1 1 Descriptors 'Inventory analysis, Computer pro- grams, Mathematical models. Time sharing, Optimization. Identifiers RCTVIC13 computer program, BASIC programming language Despite the abundance of literature concerned with inventory theory, there remains a disturb- ing gap between the theory and its application This gap is created by the inability of straight mathematical analysis to answer all relevant questions preceding acceptance of new ap- proaches. For this reason, it is imperative that the analyst find additional means to assess the implications to the existing inventory system of the formulae derived from his mathematical model. The computer routine, entitled RCT- VIC13, which is programmed in BASIC on the RADC 645 Time-Sharing System, provides the analyst and manager with a powerful analytical tool to make just such analyses. The design of inventory policies is facilitated by, and mea- surement of the performance of the policies necessitates, precise definition of measure of effectiveness.' Unfortunately, there is a lack of unanimity at this time as to the preferred mea- sure. It is for this reason that RCTVIC13, for a given safety level dollar investment, examines five safety level policies in terms of four mea- sures of effectiveness. RCTVIC13 is structured such that the user (analyst or manager) may also vary any or all of the parameters which describe his inventory system. AD-707 402/CP HC E01 MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Runoff: A Program for the Preparation of Documents. Larry Barnes. 14 Mar 69, 19p Rept no. R-37 Contract SD-1 85 Revision of report dated 18 Feb 69. Descriptors: "Documentation, 'Prog ramming (Computers), Input-output devices, Printing , Teletype systems Identifiers: RUNOFF computer program, 'Computer generated documentation. RUNOFF is a document preparation program inspired by the program of the same name writ- ten by J. Saltzer at Project MAC The present version has been improved to provide more ex- tensive control over the format of the resulting document Control over the output is exercised by the user in two ways: (1 ) By the use of special control characters inserted in test (2) By the use of command lines inserted in the text. AD-708 769/CP HC E01 MF A01 California Univ Los Angeles School of En- gineering and Applied Science Case Studies in Computer Simulation. A. M. Feiler. Mar 70. 33p Rept no. UCLA-ENG- 7049 Contract N00014-69-A-0200-4009. Nonr-233(89) Descriptors. 'Data processing systems. Naval shore establishments, Management control systems. Simulation. Shipyards. Information retrieval. Identifiers: TRANSIM 4 computer code, MIS computer code The report describes application of the general- purpose computer simulator. TRANSIM IV, to systems analysis of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard computer systems operating under the shipyard s Management Information System workload. The MIS/Computer System Model is described and results are given for a 23 representative simulation analysis to serve as a demonstration example for further problem- solving applications with the model by the LBNSY staff. (Author) AD-708 871/CP HC E01 MF A01 Watervliet Arsenal N Y A Simple Stochastic Replacement Model. Technical rept. Royce W. Soanes, Jr. Jun 70, 50p Rept no WVT- 7040 Descriptors: "Replacement theory, Stochastic processes. Reliability, Statistical distributions, Life expectancy. Computer programs. Mathe- matical models. Optimization. Identifiers: Weibull density functions. The report considers the following problem; Given the failure distribution of an article, a replacement time r, the cost of replacement be- fore failure and the (larger) cost of replacement after failure, find the expected cost per unit ser- vice time of using up n articles. An asymptotic formula for cost per unit service time is derived containing second order terms in n. The minimization of cost per unit service time with respect to r is the main objective of the analysis. (Author) AD-709 098/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Investigation of the Accuracy of Using Steady-State Results to Approximate Actual System Availability. Master's thesis George Richard Catron. Apr 70, 41 p Descriptors: 'Reliability, Systems engineering, "Replacement theory. Statistical processes. Mathematical models. Computer programs. Probability. Maintenance, Tables, Theses. Identifiers: Erlang density functions, Exponen- tial density functions, Laplace transformation, FORTRAN 4 programming language. FOR- TRAN. Values of system availability are computed for a system whose failure density is exponential and whose repair density is special Erlang. The system is modeled as an alternating renewal process The Laplace transform of the availa- bility function is developed and inverted (by using a numerical procedure) to obtain the values of the system availability. Corresponding values of the long-run average system availa- bility and the average availability over the first mission time are also computed. Comparisons are made which establish that using the long- run average value to approximate the true availability over the first mission time is a con- servative practice. (Author) AD-709 351/CP HC E01 MF A01 Princeton Univ N J Dept of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences Bibliography: Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, 1947-1970. Alan F Cook, Sr. Jun 70. 219p - Descriptors "Aeronautics. 'Bibliographies. 'Fluid mechanics. Bibliographies. Aerospace craft. Wind tunnel models. Aerodynamics. Hydrodynamics. Mathematical analysis. Fluid flow, Hypersonic characteristics. Supersonic characteristics. Computer programs. Com- bustion. Structures. Fuels Reports and theses are listed by identification number, author, title, price and availability. AD-710 386/CP HC E01 MF A01 Pennsylvania Univ Philadelphia Moore School of Electrical Engineering The File Searching, Record Validating and Record Formatting Functions of the Super- visor for an Extended Data Management Facility. Technical rept. Agu Raymond Ets. Aug 70, 1 10p Rept no. 71-04 Contract N00014-67-A-0216-0014 Descriptors: "Prog ramming (Computers), "Information retrieval, Time sharing, Data storage systems. Records, Search theory, Design. Identifiers: List processing, Data management, Supervisor computer code. The purpose of the Supervisor in an Extended Data Management Facility (EDMF) is to direct the Facility's handling of a user's request for service. The Supervisor employs the five main functions of Access Controlling, Retrieval Op- timizing, File Searching, Record Validating and Record Formatting in order to accomplish its task. The report is concerned mainly with the design and implementation of the File Searching and Record Validating Functions, although it also covers the Record Formatting Function. The File Searching and Record Validating Functions form that part of the Su- pervisor which actually controls the retrieval of records from the files of the EDMF. The major part of the report is concerned with discussing the File Searching Function because of the novel feature which was implemented. This fea- ture is the parallel processing of record lists in a generalized file structure, which elimintes redundant retrievals while at thethe same time reducing the access time of the device on which the records are stored. The Record Validating Function checks the record for com- pliance with the user's request and verifies the user's authority to access the record. A validated record is then subject to the Record Formatting Function which outputs it to the user. (Author) AD-712 558/CP HC E01 MF A01 Pennsylvania Univ Philadelphia Moore School of Electrical Engineering Integrated Planning Systems. Technical rept. Robert W. Blanning. Sep 70, 1 23p Rept no. 71 - 07 Contract N00014-67-A-021 6-0007 Descriptors: "Management planning, "Linear programming, Economics, Industries, Manu- facturing methods. Transportation, Costs, Cost effectiveness, Iterative methods. Computer pro- grams. Nonlinear programming, Dynamic pro- gramming. Identifiers: Marketing, Prices. "Integrated planning systems, Investments. The report is a discussion and evaluation of a set of preliminary experiments designed to yield insight into the development of integrated planning methods and into the design of ex- periments to demonstrate and test these methods. Five sets of experiments were per- formed consisting of: Integrating a linear pro- gramming model of a transportation network with nonlinear purchasing cost functions; In- tegrating two linear programming models of manufacturing facilities with a simulation of a warehouse: Integrating the pricing policies of five retail outlets; Integrating simplified purchasing, manufacturing, and marketing models; Integrating a strategic system for selecting investment projects with a simplified tactical system for yearly operations. Programs for the experiments are also presented. (Author) AD-712 780/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Proposed Real-Time Monitor and Data Analyzer for an American Commodity Exchange. Master s thesis Brian Smith Bentley. Jun 70, 141 p Descriptors: "Commerce, Management en- gineering, "Data processing systems. Real time, Factor analysis, Interfaces, Monitors, Display systems. Subroutines, Economics, Digital com- puters. Mathematical prediction, Statistical processes, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: Information systems, Commodity prediction, Computer printouts, "Commodity exchanges, Management information systems. The thesis considers the application of real- time digital information systems to the field of professional trading of commodities. Pertinent factors involved with the interfacing of a moni- tor system with a commodity exchange, and with professional trading interests, are con- sidered. Skeletal functional outlines of factual and predictive displays are proposed from the monitoring of a general market environment to the monitoring of specific user positions in that environment. Only the acquisition, summariza- tion and presentation of objective information are considered. (Author) AD-712 837/CP HC E01 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analysis of the Sets of Rank Distribution in an Hierarchical Organization. Master's thesis Robert Leo Armacost. Sep 70, 54p Descriptors: "Organizations, Supervision.- "Stochastic processes. Mathematical models, Statistical distributions, Statistical tests. Nu- merical analysis. Set theory. Professional per- sonnel. Matrix algebra. Computer programs, Selection, Theorems, Theses. Identifiers: "Ranking, Markov chains. A Markov type model for studying rank distribu- tion in an hierarchical organization is ex- amined. Various sets of rank distributions are defined and their properties discussed. A com- puter aided test is developed for testing a given rank distribution to determine if it is an element of a particular set. For a distribution not in the Steady State set, a test is developed to deter- mine if the distribution can be returned to in m transitions or steps. (Author) AD-714 275/CP PC E01 MF A01 Pennsylvania Univ Philadelphia Moore School of Electrical Engineering 6360/Star: A Recursive Job Control System. Technical rept. T. Kimura. Jun 70, 91 p 71-03, AROD-416622-M Contract DA-31 - 1 24-ARO(D)-98, G rant NSF- GP-5661 Descriptors: "Data processing systems, Design, "Students, "Job analysis. Recursive functions. Management control systems. Information retrieval. Data storage systems, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Recursive routines. STAR 360 com- puter code. The report describes a recursive job control system. It includes a general behavioral description including devices and data struc- ture. AD-714 285/CP PC E01 MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Graduate School Validating a Method of Modeling a Man-Or- ganized System. Master's thesis Bob B Lukens. 