c%,\oy L \'-T^/%7AJ CBA Research Working Conection 8 01 Business Administration Bid* The Pennsylvania ^cte University University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy: 1967 ■ VOLUME 1 TRANSACTIONS DATA FOR DETAILED INDUSTRIES A Supplement to the Survey of Current Business 1974/U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Social and Economic Statistics Administration/Bureau of Economic Analysis Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/inputoutputstru1967v1unit c ■ &i >" Input-Output Structure of the U.S. ECONOMY: 1967 VOLUME I Transactions Data for Detailed Industries In three volumes — Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy: 1967 Volume 1 — Transactions Data for Detailed Industries Volume 2— Direct Requirements for Detailed Industries Volume 3 — Total Requirements for Detailed Industries 1974 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Edward D. Failor, Administrator BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS George Jaszi, Director Morris R. Goldman, Deputy Director Acknowledgments This project required the efforts of many individuals. The tables were prepared under the direction of Beatrice N. Vaccara, As- sociate Director for National Analysis and Projections, and Eugene P. Roberts, As- sistant Chief of the Interindustry Economics Division. The early phases were under the direction of Allan H. Young, presently Chief of the National Income and Wealth Division. Guidance was pro- vided also by Martin L. Marimont, As- sociate Director for National Economic Accounts; Philip M. Ritz, Chief of the Interindustry Economics Division; Jack J. Gottsegen, Chief of the GNP by In- dustry Branch of the Division, and Albert J. Walderhaug, Chief of the Research and Analysis Branch of the Division. Important contributions in specific areas were made by the following persons in the Inter- industry Economics Division. Manufacturing and Mining: Leo C. Maley, Jr., Anthony P. Andrews, Stephen P. Baldwin, Marjorie S. Crenshaw, Douglas C. Mcintosh, Marjorie K. Pavliscak, Mary J. Price. Construction: Claiborne M. Ball. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate: Janet B. Riddle, Elizabeth T. Spaulding. Services and Communications: Carolyn B. Knapp, Elizabeth G. Rhodes. Transportation: E. Lawrence Salkin, William A. Allen. Trade: D. Anne Fisher, Robert T. Mangan. Utilities and Final Demand: Nancy W. Simon. Government: Irving Stern, Roy A. Seaton II, John R. Welty, Lucy J. Wayne. Value Added: William Gullickson, Vesta C. Jones, Mark R. Meiners. Special Studies: Paula C. Young, Howard L. Schreier, James E. Huyghebaert. Systems Analysis and Computation: Norman E. Bakka, Joanne S. Thompson. Secretarial: Brenda R. Stanley, E. Louise Adams, Karen D. Redman. The data for the agricultural industries were prepared by Gerald Schluter and staff, U.S.D.A., Economic Research Service. The study was financed in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $3.25 (Vols. 2 and 3 $3.15 each) Preface This volume is one of three that contain the basic tables for BEA's 1967 input-output study at the full industrial detail of 367 industries The three volumes are: Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy: 1967 Volume 1 - Transactions Data for Detailed Industries Volume 2 - Direct Requirements for Detailed Industrie s Volume 3 - Total Requirements for Detailed Industries The 1967 input-output study is described more fully in the article, "Input-Output Structure of the II. S c Economy: 1967," appearing in the February 1974 Survey of Current Business . That article presents summary tables for 1967 in which the 367 detailed industries are aggregated to 85 industries; it explains the relationship of the input-output tables to the national income and product account; and 1t discusses various uses of input-output tables o The transactions table (in Volume 1) shows for 1967 the dollar value of the transactions among the various industries, the sales of each industry to final markets and the value added originating in each industry. Each row of the table displays the distribution of the output of goods and services of the industry named at the beginning of the row to each of the industries and final users named across the top of the table. The columns show the value of each industry's current consumption (Input) of raw materials, semi -finished products and services, and its value added in production,. The direct requirements table (in Volume 2) relates for 1967 each of the inputs of an industry to its total output* Each column in the table shows the inputs that the industry named at the head of the column required from each of the industries named at the beginning of the rows to produce a dollar of its output in 1967 The total requirements table (in Volume 3) shows for 1967 the direct and indirect effects of final demand on the output of each industry. Each