C ss. /3/^ : a//vf:s F/S':' -// .^^'•^ ""=0, ^' Q C >, ^i O o ..^ /c> ^ tu i-f- ;>, NOAA Technical Memorandum l\fMFS F/SEjQ CCCUt' Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Finfishes, Whales, Crustaceans, Mollusks, and Their Products Virginia D. Sidwell January 1981 U.S. DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS The National Oceanic and Atmosplneric Administration (NOAA) was organized in 1970. It has evolved into an agency which establishes national policies and manages and conserves our oceanic coastal, and atmospheric resources. It provides managerial, research, and technical expertise to produce practical services and essential information for the programs concerned with such resources. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) provides the United States with an integrated program of management, research, and services concerned about the protection and rational use of living marine resources for their aesthetic, economic, and recreational value. NMFS determines the consequences of the naturally varying environment and human activities on living marine resources. NMFS provides knowledge and services to foster the efficient and judicious use of those resources. NMFS provides for domestic and for international management and conservation of these living resources of the sea. To carry out its mission, the organization also provides for communication of NMFS information. In addition to its formal publications, NMFS uses the NOAA Technical Memorandum series for informal scientific and technical publications. These documents are specialized reports that require multiple copies when complete formal review and editorial processing are not appropriate or feasible. The management and control of Technical Memorandums has been delegated to the Research Centers, Regional Offices, and corresponding staff offices within NMFS. Therefore, requests for copies of Technical Memorandums should be sent to the author or to the originating office for the material. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/SEC-11 ^^1^^^^ ^'^^^STcO^ This TM Is used for documentation and timely communication of preliminary results, Interim reports, or special purpose Information, and has not received complete formal review, editorial control, or detailed editing. Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Finfisiies, Whales, Crustaceans, Mollusks, and Their Products Virginia D. Sidwell January 1981 f U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A, Frank, Adminisirator National Marine Fislierles Service Terry L, Leitzell, Assistant Administrator tor Fisheries The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Introduction • 1 Discussion 1 Acknowledgments 3 Bibliography 3 Systematic index 385 General index 408 Tables 1. Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products 37 2. Proximate composition of crustaceans and products 119 3. Proximate composition of mollusks and products 126 4. Amino acid composition of finfishes, whales, and products 136 5. Amino acid composition of crustaceans and products 166 6. Amino acid composition of mollusks, and products 170 7. Selected fatty acids in finfishes and products 176 8. Selected fatty acids in crustaceans 179 9. Selected fatty acids in mollusks 180 10. Total and free cholesterol in finfishes, whales, and products 181 11. Total and free cholesterol in crustaceans and products 187 12. Total and free cholesterol in mollusks and products 187 13. Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products 188 14. Macroelement composition of crustaceans and products 232 15. Macroelement composition of mollusks and products 237 16. Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products 244 17. Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products 306 18. Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products 313 19. Microelement (Group 2) composition of finfishes, whales, and products 322 20. Microelement (Group 2) composition of crustaceans and products 332 21. Microelement (Group 2) composition of mollusks and products 333 22. Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products 335 23. Vitamin composition of crustaceans and products 374 24. Vitamin composition of mollusks and products 378 L HI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/GhenniGalnutritioOOsidw Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Finfishes, Whales, Crustaceans, MoUusks, and Their Products VIRGINIA D. SIDWELL' ABSTRACT This report summarizes data from 1,204 publications referring to the composition of finfishes, whales, crustaceans, and mollusks and their products. Also it includes some data that were gener- ated at the National Marine Fisheries Service College Park/Charleston Laboratory which were not previously published. It tends to be worldwide in scope since it reports work done by the scientists in foreign countries, as well as in the United States. The Systematic Index lists in alphabetical order the biological names of approximately 1,500 finfishes, whales, and shellfishes on which there are some composition data. This summary includes data on proximate composition, selected fatty acids, cho- lesterol, macroelements, microelements, and vitamin content of seafoods and their products. INTRODUCTION Sidwell et al. (1974) described the data bank on the chemical and nutritional composition of seafoods, which was established at the Southeast Fisheries Center's Col- lege Park/Charleston Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. In that publication the investi- gators outlined the system employed for the manage- ment and retrieval of the data, as well as a summary of the data on protein, fat, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, energy (calories), and cholesterol. Three interim reports were published by Sidwell et al. (1977, 1978a, b), which summarized the data on the macroelement, microele- ment, and vitamin content of the raw (fresh or frozen) edible portion of seafoods. The primary objectives of this project are: 1) to de- velop a comprehensive, systematic data retrieval system containing available information on the chemical and nutritional composition offish and fishery products; 2) to publish as completely as possible information on the nu- trients found in fishery products; and 3) to point out areas in chemical composition of finfishes, whales, and shellfishes, needing further investigations. DISCUSSION This paper covers the data recorded in 1,204 scientific publications and includes some data that were gener- ated at the College Park Laboratory and not previously published. The paper also reviews work done by sci- entists in the United States and in foreign countries; therefore, it is worldwide in scope. The Systematic Index 'College Park Laboratory, Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, College Park, MD 20740. lists, alphabetically, the scientific names of approxi- mately 1,500 species of finfish and shellfish for which there are some composition data. Each investigator reported an average figure obtained either from several determinations on a composite sam- ple of fish or fishery products or from a single determina- tion on each of a number of fish. In the latter instance, the investigator reported the average and the range of the results obtained from the analyses. Both types of aver- ages were used in this paper to calculate the overall aver- age and range. The range of values for each constituent in the composition of a species of finfish or shellfish is sometimes quite large, as seen in Tables 1 through 24. A portion of this variation is undoubtedly due to seasonal and biological differences: size of animal, age, sex, degree of maturity, and environment. Also, a part of the vari- ability may be associated with the differences in analyti- cal methods applied by the various investigators to determine the amount of the component in fish. Many species of finfish and shellfish listed in Tables 1 through 24 have only one or two values associated with a specific constituent. In such cases, the limited number of values will give only an estimate of the amount of the compo- nent in seafoods; more data are needed to obtain a value that possesses any degree of reliability. In each table, the finfishes, crustaceans, and mollusks are listed alphabetically by common name along with the scientific name. Sometimes the original data were identi- fied by common and scientific family names and pooled under the family name. When the aquatic animal was listed by its common name only, the category was de- scribed as "unspecified." Although the common name of many species of finfishes, crustaceans, and mollusks varies with localities, the tables could not contain all the common names associated with a species; therefore, only the most commonly used names are listed in the General Index. k The scientific names are listed alphabetically in the Systematic Index. The following references were used to identify the scientific names: Herre (1953), Smith (1961), Organisation For Economic Co-operation and Develop- ment (1968), Bailey et al. (1970), Love (1970), Abbott (1974), and Wheeler (1975). With each set of data there is a brief description of the sample used in the analysis, e.g., muscle, raw; whole, raw; cooked; etc. The data presented in the various tables were taken from the scientific papers listed in the bibliography. Tables 1, 2, and 3 record the proximate composition of seafoods and their products. The variability in fat and moisture content, especially in raw seafood, is due main- ly to natural seasonal variation, age, size, area of catch, and type of aquatic animal. The factors that influence the fat and moisture content do not cause much varia- tion in protein and ash content, especially in the edible portion. The carbohydrate content in the seafood was calcu- lated by difference, i.e., the sum of the percentage of pro- tein, fat, ash, and moisture subtracted from 100% equals percent carbohydrate. The carbohydrate content in fish flesh is known to be low. The variability in the fat content is reflected in the energy values (calories) listed in the aforementioned tables. The values were calculated by the following for- mula: Estimated energy value = (protein X 4) -I- (fat X 9) + (carbohydrate x 4). Ash content of the flesh of finfishes and crustaceans is about 1.0% ± 0.5%. Some of the variability may be asso- ciated with the bones or viscera that were not totally re- moved during the filleting or cleaning process. The ash values will be 2 or 3 times greater when the whole fish is used in the analyses. Additions of salt and removal of water during processing further increase the ash content. Oftentimes moUusks, e.g., oysters or mussels, are eaten whole, so the corresponding ash values will be at the high end of the range. With few exceptions, the protein content of the raw flesh of finfish is about 20 ± 2%. It will be lower if the whole fish is used in the analysis due to higher fat and ash content. In some instances, for a few species of mol- lusks, like oysters or mussels, the protein will be notably lower than that in finfishes. The crustaceans, especially shrimp, are slightly higher than finfishes. Amino acid profiles of some finfishes and shellfishes are tabulated in Tables 4, 5, and 6. They are reported as percent of the total protein (6.25 X A^. Selected fatty acids of the total fat of finfish and shell- fish muscles are listed in Tables 7, 8, and 9. In this category the data on the composition of total fat are limited. Cholesterol content, total and free, is listed in Tables 10, 11, and 12. In this paper the data are limited in scope. The following generalization can be made: Finfish mus- cle is low in total cholesterol, especially in the so-called "low-fat fish." In mollusks and crustaceans, cholesterol tends to be 2 to 3 times greater than found in finfishes. In general, these values should be considered as estimates since the variability associated with age, size, sex, season, and spawning is not identified. Listed in Tables 13, 14, and 15 are the values for some of the nutritionally important macroelements — sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. In general, raw fish flesh, especially that of freshwater fin- fish, is relatively low in sodium content. Shellfish tend to contain higher levels of sodium. Seafood is an excellent source of potassium. Fish can be a good source of calcium if, like sardines, they are consumed with bones. Phos- phorus in the bones and/or flesh contributes signifi- cantly to a person's daily needs. Magnesium is a nutritionally important element. The amount found in aquatic animals may be influenced largely by the amount present in the environment. The physiological need of the element by the aquatic animal has not been established. In the higher forms of ter- restrial animals this element functions in the enzyme system active in carbohydrate metabolism. Most of the limited number of values fall between 20 and 40 mg/100 g of raw flesh. Fish flesh contains many of the elements found in sea- water. Some of these are nutritionally important, both to the animal and to the person who consumes the flesh of the animal; others may be a detriment. Listed in Tables 16 to 22 are 22 elements that are found in varying amounts in seafood flesh. The literature we reviewed contains minimal informa- tion on: 1) the physiological need for microelements in fish muscle; 2) the physiological interrelationships be- tween the elements; and 3) how much of an element can be expected to be naturally present in the fish muscle. Excellent and reliable data on the microelement con- tent of the flesh of commercially and recreationally im- portant species harvested from the coastal waters of the United States, Hawaii, and Alaska can be found in the paper by Hall et al. (1978). These data (not included in this paper) were generated over a period of 5 yr at the College Park Laboratory. Hall et al. (1978) does not fill the gaps that are evident in this paper. Listed in Tables 22, 23, and 24 are the following vita- mins: Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, folic acid, and vitamin Bi2. More extensive cover- age of the vitamin content of seafoods is in the fourth in- terim report by Sidwell et al. (1978b). Even from the limited and scattered data, we can assume that seafood is a good source of the vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin Bi2. In conclusion, as to the relevancy of the data summa- rized in this publication, it is important for the reader to keep in mind the important biological, physiological, and geographical differences that are present for the various species of aquatic animals we have included. The ani- mal under investigation should be clearly identified by the systematic name, place and time of catch, and phys- iological status (e.g., size, sex, state of spawning, length of time out of the water, etc.). Also, there should be a normal range of values corresponding to at least 1 yr of collections for at least two sizes and/or ages. The species of fish should be sampled at least once a month. Such background information is necessary to obtain the most useful meaning out of the present data base. Clearly, such information is critical if we are to be able to deduce why differences occur in the composition of a single species of fish that is procured from different places and analyzed by different investigators. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I heartily thank Pauline R. Foncannon who has worked diligently in gathering and assembling the data for this publication since its inception. I also express my appre- ciation to James C. Bonnet, David H. Buzzell, Audrey L. Loomis, Karen J. Loomis, and Nancy S. Moore who worked on the project at various times; to Lois F. Wine- miller who conscientiously worked to obtain copies of the scientific articles needed for the survey from the various libraries in the United States; to Joseph E. Arnold, the systems programmer; and a special thanks to Margaret L. Fellows who assumed the monumental task of typing this manuscript. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ABBOTT, R.T. 1974. American seashells. 2ded. Van Nos- trand Reinhold Co., N.Y., 663 p. 2. ABD-AL-RAHEEM, A. A. 1958. 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Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein Fat Ash Carbo- hydrates^' % 7. 2/ Calories- Per 100 gr^Tng Ainame Hexagranmios otakli Alewife Alosa pseudoharenRus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Canned Fishmeal Offal Raw 79.8 sV 71.6 6A. 4-79.0 14 73.0 3.8 17.5 1.1 17.3^^ 6.8^/ , 11. 7-20. 4^/ 2.9-15,2^' 92' 14.0 11.6 11.3-16.1 6.1-18.8 14 14 16.0 7.9 65.7 12.9 1.4 111 Al 2.8 1.7-3.9 14 2.4 14.6 0.4 0.7 3.0 86 138 391 Alfoncino Beryx splendens Amberjack, Greater Seriola dumerili Roe Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.9 18.5 3.4 73.9 18.9 8.7 1.1 73.3-74.4 15.4-20.8 8-21.2 1.0-1.1 2 3 3 2 14.1 54.6 4.6 28.4 12.2-15.0 54.0-54.9 4.5-4 6 3 3 3 260 Amberjack, King Seriola dorsalis Amberjack, Philippine Hynnis momsa Amberjack, Yellowtail Seriola qulnqueradlata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.0 73.4-77.5 4 21.1 19.1-22.5 4 2.8 1.0-4.0 4 1.2 1.1-1.3 3 75.6 74.4-76.3 3 21.3 21.0-21.6 3 1.0 .4-1.7 3 1.4 1.4-1.5 3 71.7 67.6-74.8 17 21.1 16.9-22.6 15 6.1 2.0-13.9 17 1.2 1.0-1.6 12 0.7 100 Canned In Oil, Smoked 42.9 Anchoveta Engraulis mysticetus Anchoveta Engraulis ringens Raw 65 73.2 .8-80.5 2 16.8 10.4-23 2 2 3.8 0.7-6 2 9 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 Whole Fishmeal 6.4 64.5 11.4 16.9 Whole Fishmeal 7 7.6 .4-7.7 2 66.0 64.9-67 2 8.2 7.8-8 2 6 13.7 12.9-14.5 2 4.5 356 Anchovy Engraulis mystax Muscle Raw 19.3 37 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein Z Fat % Anchovy , Ca ' Moi Coilia lindmani Anchovy , European Engraulis encrasicholus Anchovy, Longjaw, Bills Stolephorus heterolubus Anchovy, Longjaw, Delis Stolephorus comma rsonii Anchovy, Mandali Coilia dussumieri Anchovy, Northern Engraulis mordax Muscle Raw Raw 75.3 72.4-79 9 1 Canned In Olive Oil A2.7 Whole Raw 71.8 68.1-75 2 5 Dried 22.7 Dried & Smc ked 20.2 Salted 60.0 Salted 6. Dr ied 11.5 Salted S. Fe rmen ted 48.0 Whole Raw 84.1 Cooked Boiled 68.1 Dried 30.7 Muscle Raw 79.5 Raw 76.3 73.7-81.0 5 Dried 19.3 16.7-22.0 2 Salted & Dried 14.8 9.1-18.7 3 Salted & Fermented 64.3 Fishmeal (extracted) 4.4 1.9-9.3 4 Muscle Raw 77.1 Salted & Dried Whole Raw Deboned Raw 71.2 59.7-80.7 17 72.4 59.2-82.8 16 2.8 2.0-3.9 16 20.6 20.1 15.3-23.5 18.0 15.3-21.0 3 50.4 55.8 20.0 61.9 28.8 22.0 45.8 18.3 15.7-20 5 .7 59.2 49.8-68 2 70.2 62.0-83 3 14.3 7 9 78.9 76.7-80 A 3 15.0 14.6-15 2 52.6 4 13.8 11.0-16 17 5 12.9 10.5-14 16 4 90.7 79.5-98 16 Carbo- Calories^' hydrates^' % Per 100 grams 2.3 1.7-3.6 2.7 1.0-4.4 2 4.9 7.8 8.5 4.4 1.3 2.0 4.0 1.2 0.8-1.4 5 3.6 3.0-4.2 2 2.1 1.5-2.6 2 1.0 0.0 0.0-0.0 4 5.4 10.7 3.5-24.6 17 12.7 3.9-26.7 16 0.5 0.1-1.2 16 1.9 1.1-2.1 7 6.4 2.9-9.9 2 23.2 16.2 (11.5)^' 22.2 (31.9) 8.2 17.2 2.9 2.4-3.6 5 16.0 13.3-18.7 2 13.5 13.3-13.7 2 20.6 14.2 13.2-15.3 4 (10.9) 3.8 1.9-6.2 17 2.6 1.5-3.4 16 9.3 4.8-19.1 16 2.3 0.4 1.3 2.5 88 316 259 293 159 287 127 62 106 228 81 89 277 300 66 326 90 259 152 367 38 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finflshes , whales, apd products. Common and Scientific Name Descrlptl on Moisture % Muscle Raw Dark meat Light meat 74.6 77.8 Whole Raw 70.3 65.2-75.4 2 Whole Raw 76.6 74.2-78.1 24 Ash X Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grama Anchovy, Pacific Ensraulis japonicus Anchovy, Striped Anchoa hepsetus 19.9 20.8 16.6 15.2-18.0 2 17.3 16.2-18.9 24 3.8 0.5 4.8 1.2-8.5 2 2.8 1.6-4.6 23 1.5 1.6 5.2 4.8-5.7 2 3.3 2.5-4.1 23 0.2 Anchovy, Whitebait Stolephorus tri Anchovy Engraulidae Raw 78.6 78.0-79.1 2 Dried 26.0 Muscle Raw 75.2 73.1-76.9 4 Dried 13.4 Salted & Dried 20.7 Whole Raw 76.5 75.9-77.1 2 Dried 27.6 16.0-44.8 5 Paste 55.7 Salted 65.7 62.8-68.7 2 Salted & Dried 27.8 24.8-30.9 2 Fishmeal 6.8 3.1-8.2 15.0 1.6 2.7 14.5-15.5 1.4-1.8 2.5-2.9 2 2 2 45.9 3.0 (15.2) 19.6 3.1 2.2 16.7-21.8 0.4-6.0 1.7-2.6 4 4 3 68.2 4.0 4.4 67.5 3.3 8.4 17.1 2 9 3.5 16.4-17.7 2.2-3.5 3.5-3.6 2 2 2 54.9 3.4 14.2 37.8-69.0 1.6-5.5 11.3-15.8 5 5 5 20.6 12.1 7.1 9.5 2.1 20.6 9.5-9.6 1.9-2.2 16.7-24.5 2 2 2 39.6 4.6 28.9 36.1-43.1 2.3-6.8 27.0-30.8 2 2 2 64.7 7.8 17.1 50.3-71.4 3.3-13.4 14.5-26.1 7 8 7 10.0 4.5 2.1 3.6 349 400 210 65 Angelfish, Queen Holacanthus ciliaris Angelfish, Sea Bat Platax pinnatus Argentine, Atlantic Argentina silus Bamboof ish Sarpa salpa Muscle Raw 79.7 20.3 0.2 1.1 Muscle Raw 79.9 18.6 0.5 1.0 Whole Fishmeal 6.4 76.1 8.6 9.2 Muscle Raw 74.5 72.1-76 6 1 19.7 19.1-21 7 3 2.8 .8-4 7 6 1 2.0 .0-4.5 7 83 Barbel, Southern Barbus meridionalis Muscle Raw Barracouta Thyrsites atun Muscle Raw 71.9 21.9 5.C 1.7 65.6-85.0 21.0-22.4 2.5-6.7 1.3-1.9 9 8 9 8 39 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finflshes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Barracuda Sphyraena japonic^ Barracuda Sphyraena obtusata Barracuda Sphyraena vulgaris Barracuda, Great Sphyraena barracuda Barracuda, Guaguanche Sphyraena guachancho Dressed Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dressed Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Smoked Moisture % 68.5 67.8-70.0 3 65.6 65.0-66.3 3 (73.5) 75.8 74.8-76.8 2 Protein % 20.0 19.6-20.4 3 16.5 16.3-16.9 3 18.6 V 19.0 19.9 20.0 20.5 58.4 Fat % 6.2 4.3-7.4 3 7.1 6.2-8.0 3 3.5 1.1 5.5 1.4 0.6-2.1 2 1.2 0.5 3.8 Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Per 100 grams 3.9 3.6-4.1 3 8.0 7.5-8. 3 1.6 1.4-1.7 2 97 91 Barracuda, Pacific Sphyraena argentea Muscle Raw 74.5 21.2 3.1 .3-76.6 20.5-21.8 1.5-4.6 2 2 2 97 Barracuda, Red Sphyraena pinguis Barracuda, Striped Torclllo Sphyraena .iello Roe Raw Muscle Raw 21.9 8.7 77.2 19.3 0.9 1.6 75.6-79.4 18.4-20.6 0.2-1.4 1.2-1 5 5 5 5 89 Barracuda Sphyraenidae Bass, Sea Diplectrum radiale Bass, Sea Paralabrax humeralis Dressed Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 20.1 18.0 1.4 76.3 19.6 2.0 1.9 7.9-78.6 18.6-21.9 0.3-5.0 1.2-4.9 7 7 7 7 24.1 58.4 3.8 13.7 78.8 18.0 1.5 1.2 78.3-79.2 16.8-19.2 1.4-1.6 1.1-1.3 2 2 2 2 46.6 34.9 2.8 14.9 98 96 268 75 88 40 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat 7. Carbo- . Calories hydrates- % 2/ Per 100 Rrama Bass, Sea, Bank Centropristes ocyurus Bass, Sea, Black Centropristes striatus Whole Raw Muscle Raw 76.3 78.5 77.3-79.5 6 17.3 18.4 18.0-18.9 6 1.5 1.7 0.8-3.0 7 1.1 0.9-1.2 6 72 Cooked Baked Whole Raw 14.3 2.1 121 Bass, Sea, Cabrilla Paracentropristes cabrilla Offal Raw Roe Raw Muscle Raw 69.8 66.3-73 4 2 16.4 15.6-17 4 4 5 7.2 3-9 4 5 2 6.3 .9-8.4 4 130 76.5 16.9 3.8 1.6 1.2 107 77.0 76.3-77 2 7 20.0 18.8-21 2 2 1.3 8-1 2 7 1 1.3 .2-1.4 2 92 Bass , Sea, Cherlo Acanthlstlus pictus Bass, Sea, Japanese Lateolabrax japonicus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.9 18.4 3.2 1.2 74.0-77.4 18.0-19.0 0.8-6.6 1.1-1.2 4 3 5 4 93 Bass, Sea, Kelp Paralabrax clathratus Bass, Sea Serranldae Bass, Temperate, Rabaliza Morone lab rax Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone punctata Muscle Raw 79.6 20.1 0.1 1.1 Muscle Raw 78.3 19.1 1.6 1.3 74.5-80 8 15.0-21 0.4-3.7 1.2-1.5 9 8 9 7 Cooked Baked With Shr imp 67.4 19.6 5.6 1.8 Oven- -fried 60.8 21.5 8.5 2.5 Steamed 73.3 19.5 5.1 (2.1) Roe Raw 73.9 15.7 7.3 1.5 Muscle Raw 77.9 18.5 1.5 1.3 74.8-80 4 16.1-20 1.0-4.4 1.0-2.0 11 11 11 9 Dark meat 70.1 13.4 6.8 1.1 60.6-78 2 12.6-14 3 4.7-24.0 1.1-1.2 4 4 4 4 Whole Raw 71.9 15.5 4.6 4.7 70.2-73 6 15.2-15 8 3.3-5.9 4.6-4.8 2 2 2 2 Muscle Raw 78.4 18.8 1.4 1.2 77.7-78 8 18.4-19 2 1.3-1.4 1.1-1.3 3 2 2 2 5.6 6.7 1.6 90 m 124 135 163 117 41 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Protein % Fat % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- X Per 100 grama Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone lineatus Muscle Raw Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone saxatilis Bass , Temperate, White Morone chrysops Bass , Temperate Percichthyidae Muscle Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 79.2 77.5-80.6 4 17.3 16.4-18.8 3 2.3 1.5-2.9 3 1.0 0.9-1.1 3 70.0 66.0-74.0 2 16.1 15.7-16.4 2 8.3 4.4-12.1 2 4.9 77.0 74.7-78.8 4 18.2 17.7-18.9 4 3.1 2.3-4.5 4 1.5 1.0-2.9 4 70.8 69.8-71.8 2 15.5 . 15.0-15.9 2 8.4 8.3-8.5 2 4.6 4.3-4.8 2 76.5 75.7-77.7 4 18.7 17.8-19.3 4 3.5 2.1-4.5 5 1.1 1.1-1.2 4 90 0.7 Batfish, Silvery PsetCes sebae Muscle Raw Big-eye Scombrop boops Muscle Raw 1.6 Blacktail Ob lata melanura Muscle Raw 76.0 75.6-76.4 2 20.0 18.9-21.0 2 3.1 1.3-4. 2 1.4 1.3-1.4 2 Bleak Albumus lucida Bleeker Fseudorhombus neglectus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 80.2 17.4 0.5 1.6 80.1-80.3 17.4-17.4 0.5-0.5 1.6-1.6 3 3 3 3 136 74 Blenny Enedrlas nebulosus Bloater Coregonus hoyi Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Muscle Raw 75.1 19.0 2.4 3.4 Muscle Raw 66.7 64.0-69, 2 .3 19.0 14.0 2.0 Canned 69.0 16.2 5.8 1.8 Cooked Grill ed 55.6 22.6 17.4 (4.4) Paste 55.6 20.1 12.0 6.7 Muscle Raw 75.0 20.6 3.8 1.5 72.9-77. ,5 18.6-21.6 1.5-7.4 1.1-2.4 7 6 7 6 Salted S Dried 12.0 58.9 '■ 2.3 26.8 7.2 5.6 247 211 96 42 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein Z Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates-' % Per 100 Rrams Blueflsh Pomatoraidae Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereus Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Broiled Fried Steamed Unspecified" Muscle Raw 76.8 69.0-81.4 6 69.8 68.0-72.2 3 66.7 60.8 73.0 68.2 89.6 9.1-90.3 3 19.2 19.1-19.4 2 26.6 25.9-27.2 2 25.2 22.7 19.7 25.9 3.4-9.1 3 3.3 1.2-7.4 3 4.5 4.2-4.7 2 6.3 9.8 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5-4.5 2 1.4 1.3-1.4 3 1.1 0.8-1.4 2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.2 4.7 1.0 158 200 125 144 71 Dressed Dried 22.4 9.7-38.5 4 54.6 52.1-57.2 2 3.6 2.2-4.1 4 5.0 271 Bonito Auxis bisus Muscle Raw 24.8 3.4 136 Bonito, Atlantic Sarda sarda Bonito, Pacific Sarda chiliensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Roe Raw 70.7 64.5-75 10 1 18 23.2 .8-29 9 3 1 5.5 5-11 9 5 1.5 1.3-2.0 9 68.6 65.8-73 5 7 22 22.9 .6-23 5 5 2 6.8 6-10 4 2 1.5 1.4-1.6 4 44.0 32.3 5.1 15.2 3.4 75.5 17.2 3.0 1.5 2.8 159 Bonito Scombridae Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Dried 73.9 68.9-78.2 7 69.9 23.9 13.8-44.0 3 20.5 15.4-24.7 7 24.0 53.4 32.3-74.5 2 2.5 0.5-4.2 6 3.7 3.0 1.9-5.1 3 1.4 1.3-1.8 6 1.6 9.6 4.0-15.2 2 1.7 0.8 10.1 118 281 Bowfin, Mudfish Ami a calva Roe Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw 17.2 20.1 15.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 3.2 Bream, Bronze Abramls braraa Muscle Raw 78.7 78.4-79.0 2 16.2 16.0-16.4 2 4.1 4.0-4.2 2 (1.0) Whole Fishmeal 12.4 11.8-13.1 2 72.2 67.7-76.6 2 7.2 1.9-12.5 2 (8.2) 354 43 Table 1. — Proximate composition of flnfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- T, Per 100 Rram.9 3ream, Gllthead Chrysophrys aurata Muscle Raw 77.0 74.8-78.9 5 19.4 17.3-20.3 7 2.2 0.5-3.3 1.3 1.1-1.5 6 ire am. Mud Acanthopagrus berda Muscle Raw Salted 4 Dried 75.6 73.6-76.6 6 43.1 42.8-43.8 3 21.1 20.5-21.8 6 34.3 34.3-34.3 3 1.1 0.2-1.9 6 6.2 6.2-6.2 3 1.6 1.3-2.5 6 15.7 15.7-15.7 3 Bream, Red Beryx decadactylus Bream, Sea Dentex canariensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Bream, Sea Dentex maratanus Muscle Raw 78.8 18.7 2.5 1.4 77.6-80.0 18.6-18.7 2.2-2.8 1.3-1.5 2 2 2 2 97 Bream, Sea, Pagre Pagrus pagrus Bream, Sea, Red Chrysoshrys major Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 76.6 77.0 18.8 2.2 1.3 70.4-80.6 13.6-22.7 0.2-4.3 1.2-1.5 6 7 6 4 Roe Raw 74.6 18.0 Bream, Sea, Yellow Talus tumi irons Muscle Raw 76.3 76.0-76.6 2 Bream, Southern Stenotomus oculeatus Bream, Tooched Dentex vulfiaris 3ream, White, Sargo Diplodus sargus Brill Rhombus laevis Brill, Rough Scaled Pseudorhombus oligodon Bumper, Atlantic Chloroscombrus chrysurus Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried 73.0 18.7 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw 77.1 75.6-77.8 4 18.8 16.7-21.4 5 2.7 1.0-3.5 5 1.4 1.2-1.6 5 73.9 66.1-77.6 4 12.8 11.5-13.5 3 19.5 17.3-20.8 5 55.6 55.6-55.6 3 3.6 0.8-9.6 5 3.3 3.3-3.3 3 2.1 1.5-3.5 5 29.7 29.6-29. 3 78.3 76.3-81.4 5 17.7 15.9-19.4 6 2.0 0.1-4.7 6 1.6 1.2-1.8 5 76.8 76.0-78.1 3 19.4 15.7-20.5 3 2.7 0.2-6.5 3 1.3 1.0-1.6 3 72.8 70.0-79.1 3 18.4 18.0-19.1 3 5.1 0.4-11.0 2 4.1 3.9-4.2 4 92 106 44 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 srams Burbot Lota lota Muscle Raw 81.1 .1-82.6 5 17.6 16.3-19.2 4 0.8 O.A-1.2 5 1.3 1.0-1.9 4 Whole Raw Flshmeal 78.1 10.5 15.2 66.2 3.7 6.6 2.8 16.4 0.2 0.3 95 324 Butterflsh Peprllus trlcanthus Muscle Raw Cooked Flshloaf Whole Raw 71.9 64.0-80.0 73.1 76.7 8.2-79.3 24 17.3 16.3-18.2 16.5 14.4-18.3 25 11.2 5.1-17.3 7 0.5 4.2 1.3-13. J 24 1.4 1.0-2.2 6 0.5 2.7 1.9-3.5 24 6.1 114 109 104 Offal Raw 72.7 3.7-77.4 3 14.8 14.4-15.4 3 8.7 4.6-13.0 3 3.0 2.8-3.1 3 0.8 141 Butterflsh, Black Stromateus nlger Muscle Raw 76.6 70.6-80.6 6 17.9 15.3-20.3 7 2.2 1.0-4.0 6 1.3 .4-2.2 6 2.0 99 Butterflsh, Silver Stromateus clnereus Muscle Raw 74.8 71.0-78.4 5 17.9 15.1-22.7 7 3.5 1.3-4.9 3 2.3 Butterflsh Stroma teidae Muscle Raw 75.9 70.0-79.1 3 18.7 18.0-19.1 3 5.7 0.4-11.0 2 1.4 1.2-1.6 3 Butterfly fish, Ca Chix Coradlon altlveltls Mus cle Raw 79.7 0.3 78 Butterf lyflsh Chaetodontldae Muscle Raw 77.6 75.1-78.9 4 20.1 19.7-21.0 4 0.3 0.6-2.9 4 1.2 1.1-1.3 4 Caesio, Golden Caeslo chrysozonus Caesio, Golden Caesio cuning Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.9 78.7-79.4 5 38.4 77.9 77.5-78.1 5 19.4 19.2-19.5 5 44.6 20.0 18.9-20.6 4 0.7 0.6-1.0 5 4.9 0.7 0.3-O.E 5 1.3 1.2-1.4 5 8.3 1.4 1.3-1.6 5 84 Caesio, Moon Caesio lunaris Caesio, Sulid Caesio caerulaureus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 77.7 80.0 0.6 0.2 Capelln Mallotus villosus Muscle Raw 81.8 3.1 2.6-3.4 3 (0.6) 45 Table 1. — Proximate composition of ftnfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash % 7. 7. % Whole Raw 80.0 14.1 4.1 2.1 75.6-82, ,3 13.0-15.3 2.1-10. 3 .1-3.2 28 25 29 21 Fishmeal 13.6 68.4 8.8 8.3 Muscle Raw 77.5 14.6 4.3 2.1 Muscle Raw 76.2 17.4 5.9 1.1 67.3-80, .7 12.3-20.9 1.3-14 .8 1.0-1.5 33 31 30 25 Cooked Boiled 75.2 16.2 6.5 1.1 Whole Raw 71.6 14.0 9.6 3.2 Offal Raw 64.0 16.1 14.3 6.7 Carbo-, , Calories^' hydrates 1/ Per 100 grams Carp Chela bacila Carp Cyprinus carpio 64.0 16.1 14.3 6.7 63.3-64.9 14.8-17.4 9.8-18.0 3.6-9.3 3 3 3 3 Carp Leuciscus souffia Muscle Raw Carp, Bata Labeo bata Muscle Raw 75.1 67.3-79.9 5 15.9 14.1-19.4 5 3.2 .1-8. 5 2.0 1.6-2.2 5 Carp , Chevenne Leuciscus cephalus Muscle Raw 78.7 77.9-79.1 3 17.8 15.6-19.0 3 2.7 1.3-5.4 3 Carp, Crucian Cyprinus carassius Muscle Raw 79.2 78.0-83.0 15.8 14.8-16.3 2.4 0.6-3.5 2.6 1.3-5.2 4 Carp, Ghania Labeo nonius Muscle Raw 80.5 79.5-82.1 3 20.4 17.2 15.7-18.0 3 63.3 .3 0.1-.5 3 2.4 1.7 1.3-2.0 3 12.2 Carp, Indian Barbus putitora Carp, Indian Barbus stiRma Carp, Indian Labeo rohita Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.1 72.0-82.6 11 19.4 14.2 17.7 16.3-18.9 11 1.3 2.1 0.1-2. 7 1.1 0.9-1.4 6 4.2 Whole Fishmeal 6.1 5.3-6.9 2 74.4 72.2-76.6 2 3.1 2.2-3.9 2 10.4 8.4-12.4 2 Roe Raw 64.3 26.4 "• (3.3) Carp, Indian, Puti Barbus punltus sophore Muscle Raw Dried & Smoked 77.9 18.0 2.8 1.4 .0-79.1 16.0-19.3 2.4-3.1 1.4-1.5 4 6 2 2 30.0 40.2 8.2 9.8 97 46 Table 1. — Proximate composition offlnflshes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Carp, Indian, Putl Barbus sarana Description Moisture Z Protein % Muscle Raw 79.0 77.A-81.3 J 16. A 14.4-19.7 3 Fat 7. 0.8 0.3-1.2 2 Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Z Per 100 grama 1.3 1.2-1. A 3 83 Carp, Katla Catla catla Carp, Mahasole Barbus tor Carp, Mrigala Clrrhina mrlgala Whole Dried Muscle Raw Dried Whole Raw Fishmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 61.4 2.5 78.8 73.7-82.0 7 19.7 70.0 7.2 78.3 75.0-81.1 U 16 8 4.1 -19 5 5 66 3 19 2 73 .5 18.5 14.4-19.5 16 1.6 0.8-1.6 3 4.3 2.5 12.3 2.3 0.4 0.1-0. 11 1.3 1.1-1.5 4 7.1 (8.3) (7.0) 1.5 1.0-1.6 10 1.3 292 88 314 99 405 126 84 Carp, Orange Fin Labeo calbasu Whole Raw Fishmeal Muscle Raw 74.0 7.5 79.1 75.0-81.3 10.6 78.4 16.6 14.7-18.6 10 1.0 4.0 1.1 0.2-2.0 4 (14.4) (10.1) 1.4 1.3-l.E 5 51 350 16.3 68.6 3.4-68.7 2 Carp, Reba Cirrhina reba Muscle Raw 79.4 77.0-83.1 3 16.2 12.8-19.7 3 1.3 0.3-2.3 2 1.3 1.1-1.5 3 84 Carp, Silver Hypophthalmichthys molitrlx Muscle Raw 18.9 2.5 1.2-3. 2 1.3 Carp, Tribolodon Tribolodon haronensls Muscle Raw 78.2 78.0-78.3 2 2.8 2.5-3.4 3 97 Carp Cyprlnidae Muscle Raw Dried 6. Smoked 76.4 64.5-80.4 19 8.0 14.9 17.8 15.4-22.4 22 74.0 79.2 2.5 0.7-9.0 30 6.4 1.4 1.2 0.5-1.7 15 11.6 4.5 354 329 Catfish, Air-breathing Clarias fuscus Muscle Raw 16.7 1.6 84 Catfish, Air-breathing Clarias magur Mus cle Raw 76.6 71.2-80 3 16.5 13.6-18.8 3 4.3 0.4-8.2 2 1.5 1.3-1.9 3 47 Table 1. — Proximate composition offmfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7, Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo- . hydratesi' % Calor Per 100 Muscle Raw 77.7 76.3-79, 8 .9 17.5 15.0-19. 9 ,7 2.8 0.4-4.8 7 1.4 1.1-2.1 7 0.6 98 Muscle Raw 82.2 15.7 1.1 1.0 73 Muscle Raw 79.7 18.1 0.9 1.3 82 Muscle Smoked 43.9 32.9 19.6 4.7 308 Muscle Raw 72.9 19.6 5.8 1.4 0.3 132 Muscle Raw 78.4 16.7 3.8 1.4 101 Muscle Raw Dried 82.4 18.7 15.4 67.6 0.6 6.2 0.9 5.4 0.7 2.1 70 335 Muscle Raw 73.2 14.7 8.0 1.3 2.8 142 Muscle Raw Offal Raw 81.5 80.4-82 4 77.3 76.9-77 2 .6 .6 16.2 16.0-16 4 14.6 14.2-14, 2 .3 .9 1.7 1.2-2.3 4 5.6 5.4-5.7 2 1.0 3.4 2.7-4.0 2 80 109 s2/ Catfish, Air-breathing, Hito Clarias batrachus Catfish, Air-breathing, Karmouth Clarias lazaiae Catfish, Electric Malapterurus electricus Catfish, Fresh Water Chrysichus nigrodigltatus Catfish, Fresh Water Neptuna thalassinus Catfish, Fresh Water Pseudobagrus aurantiacus Catfish, Fresh Water, Bacha Eutropiichthys vacha Catfish, Fresh Water, Bichua Pseudoen tropins garus Catfish, Fresh Water, Bullhead, Black Ictalurus melas Catfish, Fresh Water, Butter, Pabda Muscle Callichrous bimaculatus Raw 77.2 14.4 2.6 Catfish, Fresh Water, Channel Ictalurus punctatus Catfish, Fresh Water, Dwarf Mac rones cavasius Catfish, Fresh Water, Gomna Rita rita Catfish, Fresh Water, Kired Bagarlus yarreli Catfish, Fresh Water, Mulley Wallagonia attu Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.7 1.8-79. 5 ,4 17.6 15.7-20, 5 .5 5.2 .7-11 5 .0 1.1 .9-1.5 5 79.2 7.4-80, 4 .3 16.9 15.8-17 3 .5 0.3 .0-0. 2 5 1 1.6 .2-1.9 2 78.8 18.6 0.4 1.2 77.2 13.7 2.1 1.0 78.3 '3.0-80, 14 .7 17.4 12.3-19 14 .9 1.1 .3-3. 13 1 1.4 .2-1.8 14 1.8 Catfish, Fresh Water, Pabda Callichrous pabda Catfish, Fresh Water, Seenghara Macrones seenRhala Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 81.2 78.9 75.5-80.4 10 17.3 15.3-19.3 10 0.3 0.1-0.5 9 1.5 1.2-1.£ 10 Catfish, Fresh Water, Shengti Macrones gluilo Muscle Dried 47.2 3.8 (11.9) 48 Table 1. — Proxliiiate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydratea- __% % Per 100 grams Catfish, Fresh Water, Striped, Macrones vittalus Dwarf Muscle Raw 80.6 3.0-81.2 2 lA.l 13.9-14.3 2 1.1 Catfish, Fresh Water Ictalurldae Muscle Raw 72.3 64.1-81.6 5 18.2 17.4-22.1 7 8.2 1.3-20.6 5 1.5 0.9-2.1 3 Catfish, Sea Arlus arius Whole Raw Fishmeal 68.0 4.9 20.5 77.9 2.2 10.9 (9.3) (6.3) 102 410 Catfish, Sea Arius lelotetocephalus Muscle Raw 77.7 77.2-78.1 2 21.0 20.7-21.2 2 0.6 0.5-0.6 2 1.2 1.1-1.3 2 Catfish, Sea Arlus thalassinus Catfish, Sea Bagre macracanthus Catfish, Sea, Hardhead Arius fells Catfish, Sea, Manila Arius manlllensis Catfish, Sea, Shingal Arius dussumieri Catfish, Sea Ariidae Catfish, Stinging Saccobranchus fossilis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 0.5 71.5 69.8-72.7 6 Salted 6, Dried 38.3 36.7-39.8 Raw 73.6 61.0-79 7 4 Muscle Raw 78.6 74.5-81 1 7 Cooked Fried Battered 61.9 Steamed 73.6 Dried 16.2 7.1-20 9 3 Dried & Smoked 11.5 Salted 36.0 Salted & Dried 32.3 26.5-38 1 2 Smoked 42.8 Muscle Raw 75.5 72.0-82 9 5 Whole Raw 76.0 Fishmeal 6.9 18.2 16.4 15.4-17.4 6 18.2 45.3 45.1-45.4 2 17.5 12.7-20.9 4 17.6 16.1-19.3 7 18.8 20.4 66.1 62.5-71.1 3 77.6 37.6 43.9 42.7-45.1 2 32.9 18.5 14. 5-22. f 7 16.0 81.4 6.0 5.9 4.3-8.8 4.2-7.0 6 6 1.5 1.3 2.0 15.4 1.2-2.8 15.0-15.7 2 2 1.9 1.1 0.6-3.1 0.9-1.2 4 3 3.6 1.2 0.2-16.8 1.0-1.5 7 7 10.5 (2.0) 3.7 (2.3) 10.1 7.6 6.3-14.4 4.8-10.6 3 3 8.0 2.9 5.4 21.0 1.8 17.3 1.2-2.4 15.6-18.9 2 2 19.6 4.7 1.0 1.5 0.6-1.3 1.3-1.7 3 3 1.1 (6.9) 7.0 (4.7) 2.0 (6.8) 4.7 82 77 94 199 111 197 115 356 382 199 211 308 88 389 Cavefish Amblyopsis godonmola Whole Raw 4.1 119 49 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein Fat % 7. Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates^' 7. % Per 100 grams Characin Prochilodus laticeps Chub, Sea, Striped Rudder Kyphosus lembus Chub, Sea Kyphosldae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 73.1 71.2-74.6 5 15.4-25.1 5 21.1 18.7 2.3 1.4-2. 5 1.7 1.5-2.5 5 Chub, Utah Gila atraria Muscle Raw Offal Raw 15.5 13.1 Cichlld Cichlidae Muscle Raw 77.4 73.2-81.5 2 20.5 16.0-24.5 4 0.8 0.5-1.0 2 1.7 1.5-1.6 2 Cisco, Lake Coregonus artedii Muscle Raw 76.4 71.7-81.3 19.4 17.1-20. 7 3.2 1.5-6. 7 1.2 1.0-1.5 10 Whole Raw 74.0 72.9-75.1 2 9.8 17.4 16.6-18.2 2 68.3 6.8 5.6-8.0 2 7.8 2.3 2.2-2.4 2 12.8 Offal Raw 7.2 Cisco, Longjaw Coregonus alpenae Muscle Raw 73.3 15.3 10.3 1.1 71.2-76.3 12.4-16.9 10.0-10.8 ■ 1.0-1.1 3 3 3 3 Offal Raw Cisco, Short jaw Coregonus zenithicus Cisco, Shortnose Coregonus reighardi Cisco Salmonidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 13.1 73.7 14.9 8.9 1.3 69.9-76.8 13.5-15.5 0.6-14.7 0.9-1.6 4 5 5 4 Whole Raw 9.6 Citharinus Citharinus citharinus Muscle Raw 70 . 3 Dried & Smoked 14.4 23.8 75.1 3.7 5.7 2.2 4.8 129 352 50 Table 1. — Proximate composition of f inf ishes , whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein % Fat % Ash 7. Carbo- . Calories hydrates- 2/ Per 100 grams Cob la Rachycentron canadus Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua Cod, Pacific Gadus macrocephalus Cod Gadldae Muscle Raw 74.9 69.2-78 A 3 scle Raw 80.9 72.A-83 36 5 Cooked Boiled Salted Dried 67.5 Dried 15.6 11.8-19 5 9 Salted 6, Dried 37.9 11.8-54 9 8 Salted & Smoked 58.1 50.5-65 7 Raw 79.4 79.3-79 .4 2 Offal Raw 77.6 76.3-78 .5 3 Muscle Raw 82.1 81.1-83 2 5 Hard Dried 21.8 Salted 6. Dried 51.1 43.9-58 3 2 Offal Raw 78.6 Roe Raw 73.9 Mus cle Raw 81.0 75.1-84 2 37 Canned In Brine 54.3 53.5-55 2 Cooked Baked In Spanish 74.9 Sauce Fried Battered 65.2 60.9-69 4 2 Grilled With Butter 64.6 18.9 18.4-19.7 4 16.9 15.0-19.6 35 29.5 79.2 75.0-84.4 6 42.1 19.0-78.0 8 23.7 20.3-27.1 2 16.4 15.8-16.9 3 16.3 15.9-16.6 3 16.7 14.6-17.9 6 58.0 39.7 31.1-53.0 3 16.5 21.4 17.4 13.9-21.2 30 26.4 25.4-27.3 2 19.3 20.2 19.6-20.7 2 27.0 5.4 3.8-10.0 4 0.6 0.1-1.2 39 0.6 1.4 0.7-2.5 4 0.6 0.3-2.5 8 0.4 0.3-0.4 2 0.7 0.5-0.9 2 1.8 0.3-4.3 3 0.7 0.1-2.0 7 1.5 0.9 0.5-1.4 3 2.0 0.5 0.1-2.2 32 0.3 0.3-0.3 2 7.5 4.7-10.3 2 1.3 1.7 1 .0-2.4 25 2.4 3.8 1 .6-5.9 4 17.9 8 .4-24.7 7 17.9 3 .6-22.1 2 3.7 3 .5-3.8 2 4.1 3 .4-4.6 3 1.0 0.7-1.2 4 18.8 15.3 10.2-20.4 3 1.3 1.0-2.3 27 21.9 19.0-24.7 2 124 12 3 329 180 81 70 246 167 74 5.3 (3.1) 51 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Protein Z Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- X Per 100 grams Kabob With Bacon 71.8 With Tomato Sauce 67.3 Rice Loaf 72.6 Steamed 76.8 74.3-79.2 2 ried Moderately 29.6 12.3-39.5 7 Moisture Free 0.0 Fish Stick Raw Lightly Salted Salted 6. Dried Whole Dried 67.7 66.6-68.2 3 59.8 56.2-63.2 4 71.7 71.4-72.0 2 37.6 17.0-53.5 12 5.1 4.5-6.1 A 18.3 2.2-34.1 4 Offal FPC 6.3 2.8-11.7 3 4.9 0.7-9.7 6 3.5 17.4 20.5 14.7 20.2 18.0-22.4 2 59.1 42.0-81.8 87.0-92.8 2 15.8 15.7-15.9 3 14.3 13.2-15.6 4 21.0 20.0-22.0 3 42.2 25.4-72.0 17 91.5 89.1-93.3 5 56.1 44.7-66.8 4 72.7 67.4-77.5 4 77.5 74.0-84.7 6 6.3 1.8 3.5 2.2 2.7 2.1 0.8 (2.3) 0.7-0.9 (1.9)-(2.6) 2 2 1.7 12.5 1.0-2.8 6.7-22.0 8 7 2.5 5.4 1.6-3.4 5.1-5.6 2 2 0.4 (16.1) 0.4-0.4 (15.5)-(17.3) 3 3 7.7 1.6 6.6-8.3 5 0.6 7.2 0.5-0.7 3 1.2 20.2 0.3-2.5 8.3-24.7 18 12 0.2 5.0 0.1-0.2 1.9-8.4 2 5 1.3 25.1 0.5-2.2 20.0-35.4 4 4 2.8 19.4 0.9-3.9 16.6-25.3 4 4 0.2 17.4 0.1-0.3 13.1-22.6 5 6 2.7 134 6.5 124 7.9 92 97 (4.5) 118 388 394 381 Combtooth, Blenny Blennius palmicomis Combtooth, Blenny Blennius pavo Combtooth, Blenny Blennius tentacularis Combtooth, Butterfly Blenny Blennius ocellaris Roe Raw Cooked Boiled 6. Fr In Vinegar Salted Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 72.5 22.3 1.9 1.5 1.8 112 69.7-75 3 20.4-24 3 1.3-2.4 1.4-1.8 6 6 6 4 62.0 20.6 11.9 (5.5) 211 71.1 24.0 3.2 (1.7) 132 58.7 17.8 5.9 10.0 7.6 164 53.7-63 7 17.7-17 9 0.4-11.3 6.7-13.2 2 2 2 2 77.0 113 104 88 108 52 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finftshes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 Rrama Combtooth, Tompot Blenny Blennius gattoruggine Coral Cod Cephalopholis miniatus Coralfish, Goat Bream Sargus annularis Crevalle Caranx dledaba Crevalle, Jack Carangoldes ajax Crevalle, Jack Caranx carangus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Muscle Cooked Fried Muscle Raw 79.0 77.2 77.0-77.4 2 18.4 19.2 20.3 48.4 24.2 18.8 18.5-19.1 2 1.8 1.0 1.5 12.6 5.4 1.9 1.1-2.7 2 1.2 1.7 1.5-l.f 2 86 319 Crevalle Carangidae Croaker Micropogon barretoi Croaker Micropogon opercularis Croaker Otolithus brachygnathus Croaker Sciaena deliciosa Croaker, Aba Johnius belengeri Croaker, Atlantic Micropogon undulatus Whole Dried Muscle Raw 76.6 76.2-76.9 2 20.7 19.9-21.4 2 1.7 0.7-2.7 2 22.9 1.3 1.2-1.3 2 Whole Raw FPC 75.0 6.7 19.0 79.0 3.1 1.8 (2.9) (12.1) Whole Raw 78.0 17.0 2.8 (2.2) Muscle Raw 79.0 19.2 0.6 1.2 Muscle Raw 75.9 74.5-76.5 4 Salted & Dried 36.6 28.4-44.8 2 18.6 16.0-19.7 4 36.8 30.9-42.6 2 2.0 1.0-3.1 3 3.6 2.0-5.2 2 1.4 1.2-1.5 3 18.7 18.6-18.7 2 Muscle Kaw 79.5 76.8-80.9 4 17.4 1.7 1.5 Muscle Raw 78.4 72.5-84.3 5 17.5 14.1-19.4 5 1.5 0.4-2.9 5 1.1 0.9-1.3 5 Whole Raw 75.3 69.9-77.2 11 16.1 15.2-17.8 11 3.8 1.3-8.6 11 4.7 2.7-6.2 11 Offal Raw 73.7 69.8-77.5 2 15.0 14.3-15.7 2 4.2 0.4-8.0 2 6.4 5.7-7.1 (0.4) 104 334 93 82 92 99 53 Table 1. — Proxinlate composition offinfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Ash Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates-' __% Z Per 100 grams Croaker, Banded Larimus fasciatus Whole Raw 74.6 7A.1-75.6 3 17.7 17.6-17. 3 3.7 2.3-4.4 3 4.0 Croaker, Black Pogonias cromis Croaker, Corvina Micropogon fumjerl Croaker, Robalo Sciaena starksei Croaker, Roncador Ophioscion venezuelae Croaker, Smooth Scaled Pseudosciaena anea Muscle Raw FPC 79.8 8.3 18.4 81.8 0.5 0.4 1.2 3.6 5.9 78 354 Muscle Raw 78.5 19.5 0.7 1.2 84 Whole Raw 77.8 77.5-78. 2 ,1 18.3 18.2-18, 2 .4 1 1.8 .7-1. 2 8 3.2 3.1-3. 2 2 89 Muscle Raw Salted 6, Dried 78.7 76.7-80. 2 12.2 .6 16.1 13.4-18, 2 53.7 .8 2.8 2.2 0.9 30.7 1.5 1.2 96 239 Muscle Raw 78.9 78.2-79. 2 ,5 19.1 18.8-19, 2 .3 0.8 .5-1. 2 1 1.5 1.1-1. 2 8 84 Muscle Raw Salted 6. Dried 78.8 37.2 19.1 39.3 0.4 6.1 1.0 17.1 0.7 0.3 83 212 Croaker, Smooth Scaled Sciaena dussumieri Muscle Raw Croaker, Verrugato Sciaena ranchus Muscle Raw 79.6 79.1-80.0 2 Croaker, Whiskered Umbrina russelle Muscle Raw 77.0 76.7-77.2 3 19.9 19.9-20.0 3 1.7 1.7-1.7 3 1.4 1.2-1.7 3 Croaker, White, Nibe Argyrosomus argentata Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 79.4 78.3-80.0 3 34.5 15.9 13.2-18.6 2 30.9 3.6 1.8-5.3 2 12.3 1.0 0.6-1.3 2 17.7 Croaker, Yellow Umbrina steindachneri Muscle Raw Cusk Brosme brosme Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Battered Steamed 80.5 77.8-82.6 65.8 74.3 18.5 16.9-20.0 10 19.3 22.4 0.6 0.2-1. 6 4.3 0.7 1.2 0.8-1.5 4 [U] 9.4 144 96 54 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- 7, Per 100 grams Cusk-Eel Lepophidlum brevibarbe Cusk-Eel, Bearded Ophidium Ophiodon barbatum Cusk-Eel, Congrio Colorado Genypterus chi liens is Cusk-Eel, Congrio Negro Genypterus macula t us Cusk-Eel, Kingklip Genypterus capensis Cusk-Eel, Ling Genypterus blacodes Cutlassfish Le pidopus caudatus Cutlassfish Trichiurus japonicus Cutlassfish Trichiurus lepturus Cutlassfish Trichiurus savala Cutlassfish, Ribbon fish Trichiurus haumela Cutlassfish Trichiuridae Dab Limanda liraanda Dab Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 17.7 20.1 0.3 0.4 1.1 Raw 80.7 80.0-81 2 3 15.5 0.2 1.1 Muscle Raw 80.3 77.6-83 2 17.6 2.1 1.7 Muscle Raw 81.7 17.1 0.1 1.1 Muscle Raw 81.4 15.8 0.2 1.1 Muscle Raw 72.8 20.8 2.5 1.4 Muscle Raw 65.0 63.0-66 2 9 17.1 17.0-17. 2 2 14.6 5.9-20.7 3 1.0 Whole Raw 77.0 75.4-78 6 8 17.3 16.3-18. 6 1 3.4 2.6-4.3 6 2.6 2.3-3.5 6 Muscle Raw Salted 5. Dr 75.7 74.7-76 2 Led 6.7 .6 20.1 18.1-22 2 76.1 2.0 .8-3.2 2 8.7 1.7 1.5-1.9 2 (8.5) Muscle Raw 79.3 77.1-81 3 5 17.9 16.8-19 3 1 1.2 .3-2.1 2 1.4 0.9-1.7 3 Dressed Dried 17.0 61.5 7.2 10.6 Whole Dried 38.0 33.7 4.3 23.5 Muscle Raw Salted 75.4 74.0-76 2 61.2 7 18.3 17.4-19 3 21.7 .4 4 5.3 .6-6.0 2 7.7 1.4 1.3-1.5 2 7.8 Muscle Raw 81.9 77.9-85 2 8 15.1 12.1-18 2 .0 2.1 .4-3.8 6 1.1 1.0-1.3 2 Muscle Raw 77.9 76.3-79 2 4 16.0 2.1 1.9 2.3 69 383 55 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Ash Carbo- . Calories'' hydrates^' Z % Per 100 grams Dace Cyprinidae Muscle Dried 11.2 54.6 Damselflsh Chromls chromis Muscle Raw Dogfish, Cazon Carcharius aetholorus Dogfish, Lesser Spotted Halaelurus burgerli Dogfish, Smooth Mustelus canls Dogfish, Spiny Squalus acanthias Dogfish, White Mustelus dorsalis Dogfish Squalidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 72.0-81.2 7 2A.5 0.6 Raw 77.6 26.1 25.4-27 3 6 0.2 1.4 1.3-1.6 3 Muscle Raw Cooked Flshloaf 72.8 69.5-75 6 67.3 1 17.6 16.2-19 6 18.6 6 9.5 4.8-15 10 11.9 3 1.3 0.8-1.8 4 0.2 Roe Raw 48.4 46.8-50 2 .0 25.0 24.3 23.5-25 2 0.9 0.8-1.0 2 Muscle Smoked 26.8 52.2 1.8 18.7 Muscle Raw 74.4 19.6 5.2 1.4 1.4 96 156 324 Roe Raw 50.0 25.0 Dolphin, Dorado Aurata aurata Dolphin, Mai Mai, Dorado Coryphaena hippurus Dolphin Coryphaenidae Tail Cooked Fried Battered 44.4 17.9 25.2 (1.4) (11.1) 343 Muscle Raw 80.5 80.0-81.0 2 17.6 17.0-18.1 2 1.6 1.0-2.2 2 (0.3) 85 Muscle Raw 76.4 19.3 1.1 1.4 1.8 94 74.6-78.4 18.5-20.1 0.2-3.2 1.3-1.5 3 4 5 3 Cooked Fried Breaded 57.5 15.8 8.6 1.5 16.6 207 Broiled 69.8 26.3 0.4 2.0 1.3 114 Muscle 75.4 18.6 3.2 2.2 6 106 Raw 72.8-78.0 16.8-20.4 0.6-8.1 1.3-3.3 2 2 3 2 56 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Dory, John Zeus capensis Dory, John Zeus faber Descrlp ti on Moisture X Protein % Fat Aflh % Carbo- . hydratesl' % Calorles^^ Per 100 grams Muscle Raw 78.0 18.3 3.4 1.2-6.3 4 1.2 104 Muscle Raw 78.3 73.8-80.3 4 17.8 15.6-21 k 1.4 0.5-3.3 7 1 1.4 .0-1. 4 9 1.1 88 Dory, John Zeus japonicus Dory, John Zeldae Drepane Drepane af ricana Drepane, Concertinafish Drepane punctata Drum Cynoscion striatus Muscle Raw 77.6 21.0 0.6 1.3 89 Muscle Cooked Steamed 76.7 19.9 1.4 (1.3) 0.7 95 Muscle Raw 79.6 18.0 1.6 0.8 0.8 90 Dressed Raw 71.3 70.8-72 4 2 19.6 19.3-20 4 3 2 3.1 .4-3. 4 7 5.2 4.5-6.2 4 0.8 110 Muscle Raw 78.0 76.2-79 6 7 19.3 18.9-19 6 7 1.5 .9-2. 6 1.5 1.1-2.9 6 91 Muscle Raw FPC 76.7 5.8 18.2 83.9 2.1 0.9 (3.0) 2.2 7.2 104 353 Drum, Corvina Sciaena gilbert! Muscle Raw 74.0 19.9 1.7 1.5 1.5-76.8 19.0-21.6 0.9-2.4 1.4-1.5 4 4 2 2 DruDi, Dhoma Sciaena glauca Drum, Fresh Water Aplodlnotus grunniens Muscle Raw (1.8) Drum, Oveva Sciaena breviceps Drum, Popa Sciaenoides pama Drum, Red Sciaenops occelata Drum, Star Stellifer lanceolatus Raw 76.7 73.9-82 10 9 17.4 15.9-18 11 4 5.5 1.0-8.4 11 1 1.1 .0-1.1 14 Whole Raw Fishmeal 71.4 68.7-75 3 8.9 6 16.0 14.9-16 3 62.4 6 7.6 2.5-11.9 3 8.4 4 4.9 .3-5.6 3 20.5 Offal Raw 72.1 13.2 7.2 8.0 Muscle Raw 77.6 19.5 1.2 1.2 Whole Raw 20.0 59.3 7.3 9.6 Muscle Raw 79.1 19.0 1.0 0.8 Whole Raw 76.0 15.5 3.7 4.2 15.5 3.7 15.0-16.0 3.6-3. 2 2 57 Table 1, — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descrlp tl on Moisture % Muscle Raw FPC 77.5 70.0-80.6 20 5.6 Whole Dried Dried & Smoked 9.9 14.2 Muscle Raw 78.6 Muscle Raw 75.4 Protein % Carbo- . Calories2' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Drum Sciaenidae Eel, Barbel Plotosus anguillaris Eel, Conger Conger conger 69.9-79.5 7 18.5 13.5-21.6 19 94.0 75.2 73.1 17.9 15.4-21.0 2. ,5 .3- -6. 20 0. ,2 7. ,9 3. .1 5.3 1.3-11.4 1.2 1.0-1.6 18 2.8 7.0 9.6 1.4 1.1-2.2 7 372 320 Eel, Conger Conger myriaster Muscle Raw 71.8 71.6-72.0 2 17.6 16.1-19.0 2 9.4 8.0-10.7 2 1.2 1.0-1.4 2 Eel, Conger, American Conger oceanicus Eel, Conger Congridae Eel, Fresh Water, American Anguilla rostrata Eel, Fresh Water, European Anguilla anguilla Muscle Raw 74.8 Muscle Raw 71.3 56.2-79 .9 5 Cooked Fried Battered 52.7 Steamed 73.3 Muscle Raw 67.0 65.9-68, ,0 2 Muscle Raw 67.8 60.0-76, .8 10 Dried 54.0 17.6 15.3-19.5 6 18.7 22.8 18.2 16.9-19.5 2 16.6 8.1-21.0 12 41.6 11.1 3.3-11.2 5 20.0 1.8 13.3 11.6-14.9 2 15.0 2.9-25.9 14 18.4 1.0 1.0-1.1 4 (1.0) 2.1 1.3 1.1-1.4 2 1.2 0.7-1.9 7.6 285 107 Eel, Fresh Water, Japanese Anguilla japonica Eel, Fresh Water Anguillidae iscle Raw 69.6 16.8 16.1 12.4-19, 2 .7 1.2 Cooked Broiled 49.1 21.4 20.0 2.9 Lscle Raw 62.9 16.4 19.0 1.6 54.9-71.0 11.9-20, .0 10.5-28 .4 0.8-3.3 9 9 9 8 Cooked Unspeci fied 64.0 15.0 20.0 1.0 54.2-73.8 13.0-17 .0 8.0-32 .0 0.8-1.2 2 2 2 2 Dried S, S moked 24.0 42.5 28.7 27.3-30, 2 .0 3.5 Salted 6. Dried 20.0 35.0 27.5 17.5 6.6 Whole Raw (3.4) 58 Table 1. — Proximate composition of flnfishes, whales , and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein % Fat 7. Whole Raw 79.6 17.3 1.5 Carbo- , CaJories^' hydrates-' % Per 100 grams Eel, Moray Gymnothorax ocellata Eel, Moray, Greek Muraena Helena Eel, Moray Muraenidae Eel, Pike Conger Muraenesox telabonoides Eel, Pike Conger, Silver Muraenesox cine reus Eel, Snake , Murrel O phlcephalus marulius Raw 72.4 69.8-75 4 1 18.2 16.5-21 5 2 6.7 1.9-13 5 3 1.6 1.1-1.9 4 Muscle Raw 72.0 20.1 4.0 1.2 Whole Raw 77.7 19.1 1.3 3.4 Muscle Raw 80.0 16.9 0.5 0.9 Muscle Raw Cooked Stewed 77.3 65.9-81 10 49.2 8 18.1 14.4-21 10 17.7 5 5.4 0.2-27 10 32.4 8 1.4 0.6-2.0 9 (0.7) Roe Raw 67.9 21.5 7.4 0.8 Muscle Raw 76.9 15.0 4.3 1.4 133 76.9 15.0 4.3 1.4 3.2-80.0 10.6-17.5 0.4-8.2 1.3-1.4 3 3 2 2 12.9 74.2 3.2 4.8 362 Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophlcephalus punctatus Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophlcephalus striatus Eel, Snake Ophichthidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted 6, Dried Muscle Raw Dried & Smoked 78.4 74.0-81.1 16 78.3 75.8-80.5 12 30.7 75.5 71.6-78 7 16.2 17.1 14.5-20.6 18 18.1 15.2-20.1 15 47.8 18.0 16.7-19.4 5 73.1 0.7 0.1-2.1 13 1.1 0.1-5.3 13 1.9 5.4 0.6-9.1 5 8.3 1.5 1.3-2 6 14 1.2 0.8-1 6 12 16.5 1.1 0.9-1 5 5 2.4 367 Eel, Snipe Avocettina in fans Whole Raw Eel, Spiny Mas tacembelus armatus Muscle Raw 77.0 14.6 2.8 1.3 75.2-78.8 11.9-17.3 2.2-3.4 1.0-1.5 2 2 2 2 Eel, Spiny Mas tacembelus f avus Muscle Raw 0.3 0.9 Eel, Spiny Not acanthus nasus Muscle Raw 70.5 17.7 8.8 67.5-73.5 16.6-18.7 5.4-12.2 2 2 2 59 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat t Carbo- Calories' hydrates % 1/ II Per 100 grams Eel, Spiny Notacanthidae Muscle Raw 76.9 74.7-79.0 2 18.1 17. 3-18. E 2 0. Eel, Swamp, Field Fluta alba Muscle Raw Eel, Swamp, Palos Synbranches bengalensis Muscle Raw 81.0 16.8 1.2 0.6 80.5-81.4 16.1-17.5 1.2-1.2 0.4-0. 2 2 2 2 O.A Emperor Lethrinus karwa Muscle FPC 5.6 2.4 Emperor , Long-nosed Lethrinus miniatus Muscle Raw Emperor, Spangled Lethrinus nebulosus Emperor Lethrinidae Featherback Notopterus notopterus Featherback, Chitala Notopterus chitala Filefish Balis tidae Flathead, Deep Sea Flatycephalus macrodon Flathead, Indian Flatycephalus indicus Flathead Percophididae Flounder Platichthys flesus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 76.4 75.2-77.8 4 19.6 17.6-20.8 4 0.8 0.2-2.0 4 1.3 1.2-1.3 3 79.5 78.0-81.8 3 12.4 16.2-20.4 3 1.8 0.5-4.1 3 1.0 1.0-1.1 3 76.8 73.0-80.5 3 16.5 10.3-19.8 4 0.8 0.1-1.3 3 1.6 1.0-2.5 3 77.3 70.0-79.9 6 16.4 11.3-18.6 5 1.3 0.2-2.3 5 1.0 1.0-1.1 5 78.6 19.4 18.5-20.2 3 0.3 0.2-0.4 3 1.5 81.1 79.1-83.0 2 18.7 1.2 1.0 78.4 77.4-80.0 7 19.4 17.6-20.6 8 1.2 0.2-2.0 7 1.4 1.0-1.9 7 79.9 79.3-80.4 2 9.7 8.5-10.8 2 0.7 0.6-0.8 2 5.7 4.6-6.8 2 77.1 75.0-79.2 2 20.9 20.0-21.7 2 1.1 0.2-2.0 2 1.1 1.0-1.1 2 79.4 76.9-83.0 4 16.3 15.0-17.4 4 3.2 0.6-4.9 4 1.8 1.4-2.4 3 4.0 0.2 93 60 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7, Protein 7. Fat 7. Ash 7. Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates-' 7. Per 100 jjrams Offal Raw 72.5 72.2-72.7 2 15.4 15.3-15.4 2 .5-8 2 4.5 4.4-4.5 2 Flounder, Gulf Paralichthys albigutta Flounder, Southern Paralichthys lethostig Flounder, Starry Flatichthys stellatus Flounder, Starry, Hirame Paralichthys ollvaceus Flounder, Stone Kareius bicoloratus Muscle Raw Mus c le Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.6 80.2 77.6-82.5 3 17.1 16.1-17.9 4 1.8 0.8-3.5 3 1.1 1.0-1.1 4 78.1 76.8-79.4 4 19.4 17.6-20.9 6 1.3 0.2-2.2 8 1.2 1.2-1.3 3 77.6 76.0-79.2 2 20.4 18.4-22.3 2 0.8 0.4-1.3 2 1.4 1.3-1.5 2 Roe Raw 24.8 Flounder, Summer Paralichthys dentatus Muscle Raw 78.8 76.8-80.4 5 20.0 18.2-21.2 6 0.4 0.1-1.0 4 1.1 0.9-1.1 5 Offal Raw 71.9 67.1-76.6 2 16.9 15.7-18.0 2 4.6 2.2-6.9 2 5.9 4.8-6.9 2 Flounder, Winter Pseudopleuronectes americanus Muscle Raw 18.0 13.9-21.7 9 0.6 0.2-1.4 9 1.2 1.1-1.3 Flounder, Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Flounder, Yellowtail Limanda ferruginea Offal Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Steamed Offal Raw Muscle Raw 73.5 67.5-77.0 4 79.1-82.2 2 58.1 77.7 76.5-82.4 7 17.0 16.3-18.1 4 16.2 17.6 19.0 19.9 17.5-22.3 2 3.5 1.1-7.4 4 0.6 0.1-1.0 3 14.1 1.1 0.1-0.4 2 6.2 5.1-7.4 4 0.7 .2-1.1 (10.2) (2.2) 3.8 1.2 1.2-1.3 3 Offal Raw 61 Table 1. — Proximate compoaltion of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description ,1/ s2/ hydrates- % Per 100 grams Flounder BoChidae/Pleuronectidae Flyingfish Cypselurus oplsthopus Flyingfish, Small Scaled Cypselurus oligolepis Flyingfish, Tropical Two-Winged Exocoetus volitans Galjoen Dipteron saltator capensis Garfish Belone acus Garfish Tylosurus giganteus Garfish, Foil Belone belone Garfish, Houndfish Tylosurus crocodllus Garfish Belonidae Giant Perch Lates calcarifer Glassfish Salangichthys microdon Muscle Raw 78.5 18.1 1.4 1.3 74.0-84, .6 14.0-22. ,5 0.1-4. 8 0.8-2.3 23 22 25 18 Cooked Baked 58.1 30.0 8.2 2.2 Baked-Sti Liffed 66.3 19.5 6.5 2.5 Fried 61.5 17.0 12.9 (1.3) Salad 76.2 11.9 6.5 1.5 Unspecif: led 68.5 20.5 6.0 5.0 62.5-74, .4 19.9-21, .1 3.3-8. 7 0.8-2.1 2 2 2 2 Offal Fishmeal 6.3 59.9 10.2 23.2 Muscle Raw 77.1 20.9 0.5 1.5 77.0-77, .1 20.6-21, .2 0.4-0. 5 2 2 2 Salted 67.3 27.3 1.3 9.0 Muscle Raw Raw 74.7 71.8-77 3 .0 21.2 19.2-23.5 5 0.9 0.6-1.1 3 1, 1.5 .4-1.6 3 Muscle Raw 73.1 72.9-73. 2 2 18.2 16.0-20.3 2 5.2 4.9-5.4 2 1.3 Muscle Raw 76.3 74.6-79. 3 6 19.8 16.5-22.4 3 1.7 0.8-2.1 3 1 1.7 .4-1.8 3 Muscle Raw 70.4 26.6 0.9 1.7 Muscle Raw 74.7 20.9 2.5 1.9 Muscle Raw 74.0 70.8-77. 2 2 23.9 21.1-26.6 2 0.8 0.6-0.9 2 1 1.4 .1-1.7 2 Muscle Raw 78.0 19.0 17.3-20.6 2 O.A 0.3-0.5 2 1.4 Muscle Raw 78.7 74.8-82. 10 17.2 12.6-20.8 7 0.8 0.3-1.7 8 1 1.3 .0-1.7 8 Muscle Raw 86.1 11.5 1.0 1.4 1.5 200 5.2 157 (7.3) 213 3.9 112 156 121 94 134 121 106 108 84 55 62 Table 1 . — ProximaCe composition offinfishes, whales, antJ produc ts . Common and Scientific Name Description Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydratcs- X • Per 100 grams Goatf ish Upeneus vittatus Goatf ish, Ca' phen Parupeneus indicus Goatfish, Golden Banded Upeneus moluccensis Goatfish, Kumu Parupeneus porphyreus Goatfish, Red Mullet Mullus barbatus Goatfish, Red Mullet Mullus surmulletus Goatfish, Red Mullet Upeneus tragula Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 23.3 0.6 Raw 75.9 74.4-77.3 2 19.8 19.6-19.9 2 3.4 2.4-4.4 2 1.7 1.6-1.8 2 Muscle Cooked Broiled 71.6 23.1 2.2 2.1 Muscle Raw 74.9 68.6-77.4 13 18.6 16.0-22.6 14 5.3 2.0-10.8 15 1.4 0.8-1.8 13 Muscle Raw 76.2 74.5-77.6 5 18.5 16.9-19.9 5 3.1 1.1-4.7 5 2.2 1.1-4.0 5 Muscle Raw 76.5 75.4-77.5 2 19.4 19.2-19.6 2 1.4 0.6-2.2 2 1.6 1.5-1.6 2 Goatfish, Yellow Upeneoides sulphureus Goatfish Mullidae Goby Gobionellus opthalmonen Goby Gobius auratus Goby Gobius minututus Goby, Black Gobius niger Goby, Chiozzo Gobius jozo Goby, Flathead Glossogobius giuris Muscle Raw 78.0 Muscle Raw 75.6 72.7-79.4 4 Salted 6, Dried 43.1 42.6-43.6 2 Muscle Raw 81.8 Muscle Raw 80.0 Muscle Raw 78.8 Muscle Raw 82.9 Muscle Raw 77.2 Muscle Raw 79.9 20.4 18. 3-22. S 36.9 33.1-40.7 1.0-6.5 6 5.4 4.1-6.7 2 2.3 1.1 1.0-1.2 3 13.9 12.4-15.3 2 87 79.9 17.5 1.0 1.4 76.5-82.8 14.5-22.0 0.1-2.4 0.6-2.3 13 13 11 12 Goby» Goldspot Gnatholepis thomp soni Goby, Gudgeon Gobius paganellus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.4 77.0-79. 2 16.5 16.4-16.6 2 3.1 1.8 1.0-2.6 2 (0.8) 2.1 1.2-2.9 2 63 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and pro-lucts. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Goby, Long Tailed Gob lone llus longicaudus Goby , Mudskipper Boleophthalmus dussumieri Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16.6 2.7 0.6 Goby, Round Neogobius melanostomus Muscle Raw Goby, Sea Trout, Merluzza Macrodon ancylodon Muscle Raw Goby, Yellowfin Gobi us (Acanthogobius) f lavimanus Goby Gobiidae Goldfish, Funa Carassius auratus Goonch Bagarius bagarius Goosef ish, Monkfish Lophius budegassa Raw 76.9 18.2 3.3 2.3 75.0-78.1 17.6-18 7 1.6-5.2 2.0-2.6 12 12 12 12 Muscle Raw 78.2 76.9-79.5 2 18.7 0.7 0.3-1.1 2 1.7 0.7 Muscle Raw 79.2 18.0 1.4 1.4 78.2-80.6 16.3-18 7 0.9-2.5 0.8-1.7 5 5 4 4 Cooked Boiled 78.2 19.0 1.0 1.8 Salted 6. Fermen :ed 66.4 12.5 1.9 16.1 3.1 Muscle Raw 78.1 16.3 3.0 1.0 1.6 73.4-82.8 14.6-18 0.3-7.5 0.9-1.1 2 2 4 2 Muscle Raw 79.6 16.5 0.2 1.5 2.2 78.7-80.3 15.5-17 5 0.1-0.2 1.3-1.7 2 2 2 2 Muscle Raw 82.5 15.5 0.7 1.1 1.1 81.4-83.6 15.2-15 7 0.3-1.0 0.9-1.2 2 2 2 2 85 Goose fish, Monk fish Lophius litulas Goosef ish, Monkfish Lophius piscatorius Goosef ish , Monkfish Lophius setigerus Goosef ish, Monkfish Lophiidae Muscle Raw 85.0 Muscle Raw 80.3 68.4-84 2 8 Cooked Boiled 76.6 Muscle Raw 79.3 Muscle Raw 77.5 76.1-79 3 Cooked Fried Battered 66.3 Parboiled 78.8 Steamed 75.4 15.5 10.6-23.2 7 20.3 18.7-22.6 3 17.0 18.7 21.8 0.6 1.5 0.1-7.5 9 0.7 0.7 0.5-0.8 2 8.2 0.3 0.9 1.4 1.0-2.0 5 0.6 95 (2.5) (16.7) 209 0.9 1.3 83 (1.9) 95 64 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Ash X Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Greenling, Atka, Mackerel Pleurogrammus azonus Muscle Raw 73.6 65.5-77.3 4 16.8 17.0-19.0 4 7.3 2.5-19.3 4 1.1 0.8-1.3 4 Grouper Paracentropristis hepatus Muscle Raw 77.6 77.1-78.0 2 19.9 19.7-20.0 2 1.3 1.2-1.4 2 1.5 1.1-1. Grouper, Black Mycteroperca bonaci Grouper, Merou Epinephelus aeneus Grouper, Merou Epinephelus goreensls Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.7 79.3 18.1 0.8 1.4 78.8-79.8 18.1-18.2 0.2-1.4 0.9-1. 2 2 2 2 Grouper, Merou Rouge Epinephelus taeniops Grouper, Red Epinephelus morio Grouper, Spotted Epinephelus corallicola Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.9 78.6 75.7-79.8 4 19.5 19.0-19.9 4 1.3 0.2-4.0 4 1.1 78.9 77.4-79.7 18.2 15.6-20.8 0.4 0.3-0.4 1 1.2 .0-1.6 83 Grouper, Yellowbelly Epinephelus gigas Muscle Raw 78.3 77.5-79.2 5 19.1 18.6-19.8 5 1.0 0.7-1.3 5 1.3 0.9-l.e 5 0.3 Grouper Serranidae Muscle Raw 78.0 76.3-79.2 4 20.1 19.4-20.9 4 1.0 0.7-1.3 4 1.4 1.1-1.7 4 Grunt Anisotrem u s scapularis Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Dried 75.7 73.4-78.0 2 75.1 (0.4) 20.2 19. 6-20. £ 21.0 78.1 2.4 0.4-4.4 1.0 16.5 1.4 1.3-1.5 1.7 5.0 0.3 1.2 Roe Raw 12.3 0.3 Grunt Hapalogenys mucronatus Grunt Parapris tipoma trilineatum Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.9 74.1 19.3 5.0 1.5 71.8-76.3 17.0-21.5 4.7-5.3 1.4-1.6 2 2 2 2 Grunt Pristipoma jubelini Muscle Raw Ifliole Raw 70.6 70.1-71.3 4 19.7 19.5-20.0 4 2.4 2.0-2. 4 6.0 5.6-6.4 4 106 65 Table 1. — Proximate composition of flnfishes. whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein % Fat % Ash % hydrates % 1/ s2/ Per 100 grams Grunt, Besugo, Bangoknok Pomadasys argyreus Muscle Raw 76.5 75.6-77. 5 18.3 17.7-19.2 5 0.9 0.7-1.3 5 2.6 1.3-3.5 5 Grunt, Bluestriped Haemulon sciurus Muscle Raw 21.2 0.6 1.5 Grunt , Dorade Parapristlpoma medlterraneum Grunt, Mojaria Anisotremus interruptus Grunt, Silver Pomadasys hasta Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 70.3 70.2-70. 2 ,A 17.4 16.6-18. 2 ,2 5 7.8 .7-9.9 2 4.7 3.7-5.6 2 140 78.7 17.7 1.9 1.7 88 77.3 19.1 2.7 1.1 106 79.1 77.5-79, 4 .8 19.2 18.6-21, 4 .1 0.6 .2-0.7 4 1.5 1.3-1.6 4 82 Grunt, White Haemulon plumieri Grunt Pomadasyidae Grunter, Red Pagellus notalensis Guitarfish, Fiddlefish Rhinobatus hynnicephalus Guitarfish, Guitarra Rhinobatus planiceps Gurnard, Red Chelidonichthys kumu Haddock. Melanogrammus aeglefinnus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw l-niole Raw Roe Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Dried 19.5 78.7 76.0-80.6 4 66.6 Raw 77.7 76.2-79 .2 2 iscle Raw 80.6 78.5-82 .7 60 Cooked Baked Stuffed 62.2 Fish Sticks 53.1 Fried Battered & Breaded 65.6 65.1-66 .0 2 17.6 15.9-19.9 3 19.6 25.7 19.2 16.2 64.9 18.8 17.6-19.9 2 18.2 15.4-20.4 51 19.5 15.8 20.2 20.0-20.4 2 " 0.2 2.5 0.8-5.3 4 5.4 6.4 1.7 0.3-2.8 2 0.5 0.1-1.0 39 9.9 11.0 7.1 5.9-8.3 2 1.3 1.3-1.4 3 5.