1 970. 139p Descriptors: "Management planning. Model theory. "Economics, Mathematical models, Regression analysis. Matrix algebra. Stochastic processes. Inventory control, United States Government. Costs. Computer programs. Theses 24 Identifiers: Man organized systems. Control theory Computerized simulation, SIMCO com- puter program. FORTRAN, FORTRAN 5 pro- gramming language, Demand(Economics), Sales, Network analySJS74i/8CP? ' COST EFFECTIVENESS Retail Stockage Policy -under Budget Constraints AD-A041 308/8CP 70 SUBJECT INDEX DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS COST ENGINEERING Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly- Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Volume 3. Summaries of Technical Data for Combined Sewer Overflows and Stormwater Discharge. 1976 Needs Survey PB-266 719/4CP COST ESTIMATES Users Manual: Forecast of Schedule/Cost Status Utilizing Cost Performance Reports of the Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria: A Baye- sian Approach (FORTRAN IV) AD-A011 401 /7CP Computer Program Input Instructions for Cost Performance Forecasting Model AD-A022 792/6CP A Cost Performance Forecasting Concept and Model AD-A022 793/4CP The Use of the Joint Generalized Least Squares Estimation Technique in the Aggregation of Subsystem Cost Estimating Relationships for Ships AD-769 429/2CP Computer Assisted Cost Estimating at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LA-UR-77-2070 Integrated Multipath Program Analysis and Cost Technique (Impact) N71-38777/CP Pace 2: Pricing and Cost Estimating Handbook. N77-29801/6CP COST MODELS A Computer Program for Tracking Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria AD-A042 314/5CP Level of Test Model User's Guide AD-A052 712/7CP Supervision and Administration Cost/Rate Forecasting System. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A053 229/1 CP COSTS Incorporating Project Cost Considerations into Stochastic PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) AD-A025 021 /7CP Application of the Cost of Attaining Personnel Requirements (CAPER) Model AD-730 706/CP A Description of the Programs Used for Budgeta- ry Control of Computer Service Work at Rae Farnborough N76-31939/1CP EXTRACT. Extracting Chemistry Account Num- bers from the Laboratory's Database UCID-30154 CRISIS MANAGEMENT Executive Aids for Crisis Management AD-A049 954/1CP CRITICAL PATH METHOD Statistical Critical Path Analysis in Acyclic Stochastic Networks Statistical PERT AD-A003 550/1 CP A Critical Look at PERT Analysis N71-32495/CP Project Management System (PMS) Through the Use of the Critical Path Method (CPM) PB-222 009/3CP Project Management System (PMS) Through the Use of the Critical Path Method (CPM) PB-244 825/6CP CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report. Jan 1969 - Jan 1970 N70-36988/CP CURVE FITTING CURVES A Cost Analysis Curve-Fitting Program AD-A020 141 /8CP DATA ACQUISITION Rights in Data Clauses and Their Impact on Infor- mation Functions of Government N70-28671/CP DATA BASES A Description of the Programs Used for Budgeta- ry Control of Computer Service Work at RAE Farnborough AD-A026 742/7CP POM 78 MINI-NAMPS-Concept and Operation AD-A031 785/9CP POM-79 MINI-NAMPS Function and Specification AD-A031 786/7CP Development of an Inventory of Operational Oata Bases. Volume I. Narrative Discussion AD-A033 949/9CP Development of an Inventory of Operational Data Bases Volume II Inventory of Operational Data Bases AD-A033 950/7CP VP Data Base System AD-A048 763/7CP Aviation and Programmatic Analyses; Volume 1, Task 1 : Aviation Data Base Development and Ap- plication. N77-29139/1CP Aviation and Programmatic Analyses. Volume 2. Task 2: Identification of Planning Factors and Ac- tivities. N77-29140/9CP Office of University Affairs Management Informa- tion System: Users Guide and Documentation. N78-10947/7CP DATA MANAGEMENT On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Specification and Test Results AD-A019 126/2CP On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Software and Data Base Documen- tation AD-A019 127/0CP Support of Technical Development Plan 43-03X - Education and Training AD-A034 984 /5CP Access Control and Retrieval Optimization Func- tions of the Supervisor for an Extended Data Management Facility AD-722 414/CP OATA PROCESSING A Management Approach to the Development of Computer-Based Systems AD-A037 895/OCP Alternative Automated Data Processing System Concepts for Support of the FMF (1980-1990). Volume III. ADPS Technology Estimate for the 1980s AD-A049 785/9CP Manhour Expenditure Reports Program AD-919 763/3CP DATA-ENTRY-1: A General-Purpose COBOL Pro- gram for On-Line Data Entry. Formatting, and Verification LA-6925 Lumis Interactive Graphics Operating Instructions and System Specifications N76-30821/2CP TEXT-PAC for Teaching Information Science PB-198 493/CP Medicaid Management Information System General Systems Design for Title XIX Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP System Level Software Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 380/6CP Geographic Data Index Maintenance Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 531 /4CP System Level Software Module Computer Pro- gram Descriptions PB-241 617/OCP Charlotte USAC Project Code Enforcement Modulo Computer Program Descriptions PB-245 895/8CP Data Entry System - Municipal ALC/COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 PB-254 855/OCP DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Geographic Data Index Maintenance Module Computer Program Descriptions PB-241 618/8CP DATA PROCESSING SECURITY A Methodology for Evaluating Alternative Techni- cal and Information Management Approaches to Privacy Requirements PB-254 048/2CP Accessing Individual Records from Personal Data Files Using Non-Unique Identifiers PB-263 176/0CP OATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS Case Studies in Computer Simulation AD-708 769/CP A Proposed Real-Time Monitor and Data Analyzer for an American Commodity Exchange. AD-712 780/CP 6360/Star A Recursive Job Control System AD-714 275/CP A Generalized Management Information System for Computer Facilities at Educational Institutions AD-721 583/CP Access Control and Retrieval Optimization Func- tions of the Supervisor for an Extended Data Management Facility AD-722 414/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Applications Programs. General Descriptions AD-722 745/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Peripheral Programs. General Description AD-722 746/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Computer Programs Maintenance Manual AD-722 747/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Computer Programs Maintenance Manual. Supplement A. Software Test Cases AD-722 748/CP Integrated Technical Data System. Computer Subsystem: Computer Programs Operations Manual AD-722 749/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Generalized Processing Program. Programming Documentation. Volume I AD-722 753/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Generalized Processing Program, Programming Documentation Volume II AD-722 754/CP Integrated Technical Data System. Computer Subsystem: Applications Programs, Programming Documentation Volume I AD-722 755/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem Applications Programs. Programming Documentation Volume II AD-722 756/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Applications Programs. Programming Documentation Volume III AD-722 757/CP Integrated Technical Data System. Computer Subsystem: Applications Programs. Programming Documentation Volume IV AD-722 758/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem: Applications Programs. Programming Documentation Volume V AD-722 759/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem Applications Programs, Programming Documentation, Volume VI AD-722 760/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem Peripheral Programs. Programming Documentation Volume I AD-722 761/CP Integrated Technical Data System Computer Subsystem Peripheral Programs. Programming Documentation Volume II AD-722 762/CP Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques Volume I AD-731 798/CP Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques Volume II File Organization and Evaluation Modeling Systems User's Guides AD-731 799/CP Occupational Analysis Report on Data Collection Phase of Navy-Wide Field Test of Boatswains Mate Rating AD-733 975/CP AIDS Users Manual AD-736 415/CP Program and Financial Management Plan. Resources Information Systems Volume IV NUSC PERT/Time/Cost Program User s Manual AD-767 306/4CP ARPA Policy-Formulation Interrogation Network AD-767 438/5CP 71 SUBJECT INDEX Project Data (Downtown Agency for Transporta- tion Action). Volume 3: appendixes. PB-192 952/CP TCDMS Utilities Manual (Data Management Sec- tion) PB-250 992/5CP DATA STORAGE Medical Information Management System (Mims): A Generalized Interactive Information System N76-10915/6CP Users Manual: SAROAD (Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data) PB-201 408/CP DATA STORAGE SYSTEMS The Query System - A Component of the DTNSRDC Personnel Data Management System AD-A043 301 /1CP DAYTON (OHIO) USAC Treasury Management Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 373/1 CP USAC Purchasing Municipal COBOL Computer Program Magnetic Tape PB-240 374/9CP USAC Payroll/Personnel Municipal COBOL Com- puter Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 375/6CP USAC Resource Management Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 376/4CP USAC General Revenue Municipal COBOL Com- puter Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 377/2CP USAC Utility Billing COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 378/0CP USAC Accounting/Disbursing Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 379/8CP DECISION ANALYSIS Decision Aiding Information System (DAISY) User's Guide AD-A020 646/6CP DECISION MAKING Software Development for Decision Analysis AD-A008 845/0CP Software Development for Decision Analysis. Task B - Publication AD-A008 875/7CP Tutorial on the Use of the SRI TREE Language System AD-A008 927/6CP A Pilot Survey of Computer Programs for Deci- sion Analysis AD-A012 852/OCP An Interactive Computer Program for Assessing and Using Multiattribute Utility Functions AD-A012 886/8CP The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Deci- sion Aiding AD-A020 652/4CP A General Purpose Evaluation Model to Comple- ment the Use of TRANSIM IV in Assessing Deci- sion Alternatives. A Feasibility Study and Demon- stration AD-A021 094/8CP Design of Training Systems Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM) Volume 1 AD-A041 217/1CP Design of Training Systems. Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM). Volume 2 AD-A041 261 /9CP Priorities Modeling using Goal Growth Pro- gramming AD-A043 867/ 1CP Decision Analysis as an Element in an Opera- tional Decision Aiding System (Phase IV) AD-A045 083/3CP An Interactive Computer Aiding System for Group Decision Making AD-A047 706/7CP Executive Aids for Crisis Management AD-A049 954/1CP A Study of the System Development Process AD-A050 240/ 1CP Interactive Man-Machine Communication AD-740 101/CP FORSTRAN: A Case in Force Structure Analysis AD-741 449/CP City Games--Disk and Tape Generation COM-74-10703-02/CP Integrated Multipath Program Analysis and Cost Technique (Impact) N71-38777/CP TAXPKG. A Group-Computer Interactive Package for Decision Making on Income Taxation Policy PB-243 433/OCP A Computerized Construction Management Gam- ing Environment PB-258 622/OCP DECISION THEORY Decision Theory Research AD-A019 551 /1CP DAISY: A Decision-Aiding Information System AD-A020 647/4CP Progress Report on ONR ODA Contract January to September 1975 AD-A020 651 /6CP DECISION TREES Tutorial on the Use of the SRI TREE Language System AD-A008 927/6CP DEFINITIONS Data Dictionary System - Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No. 1 PB-252 215/9CP DEMAND (ECONOMICS) Comparing Inventory Demand Forecasts AD-A012 419/8CP DENTAL PERSONNEL The Dental Information Service Center: Opportu- nities in Dental Practice. Operations Manual PB-256 877/2CP The Dental Information Service Center: Dental Practice Location Search Service. Operations Manual PB-256 880/6CP DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Users Manual: Forecast of Schedule/Cost Status Utilizing Cost Performance Reports of the Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria: A Baye- sian Approach (FORTRAN IV) AD-A011 401 /7CP DIAGNOSIS (GENERAL) Organizational Diagnosis: A Review and a Proposed Method AD-A000 268/3CP DICTIONARIES Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume V: Appendix Glossary - Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/CP DIGITAL SIMULATION No-Drop Bomb Simulation Using Micro-Compu- ters AD-783 811/3CP Improved Techniques for Simulation Experimen- tation with Multiple-Response Stochastic Processes PB-262 038/3CP DOCUMENT STORAGE INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES OF THE NASA REGIONAL DISSEMINATION CENTERS N71-20120/CP DOCUMENTATION Runoff: A Program for the Preparation of Docu- ments. AD-707 402/CP Classification Management. Journal. Volume V. Number 1 , 1969 AD-727 566/CP DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING A Dynamic Model for Optimum Bonus Manage- ment Computer Program and Mathematical Anal- ysis AD-A047 983/2CP A Repairable Item Inventory System Using Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes AD-733 237/CP Dynamic Programming Approach to Resource Scheduling under Constraints AD-738 941 /CP EARTH FILLS Computer Program Description Program: PWLC02. Process Monthly Reports PB-227 669/9CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLC01. Daily Landfill Update PB-227 679/8CP Computer Program Description PWLC03, Landfill File Maintenance PB-227 685/5CP Program: 1975 Catalog ECONOMIC ANALYSIS A Computer Model to Assess Financing Provi- sions of Naval FPIF Shipbuilding Contracts AD-A018 914/2CP ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Federal Domestic Assistance: User's Guide PB-245 958/4CP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Human Resources Management System and Pro- gram Initiation. Manual a-Model 1.1. PB-195 033/CP Human Resources Management System. Labor Availability Survey. Job Availability Survey. Labor/Job Matching. Manual C-Models 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. PB-195 035/CP Human Resources Management System. Occupa- tional Education Model. Manual D, Model 1.6. PB-195 036/CP ECONOMIC FORECASTING Transoceanic Cargo Study: Volume III. Computer Program Documentation: Demand Forecasting Model and Distribution Cost and Productivities Model PB-201 042/CP Regional Impact Analysis System. VI. Regional Feedback Model: Computer Program PB-236 371/1 CP Regional Impact Analysis System 1. Description of the MRIO Model PB-268 255/7CP ECONOMIC SURVEYS ATechnique for the Systematic Identification of Pollution RFeduction Measures: EMIS PB-199 332/CP ECONOMICS Validating a Method of Modeling a Man-Or- ganized System . AD-714 285/CP The Impact of the Changing Environment on the Management of Large Scale Public Science Pro- grams. N70-32882/CP Quantifying the Benefits to the National Economy from Secondary Applications of NASA Technolo- gy- N76-21041/8CP ECOSYSTEM OF MACHINES INFORMATION SYSTEM ATechnique for the Systematic Identification of Pollution RFeduction Measures: EMIS PB-199 332/CP EDITING MOSAIC - The Improved Editing of Scientific Text by Hand-Drawn Commands and Data: A Technique for RAND Tablet and CRT Display AD-845 169/CP EDUCATION Education as a Factor in the Selection of Air Traf- fic Controller Trainees AD-A031 880/8 CP Advanced Degree Requirements Information System AD-A038 911/4CP TEXT-PAC for Teaching Information Science PB-198 493/CP ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Electrician Career Ladder. AFSCs 54230, 54230F, 54250, 54250F, 54270, 54270F, and 54291 AD-A048 009/5CP ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES Electronic Principles Electronic Warfare Counter- measures Career Ladder AFSC 276X1 AD-A047 547/5CP ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report. Space Systems Command and Control Opera- tor/Technician Career Ladder, AFSCs 30830. 30850, 30870, and 30890 AD-A043 846/5CP Automatic Tracking Radar Repair Career Ladder AFSC 303X3 AD-A044 120/4CP Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Avionic Communications Career Ladder. AFSC 328X0 AD-A044 123/8CP 72 SUBJECT INDEX GOAL PROGRAMMING Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report. Electronic Warfare Systems Career Ladder. AFSC 328X3 AD-A044 124/6CP Digital Flight Simulator Specialist AFSC 34154 AD-A047 543/4CP Telecommunications Systems Control Career Ladder AFSC 307X0 AD-A047 544/2CP Digital Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist AFSC 34156 AD-A047 545/9CP Electronic Principles Electronic Warfare Counter- measures Career Ladder AFSC 276X1 AD-A047 547/5CP Aircraft Electrical Systems Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 42350 AD-A047 869/3CP Personnel Career Ladder AFSCs 73230. 73250 73270. 73294 AD-A047 990/7CP Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Sensor Repair Career Ladder AFSC 309X0 AD-A048 679/5CP Electronic Principles Avionics Sensor Systems Career Ladder AFSC 329XOA/B Changed to 322X2 AD-A048 682/9CP ELECTRONICS Management of Research and Development for Electronic Systems AD-A012 859/9CP EMERGENCY VEHICLES Equipment Management Municipal Cobol Com- puter Programs Module Technical Tape PB-243 298'7CP EMPLOYMENT The Dental Information Service Center Opportu- nities in Dental Practice. Operations Manual PB 256 877/2CP ENGINEERING PERSONNEL A Model for Marine Corps Engineer Planning AD-743 704/CP ENLISTED PERSONNEL MINIFAST - An Interactive Model of the Navy s Enlisted Personnel System AD-A03I 841 /0CP Documentation on the FAST Model Utilities AD-A04I 383/1CP ProsLab -- A Method for Pretesting Printed Army Recruiting Advertisements AD-A043 743/4CP The! Enlisted Grade Projection Model (Promod) A Management Tool tor Navy Personnel Planners. AD 716 782/CP Non Cognitive Factors as Predictors of Individual Suitability for Service in the U S Navy At) 78(1 438/ 8CP ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Technical. Intelligence, and Protect Information System tor the Environmental Health Service Volumo II Fhs Information Network Analysis PB I'll 1! I CP ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS Technical Intelligence and Project Information Sy.t.-in foi the Environmental Health Service Volume II f hs Information Network Analysis I'll I'll I l l UP ENVIRONMENTS I in' im|)..it ut the Changing Environment on the M.in.i. i' ■ni' Tii lit Largo Scale Public Science Pro- .|i.iin . N/0 :■. nil'.' cp l-'iliiin.il Intelligence, and Project Information System iui tin- Environmental Health Service Vuluni" II f lis Information Network Analysis I'll ". 1-111 i'P EQUIPMENT Computer Piugram Descriptions tor the Equip- ni. ni M.tn.iji'inent Module Design Specification I H ;■'<.! 'I'm OOP I'll'APWA f gtiipiitent Management Information i ,• leiii Computet Program Testing Instructions i'P ; i k: /". cf> I'll AIWA Equipment Management Information ivsli'in I'"m|i mi Hi H.umentatiori fuel Module I'll :■, i i ,'|)/0C;P I'll Al'WA Equipment Management Information System I'i'iijriiiii Documentation General Module I'll .', 1 t 71 rtCP Equipment Management Information System PB-278 304/1CP Automated Equipment Management System for Organization 9500 SAND-77-0608 Sandia Laboratories Automated Equipment Management System in Use by the Process-Fabri- cation Organization SAND-77-1826C EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System, Computer Program Testing Instructions PB-274 162/7CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System, Program Documentation. Fuel Module PB-274 170/0CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System. Program Documentation, General Module PB-274 171/8CP Equipment Management Information System PB-278 304/1CP Automated Equipment Management System for Organization 9500 SAND-77-0608 ETHNIC GROUP COMPARISONS GULKA 1130 Computer Program AD-763 661 /CP EXECUTIVE ROUTINES Interactive Computer Graphics A Responsive Planning and Control Tool for DoD Program Management AD-A041 798/0CP FALLOUT SHELTERS Requirements for Simulated Occupancy Condi- tions of Large Protective Shelters - Phase II AD-731 505/CP FAMILY FINANCIAL PROTECTION Family Financial Protection for a Retiring Member of a Uniformed Service AD-734 747/CP FEDERAL BUDGETS System Users Manual and Guide to Using the System Outputs PB-193 779/CP Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. 1973 Magnetic Tape Documentation PB-222 155/4CP Assistance: 1975 Catalog Federal Domestic User s Guide PB-245 958/4CP Budget Presentation PB-266 722/8CP FILE STRUCTURES Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques Volume I AD-731 798/CP Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques Volume II. File Organization and Evaluation Modeling Systems User s Guides AD-731 799/CP FINANCE Accounting and Finance Career Field. AFSCs 67131 67151. 67133. 67153. 67170. 67230. 67270. and 67290 AD-A023 201/7CP FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Program and Financial Management Plan. Resources Information Systems Volume IV NUSC PERT/Time/Cost Program User s Manual AD-767 306/4CP Project Tracking (PROTRAC) PB-220 912/0CP USAC Accounting/Disbursing Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape P8-240 379, 8CP Project Reports System PB-270 901/2CP FINANCING A Computer Model to Assess Financing Provi- sions of Naval FPIF Shipbuilding Contracts AD-A018 914/2CP FINANDAS COMPUTER PROGRAM Contractor Financial Data Retrieval and Analysis System (FINANDAS) AD-A037 824. 