DN COMMITTEE MOVEMENTS RODUCTION AIDS m SHIPBUILDERS IMDARDS THE NATIONAL N INTEGRATION SHIPBUILDING R SHIPBUILDING RESEARCH AND COATINGS PROGRAM rAi ccccpTQ I A\L« crrcvi v 3Y TRANSFER DING \PS Outfit Planning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maritime Administration in cooperation with Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation 3N COMMITTEE d.™,™,™ ROVE ME NTS IODUCTION AIDS iD CUIDDIIII nCDC NDARDS THE NATIONAL N INTEGRATION SHIPBUILDING R SHIPBUILDING RESEARCH AND COATINGS PROGRAM " /V I CCCC #"*"¥" C iY TRANSFER DING iPS Outfit Planning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maritime Administration in cooperation with | Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation t a «/> => Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/nationalshipbuilOOunit FOREWORD The outfitting methods described herein are based mostly on the sophisticated practices of Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI) Co., Ltd. of Japan. They are per the authors' understandings and are supplemented with ideas from other sources. Some of the techniques are or were practiced in the United States. Composite arrangement drawings marked to show how a ship is to be assembled and accompanied by structured material lists have their origin in B-29 drawings produced by the Boeing Airplane Co. Budget, schedule and material control organized in one department, was introduced by National Bulk Carriers, Inc. The latter also encouraged, among other things, the hull block construction method. Skyscraper construction in New York, also in the early fifties, stimulated application of the same logic to perfect zone outfitting and palletizing. The concepts, improved and combined by IHI with a very effective material classification scheme and other innovations, achieved unprecedented shipbuilding productivity. But, there are human prerequisites for their successful application. IHI managers credit their excellent productivity record also to the high education levels possessed by middle managers. Virtually all have college educations or their equivalents. Further, this cadre is dedicated to managing the process for assembling ships. They are rotated in assignments which include actual conduct of functions such as production process planning and engineering, functional and detail design, and budget, schedule and material control. They also include incumbencies as assistant managers and managers of fabrication shops, assembly sections and various departments. Preliminary copies of this book were used by a few U.S. shipbuilding firms for setting goals. Further, the Maritime Administration is continuing support, through the National Shipbuilding Research Program, to provide implementation assistance. A companion project which addresses a product oriented work breakdown structure, is nearing completion. The authors of this book are C.S. Jonson and L.D. Chirillo respectively of Science Applications Inc. and Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation, Seattle Division. Most of the substance was obtained by unprecedented arrangement between the latter and IHI Marine Technology, Inc. Special appreciation is expressed to Y. Mikami, Y. Ichinose, K. Ogawa and Y. Okayama, IHI consultants and truly professional shipbuilders, for their continued concern and assistance even after contractural requirements were fulfilled. Appreciation is expressed for the photographs that are incorporated and for the written critiques submitted in behalf of: • General Dynamics, Quincy Shipbuilding Division • Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. • Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. • Peterson Builders, Inc. • Avondale Shipyards T nc. • National Steel & Shipbuilding Co. • Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., Los Angeles Div., and • the Universities of Georgia, Michigan and Massachusetts. Appreciation is also expressed to the people, particularly D.S. Hunter, of Todd-Seattle who furnished essential support. This book results from one of the many projects managed and cost shared by Todd as part of the National Shipbuilding Research Program. The Program is a cooperative effort between the Maritime Administration's Office of Advanced Ship Development and the U.S. shipbuilding industry. The objective, described by the Ship Production Committee of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, emphasizes productivity. iii This book is dedicated to the memory of a shipbuilder from Newport News, Virginia Robert E. Thomas February 5, 1926 - March 4, 1978 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. LIST OF FIGURES vii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 OVERLAP OF DESIGN, MATERIAL PROCUREMENT AND PRODUCTION 7 2. 1 The Role of Design 7 2.2 Overview of Material Control 12 2.3 Production 15 2.4 Production Planning 17 3.0 DESIGN 21 3.1 Organization and Responsibilities 21 3.2 Pallet Identification 23 3.3 Standards 26 3.4 Design Modules 26 3.5 Patterns and Panels 28 3.6 Arrangement Zones 31 3.7 Pallet Definition 32 3.8 Material Definition 35 3.9 Model Engineering 37 Page No. 4.0 MATERIAL CONTROL 39 4.1 Stock Material 39 4.2 Allocated Stock Material 40 4.3 Allocated Material 40 4.4 Leveling and Balancing 41 4.5 Refining 41 4.6 Warehousing and Palletizing 42 5.0 OPERATIONAL PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND COSTING 47 6.0 ORGANIZATION 55 7.0 PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 59 7. 1 Outfitting On-unit 59 7.2 Outfitting On-block 62 7.3 Outfitting On-board 69 APPENDIX A — Some Things to Consider Prior to Computerization VI UST OF FIGURES Page No. 1 — 1 Overlap of Design, Material and Production 1 1 — 2 Goals and Benefits of Zone Outfitting 2 1—3 Types of Units 2 1 — 4 Functional Unit 3 1 — 5 Geographical Unit 3 1 — 6 Combination Unit 4 1 — 7 On-block — Hull Assembly Area .4 1 — 8 On-block — Indoor Outfit Area 4 1 — 9 On-block — Outdoor Outfit Area 4 1 — 10 Flexible-hose Assemblies 5 1 — 1 1 Removable-stud Type Flexible Pipe-Coupling 5 1 — 12 Landing Units On-board 5 1 — 13 Pallet — The Information Link 6 1 — 14 Three Aspects of a Pallet 6 1 — 15 Material Containers and Yard Areas 6 1 — 16 Zone Outfitting Goals 6 2 — 1 Initial Zones 8 2 — 2 Relationships of Material Lists to Each Other 9 2 — 3 Relationships of Material Lists to Design and Material Procurement 10 2 — 4 Breakdown of Work to Pallets 11 2 — 5 Classification of Standards 12 2 — 6 Flow of Information in Design 13 2 — 7 Classifications for Controlling Materials 14 2 — 8 Functional Flow of the Requisition Process 14 2 — 9 Hatchcover at a Subcontractor's Plant 15 2 — 10 Palletizing in a Pipe Fabrication Shop 15 2 — 1 1 Accommodations Outfitting Section Constructs and Outfits Deck Houses 16 2 — 12 Automated Pipe Fabrication Facility 17 2 — 13 Pipe Piece Family Manufacturing 18 2 — 14 Pipe Fabrication Flow 19 2 — 15 Planning Different Levels of Detail 19 2 — 16 Impact of Detailed Material Requirements on Scheduling 19 2—17 A-B-C-D Meetings 20 2—18 A-B-C-D Meeting Agendas 20 2 — 19 Flow of Information and Material 20 vu 3 — 1 Outfitting Adjacent Blocks 22 3 — 2 Relationships of Design Functions to Production Functions 24 3 — 3 Design Process for Product Orientation 25 3 — 4 Typical Numbers of Pallets 26 3 — 5 Particulars for Standard Machinery Components 27 3 — 6 Reuseable Machinery Arrangement 27 3 — 7 Patterns and Panels 28 3 — 8 Application of Patterns and Panels 29 3 — 9 Reuseable Diagrammatic and Arrangement 30 3—10 Unit Pattern 30 3 — 1 1 Repeated Application of a Panel 31 3 — 12 Arrangement Zone — Around a Main Diesel Engine .31 3 — 13 Arrangement Zone — Around a Boiler 32 3 — 14 Arrangement Zone — Uptakes 32 3 — 15 Arangement Zone — Aft of a Boiler 33 3 — 16 Arrangement Zone — On-block .33 3 — 17 Unit Outfitting Procedure in Design , 34 3 — 1 8 Control Organization for Material 35 3 — 19 Material Requirements Definition 36 3—20 Scale Model — Outfit On-unit 37 3 — 21 Photographically Prepared Orthographic "Drawing" 38 3 — 22 Scale Model — Machinery Space 38 4 — 1 Material Control Classifications 39 4 — 2 Stock Materials 40 4 — 3 Growth of Material Requirements 40 4—4 Leveling and Balancing 41 4—5 Refinement of "AS" Materials 42 4 — 6 Puchasing Process 43 4 — 7 Subcontracting Process 44 4 — 8 Warehousing and Palletizing Process 44 4 — 9 Outside Stowage Areas 45 4 — 10 Subcontractor Lots Match Pallets 45 4 — 1 1 Palletizing for Material Issue 46 vm 5 — 1 Organization of Schedules 47 5 — 2 Milestone Schedule 48 5 — 3 Outfitting Master Schedule 48 5 — 4 Monthly Schedule 49 5_5 Weekly Schedule 50 5 — 6 Sequence Table 50 5 — 7 Management Cycle 51 5 — 8 Pipe Fabrication Control 52 5—9 Pipe Shop Scheduling 52 5 — 10 Unit Outfitting Procedure in Production 53 6 — 1 Shipbuilding Functions 56 6 — 2 Shipyard Organization .57 7 — 1 Pipe Support Approach 59 7 — 2 Foundations On-unit 59 7 — 3 Small Components On-unit 60 7 — 4 Unit Assembly Platen 61 7 — 5 Modular Support Blocks 61 7—6 Adjustable Pipe Jig 62 ^ — 7 Jig for Geographical Units 62 7 — 8 Removable-stop Type Couplings On-unit 62 7 — 9 Lifting a Combination Unit 63 7 — 10 Landing a Main Diesel Engine 63 7 — 1 1 Block and Unit Erection Sequence 64 7—12 Small Portable Crane for Outfitting On-block 64 7 — 1 3 Transparent Vacuum Boxes 65 7—14 Chain Fall On-block 65 7—15 Staging On-block 65 7 — 16 Temporary Services On-block 66 7 — 17 Down-hand Painting On-block 66 7—18 Outfitting Both Sides On-block 66 7 — 19 Combined Pentrations On-block 66 7—20 Electric Cable On-block 67 IX 7—21 Electric Cable Splices 67 7—22 Outfitting On Sides of Blocks 68 7 — 23 Outfitted Block Awaiting Erection 68 7 — 24 Actuators and Hopper Doors .68 7 — 25 LNG Ship Compressor Room 68 7—26 LNG Spherical Tank Pipe-Tower 69 7—27 Outfit On-block in Ship Repair 69 7 — 28 Access for Aligning Main Engine 70 7 — 29 Machining Foundations 70 7—30 Electric Cable Splices On-board 70 7—31 Poured-type Bulkhead Seals .71 A — 1 Application of Codes A — 2 Diagram of Code System A — 3 Structure of Material Cost Classification A — 4 Identification Codes for Material A— 5 Classification of PPFM A — 6 Treatment Zone 1.0 INTRODUCTION Outfit Planning is a term used to describe the allocation of resources for the installation of components other than hull structure in a ship. Methods applied in shipyards in other countries are recognized to have produced such benefits as: • improved safety, • reduced cost, • better quality, • shorter periods between contract award and delivery, and • adherence to schedules. Thus the purpose of this text, which is based upon a study of such methods and knowledge of domestic practices, is to identify the logic and principles which could lead to improv- ing outfit procedures in the U.S. shipbuilding industry. Shipbuilding, which is heavy construction, differs from the manufacturing sector in that to achieve optimum pro- ductivity much material procurement anticipates design 100% r- A CONTRACT AWARD 100% r 70% 1958 DELIVERY 30% CONTRACT AWARD 1978 DELIVERY FIGURE 1-1: Overlap of outfit design, material definition, procurement and production which has been achieved by the most competitive shipbuilders. When only 30% of a design is completed, 70% of its required material is defined. and production must start before the design and material procurement efforts are completed. This intentional over- lapping, illustrated in figure 1-1, is necessary to minimize interest costs for the substantial accumulating investment represented by construction progress and for achieving maximum utilization of expensive facilities such as a build- ing dock. The overlap of these activities necessarily requires that information developed in one be formatted to the needs of the others. Shipyards which have recognized the need for overlap are currently striving, as a consequence of the depressed world market for new ships, to become more competitive by achieving greater overlap even for a mix of unique ships constructed simultaneously. Their goal is per- fect integration of design, material procurement and pro- duction. The singular principle they applied is that design and material definition are aspects of planning. In the context of such logic, this text outlines an approach for support of the outfitting process from contract award to delivery. Conventional outfitting, still practiced to some extent, is planned and implemented by functional systems. It is typified by the allocation of resources to activities associated with ships' systems, e.g., cargo oil, bilge and ballast, main propulsion, etc., and does not recognize that certain interim products, i.e., subassemblies of outfit materials, can be pro- duced more efficiently away from hull erection sites. Conventional outfitting is basically accomplished by landing large components, such as a main engine, during hull erec- tion and subsequently installing various small components which make up supporting systems. Small components are usually installed as areas of the ship become structurally complete thereby concentrating outfit craftsmen in confined spaces over relatively short periods, especially be- tween launch and delivery. The assumption which a conventional planner usually makes is that outfitting should commence in a given area as soon as that portion of the ship is erected. With the pyrami- dal or block-by-block approach to hull construction, already significantly developed in the U.S., the areas available for outfitting are often occupied simultaneously by many workers who are installing components system-by-system and are competing for access with each other. It is generally recognized that such distribution of work complicates man- agement and increases the probability of interferences and rework. Because the work is usually planned as a follow-on to hull construction, the sequencing of the outfitting effort is acomplished system-by-system with designated starts not earlier than completion of the surrounding hull. However, planned completions must anticipate testing requirements. Thus constricted, the planned sequences and allocations for outfitting are not, with rare exception, optimum for minimizing resources. Further, extraordinary efforts are required at the hull erection site to preclude dangerous, dirty and poorly lighted work areas. Craftsmen are in envi- ronments where, in most cases, it is difficult or time consum- ing to get tools and materials. The natural result is more lost-time accidents, increased costs, poorer quality and longer shipbuilding periods. Some shipbuilders are partially circumventing these problems by preoutfitting. This method applies resources earlier by outfitting large structural sections prior to erec- tion of a hull. This necessitates construction of steel as- semblies in a sequence which is probably not optimum for maximizing steel throughput with minimum expenditure of resources. Preoutfitting also requires dedication of ap- preciable time and facilities, e.g., large indoor or outside areas. Access is improved but components are still installed piece-by- piece using unchanged methods. There is great dependence upon hull structural planning which in turn complicates management of the production process (if a hull section is not available outfitting is disrupted). Preoutfitting is usually planned by allocating resources to activities associated with ships' systems. Although access is somewhat improved, depending on the sizes of hull blocks, craftsmen still compete for time and space. Also, getting tools and materials to the work site is still not idealized. There is some improved ability to level load the outfitting trades which should improve productivity by permitting FUNCTIONAL UNIT POTABLE WATER AND FRESH WATER UNIT WATER DISTILLING UNIT F.O. PURIFIER UNIT REFRIGERATING PLANT UNIT ETC. GEOGRAPHICAL UNIT PIPE PASSAGE ON DECK UNIT PIPE PASSAGE IN ACCOMMODATION SPACE UNIT PIPE PASSAGE IN ENGINE ROOM UNIT ETC. COMBINATION UNIT ENGINE FLAT UNIT PUMP ROOM FLAT UNIT ETC. TO REDUCE THE OUTFITTING PERIOD TO MINIMIZE OUTFITTING ON-BOARO TO SIMPLIFY OUTFIT PLANNING f-*T £> PURPOSE OF ZONE OUTFITTING o* tf & TO AVOID INTERFERENCES BETWEEN TRADES TO ACHIEVE GREATER EFFICIENCY OF ERECTION CRANES REDUCED OVERHEAD WORK IMPROVED LIGHTING REDUCED WORK IN HIGH PLACES IMPROVED VENTILATION IMPROVED ACCESS TO WORK SITE IMPROVED FACILITY UTILIZATION IMPROVED SAFETY IMPROVED WORKING ENVIRONMENT HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY BETTER QUALITY FIGURE 1-2: Goals and benefits of zone outfitting. FIGURE 1-3: Types of units. more uniform work flow. But savings in total manhours and the overall building period are inherently limited because the only real distinction between preoutfitting and conven- tional outfitting is where the work takes place. Sometimes preoutfitting a very large structural assembly is the equiva- lent of outfitting a small ship of equal tonnage by conven- tional methods. Zone outfitting which addresses everything within a lim- ited 3-dimensional space, goes one step further. It frees outfitting as much as possible from dependence on hull construction progress and from arbitrary control as ships' systems. It achieves these ends by addressing certain interim products, i.e., significant subassemblies of just outfit mate- rials that have been joined together away from a hull erec- tion site or an outfit pier. This added degree of freedom permits segmentation of a production process by classes of problems so that common solutions can be applied regardless of both product configurations and where outfit components belong in ships' systems. This is a principle of Group Technology which is a still developing industrial science, invoked to some degree everywhere for hull construction and yet to be applied by most shipyards for outfitting. Zone outfitting is analogous to the Hull Block Construc- tion Method (HBCM) which has been highly developed by shipbuilders throughout the world during the last three decades. In fact, the HBCM is a prerequisite for zone outfitting. The HBCM employs zone-by-zone construction as compared to the archaic system-by-system method. The singular advantage of zone-by-zone construction is that it permits more freedom in applying a logical work break- down structure to achieve more uniform production flow. But while the HBCM has been almost universally adopted, the same logic for outfitting is not yet in general use. When the same logic is recognized there will be acceptance of the premise that outfitting is not a successor function and that it is necessary to plan and build a ship in a manner which will allow outfitting and hull construction to be accomplished simultaneously. The zone approach permits and encourages most of the outfitting work to be accomplished earlier and in shops where it is safer, cleaner, and tools and materials can be delivered to work sites quickly and economically. It is pro- duct oriented in that it ignores systems during the construc- tion phase and instead, focuses on interim products needed. These, which are assemblies incorporating various pieces of systems, are then installed in the shortest time frames possible in order to minimize total time at the erec- tion site. The result is less lost-time accidents, reduced costs, better quality, shorter building periods, and adherence to schedules. Figure 1-2 summarizes the goals and benefits of zone outfitting. Zone outfitting permits more opportunity for optimizing work flow to a uniform level by job type thereby providing more opportunity for semi-mass production techniques. This can reduce throughput time as well as reduce work- in-process. These techniques have been employed success- mi, KURE FIGURE l^f: A functional unit consists mainly of components necessary for the operation of something, e.g., a heat-exchanger assembly. It is generally associated with one system. IHI, KURF. FIGURE 1-5: A geographical unit provides passage for systems. Such units are assembled together to insure that they will ht on board. Each is relatively long. They can be vertical. Also, they may incorporate roller paths for self-unloaders in bulk carriers. fully by shipbuilders having a simultaneous mixture of ship designs and contract peculiarities. A zone might correspond to a compartment or even an integral part of a compartment such as a cargo hold or machinery space and their subdivisions. An entire superstructure, or just one of its levels, could be a zone even though a number of compartments are included. Also, a zone could encompass partial regions from two adjacent compartments even though separated by a bulkhead. Thus, a zone is any subdivision of the planned ship which best serves for organizing information needed to support outfit- ting at a particular stage of construction. Zone outfitting features three basic stages: on-unit, on-block and on-board. Outfitting on-unit is the assembly of an interim product consisting of manufactured and purchased components. It includes all but a final paint coat. A unit is composed exclu- sively of outfitting materials and does not incorporate any hull structure. Techniques have been developed for extra stiffening to provide sufficient strength for lifting and transporting. Units can be categorized as functional, geo- graphical or combination as listed in figure 1-3. An example of each type of unit is illustrated in figures 1-4, 1-5, and 1-6. On-unit outfitting should be given the highest priority even though there is some impact on hull construction progress because assembly is performed in shops which provide ideal climate, lighting and access. Shop work increases the oppor- tunity for improved safety and higher productivity. Outfit- ting on-unit has less impact on the progress of hull structure as opposed to on-block outfitting. Outfitting on-block is the installation of outfit compo- nents, or even a unit, onto a hull structural assembly or block prior to its erection. It is the next best alternative to outfitting on-unit. It includes all painting except a final coat and that paint omitted to anticipate welding of butts and wMsMSam MlTSl l.CHIBA FIGURE 1-6: A combination unit includes more than one system. 