)2 V/ - /3 ' A / /J* . ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ :..■. ■■' ■■:. , ' ::■ . / . ■ ; The Hyperbolic Character of Certain Experimental Results Which Tend Toward Limiting Values 435 4 Q z / *' *** OF \ Q ^CAU Of ^ a IS) < V c 5 X Figure 1. Rectangular hyperbola / / / a Figure 2. Relationship between v and x of equation (5), o 'ssaais -<■ < t- at < Z o z < i I > * \ V < f ^*v \ 1 z < t— 1/5 < UJ Z — 1 1 ( *" CO < ac < i- o x> 'ssaais cti O i-l C cO X O (1) £ C •>-! X) cu > M (1) CO X> o a, -i-i x en C •H ■u cU rH 0) 5-1 c T-( CO S-i 4-1 03 09 CO • C.U H 4J 0) aO i-l < at isd'ss 3H IS 10 11 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1967 — 301-021/53 NBS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PERIODICALS JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports Na- tional Bureau of Standards research and develop- ment in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering. Comprehensive scientific papers give complete details of the work, including laboratory data, experimental procedures, and theoretical and mathematical analyses. Illustrated with photographs, drawings, and charts. Published in three sections, available separately: • Physics and Chemistry Papers of interest primarily to scientists working in these fields. This section covers a broad range of physical and chemical research, with major emphasis on standards of physical measurement, fundamental constants, and properties of matter. Issued six times a year. Annual subscription: Domestic, $5.00; foreign, $6.00*. • Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Studies and compilations designed mainly for the mathematician and theoretical physicist. Topics in mathematical statistics, theory of experiment design, numerical analysis, theoretical physics and chem- istry, logical design and programming of computers and computer systems. Short numerical tables. Issued quarterly. Annual subscription: Domestic, $2.25; foreign, $2.75*. • Engineering and Instrumentation Reporting results of interest chiefly to the engineer and the applied scientist. This section includes many of the new developments in instrumentation resulting from the Bureau's work in physical measurement, data processing, and development of test methods. It will also cover some of the work in acoustics, applied mechanics, building research, and cryogenic engineering.' Issued quarterly. Annual subscription: Domestic, $2.75; foreign, $3.50*. TECHNICAL NEWS BULLETIN The best single source of information concerning the Bureau's research, developmental, cooperative and publication activities, this monthly publication is designed for the industry-oriented individual whose daily work involves intimate contact with science and technology — for engineers, chemists, ■physicists, research managers, product-development managers, and company executives. Annual subscrip- tion: Domestic, $1.50; foreign, $2.25*. •Difference in price is due to extra cost of foreign mailing. N0NPERI0DICALS Applied Mathematics Series. tables, manuals, and studies. Mathematical Building Science Series. Research results, test methods, and performance criteria of building materials, components, systems, and structures. Handbooks. Recommended codes of engineering and industrial practice (including safety codes) developed in cooperation with interested industries, professional organizations, and regulatory bodies. Miscellaneous Publications. Charts, adminis- trative pamphlets, Annual reports of the Bureau, conference reports, bibliographies, etc. Monographs. Major contributions to the techni- cal literature on various subjects related to the Bureau's scientific and technical activities. National Standard Reference Data Series. NSRDS provides quantitative data on the physical and chemical properties of materials, compiled from the world's literature and critically evaluated. Product Standards. Provide requirements for sizes, types, quality and methods for testing various industrial products. These standards are developed cooperatively with interested Government and in- dustry groups and provide the basis for common understanding of product characteristics for both buyers and sellers. Their use is voluntary. Technical Notes. This series consists of com- munications and reports (covering both other agency and NBS-sponsored work) of limited or transitory interest. CLEARINGHOUSE The Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, operated by NBS, supplies unclassified information related to Government- generated science and technology in defense, space, atomic energy, and other national programs. For further information on Clearinghouse services, write: Clearinghouse U.S. Department of Commerce Springfield, Virginia 22151 Order NBS publications from: Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 p ENN STATE SW^Snru** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 ■ABTMENT OV-t^ IJ O 'ES U.S. DEPARTMENT Or to OFFICIAL BUSINESS