0CP FIRE DEPARTMENTS Public Safety Subsystem Volume III Fire Depart- ment PB-208 -188-09/CP Integrated Municipal Information System Project, Charlotte. N.C Computer Program Descriptions for the Fire Operations MocRile Design Specifica- tion PB-233 588/3CP FIRE FIGHTING Fire Operations Municipal COBOL Computer Pro- grams Module Technical Tape PB-240 383/OCP FIRE PROTECTION Fire Control System-Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PB-253 639/9CP FIRE SAFETY Fire Operations Municipal COBOL Computer Pro- grams Module Technical Tape PB-240 383/0CP FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS A Computer Model to Assess Financing Provi- sions of Naval FPIF Shipbuilding Contracts AD-A018 914/2CP FIXED PRICE INCENTIVE FEE A Computer Model to Assess Financing Provi- sions of Naval FPIF Shipbuilding Contracts AD-A018 914/2CP FLIGHT CREWS A User's Guide to the MX Crew Ratio Simulation Model AD-A015 741 /2CP FLIGHT MANEUVERS Computer-Aided Techniques for Providing Opera- tor Performance Measures A0-A014 330/5CP Candidate T-37 Pilot Performance Measures for Five Contact Maneuvers AD-A014 331 /3CP FLIGHT TRAINING Computer-Aided Techniques for Providing Opera- tor Performance Measures AD-A014 330/5CP Candidate>T-37 Pilot Performance Measures for Five Contact Maneuvers AD-A014 331/3CP Support of Technical Development Plan 43-03X - Education and Training AD-A034 984/5CP FLUID MECHANICS Bibliography Numbered Reports and Theses, Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences. Princeton University. 1947- 1970 AD-709 351 /CP FOOD DISPENSING A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service AD-743 520/CP A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service Ap- pendix I Program Documentation AD-743 521/CP FOOD SERVICES MANAGEMENT A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service AD-743 520/CP A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service. Ap- pendix I Program Documentation AD-743 521/CP FORECASTING Forecasting the Numbers and Types of Enlisted Personnel in the United States Marine Corps An Interactive Cohort Model AD-A041 169/4CP FORESTRY Computer-Assisted Timber Inventory Analysis and Management Planning. PB-195 621/CP GAME THEORY An Analysis of Weighted Voting Systems Using the Banzhaf Value AD-A033 392/2CP Computer Analysis and Mathematical Modeling JPRS-54168 A Computerized Construction Management Gam- ing Environment PB-258 622/0CP GOAL PROGRAMMING Priorities Modeling using Goal Growth Pro- gramming AD-A043 867 '1CP 73 SUBJECT INDEX GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Linear Indifference Contracting for Maintainability and Reliability AD-739 436/CP The Use of the Joint Generalized Least Squares Estimation Technique in the Aggregation of Subsystem Cost Estimating Relationships for Ships AD-769 429/2CP GROUND VEHICLES PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System. Computer Program Testing Instructions PB-274 162/7CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System, Program Documentation. Fuel Module PB-274 170/OCP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System. Program Documentation. General Module PB-274 171/8CP Equipment Management Information System PB-278 304/1CP GROUP DYNAMICS TAXPKG A Group-Computer Interactive Package for Decision Making on Income Taxation Policy PB-243 433/OCP GUIDED MISSILE PERSONNEL Missile Facilities Career Ladder AFSCs 541 30G. 54150G. 54170G. and 54190 AD-A031 737/OCP Minuteman Missile Mechanic Career Specialty AFSC s 44330G. 44350G, 44370G. 44390 AD-A044 119/6CP Minuteman Hardened Intersite Cable Maintenance Career Ladder Cable Installation/Maintenance Career Ladder Outside Wire Installation and Maintenance Superintendent (AFSCs 361X1. 361X2. and 36194) (Formerly AFSCs 361X3 and 361X4) AD-A044 180/8CP Electronics Principles Overseas Supplement to the Missile Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 31631L. 31651L. 31671L. and 31693 AD-A047 546/7CP HEALTH CARE FACILITIES A Manual for the Use of the Clinic Simulation Model PB-262 229/8CP HEWCAS SYSTEM HEWCAS (Trade Mark) Handbook A Technical Handbook for Auditors Using HEWCAS PB-254 385/8CP FOOTNOTE8 Journal of the HEW Audit Agency PB-254 386/6CP HIGHWAY PLANNING Project Management System (PMS) Through the Use of the Critical Path Method (CPM) PB-244 825/6CP HIGHWAYS Proiecl Management System (PMS) Through the Use of the Critical Path Method (CPM) PB-222 009/3CP HISTORIANS Information/Historian and Radio/Television Broadcasting Career Ladders, AFSCs 79130. 79150. 79170. 79130A, 79150A. 79170A. 79131, 79151, 79171. and 79191 AD-A034 529/8CP HOUSING PROJECTS Charlotte USAC Project Relocation Services Module Computer Program Descriptions PB-242 896/9CP HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources Management System and Pro- gram Initiation Manual a-Model 1.1. PB-195 033/CP Human Resources Management System Labor Availability Survey Job Availability Survey Labor/Job Matching Manual C-Models 1.3. 1.4, 1 5 PB-195 035/CP Human Resources Management System Occupa- tional Education Model. Manual D. Model 16 PB-195 036/CP I COOES Fault Trees for Decision Making in Systems Anal- ysis UCRL-51829 IMS SYSTEM Information Management System Reference Manual PB-258 915/8CP INCENTIVE CONTRACTS A Computer Model to Assess Financing Provi- sions of Naval FPIF Shipbuilding Contracts AD-A018 914/2CP Incentive Contracting Based on Reliability and Consumer Indifference AD-768 148/9CP INCENTIVE PLANS An Incentive Plan for Inspectors Based on Linear Indifference AD-768 111/7CP INCENTIVES Indifference Wage Incentives for Quality and Quantity AD-784 054/9CP INCOME Human Resources Management System and Pro- gram Initiation Manual a-Model 1.1. PB-195 033/CP INCOME TAXES TAXPKG A Group-Computer Interactive Package for Decision Making on Income Taxation Policy PB-243 433/OCP INDEXES (DOCUMENTATION) Computer Typesetting in the UK - a Review. N70-3701 1/CP Index to NASA Tech Briefs N71-28193/CP Index to NASA Tech Briefs. 1975 N76-30146/4CP INDIFFERENCE CONTRACTING Linear Indifference Contracting for Maintainability and Reliability AD-739 436/CP INDIFFERENCE CURVES An Incentive Plan for Inspectors Based on Linear Indifference AD-768 111/7CP INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS Accident Cost Indicator Model to Estimate Costs to Industry and Society from Work-Related Inju- ries and Deaths in Underground Coai Mining. Volume II Program User Manual PB-264 439/1 CP INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Pace 2 Pricing and Cost Estimating Handbook. N77-29801/6CP INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Indifference Wage Incentives for Quality and Quantity AD-784 054/9CP INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Human Resources Management System. Occupa- tional Education Model Manual D. Model 1.6. PB-195 036/CP INDUSTRIES An Investigation of the Inventory Policies of a Small Production Firm AD-753 621 /CP INFORMATION CENTERS Annual Report (3RD) of the Air Force Machinabili- ty Data Center February 1. 1967-January 31. 1968 AD-829 879/CP Annual Report (4TH) of the Air Force Machinabili- ty Data Center AD-844 920/CP INFORMATION DISSEMINATION INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES OF THE NASA REGIONAL DISSEMINATION CENTERS N71-20120/CP INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Classification Management Journal Volume V, Number 1. 1969 AD-727 566/CP Medical Information Management System (Mims) a Generalized Interactive Information System N73-10156/CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL The Query System - A Component of the DTNSRDC Personnel Data Management System AD-A043 301 /1CP The File Searching. Record Validating and Record Formatting Functions of the Supervisor for an Extended Data Management Facility. AD-710 386/CP Access Control and Retrieval Optimization Func- tions of the Supervisor for an Extended Data Management Facility AD-722 414/CP A Computer Method for Retrieving Information on Articles. Reports, and Presentations AD-724 61 1/CP TC . A Computer Program for Storage and Retrieval of Time Card Information Utilizing a Bi- nary Tree Data Structure AD-744 945/CP Annual Report (3RD) of the Air Force Machinabili- ty Data Center. February 1. 1967-January 31, 1968. AD-829 879/CP Annual Report (4TH) of the Air Force Machinabili- ty Data Center. AD-844 920/CP Cirk- Ctc'S Information Retrieval from Keywords. CTC-36 Medical Information Management System (Mims): A Generalized Interactive Information System N76-10915/6CP Identification of Circuits in Chemical Structures. PB-194 396/CP Stability Analysis of Term Similarities for Informa- tion Classification Theory. PB-195 376/CP TEXT-PAC for Teaching Information Science PB-198 493/CP An Interactive Key Word Information Retrieval System for the IBM 1130 Computer - Program Source Deck PB-201 592/CP Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and and Programming. Part I. A Modular Computer Program for Reference Retrieval PB-201 754/CP Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and Programming. Part V. Sum- mary of Phase HA Early Design and Experimenta- tion Activities PB-201 758/CP Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and Programming. Part VII. Text Processing PB-201 760/CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS RADIATION SHIELDING INFORMATION CENTER PROGRAM SETUP INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL CTC-INF-1017 INFORMATION SCIENCES TEXT-PAC for Teaching Information Science PB-198 493/CP INFORMATION SERVICES Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and and Programming. Part I. A Modular Computer Program for Reference Retrieval PB-201 754/CP Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and Programming. Part V. Sum- mary of Phase IIA Early Design and Experimenta- tion Activities PB-201 758/CP Center for Information Services Phase II: Detailed System Design and Programming. Part VII. Text Processing PB-201 760/CP INFORMATION SYSTEMS Statistical PERT: Decomposing a Project Network AD-A020 471/9CP Advanced Degree Requirements Information System AD-A038 911/4CP The Automated Engineering Catalog and Specifi- cation File System COM-71-00508/CP Office for Scientific and Technical Information Annual Report. Jan. 1969 - Jan 1970. N70-36988/CP INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES OF THE NASA REGIONAL DISSEMINATION CENTERS N71-20120/CP Aviation and Programmatic Analyses: Volume 1. Task 1: Aviation Data Base Development and Ap- plication N77-29139/1CP Aviation and Programmatic Analyses. Volume 2. Task 2: Identification of Planning Factors and Ac- tivities. N77-29140/9CP 74 SUBJECT INDEX JOB ANALYSIS Technical, Intelligence, and Project Information System for the Environmental Health Service Volume II Ehs Information Network Analysis. PB-194 411/CP South Carolina Project Notification and Review System Computerized Component PB-197 682/CP ATechnique for the Systematic Identification of Pollution RFeduction Measures: EMIS PB-199 332/CP Medicaid Management Information System General Systems Design for Title XIX Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume II: Claims Processing Subsystem and Reference File Subsystem PB-202 993-2/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume III: Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem PB-202 993-3/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume IV: Management and Administrative Reporting Subsystem PB-202 993-4/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume V: Appendix Glossary - Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/CP Medicaid Management Information System General Systems Design for Title XIX PB-202 993-SET/CP Public Safety Subsystem. Volume II (Part 7). Po- lice Department. Attachments II-2 and 11-3 PB-208 488-08/CP Public Safety Subsystem. Volume III. Fire Depart- ment PB-208 488-09/CP META DATA/1 -Phase 1, Preliminary. Supplemen- tary Technical Report