column in the table shows the amount of output required both directly and indirectly from each of the industries named at the beginning of the rows for a dollar of deliveries to final demand by the industry named at the head of the column In the tables, the individual industries and each of the final markets are identified by numerical code. Value added, which appears as a single entry for each industry, is identified by the letters V.A. Titles for the codes and the definitions of the industries in terms of the Standard Industrial Classification (where relevant) are provided in pages v to ix. NOTE: The three volumes of Input-Output Structure of the LUS. Economy: 1967 may be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 at the cost of $3.25 for Volume 1 and $3.15 each for Volumes 2 and 3. Checks should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents© Reprints of the article with the 85- industry tables which appeared in the February 1974 Survey of Current Business may be purchased for $1.00 from the same source. n Definitions and Conventions of the 1967 Input-Output Study 1/ Trade o The input-output tables do not trace actual flows to and from the trade industry. If trade were shown as buying and reselling, the detailed connections would be between the producing industries and trade, and the consuming industries and final users would make most of their purchases from a single source— trade. To show the links between producing industries and consuming Industries or final markets, commodities are shown as if moving directly from producer to user, bypassing trade. Therefore, the output of trade is measured 1n terms of total margins, that is, operating expense plus profito Valuation of transactions . The valuation underlying the tables in this report is based on producers' prices .2/ Such prices exclude distribu- tion costs, which constitute the difference between producers* and purchasers' prices. Under this valuation system, the individual inputs to an industry are valued at producers' prices, while the trade margin and transportation costs associated with the aggregate of these Inputs appear as inputs to the consuming industry from the trade and transportation Industries, respectively. Classification of industries . For the enclosed tables, all productive activities of the U.S. economy are grouped Into 367 industries. Most of these industries are defined 1n terms of the Standard Industrial Classifica- tion (SIC) Manual, 1967 edition. Three are "dummy" Industries established to simplify the estimating procedures. As indicated above, a list of the industrial categories and their composition in terms of the SIC (where relevant) is given on pages v to ix. Secondary products or activities . In most cases, secondary output is treated as If sold by the producing industry to the industry for which it is primary, and thus it 1s added to the output of the primary industry for distribution to users.2/ In some cases, where secondary output is considerably different from an industry's primary output, particularly when it 1s a large proportion of total output, the industry 1s redefined to exclude the secondary output. In these instances, the secondary output and associated inputs are subtracted from the producing Industry (or industries) and added to the primary industry. "TI This subject Is discussed much more fully in a document available upon request entitled "Definitions and Conventions of the 1967 Input-Output Study," Bureau of Economic Analysis, August 1974. 2. Producers' prices have been defined to include Federal and State and local excise taxes collected and paid by the producer. 3. The basic unit of classification 1n the SIC is the establishment. An establishment 1s classified 1n an Industry on the basis of its principal activity. However, once an establishment 1s classified in an Industry, its entire output, subsidiary as well as principal, 1s counted as part of the output of that industry. Its principal output, that which determines Its industry classification, is called primary output; Its other (subsidiary) output 1s called secondary. 1i1 Imports o Imports used for production (i.e., Intermediate goods and services) which are substitutable for domestically produced goods and services 4/ are treated like secondary products; they are shown as if purchased by the industry producing the substitutable item and added to that industry's outputo Imports used in production which have no domestic counterparts, and imports purchased by final users in substantially the same form in which they were imported, are shown as purchased directly by the consuming industry or final marketo Gross output and gross input . Gross output of an industry represents the sum of the value of the following elements: (a) the total production by the industry, including both primary and secondary products or services; (b) the