T.* ' C7 Major Conventions, Exhibitions & Trade Shows Held in the United States July- December 1968 This list was prepared from a questionnaire sent to associations by the United States Travel Service. Conventions, exhibitions and trade show managements listed herein welcome attendance at their meetings from abroad. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / U.S. Travel Service DECEMBER 1967 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/majorconventionsOOunit 1. The following is a listing of major U.S. conventions, ex- hibitions and trade shows held in the United States. These meetings are sponsored by U.S. professional and trade associations. Dates for 1968 are given plus, in many instances, future dates for the meeting. The associations listed responded to a United States Travel Service questionnaire stating that they welcome attendance from abroad at their meetings. This listing is intended as a guide and is not a complete listing of all conventions and exhibitions. ''Indicates exhibition or meeting which highlights an accompanying exhibition or trade show. The listing is alphabetized by the primary subject matter (trade or profession) of the associations. Among the alphabetical listings are words which act as cross- references for various types of associations, such as "MEDICAL". For example, if you look up the Southern Medical Association, this would be found under "Medical Association, Southern" and also immediately following this would be the word MEDICAL. Under this you will find a title listing of all other medical associations by their primary subject matter, such as "Chest, International Congress of Diseases of the" or "Surgeons, American College of". Cross reference words and page numbers on which they appear are : Atomic - 4 Audit - 4 Construction - 7 Dairy - 7 Education - 8 Engineering - 9 Food - 11 Insurance - 13 Lathers - 13 Legislative - 13 Management - 13 Medical - 14 Merchandising - 14 2. Metals - 14 Military - 14 Mortgage - 15 Packaging - 16 Printing - 18 Psychiatric - 18 Transportation - 20 Utilities - 21 3. ACCOUNTANTS, NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PUBLIC R. E. Jennison, Exec. Dir. 919 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 Emphasizes and perpetuates the prestige and status of the public accounting profession. AUGUST 25-30, 1968-DETROIT , MICH. -AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Alfred G. Kildow, Dir. of Public Affairs New York, New York 10019 A gathering of aerospace engineers and scientists from the U.S. to consider methods for applying their technology to social problems. OCTOBER 21-25, 196 8-PHILADELPHIA, PA. "AEROSPACE EXPOSITION, UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL Lee Berndt , Exec. Dir 2912 W. Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee, Wise. 53215 Comprised of State, County, City Government S Metro Milwaukee Jaycees to dramatize America's Aerospace achievements and to project the future in Aerospace. JULY 22-28, 1968-MILWAUKEE, WISC. "AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SHOW W. A. Fischer, Jr. , Show Manager 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230 Includes representatives of industries, agricultural colleges and government bureaus related to agriculture with a close interest in equipment and services for agriculture. Responsible for designing, manufacturing, and influencing the use of improved machinery & equipment DECEMBER 11-13, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. ''•AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL BUSINESS John A. Pope, Sr. Exec. Assist. 401 Pa. Bldg. , Washington, D.C. 20004 A non-profit organization composed of companies who own and operate aircraft for private transportation in conjunction with their business enterprises. OCTOBER 8-10, 196 8-H0UST0N , TEX.; SEPTEMBER 2 3-25, 1969- WASHINGTON, D.C. "ANESTHESIOLOGISTS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF John W. Andes, Exec. Secretary 515 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, 111. 60068 An association to affiliate into one organization all doctors of medicine in the U.S. who are engaged in the practice of or otherwise especially interested in anesthesiology. OCTOBER 19-23, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C; OCTOBER 25-29, 1969- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.; OCTOBER 17-21, 1970-NEW YORK, NEW YORK. 4. *ARMY, ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. Brig. Gen. Robert F. Cocklin, Dir. of Public Relations 1529 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 OCTOBER 28-30, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C; OCTOBER 13-15, 1969. -ASSESSING OFFICERS, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Paul V. Corusy, Exec. Dir. 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. 