PB-208 490/CP Medicaid Management Information System General Installation Guide for Title XIX PB-210 742/CP Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume V: A Method of Data Reduction for Water Resources Information Storage and Retrieval PB-217 862/2CP DCRT Oata Management System - Users Guide PB-226 700/3CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLC02, Process Monthly Reports PB-227 669/9CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLC01. Daily Landfill Update PB-227 679/8CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLC03, Landfill File Maintenance PB-227 685/5CP On the Feasibility of a Labor Market Information System Volume II PB-236 260/6CP Regional Impact Analysis System. VI. Regional Feedback Model: Computer Program PB-236 371/1CP USAC Geographic Based Index System (GBIS) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-248 065/5CP Purchase Order Processing System (POPS) Release No 1 PB-250 761/4CP Wichita Falls, Texas USAC Vehicle Maintenance Module PB-250 762/2CP The Telecommunication/Data Management System (TCDMS) IBM Assembler Language Com- puter System Magnetic Tape. Release No 2 PB-250 763/OCP TCDMS Utilities Manual (Data Management Sec- tion) PB-250 992/5CP Data Dictionary System - Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No 1 PB-252 215/9CP Lot and Network Definition (Land) - Municipal COBOL and ALC Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-252 216/7CP Special Assessments - Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No. 1 PB-252 217/5CP System Status Summary - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-252 218/3CP Violation Information Processing System (VIP) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-252 630/9CP Law Enforcement Subsystem - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PB-253 637/3CP Internal Charges and Cash Receipts System - Mu- nicipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Mag- netic Tape PB-253 638/1CP Fire Control System-Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PB-253 639/9CP Water Utility System (WUPSO) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No. 1 PB-253 640/7CP Data Entry System - Municipal ALC/COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No 1 PB-254 855/0CP Properly Valuation and Equalization System - Mu- nicipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Mag- netic Tape PB-254 970/7CP The Dental Information Service Center: Opportu- nities in Dental Practice. Operations Manual PB-256 877/2CP The Dental Information Service Center: Dental Practice Location Search Service. Operations Manual PB-256 880/6CP Information Management System Reference Manual PB-258 915/8CP Accessing Individual Records from Personal Data Files Using Non-Unique Identifiers PB-263 176/OCP Regional Impact Analysis System 1 . Description of the MRIO Model PB-268 255/7CP Property Accounting and Inventory System. PB-272 909/3CP Directives Online Update and Retrieval System PB-272 932/5CP INSTRUCTION MANUALS The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models. Volume III User's Manual. Part 1 AD-771 970/1 CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models Volume III. User's Manual. Part 2 AD-771 971 /9CP INTEGRATED MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Computer Program Descriptions for the Equip- ment Management Module Design Specification PB-234 990/OCP INTEGRATED PLANNING SYSTEMS Integrated Planning Systems AD-712 558/CP INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS Interactive Computer Graphics' A Responsive Planning and Control Tool for DoD Program Management AD-A041 798/OCP INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transoceanic Cargo Study Volume III Computer Program Documentation Demand Forecasting Model and Distribution Cost and Productivities Model PB-201 042/CP INVENTORIES Continuous Stratified Sampling of In-Process In- ventory BDX-613-1032 Computer-Assisted Timber Inventory Analysis and Management Planning. PB-195 621/CP INVENTORY ANALYSIS Retail Stockage Policy under Budget Constraints AD-A041 308/8CP Solving Inventory Problems using the Factorable Nonlinear Programming Language AD-A042 286/5CP Time-Sharing Inventory Analysis (RCTVIC13). AD-707 096/CP Computer-Assisted Timber Inventory Analysis and Management Planning. PB-195 621/CP INVENTORY CONTROL Comparing Inventory Demand Forecasts AD-A012 419/8CP Models for Multi-Item Inventory Systems with Constraints AD-A013 466/8CP A Model for Determining Economic Retention Levels of Expendable Inventory Items AD-A016 345/1 CP Some Approximations In Multi-Item. Multi- Echelon Inventory Systems for Recoverable Items AD-A037 396/9CP An Algorithm for Determining Optimum Stock Levels in a Multi-Echelon Inventory System AD-A042 664/3CP The Inventory System Simulator (INSSIM) Volume II Program Listings and Narratives AD-A046 053/5CP An Analysis of the Ships Parts Control Center In- ventory Model and a Possible Alternative Model AD-A046 508/8CP The Inventory System Simulator. (INSSIM) Volume I. Model Description AD-A046 578/1 CP Requirements- Driven Repair Scheduling System for Secondary Items AD-A046 579/9 CP Interactive Input-Output Analysis in the Presence of Variation on Demand AD-728 401/CP A Repairable Item Inventory System Using Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes AD-733 237/CP Stationary Analysis and Optimality Conditions for (o, S) Policies in Multi-Commodity Inventory Con- trol Problems AD-744 528/CP Computation and Research Evaluation System (CARES) II AD-748 186/CP A Linear Economic Model for a Naval Air Rework Facility AD-753 589/CP An Investigation of the Inventory Policies of a Small Production Firm AD-753 621/CP An Analysis of SERVMART Inventory Control Poli- cies AD-761 757/CP Reducing Life Cycle Costs by Optimizing the Production-Inventory Model for Spare Parts AD-768 129/9CP Reliability in Complex Inventory Accounting Systems A Sensitivity Analysis AD-769 281 /7CP A Methodology for the Simulation of Internal Control Systems AD-783 856/8CP Optimization Model for Production Scheduling and Sequencing Over Multipurpose Processors PB-249 023/3CP Supplies Inventory. PB-269 608/6CP Supplies Inventory. User's Guide PB-269 609/4CP Property Inventory System PB-275 663/3CP Property Inventory System. Documentation PB-275 664/1 CP JOB ANALYSIS CODAP: Source Program Listings for the Unlvac 1108 AO-A004 084/0CP Computer-Aided Techniques for Providing Opera- tor Performance Measures AD-A014 330/5CP Candidate T-37 Pilot Performance Measures for Five Contact Maneuvers AD-A014 331/3CP 75 SUBJECT INDEX Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- grams (CODAP) Ordering of Hierarchically Grouped Case Data (KPATH) and Print KPATH (PRKPTM) Programs AD-A0t6 724/7CP Procurement Career Ladder, AFSCs 65130, 65150, 66170, antf 65190 AD-AQ23 200/9CP New CODAP- Programs tor Analyzing Task Factor Information AD-A026 121/4CP Evaluation of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program AD-A030 308/1 CP Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- grams (CODAP')': Use of FIEXALL to Identify Diver- gent Raters AD-A034 327/7CP Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- grams (CODAP) AO-A039 306/6CP Predicting Job Difficulty in High Aptitude Career madders with Standard Score Regression Equa- tions \D-A043 Q80/1CP Automatic Tracking Radar Repair Career Ladder AFSC 303X3 AD-A044 12674CP Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Avionic Communications Career Ladder, AFSC 328X0 AD-A044 123y8CP Electronic Principles Occupational Survey Report, Electronic Warfare Systems Career Ladder, AFSC 328X3 AO-A044 124/6CP Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 46130, 46150, 46170, and 46190 AD-A044 179/0CP Minuteman Hardened Intersite Cable Maintenance Career Ladder Cable Installation/Maintenance Career Ladder Outside Wire Installation and Maintenance Superintendent (AFSCs 361X1. 361X2, and 36194) (Formerly AFSCs 361X3 and 361X4) AO-A044 180/8CP Digital Flight Simulator Specialist AFSC 34154 AD-AQ47 543/4CP Telecommunications Systems Control Career Ladder AFSC 307X0 AD-A047 544/2CP Digital Navigation/Tactics Training Devices Spe- cialist AFSC 341 56 AD-A047 545/9CP Electronic Principles Electronic Warfare Counter- measures Career Ladder AFSC 276X1 AD-A047 547/SCP Aircraft Electrical Systems Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 42350 AD-A047 869/3CP Personnel Career Ladder AFSCs 73230, 73250, 73270. 73294 AD-A047 990/7CP Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Specialist AFSC 40350 AO-A048 678/7CP Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Sensor Repair Career Ladder AFSC 309X0 AO-A048 679/5CP Missile Pneudraulic Repairman Career Ladder AFSC 44250 AD-A048 680/3CP Weapons Maintenance Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 46250 AO-A048 681/1CP 6360/Star: A Recursive Job Control System. AD-714 275/CP CODAP: Input Standard (INPSTD) and Variable Generation (VARGEN) Programs AD-750 144/CP Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- gram (CODAP) AD-773 233/2CP Motivational Dimensions That May Be Influential in Optimizing Job Performance of Air Force Of- ficers AD-775694/3CP JOBS Electronic Principles Avionics Sensor Systems Career Ladder AFSC 329XOA/B Changed to 322X2 AD-A048 682/9CP KPATH COMPUTER PROGRAM Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- grams (CODAP). Ordering of Hierarchically Grouped Case Data (KPATH) and Print KPATH (PRKPTH) Programs AD-A016 724/7CP LABOR RELATIONS Human Resources Management System. Labor Availability Survey Job Availability Survey. Labor /Job Matching. Manual C-Models 1 .3. 1 .4, 1.5. PB-195 035/CP LAN© MANAGEMENT Lumis Interactive Graphics Operating Instructions and System Specifications. N76-30821/2CP LAND USE Lumis Interactive Graphics Operating Instructions and System Specifications. N76-30821 /2CP LANDING SIGNAL OFFICERS The Landing Signal Officer: A Preliminary Dynam- ic Model for Analyses of System Dynamics AO-762 728/CP LAW ENFORCEMENT Violation Information Processing System (VIP) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape. Release No. 1 PB-252 630/9CP Law Enforcement Subsystem - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PB-253 637/3CP LAW (JURISPRUDENCE) State Criminal Justice Telecommunications (Stacom). Volume 4: Network Design Software User's Guide. N78-16221/1CP LEASING Five-Year Lease Versus Cost Analysis. PB-266 741 /8CP LEGAL LIABILITY Rights in Data Clauses and Their Impact on Infor- mation Functions of Government. N70-28671/CP LICENSES Reading USAC Project: STANDARD PERMIT PROCESSING COBOL Computer Program Module, Release Number One PB-242 319/2CP LIFE CYCLE COSTS Computer Model for Life Cycle Costing. User's Guide AD-A042 405/1CP LINEAR PROGRAMMING Two New Versions of the ELIM-COMPUP System. Volume I. General Overview AD-A028 797/9CP Integrated Planning Systems. AD-712 558/CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models. Volume I. General Overview AO-771 119/5CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models. Volume II. Description of Com- putational Procedures AD-771 969/3CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models. Volume III. User's Manual. Part 1 AD-771 970/1 CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models. Volume III. User s Manual. Part 2 AD-771 971 /9CP Stochastic Optimization and Simulation Techniques for Management of Regional Water Resource Systems. Volume