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 4.5 1.2 1.1-1.2 2 1.3 1.1-2.7 33 2.7 10.1 (2.3) 0.8 5.7 10.0 93 99 122 190 202 66 Table 1. — Proximate composition of t'inf ishes , whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein 7. Fat % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grama In Oven 66 . 1 Unspecified 67.7 In Mustard Sauce 74.5 Steamed Smoked Unspecified 71.6 77.2 75.1-79.3 2 72.9 72.5-73.5 3 9.3 5.9-12.5 4 17.2 20.2 16.2 22.3 20.9 19.9-22.0 2 23.1 23.0-23.3 3 86.2 76.8-90.3 4 5.0 6.0 5.5 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.2-0.3 3 2.4 0.2-7.8 4 1.9 1.9 1.8 (5.2) (1.1) 4.3 3.1-4. 4 9.8 4.2 2.0 153 152 126 97 91 95 Offal Fishmeal (10.4) (8.6)-(12.1) 2 62.9 61.8-64.0 2 1.8 1.3-2.2 2 25.1 24.8-25.3 2 268 Hake, Chilian Merluccius gayi Hake, European Merluccius merluccius Muscle Raw Wliole Dried Fishmeal FPC Muscle Raw 4 9.8 5.6 0-7.1 2 72 79.9 .8-84.9 18 17.3 73.8 71.3-76.3 2 70.0 77.5 75.5-79.5 2 17.0 13. 7-18. E 14 9.4 11.7 6.5-12.2 7.5-15.9 2 2 6.8 13.7 1.0 17.7 0.2-1.7 16.2-19.1 2 2 1.4 1.3 0.2-6.0 0.9-1.8 15 11 341 319 Wliole Fishmeal 376 Roe Raw Hake, Pacific Merluccius productus Hake, Silver, Whiting Merluccius bilinearis Raw 81.2 16.6 1.7 1.2 80.1-81.7 16.1-18.4 0.7-2.5 1.1-1.3 6 7 6 6 Whole Raw 79.4 14.5 3.6 3.1 72.9-82.7 12.3-16.0 1.4-6.0 2.8-3.4 18 18 18 18 Fishmeal 7.3 68.0 12.9 13.6 4.5-8.5 64.2-74.6 5.7-18.4 11.4-15.2 5 5 5 5 Muscle Raw 80.3 16.6 1.3 1.2 78.7-82.4 15.2-16.9 0.2-2.4 1.0-1.4 12 11 11 12 Dried 9.2 76.3 6.6 7.5 Whole Fishmeal 5.6 81.5 9.7 5.3 388 107 413 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydratesl % % Per 100 grams Offal Raw n .1 75.4-79.7 3 14.5 13.3-15.5 3 2.7 0.3-4.7 3 4.3 3.5-5. 3 Hake, Spotted Uroph.ycis reglus Hake, Squirrel Urophycis chuss Whole Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Dried 0.8 3.0 58 82.0 16.4 15.9-16.7 3 0.5 0.4-0.6 3 1.2 70 80.8 16.2 0.8 3.9 68 3.4 76.6 14.7 12.8 437 2.5-4.7 74.5-77.4 14.1-15.3 12.4-13 4 4 4 4 4 4.6 85.8 0.3 14.1 346 82.3-88.9 0.1-0.5 12.0-14 8 13 13 13 Hake Gadidae Halfbeak Hemiramphus in termed ius Halfbeak Hemiramphus sajori Offal Raw 71.6 14.1 5.3 3.0 Muscle Raw 79.3 17.0 1.2 1.5 72.3-83.2 15.2-20.7 0.3-2.7 0.9-3.4 12 11 11 11 Cooked Fried Battered i Breaded 62.0 19.3 11.4 (1.5) Steamed 76.1 18.5 3.3 (2.1) ^^^hole Raw 69.8 21.8 5.4 3.0 Dried 14.8 78.5 1.4 5.9 Fishmeal 5.9 80.4 2.1 16.8 Roe Raw 70.0 23.4 1.8 5.2 Muscle Raw 76.8 21.0 0.9 1.3 Muscle Raw 78.0 18.6 2.3 1.9 5.8 180 104 136 333 340 92 95 2.1-2.4 2 Halfbeak, Burguing Hemiramphus far Muscle Raw 78.6 76.8-80.3 2 18.9 17.2-20.6 2 1.3 1.2-1.4 2 1.0 0.6-1.4 2 Halfbeak, Non-spotted Hemiramphus georgii Muscle Raw 17.1 1.4 0.6 Halfbeak Exocoetidae Muscle Raw 77.4 76.1-78.9 6 20.6 18.6-21.0 6 0.9 0.4-1.6 7 1.3 0.9-1.7 6 Halibut, Atlantic Hippoglossus hippoglossus Muscle Raw Dark meat 74.3 71.7-76.9 2 18.4 18.0-18.8 2 6.2 3.9-8.5 2 129 68 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 'i Protein X Fat % Light meat 78.7 19.6 0.8 77.2-79.9 19.0-20.1 0.4-1.1 3 2 3 Unspecified 77.7 18.0 2.7 75.0-82.9 17.1-18.5 0.6-8.3 9 3 11 Smoked & Salted 49.5 20.8 20.5-21.0 2 15.0 Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams 86 269 Halibut, Pacific Hippoglossus stenolepis Halibut Pleuronec tidae Muscle Raw Cheeks 79.8 19.2 0.7 1.2 83 79.5-80 7 18.5-19 4 0.7-0.8 1.1-1.3 4 4 4 4 Dark meat 71.6 16.9 10.6 1.2 163 67.2-75 2 15.4-18 2 5.7-16.7 1.0-1.3 4 4 4 4 Unspecified 78.0 19.9 1.3 1.3 91 69.1-81 8 15.0-23 6 0.4-6.0 1.2-1.4 21 19 22 17 Muscle Raw 74.6 18.7 4.3 1.1 1.3 119 67.3-79 7 15.0-23 5 0.4-13.2 1.0-1.2 10 9 11 4 Cooked A La Mexicana 73.1 12.4 7.1 1.7 5.7 136 Broiled 66.6 25.2 7.0 1.7 164 In Olive Roll 69.8 10.0 6.5 2.3 11.4 144 Piquante 66.9 19.9 10.9 1.6 0.7 180 Rarebit Casserole 69.6 10.2 4.7 1.9 13.6 138 Steamed 70.9 22.7 4.0 (2.4) 127 Salted , Smoked and Dried 49.4 15.0 218 Harvestfish Feprilus alepidotus Whole Raw 76.6 15.9 4.4 2.7 76.3-76.8 15.1-16.7 3.8-4.9 2.5-2. 2 2 2 2 Hatchetflsh Argyropelecus affinis Herring Ilisha africana Wliole Raw Muscle Raw 77.9 79.1 18.6 85 Herring, Anchova Temnodon saltator Whole Dried 12.5 Herring, Atlantic Clupea harengus Raw 74.3 18.0 9.8 1.6 70.1-78 17.0-18.9 2.4-20.2 1 5-1.7 5 4 44 2 ole Raw 70.8 17.2 16.4-18.0 2 16.4 12.8-20.0 2 2.4 Canned In mustard 68.6 19.9 9.9 3.6 19.7-20.0 7.9-11.8 3 5-3.7 2 2 2 In oil 60.2 17.4 16.4 3.4 55.1-62 6 17.5-23.9 12.1-17.5 2 9-3.9 4 5 5 5 160 69 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and produces. Conmon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat Ash % % 12.4 3.1 10.5-14 2 2.8-3.3 2 2 13.4 3.1 12.3-15 1 2.3-3.9 4 4 13.6 (8.9) 11.5-15 2 4 14.9 10.3 12.6-17 1 10.2-10.4 3 2 Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Unspecified In tomato sauce 67.9 65.3-70.4 2 64.0 59.7-62.8 3 55.0 46.0-64.0 2 8.8 7.0-10.5 3 16.8 15.8-17.7 2 19.8 17.0-21.6 5 22.5 21.5-23.5 2 74.1 72.6-75.5 3 179 6.0 4.6-9.5 4 79.4 76.2-80.8 4 (4.0) 10.7 (3.3)-(5.3) 10.5-11.2 Herring Atlantic Thread Opisthonema oglinum Muscle Raw 74.9 74.7-75.1 2 21.3 21.1-21.4 2 2.4 2.3-2.4 2 107 Whole Raw 70.4 68.1-74.4 5 18.5 17.8-19.4 5 7.1 3.5-10.4 5 3.6 3.2-4.6 5 138 Herring, Bachiva, Bacha Clupisoma garua Muscle Raw 77.9 76.4-79.3 2 18.5 18.1-18.8 2 2.8 1.2-4.4 2 Herring, Sleeker, Tunsoy Harengula moluccensis Muscle Raw 88 Herring, Deep Bodied Sardinella perforata Herring, Fimbriated, Tunsoy Sardinella fimbriata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried & Smoked Salted (, Dried Whole Raw 75.6 73.8-77 3 2 76.2 75.1-77 8 8 26.8 10.8-42 7 2 22.7 44.3 42.7-45 8 2 74.7 71.3-78 2 18.8 2.5 18.3-19.3 0.3-4. 2 2 19.6 1.6 18.3-21.8 0.3-2.9 8 7 44.8 10.8 38.0-51.5 19.1-2.4 2 2 54.0 9.8 38.0 2.4 19.4 18.3-20.4 2 2.6 1.6-3.6 2 2.0 1.7-2.3 2 2.0 1.3-3.5 8 16.2 3.8-18.6 2 13.5 13.8 0.6 1.5 95 304 180 103 2.1-3.4 2 Herring Indian Pellona brachysoma Herring, Machete Ethmidium chilcae Muscle Raw 72.8 20.3 3.2 1.5 Muscle Raw 73.6 18.2 4.7 1.3 72.1-75.2 15.2-19.5 2.0-6.1 1.2-1.4 4 4 3 3 Salted, Smoked and Drl ed 15.4 52.9 20.2 10.1 1.4 70 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes. whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash % Z % % Muscle Raw 72.8 18.3 8.5 1.3 69.0-76.6 16.0-25.2 2.6-12.5 1.2-1.3 5 5 6 5 Canned 69.9 19.2 7.5 2.3 68.9-70.9 17.6-20.8 5.1-9.9 1.9-2.6 2 2 2 2 'Dried 26.3 52.4 14.3 4.8 18.0-36.0 44.5-67.8 7.8-24.0 3.4-6.5 3 3 4 3 Salted 62.5 18.5 10.2 9.4 58.1-66.8 17.4-19.6 9.0-11.3 6.8-12.0 2 2 2 2 Smoked 40.0 32.8 18.5 7.7 Whole Raw 70.1 15.7 13.6 2.4 57.7-80.2 10.2-17.8 4.1-24.4 1.6-2.8 37 37 37 37 Roe Raw 77.5 17.1 1.6 2.1 77.1-77.8 16.3-18.0 0.5-2.7 1.4-3.4 3 3 3 3 Dried 57.4 29.0 11.5 1.9 Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Herring, Pacific Clupea pallasi 150 Herring, Round Dussumieria acuta Herring, Round Etrumeus mi crop us Herring, Round Etrumeus teres Muscle Raw 76.1 19.2 1.4 2.0 1.3 95 Muscle Raw 71.7 21.8 5.5 1.6 137 Muscle Raw Raw Dark meat 76.5 61.6 19.1 16.5 2.7 9.6 1.4 2.2 0.3 10.1 102 193 Whole Raw 74.6 73.8-75.3 2 18.8 18.7-18.9 2 2.7 2.4-3.0 2 3.8 3.7-3. 2 8 100 Herring, Skipjack Alosa chrysochloris Whole Raw 3.2 2.5 Herring, Wolf Chirocentrus dorab Muscle Raw 75.8 75.2-76. 4 20.7 19.8-21.6 4 0.9 0.2-2.2 4 1.5 0.9-1.9 4 Herring Clupeidae Muscle Raw 71.5 62.8-81. 31 17.7 6.8-21.5 29 2.8 1.3-19.2 37 1.6 0.8-2.1 23 Canned In tomato sauce 66.7 Unspecified 50.2 34.6-65. 2 Cooked Baked 58.7 16.7 15.8-17.6 27.9 18.8-36.9 2 23.2 12.8 11.2-14.4 2 14.4 12.9-15.8 3 11.4 8.2 3.1-13.2 2 (6.7) Table 1. — Proximate composition of flnfishes, whales, and products. Conmon and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates^' X Z Per 100 grams Dried 25.9 12.9-34.6 3 Kippered 53.1 3A.5-62.3 Salted i Dried A5.5 42.0-49.0 2 50.3 36.9-67.6 4 26.0 20.0-36.3 5 35.7 20.9 6.5-40.5 4 11.0 3.2-15.8 5 9.4 6.0-12.7 2 9.5 5.2-13.2 4 5.1 1.6-9.2 4 15.4 14.3-16.4 2 227 Whole Raw 73.0 66.9-78.2 6 Cooked Baked In Vinegar 67.5 Fried 58.7 Salted 64.8 Smoked 42.8 36.6-48.2 6 Flshmeal 6.8 0.2-14.7 31 FPC 8.2 17.6 16.4-19.1 4 16.9 21.8 18.2 17.5-18.9 2 31.9 19.0-53.3 8 73.0 52.1-83.8 34 87. 2 84.2-89.7 4 7.4 2.6-15.1 6 12.9 15.1 9.0 8.6 1.5-18.5 7 8.9 2.9-23.7 36 0.4 0.1-0.5 3 2.8 2.3-3.7 4 (2.7) (4.4) 8.5 7.3 6.0-8.3 4 11.5 8.9-17.0 19 7.8 6.8-10.2 4 137 184 223 154 243 372 352 Hottentot Caranthus blochii Jacopever Sebastichthys capensis Raw 71.6 65.8-82.2 5 Cooked Fried Floured Dried 52.3 18.0 Muscle Raw 77.0 Muscle Raw 78.4 20.0 15.1-25.2 4 23.4 67.5 4.0 2.4-6.f 6 15.8 10.7 1.7 1.3-2. 4 (1.7) 3.4 (6.8) 0.4 127 236 368 19.5 1.2 Jewfish Pseudosciaena coiber Whole Raw Muscle Raw 4.8 Salted & Dried 77.8 19.0 1.5 1.6 77.3-78.3 18.8-19.2 0.8-2.2 1.3-1.9 2 2 2 2 14.5 46.2 5.8 21.8 101 90 284 Jewfish Sciaena antarctica Muscle Raw (0.3) 74 Jewfish Sciaena sina Muscle Raw 73.6 17.9 0.7 1.9 69.7-77.4 17.3-18.4 0.4-0.9 1.4-2.4 2 2 2 2 Jewfish, California Stereo lepis gigas Muscle Raw 73 72 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and proHucts. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat 7. Ash Z Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 grama Jumper Lactarias lactarias Muscle Raw 19.4 1.4 Kabeljou Sciaena hololepidotus Katsuo Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) varans Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Muscle Raw 77.5 76.9-78 2 6.8 1 19.2 18.6-19 2 57.2 8 1 2.3 A-3 4 6.4 1.1 0.9-1.3 2 29.6 72.3 71.3-73 2 2 25.5 25.2-25 2 8 1.3 2-2 2 3 1.3 Kingfish, Cavalla Caranx speciosus Kingfish» Whiting Menticirrhus americanus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 21,3 77.3 18.3 3.1 1.3 75.3-79.2 17.7-18.9 0.9-5.2 1.2-1.3 2 2 2 2 Kingfish Carangidae Kiyi Coregonus kiyi Wliole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 76.3 15.5 19.2 15.8 1.5 Ladyflsh Elops saurus Muscle Raw 19.4 0.3 0.3-0.4 2 Larapfish, Mexican Triphoturus mexicanus Lamprey Entosphe nus japonicus Uihole Raw Muscle Raw 21.0 14.2 7.4-18.0 4 29.0 169 Lamprey, River Lampetra ayresi Lamprey Petromyzontidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Dried 66.2 3.0-71.1 3 63.3 22.3 8.5-36.0 2 15.0 16.0 13.1-21.0 4 16.9 35.2 33.3-37.0 2 15.5 13.0-18.8 7 12.2 41.2 29.0-53.3 2 (0.9) 4.0 1.7 1.2-2.1 2 3.6 192 512 Lance, Sand Ammodytes langeolatus Muscle Raw 78.5 78. 0-79. C 18.2 17.9-18.5 2 0.9 0.3-1.5 2 91 Lance, Sand Ajimodytes personatus Muscle Dried 62.3 9.6 73 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat X Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 grams Lantemf ish Lampanyctus re gal is Lantemf ish Lampanyctus ritteri Lantern fish. Blue Tarle tonbeania crenularis Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Lantemfish, California Headlightf ish Whole Diaphus theta Raw Lantemfish , Northern Stenobrachius leucopsarus Leatherjacket Lichia glauca Leatherjacket, Yellow Scomber lyson l-mole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 3.3 3.7 2.9 70.6 11.6 11.8 ^- 1.9 77.1 12.0 3.4 4.5 66.1 12.2 19.5 3.1 66.8 10.6 13.1 3.4 75.9 75.4-76 2 21.5 17.9-25 2 3 19.9 19.8-19.9 2 56.5 56.0-57.0 2 1.6 0.8-2 2 3.2 2.6-3 2 3 8 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 20.5 19.6-21.3 2 76.3 75.8-76 6 9 19.8 15.5-22.7 6 2.4 0.5-6 6 4 1.8 1.2-2.1 6 91 224 185 100 101 Leerfish Lichia amia Levovangan Monotaxes grandoculis Lightfish Cyclothone acclinidens Ling Molva molva Lingcod Ophiodon elongatus Muscle Dried Muscle Raw 78.1 77.0-79.2 4 39.4 18.8 17.1-20.0 4 5.1 1.1 0.6-l.E 4 1.2 0.8-1.4 4 Whole Raw 79.4 8.7 6.1 3.5 2.3 99 Muscle Raw 79.2 18.9 0.4 1.1 0.4 81 77.7-81 7 16.1-21 0.1-0 7 0.5-1.5 3 7 5 3 Cooked Fried Battered 6, Breaded 55.2 16.8 12.4 (1.1) (4.5) 179 Steamed 74.6 22.4 0.8 2.2 97 Muscle Raw 79.5 18.0 0.9 1.2 0.4 82 78.4-81 1 16.7-19 4 0.5-1 3 4 6 6 Lizardf ish Saurida argyrophanes Lizardfish Saurida gracilis Lizardfish Saurida tumbil Offal Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 15.6 5.7 79.6 7.5-81 2 7 18.9 16.7-21.0 2 1.3 1.2 77.6 20.0 19.4-20.6 2 ,. 0.5 2-0.7 2 1.3 1.1-1.4 2 78.2 7.9-78 2 4 19.4 18.8-20.0 2 0.4 1-0.6 2 1.4 114 87 74 Table I. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. 2/ Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash Carbo- Calories' hydrates-' % % 7. % % Per 100 grams Dressed Raw (77.1) 19.4 1.8 1.7 94 17.4-23.5 0.7-3.4 1.4-2.2 26 27 26 Llzardfish Muscle Saurus lacerta Raw 75.4 21.1 0.2 1.6 8.7 121 Lizardfish Whole Synodus foetens Raw 76.0 18.7 1.3 4.3 87 74.5-77.5 18.6-18.7 0.8-1.7 3.9-4.7 2 2 2 2 Lizardfish, Spotted Tail Muscle Saurida undosquamis Raw (68.1) 19.2 1.0 1.7 86 17.3-21.0 0.8-1.1 1.6-1.7 2 2 2 Lizardfish Muscle Synodontldae Raw 78.2 19.5 1.1 1.4 88 77.7-79.2 19.0-20.3 0.5-1.5 1.2-1.5 4 4 4 3 Dried 20.6 62.5 6.3 10.6 307 Loach, Weatherfish Muscle MisRumus anfiuillicaudatus Raw 78.9 15.7 2.3 2.6 0.5 86 77.8-79.9 15.0-16.4 1.8-2.7 2.4-2.8 2 2 2 2 Loach Muscle Cobitidae Raw 76.0 19.3 1.9 2.5 0.3 96 Longaray Muscle Ambassidae Raw 79.3 19.5 0.4 1.2 82 Lookdown Muscle Selene vomer Raw 75.4 20.7 1.8 2.7 99 Lumpfish Muscle Cyclopteridae . Raw Maasbanker, Mackerel, Jack Trachurus trachurus Mackerel Scomber microlepidotus 85.4 7.7 5.7 0.8 85.4-85.4 6.3-9.1 3.7-7.6 0.7-0. 2 2 2 2 Roe Raw 79.5 13.6 3.6 0.9 2.4 96 Muscle Raw 76.0 19.5 2.5 1.6 0.4 102 72.0-79.4 16.7-20.9 2-5 2 1 .2-2 7 11 11 11 10 Canned 67.0 23.2 3.8 3.5 2.5 137 Dried 25.3 12.5-38.0 2 49.1 46.0-52.1 2 6.9 8.4 10.3 300 Whole Raw 76.6 16.2 3.5 3.8 96 73.0-80.5 12.8-17.6 1 4-6 1 3 .3-4 4 4 5 5 5 Fishmeal 1.0 80.5 8.8 9.4 0.3 402 Muscle Raw 75.4 18.6 1.5 1.4 5.1 108 73.9-77.7 13.5-22.8 9-2 1 .1-1 7 3 3 2 2 75 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and produces. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture X Muscle Raw 61.6 57.0-78.6 19 Dark Meat 59.7 Canned Cooked Fish Loaf 65.9 62.9-74.0 4 61.9 Offal Raw 64.3 61.6-65.2 3 Muscle Raw 73.0 72.3-73.7 3 Muscle Raw Fully Dried Half Dried 71.5 70.2-72.7 4 16.6 68.2 Muscle Raw 73.0 Ash % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Mackerel, Atlantic Scomber scombrus Mackerel, Frigate Auxis tapernosoma Mackerel, Frigate Auxis thazard Mackerel, Horse Caranx lutecens 19.6 15.1-24.1 21 18.6 18.1 17.0-19.4 4 21.6 14.7 13.3-15.7 3 23.2 21.5-24.8 4 23.0 18.5-25.8 4 75.1 22.8 9.6 0.7-24.0 37 11.8 8.7-18.3 7 13.5 3.3-18.6 4 13.4 17.7 15.5-19.4 3 1.9 0.7-3.1 3 2.4 1.3-4.1 4 4.5 2.3 1.5 0.9-2.5 16 1.0 3.0 2.7-3.2 4 3.5 3.1-3.9 3 1.5 1.3-1.7 4 3.1 6.0 8.9 0.7 216 206 218 218 4.4 120 3*5 lis 124 Mackerel, Horse Caranx melampygus Mackerel, Horse Caranx ronchus Mackerel, Horse Trachurus capensis Mackerel, Horse Carangidae Muscle Raw 1.6 Raw 77.1 76.9-77 2 2 19.3 19.0-19.5 2 1.8 2.5 2.3-2.7 2 Muscle Salted & Dried 14.0 60.9 5.4 25.4 Muscle Canned Salted & Dried 71.1 69.4-72 2 38.0 7 21.4 21.3-21.5 2 35.3 6.2 4.1-8.2 2 1.8 1.4 1.1-1.7 2 (24.8) 99 93 Mackerel, Indian Rastrelllger neglectus Mackerel, Jack Trachurus japonicus Muscle Raw 72.0 20.7 6.5 1.7 141 Muscle Raw 77.6 75.6-79.5 4 19.1 18.1-20.0 4 1.8 0.9-3.2 3 1.2 0.3 94 Canned 67.0 23.2 3.8 3.6 2.4 137 Dried 34.4 50.0 6.3 9.3 257 30.1-38.7 46.0-54.0 5.6-6.9 8 .4-10 1 2 2 2 2 Mackerel, King Scomberomorus cavalla Muscle Raw 23.0 76 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash Carbo- 1/ Calories^/ hydrates % % Z X % Per 100 grams Muscle Raw 75.6 18.9 1.4 1.5 2.6 99 63.0-82.1 15.9-25.0 2-4 9 1 .3-1.6 9 9 8 8 Salted 4 Dr led 46.9 34.8 4.0 14.6 175 40.4-54.5 26.2-43.1 2 3-5 8 14 .4-14.7 3 3 3 2 Mackerel, King, Seer Scomberomorus comraersonii Mackerel, King Scombridae Mackerel, Long- J awed Rastrelllger canagurta Mackerel, Pacific Chub Scomber japonlcus/colias Muscle Raw 75.7 Muscle Raw 76.6 73.3-79 8 3 Dried 23.7 Salted & Dried 29.8 24.5-39 6 5 Muscle Raw 70.8 61.5-78 29 4 Canned In Oil 62.1 Unspecified 69.4 66.4-72 3 5 Dried 16.5 ■ Salted 65.2 Salted & Dried 52.1 Whole Raw 69.7 18.8 16.6-21 4 8 74.3 55.4 42.8-68 4 6 20.6 15.8-25 3 24 24.8 21.3 18.7-24 5 72.4 25.2 20.9 2.5 1.4 0.5-4.3 1.1-1.8 10 8 6.1 5.6 11.1 14.5 5.2-15.2 11.0-17.3 6 6 6.6 2.0 0.3-15.9 1.1-8.2 26 20 14.0 6.5 2.8 2.7-10.0 2.4-3.5 5 5 7.4 3.7 4.9 4.7 16.1 (10.9) 100 352 322 225 144 356 164 229 Mackerel, Short-Bodied, Hasa Hasa Rastrelllger brachysoipus Mackerel, Spanish Scomberomorus raaculatus Mackerel, Spotted Spanish Scomberomorus fiuttatus Raw 67.2 65.8-68 2 5 Muscle Raw Smoked 75.9 75.1-76 3 61.9 7 Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified 73.5 65.6-78 8 68.9 3 Offal Raw 67.4 Muscle Raw 70.7 23.0 20.8-25.1 2 19.6 17. .2-20. 9 3 30.4 19.8 17.6-21.5 3.7-72.7 2 16.0 21.2 19.8-22.5 2 5.2 5.1-5.2 2 1.9 0.7-4.1 3 1.7 5.9 0.6-14.4 8 6.5 7.7 1.7-15.5 4 1.6 1.5-1.7 2 1.6 1.1-2.2 3 5.8 1.2 0.9-1.5 9 1.4 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 153 Mackerel, West African, Spanish Scomberomorus tritor Muscle Raw 73.6 71.6-75.6 2 18.4 19.8 19.5-20.0 2 74.5 4.8 2.8-6.f 2 2.4 1.7 1.6-1. 2 4.7 77 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Muscle Raw 71.1 63.1-80.6 30 Canned In Oil 52.8 43.3-58.3 4 In Tomato Sai ce 66.1 Marinated 70.6 Unspecified 67.1 64.3-74.3 7 Cooked Broiled 65.3 61.6-68.9 2 Fried 52.7 47.8-57.5 2 Salad 68.6 Dried 15.5 Salted 62.7 60.3-65.0 2 Salted & Dried 41.4 37.7-43.4 4 Smoked 61.6 61.1-62.1 2 Fishmeal 8.3 7.0-9.7 3 FPC 6.8 6.6-7.0 2 Protein Fat % % 19.5 9.9 16.4-25.3 0.1-17.7 26 30 20.1 22.4 17.2-25.4 14.1-28.5 4 4 16.9 13.7 20.8 4.6 19.4 10.0 18.5-21.4 5.4-20.2 7 12 22.8 12.7 21.8-23.7 6.5-15.8 2 3 21.1 12.2 20.0-22.1 11.3-13.0 2 2 11.9 14.3 72.4 7.4 23.5 7.2 18.3-27.0 4.0-13.0 3 4 25.6 19.2 17.3-42.0 5.2-26.4 4 4 26.0 9.2 21.5-30.4 1.7-15.2 2 3 67.0 9.1 58.6-75.3 7.9-10.7 2 3 89.9 1.2 89.5-90.3 0.5-1.9 2 2 22.6 0.6 23.1 3.2 21.1 2.7 21.0-21.2 0.3-5.0 2 2 hydrates- % s2/ Per 100 grams Mackerel Scombridae Marl in. Black Makaira indica Marlin, Blue Makaira nigricans Marlin, Striped Makaira audax Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 1.8 1.2-3.1 22 2.5 1.2-4.1 4 2.2 2.5 2.2 1.3-3.5 7 1.5 1.4-1.6 2 1.9 1.8 3.7 4.7 4.7-4.7 2 10.7 2.5-14.2 4 5.8 5.8-5.8 2 14.9 8.8-21.0 2 2.4 0.8-3.9 2 1.1 1.5 1.3 3.4 1.0 1.9 3.1 195 131 173 75.6 74.0-77.2 2 190 360 166 275 187 353 370 96 121 109 Menhaden, Atlantic Brevoortia tyrannus Muscle Canned Whole Fishmeal 6.0 3.1-7.6 3 18.7 63.5 62.1-66.3 3 12.5 11.1-13.8 2 3.8 17.4 0.6 16.8-18.3 3 167 369 Menhaden, Gulf Brevoortia patronus Whole Raw 68.9 63.3-76.7 4 15.5 14.6-17.7 4 11.8 2. 1-17. £ 4 3.5 0.3 3.4-3.7 4 78 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Whole Raw 75.8 Fishmeal 8.1 3.3-10.6 14 Muscle Raw 72.5 71.2-73.8 6 Cooked Roasted 64.9 Dried 15.2 Salted & Dried 13.0 Smoked 61.9 60.5-63.6 3 Roe Salted 87.2 Muscle Raw 82.8 Protein t Fat Ash 7. 7. It. 2 4.5 10.8 18.0 4.4-17.0 15.2-20. 12 14 5.3 1.3 3.5-6.2 1.1-1.5 6 6 3.8 1.6 11.8 12.7 14.0 28.0 7.7 2.0 6.6-8.3 1.9-2.2 3 3 Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 Rrams Menhaden Clupeidae Milkfish Chanos chanos 15.9 61.0 51. 1-66. E 16 20.5 19.2-21.4 6 30.3 52.2 45.0 28.7 27.5-29.3 3 2.1 8.1 1.7 101 350 155 347 306 191 Minnow , Common Zacco platypus Minnow Cyprinidae Mojarra Diapterus evermanni Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 81.2 78.3 1.2 87 Mojarra, Spotted Gerres filamentosus Muscle Raw 78.6 78.4-78.9 3 18.6 17.7-19.6 3 1.7 1.2-2.2 3 Mojarra Gerreidae Muscle Raw 21.2 Moonfish, Atlantic Vomer setapinnis Muscle Dried 38.3 38.1-38.4 2 35.8 35. 7-35. S 2 Moonfish, Pacific Vomer declivifrons Muscle Raw Mosquitof ish Gambusia affini Mullet Mugil oeur Mullet, Bhangar Mugil tade Mullet, Black Fin Mugil melinopterus Mullet, Ca'Doi Mugil affinos Whole Raw Muscle Raw Raw 78.4 76.3-80 2 4 16.4 14.0-18.9 2 0.6 1.4 1.2-1.6 2 3.2 84 scle Raw Dried 74.5 43.5 19.8 32.0 3.2 5.3 1.3 16.0 3.2 108 189 iscle Raw 67.6 ■ 21.3 10.0 1.0 175 79 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Coramon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % hydrates- 7. .2/ Per 100 grams Mullet, Green-Backed Mugil dussumierii Mullet, Grey Musil auratus Mullet, Grey, Boi Musil speifileri Mullet, Grey Harder Mugil capito Mullet, Indian Mugil corsula Mullet, Kechki Mugil cascasia Mullet, Long-Finned Mugil valgiensis Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 72.3 43.5 20.5 32.0 3.6 5.3 1.8 16.0 1.8 3.2 121 189 5 .3-7. 2 1 Muscle Raw Dried 77.2 14.1 17.7 61.4 0.7 6.5 1.1 12.0 3.3 6.0 90 328 Muscle Raw 78.4 70.8-86 2 14.9 12.3-17.6 2 0.4 1.7 4.6 82 Whole Dried 15.9 69.3 1.8 10.5 2.5 303 Muscle Raw 74.0 73.2-74 2 7 20.6 20.4-20.8 2 1 2.1 .5-2 2 6 2.0 1.3-2.6 2 1.3 107 Roe Raw Mullet, Parsey Mugil parsia Mullet, Striped Mugil cephalus Mullet Mugilidae Raw 70.8 17.5 4.6 1.5 5.9 135 69.3-72.3 16.6-18.4 3.0-5.9 0.9-2.1 2 2 3 2 Muscle Raw 72.4 19.2 6.0 1.3 1.1 135 59.5-79.9 15.7-22.8 0.7-20.2 1.0-1.8 37 34 37 33 Dressed Raw 53.7 16.9 14.6 3.9 0.9 203 58.5-72.7 15.5-19.2 3.4-22.4 3.5-4.6 8 7 8 7 Offal Raw 60.6 16.8 15.2 6.6 0.8 207 50.2-72.0 14.5-18.4 1.2-26.7 5.0-8.6 6 5 6 5 Muscle Raw 74.4 20.1 4.6 1.2 122 69.7-79.3 17.7-22.6 1.2-7.8 1.0-1.3 18 21 18 13 Cooked Boiled & Steamed 71.1 69.1-72.7 3 22.7 21.4-25.0 3 4.3 4.0-4.5 3 1.4 0.5 132 Fried In Ol 1 19.2 26.9 46.7 6.7 0.5 530 Salted 6. Dried 31.8 41.6 26.0 20.0 400 19.0-44.5 40.7-42.5 4.1-11.0 12.4-27.5 2 2 2 2 80 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat Z Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Z Per 100 grams 61.0 60.5-61.5 2 27.6 26.5-28.6 2 3.4-9.2 2 2.7 1.5-3. 2 Whole Raw Dried Fishmeal 75.5 33.5 2.4 15.7 41.6 82.8 5.1 14.8 9.7 3.6 10.1 6.0 109 300 419 Roe Salted 6. Dried Nemlpterld, Long-Tailed Nemipterus japonlcus Nemlpterld, Ribbon-Finned Nemipterus taenipterus Nemlpterld, Roncador Nemipterus vlrgatus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.8 78.2-79.4 3 17.8 17.2-18.3 4 1.0 0.3-1.5 4 2.1 1.3-3.4 4 77.8 76.4-79.2 3 40.6 18.4 17.6-19.3 3 34.6 1.0 0.9-1.2 3 2.9 1.4 1.3-1.4 3 18.7 77.4 76.5-78.2 2 17.8 2.7 1.2 Nemipterid Neraipteridae Muscle Raw 78.4 Pandora, Sea Bream Pagellus erythrlnus Parrotfish Oplegnathus fasciata Parrotfish Scarus mechipuncta tus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.0 75.7-80.9 7 17.2 15.6-21.3 8 2.0 0.4-2.7 9 1.7 1.3-2.4 7 79.2 78.6-79,8 2 17.1 16.1-18.0 2 2.7 2.3-3.1 2 1.3 1.1-1.5 2 79.7 79.2-80.2 2 19.2 0.4 1.1 79 80 Parrotfish, Loro Sparisoma squalidum Parrotfish Scaridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 80.0 75.1 74.4-75. 2 20.5 20.0-21.0 2 0.9 79 Perch, Blue, Walleye Stlzostedion vitreum glaucus Muscle Raw 79.8 79.6-79.9 2 18.9 18.6-19.1 3 1.1 0.9-1.5 3 1.2 1.1-1.2 3 Offal Raw 69.6 66.8-71.2 4 16.9 15. 9-17. £ 4 7.5-10.7 4 6.0 5.1-7.0 4 81 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates-' % Per 100 grams Perch, Climbing Anabas testudenicus Muscle Raw 75.2 70.0-78.6 18.1 14.8-20.1 9 4.5 1.6-8. 5 1.5 0.9-2.0 6 Whole Raw (5.6) Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster fasciata Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster pectoralis Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Perch, Climbing Anabantidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16.1 3.1 112 78.9 75.9-80.9 2 76.3 74.4-78.3 2 38.3 28.5-48.0 2 76.0 70.0-81.5 6 48.0 18.0 17.2-18 8 2 19.3 18.8-19 8 2 34.1 29.6-38 5 2 17.7 14.6-20 4 7 29.6 9.4 4.6-14.2 2 4.6 2.0-7.1 2 4.6 16.3 1.2 1.0-1.6 3 16.4 18.2 Perch, Golden, Callop Plectroplites ambiguus Muscle Raw Perch, Ocean, Pacific Sebastes alutus Perch, Sand Psammoperca waigiensis Perch, Silver Bairdella chrysura Perch, Yellow Perca flavescens Perch Percidae Muscle Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw 79.1 78.4-79.8 5 18.5 17.2-19.2 6 1.4 1.2-1.5 5 1 1.2 0-1.3 6 70.4 16.3 7.8 6.5 77.2 20.8 0.7 1.3 75.5 74.8-76.9 4 16.9 16.4-17.2 4 3.2 2.2-3.9 4 4 4.6 .0-5.7 4 78.9 - 75.5-81.1 14 18.8 17.3-20.0 15 1.1 0.5-4.0 16 1 1.2 1-1.4 11 74.5 71.7-76.3 5 16.6 15.8-17.5 5 4.4 2.5-7.5 5 3 4.3 7-5.3 5 0. 70.5 68.5-74.3 3 17.0 16.3-17.7 3 7.6 5.0-9.2 3 4 6.4 5-7.5 3 82.6 14.9 0.7 0.6-0.8 3 1.0 0. 85 82 Table 1. — Proximate composition of Elnfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descrlp tlon Moisture X Protein % Fat Ash Carbo- hydrates % 1/ Calories'' Per 100 Rrams Whole FPC 7.5 78.7 7.8 6.6 385 Muscle Raw 75.4 19.8 1.4 1.4 2.0 100 Dressed Raw 79.0 16.2 0.9 2.5 1.4 76 Muscle Raw 67.7 6A.6-70.8 2 28.1 24.9-31.2 2 3.3 2.0 2.0-2.1 2 142 Muscle Raw 76.1 72.5-79.7 2 18.6 0.3 1.4 3.6 92 Picarel Maena zebra Picarel Smarls vulgaris Picarel Centracantidae Pigfish, Grunt Orthoprlstis chrysoptera Whole Raw 74.3 113 Pike Hepsetus odoe Muscle Raw 79 . 2 Dried 6, Smoked 11.2 0.7 4.2 1.3 4.4 82 359 Pike, Muskellunge Esox masquinongy Pike, Northern Esox lucius Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 76.3 79.7 18.7 0.9 1.2 78.5-80.2 18.2-19.7 0.5-1.2 1.1-1.3 4 4 4 2 103 Offal Raw 71.8 Pike Esocidae Pilchard, Australian Sardinops neopilchardus Pilchard, European Clupea pilchardus Pilchard, Japanese Sardinops melanos ticta Raw 78.9 18.3 0.7 1.2 0.9 83 76.7-80.8 17.9-18.7 0.5-0.9 1 1-1.3 5 3 5 4 Whole Raw 77.1 16.3 1.0 4.5 1.1 79 75.9-78.9 14.8-17.5 0.3-1.2 4 3-4.9 6 6 6 6 Muscle Raw 71.7 19.5 5.9 2.3 0.6 134 59.6-81.8 14.4-25.4 1.5-17.4 1 .0-6.7 27 29 29 28 Canned In Oil 54.8 54.0-55.5 2 21.7 20.0-25.0 3 22.6 13.5-32.7 3 3.5 0.9 294 Whole Fisl-imeal 2.2 65.2 26.9 5.5 0.2 504 Muscle Raw 72.3 18.2 6.3 2.3 0.9 133 69.0-76.6 16.2-21.1 0.7-11.0 1 .2-5.4 8 6 8 6 Canned In Oil 54.8 21.7 20.0 3.2 0.3 268 In Tomato 68.0 22.2 5.4 2.9 1.5 143 83 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein % Ash Carbo- hydrates % % 3.9 2.5 3.5-A 3 2 7.2 12.8 1/ 2/ Calories Per 100 grams Pilchard, Pacific Sardinops (Sardina) caerulea Pilchard Clupeidae Unspecif ie d 69.0 64.5-72.4 3 Salted 53.8 Salted 6, Dried 40.7 29.0-52.4 2 Whole Dried 30.3 18.2-42.4 2 Muscle Raw 67.4 63.4-76.2 7 Canned In Tomato Sauce 65.8 64.6-67.4 4 Unspecified 61.9 56.1-65.2 7 Muscle Canned 64.8 60.7-68.2 3 Whole Fishmeal 7.1 5.9-8.3 2 18.5 15.5-20.6 3 23.3 40.0 25.8-54.1 2 19.2 18.1-22.6 18.5 17.8-19.7 5 16.8 15.9-17.7 7 17.6 15.8-21.9 4 65.7 61.9-68.3 3 6.1 4.8-7.7 3 5.7 6.7 3.3-10.0 2 10.4 6. 9-13. £ 2 12.1 3.1-15.6 12.3 10.4-14.8 5 17.9 13.7-26.2 6 13.9 10.8-14.9 4 3.6 3.5-3.7 2 3.1 2.7 2.6-2.8 5 1.7 1.1-2.9 7 1.8 1.6-1.9 2 16.5 12.8-20.9 3 1.9 108 116 220 314 186 188 228 295 Plntadilla Cheilodactylus variegatus Plaice, American Hippofilossoides platessoldes Plaice, American Fleuronectes platessa Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw 1.8 81.6 77.5-85.5 11 15.9 13.1-18.1 10 0.8 0.1-4.8 10 1.2 75.5 74.7-76.3 2 16.5 15.7-17.2 2 2.5 2.2-2.8 2 5.1 4.7-5.5 2 80.0 79.1-80.0 2 17.2 16.8-17.7 3 1.5 0.3-2.3 5 1.3 78.3 76.8-79.9 2 15.9 14.8-17.3 3 3.2 0.9-5.4 2 (2.6) 2.9 104 73 82 Plaice, Solla Platessa platessa Plaice Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw 78.0 17.3 2.6 2.0 Muscle Raw 80.1 15.9 1.6 1.4 1. 79.2-81.0 15.3-16.4 1.4-1.8 1.2-1.6 4 4 2 2 Cooked Fried 58.5 18. TJ 14.4 (2.1) Steamed 78.0 18.1 1.9 (2.0) 82 202 90 84 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Protein Fat % Ash Carbo- . hydrates- Calorles^' Per 100 grams Pollock Pollachius pollachius Pollack, Saithe, Coalfish Pollachius virens Pollock, Walleye Therafira chalcograimna Whole Raw 76.2 Raw 78.7 77.A-80 3 5 Muscle Raw 78.9 72.9-82 1 7 Canned 72.9 Cooked Riceloaf 7A.0 Steamed 74.8 Offal Raw 70.7 70.1-71 3 3 Muscle Raw 81.2 80.3-83 15 Dried 16.3 Salted 6. Dried 34.3 Whole Raw 79.3 79.1-79 6 3 Fishmeal 11.9 Offal Raw 79.7 18.4 18.4 17.5-19.2 6 19.2 17.0-24.3 11 24.3 12.7 22.6 16.5 16.1-17.0 3 16.7 14.7-18.9 17 65.5 56.0 16.0 15.3-17.2 3 53.8 15.7 14.1-17.2 2 0.4 0.3-0.7 6 0.8 0.2-2.0 9 1.5 2.2 0.6 6 6-9 3 0.8 6 2-1 17 3.2 2.0 2.4 1 2-3 3 7.5 4.6 1.6 1.3-2.0 5 1.4 1.2-1.9 5 1.9 2.5 (2.0) 3.7 3.4-4.0 3 1.1 1.0-1.3 15 7.5 7.7 3.4 3.3-3.5 3 23.8 7.5 86 81 84 105 96 321 242 86 Roe Raw Pollock Gadidae 65.1-67 6 2 Muscle Raw 78.7 75.9-80 4 6 Cooked Cakes 58.5 Creamed 74.7 Fried Almond S auce 71.9 Battered S Breaded 67.5 Loaf 69.8 Salad 69.2 Shortcake 67.1 Roe Raw 68.9 25.3 24.2-26.4 2 19.7 16.3-21.7 5 11.9 13. c 2.0 1.9-2.1 2 1.3 0.8-2.5 5 16.8 5.9 4.3 2.2-6.4 2 1.5 1.1-l.f 5 2.5 1.5 10.3 4.0 91 240 125 16.5 6.9 a. 5) (7.6) 158 15.2 4.1 2.3 8.6 132 15.5 10.9 2.3 2.1 169 12.8 5.1 2.3 12.7 148 64.0-73.8 2 Pomfret, Atlantic Brama brama Muscle Raw 77.3 73.7-78.9 4 1.2 19.7 18.4-20.5 4 93.7 0.8 0.3-1.9 4 2.4 1.2 1.1-1.3 4 3.0 396 85 Table 1. — Proximate composttioo of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon aiid Scientific Name Descrlp tlon Moisture Protein Fat Ash % % X % Muscle Raw 75.7 69.3-81.0 3 19.2 15.1-25.6 3 1 3.8 .0-5.2 4 1.1 0.7-1.5 3 Muscle Raw 75.0 20.9 '' 1.6 1.1 Muscle FPC 8.4 84.4 0.6 8.1 Muscle Raw 74.6 72.9-76.3 2 21.1 19.9-22.2 2 3.3 .9-5.6 2 Cl.O) Muscle Raw 75.9 74.3-77.4 3 20.9 20.2-21.5 3 1.6 .6-3.4 3 1.2 Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates-' % Per 100 grams Pomf re t , Si Ive r Pampus argenteus Pomfret, Silver Pampas chinensis Pomfret Bramidae Pomp an o Caranx Igaobllis Pompano Caranx stellatus 0.2 100 343 114 100 Pompano Trachinotus palometus Pompano, Indian Alectis indicus Muscle Raw 0.8 Pompano, Pacific Neptomenus crassus Pompano, Talakitok Caranx malabaricus Pompano Carangidae Porgy, Aligote Pagellus acame Porgy, Bisugo Pagellus cantabricus Porgy, Bogue Sarpa (Box) boops Porgy, Large Eyed DenCex Dentex macrophthalmus Porgy, Longs pine Stenotomus caprinus Raw 77.0 77.7-80.4 7 20.2 17.6-21.6 7 0.9 0.2-1.7 7 1.3 0.4-1.5 7 Muscle Raw 76.1 73.1-78.3 3 19.1 17.2-20.2 3 2.0 0.7-3.3 2 1.3 1.0-1.5 2 Muscle Raw 75.8 73.3-76.9 4 17.2 16.3-18.5 4 2.5 1.1-6.3 4 1.5 1.2-1.7 4 Muscle Raw Dried 74.6 72.5-76.5 5 7.1 19.5 18.7-21.0 5 77.7 4.1 0.9-7.9 3 7.5 1.2 0.9-1.5 5 7.7 Muscle Raw 77.1 73.6-80.5 2 18.0 16.8-19.2 2 2.2 1.1-3.3 2 1.3 1.2-1.3 2 Muscle Raw 79.3 77.8-80.3 5 17.0 16.4-17.4 5 2.3 1.1-4.4 5 1.4 1.1-1.6 5 Muscle Raw 69.3 18.6 10.1 2.1 Muscle Salted 6. Dried 28.0 60.6 4.9 21.9 Whole Raw 73.3 73.3-73.4 3 17.5 17.2-17.6 3 2.4 1.9-2.6 3 6.7 6.4-7.4 3 0.6 34 91 100 103 378 89 92 Porgy, Panga Paerus laniarius Muscle Raw 90 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture X Muscle Raw 76.9 Salted 6, Dried 10.5 Muscle Raw 77.2 Muscle Raw 77.5 Muscle Raw ll.b 69.4-83.0 22 Cooked Steamed 75.0 Protein % Fat % Ca hydrates- rbo-, , Calories^' Per 100 urams Porgy, Pargo Pagrus ehrenbergii Porgy, Redfin Argyrops spinlfer Porgy, Red Roman Pagrus laticeps Porgy Sparidae 73.5-76.5 2 23.4 20.5 62.6 18.3 13.2-24.5 18 18.8 17.8-19.7 2 64.0 2.2 4.0 3.2 0.6-7.0 24 3.5 3.0-4.0 2 4.9 1.8 31.0 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.1-1.6 16 (2.7) 7.7 102 285 Roe Raw 76.3 75.7-76.9 2 60.9 16.0 13.6-18.3 2 21.6 4.3-7.3 2 2.2 1.5 1.4-1.6 2 14.8 Pout, Fanica Gadus luscus Muscle Raw 78.6 75.5-80.1 4 18.9 17.7-21.4 4 0.8 0.6-1.0 4 1.7 1.4-2.1 4 Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides maculatus Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides porphyreus Puffer, Swellfish Tetraodontidae Puntazzo Puntazzo puntazzo Queenfish, Leatherjacket Chorinemus tol Rabbitfish Siganus (Teuthis) javis Rabbitfish, Spiny Siganus oramin Rabbitfish Siganidae Muscle Cooked Boiled Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.9 19.1 1.3 0.7 78.3-80.1 16.2-20.2 0.1-2.5 0.8-1.6 6 5 7 5 17.3 64.3 1.0 18.8 76.6 .7-78 5 6 78.2 .4-80 5 42.7 1 Salted i Fermented 60.0 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.4 20.2 19.1-21.2 5 19.2 17.4-20.9 5 38.2 10.6 1.1 1-2 . 4 4 1.5 6-3.8 5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5-2.4 5 1.0 0.3-1.4 5 14.9 22.8 2.2 2.4 4.9 179 77 0.7 87 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfijhes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Naine Description Mois ture Z Protein % Fat Z Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates-' __% % Per 100 grams Satfish Chimaera monstrosa Ratfish Hydrolagus colliei Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 81.6 76.1 69.6-83.4 3 12.3 14.9 11.6-18.1 3 0.7 9.8 0.7-18.1 3 1.1 l.A 1.2-1.6 2 4.3 Ray, Eagle Actobatus peruvlanus Ray, Eagle Rhlnoptera seweli Ray, Electric Torpedo (ocellata) torpedo Muscle Rau Cooked Baked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.6 65.9 21.0 31.1 20.9 0.9 0.4 0.5 2.0 1.4 77.3 16.3 0.8 1.6 75.6-79.1 12.1-20.5 0.4-1.2 1.1-2.0 2 2 2 2 0.5 1.2 94 133 Razorfish, Shrimpfish Aeoliscus punctulatus Redfish Sebastes mentella Muscle Dried i Smoked 10.0 Muscle Raw 75.8 74.2-78.2 81.2 18.5 16.8-19.7 9 4.8 3.3-7.1 3.2 1.1 1.0-1.5 Redfish, Ocean Perch Sebastes marinus Roach Rutilus rutilus Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw 77.7 72.6-80.5 16 Cooked Baked In Spanish Sauce78.7 Unspecified 69.3 Chowder 77.9 Fried 59.0 Kabobs 70.0 Kabobs & Mushrooms 76 . 8 Whole Raw Fishmeal Offal Raw Muscle Raw 75.4 74.4-76.4 2 3.6 1.2-6.0 2 70.0 67.4-73.6 4 73.0 57.0-85.0 5 18.4 17.4-21.7 16 14.5 24.0 10.1 18.9 21.4 13.7 10.8 17.3 17.1-17.4 2 58.6 57.1-60.0 2 16.3 15.9-17.0 4 15.6 5.7 18.5 0.9-11.7 16.1-23.0 5 5 3.1 1.2 0.6-8.4 0.8-1.5 18 14 3.4 1.5 5.1 1.8 4.9 1.7 11.5 1.9 8.3-13.3 3 5.8 2.3 5.2 2.2 6.1 1.9 2.2 6.0 2.0-2.3 5.4-6.6 2 2 10.6 25.3 8.1-13.0 25.3-25.4 2 2 6.8 6.5 4.0-8.5 6.3-6.7 4 4 3.7 (2.8) 1.9-5.4 2 1.9 5.4 8.7 0.5 2.1 6.1 1.9 96 142 106 214 140 110 123 88 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein Fat Z 7. Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- X Z Per 100 grams IVhole Fishmeal Defatted 11.5 11.4-11.6 2 73.2 67.1-79.4 2 7.7 2.0-13.4 2 (7.5) Roach Cyprlnldae Rockfish, Black Sebastes melanops Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16.4 17.9 17.5-18.7 3 1.3 1.0-1. 3 1.3 1.2-1.3 2 79 83 Rockfish, Boccaccio Sebastes paucispinus Muscle Raw 79.5 78.5-80.0 3 18.9 18.6-19.5 3 1.5 1.0-2.5 3 1.2 1.2-1.3 3 89 Rockfish, Canary Sebastes plnnlger Muscle Raw 79.3 78.7-79.6 5 18.4 17.2-18.8 2.3 0.4-6.0 6 1.3 1.2-1.6 4 94 Rockfish, Chllipepper Sebastes goodei Rockfish, Dark Blotched Sebastes crameri Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Rockfish, Flag Sebastes rubivinctus Rockfish, Greenstrlped Sebastes elongatus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 18.2 78.8 20.2 0.7 1.2 .5-79.1 20.0-20.3 0.7-0.7 1.0-1.3 2 2 2 2 89 Rockfish, Idiot Sebastes alascanus Rockfish, Mebara Sebastes inermis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.8 75.1-77.4 3 85 Rockfish, Osaga Sebastes iracundus Muscle Raw Rockfish, Red Sebastes matsubarae Muscle Raw 17.4 16.4-18.4 2 3.4 0.8-6.0 Rockfish, Red Sebastes ruberrimus Muscle Raw 17.6 17.2-17.9 2 1.2 1.0-1.3 3 Rockfish, Rosy Sebastes rosaceus Muscle Raw 79.1 19.3 84 Rockfish, Rougheye Sebastes aleutianus Muscle Raw Rockfish, Yellowtail Sebastes flavidus Muscle Rav; 18.9 1.6 1.2 1.1-1.2 3 89 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Muscle Raw 80.8 75.9-86.7 3 Cooked Baked & Stuffed 70.1 Cocktail 74.6 Steamed 75.4 Offal Raw 72.0 Fat % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates^' X Per 100 grams Rockf ish Scorpaenidae 71.3-73.4 2 16.2 12.5-19. 4 21.3 15.9 18.1 16.5 16.2-16.8 2 1.0 0.5-1.4 3 3.4 0.9 2.5 6.4 5.7-7.1 2 1.2 0.7-1.5 3 1.6 2.4 2.1 5.4 4.8-6.0 2 3.6 6.2 1.9 76 116 96 102 124 Runner, Blue Caranx crysos Muscle Raw 75.2 73.7-76.6 2 21.5 20.8-22.2 2 2.2 1.2-3.1 2 1.5 1.4-1.6 2 96 Whole Dried 35.7 34.6-36.7 2 40.0 3.7 19.6 1.0 197 Runner, Rainbow Elagatis bipinnulata Muscle Raw 75.2 72.9-78.6 5 21.7 19.5-23.6 5 1.5 0.6-3.0 5 1.5 1.2-1.9 5 100 Sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus Salmon, Atlantic Salmo salar Muscle Raw Raw 71.0 12.9 14.7 1.2 61.7-80.1 10.8-17.8 0.4-25.0 0.8-2.4 5 8 7 5 Muscle Raw 75.1 20.4 2.1 1.0 72.4-79.8 13.5-23.8 0.8-3.6 0.6-1.3 4 5 5 4 Muscle Raw 74.5 17.2 5.5 1.1 66.6-84.8 11.7-22.5 0.2-14.5 1.0-1.2 9 8 14 6 Canned 65.2 21.1 11.6 1.2 64.3-68.0 20.8-21.1 9.0-12.5 4 4 4 188 185 Salmon, Australian Arripis trutta Salmon, Cherry Oncorhynchus masou Salmon, Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawy tscha Whole Raw 72.5 20.7 2.8 4.3 108 Dressed Raw 68.8 20.9 5.8 3.9 0.6 138 67.3-70.0 20.3-21.4 5.3-6.6 3 .7-4 3 3 3 3 Muscle Raw 74.5 73.0-75.9 2 20.5 3.8 2.4-5.4 4 1.4 3.6 131 Canned 84.5 10.0 4.6 1.4 81 Salted 68.4 22.7 5.9 3.1 144 Muscle Raw 68.0 1?.9 11.6 1.0 1.5 182 61.3-79.9 14.1-25.6 2.2-19.0 8-1 3 16 21 19 13 90 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash % % % % Canned 62.8 19.3 14.8 1.5 55.6-68.9 17.6-20.3 3.7-24 1 1 0-2.6 20 20 23 20 Cooked Fishloaf 61.9 24.9 10.8 0.2 Muscle Raw 73.5 20.4 4.6 1.4 68.9-78.3 17.7-24.5 1.3-7.9 1 2-1.7 11 15 18 9 Canned 68.9 20.8 6.6 1.5 63.7-71.4 18.9-21.5 5.2-15 2 1 0-2.6 10 11 13 10 Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates-' X Per 100 RramB Salmon, Chum Oncorhynchus keta Whole Raw 81.7 (2.3) Salmon, Coho Oncorhynchus kisutch Raw 57.5 18.4 12.4 1.6 54.5-60.9 10.2-17.0 1.4-1.7 3 4 2 Muscle Raw 72.3 21.1 5.7 1.5 67.0-75.3 19.9-22 1.3-9.9 1.1-2.5 19 20 24 15 Canned 68.6 20.7 7.6 1.6 65.4-74.4 19.4-21 7 3.4-11.3 1.2-2.6 9 10 15 9 Salted 62.9 22.5 5.5 9.1 61.4-64.4 21.8-23 2 5.1-5.8 8.2-10.0 2 2 2 2 Smoked & Salted 40.5 13.5 Salmon, Longtooth toll thus ruber Salmon, Pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Raw 56.4 18.4 9.1-27.7 2 11.2 10.9-11.4 2 2.9 Muscle Raw 78.1 ]8.3 1.8 2.6 76.3-80 9 17.4-20.0 1.5-2.2 1.5-4.8 3 3 3 3 Salted 6, Dried 23.9 48.8 2.9 24.4 Muscle Raw 74.6 20.1 4.8 1.2 69.9-77 4 17.5-22.0 1.8-12.5 1.2-1.3 10 10 2 9 Canned 72.5 19.3 6.4 1.6 68.2-78 3 12.5-22.0 2.0-17.1 0.9-3.0 49 39 54 36 Salted 46.4 36.4 8.4 8.6 221 Salmon, Sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka scle Raw 74.9 20.3 6.9 1.2 65.6-88.5 13.7-23.1 1.6-13.2 1.1-2.4 29 23 24 15 Canned 67.3 20.4 9.3 2.0 61.3-71.5 16.3-25.9 5.4-15.4 1.2-3.0 19 21 24 19 ole Raw 72.2 18.4 7.8 (1.6) 63.4-80.9 15.8-19.8 1.7-13.9 2 3 2 91 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common aiid Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein Z A/ s2/ hydrates- Z Per 100 grams Salmon Salmonldae Offal Raw 67.1 16.1 13.7 (3.1) 188 Roe Salted 53.0 25.0 15.0 6.2 0.8 238 Muscle Raw 69.7 19.9 9.3 1.5 163 61.4-77 7 17.4-23 1.3-20 0.9-2.9 15 21 25 15 Canned 67.6 21.1 8.4 2.3 0.6 162 61.7-73 7 19.7-24 5 3.7-15 9 1.2-3.0 17 20 19 14 Cooked A la King 59.4 15.8 14.5 2.4 7.9 225 Broiled 59.3 28.0 6.9 3.2-10 3 9 1.6 4.2 191 Fishloaf 66.9 16.0 6.4 2.3 8.4 155 With Rice 74.4 12.0 4.5 1.8 7.3 118 Molded Salad 69.9 15.1 9.2 2.1 3.7 158 Smoked Rolls 31.1 15.0 30.7 3.0 20.2 417 Steaks Baked 67.6 26.1 3.8 1.6 0.9 142 Steamed 65.4 19.1 13.0 (2.5) 193 With Tomatoes 83.7 4.0 4.9 0.8 6.6 87 Salted 59.2 21.9 7.5 10.8 0.6 158 48.5-64 4 17.5-25 2 5.1-14 6 7.8-17.2 4 4 4 4 Smoked 56.8 26.6 7.2 10.8 171 40.5-64 9 21.4-35 5 3.6-9. J 7.0-13.5 4 3 3 3 FPC 8.1 88.6 0.2 2.7 0.4 358 Sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus Offal Fishmeal Roe Canned Salted Muscle Raw (22.1) 70.9 21.9 4.1 2.9 0.2 125 53.0 25.0 11.6 9.3-15.0 3 6.2 4.2 221 78.0 14.8 4.2 0.8 2.2 106 .4-80 6 14.0-15 6 4.1-4.3 0.5-1. 1 2 2 2 2 30.2 44.8 9.8 15.1 267 Sardine Clupanodon pseudohispanicus Sardine Opisthopterus tartoor Sardine Sardina (Sardinops) ocellata Sardine Sardinella allecia Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw 70.8 20.6 7.0 1.3 0.3 78.3 18.2 0.2 2.1 1.2 71.3 63.9-74 4 7 16.7 15.3-17 4 8 3 7.0 .7-14.7 4 1.1 7-1.4 4 3.9 72.7 72.5-72 2 8 20.6 20.4-20 2 7 4 4.8 .7-4.9 2 2 2.9 7-3.0 2 126 92 Table 1.— Proximate composition of Einflshes, wl,a les, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Sardine Sardinella cameroneensis Sardine Sardinella eba Sardine, Golden Sardinella aurita Sardine, Indian Sardinella longlceps Sardine, Red Ear Harengula humeralis Sardine, Scaled, Razorbelly Harengula pensacolae Sardine, Spotted Sardinella sirutu Sardine Clupeidae Whole Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 77.1 71.0 67.9-74.! 4 Whole Raw Dried 23.9 22.8-24.9 2 Salted (, Smoked 23.3 22.5-24.1 2 Muscle Raw 74 . 58.0-77.2 9 Dried 44.3 43.1-45.5 2 Salted 6, Dried 43.1 Salted S, Smoked 58.3 Vfliole Raw Muscle Smoked Whole Raw Whole Dried Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 70.8 66.2-78.5 48.2 70.3 65.5-76.0 21 43.1 73.6 66.5-76.6 6 56.5 47.1-65.4 21 In Tomato Sauce 66.1 63.1-71.5 6 Unspecified 62.6 59.3-69.2 Protein Fat 51.7 19.0 22.9 18.3-32.6 5 19.0 18.3-19.6 2 57.0 56.3 17.3 13.9-21.0 9 37.4 37.4 33.2 18.2 16.9-19.4 2 18.7 17.5-20.0 22 37.4 18.9 16.7-22 .1 6 22.3 17.5-28 7 24 17.3 15.8-17 8 6 23.9 17.7-27 1 8 5.0 6.0 2.3-9. 6 5.4 1.9-27.5 1.1 3.6 9.3 9.1-9.7 3 6.2 1.8-12.1 22 2.3-15.2 7 17.3 8.3-27.0 26 11.2 6.6-14.8 6 10.6 5.3-13.7 Ash Carbo- Calories^/ hydrates-' — ? 2 Per 100 grama 17.4 1.7 1.1-2.1 5 6.5 1.5 1.0-1. 9 16.0 16.0 5.1 (1.7) 5,0 5.1 3.4-7.2 22 2.0 1.2-2.5 5 3.6 2.7-5.6 18 3.1 2.5-4.2 6 3.7 2.9-4. 9 1.4 0.8 2.4 0.5 2.4 257 279 164 169 165 157 139 93 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash Carbo- hydrates-' Calories^/ % % % '/. % Per 100 Rrams Cooked Appetizer 51.7 20.7 14.3 2.2 11.0 212 Apple Salad 66.6 13.6 12.0 1.9 5.9 186 Fried 12.1 38.8 38.8 9.9 0.4 506 Salad 70.7 12.1 11.7 1.8 3.7 169 Salad Sandwich 60.5 9.2 ^ 8.3 1.6 20.4 193 Sardine- -noodle Casserole 66.5 11.4 9.4 2.0 10.7 173 Toasted Cheese & Sardine Sandwiches. 7 19.3 14.9 3.2 13.9 267 Dried 30.5 45.6 14.8 8.5 0.6 318 Half 60.0 51.0-69.0 2 21.9 21.7-22. 2 .0 4.8 2.2-7.4 2 1.6 11.7 131 Marinated 64.1 15.8 15.9 2.5 1.7 213 Smoked 15.4 70.0 8.4 6.2 356 Paste With Tomatoes 60.4 19.0 9.6 3.4 7.6 193 Whole Raw 59.8 21.1 18.2 5.0 248." 49.0-72.4 20.0-23, .0 8.0-27.0 2.6-9.5 ..- - 5 4 3 5 Smoked 25.1 54.0 6.9 14.0 278 Fishmeal 6.2 64.2 5.6 16.7 7.3 336 1.3-8.2 60.0-71, ,0 3.3-7.9 11.4-20.3 6 7 7 6 YPC 6.2 85.6 81.8-69, .3 0.5 5.2 0.8-9.6 2 2.5 357 Sargeant Major Abudefduf saxa tills Saury, Atlantic Scomberesox saurus Saury, Pacific Cololabis saira Sawfish Pristidae Scad Caranx gumnostethades Scad Trachurus lathami Whole Rau 81.2 14.6 2.1 2.5 77 Muscle Raw 74.8 67.2-78, 8 .6 16.5 12.5-22. 8 .5 6.1 1.4-12.7 8 1.2 1.4 121 Muscle Raw 66.8 20.0 11.1 1.5 0.6 182 58.7-71, .1 18.5-23. .8 1.2-21.2 1.3-2.4 22 14 26 7 Canned Seasoned 59.2 20.6 10.2 4.1 5.9 198 With Tomatoes 65.8 19.0 10.3 2.5 2.4 178 Dried 64.9 22.7 8.6 4.2 168 Salted 61.4 20.1 9.8 8.5 0.2 169 Seasone ■d & Dried 42.0 35.1 14.3 5.6 3.0 281 Muscle Raw 72.3 21.8 4.6 1.3 128 Muscle Raw 75.9 21.8 0.6 1.3 0.4 94 Muscle Raw 69.4 18.5 11.4 1.4 177 68.0-70 .8 18.2-18. ,7 9.8-13.0 1.3-1.5 2 2 2 2 Whole Raw 94 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash Carbo- . hydratesi' Calories^'' Z Z 7. '/, Z Per 100 grams Scad, Bigeyed Muscle Caranx crumenophchalmus Raw 78.5 19.5 1.1 1.7 88 76.5-80.6 17.5-23 6 1-2 7 1.3-1 8 4 5 4 4 Cooked Fried 62.6 26.9 7.8 2.1 0.6 180 Salted 6, Dried 42.5 41.7-43.3 2 56.7 37.8 1.5 17.4 0.8 167 Smoked 35.5 5.3 3.1 190 Scad, Golden Muscle Caranx kalla Raw 76.8 18.8 1.5 1.4 1.5 95 76.6-77.0 18.0-19 6 7-2 2 1.2-1 5 2 2 3 2 Scad, Horse Mackeral Muscle Trachurus novaezelandie Raw 71.7 22.4 3.2 2.8 118 66.8-76.6 19.8-25 2 3-4 1.4-4 2 2 2 2 2 Salted & Dried 8.3 60.9 5.4 25.4 292 Scad, Mackerel Muscle Decapterus macarellus Raw 75.7 21.7 1.3 1.5 99 74.2-76.7 19.2-24 4 1 0-1 7 1.1-1. 8 4 5 5 4 Salted & Dried 32.8 51.0 3.5 12.6 236 26.6-37.6 43.3-61 1 1 8-4 8 10.5-14 .8 - Wliole 3 3 3 3 Raw 73.5 20.3 1.5 4.6 0.2 95 Scad, Round Decapterus pinnulatus Scad Carangidae Scorpionfish, Rose fish Helicolenus dactylopterus Scorpionfish, Yellow Scorpaena scropha Muscle Cooked Fried 65.8 25.2 5.1 2.0 IJhole Fishmeal 6.5 69.5 7.2 17.1 Muscle Raw 79.3 79.0-79 2 5 17.4 16.6-18 2 1 2 2.4 2-2 2 5 1.3 1.1-1.5 2 Muscle Raw 75.9 65.1-80 4 7 20.1 15.1-27 4 7 1.9 9-4 4 1.7 1.2-3.2 4 343 Sculpin Cottus pollux Sculpin, Sea Raven Hemitripterus americanus Scup, Sea Bream Stenotomus chrysops Muscle Dried 10.2 60.7 14.2 12.9 Muscle Cooked Steamed 74.9 71.6-81.0 3 21.2 21.0-21.3 2 5.0 4.7-5.2 Muscle Raw 75.5 73.6-77.0 5 18.8 18.4-19.1 5 3.7 1.2-5.9 5 1.2 1.1-1.4 6 130 95 Table 1 . — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo-, , Calories^' hydrates 1/ Per 100 grams W}\ole Raw 70.6 17.8 Sea Crow Corvina nigrita Sea Cucumber Stichopus j aponicus Sea Cucumber, Red Stichopus californias Sea Cucumber Holothuroidae Raw 65.1 17.2 12.1 6.7 61.9-68, .2 17.1-17, .3 8 .6-15 ..6 6 .5-6.8 2 2 2 2 Muscle Raw 76.5 19.2 0.5 1.1 4.7 16.3-22, .0 .4-0. 6 .9-1.2 2 2 2 Dried 19.0 67.0 9.1 4.9 Muscle Raw 89.8 6.8 0.9 1.5 1.0 84.9-95, . 2 1.3-11, .4 .2-1. 4 .1-2.7 18 17 16 16 Dried 8.9 82.0 1.7 2.6 4.8 Dried 6. Soaked 79.0 18.9 0.4 0.6 1.1 Muscle Raw 89.7 86.2-93. 2 ,1 10.6 0.6 1.7 Muscle Raw 87.7 6.5 0.8 2.8 2.2 81.8-91, .9 2.5-10, ,0 .1-1. 4 1 .4-4.3 6 5 3 3 Dried 37.3 38.8 1.3 17.1 5.5 363 84 Sea Devil Scorpaena porcus Muscle Raw 73.2 61.4-79.7 3 18.3 16.2-19.5 4 1.5 0.5-2.1 4 1.5 1.1-2.1 3 Sea Robin, Armoured Peristedion cataphractu Muscle Raw Sea Robin, Gurnard Trigla aspera Sea Robin, Gurnard Trifila lineata Sea Robin, Gurnard Trigla lyra Sea Robin, Gurnard, Grey Trigla gurnardus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 1.4-3.9 3 Sea Robin, Gurnard, Red Trigla capensis Muscle Raw 78.4-79.2 2 18.3 18.0-18.6 2 0.9 0.6-1.3 3 1.6-2.1 2 Sea Robin, Gurnard, Red Trigla cuculus Whole Raw Muscle Raw 77.5 17.7- 3.4 .0-81.4 17.2-18.3 0.4-6.3 3 3 3 (3.9) 0.4 96 Table 1. — Proximate composition of fitifishes, wiiale s, and products Sea Robin Cllus monti Sea Trout Cynoscion arenarlus Sea Trout, Silver Cynoscion nothus Seventy-four Dentex undulosas Shad Clupea alosa Shad Ethmalosa dorsal i.q Sea Robin, Gurnard, Yellow Muscle Trlgla lucerna Ka„ Muscle Roe Raw Sea Trout, Corvina Muscle Raw Sea Trout, Gray „^,3^1g Cynoscion regalis r3„ 76 2 74.9- -77 5 76 6 74.6- 79 6 7 Offal Raw 74.5 Whole Raw Whole Raw Sea Trout, Spotted m i , ^puLueu Muscle Cynoscion nebulosus j^^j^ 4 (■niole Salted i Dried 28.0 Muscle Raw 75 . 4 Muscle Raw Roe Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein . ? % Z 19. 1-79. h 17.1-18.1 0.7-1.9 2 2 ^"S'""" R^" 76.2 18.6 6 Ifliole Raw 75.2 16.6 73.3-77.0 16.4-16.8 1 9-2 2 2 10.4 20.5 0.5 18.8 3.1 75.4 79.9 17.3 79.0-81.4 16.2-18.5 3 3 7^-1 18.2 69.5-78.7 17.3-19.0 2 2 71.0 21.0 71.4 20.3 69.2 20.4 8-0-70.3 20.3-20.6 ^ 4 51.5 97 fa' Ash Carbo- Calories^/ hydrates-' ? _^ Per 100 grams 79.3 17.6 1.3 1,0 1.0-1.1 2 2 1-9 1. 72.8-82.0 16.5-22.9 1.0-2.9 1.1-2.4 6 2.0 6.4 6.2-6.7 2 15.7-20.0 1.4-4.3 1.1-1.3 1.4 1-2 0.3 74.0 17.1 5.8 3.1 69.0-79.3 15.8-17.7 1.8-10.9 2.7-3.6 7 7 7 7 2-1 0.9 1.4-3.2 0.8-1.0 3 24.4 5-7 1.0 1.3-10.0 2 (4.2) 4.2 4-5 5.7 3.1-6.6 5.5-5.9 4 4 19.0 18.6 0.5 121 1.3 0.5 93 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfislies, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture X Protein Fat 7. Ash Carbo- . Calories^' hydratesl' _% % Per 100 grams Shad , AmerJ can Alosa sapidissirr Muscle Raw Canned Dried 70.3 64.6-72.9 71.1 6.7 18.0 15.7-19.9 16.9 88.6 11.2 3.0-17.2 1.3 1.2-1.5 7 2.8 5.4 0.4 148 354 Offal Raw 62.7 61. 4-63. £ 3 16.7 13.8-20.7 3 16.3 11.5-19.9 3 3.4 3.2-3.6 3 Shad, Bastard Konosirus thrissa Muscle Raw 74.8 73.7-77.0 3 19.8 19.4-20.0 3 4.3 0.7-10.5 5 1.7-1.9 3 Shad, Gizzard Anodontostoma chacunda Muscle Raw 77.9 77.4-78.4 3 Dried 49.9 48.3-51.5 2 66.7 18.1 18.0-18.2 3 23.7 1.4 1.2-1.5 3 5.5 2.1 1.3-2.9 3 19.4 2.8 Shad, Gizzard Dorosoma cepedianum Muscle Raw 69.7 64.1-81.6 7 17.0 13.8-20.6 7 11.2 0.9-19.8 7 1.7 1.2-2.5 7 Whole Raw 67.2 63.8-70.6 2 13.8 12.0-15.5 2 16.2 14.2-18.2 2 2.4 2.2-2.5 Offal Raw 60.8 58.0-63.5 12.8 10.5-15.1 22.8 22.4-23.1 2 3.9 3.6-4.2 2 256 Shad, Hickory Alosa mediocris Shad, Indian Clupea toll Shad, Indian Hilsa ilisha Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Fishmeal 63.3 53.7-71.5 3 5.4 4.2-6.5 2 20.7 17.4-22.8 6 62.2 60.0-64.3 4.8 0.7 25.1 17.6-41.2 4 14.3 12.3-16.2 2 1.4 1.7 1.2-2.2 2 5.5 4.6-6.4 2 1.2 12.6 117 83 309 Shad, Slender Ilisha elongata Shad, Threadfin Dorosoma petenense Shad Clupeidae Muscle Raw 76.4 Whole Raw 76.2 Muscle Raw 71.0 63.9-79.1 4 Cooked Baked With Bacon 64.0 14.6 11.3 19.4 18.4-21.9 4 8.0 8.3 1.2-12.9 4 23.5 11.8 4.3 1.3 1.1-1.4 4 (0.7) 127 118 152 98 Table 1. — Proximate composition of Einfishes, whales, and product Conmon and Scientific Name Shadeflsh, Meagre Sclaena aqulla Shark - Mustelus fasclatus Shark, Blacktlp Carcharhlnus llmbafii=! Shark, Blue Carcharhlnus bracyurus Description Moisture 7. Unspecified Creole FPC Whole Dried 5, Smoked Roe Raw Cooked Broiled Muscle Raw Whole Salted S, Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 64.0 73.3 6.6 5.9-7.2 3 17.1 71.2 71.5 76.7 76.2-77.0 3 75.1 72.0-78.1 2 75.8 Protein % 23.2 15.0 87.1 85.9-88.6 3 64.9 23.4 19.9 18.5 17.4-20.1 3 23.2 17.7-26.1 3 Fat % 11.3 8.7 1.7 0.1-4.6 3 3.6 3.8 2.4 1.6 0.9-2.2 3 6.5 0.3 0.1-0.5 Ash 1.4 1.4 4.3 3.3-5.4 3 14. A 1.6 2.0 1.3-2.3 2 (2.9) 1.3 1.1-1.4 2 Carbo- Calories^/ hydrates-' ^ Per 100 grams 195 1.6 145 0.3 365 4.2 128 118 Shark, Blue Carcharhlnus glaucus Shark, Bull Carcharhlnus ganseticus Shark, Cat Chlloscyllium pla^losum Shark, Cat Scyliorhinus caniculus Shark, Cat, Nurse Hound Scyliorhinus stellaris Shark, Darkle Charlie Palatius llcha Shark, Elephant Callorhlnchus milii Shark, Greenland Somnlosus microeephaleus Shark, Guimny Mustelus antarcticus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Fin Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 82.5 12.5 1.2 1.0 .3-86.3 10.5-20.2 0.5-2.0 0.8-1.2 5 7- 6 5 72.2 79.3 77.0-81.0 3 26.3 20.5 28.1 21.3 (22.6) 0.7 0.6-0.8 3 0.5 0.2 75.8 25.2 0.3 .5-77.0 23.4-27.0 0.2-0.4 2 2 2 2.8 99 Table 1. — Proximate composition offinfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein 7. Fat 7. Ash 7. Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 grama 65.7 62. 9-72. E 4 24.5 21.6-29.0 4 4.1 2.1-5. 4 3.6 3.0-4.6 4 Shark, Hammerhead Sphyma blochii Muscle Raw 75.4 75.1-75.6 2 22.3 21.6-23.0 2 0.4 0.2-0.5 2 1.4 1.1-1.6 2 95 Shark, Hammerhead, Smooth Sphyma zygaena Muscle Raw 77.2 76.1-78.3 20.8 19.6-22.6 0.3 0.3-0.3 2 1.2 1.1-1.3 2 88 Shark, Hammerhead Sphymidae Muscle Raw 75.0 74.1-76.1 3 0.3 97 Shark, Horn Heterodontis francisci Shark, Mackerel, Blue-pointer Lamna glauca Shark, Mushi Scoliodon sorrakewa Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Muscle Raw Dried 76.5 9.6 53.7 14.9. 67.0 1.9 2.9 4.9 1.0 (18.5) 4.7 76 232 105 312 Shark, Pacific Angel Squatina califomica Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamna comubica Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamna nasus Shark, Porbeagle, Salmon Lamna ditropsis Fin Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.4 76.5 75.5-77.7 2 21.2 18.1-23.5 3 2.7 1.9-4.1 3 0.8 76.9 75.8-78.5 6 17.2 14.6-21.5 3 1.5 0.9-2.2 5 1 1.3 2-1.3 2 69.4 62.4-76.4 2 17.0 13.4-20.6 2 12.2 0.2-24.2 2 1 1.7 5-1.9 2 114 109 Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamnidae Shark, Requiem Carcharhinidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted i Dried 78.6 77.0-79.9 3 13.6 19.1 16.7-20.6 3 72.7 0.4 1.2 0.4-i.e 3 1.3 1.2 1.1-1.4 3 13.3 Shark, Sand Carcharias laticanous Shark, Sand Carcharias menisorrah Fin Cooked Fried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 11.3 8. 8-13. £ 2 85.9 82.4-89.4 0.2 0.2-0.2 2 0.7 1.2 0.8-1.5 2 100 Table 1. — Proximate composition offinfishes. wliales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein 7. Fat % Ash 7. Carbo- Calories^' hydratesi' % Per 100 grams Shark, School Galeorhinus australis Muscle Raw 78.1 23.3 0.2 1.2 7.8-78.4 22.9-23.4 0.1-0.2 1.2-1.3 3 3 3 3 Shark, Sevengill Notorynchus maculatus Shark, Sharpnose Scollodon palasorrah Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 67.9 22.6 21.3-23.9 3 81.9 13.1 1.4 0.4-2.4 2 C.l 1.2 1.0 0.5-1.4 2 1.5 Shark, Sharpnose, Pacific Scoliodon longurio Shark, Silky Carcharhlnus falciformis Shark, Smoothhound Mustelus vulgaris Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw (3.5) 77.1 19.7 0.9 1.2 76.3-77.8 16.0-23.3 0.6-1.2 1.1-1.2 2 2 2 2 97 118 91 Shark, Soupfin Galeorhinus zyopterus Shark, Spotted Hound Mustelus manazo Shark, Tope Galeorhinus galus Shark, Thresher Alopias vulpinus Shark, Tiger Galeocerdo arcticus Muscle Raw Fin Raw 69. J Raw 78.6 76.3-82 4 .3 19.1 14.2-23 3 6 0.5 1-1.2 3 1.3 1.2-1.4 3 0.. Muscle Raw Salted 72.7 39.3 34.0-44. 2 5 28.3 44.2 38.6-49 2 7 1 0.2 2.3 .5-3.1 2 1.4 23.2 19.0-27.4 2 Muscle Raw 78.4 75.7-81. 20.2 19.3-21 3 6 1.3 .3-3.3 3 1.3 Fin Raw 67.9 24.6 0.1 7.5 Muscle Raw 79.4 16.3 0.1 0.6 3. 103 83 115 198 93 Shark, Whitetip Carcharhinus albimarginatus Sheathf ish Kry topterus krytopterus Sheathfish Parasilurus asotus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sheathfish Tachysurus gambens is Sheathfish Tachysurus heudeloti Sheefish, Inconnu Stenodus mackenzii Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 18.0 83 101 Table 1. — Proximate composition of fmfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Carbo- . Calories^' hydratesi' % Per 100 grama Sh ine r , Erne raid Notropis hudsonius Silver fish Dentex argyrozona Silverside Atherina forskali Silverside Atherina presbyter Silverside Austromenidia regia Whole Raw 69.9 Muscle Raw 76.3 76.0-76.5 2 Muscle Dried, Rinsed, and Drained 28.9 Muscle Raw 79.0 Musc:^e Raw 74.5 71.9-77.1 2 20.5 20.3-20.7 2 18.3 17.9-18.7 2 1.4 1.0-1. 2 2.2 4.8 1.5 3.0 86 Silverside Atherinidae Muscle Raw 78.4 75.1-82.0 5 19.7 18.8-20.5 2 1.3 0.8-1. 2 2.1 1.6-2.5 2 Whole Raw 73.2 67.5-78.9 2 8.2 Skate Raja platana Muscle Raw 22.4 1.3 0.6 Whole FPC 3.9 Skate, Blue Raja batis Muscle Raw 78.0 21.3 20.0-22.6 2 94 Skate, Flatback Raja kenojei Skate, Starry Ray Raja asterias Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 77.2 76.1-78.2 2 19.6 14.2-25.0 2 0.7 0.5-0.9 2 1.0 1.4 1.1-1.7 2 85 Skate, Thornback Raja clavata Muscle Raw 79.6 20.7 19.0-22.4 2 85 Skate Rajidae Sleeper Eleotris fusca scle Raw 79.4 76.4-84.5 10 Cooked Boiled 74.0 Fried Battered 55.4 scle Raw 78.4 20.3 13.3-25.6 10 26.3 15.0 1.3 0.5-6 1 10 0.7 16.4 1.3 0.9-1.7 6 0.9 (1.3) 1.1 (11.9) 1.3 93 111 255 85 102 Table 1. — Proximate composition of Hnfi shes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Sleeper Oxyeleotrls marmorata Slimy, Soapy, Ponyfish Lelognathus equula Slimy, Soapy Leiognathus Insldiatrix Slipmouth, Black-Finned Lelognathus daura Slipmouth Leiognathidae Smelt Osmerus dentex Smelt, Eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus Smelt, Lake Osmerus mordax Smelt, Pond Hypomesus olidii Smelt, Sweet, Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis Description Moisture Z Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 77.4 Protein % 19.4 Fat % 0.3 1.1 l-Jhole Raw Ash % 0.9 79.1 17.8 1.2 77.1-81 5 36.8 16.7-19 5 43.4 6 .5-1.8 5 4.9 1.0-1.9 5 15.0 76.2 19.0 1.4 3 4 76.0-76 2 4 18.8-19 2 2 1 2-1.6 2 3.2-3.6 2 Raw 78.7 78.2-79.2 19.6 1.0 1.2 2 Muscle Raw 78.0 77.4-79.1 20.8 19.2-22.5 0.5 1.5 1.3-1.7 Salted & Dried 3 41.4 2 45.6 2.5 2 10.5 Muscle Dried 14.9 64.7 13.1 9.7 Muscle Raw 79.6 14.5 6.5 1.3 Muscle Raw Canned 79.4 77.9-81.0 4 54.7 18.8 18.5-18.9 4 21.1 2.0 0.9-2.4 4 13.5 1.1 1.1-1.2 3 5.4 Dressed Raw 78.5 78.4-78.6 2 17.1 16.4-17.8 2 2.5 2.3-2.7 2 2.0 1.6-2.3 2 Whole Raw Cooked 79.9 75.5-87.9 5 15.5 12.7-17.8 5 4.0 2.2-7.6 5 2.3 2.0-2.6 5 Unspecified 84.3 83.3-85.3 2 14.0 12.8-15.1 2 2.6 1.9-3.3 2 2.1 2.1-2.2 2 Wliole Raw 76.4 75.0-77.8 2 17.1 2.9 4.0 3.0-5.0 ■•luscle Raw Dried 77.7 76.3-78.6 6 8.9 16.8 14.6-18.8 55.4 3.7 1.0-6.5 9 27.1 1.4 1.3-1.4 4 10.3 Carbo- Calories^/ hydrates-' _? Per 100 grams 0.5 87 205 377 117 93 206 91 95 466 0.9 103 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture X Protein 7. Fat 7. Ash % Carbo- hydrates 7. 1/ Calorles2' Per 100 grams Roe Salted 59.1 19.4 4.3 20.2 116 Muscle Raw 79.4 76.8-81.5 6 17.0 15.6-18.7 5 1.4 1.0-1.8 4 1.4 0.8-1.7 4 0.8 86 Whole Cooked Fried Floured Dried 34.3 52.5 42.1-63.0 2 25.0 24.3 13.3-35.2 2 30.8 7.7 4.9-10.5 2 (4.9) 17.2 13.3-21.0 2 5.0 397 235 Dressed Raw 68.6 12.0 19.9 1.7 234 Muscle Raw 75.5 20.7 2.1 (1.7) 102 Smelt Osmeridae Snapper Chrysophrys gut tula tus Snapper Lutianus fulvus Muscle Raw 19.7 84 Snapper, Grey Lutianus griseus Snapper, Kulisic Hemipterus japonica Snapper, Malabar Lutianus malabaricus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 77.2 74.6-79.2 3 17.6 18.0 18.2 17.8-18.7 3 1.1 0.2-2.1 3 1.6 1.4 1.3-1.5 3 90 91 Snapper, Pargo Lutianus Colorado Muscle Raw Snapper, Red Muscle Lutianus campechanus (blackf ordii ) Raw Cooked Fried Breaded FPC 78.8 75.7-81.9 2 77.8 76.0-79.2 11 46.0 8.7 19.7 18.3-21.1 2 20.2 18.4-22.4 4 16.4 93.3 1.3 0.5-2.1 2 2.6 0.4-7.4 5 9.5 0.1 1.6 1.1-2.2 5 5.5 2.7 22.6 242 374 Whole Raw 5.4 Snapper, Tanda-Tanda Lutianus kasmira Muscle Raw 78.1 77.5-78.8 2 19.4 18.4-20.4 1.3 1.2-1.3 2 Snapper, Yellowtail Ocyurus chrysurus Muscle Raw 79.8 79.2-80.1 2 19.9 18.8-20.9 2 0.8 0.7-0.8 2 Snapper Lutianidae Muscle Raw 78.4 75.5-80.8 6 19.4 16. 7-21". 9 7 1.1 0.3-2.1 7 1.5 1.2-2.2 6 104 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales , and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein % Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Snook , Constantino Centropomus rob all to Snook, Nile Perch Lates neloticus Snook, Robalo Centropomus armatus Sole Solea impar Sole, Dover Microstomus pacificus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 7S 0.9 1.1 75.5 12.2 21.9 70.0 1.5 13.4 1.1 4.4 77.8 76.9-78 3 5 20.4 20.0-21.3 3 0.9 0.7-1.0 3 1.1 1.0-1.2 3 78.5 18.6 15.9-21.2 2 1.7 2.1 83.6 82.6-84 7 4 15.1 13.9-16.6 8 0.9 0.6-1.2 8 1.1 1.1-1.2 5 91 101 401 90 Ifliole Raw Offal Raw Sole, Dover Solea solea Muscle Raw 78.8 16.1 2.5 1.7 76.8-80.1 15.5-16.6 1.3-3.7 1.3-2.0 3 2 2 2 Sole, English Parophrys vetulus Muscle Raw 79. 2-81. f 5 16.8 1.7 1.2 16. 4-: 8. 5 1.2-1.8 1.2-1.3 7 6 6 Offal Raw Sole, European Solea vulgaris Sole, Flathead Hippoglossoides elassodon Sole, Lemon Microstomus kitt Sole, Lenguado Faralichthys adspersus Raw 78.7 77.8-79.2 4 20.1 18.5-22.5 3 1.4 0.5-2.3 4 1.2 Muscle Raw 81.3 18.5 1.1 1.1 80,0-82.5 17.6-19.7 0.9-1.3 1 .0-1.2 5 4 4 3 Muscle Raw 81.8 16.7 1.2 1.1 79.1-84.1 15.2-18.1 0.7-1.9 1 .0-1.2 3 3 6 2 Cooked Fried Battered 60.4 15.4 13.0 1.9 9.3 Steamed 77.2 19.9 0.9 (2.0) Muscle Raw 77.8 75.0-80.3 5 19.4 16.6-21.6 4 0.4 0.3-0.4 1.3 1.1 93 84 78 105 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein % Fat % Ash % Muscle Raw 78.4 18.2 2.0 1.1 74.2-81.0 15.4-20.4 9-3. 4 1.0-1.2 6 8 7 6 Cooked Steamed 75.4 19.9 2.6 (2.1) 74.2-76.6 19.4-20.4 1 7-3. 4 2 2 2 Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Sole, Petrale Eopsetta jordani 92 Whole Raw 15.9 Offal Raw 72.0 67. 8-74. £ 3 15.4 14.6-16.7 3 7.2 6. 7-7. J 3 5.7 3.8-9.0 3 Sole, Rex Glyptocephalus zachirus Muscle Raw 82.9 82.4-83.4 2 16.4 13.8-18.2 4 0.7 0.7-0.8 3 1.2 1.2-1.1 2 Whole Raw 13.6 13.6-13.6 2 79 Sole, Rock Lepidopsetta bilineata Sole, Sand Psettichthys melanos tictus Sole, Tong Austroglossus pectoialis Offal Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 12.4 80.2 .2-80.7 3 18.6 17.9-19 5 2 1.2 7-1.6 4 1.1 0.9-1.3 3 82.1 17.2 0.5 1.1 79.7 18.4 0.2 1.3 81 85 Sole. Yellowfin Limanda aspera Sole Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Spadef ish Chadtodipterus faber Raw 80.5 17.4 1.1 1.4 80 79.2-82 7 17.0-18 2 .8-1 3 1.2-1.6 3 4 4 3 Muscle Raw 79.5 17.9 1.0 1.1 0.5 83 75.0-86 1 14.9-21 1 .3-2 0.9-1.2 9 10 11 8 Fish Portions 59.7 13.6 5.1 tl.6) 20.0 180 53.6-65 9 12.6-14 6 .7-9 4 {1.6)-(1.6) 2 2 2 2 Cooked Fried 53.8 20.1 18.4 (7.7) 246 Steamed 78.9 17.6 1.3 (2.2) 82 Roe Raw 71.0 20.7 4.6 1.2 2.5 129 Muscle Raw 78.7 19.9 1.4 1.3 92 Whole Raw 76.7 15.1 4.5 3.2 0.5 119 73.8-79 6 13.4-16 8 2 .8-6 2 3.2-3.3 2 2 2 2 106 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein 7. Fat 7. Ash Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates^' _% % Per 100 grams Spadef ish Scatophasus argus Muscle Raw 76.5 72.2-78.0 7 17.8 15.0-20.7 6 2.7 0.6-6.6 7 1.4 1.1-2.5 7 Spot Leiostomus xanthurus Muscle Raw 77.6 77.5-77.7 2 18.5 17.1-19.1 2.9 2.7-3.1 2 1.2 1.1-1.2 2 Whole Raw 73.0 63.9-81. 11 15.8 13.3-17.9 11 7.3 0.9-16.5 11 3.9 3.4-5.1 11 129 Sprat Sprattus sprattus Offal Raw 68.9 14.8 10.6 4.6 Muscle Raw 65.9 61.3-69.7 3 16.7 16.5-17.1 16.6 3.0-20.6 4 1.8 1.5-2.0 3 Canned In Oil 50.2 18.6 29.3 2.0 159 In Oil ^ Dried In Oil & Smoked 50.2 In Tomato Sauce and Smoked 64.5 37.3 18.6 59.4 29.6 5.2 2.6 684 340 Squawf ish Ptychocheilus grandes Squawf ish Ptychocheilus oregonensis S targazer Uranoscopus s caber Steenbras , Sand , Seebes Lithognathus mormyrus Steenbras , White Pagellus lithognotius Whole Raw 72.3 67.1-78.4 12 Dried (3.1) Cooked Fried In Deep Fat 33.7 Grilled 45.8 Muscle Raw 79.3 Mus c le Raw 78.7 Offal Raw 69.5 Muscle Raw 78.7 Muscle Raw 75.2 Muscle Raw 74.3 15.9 15.0-16.6 9 55.8 22.3 25.1 17.3 72.7-75.8 2 20.3 19.9-20.7 2 9.6 3.3-14.6 14 33.2 37.9 23.2 3.0 2.6 0.9-4.2 2 2 8 2.5- -3.5 1 7 9 (6 1) (5 9) 2.4 1.5-3.2 2 430 309 96 Steenklipvis , Steenvis Cheilodactylus fasciatus Muscle Raw 107 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Coonnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Ash Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates^' % % Per 100 grams Stingray Dasyatis pastinaca Stingray, Blue Spotted Dasyatis kuhlii Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.5 79.9 79.7-80.1 2 0.1 1.5 Stingray, Butterfly Fteroplata altavela Stingray, Marbled Dasyatis uarnak Stingray, Thornback Dasyatis akajei Stingray Dasyatidae Stockfish Merluccius capensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.7 80.8 77.5-82 3 6 16.7 lA. 3-20.0 3 0.3 2-0.4 2 1.3 1.2-1.3 3 79.8 20.4 19.0-21.8 2 1.0 2.3 78.2 75.5-81 6 18.5 16.1-24.5 7 0.5 2-0.6 4 1.0 0.7-1.7 4 77.3 69.8-81 3 64.9 2, 18.5 16.8-21.8 3 32.0 2.3 8-5.4 3 0.9 2.1 1.2-3.0 2 (2.2) 0.9 91 136 Stumpnose, Red Pagrus gibbiceps Stumpnose, White Spar us globiceps Sturgeon Acipenser sturio Whole Dried 14.8 78.5 1.4 5.9 Muscle Raw Dried Salted S Dried 76.4 75.5-77.2 2 14.6 10.5 20.6 20.0-21.1 2 68.3 62.2 1.2 1.0-1.3 2 6.6 4.0 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 10.5 23.3 0. Muscle Raw 75.1 20.5 2.2 1.4 0. Muscle Raw 79.2 16.3 3.0 1.4 77.8-80.9 3 14.2-18.0 3 327 94 326 285 105 0.6-6.2 5 0.8-1. 