00$k''9SSSi0^$im^ IHI, AlOI FIGURE 1-8: Outfitting on-block in an indoor outfit assembly area. seams. Outfitting on-block requires good coordination be- tween hull structure, outfit and painting planners and man- agement surveillance to insure that none proceed without justification at the expense of others. Allocation of re- sources must address the structural, outfit and painting efforts simultaneously in order to minimize the total cost of an outfitted block. Setting a unit on-block enhances produc- tivity because the time a block is required for outfitting is reduced. On-block outfitting may be done on a hull assem- bly platen, as shown in figure 1-7, or a block may be moved to an inside or outside area designated for outfitting; see figures 1-8 and 1-9. Outfitting on-board includes, and ideally should be lim- ited to, the connection of units and/or outfitted blocks, final painting, and tests and trials. It necessarily includes some IHI, KURE IHI, KURE FIGURE 1-7: Outfitting on-block in a hull assembly area. FIGURE 1 -9: Outfitting on-block in an outdoor outfit assembly area. installation of outfit components, in a hull at a building position or outfitting pier, which cannot be productively incorporated on-unit or on-block. Techniques, such as illus- trated in figures 1-10 and 1-11, facilitate joining of units and/or outfitted blocks. The flexible couplings shown in- 1HI, KURE FIGURE 1-10: Flexible-hose assemblies increase material costs but re- duce overall costs for joining tubing between blocks. No welding is re- quired. Virtually all misalignment can be accommodated. ASTANO. EL FERROL crease material costs but more than compensate by decreas- ing manpower, facilities and the overall time required for joining. Figure 1-12 shows placement of a unit at an erec- tion site which was matched during assembly to its adjoining unit thus greatly simplifying alignment on-board. One method used to organize information to support zone outfitting is a pallet concept. Literally a pallet is a portable platform upon which materials are stacked for storage or transportation. It is useful to employ the word "pallet" to associate materials with information needed to support a job of assembling a unit, outfitting on-block or a discrete amount of outfitting on-board. It is a conceptual approach that allows information from design, material and production to integrate so that the various functionaries can have a common understanding of just how a ship will be constructed. As illustrated in figure 1-13, a pallet is the common link needed for zone outfitting; i.e., it is the basis for integration of design, material and produc- tion information. A pallet represents a definite increment of work with allocated resources needed to produce a defined interim product. It is correct to envision a pallet as a work package. A pallet is also a definition of components of the various functional systems in a particular zone at a specific stage (time) of construction. Figure 1-14 illustrates how these three aspects may be conceptualized. Pallets address zones at particular stages of construction. These vary only slightly for different ship sizes and types while the ultimate contents of the pallets may differ signifi- cantly. Thus zones and stages can be sufficiendy general so MITSL'I.CHIBA FIGURE 1-11 : Removable-stud ty pe flexible couplings simplify planning. No welded clips and straps or elongated bolts are required. Some misalignment can be accommodated. FIGURE 1-12: Units which have been assembled together to insure that they fit, are landed on board. The sequence is specified in an erection schedule which incorporates both outfit units and hull blocks. that an existing pallet scheme can be reapplied with slight modifications to many ship construction projects. Creation of a pallet list before the start of detail design is the means by which competitive shipbuilders more perfectly coordinate their detail design, material procurement and production efforts. The pallet concept is extremely beneficial for staging or kitting material for delivery to a work site. The use of a kit ensures that a worker has all of the components necessary to do a job. A kit may consist of more than one container of material where it is inconvenient to deliver a large lot. Figure 1-15 illustrates the resources that are applied by FIGURE 1-13: Pallet — The information link. The word "pallet" is used to define a zone at a stage of construction in design, to indicate a work package in production and, in a more literal sense, to designate a group of materials. ASTANO. EL FERROL FIGURE i-75.Improved outfitting is dependent upon the availability of containers and yard areas needed for sorting and storing materials. The containers are designed to be handled by crane or forklift and to be stowed on top of each other. some shipyards in Europe and Japan to organize material in kits ready for delivery to an outfit activity. Each kit is iden- tified as a particular pallet or work package for on-unit, on-block, or on-board outfitting. Zone outfitting has significantly contributed to the pro- ductivity gains achieved by the world's most competitive shipbuilders. Figure 1-16 illustratively summarizes the ob- jectives and benefits, i.e., minimize low-efficiency on-board work and maximize high-efficiency shop work in order to reduce the overall time required to build a ship. ZONES ZONES FIGURE 1-14: The three aspects of a pallet needed to group work are zone, stage and system. There are no arbitrary restrictions. Zone schemes can change from stage to stage and the durations of the stages can vary. Zones and stages from previous ships, with nominal modifications, can be reapplied to most ships of different sizes and types. As a detail design develops the contents of pallets, i.e., the amounts and types of systems incorporated, may differ significantly. TIME > ( ON-UNIT ON-BLOCK ON-BOARD } < OUTFITTING EARLIER \^30ALS^ ^ HIGH ER PRODUCTIVITY CAN BE EXPECTED 1) TO MINIMIZE WORK ON-BOARD (LOW EFFICIENCY WORK) AND TO INCREASE WORK IN SHOPS (HIGH EFFICIENCY WORK). 2) TO COMPLETE WORK ZONE-BY-ZONE IN ORDER TO SIMPLIFY MANAGEMENT CONTROL. 3) TO AVOID INTERFACE PROBLEMS WITH HULL CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING AND THEIR ASSOCIATED WORK PROCESSES. 4) TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF FACILITIES, SHOP. WAYS/DOCK, AND OUTFITTING PIERS BY EARLIER OUTFITTING AND MORE UNIFORM APPLICATION OF OUTFIT MANPOWER. FIGURE 1-16: Summary of zone outfitting goals. 2.0 OVERLAP OF DESIGN, MATERIAL PROCUREMENT AND PRODUCTION Significant overlap of design, material procurement and production is essential for reducing the overall construction period, but, overlap reduces the time needed to organize information developed by designers. Thus, from the onset design information must be formatted to more fully antici- pate needs relating to material and production. 2.1 The Role of Design Where zone outfitting is most advanced the design effort is divided into the following successive stages: • Basic Design - e.g., specifications which establish performance requirements. • Functional Design - e.g., systems' diagrammatics developed from basic design. It includes simul- taneous preparation of a material list, divided into unique material ordering zones, for each system diagrammatic. Functional design also includes preparation of other key drawings such as general, machinery and block arrangements. • Detail Design - e.g., conversions from functional design to working drawings. This process yields composite drawings upon which work zones are delineated. 1 It also includes the start of lists that associate specific materials with specific work zones. The composites are sufficiently comprehen- sive so that details needed for manufacturing cer- tain items, e.g., pipe pieces, may be derived. As they indicate the mounting positions of all compo- nents relative to each other, the composites are the bases for assembly instructions. The detail design stage also includes preparation of material detail design drawings, including their material lists, for items that must be custom fabricated such as pipe pieces, ladders and small tanks. • Work Instruction Design - e.g., light-line contact prints, made from the composite drawings, on which only the components to be installed during a specific stage of construction are delineated by darkened lines. Thus, there can be more than one work instruction drawing per work zone. They are annotated with assembly instructions and each is accompanied by a specific material list per work zone per work stage. It is correct for designers to refer to each work instruction drawing and its material list as a pallet or work package. The work instruction design phase significantly overlaps the detail design phase and both are performed by the same people. Each design stage more clearly defines material require- ments. Each successor stage honors commitments made and constraints imposed previously, while producing more detailed information. But most important, each successor stage transforms how the developing design is presented in order to fulfill the subsequent users' essential needs. The information developed by designers provides the framework upon which other shipyard people build neces- sary data to procure material for and produce a ship. The development of this framework inescapably involves plan- ning decisions such as definition of materials, construction details for fabrication and assembly, indentification of zone boundaries and designation of work stages. The concept that design and material definition are aspects of planning is most important because certain design groups are in the best position to contribute significantly. They are primarily the groups concerned with functional, detail and work in- struction design. For them the greatest departures from conventional practice, where material lists are prepared by systems as the last act in detail design, are: • simultaneous preparation of diagrammatics and their material lists by material ordering zones in order to quickly determine all material require- ments, and • preparation of structured material lists during de- tail and work instruction design reflecting how a ship is to be assembled. These lists enhance productivity because they are very use- ful tools for other aspects of planning. Design people especially organized to support continuing development of information for material procurement and construction as described in the foregoing, are virtually prerequisite. Zone outfitting is facilitated if the various de- sign outfit disciplines are grouped in a manner which com- pliments planned zoning, e.g.: • Deck Outfitting 2 • Accommodations Outfitting • Machinery Outfitting • Electrical Outfitting 3 'As an economic measure many work zones appear on one drawing. If a specific zone is very complicated, 2 or 3 drawings for one zone should be considered. The number of work zones per drawing is immaterial as long as the drawing issue schedule is derived from the pallet list. 2 Deck outfitting includes everything that is not in accommodations or machinery spaces. Accommodations, machinery and deck designate contiguous 3-dimensional zones. Electrical is rationalized as permeating all of the others. Each of these groups prepares key drawings, working drawings, and material lists in a manner to suit initial zone designations such as those shown in figure 2- 1 . Thus design, as well as production, is segmented by classes of problems in accordance with the principles of Group Technology. Within such groups there are improved "horizontal" communications such as that between piping and vent duct designers assigned to machinery outfitting. In addition, all become more expert about the unique nature of machinery spaces where assembly problems to be solved are different from those in accommodation spaces. As a consequence, they are led away from insignificant and non-productive fine tuning of systems and, instead, focus more on ideal interim products and their required materials. Where Group Technology has been so applied, some believe that the resulting improved communications and developed as- sembly expertise by zone are primarily responsible for their relatively interference-free composite drawings. These are essential for successful zone outfitting. In order to achieve a greater overlap of design, material and production, it is necessary to organize material re- quirements so that purchase and manufacturing orders can be placed as early as possible. Emphatically, designers have the best opportunity to: • Create lists as early as possible of all needed com- ponents and bulk raw materials. A few, such as a main engine, are often identified in basic design. 4 All of the remainder are listed by counting or estimating as system diagrammatics are developed in functional design. Material locations are fixed by an initial zone, i.e., machinery, accommodations, deck or electrical, which has been sub-divided into 3 to 7 "purchasing" zones that are needed to schedule accelerated procurement. Such lists are called: MLS - Material List by (ship's functional) System (by purchasing zone) • List the raw materials needed for outfit items which will be custom manufactured, e.g., pipe pieces, ladders, small tank assemblies, etc. These may re- quire material detail design effort, such as details to produce a pipe piece. But, to a remarkable degree, the detail designs for such things as ladders and ventilation duct fittings can be obtained from stan- ELECTRIC * ACCOMMODATION .QECK MACHINERY FIGURE 2-1: Initial design zones are common to all ships. They repre- sent the first classification of problems in accordance with the principles of Group Technology. dard drawings or from previous ship designs. Such lists are called: MLP - Material List for (manufacture of) Pipe (pieces) MLC - Material List for (manufacture of) Compo- nents (other than pipe) 5 • List materials per pallet, i.e., per work zone per work stage, for assembly of a specific interim pro- duct. There are three sources: 1. Materials already incorporated in an MLS excluding the raw materials needed to custom manufacture other outfit materials. 2. Custom manufactured components which are made from the raw materials identified in an MLP or MLC. 3. Materials for which quantities are more exactly identified in working drawing preparation. Such lists are called: MLF - Material List for Fittings (per pallet, i.e., per work zone per work stage) The various MLS are produced quickly not only to accel- erate procurement, but also to check for major mistakes in the material estimate used to establish the contract price. 6 4 Usually purchase orders are issued as soon as such items are identified. Sometimes they are issued even before contract award when an item is identified during negotiations with a customer and the shipbuilder elects to speculate. Other such items are boilers, large auxiliary machinery, special cargo piping, special or large valves, castings, elevators, switchboards, etc. 5 The lists for pipe (MLP) and the grouping of all other components to be fabricated in separate lists (MLC) apply in a shipyard which fabricates pipe pieces and assigns all other fabrication to subcontractors. If other items are fabricated in-house, such as products from a sheet metal shop, other lists analogous to those for pipe are recommended. "Summations from MLS are sufficiently accurate and because they are by functional system are ideal for early feedback to estimators. The improved accuracy that would be obtained by summing from MLF doesn't justify the additional time that would be needed. Even an accurate count after the ship is completed is normally not worth the added effort. in AAA « Z 3| MLF 4 0N-BL0CK SYSTEM 1 SYSTEM ^ z CO >- CO " 1 MLC %■ ** _ a. O 2 O n6 ALL MATERIAL FOR ZONE 05 o SYSTEM SYSTEM Z LU 1- CO >- CO m o m o - gj - it - CO « z lei — U, 3 - _j ■ MLF 2 0N-BL0CK ALL MATERIAL FOR ZONE 01 MLC V 2 O Nb v SYSTEM SYSTEM Z CO >- CO ALL MATERIAL FOR ZONE 03 i| «* t: »- z ii MLF1 ON-UNIT MLC % 4 SYSTEM SYSTEM Z LU t- co >- CO ALL MATERIAL FOR ZONE 02 MLS1 MLS 2 CO CO -J z MLF ON-UNIT, 0N-BL0CK OR 0N-B0ARD MLC Aw-- -1^ ** cr JIN dl.W S*i ■a T3 I B S .2 s i J .a ^ .2 H o - *3 a j — o a N U •p 3 I P ■ c £1E s I 1 rf ■8 1 -a g ■c E 22 E 2 o 8 8 £* 12 iS c "*- 2 a e .2 >^ c ; a 11 £• ° c c S c a -a ^ a SB 3 2 B 7 I u .2 E 3 c o ■- c O P £ a JJ ^ 1> u 3 D. E o i a ■2 P ■3 ip X) JJ _ ™ 1 a •P « 15 ■c u P Q. p g « •a > .2 > 3 3 2 E u 5 Ta § c 2 tE c p E ~ u p re !U "1.8- bb-5 3L P w o U« a -J J2 S K This permits managers to remedially adjust policies, if necessary, before major procurement begins. For example, if the MLS summations indicate significantly greater mate- rial requirements than had been estimated, a manager, within the latitude of the specifications and with regard for impact on installation costs, could direct usage of less costly materials or simpler systems. Accommodation areas, in par- ticular, are usually susceptible to significant such savings. MLS are systems oriented, which benefits estimators, and are simultaneously zone oriented in a way that facilitates early material procurement. In contrast, MLP, MLC and MLF are product oriented, i.e., they are structured bills of material for use as planning documents for specific interim products. They anticipate how a ship is to be assembled and provide the bases for the remaining planning and costing of interim products. The MLS, MLP, MLC and MLF are readily identifiable material requirements formats for support of material con- trol and production. Figure 2-2 shows their relationships to each other. Materials on an MLS are ultimately incorpo- rated on an MLF, either directly or as a component of something custom manufactured. Similarly, materials on MLP and MLC are listed in their new identities as custom BASIC AND FUNCTIONAL DESIGN MATERIAL DETAIL DESIGN ' WORKING DRAWING PREPARATION < 1 ' 1 1 MLS MLP MLC MLF "t 1 r ~t~ SORTING AND COLLATING m 1 ' t P/O FOR LONG LEAD TIME MATERIAL MANUFACT. ORDER P/O FOR SHORT LEAD TIME MATERIAL 1 LONG LEAD TIME MATERIAL (SUPPLIER) J LU O. H —►J MATERIAL MANUFACTURING (SHOPI ^ RAW MATERIAL SHORT LEAD TIME ^s MATERIAL (SUPPLIER) >/ FIGURE 2-3: Relationships of material lists to design and to material procurement. Accuracy and timing of the sorting and collating functions are critical. In addition to sorting for long and short lead time and manufacturing-order materials, items identified in MLP, MLC and MLF must be compared to those in MLS. Also, the end product of each MLP and MLC must be accounted for in an MLF. manufactured items on an MLF. Thus, an MLF includes all outfit materials needed for a planned interim product. It is the pallet needed to outfit a unit, outfit a block or outfit a discrete amount on-board. A pallet is a group of outfit materials necessary to perform a defined increment of work which is identified by an MLF. The pallet name is the MLF number. Such organization permits sorting and collating in a manner that enhances material, schedule and cost control. During the early design phases, identification of all pallets will not be known. Thus, the procurement process begins early using MLS and, as the design develops material is associated with specific pallets; i.e., MLF evolve and pro- curement information is refined. Figure 2-3 illustrates the relationships of the material lists to design and to material procurement aspects. Since it is disruptive for designers to have to reorient themselves to what they did before, mana- gers should assign high priorities to computer applications for continously updating material lists. Today, in very com- petitive shipbuilding firms many regard maintenance of material lists as the most important computer applications. Functional design proceeds in the context of initial zones (aspects of Group Technology) which are subdivided into purchasing zones. Each of the latter is scheduled to create a basic outfit sequence for preparation of diagrammatics and their material lists (MLS). As planning continues, detail design drawings and the breakdown of work to pallets proceed simultaneously. A specific work stage and a specific work zone is depicted on each work instruction drawing (see figure 2-4). Subsequently pallets are scheduled. This pro- cess is refinement of the overall schedule because the plan- ning addresses smaller increments. Since the material re- quirements are contained first in MLS, and then in material lists by pallet (MLF), the procurement data is refined as well. If the shipyard is building a vessel which is very similar in configuration to previously built vessels, pallets will be defined almost simultaneously with the new zone defini- tions. This enhances both the speed and accuracy of infor- mational support needed for overlapping design, material and production. Another method for improving the timeliness and accu- racy of design information is through the use of standards. To appreciate the full impact of standards, it is necessary to appreciate the entire management cycle because every management function benefits from the use of standards. Decisions made in forecasting, planning, scheduling and production are controlled by information both from previ- ous steps and from feedback obtained from subsequent steps. Standards provide an opportunity for common un- derstanding and improved communications among ship- yard functionaries. Standards benefit the estimating, scheduling, and accounting functions by providing sim- plified quality information that facilitates prediction, im- plementation and evaluation. But, there is much greater potential benefit in planning, particularly for design and material definition, and in production. 