60637 An association of public officials engaged in the assessment of property for taxation, organized for the purpose of improving standards and developing better techniques in assessment administration. OCTOBER 13-16, 1968-ST. LOUIS, MO. '♦ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF Vance E. Lockhart , General Manager 2000 K St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 An association of association executives. AUGUST 25-28, 196 8-ATLANTA, GA. ; AUGUST 17-20, 1969- LAS VEGAS, NEV. * ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM Charles Robbins, Exec. Manager 850 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 Organized to promote the development and application of atomic energy for constructive purposes. See Nuclear Society, American. NOVEMBER 10-1H, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. ATOMIC See Energy Systems Exposition Nuclear Meeting, International AUDIT See Bank Audit Control S Operations, National Association for Assessment Administration, International Conference on '•'AUTOMATIC MERCHANDISING ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL Walter W. Reed, Dir. of Public Relations 7 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 60603 The association is comprised of automatic vending machine manufacturers, operators and suppliers. SEPTEMBER 14-17, 1968-PHILADELPHIA, PA. *BAKERS ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN Harold F. Fiedler, Secy. 1700 Pa. Ave., N.W. , Suite 650, Washington, D.C. 20006 The national trade association of the Baking industry. Exhibitions include baking machinery and equipment. Also problems and solutions concerning specific branches of the baking industry are discussed. OCTOBER 20-2 3, 196 8-H0UST0N , TEX. BANK AUDIT CONTROL AND OPERATION, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR F. Byers , Exec. V.P. 724 9th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Association that conducts research 6 education in the areas of bank auditing, accounting, controllership , operations £ Personnel administration. OCTOBER 20-24, 196 8-ATLANTA, GA. BANKERS ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL Joseph Freni , Jr., Dir. of Public Affairs 1629 K St., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20006 Aims to promote better service to the public, increase prestige of consumer banking on both the thrift and lending sides. JUNE 23-28, 1968-ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.; 1969-LOS ANGELES, CALIF. BANKERS ASSOCIATION, MORTGAGE Frank J. McCabe , Jr., Exec. V.P. Ill W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 3, 196 8-CHICAGO , ILL. '"'CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION John T. Bass, Exec. V.P. 1722 Ridge Rd. , Homewood, 111. 60430 Established to aid and service established stores selling books, Bibles and Sunday School and church supplies in the religious field. AUGUST 4-8, 1968-ST. LOUIS, MO.; JULY 27-31, CINCINNATI, OHIO. BREWERS ASSOCIATION, MASTER Allan E. Beach, Exec. Secy. 440 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. 60610 Purpose of the organization is the advancement of the art and science of brewing. SEPTEMBER 21, 1968-DETROIT , MICH. BUS OWNERS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MOTOR Everett Hutchinson 839 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. National trade association of the intercity motor bus industry. Principal objective is to promote and develop the business of transporting persons by motor vehicle between fixed termini on regular schedules. SEPTEMBER 11-13, 196 8-CHICAGO , ILL. -CANDY WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION SHOW AND CONVENTION, NATIONAL C. M. McMillan, Exec. V.P. 1343 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 JULY 27-30, 1968-B0ST0N, MASS.; JULY 26-29, 1969- CHICAGO, ILL. -CHEMISTS, ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL Luther G. Ensminger, Exec. Secy. Box 540 Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044 An organizatization of governmental scientists concerned with study and adoption of analytical methods of importance to commodities and products in agriculture and public health areas. OCTOBER 14-17, 1968-WASHINGTON , D.C; OCTOBER 13-16, 1969; OCTOBER 12-15, 1970; OCTOBER 11-14, 1971. *CHEST, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON DISEASES OF THE Sponsored by the American College of Chest Physicians Murray Kornfeld, Exec. Dir. 112 East Chestnut St., Chicago, 111. 60611 International organization of physicians and surgeons, founded to foster the highest standards of scientific en- deavor in the practice of the specialty of chest diseases throughout the world. OCTOBER 4-8, 1968-WASHINGTON, D.C. COAL ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL Rex Chaney , V.P. - Public Relations 1130 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Made up chiefly of coal producers and associate members composed of coal wholesalers. Promotes increased pro- duction and use of coal and encourages consumption of coal in foreign countries. JUNE 16-18, 196 8-WASHINGTON, D.C. ^CONCRETE INSTITUTE, PRESTRESSED R. J. Lyman, Exec. Dir. 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. 