producers' value of the secondary products or services of other industries which are primary to the given industry; and (c) the domestic port value of substitutable imports, which are distributed as part of the output of the given industry Gross input of an industry is equal to the sum of the values of the following elements: (a) total consumption of goods and services required for the industry's total production; (b) value added by the industry; (c) the producers' value of the secondary products or services of other industries which are primary to the given industry; and (d) the domestic port value of substitutable imports ,5/ Gross output, the row total, equals gross input, the column total. Inventories, The inventory change shown for each industry represents the change in inventories of the industry's primary products regardless of which industry actually owns or holds the inventories. (This is different from the customary approach to measurement of industry inventories in which the values represent total inventories held by each industry.,) Inventories are so classified in the input-output table in order to make the row total equal to the output of each industry,. Aside from the inventory item, the entries in a row add up to the total consumption (industrial and final use) of its products or services o The difference between this and the total output of the industry is the change in the inventories of its products wherever held. It is, therefore, this magnitude which must be entered as the inventory item. ~~fl Substitutability was determined on a judgmental basis using the following guide: the imports should be interchangeable with a domestically produced item without any changes in the technology of the consuming industry or the resultant product* 5. Thus, secondary products and substitutable imports are added to both the inputs and outputs. iv Industry Classification of the 1967 Input-Output Tables The titles in bold face represent the groupings of industries used for the summary version of the 1967 tables and were also used in the 1958 and 1963 input-output tables prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Industry number and title Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERIES 1 Livestock and livestock products Dairy farm products Poultry and eggs . . - Meat animals and miscellaneous livestock products. 2 Other agricultural products Cotton Food feed grains and grass seeds Tobacco Fruits and tree nuts Vegetables, sugar, and miscellaneous crops. Oil bearing crops Forest, greenhouse, and nursery products. 3 Forestry and fishery products Forestry and fishery products 1. 01 1. 02 1. 03 2. 01 2. 02 2. 03 2. 04 2. 0;> 2. 06 2. 07 3. 00 4. 00 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services. MINING 00 6. 01 0. 02 7. 00 S. 00 0. 00 10. 00 5 Iron and ferroalloy ores mining lion and ferroalloy ores, mining 6 Nonferrous metal ores mining Copper ore ruining Nonferrous metal ores mining, ex- cept copper. 7 Coal mining Coal mining 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas Crude petroleum and natural gas 1311, 1321. 0132, pt. 014. 0133,0134, pt. 014. 0135, 0136,0139, pt. 014, 0193, pt. 0729. 0112, pt. 014. 0113, pt. 0119, pt. 014. pt. 0114, pt. 014. 0122, pt. 014. 0123, pt. 0119, pt. 014. pt. 0113, pt. 0119, pt. 014. 0192, pt. 014. 074, 081, 082,084, 086, 091. 071, 0723, 073, pt. 0729, 085, 098. 1011, 106. 102. 103, 104, 105 108, 109. 11, 12. 9 Sfone and clay mining and quarrying Stone and clay mining and quarrying. 10 Chemicals and fertilizer mineral mining Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining. CONSTRUCTION 11. 11 New construction New construction, residential build- ings (nonfarm). 11. 02 11. 03 11. 04 11. 05 12.01 New construction, noimv dential buildings. New construction, public utilities.. New construction, highways. New construction, all other. 12 Maintenance and repair construction Maintenance and repair construc- tion, residential buildings (non- farm) . 141, 142, 144, 14," 148, 149. 147. pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17, pt. 6561. pt. 15, pt. 17. pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17. pt. 16, pt. 17. pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17, pt. 138. pt. 15, pt. 17. Industry number and title 12. 02 MANU 13. 01 13.02 13. 03 13. 04 13. 05 13. 06 13. 07 14. 01 14. 02 14. 03 14. 04 14. 05 14. 06 14. 07 14. 08 14. 09 11. 1!) 14. 11 14. 12 14. 13 14. 14 14. 15 14. 16 14. 17 14. 18 14. 19 14. 20 14. 21 14. 22 14. 23 14. 24 14. 25 14. 26 14. 27 14. 28 14. 29 14. 30 14. 31 14. 32 15. 01 15. 02 16. 01 16. 02 16. 03 16. 04 17. 01 17. 02 17. 03 17. 04 1 7. 05 17. 06 17.07 17. 08 17. 09 17. 10 18. 01 18. 02 18. 