c y; Publications & Materials OF THE UNITED STATES TRAVEL SERVICE LISTS offices: MAIN OFFICE United States Travel Service U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230 EUROPE United States Travel Service 22 Sackville Street London WIX, 2EA, United Kingdom United States Travel Service 23 Place Vendome 75001 Paris, France United States Travel Service Rossmarket 10 6000 Frankfurt Am Main West Germany PACIFIC AREA United States Travel Service Kokusai Building 3-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100, Japan CANADA United States Travel Service P.O. Box 363 Toronto-Dominion Centre Toronto 111, Ontario, Canada M5K 1K7 LATIN AMERICA United States Travel Service American Embassy Reforma 305 Mexico 5, D.F. Mexico Introduction The following is a list of U.S. Travel Service/ Sales Promotion publications. Some of the brochures, folders, and posters are designed for use abroad in promoting tourism to the United States; others are designed for promot- ing tourism by Americans within this country. The materials are available to persons in the travel trade, organizations, industries, and members of the general public who are actively promoting travel to and within the United States or who are potential visitors to the U.S. from abroad. The brochures, folders, and posters are avail- able in English and in other languages as indi- cated by the following: English E French F German G Spanish S Japanese J If materials are needed in the country where USTS has an office (The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Mexico, Japan and Canada), the order should be directed to that office. The number of copies available from each USTS office in each language will vary considerably. There are limited supplies of certain publica- tions. When ordering, please include a descrip- tion of the use to which the material will be put. Some of the materials are available for both international and domestic promotion. These are asterisked. For domestic use they are avail- able in English only. usts Brochures, Folders and Booklets USTS No. TITLE 417 USA TRAVEL INFORMATION Basic information on U.S. accommoda- tions, eating, currency, shopping, motor- ing, entertainment, etc., is given in this two-color 68-page booklet. E-F-G-S-J *20 TRAVEL PLANNING AREA GUIDES Detailed information on attractions, events and tourist destinations is in- cluded on a key gateway city or cities; the destination information then expands to include the surrounding State or States. Street maps of major gateway cities are included, as well as a map of the region itself. E-F-G-S-J 767 -WASHINGTON, D.C./PHILADELPHIA and GEORGE WASHINGTON COUNTRY Covers information on Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia such as shopping, din- ing, hotels, what to see and do, muse- ums, climate, city maps, plus informa- tion on major attractions in the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. 768 *NEW YORK CITY/NEW YORK and NEW JERSEY Covers information on New York City such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attrac- tions in New York State and New Jersey. 769 -BOSTON and NEW ENGLAND Covers information on Boston such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. 770 -MIAMI/MIAMI BEACH and FLORIDA Covers information on Miami/Miami Beach such as shopping, dining, hotels, entertainment, what to see and do, mu- seums, climate, a city map, plus infor- mation on major attractions in the entire State of Florida. 771 -CHICAGO/DETROIT and GREAT LAKES COUNTRY Covers information on Chicago and De- troit such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Indiana. 772 *ST. LOUIS/KANSAS CITY and MISSOURI, KANSAS and OKLAHOMA Covers information on St. Louis and Kansas City such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas. 773 * HAWAII and THE U.S. ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC Covers information on Honolulu such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions on all of the Hawaiian Islands plus Guam, American Samoa, and the Marianas and Carolines. 774 -SAN FRANCISCO/NORTHERN CALIFORNIA and NORTHERN NEVADA Covers information on San Francisco such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attrac- tions in Northern California and North- ern Nevada. 775 -LOS ANGELES/LAS VEGAS and SOUTH- ERN CALIFORNIA and SOUTHERN NEVADA Covers information on Los Angeles and Las Vegas such as shopping, dining, ho- tels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in Southern California and Southern Nevada. 776 -ATLANTA and GEORGIA, NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA Covers information on Atlanta such as dining, shopping, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in the States of Georgia, North and South Carolina. 777 -NEW ORLEANS and the SOUTH Covers information on New Orleans such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. 778 -MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL and MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, and IOWA Covers information on Minneapolis/St. Paul such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major at- tractions in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. 