3 Sturgeon, Lake Acipenser fulvescens Sturgeon Acipenseridae Roe Raw 44.0 Muscle Raw 71.0 Muscle Raw 78.7 Canned ^ Dried 50.6 Cooked Steamed 67.5 30.0 31.8 24.7 •■ 19.7 9.1 1.9 9.6 5.7 7.6 2.1 0.4 297 158 .90 215 150 108 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and produces. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates-' % Per 100 gram3 Sucker, Buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus Sucker, Carp Carplodes meridionalis Sucker, Carp Carplodes thompsoni Sucker, Common Catostomus coimnersoni Raw 51.5 46.0-57 2 26.4 25.8-26.9 2 19.3 15.0-23.6 3 Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified 73.8 68.6-79 2 54.2 15.3 19.0 16.6 24.1 Offal Raw 55.5 15.6 23.1 Muscle Raw 79.4 19.2 1.0 Muscle Raw 76.2 19.3 3.1 Muscle Raw 80.0 17.7 1.5 279 78.7-81.9 12 1.4 1.2-1.5 2.9 1.4 276 Whole Raw 75.7 75.3-76.0 2 16.0 15.7-16.3 2 3.8 3.2-4.3 2 Sucker, Redfin Moxostoma aureolum Muscle Raw 79.3 76.5-82.3 3 18.0 17.4-18.5 2 3.3 2.7-3.E 2 1.6 1.3-l.f 2 Sucker Catostomidae Muscle Raw 78.3 75.8-81.1 17.7 17.3-18.6 7 3.5 1.4-6.2 7 1.1 1.0-1.2 Offal Raw 71.8 70.0-73.5 2 15.1 14.5-15.6 2 8.4 7.8-8.9 2 6.0 4.4-7.5 2 136 Sunfish, Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus Sunfish, Crappie, White Pomoxis annularis Sunfish, Rock Bass Ambloplites rupestris Sunfish CenCrarchidae Surgeonf ish Acanthurus bleekeri Swordf ish Xiphias gladius Whole Raw 79.5 13.4 2.3 3.9 Muscle Raw 81.8 16.8 0.8 1.0 Muscle Raw 79.0 19.0 0.9 1.1 Muscle Raw 78.4 20.4 1.7 1.2 74.8-80 3 19.3-21 5 .9-2. 4 1 .1-1.3 4 2 2 2 Cooke d Boi led 79.5 18.0 (1.5) 1.5 Muscle Raw 79.7 18.4 0.5 1.2 79.4-79 8 17.4-19 2 .4-0. 6 1 .1-1.3 3 3 3 2 Muscle Raw 74.5 19.4 4.4 1.4 67.6-77 7 16.9-21 2 2 .0-6. 7 1 0-2.5 15 13 13 11 84 109 Table 1. — Proximate composition of flnfishes, whales, and produc Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein 7, Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates^' 7. % Per 100 srams Tarpon, Bidbid Slops hawaliensis Tarpon, Buan-Buan Megalops cyprinoides Tarpon Elopidae Tench Tinea tinea Canned Cooked Baked In Sour Cream Broiled With Cheese Unspecified 78.0 69.6 62.7 64.8 64.5-65.0 3 56.9 With Mushrooms 57.1 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 77.4 76.7-78.4 3 76.4 74.7-77.3 6 77.3 71.0-83.6 2 61.2 60.5-61.8 2 79.2 78.9-79.5 2 28.1 28.1 27.4-28 3 23.7 21.7 7 19.2 18.7-19 3 6 19.8 17.0-22 6 2 3.0 6.0 8.4 5.9 5.0-6.E 3 14.1 17.7 1.7 0.3-1.6 3 2.3 0.2-4.2 6 1.5 1.6 2.1 1.5 0.9-1. 3 2.0 2.0 1.3 1.1-2.0 6 3.3 1.5 97 188 166 238 252 16.6 1.0 15.2-18.0 0.4-1.7 2 3 84 Teraglin, Geelbeck Atractoscion acquidens Therapon Therdpon plumbeu s Muscle Raw Muscle Dried 2.5 0.7-4.2 2 19.5 Whole Salted & Dried 26.6 Therapon, Grunt Therapon puta Muscle Raw Therapon, Large Scaled, Banded Grunter Muscle Therapon theraps Raw Therapon, Tigerfish Therapon jarbua Therapon Theraponidae Threadfln Galeoides decadactylus Mas c le Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75.2 75.0-75.4 2 76.6 75.2-78.3 4 77.9 76.5-79.6 3 19.6 19.4-19.7 2 18.4 17.2-22.2 4 20.0 18.8-20.7 3 2.6 2.5-2.6 2 1.6 0.6-2.9 4 1.1 0.4-2.4 4 2.6 2.5-2. 2 1.1 0.7-1.4 4 1.3 1.4 1.0-1. 3 2.3 205 79.3 0.9 82 110 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein % Fat % Ash 7. Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 grams Threadfin Fentanemus qulnquarias Threadfin Polynemus heptadactylus Threadfin Polynemus indlcus Threadfin, Atlantic Polydactylus octonemus Threadfin, Four- rayed Polynemus tetradac tylus Threadfin, Shiny- nose Polydactylus quadrifllls Threadfin, Small-mouth Polynemus microstoma Threadfin Polynemidae Tilapla, Mozambique Mouthbrooder Tilapia mossambica Muscle Raw 79.4 19.2 0.7 0.7 Muscle Raw 76.6 17.9 2.9 1.3 Muscle Raw 77.4 15.5 (5.8) 1.3 Dressed Dried 14.3 66.8 4.7 10.5 Whole Raw 74.0 67.9-76.6 12 18.0 17.3-19 12 1 1 4.7 .5-10.9 12 3.5 2.0-4.0 12 Muscle Raw 78.5 76.0-80.7 3 17.9 16.5-19 3 4 0.4 .1-0.6 2 1.2 1.1-1.3 2 Whole Fishmeal 0.9 85.1 7.1 6.9 Muscle Raw 78.3 . 19.8 0.3 1.6 Muscle Raw 75.4 19.7 0.2 1.1 Muscle Raw 76.1 20.2 1.1 1.4 Muscle Raw 76.1 20.2 1.1 1.4 70.9-78.2 19.1-21 4-2 1.2-2.2 7 6 6 7 45.7 40.2 1.8 12.3 45.0-46.4 11.6-13.0 2 2 77.4 18.5 2.4 1.0 17.1-19 7 1 .9-2 8 3 2 0.7 103 32^ 83 Tilapia Cichlidae Tilefish Branchlostegus iaponicus Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Muscle Cooked Boiled 73.7 23.3 1.7 1.4 73.2-74 2 22.0-24 5 0.5-2.8 1.0-1 2 2 2 2 Fried 8.2 39.4 39.4 13.0 Dried 23.7 54.3 11.3 10.7 • Dried 6. Smoked 10.6 77.0 8.2 4.2 Smoked 19.5 18.6-20 2 3 53.1 9.1 17.6 Muscle Raw 78.2 77.8-78 2 6 17.8 2.8 2.4-3.1 2 2.2 Muscle Raw 80.3 18.6 17.5-19 2 8 1.2 0.5-1.8 2 1.4 512 319 382 0.7 297 111 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture 7. Protein 7, Fat % Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- 7. Per 100 grams Tilefish Branch! OS tegidae Tomcod Gadidae Muscle Raw Cooked Casserole Patties Steak Baked Broiled In Cheese Sauce In Egg Sauce Tlrabals Muscle Raw 77.5 19.1 2.1 1.2 95 77.0-77 9 18.7-19 5 2.0-2 2 2 2 2 73.1 12.3 6.5 2.1 6-0 132 57.2 18.9 13.2 1.8 8.9 230 71.6 24.5 3.7 1.1 131 67.0 26.1 5.1 1.8 150 66.0 19.7 8.7 1.6 4.0 173 63.3-68 7 16.1-23 3 7.8-9 6 1 .4-1. 7 2 2 2 2 72.4 18.6 5.4 1.4 2.2 132 71.0 16.5 7.1 2.0 3.4 144 81.5 17.0 0.4 0.8 0.3 72 81.5-81 5 16.9-17 2 0.2-0 6 .4-1 3 3 3 3 Tonguef ish Cynoglossidae Torpedo, Panga Megalaspis cordyla Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.6 75.6 73.3-77.4 4 20.4 19.6-22.3 4 1.6 1.5-1. 4 1.2 1.1-1.4 4 Trevally, Great, Talakitok Caranx sexfasciacus Muscle Raw 75.6 71.5-78. 7 20.2 18.5-22.0 7 2.5 0.4-6.3 7 1.3 1.0-1.8 5 50.4 4.2 Trevally, Pennant Alectis ciliaris Triggerfish Balistidae Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Trout, Brook Salvelinus fontinalis Trout, Brown Salmo trutta Trout, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma Muscle Raw 77.8 18.4 0.9 1.3 1.6 Muscle Raw 79.8 18.4 0.8 1.7 Muscle Raw Dried 77.6 24.9 20.4 55.3 0.7 5.2 1.2 10.3 4.3 Muscle Raw Canned 77.0 74.0-80 6 68.4 5 18.5 17.5-19 3 22.3 2 1.6 .7-2 3 6.1 1 1.0 0.8-1.2 3 3.7 1.9 l-Jhole Raw 75.2 71.5-77 4 2 15.6 13.3-21 4 ^2 1 5.2 .9-7 6 8 3.4 2.0-6.3 4 0.6 Muscle Raw 77.5 77.2-78 3 18.5 18.2-19 3 2 2.9 .0-3 3 4 1.5 Muscle Raw 73.6 73.1-74 2 1 19.9 * 5 6.0 .4-6 2 5 1.2 112 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finflshes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Fat % Ash X Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Trout, Lake Salvelinus namaycush Muscle Raw High fat Low fat 42.6 32.1-54.7 12 72.9 64.5-79.0 14 10.2 7.9-12.9 12 17.2 13.5-20.0 50.0 0.6 3.0-66.7 0.1-0.7 13 12 11.1 1.2 6.9-21.8 0.5-2.7 10 9 Whole Raw Low fat 2.5 235 Offal Raw 225 Trout, Pollan Coregonus pollan Muscle Cooked Fried Battered Steamed 64.3 77.1 18.7 18.1 12.1 2.1 (4.8) (2.7) 185 91 Trout, Rainbow Salmo gairdneri Trout Salmonidae Tuna Thunnus maccoyi Tuna Thunnus orientalis Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalunga Muscle Raw Whole Raw Roe Raw Muscle Raw Canned Cooked Steamed Muscle Raw 72.0 66.3-79.8 15 62.2 57.7-66.8 5 71.6 67.7-75.6 5 62.9 58.3-73.3 5 76.4 74.5-80.5 4 63.2 73.2 70.6-78.0 3 Raw 60.6 52.5-6D 6 2 Dried 20.8 scle Raw 67.6 62.3-74 2 18 Dark meat 70.7 68.6-78 9 7 20.7 18.2-22 13 20.5 19.6-21 5 4 4 18.9 18.4-19 3 1 27.8 26.7-28.9 17.7 15.0-20.0 5 22.7 20.5 18.0-22.3 3 21.8 20.9-22 6 3 77.6 25.2 21.8-27 6 18 22.8 22.0-24 7 6.8 2.1-13.6 29 14.6 9.0-20.1 5 1.3 1.0-1.5 10 1.2 1.2-1.2 5 9.3 3.8-15.0 6 2.7 2.5-3.0 4 9.0 6.2-11.8 5 1.6 1.6-1.6 3 3.8 0.7-10.3 4 11.4 1.1 0.8-1.5 4 2.7 3.9 2.5-4.8 3 1.5 2.0 1.3-2.6 2 1.4 11.8 2.4-26.4 3 1.2 1.1 1.0-1.1 2 5.2 6.3 0.7-13.2 19 5.5 2.6-8.4 1.4 1.2-3.0 16 1.2 1.2-1.3 1.0 0.9 194 121 193 113 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Fat 7. Ash Z Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- Z Per 100 grams Canned In Oil 57.7 52. 9-62. A 2 26.1 24.8-27.4 2 6.1 1.9-8.3 3 2.8 2.7-2.£ 2 Offal Fishmeal (26.3) Tuna, Albacore Scombridae Tuna, Big Eye Thunnus obesus Tuna, Bluefin Thunnus thynnus Raw 77.3 73.6-78 4 4 Muscle Raw Dark meat 72.5 71.4-73 6 2 Light meat 73.2 71.4-75 6 4 Muscle Raw Dark meat 67.6 52.7-74 7 5 Light meat 69.7 58.5-73 5 17 Canned In Oil 53.2 52.8-53 5 18.8 17.9-19.6 2 21.3 16.1-26.5 2 24.2 22.5-26.5 4 23.5 21.4-25.3 5 24.5 20.3-27.0 17 22.1 19.4-25.0 4 3.0 1.9-4.1 4 2.4 1.3-3.5 2 1.5 0.6-2.6 5 8.5 0.2-25.0 6 5.0 0.5-14.1 18 28.1 20.0-42.3 4 1.1 0.9-1.2 2 1.3 1.2-1.4 2 1.2 1.0-1.4 4 1.3 0.9-1.5 5 1.3 1.2-1.6 15 2.1-3.2 3 Tuna, Skipjack Euthynnus pelamis Muscle Raw Cooked Broiled Fried Breaded Dried Canned In Brine 68.9 60.7-72.1 18 59.0 57.6-60.4 2 58.6 29.6 15.3-39.6 3 34.4 64.9 63.1-66.7 2 62.9 24.9 21.3-27.3 19 33.2 31.7-34.9 30.2 60.2 51.5-75.6 3 44.0 33.0-55.0 2 25.9 24.0-27.8 2 29.0 4.5 0.2-11.0 18 3.2 2.6-4.1 3 6.7 4.8 3.1-6.2 3 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 3.2 2.8-3.6 2 5.7 4.8-6.5 2 1.4 1.0-1.7 13 2.1 2.0-2.1 2 1.6 4.4 2.7-6.6 3 7.7 3.5 2.4-4.6 2 3.0 2.9 1.0 193 288 Tuna, Skipjack Scombridae Dressed Dried 16.0 56.6 5.3 25.7 274 Muscle Raw 73.0 70.0-76.0 2 23.7 .. 22.0-25.4 2 4.1 2.8-6.5 4 1.3 132 Dried 14.3 75.6 5.1 4.0 1.0 352 Half D ried 39.0 51.5 6.2 2.7 0.6 264 114 Table 1. — Proximate composition of 'finfishes, whales , and products Common and Scientific Name Description Protein % Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % % Per 100 grams Tuna, Yellowfin Thunnus albacares Tuna Scombridae Wliole Fishmeal 9.3 52.5 11.0 (27.2) 309 Muscle Raw Dark meat 70.5 23.4 4.1 1.7 0.2 131 70.4-70 7 23.3-2 3 6 3.7-4.6 1.6-1.8 3 3 3 3 Light meat 73.2 24.3 1.9 1.4 114 64.4-75 8 21.8-26 2 0.1-11.9 1.0-1.9 32 31 30 30 Canned In Oil 72.4 27.0 6.8 2.4 159 59.9-65 3 22.9-29 3.0-15.2 1.9-2.7 3 3 5 3 In Water 70.6 22.9 2.9 2.7 0.9 136 63.8-74 8 21.6-24 0.8-5.8 1.1-3.7 3 3 3 3 Cooked Broiled With Soy Sauce 62.1 33.8 0.2 2.6 1.3 142 Salted & Dried 22.5 49.5 4.0 24.3 234 Muscle Raw 71.4 24.7 5.1 1.3 145 66.0-78. 5 21.3-27. 3 0.2-13.0 1.0-1.9 4 4 5 4 Canned 67.4 27.4 6.5 2.9 168 63.8-70. 5 22.2-29 4 3.9-8.8 1.5-5.0 5 6 5 4 In Brine 69.6 28.7 3.0 6.5 142 62.0-77 .1 28.4-29 .0 2.0-4.0 5.0-8.2 2 2 2 2 In Oil 54.3 25.3 17.1 2.4 0.9 259 47.9-61 .0 18.8-29 .1 8.2-27.7 1.7-3.5 12 16 17 12 In Water 68.5 27.2 25.6-29 3 .4 2.3 0.4-7.6 4 1.9 1.4-2.2 3 130 Creamed 63.6 10.8 18.0 1.4 5.2 230 Tuna Supreme 63.5 13.3 11.0 11.9 0.3 153 Cooked Baked In Spanish Sauce 74.7 17.0 3.8 1.3 3.2 115 Boiled 58.5 27.0 13.0 1.5 225 Served with Egg Sauce 67.9 22.2 6.1 1.5 2.3 153 Broiled 57.6 34.9 4.1 2.0 1.4 182 Cakes 62.5 12.8 11.3 1.4 12.0 201 Chowder Manhattan 82.3 8.3 4.0 1.3 4.1 86 New England 80.8 10.0 3.6 0.9 4.7 91 Croquettes 53.0 18.3 14.4 1.7 12.4 252 Fried Breaded 58.6 30.2 6.7 1.6 2.9 193 Noodle Casserole 71.2 8.9 5.9 1.5 12.5 139 . Fie 68.0 9.3 7.5 2.1 12.6 156 Salad 69.8 14.6 12.1 10.5 167 68.1-71 .5 14.0-15 .2 8.9-15.2 8.9-12.1 2 2 2 2 Shepherd's Pie 71.2 8.6 6.9 2.1 11.2 141 Slaw 74.0 11.5 9.3 9.3 130 Steaks-Stuffed 58.1 21.7 9.1 2.1 9.0 204 With Creole Sauce 75.4 15.4 3.8 1.7 3.7 111 115 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and produces. Common and Scientific Name Description Protein % 53.5 55.0 81.6 60.9 59.6-65 5 3 24.3 20.7-26 3 7 Fat % Carbo- . Calories^' hydrates- 7. Per 100 grams Tunny Thunnus vulgaris Dried 33.9 Dried & Smoked 34.4 FPC 6.6 Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 6.1 4.2-6.7 5 65.5 65.4-65.5 2 51.3 3.1 1.4 0.5 9.7 7.0-11.9 4 6.4 1.8-13.1 3 20.0 6.6 7.7 0.8 21.0 19.8-23.3 4 1.4 1.2-1.6 3 4.3 2.9 1.5 10.5 254 239 373 340 278 Tunny, Little Euthynnus alletteratus Muscle Raw 74.1 22.9 4.0 1.7 2.3-23.5 1.6-9.3 1.4-2.0 5 5 5 Turbot Relnhardtius hippoglossoides Turbot, Arrow tooth Atheresthes s tomias Turbot, Greenland Atheresthes evermanni Turbot Pleuronectidae Viperf ish Chauliodus sloani Wahoo Acanthocybium solanderi Weakf ish Larimus peli Weever, Greater Trachinus draco Dressed Raw (70.1) Muscle Raw 75.3 Muscle Raw 78.1 74.6-79. 4 Muscle Raw 78.9 Muscle Raw 75.6 70.2-82.4 7 Cooked Unspecified 75.6 Smoked 74.6 Muscle Raw 85.8 Muscle Raw 77.8 Walleye Muscle Stizostedlon vitreur n vltreum Raw Weakfish Muscle Cynoscion petronus Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16.2 13.8-17.9 4 16.9 15.3 12.4-18.1 6 20.7 13.4 11.6 10.8-12.4 2 4.8 2.4-9.3 4 3.5 9.7 1.4-15.6 1.1 1.0-1.2 4 1.0 1.1 .7-1.3 4 (2.1) 3.7 77.8 22.9 21.6-24.1 2 1.5 0.7-2.3 2 1.1 78.8 76.6-79 5 7 19.7 18.6-22.1 5 1.2 0.5-1.8 5 1 1.3 1-1.5 5 76.5 76.3-76 2 6 19.3 19.0-19 5 2 5.3 .6-7 2 9 2 3.1 .9-3.2 2 78.8 19.5. 0.6 1.1 76.0 19.4 0.7 1.4 141 157 108 99 97 133 105 125 83 116 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Coimnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture % Protein % Fat Ash % Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- % Per 100 grams Weever, Lesser Trachinus vlpera Weever Trachlnidae Whale, Fin Balaenoptera phepaleus Whale, Sperm Phyester catadon Whale Unspecified Muscle Raw 71.1 22.4 1.3 Raw 79.6 16.5 2.2 1.5 74 .9-84.2 13.7-19 2 8-3.6 0.7-2.3 2 2 2 2 Whole Fishmeal 6.8 54.8 3.7 30.8 Whole Fishmeal 6.0 61.0 2.7 26.7 Muscle Raw 68.8 21.9 7.1 1.1 62 .9-72.8 9 16.2-27 7 4 2 1-18 9 5 0.8-1.3 6 Fishmeal 7.9 74.3 7.7 6.0 7 .3-8.6 5 53.0-86 5 4 0-16 5 9 3.2-13.2 4 3.9 87 156 Whltefish, Lake CoreRonus clupeaformis Whole Raw Muscle Raw 47.9 72.9 18.5 7.2 1.2 65.6-79.0 17.2-19.8 1.7-16.3 1.0-1.4 11 12 13 12 316 Offal Raw Whitefish Salmonidae Whiting, Australian Sillago sihama Whiting, Blue Micromesistius pout ass ou Raw 75.1 69.8-79.8 10 18.6 15.1-22.9 8 5.2 3.2-8.5 8 1.4 1.1-1.6 6 Whole Raw Fishmeal 69.9 9.1 6.5-13.4 3 22.2 65.9 57.2-70.4 6 6.5 4.3 1.9-7.5 3 1.5 22.0 20.9-23.4 4 Muscle Raw 76.0 73.8-77.8 7 19.6 18.2-20.4 7 1.4 0.4-5.7 8 1.5 0.8-2.1 7 1. Muscle Raw 79.6 78.6-80.5 18.1 0.8 1.2 0. 147 302 Whiting, King Menticirrhus saxatilis Whiting, Sand Sillago clliata Muscle Raw Offal Raw Muscle Raw 79.2 76.3-81 4 7 74.4 70.6-80 4 6 17.1 16.5-17.9 4 15.0 14.0-16.5 4 2.6 0.7-6.1 4 6.0 1.1-11.0 4 1.1 1.0-1.1 4 3.8 3.4-4.5 4 129 76.0 117 Table 1. — Proximate composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Moisture Z Protein % Fat % Ash Carbo- Calories^' hydrates- __% Z Per 100 grams Whiting Sillaginidae Muscle Raw 77.8 18.9 1.3 1.4 74.0-83.0 16.0-21.3 0.4-5.7 0.8-2.1 14 12 15 11 0.6 Windtog Pterosmaris (Carsio) axillaris Wolffish, Atlantic Anarhichas lupus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.2 80.6 17.6 2.8 8.1-84.0 16.0-18.5 2.1-3.0 3 3 4 Wrasse Crenilabrus mediterraneus Muscle Raw 80.0 1.4 81 Wrasse Crenilabrus me lops Wrasse Labrus viridis Wrasse, Ballan Labrax bergylta Wrasse, Bass Labrax (Roccus) lupus Wrasse, Peacock Crenilabrus payo Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.2 16.9 1.4 2.6 80.2 18.3 0.9 1.2 73.6 73.5-73.6 2 18.2 17.7-18 2 7 4.2 2.0-6.2 3 2.7 2.3-3.1 2 78.2 77.1-78.8 3 18.2 16.3-19 4 2 1.4 1.2-1.5 4 1.3 1.2-1.5 4 79.6 77.2-82.0 2 19.4 16.2-22 2 5 0.8 0.4-1.1 2 1.2 1.1-1.3 2 80 81 89 Wrasse , Pintade Coris giof f redi Wrasse , Rainbow Jules Jules Wrasse, Spinola Labrus turdus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 79.1 78.0-80.1 2 18.3 18.1-18.4 2 1.4 1.1-1.6 2 1.7 1.3-2.1 2 78.6 77.5-79.7 2 18.5 1.2 1.3 92 86 86 Wrasse, Tautog Tautoga onitis Wrasse Labridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 75 92 Wreckf ish Polyprion cerniu Muscle Raw 76.7 17.5 15.6-19.3 2 4.0 1.3-6.7 2 Wreckfish, Black Bass Polyprion amerlcanus Muscle Raw 77.1 74.5-79.9 3 17.4 17.0-17.7 3 3.9 1.0-6.7 3 1.0 0.8-1.1 3 1/ 2/ 4/ 5/ This value was obtained by difference if the average of the means. Caloric value estimated by multiplying protein content by 4; fat by 9; and carbohydrate by^^. Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. 2' Figure obtained by calculation. 7/ FPC abbreviation for fish protein concentrate. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 118 Tabic 2. — Proximate composition of crustaceans and products. CoiT'jr.on and Scientific N'ame Description Protein Fat % X Ash Carbohydrates^'^ Calories-' Z Per 100 grams Crab Folybus henslo im Penaeus sculptilus Muscle Raw Shrimp, Indian Prawn Penaeus styliferus Muscle Raw 123 Tsble 2. — Proximate composition of crustaceans and products. / Co:T!:uon and Scientific Name Description Protein % Ash Carbohydrates-' Calories^'' % Per 100 grains Shrimp , Jumbo Penaeus monodon Muscle Raw 77.0 75.6-78.5 19.2 0.6 1.4 17.6-20.8 0.4-0.7 1.3-1.5 2 2 2 Shrimp, Opossum, Kuruma Penaeus iaponicus Shrimp, Pink Penaeus duorarum Shrimp, Pink, Maine Pandalus borealis Shrimp, Rock Silyomia brevirostr Shrimp, Sea Bob Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Shrimp, Tiger Penaeus esculeutus Shrimp, l-/hite Penaeus indicus Shrimp, White Penaeus schmitti Shrimp, White Penaeus setiferus Shrimp Penaeidae Muscle Wltli Vel Raw Dried " 78.0 27.8 Muscle Raw 77.9 Muscle Raw 80.8 80.1-81.5 Canned 74.9 Muscle Cooked Boiled 76.7 Muscle Raw 79.8 Muscle Raw 80.0 Muscle Raw 78.5 Muscle Raw 75.5 IVhole Salted & Fermented 63.3 Muscle Raw 78.7 Muscle Raw 78.9 76.2-81.4 Canned With With Unspe Salt Salt (, :cified Water 67.0 79.1 73.4 64.6-78.2 3 Muscle Raw 77.4 72.6-83.5 15.0 49.1 3.3 6.8 19.4 O.ii 17.1-21.1 0.4-0.8 19.4 0.3 1.4 16.9-22.0 0.2-0.7 1.1-1.9 4 4 4 26.7 1.3 5.0 15.0 0.7 5.2 22.0 4.4 6.2 15.8-28.2 1.2-10.2 5.8-6.5 0.9 2.2 93 266 139 87 120 18.9 12.9-22. 1.6 0.3-3.2 1.7 1.4-2.1 Canned Boiled Cooked Pref ried Dried Paste Salted 74.0 35.7 13.7 34.5 29.6 67.5 67.2 19.9 18.7 3.7 62.4 3.5 4.8 29.8 1.2 28.0 52.3 1.9 14.6 22.0 2.0 7.9 10.4 1.2 20.5 0.6 22.0 15.6 6.5 1.6 0.6 0.7 336 344 156 233 108 55 Shrimp Unspecified Muscle Raw 77.2 61.6-86.4 18 54.4 43.6-65.2 2 18.4 1.7 1.4 6.4-25.0 0.3-10.2 1.0-1.9 25 23 12 11.9 7.6 2.8 11.8-12.0 1.6-13.7 J. 2 124 Table 2. — Proximate composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific N'amc Description Moisture 7. Canned Heat Processed With Salt Unspecified Cooked A la King Apple Salad Au Gratin With Tomato Sau Unspecified Bisque Boiled 70 70 74 69.7 .6 6 81. 4 71. 73. 67. 66. 78. SO. Canapes Casserole Creole Curried With Pepper, Celer Onion, & Cornstarc Unspecified Fried Battered With Celery, Oni and Tomato Unspecified 59.5 71.9 80.6 79.2-82.0 2 82.0 74.0 In Green Peppers In Tomato Aspic In Tomatoes Jambalaya Kabobs Meuniere Mousse ,'^ewberg Salad Sauce Thermidor Turnovers Wiggle With Burdock Root, Soy Sauce, s Sugar Unspecified Salted S Dried Salted & Fermented Smoked Meal 60.4 49.9 50.4 44.9-54.2 3 79.9 83.9 81.1 79.7 69.6 57.3 76.1 66.5 74.0 74.9 72.9 34.1 71.9 64.9 68.6 62.5-72.0 4 19.4 14.6-24.0 5 49.6 34.5-64.7 27.6 20.4-32.0 3 61.6 58.4-64.8 6.6 5.0-8.9 Protein 7. 22.4 1.1 6.U 20.8 I.l J. 7 15.2-26.8 0.7-1.8 2.4-5.3 10 11 6 12.5 5.2 1.7 7.4 11.2 1.8 14.9 3.5 2.3 15.4 9.8 2.3 9.9 6.2 1.6 15.1 3.0 1.1 13.9 6.0 2.7 11.3 7.6 2.1 ().l 3.2 1.4 6.0-6.2 2.8-3.5 1.3-1.6 2 2 2 7.2 5.6 1.8 9.9 4.2 1.5 21.1 9.6 1.9 9.0 9.7 1.2 19.1 11.8 2.2 18.4-20.4 9.0-14.0 1.4-3.3 3 3 3 10,4 2.6 1.7 11.3 0.9 2.1 8.5 2.7 1.7 7.7 2.5 1.5 22.1 5.1 3.1 24.2 16.1 2.5 10.9 8.9 1.6 15.4 11.8 1.8 15.2 6.4 1.8 9.8 3.7 1.9 14.0 6.7 2.1 14.6 19.5 3.3 11.1 5.4 1.8 8.7 3.2 4.3 22.2 1.5 3.2 21.0-25.0 0.8-2.4 1.0-5.4 5 5 2 61.5 3.0 11.8 55.4-70.8 2.0-6.0 2.5-19.7 6 6 ii 24.1 7.0 3.0 18.4-29.8 2.5-11.5 2 2 53.1 2.0 17.6 40.9-63.0 1.8-2.2 13.4-21.8 3 3 12.3 2.4 21.8 12.2-12.4 1.1-3.6 17.6-26.1 2 2 2 54.4 5.2 10.4 46.1 12.9 25.8 42.3-48.7 21.6-29.9 Carbohydrate;^-^ Calories-'' ?_ Per 100 gram'; 8.7 5.7 6.5 6.2 3.9 0.3 17.9 7.1 8.7 3.4 10.4 30.2 16.5 5.4 1.8 6.0 8.6 0.1 2.5 4.5 2.6 9.7 4.3 28.5 9.8 18.9 4.5 106 100 93 132 153 162 175 111 181 142 93 119 244 249 87 61 82 88 135 242 134 186 129 111 134 348 132 139 120 272 335 1/ Muscle with Vein Rav^/ 71.6 71.0-72.0 3 19.0 16.3-21.6 This value was obtained by difference of the average of the means. 23.6 1.9 2.7 21.2-25.4 1 .0-3.5 2.6-2. 3 3 3 20.0 0.8 6.5 16.8-23.3 2 65.1 4.8 7.4 59.4-70.8 3 6-5.0 2.5-12 2/ r 1 • caloric value estimated by multiplying protein content by 4; fat by 9; and carbohydrate bv 4 3/ Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. 4/ Range of the means found in literature cited. 5/ Number of a lues, which wer ed in the literatur ited. Figure obtained by calculation. - Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. ,.1,1 iation for fish protein concentrate. FPC abbre 125 Table 3. — Proximate composition of mollusks and products. nd Scientific Name Description Moisture Ash Carbohydrates- Calories^' % % Per lOQ grams Ab alone Hallotis gigantea Muscle Raw 78. 3^' 75.7-82.3 -' 72.5 63.1-87.3 10.4-20.1-' 0.2-0,5-' 1.0-1,6-' 3-'' 3^' 3-' 16.5 0.7 2.7 10.2-24.8 0.1-2.0 1.2-4.2 4 4 4 Whole Raw Abalone Haliotis japonica Abalone Haliotidae Clam, Arkshell Anadara broughtoni Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 76.3 16.0 0.4 1.5 72.0-79.1 11.9-24.8 0.3-0.6 1.0-2.0 5 4 5 4 74.5 17.9 0.6 2.1 70.9-76.9 8.0-23.4 0.1-1.1 1.4-3.4 11 9 10 9 71.2 16.5 0.2 2.4 63.1-80.2 14.7-19.1 0.1-0.3 1.2-4.2 4 4 3 3 29.1 48.6 1.4 5.7 22.1-36.0 40.6-56.6 0.9-1.9 4.8-6.6 2 2 2 2 82.8 12.1 0.6 1.3 79.6-85.4 11.0-13.2 0.4-0.9 0.7-2.2 4 4 4 4 Whole Raw Clam, Arkshell Area granosa Muscle Raw Clara, Arkshell Area inflata Muscle Raw 78.8 78.2-79.3 10.0-10.6 1.1-2.3 0.7-0.7 Clam, Arkshell Area noae Muscle Raw Clam, Arkshell Arcidae Muscle Raw 81.2 78.2-88.5 11.7 1.1 1.4 7.6-15.5 0.5-2.2 0.7-2.0 4 6 3 18.0 1.3 3.7 3.4-3.9 Clam, Donax, Bean Dunax radians Whole Raw Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula stxata Ifliole Raw 77.5 76.1-79.2 2 5.8 4.0 4.3-7.3, 1.8-6.1 2 2 Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula fluminea Whole Raw 81.4 81.0-81.8 6.2-9.3 1.4-1.6 0.7-1.1 Unspecified" 126 Table 3.— Proximate composition of moHusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula sanda Clam, Fresh Water, Corbsheil Corbicula japonica Clam, Fresh Water, Corbsheil Corbicula leana Description Whole Raw Wliole Kaw iMois ture 7. 80.0 77.8-81.9 12 82.1 77.2-8«.l Fat 7. JO.l 2.4 1.0 3.6-11.4 1.7-3.2 0.7-1.6 12 12 12 11.1 1.2 0.9-1.6 2 9.0 1.1 7.0-10.5 0.7-2.8 1.2 1.0-1. Carbohydrates- Calories^/ l Per 100 grams Clam, Fresh Water CorbiculaJidae Clam, Green Cyrena ventricosa Whole Raw 77.9 76.0-80.0 4 12.8 3.2 11.1-15.0 1.8-6.1 3 3 Clara Cyraenidae Clam, Mactra, Gaper Tresus keenae Clam, Mactra, Surf Mactra sachaeinensis lam, Mactra, Surf Spisula solidissima Clam, Mactra Mactridae Clam, Razor Solen fiouldi Clam, Razor Solen siliqua Clam, Razor, Navajos Solen ens is Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Whole Salted i Dri Whole Raw Ifliole Raw 79.A-85.5 3 79.3 76.1-84.4 13.5 0.5 11.7-15.6 0.3-0. 3 3 1.1 0.5-2.3 3 15.6 1.0 2.3 11.0-19.0 0.6-1.3 2.2-2.4 4 3 3 Clam, Razor Solenidae Clam, Soft Shell Mesodesma glob rata Clam, Soft Shell My a arenaria l^mole Raw (•Thole Raw (■mole Raw 82.1 75.2-89.0 5 85.3 84.5-86.1 2 84.6 83.3-85.5 3 78.5 11.2 1.5 10.7 1.2 9.5-12.5 1.3-1.4 6 3 15.6 2.5 1. 6.9-13.3 1.0-2.4 1.1-2.6 5 5 5 9.0 1.3 8.9-9.0 2.0 1.6-2.3 2 1.4 1.2-1.7 2 1.7 127 Table 3. — Proximate composlt CoMnon and Scientific Name ition of mollusks and products. Description Protein Fat % 1_ Ash % i/ , . 7/ Carbohydrates- Caloriesf % Per 100 "ratiS Clam, Soft Shell, Geoduck Panope genirosa Whole Raw 78.0 77.2-78. 2 15.5 2.0 3.2 15.0-15.9 0.8-3.2 1.8-4.6 2 2 2 Clam, Tallin, Rayed-Shell Soletellina psammatea Clam, Tallin Tellinidae Clam, Venus Meretrix casta Clam, Venus Tapes aureus Whole Raw Wtiole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw 83.4 80.9-86.0 9.4 0.8 .3-10.5 0.6-0.9 2 2 Clam, Venus Tapes pullastra Whole Raw 79.0 78.9-79.0 12.6 1.8 2.7 12.4-12.8 1.2-2.3 2.6-2. Clam, Venus Venus Ralli Whole Raw 78.7 75.7-81.1 30 12.2 0.9 10.7-13.7 0.5-2. 29 29 1.6-3.5 29 Clam, Venus Venus verrucosa Clam, Venus , Asari Tapes philippinarum Whole Raw Whole Raw 87.0 6.1-87.8 5.4 2.6 4.9-5.9 1.5-3.6 2 3 Clam, Venus, Butter qa-gidomus giganteus Whole Raw 13.2 1.9 !■' 12.4-14.0 1.5-2.2 2 2 18.7 4.8 l-* Clam, Venus, Butter, Pacific ■Saxidomus nuttalli Clam, Venus, Hard Venus lusoria liihole Raw Whole Raw 84.6 82.8-88.6 13.0 1-2 10.2 0.6 1.1 9 0-11.9 0.3-0.8 0.7-1.8 3 5 3 Clam, Venus, Hard Venus meretrix Whole Raw 77.4 76.3-78.4 2 0.7 0.5-0.9 1.5 1.4-1.5 2 Clam, Venus, Littleneck Pa phia staminea Clam, Venus, Littleneck Japanese Ta pes (Venerupis) decussatus Whole Raw Ifliole Raw 80.3 71.5-85.2 12.7 9.9-18.0 1.2 0.7-2.5 1.5 1.0-2.3 15 15 73.9 69.9-77.9 2 15.6 15.2-16.0 1.6 0.8-2.4 2 3.4 2.4-4.5 2 Clam, Venus, Northern Quahog, Cherrystone Mer cenaria mercenaria Whole Raw 8.7 0.9 1-6 4.4-10.8 0.2-2.0 1.2-2.0 3 ^ 3 128 Table 3. — Proximace composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Na Description ProtiUn Fat I %_ Carbohydrates- Calories^'' % Per 100 grams Clam, Venus, Pismo Tivela stul to r uni Whole Canned 83.6 82,6-8^.6 2 9.7 2. A 9.6-9.9 0.4-4.4 2 2 2.5 2.3-2.6 2 Clam, Venus , Shortneck Tapes japonica Clam Unspecified Whole Raw Whole Raw Canned Seasoned Unspecified Cooked Appetizers With Cheese Chowder Manhattan New England Pudget Sound Fritters Loaf 82.6 SO.S-Sii 3 7 84.3 78.6-87 15 9 59.6 79.2 69.9-86 4 85.1 2.5-89 8 3 81.5 8.1-8A 6 3 83.1 40.3 65.0 11.3 LO. 1-12.3 4 1.8 0.8-3.6 3 1.6 9.7 6.5-12.9 15 1.6 0.3-3.1 18 1 2.0 .2-3.9 11 9.5 11.1 7.8-15.2 6 0.7 1.3 0.8-2.4 6 2 8.9 3.2 4-4.5 3 10.9 19.3 2.2 2.1 1.2-2.8 1.2-2.8 3 3 5.1 13. 3.8-6.5 0.9-1.7 3 3 3.8 2.5 11.4 15.0 yO-<< 11.2 2.0 2.2 1.3-2.7 3 3.7 1.1-7.5 3 1.6 2.4 2.1 21.3 5.1 4.7 8.4 9.0 30.9 11.3 170 77 304 188 Cockle Cardium mutic Whole Raw Cockle, Atlantic Cardium edule Whole Raw 81.4 73.4-92.0 10 10.6 1.0 9.2-14.1 0.6-2.7 2.6 2.1-3.1 Cockle, Pacific Cardium corbis Cockle, Sand Hemidonax donacif ormus Whole Raw Iftole Raw 81.4 79.2-83.6 11.8 1.1 1.0-1.2 2 Cockle Cardlidae Muscle Raw Canned Dried 79.7 65.7-92.0 9.5 4.2-11.0 0.6 0.3-1.3 1.7 1.2-2.2 8.5 -50 4 5 4 2 52.1 15.4 11.0-19.8 19.3 55.2 51.7-58.6 2.6 2.7 1.6-3.7 6.8 8.8 7.9-9.7 19.2 17.9 128 280 Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Whole Meal Muscle Raw 16.8 1.0 14.0-21.8 0.6-1.5 8 8 1.9 1.5-2.7 129 Table 3- — Proximate composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Same Description Moisture 7. Protein Pat 1/ . , ■ II Carbohydrates- Caloriesfi' % Per 100 gram Cuttlefish Sepia orientalis Muscle Raw Cuttlefish S'ipiidae 79.3 76.7-83.6 10 17.4 1.1 1.3 14.9-21.0 0.7-2.5 1.0-1.6 11 7 3 Mussel Gebbula umbilicalis Mussel Mytilus mundahuensis S^Llted Unspecified llrled 77.9 23.0 19.1 0.4 62.8 3.9 2.2 2.6 (11.3) 80 267 Mussel Hyriopsis schlegelii 87.7 6.5-90.0 5.5 1.0 1.4 3.8-6.7 0.7-1.4 1.2-1.6 Mussel Uniobivae Mussel, Blue Mytilus edulis Mussel, European Mytilus galloprovincialis lA^ole Raw lAole Raw Cooked Boiled Meal Ifliole Raw 81.6 0.6-83.9 12 80.0 76.2-90.4 16 72.2 (2.8) 81.3 79.2-83.0 7.8 .3-9.4 12 1.6 0.9-2.2 12 1.7 1.0-2.7 12 11.6 .9-15.4 16 1.7 1.2-3.1 18 2.2 1.4-3.2 12 17.9 70.0 3.1 0.2 1.7 12.0 10.6 8.4-12.0 4 3.0 1.3-7.0 4 2.1 1.3-2.5 4 5.1 15.0 120 342 Mussel, Sea Mytilus crassitesta (■mole Raw 81.1 0.4-81.8 2 15.0 0.4 1.3 13.3-16.7 0.4-0.5 1.1-1.4 7 2 2 Mussel Hytilida Whole Raw 87.0 6.0-87.9 11.7 7.6-15.7 1.7 1.6-1.7 Mussel Unsperified Wliole Raw Cooked Boiled 81.0 74.5-84.2 10 12.2 8.7-15. 1.6 1.0-3.2 9 1.7 1.3-2.0 3 (2.2) Octopus Eledone moschata Octopus Octopus ocellatus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Roe Raw 84.4 83.8-85.1 2 11.4 1.0 1.7 10.1-12.6 0.9-1.1 1.5-1.8 2 2 2 130 Table 3. — Proximate composition of iroHusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Mois tur Protein Fat % 7. Carbohydrates- Calories 2/ ^ Per 100 grams Octopus Paroctopus hongkongenis Octopus, Devilfish Octopus vulgaris Octopus Eledonidae Octopus Octopodidae Octopus Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 81.2 77.3-83.9 5 12.0 82.3 77.0-85.5 U.B 5 U.3 1A.2 1.2 9.5-17.1 0.3-^. 10 8 1.5 10.0-18.7 0.4-1.1 1.2-1.8 6 9.1 1.4 0,8-1.6 Oyster Etheria elliptica Oyster Ostrea rhizophorae Whole Raw Whole Raw 64.2 61 .2-67 2 13.2 3 12 4-13 2 9 26.5 3.7 1.4 3.5-4.0 2 67.8 4.2 16. S) 65.3-70.3 1.0-6.4 16.3-17.5 2 2 2 Oyster Ostrea taurica Oyster, Common Ostrea edulis Oyster, Eastern Ostrea virginica Oyster, Giant Pacific Ostrea gigas Oyster, Japanese Ostrea laperousei Oyster, Native Pacific Ostrea lurida Oyster, Portuguese Ostrea angulata Whole Raw Whole Raw Cooked Steamed Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw 81.0 79.3-82.7 3 84.0 77.4-90.0 12 82.6 81.7-83.5 79.5 77.7-80.9 3 81.0 0.6-81.7 3 10.3 1.6 9.6-10.7 1.3-1. 3 3 2.2 .4-3.3 7.9 1.7 1.6 5.2-10.0 1.0-2.7 0.8-2.1 11 15 8 8.6 2.0 1.8 8.3-8.8 1.6-2.5 0.7-3.0 2 2 2 U.l 2.1 9.6-14.3 0.8-2.6 9.6 2.5 1.5 9.4-9.7 1.9-3.6 1.4-1.6 3 3 2 131 Table 3.— Proximate composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Oyster, Talaba Ostrea malabonensis Description Whole Raw Moisture % 83.4 83.1-83.8 Protein Fat 7. %_ 6.8 2.9 6.5-7.0 2.6-3.2 2 2 Ash X 3.2-4.6 2 1/ , . 7/ Carbohydrates- Caloriesr' % Per 100 grans Oyster Ostreida Pen Shell Atrina japoni Pen Shell Atrina kinoshitae Periwinkle T.ittorina littorea Ihole Raw 83.5 78.4-88.9 21 Canned Boiled In Oil, With Sa Unspeci Smoked It fled 78.5 58.5 80.3 82.1 82.0-82.2 2 Cooked Fried Dried 54.7 16.0 13.1-18.8 2 Salted i, FPC S' Fermented 85.2 8.8 Muscle Raw 76.2 Muscle 86.0 Raw \-n\ole Raw 70.1 B.5 1.8 1.8 5.5-13.3 0.5-3.6 0.6-3.0 23 22 15 12.4 3.9 2.4 15.1 13.2 2.5 9.8 2.0 2.0 9.3 2.8 (5.8) 9.2-9.4 2.7-2.8 2 2 8.6 13.9 1.5 40.7 6.5 7.7 35.4-46.0 5.1-7.9 7.3-8, 2 2 2 3.3 2.5 7.6 62.3 0.6 6.2 68.3-73.0 3 15.7-20.0 1.2-4.5 3 5 7.0 6.5-7.5 2 10.7 5.9 21.3 29.1 96 222 81 56 245 338 Periwinkle Unspecified Whole Raw Cooked Boiled 74.2 73.3-75.1 2 78.0 76.8-79.1 2 16.4 2.0 3.7 15.2-17.6 1.4-2.6 3.0-4.3 Scallop Chlamys glabra Scallop Pecten caurinus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 84.0 0.9-87.1 2 Scallop, Atlantic Bay Aequipecten irradians Muscle Raw 80.2 78.0-82.9 14.8 13.7-16.0 6 0.6 1.5 3-1-5 1,3-1.7 6 6 Scallop, Calico Aequipecten gibbus Muscle Raw 79.4 77.8-82.1 7 16.1 0.6 1.5 15.4-16.9 0.2-1.0 1.4-1. Scallop, Common Pecten yessoensis Muscle Raw Canned 79.6 68.1 64.4-71.8 16.3 0.4 1.5 21.4 0.2 2.8 20.1-22.6 0.1-0.3 1.9-3. 2 2 2 66.2 2.5 6.7 2.2 7.5 82 117 132 Table 3.— Proximate composition of mollusks and products. Cotiunon and Scientific Name Scallop, Great Pecten jacobaeus Scallop, Green Chlamys opercularis Scallop, Sea Pecten magellanicus Scallop Unspecified Snail Achatina marginata Snail Murex brandarix Snail Strombus canarium Snail Thais chocolata Snail Vivipara javanica Snail Botoelagadidae Snail, Almeja Nassa reticulata Scallop, Coquille St. Jacqu Pecten maximus De5cription Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Breaded Canned Cooked Fried Breaded Kabob With Pineapple With Tomato Steamed Dried Whole Raw Whole Raw Iftole Dried Ifliole Raw Whole Raw Whole Salted J, Dried Moisture 7. Ib.b 75.2-77.9 77.8 74.6-80.4 79 8 75.6- 81 3 li 67 3 68 1 64.4- 71 8 2 73.1 13.9 13.5-14.1 Protein Fat Ash -__^ Z 7. 77.3 16.2 72.5-80.7 12.5-18.0 29 24 1.5 1.3-1.9 17.2 0.5 1.8 16.8-18.3 0.3-0.6 1.7-1.6 (0.7) 17.4 0.6 1.6 15.2-20.1 0.2-1.0 1.3-1 7 8 7 14.6 0.7 1.6 9.8-16.4 0.1-1.5 1.4-1.8 9 13 7 13.9 0.3 1.7 21.'i 0.2 2.8 20.1-22.6 0.1-0.3 1.9-3.6 2 2 15 2 14. 22 .4 71 .1 6.4 6 . 3-6 . 5 2 (1.8) 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.4 ] .1 0.4-1.8 2 (1.6) 5.7 3.5-8.0 2 Carbohydrates- Calorles2/ 'i Per 100 araais (1.2) 16.8 7.5 10.0 2.8 3.1 8.2 12 8 117 110 75 115 327 305 Snail, Escargot Helixidae Snail, Mud Nassa mutabilis Snail, Pelican Aporrhais pesp elsrani Ifliole Raw '.ilhole Raw '4iole Raw (2.2) 133 Table 3. -Proximate composition of mollusks and products. Coiuxnon and Scientific Name Description Moisture Protein Fat Ash % 1/ , . 7/ Carbohydrates- Caloriesf Z Per 100 grams Snail, Pond Am puVlarla luzonica Snail, River Vlvlparus malleatus Snail, River Viviparadldae 1-Jhole Raw Whole Raw \.Jhole Raw 72.2 75.8 79.5 11.8 1.2 11.6-12.0 0.9-1.4 2 2 Snail, Sea fetusidae Snail Unspecified Whole Dried Whole Raw 84.0 79.3-94. 9 14.4 1.9 9.9-16.4 0.8-4.5 4 14 1.5 1.4-1.6 Squid nosidicus glgas Squid T.oligo bleekeri Whole Meal Muscle Raw 13.3 11.6-14.6 3 Squid Loll^o brevls Squid Loli^o gahl Muscle Raw Muscle Kaw 16.1 15.7-16.5 Squid holigo -javanica Squid Lolifio ommastrephes Squid Watasemia scintillans Squid, Conmion T.nll po vulgaris Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.3 75.5-79.7 6 12.6-20.6 0.9-1.7 1.4-2.1 Whole Raw Squid, Flying Ommastrephes sagittatus Squid, Japanese Ommastrephes sloani p acificus Squid, Long-finned Loligo pealei Squid, Pacific T.oVieo opalescens Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78.0 76.8-80 10 4 78.5 74.2-82 30.6 7 79.4 78.6-80 1 18.2 1.1 14.4-21.0 0.7-2. 14 7 13.2 .7 1.4 0.9-1.7 1.6 11.8-14.5 0.5-0.9 0.8-2.4 2 2 2 57.4 4.5 5.5 16.6 1.4 16.5-16.7 0.5-2.2 2 2 1.0 0.9-1.1 134 Table 3.— Pi oximate composition of moilusks and products. Coniinon and Scientific Name Squid, Short-Finned, Atlanti Illex illecebrosus Squid I.oliBinida Squid Unspecified Topshell Trochidae Turban Turbo cornutus Whelk Buccinum verkruzeni Whelk Eburna japonica Whelk Neptunea poycostata Whelk, Dog Winkle, Atlantic Nucella lapillus Whelk, Oregon Triton Fusitriton oregonesis Whelk Unspecified Descriptti on Moisture 7. Protein 7, Fat 7. Ash 7. Carbohydrates - Calories?' Muscle Raw 77.5 77.4-77.6 17.3 1.7 1.4-2.0 2 1.2 2.3 94 Muscle Raw 79.3 75.8-82.0 3 17.1 15.3-19 3 .3 1.0 0.8-1.4 3 1.5 1.2-1.9 3 1.1 82 Cooked Unspecified Salted S Dried Soaked 73.3 21.8 65.2 24.2 63.3 29.3 1.2 4.6 3.6 1.1 6.4 0.9 3.9 1.0 108 310 158 Muscle Raw 79.5 74.2-84.8 15 15.6 12.7-18 16 4 1.3 0.4-4.6 16 1.3 1.1-2.4 2.3 84 Cooked Unspeci fied 77. J 26.0 20.9-27 4 8 0.9 0.7-1.7 4 1.1 112 Dried 20.8 4.4-31.4 6 50.9 48.0-81 8 2 3.9 2.0-5.3 8 7.0 4.1-11.4 6 7.4 308 Smoked 38.5 35.2 2.5 6.2 17.6 234 Muscle Raw 75.7 74.8-76.5 19.1 1.5 0.8-2.3 1.9 1.8 97 Ifliole 2 3 Raw Canned 73.1 69.4 19.8 22.7 2.0 1.4 3.7 5.2 1.4 1.3 103 109 Muscle Raw 75.1 74.1-77.0 18.8 16.1-20. 0.7 0.3-1.4 1.5 1.4-1.7 3.9 92 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Mus c le Cooked Unspecified Dried 64.9 21.0 2.9 5.8 63.7-67.0 16.9-23.5 1.0-5.2 5.1-6.9 3 3 3 3 17.7 2.3 17.6-17.8 1.9-2.6 2 2 50.2 2.2 This valu obtained by difference of the average of the me. Caloric value estimated by multiplying protein content by 4; f; Average of the means obtained from the literature cite.J. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature c Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was figure obtained by calculation. FPC abbreviation for fish protein concentrate. t by 9; and carbohydrate by 4. identified only by common na (2.5) 135 Tahle h.-- Amino Acid composition of flnfishes, whales, anH proJucts. Common and Scientific Name Descr i pt i "L of total protein Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus Muscle Raw Whole Raw 6 3/ 8.4 .2 'I 0.8-1.1- 3/ ft 3/ 6 i 7.2 1.2 1.2i/ 1.0-1^;. 1.0 8.1-^' 3 1^' 3.1-4,1 - ^' 5.0 Amberjack, Yellowtall Serlola quinqueradiata Muscle Raw 10.4 8.9-12.0 3 2.6 2.6-2.7 3 7.0 6.5-7.5 3 1.1 1.1-1.2 3 11.4 11.0-11. 3 5.3 4.5-5. 3 Roe Raw Anchoveta Enfiraulis rinsens Whole Fishmeal 8.2 .0-8.4 2 2.5 2.3-2.6 2 6.1 5.9-6.2 2 9.7 9.5-9.9 2 4.5 4.3-4.6 2 Anchovy, Longjaw, Delis Stolephorus commersonii Anchovy, Mandali Coilia dussumer Anchovy, Pacific Engraulis japonicus Anchovy Engraulidae Whole FPci!/ 7.3 2.5 3.9 0.9 7.5 3.7 Muscle Raw 10.1 1.6 0.9 10.1 1.4 5.9 Muscle Raw 9.6 2.6 0.9 6.5 1.4 11.7 5.3 Wiole Raw 8.8 2.8 1.0 6.2 1.3 11.0 5.0 Muscle Raw Salted i Dried 9.6 8.6 7 . 8-9 5 1 2.7 1.9 .8-2 2 1.0 1.4 6.4 5.3 4.5-6 2 1 1.3 1.0 .9-1 2 11.6 10.9 5.1 2.8 Whole Fishmeal 6.5 4.9-8 6 5 1 2.3 .5-2 6 4 0.9 .6-1 5 4 4.4 3.1-5 7 9 0.7 .7-0 3 8 7.9 6.1-9.7 6 3.5 2.7-4.3 6 Argentine , Atlantic Arpentina si lus Whole Fishmeal Barb , Bony-lipped Os teocheilus hasselti Muscle Raw Barracuda, Red Sphyraena pinguis Bass, Sea Serranidae Roe Raw Muscle Raw 9.7 8.0-10.6 3 Bass, Temperate Percichthj/id^e Muscle Raw 9.8 4.2 136 7a of total protein 4.li/ 3.6-4.52/ 6 3/ 4.9 4.8-5.0 3 12.91/ 3.81/ 11. 3-14. 02/ 3.2-4.22/ 63/ 63/ 14.2 3.3 13.4-14.9 3.0-3.6 3 3 5.5i/ 4.6-6.0I/ 61/ 5.6 5.5 5.4-5.6 3 6-li^ 4.2 1/ 2.41/ 3 61/ 5.4-6.62/ 3.4-4.7 2/ 2.0-2.71/3.0-412/ 6 11 63/ 63/ 6 3/~ 7.0 6.5-7.5 3 5.5 7.5 6.4-8.4 3 2.9 5.2 3.2 6.7 2.3-3.8 5.4-7.4 4 3 2.61/ 2.1-2.8 2/ 63/ 3.6 4.1 3.8-4.3 3 3.41/ 2. 7-3. 8 2/ 6 3/ 4.4 3.5 3.4-3.6 3 6.6 1/ 5.6-7.32/ 63/ 7.4 8.3 7.3-9.2 3 3.8 3.7-3.9 2 13.3 4.2 12.9-13.7 4.1-4.3 2 2 5.7 5.6-5.8 2 6.4 5.3-6.5 2 5.6 5.5-5.7 2 3.1 4.9 3.1-3.2 4.8-5.0 2 2 3.6 3.4-3.7 2 4.4 4.3-4.5 7.6-8.0 2 4.8 6.1 15.2 15.9 4.0 4.2 5.2 6.1 6.7 7.0 5.9 5.4 4.6-6.2 2 3.7 3.2 3.1-3.2 2 5.4 5.4 4.3-6.6 2 3.4 3.5 4.5 4.2 9.0 6.7 3.0 2.3-3. 6 8 6 10.8 .9-13. 6 7 2 3.3 6-4. 6 3 3 4.8 6-6. 6 4 5.2 4.0-6.7 6 4.5 3.4-5.8 7 2.5 1.8-3.1 7 4.0 3.0-5.1 7 2 2.9 2-3 7 6 2 3.6 8-4 6 9 4 6.6 9-8.4 7 3.4 2.9 2.8-3.0 3 3.8 137 Table 4.-- Amino Acid composition of finfishes, whales, anm Salmon Sa.lraonidae Sardine CI upeidae Muscle Raw Canned Salted Muscle Raw Canned In Olive Oil In Tomato Sau Unspecified 66 25-95 6 52 7-88 2 70 52 70 Saury Scomberesocidae Scad Decapterus lajang Scad, Bigeyed Caranx crumenoph thalmus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Scad, Round Decapterus pinnulatu Scorpionfish, Yellow Scorpaena scropha Scorpionfish Scorpaenidae Sea Robin Triglidae Muscle Cooked Fried Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Marinated in Sake Muscle Raw Shad, Bastard Konosirus thris Roe Raw Muscle Raw Shad, Indian Hi Is a ilisha Muscle Raw Shark, Blue Carcharhlnus glauca Shark, Mackerel, Blue-pointer Lamna ^lauca Sliark, Oceanic Whitetip Carcharhinus longimanus Shark, Thresher Mopias vulpinus Smelt, Pond Hypomesus olidus Smelt, Sweet, Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis Snapper Etelis evurus tfliole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Snapper, Red Luclanus campechanus Muscle Raw (blackfordii) Sole Cynoslossus are! Muscle Dried Sole, European Solea vulgaris ccldae Muscle Raw Sole Soleidae/PleuroPL Muscle Raw Dried Sturgeon Acipenseridae Roe Raw Swordfish Xiphias eladius Muscle Raw 43 594 185 Table 10. — Total and free cholesterol in finfishesj whales_^a'^d products. Common and Scientific Name Total Free Description Cholesterol Cholesterol mfi/lQO gm mg/100 gm Trevally Caranx mertensi Muscle Raw Trout, Rainbow Salmo gairdneri Muscle Raw 48 25-70 Tuna Thunnus maccoyi Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalunga Tuna, Big eye Thunnus obesus Tuna, Black Fromethichthys prometheus Tuna, Skipjack Euthynnus pelamis Muscle Raw 3i Muscle Raw 22 Muscle Raw 92 Muscle Raw 45 Muscle Raw 18 Cooked Broiled with Soy Sauc :e & Sugar a Broiled 84 Breaded 6. Fried 79 Tuna, Skipjack Scombridae Tuna, Yellowfin Th unnus albacares Tuna Scombridae V/hale Unspecified Whiting, Australian SillaRO sihama Whiting Sillagonidae Yellowtail Caran^idae Muscle Raw 37 Muscle Raw 6 Cooked Broiled wl th Soy Sauce 96 Ray With Soy S lauce 47 Muscle Raw 68 37-94 4 Canned 60 Cooked Broiled 84 Creamed 91 Breaded & Fried 79 Dried 92 Smoked 102 Muscle Raw 30 Muscle Dried 200 Muscle Raw 21 Muscle Raw 90 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name . 186 Table 11.— Total and free cholo nd products Common and Scientific Nam Crab, Blue Callinec sapidu Crab Unspecified Crayfish Unspecified^' Lobster Unspecified Shrimp, Ba Palaemon Unspecified Description Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Total Cholestero mp./lQO pm 1/ 158 138-200 250 Curried with Peppers, Celery, Onions, & Corn- starch 117 Fried in Batter with Celery, Onions, & Tomato 122 Fried 171 irled 755 Cholestoro mc/lQO em Table 12.— Total and free cholesterol In mollusks and Common and Scientific Name Description Abalone Haliotida. Clam, Arkshell Area inflata Clam, Fresh Wat Corblcula atr Clam, Razor Solenidae Clam, Venus, Asari Tapes ohilippinar Unspecified ^' .Mussel, Blue Mytilus eduli: Mussel Mytilidae Octopus Octopus ocella Muscle Raw Canned Muscle Raw Wliole Raw Whole Total Cholesterol to/ 100 am 87 1' 21-153 2/ 2 i/ 130 77-190 Cholcste ma/100 of the found in li Range of the ■Number of mean values, whicti cported m tlic lite Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish identified only by Octopus Octopodida Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled wi fermented soybe Muscle Raw 190 94-327 Muscle Raw 116 56-175 Snail Unspecified Squid Unspecified Muscle Raw Dried Top Shell Trochus Top Shell Trochidc Turban Turbo cc Whole Raw Muscle Raw Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in iittrature cited. Muniber of mean values, which wer.' reported in the Utera Method not clearly de ibed identified only by 187 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 Rrams Sulflir Magnesium Ainame HexaKrammos otakii Alewlfe Alosa pseudoharengus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Vmole Fishmeal Alfoncino Beryx splendens Amberjack, Greater Seriola dumerili Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Amberjack, Yellowtail Seriola grandis Amberjack, Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned In Oil -10 2/ 207-38A ill 2 Amberjack Carangidae Muscle Raw 34 124 32-35 10 2-146 2 2 Anchoveta Engraulis ringens Whole Fishmeal 3590 2190 3380-3800 2160-2220 2 2 Anchovy En graulis mystax Anchovy Stolephorus indicus Anchovy, Ca'Moi Coilia lindmani Anchovy, European Engraulis encraslcholus Anchovy, Longjaw, Bills Stolephorus heterolubus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked 1,1 Unspecified - 29 43 Anchovy, Longjaw, Delis Stolephorus commersonii Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified, Soaked in Brine Salted & Dried Salted & Fermented 300 2350 159 1360 535 313 Beheaded Raw 188 Table 13.— Macroelement coraposltlon of finfishe: s, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Anchovy, Mandali Coilia dussumier Anchovy, Pacific Engraulls japonicus Anchovy, Whitebait Stolephorus tri Anchovy Engraulida Description Sodlu mg Calcium Phoaphorue Chlorine Muscle Raw Salted & D •led U 143 363 259 Whole Salted S. Dried 561 415 Ifliole Raw 657 419 Muscle Raw 148 W3i/ 379-4A72/ 2 il 150 20-279 2 242 220-264 Canned Paste 6f08 1/ 3816-9800 2 3/ 2/ 200 168 210 Sulfur Magnesium Whole Raw 755 750 2150 1578 220-4080 180-2975 Cooked 2 2 Boiled S Dried 3150 1029 1600-4700 530-2336 590-1500 Dried ioA2 1154 3 1330 2 1313 885-1200 429-2062 1261-1377 2 3 3 Salted i Fermented 7153 341 Fishmeal 925 710 3825 1863 870-980 650-770 3700-3950 589-2600 2 2 2 3 Beheaded Dried Argentine, Atlantic Argentina silus Barracouta Thyrsites atun Barracuda Sphyraena obtusata Barracuda Sphyraena schlegeli Barracuda Sphyraena vulgaris Barracuda, Great Sphyraena barracuda Barracuda, Guaguanche Sphyraena guachancho Eviscerated Salted Salted & Dried Wliole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 5892 1239 64 258 59-70 247-270 2 2 9082 1910 Barracuda, Pacific Sphyraena argentea iMuscle Raw m 189 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. CoraiDon and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grama Sulfur Magnesium mg mg arracuda, Striped Torcillo Sphyraena jello Muscle Raw 371 307-435 34 22-45 2 386 174-598 2 Barracuda Sphyraenidae Muscle Raw 97 46-154 3 224 155-294 2 26 21-30 313 190-490 3 Bass, Sea Diplectrum radlale Muscle Raw Bass, Sea Paralabrax humeralis Muscle Raw Bass, Sea, Black Centropristes striatus Muscle Raw Bass, Sea, Cherlo Acanthistius pictus Muscle Raw Bass, Sea, Common Nlphon splnosus Muscle Raw Bass, Sea, Japanese Lateolabrax japonicus Muscle Raw 31 126 -50 208-243 2 2 Bass, Sea, Kelp Paralabrax clathratus ass. Sea Serranidae Bass, Temperate, Rabaliza Morone labrax Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone saxatills atfish. Silvery Psettes sebae Big-eye Scombrop hoops Billfish Istiophoridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 67 44-90 3 Cooked Steamed 75 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 130 Muscle Raw 41 27-60 215 187-290 15 198 54 200 32 10-53 2 229 2D0-258 2 7 4-9 3 240 190-331 3 233 27 Blacktail Oblata melanura Muscle Raw Bloater Coregonus hoyi Muscle Cooked Grilled 308 45 190 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of flnfishas, whales, and products Common and Scientific Nam Bluefish Pomatomus pedlca Bluefish Pomatomus saltatri Bluefish Pomatomidae Bombay Duck Harpondon nehereus Bonito Auxis bisu Description iMus cle Raw Muscle Raw Salted i Dried Muscle Raw Sodium Potassium ■ng mg 19 391 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg Sulfur Magnesium Per 100 grams 256 241-271 2 334 608 Bonito, Atlantic Sarda sarda Bonito, Pacific Sardachi liens is Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Salted i Dried 41 22-60 2 323 278-392 3 28 28-28 2 246 233-258 2 15 112 206 164 Bonito Scombridae bream Roughleyia australis ream. Bronze Abramis b rama Bream, Gilchead Chrysophrys aurata Bream, Mud Acanthopagrus berda Bream, Sea Dentex canariensis Bream, Sea Dentex maratanus Bream, Sea, Crimson Evynnis .japonica Bream, Sea, Red Chrysophrys major Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 40 Muscle Raw Fishmeal Defatted Muscle ,Raw Muscle Raw 39 Salted & Dried 5189 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 475 669 26 145 23-28 32-25 2 2 146 48 245 780 560 890 650 15 187 191 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Conimon and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassiu Calciu mg Phosphorus mg Per 100 grams Magnesium mg Bream, Sea, Yello Taius tumifrons Bream, Tooched Dentex vulgaris Bream, White, Sargo Diplodus sargus Bream Sparida rill Rhombus laevis rill, Rough Scaled Pseu iorhoinbus oligodon rill Both idae/Pleui onectidse urbot Lota lota Butterf ish Peprilus tricanthus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Steamed Muscle Raw 86 116 268 260-275 2 44 35-52 2 132 226 Muscle Raw utterfish Psenopsis anomala utterfish, Black Stromateus niger Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted S Dried 109 318 24 232 106-112 203-434 17-32 184-279 2 2 2 2 169 457 Butterfish, Silver Stromateus cinereus Muscle Raw 20 248 19-20 205-291 2 2 52 110 Whole Dried utterflyfish, Ca Chix Coradion altiveltis Muscle Raw 40 134 24-57 116-153 2 2 utterflyfish Ch;5etodontidae Muscle Raw Caesio, Golden Caesio chrysozonu Muscle Raw 62 514 54 226 59-66 508-519 34-92 174-311 2 2 3 3 122 236 192 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Caesio, Golden Caesio cuning Description Muscle Raw Sodium Potassium 398 26A-530 2 35 365 3'i-35 165-565 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine "8 mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Caesio, Moon Caesio lunaris Muscle Ra« Capelln Mallotus villosus Whole Fishmeal 798 296-1300 Cardinalf ish Apongonichthys elllotl Muscle Raw Carp Chela bacila Ifliole Raw Carp Cyprlnus carplo Carp, Bata Labeo bata Carp, Crucian Cyprlnus carassi Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 60 A8-80 3 291 174-397 39 17-57 5 82 32-182 k 105 28-150 4 193 165-225 3 294 20-605 249 150-421 3 37 30-43 Carp, Ghanla Labeo gonlus 57 330 30-95 282-375 3 3 2690 6840 680-2700 Carp, Indian Barbus putito Muscle Raw Carp, Indian Barbus stigma Muscle Raw Carp, Indian Labeo rohica Muscle Raw 60 2 3-91 322 228-44U Carp, Indian, Puti Barbus punitus sophore Carp, Indian, Puti Barbus sarana Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Dried Smoked 76 43-110 2 174 96-251 2 37 29-45 2 386 382-390 2 2770 1420 6780 3680 193 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Carp, Katla Catla catla Carp, Mahasole Barbus tor Carp, Mrlgala Cirrhina mrigala Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Muscle Raw 35 20-62 3 103 33 22-53 3 287 158-440 4 2680 306 140-436 5 Carp, Orange Fin Labeo calbasu Muscle Raw 47 22-75 4 940 3A5 262-420 4 2250- Carp, Reba Cirrhina reba Muscle Raw 100 43-156 453 436-470 Carp, Silver Hvpophthalmichthys molitrix Carp Cvprinidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 37 12-74 202 165-269 7 36 30-40 3 Catfish, Air Breathing Clarias fuscus Muscle Raw Catfish, Air Breathing Clarias magur Muscle Raw 32 20-43 438 375-500 2 Catfish, Air Breathing, Hi to Clarias batrachus Muscle Raw 60 58-63 294 147-440 142 116-168 Catfish, Air Breathing, Karmouth Clarias lazaiae Catfish, Fresh Water Pseudobagrus aurantiacus Catfish, Fresh Water, Bacha Eutropiichthys vacha Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 95 55 18 560 102 2240 Catfish, Fresh Water, Channel Ictalurus punctatus Catfish, Fresh Water, Kired Baearius yarreli Catfish, Fresh Water, Mullev Wallagonla attu Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 34 416 14-60 327-494 3 3 atfish. Fresh Water, Seenghara Mac rones seenghala Muscle Raw 194 Table 13. MacroolcmenC composition of finfishes, whales, and products Corxion and Scientific N'ame Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium mg mg mg mg mg Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Muscle Salted S. Dried Eviscerated Dried Muscle Raw 60 416 Per IQO grams Catfish, Fresh Water, Shengti Macrones gluilo Catfish, Fresh Water Ic.taliiridae 330-503 2 Catfish, Sea Muscle Arius leiotetocephalus Raw 114 318 26 305 224-413 14-37 170-440 2 2 2 Catfish, Sea Muscle Bagre macracanthus Raw 55 390 51 213 Catfish, Sea, Gafftopsail Muscle Bagre marinus Raw 32 194 Catfish, Sea, Manila Muscle Arius manillensis Catfish, Sea, Shingal Arius dussumieri Catfish, Sea AriiHaR Saccobranch us fossills Cavefish Amblyopsis godonmola Char, Artie Salvelinus alpinus Characin Prochilodus laticeps Raw 92 256 37-147 187-324 2 2 Salted 6, Dried 5409 509 140 346 Muscle Raw 131 24-272 3 220 152-307 3 Muscle Raw 100 456 40 176 98-103 404-496 21-61 150-197 2 3 3 3 Cooked Steame d 114 320 16 220 Dried 194 600 Whole Dried 1370 440 Eviscerated Salted & Dried Catfish, Stinging Muscle Raw Eviscerated Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Characin Muscle Characidap Raw Muscle with Bones Raw 195 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Sodiu mg Potassium mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine rag mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Chub Cvprinidae Chub, Sea, Striped Rudder Kyphosus lembus Chub, Sea Kyphosidae Cichlid Cir.hlidae Mus c le Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Cisco, Lake Coregonus artedii Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua Raw 46 38-56 3 319 280-358 2 12 152 Whole Fishmeal 250 800 5000 2700 Muscle Raw 67 49-92 4 380 280-365 7 16 6-42 7 265 186-610 7 Cooked Fried Breaded Steamed Salted 93 74 372 386 65 27 298 283 157 55 200 24 17-30 4 153 234 25 101 278 272 26 Eviscerated Salted & Dried Cod, Pacific Gadus macrocephalus Cod, Poor Gadus minutus Cod, Rock Roboralfia jacksoniensis Cod Gadidae Muscle Raw Dried Hard Slightly Salted Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered Battered S Breaded Grilled With Butter Steamed Cured, Salted Dried 73 71-76 3 90 63-180 9 102 161 110 3520 2830 390 372-405 3 412 372-470 6 365 342 407 43 264 307 453 40(J 573 300 15 9-20 11 166 90-220 11 80 202 50 261 31 127 274 204 135 30-371 6 612 300-1030 6 114 400 1221/ 1811/ 97-1502/ 171-1912/ 33/ 23/ 130 5220 323 322 196 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfisl.es, whal. es , and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Salted S Dried 5118 iffal Flshmeal J2 2 233 Per 100 grama 228 133-400 3 A48 8-556 J46-69A 5 5 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg Sulfur Magneslu Coral Cod, Saa Bass Cephalopholls mlnlatus Coral Cod, Sea Bass Plectropomus maculatus Crevalle Caranx dledaba Crevalle, Jack Caranx caranfius Croaker Otollthus brachygnathus Croaker Sclaena deliciosa Eviscerated Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted 6, Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried 7711 40 30-57 3 275 157 156 32-248 3 Croaker, Atlantic Micropofion un dulatiis Croaker Black Pogonias cromls Croaker Nlbe Nibea mitsukurii Croaker Nibe Nibea nibe Croaker, Robalo Sclaen a starksel Croaker, Roncador Ophioscion venezuelae Croaker, Smooth Scaled Pseudosciaena anea Croaker, Smooth Scaled Sciaena dussumieri Croaker, White Nibe Argyrosomus ar gen tat a Croaker, Yellow Pseudosciaena manchu Croaker, Yellow Umbrina steindachne Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Haw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 43 10584 35 235 125 218 67 16325 197 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Potassium mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfu mg Magnesium Cusk-Eel Lepophidium brevibarbe Cusk-Eel, Bearded Ophidium Ophiodon barbatum Cusk-Eel, Congrio Colorado Genvpterus chlliensis Cusk-Eel, Congrio Negro Genvpterus maculatus Cusk-Eel, Ling Genvpterus blacodes Cutlassfish Lepidopus caudatus Cutlassfish Trlchiurus japonicus Cutlassfish Trlchiurus lepturus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16 13-19 2 41 25-57 Cutlassfish Trlchiurus savala Muscle Raw Salted & Dried 157 113-201 2 700 Cutlassfish, Ribbonfish Trlchiurus haumela Muscle Raw 54 32-76 176 76-275 Eviscerated Cutlassfish Trichiurida Muscle Raw 102 94-110 2 27 12-42 155 150-160 2 184 Dab Limanda 11 Dab, Japanese Limanda herzensteini Dab, Japanese Limanda yokohama Dab Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw 84 Muscle Raw 130 Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Fried Battered 6. Breaded 127 259 29 Dace Cypr: Damselfish Chromis chr Dogfish, Cazon Carcharias aethalorus Muscle Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 198 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes whalP<. ^nH i . r LiiiLi^iiui, wnaie& , and products Common and Scientific Na Dogfish, Smooth Mustelus canls Dogfish, White Mustelus dorsalis Description Dogfish Squalidae Dolphin, Dorado Aurata aurata Dolphin, Mai Mai, Dorado Coryphaena hippurus Dolphin Coryphaenidae Dory, John Zeus australis Dory, John Zeus faber Dory, John Zeus japonicus Muscle Raw Muscle Cold-Smoked Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Unspecified Sodium mg 100 100-100 2 163 170 98-2^2 2 60 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine '"g mg mg Per 100 grams 11 266 6-16 176-350 4 A Sulfiir Magneslu Dory Zeidae Drepane, Concertinaf ish Drepane punctata Drum Sciaena regiae Drum, Dhoraa Sciaena glauca Drum, Fresh Water Aplodlnotus grunniens Drum, Ghol Sciaena miles Muscle Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 139 57 30-90 3 183 149-235 3 Drum, Popa Sciaenoides pama Drum, Red Sciaenops ocella ta Whole Dried Muscle Raw Drum, Teraglin Cynoscion atelodus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 72 316 52 187 -97 295-336 31-89 153-280 3 2 5 5 199 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Salted & Dried 290 758 470 274 310 244 Eel, Conger Conger conger Muscle Rau 22-150 180-390 4 4 Eel, Conger Congridae Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered Breaded Steamed 108 73 234 200-267 2 353 132 214 200-223 3 156 173 222 272 35 19-67 3 Eel, Fresh Water Anguilla vulgaris Eel, Fresh Water, Americ Anguilla rostrata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Eel, Fresh Water, European Anguilla anguilla Eel, Fresh Water, Japanese Anguilla japonica Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Eel, Fresh Water Anguil lidae Muscle Raw 40 250 47 153 18-90 177-403 34-60 130-194 5 5 2 3 Whole Raw Eel, Moray, Greek Muraena helena Muscle Raw 42 270 57 36 16 19-64 138-532 24-90 2-70 15-17 3 2 2 2 Eel, Moray Muraenidae Eel, Pike Conger Muraenesox telabonoides Eel, Pike Conger, Silver Muraenesox cinereus Eel, Pike Conger Muraenesocidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Rav; Cooked Stewed 215 200 26-220 5 193-2^ 4 13 192 14 200 162 199 Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus leucopunc tatus Muscle Raw 200 Table 13, — Macroelement composition of finfislios, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlori mg mg mg mg mg Eel, Spiny Muscle Mastac&mbelus armatus Raw Eel, Spiny Muscle Mastacembelus favus Raw Eel, Swamp, Field Muscle Fluta alba Raw Eel, Swamp, Palos Synbrachus bengalensis Emperor Muscle Lethrinus karr^/a Fishmeal Emperor Muscle Lethrinus opercularis Raw Featherback Muscle Notopterus notopterus Raw Featherback, Chitala Muscle Notopterus chitala Raw AO 190 51 Flathead, Deep Sea Platycephalus macrodon Flathead, Indian Platycephalus indicus Flounder Cleisthenes pinetorum herzensteini Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Flounder Cynoglossus senegalens Muscle Raw Flounder Leoedorhombus boscii Flounder, Gulf Paralichthys albigucta Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Per 100 ara Eel, Snake, Murrel Muscle Ophicephalus marulius Raw 19 234 15-23 158-311 2 2 Eel, Snake, Murrel Muscle Ophicephalus punctatus Raw i,i 3^^ 15-80 118-530 4 5 Eel, Snake, Murrel Muscle Ophicephalus strlatus Raw 62 396 43 200 38-86 314-474 14-96 95-360 2 3 6 7 Eviscerated Salted i Dried 4103 33 473 21-55 121-975 3 3 63 390 54-72 330-450 2 3 273 34-45 119-260 40-67 161-405 2 2 4 5 39 247 11-79 174-390 4 3 Sulfur Magnesium 201 Table 13. — Macroelement corcposicion of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and ScienCific Name Descripcion Potassium rag Phosphorus mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Flounder, Scaldfish Arnoglossus roscii Flounder, Southern Paralichthys lethostigm Flounder, Spotted Citharus lingua tula Flounder, Starry Platichthys stellatus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 92 85-99 318 85-350 2 Flounder, Scarry, Hirame Paralichthys olivaceus Mus c le Raw 36 8-63 2 230 185-275 Flounder, Stone Kareius bicoloratus Muscle Raw Flounder, Yellowtail Limanda ferruglnea Flounder Bothidae/P] euronectidae Fluke Pleuronectes f lesus Flyingf ish Cypselurus opis thopus Raw 53 38-79 A 262 157-366 2 27 203 Muscle Raw 121 12-145 8 332 195-515 6 32 8-110 13 234 110-264 9 Cooked Fried Steamed 130 115 282 318 75 55 218 296 Muscle Raw 37 240 Muscle Raw 15 247 176 192 36 168-215 24-49 2 5 200 203 23 148 231 25 11-19 2 81 Flyingfish, Small Scaled Muscle Cypselurus oligolepis Raw Flyingfish, Tropical T\-J0-winged Muscle Exocoetus volitans Raw Garfish Belone acus Muscle Raw Garfish Tylosurus giganteus Garfish Belonidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 202 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Coramon and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Giant Perch Lates calcarifer Muscle Raw 68 313 43 176 65-70 173-477 30-54 89-314 3 3 3 4 Goatflsh, Ca'Phen Farapeneus indicus Muscle Raw Goatflsh, Red Mullet Mullus barbatus Muscle Raw 70 23-118 256 158-331 Goatflsh, Red Mullet Mullus plccoli Muscle Raw Goatflsh, Red Mullet Mullus surmulletus Muscle Raw Goatflsh, Yellow Upenoides sulphureus Muscle Raw Goatflsh Mullidae 82 66-98 2 Goby, Banner Microgoblus microlepis Goby, Chiozzo Goblus jozo Goby, Flathead Glossogobius giuru Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 64 325 69 293 50-79 250-454 50-84 151-537 2 3 3 4 Goby, Round Neogobius melanostomus Muscle Raw Goby, Sea Trout, Merluzza Macrodon ancylodon Goby Gobiidae Goldfish, Funa Carassius auratys Goosefish, Monk fish Lophius budegassa Goosefish , Monkf ish Lophius litulas Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 113 76-150 31 285 252-318 2 360 30 15-38 3 339 220-536 3 374 335-436 3 76 42-109 2 203 597 23 142 Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius piscatorius Muscle Raw Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius setigerus Muscle Raw 203 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Goose fish, Monkfish Lophiidae Greenling, Atka, Mackerel PleurosJ^ammus azonus Grenadier Grouper Epinephelus ergas Culariu Grouper, Black Mycteroperca bonaci Grouper, Merou Epinephelus aeneus Grouper, Merou Epinephelus goreensis Grouper, Merou Rouge Epinephelus taeniops Grouper, Red Epinephelus morio Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium mg mg mg Per mg 100 Krams mg mg mg Muscle Raw 180 7 Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded Steamed 164 135 400 356 11 10 206 215 197 136 206 256 32 30 Muscle Raw 12 180 Muscle Raw 20 . 