A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION /" Publications List January 1972 CO u-i i- c u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Bureau of Standards Office of Standard Reference Data Washington, D. C. 20001 NSRDS i&,iii National Standard Reference System Publications List The NSRDS is a nation-wide program to provide to the U.S. technical community opti- mum access to the quantitative data of physi- cal science, critically evaluated and compiled for convenience. It was established in 1963 by action of the President's Office of Science and Technology. Responsibility for admin- istering this effort was given to the National Bureau of Standards. The Office of Standard Reference Data was set up as the man- agement vehicle. Congress endorsed and strengthened the program in 1968 by passing the National Standard Reference Data Act. The technical scope of the NSRDS is indi- cated by the principal categories of data compilation projects now active or being planned: nuclear properties, atomic and mo- lecular properties, thermodynamic and trans- port properties, solid state properties, chem- ical kinetics, colloid and surface properties and mechanical properties. The NBS-NSRDS series of publications are intended primarily to include evaluated ref- erence data and critical reviews of long-term interest to the scientific and technical com- munity. Publications Issued in the NSRDS Series NBS-NSRDS-1, (C13.48:l) National Standard Reference Data System — Plan of Operation, by E. L. Brady and M. B. Wallenstein, 1964 (15 cents). NBS-NSRDS-2, (C13.48:2) Thermal Properties of Aqueous Uni-univalent Electrolytes, by V. B. Parker, 1965 (45 cents). NBS-NSRDS-3, Sec. 1, (C13.48:3/Sec. 1) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic Energy Levels and Multiplet Tables, Si u, Si in, Si iv, by C. E. Moore, 1965 (35 cents). NBS-NSRDS-3, Sec. 2, (C13.48:3/Sec. 2) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic Energy Levels and Multiplet Tables, Si i, by C. E. Moore, 1967 (20 cents). NBS-NSRDS-3, Sec. 3, (C13.48:3/Sec. 3) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic Energy Levels and Multiplet Tables, C i, C n, C in, C iv, C v, C vi, by C. E. Moore, 1970 ($1). NBS-NSRDS-3, Sec. 4, (C13.48:3/Sec. 4) Se- lected Tables of Atomic Spectra, Atomic Energy Levels and Multiplet Tables, N iv, N v, N vi, N vii, by C. E. Moore, .1971 (55 cents). NBS-NSRDS-4, (C13.48:4/Vol. I) Atomic Tran- sition Probabilities, Vol. I, Hydrogen Through Neon, by W. L. Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Glennon, 1966 ($2.50). NBS-NSRDS-5, (C13.48:5) The Band Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide, by P. H. Krupenie, 1966 (70 cents). NBS-NSRDS-6, (C13.48:6/Pt. 1) Tables of Mo- lecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 1, by T. Shimanouchi, 1967. Superseded by NBS-NSRDS 39. if NBS-NSRDS-7, (C13.48:7/Pt. 1) High Tempera- l ture Properties and Decomposition of Inor- - y ganic Salts, Part 1. Sulfates, by K. H. Stern ?j and E. L. Weise, 1966 (35 cents). NBS-NSRDS-8, (PB189698) Thermal Conductiv- ity of Selected Materials, by R. W. Powell, C. Y. Ho, and P. E. Liley, 1966 ($3). NBS-NSRDS-9, (C13.48:9) Tables of Bimolecular Gas Reactions, by A. F. Trotman-Dickenson and G. S. Milne, 1967 ($2). NBS-NSRDS-10, (C13.48:10) Selected Values of Electric Dipole Moments for Molecules in the Gas Phase, by R. D. Nelson, Jr., D. R. Lide, Jr., and A. A. Maryott, 1967 (40 cents). NBS-NSRDS-11, (C13.48:ll/Pt. 2) Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 2, by T. Shimanouchi, 1967. Superseded by NBS- NSRDS 39. NBS-NSRDS-12, (C13.48:12) Tables, for the Rigid