03 IS. 04 19.01 Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) Maintenance and repair construc- tion, all other. FACTURING 13 Ordnance and accessories Complete guided missiles Ammunition, except for small arms, n.e.c. Tanks and tank components Sighting and fire control equipment.. Small arms Small arms ammunition Other ordnance and accessories 14 Food and kindred products Meat products Creamery butter Cheese, natural and processed Condensed and evaporated milk Ice cream and frozen desserts Fluid milk Canned and cured sea foods Canned specialties Canned fruits and vegetables Dehydrated food products Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings. Fresh or frozen packaged fish Frozen fruits and vegetables Flour and cereal preparations Prepared feeds for animals and fowls Rice milling Wet corn milling Bakery product Sugar Confectionery and related products. Alcoholic beverages Bottled and canned soft drinks Flavoring extracts and sirups, n.e.c. Cottonseed oil mills Soybean oil mills Vegetable oil mills, n.e.c Animal and marine fats and oils Roasted coffee Shortening and cooking oils Manufactured ice Macaroni and spaghetti Food preparations, n.e.c 15 Tobacco manufactures Cigarettes, cigars, etc Tobacco stemming and redrying Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills Broadwovcn fabric mills and fabric finishing plants. Narrow fabric mills Yarn mills and finishing of textiles, n.e.c. Thread mills 1(1 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings Floor coverings Felt goods, n.e.c Lace goods Paddings and upholster}- fillings Processed textile waste . Coated fabrics, not rubberized Tire cord and fabric Scouring and combing plants Cordage and twine Textile goods, n.e.c 18 Apparel Hosiery Knit apparel mills.. . Knit fabric mills Apparel made from materials. purchased 19 Miscellaneous products. Curtains and draperies fabricated textile pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17, pt. 138. 1925. 1929. 1931. 1941. 1951. 1961. 1911, 1999. 201. 2021. 2022. 2023. 2024. 2020. 2031. 2032. 2033. 2034. 2035. 2036. 2037. 2041, 2043, 2045. 2042. 2044. 2046. 205. 206. 207. 2082-5. 2086. 2087. 2091. 2092. 2093. 2094. 2095. 2096. 2097. 2098. 2009. 2111, 2121, 2131. 2141. 2211, 2221, 2231, 2261, 2262. 2241. 2269, 2281-3. 2284. 227. 2291. 2292. 2293. 2294. 2295. 2296. 2297. 2298. 2299. 2251, 2252. 2253, 2254, 2259. 2256. 23 (cxcl. 239), 39996. 2391. Industry Classification of the 1967 Input-Output Tables — Continued Industry number and title 26. 01 26. 02 26. 03 26. 01 26. 05 26. 06 26. 07 26. 08 27. 02 27. 03 27. 04 28. 01 28. 02 28. 03 28. 04 29. 01 29. 02 29 03 Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) 19.02 Housefurnishings, n.e.c 19.03 Fabricated textile products, n.e.c. . 20 Lumber and wood products, except containers 20. 01 Logging camps and logging contrac- tors. 20. 02 Sawmills and planing mills, general . 20. 03 Hardwood dimensions and flooring. 20.04 Special product sawmills, n.e.c 20. 0.5 Millwork 20. 06 Veneer and plywood 20.07 Prefabricated wood structures 20.08 Wood preserving 20.09 Wood products, n.e.c 21 Wooden containers 21.00 Wooden containers 22 Household furniture 22.01 Wood household furniture 22. 02 Upholstered household furniture 22. 03 Metal household furniture 22. 04 Mattresses and bedsprings 23 Other furniture and fixtures 23. 01 Wood office furniture 23. 02 Metal office furniture 23. 03 Public building furniture 23. 04 Wood partitions and fixtures 23. 0.5 Metal partitions and fixtures 23. 00 Venetian blinds and shades 23. 07 Furniture and fixtures, n.e.c 24 Paper and allied products except con- tainers and boxes 24. 01 Pulp mills 24. 02 Paper mills, except building paper. 24. 03 Paperboard mills 24. 04 Envelopes 24. 05 Sanitary paper products 24. 06 Wallpaper and building paper and board mills. 24. 07 Converted paper, products, n.e.c, except containers and boxes. 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 25. 00 Paperboard containers and boxes. . 26 Printing and publishing Newspapers Periodicals Book printing and publishing Miscellaneous publishing Commercial printing Manifold business forms, blank- books, and binders. Greeting card publishing Miscellaneous printing services 27 Chemicals and selected chemical prod- ucts 27. 01 Industrial inorganic and organic chemicals. Fertilizers Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c Miscellaneous chemical products 28 Plastics and synthetic materials Plastics materials and resins Synthetic rubber Cellulosic man-made fibers Organic fibers, noncellulosic 29 Drugs, cleaning and toilet preparations Drugs Cleaning preparations Toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products 30. 00 Paints and allied products 2392. 2393- 2411. 2421. 2426. 2429. 2431. 2432. 2433. 2491. 2499. 244. 2511, 2519. 2512. 2514. 2515. 2521. 2522. 2531. 2541. 2542. 2591. 2599. 2611. 2621. 2631. 2642. 2647. 2644, 2661. 2641, 2643, 2645, 2646, 2649. 265. 2711. 2721. 273. 2741. 2751, 2752. 2761, 2782. 2771. 2753, 2789, 279. 281 (excl. 28195.) 2871, 2872. 2879. 2861, 289. 2821. 