83 Muscle Raw 60 280 20 150 10 Muscle Raw 11 214 Muscle Raw 264 40 510 Muscle Raw 30 580 Muscle Raw SO 540 Muscle Raw 80 233 40 184 167-200 2 Grouper, Spotted Epinephelus corallicola Grouper, Yellowbelly Epinephelus gigas Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 301 227-375 Grunt Anisotremus scapularis Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Dried 47 22-72 2 22 270 172 139-204 2 170 525 Grunt Hapalogenys mucronatus Grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 78 45-112 2 262 180-343 2 Grunt Pristipoma iubelini runt, Besurgo, Bangoknok Pomadasys argyreus Grunt, Bluestriped Haemulon sciurus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 204 Table 13, — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connon and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium nig mg Calcium Phosphorus Clilorine mg rag mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesiura Grunt, Dorade Muscle Parapristipoma raedi terraneum Raw Grunt, Meagre Muscle Pomadasys operculare Raw Dried Grunt, Mojaria Muscle Anisotremus interruptus Raw Grunt, Trumpeter Muscle Pelatis sexlineatus Raw Grunt, White Muscle Haemulon plumieri Raw Grunt Muscle Pnmadas^idae Raw Guitarfish Muscle Rhinobatus polyophthalmus Guitarfish, Guitarra Muscle Rhinobatus planiceps Dried Gurnard Muscle Cheilodactylus macropterus Raw 436 320-551 2 9 240 129 500 43 20-66 2 Gurnard, Flying Dactvlopterida Muscle Raw Gurnard, Red Chelidonichthys kumu Muscle Raw 45 222 -95 186-257 3 2 Haddock Melanogrammus aeglef innus Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Frozen In Brine Smoked 98 54-202 10 357 299-434 9 27 7-62 8 203 164-318 8 130 17-199 5 213 164-229 5 24 23-24 2 177 348 77 40-114 55 247 181 285 31 76 323 234 78 304 28 31-121 2 198 1210 1201-1220 2 653 1890 237 1879-1900 221-253 2 2 Hagfish, Atlantic Myxine glutinosa Hake Merluccius maci ilatus Hake Urophycls Hake, Chllia Merluccius Sayi Muscle Ravj Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 67 602 243-960 222 1427 1424-1430 2 Hake, European Merluccius merluccius Muscle Raw 264 223-295 3 213 126-305 5 20-28 2 205 Table 13, — Macroelement coraposltion of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus rag mg Per 100 grains Sulfur Magnesium Hake, Pacific Merluccius productus Muscle Raw \-/hole Raw 126 111-140 334 315-352 Hake, Stiver, Whiting Merluccius bilinearis Muscle Raw 83 308 61 201 74-95 288-347 50-72 180-222 3 4 2 2 Hake, Squirrel Urophycis chuss Hake Gadida Ealfbeak Hemiramphus sajori Halfbeak Reporhamphus austr alias Halfbeak, No-spotted Hemirhamphus georgii Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw 92 Muscle Raw 74 Cooked Fried 153 Steamed 118 Stockfish 396 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 70 Muscle Raw 112 396 93 12-160 3 556 162-950 2 56 297 26 259 134 197 29 310 16 218 95 193 27 31 22 163 670 372 35 175 121-229 184 140-227 Halfbeak Exocoetida Muscle Raw 73 65-81 3 44 203 43-44 200-206 2 2 Halibut, Arctic Hippoglossus vulgaris Halibut, Atlantic Hippo.'^lossus hippoglossus Halibut, Pacific Hippogjossus stenolepis Halibut Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Raw 71 49-112 3 8 Muscle Raw 59 47-68 434 379-501 22 8-47 222 221-222 5 4 3 2 Muscle Raw 156 53-460 518 500-540 19 5-30 206 167-253 4 4 5 5 Cooked Steamed 111 340 13 255 Smoked 205 Smoked & Dried 5109 8660 7891 198 197-199 2 241 227-255 2 176 206 Table 13.— Macroelenenc composicion of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg rag mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Herring Ilisha africana Muscle Raw Herring, Atlantic Clupea harenRus Muscle Raw Canned In Oil Drained Kippered Unspecified In Tomato Sauce Unspecified Smoked Whole Fishmeal Ml, 379 53-A60 152-496 3 3 190 189 417 362 54-A80 217-A3A 2 2 302 457 213 300 40 424 1990 1064 637-1490 2 Herring, Atlantic Thread Oplsthonema oglinum Muscle Raw Herring, Bachiva, Bacha Clupisoma garua Muscle Raw 45 196 28-62 168-223 2 2 Herring, Deep Bodied Sardinella perforata Muscle Raw Herring, Fimbriated, Tunsoy Sardinella fimbria ta Herring, Machete Ethmidium chilcae Herring, Pacific Clupea pallasi Muscle 107 404 126 441 Raw 99-115 325-484 53-207 209-1136 2 2 6 6 Salted S Dried 5175 1060 200 366 Whole Dried 1640 540 Dried & Smoked 3423 520 Muscle Raw 118 49-186 2 160 103-217 2 Muscle Ravj 117 420 83 228 74-160 64-102 174-281 2 2 3 Dried 95 92-98 2 830 720-940 Salted 84 223 140-306 2 Smoked 78 580 Herring, Round Etruraeus micropus Muscle Raw Herring, Wolf Chirocentrus dorab 60 2:-37 2 714 278-1150 2 207 Table 13. Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Potassium mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 si^ams Sulfur Magnesiu Herring Clupeidae Muscle Raw 105 322 58 262 115 52-160 268-446 15-112 160-364 108-122 7 5 11 15 2 Canned In Bouillon 260 350 In Oil 510 560 In Tomato Sauce 230 330 Unspecified 356 79 8-150 2 322 625 Cooked Baked In Vinegar 62 233 58 326 119 Unspecified 990 520 65 426 1520 Curried 3723 251 Fried 101 415 39 339 125 Kippered 130 97-163 2 140 763 710-816 206 26 191-221 10-32 4 4 205 280 266 261-270 2 410 225-596 Japanesef ish Labracoglossus argentiventris Jewfish Pseudosciaena coiber Jewfish Sciaena antarctica Jewfish Sciaena sina Jewfish, California Stereolepis gigas Kingfish Caranx equulus Kingfish, Gulf Menticirrhus littoralis Lamprey Entosphenus japonlcus Smoked 5610 1703-9516 2 Whole Cooked Fried Kippered 225 2276 990-4598 3 112 Salted Salted i Dried Smoked Fishmeal 4621 3902-5340 2 597 420-818 4 1452 1200-1910 4 Eviscerated Raw 189 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 70 260 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 83 250 Muscle Raw Dried 350 474 367-58 1056 642 1490 520 2662 1928 1950-3900 1500-2203 7 7 8240 2626-148 3 325 7102 7140 6026-8255 2 360 222-497 2 1100 150 110-192 10 160 180 240 208 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whale Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Lamprey Petromyzontidae Muscle Raw Dried 120 339 Lance, Sand Ammodytes americanus Leather jacket Lichia glauca Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Lizardf ish Synodontidae Eviscerated Raw Leatherjacket, Yellow Scomber lyson Muscle Raw 150 183-266 2 59 5-95 3 600 196-1005 2 Levovangan Monotaxes grandoculis Muscle Raw 127 93-161 2 263 58-468 Ling Molva molva Muscle Raw 7-20 2 Ling Molvidae Lingcod Ophiodon elongatus Muscle Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded 145 Steamed 120 Muscle Raw 59 312 370 228 221 59 413 35 190 54-62 352-448 15-55 165-230 3 3 3 3 203 266 Lizardf ish Saurida argyrophanes Muscle Raw Lizardfish Saurida tumbil Muscle Raw 46 42-49 2 208 201-214 2 Lizardfish Saurus lacerta Muscle Raw Lizardfish, Spotted Tail Saurida undosquamis Muscle Raw Loach, Weather fish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Muscle Raw 40 28-53 2 419 402-436 Longaray Ambassidae Muscle Raw Lumpf ish Cyclopteridae tJliole Raw 209 Table 13. — Macroelement coraposition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Maasbanker, Mackerel, Jack Trachurus trachurus Muscle Raw 218 192-244 Mackerel Scomber australias Muscle Raw Mackerel Scomber microlepidotus Muscle Raw Mackerel, Atlantic Scomber scombrus Muscle Raw 245 8 307 236-254 5-11 217-453 2 2 3 186 260 Mackerel, Frigate Auxis tapernosoma Muscle Raw Mackerel, Frigate Auxis thazard Muscle Raw 24 11-39 3 250 193-341 3 Mackerel, Horse Caranx melampygu Eviscerated Raw Mackerel, Horse Caranx ronchus Muscle Raw 72 359 64-80 153-565 2 2 Mackerel, Horse Carangidae Muscle Raw 11-30 2 6200 41 13-69 2 180 Mackerel, Jack delicatissimus Muscle Raw Mackerel, Jack Trachurus japonicus Mackerel, Jack Carangidae Muscle Raw Canned Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Canned Salted & Dried 90 9-90 2 15 254 2-19 222-287 3 2 45 300 600 1300 34 200 2-49 179-226 5 4 45 300 70 450 30 28-33 Mackerel, Japanese, Spanish Scomberomorus niphonius Muscle Raw Mackerel, King Scomberomorus cavalla Muscle Raw Mackerel, King, Seer Scomberomorus commersonii Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Dried 59 49-70 3 2174 520 420-669 3 597 32 7-92 5 77 245 162-345 5 225 329 210 i Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium mg Potassium mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 grams 46 324 39-58 155-622 3 3 217 602 217 469 183-251 351-587 2 2 16 270 6-31 175-384 4 3 155 274 50-260 250-288 2 2 17 650 25 240 74 204 52 239 34 208 11-57 168-248 2 2 Sulfur Magnesium Mackerel, Long- jawed Rastrelliger canagurta Mackerel, Pacific Chub Scomber japonicus/colias Mackerel, Short-bodied, Hasa Hasa Rastrelliger brachysomus Mackerel, Spanish Scomberomorus macula t us Mackerel, Spotted Spanish Scomberomorus guttatus Mackerel, Surmaii Scomberomorus kuhlii Muscle Raw 44 40-48 2 Dried 150 Salted S Dr led 4289 3535-5043 2 Muscle Raw Dried Salted Muscle Raw Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted 6, Dr 172 1599 10-89 4 366 176-511 3 1600 1150 881-1418 2 372 274-469 461 537 234 136-292 4 32 29-35 2 93 148 162 172 Mackerel, West African, Spanish Scomberomorus tritor Mackerel Scombridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Boiled In Bouillon In Oil In Tomato Sauce Marinated ' Unspecified Cooked Fried Dried 94 48-137 27 426 10-44 262-590 2 2 228 775 486 22 216 190 193 29 5-94 66-298 170-211 162-233 23-35 10 11 2 3 2 50 260 280 360 145 235 798 200 280 270 340 385 162 324 590 329-441 101-225 273-374 2 4 2 418 28 64 17-110 2 280 560 470-650 2 114 210 35 25 212 245 25-25 153-242 2 3 Marlin Makaira manazza Muscle Raw 211 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium mg Potassiu mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Marlin, Blue Makaira nigricans Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Menhaden, Atlantic Brevoortia tyrannus Menhaden Clupeidae Milkfish Chanos chanos Muscle Raw 22 229 Muscle Raw 121 269 62 187 Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded 177 251 63 219 Steamed 96 214 76 218 Whole Fishmeal 310 600 5170 2950 Muscle Raw 1140 1570 60 560 Iftiole Fishmeal 435 1035 4566 2504 340-530 720-1350 1220-5694 853-352 2 2 6 6 Muscle Raw 72 292 36 193 64-80 94-401 16-51 153-264 2 3 3 3 Smoked 1136 837 78 76-80 2 188 181-195 2 183 119 235 246 150 140-160 2 Minnow, Common Zacco platypus Muscle Raw Mojarra Diapterus eve Mojarra, Silver Pentaprion longimannus Mojarra, Spotted Gerres filamentosus Moonfish, Pacific Vomer declivif rons Mullet Mugil caerulcoma Mullet Mugil kalaartii Mullet Mugil liza Mullet, Black Fin Mugil melinopterus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 95 313 185 195 Mullet, Ca'Doi Mugil affinos Mullet, Green-backed Mugil dussumierii Mullet, Grey Mugil auratus Muscle Raw Muscle Salted Muscle Raw 212 Table 13, — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Coramon and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Mullet, Grey, Boi Mugil speigleri Muscle Raw Mullet, Indian Mugil corsula Muscle Raw Whole Dried Mullet, Kechki Mugil cascasia Muscle Raw Wliole Dried Mullet , Long-finned Mugil vaigiensls Mullet, Striped Mugil cephalus Mullet Mugilidae Ravj 259 37 340 15-59 195-484 2 2 Muscle Raw 81 308 26 228 58-100 292-320 11-93 153-436 A 4 10 10 Muscle Raw 70 485 51 2 31 69-70 15-99 173-338 2 5 5 Cooked Fried In Oil 1100 510 840 520 Steamed 105 320 22 259 Salted 6, Dried 289 601 Fishmeal 59 117 Ifliole Raw 195 Smoked 624 1482 305 16A7 976-2318 29 25-32 3 Nemipterid, Long- tailed Nemipterus japonicus Nemipterid, Ribbon-finned Nemipterus taenipterus Nemipterid, Roncador Memipterus virgatus Pandora, Sea Bream Pagellus erythrinus Parrotf ish Oplegnathus fasciata Parrotfish Scarus mechipunctatus Parrotfish, Loro Sparisoma squalidum Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 500 39 210 654 245 254 116 197 81-150 2 308 302-315 20 2 213 Table 13. —Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Coromon and Scientific Name Description Sodiura mg Potassiu mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Parrotfish Scaridae Perch, Blue, Walleye Stizostedion vitreum glaucus Perch, Climbing Anabes testudenicus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 103 395 52 324 201 45 35-64 3 314 195-438 3 80 28-131 2 164 159-169 2 Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster fasciata l-Thole Raw Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster pectoralis Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Perch, Climbing Anabantidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Perch, Golden, Callop Flectroplites ambiguus Perch, Ocean, Pacific Sebastes alutus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 70 358 62-79 324-393 2 2 Perch, Sand Psammoperca waigiensis Muscle Raw Perch, White Morone americanus Muscle Raw Perch, Yellow Perca f laves cens Muscle Raw 242 226-261 3 Picarel Muscle Maena zebra ■^■^ Raw Picarel Muscle Smaris vulgaris Raw Pigfish, Grunt Muscle Orthopristis chrysoptera Raw Pike, Muskellunge Muscle Esox masquinongy Raw Pike, Northern Muscle Esox lucius Raw Pike Mus cle £socD dae Raw 40 29-52 363 310-416 218 31 Pilchard, European Clupea pilchardus Muscle Raw 55 441 24-86 220-742 2 5 214 Table 13.— Macroelement coniposition of Einfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description, Sodium Potassium mg mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Canned In Oil Drained Unspecified 5^1 321 497 608 409-593 545-683 3 3 Pilchard, Japanese Sardinops melanosticta Pilchard, Pacific Sardinops (Sardina) caerulea Pilchard Clupeidae Whole Canned Muscle Raw 100 Canned In Oil 770 In Tomato Sauce 1100 Seasoned 800 Unspecified 800 Salted 2400 Salted & Dried Muscle with Bones Dried 2100 Eviscerated Raw Muscle Canned In Tomato Sauce Unspecified Muscle Raw Canned 585 400-760 3 295 260-320 3 74 295 35-106 229-417 3 3 450 430 354 406 330-388 360-452 2 2 270 360 270 360 85 350 393 2458 381 137 42 303 231-381 3 168 229 212 246 168-296 3 58 41-74 24 42 Whole Fishmeal Pintadilla Cheilodactylus variegatus Muscle Raw 44 148 29-59 73-222 2 2 Plaice Pleuronec tes Plaice, American Hippoglossoides platessoides Plaice Pleuronectidae Pollack, Saithe, Coalfish Pollachius virens Muscle Raw 60 260 30 160 10 Muscle Raw 90 329 Muscle Raw Cooked 96 353 18 17-20 2 219 218-220 2 83 208 203-214 2 24 22-2 2 Fried , Battered i Breaded Steamed 124 120 219 278 45 38 251 246 174 112 249 249 24 24 Muscle Raw 59 34-86 2 349 348-350 2 54 20-87 224 220-228 91 215 Table 13. Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Cominon and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg J Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Pollack, Walleye Theragra chalcogra Pollack Gadidae Pomf ret Pampus raii Pomfret, Silver Pampus argenteus Cooked Steamed 97 348 Muscle Raw 428 Dried Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered 6, Breaded 162 333 Steamed 95 438 Dried 780 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 517 9 746 63 15-154 3 376 985 224 220-230 3 128 241 13 202 30 540 275 llA 198 238 152 140-163 Pomp an o Trachinotus palo Muscle Raw Pompano, Indian Alectis indicus Muscle Raw Pompano, Pacific Neptomenus crassus Muscle Raw 38 327 300 9-66 211-524 185-416 2 3 2 Pompano, Permit Trachinotus falcatus Muscle Raw Pompano, Talakitok Caranx malabaricus Muscle Raw Pompano Carangidae Muscle Raw Porgy, Aligote Pagellus acarne Muscle Raw Porgy, Bogue Sarpa (Box) boops Porgy, Fargo Pagrus ehrenbergii Porgy, Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Porgy Sparidae Muscle Raw 35 185 15-49 62-288 4 6 160 678 575-780 2 Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides porphyreus Puffer, Swellfish Tetraodontidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 16 139 13-18 138-140 2 2 216 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Sodiu mg Potassiu mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine rag mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Rockfish, Red Sebastes ruberrimus Salted & Dried 56 Puntazzo PuntazzQ puntazzo Queenfish, Leatherjacket Chorinemus tol Muscle Raw Muscle Raw RabbiCfish Siganus (Teuthis) javis Ray, Eagle Actobatus peruvianus Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Fer Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted 322 192-451 2 213 504 122-455 2 308 215 Ray, Eagle Rhinoptera seweli Ray, Electric Torpedo (ocellata) torpedo Redfish, Ocean Perch Sebastes marinus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 59-111 4 307 269-345 2 Roach Rutilus rutilus Muscle Raw Whole Fishmeal Rockfish, Black Sebastes melanops Rockfish, Boccaccio Sebastes paucispin Rockfish, Canary Sebastes pinniger Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 61 366 46-71 347-38A 3 2 Rockfish, Chilipepper Sebastes goodei Rockfish, Greens triped Sebastes elongatus Rockfish, Idiot Sebastes alascanus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Rockfish, Mebara Sebastes inermis Muscle Raw Rockfish, Osaga Sebastes iracundu Muscle Raw Rockfish, Red Sebastes matsubarae Muscle Raw 217 Table 13.— Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Coramon and Scientific Name Rockfish, Yellowtail Sebastes flavidus Runner, Blue Caranx crysos Runner, Rainbow Elagatis bipinnulatus Sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria Salmon, Atlantic Salmo salar Salmon, Australia Arripis georgia Salmon, Australia Arripis trutta Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 54 382 50-59 358-406 3 2 430 417-442 2 410 380-440 2 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine ™g mg mg Per 100 grams 35 168 7-77 150-187 3 2 Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Whole Raw Salmon, Cherry Oncorhynchus masou Muscle Raw Salmon, Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Canned Boiled Salted Muscle Raw 38-45 2 266 160-372 154 107-200 157 362 296 278-326 Salmon, Chum Oncorhynchus keta Salmon, Coho Oncorhynchus kisutch Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cured Salted Salmon, Long tooth Otolithes ruber Salted ^ Smoked Evisce Raw 50 362 12 296-429 9-16 2 2 48 339 249 352 38 445 36 231 26-51 421-469 28-43 212-250 4 3 2 7 184 308 249 296 47-322 230-286 254-338 2 3 3 2500 50 250 3200 30 250 2900 43 340 22 13-32 2 30 Salmon, Pink Oncorhynchus gorbusc Muscle Raw 78 56-110 330 258-443 4 218 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descriptio Sodium mg Calcium Pliosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium 700 3200 158 110-196 A 10 310 290-321 Salmon, Sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka Salmon Salmonidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Boiled Unspecified Cooked Steamed Cured Salted 48 34-61 4 355 44-628 5 76 37-170 500 440 60-623 107 2500 3200 376 339-411 4 364 30,3-425 4 384 351-410 376 300-472 178 22-272 7 16 10-25 170 203 66-472 12 29 50 23 16-30 2 48 43-53 2 316 273-392 7 245 200-2 70 6 320 298 248-353 10 302 250 336 260-412 2 524 340-707 199 192-212 3 221 176-241 35 29-47 3 46 30-62 2 Offal Fishmeal Sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus Muscle Raw 45 29-61 2 28 216 184-248 2 250 Sandfish Trichodonti dae Muscle Salted & Dried Sardine Clupanodon pseudohispanicus Muscle Raw Sardine Opischopterus tartoor Wliole Raw Sardine Sardinella eba Muscle Raw Sardine, Golden Sardinella aurita Muscle Raw Sardine, Indian Sardinella lon^iceps Muscle Raw 212 96-336 3 175-345 3 Muscle with Bones Salted S Dried Smoked 283 203 315 175 Sardine, Spotted Sardinella sirum Salted & Dried 219 Table 13. Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Calcium Phosphorus Chi mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Sardine Clupeidae Muscle Raw 100 Canned In Oil Smoked Unspecified 558 550-565 2 In Tomato Sauce Smoked Unspecified 321 Marinated Unspecified 785 Dried Salted i Dried 1425 750-2100 l-/hole Raw 73 240 50-90 240-240 3 2 350 440 A21 438 29-1254 299-701 8 7 360 380 302 375 240-363 370-380 2 2 230 320 371 369 297-409 137-683 10 8 27 308 825 825 300-1350 450-1200 2 2 2416 554 944 184-870 556-1730 229 4 270 41 258-283 Saury, Pacific Cololabis saira Muscle Raw Canned In Tomato Sauce 500 Seasoned 1000 Unspecified Dried & Seasoned 1600 Salted & Dried '>-> 206 11-34 190-222 3 2 320 330 290 350 162 120 250 32 320 30-33 220-420 Sawfish Pristidae Scad, Big-bodied Decapterus macrosoma Scad, Big-eyed Caranx crumenophthalmus Muscle Raw 54 238 Muscle Raw 81 404 71 214 Salted h Dried 4044 3162-4925 730 700-760 622 614-629 726 534-917 2 2 2 2 Muscle Raw 61 614 28 6-50 2 247 115-386 3 Salted 6, Dried 3016 61-5971 608 601-614 191 50-332 166 115-217 2 2 2 2 Scad, Golden Caranx kalla Muscle Raw 220 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine Sulfu rag mg mg mg Per 100 fi^rams Magnesium Scad, Mackerel Decapterus macarellus Scorpion fish, Yellow Scorpaena scropha iMuscle Raw Scorpionfish Scorpaenidae Sculpin Cottus pollux Sculpin, Sea Raven Hemitripterus americanus Sculpin, Shorthorn Myoxocephalus s cor pi Scup, Sea Bream Stenotomus chrysops Sea Crow Corvina nigrita Raw 65 45-79 3 Whole Raw 133 Flshmeal Dried Raw 755 Steamed £< Dried 9A5 Unspecified Muscle Dried Muscle Cooked Steamed 152 Muscle Raw 55 Muscle Raw 63 Muscle Raw 2180 1370 32 20-39 298 200-480 4980 2345 A080 3015 7200 4000 1190 1585 195 200 129-449 2 Sea Robin, Gurnard Trigla carax Muscle Raw Sea Robin, Red Gurnard Trigla capensis eheaded Raw Sea Robin Triglida Muscle Raw Sea Trout, Corvina Cilus monti Muscle Raw Sea Trout, Grey Cynosclon regalis Muscle Raw Sea Trout, Sand Cynoscion arena Muscle Raw Shad Clupea alosa Muscle Raw Shad Ethmalosa dorsalis Mus cle Raw Whole Dried Shad, American Alosa sapidissima Muscle Raw Shad, Bastard Konosirus thrissa Muscle Raw 221 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Shad, Gizzard Anodontostoma chacunda Shad, Gizzard Dorosoma cepedian Shad, Hickory Alosa mediocris Shad, Indian Clupea toll Shad, Indian Hilsa ilisha Muscle Raw 98 Salted i Dried 6671 Smoked Muscle Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 52 417 125 194 775 496 483 492-500 483-483 2 2 302 219 101 22-18 2 273 266-280 2 Shad, Slender Ilisha elongata Muscle Raw Shad, Threadfin Dorosoma petenense Whole Raw Shad Clupeidae Muscle Raw 191 120-262 2 Shadefish, Meagre Sciaena aquila Muscle Raw 278 180-375 Shark, Blackfinned Carcharhinus melanopterus Muscle Raw 722 676-769 152 66-237 2 68 67-68 2 Shark, Blacktip Carcharhinus limbatu Shark, Blue Carcharhinus Shark, Elephant Callorhinchus milii Shark, Gummy Mustelus antarcticu Shark, Hammerhead Sphyrna blochii Shark, Hammerhead, Smooth Sphyrna zygaena Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 70 Canned Boiled 950 Seasoned 1150 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 109 47 130 225 250 Shark, Mushi Scoliodon sorrakewa Salted & Dried Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamna cornubica Muscle Raw Shark, Porbeagle, Salmon Lamna ditropis Muscle Raw 222 Table 13, — Macroelement composition of finfishos, whaln-.s, and products. Cormnon and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Pliosphorus mg mg mg mg Per 100 gramg Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Shark, Requiem Carcharhinidae Muscle Raw '^8 180 32-59 169-192 3 3 Shark, Sand Carcharias glaucas Muscle Raw Shark, Sharpnose Scoliodon palasorrah Muscle Raw 14-16A 2 194 183-2U4 2 Shark, Sharpnose, Pacific Scoliodon longurio Muscle Kaw Shark, Smoothhound Mustelus vulgaris Muscle Raw Shark, Thresher Alopias vulpinus Muscle Raw Shark Unspecified Muscle Raw 14 4-23 2 Sheathfish Kryptopterus kryptopterus Muscle Raw Sheathfish Parasilurus asotu Muscle Raw Sheathfish Tachysurus gambensis Muscle Raw Sheathfish Tachysurus heudeloti Silverside Atherina forskali Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Rinsed & Drained 100 Silverside Atherina presbyter Silverside Austromenidia regia Muscle Raw Skate, Blue Raja batis Muscle Raw Skate, Flatback Raja kenojei Skate, Starry Ray Raja asterias Muscle Raw Skate, Thornback Raja clavata Muscle Raw 330 273-387 Skate Rajida Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded 38 155 5-70 140-170 2 2 223 Table 13, Macrocltment composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodiu mg Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Sleeper Eleotris fusca Muscle Raw Sleeper Oxyeleotrls marmorata Slimy, Soapy Leiognathus insidiatrJ- Slimy, Soapy, Ponyfish Leiognathus equula Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Dried 328 43 288 18-437 33-50 148-554 2 3 3 203 290 Whole Raw Slipmouth, Blackfinned Leiognathus daura Slipmouth Leiognathidae Smelt, Lake Osmerus inordax Smelt, Pond Hypomesus olidus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle with Bones Canned Whole Raw 358 750 Smelt, Sweet, Ayu Plecofilossus altivelis Muscle Raw 38 26-50 2 249 190-308 2 Whole Raw Dried 135 3016 504 278 Smelt Osmeridae Muscle with Bones Raw Cooked Boiled & Dried Fried 148 Dried 274 686 459 516 354-678 2 1109 535 1934 202 168-221 3 Whole Raw 567 198-754 3 534 245-68 3 Snapper Chrysoprys guttalatus Muscle Raw 394 160-628 1 Snapper Lutianus agennes Snapper Pristop jubelini Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Snapper, Lane Lutianus synagris Muscle Raw 224 Tabli 13, — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products Corarnon and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Snapper, Malabar Lutianus malabaricus Muscle Raw 13A-778 Snapper, Pargo Lutianus Colorado Snapper, Red Lutianus aya Muscle Raw Snapper, Red Lutianus campecha Muscle (blacktordii ) Raw Cooked Fried Battered 96 63-150 4 292 210-405 4 14-30 4 134 23-210 4 20-28 2 Snapper, Yellowtail O cyurus chrysurus Snapper Lutlanidae Muscle Raw 90 32 3 33 192 -120 176-420 17-49 144-213 3 3 3 4 206 89-224 2 Snook Centropomus undecimalis Muscle Raw Snook, Constantino Cent:r o_porn us robali to Muscle Raw Snook, Nile Perch Lates neloticus Muscle Raw 137 662 Snook, Robalo Centropomus armatus Muscle Raw Sole Aesopia cornuta Mus cle Raw Cynoglossus semifasclatus Sole Eopsetta cynoglossus Sole, Black Synaptura nigr Sole, Dover Microstomus pacificu Muscle Cooked Fried Battered 6. Breaded 176 Steamed 136 Muscle Raw 80 Muscle Raw 95 300 304 187 233 187 ■ 123 235 252 Sole, Dover Solea solea 34 20-47 252 245-259 Sole, English Parophrys vetulus 85 373 72-91 330-402 4 3 225 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium mg Potassium mg Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Sole, European Solea vulgari uscle Raw 258 168-349 2 Sole, Flathead Hippoglossoides elassodon 76 73-79 2 180 60-299 2 Sole, Petrale Eopsetta jordani Muscle Raw 81 71-96 354 268-402 3 Sole , Rex Glyptocephalus zachirus Sole, Rock Lepidopsetta bilineata Sole, Sand Psettichthys melanostictus Sole, Speckled Cynoglossus puneticeps Sole Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw ooked Fried Battered & Breaded 243 260 38 170 12-120 150-195 5 3 113 67 250 258 Spadef ish Chaetodlpterus faber Spadefish Scatophagus argus Spot Leiostomus xanthurus Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 94 331 67 246 90-98 292-370 60-74 211-280 2 2 2 2 Sprat Sprattus sprattus Muscle with Bones Canned In Oil Dried Smoked Unspecified In Tomato Sauce Smoked Unspecified Cooked Fried Grilled Whole Raw Dried 132 845 409 483 508 802 250 400 360 189 250 350 280 400 707 635 436 565 280 400 855 1165 182 1330 280 275 Stargazer Uranoscopus scaber Muscle Raw 226 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur MagnesiL mg mg Steenbras, Sand, Seebes Lithognathus niormyrus Muscle Raw 123 291 90 26S-31A 2 Stingray Dasyatis pastinaca Muscle Raw tingray, Blue Spotted Dasyatis kuhlii Muscle Raw Stingray, Butterfly Pteroplata altavela Muscle Raw S tingray , Marb led ■Dasyatis uarnak Muscle Raw 22 157 -25 152-170 2 3 Stingray, Thronback Dasyatis akajei Muscle Dried Stingray Dasyatidae Muscle Raw U 9-20 Sturgeon Acipenser sturio Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 466 263 Sturgeon Acijienseridap Muscle Cooked Steamed Sucker, Carp Carpiodes meridionalis Muscle Raw Sucker Catostomidae Muscle Raw 53 316 -57 292-344 3 3 Sunfish, Bluegill Lepomis macro chirus Whole Raw Surgeonf ish Acanthurus bleeker Swordfish Xiphias gladius Tarpon, Bid-Bid Elops hawaiiensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 394 243-546 2 33 21-45 2 336 169-503 2 342 10 7-13 2 505 228-745 3 491 78 65-92 2 208 192-225 2 Tarpon, Buan-Buan Megalops cyprinoides Muscle Raw 227 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg rag Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium Tarpon Elopidae Muscle with Bones Tench Tinea tinea Muscle Raw Tench Tinea vulgaris Therapon Therapon plumbeus Therapon, Large Scaled, Banded Grunter Therapon theraps Muscle Raw Whole Dried Muscle Raw 353 50 324 216-490 41-59 213-435 2 2 2 Therapon, Tigerfish Muscle Therapon iarbua Raw Therapon Muscle TheraponiHae Raw Threadfin Muscle Galeoides decadactylus Raw Threadfin Muscle Pentaneraus quinquarias Raw Threadfin Muscle Polynemus heptadactylus Raw Threadfin Polynemus indicus Whole Dried Threadfin Polynemus paradlseus Threadfin, Four-rayed Polynemus tetradactylus Muscle Salted i Dried Muscle Raw Fishmeal 20 158 398 143 Threadfin, Shiny-nose PolydacCylus quadrifilis Threadfin, Small Mouth Polynemus microstoma Threadfin Polynemidae Tilapia, Mozariibique Mouthbrooder Tilapia mossambica Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 82 0-96 3 386 240-481 3 61 20-96 166 160-174 4 154 135-172 Tllefish Branchiostegus japonicu Tile fish Branchiostei^idae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 40 234 40-40 217-250 2 2 228 Table 13. — Macroelement comfiosl tion of finfishes, whales, and products Coramon and Scientific Name Description Torpedo, Panga Mefialaspis cordyla Trevally Caranx georgianus Trevally, Great, Talarltolc Caranx sexfasciatus Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Trout, Brook Salvelinus fontinalis Trout, Brown Salmo trutta Trout, Lake Salvelinus namaycush Trout, Pollan Coregonus pollan Trout, Rainbow Salmo Rairdneri Trout Salinonidae Tuna Thunnus orientalis Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalu Tuna, Big-eye Thunnus obesus Tuna, Bluefin Thunnus thynnus Muscle Raw .Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted i Dried \fliole Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Fried Covered Oatmeal Steamed Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Salted Cooked Steamed Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Canned In Oil With Salt Without Salt Muscle with Bone Canned Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 51 34-85 536 875 45 76 39-100 3 354 327-380 2 308 293-322 27 275 Calcium Phosphorus Chlorine ™8 mg mg Per 100 grams 45 63 137 6-11 2 7 4-9 3 5-11 3 28 140 186 277 390 373 200 82 367 287 488 32 196 25-38 2 170-240 3 406 296-516 2 16 12-20 2 221 152-290 2 422 250-595 2 290 202-378 2 254 190-327 Sulfur Magnesium mg mg 228 220 229 Table 13, — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. CooEiKm and Scientific Nante Description Potassium mg Calcium mg Phosphorus mg Per lOQ grftmp Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Tuna, Skipjack Euthynnus pelamis Tuna, Skipjack Scombridae Tuna, Yellowfin Thunnus albacares Tuna Scombridae Muscle Raw 37 378 24 324 133 25-52 281-416 6-94 148-871 5 4 7 6 Canned In Oil 24 250 Salted 140 280 Unspecified 17 240 Muscle Raw 100 18 8-29 2 220 Dried 280 15 13-17 2 445 350-540 2 Muscle Raw 261 444 25 272 910 37-489 370-518 2-90 220-400 4 2 6 6 Canned In Oil 3 270 Plain 950 70 200 Seasoned 1000 120 220 Muscle Raw 504 386 12 774 1213 75-803 369-402 9-15 730-817 1189-1237 4 2 2 2 2 Canned Baby Food 180 40 In Bouillon 60 110 In Oil Drained 928 653 13 8-18 2 371 Unspecified 704 284 20 8-40 4 242 150-350 4 In Water 296 320 6 201 44-548 310-330 5-6 184-218 2 2 2 2 Unspecified 769 282 32 246 632-876 222-376 7-65 144-351 3 4 16 14 Offal Fishmeal 73 73 3095 890-5300 2 1735 470-3000 2 Tunny Muscle Thunnus vulgaris Raw Tunny, Little Muscle Euthynnus alletteratus Raw Turbo t Muscle Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Raw 51 50-52 2 12 11-12 2 418 76-760 2 230 Table 13. — Macroelement composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Pliosphorus Chlorine mg mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Turbo t, Arrow tooth Atheres thes stomias Turbot Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 416 20 394-437 17-22 2 2 Viperfish Chauliodus sloani Wahoo Acanthocybium solanderi Weakfish Larimus peli Weever, Greater Trachinus draco Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whale Unspecified Muscle Raw 18 4-31 63 22-104 2 Whitefish, Lake Coregonus clupeaf ormis Muscle Raw 52 307 1-53 297-317 2 2 Whitefish Salmonidae Muscle Raw Smoked 53 1318 Whiting Merlangus merlangus Muscle Raw Whiting Sillago -japonica Muscle Raw Whiting, Australian Sillago sihama Muscle Raw 107 96-118 60 42-71 3 204 177-253 4 Whiting, Blue Micromesistius poutasso lilting Sillaginidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded Steamed 203 299 128 189 208 307 Wolffish, Atlantic Anarhichas lupus Mus c le Raw Wrasse, Bass Labrax (Roccus) lupus Muscle Raw Wrasse, Peacock Crenilabrus pave Muscle Raw Wrasse, Pintade Coris gioffredi Muscle Raw Wrasse, Spinola Labrus turdus Muscle Raw Wrasse Labridae Muscle Raw Wreckf ish Polyprion cernium Wreckfish, Black Bass Polyprion americanus Yellowtail Carangidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 220-358 2 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish wa'^ identified only by common name. 231 Table 14. — Macroeleraent composition of crustaceans and products. Comnion and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calciu rag mg Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Crab Eriphia spinifro Muscle Raw Crab Hvas araneus Muscle Raw Crab Polybius henslowi Whole Raw Crab, Blue Callinectes sapidus Muscle Raw 188-299,-' 60-227 2 ^1 6^7 66 38-272 7 37 178 32 1// 26 Crab, Blue, Deep Sea Portunus pelaglcus Crab, Dungeness Cancer ma^ister Meal 128-180^' 2 il 121 1788 174 120-122 2 1775-1800 2 Muscle Raw 193 463 134 250 120-386 407-520 120-140 180-300 2 2 4 4 Muscle Raw 266 330 52 180 236-296 305-354 46-59 179-180 2 2 2 2 Canned With Salt 844 791-898 2 179 162-196 2 96 61-130 2 130 Without Salt 169 Unspecified ^ Crab, Edible Cancer pagurus Muscle Canned Cooked Boiled Crab , Jonah Cancer borealis Muscle Raw 276 Crab, King Paralithodes camtschatica Muscle Raw 70 Canned Boiled Unspecified Cooked Unspecified 250 Offal Meal 236 120-352 2 32 3-52 2 90 10-169 2 17 181 29 350 49 42-55 2 54 28 160-212 2 210 173 205 60-350 2 Crab, Necora, Cangrejos Cancer polydon Muscle Cooked Baked Crab, Queen Chionoectes opilio Muscle Raw Canned 420 704 239 141 29 25 232 Table lA . — Macroelement composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Potassium mg Phosphorus Chlorine mg mg Per 100 grams Magnesium mg Crab , Red Podaphehalmus vigil Crab, Red, Deep Sea Geryon quinquedens Crab, Rock Cancer irroratus Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Muscle Raw Muscle with Shell Raw 50 47 120 180 Crab, Samoan Scylla serrata Crab, Sand Platyonichus ocellatus Crab, Shore, Common, Green Carcinus maenas Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 92 53-130 3 AA5 152-893 3 Crab, Small Potamon grapsoides Crab Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled 330 95-457 4 750 500-1000 2 368 366-370 2 232 111-322 4 182 110-265 3 271 60 13-120 10 80 25-171 3 246 147-450 12 164 49 48-50 2 41 Unspecified Paste Salted Offal Meal 360 70 A90 553 299 230 437-669 220-378 203-260 2 2 3 1150 15684 1264 400-1900 1280-26960 510-1720 Crayfish Astacus fluviatilis Crayfish, Painted Panulirus omatus Crayfish Unspecified Lobster Homarus vulgaris Lobster, Norway Nephrops norvegicus Lobster, Red Jasus -lallandii Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 97 226 49-145 103-349 2 2 500 58 2 30 610 133 161 65-270 101-192 3 3 56 31-80 2 196-' 193-2^9 233 Table 14. — MacroelemenC composition of crustaceans and products. Comnon and Scientific Name Description Sodium mg Potassium Calcium mg mg Phosphorus mg Per 100 grams Chlorine mg Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Lobster, Spiny Panulirus argus Lobster, Spiny Panulirus vulgaris Lobster Unspecified Muscle Raw 50 214 Muscle Raw 239 88 25 Muscle Raw 296 338 39 254 194-460 202-500 16-61 182-560 3 4 7 7 Cooked Boiled 262 210-325 3 219 180-258 2 62 283 Dried 22 312 1128 530 525 174 21-422 3 Offal Meal 10595 1360 9720-11470 1000-1720 Shrimp Crangon vulgaris Muscle Raw 193 58 274 143-243 53-62 267-2 2 2 2 Shrimp Cryphiops caementarius Muscle Raw Shrimp, Bagda Palaemon carcinus Muscle Raw Eviscerated Raw Shrimp Penaeus caramote Muscle Raw Shrimp Penaeus Incisipes Shrimp Penaeus semis ulcatus Shrimp Trachypenaeus asper Shrimp, Brazilian Penaeus brasiliensis Shrimp, Brine Artemia salina Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled \-Jhole Raw 229 243 Shrimp, Brown Penaeus aztecus Shrimp, Fresh Water Unspecified Raw 208 197-220 2 288 220-357 2 89 50-158 3 258 235-291 3 Muscle Raw 232 45-418 2 217 118-316 2 292 Dried 1084 943 2700 1500 Paste 926 661 Salted i Dr led 1000 943 591 716 Soaked & Drained 300 284 178 215 Salted S, Fe rmen ted 7045 288 >. 234 Table 14. — Macroelement composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Potassium mg Calcium mg Phosphorus Per 100 grams Chlorine mg Sulfur Magnesium mg mg Shrimp, Gamba Penaeus longirostrls Shrimp, Indian Hippolysmeta ensirostrls Shrimp, Indian Penaeus ca rin a tus Shrimp, Indian Penaeus penicilj.atus Shrimp, Indian Peneopsis dobsonii Shrimp, Indian Solenocera indicus Shrimp, Indian Squllla mantis Shrimp, Indian Squllla oratorio Shrimp, Indian Prawn Metapenaeus af finis Shrimp, Indian Prawn Metapenaeus brevicomis Wiiole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 158 163 0-305 67-259 2 2 122 92-153 2 Shrimp, Indian Prawn Metapenaeus monoceros Shrimp, Indian Praivn Penaeus sculptilus Shrimp, Indian Pra\vm Penaeus styliferus Shrimp, Indian Prawn Penaeus tenuipes Shrimp, Indian Pra^-m Penaeus maxillipedo Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 64 21-107 2 66 16-117 2 159 158-160 2 170 169-170 2 Shrimp, Jumbo Penaeus monodon Shrimp, Ocean Pandalus platyceros Shrimp, Opossum, Kuruma Penaeus japonicus Muscle Raw Ifliole Meal Muscle Raw Dried 180 74-286 2 550 1800 325 235-345 340 1100 235 Table lA. — Macroelement composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Potassium Calcium mg mg Phosphorus Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium mg Per 100 grams mg mg mg Shrimp, Pink Penaeus duorarum Muscle Raw Shrimp, Pink, Maine Pandalus borealis Muscle Raw Shrimp , Tiger Penaeus esculeutus Muscle Raw Shrimp, White Penaeus indicus Muscle Raw Salted & Fermented 160 295 52-166 210-397 3 3 469 228 Shrimp, White Penaeus schmitti Muscle Raw Shrimp, White Penaeus setlferus Shrimp Ppnaeldae Muscle Raw Canned Dry Pack Wet Pack With Salt Unspecified Muscle Raw Canned Boiled Unspecified Dried Salted Salted i Dried 155 100-185 3 336 294-380 3 50-112 3 206 187-233 3 80 194 63 155 58 186 28-83 150-253 4 4 63 210 55 149 465 757 36-632 597-995 3 3 2440 650 46 42-50 Shrimp Unspecified Muscle Raw Canned Dry Pack Wet Pack With Salt Unspecified Cooked Boiled Fried Unspecified Salted i Dried 111 84-140 3 257 140-410 3 89 218 11-233 150-310 14 12 104 240 55 149 18 141 84 195 52-115 157-263 2 3 50 190 114 253 232 310 1131 627 231-2306 604-652 4 3 444 779 205-684 2 337 75 40-111 3 4200 306 74 258-353 2 (•niole Raw Eviscerated Raw - Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. 2/ Range of the means found in literature cited. 3/ - Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. - Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 236 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of nollasks and products. Common and Scientific Mame Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Calcium mg Phosphorus mg Per 100 grams Magnesiu mg Abalone Haliotis gigantea Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned 900 990 22 11- 2 1/ 2/ 310 10 9-10 2 169-^^.- 130 116 82-150 2 Whole Raw Abalone Haliotis japonlca Muscle Raw 22 116 13-30 Al-190 2 2 Abalone, Green Haliotis fulgens Abalone Hallotida Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Boiled Seasoned , Unspecified- Whole Salted 3^1 190 32-37 190-191 2 2 27 100 310 130 18 128 14-23 2 101 316 32-170 190-442 2 2 Clam, Arkshell Anadara broughtoni Muscle Raw 28 16-40 2 161 140-182 2 Whole Raw Clara, Arkshell Area noae Muscle Raw Clam, Arkshell Arcidae Clam, Donax, Bean Donax radians Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Unspecified Whole Raw 101 40-174 5 60 43 114 85-140 4 Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula fluminea Clara, Fresh Water, Corbsbell Corbicula leana Whole Raw Cooked Unspecified Whole Raw 176 80 237 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus mg mg mg mg Per 100 grams Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium mg mg mg Clam, Fresh Water Unspecified Whole Raw 392I/ 149 140-6^^2/ Clam, Green Cyrena ventricosa Whole Raw 87 56-117 2 103 101-105 2 Clam, Mactra, Surf Mactra sachaeinensis Muscle Raw Clam, Mactra, Surf Spisula solidissi Clam, Mactra Mactridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 51 208 -60 90-325 2 2 Clam, Razor Solen gouldi Clam, Razor So] Rnidae IJhole Raw Whole Raw 50 164 14-75 140-19 3 3 Clam, Softshell Mya arenaria Clam, Tallin Soletellina cumingiana Wliole Raw Whole Raw 939 116 Clam, Tallin, Rayed-shell Soletellina psammatea 1*10 le Raw 262 164 Clam, Venus Meretrix casta Clam, Venus Tapes pullastra Clam, Venus Venus gallina Whole Ravj Whole Raw 201 138 159 121 69-275 61-174 3 5 Clam, Venus Venus verrucosa Clam, Venus, Butter Saxidomus giganteus Clam, Venus , Hard Venus lusoria Clam, Venus , Littleneck, Japanese Tapes (Venerupis) decussatus Clam, Venus, Northern Quahog, Cherrystone Merc&naria mercenaria Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw l-mole Raw 200 Canned Seasoned 1200 Unspecified 400 l-Jhole Raw 4l5 68 6-140 5 143 53-235 5 280 190 238 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calciu mg mg mg Phosphorus mg er 100 grams Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium Clam, Venus, Pismo Tivela stultorum Clam, Venus Veneridae ole Raw ole Raw 190 180-200 2 Canned Boiled 400 Seasoned 1200 Unspecifie d 91 60-125 85 74 70 55-86 2 142 90-205 7 190 280 124 1/ 340- 2/ 323-3^/- Clam Unspecified Whole Raw Canned Seasoned Unspecified Cooked Chowder 316 200-432 2 83 68 83 70-96 3 20 13-28 2 166 139-210 3 270 136 42 16-67 2 Cockle Cardlum muticum Whole Raw Cockle Cardium tuberculatum Whole Cooked Unspecified Cockle, Atlantic Cardium edule Whole Raw 76-300- 2^7 76 19-138 3 Cockle, Sand Hemidonax donaciformus I'fhole Raw Cockle Cardiidae Whole Raw Canned With Salt S Soy Sauce Dried 190 337 242-432 2 260 789 374-1204 2 Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Muscle Raw 315 190-550 3 28 6-50 2 176 155-198 2 175- 161-18 2 - Cuttlefish Sepia orientalis Cuttlefish Sepiidae Muscle Raw 370 510 130 580 Muscle Raw 277 263 264-273 2 27 21-34 3 164 143-186 Canned Salted & Seas oned 750 94 10 180 Cooked Unspecif Led 200 140 239 Table 15, — Macroelement composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 grams Sulfur mg Magnesium mg Mussel Mytilus obscurus Mussel, Blue Mytilus edulis Mussel, European Mytilus gallop rovincial is Mussel Mytilidae Whole Raw 80 380 80 170 Whole Raw 688 255-1520 3 747 227-1700 3 85 14-140 3 378 60-1045 4 Canned Steamed 181 950 120 1130 Cooked Steamed 1385 1170 140 1195 Whole Raw 144 133-156 2 130 121-140 2 6 216 151-282 2 Whole Raw 214 140-289 2 398 315-480 2 101 52-164 3 166 102-236 3 Cooked Boiled 347 326-367 2 305 262-348 2 102 23-180 2 130 165 Octopus Eledone moschata Octopus Octopus Qcellatus Octopus, Curled Eledone cirrhosa Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Octopus, Devilfish Octopus vulsaris Muscle Raw 465 18 12-24 2 142 96 40-151 2 150 316 193-440 2 Octopus Octopodidae Muscle Raw Dried 22 4-39 4 130 66-205 4 800 Oyster, Common Ostrea edulis Whole Raw Cooked Steamed 258 200 21 200 Oyster, Eastern Ostrea virginlca Whole Raw 77 57-122 4 28 132 112-160 4 124 43 32-54 2 Oyster, Giant Pacific Ostrea gigas Oyster, Native Pacific Ostrea lurida Whole Raw Whole Raw 68 63-74 2 178 164-192 Oyster, Sidney Rock Ostrea commercialis Whole Raw 240 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of mollusks dnd products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium mg mg Calcium Phosphorus mg mg Per 100 Rrams Sulfur mg Magnesium mg Oyster Ostreidae Whole Raw 386 187 111 1A8 543 256 80 73-882 90-258 6-210 67-267 156-815 247-273 6-230 8 6 12 12 3 3 4 Canned Smoked, Oil Added 37 250 80 Unspecified 28 147 138-153 3 Dried 457 317 236-395 3 547 517-601 3 Salted i Fermented 139 23 Penshell Atrina japonica Periwinkle Littorinldae Scallop Chlamys glabr Scallop Pecten fumatus Scallop, Atlantic Deep Sea Placopecten magellanicus Muscle Raw 9 Whole Cooked Boiled In Fresl In Salt Water Water 266 1140 211 154 165 136 Muscle Raw 194 170 72 Muscle Raw 206 340 40 Muscle Raw 22 277 219 446 377 414 358 Scallop, Calico Aequipecten fiibbus Muscle Raw 22 210 13-32 204-215 2 2 Scallop, Common Pecten yessoen Scallop, Coquille St. Jacques Pecten maximus Scallop, Iceland Pecten Islandicus Scallop Pectinidae Muscle Raw 12 112 Canned Salted 1100 50 190 Unspecified 500 50 170 Dried 1579 32 672 Muscle Raw 424 216 45-387 2 34 26-42 2 20 Muscle Raw 139 115-163 2 332 Muscle Raw 163 420 46 208 2 70 316 150-176 11-115 76-340 291-342 2 4 5 2 Cooked Steamed 265 476 115 338 410 570 Dried 60 6-114 2 521 130-912 2 Snail Achatina marginata Whole Raw 241 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sodium Potassium Calciu mg mg mg Phosphorus mg Per 100 grams Chlorine Sulfur mg mg gnesLura mg Snail Aporrhais pescelecani Whole Raw Snail Murex brandarix Whole Raw Snail Thais chocolata Whole Raw Snail, Land Archidoris brittanicus Whole Raw Snail, Mud Nassa mutabilis Whole Raw Snail, Pond Ampullaria luzonica Whole Raw Snail Vivipara javanica l-Jhole Raw Snail, River Viviparus malleatus Wiole Raw Snail Unspecified Whole Raw 179 170-188 2 Squid Dosidicus gigas Squid Loligo forbesi Whole Meal Muscle Raw Squid Loligo gahi Squid Loligo ommastrephes Squid Watasemla scintillans Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified Dried, Soaked, & Drained Salted & Dried Muscle Raw 100 944 94 604 15 22 194 246 200 616 Squid, Common Loligo vulgaris Muscle Raw 329 95 266 46-429 35-180 45-5 3 4 4 Squid , Long-finned Loligo pealei Squid Unspecified Muscle Dried 49 600 Muscle Raw 158 314 27 193 120-195 269-358 4-56 119-290 2 2 8 6 Canned 34 174 Cooked Unspeci fled 46 43-54 4 272 197-299 4 Dried 944 1068 39 .. 22-49 3 565 471-625 3 Smoked 11 400 76 30-123 2 242 Table 15. — Macroelement composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Mame Description Sodium mg Potassium Calcium mg mg Phosphorus Chlorine Sulfur Magnesium rag mg rag mg Per 100 Krams Topshell Trochldae Whole Raw Muscle Raw 26 138 25-26 77-175 2 5 46 471 21 259 19-23 220-298 2 2 55 262 15-95 2 Turban Turbo cornutus Mus cle Raw Canned Seasoned 1350 1300-1400 2 50 136 47-52 130-142 2 2 Whelk Ebuma japonica Whelk, Common Northern Buccinum undatum Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Boiled Whelk Unspecified Muscle Cooked Unspecified - Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. -' Range of the means found in literature cited. -' Number of mean values wliich were reported in the literature cited. -'' Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 243 Table 16. -Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Parts Per Million (PPM) c c Alewif e Alosa pseudoharengu Muscle Raw 0.17-2/ °-°5 0.10-^9- Alfoncino Beryx splendens Amberjack, King Seriola dorsalis Amber jack, Phillipine Hynnis momsa Amberjack, Yellow tail Seriola s^^a^dis Amberjack, Yellowtail Seriola lalandi Amberjack, Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata Whole Raw Fishmeal FPC 620.00 Muscle Raw 1.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 7.13i/, 7.00-7.30^ 2 J/ Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw 6.70 Muscle Raw 1/ 10.15 - ' 1.90-18,00- 2 -' 0.85 18.00 0.38-2/ 0.36-0^40-' 2-' Amberjack Carangidae Muscle Raw Canned In Oil Smoked 7.36 1.30-13.00 5 Unspecified- 30.00 Salted 6, Dried 15.00 12.75-' ; 1.50-^yOO- 0.50 0.44 0.44-0.56 2 Anchoveta Engraulis r in gens Anchovy Engraulis mystax Anchovy , Ca'Moi Coilia lindmani Anchovy, European Engraulis encrasicholus Whole Fishmeal 226.00 Muscle Raw 15.20 Whole Fishmeal 258.50 FPC 111.36 Muscle Raw 11.35 Muscle Raw 49.00 13.09 11.18-15.00 2 1.13 0.05 3.20-2/ 1.43-^./)0- 0.16 0.04-0.04 5 Anchovy , Long j aw Stolephorus heterolobus Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled 244 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of fin fishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Anchovy, Long jaw, Delis Stolephorus commersonil Anchovy, Mandali Coilia dussumieri Anchovy, Northern Engraulis mordax Muscle Raw 8.07 Dried 234.00 Salted i Dried 313.50 Powdered 278.15 Salted i Fermented 109.00 Muscle Raw 31.50 Salted & Dried 119.00 Muscle Raw 0.05 O.OA-0.06 3 Eviscerated & Beheaded Canned Anchovy , Whitebait Stolephorus tri Anchovy Engraulidae Angelfish Chaetodontidae Argentine, Atlantic Argentina silus Barracuda Sphyraena obtusata arracuda Sphraena schlegeli Muscle Raw Dried 148.26 518.91 Whole Raw 38.70 Muscle Raw 15.30 12.00-20 3 00 8.80 Canned 17.71 Cooked Boiled 6 Dried 91.00 40.00-180 3 Dried 116.50 30.00-203 2 00 00 Whole Fishmeal 2 35.00 226.00-246 2 00 105.50 100.00-110.00 2 Muscle Raw 7.80 Whole Raw Whole Fishmeal 675.00 101.00 Muscle Raw 5.75 Muscle Raw 1.10 2.10 0.14 0.25 0.58 0.10 0.15 0.04-0.21 3 4.90 0.77 9.00-11.00 9.00-10,00 ;'^r' 245 Table 16 . — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finf ishes , v?hales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description N Ci- Parts Per Million (PPM) Barracuda, Great Sphyraena barracuda Barracuda, Pacific Sphyraena argentea Muscle Raw Muscle Raw arracuda. Striped, Torcillo Muscle Sphyraena jello Raw Barracuda Sphyraenidae Muscle Raw 8.33 2.00-15.00 3 Bass, Sea Dlplectrum radiale Bass, Sea Paralabrax humeralis Bass, Sea, Black Centropristes striatus Bass, Sea, Cherlo Acanthistius pictus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.08 0.06 Bass, Sea, Japanese Lateolabrax japonicus Muscle Raw 5.05 0.10-10.0 2 Bass, Sea, Kelp Paralabrax clathratus Muscle Rax^7 Dried 41.25 32.00-46.00 4 13.00 0.90-26.00 4 Bass, Sea, Murray Cod Maccullochella macquariensis Mus cle Raw Muscle Cooked Boiled 10.00 Bass, Sea, Sand Perch Dlplectrum formosum Bass, Sea, White Cvnoscion nobilis Muscle Raw Bass, Sea Serranldae Muscle Raw 18.29 1.90-63.70 7 7.00 2.69 Cooked Steamed Bass, Temperate, Rabaliza Morone labrax Muscle Raw Dried 22.00 0.12i/,/ 0.04-0.Z6- 1.45^' 3.00 2.75 0.52 1.10-2.,102^.00-4.00 2.00-5.00 0.50-0.60 :V 0.19-' 0.12-Q.,25- 2- 0.05 1.50 0.30 0.61-2.10 3 246 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone lineatus Muscle Raw Bass , Temperate, Striped Morone punctata Muscle Raw Bass, Temperate, Striped Morone saxatilis Muscle Raw 0.82 0.02 0.01-0.02 2 Bass , Temperate, White Morone chrysops Muscle Raw 0.78 0.03 0.70-0.86 2 0.31 0.14-0.65 6 ass, Temperate, Yellow Morone mississippiensis Muscle Raw Bass , Temperate Perclchthyidae Muscle Raw 2.10 0.26 0.52 0.20-0.8 4 Batfish, Silvery Psettes sebae Muscle Raw Big-Eye Scombrop hoops Muscle Raw Blacktail Ohlata melanu Muscle Raw Bleak Alhumus lucida Muscle Raw Bleak Cyprinidae Muscle Raw 0.41 0.30-0.51 2 Bloater Coregonus hoyi Blue fish Fomatomus pedica Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Pomatomidae Muscle Cooked Grilled 22.00 Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw 52.00 Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw 6.53 6.00-7.06 0.35 0.26-0.43 2 0.24 0.20-0.29 2 247 Table 16. --Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereus Bonito Auxis bisus Bonito, Atlantic Sarda sarda Bonito, Pacific Sarda chiliensis Bonito, Striped Sarda orientalis Bonito Scombridae Bowfin, Mudfish Amia calva Bream Rouphleyia aus trails Bream, Black Acanthopagrus butcheri Bream, Bronze Abramis brama Muscle Raw Salted & Dried 12.90 105.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 59.33 45.00-73.00 3 Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Salted & Dried 60.00 11.00 61.00 Muscle Raw 12.90 Muscle Raw 12.15 7.00-17.30 2 Cooked Roasted Salted i Dried 11.00 61.00 Muscle Raw ~ Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.70 0.02 0.24 0.13-0.35 2 Bream, Gilthead Chrvsophrys aurata Muscle Raw 0.46 0.35-0.58 2 Bream, Mud Acaathopagrus berda Mas cle Raw Dried 4.00 19.00 Bream, Red Beryx decadactylus Bream, Sea, Black Acanthopagrus schlegeli Bream, Sea, Pagre Fagrus pagrus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified 0.40 0.30 248 Table 16.~Mlcroelen.ent (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Bream, Sea, Red Chrysophrys ma^or Bream, Sea, Yellov; Taius tumif rons Bream, White, Sargo Diplodus sargus Muscle Raw 15.80 1.60-30.00 2 1.00 Muscle Raw 3.50 1.60 Muscle Raw 4.75 A. 65-4. 2 0.76 0.05 0.66-0.87 2 0.47 0.28-0.65 2 0.36 0.16-0.64 5 rill Scophthalmus rhombus Muscle Raw rill. Rough Scaled Pseudorhombus oligodon Muscle Raw 5.13 5.00-5.25 2 rill Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 7.00 urbot Lota lota Muscle Raw 0.25 0.05 1.40 0.01 0.27 0.08-0.44 Whole Fishmeal 235.00 100.00 12.00 14.00 Butterflsh, Black Stromateus niger Butterflsh, Silver Stromateus cinereus Butterflsh Stromateidae Butterflyfish, Ca Chix Coradion altiveltis Butterflyfish Chaetodontidae Caesio, Golden Caesio chrysozonus Caesio, Golden Caesio caning Muscle Raw 15 30.70 00-44.80 4 Muscle Raw Dried 36 55.77 40-122.30 6 260.00 Muscle Raw Dried 9.00 96.00 Muscle Raw 4.60 Muscle Raw 10 10.90 .80-11.00 2 Muscle Raw Dried 6 6.45 .00-6.90 2 10.00 Muscle Raw 5.10 249 ,, j^- r fnnfic;hps whales. and products. Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of tinrisnes, wuaies, a f Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Capelin Mallotus villosus Muscle Raw Whole Raw Fishmeal 303.76 108.46 6.70 0.05 19.57 0.23 48.00-575.00 53.00-142.00 2.50-10.90 1.73-43.50 0.13-0.34 6.03 5.80 0.42 90-12.00 0.08-0.15 4 4 Carp Chela bacila Carp Cyprinus carpio Carp, Bata Labeobata Carp , Chevenne Leuciscus cephalus Muscle Raw 1.96 Muscle Raw 12.82 7.30-21.00 4 Whole Raw Eviscer ated 6, Beheaded Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.07 0.01-0.21 4 0.27 0.11-0.50 Carp, Crucian Cyprinus carassius Carp , Ghania Labeo gonius Carp, Indian Labeo rohita Carp, Indian, Puti Barbus puniCus sophore Carp, Indian, PuCi Barbus sarana Carp, Katla Catla catla Muscle Raw Canned 22.00 17.00-29.00 3 300.00 Muscle Raw Dried 21.00 118.00 Muscle Raw 13.18 4.99-38.00 5 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Smoked 9.80 9.60-10.00 2 130.00 Muscle Raw Dried 280.00 Muscle Raw 19.23 7.10-43.00 3 Eviscerated h Beheaded Dried 110.00 3.67 1.25-6.10 2 0.71 16.00 3.31 1.22-5.40 2 250 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of fin fishes, whales , and products . Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Carp , Mahasole Barbus tor Muscle Raw Carp, Mrigala Cirrhina mrigala Muscle Raw 5.38-10.90 3 Carp, Orange Fin Labeo calbasu Muscle Raw Eviscerated & Beheaded Dried 18.12 8.30-28.05 3 130.00-180.00 Carp, Reba Cirrhina reba Muscle Raw 55.73 Carp, Silver Hypophthalmichthys molicrix Muscle Raw 11.00 3.50 Carp, Trlbolodon Tribolodon haronensis Muscle Raw lA.OO Carp Cyprinidae Muscle Raw Whole Raw 12.46 4.40-20.00 6 46.95 17.60-76.30 Catfish, Airbreathing Clarias fuscus Muscle Raw 4.85 Catfish, Airbreathing, Hito Clarias batrachus Muscle Raw 6.04 2.00-8.72 3 10.93 Catfish, Airbreathing, Karmouth Clarias lazaiae Muscle Raw 19.00 Catfish, Fresh Water, Bacha Eutropiichthys vacha Muscle Raw Dried 11.00 112.00 Catfish, Fresh Water, Bullhead, Black Ictalurus melas Muscle Raw Catfish, Fresh Water, Bullhead, Blue Ictalurus furcatus Muscle Raw Catfish, Fresh Water, Bullhead, Brown Ictalurus nebulosus Muscle Raw Catfish, Fresh Water, Bullhead, Yellow Ictalurus nalatis Muscle Raw 11.00 10.00-12.00 2 0.05 0.03 1.24 0.99-1.48 0.18 0.01 0.44 1.25 0.20-0.93 0.26 0.21 0.14 0.A5 0.11 0.06-0.16 2 251 Table 16. -Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes. whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Catfish, Fresh Water, Channel Ictalurus punctata Description Muscle Raw Parts Per Million (PPM) I.IA 0.10-2.18 2 0.63 0.04 0.39-0.68 0.01-0.08 2 4 0.36 0.09-1.05 6 -a,.4: ■,21 Catfish, Fresh Water, Mulley Wallagonia attu Muscle Raw 16.61 .30-26.92 2 Catfish, Fresh Water, Pangash Panfiasius pansasius Muscle Raw 0.01 0.60 0.40-0.80 2 Catfish, Fresh Water, Shengti Macrones gluilo Eviscerated & Beheaded Dried Salted 6. Dried 220.00 41.85 Catfish, Fresh Water Ictaluridae Muscle Raw 15.80 3.60-28.00 2 Catfish, Sea Arius arlus Muscle Raw 4.77 Catfish, Sea Arius leiotetocephalus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled 23.60 6.25 Catfish, Sea Bagre macracanthus Catfish, Sea, Hardhead Arius fells 1 Catfish, Sea, Manila Arlus manillensls Muscle Raw Dried 6l Salted Dried 11.20 42.00 63.70 i Catfish, Sea, Shingal Arius dussumieri J! Muscle Raw 49.23 18.00-91.60 3 i Catfish, Sea Ij Arlidae 1 Muscle Raw 9.33 4.32-12.00 4 5.15 2.90-8.10 3 'I Cooked Fried Battered Breaded Steamed Dried Salted & Dried 23.00 6.00 61.00 64.00' 17 0.42 0.84 0.09 1.15 0.60 0.62 0.50-1.10 0.60-1.70 0.13-1.21 11 2 9 0.20 0.18 0.24 0.04 0.02 0.23 0.52 0.61 0.17-0.29 0.05-0.72 2 2 252 Table 16. —Microelement (Group 1) composition of lirifishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description ^i c? Parts Per Million (PPM) Whole Raw Dried Catfish, Stinging Saccobranchus fos sills Muscle Raw 3.65 1.55-5.8 2 Cavef ish Amblyopsis godonmola Char, Artie Salve linus alpinus Characin Prochllodus laticeps Chlmaera, Elephant Shark Callorhlnchus milii Muscle Raw 7.09 5.18-9.00 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 14.70 Muscle Raw 23.00 5.00 3.49 2.38-4.61 2 0.05 0.40 Chlmaera Chimaeridae Muscle Raw Chub, Sea, Blackfish Glrella tricuspidata Muscle Raw Chub, Sea Kyphosidae Muscle Raw Clchlid Cichlidae Muscle Raw Dried 32.00 104.00 Cisco, Bering Coresonus lavaretus Muscle Raw Cisco, Lake Coregonus arcedii Muscle Raw 0.25 0.24-0.27 2 0.21 0.12-0.30 2 Cisco Salmonidae Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua Ifliole Fishmeal 185.00 100.00 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Muscle Raw Eviscerated Smoked Muscle Raw 17.50 5.00-30.00 2 5.89 3.27-8.50 2 2.15 0.80-3.50 2 0.41 0.25 0.03 0.55 0.11 0.23 0.21-0.79 0.20-0.34 0.01-0.05 q 29-0.80 0.10-0.12 0.02-1.06 3 4 4 3 2 13 253 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description £ U 4-1 U Parts Per Million (PPM) Cooked Fried Battered 6, Breaded 6.00 Steamed 10.00 Salted 0.90 0.60-1.2 2 0.05 0.04-0.07 2 Offal Presscake Cod, Pacific Muscle Gadus macrocephalus Raw Cod, Rock Muscle Physlculus barbatus Raw Cod, Rock Muscle Roboralga iacksoniensis Raw Cod Muscle Gadidae Raw 4.78 10.52 11.96- J 0.40 0.71 0.08 2.48 0.28 0.21 0.14 0.20-10.00 0.74-52.50 2 . 50-7. OOiH. 30-0.60 0.24-1.41 0.01-0.26 0.22-5.50 0.02-0.71 0.05-0.90 0.00-0,42- 15 7 33/56 4 8 9 12 3 0.33 0.22 0.31-0.34 4 Packed In Brine Cooked Unspecified 9.00 0.09 1.25 0.80-1.70 2 Dried 37 65 26 10- 52 51 4 Dried & Soaked Salted 13 50 3 00- 26 10 4 Salted S Dried 28 00 Salted, Dried and Soaked 28 00 Smoked FPC 13.06 2.52-23.60 2 7.23 0.71-10.87 3 1.31 0.93 2.22 1.63 IVhole Dried FPC 148.30 57.00-196.30 2 Offal Fishmeal 11.33 10.59-12.08 2 Combtooth, Tompot, Blenny Blennius gattorufigine Muscle Raw 254 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Coral Cod Cephalopholis miniatus Coral Cod, Sea Bass Plectropomus macula t us Coralflsh, Goat Bream SarRus annularis uscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.18 0.11-0.26 3 Crevalle Caranx diedaba Muscle Dried 14.00 Crevalle, Jack Caranx carangus Muscle Raw 8.00 Croaker Otolithus brachygnathus Muscle Raw 1.00 Croaker Sciaena coitor Muscle Raw Croaker Sciaena deliciosa Muscle Raw Salted 6 Dried 16.63 15.A0-19.00 3 57.00 Croaker Sciaena schlegeli Muscle Raw Croaker, Atlantic Micropogon undulatus Muscle Raw Whole Raw 5.40 Croaker, Nibe Nibea mitsukurii Muscle Raw 1.40 Croaker, Nibe Nibea nibe Muscle Raw 1.10 Croaker, Robalo Sciaena starksei Muscle Raw 64.00 Croaker, Roncador Ophioscion venezuelae Muscle Raw 15.50 Croaker, Smooth Scaled Pseudosciaena anea Muscle Raw Dried Salted S Dried 3.90 20.00 19.70 Croaker, Smooth Scaled Sciaena dussuraieri Muscle Raw 8.90 Croaker, Verrugato Sciaena ranchus Muscle Raw 0.17 0.14-0.19 3 255 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) JZ u Croaker, Verrugato, Corb Sciaena cirrosa Croaker, Yellow Pseudosciaena manchu Croaker Sciaenidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.80 Muscle Raw 15.80 7.00-20.00 4 Canned In Oi 1, Drained 38.00 Salted & Dried 43.00 Whole Raw Muscle Raw 3.50 .00 1.84 0.20 0.01 0.17-3.50 2 0.09 0.05-0. 