10 LU 1— CO V CO UJ C9 «C t- (/» CO INITIAL \ ZONES J* DECK ACCOM. MACH. ELECT. WORK \ ZONES ^ 1 2 3 etc. 1 2 3 etc. 1 2 3 etc. 1 2 3 etc. 1- z z o 1 ON-BLOCK OUTFITTING FOR MATERIALS PRE ASSEMBLED INTO A UNIT AFTER A STEEL BLOCK IS TURNED OVER. ON-BLOCK OUTFITTING FOR MATERIAL PRE-ASSEMBLED INTO A UNIT. 3 ONBOARD OUTFITTING FOR MATERIAL PRE-ASSEMBLED INTO A UNIT. it O o —I GD Z O 4 ON-BLOCK OUTFITTING FOR MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED PIECE-BY-PIECE. 5. ON-BLOCK OUTFITTING FOR MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED PIECE-BY-PIECE AFTER A STEEL BLOCK IS TURNED OVER. 4t O « o CO z o 6 ONBOARD OUTFITTING PRIOR TO AN AREA CLOSURE BY AN OVERHEAD BLOCK. 7. ONBOARD OUTFITTING PRIOR TO SYSTEMS TESTS (OR OTHER KEY EVENTS AS SELECTED). 8. ONBOARD OUTFITTING PRIOR TO LAUNCH. 9. ONBOARD OUTFITTING AFTER LAUNCH. 10. ONBOARD OUTFITTING GENERAL CATEGORY FOR ITEMS SUCH AS SPARE PARTS AND TOUCH-UP. ONE SUB-STAGE PER ONE INTERIM ONE WORK INSTRUCTION WORK ZONE PRODUCT DRAWING ONE GROUP OF REQUIRED ONE WORK ACTIVITY MATERIALS IN SCHEDULING ONE PALLET FIGURE 2-4: Typical breakdown of work to pallets. Each work instruction drawing addresses a specific work stage in a specific work zone such as that designated by the shaded box. Sub-stages are limited to ten so that only a single character is needed to identify a sub-stage. 11 Figure 2-5 shows a methodology for classifying stan- dards. This organization facilities the cataloging and coor- dination of various types. Basic Standards (IS) are those that must be closely followed by design and production. Stand- ard Drawings (SD) serve as guidance allowing some flexibil- ity to meet individual requirements. Standards also provide opportunities for saving manhours, maintaining high qual- ity and simplifying computerization. Shipbuilders who have successfully standardized elementary components have extended their use to modules of arrangements of various components. 7 These "design modules" are intentionally general in nature so they may be reapplied in different ship sizes and types. They also anticipate different customer needs and therefore allow some flexibility in application. Further development produced interim products for which the bulk of the planning data in file is immediately available for reuse. This includes diagrammatics, com- posites, MLP, MLC, MLF, material detail design and work instruction drawings. Another important aspect is the incorporation of machinery selected from manufacturers' catalogs. Because each such machinery item is "approved" when it is desig- Classification of Standards Nos. IS SO Material Standards Common components Hull fittings Machinery fittings Electric fittings 600 600 200 200 Sub-total 1,600 SOT Design process standard Prod, eng'r'g. process standards inspection process standard 1,100 100 200 Sub-total 1,400 SD Machinery drawings Component and fitting, standard drawings Other guidance drawings 1,200 350 350 Sub-total 1,900 Grand total 4,900 FIGURE 2-5: Typical classification of standards. The quantities shown are from a corporation which operates five yards for building ships of various types and sizes from 15,000 DWT to 500,000 DWT. nated as a shipyard standard, needed vendor furnished information is already on-hand and the time consuming vendor-drawing approval cycle is eliminated from the pro- curement process. The flow of design information, presented graphically in figure 2-6, starts with the basic contract data and results in early information developed in forms which anticipate all material control requirements. It is extremely important that designers know how critical their material related work is to the success of an entire shipbuilding project. 2.2 Overview of Material Control Material Control includes authority for material requisi- tioning and direction over purchasing, expediting, ware- housing, palletizing and delivery to the work site. Material control converts design data, which is by ship/system/stage, into terms of material-by-material and delivery to ensure meeting schedule requirements while minimizing inven- tories and total cost. In order to facilitate the procurement process and pro- vide information in a form readily useable in production, a series of standard classifications of material are applied. The material lists from design (MLS, MLP, MLC, and MLF) are coded with material identification numbers needed to facilitate computerization and the flow of information be- tween shipyard functionaires. An approach for a coding system is provided in Appendix A. Whatever the coding system used, material can be classified into three basic categories: A - Allocated Materials. These are purchased specifically against a contract requirement. Materials in this category include items such as a main engine, propeller, shafting, etc. S - Stock Materials. These are common to most vessels. They are requisitioned and purchased by the most economical quantity based on historical usage data and design forecasts. AS - Allocated Stock Materials. These are purchased against a specific shipbuilding contract based on the quantity identified in design plus some margin added in material control. Figure 2-7 further describes these classifications which enhance effective material control by facilitating requisi- tioning directly from material lists produced by designers. Further, the requisitions themselves are categorized to speed the procurement process. This is done by specifying on the material lists from design the type of documents needed to initiate specific procurements. The three types are: 7 See "Improving Shipyard Production with Standard Components and Modules" by Y. Ichinose, IHI Co., Ltd., Tokyo; Proceedings of the SNAME Spring Meeting, April 26, 1978, pp 10-1 to 10-11. r 6 12 T - This designation indicates an item which appears on the shipyard's Table of Standard Materials. As the buyers and customary suppliers maintain standard drawing files, no additional descriptive information is required. P - This designator identifies an item for which a Pur- chase Order Specification must be prepared. Approvals of vendors' drawings are required. The P designator should be used in place of T if there is an owner or regulator requirement for a specification even though the item is a shipyard standard. Because designers in- clude the shipyard standard number in their material lists, buyers are informed that T-item purchasing proce- dures apply. D - This designator identifies materials to be manufac- tured in accordance with Material Detail Design Draw- ings prepared by the shipyard. The latter complete the classifications necessary to accel- erate the requisitioning process by facilitating sorting and collating information from design and scheduling into formats for purchasing. The major steps in the develop- ment of requisitions are shown in figure 2-8. The effectiveness of purchasing can be enhanced by the use of long term agreements with subcontractors. The rationalization considers the total cost of a particular com- ponent in terms of quality, timely delivery, design standard- ization, material storage, material handling, installation standardization and testing. It often happens that a particu- lar component is higher in price from one manufacturer than another, but the total cost is reduced because of savings in manhours, facilities and elapsed time required for man- ufacture or assembly. Shipbuilders are generally alert to this and adequately evaluate total costs associated with high priced items, e.g., a main engine, during the basic and functional design (pre MLS and MLS) stages. It is also very important during the detail design (MLF) stage to watch for low priced items that could precipitate high installation costs if they are not available for a planned work zone and work stage. Generally, they are short-lead time materials for which purchasing is initiated after they appear on an MLF. The unit price alone is not indicative of the importance of an item to the assembly process. The use of standard components enhances the potential for overall shipyard savings. However, it is essential for the successful application of standards that they apply to high quality materials. This is particularly true for machinery items from manufacturers' catalogs that are listed as ship- yard standards. Owners need guarantees about perform- ance, parts availability, service, etc. Standards apply not only to raw materials and items such as valves, fittings, etc., but also to fabricated components such as hatch covers, ladders, gratings, miscellaneous tanks, and other small assemblies. Subcontracting for these items permits a shipyard to take advantage of skilled specialists who are qualified in their manufacture. This is another application of Group Technology. /£ ~T / 7- BASIC DESIGN STANDARD PRACTICE KEY PLAN (DIAGRAMATIC) PRODUCTION METHODS POS* VENDOR DWG STANDARD FITTING DWG MLC MLS POS* VENDOR DWG c BLOCK DWG HULL STRUCTURE DWG PALLET LIST COMPOSITE DRAWING UNIT DWG PRODUCTION SCHEDULE ASSEMBLY DWG Oj ERECTION DWG PIECE DWG (PIPE) MLP PIECE DWG (FITTING) MLC 1 PURCHASE ORDER SPECIFICATION AT INITIAL STAGE FIGURE 2-6: Flow of information in design. 13 CLASSIFICATION MATERIAL EXAMPLES STANDARDIZATION USAGE RATE QUANTITY TO BE ORDERED A ALLOCATED MATERIAL MACHINERY, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT & FITTINGS GENERALLY NO VARIABLE BASED ON QUANTITY REQUIRED BY DESIGN DEPARTMENT. j AS ALLOCATED STOCK MATERIAL VALVE, EXPANSION JOINT YES VARIABLE BASED ON QUANTITY REQUIRED BY DESIGN DEPARTMENT WITH SOME MARGIN. S STOCK MATERIAL FLANGE, ELBOW, NUTS, & BOLTS YES CONSTANT BASED ON STANDARD STOCK QUANTITY OR QUANTITY REQUIRED BY DESIGN DEPART- MENT WITH SOME MARGINS. FIGURE 2-7: Classifications for controlling materials. Subcontracting reduces a shipyard's administrative bur- den in terms of purchasing, warehousing, inventory con- trol, material handling, special tooling and, more impor- tantly, need to maintain and administer factories for man- ufacturing such components. Prudent subcontracting also takes advantage of a vendor's lower overhead costs for manufacture of small assemblies and permits concentration of a shipyard's resources on assembly of ships. By identifying components on the material lists from design as either T, P, or D (standard, specification or draw- ing respectively), purchasing people can readily determine the type of procurement required. Those components identified as D are eligible for subcontracting. In order to acquire additional benefit, a shipyard can utilize its usually greater buying power and furnish certain materials to sub- contractors (see figure 2-9). The capability to wisely subcon- tract is enhanced by design's preparation of MLP and MLC. Each lists the raw materials required for a component iden- tified as D. The relationships of such raw materials to a ship's functional system are in an MLS. Thus, purchasing people have ready identification, not only of the compo- nents which can be subcontracted, but of the raw materials required for their manufacture. The use of standards also enhances opportunities for long term agreements with vendors for the purchase of other materials identified as T or P. There is much potential benefit. Some vendors will maintain inventories which minimize a shipyard's investment and contribute to im- proved cash flow. Long-term agreements could introduce not otherwise obtainable price breaks based upon volume. Further, it is generally accepted that purchasing adminis- tration costs can be reduced by as much as 60 percent by amending existing purchase orders rather than issuing new ones. Typically, in the U.S., long-term agreements are DESIGN DATA - MLS - MLF - MLC - MLP MATERIAL CODE MATERIAL REQUISITION > CLASSIFICATION MATERIAL CONTROL CLASSIFICATION CODE OF PERSON IN HARGE MATERIAL STANDARDS MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION - CLASSIFY DATA BY CODES MATERIAL TIMING CONTROL DETERMINE TIMING OF. USER'S REQUIRED DATE MATERIAL DELIVERY DATE MATERIAL REQUISITION DATE GOALS OF REQUISITIONING PROCESS - TO CONVERT FROM DESIGN DATA TO PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION TO PLAN MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ON SCHEDULE TO MINIMIZE STOCKED MATERIAL FIGURE 2-8: Functional flow of the requisition process. MATERIAL SURPLUS STOCKED MATERIAL MATERIAL REQUISITION CHECK QUANTITY OFr - SURPLUS FOR A-MATERIAL - STOCK MATERIAL IUNALLOCATEDI FOR AS-MATERIAL - STOCKED MATERIAL FOR S-MATERIAL REQUISITION MATERIAL PER MONTH MATERIAL CONTROL AUDIT SHEET MATERIAL REQUISITION SHEET MATERIAL REQUISITION SHEET IPER SHIP FOR A-MATERIAL! MATERIAL CONTROL AUDIT SHEET 14 FIGURE 2-9: The hatchcover is at the subcontractor's plant and is ready for delivery to the shipyard across the bay. The manufacturing drawing, material list and the materials, i.e., plate, fittings and paint were furnished by the shipyard. Other assistance, e.g., special tools or even Q.A. inspec- tors, would be furnished if needed for new products. These close rela- tionships encourage sub-contractors to locate near shipyards and encour- age shipbuilders to continue their growing tendency to use open-end purchase orders to fewer subcontractors as a means for improving pro- ductivity. The warehousing function, as directed by material con- trol, receives and stores material until an order is issued for its delivery to a work site. The goals of warehousing are to maintain accurate count and physical control of materials, while minimizing handling and storage costs. The inven- tory process is aided by the identification codes utilized for materials definition in the design stage. Coding and standardization of materials permits the same commodities for different contracts and hulls to be stored in common locations. This is a recognized cost saving measure in warehousing provided there is adequate record keeping. There has to be clear assignment of responsibilities for all warehouse transactions. Accurate inventory records are es- sential for support of zone outfitting. Warehousing also includes the combining of materials, stored by material code number, into pallets for delivery to the work site. When a pallet issue order is received, material must be taken from storage to a kitting center where it is placed in one or more containers for delivery as a pallet. The kitting center, and pallets themselves, may be concep- tual in that a large item may be delivered directly from a subcontractor's shop while several other components as- signed to the same pallet may be separately transported to the work site in one or more containers. Figure 2-10 is an example of a palletizing center for fabricated pipe. made when a shipyard has orders for several ships of the same design. The use of a greater number of standard components increases the potential for long-term agree- ments for materials needed to construct different ships. Regardless of the level of standardization, design's iden- tification of materials as T, P or D can significantly improve a purchasing department's ability to support zone outfit- ting. 2.3 Production Production people are the ultimate users of information and materials produced by design and material groups. In order to best use their services and achieve efficient zone outfitting, certain production functions may be regrouped to optimize resource utilization. By organizing the work in terms of common processes, improvement in outfit throughput can be achieved. Work so organized conforms FIGURE 2-10: It makes sense to sort pipe pieces as soon as they are fabricated. In at least one shipyard where the pipe fabrication shop has a palletizing capability, it is assigned the collateral job to integrate all other materials received from subcontractors and suppliers. Thus, split responsibility for palletizing is avoided. 15 to a Group Technology approach. In this context, zone outfitting can be greatly facilitated by dividing a traditional single production department into three departments, i.e., a Hull Construction Department, an Outfitting Depart- ment and a Painting Department. This approach groups interim products regardless of their appearances or where they are to be located in a ship's functional system. Instead, interim products are grouped by similarities in production problems in order to match each group to a single set of solutions. For example, differ- ent structural panels, regardless of their location in a ship, would have the same classification and resources allocated in accordance with common parameters. Similarly, com- ponets for diverse piping systems that can be manufactured by the same processes would have the same classification and be treated the same way in the management cycle. Separation of the production functions by common pro- cesses permits their planning to proceed separately until they reach a level where they must interlock. This simplifies scheduling and performance of work. Using this same approach, the Outfitting Department can be subdivided, based again on similarity of problems, as follows: • Deck Outfitting Section, • Accommodations Outfitting Section, • Machinery Outfitting Section, • Electrical Outfitting Section, and • Fabrication Shops IHI. KURE FIGURE 2-11: The Accommodations Outfitting Section both constructs and outfits deck houses. Each deck house level is a separate block which is outfitted upside-down. The first four are responsible for outfitting on-unit, on- block and on-board in the zones indicated. As deckhouses are constructed of aluminum or light- weight steel, they do not impose the same problems inher- ent in hull construction. Thus, in accordance with the rationale of grouping by problems and seeking a single solution for each group, and because deck houses contain a great amount of outfit, it is prudent to assign assembly of deck houses to the Accommodations Outfitting Section. 8 This combined responsibility for construction and out- fitting encourages more productive methods such as outfit- ting upside-down (see figure 2-11). Typical types of work performed are: a. Deck Outfitting Section (1) On-unit assembly of pipe such as main deck sections of a tanker cargo system. (2) On-block installation of pipe, valves, ladders, hand rails, mooring fittings, etc. (3) On-board installation of cargo pumps, hatch covers, anchor handling equipment, anchor, steering engine, operation and testing of deck machinery, etc. b. Accommodations Outfitting Section (1) Construction of superstructures. (2) On-unit assembly of pipe such as for control lines, sanitary systems, etc. (3) On-block installation of units, vent duct, insula- tion, etc. (4) On-board installation of vent duct, piping, false ceilings, refrigeration equipment, furniture, life boats, navigation instruments, etc. c. Machinery Outfitting Section (1) On-unit assembly of boiler piping, heat exchangers, main feed pumps, etc. (2) On-block installation of pipe, vent duct, grating, foundations, etc. (3) On-board installation of pipe, vent duct, ladders, main engines, shafting, boilers, generators, etc., testing, operation for trials, etc. 9 d. The Electrical Outfitting Section installs cableways, small electrical foundations, etc., on-unit, on-block and on-board. It installs, hooks-up and tests all electrical cabling and small electrical equipments. s In principle, a U.S. shipbuilder has already implemented this logic. Entire deckhouses for LNG ships were assigned to a single subcontractor for coordinated construction and outfitting. 