60606 Organization for advancement of the design and construction of prestressed concrete. OCTOBER 6-10, 196 8-SEATTLE , WASH.; 1969-BOSTON, MASS.; 1970-MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CONSTRUCTION See Concrete Institute, Prestressed Contractors of America, Associated General Farm, Construction and Industrial Machinery Expo. Home Builders of U.S., National Association of Paint Technology, Federation of Societies for Plasterers and Lathers Association Convention and Exposition, Contracting ^CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA, ASSOCIATED GENERAL Charles Folk 1957 E St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 The only national organization of general contractors representing all types of construciton. MARCH 25-28, 1958-DALLAS, TEX.; MARCH 17-20, 1969- WASHINGTON, D.C. DAIRY See Food and Dairy Industries Expo. Jersey Cattle Bureau, World Milk Producers Federation, National *DENTAL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN John J. Holister 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. 60611 OCTOBER 2 8-31, 1968-MIAMI BEACH, FLA. *DENTAL MEETING, GREATER NEW YORK Mabel Purdy , Exec. Secy. Room 106A, The Statler Hilton, New York, New York 10804 Meeting of the First and Second District Dental Societies which are components of the American Dental Association. DECEMBER 2-6, 1968-NEW YORK, NEW YORK; DECEMBER 1-5, 1969- NEW YORK, NEW YORK. -DENTAL CONGRESS, MID-CONTINENT Donald R. Guithues, Exec. Dir. 200 South Bemiston, St. Louis, Mo. 63105 Sponsored by the Greater St. Louis Dental Society SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 2, 1968-ST. LOUIS, MO. DIE CASTING ENGINEERS, SOCIETY OF John L. MacLaren, Exec. Secy. 19382 James Couzens Hwy. , Detroit, Mich. 48235 Improves and disseminates knowledge of the arts and sciences of die casting and of finishing of metal and of allied arts. NOVEMBER 4-7, 196 8-DETROIT , MICH. "EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL Dr. Paul Smith, Secy. International Relations Committee 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Association to elevate the character and advance the interests of the profession of teaching and to promote the cause of education in the U.S. JULY 1-6, 1968-DALLAS, TEX.; JUNE 29-JULY 4, 1969; JULY 1-6, 1970; JUNE 2 7- JULY 2, 1971. •'EDUCATION, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL ADULT Robert A. Luke, Exec. Secy. 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Aims to stimulate and assist in expanding adult education programs under the auspices of the public schools of this country. NOVEMBER 8-11, 1968-SEATTLE , WASH.; DECEMBER 6-11, 1969- WASHINGTON, D.C; 1970-ATLANTA, GA. EDUCATION See English, National Council of Teachers of Food Service Association, American School Geographers, Association of American Library Association, American Political Science Association, American Speech Association of America Training Equipment Exposition and Conference, Education and ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL RURAL Erma Angevine , Meetings Coordinator 2000 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Is the nation-wide trade and service organization of nearly 1000 consumer-owned rural electric systems. SEPTEMBER 8-11, 1968-HOT SPRINGS, ARK. "ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, NATIONAL R. J. Napolitan, General Manager 228 North LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 60601 Serves as a national forum on electronics developments and their application and advances the science of electronics and its application and development in the public interest and for the public good. DECEMBER 9-11, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. 9, ''-ELECTRONIC SHOW AND CONVENTION, WESTERN (WESCON) Don Larson, General Manager 3600 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90005 Exhibits of electronic equipment and four-day technical program of approximately 120 papers plus special technical symposia. AUGUST 20-2 3, 1968-LOS ANGELES, CALIF.; AUGUST 19-22, 1969-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.; AUGUST 25-28, 1970-LOS ANGELES, CALIF. -'ENERGY SYSTEMS EXPOSITION, THE Robert T. Kenworth Inc. , Exposition Management 866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017 Devoted to industry's most basic function: the generation, conversion, and application of energy to the growing needs of America's manufacturing and pro- cessing plants, commercial buildings and service complexes DECEMBER 1-5, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. -ENGINEERING EXPOSITION AND CONGRESS, MATERIALS Sponsored by the American Society for Metals William J. Hilty, Expo. Manager Metals Park, Ohio 4U07 3 Educational society working for improved technology in materials and process engineering. OCTOBER 14-17, 196 8-DETROIT , MICH. ENGINEERING See Agricultural Engineering Show Die Casting Engineers, Society of Electronics Conference, National Electronic Show and Conference , Western Energy Systems Exposition Engineering and Management Clinic, Industrial Farm Construction and Industrial Machinery Display Instrument Society of America Conference and Exhibit Sanitation Maintenance Expo. , National Environmental Traffic Engineers, Institute of ENGLISH, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF James Lyon, Business Manager 508 S. Sixth St., Champaign, 111. 