14 5 Cusk-Eel Lepophidium brevibarbe Cusk-Eel, Bearded Ophidium Ophiodon barbatum Cusk-Eel, Congrio Colorado Genypterus chi liens is Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 2.47 0.60 Cusk-Eel, Congrio, Negro Genypterus macula tus Cusk-Eel, Kingklip Genypterus capensis Cusk-Eel, Ling Genypterus blacodes Cutlassfish Lepldopus caudatus Cutlassfish Trichiurus lepturu Cutlassfish Trichiurus s aval a Cutlassfish, Hairtail Trichiurus chinensis Cutlassfish, Ribbonfish Trichiurus haumela Cutlassfish Trichluridae Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Raw 1.40 3.30 1.60-5.00 2 Muscle Raw 65.03 14.40-138.70 3 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 6.40 230.00 Muscle Raw 13.67 6.00-24.00 3 2.30 16.00 256 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Cyclothone Gonostomatidae Muscle Raw Dab Linianda limanda Muscle Raw 2.84 2.50-3.17 2 9.42 7.33-11.50 2 Dab, Japanese Limanda yokohama Muscle Raw 1.20 1.10 Dab Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw 6.90 Cooked Fried Battered Breaded 10.00 Eviscerated 6, Beheaded Raw A. 00 3.11 Dace, Fallflsh Seraotilus corporalis IVhole Raw Dace, Horned Semotllus atromacalatus Whole Raw Dace, Rosyside Clinostomus funduloides Muscle Raw Dace Cyprinidae Muscle Raw Dogfish Acanthias vulgaris Muscle Raw Dogfish, Black Cencroscyllium fabricii Muscle Raw Dogfish, Smooth Muscelus canls Muscle Raw 8.40 Dogfish, Spiny Sqi^alus acanthias Muscle Raw 5.20 0.27 0.23-0.30 2 2.64 0.60-3.00 3 0.77-3.00 2 0.04 0.03-0.05 2 0.49 0.04-1.10 5 0.14 0.06-0.22 3 0.77 0.48-1.17 5 Dogfish, White Mustelus dorsalis Muscle Dried Smoked Dogfish Squalidae Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Whole FPC 12.50 8.19 5.26 3.00 10.00-15.00 4.90-11.50 2 2 0.19 0.05-0.32 2 0.62 0.26-1.08 5 257 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) QJ cu s: B Dolphin, Dorado Aurata aurata Muscle Raw Dolphin, Mai Mai, Dorado Coryphaena hippurus Dolphin Corj/phaenidae Dory, John Zeus faber Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.24 0.40 0.25 0.08-0.86 3 0.18 0.10-0.27 3 Dory, John Zeus japonicus Dory Zeidae Drepane Drepane afrlcana Drepane, Concertina fish Drepane punctata Drum Sciaena regiae Drum, Corvina Sciaena gilberti Drum, Dhoma Sciaena glauc Drum, Fresh Water Aplodinotus grunniens Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Cooked Dried 6.00 Muscle Raw 4.00 Muscle Raw 5.00 A. 00-7. 00 3 Muscle Raw 5.00 Muscle Raw 11.00 9.00-13.00 2 Muscle Raw 42.30 Muscle Raw 0.01 0.78 0.03 0.75-0.80 2 0.56 0.19-1.70 5 Drum, Ghol Sciaena miles Drum, Popa Sciaenoides pama Drum, Teraglin Cynosclon atelodus Drum Sciaenidae Whole Fishmeal 430.00 100.00 Muscle Raw 21.00 Whole Dried 150.00 Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw 10.50 10.00-11.00 2 7.00 6.40-7.59 2 49.00 14.00 258 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Whole Raw Eel, Conger Conger conger Muscle Raw 0.43 0.15-0.70 2 Eel, Conger Conger myriaster Eel, Conge Congrida Eel, Fresh Water, American Anguilla rostrata Muscle Raw 40.00 Muscle Raw 14.22 8.84 5 .00-40.00 8.67-9.00 5 2 Cooked Fried Battered S, Breaded 10.00 Steamed 23.00 Muscle Raw 6.15 0.25 0.80 0.06 2.01 0.27 0.01-6.00 0.29 0.14-0.25 3 0.59 0.36-0.8 7 0.31 0.11-0.50 5 Eel, Fresh Water, European Anguilla anguilla Eel, Fresh Water, Japanese Anguilla japonica Eel, Fresh Water Anguillidae Muscle Raw 17.00 10 .00-24.00 2 Muscle Raw 14.00 Cooked Broiled 10.00 Muscle Raw 27.30 4 80-54.40 4 Canned In Dill Sa jce In Oil Jellied Cooked Broiled 10.00 Jellied 0.60 0.80 0.65 0.61-0.70 2 0.56 0.06-3.07 11 1.2 7 0.30 0.83-1.70 2 0.26 0.23-0.28 3 0.24 .0.22 0.15 Eel, Pike Conger SOX telabo Muscle Raw Eel, Pike Conger, Silver Muraenesox cinereus Muscle Raw 3.73 0.60 0.80-6.65 2 Eel, Pike Conger Muraenesocidae Muscle Raw Cooked Stewed 14.00 8.00-20.00 2 259 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of fmfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) jz u Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus marulius Muscle Raw Dried 25.00 84.00 3.80 8.00 Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus punctatus Muscle Raw 37.83 13.00-72.53 4 Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus striatus Muscle Raw 13.46 6.40 2.90-41.00 6 0.01 0.02 2.45 0.30 0.43-5.80 Eel, Snake, Pale Spotted Ophichthus ocellatus Eel, Snake Ophichthidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 6.57 14.62 0.59 Eel, Spiny Mastacembelus favus Muscle Raw Eel, Swamp Fluta alba Muscle Raw 0.01 0.39 Eel, Swamp, Palos Synbrachus bengalensis Eel, Swamp Flutidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Eelpout, Ocean Pout Macrozoarces americanus Whole FPC Eelpout Zoarcidae Muscle Raw 2.40 0.24 Emperor Lethrinus opercularis Muscle Raw Featherback Notopterus notopterus Featherback, Chltala Notopterus chitala Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 15.33 4.20-29. 3 Filefish Navodon modes tus Muscle Raw Flathead, Deep Sea Platycephalus macrodon Flathead, Indian Platycephalus indicus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 6.70 1.20-13.00 3 Flathead, Sand Platycephalus bassensis Muscle Raw 260 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Conunon and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Flathead, Tira Tira Percophls brasislliensls Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified Flathead Percophidldae Muscle Raw 20.00 Flounder Cleisthenes pinetorium herzensteinl Muscle Raw 4.20 0.40-8.00 2 Flounder Cynoglossus senegalensis Muscle Raw 4.00 Flounder Lepidorhombus boscii Muscle Raw Dried 11.00 Flounder Paralichthys brasiliensis Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Flounder Pleuronectes arsius Muscle , Raw 10.00 Flounder, Spotted Citharus linguatula Muscle Raw Flounder, Starry Platichthys stellatus Muscle Raw 0.24 0.23 0.15 0.15 0.21 0.05 0.18-0.23 3 Flounder, Starry, Hirame Paralichthys olivaceus Flounder, Stone Kareius blcoloratus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.04 0.01-0.07 2 Flounder, Winter Muscle Pseudopleuronectes americanus Raw Flounder, Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered i Breaded 8.00 Steamed 9.00 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 3.15 0.36 0.18-0.53 3 0.14 0.09-0.17 3 261 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Flounder, Yelloutall Muscle Limanda ferruginea Raw Flounder Muscle Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Raw 8.56 4.78 A. 61-22. 00 4.86-14.25 11 4 Canned Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded 11.00 Unspecified 13.00 Smoked IJhole Raw Fluke Muscle Pleuronectes flesus Raw 8.00 16.00 0.53 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.63 0.30 0.62 1.58 0.44 0.34 0.08-1.80 0.29-0.30 0.05-1.18 0.48-2.80 0.18-0.90 0.12-0.69 3 2 2 9 5 4 0.62 0.65 0.42-0.80 3 Flyingf ish Cypselurus opisthopus Mussle Raw Flyingf ish, Small Scaled Cypselurus oligolepls Muscle Raw Flylngfish, Volodor Todaropsis eblanas Muscle Raw Gar, Longnose Leplsosteus osseus Muscle Raw 0.22 0.15-0.34 3 Garfish Tylosurus fiiganteus Garfish, Foil Belone belone Garfish, Houndfish Tylosurus crocodilus Giant Perch Lates calcarifer Goatfish, Ca'Phen Parupeneus indicus Goatfish, Red Mulloidichthys auriflamma Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Muscle Raw 9.80 Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw 12.74 4.00-41.00 7 Muscle Raw 5.05 Muscle Raw 1.78 2.24 0.63 0.20-1.06 2 262 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descrlptio Parts Per Million (PPM) Goatfish, Red Mullet Mullus barbatus Muscle Raw 35.50 5.04 11.00-60.00 3.96-6.11 2 2 0.74 0.( )6 0.67 0.55-0.93 0.66-0.67 2 2 0.44 0.10-0.79 3 Goatfish, Red Mullet Mullus surmulletus Muscle Raw 0.68 0.05 0.23 0.10-0.36 2 Goatfish, Yellow Muscle Upeneoides sulphurous Raw 9.10 Goatfish Muscle Mullidae Raw 10.00 Goby Muscle Amigdola decussata Raw Goby, Banner Whole Microfiobius microlepis Raw 25.00 Goby, Black Muscle Gobius nlser Raw Goby, Flathead Muscle Glossogobius ^iurls Raw 5.23 3.00-9.50 3 Goby, Gudgeon Muscle Goblo fluviatllls Raw Goby, Gudgeon Muscle Gobius paganellus Raw 0.66 0.08 0.31 0.00 1.46 0.15-2.77 2 Goby, Longtail Gobionellus lonsicaudus Muscle Raw 24.90 Goby, Mudskipper Boleophthalmus dussumieri Muscle Raw 82.40 Goby, Round Neogobius melanostomus Muscle Raw 18.00 Goby, Sea Trout, Merluzza Macrodon ancylodon Muscle Raw 10 16.05 .90-21.20 2 Goby Robildae Muscle Raw 10 15.00 .00-20.00 Salted Fermen 4 ted 14.00 Goldfish, Funa Carassius auratus Whole Raw 56.00 2.30 0.14 0.15 0.05-0.28 263 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Goose fish, Monkfish Lophius americanus Muscle Raw Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius budegassa Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius piscatorius Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius setlgerus Goosefish, Monkf is Lophiidae Greenling Pleurog Greenling, Atka Mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius Greenling Hexagrammidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10 00 Muscle Raw 10 00 Cooked Fried Battered 6. Breaded 12 00 Parboiled 10 00 Steamed 5 00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10 00 Muscle Raw 0.49 0.10-1.27 6 0.44 0.40-0.48 2 Grenadier, New Zealand Whiptail Muscle Macrourus novae zelandia Raw Grenadier, Rat tail Coryphaenoides acrolepsis Muscle Raw Grenadier, Rock Macrourus rupestris Grenadier Macrourldae Grouper Epinephelus ergastularius Grouper, Merou Epinephelus goreensis Grouper, Red Epinephelus morio Grouper, Snowy Epinephelus niveatus Grouper, Spotted Epinephelus coral li cola Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cocked Boiled Muscle Raw Dried 6.90 5.80-8.00 2 11.00 0.46 0.03-1.14 3 264 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Conimon and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Grouper, Spotted Cabrilla Epinephelus analogus Muscle Raw Grouper, Yellowbelly Epinephelus gigas Muscle Raw 10.50 Grouper Serranldae Muscle Raw 15.60 Grunt Anlsotremus scapularls Muscle Raw 9.82 7.63-12.00 2 10.00 28.70 Cooked Baked Dried Grunt Paraprlstiporaa trilineatum Muscle Raw 10.00 Grunt Prlstiporaa incisus Muscle Raw Grunt Prlstipoma "lubelini Muscle Raw 10.00 Grunt, Besugo, Bangoknok Pomadasys argyreus Muscle Raw 22.50 Grunt, Bluestriped Haemulon sciurus Muscle Raw 13.00 Grunt, Dorade Parapristipoma mediterraneum Muscle Raw 14.00 Grunt, Meagre Pomadasys operculare Muscle Raw 1.00 Grunt, Trumpeter Pelatis sexlineatus Muscle Raw 10.00 Grunt Pomadasyldae Muscle Raw 12.00 10.00-14.00 2 Gultarflsh Rhinobatus polyaphthalmus Muscle Raw 2.60 Guitarflsh, Atlantic Rhinobatus lentlginosus Muscle Raw Guitarflsh, Flddleflsh Rhinobatus hynnicephalus Muscle Raw 16.00 Guitarflsh, Guitarra Rhinobatus planiceps Muscle Washed With Salt Dried 6. 63.74 Gurnard Cheilodactylus macropterus Muscle Raw 38.33 10.00-83.00 3 1.40 1.10 0.10-2.40 0.60-1.60 3 2 265 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Gurnard, Flying Dactylopagrus carponemus Gurnard, Flying Dactylopteridae Gurnard, Red Chelldonichthys kumu Haddock Melanogrammus aeglef 1 Hake Urophycis brasillensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 11.00 Muscle Raw 18.00 Muscle Raw 6.79 7.88 3 50-14.00 2.76-17.40 15 4 Canned Smoked Undrained Cooked Fried Battered 12.00 Platter 10.60 Steamed 5.00 Dried Salted Smoked 10.00 Muscle Raw 8.00 13.74 5 .00-11.00 2.22-33.00 2 3 0.05 0.23 0.92 13.27 3.70-22.84 0.32 1.69 0.18 0.07 0.07 0.15-0.20 0.02-0.17 0.04-0.09 2 13 2 0.05 7.55 0.25-19.40 3 Hake, Black Muscle Merluccius seneg alensis Raw Hake, Chilian Muscle Merluccius gayl Raw Whole Dried Hake, European Muscle Merluccius merlu cci JS Raw 11.67 3.16 3.00-3.31 2 0.62 0.30 0.37 0.53-0.71 0.10-0.50 0.30-0.44 2 2 2 Hake , Luminous Steindachneria argentea Muscle Raw Hake, Pacific Merluccius productus Muscle Raw 0.38 0.02 0.11 0.10-0.12 3 Whole Fishmeal 116.00 92.00 303.00 6.00 7.10 Hake, Silver Urophycis tenuis Hake, Silver, I'Biitlng Merluccius bilinearis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 2.00 0.28-3.71 2 0.51 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.04-0.45 4 266 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Na Description Parts Per Million (PPM) *-> u X, e Hake , Squirrel Urophycis chuss Muscle Raw 0.11 0.09-0.12 2 Hake Gadldae Muscle Raw 12 18.50 00-25.00 2 Cooked Steamed 6.00 Halfbeak Reporhamphus australias Muscle Raw 10.00 Halfbeak, Non-spotted Hemiramphus georgii Muscle Raw 14.50 Halfbeak Exocoetidae Muscle Raw 10 12.00 00-14.00 2 Halibut, Atlantic Hippoglossus hlppoglossus Muscle Raw 0.25 6.15 0.30-12.00 0.28 0.25-0.30 2 1.60 0.30 0.11 2.30 0.00 0.30 0.08-0.8 7 Halibut, Pacific Hippoglossus stenolepis Muscle Raw 0.35 0.04 0.30 0.18-0.42 3 Halibut Pleuronectidae Hatchetfish Sternoptychidae Herring Ilisha africana Herring, Atlantic Clupea harengus Muscle Raw 10.04 6.61-16.00 6 Canned Smoked Cooked Steamed 6.00 Whole Raw Muscle Raw 7.00 Muscle Raw 10.00 Canned 18.00 In Mushrooir Sauce In Mustard 52.00 In Oil 36.33 14.00-60.00 3 Kippered 80.00 Smoked 18.00 Whole Raw Fishmeal 126.50 2.28 0.11-4.45 2 1.19 0.48 0.21 0.07-2.30 0.03-1.30 0.02-0.41 5 2 15 0.03 1.71 0.92-2.50 2 .20 0.14 0.04-0.44 0.08 .02-0.10 3 1.83 97.64 6.15 0.90 0.17 4.84 4.82 0.17 59.50-221.08 53.50-121.00 5.60-6.70 0.40-1.39 0.10-0.24 2.20-6.48 4.63-5.00 0.16-0.20 5 5 2 2 2 5 2 3 267 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description c c Parts Per ^alllon (PPM) Herring, Bachiva, Bacha Clupisoma garua Herring, Deep Bodied Sardinella perforata Herring, Fimbriated, Tunsoy Sardinella fimbriata Herring, Fresh Water Harengula tawilis Herring, Machete Ethmidlum chilcae Herring, Pacific Clupea pallasl Herring, Pollona Ilisha abnormis Herring, Round Etrumeus micropus Herring, Round Etrumeus teres Herring, Wolf Chirocentrus dorab Herring Clupeidae Muscle Raw 14.15 5.30-23.00 2 Muscle Raw 20.13 15.00-30.00 3 0.13 Muscle Raw 34.79 12.80-91.90 7 Dried 26.00 Salted i Dr Led 26.00 Smoked 7.60 Whole Dried 32.00 Smoked 46.00 Muscle Salted, Dried S, Smoked 8.00 Muscle Raw 26.00 19.00-33.00 2 0.00 Muscle Raw 17.00 1.60 0.37 6.00-28.00 0.21-0.52 2 2 Dried 52.00 Salted 12.00 4.00-20.00 2 Smoked 50.00 Muscle Raw 6.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 20.00 Muscle Raw 18.67 10.90-34.10 3 Muscle Raw 10.86 7.43 5.36 0.20 0.12 4.00-32.00 5.86-9.00 15-0.25 0.10-0.1 12 2 3 3 Canned In Bouillon 23.00 1.00 In Brine In Olive Oil Smoked 0.58 2.16 1.12-3.20 1.70 0.38 0.23 0.20-3.60 0.16-0.64 0.06-0.55 9 4 9 268 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition o f finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Na Description S 6 Parts Per Million (PPM) In Tomato Sauce 35.00 Jellied Smoked Unspecified Cooked Baked In Vinegar Fried Rolled in Flour Rolled in Oatmeal Dried Kippered Salted i Dried Salted, Dried & Smoked Smoked ^ Soused Muscle Soused 51.00 19.00 43.50 31.00-56.00 2 10.50 20.29 7.00-14.00 2 30.00 0.66 0.30 0.32-1.00 2 0.40 0.48 0.22 1.29 0.03 0.70 0.40-1.00 2 0.80 0.27 0.07-0.47 2 1.69 0.49-2.8 2 0.77 0.53-1.01 Ifliole Raw 8 . 85 7.00-11.20 3 Fishmeal 135.00 20.32 4.64-36.00 2 109.33 SCO. 00 82.00-172.00 100.00-120.00 3 3 1.17 .50-1.83 2 5.00 4.50-5.50 2 3 4.10 0.08 00-6.50 3 156.10 156.10-156.10 2 Hottentot Caranthus blockii Muscle Raw Jacopever Sebastichthys capensis Muscle Jewflsh Pseudosciaena coiber Muscle Raw 44.40 Jewflsh Sciaena antarctica Muscle Raw 9.97 9.94-10 2 00 5.25 0.50-10.00 2 269 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Jeuflsh Sciaena slna Muscle Raw 27.27 20.59-47.30 Kabeljou Sciaena hololepldotus Muscle Raw 22 00 Ladyflsh Elops saurus Muscle Raw Lamprey Entosphenus iaponicus Muscle Raw Dried 90 140 00 00 Lamprey, Chestnut Ichthyomyzon castaneus Muscle Raw Lamprey, Sea Petromyzon marinus Muscle Raw Lamprey Petromyzontidae Muscle Raw Lance, Sand Ammodytes americanus Muscle Raw 80 .00 Whole Flshmea 1 85 00 Lancetfish, Longnose Alepisaurus ferox Muscle Raw Lantemfish Ceratoscopelus warmingil (■mole. Raw He adless Lantemfish Diaphus dunierili Whole, Raw He adless Lantemfish Diaphus mollis Whole Raw He adless Lantemfish HyEophura hypKomi Ifliole, Raw Headless Lantemfish Hygophum macrochir Whole, Raw Headless Lantemfish Lampanyctus pusillus Whole, Raw He adless 6.77 5.16-8.37 2 0.18 0.17-0.19 2 0.08-0.28 0.52-4.01 2 2 0.05 0.01-0.05 2 Lantemfish Lampanyctus ritteri Lantemfish Lobianchia dofleini Whole, Headless Raw Whole, Headless Raw 270 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) coraposltlcn of finfishes, whale and products Common and Scientific Name Description Part9 Per Million (PPM) Lanternf ish Notoscopelus caudlspinous Lan ternfish. Blue Tarletonbeania crenularis Lantern fish, California Headlight Fish Dlaphus theta Lan tern fish. Northern Stenobrachius leucopsarus Leather jacket , Yellow Scomber lyson Leerf ish Llchia amia Levovangan Mono taxes grandoculis Ling Molva molva Lingcod Ophiodon elongatus Whole, Headless Raw 16.6 Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 2.00 10.0 Muscle Raw 8.00 Muscle Raw 11.00 Muscle Raw 5.06 3.19-7.00 3 7.8 Cooked Fried Battered & Crumbs 8.00 Muscle Raw 4.90 20-9.60 2 0.30 2,12 0.20 1.20-3.00 3 0.30 0.24 0.05 0.14-0.33 0.03-0.07 3 2 0.81 0.20 0.06-0.50 0,33 0.26 0.10-0.43 4 Llzardfish Saurida tumbil Muscle Raw Llzardfish, Longer Saurida elongata Llzardfish, Spotted Tail Saurida undosguamis Llzardfish Svnodontidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Dried Loach, Weather fish Misqurnus anguillicaudatus Muscle Raw Loach Cobitidae Muscle Raw 271 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Longaray Ambassidae Muscle Raw Lookdown Selene vomer Muscle Raw Lump fish Cyclop terus lumpus Muscle Raw Maasbanker , Mackerel, Jack Trachurus trachurus Muscle Raw Canned Cooked Unspecified 0.00 0.48 2.32 0.08 1.89 0.38 0.64-4.00 0.77-3.00 0.08-0.67 2 2 4 0.50 0.15 1.30 Mackerel Scomber australias Muscle Raw 0.05 0.04-0.05 2 Mackerel Scomber microlepidotus Muscle Raw 84.90 Mackerel, Atlantic Scomber scombrus Muscle Raw Dried Eviscerat Raw ad 8 10.12 6.39 00-12.24 5.16-7.61 2 2 1.00 0.84 0.05 2.23 0.10-1.58 0.81-0.87 0.75-6.00 16 2 4 1.50 1.28-1.60 11 Whole Flshmeal 130.07 73.35 62.00-241.20 48.50-98.20 3 2 Presscake 15.00 84.00 1.36 0.37 3.67 0.35-2.36 0.34-0.40 1.70-5.44 2 2 3 0.16 0.15-0.17 2 8.41 Mackerel, Frigate Auxis rochei Muscle Raw 59.00 Mackerel, Frigate Auxis tapernosoma Muscle Raw 50.00 0.07 0.06-0.07 2 Mackerel, Horse Caranx melampygus Eviscerated Raw Mackerel, Horse Carangi dae Muscle Raw Dried Mackerel, Indian RastrelliRer neglectus Muscle Raw 1.30 1.10-1.53 4 272 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfislies, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Mackerel, Jack Trachurus japonicus Mackerel, Japanese, Spanish S combe romorus niphonius Mackerel, King S combe romorus cava 11 a Mackerel, King, Seer Scombe romorus commersoni Mackerel, Long- J awed Rastrelliger canagurta Mackerel, Pacific Chub Scomber iaponicus/colias Mackerel, Short-Bodied, Hasa Hasa Muscle Rastrelliger brachysomus Muscle Raw 4.20 1.40-7.00 2 1.10 Canned Seasoned 30.00 Cooked Unspecified 15.00 Soaked in Salt Water 4 Dried 60.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.60 Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw 14.97 3.85-20.31 7 Dried 15.50 14.50-17.00 3 Salted i Dried 188.00 Muscle Raw 14.25 14 .20-14 2 30 Dried 36.18 29 00-43. 2 36 Salted i Dried 35.90 28 60-43. 2 19 Muscle Raw 25.88 15.00-51.00 5 1.00 Canned 19.00 16.00-22.00 2 Dried 70.00 Salted 70.00 Muscle Raw 89.00 Smoked 118.00 116.00-120.00 2 0.15 0.14 0.55 0.10-1.33 3 Mackerel, Spanish Scomberomorus maculatus Muscle Raw 0.38 0.40 Mackerel, Spotted, Spanish Scomberomorus fiuttatus Muscle Raw Mackerel, Surmaii Scomberomorus kuhlii Muscle Raw 20.13 Salted i Dried 43.51 273 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Mackerel, West African, Spanish S combe romorus tritor Mackerel Scombridae Muscle Raw 12.00 Muscle Raw 14.09 5.38 0.19 1.51 7 .50-24.00 12 0.03-0.36 0.50-4.50 7 4 Canned 19.00 10.10 0.40 1.09 0.60 Boiled 16.00 In Bouillon 22.00 Marinated 19 00 In Oil 15 50 11 .00- ■20. 00 2 In Tomato Sauce 14 00 Cooked Fried 12 00 Unspecifie Dried d 70 00 Salted 70 00 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.36 0.40 2.28 0.57 0.19 0.95-2.60 0.33-1.23 0.04-0.34 6 3 4 2.27 0.20 0.04 1.20-3.40 0.03-0.05 3 2 0.35 0.23 Salted i Dried 29.00 Eviscerated Raw Whole Fishmeal 2.52 2.04-3.00 2 Marlin Makaira tnanazza Muscle Raw 1.40 0. Marlin, Black Makaira Indica Muscle Raw 8.24 7.70-8.65 0.51 0.45-0.63 4 0.65 0.59-0.70 4 0.06 0.05-0.07 4 0.50 0.40-0.70 3 3.28 0.50-7.95 5 Marlin, Blue Makaira nigricans Muscle Raw Marlin, Pacific, Blue Makaira ampla Muscle Raw Marlin, Striped Makaira audax Muscle Raw 0.65 0.50-0.8 2 Marlin, White Muscle Tetrapturus albidus Raw Megrim Muscle Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Raw Cooked Fried Battered & 12.00 Breaded 6.00 Steamed 9.00 274 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Menhaden , At Ian tic Brevoortia tyr annus Muscle Raw 0.31 0.16-0.^6 2 Whole Fishmeal 387.70 133.35 68.00 3A5. 00-430. 40 1.08.20-158.50 9.50 5.77-13.20 22, 2 24.24 98-25.50 2 Menhaden, Gulf Brevoortia gunteri Whole FPC Menhaden Clupeidae Milk fish Chanos cha Minnow, Common Zacco platypus Minnow, Stoneroller Campos toma anomalum Minnow, Suckermouth Phenacobius mirabilis Mojarra Diapterus evermanni Mojarra, Spotted Gerres filamentosus Mooneye Hiodon tergisus Fishmeal 438.00 150.90 150.80-151.00 2 Muscle Raw Cooked Unspeci Smoked 7.10 3.20-11.00 2 fiedll.OO 10.45 9.90-11.00 2 Muscle Raw 5.00 Whole Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 9.80 Muscle Raw 4.20 4.00-4.40 2 Muscle Raw 11.20 11.00-11.40 35 2 35.80 .60-36.00 2 1.03 0.16-2.60 3 Mooneye, Goldeye Hiodon alosoides Mullet Mufiil brasiliensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.82 0.08-2.31 4 Whole Cooked Unspecified Mullet Mugil liz Muscle Raw 275 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Mullet Mugil nasus Mullet Mugil oeur Mullet, Bhanger Mugll tade Mullet, Black Fin Mugil mellnopterus Mullet, Ca'Doi Mugll affinos Mullet, Gray Mugil auratus Mullet, Gray, Boi Mugil spelglerl Mullet, Gray Harder Mugil capito Mullet, Indian Mugll corsula Mullet, Kechki Mugll cascasia Mullet, Long- Finned Mugil vaigiensis Mullet, Parsey Mugil parsia Mullet, Striped Mugll cephalus Mullet, Yelloweye Aldrlchetta forsteri Mullet Mugilidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 43.80 Muscle Raw 0.10 Muscle Raw Dried 3.90 25.00 Muscle Raw 6.30 Muscle Raw 45.00 5.86 Muscle Raw 23.90 Muscle Raw 1 Muscle Raw 25.00 Eviscerated Dried 150.00 Muscle Raw 28.00 Whole Dried 150.00 Muscle Raw 5.00 Muscle Raw 10.10 3.27-20 3 50 Muscle Raw 14.61 1.00-50 7 50 5.91 0.80-13.30 4 Eviscerated Salted Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Boiled Fried Muscle Raw 17.00 9.68-50 7 50 3.98 2.65-5.30 2 0.58 0.14-1.02 2 4.13 3.30 0.69 0.90 0.75 0.26-8.00 1.63-4.85 0.60-0.78 0.05-2.59 0.03-2.10 2 3 2 3 6 0.42 0.38 0.43 0.90 0.80-1.00 2 0.50 0.06 0.04 0.01-0.20 0.03-0.05 6 2 0.39 0.21-0.50 3 276 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Nemipterid, Long-Tailed Nemipterus japonicus Nemipterid, Ribbon -Finned Nemipterus taenipterus Nemipterid, Roncador Nemipterus virgatus Nemipterid Nemipteridae Pandora, Sea Bream Pagellus erythrinus Cooked Fried In Oil 28.00 Steamed 14.50 9 .00-20.00 2 Salted Salted S, Dried 50.50 Whole Raw Muscle Raw 5.50 Muscle Raw 2.95 2 90-3.00 2 Dried 7.00 Salted & Drl£ d 7.10 Muscle Raw 1.40 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.58 0.27-1.02 3 arrotfish Scarus mechipunctatus Parrotfish, Loro Sparlsoma squalidum Parrotfish Scaridae Perch Perca fluviatilis Muscle Raw 4.85 4.70-5.00 2 Muscle Raw 12.10 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 1.37 1.24 0.30-4.93 vJhole Raw Perch, Climbing Anabas tes tudenicus Muscle Raw Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster fasciata Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster pectoralis Perch, Climbing, Gourami Trichogaster trlchopterus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 277 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Perch, Climbing Muscle Anabantidae Raw 16 00 Dried 25 06 Perch, Golden, Callop Muscle Plectroplites ambisuus Raw 10 00 Perch, Sand Muscle Psammoperca waigiensis Raw 6 00 Perch, S auger Muscle Stizostedion canadense Raw Perch, Silver Muscle Damalichthys argyrosomus Raw Perch, Trout Whole Percapsis omiscomaycus Raw Perch, White Muscle Morone americanus Raw Perch, Yellow Muscle Perca flavescens Raw 5 60 12.00 0.05 0.50 0.03 0.02-0.05 1.28-3.70 2 3 0.35 .13-1.40 16 Perch Percidae Muscle Raw 12.85 0.70-25.00 2 0.57 O.C O.OA-0.12 0.60-0.90 2 4 0.54 .15-1.30 17 Picarel Maena maena Muscle Raw Pigflsh, Grunt Orthopristes chrysoptera Muscle Raw 29.70 3.40-51.00 2 Pike, Chain, Pickerel Esox niger Muscle Raw Eviscerated Raw 0.80 .57-1.00 6 Pike, Muskellunge Esox masquinongy Muscle Raw 0.02 2.50 2.50-2.50 2 0.22 0.20-0.23 2 2.51 0.37-6.70 4 Pike, Northern Esox lucius Muscle Raw 4.70 11.10 0.06 0.15 0.59 0.05 1.00 2.36 1.99 3.40-6.00 2.50-19.00 0.05-0.09 0.03-0.30 0.50-0.85 0.03-0.05 0.70-1.70 0.93-3.16 0.11-15.17 25 33 44432 Pike, Perch Lucioperca lucioperca Muscle Raw Eviscerated Raw 0.75 0.70-0.8 2 278 Table 16 . — Microelement (Group 1) composition of fin fishes , whales , and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Eviscerated Raw 0.68 0.55-0.8 5 Pike, Pickerel Escx reticulatus Pike Esocidae Pilchard, European Clupea pilchardus Pilchard, Japanese Sardinops melanos ticta Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 5.90 ti .31-8.00 4 Whole Raw Muscle Raw 23.58 12 .00-45.00 Cooked In Oil 14.00 Muscle Raw 46.90 Canned In Oil 30.00 Plain 40.00 Seasoned 40.00 In Tomato Sauce 45.00 Dried 49.00 26 00-72.00 2 2.38 0.19 1.48 1.60-3.40 0.18-0.20 0.15-8.14 2 6 16 0.16 0.81 0.05 1.32 0.50-1.11 0.95-2.O0 2 3 0.22 0.05-0.51 6 Salted 30.00 Pilchard, Pacific Sardinops (Sardine) caerule Pilchard Clupeidae Muscle Raw 24.83 Canned In Tomato Sauce 41.00 Muscle Canned Unspecified 0.50 0.32 2.00 1.88 1.10-2.65 0.02 .01-0.03 2 Plntadilla Cheilodactulus variefiatus Pipefish Svn^nathidae Plaice, American Hippoglossoides platessoides Salt Added 31.00 In Tomato Sauce 41.90 Mus cle Raw 16 17.00 00-18.00 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Rau 279 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Connnon and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Plaice, American Pleuronectes platessa Plaice Pleuronectidae Pollack, Saithe, Coalfish Pollachius virens Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Grilled Muscle Raw 5.69 3.38-8.00 2 Cooked Fried Battered S, Breaded 8.00 Steamed 6.00 Muscle Raw 7.08 6.17-8.00 2 Canned Cooked Unspecified Dried 3.61 3.00-4.22 2 0.56 0.50-0.62 2 0.28 0.52 Salted & Dried 0.94 0.42-1.46 2 2.35 1.17 1.64 0.79 0.12-2.50 0.43-1.15 5 2 7.20 3.02 1.33-4.71 2 1.45 0.24 0.02-0.58 7 0.22 0.05-0.37 5 0.16 0.04 0.05-0.55 11 Pollack Gadidae Pomfret Pampus rail Pomfret, Silver Pampus argenteus Pompano, Florida, Carolina Trachinotus carolinus Pompano, Pacific Neptomenus crassus Pompano, Permit Trachinotus falcatus Offal Fishmeal 611.00 Muscle Raw 6.15 4.00-8.30 2 Cooked Fried 28.00 Steamed 5.00 Dried 13.00 Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 9.70 3.00-16.40 2 Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecif led Muscle Raw 27.08 27.00-27.15 2 Muscle Raw 4.00 0.16 0.08-0.24 2 0.05 0.03-0.07 2 0.29 0.85 0.50-1.20 2 0.09 0.02-0.15 2 280 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) X 00 Pompano Carangldae Muscle Raw Dried 5.60 51.00 Porcupinef ish Atopomycterus nichthemens Porgy Pagellus orphys Porgy, Aligote Pagellus acarne Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.11 0.06-0.16 2 Porgy, Bogue Sarpa (box) boops Muscle Raw 7.38 5.88-10.25 3 0.51 0.07 0.31 0.37-0.62 0.05-0.08 0.25-0.39 3 2 3 0.16 0.02-0.34 A Porgy, Japanese Pagrus major Porgy, Large-Eyed, Dentex Den tex macrophthalmus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.14 0.06-0.24 2 Porgy, Panga Pagrus laniarius Muscle Raw 1.47 1.45-1.48 2 Porgy, Red Roman Muscle Pagrus laticeps Raw Porgy, Sheepshead Muscle Archosargus probatocephalus Raw 0.23 0.07-0.40 2 Porgy Sparidae Pout , Fanica Gadus lu.^xius Pout, Norvjay Gadus esmarki Whole Raw FPC Muscle Raw 9 33 4.00 -13.00 6 Cooked Steamed 5 00 4.00- -6.00 2 Dried Muscle Dried Whole Flshmeal 429 00 124.00 8.00-180.00 2 .21 5.38 2.90-7.87 2 0.18 1.00 0.39 0.09-0.94 5 0.16 0.12-0.40 2 281 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Conunon and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Puffer, Swellfish Tetraodontidae Queen fish , Leather jacket Chorinemus tol Rabbitfish Slganus ( Teuthis) javis Ratfish Hydro lagus colliei Ray, Eagle Actobatus peruvianus Ray, Eagle Rhinoptera Seweli Ray, Electric, Atlantic, Torpedo Torpedo nobillana Ray, Electric , Marbled Torpedo manporata Ray, Electric Tnrpedinidae Redfish Sebastes mentella Redfish, Ocean Perch Sebastes marinus Muscle Raw 7.00 6.00-8.00 2 Muscle Raw 79.20 Muscle Raw Dried 5.00 12.00 Salted 6, Fermented 166.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Baked 14.70 12.00 Muscle Raw 53.00 Ifliole Raw Muscle Raw 57.00 I'/hole Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 6.33 0.06 0.65 6.83 0.87 1.25 1.12 0.92 0.04 2.94 0.11 0.20-1.54 0.17-1.68 0.02-0.07 1.07-4.80 0.06-0.18 2 2 2 2 6 Offal Fishmeal Redfish, Ocean Perch Scorgaenidae Muscle Raw A. 00 2.99-5.00 Cooked Fried Roach Rutilus rutilus Muscle Raw 1.26 1.20-1.33 2 Rockflsh, Black Sebastes melanops Muscle Raw 0.43 .18-0.93 3 282 Table 16. --Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Rockfish, Copper Sebastes caurinus Rockfish, Flag Sebastes rub i vine t us Rockfish, Greens tripe Sebastes elongatus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.09 O.OA-O.IA 3 0.17 Rockfish, Canary Sebastes pinniger Muscle Raw Rockfish, Osaga Sebastes i racundus Muscle Raw Rockfish, Red Sebastes matsubarae Muscle Raw Rockfish, Red Sebastes ruberrimus Muscle Raw Rockfish, Rougheye Sebastes ale uti anus Muscle Raw Rockfish, Yellowtail Sebastes flavldus Muscle Raw Rockfish Scorpaenidae Muscle Raw Eviscerated Raw 1.A7 0.39 0.14-2.80 0.30-0.60 2 6 Rockling, Fourbeard Enchelyopus cimbrius Muscle Raw Rockling, Three Headed Onus tricarratus Runner, Blue Caranx crysos Runner, Rainbow Elagatis bipinnulata Sablef ish Anoplopoma fimbria Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus Salmon Salmo milktschitsch Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecifi ed Muscle Raw 23.95 23.90-2ii.OO 2 Muscle Raw 12.00 0.30 0.24 0.64 0.35-1.00 5 Muscle Raw Muscle Canned 2.86 0.34-5.37 2 0.11 0.38 0.14-0.51 0.82 0.07-1.57 2 283 Table 16 .—Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Salmon, Atlantic Salmo salar Muscle Raw 11.50 4.70 10.00-13.00 1.40-8.00 2 2 0.33 0.20-0.43 3 0.23 0.09 0.04-0.16 6 Salmon, Australian Arrlpis trutta Muscle Raw 0.38 .03-1.30 Salmon, Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Salmon, Chum Oncorhynchus keta Salmon, Coho Oncorhynchus kisutch Muscle Raw 9.00 8.00 Canned 8.90 5.00-12.70 3 Cooked Baked Boiled Fried Salted Eviscerated Salted Muscle Raw 4.75 13.70 1.50-8.00 1.40-26.00 2 2 Canned 7.20 7.00-7.40 2 Muscle Raw 13.45 8.90-18.00 2 Canned 9.00 Salted 8.50 7.00-10.00 2 Salted 6. Smoked 17.00 0.39 0.13-0.57 18 0.38 0.13-0.75 15 0.42 0.53 0.57 0.34 25-1.36 6 0.24 17-0.36 6 0.21 11-0.29 4 0.32 12-1.36 9 0.28 .15-0.40 2 0.20 0.16 0.07-0.31 4 0.29 0.02-0.60 3 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.65 0.02 0.50-0.98 5 Salmon, Land-locked Oncorhynchus rhodurus Salmon, Longtooth Otolithus ruber ^.uscle Cooked Fried Oatmeal Covered 12.00 Steamed 9.00 Muscle Raw 27.60 7.00-48 20 2 284 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) Common and Scientific Name composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Description Salmon, Pink Oncorhynchus porhnsch Muscle Raw Canned 9.30 7.00-11.00 2 11.71 8.24-15.00 Parts Per Million fPPM) 0.46 0.76 0.33-0.70 0.21-1.48 3 5 9-00 0.25 0.28 0.12-0.56 Salmon, Sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka Salmon Salmonidae Muscle Raw Offal Fishmeal Muscle Raw 10.57 0.42-14.00 11.00 8.50 Canned 9.34 5 70-16.00 11 Cooked Steamed 8.00 Dried Salted 8.50 7 00-10.00 2 »-59 5.51 4.97 0.40 5.00-15.00 3.02-8.00 4.16-5.77 10 2 2 4.39 4.16-4.50 3 0.68 0.92 0.31-1.68 6 0.46 0.25-0.63 6 0.32 0.08 0.16-0.50 4 0.73 0.25-1.59 4 1.36 0.81-1.90 2 1.48 0.76-2.20 2 1.61 0.55-2.40 0.20 0.05 0.16 0.11 05-0.27 0.02-0.19 2 7 0.09 0.01-0.50 Sandf ish Arctoscopus japonicus Sardine Clupanodon Dseudonhlspanicus Sardine Opis thopterus tartoor Sardine, Golden Sardinella aurita Sardine, Indian Sardinella longlceps Offal Fishme al Muscle Raw Salted & Dried 15.00 100.00 Muscle Raw 24.20 Whole Raw 49.20 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 13 29.57 .80-60.90 3 36.50 Sardine, Spotted Sardinella siru Salted 6 Dried 36.50 Smoked 8.00 Canned In Tomato Sauce 41.00 Unspecified Muscle Dried 37.00 0.01 0.03 285 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Conimon and Scientific Na Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Sardine Clupeidae Raw 23.13 10.33 22.50 0.16 0.20 13.00-30.00 9.40-11.60 0.10-0.25 0.14-0.25 4 3 3 2 Canned 33.98 9.40 9.80 0.25 1.05 26.00-42.00 7.30-12.50 0.16-0.36 5 2 4 In Oil 22.31 0.40-40.00 9 16.00 16.10 1.00 Drained 32.14 Smoked 29.08 In Oil Smoked 19.00 0.50 Smoked In Tomat Sauce 29.00 0.50 In Tomato Sauce 27.51 1.53-41.00 5 21.89 0.50 In Tomato Sauce i 01 1 4.30 19.00 Marinated 33.00 1.00 Paste 8.30 Salted 0.60 Salted 5, Dried 80.00 60.00-100.00 2 90.00 Smoked Whole Raw 52.50 28.00-77.00 2 0.22 Fishmeal 1.69 0.99 1.19 0.13 0.35-1.33 0.50-1.90 0.11-0.14 3 3 2 0.89 1.85 0.23 0.25-1.12 1.10-2.60 0.04-0.56 3 0.90 0.40-1.40 2 3 0.02 1.60-1.78 2 Saury, Pacific Cololabls saira Sawfish Pris tidae Scad, Big-Bodied Decapterus macrosoma Muscle Raw 24 50 8 .00- -30 00 4 Canned 29 50 19 .00- -40 00 4 Dried 40 00 Salted 40 00 Whole Raw 52 30 Muscle Raw 12 00 Muscle Raw 6 95 6 .90- -7.00 2 Salted S Dried 41 95 35 90- 48. 00 1.80 0.38 0.49 0.02 0.13-0.50 0.07-0.90 3 2 286 Table 16. -Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Scad, Bigeyed Caranx crumenophthalmus Scad, Golden Caranx kalla Scad, Round Decapterus punctdtus Scad Carangidae Scorpionfish, Redrock Helicolenus papillosis Scorpionfish, Rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus Scorpionfish, Sanford Helicolenus maculatus Scorpionfish, Yellow Scorpaena scropha Scropionfish .Scorpaenidae Sculpin, Sea Raven Hemitripterus americanu s Scup, Sea Bream Stenotomus chrysops Sea Crow Corvina ni^rita Sea Cucumber Cucumaria lefevrei Sea Cucumber Stichopus -japonicus Sea Cucumber Holothuroidae Muscle '^aw 38.88 3.80-82.10 A nried 51.00 Salted & Dried 50.85 50.70-51.00 Parts Per Million (PPM) Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 2 15.00 12.50 13.00 11.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 7.50 7.00-8.00 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 1.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Dried & Soaked 46.00 10.00-82.00 2 A17.00 92.00 Muscle Raw 2.97 2.94-3.00 2 4.61 0.46 2.36 0.82 .46-1.17 2 0.17 0.03-0.30 2 287 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Sea Devil Muscle Scorpaena porcus Raw Searobin, Gurnard Muscle Trigla carax Raw Searobin, Gurnard Muscle Trigla hirunda Raw Searobin, Gurnard Muscle Trigla lineata Raw Searobin, Gurnard Muscle Trigla pini Raw Searobin, Gurnard Muscle Trigloporus lastoviza Raw Searobin, Gurnard, Red Muscle Trigla cuculus Raw Searobin Muscle Triglidae Raw Sea Trout, Corvina Muscle Cilus monti Raw 12 00 Sea Trout, Gray Muscle Cynoscion regalis Raw Sea Trout, Spotted Muscle Cynoscion nebulosus Raw Seventy-Four Muscle Dentex undulosas Raw Shad Muscle Clupea alosa Salted Shad Muscle Ethmalosa dorsalis Raw Whole 25 00 Dried 32 GO Shad Muscle Konosirus punctatus Raw Shad, American Muscle Alosa sapidlssima Raw 7 00 Shad, Bastard Muscle Konosirus thrissa Raw Shad, Gizzard Muscle Anodontostoma chacunda Raw 4 60 Salted & Dried 28 00 Smoked 8 00 Shad, Gizzard Muscle Dorosoma cepedianum Raw 40 GO 0.50 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.19 0.32 0.55 0.02 0.17 0.08-0.24 3 288 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Shad, Indian Clupea toli Shad, Indian Hilsa llisha Shad, Slender llisha elongata Shad, Threadfin Dorosoma petenense Shad Clujjeidae Shark Mustelus mus telus Shark, Basking Cetorhinus maximus Description Eviscerated Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Baked With Bacon Smoked 17.58 7.13-37.30 3 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 5.70 4.80-7.00 3 5.80 46.00 Parts Per Million (PPM) 0.49 0. 2,50 1.40-3.60 2 0.19 0.05 .18-0.20 0.03-0.0 2 2 4J i-i Shark, Blackfinned Carcharhinus melanopterus Shark, Blacktip Carcharhinus limbatus Shark, Blue Carcharhinus glaucus Shark, Cat Scyliorhinus caniculus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw bhark, Cat, Brown Aprlsturus brunneus Muscle Raw Smoked Shark, Cat, Nurse Hound Scyliorhinus stellaris Muscle Raw Shark, Cat, Squale Galeus raelanostomus Muscle Raw Shark, Darkle Charlie Dalatlus llcha Muscle Raw Shark, Dusky Carcharhinus obscurus Muscle Raw 3.45 2.00-4.90 0. 2 0.80 0.58 50-1.10 0.41 0.16-0.65 2 0.56 0.13 1.60 1.12-2.0 289 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Shark, Greenland Sumniosus microcephalus Shark , Gummy Mustelus antarcticus Shark, Hammerhead Sphyma blochii Shark, Hammerhead Sphyrna lewinl Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10.00 Canned Boiled Seasoned 40 40.00 60.00 .00-80.00 2 Muscle Raw 44.80 Muscle Raw 0.05 0.15 0.50 0.04-0.25 2 0.03 0.50 1.86 0.68-3.64 3 Shark, Hammerhead, Bonnethead Sphyma tiburo Muscle Raw Shark, Hammerhead Sphyrnidae Muscle Raw Shark, Mushl Scoliodon sorrakewa Muscle Salted i Dried 27.20 Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamna nasus Muscle Rau Shark, Requiem Carcharhinidae Muscle Raw 14.00 Shark, Sandbar Carcharhinus milberti Muscle Raw Shark, Saw Pristlophorus clrratus Muscle Raw Shark, School Galeorhinus aus trails Muscle Raw Shark, Sevengill Notorynchus cepedianus Muscle Raw Shark, Sharpnose, Pacific Scoliodon longurio Muscle Raw 23.30 20.60-26.00 2 Shark, Shortfin Mako Isurus oxyrinchus Muscle Raw Shark, Silky Carcharhinus falciformis Muscle Raw 0.10 0.78 0.50 0.30 1.45 1.43-1.47 2 Shark, Sixgill Hexanchus griseus Muscle Rau 4.10 3.20-4.60 3 290 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, v/hales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Shark, Thresher Muscle Aloplldae Raw Shark, Tiger Muscle Galeocerdo arcticus Raw Shark, Whitetlp Muscle Carcharhinus albimar ginatus Raw Sheachfish Muscle Krytopterus krytopte rus Raw Sheathfish Muscle Tachysurus aambensis Raw Sheathfisii Muscle Tachysurus heudeloti Raw Sheathfish Muscle Siluridae Raw Parts Per Million (PPM) Shiner, Common Notropls cornutus Shiner, Emerald Notropis hudsonius Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.02 0.03 1.73 1.00-2.46 2 0.66 0.83 0.47 l-Zhole Raw Shiner, Golden Notemigonus crysoleucas Cyprinidae Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 0,12 0.39 0.58 0.39-0.76 Silverf ish Dentex argyrozona Silverside Atherlna boyere Silverside Atherina presbyter Silverside Austromenidia regia Silverside, Brook Labidesthes sicculus Silverside, Cornalito Basilichthys incisus Silverside, Pejerrey Basilichthys bonariensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.25 0.05 291 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Skate, Blue Ra.ja batis Muscle Raw 0.42 0.04-0.8 2 Skate, Clear Nose Raja eglanteria Skate, Roundel Raja texana Skate, Thomback Ra.ja clavata Skate, Thorny Ra.ja radiata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 14.00 4.64 3.00 0.20 0.22 0.09 0.18-0.26.00 2 Skate Rajidae Sleeper Eleotris fusca Slimy, Soapy, Pony fish Leiognathus equula Slimy, Ponyfish, Splendid Leiognathus splendens Slimy, Soapy Leiognathidae Slipmouth, Black-Finned Leiognathus daura Smelt, Blue Atherinopsis californlensls Smelt, Eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus Smelt, Lake Osmerus mordax Muscle Raw 7.50 5.00-10.00 2 9.80 Cooked Fried 12.00 Whole FPC Muscle Raw 26.00 Muscle Raw Dried 7.20 13.00 10.20 Muscle Raw 9.90 Muscle Raw 8.30 Muscle Raw 8.50 7.00-10.00 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 20.00 0.04 0.01 0.24 0.09 0.02 0.62 0.08 0.04 0.31 0.34 0.01 0.50 0.06 1.50 0.15-0.52 0.06-0.07 2 2 0.03 0.01-0.07 3 Smelt, Longfin Spirlnchus thaleichthys Smelt, Pond Hypomesus olidus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 292 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Smelt, Sweet, Ayu Plecoglossus altlve lis Muscle Raw 20.00 Smelt Osmeridae Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Floured 34.10 18.20-50 2 33.00 00 Snapper Chrysophrys s^^ttulatus Muscle Raw 10.00 Snapper Lutianus agennes Muscle Raw 4.00 Snapper Pristipomoides sieb Dldi Muscle Raw Snapper, Malabar Lutianus nalabaricus Muscle Raw 6.10 Snapper, Red Lutianus aya Muscle Raw Snapper, Red Lutianus campechanus (blackfordii) Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Battered 10.79 10.00-11. 2 57.00 58 Snapper Lutlanidae Muscle Raw 42.95 10.00-75. 2 90 Snipef ish Macro rhamphosidae Muscle Raw Snook Centropomus undecim alls Muscle Raw 10.00 Snook Centrojjomidae Muscle Raw 3.00 Soldier Fish Gymnapistes marmoratis Muscle Raw Sole Aesopia cornuta Muscle Raw 1.80 Sole, Acedia Decolososlossa cune |_ta Muscle Raw Sole, Black Synaptura ni(>ra Muscle Raw 10.00 Sole, Dover Microstomus pacific JS Muscle Raw 0.41 0.31 0.30-0.32 3 0.31 0.30-0.32 2 0.28 0.17 .26-0.30 0.06-0.42 2 5 0.06 0.20 0.02-0.38 2 0.05 6.30 0.09 0.08-0.11 2 293 Table 15. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Sole, Dover Solea solea Muscle Raw Parts Per Million (FPM) 10.00 4.81 4.34-5.27 2 0.88 0.71 0.06 0.38 0.50-0.91 0.25-0.51 2 2 IE ^ z li 0.24 0.06-0.43 5 Sole, English Parophrys vetulus Muscle Raw 0.10 0.23 0.13-0.33 2 Sole, Flathead Muscle HippORlossoides elassodon Raw Sole, Lenguado Muscle Paralichthys adspersus Raw Sole, Lenguado Muscle Paralichthys mlcrops Raw Sole, Petrale Muscle Eopsetta jordani Raw 0.07 0.04-0.09 2 Sole, Rex Glyptocephalus zachirus Muscle Raw 0.17 0.11-0.23 2 Sole, Sand Muscle Psettichthys melanostictus Raw Sole Muscle Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Raw 6.56 3.78 3 30-10.00 3 7 10-4.23 3 Cooked Fried Battered i Breaded 11 12.50 00-14.00 2 Steamed 6 6.50 00-7.00 2 Eviscerated Raw Spadefish Muscle Chaetodipterus faber Raw Nhole 16.40 Raw 26.40 2.09 Spadefish Muscle Scatophagus argus Raw 7 21.72 00-66.00 5 Spot Muscle Leiostomus xanthurus Raw 0.16 0.05 0.40 1.10 3.00 0.01 2.80 0.20 0.15 0.11-6.00 0.04-0.29 3 4 1.92 294 Table 16.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Sprat Sprattus sprattu Muscle Raw 18.77 7 50-30.04 2 Canned In Oil 47.70 15 00-80.00 2 In Olive Oil Smoked In Oil 15.00 In Tomato Sauce 2.70 In Tomato Sauce 0.51 1.00 0.50 0.30 1.00 Squirrelf ish, Mempachi Myripristes arayromus Stargazer Uranoscopus scaber Cooked Deep Fat Fried 45 00 Grilled (smoked) 57 00 Dried 22 00 Fishmeal scle Raw scle Raw 4.29 3.88-4.69 2 0.75 0.05 0.27 0.66 2-0.41 O.H-1.32 2 4 Steenbras , Red Petrus rupestris Muscle Raw 1.40 1.30-1.50 2 Steenbras , Sand, Seebes LI the gna thus mormyrus Stickleback, Nine spine Gasterosteus pungitius Stingray Dasyatidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Stickleback Muscle Gasterosteidae Raw Stingray Muscle Dasyatis brevicaudatus Raw Stingray, Butterfly Muscle Pteroplata altavela Raw Stingray, Marbled Muscle Dasyatis uarnak Raw Muscle Raw 27.40 3.70-61.50 3 4.50 4.00-5.00 0.22 0.11-0.34 3 295 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Millie (PPM) Whole Raw Stockfish Merluccius capensis Muscle Raw Dried 0.08 0.21 Salted, Dried & Soaked Stumpnose , Red Pagrus gibbiceps Muscle Raw 1.37 1.28-1.46 2 Stumpnose, White Sparus globiceps Sturgeon Acipenser sinensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sturgeon Acipenser sturio Muscle Cooked Steamed Sturgeon, Atlantic Acipenser oxyrhynchus Eviscerated, Beheaded Raw 0.05 0.03-0.09 2 Sturgeon, Green Acipenser medirostris Sturgeon, Lake Acipenser fulvescens Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sturgeon, White Acipenser transmontanus Muscle Raw Sturgeon Acipenseridae Muscle Raw Cooked In Aspic Steamed 0.54 0.34-0.73 2 Eviscerated Raw 1.39 1,18-1.60 2 Sucker, Buffalo Ictiobus cyprlnellus Sucker, Carp Carpiodes dif formis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sucker, Common Ca tos t omus comme rs on i i Muscle Raw 0.04 0.02-0.07 2 1.80 0.23 0.08-3.60 7 296 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Eviscerated Raw 0.65 0.18-1.05 7 Sucker, Longnose Catostomus catostomus Muscle Raw Sucker, Quillback Carpiodes cyprinus Muscle Raw Sucker, Shorthead Redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum Sucker, Silver Redhorse Moxostoma anisurum Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sucker, Smallmouth Buffalo Ictiobus bubalus Muscle Raw 0.57 0.02 Sucker, Spotted Minytrema melanops Muscle Raw 0.17 0.01 Sucker Catostomidae Sunfish, Blueglll Lepomis macrochirus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw 0.36 0.64 0.04-0.83 11 0.26 0.05-0.46 2 Sunfish, Crappie, Black Pomoxis nifiromaculatus Eviscerated, Beheaded Raw 0.45 0.01 0.30-0.60 2 Sunfish, Crappie, White Pomoxis annularis Sunfish, Largemouth Bass Mlcropterus salmoides Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.30 0.03 0.01-0.05 2 0.31 0.03-0.58 2 0.24 0.12-0.45 14 Whole Raw 0.45 0.40-0.50 2 Sunfish, Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus Sunfish, Redbreast Lepomis auritus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.27 0.30 0.12-0.40 3 297 Table 15. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of fin fishes, whales , and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Swordfish Xiphiidae Tarpon, Bidbid Elops hawaiiensis Tarpon , Buan-Buan Megalops cyprinoides Muscle Canned Cooked Broiled With Butter 12.94 Muscle Raw 6.75 3.50-10.00 2 Muscle Raw 6.17 A .90-7.00 2 Parts Per Million (PPM) j: u *J u Sunfish, Rock Bass Muscle Ambloplites rupestris Raw . ■ " 0.21 0.05-0.34 3 Eviscerated & ' ■ Beheaded Raw ■ ■ 0.09 0.03 0.60-1.20 6 Sunfish, Smallmouth Bass Muscle ■ ■ Micropterus dolomieui Raw 0.30 1.10 0.04-0.55 3 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw ' 0.79 0.02 0.60-1.20 20 Sunfish, Spotted Bass Muscle Micropterus punctulatus Raw 0.24 Sunfisli Centrarchidae Raw 3.40 . 1.40 0.29 0.35 0.11 0.07-0.51 5 Surfperch, Black Muscle - ■ Embiotoca jacksoni Raw 0.06 Surfperch, Blue Muscle Embiotoca lateralis Raw 0.06 Surgeonfish Muscle Acanthurus bleekeri Raw 4.95 4.90-5.00 . ■ ' 2 Swordfish Muscle Xiphias gladius Raw 1.00 0.17 0.04 0,93 1.07 0.46-2.01 1.06-1.09 26 2 5,69 298 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) 34.00 56.00 Tarpon Elopidae Muscle Raw Whole Raw Tench Tinea tinea Muscle Raw 10.00 Teraglin, Geelbeck Atractosclon acquidens Muscle Raw Therapon Therapon plutnbeus Whole Dried 202.00 Therapon, Large Sealed, Banded Grunter Therapon theraps Muscle Raw 9.10 Therapon, Tigerfish Therapon iarbua Muscle Raw 55.83 5.56-86 3 00 Therapon Theraponidae Muscle Raw 8.00 Threadfin Galeoides decadaetylus Muscle Raw 3.00 Threadfin Pentanemus qulnquarias Muscle Raw 3.00 Threadfin Polynemus indicus Muscle Raw 35.30 25.60-45. 2 00 Whole Dried 170.00 Threadfin, Four-rayed Polynemus tetradactylus Muscle Raw 17.10 Threadfin, Shiny Nose Polydaetylus guadrifills Muscle Raw 2.00 Threadfin, Smallmouth Polynemus microstoma Muscle Raw 5.90 Threadfin Polynemidae Muscle Raw 7.80 3.00-10. 4 00 Tilapia, Mozambique Mouthbrooder Muscle Tllapia mossambica Raw Tilefish Branchiostegus japonic Muscle Raw 299 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) c c a « S 60 Tilefish Branchiostegldae Tomcod Gadidae Torpedo, Panga Megalaspis cordyla Trevally Caranx georgianus Trevally, Great, Talakitok Caranx sexfasciatus Trevally, Mackerel Serrilela ameculita Triggerf Ish, Leatherjacket Monacanthus chinensis Triggerf ish. Ye How jacket Pseudoroonacanthus ayraudi Triggerfish Balistidae Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Trout Salmo Shasta Trout, Brook Salvelinus fontinalis Muscle Raw 12.00 10.00-14.00 2 Whole Raw Muscle Raw 5.90 5.80-6.00 2 Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw Dried 8.20 10.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10.00 Muscle Raw Whole Dried 210.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified Whole Raw Eviscerated Raw 1.22 0.02 1.77 0.20-3.33 2 0.22 0.02-0.37 3 0.66 0.40-0.70 2 Trout, Brown Salmo trutta Muscle Raw 10.00 4.60 4.00-5.20 2 0.03 2.10 0.01-0.05 0.90-3.30 2 2 0.50 0.53 0.06-4.35 13 Eviscerated Raw Trout, Dolly Varden Salvelinus raalma Muscle Raw 300 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products- Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Trout, Gila Salmo silae Muscle Raw Trout, Lake Salvelinus namaycush Muscle Raw 4.78 2.35-7.20 2 0.67 0.01 0.11 0.0« 0.22 0.01-0.01 0.22-3.30 2 3 0.96 0.24-2.8 7 Whole Raw 0.47 0.24-0.57 9 Eviscerated Raw 0.72 0.50-1.10 10 Trout, Pollan Coregonus polla Muscle Raw Trout, Rainbow Salmo sairdneri Muscle Raw 23.74 13.37-30.00 4 0.40 1.18 0.04-4.58 12 0.38 0.22-0.62 4 0.18 0.04-0.67 9 Whole Raw Eviscerated Raw 1.19 1.08-1.40 3 0.77 0.50-1.10 10 rout, Salmon Trutta marina Trout, Sea Salma ocula Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.10 Trout, Yellowstone Salmo lewisi Trout Salmonidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 8.60 10.20 6.00-12.00 3 0.11 1.62 0.03-5.00 5 2.77 1.70-3.30 3 0.03 0.03-0.04 2 0.32 0.03-1.15 Eviscerated Raw 0.50 0.01 301 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Trumpeter Latridopsis forsteri Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalunga Tuna, Albacore Scombridae Tuna, Bigeye Thunnus obesus uscle Raw uscle Raw Canned In Oil In Oil Drained In Water uscle Raw Canned uscle Raw 14.85 0. 2.70-27.00 2 0.45 0.03 0.20 0.13-0.27 2 0.43 0.31 0.25 0.10 0.90 0.52-1.39 6 Tuna, Bluefln Thunnus thynnus Muscle Raw 15.00 10.00-20.00 3 0.23 0.08-0.38 2 0.19 0.16-0.22 2 0.29 0.64 0.08-0.50 0.37-0.91 2 11 Tuna, Skipjack Euthynnus pelamls Tuna, Skipjack Scombridae Tuna, Yellowfin Thunnus albacares Tuna Scombridae Muscle Raw 25.50 11.00-40.00 2 Canned 30.00 In Oil 40.00 Seasoned 80.00 Dried 75.00 50.00-100.00 2 Muscle Raw 40.00 Canned In Oil Dried 75.00 50.00-100.00 2 Smoked Muscle Raw 27.04 10.00-80.00 5 Canned 40.00 In Oil 18.00 Muscle Raw 10.00 11.33 5.26-17.40 2 0.38 0.56 0.34-0.99 3 0.14 0.07-0.20 2 0.27 0.17-0.40 9 0.20 0.16 0.64 0.34 0.12-0.77 22 0.47 0.96 0.20-0.97 0.24-1.68 7 2 302 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific .Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) anned 18. 2A 12.00-25.50 9 In Bouillon 20.00 In Oil 16.46 12.00-23.00 k In Oil Drained 24.00 With Vegetables In Water 26.50 22 .00-31.00 2 Offal Fishmeal 368.00 Tunny, Little Euthynnus alletteratus Muscle Raw 31.00 Tunny Scorabridae Muscle Raw Turbot Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Muscle Raw 3 5.60 .20-8.00 2 Eviscerated Raw 1.74 Offal Fishmeal Turbot Reinhardtius matsuurae Muscle Raw 9.50 1.10 0.32 0.11-0.52 0.06- 2 ; 0.50 0.50 06 0.34 0.05 0.11-0.50 2 1.66 1.00-2.32 2 1.00 1.00-1.00 2 0.33 0.20-0.45 2 0.45 0.20-1.24 14 1.25 0.70-1.8 2 Turbot, Arrowtooth Atheresthes stomias Muscle Raw 0.14 .11-0.15 3 Turbot Pleuronectidae Viperf ish Chauliodus sloani Muscle Raw Cooked Steal ned Eviscera ted Raw Muscle Raw 0.20 .18-0.21 2 Walleye Muscle Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Raw 0.79 0.02 0.50-1.50 9 1.57 .32-2.31 40 Weakf ish Larimus peli Mus cle Raw 303 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Farts Per Million (PPM) Weever Muscle Trachinus araneus Raw Whale, Pilot Muscle Globicephala macrorhyncha Rau Whale, Sperm Muscle Phyester macrocephalus Raw Whale Muscle Unspecified Raw Canned Salted Whlteflsh Muscle Coregonus oxyrhynchus Rau Whlteflsh, Lake Muscle Coregonus clupeaformis Raw 51.60 5.90 0.24-1.74 4 13.00 0.40 0.03 0.40 0.05 0.72 0.67 0.41 12.00-14.00 0.09-0.70 0.20-0.50 0.50-0.94 0.66-0.69 0.05-2.27 2 2 3 2 2 9 Eviscerated Raw 0.84 0.04 0.65-1.40 6 Whlteflsh, Mountain Prosopium williamsoni Muscle Raw Whlteflsh, Vendace Muscle Coresonus (leucichthys) albula Raw Whlteflsh Salmonldae Muscle Raw 7.60 1.96 4.20-11.00 2 0.30 0.20-0.40 2 0.10 0.06-0.13 5 Offal Flshmeal 12.08 44.90 149.30 Whiting, Australian Sillago sihama Muscle Raw 9.45 8.90-10.00 2 Whiting, Blue Micromesistius poutasso Muscle Raw 0.33 0.03-0.79 5 Whiting, Lady Vendi Sillago schansa Whiting, Spotted Sillaginodes punctatus Whiting Sillaginidae Muscle Rau Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 7.93 1.92-21. 4 0.49 0.25-0.73 2 0.05 0.90 0.01-0.09 2 0.17 0.07-0.27 2 304 Table 16. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of finfishes, whales and products Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Cooked Fried Battered & Breaded Steamed Whole Raw Wolffish, Atlantic Anarhichas denticulatus Muscle Raw 0.21 0.20 0.04-0.45 0.09-0.32 7 2 Whole Fishmeal 0.10 0.04-0.19 7 Wolffish, Spotted Muscle Anarhichas minor Raw Wolffish Whole Anarhichadidae Fishmeal Wrasse Muscle Nemadactylus macropterus Raw Wrasse Muscle Pimelometopon bu Ichar Raw Wrasse, California , Sheepshead Muscle Pimelometopon pu Ichrura Raw Wrasse, Spinola Muscle Labrus turdus Raw Wrasse, Tautog Muscle Tautoga onitis Raw Wrasse Muscle Labridae Raw Wreckfish, Black B ass Muscle Polyprion americanus Raw 0.50 0.05 0.80 1.30 4.00 1.10 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. 2/ Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common na 305 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Comnon and Scientific Name Description Crab Atelecyclus sepcemdentatus Muscle Raw Whole Raw 61.00 32.00 Crab Calllnectes hastatus Muscle Raw 26.96 Crab Corystes cassivelaunus Muscle Raw Whole Raw 52.00 39.00 Crab Polyblus henslowi Whole Raw 25.20 Crab Portunus sanguinalentus Muscle Raw Offal Meal 18.50 155.00 Crab Portunus trituberculatus Muscle Raw 2.53 Crab Xantho incisus Whole Raw 26.00 Crab, Blue Calllnectes sapidus Muscle Raw 2 23.17 I' .00-5l^.A0-U 40.251/ .50-^^.00- Canned Cooked Steamec 11 7 11.93 .56-12.31 2 16.69 .64-22.62 3 Crab, Blue, Deep Sea Portunus pelasicus Muscle Raw 19.10 Crab, Chinese Eriocheia sinensis Muscle Raw 28.24 Crab, Dungeness Cancer magister Muscle Raw 3.65 37.65 Canned 9 44.25 00-88.50 2 Whole Raw 2 7.00 Crab, Edible Cancer pagurus Muscle Raw Canned Cooked Boiled Unspeci Paste 43 9.00 fied^/ 53.79 59-64.00 2 20.00 Parts Per Million (PPM) 0.09-^./46 0.30 0.15-0.46 4 6.60 32.20 400.00 9.36±' 1.70 1.30-19.00-' A-/ 9.36 9.08-9.14 2 10.83 3.68-15.82 3 0.45 2.93-5.00-' 3.05 13.08 0.53 4.65-21.50 2 11.12 3.25-19.00 2 15.63 7.50-23.77 2 10.00 0.30 0.12-5^67- 306 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scjentific Name Description Farts Per Million (PPM) Crab, Hermit Clibanarius strigimans Muscle Raw Crab, Hermit Eupagurus bernhardus Muscle Raw Whole Raw Crab, Hermit Hermit cupagiorus Muscle Raw Crab, Kegani Eramacrus isenbecki Muscle Raw Crab, King Paralithodes camtschatica Muscle Raw Canned- Cooked Unspe 20.00 30.66 13.00-60.00 3 cified Offal Meal 375.00 15.80 0. 0.36 0.A5 0.12 0.41 0.07 111.00 11.87i'' 11.75-12.00?' 2 3/ Crab, Necora, Cangrejos Cancer polydon Muscle Cooked Baked 39.00 Crab, Red Podaphehalmus vigil Muscle Cooked Boi led 27.00 Crab, Red, Deep Sea Geryon quinquedens Muscle Raw Crab, Rock Cancer irroratus Muscle Raw 60.00 Crab, Samoan Scylla serrate Muscle Raw 21.40 8.80-41 2 20 Crab, Sand Platyonichus ocellatus Muscle Raw 15.00 19.90 10.60 Crab, Shore, Common, Green Muscle Carcinus maenas Raw Cooked Unspecified Dried 4.78 25.80 69.35 5.70-133.00 2 Whole Raw 23.25 22.00-24.50 2 Crab, Small Potamon grapsoides Muscle Raw Crab , Spinous Spider Maia squinado Muscle Raw 307 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Crab, Switmning Fortunus puber Crab, Tanner Chionoectes angulatus Crab Unspecified Whole Raw 21.00 Muscle Raw 21.50 Dried Whole Raw 24.50 Muscle Raw 20.00 Muscle Raw 52.00 28.27 S 00-212.00 14.00-81.00 7 5 Canned 7.48 36.00 4 80-9.40 3 Cooked Boiled 13.00 Steam id 29.00 25 10-32.90 2 Dried 17.00 Salted 24.00 14.00 17 00-29.00 3 Paste 31.00 Whole Raw Offal Meal 10.60 6.90-34.25^0.02-1.50 3.00 2.00 0.71 2.27i/ 0.06 5.68 0.30 0.18 3.25-8.90 4 0.09-0.30 3 1.08 0.12 5.88 0.20 7-2.00 2.42-15.20 2 4 37.72 19.44-56.00 240.00 180.00-300.00 2 Crayfish Astacus fluviatilis Muscle Raw 18.35 10.00-26.70 2 17.50 Crayfish Austropotamobius pellipes Muscle Raw 11.78 11.50-12.00 4 Whole Raw 24 24.30 00-24.50 3 Crayfish Galathea squamifera Ifliole Raw 10 14.00 00-18.00 Crayfish Porcellana platycheles Whole Raw 7.30 4.60-10.00 2 34.50 29.00-40.00 2 0.30 0.14 Crayfish, Painted Panulirus ornatu Muscle Raw 308 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Farts Per Million (PPM) Crayfish Unspecified Lobster Homaru ulgaris Muscle Raw 131.41 9.00-373.00 3 16.38 Ifliole Raw Muscle Raw 34.00 14.30-51.75 24.60 5.74 7.00-11.21 4.20-7.28 3 2 0.08 9.10 0.80 5.70-12.03 3 Whole Raw 22.50 22.00-23.00 2 Lobster Muscle Panulirus iaponicus Raw 35.00 Lobster, Northern Muscle Homarus americanus Raw Canned 8.11 0.95 Lobster, Non-^ay Muscle Nephrops norvegicus Raw 23.30 13.25 27.90 16.60-30.00 11.05-18.00 13.30-42.50 2 4 2 Cooked Unspe cified 11.49 Lobster, Red Muscle Jasus lallandi Raw 10.00 Lobster, Slipper Muscle Ibacus ciliatus Raw Lobster, Spiny Muscle Panulirus Interruptus Raw 0.57 0.32-0.82 2 0.66 0.04 4.94 0.10-1.16 0.01-0.08 3.50-6.85 4 4 4 0.38 0.05-0.70 5 Lobster, Spiny Muscle Panulirus vulgaris Raw Cured 3.72 2.84-4.60 2 0.48 31.29 5.30 Lobster Muscle Unspecified Raw 15.68 8.24 4.90 3.00-60.00 1.48-15.00 4.80-5.00 5 2 2 Canned 8.10 23.23 12.61 8.00-8.20 20.96-25.50 1.00-24.22 2 2 2 Cooked Boiled 8.50 29.50 Dried Whole Raw 22.00 Meal 424.59 0.98 0.25-1.70 2 1.83 0.14 34.90 1.09 0.10 0.00-3.98 0.12-0.17 0.51-167.00 0.37-2.50 0.04-0.14 3 2 7 3 3 0.93 0.29 9.15 0.40 0.09-1.06 0.12-0.47 8.70-9.60 2 2 2 0.38 309 Table 17, — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Shrimp Muscle Artemsla longinarls Raw 10 26 Shrimp Muscle Crangon vulgaris Raw Whole Raw 7 00 lA.OO 34.00 Shrimp Muscle Palaemon serratus Cooked Whole Raw 15.50 10.00-21.00 2 0.70 0.07 16.75 3.50-30.00 2 Shrimp Palaemon squilla Whole Raw Shrimp Penaeus incisipes Muscle Raw 1A.80 11.40-18.20 2 Shrimp Penaeus kerathurus Muscle Raw 0.14 0.10-0.17 2 Shrimp Muscle Penaeus semisulcatus Raw 69. 20 Shrimp Muscle Trachypenaeus asper Raw 18 00 Shrimp, Bagda Muscle Palaemon carclnus Raw Shrimp, Banana Muscle Penaeus merguiensis Raw Shrimp, Blue Leg King Muscle Penaeus lacisulcatus Raw Shrimp, Brazilian Muscle Penaeus braziliensis Raw Cooked 21 88 Boiled 39 73 Shrimp, Brine Muscle Artemia salina Raw 2750 00 Shrimp, Brown Muscle Penaeus aztecus Raw 17 80 Shrimp, Charigo Blanco Muscle Aristeus antennatus Raw Shrimp, Charigo Rajo Muscle Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus Raw Muscle Shrimp, Dock Pandalus danae Raw 0.23 0.21 0.04 0.05 0.48 0.05 3.31 3.02 1.20 0.07 310 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Shrimp, Fresh Water Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Shrimp, Fresh Water Unspecified Shrimp, Gamba Penaeus longirostris Shrimp, Indian Hippolysmeta ensirostris Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 22.35 22.00-22 50 2 Salted 6, Dried 79.00 Soaked 24.00 Paste 380.00 Muscle Cooked Unspecified 18.15 14.00-22 30 2 Muscle Raw 95.84 12.70 11.50-13.90 2 48.69 13.07-84.31 2 Shrimp, Indian Muscle Metapenaeus monoceros Raw 85.04 Shrimp, Indian Offal Palaemonetes vulgaris Meal Shrimp, Indian Muscle Penaeus carinatus Raw 50.32 10.9A-89 2 Shrimp, Indian Muscle Penaeus penicillatus Raw 116.00 Shrimp, Indian Muscle Solenocera subnuda Dried Shrimp, Indian Muscle Squilla mantis Raw 4.40 21.99 16.98-27.00 2 0.92 0.42 18.09 0.40 0.21 14.18-22.00 0.12-0.30 2 2 Shrimp, Indian Prawn Metapenaeus af finis Shrimp, Indian Prawn Metapenaeus brevicornis Shrimp, Indian Pratm Penaeus maxillipedo Shrimp, Indian Prai-m Penaeus sculp tilus Shrimp, Indian Prawn Penaeus styliferus Shrimp, Indian Prawn Penaeus tenuipes Muscle Raw 91.20 Muscle Raw 79.72 Muscle Raw 135.04 Muscle Raw 69.60 50.60-88.60 2 Muscle Raw 23.31 9.52-37.10 2 Muscle Raw 104.52 311 Table 17. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Shrimp, Jumbo Penaeus monodon Shrimp, Langostino Hymenopenaeus mulleri Shrimp, Opossum, Kuruma Penaeus japonicus Shrimp, Pink Penaeus duorarum Shrimp, Pink, Maine Pandalus borealis Ra« 12 29.70 .80-46.60 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 40.00 140.00 Muscle Raw 2.30 Muscle Raw 3.50 0.34 0.20-0.39 2 0.07 .02-0.15 Offal Meal Shrimp, Sea Bob Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Muscle Raw 21.50 Shrimp, Tiger Penaeus esculeutus Muscle Raw 50.00 Shrimp, White Penaeus indicus Muscle Raw 25.37 4.30-101.50 4 85.56 75.82-92.60 3 Salted & Fermented 54.00 Shrimp, White Penaeus setiferus Shrimp Penaeidae Shrimp Unspecified Muscle Raw 3.80 3.00-4.60 2 0.45 Canned 22.90 15.50-35.00 5 0.08 Muscle Raw 19.00 Canned 18.25 15.00-21.50 2 93 Dried 46.00 Salted 49.00 Salted i, Dried 34.80 Paste 148.00 Muscle Raw 19.78 21.02 93 15.16 0.90 7.00-40.00 7 32-42 00 0.45-1.50 15 6 4 Canned 23.96 16.95 4 40 8.75 0.37 12.78-35.00 14 90-19 00 0.79-19.60 0.25-0.49 8 2 3 3 Cooked Boiled 15.00 44.93 3.10 0.90 17 50-72 2 35 Dried 98.64 57.20-214.00 5 Fried 62.00 Salted & Dried 85.00 49.00-141.20 2 Whole Raw 237.27 Dried 80.00 0.52 0.07 0.47-0.56 0.05-0.08 2 2 0.48 0.42 2.10 0.38-0.48 0.03-4.14 3 4 0.32 0.08 0.30-0.34 0.02-0.13 0.10 .07-0.13 2 0.05 .03-0.08 4 0.05 .04-0.06 2 0.73 0.02-1.90 0, 7.00 3.00-10.00 3 0.03 01-0.09 6 0.90 0.70 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common n.