779 -TEXAS Covers information on Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in the rest of the State of Texas. 780 -ARIZONA and NEW MEXICO Covers information on Phoenix such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, a city map, plus information on major attractions in Ari- zona and New Mexico. 781 -DENVER/SALT LAKE CITY and UTAH and COLORADO Covers information on Denver and Salt Lake City such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in Utah and Colorado. 783 -NEBRASKA/NORTH and SOUTH DAKOTA Covers information on Omaha such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in the States of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 784 -SEATTLE/PORTLAND, WASHINGTON, OREGON, and IDAHO Covers information on Seattle and Port- land such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. 785 *ALASKA Covers information on Anchorage and Fairbanks such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in the State of Alaska. 786 -PUERTO RICO and THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Covers information on San Juan such as shopping, dining, hotels, what to see and do, museums, climate, city maps, plus information on major attractions in Puerto Rico and the three U.S. Virgin Islands. 725 *USA HOLIDAY PLANNER Four-color, 52-page, 8" Xll" brochure featuring useful information on travel within the United States and a descrip- tion of major attractions within each region of the United States by State. The brochure also features city maps and an overall map of the USA. E-F-G-S-J 751 PLANT VISITS FOR INTERNATIONAL VISITORS TO THE UNITED STATES A one-color, 6" x 9", 153-page brochure featuring State listings of industries that welcome visitor tours. Available from Superintendent of Documents; U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. English only. 104 THE GREAT OUTDOORS A 64-page, two-color folder listing spe- cific travel information and activities available in all of the national parks and some lesser used parks, with photos, park maps, and a general USA map showing all of the national parks. E-F-G-S-J 728 -USA MAP Road map of the USA with a listing of national parks and monuments in each State and a key to the type of facilities in each, as well as a transcontinental mile- age chart. English only. 757 TRAVEL AGENTS USA TRANSPORTATION GUIDE A two-color, 98-page comprehensive bro- chure of airline service within the USA, including city pairs, airport terminal fa- cilities, baggage regulations, ticketing procedures, etc; motor coach service within the USA featuring information about coach travel; car rental services within the USA, including a mileage map of the United States; and similar infor- mation on railroad service in U.S. English only. 763 SHOPPING IN THE UNITED STATES- A TRAVELER'S GUIDE A two-color, 64-page comprehensive bro- chure on shopping in the United States. Part one deals with general information on shopping such as size conversion charts, tips on sales, the different cate- gories of stores, etc. Part two deals with specific information on shopping and key stores and shopping areas in 21 major gateway cities. E-F-G-S-J 754 '-DIRECTORY OF UNITED STATES SHOWS AND EXPOSITIONS A one-color, 80-page brochure, published yearly, listing major conventions, trade shows, and exhibitions held in the US. A brief description of the event, meeting dates, and association addresses are given. 752 -FESTIVAL USA A yearly publication listing major annual festivals held in the United States with descriptions of the events, contacts, dates and places they occur, plus a list- ing of major sporting events. E-F-S 750 CONVENTIONS USA A 156-page, four-color brochure featur- ing general destination information as well as specific hotel facility information on 88 cities or areas in the US that can host international conventions or meet- ings. English only. 755 -INCENTIVE TRAVEL A four-color brochure describing incen- tive travel promotions and their benefits to companies. English only. •DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) A draft statement or "discussion papers" dated October 1976, leading to a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on the proposed First Category Inter- national Exposition in the Los Angeles region in 1981. English only. * FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FEIS) An impact statement on the proposed Knoxville International Energy Exposi- tion in 1982, a Special Category World's Fair. English only. VISIT USA OUTLETS ABROAD, 1976 A one-color, 26-page listing of retail travel and tour producers in 64 foreign countries who actively promote travel to the USA. English only. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO INFORMATION SOURCES A one-color 40-page brochure featuring the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of State tourism officials, city tourism officials, national park service information centers, highway welcome stations, and other travel information sources. English only. *STATE AND TERRITORIAL TOURISM OFFICIALS A 4"x9" brochure listing State and territorial tourism offices by address and telephone number. English only. -ACTION GUIDE SERVING THE INTERNATIONAL VISITOR A comprehensive two-color brochure de- lineating Federal, State and private pro- grams to assist foreign visitors during their stays in the United States. English ♦TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS (December 1976) A package of 10 brochures, each of which outlines U.S. travel attractions and events related to a common vacation theme. Brochures include such information as location, dates of festivals or events, and hours and season of operation. Some of the themes are self-explanatory. English only. 1. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO AMERICAN CULTURE— features centers for the per- forming arts. 2. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO AMERICAN INDIAN POW WOWS AND FESTIVALS. 3. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY TOURS AND VISITS. 4. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO SKYSCRAPERS 5. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO UNDERWATER RECREATION— features snorkeling, aqu atic parks. 6. TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO AUTOMOBILE MUSEUMS 7. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO OCEANARIUMS 8. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO WINTER RESORTS— primarily Alpine ski areas. 9. -TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO HEALTH RESORTS —features hot springs and mineral wells as well as health resorts. 10. TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO THE SUPER NATURAL— features haunted houses, leg- endary ghost, etc. -CONSUMERS GUIDE TO TRAVEL INFORMATION A series of nine educational brochures on "how to" travel tips, directed to Americans traveling within the United States. Each guide includes spe- cific travel tips, but also refers readers to addi- tional sources of information on the subject. D-l TIPS FOR AN ENERGY-WISE VACATION- Discusses auto travel, preplanning, and al- ternate modes of mass transportation used in conjunction with auto travel. D-2 GETTING THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR VA- CATION DOLLAR-Helpful hints on travel- ing budget-wise including accommodations, eating, travel bargains offered by the in- dustry, etc. D-3 HOW TO GET AN AIR FARE DEAL-Explains the different kinds of scheduled air fares as well as the different types of tours available. D-4 HELPFUL HINTS FOR THE OLDER TRAVELER— Explains special fares and rates available to the older traveler, as well as as- sociations and organizations that specialize in travel for older persons. D-5 TRAVELERS GUIDE TO INFORMATION SOURCES-A list of State Tourism Offices and toll-free numbers; a list of Information Offices for the Federal Parks System; help- ful hints on finding information sources for chain hotels; and a variety of free informa- tion sources for travel information. D-6 TRAVELING WITH PETS-Tips on how to travel with pets in the auto, on airplanes and trains— rules and regulations as well as good sense tips. D-7 THE BENEFITS OF USING A TRAVEL AGENT— Explains how to use a travel agent and what a travel agent can do for you. D-8 TRAVEL TIPS FOR THE HANDICAPPED- Information on travel for the handicapped using mass transportation as well as rental cars, etc. D-9 YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES- KNOW BEFORE YOU GO-A handy guide explaining your rights if something should go wrong during the course of your travels. 10 -TWENTY-FIRST PROGRAM REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES TRAVEL SERVICE A 44-page two-color brochure which explains the policy, programs and budget of the United States Travel Service for calendar year 1976. This annual report is submitted to the President by the Secretary of Commerce. ♦TRAVEL USA-FACTS ABOUT TRAVEL AND TOURISM IN THE UNITED STATES A four-panel flyer explaining tourism's im- portance to the U.S. economy, and the role of the United States Travel Service in promoting foreign and domestic tourism. The following posters are 40" x 25" in size. All posters show four-color photographs, except where otherwise indicated, and the only copy is "USA" USTS No. TITLE 308 WORDS POSTER Typical words used in the United States such as hot dog, cola, supermarket. 310 COWBOY A silhouette of two cowboys on day-glo- red background. 743 DISNEYLAND/DISNEYWORLD POSTER A picture of two small boys and Mickey Mouse and Goofy in front of the Fantasy- land Castle. 736 SOUTH POSTER A picture of a lovely antebellum planta- tion and young girl. 738 CHUCKWAGON POSTER A picture of western chuckwagon and people eating around a campfire. 747 CALIFORNIA POSTER A montage of five four-color photos of California destinations. 11 748 NEW YORK POSTER A dramatic picture of the New York sky- line. 744 GRAND CANYON POSTER A picture of people hiking down a trail in the Grand Canyon. 759 NEW ORLEANS POSTER A picture of a member of the Olympia marching band with a black graphic line drawing of New Orleans in the back- ground. 788 GRAND CANYON POSTER A beautiful shot of the Grand Canyon— this poster also comes in 50" x 40" size. 790 SAN FRANCISCO POSTER A lovely shot of people walking along the beach with the Golden Gate Bridge prominently in the background. 789 NEW YORK CITY POSTER A poster of the Skyline of lower Man- hattan as seen from the ferry. 787 NEON CITY POSTER A colorful graphic poster of the names of eight gateway cities spelled with graphic designs. 