C HI. I '3: / .A' PUBLICATIONS AND MATERIALS OF THE UNITED STATES TRAVEL SERVICE VISITARE GLI STATI XIDENTALI tosee]^ at™ ****** □ The following is a list of U. S. Travel publications. The brochures, folders, post- ers and films are designed for use abroad in promoting tourism to the United States; the research publications are designed to aid and guide travel promotion of the United States. The materials are available to persons in the travel trade, organizations, industries and the general public who are actively promoting travel to the United States or who are potential visitors to the U. S. from abroad. The brochures, folders, posters and films are available in the English language and in other languages as indicated by the following code: English E French F German G Italian I Spanish S Portuguese ) P Dutch D Swedish Sw Danish Da Japanese J If materials are needed within the United States the requests should go to USTS/ Washington. If materials are needed in a specific country where a USTS office is located, then the order should be directed to that office. The number of copies avail- able from each USTS office in each lan- guage will vary considerably. There are limited supplies of certain publications. When ordering, please include a descrip- tion of the use to which the material will be put. The following is a list of USTS offices: MAIN OFFICE United States Travel Service U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. 20230 EUROPE United States Travel Service 22-25a Sackville Street London, WIX IDE, England Area: Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland United States Travel Service Time-Life Building 17 Avenue Matignon Paris 8e, France Area: France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemborg, Italy United States Travel Service Grosse Gallusstrasse 1-7 Frankfurt, Germany Area: W. Germany, W. Berlin, Austria, Switzerland LATIN AMERICA United States Travel Service c /o American Embassy Mexico City, D.F., Mexico Area: Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Caribbean United States Travel Service c/o American Consulate General Sao Paulo, Brazil Area: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia PACIFIC AREA United States Travel Service Century House 7th 70 Pitt Street Sydney 2000, Australia Area: Australia, New Zealand United States Travel Service 209 Kokusai Building 12, 3-chome Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Area: Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines 2 Brochures, Folders and Booklets USTS No. Title Regional folders — Three color folders listing ten top attractions and maps of each state in each region. 5 The Northeast E-S 6 The Southeast E-S 7 The North Central E-I-S 8 The South Central E-F-S 9 The Northwest S 10 The Southwest E-F-S 11 Alaska-Hawaii S 12 Puerto Rico- Virgin Islands S-F 102 Directions USA A 20-page folder giving basic informa- tion on types of hotels, currency, dis- tances, shopping, road signs, etc. E-F-G-S-P-I-D-J-Sw-Da 103 Industry A two-color folder listing by State those industries which welcome visitor tours. S-I-D 104 The Great Outdoors A folder listing National Parks, with four-color photos, a map, and general parks information. E-F-G-S-I-D-J-P 106 Food General information on eating places with regional food menus listed. E-F-G-S-I-D "How to See" series Detailed information and suggested tours of the U.S. regions with four-color photos and a cartoon attraction map. E-F-G-S-P-I-D-J-Sw-Da 158 How to See the Northeast 159 How to See the Southwest 202 How to See the Southeast 203 How to See the Northwest 258 How to See the North Central 303 How to See the South Central 150 Historic Landmarks Comprehensive information on historical attractions listed by State, with map showing historic sites. E-F-G-S-P-I-D 252 Shell Folder A Four-panel folder with six panels blank for printing tour and Visit USA details. Cable car is on front panel and photos of New Orleans, Washington, Miami and New York City are included. E-G-S-P-D-Sw 255 Shell Folder B Same as above showing four-color photos of four major ports of entry. E-F-G-I-S-P-D 300 Festival Shell Folder Two-color shell folder with line art and words "Festival USA". Suitable for printing calendar of events. No language. 311 USA Map Road map of the U.S.A. with a listing of National Parks and Monuments in each state, and a key to the type of facilities in each. Transcontinental mileage chart included. 