^me. 312 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollasks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Abalone Muscle Haliotls cracherodi Raw 24.12 Abalone Muscle Haliotls gigantea Raw 168.69-'' 18.00-AQ0.00=' 21.00 Canned Abalone Muscle Haliotls iaponica Raw 30.00 Abalone Muscle Haliotidae Raw 20.60 14.20I/ .17-21. 302/ 2 3/ 7.90-30.00 7 3 Canned Boiled 18.00 Seasoned , ,40.00 ed^/23.12 Unspecifl 18.00-28. 2A 2 50.50 Dried 30.00-71.00 2 Clam, Arkshell Muscle Anadara b rough toni Raw Clam, Arkshell Muscle Area granosa Raw 16.20 Clam, Arkshell Muscle Area noae Raw 387.00 53.20 Clam, Arkshell Muscle Arcidae Raw 62.70 52.00-91.78 Canned 30.00 20.00-40.00 Seasone d 40.00 Clam, Donax, Bean Whole Donax radians Raw Clam, Donax, Cadelinha Whole Donax trunculus Raw Clam, Donax Whole Donacidae Raw 16.20 16.00-16.40 2 Clam, Fresh Water Whole Corbicula atrata Raw 30.00 Clam, Fresh Water Whole Ellystis complanatus Raw Clam, Fresh Water, Corbshe 11 Whole Corbicula iaponica Raw 0.18 0.28 1.15 1.63 313 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Comnion and Scientific Name Description Farts Per Million (PPM) Clam, Fresh Water Unspecified Whole Raw Clam, Green Cyrena ventricosa Muscle Raw 32.15 24.30-AO.OO 2 Clam, Mactra Mactra glauca Muscle Raw Clam, Mactra Mactra sulcataria Muscle Raw 100.00 Clam, Mactra Mactridae Muscle Raw 122.50 115.00-130.00 Clam, Razor Solen marginatus Whole Raw Cooked Clam, Razor, Northern Siliqua potula Whole Raw 16.00 Clam, Razor Solenidae Whole Raw 110.00 Canned 37.50 5.00-70.00 2 63.25 20.00-80.00 3.27 2.04 4.27 ■ 0.92^' 0.20 0.83-' 0.73-1. 11 2' 0.82-0.84^' 0.11 4.50 1.90-7.10 2 0.05 0.06 Chowder 34.25 11.00-58.00 Whole Raw Clam, Soft Shell I'lhole Mesodesma globrata Raw Clam, Soft Shell Whole Mesodesma mesodesma Raw Clam, Soft Shell Whole Mya arenaria Raw Canned 1.23 90.00 0.55 0.221/ 5.80 6.70 0.04 0.40-0.70 0.18-0.272/ 0.03-0.05 1/ ^ '-' 2 0.48 0.72-^' . 0.81 2.46 0.36-:^.yO8 -' Clam, Tellin, Rayed-Shell Whole Soletellina psanmatea Raw Clam, Tellin Tellinidae Whole Raw Clam, Venus Whole Chione undatella Raw Clara, Venus Meretrix casta Whole Raw 314 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Clam, Venus Whole Tapes aureus Raw Clam, Venus Wliole Tapes puHastra Dried Clam, Venus Whole Tivela crassatelloides Canned Clam, Venus Whole Venus galllna Raw 218.10 32.20-i,OA.OO 2 0.89 1.57 0.30-1.47 2 Clam, Venus, Asari Whole Tapes philippinarum Raw Clam, Venus, Hard 1-nicle Venus lusoria Raw 41.40 Clam, Venus, Littleneck Whole Venus kennieottii Raw Clam, Venus , Littleneck Japanese Whole Tapes (Venerupis) Raw 54.09 decussatus 25.70-98 4 00 Canned Seasoned 80.00 5.60 2.13 1.20-3.06 2 10.50 1.09 0.17 1.00-20.00 0.08-0.30 2 3 Clam, Venus, Littleneck, Pacific Whole Paphla staminea Raw Clam, Venus, Northern Quahog, Cherrystone Mercenaria mercenaria Miole Raw 1.77 0.16 0.88 0.16 6.33 2.5^' 0.07 0.14-0.18 0.28-1.83 0.12-0.73 2.60-10.07 0.02-5.80^6.06-0.08 2 3 2 2 33/2 Clam, Venus, Pismo IvThole Tivela stultori im Raw Canned 22.00 14.91 Clam Whole Veneridae Raw 69.01 30,09 42.50-130 .00 15 .90-77 6 7 Canned 61.18 41.18-80. 3 80.00 00 Seasoned Cooked Steamed 5.00 Paste 49.50 Cockle WJiole Cardium tuberc ilatum Raw Cooked 260.00 14.00 1. 28-' 1.37 0.48 0.02 2.50 27.90 0.06 0.36-2,58- 0.15-0.81 0.03-0.40 1.90-3.10 0.04-0.07 3- 2 7 3 3 0.31 0.83 315 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Cockle, Atlantic Cardium edule Muscle Raw 24.15 9.30-39.00 2 7.30 1.50 1.00 0.05 0.04-0.07 3 Cockle, Pacific Cardium corbls Whole Raw Cockle, Sand Muscle Hemidonax d onacif( ^rmus Raw 28.00 Cockle Muscle Cardiidae Raw Canned 78.00 With Soyb ean Sauce 265.00 Dried 2A7.00 234.00-260.00 2 Cuttlefish Muscle Sepia officinalis Raw 12.80 12.25-13.35 2 .17 1.33 0.92 0.85-0.99 2 0.11 2.73 1.10 0.40 2.66-2.81 0.09-0.51 2 4 Cuttlefish Sepia orientalis Cuttlefish Sepiola rondettl Cuttlefish Sepiidae Muscle Raw 110.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 22.64 7.05 8.00-49.00 7.00-7.10 3 2 Canned Salted 16.00 Dried 21.86 19.00-24.71 10.20 1.96 0.31 0.21 Mussel Mytilus ma^allanicus Mussel Mytilus viridis Whole Raw Wliole Raw 10.00 14.20 19.74 Mussel Unio sinatus Whole Raw Mussel, Blue Mytilus edulis Mussel, California Mytilus californianus Whole Raw Canned Cooked Steamed l-Jhole Raw 108.38 5.90-240.00 248.00 286.00 39.50 2.00-85.00 5 127.00 101.50 44.85 29.00 1.03 1.13 0.66 2.70 1.09-1.70 0.35-1.90 0.06-1.54 0.41-5.50 42.00 35.00 1.70 4 0.34 3 2.90 6.75 1.25-32.00 7.80 5.30 34.15 1.50-159 5 169.00 158.00 0.30 00 0.01-0.64 0.02 0.01 0.80 Mussel, Cholga Aulacomya ater Whole Raw 316 Table 18.— Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Mussel, European Whole Mytilus aalloprovinclalis Raw Parts Per Million (PPM) Mussel, Horse Whole Volsella modiotus Raw Mussel Miole Mytilidae Raw Canned Cooked Bolle Fried Dried Octopus Muscle Eledone moschata Raw Octopus Muscle Octopus bimaculatus Raw Octopus Muscle Paroctupus honpkongensis Raw Octopus Muscle Polypus marmoratus Raw Octopus, Curled Muscle Eledone cirrhosa Raw 169.50 36.33 58.00-382.50 20.00-^5.00 4 3 135.00 364.00 Octopus, Devilfish Octopus vulgaris Octopus, Pulpo Octopus tehuelehus Octopus Octopodidae Oyster Ostrea clrcumpicta Oyster Ostrea pulchana Oyster Ostrea spinosa Oyster, Common Ostrea edulis Raw 48.03 5.10-130.00 3 Cooked Unspecified Cured Dried 31.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Ifliole Raw 12.66 3.00-25.00 3 17.35 16.20-18.50 2 35.32 6.90-60.00 4 382.55 16.60-748.70 2 41.46 0.90 3.08 2.90-61.00 2.40-3.75 3 2 0.97 0.89 0.28-1.50 2 0-15 9.50 4.36 0.11 0.72-32.00 3.10-5.50 4 4 40.30 10.84 0.03 7.00 0.25 0.01-0.05 0.01-0.06 2 3 303.10 2.13 0.11 0.20-606.00 1.01-3.25 2 2 317 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) coiuposition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Oyster, Dredged Ostrea senuata Oyster, Eastern Ostrea vlrginica Oyster, Giant Pacific Ostrea gigas Oyster, Native Pacific Ostrea lurida Cooked Steamed 45.00 175.00 Dried Whole Raw 1.72 Whole Raw Canned Dried 33 35 65.65 .00-101 k 60.00 .00-84. 2 421.80 .60 00 1383.40 170.00-21: 5 202.10 2600.00 Whole Raw 62.25 186.90 Canned Smoked 37.30 Whole Raw 103.29 0.86 0.31 0.93 2.79 76.00 0.74-1.00 0.12-0.49 0.47-1.64 2.26-2.61 32.80-195.30 3 3 3 5 9 0.56 0.33-0.80 2 0.64 0.34-0.94 2 117.26 12.34-377.40 0,03 .05-0.10 2 Oyster, Portuguese Ostrea angulata Whole Raw 55.13 835.52 47.70-62.50 781.70-863.00 2 3 17.80 2.03-33.56 2 245 .85 8.77 0.12 132.60- -425, 3 .30 7 .89-9.66 2 .07-0. 2 16 Oyster, Rock, Ostrea glamerata Oyster, Sidney, Rock Ostrea coramercialis Whole Canned Whole Raw ?ster Ifliole Ostreldae Raw 81.85 30.00-410 .00 17 Canned 75.52 59.10-100 .00 3 Dried 299.33 235.00-332 .00 3 Salted 42.00 !riwlnkle Whole Littorina littorea Raw 15.10 232.46 1.121/ 2.10 0.72 1.44 1.23 2.97-745.70 0.65-1.5821.08-4.11 0.37-1.16 0.13-4.00 0.52-3.40 12.30-207.90 9 2 3/3 4 3 6 0-96 1.19 2.23 1.47 0.80-1.43 0.36-4.10 0.61-2.40 3 2 3 27.66 12.19-42.36 3 24.35 0.01 .70-30.00 2 62.35 3.29 0.06 .30-207.90 2.40-6.00 0.02-0.08 14 6 5 60.50 42.00 0.22 0.0 0.04-0.58 3 0.30 0.04-0.56 2 Periwinkle Littorina neritoides Whole Raw 203.00 141.00-265.00 2 55.05 .10-102.00 2 318 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) corrposition of mollusks and products. and Scientific Name Description Periwinkle Littorinidae Scallop Chlaniys glabra Scallop, Amanda de Mar Pec tonculus glycymeris Scallop, Bay Pecten ae^tiisulacalius Scallop, Calico Aequipecten gibbus Scallop, Common Pecten yessaensis Scallop, Coquille St. Jacques Pecten maximus Scallop, Great Pecten jacobaeus Scallop, Green Chlamys opercularis Scallop, Iceland Pecten islandicus Scallop, Sea Pecten grandis Whole Raw Cooked Boiled Dried 160.50 150.00-171.00 2 Muscle Raw 446.00 Muscl. Ra Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Salted Dried 12.00 18.50 7.00-30.00 2 37.00 Muscle Raw 22.05 18.00-26.00 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 6.50 Muscle Raw Parts Per Million (PPM) 0.39 2.37 0.02 0.21 5.66 1.00 0.50 0.50-1.50 2 T. E O.iS 0.15-0. Scallop, Sea Pecten magellanicus Scallop, Sea Viexra Pecten genero Scallop Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 11.00 4.00- 18.00 2 Canned 18.50 7.00-30.00 2 Cooked Steamed 30.00 11.98 0.69-33.6 3 0.20 0.15-0.24 2 0.07 0.05-0.09 2 0-03 1.75 20.00 0.03 1.20-2.30 0.11-39.00 0.01-0.04 2 2 4 319 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Dried 47.00 15.00-79.00 2 Snail Achatina marginata Whole Raw 41.00 Snail Archidoris montergyensls Whole Raw Snail Helix hortensus Whole Raw Snail Murex brandarix l-Ihole Raw 611.00 1.63 Snail Thais chocolata Whole Raw 140.00 Snail, Cormnon Helix aspersa Whole Raw Snail, Land Archidoris brittanicus Whole Raw 13.00 4 Snail, River Vlvlnara gi,adrata Whole Raw 200.00 Snail Vivapara javanlca Whole Raw 86.00 Snail, Rock Murex trunculos Whole Cooked Snail Unspecified Whole Raw 25.00 Cooked Unspecified 23.00 Sq„ld Loligo brasiliensis Muscle Raw Squid LollKO forbesi Muscle Raw Squid Loligo omniastrephes Muscle Raw 10.00 Cooked Unspecified 14.00 Dried i Soaked 21.00 Salted i Dried 14.00 Squid, Japanese Ommastrephes sloani paclflcus Muscle Raw 42.80 Squid Watasemia scintillans Muscle Raw 25.00 Squid, Common Loliso vulgaris Muscle Raw 19.75 15.50-24.50 2 11.82 9.14-14.50 2 0.43 1.20 .97 16.00 0.29 0.20 0.06 0.94 0.63-1.25 2 0.13 2.91 1.50-5.56 2 0.27 0.12-0.48 6 320 Table 18. — Microelement (Group 1) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Cooked Unspecified Squid, Flying Muscle Ommastrephes sagittatus Raw Parts Per Million (PPM) 1.62 1.40-1.83 2 3.60 1.3S) 0.70-6.50 Squid, Gouldi, Flying Muscle Notodarius Eouldi Raw Squid, Long-Finned Muscle LoUgo peali Dried Squid, Pacific Muscle Loligo opalescens Raw Squid, Short-Finned, Atlantic Muscle Illex illecebrosus Raw Squid Muscle Unspecified Raw Cooked Boil 13.47 35. 4.00-27.30 11.79-84.00 7 3 7.87 Unspecified 13.69 7.87-19.50 5.30 0.50 1.49 7.02 0.54 0.20-2.78 2.80-16.20 2 6 Dried Salted 6 Dried Smoked 23.93 19.62-32.20 3 20.00 Top Shell Tegula gallina Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Top Shell Tegula viridula Turban Turbo cornutus Muscle Raw Canned 90 00 Seasoned 30.50 29.00-32.00 2 Turban, Wavy Astraea undosa Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whelk Buccinum humphreyssanu Wielk Eburna ^aponica 22.00 l-Hielk, Common ."Northern Buccinum undaCum Muscle Raw 12.00 13.50 16.00 Whelk, Dogwinkle, Atlantic Muscle Nucella lapillus Raw Whelk Unspecified Muscle Raw Cooked Dried 1.40 11.05 Average of the means obtained from the literatur of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean value wliich were reported in the lit erature cited. .Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified nly by common 321 Table 19. — MicroelemenC (Group 2) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Ainame Hexagrammos otakii Muscle Raw Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus Whole Raw Fishmeal 1.10 12.00 Amber jack, Ye How tail Seriola quinqueradiata Muscle Raw Anchoveta Engraulis mysticetus Whole Fishmeal Anchoveta Engraulis ringens Whole Fishmeal Anchovy Engraulidae Muscle Canned Argentine, Atlantic Argentina silus Whole Fishmeal Whole Fishmeal 6.00-8.00- 75. 00^'' 5.501/ 73.00-77.00^^.00-6.-00^ 2^/ 111 0.18 110.00 Bass, Sea, Japanese Lateolabrax japonicus Muscle Raw Dried 0.05 0.05 Bass, Sea, Kelp Parlabrax clathratus Muscle Dried 0.09 1.45 3.01 - ^ , 0.18 -\, 2.53 ^ 1/ 1/ 1/ ....- I Q.l^^' 2.53^^2/ 1.30-1.70 0.61-5^80 -' 0.10-0^2CF 1. 70-3y^0 - 4 4 - 4 - 4 - 2.28-2/ ^^-^^ ^*^° 1.70-^.30- 0.80-25.00 1.30-2.00 4 - 4 4 Bass, Sea Serranidae Muscle Raw Bass, Temperate, Striped Mo rone saxatilis Muscle Raw Bass , Tempe rate , Whi te Morone chrysops Muscle Raw Big-Eye Priacanthus japonicus Muscle Dried Bloater Coregonus hoyi Muscle Smoked Bonito, Striped Sarda orientalis Muscle Raw Bowfin, Mudfish Amia calva Muscle Raw Bream, Sea, Crimson Evynnis japonicus Muscle Cooked 322 Table 19 .--Microelement (Group 2) composition of f i nCi shes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Burbot Lota lota Muscle Raw Capelin Mallet us villosus Offal Fishnieal IsTliole FPC Fishmeal 1.50, , 0.10 130.00 16.00 0.10 O.IU 97.00 2.00 Carp, Crucien Cyprinus carassius Muscle Raw Carp, Indian Labeo rohita Muscle Raw Carp, Katla Catla catla Carp, Orange Fin Labeo calbasu Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.A2 0.38-0.46 2 Catfish, Airbreathing, Hi to Clarias batrachus Muscle Dried Catfish, Fresh Water, Butter, Pabda Muscle Callichrous bimaculatus Cooked Catfish, Fresh Water, Channel Muscle Ictalurus punctatus Raw Catfish, Fresh Water, Dwarf Muscle Macrone cavasius Dried Catfish, Fresh Water, Mulley Muscle Wallagonia attu Dried Catfish, Fresh Water, Striped, Dwarf Macrone s vit talus Muscle Dried Catfish, Fresh Water Ictaluridae Catfish, Stinging Saccobranchus fossills Muscle Raw Muscle Dried 0.19 0.10-0.37 11 Cisco, Lake Coregonus artedi Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua l^ole Fishmeal Muscle Raw 0.10 0.07-0.12 2 120.00 10.00 323 Table 19. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of finfishes, whales, and products Comirion and Scientific Xame Description O 0) Parts Per Million (PPM) Cod, Pacific Gadus macrocephalu Cod Gadidae Muscle Dried Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Dried 0.35 0.00-1.21 4 Croake r , At Ian ti c Micropogan undulatus Muscle Raw Cusk-Eel, Bearded Ophidium Ophiodon barbatum Muscle Raw Cutlassf ish Trichiurus lepturus Muscle Raw 0.00 0.00 Dab Pleuronectidae Dressed Raw Dory, Mirror Zenopsis nebulosa Muscle Dried Drum, Fresh Water Aplodinotus grunniens Muscle Raw 0.31 0.19-0.43 2 Eel, Conger Congridae Eel, Snake Ophicephalus sonnerati Whole Fishm Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus marulius Muscle Dried Eel, Snake Ophlchthldae Eel, Spiny Mastacerabelus armatus Muscle Raw Muscle Dried Featherback Notopterus notopterus Muscle Dried Flounder Cleisthenes pinetorum Muscle Raw herzensteini Flounder, Witch Glypcocephalus cynoglossus Dressed Raw Flounder, Ye How tall Liraanda ferruginea Muscle Raw 0.00 0.00 324 Table 19. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of flnfishes, whalfs, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Flounder Muscle Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Raw 0.86 0.34-1.38 2 Cooked Baked 1.51 Gar Muscle Lepisoteidae Raw 2.60 Goby, Flathead Muscle Glossosobius giuris Dried 0.53 Goby Muscle Gobiidae Raw 1.90 Goldfish, Puna Eviscerated & Carassius auratus Beheaded Raw 0.04 0.16 1.77 18.20 29.60 Grenadier Muscle Macrouridae Raw . 00 . 00 . 00 1 . 90 Grouper, Black Muscle Epinephelus lance ol at us Dried 0.29 Gurnard Muscle Cheilodactylus macropterus Raw 1.43 31.05 0.40 17.80-44.30 2 Haddock Muscle Melanogrammus aeglefinnus Raw 0.12 0.05 0.03 1.00 0.02-0.30 4 Hake Muscle Urophycis brasiliensis Raw 1.33 0.93 0.91 0.00-1.90 0.14-1.70 3 4 Hake, Pacific Muscle Merluccius productus Raw l-Jhole Flshmeal Hake, Silver, Whiting Muscle Merluccius bilinearis Raw Hake Muscle Gadidae Raw Halibut, Pacific Muscle Hippoglossus stenolepis Raw Halibut Muscle Pleuronectidae Raw 0.01 0.00-0.05 4 325 Table 19. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of tinfishes, uhales, and products. Conmon and Scientific N'ame Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Herring, Atlantic Clupea harengus Whole Fishmeal 3.15 3.00-3.31 2 2.09 0.12 1.37-2.90 4 34.95 1.80 34.90-35.00 1.60-2.00 2 2 Herring, Deep Bodied Sardinella perforata Herring Clupeidae Muscle Rau Muscle Raw 5.67- "3i 2/ 0. 00-11.00- Dried, Smoked 4 Salted Smoked 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.24-0.50 3 44.33 26.79-61. 2 150.00 0.00 5.30 0.00-0.01 1.80-8.80 2 2 Whole Rau Fishmeal 2.22 1.65-2.8 2 0.01 0.10 36.00 4.66 33.00-40.00 1.00-10.00 3 3 Katsuo Muscle Euthynnus (katsuwonum) vagans Dried 0.18 0.13-0.22 2 Ladyfish Elops saurus Muscle Dried Lance, Sand Ammodytes americanus Leather jacket , Yellow Scomber lyson Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw 42.00 2.00 Mackerel, Atlantic Scomber scombrus Muscle Raw Whole Fishmeal 3.04 0.10 1.92-3.80 3 2.05 0.10 1.40-2.70 2 Mackerel, Frigate Auxis tapernosoma Muscle Raw Mackerel, Jack Trachurus japonicus Muscle Rau Mackerel, Pacific Chub Scomber japonicus/colias Muscle Raw 0.45 0.42 326 Table 19 . — Microelement (Group 2) composition of finfi whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Mackerel Scombridae Muscle Raw Dried Marlln, Black Makaira indica Muscle Raw 1.85 0.80-2.33 2 Menhaden , Atlan tic Brevoortla tyr annus Whole Fishmeal Menhaden Clupeidae Perch, Climbing Anabas testudenicus Perch, Yellow Ferca flavescens Fishmeal 8.94 6.87-11.00 2 2.15 2.09-2.20 2 Muscle Cooked 1^1 Unspecified- Muscle Raw 0.07 0.20 0.32 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.57 339.10 15. 3A 326.20-352.00 5.61-20.00 2 3 0.19-0. 5 Plgflsh, Grunt Orthopristis chrysopter Muscle Raw 0.00 0.26 Pike, Chain Pickerel Esox nifier Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.31 0.24-0.46 6 Pike, Muskellunge Esox masqu inongy Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.21 0.15-0.27 2 Pike, Northern Esox lucius Muscle Raw 0.03 0.20 0.24 0.03-0.04 0.20-0.20 0.17-0.37 3 3 3 2.21 0.54-5.43 3 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.37 0.17-0.50 5 Pilchard, Japanese Sardinops melanostic ta Muscle Raw :^7^' 1.05 0.10-2.00 2 Pollack, Saithe, Coalfish Pollachius virens Muscle Raw 327 T-iblc 19, --Microelement (Group 2) composition of fmfishes. whales, and produces. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Pollack, Walleye Theragra chalcogramma Muscle Raw 0.00 0.00 Pout, Norway Gadus esmarki Whole Flshmeal 1.68 0.05 1.50-1.87 2 Redfish, Ocean Perch Whole Sebastes marinus Presscake Rockfish, Kichiji Muscle Sebastolobus macro chir Dried Sablefish Muscle Anoplopoma fimbria Raw Salmon, Chum Muscle Oncorhynchus keta Raw Salmon, Coho Eviscerated & Oncorhynchus kitsu tch Beheaded Raw 0.35 0.30-0.40 6 1.20 Salmon, Sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka Muscle Raw Canned 0.16 0.30 .20 0.20 Sardine Clupeidae Muscle Raw Canned 0.17 0.00 0.01 11.80 10.11-13.50 2 Saury, Pacific Cololabis saira Muscle Raw 0.34 0.13-0.56 2 Sea Cucumber Cucumaria lefevrei Muscle Raw Sea Cucumber Stlchopus japonic Muscle Raw Sea Robin, Gurnard Lepidotrifila strauchi Muscle Dried Sea Robin, Gurnard, Red Trigla cuculas Muscle Cooked Shad, Gizzard Dorosoma cepedianum Muscle Raw Shark, Cat, Brown Apristurus brunneus Muscle Raw 328 lable 19. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descriptio Parts Per Million (PPM) Shark, Oceanic, Whitetip Carcharhinus longimanus Muscle Raw 23.00 16.00-30.00 2 13.00 11.00-14.00 2 40.00 .00-80.00 2 Shark, Thresher Alopias vulpinus Shiner, Emerald Notropis hudsoni ifliole Raw 5.50 0.90-10.00 0.03 0.03-0.04 2 Smelt, Lake Osmerus mordax Muscle Raw 0.20 0.22 Smelt Osmeridae Muscle Raw 0.02 1.23 3.63 0.05-7.21 2 Snapper, Red Lutlanus campechanus (blackfordii) Muscle Raw Sole Microstomus stelleri Muscle Raw Sole Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Sprat Sprattus sprattus Muscle Raw Sturgeon, Atlantic Acipenser oxyrhynchus Eviscerated Beheaded Raw 6. Sturgeon, Shortnose Acipenser brevirostrum Eviscerated Beheaded Raw 4 Sturgeon Acipenseridae Eviscerated Beheaded Raw (, Sucker, Common Catostomus commersoni Eviscerated Beheaded Raw S, Sucker Catostomidae Muscle Raw Sunfish, Crappie, Black Pomoxis nigromaculatus Sunfish, Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides Eviscerated Beheaded Raw Eviscerated Beheaded Raw 0.33 0.15-0.53 329 Tnb]e 19. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Mame Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Sunfish, Rock Bass Ambloplltes rupestris Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.39 0.19-0.8 6 Sunfish, Smallmouth Bass Mlcropterus dolomieui Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.39 0.15-0.61 23 Sunfish Centrarchidae Muscle Raw Swordflsh Xiphias gladius Muscle Raw 0.91 8.51 0.02-17.00 2 Trout, Brook Salvelinus fontinalis Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Trout, Brown Salmo trutta Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.26-1.10 7 Trout, Lake Salvelinus namaycush Muscle Raw 0.19 0.06-0.31 2 Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.52 0.23-1.03 14 Trout, Rainbow Salmo Rairdneri Muscle Raw Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw 0.50 0.33-1.02 10 Trout Salmonidae Muscle Raw Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalunfia Muscle Raw Tuna, Big-eye Thunnus obes Muscle Raw 0.07 0.07-0.0 2 Tuna, Yellowfln Thunnus albacares Muscle Raw 330 Table 19 . — Microelemen t (Group 2) composiclon of f inf tslies . whalf s . and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Tuna Scombridae Muscle Canned 0.68 0.20 0.35-1.00 3 Offal Fishmeal A. 61 A. 60-4. 63 2 Tunny, Little Euthynnus alletteratu Turbo t Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Turbot, Arrowtooth Atheresthes stomias Turbot, Greenland Atheresthes evermanni Walleye Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Whale Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Muscle Raw 0.24 D. 19-0. 31 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Whitefish, Lake Coregonus clupeaformis Whitefish Salmonida Whiting Merlangus nierlangus Whiting, Lady Vendi Sillago schansa Muscle Raw Eviscerated & Beheaded Raw Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.03 0.02-0.03 2 0.20 0.31 0.24-0.38 2 0.50 0.23-0.73 7 2.18 0.80-3.57 2 Average of the means obtained from the l).terature cited. Range of the means found lh literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 331 Tabic 20. — MicroelGment (Group 2) composition of crustaceans and products. Coinnon and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Crab Portunus trituberculatus Muscle Raw Crab, Blue Callinectes sapidus Muscle Raw Offal Meal 22.85 - .20-4^^5 ^•"-^3, 430.00 18.58- Crab, Dungeness Cancer tnagister Crab, King Paraiithodes camtschatica Muscle Canned Muscle Raw Canned Cooked i^j Unspecified" 0.10 0.13 Offal Meal 15.10 0.24 0.24-0.25 2 176.00- 8.97 175.00-17,6.00-' 8.95-9.00 2-' 2 Crab, Shore, Conmion Green Carcinus maenas Mus cle Raw Crab Unspecified Muscle Raw 0.801/ , 0.60-l.pO i' Cooked Steamed Salted 0.43 0.30-0.57 2 1.16 1.00 0.20 Crayfish Unspecified Muscle Raw 6.59±' 0.26-10.00- 6.74I/ I.03I/ 0.04-a.,492'0.60-1.46 2 1.46 38.541/ 0.12-2.80 1.40-90.30? 2 33/ Lobster, Northern Homarus americanus Muscle Canned Lobster Muscle Unspecified Canned Cooked Unspecified Offal Meal Shrimp, Bagda Muscle Palaemon carcinus Dried 0.50 0.50-0.51 Shrimp, Brown Muscle Penaeus aztecus Raw Shrimp, Pink, Maine Muscle Pandalus borealis Raw Shrimp, White Muscle Penaeus setiferus Raw Shrimp Muscle Unspecified Raw Canned 0.67 0.03 1.02 .01-0.12 0.59-1. 3 3 0.30 0.29 0.65 0.03-1.81 3 1.00 0.20 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values^ which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 332 Table 21. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Parts Per Million (PPM) Abalone, Japan Muscle Haliotis japonica Raw Abalone Muscle Hallotidae Raw Clara, Arkshell Muscle Arcidae Raw Clam, Mactra, Surf Muscle Mactra sachaeinensis Dried Clam, Mactra, Surf Muscle Spisula solidissima Raw Clam, Razor Whole Solenidae Canned Clam, Softshell Whole Mesodesma glob rata Raw Clam, Softshell Whole Mya arenaria Raw Canned Dried Clam, Venus, Hard Whole Venus luzoria Raw Clam, Venus Whole Veneridae Raw 0.52 0.27 0.23-0.522(i.04-0.,272/ 33/ 2ll 0.42 0.58 0.55 0.40-0.44 2 0.41 254.70 Cockle Cardiida Whole Raw Cuttlefish Sepiidae Muscle Raw Mussel, Blue Mytilus edulls Whole Raw Canned Cooked Steamed 13 .50 3.80 0.50 2.20 0.87 3.90 13.50 3.70 0.29 1.70 0.64 5.60 2.50 2.20 93.00 91.00 Mussel Mytilidae Whole Raw 0.90-1.03^ 22/ Octopus Octopodidae Muscle Raw Oyster, Common Ostrea edulis Whole Raw Oyster, Dredged Ostrea senuata Whole Raw 333 Table 21. — Microelement (Group 2) composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description >^ 3 O 0) S -a Parts Per Million (PPM) Oyster, Eastern Ostrea vlrginica Whole Raw 1.55 0.26 0.85 0.12-0.40 0.19-1.50 2 2 46.50 Oyster, Giant Pacific Whole Ostrea gigas Raw Smoked Oyster, Portuguese Whole Ostrea angulata Raw Oyster, Rock Whole Ostrea glamerata Canned Oyster Whole Ostreldae Raw Scallop, Calico Aequlpecten gibbus Scallop, Coramon Pecten yessoensis Scallop, Coquille St. Jacques Pecten raaximus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 0.17 1.50 0.57^' 0.09-0.26 2 0.49-(^.^5- 0.09 0.99 0.36 0.05 0.32 0.30 0.10 0.05-0.16 2 0.46 Scallop, Sea Giant Muscle Pecten magellanicus Raw Scallop Pectlnidae Muscle Raw 0.08 0.05-0.11 2 Squid Loligo ommastrephes Muscle Raw Squid, Japanese Ommastrephes sloani Muscle Raw pacificus Squid, Flying Ommastrephes sagittatus Muscle Raw Squid ^/ Unspecified ~ Muscle Raw l^Jhole Raw 0.12 4.20 2.90 .60-3.40 3 Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. 2/ Range of the means found in literature cited. 3/ Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. •- - Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 334 Table 22 . — Vitamin composition of finfislics, whales , and products Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin A mg Per 100 gra Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Alewife Alosa pseudoharengu Wliole Fishmeal Alfoncino Beryx splendens Muscle Raw Amber jack, Greater Seriola dumerili Muscle Salted 6. Dried Amber jack, Philippine Hynnis momsa Muscle Raw Dried 54.00 50.00 25.00 20.00 7.06 5.50 Amber jack, Rudder fish Seriola purpuras cens Muscle Raw Amber jack, Ye How tall Seriola lalandl Muscle Raw Amberjack, Ye How tail Seriola gulngueradlata Muscle Raw 127. Ooi^ SO.OOl^ 8.00i^ 0. 00-14,4. 00^^ 40.00-12.00^^ 6.80-9.20^/ 23/ 2^/ 2 ^^ 476.00 732.00 7.70 1.90^/ 3.451/ sJ./ 2-3 20-3,. 702/ 1.30-5.60^ 2^/ 2 3/ Canned In Oil, Smoked Amberjack Carangidae Muscle Raw 80.00 6.60 40.00-120.00 6.40-6.8 2 2 Anchovy Coilia nasus Muscle Raw Anchovy, Ca'Moi Coilia lindraani Muscle Raw Anchovy, European Engraulis encrasicholus Muscle Raw Anchovy, Longjaw, Delis Stolephorus commersonil Muscle Raw 6 Dried Salted & Dried Salted & Fermented Whole FPC 6.30 79.00 3.36 0.00 230.00 7.50 6.00 9.A5 0.00 130.00 3.80 5.30 3.5-7.1 2 16.85 15.8-17.9 2 Anchovy, Mandali Coilia dussumieri Muscle Raw 1.49-2.12 2 Anchovy, Pacific Engraulis -japonicus Muscle Raw Anchovy En^raulidae Muscle Raw 490.67-' 30.00-1300.00' , 68.33 200.16 3.14 10.00-200.00 99.00-510.00 0.00-7.00 6 6 7 335 Table 22. — ViCamin composicion of finfishes, whales, and products. Coa\r.;on and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid ^S .^^S rng mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Cooked Boiled Dried Dried Salted & Dried 20.00 200.00 8.50 100.00 207.00 11.93 AO. 00-159. 00 110.00-311.00 4.60-17.00 3 3 3 10.00 110.00 2.30 Whole Raw Fishmeal Angelfish, Blue Holacanthus angelichthys Argentine, Atlantic Argentin a silus Barracuda Sphyraena japonica Barracuda Sphyraena obtusata Barracuda, Great Sphyraena barracuda Barracuda, Pacific S phyraena argentea Barracuda, Striped Torcillo Sphyraena jello Barracuda Sphyraenidae Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Saw Muscle Mascle "Raw Muscle Raw 8.00 27.00 170.00 105.00 3.60 120.00-220.00 90.00-120.00 3.10-4.10 2 2 2 Bass, Sea Diplectiruiii radiale Muscle Raw 23.50 47.00 1.50 4.00-43.00 2 Bass, Sea Paralabrax humeralis Bass, Sea, Japanese Lateolabrax japonicus ass. Sea, Kelp Paralabrax clathratus Bass, Sea Serranidae Big-Eye Scombrop boops Muscle Raw 9.98 Miascle Raw 123 153.50 .00-184.00 2 110.00 120.00 1.60 Muscle Raw 54.00 50.00 1.05 Muscle Raw 104 142.00 .00-180.00 2 86.00 30.00-128.00 6 58.14 0.70-110.00 5 4.81 2.40-11 5 Muscle Raw 60.00 100.00 210.00 50.00-370.00 2 6.00 Blllflsh Istiqphoridae Blueflsh Pomatomus saltatrix Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 65.00 40.00 6.25 30.00-100.00 20.00-60.00 4.50-8.00 2 2 2 135.00 120.00 1.55 120.00-150.00 90.09-150.00 0.80-1.94 2 2 3 336 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Riboflavin .^8 Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 grams lie Acid Vitamin Bl2 ^%. ^ i Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereu Muscle Raw 3A80.00 isin.oo 200.00-6760.00 500.00-3120.00 2 2 20.33 1013.33 Eviscerated Raw Bonito, Pacific Sarda chiliensis Bonito Scombridae Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Salted 6. Dried Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted 10 00 AO 00 70 00 130 00 29 33 50 00 .00 -58 3 00 0.00 0.00 AO.OO Dried Dried i Salted 28.60 70.00 Bream, Bronze Abramis bram Bream, Gllthead Chrysophrys aurata Bream, Mud Acanthopagrus berda Bream, Sea Sparus swlnhonis Bream, Sea, Black Acanthopagrus schlegeli Bream, Sea, Kurd Dai Sparus macrocephalus Bream, Sea, Pagre Pagrus pagrus Bream, Sea, Red Chrysophrys major Breara, Sea, Silver Sparus sarba Muscle Ra« Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Muscle Raw Canned Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Mus cle Raw 83.75 67.50-100.00 2 42.00 137.00 4.30 32.00 135.00 3.80 37.00 117.00 3.50 17.50 32.00 7.11 15.00-20.00 30.00-34.00 7.10-7.12 2 2 2 60.00 33.00 9.43 10.00 30.00 9.40 2.25 1.70-2.8 2 1.14 1.51 3.45 2.90-4.00 2 337 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of flnflshes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Bream, Sea, Yellow Talus tumlfrons Muscle Raw Bream, Silver, Japanese Chrysophrys datnla Bream, Tooched Dentex vulgaris Bream, White, Sargo Dlplodus sargus Muscle Raw Muscle Cooked Baked Boiled Muscle Raw Salted & 64.00 63.00 14A.00 3.55 146.00 2.80 0.83 0.95 2.15 2.60 Bream Sparidae Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Boiled 144.00 171.00 4.28 42.00-200.00 137.00-205.00 4.25-4.30 3 2 2 18.10 35.60 1.24 10.10 38.40 1.37 Brill, Rough Scaled Pseudorhombus oligodon Burbot Lota lota Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Cooked Baked Fried Whole FPC 372.41 140.90 306.30-455.00 140.00-141.8 4 86.60 243.20 537.10 2 199.70 118.10 226.10 1.62 1.59-1.64 2 3.74 3.22 Butterfish, Black Stromateus nlger Muscle Raw 77.60 172.93 2.63 20.00-162.80 90.00-300.00 0.84-5.07 3 3 4 20.88 300.48 1.24 Butterfish, Silver Stromateus cinereus Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 97.00 12.00-182.00 2 27.44 531.46 1.44 19.77-35.10 219.50-843.43 1.17-1.71 2 2 2 Butterfish Stromateldae Muscle Raw 2.85 2.60-3.10 2 Butterflyfish, Ca Chix Coradion altiveltis Muscle Raw Butterflyfish Chaetodontidae Muscle Raw 37.50 44.50 4.40 35.00-40.00 19.00-70.00 4.39-4.40 2 2 2 Caesio, Golden Caesio chrysozonus Muscle Raw 24.00 23.50 3.76 20.00-28.00 2 20.00-27.00 3.20-4.32 2 2.32 1.50-3.14 2 338 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin >u8 mg Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Dried Caesio, Golden Caesio cuning Muscle Raw Cooked Fried In Coconut Oil Caesio, Sulid Caesio caerul aureus Muscle Raw Carp Cyprinus carpio Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Fried 941 25 115 29 55 00 35 .00- 2130 00 5.00 -400 00 40 00- -70 00 4 1 2 1.64 .33-2.60 1.38 0.90-1.60 4 0.86 0.20-1.53 2 Carp Puntius javanicus Muscle Salted and Dried Carp, Bata Labeo bata Muscle Raw 0.60 .59-0.62 2 Carp, Black Mylopharyngodon aethiops Carp, Crucian Cyprinus carassius Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 36.40 307.94 116.67 2.45 29.00-50.00 149.70-400.00 100.00-150.00 2. 40-2. 50 3 5 3 2 Carp, Grass Ctenopharyngodon idellus Carp, Indian Barbus putitora Carp, Indian Labeo rohita Carp, Indian, Puti Barbus punitus sophore Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Unspecified- Muscle Raw 72.00 54.00-90.00 2 0.38 0.32-0.44 2 15.47 13.60-16.40 3 31.69 81.02 4.55 13.40-61.68 21.65-138.00 2.40-6.70 3 3 2 81.00 1.30 11.95 11.40-12.50 2 Whole Raw Carp, Katla Catla buchanani Muscle Raw Cooked Fried In Mustard Oil Carp, Katla Catla catla Muscle Raw 1.06 0.82-1.30 14.99 9.30-20.67 2 339 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Carp, Mrigala Cirrhina mrigala Carp, Orange Fin Labeo calbasu Carp, Silver Hypophthalmichthys molitrlx Carp, Tribolodon Tribaladon haronensis Carp Cyprinidae Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 82.00 60.00-lOA.OO 2 63.33 0.00-170.00 3 "2.00 246.29 52.50 1.80 10.00-448.00 40.00-80.00 1.50-2.00 7 4 3 12.27 11.00-14. 3 4.52 0.05-9.00 2 Catfish, Airbreathing, Hito Clarias batrachus Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil 44.25 35.50 1.72 .00-110.00 31.00-40.00 0.45-3.20 4 2 4 40.73 3.42 11.30-153.00 2.90-3.70 5 4 2.90 4.00 2.15 0.3-4.0 2 Catfish, Fresh Water Chpiso magarua Catfish, Fresh Water, Butter, Pabda Callichrous bimaculatus Catfish, Fresh Water, Dwarf Macrones cavasius Catfish, Fresh Water, Mulley Wallagonia attu Catfish, Fresh Water, Pangash Pangasius pangasius Catfish, Fresh Water, Striped Dwarf Macrones vittalus Catfish, Fresh Water Ictaluridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Smoked Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Muscle Raw 60.00 6.80 6.00-7.60 2 19.40 12.50-26.30 2 11.50 15.00 1.84 1.69-2.00 2 1.36 1.32 4.35 3.90 2.30 2.20 340 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin ^i mg Per 100 gra Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Dried h Seasoned Catfish Arlus Sea arlus Muscle Raw Catfish Arlus Sea leiotetocephalus Muscle Raw Catfish Bagre Sea macracanthus Muscle Raw Catfish Bagre Sea marinus Muscle Raw Catfish Arlus Sea, Manila manillensis Muscle Raw Dried Salted 5, Dried Catfish, Sea Arlldae Muscle Raw Catfish, Stinging Saccobranchus fossilis Salted S, Dried Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil 630.00 30.00 139.00 73.00 66.00-80.00 2 140.00 197.00 45.00 60.00 2.40 35.00 2.22 85.00 1.85 ). 00-90. 00 1.50-2.20 2 2 40.00 2.20 15.00 2.50 15.00 2.35 2.20-2.50 2 0.75 4.04 1.36 Cero, Mackerel Scomberomorus regalia Muscle Raw Characin Frochilodus laticeps Characin Characidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Chub, Sea, Opaleye Girella nigricans Cichlld Cichlidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 30.00 80.00 50.00 610.00 1.50 5.80 Cisco, Lake Coregonus artedil Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua Muscle Raw Cooked Baked 87.60 27.00-126.00 23 100.00 85.00-128.00 3 88.75 79.00-98.00 4 2.51 0.56-4.56 13 3.60 2.65-4.51 3 3.69 Dried Smoked Dried & Smoked 13.10 2.40 8.70 Whole Fishmeal 92.00 460.00 3.28 Muscle Raw 37.50 25.00-30.00 2 115.50 18.00-480.00 8 237.80 70.00-625 8 00 1 1.91 20-2-20 5 0.75 0.50-1.00 341 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finnfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Thiamine Riboflavin Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Baked Salted & Dried Smoked 57.50 66.67 2 38.00 69.00 2.53 19.00-36.00 3A. 00-75. 00 2.40-2.65 3 2 90.00 2.09 37.00 86.00 1.58 35.00-103.00 75.00-97.00 1.49-1.66 2 2 2 1.25 1.11-1.40 2 Cod, Pacific Gadus macrocephalus Muscle Raw 98.50 92.00-105.00 2 Cod Gadidae Muscle Raw 35.00 10.00-60.00 2 Canned Cooked Steamed Dried Salted i Dried 30.00-267.00 31.00-325.00 0.20-6.70 10 12 17 1.70 240.00 180.00 112.25 345.17 1.60 4.25 19.00-250.00 150.00-564.00 0.00-11.00 4 73.33 6 252.50 6 4.15 20.00-100.00 70.00-500.00 1.60-7.00 3 44.50 19.00-70.00 2 56.00 4 200.00 4 3.84 50.00-310.00 0.20-8.60 5 47.00 24.00-83.00 3 5 2.20 1.49-2.90 2 2.90 0.00-6.70 3 1.75 2.31 0.45-10-8 6 1.51 0.04-3.60 3 4.12 1.20-10.00 5 1.41 1.05-2.02 4 Whole Raw Coral Cod Cephalo pholis miniatus Muscle Raw Corb, Brown Meagre Sciaena umbra Muscle Raw Cornet fish Fistulariidae Muscle Raw Crevalle, Caranx Jack carangus Muscle Salted & Dried Croaker Pseudosciaena amblyceps Muscle Raw Croaker Pseudosciaena undovittata Muscle Raw Croaker coitor Muscle Raw Croaker Sciaena deliciosa Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Croaker Sciaena diacanthus Muscle Raw Croaker Sciaena schlegeli Muscle Raw Croaker, Micropo Atlantic gon undulatus Muscle Raw Cooked Baked 60.00 70.00 120.00 130.00 3.70 2.75 y7.00 342 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin A Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 Rrams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Whole Raw Croaker, Roncador Ophioscion venezuelae Croaker, Smooth Scaled Pseudosciaena anea Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Dried 28.00 59.00 2.32 10.00 80.00 4.30 7.00 80.00 4.25 Croaker, Smooth Scaled Sciaena dussumleri Muscle Raw Croaker, Verrugato, Corb Sciaena cirrosa Croaker, White, Nibe Argyrosomus arsentata Croaker Sciaenidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned In Oil 33.00 Salted i Dried 70.00 90.00 3.00 50.00-90.00 60.00-50.00 1.70-4.8 2 4 4 10.00 110.00 0.80 70.00 160.00 10.40 60.00-80.00 40.00-280.00 2 2 Cusk Brosme brosme Muscle Raw 41.50 143.50 2.71 32.00-51.00 94.00-180.00 2.33-3.00 2 4 3 Cooked - Baked Cusk-Eel Muscle Lepophidiu Ti brevlbarbe Raw 172.00 37.00 169.00-175.00 2 Cusk-Eel Ophidiida Cutlassf ish Trichiurus iaponicus Cutlassfish, Ribbonf ish Trichiurus haumela Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 57.00 78.00 103.00 3.10 50.00-64.00 16.00-140.00 76.00-130.00 3.00-3.20 2 2 2 2 Cutlassfish Trichiuridae Muscle Raw 290.00 2.00 1.90-2.10 2 140.00 2.90 Dogfish Squalus mitsukurii Muscle Raw Dogfish, Cazon Carcharias aethalorus Muscle Raw Dogfish, Smooth Mustelus canis Muscle Raw 343 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Mi Riboflavin Per lOQ srams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 .^8 ..^8 Dogfish, Spiny Squalus acanthias Muscle Raw 5080.09 55.33 405.00-9755.17 50.00-66.00 2 3 40.00 0.92 0.04-1.80 2 1.20 Dogfish, White Mustelus dorsalis Dogfish Squalidae Dolphin, Mai Mai, Dorado Coryphaena hippurus Muscle Dried 9735 00 Muscle Raw 10900 00 40 00 Muscle Raw 179 25.50 25 -333 2 00 20 00 Dory, John Zeus japonicus Dragonet Callionymus lyra Drepane , Concertinaf ish Drepane punctata Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 28.50 27.00-30.00 2 110.00 3.23 81.00-140.00 2.80-3.66 2 2 Drum Sciaena regiae Drum, Corvina Sciaena gilbertl Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Drum, Dhoma Sciaena glauca Drum, Fresh Water Aplodinotus Rrunniens Drum, Queenfish Seriphus politus Drum Sciaenidae Muscle Raw Whole Flshmeal Muscle Salted Muscle Raw 3420.00 2470.00 65.00 174.00 2.35 30.00-100.00 70.00-282.00 0.63-3.93 2 3 3 Eel, Conger Conger conger Eel, Conger Conger myrlaster Eel, Conger Congridae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 4.25 .50-5.00 2 Whole Raw Eel, Fresh Water Anguilla aucklandii Muscle Raw 4578.50 4295.00-4862.00 2 Eel, Fresh Water, American Anguilla rostrata Muscle Raw 344 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin mg Per 100 srams Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Eel, Fresh Water, European Anguilla anguilla Eel, Fresh Water, Japanese Anguilla japonica Eel, Fresh Water Anguillidae Muscle Raw 3141 67 250.00 -5700 3 00 Muscle Raw 2093 25 433.00 -3753 50 Cooked Broiled S Seasoned Muscle Raw 2700 00 1125.00 100.00-2150.00 0.95 69.05 0.87 0.20-1.70 13.10-125.00 0.60-1.00 2 2 3 1500.00-4500.00 10.00-280.00 100.00-370.00 1.40-3.50 Eel, Moray G ymnothorax kidako Eel, Moray Muraena pardalis Eel, Moray Muraenidae Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 17.50 10.00-25.00 Eel, Pike Conger, Silver Muraenesox cinereus Muscle Raw 1010 50 85 50 21.00- -2000 00 10 00 -101 00 2 3 78.00 2.56 44.00-100.00 2.47-2.70 3 3 Eel, Snake Ophicephalus argus Muscle Raw Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus punctatus Muscle Raw Eel, Snake, Murrel Ophicephalus striatus Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Dried Fermented Oil Eel, Snake Ophichthidae Muscle Raw Cooked Fried Eel, Spiny Mastacembelus favus Muscle Raw Eel, Swamp, Field Fluta alba Muscle Raw Eel, Swamp, Palos Synbranchus bengalensis Muscle Raw Emperor Lethrinus opercularis Muscle Raw 23.75 75.00 2.33 0.00-50.00 30.00-120.00 0.50-4.20 4 2 3 203.00 5.14 99.00 0.64 45.70 1.52 27.09-55.00 1.00-2.55 3 3 64.00 0.30 -^ 3.60 2.30 0.40 1.33 1.06-1.60 345 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Common and Scientific Name Description A 3,- ^- "J- .^^g ,<^ g mg mg ^g Per 100 grams Smoked 30.00 172.00 4.43 Flyingfish Cypselurus agoo Flyingfish, Small Scaled Cypselurus oligolepis Flyingfish Exocoetidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 30.00 Muscle Raw 73.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 63.09 0.00-126.17 2 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 110.00 30.00-400.00 7 Cooked Fried Muscle Raw 40.00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 10.00 15 00 85 00 4 00 10 00 -20 00 80 00 -90 00 4 00 -4. 00 2 Gar Muscle Lepisosteidae Raw ^<<^ Featherback Muscle Notopterus notopterus Raw , 84 Featherback, Chitala Muscle Notopterus chitala Raw 33.00 70.00 70.00 8.50 40.00-120.00 3 Featherback Muscle NotO£teridae Raw Flathead, Indian Muscle Platycephalus indicus Raw 70 . 00 2 3 . 00 90 . 00 7.12 19.00-30.00 30.00-150.00 4,30-12.00 3 3 3 Flounder Cleisthenes pinctorum herzenstelni Flounder Limanda augustirostris Flounder, Frog Pleuronichthys comutus Flounder, Starry Platlchthys stellatus Flounder, Starry, Hirame Paralichthys olivaceus Flounder, Stone Kareius bicoloratus Flounder, Winter Pseudopleuronectes americanus r^i^ 201 . 50 68.00-335.00 2 Flounder Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Raw 110.00 110.77 83.72 3.36 1.67 2. 30.00-400.00 20.20-200.00 1.70-5.25 0.00-3.00 0.10-10.00 13 10 10 3 4 Fluke Pleuronectes f lesus 346 Table 22. — Vltaraln composition of finfislifs, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid A I- U. ^g yu% mg mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Hl2 A g ^g Garfish Muscle Tylosurus giganteus Raw Garfish, Foil Muscle Belone belone Raw Garfish, Houndfish Muscle Tylosurus crocodilus Raw Giant Perch Muscle Lates calcarifer Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Unspecified Goatflsh, Ca'Phen Muscle Parupeneus indlcus Raw Goatfish, Yellow Muscle Upenoides sulphureus Raw Goatfish Muscle Mullldae Raw Goby Muscle Boleophthalmus boddaerti Raw Goby Muscle Gobius lota Raw Goby, Banner Muscle Microgobius microlepis Raw Goby, Flathead Muscle Glossogobius giurus Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Goby, Long tailed Muscle Gobionellus longicaudus Raw Goby, Pointed-tailed Muscle Apocryptes lanceolatus Raw Cooked Fried In Mustard Oil Goby, Sea Trout, Merluzza Muscle Macrodon ancylodon Raw 56.50 266.33 1.41 96.00 48.00-80.00 59.00-440.00 0.73-3.10 4 3 4 23 67 41 75 2.23 13 00 -38 3 00 40 00- 43 50 32-3. 3 20 108.50 54.00-163.00 2 2.30 2.30 0.50 0.50 16.03 3.14 .10-20.00 2.20-4.10 3 4 16.00 8.50 2.20 Goby, Yellowfin Gobius flavimanu Muscle Raw Goby Gobiidae Muscle Raw 470.50 50.00-891.00 2 Salted & Fermented 84.67 112.00 1.92 54.00-100.00 50.00-174.00 1.83-2.00 3 2 2 30.00 180.00 1.50 347 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine A I. U. ^g Riboflavin Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Goldfish, Funa Carassius auratus Muscle Raw 82.22 67.50-96. 2 2.40 2.05 1.70-2.40 2 Goosefish, Monkfish Lophius piscatorius Muscle Raw Goosefish, Monkfish Lophlomus setigerus Muscle Raw Goosefish, Monkfish Lophiidae Muscle Raw Cooked Parboiled Greeneye Chlorophthalmus albatrossis Muscle Raw Greenling, Atka, Mackerel Pleurogrammus azonus Muscle Raw Greenling. Atka, Mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius Muscle Raw Greenling, Masked HexaKrammos octogrammus Muscle Raw Grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus Muscle Raw Grouper, Black Garrupa nigrita Muscle Raw Grouper, Merou Epinephelus aeneus Muscle Raw Grouper, Red Epinephelus morio Muscle Raw Grouper, Spotted Epinephelus corallicola Muscle Raw Dried Grouper, Yellowbelly Epinephelus gigas Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Boiled Grouper Serranidae Muscle Cooked Baked Boiled Grunt Anisotremus scapularis Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum Muscle Raw 30.00 40.00 38.00 10.00 31.00 23.00 60.00 110.00 35.00 10.00 138.00 135.00 5.00 1.20 4.30 2.60 14.80 18.30 20.40 12.20 0.10 73.00 46.00 5.35 56.00-90.00 40.00-52.00 5.30-5.40 2 2 2 0.50 0.50 0.12 0.06 6.95 1.40 3.30-10.40 2 Grunt, Besugo, Bangoknok Pomadasys argyreus Muscle Raw 348 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid Per 100 Rrams Vitamin I! 12 Grunt, Dorade Muscle Parapristipoma medi terraneum Raw Grunt, Silver Spotted Muscle Prlstipoma commersonii Raw Grunt, White Muscle Haemulon plumieri Raw 58.00 46.00 5.40 34.00-80.00 32.00-50.00 2.19-8.60 3 2 2 Grunt Pomadas_yidae Muscle Raw 145.00 165.00 90.00-200.00 130.00-200.00 2 2 Guitarfish, Fiddleflsh Rhlnobatus hynnlcephalus Guitarfish, Guitarra Rhlnobatus planiceps Gurnard, Red Chelidonichthys kumu Muscle Raw Muscle Salted i Dried Muscle Raw 42.50 26.00-59.00 2 Haddock Me lanes aeglef innus Muscle Raw 36.50 16.00-50.00 4 Canned Cooked Baked Fried Breaded Unspecified Steamed Salted Smoked 64.02 145.27 3.02 9.00-150.00 24.50-590.00 0.90-4.00 32.00 35.30 18.50 130.00 48.67 \i 57 20 42 00 70 60 3.34 3.20 3.85 3.36 62.00 47.33-50.00 24.00-100.00 2.50-4.22 2 2 2 2.40 1.90 1.21 0.53-1.8 6 3.05 1.00-5.10 2 Whole Raw 53.00 26.00-80.00 7.82 3.39-12.25 2 2.03 1.26-2.8 2 Offal Fishmeal Hake, European Muscle Merluccius merluccius Raw Cooked Baked r Boiled Dried Hake, Pacific Ifliole Merluccius productus FPC Hake Muscle Gadidae Raw Canned In Olive Oil Cooked Baked Boiled 64.50 34.00-95.00 31.00 19.00 102.00 1.10 0. 00-124. 00 1.00-1.20 135.00 1.22 95.00 0.89 61.50 106.00 1.69 34.00-132.00 70.00-124.00 1.18-2.16 4 3 3 13.90 36.00 0.40 17.30 42.20 0.42 3.42 1.60-5.24 2 0.68 0.70 349 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid mg mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 .^8 ^A 8 Whole Raw Halfbeak, Non-spotted Hemirhamphus georgii Muscle Raw Halfbeak Exocoetidae Muscle Raw Halibut, Arctic Hippoglossus vulgaris Muscle Raw Halibut, Atlantic Hippoglossus hippoglossus Halibut, Pacific Hippoglossus stenolepis Muscle Raw Dark meat Cooked Baked Grilled Salted Muscle Raw 89.92 9^.87 4.47 40.00-105.00 60.00-185.00 3.00-6.00 5 35.00 5 250.00 3 3.10 73.00 92.00 83.00 140.00 7.58 125.00 .00-130 2 00 60.00 9.20 0.85 0.80-0.90 2 5.00 Halibut Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw Cooked Fried 100.35 75.47 7.10 40.00-114.00 50.00-176.20 2.80-11.00 6 7 8 93.00 10.92 86.00-100.00 8.85-13.00 2.00 0.87 0.70-1.00 3 62.67 9.60 44.00-100.00 5.00-13.40 3 3 Herring Harengus minor Muscle Raw 275.00 250.00-300.00 Herring, Anchova Tenmodon saltator Herring, Atlantic Clupea harengus Whole Raw Muscle Raw 161.57 124.70-210.00 3 Canned In Oil Unspeci fied 223.30 82.60 266.00 15.00-300.00 136.00-414.00 210.00 186.67 170.00-200.00 3 400.00 4.53 3.90-5.43 IJhole FPC Herring, Bachiva, Bacha Cluplsoma garua Muscle Raw Herring, Deep Bodied Sardinella perforata Muscle Raw 15 00 91 50 6 20 10 00 -20 00 33 00 -150 00 2 41 -10 00 I 2 > 350 Table 22.— Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Na Description Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid mg mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Herring, Fimbriated, Tunsoy Sardinella fimbriata Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Smoked 8.67 131.50 5.02 6.00-10.00 70.00-250.00 2.50-7.5A 3 3 2 10.00 2A0.O0 7.10 6.00 245.00 7.09 Herring, Fresh Water Harengula tawilis Herring, Japanese Clupanodon punctatus Herring, Machete Ethmidium chilca Muscle Raw Muscle Haw Muscle Raw Cooked Roasted Herring, Pacific Clupea pallasi Muscle Raw Canned In Brine Unspecified Dried Pickled Salted 64.33 195.67 20.00-150.00 150.00-220.00 3 3 20.00 160.00 1.60 0.25 90.00 55.00 A03.33 3.15 20.00 215.00 3.40 90.00-340 00 2 10.00 310.00 9.00 1.72 1.44-2.00 2 Herring, Round Etrumeus micropus Herring, Round Etrumeus teres Whole FPC Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 119.00 30.68-140.00 2 Herring, Wolf Chirocentrus dorab Herring Clupeidae Raw 27.50 154.00 3.79 20.00-35.00 58.00-250 00 99-6.59 2 2 2 Muscle Raw 104.50 33.62 293.01 3.82 0.00-200 00 6.00-105.00 110.10-530 00 01-9.60 7 13 10 13 Canned Grilled 65.00 10.00 130.00 3.90 In Bouillon 240.00 3.20 In Cream Sauce 90.00 30.00 200.00 3.20 In Mustard 43.00 20.00 170.00 2.90 In Oil Drained 227.00 Smoked 40.00 40.00 150.00 3.60 Unspecified 62.00 22.00 20.00-24.00 2 190.00 3 4.48 40-5.57 2 In Tomato Sauc e 75.00 85.05 232.50 3.31 40.00-110 00 60.00-110.10 180.00-285 00 2 60-3.80 2 2 2 3 Kippered 325.00 Dried 20.00 51.90 583.33 2.73 10.00-131.00 300.00-950 00 00-5.00 3 3 3 Kippered 370.00 3 3.66 13-4.80 22.80 10.00-34.00 5.25 1.30-9.20 2 351 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Thi Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 grams lie Acid Vitar.in Bl2 Pickled Salted Salted & Smoked Smoked 45.00 20.00 235.00 3.00 170.00-300.00 2.00-4.00 2 2 10.00 290.00 6.72 270.00-310.00 4.45-9.00 2 2 7.00 7.90 1.30-14.50 2 Hhole Raw Fishmeal 40.00 300.00 4.00 48.75 785.19 9.56 10.00-87.50 380.00-1320.00 6.86-14.16 2 8 6 300.00 660.00 5.00 14.00 40.40 33.07 25.80-58.8 6 200.00 Japanesefish Muscle Labracoglossus argentlventris Raw Jewfish, California Muscle Stereolepis glgas Raw Katsuo Muscle Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) vagans Raw 292.00 484.50 18.35 61.00-523.00 40.00-929.00 12.20-24.50 2 2 2 9.35 2.50-16.20 2 Lady fish Elops saurus Lamprey Petromyz fluviatilis Lamprey Petromyzontidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 25000.00 150000.00 850.00 6000.00 4.70 1000.00 6000.00 7.00 Lance, Sand Ammodytes americanus Lance, Sand Ammodytes personatus Lance, Sand AnuQod^tidae Leatherjacket Lichia glauc Leatherjacket Oligoplltes saurus Leatherjacket, Yellow Scomber lyson Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Salted 4 Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed 32.10 17.70 20.00 16.00 3.60 3.56 Leerf ish Lichia amia Muscle Salted £. Dried Levovangan Monotaxes grandoculis Ling Molva molva Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 2.50 2.30-2.70 2 0.55 0.50^.60 2 Ling Cod Ophiodon elongatus Muscle Raw 46.00 55.50 43.00-49.00 38.00-73.00 2 2 10.80 3.60-18.00 2 352 Table 22 .—Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Comir.on and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorliic Acid mg wl^E Per lOQ grams Folic .\cid Vitamin Bl2 Lizardfish Saurlda tumbil Muscle Raw Lizardfish Synodontidae Muscle Raw Loach Cobitidae Muscle Raw Longaray Ambassidae Muscle Raw Longf ish Caranx mate Lookdown Selene vomer Lumpf ish Cyclop terus lump us Maasbanker, Mackerel, Jack Trachurus tracharus Mackerel, Atlantic Scomber scombrus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dark meat Canned 28.75 137.00 142.50 3.35 11.00-46.50 95.00-179.00 135.00-150.00 1.50-5.20 2 2 2 2 131.67 84.60 372.86 7.68 0.00-245.00 20.00-150.00 160.00-660.00 5.80-10.70 3 5 7 4 370.00 1380.00 9.7C 433.00 58.00 220.00 5.80 200.00-240.00 350.00 6.08 0.80-12.70 3 1.30 5.25 1.50-9.00 2 11.00 1.30 Salted & Smoked Mackerel, Frigate Auxis hira Muscle Raw Mackerel, Frigate Auxis maru Muscle Raw Mackerel, Frigate Auxis thazard Muscle Raw 71.55 267.00 16.22 43.00-100.10 144.50-390.00 15.64-16. 2 2 2 Mackerel, Horse Trachurus capensis Mackerel, Horse Carangidae Mackerel, Jack Caranx delicatissimus Muscle Salted & Dried Muscle Dried Muscle Raw Mackerel, Jack Trachurus japonicus Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Salted & Dried 144.50 129.00-160.00 2 50.00 30.00 90.00 150.00 2.00 7.00 3.52 0.30-13.00 5 9.50 7.80-11.20 2 353 Table 22. — Vitamin coT.position of finfishes, whales, and products. Coninion and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid A I- U. >t,g M-% mg mg Per 100 grams folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Mackerel, Jack. Trachurus symmetricus Muscle Dried Mackerel, Jack Carangidae Mackerel, King, Seer Scomberomorus commersonil Mackerel, Long- jawed Rastrelliger canagurta Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Salted & Dried Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw Dried Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Brined Dried Salted & Dried 175.00 192.50 7.20 120.00-240.00 100.00-330.00 2.90-14.40 5 4 5 50.00 30.00 90.00 150.00 0.20 7.00 63.00 1640.00 21.80 43.00 40.33 23.00-70. 3 50.00 22.00 8.00-40. 3 00 00 129.00 88.00-170. 2 20.00 80.41 22.00-192. 3 00 00 2 2 4.50 .70-6.60 3 9.70 7.46 .91-12.00 2 390.00 69.00-711.00 2 33.82 10.00-56. 4 00 329.12 66.00-920. 4 50 2 8.80 .85-17.90 4 5.32 6.35 10.00 48.00 63.00 2517.50 3150.00 120.50 68.00-173.00 2 10.63 11.74 11.00 7.42-14.51 2 1.23 0.08-2.38 2 Mackerel, Pacific Chub Scomber japonicus/collas Muscle Raw Dark meat 79.00 126.60 44.00-120.00 46.00-265.00 4 5 265.00 182.60 12.50 270.00-350.00 8.40-15.90 5 5 676.00 7.90 3.80 3.10 1.80-5.80 0.90-9.50 2 6 5.80 4.20 Mackerel, Short-bodied, Hasa Hasa Rastrelllaer brachysomus Canned Dried Salted Muscle Raw 26.67 26.00 30.00 20.00 330.00 50.00 100.00 8.70 25.00 6.50 39.00 105.00 8.19 20.00-58.00 90.00-120.00 6.58-9.8 2 2 2 19.00 85.00 9.75 0.60 Mackerel, Spanish Scomberomorus maculatus Muscle Raw 144.50 183.50 5.50 .3.00-180.00 180.00-187.00 4.12-6.! 4 2 2 354 Table 22.— Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin mg Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Mackerel, Spotted Spanish S combe romorus guttatus Mackerel Scombridae Muscle Raw 140.00 295.00 100.00-675.00 3 82.00 Cooked Fried In Coconut Oil 120.00 Muscle Raw 100.00 102.00 192.47 8.63 1.65 0.92 19.49 10.00-175.00 26.00-150 .00 30.00-500.00 1.20-21.40 0.00-5.10 0.60-1.24 0.70-90.00 6 17 15 14 4 2 6 Dark meat 880.00 280.00 19.80 8.00 Canned Boiled 5.00 20.00 100.00 6.50 Drained 96.66 200.00 1.20 Marinated 100.00 400.00 8.30 9.40 In Natural Juice - f 38.00 650.00 7.50 In Oil ■ 67.50 55.00-80. 2 00 417.75 407.50-428.00 8.04 6.78-9.30 2 9.05 In Portuguese Sauce 27.00 563.00 8.60 In Tomato Sai ace 72.50 45.00-100 2 .00 517.50 315.00-720.00 2 7.56 6.33-8.80 2 5.40 Unspecified 232.40 52.00 190.82 9.51 0.60 4.57 26.70-438.10 50.00-53. 00 110.00-262.45 5.70-13.50 2 3 3 3 Cooked Baked 137.00 450.00 9.16 Steamed 76.00 54.00 15.80 0.70 Dried 30.00 50.00 25.00 Pickled 33.00 5.67 Salted 5.00 66.00 173.00 9.75 4.50 Salted & Dried 10.00 70.00 14.50 Smoked 20.00 227.50 80.00-375.00 2 8.20 6.60-9.80 2 12.00 Menhaden, Atlantic Brevoortia tyr annus Menhaden Clupeidae Whole Fishmeal Whole Raw Fishmeal 392.23 5.79 316.70-A60.00 5.28-6.60 3 3 Milkfish Chanos chanos Minnow, Common Zacco platypus Mojarra Diapterus evermanni Muscle Raw 536.50 56.50 400.00-673.00 13 .00-100.00 2 2 Dried 20.00 Smoked 16.00 Muscle Raw 74.40 70.00-78.80 2 30.00 Muscle Raw 96.00 92 .00-100.00 2 30.00 8.00 28.00 7.72 Mojarra, Spotted Gerres filamentosus Muscle Raw 355 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine A Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid Per IQQ grams Folic Acid >^8 Vitamin Bl2 Mola Amblypharyn godonmola Moonfis Vomer 1, Pacific declivifrons Mullet MuRll kalaartii Mullet MuRll Mullet, Mugil oeur Bhangar tade Mullet, Black Fin Mugil melinopterus Mullet, Ca'Doi Mugil affinos Mullet, Green-backed Mugil dussumierii Mullet, Grey, Bol Mugil speigleri Mullet, Long-finned Mugil vaigiensis Mullet, Parsey Mugil parsia Mullet, Striped Mugil cephalus Muscle Raw Muscle Rau Muscle Rau Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Canned Mus cle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Oil Muscle Rau 297.00 100.00 85.50 82.00 6.00-250.00 50.00-100.00 4 t, 4.73 2.50 6.20 51.50 39.00-64.00 2 4.60 5.30 2.20 4.50 3.80-5.20 2 1.50 0.60 0.00-1.20 2 8.50 0.22 15-0.30 2 Mullet Mugilidae Muscle Raw 52.31 149.79 3.02 10.00-86.93 100.00-230.00 1.18-5.20 Nemlpterid, Longtailed Netnipterus -japonicus Nemipterid, Ribbon-finned Nemipterus taeniopterus Cooked Fried In Oil Salted 4 Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Salted 6 Dried 10.00 10.00 30.00 345.00 16.50 3.85 33.00 19.00 2.74 20.00 10.00 6.50 16.00 11.00 6.48 Nemipterid , Roncador Nemipterus vlrgatus Paloraeta, Permit Trachinotus goodei Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 356 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 ^rams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Parrotfish Scarus mechipunctatus Parrotfish, Loro S pari soma squalidum Perch Acerina cemua Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Perch Muscle Lucioperca lucioperca Raw Perch, Blue, Walleye Muscle Stizostedium vltreum glaucus Raw Cooked Baked Fried Perch, Chinese Muscle Slniperca chuatsi Raw Perch, Climbing Muscle Anabas testudenicus Raw Cooked Fried In Mustard Oil Perch, Climbing, Gourami Muscle Trichogaster fasciata Raw Perch, Climbing, Gourami Muscle Trichogaster pectoralis Raw Salted S, Dried Perch, Climbing, Gourami Muscle Trichogaster trichopCerus Raw Perch,' Climbing Muscle Anabantidae Raw Dried Perch, Ocean Muscle Serranidae Raw Cooked Fried Breaded Perch, Sand Muscle Psammoperca waigiensis Raw Perch, Yellow Muscle Perca flavescens Raw 36.00 19.00-53.00 2 370.00 290.00 24.67 19.00-30.00 3 1000.00 60.00 20.00 60.01 210.00 230.00 190.00 653.00 270.00 310.64 120.00 70.00-170.00 2 2.03 2.59 2.23 0.79-3.67 2 2.00 2.77 3.20 4.59 32.00 4.60 1.90 4.00-5.20 2 0.99 2.70 Cooked Fried Perch Percidae Muscle Raw 75.00 74.00 1.25 0.00-150.00 28.00-120.00 0.68-1.70 2 2 3 5.10 357 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine A I. U. ^^g mg Per IQQ Rrams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Pike, Northern Esox lucius Pike Esocidae Pilchard, European Clupea pilchardus Pilchard, Japanese Sardinops melanosticta Pilchard, Pacific Sardinops (Sardina) caerulea Pilchard Clupeidae Pintadilla Chellodactylus variegatus Plaice, American Hlppoglossoldes platessoldes Plaice, American Pleuronectes platessa Plaice Pleuronectid^e Pollock, Saithe, Coalfish Pollachius virens Muscle Raw 70 00 Muscle Raw 00 Muscle Raw Canned In Oil Drained 333 00 Muscle Raw 83 00 Canned In Oil In Tomato Sauce Plain Seasoned Dried 17 00 Salted Muscle Raw Canned Drained 26 70 In Natural Juices 26 67 In Oil Drained 230 .00 Unspecified 281 .25 In Tomato Sauce 26 .68 Unspecified Muscle Canned In Tomato Sauce Whole Flshmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 30 00 Muscle Raw 40 00 Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 100.00-111.00 50.00-390.00 1.50-2.50 50.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 90.00 30.00 80.00 60.00 130.00 130.00 300.00 200.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 13.00 10.10 290.00 5.00 250.00-330.00 2 300.00 7.40 1.81 1.12-2.50 2 66 67 134 33 2.48 45 00- -105 00 80.00- 200 00 1 57-3. 40 3 3 2 1.60 1.00-2.20 2 2.95 1.80-3.50 4 358 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descrlptio Vitamin Thiamine A I- U. ^1, Riboflavin mg Per 100 firams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Cooked Baked Pollock, Walleye Theragra chalcogramma Pollock Gadidae Pomf ret Parabramis bramula Pomfret, Silver Pampus argenteus Pompano, Florida Trachinotus carollnus Offal Flshmeal Muscle Raw Dark meat Whole Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 95.00 133.33 3.03 45.00-160.00 100.00-200.00 1.90-4.20 3 3 3 100.00 150.00 11.00 56.50 6.60 3.10 0.30 2.40 1.05 1.00-1.10 2 ompano, Pacific Neptomenus crassus Pompano Carangidae Porgy Pagrosomus unlcolor Porgy, Large-eyed Dentex Dentex macrophthalmus Porgy, Pargo Pagrus ehrenbergil Porgy Sparidae Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides pardalis Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides porphyreus Puffer, Swellfish Sphoeroides spengleri Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Salted S Dried Muscle Raw Dark meat Muscle Raw Salted i Dried Muscle Salted i Dried Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Boiled Dried Salted 6. Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 263.33 200.33 4.32, 110.00-413.00 90.00-400.00 3.00-5.71 3 3 3 57.00 92.00 5.08 30.00-84.00 39.00-145.00 3.30-6.85 2 2 2 30.00 39.00 6.85 106.80 97.00 4.08 20.00-160.00 50.00-145.00 3.25-5.60 5 5 3 35.10 43.50 0.60 29.40 21.80 0.90 30.00 40.00 0.68 80.00 20.00 6.70 0.45 0.70 1.84 0.88-2.8 2 2.80 0.28 0.08 359 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid ^g .^s mg mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Puffer, Swellfish Tetraodontidae Muscle Raw Rabbitflsh Slganus fuscescens Muscle Raw Rabbitflsh Slgahus (Teuthls) ja Muscle Raw Dried Salted i Fermented 202.50 128.50 4.74 160.00-245.00 127.00-130.00 4.40-5.09 2 2 2 5.00 80.00 5.60 10.00 210.00 3.70 Ratflsh Chimaera barbouri Muscle Raw Ray, Eagle Actobatus peruvlanus Muscle Cooked Roasted Redfish, Ocean Perch Sebastes marinus Muscle Raw Whole Fishmeal Redfish Scorpaenidae Muscle Dried Whole Fishmeal Roach Rutllus rutilus Muscle Raw 13.00 0.96-25.04 2 Rockf ish Sebastiscus marmoratus Muscle Raw Rockf ish, Kichljj Sebastolobus macrochlr Muscle Raw Rockf ish. Red Sebastes matsubarae Muscle Raw Rockf ish. Red Sebastes ruberrimus Muscle Raw Dried Rockfish Scorpaenidae Muscle Raw 55.00 121.50 29.00-81.00 90.00-153.00 Runner, Rainbow Elagatis biplnnulata Sableflsh Anoplopoma fimbria Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 105.00 88.50 97.00-113.00 88.00-89.00 2 2 Salmon, Atlantic Salmo salar Muscle Raw Canned 3.00 140.00 110.00 360 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin A Bi2 I- U. ^,g ^g mg mg ^g ^g Per 100 grams Salmon, Cherry Oncorhynchus masou Muscle Raw Salmon, Chinook Oncorhynchus tschawytscha Salmon, Chum Oncorhynchus keta Raw 455 00 310 .00 -600 I .00 Canned 229 65 229 .30 -230 I .00 Muscle Raw 46 90 28 .00 -82. 