791 FLORIDA POSTER A poster of lovely blonde on the beach in Miami Beach with the white multi-story hotels in the background. 792 HAWAII POSTER A poster of Waikiki Beach, Diamond Head in the background, and the lawn of the Sheraton Hotel filled with guests in colorful muu-muus and aloha shirts. -SEE MORE OF AMERICA POSTER A 25" x 40" four-color poster of a fam- ily peering under a gigantic U.S. flag with rolling hills in background. 12 The United States Travel Service's Research and Analysis Division has the responsibility to provide the statistical, marketing, and economic data necessary to effectively plan and evaluate the policies and programs of the United States Travel Service for the purpose of increasing the United States' share of international and domestic travel markets. The more specific objectives of the Division are: • To analyze and describe all dimensions of both the international and domestic travel markets • To make recommendations on the effective allo- cations of USTS resources by such activities as: (1) identifying those markets possessing high potential for tourism to the U.S.; (2) recom- mending viable alternate marketing programs based on researched market needs; and (3) measuring the degree to which USTS marketing programs achieved their goals. • To improve the reliability, comparability, and comprehensiveness of tourism data The Office works toward these objectives in three ways: 1. Through the collection, extraction, and inter- pretive analysis of existing Government forms and published data, the Office can identify and describe the international travel market, the position of the U.S. relative to this market, and isolate those countries and market seg- ments within them which offer the greatest potential for travel to the U.S. 2. Through primary market research studies, in- formation is obtained on demographic, atti- tudinal, and trip characteristics of travelers to the U.S. and competitive destinations. These studies form the basis for the creation and implementation of country marketing plans and related programs of USTS. 3. Through evaluation research, the effectiveness of USTS programs and activities are assessed in terms of impact in the marketplace and degree to which their stated goals and objec- tives were met. The following are publications prepared by this office: 13 Basic Data (1) HIGHLIGHTS - INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TOURISM 1976 This pamphlet contains statistics and infor- mation on the 1976 Market Overview with Preliminary Estimates, International Travel to the U.S., 1976, International Market Data for 1976 including statistics on arrivals, re- ceipts, departures, expenditures, and other key facts. Also, included are 1976 statistics on Economic Relationships between Inter- national Travel and Trade in the U.S. Balance of Payments, Domestic Tourism Market High- lights, Domestic Travel Information and Re- lationship of the U.S. Travel Industry Re- ceipts to the National Economy. (This pam- phlet is available free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Wash- ington, D.C. 20230) (2) SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL TO THE UNITED STATES (Monthly) This report includes statistics on visitor arrivals to the U.S. and a market analysis of international travel by residents of foreign countries. In addition, data concerning inter- national travel by U.S. citizens and tourism receipts and expenditures are presented on a quarterly basis. The report is based on secondary data sources and an analysis of Government Entry Forms 1-94. (Monthly reports and yearly reports are available from January 1974. These reports are free upon request from the U.S. Department of Com- merce, United States Travel Service. Re- search & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (3) THE PATTERNS OF FOREIGN TRAVEL IN THE U.S. (Annual) This report provides a detailed analysis of foreign visitor U.S. destination patterns, with visitor profile data tailored and pub- lished for each of the nine U.S. tourist regions and 15 major tourist cities. These 14 analyses are based on a random sampling of the Government Entry Form 1-94 and provides profile information concerning port- of-entry, point of contact in the U.S., port- of-departure, length of stay, age, mode of transport and flag of carrier. The following brochures on the Patterns of Foreign Travel in the U.S. may be obtained free of charge from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research and Analysis Division, Washing- ton, D.C. 20230: OVERSEAS REGIONS Total Overseas Europe COUNTRIES Australia Brazil France Germany Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands New Zealand United Kingdom Venezuela CITIES Agana, Guam Boston Chicago Detroit Honolulu Houston Los Angeles Miami New Orleans New York City Philadelphia San Antonio San Francisco Seattle Washington, D.C. 15 SPECIAL Age and Length of Stay U.S. Flag Air Carriers Statistical Highlights: 1973 Statistical Highlights: 1974 Statistical Highlights: 1975 Statistical Highlights: 1973-1975 Summary (4) ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES BY SELECTED PORTS (Annual and Semiannual)-1974/1975 This report provides an analysis of