Cxtt.-J'Se/, ^ TO ' c cu c \ \ 3 ** Present and Recommended U.S. Government Research in Seafloor Engineering July 1978 ATLANTIC CITY .' CAPE CHARLES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Ocean Engineering Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation Present and Recommended U.S. Government Research in Seafloor Engineering Adrian F. Richards and Hudson Matlock, Consultants July 1978 Prepared under Contract number 03-7-038-739 (1F) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator Office of Ocean Engineering Steven N. Anastasion, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 003-019-00044-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 Introduction 4 Existing and Proposed Federal Seafloor Engineering Programs . . 6 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 7 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories . . 7 National Sea Grant Program 13 Office of Ocean Engineering 13 Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program . 15 Department of Energy 17 National Science Foundation 18 U.S. Geological Survey 18 U.S. Navy 22 Naval Facilities Engineering Command-Civil Engineering Laboratory 22 Naval Research Laboratory 26 Recommended Research Plan and Priorities 26 Background 26 Soil Properties and Behavior 28 Geotechnical Environmental Hazards 30 Soil-structure Interaction Problems 31 Data Banks and Retrieval Systems 33 Acknowledgements 34 in Appendices A. Research, reports and documents, 1976-78 35 B. Assessment of national seafloor engineering needs draft plan 37 C. Recipients of the assessment of national seafloor engineering needs draft plan 82 D. List of individuals invited and attending the NOAA/OOE seafloor engineering review meeting 91 IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is (1) to summarize federal agency research, development, and funding sources in seafloor engineering and (2) to present recommendations and priorities for the future federal funding of research in seafloor engineering. The recommen- dations and priorities are intended to be useful to all federal agencies concerned with seafloor engineering, although the degree of applicability may vary in accordance with agency mission objectives. Seafloor engineering was defined for this report to include only that part of marine geotechnics that is directly concerned with the seafloor; environmental loads and driving forces are excluded from the report. The research, development, and identified funding activities of four National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration units, the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Geological Survey, and two units of the U.S. Navy are presented. Minimal seafloor engineering research and development activity was identified in the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Coast Guard; hence, almost no information is provided. The recommended research plan and priorities that are presented evolved as follows. Recommendations contained in the National Research Council's report on seafloor engineering and in reports prepared by a number of other committees were focused to define more specifically identified needs and priorities in civil seafloor engineering research. A draft plan of research was prepared from the prior documents and from the consultant's perception of the U.S. national needs. The new plan, together with five questions relevant to the plan, was mailed to 145 practitioners of seafloor engineering in industry, academia, and government. A document was prepared from the responses that provided the principal input to a review meeting attended by invited senior specialists from industry, academia, and government. At the review meeting the research plan contained in the input document was critically reviewed and modified. The resulting recommendations, adopted by all of the participants, were grouped into the following three categories: soil properties and behavior, geotechnical environmental hazards, and soil-structure interaction problems. Each recommendation in the three categories was assigned to one of three general priorities: high, medium, and desirable. Recommendations were left unranked within each priority group. A draft copy of this report was circulated to each of the review meeting participants for review before the present final report was submitted to the NOAA Office of Ocean Engineering for publication. The recommendations for federal funding of seafloor engineering research are listed in the following summary: Priority 1: High Soil Properties and Behavior 1. Shear strength (short- and long-term; undrained and drained); creep strength; cyclic strength; deformation characteristics; and bearing capacity 2. Strength changes, including liquefaction, and stress-strain behavior of soils under dynamic and repeated loading, particularly under long-term cyclic loading 3. Development of improved soil sampling techniques to minimize sample disturbance and development of improved procedures for the quantitative assessment of sample disturbance and its causes 4. Measurement offshore of both microseismic activity and strong motion activity in areas of concern 5. Pore pressure and state of stress, particularly in situ and in areas of concern Geotechnical Environmental Hazards 1. Slope stability Detection of submarine landslides, slumps, scarps, and faults, including location, age, and size; site surveys for assessment of potential failure of sediments under conditions of earth- quake and other stresses; determination of the probability of repeated movements and the rates of movement; and prediction of soil loading on structures at and just below the seafloor resulting from seafloor instability 2. Liquefaction Liquefaction potential and strength loss due to pore-pressure buildup under cyclic loads; effects on the degradation of shear properties; techniques for evaluating general and localized liquefaction, caused by waves or by seismic loading, and its effects on the capacity of footings and piles and the stability of pipelines 3. Faults and faulting Techniques for identifying and evaluating the magnitude of probable seafloor fault movement, frequencies, and total displacements resulting from earthquakes that should be anticipated; mechanisms and consequences of fault rupture; and evaluation of the probability of fault movement Soil-structure Interaction Problems 1. Investigation of the performance of laterally-loaded piles in soils, with emphasis on fine sands and silts (static, slow cyclic, and dynamic or seismic loadings) 2. Developing loading and response data to improve the design of mudslide-resistant structures 3. Critical evaluation leading to the solution of "rational" or pseudo effective stress vs. empirical correlation methods for the analysis and design of axially-loaded piles 4. Performance monitoring of seafloor foundations Priority 2: Medium Soil Properties and Behavior 1. Measurement of free-field ground motion and correlation with concurrent, measured structural response 2. Stress-strain relationships, including state of stress 3. Compressibility characteristics 4. Time-consolidation and permeability 5. Quality, quantity, and state of gas present, particularly in situ 6. Fossil permafrost in seafloor soils 7. Statistical characterization of the geotechnical properties of specific seafloor soil types 8. Evaluation of geophysical and remote sensing techniques for site characterization: definition of soil types, their geometrical boundaries, and their geotechnical properties 9. Disturbance of granular soils under wave action, with particular relationship to outfalls and pipelines Geotechnical Environmental Hazards Consideration of the causes and consequences of scour and fill, including sand waves, both on the open seafloor and in association with structures Soil-structure Interaction Problems 1. Large-displacement lateral-load performance of pile groups (static, slow cyclic, dynamic or seismic loadings) 2. Estimation of allowable lateral and axial pile support in calcareous sands, particularly those composed of crushable tests or shells 3. Determination of sediment trafficability, with emphasis on pipelines, mining, and cables 4. Behavior of gravity structures founded on different types of soils under wave loading and/or seismic excitation 5. High capacity (>100 kip or 4.5 Mg deep-sea anchorages, including coral and rock) Priority 3: Desirable Soil Properties and Behavior 1. Classification and consistency, unit weight, and mineralogical composition 2. Composition of pore-water electrolyte (salt content and its effect on geotechnical properties) Geotechnical Environmental Hazards Evaluation of the depth, extent, and frequency of ice gouging of the seafloor Soil-structure Interaction Problems No priority 3 recommendations Each research category and subject within each category is believed to be self-explanatory. The review meeting participants proposed that while most of the soil-structure interaction problems could be cosponsored and funded by both industry and government, other problems might be undertaken by one or more companies or by one or more governmental agencies. It was intended by the participants that within the soil properties and behavior and geotechnical environmental hazards categories the recommendations were primarily intended for industrial and academic research to be funded by agencies of the U.S. government. The need for a data transfer system was discussed at the review meeting, The participants questioned the cost effectiveness of accumulating geo- technical data in centralized data centers. They were more in favor of publishing geologic information on near-surface soils, which could be used in a preliminary way to estimate the range of geotechnical parameters, rather than data banking geotechnical data. The partici- pants suggested that geotechnical data accession and dissemination be undertaken by data centers only if it were fully justified by users. INTRODUCTION A report on Seafloor Engineering : National Needs and Research Require- ments was developed under the auspices of the Marine Board of the National Research Council and published in 1976 by the National Academy of Sciences. This report recommended a comprehensive program of sea- floor engineering research, but insufficient detail was provided to translate the recommendations into federal funding initiatives. A number of other committees and organizations in the past two years also have recommended seafloor research programs or objectives for federal funding. A list is given in Appendix A. There is reasonably consistent agreement in all of these reports as to what research is required in the national interest. The present report has two primary objectives: (1) to focus these prior efforts and define more specifically identified needs and priorities in civil seafloor engineering research, and (2) to summarize briefly federal research and development, as well as funding sources, in seafloor engineering as of February 1978. The National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) in 1974 recommended that there be an agency responsible for civil ocean engineering research and development within the Federal Govern- ment and that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would be the appropriate agency. The NOAA Office of Ocean Engineering, (00E) was established with the basic mission to serve as the civilian focal point for responding to user requirements for ocean engineering and technology and for obtaining commitments of resources for development in these areas. Seafloor engineering was identified by 00E personnel as a priority area project, since few of the recommendations contained in the NRC Seafloor Engineering report had yet been implemented by agencies of the U.S. government. Seafloor engineering has been defined for the purposes of this report to include only that part of marine geotechnics that is directly concerned with the seafloor. Environmental loads and driving forces, such as waves, ice, etc., will be included in other programs being developed by the Office of Ocean Engineering and other governmental agencies; they will not be considered further in this report. While no water-depth limit has been applied in this report, major emphasis may be inferred to be on the U.S. continental margins. It was originally intended that a seafloor engineering workshop would be held to identify and assess specific user requirements for seafloor engineering, to translate these requirements into program elements, to establish short- and long-term priorities, and to determine program elements most appropriate for federal support. The workshop approach was modified at an early stage in favor of proceeding as follows: (1) to draft a proposed plan based on the recommendations contained in previous reports prepared by numerous committees and organizations and the consultant's perception of the U.S. national needs, (2) to circulate the draft plan to a large number of representative practitioners of seafloor engineering in industry, academia, and government, and (3) to hold a small meeting attended by invited senior specialists in seafloor engineering representing industry, academia, and government for the purpose of reviewing responses to the circulated draft plan, recommending a research plan, and deciding on priorities. Professors Hudson Matlock and Adrian Richards were retained as consultants to the 00E to provide assistance in this seafloor engineering study. An important aspect of the 00E development of a seafloor engineering plan was to have it equally useful to all federal agencies concerned with seafloor engineering. It was envisioned that some program ele- ments of the plan would be addressed by the 00E. Others would be considered in programs and activities of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) , Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation, U.S. Navy, and other agencies. Still others might best be accommo- dated through the cooperation of two or more agencies. From the beginning, representatives from the USGS, DOE, Navy, and other agencies were contacted and involved; particularly close liaison was maintained with USGS personnel. EXISTING AND PROPOSED FEDERAL SEAFLOOR ENGINEERING PROGRAMS One of the objectives of the NOAA Office of Ocean Engineering was to learn what seafloor engineering research was being conducted within the federal government for the purpose of minimizing duplication and assessing prospects for cooperative research funding between agencies. Emphasis has been placed on those agencies having pro- grams in which external funding and/or cooperative interaction with industrial or academic organizations occurs. Statements were prepared for this report by representatives of four NOAA units, the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Geological Survey, and two units of the U.S. Navy. A number of federal agencies are not included in this report. Within the Environmental Protection Agency, there appears to be minimal sea- floor engineering activity at present in the Office of Radiation Pro- grams, Ocean Programs Branch, and in the office of the Principal Engineering Science Advisor. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pre- sently does not have a seafloor engineering program seaward of the surf zone. Seafloor engineering in the Civil Engineering and Ocean Engineering divisions of the U.S. Coast Guard presently is restricted to dock construction, which is managed within the organization. Within the Navy Ocean Research and Development Activity (NORDA) , limited seafloor engineering is conducted within the Naval Oceano- graphic Laboratory and the Ocean Research Office. Studies in the Oceanographic Laboratory are primarily in-house efforts emphasizing geotechnical properties of deep-sea soils and their geoacoustic prop- erties and including laboratory compressability and shear-wave inves- tigations at high pressures. The NORDA Ocean Research Office is co- located with the Office of Naval Research Ocean Science and Technology Division, whose use of external seafloor engineering funding has been restricted to a recently completed investigation of the feasibility of using gamma ray and neutron moderation equipment in situ, the development of ocean-bottom seismometers, and shear-wave studies. The following summaries, discussing existing and proposed federal seafloor engineering programs, were written by the listed authors for inclusion in this report. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories by Richard H. Bennett Introduction. --NOAA's Marine Geotechnical-Rational Use of the Seafloor (RUSEF) Program of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteo- rological Laboratories CAOML) Marine Geology and Geophysics Lab- oratory is an ongoing research effort having its inception in 1966 with investigations that were focused on deep ocean basin research. These early studies were concerned with the geotechnical or mass physical properties of deep sea submarine sediments. Early research was concerned not only with regional aspects of the North Atlantic and Pacific Basin sediments but also with the geotechnical properties of selected marginal sea deposits and site-specific areas. During the early 1970' s a major effort was given to a comprehensive evalua- tion of the geotechnical program carried out aboard the Glomar Chall- enger , Deep-Sea Drilling Project, and as part of this project, research was carried out on the geotechnical properties of deep cores recovered from the Panama Basin and eastern equatorial Pacific. The first shear strength measurements performed on carefully selected DSDP cored sediment were carried out during these investigations on Leg 16. During the early and middle 1970 f s emphasis in marine geotechnical research at AOML changed from deep ocean basin studies to a major research effort devoted to the investigation of the U. S. Atlantic Continental Margin and site-specific areas of the Mississippi Delta. In response to the nation's increasing interest in offshore petroleum reserves and the intimately-related engineering activities associated with the recovery of these resources, AOML's Marine Geotechnical- Rational Use of the Seafloor Program responded to basic and fundamental research needs, required in this hostile environment. AOML's Marine Geotechnical-RUSEF investigations are directed towards an understanding of the important geological processes active on the continental margin, of seafloor geotechnical properties, and of sta- bility-instability factors and conditions that are extremely relevant to man's activity, ultimate safety, and impact on the marine environ- ment. Clearly, the nation's increasing demands for offshore natural resources have stimulated considerable activity in numerous areas of the continental shelf, slope, and rise. Present and future plans for the emplacement of structures on and within the seafloor deposits (drilling platforms, pipelines, storage tanks, and atomic reactors) and the removal of seafloor deposits and the dumping of waste materials, dictate the urgent requirement for an under- standing of the geotechnical properties, geological processes, and potential geological hazards associated with continental margin deposits. These aspects must be assessed and elucidated to predict with confidence (1) the potential natural environmental hazards to man-placed structures on the seafloor, and (2) the potential environ- mental stresses placed on an offshore area due to the emplacement of structures, the removal of natural resources, and the dumping of waste materials. General Areas of Investigation and Goals. --The Marine Geotechnical- RUSEF Program combines research efforts with major emphasis placed on a multi-interdisciplinary approach to problem solving and investi- gations, drawing from such disciplines as geology, geophysics, chem- istry, physical oceanography, soil mechanics, and mapping. Research efforts are focused on the western Atlantic Continental Margin from New England to the Bahama Platform and the Gulf of Mexico. Bywords of this program are processes , mechanisms , and soil properties related to the sedimentary framework and seafloor stability-instability on the continental shelf, slope, rise, and abyssal plain. The overall purpose of these studies is to provide geotechnical information for rational decision-making regarding intelligent use of the seafloor. More specifically, the program studies are concerned with those processes taking place today that influence the erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment along the continental margin. Studies are made of the older sedimentary sequences, through geophysical techniques and correlation with existing deep bore-hole data, to understand the depositional history of this geomorphic province. Study is also made of submarine canyons and their role in the transport of sediment from coastal areas to the deep sea. The program also deals with slope stability and gravitational processes, such as slides, slumping, creep, and turbidity flows. These studies are directed towards gaining an insight into processes associated with sediment mass movement and the delineation of "key" mechanisms and soil properties associated with and/or responsible for submarine sediment stability-instability. Geotechnical studies are designed to provide an understanding of regional and site-specific patterns, variability laterally and with depth below the mudline, and to characterize seafloor deposits both on a local and a broad scale in terms of the mass physical properties. Of paramount importance also is an understanding of certain seafloor deposits in terms of their behavior under not only static but also dynamic conditions; specifically, the response of the soils and pore pressure during active storm periods. These studies provide a better understanding of sediment stability-insta- bility and potential mass movement for a diversity of environments and soil types particularly in the regions of national interest. Ultimate goals are the capability of assessing cause and effect relationships of seafloor stability-instability factors, the development of reliable predictive models of sediment movement, and the assessment of potentially unstable areas on the continental margins relating to currents, waves, and gravity- induced forces. Specific Areas of Investigation and Accomplishments, East Coast. -- Studies presently focus on the U. S. east coast continental margin between Cape Cod and Cape Canaveral (Fig. 1). These studies were initiated in 1974 and to date over 300 bottom sediment samples have been collected including piston cores, hydroplastic cores, and grabs recovered from canyons and transects perpendicular to the margin. Core transects normal to the margin were taken at approximately 80 km intervals to determine sediment characteristics and geotechnical properties. Sediment cores were also collected on the upper rise to assess the sediment and geotechnical properties and regional patterns of these seafloor deposits. Selected cores are being studied in cooperation with researchers of the University of South Florida, Duke University, Oregon State University, Florida International University, Florida State University, and Texas A 5 M University. Approximately 9,000 nautical miles of seismic reflec- tion and 3.5 kHz profiles were run parallel to the margin on the outer shelf, upper and lower slope, upper rise, and in selected canyons and intercanyon areas (site-specific areas) to determine sediment distribution and processes that are presently active and those processes that were active in the geologic past. Detailed geophysical studies, bottom sampling in selected canyons, sub- mersible observations, and current meter data, are being integrated to determine processes active in the canyons and the role of the canyons in the transport of material to the deep sea. The suite of data collected on the continental margin, both regionally and in site-specific areas on the slope, rise, and in specific canyons, includes: narrow-beam echo soundings (NBES) , 3.5 kHz and seismic pro- files, bottom samples (cores and grabs), bottom photographs, and current meter data. In addition to the regional studies and submarine canyon investiga- tions, detailed site-specific areas are being studied on the slope, FIG. 1 i northeast of Wilmington Canyon, south of Baltimore Canyon and sea- ward of Albermarle Sounds, and on the upper rise between Washington and Norfolk Canyons. These areas are being studied in terms of their geological, geophysical, sedimentological, and geotechnical characteristics. Among some of the more important questions being addressed are: seafloor stability, geological history and stratigraphy, geological and sedimentological processes, oceanographic processes, geotechnical properties variability, and sediment characteristics of the surficial submarine sediments and sedimentation patterns. In response to offshore engineering needs defined in the 1976 report of the Committee on Seafloor Engineering, National Research Council, there has been initiated in the Marine Geotechnical-RUSEF program detailed investigations in a geotechnical corridor seaward of Cape May off the coast of New Jersey and northeast of Wilmington Canyon (Fig. 1). This 30 x 70 nautical mile corridor crosses the Baltimore Canyon Trough where oil exploration is presently underway. Field work was initiated in 1977 during which seismic reflection, 3.5 kHz, NBES profiles, and core samples were collected. The remainder of the geophysics and coring was completed during a cruise in May 1978. This corridor is considered to be representative of the continental margin between Hudson Canyon and seaward of Cape Hatteras. Two additional geotechnical corridors are planned for future years: one seaward from Rhode Island will provide data on a previously glaciated portion of the continental margin; the other corridor seaward of Savannah off the Georgia coast will cover part of the Blake Plateau and the Georgia embayment where substantial cycles of erosion and deposition have occurred. Each selected corridor is considered to be representative of the respective offshore regions, and the studies are expected to provide representative parameters of the geophysics, stratigraphy, sediments, geology, bathymetry, and geotechnical properties characteristic of the selected areas. To date approximately 95% of the cores and bottom samples held at AOML have been described and analyzed and the majority of the geo- physical data have been reduced and preliminary interpretations completed. Several reports have been published and others are in press or in preparation. Gulf of Mexico. - -AOML f s geotechnical studies in the Gulf of Mexico have been site-specific in selected areas of the Mississippi Delta and problem oriented. Clay fabric and geotechnical properties investigations were initiated in 1972 in cooperation with Texas A § M University, Department of Oceanography, personnel. Studies are directed towards an understanding of the fabric characteristics of various Mississippi pro-delta muds and the relationships of the 11 clay fabric to the geotechnical properties. Of fundamental signi- ficance is that clay fabric, or particle-to-particle relationships, plays an important role in determining the ultimate response of a sediment to static and dynamic loads and is important as well in determining the ultimate nature of the mass physical properties of the electrolyte-gas-solid system of seafloor deposits. More recent developments initiated in 1975 at AOML have demonstrated the criticality of pore-water pressure measurements in the determina- tion of excess pore pressures as applied to the engineering properties of seafloor sediments. In response to this need, AOML has developed shallow-water piezometer probes and is conducting in situ experiments with these instruments in the Mississippi Delta. The purpose of these experiments is to measure and monitor sediment pore pressures under static and dynamic (during storm periods) conditions to assess the magnitude and importance of these pressures and pressure pertur- bations to sediment stability-instability in high porosity, low shear-strength soils. Initial results at three sites have revealed significant excess pore pressures in these sediments. A long-term experiment showed a definite response of the pore waters to the influence of Hurricane Eloise. AOML's Mississippi Delta studies have been carried out in cooperation with Texas A § M University and during specific studies with Louis- iana State University, U. S. Geological Survey, Lehigh University, and Sandia Corporation. Current and Future Plans. --AOML researchers actively involved in the Marine Geotechnical-RUSEF Program and cooperating scientists and engineers from various institutions plan to continue investiga- tions on the U. S. Atlantic Continental Margin in the geotechnical corridors and in site-specific areas of particular interest. In- depth studies are underway into the problems of seafloor stability, geologic processes, and the characterization of seafloor deposits in terms of their geotechnical properties, morphology, and geologic setting. A continuation of site-specific studies is planned for 1978 and ensuing years in the Mississippi Delta region and the Gulf of Mexico. Investigations will focus on specific geotechnical problems of clay fabric, pore pressures, sediment stability, and the in situ state of stress. Plans are for better piezometer data acquisition systems suitable for collection of data under severe storm and related environ- mental conditions which are considered acute periods in the ultimate stability of submarine sediments. Detailed studies of clay fabrics from samples obtained using a newly developed pressurized core barrel designed and fabricated by Texas A § M are planned for 1978-79. 