9 The Machinery Outfitting Section can be further divided to separate specialists required for installing, testing and operating main propulsion machinery from those who install piping, ladders, gratings, etc. 16 1TALCANT1ERI, MONFALCONE FIGURE 2-12: The Pipe Piece Family Manufacturing (PPFM) number assigned by detail designers, is the basis for loading a pipe fabrication facility. Such concepts are essential for ideal productivity in pipe shops particularly if they are automated. In addition it installs control tubing since as- sociated problems are similar in nature to prob- lems associated with installation of cable. e. The fabrication shops supply in-house manufac- tured components to the outfitting shops to sup- port the on-unit, on-block, and on-board outfit- ting. Shipbuilders abroad often limit in-house fab- rication to just pipe. The other components such as vent duct, ladders, hand rails, grating, founda- tions, etc., standardized as much as possible, are funished by subcontractors. The role of a pipe shop is to supply fabricated pipe pieces to the outfitting sections when and where they are needed. In order to manage this process, it is necessary to develop controls for schedule, manhours, material, and quality (the latter includes dimensional accuracy). This can be achieved by arranging the information in terms of flow lines or- ganized by similar types of fabrication procedures. This is another application of Group Technology. For example, bent pipes, regardless of the number of bends, are fabri- cated by use of similar procedures such as for marking and cutting, bending, assembling, welding, and finishing. These procedures are obviously the same for bent pipe regardless of the functional systems in a ship they will eventually support. Thus, the procedure categorization is given the acronym PPFM for Pipe Piece Family Manufacturing. Pipe pieces are grouped by type of job from the shop control viewpoint. This grouping is for sequencing pipe through a shop. Grouped jobs are called the job stages. When grouped in this manner, the manhour requirements by job "Appendix A provides an example of PPFM coding. stage can be summed to form a work lot. In turn, this permits the control of work to be done by lot which im- proves the opportunity for management control by reduc- ing the volume of information that must be dealt with. PPFM is a methodology for identification of pipe to be fabricated by classifying the processing in terms of diame- ter, material, geometrical shape, treatment, and so on. Utilizing a standardized processing time for each PPFM category simplifies the scheduling for pipe fabrication. Since each pallet has a required date, the latest starting date can be quickly computed for each pipe piece identified with a PPFM number. Further benefits can be achieved in a computerized system because the volume of data is re- duced. PPFM further simplifies capacity planning for a pipe shop by the introduction of standard processing times and production flow paths. These introduce semi-mass produc- tion techniques which are inherently beneficial. There is improvement in throughput time by reduction in set-up time, reduced scrap, improved machine utilization, and reduced work-in-process. PPFM is essential both for plan- ning manufacture of pipe pieces in an automated shop (see figure 2-12), and for identifying the unique pieces which still require manufacture by hand. PPFM numbers are established by designers and are incorporated on each MLP. This provides a means of simplifying communications between designers and shop personnel by identifying the processing route immediately in the design stage. Shop personnel and designers acquire common understanding of the processing required by use of PPFM numbers. The grouping of fabrication processes by PPFM numbers assigned in design, simplifies outfit planning and is a typical example of design as an aspect of planning. Figure 2-13 shows a PPFM scheme and its application from design to palletizing. This same technique, already applied successfully in pipe fabrication, could also be applied for the fabrication of other components. The PPFM coding also provides additional information in terms of size and coating to be applied. 10 Figure 2-14 shows how PPFM can be applied to organize and identify the flow of material through the fabrication process. 2.4 Production Planning Some degree of outfit planning is inherently incorpo- rated in each shipyard function such as design, material control, industrial relations, facilities, quality assurance, etc. By organizing some of these functions and sub- functions in terms of common processes, the formal planning, which provides the framework for communication, can be sim- plified. As illustrated in figure 2-15 the planning function itself is concerned with different levels of detail to support the production process. At the top, plans concern them- selves with long range business considerations, i.e., market analyses, facilities, financing, etc., and contain a great deal of uncertainty. Long range plans do, however, create a 17 framework for the development of near term plans. These concern themselves more with contracts in-hand and prob- able business. Short and long range plans are the bases for assigning the resources required to accomplish current and anticipated work and provide management with basic guidelines needed for business decisions. When a contract is awarded, more detailed planning is required. Decisions must be made as to how, where and when the ship is to be built. The "how" at this point involves decisions as to block size and sequence, zones, major units, etc. The "where" involves facility commitment. The "when" commits shipyard resources to specific calendar dates. As the design is developed and further information becomes available, more detailed plans evolve. By separating the production process into the three major groups (Hull Con- struction, Outfitting, and Painting), detail planning for each can proceed independently until such time as they must come together. This planning is facilitated by the use of on-unit, on-block and on-board outfitting techniques be- cause the erection planner needs only to deal with compo- nents which are large assemblies. There are no overwhelm- ing details. Instead, there is only need to sequence large interim products. This simplification of the planning pro- cess is achieved by quickly organizing information to de- scribe interim products thus reducing the volume of data required (see figure 2-16). Pre-erection planning is concerned with detail sequenc- ing and short range allocation of resources to construct interim products. This planning is further simplified by the use of concepts, such as the pallet, which organize material and other resources into packages for construction of the interim products needed for erection. Planning and scheduling the various shipbuilding ac- tivities involves every shipyard function to some extent. The planning function itself is a process which must be coor- dinated and scheduled to insure that needed information is available in a timely manner. One method to ensure timely development of planning information is to establish mile- stones for this purpose on a Principal Events Schedule. These milestones include the schedule dates for meetings at which time specific shipyard functionaires agree on key MATERIAL AND TYPE PPFM NO. NAME REMARKS ROUGH SKETCH FOR SHAPES STEEL PIPES GROUP 2 PIPES 01 STRAIGHT PIPES p— i 11 AFTER-BENDING PIPES PIPES TO BE BENT AFTER FABRICATION 1 1 ' V I—T - ' 41 PRE-BENDING PIPES PIPES TO BE BENT BEFORE FABRICATION ' \_ "1 51 FABRICATING PIPES 1 nr- "1 1 * i" 'L, 31 ASSEMBLING PIPES T — —■' + L^ I Uh' GROUP 1 PIPES 21 PIPES TO BE SUBJECTED TO RADIOGRAPHIC TEST , — *Th NON-FERROUS PIPES 87 NON-FERROUS PIPES COPPER PIPES. ALUMINUM BRASS PIPES. COPPER-NICKEL PIPES. ETC. r ' — 1_^ 1 STEEL PIPES & NON-FERROUS PIPES ADJUSTING PIPES 91 ADJUSTING PIPES CAST STEEL PIPES 71 STRAIGHT PIPES " 73 BENDING PIPES i J. . '1 -DESIGN STAGE — (DRAWING AND MATERIAL LIST) -H+- -PRODUCTION STAGE— (FABRICATION FLOW IN PIPE SHOP) p|« OUTFITTING STAGE » I • (PALLETI • DESIGN DEPARTMENT PREPARES PIPE PIECE DRAWING AND THEIR MATERIAL LISTS FOR EACH OUT- FITTING ZONE. FABRICATED PIPES ARE SORTED INTO EACH PALLET. PIPES WHICH ARE FABRICATED BV THE SAME PROCEDURE ARE SORTED BV PPFM NUMBERS. FIGURE 2-13: Pipe piece family manufacturing (PPFM). 18 FIGURE 2-14: Pipe fabrication flow in pipe shop (PPFM). STRATEGIC PLANNING: — PROFIT PLAN — SALES PLAN — KEY EVENTS SCHEDULE TACTICAL PLANNING: — PRINCIPAL EVENTS SCHEDULE — BLOCK ERECTION SCHEDULE — PRELIMINARY PALLET SCHEDULE OPERATIONAL PLANNING: — PALLET SCHEDULE — DRAWING SCHEDULE IMPLEMENTATION: — SHOP SCHEDULES LONG RESOURCE PLAN PLANNING i • SHORT RANGE PLANNING CAPACITY PLANNING 1 PRODUCTION PLANNING CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS 4 • PRODUCTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION FEEDE ACK factors affecting the production process. These meetings, called A-B-C-D meetings, provide pre-determined points in time by when the various people involved must reach agreement and make decisions concerning other specific planned milestones. Figure 2-17 illustrates the functions involved in each of the A-B-C-D meetings. Each meeting has a pre-determined agenda which concentrates on the items of primary interest to succeeding functions as illus- trated in figure 2-18. The organization of work by common processes results in simplification of outfit planning. The information which is developed in design is organized for use by material pro- curement and production people. The organization of in- formation is simplified by use of the pallet, on-unit, on- block, and on-board concepts. The flow of information from design to outfitting illustrates the use of such concepts as introduced in this chapter; see figure 2-19. ZONE OUTFITTING PLANNING & SCHEDULING BY PALLET CONVENTIONAL OR PREOUTFITTING PLANNING S SCHEDULING BY SYSTEM SCHEDULING FIGURE 2-15: Planning different levels of detail. FIGURE 2-16: When material requirements are identified early and are quickly structured to match interim products (pallets), scheduling is sim- plified. 19 BASIC DESIGN 1 FUNCTIONAL; = & DETAIL = = design; FIGURE 2-17: A — B — C — D meetings. Formal meetings are treated as essential milestones to ensure continuous communications and coordi- nated planning. BASIC DESIGN B- MEETING FUNCTIONA DETAIL DES L& \ SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS COSTING LIST MAJOR MATERIAL LIST AND PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS PRINCIPAL DRAWINGS SUCH AS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT, MACHINERY ARRANGEMENT, MIDSHIP SECTION, ETC. PRINCIPAL CALCULATIONS LINES OWNER PREFERENCES, ETC. FIGURE 2-18: B meeting agenda. Other typical agendas are: "A" Meeting — contract background, specifications, cost, budget, key events schedule, information about owner; "C" Meeting — special design and material requirements, palletization grouping and coding, methods, de- tail schedule; "D" Meeting — technical, material, schedule and budget evaluations, guarantee items. FEED BACK FIGURE 2-19: Flow of information and material. 20 3.0 DESIGN The fundamental objective of zone outfitting is to simplify the ship production process. It is imperative where skilled labor shortages exist. Some shipbuilders who recog- nized the problem maintained a competitive position by both: • simplifying assembly methods, and • transfering more of the need to understand as- sembly techniques from production to design. Such measures significantly increase the burden on design- ers. Thus, shipbuilding managers who address zone outfit- ting will encounter need to provide their design organiza- tions with: • special guidance, and • additional resources. And because minimizing elapsed time between contract award and delivery is a very strong competitive aspect, the attendant need to accelerate the entire design process re- quires consideration of different organizations and methods. Thus, it is necessary to supplement the basic concepts described in Chapter 2 with ideas for a more suitable framework in design for the organization and con- trol of material procurement information and work instruc- tions needed to support outfitting. 3.1 Organization and Responsibilities A design organization which is segmented in the same manner as initial zone designations that apply to all ships (deck, accommodations, machinery and electrical) specifi- cally addresses classes of problems in accordance with the principles of Group Technology. People so organized, de- velop expertise in assembly methods that are peculiar to their respective zones. Designers focus less on such things as absolutely minimizing pressure drops in pipe systems which sometimes impose design constraints that exceed the accu- racy of their empirical flow factors. Instead, they concen- trate more on routing, mounting and connecting distribu- tive systems to facilitate ideal outfitting on-unit. Also, they focus more on hull construction options so that they may contribute to the coordinated planning which is necessary for efficient outfitting on-block (see figure 3-1). Successful zone outfitting depends on reorienting detail designers to not think principally of functional matters although such knowledge is prerequisite. Their mission is to produce structured material lists and the drawings needed to make parts and assemblies. The latter, i.e., work instruc- tion drawings, require detail designers to address separate work stages per work zone and incorporate work practices (e.g., specific designation of a make-up pipe piece with a loose flange) to an unprecedented degree. Design departments, organized in terms of classes of production problems, can be subdivided into key drawing sections and working drawing sections. Each of these groups and their sections could have responsibilities as- signed as follows: 3.1.1 Hull Structure Design Group a. Key Drawing Section (1) Hull structure key drawings (a) Midship section and typical transverse bulkhead (b) Steel scantling (c) Stern frame (d) Rudder, rudder stock, rudder carrier (e) Main engine seat and major auxiliary eng. seat (boiler, generator, plumber block) (f) Welding scheme (g) etc. (2) Research of local strength and vibration for hull structure (3) Hull structure production control data (a) Hull block weight (b) Center of gravity of hull block (c) Welding length b. Working Drawing Section (1) Hull block arrangement (2) Hull structure working drawings (including detail structure design except for the deck house and casing) (3) Piece list for hull structure (4) Auxiliary foundation drawings for deck machin- ery, main engine, generator, steering gear, cargo pump in pump room, etc. (5) Data input for management information system for hull structure 3.1.2 Deck Outfitting Design Group a. Key Drawing Section (1) Purchase order specifications and approval of vendors' drawings (2) Key drawings (a) General arrangement (b) Hull piping diagram and guidance (c) Fire-control (d) Mooring (e) Cargo gear (f) Access (g) etc. (3) Material lists from key drawings (MLS) 21 (4) Detail drawings and material lists (MLC) for com- ponents other than pipe which are to be standard (5) Calculations (a) Hydrostatic properties (b) Tank tables (c) Operational information (6) Test guidance and records b. Working Drawing Section (1) Outfitting layout (2) Pallet designations (3) Arrangement drawings (composites) (4) Work instruction drawings and their material lists (MLF) (5) Material detail design drawings and their material lists for pipe pieces (MLP) and items other than pipe (MLC) (6) Outfit weights and center of gravity calculations 3.1.3 Accommodations Outfitting Design Group a. Combined Key and Working Drawing Section (1) Purchase order specifications and approval of vendors' drawings (2) Accommodation quarters key drawings (a) Cabin, including lighting and access arrange- ments (b) Deck house and machinery casing construction including funnel (c) Deck covering (d) Insulation (e) Lining (f) Piping diagram (g) Ventilation diagram (h) Refrigerated stores ( i ) Life saving FIGURE 3—1: Two blocks, upside down, are outfitted together to insure that everything will fit when joined in the building dock. 22 (3) Material lists from key drawings (MLS) (4) Outfitting arrangement drawing (5) Arrangement drawings (composites) (6) Working drawing for deck house and machinery casing structure (7) Work instruction drawings and their material lists (MLF) (8) Material detail design drawings and their material lists for pipe pieces (MLP) and for items other than pipe (MLC) (9) Test guidance and records for stores refrigera- tion, life boat handling, air-conditioning and ven- tilation system, elevator, trolley hoist, etc. 3.1.4 Machinery Outfitting Design Group a. Key Drawing Section (1) Purchase order specifications and approval of vendors' drawings (2) Key drawings (a) Engine piping diagram and guidance (b) Shafting and propellor (c) etc. (3) Material lists from key drawings (MLS) (4) Detail drawings and material lists (MLC) for com- ponents other than pipe which are to be standard (5) Test guidance and records b. Working Drawing Section (1) Machinery arrangements (2) Pallet designations (3) Arrangement drawings (composites) (4) Work instruction drawings and their material lists (MLF) (5) Material detail design and their material lists for pipe pieces (MLP) and items other than pipe (MLC) 3.1.5 Electrical Outfitting Design Group a. Combined Key and Working Drawing Section (1) Purchase order specifications and approval of vendors' drawings (2) Electrical drawings (a) Arrangement of switchboards, group starter panels, control consoles, etc. (b) Electric load analysis (c) Schematic wiring diagram (d) Arrangement of navigation equipment (e) Etc. (3) Material lists from key plans (MLS) (4) Pallet designations (5) Arrangement drawings (composites) (6) Work instruction drawings and their material lists (MLF) (7) Material detail design drawings and their material lists for pipe pieces (MLP) and items other than pipe (MLC) (8) Test guidance and records 3.1.6 Standardization Group (1) Research, development and maintenance of de- sign standards. The relationships of these design functions to production groups are illustrated in figure 3-2. Note that material con- trol information is developed during both functional and working drawing preparation. 3.2 Pallet Identification In order to minimize the elapsed time between contract award and delivery, outfit designers must contribute sig- nificantly to defining work packages. Their material lists generated from key drawings and work instruction draw- ings should be organized primarily to support material procurement and production. Figure 3-3 illustrates the re- lationships of material lists to product oriented work pack- ages. Key drawings are used to generate MLS. 1 The vari- ous MLF are generated from work instruction drawings. Each MLF serves to identify the exact materials in a work package needed to build a specific interim product. The coding system for a pallet (MLF), and even for custom fabrication jobs identified by MLP and MLC, should be organized to provide information similar to the following: a. Type (1) Unit (a) Pipe (b) Other than pipe (2) Other than unit (a) Pipe (b) Other than Pipe 'MLS - Material List by (ship's functional) System (by purchasing zone) MLP - Material List for (manufacture of) Pipe (pieces) MLC - Material List for (manufacture of) Components (other than pipe) MLF - Material List for Fittings (per pallet) 23 TO MATERIAL CONTROL HULL FABRICATION SHOP Z o it -1 Q -I 3 I HULL ASSEMBLY SECTION HULL ERECTION SECTION HULL WELDING SECTION PRODUCTION PLANNING & ENGINEERING GROUP PIPE FABRICATION SHOP OZ Z m DECK OUTFITTING SECTION ACCOMMODATIONS OUTFITTING SECTION MACHINERY OUTFITTING SECTION ELECTRIC OUTFITTING SECTION • PRODUCTION PLANNING & ENGINEERING GROUP PAINT SHOP SPECIAL COATING SECTION FIGURE 3-2: Relationships of design functions to production functions PROCESS CONTROL GROUP O 5 22 b. Production Group Responsibility (1) Hull Structure (2) Deck Outfitting (3) Accomodations Outfitting (4) Machinery Space Outfitting (5) Electrical Outfitting (6) Fabrication Shop(s) c. Working Zone or Block Identifier d. Work Sub-stage (1 ) On-block outfitting for materials pre-assembled into a unit after a block is turned over. (2) On-block outfitting for material to be installed piece-by- piece. (3) On-block outfitting for material to be installed piece-by-piece after a block is turned over. (4) On-block outfitting for material pre-assembled into a unit. (5) On-board outfitting for material pre-assembled into a unit. (6) On-board outfitting prior to an area closure by an overhead block. (7) On-board outfitting prior to systems tests (or other key events as selected). (8) On-board outfitting prior to launch. (9) On-board outfitting after launch. (10) On-board outfitting general category for items such as spare parts and touch-up. e. Hull or Ship Number Designers must consider factors which limit the size of a pallet. These should be documented so that there is mutual understanding of precise limits. If a unit is to be assembled in a shipyard, then criteria such as maximum size (length, width, height), maximum weight, mode of transportation, etc., must be defined. If the unit is to be assembled by a subcontractor, then the analogous constraints must be known to the designer. As a practical control measure, pallets for outfitting on-block or on-board should be limited by working time required. One rule-of-thumb for deter- mining such pallet sizes is to limit them to the assembly work one to three people can accomplish in one week. Figure 3-4 is an example of the number of pallets that might result. 24 TOTAL SYSTEM SYSTEM ZONE ZONE/STAGES/AREA IFLAT PANEL) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT MIDSHIP SECTION MACHINERY ARRANGEMENT CABIN PLAN SHELL EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION PROFILE HULL BLOCK PARTS LIST SHIPWRIGHT DEMENSION PLAN HULL BLOCK ERECTION PLAN ROUGH CUTTING PLAN FAB. & ASSY. LANE PLAN ASSEMBLY PLAN SUB-ASSEMBLY CUTTING PLAN CURVED PANELI ASSEMBLY PLAN SUB-ASSEMBLY PLAN CUTTING PLAN (SUPERSTRUCTURE ASSEMBLY PLAN SUB-ASSEMBLY J CUTTING PLAN SYSTEMS PLAN PIPING AND COMPONENTS ARRANGEMENT PIPING AND COMPONENTS FITTING DRAWING PIPE CUTTING PLAN PIPE PIECE MANUFACTURING LANE PLAN (ACCOMMODATION) PIPING DIAGRAM SYSTEMS PLAN PIPING AND COMPONENTS ARRANGEMENT* MLF MLP PIPING AND STEEL COMPO- NENTS FITTING DRAWING MLC MATERIAL LIST MLF MLC COMPONENTS MANUF. AND PURCHASE PLAN FURNITURE FITTING DRAWING MLF MLC JOINER COMPO- DRAWING (MACHINERY! PIPING DIAGRAM SYSTEMS PLAN \L\A MLF PIPING ARRANGEMENT* PIPING FITTING DRAWING i < T 1 MLF COMPONENTS COMPONENTS ARRANC iEMENT* DRAWING ' ARRANGEMENTS ARE COMPREHENSIVELY PLANNED WITHOUT ACTUALLY PRODUCING THEM, AND SUBSEQUENTLY MERGED INTO FITTING DRAWINGS. WIRING ARRANGEMENT MLF (CABLE) WIRING FITTING DRAWING CABLE LIST CABLE CUTTING PLAN COMPONENTS ARRANGEMENT MLF MLC COMPONENTS DRAWING FIGURE 3-3: Design process for product orientation. 25 ACCOMMODATIONS DECK AREA MACHINERY ELECTRICAL 30,000 DWT BULK CARRIER 350 300 250 200 250,000 DWT TANKSHIP 400 800 400 300 TOTAL PALLETS 1100 1900 FIGURE 3-4: Typical numbers of pallets for ship types based on a maximum lift of 275 tons and size of 20 x 30 x 10 meters. These basic concepts do not limit the number of levels of subassembly which can take place. The MLF relates to MLP and particularly to MLC as very useful multi-level bills-of- material. Information relating to a product in this fashion is also called a structure definition. 