selected characteristics of foreign visitor arrivals and U.S. citizen departures. Foreign visitor ar- rival data is based on the Government Entry Form 1-94 and U.S. citizen departure data is based on the 1-92 Form (Aircraft/Vessel Report). This report was prepared annually from 1969 through 1972. Beginning in 1973, this report was prepared semi- annually to meet travel industry requests for seasonal information. These reports have two sections. Section A documents foreign visitor arrivals by coun- try of residence, purpose of trip, mode of travel, and port of entry for 32 selected ports. Section B provides data regarding U.S. citizen departures by country of de- barkation, mode of travel, port of departure, and flag of carrier for 26 selected ports. (Data on Canadian travel to the U.S. are not included in these reports, as Canadians are not required to complete an 1-94 Form prior to entering the U.S.) Annual reports available from 1969 and semiannual reports are available from 1973. (Available free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (5) FOREIGN VISITOR ARRIVALS BY SELECTED PORTS (Annual and Semiannual) — 1976 This report provides an analysis of foreign visitor arrivals by major U.S. port-of-entry based on the 1-94 U.S. Government non- immigrant entry form. This report is new this year and has been prepared both semian- 16 nually and annually to meet travel industry requests for more seasonal information. Data on Canadian travel to the U.S. are not included in these reports as Canadians are not required to complete the Form 1-94. (Available free upon request from U.S. De- partment of Commerce, U.S. Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230) (6) ANNUAL SUMMARY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS TO THE U.S. (Annual through 1975.) This publication includes statistical data on foreign visitor arrivals in the U.S. by month and cumulative-to-date figures, coun- try of last permanent residence, and purpose of visit. (This report— first edition 1973— is available free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Divi- sion, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (7) FOREIGN VISITOR ARRIVALS: 1966-1976 (Annual) This two-page leaflet contains an 11-year history of travel to the U.S. by country of permanent residence for 1966 to 1976. It also provides the percent change in the number of visitors for each year during the 11-year period. (This leaflet is available free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) Market Research Studies (8) A STUDY OF MEXICAN TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, March 1971 This report analyzes the findings of a na- tional probability sample of 4,000 Mexican residents with respect to their travel pat- terns in general, and specifically with respect to the United States; attitudes towards and images of the United States as a travel 17 destination; and demographic and trip characteristics. (Copies of this study may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. $3.00) (9) A STUDY OF MEXICAN TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 1, May 1975 This report is based on an exploratory study assimilating secondary data and informa- tion received from informal interveiws with 50 individuals representing the Mexican travel industry. The report provides informa- tion on: (1) the structure and travel pat- terns of the Mexican foreign travel market; (2) the various traveling segments within the market: (3) the role of the carriers and the producing industry, and (4) specific data on the United States as a travel desti- nation. (Copies of this report are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.00) (10) A STUDY OF MEXICAN TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 2, November 1975 This report provides data on the results of a national sampling survey among Mexican travelers, indicating their travel patterns, attitudes toward the U.S. as a travel desti- nation, and demographic and trip charac- teristics. This is the second such study undertaken by USTS— a similar study was conducted in the fall of 1970. The 1974 survey differs from the earlier study in two important respects: the southern area of the country is included in the most recent study, as are Mexicans between the ages of 18 and 20. (Copies of this report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.80) (11) A STUDY OF BRITISH TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, November 1971 This report is based on an exploratory study assimilating secondary data and informa- 18 tion received from personal interviews with 42 individuals representing 38 organizations of the British travel trade. The report pro- vides information on: (1) the structure and travel patterns of the British foreign travel market; (2) the various traveling segments within the market; (3) the role of the car- riers and the producing industry; and (4) specific data on the U.S. as a travel desti- nation. (Copies of this publication may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. $3.00) (12) A STUDY OF JAPANESE TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 1, October 1972 This report, the first phase of a compre- hensive study investigating the