12 Program review booklets giving details of the Marine Geotechnical- Rational Use of the Seafloor Program are available through the NOM-AOML. Personal communications with AOML staff are encouraged. National Sea Grant Program by Richard C. Kolf The purpose of the National Sea Grant Program is the development and wise use of marine resources. This is addressed by three principal activities, i.e. research, education, and advisory services, which are conducted through grants mainly to academic institutions. An effort is made to develop institutions which will have a broad and balanced program in which all three types of activity are harmoniously united and focussed on priority regional marine resource problem areas. Most of the National Sea Grant Program budget is devoted to these institutional programs. Individual investigators at institutions which do not have these broad programs are eligible to submit proposals, however, and the present level of support for such individual project support is approximately $1.5 million. To date, the level of effort in the area of seafloor engineering has been small. This is, of course, a function of proposal pressure, and the regional priorities established by the active institutional programs. During FY 1977 two projects were supported in this area, both conducted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These were a study of the cone penetrometer and an effort to develop a method for offshore geotechnical risk analysis. Office of Ocean Engineering by Samuel Sigmund The Office of Ocean Engineering (00E) is a primary organizational element of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Its basic mission is to serve as the civilian focal point for responding to user requirements for ocean engineering and tech- nology and for obtaining commitments of resources for development in these areas. The 00E is responsible for responding to the ocean engineering re- quirements of federal agencies, state and local governments, and private civilian organizations and individuals, for initiating and encouraging development programs for advancing ocean engineering and technology, for supporting NOAA programs to gather, archive, and disseminate pertinent data, and for maintaining liaison with other national and international ocean engineering activities to maintain awareness of current technology and to encourage cooperative research, development, and exchange of information. 13 Specific objectives of the ocean engineering program are: (1) To promote timely development of ocean engineering capabilities to effectively and responsibly utilize the resources and benefits offered by the ocean environment. Technology development is directed toward providing tools for resource assessment and monitoring and for determing the environmental factors affecting ocean engineering activities. (2) To provide manned undersea vehicle support to NOAA marine research; to support diving activities; and to develop and provide the advanced technology necessary for manned underwater operations. (3) To develop and implement data acquisition capabilities to meet NOAA and national requirements for marine meteorological and oceanographic measurements through the development of ocean data buoys and other data acquisi- tion systems. To accomplish these objectives, the 00E has three major elements: the Ocean Instrumentation Engineering Office (OIEO) , the Manned Undersea Science and Technology (MUS^T) Office, and the NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) . Five areas have been identified as those needing to be addressed by advance technology to meet the needs of future ocean applications: (1) measurement, (2) ocean operation, (3) ocean structures and systems, (4) ocean energy, and (5) ocean technology exchange. Over the next five years this program will make a transition from being one of almost entirely technology development to a balance between technology development and application systems development. As building blocks become available through technology development, they will be incorporated into systems and demonstrated for appli- cation to major NOAA programs such as climate, offshore monitoring, fisheries, resource assessment and environmental services. The program presently is in a technology assessment and planning mode. Workshops have been conducted in areas such as seafloor engineering, seafloor imagery, and ocean current measurement. Measurement instruments and standards are being assessed. Where deficiencies have been identified in each of these areas, initial steps have been taken toward improving them through development sponsorship. At present, there are elements of seafloor engineering in all of the five areas enumerated above. Seafloor engineering research and development is conducted within the 00E in four different operational modes: (1) a limited amount of research is funded by the 00E and released to NOAA laboratories, (2) 00E funds support some research in industry and academic organizations, (3) non-NOAA governmental agency funds are administered by the 00E to support 14 research in other governmental laboratories or in industry, and (4) 00E cooperates with other governmental agencies and industry to share the funding of these cooperative projects. Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program by William Jeffers The Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) of the NOAA Environmental Research Laboratory was initiated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 1974 to obtain background information for management decisions that may be necessary to protect the environment from damage during petroleum exploration and development. NOAA's OCSEAP office plans and directs the Alaskan program for BLM. Field studies are carried out in all nine lease areas, ranging from the Northeast Gulf of Alaska area to the Beaufort Sea area, with the distribution of effort con- forming to BLM's proposed sale schedule. The research program is designed to address six basic tasks: (A) determination of contaminant baselines prior to exploration; (B) estimation of potential sources and levels of contamination accompanying exploration and development; (C) identification and assessment of environmental hazards that may affect exploration and development; (D) determination of how pollutants might be transported if spills occur, and probable trajectories; (E) identification and characterization of biological receptors of pollutants; and (F) determination of potential effects on the biota and ecological systems from spills. Task C, Hazards, includes that portion of the research effort that is relevant to seafloor engineering needs. Funding for this program is provided on an annual basis by BLM after approval of technical development plans prepared by the NOAA/OCSEAP office. This office in turn contracts out all re- search activities, provides guidance to investigators, monitors progress, and synthesizes results. The level of funding for Hazards is about $2.4 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 78 and pro- jected at about two million in FY 79. Table 1 is a summary list of all potential hazards considered to be of concern in the Alaskan OCS areas. Not all of these are applicable to each lease area or to the subject of seafloor engineer- ing. The research effort relevant to seafloor engineering needs planned for accomplishment in FY 78 includes the following tasks: seismic and tectonic hazards, surface and nearsurface faulting, seafloor 15 Table 1. Hazards. Task C-l Task C-2 Task C-3 Task C-4 Task C-5 Task C-6 Task C-7 Task C-8 Task C-9 Task C-10 Determine seismic and tectonic hazards in, and peripheral to, regions proposed for petroleum development. Determine hazards to petroleum exploration and development resulting from surface and near surface faulting. Determine the types and extent of natural seafloor instability. Evaluate areas of seafloor erosion and deposition. Evaluate rates of change in coastal morphology, with particular emphasis on rates and patterns of man- induced changes. Locate areas where coastal morphology is likely to be changed by man's activities and evaluate the effect of these changes. Determine the extent and character of ice-bonded subsea permafrost along the Alaskan coast. Characterize the frequency of occurrence, geographical distribution, and nature of ice gouging phenomena. Determine, map, and interpret the distribution and pore pressures of shallow overpressured sediments. Determine the stress-strain relationships in various types of sea ice encountered along the Alaskan coast to permit calculation of ice forces and loads on structures. Determine the range of forces and extremes of stresses and forces that may be placed on platforms and facilities by ice. Synthesize existing literature to provide analysis of the frequency, intensity, and effects of extreme oceanic events. instability, erosion and deposition, subsea permafrost, and stratigraphic hazards. Information on the lease areas being studied and funding levels is available from this office. Plans for the future are uncertain depending on the annual funding cycle from BLM. In FY 79 efforts in hazards will be slightly reduced and somewhat redirected, as shown in Table 2 Table 2. Fiscal year 1979 future plans for hazards tasks 2. 3. Reduce level of reconnaisance seismic surveys and concentrate on delineating suspected active faults. Concentrate on studies of unstable sediments that have been located; slumps, gas charged sediments, moving bed forms. Expand seismology studies by adding seismograph and strong 16 jnotion instruments at selected sites to improve coverage. Install more OBS if prototype in Northeast Gulf of Alaska provides useful data in FY 78. 4. Continue measurements of geotechnical properties of sedi- ments in areas of particular interest. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY by Donald Guier The purpose of the Department of Energy (DOE) Oil, Gas, Shale and In Situ Technology (OGSIST) offshore technology program is to stiumlate and accelerate offshore oil and gas development. The OGSIST offshore technology role has not been defined, and therefore, the future extent of the program is unclear. However private sector capabilities will not be duplicated, established activities and capabilities of other Federal agencies will not be duplicated, the primary "user" of DOE developed technology is industry (other government agencies may also be users) ; and the planning and execu- tion of programs and projects will ordinarily be in cooperation with industry and other government agencies. DOE authorities and policies provide considerable flexibility for collaboration; emphasis will be on short-term results; and national policy and priorities, reflected in overall DOE appropriations, provide the potential for substantial R§D support, provided opportunities meeting the above criteria can be identified. Seafloor engineering as relates to outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and gas is an area prominently and consistently identified as appropriate for government support. The Marine Board of the National Academy of Engineering has formed a Committee on Offshore Energy Technology which will address these questions, among others: CI) R$D needs for offshore oil and gas development appropriate for Government involvement, including and especially knowledge of conditions in the offshore environment which affect structures, pipelines and operations; (2) which government agencies have author- ities, capabilities and programs appropriate to the R§D needs iden- tified; and (3) means of better government-industry cooperation in offshore energy technology. This Marine Board report and program deliberations within DOE will help firm up the OGSIST role and program in seafloor engineering. We have been pursuing a few selected projects, including a signifi- cant initiative to develop an advanced seafloor instrumentation system jointly with the USGS and NOAA. 17 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION by Charles C. Thiel and Charles Babendreier Opportunities for seafloor engineering research exist within two parts of the National Science Foundation CNSF) . Proposals emphasi- zing fundamental engineering research with and without direct appli- cations should be directed to the Engineering Mechanics Section of the Engineering Division, consisting of the Structural, Materials and Geotechnical Engineering Program, the Fluid Mechanics Program, the Soil Mechanics Program, and the Water Resources, Urban and Environmental Engineering Program. Funding levels of the seafloor geotechnical proposals are commensurate with the needs of the pro- posed studies. The Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) Program of the NSF was reorganized into the Applied Science and Research Applications (ASRA) Program in 1978. Seafloor engineering proposals may be considered by ASRA in two programs. If the proposal applies to engineering needs specifically and directly related to the Earth- quake Hazards Mitigation Program, it will be considered by the Problem-Focused Research Applications Division. Other proposals which are applied research in nature will be considered by the Division of Applied Research in their Applied Physical, Mathematical, and Biological Sciences Program. ASRA does not have explicit programmatic activities focused on seafloor engineering. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY by Paul G. Telecki and Dwight A. Sangrey In 1974, as part of its marine geology program, the U.S. Geological Survey began geotechnical studies in the Mississippi Delta region. Rapid increase in offshore oil and gas discoveries in the area necessitated an understanding of the distribution of geologic hazards and the processes responsible for them. The Delta Project's objectives included several interrelated topics, namely: (1) detec- tion of biogenic methane gas and its influence on the stability of sediments; (2) sediment mass movement, especially mudflows; (3) wave pressure-pore pressure interaction relative to the shear strength of marine soils; and (4) the geotechnical and acoustic properties of the three phase system of gas-water-sediment. The study of pore pressure variations in soft sediment under loading by storm waves became the principal goal of SEASWAB (Shallow Experiment to Assess Storm Waves Affecting the Bottom) . Institutions participating in this investigation were the Coastal Studies Institute of Louisiana State University, the Departments of Oceanography and Civil Engineering of Texas A£M University, the Marine Geotechnical Laboratory of Lehigh University, the Sandia Laboratories of the Department of Energy and the Atlantic 18 Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The test site was made available by the Shell Oil Company. The first field study was conducted in the fall of 1975, the second was completed in 1977. SEASWAB produced many unanticipated results and generated a continuing dialogue among Government, academic and industry scientists and engineers. SEASWAB type experiments are continuing and plans are to extend them to the continental slope offshore of the Delta and to the Gulf of Alaska. While the Delta Project exemplifies basic research in seafloor engineering seeking solution to well-known shortcomings, the U.S. Geological Survey has also been routinely collecting, ana- lyzing and interpreting environmental hazards data from the U.S. Continental Shelf. In response to the Department of Interior's responsibilities for orderly and safe development of the Nation's offshore mineral resources ("Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act" of 1953 and "Mineral Leasing Act" of 1920), the Bureau of Land Management administers the OCS environmental assessment program designed to establish, among other goals, the marine hazards present in prospective oil and gas lease areas. The U.S. Geo- logical Survey uses matching funds to participate in this program. The Survey's ships are used on an almost year-round operational schedule to map surficial sediment distributions, study sediment transport, scour and bedform mechanics, collect and analyze cores from known locations of weak sediments, conduct geochemical analyses, map the distribution of faults. Corollary work on evaluating the probabilities of earthquake potential in OCS regions is based on the earthquake measuring network operated by the Survey. As part of these activities, the USGS has promoted and/or conducted instru- ment development designed to obtain specific types of geotechnical and oceanographic data on or near the seafloor. Examples in this category are the tripod-based current-sediment flux-wave pressure measuring sensor assemblies, and the Sandia-engineered seismicity- geotechnical instrument packages. To supplement the public data resulting from the marine research activities, the USGS also acquires large quantities of proprietary industry data on offshore hazards on a site-specific basis and in greater detail. The combination of data sets are used to evaluate the hazard potential of offshore tracts prior to sale. In the post-sale period, the information serves to evaluate the environ- mental conditions, environmental loading and foundation character- istics of sites on which industry plans to install petroleum production platforms. This procedure is referred to as the Platform Verification program which will be implemented in 1978. It is the major regulatory process in the post-sale period, principally 19 involving fixed production platforms and as such it is pertinent to the subject of seafloor engineering. For clarification, the Platform Verification process is only one element of the regulatory- aspects of post-sale activities in the OCS, all of which reside with the USES. The verification process is designed to meet the requirement to ensure safety of structures and safe operational conditions. Exploration is moving into deeper waters, more hostile environ- ments and leasing is opening up regions where petroleum development experience is limited. Furthermore, as demonstrated by the North Sea experience, new development concepts will be introduced to cope with new engineering problems offshore. The range of environ- mental concerns that both industry and Government will encounter, while developing the mineral resources of the Continental Shelf, will be much more varied than those in the North Sea. Good examples of this are earthquake shaking potential in Alaska and Southern California and sea ice in Alaska. To obtain a better understanding of the environmental conditions and expected environmental loads on offshore structures, the USGS has completed contracted studies in three OCS areas: the Gulf of Alaska, the Southern California Borderland and the Baltimore Canyon. These investigations are forerunners of a planned program on environmental hazards analyses and structural engineering evaluations in each OCS area in support of the verification process. The program is oriented toward assembling relevant information and conducting comprehensive analyses for developing design parameters for offshore platforms. The scope of activities in progress or planned include: (1) determing the nature, magnitude and extent of environmental hazards in OCS areas, (2) specifying extremes and probabilities of occurrence for natural hazards, (3) developing standardized methodology for geotechnical measurements and analyses, and (4) integrating hazards information of diverse topical origins for the purpose of generating the necessary input to the development of design parameters and the evaluation of structural responses. With respect to seafloor engineering, the following critical topical elements have been included: (1) improvement in soil property measurements, (2) in situ and laboratory analyses and modeling of dynamic behavior of soils under wave and earthquake frequencies, (3) investigations of seafloor scour and the mechanics of sediment transport and bedform stability, (4) mapping, determination of the recency and the evaluation of reactivation potential of faults, (5) measurement of mass movement and the estimation of rates of movement, (6) geotechnical properties of gas-charged sediments (including clathrates), (7) mapping the distribution of surficial sediments 20 and their properties, (8) measuring and modeling seismic ground motion for deriving parameters on structural accelerations and foundation failure, (9) using oceanographic (wave, current) data as input to soil mechanics problems, and (10) investigating Arctic seafloor problems, such as offshore permafrost and ice scour in sediment. The USGS is in the process of establishing an interactive information system for the internal management of data resulting from these investigations, together with data obtained through the regulatory process. The purpose of this system is to provide quick access to site-specific information relevant to the evalua- tion of design plans submitted by industry. It is the intent of the USGS to make the public portion of the information contained in the system available to those with legitimate needs for the information at a price bounded by the operating/reproducing costs. One should anticipate that at its inception most geotechnical data may be confidential in nature, a consequence of the long lead-time industry has had on developing an understanding for the offshore engineering problems. One can naturally conclude that the Government's scientific and engineering capabilities must be on par with those of industry if the regulatory process is to function smoothly and cost-effec- tively. To this end, the USGS has added and continues to add personnel familiar with offshore practices to its rosters. In another area, the USGS and the Department of Energy have been exploring the means of conducting, and legal conditions governing, government/ industry cooperative research projects. Two kinds of advantages could be accrued from joint involvements, one being the cost savings realizable from sharing research and development expenses, the other is in the commonality of the data base on which development decisions are made. The Geological Survey's involvement in the offshore is not limited to petroleum development. The Survey has an historical record in basic and applied seafloor research. Its marine scientists have been involved in investigations with manned submersibles and habitats, in project FAMOUS and in many cruises of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In 1976, the USGS conducted the Atlantic Margin Coring program using the Glomar Conception . Valuable seafloor engineering data were obtained and reported from this study along with the discovery of a major aquifer off the coast of New Jersey. Other offshore coring activities are planned for the 1980' s. Other pending programs, such as the mining of shelf and deep ocean minerals, will benefit from the expertise accumulated in seafloor research over the past two decades. 21 In reference to the summary of seafloor engineering needs, stated in this document, the USGS prefers not to make the impression that those needs represent either the opinion or the programmatic needs of the Survey. In conclusion, the USGS believes the subject of seafloor engi- neering is timely and necessary to the conduct of developing the Nation's mineral resources. The USGS intends to carry on with its programs in seafloor research in response to legislated responsibilities and in anticipation of problems it will have to solve in the future. U.S. NAVY Naval Facilities Engineering Command- Civil Engineering Laboratory by Henry Gill Introduction. --Although the NOM assessment of seafloor engineering needs will not necessarily encompass all of the Department of Defense requirements in that area, the following information is provided to describe related technology that will result from the Navy's Ocean Facility Engineering Program. Approximately half of that program, assigned to the Civil Engineering Laboratory through the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, is performed on contract to private industry and academic institutions. Including tech- nology such as trenching and trafficability, the funding level averages about a half million dollars per year. A brief summary of the program will be provided along with a discussion of general trends anticipated. The overall objective is to develop the capability to site naval undersea facilities and predict their interaction with the seafloor. Those facilities may be located at any ocean depth from the surf- zone to 20,000 feet (6100 meters). They include facilities resting on or embedded in the bottom, floating surface facilities moored to the seafloor, and buoyant facilities suspended in the water column. Seafloor information is required also for constructing, implanting, inspecting, operating, maintaining, and repairing those facilities and the utilities required in their operation. The Navy's program is altered in response to changing requirements of the operating forces. Those requirements are made known to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, which assigns the responsi- bility for their solution to the Civil Engineering Laboratory. Many times technology developed by private industry or developed under sponsorship by the nonmilitary sector of the federal govern- ment is directly applicable. If Navy-sponsored R£D is needed to 22 meet the requirements, transfer of the technology to the private sector is maximized by arranging participation of private industry and other agencies to the extent practicable, and by disseminating results as widely as possible. The technology in seafloor soil mechanics and foundation engineering is reaching a state of maturity that will allow most of the typical geotechnical engineering problems to either be accommodated in design, or avoided. For example, a major thrust recently has been research on the prediction of the behavior of direct embedment anchors in any seafloor sediment under long-term static, cyclic, and dynamic loadings. That work is nearing completion with the major remaining deficiency being the ability to provide reliable predictions of anchor holding capacity in rock; that deficiency is presently being addressed. However, as the following examples will show, a relatively large amount of work remains to be done in applying seafloor geotechnical information to nontypical Navy needs associated not only with supporting structures, but also with operating equipment on the ocean bottom. Seafloor Soil Sampling and Testing. — Although much work has been done during the past two decades to obtain reliable cores of deep ocean sediments, the capability to obtain samples of good engineering quality to sediment depths of at least 30 feet is not adequate. Other problems are the difficulty in handling the long cores from typical Navy vessels and depth reference within the sediment. During recent coring operations the desirable features of piston coring systems used by various agencies throughout the world have been investigated, and in some cases, proof- tested. A corer concept consisting of the most optimum assemblage of those compo- nents from the standpoint of reliability, quality, and handleability, has been selected. Though each component has been tried, they have not been combined in the same system. Funds are being sought to allow the coring system to be assembled and tested. It is not possible to avoid disturbance of these soil samples; therefore, it has been necessary to develop procedures to correct laboratory-measured engineering properties to compensate for this disturbance. Those correction techniques, based upon negative residual pore pressures on clays and triaxial testing for more permeable sediments, are nearing completion. For cohesionless sediments, sampling is so unreliable that in-situ testing is necessary. Water depths to 1,000 feet (305 meters) are being considered. Candidate in-situ testing procedures are being evaluated in shallow-water ocean experiments using equipment such as heavily instrumented vibracorers and expendable penetrometers 23 (described later) . When the most effective approach is identified, the testing system may be developed and tested. Navy construction divers sometimes require light-duty, hand-held equipment to get a cursory