I. Introduction PB-202 937/CP LOCAL GOVERNMENT Public Safety Subsystem. Volume II (Part 7). Po- lice Department. Attachments 11-2 and 11-3 PB-208 488-08/CP Public Safety Subsystem. Volume III. Fire Depart- ment PB-208 488-09/CP META DATA/1 -Phase 1, Preliminary- Supplemen- tary Technical Report PB-208 490/CP Computer Program Description Program. PWLC02. Process Monthly Reports PB-227 669/9CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLC01, Daily Landfill Update PB-227 679/8CP Computer Program Description Program: PWLO03, Landfill File Maintenance PB-227 685/5CP NBS USAC Project. Computer Program Transfera- bility. A Basic Understanding Towards Enhance- ment PB-231 238/7CP Integrated Municipal Information System Project, Charlotte, N.C. Computer Program Descriptions for the Fire Operations Module Design Specifica- tion PB-233 588/3CP Computer Program Descriptions for the Equip- ment Management Modi' 1 ? Design Specification PB-234 99070CP Computer Program Description for the Personnel Operations Module Design Specification PB-234 991 /SCP Computer Program Description for the Building Permits Processing Module Design Specification PB-240 161/OCP The Police System Level Software Users Manual PB-240 165/1CP USAC Treasury Management Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 373/1 CP USAC Purchasing Municipal COBOL Computer Program Magnetic 'Tape PB-240 374/9CP USAC Payroll/ Personnel Municipal COBOL Com- puter Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 375/6CP USAC Resource Management Municipal COBOL Computer Prog ram Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 376/4CP USAC General Revenue Municipal COBOL Com- puter Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 377/2CP USAC Utility Billing COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 378/0CP USAC Accounting/Disbursing Municipal COBOL Computer Program Module Magnetic Tape PB-240 379/8CP System Level Software Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 380/6CP Police Field Assignments Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 381 /4CP Relocation Services Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 382/2CP Fire Operations Municipal COBOL Computer Pro- grams Module Technical Tape PB-240 363/OCP Landfill Control Municipal COBOL Computer Pro- grams Module Technical Tape PB-240 489/5C P Traffic Control Device Inventory Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 490/3CP Geographic Data Index Maintenance Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-240 531 /4CP Computer Program Descriptions for the Police Field Assignments Module Design Specification PB-241 452/2CP System' 1 Level Software Module Computer Pro- gram Descriptions PB-241 617/0CP Geographic Data Index Maintenance Module Computer Program Descriptions PB-241 618/8CP Traffic Control Device Inventory Module Com- puter Program Descriptions PB-242 088/3CP Reading USAC Proiwot r>arts and Supplies Inven- tory COBOL Program, Release Number One PB-242' 173/3CP Reading USAC Project: STANDARD PERMIT PROCESSING COBOL Computer Program Module. Release Number One PB-242 31 9/2CP 76 SUBJECT INDEX MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Heading USAC Pro|ect SEWER AND WATER AC- COUNTS PROCESSING Computer Program. Release Number One F-B r > 4:> 407/scp Reading USAC Proioct VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module. Release Number One l>B-2« 408/3CP Reading USAC Project GEOGRAPHIC BASE MAINTENANCE Computer Program Module. Release Number One PB-242 409' 1CP Reading USAC Pro|ect PROPERTY ASSESS- MENT/MAINTENANCE OF OWNERSHIP Computer Program Module. Release Number One PB-242 410'9CP Building Permits Processing Municipal Cobol Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-242 761/'>CP Personnel Operations Module Design Specifica- tion Municipal Cobol Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB 242 762/3CP Charlotte USAC Project Relocation Services Modulo Computer Program Descnptions PB-242 896 /9CP Equipment Management Municipal Cobol Com- puter Ptoqrams Module Technical Tape PB-243 298/7CP Code Enforcement Municipal Cobol Computer Programs Module Technical Tape PB-243 4 IS7CP Reading USAC Project Data Management Technique Computer Program Module. Release N,i 1 Pfj-'M.I 4H3/8CP Heading USAC Proiect Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module. Release No. 1 PB 243 4h6/1CP Charlotte USAC Project Code Enforcement Module Computer Program Descriptions PB-24!) 895/8CP USAC Geographic Based Index System (GBIS) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 PR 248 06!>'5CP Purchase Order Processing System (POPS) Release No 1 PB 250 761/4CP Wichita Falls. Texas USAC Vehicle Maintenance Module PB-250 762/ 2CP The Telecommunication/Data Management System rTCDMS) IBM Assembler Language Com- puter System Magnetic Tape Release No. 2 PB-250 763/OCP TCDMS Utilities Manual (Data Management Sec- tionj P13-250 992/OCP Data Dictionary System - Municipal COBOL Com- piler Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 PB 2!>2 215/9CP I oi and Network Definition (Land) - Municipal COBOL and ALC Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 PH-2&2 216/7CP Special Assessments - Municipal COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 I'll :",:; 21 7''>CP System Status Summary Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Modulo Magnetic Tape Release No 1 I'M 2!>2 218/3CP Violation Information Processing System (VIP) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 t'U ,"jV IJ3U/9CP Law Enloicoment Subsystem - Municipal COBOL Computet Piograms Module Magnetic Tape PIS 253 637/3CP Internal Charges anrl Cash Receipts System - Mu- nicipal OOROL Computer Programs Module Mag- netic Tape I'll :">:i (530/ ICP I tie Control System-Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PH :">:i 639/9CP Water Utility System (WUPSO) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No t PH 2 f >3 640' 7CP Data Entry System - Municipal ALC/COBOL Com- puter Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No 1 PB-254 855/OCP Property Valuation and Egualization System - Mu- nicipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Mag- netic Tape PB-254 970/7CP Research on Computer Programs Utilized by Local Government Payroll and Personnel PB-260 741 /4CP PTI/APWA Eguipment Management Information System, Program Documentation. Fuel Module PB-274 170/0CP PTI/APWA Eguipment Management Information System, Program Documentation. General Module PB-274 171/8CP LOGISTICS Cargo Characteristics of Resupply Requirements for Road Divisions AD-730 572/CP MATHNET and RISCA (Network Analyzer Pro- grams) A Users Manual AD-755 201/CP LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume I Maintenance Man- power Management During Weapon System Development AD-A011 986/7CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume II. Building and Operat- ing a Simulation Model AD-A011 987/5CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume IV Data Base Manage- ment Programs AD-A011 989/1CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume V Manpower Programs AD-A011 990/9CP AMSEC Users Guide AD-A047 225/8CP Set Covering Algorithm, a Subprogram of the Scheduling Algorithm for Mission Planning and Logistic Evaluation N76-22225/6CP LOGISTICS PLANNING Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume I Maintenance Man- power Management During Weapon System Development AD-A011 986/7CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume II Building and Operat- ing a Simulation Model AD-A011 987/5CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume III Maintenance Data Analysis Programs AD-A011 988/3CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume IV Data Base Manage- ment Programs AD-A01 1 989/1CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume V Manpower Programs AD-A011 990/9CP A Model for Determining Economic Retention Levels of Expendable Inventory Items AD-A016 345/1CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Maintenance Manpower Matrix Program Volume VI AD-A025 311/2CP The WRM Information System AD-A030 242/2CP The Use of the Joint Generalized Least Squares Estimation Technigue in the Aggregation of Subsystem Cost Estimating Relationships for Ships AD-769 429/2CP LOGISTICS SUPPORT Predicting Powered Support Equipment and As- sociated Maintenance Manpower Requirements AD-A048 876/7CP ICBM Program Office Engineering Directive for Integrated Logistic Support Requirements for MX Weapon System AD-A051 910/8CP LONG BEACH (CALIFORNIA) Public Safety Subsystem Volume II (Pari 7). Po- lice Department Attachments 11-2 and 11-3 PB-208 488-08/CP Public Safety Subsystem Volume III Fire Depart- ment PB-208 488-09/CP META DATA/1 -Phase 1, Preliminary Supplemen- tary Technical Report PB-208 490/CP MACHINING Annual Report (4TH) of the Air Force Machinabili- ty Data Center AD-844 920/CP MAGNETIC TAPE Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Pro- gram (CODAP) AD-773 233/2CP AUDIT Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique - Computer Programs AD-777 100/9CP. MAGNETIC TAPES Tape Transfer Guide PB-274 167/6CP MAINTENANCE On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management Model System Specification and Test Results AD-A019 126/2CP On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Software and Data Base Documen- tation AD-A019 127/OCP MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume I Maintenance Man- power Management During Weapon System Development AD-A011 986/7CP Simulating Maintenance Manning tor New Weapon Systems Volume II. Building and Operat- ing a Simulation Model AD-A011 987/5CP- Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume III. Maintenance Data Analysis Programs AD-A011 988/3CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems. Volume IV. Data Base Manage- ment Programs AD-A011 989/1 CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems: Volume V Manpower Programs AD-A011 990/9CP A Study of Replacement Policy for Commercial Pattern Vehicles AD-A017 627/1 CP Reguirements-Driven Repair Scheduling System for Secondary Items AD-A046 579/9CP Depot Maintenance Planning and Programming System (DMPPS) Volume 1 - Executive Summary AD-A048 416/2CP Predicting Powered Support Equipment and As- sociated Maintenance Manpower Requirements AD-A048 876/7CP On-Line Computer System for Work-Order Con- trol DP-MS-76-84 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume I Maintenance Man- power Management During Weapon System Development AD-A01 1 986/7CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume II Building and Operat- ing a Simulation Model AD-A011 987/5CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume III Maintenance Data Analysis Programs AD-A011 988/3 CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume IV Data Base Manage- ment Programs AD-A011 989/1 CP Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems Volume V Manpower Programs AD-A011 990/9CP 77 SUBJECT INDEX Simulating Maintenance Manning for New Weapon Systems: Maintenance Manpower Matrix Program. Volume VI AD-A025 311/2CP Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 46130, 46150, 46170, and 46190 AD-A044 179/0CP Minuteman Hardened Intersite Cable Maintenance Career Ladder Cable Installation/Maintenance Career Ladder Outside Wire Installation and Maintenance Superintendent (AFSCs 361X1, 361X2, and 36194) (Formerly AFSCs 361X3 and 361X4) AD-A044 