Asymmetric Rotor: Transformation Coeffi- cients From Symmetric to Asymmetric Bases and Expectation Values of ?l, Pi, and P|, by R. H. Schwendeman, 1968 (60 cents). NBS-NSRDS-13, (C13.48:13) Hydrogenation of Ethylene on Metallic Catalysts, by J. Horiuti and K. Miyahara, 1968 ($1). NBS-NSRDS-14, (C13.48:14) X-Ray Wavelengths and X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels, by J. A. Bearden, 1967 (40 cents). NBS-NSRDS-15, (C13.48:15/Vol. 1) Molten Salts: Vol. 1, Electrical Conductance, Density, and Viscosity Data, by G. J. Janz, F. W. Dampier, G. R. Lakshminarayanan, P. K. Lorenz, and R. P. T. Tomkins, 1968 ($3). NBS-NSRDS-16, (C13.48:16/Pt. 2) Thermal Con- ductivity of Selected Materials, Part 2, by C. Y. Ho, R. W. Powell, and P. E. Liley, 1968 ($2). NBS-NSRDS-17, (C13.48:17/Pt. 3) Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 3, by T. Shimanouchi, 1968. Superseded by NBS- NSRDS 39. NBS-NSRDS-18, (C13.48:18) Critical Analysis of the Heat-Capacity Data of the Literature and Evaluation of Thermodynamic Properties of Cop- per, Silver, and Gold from to 300° K, by G. T. Furukawa, W. G. Saba, and M. L. Reilly, 1968 (40 cents). NBS-NSRDS-19, (C13.48:19) Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia as an Ideal Gas, by L. Haar, 1968 (20 cents). NBS-NSRDS-20, (C13.48:20) Gas Phase Reac- tion Kinetics of Neutral Oxygen Species, by H. S. Johnston, 1968 (45 cents). NBS-NSRDS-21, (C13.48:21) Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Unimolecular Reactions, by S. W. Benson and H. E. O'Neal, 1970 ($7). NBS-NSRDS-22, (C13.48:22/Vol. II) Atomic Transition Probabilities, Vol. II, Sodium Through Calcium, by W. L. Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Miles, L969 ($4.50). NBS-NSRDS-23, (C13.48:23) Partial Grotrian Diagrams of Astrophysical Interest, by C. E. Moore and P. W. Merrill, 1968 (55 cents). NBS-NSRDS-24 (C13.48:24) Theoretical Mean Activity Coefficients of Strong Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions from to 100°C, by Walter J. Hamer, 1968 ($4.25). NBS-NSRDS-25, (C13.48:25) Electron Impact Excitation of Atoms, by B. L. Moiseiwitsch and S. J. Smith, 1968 ($2). NBS-NSRDS-26, (C13.48:26) Ionization Poten- tials, Appearance Potentials, and Heats of For- mation of Gaseous Positive Ions, by J. L. Frank- lin, J. G. Dillard, H. M. Rosenstock, J. T. Herron, K. Draxl, and F. H. Field, 1969 ($4). NBS-NSRDS-27, (C13.48:27) Thermodynamic Properties of Argon From the Triple Point to 300 K at Pressures to 1000 Atmospheres, by A. L. Gosman, R. D. McCarty, and J. G. Hust, 1969 ($1.25). NBS-NSRDS-28, (C13.48:28 / Vol. 2) Molten Salts: Vol. 2, Section 1. Electrochemistry of Mol- ten Salts: Gibbs Free Energies and Excess Free Energies From Equilibrium-Type Cells, by G. J. Janz and Chr. G. M. Dijkhuis; Section 2. Surface Tension Data, by G. J. Janz, G. R. Lakshminaray- anan,R. P.T.Tomkins,and J.Wong, 1969 ($2.75). NBS-NSRDS-29, (C13.48:29) Photon Cross Sec- tions, Attenuation Coefficients, and Energy Ab- sorption Coefficients From 10 keV to 100 GeV, by J. H. Hubbell, 1969 (75 cents). NBS-NSRDS-30, (C13.48:30/Pt. 2) High Tem- perature Properties and Decomposition of In- organic Salts, Part 2. Carbonates, by K. H. Stern and E. L. Weise, 1969 (45 cents). NBS-NSRDS-31, (C13.48:31) Bond Dissociation Energies in Simple Molecules, by B. deB. Dar- went, 1970 (55 cents). NBS-NSRDS-32, (C13.48:32) Phase Behavior in Binary and Multicomponent Systems at Elevated Pressures: />Pentane and Methane-/>Pentane, by V. M. Berry and B. H. Sage, 1970 (70 cents). NBS-NSRDS-33, (C13.48:33) Electrolytic Con- ductance and the Conductances of the Halogen Acids in Water, by