2 In building this informa- tion the top level, the MLF, is considered the parent and attached to it are its children, i.e., MLP, MLC and other materials needed for an assembly. There can be inter- mediate interim products such as two small units which will be joined to form a large unit. Other examples are illus- trated in figure 2-2. The numbering scheme chosen for pallet identification should anticipate the desired levels of assembly in the production process. Detail designers not only define stages of construction pallet-by- pallet, they also provide assembly instructions. That is, the same people who prepare a pallet's detail design prepare work instructions which may include the sequence for assembling pallet components. For these purposes they utilize a file of practice standards that has been prepared by the Outfitting Department's production engineers. In new situations they work with the production engineers to de- velop assembly methods. Incentive programs have been applied to encourage designers to suggest improved assem- bly techniques. 3.3 Standards Inescapably, the responsibility for much of a ship's con- struction costs rests with designers. Sometimes a situation occurs where an extra hour or two over the budget allocated for designing certain features can save a week's work in production. But, the immediate design supervision is rarely in a position to authorize extra time. Thus, frequently the opportunity for cost reduction is rationalized away. Stand- ards enhance design simplification but are even more valu- able because they eliminate repetitive chores and allow de- signers more time to address productivity. 3 For example, coding schemes for standards facilitate tabulations of material identities and quantities. Where they are used, designers do not have to repeat preparation of puchase specifications, manufacturing drawings and/or material lists. And when a code number is used to order a manufacturer's catalog item which has been adopted as a shipyard standard, detail designers do not have to wait for "vendor furnished information" nor do they have to ap- prove vendor drawings. Also, standards contribute to assurances for correct di- mensions and quality. Therefore they permit a wider range of make-or-buy alternatives and require less involvement by detail designers. However, standards infer conservatism. They also imply preference for one manufacturer's catalog item to the ex- clusion of others which could detract from productivity if acceptable alternatives exist. Therefore it is very important that sufficient design resources be assigned to: • delete T-items (standards) that are not sufficiently used, • add to the list of T-items whenever general usage of something new is expected, • "upgrade" P-items (per shipyard specifications) and D-items (per shipyard drawings) to T-items if general usage is predicted, and • create a reasonable number of alternate standards for each manufacturer's catalog item adopted as a shipyard standard. Ideally, everything needed to outfit a ship would be in- corporated in the shipyard's table of standards. Detail de- signers would then concentrate on identifying ideal interim products, assembly methods and updating the shipyard's file of design modules. 3.4 Design Modules* One shipbuilder has exploited standardization with "modules" applied in accordance with a wide definition in design, procurement and production. The basic building blocks, or modules, are standard machinery components. Examples of particulars for some families of standard machinery items for a steamship are presented in figure 3-5. Although only one manufacturer's main turbines are indicated, another's are included in the shipyard's file of standards. The provided information for the associated standard pump shows that at least two manufacturers can respond for each of the capacities specified. The specific turbines and pumps were selected after evaluations of performance reliability, quality, installation requirements, delivery prospects and prices. Approvals were made at the time the pertinent specifications and 2 Also called Structuring the Bill of Material 3 Reduction in the number of different material items can save an estimated 15 to 20 percent in costs associated with material definition, purchasing, storage, retrieval and in-process material control. Additional savings may come from the increase in size of bulk orders. 4 The figures and substance in this subchapter unless otherwise noted are from Ichinose, op. cit., Chapter 2.0, footnote 7; and from the July 5, 1979 letter by Y. Ichinose which commented on the intial draft of this manual. 26 MAIN STEAM TURBINE MACH NO. M001 MAIN ENG. RATING PS 24,000 | 27,000 | 30,000 33,000 36.000J 40,000 LU z CD EC h- TYPE IMPULSE. 2CYL CROSS COMPOUND WITH 2ST RED GEAR o O £ HP. TURBINE CNH-21 CNH-22 I CNH31 CNH-32 LP. TURBINE CNL21 CNL-41 CNL-51 WEIGHT 1 46 61 49.83 I 5203 55.25 DC LU (9 d EC TYPE TANDEM I DUAL TANDEM PROP. SHAFT RPM 80 TYPE C45 A D49 A D51 A WEIGHT t 145.0 148.0 166.0 STAND, DWG, NO. SD1 411121110 411121120 I 411121130 I 411121140 411121160 MAIN mNliFNSATF PUMP MACH. NO MO 21 TYPE VEC MAIN ENG. RATING PS 24.000 27,000 30.000 33,000 36,000 40,000 CAPACITY m3/h « m 70 X 95 75 X 95 85 X 100 90 x 100 100 x 100 110 I 105 K E MODEL EVZ 130 EVZ 130-2 STAND. DWG. NO SD 1 44001 1380A 440011390 MOTOR CAPACITY KW x rpm 37 x 1800 45 I 1800 55 « 1800 75 I 1800 MOTOR MODEL 225S 225M 250M 280S CAPACITY RANGE m3 h x m 70 x 95 71 x 95 1 66 x 100 90 x 95 | 85 x 100 86 X 100 100 X 100 103 x 105 130 X 105 WEIGHT PUMP t 0.59 0.64 MOTOR t 0.25 | 0.28 | 0345 0.46 CD CC LU s < E MODEL 250 I 125 ■ 2VCDS-A STAND DWG SD1 440021 740A MOTOR CAPACITY 37 X 1800 45 X 1800 55 I 1800 MOTOR MODEL 225S 225M 250M CAPACITY RANGE mS/h x m 70 X 95 71 x 95 | 85 x 1800 86 x 100 100 x 100 I 110 X 105 WEIGHT PUMP 1 061 MOTOR 1 0.25 I 0.28 | 0345 I 46 FIGURE 3-5: Examples of particulars for standard machinery compo- nents. For each family of machines in the standards file, alternates, i.e., different manufacturers' catalog items, are also certified as standards and maintained in file. drawings were registered as shipyard standards. The latter are the basic modules for reusable layouts of machinery, figure 3-6, for which system diagrammatics are also maintained in file. Similar "sets" of modules apply to diesel engines. There- fore, by selecting a main engine a designer automatically decides the particulars and specifications of ancillary machinery in one action. Also, because the number of cylinders in particular model diesel engines vary for different power require- ments, engine lengths vary while their heights and widths remain unchanged. Each applicable machinery arrange- ment anticipates the longest engine so that less powered engines can be substituted without interfering with the layouts of other machinery. Similarly, because one, two or even three pumps could be required for a specific function, their layout is based on the maximum number. Design modules offer shipbuilders opportunity to con- tinously improve designs and to achieve greater overlap of design, procurement and production. Their reuse in all aspects of planning facilitates some of the savings that are otherwise only associated with building standard series ships. Some specific benefits are: • in design — accumulation of experiences — assurances for quality and functions — savings in manhours — less human error — easier application of computers — quicker response to changes — simpler purchase specifications • in procurement — accumulation of experiences — lower material costs — simpler purchase orders — easier material control • in production — accumulation of experiences — better adherence to schedules — savings in manhours FIGURE 3-6: Each position in a reuseable machinery arrangement has enough space around it to accommodate the several catalog items that are maintained in the standards file for that position. Pipe detail designers adjust for the different nozzle locations. 27 |-i — MATERIAL ORDERING ZONE — -| h PATTERN -| I PANEL | PANEL | PANEL | PANEL L H MB-Q c- HB-Q M. ¥ M. □ BHZH COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM iiiiiiii 4 FIGURE 3-7: Diagrammatics within the same material ordering zones for different ships, often reflect similar patterns. Not all owners inhibit such practices and some who have ships built abroad encourage them. They know that design modules and attendant equipment lists, test memos, equipment manuals, etc., regardless of ship size and type results ". . . in tremendous cost reduction. A state of affairs good for the shipyard and owner alike." 5 Realizing this, they now offer performance specifications. But, even among such owners there are peculiar needs that require flexibility. Therefore, design modules that shipbuilders offer should be general enough to provide for: • different performance ratings, • different owner, regulatory and classification so- ciety requirements, and • choices from among several manufacturers. 3.5 Patterns and Panels "Patterns" and "Panels" are used to further systematize and accelerate design. The concept is practical because many system diagrammatics reflect patterns that are similar for different size and type ships particulary if compared by material ordering zones. See figure 3-7 which also illustrates that a pattern subdivided into panels corresponding to en- visioned work zones, permits rapid grouping of informa- tion by system and by work zone. One of each kind of panel is matched to panels from the shipyard's file. Each panel includes an arrangement and much of what is required to complete a material list for a specific application. A panel, because it is for general use, addresses ranges of material sizes, and includes: • for standard fittings — exact quantities required and complete descriptions less only specific sizes, • for other standard materials (e.g., pipe) — com- plete descriptions less both required quantities and sizes, and • standard guidance for pipe detailing and painting. The panels are formatted to facilitate adjusting them for a specific design project by functional designers who: a. first modify the standard guidance for pipe detailing and painting as may be required by the shipbuilding specifications, b. add standard fittings sizes, c. add sizes and estimated quantities for standard materials other than fittings (e.g., pipe), d. add descriptions and quantities of non-standard materials as appropriate, and e. incorporate the foregoing in MLS. As shown in figure 3-8, each modified panel is overlayed in detail design with such panels for other systems in the same work zone. Spacing is adjusted until an interference- free and functional layout is achieved. Next, as also illus- trated in figure 3-8, the exact dimensions are entered and material requirements are precisely defined. Pallets are created when these materials are combined with those from other panels for the same zone and are separated by work stages. '"Shipbuilding Standards An Owner-Operator's Viewpoint", interview with Robert J. Taylor, Technical Manager, Tanker Department, Exxon Interna- tional Co.; ASTM Standardization News, June 1979, pp 8-10, 51. 28 00 o^o o^o J5 I! S8 \u\u "0 e -- ± c Q •a .0 "Q. Q. < 29 65 FOio 086 ATOMOspverac drain tk INSPECTION TANK 40 DR06070-6 80 FDIO 023' TO BILGE NO 2 DRAIN PUMP NO I DRAIN PUMP FIGURE 3-9: A reuseable diagrammatic and its machinery arrangement. They are not dimensioned because they apply to a range of capacities. A detailed pipe arrangement, unless it is very complicated is not retained in file in order to minimize the file size and because some pipe pieces vary with the alternate manufacturers' catalog items that are also certified as shipyard standards. The concept, widely defined, has many applications. Any piece of machinery, or even a drain collecting tank, with its immediate piping arrangement can be a panel. When ar- ranged with other panels it could be part of a pattern for a work zone; see figure 3-9. A pattern could apply to a com- plete up-to-date unit, such as that illustrated in figure 3-10, which represents the latest accumulation of pertinent ex- periences. Interfaces of certain panels should permit their being repeated as adjoining panels as shown in figure 3-11. Con- sidering this need and the requirement for flexibility, the preparation of panels for general application is relatively expensive. However, panels are capital. Their costs are justified by reuse in ship after shipjust as costs for a building dock. Where successfully applied, patterns and panels files have been gradually assembled using the contract require- ments of new shipbuilding orders to continously: • confirm traditional arrangements, and • identify new arrangement trends that could be reused. As all influences on past detail arrangements are not recorded, emphatically, start-up and maintenance of a pat- terns and panels file should be based only on the present and future. Panels and even complete patterns that have been used before, with their accompanying work instructions, serve as preplanned work packages. They are adapted (nominal changes are generally required) in new ship designs prima- rily to accelerate functional design, detail design, and re- 1HI, KURE FIGURE 3-10: The culmination of standard components and machin- ery, design modules, patterns and panels is a pallet such as for the illustrated unit. It is a module of accumulated experiences that can be applied again and again for different size and type ships. If the patterns and panels file is truly viable, such units will always reflect interim pro- ducts suitable for modern ships. Where personnel turnover is a problem, an up-to-date patterns and panels file is essential if the shipyard is to retain the accumulation of useful experiences. 30 maining planning. Where applied, the manhours needed for such functions have been reduced. Ideally, panels should feature standard components in addition to machinery which necessitate special long-term relationships with certain suppliers. This would ensure the availability of such materials in the reasonable future. How- ever, such arrangements are not an absolute necessity as the use of non-standard components diminishes, but does not eliminate potential savings. Obviously, successful application of patterns and panels depends upon design and material purchasing people un- derstanding their significant support roles. It is also criti- cally dependent upon managers addressing different pur- chasing policies and identifying some savings for owners. 3.6 Arrangement Zones Different ship designs incorporating the same type of propulsion, e.g., diesel, can feature the same machinery arrangements to a remarkable degree even when different main engines are specified. Some shipbuilders already re- quire detail designers to adhere to zones which are reserved for pipe systems. As illustrated in figure 3-12, these elon- gated zones are reserved around the main engine, between the tanktop and platforms, and both longitudinally and athwartships on platforms. With few exceptions, pipe sys- tems are then detailed in parallel to each other and within the zones just as electric cable is committed to wireways. Pipe bends are minimized. More importantly, arrangement zones permit acceleration of detail design and facilitate all other planning aspects including the erection sequence. In order to achieve maximum benefits from the concept of arrangement zones, units similar to those illustrated in figure 3-12, usually associated only with tanktop arrange- ments, are installed on platforms. They facilitate detail de- HITACHI, HIROSHIMA FIGURE 3-11: Repeated application of a panel. The pattern material list is simply three times that for a panel. Adjustment for sizes and nominal changes in material quantities are per the detail design sheet which is part of the panel. ITALCANTIERI, MONFALCONE FIGURE 3-12: Arrangement zones around a main diesel engine. Three typical units matched during assembly are snown on the right. They feature pipe systems grouped beneath walkways (attached to the walkway supports), pumps, gratings and handrails. The latter two items permit access both during assembly and after the unit is landed on-block or on-board. Thus, there is no need for local temporary staging. When standard auxiliaries are incorporated, standard branches are detailed. However space is sufficient to employ custom designed adapters for non-standard machinery. A possible erection sequence, shown on the left, could remain unchanged regardless of ship type or size. 31 MITSUI, CHIBA FIGURE 3-13: Arrangement zone around a boiler. One of the four required units is shown on the right. Its basic arrangement remains the same even for steamships of different types and sizes. The rectangular vent duct contributes to structural integrity and also serves as a walkway. sign by minimizing special procedures for arranging pipe systems and avoiding many potential interferences with structural members, lighting fixtures, etc., that characterize the undersides of platforms. In order to obtain acceptance, managers must address benefits to owners which in addition to shipbuilding cost savings at least include: • the ease with which operating crews can trace systems, and • improved access for reducing costs of repair work. An example of an arrangement zone which encompasses the boiler of a steam powered ship is illustrated in figure 3-13. Another which pertains to uptakes is shown in figure 3- 1 4. One for installation aft in a boiler space is illustrated in figure 3-15. Arrangement zones also apply to outfitting on block, see figure 3-16. Just as patterns and panels, arrange- ment zones are means for accumulating planning experi- ences for easy adaptation to new ship designs. 3.7 Pallet Definition Delineating pallets is a result of one of the A — B — C — D meetings. The "C" meeting is called the pallet meeting and considered a project milestone. Actually, it is the last of a series of meetings during which all pallet definitions are finalized. Attendees are those involved in planning. This includes people representing the design, material and pro- duction functions. The process of pallet definition is assisted by the use of standards such as for material and engineering. It is also DAVIE. QUEBEC FIGURE 3-14: Arrangement zone for uptakes in a diesel powered ship. Units 1 ,2 and 3 are mated to each other during assembly. assisted by design modules, patterns and panels, and ar- rangements zones. All allow substitutions for auxiliary machinery (spacing is sufficient for custom fit adapters even 32 ATTACHMENTS TO HULL STRUCTURE FIGURE 3-15: Arrangement zone aft in a boiler space. Fitting to curve hull structure is minimized. In addition to ladders, handrails, gratings, soot blowers, large pipe, pipe less than 2-inches in diameter and even tubing are outfitted on-unit. MITSl'l. CHIBA MITSUI. CHIBA FIGURE 3-16: Each platform, forward in the machinery space, incorpo- rates three block divisions, i.e., port, center and starboard blocks. These divisions and the basic arrangement of outfit can be virtually the same even for different types of diesel-propelled ships. 33 z o So- li DOC Wtt 2 x 2 U)Oo UJtCCC U.HIL Soy. iz! =Ig. |S.i a. o t I O* ZZO 0 tj * «-oie> «ui z i - t Oul 5°li'" i z O P 4 a m < 5 S o£ s 5 O z U UJ VJCC ° "< lit iM^eilifco i u Sl£§°^o°. gljjlsgift! "- K O Q I O t Z ? w E j" z 5 y z z ^ 1 SH < n sssR 1 a>u.j^wo.§3cLOiii ,_ « l-a. e=s in < J5° UJ s IUtZiS! O < DC a < 5 o z a ;*•*•** a EO EZ S? Si "I Sic ha L.uiOai IPS z D O 5 »o E7 S,„a yj J OS sis s^da'S oog g 1 ^ 1 **!: I O O u ° O S O " N 3 ■>• 5H 5t Jiiiiii so > cc ill siilis^ u i < 1 1 _J IU -J lit W U- h- »OZ ZUJOCutecXujD ^*' MATE MAKE PARTICULARS MAKE ANTICIPATIVE SPECIFICATION MAKE SPECIFICATION MAKE SPECIFICATION USE S- MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ISSUE PRELIMINARY SPEC. I ISSUE PRELIMINARY SPEC. LIST IN MLS AS"P" LIST IN MLF AS "T" LIST IN MLS AS "D" LIST IN MLF AS"P" A-Allocated AS-Mlocite oFoToToTo in , □ lOl ! M jAlNEWfQ 1 LI] MAR A-1 m FEB ft-2 ®! MAR D 2 MODIFIED ORDER: BASED ON MAT'L/PALLET (MLF) REQ'D. DATE MATERIAL QUANTITY JAN O D 2 FEB 8 A MAR O 8 4 APR D NET IMPACT: 11 PIECES REQUIRE LATER DELIVERY. AND 1 NEW PIECE IS ADDED. FIGURE 4-5: Refinement of procurement data for "AS" material as design develops. for all material in the pallet. Thus, the dates which applied to large lots of material identified in functional design are replaced by dates which apply to the smaller lots identified during preparation of work instruction drawings. Figure 4-5 also shows how required dates are modified after work instruction drawings are produced and how changes to the original purchase orders are issued accordingly. The quantities finally ordered are the result of leveling and ordering to the earliest requirement. Each MLS which accompanies a diagrammatic produced in functional design contains material requirements per system by material or- dering zone, and is issued relatively early in the overall design process. A number of MLF are substituted later with actual quantities per work zones and stages, i.e., pallets, as determined from work instruction drawings. These draw- 5 This applies to all outfitting activities starting in basic design. ings are of course sequenced, and the procurement schedule is determined based on material issue, lead time, handling time, etc. The flow of information for the various purchasing functions is illustrated in figures 4-6 and 4-7. 