61820 Association of elementary, secondary and college teachers of English concerned with the improvement of instruction in this subject. NOVEMBER 26-28, 19 6 8-MILWAUKEE , WISC. ; NOVEMBER 27-29, 1969-WASHINGTON, D.C. 10. *FARM, CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY ENGINEERING DISPLAY Sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers i+85 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 Includes executives and engineers representing the design, research and manufacturing fields in these industries . SEPTEMBER 11-14, 196 8-MILWAUKEE , WISC. •-'FOOD AND DAIRY INDUSTRIES EXPOSITION Sybella G'Schwend, Marketing Librarian 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Exposition of equipment and supplies necessary for the food industry from the farm to the table. This is a closed Show — -Free to those in the Food S Dairy pro- cessing industries. OCTOBER 13-17, 196 8-CHICAGO , ILL. *F00D SERVICE ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN SCHOOL Jean Pitts, Convention Coordinator P.O. Box 10095, Denver, Colo. 80210 Endeavor to provide the latest information pertinent to upgrading our school food service members in nutrition, sanitation, administration and maintenance of the more than 70,000 school lunchrooms throughout the nation. AUGUST 6-9, 1968-LAS VEGAS, NEV. ; AUGUST 3-7, 1969- DETROIT, MICH.; AUGUST 2-6, 1970-BOSTON , MASS. *F00D SERVICE EXECUTIVES ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND SHOW I. L. Berry, Exec. Dir. 3801 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Va. 22305 A professional and educational organization of manage- ment level personnel in all aspects of mass feeding dedicated to upgrading standards in the industry and profession. AUGUST 10-15, 196 8-NORTH HOLLYWOOD, FLA. *F00D CONVENTION AND EXPOSITION, NATIONAL FROZEN William Spigler, Show Manager 6750 Old York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19126 Compiles and disseminates trade information to members of the association, develops programs of interest to the frozen food industry on a national basis, and reports national industry views in matters of mutual interest to the industry. NOVEMBER 17-20, 1968-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.; NOVEMBER 1969- NEW YORK, N.Y. 11. FOOD See Bakers Association, American Brewers Association, Master Candy Wholesalers Association Show S Convention, National DAIRY Grocers, National Association of Retail Poultry Congress, American ^FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Norman Werner, Promotion Director 666 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. 60611 Fosters technical advancement and progress in the furniture and woodworking industries by presenting the newest ideas and products. SEPTEMBER 14-18, 196 8-LOUISVILLE , KY. -'GEOGRAPHERS, ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN J. Warren Nystrom, Exec. Secy. 1146 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 To further professional investigations in geography and to encourage the application of geographic findings in education, government, and business. AUGUST 18-2 2, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. '''HARDWARE SHOW, NATIONAL W. L. Black 331 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 Includes exhibit of the best in hardware, housewares and allied lines; hand and power tools and accessories; household items and cutlery, electrical supplies and automotive tools. Hardware buyers come from everywhere and make decisions on their buying needs for the next year. OCTOBER 7-10, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. '-HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCE, NATIONAL TRUST FOR James Biddle, Pres. 748 Jackson Place, N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20006 Helps to preserve sites, buildings and objects that are significant in American history and culture. OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 3, 196 8-SAVANNAH , GA. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN Paul Ward, Exec. Secy. 400 A St., S.E., Washington, D.C. Organization of college and university professors of history, plus others meet to read scholarly papers. These are usually contributions to historical knowledge. DECEMBER 28-30, 196 8-CHICAGO , ILL. HOME BUILDERS OF THE U.S., NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Oliver DeWolf, Exec. Dir. 1625 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 This association is the national spokesman for the organized home builders and their industry. DECEMBER 8-12, 196 8-CHICAGO , ILL. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN J. Allan Mahoney, M.D. 840 North Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. 60611 National organization of hospitals and health care institutions. The purpose of the AHA and its membership is "to promote the public welfare through the development of better hospital care for all the people." SEPTEMBER 16-19, 1968-ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. HOSPITAL INSTITUTE, MENTAL Sponsored by the American Psychiatric Association Donald W. Hammersley, M.D., Exec. Secy. 1700 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. The Mental Hospital Institutes are interdisciplinary forums for personnel working in mental health facilities. SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 3, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN William Scholz, Dir. of Public Relations 221 West 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019 An in-depth exploration of the innkeeping industry's problems and opportunities in the areas of employee relations and guest relations. DECEMBER 5-7, 1968-DENVER, COLO. *H0TEL AND MOTOR HOTEL, NATIONAL Eleanor J. Marcus, Sales Manager 141 West 51st St., New York, N.Y. 10019 Exhibit of innkeeping equipment and supplies. Seminars on various phases of hotel management are held. NOVEMBER 11-14, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT CLINIC Robert J. Mayer, Exec. Manager 330 South Wells St., Suite 718, Chicago, 111. 