180/8CP Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Specialist AFSC 40350 AD-A048 678/7CP Missile Pneudraulic Repairman Career Ladder AFSC 44250 AD-A048 680/3CP Weapons Maintenance Specialist Career Ladder AFSC 46250 AD-A048 681/1CP MAN COMPUTER COMMUNICATION Interactive Man-Machine Communication AD-760 010/CP MAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS Interactive Man-Machine r Communicatloe AD-760 010/CP MANAGEMENT A Study of Naval Administrative T «lephone System Management AD-A009 903/6CP Research and Development Needs for Computer Performance Evaluation AD-A026 965/4CP Software Acquisition Management Guidebook: Statement of Work Preparation AD-A035 924/OCP On-Line Computer System tor Work-Order Con- trol DP-MS-76-84 PLAN2 A Receipts and Disbursements Code for Preparing R and D Operating Plans LA-5248 Proposal for Development of an Interactive Pro- ject Management Code UCID-17613 Cpm: A Program for Critical Path Management UCRL-51378 FTE: A Resource-Allocation Program for Managers UCRL-52244 MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS Maps - a Computerized Management Analysis and Planning System N71-24716/CP MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Classification Management. Journal Volume V, Number 1, 1969 AD-727 566/CP MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING A Generalized Management Information System for Computer Facilities at Educational Institutions AD-721 583/CP A Production Management Operating System Simulation: FACTORY-2' AD-724 203/CP Requirements for Simulated Occupancy Condi- tions of Large Protective Shelters - Phase II AD-731 505/CP MANAGEMENT GAMES City Games--Disk and Tape Generation COM-74-10703-02/CP MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS An Interactive Computer Model to Assist Marine Corps Enlisted Personnel Assignments AD-A013 479/1CP Avionics Module Repair Improvement Program Management Information System (AMRIP - MIS) AD-A015 645/5CP On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Specification and Test Results AD-A019 126/2CP On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Software and Data Base Documen- tation AD-A019 127/0CP Decision Aiding Information System (DAISY) User's Guide AD-A020 646/6CP DAISY: A Decision-Aiding Information System AD-A020 647/4CP A Survey of Existing Management Informatior Systems. Software and Hardware Options AD-A027 046/2CP Design Considerations for Implementing a Ship- board Computer Supported Command Manage- ment System AD-A027 290/6CP Real Time Visibility of Value-of-Work Completed for Development Contracts AD-A028 896/9CP Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique (AUDIT) AD-A029 520/4CP The WRM Information System AD-A030 242/2CP Development of an Inventory of Operational Data Bases. Volume I. Narrative Discussion AD-A033 949/9CP Development of an Inventory of Operational Data Bases. Volume II. Inventory of Operational Data Bases AD-A033 950/7CP Impact of DODD 5000.29, Management of Com- puter Resources in Major Defense Systems', on the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) AD-A037 983/4CP A Shipboard Report Origination System Utilizing a Microcomputer AD-A038 81 1 /6CP The Query System - A Component of the DTNSRDC Personnel Data Management System AD-A043 301 /1CP VP Data Base System AD-A048 763/7CP Alternative Automated Data Processing System Concepts for Support of the FMF (1980-1990). Volume III. ADPS Technology Estimate for the 1980s AD-A049 785/9CP A Study of the System Development Process AD-A050 240/1 CP A Study of Critical Factors in the Development of Air Force Computerized Management Information Systems AD-A052 914/9CP Supervision and Administration Cost/Rate Forecasting System. Volume I. User's Manual AD-A053 229/1 CP A Generalized Management Information System for Computer Facilities at Educational Institutions AD-721 583/CP Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques. Volume I AD-731 798/CP Semi-Operational Evaluation of File Modeling Techniques. Volume II. File Organization and Evaluation Modeling Systems: User's Guides AD-731 799/CP AIDS Users Manual AD-736 415/CP Interactive Man-Machine Communication AD-740 101 /CP A Scenario for a Managerial Support Complex. Operational Standards AD-742 834/CP A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service AD-743 520/CP A Computerized Management Information and Control System for Shipboard Food Service. Ap- pendix I: Program Documentation AD-743 521/CP TC . A Computer Program for Storage and Retrieval of Time Card Information Utilizing a Bi- nary Tree Data Structure AD-744 945/CP Interactive Man-Machine Communication AD-760 010/CP Program and Financial Management Plan. Resources Information Systems Volume IV. NUSC PERT/Time/Cost Program User s Manual AD-767 306/4CP AUDIT Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique Computer Programs AD-777 100/9CP Detailtd Requirements Document for Common Software of Shuttle Program Information Manage- ment System N75-20011/3CP Medical Information Management System (Mims): A Generalized Interactive Information System. N76-10915/6CP Special Report Writer: A Flexible Information Management System. Documentation and User's Manual. N76-17856/5CP Lumis Interactive Graphics Operating Instructions and System Specifications. N76-30821/2CP Office of University Affairs Management Informa- tion System: Users Guide and Documentation. N78-10947/7CP Procurement Module for a MIS: User's Manual ORNL/TM-5693 Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume II: Claims Processing Subsystem and Reference File Subsystem PB-202 993-2/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume III: Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem PB-202 993-3/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume IV: Management and Administrative Reporting Subsystem PB-202 993-4/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume V: Appendix Glossary T Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/ CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX PB-202 993-SET/CP META DATA/1 -Pha,se 1, Preliminary. Supplemen- tary Technical Report PB-208 490/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Installation Guide for Title XIX PB-210 742/CP Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume V: A Method of Data Reduction for Water Resources Information Storage and Retrieval PB-217 862/2CP DCRT Data Management System - Users Guide PB-226 700/3CP NBS USAC Project. Computer Program Transfera- bility. A Basic Understanding Towards Enhance- ment PB-231 238/7CP Integrated Municipal Information System Project. Charlotte, N.C. Computer Program Descriptions for the Fira Operations Module Design Specifica- tion PB-233 588/3CP Computer Program Descriptions for the Equip- ment Management Module Design Specification PB-234 990/0CP Regional Impact Analysis System. VI. Regional Feedback Model: Computer Program PB-236 371/1CP Computer Program Descriptions for the Police Field Assignments'Module Design Specification PB-241 452/2CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management information System, Computer Program Testing Instructions PB-274 162/7CP Guide to the Preparation of System Design and Program Documentation PB-274 168/4CP Guide to the Preparation of System User s Docu- mentation PB-274 169/2CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System, Program Documentation, Fuel Module PB-274 170/0CP PTI/APWA Equipment Management Information System. Program Documentation. General Module PB-274 171/8CP Equipment Management Information System PB-278 304/1 CP FORMS: A Generator of Time-Card Forms UCID-30151 78 SUBJECT INDEX MARINE CORPS OPERATIONS MANAGER: A Generator of Reports on the Expen- diture of Scientific Manpower UCID-30152 FTE: A Resource-Allocation Program for Managers UCRL-52244 MANAGEMENT PLANNING Integrated Planning Systems. AD-712 558/CP Validating a Method of Modeling a Man-Or- ganized System. AD-714 285/CP Meeting Tomorrow's Logistics Challenges with 'Now' Research AD-722 420/CP Interactive Input-Output Analysis in the Presence of Variation on Demand AO-728 401/CP Application of the Cost of Attaining Personnel Requirements (CAPER) Model AO-730 706/CP Automated FORTRAN Calendar, MOO 0, an Calendar for Managers AD-737 991/CP FORSTRAN: A Case in Force Structure Analysis AO-741 449/CP A Methodology for Optimal Planning over Time. Volume II. Appendices A, B, C. 0. and E in Sup- port of Volume I AD-742 254/CP A Scenario for a Managerial Support Complex. Operational Standards AD-742 834/CP MATHNET and RISCA (Network Analyzer Pro- grams). A Users' Manual AD-755 201/CP Computer Analysis and Mathematical Modeling JPRS-54168 Research and Education in Management .of Large- Scale Technical Programs. Appendix a - Uses and Misuses of Computers in Urban Affairs. Appendix B - Build, a Community Development Simulation Game. Appendix C - Urban Simulation and Gaming, Preliminary Experience and Per- spectives. Appendix D • Public Attitudes Toward Programs of Large- Scale Technological Change. Some Reflections and Policy Prescriptions Semi- annual Progress Report. N70-2647S/CP The Impact of the Changing Environment on the Management of Large Scale Public Science Pro- grams. N70-32882/CP Maps - a Computerized Management Analysis and Planning System N71-24716/CP Aviation and Programmatic Analyses. Volume 2, Task 2: Identification of Planning Factors and Ac- tivities. N77-29140/9CP MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND CONTROL Statistical Critical Path Analysis in Acyclic Stochastic Networks: Statistical PERT AD-A003 550/ 1CP Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time. Volume I. Model Description and Use AD-A010 727/6CP Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time. Volume II. Adaptation to UNIVAC 1108 Usage AD-A011 314/2CP Real Time Visibility of Value-of-Work Completed for Development Contracts AD-A028 896/9CP A Management Approach to the Development of Computer-Based Systems AD-A037 895/OCP Improved Computer-Based Planning Techniques AD-A040 592/8CP Design of Training Systems. Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM). Volume 1 AD-A041 217/1CP Design of Training Systems. Computerization of the Educational Technology Assessment Model (ETAM). Volume 2 AD-A041 261 /9CP Interactive Computer Graphics: A Responsive Planning and Control Tool for DoD Program Management AD-A041 798/OCP PERT: An ALGOL 60 Computer Program AD-770 505/6CP MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume II: Claims Processing Subsystem and Reference File Subsystem PB-202 993-2/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume III: Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem PB-202 993-3/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume IV: Management and Administrative Reporting Subsystem PB-202 993-4/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume V: Appendix Glossary - Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/CP Medicaid Management Information System General Systems Design for Title XIX PB-202 993-SET/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Installation Guide for Title XIX PB-210 742/CP Documentation Report of Systems Developed During the Model Regional Blood Management Project PB-214 465/7CP DCRT Data Management System - Users Guide PB-226 700/3CP MANAGERS The Results and Implications of a Study of Felt Fair Pay in a Random Sample of Naval Officers AD-769 418/5CP MANPOWER Reserve Manpower Modeling and Analysis AD-A026 343/4CP Two New Versions of the ELIM-COMPLIP System. Volume I. General Overview AD-A028 797/9CP Forecasting the Numbers and Types of Enlisted Personnel in the United States Marine Corps: An Interactive Cohort Model AD-A041 169/4CP Forecasting the Retention of Navy Pilots AD-A042 287/3CP An Overview of the Prototype Integrated Simula- tion Evaluation Model of the Air Force Manpower and Personnel System Appendix A A Source Listing of the Program Code for ISEM-P AD-A045 117/9CP Predicting Powered Support Equipment and As- sociated Maintenance Manpower Requirements AD-A048 876/7CP Forecasting the Numbers and Types of Enlisted Personnel in the United States Marine Corps An Interactive Cohort Model AD-A052 592/3CP Development of a Ship Simulation Model for Ap- plication to Personnel Research Problems Volume II. Users Manual. AD-717 621/CP A Computer Program and Model for Predicting the Supply of Air Force Volunteers AD-749 123/CP Personnel System Projection Model AO-757 279/CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models Volume I General Overview AD-771 119/5CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models Volume II Description of Com- putational Procedures AD-771 969/3CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models Volume III User s Manual Part 1 AD-771 970/1 CP The ELIM-COMPLIP System of Manpower Planning Models Volume III. User's Manual Pari 2 AD-771 971 /9CP CHAMP: A Chance Constrained Adaptive Planning Model AD-773 051 /8CP Manhour Expenditure Reports Program AD-919 763/3CP Pace 2: Pricing and Cost Estimating Handbook N77-29801/6CP Dynamic Interactive Manpower Planning and Analysis Program for a Matrix Organization ORNL-5276 On the Feasibility of a Labor Market Information System. Volume II PB-236 260/6CP EXTRACT: Extracting Chemistry Account Num- bers from the Laboratory's Database UCID-30154 MANPOWER STUDIES Time-Shared Computer Programs for Officer Structure Policy Planning AD-728 697/CP MANPOWER UTILIZATION An Interactive Computer Model to Assist Marine Corps Enlisted Personnel Assignments AD-A013 479/1 CP Evaluation of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program AD-A030 308/1CP POM 78 MINI-NAMPS-Concept and Operation AD-A031 785/9CP POM-79 MINI-NAMPS Function and Specification AD-A031 786/7CP Criteria for Predicting Manpower Required for the APPRO Contractor Quality Assurance Function AD-A032 489/7CP The Women in the Army Study Group AD-A036 490/1 CP Demographic and Upward Mobility Considera- tions in Using An Equal Employment Opportunity Model AD-A037 153/4CP A Dynamic Model for Optimum Bonus Manage- ment: Computer Program and Mathematical Anal- ysis AD-A047 983/2CP A Computer Manpower Scheduling System (CMSS) Users Manual AD-A051 846/4CP Development of Generalized Network Flow Al- gorithms for Solving the Personnel Assignment Problem AD-748 641 /CP Enlisted Rotation Management Users Guide to the Computerized Equilibrium Flow Model AD-769 679/2CP Human Resources Management System and Pro- gram Initiation Manual a-Model 1.1. PB-195 033/CP Human Resources Management System Labor Availability Survey. Job Availability Survey Labor/Job Matching Manual C-Models 13, 1.4, 1.5. PB-195 035/CP Human Resources Management System Occupa- tional Education Model. Manual D. Model 1.6. PB-195 036/CP MANUALS Human Resources Management System and Pro- gram Initiation Manual a-Model 1.1. PB-195 033/CP Human Resources Management System. Labor Availability Survey. Job Availability Survey Labor/Job Matching Manual C-Models 13. 1.4. 15. PB-195 035/CP Human Resources Management System Occupa- tional Education Model Manual D. Model 1.6. PB-195 036/CP MARINE CORPS An Interactive Computer Model to Assist Marine Corps Enlisted Personnel Assignments AD-A013 479/1 CP A Model for Marine Corps Engineer Planning AD-743 704/CP MARINE CORPS OPERATIONS Evaluation of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program AD-A030 308/1 CP 79 SUBJECT INDEX MARINE CORPS PERSONNEL Forecasting the Numbers and Types of Enlisted Personnel in the United States Marine Corps: An Interactive Cohort Model AD-A041 169/4CP An Interactive Model to Compute the Officer Man- power Plan for the United States Marine Corps AD-A048 676/1 CP Forecasting the Numbers and Types of Enlisted Personnel in the United States Marine Corps. An Interactive Cohort Model AD-A052 592/3CP MARINE CORPS PLANNING An Interactive Model to Compute the Officer Man- power Plan for the United States Marine Corps AD-A048 676/1 CP Alternative Automated Data Processing System Concepts for Support of the FMF (1980-1990) Volume III. ADPS Technology Estimate for the 1980s AD-A049 785/9CP MARKOV MODELS A Markovian Flow Model: The Analysis of Move- ment in Large-Scale (Military) Personnel Systems- -Program Listings AD-722 422/CP MATHEMATICAL MODELS A User's Guide to the MX Crew Ratio Simulation Model AD-A015 741 /2CP MINIFAST - An Interactive Model of the Navy's Enlisted Personnel System AD-A031 841 /OCP The Reformulation Model of Expertise AD-A035 397/9CP Creating Mathematical Models of Judgment Processes From Policy-Capturing to Policy- Specifying AD-A048 983/1 CP The Personnel Assignment Problem - a Specific Application to the Assignment of Scientific and Engineering Officers in the United States Air Force. N70-32879/CP MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time Volume I. Model Description and Use AD-A010 727/6CP Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time Volume II. Adaptation to UNIVAC 1108 Usage AD-A011 314/2CP MECHANICS Minuteman Missile Mechanic Career Specialty AFSC's 44330G, 44350G. 44370G. 44390 AD-A044 119/6CP Electronics Principles Overseas Supplement to the Missile Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 31631 L, 31651 L, 31671 L, and 31693 AD-A047 546/7CP MEDICAID MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Medicaid Management Information System General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume II: Claims Processing Subsystem and Reference File Subsystem PB-202 993-2/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume III: Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem PB-202 993-3/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX Volume IV: Management and Administrative Reporting Subsystem PB-202 993-4/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX Volume V: Appendix Glossary - Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX PB-202 993-SET/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Installation Guide for Title XIX PB-210 742/CP MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Specialist AFSC 40350 AD-A048 678/7CP MEDICAL SERVICES Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume I: Recipient Subsystem and Provider Subsystem PB-202 993-1 /CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume II: Claims Processing Subsystem and Reference File Subsystem PB-202 993-2/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume III: Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem PB-202 993-3/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume IV: Management and Administrative Reporting Subsystem PB-202 993-4/CP Medicaid Management Information System, General Systems Design for Title XIX. Volume V: Appendix Glossary - Data Element Dictionary PB-202 993-5/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Systems Design for Title XIX PB-202 993-SET/CP Medicaid Management Information System. General Installation Guide for Title XIX PB-210 742/CP MICROCOMPUTERS A Shipboard Report Origination System Utilizing a Microcomputer AD-A038 811/6CP MILITARY BUDGETS A Description of the Programs Used for Budgeta- ry Control of Computer Service Work at RAE Farnborough AD-A026 742/7CP MILITARY ENGINEERING Evaluation System for Proposed Theater of Operations Structures. Volume III: User's Manual AD-A006 145/7CP MILITARY EQUIPMENT Requirements-Driven Repair Scheduling System for Secondary Items AD-A046 579/9CP MILITARY FACILITIES Evaluation System for Proposed Theater of Operations Structures. Volume III: User's Manual AD-A006 145/7CP MILITARY FORCE LEVELS MINIFAST - An Interactive Model of the Navy's Enlisted Personnel System AD-A031 841 /OCP MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Decision Theory Research AD-A019 551 /1CP MILITARY PERSONNEL A Markovian Flow Model: The Analysis of Move- ment in Large-Scale (Military) Personnel Systems- Program Reference Manual AD-722 421 /CP A Markovian Flow Model: The Analysis of Move- ment in Large-Scale (Military) Personnel Systems- -Program Listings AD-722 422/CP Family Financial Protection for a Retiring Member of a Uniformed Service AD-734 747/CP MILITARY PROCUREMENT Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time. Volume I. Model Description and Use AD-A010 727/6CP Optimal Allocation of Budget Dollars Among Materiel Procurement Programs: A Mathematical Programming Model for Optimum Planning Over Time Volume II Adaptation to UNIVAC 1108 Usage AD-A011 314/2CP MILITARY RESERVES Reserve Manpower Modeling and Analysis AD-A026 343/4CP MILITARY VEHICLES On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management Model System Specification and Test Results AD-A019 126/2CP On-Line Vehicle Maintenance Data Management: Model System Software and Data Base Documen- tation AD-A019 127/0CP MINICOMPUTERS Design Considerations for Implementing a Ship- board Computer Supported Command Manage- ment System AD-A027 290/6CP MISSION PLANNING Set Covering Algorithm, a Subprogram of the Scheduling Algorithm for Mission Planning and Logistic Evaluation: N76-22225/6CP MODIA (METHOD OF DESIGNING INSTRUCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES) MODIA: Volume I. Overview of a Tool for Planning the Use of Air Force Training Resources AD-A040 694/2 CP MOLECULAR ORBITALS Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange (Qcpe) Newsletter 30. AD-717 162/CP MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Identification of Circuits in Chemical Structures. PB-194 396/CP MOTIVATION Motivational Dimensions That May Be Influential in Optimizing Job Performance of Air Force Of- ficers AD-775 694/3CP MULTIPLE BID EVALUATION PROGRAM Analysts' Manual for the Multiple-Bid Evaluation Model for Procurement Planning and Placement AD-A046 586/4 CP MULTIREGIONAL INPUT OUTPUT MODEL Regional Impact Analysis System 1. Description of the MRIO Model PB-268 255/7CP MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING User Oriented Systems Analysis for Regional Mu- nicipal Water Supply Planning PB-262 243/9CP MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Integrated Municipal Information System Project, Charlotte, N.C. Computer Program Descriptions for the Fire Operations Module Design Specifica- tion PB-233 588/3CP MUNICIPALITIES USAC Geographic Based Index System (GBIS) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-248 065/5CP Violation Information Processing System (VIP) - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape Release No. 1 PB-252 630/9CP Law Enforcement Subsystem - Municipal COBOL Computer Programs Module Magnetic Tape PB-253 637/3CP MX CREW SIMULATION MODEL A User's Guide to the MX Crew Ratio Simulation Model AD-A015 741/2CP MX MISSILES ICBM Program Office Engineering Directive for Integrated Logistic Support Requirements for MX Weapon System AD-A051 910/8CP NASA PROGRAMS Index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1975 N76-30146/4CP Avja