The University Library T ""^ " * : UNIVERSITY STATE COLi SYLVAN JA Activities and Services of the Federal Government in Distribution Research —A SUMMARY REPORT PREPARED FOR THE i 16802 PRESIDENT'S CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL AND DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH FOR THE BENEFIT OF SMALL BUSINESS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Activities and Services of the Federal Government in Distribution Research -A SUMMARY REPORT PREPARED FOR THE PRESIDENT'S CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL AND DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH FOR THE BENEFIT OF SMALL BUSINESS WASHINGTON, D. C. • SEPTEMBER 1957 A SUPPLEMENT TO THE REMARKS OF HARRY W. KETCHUM, Director Office of Distribution U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Sinclair Weeks, Secretary BUSINESS AND DEFENSE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION H. B. McCoy, Administrator For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 40 cents Foreword This summary of activities, services and publications of agencies of the Federal Government which are useful to business in distribu- tion research, has been prepared as a supplement to the programmed presentation on this subject at the President's Conference on Techni- cal and Distribution Research held in Washington, D. C, September 23-25, 1957. This report is an analysis of replies made by all major agencies of the Federal Government to a request by the President's Conference Distribution Research Program Committee for a state- ment of their distribution research programs, services and activi- ties. The report was prepared by Lelia M. Easson, Office of Dis- tribution. In reviewing this material it should be noted that many of the major statistical programs described in Part I as well as the eco- nomic analyses and industry reports described in Part II are not widely used directly by small business firms in distribution re- search activities. The same thing is true with respect to many of the publications listed in Appendix A. It is believed, however, that these inclusions are of significant value to the Conference since such materials are used extensively by trade associations, educational institutions, trade papers, mar- ket research agencies and consulting firms who, in turn, provide valuable services to small businesses toward the solution of their distribution problems. Harry W. Ketchum, Director Office of Distribution U. S. Department of Commerce Table of Contents Page Part I. --MAJOR PERIODIC STATISTICAL PROGRAMS --BENCHMARK AND CURRENT DATA 1 Population and Housing 1 Labor Force and Employment 1 National Income and Product 2 Expenditu res r. 3 Industries 3 Government F inance 6 U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel 7 Prices 8 Money, Credit, Investments, and Security Markets 9 Part IL-BROAD ECONOMIC ANALYSES AND INDUSTRY STUDIES 13 Economic Growth 13 Supply and Demand Analysis 13 Industry Research 15 U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel 16 Money, Credit and Investment 18 Miscellaneous 18 Part III. -DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH PROGRAMS ON OPERATIONS AND MARKETS 21 Market Organization and Practices 21 Facilities, Location and Standards 23 Industrial and Consumer Market Studies 24 Part IV. -GENERAL STATEMENTS ON DISSEMINATION OF DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH FINDINGS AND OTHER MARKETING INFORMATION THROUGH PUBLICA- TIONS 29 Part V.- SPECIAL STUDIES, SPECIAL TABULATIONS, AND OTHER TYPES OF DIRECT ASSISTANCE TO PRIVATE FIRMS AND COMMUNITIES IN THE SOLUTION OF MARKETING PROBLEMS 33 Appendix A. -LIST OF MAJOR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS USEFUL IN DISTRIBUTION 37 A. Major Compendiums of Statistical Information 37 B. Population, Population Characteristics and Vital Statistics 39 C. Labor Force and Employment 39 D. Income 40 E. Consumer Finances and Consumption 41 F. Agriculture 42 G. Fisheries 43 H. Extractive Industries 43 I. Construction and Housing 44 J. Manufacturing 44 K. Wholesale Trade 46 L. Retail Trade 47 M. Service Trades 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS— Con. Page N . Transportation „ 48 O. Communications and Public Utilities 49 P. Government Finance 50 Q. U.S. Foreign Trade and Travel 50 R. Prices 51 S. Money, Credit, Investment and Security Markets 52 Appendix B.--A LIST OF SPECIALIZED AIDS 55 Appendix C.~ FIELD OFFICES .... 57 Activities and Services of the Federal Government in Distribution Research Part I Major Periodic Statistical Programs-Benchmark and Current Data Agency Description U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Vital Statistics U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Population and Housing ENUMERATION OF THE POPULATION: CENSUS, SAMPLES, ESTI- MATES AND PROJECTIONS. Decennial Census of Population , with data on number, location and personal and family characteristics of the population including age and income. Periodic sample surveys on pop- ulation and characteristics. Also annual estimates of State population and characteristics; projections under stated assumptions. Annual farm population survey conducted jointly with Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Data source: Primary data from families and individuals collected in Census and (household) sample surveys. Frequency: Census and current population studies scheduled regularly as indicated above. Next Census, 1960. BIRTH AND MARRIAGE STATISTICS (ALSO DATA ON FAMILY DIS- ORGANIZATION BY DEATH AND DIVORCE). Data source: State and local record programs. Frequency: Continuous program. Data appear monthly in Monthly Vital Statistics Report and annually in Vital Statistics Special Reports (with special analytical studies.) HOUSING DATA. Decennial Census of Housing provides data on number, location, and such characteristics as tenure, value or rent, selected equipment and facilities, and mortgage status. A special 1956 Housing Inventory will show housing supply in U. S. and 9 metropolitan areas reconciled to the 1950 Census figures by data on new dwelling units, conversions, and withdrawals. Monthly Vacancy Surveys, U. S. and se- lected cities; publication in Current Population Reports series. Data source: Census and sample surveys. Frequency: Regular schedule as indicated above. Next Census, 1960. Labor Force and Employment U. S. Department ENUMERATION OF THE LABOR FORCE. Statistics on employment sta- of Commerce, tus, hours worked, characteristics of persons in labor force, employed Bureau of the persons by industry and hours worked, etc. Projections of labor force Census under stated assumptions. PART I-Continued Agency Description Labor Force and Employment— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census— Con. Data source: Benchmark statistics from Census of Population, current data collected from households in Current Population sample. - Frequency: Monthly. U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT, HOURS AND EARNINGS IN MA- JOR NONAGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES. Some data for States and areas. Employment data differ from Labor Force statistics collected by Bureau of the Census in type of reporting unit, and in that the latter covers self-employed, and in other ways. Data source: Primary data collected in survey of establishments using shuttle schedules. In cooperation with State agencies. Frequency: Monthly (published in Employment and Earnings which in- cludes analytical articles and in Monthly Labor Review) . NUMBER OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN PRODUCTION, BY INDUSTRY. Data source: Operating program data (Unemployment Insurance) major Censuses, Labor Force sample of Bureau of the Census, etc. Frequency: Annual estimates in National Income volumes of Survey of Current Business. National Income, and Product U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics NATIONAL INCOME AND GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT ACCOUNTS. Register the volume of goods and services; the incomes flowing to busi- ness, consumers, government and abroad; and consolidated receipts and expenditure accounts for these four groups. A consolidated saving and investment account is provided, and a combined income and product account for the nation as a whole. Special analyses of National Income by type, industrial origin, and legal form of organization. Personal income is distributed by type, by State, and family income size (see two items next below). Data source: Most of the series are based on source materials col- lected by other Government agencies and private organizations. Some primary data (e.g. manufacture and trade sales and inventories) col- lected jointly with the Bureau of the Census. Frequency: Monthly for Personal Income series; quarterly for other major series; annual, a complete statement in July issue of Survey of Current Business . Irregularly, a special volume; 1958 edition of Na- tional Income is in preparation. CONSUMER INCOME-SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Data on size distribution of family and individual incomes, for better understanding of economic processes and progress, and as a tool for market analysis. PART I-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics- Con. National Income and Product— Con. Data source: Internal Revenue Service individual income tax returns, annual nation-wide sample field surveys of family income conducted by Bureau of Census, Federal Reserve Board's Annual Survey of Consumer Finances and some primary data collected by OBE for other purposes. Frequency: Basic study (Income Distribution in the United States) 1953 supplemented by later reports. PERSONAL INCOME BY STATES. National Personal Income analyzed by States, both total and per capita, with detailed sources of income by type and by industry. Estimation of disposable personal income by States and Regions. Data source: State data submitted in connection with unemployment in- surance, Internal Revenue Services' individual tax returns, USDA's farm income estimates, and other public and private sources. Frequency: Annual. U. So Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics Expenditures CONSUMER EXPENDITURES SERIES. Aggregative figures on consumer spending (including imputed values) by major categories and for 87 types of goods and services. Data source: Numerous Government agencies, private research firms and trade associations. Frequency: Annual, and quarterly in less detail. Uo S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics and Securities and Exchange Commission DATA ON EXPENDITURES FOR NEW PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AND ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES. Covers broad industry classifica- tions. Data source: Primary data obtained from a sample of firms. Frequency: Quarterly and annual surveys of both actual and anticipated expenditures. Industries U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, and U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration COUNTY BUSINESS PATTERNS. Tabulations to show geographical dis- tribution of business establishments (by industry); data on number of reporting units, wages taxable under Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and employee -size. Data source: Old -Age and Survivors Insurance record data. Frequency: Occasional. PART I-Continued Agency Description Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Industries— Con. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION INDEXES. Durable .and non-durable manu- factures by major group; output of consumer durables by product group; utility output of electricity and gas. Data source: Primarily Government and industry statistics collected in other programs. Frequency: Monthly. U. S. Department DATA ON SHIPMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF MANUFACTURERS (and of Commerce, other data on manufacturers.) Quinquennial Census of Manufactures Bureau of the furnishes detailed product and area data. Intercensal reporting in- Census eludes Annual Survey of Manufactures and more than 70 series of monthly, quarterly, or annual Facts For Industry reports. Data source: Primary data from reporting firms, sample basis except for Census. Frequency: Scheduled regularly as indicated above. Next Census scheduled for 1958. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics ESTIMATES OF MANUFACTURERS SALES, ORDERS AND INVENTO- RIES BY INDUSTRY. Data source: Sample of manufacturing firms. Frequency: Monthly. Federal Trade QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MANUFACTURING CORPORA- Commission and TIONS— dollar figures and ratios. Operating data include manufac- Securities and turers' sales of goods placed in distribution, valued at manufacturers' Exchange prices, by industry and asset size. In industries with product diversi- Commission fication corresponding to industry definition, value of manufacturers' sales provide a basis for estimates of various sorts. Data source: Original sample survey. Frequency: Quarterly. U. S. Department BASIC PERIODIC NATIONWIDE FACT FINDING ON DISTRIBUTIVE AND of Commerce, SERVICE TRADES. Quinquennial Census of Business covers retail , Bureau of the wholesale, and selected service trades, amusements, hotels, tourist Census courts, and public merchandise ware houses. Area statistics provided on number of establishments, total sales, employment, and payroll, by kind of business. Analysis by sales size, employment size, and other factors. PART I -Continued Agency Description Industries— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census— Con. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Dollar volume sales of retail stores, U. S. and 4 regions, estimated monthly, as well as percent change in some metropolitan areas and cities; released in Monthly Retail Trade Report. Percent change in wholesale trade sales and inventories, U. S. and 9 geographic divisions, estimated monthly, released in Monthly Whole - sale Trade Report . Selected additional reports, quarterly, annual, semiannual, or seasonal. Data source: Primary data collected from firms by interviews, mail questionnaires, and on shuttle forms. Censuses and sample surveys. Frequency: Census of Business scheduled every 5 years, next covering 1958. Wholesale and retail sample surveys, monthly and annually. Other business surveys, quarterly, semiannual, annual, or seasonal. DEPARTMENT STORE TRADE STATISTICS-chiefly indexes and per- centage changes. Store sales, inventories, orders and credit (totals); sales and inventories for some 100 department classifications. Data source: Original sample surveys. Frequency: Weekly and monthly. MINERAL INDUSTRIES DATA. Quinquennial Census of Mineral Indus- tries covering the mining of coal, iron and other metals and minerals, and the extraction of oil and gas. Information on shipments, value added, inventories, new capital expenditures, consumption of materials, employment, and payrolls, detailed product and area data. Data source: Primary data from reporting firms. Frequency: Usually quinquennial. Next Census scheduled 1958. MINERALS YEARBOOK carries production statistics plus consumption and use data at the industrial or manufacturing level and inventory, price and foreign trade data. In intercensal years. Data source: Primary sources. Frequency: Annual. STATISTICS ON FARMS, FARM OPERATORS AND CROPS AND LIVE- STOCK SOLD. Quinquennial Census of Agriculture , with data for States, counties, and State economic areas, reports by subjects, and special reports (see Part II of this report). Data source: Primary data in Census collected from farm operators, interview method. Frequency: Census scheduled regularly as indicated above. Next Cen sus to cover 1959 crop year. PART I -Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service U. S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration and U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Industries— Con. STATISTICS ON PRODUCTION OF CROPS AND LIVESTOCK AND SE- LECTED PROCESSED AND MANUFACTURED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Periodic estimates of production of major crops and live- stock, and other indications of the supply situation, including some data at the processing level. An intercensal series. Data source: Primary data from farm and industry reporters, sample basis. Frequency: Monthly or less frequently as appropriate. COMPLETE AND PARTIAL SURVEYS. OF U. S. FISHERIES. Six com- plete surveys, 1880 to 1955. Other surveys with limited geographic coverage. Production and utilization statistics collected including method of pack show consumption trends; gear and fishing craft data indicate potential markets for these items; wholesaler and retailer level figures include value of inventories, capital investment, capital valuation, turnover of capital investment, wholesale prices. Data source: Original surveys and data collected by State fishery de- partments and other Government agencies. Frequency: Occasional. CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS. Values of construction put in place, by type, with data on ownership, location, type of construction, and mort- gages; new housing starts and building permit activity; wage rates and employment; prices of building materials and construction cost index- es; output of building materials data. Data source: Local building permit office records, primary data col- lected on materials production, wage rates and employment; data fur- nished by private firms as construction news services, contractors, and publishers. Frequency: Monthly. Published in Construction Review. Some serie.' available in advance as press releases. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Government Finance STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS STATISTICS INCLUDING EX- PENDITURE DATA BY OBJECT, AND REVENUES BY SOURCE. Quinquennial Census of Governments and annual reports on State fi- nances and on city finances. Data source: The Governments. Frequency: Scheduled regularly as indicated above. PART I-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics Government Finance— Con. FOREIGN GRANTS AND CREDITS BY U. S. GOVERNMENT. Compila- tion of aid to foreign countries, by program and country. Data source: Federal Government Frequency: Quarterly. Note: Bureau of the Budget and U. S. Treasury publications are listed in Appendix A, "Government Finance" Section. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel OFFICIAL COMPILATIONS OF DATA ON U. S. FOREIGN TRADE. Tabulations include data on commodities imported and exported, coun- try of origin or destination, and trade through individual U. S. customs districts. Data source: Record data and other sources. Frequency: Monthly. STATISTICS OF FOREIGN TRADE OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD (and from the Bureau of the Census series above, data on U. S. trade with foreign countries). Data source: Official publications of foreign countries and Bureau of the Census data. Frequency: Monthly, published in World Trade Information Services , Part III. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics DATA ON INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL. Basic data on number of U. S. travelers and their expenditures in foreign countries, by country, by means of transportation and class of accommodation, average length of stay, purpose of travel, state of residence in the U„ S. Also, the num- ber and expenditures of foreign travelers in the U„ S. Data source: Original sample survey of travel habits and expenditures primarily for balance-of-payments studies. Mailed questionnaire. Al- so, secondary sources, chiefly Immigration and Naturalization Service; U. S. Department of Justice; Canadian Government; Passport Office and Visa Office, U. S. Department of State. Frequency: Quarterly survey. Published annually in June issue of Sur- vey of Current Business . BALANCE OF PAYMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. (See Money, Credit, Investments and Security Markets, below.) PART I-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics COMMODITY PRICES FOR SPECIFIED CLASSES, GRADES, TYPES, WEIGHTS, ETC. OF CROPS AND LIVESTOCK. Data source: Collected in the market on the basis of transfers, bids and offers. Frequency: Daily or less frequently through Market News Service in localized areas as appropriate. PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS. Index of average prices of all grades and classes of agricultural commodities sold in local markets, i.e. the first price at which a farm product changes hands. Data source: Sample survey covering primarily local dealers. Mailed questionnaire. Frequency: Monthly or annually as appropriate. Index published monthly in Agricultural Prices . PRICES PAID BY FARMERS. Index of average prices paid by farm oper- ators for farm production and farm family consumption of goods and services. Separate indexes for categories. Data source: Sample survey covering primarily local dealers. Frequency: Index published monthly in Agricultural Prices . WHOLESALE OR PRIMARY MARKET PRICES, Indexes, and for many items, average prices for 1,500 to 2,000 commodities; grouped by ori- gin, type, stage of fabrication, etc. Data source: Primary data from reporting firms, and secondary sources such as trade publications, Government agencies and trade as- sociations. Frequency: Weekly and monthly news releases. PRICES PAID FOR GOODS AND SERVICES TYPICALLY BOUGHT BY CITY FAMILIES OF WAGE EARNERS AND CLERICAL WORKERS (CONSUMER PRICE INDEX). Indexes for "all items" for U. S. and 20 large cities and for separate consumption categories for U. S. and 10 large cities. Data source: Primary data from firms and families in interview sur- veys. Frequency: Published monthly but some types of data collected less frequently. AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE DATA. Average prices of individual food items and fuel in a number of cities published monthly and average prices of commodities and services in other categories published oc- casionally. PART I-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics— Con. Securities and Exchange Commission Prices— Con. Data source: Same as for Consumer Price Index. Frequency: As noted above. DEPARTMENT STORE INVENTORY PRICE INDEXES (LIFO INDEXES). Computed as an average of year-to-year price relatives weighted by inventory values for use in connection with adjusting inventory values in income tax returns (according to method prescribed by Internal Revenue Service). Data source: Chiefly Consumer Price Index data (see above). Frequency: January and July. STOCK PRICES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Presented as SEC Indexes of Weekly Closing Prices of Common Stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. The indexes measure average price movement of 265 of the more active common stocks on the N. Y. Exchange, with separate indexes for 29 industry groups. Data source: Transactions data. Frequency: Weekly news release and in the monthly SEC Statistical Bulletin. Money, Credit, Investment, and Security Markets Securities and DATA ON VOLUME AND COMPOSITION OF INDIVIDUALS' SAVINGS. Exchange Represents saving in the form of net increases in currency and bank Commission deposits, savings and loan shares, equity in private and Government insurance and pension reserves, securities held by individuals and net repayments of mortgage debt and other consumer debts by individuals. The term individual includes unincorporated business, trust funds, and non-profit institutions as well as households. Values of such holdings are compiled annually. Data source: Federal Government and other available statistics. Frequency: Quarterly and annual release to the press and SEC Statis- tical Bulletin . NEW SECURITIES OFFERINGS WITH INTENDED USES OF PROCEEDS. Estimated gross proceeds from new securities offered for cash in the United States. Includes corporate offerings, both registered and un- registered, as well as non -corporate offerings including Government issues. Data on corporate issues include proposed uses of net pro- ceeds and type of security offered, classified by industry. PART I-Continued Agency Description Securities and Exchange Commission- Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics Federal Reserve System Money, Credit, Investment, and Security Markets— Con. Data source: Registrations with Securities and Exchange Commission and information supplied by questionnaire from issuers of non -regis- tered securities offerings. Frequency: Quarterly release to the press and published monthly in the SEC Statistical Bulletin . BALANCE OF PAYMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. A complete and systematic account of receipts and payments by the United States re- sulting from transactions between the United States and foreign coun- tries. Includes data on merchandise trade, travel, transportation and other service transactions, Government grants and loans, private in- vestments, purchases and sales of gold, and changes in foreign holdings of dollar assets. Data source: Data on Government transactions and merchandise trade are obtained from the various Government agencies. Private transac- tions data (e.g., transportation, travel, engineers' and contractors' fees, income, and direct investment) are obtained from OBE question- naires. Frequency: Quarterly. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS OF THE U. S. Data on American direct in- vestment abroad, by industry and country; movement of capital, in- come derived during the year, foreign taxes paid, and related informa- tion. Basic statistics obtained in survey at end of 1950, and carried forward annually in August issue of Survey of Current Business . Data source: Primary data obtained by questionnaire from leading in- vestors. Secondary sources are press notices, Securities and Ex- change Commission reports, investment service publications, annual reports to stockholders, and data supplied by Foreign Service officers. Frequency: Quarterly survey. Published as noted above. COMPREHENSIVE STATISTICAL PROGRAM IN BANKING AND RE- LATED ACTIVITIES. Basic statistics on member bank reserves and bank credit with data from non-member banks and related series of other agencies (particularly the U. S. Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the various Federal credit agencies). Es- timates of short- and intermediate-term consumer credit. Data source: Member and non-member reports, a coordinated data- collection program of the Federal Reserve System, U. S. Treasury and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and secondary sources. Frequency: Weekly or monthly. Published in Federal Reserve Bulletin which contains also the principal statistics from the U. S. Treasury and other sources on money and banking of interest to the business com- munity. PART I -Continued Agency Description Money, Credit, Investment, and Security Markets— Con. Federal Reserve System— Con. CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS-dollar figures. Outstanding amounts of short and intermediate term consumer credit and monthly esti- mates of extensions and repayments, both by type of credit and holder. Data source: Benchmark data are adjusted figures from Census^of Re- tail Trade , with intercensal data collected in original sample surveys. Frequency: Monthly . BANK DEPOSIT STATISTICS. Total deposits and time and demand de- posits of individuals, partnerships and corporations, in all banks, com- mercial, savings and other types. Biennially these data are published for counties and standard metropolitan areas. Data source: Reports by member banks. Frequency: Biennial. Part II Broad Economic Analyses and Industry Studies Agency Description Council of Economic Advisors Economic Growth ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF ECONOMIC TRENDS for guid- ance to the President in the Economic Report of the President to the Congress (annual and irregularly at mid-year) and appraisal of Feder- al economic programs in the light of the goals of the Employment Act of 1946. Publication of Economic Indicators (monthly), containing tables and charts on total output, income and spending; prices, employ- ment, hours and wages, production and business activity; currency, credit and security markets; and Federal finance. At irregular inter- vals, publishes a Historical and Descriptive Supplement to Economic Indicators. Joint Economic Committee of the Congress U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF ECONOMIC TRENDS AND EVALUATION OF THE ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT TRANSMITTED TO THE CONGRESS. Continuing activity in study of the economy to provide guidance to the Congress toward maximum em- ployment and production goals of the Employment Act of 1946. Re- search findings released in such volumes as Potential Economic Growth of the United States During the Next Decade (1954) and Produc- tivity, Prices and Incomes (1957), and in a regularly published report commenting on the Economic Report of the President . ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL INCOME AND OUTPUT DATA collected for the basic series (see Part I). Studies of growth and change in the econ- omy as a whole and studies describing status and change in status and relationships in the economic factors contributing to national income. Data source: National Income estimates. Frequency: Published as a regular part of the special National Income volumes and of the July and other issues of the Survey of Current Busi- ness. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service Supply and Demand Analysis ANALYSES OF TRENDS IN SUPPLY, DEMAND, CONSUMPTION AND RELATED ECONOMIC FACTORS. Statistics and economic analyses covering agricultural prices and income, commodity situation and out- look, demand and consumption, etc., to help farmers, processors and distributors reach decisions on (production), selling and buying. Data source: Emphasis on economic analysis of data available from other USDA projects, and outside sources. PART II --Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Supply and Demand Analysis— Con. Frequency: Continuing analyses (e.g. as published in The Demand and Price Situation and The National Food Situation ) and special studies (e.g. Charting the Seasonal Market for Meat Animals , The Long -Run Demand for Farm Products , and Food Consumption of Households ). Repeated studies (e.g. of food consumption) provide trend data. Tab- ulation of key series available without special surveys is continuous even though data not analyzed for publication. MARKET SUPPLY AND PRICE REPORTS FOR MAJOR AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES OF INTEREST IN THE AREA. Data source: Transactions, offerings, and related data. Frequency: Daily, weekly or other appropriate intervals. SITUATION ANALYSES, INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND SPECIAL MAR- KET STUDIES COVERING PARTICULAR INDUSTRIES AND SEG- MENTS OF THE ECONOMY. Studies of demand -supply relationships, projections, factors in industry trends, etc. —usually aggregative or nation-wide. Data source: Secondary basic statistics, usually Census, OBE national income and related series, and industry data. Occasional special in- dustry surveys. Frequency: Studies published regularly in Survey of Current Business . NATIONAL SUMMARIES OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS. Descriptive anal- ysis of current changes in industrial production, construction, em- ployment, freight car loadings, department store sales and stocks, commodity prices, bank credit and reserves, and security markets. Data source: Secondary sources and data collected by the Board in op- erating and research programs. Frequency: Published regularly in Federal Reserve Bulletin and sep- arate releases. U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OUTLOOK. Quarterly report on the supply and demand situation and price data for fishery products. Data source: Regular market data sources. Frequency: Quarterly. SPECIAL REPORTS CONTAINING PROJECTIONS 2 MONTHS IN AD- VANCE. Prepared for U. S. Department of Agriculture in connection with its program to promote consumption of foods in abundant supply; also supplied to National Restaurant Association and American Hos- pital Association. Data source: Regular market data sources. Frequency: Monthly. PART II -Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service- Con. Supply and Demand Analysis— Con. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MARKET NEWS REPORTS ISSUED AT THE 7 FIELD OFFICES. Cover data on landings, receipts, shipments, im- ports, prices, etc. Trends analyzed. Data source: Local market data. Frequency: Daily free market news reports and various monthly and annual statistical reports. Industry Research U. S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration U. S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration and U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics INDUSTRY RESEARCH IN INDUSTRY DIVISIONS. Quantitative studies on new domestic and foreign markets and sources of supply, trends in production, distribution, inventories, prices and consumer preferences, size and distribution of markets and per capita consumption. Industry studies for purposes of industrial and commodity classifica- tion; item identification and cataloging; labeling requirements; simpli- fication of specifications. Analyses of (capacity and production and) methods of distribution. Data source: Secondary statistical sources (Bureau of the Census and other Government data), industry sources, and special surveys in co- operation with interested industry groups. Frequency: Studies released from time to time in periodicals listed in Part IV of this report and in Information Booklets , e.g. World Production of Passenger Cars Pulp, Paper and Board Supply-Demand (Projections to 1965, supply estimates to 1959). A report to Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce Electronic Industry Report World Fur Study Communications Equipment Production Report Annual Review Copper Industry Report World Production and International Trade in Electric Power and Dis- tribution Transformers Rolling Mill Machinery and Equipment Publication Textile Mill Activity and International Economy RESEARCH IN THE ECONOMICS OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Analysis of trends, situation analysis and study of factors affecting the industry. Data source: Construction and other data collected by the cooperating agencies (see Part I of this report). Frequency: Articles published regularly in the Construction Review. PART II --Continued Agency Description Housing and Home Finance Agency Federal Trade Commission U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce Industry Research— Con. SPECIAL STUDIES ON ECONOMICS OF HOUSING. E. g. Background Study of Marketing Functions in Building Products Distribution; pre- pared by University of Pennsylvania; not yet released. INDUSTRIAL CONCENTRATION AND PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION IN THE 1000 LARGEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES: 1950. Numbers, dollar values, etc. Statistics to show the place of the largest manu- facturing companies in particular industries and classes of products: the product structures of large companies and other measures of con- centration and diversification. Significant in distribution economics in relation to distributors' choice among supply sources and seller -buyer bargaining positions as a factor in retail prices. Data source: Bureau of the Census primary industry data and primary data on product structures. Frequency: Single time (published 1957). INDUSTRY STUDIES. Studies on size and importance of particular indus- tries, with emphasis on production and distribution aspects related to competition and restraints of trade. Broad approach to industry supply and price problems. Data source: Chiefly secondary data, supplemented by primary where required. Frequency: Occasional, as required. COMMODITY REPORTS contain (in addition to production statistics) con- sumption and use data at the industrial or manufacturing level, and in- ventory, price and foreign trade data. Some reports prepared cooper- atively with other agencies, universities or trade associations. Data source: Chiefly primary data. Frequency; Commodity reports weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual- ly, varying with the commodity. FOREIGN SERVICE COMMODITY REPORTS. Contain information on de- velopment of specific industries, market data, trends, etc. Data source: Foreign Service officials available on loan for USDC. Frequency: Series vary. Available on loan. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel ANALYSES OF THE IMPACT ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE OF DE- VELOPMENTS, ACTIVITIES, ETC., IN THIS COUNTRY AND ABROAD. Data source: Material from official and other sources. Frequency: Single time, each study. PART II -Continued Agency Description U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce— Con. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service U. S. Tariff Commission STUDIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL (FROM AND TO THE UNITED STATES). Analyses of extent, dollar volume, expenditures, residence, destination, etc.; time comparisons. Statistics and text analysis. Data source: Basic statistics collected by Office of Business Econom- ics, U. S. Department of Commerce, and other economic data. „ Frequency: 1939, 1956, 1957. STUDIES OF THE ECONOMY OF INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES. A series of investment handbooks to assist in investing and marketing abroad; overall view and role of Government in economic life; labor conditions; area analysis to show opportunity for new or expanded productive ac- tivity; digests of pertinent law; trade and demand analysis. Also in World Trade Information Service Part I. Data source: Material obtained by American Foreign Service from of- ficial sources, and facts from other specialists. Frequency: In series. 16 issued since 1953. REVIEWS OF U. S. FOREIGN TRADE. Analysis of import and export data for publication in World Trade Information Service Part III or Foreign Commerce Weekly. Data source: Data collected by Bureau of the Census. Frequency: Frequent publication. RESEARCH IN OPPORTUNITIES FOR FOREIGN TRADE IN AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCTS. Studies and statistics on agricultural commodi- ties in the import -export market and factors affecting them. Data source: Material from official sources and other information. Frequency: Continuous research, with such publications as Foreign Crops and Markets (weekly), Foreign Agriculture (monthly), Foreign Agriculture Circulars (occasional), and Foreign Agricultural Trade Digest (monthly). STUDIES OF DOMESTIC COMMODITIES, USUALLY INVOLVING ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF IMPORT COMPETITION. Con- ducted under various statutory provisions. Data source: Both primary and secondary sources, with maximum de- pendence on recorded data. Frequency: As required. 21 reports are scheduled for fiscal year 1957/58. STUDIES OF ECONOMICS AND TRADE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND OF TRADE AGREEMENT OPERATIONS. Data source: Primarily secondary sources. Frequency: As required. PART II -Continued Agency Description Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Money, Credit, and Investment SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES -dollar figures. Spending unit pur- chases of homes and selected durable goods, with financing method and plans to buy; attitudes on their income prospects and the economy, liq- uid assets and debt; ownership of home, auto, and (irregularly) other durables— by major social characteristics. Data source: Sample survey. Frequency: Annual. Analysis published in Federal Reserve Bulletin . SPECIAL STUDIES OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE MONEY SUP- PLY, e.g., Consumer instalment Credit Study (1957). (1) Review and analysis of consumer instalment status and trends, relationship to general economic stability; (2) consumer purchases of cars payment arrangements, attitudes and plans; lender experience, practices, costs; (3) views of manufacturers retailers and financial institutions or regu- lation; (4) university scholar discussion of data and knowledge needed for decisions on and applications of public policy on consumer credit. Data source: (1) Available economic statistics. (2) Original sample survey of new car purchasers and the dealers patronized, and sample of other dealers. (3) Purposively selected sample of businessmen con- tacted for free answer views on regulation. (4) Economic theory and existing data. Frequency: Studies conducted as necessary. ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND STUDIES OF THE TWELVE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS. Studies of business and financial subjects, with na- tional, regional or community scope. Data source: Federal Government and other available statistics, and facts obtained from the region and community. Frequency: Continuous. Miscellaneous U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service RESEARCH ON FARM-RETAIL PRICE SPREADS FOR FOOD. Includes "market basket" pricing and analysis of component costs and profits involved in processing, marketing, and transporting, with respect to the consumers' food dollar (all foods or specific food groups or foot products.) A compendium of statistics on farm to retail spreads is in process. Data source: Field survey covering retail outlets for data to cal- culate percentage difference in farm-retail prices. Functional (or in- dustry) cost data derived chiefly from data of other agencies and other statistics of activities of the Department. Some survey work con- tracted. PART II -Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service— Con. U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics Miscellaneous— Con. Frequency: Continuing research in this area; results published as units of study are completed— approximately 30 booklets and articles in 1956 and 1957. RESEARCH TO SHOW INTERCOUNTY DIFFERENCES IN ECONOMIC STATUS OF FARM FAMILIES. Indexes based on four factors in- cluding income to indicate relative level of living in agricultural counties. Data source: Census of Agriculture. Frequency: 1945, 1950, and 1954. RESEARCH ON CONSUMER COOPERATIVES. E.g. Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics Bulletin 1211 "Consumer Cooperatives." Data source: Secondary sources and reports of cooperative firms and government agencies. Frequency: Occasional articles and major reports. MEASUREMENT OF CHANGE IN PRODUCTIVITY. Output measured in terms of one work-hour. To date most studies concern productivity in manufacturing industries. BUSINESS POPULATION STUDIES. For wholesale and retail trade and services, this research covers number of operating concerns, new businesses, discontinuing business and firms transferring ownership. Analyses also on other characteristics of the business population, as employee -size of firm and legal form of organization. Data source: Primarily Old- Age and Survivors Insurance and Internal Revenue Service records data. Frequency: Business population statistics and analytical studies pub- lished from time to time. INCOME SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS. Studies to show the percent of change in expenditure for specified commodities or services (or groups there- of) that is associated with a one percent change in income. Data source: Secondary sources. Frequency: Occasional. Latest published in September 1955 Survey of Current Business. Part III Distribution Research Programs on Operations and Markets Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketings Service U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmer Cooperative Service Federal Trade Commission Market Organization and Practices STUDIES OF MARKET ORGANIZATION AND PRACTICES IN MARKET- ING FARM PRODUCTS. Varied program of research to determine recommended improvements in both market organization and practices. Covers practices of families and firms, laws, marketing channels and patterns, etc. Usually nation-wide or for regions or important market- ing areas. Data source: Sample surveys of households and firms, interview method, utilization of records for administrative or legal purposes, other Department statistics, and statistics of other agencies (private and non -private). Frequency: Single -time, each study. A large number of studies are under way at all times. EVALUATION OF EFFECTS OF MERCHANDISING METHODS AND PRACTICES ON SALES OF AND CONSUMER DEMAND FOR SPE- CIFIC FARM PRODUCTS. Designed to identify selling practices that increase sales. Data source: Controlled experiment involving single store or group of stores. Some studies cooperative. Frequency: Usually single-time, each study. MEASUREMENT OF FOOD STOCKS IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS AND EATING PLACES. Data source: Sample spot survey, interview type using Census Retail Sales sample. Frequency: In process. STUDIES OF MERCHANDISING METHODS AND PRACTICES AS WELL AS MARKET ORGANIZATION AND FACTORS OF INTEREST TO COOPERATIVES. Data source: National or spot surveys, interview or other type. Frequency: Single-time, each study. Six current studies. RESEARCH ON INDIVIDUAL CASES MADE IN THE COURSE OF IN- VESTIGATIONS OF ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF THE ANTI -TRUST LAWS. Information collected becomes a matter of public record when entered as evidence by attorneys for the Commission. Available for reference at Office of Legal Records, FTC. PART III -Continued Agency Description Market Organization and Practices— Con. Federal Trade Commission- Con. Data source: Various sources or methods. Frequency: As required. U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics U. S. Department of Justice U. S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration U. S. Department of Interior Fish and Wild- life Service SPECIAL STUDIES OF RETAIL MARKETING PROBLEMS (IN CONNEC- TION WITH CONSUMER PRICE INDEX PROGRAM). E.g. Original research on trading stamp plans and on importance of weekend sales on average prices for food. Data source: Primary data, primarily from firms. Frequency: As needed. RESEARCH IN CONNECTION WITH ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES. In- cludes development of evidence relating to defendants' distribution techniques— data relating to market measurement, methods of sale, sales promotion and advertising relating to specific firms in an indus- try in which there are indications of anti-trust violations. PERIODIC REPORTS TO THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS ON POSSI- BLE ANTI-COMPETITIVE FACTORS IN CERTAIN ASPECTS OF GOVERNMENTAL AND INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES. Some cover distri- bution (chiefly of raw materials) problems, i.e. Second Report of the Attorney General Under the Small Business Act (April 1956) and First Report of the Attorney General on Competition in the Synthetic Rubber Industry (May 1956). Data source: Industry sources, Congressional hearings, Department of Commerce reports, etc. Frequency: Rubber report, each year for 10 years following sale of synthetic rubber facilities „ SB A report from time to time. RESEARCH IN THE AREA OF MARKETING INSTITUTIONS, CHAN- NELS, PRACTICES, LAWS, AND METHODS, E.g. Selling The U. S . Market, and Market Analysis Tools: County Business Patterns (Office of Distribution). Data source: Censuses and other Government statistics, other second- ary research, and case histories. Frequency: Occasional- FRESH AND FROZEN FISH BUYING MANUAL. Research report on cur- rent marketing practices in important commercial fishery centers. Describes market forms, containers, handling and storing, market classifications and seasonality. Lists information sources. Primary and secondary sources, statistical and non-sta- Frequency: Revised as required by change in conditions. Data source tisticaL 22 PART Ill-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service— Con. Market Organization and Practices— Con. SPECIAL FISHERY INDUSTRY STUDIES. E.g. Survey of Domestic Tuna Industry . Included are chapters on transportation; packing, labeling and storing practices; grades and standards; and costs, including pro- ducer-processor-distributor shares of canned tuna fish dollar. Data source: Original surveys and data collected by State fishery de- partments, etc. Frequency: Occasional. Facilities, Location and Standards U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service STUDIES DIRECTED TOWARD IMPROVED METHODS, OPERATING PRACTICES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND LAYOUT FOR WHOLE- SALERS AND RETAILERS OF FARM AND FOOD PRODUCTS. Inten- sive studies of operations of a firm or small group of firms to deter- mine "best" practices. Data source: Professional observation, record analysis and assembly of pertinent facts. Some studies are controlled experiments. Frequency: Single -time, each study. Several studies under way. RESEARCH DIRECTED TOWARD IMPROVING MARKETING FACILITIES (AT TERMINAL MARKET AREAS) FOR FARM AND FOOD PROD- UCTS- Intensive studies of the economics of specific terminal mar- kets, with recommendations for improvement!! Data source: Local market structure analysis requiring professional observation and collection or assembly of pertinent facts often in coop- eration with universities, trade associations or municipal authorities. Frequency: Single-time, each study. Several terminal market studies under way currently, some involving terminal markets in large metro- politan areas. RESEARCH TOWARD IMPROVED TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND METHODS, AND IMPROVED SHIPPING CONTAIN- ERS AND PACKAGING FOR AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES. Most studies pertain to shipping points and transportation, but included are studies on local truck deliveries, prepackaging, specifications and use of containers for marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. Some nation-wide. Data source: Primary statistical data and information data from man- ufacturers, prepackagers, and others. Also case studies. Frequency: Single -time, each study. PART III -Continued Agency Description Facilities, Location and Standards— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Area Development U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service Four Agencies SPECIAL BACKGROUND RESEARCH STUDIES indicating locational trends in growth of manufacturing by regions, states, metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas for two, three and four digit categories of industry and for some individual product classes for use in an Indus- trial Development Atlas. Data source: Census of Manufactures publications and special tabula- tions. Frequency: First time. RESEARCH ON PRODUCT QUALITY AFTER PRODUCT HAS ENTERED CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION. Evaluation, maintenance and im- provement of quality of food products is essentially technical and while such research pertaining to products either before or after entering distributive channels is of vital interest to distributive trades, no de- tails on this type of research are included here. The Department has a broad program of research in this field, which includes such subjects as use of film box liners and protecting perishables during truck transportation. DEVELOPMENT OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR REFRIGER- ATED TRUCKS. Cooperative project of Agricultural Marketing Serv- ice, National Bureau of Standards, Office of the Quartermaster Gener- al, the Navy and the Truck -Trailers Association and other industry in- terests. U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services COMMODITY AND PACKAGING RESEARCH basic to promulgation of voluntary commercial standards and simplified practice recommenda- tions. In cooperation with producer, distributor or user groups; tech- nical aspects in cooperation with National Bureau of Standards. Data source: Government and industry statistical data. Frequency: A number of standards and recommendations and revisions thereof completed each year. Industrial and Consumer Market Analysis Atomic Energy RESEARCH IN DISTRIBUTION AND UTILIZATION OF RADIOISOTOPES. Commission Statistics of isotope distribution and analysis of users and uses. Most recent includes an extensive bibliography (7000 references). Data source: AEC shipments and reports on medical, physical and chemical research, agricultural studies and industrial usage. Frequency: Three-year, five-year and eight-year reports have been issued. Licensee information always available, partially in report form. PART III -Continued Agency Description Industrial and Consumer Market Analysis— Con. U. S. Department STUDIES PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW OR EXPANDED of Agriculture, MARKETS OR ALTERNATIVE USES FOR SPECIFIC FARM PROD- Agricultural UCTS. Market potentials, commercial possibilities, economic and Marketing markc'ig problems, including consumer acceptance and store sales Service (e.g. evaluating promotion campaigns). Data source: Retail store audits and household interview surveys. Typically spot studies. Frequency: Single-time, each study. Several studies in process with final consumer orientation. HOUSEHOLD AND INDUSTRIAL CONSUMER PREFERENCE STUDIES. To determine consumer attitudes, purchases, buying practices, uses, and inventories with respect to specified products and to identify social and economic characteristics associated with differences. Data source: Original nationwide or spot surveys, covering families or industrial users. Generally on a sample basis, typically interview type. Field work or other steps may be contracted. Frequency: Single-time, each study. 13 reports in 1956 and early 1957. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and Agricultural Marketing Service STUDIES IN CONSUMER PURCHASES OF SPECIFIED FOOD PRODUCTS (FRESH AND PROCESSED FRUITS AND JUICES, AND DAIRY PROD- UCTS AND SUBSTITUTES). National estimates of quantities pur- chased. Analysis quarterly by retail outlet and annually by family characteristics. Data source: Panel of households. Frequency: Monthly as a separate statistical release. RESEARCH IN FARM FAMILY SPENDING. To determine spending pat- terns and consumption levels, and (a 1955 nation-wide study) to furnish a basis for revising the "Market Basket" (a quantity budget) which is priced in connection with the farm family cost-of-living index, a com- ponent of the parity index. Some studies include product detail. Data source: Original nationwide or spot surveys, usually sample sur- veys of interview type. Field work or other steps may be contracted. Frequency: Nationwide studies in 1935/36, 1941, and 1955. Other spot studies including one on clothing purchases and inventories, 1948/49. STUDIES IN FOOD CONSUMPTION BY FAMILIES, URBAN AND RURAL. To determine food consumption practices and nutritional adequacy of diets. Detaileu product information. Data source: Original nationwide or spot sample surveys, interview type, including, for some purposes, scientific measurement of food con- sumed. Field work or other steps may be contracted. Frequency: Nationwide survey in 1955, and earlier studies, spot and nationwide. PART Ill-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service Industrial and Consumer Market Analysis— Con. RESEARCH IN CONSUMER INVENTORIES OF CERTAIN DURABLE GOODS. (Urban and rurah) To obtain a basis for life expectancy ta- bles for selected laundry and kitchen durables. Data source: Original nationwide survey, interview type. Field work and tabulations carried out by Bureau of the Census, USDC, using one- half of the Current Population Sample (or approximately 17,000 fami- lies). Frequency: Single time. RESEARCH IN FOOD SUPPLIES AND UTILIZATION WITH PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION ESTIMATES FOR SPECIFIC FOODS AND FOOD- GROUPS. Analysis of food supply aggregates and their disappearance. Also estimation of nutritive value of U. S. per capita food supply. Data source: Record data on shipments abroad and military takings; cold storage stocks data collected by AMS and a residual figure for civilian consumption. Frequency: Basic publication Consumption of Food in the United States 1909-1952 published in 1953 and Supplement published 1955 (Agricul- tural Handbook No. 62.) CONSUMER PREFERENCE STUDIES FOR SPECIFIED FISHERY PROD- UCTS. A series of reports describing consumer preferences in the matter of particular fishery products, such as breaded shrimp, fish sticks, fresh fish and frozen shellfish, canned fish„ Data on consumer practices in buying and serving, preferred kinds, reasons for prefer- ences in part tabulated by characteristics of the household. Data source: Original household interview surveys contracted to pri- vate research firms. Frequency: Occasional. Surveys were conducted in 1954, 1955 and 1956. U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines CHARACTERISTICS OF PRODUCTS SOLD SURVEYS. E.g. "National Annual Diesel-Fuel Survey, National Motor -Gasoline Survey, National Survey of Burner -Fuel Oils and National Annual Survey of Aviation Gasoline and Aviation Jet Fuel." In cooperation with industry associa- tions. Data source: Collection of primary data and samples; chemical analy- sis. Frequency: Each, annual. CONSUMPTION STUDY. "Fuels Consumed for Residential and Commer- cial Space Heating, 1935-51." Trend analysis for competitive fuels. Data source: Secondary sources. Frequency: One-time (revision in process). PART Ill-Continued Agency Description Industrial and Consumer Market Analysis— Con. U. S. Department SURVEYS OF CONSUMER EXPENDITURES (IN CONNECTION WITH of Labor, CONSUMER PRICE INDEX PROGRAM). Nationwide survey covering Bureau of Labor urban families and individuals, and separate studies in CPI cities, for Statistics index weight revisions and other improvements of the Consumer Price Index . Average expenditures for consumption categories and items, for families classified as to social and economic characteristics; and, in some studies average numbers of items purchased or on hand are pub- lished. Data source: Primary data collected from a sample of families and in- dividuals, by interview method. Frequency: Occasional. Last major expenditure study covered year 1950. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 1097 and 18 volumes of de- tail published by Wiley and Sons, Inc.) Also nationwide studies in 1935/ 36, 1941/42. Part IV General Statements on Dissemination of Distribution Research Findings and Other Marketing Information Through Publications (See Appendix A for detail on selected publications) Federal Government agencies engaged in compilation of statistical data and in research on distributive problems all publicize, to a greater or less extent, their research, particularly aft- er preliminary or final reports are available for distribution. Research reports are listed in agency catalogs. News releases and flyers describe contents briefly; excerpts and short sum- maries appear in popular publications and in annual reports of the agency, and titles of publica- tions appear in various listings. The data are incorporated in statistical compendiums published by the Federal Government and others. Research findings and interpretations are used as speech material for agency spokesmen. Agencies with business advisory functions use them in servicing requests for individual assistance (see Part V of this report). In addition, the publications themselves are added to libraries over the country. Hundreds of public and university libraries are depositories for Government publications, some specialized or with important specialized departments, as business libraries, agricultural libraries, and technical libraries. Also, field services connected with Federal Government agencies usually maintain libraries of the type pertinent to their responsibilities. Important examples are Field Offices of the U. S. Department of Commerce, the Field Offices of the Small Business Administration, the Regional Offices of the U. S. Department of Labor, the State Extension Service Offices connected with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the State Agri- cultural Colleges. Also, the 12 Federal Reserve Banks have libraries that are open to the public. As long as a publication is in print, copies are available from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C, or the issuing agency, at a price or free, as the case may be. Agency Description U. S. Department The following means (other than press releases and flyers) of disseminat- of Agriculture, ing research results in areas described in Parts I, II, and III of this re- Agricultural port, are employed: Service and USDA Television Service Package Program. Agricultural Radio Programs; Slides and Notes; Film Strips and Motion Pictures. Research Market News Service— A regular reporting service from 150 field of- fices. Marketing Work Shops and Clinics. Miscellaneous Publication Series and Marketing Research Report Se- ries, leaflets and popular bulletins including Consumer Education Bul- letins. Food Prevue to give advance information to food editors and advertising agencies. Plentiful Foods Monthly List . Service PART IV-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service and Agricultural Research Service— Con. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce U. S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration Articles in U. S. Department of Agriculture periodicals: Agricultural Situation The Marketing and Transportation Situation Agricultural Marketing Demand and Price Situation National Food Situation Various Commodity Situation Reports Agricultural Economics Research News For Farmer Cooperatives. Extension Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, carries out an edu- cational program among farmers, consumers, retailers and whole- salers. All statistical and other research findings are available to the business community for nominal charges and are issued through the Foreign Com- merce Weekly and World Trade Information Service Series. Publication of Distribution Data Guide by the Office of Distribution. Issued monthly, with semi-annual subject index supplements. Annotates selected, current materials in the field of marketing and distribution including sta- tistics, surveys, market analyses and studies, operating aids, etc, pub- lished by both Government and nongovernment sources including publish- ing firms, trade associations, colleges and universities, and commercial companies. Regularly published Industry Reports prepared by Industry Divisions, as follows: Chemical and Rubber Industry Report. Monthly. Cocoa Situation. Occasional. Confectionery Sales and Distribution. Annual. Construction Review. Monthly. Containers and Packaging Industry Report. Monthly. Copper Industry Report. Quarterly. Cotton Production and Distribution. Annual. Motor Truck Production Report (Commercial Type only). Monthly. Pulp, Paper and Board Industry Report. Quarterly. International Iron and Steel Industry Report. Quarterly. Rubber Report (Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce). Annual. World Motor Vehicle Registration. Annual. Special studies and reports are listed in Distribution Data Guide and Busi- ness Service Checklist as issued. U. S. Department Major published dissemination of research results is through the Area De- of Commerce, velopment Bulletin (bi-monthly) and through bulletins and booklets pre- Office of Area senting area development information (including distribution facets) with Development application to community economic problems of a general character. U. S. Department All in -print publications of the Department of Commerce are available of Commerce, from or through the 33 Field Offices of the Department. Major statistical Office of and other publications (Government and nongovernment) of special use in Field Services marketing research may be consulted there. Orders may be placed for publications of other agencies, published by the U. S. Government Printing Office. 30 PART IV-Continued Agency Description Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Federal Trade Commission Primary means of dissemination of statistical data and research findings is through the Federal Reserve Bulletin . Special reports are occasionally published, available in libraries of each Federal Reserve Bank, and when printed by U. S. Government Printing Office, from Superintendent of Docu- ments, Washington, D. C. Department Store Trade Statistics : Publication generally is in the form of mimeographed press releases (for which mailing lists are maintained by the Banks and the Board.) In addition, certain figures are regularly in- cluded in the statistical section of the Federal Reserve Bulletin , irrthe Federal Reserve Chart Book , and in the Monthly Review of some of the Banks. Consumer Credit Statistics: A series of six mimeographed releases is prepared each month covering various components of the consumer credit statistics. (Mailing lists are maintained.) The data are also published in Federal Reserve publications. Survey of Consumer Finances: Data from the Survey of Consumer Fi- nances form the basis for a series of articles appearing in the Federal Reserve Bulletin each year. Reprints of these articles are made available free of charge upon request. Survey and other data developed in the course of investigations "is not published, but does become a matter of public record when it is entered into evidence by the attorneys for the Commission. It is available for reference by anyone calling personally at our office of Legal Records in Washington, D. C." Economic reports of Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, are issued through GPO. Housing and Home Finance Agency U. S. Department of Justice U. S. Department of Interior Background Study of Marketing Functions in Building Products Distribution, 1948-54 , not yet published; material on file in Housing and Home Finance Agency library. Significant housing data are summarized monthly in Housing Statistics , available upon request. More detailed data are contained in the annual report of HHFA. Information obtained through investigations becomes a part of the confi- dential files of the Department of Justice unless introduced in evidence and made a part of the record in litigation. Such evidentiary materials as are a part of the record are usually open to the general public through the auspices of the United States District Courts. Second Report of the Attorney General Under the Small Business Act (April 13, 1956) and First Report of Attorney General on Competition in the Synthetic Rubber Industry (May 1, 1956) are available upon request up to the limit of the supply. Dissemination of research findings is chiefly through reports and press releases. Some popular bulletins including Consumer Education bulletins and industry promotion material such as Lenten Promotions and National Canned Tuna Week material. Publications are either free on request or sold by the Superintendent of Documents. PART IV-Continued Agency Description U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Field Offices U. S. Tariff Commission Regular statistical series of the Bureau of Labor Statistics are published in the Monthly Labor Review and Employment and Earnings. (Major se- ries appear also in Survey of Current Business and the Federal Reserve Bulletin .) Analyses and reports are published in BLS periodicals (see above) and in the Bulletin Series. The monthly reports on the Consumer Price Index and the Wholesale Price Index are both available without charge. The 1950 Consumer Expenditure Study was summarized in BLS Bulletin No. 1097. Detailed tabulations, prepared under a grant of the Ford Foun- dation to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, are pub- lished in a set of 18 volumes by a private publisher (New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc.). Monographs are now in preparation. Primary means of dissemination of statistical data and research findings is through the Statistical Bulletin. Regular reports are published sepa- rately in the fields of corporate pension funds, securities flotation, indi- vidual savings, financial reports of manufacturing corporations, etc. Pub- lished opinions of the Commission contain information on operations of specific companies. Small Marketers Aids , treatises on relatively small facets of distribution, and Management Aids for Small Manufacturers are distributed free upon request. Copies are automatically distributed to a mailing list of business people, trade associations and periodicals, chambers of commerce, edu- cators, libraries, and other Government agencies. Copies are used by the Small Business Administration and the Department of Commerce in coun- seling. Copies are also available for distribution at special exhibits, con- ferences, and conventions attended by the owners of smaller firms and those servicing them. Small Business Management booklets (many are on distribution problems) are distributed through the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Three marketing guides are distributed as follows: Products List Circular, a guide to locating inventions to market and means of finding markets for inventions issued monthly, is free. U. S. Government Purchasing Directory which describes the Federal Government market for products is distributed through the Superin- tendent of Documents. U. S. Government Specifications Directory , explains where to find pur- chasing specifications of military and civilian agencies, Superintendent of Documents. Formalized program of cosponsoring administrative management courses offered owners of small business by local educa- tional institutions. For particulars, write Small Business Administra- tion, Washington 25, D. C. All Regional Offices maintain reference libraries of publicly and privately printed modern books, check sheets, guides, lists, bibliographies and pam- phlets—including information on distribution— of possible value to small business. Results of Commission investigations are usually embodied in published reports, available without charge. PartV Special Studies, Special Tabulations, and Other Types of Direct Assistance To Private Firms and Communities in the Solution of Marketing Problems Special assistance to individual firms is not a primary or usual function of most government agencies. Certain agencies, however, in their charters and subsequent directives, have as a major reason for their existence, counseling and advisory services to business firms. Assist- ance of this type is^identified by the following agency comments: Agency Description U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service and Agricultural Research Service Atomic Energy Commission U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration "It is not the policy of the Department of Agriculture to conduct research on specific problems of single firms or individuals. Through the recom- mendations of regularly appointed advisory committees, including whole- salers and retailers, guidance is obtained on research needed by various economic groups. Certain 'phases of research such as those pertaining to marketing facilities, wholesaling and retailing are performed by using business facilities of firms or individuals. In a few instances, trade groups or associations cooperate by assisting with the financing of re- search of interest to the group." "Does not have a staff available to perform any marketing and distribution studies for private industry. However, we endeavor to supply private firms with information in the field of atomic energy, to the extent permis- sible and practicable." "It is possible under certain conditions for private business firms to se- cure from the Bureau of the Census special studies, special tabulations of statistical data, and other types of assistance in the solution of marketing problems. This work is done on a cost basis. A detailed statement on the policy governing special work and services is given in the introduc- tory portions of the catalogs (of United States Census Publications). At the end of the list of publications for each subject-matter division in the catalogs is a listing of some of the special studies completed during the period covered." Aid and counsel are given to individual firms in the use of international trade information and, where indicated, in obtaining more recent facts and figures than may appear in publications. Reports on specific foreign business firms and individuals are provided at nominal cost (also avail- able from Department of Commerce Field Offices). "Special studies, tabulations or other staff work in the field of distribution can be performed for private firms or trade associations upon a 'cost to the Government' basis, provided staff is available to perform the work. Cur- rently some of the publications of BDSA are being supported financially to one degree or another by the industry most interested in having them published." PART V- Continued Agency Description U.S. Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Administration- Con. U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Area Development U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Field Services Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Each of the 25 Industry Divisions upon request gives assistance to busi- ness firms and others in locating and using existing government and non- government data and other information pertinent to division responsibil- ity. Where required, a limited amount of research is carried out to serv- ice individual requests. The Office of Distribution upon request provides counseling and guidance service through individual conference, or by correspondence, to those en- gaged in distribution, or marketing goods and services and others on mar- ket research and development, marketing operations, distribution costs, market organization, distributive functions, and other aspects of distribu- tion. Where required, a limited amount of research is done to service in- dividual requests, and guidance is given on research methods and re- sources. "The Office of Area Development through consultations, correspondence and tailor-made reports, aids communities attempting to diversify local economies, expand new job opportunities by developing new industries, and otherwise trying to bolster and diversify their economic base. At the same time, the Office assists industrialists who seek information on areas in which expanded production programs are contemplated. Informa- tion developed by this Office that is of particular value to those engaged in market research is of the following types: (1) Information on growth industries, industrial location trends, and industrial location require- ments of industry; (2) Information on location of and methods for develop- ing planned industrial parks. Studies include zoning, space, and other considerations of concern to firms locating new distribution and manu- facturing facilities; (3) New product ideas and new technology information developed by Federal agencies disseminated to labor surplus area firms seeking new lines through an inter -agency exhibit program coordinated by the Office of Area Development; and (4) Plant location library which con- tains Federal (power, wage, resource) data bearing on the various factors of new plant location." Individual assistance is given on domestic and foreign markets to busi- ness institutions and communities in locating research data and other in- formation and in the application of such facts to aid in the solution of marketing problems. Thirty-three field offices are located in key cities. Department Store and Consumer Credit Statistics: "Facilities for special studies and tabulations are extremely limited and, therefore, an effort is made to accommodate those requests which will be of value to as large a group as possible. In some instances, these are provided to trade as- sociations, who in turn circulate them to their membership. As a general rule, it is not possible to sell special tabulations in response to requests from individual companies." Survey of Consumer Finances: "Additional data from the Survey of Con- sumer Finances are also made available to interested users, including private business firms. The Federal Reserve follows the practice of making available without charge data which have been computed for Fed- eral Reserve use but which are not included in the published material. Facilities for special studies and tabulations are extremely limited, and, therefore, an effort is made to accommodate those requests which will PART V -Continued Agency Description Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System— Con. Federal Trade Commission be of value to as large a group as possible. In some instances, these are provided to trade associations, who in turn circulate them to their mem- bership. As a general rule, it is not possible to sell special tabulations in response to requests from individual companies. The Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, however, can and does make such tabula- tions for business users for a reasonable charge." "On rare occasions private business firms have obtained without charge special tabulations (which did not disclose individual company information) of the statistical data published in the Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing Corporations of the Federal Trade Commission and Se- curities and Exchange Commission. Such requests are made directly to the Federal Trade Commission." U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Housing and Home Finance Agency Small Business Administration "Private firms may obtain special studies or special tabulations of exist ing collections from the Bureau on a cost basis. Several such tabulations have been made recently and one or two have been maintained on a con- tinuing basis." "Private firms may obtain special tabulations of statistical data or other types of assistance for the solution of marketing problems. In cases where requests for information can be answered without special tabula- tions, no charges are levied. In other cases, actual costs are charged. "Special monthly reports containing projections on supply and demand for principal fishery products two months in advance are furnished to the U. S. Department of Agriculture in connection with its program to pro- mote the consumption of foods which are in abundant supply. These re- ports are also supplied to the National Restaurant Association and the American Hospital Association. Sales promotion campaigns are con- ducted in cooperation with industry. Examples are the Fish Parade, Na- tional Canned Tuna Week, and the Lenten promotion campaign." "Upon requests, the Bureau of Labor Statistics makes special studies or tabulations of data already on hand at the request of private organizations. Such studies or tabulations, of course, must relate directly to the pro- gram of the Bureau, and can only be undertaken if regular work is not affected. Projects of this character which require very little time or ef- fort are usually provided as free service, but any extensive services must be purchased." "It is not infrequent that people engaged in market research work in the home building and building products fields also find it helpful to explore their problems with members of the staffs of the Office of the Admin- istrator as well as of our constituent agencies. Such discussions not only help researchers gain a better understanding of how best to utilize our operating statistics but also make possible the exchange of ideas with technicians with extensive experience in the housing field." "Since we originate no basic statistics and do not make studies for pri- vate sources except those appearing as publications referred to above, it is not possible for a private business firm to secure special studies and special tabulations of statistical data from us. PART V --Continued Agency Description Small Business Administration- Con. Securities and Exchange Commission "It is not only possible, but we encourage the owners of small firms in- terested in securing help in wisely performing (the) marketing func- tions ... to call upon us for individual assistance." Service is available through the central office and the Field Offices. "We have no facilities for providing special tabulations of financial data to individual firms. However, on rare occasions, the tabulations used in compiling published series are made available to individual firms on spe- cial request where this can be done without disclosing confidential data or the identity of firms. Also, the staff at the headquarters office and Regional Offices are available to corporations for direct consultation and assistance in problems relating to financing through issuance of securi- ties. Appendix A List of Major Federal Government Statistical Publications Useful in Distribution Practically all of the basic Federal Government statistical publications which are useful to firms engaged in distribution are listed in the following pages. They report data collected in regular statistical measurement programs or substantial statistical programs not regularly scheduled for measurement but of major interest to a large number of distributors. Many, i)ut not all, are referred to specifically in Parts I, II, and III. Section A below includes major compendiums scheduled for issuance periodically or at inter- vals. These are the most comprehensive sources, containing most of the basic statistical se- ries maintained by Federal agencies and, in some instances, also containing data compiled by private firms and associations. Publications included in Sections B through S are more specialized; in many cases partial data are first issued in the form of press releases or advance reports. A. Major Compendiums of Statistical Information Monthly Periodicals ECONOMIC INDICATORS. Monthly. Tables and charts on total output of the economy, income and spending; prices; employment, hours and wages; production and business activity; cur- rency, credit and security markets; and Federal finance. See below for supplement. Pre- pared for Joint Economic Committee by Council of Economic Advisers. SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS. Monthly. Magazine for the businessman, giving informa- tion on trends in industry, the business situation, outlook, and other points pertinent to the business world. Among 2,500 different statistical series published are: National income; international transactions; retail and wholesale sales and inventories; manufacturers' sales, orders and inventories; production; prices; construction activity; personal consumption ex- penditures by categories; population, employment, and labor conditions; banking credit; transportation and communications. Substantial amount of product detail. Weekly Supple- ment included in subscription. The February issue reviews developments in the previous year. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. Monthly. Presents current and trend information, national summary of business conditions, financial and business statistics (finance and banking, credit, commerce, industrial production, construction, employment, freight carloadings, de- partment stores, prices, etc.) and international financial statistics. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW. Monthly. Statistics on employment and payrolls, consumer and wholesale price indexes including new series for economic sectors (crude materials; inter- mediate materials, supplies and components; and finished goods for consumers and pro- ducers), earnings and hours, building and construction including new housing starts and building permit activity. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. APPENDIX A -Continued Annual or Irregular Issues STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES. Annual, (1957 edition available). Com- prehensive summary of statistics on industrial, social, political and economic organization of U. S. Designed to serve as convenient statistical reference and guide to other statistical publications and sources including non- government sources. Bureau of the Census, U. S. De- partment of Commerce. COUNTY AND CITY DATA BOOK. (A Statistical Abstract Supplement.) Irregular. Compre- hensive tabulation of basic statistical data for small geographic areas. Contains tabulations of over 100 statistical items for: (1) regions, divisions, and States; (2) metropolitan areas; and (3) all counties in the United States. In addition, tables for cities having 25,000 inhabit- ants or more in 1950. Selected data are from many sources, including most recent cen- suses of population, housing, agriculture, business, and manufactures, new edition expected late 1957. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. COUNTY BUSINESS PATTERNS: FIRST QUARTER 1953. Ten Volumes. Part 1, U. S. sum- mary, other 9 parts divided regionally. Shows State and county location of 3.7 million busi- ness establishments in continental U. S., Alaska, and Hawaii, with statistics on number of reporting units, March 1953 employment, and January-March 1953 taxable wages covered under the old-age and survivors insurance program. Includes U. S. totals classified by in- dustry groups and by employment size of reporting units, with similar tables for each State and for 480 selected larger counties. For the remaining counties, data are shown for 10 broad industry divisions. (Report for 1st quarter 1956 expected early 1958.) Bureau of Old- Age and Survivors Insurance, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare and Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SUPPLEMENT TO ECONOMIC INDICATORS. 1955. His- torical statistics for indicators in the series, with description of derivation, limitations and uses of each indicator. Prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by the Council of Economic Advisers. BUSINESS STATISTICS: 1955 EDITION. (Latest; new edition expected Fall 1957.) (A Supple- ment to the Survey of Current Business.) Provides consistent historical series from 1932 covering 2,600 significant business and market indicators (published monthly in the Survey) . NATIONAL INCOME: 1954 EDITION. (Latest.) (A Supplement to the Survey of Current Busi- iness. ) National income and product series back to 1929. In 5 parts: Part I, National In- come & Product, 1929-53— A Review; Part II, The Conceptual Framework of National Income Statistics; Part III, Sources and Methods of National Income Estimation; Part IV, Gross Na- tional Product in Constant Dollars, 1929-53; Part V, Statistical Section (52 tables of annual, quarterly and monthly data). Between special national income supplements, the July issues of the Survey of Current Business carry the national income estimates. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. FLOW OF FUNDS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1939-53. Comprehensive accounting for the flow of funds through the economy, covering all transactions effected by transfer of credit or money. Sources and uses of funds for 10 major sectors; transactions classified into 21 categories. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF UNITED STATES, 1789-1945. A compilation of about 3,000 sta- tistical time series, largely annual, extending to the earliest year for which figures are available. Specific source notes provide a basic guide to original published sources for further reference and additional data. Bureau of the Census, U. So Department of Commerce. APPENDIX A -Continued CONTINUATION TO 1952 OF HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1789- 1945. Data for 1946 to 1952 for the series shown in Historical Statistics. Revisions of some of the series in Historical Statistics. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. B. Population, Population Characteristics, and Vita! Statistics POPULATION, CENSUS OF 1950. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume I. Number of Inhabitants. Volume II. Characteristics of the Population. In 51 parts, divided geographically. Volume III. Census Tract Statistics . Population and housing characteristics in 64 parts, one city, area, or county to a part. Volume IV. Special Reports. (Series P-E Bulletins.) Special reports, each devoted to par- ticular characteristics of the population. Detailed analysis. POPULATION ESTIMATES. (Current Population Reports Series P-25.) Current estimates of population for U. S., the States and Alaska, some with figures by age and sex. Bureau of the Census. PROJECTIONS OF THE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, BY AGE AND SEX: 1960 to 1975. (Current Population Reports Series P-25, No. 123.) Estimated under 4 sets of as- sumptions. Bureau of the Census. ILLUSTRATIVE PROJECTIONS OF THE POPULATION, BY STATES, 1960, 1965 AND 1970. (Current Population Reports Series P-25, No. 160.) Bureau of the Census. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF A METHOD OF ESTIMATING THE CURRENT POPULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. (Current Population Reports Series P-25, No. 133.) Bureau of the Census. ILLUSTRATIVE PROJECTIONS OF THE COLLEGE-AGE POPULATION BY STATES: 1958 TO 1973. (Current Population Reports Series P-25, No. 132.) Bureau of the Census. VITAL STATISTICS SPECIAL REPORTS: MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AND ANNULMENTS. Annual. By States and counties. National Office of Vital Statistics, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. VITAL STATISTICS SPECIAL REPORTS: BIRTHS. Annual. By States. National Office of Vital Statistics, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. PROJECTIONS OF NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AND FAMILIES, 1960 TO 1975. (Current Population Reports Series P-20, No. 69.) Bureau of the Census. C. Labor Force and Employment ANNUAL REPORT ON THE LABOR FORCE. (Current Population Reports Series P-50.) Sum- marizes detailed monthly statistics with breaks to show personal characteristics, industry, and hours worked, etc. Some regional data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. MONTHLY REPORT ON THE LABOR FORCE. (Current Population Reports Series P-57.) See Annual Report above, and related reports in Series P-50. To the Monthly Report is attached APPENDIX A-Continued the COMBINED EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT RELEASE summarizing statistics collected by the Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Bureau of Employ- ment Security. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. PROJECTIONS OF THE LABOR FORCE IN THE UNITED STATES, 1955-1975. (Current Popu- lation Reports Series P-50, No. 69.) Estimated labor force to 1975, under 4 sets of assump- tions. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS. Monthly. Current data on trends and levels of employment, hours and earnings, and labor turnover. Developments in particular industries, in the States, and in metropolitan areas. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. D. Income 1950 CENSUS OF POPULATION Vol. II, "Characteristics of the Population," listed above. Analyzed in Income of the American People (Census Monograph by Herman P. Miller, pub- lished by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). Distribution of personal income in U.S. derived prima- rily from 1950 and 1940 Census and annual income surveys (see above) since 1944. Income analyzed in relation to geographical location, occupation, age, sex, marital status, education and color. CURRENT POPULATION REPORTS: CONSUMER INCOME. (Series P-60.) Several releases each year giving distributions of families by family income and of unrelated individuals by income; and distributions of persons 14 years of age and over by income, type of income, and various characteristics. INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES. (Supplement to Survey of Current Busi- ness .) Families, individuals and consumer units distributed by personal income size, 1944- 1950. Some distributions of income after deduction for Federal individual income tax liabil- ity. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1950-1953. (Reprint from March 1955 Survey of Current Business .) Carries to 1953 income size distributions (see item above). Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1952-1955. (Article, Survey of Current Business , June 1956.) Continuation of above series. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. PERSONAL INCOME BY STATES SINCE 1929.(Supplement to Survey of Current Business .) 1957. New official comprehensive State income statistical report, including revised esti- mates 1929 to 1955. Represents a breakdown of U. S. personal income series of the national income and product accounts, and an elaboration of data on the consumer sector. Analysis of regionaltrends in total personal income and per capita income, including the first official estimates of disposable personal income by States and regions analyzed to show regional growth in purchasing power. In addition to population figures, Statistical Section contains six table sets on personal income for each State and Region: total and per capita income; income by major sources; broad industrial sources (farm, private non-farm and government income disbursements) of personal income; industrial sources of civilian income received by persons for participation in current production (selected years); wages and salaries in manufacturing industries (selected years). APPENDIX A -Continued STATISTICS OF INCOME, PART II. Receipts, expenses, profit and other statistics for cor- porations grouped by major industrial divisions. Statistics compiled by Internal Revenue Service from corporation Federal income tax returns. Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Department. STATISTICS OF INCOME, PART III. Receipts, expenses, profit and other statistics for part- nerships grouped by major industrial groups. Statistics compiled by Internal Revenue Serv- ice from partnership information returns. Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Department. THE FARM INCOME SITUATION. Monthly. Estimates of cash receipts from farm marketings by commodity groups, and Government payments; crops and livestock sales estimates by States. Occasional annual estimates by States of: Government payments to farmers, value of home consumption, gross and net income of farm operators, etc. An Outlook issue each Fall. Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. CONSUMER FINANCES SURVEY. (Annual sample survey in winter; findings published in spring and summer issues of Federal Reserve Bulletin , reprints available.) Data on spending unit plans and expectations regarding income, economic conditions, and spending. Data on in- come, selected assets and indebtedness of spending units in the survey year. Board of Gov- ernors, Federal Reserve System. E. Consumer Finances and Consumption (Also see Section S "Money, Credit, Investment, and Security Markets" and Section D "Income") FOOD CONSUMPTION OF U. S. FAMILIES CLASSIFIED BY SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERIS- TICS. A series of comprehensive and detailed food consumption surveys (national and spot) conducted by the Institute of Home Economics, Agricultural Research Service. (See Part III for detail.) Latest nationwide study, 1955, conducted jointly with Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, released in 1956 and 1957 in a series of reports on purchases and dietary levels. Institute of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD IN THE UNITED STATES 1909-52 AND SUPPLEMENT. A series of aggregative statistics on food supplies and distribution with estimates of per capita con- sumption of individual foods and of nutritive value of the per capita supply. (See Part III for detail.) Agricultural Marketing Ser/ice, U. S. Department of Agriculture. FARM FAMILY EXPENDITURE STUDIES. A series of these over the years, with classification of families by significant characteristics. (See Part III for detail.) Institute of Home Eco- nomics, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. URBAN FAMILY EXPENDITURE STUDIES. A series of these over the years, with classifica- tion of families by significant characteristics. (See Part III for detail.) Most recent nation- wide study in 1950 summarized in BLS Bulletin 1097. (18 volumes of detailed tabulations available from Wiley and Son, Inc., publishers). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Depart- ment of Labor. STUDIES OF ECONOMIC RESOURCES OF PERSONS AGED 65 AND OVER. A series of sur- veys and analyses of the financial situation, particularly income, of aged persons— bene- ficiaries under the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance program and the aged generally. So- cial Security Administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. APPENDIX A -Continued AGGREGATE PERSONAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES BY TYPE OF PRODUCT, 1929 TO 1956. Estimates for 12 major categories and over 100 smaller expense categories including imputed rental value of owner-occupied homes, published as part of National Income informa- tion. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. F. Agriculture (Includes some data to the consumer level) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS: Annual. Reference book on agricultural production, supplies, prices, consumption, facilities, costs, and returns, etc. Historical series. U. S. Department of Agriculture. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume I. Counties and State Economic Areas . 33 parts. Includes data on: Number of farms, acreage, value, farm operators; farms by size, by color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment, farm labor, and farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; specified crops harvested; etc. Volume II. General Report. Statistics by subject. For U. S., States, and geographic divi- sions. 12 chapters. Includes data on: Farms and land in farms; age, residence, years on farm, work off farm; farm facilities, farm equipment; farm labor, use of fertilizer, cash rent, and farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; value of farm prod- ucts; economic class of farm; etc. Volume III. Special Reports. Several parts. Includes data on: Multiple-unit operations; ranking agricultural counties; farm mortgage debt; irrigation in humid areas; size of operation by type of farm; a graphic summary of agriculture, 1954; a popular report of the census; etc. MARKETING AND TRANSPORTATION SITUATION. Quarterly. Statistics on U. S. average retail cost of a market basket of farm foods, the payment received by farmers and the spread between retail cost and payment to the farmer. Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. THE NATIONAL FOOD SITUATION. Quarterly. Contains statistical tables showing per capita consumption of major foods; nutrients available for civilian consumption, production of major food commodities; and retail food prices, etc. A nutritional review and reviews of supply, production, marketing, retail prices, and consumption of major foods are included. Fourth quarter issue gives outlook information. Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. COMMODITY SITUATION REPORTS. Analysis of current situation with respect to supply, de- mand, price, and outlook for each of the more import farm products, including imports, ex- ports, and world situation. Tables and charts on acreage, yield, production, market move- ment, stocks, consumption, and prices. Cotton Situation (6 times a year). Dairy Situation (6 times a year). Fats and Oils Situation (6 times a year). Feed Situation (6 times a year). Fruit Situation (6 times a year). Livestock and Meat Situation (6 times a year). Poultry and Egg Situation (6 times a year). Rice Situation (annual). APPENDIX A -Continued Sugar Situation (once a year; mainly imported product). Tobacco Situation (4 times a year). Vegetable Situation (4 times a year). Wheat Situation (6 times a year). Wool Situation (4 times a year). Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. G. Fisheries FISHERY STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1955. (Statistical Digest No. 39.) Annual. Volume of catch and value, employment, quantity of gear operated, number of fishing craft employed and data on manufactured fishery products. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. De- partment of the Interior. CURRENT FISHERY STATISTICS. Monthly or less frequently, depending on the series. 34 subject bulletin series on employment, catch, production of manufactured products, freezings and cold storage holdings, etc. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. H. Extractive Industries CENSUS OF MINERAL INDUSTRIES, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Industry and Industry Group Bulletins . A separate bulletin for each of 29 industries or groups of industries such as: Iron ores, bauxite, anthracite, crude petroleum and natural gas, sand and gravel, mining contract services. Bulletins include general statistics (num- ber of companies, mines, and preparation plants; quantity and value of shipments; number of employees; principal expenses; capital expenditures; and power equipment) by States, with historical comparisons; selected general statistics by size of establishments; detailed statistics by States and by type of operation; primary and secondary products, by States; man-hours by department, employees by month, and water use, all by States and by type of operation; detailed statistics-of power equipment, by type of operation and geographic divisions; detailed statistics of supplies and energy used, by States. State Bulletins. Separate bulletins for each State and for Alaska and Hawaii. Include general statistics (number of companies, mines, and preparation plants; value of products; number of employees; man-hours; wages and salaries; and cost of supplies) by counties and in- dustry, and by size of operation and industry; general and detailed statistics (including principal expenses capital expenditures, power equipment, and energy used) for all min- eral industries in the State, with historical comparisons; and detailed statistics for water use in minerals industries, by industry and by counties. Subject Bulletins . General summary bulletin and separate bulletins providing detailed statis- tics, by industry and generally by geographic area, for the following subjects: Size of es- tablishment; employment and related statistics; company characteristics; power equip- ment; energy, water, and selected supplies; and type of operation. Publication plans inde- finite. MINERALS YEARBOOK, 1953. Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of Interior. Volume I. Metals and Minerals (Except Fuel) Volume II. Fuels Volume III. Area Reports APPENDIX A -Continued I. Construction and Housing CONSTRUCTION REVIEW. Monthly. Brings together under one cover virtually all of Govern- ment's current statistics pertaining to construction, plus some nongovernment data. Con- tains following statistical series: Construction put in place, new housing (nonfarm), build- ing permits, contract awards, costs (indexes, materials prices, and wage rates), materials, and employment. Construction legislation and regulations. Also articles including inter- pretation of trends and outlook. U. S. Department of Labor and U. S. Department of Com- merce. HOUSING STATISTICS. Monthly. Current information on housing production, construction costs, home financing, urban renewal, community facilities and housing programs. Housing and Home Finance Agency. HOUSING STARTS. Monthly. Number of new non-farm dwelling units started by location (met- ropolitan and non- metropolitan); type of structure (one and two family and multifamily); and region. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. NEW DWELLING UNITS AUTHORIZED BY LOCAL BUILDING PERMITS. Monthly. Geo- graphical listing by State, metropolitan area, and city or town, showing number of dwelling units for which local building permits were issued during 2 most recent months. Data on public housing contracts awarded. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. CENSUS OF HOUSING, 1950. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume I, General Characteristics, 7 books (U. S. Summary, five for States and one for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.) Subjects include: Occupancy and tenure, type of structure, color of occupants, condition and plumbing facilities, number of rooms, number of persons, persons per room, year built, equipment and fuels, contract and gross rent, and value. Volume II, Nonfarm Housing Characteristics , 5 books (one for U. S. Summary and nine divi- sions, four for 152 standard metropolitan areas of 100,000 inhabitants or more.) Gross tabulations of housing characteristics, and cross tabulations of housing characteristics with family characteristics. Volume III, Farm Housing Characteristics , 1 book (U. S. Summary and 119 economic subre- gions). Cross tabulations of housing characteristics, and cross tabulations of housing characteristics with family characteristics. Volume IV, Residential Financing , 2 books (one for U. S. Summary and regions, and one for 25 large standard metropolitan areas.) Results of a sample survey of characteristics re- lating to the financing of residential nonfarm properties. J. Manufacturing (Includes some industry data to the retail level) CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Industry Bulletins. A series of 81 separate Industry Bulletins (Series MC-20A through MC- 39 E), containing data for each of the approximately 460 different manufacturing industries covered in the 1954 Census of Manufactures. In each bulletin text and data for groups of related manufacturing industries, showing for each industry: general statistics on num- ber of establishments, employment, payroll, man-hours, new capital expenditures, value added by manufacture, and value of shipments, by geographic region and State, with APPENDIX A -Continued historical comparisons; similar statistics by size of establishments and by product spe- cialization, within each industry; detailed statistics on inventories, capital expenditures, cost of materials, quantity and cost of fuels and electric energy, quantity and value of products shipped, important materials consumed, horsepower data, industrial water use, and (for metal fabricating industries) data on metalworking operations. State Bulletins. A series of State Bulletins (Series MC-101 through MC-149) for each of the 48 States and the District of Columbia. Each Bulletin contains detailed data, showing for the State, its metropolitan areas, industrial counties, and all cities of 10,000 or more in- habitants; totals for all manufacturing on number of establishments, employment, pay- roll, man-hours, value added by manufacture, and new capital expenditures, with his- torical comparisons. These statistics also shown by industry groups and importantnn- dustries for the State, and by industry groups for important metropolitan areas and indus- trial counties. Also the number of establishments in each county are cross-classified by employment size -class and by industry group. Separate bulletins for the territories of Alaska and Hawaii (Series MC-150 and MC-151). Subject Bulletins. Subject Bulletins by industry and generally by geographic area, for such subjects as employment and payroll, size of establishments, inventories, horsepower of equipment, fuels and electric energy, industrial water use, and materials consumed. ANNUAL SURVEY OF MANUFACTURES. (Latest 1955.) Data collected in intercensal years from a sample of manufacturing establishments carrying forward the general statistics of the Census of Manufactures. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. FACTS FOR INDUSTRY. Monthly, quarterly or annual. Over 75 commodity statistical series showing current production, sales or shipments, and (in some instances) stocks of products or product groups. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. MONTHLY INDUSTRY SURVEY. Monthly. Manufacturers' inventories, shipments and new and unfilled orders by industry. Office of Business Economics, U.S. Department of Commerce. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS. Contains esti- mates of financial and operating data, by major industry group and asset-size. Based on re- ports of all U. S. manufacturing corporations registered with SEC, and a sample of non-reg- istered organized businesses classified as manufacturers required to file Federal corporate income tax form 1120. Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Trade Commission. BUSINESS INDEXES. Monthly. Indexes of physical volume of industrial production (durables, non-durables and minerals), in considerable detail, and outaut of consumer durable goods, to- gether with selected other indexes originated in other agencies. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. CHEMICAL AND RUBBER INDUSTRY REPORT. Monthly. U. S. production, imports and ex- ports of selected organic, inorganic and agricultural chemicals; U. S. production and sales of plastics and resin materials; factory shipments of paint, varnish and lacquer; rubber con- sumption data; and other statistics. Outlook information in January issue. Chemical and Rubber Division, Business and Defense Services Administration, U. S. Department of Com- merce. CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING INDUSTRY REPORT. Quarterly. Statistics and analysis of production, shipments, distribution, inventories; related data for important subdivisions of paper, board, tubes, glass, and metal containers. Includes regional reports on trends and conditions. Containers and Packaging Division, Business and Defense Services Administra- tion, U. S. Department of Commerce. APPENDIX A --Continued COPPER INDUSTRY REPORT. Quarterly. Statistics on copper supply, distribution, consump- tion, imports and exports; also inventories, new orders, and sales for selected durable goods industries. Copper Division, Business and Defense Services Administration, U. S. Depart- ment of Commerce. PULP, PAPER AND BOARD INDUSTRY REPORT. Quarterly. Industry statistics, including pro- duction, consumption, inventories, wholesale price indexes, imports and exports. Forest Products Division, Business and Defense Services Administration, U. S. Department of Com- merce. INTERNATIONAL IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY REPORT. Quarterly. Worldwide statistics on production, distribution, and consumption of iron and steel products, including steelmaking raw materials. Historical statistics of steel exports, grouped by country. Tabulation of U. S. foreign trade, by type of steel mill product. Principal foreign markets for U. S. exports; also sources of imports. Iron and Steel Division, Business and Defense Services Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce. CANNED FOOD REPORT. Issued 5 times a year. Data on stocks of wholesale distributors, canners, and warehouses of retail food chains. Also, canners' carryover, pack and total sup- ply from beginning of the season, for the current season, and total supply for the 2 previous seasons. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. COTTON PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Annual summary of available cotton statistics. Also a number of other periodic statistical reports on cotton production and ginning. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. RECONDITIONED STEEL BARRELS AND DRUMS. Quarterly. Number of barrels recondi- tioned and in stock, by type of plant and type of barrel and drum, etc. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. ,K. Wholesale Trade (See above "I. Manufacturing" for additional data) CENSUS OF BUSINESS, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume III. Wholesale Trade, Summary Statistics. U. S. summary and separate chapters of statistics classified by kind of business and geographic areas, for: Size of wholesale es- tablishments, credit sales, warehouse space, commodity line sales, legal form of organi- zation, and petroleum bulk stations, etc. (Most chapters also are separate reports in bul- letin series W-2.) Volume IV. Wholesale Trade, Area Statistics . U. S. summary and separate chapters for each State, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii, of statistics by counties, cities, and standard metropolitan areas, and by kind of business; with cross classifications by kind of business for standard metropolitan areas, and for counties and cities with 100 or more wholesale establishments. (Chapters also are separate reports in bullets -> series W-l.) MONTHLY WHOLESALE TRADE REPORT: SALES AND INVENTORIES. Indexes of change in sales and inventories, and stock-sales ratios of merchant wholesalers by kinds of business for U. S. and geographic divisions. Annual issues include data on operating expenses and credit. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. APPENDIX A -Continued GREEN COFFEE INVENTORIES AND ROASTINGS. Semiannual press release. Estimates of inventories held by roasters, importers, and dealers; of green coffee roasted for use in solu- able coffee; and imports. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. REPORTS ON HOLDINGS OF PRODUCTS IN REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Monthly. Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. L. Retail Trade CENSUS OF BUSINESS, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume I. Retail Trade, Summary Statistics . U. S. summary and separate chapters of sta- tistics by kind of business and geographic areas, for: Sales size of establishments, single units and multiunits, legal form of organization, merchandise inventories, credit sales, etc. (Most chapters also are separate reports in bulletin series R-2.) Volume II. Retail Trade, Area Statistics. U. S. summary and separate chapters for each State, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii, of statistics by counties, cities, and standard metropolitan areas, and by kind of business; with cross classifications by kind of business for standard metropolitan areas, and for counties and cities with 500 or more re- tail establishments. (Chapters also are separate reports in bulletin series R-l.) Central Business District Statistics Bulletins . Establishments, sales or receipts, and payroll for retail trade, hotels, and theaters, for the central business district of each of 95 large cities, with comparable city and standard metropolitan area data. ADVANCE RETAIL SALES REPORT. Monthly. Presents advance monthly estimated retail dol- lar sales volume for major kind -of- business groups and all trades combined, collected from subsample of Bureau's retail trade reporting panel. Data for previous months shown both unadjusted and adjusted for seasonal factors and trading day differences. Issued by 10th of month following month covered by data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Com- merce. MONTHLY RETAIL TRADE REPORT: RETAIL SALES. Estimated monthly and comparative year-to-date sales of all retail stores by kind of business; chain store sales, sales by geo- ^ graphic regions and kind of business; percentage changes; data also for selected metropoli- tan areas. Annual issues include merchandise inventory data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. DEPARTMENT STORE MERCHANDISING DATA. Monthly. Sales, stocks outstanding orders, receipts of goods and new orders of reporting stores, with percentage changes from corre- sponding month a year ago. Merchandising ratios of stocks to sales. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES. Seasonally adjusted and unadjusted indexes, by Fed- eral Reserve Districts, for U. S. selected cities, and metropolitan areas. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES AND STOCKS, BY MAJOR DEPARTMENTS. U. S. summary of sales and stocks indexes (unadjusted) for selected department groups of main store and basement store total. For U. S. and by department shows percentage change from corresponding period a year ago and ratio of stocks to sales. (Also available for Federal Reserve Districts.) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. APPENDIX A -Continued MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE STOCKS. For U. S. and Federal Reserve Districts, indexes based on retail dollar amounts, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted and percentage change. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. WEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES-SELECTED CITIES AND AREAS. Percentage change for U. S., selected cities, and Federal Reserve Districts. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. RETAIL FURNITURE REPORT. Monthly. Percentage change for sales (cash, charge account, instalment), accounts receivable, and inventories for U. S. and by Federal Reserve Districts. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. RETAIL TRADE (CONSUMER PURCHASES) IN SELECTED FARM PRODUCTS. Monthly esti- mates of volume of sales of selected dairy products and fruits and juices with quarterly data by type of outlet, and annual data by family characteristics. (In cooperation with interested industry groups.) Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. M. Service Trades CENSUS OF BUSINESS, 1954. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Volume V. Selected Service Trades, Summary Statistics . U. S. summary and separate chapters of statistics classified by kind of business and geographic areas, for: Receipts size of establishments, employment size of establishments, legal form of organization, single units and multiunits, laundries and cleaning plants , and hotels and motels and mo- tion pictures . (Most chapters also are separate reports in bulletin series S-2.) Volume VI. Selected Service Trades, Area Statistics . U. S. summary and separate chapters for each State, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii, of statistics by counties, cities and standard metropolitan areas, and by kind of business; with cross classifications by kind of business for standard metropolitan areas and for cities and counties with 200 or more service establishments. (Chapters also are separate reports in bulletin series S-l.) N. Transportation TRANSPORT ECONOMICS. Monthly. Current financial and operating statistics of various modes of transport— rails, motor carriers, freight forwarders, pipelines, and air traffic. Subjects covered vary monthly. (Index of Transportation Statistics and Transport Economic 1950-55 available; annual indexes hereafter.) Interstate Commerce Commission. TRANSPORT STATISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES. Issued in parts as annual reports are re- ceived from railroads, railroads' lessor and proprietary companies, Pullman Company, Rail- way Express Agency, electric railways, carriers by water, oil pipelines, motor carriers, freight forwarders, and private car owners. (Also monthly statements on each subject.) In- terstate Commerce Commission. HIGHWAY STATISTICS. Annual. For each State, statistical data on motor fuel, motor vehicles, highway user taxation, financing of state and local highways, highway mileage and Federal aid for highways. Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Commerce. APPENDIX A -Continued WATERBORNE COMMERCE OF THE U. S. Part 1. Atlantic Coast Part 2. Gulf Coast, Mississippi River System, and Antilles. Part 3. Great Lakes. Part 4. Pacific Coast, Alaska, and Pacific Islands. Part 5. National Summary. Corps of Army Engineers, U. S. Department of Defense (Superintendent of Documents Sales Agency, U. S. Lake Survey, 630 Federal Building, Detroit 26, Michigan.) MERCHANT MARINE STATISTICS. Annual. Data relating to all vessels documented as vessels of U. S. Merchant Marine including yachts. Data on rigs, customs district, kind of document, material of build of vessels, age, services of vessels by geographical divisions, tonnage groupings, horsepower groupings, removed from documentation, laid-up. Similar data for U. S. vessels of 500 gross tons and over (excluding yachts) and documented yachts. Bureau of Customs, Department of the Treasury. AIR COMMERCE TRAFFIC PATTERN. Semiannual. Analysis of movement by air of pas- sengers, cargo, and mail. Information and statistics on small, medium, and large traffic hubs; traffic concentration; activity of air fields listed by communities of states and terri- tories; helicopter traffic; and domestic all-cargo airlines. Office of Airports, Civil Aeronautics Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce. CAA STATISTICAL HANDBOOK OF CIVIL AVIATION. Annual. All available data on major civil aviation activities. Subjects covered include airports, Federal airways, aircraft and airmen certifications, aeronautical production and exports, general aviation flying, scheduled air carrier operations, and accidents. Some data by States. Civil Aeronautics Administra- tion, U. S. Department of Commerce. O. Communications and Public Utilities STATISTICS OF THE COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES. Annual. (1954 latest.) Covers common carriers. Federal Communications Commission. TELEVISION FINANCIAL DATA. Annual. (1956 latest.) Final TV broadcast financial data. Federal Communications Commission. AM-FM FINANCIAL DATA. Annual. (1955 latest.) Final AM- FM financial data. Federal Communications Commission. STATISTICS OF NATURAL GAS COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Annual. Financial data on individual companies. Federal Power Commission. STEAM -ELECTRIC PLANT CONSTRUCTION COST AND ANNUAL PRODUCTION EXPENSES. Annual or biennial. Operating data of individual companies. Federal Power Commission. ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS. Loose-leaf statistical service comprising 60 monthly and occasional supplementary reports, with binder. Monthly report on production and capacity; consumption of fuel; revenues and income of major privately owned electric utilities; electric utility system loads; monthly sales of electric energy and the following annual publications: Production of Electric Energy and Capacity of Generating Plants and Capacity of Generating Plants and Consumption of Fuel for Production of Electric Energy . Federal Power Commis- sion. STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Annual. Financial data on individual Classes A and B privately owned companies. Federal Power Commission. APPENDIX A -Continued STATISTICS OF PUBLICLY OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITIES. Annual. Financial data on in- dividual operations. Federal Power Commission. ESTIMATED FUTURE POWER REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES BY REGIONS, 1954-1980. Projections of loads by Federal Power Commission regions. Federal Power Commission. P. Government Finance TREASURY BULLETIN. Monthly. Statistics for current year and selected comparative data on receipts and expenditures, internal revenue collections, public debt, capital movements be- tween the U. S. and foreign countries, and monetary data. Office of the Secretary, U. S. Treasury Department. (See also Federal Reserve Bulletin and Survey of Current Business for selected data on Government finance.) THE FEDERAL BUDGET IN BRIEF-1958. Summarizes the budget recommendations of the President for the fiscal year July 1, 1957 through June 30, 1958, sent to Congress on Janu- ary 16, 1957. Includes summary financial data for earlier years. Also reports expenditures for Government activities in the fiscal year 1956 and the latest estimates for 1957. Part 1 — Budget Summary Part 2— Budget Information by Function Part 3— Supplementary Information FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS FROM AND PAYMENTS TO THE PUBLIC. Semiannual mimeographed release. Bureau of the Budget. FOREIGN GRANTS AND CREDITS BY U. S. GOVERNMENT. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. STATE FINANCES: COMPENDIUM OF STATE GOVERNMENT FINANCES. Annual. Summary of State government income and disbursement in fiscal year. Revenue data shown by source. Expenditures grouped by character and object. Also tables of per capita general revenue, expenditures, and debt by State. Less detailed statistics available earlier in the year: FINANCES OF SELECTED STATES (February) and SUMMARY OF STATE GOVERNMENT FINANCES (April). Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. CITY FINANCES: COMPENDIUM OF CITY GOVERNMENT FINANCES. Annual. Analysis of revenues, expenditures (by function and purpose), and debt obligations of Nation's largest cities (481 cities individually). Less detailed statistics available earlier in the year: SUM- MARY OF CITY GOVERNMENT FINANCES (July). Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Q. U. S. Foreign Trade and Travel QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF FOREIGN COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Cumulative quarterly. Data on imports and exports by commodities, countries, customs districts and economic classes. Separate detail on shipping weight and value of water-borne exports and imports, and shipping weight of total outbound and inbound vessel shipments of merchandise by customs districts and selected ports. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Com- merce. (Also see Survey of Current Business , International Transactions of the United States Section.) APPENDIX A --Continued EXPORT TRADE BY COMMODITY. Monthly. Value of exports of domestic merchandise, by economic classes and leading commodities, current and comparative data. Bureau of the Cen- sus, U. S. Department of Commerce. IMPORT TRADE BY COMMODITY. Monthly. Value of imports for consumption of merchandise, by economic classes and leading commodities, current and comparative data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. EXPORT TRADE BY COUNTRY. Monthly. Value of exports of domestic and foreign merchan- dise by country of destination, current and comparative data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. De- partment of Commerce. IMPORT TRADE BY COUNTRY. Monthly. Value of general imports by country of origin, cur- rent and comparative data. Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL. Basic data on number of U. S. travelers and their expenditures in foreign countries, by country, by means of transportation and class of accom- modation, average length of stay, purpose of travel, state of residence in the U. S. Also the number and expenditures of foreign travelers in the U. S. Published annually in the June is- sue of Survey of Current Business . Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Com- merce. R. Prices CONSUMER PRICE INDEX. Monthly. Cost of living index to measure average changes in prices of goods and services typically bought by city families of wage earners and clerical workers, U. S. city total and 20 large cities. Separate indexes for principal consumption categories and many sub-groups. Food category especially detailed. Bureau of Labor Statis- tics, U. S. Department of Labor. AVERAGE RETAIL PRICES. Published monthly for individual food items and fuel in a number of major cities. Average prices of commodities and services in other categories are pub- lished occasionally. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. WEEKLY WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX. Indexes for all -commodities, farm products, processed foods, meats, and all commodities other than farm and foods. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. WHOLESALE (PRIMARY MARKET) PRICE INDEX. Monthly. Indexes and percent change to current month from selected dates. Indexes for commodity subgroups for current month and same month year ago. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. WHOLESALE PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES. Monthly. Preliminary data for current month and final for previous month. Wholesale prices and indexes for commodity groups, subgroups, product classes and individual items. Wholesale price indexes for economic sectors (crude materials; intermediate materials, supplies and components; and finished goods for con- sumers and producers) and for special commodity groups. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS. Monthly or annually as appropriate. Estimates of average prices of all grades and classes of agricultural commodities sold in local markets. Pub- lished currently in Agricultural Prices and annually in Crops and Markets. Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. APPENDIX A -Continued SEC INDEXES OF WEEKLY CLOSING PRICES OF COMMON STOCKS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Indexes measure average price movement of 265 of the more active common stocks on the New York Exchange, with separate indexes for 29 industry groups Securities and Exchange Commission. S. Money, Credit, Investment, and Security Markets FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. See above, p. 37. Convenient source for major financial data. FEDERAL RESERVE CHARTS ON BANK CREDIT, MONEY RATES, AND BUSINESS. Monthly. Presentation in chart form of significant indicators of financial and general business condi- tions (see item above for tables). Covers bank reserves; deposits and currency; loans and investments; money rates and security markets; government, business and consumer finance; gross national product and income; employment, production and distribution; prices; agricul- tural income and prices paid and received; and international trade and finance. Subscription includes one issue of Historical Supplement. Sources of data (government and non-govern- ment) are given. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. DISTRIBUTION OF BANK DEPOSITS BY COUNTIES AND STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS. Biennial in January. Total deposits (including inter-bank and governmental deposits), and time and demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations for each State, Federal Reserve District, county and standard metropolitan area. Also total and time de- posits in mutal savings banks. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. VOLUME AND COMPOSITION OF INDIVIDUALS' SAVINGS. Quarterly. Report on individual saving, i.e., personal holdings and specified forms of saving by individuals and unincorpo- rated business, trust and pension funds, and non-profit institutions. Securities and Exchange Commission. CONSUMER CREDIT (SHORT- AND INTERMEDIATE-TERM). Monthly. Estimates in dollars of total consumer credit; instalment credit (automobile and other consumer goods paper; personal, and repair and modernization loans); and noninstalment credit (charge accounts, single payment loans, and service credit). Analysis by types of lending agencies. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. INSTALMENT CREDIT EXTENDED AND REPAID. Monthly. Estimates of short- and inter- mediate-term credit extended and repaid. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. WORKING CAPITAL OF U. S. CORPORATIONS. Quarterly. Aggregate estimates of current assets and current liabilities of all U. S. corporations, excluding banks, insurance companies, and savings and loan associations. News release and Statistical Bulletin. Securities and Ex- change Commission. EXPENDITURES FOR NEW PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Quarterly and annual. Business ex- penditures for new plant and equipment, for broad industrial categories. March, June, Sep- tember and December issues of Survey of Current Business. News release issued earlier in the month by Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce, and Securi- ties and Exchange Commission. BUSINESS INVESTMENT ANTICIPATIONS. Quarterly and annual. Results of regularly con- ducted survey, usually released in March issue of Survey of Current Business. A news re- lease earlier in March. (See February 1957 issue of the Survey for appraisal, "Ten Years Experience with Business Investment Anticipations.") Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce and Securities and Exchange Commission. 52 APPENDIX A -Continued CORPORATE PENSION FUNDS. Annual. Data on non-instfred private pension plans-assets, investments, and receipts and disbursements. Securities and Exchange Commission. STATISTICAL BULLETIN. Monthly. Data on new securities offerings, registrations, trading on exchanges, stock price indexes, trading, special offerings, secondary distributions, and other financial series. Securities and Exchange Commission. BALANCE SHEET OF AGRICULTURE. Annual. Covers physical and financial assets, liabilities and proprietors' equities. Includes receipts and disbursements data, average value of live- stock per head, numbers of farm machinery and motor vehicles, and other data. Agriculture Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS OF THE U. S. A complete survey of American direct investment abroad. Gives detail data by industry and country for value of investment at end of 1950; movement of capital, income derived during the year, foreign taxes paid, and other related information. This survey is carried forward and data published annually in the August Survey of Current Business. Office of Business Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. _ BALANCE OF PAYMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Quarterly. A complete and systematic account by area of receipts and payments by the U. S. resulting from transactions between the U. So and foreign countries. Includes data on merchandise trade, travel, transportation and various other service transactions, Government grants and loans, private investments, purchases and sales of gold, and changes in foreign holdings of dollar assets. Office of Busi- ness Economics, U. S. Department of Commerce. Appendix B A List of Specialized Aids To assist the user further in locating needed facts and in keeping current with distribution re- search there are listed below 17 specialized aids of various sorts. These are handy tools, useful according to individual needs. The following are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C: DISTRIBUTION DATA GUIDE. A monthly periodical published by the Office of Distribution, U. S. Department of Commerce, devoted to annotations of current government and nongovernment publications of interest to those engaged in distribution. $2.00 per year. CATALOG OF U. S. CENSUS PUBLICATIONS. Quarterly and annual. The Index to Reports by Geographic Areas lists the commodities for which data are presented for Census Divisions; Census Regions; States; Counties; Cities; Standard Metropolitan Areas; Territories and Pos- sessions, and Puerto Rico; and Urban, Rural Areas. $1.00 per year. BUSINESS SERVICE CHECKLIST. Weekly. Lists material published by U. S. Department of Com- merce and some material of other agencies. $ 1.25 per year. MONTHLY CHECKLIST OF STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C. $1.50 per year. FEDERAL STATISTICAL DIRECTORY. Published occasionally by the Office of Statistical Stand- ards, Bureau of the Budget. Roster of professional and technical personnel of Federal agencies engaged in statistical activities. 750. STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION MANUAL. Developed by Bureau of the Budget and others for use in the classification of establishments by type of activity and to promote uni- formity and comparability in the presentation of statistical data collected by government and nongovernment agencies and firms. $2.50 a copy. STANDARD COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION VOLUMES. Developed by the Bureau of the Budget and others. A classified list and index to digit product identification system in use by Bureau of Census and others. GPO and Bureau of the Budget. Prices of the volumes vary. For the following, contact should be made with the agency: CHECKLIST OF REPORTS ISSUED BY THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Monthly. Free. PERIODIC REPORTS OF THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE. A list including time schedule for crops and livestock reports, periodicals, radio and TV programs, and Market News Reports. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Free. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATIONS FOR USE IN MARKETING AND DIS- TRIBUTION. Office of Distribution, U. S. Department of Commerce and Field Offices of the Department. Free. APPENDIX B- Continued CENSUS TRACT PUBLICATIONS SINCE 1950. 1954. An annotated listing. Bureau of the Cen- sus, U. S. Department of Commerce and Field Offices of the Department. 400 a copy. U. S. GOVERNMENT STATISTICAL -PUBLICATIONS FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY. (1955.) Food Industries Division, Business and Defense Services Administration, U. S. Department of Com- merce and Field Offices of the Department. 300 a copy. PUBLICATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. An annotated list of all BLS publi- cations (cumulative). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. Free. CHECKLIST OF REGULAR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS SERIES FOR STATES AND AREAS 1955. U. S. Department of Labor and Regional Offices. Free. GUIDE TO STATE EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS: EMPLOYMENT, HOURS AND EARNINGS. Shows the industry detail, by State, which is available from cooperating State agencies and the beginning date of each series. U. S. Department of Labor and Regional Offices. Free. GUIDE TO EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS OF BLS. Shows beginning date of national series and gives each industry definition. U. S. Department of Labor and Regional Offices. Free. LIST OF FREE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMALL BUSI- NESS ADMINISTRATION. Small Business Administration and its Field Offices. Free. Appendix C Field Offices Many Federal Agencies maintain Field Offices throughout the United States in order to serve local communities in connection with their responsibilities and activities. Field Offices of the U. S. Department of Commerce and Small Business Administration are concerned pri- marily with serving the business community. Offices maintained by these Agencies are listed below: U. S. Department of Commerce ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Room 321, Post Office Bldg. ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA 604 Volunteer Bldg. 66 Luckie St., N.W. BOSTON 9, MASSACHUSETTS Room 1416 U. S. Post Office & Courthouse BUFFALO 3, NEW YORK 504 Federal Building 117 Ellicott Street CHARLESTON 4, S. C. Area 2 Sergeant Jasper Bldg. West End Broad St. CHEYENNE, WYOMING 307 Federal Office Bldg. 21st St. & Carey Ave. CHICAGO 6, ILLINOIS Room 1302 226 West Jackson Blvd. CINCINNATI 2, OHIO Room 442, U. S. Post Office and Courthouse CLEVELAND 14, OHIO Room 100 Union Commerce Bldg. Annex 1100 Chester Avenue DALLAS 1, TEXAS Room 3-104 Merchandise Mart 500 South Ervay Street DENVER 2, COLORADO 142 New Custom House 19th & Stout Street DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN 438 Federal Building GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Room 407 U. S. Post Office Bldg. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS 624 First National Bank Bldg. Franklin and Main Sts. JACKSONVILLE 1, FLORIDA 425 Federal Building 311 West Monroe Street KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI Room 2011 911 Walnut Street LOS ANGELES 15, CALIFORNIA Room 450, Western Pacific Bldg. 1031 S. Broadway MEMPHIS 3, TENNESSEE 212 Falls Building 22 N. Front Street MIAMI 32, FLORIDA 316 U. S. Post Office Bldg. 300 N.E. First Ave. APPENDIX C— Continued MINNEAPOLIS 1, MINNESOTA 319 Metropolitan Bldg. 2nd Avenue South & 3rd Street NEW ORLEANS 12, LOUISIANA 1508 Masonic Temple Bldg. 333 St. Charles Avenue NEW YORK 17, NEW YORK 4th floor, 110 E. 45th St. RENO, NEVADA 1479 Wells Avenue RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA Room 409, Post Office Bldg 11th and Main Sts. ST. LOUIS 1, MISSOURI 910 New Federal Building 1114 Market Street PHILADELPHIA 7, PENNSYLVANIA Jefferson Building 1015 Chestnut Street SALT LAKE CITY 1, UT, Room 105 222 S. W. Temple St. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 419 Ellis Building 137 N. Second Avenue PITTSBURGH 22, PENNSYLVANIA 817 Fulton Bldg. 107 Sixth St. SAN FRANCISCO 11, CALIFORNIA Room 419 Customhouse 555 Battery St. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 235 U. S. Courthouse and Post Office Building 125-29 Bull Street PORTLAND 4, OREGON 217 Old U. S. Courthouse 520 S. W. Morrison Street SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON 809 Federal Office Bldg. 909 First Avenue Small Business Administration (Regional Offices Underscored) BOSTON 9, MASSACHUSETTS 131 State Street NEW YORK 4, NEW YORK Hartford, Connecticut Syracuse, New York 42 Broadway 70 Arch Street Chimes Building, 500 So. Salina St. PHILADELPHIA 7, PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania 1015 Chestnut Street Fulton Building, 107 6th Street RICHMOND 20, VIRGINIA Baltimore, Maryland Charleston, West Virginia Charlotte, North Carolina ♦Clarksburg, West Virginia ♦Columbia, South Carolina 900 No. Lombardy Street 307 Calvert Bldg., Fayette & St. Paul Sts. Davidson Bldg., 910 Quarrier Street 1116 Independence Bldg., 102 W. Trade St. 227 W. Pike Street 1401 Hampton Street ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA Birmingham, Alabama Memphis, Tennessee Miami 32, Florida San Juan 18, Puerto Rico **Knoxville, Tennessee 90 Fairlie Street N.W. 704 No. 22nd Street 732 Falls Bldg., 22 No. Front Street 310 Pacific Bldg., 327 N.E. 1st Avenue Room 7, Chamber of Commerce, 100 Tetuan St. 315 Empire Bldg., 624 Market St. S.W. APPENDIX C- Continued * Nashville, Tennessee * Jacksonville, Florida * Chattanooga, Tennessee Tampa, Florida ♦Greenwood, Mississippi Chamber of Commerce, 226 7th Ave., No. Chamber of Commerce, 227 W. Forsyth St. N.E. Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce CLEVELAND 1, OHIO Louisville 2, Kentucky CHICAGO 6, ILLINO IS Davenport, Iowa Indianapolis, Indiana Madison, Wisconsin Federal Reserve Bank ] Suite 413, Federal Bldg Idg., 713 Superior Ave. , Sixth & Broadway Room 1402, 226 W. Jackson Blvd. 302 Federal Bldg. Room 505 Federal Building 313 New City-County Bldg., 210 Monona Ave. MINNEAPOLIS 1, MINNESOTA ♦Jamestown, North Dakota ♦Brookings, South Dakota 30.1 Metropolitan Bldg., 2nd Ave. Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce r 3rd St. KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI Omaha 2, Nebraska St. Louis 1, Missouri Wichita 2, Kansas Federal Office Bldg., 911 Walnut St., 705 Federal Office Bldg., 15th & Dodge Sts. 630 New Federal Bldg., 1114 Market St. 301 Bitting Bldg., 107 No. Market St. DALLAS 2, TEXAS Houston 14, Texas Little Rock, Arkansas New Orleans 12, Louisiana Oklahoma City, Oklahoma San Antonio, Texas ♦♦Tulsa, Oklahoma ♦El Paso, Texas ♦Jackson, Mississippi 1114 Commerce Street Veterans Administration Bldg., 1424 Hadley St. 620 Rector Bldg. , 405 W. 3rd Street 708 Masonic Temple Bldg., 333 St. Charles Street 616 Bankers Service Life Bldg., 114 No. Broadway 412 Kallison Bldg., 434 So. Main Avenue 518 Mayo Bldg., 420 So. Main Street Chamber of Commerce, 310 San Francisco Woolfolk Street Office Building DENVER 2, COLORADO **Salt Lake City, Utah ** Albuquerque, New Mexico *Ogden, Utah Railway Exchange Bldg., Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce 909 17th Street SAN FRANCISCO 11, CALIFORNIA Honolulu, T.H. ♦Reno, Nevada *San Jose, California ♦Berkeley, California 40 Davis Street 440 So. Hotel Street Chamber of Commerce, State Building Civic Auditorium Bldg. , Chamber of Commerce 2168 Shattuck Ave., Chamber of Commerce S EATTLE, WASHINGTON Helena, Montana Portland 4, Oregon Anchorage, Alaska ♦♦Boise, Idaho Burke Building, 905 Second Avenue 413 Federal Office Building, No. Park Ave. & Lawrence Street Old U. S. Court House, 520 SW Morrison St. M & S Building, 424 Fifth Avenue Chamber of Commerce, 709 Idaho Street APPENDIX C-- Continued LOS ANGELES 15, CALIFORNIA ** Phoenix, Arizona DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN 412 Western Pacific Building, 1031 So. Broadway 511 Mayer -Heard Building, 112 No. Central Ave. 211 West Congress Street ^Denotes part-time office open one-two days per week. **Denotes sub-office open Monday through Friday, manned by < "iliir A0DDD7l 2 | 3 ( :i0bD