4.6 Warehousing and Palletizing The flow of information for warehousing and palletizing is illustrated in figure 4-8. Material availability to production when and where it is needed is essential for higher produc- tivity. Outfitting, for the most part, is the placement of various components, each in a prescribed location, in order to assemble distributive systems. Thus, marshalling mate- rials to match pallets, i.e., materials required for a specific work zone and stage marked on a work instruction drawing, is critical. In fact, when palletizing is done accurately and on time, the overall outfitting effort will be more than 50% complete. 5 The remaining effort pertains to activities such as assembling, insulating, final painting and testing. 42 LONG-TERM AGREEMENT - MATERIAL CODE - SUPPLIER - PRICE - PERIOD MATERIAL REQUI S ITION SHEET (T AND P SPECIFICATION) PURCHASING TO NEGOTIATE AND DETERMINE - SUPPLIER - PRICE - DELIVERY DATE - MATERIAL SPECIFICATION - QUANTITY PLACE ORDER POLICY FOR VENDOR SELECTION EVALUATE TOTAL COST TO SHIPYARD. !..., IN ADDITION TO MATERIAL PRICE COSTS IN TERMS OF LABOR AND FACILITIES NECESSARY FOR INSTAL- LATION MUST BE REVIEWED. GOAL OF PURCHASING - TO PURCHASE MATERIAL AT THE MINIMUM COST TO THE SHIPYARD - TO EXPEDITE AND MAINTAIN MATERIAL DELIVERY DATE TO EXPEDITE DELIVERY OF MATERIAL PLACING LATE PURCHASE ORDERS TO CHANGE DELIVERY OF MATERIAL FIGURE 4-6: Functional flow of the purchasing process. SPOT PURCHASE (SIMPLIFIED! SPOT PURCHASE ORDER (ORDINARYI CONDITIONS ANO TERMS - SUPPLIER - PRICE - DELIVERY DATE - PAYMENT TERMS FOLLOW-UP OF PLACING ORDER ORDER REQUISITIONED (NOT PLACED) EXPEDITING DELIVERY DELIVERY TO BE EXPEDITED (60 DAYS BEFORE DELIVERY DATE) DELIVERY TO BE EXPEDITED AND REVISED (DELIVERY DATE PASSED) PURCHASE ORDER (CONSIGNMENT BASE CONTRACT) PURCHASE OROER (LONG TERM AGREEMENT) CONDITIONS AND TERMS - QUANTITY - DELIVERY DATA Palletizing is the act of collecting a group of materials together to match an MLF. In practice a pallet may repre- sent all materials in one container, materials in more than one container or even a collection of large, bulky items that must be handled separately. In order to release the mate- rials at the proper time and deliver them to the appropriate place, a pallet issue order must be made sufficiendy in advance to allow enough time for palletizing. Should quan- tities be insufficient to marshall all materials for a specific MLF, the individual in charge must inform procurement people that expediting action is required and notify control people as they may wish to adjust the applicable planning and/or schedule to compensate. The proper maintenance of inventory records is essential for minimizing shortages. Improved outfit productivity is very dependent on the ef- ficiency of warehouse people. Materials may of necessity be stored in various warehouses. When a pallet issue order is received the mate- rials may be transferred to a central location and kitted for delivery to a work site (see figure 4-9). 6 Large and subcon- tractor fabricated items may be consigned for direct deliv- ery (see figure 4-10). Solutions of the problems associated with the transfer of materials can be simplified by simul- taneouly issuing a material transfer order with the pallet issue order. Where computers are available, this process can be automated. Otherwise, the individual in charge must prepare daily transfer schedules. The palletizing flow is illustrated in figure 4-11. Whatever numbering schemes or inventory methods are employed, resources, particularly people, for warehousing and pal- letizing must be enough to support the production effort. Nominal over capacity of such resources is prudent. 6 It is efficient for a shipyard's pipe shop to palletize pipe pieces as soon as they are manufactured. In one shipyard where the pipe shop palletizes pipe pieces, the responsibility to palletize all other materials is assigned to the same shop as a collateral duty. Thus, split responsibility for palletizing is avoided. 43 SUBCONTRACTING POLICY TECHNICAL COOPERATION - TO PROMOTE TECHNICAL MATTERS - TO LEVEL LOAD THE ORDERS - TO MAINTAIN A CONSTANT FLOW OF WORK - TO LEND EQUIPMENT - TO SUPPLY MATERIAL - TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE FIGURE 4-7: Functional flow of the subcontracting process. MATERIAL REQUISITION (D - SPECIFICATION) PRODUCTION COOPERATION - TO FEED PROPER VOLUME OF PRODUCTION - TO CHECK AND ADJUST PRODUCTION PROGRESS. - TO MATCH SHIPYAROS REAL REQUIREMENTS ^ LONG TERM AGREEMENT - MATERIAL CODE - SUPPLIER - PRICE - PERIOD LS SUBCONTRACTING NEGOTIATE AND SUBCONTRACT - SUPPLIER - PRICE - DELIVERY DATE - MATERIAL SPECIFICATION - QUANTITY - MATERIAL SUPPLIER POLICY FOR VENDOR SELECTION EVALUATE TOTAL COST TO SHIPYARD, i.e., IN ADDITION TO MATERIAL PRICE COST IN TERMS OF LABOR AND FACILITIES NECESSARY FOR INSTAL- LATION MUST BE REVIEWED. GOALS OF SUBCONTRACTING - TO SUBCONTRACT MATERIAL (FABRICATED) AT MINIMUM PRICE - TO EXPEDITE AND MAINTAIN MATERIAL DELIVERY DATE - TO MAINTAIN AND DEVELOP TECHNICAL LEVEL OF SUBCONTRACTORS - TO SUPPLY MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN MATERIAL QUALITY AT MINIMUM COST 7^ iz EXPEDITING EXPEDITE - DELIVERY OF MATERIAL - PLACING OF PURCHASE ORDER CHANGE - DELIVERY OF MATERIAL CHECK - PRODUCTION IN PROGRESS FOLLOW-UP OF PLACING ORDER ORDER REQUISITIONED (NOT PLACED) EXPEDITING OF DELIVERY DELIVERY TO BE EXPEDITED 160 DAYS BEFORE DELIVERY OATEI DELIVERY TO BE EXPEDITED & REVISED (DELIVERY DATE PASSED) SUBCONTRACT ORDER CONDITIONS AND TERMS - SUPPLIER - PRICE - DELIVERY DATE - MATERIAL SUPPLIED FIGURE 4-8: Functional flow of the warehouse and palletizing process. MATERIAL ISSUE ORDER DELIVERY OF MATERIAL RECEIVING MATERIAL - INSPECT MATERIAL - ORDER PAYMENT - RECORD RECEIPT CLASSIFY MATERIAL BY - MATERIAL CODE - MATERIAL CONTROL CLASSIFICATION - SHIP STORE MATERIAL POST MATERIAL STATUS GOALS OF WAREHOUSING AND PALLETIZING - TO RECEIVE MATERIAL TO MEET OUANTITY AND QUALITY AS REQUIRED BY SHIPS SPECIFICATION - TO STORE MATERIAL TO ENABLE QUICK ISSUE - TO CONVERT MATERIAL FROM MATERIAL-BY-MATERIAL TO PALLET-BY-PALLET - TO ISSUE MATERIAL AT THE TIME REQUESTED - TO TRANSPORT MATERIAL TO THE PLACE REQUESTED - TO CHECK MATERIAL DELAYED IN DELIVERY PALLET INFORMATION MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PALLET IMLFI PICK UP MATERIAL FROM STORAGE AND SHIFT MATERIAL TO PALLET CENTER MATERIAL LEDGER MATERIAL STORED - RECEIVED - ISSUED - BALANCE ON HAND BY LOCATION (VALUE & QUANTITY) MATERIAL SHORTAGE LIST IPER PALLET! MATERIAL ISSUING LIST IPER PALLET) PALLETIZINO OF MATERIAL TRANSFER MATERIAL TO LOCATION REQUESTED MATERIAL SHORTAGE LIST IPER MATERIAL! MATERIAL ISSUING LIST IPER MATERIALI T TO EXPEDITING II»UtO MATERIAL IPER PALLET) 44 IH1, KURE MITSUI. CHIBA FIGURE 4-9: Materials that are not apt to be diverted can be palletized and stored in unattended outside areas. The double deck structure permits greater use of stowage areas. IHI. KURE FIGURE 4-10: Walkways, completely finished less a final paint coat, are delivered by subcontractors in lots that match specific pallets. 45 WAREHOUSE FIGURE 4-11: Palletizing for material issue. 46 5.0 OPERATIONAL PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND COSTING The organization of work by similar problems enhances efficiency through the application of common solutions. This is a principle of Group Technology. If production is organized in a matching fashion, zone outfit planning is greatly simplified provided there is acceptance that design is an aspect of planning, and that people such as those who prepare functional and detail designs, material requisitions and work orders are likewise organized. In one shipyard where zone outfitting is probably the most efficient in the world, both problems and production are divided to address three classifications, i.e., hull con- struction, outfitting and painting. Because outfitting prob- lems vary significantly among themselves, both they and the outfitting department are subdivided to address the unique zones common in every ship, i.e.: • Deck Outfitting Section (Outfits all spaces other than machinery and accommodation spaces; it includes tanks.) • Accommodations Outfitting Section (Usually outfits the deck house only.) • Machinery Outfitting Section (Outfits the machinery space only in a conventional ship. In other ship types, spaces for cable laying machinery, dredge machinery, etc., could be included.) • Electrical Outfitting Section (Outfits in a rationalized zone that permeates the others.) Recognizing that the manufacture of pipe pieces involves other kinds of problems, a fifth category is assigned for: • Pipe Fabrication Shop 1 Also in accordance with the logic of Group Technology the Machinery Outfitting Section is further subdivided into two groups: • specialists for installing, testing and operating main propulsion components, and • people who assemble pipe and ventilation sys- tems, install ladders and walkways, etc. Other than design and materials definition, planning includes methodizing and defining required resources. Al- though these are clearly planning functions as distin- guished from scheduling which commits allocated re- PRINCIPLE EVENTS SCHEDULE i 1 BLOCK ERECTION BLOCK ASSEMBLY MASTER SCHEDULE MASTER SCHEDULE - 1 1 r I 1 ON-BOARD FITTING MASTER SCHEDULE UNIT ASSEMBLY MASTER SCHEDULE ON-BLOCK FITTING MASTER SCHEDULE 1 t 1 t 1 t MONTHLY SCHEDULE MONTHLY SCHEDULE MONTHLY SCHEDULE 1 ' 1 ' \ t WEEKLY WEEKLY WEEKLY SCHE DULE SCHE DULE SCHE DULE FIGURE 5-1: Organization of schedules from the top down for control. 'If the shipyard manufactured other components, such as ventilation duct, other categories and shops would be assigned accordingly. 47 STANDARD MILESTONES FIGURE 5-2: Milestone schedule. The goal is to coordinate milestones in the outfitting, hull construction, and painting departments. — PRINCIPAL EVENT SCHEDULE — DELIVERY TIME OF MAJOR MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT — ERECTION SCHEDULE — DESIGN DATA IN EACH OF THE OUTFITTING SECTIONS — PLOT DATES OF KEEL, LAUNCH, DELIVERY — PLOT DELIVERY TIME OF MAJOR MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT — PLOT DATES OF HULL ERECTION — ARRANGE OTHER MILESTONES TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SEQUENCE TO ACHIEVE MILESTONES MILESTONE SCHEDULES ARE PREPARED BY A STAFF AND APPROVED BY THE MANAGER OF EACH SECTION IN THE OUTFITTING DEPT. — DISCUSS AND ADJUST MILESTONE SCHEDULE OF EACH SECTION, AND FINALLY DETERMINE MILESTONE SCHEDULE OF THE OUTFITTING DEPT. IN SHIPYARD — THE MILESTONE SCHEDULE PROPOSED BY THE OUTFITTING DEPT. IS DISCUSSED AND FINALLY DETERMINED BY MANAGERS OF THE OUTFITTING, HULL CONSTRUCTION, AND PAINTING DEPTS., AND MATERIAL CONTROL MILESTONE SCHEDULE (WHOLE OUTFITTING DEPT.) (EACH OUTFITTING SECTION/SHOP) TO: HULL CONSTRUCTION DEPT. PAINTING DEPT. OUTFITTING DEPT. sources to specific calendar dates, they are inseparable from scheduling for overall shipyard planning, i.e., strategic planning. Planning, insofar as it includes the allocation of resources and sequencing work packages, would be mean- ingless if not in the context of a specific time period for which top management, in consideration of the shipyard's entire workload, authorized sufficient resources. Planning is, for example, concerned with tentative alloca- tions whereas scheduling is firm commitment. Thus, it is seemingly a paradox that planning and scheduling are separate functions, yet they are inseparable at the highest level where they are normally performed by the same people. Thus strategic planners are inescapably involved in scheduling. Their mixed output, which is the framework for more detailed planning and scheduling for an outfitting department, consists of: a. ship construction principal events schedule b. allocations by weight, cutting length, welding FIGURE 5-3: Outfitting master schedule. The goal is to define and schedule major activities for each ship and stage of construction. — OUTFITTING WEIGHT AND SIMILARITIES TO OTHER SHIPS — STUDY OF DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT — MANPOWER AVAILABLE — STANDARDS — MILESTONE SCHEDULE — ERECTION SCHEDULE — HULL BLOCK ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE — SET DATES OF MILESTONES ACCORDING TO MILESTONE LIST — ARRANGE DATES OF ALL MAJOR ACTIVITIES REFERRING TO THE SCHEDULES OF SIMILAR SHIPS — ADJUST THE DATES REFERRING TO MANPOWER AVAILABLE, IF NECESSARY — SECTION MASTER SCHEDULE IS PREPARED BY STAFF AND APPROVED BY EACH SECTION MANAGER SECTION MASTER SCHEDULE (ON— UNIT, ON— BLOCK, ON— BOARD OUTFITTING) ERECTION OF SUPERSTRUCTURE TO: OUTFITTING SECTIONS FOREMEN ASSISTANT FOREMEN 48 length, painting area, electric cable length, etc. c. man-hour allocations d. work load scheduling e. productivity measurement At the next level, outht planners who are concerned with methodizing, allocating resources and sequencing are or- ganized in groups which match an outfitting department's organization of outfit specialty sections and shops, i.e., for deck, accommodations, machinery and electrical. They too, and for the same reasons as for strategic planners, are inescapably involved in scheduling. Their mixed output applies only to outfitting and is a refinement of the applica- ble framework prepared by strategic planners. It consists of: a. decisions regarding budgets b. milestone scheduling c. outfit group master schedules d. monthly schedules e. weekly schedules f. pallet requirement schedules for material g. working drawings (MLF) issue schedule Production schedules form the framework which assists in the flow of information between the various shipyard functions. This information flow is necessary to ensure completion of a ship in an efficient and timely manner. Schedules are control mechanisms and are the means by which planned work packages are conveyed to the work force. Schedules vary in detail according to the function they are intended to perform and are usually organized in a hierarchical fashion. If not so organized with specific checkpoints needed for coordination, the many schedules necessary will not relate to each other and significant prob- lems can arise. In some shipyards, each department, sec- tion, shop and/or work group develops its own schedule which relates only to its own area of responsibility. To prevent confusion and to facilitate control, a system which ensures consistency of schedules from the top down is es- sential. Scheduling is simplified by the organization of informa- tion to support zone outfitting. Figure 5-1 illustrates how scheduling can be organized as a hierarchy. A principal events schedule can serve as the basic schedule for opera- tions by fixing about 30 events such as dates for main engine landing, stern tube boring, boiler light off, generator tests, etc. This schedule is supported by the block assembly schedule and the erection schedule. The block assembly schedule specifies when and where blocks will be assembled and serves as the basis for determining when on-block outfit- ting will be performed. The erection schedule specifies when blocks and units will be joined together at the erection site and is the basis for outfitting milestone schedules. These schedules serve as the bases for more detailed schedules. Each outfitting milestone schedule is further subdivided to provide implementation orders to a particular group. However, since they are all derived from the same outfitting milestone schedule, there is coordinated implementation for the deck, accommodations, machinery and electrical outfit sections and fabrication shops. This process is illus- trated in figure 5-2 and 5-3. In turn these schedules are used to support even more detailed schedules such as monthly and weekly outfitting schedules, as illustrated in figure 5-4 and 5-5. Production planning is simplified by the organization of both information and major shipyard functions into the FIGURE 5-4: Monthly schedule. The goals are: to define all major activities for the next two months, to order pallet center to prepare pallets according to monthly schedule, to check the progress of outfitting work for each section and stage of construction and to adjust the schedule based on availability of resources. — SECTION MASTER SCHEDULE / — Ai f SI - ACTUAL PROGRESS AGAINST SECTION MILESTONE SCHEDULE - MANPOWER AVAILABLE \ — M — CHECK MONTHLY PROGRESS OF WORK IN THE PREVIOUS MONTH — ARRANGE ALL MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF THE SUBSEQUENT TWO MONTHS ACCORDING TO THE RESULT OF THE REVIEW — ASSIGN PALLET CODE TO EACH ACTIVITY — MONTHLY SCHEDULE IS PREPARED BY STAFF AND THE OPERATION AND CONTROL OF MONTHLY SCHEDULE IS PERFORMED BY A FOREMAN. — MONTHLY SCHEDULE TO: OUTFITTING SECTIONS STAFF FOREMEN ASSISTANT FOREMEN 49 /— MLF / — WORK INSTRUCTION ( DRAWING \ — MANPOWER AVAILABLE V A ^ FIGURE 5-5: Weekly schedule. The goals are to define activities for the next two weeks and to assign personnel to the activities. — MONTHLY SCHEDULE — DETERMINE ACTIVITIES TO BE WORKED DAILY FROM THE MONTHLY SCHEDULE — DESIGNATE PALLET CODE FOR EACH ACTIVITY — DETERMINE WEIGHT OF MATERIALS — ALLOCATE WORK TO THE ACTIVITIES AND ASK SUPPORT FROM OTHER SECTIONS/SHOPS IF NECESSARY — PREPARATION OF THE WEEKLY SCHEDULE IS BY AN ASSISTANT FOREMAN — ACTIVITIES FOR TWO WEEKS ARE DEFINED ON WEEKLY SCHEDULE WHICH IS UPDATED WEEKLY — WEEKLY SCHEDULE TO: SECTION/SHOP CONCERNED SHOP MANAGER STAFF FOREMEN same grouping by similar problems. This permits the work packages that are represented in each of the formal schedules to be conveniently organized by zone by stage and by the kind of work to be done. Each work order or pallet or MLF - the terms can be used interchangeably - designates outfit work that is to be performed on-unit, on-block or on-board. Each is supported by smaller incre- ments of work which must be accomplished earlier, i.e., the manufacture of pipe pieces or items to be manufactured other than pipe pieces (MLP and MLC respectively). The effort can therefore be organized in various ways to support each level of planning and also to provide a common link for identification of work between levels. For example, figure 5-6 illustrates how the pallet definition can be used to develop a sequence table which identifies off-ship and on- ship pallets. Similar sequence tables can readily be de- veloped by each outfitting section and then by each fabrica- tion shop. Scheduling is further aided by the organization of infor- mation from design. Material lists produced in functional and detail design permit rapid development of manhour requirement plans. By developing a ratio of weight of fittings to estimated hours by system, a manhour per fitting value can be derived 2 . Since each MLS is de- veloped in functional design by material ordering zone which is time phased, an initial estimate of the distribution of manhour requirements over time can be quickly derived. Just as for material requirements, this assessment permits early verification of the estimated manpower requirement used to establish a contract price. If a catastrophic error exists, managers have an opportunity to react before sig- nificant manpower expenditures occur. Further, since MLF represent defined increments of work by stage of construc- tion and work zone and therefore reflect the sequence of production activities, a refined manpower requirements prediction ensues which is still in advance of expenditures. MLP and MLC also contribute because they represent defined increments of work which also predict impact on designated work areas. 3 \W0RK ZONE KINO OF WORK^^ OFF-SHIP ON -SHIP UNIT BLOCK DECK ACCOM. MACH. PIPING STEEL VENTILATION INSULATION PAINTING FIGURE 5-6: Example for a sequence table. 2 Weight excludes main machinery and equipment. Each ratio is specific for a particular system. For electrical, cable length can be used. 3 " Area" is defined as a division into similar types of work. It is dependent upon trade skills by shop or section. An area could be designated for collecting costs for assembling anything by bolting. For example bolting together walkway sections, flanged pipe pieces and vent duct sections, etc. Within a pipe fabrication shop areas coultf be assigned to separately monitor costs for welding, bending, pickling, etc. On board, an area could be defined just for collecting costs of electric cable pulling. 