60606 NOVEMBER 13-15, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. IDENTIFICATION, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR Walter G. Hoetzer, Secy.-Treas. P.O. Box 139, Utica, N.Y. 13503 Aims to associate persons actively engaged in the business of identification, investigation and scientific crime detection, in an organized body so that the pro- fession be standarized and effectively practiced. JULY 31-AUGUST 1, 19 6 8-HARTFORD, CONN. 13 -INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA CONFERENCE AND EXHIBIT William V. Halle, Public Relations Manager 5 30 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Devoted exclusively to instruments and automatic controls ; the products demonstrated have application in virtually every area of industrial and scientific activity. OCTOBER 28-31, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y.; OCTOBER 27-30, 1969- HOUSTON, TEX.; OCTOBER 26-29, 197 O-PHILADELPHIA, PA. INSURANCE See Life Underwriters, National Association of JERSEY CATTLE BUREAU CONVENTION, WORLD Maurice E. Core, Exec. Assist. 1521 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43205 Organized federation of Jersey Clubs from 12 countries. Members discuss common problems and visit Jersey farms , dairy plants and agricultural research stations. OCTOBER 6-11, 1968-COLUMBUS, OHIO LATHERS See Plasterers and Lathers International Association Convention and Expo. , Contracting LEGISLATIVE See State Legislative Leaders, National Conference of LIFE UNDERWRITERS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF C. Carney Smith, Exec. V.P. 1922 F St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Provides a facility through which agency heads may exchange ideas on managerial subjects, cooperate in raising standards, and coordinate activities of local associations of General Agents and Managers. SEPTEMBER 15-19, 1968-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. '''LOCKSMITHS OF AMERICA, ASSOCIATED Lee Rognon, Exec. Secy.-Treas. 767 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021 Organization to encourage, promote, aid in, and effect the voluntary interchange, among members of data, in- formation, experiences, ideas, etc. relating to servicing locks, safes and security equipment. AUGUST 15-18, 1968-PHILADELPHIA, PA.; JULY 17-20, 1969- DALLAS, TEX. MANAGEMENT See Training Equipment Expo, and Conference, Education and 14. 'MARINE TRADES EXHIBIT AND CONFERENCE Sponsored by the Boating Industry Association Edward S. Spanke , Dir. -Communications 307 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60601 The exposition launches the model year for the pleasure boating industry. It presents to trade buyers their first mass look at boats and boating equipment available for the coming season. SEPTEMBER 19-22, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, SOUTHERN Robert F. Butts, Exec. Dir. 2601 Highland Ave., Birmingham, Ala. 35205 A service organization for doctors and sole purpose of the Association is to foster and develop medical science . NOVEMBER 18-21, 1968-NEW ORLEANS, LA.; NOVEMBER 10-13, 1969-ATLANTA, GA. MEDICAL AND MEDICAL RELATED See Anesthesiologists, American Society of Chest, Tenth International Congress on Diseases of the Dental Association, American Dental Meeting, Greater New York Dental Congress, Mid-Continent Hospital Association, American Laryngological Association, American Hospital Institute, Mental Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Optical Society of America Orthopedic Association, Western Pathologists and Clinical Pathologists Conference, College of American Physiological Sciences, International Congress of Surgeons, American College of MERCHANDISING See Automatic Merchandising Association, National METALS See Engineering Expo, and Congress, Materials Mining Congress, American MILITARY See National Guard Association of the U.S. MILK PRODUCERS FEDERATION, NATIONAL Michael J. Norton, Dir. -Special Services Div. 30 F St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 Convention at which the national dairy policy for the forthcoming year is developed by Federation members. NOVEMBER 10-14, 1968-ST. LOUIS, MO. 15. MINING CONGRESS, AMERICAN P. D. McMurrer, Dir. -Manufacturers Div. 1102 Ring Bldg. , Washington, D.C. 20036 National organization representing all branches of the mining and minerals industry. OCTOBER 7-10, 1968-LAS VEGAS, NEV. MORTGAGE See Bankers Association, Mortgage NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. Col. J. B. Deerin, Exec. Dir. 1 Mass. Ave., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20001 Its purpose is to support a strong national defense posture and to assure the continuing availability of the Army and Air National Guard as the Nation's first- line reserve forces. OCTOBER 7-10, 1968-HOT SPRINGS, ARK.; 1969-MOBILE, ALA. --NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS, CONGRESS OF John M. Thompson, M.D., Secy. 1955 Blossom Way So., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33712 Presentation of scientific papers pertinent to neurosurgery and neurology or allied specialities. SEPTEBMER 24-2 8, 196 8-T0R0NT0 , CANADA; SEPTEMBER 16-20, 1969-BOSTON, MASS.; OCTOBER 27-31, 1970-ST. LOUIS, MO. 