3 70 Dark meat 117 00 Canned 49 60 28 .60- -60. J 20 100.33 222.75 7.20 100.00-101.00 200.00-231.00 3 4 65.00 185.00 7.25 90.00 79.50 1.00-100.00 59.00-100.00 Offal Flshmeal Salmon, Coho Oncorhynchus klsutch Muscle Raw 173.50 164.50 87.00-260.00 109.00-220.00 2 2 65.00 140.00 30.00-100.00 100.00-180.00 2 2 80.00 125.00 60.00-100.00 100.00-150.00 2 2 100.00 150.00 7.00 6.00-8.00 2 10.00 Salmon Land-locked Muscle Onco rhynchus rhodurus Raw 57 50 Salmon Longtoc th Muscle Otol LChus rul A£ Raw 508 00 Salmon Pink Muscle Onco rhynchus gorbus cha Raw 108 65 171 00 56 00 7 00 100.00 -117 30 143.00- -220 .00 46.00- -70.00 3 S Dark meat 244 00 Canned Boiled 50 00 130 00 6 00 Unspecified 62 54 27 82 151 95 6 27 10.10- -99. LO 8.81- -50. DO 130.00- -188 20 3 88- -8.00 5 5 4 4 Salted 150 00 150 00 9 00 Offal Fishmeal Salmon Sockey€ Muscle Onco rhynchus nerka Raw 82 00 135 50 128 17 10.00- -154 00 108.50- -150 J .00 72.00 -222 J 50 Canned 233 91 25 40 204 67 4 50 91.30 -304 34 20.00 -30. 80 130.00 -264 00 35- -7.21 4 3 3 Salmon Muscle Salmonidae Raw 192 10 127 46 162 83 7 38 8.00 -322 00 30.00- -348 .00 99.00 -220 00 5 63- -8.80 9 13 11 15 4.26 0.19 0.12-0.26 2 30.32 0.50-88.30 3 2.99 2.07-4.00 3 361 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, «hales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin A I. U. ^g ^g mg Per 100 ^rams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin 312 Canned Boiled Dark meat Drained Drained In Olive Oil Unspecified Cooked Fried Unspecified Cured Salted Salted & Smoked Smoked 156.65 68.30-245.00 2 170.12 80.00-300.00 29.83 4.40-150.00 14 13;6..O0 100.00 287.50 126.78 8.00-292.00 9 170.00 144.47 124.00-164.94 2 150.00 100.00 170.00 4.35 6.76 2.70-7.81 12 6.90 6.78 6.51-7.05 3 6.00 8.00 7.50 1.66 4.44 e. 50-5. 00 2.00-6.89 4 2 7.00 7.00 Offal Fishmeal Sandfish Arctoscopus -japonicus Muscle Raw Dried 6, Salted 100.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 ?.:8D Sardine Clupanodon pseudohispanicus Muscle Raw Sardine, Indian Sardinella longiceps Muscle Raw Dried Smoked 51 67 177 00 8 73 10 00 -135 .00 67 .00 -394 3 .00 7 90 -10.35 10 00 105 00 14 49 9 67 91 GO 5 01 9 00 -10. 00 90 .00 -93. 3 00 5 00 -5.02 3 Sardine, Pacific Sardinops sagax Sardine, Spotted Sardinella sirum Sardine Clupeidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 10.00 110.00 14.50 Muscle Raw 229.25 83.33 228.78 8.15 60.00-303 00 20.00-270 .00 53.20-387 00 3 90-10.50 4 9 8 6 Canned Drained 220.00 20.00 170.00 4.80 In Oil Drained 0.11 Smoked 45.00 270.00 4.40 Unspecif led 311.86 30.20 147.50 3.84 136.00-710 00 10.00-50. 00 20.00-325 00 43-5.70 5 5 6 6 In Olive C il 57.00 410.00 3 4.16 50-4.83 2 In Tomato Sauce Drained 0.18 362 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid A I- !'■ Ai >l8 "18 "S Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Sawfish Pristidae Smoked 45.00 290.00 4.10 Unspecified 30.00 27.50 286.66 5.76 10.00-45. DO 270.00-300 00 5.30-6.20 2 2 3 Marinated 245.00 4.70 Not Drained 29.70 Unspecified 188.33 84.84 308.92 6.86 30.00-357 00 9.00-272 00 32.00-485 00 3.83-9.33 6 13 12 10 Cooked Boiled Dried 414.00 400.00-428 2 30.00 .00 Salted S. Dried 200.00 300.00 28.00 Salted Half Dried 60.00 30.00 100.00 10.00 Smoked 400.00 387.00-413 2 00 Whole Raw 200.30 0.60-400 00 600.00 Fishmeal 487.10 6.92 6.06 0.16-12.30 9 436.30-550.00 3 6.20-7.45 3 Saury, Pacific Cololabls saira Muscle Raw 1074.08 58.25-3044.00 3 Canned Half Dried Seasoned With Tomato Dried & Seasoned Salted 50.40 48.00-54.00 5 40.00 60.00 90.00 40.00 40.00 112.40 87.00-132.00 5 100.00 100.00 140.00 150.00 110.00 7.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 1.00 0.00-2.00 2 4.30 2.20-6.40 2 Scad, Big-Bodied Decapterus macrosoma Scad, Big-eyed Caranx crumenophthalmus Muscle Raw 154 00 109 25 194 00 10 97 ]22 .00- -185 20 49 .50- -169 .00 2 2 Canned 18 00 89 00 12 31 Salted 8. Dried 20 00 50 00 16 20 Muscle Raw 26 50 72 50 5 78 23 .00- -30. 00 65 00- 30.00 3.20- -8.36 2 2 Dried 20 00 50 00 13 50 Smoked 10 00 80 00 8 70 16.76 0.18-8.58 4 Scad, Golden Caranx kalla Muscle Raw Scad Carangidae Scorpionf ish, Akodai Seb as codes iracundus Offal Fishmeal Muscle Raw Scorpion fish, Longnose Pontinus castor Muscle Raw 363 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin A I- U. ^g ^g Ascorbic Acid mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Scorpionf ish Scropaenidae Sculpin Cottus pollux Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried 7.60 3.20-12.00 2 Sea Cucumber Cucumaria miniata Whole Raw Sea Cucumber Holothuria edulis Sea Cucumber Molpodia arenicola Sea Cucumber Stichopus japonicus Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Dried Dried 70.00 90.00 0.50 50.00 40.00 70.00 0.40 33.00 10.00 20.00 0.10 Sea Cucumber, Red Stichopus californias Sea Cucumber Holothuroidae Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw 10.00 10.00-10.00 2 1.70 Sea Robin, Gurnard, Trigla gurnardus Grey Muscle Raw 65 00 Sea Robin, Gurnard, Trigla lucema Ye How Muscle Raw 30 00 Sea Robin Triglidae Muscle Raw Sea Trout, Spotted Cynoscion nebulos J£ Muscle Salted 4 Dried Shad Hilsa reevesii Muscle Raw 50 00 Shad, American Alosa sapidissima Muscle Raw Canned Salted Shad, Gizzard Anodontostoma chacun A± Muscle Raw Salted i Dried Smoked 138 00 Shad, Gizzard Muscle Dorosoma cepedianum Raw Shad, Indian Hllsa ilisha Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard 4531 Oil 20 150.00 140.00 10.50 10.00 30.00 240.00 185.00 98.50 140.00 60.00 3.14 3.80 4.10 2 11 25 90 76 -4. 70 24 .10- -27 70 3 2 3.84 4.50 0.16 364 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Comnion and Scientific Name Description Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid Per IQO grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Shad, Slender Ilisha elongata Muscle Raw 139.90 Dried. Soaked, 6 Drained Shad Clupeidae Muscle Raw Cooked Baked With Fat & Bacon Shadef ish, Meagre Sciaena aquila Shark, Blue Carcharhinus glaucus Shark, Cat Scvliorhinidae Shark, Gummy Mustelus antarcticus Muscle Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Canned Boiled In Oil Seasoned 50.00 105.00 11.00 20.00 60.00 11.00 60.00 85.00 9.00 Shark, Hammerhead, Smooth Sphyrna zygaena Shark, Mackerel, Blue-Pointer Lamna glauca Shark , Mackerel Isuridae Muscle Raw Muscle Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Shark, Porbeagle, Mackerel Lamna cornubica Muscle Raw Shark, Requiem Carcharhinidae Muscle Raw 16.25 43.00 3.25 5.00-20 . 00 19 .00-80 .00 2 . 10-4 . 40 4 3 2 Shark, Sand Tiger Muscle Odontaspididae Raw Shark, Sharpnose Muscle Scoliodon palasorrah Raw Dried Shark, Sharpnose, Pacific Muscle Scoliodon longurio Raw Shark, Shortfin Mako Muscle Isurus oxvrinchus Raw Shark, Smoothhound Muscle Trlakldae Raw Sheathfish Muscle Krytopterus krytopterus Raw Sheathfish Muscle Parasilurus asotus Raw Shiner, Ghost Muscle Notropis buchanani Raw Cooked Boiled 33.00 60.00 1.39 3.00 365 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Descriptic Vitamin A 1. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid Per 100 srams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Fried In Mustard Oil Silverside Atherina forskali Muscle Dried, Rinsed, & 160.00 40.00 Silverside Atherina presbyter Silverside Atherinidae Skate, Flatback Raja kenojei Skate, Thomback Raja clavata Skate Rajidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 35.00 10.00 17.50 10.00-25.00 2 130.00 50.00 80 .00 10.00 A. 50 2.00 Sleeper Oxveleotris marmorata Slimy, Soapy Leiognathus argenteus Slimy, Soapy, Ponyfish Leiognathus equula Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 26.00 40.50 0.20 23.58 3.58 Slipmouth, Black-Finned Leiognathus daura Muscle Raw 33.00 43.50 17.00-70.00 2 38.50 2.08 37.00-40.00 1.94-2.50 Slipmouth Leiognathidae Smelt Osmerus eperlanus Smelt, Eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus Smelt, Lake Osmerus mordax Smelt, Pond Hvpomesus olidus Smelt, Sweet, Ayu Flecoglossus altivelis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Whole Raw Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 200.00 100.00 107.95 13.00 35.00 10.00 5.00 40.00 95.90-120.00 29.80-40.00 2 2 127.00 120.00-134.00 2 360.00 100.00 0.93 0.00-2.8 3 6.30 0.21 Smelt Osmeridae Muscle Raw 122.85 120.00-125.70 2 3.66 3.44 366 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid C mg Per IQQ grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bx2 ^8 y«cg Whole Raw Snapper Lutianus analis Snapper Lutianus rivulatus Snapper, Grey Lutianus griseus Snapper, Lutian Malabar us malabaricus Snapper, Pargo Lutianus Colorado Snapper, Lutian Red js campechanus (blackfordii) Snapper Lutianidae Snook, Constantino Centropomus roballto Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw 125.50 76.00-175.00 2 67.50 0-9 4 105.00 69.33 3.35 1.60' 46.00-90.00 38.00-110.00 2.50-4.70 0.00-3.20 3 3 2 98.00 Snook, Robalo Centropomus armatus Snook Centropomidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 200.00 65.00 2.00 50.00-350.00 60.00-70.00 0.90-3.10 2 2 . 2 Sole Clioderma aspirrimum Muscle Raw Sole Eopsetta grigoriewi Muscle Raw Sole Micros t emus kitaharae Muscle Raw Sole Micros tomus s teller! Muscle Raw Sole, Dover Microstomus pacificus Muscle Raw Sole, English Parophrys vetulus Muscle Raw Sole, European Solea vulgaris Muscle Raw Cooked Baked Boiled 50.00 74.00 114.00 98.00 3.55 2.90 1.57 1.51 367 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Comraon and Scientific Name Description Sole, Flathead Hippoglossoides elassodon Muscle Raw Vitamin A 1. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Acid ^^g mg mg Per 100 grams 80.50 392.00 41.00-120.00 51.00-733.00 2 2 Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Sole, Lemon Microstomus kitt Muscle Raw 1.50 0.80-2.20 2 Sole, Petrale Eopsetta iordani Sole, Rex Glyptocephalus zachirus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Sole, Rock Lepidopsetta bilineata Muscle Raw Sole Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Muscle Raw 73.00 60.00-88.10 4 1.42 1.13-1.70 Spadef ish Chaetodipterus faber Spadef ish Scatophagus arfius Sprat Sprattus sprattus Muscle Raw 147.50 137.00-158.00 2 Muscle Raw 98.00 21.00 151.00 5.26 Muscle Raw 215.50 140.00-291 2 00 36.00 Canned Smoked In Oil 30.00 325.00 6.70 In Tomato Sauce 30.00 325.00 5.70 Unspecified 306.00 Smoked 281.00 Whole Raw 1140.00 40 42.50 .00-45.00 2 260.00 2.40 0.01-4. 2 Canned 123.00 822.00 10.80 11.70 10.55 10.50-10.60 2 33.50 S targazer Uranoscopus japonicus Steenbras, Sand, Seebes Lithognathus mormyrus Stingray ,' Blue Spotted Dasyatis kuhlii Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 38.00 36.00-40.00 2 48.00 46.00-50.00 2 Stingray, Marbled Dasyatis uarnak Muscle Raw 61.50 43.00-80.00 2 40.00 4.48 30.00-50.00 4.37-4.60 2 2 368 Table 22.— Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. ConuQon and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thlamlr Riboflavin mg Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Stingray Dasyatidae Muscle Raw 31.50 Salted S, Dried 20.00 160.00 Sturgeon Muscle Acipenser sturio Raw 700.00 Sucker, Carp Muscle earpiodes meridionalis Raw 36.00 50.00 1.98 Sucker, Common Muscle Catostomus commersonii Raw Cooked Baked Dried Smoked 4.50 4.00-5.00 2 1.22 1.19-1.25 3 1.30 5.70 2.70 Sunflsh, Largemouth Bass Muscle Centrarchldae Raw 0.48 Dried 101.00 28.00 2.12 Surf perch, Sea Chub Muscle Dltrema temmincki Raw 62.15 Surgeonfish Muscle Acanthurus bleekeri Raw Cooked Unspecified 27.00 26.00 3.82 Surgeonfish Muscle Prionurus microlepidotus Raw Surgeonfish Muscle Xesurus scalprum Raw Swordfish Muscle Xiphias gladius Raw 1595.00 54.33 77.25 7.60 1585.00-1600.00 40.00-70.00 49 00-110.00 6.20-9.10 3 3 4 4 Canned 1680.00 13.00 47.00 15.30 Cooked Broiled 2290.00 25.00 34.00 10.00 Broiled With Butter 2059.00 35.30 47.00 10.90 Dried 965.00 26.00 92.00 7.10 Tarpon, Bidbid Muscle Elops hawaiiensis Raw ) 90.00 39 44.50 .00-50.00 2 3.05 2.10-4.00 2 0.60 0.56 0.56 0.10-1.00 3 Tarpon, Buan-Buan Me galops cyprinoides Tench Tinea tinea Therapon Tnerapon plumbeus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried The rap on Mus c le Therapon oxyrhynchus Rav; Therapon, Large Scaled, Banded Grunter Muscle Therapon theraps Raw 369 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Description A I. U. A% ^g mg Ascorbic Acid Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Therapon, Tigerfish Therapon jarbua Therapon Theraponidae Threadfin Polynemus indicus Threadfin Polynemus paradiseus Threadfin, Four-rayed Polynemus tetradactylus Threadfin , Small-mouth Polynemus microstoma Threadfin Polynemidae Tilapia, Mozambique Mouthbrooder Muscle Tilapia mossambic Tilefish Bran Chios tegidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 172.00 Muscle Raw Cooked Boiled Fried In Mustard Dried Oil Muscle Raw Salted & Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Salted i Dried Muscle Raw 58.00 17.00-99.00 2 Muscle Raw 58.50 17.00-100.00 2 31.00 36.00 2.66 22.00-40.00 20.00-52.00 1.83-3.50 2 2 2 70.00 20.00 90.00 50.00 257.00 1.80 5.36 115.00 155.50 2.90 0.00-150.00 111.00-200.00 2.80-3.00 16.00 19.50 1.00 0.47 5.72 2.08 2.07-2.10 2 Tonguefish Cynoglossidae Torpedo, Panga Mesalaspis cordyla Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 128.00 8.40 126.00-130.00 6.00-10.81 2 Trevally Caranx mertensi Muscle Raw Trevally, Great, Talakltok Caranx sexfasciatus Muscle Raw Triggerfish Drie Muscle Monacanthus chinensis Raw Triggerfish Muscle Monacanthus cirrhifer Raw Triggerfish Muscle BaJistidae Raw Trout Muscle Saimo clarkii Raw Trout, Brook Muscle Salvelinus fontinalis Raw 122.00 110.00 81.00 5.52 20.00 6.80 93.00 65.00-135.00 3 1.54 0.08-3.00 2 370 Table 22. — Vitamin composicion of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin mg Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Trout, Brown Salmo trutta Muscle Raw 365.00 50.00-680.00 2 Trout, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma Trout, Lake Salvelinus namaycush Trout, Rainbow Salmo gairdneri Trout Salmonidae Muscle Raw Muscle Ct>ok.ed Baked Fried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 100.00 100.00 130.00 160.00 2.19 1.89 20.00 107.75 75.50-140.00 183.83 150.00-201.50 3 5.00 91.30 40.60-142 2 00 86.56 10.00-200.00 9 72.22 9.00-210.00 8 4.46 2.73-7.80 9 3.00 1.01-5.00 2 4.50 4.00-5.00 2 Ifliole Raw Tuna, Albacore Thunnus alalunga Muscle Raw Canned In Oil Drained In Olive Oil Salted £, Dried 12.50 170.00 136.00 70.00-190.00 2 68.80 8.19 350.00 9.10 129.00 22.89 118.00-140.00 22.40-23.35 2 2 9.60 4.30-12.90 2 Tuna Albacore, Long- finned Muscle Tor bo magura Raw Tuna, Big-eye Muscle Thunnus obesus Raw 156 50 117 80 10 80 57.00 -256 00 30.40 -263 3 00 7 .30 -14 I 30 Dark meat 129 00 Tuna, Black Muscle Pre methichthys pron etheus Raw 56 39.00- 17 -66 3 10 Tuna, Bluefin Muscle Thunnus thynnus Raw 963 00 166 67 96 67 11 10 100.00- -250 3 00 60.00- -150 3 00 10 00 -12 00 Dark meat 380 330.00 00 -430 00 00 785 780.00 00 -790 00 Canned 19 00 89 13 60 Tuna, Skipjack Muscle Euthynnus pelamis Raw 30 02 93 33 76 50 21 95 7 25 24.80- -35 25 30.00 -190 00 8.00- -150 00 18 00 -24 50 2.00- -12 2 3 4 3 2 Dark meat 44 00 520 00 690 00 12 20 Canned In On 1 50 00 60 00 11 00 Seasoned 190 00 140 00 10 00 Unspecified 20 00 150 00 16 00 17 23 Cooked Unspecified 14 60 Dried 1 30 00 275 00 40 00 Salted & Dried 190 00 118 00 23 30 3.35 0.50-6.20 2 15.86 0.27-47.00 3 22.90 7.80-38.00 2 186.55 66.50 3.10-370.00 1. 90-250. 00 2 4 16.50 371 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Tuna, Skipjack Scombridae Tuna, Yellowfin Th annus albacares Tuna Scombridae Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine M g Riboflavin Niacin Per IQQ grams Ascorbic Acid Whole Fishmeal 300.00 540.00 Muscle Raw 40.00 30.00 Whole Fishmeal Muscle Raw 30.00 211.33 20.00-40.00 100.00-434.00 2 3 Canned In Oil 50.00 Seasoned 70.00 Unspecified 80.00 Whole Raw Offal Fishmeal Muscle Raw 46.33 100.00 20.00-94.00 80.00-163.00 3 5 Canned Baby Food Drained 61.53 26.60-80.00 3 50.00 In Oil Drained 40.12 29.75 11.25-82.40 12.50-47.00 3 2 Unspecified 125.00 54.33 50.00-200.00 40.00-83.00 2 3 Unspecified 220.50 69.78 220.00-221.00 25.00-201.00 2 7 Cooked S teamed 76.00 Salted & Dried 130.00 Whole Fishmeal 27100.00 7.00 70.80 12.17 26.00-150.00 9.80-14.50 130.000 30.00 150.00 12.00 8.00 11.00 56.00-320.00 7.50-15.90 5 5 80.00 120.00 12.8 124.40 10.70 117.60-131.20 9.50-11.90 2 2 145.67 10.06 90.00-227.00 6.07-12.80 3 3 85.18 11.42 39.64-140.00 9.00-14.00 5 8 54.00 15.80 150.00 10.80 683.31 10.85 560.00-880.00 6.60-15.20 4 4 Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 1.92 0.52 0.64-3.20 0.08-1.10 2 3 2.75 0.70-4.8 2 1.41 0.55-2.50 6 26.28 20.00-33.00 3 Turbot Muscle Reinhardtius hippofilossoides Raw 68.00 60.00-84.00 3 60.00 1.05 40.00-80.00 0.60-1.50 2 2 170.00 1.50 1.25 1.00-1.50 2 0.60 Turbot Muscle Reinhardtius matsuurae Raw Cooked Fried Turbot Muscle Scopthalmus maximus Raw Turbot, Arrowtooth Mus cle Atheresthes stomias Raw Turbot, Indian Muscle Psettodes erumei Raw 372 Table 22. — Vitamin composition of finfishes, whales, and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. LI. Ribo_f lavin Ascorbic Acid 5r lOQ fira Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 -^ g Turbo t Pleuronectidae Viperf ish Chauliodus sloani Whale Balaenoptera musculus Muscle Raw Cooked Steamed Muscle Rew Muscle Raw Whale, Fin Muscle Balaenoptera phe paleus Raw 275.00 Whale Muscle Unspecified Raw Dried Fishmeal Muscle With Bone Fishmeal Whole Fishmeal 2500.00 Whitefish Muscle Coregonus oxyrhy ichus Raw 120.00 Whitefish, Lake Muscle Coregonus clupea formls Raw Cooked Baked Fried 150.00 170.00 118.35 100.00-136.70 600.00 1060.00 110.00 150.00 2.99 2.71 80.00 7.90 Whitefish Salmonidae Whiting Merlangus merlangus Whiting, Australian Sillago sihama Offal Fishmeal Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 53.50 0.00-107.00 35.50 21.00-50.00 80.00 6.12 60.00-100.00 5.40-6.85 Whiting, Blue Micromesis tlus pout as sou Wolffish, Atlantic Anarhichas lupus Wrasse Duymaeria f lagellifera Wrasse Pseudolabrus japonicus Wrasse, Peacock Crenilabrus pavo Wrasse, Spinola Labrus turdus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Mus c le Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 0.38 0.03-0.72 2 3.00 0.50-5,30 2 Yellowtail Carangida Z an the Abramis vimba Muscle Raw Canned In Oil Smoked Muscle Raw Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. *' Range of the means found in literature cited. 3/ 4/ Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common na 373 Table 23. —Vitamin composition of crustaceans and products. on and Scientific Name Description Niacin Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavii A I. U. x<^ g ^^8 "S Per 100 Rrams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin Crab Hemlprapsus oregonensis Mhole Raw Without Shell 4.90 Crab Fortunus san^uinolatus Crab Portunus trituberculatus Crab, Blue Callinectes sapidus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 83.40 1' 45.001/ 2.70 50. 00-140. 0(F' 30.00-60,00-' 5 ^' 2 y 115.50 147.00 2.48 1.00-230.00 144.00-150.00 2 2 Crab, Blue, Deep Sea Portunus pelagicus Muscle Raw 45.63 477.33 ^'''^ ,; 10.88-87.00 68.00-870.00 1.06-3.94^' 3 3 33/ Crab, Bombay Charybdis cruciata Crab, Chinese Erio cheia sinensis Crab, Dungeness C an c e rmagister Mus cle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Crab, Edible Cancer pagurus Muscle Raw 135.00 247.50 2.S 145.00-350.00 2 Crab, Hermit Whole Paguras hirsutiusculus Raw Without Shell Crab, King Parallthodes camtschatica Muscle Raw Canned Boiled Crab, Necora, Cangrejos Cancer polydon Muscle Cooked Roasted Crab, Red Muscle Podaphehalmus vigil Cooked Unspecified Crab , Samoan Muscle Scylla serrata Raw Cooked Unspecified 86.66 56.66 3.33 10.00-240.00 20.00-130.00 2.50-5.00 3 3 3 10.00 2.00 130.90 420.88 1.46 2.20-840.00 118.00-940.00 1.00-2.34 7 9 9 3.75 510.50 1.05 3.00-4.50 297.00-724.00 0.70-1.40 2 2 2 374 Table 23, — Vitamin composition of crustaceans and products . Common and Scientific Name Vitamin Thiamine Ribofla vln Niacin Ascorbic Acid Uescripcion A I. U. Afl, ^8 mg mg Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin B Ifliole Raw 2.68 413.50 1.20 0.43-4.30 310.00-555.00 0.99-1.50 5 6 6 Crab, Small Muscle Potamon grapsoides Raw 50.00 769.00 2.88 Crab, Spider Muscle Fulvia muticum Raw 2.50 Crab, Spider, Spinous Muscle Mala squinado Raw 2.00 Crab Muscle 7.00i/ Unspecified Raw 150.00 79.71 201.50 2.51 30.00-140 7 00 60.00-395.00 6 1.37-3.00 9 1.00-13.002/ 2 3/ Canned 46.00 74.80 58.00-84.00 3 29.24 2.47-82.40 3 1.90 Cooked Boiled 100.00 430.00 150.00-710.00 2.50 Canned 50.00 60.00 2.50 Unspecified 60.00 80.00 0.44 Dressed 50.00 250.00 Paste 60.00 185.00 Salted 26.50 90.00 265.00 2.10 20.00-33.00 80.00-100 00 30.00-500.00 2.00-2.20 2 2 2 2 Meal 790.00 3.70 44.251/ 8.70 i/ 35.20-53. 302/ 3.90-13. 50?/ Ill 0.30 5.23 0.46-10.00 2 Crayfish Astacus fluviatllls Muscle Raw Crayfish Astacus leptodactylus Muscle Raw Crayfish Unspecified Muscle Raw 150.00 95.00 60.00-130.00 2 Lobster Homarus vulgaris Muscle Raw 157.50 130.00 150.00-165.00 Lobster, European Muscle Homarus gammarus Raw Lobster, Northern Muscle Homarus americanus Raw Lobster, Norway Whole Nephrops norve^icus Cooked Boiled Lobster, Spiny, Japanese Muscle Panulirus re;?ius Raw Lobster Muscle Unspecified Raw Canned 81.40 57.86 2.26 7.00-130.00 46.00-80.00 1.24-4.25 5 7 7 32.50 65.25 2.22 30.00-35.00 60.50-70.00 2.20-2.23 2 2 2 0.56 0.55-0.56 2 0.48 0.46-0.50 3 375 Table 23. — Vitamin composition of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thi 4^Z Ascorbic Acid Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vita B 1 Cooked Unspecified 45.50 1.72 41.00-50.00 1.50-1.93 2 2 Shrimp Crangon allmani Muscle Raw Whole Cooked Boiled Shrimp Crangon vulgaris Muscle Raw 85.00 -^ 2/ 20.00-150.00- Shrimp Cryphiops caementarlus Shrimp Penaeus Incisipes Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 29.00 3.74 2.37-5.12 2 Shrimp Penaeus semisulcatu Shrimp, Alaskan, Sidestripe Pandalus dispar Shrimp, Bagda Palaemon carcinus Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Shrimp, Brine Artemia salina Shrimp, Fresh Water Unspecified Whole Dried Muscle Raw 80.00 43.00 120.25 1.76 60.00-100.00 39.00-50.00 80.00-140.00 0.80-2.20 ^ k h Shrimp, Indian Palaemonetes vulgaris Muscle Raw Shrimp, Indian Penaeus. carlnatus Muscle Raw Shrimp, Indian Squilla mantis Muscle Raw Shrimp, Indian Prawn Penaeus styliferus Muscle Raw Shrimp, Jumbo Penaeus monodon Muscle Raw Shrimp, Opossum, Kuruma Penaeus iaponlcus Muscle Raw Dried Shrimp, Pink, Maine Pandalus borealls Muscle Raw 100.00 150.00 100.00 300.00 75.75 194.25 57.00-90.00 142.00-250.00 4 4 1.80 5.00 Shrimp, White Penaeus indicus Muscle Raw 376 Table 2J, — Vitamin composicion of crustaceans and products. Common and Scientific N'ame Description Vitamin Thiamine A I. U. ^g Riboflavin mg Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin B Shrimp, White Penaeus schmitti Shrimp, White Penaeus setiferus Shrimp Unspecified Whole Raw 49.00 Muscle Raw 50.00 70.00 1.64 Canned Muscle Raw 188.88 42.20 65.52 2.54 2 .20-1030.00 7 10.00-150 24 .00 13.00-160 25 00 0.77-4.87 24 Canned Boiled 40.00 40.00 2.00 Drained 51.53 15.00 30.00 1.38 Dry Pack 56.66 9.00 1.50 0.77-2.23 2 Wet Pact 60.00 8.00 0.84 0.33-1.35 2 Unspecified 59.60 10.97 31.23 126.00 58 .80-60.00 3 4.50-23. 7 50 0.03-59. 8 jO 0.22-2.23 11 Cooked Boiled Dried ,90,00 97.00 3.37 Unspecn fled 10.00 2.00 Dried 48.00 123.00 2.22 Unspecifl id 17.28 48.86 0.79 5.00-45. 00 20,00-119 00 0.17-3.00 7 7 7 Dried 211.33 105.60 317,20 5.31 210 .00-214.00 3 45.00-143 5 .00 107,00-430 5 00 2.35-6.50 5 2.28 2.00-3.00 6 9.64 3.72 3.00-29.28 0.90-8.12 5 7 9.00 2.93 2.00-4.00 3 24.00 0.83 0,82-0,83 2 Salted Dried 30,00 80,00 60,01-100,00 2 110,00 133,50 0,00-187,00 2 3,40 5,90 4,59-7,20 2 Whole Cooked Boiled Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. Range of the means found in literature cited. Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 377 Table 24. — Vitamin composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Ascorbic Acid Folic Acid Vitamin ^12 mg Per 100 grams Abalone Haliotis discus Abalone Haliotis gigantea Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned With liquid Without liquid 50.00 60.00 1.00 40.00 40.00 1.00 10.00 40.00 0.20 5.00 0.73 Abalone Haliotis japonica Abalone Haltotidae Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Cooked ^1 Unspecified - Dried „2/ 193.33- 180.00-20,0.00 33/ 62.20 73.33 38.80-120.00 40.00-120.00 4 3 560.00 410.00 60. 00-140. 00 i' 1.19-2. 00 i' ill 3^' 1.06 1.00-1.20 3 60.00 370.00 4.50 3.60 Clam, Arkshell Anadara broughtoni Clam, Arkshell Anadara suborenata Clam, Arkshell Area binakayanesis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 17.00 7.20 Clam, Arkshell Arcididae Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned 271.55- 4 = 5.00 4 10.00 4 70.00 2.63 100 00-635.00-' 2.00-200.00 98.84-210.00 1.51-3.f ,37 ,, i 3 10.00 0.00 Clam, Donax, Bean Donax radians Clam, Donax Donacidae Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula fluminea Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Cooked 1317.00 511.00 1.00 2.00 120.00 161.00 236.00 2.33 2.30 1.15 1.11 1.87 2.00 Clam, Fresh Water Corbicula leana Clam, Fresh Water, Corbshell Corbicula japonica Clam, Fresh Water Corbiculadidae Whole Raw Whole Raw l-Ihole Raw 40.00 165.00 1.20 20.00-40.00 150.00-180.00 2 2 17.00 12.10 9.50 1/ 79.50-' J, 9.00-10.002/ 77.53-81.47- 2 1' 2- Clam, Green Cyrena ventricosa Whole Raw 474.00 9.00 78.00 1.04 2.00-16.00 74.00-82.00 0.80-1.27 2 2 2 378 Table 2^. — Vitamin composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin MS Per 100 grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin ^12 Clam, Mactra Mactra corallina Muscle Raw Clam, Mactra Mactra venerif orrols Muscle Raw Clam, Mactra, Hen Mactra sulcataria Muscle Raw 17.50 130.00 15.00-20.00 2 Clam, Mactra, Pacific Gaper Tresus nuttalli Clam, Mactra Mactridae Clam, Razor Solen gouldi Clam, Razor Solenidae Clam, Softshell Mya arenarla Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned 66.50 33.00-100.00 2 7.00 Whole Raw Whole Raw 17.00 Whole Raw 300.00 35.00 140.00 1.10 4.00 20.00-50.00 130.00-150.00 0.70-1.50 3.00-5.00 2 2 2 2 10.92 135.55 1.75 0.80-79.00 95.00-243.00 1.13-2.53 8 9 7 95.00 7. 10-109. OC^'' 8^' Cooked Heat processed Sceamed Vacuum-packed Unspecified Vacuum-packed Unspecified 1.66 194.66 1.99 1.00-3.00 192.00-197.00 1.84-2.13 3 3 3 1.00 213.00 1.13 0.90 212.40 1.58 0.50-1.20 207.00-219.00 0.91-2.25 5 5 5 1.00 237.00 1.13 1.20 212.00 0.98 76.66 71.00-83.00 3 68.00 117.60 66.00-115.00 5 68.00 69.00 Clam, Tellin Tellinldae Whole Raw Clam, Venus Dosinia japonica Clam, Venus Venus verrucosa Whole Raw IVhole Raw Clam, Venus, Butter Saxidomus giganteus Clam, Venus, Hard Venus lusoria Clam, Venus, Littleneck, Japanese Tapes (Venerupis) decussata Whole Raw Ifliole Raw Whole Raw 119.50 224.00 0.16 100.00-139.00 180.00-269.00 2 2 1.68 1.36-2.00 23.50 275.50 0.98 9.00-60.00 150.00-547.00 0.60-2.00 6 6 6 11.00 2.34 0.20-7.00 12 58.00 12.27 1.50-20.00 379 Table 24. — Vitamin composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Description Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin A I. U. ^g ,^1, mg Per lOQ grams Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitamin ^12 Canned Seasoned Unspecified Cooked Boiled 66.00 66.60 20.00 10.00 60.00 169.00 90.00-244.00 2 356.00 1.20 0.80 26.00 12.00 42.00 16.00 Clam, Venus, Littleneck, Pacific Paphia staroinea Whole Raw 31.00 250.00 Clam, Venus, Northern Quahog Cherrystone Mercenaria mercenaria Whole Raw Canned 9.00 109.50 93.00-126.00 2 0.95 Clam, Venus, Ocean Quahog Artica islandica Clam, Venus, Waved Venus squamosa Clam, Venus Veneridae Unspecified Whole Raw Whole Raw Whole Raw Canned Whole Raw 124.25 39.02 108.30 1.22 11 00-200.00 2.00-94.10 12.00-188.00 1.00-1.50 4 4 5 6 7.00 20.00 50.00 80.00 75.00 165.00 1-55 50 00-110.00 50.00-100.00 150.00-180.00 1.50-1.60 9 2 2 2 15.14 2.65 60.65 30-30.00 59.00-62.30 5 2 47.41 25.90 87.47 0.89 30.00-82.40 11.80-46.00 60.00-105.90 0.11-1.20 3 3 4 6 Cockle Cardium tuberculatum Cockle, Pacific Cardium corbis Cockle, Sand Hemi donax donaciformus (•Ihole Raw (ftiole Raw l*iole Raw 1.00 151.50 6.19 150.00-153.00 6.18-6.20 Cockle Cardiidae Whole Dried Salted Smoked 75.00 220.00 3.40 70.00-80.00 140.00-300.00 1.80-5.00 2 2 2 270.00 3.00 20.00 0.60 11.00 98.00 Cuttlefish Sepia japonica Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Cuttlefish Sepia orientalis Cuttlefish Sepiid^e Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw 132.95 40.00-211.8 4 1.35 0.71-2.9 6 380 Table 24.— Vitamin composition of mollusks and products Common and Scientific Name Description Ascorbic Acid -if 8 rag Per 100 grams Folic Acid Vitamin Bl2 Mussel Anodonta cygnea Mussel Dreissensla polymorpha Mussel Gebbula umb Hi calls Mussel Unio pictorum Mussel, Blue Mytilus edulls Mussel, European Mytilus galloprovincialis Mussel, Salt Water Mytilus smaragdinus Canned Salted Seasoned Cooked Unspecified Dried miole Raw Whole Canned In Own Juices l-mole Raw Whole Raw l-Jhole Raw 50.00 7.06 70.00 220.00 162.00 212.00 175.00-249.00 2 127.00 0.40 1.80 41.83 10.20 Mussel Mytilida Mussel Unspecified Octopus Octopus bimaculatus Octopus, Devil Fish Octopus vulgaris Octopus Octopodidae Octopus Unspecified Oyster Ostrea echinata Oyster, Common Ostrea edulis Wiole Raw IVhole Cooked Boiled Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Muscle Raw Muscle Canned In Olive Oil and Ink Whole Raw l^mole Raw 156.50 33.00-280.00 2 150.00 1.60 7.50 120.00-180.00 1.20-2.00 6.00-9.00 2 2 2 A1.80 10.20 27.00 25.00-29. 2 120.00 180.00 41.50 40.00-43.00 2 110.00 380.00 50.00 96.66 2.14 20.00-140.00 70.00-120.00 1.30-3.00 4 3 4 381 Table 24. — Vitamin composition of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Oyster, Eastern Ostrea virginica Description Vitamin A I. U. Thiamine Riboflavin Cooked Steamed 300.00 150.00 Whole Raw 300.00 147.40 190.94 Ascorbic Acid Per 100 grams 1.96 9.00-240.00 16.00-340.00 1.92-2.00 27 18 2 20.00 200.00 Folic Acid Vitamin ^12 Oyster, Giant Pacific Ostrea sJRas Whole Raw 2.22 1.13-3.30 2 Oyster, Native Pacific Ostrea lurida Whole Raw Oyster, Portuguese Ostrea anRulata Oyster, Talaba Ostrea malab Whole Raw Whole Raw Oyster Ostreidae Muscle Raw Canned Boiled Unspecified 272.66 190.00-320.00 3 12.00 173.65 155.64 2.04 49.42-300.00 79.00-200.00 1.20-3.8 6 5 5 20.00 150.00 34.33 218.66 0.79 23.00-50.00 90.00-316.00 0.70-0.8 3 3 2 121.83 20.86 3.70-240.00 14.60-33.0) 2 3 Penshell Atrina kinoshitae Muscle Raw Scallop Pecten caurinus Scallop, Common Pecten yessoensis Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Unspecified Dried 20.00 40.00 2.80 20.00 150.00 1.80 10.00 280.00 4.00 Scallop, Coquille St. Jacques Pecten maximus Scallop Unspecified Muscle Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw 40.00 88.33 65.00-100.00 3 20.00 55.00 40.00-70.00 2 75.00 275.00 20.00-130.00 150.00-400.00 2 2 0.51 1.28 1.20-1.36 2 Snail Acmaea scutum patina Whole Raw Without Shell Snail Helix pomatia Wliole Raw 382 Table 2A. — Vitamin coiriposi t Ion of moilusks and products. Com:r,on and Scientific Name D&scription Thiamine Riboflavin nig Per IQQ p,rarT^s Ascorbic Acid mg Folic Acid Vitanir ^12 Snail Pila luzonica Htiole Raw 31.75 12. Snail Pleurophyllidia californica Whole Witiiout Shell Snail Terebralia sulcatus 'jholP- Ra« 21.08 12.53 Snail Thais lima '..'liclv Ra\.' iUhout Shell Snail, Pond Ampullaria luzonica Snail , River Vivipara chinensi s Snail Viviparadidae Snail Unspecified Whole 11::,; Whole >!aw WlK-le Raw Whole Raw 43.65 21.75-77.00 3 Squid l.oligo bleekeri Muscle Raw Squid Loligo ominastrephes .Muscle Raw Canned Soaked & Drained Cooked Unspecified Dried 10.00 130.00 30.00 170.00 1.70 6.80 12.50 1.30 Squid Rossia pacifica Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Squid Wacasemia scintillans Squid, Common Loligo vulgaris Squid, Japanese Ommastrephes sloani pacificus Squid, Long-finned Loligo pealei Squid Loliginidae Squid Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Dried Whole Raw Muscle Raw 20.00 68.00 25.16 9.0O-A3.3O 2.60 2.00-3.20 2 2.15 2.00-2.30 2 91.59 2.24 .00-146.70 1.40-4.0 8 8 12.50 1.33 383 Table 24. — Vitamin composicion of mollusks and products. Common and Scientific Name Topshell Trochidae Turban Turban Turbo cornutus Whelk Ebuma .japonica Whelk, Common, Norther Buccinum undatum Whelk Unspecified Thiamine Riboflavi Description Niacin Ascorbic Acid ntg mg Per 100 grams Canned In Olive Oil and Ink Cooked Unspecified Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Canned Seasoned Muscle Raw Muscle Raw Muscle Dried 60.00 470.00 1.70 57.00 88.50 6.86 14 . 00-100 .00 2 7 .00-150 .00 1 . 7 1-12 . 00 2 2 2 68.40 308.40 5.92 23.00-60.00 80.00-420.00 4.60-9.03 5 5 5 2.54 1.60-3.00 Folic Acid Vitamin ^12 7.30 1.05 0.30-1.80 2 1/ Average of the means obtained from the literature cited. 2/ Range of the means found in literature cited. 3/ Number of mean values, which were reported in the literature cited. 4/ Method of processing was not clearly described or the fish was identified only by common name. 384 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Sciemific name Common name Pages Abramis brama Abramis vimba Abudefduf saxatitis Acanthias vulgaris Acanthistius pictus Acanthocybium solanderi Acanthogobius {Gobius) flavimanus Acanthopagrus berda Acanthopagrus butcheri Acanthopagrus schlegeli Acanthurus bleekeri Acerina cernua Achatina marginata Acipenser brevirostrum Acipenser fulvescens A cipenser medirostris A cipenser oxyrhnchus Acipenser sinensis Acipenser sturio Acipenser transmontanus Acipenseridae Acmaea scutum patina Actobatus peruvianas Aeoliscus punctulatus Aequipecten gibbus Aequipecten irradians Aesopia cornuta Alburnus lucida Aldrichetta forsteri Alectis ciliaris Alectis indicus A lepisaurus ferox Alopias vulpinus Alopiidae Alsoa chrysochloris Alosa mediocris A losa pseudoharengus Alosa sapidissima Ambassidae Ambloplites rupestris Amblyopsis godonmola Amblypharyn godonmola Amia calva Amigdola decussata Ammodytes americanus Ammodytes lanceolatus Ammodytes personatus Ammodytidae Ampullaria luzonica Anabantidae Anabas testudenicus Anadara broughtoni Anadara suborenata Anarhichadidae Anarhichas denticulatus Anarhichas lupus Anarhichas minor Anchoa hepsetus Anguilla anguilla Anguilla aucklandii Anguilla bastoniensis Anguilla japonica Anguilla rostrata Anguilla vulgaris Anguillidae Anisotremus interruptus Anisotremus scapularis Anodonta cygnea Bream, bronze Zanthe Sargeant major Dogfish Bass, sea, cherlo Wahoo Goby, yellowt'in Bream, mud Bream, black Bream, sea, black Surgeonfish Perch Snail Sturgeon, shortnose Sturgeon, lake Sturgeon, green Sturgeon, Atlantic Sturgeon Sturgeon Sturgeon, white Sturgeon Snail Ray, eagle Razorfish, shrimpfish Scallop, calico Scallop, Atlantic bay Sole Bleak Mullet, yelloweye Trevally, pennant Pompano, Indian Lancetfish, longnose Shark, thresher Shark, thresher Herring, skipjack Shad, hickory Alewife Shad, American Longaray Sunfish, rock bass Cavefish Mola Bowfin, mudfish Goby Lance, sand Lance, sand Lance, sand Lance, sand Snail, pond Perch, climbing Perch, climbing Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Wolffish Wolffish, Atlantic Wolffish, Atlantic Wolffish, spotted Anchovy, striped Eel, fresh water, European Eel, fresh water Eel, American Eel, fresh water, Japanese Eel, fresh water, American Eel, fresh water Eel, fresh water Grunt, mojaria Grunt Mussel 42, 191, 248, 337 373 93 257 40, 190, 246 115,231 63, 183 43,191,248,337 248 248, 337 108, 227, 298, 369 357 132,241,320 329 107, 296 296 296 296 107, 227, 296, 369 296 107, 185, 227, 296 382 87, 217, 282, 360 87 131,180,241,319,334 131, 180 225, 293 41, 247 276 111 85, 216 270 100, 185, 244 291 93 97, 222 36, 136, 188, 244, 335 97,158,221,288,364 74, 209, 272, 353 108, 298 48, 195, 253 356 42, 248 263 148, 209, 270, 352 72 72, 352 352 133, 242, 383 81, 214, 278 81, 214, 277, 358 125, 170, 237, 313, 378 378 305 305 117,164,231,373 305 38 57, 142, 200, 259, 345 344 183 57, 142, 200, 259, 345 57, 142, 200, 259, 344 200 57, 142, 200, 259, 297, 345 65, 205 64, 204, 265, 348 381 385 Anodontostoma chacunda Anoplopoma fim bria Anoplopomatidae Aplodinotus grunniens Apocryptes lanceolatus Apongonichthys ellioti Aporrhais pespelecani Apristurus brunneus Area binakayanesis Area granosa Area inflata Area noae Arcidae Arehidoris brittameus Archidoris montergyensis Archosargus probatoeephalus Arctoseopus japonicus Argentina semifaseiata Argentina situs Argyropeleeus affinis Argyrops spinifer Argyrosomus argentata Ariidae Aristeus antennatus Anus arius Arius dussumieri Anus fells Arius leiotetoeephatus Arius manillensis Arius thatassinus Arnoglossus roscii A rnpis georgianus Arripis trutta Artemia salina Artemesia tonginaris Artica istandiea Astacus fluviatilis Astacus leptodaetylus Astraea undosa Ateleeyelus septemdentatus Atheresthes evermanni Atheresthes stomias At henna boy ere A therina forskali A therina presbyter Atherinidae Ath erinopsis ca tiforn lensis Atopomyeterus nichthemens Atraetoscwn aequidens A trina japonica Atrina kinoshitae Atrina peetinata Aulacomya ater Aurata aurata Austroglossus pectoralis Austromenidia regia Austropotamobius pellipes Auxis bisus Auxishira Auxis maru Auxis rochei Auxis tapernosoma Auxis thazard Avoeettina infans Bagarius bagarius Bagarius yarreli Bagre maeraeanthus Bagre marinus Bairdiella chrysura Balaenoptera borealis Bataenoptera musculus Balaenoptera phepaleus Balaenoptera physiculus Shad, gizzard Sablefish Sablefish Drum, fresh water Goby, pointed-tailed Cardinalfish Snail, pelican Shark, cat, brown Clam, arkshell Ciara, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Snail, land Snail Porgy, sheepshead Sandfish Argentine, sea smelt Argentine, Atlantic Hatchetfish Porg>', redfin Croaker, white nibe Catfish, sea Shrimp, charigo bianco Catfish, sea Catfish, sea, shingal Catfish, sea, hardhead Catfish, sea Catfish, sea, Manila Catfish, sea Flounder, scaldfish Salmon, Australian Salmon, Australian Shrimp, brine Shrimp Clam, venus, ocean quahog Crayfish Crayfish Turban, wavy Crab Turbot, Greenland Turbot, arrowtooth Silverside Silverside Silverside Silverside Smelt, blue Porcupinefish Teraglin, geelbeck Pen shell Pen shell Pen shell Mussel, cholga Dolphin, dorado Sole, tong Silverside Crayfish Bonito Mackerel, frigate Mackerel, frigate Mackerel, frigate Mackerel, frigate Mackerel, frigate Eel, snipe Goonch Catfish, fresh water, kired Catfish, sea Catfish, sea Perch, silver Whale, sei Whale Whale, fin Whale 97, 222, 288, 364 89, 156, 218, 283, 360 156 56, 142, 199, 258, 344 347 193 132, 242 289 377 125,313 125, 188 125, 237. 313 125, 237, 313, 333, 378 242, 320 320 216,281 91,219,285,362 181 38, 138, 189, 245, 336 68 86 53, 197, 343 48, 140, 195, 252, 341 310 48, 252, 341 48, 195, 252 48, 252 48, 195, 252, 341 48, 195, 252, 341 48 202 218 89, 218, 284 122, 167, 179, 234, 310, 376 167,310 380 121,233,308,375 166, 375 321 306 115 115,164,231,303,372 291 101,223,366 101, 223, 291, 366 101, 366 292 281 109, 299 131,241 131,382 187 316 55, 199, 258 105 101,223,291 308 42, 191, 248 353 353 272 75, 210, 272 ' 75, 210, 353 58 63 47, 194 48, 195, 252, 341 195, 341 81 164 373 116, 164, 373 164 386 Balistidae Balistidae Barbus meridionalis Barbus (punitus) sophore Barbus putitora Barbus sarana Barbus stigma Barbus tor Basilichthys bonariensis Basilichthys incisus Belone acus Betone belone Belonidae Beryx decadactytus Beryx splendens Blennius gattoruggine Blennius ocellaris Blennius palmicornis Blennius pavo Blennius tentacularis Boteophthalmus boddaerti Boleophthalmus dussuniieri Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Botoelagadidae Brama brama Bramidae Branchiostegidae Branchiostegus japonicus Breuoortia gunteri Breuoortia patronus Breuoortia tyrannus Brosme brosme Buccinum humphreyssanu Buccinum undatum Buccinum verkruzeni Caesio caerulaureus Caesio chrysozonus Caesio cuning Caesio lunaris Callichrous bimaculatus Callichrous pabda Catlinectes hastatus Callinectes sapidus Callionymus lyra Catlorhinchus milii Campostoma anomalum Cancer borealis Cancer irroratus Cancer magister Cancer pagurus Cancer polydon Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangidae Carangoides ajax Caranthus blochii Caranx carangus Caranx crumenopthalmus Caranx crysos Caranx delicatissimus Caranx diedaba Caranx equulus Caranx georgianus Caranx gumnostethades Caranx ignobitis Filefish Triggerfish Barbel, southern Carp, Indian, puti Carp. Indian Carp, Indian, puti Carp, Indian Carp, mahasole Silverside, pejerrey Silverside, cornalito Garfish Garfish, foli Garfish Bream, red Alfoncino Combtooth, tompot blenny Combtooth, butterfly blenny Combtooth blenny Combtooth blenny Combtooth blenny Goby Goby, mudskipper Brill Flounder Sole Snail Pomfret, Atlantic Pom fret Tilefish Tilefish Menhaden, gulf Menhaden, gulf Menhaden, Atlantic Cusk Whelk Whelk, common northern Whelk Caesio, sulid Caesio, golden Caesio, golden Caesio, moon Catfish, fresh water, butter, pabda Catfish, fresh water, pabda Crab Crab, blue Dragonet Shark, elephant Minnow, stoneroUer Crab, Jonah Crab, rock Crab, Dungeness Crab, edible Crab, necora, cangrejos Amberjack Crevalle Kingfish Mackerel, horse Mackerel, jack Pompano Scad Yellowtail Crevalle, jack Hottentot Crevalle, jack Scad, bigeyed Runner, blue Mackerel, jack Crevalle Kingfish Trevally Scad Pompano 59 111,300,370 38 45, 181, 193, 250 45, 193, 339 46, 181, 193, 250 45, 181, 193 46,181,194,251 291 291 61,202 61,262,347 61,202 43, 248 36, 188, 244, 335 52, 254 51 51 51 51 347 63, 263 181, 192, 249 61, 144, 183, 202, 262, 346 226 132 84 85 111,228,299,370 110, 228, 299 275 77 77, 152, 212, 275, 355 53, 142, 256, 343 321 238,321,384 136, 174 44, 339 44, 192, 249, 338 44, 193, 249, 339 44, 193 47, 182, 340 47 306 118, 166. 179, 187. 232, 306, 332, 374 344 98, 222, 253 275 199, 232 233, 307 118, 166, 179, 232, 306, 332, 374 119, 232, 306, 374 119,232,307,374 188, 244, 335 52 72 75, 210, 272, 353 150,184,210,354 85, 216, 281, 359 94, 158, 287, 363 186,231,373 52, 140, 182 71,269 52, 197, 255, 342 94, 185, 220, 287, 363 89, 156, 218, 283 210, 353 52, 197, 255 208 229, 300 93 85 387 Caranx kalla Caranx lutecens Caranx malabaricus Caranx mate Caranx melampygus Caranx mertensi Caranx ronchus Caranx sexfasciatus Caranx speciosus Caranx stellatus Carassius auratus Carcharhinidae Carcharhininus albimarginatus Carcharhinus bracyurus Carcharhinus falciformis Carcharhinus gangeticus Carcharhinus gtaucus Carcharhinus hmbatus Carcharhinus longimanus Carcharhinus melanopterus Carcharhinus milberti Carcharhinus obscurus Carcharias aetholorus Carcharias glaucas Carcharias laticanous Carcharias menisorrah Carcinus maenas Cardiidae Cardium corbis Cardium edule Cardium muticum Cardium tuberculatum Caridina nilotica Carpiodes cyprinus Carpiodes difformis Carpiodes meridionalis Carpiodes thompsoni Catla buchanani Catla catla Catostomidae Catostomus catostomus Catostomus commersoni Centracantidae Centrarchidae Centrarchidae Centrolophus japonicus Centropomidae Centropomus armatus Centropomus robalito Centropomus undecimalis Centropristes ocyurus C entropristes striatus Centroscy Ilium fabricii Cephalopholis miniatus Ceratoscopelus warmingil Cetorhinus maximus Chaetodipterus faber Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae Chanos chanos Characidae Charybdis cruciata Chascanopsetta lugubris Chauliodus sloani Cheilodactylus fasciatus Cheilodactylus macropterus Cheilodactylus uariegatus Chela bacila Chelidonichthys kumu Chiloscyllium plagiosum Chimaera barbouri Chimaera monstrosa Scad, golden Mackerel, horse Pompano, talakitok Longfish Mackerel, horse Trevally Mackerel, horse Trevally, great, talakitok Kingfish, cavalla Pompano Goldfish, funa Shark, requiem Shark, whitetip Shark, blue Shark, silky Shark, bull Shark, blue Shark, blacktip Shark, oceanic whitetip Shark, blackfinned Shark, sandbar Shark, dusky Dogfish, cazon Shark, sand Shark, sand Shark, sand Crab, shore, common, green Cockle Cockle, Pacific Cockle, Atlantic Cockle Cockle Shrimp, fresh water Sucker, quillback Sucker, carp Sucker, carp Sucker, carp Carp, katla Carp, katla Sucker Sucker, longnose Sucker, common Picarel Sunfish Largemouth bass Butterfish Snook Snook, robalo Snook, Constantino Snook Bass, sea, bank Bass, sea, black Dogfish, black Coral Cod, seabass Lanternfish Shark, basking Spadefish Angelfish Butterfiyfish Milkfish Characin Crab, Bombay Flounder, pelican Viperfish Steenklipvis, steenvis Gurnard Pintadilla Carp Gurnard, red Shark, cat Ratfish Ratfish 94, 178, 220, 287, 363 75 85, 216 353 75, 210, 272 186, 370 75, 210 111, 229, 300, 370 72 85 63, 176, 203, 263, 348 99, 223, 290, 365 100, 160, 291 98 100, 290 98 98, 185, 222, 289, 365 98, 222, 289 185 , 222, 289 290 289 55, 198, 343 223 99 99 233, 307, 332 128, 172, 239, 316, 333, 380 128, 316, 380 128,172,239,316 128, 239 239, 315, 380 168 297 296 108, 227, 369 108 339 46, 181, 194, 250, 339 108, 227, 297 297 108, 296, 369 82 369 369 182 293, 367 104, 225, 367 104, 225, 367 225, 293 40 40, 190, 246 257 52, 197, 255, 342 270 289 105, 226, 294, 368 245 44. 192, 249, 338 78, 152, 212, 275, 355 195, 341 374 176 115,231,303,373 106 205, 265 83, 215, 279, 358 45. 193, 250 65, 183, 205, 266, 349 98 360 87, 154 388 Chimaera phantasma Chimaeridae Chione undatella Chionoectes angulatus Chionuectes bairdi Chionoectes opilio Chionoectes tanneri Chirocentrus dorab Chlamys glabra Chlamys opercularis Chlorophthatmus albatrossis Chloroscombrus chrysurus Chorinemus tot Chpiso magarua Chromis chromis Chrysichus nigmdigitatis Chrysophrys aurata Chrysophrys datnia Chrysophrys guttulatus Chrysophrys major Cichlidae Cichlidae Cilus monti Cirrhina mrigala Cirrhina reba Citharichthys arctifrons Citharinus citharinus Citharus linguatula Clarias batrachus Clarias fuscus Clarias lazaiae Clarias magur Cleisthenes pinetorum herzensteini Clibanarius strigimans Clinostomus funduloides Clioderma aspirrimum Clupanodon punctatus Clupanodon pseudohispanicus Clupea alosa Clupea harengus Clupea pallasi Clupea pitchardus Clupea toll Clupeidae Clupeidae Clupeidae Clupeidae Clupeidae Clupisiima garua Cobitidae Coilia dussumieri Coilia lindmani Coilia nasus Cololabis saira Conger conger Conger myriaster Conger oceanicus Congridae Coradion altiueltis Corbicula fluminea Corbicula japonica Corbicula leana Corbicula sandai Corbiculadidae Coregonus alpenae Coregonus artedii Coregonus clupeaformis Coregonus hoyi Coregonus kiyi Coregonus lauaretus Coregonus (eucichthys) albula Coregonus oxyrhynchus Coregonus pollan Ratfish Chimaera Clam, venus Crab, tanner Crab, snow Crab, queen Crab, tanner Herring, wolf Scallop Scallop, green Greeneye Bumper, Atlantic Queenfish, leatherjacket Catfish, fresh water Damselfish Catfish, fresh water Bream, gilthead Bream, silver, Japanese Snapper Bream, sea, red Chichlid Tilapia Sea trout, corvina Carp, mrigala Carp, reba Flounder, Gulf Stream Citharinus Flounder, spotted Catfish, air-breathing, hito Catfish, air-breathing Catfish, air-breathing, karmouth Catfish, air-breathing Flounder Crab, hermit Dace, rosyside Sole Herring, Japanese Sardine Shad Herring. Atlantic Herring, Pacific Pilchard. European Shad, Indian Herring Menhaden Pilchard Sardine Shad Herring, bachiva. bacha Loach Anchovy, mandali Anchovy, ca'moi Anchovy Saury, Pacific Eel, conger Eel, conger Eel, conger, American Eel, conger Butterflyt'ish, ca'chix Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water, corbshell Clam, fresh water, corbshell Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water Cisco, longjaw Cisco, lake Whitefish, lake Bloater Kiyi Cisco, Bering Whitefish, vendace Whitefish Trout, pollan 177 253 314 308 119, 166 119, 232 120, 166 70, 207, 268, 351 131,241,319 132, 319 176, .348 43 86, 217, 282, 360 340 .55, 198 47 43,191,248,337 338 103, 224, 293 43, 139, 181, 191, 249 49, 196, 2,53. .341 110 96,221,263 46, 194, 2,S 1,340 46, 194, 251 144 49 202, 261 47, 182, 194, 251, 340 46, 194, 251 47, 194, 251 46, 182, 194 201,261,346 307 257 367 351 91, 219, 285, 362 96, 221, 288 68, 146, 177, 183, 207, 267 70, 148, 177. 183, 207, 268 82, 154, 214, 279, 358 97, 222, 288 70, 148, 177, 184, 208, 268, 351 78. 152, 177, 212, 275, 355 83, 154, 215, 279, 358 92, 158, 185, 220, 296, 362 97, 222, 288, 365 69, 207, 268, 350 74,271,353 37, 138, 189, 245, 335 37, 188, 244, 335 335 93, 158, 220, 286, 363 57, 200, 259, 344 57, 142, 259, 344 57 57, 183, 200, 259, 344 44, 192, 249, 338 125, 237, 378 126, 170, 180, 313, 378 126, 170, 237, 378 126 126, 170. 378 49 49, 196, 253, 341 116,231,304,373 41, 190,247 72 253 164, 304 304, 373 112,229,301 389 Coregonus reighardi Coregonus zenithicus Coris gioffredi Corvina nigrita Coryphaena hippurus Coryphaenidae Coryphaenoides acrolepsis Corystes cassivetaunus Cottus pollux Crangon allmani Crangon vulgaris Crassostrea (Ostrea) virginiana Crenitabrus mediterraneus Creniiabrus melops Crenitabrus pavo Cryphiops caementarius Cryptogramma squamosa Ctenopharyngodon idellus Cucumaria lefevrei Cucumaria miniata Cyclopteridae Cyclopterus lumpus Cyclothone acclinidens Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus arel Cynoglossus puneticeps Cynoglossus semifasciatus Cynoglossus senegalensis Cynoscion arenarius Cynoscion atelodus Cynoscion nebulosus Cynoscion nobilis Cynoscion nothus Cynoscion petronus Cynoscion regalis Cynoscion striatus Cyprinus carassius Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio Cypselurus agoo Cypselurus oligolepis Cypselurus opisthopus Cyrena ventricosa Cyraenidae Dactylopagrus carponemus Dactylopteridae Datatius licha Damalichthys argyrosomus Dasyatidae Dasyatis akajei Dasyatis brevicaudatus Dasyatis huhlii Dasyatis pastinaca Dasyatis uarnak Decapod molusca Decapterus lajang Decapterus macarellus Decapterus macrosoma Decapterus pinnulatus Decapterus punctatus Decologoglossa cuneata Dent ex argyrozona Dentex canariensis Dentex macrophthalmus Dentex maratanus Dentex undulosas Dentex vulgaris Cisco, shortnose Cisco, shortjaw Wrasse, pinfade Sea crow Dolphin, mai mai, dorado Dolphin Grenadier, rattail Crab Sculpin Shrimp Shrimp Wrasse Wrasse Wrasse, peacock Shrimp Turban Carp, grass Sea cucumber Sea cucumber Lumpfish Lumpfish Lightfish Tonguefish Sole Sole, speckled Sole Flounder Sea trout, sand Drum, teraglin Sea trout, spotted Bass, sea, white Sea trout, silver Weakfish Sea trout, grey Drum Carp, crucian Bleak Carp Chub Dace Minnow Roach Shiner Carp Flyingfish Flyingfish, small scaled Flyingfish Clam, green Clam Gurnard, flying Gurnard, flying Shark, darkie charlie Perch, silver Stingray Stingray, thornback Stingray Stingray, blue spotted Stingray Stingray, marbled Squid Scad Scad, mackerel Scad, big-bodied Scad, round Scad, round Sole, acedia Silverfish Bream, sea Porgy, large eyed dentex Bream, sea Seventy-four Bream, tooched 49 49 117,231 95,221,287 55, 142, 182, 199, 258, 344 55, 142, 199, 258 264 306 94,221,364 376 234, 310, 376 see Oyster eastern 117 117 117,231,373 121, 234, 376 384 176,181,339 287 364 74, 150, 209 272, 353 73 111,370 185 226 178, 225 201,261 96, 221 199, 258 96, 158, 288, 364 6 96 115 96, 221, 288 56, 142 45. 139, 193, 250, 321 247 46.140, 182, 194,251,340 196 55, 198, 257 78 88 291 45, 139, 193, 250, 339 183, 346 61,202,262,346 61,202,262 126, 238, 314, 378 126 266 205, 266 98, 289 278 107, 227, 295, 369 107, 227 295 107, 227, 368 107, 227 107, 160, 227, 295, 368 174 185 94, 221 220, 286, 363 94, 185 287 293 101, 291 43, 191 85,281,359 43, 191 96, 288 43, 192, 338 390 DIaphus caeruleus Diaphus dunierili DIaphus mollis Diaphus theta Diapterus euennanni Diplectrum formosum Diplectrum radiate Dipludus sargus Dipteron saltator capensis Ditrema temmincki Donacidae Donax radians Dona.x truncurus Dorosoma cepedianum Dorosoma petenense Dosidicus gigas Dosinia japonica Dreissensia polymorpha Drepane africana Drepane punctata Dussumieria acuta Duymaeria flagellifera Eburna japonica Elagatis bipinnulata Eledone cirrhosa Eledone moschata Eledonidae Eleotris fusca Ellystis complanatus Elopidae Elops hawaiiensis Elops saurus Embiotoca jacksuni Embiotoca lateralis Enchelyopus cimbrius Enedrias nebulosus Engraulidae Engraulis encrasicholus Engraulis japonicus Engraulis mordax Engraulis mystax Engraulis mysticetus Engraulis ringens Entosphenus japonicus Eopsetta cynoglossus Eopsetta grigorjewi Eopsetta jordani Epinephelus aeneus Epinephelus analogus Epinephelus corallicola Epinephelus ergastularius Epinephelus gigas Epinephelus goreensis Epinephelus lanceolatus Epinephelus morio Epinephelus niveatus Epinephelus septemfasciatus Epinephelus taeniops Eramacrus isenbecki Ereunias gralletor Eriocheia sinensis Eriphia spinifrons Esocidae Esox lucius Esox masquinongy Esox niger Esox reticulatus Etelis evurus Etheria elliptica Ethmalosa dorsalis Ethmidium chilcae Etmopterus lucifer Etrumeus micropus Lantern fish Lanternfish Lanternfish Lanternfish, California headlightfish Mojarra Bass, sea, sand perch Bass, sea Bream, white, sargo Galjoen Surfperch, sea chub Clam, donax Clam, donax, bean Clam, donax, cadelinha Shad, gizzard Shad, threadfin Squid Clam, venus Mussel Drepane Drepane, concertinafish Herring, round Wrasse Whelk Runner, rainbow Octopus, curled Octopus Octopus Sleeper Clam, fresh water Tarpon Tarpon, bidbid Ladyfish Surfperch, black Surfperch, blue Rockling, fourbeard Blenny Anchovy Anchovy, European Anchovy, Pacific Anchovy, Northern Anchovy Anchoveta Anchoveta Lamprey Sole Sole Sole, petrale Grouper, merou Grouper, spotted cabrilla Grouper, spotted Grouper Grouper, yellowbelly Grouper, merou Grouper, black Grouper, red Grouper, snowy Grouper Grouper, merou rouge Crab, kegani Sculpin Crab, Chinese Crab Pike Pike, northern Pike, muskellunge Pike, chain pickerel Pike, pickerel Snapper Oyster Shad Herring, machete Dogfish Herring, round 177 270 270 73, 271 78, 212, 27.5, 3.55 246 39, 190, 246, 336 43, 192, 249, 338 61 369 313, 278 125,237,313,378 313 97, 222, 288, 328, 364 97, 222, 288 1.34, 242 .370 .381 56, 258 56, 199, 258, 344 70 373 136,243,321,384 89, 218, 283, 360 240, 317 129, 240, 317 130 101, 224, 292 313 109, 228, 299 109, 227, 298, 369 72, 270, 326, 352 298 298 283 41 38, 138, 181, 189, 245, 322, 335 37, 188, 244, 335 38,138,181,189,335 37, 245 36, 188, 244 36, 322 36, 138, 176, 188, 244, 322 72. 208, 270 225 367 105, 226, 294, 368 64, 204, 348 265 64, 204, 264, 348 204, 264 64, 204, 265. 348 64, 204, 264 325 64, 117,204,264,348 264 348 64. 204 307 178 118, 306, 374 232 82,152,214,279,358 82, 152, 184, 214, 278, 327, 358 82, 214, 278, 327 278, 327 279 185 130 96, 221, 288 69, 207, 268, 351 176 70, 183, 207. 268, 351 391 Etrumeus teres Eupagurus bernhardus Euthynnus alteteratus Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) vagans Euthynnus pelamis Eutropiichthys vacha Evynnis japonica Exocoetidae Exocoetidae Exocoetus volitans Fistulariidae Fluta alba Flutidae Fulvia muticum Fusitriton oregonesis Gadidae Gadidae Gadidae Gadidae Gadus esmarki Gadus luscus Gadus macrocephalus Gadus minutus Gadus morhua Galathea squamifera Galeocerdo arcticus Galeoides decadactylus Galeorhmus australis Galeorhinus galus Galeorhmus zyopterus Galeus melanostomus Gambusia af finis Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus pungitius Gebbula umbilicalis Genypterus blacodes Genypterus capensis Genypterus chiliensis Genypterus maculatus Gerreidae Gerres filamentosus Geryon quinquedens Gila atraria Girella nigricans Girella tricuspidata Globicephala macrorhyncha Glossogobius giuris Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Glyptocephatus zachirus Gnatholepis thompsoni Gobiidae Gobio fluviatilis Gobionellus longicaudus Gobionellus opthalmonen Gobius auratus Gobius (Acanthogobius) flavimanus Gobius jozo Gobius minututus Gobius niger Gobius paganellus Gonostomatidae Gymnapistes marmoratis Gymnothorax kidako Gymnothorax ocellata Haemulon plumieri Haemulon sciurus Halaelurus burgerii Haliotidae Haliotis cracherodi Haliotis discus Haliotis gigantea Haliotis japonica Haliotis fulgens Herring, round Crab, hermit Tunny, little Katsuo Tuna, skipjack Catfish, fresh water, bacha Bream, sea, crimson Flyingfish Halfbeak Flyingfish, tropical two-winged Cornetfish Eel, swamp, field Eel, swamp Crab, spider Whelk, Oregon triton Cod Hake Pollack Tomcod Pout, Norway Pout, fanica Cod, Pacific Cod, poor Cod, Atlantic Crayfish Shark, tiger Threadfin Shark, school Shark, tope Shark, soupfin Shark, cat, squale Mosquitofish Stickleback Stickleback, ninespine Mussel Cusk-eel, ling Cusk-eel, kingklip Cusk-eel, congrio Colorado Cusk-eel, congrio, negro Mojarra Mojarra, spotted Crab, red, deep sea Chub, Utah Chub, sea, opaleye Chub, sea, blackfish Whale, pilot Goby, flathead Flounder, witch Sole, rex Goby, goldspot Goby Goby, gudgeon Goby, long tailed Goby Goby Goby, yellowfm Goby, chiozzo Goby Goby, black Goby, gudgeon Cyclothone Soldierfish Eel, moray Eel, moray Grunt, white Grunt, bluestriped Dogfish, lesser spotted Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone, green 70, 184, 268, 351 307 15, 230, 303, 331 72, 148, 326, 352 113,162,178,186,230,302 47, 194, 251 181, 191,322 346 67, 183, 206, 267, 350 61, 144,202 342 59, 144, 201, 260, 345 260 119, 375 136, 174 50, 140, 196, 254, 324, 342 67, 146, 177, 206, 267, 326, 349 84, 154, 216, 280, 359 111,300 281,328 86, 281 50, 140, 196, 253, 324, 342 196 50, 140, 182, 196, 254, 323, 341 308 100, 291 109, 228, 299 100, 290 100 100 289 78 295 295 129, 381 .54, 198, 256 54, 256 54, 198, 256 54, 198, 256 78 78, 212, 275, 355 119, 233, 307 49 341 253 304 62, 203, 263, 325, 347 60,261,324 105, 226, 294, 368 62 63, 144, 203, 263, 325, 347 263 63, 263, 347 62 62 63, 183 62, 203 62 62, 263 62, 263 257 293 345 58 65, 205, 349 65, 204, 265 55 125, 170, 158, 237, 313, 333, 378 313 180, 378 125, 170, 237, 313, 378 125, 170, 180, 237, 313, 333, 378 237 392 Hapalogenys mucronatus Grunt 64, 204 Harengula humeralis Sardine, red ear 92 Harengula moluccensis Herring, bleeker, tunsoy 69 Harengula pensacolae Sardine, scaled, razorbelly 92 Harengula tawilis Herring, fresh water 268, 351 Harengus minor Herring 350 Harpodon nehereus Bombay Duck 42, 139, 191, 248, 337 Helkolenus dactybpterus Scorpionfish, rosefish 94, 287 Helicolenus maculatus Scorpionfish, sanford 287 Helicolenus papillosia Scorpionfish, redrock 287 Helix aspersa Snail, common 320 Helix hortensus Snail 320 Helix pomatia Snail 382 Helixidae Snail, escargot 132 Helostoma temmincki Perch, climbing, gourami 152 Hemichthys scolopaceus Eel, snipe, slender 176 Hemidonax donaciformus Cockle, sand 128, 239, 316 Hemigrapsus oregonensis Crab 374 Hem ipterus japonica Snapper, kulisic 103 Hemiramphus far Halfbeak, burguing 67 Hemiramphus georgii Halfbeak, nun-spotted 67, 206, 267, 350 Hemiramphus intermedius Halfbeak 67 Hemiramphus sajori Halfbeak 67, 183, 206 Hemitripterus americanus Sculpin, sea raven 94, 221, 287 Hepsetus odoe Pike 82 Hermit cupagiorus Crab, hermit 307 Heterodontis francisci Shark, horn 99 Heteropneustes fossilis Catfish, air-breathing 182 Hexanchus griseus Shark, sixgill 290 Hexagrammidae Greenling 264 Hexagrammos octogrammus Greenling, masked 348 Hexagrammos otakii Ainame 36, 188, 322 Hilsa ilisha Shad, Indian 97, 158, 185. 