Japanese travel market, is based on extensive in- depth interviews during June 1972 with 34 individuals representing 26 companies and organizations involved in travel in Japan. The report provides information on: (1) social expenditure patterns, the geographic source structure of the market, and the rela- tive potential for the future; (2) the struc- ture of the sales function in the travel indus- try, as between wholesalers and retailers of travel; (3) the role and contribution of the carriers; (4) the effects of dollar devalua- tion; (5) patterns of destinations and the competition perceived to exist among them; and (6) resumes of existing studies in the .. field. (Copies of this publication may be obtained free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (13) A STUDY OF JAPANESE TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 2, September 1974 This report, the second phase of a compre- hensive study investigating the Japanese travel market, focuses primarily on inter- national travel, although a small number of domestic travelers were interviewed in order to assess their attitudes toward international 19 travel and toward various international travel destinations. The findings are pre- sented in two stages. The first stage con- sisted of 16,644 interviews designed to locate international travelers and to deter- mine their incidence in various segments of the population. The second consisted of 1,865 detailed interviews with travelers of different types. The first stage of the inter- viewing was completed in the fall of 1972. The second stage began in late 1972 and was completed in February 1973. (Copies of this report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.75) (14) A STUDY OF GERMAN TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 1, August 1973 This report is based on results of an ex- ploratory study compiling secondary data and information gained through personal interviews with some 40 major producers of mass, group, and individual travel; retail- ers and airlines; specialized travel publica- tions; central and private bank sources; as well as the holding company controlling Germany's largest corporate grouping of tourism-producing and retailing companies. The report provides information on: (1) the structure and travel patterns of the German foreign travel market; (2) the various travel- ing segments within the market; (3) the role of the carriers and the producing industry; and (4) specific data on the United States as a travel destination. (Copies of this study may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.00) (15) A STUDY OF GERMAN TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 2, March 1975 This study provides data on the characteris- tics of trips to the United States as well as general attitudes and preferences for inter- national travel. 20 The findings presented in this report were obtained from personal interviews in two stages. The first stage consisted of 38,488 interviews designed to locate international travelers and to determine their incidence in various segments of the population. The second involved 1,402 detailed interviews with travelers of two different types. A total of 701 interviews was accomplished with "intercontinental" travelers; the same num- ber of interviews was conducted among "continental" travelers. (Copies of this report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.40) (16) A STUDY OF FRENCH TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 1, August 1974 This study explores the basic French market through a survey of the travel trade and through an assimilation of existing studies available to USTS on the French travel market. The main thrust of the study was to discern: (1) the character and direction of the devel- oping mass or organized tourism industry structure; (2) public receptivity to mass travel, and (3) developing patterns of large scale long-haul tourism and its implications for the United States travel market. (Copies of this report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.10) (17) A STUDY OF FRENCH TRAVEL HABITS AND PATTERNS, Volume 2, June 1975 This report explores the French travel mar- ket through a survey of relevant travel seg- ments in the population. The objective of the study was to determine the size and overall characteristics of the relevant travel segments in the French popu- lation to obtain information on their travel including previous travel abroad, expendi- tures on holidays, and images of countries. The study began in July 1973 with national 21 random-sample interviewing designed to represent the population of France aged 18 years or older. (Copies of this study may be obtained free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (18) VACATION TRAVEL BY CANADIANS IN THE U.S. IN 1976 This survey represents the eleventh in a series of annual studies describing Cana- dian holidays, vacation trips, and habits and characteristics of the travelers. The study incorporates some of the results from all prior studies to facilitate trend analysis dur- ing the 1966-1976 period. This survey is based on a national probability sample in- volving over 10,000 personal interviews with individuals aged 18 years and over. The 10- volume survey provides information on Cana- dian travel to: The U.S.