measurement of soil properties to shallow sediment depths near shore. A family of experimental tools has been developed to take samples and to perform in-situ vane shear and standard penetration-type tests. Some additional improvements to those techniques may be done, but a major effort is not anticipated. Expendable Penetrometer. --Because it takes about four hours to make a round trip with a corer in 15,000 feet (4600 meters) of water or more, and more time is required to perform tests on the samples received, an expedient means to measure sediment strength in-situ was needed. An expendable penetrometer was developed that can be dropped from a ship to make such a measurement in about four minutes in water depths as great as 20,000 feet (6100 meters). It consists of a lead-filled pipe about three inches (75 mm) in diameter and five feet (1.5 meters) long, with a constant frequency 12-kHz sound source attached. An analysis of the Doppler shift of the frequency of the sound signal received through the water column as the penetrometer slows down while embedding in the sediment provides an accurate determination of depth of penetration versus time and deceleration versus depth. From those measurements, sediment strength can be estimated with sufficient reliability for many Navy applications. At-sea testing of these penetrometers is now underway. Acoustic Measurement of Geotechnical Properties. — There are condi- tions, such as the siting of rapidly deployable facilities for handling supplies for amphibious operations, where the expediency of acoustic surveys is necessary. These surveys are also valuable for preliminary siting and interpolation between mooring sites in the very deep ocean. The Navy is reviewing recent developments by oceanographers and geophysicists to determine the potential improve- ment possible in present geophysical exploration techniques as applied to engineering needs. A controlled experiment is being arranged at a site of known characteristics where discrepancies in data interpretation will be determined. If results are promising, follow-on work on both direct and oblique reflectivity and the hardware required for making the surveys will be conducted. It is expected that if these interests are pursued to completion, joint participation of other funding agencies will be necessary. 24 Natural Hazards. --The objective is to ensure that a capability exists to either design around natural hazards, such as earthquake effects, slope instability, scour, deposition, and turbidity currents, or to select sites where these hazards are not possible. This capability is essentially adequate for present Navy require- ments, but scour is still of concern. A small effort to alleviate that concern is being considered, but it is expected that sufficient capability presently exists within private industry. Holding Capacity of Direct Embedment Anchors. --The Navy is using lightweight anchors with long-term holding capacities of 100,000 pounds (45 megagrams) or more that are installed by firing a pro- jectile into the seafloor. Since they will hold loads in any direction, including uplift, they are particularly beneficial in deeper water and in cases where the handling of heavy anchors is a problem. They are also very practical for use in coral or rock seafloors where conventional anchors do not hold properly. A program is nearing completion to provide reliable predictions of the long-term holding capacity of these anchors in sediments under any loading from static to cyclic or dynamic. Involved is the prediction of the depth of penetration of the projectile, the uplift distance required to key the fluke, creep under long-term static loading, and the degradation of holding capacity under nonstatic loading. The largest problem remaining is to determine the most effective projectile for use in hard rock bottoms and the trustworthy holding capacity of those projectiles. Testing and analytical work is underway. Seafloor Work Systems. --Undersea work systems are presently being considered for use in the protection of cables and pipeline in the surfzone and in the burial of seafloor cables in the deep ocean. Although most nearshore problems are solved by rock bolting, there are cases where this technique is not cost effective or reliable. For those cases, a slot cut through rock or coral pro- vides an effective solution. Bottom-resting cables in deeper water are frequently broken when snagged inadvertently, and burial to about three feet (one meter) in sediments to water depths of about 6,000 feet (1800 meters) prevents most of the breaks. Related R§D efforts underway include further development of cavitating water jets for trenching in rock, improvement of conventional rock trenching techniques, the effectiveness of lubricating skids in reducing drawbar pull, optimum running gear for soft soil mobility and negotiation of slopes and obstacles in the surfzone, energy efficiency and effectiveness of conventional water jetting for trenching in sediments, and the energy and drawbar pull reduc- tions possible by using vibratory plowing in sediments. Component testing and analytical work is presently being conducted. If, 25 after the most desirable combination of components is selected, it is considered to be cost effective to continue the development of prototype cable burying equipment, full-scale cable burying systems will be assembled and tested. Summary. --The above examples provide a summary of the seafloor- related research and development being conducted under the Ocean Facility Engineering Program of the Navy. Although the problems addressed are unique to the Navy, it is expected that mutual benefits will continue to be derived from close cooperation and occasional joint programs with agencies conducting seafloor engineering research and development for nonmilitary applications. Naval Research Laboratory by Paul Walsh The Ocean Technology Division of the Naval Research Laboratory has for many years been doing research on the response of structures to dynamic loads. This is a broad program consisting of work in hydrodynamics, and the mechanics of materials; fracture; fatigue; corrosion; non-destructive testing; stress analysis; etc. as well as structure dynamics. But the work of interest here is that of offshore structures partially embedded in or resting on the sea- floor and loaded by surface waves and currents. In this case we are concerned with the response of the structure as a system taking into account the fluid-structure interaction and the soil- structures interaction. We wish to be able to model the soil as an engineering material. Our objective is to predict the probability of failure of the structure as a function of time so we are particularly concerned with the need to predict the characteristics of the soil after it has been subjected to the loads imposed by the structure for long periods of time, (about 10-15 years), in a way that is analogous to predicting the rate of crack growth in steel. RECOMMENDED RESEARCH PLAN AND PRIORITIES BACKGROUND A draft research plan (Appendix B) was prepared for distribution to practitioners in most of the identified fields of seafloor engi- neering in industry, academia, and government. Appendix C lists the names and addresses of the 145 persons to whom the draft plan was mailed. By this means, the preliminary plan was distributed to a large number of users for a critical review. Table 3 shows the responses received by February 1, 1978, which was the cutoff date; five additional responses arrived too late to 26 be included. The numbers listed in this table are considered to represent an adequate response, partly because several individuals in industry usually replied on a single survey form. Furthermore, the governmental recipients were informed that they need not re- spond and a number of persons receiving information copies did not respond. ble 3. Responses Plans Responses Percent Distributed Receiv ed Responses 71 15 21 32 12 37 42 9 21 Industry Academia Government Totals 145 36 26 average Appendix B is essentially the plan that was distributed for review, with the addition of a few modifications made later. It contained a request for response to five questions. The information received in response to these questions was collated and grouped according to industrial, academic, or governmental affiliation. The indus- trial category was further divided into petroleum industry and all other industries to learn if there was a significant difference in responses. There was not. A preliminary draft of Appendix B served as the major input document for a review meeting attended by the small group of invited special- ists representing industry, academia, and government. Appendix D names the persons invited and those attending the review meeting held at the University of Texas in Austin on February 15-16, 1978. This meeting was organized with four principal objectives: (1) to hear brief presentations of ongoing seafloor engineering research and development and to learn of funding opportunities within the federal government, (2) to permit an opportunity for industrial and academic participants to interact with the governmental repre- sentatives on a one-to-one basis, (3) to recommend a research plan for governmental funding, and (4) to assign priorities to research areas contained in the research plan. Appendix B contains two types of responses. The first type is a tabular listing of (1) the numbers of responses regarding the extent of proprietary information within the respondent's organization, 27 (2) the short- and long-term timeliness of specific subjects, and (3) the priority assigned to the question based on the general importance of the subject and also the relationship of the subject to specific engineering needs. The second type is a listing of comments written in response to a request for respondents to identify deficiencies and needs for (1) instrument development, (2) in situ measurements, (3) analytical procedures and predictive models, (4) extended field observations including monitoring, and (5) any other deficiencies and needs that were not specified. In Appendix B, following the comments given in answer to each of the five questions, some of the points considered to be important and relevant are briefly summarized. Several respondents from industry and government wrote detailed letters instead of answering the draft plan sent to individuals within an organization. While these letters were not circulated at the review meeting, some of the information contained in them was brought out at the meeting and discussed by the participants. Two major parts of the input document {a. preliminary copy of Appendix B) were reorganized at the review meeting into three new categories: (1) soil properties and behavior, (2) geotechnical environmental hazards, and (3) soil-structure interaction problems for cooperative field investigations. In addition, data transfer systems were discussed at the meeting; this subject constitutes a fourth category that will be presented subsequently. Within each of the three tables itemizing recommendations and priorities, priority 1 connotes an identified high priority engineering research need, priority 2 refers to an identified medium priority engineering research need, and priority 3 repre- sents a desirable engineering research need. The numbered subjects within each priority classification are unranked. The listed priorities are relevant to the year 1978; in future years, it is likely that some of the designated priorities may increase or decrease in importance. It was the consensus of the participants that they should not specifiy which federal agency or agencies should undertake any of the research areas recommended. SOIL PROPERTIES AND BEHAVIOR Table 4 contains recommendations and priorities for the federal funding of research in the area of marine soil properties and behavior. The two priority three items are indicative of a number of problems that could be identified for relatively low- level research support; this category is not intended to be inclusive, 28 Table 4. Soil Properties and Behavior: Recommendations and Priorities Priority 1 (High) 1. Shear strength (short- and long-term; undrained and drained); creep strength; cyclic strength; deformation characteristics; and bearing capacity 2. Strength changes, including liquefaction, and stress-strain behavior of soils under dynamic and repeated loading, particularly under long-term cyclic loading 3. Development of improved soil sampling techniques to minimize sample disturbance and development of improved procedures for the quantitative assessment of sample disturbance and its causes 4. Measurement offshore of both microseismic activity and strong motion activity in areas of concern 5. Pore pressure and state of stress, particularly in situ and in areas of concern Priority 2 (Medium) 1. Measurement of free-field ground motion and correlation with concurrent, measured structural response 2. Stress-strain relationships, including state of stress 3. Compressibility characteristics 4. Time-consolidation and permeability 5. Quality, quantity, and state of gas present, particularly in situ 6. Fossil permafrost in seafloor soils 7. Statistical characterization of the geotechnical properties of specific seafloor soil types 8. Evaluation of geophysical and remote sensing techniques for site characterization: definition of soil types, their geometrical boundaries, and their geotechnical properties 9. Disturbance of granular soils under wave action, with particular relationship to outfalls and pipelines Priority 3 (Desirable) 1. Classification and consistency, unit weight, and mineralogical composition 2. Composition of pore-water electrolyte (salt content and its effect on geotechnical properties) 29 The review meeting participants were in general agreement with, the responses from the draft plan (Appendix B) regarding means, methodology, and procedures. They were in particularly strong agreement with the common response that measurements were more needed than the improvement of models. There is a deficiency of available data for use in calibrating existing, as well as future, soil models. GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Table 5 contains recommendations and priorities for the federal funding of research in the area of geotechnical hazards in the marine environment . Table 5. Geotechnical Environmental Hazards: Recommendations and Priorities Priority 1 (High) 1. Slope stability Detection of submarine landslides, slumps, scarps, and