'NUCLEAR SOCIETY, AMERICAN/ ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM Richard R. Quinn, Manager, Society Services 244 East Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, 111. 60521 Fosters cooperation with government, educational institutions and other organizations having similar pur- poses. Joint meeting with Atomic Industrial Forum. NOVEMBER 10-14, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. NURSERYMEN, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF Robert F. Lederer, Exec. V.P. 835 Southern Bldg., Washington, D.C. Association aims to protect the interest of members in their various business transactions , and to advance the industry in the public esteem. JULY 14-19, 1968-ST. LOUIS, MO. OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Dr. Mary E. Warga, Exec. Secy. 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Aims to increase and diffuse the knowledge of optics in all its branches and to promote the mutual interests of designers, manufacturers and users of optical instruments. OCTOBER 8-11, 1968-PITTSBURGH, PA. 16. -ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATION, WESTERN Vi Mathiesen, Exec. Secy. 354 21st St., Oakland, Calif. 94621 OCTOBER 6-10, 1968-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.; SEPTEMBER 2 8- OCTOBER 2, 1969-COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. PACKAGING See Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, American Brewers Association, Master Food and Dairy Industries Expo. Food Convention and Expo. , National Frozen Grocers, National Association of Retail Soft Drink Convention and Expo. , National -TAINT TECHNOLOGY, FEDERATION OF SOCIETIES FOR Robert W. Matlack, Exec. Secy. 121 South Broad St. , Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Technical and engineering society of the decorative and protective coatings industry (paint). OCTOBER 23-26, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. •-PATHOLOGISTS, COLLEGE OF AMERICAN AND PATHOLOGISTS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CLINICAL Oliver J. Neibel, Jr., Exec. Dir. 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60601 Purpose is to maintain high standards of excellence in clinical pathology and to foster highest standards in education, research and the practice of pathology. OCTOBER 12-18, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y.; OCTOBER 4-9, 1969- MIAMI BEACH, FLA. PETROLEUM RETAILERS, NATIONAL CONGRESS OF John W. Nerlinger, Exec. Secy. 104 Greenfield Commerce Bldg. , Detroit, Mich. Trade Congress of Retail Gasoline Dealers Assoc, from all sections of the U.S. to promote and foster the in- terests and welfare of all retail gasoline dealers. AUGUST 4-8, 19 6 8-WASHINGT0N, D.C. PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF Secretariat 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 International meeting .with U.S. sponsors - National Academy of Sciences, American Physiological Society, Society of General Physiologists and American Societies for Experimental Biology. AUGUST 25-31, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. 17. PLANNERS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Robert L. Williams, Exec. Dir. 917 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Professional society devoted to the study and advance- ment of the art and science of city, regional, state, and national planning. SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 3, 196 8-PITTSBURGH , PA. '•PLASTERERS AND LATHERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, CONTRACTING Joe M. Baker, Jr., Managing Director 1343 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Organization of persons and firms engaged in the business of contracting to do the lathing, plastering, and related specialty work on construction projects. SEPTEMBER 27-0CT0BER 3, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL.; OCTOBER 1969- LAS VEGAS, NEV. PLASTICS INDUSTRY, SOCIETY OF Robert D. Forger, Dir. Member Activities 65 Prospect Place, Stamford, Conn. Organization of members devoted to the development and dissemination of technical information relating to plastics materials and plastics products. NOVEMBER 17-22, 1968-CHICAGO, ILL. ^POLICE, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF Charles E. Moore, Jr., Dir. of Public Affairs 1319 18th St., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20036 Aims to advance the science of police services, develop improved administrative, technical, and operational practices and promote their use to foster the exchange of information among police administrators. OCTOBER 5-10, 196 8-H0N0LULU, HAWAII; SEPTEMBER 2 7- OCTOBER 2, 1969-MIAMI BEACH, FLA.; 1970-ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.; 1971-ANAHEIM, CALIF. '''POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN Donald G. Tacheron, Assoc. Dir. 