222, 288, 364 Hilsa reevesii Shad 364 Hiodon alosoides Mooneye, goldeye 275 Hiodon tergisus Mooneye 275 Hippoglossoides elassodon Sole, flathead 104, 226, 289, 368 Hippoglossoides platessoides Plaice, American 83, 215, 279, 358 Hippoglossus hippoglossus HaHbut, Atlantic 67,183,206,267,350 Hippoglossus stenolep.iis Halibut, Pacific 68, 146, 206, 267, 325, 350 Hippoglossus vulgaris Halibut, Arctic 206, 350 Hippolysmeta ensirostris Shrimp, Indian 235, 311 Holacanthus angelichthys Angelfish, blue 336 Holacanthus ciliaris Angelfish, queen 38 Holothuria edulis Sea cucumber 364 Holothuroidae Sea cucumber 95, 287, 364 Homarus americanus Lobster, northern 309, 332, 375 Homarus gammarus Lobster, European 121,375 Homarus vulgaris Lobster 121, 233, 309, .375 Hvas araneus Crab 232 Hydrolagus colliei Raffish 87, 282 Hygophum hypgomi Lanternfish 270 Hygophum macrochir Lanternfish 270 Hymenocephalus lethonemus Grenadier 177 Hymenopenaeus mulleri Shrimp, langostino 312 Hynnis momsa Amberjack, Philippine 36, 244, 335 Hypomesus olidus Smelt, pond 102, 185, 224, 292, 366 Hypophthalmichthys mntitrix Carp, silver 46, 176, 181, 194, 251, 340 Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Carp 176 Hyriopsis schlegelii Mussel 129 Hyriopsis velthuizeni Mussel 172 Ibacus ciliatus Lobster, slipper 309 khthyomyzon castaneus Lamprey, chestnut 270 Ictaluridae Catfish, fresh water 48, 140, 182, 195, 252, 340 Ictalurus furcatus Catfish, fresh water, bullhead, blue 251 Ictalurus melas Catfish, fresh water, bullhead, black 47, 251 Ictalurus nalatis Catfish, fresh water, bullhead, yellow 251 Ictalurus nebulosus Catfish, fresh water, bullhead, brown 251 Ictalurus punctatus Catfish, fresh water, channel 47, 195, 252 Ictalurus serracanthus Catfish, fresh water, spotted bullhead 182 Ictiobus bubalus Sucker, smallmouth, buffalo 297 Ictiobus cyprinellus Sucker, buffalo 108, 160, 296 Ilisha abnormis Herring, pollona 268 393 Ilisha afncana Ilisha etongata Illex illecebrosus Inegocia meerdevoosti Istiophoridae Istiophoridae Istiophorus ptatypterus Isurus oxyrinchus Isuridae Jasus taltandii Johnius betengeri Jules Jules Kareius bicoloratus Konosirus punctatus Konosirus thrissa Krytopterus krytopterus Kyphosidae Kyphosus lembus Labeo bata Labeo calbasu Labeo gonius Labeo rohita Labidesthes sicculus Labracoglossus argentiuentris Labrax bergylta Labrax (Roccus) lupus Labridae Labrus tardus Labrus uiridis Lactarias lactarias Lamna cornubica Lamna ditropsis Lamna glauca Lamna nasus Lamnidae Lampanyctus pusillus Lampanyctus regalis Lampanyctus ritteri Lampetra ayresi Larimus fasciatus Larimus peli Lateolabrax japonicus Lates calcarifer Lates neloticus Latridopsis forsteri Leiognathidae Leiognathidae Leiognathus daura Leiognathus argenteus Leiognathus equula Leiognathus insidiatnx Leiognathus splendens Leiostomus xanthurus Lepidopsetta bilineata Lepidopus caudatus Lepidorhombus boscii Lepidorhombus whiffiangonis Lepidotrigla strauchi Lepisosteidae Lepisosteus osseus Lepomis auritus Lepomis gibbosus Lepomis macrochirus Lepophidium brevibarbe Lethrinidae Lethrinus karwa Lethrinus miniatus Lethrinus nebulosus Lethrinus opercularis Leuciscus cephalus Leuciscus souffia Lichia amia Lichia glauca Herring Shad, slender Squid, short-finned, Atlantic Flathead BiUfish Marlin Sailfish Shark, shortfin mako Shark, mackerel Lobster, red Croaker, aba Wrasse, rainbow Flounder, stone Shad Shad, bastard Sheathfish Chub, sea Chub, sea, striped rudder Carp, bata Carp, orange fin Carp, ghania Carp, Indian Silverside, brook Japanesefish Wrasse, ballan Wrasse, bass Wrasse Wrasse, spinola Wrasse Jumper Shark, porbeagle, mackerel Shark, porbeagle, salmon Shark, mackerel, blue-pointer Shark, porbeagle, mackerel Shark, porbeagle, mackerel Lanternfish Lanternfish Lanternfish Lamprey, river Croaker, banded Weakfish Bass, sea, Japanese Giant perch Snook, Nile perch Trumpeter Slimy, soapy Slipmouth Slipmouth, black-finned Slimy, soapy Slimy, soapy, ponyfish Slimy, soapy Slimy, ponyfish, splendid Spot Sole, rock Cutlassfish •• Flounder Megrim Searobin, gurnard Gar Gar, longnose Sunfish, redbreast Sunfish, pumpkinseed Sunfish, bluegill Cusk-eel Emperor Emperor Emperor, long-nosed Emperor, spangled Emperor Carp, chevenne Carp Leerfish Leatherjacket 68, 207, 267 97, 222, 288, 365 136, 321 183 190,336 152 89. 184, 283 290, 365 365 233, 309 52 117 60, 144, 202, 261, 346 288 97. 185, 221, 288 100, 223, 291, 365 49, 196, 253 49, 196 45, 193, 250, 339 46, 194, 251, 340 45, 181, 193, 250 45, 181, 193, 250, 339 291 208, 352 117 117,231 117,231,305 117,231,305,373 117 72 99, 290 99, 236 99, 185, 365 99, 290 99 270 73 73, 270 72 53 115,231,303 40, 181, 190, 246, 336 61, 203, 262, 347 104, 225 302 292 102, 224, 366 102, 224, 292, 366 366 102, 224, 292, 366 102, 224 292 106, 160, 226, 294 105, 226, 368 54, 198, 256 201, 261 212,274 328 346 262 297 297 108,217,297 54, 198, 256, 343 59 59, 201 59 59 201,260,345 45, 250 45 73,271,352 73, 209, 352 394 Limcmda aspera Limanda augustinjatris Limanda ferruginea Limnnda herzensteini Limanda limanda Limanda yokohama Lithognathus murmynis Littorina littorea Littorina neritoides Littorinidae Lobianchia dofleini Lobotes surinamensis Loliginidae Loligo hleekeri Lnligo brasitiensis Loligo brevia Loligo forbesi Loligo gahi Loligo jauanica Loligo ommastrephes Loligo opalescens Loligo pealei Loligo vulgaris Lophiidae Lophius americanus Lophius budegassa Lophius litulas Lophius piscatorius Lophius setigerus Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Lota lota Lucioperca luciuperca Lutianidae Lutianus agennes Lutianus analis Lutianus aya Lutianus campechanus (Blackfordii) Lutianus Colorado Lutianus fulvus Lu tianus griseus Lutianus kasmira Lutianus malabaricus Lutianus rivulatus Lutianus synagris Maccullochella macquariensis Macrobrachium rosenbergii Macrodon ancylodon Macrones cauasius Macrones gluilo Macrones seenghala Macrones uittalus Macrorhamphosidae Macrouridae Macrourus nouaezelandia Macrourus rupestris Macrozoarces americanus Mactra corallina Mactra glauca Mactra sachaeinensis Mactra sulcataria Mactra veneriformis Mactridae Maena maena Maena zebra Maia squinado Makaira amp la Makaira audax Makaira indica Makaira manazza Makaira nigricans Malapterurus electricus Mallotus villosus Mastacembelus armatus Sole, yellowfin Founder Flounder, yellowtai! Dab, Japanese Dab Dab, Japanese Steenbras, sand, seebes Periwinkle Periwinkle Periwinkle Lanternfish Tripletail Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid, Pacific Squid, long-finned Squid, common Goosefish, monkfish Goosefish, monkfish Goosefish, monkfish Goosefish, monkfish Goosefish, monkfish Goosefish, monkfish Tilefish Burbot Pike, perch Snapper Snapper Snapper Snapper, red Snapper Snapper, pargo Snapper Snapper, grey Snapper, tanda-tanda Snapper, malabar Snapper Snapper, lane Bass, sea, murray cod Shrimp, fresh water, prawn Goby, sea trout, merluzza Catfish, fresh water, dwarf Catfish, fresh water, shengti Catfish, fresh water, seenghala Catfish, fresh water, striped, dwarf Snipefish Grenadier Grenadier, New Zealand whiptail Grenadier, rock Eelpout, ocean pout Clam, mactra Clam, mactra Clam, mactra, surf Clam, mactra Clam, mactra Clam, mactra Picarel Picarel Crab, spinous spider Marlin, Pacific, blue Marlin, striped Marlin, black Marlin Marlin, blue Catfish, electric Capelin Eel, spiny 105 346 eO, 202, 262 198 54, 198, 257 198, 257 106,227,295,368 131,318 318 241,318 270 111,229,300 136, 383 134, 383 320 134 242, 320 134, 242 134 134, 174, 242, 320, 334, 383 134, 174, 321 134, 174, 242, 321, 383 134, 242, 320, 383 63, 144, 204, 264, 348 264 63, 203, 264 63, 183, 203 63, 176, 203, 264, 348 63, 203, 264, 348 110 44, 139, 192, 249, 323, 338 278, 357 103, 160, 225, 293, 367 224, 293 367 225, 293 103, 160, 185, 225, 293, 329, 367 103, 225, 367 103 103, 367 103 103, 225, 293, 367 367 224 246 311 63, 203, 263, 347 47, 140, 182, 323, 340 47, 195, 252 47, 182, 194 48, 182, 323, 340 293 204, 264, 325 264 264 260 379 314 126, 238, 333 170, 180, 314, 379 379 126, 170. 238, 314 278 82, 214 307, 375 274 77, 274 77, 274, 327 211,274 77,212,274 47 44, 139, 176, 193, 250, 323 58,183,201,310 395 Mastacem betas favus Megalaspis cordyea Megatops cyprinoides Melanogrammus aeglefinnus Menticirrhus americanus Menticirrhus littoralis Menticirrhus saxatilis Mercenaria mercenaria Meretrix casta Merlangus merlangus Merluccius bilinearis Merluccius capensis Merluccius gayi Merluccius maculatus Merluccius merluccius Merluccius productus Merluccius senegalensis Mesodesma globrata Mesodesma mesodesma Metapenaeus affinis Metapenaeus brevicornis Metapenaeus monoceros Microgobius microlepis Micromesistius pontassou Micropogon barretoi Micropogon furnjeri Micropogon opercularis Micropogon undulatus Micropterus dolomieui Micropterus punctulatus Micropterus salmoides Microstomus kitaharae Microstomus kitt Microstomus pacificus Microstomus sterreri Minytrema melanops Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Molpodia arenicola Molva molva Molvidae Monacanthus chinensis Monacanthus cirrifer Monotaxes grandocutus Morone americanus Morone chrysops Morone labrax Morone lineatus Morone mississippiensis Morone punctata Morone saxatilis Moxostoma anisurum Moxostoma aureolum Moxostoma macrolepidotum Mugil affinos Mugil auratus Mugil brasiliensis Mugil caerulcoma Mugil capita Mugil cascasia Mugil cephalus Mugil corsula Mugil dussumierii Mugil kalaartii Mugil liza Mugil melinopterus Mugil nasus Mugil oeur Mugil parsia Mugil speigleri Mugil fade Mugil vaigiensis Mugilidae Mullidae Eel, spiny Panga, torpedo Tarpon, buan-buan Haddock Kingfish, whiting Kingfish, gulf Whiting, king Clam, venus, northern quahog, cherrystone Clam, venus Whiting Hake, silver, whiting Stockfish Hake, Chilian Hake Hake, European Hake, Pacific Hake, black Clam, softshell Clam, softshell Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp, Indian prawn Goby, banner Whiting, blue Croaker Croaker, corvina Croaker Croaker, Atlantic Sunfish, smallmouth bass Sunfish, spotted bass Sunfish, largemouth bass Sole Sole, lemon Sole, dover Sole Sucker, spotted Loach, weatherfish Sea cucumber Ling Ling Triggerfish, leatherjacket Triggerfish Levovangan Perch, white Bass, temperate, white Bass, temperate, rabaliza Bass, temperate, striped Bass, temperate, yellow Bass, temperate, striped Bass, temperate, striped Sucker, silver redhorse Sucker, redfin Sucker, shorthead redhorse Mullet, ca'doi Mullet, grey Mullet Mullet Mullet, grey harder Mullet, kechki Mullet, striped Mullet, Indian Mullet, green-backed Mullet Mullet Mullet, black fin Mullet Mullet Mullet, parsey Mullet, grey, boi Mullet, bhangar Mullet, long-finned Mullet Goatfish 58, 201, 260, 345 111,229,370 109, 227, 298, 369 65, 144, 183, 205, 266, 325, 349 72 208 116 127, 172, 238, 315, 380 127, 238, 314 231, 331, 373 66, 146, 206, 266, 325 107, 296 66, 205, 266 205 66, 146, 205, 266, 349 66, 146, 206, 266, 325, 349 266 126, 314, 333 314 235,311 235, 311 235, 311 203, 263, 347 116,164,231,305,373 52, 142 53 52 52, 142, 197, 255, 324, 342 298, 330 298 297, 329 367 104, 368 104, 160, 225, 293, 367 329, 367 297 74, 148, 184, 209, 271 364 73,209,271,352 148, 209 300, 370 370 73, 209, 271, 352 226, 278 41, 247, 322 40, 190, 246 41, 247 247 40, 247 41, 190,247,322 297 108 297 212, 276, 356 79, 212, 276 275 212 79, 276 79, 213, 276 79, 152, 213, 276, 356 79, 213, 276 79, 212, 356 212, 356 212,275 78, 212, 276, 356 276 78, 276, 356 79, 177, 276, 356 79, 152, 213, 276, 356 78, 276, 356 79, 213, 276, 356 79, 152, 184, 213, 276, 356 62, 203, 263, 347 396 Multuidichthys auriflamma Mullus barbatus Mutlus piccoti Mullus surmuUetus Muraena helena Muraena pardalis Muraenesocidae Muraenesox telabonoides Muraenesox cinereus Muraenidae Murex brandarix Murex trunculos Mustetus antarcticus Mustelus canis Mustelus dorsalis Mustelus fasciatus Mustelus manazo Mustelus mustelus Mustelus vulgaris Mya arenaria Mycteroperca bonaci Mylinbatidae Mylopharyngudon aethiops Myoxocephalus scorpius Myripristes argyromus Mytilidae Mytilus californianus Mytilus crassitesta Mytilus edulis Mytilus galloprouincialis Mytilus magallanicus Mytilus mundahuensis Mytilus obscurus Mytilus smaragdinus Mytilus viridis Myxine glutinosa Nandus nandus Nassa mutabilis Nassa reticulata Neptunea poycostata Nauodon modestus Nemadactylus macropterus Nemipteridae Nem ipterus japonicus Nemipterus taenipterus Nemipterus virgatus Neogobius melanostomus Nephrops norvegicus Neptomenus crassus Neptuna thalassinus Nibea mitsukurii Nibea nibe Niphon spinosus Nomeus albula Notacanthidae Notacanthus nasus Notemigonus crysoleucas Notodarius gouldi Notopteridae Nntopterus chitala Notopterus notopterus Notorynchus cepedianus Notorynchus maculatus Notoscopelus caudispinous Notropis buchanani Notropis cornutus Notropis hudsonius Nucella lapillus Oblata melanura Octopodidae Octopus bimaculatus Octopus ocellatus Octopus tehuelehus Goatfish, red Goatfish, red mullet Goatfish, red mullet Goatfish, red mullet Eel, moray, Greek Eel, moray Eel, pike conger Eel, pike conger Eel, pike conger, silver Eel, moray Snail Snail, rock Shark, gummy Dogfish, smooth Dogfish, white Shark Shark, spotted hound Shark Shark, smoothhound Clam, softshell Grouper, black Ray, eagle Carp, black Sculpin, shorthorn Squirrelfish, mempachi Mussel Mussel, California Mussel, sea Mussel, blue Mussel, European Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel, salt water Mussel Hagfish, Atlantic Bhatki Snail, mud Snail, almeja Whelk Filefish Wrasse Nemipterid Nemipterid, long-tailed Nemipterid, ribbon-finned Nemipterid, roncador Goby, round Lobster, Norway Pompano, Pacific Catfish, fresh water Croaker, nibe Croaker, nibe Bass, sea, common Butterfish Eel, spiny Eel, spiny Shiner, golden Squid, gouldi, flying Featherback Featherback, chitala Featherback Shark, sevengill Shark, sevengill Lantern fish Shiner, ghost Shiner, common Shiner, emerald Whelk, dog winkle. Atlantic Blacktail Octopus Octopus Octopus Octopus, pulpo 262 62, 203, 263 203 62, 203, 263 58, 200 345 200, 259 58, 200, 259 58, 142, 200, 259, 345 58, 200, 345 132, 242, 320 320 98, 222, 290, 365 55, 199, 257, 343 55, 199, 257, 344 98, 160 100, 160 289 100, 223, 365 126, 170, 238, 314, 333, 379 64, 144, 204 154 339 221 295 129, 172, 180, 287, 240, 317, 333, 381 316 129 129, 180, 187, 240, 316, 333, 381 129, 240, 317, 381 316 129 240 381 316 205 181 132, 242 132 136, 174 260 305 80, 277 80, 214, 277, 356 80, 214, 277, 356 80,214,277,356 63, 203, 263 233, 309, 375 85, 216, 280, 359 47 182, 197, 255 197, 255 176, 190 176 59 58 291 321 144, 346 59,183,201,260,346 39,291,260,324,346 290 100 271 365 291 101,291,329 136, 172 41, 190,247 130, 172, 187, 240, 317, 333, 381 317,381 129, 187, 240 317 397 Octopus vulgaris Ocypodiae Ocyurus chrysurus Odontaspididae Oedong kring Oligoplites saurus Ommastrephes sagittatus Ommastrephes stoani pacificus Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Oncorhynchus keta Onchrkynchus kisutch Onchrhynchus masou Oncorhynchus nerka Oncorhynchus rhodurus Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Onus tricarratus Ophicephalus argus Ophicephalus leucopunctatus Ophicephalus marutius Ophicephalus punctatus Ophicephalus sonnerati Ophicephalus striatus Ophichthidae Ophichthus ocellatus Ophidiidae Ophiodon barbatum Ophiodon elongatus Ophioscion venezuelae Opisthonema oglinum Opisthopterus tartoor Oplegnathus fasciata Orconectes limosus Orthopristis chrysoptera Osmeridae Osmerus dentex Osmerus epertanus Osmerus mordax Osphronemus goramy Osteocheilus hasselti Ostrea angulata Ostrea circumpicta Ostrea commercialis Ostrea (Crassostrea) virginica Ostrea echinata Ostrea edulis Ostrea gigas Ostrea glamerata Ostrea laperousei Ostrea lurida Ostrea malabonensis Ostrea orientalis Ostrea pulchana Ostrea rhizophorae Ostrea senuata Ostrea spinosa Ostrea taurica Ostreidae Otolithus brachygnathus Otolithus ruber Oxyeleotris marmorata Pagellus acarne Pagellus cantabricus Pagellus erythrinus Pagellus lithognotius Pagellus notalensis Pagellus orphys Pagrosomus unicolor Pagrus ehrenbergii Pagrus gibbiceps Pagrus laniarius Pagrus laticeps Pagrus major Octopus, devilfish Octopus Snapper, yellowtail Shark, sand tiger Shrimp. Indian Leatherjacket Squid, flying Squid, Japanese Salmon, pink Salmon, chum Salmon, coho Salmon, cherry Salmon, sockeye Salmon, land-locked Salmon, chinook Rockling, three headed Eel, snake Eel, snake, murrel Eel, snake, murrel Eel, snake, murrel Eel, snake Eel, snake, murrel Eel, snake Eel, snake, pale spotted Cusk-eel Cusk-eel, bearded ophidium Lingcod Croaker, roncador Herring, Atlantic thread Sardine Parrotfish Crayfish Pigfish, grunt Smelt Smelt Smelt Smelt, lake Perch, climbing, gourami Barb, bony-lipped Oyster, Portuguese Oyster Oyster, Sidney rock Oyster, eastern Oyster Oyster, common Oyster, giant Pacific Oyster, rock Oyster, Japanese Oyster, native Pacific Oyster, talaba Oyster, talaba Oyster Oyster Oyster, dredged Oyster Oyster Oyster Croaker Salmon, longtooth Sleeper Porgy, aligote Porgy, bisugo Pandora, sea bream Steenbras, white Grunter, red Porgy Porgy Porgy, pargo Stumpnose, red Porgy, panga Porgy, red roman Porgy, Japanese 130, 172, 240, 317, 381 130, 172, 187, 240, 317, 333, 381 103, 160, 225 365 122 352 134,321,334 134, 174, 320, 334, 383 90, 156, 184, 218, 285, 361 90, 156, 184, 218, 284, 328, 361 90, 156, 184, 218, 284, 328, 361 89, 218, 361 90, 158, 178, 184, 219, 285, 328, 361 284, 361 89, 156, 184, 218, 284, 361 283 345 200 58,201,260,324 38, 183, 201, 260, 345 324 58, 183, 201, 260, 345 58, 183, 260, 324, 345 260 343 54, 198, 256, 324 73, 209, 271, 352 53, 197, 255, 343 69, 148, 207 191, 219, 285 80, 213 166 82, 214, 278, 327 103, 160, 224, 292, 329, 366 102 . ■ . 366 102, 178, 224, 292, 329, 366 152 138 130, 318, 334, 382 317 240, 318 130, 172, 180, 240, 318, 334, 382 381. 130, 180, 240, 317, 333, 381 130, 174, 180, 240, 318, 334, 382 318, 334 130 130, 240, 318, 382 382 131 317 130 318. 383 317 130 131, 174, 187, 192, 318, 334, 382 52, 197, 255 90, 218, 284, 361 102, 224, 366 85, 216, 281 85 80. 213, 277 106 65 281 359 86, 216, 359 107, 296 85, 281 86, 281 281 398 Pafirus pagrus Pagurus hirsutiusculus Palaemon carcinus Palaemon serratus Palaemon squilia Palaemon vulgaris Pampas argenteus Pampas chinensis Pampas rail Pandalas borealis Pandalus danae Pandalas dispar Pandalus platyceros Pangasius pangasias Panope genirosa Panuliras argas Panalirus interruptus Panaliras japonicus Panalirus ornatus Panalirus regius Panalirus vulgaris Paphia staminea Parabramis bramula Paracentropristis cabrilla Paracentropristis hepatus Paraconger caudilim batus Paralabrax clathratus Paralabrax humeralis Paralichthys adspersas Paralichthys albigutta Paralichthys brasiliensis Paralichthys dentatas Paralichthys lethostigma Paralichthys microps Paralichthys olivaceas Paralithodes camtschatica Parapristipoma mediterraneam Parapristipoma trilineatum Parasilurus asotus Paroctopus hongkongensis Parophrys vetalus Parupeneus indicas Parupeneas porphyreus Pecten aequisalacalias Pecten caurinus Pecten famatas Pecten genero Pecten grandis Pecten islandicus Pecten jacobaeus Pecten magellanicas Pecten maximas Pecten yessoensis Pectinidae Pectoncalus glycymeris Pelatis sexlineatus Pellona brachysoma Penaeidae Penaeus aztecas Penaeus brasiliensis Penaeus caramote Penaeus carinatas Penaeus daorarum Penaeus esculeutus Penaeus incisipes Penaeus indicus Penaeus japonicus Penaeus kerathuras Penaeus latisalcatus Penaeus longirostris Penaeus maxillipedo Penaeus membranaceus Penaeus merguiensis Bream, sea, pagre Crab, hermit Shrimp, bagda Shrimp Shrimp Shrimp, Indian Pomfret, silver Pomfret, silver Pomfret Shrimp, pink, Maine Shrimp, dock Shrimp, Alaskan, sidestripe Shrimp, ocean Catfish, fresh water, pangash Clam, softshell, geoduck Lobster, spiny Lobster, spiny Lobster Crayfish, painted Lobster, spiny, Japanese Lobster, spiny Clam, venus, littleneck Pomfret Bass, sea, cabrilla Grouper Eel, conger, margintail Bass, sea, kelp Bass, sea Sole, lenguado_ Flounder, gulf Flounder Flounder, summer Flounder, southern Sole, lenguado Flounder, starry, hirame Crab, king Grunt, dorade Grunt Sheathfish Octopus Sole, English Goatfish, ca'phen Goatfish, kurau Scallop, bay Scallop Scallop Scallop, sea vieira Scallop, sea Scallop, Iceland Scallop, great Scallop, sea Scallop, coquille St. Jacques Scallop, common Scallop Scallop, amande de mar Grunt, trumpeter Herring, Indian Shrimp Shrimp, brown Shrimp, Brazilian Shrimp Shrimp, Indian Shrimp, pink Shrimp, tiger Shrimp Shrimp, white Shrimp, opossum, kuruma Shrimp Shrimp, blue leg king Shrimp, gamba Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp Shrimp, banana 43, 248, 337 374 122, 187, 234, 310, 332, 376 310 310 311,376 85, 216, 280, 359 85 216, 280 123, 168, 236, 312, 332, 376 310 376 235 252, 340 127 121,234 309 168. 309 233, 308 375 121,234,309 127,315,380 359 40 64 182 40, 190, 246, 322, 336 39, 190, 246, 336 104, 294 60, 201 261 60, 144 60, 202 294 60,144,202,261,346 119, 166,232,307,332,374 65, 205, 265, 349 64, 204, 265, 348 100, 223, 365 130,317 104, 225, 294, 367 62, 203, 262, 347 62 319 131,180,382 241 319 319 241,319 132, 319 132, 180, 319, 334 132,241,319,334,382 131,241,319,334,644 241, 319, 334 319 205, 265 69 123, 236, 312 122, 168, 179, 234, 310, 332 234. 310 121,234 235,311,376 123, 236, 312 123, 236, 312 122, 234, 310, 376 123, 168, 236, 312, 376 123, 168, 235, 312, 376 310 310 122,235,311 235,311 122 310 399 Penaeus monodon Penaeus penicillatus Penaeus schmitti Penaeus sculptilus Penaeus semisulcatus Penaeus setiferus Penaeus styliferus Penaeus tenuipes Peneopsis dobsonii Pentanemus quinquarias Pentaprion longlmannus Peprilus alepidotus Peprilus tricanthus Perca flavescens Perca fluviatilis Percapsis omiscomaycus Perchichthyidae Percidae Percophididae Percophis brasisiliensis Peristedion cataphractum Petromyzon fluviatilis Petromyzon marinas Petromyzontidae Petrus rupestris Phenacobius mirabilis Physter catadon Physter macrocephalus Physiculus barbatus Physiculus japonicus Pila luzonica Pimelometopon bulchar Pimelometopon pulchrum Placopecten magellanicus Platax pinnatus Platessa platessa Platichthys flesus Platichthys stellatus Platycephalus bassensis Platycephalus indicus Platycephalus macrodon Platyonichus ocellatus Plecoglossus altivelis Plectroplites ambiguus Plectropomus maculatus Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus Pleurogrammus azonus Pleurogrammus monopterygius Pleuroncodes planipes Pleuronectes arsius Pleuronectes flesus Pleuronectes microcephalus Pleuronectes platessa Pleuronectidae , Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae/Bothidae Pleuronichthys cornutus Pleurophyllidia californica Plotosus anguillaris Podaphehalmus vigil Pogonias cromis Pollachius pollachius Pollachius virens Polybius henslowi Polydactylus octonemus Polydactylus quadrifilis Polynemidae Polynemus heptadactylus Polynemus indicus Polynemus microstoma Polynemus paradiseus Shrimp, jumbo Shrimp, Indian Shrimp, white Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp Shrimp, white Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp, Indian prawn Shrimp, Indian Threadfin Mojarra, silver Harvestfish Butterfish Perch, yellow Perch Perch, trout Bass, temperate Perch Flathead Flathead, tira tira Searobin, armoured Lamprey Lamprey, sea Lamprey Steenbras, red Minnow, suckermouth Whale, sperm Whale, sperm Cod, rock Cod Snail Wrasse Wrasse, California, sheepshead Scallop, Atlantic deep sea Angelfish, seabat Plaice, soUa Flounder Flounder, starry Flathead, sand Flathead, Indian Flathead, deep sea Crab, sand Smelt, sweetfish ayu Perch, golden, callop Coral cod, sea bass Shrimp, charigo rajo Greenling, atka, mackerel Greenling, atka, mackerel Crab, red Flounder, plaice Fluke Flounder, lemon Plaice, American Dab Halibut «. Plaice Turbot Flounder Flounder, frog Snail Eel, barrel Crab, red Croaker, black Pollack Pollack, saithe, coalfish Crab Threadfin, Atlantic Threadfin, shiny-nose Threadfm Threadfin Threadfin Threadfin, small mouth Threadfin 123, 235, 312, 376 235, 311 123, 236, 377 122, 235, 311 122, 234, 310, 376 123, 168, 236, 312, 332, 377 122, 168, 235, 311, 376 235,311 122, 235 110, 228, 299 212 68 , 44, 192 81, 214, 278, 327, 357 277 278 41, 138,247 81,278,357 59, 261 261 95 352 270 72, 209, 270, 352 295 275 116 304 254 176 383 305 305 241 38 83 59 60,202,261,346 260 59, 201, 260, 346 59,201.260 119, 233, 307 102, 185, 224, 292, 366 81,214,278 197, 255 310 64, 204, 264, 348 264, 348 119, 166 215, 261 202, 262, 346 144 83, 280, 358 54, 198, 257, 324 68, 146, 183, 206, 267, 325, 350 83, 154, 184, 215, 280, 358 115,164,231,303,373 61, 144, 183, 202, 262, 325, 346 346 383 57 119, 166, 233, 307, 374 53, 197 84 84,154,184,215,280,327,358 118, 232, 306 110 110, 228, 299 110,162,228,299,370 110,228 110, 228, 299, 370 110,228,299,370 228, 370 400 Polynemus tetradactylus Polyprion americanus Polyprion cernium Polypus marmoratus Pomadasyidae Pumadasys argyreus Pumadasys hasta Pomadasys operculare Pomatomidae Pomatomus pedica Pomatomus saltatrix Pomoxis annularis Pomoxis nigromaculatus Pontinus castor Porcellana platycheles Portunidae Portunus pelagicus Portunus puber Portunus sanguinalentus Portunus trituberculatus Potomon grapsoides Potamonidae Priacanthus japonicus Prwnurus microlepidotus Pristidae Pristiophorus cirratus Pristipoma commersonii Pristipoma incisus Pristipoma jubelini Pristipomoides siebotdii Pristop jubelini Procambarus clarkii Prochilodus laticeps Promethichthys prometheus Prosopium unlliamsoni Psammoperca waigiensis Psenopsis anomala Psettes sebae Psettichthys melanostictus Psettodes erumei Pseudobagrus aurantiacus Pseudoentropius garus Pseudolabrus japonicus Pseudomonacanthus ayraudi Pseudopleuronectes americanus Pseudorhombus neglectus Pseudorhombus oligodon Pseudosciaena amblyceps Pseudosciaena anea Pseudosciaena coiber Pseudosciaena crocea Pseudosciaena manchuria Pseudosciaena undovittata Pteroplata altavela Pterosmaris (Carsio) axillaris Ptychocheilus grandes Ptychocheilus oregonensis Puntazzo puntazzo Puntius jauanicus Raja asterias Raja batis Raja clavata Raja eglanteria Raja kenojei Raja maculata Raja p la tana Raja radiata Raja texana Rajidae Rastrelliger brachysomus Rastrelliger canagurta Rastrelliger neglectus Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Threadfin, four-rayed Wreckfish, black bass Wreckfish Octopus Grunt Grunt, besugo, bangoknok Grunt, silver Grunt, meagre Bluefish Bluefish Bluefish Sunfish, crappie, white Sunfish, crappie, black Scorpionfish, longnose Crayfish Crab Crab, blue, deep sea Crab, swinriming Crab Crab, blue, Japan Crab, small Crab Big-eye Surgeonfish Sawfish Shark, saw Grunt, silver spotted Grunt Grunt Snapper Snapper Crayfish, fresh water Characin Tuna, black Whitefish, mountain Perch, sand Butterfish Batfish, silvery Sole, sand Turbot, Indian Catfish, fresh water Catfish, fresh water, bichua Wrasse Triggerfish, yellowjacket Flounder, winter Bleeker Brill, rough scaled Croaker Croaker, smooth scaled Jewfish Croaker, fusei Croaker, yellow Croaker Stingray, butterfly Windtog Squawfish Squawfish Puntazzo Carp Skate, starry ray Skate, blue Skate, thornback Skate, clear nose Skate, flatback Skate Skate Skate, thorny Skate, roundel Skate Mackerel, short-bodied, hasa hasa Mackerel, long-jawed Mackerel, Indian Turbot 110,162,228,299,370 117,231,305 117,231 172,317 65, 183, 205, 265, 349 65, 204, 265, 348 65 205, 265 42, 139, 191, 247 191, 247 41,191,247,336 108, 297 297, 329 363 308 118 118,232,306,374 120, 308 118,306,374 166 233, 307, 375 120 322 369 93, 220, 286, 363 290 349 265 64, 204, 265 293 224 121 49, 195, 253, 341 186, 371 304 81,214,278,357 192 41,195,247 105, 226, 294 372 47, 194 47, 182 373 300 60,261,346 41 43, 192, 249, 338 342 53, 197, 255, 343 71, 208, 368 182 197, 256 342 107, 227, 295 117 106 106 86, 217 139, 339 101,223 101,223,292 101, 223, 292, 366 292 101,223,366 178 101, 160 292 292 101, 160, 223, 292, 366 76, 211, 273, 354 76,211,273,354 75, 150, 272 115,230,303,350,372 401 Reinhardtius matsuurae Reporhamphus australias Rhinobatus hynnicephalus Rhinobatus lentiginosus Rhinobatus ptaniceps Rhinobatus polyophthalmus Rhinoptera seweli Rhombus laeuis Rita rita Roboralga jacksoniensis Rossia pacifica Roughteyia australis Rutilus rutilus Saccobranchus fossilis Salangichthys microdon Salma ocula Salmo clarkii Salmo gairdneri Salmo lewisi Salmo milktschitsch Salmo salar Salmo shasta Salmo trutta Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Saluelinus alpinus Salvelinus fontinalis Saluelinus malma Salvelinus namaycush Sarda chiliensis Sarda orientalis Sarda sarda Sardina {Sardinops) occellata Sardinella allecia Sardinella aurita Sardinella cameroneensis Sardinella eba Sardinella fim briata Sardinella longiceps Sardinella perforata Sardinella sirum Sardinops melanosticta Sardinops neopilchardus Sardinops sagax Sardinops (Sardina) caerulea Sargus annularis Sarpa (Box) boops Sarpa salpa Saurida argyrophanes Saurida elongata Saurida gracilis Saurida tumbil Saurida undosquamis Saurus lacerta Saxidomus giganteus Saxidomus nuttalli Scaridae Scarus mechipunctatus Scatophagus argus Sciaena antarctica Sciaena aquila Sciaena bleekeri Sciaena breuiceps Sciaena cirrosa Sciaena coitor Sciaena deliciosa Sciaena diacanthus Sciaena dussumieri Sciaena gilberti Sciaena glauca Sciaena hololepidotus Turbot Halfbeak Guitarfish, fiddlefish Guitarfish, Atlantic Guitarfish, guitarra Guitarfish Ray, eagle Brill Catfish, fresh water gomna Cod, rock Squid Bream Roach Catfish, stinging Glassfish Trout, sea Trout Trout, rainbow Trout, yellowstone Salmon Salmon, Atlantic Trout Trout, brown Cisco Salmon Trout Whitefish Char, Arctic Trout, brook Trout, Dolly Varden Trout, lake Bonito, Pacific Bonito, striped Bonito, Atlantic Sardine Sardine Sardine, golden Sardine Sardine Herring, fimbriated, tunsoy Sardine, Indian Herring, deep bodied Sardine, spotted Pilchard, Japanese Pilchard, Australian Sardine, Pacific Pilchard, Pacific Coralfish, goat bream Porgy, bogue Bamboofish Lizardfish Lizardfish, longer Lizardfish Lizardfish Lizardfish, spotted tail Lizardfish Clam, venus, butter Clam, venus, butter. Pacific Parrotfish Parrotfish Spadefish Jewfish Shadefish, meagre Croaker Drum, oveva Croaker, verrugato, corb Croaker Croaker Croaker Croaker, smooth scaled Drum, corvina Drum, dhoma Kabeljou 303, 372 206, 267 65, 265, 349 265 65, 205, 265, 349 205, 265 87,213,282 43, 192 47, 280 196, 254 383 191,248 87, 156, 217, 282, 360 48, 182, 195, 253, 323, 341 61 301 370 112, 162,178, 186,229,301, 301 283 89, 218, 284, 360 300 111, 229, 300, 330, 371 49, 253 91,158,185,219,285,361 112,162,229,301,330,371 116, 164,231,304,331,373 195, 253 111,162,229,300,330,370 111,300,371 112,229,301,330,371 42,139,191,248,337 181,248,322 42,191,248 91, 178 91 92, 219, 285 92 92, 219 69, 207, 268, 351 92, 178, 219, 285, 362 69, 207, 268, 326, 350 92, 219, 285, 362 82,154,215,279,327,358 82, 184 362 83, 154, 215, 279, 358 52, 255 85,216,281 38 73, 146 271 73 73, 209, 271, 353 74, 209, 271 74, 209 127, 170, 238, 379 192 80, 214, 277 80. 213, 277, 357 106, 226, 294, 368 71,208,269 98, 222, 365 142 56 256, 343 255, 342 52, 197, 255, 342 142, 342 53, 197, 255, 343 56, 258, 344 56, 199, 258, 344 72, 270 402 Sciaena miles Sciaena ranchus Sciaena regiae Sciaena schlegeli Sciaena sina Sciaena starksei Sciaena umbra Sciaendiae Sciaendiae Sciaenoides pama Sciaenops occutata Scoliodon longurio Scoliodon patasorrah Scoliodon sorrakewa Scomber australias Scomber japonicus/colias Scomber lyson Scomber micrnlepidotus Scam ber scorn brus Scomberesocidae Scum berexox saurun Scomberomorus cavalla Scomberomorus commersonii Scomberomorus guttatus Scomberomorus kuhlii Scomberomorus maculatus Scomberomorus niphonius Scorn beromorus regalia Scomberomorus tritor Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombridae Scombrop boops Scopthatmus maximus Scophthalmus rhombus Scorpaena porcus Scorpaena scropha Scorpaenidae Scorpaenidae Scorpaenidae Scyliorhinidae Scyliorhinus caniculus Scyliorhinus stellans Scylla serrata Sebastes alascanus Sebastes aleutianus Sebastes alutus Sebastes caurinus Sebastes crameri Sebastes elongatus Sebastes flavidus Sebastes goodei Sebastes inermis Sebastes iracundus Sebastes marinus Sebastes matsurabae Sebastes melanops Sebastes mentella Sebastes paucispinus Sebastes pinniger Sebastes rosaceus Sebastes ruberrimus Sebastes rubivinctus Sebastichthys capensis Sebastiscus marmoratus Sebastodes iracundus Sebastolobus macrochir Drum, ghol 197, 258 Croaker, verrugato 53, 255 Drum 199, 258, 344 Croaker 255, 342 Jewfish 71,208,270 Croaker, robalo 53, 197, 255 Corb, brown meagre 342 Croaker 142, 256, 343 Drum 57, 199, 258, 344 Drum, popa 56, 199, 258 Drum, red 56, 199 Shark, sharpnose. Pacific 100, 223, 290, 365 Shark, sharpnose 100, 223, 365 Shark, mushi 99, 222, 290 Mackerel 210, 272 Mackerel, Pacific chub 76, 150,211,273,326,354 Leatherjacket, yellow 73, 209, 271,. 326 Mackerel 74, 210, 272 Mackerel, Atlantic 75, 150, 170, 184, 210, 272, 326, 353 Saury 185 Saury, Atlantic 93 Mackerel, king 75, 210, 273 Mackerel, king, seer 76, 210, 273, 354 Mackerel, spotted Spanish 76,177,211,273,355 Mackerel, surmaii 211, 273 Mackerel, Spanish 76,211,273,354 Mackerel, Spanish, Japanese 150, 210, 273 Cero, mackerel 2.53, 341 Mackerel, West African, Spanish 76,211,273 Bonito 42,139,181,191,248,337 Mackerel 77, 150, 211, 233, 274, 355 Mackerel, king 76, 327 Skipjack 113, 162, 186, 230, 302, 371 Tuna 114,164,230,302,331,372 Tuna, albacore 112, 162, 235, 302, 371 Tuna, skipjack 113, 162, 186, 230, 302, 372 Tunny 164, 303 Big-eye 41,190,247,336 Turbot 372 Brill 249 Sea devil 95, 288 Scorpionfish, yellow 94, 185, 221, 287 Redfish, ocean perch 282 Rockfish 89, 156, 283, 360 Scorpionfish 158,185,221,287,364 Shark, cat 365 Shark, cat 98, 289 Shark, cat, nurse hound 98, 289 Crab, Samoan 119,233,307,374 Rockfish, idiot 88, 218 Rockfish, rougheye 88, 283 Perch, ocean. Pacific 81,214 Rockfish, copper 283 Rockfish, dark blotched 88 Rockfish, greenstriped 88, 218, 283 Rockfish, yellowtail 88, 218, 283 Rockfish, chilipepper 88, 217 Rockfish, mebara 88, 218 Rockfish, osaga 217,283 Redfish, ocean perch 87, 154, 217, 282, 328, 360 Rockfish, red 88, 217, 283, 360 Rockfish, black 88, 217, 282 Redfish 87, 282 Ftockfish, boccaccio 88, 217 Rockfish, canary 88, 217, 283 Rockfish, rosy 88 Rockfish, red 88, 217, 283, 360 Rockfish, flag 88, 283 Jacopever 71,269 Rockfish 360 Scorpionfish, Akodai 363 Rockfish, Kichijj 328, 360 403 Selene vomer Semotilus atromaculatus Semotilus corporalis Sepia japonica Sepia officinalis Sepia orientalis Sepiidae Sepiola rondeleti Sepioteuthis lessoniana Sergestes articus Seriola dorsalis Seriola dumerili Seriola grandis Seriola lalandi Seriola purpurascens Seriola quinqueradiata Seriphus politus Serranidae Serranidae Serranidae Serrilela ameculita Siganidae Siganus fuscescens Siganus oramin Siganus (Teuthis) javis Sitiqua potula Sillaginidae Sillaginodes punctatus Sillago ciliata Sillago japonica Sillago schansa Sillago sihama Siluridae Silurus clarius Silyomia breuirostris Siniperca chuatsi Smaris vulgaris Solea impar Solea solea Solea vulgaris Soleidae/Pleuronectidae Solen ensis Solen gouldi Solen marginatus Solen siliqua Solenidae Solenocera indicus Solenocera subnuda Soletellina cumingiana Soletellina psammatea Somniosus microcephalus Sparidae Sparidae Sparisoma squalidum Sparus globiceps Sparus macrocephalus Sparus sarba Sparus swinhonis Sphoeroides maculatus Sphoeroides pardalis Sphoeroides porphyreus Sphoeroides spengleri Sphoeroides vermicularis Sphymidae Sphyraena argentea Sphyraena barracuba Sphyraena guachancho Sphyraena japonica Sphyraena jello Sphyraena obtusata Lookdown Dace, horned Dace, fallfish Cuttlefish Cuttlefish Cuttlefish Cuttlefish Cuttlefish Squid, oval Shrimp Amberjack, king Amberjack, greater Amberjack, yellowtail Amberjack, yellowtail Amberjack, rudderfish Amberjack, yellowtail Drum, queenfish Gro\iper Ocean perch Bass, sea Trevally, mackerel Rabbitfish Rabbitfish Flabbitfish, spiny Rabbitfish Clam, razor, northern Whiting Whiting, spotted Whiting, sand Whiting Whiting, Lady Vendi Whiting, Australian Sheathfish Catfish, airbreathing Shrimp, rock Perch, Chinese Picarel Sole Sole, Dover Sole, European Sole Clam, razor, Navajos Clam, razor Clam, razor Clam, razor Clam, razor Shrimp, Indian Shrimp, Indian Clam, tellin Clam, tellin, rayed-shell Shark, Greenland Bream Porgy Parrotfish, loro Stumpnose, white Bream, sea, kurd dai Bream, sea, silver Bream, sea Puffer, swellfish Puffer, swellfish Puffer, swellfish Puffer, swellfish Puffer, swellfish Shark, hammerhead Barracuda, Pacific Barracuda, great Barracuda, guaguanche Barracuda Barracuda, striped, torcillo Barracuda 74, 272, 353 257 257 380 128, 239, 316, 380 129, 239, 316, 380 129, 180, 239, 316, 333, 380 316 174, 383 168 36, 244 36, 188, 335 188, 244 244, 335 335 36, 138, 188, 244, 322, 335 344 64, 177, 265, 348 357 40, 138, 181, 190, 246, 322, 336 300 86 360 86 86, 217, 282, 360 314 117, 186, 231, 304 304 116 231 304, 331 116, 186, 231, 304, 373 291 140 123 357 82, 214 104 104, 225, 294 104, 185, 226, 367 105, 160, 178, 185, 294, 329, 368 126 126, 238, 379 314 126 126, 170, 187, 238, 314, 333, 379 235 122,311 238 127, 238, 314 98, 290 139,176,181,192,338 86,184,216,281,359 80, 213, 277, 357 107, 296 337 337 337 86 359 86, 216, 359 359 184 99,290 39, 189, 246, 336 39, 189, 246, 336 39, 189 39, 336 39, 190, 246, 336 39, 189, 245, 336 404 Sphyraena pinguis Sphyraena schlegeli Sphyraena vulgaris Sphyraenidae Sphyrna blochii Sphyrna lewini Sphyrna tiburo Sphyrna zygaena Spirinchus thaleichthys Spisula solidissima Sprattus sprattus Squalidae Squalas acanthias Squalas mitsukurii Squatine catifornica Squilla mantis Squitla oratorio Steindachneria argentea Stellifer lanceolatus Stenobrachius leucopsarus Stenodus mackenzii Stenotomus caprinus Stenotomus chrysops Stenotomus oculeatus Stereolepis gigas Sternoptychidae Stichopus californias Stichopus japonicus Stizostedion canadense Stizostedion vitreum glaucus Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Stolephorus commersonii Stolephorus heterolobus Stolephorus indicus Stolephorus tri Stromateidae Stromateus cinereus Stromateus niger Strom bus canarium Synaptura nigra Synbranches bengalensis Syngathidae Synodontidae Synodus foetens Tachysurus gambensis Tachysurus heudeloti Taius tumifrons Tapes aureus Tapes japonic a Tapes philippinarum Tapes putlastra Tapes ( Venerupis) decussatus Tartetonbeania crenularis Tautoga onitis Tegula gallina Tegula viridula Tellinidae Temnodon saltator Terebralia sulcatus Tetraodontidae Tetrapturus albidus Thais chocolata Thais lima Thaleichthys pacificus Theragra chalcogramma Therapon jarbua Therapon oxyrhynchus Therapon plumbeus Therapon puta Therapon theraps Theraponidae Thunnus alalunga Thunnus albacares Barracuda, red Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda Shark, hammerhead Shark, hammerhead Shark, hammerhead, bonnethead Shark, hammerhead, smooth Smelt, longfin Clam, raactra, surf Sprat Dogfish Dogfish, spiny Dogfish Shark, Pacific angel Shrimp, Indian Shrimp, Indian Hake, luminous Drum, star Lantemfish, northern Sheefish, inconnu Porgy, longspine Scup, sea bream Bream, southern Jewfish, California Hatchetfish Sea cucumber, red Sea cucumber Perch, sauger Perch, blue, walleye Walleye Anchovy, longjaw, delis Anchovy, longjaw, bilis Anchovy Anchovy, whitebait Butterfish Butterfish, silver Butterfish, black Snail Sole, black Eel, swamp, palos Pipefish Lizardfish Lizardfish Sheathfish Sheathfish Bream, sea, yellow Clam, venus Clam, venus, shortneck Clam, venus, asari Clam, venus Clam, venus, Japanese, littleneck Lantemfish, blue Wrasse, tautog Top shell Top shell Clam, tellin Herring, anchova Snail Puffer, swellfish Marlin, white Snail Snail Smelt, eulachon Pollack, walleye Therapon, tigerfish Therapon Therapon Therapon, grunt Therapon, large scaled banded grunter TherafMjn Tuna, albacore Tuna, yellowfin 39, 138 181, 189, 245 39, 189 39, 190, 246, 336 99, 222, 290 290 290 99, 222, 365 292 126, 170, 238, 333 106, 160, 178, 226, 294, 329, 368 55, 199, 257, 344 55, 182, 257, 344 343 99 235, 311, 376 122, 236 266 56 73, 271 100 86 94,221,292 43 71, 208, 352 267 95,364 95, 158, 287, 328, 364 278 80, 214, 357 115, 303, 331 37, T38, 188, 245, 335 37. 188, 244 188 38. 189, 246 44,181,249,338 44, 139, 192, 249, 338 44, 139, 192, 249, 338 132 226, 293 59, 201, 260, 345 279 74, 184, 209, 271, 353 74 100, 223, 291 100, 223, 291 43, 181, 192, 249, 338 127,315 128, 172, 180 127,187,315 127, 238, 315 127, 172, 238, 315, 379 73, 271 117,305 321 321 127, 314, 379 68,350 383 86, 184, 216, 282, 360 152, 274 132, 242, 320 383 102, 292, 366 84, 154, 216, 328, 359 109, 228, 299, 370 369 109, 228, 299, 369 109 109, 228, 299, 369 109, 228, 299, 370 112,186,229,302,330 114, 162, 186, 230, 302, 330 405 Thunnus maccoyi Thunnus obesus Thunnus orientalis Thunnus thynnus Thunnus vulgaris Thyrsites atun Tilapia macrochir Tilapia melanopleura Tilapia mossambica Tinea tinea Tinea vulgaris Tiuela erassatelloides Tivela stultorum Todaropsis eblanas Tonbo magura Torpedinidae Torpedo marmorata Torpedo nobiliana Torpedo (Ocellata) torpedo Trachinidae Trachinotus carolinus Traehinotus falcatus Traehinotus goodei Trachinotus palometus Traehinus araneus Traehinus draeo Traehinus vipera Traehurus capensis Trachurus japonicus Traehurus lathami Trachurus novaezelandie Traehurus symmetricus Traehurus trachurus Trachypenaeus asper Tresus keenae Tresus nuttalli Triakidae Tribolodon haronensis Trichiuridae Trichiurus chinensis Trichiurus haumela Trichiurus japonicus Trichiurus lepturus Trichiurus savala Trichodontidae Trichogaster fasciata Trichogaster pectoralis Trichogaster trichopterus Trigla aspera Trigla capensis Trigla carax Trigla cuculus Trigla gurnardus Trigla hirunda Trigla lineata Trigla lucerna Trigla lyra Trigla pini Triglidae Trigloporus lastoviza Triphoturus mexicanus Trochidae Trochus maeulatus Turbo Trutta marina Tylosurus crocodilus Tylosurus gigan teus Umbrina russelle Umbrina steindachneri Unio bivae Unio pictorum Tuna 112,186 Tuna, bigeye 113, 162, 186, 229, 302, 330, 371 Tuna 112,229 Tuna, bluefin 113, 162, 229, 302, 371 Tunny « :■ :■■ 115, 230 Barracouta Snoek . ■• -. . 38, 189 Tilapia, chichlid ' . .' / ■ i . 162 Tilipia, chichlid 162 Tilapia, mozambique mouthbrooder 110,162,228,299,370 Tench 109, 228, 299, 369 Tench ' ' ■ ; 228 Clam, venus ■ . 315 Clam, venus, pismo 315 Flyingfish, volodor 262 Tuna, albacore, long-finned 371 .■■,:, ., Ray, electric 282 Ray, electric, marbled 282 Ray, electric, Atlantic, torpedo 282 Ray, electric 87,217 • Weever 116 Pompano, Florida, Carolina 280,359 Pompano, permit 216,280 .... ■ Palometa, permit 356 . . Pompano ■" 85,216 • . Weever > ^ 304 , .... Weever, greater ■ 115,231 Weever, lesser 116 Mackerel, horse 75, 353 Mackerel, jack 75, 150, 184, 210, 273, 326, :-..-. ■ . . : 353 Scad 93 Scad, horse mackerel 94 Mackerel, jack 354 Maasbanker, mackerel, jack 74, 150, 177, 210, 272, 353 Shrimp 122, 234, 310 Clam, mactra, gaper 126, 170 Clam, mactra. Pacific gaper 379 Shark, smoothhound 365 . • Carp, tribolodon 46,251,340 Cutlassfish 54, 198, 256, 343 Cutlassfish, hairtail 256 Cutlassfish, ribbonfish 54, 198, 256, 343 Cutlassfish 54, 198, 343 Cutlassfish 54, 176, 198, 256, 324 Cutlassfish 54, 198, 256 Sandfish 219 Perch, climbing, gourami 81,214,277,357 Perch, climbing, gourami 81, 152, 214, 277, 357 Perch, climbing, gourami 81,152,214,277,357 Searobin, gurnard 95 Searobin, gurnard, red 95, 221 Searobin, gurnard 221, 288 Searobin, gurnard, red 95, 288, 328 Searobin, gurnard, grey 95, 364 Searobin, gurnard 288 Searobin, gurnard 95, 288 Searobin, gurnard, yellow 96, 365 Searobin, gurnard 95 Searobin, gurnard 288 Searobin 96,185,221,288,365 Searobin, gurnard 288 Lampfish, Mexican 72 Topshell 136, 174, 187, 243, 384 Topshell 187 Turban 136, 174, 180, 187, 243, 321, 384 Trout, salmon 301 Garfish, houndfish 61,262,347 Garfish 61, 202, 262, 347 Croaker, whiskered 53 Croaker, yellow 53, 197 Mussel * 129 Mussel 381 406 Unio sinatus Upeneoides sulphureus Upeneus motuccensis Upeneus tragula Upeneus vittatus Uranoscopus japonicus Uranoscopus scaber Urophycis brasiliensis Urophycis chuss Urophycis regius Urophycis tenuis Veneridae Ventrifossa garmani Venus gallina Venus kennicottii Venus tusoria Venus meretrix Venus squamosa Venus verrucosa Vivipara chinensis Viviparus quadrata Viviparadidae Viuipara javanica Viviparus malleatus Volsella modiolus Vomer declivifrons Vomer setapinnis Wallagonia attu Watasemia scintillans Xantho incisus Xesurus scalprum Xiphias giadius Xiphiidae Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Yetusidae Zacco platypus Zeidae Zenopsis nebulosa Zeus australis Zeus capensis Zeus faber Zeus japonicus Zoarcidae Mussel Goatfish, yellow Goatfish, golden banded Goatfish, red mullet Goatfish Stargazer Stargazer Hake Hake, squirrel Hake, spotted Hake, silver Clara, venus Grenadier Clam, venus Clara, venus, littleneck Clam, venus, hard Clara, venus, hard Clara, venus, waved Clara, venus Snail, river Snail, river Snail, river Snail Snail, river Mussel, horse Moonfish, Pacific Moonfish, Atlantic Catfish, fresh water, muUey Squid Crab Surgeonfish Swordfish Swordfish Shrimp, sea bob Snail, sea Minnow, common Dory Dory, mirror Dory, John Dory, John Dory, John Dory, John Eelpout 316 62, 203, 263, 347 62,183 62 62 368 106, 226, 295 205, 266, 325 67, 146, 206, 267 67 266 172, 239, 315, 333 177 127, 238, 315 315 127, 172, 238, 315, 333, 379 127 380 127, 238, 379 383 320 383 132, 242, 320 134, 242 317 78, 212, 356 78 47, 182, 194, 252, 323 134, 242, 320, 383 306 369 108, 185, 227, 298, 330, 369 298 123,312 134 78, 150, 275, 355 56, 199, 258 176, 324 199 56 56, 199, 258 56, 199, 258, 344 260 407 GENERAL INDEX Common name Scientific name Pages Aba, croaker Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone Abalone, green Ainame Air-breathing catfish Alewife Alfoncino Aligote, porgy Amberjack Amberjack, greater Amberjack, king Amberjack, Philippine Amberjack, rudderfish Amberjack, yellowtail Amberjack, yellowtail Amberjack, yellowtail Anchoveta Anchoveta Anchovy Anchovy Anchovy Anchovy Anchovy, ca'moi Anchovy, European Anchovy, longjaw, bills Anchovy, longjaw, delis Anchovy, mandali Anchovy, northern Anchovy, Pacific Anchovy, striped Anchovy, whitebait An^elfish Angelfish, blue Angelfish, queen Angelfish, seabat Anglerfish Argentine, Atlantic Argentine, sea smelt Atka mackerel Ayu Sweet fish Bacha, catfish Bacha, herring Balloonfish, puffer Bamboofish Barb, bony-lipped Barbel, southern Baracouta, snoek Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda, great Barracuda, guaguanche Barracuda, Pacific Barracuda, red Barracuda, striped, torcillo Bass, largemouth Bass, sea Bass, sea Bass, sea Bass, sea, bank Bass, sea, black Bass, sea, cabrillo Johnius belengeri Haliotidae Haliotis cracherodi Hatiotis discus Haliotis gigantea Haliotis japonica Haliotis fulgens Hexagrammos otakii Alosa pseudoharengus Beryx splendens Pagellus acarne Carangidae Seriola dumerili Seriola dorsalis Hynnis momsa Seriola purpurascens Seriola grandis Seriola lalandi Seriola quinqueradiata Engraulis mysticetus Engraulis ringens Coilia nasus Engraulidae Engraulis mystax Stolephorus indicus Coilia lindmani Engraulis encrasicholus Stolephorus heterolobus Stolephorus commersonii Coilia dussumieri Engraulis mordax Engraulis japonicus Anchoa hepsetus Stolephorus tri Chaetodontidae Holacanthus angelichthys Holacanthus ciliaris Platax pinnatus Argentina silus Argentina semifasciata Pleurogrammus azonus Eutropiichthys vacha Clupisoma garua Sphoeroides maculatus Sarpa salpa Osteocheilus hasselti Barbus meridionalis Thyrsites atun Sphyraenidae Sphyraena japonica Sphraena obtusata Sphyraena schlegeli Sphyraena vulgaris Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraena guachancho Sphyraena argentea Sphyraena pinguis Sphyraena jello Centrarchidae Diplectrum radiale Paralabrax humeralis Serranidae Centropristes ocyurus Centropristes striatus Paracentropristes cabrilla 52 125, 170, 187, 237, 313, 333, 378 313 180, 378 125, 170, 237 125, 170, 180, 237, 313, 333, 378 237 36, 188, 322 see catfish 36, 138, 188, 244, 322, 335 36, 188, 244, 335 85, 216, 281 188, 244, 335 36, 188, 335 36, 244 36, 244, 335 335 188, 244 244, 335 36, 138, 188, 244, 322, 335 36, 322 36, 138, 176, 188, 244, 322 335 38,138,181,189,245,322,335 36, 188, 244 188 37, 188, 244, 335 37. 188, 244, 335 37, 188, 244 37, 138, 188, 245, 335 37, 138, 189, 245, 335 37, 245 38, 138, 181, 189, 335 38 38, 189, 245 245 336 38 38 see goosefish 38, 138, 189, 196, 322 181 64, 204, 264, 348 see smelt 47, 194, 251 69, 207, 268, 350 86 38 138 38 38, 189 39, 190. 246, 336 39, 336 39, 189, 245, 336 181, 189, 245 39, 189 39. 189, 246, 336 39, 189 39. 189, 246, 336 39, 138 39, 190, 246, 336 369 39. 190, 246, 336 39, 190, 246, 336 40, 138, 181, 190, 246, 322, 336 40 40, 190, 246, 322, 336 40 408 Bass, sea, cherlo Bass, sea, common Bass, sea, Japanese Bass, sea, kelp Bass, sea, murray cod Bass, sea, sand perch Bass, sea, white Bass, temperate Bass, temperate, rabaUza Bass, temperate, striped Bass, temperate, striped Bass, temperate, striped Bass, temperate, white Bass, temperate, yellow Batfish, silvery Bhatki Bidbid, tarpon Big-eye Big-eye Billfish Bisugo, porgy Black, rockfish Blacktail Bleak Bleak Bleeker Blenny Blenny, combtooth Blenny, combtooth Blenny, combtooth Bloater Bluefish Bluefish Bluefish Bluegill, sunfish Boccaccio, rockfish Bogue, porgy Bombay duck Bonito Bonito Bonito, Atlantic Bonito, Pacific Bonito, striped Bowfin, mudfish Bream Bream Bream, black Bream, bronze Bream, gilthead Bream, mud Bream, red Bream, sea Bream, sea Bream, sea Bream, sea. black Bream, sea, crimson Bream, sea, kurd dai Bream, sea, pagre Bream, sea. red Bream, sea, silver Bream, sea, yellow Bream, silver, Japanese Bream, southern Bream, tooched Bream, white, sargo Brill Brill Brill Brill, rough scaled Buan-Buan, tarpon Bumper. Atlantic Burbot Butterfish Acanthistius pictus Niphon spinusus La teola brax japonicus Paratabrax ctathratus Maccutlochella macquariensis Diplectrum formosum Cynoscion nobilis Percichthyidae Morone labrax Morone lineatus Morone punctata Mornne saxatilis Morone chrysops Morone mississippiensis Psettes sebae Nandus nandus Flops hawaiiensis Priacanthus japonicus Scombrop boops Istiophoridae Pagetlus cantabricus Sebastes melanops Obtata melanura Alburnus lucida Cyprinidae Pseudorhombus neglectus Enedrias nebutosus Btennius palmicornis Blennius pauo Btennius tentacutaris Coregonus hoyi Pomatomidae Pomatomus pedica Pomatomus saltatrix Lepomis macrochirus Sebastes paucispinus Sarpa {Box) boops Harpodon nehereus Auxis bisus Scombridae Sarda sarda Sarda chiliensis Sarda orientalis Amia calva Roughleyia australis Sparidae Acanthopagrus butchen Abramis brama Chrysophrys aurata Acanthopagrus berda Beryx decadactylus Dentex canariensis Dentex maratanus Sparus swinhonis Acanthopagrus schlegeli Evynnis japonica Sparus macrocephatus Pagrus pagrus Chrysophrys major Sparus sarba Taius tumifrons Chrysophrys datnia Stenotomus ocuieatus Dentex vulgaris Diplodus sargus Bothidae/Pleuronectidae Rhombus laevis Scophthalmus rhombus Pseudorhom bus oligodon Megalops cyprinoides Chloroscombrus chrysurus Lota lota Centrolophus japonicus 40, 190, 246 176, 190 40, 181, 190, 246 40. 190, 246, .322, 336 246 246 246 41,138,247 40, 190, 246 41, 247 40, 247 41, 190, 247, 322 41, 247, 322 247 41, 190, 247 181 109, 227, 298, 369 322 41,190,247,336 190, 336 85 88, 217, 282 41, 190, 247 41, 247 247 41 41 51 51 51 41,190,247,322 42, 139, 191, 247 191,247 41,191,247,336 108, 227, 297 88, 217 85, 216, 281 42, 139, 191, 248, 337 42. 191, 248 42, 139, 181,191,248,337 42,191,248 42,139,191,248,337 181, 248, 322 42, 248, 322 191, 248 139,176,181,192,338 248 42,191,248,337 43. 191, 248, 337 43,191,248,337 43, 248 43, 191 43, 191 337 248, 337 181, 191, 322 337 43, 248, 337 43, 139, 181, 191,249,337 337 43, 181, 192, 249, 338 338 43 43, 192, 338 43, 192, 249, 338 181, 192, 249 43, 192 249 43. 192, 249, 338 109, 227, 298, 369 43 44, 139, 192, 249, 323, 338 181 409 Butterfish Nomeus albula 176 Butterfish Peprilus tricanthus 44, 192 Butterfish Psenopsis anomala 192 Butterfish Stromateidae 44, 181, 249, 338 Butterfish. black Stromateus niger 44, 139, 192, 249, 338 Butterfish, silver Stromateus cinereus 44, 139, 192, 249, 338 Butterfly bienny Btennius ocellaris 51 Butterflyfish Chaetodontidae 44, 192, 249, 338 Butterfly fish, ca'chix Coradion altiveltis 44, 192, 249, 338 Caesio, golden Caesio chrysozonus 44, 192, 249, 338 Caesio, golden Caesio cuning 44, 193, 249, 339 Caesio, moon Caesio lunaris 44, 193 Caesio, sulid Caesio caerulaureus 44,339 Callop see perch golden Capelin Mallotus viltosus 44, 139, 176, 193, 250, 323 Cardinalfish Apongomchthys ellioti 193 Carp Chela bacila 45, 193, 250 Carp Cyprinus carpio 45, 139, 193, 250, 339 Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis 176 Carp Leuciscus souffia 45 Carp Puntius javanicus 139, 339 Carp Cyprinidae 46,140,182,194,251.340 Carp, bata Labeo bata 45, 193, 250, 339 Carp, black Mytopharyngodon aethiops 339 Carp, chevenne Leuciscus cephalus 45, 250 Carp, crucian Cyprinus carassius 45, 139, 193, 250, 323, 339 Carp, ghania Labeo gonius 45, 181, 193, 250 Carp, grass Ctenopharyngodon idellus 176, 181, 339 Carp, Indian Barbus putitora 45, 193, 339 Carp, Indian Barbus stigma 45, 181, 193 Carp, Indian Labeo rohita 45,181,193,250,323,339 Carp, Indian, puti Barbus punitus sophore 45,181,193,250 Carp, Indian, puti Barbus sarana 46,181,193,250 Carp, katla Catla buchanani 339 Carp, katla Catla catla 46,181,194,250,323,339 Carp, mahasole Barbus tor 46,181,194,251 Carp, mrigala Cirrhina mrigala 46, 194, 251, 340 Carp, orange fin Labeo calbasu 46, 194, 251, 323, 340 Carp, reba Cirrhina reba 46, 194, 251 Carp, silver Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 46, 176, 181, 194, 251, 340 Carp, tribolodon Tribolodon haronensis 46, 251, 340 Catfish, air-breathing Clarias fuscus 46, 194, 251 Catfish, air-breathing Clarias magur 46, 182, 194 Catfish, air-breathing Heteropneustes fossilis 182 Catfish, air-breathing Silurus clarius 140 Catfish, air-breathing, hito Clarias batrachus 47,182,194,251,323,340 Catfish, air-breathing, karmouth Clarias lazaiae 47, 194, 251 Catfish, electric Malapterurus electricus 47 Catfish, fresh water Chpiso magarua 340 Catfish, fresh water Chrysichus nigrodigitatus 47 Catfish, fresh water Ictaluridae 48, 140, 182, 195, 252, 323, 340 Catfish, fresh water Neptuna thalassinus 47 Catfish, fresh water Pseudobagrus aurantiacus 47, 194 Catfish, fresh water. bacha Eutropiichthys vacha 47, 194, 251 Catfish, fresh water. bichua Pseudoentropius garus 47, 182 Catfish, fresh water. bullhead, black Ictalurus melas <- 47, 251 Catfish, fresh water. bullhead, blue Ictalurus furcatus 251 Catfish, fresh water. bullhead, brown Ictalurus nebulosus 251 Catfish, fresh water, bullhead, yellow Ictalurus nalatis 251 Catfish, fresh water, butter, pabda CalUchrous bimaculatus 47, 182, 323, 340 Catfish, fresh water. channel Ictalurus punctatus 47, 194, 252, 323 Catfish, fresh water. dwarf Macrones cavasius 47, 140, 182, 323, 340 Catfish, fresh water. gomna Rita rita 47, 182 Catfish, fresh water, kired Bagarius yarreli 47, 194 Catfish, fresh water. muUey Wallagonia attu 47, 182, 194, 252, 323 Catfish, fresh water. pabda CalUchrous pabda 47 Catfish, fresh water. pangash Pangasius pangasius 252, 340 Catfish, fresh water, seenghala Macrones seenghala 47, 182, 194 Catfish, fresh water. shengti Macrones gluilo 47, 195, 252 Catfish, fresh water. spotted bullhead Ictalurus serracanthus 182 Catfish, fresh water, striped, dwarf Macrones uittalus 48, 182, 323, 340 Catfish, sea Ariidae 48, 140, 195, 252, 341 Catfish, sea Arius arius 48, 252, 341 410 Catfish, sea Catfish, sea Catfish, sea Catfish, sea Catfish, sea, hardhead Catfish, sea, manila Catfish, sea, shingal Catfish, stinging Cavalla, kingfish Cavefish Cero, maclteral Char, Arctic Characin Characin Chilipepper, rocltfish Chimaera Chimaera Chimaera, sharit, elephant Chub Chub, sea Chub, sea, blackfish Chub, sea, opaleye Chub, sea, striped rudder Chub, Utah Cichlid Cisco Cisco, Bering Cisco, lake Cisco, longjaw Cisco, short jaw Cisco, shortnose Citharinus Cobia Clam Clam Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, arkshell Clam, donax Clam, donax, bean Clam, donax, cadelinha Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water Clam, freshwater Clam, fresh water Clam, fresh water, corbshell Clam, fresh water, corbshell Clam, green Clam, mactra Clam, mactra Clam, mactra, hen Clam, mactra Clam, mactra Clam, mactra, gaper Clam, mactra, Pacific gaper Clam, mactra, surf Clam, mactra, surf Clam, razor Clam, razor Clam, razor Clam, razor Clam, razor, Navajos Clam, razor, northern Clam, softshell Clam, softshell Clam, softshell Clam, softshell, geoduck Arius leiotetocephalus Arius thalassinus Bagre macracanthus Bagre marinus Arius felis Arius manillensis Arius dussumieri Saccobranchus fossitis Caranx speciosus Amb lyopsis godonmola Scomberomorus regalia Saluelinus alpinus Characidae Prochilodus laticeps Sebastes goodei \ Chimaeridae Callorhinchus milii Cyprinidae Kyphosidae Girella tricuspidata Girelta nigricans Kyphosus lembus Gila atraria Cichlidae Salmonidae Coregonus lavaretus Coregonus artedii Coregonus alpenae Coregonus zenithicus Coregonus reighardi Citharinus citharinus Rachycentron canadus Cyraenidae Unspecified Anadara broughtoni Anadara suborenata Area binakayanesis Area inflata Area granosa Area noae Arcidae Donacidae Donax radians Donax truneulus Corbicula atrata Corbicula fluminea Corbicula sandai Corbiculidae Ellystis comptanatus Unspecified Corbicula japomea Corbicula leana Cyrena ventricosa Mactra eoraltina Mactra glauca Mactra sulcataria Mactra veneriformis Mactridae Tresus keenae Tresus nuttatli Mactra sachaeinensis Spisula solidissima Soten gouldi Solen marginatus Solen siliqua Solenidae Solen ensis Siliqua potula Mesodesma globrata Mesodesma mesodesma Mya arenaria Panope gemrosa 48, 19.5, 2,52, 341 48 48, 195, 2.52, .341 195, 341 48, 252 48, 195, 252, 341 48, 195, 252 48, 182, 195, 2.53, 323, 341 72 48, 195, 253 253, 341 195, 2.53 195, 341 49, 195, 2.53, ,341 88,217 see raffish 253 98, 222, 253 196 49, 196, 253 253 347 49, 196 49 49, 196, 253, 341 49, 253 253 49, 196, 253, 323, 341 49 49 49 49 50 126 128, 239 125,170,237,313,378 378 378 125, 187 125,313 125, 237, 313 125,237,313,333,378 313, 378 125, 237, 313, 378 313 125,187,313 125, 237, 378 125 125, 170, 378 313 238, 314, 380 126, 170, 180, 313, 378 126, 170, 237, 378 126, 238, 314, 378 379 314 170, 180, 314, 379 379 126, 170, 238, 314 126, 170 379 126, 238, 3.33 126, 170, 238, 333 126, 238, 379 314 126 126, 170, 187, 238, 314, 333, 379 126 314 126, 314, 333 314 126, 170, 238, 314, 333, 379 127 411 Clam, tellin Soletellina cumingiana 238 Clam, tellin Tellinidae 127,314,379 Clam, tellin, rayed-shell Soletellina psammatea 127, 238, 314 Clam, Venus Chione undatella 314 Clam, Venus Dosinia japonica 379 Clam, Venus Meretrix casta 127, 238, 314 Clam, Venus Tapes aureus 127, 315 Clam, Venus Tapes pullastra 127, 238, 315 Clam, Venus Tivela crassatelloides 315 Clam, Venus Veneridae 172,239,315,333 Clam, Venus Venus gallina 127, 238, 315 Clam, Venus Venus verrucosa 127, 238, 379 Clam, Venus Unspecified 187 Clam, Venus, asari Tapes philippinarum 127,187,315 Clam, Venus, butter Saxidomus giganteus 127,170,238,379 Clam, Venus, butter. Pacific Saxidomus nuttalli 127 Clam, Venus, hard Venus lusoria 127,172,238,315,333,379 Clam, Venus, hard Venus meretrix 127 Clam, Venus, Japanese, littleneck Tapes (Venerupis) decussatus 127, 172, 238, 315, 379 Clam, Venus, littleneck Paphia staminea 127, 315, 380 Clam, Venus, littleneck Venus kennicottii 315 Clam, Venus, northern quahog. cherrystone Mercenaria mercenaria 127, 172, 238. 315, 380 Clam, Venus, ocean quahog Artica islandica 380 Clam, Venus, Pismo Tivela stultorum 128, 239, 315 Clam, Venus, shortneck Tapes japonica 128, 172, 180 Clam, Venus, waved Venus squamosa 380 Coalfish, pollack Pollachius virens 84, 154, 184, 215, 280, 327, 358 Cockle Cardiidae 128, 172, 239, 316, 333, 380 Cockle, Atlantic Cardium edule 128, 172, 239, 316 Cockle Cardium muticum 128, 239 Cockle Cardium tuberculatum 239, 315, 380 Cockle, Pacific Cardium corbis 128, 316. 380 Cockle, sand Hemidonax donaciformus 128,239,316 Cod Gadidae 50, 140, 196, 254, 324, 342 Cod Physiculus japonicus 176 Cod, Atlantic Gadus morhua 50, 140, 182, 196, 254, 323, 341 Cod, Pacific Gadus macrocephatus 50, 140, 196, 253, 324, 342 Cod, poor Gadus minutus 196 Cod, rock Physiculus barbatus 254 Cod, rock Roboralga jacksoniensis 196, 254 Combtooth, blenny Blennius palmicornis 51 Combtooth, blenny Blennius pavo 51 Combtooth, blenny Blennius tentacularis 51 Combtooth, butterfly blenny Blennius ocellaris 51 Combtooth, tompot blenny Blennius gattoruggine 52, 254 Congrio see cusk-eel Copper rockfish Sebastes caurinus 283 Coral cod, sea bass Cephalopholis miniatus 52, 197, 255, 342 Coral cod Plectropomus maculatus 197, 255 Coralfish, goatbream Sargus annularis 52, 255 Corb, brown meagre Sciaena umbra 342 Cometfish Fistulariidae 342 Corvina see croaker Crab Atelecyclus septemdentatus 306 Crab Callinectes hastatus 306 Crab Corystes cassivelaunus 306 Crab Eriphia spinifrons 232 Crab Hemigrapsus oregonensis 374 Crab Hvas araneus 374 Crab Potybius henslowi 118,374,306 Crab Portunidae 118 Crab Portunus sanguinolatus 118,306,374 Crab Portunus trituberculatus 118, 306, 332, 374 Crab Xantho incisus 306 Crab Unspecified 112, 166, 187, 233, 308, 332, 375 Crab, blue Callinectes sapidus 118, 166, 179, 187, 232, 306, 332, 374 Crab, blue, deep sea Portunus petagicus 118, 232, 306. 374 Crab, blue, Japan Portunus trituberculatus 166 Crab, Bombay Chary bdis cruciata 374 Crab. Chinese Enocheia sinensis 118, 306, 374 Crab, Dungeness Cancer magister 118, 166, 179, 232, 306, 332, 374 412 Crab, edible Cancer pagurus 118,232,306,374 Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab. Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab. hermit hermit hermit hermit Jonah Itegani king necora, cangrejos queen red red red, deep sea rock Sanioan ■sand shore, common, green small snow spider spider spinous swimming tanner tanner Crab Crappip I IV. Cr