2822. 2823. 2824. 283 284'fexcl. 2844.) 2844. 2851. Industry number and title 31. 01 31. 02 31. 03 32. 01 32. 02 32. 03 32. 04 33. 00 34. 01 34. 02 34. 03 35. 01 35. 02 36. 01 36. 02 36. 03 36. 04 36. o:, 36. Of, 36. 07 36. OS 36. 09 36. 10 36. 11 36. 12 36. L3 36. 14 36. 1.") 36. 16 36. 17 36. IS 36. 19 36. 20 36. 21 36. 22 37. 01 37. 02 37. 0.'5 37. 04 38. 01 38. 02 38. 03 38. 04 38. 05 38. 06 38. 07 38. 08 38. 09 38. 10 38. 11 38. 12 38. 13 38. 14 39. 01 39. 02 40. 01 40. 02 Related Census- Si C codes (1967 edition) 31 Petroleum refining and related indus- tries Petroleum refining and related products. Paving mixtures and blocks Asphalt felts and coatings 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products Tires and inner tubes Rubber footwear Reclaimed rubber and miscellaneous rubber products, n.e.c. Miscellaneous plastics products 33 Leather tanning and industrial leather products Leather tanning and industrial leather products. 34 Footwear and other leather products Footwear cut stock Footwear except rubber Other leather products 35 Glass and glass products Glass and glass products except con- tainers. Glass containers 36 Stone and clay products Cement, hydraulic Brick and structural clay tile Ceramic wall and floor tile Clay refractories Structural clay products, n.e.c Vitreous plumbing fixtures Food utensils, pottery Porcelain electrical supplies Pottery products, n.e.c Concrete block and brick Concrete products, n.e.c Ready-mixed concrete Lime Gypsum products Cut stone and stone products.. Abrasive products Asbestos products Gaskets and insulations Minerals, ground or treated Mineral wool Nonclay refractories Nonmetallic mineral products, n.e.c. 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing Blast furnaces and basic steel prod- ucts. Iron and steel foundries Iron and sted forgings Primary metal products, n.e.c 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufac- turing Primary copper Primary lead Primary zinc Primary aluminum Primary nonferrous metals, n.e.c Secondary nonferrous metals Copper rolling and drawing Aluminum rolling and drawing Nonferrous rolling and drawing, n.e.c. Nonferrous wire drawing and insu- lating. Aluminum castings Brass, bronze, and copper castings. Nonferrous castings, n.e.c Nonferrous forgings 39 Metal containers Metal cans Metal barrels, drums, and pails 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Metal sanitary ware Plumbing fittings and brass goods... 2911, 299. 2951. 2952. 3011. 3021. 3031, 3069. 3079. 3111, 3121. 3131. 314. 3151, 3161, 317, 3199. 3211, 3229, 3231. 3221. 3241. 3251. 3253. 3255. 3259. 3261. 3262, 3263. 3264. 3269. 3271. 3272. 3273. 3274. 3275. 3281. 3291. 3292. 3293. 3295. 3296. 3297. 3299. 331. 332. 3391. 3399. 3331. 3332. 3333. 3334, 28195. 3339. 3341. 3351. 3352. 3356. 3357. 3361. 3362. 3369. 3392. 3411. 3491. 3431. 3432. VI Industry Classification of the 1967 Input-Output Tables — Continued Industry number and title Related Census- Si C codes (1967 edition) 40. 03 40. 04 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Heating equipment, except electric. Fabricated structural steel. . 3433. 3441. 3442. 3443. 3444. 3446. 3449. 345. 3461. 3421. 3423, 3429. 3471, 3481. 3492. 3493. 3494, 3496. 3497. 3499. 3511. 3519. 3522. 3531. 3532. 3533. 3534. 3535. 3536. 3537. 3541. 3542. 3544, 3548. 3551. 3552. 3553. 3554. 3555. 3559. 3561. 3562. 3564. 3565. 3566. 3567. 3569. 359. 3573, 40. 05 40. 06 40. 07 Metal doors sash and trim Fabricated plate work (boiler shops) . Sheet metal work _ . 40. 08 Architectural metal work 40. 09 Miscellaneous metal work 41. 01 41. 02 Screw machine products, bolts, nuts, etc. and metal stampings Screw machine products and bolts, nuts, rivets, and washers. Metal stampings . 42. 01 Other fabricated metal products Cutlery. ._. __ . . 42. 02 42. 03 Hand and edge tools including saws'. Hardware, n.e.c 3425. 42. 04 42. 05 42. 06 Coating, engraving, and allied serv- ices. Miscellaneous fabricated wire prod- ucts. Safes and vaults. .. . . 3479. 42. 07 Steel springs _ .. 42. 08 42. 09 Pipe, valves, and pipe fittings .. - Collapsible tubes . . 3498. 42. 10 Metal foil and leaf .... 42. 11 43. 01 43. 02 44. 00 Fabricated metal products, n.e.c Engines and turbines Steam engines and turbines.. Internal combustion engines, n.e.c. Farm machiney Farm machinery.. .. 45. 01 Construction, mining, oil field ma- chinery equipment Construction machinerv 45. 02 Mining machinery ._ . ._ 45. 03 Oil field machinerv -- - - - 46. 01 46. 02 46. 03 46. 04 47. 01 47. 02 47. 03 47. 04 48.01 Materials handling machinery and equipment Elevators and moving stairways Conveyors and conveying equip- ment. Hoists, cranes, and monorails Industrial trucks and tractors . .. Metalworking machinery and equip- ment Machine tools, metal cutting types.. Machine tools, metal forming types. Special dies and tools and machine tool accessories. Metalworking machinery, n.e.c Special industry machinery and equip- ment Food products machinery ... 