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20036 Devoted to the study and development of the art and science of government. SEPTEMBER 3-7, 1968-WASHINGTON , D.C. ^POULTRY CONGRESS, AMERICAN Cliff W. Stewart, Dir. -Public Relations 521 East 63rd St., Kansas City, Mo. 64110 An organization to promote the general welfare of those engaged in the breeding, hatching and commercial pro- duction of poultry and eggs and the marketing thereof. JULY 17-19, 1968-CINCINNATI, OHIO ^PRINTING HOUSE CRAFTSMEN CONVENTION AND EXPOSITION, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF John A. Davies, Exec. Secy. 7599 Kenwood Rd. , Cincinnati, Ohio 452 36 Develops a cooperative spirit, friendship and mutual assistance among its members and the Graphic Arts In- dustry. AUGUST 4-7, 1968-ST. PAUL, MINN.; AUGUST 17, 1969-ST. LOUIS, MO. PRINTING See Typographic Composition Association, International PSYCHIATRIC See Hospital Institute, Mental *BUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN George Tomsho, Assoc. Dir. 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. Topics such as urban transportation, airfields, sani- tation, and water resources are discussed. Over 200 exhibitors. OCTOBER 20-24, 1968-MIAMI BEACH, FLA. ^SANITATION MAINTENANCE EXPOSITION, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL Rowe Harold P.O. Box 462, 67 N. Broadway, Hicksville L.I., N.Y. 11802 An organization for those who manage sanitation main- tenance in industrial plants, commercial and public buildings, schools, hospitals and institutions. SEPTEMBER 15-17, 1968-BOSTON, MASS. SCIENCE, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF Daniel Thornhill 1515 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. DECEMBER 2 6-31, 196 8-DALLAS, TEX. *S0FT DRINK ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL Thomas F. Baker, Exec. V.P. 1128 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036 Provides a means whereby manufacturers may discuss problems and opportunities of common interest, cooperate for the betterment of plant operating techniques and under- take research and fellowships to the end that the public may be better served. NOVEMBER 18-21, 1968-DETROIT, MICH. 19. SPEECH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA William Work, Exec. Secy. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, N.Y. 10001 The Association is dedicated to the study of speech as an instrument of thought and of social cooperation and to the promotion of high standards in the teaching of the subject. DECEMBER 27-30, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. STATE LEGISLATIVE LEADERS, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF Dick McDonald, Assoc. Secy. 759 North Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wise. 53202 State government legislative leaders exchange in- formation and knowledge. DECEMBER 3-7, 1968-H0N0LULU, HAWAII STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN Donald C. Riley, Exec. Dir. 810 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 An association composed of persons interested in statistics — practical or theoretical. Members mutually help each other with the exchange of professional know- ledge and reporting new developments. AUGUST 20-23, 1968-PITTSBURGH , PA. SURGEONS, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF Edward G. Sandrok, Asst, Dir. 55 Eire St., Chicago, 111. OCTOBER 14-18, 1958-ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ^TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION, U.S. INDEPENDENT Herbert H. Butler, Secy. 438 Pa. Bldg. , Washington, D.C. 20004 Educational and technical meetings for management of independent telephone systems. Large display of telephone equipment. DECEMBER 8-11, 1968-MIAMI BEACH, FLA.; OCTOBER 19-22, 1959-WASHINGTON, D.C; OCTOBER 11-14, 1970-HONOLULU, HAWAII *TIRE DEALERS AND RETREADERS ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL H. McComas 1343 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 The convention coordinates all of the rubber tire industry- dealers, distributors, jobbers, suppliers, and tire manu- facturers. OCTOBER 5-9, 1958-CLEVELAND, OHIO TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INSTITUTE OF Stephen G. Peterson, Exec. Secy. 1725 DeSales St., N.W., Washington, D.C. A society of engineers whose primary interest is to plan for, design, and operate streets and highway systems for the movement of motor vehicles. AUGUST 25-29, 1968-PHILADELPHIA, PA. 20. ^TRAINING EQUIPMENT EXPOSITION AND CONFERENCE, EDUCATION Sponsored by the American Management Association Banner S Greif, Ltd. 369 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 AUGUST 13-15, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. ^TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL DEFENSE Gerald W. Collins, Exec. V.P. 1612 K St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 A union of transportation professionals representing both military and civilian transport. OCTOBER 13-16, 196 8-WASHINGTON , D.C. TRANSPORTATION See Aircraft Association, National Business Bus Owners, National Association of Motor TRAVEL ORGANIZATIONS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF James C. Gross, Exec. Dir. 