312 Words Shell Three panel shell with cover art showing 4-color words such as hot dog, super- market, etc. No language. 351 Regional Flyer Four color, eight panel folder giving short description of the eight U.S.A. re- gions. A map of the U.S. shows regional divisions and location of major cities. E-F-G-S-P-D-I-J-Sw-Da VS-1 Plant Tours for International Visitors to the United States State listings of industries that welcome visitor tours. Size: 6" x 9". Available from Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington D. C. 20402 at 60^ per copy. English only. VS-2 Handbook on the USA for Visiting Students Two-color folder giving information on special rates, student facilities and other Visit USA details. 3l/ 2 " x 6" in size. E-F-S VS-4 Americans-at-Home Gives details on how visitors from abroad can arrange for a visit to an American home, listing phone number to call in 68 cities that participate in the program. E-F-G-S-P-I-D-J-Sw VS-10 Driving Kit Pocket-size envelope containing motoring information in languages, a map, and an identification sticker for the international visitor's automobile. 240 Promoting International Attendance at U.S. Conventions and Trade Shows Folder directed to U.S. Associations tell- ing how to cooperate with the U.S. Travel Service in promoting attendance at U.S. meetings. For domestic use only. English. 242 Conventions USA Folder designed to "sell" the USA as a site for international meetings. To be sent to international federations. English, French, German multiple translation. 340 Travel Mission Handbook Directed to those cities, states, areas, or attractions planning a travel mission abroad. Tells how USTS can cooperate. English. Counter Cards The following counter cards are 12i/ 2 " x 171/2 " in size. All have easel backs. USTS No. Title 155 Utah Pop-out photo of Bryce Canyon, Utah. E-S-P-I-D 156 United Nations Skyline of New York City with U.N. Building. E-F-S-P-I-D 206 San Francisco Pop-out photo of children with balloons on a cable car. E-F-G-S-P-D Posters The following posters are 40" x 25" in size. All posters show four-color photographs excepting the Cowboy, City Scene and Words posters. USTS No. Title 13 Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty with sky background. E 14 Capitol U.S. Capitol in Washington, D. C. E 16 Niagara Falls Famous falls in New York State. E 18 Bronco Buster Cowboy at rodeo in Amarillo, Texas. E 110 Massachusetts Man and child at Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass. P-I 111 Michigan Steel foundry in Dearborn, Michigan. P 112 Louisiana Al Hirt and group showing jazz in New Orleans. F-S-P-D-I 113 Colorado Skier at Aspen, Colorado. F-G-P 114 South Carolina Old Southern ante-bellum mansion. F-S-P-D-I 115 Maine Lobster fisherman. F-S-P-D-I 116 Nevada Hoover Dam at Lake Mead, Nevada. E 117 Alaska Totem pole of the Haida Indians. E-F-S-I-D-Sw 118 Illinois Skyline view of Chicago, Illinois. S-P-I-Sw 119 Florida Girl sunbathing at Palm Beach, Fla. S 120 Oregon Logging on the Wilson River. F-P 121 Wyoming Shoshone Indian Medicine Man. Voted best National Tourist Office Poster, 1963. E-F-G-I-D-Sw 153 Pennsylvania Independence Hall at Philadelphia, Pa. E-F-S-I 154 Ohio Covered bridge in Thermopolis, Ohio. E-F-S-I-D 207 Missouri Steamboat on the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Mo. E-F-G-S-P-I 208 Virginia Mt. Vernon, home of George Washing- ton. E-F-G-S-I 211 Vermont Church nestled in autumn colored mountains. E-F-S-I 253 Minnesota Man in canoe fishing. E-F-G-S-P-I-Sw 254 Puerto Rico Three stringed instruments on bent cane chairs, seen through palms. E-F-G-S-P-D-I-Sw 305 Arkansas Girl standing at Blanchard Springs water fall. E-F-G-S-P-D-I-Sw 355 Oklahoma Six giant combines reaping a wheat field. E-F-G-S-P-D-I-Sw 306 City Scene Two color (blue & black) skyline of a city. "USA" is only copy. 308 Words Poster Typical words used worldwide. Four- color, (hot dog, supermarket, cola). 