3545. 48. 02 48. 03 48. 04 48. 05 48. 06 49. 01 Textile machinery Woodworking machinerv - Paper industries machinery _ Printing trades machinerv - Special industry machinery, n.e.c General industrial machinery and equipment Pumps and compressors. .. 49. 02 49.. 03 49. 04 49. 05 49. 06 49. 07 50. 00 Ball and roller bearings . Blowers and fans. . Industrial patterns.. ... Power transmission eouipment. Industrial furnaces and ovens General industrial machinery, n.e.c. Machine shop products Machine shop products 51.01 Office, computing, and accounting ma- chines Computing and related machines 3574. Industry number and title Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) 51. 02 51. 03 51. 04 52. 01 52. 02 52. 03 52. 04 52. 05 53. 01 53. 02 53. 03 53.04 53. 05 53. 06 53. 07 53.08 54. 01 54. 02 54. 03 54. 04 54. 05 54. 06 54.07 55. 01 55. 02 55. 03 56. 01 56. 02 56. 03 56. 04 57. 01 57. 02 57. 03 58. 01 58. 02 58. 03 58. 04 58. 05 59. 01 59. 02 59. 03 60. 01 60. 02 60. 03 60. 04 61. 01 61. 02 61.03 61. 04 61. 05 61. 06 61. 07 62.01 Typewriters Scales and balances Office machines, n.e.c 52 Service industry machines Automatic merchandising machines. Commercial laundry equipment Refrigeration machinery Measuring and dispensing pumps Service industry machines, n.e.c 53 Electric transmission and distribution equipment and electrical industrial apparatus Electric measuring instruments Transformers Switchgear and switchboard appa- ratus. Motors and generators Industrial controls Welding apparatus Carbon and graphite products Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c 54 Household appliances Household cooking equipment Household refrigerators and freezers. Household laundry equipment Electric housewares and fans Household vacuum cleaners Sewing machines Household appliances, n.e.c 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment Electric lamps Lighting fixtures Wiring devices 56 Radio, television and communication equipment Radio and television receiving sets.. Phonograph records Telephone and telegraph apparatus. Radio and television communication equipment. 57 Electronic components and accessories Electron tubes Semiconductors Electronic components, n.e.c 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment and supplies Storage batteries Primary batteries, wet and dry X-ray apparatus and tubes Engine electrical equipment Electrical equipment, n.e.c 59 Motor vehicles and equipment Truck and bus bodies Truck trailers Motor vehicles and parts 60 Aircraft and parts Aircraft Aircraft engines and parts Aircraft propellers and parts Aircraft equipment, n.e.c 61 Other transportation equipment Shipbuilding and repairing Boatbuilding and repairing Locomotives and parts Railroad and street cars Motorcycles, bicycles and parts Trailer coaches Transportation equipment, n.e.c 62 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments, and supplies Engineering and scientific instru- ments. 3572. 3576. 3579. 3581. 3582. 3585. 3586. 3589. 3611. 3612. 3613. 3621. 3622. 3623. 3624. 3629. 3631. 3632. 3633. 3634. 3635. 3636. 3639. 3641. 3642. 3643, 3644. 3651. 3652. 3661. 3662. 3671, 3672, 3673. 3674. 3679. 3691. 3692. 3693. 3694. 3699. 3713. 3715. 3711, 3714. 3721. 3722. 37295. 3729 (excl. 37295). 3731. 3732. 3741. 3742. 3751. 3791. 3799. 3811. vi1 Industry Classification of the 1967 Input-Output Tables — Continued Industry number and title 62. 02 62. 03 62. 04 62. 05 62. 06 62. 07 63. 01 63. 02 63.03 64. 01 64. 02 64. 03 64. 04 64. 05 64. 06 64.07 64. 08 64. 09 64. 10 64. 11 64. 12 Mechanical measuring devices Automatic temperature controls Surgical and medical instruments. . Surgical appliances and supplies Dental equipment and supplies Watches, clocks and parts 63 Optical, ophthalmic and photographic equipment and supplies Optical instruments and lenses Opththalmic goods Photographic equipment and sup- plies. 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Jewelry, including costume, and silverware. Musical instruments and parts Games, toys, etc Sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c. Pens, pencils, etc Artificial flowers Buttons, needles, pins and fasteners Brooms and brushes Hard surface floor covering Morticians goods Signs and advertising displays Miscellaneous manufactures, n.e.c. Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION, ELECTRIC, GAS, AND SANITARY SERVICES 65. 01 65. 02 65. 03 65. 04 65. 05 65. 06 65. 07 66. 00 67. 00 65 Transportation and warehousing Railroads and related services Local, suburban and interurban highway passenger transporta- tion. Motor freight transportation and warehousing. Water transportation Air transportation Pipe line transportation Transportation services 66 Communications, except radio and television broadcasting Communications, except radio and television. 