faults, including location, age, and size; site surveys for assessment of potential failure of sediments under conditions of earth- quake and other stresses; determination of the probability of repeated movements and the rates of movement; and prediction of soil loading on structures at and just below the seafloor resulting from seafloor instability 2. Liquefaction Liquefaction potential and strength loss due to pore-pressure buildup under cyclic loads; effects on the degradation of shear properties; techniques for evaluating general and localized liquefaction, caused by waves or by seismic loading, and its effects on the capacity of footings and piles and the stability of pipelines 3. Faults and faulting Techniques for identifying and evaluating the magnitude of probable seafloor fault movement, frequencies, and total displacements resulting from earthquakes that should be anticipated; mechanisms and consequences of fault rupture; and evaluation of the probability of fault movement Priority 2 (Medium) Consideration of the causes and consequences of scour and fill, including sand waves, both on the open seafloor and in association with structures 30 Priority 3 (Desirable) Evaluation of the depth, extent, and frequency of ice gouging of the seafloor The review meeting participants generally concurred with the replies to questions about means, methodology, and procedures contained in Appendix B. They favored the development of better samplers—particularly pressurized corers, fast response-time piezometers, and a means of detecting soil movements. The partici- pants also were looking forward to the time that case-history evaluations of the proprietary soil models developed by the petroleum industry can be made and subsequently published. The participants also agreed with the respondents to the draft plan that at present measurements are needed more than additional soil models. There was considerable discussion about several items that did not appear in answers to questions given in the draft plan. The participants were particularly concerned that some effects of cyclic loading showing successive or progressive deformation may be related to differences of measurement or of technique. They favored the interlaboratory calibration of test methods as an initial step towards the standardization of testing. This course of action was considered to be especially relevant to measurements, instruments, and data reduction techniques that might be applied to any verifi- cation program. SOIL- STRUCTURE INTERACTION PROBLEMS Table 6 contains recommendations and priorities for the federal funding of research in the area of soil-structure interaction problems. The review meeting participants proposed that while most of the problems could be cosponsored and funded by both industry and government, other problems might be undertaken by one or more companies or by one or more governmental agencies. While the problems cited were ranked high- or medium-priority by the review meeting participants, the list was not considered to be exhaustive. The participants also wished to emphasize that many of the soil- structure interaction problems listed in Table 6 would be particularly applicable for cooperative projects in high latitudes, where much marine geotechnical research needs to be performed. 31 Table 6. Soil-structure Interaction Problems: Recommendations and Priorities Priority 1 (High) 1. Investigation of the performance of laterally-loaded piles in soils, with emphasis on fine sands and silts (static, slow cyclic, and dynamic or seismic loadings) 2. Developing loading and response data to improve the design of mudslide-resistant structures 3. Critical evaluation leading to the solution of "rational" or pseudo effective stress vs. empirical correlation methods for the analysis and design of axially-loaded piles 4. Performance monitoring of seafloor foundations-^ Priority 2 (Medium) 1. Large-displacement lateral-load performance of pile groups (static, slow cyclic, dynamic or seismic loadings) 2. Estimation of allowable lateral and axial pile support in calcareous sands, particularly those composed of crushable tests or shells 3. Determination of sediment trafficability, with emphasis on pipelines, mining, and cables 4. Behavior of gravity structures founded on different types of soils under wave loading and/or seismic excitation 5. High capacity (>100 kip or 4.5 Mg) deep-sea anchorages, including coral and rock =J Priority 3 (Desirable) None identified The review meeting participants had two comments to add to the responses on soil-structure interaction given in the draft plan (Appendix B) . They favored developing methods for appraising the reliability of predictions and to predict the performance of struc- tures by considering the related distributions of soil properties. — This problem was believed to be mistakenly ranked "medium" at the review meeting. 2/ -'This problem was ranked "high" at the review meeting. Subsequently, it was learned that a medium-priority would be more appropriate. 32 DATA BANKS AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS The need for a data transfer system was discussed at the review meeting. Table 7 lists responses to the question given in the preamble of part 3, Appendix B, which elicited opinions on the desirability of having an acquisition and distribution system for seafloor engineering data. Table 7. Responses Regarding the Desirability of Having a Seafloor Engineering Data Bank and Retrieval System Number of Responses Strongly Favorable Number of Responses Weakly Favorable Number of Responses Not Favorable Industry Academia Government Totals 20 Although the total response from the mail solicitation to this question was favorable, the review meeting participants questioned the cost effectiveness of accumulating specific geo- technical data in centralized facilities. The participants were more in favor of publishing geologic information on near-surface soils, which could be used in a preliminary way to estimate the range of geotechnical parameters. Subsequent site-specific data would later be acquired by industry. It was suggested that the needs of users be determined before embarking on the accession and dissemination of geotechnical data in a centralized data center 33 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are appreciative of the efforts of a large number of persons who contributed to this endeavor in many ways; it is our regret that space does not permit individual acknowledgement. Within the NOAA Office of Ocean Engineering, Mr. Joseph Vadus and CDR Samuel Sigmund graciously provided immeasurable assistance. We thank Mr. John Kofoed and Dr. Richard Bennett of the NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories for their help. The following individuals in other governmental agencies provided particularly useful interaction in one or more meetings: Mr. Donald Guier, Department of Energy; Drs. Dwight Sangrey and Paul Telecki, U.S. Geological Survey; and Dr. Richard Swim, U.S. Navy. Early in the development of this project meetings were held in Houston with representatives of the Gulf Universities Research Consortium and of a number of companies engaged in sea- floor engineering. A number of useful ideas were generated at these meetings, and we thank the participants for them. A preliminary draft of the draft plan was kindly critiqued by Mr. William Gardner, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, and by Mr. John Focht, McClelland Engineers, Inc., who made a number of helpful suggestions. We particularly acknowledge our appreciation to the many persons who answered our draft plan, who provided thought- ful comments and suggestions, and who wrote letters elaborating their ideas. The exemplary performance of the participants in the review meeting by providing a highly constructive critique of our draft research plan made the task of preparing this report appreciably easier. 34 APPENDIX A RESEARCH REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS, 1976-78 Research Reports and Documents Prepared by Committees A Report on the Atlantic Offshore Users Workshop, 1977. Delaware Sea Grant College Program, Newark, 292 pp. Atlantic Offshore Program Planning Workshop, 1977, Proposed Atlantic offshore program. University of Delaware DEL-SG-19-77, 433 pp. (A 27-page executive summary was separately published in February 1978.) Committee on Seafloor Engineering, 1976. Seafloor engineering; national needs and research requirements. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 81 pp. Gorsline, D. S. and D. J. P., Swift, editors, 1977. Shelf sediment dynamics, a national overview. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geological Survey, and Energy Research and Development Research, 134 pp. Gulf Universities Research Consortium, 1976. A recommended approach for the development of a research program for accelerating oil and gas development in OCS frontier areas. Gulf Universities Research Consortium Report No. 152, 61 pp. (unpublished). Lee, K. L., W. F. Marcuson, III, K. H. Stokoe, II, and F. Yokel, editors, 1978. Research needs and priorities for geotechnical earth- quake engineering applications. Report of a workshop held at the University of Texas, on June 2 and 3, 1977, under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation and the National Bureau of Standards, in preparation. Panel on Marine Minerals Technology, 1977. Priorities for research in marine mining technology. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 72 pp, Proceedings of the Marine Minerals Workshop, 1976. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, Md., 239 pp. Steering Group for the Review and Analysis of the Navy's Oceanographic Program, 1976. Directions for naval oceanography. Unclassified version of the National Academy of Sciences publication, issued by the Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy, Alexandria, Va., 173 pp. 35 Working Group C, 1976. Sea-floor deposition, erosion, and trans- portation, in McCave, I. N. (editor) The benthic boundary layer. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 247-260. Rules and Verification Documentation American Petroleum Institute, 1977. API recommended practice for planning, designing, and constructing fixed offshore platforms. American Petroleum Institute RP 2A, 8th edition, 45 pp. Det Norske Veritas, 1977. Rules for the design construction and inspection of offshore structures. Det Norske Veritas, Oslo, 67 pp. FIP Commission on Concrete Sea Structures, 1977. Recommendations for the design and construction of concrete sea structures. Federation Internationale de la Pre'contrainte, 3rd edition, FIP/61, 59 pp. (Published by the Cement and Concrete Association, Wexham Springs, Slough, U.K.) Panel on Certification of Offshore Structures, 1977. Verification of fixed offshore oil and gas platforms: an analysis of need, scope, and alternative verification systems. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 84 pp. 36 APPENDIX B ASSESSMENT OF NATIONAL SEAFLOOR ENGINEERING NEEDS DRAFT PLAN d~ -~-;^t,*. 9 December 1977 Recipient: ________________ _____________ Dated Material—Please Return by December 30, 1977, to: Dr. Adrian F. Richards Marine Geotechnical Laboratory, 17 Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015 ASSESSMENT OF NATIONAL SEAFLOOR ENGINEERING NEEDS (Input for a Review Meeting) Prepared by Professors Hudson Matlock and Adrian Richards INTRODUCTION The National Research Council report on Seafloor Engineering : National Needs and Research Requirements , published by the National Academy of Sciences in 19 76 , re commended a core program of engineering research. A number of other committees and organizations in the past two years also have recommended seafloor research programs or ob- jectives; a compilation is given in Appendix A. There is reasonably consistent agreement in these reports as to what research is required in the national interest. This document is intended to focus these efforts and to define more specifically the national needs and priorities in seafloor engineering research. A seafloor engineering review meeting has been proposed to iden- tify and assess specific user requirements for seafloor engineering, to translate these requirements into organizational program elements, to establish short- and long-term priorities, and to determine pro- gram elements most applicable for support. The questions being addressed by this document, which will be the principal input to the review meeting, are intended to have broad applicability within or- ganizations. The user requirements have been designed to be useful to all organizations concerned with funding seafloor engineering research. Many of the user requirements will be applicable to a single organization. Others will be applicable to programs and activities of more than one organization. Still others may best be accommodated by the cooperation of two or more organizations. 37 This document is being sent to individuals in industry and academia with the following request for response: l.a. Do you concur with the broad and/or specific topics com- prising the user requirements considered representative of previously-proposed and present user requirements? b. If not, please indicate in the spaces provided what you con- sider to be your most urgent technical needs or problems and delete any user requirements of little need or relevance. (Legislative needs or problems are not within the scope of this study.) 2. How much of your organization's documentation is proprietary but available to the profession upon request and how much is too proprietary to be made available at present? Our concern is not to reinvent the wheel at the taxpayer's expense. 3. What is your opinion of the timeliness of the user requirements, expressed as short-term being less than five years (<1983) and long-term being greater than five years (>19 83)? 4. Please indicate the priorities that organizations should place in funding either general or specific user requirements. The general needs are intended to cover the broad needs of the profession, while the specific needs are applicable to the requirements of your organization to solve specific engineering problems . 