11-0.0 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. The national trade association representing all segments of the U.S. travel business - state, city S area travel promotion offices, etc. Primary work is to promote travel to and within the USA. OCTOBER 2 7-NOVEMBER 1, 196 8-LAS VEGAS, NEV. •-TRUCK BODY AND EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND EXPOSITION Stan Haransky, Assoc. Dir. 1012 14th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Composed of manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of truck bodies and related equipment throughout the U.S. and Canada. Its function is to better equip the trans- portation industry. OCTOBER 28-30, 1968-CLEVELAND, OHIO; OCTOBER 13-15, 1969- DETROIT, MICH. TYPOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION ASSOCIATION, INTERNATIONAL Arthur Miller, Admin. Assist. 2233 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20007 SEPTEMBER 2-7, 1968-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.; 1969-BOSTON, MASS. 21. UTILITIES See Electric Cooperative Association, National Rural Planners, American Institute of Planning Officials, American Society of Public Works Association, American Sanitation Maintenance Exposition, National Environmental Telephone Association Convention and Show, U.S. Independent Traffic Engineers, Institute of Water Pollution Control Federation ^VOCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN Alton D. Ice, Dir. of Professional Services 1025 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 A professional educational organization in the field of vocational, technical, and practical arts education. It is dedicated to the purpose of promoting, improving, and protecting these programs. DECEMBER 9-13, 1968-DALLAS, TEX.; 1969-BOSTON, MASS.; 1970-NEW ORLEANS, LA.; 1971-PORTLAND, OREGON. *WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FEDERATION Dr. Ralph E. Fuhrman , Exec. Secy. 3900 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20016 The federation advances the fundamental knowledge of all aspects of water pollution control. SEPTEMBER 22-27, 1968-CHICAGO , ILL. WOODWORKING See Furniture Supply Fair, International Woodworking Machinery and Y'S MEN'S CLUB'S, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF James J. Mueller, International Travel Coordinator 811 Anita St., Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278 The service club in the field of the YMCA programs to assist young people studying for a YMCA career. JULY 19-26, 1968-FRENCH LICK, IND. ADDENDUM MAJOR CONVENTIONS, EXHIBITIONS AND TRADE SHOWS HELD IN THE UNITED STATES ^SPORTSWEAR SHOW, MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE OUTERWEAR AND Martin Spiewak, Secy. 10 W. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 10001 A trade show which allows manufacturers and dis- tributors to offer new fall lines for the following year to wholesale and retail stores. JANUARY 14-18, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. -GIFT SHOW, NEW YORK Little Brothers Shows Inc. 22 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Buyers are welcome to this large exhibit of house- wares and decorative gifts. JANUARY 2 8-FEBRUARY 1, 19 6 8-NEW YORK, N.Y. *METAL AND TOOL EXPOSITION AND CONFERENCE, WESTERN William P. Portrude 20501 Ford Rd. , Dearborn, Mich. 48128 An exhibit of industrial and metalworking equip- ment . MARCH 11-15, 1968-LOS ANGELES, CALIF. *FARM AND MACHINERY COUNCIL, MID-AMERICA J. J. Isaacson 666 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Omaha, Neb. 68102 Includes exhibitors of farm machinery, supplies and services. MARCH 19-20, 1968-OMAHA, NEB. -ENGINEERING/SCIENCES EXPOSITION, MATERIALS H. F. Grebe, Exec. V.P. 117 South 17th St. , Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Exposition and conference designed for all engineering disciplines and for all industries that concentrates on materials and their applications. APRIL 1-4, 1968-PHILADELPHIA, PA. SKI INSTRUCTION, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR (Interski) Patricia J. Swenson, Admin. Secy. 214 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo. Ski people will attend the event including ski in- structors, ski lift and hill grooming manufacturers and ski equipment people. APRIL 19-28, 1968-ASPEN, COLO. PLANNING OFFICIALS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF American Society of Planning Officials 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. 60637 MAY 4-9, 1968-SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ^PACKAGING EXPOSITION, NATIONAL Sponsored by the American Management Association Clapp S Poliak, Inc. 245 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 Display of machinery, materials, containers, services, and supplies of interest to packaging executives. MAY 6-9, 1968-NEW YORK, N.Y. -SHOPPING CENTERS, INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF Marvin Shapiro, Dir. of Meetings S Conventions 445 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 Directs all of its programs towards helping members succeed in their shopping center activity. MAY 11-15, 1968-CHICAGO, ILL.; MAY 3-7, 1969-NEW YORK, N.Y, U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1967 — 301-022/65 \