8 310 Cowboy Silhouette of two cowboys on day-glo orange. "USA" is only copy. 353 Indian Silhouette of an Indian on day-glo orange. "USA" is only copy. Available from Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 for $1.00 per copy. 354 Statue of Liberty Silhouette of the Statue of Liberty on day-glo green. "USA" is only copy. Available from Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 for $1.00 per copy. The following Posters are intended for use within the U. S. They are available in English. These should be obtained from USTS/Washington. VS-5 Suitcase Suitcase showing flags of different na- tions. "Millions of Visitors From Abroad, Let's Welcome Them." Size: 28" x 22" and 14" x 18". VS-6 Hat and Flags Uncle Sam's hat filled with flags of differ- ent nations. Size: 14" x 18". VS-8 Red Carpet Visitors arriving in the U.S., on red carpet from plane and ship in the back- ground. "Visitors From Abroad, Let's Be Thoughtful Hosts." Size: 14" x 18" and 22" x 28". VS-9 World Colorful globe with visitors lined up entering the U.S.A. "Visitors From Abroad. Let's Welcome Them." Size 22" x 28" and 14" x 18". Films Festival USA 15-minute impressionistic presentation of 24 events representative of the gaiety of U.S. festi- vals. Events included are Cheyenne Frontier Days, Cherry Blossom Festival, etc. No Narrative. Music only. Splendours of the American West The travel attractions of eight National Parks and Monuments in the Western U.S. are covered in this 16-minute film. E-F-G-S-P-D-Sw The Golden West: USA The major travel attractions and facilities of the six Southwestern states are included in this 22 minute film. English. The Majestic Northwest: USA The major travel attractions and facilities of the five Northwestern states are included in this 15 minute film. English. Company's Coming A 20-minute film designed for organizations within the U.S. showing a community how to im- prove their host services for international visitors. English. Destination USA All phases of entry formalities at U.S. ports are shown in this 14-minute film. English. 10 Market Research Publications Market Research on Attitudes of Potential Travelers to the USA-1962 (Reprinted 1964) A compendium of research summaries conducted in major travel markets to evaluate the travel po- tential to the U.S. Areas covered are: Great Britain, France, W. Germany, Italy, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Japan, Australia. Summary of Attitude Research of Potential Travelers to the USA from Selected Countries — 1963 A comprehensive summary of travel market re- search in Argentina, Colombia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland. The Market in Great Britain for Travel to the U.S.— 1965 An in-depth travel market survey to determine the structure of the potential market in the United Kingdom for travel to the U.S. Survey of the Market for Travel to the U.S. from West Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Australia The above are five separate reports that resulted from a series of direct-mail surveys conducted in the countries shown. Those surveyed were per- sons who had telephoned, called in person, written in or responded to an ad coupon to a USTS regional office. All released in 1966. Idlewild International Airport Survey of Visitors to the U.S. 1962 Overseas Visitor Survey — Honolulu International Airport 1962 Overseas Visitor Survey — Miami International Airport 1963 Three spot surveys conducted by USTS at the major ports of exit. These show travel patterns, expenditure levels, and the likes and dislikes of visitors to the U.S. 11 The Market in West Germany for Travel to the U.S. 1966 A study to determine the profile of the actual and potential visitor to the U.S. from West Germany and to evaluate the image of the U.S. as a vaca- tion destination for German travelers. Survey of the Market in France for Travel to the USA.— 1967 A study to analyze the structure of the actual and the potential market in France for vacation travel to the U.S.A. Economics and Tourism — Summary Report 1967 A study of Factors Affecting Pleasure Travel to the U.S.A. Measurement of Visitor Volume Data on Visitors to the United States Published monthly. An analysis of the influx of pleasure and business visitors from overseas countries and Mexico. Temporary Visitors to the United States by Coun- try of Last Permanent Residence, Calendar Years 1957-1966 Historical development of pleasure and business travel to the U.S. from the countries and areas serviced by the U.S. Travel Service offices. Pleasure and Business Visitors to the U.S. by Port of Entry and Mode of Travel Issued twice yearly: Jan.-June figures; Calendar year figures. A series of visitor analyses beginning with data for the last half of 1963. The reports de- termine where international visitors enter the country and how they travel. Visitor arrivals from overseas and Mexico are tabulated. 12 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Travel Service Washington, D.C., 20230 \« v >\s^ ^ -xA ^ v ^s> # # & BSS" funs UCONMUSSMCE OES AMERICAINS CHEZ EUX.I ^ Of *• /*