W. J. Hamer and H. J. DeWane, 1970 (50 cents). NBS-NSRDS-34, (C13.48:34) Ionization Poten- tials and Ionization Limits Derived From the Analyses of Optical Spectra, by C. E. Moore, 1970 (75 cents). NBS-NSRDS-35, (C13.48:35/Vols. I, II, and III) Atomic Energy Levels as Derived From the Analy- ses of Optical Spectra. Vol. I, : H to 23 V; Vol. II, 4 Cr to 41 Nb; Vol. Ill, 42 Mo to T La, 72 Hf to 89 Ac, by C. E. Moore, 1972 (Vol. I, $5; Vol. II, $4.25; Vol. Ill, $4.50). NBS-NSRDS-36, (C13.48:36) Critical Micelle Concentrations of Aqueous Surfactant Systems, by P. Mukerjee and K. J. Mysels, 1971 ($3.75). NBS-NSRDS-37, (C13.48.37) JANAF Thermo- chemical Tables, 2d Edition, by D. R. Stull, H. Prophet, et al., 1971 ($9.75). NBS-NSRDS-38, (C13.48:38) Critical Review of Ultraviolet Photoabsorption Cross Sections for Molecules of Astrophysical and Aeronomic Inter- est, by R. D. Hudson, 1970 ($1). NBS-NSRDS-39, (C13.48:39) Tables of Molecu- lar Vibrational Frequencies, Consolidated Volume, by T. Shimanouchi, 1972 (In preparation). NBS-NSRDS-40, (C13.48:40) A Multiplet Table of Astrophysical Interest, by C. E. Moore, 1972 (In preparation). McDaniel, E. W., Cermak, V., Dalgarno, A., Fer- guson, E. E., and Friedman, L, Ion-Molecule Reactions, published by Wiley-lnterscience Ser- ies in Atomic and Molecular Collisional Proc- esses, 1970 ($19.25). NSRDS-UCRL-20000 YN, A Compilation of YN Reactions, by the Berkeley Particle Data Group, January 1970. NSRDS-UCRL-20030 WM, ttN Partial-Wave Am- plitudes, by the Berkeley Particle Data Group, February 1970. NSRDS-UCRL-20000 NN, NN and ND Interac- tions [above 0.5 GeV/c]-A Compilation, by the Berkeley Particle Data Group, August 1970. Other NBS Compilations of Data NBS Tech Note 270-3, (C13.46:270-3) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties, Tables for the First Thirty-Four Elements in the Standard Order of Arrangement, by D. D. Wag- man, W. H. Evans, V. B. Parker, I. Halow, S. M. Bailey, and R. H. Schumm, 1968 ($1.25). NBS Tech Note 270-4, (C13.46:270-4) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties, Tables for Elements 35 Through 53 in the Stand- ard Order of Arrangement, by D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, V. B. Parker, I. Halow, S. M. Bailey, and R. H. Schumm, 1969 ($1.25). NBS Tech Note 270-5, (C13.46:270-5) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties, Tables for Elements 54 Through 61 in the Stand- ard Order of Arrangement, by D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, et al., 1971 (55 cents). NBS Tech Note 270-6, (C13.46:270-6) Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties, Tables for the Alkaline Earth Elements [Elements 92 through 97 in the Standard Order of Arrange- ment], by V. B. Parker, D. D. Wagman, and W. H. Evans, 1971 ($1.25). NBS Tech Note 438, (C13.46:438) Compendium of ab-initio Calculations of Molecular Energies and Properties, by M. Krauss, 1967 (70 cents). NBS Tech Note 474, (C13.46:474) Critically Evaluated Transition Probabilities for Ba i and ii, by B. M. Miles and W. L.Wiese, 1969 (30 cents). NBS Tech Note 482, (C13.46:482) Supercon- ductive Materials and Some of Their Properties, by B. W. Roberts, 1969 ($1.25). NBS Tech Note 484, (C13.46:484) A Review of Rate Constants of Selected Reactions of Interest in Re-Entry Flow Fields in the Atmosphere, by M. H. Bortner, 1969 (60 cents). NBS Monograph 94, (C13.44:94) Thermody- namic and Related Properties of Parahydrogen From the Triple Point to 100°K at Pressures to 340 Atmospheres, by H. M. Roder, L. A. Weber, and R. D. Goodwin, 1965 (75 cents). NBS Monograph 70, Vol. I, (PB168072) Micro- wave Spectral