50 Pallets define specific increments of work and represent interim products to be assembled. Costs returned against each pallet can be distributed to systems by weighted values. Cost accuracies are greatly improved because production people report against meaningful products. Further ben- efits are inherent because data by system is returned faster and with greater accuracy which facilitates improved es- timating for other shipbuilding prospects in the near term. Shipbuilders who practice zone outfitting at first con- tinued to report costs in accordance with traditional systems oriented work breakdown structures. It subsequently be- came apparent to them that, while not disregarding system, it was essential to focus on classifications by similarities in production problems (Group Technology) so that they could more efficiently divide work by zone, area and stage. Therefore each substituted a product oriented work break- down structure (POWBS). Managers who wish to fully exploit zone outfitting by incorporating a POWBS will have to assure traditional es- timators that they will continue to receive good cost infor- mation by system (see figure 5-7). A few can be expected to continue to object regardless of the fact that some U.S. shipyards already report hull construction costs by hull block, i.e., in a product oriented manner. The same logic identifies need for product oriented work breakdowns for both hull construction and zone outfitting. Estimates are developed using statistical data from previ- ous ships and by considering present circumstances. Thus, material lists developed by designers facilitate material pro- curement, detail planning and rapid updating of parame- ters used for estimating. The on-board outfitting schedule is constrained only by the erection schedule. The on-block schedule is constrained both by the erection and block assembly schedule. The on-unit schedule permits the most freedom and is con- strained only by the schedule for landing a unit on-block or on-board. All of the outfitting effort, of course, is con- strained by the availability of materials and drawings. The fabrication shops must prepare short term detailed schedules that anticipate their needs. Preparation of such schedules is assisted by the PPFM 4 identification from de- sign. As fabrication is dependent on finite equipment and manpower, these schedules must assure timely fabrication while attempting to maintain a constant work load. This needed leveling is best accomplished by utilizing long and short-term schedules. A long-term schedule, typically four to six months, enables a shop to establish the work load estimate needed to rearrange a detail schedule for optimum throughput. This process is illustrated in figure 5-8 for pipe fabrication. The short-term schedule development is sim- plified by standardizing the execution times by category of fabrication lines such as the PPFM. This is illustrated in figure 5-9. The development of on-unit schedules is flowcharted and presented in figure 5-10. ESTIMATING s IU (fl > (A 2 UJ > (ft 111 rLANININU " < (/> oS < UJ oe < iu z o uf< N< UJ (9 oB< 1- V) SCHEDULING Nl UJ O < H tn oB < UJ FIGURE 5-8: Process chart for pipe fabrication control. DESIGN DEPARTMENT PIPE PIECE ISSUING FILE MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM PIPE PIECE ISSUING LIST SHORT TERM SCHEDULING LIST PIPE PIECE DRAWING PIPE MATERIAL ISSUING LIST CHECK LIST FOR PIPE FABRICATION CHECK LIST FOR PALLETIZING BRANCH PIPE LIST LONG TERM SCHEDULE ■ WAREHOUSE f -\ I _t t .J FIGURE 5-9: Scheduling — pipe shop (short term). MATERIAL LIST FOR PALLET REQUIRED DATE FOR PALLET AVAILABLE MANPOWER FOR EACH STAGE STANDARD FABRICATION FOR EACH PPFM' STANDARD WORKING TIMES FOR PIPE FABRICATION GOALS OF SHORT-TERM SCHEDULE - TO COMPLV WITH THE FIELD WORKING SCHEDULE TO OPTIMIZE MATERIAL PREPARATION - DETERMINE THE FABRICATION TIME OF PIPES STAGE-BY-STAGE 2 - GROUP PIPES TO SAME PPFM - SUM THE FABRICATION TIME STAGE-BY-STAGE - COMPARE THE SUMMED FABRICATION TIME WITH THE AVAILABLE MANPOWER AT ASSEMBLY STAGE EXECUTION SCHEDULE TO: INDIVIDUAL IN CHARGE OF SCHEDULING PPFM No. 61 8-23-77 M- DAYS = 28 8-30-77 ]-4 9-1-77|-*- 9-2-77 |4- PPFM No. 41 DAYS - 22 PPFM No. 51 DAYS - 21 PPFM No. 01 PALLET ISSUE STANDARD FAB PERIOD FOR EACH PPFM USED TO COMPUTE START DATE •FABRICATION TIME ESTIMATE FABRICATION TIME (MINUTES) PPFM No. MARKING CUTTING BENDING ASSEMBLY WELDING FINISHING 01 195 - 151 101 18 51 15 - 100 95 40 41 105 82 95 80 20 61 40 - 45 50 25 52 K K f- 1- It - 3 IS £ S 5 £ >k uo o o z o S5;t;< £ Z*-*^*!!!.*^,!.,*" CC S ui-|uj_mjOiijE^5uj 111 ■» i s s E I UJ i i sg z t S § s 4 n < 2 s i s° Sl^O 1 ' ?Oo:j u ui ;u2.oSS KfiEdUS i ' - ri ri u. £>5 S;oi| D a >Hoj-Lt X l-S£uJ- 3 < Zi>iJ ssSSs J* -*•'" Is IS X z tl SSii P 91 o 2. o > O g z£ gSfco So z > wz^zj"lo>2a:0^zw o>-JKE '"Oo iljZ ;r u 'd 0<0(5^ 5? tJz : J5" : t3S h _i UJ _ta: K R I iurJuiijLU <*- J 2$_J u -zyzo- z j£z UJ r-"'<-Ol<< £<£ - 1 . . to a E a O EE O i- 3 z z o S 1 Sh 5' 5 -z £ n 4 Z o - 1 rf° W J l/> i sS Etc E 1 Oat h z o > ce J° Q ? z < I D O I i 4 is | ES z o 3 a o O z 1 Si 1 UK i5 Soa fix £ 18 211 K8 DO 4&Z -*-o i . iuZ i a ' . JO ts> °< Set 3 o 2 WO z 4 2 < ii a S < ■ 1 s jZ |2 II £8 =B 4 z; 05 i |£k Z o 35 WO ii So z i HO Ss Li§s gz P 1 .. mO c 1 i - i . i £ z O z g z o u Ot-S £11 <0 z 4- < a 8)8 c ii s s .. nn Q < 4 O 4 z o E 3 ' a o } Q. I,. S*5 K2i 2SS5 1 . > ' 1 n < z ill y c .0 i c 3 a. o E I c .0 (3 E u & C I 1 56 could not easily concede their traditional practices to facilitate even great productivity gains elsewhere. For example, zone outfitting impacts deleteriously on shipbuilders' traditional goals to maximize steel throughput by facilitating both outfitting and painting precise zones at specified times. Thus, some managers who consider zone outfitting will be faced with reorienting themselves as well as traditional hull construction planners. If they adopt zone outfitting, they will ultimately have to teach outfit planners hull construction options and will have to develop coordi- nated planning for hull construction, outfitting and painting. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT DEPUTY GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT PROCESS CONTROL GROUP SALES BUSINESS & GENERAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT PAINT DEPARTMENT SPECIAL COATING SECTION PAINTING SHOP MATERIAL CONTROL SECTION PRODUCTION PLANNING & ENGINEERING GROUP CONTROL DEPARTMENT PURCHASING SECTION HULL FABRICATION SHOP SCHEDULE & BUDGET CONTROL SECTION No 1 ASSEMBLY SECTION HULL CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT No 2 ASSEMBLY SECTION No 1 ERECTION SECTION No 2 ERECTION SECTION WELDING SECTION 1 QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT PRODUCTION PLANNING 4 ENGINEERING GROUP HULL STRUCTURE DESIGN GROUP DECK OUTFITTING SECTION DECK OUTFITTING DESIGN GROUP ACCOMMODATIONS OUTFITTING SECTION ACCOMMODATION OUTFITTING DESIGN GROUP No.1 MACHINERY OUTFITTING SECTION 1 SHIP DESIGN OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT MACHINERY OUTFITTING DESIGN GROUP No 2 MACHINERY OUTFITTING SECTION ELECTRICAL OUTFITTING DESIGN GROUP PRODUCTION ENGINEERING GROUP ELECTRIC OUTFITTING SECTION PIPE FABRICATION SHOP FIGURE 6-2: Shipyard organization chart. 57 58 7.0 PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Zone outfitting assuredly increases productivity. How- ever, many practical ideas already proven by shipbuilders throughout the world contribute significantly. 7.1 Outfitting On-unit On-unit outfitting offers the greatest potential for improving overall productivity during construction of a ship as compared to the other two outfit methods, i.e., SYSTEM-BY-SYSTEM ZONE-BY-ZONE n FLOOR SUPPORT PIPE AND FLOOR SUPPORT = c: PIPE SUPPORT JO 7- :d PIPE SUPPORT AND FLOOR SUPPORT ARE COMMON WHICH REDUCES MATERIAL COST. - WELDING LENGTH FOR SUPPORTS IS REDUCED. - FITTING PROCEDURE FOR EACH PIPE IS CLEARLY DETERMINED. (FROM THE LOWEST PIPE) on-block and on-board. In shipyards where on-unit proce- dures are highly developed, certain guidelines have emerged which impact on all planning functionaries, espe- cially those who produce diagrammatics and detail design drawings: 7.1.1 Joining any two outfit items in a shop, even the smallest, is preferable to separately fitting them on- block or on-board, A good example is attachment of heat-shrink type electric cable entry seals to junction and distribution boxes. 7. 1 .2 Two or more pipes which follow the same path should be incorporated as a unit. 7.1.3 Wherever possible supports should be com- bined with other supports, see figure 7-1. 7.1.4 Walkways, gratings, handrails and ladders should always be included as they enhance structural soundness and they reduce, if not eliminate, the re- quirement for staging during assembly of units and afterwards when units are landed on-block or on-board. 7.1.5 Common foundations made from angles should be used as much as possible. They minimize connections to hull structure, simplify lofting proce- dures, and permit better access for assembling compo- nents. When heavier foundations are needed they should be designed to distribute stresses from above decks only. This permits their incorporation in units and eliminates troublesome reinforcement beneath decks which is often dependent upon receipt of vendor drawings. See figure 7-2. FIGURE 7-1: Pipe support unit assembly approach. [HI, KURE MITSUI, CHIBA FIGURE 7-2: Angle iron is used for most foundations to simplify their fabrication. Also, foundations are combined as much as possible to minimize the number of pallets. This simplifies scheduling. Lightweight angle iron is used for temporary stiffening or support. The need to add support after a unit is landed on-block or on-board is avoided. Foundations for heavier loads are designed to distribute stresses from above decks so that they may be entirely incorporated in units. All electrical components, in addition to the motors illustrated, are protected from weather. 59 IH1, KURE IHI, KURE FIGURE 7-3: The attachment of small components is greatly facilitated if performed on-unit indoors where climate and lighting can be reasonably controlled. Access is ideal. Bins for small bolts, gaskets, etc. are never more than 50 feet away. 7.1.6 Even small components, such as drain piping and tubing as illustrated in figure 7-3 should be outfitted on-unit. Such work is greatly facilitated by access to nearby bins for small bolts, gaskets, etc., in addition to the better work environments in outfit as- sembly areas. 7.1.7 A work instruction drawing for a unit should incorporate references that can be laid down on an assembly area floor. These, marked on grounds which establish the platen, see figure 7-4, facilitate layout of the unit before its assembly. 7.1.8 Detail designers should employ standard eleva- tions which correspond to a system of modular support blocks. The latter should be used for temporary support during assembly of a unit, see figure 7-5. 7.1.9 Wherever non-standard pipe heights are necessary, an adjustable jig similar to that shown in figure 7-6 should be used. 7.1.10 Alignment problems between units should be avoided by assembling adjoining units together or by using a jig, see figure 7-7. Also, couplings for joining units should be in the same plane and should be of a type that permits a unit to be lowered into its final position from overhead, e.g., even between two adjoin- ing units. 7. 1 . 1 1 Care must be exercised to ensure that the distances between pipes are sufficient to provide access for coupling. Flanges are preferred and welded pipe butts should be avoided. Provided there are sufficient pipe anchor points, other suitable couplings are simple removable-stop type flexible couplings, figure 7-8, and flexible hose assemblies, figure 1-10, which already fea- ture fitting configurations for virtually all pipe systems in ships, h* 7.1.12 Outfit components should have at least one coat of paint before assembly into a unit. Each unit, less only insulation which could deteriorate in weather, should have all but its final coat of paint before landing on-block or on- board. 7.1.13 As shown in figure 7-9, units are structurally strong enough to be lifted without special rigging. Temporary stiffeners are sometimes needed to main- tain the positions of unit supports. 7.1.14 One pallet applies to installation of a main engine when it is assembled on-board because work instructions are provided by the engine manufacturer. 1 U.S. Coast Guard letter (G-MMT-2/82) 1 6703/46-56; 1 000 Dresser, dated 8 February 1 978, advised that the simple removable-stop type flexible coupling is acceptable. 2 SS ALLISON LYKES was delivered in February 1964 with an extensive amount of Aeroquip hose in place of CuNi pipe in various SW systems. This special case was USCG approved to develop data which could justify regulation changes to generally permit such installations. By letter dated 10 October 1975the USCG reported ' the installation was generally acceptable" after 1 1 !4 years service but mainly because ofa lack of standards it would be difficult to change the regulations. The ASTM Committee F-25 on Shipbuilding is addressing the prerequisite standards. Regardless of the latter, the 1 1 l A years service in ALLISON LYKES and the many installations in naval ships (for noise and vibration isolation) are sufficient justification for the USCG to include in 46 CFR 56.30-40 permission to employ flexible hose assemblies to facilitate on-board attachment of sections of pipe previously outfitted on-unit and on-block. Precedent exists in 46 CFR 1 1 1 .60-40 which specifically allows splices to facilitate the attachment of electric cable in one subassembly to cable installed in another subassembly. 60 1HI, KUKt FIGURE 7-4: A platen area facilitates assembly ot different type units. The references which are laid down are very discernable and apply only to the unit to be assembled. Where crane capacity is sufficient, complete main en- gines should be placed on-board as a single lift. Regard- less of the number of lifts all platforms and ladders should be attached, see figure 7-10. 7.1.15 Detail design of a unit and division of the adjoining hull structure into blocks are interdependent. In fact, units, blocks and combinations of units already fixed to blocks must all be sequenced for joining at a building site by the same erection schedule. Figure 7-11 illustrates some concerns that detail designers and methodizers for both hull construction and outfitting must share in order to plan installation of a unit. Cer- tainly there is impact on block boundaries which tradi- tionally were established only for maximum "steel throughput." Therefore, implementation of outfitting on-unit introduces the need for managers to re-orient traditional hull construction planners and to teach outfit planners more about hull construction options. JL 1 EM I T L - L 2 EM 5 EM STANDARD HEIGHTS FORCENTERLINES OF STANDARD PIPE SIZES [HI. KURE FIGURE 7-5: Modular support blocks. As in the printing industry an EM is defined as a square using any dimension elected as a standard size. Six inches or 20 centimeters would be useful for on-unit or even on-block outfitting. Detail designers should then use, insofar as possible, standard heights as follows: 1 EM 6" or 20 cm, 2 EM 1 2" or 40 cm, etc. Standard heights for centerlines of pipes are as shown, dependent upon the outside diameters of pipe sizes selected as standards. The modular support blocks could be cast from metal or plastic or cut from wood. 61 7.2 Outfitting On-block On-block is the second best alternative for significantly improving overall productivity during construction of a ship. It is generally employed to some degree in all ship- yards, but, because it impacts adversely on traditional goals for maximum steel throughput, it has not yet been fully exploited. Outfitting on-block is highly developed by the world's most competitive shipyards thus useful guidance is available: 7.2.1 Planning block configurations must incorpo- rate compromises that facilitate both the hull block construction method (HBCM) and outfitting on-block with a single goal of reducing their combined costs. Therefore, blocks should be three dimensional and PIPE- £ ^ E3 ^ /I ^ FIGURE 7-6: A simple adjustable jig can be used for accuracy control of non-standard heights for pipe. JIG lo — o 1 1 1 1 1 I 1° o o : ! i 2 1 o o ^ 1 1 b i tH • J: FIGURE 7-7: A jig should be employed to ensure correct flange alignment for certain geographical units. This eliminates adjustments on-board. ITALCANTIERI. MON FALCONE FIGURE 7-8: Simple removable-stop type flexible couplings are tem- porarily fixed on unit. Thus, in-process material control is simplified. The similar but more expensive couplings which feature undesired clips welded to the pipe, sometimes preclude this cost saving measure. The particular unit on which the couplings are temporarily fixed is specified in Work Instruction Design by the same people who performed Detail De- sign. when placed for outfitting, often upside down, should always permit crane access from above. In addition, block configuration should facilitate near the ground access for people and small portable cranes from at least two sides. Seemingly, these are conflicting require- ments but figures 7-12, 1-7, 1-8 and 1-9 show different type blocks all of which conform. Figure 7-12 is espe- cially noteworthy because it shows that only a small portable crane and a reserved area are needed for outfitting most blocks. Outfitting requirements are usually simplified when the stack structure is separate from the deck house. 7.2.2 Oil and watertight boundaries in blocks should be inspected for pinhole leaks before attachment of fittings, see figure 7-13. 7.2.3 Everything needed within a block, less only insulation and electronics that could be damaged by weather, should be part of the outfit pallet. Even items such as chain falls and temporary staging should be included; see figures 7-14 and 7-15 respectively. In at least one shipyard where outfit planning was perfected, temporary service pipe systems, e.g., for oxygen, gas and compressed air needed within a machinery space during erection, were outfitted on-block; see figure 7-16. 7.2.4 Assuming conventional paint systems, blocks should have at least one paint coat over a primer before outfitting commences and all but the final paint coat after outfitting is completed. As shown is figure 7-17, painting is greatly facilitated because most is down- hand with no staging required. 62 KAWASAKI. KOBE FIGURE 7-9: Generally, just the walkway structure and pipe provide enough stiffening so that units can be made strong enough to be lifted by a single-hook crane without the use of padeyes or a spreader. The unit shown is being moved over a platen area that was recendy painted as preparation for layout of the next unit to be assembled. MITSUI. CHIBA FIGURE 7-10: Ladders and walkways should already be attached to main diesel engine subassemblies when landing them on-board. They enhance safety and are productive because they eliminate the need for temporary staging in congested machinery spaces. 7.2.5 For certain blocks, as in figure 1-7 for exam pie, schedules must address when structural work should stop to permit painting, outfitting, painting again, and then the resumption of structural work. 7.2.6 Similarly, outfitting on both sides of a block, as in figure 7-18, requires work packages and schedules to address the sequence for painting, outfitting, painting, turnover, painting, outfitting and painting. Separate pallets for each type of work per stage (before turnover and after turnover) facilitate precise control. 7.2.7 Planners should consider combining penetra- tions such as in the assembly shown in figure 7- 1 9 which was manufactured by a subcontractor. It appeared as a single MLF item and thus simplifies material control and installation on-block. 7.2.8 Make-up pipe pieces and loose flanges should be provided for coupling pipe outfitted on-block to pipe in other blocks, or to pipe outfitted on-unit. Figure 1-10 illustrates the use of flexible hose assemblies as a productive means to couple tubing that was installed in 63 ERECTION SEQUENCE BLOCK (7) AN INNER BOTTOM; IT CONTAINS SOME PIPE OUTFITTED ON-BLOCK. BLOCK (2) CONTAINS PIPE P-2 WHICH WAS OUTFITTED ON-BLOCK. (P-2 COULD HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY ATTACHED IF ITS REMOVAL WAS REQUIRED FOR LANDING UNIT.) UNIT (?) UNIT DETAIL DESIGNERS CONSIDERED THE MINIMUM DISTANCE "A" NEEDED FOR ACCESS FOR WELDING THE SEAM BETWEEN BLOCKS (?) AND (5) SO THAT UNIT (T) COULD BE LOWERED IN PLACE. ALSO DETAIL DESIGNERS CONSIDERED NEED FOR CLEARANCE "B". BLOCK @ CONTAINS PIPE P-1 WHICH IS TEMPORARILY ATTACHED. IT WILL BE PERMANENTLY SUPPORTED AND ATTACHED TO PIPE P-2 AFTER THE DECK SEAM IS WELDED. * PIPE PIECES OUTFITTED ON-BOARD AFTER WELDING OF UNIT TO TANK TOP AND SHELL SEAM ARE COMPLETED. FIGURE 7—11: The erection sequence addresses both units and blocks. adjoining blocks. The guidance for couplings con- tained in paragraphs 7.1.10 and 7.1.11 should also be considered. 7.2.9 Electric cable should be at least partially install- ed in blocks of modest size, see figure 7-20. Whether electric cable should be spliced between blocks, as per- mitted by the U.S. Coast Guard, 3 should be based solely on cost trade offs. In shipyards which produce very large blocks as interim products, e.g., thirds and halves of hulls and separate deck houses, the use of electric cable splices will permit better level loading of electri- cians and simultaneously reduce the number of man- hours required for the very labor intensive cable pull- ing. In order to acquire these benefits, managers will have to advise traditionalists among electrical systems planners, including designers, that electric cable splices are simply joints analogous to pipe couplings, ventila- tion duct flanges and hull master butts that must be designated to facilitate construction of a ship. Further, managers will have to address some owners as a few remain who still do not permit electric cable splices even though all original cable characteristics are restored. Paradoxically, they permit couplings in frequently more dangerous fuel oil, hydraulic oil and compressed air systems. Figure 7-21 shows electric cable splices installed to facilitate attachment of a completely outfitted deck house to the hull of an LNG ship. Similar installations have been made in ULCC. 7.2.10 Managers should address hull construction accuracy control not only to minimize structural rework but also to facilitate outfitting on-block. For example, shipbuilders who have such control already finish bore sterntube bearings on-block; i.e., boring at the erection site is completely eliminated. Each block containing a finished sterntube bearing is erected within tolerances that insure on-board alignment of propulsion machin- ery with chocks of conventional thickness. FIGURE 7-12: A machinery-space overhead is being outfitted upside- down. Material is landed by a small portable crane. There is no require- ment for labor-intensive horizontal shifting of heavy weight. This com- bined with near to the ground access enhances safety. 