5. What are your ideas regarding the specific technical means, methods, and procedures that should be supported by public funds? Spaces are provided for suggestions. Information copies of this document also are being sent to persons representing organizations known to be concerned with funding sea- floor engineering research, who are invited to respond if they wish to do so. After this document has been reviewed by mail, the comments, suggestions, priorities etc. made by you and your colleagues will be compiled, appropriate modifications will be made, and then the revised user requirements will be reviewed at a meeting of a very small group of experts selected from industry, academia, and government. When this has been done, then the organizations in- volved will have a common document defining user-orientated prior- ities that will be incorporated into the planning of funding programs. 38 Seafloor engineering has been defined for the purposes of this study to include only that part of marine geotechnics that is directly concerned with the seafloor. Environmental loads and driving forces, such as waves, ice, etc., will be included in other programs being developed; they will not be considered at this review meeting. Furthermore, while no water-depth limit has been applied, it is likely that major emphasis will be on the U.S. continental margins. The research elements in this document are organized into three distinct parts: Part One is concerned with the seafloor in its natural state before structures are emplaced and other engineering activities affect it. Part Two is concerned with the seafloor after man's activities have affected it; principal emphasis will be on soil-structure interaction, in the broadest sense of the words. While it is recognized that some of these problems may need to be entirely or almost entirely industrial or performed by other organizations, there should remain close collaboration between industry and other organizations whenever possible. Part Three concerns the presumed national needs for the development and maintenance of data banks and information retrieval systems. In the list of user requirements, no special reference has been made to specific seafloor engineering needs, such as for cables, pipelines, and deepsea mining. It is believed that the existing statements are sufficiently broad to cover these and other specialized needs of industry. 39 _J ,c •H tOtO II to 4h X) w bo tO t-O r •h c E X o U t) w H c rH ■H ■H 0) z c rH u rt fJ XI +J ft o 4-H Fh •H 3 rt co • ft o Fh E ^H bO V) R to ft O Fh O R H r^ r. •H 0) OS 4-> ft Bi 1/1 I/) bO -H J NO CO f— I M H N rf O •* t— i cm o r- o o o o o —i |to o o o o • p »i m h P ti +J til O •H bO 03 4-J ,0 C X) -H Fh Fh 3 O U R ft m (= ft o o L0 ft ca ft II C ft co ft E E 10 1 — 1 CD B 4-1 CD CD CD 03 cj O OS to u CD ■H "3 Fh to R 3 i — i 03 CD a* 3 R CO CO CD o Fh to o Fh C ft fn £ to •H bo E x o to ft +-> R Fh ft a) *-> R 03 o a LO CO > in rC O •H iM — 1 H A CD 03 3 (J i— 1 •H G3 ft ft rH E CD R 3 03 o E 03 to Xft CU Fh ■H bO CD •H o 3 X CD LO CO O C C O ft O oo H V CD C cu o 10 CJ >• ft 03 to +j a> •M R u u h o O ft 03 CM 3 03 O -M CD o ■M •H C Fh 1/1 R bO fJ O 03 R • H ft M ft a c 3 3 • H O bo t/1 t-J R u o ■H m CD ■ H CD o ft 4-1 ,0 • H CD X) +-> to rH R R ■ H o3 o3 o O to fJ (J O CU i— I C CO -H o > ft o to o O 3 1— 1 rH -+H cu to +J o Fh CU to l/l R to o o O CD rQ ft o 3 +-> 4-> 3 4-> Fh CO ft U CD h ftE h£ > Fh 4= 4-1 4h CD ft o 4h i Fh X o O o -3 4= •H CU CD CD E to Fh • «s to CU O 3 X) ■H F-i to tJ O CD 3 to '/) o R 4-1 o R rt ft Fh O Xi -C o O fJ CJ f-i ■M ■H ft o Fh Fh rC ■ H 03 0) ^ CD E Oi ^ M 03 ■M R rt R 4J CtJ ■H X o3 Fh to T3 rC (0 •: +-I to R 03 (U R O u Xi -3 03 ■ H DO +-> CU CD bO o N CJ o M -o • H o Fh ft c to c« 03 CD CD X. x; 03 .. 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P, Si c g H to, E CD P CJ U CD CD -H u u e 3 P. cd to in u *-> ca O.CO Ph 3 O tO O X TO f-( 4-> OJ 4-1 H E CO 3 to to ft CD 3 4-1 C to O O 10 CD CD 4-> , U C 4-1 e^ O E CD CD U > to O O 3 a. E <+h -a O CD O X TO +J rH P, P, CD HD (D X T3 c3 ^ 0) E > -H • X to oo C 3 O O T3 P co O <-> O C CD . OO E C D.H q Ph CD rH CD XI to 3 O T3 4-i to 3 O -H CD to C •M CO P X >2 CD Ph CO E E P CD (D O M CD CD tn rH cO O -H •n-3 CO H3 ■a P, . 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C 3 u c E 03 01 O -3 oo 1 O E x; •H 4-1 -3 •H o E cd 4-J 03 4-> 4-> to •H U U crj c X 1 •H Fh 00 V — ' •V i — i to C -3 E Sh 3 4H •H •H 10 H Sh 4-1 •H Oh U ■H i—l X h ■H XI 1 cd Sh 4-J to 00 3 " 10 a. 0J 8 (0 3 i — 1 -3 O0-3 ■ — 1 4-> 4-1 X c 4-1 O c Sh Sh to C -~ cd CO IH bO C i N CD 10 3 C X , cd 4-J > X Sh e •u 03 ■H 03 T3 CD u ■H 03 c 4-J cd Fh to ■H 4^ O I-H o 10 4-J O ■H 00 o u o c o u u 3 o C c > E 3 4-J I — 1 c 03 g E 4n M C »-« to •H •H *-> h o 4-> to 4-J •H o ■H cd B o 4-4 •3 4-1 o dJ X X u > gj 4J to 4-1 to to to XX e -3 •• O Oh 3 ■H H 4-1 o 0) CU ■H 4-> cd i to to -D to 4J Sh o z c/> P u 4-1 -3 4-J 4-1 00 • H ^c 00 00 H to X to ^ "3 ^ ■a •H T3 "0 u 3 X O a) (H >H O to C E 4-1 JZ c to M u to Oh O 3 Sh Sh i — 1 •H 4-1 to 4-> I-H OS +-> ■M 4-J o to C (Li o 10 a; h g 3 nj 4-1 10 OJ U ^^ (H •H CD •H m ■H u 3 U to ■>-> cd E ■H O C C E co 4-1 ■H C a) •H M 4-J d) Jh -C C 4-1 O 4-1 X 4-1 cd O S- X Sh s- tu C/0 "3 CO m -3 ^j T3 > — ' t/> CO < ■H CO > CO W -3 CO oo " Hg E CJ OS o •3 3 P T3 O : 1) x u h p aj a) -3 43 c p 3 3 O . .H Ph -H O 4-> P 01 01 O 4-> X O C H O C 3 O • a) c 3 o o ui 4-> i— I 0) +-> -H C "3 3 bO 4-J P (/> 3 R (D P 01 C I O oi o T3 O tO C 4-> w +j 05 bO 4-J CD i-H r-l bO 3 in II C • h* fi+l oj i/) D MOiH X D K C M« P <+H -H 01 3 rt c H Tl « oj >, d) c o c P O E c o 01 P 4h p c 05 rt 03 CJ bO o bo 3 <-i 'H -H rH « 2 Ph*3 E 01 03 -o 4-J -3 p p o> •no) p O O P -H CU 4J e - — ' T3 -h oi -M r-i X 4-J O XI) « cz 4-> -H E ■h m e 3 C WO o oj a> o E p X -H T3 ^ § X ■"-> 01 CJ 4-> 05 •> 4-1 -H 01 ■M 2 3 0> 0) +-> -H P- X 4-> 'H M • H T3 ■P 5 p p -3 oi cr *J s s M C 01 O 0) • •HP 0) +J 4-> h fl in 3 In oi 4-> P 01 0) CD C T3 P P ftft3 CD H H C CD O O > O. 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Ph 4-> i/i w CD X II CJ •H X •H 03 CD »-> 03 X •H 6 fJ r-l CD cd (h ■H O CJ X •H E CJ Ph to ^ c CD Jh X c ■H ■a 4-J 4J •H C') X3 C en CD 03 X c 'J to 3 CD X "3 rH 00 00 CO to c 4-J rt O -Q CD CD oj •H Jh CD 3 X ■H CO 4-J 4-1 X) W 4H S Jh o 00 Ph Jh CD 03 O O ^ CD O 3 h3 Jh C 4-1 03 tn CJ E rH Ph in O 3 •H O > •H X O O 10 g c+^ X CJ CD ^ i-H +-> CD •» Jh to CD O c c > w cj XI O to O Oj in ■H CD ■rH t/) CD o bO •M Jh 4-1 ■H CD in ■rH 4-1 •H xt< 6 .c O 4-1 ,c i — , tn CJ 'J -C rH 4-1 X M X M Jh 4-J CD CD •rH •H •^ P tu ■s c. ■ H o C CD X tn C4h X CO 03 CD c ■ H Ph4-i o c CD CD W ^H 3 ^ o3 X O o E o X P CO 3 • in CD X o3 Jh p. Ph CJ CO E 03 4-1 O Ph CD CD in cd M ■H +J O CD X 4-j 4-» C fn 'J X) CD (3 ■H Jh in C CO P CD CD E o ■ H o 4-1 ■H 03 CO E > l/l Jh X • H O Ph U > 4-> Ph-h CD 4-1 o CD CO to •H PJ CD CD o 1 "3 CJ Xj CD X o3 P > c to CD O CD cm E c o Jh CD E O • H i— I tn .c ■!—, n) CD X 4-1 r-H .3 4-J X •H o Jh X) CD Ph 4-J 3 i — i O 4-4 • * Jh X 4-1 X X i/i 4-J 3 to O CD Ph o Jh c 10 03 X X) 03 XJ ■ H X 3 CO O C ro < C 4J p ' — l g *J o CO C i — i O CD E o ■H 3 CD in e CJ O 1 •H E U •H o Jh •H CD CJ i <4-{ CD o . •M CO CO in X CD -Q 4-> CO > '+H CJ c p. i — i X < — , CD > HH 3 CD O h ■H CD CO •H CD • H ■rH m O Ph to E fJ CD U-, > CJ o Jh o CD 4-> i — , c 3 Ph • H c in ■H to r] CJ CD 4-> ■H 4-4 to O 'J o to 3 ■ H ■rH X c O to ^ h CD CJ c H crx) . — i XI O CD >. CO 03 o Ch •H o CD CD •H CD E E 4-> r~> E CD x: in Jh X o Jh 4-1 +J Jh P. rH CD Sh u O 1 — 1 , — < 03 3 PhM-i O CD > Jh Xi s ■M <+H o C+H CD H O Ph 03 CD o X 03 Jh 3 XI X CD O 2 4-> -3 CD CO CD CO 4-1 c g 4-J > P 4-i C 00 •r— i CD B to o3 03 c CD PhX) CO c O U o CO in CD X o3 ~a ■ H Jh 3 4-1 4-1 CD tn S r-H • X 4-1 Ph X X O CO X > X) O u O rC o O ■H ■H CD CJ •H in i — i Jh 3 rH 4-J in Ah ■H r-H X X) . o > CD X CO P. X CD 03 OO > ■H CD Jh ■H ■H ■H e CD > X p 3 q o3 -9 Jh >, CO Ph 4-1 4-J +-■ •H CJ CD CD 3 cr-H X Ph CD 1 •H / — -, H ■rH rl O X) P O +-> 3 CD X3 in c CD 4-1 X CD > in c C CD Ph HH CO Ph o 4-J CO P Ph CD O > -H M T3 CD • H ■ H 4-1 •H CD CO o ^H CD _r^ cd O CO 00 c c CO 4-> in 4-> Jh CO X tn ■H rH +J 4-1 CO p c CD X) ■H CD CJ 4-J CD u tn X CD O Ph > pC X i — i Ph 4-J rC •rH O o3 CD o CD CO Jh CO O ■H CJ CD O X 4-> c3 ^1 Ph C 4-1 !h X) Ph u +H CD 4J o Jh Ph * — ' -H ■H CD 1 — I CD C4H Ph 3 4-1 CO •H Ph CO X CD x to 00 U1 4-» 3 00 X o 4J O !H E g CD P oj 00 to c ^H C O § 4-> +-J ■H CD 3 cO 1 — 1 CD 'i C -H CD CD •H S ■H 4-1 o +H DO 4-" c r-l a •H -3 X) -5 o O c in CO X o o CD •S) XI C O CD X 03 • CD c CD in X in 4-> u C4H H co XJ o E Jh c Ph r-v4-l ~ o i— 1 £ CD 5 g 03 03 in CO CM t4_. CN o pO en X X 4-J 4-> < CO (/> fn CD 'J II CD II o3 03 c CD CO CJ 03 CD 4-1 O i — < o i — ( 1 X XX) rH 03 4-J g CD CD H U to C 4-1 . — I •H oo oo 4-> CD 4-> CD CD CO Ph H o3 ■ H CD CD O •H <+H § c H C •H > X) r-H CJ rH 3 in 00 OO E <^> E •H +-> ■ H ■ H Jh -h JH o ■H CD •H u in o c CO cd c •H X) in O X O E O Jh in 3 4-> o Jh G ■rH •H £J -3 CD CD X i — i H CO •H Ph c CO in t-H ■H i — 1 X CD U CD Ph C o U X f-l E o tn 4-J in CD rC CD H i Q CJ I tfl 1 i 10 CO 3C i Ph W 1 Ph , CJ CO tn cO ■rH P oa 4-J •H 3 CD P CO X o E 49 00 rH X) -H -H rH cl> 3 £ , h in u CD J-4 4-> CD e o 0) -rH h tp •H CD 3 i3 cr ■- — > CD h bO C H ■H (D H to O 3 P •H <+H C O o E C o bfl •H C P •H 3 TD rH 3 o ^h to U P Jh •H o <+H - t rO 0^ o Z .c: o P 0) H £ c/3 PQ 3 in O* 3 C O CD ™ E -C E C § t> f-i -H fn 3 O 3 to ^ 4J to P CD C 0) O p,-H E •M O > X Ph • O C fn O Pi-H P to C --i O -H J3 bO nj C E P to M-4 "3 U 'Si Sh a: p s 3 CO T3 3 5 3 Jh o O <+H ' JZ Si to W) 0) <4-4 P, m -3 x- O 4-> « XI ft c P"3 c p O aj -H to Mh t^ to i-t to 0) T3 0) T3 3 tO "4-1 rH X) &5 g o 4-1 U rH to rt • H -P rH X 4-> CD C to bO otj O U 4J< p Ph rH T3 a3 C •H Ph X) •rH s c rH S cd p P f-i cd 1 o TD M c- tO /— \ Pi •- O 3 -H x nj 0) to P,-rH CD -H <+H rH CU-H Pi c 1 tD -rH C U M-l o u c •3 a) +J a3 fn c o to c bOtp OJ rH C O T3 • p rH to rH O T3 p to P rC to J= CD to P rH in H fn tD ■H •rH P -3 6 1 — 1 3 to c3 aj to p o SO CD a> cu X! CD 4-1 h en tX) 3 n) o 3 cr Cr^ x CD O ■H in X) x: fH c <+H C 4-> X x m 3 4-1 u o CD 4-> c o CD rt 4-1 • tfl X M c ^ CD •H C 3 o ■M fH H 10 ■H o ■H ^H II 3 10 'm •M 3 X 4J o PL, •H ■ H u 4-> U Ph EH > -a •H ■s s Ri G CIS c^ (U CO (D h <+-i O 4-1 -a 4-) •H •H C/) TO CD TD 13 fn e in C 4-1 P-,4-1 O a rt >. O X +-> 4-1 XI II 4-> C c c X X'H nj o (U +-> o o c u 6 e o ^ c -h -h o "3 T3 M > 3 CO CO ■ — 1 C 3 3 cd 1 — ' CD T3 "3 (U o X CD h > ■H •H o •H O U (/l m X C 3 U rt 4-> ■H CD •H cr P^ e CO CJ C CD E CD CD rt •M !h ■H <-H U P* P O CD in +-> o a> T3 *-> c p. ^ s t/> c CD CD CO rd OJ 4-> s § PL; ■H T3 C >. 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B c o U B h CD X> (11 •H ■H o X 01 Sn P Cp CJ (j X c C CD 3 C i — 4 o •H E •H CD •H > c P CD ■ — i 3 • H O CD ■H •H o bfl P "3 X O g ■H U P cD 10 p fJ P CO o CD D O T3 P o •H CD p P c o 4-1 cD c c X CD bfl > ■ H P CO M o fH '/> "3 c P 1 — * CD o CD C ■D •H p bfltp X •H P u P P P 1/) B CD CO CO l-l • H cmxi X -3 ^H a S X o c o O CD CD CD h Tj ^H 3 X X > U e CU CD +-> O CD p m > CD '•; p. i o •H -3 E z B 3 bfl TD o s CO u CO C P 10 bo CO o CD o c c o Cp CD ^H CM CD bfl ■H C P. 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Box 481 Houston, TX 77036 Dr. Ravi Aurora Marathon Oil Co. P. 0. Box 3128 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Robert Bea Woodward-Clyde Consultants 7330 W. View Drive Houston, TX 77055 Mr. Irving Boaz Shell Oil Company One Shell Plaza P. 0. Box 2463 Houston, TX 77001 Dr. Larry Boston Engineering Development J Ray McDermott Co. P. 0. Box 60035 New Orleans, LA 70160 Mr. H. Ray Brannon Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Carl Brassow Law Engineering Testing Co. 2749 Delk Road, S.E. Marietta, GA 30067 Mr. Art Burgoyne C. F. Beam Co. 3700 1 Shell Square New Orleans, LA 70139 Mr. Stan Caldwell Atlantic Richfield Co. North American Producing Division P. 0. Box 2819 Dallas, TX 75221 Dr. John Christian Stone § Webster Engineering Corp. P. 0. Box 2325 Boston, MA 02107 Dr. William Cox McClelland Engineers, Inc. 6100 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77081 Mr. Robert Darragh Dames § Moore 500 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Mr. Earl Doyle Shell Development Company P. 0. Box 481 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. F. P. Dunn Shell Oil Company Two Shell Plaza P. 0. Box 2099 Houston, TX 77001 Dr. Melvin Esrig Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1373 Broad Street Clifton, NJ 07012 82 Mr. Joseph A. Fischer Dames § Moore 6 Commerce Drive Cranford, NJ 07016 Mr. John Focht McClelland Engineers, Inc. 6100 Hillcroft Avenue Houston, TX 77036 Mr. William Gardner Woodward-Clyde Consultants 5120 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Mr. Ronald Geer Shell Oil Company One Shell Plaza P. 0. Box 2463 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Frank Gollhofer Design Engineering Transworld Drilling Company P. 0. Box 25861 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Mr. B. L. Haertjens Offshore Power Systems Company P. 0. Box 8000 Jacksonville, FL 32211 Dr. Royal Haggerty Deepsea Ventures Inc. Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Mr. Carl Hakemjos William-McWilliams P. 0. Box 52677 New Orleans, LA 70152 Mr. John Halkyard Kennecott Exploration, Inc. 3377 Carmel Mt. Road San Diego, CA 92121 Mr. Eugene Harlow Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1850 K St. NW Washington, DC 20006 Dr. K. Choong Hong Gulf Research and Development Co. Houston Technical Services Center P. 0. Box 36506 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. Jack Hubbard Mobil Oil Company P.O. Box 900 Dallas, TX 75221 Dr. Sam T. Hwong Brown § Root P. 0. Box 3 Houston, TX 77001 Dr. Issat Idriss Woodward-Clyde Consultants Two Embarcadero Center Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Dr. Wayne Ingram Fugro Gulf, Inc. 8181 Commerce Park Drive Suite 712 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. Hans Jahns Exxon Production Research Company P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. C. Jennings, Jr. Transoceanic Cable Ship Co. 334 Madison Avenue Convent Station, NJ 07961 Mr. Bert Johansen Public Service Electric £ Gas Co. 80 Park Place Newark, NJ 97101 Mr. Raymond Kaufman Deepsea Ventures, Inc. Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Dr. Clyde Kennedy Law Engineering Testing Co. 2749 Delk Road, S.E. Marietta, GA 30067 83 Mr. Duane King Gulf Research § Development Co. Houston Technical Services Center P. 0. Box 36506 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. James Klotz Union Oil Co. of California Union Research Center P. 0. Box 76 Brea, CA 92621 Dr. Leland Kraft McClelland Engineers 6100 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77081 Mr. John Lacy Fluor Ocean Services, Inc. 6200 Hillcroft P. 0. Box 36878 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. Griff C. Lee J. Ray McDermott Co. P. 0. Box 60035 New Orleans, LA 70160 Mr. Allen Marr Lambe £ Associates Drawer F Carlisle, MA 01741 Mr. Bramlette McClelland McClelland Engineers, Inc. 6100 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77001 Dr. John Mero Ocean Resources, Inc. P. 0. Box 2244 La Jolla, CA 92038 Mr. Terry Miller Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston. TX 77001 Mr. William Moore Dames § Moore 500 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Mr. Donald Murff Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Dr. Robert S. Newton D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, Inc 6610 Harwin Drive Suite 226 Houston, TX 77036 Dr. Charles Osborn Brown § Root P. 0. Box 3 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Leo Overhiser AT§T Company Ocean Cables - Room 4A220 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Dr. Harold Palmer Dames £, Moore Suite 700 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, DC 20014 Mr. B. W. Paulding Geotechnical Engineers, Inc. 1017 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 Dr. James Pearce Chevron Oil Field Research Co. P. 0. Box 446 La Habra, CA 90631 Mr. William Pecbr Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 84 Mr. John Prince Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Nicholas D. Remy Homer Research Laboratories Bldg. A Room A 117 Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bethlehem, PA 18016 Dr. Paul Rizzo E. D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers 15 Duff Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Mr. William W. R. Rose William-McWilliams P. 0. Box 52677 New Orleans, LA 70152 Dr. Andre Rossfelder Geomarex P. 0. Box 1498 La Jolla, CA 92037 Mr. John Ruser Shell Development Company P. 0. Box 481 Houston, TX 77036 Mr. Jack J. Schoustra Fugro, Inc. P. 0. Box 7765 Long Beach, CA 90807 Mr. John Shaw Ocean Management, Inc. 300 120th Avenue N.E. Building 7, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. Frank Simpson Lockheed Ocean Laboratory 3380 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Dr. Robert Smith Atlantic Richfield Co. North American Producing Division P. 0. Box 2819 Dallas, TX 75221 Mr. James Steele Technical Services Group Engineering Department Bethlehem Steel Corp. Bethlehem, PA 18016 Mr. Louis Stern Dames § Moore 6 Commerce Drive Cranford, NJ 07016 Mr. Jack Sybert Chevron Oil Field Research Co. 1111 Tulane Avenue New Orleans, LA 70112 Mr. Thomas Taylor Exxon Production Research Co. P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. Grant Thompson Mobil Oil Company P.O. Box 900 Dallas, TX 75221 Dr. V. N. Vijayvergiya Fugro Gulf, Inc. 8181 Commerce Park Drive Suite 712 Houston, TX 77036 Dr. Jay B. Weidler Brown § Root, Inc. P. 0. Box 3 Houston, TX 77001 85 II. Academia Dr. Mohsen Baligh Dr. John Herbich Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Massachusetts Inst, of Technology Texas A£M University- Cambridge, MA 02139 College Station, TX 77843 Dr. William R. Bryant Department of Oceanography Texas A$M University College Station, TX 77843 Dr. Robert Byrne Virginia Inst, of Marine Science Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Dr. James M. Coleman Coastal Studies Institute Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Dr. Kenneth Demars Department of Civil Engineering University of Delaware 132 Dupont Hall Newark, DE 19711 Dr. James M. Duncan Department of Civil Engineering University of California Berkeley, CA 94700 Dr. Wayne Dun lap Department of Civil Engineering Texas A£M University College Station, TX 77843 Dr. Charles Hollister Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 Dr. George Keller School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Dr. Charles Ladd Department of Civil Engineering Massachusetts Inst, of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Dr. L. Jay Langfelder Marine Science Program North Carolina State University Mann Hall Box 5993 Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Dr. Kenneth Lee Department of Civil Engineering University of California Los Angeles, CA 90024 Dr. James Mitchell Department of Civil Engineering University of California Berkeley, CA 94700 Prof. Ira Dyer Dr. Neil Monney Department of Ocean Engineering Department of Ocean Engineering Massachusetts Inst, of Technology U.S. Naval Academy Cambridge, MA 02139 Annapolis, MD 21402 Prof. Ben Gerwick Department of Civil Engineering University of California Berkeley, CA 94700 Dr. Osman I. Ghazzaly Department of Civil Engineering Cullen College of Engineering University of Houston Houston, TX 77004 86 Dr. Vito Nacci Department of Civil Engineering University of Rhode Island Kingston, R.I. 02881 Dr. Iraj Noorany Department of Civil Engineering San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92100 Dr. Michael O'Neil Department of Civil Engineering Cullen College of Engineering University of Houston Houston, TX 77004 Dr. Lymon Reese Department of Civil Engineering University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 Dr. David A. Ross Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Woods Hole, MA 02543 Dr. John Schmertmann Department of Civil Engineering University of Florida Gainsville, FL 32601 Dr. Ronald Scott Department of Civil Engineering California Inst, of Technology 1201 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91109 Dr. Harry Seed Department of Civil Engineering Univ. of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Dr. Mehmet Sherif Dept. of Civil Engineering, FX-10 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Dr. Armand Silva Ocean Engineering Department University of Rhode Island Kingston, R.I. 02881 Dr. Marshall Silver Department of Materials Engineering Univ. at Illinois at Chicago Circle Chicago, IL 60680 Dr. Kenneth Stokoe, II Department of Civil Engineering University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 Dr. Mian-Chang Wang Department of Civil Engineering Pennsylvania State University 212 Sackett Building University Park, PA 16802 Dr. Stephen Wright Department of Civil Engineering University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 87 III. Government Mr. Charles Babendreier Engineering Mechanical Section National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20550 Mr. William Beller Ocean Programs Branch Oil and Special Materials Control Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Room 2811 (WH-548) 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Richard Bennett NOAA-AOML 15 Rickenbacker Causeway Virginia Key Miami, FL 33149 Dr. Arnold Bouma U.S. Geological Survey Pacific-Arctic Branch of Marine Geology 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Mr. Robert Breckenridge Civil Engineering Laboratory Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme, CA 93043 Mr. Patrick Cave Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332 Mr. Jacob H. Douma Office of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Forrestal Building Washington, DC 20314 Dr. David Duane National Sea Grant Program 3300 Whitehaven Street, NW Washington, DC 20235 Dr. Robert Dyer Office of Radiation Programs (AW-459) Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Rudolf Engelmann NOAA-ERL OCSEAP, RX4 Sussex Building, Room 430 Boulder, CO 80302 Dr. Herbert Eppert Naval Oceanographic Laboratory N0RDA NSTL Station, MS 39529 Dr. Craig Everts U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Kingman Building Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Dr. David Folger U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole, MA 02543 Dr. Louis Garrison U.S. Geological Survey Office of Marine Geology P. 0. Box 6732 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Mr. Henry Gill Civil Engineering Laboratory Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme, CA 93043 Mr. Donald Guier Department of Energy Room 4128C 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20545 88 Dr. Edwin Hamilton Code 5311 (T), Bldg. 305 Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, CA 92152 Mr. Gordon R. Hamilton Ocean Research Office NORDA NSTL Station, MS 39529 Dr. Monty Hampton U.S. Geological Survey Pacific-Artie Branch of Marine Geology 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Mr. Edmund Kerut NOAA Data Buoy Office National Space Technology Labs NSTL Station, MS 39529 Mr, Richard Krahl Conservation Division U.S. Geological Survey 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 Mr. Joseph Kravitz Naval Oceanographic Office Code 3408 Washington, DC 20373 Dr. Jack Kofoed NOAA-AOML 15 Rickenbacker Causeway Virginia Key Miami, FL 33149 Mr. William Lacy U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC 20460 Mr. Shun C. Ling Ocean Facilities Engineering £ Construction Project Office CHESDIV (FPO-1) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington, DC 20390 Dr. S. C. Liu Earthquake and Hazards Litigation Prog. Applied Science £ Research Applications National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20550 Dr. Alexander Malahoff National Ocean Survey NOAA Rockville, MD 20850 Dr. William F. Marcuson, III U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station P. 0. Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180 Mr. James Matthews Code 362 NORDA NSTL Station, MS 39529 Dr. Harold Olson Engineering Geology Branch Geological Survey Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Dr. Dwight Sangrey Engineering Geology Branch Geological Survey Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Mr. Thorndike Saville, Jr. U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Kingman Building Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 89 Dr. Robert Schuster Engineering Geology Branch Geological Survey- Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Dr. Felix Y. Yokel National Bureau of Standards Center for Building Technology Geotechnical Division Washington, DC 20234 Dr. Eugene Silva Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332 Mr. William Sweet U.S. Geological Survey 3729 Lake Trail Drive Kenner, LA 70062 Dr. Richard Swim Code 8403S Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375 Mr. Howard Talkington Department of the Navy Naval Undersea Research Development Center San Diego, CA 92132 Dr. Paul Telecki Geologic Division U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA 22092 Dr. Charles C. Thiel Division of Problem-Focused Research Applications National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, Room 1136 Washington, DC 20550 Capt. K. D. Urfer Ocean Engineering Division U.S. Coast Guard 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 Mr. Voetsch Civil Engineering Division U.S. Coast Guard 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 90 APPENDIX D LIST OF INDIVIDUALS INVITED AND ATTENDING THE NOAA/OOE SEAFLOOR ENGINEERING REVIEW MEETING Industry Mr. Ray Brannon Exxon Production and Research Company P. 0. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77001 Mr. F. P. Dunn Shell Oil Company P. 0. Box 2099 Houston, TX 77001 *Mr. Carl Hakemjos Wi 1 li am-McWi 1 li ams P. 0. Box 52677 New Orleans, LA 70152 *Mr. Eugene Harlow Frederic R. Harris, Inc. 1850 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 *Mr. Raymond Kaufman Deepsea Ventures, Inc. Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Mr. Bramlette McClelland McClelland Engineers, Inc. 6100 Hillcroft Houston, TX 770 36 Mr. William Moore Dames § Moore 500 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Academia *Prof. Ira Dyer Department of Ocean Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Dr. L. Jay Langfelder Marine Science Program North Carolina State University Mann Hall Box 5993 Raleigh, NC 27607 Dr. James Mitchell Department of Civil Engineering University of California Berkeley, CA 94700 Dr. Lymon Reese Department of Civil Engineering University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 *Dr. Ronald Scott Department of Civil Engineering California Institute of Technology 1201 E. California Blvd. Pasedena, CA 91109 +Dr. Mehmet Sherif Department of Civil Engineering, FX-10 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Dr. Jay B. Weidler Brown S, Root, Inc. P. 0. Box 3 Houston, TX 77001 *Invited but unable to attend +Would have been invited, but could not be reached 91 Government National Science Foundation U.S. Geological Survey Dr. Dwight A. Sangrey Engineering Geology Branch Geological Survey MS 903 KCG Box 25046, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Dr. Paul Telecki U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA 22092 Department of Energy Mr. Donald Guier Department of Energy Room 4128C 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20545 *Mr. Hugh Guthrie Department of Energy 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20545 U.S. Navy *Mr. Patrick Cave Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332 Mr. Henry Gill Civil Engineering Laboratory Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme, CA 93043 Dr. Paul Walsh Code 84035 Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375 *Dr. Charles C. Thiel Division of Problem-Focused Research Applications Applied Science § Research Applications National Science Foundation 1800 G Street Room 1136 Washington, DC 20550 National Research Council *Mr. Jack Boiler Marine Board National Research Council 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, DC 20418 Department of Commerce Dr. Neil Monney Office of Ocean Resource and Science Policy Coordination U.S. Department of Commerce Main Commerce, Room 5 89 8C 14th and Constitution Washington, DC 20230 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Office of Ocean Engineering Rockville, MD *Mr. S. Anas t as ion Mr. John Caw ley CDR S. Sigmund Mr. Joseph R. Vadus Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorology Laboratories, Miami Dr. Richard Bennett 92 National Ocean Survey Rockville, MD Dr. Alexander Malahoff National Sea Grant Program Washington, DC Mr. Richard Kolf *Dr. Ned Ostenso Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Office, ERL, Boulder, CO *Dr. Rudolph Engelman Capt. William Jeffers California Institute of Technology Mr. James R. Edberg Ocean Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91103 Consultants to 00E/N0AA Mr. Hudson Matlock 841 Terraine Long Beach, CA 90804 Dr. Adrian Richards Marine Geotechnical Laboratory, 17 Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1978 261-238/258 93- PE NN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD715TQ30D NOA^--S/T 78-413