67 Radio and television broadcasting Radio and television broadcastings 68 Electric, gas, water and sanitary services 68. 01 Electric utilities 68. 02 Gas utilities 68. 03 Water and sanitary services WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE 69. 01 69. 02 Retail trade. 69 Wholesale and retail trade Wholesale trade 3821. 3822. 3841. 3S42. 3843. 387. 3831. 3851. 3861. 70. 01 70. 02 70. 03 70. 04 70. 05 71 01 71 02 71 Real estate and rental Owner-occupied dwellings. Real estate FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 70 Finance and insurance Banking Credit agencies Security and commodity brokers Insurance carriers Insurance agents and brokers 391, 3961. 3931. 3941^ 3942, 3943. 3949. 395. 3962. 3963, 3964. 3991. 3996. 3994. 3993 3999(excl. 39996). 40, 474. 41. 42, 473. 44. 45. 46. 47, (excl. 473, 474.). 48, (excl. 483). 483. 491, pt. 493. 492, pt. 493. 494, 495, 496, 497, pt. 493. 50 (excl. manu- facturers' sales offices). 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 7396, pt. 8099. 60. 61, 67. 62. 63. 64. 65 (excl. pt. 6561), 66. Industry number and title Related Census- SIC codes (1967 edition) SERVICES 72 72. 01 72. 02 72. 03 73. 01 73. 02 73. 03 Hotels and lodging places, personal and repair services, except automobile repair Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services except auto repair and barber and beauty shops. Barber and beauty shops 73 Business services Miscellaneous business services. 75. 00 76. 01 76. 02 77. 01 77. 02 77. 03 77. 04 77. 05 Advertising Miscellaneous professional services. . 74 Research and development Eliminated as a separate industry in the 1963 study. Research and devel- opment performed for sale is dis- tributed to the purchaser by each of the industries performing the research and development. 75 Automobile repair and services Automobile repair and services 76 Amusements Motion pictures Amusement and services 77 Medical, educational services, and nonprofit organizations Doctors and dentists Hospitals Other medical and health services. Educational services Nonprofit organizations. 80. 01 80. 02 80 Gross imports of goods and services Directly allocated imports Transferred imports 70. 72 (excl. 723, 724) 76 (excl. 7692, 7694, and pt. 7699). 723, 724. 73 (excl. 731, 7396), 7692, 7694, pt. 7699. 731. 81, 89 (excl. 8921). GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES 78 Federal Government enterprises 78. 01 Post Office 78. 02 Federal electric utilities 78. 03 Commodity Credit Corporation 78. 04 Other Federal Government en- terprises. 79 State and local government enterprises 79. 01 Local government passenger transit. 79. 02 State and local electric utilities 79. 03 Other state and local government enterprises. IMPORTS 75. 78. 79. 801, 802, 803, 804. 8061. 0722, 807, 809. (excl. pt. 8099) 82 84, 86, 8921. viii DUMMY INDUSTRIES 81 Business travel, entertainment and gifts 81 00 Business travel, entertainment and gifts. 82 Office supplies 82. 00 Office supplies 83 Scrap, used and secondhand goods 83. 00 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. SPECIAL INDUSTRIES 84 Government industry 84. 00 Government industry 85 Rest of the world industry 85. 00 Rest of the world industry. . _ 86 Household industry 86. 00 Household industry Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis Industry Classification of the 1967 Input-Output Tables— Continued Industry number and title Related Census— SIC codes (1967 edition) 87 Inventory valuation adjustment 87»00 Inventory valuation adjustment 88.00 Total intermediate output Personal consumption expenditures 91 o 00 Personal consumption expenditures Gross private fixed capital formation 92.00 Gross private fixed capital formation Net inventory change 93.00 Net Inventory change Net exports 94.00 Net exports Federal Government purchases 97.10 Federal Government purchases, defense 97.20 Federal Government purchases, other — State and local government purchases 98 o 60 State and local government purchases, education 98 o 70 State and local government purchases, health, welfare and sanitation 98.80 State and local government purchases, safety 98.90 State and local government purchases, other 99.02 Total final demand 99.03 Total output 99.04 Transfers-out I Total intermediate inputs V.A. Value added T Total inputs TR Transfers-in • ix Table l c Interindustry Transactions, 1967 (in millions of dollars at producers' prices) For the distribution of output of an industry, read the row for that Industry. For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry., NOTES: In row TR, the entry 1n each column represents the sum of the value of transferred imports at domestic port value and the value of the secondary output of other industries which has been transferred to the industry named at the head of the column., See text for further discussion. In column 94 o 00, the detailed entries reflect gross exports of goods and services from each producing industry. Imports 1n total are shown as negative entries in this column on rows 80.01 and 80.02. Therefore, the sum of the column equals the GNP component "net exports of goods and services." In column 99.04, the entry 1n each row represents the value of output of the industry named at the beginning of the row which has been transferred to other industries for distribution. These entries include secondary products which have been transferred to primary producing industries and primary out- puts which have been transferred to "dummy" industries. See text for further discussion. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. 1.01 1.02 1.03 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.01 6.02 1.01 2.042.9 1.02 687.6 67.9 452.1 3.9 1.0 1.03 99.7 5.510.6 5,577.0 56.6 15.3 83.2 .6 2.01 1.7 4.4 18.6 17.3 194.2 4.1 .4 2.02 267.2 78.8 849.3 404.6 370.8 90.8 8.7 2.03 .8 .6 14.8 17.8 2.5 .5 2.04 .9 2.2 5.9 36.0 293.5 4.5 .1 2.05 4.7 2.9 23.6 82.3 99.4 382.4 11.4 1.3 2.06 17.5 14.4 103.7 166.0 3.6 .9 2.07 7.5 2.6 26.1 94.4 10.1 • H 2.1 .2 67.7 28.1 137.3 16.7 220.8 24.5 25.8 34.1 37.0 11.0 8.6 31.1 26.8 25.9 591.3 1,402.8 1.048.5 .2 .1 .1 17.6 10.2 11.3 32.1 7.1 3.9 22. 2 4.4 14. 23 14. ,24 14. 25 14. ,26 14. ,27 14. ,28 14, ,29 14. ,30 14, ,31 14, ,32 15, ,01 15, ,02 16, .01 16, .02 16, .03 16 .04 17. .01 17 .02 17 .03 17 .04 20.4 42.8 18.4 58.4 151.8 135.2 3.6 14.5 1.0 4.0 9.0 1 .01 1.02 1.03 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 19.01 19.02 19.03 20.01 20.02 .3 8.5 .2 .9 24.6 .3 .5 7.1 1.2 .3 .6 1.7 3.0 30.4 1.3 .5 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 21.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 24.01 .4 1.7 1.5 .2 43.0 .4 61.6 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 25.00 26.01 26.02 26.03 1.7 1.0 .8 13.7 .5 .4 2.2 1.5 .4 .4 2.8 2.1 3.3 .9 .6 .6 .4 26.04 26.05 26.06 26.07 26.08 27.01 27.02 27.03 27.04 28.01 28.02 28.03 28.04 29.01 29.02 29.03 30.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 33.00 11.2 7.8 3.6 30.0 9.2 .2 2.9 4.5 30.4 37.8 3.5 .2 23.8 24.9 19.7 99.2 22.8 .6 48.0 7.8 645.6 96.0 .6 4.2 29.8 607.7 13.0 25.3 54.6 15.0 8.7 34.0 766.9 25.3 27.8 79.1 37.9 11.4 98.8 206.0 22.8 86.0 65.4 62.2 8.5 .6 6.4 .4 .6 .9 1.2 .4 47.0 30.9 54.3 54.2 25.4 7.0 10.8 .2 3.4 19.8 .2 5.1 5.0 34.01 34.02 34.03 35.01 35.02 4.6 9.1 1.0 1.01 1.02 1.03 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.8 .1 1.4 .2 .7 1.3 4.2 10.0 .2 .2 1.5 .3 1.4 . 3 .3 5.6 2.0 1.3 6.2 26.0 3.6 .6 4.9 2.2 10.7 .7 1.7 1.6 9.3 4.7 25.4 .8 1.2 1.0 1.1 2.7 1.7 1.5 .9 5.3 15.4 197.7 4.5 11.9 18.9 42.0 8.6 1.01 1.02 1.03 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.0'. 2.05 2.06 2.07 47.02 47.03 47.04 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 49.01 49.02 49.03 49.04 49.05 49.06 49.07 50.00 51.01 51.02 51.03 1.3 3.1 .5 .5 .5 51.04 52.01 52.02 52.03 52.04 52.05 53.01 53.02 53.03 53.04 53.05 53.06 53.07 53.08 54.01 54.02 54.03 54.04 54.05 54.06 54.07 55.01 55.02 55.03 56.01 .5 1.0 1.0 .3 56.02 56.03 56.04 57.01 57.02 57.03 58.01 58.02 58.03 58.04 2.4 1.0 6.1 21.9 1.2 1.8 2.6 4.5 1.3 1.6 1.4 .3 .3 58.05 59.01 59.02 59.03 60.01 4.2 3.9 .7 1.3 60.02 60.03 60.04 61.01 61.02 61.03 61.04 61.05 61.06 61.07 4.7 .7 62.01 62.02 62.03 62.04 62.05 1.01 1.02 1.03 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 .4 38.1 .3 47.1 1.4 99.1 .1 6.1 1.1 110.5 . 1 3.2 .2 6.9 .3 14.4 .2 6.3 .1 2.1 195.5 36.5 232.6 6.2 123.0 7.5 10.2 18.6 33.8 9.8 6.2 4.9 26.6 4.2 34.6 6.8 4.3 11.4 2.3 2.4 .5 .1 .5 .3 .8 6.9 . 1 1.3 .6 .6 1.9 .9 12.5 .8 .5 1.0 1.0 .4 21.4 8.0 45.9 4.1 38.3 6.4 5.5 5.0 6.7 4.5 31.0 10.1 7.8 42.4 7.8 25.6 4.1 6.8 9.5 8.4 2.1 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.1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 7.7 21.6 16.4 9.0 136.9 12.1 26.9 36.0 15. t 11.1 2.3 11.8 .1 2.5 35.7 2.6 2.4 5.0 4.3 2.7 2.7 35.0 14.5 4.7 3.9 .2 26.8 8.9 33.0 60.0 13.0 1.2 7.1 27.0 28.6 2.5 8.6 175.1 104.8 19.0 74.1 9.0 12.6 205.9 .8 18.1 3.00 4.00 36.01 36.02 36.03 36.04 36.05 36.06 36.07 36.08 36.09 36.10 36.11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 5.00 .7 6.01 6.02 .6 .2 7.00 .2 1.4 .7 1.9 8.00 21.0 1.1 9.00 5.0 1.4 .6 1.8 1.2 1.8 76.8 15.8 2.3 10.4 10.00 11.01 61.3 156.8 99.5 35.1 84.2 177.2 110. 1 733.7 5.8 220.9 38.9 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 . 1 38.8 2.8 25.8 15.5 7.2 .5 41.2 1.0 62.0 119.6 2.1 .1 25.2 15.3 10.3 15.1 2.3 .6 10.9 77.8 4.9 8.6 65.0 12.3 .3 99.2 53.6 3.6 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 38.11 38.12 38.13 38.14 39.01 39.02 40.01 40.02 40.03 40.04 40.05 40.06 40.07 40.08 40.09 41.01 41.02 42.01 42.02 42.03 42.04 42.05 42.06 42.07 42.08 42.09 42.10 42.11 43.01 43.02 44.00 45.01 45.02 45.03 46.01 46.02 46.03 46.04 47.01 38.6 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