Tables, Diatomic Molecules, by P. F. Wacker, M. Mizushima, J. D. Petersen, and J. R. Ballard, 1964 ($6). NBS Monograph 70, Vol. II, (PB189714) Micro- wave Spectral Tables, Line Strengths of Asym- metric Rotors, by P. F. Wacker and M. R. Pratto, 1964 ($6). NBS Monograph 70, Vol. Ill, (C13.44:70/Vol. III) Microwave Spectral Tables, Polyatomic Mole- cules With Internal Rotation, by P. F. Wacker, M. S. Cord, D. G. Burkhard, J. D. Petersen, and R. F. Kukol, 1969 ($4.25). NBS Monograph 70, Vol. IV, (C13.44:70/Vol. IV) Microwave Spectral Tables, Polyatomic Mole- cules Without Internal Rotation, by M. S. Cord, J. D. Petersen, M. S. Lojko, and R. H. Haas, 1968 ($5.50). NBS Monograph 70, Vol. V, (C13.44:70/Vol. V) Microwave Spectral Tables, Spectral Line List- ing, by M. S. Cord, M. S. Lojko, and J. D. Petersen, 1968 ($4.75). NBS Monograph 115, (C13.44:115) The Calcula- tion of Rotational Energy Levels and Rotational Line Intensities in Diatomic Molecules, by Jon T. Hougen, 1970 (55 cents). COM-72-10014, Rate Constants of Gas Phase Reactions, by V. N. Kondratiev. Translated by L. Holtschlag and R. Fristrom, 1972 ($8.50). Nondata Publications from NSRDS Related Projects NBS Misc. Publ. 277, (PB191754) Photonu- clear Data Index, prepared by the Photonuclear Data Group, NBS Radiation Physics Division, 1966 (55 cents). NBS Special Publication 320, (C13. 10:320) Bib- liography on Atomic Transition Probabilities, Jan. 1916 through June 1969, by B. M. Miles and W. L. Wiese, 1970 ($1.25). NBS Misc. Publ. 281, (C13. 10:281) Bibliography on Flame Spectroscopy, Analytical Applications, 1800 to 1966, by R. Mavrodineanu, 1967 ($2). NBS Misc. Publ. 289, (C13. 10:289) Bibliography of Low Energy Electron Collision Cross Section Data, by L. J. Kieffer, 1967 (50 cents). NBS Tech Note 290, (C13.46:290) Information Handling in the National Standard Reference Data System, by F. L. Alt, 1966 (25 cents). NBS Tech Note 291, (C13.46:291) A Bibliogra- phy on Ion-Molecule Reactions, January 1900 to March 1966, by F. N. Harllee, H. M. Rosen- stock, and J. T. Herron, 1966 (30 cents). NBS Tech Note 444, (TN444) Reform: A Gen- eral-Purpose Program for Manipulating Format- ted Data Files, by Robert C. McClenon and Joseph Hilsenrath, 1968 ($3). NBS Tech Note 446, (C13.46:446) PRECISE: A Multiple Precision Version of Omnitab, by Alfred E. Beam and Joseph Hilsenrath, 1968 (55 cents). NBS Tech Note 448, (C13.46:448) Status Report — National Standard Reference Data System, April 1968, E. L. Brady, Editor, 1968 (70 cents). NBS Tech Note 464, (C13.46:464) The NBS Alloy Data Center: Function, Bibliographic Sys- tem, Related Data Centers, and Reference Books, by G. C. Carter, L. H. Bennett, J. R. Cuthill, and D. J. Kahan, 1968 ($1.25). NBS Tech Note 470, (C13.46:470) Edpac: Util- ity Programs for Computer-Assisted Editing, Copy-Production, and Data Retrieval, by Carla G. Messina and Joseph Hilsenrath, 1969 (75 cents). NBS Tech Note 500, (C13.46:500) Edit-lnsertion Programs for Automatic Typesetting of Computer Printout, by C. G. Messina and J. Hilsenrath, 1970 (60 cents). NBS Tech Note 553, (C13.46:553) Critical Evaluation of Data in the Physical Sciences — A Status Report on the National Standard Refer- ence Data System, by David R. Lide, Jr., 1970 (70 cents). NBS Tech Note 554, (C13.46:554) Annotated Accession List of Data Compilations of the NBS Office of Standard Reference Data, by H. M. Weisman and G. B. Sherwood, 1970 ($1.50). NBS Special Publication 306-1, (C13. 10:306-1) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 1 ^-^V, by Charlotte E. Moore, 1968 ($1). NBS Special Publication 306-2, (C13. 