3 See Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR 1 1 1 .60-40(a)( 1 ): " A cable installed in a subassembly may be spliced to a cable installed in another subassembly." Also see 35. 1 39.5 of the American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels: ". . . approved splices will be permitted at interfaces of new construction modules . . ." 64 IHI, AIOI FIGURE 7-13: Transparent vacuum boxes each feature soft thick gaskets, a valve-eductor-silencer assembly and a fitting for connection to the shipyard's compressed-air system. Some are made in two parts for testing flat-bar, tee or angle penetrations of tank boundaries on-block. Others are hemispheres sized to inspect installation of deck fittings, e.g. sounding tubes. IHI, K.URK FIGURE 7-14: The chain fall is tied with soft iron wire to prevent move- ment during block turnover. When the block is fitted at the erection site, the ship's chain fall is immediately available for outfitting on-board. FIGURE 7-15: Anticipating turnover, some staging is installed on-block upside-down. Soft iron wire secures staging planks. 65 NKK, SHIMIZU FIGURE 7-16: Arrows designate temporary services pipe which will lead to manifolds. When on-board outfitting is completed, these systems will by scrapped or will remain if the owner wishes them to facilitate repair work. FIGURE 7-18: Outfitting and painting on-block down hand can reduce manhours to one tenth of that required for overhead work. Therefore, the effort for turnover is frequently a good investment if both sides of a block require outfit. FIGURE 7-1 7: The grouping of production effort into hull construction, outfitting and painting permits precise planning for virtually all painting at the best opportunities and minimizes paint rework. Painting down hand with no requirement for staging is highly productive. IHI, KURE FIGURE 7-19: Three tubing penetrations and their angle-iron supports are combined in a small subassembly produced by a subcontractor. Man- agement techniques for the assembly of a ship, particularly computer applied management information systems, are necessarily designed for large complex assemblies. The application of such expensive, large capac- ity resources to small subassemblies is simply not worthwhile. 66 /**" Each of the latter, being continuous, will project a small distance beyond exterior panels to create seating surfaces for the next deck house level to be erected. IHI, K.UKE FIGURE 7-20: Much electric cable can be completely or partially installed on-block. Moreover, productivity is greatly enhanced if the block is upside down. 7.2.11 Inboard accessible sterntube bearings simplify outfit planning because they are furnished by their manufacturers completely finished. Even the need to bore on-block is eliminated. Because such bear- ings have adjustable internals they can be successfully fitted on-block even where hull construction accuracy control is not perfected. Further, a sternframe weld- ment featuring an inboard accessible sterntube bearing is generally less costly than a conventional sternframe assembly which contains large castings. This is another example where a higher priced material item can lead to reduced overall costs. 7.2.12 If inboard accessible sterntube bearings are used and provided hull construction accuaracy control is sufficient, consideration should be given to aligning and chocking the main engine even before the sternframe block is erected. This permits earlier start for flushing the main engine lube oil system and its sump. 7.2.13 Successful outfitting on-block is critically de- pendent upon hull construction, outfitting and paint- ing planners learning more about each other's func- tions and finding ways to compromise in order to re- duce the overall cost of ship construction. As illustrated in figures 7-22 through 7-27, there are many oppor- tunities for more productivity which are only limited by planners' imaginations and the degree of acceptance that design, in particular, and material definition are aspects of planning. Figure 7-27 is significant because it shows the beneficial impact of unified planning of outfitting on-block applied to ship repair. 7.2.14 In order to construct deck house levels separately for outfitting each upside down, the exterior surface panels should be intercostal relative to decks. NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING FIGURE 7-21 .In this application 114 electric cables in the deckhouse were spliced to cables already installed in the hull. The conductor sizes ranged from 1,1 19 to 250,000 circular mils as in cable types TTRSA and TAVIB. The numbers of conductors per cable varied from 2 to 62 and there were 28 different types and sizes. Shielded cables were also spliced but required specific USCG approvals. Designating electric-cable splices to facilitate the shipbuilding process is as much a planning responsibility as designating pipe couplings, vent duct flanges and hull master butts. 67 IHI, AIOl / / DAVIE. QUEBEC FIGURE 7-22: Outfitting on sides of blocks is particularly easy because of FlGUR£ ? _ 24 . Actuators and h doors are aIread QUtfitted ready access by small portable cranes. hlork WHYALLA, MELBOURNE FIGURE 7-23: A block, completely outfitted, is temporarily stowed await- ing erection. GENERAL DYNAMICS, O.IINCY FIGURE 7-25: An LNG ship compressor room is outfitted on-block. 68 7.5 Outfitting On-board If outfitting on-unit and on-block is fully exploited, outfit- ting on-board would be limited to: • some electric cable pulling, 4 • installation of electronics equipment and insula- tion that would otherwise be damaged by weath- er, • connecting system interfaces between units and blocks, • rigging and loading ground tackle, • applying the final paint coat, • tests and trials. 7.3.1 Units placed on-board in the vicinity of propul- sion machinery should remain unattached until the machinery is aligned as the units may have to be tem- porarily shifted to provide access for installation of chocks and foundation bolts; see figure 7-28. GENERAL DYNAMICS, QUINCY FIGURE 7-26: Ladders, platforms, wiring and level indicating sensors are outfitted in an LNG ship pipe tower prior to its installation in a spherical cargo tank. DAVIE. QUEBEC FIGURE 7-27: The work order, during an overhaul, specified replace- ment of a pump, manifold and contiguous double-bottom pipe. By elect- ing to renew some hull structure, the complex assembly was productively outfitted on-block. 7.3.2 Epoxy chocking compounds have been suc- cessfully used to fix the alignment of main engines since 1966. Their use significantly reduces time required by eliminating the need to machine foundations and for highly skilled craftsmen to reiteratively measure, grind and fit metal chocks; see figure 7-29. 7.3.3 Electric cable should be palletized in cut lengths as needed for specific cable runs. Some shipbuilders successfully apply computers to calculate required lengths and provide precut cable even for unique ships or the first ship in a series. 7.3.4 In order to ease labor intensive pulling and to reduce the time required, planners should consider installing an electric cable of large size or exceptional length in two or more pieces, see figure 7-30. Splices for this purpose are specifically permitted by the U.S. Coast Guard. 5 When two or more such cable pieces are installed simultaneously, the zones which they transit become available earlier for starts of other outfit work. 4 For example, lengths which were partially installed on-block with the remainder temporarily coiled. Also, where blocks were not large enough to justify installation and subsequent connecting with splices. s See Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR 1 1 1.60-40(a)(3): "A cable having a large size or exceptional length may be spliced to facilitate its installation." Also see 35.135.9 of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels: ". . .splices will be permitted to provide for cable of exceptional length." 69 MITSUI, CHIBA FIGURE 7-28: Adjacent units remain free until the main engine is aligned and chocks are installed. The padeye used for handling the double-bottom block also serves as an anchor needed to shift the engine during alignment. WM ViJ'MV^ MITSUI, CHIBA FIGURE 7-29: Some owners still specify metal liner chocks which require machining foundations by positioning and repositioning a cumbersome milling machine and much skilled-labor-intensive hand fitting. Shipbuilders prefer poured epoxy chocks which have a satisfactory his- tory, even for main engines, and which save time during the critical on-board outfit period just before launching a ship. 7.3.5 An electric cable which transits a machinery space (50°C) and other spaces (40°C) is sized larger than it would be otherwise because of an ampacity limit based upon the "high temperature" machinery space. There- fore, when relatively long cable lengths are required outside of machinery spaces and voltage drops are not limiting, splicing to smaller cable sizes should be consi- dered. The required copper can be reduced by as much as 15%. For example, TXIA 250 cable (230 amps @ 50°C) within a machinery space could be spliced to TXIA 212 (233 amps @ 40°C) outside the machinery space. 7.3.6 At least one shipbuilder installs cargo lights and their cables on masts in an outfit assembly area. When placed on-board, temporary power cables are spliced for immediate use of the ship's cargo lights for night- time operations at the erection site. Later, the tempor- ary services are severed and the completed ship's cir- cuits are permanently attached with splices. NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING FIGURE 7-30: Electric cable pulling in ships is difficult for cable weighing as much as 3 pounds per foot. Electricians generally regard it as undesira- ble work. The process can be made easier by the judicious use of splices. 7.3.7 One very unique electric-cable splice applica- tion occurred in 1959 during construction of the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The main machinery spaces were ready for start of electrical tests before a significant amount of the forward structure was com- pleted. So that tests could start and continue without interruption, connections to the switchboard were completed with certain power distribution cables simply terminated at the forwardmost completed bulkhead. Subsequently when the forward structure and cable installations were completed, twenty T-400 size cables were joined with in-line splices. 7.3.8 Another shipbuilder used splices to shift from conventional power cable to short lengths of finely stranded cable of the same capacity. This allowed small radius bends just before cable terminations. 70 7.3.9 Planners should consider greater use of the poured-type electric-cable deck and bulkhead penetra- tion seals (see figure 7-31). As compared to traditional methods such as the multiplicity of split resilient blocks and stuffing tubes, both of which are sized to specific cable diameters, the poured-type accommodates all cable diameters. This greatly simplifies planning be- cause material definition addresses significantly fewer material items. As a consequence, savings follow in pur- chasing, warehousing and in material control. But even greater savings are achieved in the manhours required for installation. This has been demonstrated where poured seals replaced the split block type in LNG ships' deck penetrations. The tedious process of assembling the many blocks from above with an extra man below to support them until all were in place and tightened was eliminated. 6 7.3.10 As it is very productive to outfit tubing and small diameter pipe on-unit and on-block, relatively new heat recoverable couplings should be considered for joining such systems on-board. Although more ex- pensive than conventional couplings they are especially productive in hydraulic and pneumatic systems as they do not introduce contaminants, nor do they require certified skills as do welded and soldered joints. They are the easiest couplings to install, particularly where access is limited. 7 7.3.11 Each hatchcover should be secured to its coaming before fitting the latter on-board. This re- quires only one lift vice two and insures that the hatch- cover will fit after the coaming is welded in place. 7.3.12 Pallets for on-board outfitting may apply to overlapping zones. Conflicting activities are avoided by time phasing, i.e., designating different stages. NATIONAL SHIPBl'ILDING RI-M-ARC H PROGRAM FIGURE 7-31: Poured-type bulkhead seals using certain water-mix refractory cements are both firetight and watertight. 'Poured-type seals using certain water-mix refractory cements are both fire tight and water tight. Acceptance is recorded in USCG letter (G-MMT-2/82) 3620/2-1 dated 3 September 1975 re: Todd Seattle Drawing 4966-SK-005 for the National Shipbuilding Research Program. 'Expanded couplings are delivered immersed in a cryogenic bath, usually liquid nitrogen. They stay expanded at low temperature. Removed from the bath and installed, they quickly shrink to their original diameters as they recover heat from the ambient. As of July 1979, Ravchem Corporation reported :hat more than 24,000 of their heat recoverable couplings have been installed in U.K. submarines and surface ships. Additionally, over 6,000 of their couplings were used by Ingalls Shipbuilding in 4,500 psi air and 3,000 psi hydraulic systems to facilitate construction of naval ships (DD963 and LHA Classes). Since the usual non-destructive tests are not applicable, reportedly, QA joint record cards are not required. 71 72 APPENDIX A 1.0 SOME THINGS TO CONSIDER PRIOR TO COMPUTERIZATION 1.1 Material Control 1 ) Classification of material - Material Code - Material Control Classification - Material Supply Form Classification 2) Effectiveness of material control - To study and settle material Control Clas- sification for avoiding material shortages with minimum stock. 1.2 Design 1) Standardization of design - Dismiss sectionalism traditions - Reduce the varieties of standards by consider- ing total cost and handling - Discourage owner's special requests 2) Standardization of vendors - Make more long-term agreements with ven- dors for material based on cost and quality 3) Exceptional cases 1.3 Purchasing 1 ) Standardization of purchasing procedures - contract for long-term agreements - contract delivery and payment terms 2) Establish purchasing policies for: - Purchasing procedures material-by-material. - Spot orders - Long-term agreements - Consignment base contracts 1.4 Warehousing 1) Receiving, issuing and storing material in accordance with Material Control Classification 2) Standardization for palletizing material 1.5 Goals of computerization 1) Instructions to facilitate production progress such as: - Sequence drawing issues - Quantity and delivery dates of material - Issuing materials 2) Job control planned by control data 3) Purchased quantity readily understood 4) Purchased quantity based on both user's re- quired date and material lead time. 5) Reduction of manual calculations and postings such as: - Payment orders - Cost accounting - Bookkeeping 6) Comparison of budget and cost 7) Early discovery of exceptions or emergency matters such as: - Late issue of drawings - Late issue of purchase orders - Late delivery of material - Material not issued 8) Prevention of errors due to manual calculations and transposition. 9) Standardization of job procedures 2.0 RATIONALE FOR IHI CODE SYSTEM 2.1 Function of the "Code" The function of the "Code" in a computerized sys- tem can be summarized as follows: - "Indication" of the nature or meaning of the information and/or date represented by the "Code". - "Key" for sorting and grouping of data handled by the computerized system. - "Designation" of the sequential flow of automatic processing by the computerized system. Each code in the system will be either mono- functional or multi-functional according to its ap- plication in the computerized system. By integrat- ing the function of each code, highly organized operations of the computerized system can be achieved. 2.2 Special Features of IHVs Code System 2.2. 1 Number of "Codes" is minimized by a "Compound Code" "Compound Code" means a code number having two duties. For example, a material code is composed of an indication of the material specification and cost category. This reduces the volume necessary for data storage without affecting function. 2.2.2 Logical configuration IHI's coding system was developed by careful analysis of the job itself, flow of information, mode of operation, etc. Then, the elements after analysis were re-composed to satisfy the function, duty and usage of that code. Data after coding is simple to maintain and understand by the user. 2.2.3 Multi-service Each code in the code system is designed to be used in multi-service. The connection between each subsystem is made by the codes. These form the keys to the total outfit- ting system. Some examples of these multi-purpose func- tions are illustrated in figure A-l. 2.2.4 Flexibility for future expansion Flexibility for future expansion was also taken into con- sideration at the time of code design. This feature is impor- tant since it provides the capability of adding to or revising A-l the code itself. It also ensures the flexibility of the system operation over time thus preventing the premature obsole- sence of the computer aided system by change of environ- ment. 2.2.5 Sorting and grouping "Code" is, in short, a symbolized indication of an orderly and systematically arranged data set belonging to one group or category of information. One particular data in a group or category of information must be recognized by only one code and, at the same time, the same data can be sorted into a sub-group by utilizing the code. This function is aided by I Hi's code system. By using this function the user is able to select necessary and useful information from among thousands of elements of data. 2.2.6 Designation of sequence Some types of codes define the method and sequence of processing within the computerized system. Therefore, the code is the matching point between the hardware and the user who requires information. If the code is well designed, the user will be able to readily obtain the needed informa- tion. The code system is specially designed to serve the users. 2.2.7 Easy memory "Code" is a kind of language written by a combination of numerical figures and/or alphabetical letters. Such a combi- nation of characters is a necessary feature for the language handled by the computer. However, it is also handled by the user; therefore, the meaning of the code should be easily recognized by both the computerized system and the user. The computer and user requirements are sometimes in conflict. Therefore, configuration of the code should be logically constructed with each component representing its own meaning. In this way people who handle the code are able to easily recognize significance. MATERIAL CONTROL SUB-SYSTEMS BUDGET AND COST ACCOUNTING SUB-SYSTEM IN MATERIAL CONTROL SYS. MASTER SCHEDULING SUB-SYSTEM DETAIL SCHEDULING SUB-SYSTEM DATA PREPARATION SYSTEMS DESIGN FIELD MATERIAL CONTROL FIELD PRODUCTION FIELD COST ACCOUNTING FIELD FIGURE A-l: Application of codes. A-2 I 1 : BUDGET & COST • I ACCOUNTING ; SYSTEM FIGURE A-2: Diagram of code system. A-3 SHIP 1XXX HULL STRUCTURE 10XX PIPE STRUCTURE 11XX HULL STEEL (EXCL. PIPE) 13XX NON-FERROUS 14XX WELDING 15XX OTHER RAW 16XX CAST 17XX MISCELLANEOUS 19XX AUXILIARY 2XXX&3XXX DECK FITTING 20XXPIPE LINE (Excl. CO. & BALAST.) 21 XX WOOD (CARGO HOLD) 22XX FLOORING 23XX PAINT 24XX NAUTICAL & COMMUNICATION 25XX TOWING & MOORING 26XX CARGO GEAR & HATCH COVER 27XX DECK EQUIP. (EXCL. 24, 25&26I 28XX NATURAL LIGHTING & VENT. 29XX PIPING FITTINGS 30XX PIPING (CO. & BALAST.) 31XX EQUIP. (CO. & BALAST.I 32XX EQUIP. (CO. & BALAST.) 33XX REFRIGERATOR 34XX WOOD (LIVING QUARTERS) 35XX OTHER (LIVING QUARTERS) 36XX DECK MACHINERY 37XX MISCELLANEOUS 38XX SPECIAL 39XX AUXILIARY 4XXX MACHINERY FITTING 40XX PIPE LINE 41 XX MAIN ENGINE 42XX BOILER 43XX PROPULSION 44XX AUX. MACHINERY 4SXX FUNNEL & UP-TAKE 46XX PIPING FITTING 47XX MEASURING INSTRUMENT 48XX MISCELLANEOUS 49XX AUXILIARY 5XXX ELECTRIC FITTING 50XX PIPE LINE 51XX PRIMARY ELECT. SOURCE 52XX SECONDARY ELECT. SOURCE 53XX ELECT. LIGHTING & SIGNAL S4XX NAVIGATION 55XX WIRING FITTINGS 56XX CABLE 57XX MISCELLANEOUS 58XX WIRELESS 59XX AUXILIARY NOTE: "XX" OF 3RD AND 4TH DIGITS INDICATES A FAMILY MATERIAL CODE. FIGURE A-3: Structure of material cost classification. A-4 _l < E III < s w/s MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION ON SHIP COMMONNESS REQUISITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDIZATION MATERIAL CODE PIECE NUMBER 1 o STEEL MATERIAL SHIPBUILDING GRADE AS SKETCH SIZE MATERIAL/GRADE/SIZE SHIP/BLOCK/SUB-BLOCK/ SERIAL NUMBER STANDARD WITHIN A SHIP STANDARD OTHER MATERIAL SAME AS FITTING z p lb COMMON AS&S INDIVIDUAL BLANK/FULL DESCRIPTION SHIP/SYSTEM/SERIAL NO. FAMILY NIL A INDIVIDUAL BLANK/FULL DESCRIPTION FAMILY BLANK/FAMILY DESCRIP. NON-COMMON AS&S INDIVIDUAL SYSTEM/FULL DESCRIP. FAMILY NIL A INDIVIDUAL SYSTEM/FULL DESCRIP. FAMILY SYSTEM/FAMILY DESCRIP. A AS S FIGURE A-4: Identification codes for material. - ALLOCATED MATERIAL - ALLOCATED STOCK MATERIAL - STOCK MATERIAL A-5 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES fl illinium ADDDD712h5171 I SHIP PRODUd FACILITIES IV OUTFITTING AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SHIPBUILDINGS DESIGN/PRODUCT COMPUTER AIDS J SURFACE PREPARATIC ENVIRONME TECH NO LI W