— Volume "1; New England— Volume 2; Eastern Gateway— Vol- ume 3; George Washington Country— Volume 4; The South— Volume 5; Great Lakes Coun- try—Volume 6; Old West— Volume 7; Frontier West— Volume 8; Mountain West— Volume 9; and The Islands— Volume 10. A similar study is available for 1975. (Copies of this 10-volume study, along with highlights are available free from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service; Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (19) MARKET ANALYSIS: BRAZIL, January 1976 This study provides the findings of a survey conducted among residents of Brazil during the spring of 1975 to determine: (1) the nature and characteristics of international travel from Brazil; (2) travel attitudes, pref- erences, and patterns of Brazilian interna- tional travelers. A three-stage area cluster probability sample was used to randomly select adults 18 years of age and over residing in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. 22 (Copies of this report may be obtained free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) (20) THE MARKET FOR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES, March 1975 This study was designed to determine the present and prospective size and economic impact of the international congress and convention markets. The analysis also in- cludes an examination of the facilities and services provided and required, as well as the procedures and practices for selecting conventions. An extensive series of analytical interviews was conducted throughout the world in the course of the study. Considerable secondary material was also collected and analyzed. Over 200 interviews were conducted involv- ing a broad range of organizations, adminis- trations, and individual experts in Europe, North America, and the Far East. The congresses included were non-govern- mental events with recognized serious pur- poses, and international in scope by virtue of their attendance, location, or both. (Copies of the full reports are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $1.90) (21) TOURISM MARKET SURVEYS USTS is currently conducting major compre- hensive market research studies, utilizing personal, in-house interview survey tech- niques, in the following countries: Mexico, Japan, U.K., Germany, France, Australia, Venezuela, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, and Belgium. These studies are designed to investigate the international travel market for residents of these countries, including demographic characteristics, travel and trip patterns, trip expenditure patterns, con- sumer sources and usages of information, the U.S. travel image and competitive posi- 23 tioning, trip activities, motivational/psycho- graphic characteristics, and the effects of the U.S. Bicentennial on travel planning. The findings of these 11 surveys will be available in the December 1977. (22) ANALYSIS OF TRAVEL DEFINITIONS, TERMINOLOGY, AND RESEARCH NEEDS AMONG STATES AND CITIES This paper was compiled as a result of a sur- vey conducted by the U.S. Travel Service to solicit comments from 56 States and terri- tories and 130 cities (City governments, Con- vention & Visitors Bureaus, and Chamber of Commerce), in an effort to determine if pref- erences for definitions exist among represen- tatives of the public sector of the tourism industry, as well as their priorities for re- search information with the various travel segments. (Available free upon request from U.S. De- partment of Commerce, U.S. Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230) Market Research Analyses In addition to our market research studies, the following lists major market research included in our monthly publication, Summary and Anal- ysis of International Travel to the U.S. Monthly Issue (23) Highlights of a Study of Mexican Travel Habits and Patterns, Volumes 1 and 2 January 1975 (24) Highlights of the Mar- ket for International Congresses February 1975 (25) Foreign Visitor Arrivals in the U.S. by Destina- tion March 1975 24 (26) Review of the Market for the U.K., Germany, and France (27) Review of the Market for Japan, Mexico, and Canada (28) Tourism and the U.S. Balance of Payments (29) 1976 International Travel Outlook (30) International Tourism During 1975 (31) Japanese International Travel Market in 1975 (32) Australian International Travel Market in 1975 (33) Travel Market Profiles of Selected Countries (34) Highlights of the 1975 Canadian Vacation Study (35) Evaluation of the ABTA/Miami Beach Convention (36) International Tourism and the U.S. Balance of Payments (37) European Travel to the U.S., Current Analysis and Forecast to 1980 (38) Forecast of Interna- tional Travel to and from the U.S. in 1977 April 1975 May 1975, June 1975, and July 1975, respectively November 1975 October 1975 Calendar Year 1975 January 1976 February 1976 March 1976 April 1976 May 1976 June 1976 October 1976 November 1976 (Copies of these reports will be available free upon request from the U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Travel Service, Research & Analysis Division, Washington, D.C. 20230.) 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