10:306-2) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 2 24 Cr- 41 Nb, by Charlotte E. Moore, 1969 (60 cents). NBS Special Publication 306-3, (C13. 10:306-3) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 3 42 Mo- 57 La 72 Hf- 89 Ac, by Char- lotte E. Moore, 1969 (50 cents). NBS Special Publication 306-4, (C13. 10:306-4) Bibliography on the Analyses of Optical Atomic Spectra, Section 4 57 La- 71 Lu 89 Ac-"Es, by Char- lotte E. Moore, 1969 (55 cents). NBS Special Publication 320, Supplement I, (C13. 10:320/ Suppl. I) Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities, July 1969 through June 1971, by J. R. Fuhr and W. L. Wiese, 1971 (65 cents). NBS Special Publication 322, (C13. 10:322) Photonuclear Data Index, January 1965 through January 1970, prepared by the Photonuclear Data Group, 1970 (75 cents). Supersedes NBS Misc. Publ. 277, Supplement 1. NBS Special Publication 324, (C13.10:324) The NBS Alloy Data Center: Permuted Materials In- dex, by G. C. Carter, D. J. Kahan, L. H. Bennett, J. R. Cuthill and R. C. Dobbyn, 1971 ($7). NBS Special Publication 349, (C13. 10:349) Heavy-Atom Kinetic Isotope Effects, by M. J. Stern and M. Wolfsberg, 1972 (In preparation). NBS HANDBOOK 101, (C13.11:101) OMNITAB A Computer Program for Statistical and Numeri- cal Analysis, by Joseph Hilsenrath, Guy G. Zieg- ler, Carla G. Messina, Philip J. Walsh, and Rob- ert J. Herbold, Revised January 1968 ($3). Coblentz Society Specifications for Evaluation of Infrared Reference Spectra, by Board of Man- agers, Coblentz Society, Analytical Chemistry 38, No. 9 (August 1966). Kieffer, L. J. and Dunn, Gordon H., Electron Impact Ionization Cross-Section Data for Atoms, Atomic Ions, and Diatomic Molecules: I. Experi- mental Data, Rev. Mod. Phys. 38, No. 1, 1-35 (1966). Rudge, M. R. H., Theory of the Ionization of Atoms by Electron Impact, Rev. Mod. Phys. 40, No. 3, 564-90 (1968). Coblentz Society Evaluated Infrared Reference Spectra, by the American Society for Testing and Materials' Joint Committee on Atomic and Molec- ular Physical Data, 1969. Vol. 6, 1000 Spectra ($225). Vol. 7, 1000 Spectra ($225). Vol. 8, 1000 Spectra ($225). Index to Vols. 1-8 ($40). Publications in the OSRD Bibliography Series NBS-OSRDB-70-1-V1, (PB191174) High Pres- sure Bibliography 1900-1968, Vol. I, Section I — Bibliography. Section II — Author Index, by L. Merrill, 1970 ($7). NBS-OSRDB-70-1-V2, (PB191175) High Pres- sure Bibliography 1900-1968, Vol. II — Subject Index, byL. Merrill, 1970 ($7). NBS-OSRDB-70-2, (COM-71-00722) The NBS Alloy Data Center: Author Index, by G. C. Carter, D. J. Kahan, L. H. Bennett, J. R. Cuthill, and R. C. Dobbyn, 1970 ($10). NBS-OSRDB-70-3, (AD705110) Semiempirical and Approximate Methods for Molecular Calcula- tions — Bibliography and KWIC Index, by G. A. Henderson and S. Frattali, 1969 ($3). N BS-OSRDB-70-4, (COM-7 1-00025) Bibliogra- phy of Photoabsorption Cross Section Data, by R. D. Hudson and L. J. Kieffer, 1970 ($4). N BS-OSRDB-7 1-1 , (COM-7 1-00248) Bibliogra- phy on Properties of Defect Centers in Alkali Halides, by S. C. Jain, S. A. Khan, H. K. Sehgal, V. K. Garg, and R. K. Jain, 1971 ($3). NBS-OSRDB-71-2, (COM-7 1-00841) Bibliogra- phy of Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Reactions of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Oxides, by F. Westley, 1971 ($3). Publications of the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ORNL-AMPIC-1, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for 1963, compiled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (July 1965). ORNL-AMPIC-2, Directory of International Work- ers in the Field of Atomic and Molecular Col- lisions, September 1965 (October 1965). ORNL-AMPIC-3, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for 1964, compiled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (March 1966). ORNL-AMPIC-6, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for July-December 1965, com- piled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (September 1967). ORNL-AMPIC-7, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for January-June 1966, com- piled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (October 1967). ORNL-AMPIC-8, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for July-December 1966, com- piled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (October 1967). ORNL-AMPIC-9, Bibliography of Atomic and Mo- lecular Processes for January-June 1967, com- piled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (January 1968). ORNL-AMPIC-10, Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for July-December 1967, compiled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (June 1968). ORNL-AMPIC-11, Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for January-June 1968, compiled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (January 1969). ORNL-AMPIC-12, Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for July-December 1968, compiled by the Atomic and Molecular Processes Information Center (June 1969). ORNL-AMPIC-13, Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for January-December 1969, compiled by Atomic and Molecular Proc- esses Information Center (November 1970). Publications of the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, NBS Boulder, Colorado PB189132, Kieffer, L. J. T Bibliography of Photo- absorption Cross Section Data, J I LA Information Center Report #5, 32 pages (April 1968). PB189127, Kieffer, L. J., Compilation of Low Energy Electron Collision Cross Section Data, Part I, JILA Information Center Report #6, 95 pages (January 1969). AD695692, Sinnott, George A., Bibliography of Ion-Molecule Reaction Rate Data, JILA Infor- mation Center Report #9, 80 pages (August 1969). AD696467, Kieffer, L. J., Compilation of Low Energy Electron Collision Cross Section Data, Part II, JILA Information Center Report #7, 167 pages (September 1969). Chamberlain, G. E., and Kieffer, L. J., Bibliogra- phy of Low Energy Electron Collision Cross Sec- tion Data (1967-1969), JILA Information Center Report #10, 44 pages (February 1970). Publications of the Radiation Chemistry Data Center University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana COO-38-595, Bibliography on Electron Spin Resonance of Radiation Produced Radicals (No- vember 1967). COO-38-641, Bibliography on the Radiation Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions. I. Amino Acids, November 1968 (Revised, August 1969). COO-38-642, Bibliography on the Radiation Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions. II. Carbohy- drates, December 1968 (Revised, August 1969). COO-38-643, Bibliography on Radiation Chem- istry of Alcohols and Phenols (November 1968). COO-38-621, Thesaurus for Radiation Chemistry, May 1968 (Revised, August 1969). COO-38-661, Bibliography on Radiation Chem- istry of Alkanes (May 1969). COM-71-01103, Weekly List of Papers on Radi- ation Chemistry, Index and Cumulation, Vol. IV, Nos. 1-26, Jan. through June 1971, August 1971 ($6). COM-72-10266, Index and Cumulative List of Papers on Radiation Chemistry, Vol. IV,- Nos. 27-52, July through December 1971, January 1972 ($6). NOTE: If your name is on more than one of our specialized mailing lists you may receive other copies of this announcement. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AD000701tlDtS